Square Internal Pile Guide
Square Internal Pile Guide
Thanks to our valued customers, we continue to grow and offer top quality dock and marine products. For fresh or saltwater, from conception to completion, we are ready to assist you through every phase of your dock project. Whether you’re a residential owner, a marina manager or a marine contractor, Ohney offers the widest range of docks, dock components and accessories. Our systems perform in the best possible way to maximize your docking experience. Our docks and dock components can be found throughout the United States as well as around the world. You can choose from our standard components or we will manufacture to meet your design specifications, and most importantly your budget. Thanks to our valued customers, Follansbee Dock Systems co quality dock and marine products. For fresh or saltwater, from we are ready to assist you through every phase of your doc residential owner, a marina manager or a marine contractor, range of docks, dock components and accessories. With ov systems perform in the best possible way to maximize your do and dock components can be found throughout the United S world. You can choose from our standard components or we w design specifications, and most importantly your budget. Ca when Quality, Dependable Service and Cost counts. SPECIAL SEE WHAT’S INSIDE... Benches..............................................49 Boarding Steps...................................49 Bunk Caps & Rollers..................... 47-48 Buoys............................................ 47-48 Cleats.................................................51 Decking.............................................. 55 Dock Hardware................................1-12 Fasteners........................................13-14 Fenders..........................................47-48 Fendering.......................................45-48 Flag Poles............................................50 Floating Docks................................27-28 Float Drums....................................15-21 Gangways...................................... 43-44 Grating................................................ 55 Handrail Brackets................................ 31 Ladders .........................................40-42 Ladders and Handrails........................55 Marine Matting....................................50 Mooring......................................... 50-51 Picnic Table Kits................................. 49 Pile/Pipe Guides.............................29-39 Piling Caps/Wrap........................... 52-53 Power Pedestals..................................52 PWC Dock/Lifts...................................26 Rubrail...........................................45-46 Structural Components.......................55 Truss Frames.................................22-25 Follansbe SHIPPING & DELIVERY Most stock orders in the continental U.S will be specific ne shipped standard service within 2 business days. faxedore We suggest shipping to a business address for acceptAut quicker, less expensive delivery. 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Pro typographi righttocor Wecanno COPYRIG Copyright© rightsrese Heavy Duty Dock and Deck Hardware HARDW ARE A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" WD-E Outside Corner End 7# A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" G: 13/16" WD-F Outside Corner Female 8.5# OutsideCornerEndsareusedattheendofdocks,ends Hastwo-(2)1/2"tabsandisusedwithOutsideCornerMale offingerdocks,swimfloatcorners,orwhenplainendsare (WD-M)orSingle“T”Male(WD-TM)connectors.Thetabs needed. arepre-drilledtoaccommodatea3/4"pinorbolt. A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: .5625" G: 2.75" WD-IN Inside Corner 6# 3/4"Tab WD-M Outside Corner Male A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" G: 13/16" 8# InsideCornerswithcornergussetsareusedasaninside Hasone-(1)3/4"tabandisusedwithOutsideCornerFemale backupfortheOutsideCornerhardware.Thecornergusset (WD-F)orSingle“T”Female(WD-TF)connectors.Thetabs providesstrengthandhelpstoreduceracking. arepre-drilledtoaccommodatea3/4"pinorbolt. A: 8.5" B: 8.5" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 12" G: 3" H: .5625" I: 2.75" WD-INPH3 Inside Corner Pipe Holder 17# Canbeusedtoreplaceastandardinsidecorner.Hasa3" I.D.pipeweldedintothecornerprovidinginternalanchoring. Accommodates2"I.D.pipe. 1 4 Outside Corner Male, Female and Inside Corner Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs HARDW ARE 3/4"Tab WD-TM Single “T” Male A: 5" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 9/16" F: 13/16" 3# A: 5" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 9/16" F: 13/16" WD-TF Single “T” Female 3.5# Has two- (2) 1/2" tabs and is used with Outside Corner Hasone-(1)3/4"tabandisusedwithOutsideCornerFe- Male(WD-M)orSingle“T”Male(WD-TM)connectors.Can male(WD-F)orSingle“T”Female(WD-TF)connectors.The beboltedtoaseawallforhingingrampsortothesideofa tabsarepre-drilledtoaccommodatea3/4"pinorbolt. dockforfingerattachment. A: 5" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 9/16" WD-B 5"x 5" x 1/4" Backup Plate 1.75# A: 2.75" B: 2.75" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" WD-A Angle 1.75# Backup Plates are used to backup Single “T” Female Are used for attaching cross stringers to side stringers. (WD-TF) and Single “T” Male (WD-TM) connectors.The Two-(2)WasherPlates(WD-W)areusedwitheachAngle backupisalsousedforbackingChainRetainers(WD-CR). tosandwichlumberandprovideasolidconnection. A: 1.5" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 9/16" WD-W “T” Male, “T” Female, Angle and Washer Plate Washer Plate .5# Washer Plates are used with Angles (WD-A) and Cleat Angles (WD-CA).The wood is sandwiched between the steelprovidinggreaterstrength. Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 2 5 Heavy Duty Dock and Deck Hardware HARDW ARE A: 5" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 9/16" F: 13/8" G: 1/2" H: 3/8" I: 5/8" WD-CR Chain Retainer A: 5" B: 2.75" C: 2.75" D: 3.5" E: 2.5" F: 9/16" G: 9/16" CleatsonPage59 3.75# Thesearetypicallyboltedtothesideofthedockortoacross stringerandcanaccommodateupto1/2"chaintoholdthe dockinplace.UseaWD-Basabackupplate. A: 7.75" B: 7.25" C: 5.75" D: 6.25" E: 6" F: 3"DIA. G: 9/16" H: 13/8" WD-CA WD-CAXL WD-CAFW Cleat Angle XL-Cleat Angle Cleat Flat Washer 1.75# 2# 1.50# Thecleatangleisboltedtotheinsideofthesidestringerand usesaWD-Wwasherplateasabackup.Thecleatisbolted throughthedeckandthroughthecleatangle.Theslottedholes allowforvarioussizecleatstobeused.Thiscleatassemblyties yourcleatintothedocksframingandnotjustthedeckboard. Wealsoofferanextralargecleatangleforcleatslargerthan 12".Thiswouldbeusedinthesamemannerasthestandard WD-PHCR Welded Pipe Chain Retainer 9# cleatangle.Thecleatflatwasherprovidesadditionalholding Thesearetypicallyboltedtothesideofthedockanduses strengthinareasacleatanglecannotbeused. chain to hold the dock in place. Use aWD-PHCRB as a backup. A: 5" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 48" F: 9/16" WD-FPS Chain Retainers 3 6 Finger Pipe Stabilizer 24# Ourpipetypefingerdockstabilizerisaneasywaytostabilize yourfingerdock.Weusetwo-(2)WD-TFSingle“T”Females, two-(2)WD-BBackupPlatesand1.5"galvanizedpipe.A3/4" BoltandNylonLockWasherconnecteachend(included). Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs HARDW ARE 3/4"Tab WD-FDS135 Finger Deck Stabilizer 135 A: 12" B: 8" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" G: 13/16" H: 45º 4.5# A: 8" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 5" F: 3.5" G: 3.5" H: 9/16" I: 135º WD-FDS45 Finger Deck Stabilizer 45 8.25# UsingourWD-FDS45andWD-FDS135,youcanconstructafingerdeckstabilizer.Thisassemblyhelpsstabilizenarrowfingers byspreadingtheloadontothemaindock.TheWD-BBackupPlatesareusedasbackupstothe“T”(notincluded). A: 12" B: 3" C: 1.5" D: 9.75" E: 5.5" F: 1.25" G: 3.125" H: 9/16" WD-RP1 Roller Assembly 13.5# Idealforthoseareaswhereasturdyrollerassemblyisneeded. Courtesy Dock & Ramp A: 11" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 7.25" G: 1.5" H: 9/16" WD-RA3 WD-RA4 WD-RA6 3' Wide Ramp Roller Kit 4' Wide Ramp Roller Kit 6' Wide Ramp Roller Kit 29# 31# 41# Buildingarollerramphasneverbeeneasierusingourramprollerkits.Theoutsiderollerbracketsarebackedupwithour standardWD-INInsideCornersandthecenterrollerbracketisbackedbyourWD-WWasherPlates.Rollersincluded. Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 4 7 Heavy Duty Dock and Deck Hardware HARDW ARE A: 36" B: 5" C: 7" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 5" G: 5" H: 9/16" WD-SP Splice Plate Set 29.25# SplicePlatesaredesignedtojointwosidestringers togethertomakelongerdocksections.Theflatplateis usedontheoutsideofthestringerandthe“T”plateis usedontheinsideofthestringer.The“T”platewillattach tothecrossstringerasshown.Setincludesaflatplate anda“T”plate. Ramp Cover Plate Set Splice Plate Set CODE WD-RCP3 WD-RCP4 WD-RCP6 DESCRIPTION Ramp Cover Plate Set (30-1/2") Ramp Cover Plate Set (42-1/2") Ramp Cover Plate Set (66-1/2") WT/LBS. 33# 47# 68# Therampcoverplatesaredesignedtocoverthegapcreated bythemale/femalehardwarebetweentherampandshore byprovidingacoveredwalkingsurfacebetweenthesections. Onesideispre-punchedandwillboltthroughthedecksurface. Theoppositesidewillslidewiththemovementofthedock. 5 8 WD-RCP Cover Plate Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs HARDW ARE A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" G: 13/16" WD-HDF Heavy-Duty Outside Corner Female 9.25# Hasthree-(3)1/2"tabsandisusedwithH.D.OutsideCorner Male (WD-HDM) or H.D. Single “T” Male (WD-HDTM) connectors.The tabs are pre-drilled to accommodate a 3/4" pin or bolt. Use these where additional strength is needed. A: 7.375" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 6.25" E: 9/16" F: 13/16" WD-HDTF Heavy-Duty Single “T” Female 3.5# Has three- (3) 1/2" tabs and is used with H.D. Outside Corner Male (WD-HDM) or H.D. Single “T” Male (WDHDTM)connectors.Canbeboltedtoaseawallforhinging rampsorboltedtothesideofadockforfingerattachment. Theseareusedwhereadditionalstrengthisneeded.Uses a(WD-HDB)H.D.BackupPlate. 3/4"Tabs WD-HDM Heavy-Duty Outside Corner Male A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" G: 13/16" 9.51# Hastwo-(2)3/4"tabsandisusedwithH.D.OutsideCorner Female (WD-HDF) or H.D. Single “T” Female (WD-HDTF) connectors.Thetabsarepre-drilledtoaccommodatea3/4"pin orbolt.Theseareusedwhereadditionalstrengthisneeded. 3/4"Tabs WD-HDTM Heavy-Duty Single “T” Male A: 7.375" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 6.25" E: 9/16" F: 13/16" 3# Hastwo-(2)3/4"tabsandisusedwithH.D.OutsideCorner Female(WD-HDF)orH.D.Single“T”Female(WD-HDTF) connectors. The tabs are pre-drilled to accommodate a 3/4"pinorbolt.Theseareusedwhereadditionalstrength isneeded.Usesa(WD-HDB)BackupPlate. A: 7.375" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 6.25" E: 9/16" WD-HDB Heavy-Duty Backup Plate 2.25# Heavy-Duty Backup Plates are used to backup the (WD-HDTM)Single“T”Maleand(WD-HDTF)Single“T” Femaleconnectors. Heavy-Duty Male / Female Connectors Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 6 9 Heavy Duty Dock and Deck Hardware HARDW ARE 3/4"Tabs WD-SM Special Outside Corner Male A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" G: 13/16" 11.75# TheSpecialOutsideCornerMaleallowsafingerdockto beaddedatacornerofamaindock.Usewithstandard (WD-F)OutsideCornerFemales. A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" G:13/16" WD-SF Special Outside Corner Female 11.75# TheSpecialOutsideCornerFemaleallowsafingerdock tobeaddedatacornerofamaindock.Usewithstandard (WD-M)OutsideCornerMales. A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" G: 13/16" WD-SMF Special Outside Corner Male/Female 11.75# TheSpecialOutsideCornerMale/Femaleallowsafinger dock to be added at a corner of a main dock. Use with standard (WD-F) Outside Corner Females and (WD-M) OutsideCornerMales. A: 7.625" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 6.125" E: 9/16" F: 13/16" WD-IN WD-M WD-M WD-TFJB WD-A WD-TFJB Special Single “T” Female 3.75# ThisSpecialSingle“T”Femaleallowsafemaleconnection whereacrossstringerispresentonamaindockasshown. Usewith(WD-M)OutsideCornerMales. 17 0 Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs WD-W Specialty Hardware HARDW ARE C B D F G A: 8" B: 3" C: 3" D: 5" E: 9/16" A: 20" B: 14" C: 14" D: 8" E: 11" F: 9/16" G: 2" A E WD-EPH Outside Corner End/Pipe Holder 46# OurNorthernfriendsusethisOutsideCorner/PipeHoldertohold theirdoublehighsided,foambillet,docksinplace.Thewelded 2"pipeholderwillaccommodate1.5"O.D.Anchoringpipe. WD-A8 Angle - 8" A: 8" B: 2" C: 5" D: 9/16" WD-W8 Washer Plate - 8" .5# These8"highWasherPlatesareusedwith8"highAngles (WD-A8).Thewoodissandwichedbetweenthesteelprovidinggreaterstrength. 3.5# This8"tallAngleisperfecttousewithlargerframing.Each 8" Angle is backed by two - (2) 8" high Washer Plates (WD-W8). A: 6" B: 6" C: 3.5" D: 4.5" E: 9/16" WD-A66 Angle - 6x6 1.75# TheselongerAnglesusetwo-(2)BackupPlates(WD-B) witheachAngletosandwichlumberandprovideasolid connection. A-STF A-STM A-STM A-STF Stiff Arm Assembly Stiff-Arm Male Stiff-Arm Female 7# 5# Thisisanaffordablealternativetopiling.Usingourtwo-(2)Stiff Armfittingsyoucanmakeastiffarmusing2"pipe.Eachfitting thruboltsinto2"pipe.TheA-STMthruboltsintoeachendofa 2"pipeandtheA-STFboltsinto2"pipeinthegroundonshore. Tabsforsecuringcableareincluded.Yousupplythepipeand cable.Wealsoofferthepipeandcable-pleaseinquire. Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 1 81 Residential Dock Hardware HARDW ARE Residential Dock Hardware is the perfect solution for building a dock for calm areas, free of current and prevailing Follansbee’sResidentialWoodDockHardwareistheperfectsolutionforbuildingadockforcalmareas,freeofcurrent winds. Our Residential Dock Hardware is fabricated from 7-gauge carbon from steel,7-gauge is hot-dipped galvanized for long and prevailing winds. Our ResidentialWood Dock Hardware is fabricated carbon steel, is hot-dipped lasting service and has the same quality features as our Heavy-Duty Dock Hardware. Using 2”x 6” or 2”x 8” nominal galvanizedforlonglastingserviceandhasthesamequalityfeaturesasourHeavy-DutyWoodDockHardware.Using (1-1/2”) lumber, 3/8” hot-dipped galvanized carriage bolts, and our (WD-PK) “Do-It-Yourself ” Dock Plan Kit a dock or 2"x6"or2"x8"nominal(1-1/2")lumber,3/8"hot-dippedgalvanizedcarriagebolts,andour(WD-PK)“Do-It-Yourself” swim float can be constructed to fit your specific needs. DockPlanKitadockorswimfloatcanbeconstructedtofityourspecificneeds. A: 8.5" B: 8.5" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 3/8" G:2.75" A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 3/8" RWD-E Residential Outside Corner End 5# RWD-IN Residential Inside Corner 5# InsideCornerswithcornergussetsareusedasaninside OutsideCornerEndsareusedattheendofdocks,endsoffinger backupfortheOutsideCornerhardware.Thecornergusset docks,swimfloatcorners,orwhenplainendsareneeded. providestrengthandhelpsreduceracking. 3/4"Tab RWD-M Residential Outside Corner Male A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 3/8" G:13/16" A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 3/8" G: 13/16" 6.5# RWD-F Residential Outside Corner Female 6.5# Hasone-(1)3/4"tabandisusedwithOutsideCornerFemale Hastwo-(2)1/2"tabsandisusedwithOutsideCornerMale (RWD-F)orSingle“T”Female(RWD-TF)connectors.The (RWD-M)orSingle“T”Male(RWD-TM)connectors.Thetabs tabsarepre-drilledtoaccommodatea3/4"pinorbolt. arepre-drilledtoaccommodatea3/4"pinorbolt. A: 2.75" B: 2.75" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3/8" RWD-A Residential Angle 1.25# Areusedforattachingcrossstringerstosidestringers. Two-(2)WasherPlates(RWD-W)areusedwitheach Angletosandwichlumberprovidingasolidconnection. 19 2 A: 5" B: 1.5" C: 3.5" D: 3/8" RWD-W Residential Washer Plate .5# WasherPlatesareusedwithAngles(RWD-A)andCleat Angles(RWD-CA).Thewoodissandwichedbetweenthe steelprovidinggreaterstrength. Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs HARDW ARE 3/4"Tab RWD-TM Residential Single “T” Male A: 5" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 3/8" Residential Single “T” Female A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 3/8" 3# Has two- (2) 1/2" tabs and is used with Outside Corner Male(RWD-M)orSingle“T”Male(RWD-TM)connectors. Canbeboltedtoaseawallforhingingrampstothesideof adockorforfingerattachment. Single “T” Female 3# Hasone-(1)3/4"tabandisusedwithOutsideCornerFemale (RWD-F)orSingle“T”Female(RWD-TF)connectors.The tabsarepre-drilledtoaccommodatea3/4"pinorbolt. Single “T” Male RWD-TF A: 5" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 3/8" RWD-B Residential 5"x 5" Backup Plate 1# Backup Plates are used to backup Single “T”Female (RWD-TF)andSingle“T”Male(RWD-TM)connectors. Back-up Plate Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 1 10 3 Connector Plate Dock Hardware HARDW ARE HARDW ARE A: 5" A: 5" B: 5" B: 5" C: 3.5" C: 3.5" D: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 3/8" E: 3/8" F: 3/4" F: 3/4" RWD-CPM “CP”“CP” MaleMale RWD-CPM Single Single 1.5#1.5# A: 5" A: 5" B: 5" B: 5" C: 3.5" C: 3.5" D: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 3/8" E: 3/8" F: 3/4" F: 3/4" RWD-CPF RWD-CPF Single “CP”“CP” Female Single Female 1.75#1.75# Hasone-(1)3/4"pipetabandisusedwithOutsideCorner Hastwo-(2)3/4"PipetabsandisusedwithOutsideCorHasone-(1)3/4"pipetabandisusedwithOutsideCorner Hastwo-(2)3/4"PipetabsandisusedwithOutsideCorFemale(RWD-ECPF)orSingle“CP”Female(RWD-CPF)connerMale(RWD-ECPM)orSingle“CP”Male(RWD-CPM) Female(RWD-ECPF)orSingle“CP”Female(RWD-CPF)con- nerMale(RWD-ECPM)orSingle“CP”Male(RWD-CPM) nectors.TheConnectorPlatesusea5/8"ConnectorPin. nectors.TheConnectorPlatesusea5/8"ConnectorPin. connectors. connectors. A: 10.25" A: 10.25" B: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" C: 5" D: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 3/8" F: 3/8" G:3/4" G:3/4" A: 10.25" A: 10.25" B: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" C: 5" D: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 3/8" F: 3/8" G:3/4" G:3/4" RWD-ECPM Corner “CP”“CP” MaleMale RWD-ECPM Outside Outside Corner Corner “CP”“CP” Female 5.27#5.27# RWD-ECPF RWD-ECPF Outside Outside Corner Female 5.58#5.58# Hastwo-(2)3/4"PipetabsandisusedwithOutsideCorner Hasone-(1)3/4"PipetabandisusedwithOutsideCorner Hastwo-(2)3/4"PipetabsandisusedwithOutsideCorner Hasone-(1)3/4"PipetabandisusedwithOutsideCorner “CP”Male(RWD-ECPM)orSingle“CP”Male(RWD-CPM) “CP”Female(RWD-ECPF)orSingle“CP”Female(RWD-CPF) “CP”Male(RWD-ECPM)orSingle“CP”Male(RWD-CPM) “CP”Female(RWD-ECPF)orSingle“CP”Female(RWD-CPF) connectors.TheConnectorPlatesusea5/8"ConnectorPin. connectors.TheConnectorPlatesusea5/8"ConnectorPin. connectors.TheConnectorPlatesusea5/8"ConnectorPin.connectors.TheConnectorPlatesusea5/8"ConnectorPin. 3/4"Tab 3/4"Tab A: 10.25" A: 10.25" B: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" C: 5" D: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 3/8" F: 3/8" G:3/4" G:3/4" H: 3/4" H: 3/4" RWD-ECPSM Corner “CP”“CP” Male/Tab RWD-ECPSMOutside Outside Corner Male/Tab6.45#6.45# Wood Dock Connector Plate Hardware Wood Dock Connector Plate Hardware 1 41 11 4 Hasone-(1)3/4"PipetabandisusedwithOutsideCorner Hasone-(1)3/4"PipetabandisusedwithOutsideCorner “CP”Female(RWD-ECPF)orSingle“CP”Female(RWD-CPF) “CP”Female(RWD-ECPF)orSingle“CP”Female(RWD-CPF) connectorsononesideandRWD-ForRWD-TFontheother. connectorsononesideandRWD-ForRWD-TFontheother. ® Follansbee - ®FoR allall YoUR dockInG needs Follansbee - FoR YoUR dockInG needs Non-Articulating Dock Hardware HARDW ARE Our Non-Articulating Dock Hardware is designed to reduce the movement between dock sections while providing additional stability. All hardware is made from 1/4” steel and is hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication for long OurNon-ArticulatingWoodDockHardwareisdesignedtoreducethemovementbetweendocksectionswhileprovidingadditional lasting service. These basic components along with our heavy-duty Dock Hardware will allow you to construct a stability.Allhardwareismadefrom1/4"steelandishot-dippedgalvanizedafterfabricationforlonglastingservice.Thesebasic dock using single or double 2” or up to 3-1/2” laminated beams. The (WD-NAE) Outside Corners, in conjunction componentsalongwithourheavy-dutyWoodDockHardwarewillallowyoutoconstructadockusingsingleordouble2"treatednominal with the (WD-NAIN) Inside Corners, provide greater strength to the dock’s corners. The 1” thick urethane donut lumberorupto3-1/2"laminatedbeams.The(WD-NAE)OutsideCorners,inconjunctionwiththe(WD-NAIN)InsideCorners,provide spacer allows minimum movement between dock sections. greaterstrengthtothedock’scorners.The1"thickurethanedonutspacerallowsminimummovementbetweendocksections. A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" G: 1" WD-NAE Non-Articulating Outside Corner End 7.5# OutsideCornerEndsareusedattheendofdocks,ends offingerdocksorwhenplainendsareneeded.Outside Cornersarebackedby(WD-NAIN)InsideCorners. 3/4"Tab WD-NAM Non-Articulating Outside Corner Male 8# Hasone-(1)3/4"tabandisusedwithOutsideCornerFemale (WD-F)orSingle“T”Female(WD-TF)connectors.Thetabs arepre-drilledtoaccommodatea3/4"pinorbolt. A: 10.5" B: 10.5" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" G: 2.75" H: 1" WD-NAIN Non-Articulating Inside Corner A: 5" B: 5" C: 3.5" D: 3.5" E: 9/16" F: 1" 8.5# Non-ArticulatingInsideCornerswith cornergussetsare usedasaninsidebackupfortheOutsideCornerhardware. The corner gussets provide strength and helps reduce racking. WD-UD4 F-HB7S F-HB9S A: 10.25" B: 10.25" C: 5" D: 3.5" E: 3.5" F: 9/16" G: 1" H: 13/16" WD-NAB Non-Articulating Backup Plate 1.75# BackupPlatesareusedasasettoconnectnon-articulating fingersdocksintothesideofamaindocksections. Urethane Donut Spacer 1"x 4" Diameter 3/4" x 7" Stainless Hex Head Bolt & Nylon Lock Washer 3/4" x 9" Stainless Hex Head Bolt & Nylon Lock Washer .50# 1.25# 1.50# Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 12 1 5 Fasteners FAST ENERS HDG CARRIAGE BOLT SETS (bolt, flat washer & nut) DESCRIPTION CODE 1/2"x1½"HDGCarriageBoltSet F-CB515 1/2"x3"HDGCarriageBoltSet F-CB53 1/2"x3½"HDGCarriageBoltSet F-CB535 1/2"x4"HDGCarriageBoltSet F-CB54 1/2"x4½"HDGCarriageBoltSet F-CB545 1/2"x5"HDGCarriageBoltSet F-CB55 1/2"x6"HDGCarriageBoltSet F-CB56 1/2"x8"HDGCarriageBoltSet F-CB58 1/2"x9"HDGCarriageBoltSet F-CB59 3/8"x2"HDGCarriageBoltSet F-CB382 F-CB3825 3/8"x2½"HDGCarriageBoltSet 3/8"x3"HDGCarriageBoltSet F-CB383 F-CB3835 3/8"x3½"HDGCarriageBoltSet 3/8"x4"HDGCarriageBoltSet F-CB384 F-CB3845 3/8"x4½"HDGCarriageBoltSet Reminder:FollansbeeHeavy-DutyWoodDockHardwareandPile Reminder: Heavy-Duty Dock Hardware and Pile Holders use 1/2”HDG Carriage Bolts. Holdersuse1/2"HDGCarriageBolts.OurResidentialWoodDock Our Residential Dock Hardware uses 3/8” HDG Carriage Bolts. Hardwareuses3/8"HDGCarriageBolts. F-LB2H F-LB3H F-LB4H F-LB5H F-LB6H 3/8"x2"HDGLagBoltSet 3/8"x3"HDGLagBoltSet 3/8"x4"HDGLagBoltSet 3/8"x5"HDGLagBoltSet 3/8"x6"HDGLagBoltSet F-STS GalvanizedSelf-TappingHexHeadScrew F-PHSTS GalvanizedSelf-TappingP-HeadScrew F-HWSW Galv.HexHeadWasherScrew-SD/ST STAINLESS CONNECTOR BOLTS CODE DESCRIPTION F-HB3435S 3/4"x3½"StainlessHexHeadBolt&NylonLockNut F-HB345S 3/4"x5"StainlessHexHeadBolt&NylonLockNut F-HB347S 3/4"x7"StainlessHexHeadBolt&NylonLockNut F-HB349S 3/4"x9"StainlessHexHeadBolt&NylonLockNut F-W34S 3/4"StainlessFlatWasher(soldseperate) CODE F-PIN3 F-PIN36 F-HB5S F-HC16 F-W34 1 13 6 DESCRIPTION 3/4"x3"HDGConnectorPin&HitchClip 3/4"x6"HDGConnectorPin&HitchClip 3/4"x4"HDGStraightPin&HitchClips HDGHitchClip HDG3/4"FlatWasher(soldseperate) F-DS8G F-DS8S F-DS14S F-TDS8S F-PLUS Galv.No.8Sq.DriveDeckScrew-2½" StainlessNo.8Sq.DriveDeckScrew-2½" StainlessNo.14Sq.DriveDeckScrew-2½" StainlessNo.8TrexDeckScrew-2½" StainlessNo.14Sq.DriveScrew-3" F-N6H F-N16H F-N20H HDGNo.6PennyTwistNail HDGNo.16PennyTwistNail HDGNo.20PennyMazeNail F-RNW 1½"StainlessRingShankOversize HeadNail-(30perbag) F-DS10S 1"Stainless#10SquareDrive OversizeHeadScrew-(30perbag) Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs FASTENERS HDG TIMBER BOLT SET (bolt, flat washer & nut) HDG HEX HEAD BOLT SETS (bolt, flat washer & nut) CODE F-HB515 F-HB53 F-HB535 F-HB555 F-HB56 F-HB57 F-HB381 F-HB3815 F-HB3825 F-HB3835 F-HB384 F-HB3845 F-HB386 F-HB5164 F-HB51645 F-HB586 F-HB587 F-HB3485 DESCRIPTION 1/2"x1½"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 1/2"x3"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 1/2"x3½"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 1/2"x5½"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 1/2"x6"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 1/2"x7"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 3/8"x1"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 3/8"x1½"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 3/8"x2½"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 3/8"x3½"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 3/8"x4"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 3/8"x4½"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 3/8"x6"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 5/16"x4"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 5/16"x4½"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 5/8"x6"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 5/8"x7"HDGHexHeadBoltSet 3/4"x8½"HDGHexHeadBoltSet F-TB586 F-TB588 F-TB5810 F-TB5812 F-TB5818 F-TB5820 F-TB348 F-TB3410 F-TB3412 F-TB3420 F-TB3422 F-TB3424 5/8"x6"TimberBoltSet 5/8"x8"TimberBoltSet 5/8"x10"TimberBoltSet 5/8"x12"TimberBoltSet 5/8"x18"TimberBoltSet 5/8"x20"TimberBoltSet 3/4"x8"TimberBoltSet 3/4"x10"TimberBoltSet 3/4"x12"TimberBoltSet 3/4"x20"TimberBoltSet 3/4"x22"TimberBoltSet 3/4"x24"TimberBoltSet 1 21 " 9/16" 1 21 " WD-WP15 1/2"WasherPlate 1 21 " 11/16" F-CP3 7/16"x3"ClevisPin,FlatWashers&HitchClip 5" WD-WPS34 WD-WP58 5/8"WasherPlate WD-WP34 3/4"WasherPlate 1 4" 9 16 WD-WPS15 " 1 21 " 9/16"SlottedWasherPlate 3/4"SlottedWasherPlate You will want to use good hot-dipped galvanized fasteners with the hot-dipped galvanized hardware and pressure-treated lumber. Other sizes are available - just call! Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 1 14 7 PF-3418T 3'Wx4'Lx18"H 918lbs. 59# attackfrommarineandanimallife.Theflattopandsolidflange PF-3424T 3'Wx4'Lx24"H1,000lbs.1,200lbs. PF-3420T 3'Wx4'Lx20"H 70# intheindustryforsolidattachment.Allfloatshaveatwelve(12) PF-3424T 3'Wx4'Lx24"H 1,200lbs. 81# 81# • High Density Polyethylene • Foam (EPS) Filled • Foam (EPS)• Filled Solid Mounting Fla 4'Wide x 4'Long Float Drums • Solid Mounting Flange 4'Wide x 4'Long Float Drums 4'Wx4'Lx12"H PF-4412T 924lbs. 47# • Flat Top-Easy Insta 4'Wx4'Lx12"H 47# • Flat Top-Easy Installation PF-4416T 4'Wx4'Lx16"H 924lbs.1,248lbs. 55# PORT PF-4412T SHIP WT. PF-4416T 4'Wx4'Lx16"H 1,248lbs. 55# Solidflangedfloatsareblow-moldedfromhighmolecularweightpolyethylene.Thisistheonlymoldingprocessandmaterial Integel Vent Plug PF-4418T 4'Wx4'Lx18"H1,433lbs.1,433lbs. 60# • Integel Vent• Plug PF-4418T 4'Wx4'Lx18"H 60# acceptedforthemanufacturingofautomotivefueltanks.Theonepiece,blow-moldedconstructionprovidesmaximum PF-4420T 4'Wx4'Lx20"H1,572lbs.1,572lbs. 63# • UV Lasting Stable, Long La PF-4420T 4'Wx4'Lx20"H 63# • UV Stable, Long strengthandlonglastingservice.ThefloatdrumsareUVstable,haveahighimpactstrength,andareextremelydurable. 5lbs. 22#UPS PF-4424T 4'Wx4'Lx24"H 1,896lbs. 71# PF-4424T 4'Wx4'Lx24"H 1,896lbs. 71# Thefloatswillnotcrackorwarpfromtemperatureextremesaslowasminus20°F.Thefloatsmeetand/orexceedall • Meets Army• Corps MeetsSpecs Army Corps 0lbs. 24#UPS ArmyCorpsofEngineersandEPArequirements.Allfloatsarefilledwithexpandedclosedcellpolystyrene(EPS)for • Hunt Absorption Test Customer Tip: Tip: 6lbs. 37#UPS permanentbouyancy.Thepolystyrenefillmeetsand/orexceedstandardssetbytheHuntAbsorptionTest.Thosedrums • Hunt Absorption Te Customer Thelowerthefloat,themorestableyourdockwillfeel. areresistanttogas,oil,saltwater,andareresistanttoattackfrommarineandanimallife.Theflattopandsolidflange 0lbs. 45# • 12 Year Warranty Thelowerthefloat,themorestableyourdockwillfeel. • 12 - Year Warranty makesthemidealforfloatreplacementandtheeasiestintheindustryforsolidattachment.Allfloatshaveatwelve(12) 0lbs. 53# FL OA TS Poly-Floats yearwarranty.Color:Black CODE DIMENSIONS Threaded Plug SUPPORT SHIP WT. 1lbs. 45# FEATURES: 2'Wide x 4'Long 5lbs. 48# Float Drums PF-F8 2'Wx4'Lx8"H 265lbs. • Blow-Molded, One Piece 22#UPS 8lbs. 59# PF-F12 2'Wx4'Lx12"H 400lbs. 24#UPS 0lbs. • High Density Polyethylene PF-F16 70# 2'Wx4'Lx16"H 526lbs. 37#UPS 0lbs. PF-F18T81# 2'Wx4'Lx18"H 590lbs. 45# • Foam (EPS) Filled 660lbs. 53# • Solid Mounting Flange Threaded Plug 3'Wide x 4'Long 4lbs. 47# Float Drums • Flat Top-Easy Installation PF-3412T 3'Wx4'Lx12"H 611lbs. 45# FEATURES: 8lbs. 55# PF-3416T 3'Wx4'Lx16"H 815lbs. 48# • Integel Vent Plug • Blow-Molded, One Piece 3lbs. 60# PF-3418T 3'Wx4'Lx18"H 918lbs. 59# Low 8" High Float Completely Foam (EPS) Filled 2lbs. 63# • UV Stable, Long Lasting 70# PF-3420T 3'Wx4'Lx20"H 1,000lbs. • Profile High Density Polyethylene PF-3424T 3'Wx4'Lx24"H 1,200lbs. 6lbs. 71# • Foam (EPS) Filled • Meets Army Corps Specs 81# ® • Solid Mounting Flange needs 1 8 x 4'Long Float Drums Follansbee - FoR all YoUR dockInG 4'Wide • Hunt Absorption Test Low Profile 8" High Float Completely Foam (EPS) Filled PF-4412T 4'Wx4'Lx12"H 924lbs. 47# • Flat Top-Easy Installation dockwillfeel. • 12 - Year Warranty PF-4416T 4'Wx4'Lx16"H 1,248lbs. 55# • Integel Vent Plug PF-F20T 2'Wx4'Lx20"H PF-4418T PF-4420T 1 8 PF-4424T 4'Wx4'Lx18"H 1,433lbs. ® 4'Wx4'Lx20"H 1,572lbs. Follansbee 4'Wx4'Lx24"H 1,896lbs. Customer Tip: 60# 63# all FoR 71# Thelowerthefloat,themorestableyourdockwillfeel. • UV Stable, Long needs Lasting YoUR dockInG • Meets Army Corps Specs • Hunt Absorption Test • 12 - Year Warranty Low Profile 8" High Float Completely Foam (EPS) Filled R all YoUR dockInG needs 1 8 15 Low Profile 8" High Float Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs Customer Tip: FL TS FLOA OA TS FL OA TS Some floating docks are left in the water during the winter freeze. If you have moving or shifting icewerecommendremovingthedocks.Ifleftin, removesmallanchoringpipeandtieoffthedock soitcanfloatfree. Customer Tip: Some floating docks are left in the water during Customer Tip: the winter freeze. If you have or shifting Some floating docks are leftmoving in the water during icewerecommendremovingthedocks.Ifleftin, the winter freeze. If you have moving or shifting removesmallanchoringpipeandtieoffthedock icewerecommendremovingthedocks.Ifleftin, Customer Tip: soitcanfloatfree. Some floating docks are left in the water during removesmallanchoringpipeandtieoffthedock the winter freeze. If you have moving or shifting soitcanfloatfree. icewerecommendremovingthedocks.Ifleftin, removesmallanchoringpipeandtieoffthedock soitcanfloatfree. CO Flanged 2' Wide x 4' Long Float Drum CODE Flanged 2' Wide x 4' Long Float Drum Flanged 2' Wide x 4' Long Float Drum DIMENSIONS SUPPORT SHIP WT. P P P P P SOLID MOUNTI PF-248 2'Wx4'Lx8"H 265lbs. 26# PF-2412 2'Wx4'Lx12"H 28# SHIP WT CODE DIMENSIONS 400lbs. SUPPORT PF-2416 2'Wx4'Lx16"H 526lbs. 37# PF-248 2'Wx4'Lx18"H 2'Wx4'Lx8"HSUPPORT 265lbs. CODE DIMENSIONS SHIP WT. 26# PF-2418T 590lbs. 41# PF-2412 2'Wx4'Lx12"H 400lbs. 28# PF-2420T 2'Wx4'Lx20"H 660lbs. 48# PF-248 2'Wx4'Lx8"H 265lbs. 26# PF-2416 2'Wx4'Lx16"H 526lbs. 37# PF-2412 2'Wx4'Lx12"H 400lbs. 28# PF-2418T2'Wx4'Lx16"H 2'Wx4'Lx18"H 590lbs. 41# PF-2416 526lbs. 37# PF-2420T2'Wx4'Lx18"H 2'Wx4'Lx20"H 660lbs. 48# PF-2418T 590lbs. 41# PF-2420T 2'Wx4'Lx20"H 660lbs. 48# SOLID MOUNTING FLANGE SOLID MOUNTINGFLANGE FLANGE SOLID MOUNTING Flanged 2' Wide x 4' Long Float Drum CODE CODE DIMENSIONS SUPPORT SHIP WT. PF-3412T PF-3416T PF-3418T PF-3420T PF-3424T CODE DIMENSIONS SUPPORT SHIP WT. C 3'Wx4'Lx12"H 3'Wx4'Lx16"H 3'Wx4'Lx18"H 3'Wx4'Lx20"H 3'Wx4'Lx24"H DIMENSIONS 611lbs. 815lbs. 918lbs. 1,000lbs. 1,200lbs. SUPPORT 40# 48# 55# 59# 68# SHIP WT. P P P P P PF-4412T 47# 527-45 PF-3412T 3'Wx4'Lx12"H 611lbs. 40# Phone: 4'Wx4'Lx12"H 800-223-3444 •924lbs. Fax: (304) PF-4416T 4'Wx4'Lx16"H 1,248lbs. 55# PF-3416T 3'Wx4'Lx16"H 815lbs. 48# PF-4418T 4'Wx4'Lx18"H 1,433lbs. 60# PF-3418T 3'Wx4'Lx18"H 918lbs. 55# CODE DIMENSIONS SUPPORT SHIP CODE DIMENSIONS SUPPORT SHIP WT. PF-4420T 4'Wx4'Lx20"H 1,572lbs. 63#WT. PF-3420T 3'Wx4'Lx20"H 1,000lbs. 59# CODE DIMENSIONS SUPPORT CODE DIMENSIONS SUPPORT SHIP WT. PF-4424T 4'Wx4'Lx24"H 1,896lbs. 71# PF-3424T 3'Wx4'Lx24"H 1,200lbs. 68# PF-4412T 4'Wx4'Lx12"H 924lbs. 47# SHIP W PF-3412T 3'Wx4'Lx12"H 611lbs. 40# PF-4416T 1,248lbs. 55# PF-3416T 3'Wx4'Lx12"H 3'Wx4'Lx16"H 815lbs. PF-4412T4'Wx4'Lx16"H 4'Wx4'Lx12"H 924lbs. 47# PF-3412T 611lbs. 48#40# PF-4418T 4'Wx4'Lx18"H 1,433lbs. 60# PF-3418T 3'Wx4'Lx18"H 918lbs. 55# 16 PF-4416T 4'Wx4'Lx16"H 1,248lbs.1 9 55# PF-3416T 48# Phone:3'Wx4'Lx16"H 800-223-3444 • 815lbs. Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com PF-4420T 4'Wx4'Lx20"H 1,572lbs. 63# PF-3420T 3'Wx4'Lx20"H 1,000lbs. 59# Series Float Drums TM M TTM TM DRUMS DRUMS The flanged Series™ float drums are blow-molded from high molecular weight polyethylene. This is the only Theflanged flanged Follansbee Series™ floataccepted drums are blow-molded from high molecular weight polyethylene.This isthe the is the The flanged Follansbee Series™ float drums are blow-molded from high molecular polyethylene.This The Follansbee Series™ float drums are blow-molded from molecular polyethylene.This is molding process and material for manufacturing ofhigh automotive fuelweight tanks.weight The one piece, blow-molded onlymoldingprocessandmaterialacceptedformanufacturingofautomotivefueltanks.Theonepiece,blow-molded onlymoldingprocessandmaterialacceptedformanufacturingofautomotivefueltanks.Theonepiece,blow-molded onlymoldingprocessandmaterialacceptedformanufacturingofautomotivefueltanks.Theonepiece,blow-molded construction provides maximum strength and long lasting service. The Series float drums are UV stable, have high constructionprovidesmaximumstrengthandlonglastingservice.TheSeriesfloatdrumsareUVstable,havehighimpact constructionprovidesmaximumstrengthandlonglastingservice.TheSeriesfloatdrumsareUVstable,havehighimpact constructionprovidesmaximumstrengthandlonglastingservice.TheSeriesfloatdrumsareUVstable,havehighimpact impact strength, and are extremely durable. Series floats will not crack or warp from temperature extremes as low as strength,andareextremelydurable.Seriesfloatswillnotcrackorwarpfromtemperatureextremesaslowasminus strength,andareextremelydurable.Seriesfloatswillnotcrackorwarpfromtemperatureextremesaslowasminus strength,andareextremelydurable.Seriesfloatswillnotcrackorwarpfromtemperatureextremesaslowasminus minus 20° F. The floats meet and/or exceed all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and EPA requirements. All float drums 20°F.Thefloatsmeetand/orexceedallU.S.ArmyCorpsofEngineersandEPArequirements.Allfloatdrumsarefilled 20°F.Thefloatsmeetand/orexceedallU.S.ArmyCorpsofEngineersandEPArequirements.Allfloatdrumsarefilled 20°F.Thefloatsmeetand/orexceedallU.S.ArmyCorpsofEngineersandEPArequirements.Allfloatdrumsarefilled are filled with expanded closed cell polystyrene (EPS) foam for permanent bouyancy. The polystyrene fill meets and/ withexpandedclosedcellpolystyrene(EPS)foamforpermanentbouyancy.Thepolystyrenefillmeetsand/orexceeds withexpandedclosedcellpolystyrene(EPS)foamforpermanentbouyancy.Thepolystyrenefillmeetsand/orexceeds withexpandedclosedcellpolystyrene(EPS)foamforpermanentbouyancy.Thepolystyrenefillmeetsand/orexceeds or exceeds requirements of the Hunt Absorption Test. Series™ float drums are resistant to gas, oil, saltwater, and are requirementsoftheHuntAbsorptionTest.Series™floatdrumsareresistanttogas,oil,saltwater,andareresistantto requirementsoftheHuntAbsorptionTest.Series™floatdrumsareresistanttogas,oil,saltwater,andareresistantto equirementsoftheHuntAbsorptionTest.Series™floatdrumsareresistanttogas,oil,saltwater,andareresistantto resistant to attack from marine and animal life. Both Series™ floats have a flat top making them ideal for new attackfrommarineandanimallife.BothSeries™floatshaveaflattopmakingthemidealfornewconstructionorfloat attackfrommarineandanimallife.BothSeries™floatshaveaflattopmakingthemidealfornewconstructionorfloat attackfrommarineandanimallife.BothSeries™floatshaveaflattopmakingthemidealfornewconstructionorfloat construction or float replacement. The tops are molded with recessed areas for strength and are perfect for running replacement.Thetopsaremoldedwithrecessedareasforstrengthandareperfectforrunningutilitiesifnecessary.The replacement.Thetopsaremoldedwithrecessedareasforstrengthandareperfectforrunningutilitiesifnecessary.The eplacement.Thetopsaremoldedwithrecessedareasforstrengthandareperfectforrunningutilitiesifnecessary.The utilities if necessary. The solid mounting flange runs around the entire perimeter and makes attaching the drums a solidmountingflangerunsaroundtheentireperimeterandmakesattachingthedrumsabreeze.AllFollansbeeSeries™ solidmountingflangerunsaroundtheentireperimeterandmakesattachingthedrumsabreeze.AllFollansbeeSeries™ solidmountingflangerunsaroundtheentireperimeterandmakesattachingthedrumsabreeze.AllFollansbeeSeries™ breeze. All Series™ float drums have a twelve (12)- year warranty due to manufacturing defects. Color: Black floatdrumshaveatwelve(12)-yearwarrantyduetomanufacturingdefects.Color:Black floatdrumshaveatwelve(12)-yearwarrantyduetomanufacturingdefects.Color:Black floatdrumshaveatwelve(12)-yearwarrantyduetomanufacturingdefects.Color:Black Follansbee Series Float DrumDrum Follansbee Series 1 Float Follansbee Series 11 Float Drum CODE CODE CODE Follansbee Series Float DrumDrum Follansbee Series 2 Float Follansbee Series 22 Float Drum DESCRIPTION SUPPORT WT/LBS.WT/LBS. CODE CODE CODE DESCRIPTION SUPPORT DESCRIPTION SUPPORT WT/LBS. DESCRIPTION SUPPORT WT/LBS.WT/LBS. DESCRIPTION SUPPORT DESCRIPTION SUPPORT WT/LBS. FFD-S2F24"Wx48"Lx12"H400#24# FFD-S2F24"Wx48"Lx12"H400#24# FFD-S1F24"Wx36"Lx12"H300#19# FFD-S1F24"Wx36"Lx12"H300#19# FFD-S2F24"Wx48"Lx12"H400#24# FFD-S1F24"Wx36"Lx12"H300#19# 00 17 2 0 ® ®® Follansbee FoR all YoUR dockInG needs Follansbee -all FoRYoUR all YoUR dockInG needs Follansbee -- FoR dockInG needs TM DRUMS SERIES™ 1 FLOAT DRUM SERIES™ 2 FLOAT DRUM FEATURES: • Blow-Molded, One Piece, Polyethylene Encasement • Expanded Polystyrene EPS Foam Filled • Solid Mounting Flange - Entire Perimeter • Molded-in Utility Chase Way • Flat Top-Easy Installation • Integel One-way Membrane Vent Plug • UV Stable, Resists Gas, Oil and Marine Growth • Meets US Army Corps Specifications • Meets And/or Exceeds the Hunt Absorption Test • 12 - Year Manufacturers Warranty CUSTOMER TIP: When determining the number of floats needed for a residential dock, in general, you can get a good estimatebymultiplyingthesquarefootage(lengthxwidth)ofyourdockby30whichwillgiveyouthetotal supportweightneeded.Youthendividethisnumberbythesupportratingofthesizefloatyouwanttouse. Foracommercialdocksuchasamarinawithmorepeoplewemultiplythesquarefootageofthedockby 40poundspersquarefoot. Example:4'Wx20'Lresidentialfloatingdock=80squarefeet.80sqft.x30=2,400lbsoftotalsupport needed.Ifyouareusing2'x4'x12"floats,thesupportofeachfloatis400pounds.Youthendivide2,400 by400=6floatsneededtoadequatelyfloatyourdock. Thesearegeneralcalculations.Thedockframing,deckingstructures,storageboxes,andetc.willaffect theamountofflotationneeded.PleasefeelfreetocallourTechnicalDepartmentat1-800-223-3444for assistance. PRS - 4 Float Drum Repair Sticks .01# These handy Float Drum Repair Sticks makes repairing scratches,gouges,cracksandsmallpuncturesfastandeasy. Thepolyethylenerepairsticksofferthesameresistanceto gas,oil,saltwaterandmostchemicalsasdoourpolyethylene floatdrums.Therepairsticksaredesignedtobeusedwith astandardgluegun(notincluded).Eachpackagecontains four-(4)repairsticks. Customer Tip: Float Drum Repair Sticks Ifyouhaveacrackedorpuncturedfloatdrum, letthedrumdrainforseveraldaystoallowthe watertoescape.Oncedrained,cleanthearea and use a wire brush to roughen the area toallowbetteradhesionofthepolyethylene repairsticks. Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 2 18 1 Permafloats® R Rotationallymoldedfloatdrumsofferdurableflotationthatcanbeeasilyappliedtoanyneworexistingdocksystem, whetheritbewood,steeloraluminum.Becausethedrumsarerotationallymolded,seamsareeliminatedthatcouldresult inseparationandleakage.The.150"nominalthickshellismadeoftoughvirgingradepolyethylenewithUVinhibitors. Thistoughshellpreventsdamagefromthesun,saltwater,debris,oil,gas,andmarineorganisms.Thedrumsarefilled withCFC/HCFCfreeexpandedpolystyrene,providingpositiveflotation.Theheavy-dutymountingflangeprovidesstability andstrength.Thefloatsaredesignedforeasytoolaccess.Allfloatshaveaflattop,ventplugsandtheflashdottakes theguessworkoutofnightdocking.ThefloatsareCorpsofEngineersapprovedandpassthe"Hunt"flotationtest.All floatshaveatwelve(12)yearwarranty.Color:Black CODE DIMENSIONS 8" High Float Drums CP-20728 20"Wx72"Lx8"H 12" High Float Drums CP-2312 CP-2412 CP-3412T CP-3612T CP-4412T CP-4512T CP-4612T CP-4812T SUPPORT SHIP WT. CU.FT. 380lbs. 35UPS 2'Wx3'Lx12"H 2'Wx4'Lx12"H 3'Wx4'Lx12"H 3'Wx6'Lx12"H 4'Wx4'Lx12"H 4'Wx5'Lx12"H 4'Wx6'Lx12"H 4'Wx8'Lx12"H 326lbs. 434lbs. 691lbs. 1,054lbs. 937lbs. 1,190lbs. 1,406lbs. 1,834lbs. 27UPS 30UPS 41 50 52 70 78 104 6.0 8.0 12.0 18.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 32.0 16" High Float Drums CP-2316 CP-2416 CP-3416T CP-3616T CP-4416T CP-4516T CP-4616T CP-4816T 2'Wx3'Lx16"H 2'Wx4'Lx16"H 3'Wx4'Lx16"H 3'Wx6'Lx16"H 4'Wx4'Lx16"H 4'Wx5'Lx16"H 4'Wx6'Lx16"H 4'Wx8'Lx16"H 442lbs. 598lbs. 905lbs. 1,359lbs. 1,220lbs. 1,552lbs. 1,863lbs. 2,475lbs. 29UPS 36UPS 49 67 63 84 92 122 8.0 10.7 16.0 24.0 21.3 26.0 32.0 42.7 20" High Float Drums CP-2420T CP-3420T CP-3620T CP-4420T CP-4620T CP-4820T 2'Wx4'Lx20"H 3'Wx4'Lx20"H 3'Wx6'Lx20"H 4'Wx4'Lx20"H 4'Wx6'Lx20"H 4'Wx8'Lx20"H 719lbs. 1,114lbs. 1,727lbs. 1,520lbs. 2,280lbs. 3,076lbs. 41 57 84 74 105 143 13.3 20.0 30.0 26.6 40.0 53.3 24" High Float Drums CP-3424T CP-3624T CP-4424T CP-4624T CP-4824T 3'Wx4'Lx24"H 3'Wx6'Lx24"H 4'Wx4'Lx24"H 4'Wx6'Lx24"H 4'Wx8'Lx24"H 1,346lbs. 2,090lbs. 1,799lbs. 2,702lbs. 3,618lbs. 68 101 89 126 172 24.0 36.0 31.9 48.0 64.0 32" High Float Drums CP-4632T CP-4832T 4'Wx6'Lx32"H 4'Wx8'Lx32"H 3,560lbs. 4,804lbs. 170 160 64.0 86.0 34½"Wx96"Lx30"H 34½"Wx96"Lx36"H 2,832lbs. 3,473lbs. 145 196 57.5 69.0 LIFT TANKS CP-349630T CP-349636T 6.67 Completely foam filled 1 to 1.5 density EPS 2 19 2 Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs Threaded Plug Structural Ribs Molded in Mounting Slots R CODE CP-2312 CP-2316 DIMENSIONS 2'Wx3'Lx12"H 2'Wx3'Lx16"H SUPPORT 326lbs. 442lbs. CODE CP-3412T CP-3416T CP-3420T CP-3424T DIMENSIONS 3'Wx4'Lx12"H 3'Wx4'Lx16"H 3'Wx4'Lx20"H 3'Wx4'Lx24"H SUPPORT 691lbs. 905lbs. 1,114lbs. 1,346lbs. CODE CP-3612T CP-3616T CP-3620T CP-3624T DIMENSIONS 3'Wx6'Lx12"H 3'Wx6'Lx16"H 3'Wx6'Lx20"H 3'Wx6'Lx24"H SUPPORT 1,054lbs. 1,359lbs. 1,727lbs. 2,090lbs. CODE CP-2412 CP-2416 CP-2420T DIMENSIONS 2'Wx4'Lx12"H 2'Wx4'Lx16"H 2'Wx4'Lx20"H SUPPORT 434lbs. 598lbs. 719lbs. Completely Foam Filled Drum CODE CP-4412T CP-4416T CP-4420T CP-4424T DIMENSIONS 4'Wx4'Lx12"H 4'Wx4'Lx16"H 4'Wx4'Lx20"H 4'Wx4'Lx24"H SUPPORT 937lbs. 1,220lbs. 1,520lbs. 1,799lbs. Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 2 20 3 Permafloats® CODE CP-4512T CP-4516T DIMENSIONS 4'Wx5'Lx12"H 4'Wx5'Lx16"H SUPPORT 1,190lbs. 1,552lbs. CODE CP-4612T CP-4616T CP-4620T CP-4624T CP-4632T R DIMENSIONS 4'Wx6'Lx12"H 4'Wx6'Lx16"H 4'Wx6'Lx20"H 4'Wx4'Lx24"H 4'Wx6'Lx32"H SUPPORT 1,406lbs. 1,863lbs. 2,280lbs. 2,702lbs. 3,560lbs. LIFT TANKS CODE CP-4812T CP-4816T CP-4820T CP-4824T CP-4832T DIMENSIONS 4'Wx8'Lx12"H 4'Wx8'Lx16"H 4'Wx8'Lx20"H 4'Wx8'Lx24"H 4'Wx8'Lx32"H SUPPORT 1,834lbs. 2,475lbs. 3,076lbs. 3,618lbs. 4,804lbs. CODE CP-349632T CP-349636T DIMENSIONS SUPPORT 34½"Wx96"Lx32"H 2,832lbs. 34½"Wx96"Lx36"H 3,473lbs. Thesetoughpolyethyleneshellfloatsourdesignedspecificallyforrowingdocks.Thefloathasanominalwallthicknessof .150"andisfoam(EPS)filledforlonglastingservice.Eachfloatwillsupport380poundsandhasa12-yearwarranty.Best ofallthefloatscanbeshippedtoyouviaUPS.WeofferaFREEsetofplansforbuildingtheperfectrowingdock. ROWINGDOCK 2 21 4 CODE CP-20728 DIMENSIONS 20"Wx72"Lx8"H Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs SUPPORT 380lbs. H.D.G. Steel Truss Dock TRUSS DOCK Steel Truss Frames are constructed from 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” x 3/16” steel angle separated by 1/2” diagonal round bar FollansbeeDockSystem'sSteelTrussFramesareconstructedfrom1-1/2"x1-1/2"x3/16"steelangleseparatedby1/2" to create a rigid box frame. Corner gussets are added to the four top corners to provide additional strength. We diagonalroundbartocreatearigidboxframe.Cornergussetsareaddedtothefourtopcornerstoprovideadditional prepunch holes in the sides and ends to allow you to bolt the frames side-to-side and end-to-end using 1/2” x 1-1/2” strength.Weprepunchholesinthesidesandendstoallowyoutobolttheframesside-to-sideandend-to-endusing1/2" hex head bolt sets. We also prepunch the top to allow for nailer strips. This gives you the option of attaching the x1-1/2"hexheadboltsets.Wealsoprepunchthetoptoallowfornailerstrips.Thisgivesyoutheoptionofattachingthe decking direct to the frame or to the nailer strip. Our standard frames are 10’ in length and are 12” high. deckingdirecttotheframeortothenailerstrip.Ourstandardframesare10'inlengthandare12"high.Thestandardwidths The standard widths available are 2’, 3’, 4’, 5’, 6’, 7’ and 8’ wide. Once the frames have been punched and welded availableare2',3',4',5',6',7'and8'wide.Oncetheframeshavebeenpunchedandweldedtheentireframeishot-dipped the entire frame is hot-dipped galvanized for long lasting service. We also make custom size frames and 2” x 2” x galvanizedforlonglastingservice.Wealsomakecustomsizeframesand2"x2"x3/16"angleframes,callforpricing. 3/16” angle frames, call for pricing. OurweldedtrussFingerDeckStabilizersreallyadds stabilitytofingerdockswhileprovidingasafeaccess ontothedock. TOPVIEW SIDEVIEW 3’x10’TRUSSFRAMESHOWN CODE STF - 210T STF - 310T STF - 410T STF - 510T STF - 610T STF - 710T STF - 810T DESCRIPTION 2'Wx10'Lx12"HTrussFrame 3'Wx10'Lx12"HTrussFrame 4'Wx10'Lx12"HTrussFrame 5'Wx10'Lx12"HTrussFrame 6'Wx10'Lx12"HTrussFrame 7'Wx10'Lx12"HTrussFrame 8'Wx10'Lx12"HTrussFrame WT/LBS 138# 171# 204# 241# 258# 312# 327# CODE STF - FDS3 STF - FDS4 DESCRIPTION DeckStabilizer-3' DeckStabilizer-4' WT/LBS 48# 65# Thefingerstabilizerisaninexpensivewaytoaddstabilitytoyourfingerdock.Itextends30"downthedock. •Callforpricingon2"Framesandspecialsizes. OurFullTapperedTrussframesareperfectforramps.Theframes aretapperedfrom12"to3"andcanhaveoptionalrollers. OPTIONALU.H.M.W.ROLLERASSEMBLYAVAILABLE CODE STF - 310FT STF - 410FT STF - 610FT DESCRIPTION WT/LBS 3'Wx10'LFullTaperTrussFrame 168# 4'Wx10'LFullTaperTrussFrame 198# 6'Wx10'LFullTaperTrussFrame 251# CODE STF - FS30 DESCRIPTION FingerStabilizer-30" WT/LBS 21# Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 2 22 5 H.D.G. Steel Truss Dock TRUSS DOCK Pipe Type Stabilizers add stability and strength to your finger dock. Each FollansbeePipeTypeStabilizersaddstabilityandstrengthtoyourfinger stabilizer includes: 1- 4’ pipe (2” I.D.), 2- Female Connector Plates, and dock.Eachstabilizerincludes:1-4'pipe(2"I.D.),2-FemaleConnector 2-Plates,and2-ConnectorPins. Connector Pins. CODE STF - FPS DESCRIPTION FingerPipeTypeStabilizer UsingourMale/FemaleTruss HingeConnectorsPlates,truss docksectionscaneasilybehinged together. WT/LBS 25# Designedforstrengththesetrusspianohingeconnectorsprovideasmooth TOPVIEW decksurfacewhileallowingthedocktohingeupanddown.Thehingeset andpinarehot-dippedgalvanizedtoinsuremaximumservice. CODE STF - TM STF - TF F-PIN36 DESCRIPTION WT/LBS MalePlate 5.3# FemalePlate 5.73# ConnectorPin 1.16# ThedoubleMale/Female platesallowyoutopintruss docksectionstogetherforeasy installationandremoval. SIDEVIEW FRONTVIEW CODE STF - H3 STF - H4 STF - H5 STF - H6 STF - H8 23 6 2 DESCRIPTION StandardPianoHingeSet-3' StandardPianoHingeSet-4' StandardPianoHingeSet-5' StandardPianoHingeSet-6' StandardPianoHingeSet-8' WT/LBS 63# 84# 104# 122# 159# CODE DESCRIPTION WT/LBS STF - DTM MalePlate 6.67# STF - DTF FemalePlate 7.32# F-PIN36 ConnectorPin1.16# Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs TRUSS DOCK TOPRAIL MIDRAIL SUPPORT POST Pipe Handrail Thesehot-dippedgalvanizedwelded pipeholdersareperfectforhandrail andboltdirectlytothetrussframe. Use1-1/2"pipeandKeeKlampsfor handrail.KeeKlampsonpage38. TheConnectorPlatesaredesigned forfastandeasyinstallationand removalofdocksectionsincalm areas.Setincludes2-platesand 1-15"connectorpin. TOPVIEW TheseCornerSupportBracesprovideadditionalstrengthtoyourfinger dockconnection. SIDEVIEW FRONTVIEW STF - CP ConnectorSet 9.25# STF - FSS CornerBrace1.5# STF - PH21 2"PipeHolder 10# Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 2 24 7 H.D.G. Steel Truss Dock TRUSS DOCK Thesetwopiecehot-dipped galvanizedweldedpipeholders provideeasyinstallationandremoval ofyourdock.Four-(4)hexheadbolt setsincluded. OurTrussWeldedPipeHolderscan beusedwithavarietyofpipetoallow thefreemovementofthedock.All weldedpipeholdersarehot-dipped galvanized. TOPVIEW TOPVIEW FRONTVIEW FRONTVIEW SIDEVIEW STF - PH3 3"PipeHolder 17.57# STF - PH5 5"PipeHolder 22.08# STF - PH8 8"PipeHolder 34.69# Split Welded Pipe Holder SIDEVIEW STF - PH3S 3"PipeHolder 18.88# STF - PH5S 5"PipeHolder 21.98# STF - PH8S 8"PipeHolder 37.67# Thiswelded3"pipeholdercanbe boltedtotheinsideofourtrussframe providingasmoothoutsideedgeto mooryourboat. Thesehot-dippedgalvanizedwelded pipeholdersboltdirectlytothetruss frame.Uses2"I.D.pipeforanchoring. Othersizesavailablethroughspecial order. TOPVIEW TOPVIEW FRONTVIEW SIDEVIEW SIDEVIEW FRONTVIEW STF - PH21 2"PipeHolder 7.17# STF - PH31 3"PipeHolder 9.7# 2 25 8 Truss Pipe Holders STF-PH2IN 2"PipeHolder STF-PH3IN 3"PipeHolder Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs 11# 15# PWC Ride-On Float FL OA T IfyouarelookingforthebestwaytostoreyourBoat,JetSki,Sea-DooorevenyourSeaPlanethenlooknofurther.Oursystemkeepsyourcraftupandoutofthewater.SportPort™productshavenomovingpartstowear outorbreak.Unlikeotherproductsthatincorporaterollersthatcanfail,ouruniquechinedesignprovideseasy launchinganddocking.Allcomponentsarehigh-technon-corrosivedockingmaterialsthatwillnotrustinfresh orsaltwater.OurFoamCoreTechnologyhelpswithstabilityandmakesthemunsinkable.Goodforcraftsupto 11'6"(1,800lbs).Additionaldecksectionscaneasilybeadded.Usesstandard4"PVCPipeforanchoring. 20' Tahoe ITEM CODE FSS-512T FSS-510T FSS-255T FSS-ICL FSS-SC FSS-DC FSS-AMB FSS-GMB DESCRIPTION 5'x12'SportPortPWCRide-OnDock,Modular&Interlocking 5'x10'Deck/DockSection,Modular&Interlocking 2.5'x5'Deck/DockSection,Modular&Interlocking 500SeriesInterlockingConnectorLink 500SeriesSingleCap(includesbolts) 500SeriesDoubleCap(includesbolts) AluminumMountingU-Bracket&Clamps HotDippedGalvanizedMountingU-Bracket&Clamps CallaDockTechniciantodaytodiscussyourlayoutneeds. Sportport 512 & 510 Multiple PWC’s 3 2 Yamaha on XLT Sportport 512 Sea Plane WT/LBS 210# 190# 65# 4# 1# 1# 4# 8# Two (2) Sportport 512’s PWC’s & Boat Multiple PWC’s Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs 26 Steel Floating Docks DOCKS Follansbee Steel Floating Docks have been a success in a variety of applications,fromtheAmerica’sCupinAustralia,thePanAmGamesin Steel Floating Docks have been a success in a variety of applications, from theU.S.,tothelargestofboatshows,toevenfloatingacaratCaesar’s the America’s Cup in Australia, the Pan Am Games in the U.S., to the larges Palace. Because of floating the versatility, and the engineered of boat shows, to even a car at value Caesar’s Palace. Because ofease the of assemblymakesthesedocksafavoriteformarinasandhomeownersalike. versatility, value and the engineered ease of assembly makes these docks a AFollansbeeSteelDock,inmostcases,canbeassembledwithtwo-(2) favorite for marinas and homeowners alike. A Steel Dock, in most cases, 9/16"wrenchesandone-(1)3/8"hexheadsocket.The12"highx10'long can be assembled with two- (2) 9/16” wrenches and one- (1) 3/8” hex head galvanizedsidesectionsarecoatedwithapolyesterpolyurethane,electrosocket. The 12” high x 10’ long galvanized side sections are coated with a polyester polyurethane, electrostatically applied that is baked statically applied powder paint that is bakedpowder on for paint beauty and added oncorrosionresistance.ThedeckingisPressureTreatedGradeNo.1,KDAT for beauty and added corrosion resistance. The decking is Pressure Treated Grade No.1, KDAT Southern Yellow Pine. The decking is pre-drilled SouthernYellowPine.Thedeckingispre-drilledandcountersunkandcan and countersunk and can be palletized and shipped directly to your site for bepalletizedandshippeddirectlytoyoursiteforK/Dorders.Becausewe K/D orders. offeracompletelineofaccessories,wesuggestyouletoneofourCAD trainedstafflayoutadocksystemthatbestfitsyourspecificneeds. T-Dock 2 5 1 12 & 13 19 18 10 6 8 22 4 U-Dock 11 23 9 Notallpartsshown inpartsdiagramare includedinkits. KEY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 27 4 We still accommodate original size Steel Docks; 38¼", 78" and 117¾" widths.Callforpricing. 20 3 7 21 CODE DESCRIPTION F-SST 12"Hx10"LSideSection 2" x 6" PRESSURE TREATED DECK BOARDS F-DB36 Nominal2"x6"DeckBoard-36"L F-DB48 Nominal2"x6"DeckBoard-48"L F-DB72 Nominal2"x6"DeckBoard-72"L F-DB96 Nominal2"x6"DeckBoard-96"L F-DB108 Nominal2"x6"DeckBoard-108"L F-CP ConnectorPlateSet(2-plates&1-Pin) F-CP15 ConnectorPin-15"L F-STS Self-TappingDeckScrew F-HWS Hex-HeadSelf-TappingFloatScrew F-HB381 3/8"x1"HexHeadBoltSet FFD-S1F Series1(2'Wx4'Lx12"H)FloatDrum FFD-S2F Series2(2'Wx4'Lx12"H)FloatDrum WT 45.5 7.2 9.6 14.4 19.2 21.6 9 1.5 .02 .02 .10 19 24 KEY 9 10 11 12&13 14 CODE F-BB36 F-BB48 F-BB72 F-BB96 F-BB108 F-BP F-SP END PLATES F-EP36 F-EP48 F-EP72 F-EP96 F-EP108 F-FDS DESCRIPTION BottomBrace-36"L BottomBrace-48"L BottomBrace-72"L BottomBrace-96"L BottomBrace-108"L Back-upPlate SplicePlate WT 2.25 3 4.5 6 6.75 4 5.25 EndPlate-36"L EndPlate-48"L EndPlate-72"L EndPlate-96"L EndPlate-108"L FingerDeckStabilizer 17 22.75 34 45.35 51 14.5 Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs DOCKS RESIDENTIAL DOCK KITS COMMERCIAL DOCK KITS FR-1036K-R FR-1036K-C F-1036K-R FR-1048K-R F-1048K-R FR-1072K-R F-1072K-R FR-1096K-R F-1096K-R F-10108K-R 10'Lx36"WRampDockKit Includes:(2)Series1FloatDrums 10'Lx36"WDockKit Includes:(3)Series1FloatDrums 10'Lx48"WRampDockKit Includes:(2)Series2FloatDrums 10'Lx48"WDockKit Includes:(3)Series2FloatDrums 10'Lx72"WRampDockKit Includes:(4)Series1FloatDrums 10'Lx72"WDockKit Includes:(6)Series1FloatDrums 10'Lx96"WRampDockKit Includes:(4)Series1FloatDrums 10'Lx96"WDockKit Includes:(8)Series1FloatDrums 10'Lx108"WDockKit Includes:(9)Series1FloatDrums F-1036K-C FR-1048K-C F-1048K-C FR-1072K-C F-1072K-C FR-1096K-C F-1096K-C F-10108K-C 10'Lx36"WRampDockKit Includes:(2)Series1FloatDrums 10'Lx36"WDockKit Includes:(4)Series1FloatDrums 10'Lx48"WRampDockKit Includes:(2)Series2FloatDrums 10'Lx48"WDockKit Includes:(4)Series2FloatDrums 10'Lx72"WRampDockKit Includes:(4)Series1FloatDrums 10'Lx72"WDockKit Includes:(8)Series1FloatDrums 10'Lx96"WRampDockKit Includes:(4)Series2FloatDrums 10'Lx96"WDockKit Includes:(8)Series2FloatDrums 10'Lx108"WDockKit Includes:(12)Series1FloatDrums Notallpartsshown inpartsdiagramare includedinkits. Camp Activities Dock ENDVIEWS 3' 4' 8' KEY 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CODE F-UC F-DS F-BB F-BBB F-CB3825 PH-3 F-FPS F-RC F-CP42 VRR-3 F-UCDS 6' Thesearejustafewofthefavorite-easy-to-buildSteelDock packages.Otherconfigurationsareavailable-justgiveusacall! 9' WT DESCRIPTION 47 UtilityChannel-9'L 18 DrumSupport 2.75 2"x6"Bumpboard&Brackets 1.10 BumpboardBrackets .12 3/8"x2½"CarriageBoltSet 10 WeldedPipeHolder-3" 13.25 FingerPipeStabilizer 48 RampConnectorSet(2-plates&pin) 3.75 RampConnectorPin-42"L 34 VinylRubrail2"x5"x20'-L 45 DrumSupport/UtilityChannel U-DOCK T-DOCK F-DOCK EachbasickitincludesthenecessarySideSections, BottomBraces,Fasteners,DeckBoardsandFloatDrums tobuildatop-qualitydock. Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 3 28 5 Welded Pipe Holders HOLDERS Follansbeeoffersthelargestvarietyandsizesofweldedsteelpipe Our welded 2” pipe holders with set screws can be used for stationary dock or mounting brackets for 1-1/2” pipe handrail. holders.Ourwelded2"pipeholderswithsetscrewscanbeused The welded 3”, 5” & 8” welded pipe holders are also available forstationarydockormountingbracketsfor1-1/2"pipehandrail. in a split version and designed with ease of installation and Thewelded3",5"&8"weldedpipeholdersarealsoavailablein removal in mind. Our elongated pipe holders allow your dock asplitversionanddesignedwitheaseofinstallationandremoval to be hinged at shore and have the ability to move with the inmind.Ourelongatedpipeholdersallowyourdocktobehinged water fluctuation. atshoreandhavetheabilitytomovewiththewaterfluctuation. Theelongatedpipeholdersareavailableforanendmountora The elongated pipe available forfor aneach end mount side mount.We alsoholders offer aare back-up plate of the pipe or a side mount. We also offer a back-up plate for each of the holdersforadditionalmountingstrength.Allweldedpipeholders pipe holders for additional mounting strength. All welded pipe arehot-dippedgalvanizedafterfabricationhasbeencompleted. holders are hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication has been Themountingplatesattachwith1/2"carriagebolts. completed. The mounting plates attach with 1/2” carriage bolts. WEOFFERBOTHPLAINANDGALVANIZED PIPEIN20'LENGTHSFORANCHORING USE WITH 1 ½" PIPE Elongated Welded Pipe Holder USE WITH 2" PIPE USE WITH 1 ½" PIPE TOPVIEW TOPVIEW TOPVIEW FRONTVIEW FRONTVIEW FRONTVIEW SIDEVIEW PH-27 PipeHolderw/SetScrew 3# WD-B BackupPlate 1# SIDEVIEW SIDEVIEW PH-29 PipeHolderw/SetScrew 7# PH-29B BackupPlate 4# HO-PH3 3"PipeHolder HO-PH3B BackupPlate USE WITH 2" PIPE USE WITH 2" PIPE TOPVIEW TOPVIEW FRONTVIEW FRONTVIEW SIDEVIEW PH-3 3"PipeHolder PH-3B BackupPlate 3 29 6 8# 2# 10# 4# SIDEVIEW PH-3S Split3"PipeHolder PH-3B BackupPlate Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs 13# 4# HOLDERS USEWITH2"PIPE USEWITH2"PIPE TOPVIEW TOPVIEW FRONTVIEW FRONTVIEW SIDEVIEW SIDEVIEW Elongated3"PipeHolder-Side PH-E3E Elongated3"PipeHolder-End 10# PH-E3S PH-E3SB BackupPlate PH-E3EB BackupPlate 4# USEWITH3"-4"PIPE USEWITH3"-4"PIPE USEWITH1½"PIPE TOPVIEW 10# 4# TOPVIEW TOPVIEW FRONTVIEW FRONTVIEW SIDEVIEW FRONTVIEW SIDEVIEW PH-5 5"PipeHolder PH-5B BackupPlate 13# 4# USEWITH6"-7"PIPE SIDEVIEW PH-5S Split5"PipeHolder PH-5B BackupPlate PH-SB3 13# 4# W O O D USEWITH6"-7"PIPE P I L I N G TOPVIEW TOPVIEW FRONTVIEW FRONTVIEW PH-SB3 SIDEVIEW PH-8 8"PipeHolder PH-3B BackupPlate 13# 4# SIDEVIEW PH-8S Split8"PipeHolder PH-8B BackupPlate 13# 4# PH-SB3 SlidePipeHolder Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 13# 3 30 7 Handrail Fittings FITTINGS H A N D R A I L F I T T I N G S K25-8 K10-8 K15-8 K26-8 Chain Pile Holder K-62 TheChainPileHolderismadefrom¼hot-dipped galvanizedsteelanduses½galvanizedcarriagebolts. The3/8"chainisattachedwithscrewendanchor shackles.Thechainandshacklesareincluded. PH-CChainPileHolder&Chain22# K-60 Thesestrongmalleablecastironslip-onfittings thakestheguessworkoutofmakinghandrail. Casehardenedsetscrewslockthefittingssecurely tothe1½"pipe.Thefittingsaregalvanizedmaking themtherightchoiceforoutdoorandindooruse. K10-8 K25-8 K15-8 K26-8 K-60 K-62 SingleSocketTee ThreeSocketTee 90°Elbow TwoSocketCross Heavy-DutyFlange StandardFlange 1.2# 2.4# 2# 2# 3.4# 3.6# USEWITH1½"PIPE USEWITH1½"PIPE USEWITH4x4POST TOPVIEW TOPVIEW TOPVIEW FRONTVIEW FRONTVIEW FRONTVIEW SIDEVIEW SIDEVIEW Our4x4bracketsattachesa4x4wood uprightsecurelytothedocksframing. Perfectforhandrail.(4x4postnotincluded.) WD-44B 4x4Bracket 5.25# 31 8 3 Securelyattachesyour1½"pipeupright tothedockframing.Usetheseandour handrailfittingsand1½"pipetomake handrail.Pipesoldseparately. PH-27 1½"PipeHolder 3# SIDEVIEW SameasourPH-27,thisbracketallows youtomovetheuprightclosertothe cornerofthedock. PH-27CB 1½"PipeHolder 3.5# Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs Hoop Pile Guide GUIDE Hoop Pile Holders are engineered to be used with round pilings. The mounting brackets are made from 4.25” FollansbeeHoopPileHoldersareengineeredtobeusedwithroundpilings.Themountingbracketsaremadefrom4.25" x 4.25” x 1/4” steel and 1.5” schedule 40 pipe. Once all welding and fabrication has been completed, the x4.25"x1/4"steeland1.5"schedule40pipe.Onceallweldingandfabricationhasbeencompleted,thebracketsand brackets and hoops are hot-dipped galvanized. The brackets are pre-punched for ease of mounting and the hoopsarehot-dippedgalvanized.Thebracketsarepre-punchedforeaseofmountingandthehoopsareattachedusing hoops are attached using stainless hex head bolts and nylon lock nuts. These pile guides allow for free up stainlesshexheadboltsandnylonlocknuts.Thesepileguidesallowforfreeupanddownmovementofthedock.All and down movement of the dock. All pile guides can be shipped via UPS. pileguidescanbeshippedviaUPS. 1'-6 21 " 1'-6 21 " 4 41 " 10 21 " 915 16 " 9/16" 1'-4 43 " 4 41 " 1'-0 21 " Hoop Pile Guide PH-H10 1'-8 21 " 1'-8 21 " 10" Hoop Pile Guide 9/16" 1'-0 15 16 1'-10 21 " 1'-10 21 " 4 41 " 4 41 " 1'-0 21 " 1'-7 43 " " 1'-2 21 " 4 41 " 9/16" 27# PH-H14 14" Hoop Pile Guide 2'-2 21 " 2'-0 21 " 9/16" 1'-11 3 4" 1'-4 15 16 " 2'-2 21 " 1'-6 21 " 9/16" 2'-1 43 " 4 41 " 1'-6 15 16 16" Hoop Pile Guide 4 41 " " 1'-9 21 " 1'-7 21 " PH-H16 29# 4 41 " 4 41 " 1'-4 21 " 4 41 " 1'-5 21 " 12" Hoop Pile Guide 2'-0 21 " 1'-9 43 " 1'-3" 1'-3 21 " PH-H12 24# 32# PH-H18 18" Hoop Pile Guide 34# Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 3 32 9 Hoop Roller Pile Guide GUIDE OurHoopRollerPileHoldersareengineeredtobeusedwithroundpilings.Themountingbracketsaremadefrom4.25"x4.25" x1/4"steeland1.5"schedule40pipe.Onceallweldingandfabricationhasbeencompleted,thebracketsandhoopsarehotdippedgalvanized.Thebracketsarepre-punchedforeaseofmountingandthehoopsareattachedusingstainlesshexheadbolts andnylonlocknuts.Theblackrubberrollersare3.5"x11-5/8"longandallowforfreeupanddownmovementofthedock.We alsoofferwhiteUHMWpolyurethanerollersforrougherareasatanadditionalcharge.AllpileguidescanbeshippedviaUPS. Hoop Roller Pile Guide PH-H10R 10" Hoop Roller Pile Guide 36# PH-H12R 12" Hoop Roller Pile Guide 39# PH-H14R 14" Hoop Roller Pile Guide 42# PH-H16R 16" Hoop Roller Pile Guide 43# PH-H18R 18" Hoop Roller Pile Guide 46# 4 33 0 Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs Square External Hoop Roller Pile Guides GUIDES A. B. C. D. Replacement Pile Guide Parts Square Hoop Pile Guide - UHMW Rollers A. B. C. D. PH-BRR PH-WRP PH-RS F-HC16 11-1/2"x3-1/2"RubberRoller 11-5/8"x3-1/8"UHMWRoller HDGRollerShaft StainlessHitchClip USE WITH 12" PILING USE WITH 12" PILING 2'-0 21 " 2'-0 21 " 2'-0 21 " 2'-0 21 " 4 41 " 4 41 " 9/16" 15 165 " 2'-0 41 " 14 161 " 14 1 16 4 41 " 9/16" " 12 78 " 11 58 " 1'-7 21 " 1141 " PH-HSR14 3.5# 2.5# 5.5# .75# SquareHoopPileGuide-14" Four-(4)RubberRollers 81# USE WITH 14" PILING 2'-0 161 " 4 41 " 1'-7 21 " PH-HSRP14 SquareHoopPileGuide-14" Four-(4)UHMWRollers 78# USE WITH 14" PILING 2'-0 21 " 2'-0 21 " 4 41 " 9/16" 16" 2'-2 41 " 4 41 " 16-1/2" 11 41 " PH-HSR16 1'-9 21 " SquareHoopPileGuide-16" Four-(4)RubberRollers 84# PH-HSRP16 SquareHoopPileGuide-16" Four-(4)UHMWRollers Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 81# 4 34 1 Square Internal Pile Guide GUIDE Square Pile Holders are designed for internal pilings. The mounting brackets are made from 4.25” x 4.25” x 1/4” steel angle and are hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication. We offer the internal pile guides without rollers FollansbeeSquarePileHoldersaredesignedforinternalpilings.Themountingbracketsaremadefrom4.25"x4.25"x1/4" for calm areas and pile guides with rollers for rougher areas. We also offer the pile guides with a removable steelangleandarehot-dippedgalvanizedafterfabrication.Weoffertheinternalpileguideswithoutrollersforcalmareasand side. All pile guides ship via UPS. pileguideswithrollersforrougherareas.Wealsoofferthepileguideswitharemovableside.AllpileguidesshipviaUPS. USE WITH 8" PILING 3 4" 6" 5 21 " 3 4" 6" 3 4" 4 41 " 4 41 " 4" 4 43 " 10" 1'-7" 10 21 " 1'-7" 4 43 " 10" 4" 4 41 " 3 4" 9/16" SQ.HOLE 1'-7" PH-S10 Square Pile Guide - 10" Square Internal Pile Guide 30# USE WITH 14" PILING USE WITH 10" PILING 3 4" 7 21 " 6" 3 4" 3 4" 6" 5" 6" 3 4" 1'-0 1'-9" 2'-1" PH-S12 7" 4 41 " 33# PH-S16 4 41 " 3 4" 6" Square Pile Guide - 16" 6" 3 4" 6" 1'-2" 1'-11" 3 4" 6" 1'-1 21 " 6" 6" 1'-2 21 " 1'-6" 2'-3" 6" 1'-6" 35 4 41 " 9/16" SQ.HOLE 2'-3" 43# 5 21 " 2'-3" PH-S18 Square Pile Guide - 18" Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs 1'-6 21 " 6" 4 41 " 4" 3 4" Square Pile Guide - 14" 4 41 " 4" 1 21 " 4" 9/16" SQ.HOLE 1'-11" 4 41 " 3 3 4" 4" 4 41 " 1'-11" 1'-2" 4 2 50# USE WITH 16" PILING 9 21 " 4" PH-S14 4 41 " 3 4" 9/16" SQ. HOLE 2'-1" USE WITH 12" PILING 3 4" 4" 3 4" Square Pile Guide - 12" 1'-4 21 " 2'-1" 1'-4" 4" 1 21 " 1'-4" 5" 9/16" SQ. HOLE 1'-9" 4 41 " 7" 1 2" 4 41 " 3 4" 4" 1 21 " 1'-9" 1'-0" 11 21 " 6" 4 41 " 4" 1'-0" 3 4" 4 41 " 3 4" 52# Square Roller Internal Pile Guide PILE GUIDE Square Internal Roller Pile Guide UHMW ROLLER 2'-3" 3 4" 1'-1 21 " 6" 6" 3 4" 3 4" 4 41 " 4 41 " 4" 6" 2'-3" 13 1/2" 13 1/2" 1'-6 21 " 5 21 " 6" 4" 9/16" PH-SRP12 Square Roller Pile Guide 87# 4 41 " 3 4" PH-SR14 Square Roller Pile Guide 90# PH-SR18 Square Roller Pile Guide 95# UHMW ROLLER PH-SRP16 Square Roller Pile Guide 95# Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 4 36 3 Square Roller Internal Pile Guide with RemovableSIDE Side Removable Square Roller Pile Guide UHMW ROLLER PH-SRP12R Removable Roller Pile Guide 87# PH-SR14R Removable Roller Pile Guide 90# PH-SR18R Removable Roller Pile Guide 98# UHMW ROLLER PH-SRP16R 4 37 4 Removable Roller Pile Guide 95# Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs Square Removable Pile Guide GUIDE Square Pile Holders are designed for internal pilings. The mounting brackets are made from 4.25” x 4.25” x 1/4” FollansbeeSquarePileHoldersaredesignedforinternalpilings.Themountingbracketsaremadefrom4.25"x4.25"x3/16" steel angle and are hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication. We offer the internal pile guides without rollers for calm steelangleandarehot-dippedgalvanizedafterfabrication.Weoffertheinternalpileguideswithoutrollersforcalmareasand areas and pile guides with rollers for rougher areas. We also offer the pile guides with a removable side. All pile pileguideswithrollersforrougherareas.Wealsoofferthepileguideswitharemovableside.AllpileguidesshipviaUPS. guides ship via UPS. USE WITH 8" PILING PH-S10R Square Pile Guide - 10" Removable End 30# USE WITH 14" PILING USE WITH 10" PILING 414" 3 4" 2'-1" 1112" 6" 6" 3 4" 414" 1 2" 7" 1'-412" 112" 1'-314" 2'-1" 7" 1 2" 414" 9/16" PH-S12R Square Pile Guide - 12" 33# USE WITH 12" PILING PH-S14R Square Pile Guide - 14" PH-S16R Removable Square Pile Guide 50# USE WITH 16" PILING 43# PH-S18R Removable Square Pile Guide Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 52# 4 38 5 " 6” Roller Internal Pile Guide GUIDE SQUARESTANDARD SQUAREREMOVABLE USE WITH 8" PILE PH-SIN10 USE WITH 8" PILE INTERNAL PILE GUIDE 42# USE WITH 10" PILE PH-SIN12 4 39 6 INTERNAL PILE GUIDE 43# USE WITH 10" PILE INTERNAL PILE GUIDE 60# USE WITH 12" PILE PH-SIN15 PH-SINR10 PH-SINR12 INTERNAL PILE GUIDE 61# USE WITH 12" PILE INTERNAL PILE GUIDE 64# PH-SINR15 INTERNAL PILE GUIDE Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs 65# Vinl Coated Steel Ladders LADDERS Follansbeemakesgettinginandoutofthewatereasy.Ourstairlikeladdersaremadetoattachpermanentlyormaybe Our stair like ladders are made to attach permanently or may be easily removed when using our optional Quick easilyremovedwhenusingouroptionalQuickRelease.Theladderframeisconstructedfrom1"squaretubing.Once Release. The ladder frame is constructed from 1” square tubing. Once formed and welded the frames are dipped in a PVC vinyl. The steps are 5” wide and angled outward for comfort. The steps are made from 14 gauge galvanized formedandweldedtheframesaredippedinaPVCvinyl.Thestepsare5"wideandangledoutwardforcomfort.The steel and have a baked on blue powder polyester paint finish. Non-skid strips are provided for each step to stepsaremadefrom14gaugegalvanizedsteelandhaveabakedonbluepowderpolyesterpaintfinish.Non-skidstrips minimize slipping. areprovidedforeachsteptominimizeslipping. 4- Step Ladder 3- Step Ladder L-3S 3-StepLadder A: 11" B: 53" C: 17.75" 29# L-4S 4-StepLadder 37# D: 29.5"-3STEP E: 40.5"-4STEP F: 51.5"-5STEP STEP LADDERQUICKRELEASE ExistingPhoto Page34 Quick Release L-QR QuickRelease 5- Step Ladder L-5S 5-StepLadder 4# Ladder Step 43# L-SSPK1LadderStep 4# Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 4 40 7 Aluminum Ladders LADDERS Oursturdy,space-savingladdersarecontructedfrom6063T5MarineGradeAluminum1-1/4"and1-1/2"pipeandaretig weldedformaximumstrength.Theladderrungsareextrudedwithgroovestoprovidesurefootingandreduceslippage. Theladdersareidealforfreshandsaltwaterapplicationsandcanbeusedonseawalls,swimfloatsanddocks.The laddershavea500lb.capacity. FIXED PIER STRAIGHT LIFT LADDER RETRACTABLE LIFT LADDER Our Straight Fixed Pier Lift Ladder has the same the LiftLadderwithoutthehoop handles. The 6" gusseted mounting plate secures the laddertothepier. Our Retractable Lift Ladder was designed to keep your laddercleanandfreeofmarine growth.Whennotinusesimply pullupthelowersectionabove thewaterlinetohangonthe heavy-duty ladder rung.The plasticcoatedliftingcablewill providelonglastingservice. Laddersareavailablein3,4, 5,6,and7-steps.Allladders shipviaUPS. L-AP33-Step L-AP44-Step L-AP55-Step L-AP66-Step L-AP77-Step Fixed Pier Straight Lift Ladder 21# 23# 27# 30# 32# Each Ladder has four - (4) 1/2" Mounting Holes (Mounting Hardware Not Included) L-AFQRAluminumQuickRelease Retractable Lift Ladder StandardStepis2"Wide L-AL33-Step21# L-AL44-Step23# L-AL55-Step27# L-AL66-Step30# L-AL77-Step32# Each Ladder has four - (4) 1/2" Mounting Holes (Mounting Hardware Not Included) Our Retractable Lift Ladder was designed to keep your laddercleanandfreeofmarine growth.The4"widestepsadd comfort.Whennotinusesimply pullupthelowersectionabove the water line to hang on the heavy-duty ladder rung.The plasticcoatedliftingcablewill providelonglastingservice. Ladders are available in 3, 4, 5,6,and7-steps.Allladders shipviaUPS. 2.5# NEW 4" Wide Step 4 41 8 Laddersareavailablein3,4, 5,6,and7-steps.Allladders shipviaUPS. Wide Step Lift Ladder L-ALW3 L-ALW4 L-ALW5 L-ALW6 L-ALW7 Wide3-Step Wide4-Step Wide5-Step Wide6-Step Wide7-Step 19# 22# 24# 26# 29# Each Ladder has four - (4) 1/2" Mounting Holes (Mounting Hardware Not Included) Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs LADDERS MAXIMUM STRENGTH • INNOVATIVE DESIGN • LONG LASTING STRAIGHT LADDER SWING LADDER Our Straight Ladder makes climbing in and out of the water a breeze.The variety oflengthswillaccommodate most installations. These l a d d e r s a r e p e r fe c t fo r seawalls,piersandstationary docks with variable water levels. TheSwingLadderhasallofthe great features as the Straight Ladder but can be securely storedupandoutofthewater (90°)withaquickreleasepin. Theladderhasastainlesssteel bolt through the ladder which pivotsinaselflubricatingbrass bushinginstalledinthebracket formaximumwear.Perfectfor keeping side rails and steps clean. Laddersareavailablein3,4, 5,6,and7-steps.Allladders shipviaUPS. L-AT33-Step L-AT44-Step L-AT55-Step L-AT66-Step L-AT77-Step Straight Ladder Laddersareavailablein3,4, 5,6,and7-steps.Allladders shipviaUPS. 18# 21# 24# 26# 28# Each Ladder has four - (4) 1/2" Mounting Holes (Mounting Hardware Not Included) Swing Ladder Our Wide Step Straight Laddermakesclimbinginand out of the water a lot more comfortable. The 4" wide stepsandtheassortmentof lengths will accommodate mostinstallations.Thisladder isperfectforseawalls,piers and stationary docks with variablewaterlevels. Wide Step Straight Ladder Wide3-Step19# Wide4-Step22# Wide5-Step24# Wide6-Step26# Wide7-Step29# Each Ladder has four - (4) 1/2" Mounting Holes (Mounting Hardware Not Included) 3-Step 4-Step 5-Step 6-Step 7-Step 23# 25# 28# 34# 35# (Mounting Hardware Not Included) TheWideStepSwingLadder hascombinedallofthegreat featuresastheSwingLadder along with the comfort of 4" wide steps. The ladder has a stainless steel bolt through the ladder which pivots in a self lubricating brass bushing installed in the bracket for maximum wear. Perfect for keeping side rails and wide stepsclean. Laddersareavailablein3,4, 5,6,and7-steps.Allladders shipviaUPS. L-ATW3 L-ATW4 L-ATW5 L-ATW6 L-ATW7 L-AS3 L-AS4 L-AS5 L-AS6 L-AS7 Laddersareavailablein3,4, 5,6,and7-steps.Allladders shipviaUPS. Wide Step Swing Ladder L-ASW3 Wide3-Step19# L-ASW4 Wide4-Step22# L-ASW5 Wide5-Step24# L-ASW6 Wide6-Step26# L-ASW7 Wide7-Step29# (Mounting Hardware Not Included) Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 4 42 9 All Aluminum Gangways 43 R ARamps MPS Saygoodbyetothemaintenanceofwoodramps.Eliminatethesplitting,warpingandsplintersonceandforall.Thebrightnewchoice fordockbuildersandhomeownersishigh-techaluminum.Thesedependablerampswithnon-skiddeckingwillprovidesafefooting underreasonableangulation.Therampscomecompletewithhandrailonbothsides,hingeconnectionononeendandarollersystem ontheother.Anoptionalcoverplateisalsoavailableforasmoothtransitionfromramptodock.ADAoptionsalsoavailable. RAMP ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS SIZES:Standard3'&4'wideunits.Sizesfrom9'to64'longin 3'increments.Customsizesuponrequest. MATERIAL:Saltresistant6063aluminumalloyandstainless steelfasteners. MOUNTING BRACKET:3"x7"MountingBracket-PianoHinge CORNER REINFORCEMENT ANGLE:2"x2"x3/8" DECK: Made of Dockplank 2"x 5-1/2" with Rotex non-slip surface. Connectedtostructuralmainframewithstainlesssteelfasteners. HANDRAIL & VERTICAL SUPPORTS:2-1/2"semi-circularhandrail.5"widex 2"deepmainverticalsupporttrussmember.Optionalroundedhandrail, welded1-1/2"or2"schedule.40pipe. RAMP WHEELS:Weoffer8"diameter,3/4"stainlesssteelaxle with3"x5"x3/8"aluminumwearplate.Ora6"UHMWrollersystem. LIVE LOAD DESIGN:100lbspersq.ft.(Upto30') 3' WIDE ALUMINUM GANGWAYS CODE DESCRIPTION AR-B315T 3'x15'Ramp,RemovableHandrail AR-B321T 3'x21'Ramp,RemovableHandrail AR-B326T 3'x26'Ramp,RemovableHandrail AR-B330T 3'x30'Ramp,RemovableHandrail AR-B340T 3'x40'Ramp,RemovableHandrail •Customsizesuponrequest WT/LBS 300 420 520 600 800 4' WIDE ALUMINUM GANGWAYS CODE DESCRIPTION AR-B415T 4'x15'Ramp,RemovableHandrail AR-B421T 4'x21'Ramp,RemovableHandrail AR-B426T 4'x26'Ramp,RemovableHandrail AR-B430T 4'x30'Ramp,RemovableHandrail AR-B440T 4'x40'Ramp,RemovableHandrail •Customsizesuponrequest WT/LBS 300 420 520 600 800 Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 5 44 1 Beige Rubrail and Corner Bumpers BUMPERS These easy to mount rubrail extrusions will not warp or crack from temperature extremes or harmful UV rays from Follansbeehasmadekeepingyourwatercraftintip-topshapeeasywithourlargeselectionofrubrailsandcornerbumpers. the sun. The rubrail is beige in color and comes in 20’ lengths. Both the rubrail and corner bumpers are unaffected TheseeasytomountrubrailextrusionswillnotwarporcrackfromtemperatureextremesorharmfulUVraysfromthe by gas, oil or saltwater. Stainless ring barb nails are included for secure fastening. sun.Therubrailisbeigeincolorandcomesin20'lengths.Boththerubrailandcornerbumpersareunaffectedbygas, oilorsaltwater.Stainlessringbarbnailsareincludedforsecurefastening. VRR 1-5/8"x 2-1/4"x 20' 14# VRR-2 2-1/4"x2-3/4"x 20' 17# VRR-3 2"x5"x20' 34# Corner Bumpers; Beige, White & Black VRR-4 1-5/8"x3-1/4"x20' 21# VRR-5 Multi Use - 20' 10' x 10" x 3 1/2" VRR-C 5 45 2 Beige Corner 1.5# 18# (Gray Can Be Special Ordered) 10' x 10" x 3 1/2" 10' x 10" x 3 1/2" VRR-CB Black Corner 1.5# VRR-CW White Corner Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs 1.5# White and Black Rubrail RUBRAIL Our durable PVC extrusions will not crack, or rot, or deteriorate from temerature extremes or harmful sunlight. The ProtectbothyourwatercraftandyourdockusingFollansbeerubrail.OurdurablePVCextrusionswillnotcrack,orrot,ordeteriorate rubrail is unaffected by gas, oil, or saltwater. We add UV stabilizers and a fungicide to prevent yellowing from the sun. fromtemeratureextremesorharmfulsunlight.Therubrailisunaffectedbygas,oil,orsaltwater.WeaddUVstabilizersandafungicide Our profiles are gently sloped to allow your watercraft to move up and down without catching and tearing the rubrail topreventyellowingfromthesun.Ourprofilesaregentlyslopedtoallowyourwatercrafttomoveupanddownwithoutcatching off the dock. We offer stainless ring barb nails for easy, secure attachment to your dock (sold separately). andtearingtherubrailoffthedock.Weofferstainlessringbarbnailsforeasy,secureattachmenttoyourdock(soldseparately). VRR-W00 VRR-B00 White- 10'L Black- 10'L 7# 7# VRR-W01 VRR-B01 White- 10'L Black- 10'L 10# 10# VRR-W02 VRR-B02 VRR-W05 VRR-B05 White- 10'L Black- 10'L 12# 12# VRR-W06 VRR-B06 White- 10'L Black- 10'L 17# 17# VRR-W07 White- 10'L 11# VRR-B07 Black- 10'L 11# STAINLESS FASTENERS White- 10'L Black- 10'L 12# 12# 1½"StainlessRingShank OversizeHeadNail VRR-W08 VRR-B08 White- 10'L Black- 10'L 17# 17# VRR-W11 VRR-B11 White- 10'L Black- 10'L 7# 7# 1"-S.S.#2Square/PhillipsRecessDrive F-RNB 1.5" Ring Nail /Bag .25# F-SSB 1" Screw/Bag .21# Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 5 46 3 Bumpers, Bouys, Fenders FENDERS BOUYS • BOUYS • BOUYS LOW PROFILE FENDER Designed to meet the needs oflowerprofileboats.TheLow ProfileFenderscanbetiedover the cleat to position it higher ontheboat,puttingprotection where it is needed. These quality inflatable fenders are madefrommarinegradevinyl. Colors:White&MetallicBlack 18" Straight Bumper Inflatable Marine Bouys 18" Pier Bumper Protectyourboatyearafteryearwithour StrightandPierBumpers.Bothare18" longandaremadefrommarinegrade vinyl.These provide spot protection whereneeded.Color:White A-SB18 StraightBumper 3# A-PB18 PierBumper 3# FollansbeeRailCapsaremadefrom Rail Caps are made from polyethylene polyethylene and mount easily and mount easily to nominal 1½” to lumber. Kit includes four-(4) rails and nominal1½"lumber.Kitincludesfour- stainless nails. (4)railsandstainlessnails. HLK-WC5 RailCaps 5# 47 4 5 Our seamless bouys are heavy-duty enough to meetthepunishingdemandsofthecommercial marineindustry.Theyalsomakegreatfendersfor largerboats.Thebouysaremadefromaninjection molded process and tested to 2000-psi tensile strength,thestrongestintheindustry.Inflationis madeeasythroughthepatentedBivalve™.The orangeisahighvisabilitycolorthatexceedsred andyellowatadistance.Colors:Orange&White CODE A-TEB28 A-TEB38 A-TEB47 A-TEB57 DIA. 9" 12" 15" 18" CIRC. 28" 38" 47" 57" EYE 1-1/16" 1-1/16" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" WT. 2# 3# 5# 7# A-LPFW A-LPFB A-LPFW7 A-LPFB7 PORTABLE FENDER A-PDPRB A-PDPRT A-PDPJB 5"x14"White 5"x14"Black 7"x23"White 7"x23"Black 2# 2# 4# 4# PERSONAL WATERCRAFT FENDER PortablePostPadswill securelyfastentoany size pile with the 1"x 48" adjustable nylon straps. Made from high impact, closed cell foam and have a durable sunbrella fabric cover.Colors: Designedtocustomfitmost R oy a l B l u e , R e d PWC’s.Thefenderisshaped Tweed&JetBlack tohookunderthebondflange for fast attachment and RoyalBlue 2# removal.Color:White RedTweed 2# A-PWCFPWCFender 1# JetBlack 2# Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs Bouys, Bunk Rollers, Pillows PILL OWS • ELONGATED SHAPE • LESS DRAG • GREAT MARKER BOUY • PERFECT FENDER • ASWA APPROVED MULTI-PURPOSE BOUYS Theelongatedshapeallowsthebuoytosithigherinthe water than a round bouy making it more visible during times of strong currents or waves. It’s an ideal substitute fortheEVAfoamfloatsusedbylobsterandcrabfisherman because of the strength of the reinforced ropehold.The shapeandsizealsomakeitafunctionalfenderforboats upto24'long. Colors:RedIV,YellowV,GreenXI,BlueXII,WhiteII V-SBR 1.6# RedBouy V-SBY 1.6# YellowBouy V-SBG 1.6# GreenBouy V-SBB 1.6# BlueBouy V-SBW 1.6# WhiteBouy Ourrollerbunksprovideaneasyinexpensivewaytogetyour watercraftinandoutofthewater.Weoffertwodifferentdesigns; theoriginal14-gaugesteelhasablackpowdercoatedfinishwith 2-rollersperset,fivesetstotal.Thedeluxedesignisconstructed of12-gaugepre-galvanizedsteelandfeatures3-rollersperset, fivesetstotal.Bothdesignsfeaturespecialnon-marking,durable wearresistantrollersandarepacked1-pairpercarton. CODE A-RB6354 A-RB6355 A-RB6387 A-RB6388 LENGTH 4' 5' 4' 5' FINISH Black Black Galv. Galv. BOAT CAPACITY 2500 LB/1135 KG 3000 LB/1362 KG 2500 LB/1135 KG 3000 LB/1362 KG BOAT PILLOW DOCK FENDERS BoatPillowDockFendersprovideacushionedimpactover alargerareathanordinaryfenders.BoatPillowsaremade fromUVstableacrylicgraycanvasstuffedwithpetroleum basedfoaminamembranewithwepholes.Use1Straight Pillowforevery10-15feetofboatlength. TemporarilymooryourPWCsimpleand quick.This system includes a mooring bouy, 10' of 1/4" nylon rope and an anchoring bag. Simply fill the anchoring bagwithsandorrockstoholdyourPWC. A-TMSTemporaryMooringSystem5# Corner Boat Pillow A-BPS PillowStraight6"x6"x37½" 4# A-BPC PillowCorner6"x6"x19"x19"4# Straight Boat Pillow Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 5 48 5 Steps, Benches, Tables T ABLES , Picnic Table Kits have everything you need to make a FollansbeePicnicTableKitshaveeverythingyouneedtomake great looking, sturdy, long lasting table. All components agreatlooking,sturdy,longlastingtable.Allcomponentsare are hot-dipped galvanized. The hardware kit will allow hot-dippedgalvanized.Thehardwarekitwillallowyoutobuild you to build a 6’ or 8’ long table. Lumber optional. a6'or8'longtable.Lumberoptional. FDB - FMH Hasp 1# FDB-HL24 24lb.Lift 2# FDB-HL40 40lb.Lift 2# PT-K PicnicTableHardwareKit 53# Ourremovablebenchismadefrom1.9"O.D.roundtubeand treatedlumber.Thebenchisdesignedtoslideintoa2"pipe receiversetinconcrete.Lumbernotincluded. PBS-1 PBS-2 SingleStep24"x24"x15½" 2-Step26¼"x23½"x17" 10# 20# Ourheavy-duty,polyethylenestepswillmakegettinginandout ofyourboateasy.Madefromhighdensity,highmolecularweight whitepolyethylene.Thenon-skidstripsonthesurfaceandrubber bumpersonthebottominsurepositivegrippingandstability. A-BK3 3'BenchKit 36# Enjoyingyourdockhasneverbeenmorecomfortable.Madefrom vinylcoated1"squaretubingandpressuretreatedlumber. FBS-2 FBS-3 20"WideBoardingStep 38¼"WideBoardingStep 40# 66# Theseheavy-dutywoodstepsmakeaccesstoyourboat safeandeasy.Madefrom1"squaretubingwithablue PVCvinylcoatingbakedonandtreatedlumbersteps. 49 F-BENKIT F-BEN38 F-BEN78 BenchFrameKit(2-Frames) 38¼"BenchKit,IncludesLumber 78"BenchKit,IncludesLumber Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 11# 32# 58# 5 7 Flag Pole, Matting, Mooring Whips MO O RBrackets, I N GMooring WH IPS Mooring Whips Fiberglass Flag Poles Ourwhipsarethepracticalalternativetodavitsandlifts.Thesetwopiecemooring whipsareexceptionallystrongandwon’tobstructyourwaterfrontview.Eachwhip Weofferan18'flagpolekitanda21' mountswithadurablecastaluminum,powdercoatedbasewithbuilt-incleats.These flagpolewithapulley.Eachkitcontains attractivemooringwhipsactasaspringtomaintainyourboatatasafedistance a base, mounting fasteners, flag and fromyourdocktopreventimpactsfromwavesorthewakefrompassingwatercraft. epoxy.ShipsviaUPS. Comescompletewithdoublebraidednylonwhiplines,springlines,andstainless steelmountinghardware.Somemooringareasmaybetooroughforanytypeoftie-up FP-18 18'FlagPole 30# system.Weightismorecriticalthanboatlengthwhenselectingthecorrectsizewhip. FP-21 21'FlagPole 32# Eachsetincludes2-whips,springlines,mountingbasesandstainlesslagbolts. ITEM MW-8 MW-12 MW-14 MW-16 ITEM MW-8 MW-12 MW-14 MW-16 WakeWatcherBracketsallowyourboat tomoveupanddownwithwaveaction whileresistingvertical,horizontaland lateralmovement. • • • • • • Ships via UPS Watercrafts up to 3,500 lbs. Adjustable Tension Can be used with PWC Backed Enamel Paint Heavy-Duty Construction MW-WW Wake Watcher Bracket 5 8 34# DESCRIPTION 8'MooringWhipSet 12'MooringWhipSet 14'MooringWhipSet 16'MooringWhipSet DIMENSIONS (IN) 99½x5¾x4½ 91½x5¾x4½ 106¾x5¾x4½ 112x5¾x4½ BOAT WEIGHT to2,500lbcap. to5,000lbcap to10,000lbcap to20,000lbcap BOAT SIZE to16' to23' to28' to33' WT. 15# 22# 25# 26# WEIGHT IS MORE CRITICAL THAN BOAT LENGTH WHEN SELECTING THE CORRECT SIZE MOORING WHIP! Our Marine Matting has a textured surface to provide sure footing, reducing the risk of slippage and splinters. This polyextruded, non-woven matting is made from virgin raw materials and is heat and pressure bonded. This unique design of the matting conforms to any surface and is resistant to wind updraft. The porous construction allows moisture to drain through and evaporate beneath the mat. The matting is available in 34"W x 25'L or 68"W x 25'L rolls and all colors are UV stable and resists alkali, acids, and water borne chemicals. P•E•M poly-extruded matting is lightweight and cleans easily with sweeping or wash down. Standard colors are Green, Gray and Blue. Custom colors are available with special order and quantities. Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs 50 Cleats, Mooring, Brackets BRACKETS Oursteelcleatsaremadefrommalleableironandare hot-dippedgalvanized.Fastenersareonpage17. CODE DESCRIPTION BOLT WT/LBS. C-6-M 6"SteelCleat 1/4" .38# C-8-M 8"SteelCleat 5/16" 1.5# C-10-M 10"SteelCleat 3/8" 2.25# C-12-M 12"SteelCleat 3/8" 3.5# C-14-M 14"SteelCleat 7/16" 5.88# HEAVY-DUTY SHIP CLEAT C-8-SC C-10-SC C-12-SC C-15-SC C-18-SC 8"ShipCleat 10"ShipCleat 12"ShipCleat 15"ShipCleat 18"ShipCleat BOLT 1/2" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 3/4" WT/LBS. 3.25# 5.5# 10# 13.25# 20.5# Cast aluminum cleats are made of non-corrosive alloy to Follansbee’scastaluminumcleatsaremadeofnon-corrosive provide long service even in saltwater. alloytoprovidelongserviceeveninsaltwater. CODE DESCRIPTION BOLT WT/LBS. C-6-A 6"AluminumCleat 1/4" .2# C-8-A 8"AluminumCleat 3/8" .5# C-10-A 10"AluminumCleat 3/8" .75# C-12-A 12"AluminumCleat 3/8" 2.4# ALUMINUM S-CLEATS C-10-SDC 10"S-Cleat C-12-SDC 12"S-Cleat C-15-SDC 15"S-Cleat 51 BOLT 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" WT/LBS. 1.5# 2.5# 3.5# Pontoon Mooring Bracket PontoonMooringBracketsareaconvenientwaytomooryour pontoonboat.Thebracketboltstoyourdockandpinnedtothe eyeletofyourpontoonboat.Theattachmentarmliftsupand outofthewayforeasylaunching.Positivedistanceretention provides constant clearance from the dock, eliminating potentialbumpingandrubbingdamagetoyourboatanddock. Thebracketcomeswitheitherastraightattachmentarmora 90°armforthefrontorsidemounting.Thebracketandarms arehot-dippedgalvanized.Thepinisstainlesssteel.The½" mountingfastenersarenotincluded. M-PMB PontoonMooringBracket 20# Wealsoofferaheavy-dutyaluminumOffsetCleatthatfor ease of attachment. Our Concrete Cleat is ideal for new concreteseawallsanddocks.Ournylonfolddowncleats arestrongenoughtodriveover,hasastainlesshingepin andisratedfor1/2"rope.Color:Black CODE C-10-OSC C-10-CC C-FDC-6 C-FDC-9 DESCRIPTION 10"OffSetCleat 10"ConcreteCleat 6"Fold-DownCleat 9"Fold-DownCleat BOLT 3/8" 1/4" 1/4" WT/LBS. 1.02# 1.39# 1.55# 2# Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 5 9 Power Pedestals /Pile Wrap PILE WRAP / HATTERAS MINI POWER PEDESTAL TheHatterasMiniPowerPedestalisonly30" tallandusesthesamelightassemblyasthe larger Lighthouse Power Pedestal.These unitscanbeequippedwithcombinationsof 20ampGFI,30amp,and50ampmarine receptacles. • • • • • • 360º 13-Watt Fluorescent Light Photocell Control Tough Lexan Housing Loopfeed Bus Bars Easy Installation Tested and Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. LIGHTHOUSE POWER PEDESTAL Thisfunctionalandpracticaldesignistough enoughtostanduptothesevereservice requirements of the busiest marinas. All wiringisfinestrandedtinplatedcooperfor flexibilityandcorrosionresistance. • • • • • • • • 44" Tall and 13-1/4" Square Lockable Weatherproof Doors Meet NEC 410-57 360º 13-Watt Fluorescent Lighting Photocell Control Lexan 1/4" Thick Housing Easy Serviceability, Hinged Base and Top Cooper Bus Bars and a 250 amp Rating Any Combination of 20, 30, 50, or 100 amp Rating Receptacles up to the 250 amp Rating. • Tested to the toughest standard ANSI/UL 231 by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. TRIMLINE & DOCKSIDER POWER PEDESTAL TheruggedTrimlineandDocksiderpowersystemscanbebuiltto meetyourspecificneeds.Theseunitscanbepoweredwith20,30, 50,and100ampreceptacles.Optionsincludetelephone,cable, waterandelectronicmeters.Calltodaywithyourpowerneeds. • Hubell Receptacles • Square D Breakers • Fluorescent Lighting • UL Listed • Separate Base from Top • Easy Installation TRIMLINE 6 0 DOCKSIDER Protectyourpileandyourinvestment.Thisuniquewrapsystem wasdevelopedwithsafetyandeaseofinstallationinmind.Pile wrappers are made from tough, high impact PVC with tough polyesterfilingfortheultimateinpileprotection.Thiscorrosion freepilewrapwillnotmarandprovidesexcellentprotectiontothe pileandyourboat.Measurethewidestpartofthepileandadd twoinchesforoverlap.Example:Sayyouhaveapilemeasuring 12"indiameter(37.7"around).Refertothesizechartbelowto seethestandardwidths.Our39"PileWrapperworkswellfor pilings12"andsmaller.Youwillneedtomeasuretheheightof thepileyouwanttocover(thisisthelengthofpilewrapneeded). Pilewrapcangobelowthewaterline.Stainlessscrewsaresold separately.Availableinwhiteandblack. Pile Diameter 5.5"-7" 8"-9" 9.5"-10.5" 11"-12" 12.5"-13" 13.5"-14" 15" 16" 17" 18" Width Inches White Wrap Black Wrap 24" 30" 33" 39" 42" 44" 48" 50" 54" 58" PWB-24 PWB-30 PWB-33 PWB-39 PWB-42 PWB-44 PWB-48 PWB-50 PWB-54 PWB-58 PWW-24 PWW-30 PWW-33 PWW-39 PWW-42 PWW-44 PWW-48 PWW-50 PWW-54 PWW-58 • MAXIMUM PROTECTION • EASY INSTALL • NON-MARRING • UV STABLE • ABRASION RESISTANT OnepersoncaneasilyinstallPileWrapper,butanextrasetofhands makesthejobeveneasier.Simplyrolloutandcutthematerial totherequiredlength(thePileWrappermaterialcutseasywith autilityknife),wrapPileWrapperaroundthepiling,overlapand screwinstainlesssteelscrews(#8or#10size1-½"to2"long) withfinishingwashersevery6"to12".PileWrapperwill“conform” aroundthepilinganother2feetafterthelastscrewsoyoucan getwellbelowthelowwatermark.Weofferstainlessfastenerson page17.Ifyouarenotcomfortableinstallingyourselforarenotthe “DoitYourself”type,anylocalmarinecontractorordockbuilder caninstallforyou. Follansbee® - FoR all YoUR dockInG needs 52 Cone and Flat Piling Caps PILINGS CAPS Black Cone Shape Cap A capped wood pile will last years longer than an uncapped wood pile. Acappedwoodpilewilllastyearslongerthananuncappedwoodpile.Follansbeeoffers Our easy to install piling caps are available in black or white. Our black aninexpensivewaytoprotectcostlypilingfrominternalrot.Oureasytoinstallpilingcaps piling caps are made from heavy UV resistant, low density polyethylene areavailableinblackorwhite.OurblackpilingcapsaremadefromheavyUVresistant, with an estimated life in excess of 15 years. Our white caps are made from lowdensitypolyethylenewithanestimatedlifeinexcessof15years.Ourwhitecaps durable UV resistant TPR synthetic rubber and have an estimated life of aremadefromdurableUVresistantTPRsyntheticrubberandhaveanestimatedlifeof 9-years.The caps are available in standad “Flat” or “Cone”. The “Cone” 9-years.Thecapsareavailableinstandad“Flat”or“Cone”.The“Cone”shapedcapsare shaped caps are designed to help discourage sea birds from landing on designedtohelpdiscourageseabirdsfromlandingonthemandmakeiteasiertothrow them and make it easier to throw lines over the pilings. Stainless fasteners linesoverthepilings.Stainlessfastenersareincluded.SquareConeshapecapsare are included. Square Cone shape caps are available in standard sizes: availableinstandardsizes:3½",5½",6",10",12",14"&16"uponspecialrequest. 3½”, 5½”, 6”, 10”, 12”, 14” & 16” upon special request. BLACK PILING CAPS CAP SIZE 5½" 6" 6½" 7" 7½ 8" 8½" 9" 9½" 10" 10½" 11" 11½" 12" 12½" 13" 13½" 14" 14½" 15" 15½" 16" 16½" 17" 17½" 18" 53 BLACK CONE PCCS-55 PCCS-6 PCCS-65 PCCS-7 PCCS-75 PCCS-8 PCCS-85 PCCS-9 PCCS-95 PCCS-10 PCCS-105 PCCS-11 PCCS-115 PCCS-12 PCCS-125 PCCS-13 PCCS-135 PCCS-14 PCCS-145 PCCS-15 PCCS-155 PCCS-16 PCCS-165 PCCS-17 PCCS-175 PCCS-18 BLACK FLAT PCFS-55 PCFS-6 PCFS-65 PCFS-7 PCFS-75 PCFS-8 PCFS-85 PCFS-9 PCFS-95 PCFS-10 PCFS-105 PCFS-11 PCFS-115 PCFS-12 PCFS-125 PCFS-13 PCFS-135 PCFS-14 PCFS-145 PCFS-15 PCFS-155 PCFS-16 PCFS-165 PCFS-17 PCFS-175 PCFS-18 • Black Flat Cap WHITE PILING CAPS CAP SIZE WHITE CONE WHITE FLAT 5½" 6" 6½" 7" 7½ 8" 8½" 9" 9½" 10" 10½" 11" 11½" 12" 12½" 13" 13½" 14" 14½" 15" 15½" 16" 16½" 17" 17½" 18" PCCSW-55 PCCSW-6 PCCSW-65 PCCSW-7 PCCSW-75 PCCSW-8 PCCSW-85 PCCSW-9 PCCSW-95 PCCSW-10 PCCSW-105 PCCSW-11 PCCSW-115 PCCSW-12 PCCSW-125 PCCSW-13 PCCSW-135 PCCSW-14 PCCSW-145 PCCSW-15 PCCSW-155 PCCSW-16 PCCSW-165 PCCSW-17 PCCSW-175 PCCSW-18 PCFSW-55 PCFSW-6 PCFSW-65 PCFSW-7 PCFSW-75 PCFSW-8 PCFSW-85 PCFSW-9 PCFSW-95 PCFSW-10 PCFSW-105 PCFSW-11 PCFSW-115 PCFSW-12 PCFSW-125 PCFSW-13 PCFSW-135 PCFSW-14 PCFSW-145 PCFSW-15 PCFSW-155 PCFSW-16 PCFSW-165 PCFSW-17 PCFSW-175 PCFSW-18 White Cone Shape Cap White Flat Cap Square Cone Shape Cap Phone: 800-223-3444 • Fax: (304) 527-4507 • www.Follansbeedocks.com 6 1 Rotating Mister Lifter ROTATING MISTER LIFTER Follansbee’sMisterLifterwon’tleaveyouhanging!Ourpatentedliftrotates360°providingconvenientsafestorageof The patented lift rotates 360° providing convenient safe storage of your expensive watercraft. The advantages yourexpensivewatercraft.Theadvantagesofstoringyourwatercraftovertopofyourdockorlandisendless.Itmakes of storing your watercraft over top of your dock or land is endless. It makes cleaning, covering, uncovering, and cleaning,covering,uncovering,andfuelingsafeandeasyjusttonameafew.TheMisterLiftercomesinkitformready fueling safe and easy just to name a few. The Mister Lifter comes in kit form ready for easy assembly and is foreasyassemblyandishot-dippedgalvanizedforlong-lastingservice.TheUHMW(ultrahighmolecularweight)polyhot-dipped galvanized for long-lasting service. The UHMW (ultra high molecular weight) polyethylene bearings ethylenebearingsprovidesmoothliftingandrotation.Theliftisavailablewithamanualclutch/brakewinchoranelectric provide smooth lifting and rotation. The lift is available with a manual clutch/brake winch or an electric winch. winch.Thepressuretreatedwoodbunkscanbeadjustedtofitavarietyofwatercraft. The pressure treated wood bunks can be adjusted to fit a variety of watercraft. STANDARD FEATURES: • ROTATES 360° • ONE PERSON OPERATION • INSTALLS TO DOCK, SEAWALL, OR PILING • HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED CONSTRUCTION • 1,000 POUND LIFT • EASY TO USE CLUTCH/BRAKE WINCH • U.H.M.W. POLYETHYLENE BEARINGS • VARIABLE 5' LIFT • ADJUSTABLE BUNK WIDTHS • DETAILED ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS • QUICK AND EASY INSTALLATION • PATENTED ROTATING VERTICAL LIFT • KIT IS SHIPPED VIA UPS Rotates 360º Great for PWC’s, Canoes, Sailing Dingies, and Row Boats! CODE DESCRIPTION FML-1000 FML-1000LA FML-E1000 FML-E1000LA FML-EW FML-EWA FML-RK FML-BRK FML-DBRK Manual1,000Lb.LiftKit-ShortArms Manual1,000Lb.LiftKit-LongArms Electric1,000Lb.LiftKit-ShortArms Electric1,000Lb.LiftKit-LongArms ElectricReplacementWinch&20'Cable ElectricWinch,20'Cable&WinchMountingHeadAssembly RailKit(includes2-WoodRails&Fasteners) BumperRailKit(includes2-5'sectionsrubrail&fasteners) DoubleBumperRailKit(includes4-5'sectionsrubrail&fasteners) WT/LBS. 375 410 425 460 85 58 14 7.05 11.10 54 Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Grating, Decking, and Structural Components Ohney has an extensive offering of FRP pultruded and molded grating, structural shapes and decking to meet most every need. • Impact Resistant • Low Maintenance • Lightweight • Easy To Install • Corrosion Resistant • Cost Effective Grating • Low Conductivity Decking FRP decking requires virtually no maintenance and is an excellent surface material for marina walkways and docks. This lightweight, corrosion and rot resistant system installs quickly and will look great for years to come. Composite gangway All Composite Gangways and Gang Planks can be designed to the customers needs. They will have an anti slip surface, several surface styles available, and have all of the outstanding qualities as our Ohney Docks and Piers. Other colors are available upon request. Call for pricing. FRP grating offers an attractive, long lasting, and low maintenance and alternative to wood or steel in corrosive marine environments. Factory installed slip resistant surfaces for added safety in wet environments. Structural Components FRP is ideal replacement for wood and metal structural materials in marine environments. We have hundreds of standard shapes to meet all of your structural fabrication needs. Ladders and Handrails Aluminum dock hinge The hinge pictured is available is stainless steel, aluminum, and powder coated steel. They all offer the same noise reducing bushing systems. Call for pricing. 55 Fiberglass ladders and handrail systems are light weight, corrosion resistant, easy to install, will outlast aluminum and steel, and require little or no maintenance.