Freedom Art Magazine Vol 1 No 3 DRAFT
Freedom Art Magazine Vol 1 No 3 DRAFT
Freedom May 2011 Volume 1 Number 3 Arts Magazine Inside This Issue: Sketches Furby World The Ancient Vessel May 2011 Volume 1 Number 3 Freedom Arts Magazine In This Issue ADMINISTRATION Charles J. Karulak, Ed.D. Headmaster Page Editor’s Note by Robert Hook .......................................................... 3 Faculty Editor’s Note by Pat Booker ................................................ 3 My life after the Case by Jenell Camacho ................................... 4 Head of Lower School What I Would Do If I knew I Would Not Fail by Jacob Gresores .............................................................................. 5 Steve Yocham, M.Ed. Hoobingloobin by Aaron Hart ...................................................... 6 Head of Upper School The Woman and the Judge by Haley Hilderbrand.................... 7 Louise Pastorino, MAT, M.Ed. Julie Saboe, M.A. Director of Admissions Appearances are Deceiving by Nicole Samaniego .................... 8 The Black by Robert Hook .............................................................. 10 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Meteoro by Luan Santana ............................................................... 12 Alice Viroslav, M.D. Across Space: The Resistance by Samantha Morale ................ 14 Chair David McGovern Gone by Morgan Lopez .................................................................... 13 The Ancient Vessel by Chris Hook ............................................... 16 Vice Chair Peasant A prose poem by Lauren Criswell ................................... 16 Mary Hime Overrated by Hannah Barron ........................................................ 17 Secretary Sketches by various writers ............................................................ 18 Margie Warren Treasurer The Space Marines by Noah Schorr............................................. 27 3 poems by Elena Marie Gravez ........................................................ 28 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 12 Pounds of Thanksgiving by Gray Miller ............................... 28 Robert E. Bettac Poems by various writers .................................................................. 29 Brett Morgan 3 poems by Erika Beza ....................................................................... 30 Brett W. Schouest Furby World by Sontosha Orbin ................................................... 31 Jaydine K. Zachry The Clash of the Elements by Zoee Cartright ............................. 33 The Kid, the Player, the Warrior by Jack Spartan .................. 35 Authorized Organization: Essay by David Wiessing ................................................................. 36 The Winston School or San Antonio My Train-filled Day of 2009 by Stevie Ray Martinez ............... 37 8565 Ewing Halsell Drive Maxie and Moosey by Chris Hook .............................................. San Antonio, Texas 78229 Photo Section ............................................................................... (210) 615-6544 MISSION STATEMENT The Winston School San Antonio exists to educate children in grade kindergarten through twelve with learning differences and learning disabilities in an atmosphere that addresses their personal learning styles and promotes self-esteem, a positive attitude about learning, and optimal attainment of educational and career goals. Students will become advocates for themselves and others and will be able to make a contribution to the world in which they live. Page 2 Freedom Arts Magazine is a periodical dedicated to the talent that resides within each student at The Winston School of San Antonio. The submissions are original works by our students. The intellectual rights of each submission remains entirely the property of the student. Student Editor………….Robert Hook Faculty Editor…………..Paschal Booker Contributing Editor....Chris Hook Front Cover Art Credit: Uno Wild by Robert Hook. Uno ® is a card game registered and trademarked by Mattel. Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Editor’s Note Wow!! What a great first year it was for the Freedom Arts magazine. In the fall of 2010, the first issue was filled with humor, adventure, and beautiful imagery. Then, this spring, the most amazing ideas flooded into the second issue of the magazine. The range and quality of the material we received was phenomenal. This issue has thoughtful insight, personal revelations, and even more great adventures. I’d like give my personal thanks to Mr. Booker and the rest of the Winston faculty for believing in this project. Also, many thanks go to everyone who contributed their stories, photos, and artwork to the magazine. You are what made this project possible, and all of you are a creative force to be reckoned with. I look forward to seeing what happens next year. Thanks. Robert Hook Faculty Editor’s Note It’s official. At long last, the Word is out. Four years ago, when I first arrived here at Winston, I stepped into a Wonderland of astounding writing talent. Sure, I shared samples of it with colleagues and friends, but for the most part, I just felt like a miser hoarding a spellbinding fortune. Finally, along came the Hook Brothers, with a vision and the will to bring their vision through. Students of Winston, tap into the treasure that is Freedom Arts— the miser has been banished. This is your Gold! Pat Booker Faculty Editor Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 3 MyLifeAftertheCase ByJenellCamacho Attheageof18,IheadedtocollegetobethenextSherlock Holmes. I moved to a new town and started college at DartmouthinHanover,NewHampshire.It’swaybiggerthan whereIcamefrom,butthesameinmanyways—likethefact thatthereweremurdersinthistown,too.Onemurderwasin a house just outside Hanover, and I was on the case. At my school, before they picked me, they picked other students to try to solve it. I knew that they would not pick me irst—I mean there were 300 students in my class! The irst student theypickedwasnamedArmandoMendoza:hewasaMexican and really cute, and then they picked a Greek student named VassilyKostas.IwasmadthatIdidnotgetpicked. Thenextdayatschool,myprofessorsaidthathewas goingtopickathirdstudenttoinvestigatethecase,becauseit wasabiggercasethantheythought.That’swhenhecalledmy name, but it turned out not to be what I thought it was—he askedmetogethimcoffee! Finally,hesaid,“Bytheway,you arethethirdperson!”Iwassoexcitedtogetthe ile,totellme whatcaseI’dbeworkingon.TheprofessoralsotoldmeIwas goingtobeworkingwiththeothertwostudents.Iwasexcited tobeworkingwiththem,becauseIdidn’tknowthem,andremember,Armandowasreallycute! Thefollowingdaytheytookustothecrimescene.Theytoldus toputonglovesandamask,justincase.The irstthingthat caughtmyeyewasthattherewasmudundertheirshoes.Why wastheremudundertheirfeet,iftheywerekilledinside,and Armandohadfoundamurderweapon?HeaskedmehowI thoughttheydied.ItoldhimthatIdidn’tknow,butItoldhim whatIfound.Hetoldmehehadnotnoticedthat.Ourprofessortoldustowrapitup. Armando asked me if I wanted to go eat with him.Isaidsure;hetoldmehewouldpickmeupat8:00pm. That night, he told me that he did not want to talk about the case;hejustwantedtohavefun.ItoldhimIdidwanttotalk aboutthecase,either.Wewenttoamovie,andwewereenjoyingit.Thenwegotacallthatsomeonehadgottenintothe Page 4 Continued on Page 39 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 WhatIWouldDoIfIKnewIWouldNotFail By Jacob Gresores 1. Makeacamp ireusingonlytwoturtlesandapileofbeavers. 2. Swim,butnotinwater. 3. MakeaMexicansoapoperawithChinesepeople. 4. Walk,whilebouncingonapogostick. 5. Wrinkleallthemoneyintheworld,sothateverybodywould havetousepocketchangeatvendingmachines. 6. Replaceallmyenemies’pillowswithporcupines. 7. Usemountainclimbinggeartoclimbupthesideofthe EmpireStateBuilding. 8. Walkonwaterwithoutbeingnearwater. 9. Catchagiantsquidinthedesert. 10.Drawingfunnyfacesoneveryhumanbeingwhilethey’re sleeping. 11.Dyeallterrorists’clothesareallygirlypink. 12.Putagiantin latablegorillaonthetopoftheEmpireState Building. 13.CoverallthegroundinamileradiusaroundtheWhiteHouse withboxesofpuppies. 14.Attachadevicetoeveryseesawthatdoesthis:wheneveryou sitdownononeside,itthenlaunchesasumowrestlerfrom theotherside. 15.Createaphrasebookthattranslateseverydayphrasesin foreignlanguagesintoinsultsandtaunts. 16.Putagiantsquidinapublicswimmingpool. 17.InventacureforMcDonald’s. 18.ClimbMountEverestwithonlytwomonkeysandapieceof rope. A F Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 5 Hoobingloobin ByAaronHart My name is Captain Hoobingloobin of the planet Zorgong. I have lived on Zorgong for 2 years now, ever since Earth was overtaken by deer-headed Chihuahuas in the year 2012.ScientistsstartedrunningtestsonChihuahuasand genetically altering them. The chemicals they used gave them thumbs, and that was the beginning of the Apocalypse. Not onlydidthedogsgetthumbs,theyalsobecameextremelyintelligent--- but Scientists didn’t stop there. They accidentally gave the Chihuahuas something called Super-Mega-UltraCrazy-Steroids.Itmadethemgrowthesizeofhousesandgave themanoverabundanceofstomachacidthattheycouldspitat enemies. As time went on, the Chihuahuas became more advanced.Unfortunatelytheyalsobecamemorehostile. TherearetwokindsofChihuahuas:theapple-headed Chihuahuasandthedeer-headedChihuahuas.Whenthescientists mutated the Chihuahuas there were some unexpected outcomes; for example, the apple-headed Chihuahuas’ heads turned into actual apples, and the deer-headed Chihuahuas had an had an uncontrollable craving for apples. That being said,Ibelieveit’s obviouswhich breedwonthe GreatWarof theChihuahuas. After the Great War, the earth was left uninhabitable forhumans.TheonlylifeabletothriveonplanetEarthwere the deer-headed Chihuahuas and giant apple trees. The humanracewouldbeextinctrightnow,ifitweren’tforthequick thinkingofoneman. Captain Thunderwatersuper laminglightningbolt (aka Paul) was a good man. When the Great War broke out Paul tookimmediateactionandmadeaspaceshipoutofmarshmallows.Hebroadcastaradiosignal,tellingpeopletocometothe spaceshipandpromisedthemsafety.Eventhoughthespaceshipwasthesizeofagolfball,it itover1,000,000peopleinit. Onceeverybodywasseatedsafely,thecaptainstartedtheship andtookoff.TheonlypeopleinthecockpitwerePaulandI. “Wherearewegoing?”Iaskedhim. Page 6 Continued on Page 38 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 TheWomanandtheJudge ByHaleyHilderbrand Author’s Note: This story uses lines from Cormac McCarthy’s novel Blood Meridian as a prompt. The lines are italicized; I invent from there)H.H. He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says he will never die. Everyone says that they believe him,buttheydon’t.Hetellsthemthatheisagooddancer,and againeveryonesaystheybelievehim,whenthey reallydon’t. Hetellsthemheneversleeps,andtheystilldon’tbelievehim. Finally, he tells them that he is the judge, and they FINALLY BELIEVEHIM. Thatnight,hegetsonthecomputerandgoesonSkype and inds an old friend that he went to high school with. The woman remembers him as well. They talk and one of them says that they should have lunch. They both agree. The next daytheywenttolunchandhadagoodtime.Theytalkedand talkedandtalked. After lunch, the woman went home and decided to go outside;shebroughtabook.Shesatonthebenchandopened the book. She took out her phone and looked at the weather and it said that there was going to be a big storm. They said thateveryoneshouldstayinsidetoday.Thelightingandthunder came and the rain poured down. The man she had lunch withdrovebyandtoldhertogetinthecar. She got in the car and they went to the man’s house. The power went out and the water went out as well. Finally, thepowerandthewatercamebackon.Thewomanstayedat the man’s house. The storm came again and this time that it was not just a storm—it was hailing, too. Then the storm stopped. Thestormcameagainandthistimewasnotjuststormingand hailing; it was sleeting, too. Then the storming, hailing, and sleeting stopped. The storm came again and this time it was not just storming, hailing, and sleeting; it was storming, hailing, sleeting, and snowing, too. All of that stopped, but this timeitcameback—onlymuchworse.Itwascloudy,sunny, Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Continued on Page 40 Page 7 AppearancesAreDeceiving ByNicoleSamaniego There was once a king and queen who were fair and rich beyond all others. They were blessed with four beautiful daughters.The irstthree—Drea,Calliope,andIsmene—were extraordinarygifted.Dreawasthegreatesthunterandathlete in the whole kingdom; no one could best her hunting skills. Calliope was the most gifted singer and dancer. Anyone who sawherdanceorheardhersingwasautomaticallyentranced by her lovely voice and her graceful moves. Ismene was the craftyandwiseone.Shecouldmakethe inestthingsandwas extremely smart. No one could compare to her cleverness or her talent in crafts. Last of all was the youngest sister Arista. Unfortunatelyforher,shewasnotastalentedorgiftedasher sisters;becauseofthisshewasoftenoverlookedbyothers.In fact, many kingdoms did not even know about her existence, becauseshewasnotasfamousashersisters.Despiteallthis, she was the kindest one, unlike her mother and sisters, who werevainandself-centered. Astimewentby,manysuitorscametoclaimthehand ofthe olderthreeprincesses,allofwhomwerepowerful and extremely wealthy. However, each suitor was turned down almost instantly, because they did not stand a chance against thetalentedprincesses.Manyofthesuitorswenthomeimmediatelywhenturneddownanddidnotevenbotherto indout that Arista even existed. The older three princesses did not want husbands who were beneath them. They wanted husbands who were as talented and gifted as they were, if not moreso. Andsoithappenedthattherewasinfactsuchaman.Hisname wasCalix,andhewasthemosthandsomemaninallofGreece. Besideshisgoodlooks,hewasextremelysmart,aswellasthe bestathleteandhunter,singerandpoet,andcraftsman.Many people would’ve thought that with his amazing background Calix would be proud and full of himself, but instead, he was verymodestandfair,andextremelykind.Hewasthesonofan extremely powerful and wealthy king, but he grew up in anotherpartofthekingdomasacommoner,tolearntheways Page 8 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 oftheregularpeople—justashisfatherdidbeforehim. Calix became extremely famous and well-liked throughoutallofhistravels,sowhenhereturnedhome,there wasalotoftalkandexcitementaboutarumorthathewould soonneedto indawife.ItwasonlynaturalthatDrea,Calliope, andIsmenewouldthinkthattheyhadachancewithCalix,soit was no surprise when they received a letter announcing that hewouldbevisitingtheirkingdomsoon. “Heissuretopickme,”claimedIsmene.“Afterall,Iam the wisest and most crafty woman in the whole land. Maybe eveninthewholeworld.Notonlythat,butIhearthatPrince Calixisextremelycraftyandwise.Itonlymakessensethathe willwantawifethatisequaltohim.” “Well, I’m the fastest and strongest,” argued Drea. “Everyone in the whole kingdom agrees. The prince would surelywanthiswifetobeagreatwarriorandhuntertohelp himleadhismenintobattle.Withourbattleskillscombined, wecouldeventakeovertheworld.” “Well,I’mthebestsingeranddancer,”rejoinedCalliope.“Noonecanmatchmygracefulmovesormyangelicvoice.I will be the one that he chooses, because he will without a doubtfallinlovewithmyvoice.Iheardthatheisalsoavery goodsingeranddancer.Justthink,withthetwoofustogether, wecouldmanipulateandpersuadeanyoneintodoingwhateverwewant.” The sisters argued for days, and the competition betweenthemgrew ierce.Theonlyonethatdidn’tjointhearguing and competition was the youngest sister, Arista. No one, including herself, believed that she had even the slightest chance with the prince, so she never worried or complained about anything—unlike her sisters. The kingdom in which Aristalivedwasverywealthyandpowerful.Itwassowealthy thateachsisterhadherownpalace,insteadofachamber.Each palacewasrightbythemainpalace,wherethekingandqueen lived. However, Arista did not live in a lavish palace like her parentsandsisters.Shepreferredlivinginaregular-sizedcottage, with regular furniture, that was located by the stables. Shelikeditbetterthere,becauseitfeltmorelikehometoher Page 9 Continued on Page 43 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 TheBlack ByRobertHook Author’sNote: For those who came in late… WestonRussellisacoldfusion scientist and arc reactor operator who, as he was leaving for home, was abducted (much to his own terror) by government agents, and informed that he was chosen to participate in an intergalactic mission to ind the cause of the mysterious destruction of a faraway planet colony knownasCentauri19.R.H. The next day, I saw a war cruiser parked in front of my apartmentcomplex.Ithadbeenagoodnight’ssleep.Therewere nonightmaresorpacingthe loor.Ididhaveadream,butitwasa pleasant one. I was loating in the middle of space. There was a cableattachedtomethatkeptmefromdriftingoff—butdriftingoff fromwhat? Ilikedthesensation of weightlessness.ThenI found myselfstaringatplanetEarth.ItlookedsosmallfromwhereIwas. Itmademethinkofhowfastlifegoesby;howpettysome ightscan be; how much fun can be had in simple activities like watching a MarxBrothersmovie.Ifeltcomforted,eventhoughIwasaloneand thousandsofmilesfromhome.Then,Iwokeup. I had just emerged from my shower and was pouring my cerealinabowlwhentheknockcameatthedoor.Iknewitwasfor meandIknewwhoitwas,butmymindsearchedforwaystodelay theinevitable.IopenedthedoorandtoldmysergeantthatIwould bewithhiminafewminutes,afterIhad inishedpackingmythings andeatingmybreakfast.AsIgotready,IthoughtabouttheassignmentIhadbeengiventhenightbefore.Questionstorethroughmy imagination:WhatwoulditbelikewhereIwasgoingandwouldI come back alive? I knew these questions could only be answered byfollowingSgt.Graysonoutthedoorandoutofthesafetyofmy littleapartment—myhome. Theridetothespacedockwasquiet.Therewereanumber ofothergruntslikemeinthecruiser,butnoneofusfeltmuchlike chatting.Oneguytriedtoaskthesergeantaquestion,buthewas told to shut up. When we inally arrived at the dock at about a quarterofseven,Icouldn’tbelievemyeyes.Wewerestaringata Page 10 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 huge building surrounded by three pillars; when we went inside the building, we saw a bustling mini- metropolis, with monorails and their tracks as far as the eye could see. Our amazement was interrupted when the sergeant said, “Here is our rail.” A single monorailpulleduptouslikesomesortoflimo,eventhoughitwas anything but. It was a shabby old monorail, not unlike the kind you’dseeatWaltDisneyWorld.Weboardedthemonorailasfast as we could, because we knew it would not wait for us for very long. As it took off, we were able to see the full splendor of the building’sarchitecture.We inallysawourship,aslightlymoreadvancedversionofanothershipIhadseen;itwasveryimpressive. Ithadaroboticauto-pilotengineandfromwhatIcouldseeithad somekindofretractablewings.Thedesignwasacrossbetweena spaceshuttle,aTR-91blackbirdjet,andarocket.WhenwegotcloserIsawthenameoftheship:theUNRNOVALIS.Wewentinside thevesselanditwaslikebeinginsideofaroomintheContemporary resort. I fastened ourselves in as tight as we could, because fromthebriefspacetrainingIhadatNASA,Iknewwewereinfora hell of a ride. We listened to the countdown—10,9,8,7— I wondered what this thing was that we were going after—6, 5, 4—It mustbeverydangeroustohavethecapacityfordestroyingasolar system,butofallthepeopletheypicked,whyme?—3,2,1,0—Iwas aboutto indout. Thelaunchwasharderonmethanonanyoneelse,basically becauseI’msomethingofawimp.Whenwewere inallyinspace,I wasgaspingforbreathfromthelaunch.Oneofthecrewmembers waskindenoughtobringmeapaperbagtobreathein.WhenIfully recovered about thirty minutes later, the sergeant, who had stayed behind, appeared on the telecom screen above us. “Attentionpersonnel,thisisSgt.Graysonspeaking.Forthoseofyou whodon’tknow,lastmonthanunidenti iedobject,madeupoftremendous matter, destroyed Centauri 91 and its system. Your mission is to ind out what happened to the planet, ind whatever causedit,anddestroyitbeforeanyoneelse indsoutanythingmore aboutit.Anyevidenceyou indmustbekeptclassi ied.Graysonout.” Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Continued on Page 42 Page 11 Meteoro(AsonginPortuguese) ByLuanSantana WithtranslationbyLuanaZerlotti Tedeiosol,tedeiomar Praganharseucoraçã o Você é raiodesaudade Meteorodapaixã o Explosã odesentimentos Queeunã opuderacreditar Ah!comoé bompoderteamar Depoisqueeuteconhecifuimaisfeliz Você é exatamenteoqueeusemprequis Elaseencaixaperfeitamenteemmim Onossoquebra-cabeçateve im Luana’stranslation: Seforsonhonã omeacorde Eupreciso lutuar Igaveyouthesun Poissó quemsonha Igaveyoutheocean Conseguealcançar Towinyourheart Lightingoflove Shootingastaroflove Explosionofemotions ThatIcouldn’timagine Oh!Howit’sgoodtoloveyou AfterImetyou,Iwashappier YouwerealwayswhatIwanted You itperfectlywithme Mysearchhadended Ifit’sadream,don’twakemeup BecauseIneedto loat Butwhodreams, canreach— A F Page 12 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Gone ByMorganCortinas‐Lopez Shealwaysusedtotellme Whenhertimecomesitcomes Butnowthattimehasarrived Shewashereandnowsheisnot Likewavesdisappearingintothesea Witheveryoneinastateofshock Asilencehas illedtheroom Nowsoftlyyoucanhearthesounds Ofchildren’sbittersobs Thetearsranfromhereyes Likerainonacloudyday Lonelyhavingmemoriesofthetimewespenttogether Notknowingwhattosay Notknowingwhattodo IsoftlykissedyourheadandsaidIloveyou— Time in Gray Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 by Sosha F A Page 13 AcrossSpace:TheResistance BySamanthaMorale Prologue Life was just ine, things were normal. For a while, that is. Sevenyearsago,thingsstartedtochange.ItstartedwiththeGreat Battle of 30XX. Bombs fell, cities burned down; the whole world wasinchaos.Thatchangedsoonafter,butnotexactlyforthebest. TheKnightsofExaltiawereformedandtheworldfoundpeace.But that was not to last, a year later the true objective of the Knights cametolight.Theycapturedgovernmentof icialsandblewupthe capital.TheyevenassassinatedthePresident,onnationalTV,right before the world’s eyes. The people rose up against the Knights, but fell one after the other. They were no match for the Knights, who had some greater power protecting them. Some said it was magic,otherssaiditwasawholearsenalofweaponry,butthetruth isnoonewilleverknow.That’showitwasbeforeIjoinedtheResistance,asmallforceoftenpeoplewithdifferentspecialties. Chapter1:TheFile “Hikaru,comeon,it’stimetogo,”avoicebehindmesaid.I spunaroundinthechairtofacehim.“Giveme ivemoreminutes, Ryan,”Isaid.Ryan’stwoyearsolderthanIam,butwe’rethesame height.He'sgotblondehairandgreeneyes.He’sveryprotectiveof me,butIdon’tmind,sincehe’skindoflikeanolderbrothertome. “Give her the time, Ryan,” another male voice said, “Rememberthat’ssheinchargeoftheintell.”Aaronsteppedoutof theshadows. “Finedude,Iwasjustworriedthatwemightbeambushed,” Ryansaid. Aaron’skindoflike abrothertome,justlikeRyanis.He's gotbrownhairandhazeleyes,justlikeIdo.He’sthesameageasI am,andwejoinedtheResistanceatthesametime. Ispunbackaroundtofacethecomputerdatabase."I'veonly got iveminutes,"Iremindedmyself,asIcontinuedtohackthedatabaseforwhatwehadcomefor."Gotit,"IsaidandItappedonthe screenanditwentblank."I'vetransferredthe ilestothis,"Isaid, Page 14 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 holding my portable pc, “and I erased all the evidence from their database." "Good work, Hikaru," Ryan said. "But I think we need to leavenow."Wecouldhearfootstepscomingfromaboveus."Ithink he's right," Aaron said, "let's move." I nodded and quietly got up. Thesoundoffootstepscouldnowbeheardallaroundus. "Dangit,"Ryanmuttered,"They’vegotussurrounded." How did they move so quickly without us noticing? I wondered. "Surrender," a voice said, as a igure emerged from the shadows,"andI'llmakesureyourdeathisquickandpainless." "Asifwewouldeversurrender,"Isaid,pullingoutmytwin lasermachineguns."Whothehellareyou?"Ryandemanded,drawinghistwinkatanas. "Heh,"themansaid."IguessIcanrevealmyidentity,since you're going to die anyway." He pulled back his hood, revealing a familiarface. "Tristan?!"Igasped. Noway...It'snotpossible!I thought. Tristan'soneofus,a memberoftheResistance! "Why Tristan?" Ryan asked. "Why are you working with them?They'retheenemy!" "Irealizedwhata fool I was,workingtowardsanimpossiblegoal,tobetryingtostoptheKnightswiththeResistance,"Tristanexplained."IdecidedthatbyworkingwiththeKnightsIwould beabletosurviveandbeapartoftheirnewworldorder." “Evendestroyingmillionsofinnocentlivesintheprocess?” Iasked. “If that’s what it takes to create a new world order, then yes,”Tristanreplied,“Nowpreparetobeeliminated!” “I’dliketoseeyoutry!”Ishouted.Iaimedmymachineguns at Tristan and started to ire. BAM! BAM! BAM! He was able to dodge every single shot, as if the lasers were moving in slow motion.Howonearthwasheabletododgeeverysingleshot? Continued on Page 45 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 15 TheAncientVessel ByChrisHook The sky cries, the sea shows tears, as I traverse both elements in ways uncertain. I travel the gulfs of the unknown and even places found. But, what exactly is it I search for, its whereabouts forgotten?OntheonehandIdonottouchtheground,whileontheotherI seeiteveryday.It’smydream,mylife,andmycursethatItravel withouteverbeingdeceased.Iloveit,Ifearit,butwebothareone in the same. People ask, why did you choose this? I only say, be‐ causeitchoseme. A F Tanglewood by Frank PeasantAprosepoem ByLaurenCriswell Envelopedinthedarkcloudofyourownpitifuluncertainty.You’renot worth the time, she spat. Leaving you lailing with utmost violence in your own dull naiveness. She has no remorse in your malicious act of agony.Sheneverdid.Afool,abagofworthlessscum.Thatiswhatshe callsyou.Sheisamonstrousfard-coveredhag.Dogsspitinhereyeand salivate in her soup. Queen, our queen, they coo. Oh such lies—only thosefakescansaywithabelievablefalseness.Sheknows.Butshejust spitsinyoureyeandwalksoff.Shehascatstofeed. A F Page 16 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Overrated ByHannahBarron Idon’tknowwhatI’m evenwriting.Idon’teven knowwhatI’mdoing. I’mthinkingbutalso notthinking.It’sweird Iknow.Buttomethinking isoverrated.Ijustdo whatevercomestomind thendotherest. Iwonderifwe’reeven human.Imean,whatif wewerehumansbutnot. Haveyoueverthoughtofthat? Haveyoueverthoughtofwhat we’reallreallyin?Whatif wewerejustahuge illusionandwewouldn’t know. IftheMoonissobig thenwhyisitsosmall? Whatwouldhappenifwe weretosuddenlyjustcompletely disappear. You’reprobablythinking whatthehellareyoueven saying. Oryoujustcompletelyunderstandeverything. Whichwouldbestrangetome. Butwhatif? We’reoverrated? A F Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 17 Sketches Byvariouswriters Thereare...strangersabouttotakeajourneythattheywillneverforget!Theywillbetravelinginafabulousredconvertible.Theyalljointhegroup atdifferenttimes.Eachcharacterhasadifferentreasonfortraveling.Theyall just happen to be going the same direction, even though they each have their owndestinations. —MadelineBarrows Prologue,“TheRoadTripTale” Inthegrim,eerietrenchwhereIsleep,Ihearthesoundofchimingvoices. The voices are high and low and never make a rhythm except for the one thatwon’tgetoutofmyhead.Thisruckusismadebythehumans,Danestobe exact,whoarealsomyswornenemies,especiallytheirKingHrothgar.Hewould liketothinkheisthegreatestkinginthelandoftheDanesbecausehehasaglorious mead hall and is the bravest of all kings; but I know he would not be so mightyifhefacedandfoughtachildofLucifer.Then,Ihearanotherchorusof chimesfromthehumans;andIputmylarge,brutishhandsovermyears.Icannotstandthesound.Ittakestheenjoymentoutofasilentdarknightand illsit withlight.Thisenragesme.AsIclawatthedirtandgritmyfangs,I...cannot take it anymore. No man can ight me. Nothing can hurt me, and no one can stopmefromcarryingouttheterrorthatIwillbringuponthem.AllIknowis thatthechimingmuststoptonight... —AnnabelFidler “Grendel” ...Thiswasonceabeautifulplace, illedwithbloomingtreesthatsangin thewind,alongwiththesoundofhappypeopleenjoyingtheirsurroundings with big laughs and bellies full of sweet malt, surrounded by vast oceans that sparkled in the sunlight and made a cool breeze over the land year round.Thenonemighthaveknownthisplaceasaheavenorjustapeaceful place of independence and dominion. Yes, one might have thought so twelve years ago; but now this land is illed with something other…. It is illedwithsomethingdarker,painfullyagonizingsoundsofmenlosingtheir livesinthenight.Forthelasttwelveyearswehavebeencursedbyevil,the presenceofGrendel. Grendel,therepresentativeofdeathitselflivinginthemarsheswreaks havoc on the people of Herot, coming into the once-so-full mead hall and spillingthebloodofKingHrothgar’ssoldiersonthewalls.Hehasdonethis forthepasttwelveyearsnow,makingthetownspeopleafraidtoleave Page 18 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 theirhomesatnight,doingwhathedoesbest,rippingandeatingthe leshofmen.Thisisthefateofourrenownedmeadhall,andthisis whyIaskforyourhelp. Our numbers diminish each day, the next generation being wiped out slowly. For every time the darkness comes and goes, so doesthismonsterfromhell.Wesuffer,forGrendelholdsthefearof everysoulinthisplace,asifheheldourrespect.Iwoulddoanything todefeatthismonster,tomakehimfearthepeoplehefeedson... So here I ask you, great leader of the Geats, come and smite thisevilfromourplaceofgathering.Thenweshallboastourvictory inourbelovedmeadhall... —WestonBrown “LettertoBeowulf” .. .Ihad just walkedoutofthestablesaftercheckingmyhorse whentheKing’smessengercamerunningup.“Wiglaf!Wiglaf!Hurry, King Beowulf is calling for his knights!” he said as he reached me. “Whatfor?!”Iaskedhim. “Idon’tknow,buthesaiditwasurgent!” “Thanks!”Isaid,runningofftogetmyarmorandshieldfrom thearmory. IntheentrancehallKingBeowulfstoodinfrontofhisthrone givingthesoldiersaspeechaboutthestrengthweallhaveasateam.I stood with the rest of the soldiers, and I am sad to say that I daydreamed about the tales he told us all the time about his ighting againstGrendelandhismother.He inishedhisspeechandwealldispersed.Iaskedsomeonewhowaslisteningwhatourmissionwas.He said, “We are going to ight the dragon that has been terrorizing our city.” “Ishecrazy?!”Iasked. “Maybe,butthat’sthemission.Killthedragon,savethepeople.That’sit.” “Ididnotjointhisarmytogoandcommitsuicide!” “Don’tyoutrusthim?” “Asaking?Yes.Asageneral?Notreally.” “Well,suityourself.” —JonathanMcFadden “Wiglaf’sTrial” Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 19 AsIlieinmycaveinsilencewithmygold,Ilistentothewind.AsIfeelitbrush onmyhornsandface,Istretchmywingstofeelthiscoolwindsweepthrough mywings.AsIglancefromafar,Iseeastrange-looking,talldark igureinthe distance.ItisGrendel,thatmiserable,annoyingpieceof ilth;Grendel,thatfoolish,incompetentcreature.Oh,howIdespisehimso.Heisnomonster,apatheticone,butnotamonster;hedisgracedusmonstersanddemons. ...Istayinmynewcaveforyearsinpeace.OnenightIhaveadreamof a man ighting Grendel, fearless and courageous, a strong warrior with armor withmarkings….AsIlookcloseratthisman,Iseehisface.HereturnstoHerot asHrothgarandthepeoplecheerandcryouthisname,BEOWULF!BEOWULF! BEOWULF! . . . As I look at the old man I recognize his armor and face. I am angered. I thought he was nothing more than a dream; but …it was more vision than a dream. I should have been the one who killed Grendel! The treasure doesnotmattertomeanymore.AllthatmattersiskillingBeowulf! —CarlosElizondo “TheDragon” We meet our heroes during a tragic time, for today is the dreadful morningofNovember26.Thatisright,myfriends;itisBlackFriday.Webegin thestoryrightbeforeourfourunlikelycharactersmeetastheywalkintoaMacy’s in the town’s most popular mall. Little did these people know that they were about to gaze upon a scene that is quite tragic. Macy’s was completely trashed.Signswereknockeddown,shelveshadbeentippedover,andclothing rackswereimpaledthroughthewalls.Alltheclerksweregoneexceptforone younggirl.Thefourrushedovertoher.Youwouldexpectthemtohelpherout, but they just wanted to know what stores had not been hit yet. “No one has touched the outlet mall,” she whimpered as she fainted. The four characters lookedateachotherandheadedoutthedoor.Theydecidedtoheadtotheoutletmalltoquenchtheirthirstforlowprices.Theyallhoppedinacabandwent ontheirmerryway. —LucasWeiner Prologue,“TheQuesttoMacy’s” ...Iamaveryfamily-orientedman.IlovemyfamilyandI enjoyhangingout withmyMomandDad...SometimesItrytoformafamilyoffriends,soIcan have a family away from my real family. I have achieved that in the Winston School.Mysocialskillshavegreatlyimproved,butmyisolationfromrelationshipshasremained;andIcouldneverhavebeenanybetterwithouttheWinston Page 20 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 School.Itrulylovefamilyineverysenseoftheword.Ienjoyhavingaclan to lock to and hang out with all the time, and having a large family of friendshasmademerealizetheimportanceofcamaraderie... —AlexNiakaros “EnglishSemesterEssay” ...Mygamingabilitiesmightbeagoodplacetostartworkingon buildingtrust.Icaneasilystayinaconversationifit’saboutvideogames. Inaddition,iftheconversationchangestopicthereisstillachancethatIwill stillbeinterestedinthenewtopic.Icanalsocontributetoaconversation aboutvideogames,movies,animals,classicrock,andthecustomsofpeople withweirdreligions.EvenifIcan’tcontribute,I’llstilllisteniftheconversationisinterestingenough.Ifonethingapersonsaysisinterestingenough andIdon’tknowmuchaboutit,Itendtogoonlineanddoalittleresearch onit.Ofcourse,casuallunchconversationsaren’tmuchhelpifI’mnotwillingtogooutandsocialize... —BrianHarkins “MyJourneyofCompanionship” ...Nowformylastyearofhighschool,IamattendingtheWinston SchoolSanAntonio.Ireallyfeellikethisschoolistheperfect itforme.The workisjustchallengingenough,butitisde initelynotimpossible.Ifeellike thisschoolisbetterpreparingmeforcollege.Ithinkthisisthebestschool I’ve gone to in my high school years, and I’m really grateful for the help I havegottenhere. Ithinkthatmypersonaljourneyisthejourneythroughhighschool. I’ve been through a lot these past four years, but that has only made me stronger. One of my biggest goals is to be a special education teacher. I thinkthatsinceI’veexperiencedwhatit’sliketohavealearningdisability,I can relate to kids much better than someone without a learning disability could.Eventhoughthisjourneyhasn’talwaysbeenaneasyone,I’mthankfulforthelessonsI’velearnedandhowmuchstrongerIhavebecome. ...AgoalIhaveformyselfistosomedaysharemyloveofartwith Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 —BeccaSanMiguel Essay, irstsemester inalexam Page 21 others.Iwouldliketoshowpeoplethelovethatcomesfromyourselfwhen youcreateapieceofart.Ithinkartbuildsastrongindividualcharacterthat comesfromwithin….Itshowswhoyouareandmaybecome.Artispersonalwhenitcomesfromtheheart.IfIcansharemytimewithkidsinneedof alittlecolortobrightentheirspirits,Iwouldlovetospendmydayshelping them indtheirownworldofcolorthroughart. —MadelineBarrows “MyJourney” Looking back upon 2010 at the start of a new year, I can see the changeandgrowth.Literaturehasbecomemorethanjustwords;ithasbecomeawaytoexplorenotonlymyselfbutothersaswell.Fromfantasyand ictiontorealityandbiographies,takingahigherleveloflanguageartshas beenbene icialinallaspects. Language arts shouldn’t be looked upon as a struggle, even to thosewithadif icultyinthesubject,butasawaytocommunicatewiththe worldandtoexpressoneselfincolorfulvocabulary,muchasartistsdowith the lowoftheirdrawingsandcomplexityoftheirartwork.I’vealwaysenjoyedreadingandwriting,andbeingabletoshareintheworkandassignments that others are participating in offers a more in-depth, multiperspectivedevelopmentofunderstanding. —DominicCavallini “Re lection” F A Page 22 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Basic Fretting by Caleb Between Boardwalk and Mediterranean Avenue by Caitlin Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 23 Grounder by Joel HDR Choices Page 24 by Saion Peterson Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Tile Garden by Saion Eye’s Tray by Mitchell Wahl Running Fawcet by Sosha Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 25 Semper Fi High By Erika Beza Dark Ages By Saion Under-brella By Caleb Page 26 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 TheSpaceMarines ByNoahSchorr TheSpaceMarinesoriginatedintheyear2635asa replacement for the UNSC Marines. The agency that is chargeoftheSpaceMarinesistheUNSMCanewbranchof the military whichstandsforUnited NationsSpaceMarine Corps. The training for the Space Marines is brutal and deadly but there are 2 branches of the Space Marines, the irst branch is the high- risk units nicknamed “Ghosts” whicharekindofliketheUNSCODSTTrooperexcept,they can gointo a“Ghost Form”andpassthroughsolidobjects, likemetalortitaniumoranysolidorliquidmass.Thetraining for the Ghosts is more brutal than any other training programanexampleisthatyouhavetorunthroughanobstacle course while being shot at. Another example is you havetorunlike10mileswithnobrakesinbetween. The second branch is the regular Space Marines Commandos (there is no real infantry units just the commando units serve as the infantry units.) nicknamed the “InfantryClass”or(IC)theyarebasicallyputthroughregular training programs, like 20 minute itness runs and that kindofstuff.Therearecurrently700unitsofSpaceMarines inservicethemostrecentunitstojoinwere107thFastAttackTeam(FAT)(a.k.a.GammaTeam)andthe122ndRecon Advance Force (RAF) (a.k.a. Sigma Team). Also a couple of newtypesofSpaceMarinewereaddedtothemix,theyare Scavenger, Heavy Infantry and In iltrator. There are 3 highly trained Commando units that are already combat effectivetheyareAlpha,BetaandDeltaCommandoUnits. Thisstoryfocusesinthrougha irstpersonviewonanew recruit to the newly formed Theta Commando Unit, Major G1.ChaseLawson, Journal Entry #1 “I can’t believe I made it through theQuali icationteststobecomeaMajorIthoughtIwasa Continued on Page 46 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 27 3Poems ByElenaMarieGravez I. The Making of Right With a standout, and others before him Powerful is the future, a mystery— II. Mind Field A great poet, barreling over the mountaintops. dramatic. root of his vision, transition, today. III. Diamonds Through it, far from. beneficial along the lines. that kind, true heart shines. F A 12PoundsofThanksgiving ByGrayMiller Cold. 12pounds. Neighborlygrace.Mildred’sdemonstrationwasnotastaggeringproblem. Theoven, thecarton andplasticwrappedturkey. Onthehoura ishermanwasfounddead, multiplebeestings.Thecabin. A F Page 28 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Poemsbyvariouswriters [darkandcoldinthewarehouse] ByWyattParedes darkandcoldinthe warehouseitfeltlike arefrigerator.Iwasonmylast magazineofammunition.Having beenheremakespeoplego crazy.Themercenarieswere ontheirwaytome. [noname] ByPatrickClemons nonamewasalostkid inthestreetsofLondon, England. [seealltheprettyfaces] ByWillGallogly seealltheprettyfaces.astheystareblankly atyou.Seetheprettyfacesasthey blanklystareatyou,seeall theprettyblankfacesasthey stareblanklyseealltheblankfaces astheystareatyou.nownoone canstareblankly. Ifyoucanreadthisyoudon’tneedglasses. F A Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 29 3Poems ByErikaBeza I It’stheirskincaptured Yep! Timetotakeitallin Berlin. II Ahighgo Andbe irstfromstreetview Theturnwith Themannevertellsitlost III Keeptenpeoplesomesmall Butbadwantsnowtheyseenewday Anewoneortwo Seehow Newgonnadropitall Doingyearsevenyoudon’tgetsomething Wesayorhookedup Thesame Chris? Whatgoesdown? De initely Comesout Nowyou’redoingprettyfreefor? F A Page 30 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 FurbyWorld BySontoshaOrbin In Furby World, there are two different kinds of furby. There aretheFurbygods/goddessesandthere arethebaby Furbies,whoaretrainedto bea Furby forachildonEarth.Whilein Furbytrainingtobeatoy,allthelittleFurbysareinFurbyWorld. TheFurbygodsaretheoneswhodecideifaFurbyshouldgotoa child or not. If a little Furby is too reckless or does something againstthe Furbylaws,thegodsor goddesseswillbantheFurby from being a toy and going to Earth. The most famous of Furby gods is Furbus. He is the leader of all the Furby gods and all of their children. He controls what the Furbys think and do, and whentheyarehungryortired.TheFurbysdonothavetolistento whathehastosay,butiftheydonot,therearemajorconsequences. Furbushasmanywives,muchlikeZeustheGreekgod.His mainwifeisnamedFurbella.SheisoneofthemanyfemaleFurbys. Sheusedtobeatoyforachild,butwhenthechildmistreatedher she called for Furbus’ help. He decided that he wanted her to be hiswife,sohereplacedherwithanotherFurbywhilethechildwas asleep.Shethenwasmadeintoagoddess,andliveswithFurbusin hiskingdom.Hersisters,FurbalinaandFurbanna,werejealousof Furbella and decided they would also cry for help to Furbus. He responded, but the two sisters did not get what they wanted. Instead,Furbusbrokethemsothatthechildthrewthem awayand theywerenolongertormentedliketheysaidtheywere. Furbys, like the Greek gods, have an underworld. The Furbyunderworldhasnoname,butitisaplacefortheunworthy Furbys or the Furbys that have disobeyed a God or Goddess. Furbo,aFurbywhohadpassedhistrainingwith lyingcolors,was senttotheFurbyunderworld,notbecausehedisobeyedagodor goddess,butbecausehebrokethebiggestruleofall—nottalking tohumans.Furbowasbeingplayedwithbyachild,whomheloved verymuch.Heandthechilddideverythingtogether.Onedaythe child went into his room and was crying. He brought out Furbo andstartedtotalktohim,tellinghimhowhisparentsweregetting adivorce,andhowthekidsatschoolwerebullyinghim.Furbo Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 31 FurbyWorld wantedsobadlytocomfortthechild,butallhecoulddowasbea toy.ThechildthentoldFurbohelovedhim,andFurboanswered back, “I love you, too.” The child screamed, and threw Furbo againstthewall,thinkingitwasimpossibleforatoytotalk.Furbus lewdownintotheboy’sroom,erasedtheboy’smemory,andsent Furbointotheunderworldforalleternity.Furbogothisbrother, Furb,totrytotalkFurbusintolettingFurbohaveanotherchance, buttherewasnohope. Furbo was sent into the underworld where Reptar, the monster,isguardian.ReptarisnotaFurby—farfromit.Heisnot furryorcuddly,nordoeshebringanyentertainmentatall.Reptar is a green giant monster with purple scales going down his back. HewasFurbus’petandwasfedScoobysnackswhenhebehaved. Furbus demanded Reptar take Furbo into his underworld, and ReptardidasFurbuswanted.OnceReptartookFurbointotheunderworld,Furbusthrewhimatreat.FurbothenhitReptaronthe back of the head, shocking Reptar. Furbo took the treat, and ordered Reptar to release him. Reptar, wanting the treat, allowed Furbotoleavewithouta ight. WhenFurbogotoutoftheunderworldhewasgreetedby Furbella,Furbus’wife,withasmile.ShesaidshehadbeenwatchingFurboandsawwhatadaringjobhehaddonetogetoutofthe underworld.ThinkingFurbellawasgoingtocapturehim,Furbohit Furbellaonthebackofthehead,makingherfallforward.AsFurbo ranoff,shescreamed,“Iwasgoingtoletyougo,butnowyouwill pay!”Furbosetoffto indtheentrancetoEarth,togobacktothe childhehadonceloved. After Furbella got back to Furbus and told him what happened, Furbus was furious. He sent all of the Furbys looking for him. Whentheywerenotbeingplayedwith,allFurbyshadtobeonthe lookoutforFurbo.Nooneeverfoundhim,notasingleFurby.The future-telling Furby, Furbious, knew what had happened but refusedtotell.SomesaythatFurbomadeitbacktohischild;others say he was killed on his journey to Earth. Furbious was put to death fornottellingwhathadhappened,andReptarwasforever watchedbyFurbellaandFurbus’son,Furbel. A Page 32 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 F TheClashoftheElements ByZoeeCartright Oneday,foursisterswerewalkingthroughaforest.These four young women were known all over as the Element Sisters. Theyeachhadcontroloveroneoftheelements:Avanicontrolled earth,Airacommandedthewind,Aidancontrolled ire,andAviva had power over water. They were all thrown out of their village one day for their crimes. Aira and Aviva were always caught attempting to create deadly storms, Aidan loved setting things ablaze,andAvani’splantsandtreeswereconstantlydiscoveredin the village people’s gardens. Finally, after years of the troubles these young women brought upon the village, the village people decidedtobanishtheSisters. Asthesisterswalkedthroughtheforest,theycameacross asmalloldcastle.Itlookedasifithadbeenabandonedforyears. They walked up to the front door and tried to open it. The door slowly opened and when they walked in they saw the walls coveredindustandcobwebs. “Itlookslikenoonehasbeenhereinyears.Iwonderwho lived here,” Aira said, as she looked around. Aidan found a torch andlitit.Theroom illedwithlight,revealingalloftheoldpaintingsandfurniture.Therewasapaintingofabeautifulyoungwomanwithababyboyinherarms.Theyoungwomanhadlongcurly auburnhair,brightgreeneyes,rosypinkcheeksandlips,andshe wore a small, silver tiara with amethyst and sapphires. The baby boy in her arms couldn’t have been older than three months. He had black hair, his mother’s green eyes, and chubby pink cheeks. As the sisters looked at the picture, the woman’s eyes changed from green to blood red; the girls assumed the beautiful woman wasaprincess.TheElementSisterswatchedassheandherbaby boytransformedintohorrifying,human-likemonsters.Thesisters lookedaway,terri ied. Avani,Aira,Aidan,andAvivacontinuedtowalkdownthe hallway until they came to a grand staircase, covered in purple ropes and drapes. At the top of the staircase were even more paintingsoftheyoungwoman.Insomeofthem,shewaswitha Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 33 ClashoftheElements handsome young man, in others with another woman, who may havebeenhersister. “I remember hearing about this castle!” Aidan exclaimed. “ItbelongedtoPrincessesAdelinaandCoraline!Adelinawasinthe painting downstairs. This is her with her little sister Coraline. Theirmotherleftthiscastletothembeforeshedisappeared.” Avivaadded,“FromthestoriesIheard,CoralineandAdelinanevergotalong.Theyfoughtconstantlyandabsolutelyhated eachother.WhenCoralineblamedhersisterforthedisappearance oftheirmothernobodybelievedher,thinkingshewasblamingher sister out of hatred. Then one day, she vanished. Poof! Gone . . . peoplebecamesuspicious.” “Well,asofrightnow,”saidAvani,“thisisournewhome. Howmanyotherabandonedcastlesarewegoingto ind?Wecan continue this old wives’ tale later. Let’s go claim our rooms and thenlookforfoodandcleanerclothesbeforethesungoesdown.” Each of the sisters walked down the hallway to ind bedrooms. Every room still had furniture in it, including a bed and a wardrobe illedwithdressesandgowns.Theychangedtheirdirty clothesandthenwenttolookforfood.Aftermiraculously inding some food that wasn’t spoiled in the kitchen, they went to their bedroomsandfellasleep. In the morning, each of the sisters woke up and looked around. They each noticed their dirty clothes were missing and there were wet footprints on the loor leading to the door. The girls were enraged, thinking one of their sisters had stolen their clothes.Theylefttheirrooms,preparedtoyellateachother.The girls got into a huge ight, each one using their own elements againsttheother.That’swhenthesistersstartedtohateeachothersomuchtheywantedoneanotherdead. Only Aviva still had some love for her sisters and had a clearenoughheadtorealizewhatwashappening.Therewassome ofthestorysheheardthatsheforgottotellhersistersabout.She rememberedthattheprincessesandtheirmothermovedintothe castlewhentheAdelinawastenandCoralinehadjustturnedseven.Twodaysaftertheyarrivedatthecastle,thingswent Page 34 Continued on Page 40 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 TheKid,ThePlayer,TheWarrior ByJackSpartan The pass to number 44 Weston Brown is complete; he’s tackledatthe18-yardline,whichputsusintheredzone.Theopposingteamcallsatimeout.WehuddleuponCoachHambrick.He brie ly compliments our offensive line, along with Weston (WR) andEric(QB).Thenhebeginstotalkaboutthegame.“Okay,now thatwe’reintheredzone;Iwanttotrytoruntheballin.Comeout inthej-birdandrunthefullbackoption.”Thefullbackoptionisa quickhandofftothefullback,whichallowshimtorunorpitchthe ballbacktothetailbackdependingonthedefensiveendsposition. Wemoveoutontothe ield,andhuddleup.“Fullbackoption, on set.” We break the huddle and move into position. The playersonthe ieldarefullback,SaionPeterson#13;quarterback, Eric Romero #7; center, Josh Overton #55; guard Carlos Elizondo#11; tight end, Avery Smith#45; and then me, the tailback, JackSpalten#20. ”Down!”Itakeadeepbreathandmyheartbeatrises. “Set!”Withtheearlysnap,theplaystartsandJosh,Carlos andAverymoveintotheirblocks.Saiontakesthehandoffandobserves the ield: the defensive end is right on the line of scrimmage,whichgiveshimgreatpositiononSaion,sohe lickstheball backtomeandIboltforthesideline.Ihitthesidelineandlookup ield—allgreen.NowIreallyturnonthejetsandheadfortheend zone.Thelinebackerisfastandmeetsmeatthecorneroftheend zone, so I lower my shoulder and stay inbounds. I look up, hear whistlesandseetheof icials’armsintheair.Iputsixpointsonthe board!Thegametakesasteadypacethroughoutandwebeatthem bythemercyruleinthebeginningofthefourthquarter.TheFirst gameoftheseasonisawin. Afterthegamethatnightwewereshoweredwithcompliments.Ipaidlessattentiontothem,becauseIhadbeenlookingfor someoneafterthegame—thenIsawher.Theentiregamewasdevotedtoimpressingher,notsothecoachesandfans,butjustone girl.Oneveryspecialgirl. Ithinkallguysplayfootballforallthesamereasons.Their friendsplay,theylovethegame,thecontact,everybodyloves Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Continued on Page 45 Page 35 Essay ByDavidWiessing Every life is a story and every person is on a journey. Although pathswilloftencrossandstoriesoverlap,weallhaveourownstories and, although most people spend their lives with or around otherpeople,yourjourneywillalwaysbeyoursalonetotravel. Throughout our travels, we often breach into the unknown, be it in our minds and our hearts, or actual geographical locations—it’s these experiences that help us to live, learn, and discoverjustwhatlifeis.Indeed,thatmayverywellbethequestion that is the driving force for all of humanity. In fact, it could easilybearguedthatthisiswhatmakesushuman—theabilityto ask and sometimes ind the answers to the ultimate questions to “life,theuniverse,andeverything.”Ihaveonlylivedonthisearth foreighteenyears,butthesearesomeofthethingsIhavecometo learnwhilstI’vebeenhere. Different people spend their lives in search of different things.Dependingontheperson,itcouldbeverygeneralorvery speci ic.Itmaybewisdomorwealth,powerorpeace,isolationor attention, or any number of other things. Personally, I search for somethingverygeneral.IspendmytimetryingtodowhatIthink isright.Isearchforthegood;inotherwords,IsearchforGod. I have grown up in a Catholic family and my mother has raised me and all my siblings to take our faith seriously. For the pastnineyearsIattendedaveryCatholicschoolcalledTheAtonementAcademy.AlthoughIhaveinthepastquestionedandsecond -guessed my faith, in the end it has always seemed to come throughforme.IbelievethatGodistheveryessenceofallthatis goodinthisuniverseandthatallthingsgoodareofGod.I’vealso observedthatpeoplewholivetheirlivestryingtodowhatisright, eventhoughitisnotalwayseasy,tendtolivehappier,morecontentlives,whilepeoplewhopaylittleattentiontorightandwrong tendto,inthelongrun,suffermuchmore.Ihaveseenthismany timeswithmyfriends,myfamily,andevenmyself. There are, however, as I have learned, other ways apart from just our external actions that bring us joy in life and closenesstoGod.Thereisalsomuchthatcanbedoneinternally.For Page 36 Continued on Page 42 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 MyTrain‐ illedDayof2009 ByStevieRayMartinez OnaSaturdayinAugust2009,summerwascomingto an endandschoolwasjusttwodaysaway.Iknewthatassummeris ending, you should make the last few days of summer your best onesyet.Ontheweekbefore,Ireceiveda lyeraboutatrainshow beingheldinNewBraunfels,Texas.Trainshowsarealwaysfunto gotoandthereareahundredkindsofdifferenttrainstolookat.It was going to be held at the New Braunfels Convention Center. I knewthatitwasgoingtobethebestlastdayofsummerIwould ever have. Dad and I got into the car, took the lyer with us and droveofftoNewBraunfels. ItwasalongdrivetoNewBraunfels,butIdidn’tmindbecause I liked looking out the window to keep an eye out for any trains.Afterabout iftyminutes,wemadeittotheconventioncenterwiththebigbannerthatsaid“TrainShow.” Wewentinsideandturnedinthe lyertoreceiveourdiscount.Beforewewentin,oneofthemenatthefrontdoorgaveme a ticket to ride the train at Landa Park. Dad and I walked in the room and saw a lot of train layouts! There were big and little trains, short and long trains, and a whole lot of other types of trains running around their layouts. My favorite one was the OGaugelayoutmadebytheTinplateTrackersofAustin,TX.Iliked watching the noisy colorful trains, running by the miniature amusementpark.Afewhourslater,weleftthetrainshowtogoto theNewBraunfelsRailroadMuseumthatiscloseby. ThemuseumisanoldtrainstationthatisneartheUnion Paci icmainline.IthadabigHOscaletrainlayoutinthewaiting room. Thereiseven arealsteamlocomotiveandcabooseon display outside the station. I got to go inside the train and ring the bell.Itwas harderthan Ithought, butIwas abletoringit. Afew momentslater,Iheardatraincoming.Thegroundstartedshaking, the crossing gates went down and three Union Paci ic diesel engines whooshed past the museum! I heard them honking their horns and the clickety-clack of their wheels on the tracks. After theypassedby,dadandIdecidedtogotoLandaParktousemy Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 37 MyTrain‐ illedDayof2009 From Page 37 trainticket. We got to the Landa Park depot and waited for the train. Afteritarrived,Igavemytickettotheconductor;thetrainpulled outofthedepotandwerodearoundthepark.Wesawchildrenin theplayground,ducksintheriver,andpeoplewavingtousasour train passed by. After the ride was over, we were just about to leave when my mom called. She told us that the Christmas Carol trainwasatSunsetStationindowntownSanAntonio.Dadaskedif Iwantedtogo(sillyquestion!),soweheadedbacktoSanAntonio andSunsetStation. TheChristmasCaroltrainwasatrainthatwentacrossthe U.S.andgavepeopleachancetolookatthecostumes,settingsand pictures of the characters for the upcoming Disney movie, “A Christmas Carol,” starring Jim Carrey. When Dad and I got to the station,itwaslikeaChristmaswonderland.Thereweresnowmachines,carolers,andvideostalkingaboutwhatwewere aboutto seeinthetrain.Wehadtowaitinalongline,beforegettingin.It washotandmylegsgotsore,butIwaspatient.Onehourlater,we got in the train. I saw all the costumes, settings and scenes from themovie.Inthelastcar,wegottousetouchscreencomputersto morphourfacesintooneofthefourcharactersfromthemovie.I morphedmineintoEbenezerScrooge.DadmorphedhisintoTiny Tim.BeforeIknewit,itwastimetogohome.Itwassuchafunlast dayofsummer.Icouldn’twaittogetbacktoschoolandtellallmy friends about my train- illed day. A F Hoobingloobin From Page 6 “ItisafarawayplanetIdiscoveredonmyradarjustlastweek.Itis knownasZorgong.” Thevoyagetookonlytwominutesandweallarrivedsafely.Well,atleastmostofarrivedsafely.CaptainThunderwatersuper laminglightningboltstartedtwitchingandthencouldn’t breathe.Hediedinmyarmsandhislastwordswere,“I’mallergic tomarshmallows.” A F Page 38 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 MyLifeAftertheCase From Page 4 crimescenewherethepeopleweremurdered;now,thosepeople weremurderedaswell. Onceagain,bothofthevictimsalsohadmudontheirfeet. Armando and I continued to wonder about why everyone would havemudthere. Afewmilesdownthestreet,therewasanabandonedfactory.Peoplesaidthatnooneeverwentinthere,butArmandoand Iwenttocheckitoutanyway.Wesawthatthegatehadalockon it,butthelockwas broken,sowewentin.Wefounddevastation everywhere:therewerecof insallaround,anditwasreallydark. Sodark,wecouldn’treallyseethecof insuntilArmandoraninto one.Wewereterri iedforamoment,butthenweheardnoisesof peopletalkingaboutthemurdercaseitself.Itwascleartousthat theywerethekillers,butitwastoodarktoseetheirfaces.Weleft beforetheysawus. I called my friend Robert, the cop from the last case. I askedhimtocheckoutthefactoryandtakeinanyonetheyfound. Once we were out of the factory ourselves, I looked down at my shoes and saw the exact same mud we had seen on the victims’ shoesinthehouse.IcalledRobertbackandtoldhimthis,too. Robertwenttothefactoryandarrestedfourmen.Hegave me the names of the four men, and I knew one of them from the Room 178 case. He had broken out of prison, so Armando and I wentintoquestionallfourofthesuspects.Theconvictwhohad brokenoutofjailwastakenback,afterwequestionedhim. Thefourmen’svoiceswereexactlythoseofthemenwe’d heard in the darkened factory. We asked if they knew anything aboutthedeathsinthe murderhouse.Weaskedwheretheyhad beenonthedayofthemurders.Onlyoneperson’sstorychecked out—therestwereclearlylying.Theonewhosestorycheckedout toldusthewholestoryofthemurders.Hesaidthattheyluredall of the victims to the factory with different stories, and then torturedandkilledthem. Wewentbacktothefactoryandfoundallkindsofdifferentrooms,fulloftorturingtools.Therewereactuallythreepeople stilltiedupinoneoftherooms.Theytolduswhattheirtorturers Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 39 MyLifeAftertheCase From Page 39 had done, and agreed to identify them for us. However, when the time came,theyfoundthattheyhadforgottenwhattheirtorturerslookedlike. Notonly that, wealsofoundoutthat the victims didn’t even knowwho theythemselveswere. Weputoutpostersfor“Found”persons.Thefamiliesofthevictimsstartedcallingthepolicetoidentifytheirfamilymembers.Oncethe threevictimswerebackwiththeirfamilies,thepeaceandquietbeganto trigger their memories, but two of the victims began dying, along with theirfamilies! ArmandoandIwerestunned.Wetriedto igureoutwhyallthe people were dying. We had already imprisoned the torturers, so we couldn’t igure out what was up. We put the third victim in protective custody, and then we started getting a series of threatening letters that saidwewouldbekilledifwedidn’tstoptheinvestigation. Oneafternoon,Armando,myprofessor,andIwerestarving,soI wentouttogetsomefoodforus,threeblocksfromourof ice. F A TheWomanandtheJudge From Page 7 foggy, rainy, freezing, sleeting, hailing, snowing, storming, windy, very warm,veryhumid,verycold,andverydry.Itwasallthesethingsatthe sametime.Thenit inallystopped.Thepowercamebackon.Thewoman sleptoverattheman’shouse. The next day, the woman went over to her house and saw that her house was torn up. She went inside her house and everything was broken. Well, almost everything. The things that weren’t broken were picturesofhermomanddadandotherimportantstuff. F A TheClashoftheElements From Page 34 horribly wrong between the sisters. That’s when the two girls began to hate each other so much they tried very hard to hurt one another, emotionallyandphysically. Avivatriedtoexplainittohersistersbuttheyjustkept ightingand ighting.Sheknewthatiftheykept ightinglikethis,oneday,theywould possiblyendupkillingeachother,justlikeAdelinakilledCor- F A Page 40 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 AcrossSpace:TheResistance From Page 39 I wondered and then I spotted something. There was something behindTristanthatlookedlikeashadow.Myeyeswidened.Isuddenlyrealizedwhatitwas. No! He couldn’t have! He wouldn’t . . Would he?” I wondered.WhywouldhemakeacontractwithaShadowMarion‐ ette?Thatdoesn'tmakesense!Heshouldhaveknownthatitwould bedangerous,andthathewouldhavetogiveuphissoulinthepro‐ cess. "AreyouthinkingwhatI’mthinking?"Aaronwhisperedto me.Inoddedandwhisperedback,"He'sde initelybeentakenover byaShadowMarionette,whichwouldexplainwhyhe'sactingthe way he is. The Tristan we know would never willingly join the Knights." "That's true,” Aaron muttered. "But with these circumstances, even if what we suspect is true, it’s impossible to free someonefromthegraspofaShadowMarionette." “Guys,"Ryansaidtelepathically,"Youknowwhatwehaveto do,right?"WeallnoddedandchargedatTristan. "Fools!" Tristan shouted, "Do you really think that mere pathetichumanslikeyouwouldbeabletostopme?"Yeswedo!We willdefeatyou!Iscreamedinmymind.Atearofsorrowsliddown my cheek, knowing that this was Tristan’s inal battle and we would never see him again. The sound of gun shots and swords clashingechoedaroundusaswefoughthim.Finallywewereable tostrikethe inalblow.Tristanfelltogroundinpain.Therewasa lickerofsadnessinhiseyes. “I’m sorry, Tristan,” I whispered, as I held one gun to his head and ired. Tristan’s now lifeless body hit the ground with a thud. The men that had been with Tristan were now gone. They probably ran away, those cowards, I thought. I sighed as I put my armsaroundmycomrades. “Wedidit,”Aaronsaid. “We should probably bring Tristan’s body ba—” Ryan stopped, when he realized that Tristan’s body was gone. It had vanishedintothinair. “Wheredidit—” Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 41 Essay From Page 36 example, the appreciation of all things beautiful and the love of knowledgeandwisdomaresomelessdirectwaysofgainingakind of closeness to Him. By admiring the creation and learning more aboutit,wecan,inprofoundways,cometoadmireandunderstand the creator. The funny thing is that this can often be done unconsciously.Tosomereaders,thismaysoundridiculousornaı̈ve,butI have noticed that in many ways people who are passionate about learning and have an appreciation for beauty, despite their religious beliefs or backgrounds, tend to be some of the kindest, best peoplethatyou’llevermeet. A F TheBlack From Page 11 WemanagedtogetourselvessettledintoourquartersandI found out who was who on the ship. Colonel Anderson was the teamcommander;hehadthekindofgazethatwouldscareyouto death just by looking at it. Tom Seilhan and his sister Grace, who hadofferedmethepaperbagafterthelaunch,bytheway,werethe chieftechniciansontheNovalis.RickCochranwasbasicallythepilotoftheship.Iwastheuniversal,technicalandscienti icadvisor on the project. We were strangers in space, embarking on a missiononlyfewknewabout. I iguredIjustneededtorelaxforlittlewhilebeforewereallygotstartedonanything,soIwentintomyquartersandfellfast asleep. In my dream, I was loating in space like in the last one I had,butinsteadofseeingearth,Isawsomethingelse.IthoughtI saw a swirling black cloud that hovered just above a blue bubblelikeenergy,whichIsoonrealizedwasabluegiantstar.Thecloud seemed to be connected to the star by a kind of swirling vortex pouring into the star, and the star was pumping, just like a heart. Suddenly, I saw the cloud open and a blue light came from it! I wokeupwithstart;Irealizeditwasjustanightmare,butwhatdid itmean?EvenasIgotdressedIstillwondered.Whatwasitthat destroyed the planet? Why was I picked for this mission? What wouldhappentouswhenwereachedourdestination? A F Page 42 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 AppearancesAreDeceiving From Page 9 andwascozier. BackinCalix’skingdom,theprincewashavinganargument with his vain stepmother. She insisted that Calix should choose someone from her family as his bride, since she had lovely nieces thatwere“almost”asbeautifulasshe.Calixrefused,becausehehad metthemallofthemalready,andeverysingleoneofthemwasas vainandsel ishastheiraunt.Calixwantedamodestandfairwife whotreatedothersasequals.Inhisfury,hesetoffforthekingdom wherethefamoussisterslivedbyhimself. Onhiswaythere,heranintoapoorold ishermanwhowas beggingforfood.Calixdidn’thavemuchfoodwithhim,buthesplit his food with the old man generously. Then something odd happened.Thefoodanddrinksthattheyhaddidn’tseemtodiminish. Instead,thedrinkswerealways illedandthefoodwasjustasfresh and whole as before. Calix was so shocked by this that he almost startedpanicking.Tohisamazement,theoldmanlaughedandexplainedtohimthathewasthegodZeusindisguise.However,what heaskedCalixwasmoresurprisingtothananythingelse. “So, I hear you’re a goodhearted prince who is out looking forafancybride?”saidZeus. “Y-yes sir. But it is not a fancy bride that I want. I want someonethatiskindtoothersandtreatseveryoneasequals.” “Isee.Andyoureallythinkthatyou’ll indherwhereyou’re heading?” “Well...Ihope.Ihearthattherearethreebeautifulsisters therebeyondcompare,whoaregiftedwithsurpassingtalent.Everyonesaysthattheirtalentsequalmine,soitmustbea inematch.” “And that is true, my boy. But I should warn you that appearancescanfoolyou.To indwhatyouwantyouwillneedtolook deeper. Perhaps a disguise will do for a while? That way you will seeforyourselfwhichoneistrueatheart.” “Thatisgenius,”exclaimedCalix.“Ijusthaveonequestion, mylord?” “Askaway.” “Whywereyoudisguisedasapoorhungrymortalinthe Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 43 AppearancesAreDeceiving From Page 43 irstplace?Couldn’thaveyoudisguisedyourselfassomethingless pitiful? And why are you here? Don’t you have better things in Olympus?” “Yesandno.Igetboredandlonelysometimesthere.WheneverthathappensIgoonlittleadventures,disguisedasamortal.I don’t know what I’m searching for, but I feel that a part of me is missing. However, I felt close to inding it when you treated me well.” “Well, you are the king of the gods and all I did was treat youwithgoodhospitality.” “Young man, that may just be it. A true king must have a pureheartandtreatotherswiththegreatestcare;especiallythose thataremoreunfortunate.BecauseyouhavehelpedmewhenIwas inneed,Ishallgiveyouatokenofmygratitude.” Zeussnappedhis ingersandasetofthemostbeautifuland perfect crowns appeared. Zeus snapped his ingers a second time and a magni icent wooden chest appeared with a golden key. The godgrabbedthesmallercrownandlockeditinthewoodenchest. ThenhehandedthegoldenkeytoCalixandsaid,“Givethiskeyto theonethatyouchoose,soshecanopenthechestwhenitistime. Appearances can be deceiving, so that is why I will transform you sothatnobodywillrecognizeyou.” Therewasasuddengoldenglowandwherethehandsome princehadstood,nowstoodan oldbeggar.Theprincehadonthe mostperfectdisguise.TheLordoftheSkythengrabbedthebigger crownandsaidthathewouldsenditbacktotheprince’scastle.He toldhimtowearitwhenhereturnedbacktothekingdom. “You should be on your way soon. It is a long journey and this disguise will only last for a week. However, because you’ve proven yourself to be as kindhearted as everyone says, I will take youtothekingdommyself.” Zeussnappedhis ingersforthethirdtimethatday,andjust like that, Calix appeared at the front of the palace gates. (Closeofexcerpt) A F Page 44 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 AcrossSpace:TheResistance From Page 15 Aaroninterruptedmeandcried,“TheyprobablytookTristan’sbodywiththem!” “—guys.Doyoureadme?”avoicesaidinmyear. I pressed a button on my earpiece. “We hear you Haley,” I said. “Oh,thankgoodness,”Haleysaid,throughourearpieces,“I wasbeginningtoworrythatyouguysweredead.” “Asifwewouldbekilledthateasily,”Ryanreplied. “Haley,” Aaron said. “There’s something we need to tell you.” “Hmm?”Haleysaid.“Whatseemstobetheproblem?” “We ran into—” I started to say it, but Aaron inished: “— Tristan.” “Are you serious?!” Haley shouted. “What happened?” IcringedasIreplied,“We’llexplainwhenwereturnto base.” A F TheKid,ThePlayer,TheWarrior From Page 35 thosebighits,butonethingthatmanyfootballplayerswon’tadmit isthattheyplaytoimpressgirls.Somegoforallthegirls,somego for one in particular, but generally speaking, football players have someoneonthesidelineswhomtheirwillingtobreakalegtoimpress. Afterthegame,whenyou’rehappilysittinginyourbedand yourmind inallyhastimetocalmdown,allyoufeelispainandexhaustion. Elbows bruised from trying to penetrate the defensive line. Legs sore from running and low hits. I could go on and on abouteverybodypartthat’ssoreandhowtheycametobesore,but I’mnotgoingtowasteanytime.Itfeelslikeyougotdraggedtohell andback. A F Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 45 TheSpaceMarines From Page 27 dead man, on my way out to the A-91 “Minotaur” gunship landingpadsIsawsomeofthe“Ghosts”thatwereatthetraining range testing out their new SMGs the MP976a Enforcer complete with tactical attachments for a XF98674 Colorized ThermalScopewith15xzoomandaplaceforaGL69875GrenadeLauncher.Ihaveheardmanystoriesaboutthemlikethat they can pass through solid mass like walls or metal or any type of objects solid, liquid and gas without any injuries. My dadwasaGhostaswellheservedfrom2598to2617buthe hadtoquit duringwhatwouldbehis49thyear, hejoinedthe militarywhenhewas17yearsold.ButonJanuary6th2627he hadtoretirefromthemilitaryduetoaminorstrokehemade ithomebuthewantedtogobackbuthewastoooldtorejoin themaximumagelimittobeapartoftheGhostsis45myfatherwas52sohistimeinthemilitarywasof iciallyover.But asIclamberedintotheshipIsawthatmyfriendsCapt.G1.T.J. GoldandComm.AustinGarciaandCpl.CoryWeinbergwhois in a special training program with us and then there is Cesar who is basically cannon fodder and is mostly the decoy for their unit The Ghost Squadron. I was real happy to see that theymadeitthroughtraining.Ihavelittleaboutwhereweare goingbutweareassignedtoThetaUnitwhichiscurrentlyout on the planet Zeta Prima which is just south of the Delta PrimusAsteroidField,theylost3oftheirguyssowewerechosen to get our butts to Zeta Prima ASAP. We are currently at 40,000 ft and climbing Jay threw up I couldn’t blame him he getsairsickIhopesomeonegetshimanairsicknessbagsoon likerightnow”. A F Page 46 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Freedom Arts, Vol 1 No. 3 Page 47