Carter`s Carburetor Service Bulletins
Carter`s Carburetor Service Bulletins Would you like some Free Manuals? Also visit for more Free Manuals Also Visit my website for 7 FREE Download Manuals starting with this one. "The ABC's of Carburetion" Click Here Now file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Tim/Desktop/carburetor-manual-welcome/index.htm[4/25/2009 11:42:20 AM] FERG USON 261"25 CARTER CARBURETOR Form 52748 DIVI SION OF Gel" INDUSTRIES Mu"h, 1951 INCORPORATED ST . LOUIS , MO. , U. S. A. Revised Mor<h, 19~ FERGUSON TRACTOR MODELS TO-35, F-40, MH-50 and MHF-202 UT UPDRA FT CARBURETER No. 26125 CARBURETER SPECIFICATIONS Fo. Fe. guion " Cyl i~der 134 Cu . In. Eng ine: Vacu um "I Idle Appro. 22 Inch•• Dime n, ion, : FI~nge ,i,e , I inch S. 1\. E. Upp.r Port (For Idle .... d ju'tme nt Screw) : Size No. IIJ 1.040 inch) drill. Throttle bore, 1_1/1 6 inch. Mein venluri, 13/16 inch. Set Idle .... dj u.tment Screw: '/4 10 1'/4 turns open. For richer Vents: O utside , non e. Inside. (2). G noline Inh~. midure. t ur n screw oul. Do not id le eng ino be low 450 r.p.m. Nud l. : Size No. 50 (.070 inch) drill in ""odic H igh Spee d .... djud ment Screw: ,.aI. Id l. J et: Jet, pluq in flenge body.•i •• No . 65 (.035 inch) drill. Lowe r blend: .i,. JA 10 1112 !urns opon. No'lle: Imid. diem et. r No . 32 ( .111> inch) dri ll. No. 60 (.0-40 inch ) dri ll. (COMot g ouge.) Acco lerating Jets : Upper bleed, ,i ... No . 65 (.035 inc h) dri ll. No . 1>2 (.038 inch ). I No. 70 1.028 inc h) drill. Economi,or: No. 60 (.0.. 0 inch) d rill. Ai. 81ud 10 Nonl . : (lh ru plug) m e No. Id le Pori: Lower port. •101 type, length .050 inch: width .030 C h o~e: inch . M ~nu~I-8 ull arfly n (.025 inch) dr ill. type . wi t h preuur a re liel (poppetl valve. Id le Port O pening: Bottom 01 pull .()H to .048 inch below lower edge of valve . Vacuu m Spark Pori : NO"e. Mot or Tune-Up--Be Accurate l C .... UTI O N: Ch enge worn or lu ky fl ange ga.k. ts. Spark Plug G., .025" Bruh r Point Setling •0 18" 10 .0 2<4 " Ti ghten mnilold bolh and 1••1 compre ..ion b. l ore adj u.ting ca rbureter. Ig nilion Timi ng Bru ker Poin ts to O pen: 30 0 B.T.D.C • V,lve Setting ( Ha l ) Inl~h .009"•.011 " E. ha ud .01 1"·.OI3 ~ Float Sell1 ng 11/ 1>4" ( Pl u. or Nt in u. I / 1>4") Idl. .... d ju.tme nt Screw Setting '14 10 1'/4 Turn' Open Idl. Engine at 4SO R.P.M. Copyrirbt '" 1 ~61 Copyright Ii} 1958 bJ' .\C I' l ndu"triC8. Incorponoted All Rlrh tl RHoerved T " ~'" "~ " K " ~ G. U. S. ~AT. ""~ . MARCA .. EG.ST!tAOA ...~U . • • ."•• CARBURETER ADJUSTMENTS flOAT A DJUSTM~NT : With thrott l, bod y inv,rl OK! end g ~ , k"l r"mov"d. Iher, .hould!>. 11/64 inch cleatence (plu. or minul 11M inch) botwaan mechined ,urfOce of Ihtottle body en d ~aem of lloal (bolh lid .. ). To ed jud. bend li p On floel lever. I Dl~ ADJUSTM~NT : S,I th.ollle lev" adjusting Ie...... until molo r tunl II ppto. ime ioly 450 •. p.m. Then le i idle edjullmenl Icr"w for highed doedy v"cu~m g"ule .."ding Or Imooth,,"1 ""g;ne operelion. Correct 1,llin9 wi I bo lo und b.lween '14 10 1'/. lurl'll open. HIGH SPEED ADJUSTt.4ENT: W ilh hond I".oltle wid. opon.nd "n9;ne opel'eting 2000 ' .p.m. Igove.n..:! IP0..:!\' ~diud high .peed adiulting n""d l. until , mooth", .M;!in. operaljon il obtain"d. Thil WllIin9 will !>. found betwe,n ¥,. 10 1112 lu rn. op.n. MAXIMUt.4 PERFORt.4ANCE, C"n !>. 'ecum only wh"n br. e ker poinh. 'perk plu91. velvel end molor liming a...e l 10 manu· i" ctu .. r'. • ~ilic" tiOI'l '. If carbur.le. do •• nol ",pond 10 th. "bov. odju,Irnenl •. dise ..emble. cleen .11 parh in cerburolar clean ••. tinse el'ld blow oul all pe"(09.~ with cornp.alsed eir. Replace 0 11 worn O f damaged pa.h. AlwoYI uWI new 9alk.h. Sea Forrn No. 3525 10. CClmplelo o ... rhaul pro.cadurl. Ferguson-Catbuteter No. 26125 WHEN SERV ICI NG , USE GASKET ASSORTMENT No. 3 12; RE-CARBURHI O N KIT No. 192 2N PART NAMES IN CAPITAL lmERS. LI STED BELOW. IND ICATE CONTENTS O F RE-CARBURHION KIT Pu t No. " .'96 5 00'22 » '\ 136·181 ill, ~ I 163·63 7 · 20SS 136·131 ~ I~ 101 .16 0$ V NOTE; P.rh 'rl ,hown .bove for identific.tion only. Ch.c. cor· rect numb.. in p.rh li,t. PART NAME 1.14185 Body lIen9' e,sombly (discontinued for ... ",ice) IA-48 FLANGE GASK ET _ _ _ 2_ 154 lhrollil veivi . ............................ . l-1157S TH ROTT LE SHAFT AN D LEVER ASSE MBLY 7-2055 Choke ... elv. e".mbly... _................. . 118_79 Riv. t plU9 (earl y prod.) ................ 118-194 Bowl drain plug .................. .. 116-296 IDL E PO RT RN ET PLUG 12-496S Nozzle' .nlmbly ........ 14_SOOS Choke ,heft end l. ver .".mbly........ 15A·13 High ,pe.d n.edl. peeling l'Iul .............. 20·22 NOZZLE GASKET 20-123 Needl. seal 9"d.I................................... _, ............ _ 21.IIAS AOfII and I..... e".mbly.. _ 24- 15 FLOAT LEVER PI N 25-2845 N~ED L E 30A·]7 Idlo adjustmen t sc.ew.... __ ............ _ ....... .. 37-6 15 HIGH SPEED ADJUSTING NEEDLE 39_ 10 CHOKE AND THROTTLE VALV E ATTACH ING SCREW _ __ AND SEAT ASSEMBLY_ ASS~M BLY .. · - 1' 1 47-26 Wellh plu9 .............. __ ........................... _ ............. (2) 61·84 Idle edius lmlnl ,crew sprin9 .............. 61-537 Choke I,v. r 'ptin9 ... _.................................................... .. 61-561 Floe l 10 ..... bre d , t 'P.in9............. ............................... 101_ 1605 Body etladin9 Icr.w end wuhl' a ..orn bly.......... (4) 101 .]40 Thro lil. "d jultin9 screw....................................... _......... 103_1 4 Ihol (la ta prod.] ...... ........... 120· 189 METERI NG JET 121·304 BODY GASKET 136-131 .... IR HOR N CHOK E AN D TH ROTIl E SHAFT DUST SEAL RET.... INER • _____ 131 136-181 High , plod odiusting 156-935 Elbow and 163·21 CHO KE AND THROTTLE SHAFT DUST SEAL 16].62 AIR HORN SEAL Ibl .6l MAIN t.4ETERING SCREW PAC KING K • • '" wuhe ... _ ... _ .. _... _....... _ . ~t.oin ...... rnbly .................. _ .................. _ (2) NOTE; Fig~" 1 in p... nlhl ' " indic.te nurn!>.' of pi.cll use d in one c". bur"ler. Wh e.e no fi9w.e ;, ,Ioow n. only one i. Wild. FERGUSON 2418S CARTER CARBURETOR Form 5211B DIVISION OF QCl' INDUST RI ES INCORPORATED ST. LO UIS. MO .. U. S. A. February. l'l St. h.i •..J April, 1958 FERGUSON TRACTOR MODELS MH-SO, F-40 !UT2/012S can al.o be u."d) UT UPDRAFT CARBURETER No. 24185 CARBURETER SPECIFICATIONS For Fergu.on .. Cylinder En.,,;ne: 3-5/16 Inch Bore, 3f. Inck Stroke Dimen. ion" Flange .ize. , ioch S. A. E. Upper Port !For Idle Adjustment Screw): Sizo .038 to io~h Throllie bore. 1.3/1/0 inch. Ma ,o venturi. 13/1 /0 inch. diamater. Set Idle Adjustment Screw: 112 to 1112 turo s opeo. mixtu'e, turn Ic'ew Out. losid •• (2) . Vents: Outsid e. none. Guo!;ne Intah Needle: Sile No. 50 1.070 inch) drill io ne&dle .0~2 Fo' ,iche, Do not 'd1. angina below 400 r.p.m. Main Mate'in." Jet: Adjusteb!a. See .. dju.lme"". le .. l . Nonie: e diamet ..r No. 32 (.11/0 inch) drill. Idl .. J .. t: Jet p lug si .... No. M. ( .033 inch I d,i ll. Aceeleralio,. Jets; 2 No. Low er blaed: li,e No . 55 (.052 inch) drill. Econo mi.,." No . 59 (.041 inch) d,ill. /o~ (.03/0 inch) drill. Air 11 .. d to Nonie: (Thru plug) sile No. 72 (.025 inch) d,ill. Idl, Port: Low .. , port. slot Iype. length .079 10 .OBI inc h; widlh .029 10 m 1 inch. Choh: Menual-Butterlly typ ... wilh P'''ssu,,, ,.Ii.f (poppet) valve. Idl. Port Openin.,,' Bottom 01 port .0/00 to .OM ioch b"low low", edge of vIIi V". Vacuum Spa.k Port: None. Motor Tune-Up-Be Accurate! CAUTION, Change wo.n or luky fluge g,ukeil. Ti9hlen manifold bolk and te.t comp""ion belore .dju.ling carbureter. Spark Plug Goo .025~ Ireak •• Point Settin9 .020" Ignition T,ming B'eak.r Point. to Open: 30· B. 1. D. C. ~t 2000 R. P.M. T ftAD~ ... ~ .... Valve SaHing (Cold I Intak. .0 I I ~ Erllault .013" u ... u . •. ~Al'. MAIO<;A ..UO .............. OO'P. Float Satting II IMN (Plu. or m;n~J 1/104 Inch) Idle Acijultmenl Screw Setting 112 to 1V2 Turn! Open Idla .. ngin ••• 400 R.P.M. •• CARBURETER A DJUSTMENTS flOAT ADJU STMENT, With I".ollie body inve ..od "nd 9".~.1 , emov.d. t h•••• houlel be 11 /04 in ch d ... ,,,nc.!plul or minus 1/ 04 in,h ) between m"c" in.d surle,.ol throHI. body and IUm of noel (both sid.,). To ~djud. bend lip on nOl t I.v ••• high Ipeed od i ~d'ng need l. until urooot he.1 engine tion il obtoin.d Thi••eHing wiU b. fOllnd betw •• n ¥. to 1112 op.n. MAX IMUM PERFORMANCE: Can be,ecur.d only wh.n b •• e~ .. points, Ipa.k p lu'l" vo lve. end motor timing "'0 ." t to· fecture,'. Ipecifications. IDLE ADJUSTMENT: Set th.ottle leve , " d jult ing ,crew un lil motor . un. opproxim"tely 400 '.p,m. Then .et idle "djullmenl scr... 10' highest .teodv "'Icuum g""ge .""ding o. Imoo th.,1 .ngine ope."t'on. Corr.ct 'eHing 10,11 be found betw ••n 112 10 1112 turns open. J/ corbure l.. do .. not 'elpond to the ebove Idju stma,,", dis· a"emble. d.en ell pon , in c",buret .. cI."ne'.•iMe "nd blow o~ t "II pl n ogel witt. comp.elSed eir. Rep lece "II worn or dom.ged pan •. Alw.y. lI.e n.w guh ... See Fo.m No . 1525 10' complel. o~rhoul procedu ••. HIGH SPEED ADJU STMENT: With hend th,oH I. wide open end e"9'''. ope.eti"g 2000 •. p.m. (governed .poed) . edju.t ~ IA.... 1.12425 2.IS3 118.79 ~ ,.205S ] .967S 9 Ij 116-108 118·19 4 HOi E: P u ts ue mown keN • 101: i"enWication oaly. Check conect numbel: in pal:" Iiat. © ISA.13 20·22 24.15 21-149S & 2S.211S CI 1I1-]2l ,~ 1+"'" 12·46]5 , ]OA.)7 --(V 0 g 47·26 .m ,.. ~ ~ . 84 C ~· 492 11 f IOI.IIIOS 101·320 ... © eJ 11(0.111 ~.537 ~ 101·]40 • 120.188 161·21 ® (• • • • ~ 0 121.228 Fe r9u so n- 1 95~Ca rb u reter 116-181 f 3'/.10 ]7.6IS 154-93S .. 163-62 No. 24185 WHEN SERV ICING. USE GASKET ASSO RTMENT No. 259; REPAIR PACKAGE No. 1840 PART NAMES IN CAPITAL LETTERS. LI STED BELOW. INDICATE CONTEN TS OF RE PAIR PACKAGE Pa,t No. 1.1 2425 ,,-<I PART NAME Pitt No . T~rottlo PART NAME body an.mb!v ....... ____ ...... _...... ~ ................ __... FLANGE GASKET •. _ ._.......... _._ ... __ ._._..... _ .. _._. 39. 10 47_26 Choke VaNe attaching sc •• w..._.......... _............ _ •. (21 W. I,h plug ... _._ ..•... __ ..... _..._ .. _...... ._ .•.. [21 2· 153 3.967S ThroHle v"lve ...•... _.. __ ............. _. __ .•... _._ ....•.. _._ ...... 58·91 V.nturi ...........• _.. _, ......... __ .......... _.. _ ...•...... __ ._...•. _.. THROTTLE SHAFT AN D LEVER ASSE MBLy ............. ~1 · 84 Idle .. dj ul 7.20SS Cho le valvo a ... mbly ................. __ .__ ._...••••...........•...... _... 61.4'2 Float levae b.ode' ................... _.................. ,..... . " 6_79 118.108 Rivet pluq •.._,................. _............. _._._._.. _.......................... Cho!:e leve, spring ............................................................ ID LE PORT RIVET PLUG .................... __ .......__ ............... . bl·531 101_ I60S 111- 1'4 Bowl d rain 101 -320 THROTTLE VALVE ATTA CHING SCREW...•..._ .. 121 118·323 LOW SPEED JET Pl UG ........ __ .............. _........... _ •..... _ 101.340 Th'ottl. ad ju.t ing .C.ew....... __ ............ _........... __ ._.... 12-46]S NOll l. auemb ly ___ ........_..__ ....... _...... _..... _ .... _..__ METERING JET _ .......................... _._ ..........•..•...... __ _ 14_5OOS Choke .haft a nd I.v.r " ..ambly .. _.. __............ _._... ..... 120.188 12 1_228 15A_13 High Ipaad ne.dl. p"cking nuL_ •..•. _............... ....._.. 136_131 20·22 2 1.1 4'S NOZZLE AND NEEDLE SEAT GASKET ................ (2) Floal and lev •• ellambly ___ _... ~ __ ..................... ._...... _... ,o,IR HORN. CHOKE .... ND THROTTLE SHNT DUST Se .... L RETA INER ...•........ ____ ........ __ ................ ll) 1)6·1 81 24- 15 FlO .... T LEVER PIN._ .._...... _ ............. _....................... .. I 56·9)S Elbow and ..."ine. "'•• mbly ....... _. _........ _._...... _.... _.. _ 25.233 5 163_21 10A.17 NEEDLE .... ND SEAT ASSEMB Ly ......._ .............. _... _.. _ Idl. "dj uslmenl IC •• W •••••• __ . ••• _. _ _ _ •••••••• _ ._•••••••• _ •• 163-62 CHOKE AND THROTTLE SHAFT DU!:>I SEAL-[21 AIR HORN SEAL~ ...~ ......... _. __ .......... __ ......... _ ._•••. 37-615 HIGH SPEED ADJUSTING NEEDLE ASS EM BLy ........ I b3.63 MA IN METERING SCREW PAC KIN G ................ __ ... NOTE : Fl'l ~r •• plug_~ ............... _..... _................................... in pI 'enth"e, indiut. numb.. of pi.c.1 ~I.d Body ~OOY 01t.c~ i n9 ,c •• w , .......... ____ ... ~ ...... h .._ •••••• • •• ".ew and wesh . . . namblv ..... _... (4) GAS KET ._................ __ ._....... _. ___.......... _ .•... _._ ... . in one carbutt te •. Whe .. no li'lu.e i•• hown. only one i. u•• d. Form S042A FERG USO N TRACTOR 997S-2223S Aptil , 1954 CARTER CARBURETOR CORPORATION, ST. LOUIS, MO ., U• 5 • A • R•• lsed M. fch.1955 MODELS (9975) "TO·30" Tractor FERGUSON (22235) "TO·35" Tractor TRACTOR and "A·HO·60" Stationary Power Plant UT UPDRAFT CARBURETER5 Nos. 9975·22235 CAR BURETER SPECIFICATIONS · For Ferg u,on 4 Cylin der Engine' .31/4 Inch Bore, 3% Inch Stro ke (9975) Fot Fergu.on 4 Cylind.t Eng ine: 3·5/ 16 Inch Bore. lYe Inch Stroke (22235) Dimen,;oM: Fl o"ge , i, o. I incl, S. A. E. Thtott l.. bore. 19975) 1. 1/10 inch. (222 35) 1.3/10 inch. M~in vent",;, (9975) 23/32 inc h, (22235) 13/10 inch. Flo~t Setti ng ' 5"c Adjustm"nli. Idl" Po,t Opening' Bottom 01 port (9975) .044 to .0048 inch (22235) .OW to .064 inch below lower edge of ".Iv•. UPP'" Port ( For Id l, Adjustment Screw): Size .038 10 .042 inch diometer. Venls: ... none. Imide. b~l~nce vent, on .. 7/32 inch ond one No.8 (.199 inch) drill. Set Id l" Adjustment Serew: Ij~ to IIIz tumo open. For richer midure, tutn <crew out. Do not idl .. engine b.. low 400 r.p.m. Gasoline Inla ke Needle: Si'e No. SO (.070 inch) dril l in needle oeot. Main M" terin g J et: Id le Jet: Jet t ube (9975) plug (2223 5) si,o. No. 06 (.033 inch) dtilL No. 60 (.0'i0 inch) drill, ("22235) Low", b leed: (9975) No . 55 (.052 inch) droll. Upper bl .... d, (9975) ,i.., No . ;; (.035 inch) drill. (22235) none. Econom ize r: (9975) No. 01 (.039 inch) drill. (2 2235) No. 59 (.041 inch) drill. .". Idl e Po,t: Lowe, pod. 0101 type. leng t h (9975) .049 to .OSI inch. (2Z2J5) .079 10 .08 1 inch; w,dlh .029 Ie .031 inc h. Motor Tune. Up--Be Accuratel CAUTIO N: Ch~nge Brea k.. r Point S.ttin g .018"·.024" Sperk Plug 6., .023"·.028" c"l'yrigh t 19H CopyrlJht 1955 by CarltJ" All COtl'Q",U"" C~,burotor ltighto R"""n~d wOrn or luk~ Ran ge ga.~ els. 19n ition Timi ng Bruhr Points 10 Open: 0" B.T.D.C. .. 1400 RPM Adjust~blo. See od justments. Non!e: Insid" diom,,!e, (9975) No. 42 (.0935 inch) (22235) No . 37 (. 104 inch I drill. Accelerftling Jets: 19975) f (nn 5) 2 No. 1>4 (.030 inch) d,ill. Ai, Bleed to Noni e: (Thru plug) li,e (9975) No. 53 (.0595 inch 122235) No. 57 (.043 inch) dri ll. Cho~,, : Menu"I--Bulterfly type. with pre ..ur.. relie! (popp"t) ~olv ... Vecuu m Spark Port: Non e. Always Use Feeler Gillugesl Tighten man ifold bolts and test comp,e",on belore edjuding carbureter. Va lve Setting (Cold) (9975) In take .010" ·.OI 3~ E.ha ust .0 1 0~ ·.Ol l~ (22235 ) In la k. .014" E.ha ud .0 14" CARBUREIER TRAOC MARl< R£". U • •• PAT. "..... Float SeHing (9975) 17/64" (2223S J 11 / 64" ± 1/ 04" Idle Ad iultm"nt Screw Selling '14 to 1Ij2 Turn s Open •• CARTER CARBURETOR CORPORATION , ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A. CARBURETER ADJUSTMENTS FLOAT ADJUSTMENT : Wi t h t hr ottle body I n \ler ted an d g 3.l!ket r llmo\led. l h are I b oUI!I be (U1S) 11/ 54. (22US) H / Ie Inllh cleara n co ( p lul Or m inul 1/64 In ch ) oot" 'eon machined ."I'faeo of t hr ottle body a nd learn o f lloat (both aid ... ). To ndjl!,1lt. benu ilp on noa l I\lv,"r. H IGH S PE E D AOJ US T M E N T , W it h hand Ju U high ' peed adJulUnl" n eed lo un til Imoollielt e nFne operatio n I. nbtalnod . T hll l e tUne will be found b e t w e en % to Hi tu m e o pen. MAX I M U M PER F ORMAN C E , Can boo Heu red on ly w h en br eake r polnta, epark Iliup, \"al\"eI and m ot or tlmh'l" are H t t o ma.nufaetu re~' 1 Ipe<:lftcatio nL u earbure ter !lcea n ot n'!llpond to t ha above a dJunments, disassemble, el.,.. n aU PflI"Ul In carbure ter cleaner. r ln" a nd blowo u t aU pUl&l"el with compre_d air. nel.lnce a1\ worn or damaged J)II.!"tL AI"'1ll'1 use ne .... p.ket-.. ~ form No. t h rottle wide op.e n and eug ltl<. operntlnlr :!OOO r.p.m. ( e o\'e r ned epeed) , ad · 1.'t7'5 IA.48 2.154. 3525 for eomp l. t . o verhau l Ilro..-dure. ~ 7.1755 3. 8055 ~ 118·7' fl 9 11.231:0 5 IIB.I08 1I8.1ot4 " 12·3I:0I:05 .... 4475 NOTE: Puts u e shown. h . ... fOJ" ideDtlficatioD only. Check c o ned .....mb.J" in. p a rt. U. t. 15A.I] 20.22 21. IOS 25.2335 24.15 i l! 47.2/:0 1l/:o.12 101·1605 c ~ IG 101.140 1:ol- 492 31. 1:015 ® 1:01." 0 30A· 37 0 • JI:o]. 21 o ( "'I • • 120-188 ~ ., 163· 1:02 11:0].1:0] Fe rguson Tractor-Carburete rs Nos. 9975-2223S W H EN SERVIC ING , U5E G ASKET ASSORTMENT No. 23'1 (99751. G AS KET ASSOR TMENT No. 25'1 ( 2223S ); REPAIR PACKAG E No. 1782 (2223 5) PART NAMH IN C APITA L LETTERS. LI5TED BELOW. INDICATE CON TENTS Of REPA IR PAC KAGE hrt No. , .'17'15 , . , 2.42 5 ' A.48 2·1 53 2·1 54 3.8055 3.91:075 1. 1755 7·2055 1' .231:05 118·]'1 118·1 08 118- " 4 , I B.123 12·361:05 12.4325 14-4415 1.... 5005 15A·13 20·22 21. 14't5 24-15 2S,231S 30A·17 37-615 PART NAME _ T"roHI. body onembly (9975). _.... ......................... _ ThroHle body o".mbly (22235) .................................... FLA NGE G A5KET ... _...................................... ............. Throttl. ~ol~. {2223S ) ..... _.. .............. _.... ................ . _ Th.-olli. ".1". (9975) . ........................................... _ ThroIl1. ,hall and I.~ .. u,.mbly (997S) .................... _ THROTTLE SHA FT AND LEVER ASSE MB LY (22 23S) Choko ~a[v. allembly 19975) ....... .. ............ _ Chok. ~ol"o assembly (2n35 ). Lo .... ,peed i.1 usembly 19975) ................................. Rivel plug ............................... _...................................... . IDL E PORT RIVET PLUG ........... _............................... ... . Bowl drein plug ... _...... _...... _._ ...................................... . _ LOW SPEED JET PLUG 122235) .... _... ....................... Nonl. onembly (9975}... __ ........... - Noule ou.mbly (22235) . ...... _ . Chok. lhaft .nd lever as.ombly (9975 ) ... ... .......... -Chok e ,hoff a~d lev.. a ... mbly (22235 ) _ H'Qh .pe.d needlo p.cking nut............. ............. NOZZLE GASKET ... ..... _...................... __ ........... (2) _ flool or.d Ie ....' .u.mbly......... _ .... _._._ ... _.... _ ... _... FLOAT LEVER PIN .. _ ................ _...... ....... _.. _ NEEDLE AND SEAl ASSE MaLY Idle odjulimen i Icre ... . _.......... _.. _.................. _... _._._. _ HIGH SPEED ADJUSTING NEEDLE ASSEMBLY .. _.. -Par" lO ma, ked a,. nl w .nd lislad fOt fhe fi," Pert No. 39. 10 "7·21:0 58.79 58·91 1:01 . 84 I:oI-4BI 1:0 1.491 1:01 · 537 101 . 11>05 101 .]20 101 ·) 1(1 120·188 120·208 12 1·228 12 1·230 136-32 I 3/:0. i3 1 131:0· 18 1 1S(:,.'t lS 11:03.2 1 11:01-62 11:01·1:03 PART NAME Tnrolile and cho ko \101". attaching lcrOW 19975 [4). {22235 (2) ................... _............ _........... Wel,h plug ............................................................... (2) Venluri (9975) . .............. .. ...... ............. Vonluri (22235) ..... .......... .............................. Idl. 'Gr,,, 'p"n<;1 .............................. _.......... Choke Ie"" , pring 19915 1.... .......... . ........ . - FI...,I Ie"" bre d .1 .p,ing .................................... . -Choke sp,ing 122235) ............ .. ............. . Body olloching .c,ew .nd w"h., uu.mbly .......... (-4 ) lHROTTLE VALVE ATTACHING SCREW [2221SI ................... " ......................... _ .. _ ............... (2) Throttle edi ~ i l'n g _ Mol.,ing jel (997S) ...... .... _.......... _ .......................... _METERING JET [2213S) ........... SODY GA5KET (2223S ! ..... ~ _ ......... _....... - Body gallel (9975) ......... ~ .......... H igh .peed odjusting ""01" wuh.r [99 751 [Sup. by 13b· 181) _... __ ................ ............ _._ .. _... AIR HORN. CHOKE AND THROTT LE 5HAFT DUST SEAL RETAINER .................. _.. _....... __ .. P) - High . peed odiuding ..:r..... wuh .............~ ... Elbow ond Ilrdiner allembly..... ____ ..... _... __ CHOKE AN D THROTTLE SHAFT OUST SEAL .. 12) AIR HORN 5EAL..._ .............. .._._.............. __ ....... _ MAIN METERING SCREW PACKING........................ ",,0, .G,.w.......__................._................_ lim • • NO TE , Fig ur •• in pa renlh"" ind i,.,. nu", b. r of pi .~" u$.d In on. " " ,bur, I.,. W h. .. no fi gure !$ Ihown, onl y on. i. ultd.