City of Montebello
City of Montebello
MEETING AGENDA MONTEBELLO CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1600 WEST BEVERLY BOULEVARD MONTEBELLO, CALIFORNIA1 1[2] WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2016 5:30 P.M. MONTEBELLO CITY COUNCIL ART BARAJAS MAYOR VIVIAN ROMERO MAYOR PRO TEM WILLIAM MOLINARI COUNCILMEMBER VANESSA DELGADO COUNCILMEMBER JACK HADJINIAN COUNCILMEMBER CITY CLERK IRMA BARAJAS CITY TREASURER CHARLES PELL CITY STAFF CITY MANAGER Francesca Tucker-Schuyler CITY ATTORNEY Arnold Alvarez-Glasman DEPARTMENT HEADS Deputy Fire Chief Police Chief Director of Human Resources Interim Director of Finance Interim Dir. of Planning & Community Development Director of Public Works Interim Director of Transportation Dan Amador Kevin McClure Mike Gaskins Steve Kwon Matthew Feske Danilo Batson Tom Barrio OPENING CEREMONIES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Mayor Barajas 2. ROLL CALL: City Clerk I. Barajas In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Building Official at 323/887-1497. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II1203+) 1 Please note that the information contained in this agenda is a summary of the staff report prepared for each item. Complete copies of each staff report are available in the Office of the City Clerk. 2[2] 1 3. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FOR CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: Members of the public interested in addressing the City Council on Closed Session items must fill out a form provided at the door, and turn it in to the City Clerk prior to the announcement of Closed Session items. Please be aware that the maximum time allotted for individuals to speak shall not exceed three (3) minutes per speaker. Please be aware that in accordance with State Law, the City Council may not take action or entertain extended discussion on a topic not listed on the agenda. Please show courtesy to others and direct all of your comments to the Mayor. IN CONSIDERATION OF OTHERS, PLEASE TURN OFF, OR MUTE, ALL CELL PHONES AND PAGERS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS CLOSED SESSION The City Attorney shall provide a briefing on the items listed for Closed Session as follows: 4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXITING LITIGATION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)) Name of Case: Montebello Successor Agency, et. al. v Matosantos (Sac. Sup. St. Case No. 201380001703 5. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Government Code section 54956.8) Property: 112, 114-116, 124, and 132 South 6th Street Agency Negotiator: Francesca Tucker-Schuyler Negotiating Parties: Ku & Associates, Inc. Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Sale REGULAR SESSION 6. INVOCATION 7. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: MIRACULOUS MEDAL CHURCH CUB SCOUTS 8. PRESENTATION: a. OATH OF OFFICE – YOUTH COMMISSIONER, ALEX MANOUKIAN b. RECOGNITION OF JOE KAPRIELIAN (JOY) c. RECOGNITION OF MARISSA CASTRO-SALVATI 9. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Members of the public interested in addressing the City Council on any agenda item or topic must fill out a form provided at the door, and turn it in to the City Clerk prior to the beginning Oral Communications. A form does not need to be submitted for public hearing items. Speakers wishing to address the City Council on an item that is not on the agenda will be called upon in the order that their speaker card was received. Those persons not accommodated during this thirty (30) minute period will have an opportunity to speak under “Oral Communications – Continued” after all scheduled matters have been considered. 2 Please be aware that the maximum time allotted for individuals to speak shall not exceed three (3) minutes per speaker. Please be aware that in accordance with State Law, the City Council may not take action or entertain extended discussion on a topic not listed on the agenda. Please show courtesy to others and direct all of your comments to the Mayor. 10. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS (30 MINUTES) 11. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS ON ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST 12. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Any items a Councilmember wishes to discuss should be designated at this time. All other items may be approved in a single motion with the exception of any item upon which a member of the public or a member of the City Council has requested to speak. Such approval will also waive the reading of any ordinance. CONSENT MATTERS 13. EXCESS BOND PROCEEDS EXPENDITURE AGREEMENT COMMENT: The Successor Agency and City Council will consider approval of a Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement, transferring approximately $4.6 million in remaining Bond proceeds of the Former Agency to the control of the City. If approved by the Oversight Board and DOF, the City will be able to use the Bond proceeds for purposes consistent with the Bond documents, which include construction of the Taylor Ranch Community Center, street construction, and other public improvements and equipment beneficial to the Montebello Hills Project Area. There is no impact to the General Fund associated with this action, though approval of the Excess Bond Proceeds Agreement may allow completion of projects that otherwise would have been cost prohibitive and/or funded by the General Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Successor Agency and the City Council adopt a Joint Resolution that: (1) approves the Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement; (2) authorizes the Chairperson and Mayor to execute the Agreement on behalf of the respective entities; and (3) authorizes staff to take necessary action to obtain Oversight Board and DOF approval of the Agreement. 14. PEDESTRIAN SAFETY STUDY AT BEVERLY BOULEVARD AND 21ST STREET COMMENT: The City Council will receive and file a presentation on the Pedestrian Safety Study conducted by Infrastructure Engineers for the intersection of Beverly Boulevard and 21 st Street. The City Council will also select a final alternative to improve the intersection. At the request of the City, Infrastructure Engineers has conducted a Pedestrian Safety Study of the intersection and crosswalk at Beverly Boulevard and 21st Street. Montebello High School is located south of the Beverly Boulevard in the vicinity of the study intersection. A field investigation, including collision record review, field geometrics, pedestrian and traffic counts, and a traffic signal warrant were conducted. The study and findings were presented to the Traffic and Safety Commission at their meeting of February 18 and April 1, 2015. After conducting additional public outreach to Montebello High School the Commission recommended Alternative B, which recommends various improvements at the subject intersection, including the installation of a new traffic signal. It is estimated that the cost to implement Alternative A is $10,000 while the cost to implement Alternative B is $350,000. After conducting additional outreach, the Traffic and Safety Commission has recommended the implementation of Alternative B, which recommends the installation of a traffic signal at the subject intersection. Funding of either alternative would require an additional appropriation from the General Fund Reserves. 3 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council: 1) received and file the Pedestrian Safety Study conducted by Infrastructure Engineers for the intersection of Beverly Boulevard and 21st Street: 2) approve the implementation of Alternative B (as recommended by the Traffic and Safety Commission): and 3) approve a resolution allocating $350,000 from General Fund Reserves to carry out the recommended intersection improvements. 15. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING OPT-IN PROGRAM FOR THE 2016 GREATER LOS ANGELES HOMELESS COUNT COMMENT: The City Council will consider approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Montebello and the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) to conduct the 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count in Montebello. As LAHSA prepare to launch the 2016 Count, their hope is that the City will become a new partner by participating in the Opt-In Program. The Opt-In Program gives cities, communities and other jurisdictions the opportunity to obtain locally-specific data at a high confidence level. Full enumeration of every agreed-upon census tract within each City/Community Area will provide more granular data and can substantially aid efforts to evaluate existing homeless services and plan for future measures to address local homelessness in our community. There is no fee for the Opt-In Program. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Montebello and the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) to conduct the 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count in Montebello. 16. CITY COUNCIL ASSIGNMENTS COMMENT: The following is a list of City assignments and the representatives and alternates to various organizations with which the City is affiliated. ORGANIZATIONS CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE – BOARD OF DIRECTORS (meets 2nd Wed. 8:30a.m.) Art Barajas GATEWAY CITIES OF GOVTS. (meets 1st Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.) Jack Hadjinian INDEPENDENT CITIES ASSOCIATION (meets 2nd Thursday at 7:00 p.m.) Vivian Romero SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (meets 2nd Thursday 6:00 pm) ALAMEDA CORRIDOR EAST CONTRUCTION AUTHORITY (ACE) (meets 4th Monday 2:00 p.m.) Jack Hadjinian William M. Molinari (A) SCAG – GENERAL ASSEMBLY (meets twice per year at various locations) Vivian Romero SOUTHEAST AREA ANIMAL CONTROL (meets 3rd Thursday 2:00 p.m., in Downey) Art Barajas William M. Molinari (A) VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT OF GREATER LA COUNTY (meets 2nd Thursday 7:30 pm, South Gate) Vacant SISTER CITY AFFILIATIONS (Ashiya Sister City Association meets 2nd Wednesday 7:30 p.m.) Vacant 4 RECOMMENDATION: Recommend that the City Council take action to fill assignments, and/or direct staff to make any other changes that the City Council may desire. 17. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY RECOMMENDATION: Move to DENY the following claims: Emelinda Palacio in an unknown amount, Joseph Saavedra in an unknown amount; Dominique Mendez in the amount of $25,000.00; Rene Arevalo in the amount of $1,500.00; Dolores Cardiel in the amount of $500,000.00; Deven Escalante in an unknown amount; Beatriz Paez in an unknown amount; Samy Michael in the amount of $3,500.00; and Noemi Slevcove in an unknown amount. 18. PAYMENT OF BILLS: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CITY/SUCCESSOR AGENCY WARRANT REGISTER OF DEMANDS DATED JANUARY 13, 2016 RECOMMENDED ACTION: dated January 13, 2016. 19. Adopt the proposed resolution approving the Warrant Register EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT - FIRE CHIEF RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to approve the Employment Agreement for Fire Chief. 20. INVESTMENT REPORT – NOVEMBER 2015 RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve and file said report. 21. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO ADOPTING SALARY RANGES FOR ALL FULL-TIME POSITIONS AND HOURLY RANGES FOR PART-TIME POSITIONS RECOMMENDATION: Move to adopt said resolution. 22. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR SESSION OF SEPTEMBER 9, SEPTEMBER 23, OCTOBER 14, AND OCTOBER 28 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to approve and file said minutes. 23. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS (CONTINUED IF NECESSARY) COUNCIL ORALS 24. COUNCILMEMBER MOLINARI None. 25. COUNCILMEMBER HADJINIAN Presentation of recent visit to Sister City of Stepanakert 26. MAYOR PRO TEM ROMERO a. Cal trans Ramp Expansion b. Seeks consensus for Recycled Water Regional Plan c. Update on Community Identification Bridges Project 5 27. COUNCILMEMBER DELGADO Now accepting Commissioner applications for City Commissions through the following link: 28. MAYOR BARAJAS None. ADJOURNMENT 6 MONTEBELLO SUCCESSOR AGENCY AND MONTEBELLO CITY COUNCIL JOINT AGENDA STAFF REPORT TO: Honorable Chair and Members of the Successor Agency Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Francesca Tucker-Schuyler, Executive Director / City Manager BY: Christopher Cardinale, Successor Agency Counsel / Assistant City Attorney SUBJECT: Excess Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement DATE: January 13, 2016 OBJECTIVE: Obtain approval of an Excess Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement by and between the Successor Agency and the City of Montebello. BACKGROUND: The former Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Montebello (“Former Agency”) was dissolved by way of Assembly Bill 1x26 (as amended from time to time, the “Dissolution Law”), effective February 1, 2012. The Montebello Successor Agency (“Successor Agency”) was created and tasked with overseeing the “wind down” of the Former Agency’s affairs. Upon receipt of a “finding of completion” (“FOC”), the Dissolution Law authorizes the Successor Agency to use remaining bond proceeds of the Former Agency “for the purpose for which the bonds were sold.” If this purpose can no longer be accomplished, any remaining proceeds must be used to defease the bonds.1 The Successor Agency’s use of Former Agency bond proceeds is subject to approval by both the Montebello Oversight Board (“Oversight Board”) and Department of Finance (“DOF”). This approval may be accomplished in one (1) of two (2) ways. The first is by placing individual expenditures on a “Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (“ROPS”) as the need arises, and seek approval on an expenditure-byexpenditure basis. 1 Health & Safety Code §§ 34177(i), 34191.4(c). ITEM# 13 The second option is for the Successor Agency and City to execute a “cooperative agreement,” pursuant to which the Successor Agency would transfer all remaining Former Agency bond proceeds to the City in a “lump sum,” and the City would agree to use the proceeds for purposes consistent with the underlying bond covenants. This “cooperative agreement” would subject to approval by the Oversight Board and DOF, and would be listed on a single ROPS for review and approval.2 If approved, the bond proceeds would be transferred to the City during the upcoming ROPS period. DISCUSSION In or about April 2009, the Former Agency issued its Montebello Hills Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, 2009 Series A (the “Bonds”), in the amount of $10.3 million to finance redevelopment activities of benefit to Montebello Hills Redevelopment Project Area (“Project Area”). The specific activities anticipated to be funded with the Bonds included construction of the Taylor Ranch Community Center, street construction, and other public improvements and equipment. (Official Statement, pp. 8 [Attachment “A”].) As of the date of the Former Agency’s dissolution, approximately $4.6 million of the total Bond proceeds remained, and the City and Successor Agency have been unable to use these monies because of ongoing litigation with DOF.3 However, recent changes to the Dissolution Law (Senate Bill 107) allowed the Successor Agency to obtain a FOC despite the ongoing litigation; provided the City entered into an installment payment plan with DOF for the monies in dispute. On December 15, 2015, the City and DOF entered into such a repayment plan, and on December 16 the Successor Agency was issued a FOC. Having been issued a FOC, the Successor Agency now has the authority to expend the remaining $4,666,731.48 in Bond proceeds for purposes consistent with the Bond covenants. To accomplish this, staff recommends that the Successor Agency and City each approve the attached Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement. The Agreement calls for the Successor Agency’s transfer of the remaining Bond proceeds to the City, and the City’s agreement to use the proceeds for the activities outlined in the Bond documents. If approved by the City and Successor Agency, the Agreement will be reviewed by Oversight Board and DOF, and, if approved, the Agreement will appear on the Successor Agency’s next Recognized Obligations Payment Schedule (“ROPS”). If the ROPS is approved, the Successor Agency may transfer the Bond proceeds to the City as early as July 1, 2016, and the City’s use thereof will not be subject to further Oversight Board or DOF review. 2 Neither of these approaches has been tested in court, but DOF has expressed approval of both. The Bonds were refunded by way of the Successor Agency’s Subordinate Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 2015A, but such refunding did not impact the amount or purposes of the unexpended bond proceeds. 3 ITEM# 13 Staff recommends this approach, as opposed obtaining approval on an expenditure-byexpenditure basis as described above, because it will give the City immediate control of the Bond proceeds, and avoid delays associated with Oversight Board and DOF review of individual expenditures. Staff notes that approval of the Bond Expenditure Agreement does not result in the issuance of new debt by the Successor Agency or City, and does not commit use of the Bond proceeds to any specific project. Once the proceeds have been approved for transfer to the City, any future use of the monies will be the subject of a future action by the City Council. SUMMARY The Successor Agency and City Council will consider approval of a Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement, transferring approximately $4.6 million in remaining Bond proceeds of the Former Agency to the control of the City. If approved by the Oversight Board and DOF, the City will be able to use the Bond proceeds for purposes consistent with the Bond documents, which include construction of the Taylor Ranch Community Center, street construction, and other public improvements and equipment beneficial to the Montebello Hills Project Area. FISCAL IMPACT There is no impact to the General Fund associated with this action, though approval of the Excess Bond Proceeds Agreement may allow completion of projects that otherwise would have been cost prohibitive and/or funded by the General Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Successor Agency and the City Council adopt a Joint Resolution that: (1) approves the attached Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement; (2) authorizes the Chairperson and Mayor to execute the Agreement on behalf of the respective entities; and (3) authorizes staff to take necessary action to obtain Oversight Board and DOF approval of the Agreement. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement 2) Joint Resolution 3) Selective Pages of Official Statement for the Montebello Hills Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, 2009 Series A ITEM# 13 . BOND EXPENDITURE AGREEMENT This Bond Expenditure Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on January 13, 2016, by and between the City of Montebello, a California municipal corporation (the “City”), and the Successor Agency to the former Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Montebello (“Successor Agency”). RECITALS A. The Successor Agency received its Finding of Completion (“FOC”) under Health and Safety Code Sections 34179.7 from the California Department of Finance (“DOF”) on December 16, 2015. B. Health and Safety Code Section 34191.4(c) allows a successor agency that has received a FOC to use bond proceeds from bonds issued by a redevelopment agency prior to 2011 for purposes for which the bonds were sold, states that such proceeds in excess of amounts needed to satisfy approved enforceable obligations shall expended in a manner consistent with the original bond covenants, and further provides that such expenditures shall constitute “excess bond proceeds” obligations that shall be listed separately on the successor agency’s Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (“ROPS”). C. Prior to its dissolution and in or about April 2009, the former Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Montebello (“Former Agency”) issued its Montebello Hills Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series A, in the principal amount of $10,495,000 (the “Bonds”), for the purpose of financing certain redevelopment activities of the Former Agency, including construction of the Taylor Ranch Community Center, street construction, and other public improvements and equipment of benefit to the Montebello Hills Redevelopment Project Area (“Project Area”). D. As of the date of this Agreement, Four Million Six Hundred Sixty Six Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty One Dollars and Forty Eight Cents ($4,666,731.48) of the proceeds of the Bonds have not been expended (“Excess Proceeds”), and the Successor Agency currently possesses the Excess Proceeds. E. The Community Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code Section 33000, et seq.) provides for a cooperative relationship between cities and their redevelopment agencies, as well as their successor agencies that have assumed the duties and obligations of the former redevelopment agencies. Under Health and Safety Code Section 33220, a city may aid and cooperate in the planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of redevelopment projects. Health & Safety Code Section 33220(e) specifically authorizes a city to enter into an agreement with its redevelopment agency or any other public entity to further redevelopment purposes. F. Health and Safety Code Section 34178 authorizes a successor agency to enter into an agreement with the city that formed the former redevelopment agency that it is succeeding, Page | 1 subject to the approval of its oversight board. Health & Safety Code Section 34177.3 authorizes a successor agency to create an “enforceable obligation” to conduct the work of winding down the former redevelopment agency. G. The Successor Agency desires to provide the Excess Proceeds to the City, and the City desires to accept the Excess Proceeds from the Successor Agency, to enable the City to use such funds in a manner consistent with the original Bond covenants, and to undertake projects and programs that were not previously funded and obligated by the Successor Agency or City. H. In order to facilitate the use of the Excess Proceeds consistent with the Bond covenants, the Successor Agency and City have negotiated this Agreement requiring the Successor Agency’s transfer of the Excess Proceeds to the City, in exchange for the City’s agreement and warranty to use the Excess Proceeds for purposes consistent with the Bond documents and applicable laws. The Parties intend that this Agreement shall constitute an “excess bond proceeds obligation” within the meaning of Health and Safety Code Section 34191.4(c)(1)(A) to be paid from the Excess Proceeds. With approval form the Montebello Oversight Board and DOF, the Successor Agency shall list this Agreement, and the requirement to transfer the Excess Proceeds to the City, on its ROPS for 2016-2017 Fiscal Year as an obligation to be funded with excess bond proceeds. NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The recitals above are an integral part of this Agreement and set for the intentions of the parties and the premises on which the parties have decided to enter into this Agreement. 2. Successor Agency’s Obligations The Successor Agency shall have the following obligations under this Agreement. A. Inclusion of Agreement on ROPS. Subject to the approval of the Montebello Oversight Board and DOF, the Successor Agency shall include this Agreement on ROPS 16-17. The Successor Agency shall take all necessary and appropriate action(s) necessary to obtain Oversight Board and DOF approval of this Agreement and its inclusion on ROPS 16-17. B. Transfer of Excess Proceeds. Subject to Oversight Board and DOF approval of this Agreement and ROPS 16-17, the Successor Agency shall transfer to the City, no early than July 1, 2016, and not later than June 30, 2017, the Excess Bond proceeds in the amount of $4,666,731.48, plus all interest accrued thereon up to the date of such transfer. C. Projects to be Funded by Excess Proceeds. The Successor Agency assigns to the City all responsibilities and contracts, if any, related to the administration of any projects or programs funded by the Excess Proceeds. Page | 2 3. City’s Obligations A. Retention of Excess Bond Proceeds. The City shall accept, hold, and disburse the Excess Proceeds transferred to the City pursuant to this Agreement. The City shall retain any Excess Proceeds that it receives, such as revenue generated from properties acquired or improved with Excess Proceeds or payments on loans funded from Excess Proceeds, without any obligation to return such funds to the Successor Agency, and shall use such funds for purposes consistent with applicable Bond covenants. B. Use of Excess Proceeds. The City may spend the Excess Proceeds received or retained under this Agreement on any project, program, or activity authorized by the City Council of the City of Montebello. However, the City must spend Excess Proceeds consistent with the original Bond covenants applicable to the particular Excess Proceeds, and must comply with all requirements of applicable law, including federal tax law and all applicable requirements of the California Community Redevelopment Law, as to the use of such funds. The City shall be responsible for ensuring the Excess Proceeds are maintained and spent in accordance with Bond covenants and other applicable laws. C. Indemnification. The City shall indemnity and defend the Successor Agency, and its officers, agents, employees, and representatives, from and against, and shall defend the Successor Agency, and its officers, agents, employees, and representatives, harmless from all claims, causes of action, or liabilities arising from the misuse of the Excess Proceeds by the City, or the failure of the City to ensure the Excess Proceeds are used in accordance with Bond covenants and applicable laws. D. Assumption of Contracts. The City assumes all contracts, if any, entered into by the Successor Agency or Former Agency related to activities to be funded by the Excess Proceeds, with the exception of those contracts retained by the Successor Agency relating to “enforceable obligations.” The City shall perform its obligations hereunder, and under such assumed contracts, in accordance with the applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws, including the obligation to comply with environmental laws such as CEQA, and shall timely complete the work required for each project. 4. Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement of the parties with respect to the transfer and use of the Excess Proceeds. This Agreement integrates all of the terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental hereto, and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. 5. No Third-Party Beneficiaries This Agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the City and Successor Agency. Notwithstanding any reference in this Agreement to persons or entities other than the City and the Successor Agency, there shall be no third party beneficiaries under this Agreement. Page | 3 6. Waivers / Amendments All waivers of the provisions of this Agreement and all amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the parties. 7. Severability If any term, provisions, covenant, or condition of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall continue in full force and effect unless the rights and obligations of the parties have been materially altered or abridged by such invalidation, voiding, or unenforceability. In addition, the parties shall cooperate in good faith in an effort to amend or modify this Agreement in a manner such that the purpose of any invalidated or voided provision, covenant, or condition can be accomplished to the maximum extent legally permissible. 8. Default If either party fails to perform or adequately perform an obligation required by this Agreement within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving written notice from the non-defaulting party, the party failing to perform shall be in default hereunder. In the event of default, the nondefaulting party will have all the rights and remedies available to it at law or in equity to enforce the provisions of this contract, including without limitation the right to sue for damages for breach of contract or to seek specific performance. The rights and remedies of the non-defaulting party enumerated in this paragraph are cumulative and shall not limit the non-defaulting party’s rights under any other provision of this Agreement, or otherwise waive or deny any right or remedy, at law or in equity, existing as of the date of this Agreement or hereinafter enacted or established, that may be available to the non-defaulting party against the defaulting party. 9. Binding on Successors This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of all successors and assigns of the parties, whether by agreement or operation of law. 10. Further Assurances Each party agrees to execute, acknowledge, and deliver all additional documents and instruments, and to take such other actions as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the intent of this Agreement. 11. Effectiveness This Agreement shall become effective upon the date first set forth above, subject to requisite approvals by the Montebello Oversight Board and DOF, and shall continue in effect until the date that all Excess Proceeds are expended in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. Page | 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have caused executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO MONTEBELLO SUCCESSOR AGENCY By ___________________________ Art Barajas, Mayor By ___________________________ Art Barajas, Chair ATTEST ATTEST By ___________________________ Irma Barajas, City Clerk By ___________________________ Irma Barajas, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ Arnold M. Alvarez-Glasman, City Attorney ____________________________ Arnold M. Alvarez-Glasman, Agency Counsel 4852-7595-2428, v. 1 Page | 5 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. _______ SUCCESSOR AGENCY RESOLUTION NO. _________ A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE FORMER COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO APPROVING A BOND PROCEEDS EXPENDITURE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to Assembly Bill 1x26 (as amended from time to time, the “Dissolution Law”) the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Montebello (the “Former Agency”) has been dissolved and no longer exists as a public body, corporate and politic; WHEREAS, the City of Montebello elected to serve as the Successor Agency to the Former Agency (“Successor Agency”) pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 34173 (and all subsequently statutory references being to such Code); WHEREAS, prior to its dissolution and in or about April 2009, the Former Agency issued its Montebello Hills Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series A, in the principal amount of $10,495,000 (the “Bonds”) for the purpose of financing certain redevelopment activities of the Former Agency, including construction of the Taylor Ranch Community Center, street construction, and other public improvements and equipment of benefit to the Montebello Hills Redevelopment Project Area; WHEREAS, there remain unexpended proceeds of the Bonds in the amount of $4,666,731.48 (“Excess Proceeds”); WHEREAS, in August 2015, the Successor Agency issued its Subordinate Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 2015A, which refunded the Bonds to reduce the interest rate on the debt service due thereon, but did not impact the amount or purpose of the Excess Proceeds; WHEREAS, on December 16, 2015, the Successor Agency received a Finding of Completion (“FOC”) from the California Department of Finance; WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 34177(i) and 34191.4(c), successor agencies that have received a FOC are authorized to use bond proceeds derived from bonds issued on or before December 31, 2010, by their respective redevelopment agency for the purpose(s) for which the bonds were issued and consistent with the bond documents; WHEREAS, Section 31478 authorizes a successor agency to enter into an agreement with the city that formed the redevelopment agency that it is succeeding upon the approval of its oversight board; WHEREAS, Section 34177.3 authorizes a successor agency to create enforceable obligations to conduct the work of winding down the former redevelopment agencies; WHEREAS, the Successor Agency and City desire to enter into a contract, pursuant to which the Successor Agency will transfer the Excess Proceeds to the City, and the City will agree to utilize the Excess Proceeds for purposes for which the Former Agency Bonds were issued and consistent with the Bond documents; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that transferring the Excess Proceeds to the City will further the purposes and objectives of the Dissolution Law, in that it will expedite the “wind down” of the Former Agency’s affairs and conserve resources of the Successor Agency and of applicable taxing entities, and the parties further agree that the City is in the best position and possesses the specific knowledge, skill, and resources to use the Excess Proceeds for purposes consistent with the Former Agency Bond documents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT JOINTLY RESOLVED by the City Council and the Successor Agency, as follows: SECTION 1. Environmental Impact – The proposed action is not subject to environmental review pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) of the State Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Sections 15060(c)(2) and 15060(c)(3) pertain to activities that will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect change to the environment and that are not defined as a project under Section 15378. This action has no potential for resulting in physical change to the environment, directly or indirectly, in that it prevents change to the environment pending the completion of the contemplated research and studies. SECTION 2. Purpose – The use of the Excess Proceeds of the Former Agency Bonds under current state law requires that the Successor Agency receive its Finding of Completion, and enter into an enforceable obligation with another party for the use of such bond proceeds. The Successor Agency desires to utilize such Excess Proceeds for the purposes for which such the Former Agency Bonds were issued, and the City desires to facilitate such use as anticipated in the various bond issuances and applicable Redevelopment Project Plan documents. Such use includes but is not limited to construction of the Taylor Ranch Community Center, street construction, and other public improvements and equipment of benefit to the Montebello Hills Redevelopment Project Area. The Successor Agency and City have not yet prioritized the activities to be financed from the Excess Proceeds. SECTION 3. Agreement – As more fully described in the attached Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement (Attachment 1), which is hereby approved by and incorporated fully herein by this reference, the City agrees to utilize the Excess Proceeds for purposes consistent with that for which the Former Agency Bonds were issued and for purposes consistent with the Former Agency Bond documents, and the Successor Agency agrees to transfer the Excess Proceeds to the City for such purpose. SECTION 4. Oversight Board Approval – The Oversight Board will consider the Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement at a future meeting. If the Oversight Board approves the Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement, it shall thereafter be submitted to the Department of Finance for review and/or approval, and thereafter shall be added to the Successor Agency’s Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year (“ROPS 16-17”). After approval of ROPS 16-17 by the Oversight Board and Department of Finance, the Excess Proceeds shall be transferred to the City for expenditure for purposes consistent with the Former Agency Bond documents. -2- SECTION 5. Future Council Action – The City Council will approve all contracts related to the completion of projects funded with the Excess Proceeds consistent with the City's purchasing policies and in accordance with the Former Agency Bond indentures and the Bond Proceeds Expenditure Agreement. SECTION 6. Official Actions. The City Manager / Executive Director, and any and all other officers of the Successor Agency and City, are hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the Successor Agency and the City of Montebello, to do any and all things and take any and all actions, which they, or any of them, may deem necessary or advisable in obtaining the requested approvals by the Oversight Board and the California Department of Finance and in the utilization of the Excess Proceeds. Whenever in this Resolution an officer of the Successor Agency or City is directed to execute or countersign any document or take any action, such execution, countersigning or action may be taken by the City Manager / Executive Director, or by any person designated by such officer to act on his or her behalf in the case such officer is absent or unavailable. SECTION 7. adoption. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect upon its passage and PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of January, 2016. FOR THE SUCESSOR AGENCY: ATTEST: SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO ___________________________________ Irma Barajas, Secretary ___________________________________ Art Barajas, Chairman APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ Arnold M. Alvarez-Glasman, Successor Agency Counsel FOR THE CITY: ATTEST: CITY OF MONTEBELLO ___________________________________ ___________________________________ -3- Irma Barajas, Clerk Art Barajas, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________________ Arnold M. Alvarez-Glasman, City Attorney 4810-5248-2348, v. 1 -4- CITY OF MONTEBELLO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STAFF REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Francesca Tucker-Schuyler, City Manager BY: Danilo Batson, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Pedestrian Safety Study at Beverly Boulevard and 21st Street DATE: January 13, 2016 OBJECTIVE That the City Council: 1) receive and file the Pedestrian Safety Study conducted by Infrastructure Engineers for the intersection of Beverly Boulevard and 21st Street; 2) approve implementation of Alternative B, as recommended by the Traffic and Safety Commission; and 3) approve a resolution allocating $350,000 from General Fund Reserves to carry out the recommended intersection improvements. BACKGROUND At the request of the City, Infrastructure Engineers conducted a Pedestrian Safety Study of the intersection and crosswalk at Beverly Boulevard and 21st Street. Montebello High School is located south of Beverly Boulevard in the vicinity of the study intersection. Students and other pedestrians used the exiting crosswalk to cross Beverly Boulevard. On February 18, 2015, the above study and findings were presented to the Traffic and Safety Commission. At that time, the Commission approved Alternative A set forth in the Study. At their March 11, 2015, the City Council referred the matter back to the Traffic and Safety Commission, requesting that they conduct additional outreach to Montebello High School. At their April 1, 2015, the Traffic and Safety Commission reviewed and reconsidered the matter. At this meeting, Mr. Jerry Ramirez spoke on behalf of Jeff Schwartz, the Principal of Montebello High School who was unavailable due to a prior engagement. Mr. Ramirez stated that students use the crosswalk at the subject intersection to go north towards the McDonald’s Restaurant or the YMCA, and that the school would like to have a safer crossing for students to cross Beverly Boulevard at the subject intersection. After further consideration, the Traffic and Safety Commission approved ITEM # 14 Alternative B in the Study, which recommends installing a traffic signal at the intersection at an estimated cost of $350,000. ANALYSIS Field Review Beverly Boulevard is an east-west principal arterial with a curb-to-curb width of approximately 76-feet. Three (3) travel lanes are provided in each direction, and the roadway is divided by a raised median with left-turn lane pockets in vicinity of the study intersection. Parking is permitted along both sides of the street during limited time period. The posted speed limit on Beverly Boulevard is 35 MPH. At its intersection with 21st Street, Beverly Boulevard is uncontrolled for east and westbound traffic with an unprotected crosswalk. 21st Street is a north-south local street with a curb-to-curb width of approximately 40feet. One travel lane is provided in each direction, and parking is permitted along both sides of the street. At its intersection with Beverly Boulevard, 21st Street is stop controlled for north and southbound traffic. The prima facie speed limit on Park Avenue is 25 MPH. Pedestrian ramps on all the corners of the 21st Street intersection at Beverly Boulevard are not ADA compliant. A field investigation, including collision record review and field geometrics, was conducted. The 21st Street and Beverly Boulevard intersection is located in the middle section of the City. Pedestrian crosswalks exist on the north, south and east legs of the intersection. The easterly crosswalk on Beverly Boulevard is uncontrolled, while both the northerly and southerly crosswalks on 21st Street are stop-controlled. The field observation further indicated that the pedestrian traffic is mostly generated by the High School students crossing Beverly Boulevard to access the land uses to the north side of the Beverly Boulevard; particularly a McDonald’s that is located at the northeast corner of the intersection. Traffic Counts Manual peak-hour turning movement counts at the intersection of 21st Street and Beverly Boulevard were conducted on November 25, 2014, between the hours of 7:00 – 9:00 AM and 2:00 – 4:00 PM to capture pedestrian and vehicular volumes; particularly the vehicular and foot traffic from the High School. Based on the manual count data, 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM were determined to be the AM and PM peak hour periods, respectively, at the study intersection. Table 1 summarizes the peakhour traffic volumes at the intersection, and detailed traffic count sheets are presented in Appendix A. ITEM # 14 Table 1 Peak-Hour Traffic Counts Observed Traffic Volumes 21 Street Beverly Boulevard Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Approach Approach Approach Approach Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right st Peak Hour 8:00 – 9:00 AM 3:00 – 4:00 PM PED/BIKE AM PED/BIKE PM 6 1 16 5 0 26 52 724 18 15 1280 19 2 1 10 5 5 13 49 1686 19 28 1273 14 15 10 17 0 17 2 17 3 Pedestrian Safety Since Montebello High School is located on south of Beverly Boulevard, and McDonald’s and other retail uses are located to the north of Beverly Boulevard near the study intersection, moderate pedestrian volumes cross the unprotected crosswalk. Therefore, a potential of pedestrian-related collisions exists. As shown in Table 1, a total of 42 and 39 pedestrians were observed during the AM and PM peak hours, respectively. Among them, 25 and 19 pedestrians were observed crossing Beverly Boulevard during the AM and PM peak hours, respectively. Collision Review Traffic collision records for the intersection of Beverly Boulevard and 21st Street were reviewed over three (3) year periods, which revealed that two (2) broadside, one (1) rear-end, and one (1) head-on collision(s) were reported at this intersection. Removal of Marked Crosswalk Since the signalized intersection of Wilcox Avenue and Beverly Boulevard (with controlled crosswalks) is located less than 400 feet west of the study intersection, it is close enough to serve pedestrians desiring to cross the study intersection, including students needing to cross Beverly Boulevard. Therefore, removing the uncontrolled crosswalk at the study intersection is an alternative that would have a minimal impact to crossing pedestrians while improving pedestrian safety. Removal of marked crosswalk per California Vehicle Code (2014) is presented in the following: ITEM # 14 California Vehicle Code (2014) Removal of Marked Crosswalk: Notification 21950.5. (a) An existing marked crosswalk may not be removed unless notice and opportunity to be heard is provided to the public not less than 30 days prior to the scheduled date of removal. In addition to any other public notice requirements, the notice of proposed removal shall be posted at the crosswalk identified for removal. (b) The notice required by subdivision (a) shall include, but is not limited to, notification to the public of both of the following: (1) That the public may provide input relating to the scheduled removal. (2) The form and method of providing the input authorized by paragraph (1). Added Sec. 9, Ch. 833, Stats. 2000. Effective January 1, 2001. Traffic Signal Warrant At the 21st Street and Beverly Boulevard intersection, no traffic controls currently exist for east and westbound traffic on Beverly Boulevard, while a stop sign control exists on both north and southbound 21st Street. Traffic signal warrants were evaluated in accordance with the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) California Edition. The CA MUTCD lists eight (8) warrants that have the same requirements as the County guidelines for justifying installation of a traffic signal. Table 1 summarizes the results of the warrant analysis. Table 1 Traffic Signal Warrant Summary SIGNAL WARRANT WARRANT 1 - Seven Hour Vehicular Volume 30% Part A 60% Part B WARRANT 2 - Four Hour Vehicular Volume WARRANT 3 - Peak Hour WARRANT 4 - Pedestrian Volume WARRANT 5 - School Crossing WARRANT 6 - Coordinated Signal System WARRANT 7 - Collision Warrant WARRANT 8 - Roadway Network NOT APPLICABLE SATISFIED NOT SATISFIED X X X X X X X X As shown in Table 1, one (1) of the eight (8) warrants is satisfied for installation of a traffic signal. The sole warrant meeting the County requirements is Warrant 5 – School Crossing as presented in Appendix C. However, the CA MUTCD specially indicates that the satisfaction of a traffic signal warrant or warrants shall not in itself require the installation of a traffic signal. In addition, installation of a traffic signal at the study intersection would unnecessarily add to the congestion of the traffic to the area and will ITEM # 14 further restrict to the flow of traffic on Beverly Boulevard due to the close proximity of the signal at the intersection of Wilcox Avenue and Beverly Boulevard. Conclusion The following conclusions have been derived based on the field investigations, inspection of the accident reports, traffic and pedestrian counts conducted and the traffic signal warrant performed for the 21st Street and Beverly Boulevard intersection: 1. Four (4) collisions were reported during the last three (3) years. 2. Generally, the potential of pedestrian-related collisions exists where pedestrians use an unprotected crosswalk on high speed facilities. 3. Pedestrian ramps on all the corners are not ADA compliant based on updated ADA requirements. 4. Removal of the marked crosswalk would eliminate potential pedestrian-related collisions. 5. School Crossing Warrant is satisfied for installation of a traffic signal, but it might restrict the flow of traffic due to the short distance between the study intersection and the signalized Wilcox Avenue intersection along Beverly Boulevard, while creating more traffic congestion in the area. Recommendation To improve pedestrian safety and reduce the potential of pedestrian-related collisions, the following two (2) alternatives are recommended pursuant to the by Pedestrian Safety Study, as it will both create a safe crossing for pedestrians while not impeding the traffic flow on Beverly Boulevard. Alternative A (Cost Estimate - $10,000): 1. Remove the marked easterly crosswalk on Beverly Boulevard at 21st Street. 2. Install an ADA compliant pedestrian ramp at the four (4) corners of the intersection. 3. Install a ladder crosswalk on both the north and south legs of the intersection. Alternative B (Cost Estimate - $350,000): 1. Install a traffic signal at the 21st Street and Beverly Boulevard intersection. 2. Install an ADA compliant pedestrian ramp at the four (4) corners of the intersection. 3. Install a ladder crosswalk on the north, south and east legs of the intersection. 4. Install pedestrian countdown signal heads for the crosswalks. FISCAL IMPACTS It is estimated that the cost to implement Alternative A is $10,000 while the cost to implement Alternative B is $350,000. After conducting additional outreach, the Traffic and Safety Commission has recommended the implementation of Alternative B, which recommends the installation of a traffic signal at the subject intersection. Funding of ITEM # 14 either alternative would require an additional appropriation from the General Fund Reserves. SUMMARY The City Council will receive and file a presentation on the Pedestrian Safety Study conducted by Infrastructure Engineers for the intersection of Beverly Boulevard and 21st Street. The City Council will also select a final alternative to improve the intersection. At the request of the City, Infrastructure Engineers has conducted a Pedestrian Safety Study of the intersection and crosswalk at Beverly Boulevard and 21st Street. Montebello High School is located south of the Beverly Boulevard in the vicinity of the study intersection. A field investigation, including collision record review, field geometrics, pedestrian and traffic counts, and a traffic signal warrant were conducted. The study and findings were presented to the Traffic and Safety Commission at their meeting of February 18 and April 1, 2015. After conducting additional public outreach to Montebello High School the Commission recommended Alternative B, which recommends various improvements at the subject intersection, including the installation of a new traffic signal. It is estimated that the cost to implement Alternative B is $350,000. Funding would require an appropriation from the General Fund Reserves. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that City Council: 1) received and file the Pedestrian Safety Study conducted by Infrastructure Engineers for the intersection of Beverly Boulevard and 21st Street: 2) approve the implementation of Alternative B (as recommended by the Traffic and Safety Commission): and 3) approve a resolution allocating $350,000 from General Fund Reserves to carry out the recommended intersection improvements. ATTACHMENTS Resolution of appropriation ITEM # 14 RESOLUTION NO. _____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT BEVERLY BOULEVARD AND 21ST STREET THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the Finance Director is hereby authorized to make the following appropriation: FROM Account Number 100-99-2900 (General Fund Reserve) TO Amount $350,000 Account Number 100-30-310-6040.50 (Street Maintenance) Amount $350,000 SECTION 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution, which shall become effective immediately upon approval. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 13th day of January, 2016 Art Barajas, Mayor ATTEST: Irma Barajas, City Clerk 1 CITY OF MONTEBELLO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STAFF REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Francesca Tucker-Schuyler, City Manager BY: Danilo Batson, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding Opt-In Program for the 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count DATE: January 13, 2016 ______________________________________________________________________________ OBJECTIVE The City Council to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Montebello and the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) to conduct the 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count in Montebello. BACKGROUND The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) is a joint powers authority formed by the City and County of Los Angeles in 1993, to address the problems of homelessness in Los Angeles. LAHSA is the lead agency of the Los Angeles Continuum of Care (LA CoC). The LA CoC includes 85 cities and the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, excluding only the cities of Glendale, Long Beach and Pasadena, as each of those three cities operate their own independent Continuums. "Homeless Count" refers to the process of counting homeless persons residing in shelters or living on the street, in parks, cars or other places not meant for human habitation, as well as conducting the Housing Inventory Chart (HIC), an enumeration of the number of shelters, beds and units dedicated to housing homeless persons. Since 2005, LAHSA has coordinated six biennial Greater Los Angeles Homeless Counts. Beginning in 2016, the Point-In-Time Count (“Count”) will occur annually. The Count consists of four components: 1) the street count; 2) the shelter count; 3) the youth count; and, 4) the demographic survey. The 2015 Homeless Count was the largest census in the country, benefitting from the support of more than 5,500 volunteers. In 2015 the Count discovered that on any given point-in-time approximately 41,174 residents are homeless in the LA CoC, and 44,359 people experience homelessness in Los Angeles County. The data gathered from the Homeless Count is extremely valuable to our mission of ending homelessness. It supplies government agencies, service providers and housing providers with a reliable estimate of the homeless population in the City and County of Los Angeles, including sub-regions such as Service Planning Areas (SPAs), Supervisorial Districts (SDs) and ITEM # 15 Council Districts (CDs) within the City of Los Angeles. It also provides an array of demographic information. In 2009, the study methodology was enhanced to enable Opt-In City/Community Areas to coordinate a homeless count within their borders, using locally recruited volunteers from public and private agencies. In 2015, 248 cities and communities enumerated all of their census tracts. Using the results from the LAHSA shelter and youth counts, cities are able to estimate a Point-in-Time number of the homeless families and individuals who are sheltered and unsheltered in their jurisdictions. The Opt-In Program gives cities, communities and other jurisdictions the opportunity to obtain locally-specific data at a high confidence level. Full enumeration of every agreedupon census tract within each City/Community Area will provide more granular data and can substantially aid efforts to evaluate existing homeless services and plan for future measures to address local homelessness in your community. ANALYSIS This year LAHSA is creating a special operations, homeless youth and Demographic Survey teams, in an effort to get a more accurate count which would reflect the homeless issues in and around Service Planning Area 7 (SPA 7). LAHSA’s role is to support SPA 7 in developing a sustainable homeless count system because the count is now a yearly component and know that homeless resources are tied to the number of homeless people found in our city. It’s also mandated by LAHSA by way of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. As LAHSA prepare to launch the 2016 Count, their hope is that the City will become a new partner by participating in the Opt-In Program. The Opt-In Program gives cities, communities and other jurisdictions the opportunity to obtain locally-specific data at a high confidence level. Full enumeration of every agreed-upon census tract within each City/Community Area will provide more granular data and can substantially aid efforts to evaluate existing homeless services and plan for future measures to address local homelessness in our community. In order to participate in the Homeless Count the City and LAHSA must entered into a Memorandum of Understanding which states that the City is opt-in into the program and would like LAHSA to conduct the count on behalf of the City for all census tracts. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fee for the Opt-In Program. SUMMARY The City Council will consider approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Montebello and the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) to conduct the 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count in Montebello. As LAHSA prepare to launch the 2016 Count, their hope is that the City will become a new partner by participating in the Opt-In Program. The Opt-In Program gives cities, ITEM # 15 communities and other jurisdictions the opportunity to obtain locally-specific data at a high confidence level. Full enumeration of every agreed-upon census tract within each City/Community Area will provide more granular data and can substantially aid efforts to evaluate existing homeless services and plan for future measures to address local homelessness in our community. RECOMMENDATIONS That the City Council approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Montebello and the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) to conduct the 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count in Montebello. ATTACHMENTS Memorandum of Understanding 2015 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Results ITEM # 15 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Montebello 2016 Homeless Count Page 1 of 16 August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Page 2 of 16 August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING OPT-IN PROGRAM FOR THE 2016 GREATER LOS ANGELES HOMELESS COUNT January 26, 27, and 28, 2016 This Opt-In Program Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sets forth partnership roles and responsibilities between LAHSA and the Opt-In Participant during the 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. BACKGROUND The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) is a joint powers authority formed by the City and County of Los Angeles in 1993, to address the problems of homelessness in Los Angeles. LAHSA is the lead agency of the Los Angeles Continuum of Care (LA CoC). The LA CoC includes 85 cities and the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, excluding only the cities of Glendale, Long Beach and Pasadena, as each of those three cities operate their own independent Continuums. "Homeless Count" refers to the process of counting homeless persons residing in shelters or living on the street, in parks, cars or other places not meant for human habitation, as well as conducting the Housing Inventory Chart (HIC), an enumeration of the number of shelters, beds and units dedicated to housing homeless persons. Since 2005, LAHSA has coordinated six biennial Greater Los Angeles Homeless Counts. Beginning in 2016, the Point-In-Time Count (“Count”) will occur annually. The Count consists of four components: 1) the street count; 2) the shelter count; 3) the youth count; and, 4) the demographic survey. The 2015 Homeless Count was the largest census in the country, benefitting from the support of more than 5,500 volunteers. In 2015 the Count discovered that on any given point-in-time approximately 41,174 residents are homeless in the LA CoC, and 44,359 people experience homelessness in Los Angeles County. The data gathered from the Homeless Count is extremely valuable to our mission of ending homelessness. It supplies government agencies, service providers and housing providers with a reliable estimate of the homeless population in the City and County of Los Angeles, including sub-regions such as Service Planning Areas (SPAs), Supervisorial Districts (SDs) and Council Districts (CDs) within the City of Los Angeles. It also provides an array of demographic information. In 2009, the study methodology was enhanced to enable Opt-In City/Community Areas to coordinate a homeless count within their borders, using locally recruited volunteers from public and private agencies. In 2015, 248 cities and communities enumerated all of their census tracts. Using the results from the LAHSA shelter and youth counts, cities are able to estimate a Point-in-Time number of the homeless families and individuals who are sheltered and unsheltered in their jurisdictions. The Opt-In Program gives cities, communities and other jurisdictions the opportunity to obtain locally-specific data at a high confidence level. Full enumeration of every agreed-upon census tract within each City/Community Area will provide more granular data and can substantially aid efforts to evaluate existing homeless services and plan for future measures to address local homelessness in your community. Page 3 of 16 August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count I. OPT-IN PARTICIPANT RESPONSIBILITIES An Opt-In Participant is a City incorporated under the laws of the State of California, another form of local jurisdiction authorized by State law or County ordinance, or a community organization that has committed to participate in the 2016 Opt-In Program. Opt-In Participants are responsible for completing the full enumeration (complete counting) of all unsheltered homeless persons in the agreed-upon census tracts in their City/Community Area. (Exhibit A.) The Opt-In Participant is responsible for the following: A. To achieve continuous, reliable counts of unsheltered homeless persons, it is requested that 30 days prior to the Count your City/Community Area does not target homeless persons in order to conduct sweeps, as doing so would move homeless persons outside of the boundaries of your area and impact the accuracy of the Count. B. Providing the name, address, telephone number, capacity and picture of each Deployment Site. A Deployment Site is a location within your area from which volunteers will be deployed to perform the 2016 Homeless Count that meets the following requirements (Deployment Site Worksheet - Exhibit B): - - Is NOT currently a site where services are provided to homeless people at night; Has capacity and sufficient space to hold, and contains tables and chairs for, the specified number of volunteers for your area; Is able to maintain sufficient cellular phone service coverage and/or has Wi-Fi access points, landline telephone lines, or another comparable means of communication in the absence of sufficient mobile service signal; Contains accessible restroom facilities; Includes, or is adjacent to, ample free parking; Is located within the Opt-In boundaries approved by LAHSA; Has a confirmed Deployment Site Coordinator, who sets-up the site and directs operations during the 2016 Homeless Count (further duties are listed in paragraph C, below); and Has a confirmed Deployment Site Access Provider to assist with logistics and coordinating access during the 2016 Homeless Count, either by providing all necessary keys or being present to grant access during the Count. A Deployment Site Access Provider is the contact person or persons who will be responsible for providing access to each of the designated Deployment Sites in your area on the day/evening of the training and date of the Count. (Exhibit B) C. Designating and providing the name, office number, cellular number and email address of the Deployment Site coordinator, who has the following responsibilities/duties: - Directing the operations at a volunteer Deployment Site for the date of the count, including but not limited to the set-up of the site and ensuring volunteers receive a light meal; Ensuring that volunteers are deployed in teams to the proper locations; Tracking all volunteer teams to ensure that they return in a timely manner; Assisting with volunteer questions; Reviewing all incoming tally sheets for accuracy; Communicating and coordinating with the Homeless Count Regional Coordinator, SPA Leadership and LAHSA headquarters on the status of the Count at their site; Coordinating the pick-up and drop-off of all 2016 Homeless Count materials with LAHSA; and Participating in training. D. Providing the name, office number, cellular number and email address for each Deployment Site Access Provider. Page 4 of 16 August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count E. Coordinating with the Homeless Count Regional Coordinator and provide regular communication of the status of progress, issues and volunteer recruitment including providing volunteer lists from the volunteer management system. Depending upon deployment needs on the date of the Count, your volunteers may be deployed to conduct 2016 Homeless Count activities outside of or adjacent to your City/Community Area. F. Providing confirmation of geographic boundaries for your City/Community Area from which the actual number of census tracts to be counted will be determined by LAHSA. (EXHIBIT A) G. Ensuring there is an unarmed security guard or police officer at each Deployment Site on the date of the Count. LAHSA will provide support for this requirement on a case by case basis. H. Ensuring that each adult volunteer signs a release and waiver (EXHIBIT C), and a parent or legal guardian of each minor volunteer (under 18 years of age) completes and signs a release and waiver (EXHIBIT D), indemnifying LAHSA and your City/Community Area from any liability during their participation on the date of the Count. Minors must be as least 14 years of age. I. Ensuring Site Coordinators and other appropriate volunteer staff attend trainings to support the successful implementation of the Count. J. Providing a light meal to volunteers on the date of the Count. Remember, volunteers arrive around meal time. K. Prior to your release and/or publication of any 2016 Homeless Count data results, obtain written approval from LAHSA for the data to be released or published. Any and all data releases MUST give recognition to LAHSA. II. LAHSA RESPONSBILITIES In order to ensure a successful enumeration of homeless persons across the LA CoC, LAHSA will be responsible for providing the following: A. The hiring of a Regional Homeless Count Manager who shall be responsible for interfacing with LAHSA, managing the Homeless Count Regional Coordinators (RCs), and overseeing their execution of 2016 Homeless Count activities within each Service Planning Area (SPA).. The RC will be the designated lead within the SPA who is responsible for managing, directing and overseeing the planning, logistics, coordination and execution of 2016 Homeless Count activities; B. The hiring of a consultant to analyze the data and provide the Point-In-Time Count results for the LA CoC, including homeless subpopulation and totals by geography, as well as the production of a 2016 Homeless Count report. C. Training the Deployment Site Coordinators and 2016 Homeless Count and volunteers. Deployment Site Coordinators will receive training on Count preparation, data collection, safety procedures and other relevant training, as needed. Volunteers will receive training on standard enumeration and safety procedures; D. Providing materials necessary for a successful Count, including, but not limited to, scanned copies (PDFs) of all the documentation needed to conduct the unsheltered and sheltered Count, as well as the demographic surveys; E. Providing a determination of the specific census tracts that need to be counted in order to achieve a full enumeration of unsheltered homeless persons in your area. LAHSA and the Opt-In Participant must be in agreement regarding the census tracts to be counted (EXHIBIT A) prior to the execution of this MOU. F. Based upon the number of census tracts to be enumerated in your area, LAHSA will provide Opt-In Participants with an estimate of the minimum number of volunteers needed to successfully complete your Count (EXHIBIT A); Page 5 of 16 August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count G. Based upon the number of census tracts to be counted and the geographic characteristics of your area, LAHSA will provide Opt-In Participants with a determination of the specific number of Deployment Sites that will be needed for a successful Count (see EXHIBIT A); H. Providing Opt-In Participants with an Opt-In Summary Report produced by the 2016 Homeless Count, based on the successful enumeration of 100% of all census tracts. III. HOMELESS COUNT REGIONAL COORDINATOR RESPONSBILITIES In order to ensure a successful enumeration of homeless persons within each participating City/Community Area, your designated Homeless Count Regional Coordinator is responsible for assisting with the following: A. Maintaining general oversight and management support in conducting the Count, youth count, shelter count and demographic survey. B. Outreaching and recruiting of Opt-In Participants. C. Collaborating with SPA stakeholders to leverage resources and coordinate logistical support prior to and during the 2016 Homeless Count, including, but not limited to, identifying potential Deployment Sites, obtaining security personnel and other relevant Count duties. D. Providing support with volunteer outreach, recruitment and tracking. E. Providing support by obtaining SPA level sponsorships. F. Supplying materials necessary for a successful Count. G. Providing ongoing guidance, tools, and assistance to Site Coordinators and other relevant volunteers. IV. RELEASE, INDEMNITY, AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY A. The Opt-In Participant hereby agrees to waive, discharge, and release LAHSA and any of its employees, agents, officers and stakeholders from and against all lawsuits and causes of action, or liability for any loss or claim for damages of any nature whatsoever, including injury to person or property. B. The Opt-In Participant further agrees to indemnify and hold LAHSA and any of its employees, agents, officers and stakeholders harmless from liability for any loss or claim for damages of any nature whatsoever, including injury to person or property, arising from or in any way related to the 2016 Homeless Count. Page 6 of 16 August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count V. OPT-IN COMMITMENT The execution of this MOU by an authorized official of your City/Community Area signifies a commitment to participate in the 2016 Opt-In Program and to fulfill all of the responsibilities expected of Opt-In Participants as specified in this MOU. VI. RIGHT TO WITHHOLD DATA In the event that your City/Community Area decides to OPT-OUT of the 2016 Homeless Count or fails to fulfill its responsibilities under this MOU, LAHSA reserves the right to withhold any and all data from your Community/City Area produced by the 2016 Homeless Count. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Opt-In Participant and the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority have caused this MOU to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. For: ____________________________________________________________________ Name of Opt-In Participant By: _________________________________________________________________ Name of Authorized Official, Title __________________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature Date:_____________________________ For: LOS ANGELES HOMELESS SERVICES AUTHORITY (LAHSA) By: __________________________________________________ Peter Lynn, Executive Director Date:_____________________________ Page 7 of 16 August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D Approved Census Tracts and Maps of City/Community Area Deployment Site Worksheet Release, Indemnity and Waiver of Liability Agreement for Adult Volunteers Release, Indemnity and Waiver of Liability Agreement for Youth Volunteers Page 8 of 16 August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count EXHIBIT A APPROVED CENSUS TRACTS AND MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS The below table lists the census tracts that have been approved for enumeration as part of the Opt-In Program: Montebello 2016 CENSUS TRACKS 2016 City / Community Area 2016 Census Tract 2016 Volunteers 2016 Required (Est.) Walking/Driving 2016 Road Miles 2016 Area Sq Miles Montebello Montebello Montebello Montebello Montebello Montebello Montebello Montebello Montebello Montebello 482522 530003 530004 530005 530006 530101 530102 530202 530203 530204 4 8 4 8 2 2 4 8 2 2 Driving Driving Driving Driving Driving Driving Driving Driving Driving Driving 19.63 32.72 14.93 26.17 13.00 14.46 19.18 23.83 12.97 14.31 0.63 1.38 0.50 0.88 0.25 0.38 0.51 0.69 0.28 0.26 Montebello Montebello 532001 532002 4 2 Driving Driving 15.92 13.86 0.52 0.32 Montebello Montebello 532101 532102 4 2 Driving Driving 17.49 11.70 0.53 0.39 Montebello 532200 8 Driving 21.66 1.08 15 64 271.81 8.63 2016 Total Tracts and Volunteers Page 9 of 16 Total August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count Montebello 2016 Census Map Page 10 of 16 August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count EXHIBIT B DEPLOYMENT SITE WORKSHEET Please complete one worksheet and provide a picture for each 2016 Homeless Count Deployment Site. City/Community Area Count Date Site Name Address Location Deployment SPA Site Picture Provided via _____Hard copy _____Email Site Capacities Volunteer Capacity # Volunteers On-Site Parking Off-Site Parking # Tables # Chairs # Tracts # Teams Name Deployment Site Coordinator Designated Contacts Assistant Deployment Site Coordinator Email Work Mobile Name Email Work Mobile Name Deployment Site Access Provider Other Deployment Site Volunteer Staff Page 11 of 16 Email Work Mobile Name Email Work Mobile August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count EXHIBIT C RELEASE, INDEMNITY AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AGREEMENT FOR ADULT VOLUNTEERS I. TERMS OF PARTICIPATION IN 2016 GREATER LOS ANGELES HOMELESS COUNT I. I understand and agree that the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) will be conducting the 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count (2016 Homeless Count), and that I may volunteer to assist in this important community effort as set forth in this Agreement. As a 2016 Homeless Count volunteer, I also understand that my behavior and actions will be expected to be morally responsible and ethical. II. I understand and agree that my services are temporary, and therefore I will only be participating on the date(s) of January 26, 27, and/or 28, 2016 from 8:00 p.m., (unless another time has been specified) until my Street Count shift is finished (approximately between 12:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m., unless another time is specified). I further understand that I am eligible to participate on all three consecutive dates. III. I understand that my involvement in the 2016 Homeless Count may be terminated at any time due to inappropriate behavior, reckless endangerment, or lack of sufficient work productivity, and that I may withdraw from the 2016 Homeless Count at any time without any cause or justification. IV. I understand and agree that I must complete a 30-minute training session either prior to or on the date of the Street Count as a requirement to participate in the 2016 Homeless Count. V. I understand and agree that I will not receive any monetary compensation for attending the 30-minute training session, nor will I receive monetary compensation for any date that I volunteer for the 2016 Homeless Count, unless I am a registered Homeless Stipend Volunteer. VI. I understand and agree that I am responsible for transportation to and from the training session and deployment sites on the specified dates and times of such events. Page 12 of 16 August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count II. ASSUMPTION OF RISK I understand and agree that my participation in the 2016 homeless count as a volunteer holds inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. I understand that these risks vary from minor to severe, and i hereby agree to accept all risks of injury, of any nature whatsoever. III. RELEASE, INDEMNITY, AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY A. I understand that my participation is voluntary, and as such, I hereby agree to waive, discharge, and release LAHSA and any of its employees, agents, officers, stakeholders and Opt-In Participants from and against all lawsuits and causes of action, or liability for any loss or claim for damages of any nature whatsoever, including injury to person or property. B. I further agree to indemnify and hold LAHSA and any of its employees, agents, officers, stakeholders and Opt-In Participants harmless from liability for any loss or claim for damages of any nature whatsoever, including injury to person or property, arising from or in any way related to my participation in the 2016 Homeless Count. I have carefully read and fully understand the meaning and effect of the foregoing statements, and without reservations I would like to participate in the 2015 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. Volunteer Name: ______________________________________________________________ Print Name Volunteer Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Signature Date of Signature: __________ / __________ / ____________________ Month Day Page 13 of 16 Year August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count EXHIBIT D RELEASE, INDEMNITY AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AGREEMENT FOR YOUTH VOLUNTEERS I. TERMS OF PARTICIPATION IN 2015 GREATER LOS ANGELES HOMELESS COUNT A. I understand and agree that the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) will be conducting the 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count (2016 Homeless Count), and that my son, daughter or other minor dependent age 14 and up, may volunteer to assist in this important community effort as set forth in this Agreement. As a 2016 Homeless Count volunteer, I also understand and agree that my son’s, daughter’s or other dependent’s behavior and actions will be expected to be morally responsible and ethical. B. I understand and agree that my son’s, daughter’s or other minor dependent’s volunteer service will be limited to assisting with various activities within a specified Deployment site, under the supervision of the Deployment Site Coordinator, and that he or she will not participate in Street Count activities outside of the Deployment site. C. I understand that my son’s, daughter’s or other minor dependent’s services are temporary, and therefore he or she will only be participating on one or more the date(s) of January 26, 27, and/or 28, 2016 from 8:00 p.m. (unless another time has been specified) until such time that may be considered “curfew” by applicable city ordinance(s). D. I understand and agree that my son’s, daughter’s or other minor dependent’s involvement in the 2016 Homeless Count may be terminated at any time due to inappropriate behavior, reckless endangerment, or lack of sufficient work productivity, and that my son, daughter or other minor dependent may withdraw from the 2016 Homeless Count at any time without any cause or justification. E. I understand and agree that my son, daughter or other minor dependent will not receive any monetary compensation for attending the 30-minute training session, nor will he or she receive monetary compensation for any date that he or she volunteers for the 2016 Homeless Count. Page 14 of 16 August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count F. I understand and agree that I am responsible for the transportation of my son, daughter or other minor dependent to and from the training session and deployment sites on the specified dates and times of such events. II. ASSUMPTION OF RISK I understand and agree that my son’s, daughter’s or other minor dependent’s participation in the 2016 homeless count as a volunteer in the deployment site holds certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. I understand that these risks vary from minor to severe, and I hereby agree to accept all risks of injury, of any nature whatsoever. III. RELEASE, INDEMNITY, AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY A. I understand that my son’s, daughter’s or other minor dependent’s participation is voluntary, and as such I hereby agree to waive, discharge, and release LAHSA and any of its employees, agents, officers, stakeholders and Opt-In Participants from and against all lawsuits and causes of action, or liability for any loss or claim for damages of any nature whatsoever, including injury to person or property. B. I further agree to indemnify and hold LAHSA and any of its employees, agents, officers, stakeholders and Opt-In Participants harmless from liability for any loss or claims for damages of any nature whatsoever, including injury to person or property, arising from or in any way related to my participation in the 2016 Homeless Count. I, the undersigned, hereby represent that I am the parent/legal guardian of the below-named youth volunteer, a person under the age of 18 years, and that I have the legal authority to execute this Release. I have carefully read and fully understand the meaning and effect of the foregoing statements, and without reservations I give permission to my son, daughter or other minor dependent to participate in the 2016 Homeless Count. Youth Volunteer Name: ______________________________________________________________ Print Name Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________________ Print Name Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Signature Date of Signature: __________ / __________ / ____________________ Page 15 of 16 August 2015 Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count NOTES Page 16 of 16 August 2015 CITY OF MONTEBELLO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STAFF REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Francesca Tucker-Schuyler, City Manager BY: Lillian Guzman, Deputy City Clerk SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL ASSIGNMENTS DATE: January 13, 2016 OBJECTIVE To designate City Council assignments, representatives and alternates to various organizations affiliated with the City. FACTS The following is a list of City assignments and the representatives and alternates to various organizations with which the City is affiliated. ORGANIZATIONS CURRENT REPRESENTATIVES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE – BOARD OF DIRECTORS (meets 2nd Wed. 8:30a.m.) Art Barajas GATEWAY CITIES OF GOVTS. (meets 1st Wednesday at 6:00 pm) Jack Hadjinian INDEPENDENT CITIES ASSOCIATION (meets 2nd Thursday at 7:00 p.m.) Vivian Romero SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (meets 2nd Thursday 6:00 pm) Jack Hadjinian William M. Molinari (A) SCAG – GENERAL ASSEMBLY (meets twice per year at various locations) Vivian Romero SOUTHEAST AREA ANIMAL CONTROL (meets 3rd Thursday 2:00 pm, in Downey) Art Barajas William M. Molinari (A) VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT OF GREATER LA COUNTY (meets 2nd Thursday 7:30 pm, South Gate) Vacant SISTER CITY AFFILIATIONS (meets 2nd Wednesday 7:30 pm) Vacant ITEM# 16 FISCAL IMPACT: No impact to the General Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Move that the City Council take action to fill assignments, and/or direct staff to make any other changes that the City Council may desire. ITEM# 16 CITY OF MONTEBELLO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STAFF REPORT DATE: January 13, 2016 TO: Honorable Mayor & Members of City Council FROM: Francesca Tucker-Schuyler, City Manager BY: Mike Gaskins, Director of Human Resources SUBJECT: Claims Against The City The following claims fall under the City’s Self-Insurance liability program and have been placed on the agenda for denial: 1. Ermelinda Palacio v. City of Montebello Claimant alleges that on August 10, 2015, while a passenger on a City bus, the bus operator made an abrupt stop, causing claimant to sustain injury. Investigation revealed that negligence has not been established on the City of Montebello or its employee(s). Claimant did not state an amount for compensation. Amount claimed: 2. Unknown Joseph Saavedra v. City of Montebello Claimant alleges that on June 07, 2015, while walking on the sidewalk in front of his residence at 661 Hendricks in Montebello, he tripped and fell over a raised section of sidewalk and injured himself. Investigation revealed that the City did not have notice of a dangerous condition. Claimant did not state an amount for compensation. Amount claimed: 3. Unknown Dominique Mendez v. City of Montebello Claimant alleges that on September 04, 2015, she tripped and fell in a depression in the street and caused injury to herself and her unborn child. Investigation revealed that the City did not have notice of a dangerous condition. Claimant is seeking damages in excess of $25,000.00. Amount claimed: $25,000 ITEM# 17 4. Rene Arevalo v. City of Montebello Claimant alleges that on November 02, 2015, a tree branch broke off and fell on his truck while parked in front of his residence. Investigation revealed that the City did not have notice of a dangerous condition regarding the involved tree. Claimant is seeking compensation for damages in the amount of $1,500.00. Amount claimed: 5. $1,500 Dolores Cardiel v. City of Montebello Claimant alleges that on April 30, 2015, Montebello Police Officers assaulted her and caused her harm. Investigation revealed that negligence has not been established on the City of Montebello or its employee(s). Claimant is seeking compensation for damages in the amount of $500,000.00. Amount claimed: 6. $500,000 Deven Escalante v. City of Montebello Claimant alleges that on November 20, 2015, the police department did not properly handle his complaints. It is unclear as to what he is complaining about. Investigation revealed that negligence has not been established on the City of Montebello or its employee (s). Claimant did not state an amount for compensation. Amount claimed: 7. Unknown Beatriz Paez v. City of Montebello Claimant alleges that on April 19, 2015, while filming an interaction between the police and a suspect with her cellphone, two unidentified law enforcement officers walked towards her and told her she could not film the interaction and they repeatedly blocked her attempt to film. She claims that it was the Montebello Police Department who approached her and harassed her for filming the event. Investigation revealed that negligence has not been established on the City of Montebello or its employee (s). Claimant did not state an amount for compensation. Amount claimed: 8. Unknown Samy Michael v. City of Montebello Claimant alleges that on October 27, 2015, while a passenger on a City bus, the bus operator made an abrupt stop, causing claimant to sustain injury. Investigation revealed that negligence has not been established on ITEM# 17 the City of Montebello or its employee(s). Claimant is seeking compensation for damages in the amount of $3,500.00. Amount claimed: 9. $3,500 Noemi Slevcove v. City of Montebello Claimant alleges that on December 05, 2015, while walking across the street in front of 240 N. 18th Street in Montebello, she tripped and fell in a pothole and injured herself. Investigation revealed that the City did not have notice of a dangerous condition. Claimant did not state an amount for compensation. Amount claimed: Unknown ITEM# 17 RESOLUTION NO. ________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO APPROVING AND ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the reference is hereby made to that certain Register of Audited Demand Nos. 1393, consisting of eleven pages, and including Warrant No. 564337 through 564808; Warrant No. 1258 through 1262; on file in the office of the City Clerk, the same having been audited and approved by the Controller as required by law. SECTON 2. That the said City Council having examined each such demand does hereby approve and direct the payment of same, as set forth in said Register, except the following Warrant No. ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ SECTION 3. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and thence forth and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13th DAY OF JANUARY, 2016. _____________________________________ ART BARAJAS, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ IRMA BERNAL-BARAJAS, City Clerk ITEM# 18 CHECK REGISTER DETAIL SUMMARY CHECK # DATE AMOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION VENDOR # VENDOR NAME UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS MISCELLEANOUS EXPENSE MISCELLEANOUS EXPENSE MISCELLEANOUS EXPENSE CONTRACT SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES AFLAC OTHER UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES VEHICLE PURCHASES MISCELLEANOUS EXPENSE CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES MISCELLEANOUS EXPENSE CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES FUEL INVENTORY CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES FUEL CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES 657 4760 328 58860 45680 1152 1151 57000 1138 39550 47580 14730 51430 45630 55860 38380 657 1147 55830 36870 8360 56850 56850 74640 42040 54300 1059 28240 28240 40520 13330 13330 23610 4331 - GENERAL ACCOUNT 564337 564338 564339 564340 564341 564342 564343 564344 564345 564346 564347 564348 564349 564350 564351 564352 564353 564354 564355 564356 564357 564358 564359 564360 564361 564362 564363 564364 564365 564366 564367 564368 564369 12/7/2015 12/7/2015 12/7/2015 12/7/2015 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 12/10/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 $1,849.65 $11,915.77 $140.00 $480.00 $26,478.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $29,990.00 $21,690.04 $7,122.49 $5,583.81 $7,374.11 $80,292.14 $14,915.22 $571.38 $809.16 $187,142.28 $12.72 $167.54 $25.00 $953.00 $4,113.00 $2,338.73 $740.42 $2,179.26 $120,199.26 $346.54 $121.44 $11,852.96 $17,171.00 $11,195.00 $115.99 BIRCH COMMUNICATIONS MONTEBELLO LAND & WATER CO. WRITERANNE COMMUNICATIONS CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFF. JCS CONSTRUCTION LOPEZ, CECILIA MUNOZ, ANTONIO RIVERS, ALBERT S.K. CHOPPIN DEMOLITION AT&T CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER CO. SOUTH MONTEBELLO IRRIGATION DISTRICT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON AFLAC AT&T BIRCH COMMUNICATIONS BOB WONDRIES MOTORS CHARTER COMMUNCIATIONS CINTAS CORPORATION DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT MISSION LINEN SUPPLY MONTEBELLO GLASS & MIRROR CO. MONTEBELLO TIRE PROS SAWYER PETROLEUM SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO. STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD VERIZON WIRELESS 564370 564371 564372 564373 564374 564375 564376 564377 564378 564379 564380 564381 564382 564383 564384 564385 564386 564387 564388 564389 564390 564391 564392 564393 564394 564395 564396 564397 564398 564399 564400 564401 564402 564403 564404 564405 564406 564407 564408 564409 564410 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/14/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 $87.17 $189.10 $156.57 $164.86 $547.55 $631.57 $1,793.23 $380.29 $958.02 $4,201.44 $1,862.49 $3,616.74 $1,098.50 $2,508.97 $1,857.09 $82,363.32 $285.00 $8,937.11 $40.00 $1,647.90 $70.00 $20.00 $2,247.75 $836.85 $20.00 $25,898.75 $380.95 $1,381.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $494.40 $1,471.50 $2,925.41 $20.00 $65.00 $40.00 $1,294.86 UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES TRAVEL & MEETINGS UTILITY SERVICES INSURANCE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS UTILITY SERVICES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CONTRACT SERVICES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE CONTRACT SERVICES UNIFORM EXPENSE CARPOOL INCENTIVE CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CARPOOL INCENTIVE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CARPOOL INCENTIVE SUPPLIES 23610 23610 23610 23610 23610 23610 23610 23610 23610 23610 23610 20060 183 13240 657 28120 33920 45630 27220 11820 16400 136 40670 20350 137 16120 47980 53370 289 61470 35630 32840 447 605 31980 35980 74990 291 45540 60290 55870 VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS WATER REPLENISHMENT DISTRICT WECK LABORATORIES, INC. BANKCARD CENTER BIRCH COMMUNICATIONS CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ACEVEZ, ANTHONY ADCO SERVICES, INC. AGE, MICHAEL AGUILERA, PATRICIA ALL CITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES ALLSTAR FIRE EQUIPMENT INC. ALVAREZ, MARIA ALVAREZ-GLASMAN & COLVIN AMERICAN MOVING PARTS ANA LABORATORIES, INC. ANDRADE, ANDREA ANDRADE, ERIKA L ANDRADE, JANINE ANGULO, PAT ARAMBULA, ARACELI ARELLANO, ELIZABETH M ARGO FLEET SERVICES. ARTE PRINTING AUTOZONE AVALOS, ROSA BENNY'S OIL FILTER RECYCLING BERITICH, ANDREW BEST BUY CHEMICAL & SUPPLY CO. 564411 564412 564413 564414 564415 564416 564417 564418 564419 564420 564421 564422 564423 564424 564425 564426 564427 564428 564429 564430 564431 564432 564433 564434 564435 564436 564437 564438 564439 564440 564441 564442 564443 564444 564445 564446 564447 564448 564449 564450 564451 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 $122.58 $302.91 $55.00 $1,393.50 $3,500.00 $620.00 $40.00 $40.00 $752.27 $40.00 $200.00 $1,831.50 $1,029.80 $505.15 $783.00 $40.00 $330.00 $2,234.52 $644.50 $3,197.45 $444.72 $35,280.00 $1,092.11 $40.00 $104.85 $40.00 $30.00 $747.55 $2,205.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $162.64 $236.09 $80.00 $973.87 $40.00 $400.00 $6,547.28 $40.00 $12,746.51 CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CARPOOL INCENTIVE SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CONTRACT SERVICES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CARPOOL INCENTIVE SUPPLIES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE SUPPLIES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CONTRACT SERVICES 27170 159 1170 76350 71650 58240 640 68640 45170 17880 9380 2530 10000 950 49400 29020 19300 61460 16960 38020 52150 76070 33720 8260 9470 38440 1086 30190 270 4280 65020 73180 46770 8010 6690 75430 48610 26920 26670 11280 4810 BEVERLY HOSPITAL BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC. BRIGADE PEST MANAGEMENT BUCKNAM & ASSOCIATES INC. CALIFORNIA CONSULTING, LLC CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CAMPOS, LESLY R CASTRO, LAURA CHEVROLET OF MONTEBELLO CHUKHURYAN, ANI CISNEROS, DIANA CJ CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION, INC CLEAN SWEEP SUPPLY CO. INC CUMMINS PACIFIC, LLC DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS DE LA TORRE, RAPHAEL DIAZ WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE ENTRUST RESOURCES FILTER SOLUTIONS FLEET PRIDE, INC. GE MOBILE WATER, INC. GEO CORRECTIONS & DETENTION, INC. GILLIG LLC GOMEZ, BEATRICE GRAINGER, INC. GUZMAN, ANDREW HARDIN, MIA HARDY AUTO PARTS HD INDUSTRIES HERNANDEZ, NADINE HERNANDEZ, PAMELA K. HUERTA, MONICA INDUSTRIAL PIPE & STEEL, LLC INTERSTATE TIRE DISTRIBUTOR, INC. IRRI-CARE JACOBSEN WEST JAIMEZ, CRYSTAL LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LIFE-ASSIST, INC. LOPEZ, MICHAEL LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 564452 564453 564454 564455 564456 564457 564458 564459 564460 564461 564462 564463 564464 564465 564466 564467 564468 564469 564470 564471 564472 564473 564474 564475 564476 564477 564478 564479 564480 564481 564482 564483 564484 564485 564486 564487 564488 564489 564490 564491 564492 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 $174.90 $583.02 $40.00 $581.84 $185.00 $9,210.85 $320.00 $174.45 $12,841.82 $18.28 $296.37 $750.00 $40.00 $80.00 $90.00 $40.00 $1,815.82 $40.00 $2,703.75 $286.30 $950.00 $135.00 $40.00 $155.00 $261.60 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $917.23 $30.00 $40.00 $250.00 $636.56 $189.75 $250.00 $3,000.00 $596.01 $8,190.00 $400.52 $340.55 SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES MAIL/ POSTAL EXPENSE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CARPOOL INCENTIVE CONTRACT SERVICES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE SUPPLIES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE GENERAL GOVERNMENT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES GENERAL GOVERNMENT MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES 479 1119 13550 74640 26880 35250 26370 503 60710 70710 15620 23340 138 59960 6880 65330 60120 34240 59760 56260 42750 6070 13220 57000 317 74830 56830 61130 61140 17650 24280 33960 1148 716 9270 709 217 276 74850 131 59290 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY COMPANY MD GIS CONSULTING MENDOZA, ARACELI MISSION LINEN SUPPLY MR. ROOTER PLUMBING NATIONWIDE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES NAVARRO'S TOWING SERVICE NEOPOST USA, INC. NEW FLYER PARTS NIVEL PARTS & MFG CO., LLC OFFICE DEPOT ORANGE COUNTY TANK TESTING INC PADILLA, BRIANNON PANOSIAN, JO ANN PAPA PEREZ, WENDY PETERSON HYDRAULICS, INC. PORTILLO, ROBERT POWER PLUS INTERNATIONAL, INC. PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSULTING ASSOCIATES, INC. QUALITY JET ROOTER RABELERO, JESUS RIVERS, ALBERT ROAD AMERICA, INC. ROBLES, AMALIA ROBLES, ESTHER RODRIGUEZ, CARLOS SAVEDRA, MICHAEL SIMPLOT PARTNERS SOLANO, MARTIN SOSNOWSKI, DAVID SOTO, PATRICIA SOUTH BAY FORD, INC. TANK SPECIALIST OF CALIFORNIA TEAGUE FAMILY FOUNDATION TRACKIT LLC TRANSIT PARTS HOLDINGS INC. UNIQUE GENERAL SERVICES UNITED SITE SERVICES, INC. UNIVAR USA INC. 564493 564494 564495 564496 564497 564498 564499 564500 564501 564502 564503 564504 564505 564506 564507 564508 564509 564510 564511 564512 564513 564514 564515 564516 564517 564518 564519 564520 564521 564522 564523 564524 564525 564526 564527 564528 564529 564530 564531 564532 564533 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/15/2015 12/16/2015 12/16/2015 12/16/2015 12/16/2015 12/16/2015 12/16/2015 12/16/2015 12/16/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 $1,924.50 $40.00 $40.00 $550.86 $10,442.78 $495.29 $450.00 $2,370.52 $795.95 $400.00 $898.54 $960.00 $1,036.00 $261.00 $12,533.97 $17,880.09 $2,728.09 $544.83 $2,534.25 $2,437.39 $1,301.73 $1,297.59 $121.84 $80.00 $64,053.98 $14,536.46 $8,400.00 $16,958.33 $4,161.50 $16.35 $5,360.70 $116.63 $17,153.00 $7,453.75 $1,411.02 $1,736.09 $704.00 $87,742.22 $6,021.06 $3,655.00 $1,829.13 CONTRACT SERVICES CARPOOL INCENTIVE CARPOOL INCENTIVE CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES SUPPLIES ADVERTISING/PRINTING SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES COPIER REPAIR/SERVICES FRINGE BENEFITS CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES FUEL INVENTORY CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES CARPOOL INCENTIVE UTILITY SERVICES FRINGE BENEFITS CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES WATER PURCHASE RESALE CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES 37 52570 62650 19070 25860 22290 8270 67320 61850 9070 43960 45660 68770 56850 54300 1059 13580 50290 712 39550 39550 48400 4760 1620 45630 25850 1160 991 37720 24200 47980 35980 74870 38010 922 55870 58240 19120 52710 52910 990 US SECURITY ASSOCIATES, INC. VARGAS, CLAUDIA S VARGAS, DELFINA WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO. WAYNE ELECTRIC COMPANY WESTERN ALLIED CORPORATION WHITTIER TINT SHOP WINZER CORPORATION X-IGENT PRINTING, INC. YOUNGBLOOD & ASSOCIATES CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, INC. COMMUNITY ACTION-EAP LAS PINATAS #3 LOS ANGELES COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTEBELLO TIRE PROS SAWYER PETROLEUM TENNANT SALES AND SERVICE CO. ZEE MEDICAL, INC. ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE AT&T AT&T HOME DEPOT MONTEBELLO LAND & WATER CO. PALAFOX, VERONICA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY YVONNE ENTERPRISES ACME ADMINISTRATORS, INC. ADVANCED APPLIED ENGINEERING, INC. ALL AMERICAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING COMPANY AMERICAN MOVING PARTS ARTE PRINTING AVAIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. AVANT GARDE BERKSHIRE GROUP BEST BUY CHEMICAL & SUPPLY CO. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CENTRAL BASIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT CLEAN ENERGY FUELS D.H. MAINTENANCE SERVICES DANIELS TIRE SERVICE 564534 564535 564536 564537 564538 564539 564540 564541 564542 564543 564544 564545 564546 564547 564548 564549 564550 564551 564552 564553 564554 564555 564556 564557 564558 564559 564560 564561 564562 564563 564564 564565 564566 564567 564568 564569 564570 564571 564572 564573 564574 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 $118.74 $21,763.46 $414.67 $162.87 $453.53 $153.92 $660.00 $268.76 $4,435.40 $1,540.50 $188.86 $226.44 $2,141.72 $75.20 $55.00 $10,024.00 $315.00 $12,728.52 $650.00 $1,133.64 $616.08 $14,667.32 $95.05 $700.00 $2,192.05 $1,916.01 $228.87 $12,018.96 $619.66 $167.98 $355.00 $828.00 $525.00 $202.95 $225.00 $111.18 $110.00 $792.15 $180.00 $1,100.00 $5,000.00 SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES UNIFORM EXPENSE CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES ADVERTISING/PRINTING SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES TRAVEL & MEETINGS CONTRACT SERVICES ADVERTISING/PRINTING SERVICES POLICE RELATED FEES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CONTRACT SERVICES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES 68080 75950 55650 52150 180 9470 56190 15440 16520 5450 9830 102 4810 43050 1155 584 35240 23460 21420 35250 1113 60710 15620 19480 876 26500 13010 538 53520 56260 6070 929 25830 36350 9270 276 387 45120 57140 74850 928 DERIAN FOODS FIESTA TAXI COOPERATIVE, INC. GALLS/UNIFORM CENTER GE MOBILE WATER, INC. GLORY GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INC. GRAINGER, INC. H.A. BUILDERS HOSE-MAN, INC. IDR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC JOBS AVAILABLE INC. JOHN'S LIFT REPAIR SERVICE INC JOSETT, ROBERT LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LYNN CARD COMPANY MARISOL, ROSE S MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE MOBILE FIRE TECH MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC. MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION NATIONWIDE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES NETIKUS.NET LTD NEW FLYER PARTS OFFICE DEPOT ORKIN EXTERMINATING PACIFIC OIL COMPANY PALARDY & MILLER AUTOBODY PAR WEST TURF SERVICES, INC, PCMG, INC. DBA PCM GOV, INC. PRAXAIR PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY QUALITY JET ROOTER ROMERO, RAFAEL ALEXIS SAM'S SILK SCREEN ADVERTISING SHRED-IT USA INC. TANK SPECIALIST OF CALIFORNIA TRANSIT PARTS HOLDINGS INC. TRANSUNION RISK AND ALTERNATIVE DATA SOLUTIONS, IN ULINE,INC. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CA UNIQUE GENERAL SERVICES VANNER, BRUCE 564575 564576 564577 564578 564579 564580 564581 564582 564583 564584 564585 564586 564587 564588 564589 564590 564591 564592 564593 564594 564595 564596 564597 564598 564599 564600 564601 564602 564603 564604 564605 564606 564607 564608 564609 564610 564611 564612 564613 564614 564615 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/17/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/21/2015 12/28/2015 12/28/2015 12/28/2015 12/28/2015 12/28/2015 12/28/2015 12/28/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/30/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 $2,177.82 $690.00 $797.55 $894.65 $12.10 $544.90 $644.00 $75.00 $612.11 $612.11 $760.18 $612.11 $404.58 $1,232.10 $5,361.00 $210.73 $9,235.18 $1,238.68 $27.02 $7,178.53 $44,412.11 $7,166.37 $5,029.29 $5,097.61 $52.42 $20,000.00 $10,787.79 $1,868.02 $17,321.95 $1,819.39 $4,167.00 $55,399.50 $2,904.79 $6,878.79 $562.39 $12.72 $63.42 $7,069.20 $167.54 $485.75 $76.01 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES SUPPLIES ADVERTISING/PRINTING SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES COPIER REPAIR/SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES LEASE PAYMENT CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES MISCELLEANOUS EXPENSE CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES ADVERTISING/PRINTING SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES 623 40860 22290 51730 33390 61850 929 485 657 657 657 657 657 657 45680 4760 39550 47580 100 69730 14730 45630 40520 39550 39550 513 54300 14730 45630 72570 21260 37720 47 26390 45580 55830 55830 45170 36870 73140 42040 WARREN DISTRIBUTING INC. WEST COAST ARBORISTS, INC. WESTERN ALLIED CORPORATION WESTRUX INTERNATIONAL INC. WHITTIER FERTILIZER COMPANY X-IGENT PRINTING, INC. ROMERO, RAFAEL ALEXIS LOS ANGELES COUNTY CLERK BIRCH COMMUNICATIONS BIRCH COMMUNICATIONS BIRCH COMMUNICATIONS BIRCH COMMUNICATIONS BIRCH COMMUNICATIONS BIRCH COMMUNICATIONS JCS CONSTRUCTION MONTEBELLO LAND & WATER CO. AT&T CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY PICO WATER DISTRICT RICOH AMERICAS CORP. SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER CO. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO. AT&T AT&T LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT MONTEBELLO TIRE PROS SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER CO. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON TELEPACIFIC COMMUNICATIONS FLAIR DATA SERVICES, INC. ADVANCED APPLIED ENGINEERING, INC. ALTEC CAPITAL SERVICES, LLC APPLE ONE EMPLOYMENT SERVICES BISHOP COMPANY CHARTER COMMUNCIATIONS CHARTER COMMUNCIATIONS CHEVROLET OF MONTEBELLO CINTAS CORPORATION LOS ANGELES NEWS GROUP MONTEBELLO GLASS & MIRROR CO. 564616 564617 564618 564619 564620 564621 564622 564623 564624 564625 564626 564627 564628 564629 564630 564631 564632 564633 564634 564635 564636 564637 564638 564639 564640 564641 564642 564643 564644 564645 564646 564647 564648 564649 564650 564651 564652 564653 564654 564655 564656 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 $701.73 $5,638.59 $3,334.77 $200.00 $287.82 $1,845.00 $1,816.27 $1,090.00 $400.52 $1,235.80 $726.21 $2,450.02 $371.30 $6,107.00 $2,850.46 $715.50 $1,971.65 $250.00 $250.95 $34,306.00 $201.35 $250.00 $96.00 $289.32 $1,806.00 $1,038.74 $658.50 $1,000.00 $300.00 $70.00 $70.00 $330.00 $950.00 $377.45 $11,613.00 $293.30 $3,195.00 $4,011.13 $108.72 $1,330.35 $60.00 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES UTILITY SERVICES SUPPLIES DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES FUEL CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES GENERAL GOVERNMENT CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS GENERAL GOVERNMENT CONTRACT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS RECREATION CLASSES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES POLICE RELATED FEES POLICE RELATED FEES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES 54300 75290 15620 202 56260 952 1059 16540 131 191 20060 26850 16030 11820 46090 71160 47980 1158 62 74870 45580 1159 58240 1165 40850 10000 21690 35660 52910 1157 1164 19300 41130 37150 61460 9470 56190 48120 46770 19560 6690 MONTEBELLO TIRE PROS NEC FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC OFFICE DEPOT POLICE EXECUTIVE RESEARCH FORUM PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY RELIANT URGENT CARE SAWYER PETROLEUM SELECT FENCE COMPANY UNITED SITE SERVICES, INC. VECTOR USA WATER REPLENISHMENT DISTRICT ZUMAR INDUSTRIES,INC. AAA ELECTRICAL SUPPLY ADCO SERVICES, INC. AIRWAVE COMMUNICATIONS ENTERPRISES ALL AMERICAN TONERS, INC. AMERICAN MOVING PARTS AREVALO, JUAN AUTOMATED FLAGPOLE PARTS AND SERVICE CO. AVAIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. BISHOP COMPANY BMS HEALTHCARE INC. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CARRILLO, JOSE AND MARGOT CASAS, MARIA E CLEAN SWEEP SUPPLY CO. INC COLUMBIA BUSINESS FORMS, INC. COSTCO D.H. MAINTENANCE SERVICES DEA, WING J DELVALLE, MANUEL AURELIO DIAZ WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE EMERGENCY RESPONSE CRIME SCENE CLEANING EN POINTE TECHNOLOGIES ENTRUST RESOURCES GRAINGER, INC. H.A. BUILDERS HINDERLITER, DE LLAMAS & ASSOCIAT INDUSTRIAL PIPE & STEEL, LLC INTER VALLEY POOL SUPPLY IRRI-CARE 564657 564658 564659 564660 564661 564662 564663 564664 564665 564666 564667 564668 564669 564670 564671 564672 564673 564674 564675 564676 564677 564678 564679 564680 564681 564682 564683 564684 564685 564686 564687 564688 564689 564690 564691 564692 564693 564694 564695 564696 564697 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 $9,233.50 $456.33 $446.25 $13,414.35 $3,396.00 $75.00 $150.00 $17,537.07 $1,800.00 $2,088.08 $525.00 $1,565.29 $2,417.63 $113,206.76 $480.00 $5,282.49 $651.07 $379.23 $250.00 $1,096.04 $3,403.75 $11,900.75 $31,542.00 $360.65 $36,050.37 $175.90 $36.75 $192.00 $350.00 $433.89 $294.28 $1,230.00 $104.86 $3,162.93 $4,585.00 $902.30 $240.00 $250.00 $1,071.47 $2,881.35 $250.00 CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES RECREATION CLASSES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES RECREATION CLASSES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES TRAVEL & MEETINGS RECREATION CLASSES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES GENERAL GOVERNMENT CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS ADVERTISING/PRINTING SERVICES RECREATION CLASSES RECREATION CLASSES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES TRAVEL & MEETINGS GENERAL GOVERNMENT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 993 75430 206 16760 750 529 584 110 35240 1137 3790 26880 450 35250 26370 60710 70710 15620 1163 19480 882 861 42180 523 538 22 1047 65000 134 52940 42210 935 36350 36290 674 716 29600 1167 276 20070 1126 IVA SOLUTIONS, INC. JACOBSEN WEST JIMENEZ, ALINA GABRIELA LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE LIFTECH ELEVATOR SERVICES, INC LOPEZ, FRANCISCO A MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE MICHELIN NORTH AMERICA, INC. MOBILE FIRE TECH MOBOTIX CORP MOVSESIAN, NADIA MR. ROOTER PLUMBING MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES, INC. NATIONWIDE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES NAVARRO'S TOWING SERVICE NEW FLYER PARTS NIVEL PARTS & MFG CO., LLC OFFICE DEPOT OLIVAS , CARLOS ORKIN EXTERMINATING OVERLAND, PACIFIC & CUTLER INC. P.G. & J. ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. PARKING COMPANY OF AMERICA, LLC PC INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS LLC PCMG, INC. DBA PCM GOV, INC. POSITIVE PROMOTIONS PRIETO, MANUEL RENTERIA, JOAQUIN B. RHM APPRAISAL SERVICES S & A ENGINE, INC. SAFETY-KLEEN CORP. SESAC, INC. SHRED-IT USA INC. SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC. SONASOFT SOUTH BAY FORD, INC. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LABOR RELATIONS TABULLO, FILEMON TRANSIT PARTS HOLDINGS INC. UC REGENTS VERDUGO, VALERIE 564698 564699 564700 564701 564702 564703 564704 564705 564706 564707 564708 564709 564710 564711 564712 564713 564714 564715 564716 564717 564718 564719 564720 564721 564722 564723 564724 564725 564726 564727 564728 564729 564730 564731 564732 564733 564734 564735 564736 564737 564738 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/4/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 $4,258.36 $3,419.14 $11,656.00 $1,567.00 $191.84 $445.88 $8,050.97 $459.89 $597.67 $1,849.66 $7,424.37 $4,045.50 $25.44 $275.69 $49,039.52 $660.74 $71.06 $9,956.73 $88.29 $5.80 $7,787.01 $15,339.16 $63.48 $73.04 $102.91 $960.00 $183.96 $14,387.50 $348.90 $1,894.32 $746.24 $52,961.45 $8,874.97 $7,471.97 $142.35 $1,647.90 $3,746.25 $24,911.95 $277.90 $143.88 $125.32 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES COPIER REPAIR/SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES OTHER GROUP INSURANCE PAYABLE CONTRACT SERVICES MAIL/ POSTAL EXPENSE UTILITY SERVICES SUPPLIES FUEL FRINGE BENEFITS CONTRACTORS UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES FRINGE BENEFITS SUPPLIES POLICE RELATED FEES MAIL/ POSTAL EXPENSE FUEL MAIL/ POSTAL EXPENSE FUEL INVENTORY UTILITY SERVICES UTILITY SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES ADVERTISING/PRINTING SERVICES SUPPLIES 623 25860 40860 22290 67320 61850 26850 39550 657 657 47580 71240 55830 55830 4110 73470 22400 4760 15620 19700 58990 1173 25530 73760 36870 45660 23660 692 503 19700 19490 1059 51430 45630 16030 11820 40670 16120 47980 35980 31270 WARREN DISTRIBUTING INC. WAYNE ELECTRIC COMPANY WEST COAST ARBORISTS, INC. WESTERN ALLIED CORPORATION WINZER CORPORATION X-IGENT PRINTING, INC. ZUMAR INDUSTRIES,INC. AT&T BIRCH COMMUNICATIONS BIRCH COMMUNICATIONS CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. CHARTER COMMUNCIATIONS CHARTER COMMUNCIATIONS DELTA DENTAL OF CALIFORNIA ENTERPRISE FM TRUST FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION MONTEBELLO LAND & WATER CO. OFFICE DEPOT PHILLIPS 66-CONOCO-76 VISION SERVICE PLAN BARDOS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AT&T AT&T TELECONFERENCE SERVICES CINTAS CORPORATION COMMUNITY ACTION-EAP FIRST CHOICE SERVICES LOS ANGELES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT NEOPOST USA, INC. PHILLIPS 66-CONOCO-76 PRIORITY MAILING SYSTEMS INC SAWYER PETROLEUM SOUTH MONTEBELLO IRRIGATION DISTRICT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON AAA ELECTRICAL SUPPLY ADCO SERVICES, INC. ALL CITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES ALVAREZ-GLASMAN & COLVIN AMERICAN MOVING PARTS ARTE PRINTING ASTRO PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. 564739 564740 564741 564742 564743 564744 564745 564746 564747 564748 564749 564750 564751 564752 564753 564754 564755 564756 564757 564758 564759 564760 564761 564762 564763 564764 564765 564766 564767 564768 564769 564770 564771 564772 564773 564774 564775 564776 564777 564778 564779 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 $688.50 $4,166.66 $4,548.70 $321.55 $280.00 $5,376.00 $3,500.00 $501.40 $22,933.70 $5,391.70 $1,238.90 $500.00 $275.00 $518.06 $160.00 $1,973.40 $40.00 $650.00 $891.63 $12,570.14 $164.55 $395.00 $180.00 $296.48 $709.79 $347.50 $59.06 $776.23 $84.42 $533.42 $348.00 $1,850.00 $347.66 $500.00 $730.00 $1,725.00 $388.29 $2,579.17 $672.58 $2,154.25 $2,631.46 CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES PARKS AND RECREATION CONTRACT SERVICES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES TRAINING SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES MISCELLEANOUS EXPENSE CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES MISCELLEANOUS EXPENSE CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES 38010 922 1101 159 1170 76350 71650 37190 52070 1133 10000 72 34230 325 42160 70920 1172 41130 61460 989 7610 62300 807 52150 506 32140 46770 381 8130 26670 750 47110 585 56630 6140 11070 12180 584 3280 1171 60710 AVANT GARDE BERKSHIRE GROUP BLACK AND WHITE EMERGENCY VEHICLES BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC. BRIGADE PEST MANAGEMENT BUCKNAM & ASSOCIATES INC. CALIFORNIA CONSULTING, LLC CALIFORNIA PRISON INDUSTRY AUTHORITY CAMACHO, TOM CDW GOVERNMENT CLEAN SWEEP SUPPLY CO. INC COGRAN SYSTEMS LLC COLBY'S TOTAL LAWN CARE COMPLETE OFFICE OF CALIFORNIA, INC. DAILY BREW COFFEE BAR DECALS BY DESIGN, INC. DOMINGUEZ, REBECA EMERGENCY RESPONSE CRIME SCENE CLEANING ENTRUST RESOURCES ERGOGENESIS EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS EXCEL BLINDS FOOTHILL COMMUNICATIONS, LLC GE MOBILE WATER, INC. GENFARE GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL PIPE & STEEL, LLC LAW OFFICES OF EDWARD Z. KOTKIN LAW OFFICES OF JONES & MAYER LIFE-ASSIST, INC. LIFTECH ELEVATOR SERVICES, INC LM SYSTEMS LOS ALAMITOS AUTO PARTS LOS ANGELES COUNTY POLICE CHIEFS' ASSOC. LOS ANGELES COUNTY USC MEDICAL CENTER LPM CONSULTING INC. M'S FLOWERS MERCHANTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE MONTEBELLO TRANSIT NETWORK DEPOSITION SERVICES, INC. NEW FLYER PARTS 564780 564781 564782 564783 564784 564785 564786 564787 564788 564789 564790 564791 564792 564793 564794 564795 564796 564797 564798 564799 564800 564801 564802 564803 564804 564805 564806 564807 564808 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 1/6/2016 TOTAL $39.99 $431.02 $101.85 $1,650.00 $1,096.23 $4,613.26 $82.47 $150.00 $36.80 $394.00 $3,522.11 $1,652.66 $1,244.76 $15,474.97 $387.45 $6,518.20 $1,588.82 $40.92 $517.18 $134.20 $6,600.00 $1,984.50 $4,418.37 $4,458.40 $26,650.50 $5,579.68 $696.50 $236.75 $18,766.00 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES MISCELLEANOUS EXPENSE CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES TRAINING TRAINING CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES UTILITY SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES MACHINERY & EQUIPMENTS CONTRACT SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/EXPENSES CONTRACT SERVICES SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERVICES 49850 15620 365 876 26500 538 56260 42750 51460 47640 14730 298 51850 830 36350 716 45630 10300 276 387 74850 37 191 47600 623 25860 183 13160 22290 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO. OFFICE DEPOT ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY PACIFIC OIL COMPANY PALARDY & MILLER AUTOBODY PCMG, INC. DBA PCM GOV, INC. PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSULTING ASSOCIATES, INC. RIO HONDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SAN GABRIEL VALLEY WATER CO. SARDO BUS COACH UPHOLSTERY SECURITY SIGNAL DEVICES INC. SERVPRO OF DOWNEY SHRED-IT USA INC. SOUTH BAY FORD, INC. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON TRANS UNION,LLC TRANSIT PARTS HOLDINGS INC. TRANSUNION RISK AND ALTERNATIVE DATA SOLUTIONS, IN UNIQUE GENERAL SERVICES US SECURITY ASSOCIATES, INC. VECTOR USA VORTEX INDUSTRIES WARREN DISTRIBUTING INC. WAYNE ELECTRIC COMPANY WECK LABORATORIES, INC. WEST-LITE SUPPLY CO.,INC. WESTERN ALLIED CORPORATION UTILITY SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRACT SERVICES MISCELLEANOUS EXPENSE 4760 16120 11820 15180 20390 MONTEBELLO LAND & WATER CO. ALVAREZ-GLASMAN & COLVIN ADCO SERVICES, INC. SCS FIELD SERVICES SEVACHERIAN, ARA $2,280,947.65 6093 - SUCCESSOR AGENCY 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 12/7/2015 12/15/2015 1/5/2016 1/5/2016 1/6/2016 TOTAL $333.11 $8,251.56 $990.00 $1,950.00 $354,443.00 $365,967.67 Agreement No. EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES AS THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO FIRE CHIEF This EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR SERVICE AS THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO FIRE CHIEF (Agreement) is entered into on this 13th day of January 2016, by and between DAN AMADOR (herein referred to as “Employee”) and the CITY OF MONTEBELLO (herein referred to as “City”). WHEREAS, the City desires to hire and retain Employee as its Fire Chief; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City to provide certain benefits and establish certain terms and conditions of employment, as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the Employee herby agrees to serve as Fire Chief consistent with the terms of employment as set forth herein; NOW, THERPORE, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Duties The City hereby employs Dan Amador to serve as Fire Chief effective December 10, 2015. In addition, Employee shall be subject to and shall comply with all other personnel rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of the City, except expressly set forth herein, if the procedures and this Agreement are in conflict, this agreement shall control. Section 2. Terms A. The term of this Agreement shall be from the date of the execution by the parties of the Agreement and until termination by either party. In accordance with the provisions set forth herein. During the term of this Agreement, the Employee shall hold the position of Fire Chief. Employee agrees, acknowledges, and accepts that he serves under the terms of this Agreement as an “at-will” employee, and except as otherwise provided herein, Employee shall not be entitled to any additional severance, damage or monetary compensation for the termination of his employment with the City as an “at-will” employee. B. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent limit or otherwise interfere with the right of the City Manager to terminate the services of the employee, at any time, at the sole discretion of the City Manager, as provided in and consistent with the Municipal Code and/or other personnel rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the City of Montebello. ITEM # 19 C. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent limit or otherwise interfere with the right of the Employee to resign at any time from his position with the City. The employee shall give thirty (30) days written notice to Employer prior to the effective date of resignation. Section 3. Salary The Employer agrees to pay the Employee for service rendered, as provided herein, beginning with an annual salary of $169,000.00 payable in installments at this time and in the same manner as other employees of the City are paid. In addition, the Employer agrees to adjust the base salary or other benefits of the Employee, or both the base salary and benefits of the Employee, in such an amount made at the same time and in the same manner as consideration is given to other management employees with the City. At minimum, such adjustment shall be equal to any and all across-the-board adjustments granted to the general management group. The Employee shall also be entitled to earn salary increases within the salary range (top step range amount is currently set at $169,000.00 annually) based upon merit and approval by the City Manager. Section 4. Insurance Employee shall pay the Employee’s portion of the cost of any health, dental and life insurance plans selected by Employee, for the Employee and his family effective December 10, 2015, as generally paid by other management employees. Section 5. Other Insurance Employee shall be eligible for and receive all other benefits made available by the Employer generally to management employees of the City, including, but not limited to retirement (CalPers 3% @ 50 formula), annual administrative leave of 56 hours per year. All existing annual leave benefits shall remain the same. Employee shall pay the Employee’s PERS contribution similar to the Safety employees. Section 6. Expenses A. The Employer agrees to budget and to pay the professional dues and subscriptions on behalf of the Employee which are reasonably necessary for the Employee’s continuation and full participation in two (2) national, regional, state or local association and organizations necessary and desirable for the Employee’s continues professional participation, growth and advancement, of and for the good of the City. B. The Employer agrees to budget and to pay the travel and subsistence expenses of the Employee for official travel, meetings and occasions related to such activities as listed above and as approved in advance by the City Manager. ITEM # 19 Section 7. Termination and Severance Pay In the event the Employee is terminated during the term of this Agreement and during such time as the Employee is willing and able to perform duties under this Agreement the Employer agrees to pay the Employee for an additional six (6) months salary and benefits, including PERS, (as defined in Section 3, or as adjusted in accordance therewith). During this period, the Fire Chief will stay on payroll in an Advisory/Consulting capacity. Mr. Amador shall be available by phone during the regular work day to advise and consult on any request. Section 8. Election Protection The City agrees to not terminate the Employee during any one hundred eighty (180) calendar day period after a City Council Election without the payment of an additional severance allowance. If the City does terminate the Employee within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after a City Council Election, the employee shall be entitled to an additional severance allowance of ninety (90) calendar days in addition to the severance allowance outlined in Section 7 of this Agreement. Section 9. Other Terms and Conditions of Employment A. The City, in consultation with the Employee, shall fix any such other terms and conditions of employment as it may determine from time to time, relating to the performance of the Employee, provided such other terms and conditions are not inconsistent with or in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement, any ordinance or resolution of the City, or any other applicable law. B. Fringe benefits and working conditions applicable generally to management employees of the Employer, as such rules now exist or hereinafter may be amended, shall apply to the Employee, except where such fringe benefits and working conditions are contained within this Agreement or are inconsistent with the terms contained herein. Section 10. General Provisions A. The text herein shall constitute the entire Agreement between the parties as to the subject matter hereof. B. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and entered, where applicable, to the benefit of the heirs at law and executor of the Employee. C. If any provisions of any portion hereof are held unconstitutional, invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement or portions hereof, shall be deemed severable, shall not be affected, and shall remain in full force and effect. D. This Agreement may only be terminated in writing. ITEM # 19 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. Employee: City Manager _________________________ Dan Amador _________________________ Francesca Tucker-Schuyler Date:____________________ Date:____________________ ATTEST: _________________________ Irma Barajas, City Clerk _________________________ Arnold Alvarez-Glasman, City Attorney Date: ____________________ Date: ____________________ ITEM # 19 CITY OF MONTEBELLO January 13, 2016 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Steve Kwon, Interim Director of Finance SUBJECT: Monthly Investment Reports Attached are the Monthly Investment Reports listing investments for the City and the Successor Agency as of November 30, 2015. This report is in compliance with the City's Investment policy. Government Code Section 53646b(3) requires that the City Treasurer or Chief Fiscal Officer of the City report to its legislative body the City's ability to meet its expenditure requirements for the next six months. We estimate that the City will have sufficient liquidity and revenue to meet its expenditure requirements during the next six months. SK:wbq Att: ref:invest.doc ITEM# 20 RESOLUTION NO. _______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO ADOPTING SALARY RANGES FOR ALL FULL-TIME POSITIONS AND HOURLY RANGES FOR PART-TIME POSITIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Montebello has determined that the following listing of positions shall be the official and prescribed position titles and if applicable in accordance with the respective range numbers pertaining thereto and herein indicated in accordance with provisions of the Montebello Municipal Code and/or the Civil Service Rules and Regulations as previously enacted by this City Council: ELECTED OFFICIALS MONTHLY SALARY RANGES City Councilmembers 1,032 - 1,032 695 695 - 695 695 City Clerk City Treasurer MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATION TITLES MONTHLY SALARY RANGES Accounting Supervisor Administrative Management Analyst 4,445 4,445 - 5,405 5,405 Assistant City Administrator 10,110 - 12,291 Assistant Director Of Transportation Assistant Golf Course Superintendent 8,426 3,838 - 10,240 4,668 Assistant To The City Administrator 5,402 - 6,570 Assistant Tree Maintenance Supervisor Associate Planner 3,644 5,402 - 4,446 6,570 Building Maintenance Supervisor 4,029 - 4,902 Building Official Business Manager 5,674 5,402 - 6,899 6,570 Chief Management Analyst 5,447 - 6,622 City Manager Code Enforcement Supervisor 18,750 5,147 - 18,750 6,258 Communications Management Analyst 4,445 - 5,405 Communications Supervisor 5,147 - 6,258 ITEM# 21 Community Services Supervisor 4,233 - 5,147 Deputy Fire Chief 9,078 - 10,146 Deputy Fire Marshal Director Of Economic Development 4,445 8,846 - 5,405 10,756 Director Of Finance 9,937 - 12,083 Director Of Human Resources Director Of Planning & Community Development 8,426 9,937 - 10,540 12,083 Director Of Public Works 9,937 - 12,083 Director Of Recreation & Community Services Director Of Transportation 8,426 9,937 - 10,833 12,083 Economic Development Manager 6,569 - 7,985 Economic Development Project Coordinator/Cra Finance Services Supervisor 5,402 4,445 - 6,570 5,405 Fire Battalion Chief 9,078 - 10,146 Fire Captain Fire Chief 6,049 10,563 - 7,599 14,084 Fire Marshal 8,347 - 10,146 General Services Manager Golf Course Superintendent/Facility Manager 5,147 5,674 - 6,258 6,899 Grants & Project Administrator 5,402 - 6,570 Information Systems Manager Information Systems Supervisor 7,101 5,147 - 8,766 6,258 Maintenance Service Supervisor 4,029 - 4,902 Management Analyst 4,477 - 5,447 Office Manager 4,667 - 5,674 Park Maintenance Supervisor Planning Manager 4,029 6,569 - 4,902 7,985 Police Captain (eff. 7/1/15)* 10,672 - 11,925 Police Captain (eff. 7/1/16)* Police Chief 11,206 10,624 - 12,521 14,167 Police Lieutenant (eff. 7/1/15)* 9,602 - 10,730 Police Lieutenant (eff. 7/1/16)* Police Sergeant (eff. 12/28/14)* 9,890 7,261 - 11,051 8,154 Police Sergeant (eff. 12/27/15)* 7,624 - 8,562 Police Sergeant (eff. 12/25/16)* Public Information Officer 8,005 5,147 - 8,990 6,258 Public Works Manager 5,402 - 6,570 Records Supervisor Recreation & Community Services Superintendent 5,147 5,674 - 6,258 6,899 Revenue Supervisor 4,445 - 5,405 Risk Management Analyst 4,445 - 5,405 Risk Manager 5,674 - 6,899 Senior Management Analyst 4,939 - 6,005 ITEM# 21 Senior Management Analyst/Strategic Planning 4,939 - 6,005 Senior Procurement Analyst Shop Maintenance Supervisor 4,939 4,902 - 6,005 5,960 Street Maintenance Supervisor 4,029 - 4,902 Telecommunications Supervisor Transit Administration Manager 5,147 6,619 - 6,258 8,047 Transit Dispatch Supervisor 4,029 - 4,902 Transit Finance Supervisor Transit Grants & Project Administrator 5,402 5,402 - 6,570 6,570 Transit Operations Manager 6,568 - 7,984 Transit Operations Supervisor Transit Stores & Facility Supervisor 4,902 4,029 - 5,960 4,902 Tree Maintenance Supervisor 4,029 - 4,902 Vehicle Maintenance Manager 7,297 - 8,871 NON-MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATION TITLES RANGES MONTHLY SALARY RANGES Account Clerk I 41.8 2,359 - 3,011 Account Clerk II 45.3 2,804 - 3,579 Accountant Administrative Secretary 52.3 46.3 3,976 2,948 - 5,075 3,762 Administrative Secretary/CRA 46.3 2,948 - 3,762 Assistant Planner Body Shop Mechanic 49.8 50.9 3,510 3,708 - 4,480 4,732 Building Maintenance Tradeworker I 42.8 2,477 - 3,160 Building Maintenance Tradeworker II Building Permit Technician 44.3 43.8 2,668 2,602 - 3,405 3,321 Building Plan Checker 56.7 4,952 - 6,320 Bus Operator Business License Technician 46.9 45.3 3,037 2,804 - 3,876 3,579 Clerk Typist 41.3 2,302 - 2,937 Code Enforcement Coordinator Code Enforcement Officer 44.8 49.8 2,735 3,510 - 3,491 4,480 Combination Building Inspector 49.8 3,510 - 4,480 Combination Building Inspector/CRA Community Development Analyst 49.8 51.9 3,510 3,898 - 4,480 4,974 Community Development Specialist 45.8 2,875 - 3,670 Community Services Coordinator Community Services Coordinator/CDBG 44.8 44.8 2,735 2,735 - 3,491 3,491 Court Liaison 44.8 2,735 - 3,491 Crime Analyst 49.8 3,510 - 4,480 ITEM# 21 Custodian 39.8 2,140 - 2,730 Economic Development Analyst/CRA Engineering Technician Equipment Mechanic A 51.9 3,898 - 4,974 48.8 50.9 3,339 3,708 - 4,262 4,732 Equipment Serviceworker 43.9 2,615 - 3,338 Finance Technician Fire Engineer 49.3 A-F 3,424 5,076 - 4,369 6,479 (20.9162 - 26.6996/hr) Fire Inspector I 49.8 Firefighter A-F (56 hr/week) 3,510 4,480 4,321 - 5,519 (17.8073 - 22.7449/hr) (56 hr/week) Golf Cart Mechanic 43.5 2,564 - 3,272 Golf Course Equipment Mechanic Information Systems Analyst 49.5 54.5 3,458 4,437 - 4,413 5,663 Information Systems Technician I 45.3 2,804 - 3,579 Information Systems Technician II Maintenance Worker 48.8 42.8 3,339 2,477 - 4,262 3,160 Parking Control Officer 43.8 2,602 - 3,321 Personnel Analyst Police Community Service Officer 51.9 41.8 3,898 2,359 - 4,974 3,011 Police Corporal (eff. 12/28/14)* 58.1 5,310 - 6,777 Police Corporal (eff. 12/27/15)* Police Corporal (eff. 12/25/16)* 61.2 61.3 5,576 5,854 - 7,116 7,472 Police Dispatcher I 50.8 3,690 - 4,709 Police Dispatcher II Police Officer (eff. 12/28/14)* 53.8 56.6 4,285 4,927 - 5,469 6,289 Police Officer (eff. 12/27/15)* 61.0 5,173 - 6,603 Police Officer (eff. 12/25/16)* Police Records Clerk 61.1 42.3 5,432 2,417 - 6,934 3,085 Police Records Technician 44.3 2,668 - 3,405 Police Trainee Property & Evidence Technician 45.8 44.8 2,875 2,735 - 3,670 3,491 Risk Management Assistant 43.9 2,615 - 3,338 Secretary Storekeeper 44.3 47.9 2,668 3,193 - 3,405 4,075 Telecommunications Technician 51.3 3,783 - 4,828 Tree Trimmer 44.8 2,735 - 3,491 ITEM# 21 HOURLY CLASSIFICATION TITLES HOURLY RANGES Administrative Analyst Administrative Secretary 10.45 16.65 - 21.95 21.01 Bus Operator 12.50 - 17.50 Clerical Assistant** Code Enforcement Technician 10.00 13.03 - 15.95 15.12 Community Services Aide** 10.00 - 10.85 Community Services Aide - SYEP** Community Services Specialist** 10.00 10.50 - 10.00 15.95 Custodian** 10.00 - 12.10 Equipment Service Worker Field Maintenance Worker** 11.20 10.00 - 15.70 12.10 Fire Inspector 20.25 - 25.85 Golf Course Attendant** Golf Course Mechanic's Helper 10.00 10.00 - 12.55 12.90 Graphics Specialist 16.80 - 24.75 Information Systems Specialist** Intern** 10.00 10.00 - 15.95 15.95 Lifeguard I** 10.00 - 11.65 Lifeguard II Lifeguard III 10.30 12.60 - 13.10 15.50 Mechanic's Assistant 11.20 - 15.70 Park Ranger Parking Control Officer 11.45 16.80 - 16.25 19.10 Police Community Services Officer** 10.00 - 13.45 Police Dispatcher Police Officer 23.65 29.16 - 28.05 37.19 Police Trainee 17.05 - 21.60 Police Youth Program Coordinator Pool Manager 15.75 14.95 - 20.15 17.95 Property & Evidence Technician 14.95 - 21.95 Risk Management Assistant Secretary 13.20 11.45 - 19.25 14.95 Senior Project Manager 57.33 - 69.71 Transportation Revenue Coordinator Transportation Specialist 14.30 10.30 - 18.15 21.95 *Pursuant to MPOA, MPMA, & MFFA MOU agreements **Pursuant to California minimum wage order MW-2014, the minimum wage will increase to $10.00 per hour effective January 1, 2016 from $9.00 per hour ITEM# 21 SECTION 2. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and the same shall be in full force and effect as of January 13, 2016. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13th DAY OF JANUARY 2016. ________________________________________ Art Barajas, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ Irma Barajas, City Clerk _________________________________ Arnold M. Alvarez-Glasman, City Attorney ITEM# 21 CITY OF MONTEBELLO 1600 WEST BEVERLY BOULEVARD MONTEBELLO, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 WEDNESDAY 5:39 P.M. MINUTES THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO CITY COUNCIL MET AT THE ABOVE TIME AND PLACE IN A REGULAR SESSION. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: order at the hour of 5:39 p.m. Mayor Hadjinian called the meeting to 2. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Hadjinian STAFF PRESENT: Attorney Alvarez-Glasman City Clerk Hernandez Molinari, Barajas, Romero, 3. City Manager Cortez, Tucker-Schuyler, City STATEMENT OF PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FOR CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: City Attorney Alvarez-Glasman ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS None. CLOSED SESSION The City Attorney provided a briefing on the items listed for Closed Session as follows: 4. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8) Property: Holifield Park athletic fields Agency Negotiator: Francesca Tucker-Schuyler Negotiating Parties: Goals Soccer Center, plc Under Negotiation: Terms of Lease A presentation was provided to the City Council. Direction was provided, no final action, nothing further to report. 5. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6) Agency Representatives: Francesca Tucker-Schuyler Employee Organization/Negotiating Party: Montebello Police Management Association, Montebello Firefighters Association Discussion took place, direction was provided. This item will come back when final terms are reached. Nothing further to report. 6. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957) Title: Fire Chief, Director of Human Resources The two items were discussed, no action taken, nothing further to report. REGULAR SESSION 7. INVOCATION: Father Francisco Church Sandoval, St. Benedict’s ITEM# 22 8. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Rick Commissioner 9. Klemundt, Traffic and Safety PRESENTATIONS: PRESENTATION BY THE INDEPENDENT CITIES ASSOCIATION – presentation was given by Marie Feldhauer from the City of El Segundo. 10. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Glasman 11. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS (30 MINUTES) a City Attorney Alvarez- Yvette Fimbres spoke about the City’s upcoming 9-11 Ceremony. Sandra Martinez was not present to speak. Maria Franco, 709 Davis, spoke in opposition to advertisement flyers posted throughout the city. Tila Gregorian, 1001 Hibiscus, spoke about articles in the Montebello Community Newspaper. Councilmember Romero left the dais at the hour of 7:49 p.m., and returned at 7:52 p.m. 12. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS ON ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST Staff announced the upcoming Art Walk and Go Green event on Saturday, September 19, 2015, from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Wiseguys will perform at the event. 13. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas that all items be approved in a single motion, with the exception of the Item No. 14. Such approval will also waive the reading of any ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT MATTERS 14. A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT C.P. 839 – VAIL AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT FROM WHITTIER BOULEVARD TO OLYMPIC BOULEVARD, FY 2014-15, BID #15-05 TO GENTRY BROTHERS INC. Councilmember Cortez stated that she would not participate in the vote on this item. Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to (1) Approve the Plans and Specifications for Contract C.P. 839 – Vail Avenue Street Improvement from Whittier Boulevard to Olympic Boulevard, FY 2014-15, Bid #15-05; (2) Adopt the Resolution approving various appropriations to fund the Project; (3) Award a contract in the amount of $201,150.00 to Gentry Brothers Inc. and authorize the City Manager to review and approve all change orders within a 10% contingency of the contract amount as recommended by the Director of Public Works; and (4) Authorize the City Manager to execute the Contract Agreement on behalf of the City. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Cortez abstained). ITEM# 22 15. TREE PLANTING PROGRAM – APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to approve Resolution No. 15-85 appropriating $62,000 for the City’s Tree Planting Program. Motion carried unanimously. 16. DECLARATION OF FIRE TRUCK NO. E1 522 AS SURPLUS PROPERTY, AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE DONATION THEREOF TO THE LIONS CLUB OF MONTEBELLO Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to adopt Resolution No. 15-86 designating the Fire Truck as surplus property and authorizing the donation thereof to the Lions Club of Montebello. Motion carried unanimously. 17. LATINO HERITAGE MONTH CELEBRATION Jacqueline Carr, 3521 W. Via Corona, stated that Eastmont Intermediate School is not aware of the Latino Heritage celebration, and that is was her understanding that staff was to participate in the event. Susie Chavez stated that Spanish classes will be rescheduled in order to hold Latino Heritage month event at Eastmont School. Mayor Hadjinian supports the event, but invoices should be submitted by Ms. Chavez for supplies, to the City for payment. Councilmember Romero supports the event. Mayor Pro Tem Barajas thanked Councilmember Molinari for bringing the item forward to the City Council for consideration. Mayor Pro Tem Barajas moved, seconded by Councilmember Molinari to support the event for an amount not to exceed $2,000.00. Motion carried unanimously. 18. ORDINANCE ADOPTING EXPEDITED PERMITTING PROCESS FOR SMALL RESIDENTIAL ROOFTOP SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 2373 amending Chapter 15 of the Montebello Municipal Code by establishing Chapter 15.72, to provide an expedited permitting process for small residential rooftop solar systems. Motion carried unanimously. 19. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to DENY the following claims: Garegin Tsaroukian/Mercury Insurance in the amount of $4,154.70; and Steven Mendoza in the amount of $764.81. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM# 22 20. PAYMENT OF BILLS: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CITY/SUCCESSOR AGENCY WARRANT REGISTER OF DEMANDS DATED SEPTEMBER 9, 2015 Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to adopt Resolution No. 15-87 approving the Warrant Register dated September 9, 2015. Motion carried unanimously (Councilmember Molinari abstained from voting on Warrant No. 562955). 21. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS (CONTINUED IF NECESSARY) None. COUNCIL ORALS 22. COUNCILMEMBER MOLINARI a. Consensus for a resolution in support of the Law Enforcement community – appropriate recognition for those officers killed in the line of duty, and the role that the officers of the Montebello Police Department play in keeping our families and community safe. Councilmember Molinari requested that a resolution be prepared in support of law enforcement and directed the Chief of Police to bring back a resolution for approval. 23. MAYOR PRO TEM ART BARAJAS a. Seeks consensus to direct staff to prepare a report for the City Council, with information to consider building a dog park at the site of the former handball court at Montebello City Park. Staff was directed to bring back a report regarding consideration to build a dog park at Montebello City Park. b. Follow up on field renovations and maintenance at Grant Rea Park. Mayor Pro Tem Barajas asked for a timeline as to when field renovations might be completed at Grant Rea Park. Director Batson stated that proposed improvements would begin on November 16 and that by January 25, 2016, most improvements should be completed. 24. COUNCILMEMBER ROMERO Report on the Emerald Necklace Task Force Meeting and Army Corps. of Engineers Meeting. 25. COUNCILMEMBER CORTEZ None. 26. MAYOR HADJINIAN Recognition of Fire Chief Dominic Hebert for 35 years of dedicated service to the City of Montebello and it’s residents. Mayor Hadjinian presented a plaque and certificate to retiring Chief Hebert. All Councilmembers congratulated Chief Hebert. ITEM# 22 ADJOURNMENT Upon motion carried unanimously, Mayor Hadjinian adjourned the meeting at the hour of 9:10 p.m., in memory of Mayor Hadjinian’s grandfather and fallen law enforcement officers. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion carried unanimously, the minutes of September 9, 2015, were approved as written on January 13, 2015. ___________________________________ ART BARAJAS, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________________ IRMA BARAJAS, City Clerk ITEM# 22 CITY OF MONTEBELLO 1600 WEST BEVERLY BOULEVARD MONTEBELLO, CA 90640 SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 WEDNESDAY 6:37 P.M. MINUTES THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO MET AT THE ABE TIME AND PLACE IN A REGULAR MEETING. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: order at the hour of 6:38 p.m. Mayor Hadjinian called the meeting to 2. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Hadjinian Deputy City Clerk Guzman Barajas, Romero, Cortez, Molinari, REGULAR SESSION 3. INVOCATION: City Manager Tucker-Schuyler 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Youth Commissioners Elizabeth Gonzalez and Stephanie Gonzales. 5. PRESENTATIONS: Abraham Iskajyan, A. HONORING MIKE DAVIS -- "NATIVE MONTEBELLO SON TURNED ROCKSTAR" B. PRESENTATION BY THE HIGH SPEED RAIL AUTHORITY 6. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Glasman 7. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS (30 MINUTES) City Attorney Alvarez- Randy Beas and Pedro Hernandez, Keeping the Culture Alive, spoke about the recent Montebello Art Fest. Vincent Rivea, spoke about the 9-11 Memorial at City Park, and stated that he did not agree with the date nearly being changed to September 10, 2015. Ruben Beas thanked the City Council for their support of the Artfest on Saturday, September 19, 2015. Tom Dutcher spoke about Montebello history including the Newmark Mall and Ramona Acres in Monterey Park. 8. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS ON ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST Recreation Supervisor Silva announced the upcoming City parade on October 17th, at 10:00 a.m. The 5K will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the festival will take place from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Deputy Fire Chief Amador announced Breast Cancer Awareness Month for the month of October and stated firefighters will be wearing pink t-shirts during the month of October. The t-shirts are for sale for $15 each and all proceeds will go to Cancer research. Deputy Fire Chief Amador also announced the Montebello ITEM# 22 Firefighters Association Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, November 21 st, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., at 600 N. Montebello Boulevard. City Manager Tucker-Schuyler thanked Randy Beas and the Wiseguys for makingthe Artfest a successful event. 9. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mayor Pro Tem Barajas moved, seconded by Councilmember Molinari that all items be approved in a single motion with the exception of Item No. 16. Such approval will also waive the reading of any ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT MATTERS 10. A REQUEST TO ACCEPT AS COMPLETE RAYWOOD AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS, FROM LINCOLN AVENUE TO FORBES AVENUE, AND FORBES AVENUE, FROM RAYWOOD TO NORTH END (CUL-DE-SAC) – C.P. 838, BID # 15-03, FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 Mayor Pro Tem Barajas moved, seconded by Councilmember Molinari to (1) Accept as complete Raywood Avenue Street Improvements –from Lincoln Avenue to Forbes Avenue, and Forbes Avenue from Raywood to North End (Cul-de-sac), C.P. 838, Bid # 15-03, and Fiscal Year 2014-15; and (2) Authorize the City Clerk to process the Notice of Completion. Motion carried unanimously. 11. A REQUEST TO ACCEPT AS COMPLETE WESTMORELAND DRIVE STREET IMPROVEMENTS, FROM WILCOX AVENUE TO NORTH VAIL AVENUE, AND HACIENDA PLACE IMPROVEMENTS FROM LOS AMIGOS AVENUE TO END (CUL-DE-SAC) – C.P. 840, BID # 15-07, FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 Mayor Pro Tem Barajas moved, seconded by Councilmember Molinari Avenue to North Vail Avenue, and Hacienda Place Improvements from Los Amigos Avenue to End (Cul-de-sac), C.P. 840, Bid # 15-07, Fiscal Year 2014-15; and (2) Authorize the City Clerk to process the Notice of Completion. Motion carried unanimously. 12. SECOND AMENDMENT TO WATER SYSTEMS OPERATIONS AGREEMENT Mayor Pro Tem Barajas moved, seconded by Councilmember Molinari to approve the Second Amendment to the Water Systems Operations Agreement with San Gabriel Valley Water, and authorize the City Manager to execute the Second Amendment on behalf of the City. Motion carried unanimously. 13. UPDATE ON THE CITY’S SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING PROGRAMS James Reichling, Athens Services Government Affairs, congratulated the City Council on the City’s diversion rate. Jeff Camera gave a presentation on the City’s solid waste and recycling programs. Mayor Pro Tem Barajas moved, seconded by Councilmember Romero to receive and file a presentation by MCA Consultants on the Status of City’s Solid Waste and Recycling Programs. Motion carried unanimously. 14. MONTHLY INVESTMENT REPORT – AUGUST 2015 Mayor Pro Tem Barajas moved, seconded by Councilmember Molinari to approve and file said report. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM# 22 15. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY Mayor Pro Tem Barajas moved, seconded by Councilmember Molinari to DENY the following claims: Clarissa Diaz and Janelle Morales, a minor, in the amount of $1,200; Mario F. Santiesteban in the amount of $150.40; Elizabeth Barrera and Angel Garcia, a minor, in the amount of $357.00; Joanna Romero Aquino in an unknown amount; Athena Baca Alvarado in the amount of $500; and Mehrteab Meharenna in the amount of $1,283.28. Motion carried unanimously. 16. PAYMENT OF BILLS: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CITY/SUCCESSOR AGENCY WARRANT REGISTER OF DEMANDS DATED SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 Councilmember Cortez requested the last six months of invoices for attorney firm, Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Rudd and Romo invoices. Councilmember Cortez also asked about a $300,000 check to the same law firm. City Manager Tucker Schuyler stated that the law firm is a labor attorney, and stated that a $200,000 check payable to Zoe Medical Corporation is for Fire Department supplies. Councilmember Cortez moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to adopt Resolution No. 15-88 approving the Warrant Register dated September 23, 2015. Motion carried unanimously. 17. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MAY 27 AND JUNE 10, 2015 Mayor Pro Tem Barajas moved, seconded by Councilmember Molinari Move to approve and file said minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 18. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS (CONTINUED IF NECESSARY) COUNCIL ORALS 19. MAYOR PRO TEM ART BARAJAS None. 20. COUNCILMEMBER ROMERO a. Rethinking the sustainability of Montebello. Councilmember Romero spoke about the $1M bond payment that has to be paid every year for ten years beginning in 2016. Councilmember Romero also stated that the City cannot afford more liabilities, including sewer and street repair, and additional pension funds. The Department of Finance has also requested a $4M payment by the end of the year. b. Update on meeting with Army Corps of Engineers. Held over. 21. COUNCILMEMBER CORTEZ None. 22. COUNCILMEMBER MOLINARI ITEM# 22 None. 23. MAYOR HADJINIAN None. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion carried unanimously, Mayor Hadjinian adjourned the meeting at the hour of 8:40 p.m., in memory of Yogi Berra, professional baseball player, All-Star and World Series champion, elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1972. Upon motion carried unanimously, the minutes of September 23, 2015, were approved on January 13, 2016. ____________________________________ ART BARAJAS, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ IRMA BARAJAS, City Clerk ITEM# 22 CITY OF MONTEBELLO 1600 WEST BEVERLY BOULEVARD MONTEBELLO, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 14, 2015 WEDNESDAY 5:55 P.M. MINUTES THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO MET AT THE ABOVE TIME AND PLACE IN REGULAR SESSION OPENING CEREMONIES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Councilmember meeting to order at the hour of 5:55 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Attorney Alvarez-Glasman Molinari called City Clerk Hernandez Romero, Cortez, Molinari, Barajas, Hadjinian City Manager Tucker-Schuyler, the City Councilmember Cortez moved, seconded by Councilmember Romero to excuse Mayor Pro Tem Barajas and Mayor Hadjinian. Motion carried. 3. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FOR CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: City Attorney Alvarez-Glasman stated that Closed Session items would not be discussed at tonight’s meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS None. CLOSED SESSION 4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)) Name of Case: Creswell v. City of Montebello Not discussed. 5. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)) Name of Case: Montebello Successor Agency, et. al. v. Matosantos (Sac. Sup. Ct. Case No. 2013-80001703) Not discussed. 6. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8) Property: 112, 114-116, 124, and 132 South 6th Street Agency Negotiator: Francesca Tucker-Schuyler Negotiating Parties: Ku & Associates Inc. Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Sale Not discussed. ITEM# 22 REGULAR SESSION 7. INVOCATION: 8. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 9. PRESENTATIONS: Reverend William Silva a. PRESENTATION BY MARTIN CASTRO, MEXICAN AMERICAN OPPORTUNITY FOUNDATION (MAOF) b. PRESENTATION BY THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGISTRARRECORDER – “THE IMPACT OF YOUR VOTE” c. RECOGNITION TO RANDY BEAS AND “KEEPING THE CULTURE ALIVE” TEAM – Presentation held over for a future meeting. 10. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Glasman 11. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS (30 MINUTES) City Attorney Alvarez- Mike Torres asked about the Athens contract and why the trash contract had not gone out to bid. Rosie Vasquez, 820 N. Malone, invited all to attend the Montebello Historical Society’s “Evening in Italy” on Thursday, October 22, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. John Yanez, 412 N. 7th Street, a member of the Disabled American Veterans and American Legion, spoke about comments made at the last Council meeting regarding the 9-11 event. A gentleman from China Fisheries at 1136 S. Vail Avenue, thanked the City for approving their permits so that they may open their business. Ruben Beas stated that there will be an Artfest at the Daily Brew on Saturday, October 17, 2015, from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Mr. Beas asked about where the money went from last year’s Mariachi 5K Run. 12. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS ON ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST Deputy Fire Chief Amador announced the Montebello Firefighters Breakfast scheduled for Saturday, November 21, 2015, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Firefighter Age announced that firefighters are selling pink t-shirts during the month of October in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Chief McClure announced the City’s 95th Anniversary parade on Saturday, October 17th, at 10:00 a.m., and that the 5K begins at 8:00 a.m. Chief McClure also stated that there was an error on the City calendar regarding street sweeping on October 12, 2015, a City holiday. All tickets issued that day for street sweeping will be voided, per Chief McClure. Yvette FImbres spoke a recent picture taken that included a Police Department vehicle, two officers, and the Mayor. ITEM# 22 Lea Rivera spoke about speeding on Hay Street between Garfield Blvd. and Beverly Blvd. 13. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilmember Romero moved, seconded by Councilmember Cortez that all items be approved in a single motion with the exception of Item Nos. 14, 18 and 21. Item Nos. 15 and 16 will be held over. Such approval will also waive the reading of any ordinance. Motion carried 3-0-1 (Barajas and Hadjinian absent). SCHEDULED MATTERS 14. PUBLIC HEARING – RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF THE CALIFORNIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REVENUE BONDS FOR THE BEVERLY COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION PROJECT Councilmember Molinari opened the public hearing at the hour of 6:57 p.m., and closed the public hearing at the hour of 7:05 p.m. John Penkoner, spoke on behalf of Beverly Hospital, and spoke about refinancing existing debt, and that funds will be used for the emergency room expansion. Councilmember Romero stated that the design is beautiful and that she would like to share the renderings at the next City Council meeting, displayed in the City Hall lobby. Hector Perez Pacheco, Clinica Medica San Miguel, stated support of the Beverly Hospital expansion. Rosemary Orozco, 108 Balanda, and on behalf of the Beverly Hospital Guild, thanked all and stated that in the future there will be a birthday party for those who were born at Beverly Hospital. Councilmember Romero moved, seconded by Councilmember Cortez to (1) Conduct a Public Hearing, and (2) Upon conclusion of the Public Hearing approve the attached Resolution approving the issuance of the bonds, pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, which requires approval of bond issuance by the Authority be approved by the City because the Healthcare Facilities are to be located within the jurisdictional limits of the City. Motion carried 3-0. 15. PUBLIC HEARING – ADOPT ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS AND CERTIFY THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT; APPROVE A ZONE CHANGE FROM C-2 AND R-3 TO PD2-15; AND APPROVE A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR THE PROPERTY AT 501-525 WEST WHITTIER BOULEVARD, 112, 114-116, 121, 124 AND 132 SOUTH 6TH STREETS Councilmember Molinari opened the public hearing at the hour of 6:55 p.m. There being no public testimony, Councilmember Molinari closed the public hearing at the hour of 6:55 p.m. Councilmember Romero moved, seconded by Councilmember Cortez to hold this item over, and continue to the October 28, 2015 City Council Meeting. Motion carried 3-0. ITEM# 22 CONSENT MATTERS 16. APPROVING A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH KU & ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 112, 114-116, 121, 124 AND 132 SOUTH 6TH STREET Councilmember Cortez moved, seconded by Councilmember Romero to continue this item to a future meeting. Motion carried 3-0. 17. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AND THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND COST SHARING AMONG THE PARTIES RELATED TO THE LOAD REDUCTION STRATEGY FOR THE RIO HONDO RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES Councilmember Romero moved, seconded by Councilmember Cortez to approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a cost-sharing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Agreement No. 3108, including subsequent amendments, and find the proposed MOU exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Motion carried 3-0. 18. A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION (CONTRACT C.P. 846 – SLURRY SEAL PROJECT, VARIOUS LOCATIONS CITYWIDE, FY 2015-16, BID #15-13) TO DOUG MARTIN CONTRACTING CO., INC. Mike Torres stated that the City is only making the streets look nice, but are not repaired. Director Batson clarified different types of repair, and stated that slurry seal will extend life of pavement. Councilmember Romero spoke about receiving exchange money of $4M to repair streets, and that there has been a lot of deferred maintenance for City streets. Councilmember Romero moved, seconded by Councilmember Cortez to (1) Approve the Plans and Specifications for Contract C.P. 846 – Slurry Seal Project Various locations Citywide, FY 2015-16, Bid #15-13; (2) award a contract in the amount of $253,268.85 to Doug Martin Contracting Co., Inc., and; (3) authorize the City Manager to execute Agreement No. 3109 and review and approve all change orders within a 10% contingency of the contract amount as recommended by the City Engineer. Motion carried 3-0. 19. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO APPROVING THE SUCCESSOR MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO AND THE MONTEBELLO POLICE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION FOR FISCAL YEARS 2015-2016 AND 2016-2017 Councilmember Romero moved, seconded by Councilmember Cortez to adopt Resolution No. 15-89. Motion carried 3-0. 20. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY Councilmember Romero moved, seconded by Councilmember Cortez to DENY the following claims: 21st Century as subrogee of Mayies Medadian in the amount of $3,576.67; Beatriz Aguilar Reyes in the amount of $1,775.00; Bijan Ardalan in the amount of $700.00; Tae Woo Nam in an unknown amount; Anna Leuvano in the amount of $650.00; Donald Maldonado in the amount of $200.00; Richard and James ITEM# 22 Montez in the amount of $900.00; Kevin Zhu in the amount of $90,433.65; and Paula Nou in the amount of $120,000.00. Motion carried unanimously. 21. PAYMENT OF BILLS: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CITY/SUCCESSOR AGENCY WARRANT REGISTER OF DEMANDS DATED OCTOBER 14, 2015 Councilmember Molinari asked about Warrant No. 563519 in the amount of $23,000, payable to Pacific Catering. Staff replied that this was payment for the Senior Lunch Program. Councilmember Cortez moved, seconded by Councilmember Romero to adopt Resolution No. 15-90 approving the Warrant Register dated October 14, 2015. (Councilmember Molinari abstained from voting on Warrant No. 563487 to Edward Kotkin). Motion carried 3-0. 22. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JUNE 24, 2015 Councilmember Romero moved, seconded by Councilmember Cortez to approve and file said minutes. Motion carried 3-0. 23. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS (CONTINUED IF NECESSARY) None. COUNCIL ORALS 24. COUNCILMEMBER ROMERO The use of Prop A Exchange money. The use of Prop A Exchange money was discussed under Item No. 18. 25. COUNCILMEMBER CORTEZ None. 26. COUNCILMEMBER MOLINARI Follow up on traffic mitigation measures on Bluff Road between Given Place and Los Angeles Street (Union Pacific Railroad Bridge). Councilmember Molinari spoke about a recent accident on Bluff Road between Given Place and Los Angeles Street, and asked staff to display some pictures of the accident. 27. MAYOR PRO TEM ART BARAJAS None. 28. MAYOR HADJINIAN None. ITEM# 22 ADJOURNMENT Upon motion carried unanimously, Councilmember Molinari adjourned the meeting at the hour of 7:45 p.m., and in memory of Veronica Trujillo, Investment Committee Member, and the three firefighters recently killed in the Canyon Creek Fire. Councilmember Molinari also closed the meeting in prayer for Mayor Hadjinian who was transported to the hospital earlier in the evening. Reverend William Silva read a closing prayer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Upon motion carried unanimously, the minutes of October 14, 2015 were approved as written on December 9, 2015. ____________________________________ ART BARAJAS, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________________ IRMA BARAJAS, City Clerk ITEM# 22 CITY OF MONTEBELLO 1600 WEST BEVERLY BOULEVARD MONTEBELLO, CALIFORNIA OCTOBER 28, 2015 WEDNESDAY 6:00 P.M. MINUTES THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO CITY COUNCIL MET AT THE ABOVE TIME AND PLACE IN A REGULAR SESSION. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: the hour of 5:39 p.m. Mayor Hadjinian called the meeting to order at 2. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Alvarez-Glasman City Clerk Hernandez Cortez, Molinari, Barajas, Romero, Hadjinian City Manager Tucker-Schuyler, City Attorney 3. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FOR CLOSED SESSION ITEMS: City Attorney Alvarez-Glasman ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS None. Mayor Hadjinian recessed the meeting into Closed Session at the hour of 6:00 p.m. to discuss the following items. At the hour of 6:40 p.m., Mayor Hadjinian reconvened the meeting. CLOSED SESSION The City Attorney provided a briefing on the items listed for Closed Session as follows: 4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)) Name of Case: Creswell v. City of Montebello A briefing was provided by the City Attorney. Direction was provided, no further action taken, nothing further to report. 5. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)) Name of Case: Montebello Successor Agency, et. al. v. Matosantos (Sac. Sup. Ct. Case No. 201380001703) Direction was provided, no further action taken, nothing further to report. 6. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)) Name of Case: Alicia Quintana v. City of Montebello, et al. (Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. BC548520) Direction was provide, no further action taken, nothing further to report. REGULAR SESSION 7. INVOCATION: Pastor Fernando Montebello Saavedra, Victory Outreach, ITEM# 22 8. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: AYSO Team Members 9. PRESENTATIONS: a. RECOGNITION OF PARADE WINNERS b. MONTEBELLO FIRE DEPARTMENT PROMOTIONS – DAN AMADOR, FRANK OSORIO, RANDY SHERRICK, JOEY BONILLA, FEDERICO JIMENEZ, VERNON CRESWELL c. RECOGNITION TO RANDY BEAS AND “KEEPING THE CULTURE ALIVE” TEAM 10. STATEMENT OF PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: City Attorney Alvarez-Glasman 11. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS (30 MINUTES) Mike Torres, 1424 S. 4th Street, spoke about the repair of potholes. Mayor Hadjinian stated that Mr. Torres would be invited to the next Street Adhoc Committee Meeting. Ray Rodriguez stated that he was told that the date of the 9-11 event would be changed, and stated that 9-11 events event should be held on September 11 th. Susan Karapetian asked about stop signs on Lincoln Avenue, mosquitoes and water at Acuna Park, and had questions relating to proposed proton center at Beverly Hospital. Mayor expressed a walk-through of Acuna Park, and will extend an invitation Ms. Karapetian to the next Street Adhoc Committee meeting. Bill Paolisso spoke sustainability and infrastructure needs. Mr. Paolisso also asked about raises for staff and travel budgets for Councilmembers. Ed Pizzorno spoke about Parking Assessment District #1, also known as Newmark Mall. Mr. Pizzorno stated that the parking lot was paid for by surrounding business owners and the City so that the property would be maintained. Mr. Pizzorno requested a meeting to discuss the parking with the City Manager, City staff and the Mayor. Yvonne Watson spoke about enjoying the parade, but not the parking situation in her neighborhood. Michael Samarin-Popoff stated that the City Council should consider not cancelling Council meetings. Mr. Samarin-Popoff also stated that there is a large rise in homeless people throughout the City, and asked if any City staff was looking into the matter. 12. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS ON ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST None. 13. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas that all items be approved in a single motion with the exception of Item Nos. 14 and 15, 16, 19, and 20. Such approval will also waive the reading of any ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. SCHEDULED MATTERS 14. PUBLIC HEARING – ADOPT ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS AND CERTIFY THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT; APPROVE A ZONE CHANGE FROM C-2 AND R-3 TO PD2-15; AND APPROVE A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR THE PROPERTY AT 501-525 WEST WHITTIER BOULEVARD, 112, 114-116, 121, 124 AND 132 SOUTH 6TH STREETS ITEM# 22 Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to continue this item until December 9, 2015. Motion carried unanimously. 15. APPROVING A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH KU & ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 112, 114-116, 121, 124 AND 132 SOUTH 6TH STREET Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to continue this item until December 9, 2015. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT MATTERS 16. A REQUEST TO ACCEPT AS COMPLETE ALLEY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, ALLEY S/O LOS ANGELES AVENUE BETWEEN MAPLE AVENUE AND PARK AVENUE, AND ALLEY N/O VIA ALTAMIRA BETWEEN VIA ALTAMIRA AND VIA PASEO, C.P. 837, BID # 15-02, FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to (1) Accept as complete Alley Improvement Project – Alley S/O Los Angeles Avenue between Maple Avenue and Park Avenue, and Alley N/O Via Altamira between Via Altamira and Via Paseo, C.P. 837, Bid # 15-02, Fiscal Year 2014-15; and (2) Authorize the City Clerk to process the Notice of Completion. Motion carried unanimously. 17. A REQUEST TO ACCEPT AS COMPLETE CP 836, BID #14-13, FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015, MONTEBELLO/COMMERCE METROLINK STATION ADA ACCESSIBILITY IMPROVEMENTS Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas (1) Accept as complete C.P. No. 836, Bid #14-13, Fiscal Year 2014-2015, Montebello/Commerce Metrolink Station ADA Accessibility Improvements; and (2) Authorize the City Clerk to process the Notice of Completion. Motion carried unanimously. 18. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF BUS PARTS FROM NEW FLYER INDUSTRIES OF AMERICA, INC. AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas (1) Authorize the purchase of bus parts from New Flyer Industries of America, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $856,797.00; and (2) Appropriate Transportation Development Act (TDA) in the amount of $512,987.00. 19. CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION TO USE ASSET FORFEITURE FUNDS AND GENERAL FUNDS TO PURCHASE PATROL VEHICLES, NECESSARY EMERGENCY PATROL VEHICLE EQUIPMENT, DECALS, AND LABOR COST TO INSTALL AND OUTFIT THE VEHICLES Councilmember Cortez moved, seconded by Councilmember Molinari to 1) Approve appropriation transfer from police department personnel services in the amount of $150,790 to capital outlay and subaccounts for the purchase of police patrol vehicles and related expenses associated with outfitting the vehicles for patrol use; and (2) Approve appropriation transfer, Resolution No. 15-92, from asset forfeiture in the amount of $150,790 to capital outlay and subaccounts for the purchase of police patrol vehicles and related expenses associated with outfitting the vehicles for patrol use. Motion carried unanimously. 20. NOVEMBER CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS A brief discussion by Councilmembers took place as to the change of the Council meeting scheduled for November 11, 2015, a City holiday. ITEM# 22 Councilmember Cortez moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to move the November 11, 2015 City Council meeting to November 18, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Hadjinian abstained). 21. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE SUCCESSOR MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTEBELLO AND THE MONTEBELLO POLICE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION FOR FISCAL YEARS 2015-2016 AND 2016-2017 Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to adopt the Resolution No. 15-90. Motion carried unanimously. 22. MONTHLY INVESTMENT REPORT – SEPTEMBER 2015 Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to approve and file said report. 23. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to DENY the following claims: Carmen Lomeli in the amount of $4,000.00; Kimberly Balonick in an unknown amount; Allstate Insurance as subrogee of Cosme Medina in the amount of $1,364.90; and Yesmin Navarro in an unknown amount. Motion carried unanimously. 24. PAYMENT OF BILLS: RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CITY/SUCCESSOR AGENCY WARRANT REGISTER OF DEMANDS DATED OCTOBER 28, 2015 Councilmember Molinari moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Barajas to adopt Resolution No. 15-91 approving the Warrant Register dated October 28, 2015. Motion carried unanimously. 25. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON OPEN SESSION ITEMS (CONTINUED IF NECESSARY) COUNCIL ORALS 26. COUNCILMEMBER CORTEZ None. 27. COUNCILMEMBER MOLINARI None. 28. MAYOR PRO TEM ART BARAJAS None. 29. COUNCILMEMBER ROMERO None. 30. MAYOR HADJINIAN None. ITEM# 22 ADJOURNMENT Upon motion carried unanimously, Mayor Hadjinian adjourned the meeting at the hour of 8:25 p.m. Approval of minutes: Upon motion carried unanimously, the minutes of October 28, 2015, were approved as written on January 13, 2016. ____________________________________ ART BARAJAS, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ IRMA BARAJAS, City Clerk ITEM# 22