The Tulsa’s FuTure II CampaIgn CabIneT has announCed a new FundIng goal For The FIve-year regIonal eConomIC developmenT plan. Mike Neal, presideNt aNd CeO Of the tulsa MetrO ChaMber, was seleCted as the 2011 tulsaN Of the Year bY tulsapeOple MagaziNe fOr his “liMitless eNergY, CaN-dO OptiMisM aNd tireless effOrts tOward MakiNg tulsa a better plaCe.” gwaCs deFense, InC. (gdI), a Tulsa-based researCh and TeChnology Company speCIalIzIng In snIper and gunshoT deTeCTIon sysTems For The mIlITary, announCed Today IT has been aCCepTed InTo oklahoma’s 21sT CenTury QualITy Jobs program. duCtMate, the largest heatiNg, veNtilatiON aNd air CONditiONiNg aCCessOries MaNufaCturer iN NOrth aMeriCa, aNNOuNCed tOdaY it has ChOseN tulsa fOr its New distributiON warehOuse lOCatiON. the COMpaNY leased a 61,520-square-fOOt faCilitY lOCated ON 9.4 aCres iN NOrth tulsa with plaNs tO expaNd quiCklY. one oF Tulsa’s greaTesT aTTrIbuTes Is ITs abIlITy To work TogeTher For The beTTermenT oF The regIon. on Tuesday, more Than 75 area busIness leaders and eleCTed oFFICIals wIll embark on The Tulsa meTro Chamber’s annual Tulsa regIonal washIngTon d.C. Fly-In. the tulsa MetrO ChaMber aNd 38 regiONal partNers aNNOuNCed tOdaY the tOp ONevOiCe state aNd federal legislative ageNda iteMs tO advOCate iN 2011. usa volleyball has announCed Today ThaT Tulsa wIll hosT a 2011 FIvb world league maTCh FeaTurIng The u.s. men’s naTIonal Team and The no. 1 ranked brazIl Team on June 2425 aT The reynolds CenTer aT The unIversITy oF Tulsa. the u.s. ChaMber will hONOr tulsa-based part-tiMe prOs, elOté Café & CateriNg aNd the persiMMON grOup with the prestigiOus blue ribbON award at aMeriCa’s sMall busiNess suMMit MaY 23-25 iN washiNgtON, d.C. mark andrus, presIdenT and Ceo oF expo sQuare, and ray hoyT, InTerIm senIor vICe presIdenT oF vIsITTulsa, were JoIned by bob o’bannon, exeCuTIve dIreCTor oF breeder’s InvITaTIonal, and Tulsa CounTy CommIssIoner Fred perry aT a press ConFerenCe Today To announCe The sIgnIng oF a Three-year ConTraCT beTween breeder’s InvITaTIonal and expo sQuare. aN additiONal twO perCeNt Cut iN fuNdiNg fOr eduCatiON disCussed bY legislatOrs tOdaY was Met with CONCerN aNd OppOsitiON bY the tulsa MetrO ChaMber aNd MaNY Of their regiONal partNers, whO uNited tO develOp the ONevOiCe ageNda earlier this Year iN aN effOrt tO bOlster the fight agaiNst issues iMpOrtaNt tO the future Of Our regiON. The Tulsa hoTel and lodgIng assoCIaTIon have released prelImInary numbers showIng hoTel oCCupanCy raTes were up by 30 perCenT To average markeT oCCupanCy oF 75 perCenT durIng The nCaa TournamenT. The TournamenT was hosTed durIng sprIng break, a noTorIously slow week For loCal hoTel busIness. the tulsa MetrO ChaMber’s presideNt aNd CeO Mike Neal aNNOuNCed the seleCtiON Of raY hOYt tO lead visittulsa, the CONveNtiON aNd visitOrs prOgraM at the tulsa MetrO ChaMber. The Tulsa meTro Chamber and broken arrow Chamber oF CommerCe sIgned a CommITmenT To regIonal eConomIC growTh aT a speCIal Ceremony held Today In broken arrow. duCtMate, the largest heatiNg, veNtilatiON aNd air CONditiONiNg aCCessOries MaNufaCturer iN NOrth aMeriCa, aNNOuNCed tOdaY it has ChOseN tulsa fOr its New distributiON warehOuse lOCatiON. the COMpaNY leased a 61,520-square-fOOt faCilitY lOCated ON 9.4 aCres iN NOrth tulsa with plaNs tO expaNd quiCklY. one oF Tulsa’s greaTesT aTTrIbuTes Is ITs abIlITy To work TogeTher For The beTTermenT oF The regIon. on Tuesday, more Than 75 area busIness leaders and eleCTed oFFICIals wIll embark on The Tulsa meTro Chamber’s annual Tulsa regIonal washIngTon d.C. Fly-In. the tulsa MetrO ChaMber aNNOuNCed tOdaY jOb CreatiON aNd Capital iNvestMeNt gOals fOr the seCONd five-Year phase Of its ONgOiNg regiONal eCONOMiC develOpMeNt plaN, tulsa’s future. OffiCials alsO aNNOuNCed the plaN’s list Of iNvestOrs aNd tOtal aMOuNt iNvested fOllOwiNg a seveN-MONth CaMpaigN tO fuNd the aggressive plaN. maJeska & assoCIaTes, a new Tulsa-based developmenT and markeTIng Company To The mId-ConTInenT pavIng IndusTry, announCed Today IT has been aCCepTed InTo oklahoma’s 21sT CenTury QualITy Jobs program, an InCenTIve CreaTed To aTTraCT growTh IndusTrIes and seCTors Through a polICy oF rewardIng busInesses wITh a hIghly skIlled, knowledge-based workForCe. the ever-pOpular breeder’s iNvitatiONal returNs tO tulsa MaY 16-28 at the wOrld-Class expO square iN the heart Of tulsa. this eveNt Offers ONe Of the largest paYOuts Of aNY COMpetitiON saNCtiONed bY the NatiONal CuttiNg hOrse assOCiatiON aNd prOMises tO deliver the fiNest CuttiNg hOrses aNd riders iN the COuNtrY. aNd, fOr the seCONd Year iN a rOw, the bi will ruN iN CONjuNCtiON with ONe Of the MerCuria wOrld fiNals qualifYiNg shOws kiCkiNg Off MaY 14. The Chamber Is seekIng loCal and legIslaTIve supporT For The oklahoma museum oF musIC and popular CulTure, a 67,000 sQuare-FooT museum dedICaTed To The CreaTIve spIrIT oF oklahomans. OklahOMa state uNiversitY’s sChOOl Of eNtrepreNeurship will NOw pair with east CeNtral high sChOOl as part Of the tulsa MetrO ChaMber’s partNers iN eduCatiON prOgraM. There are InsTanCes In Tulsa’s hIsTory ThaT are a “game Changer” For our CommunITy. advO- 2012 membershiP directory t u l sach a m b er . c o m Presenting sPonsors Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 1 3/15/12 8:37 AM Your brand says a lot about you... Where you advertise is part of your brand strategy. ...it’s Your Move! Tulsa Business Journal • 20 E. Fifth St., Suite 105 • Tulsa, OK 74103 918-585-6655 • www.tulsabusiness.com Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 2 3/15/12 8:38 AM TABLE OF CONTENTS . Mission.................................................................................................................. ii Nation’s Best Chamber....................................................................................... ii Chamber Promotes Workforce and Business Community............................... ii Tulsa’s Young Professionals Provides for Future Workforce............................ iii Tourism Provides Economic Impact.................................................................. iv Tulsa Sports Commission................................................................................... iv Creative Resources Provide for Regional Education and Health Care.......... iv Your Government Connection............................................................................ v Get Connected through the Chamber.............................................................. v Tulsa Metro Chamber Keeps Members Informed........................................... vi The Family of Chamber Sites............................................................................. vi Staff Directory.................................................................................................... vii Membership Roster............................................................................................. 1 Business Resource Guide.................................................................................. 71 Published and distributed by the TULSA METRO CHAMBER Two West Second Street Williams Tower II, Tulsa OK 74103 (918) 585-1201 Fax (918) 585-8016 [email protected] www.tulsachamber.com The information in this publication was compiled with great care to assure the correctness of editorial content and advertising copy; however, the Tulsa Metro Chamber assumes no liability for the accuracy of the information contained herein. i Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 3 3/15/12 8:38 AM TULSA METRO CHAMBER Mission The Tulsa Metro Chamber is the principal business-driven leadership organization improving the quality of community life through the development of regional economic prosperity. For more than 100 years, the Tulsa Metro Chamber has served as an integral part of what makes our community a great place to live. Every strategy, program and service is created specifically to provide a positive, year-end dividend, and we are 100 percent focused on results that translate directly to our customers – our 3,100 members and our community. The Chamber serves as the primary advocate for the Tulsa region’s business community, but also utilizes numerous key community partners to ensure a well-balanced representation. These partnerships, along with the visionary civic leadership of our Board of Directors and Board of Advisors, and 2,800 member volunteers, work hand-in-hand with 50-plus staff members to make our Chamber one of the most dynamic memberdriven and community-oriented organizations in the nation. Chamber Promotes Workforce and Business Community Each year, the Chamber’s economic development activities market our community advantages regionally, nationally and globally. These directed activities develop and implement programs aimed at expanding existing businesses, attracting new investments and recruiting innovative companies to move to Tulsa. The Chamber’s new business development program builds Tulsa’s employment base and brings high-wage jobs to the metro area. The selling of Tulsa is evident through the tracking of new business inquiries and new job announcements. Each year, the Chamber hosts more than 100 new prospects for site visits to gain local statistical and feasibility information. This valuable service provides information regarding local suppliers and customer markets. Zoning, building and mechanical codes, as well as other local regulatory issues, are often addressed. Nation’s Best Chamber Unlike any other chamber in America, the Tulsa Metro Chamber has claimed the title of “Nation’s Best Chamber” three times in recent years. The American Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE) honored the Chamber with the industry’s highest honor – the Chamber of the Year award – in 2010, 2008 and 2006. ii Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 4 3/15/12 8:38 AM In the Tulsa metro area, small business is big business. Approximately 97 percent of employers in our area and more than 80 percent of Tulsa Metro Chamber members have fewer than 50 people. The Chamber recognizes the significance of small business to a positive and stable economy. Serving as the voice of small business is the Chamber’s Small Business Council. The 30-member council includes seasoned professionals who serve as mentors to early-stage businesses and develop programs of value to the business community, while also providing input to the Board of Directors regarding issues pertaining to small businesses. To serve the diverse needs of small businesses, the Chamber offers valuable tools such as SourceLink, which serves as an information resource for new and expanding businesses. Other services include – • CEO Rountable of eight self-governing, noncompetitive CEOs who serve as each other’s advisory board and support unit. • Small Business Forums monthly series that brings together experts from various fields to discuss issues important to small business owners and their principal employees. TULSA METRO CHAMBER A top priority of the Chamber is to proactively inform the local business community on economic trends, projections and issues that will impact short- and long-range objectives. The Chamber’s economist compiles reliable and timely information, which not only allows area businesses to make qualified decisions, but also accurately depicts Tulsa as an ideal location for major employment facilities. • Comprehensive and targeted U.S. population demographic information. • Salary information of more than 5,800 business positions categorized by location, revenue and experience. • Business-to-business market research powered by Hoover’s. Tulsa’s Young Professionals Provides for Future Workforce The nation’s hottest commodity in the next decade is talented, young professionals. Metro regions all face a growing competition to attract and retain young professionals to supply the future workforce. For every two baby boomers retiring from the workforce, only one young person is entering. Seven years ago, the Chamber launched Tulsa’s Young Professionals (TYPros) to create and implement a strategy to retain emerging young professionals and attract new professionals to the metro region. TYPros is a key component to the Chamber’s new regional economic development plan aimed at overcoming an impending workforce shortage and attracting new and flourishing businesses to the region. Studies report young professionals first choose a place to live and then find a job. TYPros will capitalize on Tulsa’s great quality of life and communicate the message that Tulsa is a choice destination city for young professionals. iii Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 5 3/15/12 8:38 AM Tulsa’s Young Professionals is focused on attracting and retaining young professionals while also establishing Tulsa’s next generation of business and community leaders. TULSA METRO CHAMBER TYPros now has more than 8,000 members with approximately 400-450 volunteers actively participating in work crews. Work crews focus on business development, colleges and universities, community redevelopment, diversity, government relations, next generation leadership, special events, and sustainability. Perhaps one of the largest accomplishments since TYPros’ inception was the opening of The Forge business development center to foster young professional start-ups. Tourism Provides Economic Impact In partnership with the city of Tulsa and the area hospitality industry, VisitTulsa, the convention and visitors program of the Chamber, builds Tulsa’s economic base by promoting the continued growth of conventions and tourism, and by marketing Tulsa as a great American destination city. Activities by VisitTulsa provide a $1.3 billion economic impact each year, serve as a key revenue generator for our community, and position Tulsa as an attractive site for major events. The program offers professional assistance in every area of meeting and convention activity, including planning, promotion, housing and registration, and visitor services. VisitTulsa publishes more than 150,000 Visitor’s Guides and distributes many other promotional pieces throughout the country each year. These combined activities help support more than 24,000 jobs on an annual basis in our community. Tulsa Sports Commission Chamber affiliate, the Tulsa Sports Commission, is successful in bringing renowned sporting events such as national collegiate basketball tournaments, bowling and bike championships, and baseball, softball and golf tournaments to the Tulsa region. To further guarantee consistent economic revenue, VisitTulsa and the Tulsa Sports Commission are currently securing bids on future events and meetings throughout the next five years, recently winning the bid to host the 2013 Bassmaster Classic. Creative Resources Provide for Regional Education and Health Care Health care, public infrastructure and education resources are top priorities of the Chamber’s education programs. Through programs such as Partners In Education, it is the Chamber’s goal to connect area schools with business community resources. In 2006, Tulsa Public Schools administrators set an ambitious goal for the Partners In Education program. The goal was to reach 1,350 partners by the end of the 2009-2010 school year. By 2011, the program grew to 1,441 partners from approximately 400 partners. Our ability to maintain a local, competent workforce relies on access to quality higher education. Each year the education department, along with committees of resourceful volunteers, educate our city and surrounding areas about local health care and education funding needs. iv Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 6 3/15/12 8:38 AM • The reinstatement of the Aerospace Tax Credit • A monumental lawsuit reform package also passed in 2011, lowering the cost of doing business in Oklahoma and giving us a competitive edge in the national job market. TULSA METRO CHAMBER Amid these larger successes were smaller accomplishments as well, including the continued funding of the OSU Medical Center, smaller reductions in common and higher education funding, and continued funding and support for the state’s eight-year transportation infrastructure plan. A growth in both awareness and support for the creation of the Oklahoma Museum of Popular Culture was gained as well, and the project received a generous land donation from the Bank of Oklahoma. Your Government Connection Recognizing the importance of the public/private partnership with our elected officials, the Tulsa Metro Chamber works on your behalf at city hall, the state capital, and in Washington, D.C., to ensure positive legislation for the Tulsa region is passed. Through our government affairs division and regional partners, we create a comprehensive legislative agenda with a pro-Tulsa region and probusiness focus. Through this collaboration, the Tulsa region celebrated one of the most successful legislative sessions to date with the passage of numerous legislative issue for its benefit including – • The Supplemental Hospital Offset Payment Program was the top state priority and passed with overwhelming bipartisan majorities in both the House and Senate. SHOPP was signed by Governor Fallin on May 13, 2011. • The Oklahoma Quick Action Closing Fund passed with strong bipartisan support, providing a much-needed tool in our state’s economic development efforts and eliminating a competitive disadvantage Oklahoma faced in attracting and retaining top businesses. The OneVoice coalition will advocate for the full funding of the Quick Action Closing Fund during the 2012 session. These successes drive home the importance of regional collaboration in developing the OneVoice legislative agenda, and the ability to collectively impact legislation for the betterment of businesses and communities in the Tulsa region. Get Connected Through the Chamber Chamber members are provided with abundant networking and education opportunities through the many informative special events held each year – Annual Meeting Tulsa Regional Day at the Capitol Senate/Pro Tem Luncheon Health Care Forums Governor’s State of the State address Business After Hours Power Networking event Member Overview Congressional Forum Series Tulsa’s Young Professionals event series Legislative Breakfast series Higher Education Forums Restaurant After Hours Legislative Reception v Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 7 3/15/12 8:38 AM Partners In Education events Breakfast Network Meetings Mayor’s State of the City Address Small Business and Awards Week TULSA METRO CHAMBER State of Education Address The Economic Outlook Conference Mosaic And finally, the Chamber Classic Golf Tournament All these events serve to make your Tulsa Metro Chamber one of the most successful business networking organizations in the country. Tulsa Metro Chamber Keeps Members Informed Chamber members receive weekly, monthly and annual publications created specifically to keep our members informed about issues impacting the business community and our community’s economic prosperity. Chamber publications include – The bi-monthly Chamber Report newsletter The Chamber’s Membership Directory TulsaChamber.com contains visitor recommendations, networking events, legislative issues, economic research, and of course, our online membership directory, including direct links to our members’ websites, all available to provide a comprehensive guide to Tulsa Metro Chamber activities, and also serving as a front door to our vibrant community. The family of Chamber sites include: • TulsaChamber.com • GrowMetroTulsa.com Monday Memo, weekly e-newsletter • ChooseTulsaJobs.com Calendar @ A Glance, weekly events e-newsletter • LetsDoBusinessTulsa.com A yearly Economic Profile of the Tulsa MSA • SourceLinkTulsa.com Guide to Education • TYPros.org Political Directory • VisitTulsa.com Visitor’s Guide to Tulsa • TulsaSports.org The Chamber’s Annual Report and Outlook • OneVoiceTulsa.com TYPros weekly e-newsletter • TheForge-Tulsa.com Another important communication tool is the Chamber’s website. TulsaChamber.com receives more than 100,000 visitors annually and supplies yet another valuable resource to our members and the Tulsa community. The website is linked to the Chamber’s convention and visitors site, VisitTulsa. com. • InternInTulsa.com • TulsaDowntown.org vi Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 8 3/15/12 8:38 AM STAFF DIRECTORY Executive Office Matt Pivarnik, CCE, IOM Executive Vice President & COO [email protected] (918) 560-0208 Tracy Pope Executive Assistant [email protected] (918) 560-0249 Angie Walters Executive Assistant [email protected] (918) 560-0222 Beth Phillips Administrative Assistant [email protected] (918) 560-0288 Administration & Finance Anthony Miller Controller [email protected] (918) 560-0245 Pam Guardado Senior Accountant [email protected] (918) 560-0259 Jim Fram, CEcD, CCE Senior Vice President Economic Development [email protected] (918) 560-0231 TULSA METRO CHAMBER Michael S. Neal, CCE, CCD President and CEO [email protected] (918) 560-0210 Economic Development Justin Mclaughlin, CEcD Vice President Economic Development [email protected] (918) 560-0240 Kinnee Tilly Vice President Business Retention, Expansion and Small Business [email protected] (918) 560-0242 Delise Tomlinson Executive Director, Downtown Development [email protected] (918) 560-0243 Dennis Altendorf Director of Aerospace Strategies [email protected] (918) 560-0257 Rusty Linker Director, New Business Development & Marketing [email protected] (918) 560-0233 Elissa Baker Project Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0285 Carol Ann Kublnick Accountant [email protected] (918) 560-0248 Linda Tinkel Accounting/Systems Coordinator [email protected] (918) 560-0216 vii Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 9 3/15/12 8:38 AM TULSA METRO CHAMBER Bob Ball Economist, Economic Research Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0262 Denise Reid Director, Talent Strategies and Recruitment [email protected] (918) 560-0255 Darryl “Rocky” Bright Project Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0239 Heather Johnson Program Manager Education and Workforce [email protected] (918) 560-0218 Kayvon Olomi Manager, Retention & Expansion [email protected] (918) 560-0265 Shagah Zakerion Program Manager, TYPros [email protected] (918) 560-0260 Angie Moore Coordinator [email protected] (918) 560-0217 Sharon Goswick Coordinator [email protected] (918) 560-0276 Jessica Chaffee Program Coordinator [email protected] (918) 560-0294 Education and Workforce Susan Harris Senior Vice President Education and Workforce [email protected] (918) 560-0247 Brian Paschal Executive Director, Tulsa’s Young Professionals [email protected] (918) 560-0286 Human Resources Nikki Parker Human Resources Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0209 Government Affairs Chris Benge Senior Vice President Government Affairs [email protected] (918) 560-0211 Nick Doctor Director of Government Affairs and Public Policy [email protected] (918) 560-0232 viii Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 10 3/15/12 8:38 AM Kian Kamas Government Affairs Program Manager Kian [email protected] (918) 560-0278 LToya Knighten Vice President, Communications & Marketing [email protected] (918) 560-0258 Rachel Anderson Hill, APR Director of Communications [email protected] (918) 560-0224 Jessica Lowe-Betts Membership Events Director [email protected] (918) 560-0206 Bryan Campbell Graphics and Technology Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0252 Shaun Epperson Communications Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0267 Amanda McConnell Communications Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0241 Zach Fort Communications Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0238 TULSA METRO CHAMBER Marketing and Communications Don Sibley Creative Services Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0256 Kuma Browne Coordinator [email protected] (918) 560-0295 Membership and Business Development Ruth Littlefield, CCE Vice President, Member Development and Relations [email protected] (918) 560-0280 Allison Walden Director, Resource Development [email protected] (918) 560-0271 Karen Humphrey, IOM Director Resource Campaign and Affinity Programs [email protected] (918) 560-0250 Tonya Freese Business Development Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0214 Ange Nickell Business Development Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0291 Lesley Patterson Member Relations Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0200 Hannah Jackson Coordinator [email protected] (918) 560-0204 ix Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 11 3/15/12 8:38 AM Annette Stubbs Assistant, Information Resources [email protected] (918) 585-1201 TULSA METRO CHAMBER Visit Tulsa Ray Hoyt Senior Vice President VisitTulsa and Tulsa Sports Commission [email protected] (918) 560-0273 Taguma Jangira Program Coordinator [email protected] (918) 560-0268 Tulsa Sports Commission Alex Alston Director of Sales [email protected] (918) 560-0227 Paula Sanders Vice President, VisitTulsa [email protected] (918) 560 -0266 Rick Brenneman Director of Sports & Events Management [email protected] (918) 560-0284 Kathleen Borgne Sr. Sales Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0251 Katie Nicholas Operations and Development Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0246 Amy Gay Manager, Multicultural Resources [email protected] (918) 560-0236 Mark Hargis Sales Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0205 John Roe Director, Convention Services [email protected] (918) 560-0269 Teresa Fales Administrative Coordinator [email protected] (918) 560-0293 Vanesa Masucci Cultural Sales Manager [email protected] (918) 560-0229 x Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 12 3/15/12 8:38 AM MEMBERSHIP ROSTER # 12 & 12 Inc. (918) 664-4224 Bryan Day, Executive Director 6333 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.12and12.org SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION 742DINE (918) 742-3463 Dan Katz, Owner 5401 S. Sheridan Rd., Suite 301 Tulsa, OK 74145-7524 http://www.742dine.com RESTAURANTS (918) 355-5752 87PestsPray Cindy Emerson, Co-Owner P.O. Box 470482 15th Street Veterinary Group Tulsa, OK 74147 (918) 835-2336 http://www.87pestspray.com Mark Shackelford, Partner PEST CONTROL 6231 E. 15th Tulsa, OK 74112-6407 VETERINARY HOSPITALS A 2 Fellas & A Big Vehicle (918) 665-7007 Josh Keeler, Owner 1811 N. Indianwood Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.2fellas.com MOVING & STORAGE SERVICE A & N Trailer Parts, Inc. (918) 461-8404 Debbie Adamson, President 6028 South 118 East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.antrailerparts.com TRAILER SALES/SERVICE/PARTS 2 Sisters Financial (918) 456-6331 Renita Dick, Owner P. O. Box 493 Tahlequah, OK 74465 INSURANCE A Best Air & Heat, Inc. (918) 496-2665 Michael Humphries, Director of Marketing & Sales 13737 E. 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74108 http://www.abestair.com AIR CONDITIONING - PARTS & SERVICE 3 Nine USA, Inc. (918) 561-6880 Christian Grill, Owner 27730 S. River Rd. Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.3nine.com DISTRIBUTORS A Better Life Home Care (918) 392-3838 Lori Hauge, President 309 E. Dewey Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.abetterlifehomecare.com HEALTH CARE AAA Landscape of Tulsa (918) 369-4447 Mark Worley, Owner 13243 S. Mingo Rd. Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.aaalandscapoftulsa.com LAWN MAINTENANCE/LANDSCAPING Abersons (918) 742-7335 Henry Aberson, President 3509 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.abersonstyle.com CLOTHING - RETAIL (918) 748-1000 AAA Oklahoma Neal Krueger, President/CEO 2121 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.AAA.com INSURANCE (918) 587-1426 A-Best Roofing, Inc. Jim Lane, President P. O. Box 1259 Tulsa, OK 74101-1259 http://www.abestroofing.com ROOFING AAA Vending Corporation (918) 582-4650 Denise Jones, Office Manager P. O. Box 150170 Tulsa, OK 74115 VENDING MACHINES ABI (Avery Barron Industries) (918) 446-1638 Bruce Barron, President / Partner 2102 W. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.abi-us.com METAL FABRICATORS (918) 583-2266 AAON, Inc. Norman Asbjornson, President & CEO P.O. Box 3067 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.AAON.com MANUFACTURERS AbiBow Recycling, LLC (918) 730-1468 Leslie Pippin, Recycling Consultant 2443 Dawson Road Tulsa, OK 74110 http://www.paperretriever.com RECYCLING CENTERS Aaron C. Peterson, Attorney (918) 481-5767 Emily Peterson, Office Manager Above All Commerical Window Cleaning P. O. Box 52680 (918) 283-4034 Tulsa, OK 74152-0680 Jeremy Brazil, Owner http://www.legalwing.com 1107 W. 23rd Street ATTORNEYS Claremore, OK 74017 WINDOW CLEANING - COMMERCIAL/ RESIDENTIAL (918) 446-3503 Aaron Fence Co. Mike Oakley, President 4235 S. 33rd W. Ave. Above It All Roofing and Construction Tulsa, OK 74107 (918) 398-6595 A Great Rate Insurance Agency http://www.aaronfence.com Jonathan Wygle, President (918) 272-1000 FENCES 6575 E. Skelly Dr. Michael Watson Tulsa, OK 74145 8283 Owasso Expressway http://www.aiaroofing.com (918) 835-7071 Aaron’s Sales & Leasing Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 494-0505 3DICON Corporation ROOFING Roy Bingham, Sales Manager http://www.allstate.com/MichaelWatson Martin Keating, Chairman & CEO 7418 E. Admiral Pl. INSURANCE 6804 South Canton Avenue, Ste. 150 Tulsa, OK 74115 Abundant Solutions (918) 749-6999 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.aarons.com Dewayne James, President http://www.3DIcon.net A.B.C. Equipment Rental, Inc. FURNITURE RENTING/LEASING 3617 S. Harvard Ave. 3D TECHNOLOGY (918) 744-8353 Tulsa, OK 74135-2227 Timothy Hewett, President http://www.abundantbusiness.com AASK Insurance Agency (580) 622-4867 2910 East 15th Street 4th Gen Contractors, LLC (918) 641-0777 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES John Krogh, Owner Tulsa, OK 74104 John True, Office Manager P. O. Box 602 http://www.abcequipmentrental.com P. O. Box 2675 Sulphur, OK 73086 Accent Display & Graphics, Inc. RENTAL SERVICE STORES Broken Arrow, OK 74013-2675 http://www.AASKinsure.com (918) 437-4338 CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES INSURANCE Irene Barns, President A-1 Freeman North American P.O. Box 691690 (918) 251-2220 51 Wraps (918) 519-7277 Tulsa, OK 74169 ABC Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Matt Christian, General Manager Lance Stadler, President http://www.TradeShowStuff.com (918) 627-8745 2900-C N. Hemlock Circle 4315 S. Sheridan DISPLAY, DESIGNERS & PROD. Terry Bell, President Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74145 P. O. Box 4243 http://www.a-1freeman.com AUTO BODY REPAIR/PAINTING Tulsa, OK 74159 Accent Realtors (918) 665-8559 MOVING & STORAGE SERVICE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Paul Wheeler, President/Owner (918) 665-2828 5R, Inc. 4625 S. Harvard Ave., Suite 100 (918) 641-5551 AAA AUGER Greg Robbins, President Tulsa, OK 74135 ABC Plumbing, Heating & A/C Inc. Jason Brown, Business Manager 5152 S. 95th E. Ave. http://www.AccentRealtors.com (918) 341-5508 428 S. 122nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 REAL ESTATE Brian Frederick, President Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.storageplus.biz 15213 S. 4195 Road http://www.aaa-auger.com RECORDS STORAGE Claremore, OK 74017 Accent Restoration LLC (918) 286-8510 PLUMBING - COML/INDUST/RESIDENTIAL http://www.abcplumbing.net Stephen Vaughan, President PLUMBING HEATING/AIR CONDITIONING 3168 S. 108th E. Ave., Ste. 350 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.accentrestoration.com RESTORATION (918) 609-6264 360 Sports, Inc. Jon Ray 104 S. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 BICYCLE SALES 1 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 13 3/15/12 8:38 AM Accipiter, LLC (918) 592-2280 James Deuschle, Manager 601 S. Boulder, Ste. 1010 Tulsa, OK 74119 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Accord Human Resources (918) 270-1727 Rick Hash, Business Development Consultant 9717 E. 42nd St., Ste. 104 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.accordhr.com HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT (918) 878-2100 Accounting Principals Lori Rowan, Managing Director 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 312 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.accountingprincipals.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Acme Brick Company (918) 665-6205 Bruce Cargill, District Sales Manager 5130 S. 110th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146-5842 http://www.acmebrick.com BRICKS Adobe Testing Services, Inc. Advanced Skin Solutions (918) 296-7546 (918) 872-9898 Leslie Masters, President/Owner Byron Labadie, Owner 8172 S. Lewis, Ste. D 11830 S. Oswego Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.drlesliemasters.com LABORATORIES - TESTING MEDICAL SPA (918) 828-3267 Acoustical Ceiling Cleaning Services ADP Advanced Tech Enterprises, Inc. (918) 494-2914 John Silva, Sales Executive (918) 438-2012 Vincent Gonzalez, Owner Ric Havlik, General Manager 4111 S. Darlington Ave., Ste. 550 P. O. Box 470753 Tulsa, OK 74135-6375 11403-A East 19th St. Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.adp.com Tulsa, OK 74128 CLEANING SERVICES PAYROLL SERVICES http://www.ate.net COMPUTER SERVICE/REPAIR (918) 748-7995 Acquisition Advisors David Perkins, Owner 5727 S. Lewis, Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.acquisitionadvisors.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES (918) 295-8860 Advance Auto Parts Eric Dugger, Manager 2416 E. 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74104 AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES/RETAIL AcctKnowledge Financial Staffing (918) 582-6000 AcrobatAnt, LLC (918) 938-7914 Lisa Rambo, General Manager David Downing, Managing Partner 1202 S. Boulder 1336 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74119-2828 Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.AcctKnowledge.com http://www.acrobatant.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES ADVERTISING AGENCIES (918) 835-3846 Advance Auto Parts Marcus Edwards, Manager 6512 E. Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74115 AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES/RETAIL Accufax Division, Southvest, Inc. Action Audio Video, Inc. (918) 592-5155 (918) 627-2226 Majd Habib, President/Owner Barb Hauxwell, President 616 W. 7th St. P. O. Box 35563 Tulsa, OK 74127 Tulsa, OK 74153 AUDIO VIDEO EQUIPMENT - SALES/SERVICE http://www.accufax-us.com BACKGROUND CHECKS (918) 252-2258 Acura Neon, Inc. Accurate Autobody, Inc (918) 270-0100 Nathan Hostetler, President 5550 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74146-6830 http://www.44fixit.com AUTO BODY REPAIR/PAINTING (918) 398-7979 Ace DUI School, Inc. Kathy Wilkinson, Owner 4528 S. Sheridan, #222 Tulsa, OK 74145 SCHOOLS (918) 949-4448 ACE Janitorial Service Michael Ashley, Owner P. O. Box 471693 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.acejanitorialtulsa.com JANITORIAL SERVICE Ace Moving & Storage Co. (918) 251-1111 Tom Pizzo, Relocation Consultant 4433 W. 49th St. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.aceatlas.com MOVING & STORAGE SERVICE Mir Khezri, President 1801 N. Willow Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.acuraneon.com SIGNS (918) 274-9994 Adair Computer, LLC Mark Adair, Owner 13314 East 88th Court North Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.adairtechnology.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (918) 582-1590 Advantage Graphics Steve Stacy, Vice President 601 E. 4th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 PRINTER SUPPLIES & ACCESSORIES/REPAIR Advantage Staffing (918) 459-0802 Liz Brolick, Manager 6009 S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.HireThinking.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Advance Chemical Solutions (918) 629-6859 Jerry Weems, Chemist Aerial Data Service, Inc. (918) 622-4144 Jean Carter, President P. O. Box 702188 Tulsa, OK 74170-2188 8301 E. 51st., Ste. 100 WATER TREATMENT Tulsa, OK 74145-9028 http://www.aerialdata.com PHOTOGRAPHY Advance Research Chemicals Inc (918) 266-6789 Sanjay Meshri, Executive V. P. / Managing (918) 760-8166 Aerie Properties, LLC Keith Roberts, Owner Director 1110 W. Keystone Ave. 1127 E. 33rd Pl. Tulsa, OK 74105 Catoosa, OK 74015 REAL ESTATE http://www.flouridearc.com CHEMICALS - WHOLESALE/DIST. (918) 250-6601 aether dbs Robert Fate, Domestic and International Sales Advanced Communications & Electric, Inc. (918) 447-8600 Manager Larry LaFave, President 11385 E. 60th Pl. South 1114 W. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.elyenergy.com http://www.acetulsa.com ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ELECTRIC COMPANIES Adam Murphy Photography (918) 844-4849 (918) 624-4700 Aetna Adam Murphy, Owner Scott McCoy, Account Executive Advanced Industrial Devices, Inc. (918) 445-1254 14610 S. 52nd E. Ave. 6120 S. Yale, Ste. 1225 Bixby, OK 74008 Gary Dundee, President & Owner Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.adammurphyphotography.com 4323 S. Elwood http://www.aetna.com PHOTOGRAPHY Tulsa, OK 74107 INSURANCE http://www.aidusa.com ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES - WHOLESALE (918) 622-5000 Adams Electronics, Inc. After Hours Truck & Diesel (918) 683-8058 Robert Adams, President & CEO 1611 S. Utica Ave., PMB 408 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.adamsinc.com MANUFACTURERS Advanced Marketing Inc. (918) 663-4887 Judy Johnson, Administrator 3225 S. Norwood, Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74135 INSURANCE ACE Network Consulting (918) 496-4223 Pat Turney, Principal Consultant 7050 S. Yale, Ste. 350 Tulsa, OK 74136 www.acenetconsulting.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Added Care Services, LLC (888) 499-1129 Todd Onstott, COO 1216 E. Kenosha, 287 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.addedcareservices.com HOME HEALTH SERVICES (918) 446-3030 Ace Sign Co., Inc. Marilyn Williams, President/Owner 5823 S. 65th W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107-8607 http://www.acesignok.com SIGNS Adecco Employment Service (918) 496-8700 Advanced Record Storage (918) 438-2012 Debbie Whisman, Branch Manager Jay Havlik, Operations Manager 2250 E. 73rd, Ste. 300 11403-A E. 19th St. Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.adeccousa.com http://www.ate.net EMPLOYMENT SERVICES RECORDS STORAGE Advanced Metal Recycling (918) 592-5050 Jeff Ray, Partner 2300 N. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74110 http://www.advancedmetalrecycling.com SCRAP METALS Terri Marlar 2700 S. 79th St. East Muskogee, OK 74403 AUTO REPAIR Afterhours Mobile Repair Inc (918) 637-1326 Willard Warren, Owner 12121 S. 4060 Rd. Oologah, OK 74053 TRUCK REPAIRS/SERVICE (918) 258-2665 Air Assurance Co. Mike Rampey, President 1301 SW Expressway Dr. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.airassurance.com HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE 2 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 14 3/15/12 8:38 AM Air Doctor Duct Cleaning (918) 628-1800 Kevin Ray Platt, Project Manager 10344-B E. 58th St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.airdoctortulsa.com AIR DUCT CLEANING Alberty’s Broadway Liquor & Snackers AllegianceMD Software, Inc. Allied Waste / Republic Services (918) 683-1306 (800) 868-1923 (918) 828-6021 Mike Alberty Mohamed Elmawi, CTO Russell Haywood, Municipal Services Manager 1225 N. 161st E. Ave. 3116 W. Broadway St. P. O. Box 701285 Muskogee, OK 74401 Tulsa, OK 74170 Tulsa, OK 74116 LIQUOR - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE http://www.allegiancemd.com http://www.republicservices.com SOFTWARE SALES WASTE REMOVAL Air Power Systems Co., Inc. (918) 622-5600 Larry Mocha, President P.O. Box 470948 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.apscopower.com MANUFACTURERS (800) 984-7239 Aldi, Inc. Mark Bersted, Vice President Olathe Division 12572 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74129-1806 http://www.aldi.us GROCERS - RETAIL Air Products & Chemicals (918) 266-8800 Mac Anderson, Plant Manager 1115 W. Keystone Ave. Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.airproducts.com CHEMICALS - WHOLESALE/DIST. Alexander & Strunk, Inc. (405) 751-8356 Joe Strunk, President P. O. Box 20550 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 http://www.strunkinsurance.com INSURANCE Air Technology Services (918) 258-5858 Kym Barger, Owner P.O. Box 470665 Tulsa, OK 74147 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Alexander Machine (918) 615-3737 Ben Alexander, President 11662 E. 51st St Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.AlexanderMachineInc.com MACHINE SHOPS Airco Service, Inc. (918) 252-5666 John Boyce, President 11331 E. 58th St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.aircoservice.com HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Alexander Memorial Fund (918) 744-0360 R. O. Laird, Managing Trustee 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste 252 Tulsa, OK 74135 TRUSTS (918) 336-4500 Allegiant Benefit, Inc. Mark Humphries, President & CEO 401 S. Dewey Ave., Ste. 224 Bartlesville, OK 74003-3537 http://www.allegiantbenefit.com INSURANCE (405) 745-2968 Allison Insurance Bob Allison, Owner P. O. Box 299 Wheatland, OK 73097 www.allisoninsurance.com INSURANCE Allegra Print & Imaging (918) 665-0944 Martin Hanna, President 7707 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.allegratulsa.com PRINTERS Allstate Insurance - D’Arcangelo Agency (918) 858-5000 David D’Arcangelo, Owner 4502 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 INSURANCE Allen-Kobsey Antiques and Interiors Allstate Insurance - KT Williams Agency (918) 747-0075 (918) 742-2784 Lina Kobsey, President Todd Williams, Agency Owner 8912 S. 70th E. Ave. 3315 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74135 INTERIOR DESIGN http://www.allstateagencies.com/trwilliams INSURANCE (918) 756-9460 Allen’s Automotive Randy Allen, Owner 2301 Old Morris Hwy Okmulgee, OK 74447 AUTO REPAIR Allstate Regional Office (602) 631-6387 Traci Whitley-Rose, Recruiting Manager 5800 E. Skelly Dr., Ste., 404 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.allstateagent.com INSURANCE Airflo Cooling Technologies / ACT All Maintenance Supply, Inc. (918) 585-5638 (918) 628-0100 Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center, Ben Townsend, CFO Steve Inasy, Sales Manager (918) 392-4550 P.C. Jennifer Pimentel, Office Manager 728 S. Wheeling 9520 E. 55th St. (918) 341-0672 Allton Trucking Tulsa, OK 74104 Tulsa, OK 74145 6565 S. Yale, Ste. 209 Lanie Allton, President http://www.aircooltech.com JANITORIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Tulsa, OK 74136 P. O. Box 1085 MANUFACTURERS http://www.aaicenter.net Claremore, OK 74018 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS TRUCKING (918) 994-6405 All Media Integration (918) 438-3243 AIRGROUP Johnny Saied, Owner & Operations Manager 160 S. 122nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.airgroup.com FREIGHT FORWARDERS (918) 693-0299 AirTech, Inc. Victor Washburn, President 13100 E. 101 N. Owasso, OK 74055 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES (918) 743-6111 Air-X-Limited Ken Jones, President 2230 E. 49th St. Tulsa, OK 74105 ENGINEERS Andy Yates, CEO 3081 W. Albany, Ste. 107 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 www.allmediaintegration.com AUDIO/VIDEO PRODUCTION Alliance Automotive Solutions (918) 949-9000 Aloft Tulsa Hotel (918) 622-5588 Sarabeth Marshall, Director of Sales Mike Sutterfield, Partner 6716 S. 104th E. Ave 5805 South Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.alofttulsa.com AUTO REPAIR HOTELS All My Sons Moving & Storage of Tulsa, (918) 621-1102 Inc. Anthony Adamson, President Alliance Fire & Security, Inc. Alrac Electric, Inc. (918) 587-6607 (918) 695-7924 6945 E. 38th St., Ste. A Robert Hefley, President Tulsa, OK 74145 Ronald Lloyd, President 508 S. Troost http://www.allmysons.com 4528 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74120-4062 MOVING & STORAGE SERVICE Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.alracelectric.com SECURITY SYSTEMS ELECTRIC COMPANIES (918) 994-4490 All Things Cake Janette Stenstrom, Owner 8256 E. 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74133 BAKERY (918) 742-9663 Aladdin Flooring, LLC Jeff Witt, Owner 2435 E. 18th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.aladdinhardwoodfloors.com , http://www.aladdinflooring.com FLOOR COVERINGS Allan Edwards Companies (918) 583-7184 Allan “Scotty” Edwards, President P. O. Box 9457 Tulsa, OK 74157 http://www.allanedwards.com CONCRETE PRODUCTS (918) 747-4799 Albert G’s Bar-B-Q Chuck Gawey, Owner 2748 South Harvard Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.albertgs.com RESTAURANTS Lindsay Hendrix, Vice President 2250 E. 73rd, Ste. 415 Tulsa, OK 74136 TITLE COMPANIES Alliance Resource Partners, LP Alternative Labor Resources Inc. (918) 295-7600 (918) 622-1448 Joe Craft, President Tony Haynie P. O. Box 22027 5924 E. 31st Street Tulsa, OK 74121-2027 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.arlp.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES ENERGY COMPANIES Allied Bearings Supply Co. (918) 583-0164 W. Allen, Chairman/CEO Box 3263 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.alliedbearings.com Allegiance Title & Escrow, LLC INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES (918) 392-7100 A-Max Signs Co., Inc. (918) 622-0651 Catherine Westbrook, President 9520 E. 55th Place Tulsa, OK 74145-8108 http://www.amaxsign.com SIGNS Amazing Athletes of Eastern Oklahoma Allied Insurance Associates, Inc. (918) 407-3472 (918) 272-5900 Michael Amberg, Owner David Wise, Broker 10912 N. 151st E. Ave. 8555 N. 117th E. Ave., Ste. 207 Owasso, OK 74055 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.amazingathletesinc.com INSURANCE FITNESS CENTER 3 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 15 3/15/12 8:38 AM Ambassador Hotel (918) 587-8200 Michael Frimel, General Manager 1324 S. Main Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.hotelambassador-tulsa.com HOTELS American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Oklahoma (AI (918) 624-9382 Adam Proctor 5103 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 695 Tulsa, OK 74145 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (866) 800-4653 America on Hold Doug Bauguss, President 3520 N. 7th St. Phoenix, AZ 85014 http://www.AmericaOnHold.com ADVERTISING - SPECIALIZED American Leak Detection (918) 298-5325 Wayne McCollough, Marketing Manager P. O. Box 310 Jenks, OK 74037-0310 http://www.americanleakdetection.com PLUMBING - COML/INDUST/RESIDENTIAL (918) 292-2897 American Airlines William Collins, Vice President - Base Maintenance P. O. Box 582809 - M.D. 20 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.americanair.com AIRLINE COMPANIES American Lenders of Tulsa (918) 446-0585 Julie Gibbs, Owner P. O. Box 1540 Oakhurst, OK 74050 http://www.AmericanLenders.com AUTO REPOSSESSION American Association of Petroleum Geologists (918) 584-2555 Bryan Haws, Controller 1444 South Boulder Avenue Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.aapg.org ASSOCIATIONS America’s Incredible Pizza Company An Affair of the Heart of Tulsa, Inc. (918) 294-8671 (405) 632-2652 Christeen Clark, Marketing Director Anita Hinkle, President 8314 E. 71st Street P. O. Box 890778 Tulsa, OK 74133 Oklahoma City, OK 73189-0778 http://www.incrediblepizza.com/tulsa http://www.aaoth.com ENTERTAINMENT ARTS & CRAFTS (918) 621-1400 Ameriflex Hose and Accessories Anago of Tulsa (917) 437-7002 Brett Drumm, President Corvan Robison, President & CEO 4725 S. Memorial, Ste. A 12940 E. Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.anagotulsa.com http://www.ameriflexhose.com JANITORIAL SERVICE HOSE & ADAPTERS Ameristar Fence Products (918) 835-0898 Nancy Brandwein, V. P. Administration P. O. Box 581000 Tulsa, OK 74158-1000 http://www.ameristarfence.com MANUFACTURERS American National Insurance Company (918) 664-1131 Michael Pinion, Agent AmeriTrust Corporation, an Oklahoma (918) 610-8080 7941 E. 57th St., Ste. 5 Trust Company J. Harvie Roe, President Tulsa, OK 74145 INSURANCE 4111 S. Darlington, Ste. 450 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.ameritrusttulsa.com American Parking (918) 587-4141 TRUSTS George Shaffer, President Anchor Drilling Fluids U.S.A, Inc. (918) 583-7701 Bob West, CEO 2431 E. 61st Street, Suite 710 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.anchorusa.com MANUFACTURERS Anchor Paint Manufacturing Company (918) 836-4626 Chip Meade, CEO 6707 E. 14th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.anchorpaint.com PAINT DEALERS -WHOLESALE & RETAIL American Bank & Trust Company 410 South Main, Ste. A (918) 481-3000 (918) 599-7255 Tulsa, OK 74103 AMETEK Chandler Engineering Anchor Stone Co. Frank Henke, Chairman & CEO (918) 250-7200 Joseph Parker, Jr., Chairman http://www.american-parking.com Daniel Skinner, Division Vice President P. O. Box 3339 4124 S. Rockford Ave., Ste. 201 PARKING LOTS P. O. Box 470710 Tulsa, OK 74101 Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.americanbanktulsa.com MINERALS MANAGEMENT American Red Cross Tulsa Area Chapter BANKS http://www.chandlerengineering.com (918) 831-1100 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Regina Moon, CEO (918) 693-4421 Anderson & Associates 10151 East 11th St. American Diabetes Association (918) 492-3839 (918) 254-6444 Tulsa, OK 74128 Amini’s Galleria Ann Richards Ketcham, Area Executive Director Pablo Perez, Sales Manager http://www.tulsaredcross.org 6600 South Yale Ave., Suite 1310 7712 E. 71st St. SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION Tulsa, OK 74136-3346 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.diabetes.org www.aminisgalleria.com American Residential Group NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION CARPET, RUG DEALER (918) 748-8636 Jay Helm, President 5727 S. Lewis #550 American Direct Mail Services (918) 292-8600 Tulsa, OK 74105 Rick Butefish, Owner http://www.argtulsa.com 11403 E. 19th St., Ste. C REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Tulsa, OK 74128-6444 http://www.americandirectmailservices.com (918) 362-9675 American StaffCorp ADVERTISING - DIRECT MAIL Casey Lamb, President American Emerald Transportation (918) 660-7272 Services Bernie Clegg, Executive Vice President 4608 S. Garnett, Ste. 403 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.amemtrans.biz TRANSPORTATION (918) 583-2728 American Glass, Inc. Jessie Peterman, Owner 4600 W. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74107-3455 http://www.glassandmetal.com/agm GLASS - COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL American Heritage Bank (918) 224-3210 Guy Berry, President P.O. Box 1408 Sapulpa, OK 74067 http://www.ahb-ok.com BANKS 6301 S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.americanstaffcorp.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Amon & Goumaz CPA, LLC (918) 806-8311 Caryn Perrier 2401 W. Detroit Broken Arrow, OK 74012-3631 http://www.amongoumaz.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC Anderson and Renfro Eyecare, PLLC (918) 455-4545 Becky Anderson 2001 South Elm Place, Ste. B Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.andersonrenfro.com EYE CARE CENTER Anderson Marketing Services Inc. (918) 994-7400 David Anderson, President (918) 388-2185 AmSan David Eve, President 112 W. Kenosha 1830 N. 109th E. Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.amsiweb.com http://www.amsan.com MARKETING JANITORIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES American Transfer & Storage (918) 437-9300 Steve Montgomery, President P. O. Box 690506 Tulsa, OK 74169 http://www.americantransferok.com TRUCKING American Waste Control, Inc. (918) 446-0023 Kenneth Burkett, President 1420 W. 35th St. Tulsa, OK 74107-3814 http://www.americanwastecontrol.com WASTE REMOVAL (918) 742-6737 AmericanChecked, Inc. Babetta Jimpie, Executiive Director 4870 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 120 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.americanchecked.com BACKGROUND CHECKS Tim Anderson, Independent Agent 9115 East 76th Place Tulsa, OK 74133 INSURANCE (918) 728-6111 Andolini’s Pizzeria Mike Bausch, Co-Owner 1552 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.andopizza.com RESTAURANTS Ameriflex Hose and Accessories (917) 437-7002 Corvan Robison, President & CEO 12940 E. Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.ameriflexhose.com 4 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 16 3/15/12 8:38 AM Andy B’s (918) 299-9494 Sharon Mooney, General Manager 8711 S. Lewis Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.andybtulsa.com BOWLING LANES A-Plus Complete Indoor & Outdoor Services (918) 282-7185 TaQwa Mumin, Owner 906 W. Seminole St. Tulsa, OK 74127 LAWN MAINTENANCE/LANDSCAPING Aramark Uniform Services (918) 249-0138 Stephen Chapman, Regional Account Executive 5849 S. Garnett Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.aramarkuniform.com UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE Angela McGuire, D.O., P.C. (918) 774-1187 Angela McGuire 8351 E. 120th St. North Collinsville, OK 74021 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS (918) 472-4600 APN Marketing, LLC Jill Ridenour-McAninch, Operations Manager 4200 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 1015 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.autopronetwork.com/dealers MARKETING (918) 455-0222 Arrow Eye Care Tracy Tran, Owner/Optometrist Arbor E & T / Workforce Oklahoma (918) 796-1200 717 W. New Orleans Brad Williams, Regional Director Broken Arrow, OK 74011 14002 E. 21st St., Ste. 1030 http://www.arroweyecare.com Tulsa, OK 74134-1412 OPTOMETRISTS http://www.workforce-ok.com JOB TRAINING/PLACEMENT Arthritis Foundation - Eastern Oklahoma Anheuser Busch Sales of Oklahoma (800) 542-4283 Applebee’s Neighborhood Bar & Grill Peter Lynaugh, Director of Sales & Marketing (918) 254-4237 Wendi Doak, Marketing Manager (918) 664-9900 2929 N. Florence Arcadis G & M, Inc. Brian Guillette, Office Manager Tulsa, OK 74110 9409 E. 71st http://www.budoklahoma.com Tulsa, OK 74133 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 1000 BEER/ALE - WHOLESALE & DISTR. http://www.applebees.com Tulsa, OK 74135 RESTAURANTS http://www.arcadis-us.com ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Ann Patterson Dooley Family Safety Arrow Exterminators, Inc. (918) 258-9669 Michael Fulps, President P. O. Box 708 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.nomorebugs.com PEST CONTROL (918) 495-3553 Chapter Dawn Duca, President & CEO 7170 S. Braden, Ste. 170 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.arthritis.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Center (918) 742-7480 Applebee’s Neighborhood Bar & Grill Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Suzann Stewart, Director (918) 664-1988 ArchStone Construction, LLC Services, Inc. (918) 584-1433 Wendi Doak, Marketing Manager (918) 582-1651 Jay Eshelman, President 3010 S. Harvard, Ste. 200 Clay Johnson, Owner/Project Director Tulsa, OK 74114 4733 S. Yale Ave. P. O. Box 3142 http://www.dvis.org Tulsa, OK 74135 705 S. Elgin Ave., Ste. 103 Tulsa, OK 74101-3142 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION RESTAURANTS Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.ajg.com/tulsa http://www.archstonecon.com INSURANCE CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES Ann’s Cleaners and Laundry Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar (918) 392-4989 (918) 664-1400 Timothy Pate, Owner/Partner Wendi Doak, Marketing Manager Arctic Sales & Leasing, Inc. (918) 663-3323 Linda Crowl, Owner 320 S. Cincinnati 11104 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74146 7890 E. 11th St. http://www.annscleaners.com http://www.applebees.com Tulsa, OK 74112 DRYCLEANING RESTAURANTS RESTAURANT SUPPLIES (918) 508-2303 Anti-Splash International, LLC Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar Arena Football League Sarah Gomez, CFO (877) 691-7770 (918) 376-9086 4021 E. 41st Pl. Wendi Doak, Marketing Manager 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 2221 Tulsa, OK 74135 9039 N. 121st St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.antisplash.com Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.arenafootball.com JANITORIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES http://www.applebees.com SPORTS ORGANIZATION RESTAURANTS (918) 455-4255 Anything Wood, Inc. Del Ludlum, President 19401 E. 91st St. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.anythingwoodinc.com CABINET MAKERS (918) 627-8116 AOK Distributing Linda Stearns, President P. O. Box 470152 Tulsa, OK 741470152 AIR INDUSTRIAL TOOLS (918) 491-4900 Apache Corporation Robert Johnston, Vice President - Central Region 6120 S. Yale, Ste. 1500 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.apachecorp.com OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT (918) 742-0500 Apertures Photo Natalie Green, President 1936 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.aperturesphoto.com PHOTOGRAPHY (918) 587-1900 Argue Properties, Inc. Terry Argue, President Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar (918) 451-1715 401 S. Boston, Ste. 300 Wendi Doak, Marketing Manager Tulsa, OK 74103 3900 S. Elm Place http://www.argueproperties.com Broken Arrow, OK 74012 REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL http://www.applebees.com RESTAURANTS Aristocrat Construction & Landscape, Inc. Artworks Tulsa Photography (918) 527-1519 Rebecca Eubanks, Owner 624 S. Boston, Ste. 735 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.artworkstulsaphotography.com PHOTOGRAPHY Arvest Bank (918) 631-1000 Donald Walker, President & CEO 502 S. Main Street Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 243-5288 Noemia Moura, Co-Owner Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar Arvest Bank (918) 295-2562 (918) 687-3266 P. O. Box 1403 Bill Mowery, Branch Manager Wendi Doak, Marketing Manager Jenks, OK 74037 6011 S. 89th E. Ave. 415 W. Shawnee CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES Tulsa, OK 74145 Muskogee, OK 74402 http://www.arvest.com http://www.applebees.com BANKS Ark Wrecking Co. of Okla. Inc. RESTAURANTS (918) 583-0488 AppleOne Employment (918) 877-0506 Lee Taylor, Branch Manager 5801 E. 41st St., Ste. 104 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.appleone.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Arabian Horse Association (303) 696-4500 Glenn Petty, Executive Vice President 10805 E. Bethany Dr. Aurora, CO 80014 http://www.arabianhorses.org Apex Plumbing, Heating & Piping, Inc. HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION (918) 584-6007 Harry Warden, President 1111 East Archer Street Tulsa, OK 74120-1204 PLUMBING - COML/INDUST/RESIDENTIAL Arts & Humanities Council of Tulsa (918) 584-3333 Ken Busby, Executive Director & CEO 2210 S. Main St. Tulsa, OK 74114-1190 http://www.ahct.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Ray Morgan, President 1800 South 49th West Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.arkwrecking.com DEMOLITION Armstrong Medical Clinic (918) 274-9300 Carol O’Bryan, Office Manager 12702 E. 86th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.armstrongmedicalclinic.com MEDICAL SPA (918) 583-3723 Arnold Electric, Inc. James Ryals, President 1424 E. 3rd St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.aeiok.com ELECTRIC COMPANIES Arvest Bank (918) 382-2612 Mike Paton, Branch Manager 10615 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.arvest.com BANKS Arvest Bank (918) 382-2671 Kim Secrest, Branch Manager 1515 S. Utica Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 382-4050 Arvest Bank Julie King, Branch Manager 220 S. Highway 97 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.arvest.com BANKS 5 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 17 3/15/12 8:39 AM Arvest Bank (918) 382-4060 Nikola Odjanic, Branch Manager 12101 E. 96th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.arvest.com BANKS Arvest Bank (918) 631-1505 Keely Sadjadi, Branch Manager 6560 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.arvest.com BANKS Aspen Realty, LLC (918) 691-1200 Matt Gawey, Owner / Manager 1127 E. 33rd Pl. Tulsa, OK 74105 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT (918) 382-4075 Arvest Bank Brenda Reilly, Sr. Branch Manager- AVP 218 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631-1542 Arvest Bank David Gibson, Branch Manager 207 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 382-4130 Arvest Bank Denise Buffo, Branch Manager 11501 E. 76th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631-1576 Arvest Bank Tamera Wohlschlegel, Branch Manager 8272 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.arvest.com BANKS Arvest Bank (918) 384-2712 Joseph Corbino, AVP - Senior Branch Manager 5120 S. Garnett Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.arvest.com BANKS Arvest Bank (918) 631-1901 Crystal Copeland, Branch Manager 2019 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.arvest.com BANKS Arvest Bank (918) 594-1709 Shirley Smock, Branch Manager 2500 W. Edison Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.arvest.com BANKS Arvest Bank (918) 631-1916 Jami Carter, Branch Manager 600 S. Main Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631-1024 Arvest Bank Jason Banks, Branch Manager 600 S. Main St. Sapulpa, OK 0 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631-1945 Arvest Bank Adam Pilant, Branch Manager 2301 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631-1127 Arvest Bank Sarita Pilkington, Branch Manager 9701 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631-1961 Arvest Bank Kim Spratt, Branch Manager 2029 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631-1310 Arvest Bank Domini Wisely, Branch Manager 502 S. Main Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631-6801 Arvest Bank Bryan Gerken, Branch Manager 4301 S. Garnett Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.arvest.com VIDEO SECURITY (918) 631-1370 Arvest Bank Julie Powders, Branch Manager 11032 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631-6870 Arvest Bank Amanda Cole, Branch Manager 4548 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631-1404 Arvest Bank Julie Powders, Branch Manager 6514 E. 101st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631-6967 Arvest Bank Katelyn Ayres, Branch Manager 3409 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631-1453 Arvest Bank Lavern Martin, Branch Manager 1730 S. Elm Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012-5453 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 688-1585 Ascent Philip Shain, Owner Atlas General Contractors (918) 369-3910 Brent Page 1325 E. 15th St., Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74120 8218 E. 121st www.ascenttulsa.com Bixby, OK 74008 CLOTHING - RETAIL http://www.atlasgc.com CONTRACTOR - GENERAL ATS Financial Solutions, Inc. (918) 341-4480 H. Jon Haley, President 1204 Parkland Ave. Claremore, OK 74017 http://www.atsfs.com INSURANCE Asphalt and Fuel Supply, LLC (918) 488-1339 John Reaves, Managing Member (918) 712-8234 Audi Tulsa John Hill 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74135 4201 S. Memorial Drive http://www.asphalt-fuelsupply.com Tulsa, OK 74145 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS http://www.auditulsa.com AUTO DEALERS Associated Builders & Contractors of (918) 254-8707 Oklahoma, Inc. Carl Williams, President & CEO 1915 N. Yellowood Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.abcokla.org ASSOCIATIONS Audiology Doctors of Tulsa, PLLC (918) 493-3133 Mindy Fry, Vice President/Co-Owner 7614 E. 91st St., Ste. 160 Tulsa, OK 74133 AUDIOLOGY & HEARING AIDS Assurance Restoration LLC (918) 224-2700 Judy Shouse, Marketing Director 711 E. Taft Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.assurancerestoration.com RESTORATION Audiomatrix, Inc. (918) 664-5030 Fred Cowsert, Owner 6029 South 116 East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 www.audiomatrixinc.com AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION (918) 747-8600 Astra Solutions Mark Cabaniss, President P. O. Box 52402 Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.astra-solutions.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (918) 499-7777 Austral, Inc. Erik Ortega, President P.O. Box 700808 Tulsa, OK 74170-0808 http://www.austral.com COMPUTER SYSTEMS - CONSULTING (918) 272-0568 At Your Service Rentals Tammy Hollis, President P. O. Box 1676 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.aysrentals.com TOILETS RENTAL Auto Refinish Distributors Inc. (918) 587-6727 Steve Clark, President Box 169 Tulsa, OK 74101 WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTION (918) 596-6004 AT&T Automated Manufacturing Services, LLC Michael Cooper, Director, External Affairs (918) 398-7885 Steve Cooper, Owner 509 S. Detroit, Room 100 Tulsa, OK 74120 14501 W. 18th St. http://www.att.com Sand Springs, OK 74063 TELEPHONE COMMUNICATI0NS MANUFACTURERS AT&T Advertising Solutions Automatic Engineering, Inc. (918) 835-8600 (918) 585-5703 Jackie Payne, General Manager Russell Gibbs, President 10159 E. 11th St., Ste. 600 1501 E. 6th St. Tulsa, OK 74128 Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.yellowpages.com http://www.aei-tulsa.com ADVERTISING - DIRECTORY/GUIDE PUMPS & PUMPING EQUIPMENT (918) 748-8800 Atkins and Atkins PC Donald Atkins, Attorney 1406 Terrace Drive Tulsa, OK 74104-4626 ATTORNEYS Atkinson Haskins Nellis Brittingham (918) 582-8877 Gladd & Carwile, P.C. John Carwile, Partner 525 S. Main, Ste. 1500 Tulsa, OK 74103 ATTORNEYS Autumn Leaves of Tulsa (918) 249-1300 Anthony Fleming, Director 7807 S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.autumnleavesliving.com RETIREMENT CENTER (918) 299-2499 AuxArcIMC, Inc. Wade Huntsman, Owner 3708 W. 108th Ct. Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.auxarcimc.com MARKETING Avansic E-Discovery and Digital Forensics (918) 856-5337 Gavin Manes, President & CEO 401 S. Boston Ave. Ste. 1701 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.avansic.com COMPUTER INVESTIGATIONS 6 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 18 3/15/12 8:39 AM AVB Bank (918) 251-9611 Kelley Rash, Chairman of the Board P. O. Box 130 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.bankavb.com BANKS Badger Meter, Inc. (918) 836-8411 Anne Malone, Accounting Manager P. O. Box 581390 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.badgermeter.com MANUFACTURERS Bank of Oklahoma (918) 588-6000 Stanley Lybarger, President & CEO Box 2300 Tulsa, OK 74172 http://www.bankofoklahoma.com BANKS Battle Creek Golf Club (918) 355-4850 Dee Roadman, Director of Golf 3200 N. Battle Creek Drive Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.battlecreekgc.com GOLF COURSES - PUBLIC (918) 627-2301 Avcom Productions Charles Halliburton, President 3158 S. 108th E. Avenue, Ste. 275 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.avcomprod.com AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION (805) 208-1391 BAG Holdings, LLC Bruce Quarantello, Managing Member 12371 Shoreline Drive Sperry, OK 74073 INSURANCE (918) 664-2640 Bank of the West Jean Wallace, Branch Area Manager 6100 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.bankofthewest.com BANKS Baxter’s Interurban Grill (918) 585-3134 Craig Baxter, Owner/Operator 717 S. Houston Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.baxtersgrill.com RESTAURANTS (918) 877-4580 Bank of the West John Powell, Assistant V. P. 3549 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.bankofthewest.com BANKS (918) 481-5555 BBD II Christopher Cooley, Owner/Operator 8218 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74137 RESTAURANTS (918) 622-7763 Avitrol Corporation Tasheena Dillingham, Owner 7644 E. 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.avitrol.com MANUFACTURERS AXA Advisors (918) 496-8111 Chuck Graham, Financial Advisor 4200 East Skelly Drive Tulsa, OK 74135 INVESTMENTS Aztec Systems (918) 728-8281 Scott Kroh, Business Development Manager 9810 E. 42nd St. Tulsa, OK 74146-3600 http://www.aztecsystems.com TECHNOLOGY & BUSINESS CONSULTING B B & B Benefits, Inc. (918) 440-9999 Chellie Bea, P. O. Box 3034 Bartlesville, OK 74006 INSURANCE B & B Liquor South (918) 299-1722 Joe Bohannon, Owner 2828 E. 91st St., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.bandbliquor.com LIQUOR - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE B & E Escort, Inc. (918) 241-4600 Elaine Cooper, 6147 S. Highway 97 Sapulpa, OK 74066 TRUCKING B & G Property, LLC (918) 494-4949 Robert Cox, Owner 3902 E. 63rd St. Tulsa, OK 74136-1500 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT (918) 445-0725 B & M Oil Co. Hal Musgrove & Mr. Jim Beavers, Co-Owners Box 9309 Tulsa, OK 74157 PETROLEUM PRODUCTS B & T Engineering, Inc. (918) 587-4630 Jeff Roberts, Telecom Engineering Manager 1717 S. Boulder, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.btengineering.com ENGINEERS (918) 584-6550 B D & J Manufacturing Bob Lawson, Vice President 312 S. Lansing Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 MANUFACTURER - METAL (918) 756-3311 Bailey Motors Chris Boyd, 515 E. 6th Street Okmulgee, OK 74447-5520 http://www.baileyautogroup.com AUTO DEALERS (918) 274-4653 Bailey Ranch Golf Club Corey Burd, Director of Golf 10105 Larkin Bailey Blvd. Owasso, OK 74055 GOLF COURSES - PUBLIC Bainswest Benefits, Inc. (918) 346-6977 Michael Loftis, President P. O. Box 460 Blackwell, OK 74631 http://www.bainswest.com INSURANCE Baker Eye & Laser Center (918) 335-1515 Susan Sanders, Office Manager 3400 SE Frank Phillip Blvd. Suite 202 Bartlesville, OK 74006 OPTOMETRISTS (918) 732-2020 Bama Companies, Inc. Paula Marshall, CEO P. O. Box 4829 Tulsa, OK 74159 http://www.bama.com/ BAKERS - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE (918) 664-6660 BancFirst-Tulsa Robert List, Branch President P. O. Box 680 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.bancfirst.com BANKS (918) 299-4451 Bandon Trails Lindsey Loredo, 2505 E. 88th St. Tulsa, OK 74137 APARTMENT COMPLEX (918) 712-5482 Bank of America William Lissau, Oklahoma Market President 515 South Boulder, 10th Floor Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.bankofamerica.com BANKS (806) 441-4497 BCV Holding, LP Bret Hardee, Owner Bankers Life & Casualty Co. (918) 254-2800 P. O. Box 140846 Beau Driggers, Branch manager Broken Arrow, OK 74014 7663 E. 63rd Pl., Ste. 100 CHECK CASHING SERVICES Tulsa, OK 74133 www.bankers.com Beacon Commercial Group, Ltd. INSURANCE (918) 394-1000 Tanda Francis, Managing Partner Barnard Dunkelberg & Co., Inc. 8242 S. Harvard, Suite I (918) 585-8844 Tulsa, OK 74137 Bob Barnard, President http://www.beaconcommercial.com 1616 East 15th St. REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.bd-c.com Beale Professional Services CONSULTANTS - AIRPORT PLANNING (405) 521-1600 Jennifer Beale, Barretto Financial Services P. O. Box 21880 (918) 850-3370 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 Carlos Barretto, Financial Representative http://www.bealepro.com 1202 Eucha Creek Place INSURANCE Sand Springs, OK 74063 FINANCIAL SERVICES Bearwood Concepts, Inc. (918) 933-6600 Ken Hird, Executive Vice President Barrington Apartments, Complex #357 6202 E. 30th St. North (918) 254-1681 Tulsa, OK 74115 Megan Sippel, Manager http://www.bearwoodconcepts.com 9233 E. 65th St. MANUFACTURERS Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.caseusa.com Beauty-Crete (918) 663-1110 APARTMENT COMPLEX Wesley Fjeldsted, President Barry J. Farmer DDS, Inc. (918) 683-3451 Barry Farmer, Owner 806 N. York Muskogee, OK 74403 http://www.drbarryfarmer.com DENTISTS 6848 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.beautycrete.com CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Becco Contractors Inc. (918) 445-2684 Carol Smith, President P. O. Box 9159 Bartlesville Community Center Tulsa, OK 74157-0159 (918) 337-2787 CONTRACTOR - GENERAL Sherry Gray, P. O. Box 1027 Beck Design (918) 583-5300 Bartlesville, OK 74005-1027 Paula Beck, Marketing Director COMMUNITY CENTER 110 W. 7th Street, Ste. 710 Tulsa, OK 74119 Bartlesville Regional Chamber http://www.beckdesign.com Bank of America Home Loans (918) 336-8708 ARCHITECTS (918) 855-6600 Sherri Wilt, President Michael Jennings, Retail Sales Manager 201 S.W. Keeler 515 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. LL Beck Mechanical Inc. (918) 402-2266 Bartlesville, OK 74003 Tulsa, OK 74103 Steve Beck, Owner http://www.bartlesville.com http://mortgage.bankofamerica.com/ 3771 E. 78th St. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE michaeljennings Tulsa, OK 74136 MORTGAGE SERVICE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE (918) 729-3668 Basys Processing Catie Pritchard, Regional Director of Business (918) 270-2567 Bank of Commerce (918) 299-8990 Bee Enterprises, LLC Development Joe Staires, Chief Lending Officer Brian Easterwood, 25312 Stonebridge Parkway 6655 South Lewis, Suite 150 11734 S. Holley St. Claremore, OK 74019 Tulsa, OK 74136 Jenks, 740375028 http://www.BasysPro.com http://www.bankboc.com MERCHANT SERVICES BANKS 7 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 19 3/15/12 8:39 AM Behaviorial Health Group of Northeastern Oklahoma (918) 337-0900 Spence Wilson, Owner 501 S. E. Johnstone, Ste. 510 Bartlesville, OK 74003 PSYCHOLOGISTS/COUNSELORS Benefits Technologies, LLC (918) 227-1500 Darcy Fulkerson, Human Resource Director 1200 E. Taft St. Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.bentecllc.com INSURANCE (918) 856-3100 Behles Van Staden PLC John Behles, Managing Partner 2152 S. Florence Pl. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.bvsip.com ATTORNEYS (918) 369-5900 Benex Insurance Susan McGinnis, RHU 8516 E. 101st, Ste. H Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.benex.org EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS (918) 369-8482 Bella Vita Spa & Salon Lee Beasley, Owner 10424 S. 82nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.bellavitaspaandsalon.com SPA SERVICES (918) 749-2509 Benjamin Gerkin, DDS Ben Gerkin, Dentist 4604 S. Harvard, Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.drgerkin.com DENTISTS Belly Busters (918) 445-3520 Robert Elder, Owner 3524 Southwest Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74107 RESTAURANTS Benzin Motor Works (918) 728-6081 David Hinnant, President 6960 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74145-3203 http://www.benzinmotorworks.com AUTO REPAIR Best Quality Roofing & Construction Big Blast Fireworks (918) 640-1869 (918) 622-7477 Melissa Torkleson, Partner Chester Ullrich, Owner 1120 S. 221st W. Ave. 10926 E. 55th Pl. Sand Springs, OK 74063 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.bigblastfireworksok.com http://www.bestqualityroofing.com FIREWORKS ROOFING (918) 438-0780 Best Western Airport Dharmesh Gandhi, Owner 222 N. Garnett Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.BWTulsaAirport.com HOTELS Best Western Inn & Suites (918) 858-2100 Beth Andrews, General Manager 3212 S. 79th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 HOTELS Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma (918) 744-4400 Sharla Owens, CEO 5840 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 111 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.bbbsok.org YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES (417) 339-5030 Big Cedar Lodge Kenny Smith, Regional Sales Manager 612 Devil’s Pool Road Ridgedale, MO 65739 http://www.bigcedar.com EVENT FACILITY Best Western Owasso Inn & Suites (918) 272-2000 Big Guys, Inc. (918) 742-0220 Sonny Patel, Owner John Jolley, Owner 7653 N. Owasso Expressway 1205 S. Atlanta Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.bestwestern.com ADVERTISING - INDOOR HOTELS Benchmark Construction of Tulsa, LLC (918) 645-4000 Berendsen Fluid Power, Inc. Big Splash (918) 749-7385 Scott Sherrill, Owner (918) 592-3781 Amber Woessner, General Manager Best Western Sand Springs Inn & Suites Albert Anthony, Vice President (918) 245-4999 10026-A S. Mingo Rd., #444 4707 E. 21st B.C. Gheewala, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74133 6526 East 40th Street Tulsa, OK 74114 211 S. Lake Dr. BUILDER/DEVELOPER Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.bigsplashwaterpark.com Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.bfpna.com ENTERTAINMENT http://www.Bestwestern.com/ HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES (918) 252-0597 Benco Services, Inc. sandspringsinnsuites Keli Bennett, Accountant - Corporate Secretary (918) 835-6888 Big Yellow Store HOTELS Theresa Jones, Owner (918) 935-3384 5853 S. Garnett Rd. Berlin Law Firm, PLLC Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.okbenco.com HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Lee Berlin, Managing Member 1874 S. Boulder Ave. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.berlinseibertlaw.com ATTORNEYS Benefit Designs of Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 747-7788 Lisa DeRycke Irby, President (918) 781-9466 Berry Winn, M.D., PLLC Office Administrator, 2805 E. Skelly Dr., #808 211 S. 36th St., Ste. 2 Tulsa, OK 74105 Muskogee, OK 74404 http://www.benefitsok.com INSURANCE EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN SERVICES Benefit Informatics, Inc. (918) 491-3600 Philip Kurtz, President & CEO 400 Riverwalk Terrace, Ste. 250 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.benefitinformatics.com HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION (918) 712-5256 Benefit Plan Strategies James Consedine, President 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 601 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.bpstrategies.net EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS (918) 627-1864 Benefit Services, Inc. Mary Ann Colston, President P. O. Box 140790 Broken Arrow, OK 74014-0790 http://www.benefitservicesok.com INSURANCE (918) 664-0870 Benefits Plus Dave Noble, Owner 4150 S. 100th E. Ave., #200 Tulsa, OK 74146 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS (918) 258-3318 Bethel Collision Center Sheila Patterson, General Manager 822 N. Elm Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.bethelcollisioncenter.com AUTO REPAIR 2519 E. Admiral Pl. Tulsa, OK 74110 http://www.bigyellowstore.com FURNITURE DEALERS - RETAIL Bigleather Ranches, LLC (918) 855-3601 Charles Hopper, Manager 10668 S. 93rd E. Ave. Better Business Bureau of Tulsa, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 492-1266 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES Rick Brinkley, President/CEO 1722 South Carson Ave., Ste. 3200 Bill Bartmann Enterprises (918) 388-3328 Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 622-0024 Bill Bartmann, President Best Buy http://www.tulsabbb.org Mike Perkins, General Manager 2488 East 81st Street, Suite 600 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 5520 E. Skelly Drive Tulsa, OK 74137 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.billbartmann.com http://www.bestbuy.com SPEAKING - MOTIVATIONAL & EDUCATIONAL Better Sound Hearing Aid Service (918) 894-4000 ELECTRONICS - SALES & SERVICE Natalie Landis, Bill Knight Automotive Group 7103 S. Yale (918) 294-0136 (918) 526-2400 Best Buy Mobile Tulsa, OK 74136 Candace Polhamus, General Manager Bill Knight, President http://www.bettersoundhearingaidservice. 7021 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 217 9607 S. Memorial Drive com Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74133 HEARING AIDS http://www.bestbuymobile.com http://www.billknightauto.com TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTO DEALERS http://www.bestchoiceguttering.com GUTTERING Bill Knight Collision Repair (918) 526-2300 Dustin McElyea, Manager 4111 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.billknightcollisionrepair.com AUTO BODY REPAIR/PAINTING Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bestdressedllc.com CONSIGNMENT CLOTHING Bill Knight Collision Repair (918) 526-2370 Dustin McElyea, Manager 8324 E. 97th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.billknightcollisionrepair.com AUTO BODY REPAIR/PAINTING (918) 809-0862 Better Way To Wealth Denise Clements, Owner Best Choice Guttering, INC. 14434 E. 59th St. North (918) 270-2224 Owasso, OK 74055 Daniel Lewis, Owner http://www.betterwaytowealth.com 2104 N. Willow, Suite I MARKETING Broken Arrow, OK 74012 BHC Pipe & Equipment Co. (918) 488-0488 Raymond Batchelor, President P. O. Box 701166 Best Dressed Frugality Boutique Tulsa, OK 74170 (918) 493-2378 http://www.bhcpipe.com Laura Huynh, Owner OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT/SALES & SUPPLY 6935 S. Lewis Ave. 8 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 20 3/15/12 8:39 AM Bill Knight Ford (918) 526-2400 Bill Knight, President 9607 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.billknightauto.com AUTO DEALERS Bishop’s Fine Jewelry (918) 445-5509 Elizabeth Bishop, Owner 7462 S. Olympia Ave., C-5 Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.bishopsfinejewelry.com JEWELERS - RETAIL Bill Knight Lincoln Volvo (918) 526-2500 Bill Knight, President 4111 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.billknightauto.com AUTO DEALERS (918) 234-3735 Bison Electric, Inc. Leslie Simmons, President 1209 N 143rd East Ave Tulsa, OK 74116 ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION & TRANSMISSION Bloomer Resources, Inc. (918) 521-5777 Doug Briggs, Member 354 S. Main Sand Springs, 74063 BOOKKEEPING Blooming Twig Books LLC (866) 389-1482 Kent Gustavson, Owner 320 S. Boston, Suite 1026 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.bloomingtwig.com PUBLISHERS (918) 252-5755 Bixby Metro Chamber of Commerce Bloss Sales & Rental (918) 366-9445 K. A. (Jack) Bloss, President Bill Warren Enterprises, Inc. (918) 274-8416 Krystal Crockett, President & CEO 5883 S. Mingo Road Bill Warren, Owner/ President P. O. Box 158 Tulsa, OK 74146 15631 E. 85th Place Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.blosssales.com Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.bixbychamber.com LAWN AND GARDEN SUPPLIES INSURANCE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Bill Wells - State Farm Insurance BizNdex, Inc. (918) 578-4112 (918) 492-1657 Tracey Whitehead, Project Manager Bill Wells, Owner 311 East Rogers Blvd. 1660 E. 71st., Ste. 2H Skiatook, OK 74070 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bizndex.com INSURANCE MARKETING Bill White Co. (918) 582-2434 R. W. “Bill” White, President 414 E. 4th Tulsa, OK 74120 BUS - CHARTER (918) 343-9899 Bill Woods Auto Sales Bill Woods, 15376 Brookview Ct. Claremore, OK 74017-1707 AUTO DEALERS (918) 712-1212 Billie Walsh, O.D. Scott Walsh, Administrator 2836 E. 101st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 OPTOMETRISTS (918) 270-1978 Billy Sim’s BBQ Jeff Jackson, Owner 5213 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.billysimsbbq.com RESTAURANTS Gary Black, Owner 3524 D South Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.blackoptical.com OPTICAL - RETAIL (918) 630-9944 Blacklimos.com II, LLC David Yonce, 13339 E. 137th St. South Broken Arrow, 74011-7434 3D TECHNOLOGY Blake Replogle - Farmer (918) 543-7848 Blake Replogle, Co-Owner P. O. Box 130 Coweta, OK 74429 AGRICULTURE &/OR LIVESTOCK ARENA Billy’s on the Square Restaurant (918) 583-8703 Billy Bayouth, Owner (918) 492-2702 Blane Snodgrass, O.D. Blane Snodgrass, Optometrist 424 S. Main St. Tulsa, OK 74103 7171 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 101 http://www.billysonthesquare.com Tulsa, OK 74136 RESTAURANTS http://www.doctorsnodgrass.com OPTOMETRISTS (405) 528-3360 Birchall & Hampton Jim Hampton, Partner 3601 Classen Blvd., Ste. 201 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 http://www.birchallandhampton.com EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS Bishop Kelley High School (918) 627-3390 Jean Ann Hankins, Director of Advancement 3905 S. Hudson Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.bkelleyhs.org SCHOOLS - PRIVATE BlueView, A Digital Agency (918) 592-1400 Dan Winders, CEO/Principal 110 W. 7th St., Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.blueviewagency.com INTERNET MARKETING BMG Basin Management Group, Inc. (918) 704-1782 Robin Weaver, Secretary / Treasurer 5511 E. 115th St. Tulsa, OK 74137 ENERGY COMPANIES BNSF Railway Company (918) 445-2501 Dave Devault, Terminal Superintendent 1631 W. 33rd Pl. Tulsa, OK 74107-3801 http://www.bnsf.com BLR Realty Corp./Tri-Angle Development RAILROADS BKD, LLP (918) 584-2900 (918) 610-7210 Steve Holden, Partner Ronald Looney, President 6120 S. Yale Ave. , Suite 1400 5445 South 99th East Ave Bob Cook Enterprises Inc. / The Snack Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74146 Shop (918) 630-3512 http://www.bkd.com REAL ESTATE Bob Cook, Owner ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC 2 West 2nd Street, Ste. 44/66 Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) 691-6129 BLR Services, LLC CONVENIENCE RETAIL GROCERY (918) 794-8000 Bruce Ricks, Black Optical (918) 610-4712 Blackhawk Industrial Tonya Thompson, Manager or HR, Benefits & Wellness 5460 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. G Tulsa, OK 74146 Billie’s Town West Tag Agency http://www.blackhawkid.com (918) 445-2929 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION Max Givens, 5632 W. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74107 TAGS (918) 663-3030 Blossom Shoppe Jim Wilkins, Secretary/Treasurer 5565 E. 41st, #A Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.tulsablossom.com FLORISTS - RETAIL BlueStone Natural Resources, LLC (918) 392-9200 Kristi Perryman, Engineering Specialist 2100 S. Utica Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.bluestone-nr.com OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT 6819 S. 124th West Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74066 MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Blue Brook Consulting Inc. (918) 637-5800 Bob Haan, President P.O. Box 446 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.bluebrookconsulting.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES Bob Derby/Insurance Agent (918) 451-9783 Robert Derby, Owner 1404 W. Kenosha St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 INSURANCE Bob McCormack Photography Inc. (918) 587-2628 John McCormack, Owner P. O. Box 52799 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma Tulsa, OK 74152 (918) 551-3500 PHOTOGRAPHY Bert Marshall, President P. O. Box 3283 Tulsa, OK 74102 http://www.bcbsok.com INSURANCE (918) 629-2197 Blue Monday Keith Toller, Route 1, Box 78 Cleveland, OK 74020-9728 CLOTHING - RETAIL Bob Moore Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram (918) 663-6343 Ken Wilkins, General Manager 4627 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.chryslerdodgejeepramoftulsa.com AUTO DEALERS Bob Turner Painting (918) 439-1969 Paul Turner, President P. O. Box 1887 Blue Starr Kiddie Ranch, Ltd. Catoosa, OK 74015 (918)341-3800 http://www.bobturnerpainting.com Tom Anderson, Owner PAINTING & WALLCOVERING 1059 West Blue Starr Dr. Claremore, OK 74017 CHILD CARE (918) 298-8850 Blue Yonder, Inc. Marilyn Wheaton, Vice President Block Business Solutions LLC (918) 493-1130 9041 Airport Way David Block, CEO Tulsa, OK 74132 4444 E. 66th St., Ste. 225 AVIATION INVESTMENTS Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.BlockBusinessSolutions.com Bluefin Payment Systems (918) 270-2583 CELLULAR AND/OR WIRELESS Ruston Miles, CEO 9820 E. 41st St., Ste. 101 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.bluefin.com CREDIT CARD SERVICE Bobby Burnett (918) 637-6492 Bobby Burnett, 1605 South Beech Avenue Broken Arrow, OK 74012 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP Body Masters Fitness & Training (918) 720-3714 Todd Dorrough, Owner 8222 E. 103rd St., Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.bodymastersfit.com FITNESS CENTER 9 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 21 3/15/12 8:39 AM Body Shapers By Ardyss (918) 527-8533 Veronica Leichnitz, Owner 7628 S. Quebec Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bodyshapersbyardyss.com HEALTH & WELLNESS PRODUCTS Boomerang Carwash (918) 622-7771 Jessica Price, Director of Marketing 3912 South Sheridan Road Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.boomerangcarwash.com CAR WASH Braden Manufacturing, L.L.C. BrickWire, LLC (918) 551-7038 (918) 272-5371 Jeff Foster, Founder Bill Sellers, V.P. Finance PO BOX 700804 P. O. Box 1229 Tulsa, OK 74170 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.brickwire.com http://www.braden.com WEBSITE DESIGN MANUFACTURERS Body Shapers International Borden Dairy of Oklahoma (918) 200-2166 (918) 587-2471 (918) 488-8991 Brain Balance of Tulsa Gloria Kelley Gonzalez, Owner Bill Witt, General Manager Isaac Johnson, Owner 7414 E. 97th St. 215 N. Denver Ave. 6022 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74135 HEALTH & WELLNESS PRODUCTS http://www.bordentulsa.com http://www.brainbalancecenters.com DAIRY AND/OR ICE CREAM PRODUCTS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Boese Group - Allstate Agency (918) 665-2424 Borets-Weatherford U.S., Inc. Brandon Whinery Agency (918) 438-0600 Jim Boese, Owner Brandon Whinery, Agent (918) 439-7009 Raymond Standridge, President 10396 E 21st Street 2227 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74129 1600 N. Garnett Rd. Tulsa, OK 74129 INSURANCE Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.farmersagent.com/bwhinery http://www.borets.com INSURANCE MANUFACTURERS BOK Center/SMG Tulsa (918) 894-4200 Jerry Goldman, Assistant General Manager 200 South Denver Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.bokcenter.com ENTERTAINMENT BOk Mortgage (918) 488-7350 Ben Cowen, President, BOk Mortgage 7060 S. Yale, Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 MORTGAGE SERVICE Bomford Couch & Wilson (918) 542-3358 Debbie Fry, Producer/Agent P. O. Box 849 Miami, OK 74355-0849 http://www.bcwins.com INSURANCE (918) 760-6210 Bonaire Holdings, LLC Don Lockhart, President P. O. Box 701645 Tulsa, OK 74170 INVESTMENTS (918) 252-3474 BoneFish Grill Brad Rockholt, Manager 4651 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.bonefishgrill.com RESTAURANTS (918) 461-8459 Bonus Building Care Steve Burger, President 8135 E. 74th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.bonusbuildingcare.com JANITORIAL SERVICE Bonvoy Adventure Travel (405) 714-0002 Sean Jackson, Owner One Technology Center Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.travelbonvoy.com TRAVEL AGENCIES (918) 576-7600 Bookkeeping Express Scott Rumley, Owner 7136 S. Yale, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bookkeepingexpress.com BOOKKEEPING (918) 747-1844 Boomerang Printing Tom Wilson, 3615 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.boomerangprinting.com PRINTERS Bridgecreek Investment Management, (918) 392-1990 LLC Chuck Fuller, Chief Executive Officer 2431 E. 61st Street, Ste. 315 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bridgecreekinvestment.com INVESTMENTS (918) 266-6677 Bright Construction Chuck Wise, Owner P. O. Box 69120 Tulsa, OK 74169-0120 CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES Bright Systems, Inc. (918) 398-9152 Brashear Insurance Agency Jeff Bright, President Borg Compressed Steel Corp. (918) 266-3133 1609 W. Lincoln Pl. (918) 587-2511 Faith Brashear, Agent/Owner Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Chuck Cale, General Manager P. O. Box 130 http://www.bright-systems.com 1032 N. Lewis Ave. Catoosa, OK 74015 NETWORKING SERVICE Tulsa, OK 74110 INSURANCE http://www.yaffeco.net BrightStar (918) 392-9949 SCRAP METALS Jeff Stone, President/Owner Braum’s Ice Cream & Dairy Store (918) 582-2186 Born Inc. Binaya Thapa, President 5410 S. 49th W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 DESIGN SERVICES (405) 475-1656 5110 S. Yale, Ste. 530 Andrea Schwab, Public Relations Director Tulsa, OK 74135 3000 N.E. 63rd http://www.247brightstar.com Oklahoma City, OK 73121 HOME HEALTH SERVICES http://www.braums.com RESTAURANTS Bristow Area Chamber of Commerce Boston Avenue Tax & Accounting Service Brawner Operations, LLC (918) 712-5272 James Brawner, Managing Member (918) 605-7587 Rocky Bryan Naff, Owner 5314 S. Yale Ave., #900 1719 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 2F Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74119 INSURANCE http://www.bostonaveacctng.com ACCOUNTING SERVICES Breast Impressions Foundation and Turn (918) 691-3874 Tulsa Pink Judi Grove, Founder & Director Bovaird Supply Company LLC (918) 293-0223 4645 S. Vandalia Ave. Brian Bovaird, President Tulsa, OK 74135 P. O. Box 52826 http://www.breastimpressions.com Tulsa, OK 74152 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION http://www.bovairdsupply.com ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Breathe America-Tulsa, LLC (918) 749-0434 Bovaird, LLC John Bovaird, President 2686 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74105 INVESTMENTS (918) 743-2263 Box Talent, Inc. Cindy Post, Vice President 3701-A S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.boxtalent.com ENTERTAINMENT (918) 493-7993 Boylan Partners, LLC Peter Boylan, 6600 Timberlane Road Tulsa, OK 74136 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP (918) 367-5151 Jodi Lloyd, President P. O. Box 127 Bristow, OK 74010 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (918) 747-1600 Brittany Park Services Vicki Seward, Account Manager 5512 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 741057140 www.brittanyparkcs.com COUNSELING (918) 270-1999 Brock & Associates James Brock, Senior Financial Advisor 5018 E. 68th St., 1st Floor (918) 259-3141 Tulsa, OK 74136 Eric Lindaman, Regional Account Manager http://www.brockandassociatesadvisors.com 817 S. Elm Pl., Ste. 105 FINANCIAL SERVICES Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.breatheassap.com/tulsa Broken Arrow Area Chamber of HEALTHCARE SERVICES (918) 251-1518 Commerce (918) 485-4643 Breed Enterprises Shirley Breed, Owner 402 S. Mary Ave. Wagoner, OK 74467-4834 CATERING Wes Smithwick, President/CEO 210 N. Main Street, Suite C Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.brokenarrowchamber.com CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Broken Arrow Beauty College, Inc. (918) 251-9669 Bret A. Smith, Attorney At Law (918) 687-0011 Frances Sells, President Bret Smith, 400 S. Elm Place, Ste. C po box 2250 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Muskogee, OK 74401-6002 http://www.babeautycollege.edu ATTORNEYS SCHOOLS - VOCATIONAL BP US Pipelines & Logistics Brian D. Wiggs Homes, Inc. (918) 518-5678 (918) 660-4316 Carolyn Wiggs, Vice President Mike Thompson, Director of Govt & Public P. O. Box 280 Affairs Jenks, OK 74037 4334 N.W. Expressway, #275 http://www.briandwiggs.com Oklahoma City, OK 73116 HOME BUILDERS http://www.bp.com TRANSPORTATION Broken Arrow Electric Supply Inc. (918) 258-3581 Mick Leibold, Vice President 2350 W. Vancouver Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.baes.com DISTRIBUTORS 10 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 22 3/15/12 8:39 AM Broken Arrow Family Clinic, Inc. Brown Appraisal Service, LLC Buffalo Land Abstract Company, Inc. Business Planning Group (918) 488-1111 (918) 251-2666 (918) 527-2284 (918) 748-8871 Tim Hendricks, Owner Natalie Aguilar, Matt McCormick, Randy Dittmann, President 1605 S. Eucalyptus Avenue, Ste. 200 705 W. Oakland 4111 S. Darlington Ave., Ste. 140 7306 S. Lewis Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Broken Arrow, OK 74012-1656 Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bpgoklahoma.com MEDICAL CLINICS http://www.brownappraisalservice.com http://www.buffaloland.com INSURANCE REAL ESTATE - APPRAISERS TITLE COMPANIES (918) 455-4616 Broken Arrow Lanes Michelle Engelby, General Manager 4701 S. Elm Place Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.brokenarrowlanes.com BOWLING LANES (918) 628-3800 Brown Mackie College Denise Choquette, Director of Career Services 4608 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.brownmackie.edu SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (918) 445-9953 Buffalo Wild Wings James Allen, Manager 7568 S. Olympia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.buffalowildwings.com RESTAURANTS Brook D. Trotter Painting Co. (918) 440-7752 Bruce G. Weber Precious Jewels Building Owners & Managers Association Brook Trotter, President (918) 749-1700 (918) 481-7932 - Tulsa (BOMA) Bruce Weber, President Tim McNulty, President 2718 Waterford Ct. Bartlesville, OK 74006 1700 Utica Square 6585 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 1040 PAINTING & WALLCOVERING Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74136 JEWELERS - RETAIL ASSOCIATIONS Brook Fine Arts Academy (918) 491-6011 Alice Brook, President/Director 8138 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.brookfinearts.com MUSIC INSTRUCTION Brooks Harvard (918) 245-0005 Linda Price, Secretary 113 E. 22nd St. Tulsa, OK 74114 REAL ESTATE Business Resource Unlimited, Inc. (918) 641-5705 Pageant Ferriabough-Charlton, President & CEO 7030 C South Lewis, Suite 548 Tulsa, OK 74136 www.bruincacademy.org BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES (918) 430-6697 Business World Ron Howell, Senior Sales Representative 9430 E. 114th Street Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.businessworld-usa.com OFFICE MACHINE SALES/SERVICE Bruce Gibson Real Estate Inc. Bulldog Film & Video Services, Inc. (918) 630-3175 (918) 584-5111 Byers Creative (918) 949-3399 Bruce Gibson, Brian Blagowsky, President Angela Byers, Owner / Designer 1816 N. 15th St. 717 E. Marshall St. 9246 S. Sheridan, #209 Broken Arrow, OK 74012-9372 Tulsa, OK 74106 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.brucegibsonhomes.com bulldogfilmandvideo.com http://www.byerscreative.com REAL ESTATE VIDEO & FILM PRODUCTION GRAPHIC DESIGN C Bruce Riggs Sales Elite Coaching Bullfrog Pest and Lawn Management (918) 706-1992 (918) 764-8999 Bruce Riggs, Executive Sales Coach Nick Miller, President C & G Oilfield Equipment, Inc. 9862 E. Northlea, #100 P. O. Box 470644 (918) 885-6238 Claremore, OK 74017 Tulsa, OK 74147 (918) 742-7005 Brookside Laundromat Wilda Swain, Office Manager http://www.bruceriggs.com http://www.bullfrogtulsa.com Mao Thao, Manager 1011 North Eastern BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES LAWN MAINTENANCE/LANDSCAPING 1141 E. 33rd Pl. Hominy, OK 74035 Tulsa, OK 74105 OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT/SALES & SUPPLY (918) 599-8600 LAUNDRY SERVICE Brune Law Firm Bullseye Database Marketing Ken Brune, Attorney (918) 587-1731 C & L RV Center (918) 687-9537 Mark Jennemann, President 9 E. 4th St., 900 Reunion Center Brookside Market Insurance Agency Rick Berkinbile, Tulsa, OK 74103 5546 S. 104th East Ave. (918) 574-2400 (Allstate) 3101 S. 32nd St. http://www.brunelawfirm.com Tulsa, OK 74146-6508 Joshua Lackey, Owner Muskogee, OK 74401 ATTORNEYS http://www.bullseyedm.com 3807 D South Peoria Ave. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ADVERTISING - DIRECT MAIL Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 398-7528 INSURANCE Bryce Law Firm, PLLC C. L. Frates and Company (918) 232-3170 Phyllis Bryce, Attorney / Owner Bumgarner Asset Management, L.L.C. RIck Franklin, (918) 584-1414 P. O. Box 521090 (918) 392-0745 Brookside Studios P. O. Box 26967 Donna Tulsa, OK 74152 Davis, Property Manager Damon DoRemus, President Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0967 http://www.brycelawfirm.com 320 South Boston, Ste. 1130 8221-B E. 61st St. http://www.clfrates.com ATTORNEYS Tulsa, OK 74103-4700 Tulsa, OK 74133 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMMERCIAL http://www.brooksidestudios.com WEB DEVELOPMENT (918) 743-8822 Brothers and Company Paul Brothers, President 4860 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.broco.com ADVERTISING AGENCIES (918) 366-0271 BTC Broadband Scott Floyd, Sales Director 11134 S. Memorial Drive Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.btcbroadband.com TELECOMMUNICATIONS C. W. Rose Co., Inc. (918) 583-6028 Burnett, Inc. Windows & Siding Ray Rose, President (918) 286-7600 316 East 2nd Street Scott Burnett, President Tulsa, OK 74120 11202 E. 61st St. JEWELRY & ACCESSORIES Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.burnettinc.com C2 Oil, LLC (918) 688-5815 WINDOWS Budco Bank and Office Supplies Kirk Waits, Owner (918) 317-0066 4152 S. Victor Ave. Mike Phillips, Sales/Division Manager Business & Industry Services/Tulsa Tech Brower Oil & Gas Co. Inc. (918) 298-7200 Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 828-5404 P. O. Box 3065 Susan Dunlap, Production Analyst OIL & GAS INVESTMENTS Judy Elliott, Tulsa, OK 74101 Director P.O. Box 2009 http://www.budcobank.com P. O. Box 477200 Jenks, OK 74037 Cafe USA (918) 248-8722 BANKING SUPPLIES Tulsa, OK 741477200 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Sam Jabr, http://www.tulsatech.edu 725 S. Mission St. TRAINING SERVICES Budget Box Mobile Storage Brown & Hartman Engraving Sapulpa, OK 74066 (918) 234-3444 (918) 582-1165 http://www.cafeusa.org Jay Williams, President Business Pension Group, LLC Connie Bryant, President RESTAURANTS (918) 488-1124 P. O. Box 580 552 South Quincy Mike Simmonds, Owner Jenks, OK 74037 Tulsa, OK 74120 (918) 584-2306 Cain’s Ballroom 1605 S. Eucalyptus Avenue, Ste 200 http://www.budgetboxtulsa.com http://www.bhengraving.com Chad Rodgers, Manager Broken Arrow, OK 74012 STORAGE UNITS ENGRAVING 423 N. Main St. http://www.bpgoklahoma.com Tulsa, OK 74103 FINANCIAL SERVICES (918) 919-4380 Bueno Software Brown and Brown Agency (918) 825-3295 http://www.cainsballroom.com Price Brattin, CEO Lance O’Rourke, ENTERTAINMENT 8137 S. 75th E. Ave. 208 N. Mill St. Tulsa, OK 74133-4212 Pryor, OK 74361 http://www.BuenoSoftware.com http://www.bbinsurance.com SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT INSURANCE 11 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 23 3/15/12 8:39 AM Calvary Construction, Inc. (918) 287-2832 Sylvia Herren, Owner P.O. Box 1352 Pawhuska, OK 74056 POWER LINE CONST./MAINT. Camera Gallery, Inc. (918) 252-3652 Eli Lebow, President 8172 E. 68th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.cameragallery.com PHOTO EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES - RETAIL Capital Contracting, Inc. (918) 809-4440 Wayne Rogers, Owner 4740 S. Toledo Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.capitalcontractinginc.com HOME BUILDERS Carl R. Webb, CPA, Inc. (918) 744-4098 Carl Webb, CPA 4803 S. Owasso Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.1040webb.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC Capital D Exploration, LLC (918) 688-6408 Charles Dye, Managing Member 3701-A S. Harvard Ave. #380 Tulsa, OK 74135 OIL & GAS SERVICES Carla Holzrichter Insurance Agency, Inc. Casters of Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 359-1900 (918) 367-5547 Darrel Barnes, President Carla Holzrichter, Owner 11740 E. 11th St. 121 E. 8th Ave. Tulsa, OK 74128-4402 Bristow, OK 74010 http://www.castersof oklahoma.com http://carlaholzrichter.com MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT INSURANCE Cameron Investment Corporation Capital One Auto Finance (918) 581-6616 (918) 254-6000 John Cook, Senior DIrector Jim Cameron, President/CEO 6929 N. Lakewood Ave 3550 West Tacoma Tulsa, OK 74117 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.capitalautofinance.com REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT AUTO FINANCE - RETAIL (918) 446-4194 Camp Loughridge Vince King, Executive Director 4900 W. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74131 http://www.camploughridge.org EVENT FACILITY (405) 843-7344 Capitol Benefits Group Charles Paine, President 5001 N. Pennsylvania, Ste. 202 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 http://www.capitolbenefitsgroup.com INSURANCE Campbell Design Associates capSpire Inc. (479) 301-2571 (918) 583-6671 Lance Laubach, CEO Doug Campbell, Owner 320 S. Boston 1927 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 101 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.capspire.com INTERIOR DESIGN CONSULTANTS - SOFTWARE (918) 728-1620 Cam’s Grocery Daniel Cameron, CEO 1248 S. Columbia Pl. Tulsa, 74104 http://www.camsgrocery.com GROCERS - RETAIL (918) 384-9588 Cardinal Consulting Arlene Johnson, President 2208 E. 25th St. Tulsa, OK 74114 TRAINING SERVICES (918) 808-7358 Cardinal Health Cathy Morgenstern, Sales Representative Cancer Treatment Centers of America at 10205 E. 61st St., E-1 Southwestern Regional Medical Center (918) 286-5000 Tulsa, OK 74133 Steve Mackin, President & CEO http://www.E.com 10109 E. 79th St. HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.cancercenter.com (918) 779-7414 Care ATC CANCER SPECIALTY HOSPITAL Paul Keeling, Director of Sales Candlewood Suites (918) 294-9000 Kate Buster, 10008 E. 73rd St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.candlewoodsuites.com HOTELS (918) 392-0554 Canserv L.L.C. Carol Robinson, Owner 4141 S. 87th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.can-serve.com CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES Canteen Vending Services (918) 663-8844 Paul Langel, General Manager 10161 E. Admiral Pl. Tulsa, OK 74116-2529 VENDING MACHINES Carlisle Brake & Friction (918) 739-2900 Don Brown, Vice President - Operations 1110 W. Tenkiller Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.wellmanproducts.com MANUFACTURERS Carolina Companies, LLC (918) 369-0608 Terry Jenkins, President 7107 S. Yale, Ste. 297 Tulsa, OK 74136 TRANSPORTATION Carpe Consilium (918) 789-6636 Jim Millaray, Owner 1210 E 30th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.askmetellme.com WEB DEVELOPMENT (918) 254-8888 Carrabba’s Italian Grill Tim Johnson, Proprietor 11021 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.carrabbas.com RESTAURANTS (918) 592-3904 Carter & Burgess, Inc. Brett Mann, Senior Project Manager 403 S. Cheyenne, Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.c-b.com ENGINEERS Casino Hospitality Design & Consultant (918) 261-4640 Robert Zablonski, Owner P. O. Box 434 Jenks, OK 74037 DESIGN SERVICES (918) 561-6400 CastleCom LLC. Matthew Roberg, Owner/Principal 120 W. 3rd Street Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.castlecom.us TELECOMMUNICATIONS Catalyst Benefits Group. LLC (918) 524-6315 Paul Boullion, Principal 1425 E. 41st Pl. Tulsa, OK 74108 www.thecatalystgroupllc.com INSURANCE Cate Chiropractic Center (918) 747-2225 Thomas Cate, Physician 2828 E. 51st St., Ste. 103 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.catechiropractic.com CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS Catering by PARTYSERVE (918) 748-0111 Kaila Westerfield, Director of Sales 3902 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.partyserve.com CATERING Catoosa Chamber of Commerce (918) 266-6042 Glenna Scott, Executive Director P. O. Box 297 Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.catoosachamber.org CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Cartledge & Cartledge Oil Co., Inc. (918) 321-3034 Cathey Cartledge, Secretary/Treasurer Cavenders Western Outfitters P. O. Box 40 (918) 664-2668 Larry Tysver, Store Manager Kiefer, OK 74041 8035 E. 31st Street OIL & GAS PRODUCTION Care Plus Home Health Care, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 294-9760 http://www.cavenders.com Prasad Itty, President Casablancas Image & Day Spa WESTERN APPAREL/CLOTHING-RETAIL 8030 S. Memorial Dr., #D-1 (918) 392-0525 9902-A East 43rd St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.careatc.com HEALTH CARE Annette Belmonte’, Owner 6532 E. 71st St., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.casablancasdayspa.com Career Development Partners SALON - FULL SERVICE (918) 293-0500 Tulsa, OK 74133 HOME HEALTH SERVICES Travis Jones, CEO-Owner 4137 S. Harvard, Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.careerdevelopmentpartners.com OUTPLACEMENT SERVICES (918) 627-8074 Career Point College Taylor Bracey, Director Cantera Concrete Company (918) 878-3498 3138 S. Garnett Brent Dostal, Vice President Tulsa, OK 74146 5601 South 122nd East Avenue http://www.career-point.org Tulsa, OK 74146 SCHOOLS - VOCATIONAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION (504) 722-7402 CAVU Resources, Inc. William Robinson, President 5147 S. Harvard Ave., Ste. 138 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.cavu-resources.com OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Cascia Hall Preparatory School (Augustinian Catholic School) (918) 746-2600 CB Richard Ellis/Oklahoma (918) 665-3830 Roger Carter, Headmaster Thomas O’Brien, President 2520 S. Yorktown Ave. 1401 S. Boulder Ave., Suite 100 Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.casciahall.org http://www.cbreok.com SCHOOLS - PRIVATE REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL (918) 298-4824 Case & Associates Properties, Inc. CBMJ Enterprises Inc. (918) 492-1983 Cheryl Jones, President & CEO Mike Case, President 8177 S. Harvard Ave., # 616 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 800 Tulsa, OK 74137 Tulsa, OK 74135-3237 LEGAL WRITING http://www.caseusa.com REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT 12 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 24 3/15/12 8:39 AM C-Cure Network Services (918) 615-3373 Brendan Brosky, Co-Owner 5103 S. Sheridan, Ste. 223 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.ccurens.com CABLING (918) 258-9688 Cedar Creek, Inc. Clark Wiens, Co-Owner P. O. Box 1900 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.cedarcreek.com LUMBER - WHOLESALE (918) 899-6748 Cedar Key, Inc. Paula Holsey, President 8612 E. 103rd St. Tulsa, 74133 LIGHTING SYSTEMS (918) 408-2109 Cedar Point Church Forrest Coultor, 1660 N. Lynn Riggs Blvd. Claremore, OK 74017-3054 CHURCH Cedar Ridge Country Club (918) 252-2501 Cleve Stubblefield, General Manager 10302 S. Garnett Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.cedarridgecountryclub.com GOLF COURSES - PRIVATE (918) 587-0284 CEI Incorporated Deborah Viuf, Office Manager 902 W. 23rd St. Tulsa, OK 74107 CONTRACTOR - GENERAL (918) 518-5661 CEK Energy, LLP Kevin Lambert, Managing Director 9650 S. Quebec Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 FINANCIAL SERVICES Central Transmission & Auto Repair Challenger, Gray & Christmas Chase, Fetters, Hewitt Architects (918) 551-7050 (918) 459-4517 (918) 747-8225 Les Lieurance, Owner Calvin Colbert, Vice President Gary Fetters, Partner 4520 South Harvard, Suite 180 9810 E. 45th Pl. 7633 E. 63rd Pl., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.centraltransmissionrepair.com http://www.challengergray.com http://www.cfharchitects.com AUTO REPAIR OUTPLACEMENT COUNSELING ARCHITECTS Century Bank of Oklahoma Champion Windows of Tulsa, LLC Chemtrade Refinery Services Inc. (918) 493-2220 (918) 622-1953 (918) 587-7613 Charlotte Mindemann, VP Pat Dewey, Division Manager Fred Boeheim, Plant Manager 5705 E. 71st St. South 5899 S. Garnett Rd. 5201 W. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.centuryofok.com http://www.championfactorydirect.com http://www.chemtradelogistics.com BANKS WINDOWS MANUFACTURERS Certified Carpet Cleaning & Restoration, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family (918) 396-4747 (918) 591-1074 LLC Foundation Rebecca Manzer, Co-Owner Alana Hughes, P. O. Box 682 P. O. Box 51 Skiatook, OK 74070 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.certifiedcarpetcleaningok.com http://www.tulsa.schusterman.org CARPET, RUG CLEANERS FOUNDATIONS Cherokee CRC, LLC (918) 582-9110 Cheryl Cohenour, Owner Certified Folder Display Svc, Inc. Charles Bowman Insurance Agency P.O. Box 521120 (405) 833-7113 (918) 683-4545 Tulsa, OK 74152-1120 Corey Brennan, Sales Service Manager Donald Jones, Broker/Owner http://www.cherokee-crc.com 350 South Vermont, Suite 220 636 N. York ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Oklahoma City, OK 73108 Muskogee, OK 74403 http://www.certifiedfolder.com http://www.cbowmaninsurance.com Cherokee Heritage Center (918) 456-6007 ADVERTISING - SPECIALIZED INSURANCE Judy Pierce, Marketing & Public Relations (918) 743-2285 CETCON, Inc. Galen McCloskey, VP, Sales & Marketing P. O. Box 702800 Tulsa, OK 74170 http://www.cetconinc.com AIR EMISSION TESTING Manager Charles Campbell Insurance Agency, Inc P. O. Box 515 (918) 254-4633 Tahlequah, OK 74465 Charles Campbell, Owner http://www.cherokeeheritage.org 8169 E. 41st St. MUSEUM Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.charlescampbellinsurance.com Cherokee Hills Golf Club (918) 384-7600 INSURANCE Matt Harris, Golf Professional (918) 747-8631 CFR Robert Gardner, CEO Charles Ford Investments (918) 743-4056 Charles Ford, Owner 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74135 5518 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.cfr-ins.com REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Celebrating Difference, LLC Charles Pest Control, Inc. (918) 584-3323 CFS Allied Health Education (918) 236-5936 Terry Rosenthal, President (918) 266-3678 Tamara Lebak, Owner Yolanda Sevier, Owner P. O. Box 471100 1305 S. 196th W. Ave. 507 W. Denny Tulsa, OK 74147 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Catoosa, OK 74015 PEST CONTROL http://www.celebratingdifference.com http://www.learnpedorthics.com CONSULTING ORTHOTICS Charles S. Monroe, CPA, PC Celebrity Attractions, Inc. (918) 477-7469 Larry Payton, President 7506 East 91st Street Tulsa, OK 74133-6033 http://www.celebrityattractions.com ENTERTAINMENT Central Parking System (918) 582-6515 Daryl Homer, General Manager 20 E. 2nd St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.parking.com PARKING LOTS 777 W. Cherokee St. Catoosa, OK 74015-3235 http://www.cherokeecasino.com GOLF COURSES - PUBLIC Cherokee Measurement & Control (918) 446-1611 Joe Ragsdale, President 9906A E. 43rd Street Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.cherokeetulsa.com MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE Cherokee Nation Businesses, LLC (918) 270-2857 (918) 384-7474 (918) 388-3328 Charles Monroe, President CFS II David Stewart, CEO Bill Bartmann, CEO - President 4833 S. Sheridan, Ste. 402 777 W. Cherokee Street 2488 E. 81st Street, Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74145 Catoosa, OK 74015 Tulsa, OK 74137 ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT http://www.cfstwo.com CALL CENTER Charlie Mitchell’s Modern Pub Cherokee Nation Entertainment, LLC Center for Employment Opportunities (918) 583-3057 CH2M HILL (918) 894-6561 Murry Fleming, Area Manager Kelly Doyle, County Coordinator 401 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 330 111 W. 5th St., Ste. 401 Tulsa, OK 74103-4425 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.ch2m.com http://www.ceoworks.org ENGINEERS - CONSULTING NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 508-2008 Central National Bank Adam Baker, Loan Officer - AVP 4880 S. Lewis Ave, Suite 101 Tulsa, OK 74105 www.cnb-ok.com BANKS (918) 234-2550 Cherokee Builders Dick McNair, President 2005 N. 167th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 CONTRACTOR - EXCAVATING Chad N. Webster, DDS, PC (918) 307-0307 Chadwick Webster, Owner 8190 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tulsadentalcreations.com/.net DENTISTS (918) 728-8181 (918) 384-7800 Sean Savage, General Manager David Stewart, CEO 4848 S. Yale 777 W. Cherokee St. Tulsa, OK 74135 Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.charliemitchellsmodernpub.com http://www.cherokeecasino.com RESTAURANTS CASINO Charlton Investments, Inc. (918) 664-7827 George Charlton, President 8510 East 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74145-3326 CATERING Chickasaw Telecom, Inc. (918) 663-3565 Jeffrey Downey, General Manager 5115 South 110 East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.chickasawtel.com TELEPHONE COMMUNICATI0NS ChartMark Investments, Inc. (918) 477-7685 Child Abuse Network (918) 624-0200 Mark Smith, President/CEO Barbara Findeiss, 2200 S Utica Place, Suite 525 2829 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.chartmark.com http://www.childabusenetwork.org FINANCIAL ADVISOR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 13 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 25 3/15/12 8:39 AM Child Neurology of Tulsa (918) 493-3300 David Siegler, Physician 4619 E. 108th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.kidnoggin.com PHYSICIAN - NEUROLOGIST Chrysalis Salon & Spa (918) 492-7477 Bob Fleischman, Owner/Partner 7 E. Brady Street Tulsa, OK 74103 www.chrysalissalon.net SALON - FULL SERVICE Circle Inn (918) 832-7717 Bhagvandas Patel, 8945 East Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74115 HOTELS Cirrus Hair of Tulsa (918) 492-1919 Michael Son, President Chubb Group of Insurance Companies (918) 493-5600 1660 E. 71st St., Ste. Q Kirk Bailey, Vice President Tulsa, OK 74136 6120 S. Yale, #450 http://www.cirrushairoftulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74136 HAIR REPLACEMENT SERVICES http://www.chubb.com INSURANCE (918) 960-2723 (918) 622-9010 Chimi’s Cisco-Eagle, Inc. (918) 872-9513 Chili’s & More Marcos Moreno, Partner 10918 E. 2nd St. Tulsa, OK 74128 RESTAURANT SUPPLIES Brandon Fischer, Owner 6709 E. 81st St., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.chimismexican.com RESTAURANTS Church of God Prophecy (918) 486-5358 Larry Duncan, 123 W. Sycamore Street Coweta, OK 74429 http://www.cowetachurch.net CHURCH Chinowth & Cohen Realtors (918) 392-0900 Sheryl Chinowth, CEO Church of the Holy Spirit (918) 622-7979 1441 E. 41st St. Briane Turley, Pastor Tulsa, OK 74105 12121 E. 41st St. http://www.cctulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74146 REAL ESTATE http://www.chstulsa.com CHURCH Chiropractic Wellness Center (918) 742-0560 (918) 274-0500 CIGA Investments, LLC Lance Hoose, Principal Robert Soden, President 2442 E. 21st St. P. O. Box 1526 Tulsa, OK 74114 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.dolifewell.com REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS (918) 585-1100 Cimarex Energy Co. Barry Oyler, Director of Operations/Accounting Choice Communications, LLC (918) 224-9200 15 E. 5th St., #1000 Tim Terhune, Partner Tulsa, OK 74103-4311 821 E. Dewey Ave. http://www.cimarex.com Sapulpa, OK 74066 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT http://www.choiceok.com CELLULAR AND/OR WIRELESS Cimarron Contractors, Inc. (918) 683-2949 (918) 585-9634 Christ Gospel Church Debra Hill, Pastor’s Wife 1203 W. Archer Tulsa, OK 74127 RELIGIOUS ORG. Mitzi Woodburn, 820 East Side Blvd. Muskogee, OK 74402 CONTRACTOR - GENERAL Warren Gandall, Chairman 5208 S. 100th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.cisco-eagle.com MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT (918) 366-4000 Citizens Security Bank W. Carlisle Mabrey, President & CEO 14821 S. Memorial Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.citizenssecurity.com BANKS Citizens Security Bank (918) 250-7600 Joe Mann, Market President 3601 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.citizenssecurity.com BANKS (918) 293-1700 Citizens Security Bank Stan Thompson, Sr. Vice President 8085 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.citizenssecurity.com BANKS (918) 298-7371 Citizens Security Bank Tom Carroll, Market President 381 E. 141st St. South Glenpool, OK 74033 http://www.citizenssecurity.com BANKS (918) 366-4000 Cimarron River Operating, Inc. Citizens Security Bank (918) 865-3235 Kathy Welch, Market President Tamra Colpitt, Secretary Christ United Methodist Church 11402 S. Memorial (918) 747-8601 P. O. Box 289 Bixby, OK 74008 Brenda Bussman, Accountant Mannford, OK 74044 http://www.citizenssecurity.com 3515 S. Harvard Ave OIL & GAS PRODUCTION BANKS Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.cumctulsa.com (918) 528-3100 Cindy W. Morrison / CWM Media Citizens Security Bank CHURCH (918) 324-6396 Ken Gray, Market President Christine Wilson Agency (918) 637-3167 Christine Wilson, 1016 W. Main St. Collinsville, OK 74021 INSURANCE Christy & Mike Hays - Aflac (918) 645-5905 Representatives Christy Hays, Independent Contractor 3739 E. 85th St. Tulsa, OK 74137 INSURANCE (918) 835-9922 Christy’s Fast Food Antoun Alkhouri, Owner 9516 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74115 RESTAURANTS Cindy Morrison, President 8086 S. Yale, Ste. 206 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.cindywmorrison.com SPEAKING - MOTIVATIONAL & EDUCATIONAL (918) 252-3693 Cintas Corporation John Peters, General Manager 5940 S. 129 East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74134-6707 http://www.cintas-corp.com UNIFORMS Circle Cinema Foundation (918) 585-3456 Clark Wiens, P. O. Box 50750 Tulsa, OK 74150 http://www.circlecinema.com EDUCATIONAL CINEMA 221 S. Elm Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.citizenssecurity.com BANKS (918) 897-1245 City Church Tulsa Jim Moss, Community Pastor P.O. Box 14500 Tulsa, OK 74159 http://www.citychurchtulsa.com CHURCH City Glass of Okmulgee (918) 756-4723 Gloria Grim, 105 N. Alabama Ave. Okmulgee, OK 74447 GLASS - COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL (918) 585-3399 City Glass of Tulsa Darla Flippo, Co-Owner 1301 E. 3rd Street Tulsa, OK 74120 GLASS - COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL City Links Directories (918) 749-3195 Veronica Leichnitz, Managing Partner 4335 E 87th St Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.tulsacelebrations.com ADVERTISING - DIRECTORY/GUIDE (918) 366-4430 City of Bixby Douglas Enevoldsen, City Manager P. O. Box 70 Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.bixby.com GOVERNMENT (918) 371-1010 City of Collinsville Pamela Polk, City Manager P. O. Box 730 Collinsville, OK 74021 www.cityofcollinsville.com GOVERNMENT City of Glenpool (918) 322-5409 Ed Tinker, City Manager P. O. Box 70 Glenpool, OK 74033 http://www.cityofglenpool.com GOVERNMENT City of Jenks (918) 299-5883 Mike TInker, City Manager P. O. Box 2007 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.jenks.com GOVERNMENT (918) 246-2500 City of Sand Springs Rocky Rogers, City Manager P. O. Box 338 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.sandspringsok.org GOVERNMENT (918) 596-7411 City of Tulsa Dewey Bartlett, Mayor 175 E. 2nd St., Suite 690 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.cityoftulsa.org GOVERNMENT (918) 994-5454 CitySelect Jill Pratt, V. P. - Sales / Marketing 8321 E. 61st St., #100 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.cityselect.com MARKETING (918) 582-7129 CJC Architects, Inc. Larry Johnston, President 1401 S. Denver, Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.cjcarchitects.com ARCHITECTS (918) 583-9151 C-K & W Supply, Inc. Rick Wimpey, Vice President 8545 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.ckwsupply.com CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES (918) 494-4011 Clare Bridge of Tulsa Omar Stiefer, Regional V. P. 6022 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.brookdaleliving.com NURSING HOME - CONVALECENT CARE 14 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 26 3/15/12 8:39 AM Clarehouse, Inc. (918) 665-7026 Kelley Scott, Executive Director 7617 S. Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.clarehouse.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Cleveland Chamber of Commerce Cognitio Consulting (918) 527-4120 (918) 358-2131 Michael Turner, Owner Amy Hedges, Executive Director 10750 E. 122nd Ct. North P. O. Box 240 Collinsville, OK 74021 Cleveland, OK 74020 http://www.cognitioconsulting.us http://www.chamberofclevelandok.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (918) 582-5572 Claremore Chamber of Commerce Cohlmia’s (918) 341-2818 Phillip Breckenridge, Owner Clinical Care Skin Solutions Dell Davis, President (918) 481-0004 1502 S. Cincinnati Place Charlotte Bates, 419 W. Will Rogers Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74119 Claremore, OK 74017-6820 8242 S. Harvard, Suite A & B http://www.cohlmias.com http://www.claremore.org Tulsa, OK 74137 PLANT SALES AND RENTAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE http://www.clinicalcareskinsolutions.com MEDICAL SPA (918) 392-3500 Coldwell Banker Select Clarence Fisher Consulting, LLC (918) 878-0555 (918) 587-1303 Clint Stevens, DDS Clarence Fisher, President & CEO Clint Stevens, Dentist 7107 S. Yale Avenue 15 W. 6th St., Ste. 2100 Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.TulsaInternetMarketingServices. http://www.clintondstevensdds.com com DENTISTS INTERNET MARKETING (918) 258-7085 Clarion Hotel Bhavna Desai, General Manager 2600 North Aspen Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.choicehotels.com/hotel/ok161 HOTELS (918) 298-8200 Clary Sage College Christen Brummett, 3131 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.clarysagecollege.com SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Cloud Capital LLC (918) 492-1080 Owen Pugh, Senior Vice President 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 606 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.cloud-capital.com SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (918) 640-4690 CMC Holdings LLC Charles Rogers, President 10636 S. Erie Pl. Tulsa, OK 74137 MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS (918) 437-5377 CMC Recycling Alan Adams, Regional Accounts Coordinator P. O. Box 1768 Clean Line Energy Partners (405) 990-3453 Catoosa, OK 74015 Phillip Teel, Regional Outreach Manager http://www.cmc.com 5921 Lytle Dr. METAL RECYCLING Oklahoma City, OK 73127 http://www.cleanlineenergy.com (918) 628-1264 CNG Auto Sales ENERGY COMPANIES Ted Massad, Owner (610) 395-8002 Clear Channel Airports Lucas Yezik, Project Coordinator 4635 Crackersport Road Allentown, PA 18104 http://www.iaateam.com ADVERTISING - OUTDOOR (918) 388-5100 Clear Channel Radio Bill Hurley, V. P. / Market Manager 2625 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.clearchannel.com BROADCASTING - RADIO 3726 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.cngoklahoma.com AUTO DEALERS (918) 272-2020 Cleveland & Associates Don Hunt, 10306 N. 138th East, Ste. 1012 Owasso, OK 74055 REAL ESTATE (918) 492-2882 Commerce Bank R. Carl Hudgins, President & CEO 6130 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137-2101 http://www.commercebank.com BANKS Commercial Janitorial Services (918) 663-5777 Craig Stephens, Owner 2251 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 106 Tulsa, OK 74105 JANITORIAL SERVICE Cole, Hargrave, Snodgrass and Associates (405) 415-3017 Commercial Risk Group, Inc. Pat McFerron, DIrector (918) 317-3200 P. O. Box 2034 Marvin Loyd, President Oklahoma City, OK 73101 1700 W. Albany, Ste. 200 MARKET RESEARCH/DATA COLLECTION Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.crgins.com INSURANCE Collaborative Companion Care, LLC (918) 344-7699 Libby McCormick, Owner Commercial Title & Escrow Services, Inc. P. O. Box 9154 (918) 556-6336 Tulsa, OK 74157 Pamela “Pam” Bewley, President http://www.collaborativecompanion.com 4739 E. 91st St., Ste. 200 DAY CARE CENTERS Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.commercialtitleok.com REAL ESTATE - CLOSING SERVICE College Funding Solutions, LLC (918) 346-1954 Wayne Scott, President & Owner CommPel LLC (918) 286-3051 2916 E. 88th St. Lou Alkana, Managing Partner Tulsa, OK 74137 7449 S. 286th East Ave. http://www.MyCollegeInfo.com Broken Arrow, OK 74014-8514 FUNDING - PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS Collins & Associates, Inc. (918) 524-3833 Douglas Collins, President 5153 E. 51st St., Ste. 108 Tulsa, OK 74135-7442 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Communication Graphics Inc. (918) 258-6502 David Cleveland, President 1765 North Juniper Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.thedecalcompany.net PRINTERS Coates Commercial Properties, LLC Collinsville Chamber of Commerce (918) 610-0700 (918) 371-4703 Patrick Coates, Marketing Director/Broker Wanda Nyberg, Executive Secretary Community Action Project of Tulsa 9726 E. 42nd St., Ste. 100 P. O. Box 245 County, Inc. (918) 382-3379 Tulsa, OK 74146 Collinsville, OK 74021 Karen Kiely, COO http://www.coatesproperties.com http://www.collinsvillechamber.net 4606 S. Garnett, Ste. 100 REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.captc.org SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION (918) 663-9401 (918) 519-4121 Cobb Engineering Colossal Cleaners Doug Glenn, Branch Manager Clearwater Enterprises, LLC 4617 E. 91st St. South (405) 842-9200 Tulsa, OK 74137 Regina Fort, Gas Sales Manager http://www.cobbengr.com 5637 N. Classen Blvd. ENGINEERS - CIVIL Oklahoma City, OK 73118 NATURAL GAS MARKETING (918) 254-3762 Coble’s Flowers & Gifts (918) 361-3127 Clempire Janitorial Daniel Clem, Owner 6701 S. Troost Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.clempire.com JANITORIAL SERVICE Sam Rader, Chairman 8522 E. 61st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.cbtulsa.com REAL ESTATE Comfort Zone of Tulsa, Inc. (918) 366-8282 Linda Hildebrand, CFO 14219 S. New Haven Ave. Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.ilikehouses.com REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Susan Hauglund, 514 Plaza Ct. Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.coblesflowers.com FLORISTS - RETAIL Coffey Gudgel McDaniel (918) 292-8787 Robert Coffey, Owner 4725 E. 91st St., Suite 100 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.cgmlawok.com ATTORNEYS Colin Maxey, 7107 S. Yale, Ste. 219 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.colossalcleaners.com CLEANING SERVICES (918) 628-0900 Comfort Suites Airport Greg Romine, General Manager 1737 South 101st East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.comfortsuites.com/hotel/ok003 HOTELS Community Builders (918) 836-5055 G. J. Wolter, President 8220 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.communitybuildersinc.com SIDING Community Care College (918) 610-0027 Rebecca Banuelos, Marketing Director 4242 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.CommunityCareCollege.edu SCHOOLS - VOCATIONAL Comfort Suites-Central/I-44 (918) 622-6300 Nila Patel, Owner Community Food Bank of Eastern 8039 E. 33rd St. South (918) 585-2800 Oklahoma Tulsa, OK 74145 Eileen Bradshaw, Executive Director http://www.comfortsuites.com/ires/en-US/ 1304 N. Kenosha Ave. hotel/ok109 Tulsa, OK 74106 HOTELS www.cfbeo.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 15 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 27 3/15/12 8:39 AM Community Health Connection, Inc. Coney Island Sandwich Shop Copp’s Residential Care, Inc. Cosec International, Inc. (918) 622-3903 (918) 622-0641 (918) 587-2821 (918) 341-2543 Scott Hood, President Laurie Paul, CEO James Economou, Owner Tracy Copp, Secretary/Treasurer 3803 S. 79th E. Ave. 9912 E. 21st Street 123 W. 4th St. 14092 E. 500 Road Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74129 Tulsa, OK 74103 Claremore, OK 74019 http://www.cosecinternational.com http://www.communityhealthconnection.org RESTAURANTS RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME ADVERTISING - SPECIALIZED HEALTH CARE Community Options, Inc. (918) 789-5900 Grace Peterson, CFO / Part-Owner P. O. Box 85 Chelsea, OK 74016 http://www.communityoptionsinc-coi.com DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES CommunityCare Managed Healthcare (918) 594-5200 Plans of Oklahoma Richard Todd, President/CEO 218 W. 6th St. Tulsa, OK 74119-1004 http://www.ccok.com INSURANCE Competition Auto Sales (918) 645-2111 Jeff Skaggs, President 7642 E. 46th Place Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.competitionautosales.com AUTO DEALERS (214) 704-8017 Complete Athlete Donnie Watson, Owner 1709 S. Boston, #D Tulsa, 74119 http://www.complete-athlete.com ATHLETIC TRAINING (918) 583-3353 Congressman John Sullivan Copy Scan & More, LLC (918) 749-0014 David VanDalsem, Owner Richard Hedgecock, District Director 400 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 100 5727 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 520 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74105-7146 http://www.copyscanandmore.com http://www.house.gov/sullivan PRINTERS CONGRESSIONAL OFFICE (918) 299-5051 Conley Corp. Karen Conley-Greene, President & CEO 2795 E. 91st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.conleyfrp.com MANUFACTURERS Conner & Winters, LLP (918) 586-5711 Robert Curry, Chairman One Williams Center, Ste. 4000 Tulsa, OK 74172 http://www.cwlaw.com ATTORNEYS (918) 661-1143 ConocoPhillips Dan Gilliam, Manager of GSS Community Relations & Affairs 612-A IC Bartlesville, OK 74004 ENERGY COMPANIES (918) 665-3311 Consumer Logic, Inc. Dan Jarrett, President Complete Medical Equipment (888) 391-4363 4500 S. 129th E. Ave., Ste. 112 Warren Linn, Owner Tulsa, OK 74134 6528 E. 101st, Ste. D-1 http://www.consumerlogicresearch.com Tulsa, OK 74133 MARKET RESEARCH/DATA COLLECTION MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SALES/SERVICE/REPAIR (918) 806-2005 Complete Nutrition Corbin Horse, General Manager 7103 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.completenutrition.com NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS Completely Country, LLC (918) 341-7792 Martin James, 410 W. Will Rogers Claremore, OK 74017-6821 FURNITURE DEALERS - RETAIL Coral Swimming Pool Supply Co. Court Appointed Special Advocate For (918) 494-0393 (918) 686-8199 Children Steven Haas, President Kathryn Eaton, 2315 E. 69th St. 215 State St., Ste. 815 Tulsa, OK 74136-3985 Muskogee, OK 74401 http://www.coralpoolsupplies.com SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION SWIMMING POOL SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT Core Lab Instruments & Temco divisions of Core Laboratories L.P. (918) 834-2337 Paul Brauer, General Manager 4616 North Mingo Tulsa, OK 74117-5901 http://www.corelab.com INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Courtyard by Marriott (918) 660-0646 Landon Amberg, General Manager 3340 South 79th East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.marriott.com/tulcy HOTELS Courtyard by Marriott (918) 994-4500 Trina Salavar, GM Cornerstone Family Church 9041 E. 71st St. (918) 664-1110 Tulsa, OK 74133 Jordan Savage, Executive Pastor http://www.marriott.com/Tulwh 3434 S. Garnett Rd. HOTELS Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.cfctulsa.org Courtyard by Marriott/Atlas Life CHURCH (918) 994-6300 Jeff Hartman, Owner/Operator 2251 N. Stonewood Circle Cornerstone Property Services, LLC (918) 640-5353 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Steven Vogler, Owner http://www.sjshospitality.com 9119 S. 75th E. Ave HOTELS Tulsa, OK 74133-6036 REMODELING AND REPAIRING Courtyards Apartments (918) 481-0443 Consumer Pulse Marketing, LLC Jennifer Kraf, Manager (234) 206-0790 Jennifer Cook, President & CEO 6748 E. 91st St. Corporate Finance Associates (918) 743-1130 111 W. 5th St., Ste. 1000 Tulsa, OK 74133 S. Lee Crawley, Managing Partner Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.caseusa.com http://www.consumerpulsemarketing.com 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 720 APARTMENT COMPLEX Tulsa, OK 74135 MARKETING http://www.cfaw.com Covair LLC (918) 299-1631 BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES (918) 747-4084 Susan Worthington, Member Consynsus Kathleen Page, Owner/Principal P. O. Box 3228 Tulsa, OK 74101-3228 http://www.consynsus.com ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTING (918) 510-6543 Composure Christa Michelle Tyler, Owner 2651 East. 21st Street, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://christamichellestylist.blogspot.com SALON - FULL SERVICE Corporate Realty Advisors (918) 392-1950 Nick Probst, Commercial Leasing Specialist 3150 E. 41st St., Ste. 102 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.craok.com REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Continental Industrial Supply Co. (918) 258-9500 Joe Parker, (918) 663-7290 Cort Furniture Rental Tracie Fuson, District Manager 744 W. Elgin 7050 E. 41st St.. Broken Arrow, OK 74012-2401 Tulsa, OK 74145-4515 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES http://www.cort.com Comprehensive Infectious Disease OFFICE FURNITURE (918) 615-3750 (918) 369-4777 Cookie Advantage Ngozi Okolonwamu, 8803 S. 101st E. Ave., Ste. 350 Tulsa, OK 74133-5726 PHYSICIAN SERVICES (918) 459-0497 Cosmo Cafe Philip Kaiser, Owner 3334 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.cosmo-cafe.com RESTAURANTS Duane & Kim Carns, Owners 10026-A S. Mingo Rd., #446 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.cookieadvantage.com ADVERTISING - SPECIALIZED Comprehensive Medical Foot Care, LLC (918) 607-6533 (918) 543-2665 Cool Enterprises, Inc. Steve Gregory, Steve Maner, Owner 2605 S. Beech Ave. P. O. Box 526 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Inola, OK 74036 HEALTH CARE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE 5704 E. 21st Tulsa, OK 74114 AIR & GAS COMPRESSORS (918) 699-0011 Covanta WBH, LLC Matt Newman, Director, Business Management 2122 S. Yukon Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.covantaholding.com WASTE ENERGY Cort Furniture Rental (918) 663-7290 Tracie Fuson, District Manager 7050 E. 41st St.. Tulsa, OK 74145-4515 http://www.cort.com 16 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 28 3/15/12 8:39 AM Coventry Health and Life Insurance CRC - Evans Pipeline International Inc. Crossroads Fresh Connection, Inc. Custom Exhibits Corp. (918) 250-2121 (918) 712-4355 (918) 438-2100 (918) 893-6553 Jim Grisham, Sales Manager Ann Stoeppelwerth, Rick Stellarini, General Manager Brett Puckett, President 1830 North Indianwood Ave. 5727 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 450 P. O. Box 50368 420 S. 145th E. Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74150 Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.customexhibits.com http://www.chcoklahoma.com http://www.crc-evans.com www.crossroadsfreshconnection.com DISPLAY, DESIGNERS & PROD. INSURANCE PIPE LINE EQUIPMENT FOOD PRODUCT DISTRIBUTOR (918) 587-0347 Creative Packaging Mike Bell, Owner 2837 Charles Page Boulevard Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.creativepackagingok.com PACKAGING - MATERIALS (918) 749-2141 Crossroads, Inc. James Wineinger, Executive Director 1888 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.crossroadsok.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Custom Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. (918) 258-8686 J. C. Canfield, Design Consultant 901 S. 9th St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.customservices-inc.com HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Coweta Independent Baptist Church Creative Specialists, Inc. (918) 743-7881 H. M. Balch, President (918) 486-3708 John Fulton, P. O. Box 52807 P. O. Box 321 Tulsa, OK 74152-0807 Coweta, OK 74429 http://www.csihealthmedia.com http://cowetabaptistchurch.org WEBSITE DESIGN CHURCH (918) 592-9800 Crowe & Dunlevy Randall Snapp, Managing Partner 321 South Boston, Suite 500 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.crowedunlevy.com ATTORNEYS CustomCraft Awards LLC (918) 622-2377 Masood Khaleel, Operations Manager 6716 E. 12th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.customcraftawards.com TROPHIES AND AWARDS Cox Business (918) 806-6079 Tim Jenney, Director of Business Sales 11811 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.coxbusiness.com INTERNET SERVICES Creoks Mental Health Services Crown Neon Signs, Inc. (918) 437-7446 (918) 592-1662 Justin Moydell, Owner Brent Black, CEO 5676-A S. 107th E. Ave. 2725 E. Skelly Drive , Ste 200 Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.crownneonsigns.com http://www.creoks.org SIGNS MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES CW Electric Inc. (918) 283-8034 Laurel De Lammermore, 25875 S. 4130 Rd. Claremore, OK 74019 ELECTRIC COMPANIES (918) 806-6000 Cox Communications John Bowen, Vice President 11811 E. 51st St. South Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.cox.com TELECOMMUNICATIONS (918) 289-0101 Cruise Planners Marcy Martin, Cruise Specialist Crestline Construction Company, Inc. (918) 254-4600 3609 E. 56th St. David Burgess, Tulsa, OK 74135 10820 E. 45th St., Ste. 206 http://www.martinescapes.com Tulsa, OK 74146 CRUISES CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES (918) 582-2220 Cowen Construction John Cowen, President Box 3465 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.cowenconstruction.com CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES (918) 493-7400 Cox Media Group Gene Vidler, VP & Market Manager 7136 S. Yale, Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://coxradio.com/includes/stations/tulsa. html BROADCASTING - RADIO (918) 664-6642 CP Solutions Hef Matthews, President 2757 South Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.cpsolutions.biz PRINTERS (918) 584-0347 Crafton Tull Shane Fernandez, Corporate Director of Architecture 220 E.8th St. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.craftontullsparks.com CLEANING SERVICES (918) 743-6611 Craig & Keithline, Inc. C. R. Keithline, President 6940 S. Utica Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136-3901 ENGINEERS - CONSULTING (918) 478-4026 Crittenden Trucking Rick Crittenden, P. O. Box 1655 Fort Gibson, OK 74434-1655 TRUCKING (918) 924-9464 CT Technologies LLC Chris Tracy, Owner 8301 E. 51st St., Ste. 208 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.cttechnologies.net INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (918) 587-7888 Crosby-McKissick Products Cubic, Inc Billy Kulkin, President (918) 834-4611 Joe Gardner, General Manager 1631 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 200 P. O. Box 3128 Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.cubiccreative.com http://www.thecrosbygroup.com ADVERTISING AGENCIES OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT-MFG./SALES (918) 895-6014 Cyboriginal, Inc. James Gillispie, President 3712 E. 82nd Street Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.cyboriginal.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Cyntergy AEC (918) 877-6000 Gordon Guest, Principal/CFO 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1200 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.cyntergyllc.com ARCHITECTS (918) 591-2525 Cypress Springs Michelle Reed, Director of Sales and Marketing 7210 S Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.cypressspringresidence.com ALZHEIMER’S RESIDENTIAL CARE HOMES D Cuite & Associates (918) 488-0809 Barbara Cuite, Owner Crossbridge Consulting, LLC D & D Interiors, Inc. (918) 728-8679 (918) 855-5732 2524-B East 71st Street Marcia Davenport, President Jennifer Lamb, Managing Member Tulsa, OK 74136 P. O. Box 470951 4607 E. 109th Pl. ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC Tulsa, OK 74147-0951 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.d-dinteriors.com http://www.crossbridgeconsulting.com Cunningham Insurance Agency CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (918) 853-1301 (918) 352-0564 Crossfire Service, LLC Nathan Petz, Owner 16936 S. 179th W. Ave. Kellyville, OK 74039 http://www.crossfire-service.com MACHINE TOOL SERVICE Deana Cunningham, Agent 12420 E. 86th St. N. Owasso, OK 74055 INSURANCE D & E Refuse, Inc. (918) 585-8317 Ellen Schneider, President P. O. Box 726 Sand Springs, OK 74063 REFUSE COLLECTIONS Cunningham Plumbing Co., Inc. (918) 446-3730 D & L Manufacturing (918) 587-3504 Jimmie Cunningham, President Lee Eslicker, President Crain Displays & Exhibits (918) 585-9797 2723 W. 40th Street Crossland Construction Company, Inc. P. O. Box 52220 Steve Milam, President (918) 712-1441 Tulsa, OK 74107 Tulsa, OK 74152 John Priest, Oklahoma Division Manager 1510 South Memorial PLUMBING - COML/INDUST/RESIDENTIAL http://www.dlmfg.com Tulsa, OK 74112 14149 E. Admiral Place OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT-MFG./SALES http://www.craindisplays.com Tulsa, OK 74116 Curtis Restaurant Supply (918) 622-7390 DISPLAY, DESIGNERS & PROD. http://www.crosslandconstruction.com David Hillin, Co-Owner D & M Development (918) 245-7088 CONTRACTOR - GENERAL 6577 E. 40th St. Diane Myer, Tulsa, OK 74145 Crating Solutions of Tulsa, LLC P. O. Box 1368 (918) 272-3712 Crossroads Communications, LLC http://www.CurtisEquipment.com Sand Springs, OK 74063 Lisa Grill, Owner (918) 633-4397 RESTAURANT SUPPLIES BUILDER/DEVELOPER Mandy Vavrinak, President 5209 N. Mingo Tulsa, OK 74117 3732 S. Canton Ave. http://www.cratingsolutionstulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74135 CRATING http://www.crossroadscommunications.com PUBLIC RELATIONS 17 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 29 3/15/12 8:39 AM D & S Security and Fire Alarms Danny Myers Quality Paint & Body, Inc. David Ingles Ministries (918) 455-5693 (918) 269-8318 (918) 491-8200 David Ingles, President Sue Ellen Rhine, Owner Danny Myers, President P. O. Box 1924 2506 E. 56th Pl. 9230 S. 78th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74101 Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74133-7022 http://www.oasisnetwork.org SECURITY SYSTEMS http://www.dannymyers.com MINISTRY AUTO BODY REPAIR/PAINTING Daytonz Hitch & Truck Accessories LLC (918) 744-0341 April McConnell, Owner 2920 South Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74114 TRUCK ACCESSORIES (918) 629-0090 D B T, Inc. David Trumbo, President 2809 E. 35th St. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.highdesertresources.com OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Danny’s Auto Repair, Inc. (918) 241-9878 Malinda Pfeifer, Secretary/Treasurer 106 Wellston Park Road Sand Springs, OK 74063 AUTO REPAIR (918) 492-3331 DCP Midstream William Gifford, 6120 S. Yale Ave., Ste.1100 Tulsa, OK 74136-4234 NATURAL GAS GATHERING & PROCESSING (918) 371-0096 D. Goss & Associates Dan Goss, Owner P.O. Box 216 Collinsville, OK 74021 SURVEYORS - LAND (918) 377-2288 Dan’s Bar-B-Que Pit Annita Vandever, Owner P. O. Box 561 Davenport, OK 74026 RESTAURANTS (918) 337-0540 D. Scott Fooshee, DDS D. Scott Fooshee, Owner/Dentist 707 S. Osage Bartlesville, OK 74003 DENTISTS (918) 346-6792 Darby Design Group Debbie Darby, Owner 2551 E. 26th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.darbydesigngroup.com INTERIOR DESIGN D. W. Gates Engineering (918) 583-6905 Derek Gates, President/Chief Engineer 616 S. Main, Ste. 112 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.gatesengineeringservices.com/ ENGINEERS (918) 582-7346 David R. Free, O.D., PC David Free, President 1223 South Peoria, Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.drfree.net OPTOMETRISTS (918) 587-3030 Dealer Leasing Corp. Mike Minyard, President David’s Custom Wheel & Tire (918) 437-4477 520 N. Forest Ridge Blvd. David Jones, President Broken Arrow, OK 74014-2757 10705 East 11th Street http://www.dealerleasingcorp.com Tulsa, OK 74128-3202 EQUIPMENT LEASING/RENTAL TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS Debt Reduction Services (918) 660-0200 Heraclio Rosales, Branch Manager Davidson Maintenance Service (918) 408-5475 4111 S. Darlington Ave., Ste. 540 Kirk Davidson, Owner Tulsa, OK 74135 20469 Highway 72 http://www.DebtReductionServices.com Haskell, OK 74436 FINANCIAL SERVICES www.tulsa-handyman.com HANDYMAN SERVICE Decision Tree Technology. LLC Darrell Lucht Insurance Agency (918) 683-7765 Darrell Lucht, Owner (918) 584-7242 Davis Bros., L.L.C. Barry Davis, P. O. Box 2878 Muskogee, OK 74402 110 W. 7th St., Ste. 1000 INSURANCE Tulsa, OK 74119 INVESTMENTS D.C. Bass & Sons Construction Company (918) 224-1000 (918) 664-6164 Data Storage, Inc. Will Berry, Dymian Kritikos, Marketing & Sales Manager P. O. Box 9324 7370 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74157 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.bassconstruction.net http://www.datastorageinc.com CONTRACTOR - GENERAL RECORDS STORAGE (918) 665-2159 DaVita Dialysis Center Pam Schrader, Office Manager 5314 S. Yale, #500 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.davita.com MEDICAL CLINICS (918) 296-8006 Patrick Kuehn, Partner 3023 E. 74th Pl. Tulsa, 74136 http://www.decisiontreetech.com COMPUTER SYSTEMS - CONSULTING Decor Construction, Inc. (918) 382-7663 Joy Corvin, 1806 S. 49th W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.decorconstruction.com ROOFING Daemi Insurance Group (918) 271-2960 Ali Daemi, Agent 10798 E. 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.daemigroupofoklahoma.com INSURANCE (918) 743-7705 Dave Allert Co. Doug Allert, P. O. Box 702337 Tulsa, OK 74170 http://www.daveallert.com CONTROL SYSTEMS (918) 295-7748 Daily Grill Kenneth Scudder, General Manager 100 E. Second St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.dailygrill.com RESTAURANTS Dave and Buster’s of Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 449-3100 Daylight Donut Flour Co., LLC Jamie Payne, Special Events Manager (918) 438-0800 Deep South Equipment Co. John Bond, President & CEO (918) 270-4007 6812 S. 105 E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 P.O. Box 691150 Brett Stone, Operations Manager http://www.daveandbusters.com Tulsa, OK 74169 P. O. Box 470306 RESTAURANTS http://www.daylightdonuts.com Tulsa, OK 74147 MANUFACTURERS http://www.deepsouthequipment.com MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT Dave Bryant Agency, Inc. - Farmers (918) 756-4554 Dairy Queen Brandon Branch, 1000 E. 6th Street Okmulgee, OK 74447 RESTAURANTS (918) 627-0191 Insurance Group David Bryant, President 2021 S. Lewis, Ste. 150 Tulsa, OK 74104 INSURANCE Daylight Donut / German Corner Decorator Fabric Showcase, Inc. (918) 371-5544 (918) 369-2260 Leroy Carey, Darrell Ingram, Vice President 11330 N. Garnett Rd., Unit E 10462 S. 82nd E. Ave., #102 Owasso, OK 74055 Tulsa, OK 74133 DONUTS http://www.beautifulfabric.com FABRIC - RETAIL/WHOLESALE (918) 663-4541 Days Inn Amrut Patel, GM & Owner 8181 E. Skelly Drive Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.daysinntulsa.com HOTELS Dale Carnegie Training of Oklahoma (877) 947-3253 Diane Smith, Administrative Assistant David B. Siegel, D.O., P.L.L.C. (918) 369-8672 (918) 836-3931 6155 108th Ave. N.E. Days Inn - Airport David Siegel, Owner Andy Patel, General Manager Norman, OK 73026 http://www.oklahoma.dalecarnegie.com 10914 S. 91st E. Ave. 35 N. Sheridan Rd. SALES & MANAGEMENT TRAINING Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74115 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS http://www.daysinn.com/hotel/20414 HOTELS Daniels and Daniels Construction (918) 872-6006 David C. Eldridge, OD, PC (918) 299-7443 Sally Daniels, Vice President David Eldridge, 3501 W. Kenosha St. 6603 E. 112th St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.cdanielsconstruction.com Medical Consultants CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES (918) 299-8511 Days Inn South Chandulal Patel, 8888 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.daysinnsouthtulsa.com HOTELS Delaware Child Development/Washington County Child Care Foundation (918) 337-6500 Sherry Rackliff, Executive Director 5110 Tuxedo Boulevard Bartlesville, OK 74006 http://www.dtcd.org CHILD DEVELOPMENT (918) 560-1400 Deloitte LLP Robert Morgan, Managing Partner/Tulsa 100 S. Cincinnati, Ste. 700 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.deloitte.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC DENTSPLY Tulsa Dental Specialties (918) 493-6598 Jeannie Bracken, 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74135-6546 http://www.tulsadental.dentsply.com MANUFACTURERS 18 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 30 3/15/12 8:39 AM Department of Human Services Dick’s Sporting Goods (918) 447-1100 (918) 794-7500 Frank Trimboli, Store Manager Carolyn Johnson, Area Director 7523 S. Olympia Ave. 6128 E. 38th Street, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74132 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.dickssportinggoods.com http://www.okdhs.org SPORTING GOODS - RETAIL SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION Discount Mike’s Tire & Auto Doerner, Saunders, Daniel & Anderson, (918) 258-0717 L.L.P. (918) 582-1211 Mike Gauldin, William Riggs, Managing Partner 1000 E. Houston Two West Second Street, Suite 700 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.discountmikestires.com http://www.dsda.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS ATTORNEYS Dick’s Sporting Goods - Tulsa Stores (918) 249-4444 Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Discovery Bible Fellowship Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. (918) 581-2083 Aaron Herring, Store Manager (918) 371-2505 (918) 660-7700 Belen Burkhalter, Programs Manager Margie Baltzer, Office Administrator/Treasurer 10021 E. 71st St. Rich Halbrook, Executive Vice President 444 S. Houston, Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74133 11600 N. Garnett Rd Administration Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.dickssportinggoods.com Collinsville, OK 74021 P. O. Box 33167 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES SPORTING GOODS - RETAIL http://www.discovertheone.com Tulsa, OK 74153 CHURCH http://www.dtag.com AUTO LEASING/RENTALS (918) 625-8191 Depression and THS Therapy Center of Diesel Power Plus, LLC Doug Longnecker, Owner (918) 747-8867 Tulsa Peter Alan Rao, Owner, Psychiatrist 7014 S. 235th E. Ave. 5544 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 100 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.dieselpowerplus.net http://www.tulsatms.com DIESEL REPAIR PSYCHIATRISTS/PSYCHOLOGISTS Discovery School of Tulsa (918) 960-3131 Barbaros Aslan, Principal 4821 S. 72nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.discoveryok.org SCHOOLS - CHARTER Digi Surveillance Systems (918) 824-2520 Derek Ford Sales Consulting, LLC Josh Herron, Owner (918) 478-3872 2533 W 519 Derek Ford, Owner Pryor, OK 74361 P. O. Box 471 http://www.digiss.com Fort Gibson, OK 74434 SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS SALES & MARKETING Discoveryland! USA (918) 245-6552 Bill Jeffers, Managing Director P. O. Box 9787 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.discoverylandusa.com ENTERTAINMENT Digi Surveillance Systems (918) 824-2520 Josh Herron, Owner Dermatology Associates of Tulsa, LLC (918) 307-0215 6789 Hwy 69 South Cindy Wilson, Pryor, OK 74361 8803 S. 101st E. Ave., Ste. 335 http://www.digiss.com Tulsa, OK 74133 SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS http://www.dermtulsa.com PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS (918) 622-4725 Digicut Systems Dixon Real Estate Co., Inc. (918) 748-0308 Stephen Dixon, President 4870 S. Lewis, Ste. 1200 Tulsa, OK 74105 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Tom Turman, Controller 7700 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.digicutsystems.com MANUFACTURERS (918) 481-2010 DJ Connection Clay Clark, Owner 201 W. 5th St., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.djconnectiontulsa.com DISC JOCKEY (918) 938-6382 Dilly Deli Elliot Nelson, Owner 402 E. 2nd St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.dillydelitulsa.com RESTAURANTS (918) 250-5521 DMD, Inc. David McDaniel, CEO 1309 W. Detroit St. Broken Arrow, OK 0 http://www.laborfinders.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (918) 321-9331 Dexxon, Inc. Tashia Rongey, CEO P. O. Box 348 Kiefer, OK 74041 OIL & GAS PRODUCTION Diner Connection (918) 897-1234 Shawna Simpson, Co-Owner 7012 S. Sandusky Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.dinerconnection.com RESTAURANTS DMI Industries (918) 437-7447 Brandon Ritchie, General Manager 15300 Tiger Switch Road Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.dmiindustries.com MANUFACTURERS (918) 438-1446 DHL Express Mark Odle, Station Service Manager 11519 E. Pine Street Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.dhl.com FREIGHT FORWARDERS (918) 254-1234 Direct Buy David Berry, Franchise Owner 5125 S. Garnett Rd., Suite D Tulsa, OK 74146-5900 http://www.directbuy.com FURNITURE DEALERS - RETAIL (918) 438-2213 DMI International, Inc. Cody Shoulders, Executive Vice President 15715 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.dmiinternational.com PIPE LINE EQUIPMENT (918) 369-1363 Design IV Carpet & Tile Kim Ternes, Owner 7346 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 CARPET, RUG DEALER Dewberry Architects, Inc. (918) 587-7283 Bruce Henley, V. P. in Charge of Architecture 1350 S. Boulder, Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.dewberry.com ARCHITECTS (918) 949-3663 Diane White Public Relations & Events Direct Communications, Inc. Doc’s Wine & Food (918) 574-8767 (918) 291-0092 Darin Ross, Owner Diane White, Owner & President Steve Vandervort, President 3509 S. Peoria Ave. 2642 E. 21st St., Ste. 220 13701 S. Highway 75 Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74114 Glenpool, OK 74033 RESTAURANTS PUBLIC RELATIONS http://www.directok.com ELECTRONIC SERVICES (918) 592-3722 Docvia, LLC (918) 551-6500 Dickey’s Barbecue Pit Jack Whitehead, General Manager 6044 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.dickeys.com RESTAURANTS Noah Roberts, (918) 280-2200 301 E. Archer St. DIRECTV Susan Hall, Employee Recognition and Events Tulsa, OK 74120 Specialist http://www.docvia.com 2029 S. Sheridan Rd. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.directv.com SATELLITE SYSTEMS & COMM. Dolphin Bay Fundraising, LLC (918) 749-6023 Joel Hulett, General Manager 5401 S. Sheridan, #401 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.dolphinbayfundraising.com FUNDRAISING (918) 622-3636 Don Carlton Honda Brenda Carlton, President 4141 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.doncarltonautogroup.com AUTO DEALERS Don Thornton Cadillac (918) 770-4330 Tom Bloomfield, General Manager 3939 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.donthorntoncadillac.com AUTO DEALERS Donohue Commercial Services (918) 663-5353 Steve Yeagle, General Manager 7676 E. 46th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74145 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Tulsa - Warren Place (918) 495-1000 James Cunningham, General Manager 6110 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.doubletree.com HOTELS DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Tulsa Downtown (918) 587-8000 Luis Arellano, General Manager 616 W. 7th St. Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.tulsadowntown.doubletree.com HOTELS Doug Elliott Law Office, P.C. (918) 949-4466 Doug Elliott, President 6506 S. Lewis, Ste. 175 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.dougelliottlaw.com ATTORNEYS Doug’s Grill (918) 371-8755 Tracy Starr, 705 W. Main Collinsville, OK 74021 RESTAURANTS 19 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 31 3/15/12 8:39 AM Dove Science Academy (918) 834-3936 Abiden Erez, Principal 280 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.dsatulsa.org SCHOOLS - CHARTER Drummond Law, PLLC (918) 749-7378 Gentner Drummond, Partner 1500 S. Utica, Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.drumlaw.com ATTORNEYS (918) 437-3721 Dowd Heat & Air Terry Dowd, Owner 5412 S. Mingo Rd., #M Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.dowdheatandair.com HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE (918) 740-5623 Duffy’s #1 Restaurant Manager 5616 S. 89th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 RESTAURANTS Eastern Oklahoma Ear Nose & Throat Edward Jones - Tammy Stead (918) 492-3636 (918) 488-8999 Jalinda Glesener, Marketing Coordinator Tammy Stead, Financial Advisor 5020 East 68th 7147 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74136-6308 http://www.eoent.com http://www.edwardjones.com/en_US/fa/ HEALTH CARE index.html&CIRN=408258 INVESTMENTS Eastside Veterinary Hospital (918) 371-2439 Edwards Tax & Accounting (918) 743-0151 Jackie McFarland, Office Manager Pamela Edwards, CPA P. O. Box 558 4932 S. Peoria Ave. Collinsville, OK 74021 Tulsa, OK 74105-4623 http://www.eastsideveterinaryhospital.com http://www.edwardstaxandaccounting.com Dyer Memorial Chapel, Inc. VETERINARY HOSPITALS ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC (918) 425-5549 Downtown Design Services, Inc. (918) 592-3374 Sharon Dyer, Owner-President Tim Harrison, President 1610 E. Apache Street P. O. Box 9427 Tulsa, OK 74106 Tulsa, OK 74157-0427 FUNERAL DIRECTORS http://www.ddsiglobal.com DRAFTING Dyna Service of Oklahoma LLC Downtown Tulsa Eyecare (918) 935-3500 Julie Holmes, Owner 9 E. 4th St., Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.downtowntulsaeyecare.com OPTOMETRISTS (918) 748-5000 EasyTEL Communications, Inc. Eide Bailly, LLP (918) 523-8000 Dan Cunningham, Ben Hilborn, Executive Vice President 2424 E. 21st St., Ste. 200 7335 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.eidebailly.com http://www.easytel.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC (918) 663-6200 TELECOMMUNICATIONS Steve Sanders, President 5136 S. 94th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.dynaserviceok.com HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE (918) 576-6016 Eats 2 U Angie Johnson, Owner 1318 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.eats2u.info CATERING Dynamic Carpet Care (918) 279-1847 Daryl Brown, Owner Downtown Tulsa Tag Agency (918) 582-8247 15361 S. 369th E. Ave. J. Devon Jones, Manager/Owner (918) 584-3223 Coweta, OK 74429 ECAD, Inc. Ted Gregory, Operations Manager 201 W. 5th Street, Suite 110 CARPET, RUG CLEANERS Tulsa, OK 74103 P. O. Box 51507 http://www.tulsatag.com Midland, TX 79710-1507 Dynamic Restoration Services, LLC TAGS http://www.ecadinc.com (918) 224-6070 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT James Leewright, President (918) 485-3371 Dr. Aaron Harman Aaron Harman, Owner 302 S. Hayes Ave. Wagoner, OK 74467 DENTISTS (918) 270-1115 Dr. David C. Duncan David Duncan, 5505 E. 51st St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74135 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS (918) 492-6000 Dr. John Clark Bundren J. Clark Bundren, Owner 5555 E. 71st St., Ste. 6220 Tulsa, OK 74136 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS El Guapo’s Cantina (918) 382-7482 Elliot Nelson, Owner 332 E. 1st St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.elguaposcantina.net RESTAURANTS Elba Terrace Mobile Home Community (918) 835-1507 Margie Beaudry, Resident Manager 1242 N. Fulton Ave. Tulsa, OK 74115 MOBILE HOME PARK (877) 821-2064 Electranetics, Inc Michael Freeman, CEO Eco Green Mobile Detailing (918) 955-7174 1701 S. Carson Ave. D. J. Patterson, Owner / Operator Tulsa, OK 74119 9048 E. 40th Pl. http://www.electranetics.com Tulsa, OK 74145 MANUFACTURERS http://www.ecogreenmobiledetailing.com Eagle Energy Production, LLC MOBILE DETAILING (918) 551-7447 Electric Circus (918) 746-1350 Tom Green, Marketing Manager Steve Antry, CEO 230 E. 1st St. Econo Lodge Inn & Suites (918) 624-2800 9 E. 4th St., Ste. 200 Rakesh Dayalji, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74103 3217 S. 79th E. Ave. http://www.idlquadgroup.com http://www.eagleenergyok.com Tulsa, OK 74145 NIGHT CLUBS OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT HOTELS 19 S. Main St. Sapulpa, OK 74066 RESTORATION - FIRE & WATER E Eliot Management Group (801) 933-5581 Eagleton Brown Investment Group Shawn McKinish, Manager Ed Martinez Insurance Agency (918) 293-7211 (918) 742-3131 4500 S. Garnett Rd., #610 Kent Brown, Financial Advisor Ed Martinez, Agent Tulsa, OK 74146 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 460 3125 S. Yale Ave., Suite A http://www.e-mg.com (918) 492-4822 Dr. Robert J. Herman Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74135 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Donann Havlik, Office Manager INVESTMENTS http://www.edmartinez.org 6565 S. Yale, Ste. 510 INSURANCE (918) 508-9292 Tulsa, OK 74136 Elite Roofing Systems Eagleton, Eagleton & Harrison, Inc. Terry Madden, Owner http://www.DrHermanbraces.com (918) 584-0462 (918) 576-6900 ORTHODONTISTS EDG International 13101 S. Penn Ave., P.O. Box 15 Charles Harrison, Attorney Terry Stewart, President Oklahoma City, OK 73170 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1700 907 S. Detroit Ave., Ste. 1100 http://www.eliteroofok.com (918) 742-1480 Dr. Sean Costello Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74120 ROOFING Sean Costello, ATTORNEYS http://www.edginternational.net 3150 E. 41st St., Ste. 100 ENGINEERS (918) 492-4418 Tulsa, OK 74105 Elkhorn Energy, LLC East Gate Metroplex (918) 779-7575 Jack Bentley, CEO DENTISTS Rob Phillips, Owner (918) 728-3102 4613 E. 91st St. Edible Arrangements 14002 E. 21st St., Ste. 110 Sally Velcofsky, Manager Tulsa, OK 74137 Dr. Tipton Chiropractic Wellness Center Tulsa, OK 74134 3311 S. Peoria Ave. http://www.elkhornenergy.com (918) 447-6867 http://www.eastgatemetroplex.com Tulsa, OK 74105 NATURAL GAS GATHERING & PROCESSING Darren Tipton, Director REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT http://www.ediblearrangements.com 4940 S. Union Ave. GOURMET FOODS (918) 747-8900 Tulsa, OK 74107-7840 Eller & Detrich, P.C. Eastern Oklahoma Chiropractic, PLLC CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS Kevin Wylie, Attorney/Vice President (918) 935-3432 (918) 872-9204 Edible Arrangements 2727 E. 21st St., Suite 200 Travis Ring, Sally Velcofsky, Manager Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) 250-7431 Drake Systems, Inc. 6922 S. Lewis Ave. 7731 E. 91st St. http://www.ellerdetrich.com Rick Dodson, President Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74133 ATTORNEYS 1827 N. Yellowood Avenue www.easternoklahomachiropractic.com http://www.ediblearrangements.com Broken Arrow, OK 74012 CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS GOURMET FOODS http://www.drakecopiers.com OFFICE MACHINE SALES/SERVICE 20 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 32 3/15/12 8:39 AM Elliott Roofing (405) 789-4646 Larry Cargal, Manager/Owner 3900 N. Harvard Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73122 http://www.elliottroofs.com ROOFING Employee Benefit Solutions, Inc. Enersys (972) 351-3843 (918) 638-7198 Dawn Roberts, Sydney Briley, Owner 7822 Birmingham Forest Drive P. O. Box 3098 Frisco, TX 75034 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.enersys.com http://www.ebstulsa.com MANUFACTURER - EQUIPMENT SPECIALIZED EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS (918) 938-9360 Ellison and Rotert, LLP Johnna Ellison, CEO 6810 E. 40th St., Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.ellisonrotertllp.com ACCOUNTING SERVICES (918) 712-8882 Engage Life Majick RavenHawk, Owner Employee Benefits Advantage, LLC (918) 459-2516 5272 S. Lewis, Ste. 220 Tim Malhoit, President Tulsa, OK 74105 1605 S. Eucalyptus, Ste. 105 http://www.engagelifeeap.com Broken Arrow, OK 74012 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS http://www.ebadvantage.com EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS (918) 599-7500 EngATech, Inc Elote Cafe and Catering (918) 582-1403 Libby Auld, Owner 514 S. Boston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.elotetulsa.com RESTAURANTS Elwoods Restaurant (918) 949-9090 Tom Dittus, Owner 1924 S. Riverside Dr. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.bluerosecafetulsa.com/elwoods. html RESTAURANTS (918) 622-4000 Embassy Suites Hotel Curtis Reitz, General Manager 3332 South 79th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.tulsa.embassysuites.com HOTELS Emerald Falls Golf Club (918) 266-2600 Lucia Carballo, General Manager 30510 East 63rd Street South Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.emeraldfalls.com GOLF COURSES - PUBLIC Emerge Marketing & PR (918) 794-3555 Jessica Dyer, President 11063-D S. Memorial Dr., PMB 445 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.emergempr.com PUBLIC RELATIONS Emoteq Corporation (918) 627-1845 Joe Ivey, General Manager P. O. Box 470009 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.emoteq.com MANUFACTURERS (918) 744-8005 Empire Optical Inc. Charles Hargrove, President-Owner 3238 E. 21st st. Tulsa, OK 74114-1814 http://www.empireoptical.com OPTICAL - RETAIL (918) 686-0660 Empower Change, Inc. Lisa Wade Raasch, 1000 Mockingbird Lane Muskogee, OK 74401-8615 www.empowerchange.com MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS EMSA/Emergency Medical Services (918) 596-3135 Authority Stephen Williamson, President & CEO 1417 N. Lansing Ave. Tulsa, OK 74106 http://www.emsaonline.com AMBULANCE SERVICE Clay Slaton, CEO 233 S. Detroit Ave., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.EngATech.com DRAFTING ENGlobal (918) 270-1171 John Killingsworth, Manager Field Services 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 3300 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.englobal.com ENGINEERS ERA John Hausam, Inc., Realtors (918) 492-2000 John Hausam, President 6550 East 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.johnhausam.com REAL ESTATE - RELOCATION/DOMESTIC & FOREIGN (918) 299-4333 Ergent Care Steven Nussbaum, Doctor/Owner 9716 Riverside Pkwy., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.ergentcare.com PHYSICIAN SERVICES Erling and Associates (918) 494-5636 Margaret Erling, President 4310 E. 79th St. Tulsa, OK 74136 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Ernst & Young LLP (918) 560-3600 Cathy Gates, Office Managing Partner P. O. Box 1529 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.ey.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC Enhanced Skin & Body Medical Spa (918) 994-7444 Eskimo Joes Promotional Products Group, Kaye Sanders, CEO / Owner (918) 496-4563 Inc. Jim Blazer, Promotional Consultant Encentus Federal Credit Union 6616 S. Memorial Dr. (918) 430-3500 Tulsa, OK 74133 P. O. Box 729 Misty Potter, President Stillwater, OK 74075 MEDICAL SPA 1320 S. Lewis Ave. http://www.ejppg.com Tulsa, OK 74104 ADVERTISING - SPECIALIZED (918) 551-7447 ENSO http://www.encentusfcu.org Angie DeVore-Green, Owner/ Partner CREDIT UNIONS 230 E. 1st St. Espo Fire and Water Restoration (918) 583-3373 Endisco Supply, Inc. Randy Gorrell, President 1315 E. 5th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.endisco.com WINDOW COVERINGS Endodontic Specialists of Northeast (918) 524-3366 Oklahoma Armella Glenn, Office Manager 5555 E. 71st St., Ste. 9210 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.esneok.com DENTISTS Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.idlquadgroup.com NIGHT CLUBS (918) 574-5120 Enterprise Rent-A-Car John Zanatta, Business Rental Sales Representative 1185 S. Aspen Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.enterprise.com AUTO LEASING/RENTALS (918) 671-9207 EPIQ Resources, LLC Tom Hammer, President 6027 S. Marion Pl. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.epiqresources.com Enduro Pipeline Services, Inc. (918) 446-1934 COMPUTER SERVICE/REPAIR Dwane Laymon, President 5002 South 45th West Ave. (918) 449-1411 Epoxy Films Tulsa, OK 74107 Kent Hammond, Manager/Owner http://www.enduropls.com 2716 S. Beech Ave. PIPE LINE EQUIPMENT Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (918) 665-7693 Enercon Services, Inc. Mike Fitter, Sr. Project Manager 5100 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 450 Employee Benefit Analysts of Tulsa, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74135-6547 (918) 665-2268 http://www.enercon.com David Knox, Broker ENGINEERS - CONSULTING 4500 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 102 (918) 277-9604 Kathy Hefley, Marketing Manager 8157 E. 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 www.espofireandwater.com RESTORATION Estancia Tulsa, Flournoy Properties (918) 249-0016 Meghan Whittenburg, Manager 7705 S. Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.estanciatulsa.com APARTMENT COMPLEX ETI INC. (918) 627-8484 Dale Todd, President/General Manager 8131 E. 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.etitulsa.com AIRCRAFT SALES/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE Everett Advisory Partners (918) 994-7306 Stephen Curry, Senior Managing Director 1902 S. Nyssa Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.everettadvisory.com Equitas Realty Advisors, LLC FINANCIAL ADVISOR (918) 280-9900 http://www.epoxyfilms.com AUDIO/VIDEO PRODUCTION Marco Placencia, Managing Broker 5801 East 41st Street, Suite 101 Execon Inc. (918) 451-2264 Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74135 Brad Barnett, INSURANCE Energy Exchanger Company http://www.equitasrealty.com 21630 E. 102nd St. (918) 437-3000 REAL ESTATE Broken Arrow, OK 74014-3650 Ralph Hendrex, President CONTRACTOR - GENERAL Employee Benefit Professionals, LLC 1844 North Garnett Road (405) 286-9696 Equity Insurance Company Tulsa, OK 74116 Rebecca VonFeldt, Partner (254) 776-4521 ExecuTime Software (918) 551-7676 http://www.energyexchanger.com C. Michael Davis, President 2212 NW 50th, Ste. 140 Kevin Malone, Owner and Founder HEAT EXCHANGERS P. O. Box 8036 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 427 S. Boston, Ste. 707 INSURANCE Waco, TX 76714 http://www.homestate.net INSURANCE Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.executime.net SOFTWARE SALES 21 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 33 3/15/12 8:39 AM Executive AirShare (866) 946-4900 Jill Hindes, Marketing Manager 1001 NW Lou Holland Dr., Ste. 100 Kansas City, MO 64116 http://www.execairshare.com AIRCRAFT SALES/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE F F. W. Murphy (918) 317-4100 Dave Crowell, V. P. of Finance P. O. Box 470248 Tulsa, OK 74147 MANUFACTURERS Family Crisis & Counseling Center Fat Guys Burger Bar (918) 794-7782 (918) 336-1188 Chris Dodge, Owner Barbara Turner, Executive Director 140 N. Greenwood Ave. P. O. Box 5016 Tulsa, OK 74120 Bartlesville, OK 74005 http://www.fatguysburgers.com http://www.familycrisis.us RESTAURANTS COUNSELING Exopack Meat, Cheese & Specialty (918) 739-4903 Fab Lab Tulsa, Inc. (918) 346-8591 Rusty Bright, General Manager Matt Norris, President - Board of Directors 905 W. Verdigris Parkway P. O. Box 14047 Catoosa, OK 74015 Tulsa, OK 74159 http://www.exopack.com NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION MANUFACTURERS (918) 321-9210 Feathergraphx, Inc. Cecil Cummings, President/Owner Family Dentistry of Broken Arrow (918) 455-3777 P. O. Box 459 Timothy Hughes, Kiefer, OK 74041 2001 S. Elm Place, Ste. E GRAPHIC DESIGN Broken Arrow, OK 74012 DENTISTS Federal Protection, Inc. (800) 299-5400 Fabrication Solutions (918) 398-7162 Expanse Communications, Inc. Mike Owings, President (918) 671-0698 109 S. 122nd East Avenue Darin Cooper, Owner Tulsa, OK 74128 1828 W. 64th St. http://www.fabsol.com Tulsa, OK 74132 MACHINE SHOPS http://www.expansecom.com TECHNOLOGY & BUSINESS CONSULTING Fabricut, Inc. (918) 622-7700 David Finer, Vice President Experis ManpowerGroup (918) 712-8626 9303 E. 46th St. Allison Holbrook, Program Manager Tulsa, OK 74145 4500 S. Garnett Rd., Suite 200 http://www.fabricut.com Tulsa, OK 74146 DRAPERIES/CURTAINS - RETAIL/WHOLESALE http://www.experis.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Face to Face Photography (918) 284-4126 Cassandra Madden, Owner (415) 523-0404 Expert Message Group 2541 Poplar Ct. Colleen McCarty, Owner Sapulpa, OK 74066 P.O. Box 949 http://www.facetofacephotography. Tulsa, OK 74101 smugmug.com http://www.expertmessagegroup.com PHOTOGRAPHY MARKETING David Whisner, Regional Manager Family Medicine Associates 1911 N. Yellowood Ave. (918) 455-7777 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Janet Honeywell, Office Manager http://www.federalprotectioninc.com 3100 S. Elm Place, Ste. A SECURITY AND LOSS PREVENTION Broken Arrow, OK 74012 MEDICAL CLINICS Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, (918) 493-5100 Explorer Pipeline Co. Rod Sands, President/CEO P. O. Box 2650 Tulsa, OK 74101-2650 http://www.expl.com PETROLEUM PRODUCTS (918) 744-1113 Expo Square Mark Andrus, President & CEO P.O. Box 4735 Tulsa, OK 74159 http://www.exposquare.com EVENT FACILITY Oklahoma City Branch (405) 270-8617 Family Medicine of Southeast Tulsa Pam Gutel, Director (918) 492-3405 226 Dean A. McGee Ave., Ste. 300 Joe Morgan, Owner Oklahoma City, OK 73102 5404 E. 104th Place http://www.kansascityfed.org Tulsa, OK 74137 BANKS PHYSICIAN SERVICES Family Security Mortgage (918) 970-4397 Jon Fleege, General Manager 123 W. Commercial Street Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.familysecuritymortgage.com MORTGAGE SERVICE Feld Entertainment (469) 248-1462 Stephanie Schettek, Event Marketing & Sales Manager 14131 Midway Rd., Ste. 1220 Addison, TX 75001 http://www.feldentertainment.com PROMOTIONS Family YMCA of Bartlesville Fellers, Snider, Blankenship, Bailey & Fairfield Inn & Suites - Marriott (918) 336-0713 (918) 599-0621 Tippens, P.C. (918) 994-4700 Libby Merritt, Roy Breedlove, Shareholder Director Stacey Wyett, GM 101 N. Osage 321 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 800 9150 S. 102nd E. Ave. Bartlesville, OK 74003-2723 Tulsa, OK 74103-3318 Tulsa, OK 74133 SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION http://www.fellerssnider.com http://www.marriott.com/Tulcr ATTORNEYS HOTELS Farmers Insurance - Scott Baker (918) 394-3333 Ferguson Buick GMC KIA Subaru Suzuki Fairfield Inn by Marriott Tulsa Central Scott Baker, Agent (918) 258-1800 (918) 663-0000 Jerry Ferguson, Owner 7711 E. 111th St., Ste. 102 Cecile Jairamani, General Manager 1601 N. Elm Place Tulsa, OK 74133 3214 S. 79th E. Ave. INSURANCE Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.fergusondeal.com http://www.marriott.com/tulfc AUTO DEALERS Farmers Insurance * Novara Insurance HOTELS (918) 810-8200 Express Employment Professionals Agency (918) 362-9600 Carl Novara, Insurance & Financial Services (918) 392-0720 Fidelis Radiology Fairfield Inn Woodland Hills Scott Davis, Kasey Clark, Business Manager Agent (918) 252-7754 10816 E. 71st St P. O. Box 702586 1515 E. 71st St., Ste. 200 Veronica Gomez, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74170 9020 E. 71st St. http://www.expresspersonnel.com RADIOLOGY www.novarainsuranceagency.com Tulsa, OK 74133 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES INSURANCE http://www.marriott.com (918) 712-7628 Fidelity Investments HOTELS Eric Reyes, Manager Exterior Pro Siding & Windows, Inc. Farmers Insurance Group - State Executive (918) 346-9950 (918) 496-3244 2020 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 100 Office (918) 627-5100 Faith Assembly of God Wes Spencer, President John Lucido, Oklahoma State Executive Tulsa, OK 74104 Kelly Goins, Minister 8177 S. Harvard Ave., #234 Director INVESTMENTS P.O. Box 581823 Tulsa, OK 74137 5314 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 305 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.exteriorprosidingandwindows. Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 663-1919 Final Touch Cleaning CHURCH com INSURANCE Sandra Gardner, President SIDING 10404 E. 55th Place, Ste. C (918) 698-5560 Faith Therapy Clinic (918) 438-8422 Fastenal Company Tulsa, OK 74146-6509 Ty Faith, Owner (918) 664-6544 Matt Knox, General Manager Eye Restoration Clinic http://www.finaltouchcleaning.com 6161 S. 33rd W. Ave. Elsie Joy, Owner 11205 E. Pine St. JANITORIAL SERVICE Tulsa, OK 74132 4606 S. Garnett, #302 Tulsa, OK 74116 www.faithslp.com Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.fastenal.com Financial Planning Advisors, Inc. THERAPY SERVICES http://www.eyerestorationclinic.com FASTENERS/DISTRIBUTORS (619) 669-5342 EYE CARE CENTER Phillip Faker, President FAME 4 Business Solutions, LLC (918) 627-3278 Fastsigns 3311 Rancho Miguel Road (918) 260-7155 Alda Blankenship, President Jamul, CA 91935 Freddy Valverde, President/Owner 4735-A S. Memorial Drive FINANCIAL SERVICES 1111 S. Quenath St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.fastsigns.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES SIGNS 22 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 34 3/15/12 8:39 AM Financial Planning Resources, Inc Firestone Tire & Service Centers First National Bank (918) 298-7232 (918) 494-2929 (918) 663-8785 Jeff Ferguson, Vice President James “Skip” Nichols, ChFC, CLU Michael Myers, Store Manager 10124 S. Sheridan Road, Ste. B 2250 E. 73rd, Ste. 650 10815 E. 31st Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.fnbmuskogee.com FINANCIAL SERVICES TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS BANKS (918) 392-2500 Financial Security Group, Inc. Firestone Tire & Service Centers First Oklahoma Bank (918) 524-6360 (918) 747-2714 Thomas Bennett, President / Co-CEO Del Dreyer, President James Watson, Store Manager 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 5700 4200 East Skelly Dr., Ste. 325 2213 E. 61st Tulsa, OK 74137 Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://firstoklahomabank.com INSURANCE TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS BANKS Finch Insurance Services (918) 461-0555 Terry Finch, Vice President 1404 S. Eucalyptus Lane Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.finchinsuranceservices.com INSURANCE FindLaw (918) 361-8059 Darin Cooley, Consultant 8434 S. 111th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.lawyermarkerting.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES Fine Airport Parking (918) 832-8880 Michael Fine, President & CEO 2010 N. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74115-3833 http://www.fineairportparking.com AIRPORT PARKING Firey Music Company, LLC (918) 245-7730 Allison Firey, 3722 S. Highway 97 Sand Springs, OK 74063 MUSIC STORES (918) 336-1131 First Assembly of God Darryl Wootton, 900 S. Dewey Bartlesville, OK 74003 http://bartlesvillefirst.org CHURCH First Bank of Owasso (918) 272-5301 Dominic Sokolosky, President P. O. Box 1800 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.firstbank.net BANKS (918) 258-4575 First Baptist Church Rolanda Watkins, Pastoral Administrative Fioravanti Bison Ranch, LLC (918) 852-6830 Assistant Sheila Fioravanti, President 100 W. Albany Street 1510 W. 90th St. North Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Wagoner, OK 74467 http://www.fbcba.org RANCH CHURCH Fioravanti Interventional/Diagnostic (918) 519-1155 Radiology, PLLC Bernard Fioravanti, President 1510 W. 90th St. North Wagoner, OK 74467 RADIOLOGY Audi White, Owner 6630 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.firehousesubs.com RESTAURANTS First Fidelity Bank, N.A. (918) 728-6345 H. J. Snyder, Tulsa President 30 W. 21st St. South Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.first-fidelity.com/ BANKS First Response Security (214) 770-9159 Ashley Kelley, Owner/Chief Executive Officer P. O. Box 34 Cedar Hill, TX 75106 SECURITY SERVICE First Source, Inc. (405) 751-4448 David Pinard, President 25 NW 144th Circle #A-2 Edmond, OK 73013 INSURANCE (918) 744-5222 First Stuart Corp. Jon Stuart, President/CEO 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74136-1235 INVESTMENTS Flint Energy Services, Inc. (918) 294-3030 Bryce Satter, President 7633 E.63rd Place, Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.flintenergy.com ENERGY SERVICE PROVIDERS (918) 587-8451 Flintco, LLC Tom Maxwell, President & CEO P. O. Box 490 Tulsa, OK 74101-0490 http://www.flintco.com CONTRACTOR - GENERAL Flippo Insurance (918) 455-0554 Roger Flippo, Owner PO Box 2197 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 FirsTitle & Abstract Services, Inc. http://www.flippoinsurance.com (918) 250-1641 INSURANCE Karen Burnette, President Bill Cottam, Field Marketing Manager 9402-D East 55th Place Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.5hourenergy.com MARKETING Floral Haven Funeral Home & Cemetery (918) 252-2518 Mark Blankenship, General Manager 6500 S. 129th E. Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 www.floralhaven.com FUNERAL DIRECTORS Flow Measurement Co., Inc. (918) 493-3443 Bob Edwards, President 4934 E. 73rd St. Fleener Minnix Real Estate Inc. Tulsa, OK 74136-7007 (918) 621-1133 GAS MEASUREMENT SERVICES Gary Fleener, President 1703 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 107 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.fleenerminnix.com REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Floyd and Son’s Body Shop (918) 832-8657 Tim Wolf, President 10641 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 Fleet Feet Sports Tulsa, LLC http://www.floydsbodyshop.com (918) 492-3338 AUTO BODY REPAIR/PAINTING Lori Dreiling, Owner Firestone Tire & Service Centers (918) 250-3663 Michael Hartman, Store Manager First Maintenance Company of Tulsa (918) 747-3600 8334 E. 71st 5968 S. Yale Ave. Bill Farr, Owner Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74135 3158 S. 108th E. Ave. TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS http://www.fleetfeettulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74146 SHOES - RETAIL JANITORIAL SERVICE Firestone Tire & Service Centers (918) 499-1911 Michael Fabbri, Store Manager First Mortgage Company (918) 496-2241 4937 East 91st St. Joe Pearce, Vice President Tulsa, OK 74137 2504 E. 71st, Ste. A http://www.mastercareusa.com Tulsa, OK 74136 TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS http://www.firstmortgageco.com MORTGAGE SERVICE Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar (918) 712-7500 Michael Bennett, Private Dining Director 1976 Utica Square Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.flemingssteakhouse.com RESTAURANTS First Omni Mortgage Lending (918) 249-4350 Bobby Williamson, Regional Vice President (918) 832-7100 Flight Concepts 8023 E. 63rd Place, Ste. 205 Angela Hall, Director of Administrative Services Tulsa, OK 74133 7601 E. Apache, Hangar 22 http://www.1omni.com Tulsa, OK 74115 MORTGAGE SERVICE http://www.fltconcepts.com AIRCRAFT CHARTERS RENTALS First Church of the Nazarene (918) 682-2592 9136 South Sheridan Road Rodney Durr, Senior Pastor Tulsa, OK 74133 2700 E. Peak Blvd. http://www.firstitle.com Muskogee, OK 74403 REAL ESTATE - CLOSING SERVICE http://www.muskogeenaz.org CHURCH Five Hour Sample, LLC (918) 633-0390 FireCo Tom Palmer, Owner First Commercial Real Estate Services (918) 495-1551 2000 W. Detroit, Ste. A Corporation Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Richard Sudduth, President-Broker http://www.fireco-ok.com 8301 E. 74th Place FIRE SUPPRESSION/DETECTION Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.first-commercial.com REAL ESTATE (918) 249-3473 Firehouse Subs Fleming Building Company, Inc. (918) 627-7800 Raymond Miller, President/CEO P. O. Box 470468 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.flemingbuildingco.com CONTRACTOR - GENERAL Fluorocan LLC (918) 282-9283 Peter Anderson, Owner 942 W. 36th St. North Tulsa, OK 74127 CONTRACTOR - MECHANICAL Fleet Feet Sports Tulsa, LLC (918) 492-3338 Lori Dreiling, Owner Flying Colors Media (918) 749-3344 418 E. 2nd St. Doug Crain, Tulsa, OK 74120 3228 S. Jamestown Ave. http://www.fleetfeettulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74135 SHOES - RETAIL http://www.flyingcolors.tv VIDEO & FILM PRODUCTION 23 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 35 3/15/12 8:39 AM Folds of Honor Foundation Ford Engineering (918) 743-4549 (918) 274-4700 William “Bill” Ford, Sole Proprietor Ginny Creveling, President & COO 3337 S. Troost 5800 North Patriot Drive Tulsa, OK 74105-2644 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.inspectoklahoma.com http://www.foldsofhonor.org REAL ESTATE INSPECTION FOUNDATIONS (918) 425-5524 Fo-Mac Inc. Tom Kupke, President 2621 N. Iroquois Tulsa, OK 74106-2431 http://www.fo-mac.com MANUFACTURERS (918) 747-9672 Food Pyramid #61 Daniel Moore, Manager 3915 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 GROCERS - RETAIL Food Pyramid #62 (918) 743-9948 Scott Norby, Manager 3328 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 GROCERS - RETAIL Food Pyramid #63 (918) 663-9220 David Gonzales, Manager 7990 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 GROCERS - RETAIL (918) 459-5838 Food Pyramid #64 Joe Heck, Manager 11214 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 GROCERS - RETAIL (918) 481-0573 Food Pyramid #65 Sandee Gonzales, Manager 4818 E. 80th Street Tulsa, OK 74136 GROCERS - RETAIL (918) 369-6565 Food Pyramid #66 Steve Dory, Manager 10122 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74133 GROCERS - RETAIL Food Pyramid(Ramey & Smitty’s (417) 829-9200 Supermarket-RPCS) Rob Marsh, Real Estate/Store Development / Store Engineering 336 S. Barnes Springfield, MO 65802 http://www.foodpyramid.com GROCERS - RETAIL (918) 584-1808 For His Glory, Inc. Susan Barnes, Director P.O. Box 14022 Tulsa, OK 74159-1022 http://www.gloryhousetulsa.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Fred Daniel and Sons, Inc. (918) 582-8206 Fred Daniel, 5727 S. Lewis, Ste. 420 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.fdands.com INSURANCE Freemount Corporation (918) 584-0414 Clifton Taulbert, Owner 4870 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 203 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.cliftontaulbert.com TRAINING SERVICES Forest Hills Care & Rehab (918) 254-5000 Demetrio Guteirrez, Administrator 4300 W. Houston St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.sunbridgehealthcare.com NURSING HOME - CONVALECENT CARE Freddie’s Bar-B-Que & Steak House Freudenrich and Associates, Inc. (918) 224-4301 (918) 299-6200 Ed & Sherian Slyman, Owners Darrell Freudenrich, Marketing/Sales P. O. Box 904 P. O. Box 701857 Sapulpa, OK 74067 Tulsa, OK 74037 RESTAURANTS http://www.freudenrich.com INSURANCE (918) 357-2282 Forest Ridge Golf Club Joe Robson, 7501 E. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.forestridge.com GOLF COURSES - PUBLIC Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers (918) 249-9991 Frisario’s Italian Ice Cream (918) 671-9087 JT Mills, Tony Dietz, Owner 9311 E. 71st St. P. O. Box 582 Tulsa, OK 74133 Jenks, OK 74037 hhttp://www.freddysfrozencustard.com RESTAURANTS RESTAURANTS Forsman Asphalt Company (918) 584-0904 Frederic Dorwart, Lawyers (918) 583-9922 Pat Forsman, Owner Frederic Dorwart, Owner P. O. Box 580655 124 East Fourth Street Tulsa, OK 74158 Tulsa, OK 74103-5010 ASPHALT CONCRETE http://www.fdlaw.com ATTORNEYS Frontier Energy Services, LLC (918) 388-8438 Dave Presley, President 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.frontierenergyllc.com NATURAL GAS GATHERING & PROCESSING Fort Gibson First Baptist Church (918) 478-2245 Frederick, Sommers & Western Frontier International Trucks Danny Gandra, Pastor (918) 587-2300 (918) 438-2000 Pat Patterson, Manager Lynn Owens, President P. O. Box 8 415 E. Third St. P. O. Box 3666 Fort Gibson, OK 74434 Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74102-3666 CHURCH www.fredericksigns.com http://www.frontier-intl.com SIGNS TRUCK DEALERS Fosters Paint & Body Shop (918) 272-3281 Brett Foster, 105 E. 2nd Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 AUTO BODY REPAIR/PAINTING Freebirds World Burrito (918) 445-4113 Mike Basten, General Manager 7547-B S. Olympia Ave. West Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.freebirds.com Foundation for Tulsa Schools RESTAURANTS (918) 746-6600 Lucky Lamons, President & CEO 3027 S. New Haven, Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.foundationfortulsaschools.org FOUNDATIONS Freedom Communications (918) 830-2329 JoDee Liptak, HR Services 7718 E. 91st St., Ste 120 Tulsa, OK 74133 CELLULAR AND/OR WIRELESS (918) 584-2050 Frontier Land Inc. Bruce Blevins, President 601 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 810 Tulsa, OK 74119 OIL & GAS BROKERAGE (918) 683-2827 Frontier Terminal Bruce Goodale, Office Manager P. O. Box 1589 Muskogee, OK 74402 TERMINAL Four Seasons Sunrooms (918) 250-7301 Brian Jones, President 7123 South 92nd E Ave., Ste. E Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.prdc.fourseasonssunrooms.com SUNROOMS Freedom Hospice LLC (918) 493-4930 Mary Bush, Owner / HR Administrator 6666 S. Sheridan Rd., #102 Tulsa, OK 74133 HOME HEALTH SERVICES (918) 510-6595 Fulcrum Mobile Malachi Gross, CEO 403 S. Cheyenne, Ste. 302 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.fulcrummobile.com ADVERTISING - SPECIALIZED (918) 388-5100 FOX23 / My41 Holly Allen, General Manager 2625 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74129-2601 http://www.fox23.com BROADCASTING - TELEVISION Freedom Valley Church (918) 519-0938 Jason Fitch, Lead Pastor 6323 S. 109th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.freedomvalleytulsa.com CHURCH (918) 583-6666 Full Moon Cafe Tony Henry, Owner 1525 East 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.eatfullmoon.com RESTAURANTS (918) 491-4250 Francis Oil & Gas, Inc. Angela Swift, Executive Vice President P. O. Box 21468 Tulsa, OK 74121-1468 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Freeland Brown Pharmacy (918) 743-4491 Michael Dotson, Managing member 4112 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.freelandbrown.com PHARMACY G G3 Consultancy and Advisory, LLC (918) 770-8558 (918) 447-1414 For Ladies Only, Inc. Bruno Teles, Executive Consultant Jim Tolson, Owner 2213 E. 66th Pl. South, Unit 1010 5521 W. 51st Street Fred Ballard Insurance Agency, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 245-0715 Tulsa, OK 74107 Freeman Harris Funeral Home http://www.g2consult.com Fred Ballard, (918) 749-3333 http://www.floparty.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES Joan Freeman, Manager 416 Plaza Court HOME LINGERIE PARTY Sand Springs, OK 74063 3333 E. 41st St. GableGotwals (918) 595-4800 INSURANCE Tulsa, OK 74135 Forbes Financial Group, Inc. David Keglovits, President http://www.freemanharris.com (918) 298-3050 100 W. 5th St., Ste. 1100 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Karen Forbes, Vice President Tulsa, OK 74103-4217 9309 South Toledo http://www.gablelaw.com Tulsa, OK 74137 ATTORNEYS INSURANCE 24 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 36 3/15/12 8:39 AM Gabrielson Consulting, LLC Gateway Mortgage (918) 893-6200 (918) 708-1464 Jeff Leek, Branch Manager JoLynne Gabrielson, Owner 2446 W. New Orleans 11063-D S. Memorial Dr., Box 350 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74101 MORTGAGE SERVICE http://www.getyourgift.biz MARKETING GBR Properties, Inc. (918) 493-2525 (918) 379-0820 Galaxy Chemicals, LLC Jason Mahmood, Operations Manager 6472 Tower Lane Claremore, OK 74019 http://www.galaxychemfluoride.com CHEMICALS - WHOLESALE/DIST. Ben Latham, President 3114 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.gbrproperties.com REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT (918) 369-4335 Geeks To The Rescue Chris Finnerty, President Galaxy Limousine & Executive Charter Inc. 8221 E. 61st St., Ste. B (918) 481-3374 Tulsa, OK 74133-1904 Tricia Roberts, President http://www.geekrescue.com 5540 S. 94th E. Ave. COMPUTER SERVICE/REPAIR Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.galaxy-limo.com General Wire & Supply Co. (918) 245-5961 LIMOUSINE SERVICE Ray Estep, Owner Garbe Industries (918) 627-0284 Kathy Baker, Outside Public Relations 4137 S. 72nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 https://www.garbes.com LIGHTING FIXTURES-RETAIL (918) 664-1151 Gardner Denver, Inc. George May, Plant Manager P. O. Box 470486 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.gardnerdenver.com MANUFACTURERS (918) 627-7323 Gardner’s Books Richard Gardner, Owner 5618 S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.gardnersbooks.com BOOKSTORE-RETAIL (918) 742-2096 Garry Anderson, D.D.S. Garry Anderson, Owner 4415 S. Harvard, Ste. 102 Tulsa, OK 74135 DENTISTS Box 2186 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.gwst.com WIRE PRODUCTS Genghis Grill (918) 574-2695 Mike Pierce, Owner 1617 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.genghisgrill.com RESTAURANTS Gibbs Armstrong Borochoff Mullican & Hart, P.C. (918) 587-3939 George Gibbs, President 601 S. Boulder, Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.tulsacounsel.com ATTORNEYS Glenn Elliott & Assoc Inc., CPAs Gibson RV Park at the Lake (918) 627-2286 (918) 485-1177 Glenn Elliott, President Paula Gibson, 5800 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 900 73896 S. 340 Rd. Tulsa, OK 74135 Wagoner, OK 74467 ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC RV PARKS (918) 743-3111 Gilbreath’s LLC Willis Allen, 5272 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.gilbreaths.com MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Gilcrease Museum (918) 596-2700 Melani Hamilton, Communications Manager 1400 N. Gilcrease Museum Road Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.gilcrease.org MUSEUM Global Power Equipment Group, Inc. (918) 488-0828 David Keller, President & CEO 5199 N. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74117 http://www.globalpower.com POWER GENERATION EQUIPMENT Gina & Guiseppe’s Italian Ristorante (918) 296-0111 Go West Restaurant and Saloon Jacquelyn Spraker, Owner (918) 446-7546 400 Riverwalk Terrace, Ste. 100 John Wimpy, Owner Jenks, OK 74037 6205 New Sapulpa Road http://www.gngitalian.com Tulsa, OK 74131 RESTAURANTS http://www.gowestrestaurant.com Geo-Microbial Technologies, Inc. RESTAURANTS (918) 535-2281 Carrie Muzika, Business Manager P. O. Box 330281 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.geodeca.com SURVEYORS - LAND Daniel Hitzman, President P. O. Box 132 Ochelata, OK 74051 http://www.gmtgeochem.com OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma (918) 749-2551 Godiva Chocolatier (918) 459-2635 Roberta Preston, Chief Executive Officer James McCarthy, Store Manager 2432 E. 51st 7021 S. Memorial, 235-A Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.GirlScoutsEastOK.org http://www.godiva.com YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES CHOCOLATE George Kaiser Family Foundation (918) 392-1612 (918) 933-6688 Gitwit Creative Ken Levit, Executive Director Jacob Johnson, Principal 7030 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 600 11 E. Brady St. Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.gkff.org http://www.gitwitcreative.com Gastroenterology Associates, PLLC FOUNDATIONS ADVERTISING AGENCIES (918) 307-3144 Gary Davidson, 122 E. Chestnut St. Coweta, OK 74429 DENTISTS (918) 938-7381 Gateway Market Antonio Perez, Owner 1601 N. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74106 GROCERS - RETAIL Glenpool Chamber of Commerce (918) 322-3505 Dianne Bileck-Plants, Executive Director P. O. Box 767 Glenpool, OK 74033-0767 http://www.glenpoolchamber.org CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Gillum & Boyd Insurance Agency (918) 584-7218 (918) 878-7300 GlobalHealth, Inc. Terri Boyd, Scott Vaughn, President & CEO 220 S. Peoria 6120 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 925 Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74136 INSURANCE http://www.globalhealth.com GEODECA Land Surveying Company HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION (918) 806-1740 Garver (918) 250-5922 Geophysical Research Company, LLC Kelly Fincannon, Sr. Project Manager (918) 834-9600 10015 E. 51st St. Robert Laird, President & CEO (918) 706-5520 Girouard Vines Chris Girouard, Tulsa, OK 74146 P. O. Box 581570 817 E. 3rd St. http://www.garverusa.com Tulsa, OK 74158-1570 ENGINEERS - CONSULTING http://www.grcamerada.com Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.tulsawine.com MANUFACTURERS WINERY (918) 486-3266 Gary C. Davidson, DDS Eric Cottrill, Owner 10505 E. 91st, Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tulsagi.com HEALTH CARE GlassWilkin pc (918) 582-7100 Robert Glass, 1515 S. Utica Ave., Ste. 250 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.glasswilkin.com ATTORNEYS (918) 587-6158 GH2 ARCHITECTS, LLC Michael Hall, Member, Managing Principal 320 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 1600 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.gh2.com ARCHITECTS (918) 938-2527 Giana Consulting, LLC Chery Gegelman, President 3908 E. 60th St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.gianaconsulting.com/ MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS GK Home Furnishings, Inc. (918) 681-1174 Beth Cooper, 411 W. Broadway Muskogee, OK 74401 FURNITURE DEALERS - RETAIL (918) 938-6368 Glacier Confections Bill Copeland, CEO / CCO 15 E. Brady Street Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.glacierconfection.com CHOCOLATE Goins Insurance Agency, LLC (918) 743-9868 Aaron Goins, Owner 6965 S. 69th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 INSURANCE Golden Eagle Federal Credit Union (918) 836-6752 Norma Cates, President/CEO P. O. Box 582350 Tulsa, OK 74158-2350 http://www.goldeneaglefcu.org CREDIT UNIONS GolfTEC Tulsa (918) 622-3968 Pat McTigue, Owner, Director of Instruction 6010 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.golftec.com GOLF INSTRUCTION Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church (918) 333-1708 Dale Scott, 801 SE Washington Blvd. Bartlesville, OK 74006 http://www.go2gspc.org CHURCH 25 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 37 3/15/12 8:39 AM Goodfellows, Inc. (918) 485-5562 Lance Goodfellow, 31915 E. 723rd Dr. Wagoner, OK 74467 ELECTRIC COMPANIES Goodies Catering, LLC (918) 664-9794 Anthony Willis, Owner / Partner P. O. Box 35175 Tulsa, OK 74153 http://www.goodiescatering.net CATERING Granite Transformations of Tulsa Greater Tulsa Hispanic Chamber Greenhill Properties, LLC (918) 584-1978 (316) 681-1900 (918) 664-5326 R. H. Harbaugh, Manager Clay Morse, Co-Owner Francisco Trevino, President 1437 South Boulder, Ste. 770 5151 S. Mingo Rd., Ste. C 8107 E. Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74145 AGRICULTURE &/OR LIVESTOCK ARENA http://www.granitetransformations.com http://www.TulsaHispanicChamber.com REMODELING AND REPAIRING CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Greenstar Recycling (918) 245-7030 (918) 877-0800 Grant Thornton LLP Brad Stoots, Partner In-Charge 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74136-1208 http://www.grantthornton.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC Goodwill Industries of Tulsa (918) 584-7291 David Oliver, President (918) 493-2141 Grant’s Frames Grant Denny, Owner 2800 Southwest Blvd Tulsa, OK 74107 8007-A South Sheridan http://www.goodwilltulsa.org Tulsa, OK 74133 JOB TRAINING/PLACEMENT PICTURE FRAMING Graber & Associates, PC (918) 747-8028 James Graber, 2415 E. Skelly Dr., #101 Tulsa, OK 74105-6076 http://www.graberpc.com ARCHITECTS Grace Hospice Foundation (918) 712-2800 Sharon Doty, Director of the Foundation P. O. Box 35894 Tulsa, OK 74153 http://www.gracehospicefoundation.org FOUNDATIONS Graham & Freeman, PLLC (918) 298-1716 Leslie Bykowski, Office Manager 6226 E. 101st St., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.grahamfreeman.com ATTORNEYS (918) 836-8631 Grainger Randy Frost, Branch Manager 10707 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74116-1547 http://www.grainger.com INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Grand Lake Association (918) 786-2289 Tad Jones, Executive Director 9630 Highway 59 North, Suite B Grove, OK 74344 http://www.grandlakefun.com ASSOCIATIONS (918) 742-3109 Granite Mountain, LLC Robert Austin, President P.O. Box 52009 Tulsa, OK 74152 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP (918) 794-4337 Greathousetulsa.com Andrew Nelson, Owner 2626 S. Evanston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.greathousetulsa.com REAL ESTATE - LEASING Graphic Resources & Reproduction (918) 461-0303 Verna Roberts, President Green Bay Packaging Inc. (918) 446-3341 Ryan Boegh, General Manager - V.P. 4251 W. Albany Broken Arrow, OK 74012 6106 W. 68th St. http://www.grandr.com Tulsa, OK 74131-2429 OFFICE MACHINE SALES/SERVICE http://www.gbp.com PACKAGING - MATERIALS (918) 388-1442 Graphics Network, Inc. Craig Sahli, President/CEO P. O. Box 54579 Tulsa, OK 74155 http://www.graphics-network.com ADVERTISING - SPECIALIZED (918) 878-7733 Grassroots Healthcare Melita Tate, Owner/Partner 6530 E. 91st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.grassrootstulsa.com MEDICAL CLINICS Great Plains Coca Cola Bottling Company (800) 753-2653 (Eastern Division) Mike Hale, Division Manager 11333 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74116 BEVERAGES Greater Cornerstone Community (918) 446-3145 Development Project, Willard Jones, Executive Director 5610 S. 41st W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.gccdp.com ORGANIZATIONS Grand Selections Restaurant (918) 583-0510 Brent Meyer, Owner Greater Muskogee Area Chamber of (918) 682-2401 309 S. Main Commerce Sue Harris, President & CEO Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.grandselections.com P. O. Box 797 RESTAURANTS Muskogee, OK 74402 http://www.muskogeechamber.org CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Grandview Baptist Church (918) 683-2477 Danny Mills, Pastor 3608 S. Cherokee Drive Muskogee, OK 74403 http://www.grandviewbaptist.com CHURCH Shayne Brown, General Manager Greater Tulsa Reporter Newspapers 360 S. Main St. (918) 254-1515 Sand Springs, OK 74063 D. Forrest Cameron, Editor/Publisher http://www.greenstarrecyclling.com P. O. Box 470645 RECYCLING CENTERS Tulsa, OK 74147-0645 http://www.gtrnews.com Greenwood Chamber of Commerce NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING (918) 585-2084 (800) 506-9692 Green Beetle, LLC Josh Calvert, Owner 7709 E. 42nd Pl., Ste. 103 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.greenbeetlegear.com SPORTING GOODS - RETAIL (918) 344-0142 Green Cap Industries Scott White, CEO 3100 Charles Page Boulevard Tulsa, OK 74127 MANUFACTURERS Green Country Associates (918) 728-6147 Jerry Lewis, Owner 11401-A East 20th Street Tulsa, OK 74128 CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES Green Country Associates of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans (918) 392-7130 Robert Morgenthaler, Financial Consultant 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 5609 Tulsa, OK 74137 INSURANCE Green Country Behavorial Health (918) 682-8407 Services, Inc. Carla Lovelady, CFO 619 N. Main Muskogee, OK 74401 http://www.gcbhs.org BEHAVORIAL HEALTH FACILITY Reuben Gant, Executive Director 131 N. Greenwood Avenue, #2 Tulsa, OK 74120 http://greenwoodchambertulsa.com CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Greenwood Healthcare Specialists for Women, PLLC (847) 630-3655 Calvin Monroe, Manger / Owner 1216 E. Apache St. Tulsa, OK 74106-3938 PHYSICIAN SERVICES Greg Ratliff, M.D., Inc. (918) 712-0888 Greg Ratliff, Owner 2107 East 15th Street Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.pscoftulsa.com PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Gregory Ryan Management Inc. Melissa Williams, President 2514 W. 68th Street Tulsa, OK 74132 CONSULTANTS (918) 583-1005 gregory.w.group Gregory Weaver, President 15 W. 6th, Ste. 2901 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.gregorywgroup.com INVESTMENTS Griggs Construction, Inc. (918) 341-5602 Ron Griggs, President 649 W. Claremore St. Claremore, OK 74017 http://www.griggsconstruction.com CONTRACTOR - GENERAL Grigsby’s Carpet, Tile & Rug Gallery (918) 627-6996 Dub Stover, Owner 4417 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.grigsbys.com CARPET, RUG DEALER Grothjan Financial Services (918) 492-8707 Green Country Marketing Assoc. (918) 744-0588 Steve Grothjan, President Jackie Stewart, 4148 E. 51st St. Greater Oklahoma City Chamber (405) 297-8900 2825 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 826 Tulsa, OK 74135 Roy Williams, President & CEO Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.mybestbroker.com 123 Park Avenue http://www.greencountryok.com INSURANCE Oklahoma City, OK 73102 ASSOCIATIONS http://www.okcchamber.com Group M Investment, Inc. (918) 627-5446 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Barbara Casey, Vice President Green Hill Funeral Home & Cemetery (918) 224-2312 P. O. Box 14066 Elizabeth Graham, Administrative Assistant Greater Tulsa Association of Realtors Tulsa, OK 74159-1066 (918) 663-7500 P. O. Box 629 http://www.groupminvestment.com Mike Cotrill, Chief Operating Officer Sapulpa, OK 74067-0629 PROPERTY LEASING - RESIDENTIAL P.O. Box 470603 http://www.greenhillok.com Tulsa, OK 74147-0603 CEMETARY & MAUSOLEUM http://www.tulsarealtors.com ASSOCIATIONS 26 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 38 3/15/12 8:39 AM Grubb & Ellis/Levy Beffort (918) 481-3200 Jared Andresen, Managing Partner 2021 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 410 Tulsa, OK 74104-5710 http://www.grubb-ellis.com REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL (918) 439-4248 GTM Technologies Inc. J. Michael Koonce, President 11390 E. Tecumseh St. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.gtmtechnologies.com MANUFACTURERS H. M. International, LLC (918) 664-1914 Peter Meinig, Chairman/CEO 5810 E. Skelly Dr., Ste 1650 Tulsa, OK 74135-6420 FROZEN FOODS - MFG/SALES/MKTG Halterman Enterprises, LLC Hanna Insurance Agency (918) 775-1951 (918) 296-5481 David Hanna, Agent Mark Halterman, Owner P. O. Box 939 10003 S. Jamestown Ave. Sallisaw, OK 74955 Tulsa, OK 74137 INSURANCE PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS H.O.W. Foundation, Inc. (918) 252-5739 Ollie Treat, Executive Director Box 470058 Tulsa, OK 74147 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Hannibal B. Johnson, Esq. (918) 585-6770 Hannibal Johnson, Author, Attorney & Hamilton Financial Partners, LLC (918) 779-3730 Consultant Louise Hamilton Short, Senior Partner 121 N. Greenwood Ave., Ste. G 7134 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.hannibalbjohnson.com http://www.hamiltonfp.com CONSULTANTS - DIVERSITY FINANCIAL SERVICES (918) 955-6305 H20 For Life Tim Skiba, Guaranty Abstract Company 1318 E. 41st St. (918) 587-6621 (918) 527-4120 Tulsa, OK 74105 Hammerstone, LLC Jack Kirkpatrick, President Michael Turner, Owner / Partner http://www.h20forlife.info Box 3048 HEALTH & WELLNESS PRODUCTS 5711 E. 71st St., #240 Tulsa, OK 74101 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.guarantyabstract.com http://www.hammerstone.us Habitat for Humanity - Tulsa ABSTRACTS ARCHITECTS (918) 592-4224 Paul Kent, Executive Director/President Gunboat Park Surplus & Militaria 6235 E. 13th (918) 622-7887 Tulsa, OK 74112 Matt Greeff, Manager http://www.habitat-tulsa.org/ 1141 S. Frankfort NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.gunboatparksurplus.com Hahn Appliance Center (918) 622-6262 RETAIL Lee Sherman, President Hampton Inn (918) 251-6060 Kal Desai, 2300 West Albany St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.hampton-inn.com/hi/tulsabrokenarrow HOTELS Harbor Insurance Company (918) 492-1446 Pat Wilson, President 4501 E. 31st Street Tulsa, OK 74135-2132 INSURANCE Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa (918) 384-7800 Stacy McKee-Redden, Director of Sales 777 W. Cherokee Street Catoosa, OK 0 http://www.hardrockcasinotulsa.com HOTELS (918) 582-5306 Hardesty Press, Inc. Hampton Inn & Suites Tulsa Central Millie York, Service (918) 779-4000 1317 E. 11th St. Karen Scanlon, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74120 3418 S. 79th E. Ave. PRINTERS Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 358-2240 Hair Em http://www.tulsacentralsuites.hamptoninn. Harlin Hendricks, Owner (918) 770-6822 Hardnox Inc. com 117 N. Broadway Sean Jackson, Managing Partner HOTELS (918) 582-1881 GuRuStu Group Cleveland, OK 74020-3809 216 S. 77th St. Stuart McDaniel, SALON - FULL SERVICE Broken Arrow, OK 74014 2 W. 6th St., Ste. 402 Hampton Inn and Suites Tulsa Hills OIL LEASES (918) 340-5000 Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 585-5260 Hair on the Square Karen Scanlon, General Manager http://www.gurustugroup.com Carla Marler, Owner (918) 877-2615 Harker Law Office, PLC 7004 S. Olympia Ave. ADVERTISING AGENCIES 507 S. Main St., #100 John Harker, Attorney Tulsa, OK 74132 Tulsa, OK 74103 1831 E. 71st St., Ste. 313 http://www.tulsahillssuites.hamptoninn.com GW Watts Distributing Co. Inc. SALON - FULL SERVICE Tulsa, OK 74136 HOTELS (918) 337-0799 ATTORNEYS Gunnebo-Johnson Corp. (918) 832-8933 Sylvia Walton, Vice President, Finance 1240 North Harvard Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.gunnebojohnson.com MANUFACTURERS Michael Tom, 1705 W. Hensley Bartlesville, OK 74003 JANITORIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES (918) 274-0114 Gwendolyn Highfill Gwendolyn Highfill, 9708 N. 99th E. Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP H H & R Block (918) 249-2493 Theresa St. John, District Manager 7172 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.hrblock.com TAX PREPARATION H & R Block (918) 622-3069 Theresa St. John, District Manager 5349 E. 41st Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.hrblock.com TAX PREPARATION H & R Block (918) 835-8000 Theresa St. John, District Manager 1871 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.hrblock.com TAX PREPARATION 8160 E. 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.hahnappliance.com APPLIANCES (918) 627-3332 Hajoca Corporation Glenn Ewell, Manager 5154 S. 110th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.hajoca.com PIPES, VALVES & FITTINGS (918) 594-0400 Hall Estill Mike Cooke, Managing Partner 320 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74103-3708 http://www.hallestill.com ATTORNEYS Hampton Inn and Suites Tulsa/Catoosa (918) 317-7777 Harley Hollan (918) 739-3939 Harley Hollan, President Elizabeth Beilhartz, General Manager P. O. Box 3207 100 E. McNabb Field Rd. Broken Arrow, OK 74013 Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.harleyhollan.com http://www.tulsacatoosasuites.hamptoninn.com WASTE REMOVAL HOTELS (918) 251-2511 Harmon Ventures, Inc. Hampton Inn South Tulsa/Bixby Janice Hewitt, President (918) 394-2001 800 S. Elm Place Philip Koepf, General Manager Broken Arrow, OK 74012 8220 E. Regal Place http://www.harmonins.com Tulsa, OK 74133 INSURANCE http://www.hamptoninn.com Hallborne Design Associates HOTELS (918) 745-9010 (918) 622-0080 Harps Food Stores Inc. Kathryn Shackleford, Chris Yarnell, Hampton Inn-Tulsa/Sand Springs 6216 S. Lewis, Suite 200 11333 E. 31st St. (918) 245-8500 Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74146 Matt Knight, Director of Sales http://www.hallborne.com http://www.harpsfood.com 7852 W. Parkway Blvd. INTERIOR DESIGN GROCERS - RETAIL Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.tulsa.hamptoninn.com Halo Branded Solutions (918) 630-7118 (918) 633-6303 Hase Family Farm HOTELS Jo-Anne Finn, Key Account Executive Debbie Hase, Partner 720 W. Helena 50338 W. 21st St. South (918) 743-9591 Hancock & Co. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Jennings, OK 74038 Richard Hancock, President http://www.joannefinn.halocatalog.com RANCH 4815 S. Harvard, Ste.460 PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Tulsa, OK 74135 Hatfield’s Burgers & BBQ (918) 437-4353 ACCOUNTING SERVICES Halo Branded Solutions (918) 808-1398 Lera Smith, Owner Stanford Pape, Sales Representative 11223 E. Admiral Pl. 2422 N. Denver Pl. Tulsa, OK 74116 Tulsa, OK 74106 RESTAURANTS http://www.prontostore.com PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS 27 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 39 3/15/12 8:39 AM Hathaway 51 (918) 810-9438 Diane White, Owner 1340 E. 37th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74105-3210 MERCHANT SERVICES Henderson Benefits Group, Inc. Hi Tech Systems Inc. (918) 245-0282 (918) 582-5433 Carl Sensintaffar, President Amanda Baker, Client Relations/ Marketing 2822 N. State Hwy 97, Ste. 200 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1125 Sand Springs, OK 74063-6520 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.hitechroofing.com http://www.gohenderson.com ROOFING INSURANCE Head, Johnson & Kachigian, P.C. (918) 587-2000 High Tech Resources, Inc. (918) 481-8822 Cassandra Wilkinson, Attorney At Law Marylee Robison, President Henderson Financial Group, Inc. (918) 428-5433 228 West 17th Place 6120 S. Yale, Ste. 100, Two Warren Place Matthew Henderson, Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.hjklaw.com 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1125 http://www.hightechinc.com ATTORNEYS Tulsa, OK 74103 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES http://www.gohenderson.com FINANCIAL SERVICES Health Foods To Go, Inc. (918) 744-5085 Hiland Dairy Foods Inc. (918) 437-1344 Ayman Kabbani, Owner 3303 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 RESTAURANTS (918) 398-4273 HealthSource of Tulsa Scottie Lawrence, Owner 8177 S. Harvard Ave., #724 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.healthsourcetulsa.com CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS Hearing Solution Centers (918) 388-6644 Scott Young, Owner 5525 E. 51st St., Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.hearingsolutioncenters.com AUDIOLOGY & HEARING AIDS Hilton Garden Inn (918) 838-1444 Terri Kullerd, General Manager 7728 Virgin Ct. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.hiltongardeninn.com HOTELS Hilton Garden Inn - Tulsa South (918) 392-2000 Renee Reed, General Manager 8202 S. 100th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tulsasouth.gardeninn.com HOTELS Jim Clark, Henderson Investments Co., Inc. 16124 E. Marshall St. (918) 367-2284 Tulsa, OK 74116 Wayne Henderson, Owner www.hilanddairy.com P. O. Box 1235 DAIRY AND/OR ICE CREAM PRODUCTS Bristow, OK 74010 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Hilda Richey, Inc. (918) 682-2278 Hilton Garden Inn Tulsa Midtown (918) 858-7777 Steve Nabilsi, General Manager 4518 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.hilton.com HOTELS Hilda Richey, Henderson Plumbing Co., Inc. P. O. Box 1448 (918) 352-5400 Muskogee, OK 74402 Nicole Henderson, Co-Owner INSURANCE P. O. Box 1124 Coweta, OK 74429 Hill & Company (918) 258-8855 PLUMBING - COML/INDUST/RESIDENTIAL Mark Hill, Managing Partner Hilton Tulsa Southern Hills (918) 492-5000 Julie Trimble, General Manager 7900 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.hiltontulsa360.com HOTELS (918) 652-0990 Henryetta Ford, Inc. Lou Franklin, 821 E. Main Henryetta, OK 74437-4443 AUTO DEALERS 12345 S. 193rd E. Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.topahill.org HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE (918) 492-3388 Hinkle & Company James Hinkle, Managing Partner 4500 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. 800 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.sbadvisors.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES (918) 409-0055 Heartland Surveying & Mapping PLLC Hill Valley Digital (918) 682-7796 Smith, Owner Edward Seaton, Henshaw Compressor & Engine Service, 3026 W. 68th Pl. (918) 367-9921 (918) 622-8258 600 Emporia St., Ste. C LLC Tulsa, 74132 Hispano de Tulsa Bill Henshaw, Owner & Manager Margarita Vega-Trevino, Owner Muskogee, OK 74401 http://www.hillvalleydigital.com SURVEYORS - LAND P. O. Box 600 P. O. Box 52054 COMPUTER SERVICE/REPAIR Bristow, OK 74010 Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.henshawcompressor.com http://www.hispanodetulsa.com Heatherington & Fields, CPA’s Hillcrest Federal Credit Union AIR & GAS COMPRESSORS NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING (918) 496-1212 (918) 579-7998 James Heatherington, Partner 1515 E. 71st, Ste. 205 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.hfieldscpas.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC (918) 838-9841 Heatwave Supply, Inc. Roland Rice, President P.O. Box 580009 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.heatwavesupply.com PLUMBING - COML/INDUST/RESIDENTIAL Linda Curtis, CEO Heritage Family Services, Inc. P. O. Box 4682 (918) 491-6767 Tulsa, OK 74159 Michael Nomura, Co-Director CREDIT UNIONS 5110 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 525 Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 579-4900 Hillcrest Fitness Center http://www.heritagefamilyservices.org Chris Bousum, Director ADOPTION AGENCY 1265 S. Utica, Ste. 200 (918) 493-2500 HMG Engineering, Ltd. Ying Wang Gay, President 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 3300 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.hmg-engineering.com ENGINEERS Tulsa, OK 74104 HOA Management, Inc. (918) 493-1765 http://www.hillcrest.com/help/ Kim Justilian, President Heritage Sales & Marketing, Inc. (918) 342-0504 HEALTH/WELLNESS CLINIC 1818 E. 66th St. Sandra Moates, Co-Owner Tulsa, OK 74136 9355 Colonial Dr. http://www.hoa-management-inc.com Hillcrest HealthCare System Claremore, OK 74019 ASSOCIATIONS (918) 579-1000 Helicomb International, Inc. SALES & MARKETING (918) 835-3999 Kevin Gross, President & CEO William Cole, General Manager 1402 South 69th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.helicomb.com MANUFACTURERS Helmerich & Payne, Inc. (918) 742-5531 Hans Helmerich, President & CEO 1437 S. Boulder Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.hpinc.com ENERGY COMPANIES (918) 834-2200 Hemphill, LLC John Hemphill, President 1350 N. Louisville Ave. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.hemphill.com MANUFACTURERS (918) 625-3141 Herolight M. Scott Deason, Co-Owner 4358 E. 60th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.herolight.com MARKETING Hertz Equipment Rental (918) 622-7150 Todd Russell, Branch Manager 4445 S. Mingo Rd Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.hertzequip.com CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES (918) 508-7000 Hey Mambo Italiano Scott Moore, Owner 114 N. Boston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74103 www.heymamboitaliano.com RESTAURANTS 110 W. 7th St., Ste. 2540 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.hillcrest.com HOSPITALS Hillcrest Medical Center (918) 579-1000 Kevin Gross, Division President & CEO Hillcrest HealthCare System 1120 S. Utica Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.hillcrest.com HOSPITALS Hoffman Printing & Digital Graphics, LLC (918) 682-8341 F. “ Lynn” Hoffman, Owner P. O. Box 1529 Muskogee, 74402-1529 www.hoffmanprinting.com PRINTERS (918) 428-5645 Hoffmeier, Inc. Kermit Hoffmeier, President P. O. Box 3667 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.hoffmeier.com TRUCKING (918) 872-3000 Hilti, Inc. Cary Evert, President Box 21148 (918) 496-1080 HoganTaylor, LLP Randy Nail, CEO Tulsa, OK 74121 6120 South Yale, #1200 http://www.us.hilti.com MANUFACTURERS Tulsa, OK 74136-4242 FINANCIAL SERVICES 28 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 40 3/15/12 8:39 AM HoganTaylor, LLP (918) 745-2333 Randy Nail, CEO 2200 S. Utica Place, Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74114-7000 http://www.hogantaylor.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC Hollisters Monument Co. (918) 341-1566 Kory Hollister, Owner 15806 E. 495 Rd. Claremore, OK 74019 http://www.hollistersmonument.com MONUMENT BUILDERS Home Instead Senior Care (918) 384-0980 Andrew Garrean, Owner 4815 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.homeinstead.com SENIOR CARE (918) 267-4437 Holden’s Drive In Becky Wilson, Co-Owner P. O. Box 521 Beggs, OK 74421 RESTAURANTS (918) 744-4414 Holly Refining & Marketing - Tulsa LLC Homeland #567 (918) 594-6000 Jim Kern, Vice President of Human Resources Tony Conetta, Vice President & Refinery 3139 S. Harvard Manager, Tulsa Refinery Tulsa, OK 74135 P. O. Box 21001 www.homelandstores.com Tulsa, OK 74121-1001 GROCERS - RETAIL http://www.hollycorp.com Holder and Associates, LLC PETROLEUM MARKETERS (918) 282-6160 (918) 241-3748 Homeland #778 Jerry Holder, Manager 4305 E. 87th St. Tulsa, OK 74137 BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES (918) 663-8660 Holder Security Linda Holder, Owner 7027 E. 40th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.holdersecurity.com SECURITY SYSTEMS (918) 494-4845 Hollyhock Quilts Glenna Hailey, President 8408 S. 65th E. Pl. Tulsa, OK 74133-4246 http://www.hollyhockquilts.com RETAIL Hollywood Fitness Repair (918) 994-7391 Phyllis Peabody, Owner / CEO P. O. Box 706 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.hollywoodfitnessrepair.com Holiday Inn & Suites Tulsa South FITNESS EQUIPMENT SALES (918) 994-5000 Jim Mullen, General Manager 10020 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.holidayinn.com/tulsasouth HOTELS Holiday Inn Express & Suites - South (918) 970-6000 Tulsa/Bixby Avinas Nokhai, General Manager 8405 E. 102nd St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.hiexpress.com/tulsabixby HOTELS (918) 367-2533 Holmes Oil Co., LLC Mary Ellen Holmes, 23570 Timber Trail West Bristow, OK 74010-3879 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Holmes Organisation, Inc. (918) 359-6000 Ann Marie Constable, CFO P. O. Box 1440 Tulsa, OK 74101-1440 http://www.theholmesorg.com INSURANCE (918) 830-6343 Holiday Inn Express Central Holston Group LLC Yvonne Hovell, President (918) 665-4242 Terry Studenny, General Manager P. O. Box 470587 3215 South 79th East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74147 Tulsa, OK 74145 REAL ESTATE http://www.hiexpress.com/tulsacentral HOTELS Holy Family Cathedral School Jim Kern, Vice President of Human Resources 4001 S. 97th Hwy. Sand Springs, OK 74063 GROCERS - RETAIL (918) 835-0500 Home-Mart, Inc. Douglas Gorman, President 9516 E. Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.homemart.us MOBILE HOME DEALERS Homevesters (918) 622-8937 Jerrid Horton, Property Manager 1515 E. 15th Street Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.tulsa.homevestors.com REAL ESTATE Hotshots Healthcare, LLC (918) 906-9373 Chad Phillips, 5414 Oak Forest Lane Tulsa, OK 74131 http://www.tulsahotshots.com MEDICAL CLINICS Housing Authority of the City of Tulsa (918) 582-0021 Chea Redditt, President & CEO 415 E. Independence St. Tulsa, OK 74106 http://www.tulsahousing.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 496-4400 Houston Interests, LLC Lauren Houston, Strategic Planner 6846 S. Canton Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.houstoninterests.com HOLDING COMPANIES Howard D. Dunlap, D.M.D., P.C. (918) 481-3256 Howard Dunlap, President/Owner 8988 South Sheridan, Ste. D-1 Tulsa, OK 74137 DENTISTS Howell & Vancuren, Inc. (918) 592-1270 Joe Howell, President 601 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74104-3327 http://www.howellvancuren.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Homewood Suites by Hilton (918) 392-7700 Andy Patel, Owner Howell-Stone Insurance, Inc. 4900 W. Madison Place (405) 216-1213 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Sherri Pryor, Producer www.tulsasouth.homewoodsuites.com P. O. Box 5010 HOTELS Edmond, OK 73083 http://www.howell-stone.com INSURANCE (918) 272-8000 Honeywell-LORI JR Ragsdale, Site Leader P.O. Box 3629 Tulsa, OK 74101-3629 http://www.honeywell.com AIRCRAFT SALES/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE Howerton, Morris, Simpson & Smith, P.L.L.C. (918) 481-5949 Martin Howerton, Owner 8282 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.hmscpas.com (918) 250-1498 Hooters ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC Jennifer Walls, Manager (918) 582-0422 Jay Luetkemeyer, Principal 8108 E. 61st St. Holiday Inn Express East (918) 266-4100 Natalie Maynard, General Manager 820 S. Boulder Tulsa, OK 74133 HP Enterprise Services (918) 939-4366 18725 E. Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.hooters.com Wesley Mitchell, Director, U.S. Central Hub Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.holyfamily-tulsa.org RESTAURANTS Data Center HOTELS SCHOOLS 4000 North Mingo Road, MD 396 Tulsa, OK 74116 (918) 381-0036 Hope Oil Inc. http://www.eds.com Buddy Maybee, Owner Holiday Inn Tulsa City Center Home Builders Association of Greater INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (918) 585-5898 (918) 663-5820 9340 N. Birmingham Tulsa Shannon Penner, General Manager 17 W. 7th St. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.holidayinn.com/tulsa-cc HOTELS Paul Kane, Executive V. P. 11545 E. 43rd St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.tulsahba.com ASSOCIATIONS (918) 481-1111 Holland Hall John Marshall, Head of School 5666 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.hollandhall.org SCHOOLS - PRIVATE (918) 355-4995 Home Creations Deb Karstens, Community Manager - Realtor 3325 E. Emmitsburg Place Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.homecreations.com HOME BUILDERS Sperry, OK 74073 OIL COMPANY HRB Consultants (918) 630-7401 Kent Williams, Principal Consultant 1811 S Baltimore, Suite 201 Horizon Business Concepts, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 355-3469 http://www.hrb-links.com Leann Lehmann, President HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT 721 W. Queens St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012-1767 http://www.totalfbo.com SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Hubbard Family Medicine (918) 576-1207 Rebecca Hubbard, Office Manager 12700 Country Ridge Lane Claremore, OK 74019 Horizon Underground, LLC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (918) 267-4866 Matt Cooperrider, Partner Holliday American Mortgage Home Finders Leasing & Management Inc. (918) 492-1707 (918) 665-0212 P. O. Box 1012 Treak Tasker, President Ken Cook, Owner Glenpool, OK 74033 8023 East 63rd Place, Ste. 525 5321 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 30 http://www.horizonunderground.com Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74145-7509 CONTRACTOR - EXCAVATING http://www.hollidaymortgage.com http://www.homes-tulsa.com MORTGAGE SERVICE REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Huddleston Insurance (405) 843-1615 Ron Huddleston, Agent/Owner 3837 NW 67th Oklahoma City, OK 73116 INSURANCE 29 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 41 3/15/12 8:39 AM Huffman & Thomas P. A. (918) 764-9824 Larry Thomas, Owner 7107 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 276 Tulsa, OK 74136 ATTORNEYS Hyde Design (918) 323-8441 Laura Hyde, Graphic Design 301 E. Roy St., #68 Seattle, 98102 GRAPHIC DESIGN Hughes Lumber Co. (918) 266-9140 Thomas Hughes, Chairman Box 2220 Tulsa, OK 741012220 http://www.hugheslumber.net BUILDING MATERIALS Hydrant Repair Parts (918) 224-8713 Debi Golden, Owner 7900 New Sapulpa Road Tulsa, OK 74131-3239 MANUFACTURERS Hughes Training and Development (918) 605-4577 Solutions Steve Hughes, Managing Partner 321 N. Hemlock Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.hughestrainingsolutions.com TRAINING SERVICES (918) 296-0202 Hytorc Central Rocky Fisher, Owner 302 W. A St. Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.hytorccentral.com HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES I IBC Bank (918) 497-2458 Marilyn Colbert, Branch Manager 911 E. Taft St. Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.ibc.com BANKS IC of Oklahoma, LLC (918) 833-4000 Red Smith, H.R. Manager 2322 N. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74116-1218 http://www.nav-international.com MANUFACTURERS (918) 497-2459 IBC Bank Rhonda Bridges, Branch Manager 3402 S. Highway 97 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.ibc.com BANKS (918) 249-3555 Ican Energy Company Carroll Brooks, General Manager 7229 S. 85th E. Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74133 PETROLEUM MARKETERS (918) 497-2492 IBC Bank Tiffany Drumm, Branch Manager 6412 S. Elm Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.ibc.com BANKS Hughes-Anderson Heat Exchangers, Inc. IBC Bank (918) 497-2810 I 4 Systems, Inc. (918) 720-6444 (918) 836-1681 Branch Manager , Brigan Sitton, Monte Stewart, President 2808 E. 101st St. 8310 Shadowood Ave. 1001 N. Fulton Tulsa, OK 74137 Broken Arrow, OK 74011-8283 Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.ibc.com ENGINEERS http://www.hughesanderson.com BANKS HEAT EXCHANGERS (918) 582-5592 i2E IBC Bank (918) 497-2812 Tom Walker, CEO & President (918) 477-9357 Jonathan Danaher, Branch Manager Humana, Inc. Two West Second Street, Suite 210 Tracy Dukes, 7021 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 269 Tulsa, OK 74103 7104 S. Sheridan, Ste. 10A Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.i2e.org Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.ibc.com TECHNOLOGY & BUSINESS CONSULTING http://www.humana.com BANKS INSURANCE (918) 497-2400 IBC Bank (918) 497-2835 IBC Bank William Schonacher, President Tulsa Region Branch Manager , Humphrey Associates, Inc. (918) 584-4774 2250 E. 73rd St., Ste. 200 Jim Humphrey, President 9350 N. Garnett Rd. Tulsa, OK 74136 233 S. Detroit, Ste. 201 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.ibc.com Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.ibc.com BANKS http://www.humphreyad.com BANKS ADVERTISING AGENCIES (918) 497-2449 IBC Bank (918) 497-2840 IBC Bank , Branch Manager (918) 277-4868 Luke Lawson, Branch Manager Hunt PR 1 E. 5th St. Liz Hunt, CEO 8112 S. Garnett Rd. Tulsa, OK 74103 1144 S. Newport Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.ibc.com Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.ibc.com BANKS MARKETING BANKS (918) 794-0777 Hunter & Hunter, LLC Dirk Hunter, Partner 420 S. Main, Ste. 205 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.theinsurancecrew.com INSURANCE IBC Bank (918) 497-2452 Brooke Battles, Area Sales Manager / Assistant VP 1951 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.ibc.com BANKS Huntington Learning Center (918) 497-2453 IBC Bank (918) 250-2565 Ryan Thompson, Branch Manager Brian Younger, Owner 5302 E. Skelly Dr. 7116 S. Mingo, Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.ibc.com http://tulsa-se.huntingtonlearning.com/ BANKS TUTORING (918) 497-2880 IBC Bank Peter Velazquez, Branch Manager 4202 S. Garnett Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.ibc.com BANKS (918) 497-2857 IBC Bank Adam Sanders, Branch Manager 11886 S. Memorial Dr. Bixby, OK 74008 BANKS (918) 925-6756 IBM Corp. Gary Provine, Service Delivery Executive (918) 497-2454 IBC Bank Hyatt Place Tulsa/Southern Hills 521 S. Boston, North 1339 Paula Payne, Branch Manager (918) 491-4010 Tulsa, OK 74103 8202 E. 71st St. Tonnie Wainscott, General Manager http://www.ibm.com Tulsa, OK 74133 7037 S. Zurich BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES http://www.ibc.com Tulsa, OK 74136 BANKS http://www.hyattplace.com (918) 833-4000 IC of Oklahoma, LLC HOTELS Grant Pick, Plant Manager (918) 497-2457 IBC Bank 2322 N. Mingo Rd. Janice Barnes, Branch Manager (918) 582-9000 Tulsa, OK 74116-1218 Hyatt Regency Tulsa 800 E. Charles Page Blvd. Jeff Keeley, General Manager http://www.nav-international.com Sand Springs, OK 74063 100 East 2nd St. MANUFACTURERS http://www.ibc.com Tulsa, OK 74103 BANKS http://www.tulsa.hyatt.com HOTELS ICON Technology Solutions, LLC (918) 409-2276 Neil Twa, President P. O. Box 470432 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.icontsi.com TECHNOLOGY & BUSINESS CONSULTING ICS Coachworks, Inc. (918) 663-0427 Al Hernandez, Owner 8158 E. 44th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 AUTO BODY REPAIR/PAINTING Ida Red (918) 949-6950 Alice Rodgers, Owner 3346 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 RETAIL Ident-a-Kid Services of America (918) 340-4544 Kim Tredeau, Program Director 1216 E. Kenosha, #273 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.identakid.com EDUCATION - CHILD SAFETY (918) 640-9519 IDL Ballroom Tom Green, Owner/Partner 230 E. 1st St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.idlballroom.com EVENT FACILITY (918) 587-2566 Ihloff Salon & Day Spa Marilyn Ihloff, Owner 1876 Utica Square #1-A Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.ihloffspa.com SPA SERVICES (918) 587-2566 Ihloff Salon & Day Spa Marilyn Ihloff, Owner 8343 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.ihloffspa.com SALON - FULL SERVICE (918) 254-2277 IHOP Natalie Hernandez, Area Manager 11020 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 RESTAURANTS (918) 621-4467 IHOP #1488 Alberto Miranda, 3130 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.ihop.com/ RESTAURANTS (918) 254-2277 IHOP #1496 Khurram Pervaiz, 11020 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.ihop.com/ RESTAURANTS 30 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 42 3/15/12 8:39 AM IHOP #3131 (918) 355-5300 Candace Wolf, General Manager 1901 E. Hillside Dr. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.ihop.com/ RESTAURANTS Imperial Properties, Inc. (918) 665-2700 David Hall, President 6130 E. 32nd Street, Ste. 108 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.imperialproperties.com REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Industrial Solutions, Inc. (918) 280-9051 Gerry Raubach, President 10404 E. 55th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.isiworld.net MANUFACTURING CONSULTANTS Insurance Services (800) 599-5641 Cheryl Drake, Owner P. O. Box 905 Safety Harbor, FL 34695 http://www.cheryldrake.com INSURANCE (918) 609-6226 IHOP #3201 Joe Hunsberger, General Manager 9005 N. 121st E. Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.ihop.com/ RESTAURANTS Impson Enterprises, LLC (918) 494-2929 Jack Impson, 2250 E. 73rd St., Ste. 650 Tulsa, OK 74136 INSURANCE (918) 392-0800 Infinity Care of Tulsa Deborah Brazeal, CEO 6914 S. Yorktown, Ste. 115 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.infinitycare.com HOSPICE SERVICES (918) 344-2279 Insurance Services Nancy Shahadi, Sole Proprietor 3727 S. Utica Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS (918) 296-9625 IHOP #3282 Mario Luna, General Manager 12101 S. Waco Ave. Glenpool, OK 74066 http://www.ihop.com/ RESTAURANTS (918) 299-9112 IMWell Health, LLC Justin Tomberlin, Director of Business Development 616 S. 17th St. Fort Smith, AR 72901 http://www.imwhealth.com MEDICAL CLINICS (918) 652-4402 Inglish & Gaither, PC Luke Gaither, P. O. Box 1090 Henryetta, OK 74437-1090 ATTORNEYS IHOP #3325 (918) 419-2015 Tom Vaughn, General Manager 101 S. Hwy 97 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.ihop.com/ RESTAURANTS In The Raw (918) 744-1300 Greg Hughes, Owner 3321 South Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.intherawsushi.com RESTAURANTS IHOP #3344 (918) 739-3055 Jorge Hernandez, General Manager 2020 S. Cherokee St. Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.ihop.com/ RESTAURANTS In the Raw on the Hill (918) 524-0063 Becky Archer, General Manager 6151 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.intherawsushi.com RESTAURANTS Ingram, Blevins, Roberson, Knight, Inc. (918) 743-4332 Integrated Business Technologies (IBT) David Roberson, (918) 770-8738 4137 South Harvard Avenue, Ste. E Eric Kehmeier, Managing Partner Tulsa, OK 74135-2607 P. O. Box 470921 REAL ESTATE - APPRAISERS Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.IBTsupport.com COMPUTER NETWORKING Initially Yours, Inc. (918) 832-9889 (918) 955-7467 I’m Delivered Patrick Cuningkin, Owner 1720 E. 67th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.955shop.com DELIVERY SERVICE (918) 794-9239 in2vate, llc Julian Brewer, Director of Marketing 321 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.in2vate.com MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS IMAX Worldwide Imports (918) 665-7715 Al Bulak, President & Owner P. O. Box 472188 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.imaxcorp.com WHOLESALER (918) 392-7873 Inner Peace Yoga Meghan Donnelly, Owner / Instructor (918) 584-7526 INCOG Richard Brierre, Executive Director 7718 E. 91st St. S., Ste. 160 2 W. 2nd St., Ste. 800 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74103-3123 http://www.innerpeaceyogatulsa.com http://www.incog.org FITNESS CENTER ORGANIZATIONS (918) 665-4678 Impact Collision Doug Martin, Owner 8117 E. 46th Street Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.impact-collision.com AUTO BODY REPAIR/PAINTING Ewald Kempa, 1539 North 105th East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.initiallyyours.com PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS (918) 712-9770 Inn at Woodward Park Janet Mobbs, Innkeeper 1521 E. 21st Street Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.innatwoodwardpark.com BED & BREAKFAST INN Integrated Benefits of Oklahoma (918) 459-7706 Thom Bowen, Owner 7633 E. 63rd Place. Ste. 450 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.intbenok.com EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS Integrated Health Care Informatics (405) 824-7804 Faron Moore, Owner P. O. Box 491 Coweta, OK 74429 http://www.ihinfo.com COMPUTER SYSTEMS - CONSULTING Integrated Insurance Services Inc. (918) 825-8400 John Hawkins, President P. O. Box 866 Pryor, OK 74362 http://www.insure-iis.com INSURANCE Integrated Lighting Systems, Inc. (918) 523-9400 Rob Boltinghouse, President & CEO 9309 South Toledo Avenue, Suite A Innovative Family Medicine Tulsa, OK 74137 (918) 485-0091 Indian Health Care Resource Center http://www.integratedlighting.com Jillian Riggs, DO (918) 588-1900 LIGHTING SYSTEMS Carmelita Skeeter, CEO 1202 W. Cherokee, #D 550 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74120-3825 http://www.ihcrc.org MEDICAL CLINICS Wagoner, OK 0 MEDICAL CLINICS 5801 E. 41st St., Ste. 603 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.iaccok.org CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INVESTMENTS Sam Huckaby, President 6767 East Virgin Street Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.ico-inc.com ELECTRIC COMPANIES https://www.insurancedesignersofoklahoma. com INSURANCE Integrated Lock & Security Systems (918) 232-3436 Vince Blocker, Owner 1239 W. 111th Street Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.ilssystems.com SECURITY SYSTEMS Insight International Inc. (918) 493-1718 John Mason, President Impact Engineering & Planning, PLC (918) 376-4294 4739 E. 91st St., Ste. 210 Indian Springs Country Club Kevin Vanover, Principal (918) 455-7431 Tulsa, OK 74137 Franki Gibbs, Membership Director 109 N. Birch, Ste. 200 http://www.freshword.com Owasso, OK 74055 16006 E. 131st St. South PUBLISHERS http://www.impact-eng.net Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Integrated Technology Solutions ENGINEERS - CIVIL http://www.indianspringsclub.com (918) 748-9846 Insurance and Investment Brokerage, Inc. GOLF COURSES - PRIVATE Terry Anderson, Managing Partner (918) 585-2223 P. O. Box 701594 (918) 286-6816 Tom Alley, Managing Partner Impact Tactical Airsoft Tulsa, OK 74170-1594 Adam Armstrong, Owner 2727 E. 21st St., Ste. 600 Indo-American Chamber of Commerce of http://www.its-systems.com (918) 408-7108 P. O. Box 953 Tulsa, OK 74114 Oklahoma INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Hema Kumar, Executive Director Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.iaibrokerage.com http://www.ITAirsoft.com SPORTING GOODS - RETAIL Impact Technologies, LLC (918) 627-8035 Pat Oglesby, Vice President P.O. Box 35505 Tulsa, OK 74153 TECHNOLOGY & BUSINESS CONSULTING Integrity Donations (918) 496-9009 Vyrl Pember, President & Owner Insurance Designers of Oklahoma 8242 S. Harvard, Ste. F (918) 664-6394 Tulsa, OK 74137 Shawn Byerly, Marketing http://www.integritydonations.com 1560 E. 21st St.., Ste. 200 Industrial Controls of Oklahoma CREDIT CARD SERVICE (918) 834-2770 Tulsa, OK 74114 31 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 43 3/15/12 8:39 AM intelliAd Media (918) 574-8740 Jochen Talmon, CEO 427 S. Boston Ave., #517 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.intelliad.com/home.html INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES Ion Solar, LLC (918) 630-0646 Todd Stephens, Principal 1728 S. Carson Ave., Ste. 2-382 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.ion-solar.com SOLAR ENERGY EQUIPMENT SYSTEMS J.D. Young Company (918) 582-9955 Doug Stuart, President P. O. Box 3368 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.jdyoung.com OFFICE EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLIES International Chemical Co. (918) 496-7711 Gene Graves, CFO 1887 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.ictulsa.com CHEMICALS - WHOLESALE/DIST. Irving Productions, Inc. (918) 744-1221 Dick Schmitz, President 3202 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74114-1811 http://www.irvingproductions.com AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION Jack Arnold Companies (918) 494-2730 John Arnold, Owner 7310 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136-7002 http://www.jackarnold.com ARCHITECTS International Council for Machinery (918) 259-2950 Lubrication, Inc. Rosania Kloss, Executive Administrator 2208 W. Detroit St., Ste. 205/206 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Isocentric Networks, Inc. (918) 858-9500 Scott Phillips, President 100 W. 5th Street, Ste. 705 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.isocentric.com WEBSITE HOSTING/SERVICE CO-LOCATION Jackie Cooper Imports of Tulsa, LLC (918) 249-9393 Greg Kach, General Mgr./Owner James, Potts & Wulfers, Inc. (918) 584-0881 9393 S. Memorial Dr. David Wulfers, Attorney Tulsa, OK 74133-4335 http://www.jackiecooperimports.com 2600 Mid-Continent Tower, 401 S. Boston AUTO DEALERS Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.jpwlaw.com ATTORNEYS Jackson Technical (918) 585-8324 International Insurance Brokers Ltd., LLC ITT Technical Institute (918) 615-3900 (918) 592-4200 Karen Selby, Director Becky Bannon, 8421 E. 61st St., Ste. U P. O. Box 35487 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74153-0487 http://www.itt-tech.edu http://www.iibLtd.com SCHOOLS - PRIVATE INSURANCE J Tim Jackson, Owner 427 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 1010 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.jacksontechnical.com COMPUTER SALES - SERVICE & NETWORKING International Stone Solutions (918) 872-9513 J J J R Enterprises, LLC (918) 341-5804 Marcos Moreno, Owner Tim Romaine, 10918 E. 2nd St. 625 W. Will Rogers Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74128 Claremore, OK 74017 BUILDING MATERIALS TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS Jacobi Kelley Search, LLC (918) 496-9192 Chris Jacobi, President 7030 S. Yale, Suite 504 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.jacobikelley.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES International Trucking Network, Inc. J. Chris White, Inc. (918) 492-1100 (918) 283-2100 J. Chris White, Principal Petra Ketcher, Vice President 5314 South Yale Ave., Ste. 400 P. O. Box 2423 Tulsa, OK 74135-6271 Claremore, OK 74018 http://www.corporateperformancegroup.com TRUCKING MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS (918) 592-3904 Jacobs Engineering Doug Duke, Office Manager 403 S. Cheyenne Ave., Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.jacobs.com ENGINEERS (918) 446-1600 Interstate Inn Jay Patel, Owner/Manager 5554 S. 48th W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 HOTELS (918) 526-2405 Jaguar Tulsa Bill Knight, President 9607 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.billknightauto.com AUTO DEALERS (918) 948-9410 Interworks Inc. Staci Bejcek, Director of Operations 1425 S. Sangre Rd. Stillwater, OK 74074 http://www.interworks.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (918) 481-9988 Inverness Village Scott Bushong, Executive Director 3800 W. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74132-2117 http://www.invernessvillage.com RETIREMENT CENTER J. D. Phillips & Associates (918) 740-9770 Jason Phillips, President 251 Seneca Drive Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.jdphillipsassociates.com 3D TECHNOLOGY J. Hale & Associates, LLC (918) 439-1990 Jeremiah Hale, Owner/President P. O. Box 581741 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.insuranceoklahoma.net INSURANCE J. R. Hays, CPA (918) 749-2152 James Hays, Owner - CPA 2223 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 20 Tulsa, OK 74105 ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC James & Associates (918) 492-1921 Clark James, Partner P. O. Box 701530 Tulsa, OK 74170-1530 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS James R. Gotwals & Assoc. Inc. (918) 599-7088 James Gotwals, Attorney 525 S. Main, Suite 1130 Tulsa, OK 74103-4512 http://www.jrgotlaw.com ATTORNEYS James Shirley Management Consultants, (918) 830-5927 Inc. James Shirley, President 1811 S. Baltimore Ave., Ste. 202 Tulsa, OK 74119-5215 http://www.jsmgmt.com MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Jana Pitt Insurance Agency, Inc. (405) 601-0184 Jana Pitt, Owner P.O. Box 23872 Oklahoma City, OK 73123 INSURANCE (918) 627-4475 Jani-King of Tulsa Shannon Wells, 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.janiking.com JANITORIAL SERVICE (918) 599-8001 Jan-Pro of Tulsa Jeff Parks, Business Relations Manager 1516 South Boston Ave Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.jan-pro.com/tulsa JANITORIAL SERVICE Jarvis Trust Holdings, LLC (918) 231-8806 Jim Jarvis, Owner 1711 N. Gilcrease Museum Rd. Tulsa, OK 74127 INVESTMENTS (918) 252-9999 Jason’s Deli Monte Harrison, Owner 8321 M East 61st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.jasonsdeli.com RESTAURANTS James E. McNellie’s Public House (918) 382-7468 Elliot Nelson, Owner (918) 627-4381 Jatasco, Inc. Charles De Boer, Outside Sales P.O. Box 3301 Tulsa, OK 74101 P. O. Box 470428 http://www.mcnellies.com Tulsa, OK 74147 RESTAURANTS http://www.jatasco.com DISTRIBUTORS Investment Designers of Tulsa (918) 812-1230 J. T. Power LLC (918) 747-6446 (918) 336-4132 James M Elias, PC Tracy Todd, Co-Owner Gordon Robinson, President James Elias, President 8918 E. 74th St. 3314 E. 51st St., Ste. S P. O. Box 1066 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74135 Bartlesville, OK 74005 OIL & GAS SERVICES http://www.idtulsa.com ATTORNEYS FINANCIAL SERVICES J. Wade, M.D. - Neurology, PC James R. Campbell, D. O. (918) 251-1391 (918) 587-5100 Colleen Garland, Office Manager InVia Pavement Technologies, LLC J. Wade, (918) 528-3399 500 S. Elm Pl. P. O. Box 2169 David Reynolds, CFO Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74101 1540 N. 107th E. Ave. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS PHYSICIAN - NEUROLOGIST Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.majeskaassociates.com PAVING MATERIAL WHOLESALE & MANUFACTURERS Java Dave’s Executive Coffee Service (918) 836-5570 Dave Neighbors, President P. O. Box 581238 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.javadavescoffee.com COFFEE SPECIALTY (918) 492-0106 Jay & Associates, P.C. Neil Jay, Managing Shareholder 4312 E. 51st Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.jay-cpa.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC 32 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 44 3/15/12 8:39 AM JCPenney - Promenade Mall Jenks Health Team, LLC (918) 299-9447 (918) 627-8500 Susan Shaw, Ron Kise, Store Manager 715 W. Main St., Ste. S 4101 S. Yale Ave. Jenks, OK 74037-3553 Tulsa, OK 74135 MEDICAL CLINICS DEPARTMENT STORES JCPenney - Woodland Hills Gary Rowlett, Store Manager 6931 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74133 DEPARTMENT STORES (918) 252-7525 (918) 289-5443 JDV Properties, LLC James VanDuker, Owner/Manager 8240 S. 72nd East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT (918) 663-4211 Jeanmarie Creations Darrell Whited, Director of Finance/ Administration P. O. Box 471130 Tulsa, OK 74147 WHOLESALER (918) 712-7900 Jeanne M. Edwards, PC Jeanne Edwards, 1717 B S. Utica, Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74104 PHYSICIAN - NEUROLOGIST Jeeves Corporation, Inc. (918) 671-6791 Daniel Snow, Owner/Partner 4835 E. 114th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74137 BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES (918) 299-3580 Jeff C. Neal, Inc. Jeff Neal, President 2651 E. 21st St., Ste. 304 Tulsa, OK 74114 TRAVEL & SPORTS HUNTING (918) 665-2663 Jeff R. Johnson, Inc. Jeff Johnson, President 5801 E. 41st St., Ste. 601 Tulsa, OK 74135 INSURANCE (918) 625-9383 Jeff Wilkie Consulting Jeff Wilkie, President & CEO 5707 S. New Haven Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 www.jeffwilkieconsulting.com HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT (918) 695-5352 Jeffrey D. Stoermer, PC Jeffrey Stoermer, President P. O. Box 470982 Tulsa, OK 74147 LEGAL SERVICES (918) 808-6470 Jemoca, LLC Jennifer Palmer, Owner/Designer 2000 W. Detroit, Ste. A Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.jemoca.com JEWELRY & ACCESSORIES Jessee Agency Inc. (918) 492-5396 Bud Jessee, Multi-Line General Agent 7131 S. Braden Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.ANPAC.com INSURANCE Jewish Federation of Tulsa (918) 495-1100 Drew Diamond, Executive Director 2021 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.jewishtulsa.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 747-0118 Jim Davies Design Jim Davies, 4622 S. Knoxville Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 ADVERTISING AGENCIES (918) 250-6888 Jim Norton Toyota Mark St. John, Manager 9809 South Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.jimnortontoyota.com AUTO DEALERS (918) 459-3847 Jim Rackleff Co., Inc. Jim Rackleff, President 8022 S. Memorial Dr., Room 202 Tulsa, OK 74133 CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES (918) 582-8206 Jim Ruley & Co., Inc. Jim Ruley, President 5727 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 420 Tulsa, OK 74105 INSURANCE (918) 838-0164 Jimco Masonry, LLC Jill Norrid, Partner 4916 E. Haskell St. Tulsa, OK 74115 MASONRY 1931 S. Yale Ave. Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.jimmyjohns.com RESTAURANTS Joe Cooper Ford of Tulsa (918) 346-6500 Kip Karn, Manager 3400 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.joecooperford.com AUTO DEALERS Joe West Company (918) 660-0090 Tim Driskill, President P. O. Box 52628 Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.joewestcompany.com INSURANCE (918) 298-7010 Johnny Carino’s Doug Aldridge, Manager 9718 S. Riverside Drive Tulsa, OK 74137-7397 http://www.carinos.com RESTAURANTS Johnny Carino’s Country Italian Restaurant (918) 270-2000 Jordan Parks, General Manager 6364 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.carinos.com RESTAURANTS JoeHenry Management Company, LLC Johnny Carr Grading and Bulldozing (918) 496-2292 (918) 321-9556 Jeff Hamra, Manager Judy Carr, 4512 E. 51st St., Ste. A P. O. Box 665 Tulsa, OK 74135 Kiefer, OK 74041 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - COMMERCIAL BULLDOZING John Christner Trucking Inc. Johnson & Jones, P.C. (918) 584-6644 (918) 227-6641 Randy Shorb, Attorney Daniel Christner, Vice President/C.O.O. 2200 Bank of America Center, 15 West Six P. O. Box 1900 Tulsa, OK 74119 Sapulpa, OK 74067 www.johnson-jones.com TRUCKING ATTORNEYS (918) 712-5566 John Daniel Footwear Dan Parker, Co-Owner 1760 Utica Square Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.johndanielfootwear.com SHOES - RETAIL (918) 488-8753 John P. Flusche, CPA John Flusche, Owner 6851 S. Canton Tulsa, OK 74136 ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC Jimmy Lee’s Fitness & Wellness (918) 369-9601 Jimmy Lee Miley, Owner (918) 640-6800 John Sanford Architect John Sanford, Architect 11021 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 9726 E. 42nd St., Ste. 153 http://www.jimmyleestotalfitness.com Tulsa, OK 74136 FITNESS CENTER ARCHITECTS (918) 855-9849 JNT Properties LLC Jeff Stumpff, 14705 E. 150th St. North Collinsville, OK 74021-2031 REAL ESTATE John Winblad Agency (405) 751-6636 John Winblad, President 11212 N. May Ave., Ste. 305 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 INSURANCE John Zink Company, LLC (918) 234-1800 (918) 398-7593 Jim Goodman, President/CEO JoCo Marianne Johnson, Owner P. O. Box 21220 427 S. Boston Ave., #12C Tulsa, OK 0 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.johnzink.com http://www.jocotulsa.com ENGINEERING - ENVIRONMENTAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (918) 809-6930 John Haste John Haste, Vice President 6609 E. Broadway Street Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches Broken Arrow, OK 74014 (918) 935-3400 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP Ron Tapley, Owner (918) 830-5419 JNT Investments, LLC Jim Thomas, President P. O. Box 471320 Tulsa, OK 74147 Jenks Chamber of Commerce INVESTMENTS (918) 299-5005 Josh Driskell, President P.O. Box 902 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.jenkschamber.com CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Joan’s Print Shop, Inc. (918) 624-5858 Cindy Llewellyn, Partner 9706 E. 55th Pl., Box F11 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.joansprintshop.com PRINTERS John Turk Construction (918) 550-9017 John Turk, Owner 614 E Huntsville Pl Broken Arrow, OK 74011 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Johnson Straight Chiropractic Center (918) 747-5100 Karen Johnson, Office Manager 2140 South Harvard Ave., Ste. 111 Tulsa, OK 74114-1958 CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS Jolley Chiropractic & Wellness Practice, PLLC (918) 394-9400 Luke Jolley, Owner 12345 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 111 Bixby, OK 74008-2570 http://www.jolleychiro.com CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS Jolley Plumbing, L.L.C. (918) 396-2144 James Larry Jolley, 1635 E. 168th St. North Skiatook, OK 74071 PLUMBING - COML/INDUST/RESIDENTIAL Jon B. Petersen Photography, Inc. (918) 585-2509 Jon Petersen, Owner 29202 E. 24th St. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.jonpetersenphotography.com PHOTOGRAPHY Jonathan E. Gibson - State Farm Insurance Agent (918) 382-5717 Jonathan Gibson, John Vaughan Library/NSU 205 E. Pine, Ste. 102 (918) 456-5511 Tulsa, OK 74106 Harriett Hobbs, Acquisitions Librarian http://www.jonathangibson.org 711 N. Grand Avenue INSURANCE Tahlequah, OK 74464 http://www.nsuok.edu/jvl LIBRARIES 33 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 45 3/15/12 8:39 AM Jones, Gotcher & Bogan (918) 581-8200 James Weger, President 15 East 5th Street, Ste. 3800 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.jonesgotcher.com ATTORNEYS JPMorgan Chase (918) 293-4350 Kathy Carter, Branch Manager 2070 Utica Square Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.chase.com/ BANKS Jump Technology Services (918) 624-5867 Denise Brinkmeyer, President & CEO 6528 E. 101st Street, Suite D-1, PMB# 41 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.JUMPTechnology.com SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT (405) 840-3201 Jordan Associates, Inc. Rhonda Hooper, Owner 3111 Quail Springs Parkway, Ste. 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73134 http://www.jordanet.com ADVERTISING AGENCIES (918) 296-2050 JPMorgan Chase Rachel Dean, Branch Manager 700 West Main Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.chase.com/ BANKS Junior Achievement of Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 663-2150 Shannan Beeler, President (918) 494-0000 Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. H. G. Kleemeier, CEO & President 3947 S. 103rd E. Ave Tulsa, OK 74146 P. O. Box 21468 http://oklahoma.ja.org Tulsa, OK 74121 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OIL & GAS PRODUCTION (918) 430-2000 Jordan Land & Investments, LLC JPMorgan Chase (918) 808-8611 Tarrell Knauls, Branch Manager Susie Medcalf, Manager 601 E. Apache 2209 W. Vicksburg Tulsa, OK 74106 Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.chase.com/ REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT BANKS Jordan Plaza, Inc. (918) 584-8939 Pam Cotner, Managing Agent 630 E. Oklahoma Tulsa, OK 74106-4824 APARTMENT COMPLEX JPMorgan Chase (918) 451-3560 701 West New Orleans Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.chase.com/ BANKS Joseph A. Bank (918) 749-2604 Rick Rickman, Manager 1744 Utica Square Tulsa, OK 74114 www.josbank.com CLOTHING - RETAIL JPMorgan Chase (918) 499-5500 Branch Manager, 6660 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.chase.com/ BANKS (918) 586-1000 Joshi Technologies International, Inc. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (918) 665-6419 David Page, Market President for Eastern S. D. Joshi, President Oklahoma 5801 E. 41st St., Suite 603 15 E. 5th St., 4th Floor Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.joshioilandgas.com http://www.chase.com ENGINEERS - PETROLEUM BANKS (918) 394-3030 Journey House Travel Services Inc JR Donelson, Inc. (918) 524-5249 Joe Donelson, Donna Powers, Manager 8410 E. 111th St. South 2200 S Utica Pl, Ste 220 Bixby, OK 74008 Tulsa, OK 74114 jrdonelsoninc.com http://www.journeyhouse.com ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES TRAVEL AGENCIES JPMorgan Chase (918) 249-4310 Branch Manager, 7837 E. 91st St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.chase.com/ BANKS (918) 280-7900 JPMorgan Chase Pat Tillotson, Branch Manager 4101 S. Garnett Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.chase.com/ BANKS (918) 280-7950 JPMorgan Chase Nikki Royce, Branch Manager 5307 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.chase.com/ BANKS (918) 293-4300 JPMorgan Chase Adam Pehrson, Branch Manager 6140 S. Lewis Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.chase.com/ BANKS Kaiser Rehabilitation Center (918) 579-7100 Michael Mages, Administrative Director of Rehab Therapy Services 1125 S. Trenton Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.kaiserrehab.com HOSPITALS (918) 581-3300 Juniper Restaurant & Martini Lounge Kanbar Properties Lisa Brandes, Vice President (918) 794-1090 Justin Thompson, Owner 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 2400 324 E. 3rd St. Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.kanbarproperties.com http://www.junipertulsa.com REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL RESTAURANTS Kantor Oil Company, LLC (918) 583-6412 Just Between Friends Franchise System, Jon Kantor, Manager (918) 902-5673 Inc. 15 W. 6th St., Ste. 2601 Shannon Wilburn, President / Co-Founder Tulsa, OK 74119 325 N. Butternut Pl. OIL & GAS PRODUCTION Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.jbfsale.com Karimian & Associates (918) 388-2003 CONSIGNMENT CLOTHING Sylvia Karimian, Senior Financial Advisor (918) 794-8368 Just Camp Mike Lassman, President 1209 S. Frankfort Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.justcamp.com RETAIL 7712 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 240 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.sylviakarimian.com FINANCIAL SERVICES Katherine Investments, Inc. (918) 369-1658 Robert Brusso, 11613 S. 100th E. Ave. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (918) 481-5807 Bixby, OK 74008 Nikki DeFalco, Executive Director PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - COMMERCIAL 601 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 1300 Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 794-4202 Kathy C. Carleton, LLC http://www.jdrf.org Kathy Carleton, Sr. Financial Advisor NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 4765 E. 91st St., Ste. 150 Tulsa, OK 74137 JW’s Protech Auto Repair LLC FINANCIAL SERVICES (918) 227-0666 Jeff Weller, (918) 496-9336 KBEZ & Khits Radio 1107 E. Moman Ave. (918) 266-5839 Jon Phillips, General Manager JRS, Inc. Sapulpa, OK 74066 Michah Staires, President 7030 S. Yale, #711 AUTO REPAIR 24977 S. Keetonville Road Tulsa, OK 74136 Catoosa, OK 74015-3401 http://www.kbez.com CABLING BROADCASTING - RADIO (918) 865-3457 JST Investments Stacy Moore, Vice President P. O. Box 1010 Mannford, OK 74044 REAL ESTATE K K. E. Wilson, LLC (918) 607-0317 Kevin Wilson, Owner 2737 E. 26th Place Tulsa, OK 74114 DISTRIBUTORS Julie Greenwood Photography, LLC K. Renee’s Uniform Closet (918) 627-3341 (918) 488-9535 Bryan Schooley, General Manager Julie Greenwood, Co-Owner & President 5557 E. 41st St. 3424 E. 62nd Street Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.uniformcloset.com http://www.luckydogpokerart.com UNIFORMS PHOTOGRAPHY (918) 277-9273 Julie Paul Design Jeff Paul, 15126 E. 100th St. North Owasso, OK 74055-4829 INTERIOR DESIGN K.C. Auto Repair, Inc. (918) 747-8435 Kelly Clifton, Owner 6105 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74114 AUTO REPAIR (918) 299-3210 K12, Inc. Alissa Olden, Local Development Manager 504 E. Comanche Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.k12.com/ovca SCHOOLS Keener Oil & Gas Company (918) 587-4154 Dewey Bartlett, President 1648 South Boston, Suite 200 Tulsa, OK 74119-4416 http://www.keeneroil.com OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT (918) 336-0351 Keepsake Candles Karen Ririe, 263 CR 3022 Bartlesville, OK 74003 http://www.keepsakecandles.com GIFT SHOPS Keith D. Robertson Architects A.I.A., PLLC (918) 749-3510 Keith Robertson, Architect 5567 S. Lewis, Ste. 700 Tulsa, OK 74105 ARCHITECTS (918) 267-6290 Keizor’s Farm Joi Keizor, Owner P. O. Box 593 Mounds, OK 74047 FARMING 34 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 46 3/15/12 8:39 AM Keller Williams Realty (918) 496-2252 Sherry Lewis, Broker\Owner 4745 E. 91st, Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.kw.com REAL ESTATE Kincaid Coach Lines (918) 447-3434 Kyle Thorsen, General Manager 1222 W. 37th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.kincaidcoach.com BUS - CHARTER (918) 496-2865 Keller Williams Realty - Jill Fleischner King Investment (918) 406-4661 Sharon King Davis, Co-Owner Jill Fleischner, Realtor 4662 E. 59th Street 2651 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74114 SHOPPING CENTERS http://www.jillsellingtulsa.com REAL ESTATE (918) 744-4270 Kinslow, Keith & Todd (918) 461-0355 Kelly Services, Inc. Jim Fuals, District Manager 6808 S. Memorial, Ste. 202 Tulsa, OK 74133-2032 http://www.kellyservices.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Andrew Kinslow, President 2200 S. Utica Place, Suite 200 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.kktarchitects.com ARCHITECTS KIPP Tulsa College Prep (918) 925-1580 Darius Kirk, Principal Keltech (918) 794-0129 1661 E. Virgin St. Kelsy Eakin, Owner Tulsa, OK 74106 7161 Braden Avenue http://www.kipp.org Tulsa, OK 74136-6302 EDUCATIONAL TRAINING http://www.keltechit.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Kirby-Smith Machinery, Inc. Knock-U-Out Anesthesia, PLLC KWB Oil Property Management, Inc. (918) 810-9156 (918) 583-8300 Jay Wheeler, Owner C. Arnold Brown, President/COO 20 E. 5th St., Ste. 1100 8446 South Kingston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 Tulsa, OK 74103-4439 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS ENGINEERS - PETROLEUM KWHB-TV 47 (918) 254-4701 Konica Minolta Business Solutions (918) 277-4874 Dan Smith, General Manager Susan Crockett, Relationship Manager 8835 South Memorial 9909 S. 74th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.kwhb.com http://www.konicaminolta.us BROADCASTING - TELEVISION OFFICE MACHINE SALES/SERVICE (918) 584-7000 Kool Storage DeeAnn Cokeley, Manager 1125 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.koolstorage.net STORAGE UNITS KOTV / KQCW (918) 732-6000 David Griffin, President 302 S. Frankfort Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.NewsOn6.com BROADCASTING - TELEVISION (918) 438-1700 Bruce Taylor, Tulsa Branch Manager (918) 585-2551 Ken D. Ray, D.D.S., M.S., Inc. KPMG LLP (918) 492-7581 Byron Corwin, Auditing Partner 12321 E. Pine Street Donna Thompson, Office Manager Tulsa, OK 74116 100 West Fifth St., Ste. 310 5010 E. 68th St., Ste. 204 http://www.kirby-smith.com Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74136 HEAVY EQUIPMENT http://www.kpmg.com DENTISTS ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC (918) 743-2222 KJRH - Channel 2 Donna Wilson, V. P. & General Manager Ken Hargrove Construction Consultants, (918) 261-4563 LLC 3701 South Peoria Ave. Ken Hargrove, Owner Tulsa, OK 74105-3269 12439 S. 18th Circle http://www.kjrh.com Jenks, OK 74037 BROADCASTING - TELEVISION http://www.stonebridgegroup.net CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS (918) 627-6161 Kleinfelder (918) 622-6244 Ken Merchant, O.D. Ken Merchant, Owner 4853 S. Sheridan, Ste. 607 Tulsa, OK 74145 www.visionsource-drmerchant.com OPTOMETRISTS Russell Zora, Area Manager 10835 E. Independence St., Ste. 102 Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.kleinfelder.com ENGINEERS - CONSULTING (918) 254-0135 Krishna & VR, PC Hement Suthar, Manager / Administrator 7863 S. 95th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 DENTISTS Kruse and Associates, Inc. (918) 251-5982 Chris Walton, CEO 8596 E. 101st Street, St. H Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.kruseassoc.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (918) 592-0622 Klimas & Associates, Inc. (918) 261-6109 KSQ Architects, PC Phil Klimas, David Short, President 111 E. College St. 406 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 500 Key Construction Oklahoma, LLC (918) 362-3201 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74103 Phil Wells, Vice President INSURANCE http://www.ksqarchitects.com 5415 S. 125th E. Ave., Ste. 201 ARCHITECTS Tulsa, OK 74146 Kline Oilfield Equipment, Inc. http://www.keyconstruction.com (918) 445-0588 KTUL, Tulsa’s Channel 8 (918) 445-8888 CONTRACTOR - GENERAL Curtis Kline, Vice President Pat Baldwin, General Manager (918) 747-0000 Key Personnel Patricia Oertle-Phaneuf, President 6450 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.keyjobs.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (918) 895-8090 Kids Dental Soomin Hong, Dentist 10342 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.kidsdentalusa.com DENTISTS (918) 366-5100 Kimberly-Clark Corp. Susan Bickert, Facilities Manager P. O. Box 3000 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.kimberly-clark.com MANUFACTURERS P.O. Box 571262 Tulsa, OK 74157 http://www.klinetools.com OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT-MFG./SALES Box 8 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.ktul.com BROADCASTING - TELEVISION Knightsbridge Resources (918) 392-2880 William Walker, Asset Manager 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74136 HOLDING COMPANIES (918) 343-1222 Kurtain Klimbers, Inc. Kim Edinger, 1201 W. Country Club Road Claremore, OK 74017-7137 CHILD CARE Knockouts Haircuts For Men KVOO FM/KFAQ AM/KXBL FM/Journal (918) 286-1810 (918) 743-7814 Broadcast Group Megan Conroy, Manager Phillip Sutterfield, General Sales Manager 6626 S. Memorial Dr., #7 4590 E. 29th St. Tulsa, OK 74137 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.tulsako.com http://www.journalbroadcastgroup.com/ SALON - FULL SERVICE BROADCASTING - RADIO (918) 665-4114 KWS, Inc. Elizabeth Roberts, V. P. of Operations P. O. Box 470487 Tulsa, OK 74147 www.kwschain.com STEEL CHAINS L L & M Office Furniture (918) 664-1010 Cari Marshall, Executive Vice President & COO 4444 S. 91st E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.l-mofficefurn.com OFFICE FURNITURE L.E.F., Inc. (918) 665-7799 Ronald Lapelle, President P. O. Box 470284 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.laserengr.com MANUFACTURERS L-3 Communications (918) 296-2118 Robert Moskal, 112 Beechcraft Drive Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.L-3com.com AEROSPACE (918) 459-0121 La Flama Mexican Grill Rodrigo Cardozo, Manager 6746 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74133 RESTAURANTS LA Maison, Inc (918) 592-1222 E. Dick Bendel, President 1736 E. 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 MANUFACTURERS La Quinta Inn and Suites Airport (918) 949-3600 Dennis Patel, Owner 23 N. 67th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74115 HOTELS La Quinta Inn, LLC (918) 665-0220 Suzanne Allen, General Manager 10829 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 htttp://www.laquinta.com HOTELS La Quinta Tulsa Central (918) 665-2630 Michael DeVilbiss, General Manager 6030 E. Skelly Drive Tulsa, OK 74135 http://601.lq.com HOTELS 35 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 47 3/15/12 8:39 AM LaBarge, Inc (918) 459-2200 Ronald Falk, General Manager 11616 East 51st Street Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.labarge.com MANUFACTURERS Lancorp, Inc (918) 392-0911 Belkis Barrera Lane, Principal 20 E. 5th St., Suite 410 Tulsa, OK 74103 www.lancorpengineering.com ENGINEERS LaserWorks, Inc. (918) 622-1007 Norman Sandusky, President 11507 E. 58th Street Tulsa, OK 74146-6804 http://www.laserworksinc.com PRINTER SUPPLIES & ACCESSORIES/REPAIR (918) 836-8939 Labor Ready Sean Fry, Branch Manager 3130 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74110-4800 http://www.laborready.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (918) 587-2190 Land Legacy Robert Gregory, Executive Director 406 S. Boulder Ave. Suite 280 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.landlegacy.net NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 850-6126 Latshaw Drilling & Exploration Legend Homes, L.L.C. (918) 355-4380 Christy Chambers, Co-Owner Trent Latshaw, Owner 2708 N. 16th St. 4608 S. Garnett Rd., #100 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.legendhomesok.com http://www.latshawdrilling.com HOME BUILDERS DRILLING COMPANY Laborers International Union of North (918) 585-1799 America Reno Hammond, Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer 11720 E. 21st St., Ste. D Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.swldc.org UNIONS (918) 665-4294 Land Rover Tulsa Tom Bloomfield, General Manager 3905 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.landrovertulsa.com AUTO DEALERS (918) 747-0833 Leikam & Leikam R. Kip Leikam, Partner Laureate Psychiatric Clinic & Hospital (918) 481-4000 2622 East 21st Street, Ste. Seven Eli Smith, Executive Director Tulsa, OK 74114 6655 South Yale REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Tulsa, OK 74136-3329 http://www.laureate.com (918) 743-2100 Leinbach Company HOSPITALS Edward Leinbach, President LandPlan Consultant, Inc. (918) 584-6464 Keith Franklin, President Ladner, Little & Eldredge Law Firm 1110 W. 23rd St. Lawn America Inc. (918) 249-5296 (918) 582-3035 Brad Johnson, President Tulsa, OK 74107 Roger Eldredge, Partner http://www.lpci.com 5129 S. 110th E. Ave. 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1026 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.lawnamerica.com http://www.ladnerlittle.com LAWN MAINTENANCE/LANDSCAPING Langston University - Tulsa ATTORNEYS (918) 877-8149 (918) 437-3902 Lafarge Cement Jim Bachmann, Plant Manager 2609 N. 145th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.lafargecorp.com MANUFACTURERS Laflin Investigative Group (918) 671-4007 Terry Laflin, President P. O. Box 690322 Tulsa, OK 74169 http://www.laflinpi.com INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES Henry Ponder, Interim President 914 N. Greenwood Tulsa, OK 74106 http://www.lunet.edu/tulsa SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (918) 728-6601 Lansing NGL Services Larry Payne, President 6502 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.lansingtradegroup.com NATURAL GAS LIQUIDS LaReau & Associates, Inc. (405) 579-1711 J. Tyler LaReau, Independent Agent 116 S. University Blvd. Lake Country Christian School, Inc. (918) 245-6602 Norman, OK 73069 Dee Ann Herje, INSURANCE 4101 S. Maple Sand Springs, OK 74063 (918) 584-3475 Larkin Products Inc. SCHOOLS W.R. Tipsword, President (918) 485-3371 Lakeside Dental Amy Harman, 302 S. Hayes Wagoner, OK 74467 DENTISTS (918) 396-3020 Lamamco Drilling Curtis Biram, General Counsel 4444 E. 146th St. N. Skiatook, OK 74070 http://www.lamamco.com OIL & GAS PRODUCTION P. O. Box 3644 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.bairdmfr.com MANUFACTURERS (918) 665-0015 Larry F. James, D.D.S. Larry James, D.D.S. 5011 S. Fulton Ave., Ste. 2 Tulsa, OK 74135 Drlarryjames.com DENTISTS (918) 398-3988 Larson Development Travis Skaggs, Operations Manager 12324 E. 86th St. North Lamar Outdoor Advertising (918) 665-1755 Owasso, OK 74055 Pat Selcer, General Manager REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT 7777 E. 38th Street Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 663-5551 Laser Quest http://www.lamar.com/main/default.cfm Annette Harer, ADVERTISING - OUTDOOR 2909 S. Sheridan LaMode Quality Cleaners (918) 622-5255 Jim Light, Owner 7025 E. 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74145-4514 http://www.lamodecleaners.com DRYCLEANING Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.laserquest.com ENTERTAINMENT Legend at Mingo Road (405) 590-1590 Debra Weaver, Regional Sales Director 14401 N. Post Rd. Jones, OK 73049 http://www.legendseniorliving.com ASSISTED LIVING PROVIDER 2240 East 49th Street, Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.leinbach.com REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Leonard Mountain, Inc. (918) 366-2800 Debbie Berckefeldt, Owner P. O. Box 67 LDF Sales & Distributing, Inc. Coors/Miller Leonard, OK 74043 (918) 437-7722 http://www.leonardmountain.com Dan Pasque, General Manager MANUFACTURER - FOOD 10718 E. Marshall St. Tulsa, OK 74116 (918) 584-2400 Lettercrafts http://www.ldfcompanies.com Larry Gannan, Vice President BEER/ALE - WHOLESALE & DISTR. 4148 S. 70th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 Le Bistro, The Sidewalk Cafe http://www.lettercrafts.com (918) 622-0750 SIGNS Dwight Teakell, Owner 5970 E. 31st St., Ste. J (918) 814-6974 Lettuce, LLC Tulsa, OK 74135 Robert Walenta, Owner & Vice President RESTAURANTS 1407 S. Urbana (918) 477-7079 Leadership Tulsa, Inc. Wendy Thomas, Executive Director 1717 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 104 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.leadershiptulsa.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Leake Auction Company (918) 254-7077 Mac Durnil, Business Manager P. O. Box 521060 Tulsa, OK 74152-1060 http://www.leakecar.com AUCTION (918) 550-1167 Learfield Sports Drew DeHart, Account Executive 2625 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.learfieldsports.com MARKETING (918) 743-4285 Lee’s Bicycles Inc. Adam Vanderburg, President & Owner 420 E. 2nd St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.leesbikes.com BICYCLE SALES (918) 836-0222 Legacy Jet Center Ashley Werthen, Vice President 7120 E. Apache Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.legacytulsa.com AIRCRAFT CHARTERS RENTALS Tulsa, OK 74112 GARDEN CENTER (918) 665-3987 Lexus of Tulsa Don Thornton, Owner 4210 South Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.lexusoftulsa.com AUTO DEALERS Liberty Mutual Insurance (918) 299-7593 John Vidal, Branch Manager 8130 S. Lewis, Ste. C Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.libertymutual.com INSURANCE Liberty Resource Group (918) 760-2039 Lori Bell, President 10026A S. Mingo Rd., #165 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.libertyresourcegroup.com ADVERTISING AGENCIES (918) 664-9000 LIFE Senior Services Laura Kenny, Chief Executive Officer 5950 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.LIFEseniorservices.org SENIOR CARE (918) 742-4301 Life Solutions, Inc. Ann Wilkerson, President 2127 E. 52nd St. Tulsa, OK 74105 INSURANCE 36 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 48 3/15/12 8:39 AM Lighting, Inc. (918) 622-1988 Mitchell Blessing, President P. O. Box 471343 Tulsa, OK 74147-1343 http://www.lightinginc.us LIGHTING SYSTEMS London Pavement (918) 295-0002 Jeffrey Cook, President 427 S. Boston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74103 SALON - FULL SERVICE (918) 510-2023 Limestone Contruction Dana Green, Vice President P. O. Box 1522 Owasso, OK 74055 CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES Longacre, Inc. (918) 607-1129 Jami Longacre, President P. O Box 460 Kellyville, OK 74039 http://www.longacreinc.com GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Lincoln Financial Group (972) 202-4760 Abby Hentges, Marketing Representative 4975 Preston Park Blvd., Ste. 510-W Plano, TX 75093 http://www.jpfic.com INSURANCE Looks Beauty & Wellness (918) 392-9698 Jennifer Smith, Director of Marketing 9521B Riverside Pkwy Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.lookscompany.com MEDICAL SPA (918) 744-0888 Linda Layman Agency Linda Layman-Hull, Owner 3546 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.lindalaymanagency.com MODELING AGENCIES (918) 652-3328 Lou Ann Moudy Lou Ann Moudy, Attorney At Law P. O. Box 266 Henryetta, OK 74437-0266 ATTORNEYS Linde Process Plants, Inc. (918) 477-1200 Steve Bertone, President 6100 S. Yale, Ste. 1200 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.lppusa.com ENGINEERS (918) 879-4207 Linn Operating, Inc. Amy Roundtree, Administrative Assistant IV 6660 S. Sheridan, Ste. 205 Tulsa, OK 74133 OIL FIELD SERVICE (918) 585-5875 Litgistix LLC Chris Sloan, Partner 5 East 5th St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.litgistix.com OFFICE MACHINE SALES/SERVICE (918) 836-3535 Love Envelopes, Inc. Mike Love, Chairman 10733 E. Ute Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.loveenvelopes.com MANUFACTURERS (918) 605-0696 Love Unlimited LLC Bill Morgan, Owner 2722 S. 137th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74134 PUBLISHERS (918) 836-9476 Lowery Well Heads Inc. Virginia Cleveland, P. O. Box 582565 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.lowerywellhead.com MANUFACTURERS Ludger’s Catering & Private Dining M.E.I. Labels (918) 258-8321 (918) 744-9988 Tom Martin, President Megan Sherrill, Owner P. O. Box 1829 6120-A E. 32nd Pl. Catoosa, OK 74015 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.meilabels.com http://www.ludgers.com LABELS CATERING Machine Tool Specialties (918) 622-0018 Jeff DeLaughter, President Lufthansa Technik North America (918) 835-4591 5280 S. 100th E. Ave. Klaus Wachholz, Tulsa, OK 74146 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 570 http://www.machinetoolspecialties.com Tulsa, OK 74135 DISTRIBUTORS http://www.lufthansa-technik.de AIRCRAFT SALES/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE Mackey Medical & Design (918) 425-1966 (918) 764-9332 Luiz Weksler, PLLC Luiz Weksler, President 2716 S. Rockford Rd. Tulsa, OK 74114 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Cali McMickle, Executive Administrative Assistant 4404 W. 31st St. North Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.mackeymedical.com MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SALES/SERVICE/REPAIR Luxa Enterprises, LLC (918) 928-7288 Kimberly Fobbs, Marketing Director P. O. Box 580463 Tulsa, OK 74158-0463 http://www.luxa.us ACCOUNTING SERVICES MacroSolve (918) 388-3529 Clint Parr, President / CEO 1717 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 700 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.macrosolve.com SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT (918) 396-4165 LynnCo Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. Mac’s Barbeque, Inc. (918) 664-5540 Vickie McMillan, Owner Wendy Buxton, President 1030 W. Rogers Blvd. 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 2600 Skiatook, OK 74070 Tulsa, OK 74137 RESTAURANTS http://www.lynnco-scs.com TRUCKING Mac’s Electric Supply Co. (918) 583-3101 (918) 587-2497 Lyons & Lyons, Inc. Trevor Lyons, Owner P. O. Box 14148 Tulsa, OK 74159-1148 OIL & GAS PRODUCTION Jack McGlumphy, President 1624 East 3rd Street Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.macselectricsupply.com ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES - WHOLESALE (918) 906-4044 Maddox Golf Don Maddox, Owner Lyon’s Indian Store / Tulsa Treasures (918) 582-6372 8201 S. Gary Ave. Larry Lyon, President Tulsa, OK 74137 111 S. Detroit Ave. GOLF INSTRUCTION Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse Tulsa, OK 74120 (918) 712-8199 Littlefield Brand Development GIFT SHOPS Jason McCaleb, Store Manager (918) 295-1000 Madison Communications & Electrical David Littlefield, President 1350 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.littlefield.us ADVERTISING AGENCIES (918) 527-2727 Live-Guard, LLC Brad Spears, Managing Member 7122 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.live-guard.com VIDEO SECURITY (918) 585-1234 Living Arts of Tulsa Steve Liggett, Director 307 E. Brady Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.livingarts.org ART GALLERIES (918) 747-5684 Logan Smith Plumbing Bill Ward, Owner 1312 E. 36th Place Tulsa, OK 74105 PLUMBING - COML/INDUST/RESIDENTIAL Lohrey & Associates, PLLC (918) 743-8900 William Lohrey, Partner 1924 S. Utica, Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.lohrey.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC 1525 S. Yale Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.lowes.com BUILDING MATERIALS M M & D Controls, Inc. (918) 664-7511 Barbara Johnson, Vice President LPL Financial / Dan Witham 4142 S. 70th E. Ave. (918) 398-8387 Tulsa, OK 74145 Dan Witham, Branch Manager & Principal www.manddcontrols.com 8516 E. 101st St., Ste. C MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.moneytalktulsa.com M & D Properties, LLC (918) 269-1807 INVESTMENTS David Lichtenwalter, 510 Fairway Dr. (918) 224-8128 LPRK Family LLC Broken Arrow, OK 74011-8407 Louis Smith, REAL ESTATE 14065 W. 81st St. South Sapulpa, OK 74066 M & M Lumber Co. (918) 627-1926 ASSOCIATIONS Jim McKellar, President Box 470263 LT Mapping Services, Inc. (918) 249-0422 Tulsa, OK 74147 Cheryl Tucker, Vice President http://www.mmlumberco.com 12211 E. 52 St., Ste. 304 LUMBER - RETAIL Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.LTMapping.com M & M Manufacturing (918) 664-6793 MAPPING FIRMS Kenneth Statton, President 13914 E. Admiral Place, Suite A (918) 838-3354 Lubsoil Equipment Co. Tulsa, OK 74116 Don Stanton, Operations Manager MACHINE SHOPS 5240 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74115 DISTRIBUTORS (918) 245-0976 Systems Martha Witt, Secretary/Treasurer 16723 W. 56th Pl. S. Sand Springs, OK 74063 COMMUNICATIONS Magellan Midstream Partners, L. P. (918) 574-7010 Bruce Heine, Director, Government Affairs P. O. Box 22186 Tulsa, OK 741212186 http://www.magellanlp.com ENERGY COMPANIES Magna Home Health Care (918) 459-5073 Leonard Agbasi, CEO 4271 W. Albany Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.magnaok.com HOME HEALTH SERVICES Magnir Group, LLC (918) 877-1063 Fred Menge, President 401 S. Boston, Ste. 2300 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.magnir.com MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 37 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 49 3/15/12 8:39 AM Magnolia Homes (918) 254-1118 Nancy Schwartz, V.P. / Secretary 10026-A S. Mingo Rd., #281 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.magnolia-homes.com HOME BUILDERS Mapleview Associates, Inc. Masterworks, Inc. (918) 321-5404 (918) 583-8808 Mike Bolden, Vice President Joseph Westervelt, President 6486 Lense IV Court 1630 S. Boston Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74066-1070 Tulsa, OK 74119 INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE (918) 743-7744 Magoon & Associates Bruce Magoon, President 1419 S. Utica Tulsa, OK 74104-4631 http://www.magooninsurance.com INSURANCE March of Dimes - Eastern Oklahoma (918) 742-0333 Division , 7146 S. Braden Ave., Suite 700 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.marchofdimes.com NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 895-6220 MAH Promotions, LLC Mary Elliott, 1625 S. Boston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74119 www.mahpromotions.com PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Mastin Insurance Services (918) 294-9580 Katie Mastin, Operations Manager P. O. Box 330262 Tulsa, OK 74133-0262 INSURANCE (918) 447-1288 Mathey Dearman, Inc. Doug Hughes, President & C.O.O. 4344 S. Maybelle Ave. Margaret Hudson Program Tulsa, OK 74107 (918) 833-9890 http://www.mathey.com Janel Bowers, Director of Development MANUFACTURERS P. O. Box 580637 Tulsa, OK 74158 (918) 574-2222 Mathnasium http://www.margarethudson.org Vane Lucas, Owner SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION 8032 S. Yale Ave. Maid to Order Cleaning Company (918) 628-1547 Tulsa, OK 74136 Heidi Huff, President Mark Close Roofing and Construction, Inc. http://www.mathnasium.com (918) 371-9677 3534 S. Joplin Place TUTORING Mark Close, President Tulsa, OK 74135 maidtoordertulsa.com 399315 W. 3900 Rd. MATRIX Architects Engineers Interior CLEANING SERVICES Ramona, OK 74061 Designers Planners, Inc. (918) 587-4747 http://www.markcloseroofing.com Richard Flaming, Principal & Director of ROOFING (918) 317-0707 Mainspring, LLC Stuctural Engineering Carolyn Christman, Co-Owner 7645 E. 63rd St., Ste. 201 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.mainspring.net COMPUTER SYSTEMS - CONSULTING (918) 747-3491 Malloy Law Firm Patrick Malloy, Attorney 111 W. 5th St., Ste. 700 Tulsa, OK 74103 ATTORNEYS Marketing Alliance, Inc. (918) 586-2455 Bob Oertel, Owner 115 W. 3rd St., Suite 409 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.marketingallianceinc.com 3D TECHNOLOGY (918) 551-7744 Marley’s Pizzeria Jeff Hague, Owner 6104 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.marleyspizza.com Manhattan Construction Co. RESTAURANTS (918) 583-6900 Two West Second Street, Ste. 1000 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.matrixae.com ARCHITECTS (918) 838-8822 Matrix Service Co. John Hewitt, President & CEO 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 700 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.matrixservice.com CONTRACTOR - INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL (918) 838-8822 Matrix Service Co. Kevin Cavanah, Chief Financial Officer Bob Jack, Senior Vice President 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 700 5601 South 122nd East Avenue Marshall Brewing Company Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 292-8781 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.matrixservice.com Eric Marshall, Owner http://www.manhattanconstruction.com CONTRACTOR - INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL CONTRACTOR - GENERAL 618 S. Wheeling Tulsa, OK 74104 Matrixforce Corporation (918) 622-1167 http://www.marshallbrewing.com Kevin Fream, President Manhattan Road & Bridge Co. BEER/ALE WHOLESALE & DISTR. (918) 437‑9560 P. O. Box 55564 Kendall Adams, President 5601 South 122nd East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74146 www.manhattanroadandbridge.com CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES Mann & Associates, Inc. (405) 364-2554 Mickey Mann, President P. O. Box 721740 Norman, OK 73069 www.mannandassociates.net INSURANCE (918) 492-3131 Manpower Kelly Beyer, Branch Manager 5727 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 575 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.manpower.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (918) 749-7741 Mapco Plaza Building John Neas, Owner P. O. Box 35288 Tulsa, OK 74153-0288 http://www.mapcoplaza.com REAL ESTATE (918) 376-9080 Martial Arts Academy Chris Velez, Owner / Chief Instructor 9100 N. Garnett Rd. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.owassomartialarts.com KARATE STUDIO Tulsa, OK 74155-0564 http://www.matrixforce.com COMPUTER SYSTEMS - CONSULTING Mattress Firm (918) 461-9510 Michael Yelich, Managing Partner 9404 E 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.mattressfirm.com RETAIL (918) 605-8089 Maus Associates, LLC John Maus, Member 9413 S. 73rd East Pl. Tulsa, OK 74133 CONSULTANTS Maxim Healthcare Services (918) 496-0001 Josh Naylor, Accounts Manager 5314 Yale Ave., Suite 510 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.maximhomecare.com HEALTH CARE Maxwell Supply of Tulsa, Inc. (918) 836-8606 Bob Petree, Vice President 1719 N. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.maxtulsa.com CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES Maynard Family Chiropractic (918) 872-8653 Andrea Maynard, Office Manager 8922 S. Memorial, #C-1 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.maximizedlivingdrmaynard.com CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS Mayo Hotel and Residences (918) 582-6296 Macy Snyder, Director of Public Relations and Social Events 115 West 5th Street Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.themayohotel.com HOTELS (918) 663-8880 Mazzio’s, LLC Terry Biehl, Controller 4441 South 72 East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.MAZZIOS.COM RESTAURANTS MCA of Eastern Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 627-3636 T. Elliott, Executive Director 2121 S. Columbia, Ste. 445 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.mcaok.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 615-6634 Matt McCoy Insurance Matt McCoy, Agent 4631 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Martial Arts Academy Bixby, LLC http://www.mattmccoyinsurance.com (918) 394-5425 INSURANCE McAfee & Taft A Professional Corporation Nicole Trost, Owner (918) 587-0000 Charles Greenough, Shareholder 11043 S. Memorial Drive Matthew Gray, D.D.S., PLLC Tulsa, OK 74133 1717 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 900 (918) 272-9519 http://www.bixbymartialarts.com Tulsa, OK 74119 Matthew Gray, KARATE STUDIO http://www.mcafeetaft.com 11920 E. 86th St. North ATTORNEYS Owasso, OK 74055 MassMutual Financial Group DENTISTS (918) 524-6355 (918) 585-3234 McBirney Mansion Greg Wood, Diane Gawey-Riley, Manager & Director of Mattia Wealth Management, LLC 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 325 Sales (630) 759-2200 Tulsa, OK 74104 1414 South Galveston Tim Dombrow, LPL Investment Advisor INSURANCE Tulsa, OK 74127 2135 Citygate Lane, Ste. 300 http://www.mcbirneymansion.com Naperville, IL 60563 BED & BREAKFAST INN http://www.mattiawealth.com Mastercraft Collision Repair (918) 622-4232 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS Wayne Paus, Owner 7666 E. 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 AUTO REPAIR 38 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 50 3/15/12 8:39 AM McCaskill Machining & Repair, Inc. McGraw Davisson Stewart Realtors, Inc. Meek’s Group (918) 836-0900 (918) 266-5186 (918) 592-6000 Jerry Crockett, President Jackie McCaskill, Office Manager John Woolman, President 6749 E. 12th St. 24454 S. Keetonville Rd. 4105 S. Rockford Ave. Tulsa, OK 74112-5606 Catoosa, OK 74015 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.meeks-group.com MACHINE SHOPS http://www.mcgrawok.com PRINTERS REAL ESTATE (800) 571-8686 McClelland Sound Matthew Wunderlich, President 345 Ohio Wichita, KS 67214 http://www.macsound.com AUDIO VIDEO EQUIPMENT - SALES/SERVICE McIntosh Services, Inc. (918) 270-1414 Tom Owens, President P.O. Box 472208 Tulsa, OK 74147-2208 http://www.mcintoshservices.com HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Merle Norman Cosmetics (918) 455-3838 Megasys Hospitality Systems (918) 743-0100 Sharron McMurray, Mark Jewart, President 3730 S. Elm Pl. 5800 E Skelly Dr., Ste 600 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74135 COSMETICS http://www.megasyshms.com SOFTWARE SALES (918) 747-2301 Merritt’s Bakery McDonald, McCann and Metcalf, L.L.P. (918) 430-3700 (918) 250-7610 McJunkin Red Man Corporation Melaleuca, Inc. James McCann, Partner Marvin Krueger, Independent Marketing (918) 250-8541 Nasser Farshchian, Senior Vice President & CIO 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 1800 Executive Tulsa, OK 74103 Box 35632 10707 E. 76th St. South http://www.mmmsk.com Tulsa, OK 74153 Tulsa, OK 74133 ATTORNEYS http://www.mrcpvf.com HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT/SALES & SUPPLY McDonald’s (918) 664-6085 Michelle Buckles, Marketing Coordinator 4935 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.mcoklahoma.com/3908 RESTAURANTS McKay DX, Inc. (918) 742-8346 Tom Frisch, Owner 3344 E. 31st Tulsa, OK 74135 SERVICE STATIONS Melia Advisory Group (918) 794-9290 Jim Moss, Marketing Director 5424 S. Memorial Dr., Bldg. E Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.meliaadvisorygroup.com FINANCIAL SERVICES McDowell & Associates, Inc. (918) 298-0800 James McDowell, (918) 587-7068 McNally Printing Mike McNally, President 6843 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74136 505 S. Quaker Ave. http://www.mcdowellre.com Tulsa, OK 74120 REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL PRINTERS Melton Truck Lines, Inc. (918) 234-8000 Robert Peterson, President 808 N. 161st E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.meltontruck.com TRUCKING (918) 445-7201 McDonald’s #32608 8630 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.mcstate.com RESTAURANTS Larry Merritt, Co-Owner 7712 E. 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.merrittsbakery.com BAKERY Merry Maids (918) 250-7318 Amy Bates, Owner 5656 S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.merrymaidstulsametro.com CLEANING SERVICES Mesa Products, Inc. (918) 627-3188 Terry May, President McLaughlin, Berns, Costello Associates, Melinda Dandridge DO, PLLC P. O. Box 52608 (918) 491-9748 (918) 298-5437 Inc. Tulsa, OK 74152-0608 John Costello, President Melinda Dandridge, http://www.mesaproducts.com 7136 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 300 410 E. Main St. CORROSION SERVICES Tulsa, OK 74136 Jenks, OK 74037-4135 http://www.mbctulsa.com MEDICAL CLINICS Messick Banquet Room (918) 743-1668 OUTPLACEMENT COUNSELING Dean Messick, Owner McElroy Manufacturing, Inc. MeadowBrook Specialty Hospital Memorial Park Cemetery (918) 627-0220 Robert Hidde, Director (918) 836-8611 (918) 660-5303 A. H. “Chip” McElroy, President and CEO Lee Simpson, CEO 5111 S. Memorial Dr. Box 580550 3219 S. 79th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74158 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://memorialparktulsa.com http://www.mcelroy.com http://www.rehabcare.com CEMETARY & MAUSOLEUM MANUFACTURERS HOSPITALS McFarland Architects, P.C. (918) 749-8100 Connie McFarland, President 9 East 4th St., Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.mcfarlandarchitecture.com ARCHITECTS Merkel Family Foundation (918) 744-5222 John Turner, Trustee 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74136 FOUNDATIONS Medallion Petroleum, Inc. (918) 582-1320 John Brock, President 2021 S. Lewis, Ste. 415 Tulsa, OK 74104 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Medicap Pharmacy #299 (918) 274-1737 Dena Wind, Bookkeeper McGill’s/Food & Beverage IV (918) 742-8080 130 S. Main Greg McGill, Owner Owasso, OK 74055 1560 E. 21st St. PHARMACY Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.dineMcGills.com (918) 622-8128 MEDSAFE RESTAURANTS Hal Smith, Branch Manager Mentor Technologies, Inc. (918) 724-9646 Kyle Hearn, President 4815 S. Harvard Ave. Ste. 630 Tulsa, OK 0 http://www.mentorok.com COMPUTER SYSTEMS - CONSULTING Metal Management Services, Inc. (918) 835-3205 John Marks, V. P. - Sales 1771 N. 75th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.metalmanagement.net STEEL SERVICE CENTERS Metal Panels Inc. (918) 641-0641 Mitchell Hentkowski, Owner 131 S. 147th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.metlpanels.com MANUFACTURERS Meticulous Janitorial (918) 698-8474 (918) 586-7989 Mercer Aaron Owens, Owner/Partner JoAnn Booker, 6217 E. 76th St. 401 S. Boston Ave., Suite 800 Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74103-4021 JANITORIAL SERVICE http://www.mercer.com INSURANCE MetLife (877) 638-6389 (918) 850-6143 Merchant Graphics Ron Close, President 3901 W. Toledo St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 GRAPHIC DESIGN 4432 S. 70th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 McGill’s/Food & Beverage IV (918) 388-8080 http://www.gosafe.com Greg McGill, Owner SAFETY EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES 6058 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 740-5018 Meek’s Electrical Services, Inc. Mere Software, Inc. http://www.dineMcGills.com (918) 622-0334 Mark Dale Stewart, Owner RESTAURANTS Barbara Casey, Vice President 8538 South Gary Drive P. O. Box 14066 Tulsa, OK 74159 ELECTRIC COMPANIES 1330 E. 58th St. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.messickbanquetroom.com EVENT FACILITY Tulsa, OK 74131 http://www.meresoftware.com SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Jim Tindell, Director, Customer Response Center 12902 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.metlife.com FINANCIAL SERVICES Metro Appliances and More (918) 622-7692 Nick Stavros, CEO 5313 S. Mingo Rd Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.metroappliancesandmore.com APPLIANCES 39 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 51 3/15/12 8:39 AM Metro Roofing Company (918) 298-5400 Russ Howell, General Contractor 8448 S. Peoria, Ste. H Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.metroroofingtulsa.com ROOFING Mid-American Communications Alliance Mike’s Aircraft Fuel Metering Service Minor Electric and Construction (877) 732-4788 (918) 838-6217 (918) 341-4622 Todd Abrajano, Executive Director Kevin Felts, President Bill Minor, P. O. Box 58610 9406 E. 46th Street North 16650 S 4110 Road St. Louis, MO 63158 Tulsa, OK 74117 Claremore, OK 74017 http://www.communicationsalliance.org AIRCRAFT SALES/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE ELECTRIC COMPANIES NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Milam & Associates (918) 493-2002 Metro Sales & Assembly, Inc. Mid-Continent Concrete Co. Steve Milam, Owner (918) 258-3988 (918) 582-8111 7030 S. Yale, Ste. 300 Randy Nightingale, Robert Cole, CEO Tulsa, OK 74136 P. O. Box 140177 Box 3878 http://www.milamcpa.com Broken Arrow, OK 74014 Tulsa, OK 74102 ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC MANUFACTURERS CONCRETE PRODUCTS Metro Tulsa Hotel & Lodging Association MidFirst Bank (918) 293-6860 (918) 691-1912 Ed Fariss, Executive Vice President Patricia Kerkstra, Executive Director 2200 S. Utica Place, Ste. 550 P.O. Box 14526 Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74159 http://www.midfirst.com http://www.tulsahotels.org BANKS ASSOCIATIONS Mint Dental (918) 346-6016 Lauren Avery, Owner / Dentist 4329 S. Peoria, Ste. 335 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.mintdentaltulsa.com DENTISTS Miles Associates Incorporated MIRATECH Corporation (918) 622-7077 (918) 582-6377 Kevin O’Sullivan, President & Chief Operating Rachel Zebrowski, Principal Officer 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1800 420 S. 145th E. Ave., Mail Drop A Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74108-1305 http://www.milesassociates.com http://www.miratechcorp.com ARCHITECTS EMISSIONS CONTROL PRODUCTS MIDWESCO Industries, Inc. Mill Creek Lumber & Supply Co. Miss Helen’s Private School Metropolitan Baptist Church (918) 858-4200 (918) 747-8027 (918) 622-2327 (918) 425-5402 James Bost, Chairman Jeffrey Dunn, President Lynda Wingo, Executive Director Ray Owens, P. O. Box 3445 6974 E. 38th Street 4849 S. Mingo Rd 1228 W. Apache Tulsa, OK 74101 Tulsa, OK 74112 Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 0 http://www.sidebooms.com http://www.millcreeklumber.com http://www.misshelens.com http://www.metropolitanbc.org MANUFACTURER - EQUIPMENT SPECIALIZED LUMBER - RETAIL SCHOOLS - PRIVATE CHURCH Midwest Crane Services (918) 835-4500 Metropolitan Tulsa Investments, LLC Sam VanMeter, Member (918) 587-9500 3101 N. Toledo Ave. Thomas Hinds, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74115 Two West Second St., Ste. 22 www.midwestcraneservices.com Tulsa, OK 74103 CRANES REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Mexicali Border Cafe, Inc. (918) 582-3383 Marshall Kottler, President 14 West Brady Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.mexicaliborder.com RESTAURANTS (918) 599-8009 Mi Cocina Hillary Gilbert, Marketing Consultant 1342 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.mcrowd.com RESTAURANTS (918) 369-0505 Millennium Home Health Care, Inc. Mission Financial (918) 493-6555 Adrian Berryhill, Donna Randall, Owner P. O. Box 244 12129 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133-0244 Tulsa, OK 74128 FINANCIAL SERVICES http://www.millenniumhhc.com HOME HEALTH SERVICES Mithoff Burton Partners (918) 599-9910 Midwest Housing Equity Group Inc (405) 278-7909 Miller Photography, Inc. (918) 587-2505 Andrea Frymire, Executive Vice President Scott Miller, President 500 N. Broadway Ave., Suite 150 212 North Main Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.mheginc.com http://www.millerphotographyinc.com INVESTMENTS PHOTOGRAPHY (918) 587-8193 Midwest Marble Co. Richard McMahon, President 510 S. Quincy Tulsa, OK 74120 GRANITE Miller Printing Co., Inc. (918) 749-0981 Wayne Elliott, President 4224 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 PRINTERS Midwest Shows, Inc. (507) 437-7969 Michael L. Martin, PhD, PLLC John Riles, Owner (918) 895-6294 315 4th Ave. S.E. Michael Martin, Austin, MN 55912 5555 E. 71st St., Ste 6300 http://www.farmshowsusa.com Tulsa, OK 74136 FARM SHOW HEALTH CARE Miller Truck Lines (918) 439-4165 Bobby Miller, Vice President 4550 W. 49th Street Tulsa, OK 74107 TRUCKING Mid America Realty, Inc. (918) 299-0100 George O’Connor, President 10125-C South Sheridan Road Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.midamericarealty.org REAL ESTATE (918) 574-5148 MIG Agencies, Inc. Doug Miller, Agent P. O. Box 891327 Oklahoma City, OK 73189 INSURANCE (918) 254-6333 MiMi’s Cafe Daren Barker, General Manager 8215 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133-2967 http://www.mimiscafe.com RESTAURANTS Mingo Aerospace, LLC (918) 272-7371 Rene Witten, Co-Owner & V. P. P. O. Box 1408 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.mingoaerospace.com MANUFACTURERS - AEROSPACE (917) 299-0100 George O’Connor, President 10125-C South Sheridan Road Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.midamericarealty.org (918) 832-8824 Mingo RV Park Steve Sanders, President 801 N. Mingo Rd Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.mingorvpark.com RV PARKS Steffen Poessiger, Vice President 320 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 808 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.mithoffburton.com ADVERTISING AGENCIES Mizel Jewish Community Day School (918) 494-0953 Sandi Tilkin, Director 2021 E. 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.mizelschool.org SCHOOLS - PRIVATE MJ Executive Management, Inc. (918) 274-8374 Mary Jo Wichers, President & CEO 8805 N. 145th E. Ave., Ste. 203 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.mjexecmgmt.com MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Mobile 1 Glass (918) 622-5545 Bob Avers, Owner 1201 Wild Plum Court Oklahoma City, OK 73025 http://www.mobile1glass.com GLASS - COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Modern Bindery & Finishing Services, LLC (918) 250-9486 Stan Mitchell, President 5555 S. 104th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 BINDING - BOOKS (918) 376-9600 Modern Day Dental Dorinda Oestreich, 9551 N. Owasso Expressway Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.moderndaydental.com DENTISTS 40 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 52 3/15/12 8:39 AM Modern Woodmen of America Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Moyers, Martin, Santee, Imel & Tetrick Muse Intimates (918) 392-3430 Deborah Croisant, Owner (918) 449-1114 (918) 744-4649 (918) 582-5281 1876 Utica Square, Ste. 2-C Robert Dickinson, Financial Representative James Alame, Financial Advisor Jack Santee, Partner 9209 Haskell Drive 2200 S. Utica Pl., Ste. 300 401 S. Boston Ave., #1100 Tulsa, OK 74114 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74103-4028 http://www.museintimate.com https://www.modern-woodmen.org http://fa.smithbarney.com/james.alame http://www.moyersmartin.com CLOTHING - RETAIL FINANCIAL SERVICES FINANCIAL ADVISOR ATTORNEYS Moylan Staffing, Inc. (918) 693-9000 Larry Moylan, President P. O. Box 2055 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.moylanstaffing.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Muskogee Community Hospital (918) 684-2701 Stephen Thames, 2900 N. Main St. Muskogee, OK 74401 http://www.mch-ok.com HOSPITALS Momentum Chevrolet of Tulsa (918) 446-2200 Morgan Studio (918) 760-1575 Jason Hughes, General Manager Michael Morgan, President 707 W. 51st St. 2824 E. 82nd Pl. Tulsa, OK 74107 Tulsa, OK 74137 AUTO DEALERS PHOTOGRAPHY MPW Engineering (918) 582-4088 Scott Webb, Principal 110 W. 7th St., Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.mpwengineering.com ENGINEERS Muskogee Family Care, LLC (918) 681-4646 Betsy Smith, 1118 W. Broadway Muskogee, OK 74401 MEDICAL CLINICS (918) 742-9810 Momentum Toyota of Tulsa Morrow and Lai, DDS Mark Morrow, (918) 836-2769 Syed Madni, General Manager 2930 S. Pittsburg Ave. 6868 E. Broken Arrow Frontage Road Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74145 DENTISTS - PEDIATRICS http://www.momentumtoyotatulsa.com AUTO DEALERS Morse & Co. (918) 749-1040 Mr. Robert J. LaFortune (918) 582-2981 Robert LaFortune, 427 S. Boston, Suite 937 Tulsa, OK 74103 INVESTMENTS Muskogee Pulmonary Clinic, Inc. (918) 687-3994 Sherrie Baker, Office Manager 615 S. 32nd St. Muskogee, OK 74401 MEDICAL CLINICS Mohawk Park Golf Club (918) 425-6871 George Glenn, Manager 5223 E. 41st St. North Tulsa, OK 74115-1319 http://www.tulsagolf.org GOLF COURSES - PUBLIC (918) 742-3364 Monte Cassino School Matthew Vereecke, School Director 2206 S. Lewis Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.montecassino.org SCHOOLS - PRIVATE (918) 491-5200 Montereau David Murlette, CEO 6800 S. Granite Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136-7039 http://www.montereau.net RETIREMENT CENTER Montie Box Co., Realtors (918) 245-2505 Montie Box, President Box 98 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.montieboxrealtors.com REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Moody’s Jewelry (918) 834-3371 Ernest Moody, President 1137 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.moodysjewelry.com JEWELERS - RETAIL (918) 834-3371 Moody’s Jewelry Ernest Moody, President 1137 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.moodysjewelry.com JEWELERS - RETAIL Morgan Stanley Smith Barney - Jane Mudgett (918) 744-4601 Jane Mudgett, Investment Manager 2200 S. Utica Pl., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.fa.smithbarney.com/janemudgett INVESTMENTS Marvin Morse, President 6950 South Utica Avenue Tulsa, OK 74136-3903 http://www.morseandco.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC Mrs. DeHaven’s Flower Shop (918) 583-0118 Mustache Joe’s Inc. / Wranglers BBQ Amy Adkins, Owner/President (918) 252-4499 106 E. 15th St. Joseph Keough, Manager Tulsa, OK 74119 7915 E. 71st St. http://www.mrsdehavens.com Tulsa, OK 74133 FLORISTS - RETAIL RESTAURANTS Morton Comprehensive Health Services, (918) 587-2171 (918) 258-6636 Inc. Mullin Plumbing, Inc. John Silva, CEO Mark Wayne Mullin, President 1334 N. Lansing Ave. 118 S. Elm Pl. Tulsa, OK 74106 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 www.mortonhealth.org http://www.mullinplumbing.com HEALTH CARE PLUMBING - COML/INDUST/RESIDENTIAL Mustard Seed Furniture Consignment (918) 742-9600 Diana Clark, Owner 5800 S. Lewis, #154 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.mustardseedconsignment.com FURNITURE - CONSIGNMENT Moserhaus Consulting, LLC Muncie Power Products, Inc. (918) 366-8949 (918) 838-0900 Mutual of Omaha (918) 838-0739 Ronald Moser, Doug Sullivent, Director of Operations/Plant Russ Kirkpatrick, District Manager 10026-A S. Mingo, #107 Manager-Tulsa 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Suite 140 Tulsa, OK 74133-5700 7217 E. Pine Street Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.moserhaus.com Tulsa, OK 74115-5649 http://www.mutualofomaha.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY http://www.munciepower.com INSURANCE MANUFACTURERS Mosquito Man, LLC (918) 360-9690 Rick Vickers, 2901 E. Hiawatha Dr. Muskogee, OK 74401 PEST CONTROL MWS, P.C. (281) 210-0013 Muncie Power Products, Inc. Mark Schilling, President (918) 838-0900 1095 Ev ergreen Circle, Ste. 203 Ray Chambers, Vice President Tulsa Division The Woodlands, TX 77380 7217 E. Pine Street ATTORNEYS Tulsa, OK 74115-5649 http://www.munciepower.com Mother Natures Pest Control Myers Duren Harley Davidson MANUFACTURERS (918) 362-2000 (918) 743-4440 Shelia Ahrend, P. O. Box 471440 Tulsa, OK 74147-1440 PEST CONTROL Reba McClanahan, President Murray Wamble & Associates, Inc. 4848 South Peoria (918) 388-6633 Tulsa, OK 74105 Ken Wamble, President http://www.tulsaharley.com 5525 E. 51st Street, Ste. 310 MOTORCYCLE - SALES/SERVICE Tulsa, OK 74135 Moto Photo & Portrait Studio http://www.murraywamble.com (918) 494-6686 Moore Funeral Homes, Inc. Myers Nursery, LLC (918) 259-5864 INSURANCE (918) 744-1202 Dana Bell, Owner Jo Elaine Palmer, Mary Ellen Stanley, Funeral Director 2570 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74114-4661 http://www.moorefuneral.com FUNERAL DIRECTORS (918) 299-5900 More Than Noodles Juliana Peyravy, Owner 9635 S. Riverside Parkway Tulsa, OK 74137 RESTAURANTS 8220 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.motophoto.com PHOTOGRAPHY Motorsports Tulsa, L.L.C. (918) 933-6506 Mary Statton, Partner 13914 E. Admiral Pl., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.motorsportstulsa.com AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES/RETAIL 1635 S. Florence Pl. Muscular Dystrophy Association Tulsa, OK 74104 (918) 749-7997 GARDEN CENTER Becky Wilkerson, District Director 5840 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 307 Myers-Aubrey Co. (918) 622-3500 Tulsa, OK 74145 Tim McFerrin, President http://www.mdausa.org Box 470370 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Tulsa, OK 74147-0370 http://www.myersaubrey.com MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE 41 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 53 3/15/12 8:39 AM MyHealth Access Network (918) 236-3439 Dean Hudson, Director of Business Operations 16 E. 16th St., Ste. 405 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.myhealthaccess.net HEALTHCARE RESOURCE National Commercial Auctioneers, LLC NDEEGO, LLC (918) 895-6565 David Barnett, Operations Manager (918) 895-7078 P. O. Box 470043 Stephen Karbelk, President 7715 E. 111th St. South, Suite 114 Tulsa, OK 74147 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.lowenergyhomes.biz http://www.natcomauctions.com 3D TECHNOLOGY REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Next Level Executive Coaching, LLC (918) 296-7785 Steve Laswell, Principal 6926 E. 108th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.nextlevelexecutivecoaching.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES Mystique Salon and Spa (918) 369-4247 Shari Romer, Owner 9999 S. Mingo Rd., Ste. P Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.mystiquesalonbixby.com SALON - FULL SERVICE Neosource, Inc. (918) 622-4493 National Corporate Housing Bill Graif, President (918) 742-3500 9422 E. 55th Place Cheryl Roberts, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74145-8154 6216 S. Lewis, Ste. 101 http://www.neosource.net Tulsa, OK 74136-1017 AIRCRAFT SALES/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE http://www.nationalcorporatehousing.com CORPORATE HOUSING Neslihan Hargett, DDS, PLLC NGL Energy Partners (918) 481-1119 Steven Tuttle, President 6120 S. Yale, Ste. 805 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.nglenergypartners.com GAS MARKETERS N N.A.A.C.P. (918) 592-7989 Pleas Thompson, President P. O. Box 6246 Tulsa, OK 74148 ORGANIZATIONS Nabholz Construction (918) 632-7200 Chris Burnett, President, Oklahoma Division 10319 E. 54th St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.nabholz.com CONTRACTOR - GENERAL NAC, Inc. (918) 321-3042 Terry Partain, Owner 16010 S. Oak St. Sapulpa, OK 74066 COMPUTER NETWORKING Nadel and Gussman, LLC (918) 583-3333 Wayne Hamilton, 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 3200 Tulsa, OK 74103 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Nichols & Nichols (918) 749-5033 (918) 744-4407 National Disaster Restoration (NDR) Mandy Duncan, Office Manager David Nichols, Senior Partner 3808 E. 51st St. 2506A East 21st Street (918) 949-4637 Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74114 Kyle Russell, Owner 10326 E. 47th Place DENTISTS LEGAL SERVICES Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.ndrllc.com New England Financial (918) 488-8747 Nichols McClanahan Reporting RESTORATION - FIRE & WATER Joe Rice, (918) 585-9969 National Multiple Sclerosis SocietyOklahoma (918) 488-0882 Paula Cortner, President 4606 E. 67th St., Bldg. 7, Ste. 103 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.nationalmssociety.org/OKE NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 4444 E. 66th St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.nefn.com FINANCIAL SERVICES Kathy McClanahan, President 907 S. Detroit, #1075 Tulsa, OK 74120 COURT REPORTING New Frontier Medical Nickel Creek Apartments (918) 933-5858 (918) 392-4444 Diane Gates, General Manager Scott Case, Property Supervisor 5147 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. A 7805 S. Union Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74132 National Occupational Health Services, http://www.newfrontierhospice.com APARTMENT COMPLEX (918) 794-4777 LLC HOME MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Brad Petty, President Nielsens Exclusive Gifts at The Plaza 6848 East 41st Street (918) 298-9700 New Horizons Computer Center Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 346-6226 Andrea Nielsen, President http://www.nohs.com Veronica Taber, Training Coordinator 8138-A South Lewis Ave. OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 233 S. Detroit Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 (918) 495-1163 National Quik Cash Traci Hinson, Area Manager NAI Commercial Properties 7030 South Lewis, Ste. B (918) 745-1133 Tulsa, OK 74136 Max Heidenreich, http://www.qcholdings.com 6914 S. Yorktown Ave., Ste. 215 FINANCIAL SERVICES Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.naitulsa.com National Quik Cash (918) 663-0724 REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Jeniesha Littlejohn, Branch Manager 4343 S. Memorial, Ste. C (918) 307-0289 Name Brands, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74145 Rusty Gaddy, President http://www.qcholdings.com 7215 S. Memorial Drive FINANCIAL SERVICES Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.halfofhalf.com (918) 836-5333 National Quik Cash CLOTHING - RETAIL Candise Butler-Forrest, Branch Manager 6912 E. Admiral Pl. (918) 584-2695 Nameplates, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74115 Ramona Woollard, Controller http://www.qcholdings.com 325 S. Quincy FINANCIAL SERVICES Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.nameplatesusa.com Nationwide Restoration (918) 378-8585 DECALS AND LABELS Raymond Ontiveros, Owner 12804 S. Memorial, Unit #117 Narrative Television Network Bixby, OK 74008 (918) 627-1000 RESTORATION Jim Stovall, President 5840 South Memorial, #312 Naufel & Associates, LLC (918) 355-4273 Tulsa, OK 74145 Doug Naufel, http://www.narrativetv.com 1300 E. Fargo St. TELEVISION - CABLE Broken Arrow, OK 74012 INTERNET SERVICES National American University (918) 879-8400 (918) 499-5990 NBC Oklahoma Warren Zeigler, Culture Club President Debbie Webb, VP 8040 S. Sheridan Road P. O. Box 702798 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74170-2798 http://www.national.edu http://www.nbcok.com SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES BANKS Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.newhorizons.com COMPUTER TRAINING (918) 299-7220 New Orders Weekly Tom Pepper, Owner P. O. Box 54609 Tulsa, OK 74155-0609 INFORMATION SERVICES http://www.NielsensGifts.com GIFT SHOPS Night Trips (918) 622-3858 David Benham, President 3902 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.nighttrips.com NIGHT CLUBS New York Life Insurance Co. Nikolapoulos Group Ltd. (310) 614-6148 (918) 587-3301 Chris Nichols, Owner / President John Stagg, Managing Partner 6546 S. Fulton Ave. 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 650 Tulsa, OK 74156 Tulsa, OK 74136-1235 ENTERTAINMENT http://www.newyorklife.com INSURANCE (918) 274-2885 NORDAM (918) 477-7111 Newberry Ministries Dan Newberry, Principal P. O. Box 702564 Tulsa, OK 74170 http://www.destinynetworkalliance.org MINISTRY Hastings Siegfried, Vice Chairman & Chief Operating Officer 7018 N. Lakewood Tulsa, OK 74117 http://www.nordam.com MANUFACTURER - AIRCRAFT North American Bancard - Oklahoma Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent, Inc. (918) 636-1541 (918) 582-2690 Melissa Engle, President Angela Paulsen, Human Resources Manager 1228 E. Fairview Ave. One Williams Center, Ste. 1900 Sapulpa, OK 74066 Tulsa, OK 74172 http://www.nab-ok.com OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT CREDIT CARD SERVICE Newton, O’Connor, Turner & Ketchum Northeast Oklahoma District Church of (918) 587-0101 (918) 496-0022 the Nazarene Keith Wilkes, President H. David McKellips, District Superintendent 15 W. 6th St., Ste. 2700 6705 E. 81st Street, Ste. 130 Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.newtonoconnor.com http://www.neonaz.com ATTORNEYS CHURCH 42 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 54 3/15/12 8:39 AM O OCV Control Valves (918) 627-1942 Britt Radford, CEO 7400 East 42nd Place Tulsa, OK 74145-4744 http://www.controlvalves.com VALVES & FITTINGS OK Texans Soccer Club (918) 582-6001 Liz Skidmore, Administrator P. O. Box 2912 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.oktexans.com NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SALES/SERVICE/REPAIR Office Depot (918) 274-4755 Kara Kuester, Manager 12211 East 96th Street North Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.officedepot.com OFFICE EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLIES Oklahoma Aerospace Alliance (918) 527-0980 Mary Smith, Executive Director 1800 S. Baltimore, Floor 6 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.okaero.com ASSOCIATIONS Northeastern State University (918) 444-2000 Jerry Cook, VP of Community Relations O2 for U, Inc. (918) 227-9995 601 North Grand Ave. Steven Keeton, President Tahlequah, OK 74464-2399 8281-B S. 89th W. Ave. http://www.nsuok.edu Tulsa, OK 74131 SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES http://www.O2foru.com Northside Nursing Home (918) 224-0833 Ernest Johnson, Administrator 102 E. Line Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74066 NURSING HOME - CONVALECENT CARE (918) 836-9077 OAI Electronics Roger Evoniuk, President 6960 E. 12th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 MANUFACTURERS Northside Veterinary Clinic (918) 683-4921 Oak Dale Manor (918) 245-5908 Marilyn Halkola, Patty Eisenmann, Administrator/Owner 1924 N. 11th Street 1025 N. Adams Rd. Muskogee, OK 74401 Sand Springs, OK 74063 VETERINARY HOSPITALS http://www.oakdalemanor.org NorthStar Technologies (918) 307-0900 Charles Pilkington, Managing Partner 5807 S. Garnett Road, Ste. L Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.northstargt.com COLLECTION AGENCIES NURSING HOME - CONVALECENT CARE Oakridge Builders (918) 582-9333 Mark McGee, General Manager P. O. Box 3598 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.oakbuild.com CONTRACTOR - GENERAL Northwestern Mutual Financial Network (918) 496-8721 Oaks Country Club (918) 446-6161 Lance Franczyk, Managing Partner Mark Barrett, General Manager 7030 S. Yale, Ste. 800 6900 S. 49th W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136-5726 Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.nmfn.com/oklahomagroup http://www.oakscountryclub.com FINANCIAL SERVICES GOLF COURSES - PRIVATE Norwood Law Firm, P.C. (918) 582-6464 Joseph Norwood, Owner 1717 S. Cheyenne Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.oklahomaadvocate.com ATTORNEYS (918) 584-7900 OakTree Software, Inc. Bryan Wilson, Vice President, Sales & Marketing 1437 South Boulder, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.oaktreesoftware.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY NotionBox Creative, LLC (918) 557-4241 Joey Minick, Marketing Consultant 9109 S. Norwood Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.notionboxcreative.com GRAPHIC DESIGN (918) 835-2301 Oasis Motel P. R. Patel, Owner 9303 E.11th Tulsa, OK 74112 HOTELS Office Depot #0047 (918) 663-0682 Derek Drew, Manager 7950 East 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 OFFICE EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLIES (918) 838-0293 Office Depot #0050 Steve Anderson, 2010 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74112 OFFICE EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLIES Office Depot #2132 (918) 250-9292 Rob Wieden, Manager 11001 East 71st Street South Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.officedepot.com OFFICE EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLIES (918) 749-0821 Office Depot #2391 Mark Cohen, Store Manager 1530 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.officedepot.com OFFICE EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLIES (918) 481-5755 Office Depot #359 Jeff Zellers, Manager 7286 S. Lewis Tulsa, OK 74136 OFFICE EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLIES Oklahoma Air National Guard (918) 833-7208 Michael Hepner, 9121 E. Mustang Street Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.oktulsa.ang.af.mil MILITARY (918) 296-3474 Oklahoma Aquarium Teri Bowers, COO/Executive Director 300 Aquarium Drive Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.okaquarium.org AQUARIUM Oklahoma Blood Institute/Tulsa (918) 477-0401 Crystal Farrimond, Executive Director, Tulsa Subcenter Operations 4601 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.obi.org BLOOD BANK Oklahoma Centennial Botanical Garden (918) 289-0330 Todd Lasseigne, Executive Director 2 West 6th St., Ste. 325 Tulsa, OK 74119-1237 http://www.ocbg.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Office Depot Business Solutions Division Oklahoma Center for Community & (918) 845-5845 Justice (918) 583-1361 Bobby Bingham, Territory Development Nancy Day, Executive Director Manager O’Brien Auto Performance 100 West Fifth Street, LL 1030 Notnu Truck Rentals (918) 834-6611 1530 S. Lewis (918) 583-7889 Tulsa, OK 74103 Glenda Joyner, President Tulsa, OK 74104 David O’Brien, Owner/Technician http://www.occjok.org 3910 E. Admiral Place http://bsd.officedepot.com 1402 E. 6th St. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Tulsa, OK 74115 OFFICE EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLIES Tulsa, OK 74120 AUTO LEASING/RENTALS AUTO REPAIR Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits (918) 683-2330 Office Medic, Inc. (918) 579-1900 Edwards, November Sundays, Inc. (918) 398-0407 David OCOSA Communication, LLC Dana Wilkes, Development Director Andy Mullins, President 3101 Chandler Rd., #105 (918) 585-9882 1145 S. Utica Ave., Ste. 1100 400 S. Boston, Ste. 1100 Muskogee, OK 74403 Otis Surratt Jr., President Tulsa, OK 74104 Tulsa, OK 74103 MEDICAL CASE MANAGEMENT P. O. Box 3432 http://www.oklahomacenterfornonprofits.org http://www.novsun.com Tulsa, OK 74101 MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS MARKETING http://www.ocosa.com OG & E Electric Services (918) 227-6232 INTERNET SERVICES Chuck Mitchell, Manager - Community Affairs Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of P. O. Box 1128 NoWax Business and Technology, LLC Science and Technology (405) 319-8400 (918) 978-6692 Sapulpa, Ok 74067 (918) 437-5085 OCT Equipment Inc. C. Michael Carolina, Executive Director Brian Willms, Owner http://www.oge.com Jim Doughty, Vice President 755 Research Parkway, Suite 110 3963 S. Highway 97, Ste. 176 ELECTRIC COMPANIES 12210 E. 1st St. Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.ocast.ok.gov http://www.nowax.net http://www.octequipment.com/ (918) 607-6726 Oilfield Products, LLC STATE AGENCIES COMPUTER SYSTEMS - CONSULTING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES Hughes Coston, Owner 9727 E. 46th Place Oklahoma Central Credit Union Tulsa, OK 74147 NuStar Catoosa Asphalt Terminal Octavian Security USA Inc. (918) 664-6000 (918) 266-5926 http://www.rollerrodguides.com (918) 392-3399 Steve McNabb, EVP & Chief Business Ivan Tramel, Terminal Manager OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT/SALES & SUPPLY Jas Athwal, Senior Vice President Development Officer 5575 E. Channel Rd. 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 2970 P.O. Box 471227 Catoosa, OK 74015 Tulsa, OK 74103 OK Machine and Manufacturing Tulsa, OK 74147 ASPHALT CONCRETE http://www.octavianusa.com (918) 838-1300 http://www.oklahomacentral.org SECURITY SERVICE Glenn Strobel, President/Owner FINANCIAL SERVICES 2522 North Columbia Place Tulsa, OK 74110 MACHINE SHOPS 43 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 55 3/15/12 8:39 AM Oklahoma Custom Canvas Products Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame Oklahoma State University Career (918) 438-4040 (918) 281-8600 Services (918) 594-8208 Daniel Hayes, President Jason McIntosh, CEO Bianca Townsend, Employer Development 2 S. 109th E . Place 111 E. 1st St. Coordinator Tulsa, OK 74128 Tulsa, OK 74103 700 North Greenwood Ave. http://www.occpok.com http://www.okjazz.org Tulsa, OK 74106 CANVAS GOODS ENTERTAINMENT http://www.hireosugrads.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Oklahoma Wesleyan University (918) 728-6143 Everett Piper, President 10810 E. 45th St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.okwu.edu SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (918) 744-6205 Oklahoma Custom Courier, LLC Oklahoma Magazine (918) 286-7700 Vida Schuman, Publisher Ben Randall, Owner / Partner P. O. Box 14204 P.O. Box 3344 Tulsa, OK 741591204 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.okmag.com http://www.oklacc.com MAGAZINE COURIER SERVICE Oklahomans for Equality (918) 743-4297 Toby Jenkins, Executive Director P. O. Box 2687 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.okeq.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine (918) 561-8201 Kayse Shrum, Provost and Dean 1111 W. 17th Street Tulsa, OK 74107-1898 http://www.healthsciences.okstate.edu Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (918) 592-0722 Okmulgee Chamber of Commerce (918) 756-6172 Chuck Prucha, President & CEO Nolan Crowley, Executive Director 525 South Main, #210 Oklahoma State University in Tulsa 112 North Morton (918) 594-8000 Tulsa, OK 741034503 Okmulgee, OK 74447 Howard Barnett, President http://www.okalliance.com www.okmulgeeonline.com MANUFACTURING CONSULTANTS 700 N. Greenwood Ave. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Tulsa, OK 74106-0700 http://www.osu-tulsa.okstate.edu Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Okmulgee County Family Resource SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (405) 951-3480 (405) 271-7210 (918) 756-2549 Services Raymond Turner, Project Coordinator J. Donald Capra, MD Marlene Covington, 3535 N.W. 58th St., Ste. 500 825 Northeast 13th Street Oklahoma State University Medical P. O. Box 73 Center (918) 599-1000 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Oklahoma City, OK 73104-5046 Okmulgee, OK 74447 Jan Slater, CEO http://www.okdrs.gov http://www.omrf.org FAMILY SERVICES GOVERNMENT MEDICAL RESEARCH 744 West 9th Street Tulsa, OK 74127 (918) 744-9700 Oktoberfest, Inc. http://www.osumc.net Patti Zabienski, Administrative Oklahoma Electrical Supply Co./INFOSYS Oklahoma Methodist Manor HOSPITALS (918) 585-1297 (918) 574-2590 P. O. Box 4362 (918) 949-6676 Oklahoma Cyberknife Jana King, Marketing Representative 6802 S. Olympia Ave., Ste. G-100 Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.oklahomack.com CANCER SPECIALTY HOSPITAL Tim Walker, P. O. Box 3384 Tulsa, OK 74101-3384 http://www.oesco.com ELECTRIC COMPANIES Cari Owens, Director of Sales & Marketing 4134 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.ommtulsa.org RETIREMENT CENTER David Humphrey, Chief Operating Officer 320 South Boston Ave., Ste 1108 Tulsa, OK 74103 INVESTMENTS John Blue, NE Director 3100 East New Orleans Street Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.osbdc.org BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES & Placement 3801 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.oha.edu SCHOOLS - VOCATIONAL Sid Goodrich, Executive Director 9410 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.oksoccer.com SPORTS ORGANIZATION Tulsa, OK 74159-0362 Oklahoma Style Bar-B-Que http://www.tulsaoktoberfest.org (918) 835-7077 FESTIVALS/SPECIAL EVENTS Mattie Hayes, Owner 2225 N. Harvard Ave. Old Village Wine & Spirits (918) 712-2155 Tulsa, OK 74115 Steve Kinnett, Owner http://www.okstylebbq.com 1327 E. 41st St. Oklahoma Energy Services, Inc. Oklahoma Quality Award Foundation, Inc. RESTAURANTS (918) 254-9630 (405) 815-5295 Tulsa, OK 74105 Bonnie Taubel, Heather Griswold, Executive Director LIQUOR - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE 7134 South Yale Ave., Ste. 210 900 North Stiles Oklahoma Surgical Hospital (918) 477-5000 Tulsa, OK 74136 Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Omni Air International, Inc. Rick Ferguson, CEO http://www.okesi.com http://www.oklahomaquality.com (918) 836-5393 2408 E. 81st St., Suite 300 GAS MARKETERS NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Rob Coretz, Chairman Tulsa, OK 741374230 P. O. Box 582527 http://www.oklahomasurgicalhospital.com Oklahoma Equity Partners Oklahoma Small Business Development Tulsa, OK 74158 HOSPITALS (918) 382-0395 (918) 449-6280 Center http://www.omniairintl.com AVIATION/TRAVEL/CHARTER Oklahoma Technical College (918) 895-7500 (918) 836-3131 Omni Air Transport Blaze Bly, Dan Burnstein, President 4444 S. Sheridan P. O. Box 150017 Tulsa, OK 74145 Oklahoma Health Academy Tulsa, OK 74158-0017 http://www.oklahomatechnicalcollege.com (918) 748-9900 Oklahoma Soccer Association http://www.omniairtransport.com SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Christi Sprague, Director of Student Services (918) 627-2663 AIRCRAFT CHARTERS RENTALS Oklahoma Heart Institute (918) 592-0999 Steven Struttmann, Executive Director 1265 South Utica Ave., 3rd Floor Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.oklahomaheart.com HEALTH SERVICES (800) 777-1793 Oklahoma Today Ervalene Jenkins, Account Executive 120 N. Robinson Ave., Ste. 600 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 http://www.oklahomatoday.com MAGAZINE (918) 583-6464 OMNI Lighting Jeff Olsen, President 1333 E. 4th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.omnilighting.com LIGHTING SYSTEMS (405) 744-6384 Burns Hargis, President Oklahoma Vision Development Center (918) 745-9662 107 Whitehurst d/b/a Harrel Eyecare Monte Harrel, CEO Stillwater, OK 74078-0001 http://www.okstate.edu 4520 S. Harvard, Ste. 135 SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.harreleyecare.com OPTOMETRISTS (918) 477-7400 ONB Bank & Trust Co. John Allan, President & CEO 8908 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.onbbank.com BANKS Oklahoma Spine & Brain Institute (918) 749-0762 Deborah Wood, Oklahoma Veterinary Specialists (918) 461-1700 Omni Packaging Corp. (918) 299-4900 6802 S. Olympia, Ste. 300 Roberta Jones, President Steven Hodges, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Tulsa, OK 74132 12322 E. 55th St. 9360 S. Union Ave., Ste. 102 http://www.osbi.net Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74132 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS http://www.omnipackaging.com http://www.okvets.com PACKAGING - MATERIALS Oklahoma Insurance Department VETERINARY HOSPITALS (918) 295-3700 Oklahoma State University John Doak, Insurance Commissioner 7645 E. 63rd St., Ste. 102 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.ok.gov/oid STATE AGENCIES 44 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 56 3/15/12 8:39 AM ORS Nasco (918) 781-5300 Larry Davis, President 9910 E. 42nd St., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.orsnasco.com WHOLESALER 91st & YALE 21st & LEWIS 61st & MINGO 21st & SOUTHWEST BLVD OWASSO SAPULPA STILLWATER EDMOND 918-477-7400 www.onbbank.com One Architecture LLC (918) 764-9996 Shelby Navarro, Principal 418 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.1architecture.com ARCHITECTS Oral Roberts University (918) 495-6175 Mark Rutland, President 7777 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.ORU.edu SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (918) 574-8770 One Place, LLC Hank Pellegrini, Principal 120 W. 3rd St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.oneoklahoma.com DEVELOPER (918) 401-0056 Orange Sky Doug Branstetter, President 11435 S. Oxford Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.orangeskytulsa.com CONSULTANTS (918) 307-2016 One Source Windows and Doors Oreck Outlet (918) 461-0075 Kathy Smith, General Manager Bryan Rinder, Owner 7139 S. Mingo 11333 E. 51st Place Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.oreckstore.com http://www.onesourcewindows.com CLEANING SUPPLIES - SALES & DIST. WINDOWS & DOORS-RETAIL & WHOLESALE (918) 588-7000 ONEOK Inc. Angie Schrader, Community Investments Coordinator Post Office Box 871 Tulsa, OK 74102-0871 http://www.oneok.com ENERGY COMPANIES (918) 742-3336 Oreck Store Kathy Smith, General Manager 1338 E. 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.oreckstore.com/tulsa CLEANING SUPPLIES - SALES & DIST. Owasso Eye Institute, Inc. (918) 274-7100 Chrystie Edwards, 12455 E. 100th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 EYE CARE CENTER Owen Graves Concrete, Inc. Orthopedic Resources, Inc. (918) 245-7736 (918) 744-1078 Betty Graves, Office Manager Mark Farrow, President 289 Eagle Point Lane 1638 S. Main St. Sand Springs, OK 74063 Tulsa, OK 74119 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION www.orthopedicresources.com ORTHOPEDIC PRODUCTS (918) 250-5500 Oxford Learning (918) 699-7798 Osage Casino Neil Cornelius, Chief Executive Officer 1211 W. 36th St. N. Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.osagecasinos.com CASINO Osage Nation Foundation (405) 415-0383 Bill Webb, Executive Director P. O. Box 92777 Southlake, TX 76092 http://www.osagefoundation.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 582-5633 Osage, LLC Kim Noble, Office Administrator 302 S. Cheyenne, Ste. 112 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.osagellc.com INVESTMENTS Danny Stockstill, Owner 7715 E. 91st St., Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.oxfordlearn.com TUTORING P P & R Supply Co., Inc. (918) 438-6270 Hari Musapeta, President P.O. Box 690094 Tulsa, OK 74169 http://www.pnrsupply.com BATTERIES (918) 663-0555 Pace Products of Tulsa Cindy Nuckolls, Owner 9513 E. 55th St., Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74145 DISTRIBUTORS Pacer Energy Marketing, LLC Oscar J. Boldt Construction (918) 585-6790 (918) 582-9090 Larry Durham, President Jeff Kusler, Area Manager P. O. Box 4470 12121 E. 51st St., Ste. 107 Tulsa, OK 741590470 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.pacerenergymarketing.com http://www.boldt.com OIL & GAS SERVICES CONTRACTOR - GENERAL Pactola Development Co. (918) 636-4856 Osteopathic Founders Foundation Dan Mordhorst, President (918) 551-7300 P. O. Box 4335 Sherri Wise, President O’Reilly Mountain Ranch (918) 486-8182 Tulsa, OK 74159 4812 East 81st Street, Ste. 301 Jay O’Reilly, Co-Owner OIL ROYALTIES Tulsa, OK 741371907 (918) 813-3865 Onyx Sky Design P. O. Box 306 http://www.osteopathicfounders.org Paul Schmitz, CEO Coweta, OK 74429 Page Belcher Golf Course (918) 446-1529 FOUNDATIONS 9309 E. 93rd St. AGRICULTURE &/OR LIVESTOCK ARENA Tom Wolf, Tulsa, OK 74133 6666 S. Union Ave. http://www.onyxsky.com (918) 294-9530 OTV, Inc. Oriental Rug Company (918) 743-0178 Tulsa, OK 741321802 GRAPHIC DESIGN Jeff Showalter, President Chris Dickason, Vice President GOLF COURSES - PUBLIC 6321 E. 102nd St., Ste. A 3331 E. 32nd Place Tulsa, OK 74137 (918) 443-2428 Oologah Lake Leader Tulsa, OK 74135 Paige Anderson, CLU (918) 756-6310 http://www.otvinc.com Faith Wylie, Publisher CARPET, RUG DEALER Paige Anderson, Owner TAX PREPARATION 109 S. Maple St. 114 N. Grand, Ste. 212 Oologah, OK 74053 (918) 622-0800 Orkin Pest Control Okmulgee, OK 74447 http://www.oologah.net (918) 810-3929 Outlaw Kustomz Daryl Murdock, Branch Manager INSURANCE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING Ryan Myers, Owner 6550 E. 40th St. 4401 S. 91st E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 Pain Diagnosis & Treatment Center, LLC Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 491-9191 Optimus Corp. PEST CONTROL (918) 366-5511 http://www.outlawkustomz.com G. Scott Lewis, President Jaqruti Bhakto, Member ADVERTISING - SPECIALIZED 5727 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 600 Orlando & Associates, Realtors 8556 E. 101st Street South, Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74105-7147 (918) 212-6611 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.optimus-tulsa.com (918) 445-2606 Overlook Apartments Orlando Dumalag, Owner PHYSICIAN SERVICES HEAT TRANSFER EQUIPMENT Beth Pogue, Regional Manager 1308 S Cypress Lane 6339 S. 33rd W. Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Palliative Drug Care (888) 901-2092 Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.callOrlando.com OPUBCO Communications Group Hank Grant, Outbound Solutions Manager http://www.maxcap.com (405) 475-4041 REAL ESTATE 10810 E. 45th St. APARTMENT COMPLEX Michelle Kelley, Director of Marketing Services Tulsa, OK 74146 P. O. Box 25125 Ornelas & Morris, CPA, PC (918) 665-6420 http://www.pdcrx.com Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Owasso Chamber of Commerce Steve Ornelas, President PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGEMENT http://www.newsok.com (918) 272-2141 5840 S. Memorial, Ste. 315 MARKETING Gary Akin, President Tulsa, OK 74145 ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC 315 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.owassochamber.com CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 45 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 57 3/15/12 8:39 AM Palmer Binding Systems (918) 747-9216 Michael Palmer, Owner 4633 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.palmerbinding.com BINDING - BOOKS Paradigm Risk Management Patterson & Associates (918) 749-8374 (918) 299-8081 Charles Patterson, Real Estate Advisor Robert Garland, Owner 2651 E. 21st St., #101 1804 W. Jefferson St. Tulsa, OK 74114 Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.SellerOfDreams.com INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PDG+creative (918) 337-0414 Matt Pendergraff, Executive Creative Director 319 South Dewey Ave., Ste. 200 Bartlesville, OK 74003 http://www.pdgcreative.com GRAPHIC DESIGN (918) 663-5848 Palomino Horse Breeders of America, Inc. Park Village Retirement Community Paul Davis Restoration (918) 438-1234 (918) 834-6400 Kevin Platt, General Manager, Sherry Miller, Resident Manager 10344-B East 58th Street 15253 E. Skelly Dr. 650 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74116 Tulsa, OK 74112 RESTORATION - FIRE & WATER http://www.palominohba.com RETIREMENT CENTER HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Paul Mitchell The School Tulsa (918) 627-1040 Peace Academy Zaheer Arastu, Board Director 4620 S. Irvington Ave Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.peace-academy.net SCHOOLS (918) 250-0196 Panera Bread Kelsey Israel, General Manager 11123 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.panerabread.com BAKERY Panera Bread (918) 250-2230 Chris Richards, General Manager 8930 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.panerabread.com BAKERY (918) 499-8808 Panera Bread Patty Treece, General Manager 6981 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.panerabread.com BAKERY (918) 583-5454 Panera Bread Erin Studebaker, Community Relations Manager 1624 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.panerabread.com BAKERY (918) 663-1600 Panera Bread Herbert Rapier, General Manager 5601 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.panerabread.com BAKERY (918) 742-2485 Parker Associates Jim Parker, President 2202 E. 49th St., #200 Tulsa, OK 74105-8728 http://www.parkertulsa.com ARCHITECTS (918) 932-2779 Peacock Financial Services, LLC Natashia Abbage, Admissions Leader (918) 747-7138 E. Dian Peacock, 14002 E. 21st St., Ste. 1050 Tulsa, OK 74134 5272 S. Lewis, #206 http://www.pmtstulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74105 SCHOOLS - VOCATIONAL INSURANCE Parkhill’s Liquors and Wines Paul Norwood and Associates Peak UpTime (918) 585-8488 (918) 742-4187 (918) 760-7111 Roberta Fankhauser, Director of Marketing Lance Parkhill, Owner Paul Norwood, Owner 823 S. Detroit Ave., Ste. 200 5111 South Lewis 3015 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 443B Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.peakuptime.com LIQUOR - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE http://www.penorwood.com TECHNOLOGY & BUSINESS CONSULTING FUNERAL DIRECTORS Parks Edge Nursing & Rehabilitation (918) 627-5238 (505) 235-4489 Paul’s Pens,Inc. Debbie Ary, Administrator Paul Fossett, President 5115 E. 51st 6309 S. 90th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74133 NURSING HOME - CONVALECENT CARE MANUFACTURERS - BALLPOINT PENS Pediatric Dental Group, LLC (918) 585-3744 Parmenter Realty Partners Pavey’s Collision Repair Inc. Nancy Keithline, Marketing Director (918) 492-3400 (918) 371-5741 Scott Mitchell, Senior Property Manager Doug & Janet Pavey, 602 S. Utica Ave. 6100 South Yale, Suite 390 910 W. Broadway Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74136 Collinsville, OK 74021 http://www.pediatricdentalgroup.com http://www.parmco.com AUTO REPAIR DENTISTS - PEDIATRICS REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT (918) 299-7750 Pawcasso’s Academy of Animal Arts Peggy Merrill, DDS (918) 872-7821 Peggy Merrill, Owner Parties Plus Productions, Inc. Leslie Rosales, Owner (918) 401-0361 7707 E. 111th St., Ste. 105 Dwayne Craul, Owner 7849 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 4421 S. 91st E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 DENTISTS Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.pawcassos.biz EVENT COORDINATORS DOG GROOMING (918) 283-4004 Pelco Part-Time Pros (918) 551-7767 Carey Baker, President 1326 E. 43rd Ct., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.parttimepros.net EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Paychex, Inc. (918) 663-2221 Mike Ruzicka, Branch Manager 9810 E. 42nd St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74146-3617 http://www.paychex.com PAYROLL SERVICES (918) 622-8102 Party Pro Rents Stephanie Layson, Owner Paradigm Clinical Research Group,LLC (918) 512-6379 4111 S. 70th E. Ave. Shari Lee, Administrator Tulsa, OK 74145 119 E. Dewey http://www.partyprorents.com Sapulpa, OK 74066 TENT RENTAL http://www.pcrgroup.org MEDICAL RESEARCH Passport Health of Oklahoma PC Computers & Software (918) 664-8833 Bryan Sensintaffar, President 8125-G E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.pccompsoft.com COMPUTER SALES - SERVICE & NETWORKING (918) 622-3442 Panoak Natural Gas Chris Harl, President 403 S. Cheyenne, Ste. 1000 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.panoak.com ENERGY COMPANIES (918) 794-7351 Paradigm Group David James, Director 5314 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 418 Tulsa, OK 74137 ARCHITECTS Pearl Restoration, LLC (918) 261-5665 C. Alan Benton, President 605 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 RESTORATION Phil Albert, President 1501 N. Industrial Blvd. Claremore, OK 74017 http://www.pelcostructural.com MANUFACTURERS Pendergraph Systems Inc. (918) 835-8403 Doug Padgett, President 6916 East 12th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.pendergraphinc.com SECURITY SYSTEMS (918) 437-1280 Penske Truck Leasing Brendan VanDorn, PCC Cleaning & Restoration 11330 E. Pine St. (888) 528-9521 (918) 641-1111 Tulsa, OK 74116 Russell Rooms, Executive Director Roger Fisher, Owner http://www.penske.com 3545 NW 58th St., Ste. 340 1124 N. Mingo Rd. TRUCK RENTAL & LEASING Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.passporthealthok.com http://www.pcccr.com Peoplelink Staffing Solutions HEALTH SERVICES RESTORATION - FIRE & WATER (918) 745-6500 (918) 459-7919 Paradigm Realty Advisors, L.L.C. Patrol Technology, Inc. (918) 665-1900 Debbie Ashby, Owner-Manager Michael Estus, Director 11349 E. 61st St. 4500 S. Garnett, Suite 600 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.patroltechnology.com http://www.paradigmtulsa.com UNIFORMS REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL (405) 360-5130 PDC Productions Patrick Boylan, President 3217 N. Flood Norman, OK 73069-8241 http://www.pdcproductions.com AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION Shelly Bollinger, State Manager 5401 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 101 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.peoplelinkstaffing.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 46 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 58 3/15/12 8:39 AM Peoples Bank (918) 382-5207 David Johnson, CEO P. O. Box 50000 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.peoplesbanktulsa.com BANKS Petroleum International, Inc. Phoenix Rising Aviation, Inc. Pinpoint Personnel (918) 745-1800 (918) 712-1840 (918) 337-0204 Cindy Cook, President Mary McMahon, President Warren Peck, Vice President 3311 South Yale, Suite 200 1840 East 15th Street P.O. Box 1331 Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74104 Bartlesville, OK 74005 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES OIL & GAS PRODUCTION http://www.praviation.com AIRCRAFT SALES/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE Pinto Horse Association of America, Inc. (918) 828-2500 Pepsi Beverages Company PetroSkills/OGCI (918) 446-6601 Dennis Wing, Owner Heather Hoytink, Vice President & General 2930 S. Yale Ave. Manager Tulsa, OK 74114-6252 510 W. Skelly Drive http://www.petroskills.com Tulsa, OK 74107 PETROLEUM TRAINING BEVERAGES (405) 491-0111 Photography by Dori G, Inc. Darrell Bilke, Executive Vice President/COO (918) 341-0959 7330 N.W. 23rd Street Ashley May, Bethany, OK 73008 401 E. 5th St. http://www.pinto.org Claremore, OK 74017-7416 HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION PHOTOGRAPHY (918) 747-8905 Petty’s Fine Foods R. Scott Petty, President 1964 Utica Square Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.pettysfinefoods.com GROCERS - RETAIL Pioneer Abstract & Title Co. Physicians Management Assist Group (918) 683-2904 (918) 392-7880 Darlene Lacrone, Joe Spann, Managing Partner 414 W. Broadway St. 4608 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. 404 Muskogee, OK 74401-6613 Tulsa, OK 74146 TITLE COMPANIES http://www.mypmag.com Medical Consultants Pioneer Financial Group (918) 794-7100 (918) 899-4100 Perfect Occasion Heather Ballew, Owner 2001 W. Princeton Circle., #1012 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.theperfectoccasionandevents. com EVENT COORDINATORS PGS Paragon LLC (918) 721-0000 Graham Gardner, President Perfect Practice Athletic Center 9520 E. 55th St., Ste. B (918) 764-9175 Tulsa, OK 74145 Becky Yoder, Owner/ Partner http://www.pgsparagon.com 4950 S. Sheridan Rd. OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT-MFG./SALES Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.perfectpracticeok.com Phame Marketing (918) 619-9137 ATHLETIC TRAINING Ron Owens, CEO 5053 S. 79th E. Ave Perfect Smile Tulsa - Dr. Mark Davis Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 742-8100 http://www.phamemktg.com Marianne Davis, Practice Manager MARKETING 5301 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 488-1848 Phil Shoemake http://www.theperfectsmiletulsa.com Phil Shoemake, DENTISTS 6729 S. Richmond, Ste. 530 Performance Propeller (918) 834-4968 Joyce O’Banion, Owner 1505 E. Kenosha St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012-2014 BOAT SALES & SERVICE Tulsa, OK 74136 www.shoemake.org INSURANCE (918) 587-7119 Philip C. Lauinger, Jr. Philip Lauinger, 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1130 Perimeter Technology Center, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) 592-5551 INVESTMENTS Steven Curtis, Director of Sales Engineering (Tulsa) Phillip E. Maloney Agency (918) 663-9898 322 East Archer Phillip Maloney, Owner / Agent Tulsa, OK 74120 7625 E. 51st St., Ste. 200 http://www.perimetercenter.com Tulsa, OK 74145 TECHNOLOGY & BUSINESS CONSULTING http://www.maloneyinsagency.com Perrine, McGivern, Redemann, Berry & (918) 382-1400 Taylor, PLLC Kevin Berry, Attorney/ Partner P. O. Box 1710 Tulsa, OK 741011710 http://www.pmrlaw.net ATTORNEYS INSURANCE (918) 587-8163 Philwell Inc. Bill Snow, President 320 S. Boston, Suite 1910 Tulsa, OK 74103 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Phoenix Healthcare, LLC (918) 592-7012 Perry Financial Services, LLC Carla Jackson, Regional Director (918) 478-2424 P.O. Box 2680 Budo Perry, Agent Tulsa, OK 74101 801 South Lee Street http://www.phoenixhealthcarellc.com Fort Gibson, OK 74434 NURSING HOME - CONVALECENT CARE INSURANCE Piatto Cucina Italiana (918) 770-0719 Marcia Harris, Owner 7513 S. Olympia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.piattotulsa.com RESTAURANTS (918) 438-5005 PIC-Med of Oklahoma David Parekh, Manager 11014 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.picmed.com HEALTH/WELLNESS CLINIC (336) 789-2171 Pike Electric, LLC Rufus Lankford, Operations Vice President P. O. Box 868 Mount Airy, NC 27030 http://www.pike.com ELECTRIC COMPANIES Piland Engineering, Inc. (918) 770-0008 Robert Piland, President 2446 E. 49th Street Tulsa, OK 74105 ENGINEERS Jason Ford, President 6450 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74136 INSURANCE Pitney-Bowes, Inc. (918) 327-4070 Dean Burke, Sales Manager 5115 S. 122nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.pb.com OFFICE MACHINE SALES/SERVICE PJ’s Sandwich Shoppe Inc. (918) 622-4662 Marguerite Harrison, Owner 4307 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 RESTAURANTS Plan B Industrial Sales (918) 798-8399 Pat Bell, Owner 1808 N. 30th Street Broken Arrow, OK 74014-4996 DEVELOPER Plan Benefit Analysts of Tulsa, Inc. (918) 496-2000 Daniel Wheeler, President 4775 East 91st Street, Ste. 200 Pinnacle Commercial Group Tulsa, OK 74137-2805 (918) 587-8400 http://www.pbatulsa.com Ted Osgood, Partner EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS 5727 S. Lewis, #550 Tulsa, OK 74105 Planet Fitness (918) 621-1122 REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Jorge Roldan, Owner 5050 South Memorial Pinnacle Health Care of Oklahoma Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 331-1653 http://www.planetfitness.com Kim Vineyard, FITNESS CENTER 10512 N. 110th E. Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 Planned Parenthood of Arkansas and MEDICAL CLINICS Eastern Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 858-5207 Kate Neary-Pounds, Pinnacle Packaging Company Inc. 5780 S. Peoria Ave. (918) 744-5400 Tulsa, OK 74105 J. Scott Dickman, CEO http://www.ppaeo.org 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 260 HEALTH SERVICES Tulsa, OK 74136 Phoenix Residential Services Perry, Herring & Company, C.P.A., P.C. http://www.oraclepackaging.com (918) 245-1884 Platinum Technology Group (918) 358-3586 MANUFACTURERS Bambi LaTray, Chief Financial Officer (918) 574-8989 John Herring, President 20 W. 2nd Street, Ste. 200 Sam Perchez, CEO P. O. Box 648 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Pinon Energy Company (918) 585-9660 138 N.E. 46th St. Cleveland, OK 74020 http://www.phoenixresidential.org John Coughlon, President/Owner Oklahoma City, OK 73105 ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC REHABILITATION SERVICES 15 E. 5th Street, Ste. 3625 http://www.ptgok.com (918) 494-0999 Petal Pushers Elizabeth Wallis, President 1660 East 71st, Suite H Tulsa, OK 74136-5191 FLORISTS - RETAIL Tulsa, OK 74103 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT COMPUTER SERVICE/REPAIR 47 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 59 3/15/12 8:39 AM Platt College (918) 663-9000 Michael Pugliese, President 3801 South Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.plattcollege.org SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Power Auto Sales, LLC (918) 258-5398 Richard Power, 501 S. 10th Street Broken Arrow, OK 74012-4422 AUTO DEALERS Premier PowerSports (918) 234-4151 Scott Little, Store Manager P. O. Box 763 Catoosa, OK 74015 BOAT SALES & SERVICE Power Ready (918) 712-5300 Ginette Overall, President Play N Trade Video Games - Gateway (918) 794-6060 4121 S. Sheridan Granville Haynes, Owner / Manager Tulsa, OK 74145 1605 N. Peoria Ave., Ste. C http://www.powerready.net Tulsa, OK 74106 GENERATOR SALES/SERVICE/RENTAL http://www.playntrade.com/playntradenorth GAMES - VIDEO (918) 445-2220 Power Train, Inc. Premier Staffing Inc. (918) 491-2200 Dan Roberts, President 7131 S. Riverside Dr. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.premier-staff.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Jeff Miller, Manager Pocket Expert Consulting, LLC 2442 W. Skelly Dr. (405) 410-4601 Tulsa, OK 74107 Karen Mize, CFO http://www.powertraintulsa.com 5328 E. 26th St. DRIVE SHAFTS Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.pocketexpert.net Powerone Financial, Inc. (918) 231-5568 DNA FORENSIC CONSULTING Evans Rector, Owner Poe & Associates, Inc. (918) 665-8800 Robert Smith, V. P. 4606 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74146-5200 ENGINEERS - CONSULTING (918) 749-6873 Poe Enterprises, LLC Robert Poe, Owner 2131 E. 29th St. Tulsa, OK 74114 INVESTMENTS 7633 E. 63rd Place, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74133 FINANCING (918) 495-3600 Prairie Rose Louis Shahin, Director 7401 Riverside Drive Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.prairie-rose.us RETIREMENT CENTER (918) 371-0093 Prairie State Sales Gerry Steltzlen, 11006 E. 120th Ct. north Point & Click Computer Consulting (918) 260-6404 Collinsville, OK 74021 Jenni Hawkins, Secretary SCALES 2608 W. Kenosha, Ste. 554 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (918) 234-5683 Pratt Industries http://www.pointandclicktulsa.com Shannan Drummond, General Manager COMPUTER SYSTEMS - CONSULTING 1020 N. 145th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 Pointe of Grace Dance Center MANUFACTURERS (918) 396-7432 Debbie Hammontree, (918) 241-2800 Prattville Tag Agency 219 E. Rogers Blvd. Berta Holmes, Skiatook, OK 74070 606 W. 41st St. DANCE STUDIO Sand Springs, OK 74063-2611 Port Partnership (918) 582-6297 Robert James, Vice President P. O. Box 14049 Tulsa, OK 74159 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT (918) 425-2112 Post Oak Lodge Jim Barnard, CEO 5323 West 31st St. North Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.postoaklodge.com EVENT FACILITY www.prattvilletagagency.com TAGS (918) 581-5500 Pray Walker, P.C. C. Bretton Crane, President 100 West 5th, Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.praywalker.com ATTORNEYS (918) 224-6626 Prescor, Inc. Wally Trepp, President P. O. Box 9856 Tulsa, OK 74157-0856 http://www.prescor.com TANK HEADS Tulsa, OK 74112-5612 http://www.preferredtape.com Powell Roustabout Services (918) 857-2992 DISTRIBUTORS James Powell, President P. O. Box 581 Premier Advisors Group (918) 664-6511 Cleveland, OK 74020 Michael Hulse, President OIL FIELD SERVICE 4111 S. Darlington, Ste. 800 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.premieradvisorsgrp.com FINANCIAL SERVICES Process Automation and Control Systems, (918) 630-1070 Inc. Sally Wood, Treasurer 8233 S. 72nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 CONTROL SYSTEMS Professional Engineering Consultants (918) 664-5400 Ethan Edwards, Tulsa Office Manager 4150 S. 100th E. Ave., Ste. 401 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.pec1.com ENGINEERS - CONSULTING Prevent Blindness Oklahoma (918) 496-3484 Melanie Sherl, Director of Financial Professional Physical Therapy Inc Development (918) 744-1331 Helen Pratt, President 2505 E. 21st St., Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74114 4612 S. Harvard, Ste. B http://www.preventblindnessok.org Tulsa, OK 74135 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION http://www.ppttulsa.com PHYSICAL THERAPY - OUTPATIENT PricewaterhouseCoopers L.L.P. (918) 524-1200 Professional Publishing Associates David Colwell, Managing Partner (918) 742-2868 Susan Thomas, Director 6120 South Yale, Suite 1850 Tulsa, OK 74136 4119 E. 42nd Place http://www.pwcglobal.com Tulsa, OK 74135 ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC LEGAL WRITING (918) 622-3160 Primeaux Kia Henry Primeaux, Owner 4747 S. Yale Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.primeauxkia.com AUTO DEALERS Program Management Group, LLC (918) 582-7595 Kirby Crowe, Owner & Managing Director 601 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 1200 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.pmgtulsa.com PROJECT MANAGEMENT Primus International Walden’s Division (918) 836-6317 (918) 615-9610 Prolific Creative Mike Morgan, Deputy General Manager James Schellhorn, President 3030 N. Erie P. O. Box 14327 Tulsa, OK 74115 Tulsa, OK 74159 http://www.wmitulsa.com http://www.prolificcreative.com MANUFACTURER - AIRCRAFT ADVERTISING AGENCIES (918) 336-5737 Printing Center, Inc. Mike Byfield, Manager/V.P. 220 S.E. Comanche Bartlesville, OK 74003 PRINTERS Private Note Investments (918) 408-5722 Tina Young, Precision Transducer Services, Inc. 6129 S. Waco Ave. (918) 272-6685 Tulsa, OK 74132 Kenneth Clark, President tyoungprivnote.com 9022 N. 97th E. Ave. FINANCIAL SERVICES Owasso, OK 74055 Potensys Engineering, LLC (918) 299-7569 http://www.ptsprobes.com Christy Brown, Business Manager MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SALES/SERVICE/REPAIR 4304 E. 98th St. Tulsa, OK 74137 (918) 834-8273 Preferred Tape, Inc. http://www.potensyseng.com Scot Marshall, President ENGINEERS - CONSULTING 6708 E. 13th St. ProBuild South LLC (918) 615-0222 James Cavanaugh, President & CEO 9920 E. 42nd St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74146-7016 http://www.probuild.com BUILDING MATERIALS (918) 828-0400 Pro Drivers Darla Creek, Area Manager 3202 S. Memorial Drive, Ste. 1J Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.prodrivers.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES ProActive Therapy, LLC (918) 299-9300 Sherrie Olivier, Office Manager 10123 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.proactive-therapy.com PHYSICAL THERAPY - OUTPATIENT (918) 488-8880 Properties Plus, Inc. Greg Williams, Owner 7040 S. Yale, Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.propertiesplus.com REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Property Client Services (918) 488-8020 Gail Fair, Property Manager 7060 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.propertyclientservices.com REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Property Company of America (918) 745-9500 Grant Hinch, Principal 4111 S. Darlington, Ste. 1190 Tulsa, OK 74135 REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL ProServ Business Products, LLC (918) 664-4345 Neil Trowbridge, President 4444 S. 74th East Ave Tulsa, OK 74145-4711 http://www.proservbp.com.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES 48 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 60 3/15/12 8:39 AM Prospectors Real Estate (918) 682-8501 Sherri Jones, Broker/Owner P. O. Box 3198 Muskogee, OK 74402 REAL ESTATE Qdoba Mexican Grill (918) 493-7179 Alex Hammond, Manager 5220 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.qdoba.com RESTAURANTS Pro-Tech Aeroservices, Inc. (918) 437-6800 (918) 494-7022 Qdoba Mexican Grill Mike Dotson, President/CEO Josie Walden, Manager 10 S. 111th E. Ave. 7153 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74128-1613 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.protechaero.com http://www.qdoba.com AIRCRAFT SALES/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE RESTAURANTS (918) 250-7663 Pro-Tech Roofing, Inc. Larry Wilson, P. O. Box 470113 Tulsa, OK 74147-0113 http://www.tulsaprotech.com ROOFING (918) 994-7145 Qdoba Mexican Grill Cameron Tobin, Manager 8310 E. 71st Ct. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.qdoba.com RESTAURANTS Quantum Relocation Services Rain Design Group (918) 557-8492 (972) 733-1181 Melissa Rainey, Owner/Partner J. Phillip Page, CFO 9230 E. 89th St. 14114 Dallas Parkway, Ste. 470 Tulsa, OK 74133 Dallas, TX 75006 GRAPHIC DESIGN http://www.quantumrelocation.com RELOCATION SERVICES Rainbow Montessori School Quick Fuel Fleet Services (817) 709-7362 Greg Smith, Territory Sales Representative 10701 Tube Street Hurst, TX 76053 http://www.quickfuel.com FUEL MANAGEMENT (918) 899-5164 Quick Temp Cooling Rod McGee, Owner P. O. Box 195 Skiatook, OK 74070 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Providence Surgical Group Quadrelec Engineering Corp. Quik Print of Tulsa, Inc. (918) 582-1825 (918) 376-2200 (918) 744-7172 Gary Gravley, President Michael Mann, Charles Pratt, President 6732 E. 41st Street 10502 N. 110th E. Ave., Rm 305 4338 S. Jamestown Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 Owasso, OK 74055 Tulsa, OK http://www.qptulsa.com PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS http://www.quadrelec.com PRINTERS ENGINEERS - ELECTRICAL Prudential Detrick Realty (918) 671-1855 Sheldon Detrick, CEO 4636 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.pruhomequest.com REAL ESTATE (918) 584-2919 Pruitt’s Tool Sales Jerry McGinnis, Owner 1020 N. Peoria Ave Tulsa, OK 74106 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES (918) 627-8858 Psychiatry of Tulsa Hazem Sokkar, 4833 S. Sheridan, Ste. 408 Tulsa, OK 74145 HEALTH CARE QuikTrip Corp. (918) 615-7700 Chet Cadieux, Chairman, CEO and President Quality Control Management (918) 872-1707 P. O. Box 3475 Teresa Cox, Owner Tulsa, OK 74101 8302 E. 78th St. http://www.quiktrip.com Tulsa, OK 74133 CONVENIENCE/GASOLINE RETAILER HOLDING COMPANIES R Quality Equipment Design, Inc. (918) 492-4019 R & S Manufacturing (918) 266-2266 Laverle Morrow, President Ron Appelman, President 4246 S. 74th E. Ave. 3010 N. 193rd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.qed-corp.com MACHINE SHOPS ENGINEERS (918) 252-0079 Anil Reddy, Founder 9725 E. 79th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 SCHOOLS - PRIVATE (918) 585-9119 Ralph Cole, Inc. Stephanie Cole, Studio Manager P. O. Box 2803 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.ralphcolephotography.com PHOTOGRAPHY RAM Energy Resources, Inc. (918) 663-2800 Les Austin, CFO 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 650 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.ramenergy.com OIL & GAS PRODUCTION (918) 828-9128 Ramada Marc Childers, General Manager 8175 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74129 HOTELS Ranch Acres Wine and Spirits (918) 747-1171 Mary Stewart, Owner 3324-A East 31st Tulsa, OK 74135 LIQUOR - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE RBC Ventures, Inc. (918) 744-5607 Roger Collins, CEO P. O. Box 52586 R. A. Bodenhamer & Associates, Inc. Quality Inn Broken Arrow (918) 258-8585 Tulsa, OK 74152 (918) 855-1964 Rakesh Dayalji, President INVESTMENTS Debbie Bodenhamer, 2301 W. Concord St. 604 W. 36th St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Public Service Company of Oklahoma RC Auto Specialists (918) 872-8115 Sand Springs, OK 74063-2860 http://www.enlightementhospitality.com (918) 599-2000 Roy Coggeshall, Owner OIL & GAS SERVICES HOTELS Stuart Solomon, President & COO 5822 S. 107th East Ave. P. O. Box 201 Tulsa, OK 74146 R. L. Hudson & Company (918) 259-6600 Tulsa, OK 74102 Quality Management Perspectives, LLC http://www.rcautospecialists.com Rick Hudson, CEO http://www.PSOklahoma.com (918) 289-3255 AUTO REPAIR 2000 W. Tacoma Linette Patterson, President ELECTRIC COMPANIES Broken Arrow, OK 74012 1611 S. Utica Ave., #171 RCB Owasso (918) 274-1401 http://www.rlhudson.com Tulsa, OK 74104 (918) 485-4479 Pumpkin Patch, Inc. Frank Enzbrenner, President INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION http://www.qmperspectives.com Carla Frost, Box 350 BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES 27112 E. 740 Rd. Owasso, OK 74055 R.O.I. Advertising Media Services, L.L.C. Wagoner, OK 74467 http://www.rcbbank.com (918) 582-9777 (918) 483-2811 CHILD CARE Quality Rags, Inc. BANKS Les Boyle, Chairman Kurt Gibson, President & Owner 5801 E. 41st, Ste. 600 P. O. Box 330 (918) 583-4401 Pythian Manor West RCI Insurance Group (918) 341-6081 Tulsa, OK 74135 Porter, OK 74454 Cassie Moore, Manager Michael Cottom, President http://www.roi-tulsa.com MANUFACTURERS 1700 Riverside Drive P. O. Box 1185 ADVERTISING AGENCIES Tulsa, OK 74119 Claremore, OK 74018 (918) 378-8242 HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Quality Steel Coating http://www.rci-ins.com Rachel Wagner Etiquette and Protocol Douglas Garrett, Owner INSURANCE (918) 970-4400 P. O. Box 141303 Rachel Wagner, Owner Broken Arrow, OK 74014 RE/MAX Executives, Realtors 12563 S. 71st E. Ave. STEEL PRODUCTS (918) 254-0600 Bixby, OK 74008 Qdoba Mexican Grill (918) 585-2229 David Momper, Broker/Owner http://www.etiquettetrainer.com Kevin Brutto, Manager (918) 858-9625 Quality Suites 7506 East 91 St. Ste. 200 BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES 1520 E. 15th Linda Haynes, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74120 3112 S. 79th E. Ave. http://www.tulsahomelist.com Radisson Inn Tulsa Airport http://www.qdoba.com Tulsa, OK 74145 REAL ESTATE - RELOCATION/DOMESTIC & (918) 835-9911 RESTAURANTS http://www.choicehotels.com FOREIGN Robert Everett, General Manager HOTELS 2201 North 77th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.parkinn.com/airporthotel-tulsa HOTELS Q 49 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 61 3/15/12 8:39 AM Ready Services (918) 706-3743 John Anderson, Marketing Manager 9521 S. Riverside Dr., Ste. B#249 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.rsmtulsa.com HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Red Carpet Bus Charters (918) 838-8082 Max Paty, Corporate Director of Sales & Marketing 2681 N. Florence Ave. Tulsa, OK 74110 http://www.redcarpetcharters.com BUS - CHARTER Redbird Strategies, LLC (918) 474-3495 Allen Helt, Manager RR 1 Box 2385 Oktaha, OK 74450 http://www.redbirdstrategies.com MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS REI (Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma Inc.) (918) 994-4370 Sam Vaverka, Loan Specialist 7615 E. 63rd Pl. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.ruralenterprises.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES Realize Information Technology Redeemer Presbyterian Church (918) 508-2228 (918) 346-4850 (918) 481-4282 Red Crown Federal Credit Union Relay Health Jeffrey Woods, Owner (918) 477-3200 Ricky Jones, Craig Seiler, Director Support Marsha Schmidt, President/CEO 3303 S. Harvard Ave., Ste. D 6528 E. 101st, Ste. D1 Box 415 6100 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 1900 Tulsa, OK 74135 5001 E. 91st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.realizetech.com Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.redeemertulsa.org http://www.relaythealth.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY http://www.redcrown.org CHURCH HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION CREDIT UNIONS (918) 456-1472 Reasor’s Foods Ken Perry, Director of Marketing & Advertising 200 W. Choctaw Tahlequah, OK 74464 http://www.reasors.com GROCERS - RETAIL Reasor’s Foods (918) 270-2100 Anthony Fulfaro, Store Director 4909 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.reasors.com GROCERS - RETAIL (918) 293-2244 Reasor’s Foods Dale Lobaugh, Store Director 1885 South Yale Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.reasors.com GROCERS - RETAIL (918) 493-7442 Reasor’s Foods Darla Burns, Store Director 7114 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.reasors.com GROCERS - RETAIL (918) 610-0610 Reasor’s Foods Tony Bell, Store Director 11005 E. 41st Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.reasors.com GROCERS - RETAIL Reasor’s Foods (918) 748-8332 Jeff Burns, Store Director 2429 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.reasors.com GROCERS - RETAIL (888) 825-6080 Redfish Outdoor Advertising Reliant Live Chris Wright, President/CEO (918) 260-4235 Red Crown Federal Credit Union (918) 477-3200 Dax Neal, Owner 20 E. 5th St., Ste. 1020 Joyce Hill, Assistant V. P. P. O. Box 52275 Tulsa, OK 74103 5321 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.reliantlive.com Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.redfishads.com SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT http://www.redcrown.org ADVERTISING - OUTDOOR CREDIT UNIONS Remington on Memorial (918) 250-8380 RedFork Main Street (918) 445-4457 Katy Davis, Executive Director Red Crown Federal Credit Union (918) 477-3200 P. O. Box 570978 Misty Wooldridge, Loan Officer Tulsa, OK 74157 3101 W. Kenosha http://www.redforkmainstreet.org Broken Arrow, OK 74012 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION http://www.redcrown.org CREDIT UNIONS (918) 394-7625 Redrock Canyon Grill Jeremy Brim, General Manager 9916 Riverside Parkway Red Crown Federal Credit Union (918) 825-5656 Tulsa, OK 74137 Lisa Higgins, Branch Manager http://www.redrockcanyongrill.com 19 N. Rowe St. RESTAURANTS Pryor, OK 74361 http://www.redcrown.org (918) 369-1294 Redrock Utilities, Inc. CREDIT UNIONS Mike Miller, President Kelley Washington, Manager 8461 E. 81st St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 APARTMENT COMPLEX Renaissance Management Group (918) 254-6748 Patrick Brendle, President & Executive Director 7615 E. 63rd Pl., Ste. 130 Tulsa, OK 74133 HOME HEALTH SERVICES Renaissance Tulsa Hotel & Convention (918) 307-2600 Center Tim Lewin, General Manager 6808 South 107th East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.renaissancetulsa.com HOTELS 12806 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 128 Bixby, OK 74008 Red Lobster Inns of America (918) 496-3323 http://www.redrockutilitiesinc.com Hien Luu, Manager CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES 4525 E. 51st Reporter Publishing Company Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 789-2331 Regal Car Sales & Credit. LLC http://www.redlobster.com (918) 622-0788 Linda Lord, Editor RESTAURANTS Mary Humerickhouse, Marketing Coordinator/ P. O. Box 6 Community Relations Chelsea, OK 74016 Red Oak Business Planning, LLC 1407 S. Memorial http://www.chelseareporter.com (918) 938-3093 Tulsa, OK 74112 PUBLISHERS Bernard Awalt, Owner http://www.regalcars.com 6508 W. Edison Street AUTO DEALERS ResCare, Oklahoma - Tulsa Tulsa, OK 74127 (918) 592-3888 http://www.redoakplanning.com Chris Freedom, Executive Director Regal Distributing Company, Inc. BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES (913) 982-5104 1601 S. Main St. Suite 400 (918) 251-0037 Rebecca’s Flowers Rebecca Foust, Owner 804D S. 9th Street Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.rebeccasflowersandgifts.com FLORISTS - RETAIL Dean Kopulos, President/Owner 9734 Pflumm Red River Roofing & Construction, Inc. (918) 270-2888 Lenexa, KS 66215 Clint Rayburn, Marketing Manager http://www.getregal.com P. O. Box 6846 WHOLESALER Edmond, OK 73083 http://www.redriverroofing.com (918) 488-0788 Regent Bank ROOFING Sean Kouplen, CEO Rebuilding Together Tulsa (918) 742-6241 Jennifer Barcus-Schafer, Director P.O. Box 52201 Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.rebuildingtogethertulsa.com NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 622-6776 Red Roof Inn Kal Deshi, Owner 4717 S. Yale Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.redroof.com HOTELS (918) 806-1790 Recruiting Excellence Vicki Marino, 1909 W. Vail St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012-0201 www.RecruitingExcellence.net EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (918) 447-4493 Redberry Farm Sandi Dittmann, Owner 4501 W. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.cedarrockinn.com BED & BREAKFAST INN 7136 South Yale, Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bankregent.com BANKS Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.rescare.com DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Reset Restoration Services (918) 232-5505 Ryan Lefler, Manager 8808 S. Peoria Ave., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.resetrestoration.com RESTORATION Residential Repair, Inc. (918) 621-1020 Jonathon Knapp, Owner & President Regier, Carr & Monroe, LLP (918) 494-8700 7628 E. 46th Street Brent Curry, Partner Tulsa, OK 74145 8023 E. 63rd Pl., #500 STRUCTURAL REPAIR Tulsa, OK 74133 ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC Residential Title & Escrow Services, Inc. (918) 806-2000 Regional Hyundai Will Reynolds, 2380 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.regionalhyundai.com AUTO DEALERS (918) 369-6345 Estelle Berlin, President 8556 E. 101st St., Ste. E Tulsa, OK 74133 TITLE COMPANIES 50 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 62 3/15/12 8:39 AM Resolution Consulting, LLC Rib Crib BBQ Inc. (918) 712-7427 (918) 809-6953 Marc Chastain, President Kim Beair, Owner/CEO 4535 S. Harvard Ave. 7304 E. 65th St. Tulsa, OK 74135-2905 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.ribcrib.com http://www.kimbeair.com RESTAURANTS BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES River City Development LLC (918) 232-7575 Roadhouse Chiropractic (918) 481-2770 Jim Hawkins, Managing Member Brian Roadhouse, Owner 427 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 915 6565 S. Yale, Ste. 901 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.rcdtulsa.com CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS BUILDING MANAGEMENT (918) 743-8811 Rich and Cartmill, Inc. Vaughn Graham, 2738 E. 51st, Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74105-6228 http://www.rcins.com INSURANCE (918) 488-0311 River Gayle, Inc. Judy Waters, President 6846 S. Trenton Avenue Tulsa, OK 74136 INVESTMENTS (918) 250-0581 Richard Biby, Inc. Richard Biby, President 5869 South Garnett Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.richardbibyinc.com DIESEL REPAIR (918) 596-2006 River Parks Authority Matt Meyer, Executive Director 717 S. Houston, Ste. 510 Tulsa, OK 74127-9008 http://www.riverparks.org PUBLIC SERVICE Robert Half International, Inc. (918) 493-3393 Kimberly Shapiro, Branch Manager 7666 E. 61st St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.rhi.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Richard Ravits Law Office (918) 838-8185 Richard Ravits, Attorney 52 N. Delaware Ave. Tulsa, OK 74110 ATTORNEYS River Spirit Casino (918) 995-8518 Jerry Floyd, General Manager 8330 Riverside Parkway Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.riverspirittulsa.com CASINO (918) 260-8068 Roberts Farms Karla Roberts, Part Owner Route 1, Box 90 Haskell, OK 74436 FARMING Richards & Connor (918) 585-2394 Results Therapy Services, LLC James Connor, (918) 865-7020 525 S. Main, 12th Floor Stacey Jerome, Office Manager Tulsa, OK 74103 P. O. Box 361 http://www.richardsconnor.com Mannford, OK 74044 ATTORNEYS PHYSICAL THERAPY - OUTPATIENT Riverbend Glass (918) 299-4776 Delba Blair, Owner 5836 S. 68th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 GLASS - COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Rick Scott Construction (918) 835-4551 Jon Humphrey, Vice President 14990 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.rickscottconstruction.com CONTRACTOR - GENERAL Riverview Baptist Church (918) 369-2055 Andy Jobe, Pastor 13201 S. Memorial Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.riverview-church.org CHURCH Roberts Roofing & Construction (918) 628-7663 David Forbes, Controller 7634 E. 46th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.robertsroofing.com ROOFING (918) 494-3770 Riddle & Wimbish, P.C. Richard Riddle, President 5314 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74135-6247 http://www.riddlewimbish.com ATTORNEYS Riverview Wine & Spirits (918) 241-8717 Donna Burch, Secretary 114 S. Adams Rd. Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.riverviewwines.com LIQUOR - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE (918) 586-7800 Resources Global Jennifer Lyon, Director of Recruiting 320 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 1801 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.resourcesglobal.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES (918) 836-8101 Rest Inn & Suites Amrut Patel, Owner 7475 E. Admiral Pl. Tulsa, OK 74115 HOTELS Restore Hope Ministries (918) 582-5766 Jeff Jaynes, Executive Director 2960 Charles Page Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.restorehope.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 663-1450 Resume Source, Inc. Vicki Hidde, Owner 5610 South Memorial Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.resume-source.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES (918) 747-7799 Retina Associates, Inc. Raymond Townsend, Physician / Owner 220 W. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74132 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS (918) 543-5297 Revolution DJs Jason Kreitzer, Co-Owner 23966 S. 381st E. Ave. Porter, OK 74454 http://www.revolution-djs.com DISC JOCKEY Rex Public Relations, LLC (918) 599-0029 Ryan Rex, Managing Member 401 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 2300 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.rexpr.com PUBLIC RELATIONS Rhodes Inspection, LLC (918) 272-1074 Janelle Roberts, 10210 E. 89th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 MANUFACTURERS (918) 627-9737 Riddle Financial Group, LLC RJN Group, Inc. (918) 524-6330 Tom Prag, Senior Project Manager Bruce Riddle, CEO 5401 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 302 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 350 Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.rjn.com http://www.riddlefinancialgroup.com ENGINEERS - CONSULTING FINANCIAL SERVICES Ridgeway Baptist Church (918) 244-1593 Carolyn Dobson, 7785 S. Highway 97 Sapulpa, OK 74066-8899 http://www.ridgewaybaptist.com CHURCH (918) 492-1777 Robert C. Bates, LLC Bradley McCrory, 6846 S. Canton, Suite 250 Tulsa, OK 74136-3400 INSURANCE Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 664-2211 Mark Robertson, President 4370 S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 451-0345 Lynn Allamon, Store Manager 3901 South Elm Place Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 582-3697 Scott Borst, Store Manager 1611 East Admiral Boulevard Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS RLCP, LLC dba Pruitts Auto Collision (918) 274-4499 Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 343-3333 Elizabeth Pruitt, John Roaton, Store Manager 8231 N. Owasso Expressway 812 W. Will Rogers Blvd. Owasso, OK 74055 Claremore, OK 74017 http://www.pruittsautocollision.com http://www.robertson-tire.com AUTO BODY REPAIR/PAINTING TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS (918) 313-8039 Rinehart’s Insurance Agency RM Auctioneers, LLC (918) 286-7901 Richard Miller, Auctioneer / Owner Rick Rinehart, P. O. Box 486 3838 W. Galveston Place Beggs, OK 74421 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.rmauctioneers.com INSURANCE AUCTION Rhodes, Hieronymus, Jones, Tucker & (918) 582-1173 Gable Chris Rhodes, (405) 216-3472 River City Development LLC RMS Consulting, LLC (918) 584-0331 Robin Shepard, Owner P. O. Box 21100 James Hawkins, Tulsa, OK 74121-1100 30 E. Campbell St., Ste. 240 http://www.rhodesokla.com 427 South Boston, Ste. 915 Edmond, OK 73034 ATTORNEYS Tulsa, OK 74103 INSURANCE BUILDING MANAGEMENT (918) 960-3800 Road Science, LLC Pat Larin, President & CEO 6502 S. Yale Avenue Tulsa, OK 74136-8368 http://www.roadsciencellc.com PAVING MATERIAL WHOLESALE & MFG Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 369-1500 Joe Mattingly, Store Manager 11142 S. Memorial Dr. Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 627-6566 Jared Hale, Store Manager 4247 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS 51 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 63 3/15/12 8:39 AM Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 664-6244 Ralph Lohnbakken, Store Manager 4372 S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 251-3712 Lynn Allamon, Store Manager 401 West Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 298-1188 12590 S. Waco Ave. Glenpool, OK 74033 http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 234-4020 Grant Lohnbakken, Store Manager 14455 East 21st Street Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 274-8022 Jim Reeves, Store Manager 8341 Owasso Expressway Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 291-0330 Joe Harwell, Store Manager 8840 S. Delaware Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS Rodan & Fields Dermatologists Rooney Insurance Agency, Inc. Runners Licensing Inc. (918) 488-0507 (615) 202-9765 (918) 582-0565 Rick Bahlinger, Owner Cynthia Mabry, Independent Consultant George Kolczun, Vice President 5818 E. 77th St. 1233 W. Richmond Shop Rd. 5601 South 122nd East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74136 Lebanon, TN 37090 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.runnerslicensing.com https://cynthia.myrandf.biz http://www.rooneyinsurance.com BEER/ALE - WHOLESALE & DISTR. HEALTH & WELLNESS PRODUCTS INSURANCE (918) 622-6617 Roger Hicks & Associates Group Insurance Roops Frozen Yogurt (800) 356-9059 Jatin Bhakta, Owner Inc. Roger Hicks, President 4107 S. Yale Ave. P. O. Box 18169 Tulsa, OK 74135 Oklahoma City, OK 73154-0169 RESTAURANTS http://www.callhicks.com INSURANCE Roper Hardwood Floor Company, Inc. (918) 582-5201 Rogers and Bell Sharon Bell, Managing Partner Box 3209 Tulsa, OK 74101 ATTORNEYS Roger’s Mini Stop (918) 443-9103 David Rogers, Owner P. O. Box 485 Oologah, OK 74053 CONVENIENCE RETAIL GROCERY Rogers State University (918) 343-7612 Larry Rice, President 1701 W. Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore, OK 74017-3252 http://www.rsu.edu SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Romano’s Macaroni Grill (918) 254-7800 Emily Machetta, General Manager 6603 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.Macaronigrill.com RESTAURANTS Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 664-5775 Justin Youngblood, Store Manager 4362 South Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS Rural Water District #6, Okmulgee County (918) 694-7834 (918) 827-6350 Joseph Roper, President Rick Boone, District Manager 9529-C E. 55th Place P. O. Box 340 Tulsa, OK 74145 Mounds, OK 74047 http://www.roperfloors.com NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION FLOOR COVERINGS Rosburg and Associates (American National Insurance) (918) 369-9070 Paul Rosburg, Owner 6810 E. 121st St., Ste. 100 Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.rosburginsurance.com INSURANCE Rosenheck and Co., Inc. (918) 742-9944 Ted Rosenheck, President 4555 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 741352930 http://www.rosenheck.com INSURANCE (918) 622-6996 Roto-Rooter Kyle Brierly, Executive V. P. 8125 E. Skelly Drive Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.rotorooter.com PLUMBING - COML/INDUST/RESIDENTIAL Ron Roark Insurance Agency, Inc. (918) 496-0089 Gerry Roark, Operations Manager Route 66 Marathon, Inc. (918) 409-2828 Chris Lieberman, Executive Director 4166 S. Mingo Tulsa, OK 74146 9717 E. 42nd St., Ste. 217 http://www.farmersagent.com/rroark Tulsa, OK 74146 INSURANCE http://www.route66marathon.com Robinson - Welch Insurance Agency, Inc. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 743-9868 Charles E. “Chuck” Welch, Owner/President 3723 E. 82nd Court Tulsa, OK 74137-1604 INSURANCE (918) 664-7904 Robinson Glass Co. Clark Robinson, Owner 7240 E. 46th Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.robinsonglass.com GLASS - COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL (918) 846-2732 Robinson Oil Linda Robinson, Co-Owner P. O. Box 152 Wynona, OK 74084 OIL COMPANY (918) 289-8611 Rock Whisperer, LLC Edith Wilson, Owner 3726 S. Xanthus Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.rockwhispererllc.com GEOLOGICAL CONSULTING Ron Roller (918) 260-6769 Ron Roller, 6104 W Phoenix Ct. Broken Arrow, OK 74011 ENERGY SERVICE PROVIDERS Ron’s Hamburgers & Chili (918) 245-6010 Barry Caruthers, 233 S. Adams Rd. Sand Springs, OK 74063 RESTAURANTS (918) 663-0270 Rooms Today Calvin Worth, General Manager 3500 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 www.roomstoday-usa.com FURNITURE DEALERS - RETAIL (918) 583-6900 Rooney Holdings, Inc. Kevin Moore, 5601 South 122nd East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74146 HOLDING COMPANIES Rupe Building Company (918) 749-1880 John Rupe, President 6914 S. Yorktown Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.rupeco.com CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES (918) 694-7113 Route 66 Photobooth John O’Meilia, Owner P. O. Box 52321 Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.route66photobooth.com PHOTOGRAPHY (918) 664-2245 Royal Dragon Jun Liang Zhang, Manager/Owner 7837 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 RESTAURANTS RVA LLC Market Research & Consulting (918) 592-3100 Michael Render, 15 W. 6th St., Ste. 1204 Tulsa, OK 74119-5400 http://www.RVALLC.com MARKETING Rydon Business Projects & Services (918) 294-0264 Henry Donovan, Owner/President 7936 S. 92 E. Ct. Tulsa, OK 74133-4951 www.rydonbps.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES S S & B Professional Painting (918) 284-1284 Barbara Senka, Co-Owner / Office Manager 1719 E. 137th St. Bixby, OK 74008 PAINTING & WALLCOVERING S & S Metals, Inc. (918) 245-4212 Melinda Mulcare, Vice President 1901 S. 81st W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74127 METAL RECYCLING S & W Tree Specialists of Tulsa, LLC (918) 437-0056 Leilani Hughes, Office Manager 10151 S. State Highway 51 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.swtree.com TREE SERVICE S Designs (918) 687-3482 Sharen Wallace, 3031 N. 11th St. West Muskogee, OK 74401 Royal Printing & Copy Centers DESIGN SERVICES (918) 584-2679 Mike Scrimsher, Vice President S N & P Lock & Security (918) 893-3568 400 S. Elm Place Mynette Whittington, Managing Partner Broken Arrow, OK 74012 1605 W. Plymouth St. http://www.royalprintba.com Broken Arrow, OK 74012 PRINTERS http://www.wattlock.com MANUFACTURERS RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) (918) 280-8656 (918) 270-7000 SageNet Betty Groth, Community Relations & Special Denyse Pluchel, Human Resource Manager Events Manager 10205 E. 61st St., Ste. D1 5756 E. 31st St Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.sagenet.com http://www.rsvptulsa.org COMPUTER SALES - SERVICE & NETWORKING NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 52 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 64 3/15/12 8:39 AM Sahoma Lanes, Inc. (918) 224-4890 Wayne Bolin, President P. O. Box 1243 Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.sahomalanes.com REAL ESTATE - APPRAISERS Sand Springs Community Federal Credit Sartain, Fischbein & Co. (918) 749-6601 Union (918) 245-1301 Tom Goekeler, Partner Leilani Harpole, President 3010 S. Harvard Ave., Suite 400 202 East Morrow Road Tulsa, OK 74114 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.sfandco.com http://www.sscfcu.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC CREDIT UNIONS Schnake Turnbo Frank PR (918) 582-9151 Becky Frank, Chairman & CEO 20 E. Fifth Street, Ste. 1500 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.stfpr.com PUBLIC RELATIONS (918) 728-6440 Savoy Foods Evan Kelamis, President P. O. Box 35825 Tulsa, OK 74153 http://www.savoyfoods.com MANUFACTURER - FOOD (918) 704-0504 School Desx LLC Chris Vokoun, Principal 9149 S. Yale, Ste. 214 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.schooldesx.com SOFTWARE SALES SAIC Energy, Environment & (918) 492-1600 Infrastructure, LLC Dan Pearson, Managing Director One West Third Street, Suite 100 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.saic.com/EEandI ENGINEERS (918) 245-1393 Sand Springs Home R. A. Weese, Trustee P. O. Box 278 Sand Springs, OK 74063 REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL (918) 742-5541 Saied Music Co. J. Robert Saied, President 3259 S. Yale Tulsa, OK 74135 MUSIC STORES (918) 347-2869 Sanders Nursery and Distribution Savoy Hotel (918) 486-1500 David Sharp, Owner James Berry, General Manager 631 South Peoria 20705 E. 161st St. Tulsa, OK 74120 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.tulsasavoy.com http://www.sandersnurseryok.com HOTELS GARDEN CENTER School House Bed & Breakfast Inn (573) 698-2022 Mike Friedemann, Owner/Innkeeper 504 Third Street Rocheport, MO 65279 http://www.schoolhousebb.com BED & BREAKFAST INN Saint Francis Health System Sawyer Manufacturing Company (918) 494-2200 Sandite Child Development Center (918) 834-2550 Schultz Electric (918) 639-1319 Jake Henry, President & CEO (918) 245-2622 Thomas Sawyer, President Paul Schultz, Owner Janna Maggard Siegel, 6161 S. Yale Ave. 1031 North Columbia Place 8719 Glen Lane Tulsa, OK 74136 P. O. Box 728 Tulsa, OK 74110 Tulsa, OK 74131 http://www.saintfrancis.com Sand Springs, OK 74063 www.sawyermfg.com ELECTRIC COMPANIES HOSPITALS CHILD DEVELOPMENT MANUFACTURERS Schwegman Insurance and Financial (918) 858-4680 Saint Francis Hospital South Sanguine Gas Exploration, LLC Saxum Services (918) 336-1800 (918) 307-6000 (918) 496-4777 Jesse Boudiette, Senior Vice President & Doug Schwegman, Agent David Weil, Senior Vice President/Administrator Thomas Fuller, Vice President General Manager 300 S. Shawnee - Saint Francis Hospital South Box 700720 200 E. Brady St. Bartlesville, OK 74003 10501 E 91st St. South Tulsa, OK 74170 Tulsa, OK 74103 SALON - FULL SERVICE Tulsa, OK 74133 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT http://www.saxum.com HOSPITALS PUBLIC RELATIONS SCIFIT Systems, Inc. (918) 359-2000 (918) 712-5225 Samandor, Inc. Sam Allen, President 5314 S. Yale, Ste, 900 Tulsa, OK 74135 INSURANCE San-O-Let Portable Chem. & Johnny On (918) 836-2134 The Spot Bill Bryant, Owner P. O. Box 581163 Tulsa, OK 74158 TOILETS RENTAL Saxum Public Relations (405) 608-0445 C. Renzi Stone, President & CEO 1300 N. Broadway Drive Oklahoma City, OK 73103 http://www.saxum.com PUBLIC RELATIONS Samaritan Counseling & Growth Center Sapulpa Area Chamber of Commerce (918) 336-1463 (918) 224-0170 (918) 585-5636 SB Holdings LLC Keith Sheffield, Suzanne Shirey, Executive Director Bradley Patton, Managing Member 245 S.E. Madison Blvd. 101 East Dewey 5103 S. Sheridan, Ste. 710 Bartlesville, OK 74006 Sapulpa, OK 74066 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://samaritanbartlesvill.org http://www.sapulpachamber.com http://www.sbholdingsllc.com MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT (918) 252-9503 Sam’s Club #6342 Mike Floyd, Store Manager 6922 South Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.samsclub.com WHOLESALE/RETAIL MEMBERSHIP CLUB (918) 627-1443 Sam’s Club #8263 Keith Lowe, Store Manager 4420 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.samsclub.com WHOLESALE/RETAIL MEMBERSHIP CLUB Samson Investment Co. (918) 583-1791 Kevin Morris, Vice President - Human Resources Two W. 2nd Street Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.samson.com OIL & GAS PRODUCTION Lawrence Born, CEO 5151 S. 110th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.scifit.com FITNESS EQUIPMENT SALES Scissortail Group PR (918) 583-2333 Gary Percefull, Owner 3704 Southwest Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.scissortail.com PUBLIC RELATIONS Scott L. Campbell, CPA, PC (918) 518-6512 Sapulpa First Church of God SCFM Compression Systems Inc. Scott Campbell, (918) 224-0380 (918) 663-1309 329 S. Elm St., Ste. 230 Ken Price, Jay Stephens, CEO Jenks, OK 740373765 1011 E. Hastain Ave. 3701 S. Maybelle Ave. ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC Sapulpa, OK 74066 Tulsa, OK 74107 CHURCH http://www.scfm.com Scott Realty Company (918) 877-2797 AIR & GAS COMPRESSORS Jeffrey Scott, President Sara Lee Bakery Outlet Store (918) 893-6555 (918) 496-4663 Schlotzsky’s Jacqueline Gallegos, Regional Sales Manager Shane Ramsey 6007 S. Mingo 2343 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74136 BAKERS - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE RESTAURANTS (918) 663-5524 Sarco Solutions LLC Jon Coursey, 9410 E. 51st, Ste. N Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.sarcolan.com COMPUTER NETWORKING (918) 622-4053 Schlotzsky’s Shane Ramsey 4905 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 0 RESTAURANTS (918) 664-3571 Schluter Chiropractic Jason Schluter, Owner Sartain Construction & Excavating (918) 227-2870 5424 S. Memorial Dr., Suite C1 Sand Springs Area Chamber of Commerce (918) 245-3221 Leah Sartain, Tulsa, OK 74145 Mary Eubanks, President P. O. Box 222 http://www.drschluter.com 9 E. Broadway Sapulpa, OK 74067-0222 CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS Sand Springs, OK 74063 CONTRACTOR - EXCAVATING http://www.sandspringschamber.com CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 7335 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 209 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.scottrealty.net REAL ESTATE Scott Rice (918) 362-4300 George Basore, President/Owner 2900-A N. Hemlock Circle Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.scottriceok.com OFFICE FURNITURE Scott-Macon Equipment Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 224-2000 Janice Moeller, Branch Manager 9477 N. Ridgeway Tulsa, OK 74131 http://www.smequipment.com CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES 53 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 65 3/15/12 8:39 AM Scott’s Lawn Care, LLC (918) 682-8312 Christy Biggs, 2604 Haddock Drive Muskogee, OK 74401 LAWN MAINTENANCE/LANDSCAPING SD Transportation (918) 834-8828 Grant Downey, Vice President P. O. Box 580039 Tulsa, OK 74158 www.sdtransportation.com TRUCKING Select Specialty Hospital, Tulsa Seventy First Wine & Spirits Sheehan Pipe Line Construction Company (918) 579-7260 (918) 461-9546 (918) 747-3471 Tracy Ferlet, CEO Ruby Brave Bear, General Manager Leonard Pataki, General Counsel 1125 S. Trenton, 3rd Floor 11234 E. 71st Street 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 700 Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74136-1267 http://www.selectmedicalcorp.com LIQUOR - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE http://www.sheehanpipeline.com HOSPITALS PIPE LINE EQUIPMENT (918) 446-6040 Sellars Bail Bonds Roxana Sellars-Wilson, Owner P. O. Box 9803 Tulsa, OK 74157 http://www.sellarsbailbonds.com BAIL BONDS Seaborn Grip & Electric, Inc. (918) 809-5548 Monte Seaborn, President / Owner Selser Schaefer Architects (918) 587-2282 Janet Selser, President P.O. Box 330254 Tulsa, OK 74133 1350 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 1100 VIDEO & FILM PRODUCTION Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.selserschaefer.com ARCHITECTS Securian Advisor MidAmerica, Inc. (918) 459-9349 Joe Wilburn, Managing Partner SemGroup Corporation (918) 524-8100 7633 E. 63rd Pl., Ste. 450 Norm Szydlowski, CEO Tulsa, OK 74133 6120 S. Yale, Ste. 700 http://www.securianmidamerica.com Tulsa, OK 74136-4216 FINANCIAL SERVICES http://www.semgroupcorp.com OIL & GAS SERVICES Security Bank (918) 664-6100 Eric Bohne, President & CEO 10727 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.securitybankok.com BANKS Security Pest Control, Inc. (918) 663-6272 Jennifer McCollum, Admin. Asst. / HR P. O. Box 690116 Tulsa, OK 74169 PEST CONTROL Sedco Investments, LLC (918) 299-0272 Bill Emmer, President 11702 S. Granite Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 ADVERTISING AGENCIES Seed Technologies, Inc. (918) 742-0028 Jennifer Jones, Owner 5109 S. Wheeling Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.seedtechnologies.com WEB DEVELOPMENT (918) 749-3588 Seeking Sitters Adrienne Kallweit, Owner 3144 S. Winston Avenue Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.seekingsitters.com CHILD CARE (918) 622-6100 Selco, LLC Mark Abels, President 8909 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.selcotime.com WATCHES AND CLOCKS (918) 592-1133 Select Engineering Scott Hastings, 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 600 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.select-engineering.com ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES (918) 712-5227 SH Management Steve Holloway, President 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74135 INSURANCE Shaddix & Reimer, PLLC (918) 274-4242 Juliana Reimer, Attorney/Owner 202 E. 1st St. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.srlawfirm.net ATTORNEYS (918) 296-9006 Shekinah Network Chuck McKee, President 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 4925 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.shekinahnetwork.org RELIGIOUS ORG. Shelton & Shelton Masonry, LLC (918) 481-6337 Mike Shelton, President 5127 E. 84th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.sheltonmasonry.com Shafer, Kline & Warren, Inc. (SKW) MASONRY (918) 499-6000 Tom Smith, Vice President-Director, Site Development 1323 E. 71st Street, Ste. 120 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.skw-inc.com ENGINEERS Shenloogian Chiropractic (918) 933-5445 Jason Shenloogian, Owner 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-2 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.tulsafamilywellness.com CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS Seminole Energy Services, LLC Shamrock Communications (918) 492-2840 (918) 665-3131 Sheridan Pond Apartments & Guest Suites Dana Nickel, Chuck Browning, (918) 481-1650 Nola Vaughn, General Manager 1323 E. 71st Street, Suite 300 5810 E. Skelly Dr., Suite 801 Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74135 8130 S. Lakewood Place http://www.seminoleenergy.com http://www.EDGEtulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74137 ENERGY COMPANIES BROADCASTING - RADIO HOTELS Send Out Cards - Independent Distributor Shanadoa Home Health, Inc. Shermco Industries, Inc. (918) 234-2300 Jim Harrison, Operatons Manager (918) 808-9629 (918) 331-0800 Michael Gotcher, Independent Distributor Shanda Minson, Owner 4510 S. 86th E. Ave. 8000 S. Elder Ave. 2633 S.E. Mission Dr., Apt. #128 Tulsa, OK 74145 Broken Arrow, OK 74011 Bartlesville, OK 74003 http://www.shermco.com http://www.sendoutcards.com/mikegotcher HOME HEALTH SERVICES ELECTRIC COMPANIES GIFT CARDS (918) 523-9933 Senior Options. LLC Steve Juett, Owner 5230 E. 69th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.senioroptionsllc.com FINANCIAL SERVICES (918) 493-2100 Senior Select Ann Popejoy, Owner 10810 E. 45th St., Ste. 310 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.seniorselecthc.com HOME HEALTH SERVICES (918) 592-4400 Senior Star Living Terry Bigger, CFO 1516 S. Boston, Suite 301 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.seniorstar.com RETIREMENT CENTER RENTALS Shane Bevel Photography (918) 409-0604 Shane Bevel, Owner 816 S. Jamestown Tulsa, OK 74112 PHOTOGRAPHY Shapard Research, LLC (405) 607-4664 Bill Shapard, CEO 820 N.E. 63rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 73105 http://www.shapard.com MARKET RESEARCH/DATA COLLECTION (918) 398-0327 Sharma Law Firm Rohit Sharma, Attorney 403 S. Cheyenne Ave, Ste. 1200 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.sharmalawfirm.com ATTORNEYS (918) 272-2665 Sharp Heat & Air, Inc. JoAnne Sharp, 9210 N. 163rd E. Ave. Sephora- Woodland Hills Mall (918) 307-8434 Owasso, OK 74055 Melissa Jordan, General Manager HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE 7021 S. Memorial, Ste. 215 Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 288-6560 Shatwell Heat & Air http://www.sephora.com Levon Shatwell, Owner COSMETICS P. O. Box 125 Collinsville, OK 74021-0125 Servpro of South Tulsa County HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE (918) 437-2095 Dave Jones, President 14690 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.servprosouthtulsa.com RESTORATION Sherry Laboratories of Oklahoma, LLC (918) 258-6066 Jeffrey Simmons, Director of Materials Testing 3100 N. Helmlock Circle Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.sherrylabs.com LABORATORIES - TESTING Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art (918) 492-1818 Arthur Feldman, Executive Director 2021 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74136-5408 http://www.jewishmuseum.net MUSEUM (918) 894-2019 Shikoba Recycling Kristen McCormick, Manager P. O. Box 14108 Tulsa, OK 74159 http://www.shikobarecyclilng.com RECYCLING CENTERS (918) 384-0099 Shortline Dental Tiffanie Riggs, Marketing Director 9908 E. 21st Street Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.shortlinedental.net/newsite DENTISTS (918) 392-1960 Showhomes Tulsa Tammy Edwards, Owner 9175 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.showhomes.com REAL ESTATE 54 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 66 3/15/12 8:39 AM Shredders, Inc. (918) 446-8386 Randy Gwartney, President 635 W. 41st Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.shreddersinc.net SHREDDING Skiatook Chamber of Commerce Small Wonders Academy (918) 561-6179 (918) 396-3702 Gwendolyn Hawkins-Minor, Director/Owner Stephanie Upton, Executive Director 3018 E. Pine Street P. O. Box 272 Tulsa, OK 74110 Skiatook, OK 74070 DAY CARE CENTERS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Soder Mechanical Inc. (918) 663-1614 Scott Soder, President 9526 E. 54th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.sodermechanical.com HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE (405) 943-6700 Shred-It Stephen Russell, District Operations Manager 2616 S. Vermont Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73108 http://www.shredit.com SHREDDING Smarter Media (918) 499-0331 Tim Airhart, President Skiatook First Assembly of God (918) 396-1973 12221 E. 51st St., Ste. B Vince Boone, Tulsa, OK 74146 P. O. Box 70 http://www.smartermediaok.com Skiatook, OK 74070 MARKETING CHURCH Softouch Development (918) 250-1493 Jeff Taylor, President-Owner 8023 E. 63rd Place, Ste. 255 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.easyworship.com SOFTWARE SALES (918) 894-4200 SMG Management John Bolton, General Manager Skiatook Osteopathic Clinic, Inc. (918) 396-1262 200 South Denver Rudolph Wolf, President Tulsa, OK 74103 P. O. Box 428 http://www.smgtulsa.com Skiatook, OK 74070-0428 BUILDING MANAGEMENT HEALTH CARE (918) 628-7646 SOHO Plus Steve Scott, Managing Partner 7116 S. Mingo, Ste. 107 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.sohoplus.net COMPUTER SERVICE/REPAIR Siegfried Companies, Inc. (918) 747-3411 E. Dick Bendel, 1924 S. Utica Ave., Ste. 1120 Tulsa, OK 74104 INVESTMENTS (918) 615-1430 Siemens Industry, Inc. Laurie Womack, Service Coordinator 12101 E. 51st St., #103 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.sbt.siemens.com CONTROL SYSTEMS & REGULAT. Signal Factory (918) 949-3838 Mark Dempsey, Managing Partner 624 S. Boston, Ste. 450 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.thesignalfactory.com VIDEO & FILM PRODUCTION (918) 682-8849 Signs For The Times Paula Vanderveer, 1321 N. Main Muskogee, OK 74401 SIGNS (918) 712-7446 Signs Now Jennifer Maricle, 3229 South Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.signsnowtulsa.com SIGNS Skin Care Institute (918) 494-8300 Charlene Darrow, Spa Manager 6565 S. Yale, Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.skincareinstitute.net MEDICAL SPA Sky Fitness & Wellbeing (918) 299-5500 Kyle Ayers, Director of Membership Development 10121 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.sky-fit.com FITNESS CENTER Smith Brothers Abstract & Title Co., Inc. (918) 582-2148 Solar View / Oklahoma Shutters Jim Cichon, (918) 366-6468 616 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 100 Sherry Barbour, Tulsa, OK 74119 18622 S. 62nd E. Ave. http://www.smithbrothersabstract.com Bixby, 74008 ABSTRACTS http://www.okshades.com WINDOW COVERINGS Smithco Investments, LLC (918) 459-4643 Susan Lawrence, Executive Assistant 7633 E. 63rd Place, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74133 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT (918) 398-7272 Smoke N Grill Cafe Heather Lightfoot, Owner/Manager 12 N. Utica Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park Solomon, Simmons, Sharrock & (918) 274-0592 Tulsa, OK 74110 (918) 582-4224 Associates Lacey Lamm, President http://www.smokengrillcafe.com Damario Solomon-Simmons, Managing 11403 E. 100th St. North RESTAURANTS Partner Owasso, OK 74055 601 S. Boulder, Ste. 704 http://www.skyzonesports.com Tulsa, OK 74119 Smolen, Smolen & Roytman, PLLC ENTERTAINMENT http://www.solomonsimmonssports.com (918) 585-2667 ATTORNEYS Donald Smolen, Attorney Skyline Exhibits Oklahoma, Inc. 701 S. Cincinnati Ave (918) 258-6668 Tulsa, OK 74119 Jim Otterstrom, President http://www.ssrok.com 1813 W Reno St ATTORNEYS Silver Dollar Jewelry & Pawn, Inc. Broken Arrow, OK 74012-1409 (918) 744-8666 http://www.skyline.com Tim Clark, President (918) 245-0825 Snapdragon Group DISPLAY, DESIGNERS & PROD. Rebecca Currington, President 4125 South Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 PAWN SHOP 160 Osage Ridge Dr. Sand Springs, OK 74063 Sleep Inn & Suites Tulsa South (918) 249-8100 http://www.snapdragongroup.com Sonny Patel, Owner PUBLISHERS Silver Dollar Jewelry & Pawn, Ltd. 10143 E. 62nd Street South (918) 496-1221 Tulsa, OK 74133 Margaret Clark, (918) 523-3600 SNB Bank of Tulsa http://www.sleepinntulsaok.com 6573 E. 71st David York, President HOTELS Tulsa, OK 74135 P. O. Box 521500 PAWN SHOP (918) 271-1638 Simmons Consulting Gina Simmons, 1621 S. Newport Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES (918) 582-6237 Singer Bros. LLC George Singer, Manager Box 755 Tulsa, OK 74101 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT (918) 266-3331 Skelly Lodge Harvey & Janie Sweet, Owners 27795 S. Skelly Rd. Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.skellylodge.com EVENT FACILITY (918) 382-7463 Sole Mates, LLC Arthenia Schumpert, Owner/Operator 116 N. Greenwood Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 www.solematestulsa.com SHOES - RETAIL Tulsa, OK 74152-1500 Sleep Inn & Suites-Central/I-44 http://www.banksnb.com (918) 663-2777 BANKS Cammy Bradley, General Manager 8021 E. 33rd St. South (918) 249-0044 Soccercity Tulsa Tulsa, OK 74145 Kerry Shubert, Owner & General Manager http://www.sleepinn.com/hotel/ok093 5817 S. 118th E. Ave. HOTELS/MOTELS Tulsa, OK 74146 (918) 496-9020 Slicker Law Firm, P.C. Frederick Slicker, Attorney 4444 E. 66th St, Suite 201 Tulsa, OK 74136-4206 http://www.slickerlawfirm.com LEGAL SERVICES http://www.soccercitytulsa.com SOCCER FACILITIES (918) 630-8663 Solutions Hosting, Inc. Bruce Hardy, President 5147 S. Harvard, Ste. 310 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.solutionsbpm.com TECHNOLOGY & BUSINESS CONSULTING Son Country Insurance Agency (918) 245-9604 Glenn King, 16 E. Broadway Sand Springs, OK 74063 INSURANCE Sonic Drive In of Bristow (918) 367-6135 Bob Barnes, Owner P. O. Box 95 Bristow, OK 74010 RESTAURANTS Sonoma Grande (918) 286-1363 Michelle Ross, Property Manager 9303 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.sonomagrande.com APARTMENT COMPLEX Social Security Law Center, LLC (918) 388-7752 Michael Clay, Owner Sooner Electrical Services (918) 266-5707 2241 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 101 Mary Ferguson, Administrative Assistance Tulsa, OK 74105 8225 E. Hope Place http://www.sslc.biz SMACNA Of Oklahoma, Inc. Catoosa, OK 74015 (918) 838-3223 LEGAL SERVICES ELECTRIC COMPANIES T. Elliott, Manager 2121 S. Columbia, Ste. 445 Tulsa, OK 74114 ASSOCIATIONS 55 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 67 3/15/12 8:39 AM Sooner Freight, Inc. (918) 628-0010 Don Helterbrand, CEO P. O. Box 472305 Tulsa, OK 74147-2305 http://www.soonerfreight.com TRANSPORTATION Southern Journey of Oklahoma, LLC Southwestern Payroll Service, Inc. Spectrum Paint Company (918) 836-9911 (770) 936-9876 (918) 587-3321 Gentry Stafford, Marketing Manager Tom Stevens, Associate Manager Member Ray Fowler, President 4621 E. Admiral Blvd. 56 Woodstock Road 11008 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74115 Roswell, GA 30075 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.spectrumpaint.com TRAVEL AGENCIES http://www.swpay.com PAINT DEALERS - RETAIL PAYROLL SERVICES (918) 521-4992 Sooner Micro Systems Larry Poor, Owner 5319 E. 37th St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.soonermicro.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Southern Nazarene University-Tulsa Spencer Management, Inc. (918) 664-4100 (918) 335-6266 Southwood Landscape & Nursery Co, Inc. Jeri Mann, Associate Director of Admissions/ (918) 299-9409 Mark Spencer, President Joseph Schulte, President Marketing 1401 S. Delaware 8210 E Regal Ct 9025 S. Lewis Bartlesville, OK 74003 Tulsa, OK 741330 Tulsa, OK 74137 BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES http://tulsa.snu.edu http://www.southwoodnursery.com SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES GARDEN CENTER (918) 971-5900 Spherion Sooner Realty Properties, LLC (918) 260-5286 Kamlesh Aggarwal, Broker/Owner Southern Roofing Contractors, Inc. Spartan College of Aeronautics and (918) 284-9041 (918) 836-6886 2709 S. 27th St. Technology Steve Wright, Owner Jeremy Gibson, CEO / President Muskogee, OK 74401 http://www.SoonerRealtyProperties.com P.O. Box 2134 8820 E. Pine REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Broken Arrow, OK 74013 Tulsa, OK 74115 ROOFING http://www.spartan.edu SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Sooner Steel, Inc. (918) 478-4635 Melody Diebold, Owner 20944 S. Rogers Rd. Ft. Gibson, OK 74434 STEEL PRODUCTS SoonerDentalCare (918) 742-1480 Kenneth Garner, 3150 E. 41st St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.SoonerDentalCare.com DENTISTS Southland Mini-Storage & Tiger Mini (918) 633-6099 Storage and Car Wash Mark Savage, Co-Owner P. O. Box 305 Ketchum, OK 74349 http://www.southlandministorage.com STORAGE UNITS (303) 997-8008 Southwest Airlines Jane McAtee, 1140 Cherokee, #501 Denver, CO 80204 http://www.southwest.com Source Rock Operating LLC AIRLINE COMPANIES (918) 728-3116 Brian Weatherl, Manager 401 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 2424 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.sourcerockenergy.com GAS PRODUCERS South Burbank Petroleum Don Shackelford, 3510 N A St., Bldg. B 100 Midland, TX 79705 OIL & GAS SERVICES (432) 682-9784 Southwest Benefits, Inc. (918) 459-9355 Greg McKinney, President 7633 E. 63rd Place, Ste. 450 Tulsa, OK 74133 INSURANCE (918) 582-0093 Southwest Direct, Inc. Sharon Cummings, Vice President 2502 Charles Page Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.sdiok.com ADVERTISING - DIRECT MAIL Spartan Engineering, Inc (918) 895-7666 Wayne Lagorin, President 10820 E. 45th St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.spartan-eng.com ENGINEERS Jim Deatherage, Owner 4936 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.spherion.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Spiceology (918) 895-7838 Jeff Gettys, Co-Owner 7335 S. College Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.spiceology.net RETAIL Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. (918) 832-2272 Karen Powell, Director-HR, Communications & Gov. Relations Spears Travel / Travel Leaders P.O. Box 582808 (918) 254-1608 Tulsa, OK 74158 Brad Johnson, Director of Business http://www.spiritaero.com Development MANUFACTURER - AIRCRAFT 8321 E. 61st, #201 Tulsa, OK 74133 Spirit Bank Event Center (918) 369-9363 http://www.spearstravel.com Kim Parsons, Director TRAVEL AGENCIES 10441 S. Regal Blvd, #295 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.spiritbankeventcenter.com Special Event Services, LLC (918) 488-8817 EVENT FACILITY Kathy Purple, Owner 5724 E. 65th Pl. Spirit Financial / Employee Benefits Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 295-7411 Division EVENT COORDINATORS Kurt Schultz, Vice President Specialized Home Health (918) 481-8135 James Wilcox, Business Manager 7125 S. Braden Tulsa, OK 74136 HOME HEALTH SERVICES 1800 S. Baltimore, Ste. 620 Tulsa, OK 74119 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS South Lakewood Baptist Church (918) 836-6538 SpiritBank (918) 712-9292 Gary Woodard, Pastor Albert Kelly, President & CEO Southwest Filter Company 6108 E. 20th (918) 835-1179 1800 S. Baltimore D. W. Thompson, President Tulsa, OK 74112 Tulsa, OK 74119 Specialty Pain Management Center P. O. Box 580608 (918) 481-6494 http://www.slbc.com http://www.spiritbank.com Jeffrey Calava, CEO CHURCH Tulsa, OK 74158 BANKS FILTERS 6802 S. Olympia Ave. West, Ste. 250 Tulsa, OK 74132 (918) 342-2362 Southern Anesthesia Providers, P. C. Spirits of 66 http://www.cancer-pain.com Sam Cowherd, Owner (918) 519-5717 Southwest Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, PAIN MANAGEMENT Brent Henderson, (918) 446-7010 Inc. 409 N. Lynn Riggs 513 E. Shreveport St. Broken Arrow, OK 74011 HEALTH CARE Matt Crain, Executive Director P. O. Box 571292 Tulsa, OK 74157-1292 http://www.swtulsachamber.com CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Spectrum Paint Company (918) 369-1264 Gentry Stafford, Marketing Manager 10807 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.spectrumpaint.com PAINT DEALERS - RETAIL Southern Hills Country Club (918) 492-3351 Nick Sidorakis, General Manager Southwest United Industries, Inc. (918) 587-4161 2636 E. 61st St. Willard Emery, Tulsa, OK 74136 Spectrum Paint Company (918) 398-2188 Gentry Stafford, Marketing Manager http://www.southernhillscc.com 422 South St. Louis Ave. GOLF COURSES - PRIVATE Tulsa, OK 74120-3418 15247 E. Skelly Dr. http://www.swunited.com Tulsa, OK 74116 AEROSPACE COATINGS http://www.spectrumpaint.com Southern Hills Veterinary Hospital PAINT DEALERS - RETAIL (918) 747-1311 Rodney Robards, President 2242 E. 56th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.southernhillsvet.com VETERINARY HOSPITALS Southwestern Aero Exchange, Inc. (918) 272-9815 Spectrum Paint Company (918) 749-0383 Jan Warren, Gentry Stafford, Marketing Manager 18502 E. 108th St. North 4520 S. Peoria Owasso, OK 74055 Tulsa, OK 74105 AIRCRAFT ACCESSORIES http://www.spectrumpaint.com PAINT DEALERS - RETAIL Claremore, OK 74017 LIQUOR - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE Spring Valley Anglers Rod and Gun Club (479) 752-3390 Adam Maris, President 6641 S. Atlanta Pl. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.springvalleyanglers.com SPORTS CLUB (918) 249-3206 Sprint Nextel Brad Watson, General Manager 7633 E. 63rd Place, Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.sprint.com TELECOMMUNICATIONS 56 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 68 3/15/12 8:39 AM SPX Heat Transfer Inc (918) 234-6000 Jorge Camacho, President P. O. Box 3158 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://spxheattransfer.com/ HEAT TRANSFER EQUIPMENT Stan Frisbie Real Estate, LLC State Farm Insurance Companies Sterling House of Claremore (918) 747-7600 (918) 621-3000 (918) 343-3300 Tony Lombardi, Managing Broker Rendi Black, Vice President of Operations Omar Stiefer, Regional V. P. 1605 N. Highway 88 P. O. Box 52126 12222 State Farm Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74152-0126 Tulsa, OK 74146-5402 Claremore, OK 74017 http://www.stanfrisbie.com http://www.statefarm.com http://www.brookdaleliving.com REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL INSURANCE NURSING HOME - CONVALECENT CARE SRO Productions of Tulsa, Inc. (918) 492-2503 Standard Beauty College of Oklahoma, Statewide General Agency Sterling House of Owasso (918) 272-0202 Jon Terry, President (918) 245-6627 (918) 492-1446 Omar Stiefer, Regional V. P. LLC Myra Sellers, Owner/Administrator Patrick Wilson, President 7107 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 134 12807 E. 86th Pl. North Tulsa, OK 74136 P. O. Box 759 4501 E. 31st St. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.srobands.com Sand Springs, OK 74063 Tulsa, OK 74135-2132 http://www.brookdaleliving.com ENTERTAINMENT http://www.sandspringsbeautycollege.com http://www.swgen.com NURSING HOME - CONVALECENT CARE SCHOOLS - VOCATIONAL INSURANCE St. Gregory’s University (918) 610-8888 Amy Barnes, 5801 E. 41st Street, Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.stgregoryscwa.org SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (918) 582-0522 Stand-By Personnel Mark Morris, Owner 1530 E. 1st Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.standbypersonnel.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES St. John Financial Group, Inc. (918) 272-7200 Standley Systems (918) 582-0819 David St. John, Kimberly Lamar, Director of Sales Northeast 9500 N. 129th E. Ave., Ste. 122 111 W. 5th St., Suite 110 Owasso, OK 74055 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.stjohnfinancialgroup.com http://www.standleys.com INSURANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLIES St. John Health System (918) 744-2180 David Pynn, COO 1923 S. Utica Ave Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.sjmc.org HOSPITALS (918) 628-0500 Stanfield & O’Dell, P.C. Karen Kirchman, Managing Shareholder 3211 South Lakewood Avenue Tulsa, OK 74135-4934 http://www.stanfieldodell.com ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC (918) 447-0381 St. John Health System Foundation, Inc. Staples - Tulsa Hills Brandon Curry, General Manager (918) 744-2186 Richard Boone, President 7521 S. Olympia Ave. 1923 South Utica Tulsa, OK 74132 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.staples.com http://www.sjmc.org OFFICE PRODUCTS FUNDRAISING Star Painting of Tulsa / Mr. Magic (918) 224-5993 St. John Siegfried Health Club Entertainment (918) 744-2484 Jesse Frias, Owner Ken Grant, Director 13429 W. 78th St. South 1819 E. 19th Sapulpa, OK 74066 Tulsa, OK 74104 PAINTING & WALLCOVERING http://www.stjohnhealthsystem.com HEALTH/WELLNESS CLINIC State Beauty Supply SW (918) 742-2948 St. John Urgent Care and Occupational (918) 872-6804 Healthcare LaFonda Bruner, 1717-A South Utica Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.sjmc.org OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE (918) 664-1999 Staff One, Inc. Scott Glanz, 6846 S. Canton Ave., Ste. 530 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.staffone.com EMPLOYEE LEASING Stage First Design, LLC (918) 699-9816 Kim Richard, Owner 8730 E. 110th Ct. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.stagefirstdesign.com HOME STAGING Bruce Ryan, Owner 4734 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.statebeautytulsa.com BEAUTY SUPPLIES/TRAINING Sterling House of South Tulsa Stauffer & Nathan Law Firm (918) 461-1100 (918) 592-7070 Omar Stiefer, Regional V. P. Neal Stauffer, President 8231 S. Mingo Rd. P. O. Box 702860 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74170-2860 http://www.brookdaleliving.com/sterlingwww.staufferlawf.com house-of-tulsa-south.aspx ATTORNEYS NURSING HOME - CONVALECENT CARE Stava Building Corporation Steve Boyle & Associates, Inc. (918) 742-0999 (918) 455-7355 Jef Falling, V. P. of Operations Steve Boyle, President 1525 W. 36th Pl. South P. O. Box 225 Tulsa, OK 74107 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.stava.com http://www.sbainc.net CONTRACTOR - GENERAL SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT (918) 662-3688 Stay Home Services Susan Asquith, 103 N. 37th St. Muskogee, OK 74401 SENIOR CARE Steve Olsen Architects (918) 585-1157 Steve Olsen, 3303-A South Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 ARCHITECTS (918) 492-7799 StayTulsa, LLC Jerry Ryan, Owner/Manager 6171 S. Marion Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.staytulsa.com REAL ESTATE Steve’s Sundry Books & Magazines (918) 743-3544 Joan Stephenson, Owner 2612 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.stevessundrybooksmags.com BOOKSTORE-RETAIL (918) 459-8181 Stealth Storm Shelters Norman Ahrend, 11356 E. 51st Pl. Tulsa, OK 74146 STORM SHELTERS Steward Consulting, Inc. (918) 299-7514 Darin Steward, President 7718 E. 91st St., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.stewardconsulting.com SOFTWARE SALES (918) 584-1863 Stems Renaye Johnston, Owner One Williams Center, Ste. 253 Tulsa, OK 74172 http://www.tulsaflorist.net FLORISTS - RETAIL (918) 748-8484 State Farm Insurance - Bryan Smith Stephen Glenn, D.D.S. (918) 481-7283 Stephen Glenn, Bryan Smith, Agent 5319 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 222 6937 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74133 DENTISTS http://www.callbryansmith.com INSURANCE Stericycle Specialty Waste Solutions, Inc. Stewart Business Forms, Inc. (918) 664-7597 John Stewart, President 608 E. 3rd St., Ste. 3 Tulsa, OK 74120 PRINTERS Stimson Brothers Construction (918) 341-4210 Jerry Stimson, Owner 1324 W. Oklahoma St. Claremore, OK 74017 HOME BUILDERS (918) 587-9664 J. Scott Logan, President State Farm Insurance - Mike McCoy (918) 254-1959 2120 Southwest Boulevard Mike McCoy, Tulsa, OK 74107 8929 South Memorial, Suite 190 http://www.enviro-solve.com Tulsa, OK 74133 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES http://www.statefarm.com INSURANCE Sterling House of Broken Arrow Stinnett & Associates, LLC (918) 728-3300 Andrea Harman, Director of Operations 8801 S. Yale, Ste. 330 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.stinnett-associates.com MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS (918) 451-1987 Omar Stiefer, Regional V. P. State Farm Insurance - Shannon Morris Stokely Event Center (918) 664-4724 (918) 938-6100 4001 S. Aspen Ave. Sam Stokely, Owner Shannon Morris, Owner / Agent Broken Arrow, OK 74011 10111 E. 45th Place 1709 S. Baltimore Ave. http://www.brookdaleliving.com Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74119 NURSING HOME - CONVALECENT CARE http://www.stokelyeventcenter.com http://www.mytulsaagent.com EVENT FACILITY INSURANCE 57 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 69 3/15/12 8:39 AM Stokely Outdoor Advertising Strategic Employee Benefit Services of (918) 664-4724 Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 497-1180 Bill Stokely, President Melinda Stanford, Employee Benefit Specialist 10026A S. Mingo Rd. 7030 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 800 Tulsa, OK 741335700 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.stokelyoutdoor.com EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS ADVERTISING - OUTDOOR Subway / MTR Holdings, LLC Superior Tool Services (918) 367-5651 (918) 451-8723 Danny Joslen, Owner Matt Gillispie, P.O. Box 725 6303 S. Elm Bristow, OK 74010 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 OIL FIELD SERVICE RESTAURANTS (323) 860-3031 Strategic Perception Beth Donica, Associate Creative Director Stolper Asset Management (918) 745-6060 3329 E. 30th Pl. Jon Stolper, President Tulsa, OK 74114 1924 S. Utica, Ste. 805 http://www.strategicperceptioninc.com Tulsa, OK 74104 ADVERTISING AGENCIES http://www.stolperassetmanagement.com INVESTMENTS Strategic Solutions Group, Inc. (918) 481-8811 Summit Bank Wade Edmundson, CEO 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.summitbankok.com BANKS (918) 482-5655 Stone Bluff Cellars Bob & Sandy McBratney, Owners 24145 E. 191st St. South Haskell, OK 74436 http://www.stonebluffcellars.com WINERY (918) 582-5243 Summit Club (918) 359-6006 Walter Munaretto, General Manager Doug Wright, President P. O. Box 2007 8321 E. 61st St., Ste. 207 Tulsa, OK 74101 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.summittulsa.com ECONOMIC INCENTIVES PRIVATE CLUBS Strategies by Gracey, Inc. (918) 808-5674 Lori Gracey, Owner Stonebridge Academy Institute 2608 W. Kenosha St., #399 (918) 752-1200 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Wren Hawthorne, Head of School BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES P. O. Box 99 Okmulgee, OK 74447 Streamline Logistics LLC (918) 437-1514 http://www.sbridgeacademy.org Joe Tortorici, Operations Manager SCHOOLS - PRIVATE P. O. Box 471220 Tulsa, OK 74147 Stonehaven Villas Apartments http://www.streamlinelogisticsllc.com (918) 250-1777 DELIVERY SERVICE Caryl Baldwin, Property Manager 8110 S. 107 E. Ave. Street Lamps of America (918) 622-8641 Tulsa, OK 74133 Ken Sarinske, Owner http://www.stonehavenvillasapts.com 5330 S. Mingo APARTMENT COMPLEX Tulsa, OK 74146 StoneHenge Partners, Inc. (918) 971-1999 Mike Fletcher, President 401 S. Boston, Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.stonehenge.org COMPUTER SYSTEMS - CONSULTING Stoops & LaCourse, TLLC (918) 744-7100 Walter Love, Office Manager 8801 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 420 Tulsa, OK 74137 ATTORNEYS http://www.streetlamps.com STREET LAMPS Stretch Drive Media, LLC (918) 671-8241 Tim Turrell, Owner 1038 E. 35th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74105 VIDEO & FILM PRODUCTION Superleggera Cycling & Motorsport (918) 585-5555 Chad Cundiff, Co-Owner 506 E. 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.superleggeracycling.com BICYCLE SALES (918) 446-4428 SupplyOne, Inc. Dave Jones, Facility Manager 11401 E. 27th St. North, Ste. D Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.supplyone.com PACKAGING - MATERIALS Summit Consolidated Group, Inc. Susan Cobey - Morgan StanleySmith (918) 663-0991 Barney (918) 496-3600 Dale Young, CLU, ChFC Susan Cobey, Sr. Vice President, Wealth Advisor 1350 South Boulder Avenue, Suite 300 5555 E. 71st Street, Ste. 7300 Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa, OK 74136 INSURANCE http://www.morganstanley.com INVESTMENTS Summit Investment Group, LLC (918) 477-7227 Susan G. Komen for the Cure Tulsa Curtis Wilson, Owner (918) 392-2745 Affiliate Christy Southard, Executive Director 2200 S. Utica Pl., Ste. 525 5110 S. Yale, Ste. 415 Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74135 FINANCIAL SERVICES http://www.komentulsa.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 466-0090 SummitTrek Executive Brad Sprague, CTO 2019 W. Sandusky St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.summittrek.net MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS SunDANCE Office Supply (918) 252-4100 John Condry, President 2000 N. Willow Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.sundanceoffice.com OFFICE EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLIES (918) 269-5878 Sussurro Studios Corine Triplett, Owner 5909 E. 58th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74135 SALON - FULL SERVICE (918) 808-6576 Sustainable Tulsa Corey Wiliiams, Executive Director P. O. Box 3543 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.sustainabletulsa.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Stroke Prevention Plus, Inc. (918) 296-9171 Doug White, Owner Sunsets and Snowflakes, Inc. 3008 E. 87th St. (918) 825-3192 Swank Audio Visuals (918) 307-4091 Missy Ritchie Nicholas, President Scott Dixon, Team Leader Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.strokepreventionplus.net 172 S. 427 6808 S. 107th E. Ave. Stop Child Trafficking Now (918) 346-2168 MOBILE HEALTH SCREENING Pryor, OK 74361 Tulsa, OK 74133 Jason Weis, National Community Director PHOTOGRAPHY http://www.swankav.com 12015 S. Birch Court AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION (918) 250-2491 Stuart C. Irby Co. Jenks, OK 74037 Roy Thornton, Branch Manager (918) 249-8008 Super 8 http://www.sctnow.org 10302 E. 58th St. Ashiq Kumar, Market / Sales Representative Sweet Tooth Candy & Gift (918) 712-8785 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Janet Dundee, Owner Tulsa, OK 74146-6598 12416 E. 51st St. Stor Quip Systems, Inc. (918) 371-3929 Mark Palmer, P. O. Box 335 Owasso, OK 74055 MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT (918) 899-3995 Stork Vision Jamee Oney, Owner 8130 S. Lewis Ave, Suite B Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.storkvision.com MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICE Stow’s Office Furniture (405) 235-3131 Diana Stow, Owner 6402 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.stowsofficefurniture.com OFFICE FURNITURE http://www.irby.com ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES - WHOLESALE (918) 224-5900 Stubbs Chiropractic Corey Stubbs, Owner/Chiropractor 601 S. Mission St. Sapulpa, OK 74066 CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.super8.com HOTELS 3747 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.sweettoothtulsa.com CHOCOLATE Superior Finance Company (918) 250-2135 Switchgear Search & Recruiting LLC Jon Bercher, Branch Manager - Tulsa (918) 574-8750 Dixie Agostino, Managing Member 7167 S. Mingo 1302 S. Atlanta Pl. Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.superiorfinancecompany.com (918) 664-7241 Studio 6 FINANCING http://www.switchgearrecruiting.com Sanjay Naik, General Manager EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 8181 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Superior Sandblasting & Coatings (918) 241-7177 http://www.guesthouseintl.com Synergy Benefit Consultants, Inc. Company HOTELS Ricky Williams, (918) 671-3010 Evie Pope, Partner 5718 S. 116th W. Ave. P. O. Box 571444 Sand Springs, OK 74063 SANDBLASTING Tulsa, OK 74157-1444 INSURANCE 58 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 70 3/15/12 8:39 AM Taber CUSTOM BOXES STOCK BOXES P.O.P./DISPLAYS FOLDING CARTONS FOAM PACKAGING Oklahoma City BUBBLE WRAP STRETCH WRAP SEALING TAPE FOAM PEANUTS ISTA TESTING 3801 N.W. 3rd - OKC, OK 73107 - (405) 947-7373 Tulsa 11401 E. 27th St. N. - Tulsa, OK 74116 - (918) 446-4428 Dallas/Ft. Worth 1608 Plantation Rd - Dallas, TX 75235 - (214) 637-0160 Synergy Gas (918) 838-8804 Keith Jutras, Manager 3602 N. Mingo Valley Expressway Tulsa, OK 74116 GAS & PROPANE COMPANIES Tatum Chiropractic Center Tek-V, Inc. (918) 694-6299 (918) 622-9655 Richard Crownover, President Terry Tatum, President & Owner 5161 E. 36th St. 3952 S. Hudson Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74135 MANUFACTURERS CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS (918) 492-3151 Taylor Law Firm Larry Taylor, Attorney 406 S. Boulder, Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74103 ATTORNEYS TC Lane “Make A Difference” Foundation Tel-Star Communications, Inc. (918) 224-1982 (918) 376-9200 Nanette Lane, Treasurer Mike Eubanks, President & Owner P. O. Box 384 1573 S. 79th E. Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74067 Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.tclane.org http://www.tel-starcommunications.com NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION TELECOMMUNICATIONS Compliance Consulting, LLC (918) 970-6930 Albert Taber, President TCPIP, Inc. (918) 671-8277 7225 E. 111th Pl. South Terence Hare, President Bixby, OK 74008 322 W. 32nd Pl. South MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Sand Springs, 74063 Synergy Holistic Health, LLC http://www.tcppro.net (918) 392-1913 ELECTRONIC SERVICES Diana Doty, Taber Staffing (918) 561-6767 25 E. 21st St. Troy Taber, Owner Tulsa, OK 74114 7040 S. Yale, Ste. 900 Teach For America (918) 746-6807 http://www.tulsaholistichealth.com Tulsa, OK 74136 Lance Tackett, Executive Director CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS http://www.taberstaffing.com 3027 S. New Haven EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.teachforamerica.org Systems Analyses and Solutions, Inc. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS (918) 770-6840 (479) 646-2053 Taco Bell Brian Rudichuk, Bookkeeper / Administrator Sam Fiori, 1717 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 600 P. O. Box 6538 (713) 392-7431 Team Oil Tools Tulsa, OK 74013 Fort Smith, AR 72906-6538 Romer Bracho, V. P. Manufacturing http://www.sas-ieng.com RESTAURANTS 9185 Six Pines Drive ENGINEERING - ENVIRONMENTAL The Woodlands, TX 77380 http://www.tejascs.com Tailor Made Investments, LLC MANUFACTURERS (918) 282-3530 T T. D. Williamson, Inc. (918) 447-5000 Richard Williamson, Chairman of the Board P. O. Box 2299 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.tdwilliamson.com PIPE LINE EQUIPMENT T. Jeffrey Emel, M.D. (918) 494-9300 T. Jeffrey Emel, 6475 S. Yale, Ste. 301 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.eooc.com ORTHOPEDIC SERVICES Terry Calhoun, P.O. Box 691487 Tulsa, OK 741691487 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Tallgrass Energy, L.L.C. (918) 561-6737 Brett Bradford, President & COO 1135 E. 33rd Pl. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.tallgrassenergyllc.com OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT TECHSICO (918) 585-2347 Marty Seat, VP Sales & Marketing 910 S. Hudson Ave. Tulsa, OK 74112 Talmadge Powell Creative, LLC http://www.techsico.com (918) 582-0359 TELECOMMUNICATIONS Talmadge Powell, Founder, Principle 2627 E. 21st St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.taskforcestaffing.net EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Teri Aulph Consulting, LLC (918) 504-7890 Teri Aulph, President / Consultant 2505 S. Boston Pl. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.teriaulph.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES Terra Pad Recreation Solutions (918) 270-2335 Brandon Riggs, President & CEO P.O. Box 55126 Tulsa, OK 74155 http://www.terrapad.com RECREATION EQUIPMENT Terracon Consultants, Inc. (918) 250-0461 Michael Homan, Office Manager 10930 E. 56th St. Tulsa, OK 74146-6709 http://www.terracon.com ENGINEERING - GEOTECHNICAL Technology Deployment Company (918) 445-1355 Doug Oglesby, President Terry Fitzgibbon Insurance & Marketing 4134 S. 43rd W. Ave. Services (918) 250-3685 Tulsa, OK 74107 Terry Fitzgibbon, Owner http://www.techdeployco.com 7824 E. 79th Place INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Tulsa, OK 74133 INSURANCE 1222 S. Lewis Ave. T. L. Carey M.D. & Associates Tulsa, OK 74104 (918) 313-5330 Ted Massad CPR (918) 481-8122 http://www.talmadgepowell.com Ted Massad, Owner Sherry Moore, Office Manager EVENT PLANNERS/DECORATORS 4511 E. 49th St. 7125 S. Braden Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74136 SAFETY TRAINING (918) 742-4446 Tapestry Gifts MEDICAL CLINICS Sheri Renfrow, President 1330 E. 41st (918) 299-2345 Tedford & Associates T. L. Shreve, Inc. (918) 857-6767 Tulsa, OK 74105 Mark Tedford, Vice President Terry Shreve, President GIFT SHOPS P. O. Box 1050 P. O. Box 877 Jenks, OK 74037 Barnsdall, OK 74002 http://www.tedfordinsurance.com (918) 582-8272 TARC http://www.shreveinc.com INSURANCE John Gajda, Executive Director AUTO DEALERS 2516 E. 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 254-8337 Ted’s Cafe Escondido T.C.O.S.C.P.A. (Tulsa Chapter of OK Society http://www.ddadvocacy.net Jeannie Barnes, Catering Manager for CPA’s) (918) 512-4632 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 3202 W. Kenosha Kellie Grayson, President 2011 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 P. O. Box 470243 www.tedscafe.com TaskForce Staffing, LLC (918) 749-3116 Tulsa, OK 74147 RESTAURANTS Kevin Gaskins, http://www.tcoscpa.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Telephone Connections (918) 237-7593 Christopher Riley, Sales Representative 7359 E. 58th Court Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.telephoneconnections.us TELEPHONE COMMUNICATI0NS Terry W. Tinker, DDS (918) 492-3681 Terry Tinker, Owner 6565 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 603 Tulsa, OK 74136 DENTISTS TES Productions, Inc. (918) 836-9092 Megan Stevens, Producer/Event Manager 6943 E. 12th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.tesproductions.com AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION Tetra Tech (918) 249-3909 Pam Taylor, Marketing Manager 7645 E. 63rd St., Ste. 301 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tetratech.com ENGINEERS - CONSULTING (918) 461-8891 Texas Roadhouse Glen Haydel, Partner 11111 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.texasroadhouse.com RESTAURANTS 59 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 71 3/15/12 8:39 AM TGI Enterprises, Inc. (918) 835-4330 Tracy Copeland, President 1219 S. Hudson Ave. Tulsa, OK 74112-5423 http://www.tgipromo.com SCREEN PRINTING The Canada Company (918) 622-5400 Carol Robinson, President 4141 S. 87th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.canadaco.com MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE The Dog House (918) 830-1990 Josh Lynch, Owner 1101 S. Detroit Ave Tulsa, OK 74102 http://www.doghousetulsa.com RESTAURANTS (918) 254-8241 The Ad Dept Reuben Marcum, Owner 7504 E. 65th Place Tulsa, 74133 http://www.theaddept.net GRAPHIC DESIGN The Center For Individuals With Physical (918) 584-8607 Challenges Lori Long, Executive Director 815 S. Utica Ave Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.tulsacenter.org ORGANIZATIONS The Downs, Inc. Roofing & Construction (918) 971-9992 The Golf Club of Oklahoma David Downs, CEO (918) 486-6575 Brian Ihnat, General Manager 336 Century Dr. Oswego, IL 60543 20400 E. 141st St. ROOFING Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.golfcluboklahoma.com GOLF COURSES - PRIVATE (918) 809-2985 The Edwards Firm The Advanced Composites Group, Inc. (918) 252-3922 (918) 382-6022 The Chalkboard Shannon Jewart, Director of Finance Joshua Ozaras, Catering Director / General 5350 South 129th East Ave. Manager Tulsa, OK 74134 1324 S. Main St. http://www.acg-us.com Tulsa, OK 74119 MATERIALS - ADVANCED COMPOSITE http://www.thechalkboard-tulsa.com RESTAURANTS The Apple Tree, Inc. (918) 622-8733 Sandy Schaeffer, 7204 E. 41st Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.theappletreeinc.com SCHOOL SUPPLIES The Cigar Box (918) 585-1424 Tami Faust, Owner 500 Riverwalk Terrace Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.cigarboxtulsa.com CIGARS - RETAIL The Baron Dental Laboratory (918) 494-7729 (918) 812-6707 The Columns Estate Cathy Hutchison, Secretary Charlotte Hopkins, Owner 6565 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 907 1825 S. Cheyenne Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74119 DENTAL LAB - CROWN/BRIDGE http://www.vrbo.com/190808 EVENT FACILITY The Beckman Company (918) 683-7844 Martin Beckman, President P. O. Box 429 Muskogee, OK 74402-0429 http://www.beckmanonline.com INSURANCE The Best Job Interview (918) 557-5796 Joseph Callery, President 15320 E. 115th St. N. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.thebestjobinterview.com JOB TRAINING/PLACEMENT The Blancett Group, Inc. (918) 671-4348 Meloyde Blancett-Scott, Director, Business Development-Agency & Interactive Services 1620 S. Newport Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 MARKETING (918) 272-3002 The Body Firm Kelly Johnson, 10306 N. 138th E. Ave., Ste. 102 Owasso, OK 74055 PHYSICAL THERAPY - OUTPATIENT (918) 455-1422 The Book Place, Inc. Janice Mills, President 732 W. New Orleans, Ste. # 136 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.the-bookplace.com BOOKSTORE-RETAIL (918) 459-4547 The Consultants Ltd. Scott Filstrup, President 7633 E. 63rd Pl., Ste. 332 Tulsa, OK 74133 MARKETING Steve Edwards, President P.O. Box 52862 Tulsa, OK 74152-0862 ATTORNEYS The Goddard School in Jenks (918) 299-2676 Jennifer Richey, Owner 11302 S. Elm St. Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.goddardschool.com SCHOOLS - PRIVATE (918) 249-5158 The Heart Mike Miller, 6215 S. 107th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 CHURCH The Entrepreneur’s Source (918) 296-9599 Isabell Estes, Consultant The Hodges Companies (918) 622-3028 1831 E. 71st Street, Ste. 414 Dennis Kriz, President Tulsa, OK 74136 P. O. Box 470028 BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.hodgesco.com WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTION The F & M Bank & Trust Company (918) 748-4000 John Pixley, President & CEO (918) 299-3028 The Home Depot Shirley Hayden, Store Manager Box 4500 Tulsa, OK 74159 8880 S. Delaware Ave. http://www.fmbanktulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74137 BANKS http://www.homedepot.com BUILDING MATERIALS The Financial Coach, Inc. (918) 492-2150 Mike Mazzei, CFP 1375 E. 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136-5035 http://www.foundationfreedom.com FINANCIAL SERVICES The First Nat. Bank & Trust Co. of (918) 756-8440 The Cornerstone Institute, Ltd. Okmulgee Nevyle Cable, CEO (918) 523-7733 Phillip Wiltfong, President P. O. Box 1037 8921 S. Kingston Ave. Okmulgee, OK 74447 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.firstokmulgee.com http://www.tciltd.org BANKS NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION The Focus Group Advisors (918) 336-7877 Larry Dearman, Financial Advisor The Crossing Wine & Spirits (918) 369-6022 117 W. 5th Street, Ste. 300 Richard Stewart, Bartlesville, OK 74003 7820 E. 101st St. http://www.tfgok.com Tulsa, OK 74133-6910 INVESTMENTS LIQUOR - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE (918) 459-3700 The Home Depot Carrie Fuerstenberg, Store Manager 9808 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.homedepot.com BUILDING MATERIALS (918) 583-3400 The Home Depot George Curry, Store Manager 901 S. Elgin Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.homedepot.com BUILDING MATERIALS The Home Depot (918) 632-0069 Tricia Zane, Store Manager 4041 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.homedepot.com BUILDING MATERIALS The Detrick Companies (918) 671-1855 Sheldon Detrick, CEO 4636 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.PruHomeQuest.com REAL ESTATE The G. C. Broach Company The Horizon Companies, Inc. (918) 664-7420 (918) 663-0870 Roger Broach, Margo Proctor, Owner 7667 E. 46th Pl. 1414-A East 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.broach.com http://www.horizoneng.com HEATING EQUIPMENT & SYSTEMS ENGINEERS - CONSULTING The Development Services Network, LLC/ (918) 606-6109 ALTERARCHITECTURE Steve Alter, Owner 11202 S. Locust Jenks, OK 74037 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (918) 528-3828 The Garden Trug Sue Welch, Owner 3009 E. 101st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.thegardentrug.com GARDEN CENTER The Campbell Hotel & Event Center (918) 744-5500 Barbara Casey, Owner (918) 550-9168 The Devin Agency 2636 E. 11th St. Jason Devin, Tulsa, OK 74104 1328 E. 38th St., Ste. D http://www.thecampbellhotel.com Tulsa, OK 74105 HOTELS http://www.thedevinagency.com MARKETING (918) 794-0777 The Insurance Crew Shane Allbee, Partner / Owner 420 S. Main St., #205 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.theinsurancecrew.com INSURANCE (918) 582-6131 The Glamour Palette / Artz The Jarboe Law Firm (918) 504-4291 John Jarboe, Attorney Destry Davis, Owner 401 S. Boston, #1810 11256 S. 275th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74103 Coweta, OK 74429 ATTORNEYS http://www.glamorartz.com MAKEUP ARTIST 60 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 72 3/15/12 8:39 AM The Journal Record (918) 295-4982 Mary Melon, Publisher 101 N. Robinson Ave., Ste. 101 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 http://www.journalrecord.com NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING The Patriot Golf Club (918) 272-1260 David Bryan, PGA Director of Golf & General Manager 5790 N.. Patriot Dr. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.patriotgolfclub.com GOLF COURSES - PRIVATE The Salvation Army (918) 587-7801 Carrie Salce, Director of Fundraising & Special Events P. O. Box 397 Tulsa, OK 74101-0397 http://www.salvationarmytulsa.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 437-7722 The LDF Companies Larry Fleming, Chairman 10718 E. Marshall St. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.ldfcompanies.com BEER/ALE - WHOLESALE & DISTR. (918) 492-5813 The Pennyrich Co., LLC Penny Adamson, 3847 E. 72nd St. Tulsa, OK 74136 FINANCIAL ADVISOR The Sanditen Companies (918) 742-3315 Wilfred Sanditen, 3314 East 51st, Suite 200-A Tulsa, OK 74135 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT (918) 632-0844 The Major Group, LLC Robin Thompson, President 4815 S. Harvard Ste. 590 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://majorgroupok.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (888) 797-9992 The People Group Kevin Kennemer, Partner 11063-D South Memorial Drive, #501 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.thepeoplegroupllc.com HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT The Scholl Center for Communication (918) 508-7601 Disorders Jacqueline Scholl, 6802 S. Olympia Ave., Ste. 275 Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.theschollcenter.com AUDIOLOGY & HEARING AIDS The Mansions at Riverside (918) 296-0062 Heather Emhoolah, Community Director 2805 East 97th Court South Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.mansionsatriverside.com APARTMENT COMPLEX The Persimmon Group, LLC (918) 592-4121 The Skin Boutique (918) 528-3999 William Fournet, Managing Partner Bonnie Montgomery, Owner 11 E. 5th St., Ste. 300 10031 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 102 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.thepersimmongroup.com http://www.theskinboutique.biz BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES SKIN CARE The McIntosh Group LLC (918) 585-8555 Lanny McIntosh, President 1850 S. Boulder, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.themcintoshgroup.com ARCHITECTS (918) 294-3712 The McNett Agency Bob McNett, Owner P. O. Box 35281 Tulsa, OK 74153 http://www.grouphealthinsurancetulsa.com INSURANCE The Melting Pot of Tulsa (918) 299-8000 Becky Chapman, Owner 300 RiverWalk Terrace, Suite 190 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.meltingpot.com/tulsa RESTAURANTS The Merchants Association - Big Bear (714) 200-9578 Xchange.com Patrick Sullivan, Sales P. O. Box 2752 Fort Smith, AR 72913 http://www.bigbearxchange.com ADVERTISING - MEDIA CONSULTING The Nature Conservancy (918) 585-1117 Mike Fuhr, State Director 2727 E. 21st St., Ste. 102 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.nature.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 893-6534 The Palace Cathy Jansen, CEO 9137 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.thepalacetulsa.com CLOTHING - RETAIL The Palazzo Apartments (918) 355-1733 Charlie Barnhart, Property Manager 13777 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.palazzotulsa.com APARTMENT COMPLEX The Philbrook Museum of Art The Spaghetti Warehouse (918) 587-4440 (918) 749-7941 Chris Young, General Manager Randall Suffolk, Executive Director 221 East Brady 2727 S. Rockford Road Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.meatballs.com http://www.philbrook.org RESTAURANTS MUSEUM (918) 744-4280 The Polo Grill Royal Merrifield, President 2038 Utica Square Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.thepologrill.com RESTAURANTS (918) 665-1416 The Spudder Inc. Stephen Jeffery, Owner 6536 E. 50th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.thespudder.com RESTAURANTS The Upper Crust (918) 810-9336 Fuad Baitari, Owner 1012 N. Main Sand Springs, OK 74063 CATERING The UPS Store #1849 (918) 747-0662 Brent Hopkins, Owner 3701-A South Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 PACKAGING & SHIPPING (918) 749-2405 The UPS Store #2779 Laura Hopkins, Owner 1611 S. Utica Tulsa, OK 74104 PACKAGING & SHIPPING The Vintage on Yale (918) 524-9797 Wendi McClanahan, Property Manager 5202 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.vintageonyaleapartments.com APARTMENT COMPLEX The William K. Warren Foundation (918) 492-8100 David Whitehill, General Counsel P. O. Box 470372 Tulsa, OK 741470372 FOUNDATIONS The Winchester Group (405) 224-5789 Susan Winchester, President 1201 Chickasha Ave. Chickasha, OK 73083 BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES The Working Staff Inc. (918) 628-2000 Leonora Bustos-Carrillo, Owner 8556 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.theworkingstaff.com The State Chamber of Oklahoma EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (405) 235-3669 The Restoration Corporation (918) 585-1990 Fred Morgan, President and CEO Theodore Concrete Construction, LLC Felix Ontiveros, President/Owner 330 N.E. 10th St. (918) 279-9938 712 S. Wheeling Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73104-3220 Sandra Theodore, President Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.okstatechamber.com 35555 E. 141 Street South http://www.trcteam.com CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Coweta, OK 74429 RESTORATION CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION (918) 627-1146 The Stock Pot Nancy Kavanaugh, Partner The Robson Companies, Inc. (918) 357-2787 7223 E. 41st St. Joe Robson, President Tulsa, OK 74145 901 N. Forest Ridge Blvd. http://www.thestockpots.com Broken Arrow, OK 74014-2759 GOURMET KITCHEN & SUPPLY PANTRY http://www.forestridge.com REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT The T.R.U.S.T Road & Bridge Coalition Therapy Time Pediatrics, PC (918) 712-7868 Lanette DeCelle, PT / Owner 4157 S. Harvard, Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.therapytimetulsa.com PHYSICAL THERAPY - OUTPATIENT (405) 802-8184 Jami Longacre, Executive Director The Ross Group Construction Corporation Thermal Windows, Inc. (918) 663-7580 (918) 200-5053 P.O. Box 16112 Dennis Lane, President & CEO Kevin Hansen, Director of Marketing Oklahoma City, OK 73113 12805 E. 31st Street 1140 N. 129th E. Ave. http://www.restoretrust.org Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74116-1724 ORGANIZATIONS http://www.thermalwindows.com http://www.trgcc.com WINDOWS CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES The Trust Company of Oklahoma (918) 836-1900 The Rowland Group Don Rowland, Principal 3851 S. 103rd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.rowland-group.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (918) 744-0553 THG Energy (918) 858-4920 Thomas Wilkins, President Wes Buxton, Executive Vice President P. O. Box 3627 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 950 Tulsa, OK 74101 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.trustok.com http://www.relyenergy.com TRUSTS ENERGY CONSERVATION The Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless, Thomas Dental (918) 376-2700 (918) 583-5588 Inc. Lanita Thomas, Sandra Lewis, Executive Director 12406 E. 86th St. North 415 W. Archer Owasso, OK 74055 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.thomasdentalandeye.com http://www.tulsadaycenter.org DENTISTS NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 61 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 73 3/15/12 8:39 AM Thomason, Tyler & Lynch Insurance Agency, LLC (918) 749-0523 Roy Thomason, Manager 4100 E. 51st St., Ste. 103 Tulsa, OK 74135-3547 INSURANCE Tint World (918) 299-5777 Tracy Lewis, President 404 S. Elm, Ste. 102 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.tintworld.com WINDOW TINTING Tom Hanlon Constructon Company Totally Green (918) 619-9700 (918) 455-0090 Nathan Baker, President Lori Hanlon, Office Manager 4500 S. 129th E. Ave., Ste. 115 6805 S. Ash Pl. Tulsa, OK 74134 Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.totallygreen.com http://www.tomhanlonconstructioncompany.com MANUFACTURERS CONTRACTOR - GENERAL Thompson Twin Plumbing Inc. Titan Machine Services, Inc. Totem Trucking Services (918) 371-1373 (918) 371-9306 (918) 671-9250 Andrea Gallemore, Tom R. & Karen Starrett, Inc. Patty Thompson, Lyle Johnson, (918) 260-6046 18357 View Point Ct. Karen Starrett, 12228 N. Memorial 3104 N. Elm Pl. Collinsville, OK 74021 Collinsville, OK 74021-7141 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 P. O. Box 552 TRUCKING PLUMBING - COML/INDUST/RESIDENTIAL MACHINE SHOPS Cleveland, OK 74020 TRUCKING (918) 622-2042 Touch of Class, LLC Thornton Herzberg Insurance Solutions, Titan Title & Closing LLC (918) 299-2300 (918) 359-0410 Donna Shell, Real Estate Closer LLC Wesley Herzberg, President 104 East A Street 4200 E. Skelly Dr. Jenks, OK 74037 Tulsa, OK 74135 REAL ESTATE - CLOSING SERVICE INSURANCE (918) 742-9027 Toni’s Flowers & Gifts Toni Garner, Owner 3549 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.tonisflowersgifts.com FLORISTS - RETAIL (918) 381-3599 TJ Franz & Associates Tom Franz, Principal Three C’s Medical Clinic, Inc. (918) 587-5100 7811 South 70th E. Ave. Tonto Construction Inc (918) 682-6762 Susanne Thompson, Tulsa, OK 74133 Cheryl Leatherman, P. O. Box 27434 ACCOUNTING SERVICES 8101 W. 33rd St. South Tulsa, OK 74149 Muskogee, OK 74401 http://www.threecsmedicalclinic.com CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES TJ Pickens Law Office, PLLC MEDICAL CLINICS (918) 906-5078 Three Leaves Landscape (918) 744-7686 David Wood, Owner 1420 S. Knoxville Ave. Tulsa, OK 74112 LAWN MAINTENANCE/LANDSCAPING (918) 499-1919 Ti Amo, Inc. Mehdi Khezri, General Manager & Co-Owner 6024-A South Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.tiamoristorante.com RESTAURANTS (918) 592-5151 Ti Amo, Inc. Mehdi Khezri, General Manager & Co-Owner 219 S. Cheyenne Tulsa, OK 74103 http:www.tiamotulsa.com RESTAURANTS (918) 491-6998 Tiger Natural Gas Tracy Phillips, Vice President - Marketing 1422 E. 71st St., Suite J Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.tigernaturalgas.com NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTOR Timothy Pickens, Attorney 1876 Utica Square, Ste. 2D #707 Tulsa, OK 74114 ATTORNEYS TKVA Online Ventures Inc. (732) 822-9506 Laurie Rubin, 119 E. 123rd Pl. South Jenks, OK 74037 AUDIO VIDEO EQUIPMENT - SALES/SERVICE TLC Laser Eye Centers, Inc. (918) 398-6565 Liz Schad, Business Manager 6827 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tlcvision.com EYE CARE CENTER (918) 638-9229 TMT Construction Terry Trimble, Owner 9820 E. 41st St., #103 Tulsa, OK 74146 CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES TnT Security Services (918) 712-0238 Tim Carpenter, Sales 5147 S. Harvard, Ste. 101 Tulsa, OK 74135 Tilestone Distributors, Inc. http://www.tntsecurityservices.com (918) 492-5434 SECURITY SYSTEMS Janelle Johnson, Owner 2309 E. 69th St. (918) 749-6661 TNT Staff Pro Tulsa, OK 74136 Lucy Cravens, President http://www.tilestonedistributors.com 6539 E. 31st, Ste. 17 DISTRIBUTORS Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 645-0195 Time Line Results, LLC Austin Park, Event Planner 2226 W. Vancouver Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.timelineresults.com EVENT COORDINATORS Jim Rice, Owner 4107 S. Yale, Ste. 132 Tulsa, OK 74135 JEWELERS - RETAIL (918) 324-5251 Town of Depew / PWA Susan Case, Treasurer & Deputy Town Clerk P.O. Box 357 Depew, OK 74028-0357 GOVERNMENT (918) 629-1988 Traband Realty Corp. Robert Traband, President P. O. Box 869 Tony Yelle Insurance Agency Tulsa, OK 74101-0869 (918) 794-5777 http://www.midtownbusinesscenters.com Tony Yelle, Owner REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT 2727 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 (918) 619-6368 Trace Drilling, LLC INSURANCE Warren Linn, President (918) 576-6333 Top That Pizza Archana Patel, Owner 19412 E. 38th St. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.topthatpizza.com RESTAURANTS (918) 398-8022 Topeca Coffee John Gaberino, Owner 115 West Fifth Street, Ste. 169 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.topecacoffee.com COFFEE SPECIALTY (918) 252-2015 Tornado Studios Tom Kudirka, President 7134 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 520 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.tornadostudios.com SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT (918) 636-0892 Toro Web Designs, LLC Henry Toro, Owner 4601 S. 173rd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.torowebdesigns.com WEB DEVELOPMENT 2421 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74105 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT (918) 712-4905 Trace Technologies Jimmy Dixon, Partner 1611 S Utica Ave Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.tracetechnologies.us TECHNOLOGY & BUSINESS CONSULTING Trails End Knife Company (918) 371-9980 Charles McCormick, 11429 E. 116th St. N. Collinsville, OK 74021 http://www.trailsendknifecompany.com CUTLERY (918) 779-7000 Trak-1 Technology Nancy Roberts, 7131 Riverside Drive Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.trak-1.com BACKGROUND CHECKS (918) 592-2273 Tranquility Hospice Nikia Denny, Owner 1815 E. 15th Street Tulsa, OK 74104 Total Care Orthotics & Prosthetics, LLC http://www.tntstaffpro.com http://www.trinityhospice.com (918) 502-5975 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES HOSPICE SERVICES John Brest, Orthotist 6565 S. Yale Ave., Suite 901 Todd Gentling DDS, Inc., PC Transitions Home Staging, LLC Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 251-8141 (918) 907-1027 http://www.totalcareop.com Todd Gentling, Walt Gasior, V.P. - Admin, Logistics & Marketing ORTHOTICS 2443 W. Kenosha 5815 Tallgrass Trail Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.ba-dentist.com Tinker Federal Credit Union (918) 592-0324 DENTISTS Sean Barton, Branch Manager 8920 E. 61st St. South (877) 588-7775 TokenEx Tulsa, OK 74133 Alex Pezold, CEO http://www.tinkerfcu.org 5110 S. Yale Ave. CREDIT UNIONS Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.tokenex.com DATA PROCESSING SERVICES Bartlesville, OK 74006 http://www.transitions-home-staging.com Total Physical Therapy and Rehab (918) 495-0600 INTERIOR DESIGN Mark Hobbs, Owner/Manager 6933 S. 66th E. Ave. (918) 830-0315 TranSol Pro, LLC Tulsa, OK 74133 C. Kevin Sparks, President PHYSICAL THERAPY - OUTPATIENT 5711 E. 102nd St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.transolpro.com TRANSPORTATION 62 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 74 3/15/12 8:39 AM Travel Service, Inc. (918) 307-0455 Bobbie Needham, President 809 S. Sweet Gum Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.travelserviceinc.com TRAVEL AGENCIES (918) 250-7569 Treadway Painting Co. Mary Treadway, Bookkeeper 8936 E. 92nd Ct. Tulsa, OK 74133 PAINTING & WALLCOVERING Triad Eye Medical Clinic (918) 252-2020 Stephanie Clary, Executive Director 6140 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.triadeye.com EYE CARE CENTER TSHA, Inc. \ Total Source for Hearing-loss and Access (918) 832-8742 Rene Ryan, 8740 E. 11th St., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.tsha.com NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Tulsa Apartment Association Tulsa Business Journal - Neighbor (918) 747-6217 Newspapers (918) 585-6655 Keri Cooper, Executive Director Chuck Branch, Publisher 6855 S. Canton Ave. 20 E. 5th St., Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74103 www.taaonline.org http://www.tulsabusinessjournal.com ASSOCIATIONS NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING TSS Photography of Green Country Tulsa Area Human Resource Association (918) 252-3394 (918) 344-4622 (TAHRA) Don Flyer, Chris Wright, President 2012 2629 W. Dallas St. P. O. Box 140958 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.tssphotography.com/ http://www.tahra.org greencountry ASSOCIATIONS PHOTOGRAPHY (918) 994-4484 T-Town Fitness Gallery Katherine Cohen, Owner 9999 S. Mingo Rd., Ste. C Tulsa, OK 74133 Trinity Farm & Equipment Repair http://www.ttownfitness.net (918) 232-2421 FITNESS EQUIPMENT SALES Maudie Brinkley, Tulsa Area Manufacturer’s Association Tulsa Centrifugal Casting Machines, LLC (918) 691-1978 (918) 585-1400 Sonny Cline, Michael Posten, Owner P. O. Box 700694 5461 S. 101st East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74170-0694 Tulsa, OK 74146 ASSOCIATIONS http://www.centrifugalcasting.com/ MANUFACTURERS Tulsa Area United Way (918) 583-7171 Mark Graham, Tucker’s Green Country Electric (918) 266-3800 P.O. Box 1859 Joseph Tucker, Owner Tulsa, OK 74101 P. O. Box 805 http://www.tauw.org Trinity Precision Flow Control, LLC Catoosa, OK 74015 ORGANIZATIONS (918) 806-7676 ELECTRIC COMPANIES Catherine Geisinger, General Manager P. O. Box 152 Henryetta, OK 74437-0152 TRACTOR DEALERS 9750 S. 219th E. Ave Broken Arrow, OK 74014 VALVES & FITTINGS (918) 622-2588 Trinity Staffing Cory Minter, President 5321 S. Sheridan, Ste. 2 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.trinitystaffingok.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES (918) 742-7384 Trippet Shoes, Inc. William Young, President 2635 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74114 SHOES - RETAIL Trophy & Plaque Plus, LLC (918) 252-2145 Ed Mackey, Manager 9755 E. 61st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://tapp.onlineawardstore.com TROPHIES AND AWARDS Tropical Smoothie Cafe (918) 938-7747 Tim Smallwood, Owner / Manager 7460 S. Olympia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.tropicalsmoothiecafe.com RESTAURANTS (918) 587-0050 Troutman & Troutman Steve Troutman, Corporate Secretary 1350 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 410 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.troutmanlaw.com ATTORNEYS (918) 583-4777 Truman B. Rucker, P. C. Truman Rucker, President 1717 S. Boulder, Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74119 ATTORNEYS (918) 499-1650 TSF Capital, LLC Howard Barnett, 7136 S. Yale, Ste. 414 Tulsa, OK 74136 FINANCIAL SERVICES (918) 615-3480 Tulsa Art Center Marie Sullivan, Owner Tulakogee Conference Center, Inc. (918) 462-3212 6808 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 106 Don Burns, Tulakogee Director Tulsa, OK 74133 34168 E. 713th Wy http://www.tulsaartcenter.com Wagoner, OK 74467 ART GALLERIES http://www.tulakogee.com EVENT FACILITY Tulsa Association of Health Underwriters (918) 838-3354 Tulco Oils Jeff Cope, President 5240 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74115-5328 http://www.tulco.com MANUFACTURERS (918) 585-8444 Tulsa 66ers Jim Brylewski, Team President 2727 E. 21st St., Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.tulsa66ers.com SPORTS - PROFESSIONAL Tulsa Abstract & Title Co. (918) 582-5777 Patsy Cravens, CEO 612 S. Denver Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.tulsaabstract.com ABSTRACTS Tulsa Airport Authority (918) 838-5000 Jeff Mulder, Airports Director P. O. Box 581838 Tulsa, OK 74158-1838 http://www.tulsaairports.com AIRPORTS Tulsa City County Health Department (918) 595-4400 Bruce Dart, Health Director 5051 S. 129th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.tulsa-health.org HEALTH CARE Tulsa City-County Library (918) 549-7367 Gary Shaffer, CEO 400 Civic Center Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.tulsalibrary.org LIBRARIES (918) 551-3113 Zane Whitlow, President Tulsa Classroom Teachers Association 7122 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 2; Box 453 (918) 749-2544 Tulsa, OK 74133 Lynn Stockley, President http://www.oktahu.com 3936 E. 31st Street NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.tulsateachers.org ASSOCIATIONS Tulsa Automatic Music Co. (918) 584-4775 Bob Stewart, President 3324 E. 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74135-2904 NIGHT CLUBS (918) 749-6030 Tulsa Ballet Marcello Angelini, Artistic Director 1212 E. 45th Place South Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.tulsaballet.org ENTERTAINMENT (918) 744-5998 Tulsa Baseball, Inc. Mike Melega, General Manager Tulsa Adjustment Bureau, Inc. 201 N. Elgin Ave. (918) 749-1481 Tulsa, OK 74120 Charles Garrison, President http://www.TULSADRILLERS.COM Box 52039 SPORTS - PROFESSIONAL Tulsa, OK 74152 COLLECTION AGENCIES Tulsa Boat, Sport & Travel Show Tulsa Air and Space Museum & (918) 834-9900 Planetarium Glenn Wright, Executive Director 3624 N. 74th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.tulsaairandspacemuseum.com MUSEUM Tulsa Centerless Bar Processing (918) 438-0000 Evan Hudson, Vice President P. O. Box 581251 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.tulsacenterless.com MANUFACTURERS Tulsa Clinical Research (918) 743-2349 Rita Smith, Manager 1705 E. 19th St., #406 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.tulsaclinicalresearch.com MEDICAL RESEARCH Tulsa Community College (918) 595-7868 Thomas McKeon, President & CEO 6111 E. Skelly Drive, Suite 626 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.tulsacc.edu SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Tulsa Community Foundation (918) 494-8823 Phil Lakin, CEO 7030 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.tulsacf.org (918) 481-6871 FOUNDATIONS Phil Keeter, President 5834 E. 62nd St. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.tulsaboatshow.com ENTERTAINMENT (918) 743-2315 Tulsa Braces Llon Clendenen, 3305 E. 45th St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.tulsabraces.com ORTHODONTISTS Tulsa Connections (918) 521-0692 Maggie Nichols, President 7321 S. Mingo, #1215 Tulsa, OK 74133 MARKETING Tulsa Convention Center (918) 894-4200 Janet Rockefeller, Assistant General Manager 100 Civic Center Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.tulsaconvention.com EVENT FACILITY 63 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 75 3/15/12 8:39 AM Tulsa Country Club (918) 585-8151 Jason Fiscus, General Manager 701 N. Union Ave. Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.tulsacountryclub.com GOLF COURSES - PRIVATE (918) 596-5000 Tulsa County Mark Liotta, Chief Deputy 500 S. Denver Avenue Tulsa, OK 74103 http://tulsacounty.org GOVERNMENT (918) 596-5100 Tulsa County Assessor Ken Yazel, 500 S. Denver, Second Floor Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.assessor.tulsacounty.org GOVERNMENT Tulsa Federal Credit Union Tulsa Industrial Products (918) 266-6590 (918) 610-0200 Ann Haney, Owner-Partner Keith Kearney, President P.O. Box 1529 9323 E. 21st St. Catoosa, OK 74015 Tulsa, OK 74129 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES http://www.tulsafederalcu.org CREDIT UNIONS Tulsa Integrated Pain Services Tulsa Natural Health Clinic and Spa (918) 551-6600 Connie Morgan-Harris, President 6465 S. Yale, Ste. 804 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.tulsanaturalclinic.com HEALTH/WELLNESS CLINIC (918) 477-5950 Yvonne Redington, Manager Tulsa Firefighter’s Local 176 Tulsa New Holland, Inc. (918) 438-5665 (918) 599-8176 Mike McCrate, Owner 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 563 Matthew Lay, Vice President Tulsa, OK 74137 11919 E. Pine St. 1283 S. Detroit http://www.tulsaintegratedpain.com/ Tulsa, OK 74116 Tulsa, OK 74120 HEALTH CARE http://www.tulsanewholland.com http://www.tulsafirefighters.org TRACTOR DEALERS UNIONS Tulsa International Mayfest (918) 582-6435 Tulsa Oilers Hockey Inc. (918) 632-7825 Heather Pingry, Executive Director Taylor Hall, General Manager Tulsa Fraternal Order of Police (918) 694-4867 1 West 3rd Street, Suite 109 9128 East 46th Street Phillip Evans, President Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74145-4824 P. O. Box 2473 http://www.tulsamayfest.org http://www.tulsaoilers.com Tulsa, OK 74101 FESTIVALS/SPECIAL EVENTS SPORTS - PROFESSIONAL http://www.tulsafop93.org Tulsa County Medical Society NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION (918) 743-6184 Tulsa Job Corps Center (918) 585-9111 Tulsa Opera, Inc. (918) 582-4035 Mona Wright, Executive Director 5315 S. Lewis Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.tcmsok.org ORGANIZATIONS Tulsa Diagnostic Imaging (918) 499-1674 Bambi Fritz, Executive Director 6046 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.tulsadiagnostic.com MEDICAL/DIAGNOSTIC FACILITIES (918) 688-1080 Tulsa Direct Mail, Inc. Tom Kuehnert, Administrator 5872 S. 129th E. Ave Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.tulsadirectmail.com ADVERTISING - DIRECT MAIL Tulsa Freelance Reporters (918) 587-2878 Lisa Steinmeyer, Owner 610 S. Main, Ste. 210 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.tulsafreelancereporters.com COURT REPORTING (918) 746-5125 Tulsa Garden Center Barbie Raney, Executive Director 2435 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.tulsagardencenter.com NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Tulsa Gas Technologies (918) 665-2641 Tom Sewell, President 4809 S. 101st E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.tulsagastech.com NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTOR Helen Guidry, Center Director 1133 North Lewis Avenue Tulsa, OK 74110 http://www.tulsa.jobcorps.gov EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS John Peter Jeffries, Executive Director 1610 S. Boulder Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.tulsaopera.com PERFORMING ARTS Tulsa Land Surveying LLC (918) 770-6720 Josh Lamb, Owner P. O. Box 14276 Tulsa, OK 74159 http://www.tulsasurveying.com SURVEYORS - LAND Tulsa Osteopathic Medical Society (918) 599-5962 Janice Bratzler, Director 744 W. 9th St. 2nd floor Tulsa, OK 74127 ASSOCIATIONS Tulsa Machine Works, Inc. (918) 834-0911 Forrest Rogers, Owner 2438 N. Columbia Place Tulsa, OK 74110 MACHINE SHOPS Tulsa Otolaryngology, Inc. (918) 742-7376 Allen Munson Fuller, Owner/President 1725 E. 19th St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74104 PHYSICIAN SERVICES Tulsa Marriott-Southern Hills (918) 493-7000 Tulsa Economic Development Corp. Tulsa Performing Arts Center Joe Gaudet, General Manager (918) 585-8332 (918) 596-7122 Rose Washington Rentie, Executive Director Nancy Hermann, Marketing Director 1902 E. 71st Street So. Tulsa Glassblowing Studio (918) 582-4527 907 S. Detroit St., Ste. 1001 Tulsa, OK 74136 110 E. 2nd St. Janet Duvall, Executive Director Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.tulsamarriott.com Tulsa, OK 74103-3212 http://www.tedcnet.com 19 E. Brady Street HOTELS http://www.tulsapac.com Tulsa, OK 74103 FINANCING PERFORMING ARTS http://www.tulsaglassblowing.org Tulsa Metro Chamber (918) 585-1201 GLASS BLOWING Matt Pivarnik, CCE, IOM (918) 591-3885 Tulsa Energy Partners, LLC Tulsa Pipeline Expo (918) 585-1437 Rick Gibbon, President Tulsa Global Alliance Inc. (918) 591-4750 20 E. 5th, Ste. 1203 Becky Collins, Tulsa, OK 74103 800 S. Tucker Drive OIL & GAS PRODUCTION Tulsa, OK 74104-3126 http://www.tulsaglobalalliance.org ORGANIZATIONS Tulsa Engineering Alliance, Inc. (918) 394-9444 Tony Henshaw, President & Owner Tulsa Historical Society (918) 712-9484 Sharon Terry, Executive Director 7580 E 151st Street 2445 South Peoria Bixby, OK 0 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.teaeng.com/ http://www.tulsahistory.org ENGINEERS - CONSULTING MUSEUM (918) 838-3777 Tulsa Expo Raceway Donna Harris, Executive Director 1141 S. 83rd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.chillibowl.com SPORTS ORGANIZATION 2 West 2nd Street, Suite 150 Tulsa, OK 74103-3105 http://www.tulsachamber.com CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Bill Solomon, Chairman PO Box 472145 Tulsa, OK 741472145 http://www.tulsapipelineexpo.com NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Tulsa Metro Yellow Book USA (918) 622-4696 (918) 266-2291 Tulsa Port of Catoosa Gary White, Market Manager Robert Portiss, Port Director 10820 E. 45th Street, Suite 201 5350 Cimarron Road Tulsa, OK 74146 Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.yellowbook.com http://www.tulsaport.com ADVERTISING - DIRECTORY/GUIDE TRANSPORTATION Tulsa Municipal Employees Federal Credit Tulsa Press Club & Benevolent Association (918) 582-7573 (918) 583-7737 Union Charles Howard, President Tami Hensler, Club Director Tulsa Holiday Inn Express - Woodland (918) 459-5321 1120 W. 17th St. 415 S. Boston Ave. Hills Jackie Mallory, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74107 Tulsa, OK 74103 9010 E. 71st St. http://www.tulsamefcu.org http://www.tulsapressclub.org Tulsa, OK 74133 CREDIT UNIONS NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION [email protected]/tulsa-woodland HOTELS (918) 494-4884 (918) 834-7200 Tulsa National Bank Tulsa Project Woman Tulsa Federal Credit Union (918) 610-0200 Greg Gallant, President & CEO (918) 269-0077 Tulsa In Ink Valerie Lopez, Owner 9323 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74129 3135 E. 42nd St. http://www.tulsafederalcu.org Tulsa, OK 74105 CREDIT UNIONS http://www.tulsainink.com GIFT CARDS Jim Batson, President P. O. Box 1051 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.tulsanational.com BANKS Anne Bogie, Executive Director P. O. Box 14026 Tulsa, OK 74159 http://www.tulsaprojectwoman.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 64 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 76 3/15/12 8:39 AM Tulsa Promenade (918) 627-9282 Sheila Cooper, General Manager 4107 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.tulsapromenade.com SHOPPING CENTERS (918) 746-6303 Tulsa Public Schools Keith Ballard, Superintendent P. O. Box 470208 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.tulsaschools.org SCHOOLS (918) 836-2710 Tulsa Pythian Manor Laurel Barnett, Manager 6568 E. 21st Place Tulsa, OK 74129 www.tulsapythianmanor.org HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Tulsa Refuse, Inc. (918) 438-9970 Mary Hawthorne, President 2221 South Garnett Road Tulsa, OK 74129 REFUSE COLLECTIONS Tulsa Residence Inn (918) 250-4850 Tiffany Bigbie, Sales Manager 11025 E. 73rd St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.mariott.com HOTELS Tulsa Score Chapter 194 (918) 581-7462 Frank Verrill, Treasurer 907 S. Detroit, Ste. 1012 Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.tulsascore.org BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES Tulsa Springhill Suites (918) 254-1777 Craig Lovell, General Manager 11015 E. 73rd St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 http://marriott.com/property/propertypage/ TULSH HOTELS (918) 663-1000 Tulsa Square Hotel Andrea Velasquez, General Manager 3209 S.79 East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.hamptoninn.com HOTELS Tulsa Wedding Society (918) 512-6074 Shannon Dotson, Social Coordinator 6402 S. 126th W. Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.tulsaweddingsociety.com WEDDING SERVICES Twenty First Properties, Inc. (918) 743-4300 Paul Wilson, President 2121 S. Columbia Ave, #650 Tulsa, OK 74114-3505 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT (918) 587-6789 Tulsa Welding School Debbie Burke, V. P./Executive Director 2545 East 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74104-3909 http://www.weldingschool.com SCHOOLS - INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL & TRADE TwinAssets, LLC (918) 742-7879 Jenifer Norman, Co-Manager 2512 East 38th Tulsa, OK 74105 INVESTMENTS (918) 234-2636 Two Men & A Truck Mike Mays, Partner/Owner Tulsa Women’s Foundation (918) 284-2406 Tulsa Symphony Orchestra 2013 N. Willow Ave., Ste. C Ginger Heald, Director (918) 584-3645 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Ron Predl, Executive Director http://www.twomen.com P. O. Box 2549 111 E. 1st Street Tulsa, OK 74101-2549 MOVING & STORAGE SERVICE Tulsa, OK 74103 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION http://www.tulsasymphony.org SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Tulsa World (918) 581-8450 Tulsa Tech (918) 828-5000 Kara Gae Neal, Superintendent & CEO P. O. Box 477200 Tulsa, OK 74147-7200 http://www.tulsatech.edu SCHOOLS - INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL & TRADE (918) 663-7448 Tulsa Time Trucking Mark Hanoch, Owner 4530 S. Olympia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 DUMP TRUCK SERVICES Robert Lorton, Publisher and CEO Box 1770 Tulsa, OK 74102 http://www.tulsaworld.com NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING Tulsa Zoo Friends, Inc. (918) 669-6601 Keegan Young, Executive Director 6421 E. 36th St. North Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.tulsazoo.org ZOO U U. S. Army Recruiting Headquarters (918) 665-0344 Paul Clark, Company Commander 5321 S. Sheridan, Suite 18 Tulsa, OK 74145 GOVERNMENT (918) 851-8285 U. S. Lawns of Tulsa Tim Stauffer, Owner 7380 S. Olympia Ave., Ste. 360 Tulsa, OK 0 http://www.uslawns.com LAWN MAINTENANCE/LANDSCAPING TulsaConnect Internet Services (918) 584-1100 Tulsa Tool & Pump Company U.S. Cellular - 41st Street (918) 622-5401 (918) 250-1806 Tony Bacher, Owner Michelle Ford, Store Manager James Hadorn, President 110 W. 7th St., #302 6701 E. 41st St. 11366 E. 60th Place Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.tulsaconnect.com CELLULAR AND/OR WIRELESS http://www.tulsatool&pump.com INTERNET SERVICES (918) 949-9701 Tulsa Shock PUMPS & PUMPING EQUIPMENT Steve Swetoha, President U.S. Cellular - Tulsa Hills (918) 445-3024 (918) 835-7651 1 West 3rd St., Suite 1100 Tulsair Beechcraft, Inc. Michelle Ford, Store Manager Tom Clark, President (918) 582-2100 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa Transit 7370 Olympia Avenue Bill Cartwright, General Manager P. O. Box 582470 http://www.tulsashock.net Tulsa, OK 74132 P. O. Box 52488 Tulsa, OK 74158 SPORTS - PROFESSIONAL CELLULAR AND/OR WIRELESS Tulsa, OK 74152 AIRCRAFT SALES/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE http://www.tulsatransit.org Tulsa Soccer Club Hurricane U.S. Safety Sign & Decal (918) 592-2529 BUS LINES (918) 688-9071 (918) 585-9924 TulsaPeople Vonda Zimmerman, Sales Director Jim Tindell, Executive Director Jim Langdon, Publisher 1433 E. 6th St. (918) 636-1636 P. O. Box 243 1603 S. Boulder Tulsa Translations LLC Tulsa, OK 74120 Jenks, OK 74037 Zaida Kepford, Co-Owner Tulsa, OK 74119-4407 http://www.ussafetysign.com http://www.tschurricane.com P. O. Box 703077 http://www.langdonpublishing.com SIGNS SOCCER FACILITIES Tulsa, OK 74170-3077 MAGAZINE TRANSLATORS/INTERPRETERS UBS Financial Services, Inc. (918) 446-3581 Tulsa Spine & Specialty Hospital Turner Machine (918) 712-3100 (918) 388-5701 Brian Ridener, Sales Manager Tulsa Tube Bending Co., Inc. Greg Hopeman, Branch Manager Terry Woodbeck, CEO (918) 446-4461 5311 S.W. Boulevard 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 825 Rebekah Hipp, Executive Assistant 6901 S. Olympia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74132 4192 S. Galveston Ave. MANUFACTURERS www.ubs.com/branch/tulsadl http://www.tulsaspinehospital.com Tulsa, OK 74107 FINANCIAL ADVISOR HOSPITALS http://www.tulsatubebending.com Tuxedo Assembly of God (918) 333-5757 MANUFACTURERS Judy Johnson, Ultimate Exteriors LLC (918) 252-0222 (918) 743-3737 Tulsa Spine and Rehab 3503 Tuxedo Blvd. Carol Newport, Office Manager Sean Riley, Manager / Owner Bartlesville, OK 74006 Tulsa Vending Services (918) 906-8302 3808 North Hemlock Circle Roger Williams, Owner/Operator 3345 S. Harvard Ave., Ste. 101 http://www.tuxedochurch.com Broken Arrow, OK 0 3816 S . 86th E. Ave Tulsa, OK 74135 CHURCH http://www.ultimateexteriors.com Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.tulsaspineandrehab.com ROOFING MEDICAL CLINICS VENDING MACHINES (918) 599-7000 tw telecom Tulsa Sports Commission (918) 560-0273 Ray Hoyt, Executive Director Two West Second Street, Suite 150 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.tulsasports.org SPORTS ORGANIZATION (918) 582-1942 Tulsa Violin Shop Lou Lynch, President 220 North Main Tulsa, OK 74103 VIOLIN SHOP Rick Gibbens, Branch Sales Manager 100 W. 5th St., Ste. 315 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.twtelecom.net TELECOMMUNICATIONS Ultimate Reefs, Inc. (918) 851-1395 Shane Parker, President 6528 E. 101st St., D-1 Box 383 Tulsa, OK 74133 AQUARIUM LEASING/SALES/MAINTENANCE 65 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 77 3/15/12 8:39 AM UMB Bank (918) 295-2010 Brad Scrivner, President 1437 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 150 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.umb.com BANKS (918) 251-4334 Unifirst Corp. Jack Walters, General Manager 2100 North Beech Avenue Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.unifirst.com UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE (918) 357-4321 Union Public Schools Cathy Burden, Superintendent 8506 E. 61st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.unionps.org SCHOOLS Unishippers (918) 740-7401 Marc Van Hooser, Owner 11063 D S. Memorial, #456 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.unishippers.com SHIPPING AND RECEIVING Unit Corp. (918) 477-4465 David Merrill, CFO & Treasurer 7130 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 1000 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.unitcorp.com OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Universal Field Services, Inc. Utmost Enterprises, Inc. (918) 270-2800 (918) 494-7600 Greg Ford, CEO Gene Land, President 12802 E. 31st St., Ste. F P. O. Box 35666 Tulsa, OK 0 Tulsa, OK 74153 http://www.maidpro.com/tulsa http://www.ufsrw.com CLEANING SERVICES RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITIONS V University of Oklahoma-Tulsa (918) 660-3300 Vacuworx International (918) 259-3050 Gerard Clancy, President Terry Flynn, Sales Representative 4502 E. 41st St., Room 3B32 10105 E. 55th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74135-2512 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://tulsa.ou.edu/ http://www.vacuworx.com SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES PIPE LINE EQUIPMENT (918) 622-4877 University of Phoenix Lori Santiago, Vice President/State of Oklahoma 14002 E. 21st St., Ste. 1000 Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.phoenix.edu SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES (918) 631-2000 University of Tulsa Steadman Upham, President 800 S. Tucker Dr. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.utulsa.edu SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Upbeat International, LLC (918) 381-8863 Patricia Snider, 10116 Glen Ellen Owasso, OK 74055 RESTAURANTS (918) 495-1700 Valley National Bank Lelia McCoy, President and CEO 4812 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.vnbtulsa.com BANKS (918) 747-0990 Valpak of Tulsa Ann Hanford, Owner 1715 S. Boston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.valpak.com ADVERTISING - DIRECT MAIL (918) 835-9987 Val’s Distributing Ken Grabow, President P. O. Box 581583 Tulsa, OK 74158 DISTRIBUTORS Vatterott College (918) 835-8288 Cindy Gordon, Director 4343 S. 118th E. Ave., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.vatterott-college.edu SCHOOLS - INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL & TRADE (918) 488-8888 Vein & Laser Clinic Gary Cunningham, Owner 6901 S. Yorktown Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.veinclinic.com MEDICAL CLINICS Venture Properties, Inc. (918) 747-8700 Philip Allen, President 4835 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.ventureproperties.com REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Veolia Energy Tulsa (918) 582-2212 Sam Kumar, General Manager 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1501 Tulsa, OK 74103-4704 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE Verizon Wireless - Southroads (678) 787-3488 Scott Caul, Store Manager 4915 E. 41st St., Suite B Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.verizonwireless.com TELECOMMUNICATIONS United Linen & Uniform Rental Verizon Wireless - Tulsa Hills (918) 583-6202 (918) 445-7443 Valuation Associates of Oklahoma Mat Saddoris, Owner Britten Brassard, Retail Sales Manager Upper Cervical Health Centers (918) 266-2609 (918) 742-2300 P. O. Box 458 7145 S. Olympia Ave. Edward Truitt, President Christy Harrington, Office Manager Bartlesville, OK 74005 Tulsa, OK 74133 P. O. Box 1190 4625 S. Harvard, Ste. 200 http://www.unitedlinen.com http://www.verizonwireless.com Claremore, OK 74018-1190 Tulsa, OK 74135 LINEN SUPPLY SERVICE TELECOMMUNICATIONS REAL ESTATE - APPRAISERS http://www.uppercervicalcare.com (918) 491-3500 United Physicians, LLC Cheryl King, 6767 South Yale Ave., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74136 PHYSICIANS GROUP CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS (918) 592-5550 Urban Tulsa Weekly James Bengfort, Associate Publisher P. O. Box 50499 Tulsa, OK 74150-0499 http://www.urbantulsa.com United States Beef Corp. (Arby’s & Taco NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING Bueno) (918) 665-0740 Jeff Davis, CEO 4923 E. 49th (918) 582-2552 URS Corporation Romelle Kirk, Project Manager Tulsa, OK 74135 1437 S. Bouder Ave., Ste. 730 http://www.usbeefcorp.com RESTAURANTS Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.urscorp.com ENGINEERS - CONSULTING (918) 234-0040 United Warehouse Co. Brent Blackmon, New Business Development 11324 E. Apache St. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.unitedwarehouse.com WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTION (918) 392-9983 United-Tech Inc. John Page, Owner PO Box 470940 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.united-tech.com ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (918) 592-3937 Utica Eye Care Curtis Wolf, MD 1145 S. Utica, Ste. 362 Tulsa, OK 74104 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS (918) 828-9600 Value News, Inc. Mary Bransford, Founder, President and Publisher 5800 East Skelly Drive, Suite 707 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.valuenews.com NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING (918) 627-1920 Vanco Equipment Co. Kent Van Valkenburgh, President 7033 E. 40th Tulsa, OK 74145 PUMPS & PUMPING EQUIPMENT (918) 270-9903 Vanco Flooring, LLC Debbie Evans, Project Manager 9749 E. 54th St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.vancoflooringok.com FLOOR COVERINGS (918) 437-1796 Vanguard Equipment Utica Square Shopping Center Inc. Raymond Forsyth, Vice President (918) 742-5531 15627 E. Pine St. Jessica Barr, Property Manager Tulsa, OK 74116 21st St. & Utica Avenue CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.uticasquare.com (918) 398-6670 VAP Auto Shop SHOPPING CENTERS (918) 425-1306 Univar Amber Vreeland, Marketing Director Mike Wells, Branch Manager 6549 E. 40th St., Ste. 10 4500 N. Peoria Ave. Utica Square Skin Care (918) 712-3223 Tulsa, OK 74145 Karen Weidner, Doctor R.N. Tulsa, OK 74106 http://www.vapautoshop.com 2111 S. Atlanta Pl. CHEMICALS - WHOLESALE/DIST. AUTO REPAIR Tulsa, OK 74114 SKIN CARE Verizon Wireless - Woodland Hills (918) 459-5464 Shirl Sanders, Store Manager 10031 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://verizonwireless.com TELECOMMUNICATIONS Vernon Manufacturing Co. (918) 224-4068 Brenda Bindel, 8375 S. 89th W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74131 MANUFACTURERS (918) 266-2141 Vesica Piscis Chapel Judy Lytle-Odum, President/Co-Owner 10327 N. 139th E. Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.vesicapiscischapel.com WEDDINGS/RECEPTIONS Veteran Family Network Magazine (918) 313-4028 Mark Lockhart, V. P. Sales & Marketing 12101 N. MacArthur Blvd., Ste. 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73162 http://www.vfnsales.com MAGAZINE Veteran Financial Group (918) 481-9600 Russ Palmer, 5555 E. 71st, Ste. 8310 Tulsa, OK 74136 FINANCIAL ADVISOR 66 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 78 3/15/12 8:39 AM VEXIS Systems (918) 663-8080 Philip Fuller, President 5800 E. Skelly Dr., Penthouse Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.vexis.com TECHNOLOGY & BUSINESS CONSULTING Vision Ministry Center (918) 639-3686 Donald Couch, Senior Pastor P. O. Box 470312 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.visionministrycenter.com CHURCH W. Scott Harrington, DMD, Inc. Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #2880 (918) 743-9929 (918) 524-1435 W. Scott Harrington, Owner Awet Tsehaye, Store Manager 6606 E. 81st St. 2111 S. Atlanta Ave. Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74133 ORAL/MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY http://www.walmart.com GROCERS - RETAIL viaMarket Consumer Products, LLC Visiting Angels of Green Country WABC Learning Center (918) 742-1140 (918) 398-0865 (918) 609-5600 Collette Sawyer, Chris Shell, Chief Manufacturing Officer Page Cole, Owner/Administrator 5511 S. Harvard Ave. 10820 E. 45th Street, Ste. 209 15342 E. 76th St. North Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74146 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.wabc.org http://www.viamarketinc.com http://www.visitingangels.com/greencountry CHILD CARE RETAIL SENIOR CARE Vicki Berg Property Manager, Inc. Vista Shadow Mountain (918) 663-4966 Frankee Vincent, Regional Manager (918) 664-5756 Vicki Berg, President 6000 S. Memorial Dr. 5153 E. 51st, Ste. 112 Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.vistashadowmountain.com http://www.vickiberg.com/ APARTMENT COMPLEX REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT Visual Aids Electronics (918) 497-2191 Victory Lane Quick Oil Change Anthony Vetter, Director of Audiovisual (918) 493-1888 6110 S. Yale Ed Chamberlain, Owner Tulsa, OK 74136 6959 S. Peoria AUDIO VIDEO EQUIPMENT - SALES/SERVICE Tulsa, OK 74136 AUTO SERVICE Visual Mpact Unlimited (918) 583-6071 (918) 495-0586 Video Revolution, Inc. Ronald Witmer, President 7030 S. Lewis, Bldg. #1 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.videorevolution.com ELECTRONICS - SALES & SERVICE (918) 582-0901 Videon, Inc. Kathy Root, 1017 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74120 FURNITURE DEALERS - RETAIL Village East Apartments (918) 437-3737 George Cummings, General Manager 11327 E. 23rd St. Tulsa, OK 74129 APARTMENT COMPLEX Villages of Southern Hills (918) 361-6382 Will Otjen, Executive Director 10912 E. 14th St. Tulsa, OK 74128 ASSISTED LIVING PROVIDER (918) 906-7859 Vincetrox Zach Vincent, 9806 E. 108th Pl. North Owasso, OK 74055 ENGINEERS (918) 272-2750 Vines Properties, Inc. David Vines, P. O. Box 498 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.vinesproperties.com REAL ESTATE Vintage Motorsports, LLC (918) 266-6688 Jack Lewis, Owner 122 S. Elm Place Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.vintagemotorsportsofokla.com AUTO PARTS & SERVICE Richard Hight, Founder 1611 S. Utica, PMB-139 Tulsa, OK 74104-4909 http://www.visualmpact.com ARTISTS (918) 978-9054 Vitter’s Catering Joshua Vitt, Owner / Operator 907 S. Detroit Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 CATERING (918) 401-0011 VMH Corporation Mike Henry, Owner 12324 E 86th Street N Owasso, OK 0 http://www.leadchangegroup.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES (918) 749-0166 VMJ Properties, LLC Michael Jones, Manager 4734 S. Delaware Tulsa, OK 74105 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - COMMERCIAL (918) 712-8989 Volkswagen of Tulsa Mark Gathright, General Sales Manager 4240 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.greencountryimports.com AUTO DEALERS Waddell Quarter Horses (918) 733-9954 Addison Waddell, 23375 Hwy 52 Henryetta, OK 74437-7317 FARMING Wagner and Williams, LLC (918) 231-8503 Robert Wagner, President 6140 S. 104th E. Ave., Ste. 117 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.wagnerandwilliams.com BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES Walgreen Store #3039 (918) 834-0519 Justin Gardenhire, Manager 6415 E. Pine Street Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.walgreens.com DRUG STORES (918) 663-4578 Walgreen Store #3258 Wallace Berryman, Manager 4971 South Memorial Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.walgreens.com DRUG STORES Wallace and Associates (918) 284-3664 Rick Wallace, 2806 E. 89th Street Tulsa, OK 74137 INSURANCE (918) 584-5858 Wallace Engineering Brad Thurman, Principal 200 E. Brady St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.wallacesc.com ENGINEERS - CONSULTING Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #3340 (918) 392-7020 Blake Litton, Store Manager 4720 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74114 GROCERS - RETAIL Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #3457 (918) 622-7797 Bill Baumann, Store Manager 3116 South Garnett Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.walmart.com GROCERS - RETAIL Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #5093 (918) 749-1577 Steve Love, Store Manager 4404 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 GROCERS - RETAIL (918) 488-8791 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Darla Holmes, Store Manager 2019 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137-4206 RETAIL (479) 633-5288 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Angela Stoner, Senior Manager, Public Affairs 702 SW 8th Street Bentonville, AR 72716-0350 RETAIL Wal-Mart SuperCenter (918) 834-8700 Joel Berry, Store Manager 207 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74112 RETAIL Wal-Mart SuperCenter (918) 224-8080 Michael Huff, Store Manager 1002 West Taft Sapulpa, OK 74066 RETAIL Waller & Company Public Relations, Inc. (918) 245-0213 Wal-Mart SuperCenter (918) 587-1909 Teressia Kehr, Store Manager Barrett Waller, 220 S. State Highway 97 P. O. Box 521030 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Tulsa, OK 74152 RETAIL http://www.wallerpr.com PUBLIC RELATIONS (918) 259-9126 Wal-Mart SuperCenter Volunteer Central of Greater Tulsa, Inc. Rusty Stamps, Store Manager (918) 447-1888 Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market 2301 W. Kenosha St. Brenda Michael-Haggard, Executive Director (918) 258-6175 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Scott Gray, Store Manager 212 E. 6th St. RETAIL Tulsa, OK 74119 1770 S. Elm Pl. http://www.volunteercentraloftulsa.org Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (918) 272-6609 Wal-Mart SuperCenter ORGANIZATIONS GROCERS - RETAIL Marty Cooper, Store Manager W W & W Contracting (918) 693-8000 Farrah Walker, Owner 28993 South 4170 Road Inola, OK 74036 Vision 21 Learning Center, Inc. CONTRACTOR - GENERAL (918) 258-7548 Betty Cowins, 8730 S. Lynn Lane Broken Arrow, OK 74012-9614 CHILD CARE 12101 E. 96th St. N. Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #2395 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 299-8316 RETAIL Robert Cannon, Store Manager 9411 S. Delaware (918) 294-3800 Wal-Mart SuperCenter Tulsa, OK 74137 Timothy Mallett, Store Manager http://www.wal-mart.com 6625 S. Memorial Dr. GROCERS - RETAIL Tulsa, OK 74133 RETAIL 67 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 79 3/15/12 8:39 AM Wal-Mart SuperCenter (918) 341-2765 Lindel Stephens, Store Manager 1500 Lynn Riggs Blvd. Claremore, OK 74017 RETAIL Wal-Mart SuperCenter (918) 394-4000 Gary Kramme, Store Manager 10938 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 RETAIL (918) 396-1244 Wal-Mart SuperCenter Paula Moore, Store Manager 700 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook, OK 74070 RETAIL Wal-Mart SuperCenter (918) 455-4354 Rian Short, Store Manager 6310 S. Elm Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74011 RETAIL (918) 485-9515 Wal-Mart SuperCenter Tim Hoover, Store Manager 410 South Dewey Wagoner, OK 74467 RETAIL (918) 486-6511 Wal-Mart SuperCenter John Botts, Store Manager 11207 S. Highway 51 Coweta, OK 74429 RETAIL (918) 825-6000 Wal-Mart SuperCenter Mike Nichols, Store Manager 4901 So. Mill Rd. Pryor, OK 74361 RETAIL Walsh Barnes Interactive (918) 747-6789 Jeff Barnes, Managing Partner 300 E. Brady Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.walshbarnes.com ADVERTISING AGENCIES (918) 743-9600 Walsh Branding Kerry Walsh, President 300 East Brady Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.walshbranding.com ADVERTISING AGENCIES Walter & Associates, Inc. (918) 743-2001 Peter Walter, President 1319 E. 35th St. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.walterandassociates.com REAL ESTATE Warburton Capital Management, LLC Westech Media, LLC (918) 478-2185 (918) 794-3000 Kara West, Vice President Tom Warburton, Principal One Plaza S. #347 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 3675 Tahlequah, OK 74464 Tulsa, OK 74103 PUBLISHERS http://www.warburtoncapital.com FINANCIAL SERVICES Western Inn (918) 835-7640 (918) 492-4724 Warren Place Travel Dana Daza, President 6100 South Yale Ave., Ste. 100P Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.warrenplacetravel.com TRAVEL AGENCIES Waste Management of Oklahoma - Tulsa (918) 437-7773 District Jeff Newman, District Manager 13740 E. 46th Street North Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.wm.com WASTE REMOVAL Water Rock Homes (918) 269-8090 Jared Brown, Owner 6632 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.waterrockhomes.com HOME BUILDERS (918) 241-1040 Webco Industries, Inc. Dana Weber, President/COO P.O. Box 100 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.webcoindustries.com PIPES Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC (918) 742-8000 John Gero, Branch Manager 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.wellsfargoadvisors.com FINANCIAL ADVISOR Shorty Patel, Owner/Partner 5915 E. 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 HOTELS Whiteside & Grant Realtors (918) 743-9898 Robert Grant, President 1924 S. Utica, Ste. 812 Tulsa, OK 74104 Western Sun Federal Credit Union http://www.whitesidegrant.com (918) 858-9229 REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Kay Jones, Branch Manager 907 S. Detroit Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.wsfcu.com CREDIT UNIONS Whitlock Plastic Surgery/Reflexion (918) 743-5438 Medical Spa Tami Thompson, Marketing Director 3319 E 46th St Tulsa, OK 74135 Western Technologies, Inc. http://www.whitlockmd.com (918) 712-2406 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Monica Cypert, Office Manager 4404 S. Maybelle Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.westechgalv.com ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES Westfall Fine Art (918) 269-3553 Christopher Westfall, Owner 10057 S. 91st E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.christopherwestfall.com ARTISTS Wholesale Auto Paints of Tulsa (918) 835-6650 Kristi Roedel, Owner 6746 E. 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 AUTO BODY REPAIR/PAINTING Wholesale Computer Supply, LLC (918) 250-7283 Randy Wilson, Owner 5727 S. Garnett, Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74146 Westport on the River Apartment Homes COMPUTER SALES - SERVICE & NETWORKING (918) 599-7180 Laura Morse, Director of Marketing 1703 S. Jackson Ave. West Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.westportontheriver.com APARTMENT COMPLEX (918) 828-0101 Wholesale Hot Tubs Brian Clift, Manager 3938 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.whtrw.com SWIMMING POOLS Wheelchair & Seating Clinic of Oklahoma, (918) 622-5433 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage LLC (918) 493-3151 James Carr, Managing Member Wiggin Properties, LLC (405) 842-0100 Mike Burgess, Charles Wiggin, President 10301 E. 51st Street, Ste. E 5314 S. Yale Ave., #420 5801 N. Broadway Ext., Suite 120 Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74135-6271 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SALES/SERVICE/REPAIR Oklahoma City, OK 73118 http://www.wellsfargo.com/mortgage http://www.wigginprop.com MORTGAGE SERVICE REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Whistler Media Group (918) 491-7446 (918) 437-7722 Wendy’s Jim Cook, Senior Vice President-Marketing 10718 E. Marshall St. Tulsa, OK 74116-5678 http://www.wendys.com RESTAURANTS (918) 749-7781 Wenrick Development Tom Wenrick, Owner/President 2930 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.wenrick.com Walter P. Moore & Associates, Inc. REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/MANAGEMENT (918) 806-7200 Hollis Allen, Managing Director Wesley N. Black, DDS, PC (918) 745-0500 7666 E. 61st St., Ste. 475 Wesley Black, President Tulsa, OK 74133 3321 S. Yale Ave. http://www.walterpmoore.com Tulsa, OK 74135 ENGINEERS - CIVIL DENTISTS Walt’s Motors, Inc (918) 486-2255 Barbara Replogle, Vice President 14195 S. State Highway 51 Coweta, OK 74429 AUTO DEALERS White Star Machinery & Supply (918) 622-7787 Paul Hall, Branch Manager 5401 S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.whitestarmachinery.com CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES Shawn Whistler, President 11063D S. Memorial, PMB 523 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.whistlersign.com ADVERTISING - OUTDOOR (918) 298-3892 Wightman Family Law Katrina Wightman, Attorney P. O. Box 701380 Tulsa, OK 74170 http://www.wightmanfamilylaw.com ATTORNEYS White Coyote Properties LLC (918) 943-6293 Dana Luft, Owner Wilcox & McGrath Insurance (918) 747-4100 14211 S. Vandalia Ave. Ed McGrath, Bixby, OK 74008 5591 South Lewis Ave. REAL ESTATE Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.wjm-ins.com White Insurance Agency (405) 330-6331 INSURANCE Kathy White, President 3200 Puget Sound Dr. Edmond, OK 73034 INSURANCE White River Fish Market (918) 835-1910 Garry Cozby, Owner 1708 N. Sheridan Rd. West Termite & Pest Management (918) 446-0474 Tulsa, OK 74115 Eileen Imwalle, Office Manager http://www.whiteriverfishmarket.com 8634 S. Peoria RESTAURANTS Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.westtermite.com PEST CONTROL (918) 392-7633 Wild Orchid Shirley Ludwig, Owner 5958 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.kabloomoftulsa.com FLORISTS - RETAIL Willbros Engineers (US), LLC (918) 496-0400 Edward Wiegele, President 2087 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.willbros.com ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES 68 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 80 3/15/12 8:39 AM William E. Flanagan, CPA (918) 341-1930 Bill Flanagan, 323 W. First St. Claremore, OK 74017 ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC Wilson Insurance Group (405) 756-1186 Lesley Wilson, Office Manager 607 S. Main Lindsay, OK 73052 INSURANCE Wolf Voice Ent, LLC (918) 513-1411 Scott Carson, 704 S. Main Broken Arrow, OK 74012-5527 RETAIL William Preston Phillips Insurance and (918) 794-8520 Financial Services Preston Phillips, Owner 5514 S. Lewis, #5 Tulsa, OK 74105 INSURANCE Wilson Lillie & Associates Appraisal Co., Women’s Business Council - Southwest (918) 341-8765 (817) 299-0566 Inc. Worldwide Restoration, Inc. Marla Lillie, Nancy Readel, Vice President (918) 495-3800 P. O. Box 1250 2201 N. Collins, Ste. 158 Nathan Butterfield, Owner Claremore, OK 74018 Arlington, TX 76011 533 S. Rockford Ave. REAL ESTATE - APPRAISERS http://www.wbcsouthwest.org Tulsa, OK 74120 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION http://www.worldwiderestorationinc.com RESTORATION Wilson Psychological Associates, PLLC William Stitt Enterprise, LLC (918) 622-1466 (918) 337-6050 Wood, Puhl & Wood, PLLC (918) 742-0808 Bill Stitt, President Spence Wilson, Owner Scott Wood, Attorney 5387 S. Sheridan Rd. 501 S. Johnstone, Ste. 503 2409 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74145 Bartlesville, OK 74003 Tulsa, OK 74105 FINANCIAL ADVISOR PSYCHOLOGISTS/COUNSELORS ATTORNEYS (918) 252-7511 William W. Barnes Children Advocate Windstream Communications Woodland Hills Mall Jodi Koch, Director of Marketing & Business (918) 283-2800 (918) 382-8816 Martha Kross-Vinson, Todd Bryant, Director - Business Sales Development P. O. Box 1889 1437 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 130 7021 S. Memorial Dr. Claremore, OK 74018-1889 Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa, OK 74133 FAMILY SERVICES http://www.windstreambusiness.com SHOPPING CENTERS TELECOMMUNICATIONS Williams (918) 573-2000 Alan Armstrong, President & CEO One Williams Center 49th Floor Tulsa, OK 74172 http://www.williams.com ENERGY COMPANIES Wine & Spirits Barn (918) 293-9746 Kristy Kamins, Owner 2430 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74105 LIQUOR - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE (918) 486-5564 Williams & Humphrey Insurance Agency Winn Family Practice (918) 682-8900 Diana Walcutt, Office Administrator Pamela Williams Bierig, 607 S. Broadway 320 N. Fourth Coweta, OK 74429 Muskogee, OK 74401 MEDICAL CLINICS INSURANCE Williams & Williams Worldwide Real (918) 250-2012 Estate Auction Dean Williams, 7120 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 0 http://www.williamsauction.com REAL ESTATE Williams Construction Co. (918) 628-1991 Mark Little, Vice President 3148 S. 108th E. Ave., Ste. 145 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.williamsconstruction.com CONTRACTOR - GENERAL (918) 582-9898 Winston Media Wes Cox, Owner 3550 W. Main Street Norman, OK 73072 http://www.winstonwd.com ADVERTISING AGENCIES (918) 335-2400 Wireless Connections Jody Kerns, 200 SE Washington Blvd., Suite C Bartlesville, OK 74006-2349 CELLULAR AND/OR WIRELESS (918) 665-8700 Wisdom Roofing, Inc. Mike Wisdom, President & Owner 1320 N. Wheeling Ave. Willis & Associates Logistics, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74110 (918) 446-5700 http://www.wisdomroofingandguttering.com Rick Willis, Owner ROOFING P. O. Box 9920 Tulsa, OK 74157 (918) 261-2121 Withos.com http://www.willislogistics.com Madison Crawford, President & CEO TRUCKING 1628 E. 6th St. (918) 627-9400 Wilnat, Inc. Tim Wood, General Manager P. O. Box 470161 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.koonsandassociates.com MANUFACTURERS Wilson Group Strategies (918) 742-3310 Barry Wilson, Owner/Broker 8523 S. Winston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.wilsongroupstrategies.com EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.withos.com INTERNET SERVICES (918) 234-9044 Wohali Outdoors, LLC Cristy Gilleland, 1300 N. Industrial Blvd. Claremore, OK 74017 http://www.wohalioutdoors.com SPORTING GOODS - RETAIL Woodland Manor (918) 461-1929 Teresa Grobe, Senior Manager 8641 E. 61st Tulsa, OK 74133 APARTMENT COMPLEX Worldwide Express (918) 257-2295 Jared Hood, Regional Sales Manager 10830 E. 45th St., Suite 102 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.wwelogistics.com SHIPPING AND RECEIVING Wrany R. Southard DDS, PC (918) 294-1144 Wrany Southard, Owner 6333 South Memorial Drive, Ste. G Tulsa, OK 74133 DENTISTS Wright Career College (918) 628-7700 Cindy Schultz, Campus Director 4908 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.wrightcareercollege.com SCHOOLS (918) 486-5515 Wright Funeral Home James Brown, President 210 S. Broadway Coweta, OK 74429 http://www.wrightfh.net Woodland Terrace Retirement Community FUNERAL DIRECTORS (918) 250-3631 Shondel Herald, Executive Director 9524 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.seniorstar.com RETIREMENT CENTER Woody Enterprises, LLC (918) 850-3736 Jennifer Edwards, Owner P.O. Box 158 Catoosa, OK 74015 REAL ESTATE Workforce Oklahoma/Oklahoma State (918) 796-1200 Employment Service Karen Baskerville, Center Manager 14002 E. 21st St., Ste. 1030 Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.oesc.ok.gov WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS (918) 595-8824 Workforce Tulsa Fred Schnook, Executive Director 909 S. Boston Ave., Room MC2001 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.workforcetulsa.com WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS (918) 806-6700 Worksource Bobbie Phillips, Area Manager 8316 E. 61st, Ste. 103 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.workwource.net EMPLOYMENT SERVICES World Travel Service, LLC (918) 743-8856 Alex Eaton, President 7645 E. 63rd St., Ste. 101 Tulsa, OK 74133-1208 http://www.worldtraveltoday.com TRAVEL AGENCIES Wolf Creek Pecan Ranch, LLC (918) 299-7947 Victoria Dodd, President 12011 S. 2nd St. Jenks, OK 74037 AGRICULTURE &/OR LIVESTOCK ARENA (918) 627-5000 Wyndham Tulsa Hotel Stephen Salay, General Manager 10918 E. 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.wyndham.com HOTELS X Xerox Corporation (918) 622-1362 Rhonda Wilkin, 10830 E. 45th St., Ste. 101 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.xerox.com OFFICE MACHINE SALES/SERVICE XETA Technologies (918) 664-8200 Chris Ryan 1814 West Tacoma Street Broken Arrow, OK 74012-1406 http://www.xeta.com TELECOMMUNICATIONS Xtreme Performance Center (918) 994-6868 Steph Underwood, General Manager 8221 E. 61st St., Ste. 5 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.xpctulsa.com FITNESS CENTER Y Yaffe Metals (918) 245-0257 Rocky McGee, General Manager 7300 Charles Page Blvd., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.yaffeco.net METAL RECYCLING 69 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 81 3/15/12 8:39 AM YardVarks Lawncare & Landscape Yokozuna (918) 508-7676 (918) 364-9273 Elliott Nelson, Owner Andrew Buchwald, Owner 309 E. 2nd St. 10026-A South Mingo, Ste. 181 Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.yokozunatulsa.com http://www.yardvarks.com RESTAURANTS LAWN MAINTENANCE/LANDSCAPING Z ZFG Mortgage LLC (918) 459-6530 Fareed Hussein, Sr. Mortgage Consultant 6670 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.zfgmortgage.com MORTGAGE SERVICE Z Studio - The Art of Hair (918) 743-5353 Beau Barbee, Owner / Partner 4516 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.zstudiotulsa.com (918) 250-5999 York Electronic Systems, Inc. Zio’s Italian Kitchen SALON - FULL SERVICE (918) 258-9675 Melody Jennings, Catering Manager Yellowhouse Machinery Co. (918) 245-5926 Jennifer Jezek, V. P. of Operations 7111 S. Mingo Road Zada Resources Mold Inspection Curtis Christiansen, Oklahoma Sales Manager 2900 West Albany Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 743-3020 1100 W. Wekiwa Rd. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.zios.com Larry Miller, Owner Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.yorkes.com RESTAURANTS 7122 S. Sheridan Rd. http://www.yellowhouse.us/index.html ELECTRONIC SERVICES Tulsa, OK 74133 HEAVY EQUIPMENT (918) 298-9880 Zio’s Italian Kitchen http://www.zadaresources.com (918) 437-6683 Y-Knot Trucking William Grove, Owner 718 N. 145th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 DUMP TRUCK SERVICES YMCA of Greater Tulsa (918) 747-9622 Susan Plank, P. O. Box 3689 Tulsa, OK 74101-3689 http://www.ymcatulsa.org SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION Young, Bowden & Bailey, Inc., P.C. MOLD INSPECTIONS (918) 585-8158 Warren Young, Attorney Zee Medical (918) 663-5543 7105 E. Admiral Pl., Ste. 100 Chris Laakso, Sales Manager Tulsa, OK 74115 6100 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 1900 ATTORNEYS Tulsa, OK 74136 YWCA Tulsa (918) 587-2100 Felicia Collins Correia, Executive Director 1910 S. Lewis, Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74104-5708 ORGANIZATIONS http://www.zeemedical.com FIRST AID SUPPLIES Zeeco, Inc. (918) 258-8551 Scott Johnson, Director of Special Projects 22151 East 91st Street Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.zeeco.com MANUFACTURERS Eric Cline, General Manager 8112 S. Lewis Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.zios.com RESTAURANTS ZLB Plasma Services (918) 582-4346 Troy Wheeler, Manager 824 S. Cheyenne Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.zlbplasma.com BLOOD BANK 70 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 82 3/15/12 8:39 AM BUSINESS RESOURCE GUIDE 3-D TECHNOLOGY 3DICON Corporation (918) 494‑0505 Martin Keating, Chairman & CEO 6804 South Canton Avenue, Ste. 150 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.3DIcon.net Blacklimos.com II, LLC (918) 630‑9944 David Yonce, 13339 E. 137th St. South Broken Arrow, 74011-7434 J. D. Phillips & Associates (918) 740‑9770 Jason Phillips, President 251 Seneca Drive Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.jdphillipsassociates.com Marketing Alliance, Inc. (918) 586‑2455 Bob Oertel, Owner 115 W. 3rd St., Suite 409 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.marketingallianceinc.com NDEEGO, LLC (918) 895‑6565 David Barnett, Operations Manager P. O. Box 470043 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.lowenergyhomes.biz Charles S. Monroe, CPA, PC (918) 270‑2857 Charles Monroe, President 4833 S. Sheridan, Ste. 402 Tulsa, OK 74145 Jay & Associates, P.C. (918) 492‑0106 Neil Jay, Managing Shareholder 4312 E. 51st Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.jay-cpa.com Cuite & Associates (918) 488‑0809 Barbara Cuite, Owner 2524-B East 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136 John P. Flusche, CPA (918) 488‑8753 John Flusche, Owner 6851 S. Canton Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 560‑1400 Deloitte LLP Robert Morgan, Managing Partner/Tulsa 100 S. Cincinnati, Ste. 700 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.deloitte.com (918) 585‑2551 KPMG LLP Byron Corwin, Auditing Partner 100 West Fifth St., Ste. 310 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.kpmg.com Edwards Tax & Accounting Lohrey & Associates, PLLC (918) 743‑8900 (918) 743‑0151 William Lohrey, Partner Pamela Edwards, CPA 1924 S. Utica, Ste. 900 4932 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74104 Tulsa, OK 74105-4623 http://www.lohrey.com http://www.edwardstaxandaccounting.com (918) 748‑5000 Eide Bailly, LLP Dan Cunningham, 2424 E. 21st St., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.eidebailly.com (918) 560‑3600 Ernst & Young LLP ABSTRACTS Cathy Gates, Office Managing Partner P. O. Box 1529 Guaranty Abstract Company Tulsa, OK 74101 (918) 587‑6621 http://www.ey.com Jack Kirkpatrick, President Box 3048 Tulsa, OK 74101 Glenn Elliott & Assoc Inc., CPAs http://www.guarantyabstract.com (918) 627‑2286 Glenn Elliott, President 5800 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 900 Smith Brothers Abstract & Title Co., Inc. Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 582‑2148 Jim Cichon, 616 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 100 (918) 877‑0800 Grant Thornton LLP Tulsa, OK 74119 Brad Stoots, Partner In-Charge http://www.smithbrothersabstract.com 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74136-1208 http://www.grantthornton.com Tulsa Abstract & Title Co. (918) 582‑5777 Patsy Cravens, CEO 612 S. Denver Heatherington & Fields, CPA’s Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 496‑1212 http://www.tulsaabstract.com James Heatherington, Partner 1515 E. 71st, Ste. 205 Tulsa, OK 74136 ACCOUNTANTS - CERTIFIED PUBLIC http://www.hfieldscpas.com Amon & Goumaz CPA, LLC (918) 806‑8311 Caryn Perrier, (918) 745‑2333 HoganTaylor, LLP 2401 W. Detroit Randy Nail, CEO Broken Arrow, OK 74012-3631 2200 S. Utica Place, Ste. 400 http://www.amongoumaz.com Tulsa, OK 74114-7000 http://www.hogantaylor.com BKD, LLP (918) 584‑2900 Steve Holden, Partner Howerton, Morris, Simpson & Smith, 6120 S. Yale Ave. , Suite 1400 (918) 481‑5949 P.L.L.C. Tulsa, OK 74136 Martin Howerton, Owner http://www.bkd.com 8282 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74133 Carl R. Webb, CPA, Inc. (918) 744‑4098 http://www.hmscpas.com Carl Webb, CPA 4803 S. Owasso Ave. (918) 749‑2152 J. R. Hays, CPA Tulsa, OK 74105 James Hays, Owner - CPA http://www.1040webb.com 2223 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 20 Tulsa, OK 74105 Milam & Associates (918) 493‑2002 Steve Milam, Owner 7030 S. Yale, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.milamcpa.com (918) 749‑1040 Morse & Co. Marvin Morse, President 6950 South Utica Avenue Tulsa, OK 74136-3903 http://www.morseandco.com Ornelas & Morris, CPA, PC (918) 665‑6420 Steve Ornelas, President 5840 S. Memorial, Ste. 315 Tulsa, OK 74145 Perry, Herring & Company, C.P.A., P.C. (918) 358‑3586 John Herring, President P. O. Box 648 Cleveland, OK 74020 PricewaterhouseCoopers L.L.P. (918) 524‑1200 Dan Hagans, Managing Partner 6120 South Yale, Suite 1850 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.pwcglobal.com Regier, Carr & Monroe, LLP (918) 494‑8700 Brent Curry, Partner 8023 E. 63rd Pl., #500 Tulsa, OK 74133 Sartain, Fischbein & Co. (918) 749‑6601 Tom Goekeler, Partner 3010 S. Harvard Ave., Suite 400 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.sfandco.com Scott L. Campbell, CPA, PC (918) 518‑6512 Scott Campbell, 329 S. Elm St., Ste. 230 Jenks, OK 74037-3765 Stanfield & O’Dell, P.C. (918) 628‑0500 Karen Kirchman, Managing Shareholder 3211 South Lakewood Avenue Tulsa, OK 74135-4934 http://www.stanfieldodell.com William E. Flanagan, CPA (918) 341‑1930 Bill Flanagan, 323 W. First St. Claremore, OK 74017 ACCOUNTING SERVICES Boston Avenue Tax & Accounting Service (918) 605‑7587 Rocky Bryan Naff, Owner 1719 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 2F Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.bostonaveacctng.com Ellison and Rotert, LLP (918) 938‑9360 Johnna Ellison, CEO 6810 E. 40th St., Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.ellisonrotertllp.com Hancock & Co. (918) 743‑9591 Richard Hancock, President 4815 S. Harvard, Ste.460 Tulsa, OK 74135 Luxa Enterprises, LLC (918) 928‑7288 Kimberly Fobbs, Marketing Director P. O. Box 580463 Tulsa, OK 74158-0463 http://www.luxa.us TJ Franz & Associates (918) 381‑3599 Tom Franz, Principal 7811 South 70th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 ADOPTION AGENCY Heritage Family Services, Inc. (918) 491‑6767 Michael Nomura, Co-Director 5110 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 525 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.heritagefamilyservices.org ADVERTISING - DIRECT MAIL American Direct Mail Services (918) 292‑8600 Rick Butefish, Owner 11403 E. 19th St., Ste. C Tulsa, OK 74128-6444 http://www.americandirectmailservices.com ADVERTISING - DIRECT MAIL Bullseye Database Marketing (918) 587‑1731 Mark Jennemann, President 5546 S. 104th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146-6508 http://www.bullseyedm.com Southwest Direct, Inc. (918) 582‑0093 Sharon Cummings, Vice President 2502 Charles Page Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.sdiok.com 71 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 83 3/15/12 8:39 AM Tulsa Direct Mail, Inc. (918) 688‑1080 Tom Kuehnert, Administrator 5872 S. 129th E. Ave Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.tulsadirectmail.com Whistler Media Group (918) 491‑7446 Shawn Whistler, President 11063D S. Memorial, PMB 523 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.whistlersign.com Gitwit Creative (918) 933‑6688 Jacob Johnson, Principal 11 E. Brady St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.gitwitcreative.com Walsh Branding (918) 743‑9600 Kerry Walsh, President 300 East Brady Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.walshbranding.com Valpak of Tulsa (918) 747‑0990 Ann Hanford, Owner 1715 S. Boston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.valpak.com ADVERTISING - SPECIALIZED GuRuStu Group (918) 582‑1881 Stuart McDaniel, 2 W. 6th St., Ste. 402 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.gurustugroup.com Winston Media (918) 582‑9898 Wes Cox, Owner 3550 W. Main Street Norman, OK 73072 http://www.winstonwd.com Humphrey Associates, Inc. (918) 584‑4774 Jim Humphrey, President 233 S. Detroit, Ste. 201 Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.humphreyad.com AEROSPACE ADVERTISING - DIRECTORY/GUIDE America on Hold (866) 800‑4653 Doug Bauguss, President 3520 N. 7th St. Phoenix, AZ 85014 http://www.AmericaOnHold.com Certified Folder Display Svc, Inc. AT&T Advertising Solutions (405) 833‑7113 (918) 835‑8600 Corey Brennan, Sales Service Manager Jackie Payne, General Manager 350 South Vermont, Suite 220 10159 E. 11th St., Ste. 600 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.certifiedfolder.com http://www.yellowpages.com (918) 749‑3195 City Links Directories Veronica Leichnitz, Managing Partner 4335 E 87th St Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.tulsacelebrations.com (918) 369‑4777 Cookie Advantage Duane & Kim Carns, Owners 10026-A S. Mingo Rd., #446 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.cookieadvantage.com Tulsa Metro Yellow Book USA (918) 622‑4696 Gary White, Market Manager 10820 E. 45th Street, Suite 201 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.yellowbook.com Cosec International, Inc. (918) 622‑3903 Scott Hood, President 3803 S. 79th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.cosecinternational.com (918) 747‑0118 Jim Davies Design Jim Davies, 4622 S. Knoxville Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 (405) 840‑3201 Jordan Associates, Inc. Rhonda Hooper, Owner 3111 Quail Springs Parkway, Ste. 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73134 http://www.jordanet.com Liberty Resource Group (918) 760‑2039 Lori Bell, President 10026A S. Mingo Rd., #165 Eskimo Joes Promotional Products Group, Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 496‑4563 Inc. ADVERTISING - INDOOR http://www.libertyresourcegroup.com Jim Blazer, Promotional Consultant Big Guys, Inc. (918) 742‑0220 P. O. Box 729 John Jolley, Owner Littlefield Brand Development Stillwater, OK 74075 1205 S. Atlanta Ave. (918) 295‑1000 http://www.ejppg.com Tulsa, OK 74104 David Littlefield, President 1350 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 500 (918) 510‑6595 Fulcrum Mobile Tulsa, OK 74119 ADVERTISING - MEDIA CONSULTING Malachi Gross, CEO http://www.littlefield.us 403 S. Cheyenne, Ste. 302 The Merchants Association - Big Bear Tulsa, OK 74103 Xchange.com (714) 200‑9578 Mithoff Burton Partners (918) 599‑9910 http://www.fulcrummobile.com Patrick Sullivan, Sales Steffen Poessiger, Vice President P. O. Box 2752 320 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 808 Fort Smith, AR 72913 (918) 388‑1442 Graphics Network, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.bigbearxchange.com Craig Sahli, President/CEO http://www.mithoffburton.com P. O. Box 54579 Tulsa, OK 74155 ADVERTISING - OUTDOOR (918) 615‑9610 Prolific Creative http://www.graphics-network.com James Schellhorn, President Clear Channel Airports (610) 395‑8002 P. O. Box 14327 Lucas Yezik, Project Coordinator (918) 810‑3929 Outlaw Kustomz Tulsa, OK 74159 4635 Crackersport Road Ryan Myers, Owner http://www.prolificcreative.com Allentown, PA 18104 4401 S. 91st E. Ave. http://www.iaateam.com Tulsa, OK 74145 R.O.I. Advertising Media Services, L.L.C. http://www.outlawkustomz.com (918) 582‑9777 Lamar Outdoor Advertising Les Boyle, Chairman (918) 665‑1755 ADVERTISING AGENCIES 5801 E. 41st, Ste. 600 Pat Selcer, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74135 7777 E. 38th Street AcrobatAnt, LLC (918) 938‑7914 http://www.roi-tulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74145 David Downing, Managing Partner http://www.lamar.com/main/default.cfm 1336 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.acrobatant.com Redfish Outdoor Advertising (918) 260‑4235 Dax Neal, Owner Brothers and Company (918) 743‑8822 P. O. Box 52275 Paul Brothers, President Tulsa, OK 74152 4860 S. Lewis Ave. http://www.redfishads.com Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.broco.com Stokely Outdoor Advertising (918) 664‑4724 Bill Stokely, President 10026A S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74133-5700 http://www.stokelyoutdoor.com Cubic, Inc (918) 587‑7888 Billy Kulkin, President 1631 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.cubiccreative.com Sedco Investments, LLC (918) 299‑0272 Bill Emmer, President 11702 S. Granite Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 Strategic Perception (323) 860‑3031 Beth Donica, Associate Creative Director 3329 E. 30th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.strategicperceptioninc.com Walsh Barnes Interactive (918) 747‑6789 Jeff Barnes, Managing Partner 300 E. Brady Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.walshbarnes.com L-3 Communications (918) 296‑2118 Robert Moskal, 112 Beechcraft Drive Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.L-3com.com AEROSPACE COATINGS Southwest United Industries, Inc. (918) 587‑4161 Willard Emery, 422 South St. Louis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120-3418 http://www.swunited.com AGRICULTURE &/OR LIVESTOCK ARENA Blake Replogle - Farmer (918) 543‑7848 Blake Replogle, Co-Owner P. O. Box 130 Coweta, OK 74429 Greenhill Properties, LLC (918) 584‑1978 R. H. Harbaugh, Manager 1437 South Boulder, Ste. 770 Tulsa, OK 74119 O’Reilly Mountain Ranch (918) 486‑8182 Jay O’Reilly, Co-Owner P. O. Box 306 Coweta, OK 74429 Wolf Creek Pecan Ranch, LLC (918) 299‑7947 Victoria Dodd, President 12011 S. 2nd St. Jenks, OK 74037 AIR & GAS COMPRESSORS Covair LLC (918) 299‑1631 Susan Worthington, Member 5704 E. 21st Tulsa, OK 74114 Henshaw Compressor & Engine Service, LLC (918) 367‑9921 Bill Henshaw, Owner & Manager P. O. Box 600 Bristow, OK 74010 http://www.henshawcompressor.com SCFM Compression Systems Inc. (918) 663‑1309 Jay Stephens, CEO 3701 S. Maybelle Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.scfm.com AIR CONDITIONING - PARTS & SERVICE A Best Air & Heat, Inc. (918) 496‑2665 Michael Humphries, Director of Marketing & Sales 13737 E. 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74108 http://www.abestair.com 72 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 84 3/15/12 8:39 AM AIR DUCT CLEANING Air Doctor Duct Cleaning (918) 628‑1800 Kevin Ray Platt, Project Manager 10344-B E. 58th St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.airdoctortulsa.com AIR EMISSION TESTING CETCON, Inc. (918) 743‑2285 Galen McCloskey, VP, Sales & Marketing P. O. Box 702800 Tulsa, OK 74170 http://www.cetconinc.com AIR INDUSTRIAL TOOLS AOK Distributing (918) 627‑8116 Linda Stearns, President P. O. Box 470152 Tulsa, OK 74147-0152 AIRCRAFT ACCESSORIES Southwestern Aero Exchange, Inc. (918) 272‑9815 Jan Warren, 18502 E. 108th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 AIRCRAFT CHARTERS RENTALS Flight Concepts (918) 832‑7100 Angela Hall, Director of Administrative Services 7601 E. Apache, Hangar 22 Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.fltconcepts.com Legacy Jet Center (918) 836‑0222 Ashley Werthen, Vice President 7120 E. Apache Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.legacytulsa.com Omni Air Transport (918) 836‑3131 Dan Burnstein, President P. O. Box 150017 Tulsa, OK 74158-0017 http://www.omniairtransport.com Neosource, Inc. (918) 622‑4493 Bill Graif, President 9422 E. 55th Place Tulsa, OK 74145-8154 http://www.neosource.net Phoenix Rising Aviation, Inc. (918) 337‑0204 Courtyards Apartments (918) 481‑0443 Warren Peck, Vice President Jennifer Kraf, Manager P.O. Box 1331 6748 E. 91st St. Bartlesville, OK 74005 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.praviation.com http://www.caseusa.com Westport on the River Apartment Homes (918) 599‑7180 Laura Morse, Director of Marketing 1703 S. Jackson Ave. West Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.westportontheriver.com (918) 461‑1929 Pro-Tech Aeroservices, Inc. Estancia Tulsa, Flournoy Properties Woodland Manor (918) 437‑6800 (918) 249‑0016 Teresa Grobe, Senior Manager 8641 E. 61st Mike Dotson, President/CEO Meghan Whittenburg, Manager 10 S. 111th E. Ave. 7705 S. Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74128-1613 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.protechaero.com http://www.estanciatulsa.com APPLIANCES (918) 835‑7651 Tulsair Beechcraft, Inc. Tom Clark, President P. O. Box 582470 Tulsa, OK 74158 (918) 584‑8939 Jordan Plaza, Inc. Pam Cotner, Managing Agent 630 E. Oklahoma Tulsa, OK 74106-4824 AIRLINE COMPANIES Nickel Creek Apartments (918) 933‑5858 Scott Case, Property Supervisor 7805 S. Union Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 American Airlines (918) 292‑2897 William Collins, Vice President - Base Maintenance P. O. Box 582809 - M.D. 20 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.americanair.com Southwest Airlines (303) 997‑8008 Jane McAtee, 1140 Cherokee, #501 Denver, CO 80204 http://www.southwest.com AIRPORT PARKING (918) 445‑2606 Overlook Apartments Beth Pogue, Regional Manager 6339 S. 33rd W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.maxcap.com Remington on Memorial (918) 250‑8380 Kelley Washington, Manager 8461 E. 81st St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 Hahn Appliance Center (918) 622‑6262 Lee Sherman, President 8160 E. 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.hahnappliance.com Metro Appliances and More (918) 622‑7692 Nick Stavros, CEO 5313 S. Mingo Rd Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.metroappliancesandmore.com AQUARIUM Oklahoma Aquarium (918) 296‑3474 Teri Bowers, COO/Executive Director 300 Aquarium Drive Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.okaquarium.org AQUARIUM LEASING/SALES/MAINTENANCE Fine Airport Parking (918) 832‑8880 Michael Fine, President & CEO 2010 N. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74115-3833 http://www.fineairportparking.com (918) 286‑1363 Sonoma Grande Michelle Ross, Property Manager 9303 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.sonomagrande.com AIRPORTS ARCHITECTS Stonehaven Villas Apartments (918) 250‑1777 Beck Design (918) 583‑5300 Caryl Baldwin, Property Manager Paula Beck, Marketing Director 8110 S. 107 E. Ave. 110 W. 7th Street, Ste. 710 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.stonehavenvillasapts.com http://www.beckdesign.com Tulsa Airport Authority (918) 838‑5000 Jeff Mulder, Airports Director ETI INC. (918) 627‑8484 P. O. Box 581838 Dale Todd, President/General Manager Tulsa, OK 74158-1838 8131 E. 46th St. http://www.tulsaairports.com Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.etitulsa.com ALZHEIMER’S RESIDENTIAL CARE HOMES AIRCRAFT SALES/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE Executive AirShare (866) 946‑4900 Jill Hindes, Marketing Manager 1001 NW Lou Holland Dr., Ste. 100 Kansas City, MO 64116 http://www.execairshare.com Cypress Springs (918) 591‑2525 Michelle Reed, Director of Sales and Marketing 7210 S Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.cypressspringresidence.com Honeywell-LORI (918) 272‑8000 JR Ragsdale, Site Leader P.O. Box 3629 Tulsa, OK 74101-3629 http://www.honeywell.com AMBULANCE SERVICE EMSA/ Emergency Medical Services Authority (918) 596‑3135 Stephen Williamson, President & CEO 1417 N. Lansing Ave. Tulsa, OK 74106 http://www.emsaonline.com Lufthansa Technik North America (918) 835‑4591 Klaus Wachholz, 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 570 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.lufthansa-technik.de Barrington Apartments, Complex #357 Vista Shadow Mountain (918) 663‑4966 (918) 254‑1681 Frankee Vincent, Regional Manager Megan Sippel, Manager 6000 S. Memorial Dr. 9233 E. 65th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.vistashadowmountain.com http://www.caseusa.com APARTMENT COMPLEX Bandon Trails (918) 299‑4451 Lindsey Loredo, Manager 2505 E. 88th St. Tulsa, OK 74137 Mike’s Aircraft Fuel Metering Service (918) 838‑6217 Kevin Felts, President 9406 E. 46th Street North Tulsa, OK 74117 The Mansions at Riverside (918) 296‑0062 Heather Emhoolah, Community Director 2805 East 97th Court South Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.mansionsatriverside.com The Palazzo Apartments (918) 355‑1733 Charlie Barnhart, Property Manager 13777 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.palazzotulsa.com The Vintage on Yale (918) 524‑9797 Wendi McClanahan, Property Manager 5202 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.vintageonyaleapartments.com Village East Apartments (918) 437‑3737 George Cummings, General Manager 11327 E. 23rd St. Tulsa, OK 74129 Ultimate Reefs, Inc. (918) 851‑1395 Shane Parker, President 6528 E. 101st St., D-1 Box 383 Tulsa, OK 74133 Chase, Fetters, Hewitt Architects (918) 747‑8225 Gary Fetters, Partner 4520 South Harvard, Suite 180 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.cfharchitects.com CJC Architects, Inc. (918) 582‑7129 Larry Johnston, President 1401 S. Denver, Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.cjcarchitects.com Cyntergy AEC (918) 877‑6000 Gordon Guest, Principal/CFO 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1200 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.cyntergyllc.com Dewberry Architects, Inc. (918) 587‑7283 David Huey, V. P. in Charge of Architecture 1350 S. Boulder, Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.dewberry.com 73 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 85 3/15/12 8:39 AM GH2 ARCHITECTS, LLC (918) 587‑6158 Michael Hall, Member, Managing Principal 320 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 1600 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.gh2.com Parker Associates (918) 742‑2485 Jim Parker, President 2202 E. 49th St., #200 Tulsa, OK 74105-8728 http://www.parkertulsa.com Graber & Associates, PC (918) 747‑8028 James Graber, 2415 E. Skelly Dr., #101 Tulsa, OK 74105-6076 http://www.graberpc.com Selser Schaefer Architects (918) 587‑2282 Janet Selser, President 1350 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 1100 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.selserschaefer.com (918) 527‑4120 Hammerstone, LLC Michael Turner, Owner / Partner 5711 E. 71st St., #240 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.hammerstone.us (918) 585‑1157 Steve Olsen Architects Steve Olsen, 3303-A South Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 Jack Arnold Companies (918) 494‑2730 John Arnold, Owner 7310 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136-7002 http://www.jackarnold.com John Sanford Architect (918) 640‑6800 John Sanford, Architect 9726 E. 42nd St., Ste. 153 Tulsa, OK 74136 The McIntosh Group LLC (918) 585‑8555 Lanny McIntosh, President 1850 S. Boulder, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.themcintoshgroup.com ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTING Consynsus (918) 747‑4084 Kathleen Page, Owner/Principal P. O. Box 3228 Tulsa, OK 74101-3228 http://www.consynsus.com Keith D. Robertson Architects A.I.A., PLLC (918) 749‑3510 ART GALLERIES Keith Robertson, Architect 5567 S. Lewis, Ste. 700 Living Arts of Tulsa (918) 585‑1234 Tulsa, OK 74105 Steve Liggett, Director (918) 744‑4270 Kinslow, Keith & Todd Andrew Kinslow, President 2200 S. Utica Place, Suite 200 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.kktarchitects.com (918) 592‑0622 KSQ Architects, PC David Short, President 406 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.ksqarchitects.com MATRIX Architects Engineers Interior Designers Planners, Inc. (918) 587‑4747 Richard Flaming, Principal & Director of Stuctural Engineering Two West Second Street, Ste. 1000 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.matrixae.com McFarland Architects, P.C. (918) 749‑8100 Connie McFarland, President 9 East 4th St., Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.mcfarlandarchitecture.com 307 E. Brady Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.livingarts.org Tulsa Art Center (918) 615‑3480 Marie Sullivan, Owner 6808 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 106 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tulsaartcenter.com ARTISTS Visual Mpact Unlimited (918) 583‑6071 Richard Hight, Founder 1611 S. Utica, PMB-139 Tulsa, OK 74104-4909 http://www.visualmpact.com Westfall Fine Art (918) 269‑3553 Christopher Westfall, Owner 10057 S. 91st E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.christopherwestfall.com ARTS & CRAFTS An Affair of the Heart of Tulsa, Inc. (405) 632‑2652 Miles Associates Incorporated Anita Hinkle, President (918) 582‑6377 P. O. Box 890778 Rachel Zebrowski, Principal Oklahoma City, OK 73189-0778 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1800 http://www.aaoth.com Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.milesassociates.com ASPHALT CONCRETE (918) 764‑9996 One Architecture LLC Shelby Navarro, Principal 418 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.1architecture.com Forsman Asphalt Company (918) 584‑0904 Pat Forsman, Owner P. O. Box 580655 Tulsa, OK 74158 (918) 794‑7351 Paradigm Group David James, Director 5314 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 418 Tulsa, OK 74137 NuStar Catoosa Asphalt Terminal (918) 266‑5926 Ivan Tramel, Terminal Manager 5575 E. Channel Rd. Catoosa, OK 74015 ASSISTED LIVING PROVIDER Legend at Mingo Road (405) 590‑1590 Debra Weaver, Regional Sales Director 14401 N. Post Rd. Jones, OK 73049 http://www.legendseniorliving.com Villages of Southern Hills (918) 361‑6382 Will Otjen, Executive Director 10912 E. 14th St. Tulsa, OK 74128 ASSOCIATIONS American Association of Petroleum Geologists (918) 584‑2555 Bryan Haws, Controller 1444 South Boulder Avenue Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.aapg.org Associated Builders & Contractors of Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 254‑8707 Carl Williams, President & CEO 1915 N. Yellowood Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.abcokla.org Building Owners & Managers Association - Tulsa (BOMA) (918) 481‑7932 Tim McNulty, President 6585 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 1040 Tulsa, OK 74136 Grand Lake Association (918) 786‑2289 Tad Jones, Executive Director 9630 Highway 59 North, Suite B Grove, OK 74344 http://www.grandlakefun.com Greater Tulsa Association of Realtors (918) 663‑7500 Mike Cotrill, Chief Operating Officer P.O. Box 470603 Tulsa, OK 74147-0603 http://www.tulsarealtors.com Green Country Marketing Assoc. (918) 744‑0588 Jackie Stewart, 2825 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 826 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.greencountryok.com HOA Management, Inc. (918) 493‑1765 Kim Justilian, President 1818 E. 66th St. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.hoa-management-inc.com Home Builders Association of Greater (918) 663‑5820 Tulsa Paul Kane, Executive V. P. 11545 E. 43rd St. Tulsa, OK 74146 LPRK Family LLC (918) 224‑8128 Louis Smith, 14065 W. 81st St. South Sapulpa, OK 74066 Oklahoma Aerospace Alliance (918) 527‑0980 Mary Smith, Executive Director 1800 S. Baltimore, Floor 6 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.okaero.com SMACNA Of Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 838‑3223 T. Elliott, Manager 2121 S. Columbia, Ste. 445 Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa Apartment Association (918) 747‑6217 Keri Cooper, Executive Director 6855 S. Canton Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 www.taaonline.org Tulsa Area Human Resource Association (TAHRA) (918) 344‑4622 Chris Wright, President 2012 P. O. Box 140958 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.tahra.org Tulsa Area Manufacturer’s Association (918) 691‑1978 Sonny Cline, P. O. Box 700694 Tulsa, OK 74170-0694 Tulsa Classroom Teachers Association (918) 749‑2544 Lynn Stockley, President 3936 E. 31st Street Tulsa, OK 0 http://www.tulsateachers.org Tulsa Osteopathic Medical Society (918) 599‑5962 Janice Bratzler, Director 744 W. 9th St. 2nd floor Tulsa, OK 74127 ATHLETIC TRAINING Complete Athlete (214) 704‑8017 Donnie Watson, Owner 1709 S. Boston, #D Tulsa, 74119 http://www.complete-athlete.com Perfect Practice Athletic Center (918) 764‑9175 Becky Yoder, Owner/ Partner 4950 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.perfectpracticeok.com ATTORNEYS Aaron C. Peterson, Attorney (918) 481‑5767 Emily Peterson, Office Manager P. O. Box 52680 Tulsa, OK 74152-0680 http://www.legalwing.com Atkins and Atkins PC (918) 748‑8800 Donald Atkins, Attorney 1406 Terrace Drive Metro Tulsa Hotel & Lodging Association Tulsa, OK 74104-4626 (918) 691‑1912 Patricia Kerkstra, Executive Director P.O. Box 14526 Atkinson Haskins Nellis Brittingham Tulsa, OK 74159 Gladd & Carwile, P.C. (918) 582‑8877 http://www.tulsahotels.org John Carwile, Partner 525 S. Main, Ste. 1500 Tulsa, OK 74103 74 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 86 3/15/12 8:39 AM Behles Van Staden PLC (918) 856‑3100 John Behles, Managing Partner 2152 S. Florence Pl. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.bvsip.com Berlin Law Firm, PLLC (918) 935‑3384 Lee Berlin, Managing Member 1874 S. Boulder Ave. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.berlinseibertlaw.com Fellers, Snider, Blankenship, Bailey & Tippens, P.C. (918) 599‑0621 Roy Breedlove, Shareholder Director 321 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 800 Tulsa, OK 74103-3318 http://www.fellerssnider.com James, Potts & Wulfers, Inc. (918) 584‑0881 David Wulfers, Attorney 2600 Mid-Continent Tower, 401 S. Boston Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.jpwlaw.com Perrine, McGivern, Redemann, Berry & Taylor, PLLC (918) 382‑1400 Kevin Berry, Attorney/ Partner P. O. Box 1710 Tulsa, OK 74101-1710 http://www.pmrlaw.net Frederic Dorwart, Lawyers Johnson & Jones, P.C. (918) 584‑6644 (918) 583‑9922 Randy Shorb, Attorney Frederic Dorwart, Owner 2200 Bank of America Center, 15 West Six 124 East Fourth Street Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa, OK 74103-5010 www.johnson-jones.com http://www.fdlaw.com (918) 581‑5500 Pray Walker, P.C. C. Bretton Crane, President 100 West 5th, Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.praywalker.com Jones, Gotcher & Bogan (918) 581‑8200 James Weger, President 15 East 5th Street, Ste. 3800 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.jonesgotcher.com Rhodes, Hieronymus, Jones, Tucker & Gable (918) 582‑1173 Chris Rhodes, P. O. Box 21100 Tulsa, OK 74121-1100 http://www.rhodesokla.com Bret A. Smith, Attorney At Law (918) 687‑0011 (918) 595‑4800 Bret Smith, GableGotwals po box 2250 David Keglovits, President Muskogee, OK 74401-6002 100 W. 5th St., Ste. 1100 Tulsa, OK 74103-4217 http://www.gablelaw.com Brune Law Firm (918) 599‑8600 Ken Brune, Attorney 9 E. 4th St., 900 Reunion Center Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.brunelawfirm.com (918) 398‑7528 Bryce Law Firm, PLLC Phyllis Bryce, Attorney / Owner P. O. Box 521090 Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.brycelawfirm.com Coffey Gudgel McDaniel (918) 292‑8787 Robert Coffey, Owner 4725 E. 91st St., Suite 100 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.cgmlawok.com (918) 586‑5711 Conner & Winters, LLP Robert Curry, Chairman One Williams Center, Ste. 4000 Tulsa, OK 74172 http://www.cwlaw.com (918) 592‑9800 Crowe & Dunlevy Randall Snapp, Managing Partner 321 South Boston, Suite 500 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.crowedunlevy.com Doerner, Saunders, Daniel & Anderson, L.L.P. (918) 582‑1211 William Riggs, Managing Partner Two West Second Street, Suite 700 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.dsda.com Doug Elliott Law Office, P.C. (918) 949‑4466 Doug Elliott, President 6506 S. Lewis, Ste. 175 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.dougelliottlaw.com (918) 749‑7378 Drummond Law, PLLC Gentner Drummond, Partner 1500 S. Utica, Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.drumlaw.com Gibbs Armstrong Borochoff Mullican & Hart, P.C. (918) 587‑3939 George Gibbs, President 601 S. Boulder, Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.tulsacounsel.com GlassWilkin pc (918) 582‑7100 Robert Glass, 1515 S. Utica Ave., Ste. 250 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.glasswilkin.com Graham & Freeman, PLLC (918) 298‑1716 Leslie Bykowski, Office Manager 6226 E. 101st St., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.grahamfreeman.com (918) 594‑0400 Hall Estill Mike Cooke, Managing Partner 320 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74103-3708 http://www.hallestill.com (918) 877‑2615 Harker Law Office, PLC John Harker, Attorney 1831 E. 71st St., Ste. 313 Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 652‑3328 Lou Ann Moudy Lou Ann Moudy, Attorney At Law P. O. Box 266 Henryetta, OK 74437-0266 Malloy Law Firm Patrick Malloy, Attorney 111 W. 5th St., Ste. 700 Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) 747‑3491 Richard Ravits Law Office (918) 838‑8185 Richard Ravits, Attorney 52 N. Delaware Ave. Tulsa, OK 74110 (918) 585‑2394 Richards & Connor James Connor, 525 S. Main, 12th Floor Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.richardsconnor.com (918) 494‑3770 Riddle & Wimbish, P.C. Richard Riddle, President 5314 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74135-6247 http://www.riddlewimbish.com McAfee & Taft A Professional Corporation (918) 587‑0000 (918) 582‑5201 Rogers and Bell Charles Greenough, Shareholder Sharon Bell, Managing Partner 1717 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 900 Box 3209 Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.mcafeetaft.com Shaddix & Reimer, PLLC (918) 274‑4242 Juliana Reimer, Attorney/Owner McDonald, McCann and Metcalf, L.L.P. (918) 430‑3700 202 E. 1st St. James McCann, Partner Owasso, OK 74055 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 1800 http://www.srlawfirm.net Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.mmmsk.com (918) 398‑0327 Sharma Law Firm Rohit Sharma, Attorney Head, Johnson & Kachigian, P.C. Moyers, Martin, Santee, Imel & Tetrick 403 S. Cheyenne Ave, Ste. 1200 (918) 587‑2000 (918) 582‑5281 Tulsa, OK 74103 Cassandra Wilkinson, Attorney At Law Jack Santee, Partner http://www.sharmalawfirm.com 228 West 17th Place 401 S. Boston Ave., #1100 Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa, OK 74103-4028 Smolen, Smolen & Roytman, PLLC http://www.hjklaw.com http://www.moyersmartin.com (918) 585‑2667 Huffman & Thomas P. A. (918) 764‑9824 Larry Thomas, Owner 7107 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 276 Tulsa, OK 74136 (281) 210‑0013 MWS, P.C. Mark Schilling, President 1095 Ev ergreen Circle, Ste. 203 The Woodlands, TX 77380 (918) 652‑4402 Inglish & Gaither, PC Luke Gaither, P. O. Box 1090 Henryetta, OK 74437-1090 Newton, O’Connor, Turner & Ketchum (918) 587‑0101 Keith Wilkes, President 15 W. 6th St., Ste. 2700 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.newtonoconnor.com (918) 336‑4132 James M Elias, PC Eagleton, Eagleton & Harrison, Inc. James Elias, President (918) 584‑0462 P. O. Box 1066 Charles Harrison, Attorney Bartlesville, OK 74005 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1700 Tulsa, OK 74103 James R. Gotwals & Assoc. Inc. (918) 747‑8900 Eller & Detrich, P.C. Kevin Wylie, Attorney/Vice President 2727 E. 21st St., Suite 200 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.ellerdetrich.com Ladner, Little & Eldredge Law Firm (918) 582‑3035 Roger Eldredge, Partner 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1026 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.ladnerlittle.com Norwood Law Firm, P.C. (918) 582‑6464 Joseph Norwood, Owner 1717 S. Cheyenne Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.oklahomaadvocate.com (918) 599‑7088 James Gotwals, Attorney 525 S. Main, Suite 1130 Tulsa, OK 74103-4512 http://www.jrgotlaw.com Donald Smolen, Attorney 701 S. Cincinnati Ave Tulsa, OK 74013 http://www.ssrok.com Solomon, Simmons, Sharrock & (918) 582‑4224 Associates Damario Solomon-Simmons, Managing Partner 601 S. Boulder, Ste. 704 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.solomonsimmonssports.com Stauffer & Nathan Law Firm (918) 592‑7070 Neal Stauffer, President P. O. Box 702860 Tulsa, OK 74170-2860 www.staufferlawf.com Stoops & LaCourse, TLLC (918) 744‑7100 Walter Love, Office Manager 8801 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 420 Tulsa, OK 74137 75 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 87 3/15/12 8:39 AM Taylor Law Firm (918) 492‑3151 Larry Taylor, Attorney 406 S. Boulder, Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74103 Visual Aids Electronics (918) 497‑2191 Anthony Vetter, Director of Audiovisual 6110 S. Yale Tulsa, OK 74136 The Edwards Firm (918) 809‑2985 Steve Edwards, President P.O. Box 52862 Tulsa, OK 74152-0862 AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION (918) 582‑6131 The Jarboe Law Firm John Jarboe, Attorney 401 S. Boston, #1810 Tulsa, OK 74103 Audiomatrix, Inc. (918) 664‑5030 Fred Cowsert, Owner 6029 South 116 East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 www.audiomatrixinc.com (918) 627‑2301 Avcom Productions Charles Halliburton, President 3158 S. 108th E. Avenue, Ste. 275 TJ Pickens Law Office, PLLC Tulsa, OK 74146 (918) 906‑5078 http://www.avcomprod.com Timothy Pickens, Attorney 1876 Utica Square, Ste. 2D #707 Irving Productions, Inc. (918) 744‑1221 Tulsa, OK 74114 Dick Schmitz, President 3202 E. 21st St. (918) 587‑0050 Troutman & Troutman Tulsa, OK 74114-1811 Steve Troutman, Corporate Secretary http://www.irvingproductions.com 1350 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 410 Tulsa, OK 74119 PDC Productions (405) 360‑5130 http://www.troutmanlaw.com Patrick Boylan, President 3217 N. Flood Truman B. Rucker, P. C. (918) 583‑4777 Norman, OK 73069-8241 Truman Rucker, President http://www.pdcproductions.com 1717 S. Boulder, Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74119 Swank Audio Visuals (918) 307‑4091 Scott Dixon, Team Leader (918) 298‑3892 Wightman Family Law 6808 S. 107th E. Ave. Katrina Wightman, Attorney Tulsa, OK 74133 P. O. Box 701380 http://www.swankav.com Tulsa, OK 74170 http://www.wightmanfamilylaw.com AUDIO VISUAL PRODUCTION Wood, Puhl & Wood, PLLC (918) 742‑0808 Scott Wood, Attorney 2409 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74105 Young, Bowden & Bailey, Inc., P.C. (918) 585‑8158 Warren Young, Attorney 7105 E. Admiral Pl., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74115 AUCTION Leake Auction Company (918) 254‑7077 Mac Durnil, Business Manager P. O. Box 521060 Tulsa, OK 74152-1060 http://www.leakecar.com RM Auctioneers, LLC (918) 313‑8039 Richard Miller, Auctioneer / Owner P. O. Box 486 Beggs, OK 74421 http://www.rmauctioneers.com AUDIO VIDEO EQUIPMENT - SALES/SERVICE Action Audio Video, Inc. (918) 592‑5155 Majd Habib, President/Owner 616 W. 7th St. Tulsa, OK 74127 McClelland Sound (800) 571‑8686 Matthew Wunderlich, President 345 Ohio Wichita, KS 67214 http://www.macsound.com TKVA Online Ventures Inc. (732) 822‑9506 Laurie Rubin, 119 E. 123rd Pl. South Jenks, OK 74037 TES Productions, Inc. (918) 836‑9092 Megan Stevens, Producer/Event Manager 6943 E. 12th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.tesproductions.com All Media Integration (918) 994‑6405 Andy Yates, CEO 3081 W. Albany, Ste. 107 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 www.allmediaintegration.com Epoxy Films (918) 449‑1411 Kent Hammond, Manager/Owner 2716 S. Beech Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.epoxyfilms.com AUDIOLOGY & HEARING AIDS Audiology Doctors of Tulsa, PLLC (918) 493‑3133 Mindy Fry, Vice President/Co-Owner 7614 E. 91st St., Ste. 160 Tulsa, OK 74133 Hearing Solution Centers (918) 388‑6644 Scott Young, Owner 5525 E. 51st St., Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.hearingsolutioncenters.com The Scholl Center for Communication Disorders (918) 508‑7601 Jacqueline Scholl, 6802 S. Olympia Ave., Ste. 275 Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.theschollcenter.com AUTO BODY REPAIR/PAINTING 51 Wraps Lance Stadler, President 4315 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 519‑7277 Accurate Autobody, Inc (918) 270‑0100 Nathan Hostetler, President 5550 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74146-6830 http://www.44fixit.com Bailey Motors (918) 756‑3311 Chris Boyd, 515 E. 6th Street Okmulgee, OK 74447-5520 http://www.baileyautogroup.com Bill Knight Automotive Group (918) 526‑2400 Bill Knight, President 9607 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.billknightauto.com Bill Knight Collision Repair (918) 526‑2400 Bill Knight Ford (918) 526‑2300 Bill Knight, President Dustin McElyea, Manager 9607 S. Memorial Drive 4111 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.billknightauto.com http://www.billknightcollisionrepair.com Bill Knight Collision Repair (918) 526‑2370 Dustin McElyea, Manager 8324 E. 97th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.billknightcollisionrepair.com Danny Myers Quality Paint & Body, Inc. (918) 491‑8200 Danny Myers, President 9230 S. 78th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133-7022 http://www.dannymyers.com Floyd and Son’s Body Shop (918) 832‑8657 Tim Wolf, President 10641 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.floydsbodyshop.com Bill Knight Lincoln Volvo (918) 526‑2500 Bill Knight, President 4111 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.billknightauto.com (918) 343‑9899 Bill Woods Auto Sales Bill Woods, 15376 Brookview Ct. Claremore, OK 74017-1707 Bob Moore Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram (918) 663‑6343 Ken Wilkins, General Manager 4627 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.chryslerdodgejeepramoftulsa.com (918) 628‑1264 CNG Auto Sales Ted Massad, Owner 3726 S. Memorial Fosters Paint & Body Shop Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 272‑3281 http://www.cngoklahoma.com Brett Foster, 105 E. 2nd Ave. Competition Auto Sales (918) 645‑2111 Owasso, OK 74055 Jeff Skaggs, President 7642 E. 46th Place (918) 663‑0427 ICS Coachworks, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74145 Al Hernandez, Owner http://www.competitionautosales.com 8158 E. 44th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 622‑3636 Don Carlton Honda Brenda Carlton, President (918) 665‑4678 Impact Collision 4141 S. Memorial Drive Doug Martin, Owner Tulsa, OK 74145 8117 E. 46th Street http://www.doncarltonautogroup.com Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.impact-collision.com (918) 770‑4330 Don Thornton Cadillac Tom Bloomfield, General Manager RLCP, LLC dba Pruitts Auto Collision 3939 S. Memorial Drive (918) 274‑4499 Tulsa, OK 74145 Elizabeth Pruitt, http://www.donthorntoncadillac.com 8231 N. Owasso Expressway Owasso, OK 74055 Ferguson Buick GMC KIA Subaru Suzuki http://www.pruittsautocollision.com (918) 258‑1800 Jerry Ferguson, Owner Wholesale Auto Paints of Tulsa 1601 N. Elm Place (918) 835‑6650 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Kristi Roedel, Owner http://www.fergusondeal.com 6746 E. 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 652‑0990 Henryetta Ford, Inc. Lou Franklin, AUTO DEALERS 821 E. Main Henryetta, OK 74437-4443 Audi Tulsa (918) 712‑8234 John Hill, 4201 S. Memorial Drive Jackie Cooper Imports of Tulsa, LLC Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 249‑9393 http://www.auditulsa.com Greg Kach, General Mgr./Owner 9393 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133-4335 http://www.jackiecooperimports.com 76 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 88 3/15/12 8:39 AM Jaguar Tulsa (918) 526‑2405 Bill Knight, President 9607 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.billknightauto.com Jim Norton Toyota (918) 250‑6888 Mark St. John, Manager 9809 South Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.jimnortontoyota.com Joe Cooper Ford of Tulsa (918) 346‑6500 Kip Karn, Manager 3400 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.joecooperford.com Land Rover Tulsa (918) 665‑4294 Tom Bloomfield, General Manager 3905 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.landrovertulsa.com (918) 665‑3987 Lexus of Tulsa Don Thornton, Owner 4210 South Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.lexusoftulsa.com Walt’s Motors, Inc (918) 486‑2255 Barbara Replogle, Vice President 14195 S. State Highway 51 Coweta, OK 74429 AUTO FINANCE - RETAIL Capital One Auto Finance (918) 581‑6616 John Cook, Senior DIrector 6929 N. Lakewood Ave Tulsa, OK 74117 http://www.capitalautofinance.com AUTO PARTS & SERVICE (918) 258‑5398 Power Auto Sales, LLC Richard Power, 501 S. 10th Street Broken Arrow, OK 74012-4422 (918) 622‑3160 Primeaux Kia Henry Primeaux, Owner 4747 S. Yale Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.primeauxkia.com Regal Car Sales & Credit. LLC (918) 622‑0788 Mary Humerickhouse, Marketing Coordinator/ Community Relations 1407 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.regalcars.com (918) 806‑2000 Regional Hyundai Will Reynolds, 2380 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.regionalhyundai.com (918) 857‑6767 T. L. Shreve, Inc. Terry Shreve, President P. O. Box 877 Barnsdall, OK 74002 http://www.shreveinc.com (918) 712‑8989 Volkswagen of Tulsa Mark Gathright, General Sales Manager 4240 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.greencountryimports.com Bethel Collision Center (918) 258‑3318 Sheila Patterson, General Manager 822 N. Elm Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.bethelcollisioncenter.com AVIATION INVESTMENTS Blue Yonder, Inc. (918) 298‑8850 Marilyn Wheaton, Vice President 9041 Airport Way Tulsa, OK 74132 AVIATION/TRAVEL/CHARTER Omni Air International, Inc. (918) 836‑5393 Rob Coretz, Chairman P. O. Box 582527 Tulsa, OK 74158 Central Transmission & Auto Repair http://www.omniairintl.com AUTO LEASING/RENTALS (918) 551‑7050 Les Lieurance, Owner Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. 9810 E. 45th Pl. (918) 660‑7700 BACKGROUND CHECKS Tulsa, OK 74145 Rich Halbrook, Executive Vice President Accufax Division, Southvest, Inc. http://www.centraltransmissionrepair.com Administration (918) 627‑2226 P. O. Box 33167 Barb Hauxwell, President Tulsa, OK 74153 Danny’s Auto Repair, Inc. (918) 241‑9878 P. O. Box 35563 http://www.dtag.com Malinda Pfeifer, Secretary/Treasurer Tulsa, OK 74153 106 Wellston Park Road http://www.accufax-us.com Sand Springs, OK 74063 Enterprise Rent-A-Car (918) 574‑5120 John Zanatta, Business Rental Sales AmericanChecked, Inc. (918) 742‑6737 Representative JW’s Protech Auto Repair LLC Babetta Jimpie, Executiive Director 1185 S. Aspen Ave. (918) 227‑0666 4870 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 120 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Jeff Weller, Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.enterprise.com 1107 E. Moman Ave. http://www.americanchecked.com Sapulpa, OK 74066 Notnu Truck Rentals (918) 834‑6611 Glenda Joyner, President Momentum Chevrolet of Tulsa 3910 E. Admiral Place (918) 446‑2200 Tulsa, OK 74115 Jason Hughes, General Manager 707 W. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74107 Momentum Toyota of Tulsa (918) 836‑2769 Syed Madni, General Manager 6868 E. Broken Arrow Frontage Road Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.momentumtoyotatulsa.com Benzin Motor Works (918) 728‑6081 David Hinnant, President 6960 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74145-3203 http://www.benzinmotorworks.com Vintage Motorsports, LLC (918) 266‑6688 Jack Lewis, Owner 122 S. Elm Place Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.vintagemotorsportsofokla.com AUTO PARTS & SUPPLIES/RETAIL Advance Auto Parts (918) 295‑8860 Eric Dugger, Manager 2416 E. 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74104 Advance Auto Parts (918) 835‑3846 Marcus Edwards, Manager 6512 E. Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74115 Motorsports Tulsa, L.L.C. (918) 933‑6506 Mary Statton, Partner 13914 E. Admiral Pl., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.motorsportstulsa.com AUTO REPAIR After Hours Truck & Diesel Terri Marlar, 2700 S. 79th St. East Muskogee, OK 74403 (918) 683‑8058 Allen’s Automotive (918) 756‑9460 Randy Allen, Owner 2301 Old Morris Hwy Okmulgee, OK 74447 Alliance Automotive Solutions (918) 622‑5588 Mike Sutterfield, Partner 5805 South Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74146 (918) 747‑8435 K.C. Auto Repair, Inc. Kelly Clifton, Owner 6105 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) 779‑7000 Trak-1 Technology Nancy Roberts, 7131 Riverside Drive Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.trak-1.com Mastercraft Collision Repair BAIL BONDS (918) 622‑4232 Wayne Paus, Owner Sellars Bail Bonds (918) 446‑6040 7666 E. 46th St. Roxana Sellars-Wilson, Owner Tulsa, OK 74145 P. O. Box 9803 Tulsa, OK 74157 http://www.sellarsbailbonds.com O’Brien Auto Performance (918) 583‑7889 David O’Brien, Owner/Technician BAKERS - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE 1402 E. 6th St. Bama Companies, Inc. (918) 732‑2020 Tulsa, OK 74120 Paula Marshall, CEO P. O. Box 4829 Pavey’s Collision Repair Inc. Tulsa, OK 74159 (918) 371‑5741 http://www.bama.com/ Doug & Janet Pavey, 910 W. Broadway Sara Lee Bakery Outlet Store Collinsville, OK 74021 (918) 893‑6555 Jacqueline Gallegos, Regional Sales Manager (918) 872‑8115 RC Auto Specialists 6007 S. Mingo Roy Coggeshall, Owner Tulsa, OK 74146 5822 S. 107th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.rcautospecialists.com BAKERY (918) 398‑6670 VAP Auto Shop Amber Vreeland, Marketing Director 6549 E. 40th St., Ste. 10 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.vapautoshop.com All Things Cake (918) 994‑4490 Janette Stenstrom, Owner 8256 E. 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74133 Merritt’s Bakery (918) 747‑2301 Larry Merritt, Co-Owner 7712 E. 11th St. AUTO REPOSSESSION Tulsa, OK 74112 American Lenders of Tulsa http://www.merrittsbakery.com (918) 446‑0585 Panera Bread (918) 250‑0196 Julie Gibbs, Owner Kelsey Israel, General Manager P. O. Box 1540 11123 E. 71st St. Oakhurst, OK 74050 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.AmericanLenders.com http://www.panerabread.com AUTO SERVICE Victory Lane Quick Oil Change (918) 493‑1888 Ed Chamberlain, Owner 6959 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74136 Panera Bread (918) 250‑2230 Chris Richards, General Manager 8930 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.panerabread.com 77 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 89 3/15/12 8:39 AM Panera Bread (918) 499‑8808 Patty Treece, General Manager 6981 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.panerabread.com Arvest Bank (918) 382‑4075 Brenda Reilly, Sr. Branch Manager- AVP 218 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.arvest.com Arvest Bank (918) 631‑1901 Crystal Copeland, Branch Manager 2019 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.arvest.com Central National Bank (918) 508‑2008 Adam Baker, Loan Officer - AVP 4880 S. Lewis Ave, Suite 101 Tulsa, OK 74105 www.cnb-ok.com Panera Bread (918) 583‑5454 Erin Studebaker, Community Relations Manager 1624 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.panerabread.com Arvest Bank (918) 382‑4130 Denise Buffo, Branch Manager 11501 E. 76th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.arvest.com Arvest Bank (918) 631‑1916 Jami Carter, Branch Manager 600 S. Main Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.arvest.com Century Bank of Oklahoma (918) 493‑2220 Charlotte Mindemann, VP 5705 E. 71st St. South Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.centuryofok.com (918) 384‑2712 Arvest Bank Joseph Corbino, AVP - Senior Branch Manager 5120 S. Garnett Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.arvest.com (918) 631‑1945 Arvest Bank Adam Pilant, Branch Manager 2301 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.arvest.com Arvest Bank (918) 594‑1709 Shirley Smock, Branch Manager 2500 W. Edison Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.arvest.com Arvest Bank (918) 631‑1961 Kim Spratt, Branch Manager 2029 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.arvest.com BANKS (918) 631‑1024 Arvest Bank Jason Banks, Branch Manager 600 S. Main St. Sapulpa, OK 0 http://www.arvest.com (918) 631‑6870 Arvest Bank Amanda Cole, Branch Manager 4548 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.arvest.com American Bank & Trust Company (918) 481‑3000 Frank Henke, Chairman & CEO P. O. Box 3339 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.americanbanktulsa.com (918) 631‑1127 Arvest Bank Sarita Pilkington, Branch Manager 9701 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.arvest.com (918) 631‑6967 Arvest Bank Katelyn Ayres, Branch Manager 3409 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.arvest.com American Heritage Bank (918) 224‑3210 Guy Berry, President P.O. Box 1408 Sapulpa, OK 74067 http://www.ahb-ok.com (918) 631‑1310 Arvest Bank Domini Wisely, Branch Manager 502 S. Main Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.arvest.com (918) 251‑9611 AVB Bank Kelley Rash, Chairman of the Board P. O. Box 130 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.bankavb.com Arvest Bank (918) 631‑1000 Donald Walker, President & CEO 502 S. Main Street Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.arvest.com (918) 631‑1370 Arvest Bank Julie Powders, Branch Manager 11032 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.arvest.com (918) 664‑6660 BancFirst-Tulsa Robert List, Branch President P. O. Box 680 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.bancfirst.com Arvest Bank (918) 295‑2562 Bill Mowery, Branch Manager 6011 S. 89th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.arvest.com (918) 631‑1404 Arvest Bank Julie Powders, Branch Manager 6514 E. 101st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.arvest.com (918) 712‑5482 Bank of America William Lissau, Oklahoma Market President 515 South Boulder, 10th Floor Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.bankofamerica.com Arvest Bank (918) 382‑2612 Mike Paton, Branch Manager 10615 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.arvest.com (918) 631‑1453 Arvest Bank Lavern Martin, Branch Manager 1730 S. Elm Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012-5453 http://www.arvest.com (918) 270‑2567 Bank of Commerce Joe Staires, Chief Lending Officer 6655 South Lewis, Suite 150 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bankboc.com (918) 382‑2671 Arvest Bank Kim Secrest, Branch Manager 1515 S. Utica Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.arvest.com (918) 631‑1505 Arvest Bank Keely Sadjadi, Branch Manager 6560 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.arvest.com (918) 588‑6000 Bank of Oklahoma Stanley Lybarger, President & CEO Box 2300 Tulsa, OK 74172 http://www.bankofoklahoma.com Arvest Bank (918) 382‑4050 Julie King, Branch Manager 220 S. Highway 97 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.arvest.com Arvest Bank (918) 631‑1542 David Gibson, Branch Manager 207 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.arvest.com Bank of the West (918) 664‑2640 Jean Wallace, Branch Area Manager (610)0 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.bankofthewest.com (918) 382‑4060 Arvest Bank Nikola Odjanic, Branch Manager 12101 E. 96th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.arvest.com (918) 631‑1576 Arvest Bank Tamera Wohlschlegel, Branch Manager 8272 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.arvest.com (918) 877‑4580 Bank of the West John Powell, Assistant V. P. 3549 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.bankofthewest.com (918) 663‑1600 Panera Bread Herbert Rapier, General Manager 5601 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.panerabread.com BANKING SUPPLIES Budco Bank and Office Supplies (918) 317‑0066 Mike Phillips, Sales/Division Manager P. O. Box 3065 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.budcobank.com (918) 366‑4000 Citizens Security Bank W. Carlisle Mabrey, President & CEO 14821 S. Memorial Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.citizenssecurity.com (918) 250‑7600 Citizens Security Bank Joe Mann, Market President 3601 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.citizenssecurity.com (918) 293‑1700 Citizens Security Bank Stan Thompson, Sr. Vice President 8085 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.citizenssecurity.com (918) 298‑7371 Citizens Security Bank Tom Carroll, Market President 381 E. 141st St. South Glenpool, OK 74033 http://www.citizenssecurity.com (918) 366‑4000 Citizens Security Bank Kathy Welch, Market President 11402 S. Memorial Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.citizenssecurity.com (918) 528‑3100 Citizens Security Bank Ken Gray, Market President 221 S. Elm Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.citizenssecurity.com (918) 492‑2882 Commerce Bank R. Carl Hudgins, President & CEO 6130 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137-2101 http://www.commercebank.com Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, (405) 270‑8617 Oklahoma City Branch Pam Gutel, Director 226 Dean A. McGee Ave., Ste. 300 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 http://www.kansascityfed.org (918) 272‑5301 First Bank of Owasso Dominic Sokolosky, President P. O. Box 1800 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.firstbank.net First Fidelity Bank, N.A. (918) 728‑6345 H. J. Snyder, Tulsa President 30 W. 21st St. South Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.first-fidelity.com/ (918) 298‑7232 First National Bank Jeff Ferguson, Vice President 10124 S. Sheridan Road, Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.fnbmuskogee.com 78 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 90 3/15/12 8:39 AM First Oklahoma Bank (918) 392‑2500 Thomas Bennett, President / Co-CEO 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 5700 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://firstoklahomabank.com IBC Bank (918) 497‑2840 Luke Lawson, Branch Manager 8112 S. Garnett Rd. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.ibc.com MidFirst Bank (918) 293‑6860 Ed Fariss, Executive Vice President 2200 S. Utica Place, Ste. 550 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.midfirst.com UMB Bank (918) 295‑2010 Brad Scrivner, President 1437 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 150 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.umb.com IBC Bank (918) 497‑2400 William Schonacher, President Tulsa Region 2250 E. 73rd St., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.ibc.com IBC Bank (918) 497‑2880 Peter Velazquez, Branch Manager 4202 S. Garnett Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.ibc.com NBC Oklahoma (918) 499‑5990 Debbie Webb, VP P. O. Box 702798 Tulsa, OK 74170-2798 http://www.nbcok.com Valley National Bank (918) 495‑1700 Lelia McCoy, President and CEO 4812 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.vnbtulsa.com (918) 497‑2449 IBC Bank Branch Manager 1 E. 5th St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.ibc.com (918) 497‑2857 IBC Bank Adam Sanders, Branch Manager 11886 S. Memorial Dr. Bixby, OK 74008 (918) 477‑7400 ONB Bank & Trust Co. John Allan, President & CEO 8908 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.onbbank.com BATTERIES IBC Bank (918) 497‑2452 Brooke Battles, Area Sales Manager / Assistant VP 1951 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.ibc.com (918) 497‑2453 IBC Bank Ryan Thompson, Branch Manager 5302 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.ibc.com (918) 497‑2454 IBC Bank Paula Payne, Branch Manager 8202 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.ibc.com (918) 497‑2457 IBC Bank Janice Barnes, Branch Manager 800 E. Charles Page Blvd. Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.ibc.com (918) 497‑2458 IBC Bank Marilyn Colbert, Branch Manager 911 E. Taft St. Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.ibc.com (918) 497‑2459 IBC Bank Rhonda Bridges, Branch Manager 3402 S. Highway 97 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.ibc.com (918) 497‑2492 IBC Bank Tiffany Drumm, Branch Manager 6412 S. Elm Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.ibc.com (918) 497‑2810 IBC Bank Branch Manager , 2808 E. 101st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.ibc.com IBC Bank (918) 497‑2812 Jonathan Danaher, Branch Manager 7021 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 269 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.ibc.com (918) 497‑2835 IBC Bank Branch Manager , 9350 N. Garnett Rd. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.ibc.com JPMorgan Chase (918) 249‑4310 Branch Manager, 7837 E. 91st St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.chase.com/ JPMorgan Chase (918) 280‑7900 Pat Tillotson, Branch Manager 4101 S. Garnett Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.chase.com/ JPMorgan Chase (918) 280‑7950 Nikki Royce, Branch Manager 5307 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.chase.com/ (918) 293‑4300 JPMorgan Chase Adam Pehrson, Branch Manager 6140 S. Lewis Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.chase.com/ (918) 293‑4350 JPMorgan Chase Kathy Carter, Branch Manager 2070 Utica Square Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.chase.com/ (918) 296‑2050 JPMorgan Chase Rachel Dean, Branch Manager 700 West Main Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.chase.com/ (918) 430‑2000 JPMorgan Chase Tarrell Knauls, Branch Manager 601 E. Apache Tulsa, OK 74106 http://www.chase.com/ (918) 451‑3560 JPMorgan Chase 701 West New Orleans Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.chase.com/ (918) 499‑5500 JPMorgan Chase Branch Manager, 6660 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.chase.com/ (918) 586‑1000 JPMorgan Chase & Co. David Page, Market President for Eastern Oklahoma 15 E. 5th St., 4th Floor Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.chase.com Peoples Bank (918) 382‑5207 David Johnson, CEO P. O. Box 50000 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.peoplesbanktulsa.com (918) 274‑1401 RCB Owasso Frank Enzbrenner, President Box 350 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.rcbbank.com (918) 488‑0788 Regent Bank Sean Kouplen, CEO 7136 South Yale, Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bankregent.com P & R Supply Co., Inc. (918) 438‑6270 Hari Musapeta, President P.O. Box 690094 Tulsa, OK 74169 http://www.pnrsupply.com BEAUTY SUPPLIES/TRAINING State Beauty Supply SW (918) 742‑2948 Bruce Ryan, Owner 4734 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.statebeautytulsa.com BED & BREAKFAST INN Inn at Woodward Park (918) 712‑9770 Janet Mobbs, Innkeeper 1521 E. 21st Street Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.innatwoodwardpark.com (918) 664‑6100 Security Bank Eric Bohne, President & CEO 10727 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.securitybankok.com McBirney Mansion (918) 585‑3234 Diane Gawey-Riley, Manager & Director of Sales 1414 South Galveston Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.mcbirneymansion.com (918) 523‑3600 SNB Bank of Tulsa David York, President P. O. Box 521500 Tulsa, OK 74152-1500 http://www.banksnb.com Redberry Farm (918) 447‑4493 Sandi Dittmann, Owner 4501 W. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.cedarrockinn.com (918) 712‑9292 SpiritBank Albert Kelly, President & CEO 1800 S. Baltimore Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.spiritbank.com School House Bed & Breakfast Inn (573) 698‑2022 Mike Friedemann, Owner/Innkeeper 504 Third Street Rocheport, MO 65279 http://www.schoolhousebb.com (918) 481‑8811 Summit Bank Wade Edmundson, CEO 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.summitbankok.com The F & M Bank & Trust Company (918) 748‑4000 John Pixley, President & CEO Box 4500 Tulsa, OK 74159 http://www.fmbanktulsa.com The First Nat. Bank & Trust Co. of (918) 756‑8440 Okmulgee Nevyle Cable, CEO P. O. Box 1037 Okmulgee, OK 74447 http://www.firstokmulgee.com (918) 494‑4884 Tulsa National Bank Jim Batson, President P. O. Box 1051 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.tulsanational.com BEER/ALE - WHOLESALE & DISTR. Anheuser Busch Sales of Oklahoma (800) 542‑4283 Peter Lynaugh, Director of Sales & Marketing 2929 N. Florence Tulsa, OK 74110 http://www.budoklahoma.com LDF Sales & Distributing, Inc. Coors/Miller (918) 437‑7722 Dan Pasque, General Manager 10718 E. Marshall St. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.ldfcompanies.com Marshall Brewing Company (918) 292‑8781 Eric Marshall, Owner 618 S. Wheeling Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.marshallbrewing.com 79 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 91 3/15/12 8:39 AM Runners Licensing Inc. (918) 488‑0507 Rick Bahlinger, Owner 5818 E. 77th St. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.runnerslicensing.com ZLB Plasma Services (918) 582‑4346 Troy Wheeler, Manager 824 S. Cheyenne Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.zlbplasma.com The LDF Companies (918) 437‑7722 Larry Fleming, Chairman 10718 E. Marshall St. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.ldfcompanies.com BOAT SALES & SERVICE BEHAVORIAL HEALTH FACILITY Green Country Behavorial Health Services, Inc. (918) 682‑8407 Carla Lovelady, CFO 619 N. Main Muskogee, OK 74401 http://www.gcbhs.org BEVERAGES Great Plains Coca Cola Bottling Company (Eastern Division) (800) 753‑2653 Mike Hale, Division Manager 11333 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74116 Pepsi Beverages Company (918) 446‑6601 Heather Hoytink, Vice President & General Manager 510 W. Skelly Drive Tulsa, OK 74107 BICYCLE SALES 360 Sports, Inc. (918) 609‑6264 Jon Ray, 104 S. Main St. Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 743‑4285 Lee’s Bicycles Inc. Adam Vanderburg, President & Owner 420 E. 2nd St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.leesbikes.com Superleggera Cycling & Motorsport (918) 585‑5555 Chad Cundiff, Co-Owner 506 E. 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.superleggeracycling.com BINDING - BOOKS Modern Bindery & Finishing Services, LLC (918) 250‑9486 Stan Mitchell, President 5555 S. 104th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 Palmer Binding Systems (918) 747‑9216 Michael Palmer, Owner 4633 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.palmerbinding.com BLOOD BANK Oklahoma Blood Institute/Tulsa (918) 477‑0401 Crystal Farrimond, Executive Director, Tulsa Subcenter Operations 4601 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.obi.org Performance Propeller (918) 834‑4968 Joyce O’Banion, Owner 1505 E. Kenosha St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012-2014 (918) 234‑4151 Premier PowerSports Scott Little, Store Manager P. O. Box 763 Catoosa, OK 74015 BOOKKEEPING Bloomer Resources, Inc. (918) 521‑5777 Doug Briggs, Member 354 S. Main Sand Springs, 74063 (918) 576‑7600 Bookkeeping Express Scott Rumley, Owner 7136 S. Yale, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bookkeepingexpress.com BOOKSTORE-RETAIL Gardner’s Books (918) 627‑7323 Richard Gardner, Owner 5618 S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.gardnersbooks.com Steve’s Sundry Books & Magazines (918) 743‑3544 Joan Stephenson, Owner 2612 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.stevessundrybooksmags.com The Book Place, Inc. (918) 455‑1422 Janice Mills, President 732 W. New Orleans, Ste. # 136 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.the-bookplace.com BOWLING LANES Cox Media Group (918) 493‑7400 Gene Vidler, VP & Market Manager 7136 S. Yale, Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://coxradio.com/includes/stations/tulsa. html River City Development LLC (918) 232‑7575 Jim Hawkins, Managing Member 427 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 915 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.rcdtulsa.com (918) 496‑9336 KBEZ & Khits Radio Jon Phillips, General Manager 7030 S. Yale, #711 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.kbez.com (918) 894‑4200 SMG Management John Bolton, General Manager 200 South Denver Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.smgtulsa.com KVOO FM/KFAQ AM/KXBL FM/Journal (918) 743‑7814 Broadcast Group Phillip Sutterfield, General Sales Manager 4590 E. 29th St. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.journalbroadcastgroup.com/ BUILDING MATERIALS Shamrock Communications (918) 665‑3131 Chuck Browning, 5810 E. Skelly Dr., Suite 801 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.EDGEtulsa.com BROADCASTING - TELEVISION FOX23 / My41 (918) 388‑5100 Holly Allen, General Manager 2625 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74129-2601 http://www.fox23.com KJRH - Channel 2 (918) 743‑2222 Donna Wilson, V. P. & General Manager 3701 South Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105-3269 http://www.kjrh.com KOTV / KQCW (918) 732‑6000 David Griffin, President 302 S. Frankfort Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.NewsOn6.com KTUL, Tulsa’s Channel 8 (918) 445‑8888 Pat Baldwin, General Manager Box 8 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.ktul.com Andy B’s (918) 299‑9494 Sharon Mooney, General Manager 8711 S. Lewis Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.andybtulsa.com KWHB-TV 47 (918) 254‑4701 Dan Smith, General Manager 8835 South Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.kwhb.com Broken Arrow Lanes (918) 455‑4616 Michelle Engelby, General Manager 4701 S. Elm Place Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.brokenarrowlanes.com BUILDER/DEVELOPER BRICKS Acme Brick Company (918) 665‑6205 Bruce Cargill, District Sales Manager 5130 S. 110th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146-5842 http://www.acmebrick.com BROADCASTING - RADIO Clear Channel Radio (918) 388‑5100 Bill Hurley, V. P. / Market Manager 2625 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.clearchannel.com Benchmark Construction of Tulsa, LLC (918) 645‑4000 Scott Sherrill, Owner 10026-A S. Mingo Rd., #444 Tulsa, OK 74133 Hughes Lumber Co. (918) 266‑9140 Thomas Hughes, Chairman Box 2220 Tulsa, OK 74101-2220 http://www.hugheslumber.net International Stone Solutions (918) 872‑9513 Marcos Moreno, Owner 10918 E. 2nd St. Tulsa, OK 74128 Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse (918) 712‑8199 Jason McCaleb, Store Manager 1525 S. Yale Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.lowes.com ProBuild South LLC (918) 615‑0222 James Cavanaugh, President & CEO 9920 E. 42nd St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74146-7016 http://www.probuild.com The Home Depot (918) 299‑3028 Shirley Hayden, Store Manager 8880 S. Delaware Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.homedepot.com (918) 459‑3700 The Home Depot Carrie Fuerstenberg, Store Manager 9808 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.homedepot.com (918) 583‑3400 The Home Depot George Curry, Store Manager 901 S. Elgin Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.homedepot.com (918) 632‑0069 The Home Depot Tricia Zane, Store Manager 4041 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.homedepot.com BULLDOZING D & M Development (918) 245‑7088 Diane Myer, P. O. Box 1368 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Johnny Carr Grading and Bulldozing (918) 321‑9556 Judy Carr, P. O. Box 665 Kiefer, OK 74041 BUILDING MANAGEMENT BUS - CHARTER River City Development LLC Bill White Co. (918) 582‑2434 (918) 584‑0331 R. W. “Bill” White, President James Hawkins, 414 E. 4th 427 South Boston, Ste. 915 Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74103 80 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 92 3/15/12 8:39 AM Kincaid Coach Lines (918) 447‑3434 Kyle Thorsen, General Manager 1222 W. 37th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.kincaidcoach.com Red Carpet Bus Charters (918) 838‑8082 Max Paty, Corporate Director of Sales & Marketing 2681 N. Florence Ave. Tulsa, OK 74110 http://www.redcarpetcharters.com BUS LINES Tulsa Transit (918) 582‑2100 Bill Cartwright, General Manager P. O. Box 52488 Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.tulsatransit.org BUSINESS CONSULTING/SERVICES Acquisition Advisors (918) 748‑7995 David Perkins, Owner 5727 S. Lewis, Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.acquisitionadvisors.com G3 Consultancy and Advisory, LLC (918) 770‑8558 Bruno Teles, Executive Consultant 2213 E. 66th Pl. South, Unit 1010 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.g2consult.com Resolution Consulting, LLC Wagner and Williams, LLC (918) 231‑8503 (918) 809-6953 Robert Wagner, President Kim Beair, Owner/CEO 6140 S. 104th E. Ave., Ste. 117 7304 E. 65th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.wagnerandwilliams.com http://www.kimbeair.com (918) 492‑3388 Hinkle & Company James Hinkle, Managing Partner 4500 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. 800 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.sbadvisors.com (918) 586‑7800 Resources Global Jennifer Lyon, Director of Recruiting 320 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 1801 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.resourcesglobal.com (918) 663‑1450 Holder and Associates, LLC Resume Source, Inc. (918) 282‑6160 Vicki Hidde, Owner 5610 South Memorial Jerry Holder, Manager 4305 E. 87th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.resume-source.com (918) 925‑6756 IBM Corp. Gary Provine, Service Delivery Executive 521 S. Boston, North 1339 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.ibm.com Jeeves Corporation, Inc. (918) 671‑6791 Daniel Snow, Owner/Partner 4835 E. 114th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74137 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Cherokee Nation Businesses, LLC (918) 384‑7474 David Stewart, CEO 777 W. Cherokee Street Catoosa, OK 74015 CABINET MAKERS Anything Wood, Inc. (918) 455‑4255 Del Ludlum, President 19401 E. 91st St. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.anythingwoodinc.com Rydon Business Projects & Services (918) 294‑0264 Henry Donovan, Owner/President CABLING 7936 S. 92 E. Ct. Tulsa, OK 74133-4951 C-Cure Network Services (918) 615‑3373 www.rydonbps.com Brendan Brosky, Co-Owner 5103 S. Sheridan, Ste. 223 Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 271‑1638 Simmons Consulting http://www.ccurens.com Gina Simmons, Blue Brook Consulting Inc. (918) 637‑5800 Bob Haan, President Next Level Executive Coaching, LLC P.O. Box 446 (918) 296‑7785 Owasso, OK 74055 Steve Laswell, Principal http://www.bluebrookconsulting.com 6926 E. 108th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.nextlevelexecutivecoaching.com Bruce Riggs Sales Elite Coaching 1621 S. Newport Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 (918) 641‑5705 Pageant Ferriabough-Charlton, President & CEO 7030 C South Lewis, Suite 548 Tulsa, OK 74136 www.bruincacademy.org (918) 504‑7890 Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Teri Aulph, President / Consultant Southwestern Regional Medical Center 2505 S. Boston Pl. (918) 286‑5000 Tulsa, OK 74114 Steve Mackin, President & CEO http://www.teriaulph.com 10109 E. 79th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.cancercenter.com The Entrepreneur’s Source Spencer Management, Inc. (918) 335‑6266 Mark Spencer, President 1401 S. Delaware Bartlesville, OK 74003 (918) 706‑1992 Bruce Riggs, Executive Sales Coach Oklahoma Small Business Development Strategies by Gracey, Inc. (918) 808‑5674 9862 E. Northlea, #100 (918) 449‑6280 Center Lori Gracey, Owner Claremore, OK 74017 John Blue, NE Director 2608 W. Kenosha St., #399 http://www.bruceriggs.com 3100 East New Orleans Street Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.osbdc.org Business Resource Unlimited, Inc. Teri Aulph Consulting, LLC Cognitio Consulting (918) 527‑4120 Michael Turner, Owner 10750 E. 122nd Ct. North Collinsville, OK 74021 http://www.cognitioconsulting.us Corporate Finance Associates (918) 743‑1130 S. Lee Crawley, Managing Partner 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 720 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.cfaw.com ProServ Business Products, LLC (918) 664‑4345 Neil Trowbridge, President 4444 S. 74th East Ave Tulsa, OK 74145-4711 http://www.proservbp.com.com Quality Management Perspectives, LLC (918) 289‑3255 Linette Patterson, President 1611 S. Utica Ave., #171 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.qmperspectives.com Rachel Wagner Etiquette and Protocol (918) 970‑4400 Rachel Wagner, Owner 12563 S. 71st E. Ave. Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.etiquettetrainer.com (918) 296‑9599 Isabell Estes, Consultant 1831 E. 71st Street, Ste. 414 Tulsa, OK 74136 The Persimmon Group, LLC (918) 592‑4121 William Fournet, Managing Partner 11 E. 5th St., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.thepersimmongroup.com (405) 224‑5789 The Winchester Group Susan Winchester, President 1201 Chickasha Ave. Chickasha, OK 73083 Red Oak Business Planning, LLC (918) 938‑3093 Bernard Awalt, Owner Tulsa Score Chapter 194 (918) 581‑7462 6508 W. Edison Street Frank Verrill, Treasurer Tulsa, OK 74127 (918) 361‑8059 FindLaw 907 S. Detroit, Ste. 1012 http://www.redoakplanning.com Darin Cooley, Consultant Tulsa, OK 74120 8434 S. 111th E. Ave. http://www.tulsascore.org Tulsa, OK 74133 REI (Rural Enterprises of Oklahoma Inc.) http://www.lawyermarkerting.com (918) 994‑4370 (918) 401‑0011 VMH Corporation Sam Vaverka, Loan Specialist Mike Henry, Owner 7615 E. 63rd Pl. 12324 E 86th Street N Tulsa, OK 74133 Owasso, OK 0 http://www.ruralenterprises.com http://www.leadchangegroup.com FAME 4 Business Solutions, LLC (918) 260‑7155 Freddy Valverde, President/Owner 1111 S. Quenath St. Sapulpa, OK 74066 (918) 266‑5839 JRS, Inc. Michah Staires, President 24977 S. Keetonville Road Catoosa, OK 74015-3401 CALL CENTER CFS II (918) 388‑3328 Bill Bartmann, CEO - President 2488 E. 81st Street, Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.cfstwo.com CANCER SPECIALTY HOSPITAL Oklahoma Cyberknife (918) 949‑6676 Jana King, Marketing Representative 6802 S. Olympia Ave., Ste. G-100 Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.oklahomack.com CANVAS GOODS Oklahoma Custom Canvas Products (918) 438‑4040 Daniel Hayes, President 2 S. 109th E . Place Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.occpok.com CAR WASH Boomerang Carwash (918) 622‑7771 Jessica Price, Director of Marketing 3912 South Sheridan Road Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.boomerangcarwash.com CARPET, RUG CLEANERS Certified Carpet Cleaning & Restoration, LLC (918) 396‑4747 Rebecca Manzer, Co-Owner P. O. Box 682 Skiatook, OK 74070 http://www.certifiedcarpetcleaningok.com 81 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 93 3/15/12 8:39 AM Dynamic Carpet Care (918) 279‑1847 Daryl Brown, Owner 15361 S. 369th E. Ave. Coweta, OK 74429 CARPET, RUG DEALER Amini’s Galleria (918) 254‑6444 Pablo Perez, Sales Manager 7712 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 www.aminisgalleria.com Design IV Carpet & Tile (918) 369‑1363 Kim Ternes, Owner 7346 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Grigsby’s Carpet, Tile & Rug Gallery (918) 627‑6996 Dub Stover, Owner 4417 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.grigsbys.com Oriental Rug Company (918) 743‑0178 Chris Dickason, Vice President 3331 E. 32nd Place Tulsa, OK 74135 CASINO Cherokee Nation Entertainment, LLC (918) 384‑7800 David Stewart, CEO 777 W. Cherokee St. Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.cherokeecasino.com Ludger’s Catering & Private Dining (918) 744‑9988 Megan Sherrill, Owner 6120-A E. 32nd Pl. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.ludgers.com Bartlesville Regional Chamber (918) 336‑8708 Sherri Wilt, President 201 S.W. Keeler Bartlesville, OK 74003 http://www.bartlesville.com Greater Tulsa Hispanic Chamber (918) 664‑5326 Francisco Trevino, President 8107 E. Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.TulsaHispanicChamber.com (918) 810‑9336 The Upper Crust Fuad Baitari, Owner 1012 N. Main Sand Springs, OK 74063 Bixby Metro Chamber of Commerce (918) 366‑9445 Krystal Crockett, President & CEO P. O. Box 158 Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.bixbychamber.com Greenwood Chamber of Commerce (918) 585‑2084 Reuben Gant, Executive Director 131 N. Greenwood Avenue, #2 Tulsa, OK 74120 http://greenwoodchambertulsa.com Bristow Area Chamber of Commerce (918) 367‑5151 Jodi Lloyd, President P. O. Box 127 Bristow, OK 74010 Indo-American Chamber of Commerce of (918) 408‑7108 Oklahoma Hema Kumar, Executive Director 5801 E. 41st St., Ste. 603 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.iaccok.org (918) 978‑9054 Vitter’s Catering Joshua Vitt, Owner / Operator 907 S. Detroit Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 CELLULAR AND/OR WIRELESS Block Business Solutions LLC (918) 493‑1130 David Block, CEO 4444 E. 66th St., Ste. 225 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.BlockBusinessSolutions.com Choice Communications, LLC (918) 224‑9200 Catoosa Chamber of Commerce Tim Terhune, Partner (918) 266‑6042 821 E. Dewey Ave. Glenna Scott, Executive Director Sapulpa, OK 74066 P. O. Box 297 http://www.choiceok.com Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.catoosachamber.org Freedom Communications (918) 830‑2329 Claremore Chamber of Commerce JoDee Liptak, HR Services (918) 341‑2818 7718 E. 91st St., Ste 120 Dell Davis, President Tulsa, OK 74133 419 W. Will Rogers Blvd. Osage Casino (918) 699‑7798 Neil Cornelius, Chief Executive Officer 1211 W. 36th St. N. Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.osagecasinos.com U.S. Cellular - 41st Street (918) 622‑5401 Michelle Ford, Store Manager 6701 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 River Spirit Casino (918) 995‑8518 Jerry Floyd, General Manager 8330 Riverside Parkway Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.riverspirittulsa.com U.S. Cellular - Tulsa Hills (918) 445‑3024 Michelle Ford, Store Manager 7370 Olympia Avenue Tulsa, OK 74132 CATERING Breed Enterprises (918) 485‑4643 Shirley Breed, Owner 402 S. Mary Ave. Wagoner, OK 74467-4834 Catering by PARTYSERVE (918) 748‑0111 Kaila Westerfield, Director of Sales 3902 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.partyserve.com Charlton Investments, Inc. (918) 664‑7827 George Charlton, President 8510 East 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74145-3326 (918) 335‑2400 Wireless Connections Jody Kerns, 200 SE Washington Blvd., Suite C Bartlesville, OK 74006-2349 CEMETARY & MAUSOLEUM Green Hill Funeral Home & Cemetery (918) 224‑2312 Elizabeth Graham, Administrative Assistant P. O. Box 629 Sapulpa, OK 74067-0629 http://www.greenhillok.com Memorial Park Cemetery (918) 627‑0220 Robert Hidde, Director 5111 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://memorialparktulsa.com Eats 2 U (918) 576‑6016 Angie Johnson, Owner CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1318 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74152 American Indian Chamber of Commerce http://www.eats2u.info of Oklahoma AI (918) 624‑9382 Adam Proctor, 5103 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 695 Goodies Catering, LLC (918) 664‑9794 Tulsa, OK 74145 Anthony Willis, Owner / Partner P. O. Box 35175 Tulsa, OK 74153 http://www.goodiescatering.net Broken Arrow Area Chamber of Commerce (918) 251‑1518 Wes Smithwick, President/CEO 210 N. Main Street, Suite C Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.brokenarrowchamber.com Claremore, OK 74017-6820 http://www.claremore.org Cleveland Chamber of Commerce (918) 358‑2131 Amy Hedges, Executive Director P. O. Box 240 Cleveland, OK 74020 http://www.chamberofclevelandok.com Jenks Chamber of Commerce (918) 299‑5005 Josh Driskell, President P.O. Box 902 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.jenkschamber.com Okmulgee Chamber of Commerce (918) 756‑6172 Nolan Crowley, Executive Director 112 North Morton Okmulgee, OK 74447 www.okmulgeeonline.com Owasso Chamber of Commerce (918) 272‑2141 Gary Akin, President 315 S. Cedar Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.owassochamber.com Sand Springs Area Chamber of Commerce (918) 245‑3221 Mary Eubanks, President 9 E. Broadway Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.sandspringschamber.com Collinsville Chamber of Commerce Sapulpa Area Chamber of Commerce (918) 371-4703 (918) 224‑0170 Wanda Nyberg, Executive Secretary Suzanne Shirey, Executive Director P. O. Box 245 101 East Dewey Collinsville, OK 74021 Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.collinsvillechamber.net http://www.sapulpachamber.com Glenpool Chamber of Commerce (918) 322‑3505 Dianne Bileck-Plants, Executive Director P. O. Box 767 Glenpool, OK 74033-0767 http://www.glenpoolchamber.org Greater Muskogee Area Chamber of (918) 682‑2401 Commerce Sue Harris, President & CEO P. O. Box 797 Muskogee, OK 74402 http://www.muskogeechamber.org Skiatook Chamber of Commerce (918) 396‑3702 Stephanie Upton, Executive Director P. O. Box 272 Skiatook, OK 74070 Southwest Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, (918) 446‑7010 Inc. Matt Crain, Executive Director P. O. Box 571292 Tulsa, OK 74157-1292 http://www.swtulsachamber.com The State Chamber of Oklahoma Greater Oklahoma City Chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (405) 235‑3669 (405) 297‑8900 Fred Morgan, President and CEO Roy Williams, President & CEO 330 N.E. 10th St. 123 Park Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73104-3220 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 http://www.okstatechamber.com http://www.okcchamber.com (918) 585‑1201 Tulsa Metro Chamber Matt Pivarnik, 2 West 2nd Street, Suite 150 Tulsa, OK 74103-3105 http://www.tulsachamber.com 82 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 94 3/15/12 8:39 AM CHECK CASHING SERVICES CHILD DEVELOPMENT Shenloogian Chiropractic (918) 933‑5445 Cornerstone Family Church Jason Shenloogian, Owner (918) 664‑1110 Delaware Child Development/Washington 4146 S. Harvard, Ste. F-2 Jordan Savage, Executive Pastor County Child Care Foundation Tulsa, OK 74135 3434 S. Garnett Rd. (918) 337‑6500 http://www.tulsafamilywellness.com Tulsa, OK 74145 Sherry Rackliff, Executive Director http://www.cfctulsa.org 5110 Tuxedo Boulevard Stubbs Chiropractic (918) 224‑5900 Bartlesville, OK 74006 CHEMICALS - WHOLESALE/DIST. Corey Stubbs, Owner/Chiropractor Coweta Independent Baptist Church http://www.dtcd.org (918) 486‑3708 601 S. Mission St. Advance Research Chemicals Inc Sapulpa, OK 74066 John Fulton, (918) 266‑6789 Sandite Child Development Center P. O. Box 321 Sanjay Meshri, Executive V. P. / Managing (918) 245‑2622 Coweta, OK 74429 Director Synergy Holistic Health, LLC Janna Maggard Siegel, http://cowetabaptistchurch.org 1110 W. Keystone Ave. (918) 392‑1913 P. O. Box 728 Catoosa, OK 74015 Diana Doty, Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.flouridearc.com 25 E. 21st St. Discovery Bible Fellowship (918) 371‑2505 Tulsa, OK 74114 CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS http://www.tulsaholistichealth.com Margie Baltzer, Office Administrator/Treasurer Air Products & Chemicals (918) 266‑8800 11600 N. Garnett Rd Mac Anderson, Plant Manager Cate Chiropractic Center (918) 747‑2225 Collinsville, OK 74021 1115 W. Keystone Ave. Thomas Cate, Physician Tatum Chiropractic Center http://www.discovertheone.com Catoosa, OK 74015 2828 E. 51st St., Ste. 103 (918) 622‑9655 http://www.airproducts.com Tulsa, OK 74105 Terry Tatum, President & Owner http://www.catechiropractic.com 3952 S. Hudson Ave. Faith Assembly of God (918) 627‑5100 Tulsa, OK 74135 Kelly Goins, Minister (918) 379‑0820 Galaxy Chemicals, LLC Chiropractic Wellness Center P.O. Box 581823 Jason Mahmood, Operations Manager (918) 742‑0560 Tulsa, OK 74158 6472 Tower Lane Lance Hoose, Principal Upper Cervical Health Centers Claremore, OK 74019 2442 E. 21st St. (918) 742‑2300 http://www.galaxychemfluoride.com Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) 336‑1131 Christy Harrington, Office Manager First Assembly of God http://www.dolifewell.com 4625 S. Harvard, Ste. 200 Darryl Wootton, Tulsa, OK 74135 900 S. Dewey International Chemical Co. http://www.uppercervicalcare.com Bartlesville, OK 74003 (918) 496‑7711 Dr. Tipton Chiropractic Wellness Center http://bartlesvillefirst.org Gene Graves, CFO (918) 447‑6867 1887 E. 71st St. Darren Tipton, Director CHOCOLATE Tulsa, OK 74136 4940 S. Union Ave. (918) 258‑4575 First Baptist Church Glacier Confections (918) 938‑6368 http://www.ictulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74107-7840 Rolanda Watkins, Pastoral Administrative Bill Copeland, CEO / CCO Assistant 15 E. Brady Street 100 W. Albany Street Univar (918) 425‑1306 Eastern Oklahoma Chiropractic, PLLC Tulsa, OK 74103 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Mike Wells, Branch Manager (918) 935‑3432 http://www.glacierconfection.com http://www.fbcba.org 4500 N. Peoria Ave. Travis Ring, Tulsa, OK 74106 6922 S. Lewis Ave. Godiva Chocolatier (918) 459‑2635 Tulsa, OK 74136 First Church of the Nazarene James McCarthy, Store Manager www.easternoklahomachiropractic.com (918) 682‑2592 CHILD CARE 7021 S. Memorial, 235-A Rodney Durr, Senior Pastor Tulsa, OK 74133 Blue Starr Kiddie Ranch, Ltd. 2700 E. Peak Blvd. (918) 398‑4273 HealthSource of Tulsa http://www.godiva.com (918) 341-3800 Muskogee, OK 74403 Scottie Lawrence, Owner Tom Anderson, Owner http://www.muskogeenaz.org 8177 S. Harvard Ave., #724 1059 West Blue Starr Dr. Sweet Tooth Candy & Gift (918) 712‑8785 Tulsa, OK 74137 Claremore, OK 74017 Janet Dundee, Owner http://www.healthsourcetulsa.com Fort Gibson First Baptist Church 3747 S. Harvard (918) 478‑2245 Johnson Straight Chiropractic Center Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 343‑1222 Kurtain Klimbers, Inc. Danny Gandra, Pastor (918) 747‑5100 http://www.sweettoothtulsa.com Kim Edinger, P. O. Box 8 Karen Johnson, Office Manager 1201 W. Country Club Road Fort Gibson, OK 74434 2140 South Harvard Ave., Ste. 111 CHURCH Claremore, OK 74017-7137 Tulsa, OK 74114-1958 Cedar Point Church (918) 408‑2109 Freedom Valley Church (918) 519‑0938 Forrest Coultor, Pumpkin Patch, Inc. (918) 485‑4479 Jason Fitch, Lead Pastor Jolley Chiropractic & Wellness Practice, 1660 N. Lynn Riggs Blvd. Carla Frost, 6323 S. 109th E. Ave. (918) 394‑9400 PLLC Claremore, OK 74017-3054 27112 E. 740 Rd. Tulsa, OK 74133 Luke Jolley, Owner Wagoner, OK 74467 http://www.freedomvalleytulsa.com 12345 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 111 Christ United Methodist Church Bixby, OK 74008-2570 (918) 747‑8601 http://www.jolleychiro.com (918) 749‑3588 Seeking Sitters Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church Brenda Bussman, Accountant Adrienne Kallweit, Owner (918) 333‑1708 3515 S. Harvard Ave 3144 S. Winston Avenue Dale Scott, Maynard Family Chiropractic Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74135 801 SE Washington Blvd. (918) 872‑8653 http://www.cumctulsa.com http://www.seekingsitters.com Bartlesville, OK 74006 Andrea Maynard, Office Manager http://www.go2gspc.org 8922 S. Memorial, #C-1 Church of God Prophecy (918) 486‑5358 Tulsa, OK 74133 Vision 21 Learning Center, Inc. Larry Duncan, http://www.maximizedlivingdrmaynard.com (918) 258‑7548 Grandview Baptist Church 123 W. Sycamore Street Betty Cowins, (918) 683‑2477 Coweta, OK 74429 8730 S. Lynn Lane Danny Mills, Pastor Roadhouse Chiropractic (918) 481‑2770 http://www.cowetachurch.net Broken Arrow, OK 74012-9614 3608 S. Cherokee Drive Brian Roadhouse, Owner Muskogee, OK 74403 6565 S. Yale, Ste. 901 Church of the Holy Spirit (918) 622‑7979 http://www.grandviewbaptist.com Tulsa, OK 74136 WABC Learning Center (918) 742‑1140 Briane Turley, Pastor Collette Sawyer, 12121 E. 41st St. 5511 S. Harvard Ave. Metropolitan Baptist Church (918) 664‑3571 Schluter Chiropractic Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 425‑5402 Jason Schluter, Owner http://www.chstulsa.com http://www.wabc.org Ray Owens, 5424 S. Memorial Dr., Suite C1 1228 W. Apache Tulsa, OK 74145 City Church Tulsa (918) 897‑1245 Tulsa, OK 0 http://www.drschluter.com Jim Moss, Community Pastor http://www.metropolitanbc.org P.O. Box 14500 Tulsa, OK 74159 http://www.citychurchtulsa.com BCV Holding, LP Bret Hardee, Owner P. O. Box 140846 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 (806) 441‑4497 83 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 95 3/15/12 8:39 AM Maid to Order Cleaning Company COFFEE SPECIALTY (918) 628‑1547 Java Dave’s Executive Coffee Service Heidi Huff, President (918) 836‑5570 3534 S. Joplin Place Dave Neighbors, President Tulsa, OK 74135 P. O. Box 581238 maidtoordertulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.javadavescoffee.com (918) 250‑7318 Redeemer Presbyterian Church Merry Maids (918) 346‑4850 Amy Bates, Owner (918) 398‑8022 Topeca Coffee Ricky Jones, 5656 S. Mingo Rd. John Gaberino, Owner 6528 E. 101st, Ste. D1 Box 415 Tulsa, OK 74146 115 West Fifth Street, Ste. 169 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.merrymaidstulsametro.com Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.redeemertulsa.org http://www.topecacoffee.com Utmost Enterprises, Inc. (918) 270‑2800 Ridgeway Baptist Church (918) 244‑1593 Greg Ford, CEO COLLECTION AGENCIES 12802 E. 31st St., Ste. F Carolyn Dobson, 7785 S. Highway 97 Tulsa, OK 0 NorthStar Technologies (918) 307‑0900 Sapulpa, OK 74066-8899 http://www.maidpro.com/tulsa Charles Pilkington, Managing Partner http://www.ridgewaybaptist.com 5807 S. Garnett Road, Ste. L Tulsa, OK 74146 CLEANING SUPPLIES - SALES & DIST. http://www.northstargt.com Riverview Baptist Church (918) 369‑2055 Oreck Outlet (918) 307‑2016 Andy Jobe, Pastor Kathy Smith, General Manager 13201 S. Memorial Tulsa Adjustment Bureau, Inc. 7139 S. Mingo Bixby, OK 74008 (918) 749‑1481 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.riverview-church.org Charles Garrison, President http://www.oreckstore.com Box 52039 Sapulpa First Church of God Tulsa, OK 74152 (918) 224‑0380 (918) 742‑3336 Oreck Store Ken Price, Kathy Smith, General Manager 1011 E. Hastain Ave. COMMUNICATIONS 1338 E. 41st Street Sapulpa, OK 74066 Tulsa, OK 74105 CommPel LLC (918) 286‑3051 http://www.oreckstore.com/tulsa Lou Alkana, Managing Partner Skiatook First Assembly of God 7449 S. 286th East Ave. (918) 396‑1973 Broken Arrow, OK 74014-8514 CLOTHING - RETAIL Vince Boone, P. O. Box 70 Abersons (918) 742‑7335 Madison Communications & Electrical Skiatook, OK 74070 Henry Aberson, President Systems (918) 245‑0976 3509 S. Peoria Martha Witt, Secretary/Treasurer Tulsa, OK 74105 South Lakewood Baptist Church 16723 W. 56th Pl. S. http://www.abersonstyle.com (918) 836‑6538 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Gary Woodard, Pastor 6108 E. 20th Ascent (918) 688‑1585 Tulsa, OK 74112 COMMUNITY CENTER Philip Shain, Owner http://www.slbc.com 1325 E. 15th St., Ste. 105 Bartlesville Community Center Tulsa, OK 74120 (918) 337‑2787 www.ascenttulsa.com (918) 249‑5158 The Heart Sherry Gray, Mike Miller, P. O. Box 1027 Blue Monday (918) 629‑2197 6215 S. 107th E. Ave. Bartlesville, OK 74005-1027 Keith Toller, Tulsa, OK 74133 Route 1, Box 78 Cleveland, OK 74020-9728 COMPUTER INVESTIGATIONS Tuxedo Assembly of God (918) 333‑5757 Avansic E-Discovery and Digital Forensics Judy Johnson, Joseph A. Bank (918) 749‑2604 (918) 856‑5337 3503 Tuxedo Blvd. Rick Rickman, Manager Gavin Manes, President & CEO Bartlesville, OK 74006 1744 Utica Square 401 S. Boston Ave. Ste. 1701 http://www.tuxedochurch.com Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74103 www.josbank.com (918) 639‑3686 Vision Ministry Center http://www.avansic.com Donald Couch, Senior Pastor P. O. Box 470312 Muse Intimates (918) 392‑3430 Tulsa, OK 74147 COMPUTER NETWORKING Deborah Croisant, Owner http://www.visionministrycenter.com 1876 Utica Square, Ste. 2-C Integrated Business Technologies (IBT) Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) 770‑8738 http://www.museintimate.com Eric Kehmeier, Managing Partner CIGARS - RETAIL P. O. Box 470921 The Cigar Box (918) 585‑1424 Tulsa, OK 74147 Name Brands, Inc. (918) 307‑0289 Tami Faust, Owner http://www.IBTsupport.com Rusty Gaddy, President 500 Riverwalk Terrace 7215 S. Memorial Drive Jenks, OK 74037 Tulsa, OK 74133 NAC, Inc. (918) 321‑3042 http://www.cigarboxtulsa.com http://www.halfofhalf.com Terry Partain, Owner 16010 S. Oak St. CLEANING SERVICES Sapulpa, OK 74066 (918) 893‑6534 The Palace Cathy Jansen, CEO Acoustical Ceiling Cleaning Services 9137 E. 71st St. (918) 494‑2914 Sarco Solutions LLC (918) 663‑5524 Tulsa, OK 74133 Vincent Gonzalez, Owner Jon Coursey, http://www.thepalacetulsa.com P. O. Box 470753 9410 E. 51st, Ste. N Tulsa, OK 74147 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.sarcolan.com Colossal Cleaners (918) 519‑4121 Colin Maxey, 7107 S. Yale, Ste. 219 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.colossalcleaners.com Northeast Oklahoma District Church of the Nazarene (918) 496‑0022 H. David McKellips, District Superintendent 6705 E. 81st Street, Ste. 130 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.neonaz.com COMPUTER SALES - SERVICE & NETWORKING Jackson Technical (918) 585‑8324 Tim Jackson, Owner 427 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 1010 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.jacksontechnical.com PC Computers & Software (918) 664‑8833 Bryan Sensintaffar, President 8125-G E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.pccompsoft.com (918) 270‑7000 SageNet Denyse Pluchel, Human Resource Manager 10205 E. 61st St., Ste. D1 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.sagenet.com Wholesale Computer Supply, LLC (918) 250‑7283 Randy Wilson, Owner 5727 S. Garnett, Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74146 COMPUTER SERVICE/REPAIR Advanced Tech Enterprises, Inc. (918) 438‑2012 Ric Havlik, General Manager 11403-A East 19th St. Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.ate.net EPIQ Resources, LLC (918) 671‑9207 Tom Hammer, President 6027 S. Marion Pl. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.epiqresources.com Geeks To The Rescue (918) 369‑4335 Chris Finnerty, President 8221 E. 61st St., Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74133-1904 http://www.geekrescue.com Hill Valley Digital (918) 409‑0055 Smith, Owner 3026 W. 68th Pl. Tulsa, 74132 http://www.hillvalleydigital.com Platinum Technology Group (918) 574‑8989 Sam Perchez, CEO 138 N.E. 46th St. Oklahoma City, OK 73105 http://www.ptgok.com SOHO Plus (918) 628‑7646 Steve Scott, Managing Partner 7116 S. Mingo, Ste. 107 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.sohoplus.net COMPUTER SYSTEMS - CONSULTING Austral, Inc. (918) 499‑7777 Erik Ortega, President P.O. Box 700808 Tulsa, OK 74170-0808 http://www.austral.com Decision Tree Technology. LLC (918) 296‑8006 Patrick Kuehn, Partner 3023 E. 74th Pl. Tulsa, 74136 http://www.decisiontreetech.com 84 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 96 3/15/12 8:39 AM Integrated Health Care Informatics CONCRETE PRODUCTS (405) 824‑7804 Allan Edwards Companies (918) 583‑7184 Faron Moore, Owner Allan “Scotty” Edwards, President P. O. Box 491 P. O. Box 9457 Coweta, OK 74429 Tulsa, OK 74157 http://www.ihinfo.com http://www.allanedwards.com Daniels and Daniels Construction C-K & W Supply, Inc. (918) 583‑9151 Rick Wimpey, Vice President (918) 872‑6006 Sally Daniels, Vice President 8545 E. 41st St. 3501 W. Kenosha St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.ckwsupply.com http://www.cdanielsconstruction.com (918) 317‑0707 Mainspring, LLC Carolyn Christman, Co-Owner 7645 E. 63rd St., Ste. 201 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.mainspring.net Green Country Associates (918) 728‑6147 Jerry Lewis, Owner 11401-A East 20th Street Tulsa, OK 74128 Matrixforce Corporation (918) 622‑1167 Kevin Fream, President P. O. Box 55564 Tulsa, OK 74155-0564 http://www.matrixforce.com Mentor Technologies, Inc. (918) 724‑9646 Kyle Hearn, President 4815 S. Harvard Ave. Ste. 630 Tulsa, OK 0 http://www.mentorok.com Mid-Continent Concrete Co. (918) 582‑8111 Robert Cole, CEO Box 3878 Tulsa, OK 74102 CONGRESSIONAL OFFICE Congressman John Sullivan (918) 749‑0014 Richard Hedgecock, District Director 5727 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 520 Tulsa, OK 74105 (714)6 http://www.house.gov/sullivan CONSIGNMENT CLOTHING Best Dressed Frugality Boutique (918) 493‑2378 NoWax Business and Technology, LLC Laura Huynh, Owner (918) 978‑6692 6935 S. Lewis Ave. Brian Willms, Owner Tulsa, OK 74136 3963 S. Highway 97, Ste. 176 http://www.bestdressedllc.com Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.nowax.net Just Between Friends Franchise System, Inc. (918) 902‑5673 Point & Click Computer Consulting Shannon Wilburn, President / Co-Founder (918) 260‑6404 325 N. Butternut Pl. Jenni Hawkins, Secretary Broken Arrow, OK 74012 2608 W. Kenosha, Ste. 554 http://www.jbfsale.com Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.pointandclicktulsa.com CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES StoneHenge Partners, Inc. (918) 971‑1999 Mike Fletcher, President 401 S. Boston, Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.stonehenge.org 4th Gen Contractors, LLC (918) 641‑0777 John True, Office Manager P. O. Box 2675 Broken Arrow, OK 74013-2675 ArchStone Construction, LLC (918) 582‑1651 Clay Johnson, Owner/Project Director New Horizons Computer Center 705 S. Elgin Ave., Ste. 103 (972) 490‑5151 Tulsa, OK 74120 Robert McIntyre, Vice President http://www.archstonecon.com 233 S. Detroit Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 Aristocrat Construction & Landscape, Inc. http://www.newhorizons.com (918) 243‑5288 Noemia Moura, Co-Owner CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION P. O. Box 1403 Jenks, OK 74037 Beauty-Crete (918) 663‑1110 COMPUTER TRAINING Wesley Fjeldsted, President 6848 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.beautycrete.com Bright Construction (918) 266‑6677 Chuck Wise, Owner P. O. Box 69120 Tulsa, OK 74169-0120 Cantera Concrete Company (918) 878‑3498 Cowen Construction (918) 582‑2220 Brent Dostal, Vice President John Cowen, President 5601 South 122nd East Avenue Box 3465 Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.cowenconstruction.com Owen Graves Concrete, Inc. (918) 245‑7736 Betty Graves, Office Manager 289 Eagle Point Lane Sand Springs, OK 74063 Theodore Concrete Construction, LLC (918) 279‑9938 Sandra Theodore, President 35555 E. 141 Street South Coweta, OK 74429 Jim Rackleff Co., Inc. (918) 459‑3847 Jim Rackleff, President 8022 S. Memorial Dr., Room 202 Tulsa, OK 74133 Limestone Contruction (918) 510‑2023 Dana Green, Vice President P. O. Box 1522 Owasso, OK 74055 Hertz Equipment Rental (918) 622‑7150 Todd Russell, Branch Manager 4445 S. Mingo Rd Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.hertzequip.com Maxwell Supply of Tulsa, Inc. (918) 836‑8606 Bob Petree, Vice President 1719 N. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.maxtulsa.com OCT Equipment Inc. (918) 437‑5085 Jim Doughty, Vice President 12210 E. 1st St. Tulsa, OK 74128 Manhattan Road & Bridge Co. http://www.octequipment.com/ (918) 437‑9560 Kendall Adams, President 5601 South 122nd East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74146 www.manhattanroadandbridge.com Redrock Utilities, Inc. (918) 369‑1294 Mike Miller, President 12806 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 128 Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.redrockutilitiesinc.com Rupe Building Company Scott-Macon Equipment Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 224‑2000 Janice Moeller, Branch Manager 9477 N. Ridgeway Tulsa, OK 74131 http://www.smequipment.com Vanguard Equipment (918) 437‑1796 Raymond Forsyth, Vice President 15627 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74116 (918) 749‑1880 White Star Machinery & Supply John Rupe, President (918) 622‑7787 6914 S. Yorktown Ave., Ste. 200 Paul Hall, Branch Manager Tulsa, OK 74136 5401 S. Mingo Rd. http://www.rupeco.com Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.whitestarmachinery.com The Ross Group Construction Corporation (918) 200‑5053 CONSULTANTS Kevin Hansen, Director of Marketing 1140 N. 129th E. Ave. Gregory Ryan Management Inc. 0 Tulsa, OK 74116-1724 Melissa Williams, President http://www.trgcc.com 2514 W. 68th Street Tulsa, OK 74132 (918) 638‑9229 TMT Construction Terry Trimble, Owner 9820 E. 41st St., #103 Tulsa, OK 74146 Tonto Construction Inc Cheryl Leatherman, 8101 W. 33rd St. South Muskogee, OK 74401 Maus Associates, LLC (918) 605‑8089 John Maus, Member 9413 S. 73rd East Pl. Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 682‑6762 CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS Ken Hargrove Construction Consultants, LLC (918) 261‑4563 Ken Hargrove, Owner 12439 S. 18th Circle Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.stonebridgegroup.net Crestline Construction Company, Inc. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES (918) 254‑4600 Canserv L.L.C. (918) 392‑0554 David Burgess, Carol Robinson, Owner 10820 E. 45th St., Ste. 206 4141 S. 87th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.can-serve.com D & D Interiors, Inc. (918) 728‑8679 Marcia Davenport, President P. O. Box 470951 Tulsa, OK 74147-0951 http://www.d-dinteriors.com Orange Sky (918) 401‑0056 Doug Branstetter, President 11435 S. Oxford Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.orangeskytulsa.com CONSULTANTS - AIRPORT PLANNING Barnard Dunkelberg & Co., Inc. (918) 585‑8844 Bob Barnard, President 1616 East 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.bd-c.com CONSULTANTS - DIVERSITY Hannibal B. Johnson, Esq. (918) 585‑6770 Hannibal Johnson, Author, Attorney & Consultant 121 N. Greenwood Ave., Ste. G Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.hannibalbjohnson.com 85 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 97 3/15/12 8:39 AM CONSULTANTS - SOFTWARE capSpire Inc. (479) 301‑2571 Lance Laubach, CEO 320 S. Boston Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.capspire.com CONSULTING Celebrating Difference, LLC (918) 236‑5936 Tamara Lebak, Owner 1305 S. 196th W. Ave. Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.celebratingdifference.com CONTRACTOR - EXCAVATING Cherokee Builders (918) 234‑2550 Dick McNair, President 2005 N. 167th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 Horizon Underground, LLC (918) 267‑4866 Matt Cooperrider, Partner P. O. Box 1012 Glenpool, OK 74033 http://www.horizonunderground.com Sartain Construction & Excavating (918) 227‑2870 Leah Sartain, P. O. Box 222 Sapulpa, OK 74067-0222 CONTRACTOR - GENERAL Atlas General Contractors (918) 369‑3910 Brent Page, 8218 E. 121st Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.atlasgc.com Becco Contractors Inc. (918) 445‑2684 Carol Smith, President P. O. Box 9159 Tulsa, OK 74157-0159 CEI Incorporated (918) 587‑0284 Deborah Viuf, Office Manager 902 W. 23rd St. Tulsa, OK 74107 Cimarron Contractors, Inc. (918) 683‑2949 Mitzi Woodburn, 820 East Side Blvd. Muskogee, OK 74402 Crossland Construction Company, Inc. (918) 712‑1441 John Priest, Oklahoma Division Manager 14149 E. Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.crosslandconstruction.com D.C. Bass & Sons Construction Company (918) 224‑1000 Will Berry, P. O. Box 9324 Tulsa, OK 74157 http://www.bassconstruction.net (918) 451‑2264 Execon Inc. Brad Barnett, 21630 E. 102nd St. Broken Arrow, OK 74014-3650 Fleming Building Company, Inc. (918) 627‑7800 Raymond Miller, President/CEO P. O. Box 470468 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.flemingbuildingco.com Flintco, LLC (918) 587‑8451 Tom Maxwell, President & CEO P. O. Box 490 Tulsa, OK 74101-0490 http://www.flintco.com Griggs Construction, Inc. (918) 341‑5602 Ron Griggs, President 649 W. Claremore St. Claremore, OK 74017 http://www.griggsconstruction.com Key Construction Oklahoma, LLC (918) 362‑3201 Phil Wells, Vice President 5415 S. 125th E. Ave., Ste. 201 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.keyconstruction.com Manhattan Construction Co. (918) 583‑6900 Bob Jack, Senior Vice President 5601 South 122nd East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.manhattanconstruction.com Williams Construction Co. (918) 628‑1991 Mark Little, Vice President 3148 S. 108th E. Ave., Ste. 145 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.williamsconstruction.com (918) 838‑8822 Matrix Service Co. John Hewitt, President & CEO 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 700 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.matrixservice.com Matrix Service Co. (918) 838‑8822 Kevin Cavanah, Chief Financial Officer 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 700 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.matrixservice.com Fluorocan LLC (918) 282‑9283 Peter Anderson, Owner 942 W. 36th St. North Tulsa, OK 74127 CONTROL SYSTEMS Dave Allert Co. (918) 743‑7705 Doug Allert, P. O. Box 702337 Tulsa, OK 74170 http://www.daveallert.com Oakridge Builders (918) 582‑9333 Mark McGee, General Manager P. O. Box 3598 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.oakbuild.com CONTROL SYSTEMS & REGULAT. Stava Building Corporation (918) 742‑0999 Jef Falling, V. P. of Operations 1525 W. 36th Pl. South Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.stava.com Tom Hanlon Constructon Company (918) 455‑0090 Lori Hanlon, Office Manager 6805 S. Ash Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.tomhanlonconstructioncompany. com (918) 693‑8000 W & W Contracting Farrah Walker, Owner 28993 South 4170 Road Inola, OK 74036 COSMETICS Merle Norman Cosmetics (918) 455‑3838 Sharron McMurray, 3730 S. Elm Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Sephora- Woodland Hills Mall (918) 307‑8434 Melissa Jordan, General Manager 7021 S. Memorial, Ste. 215 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.sephora.com CONTRACTOR - MECHANICAL Process Automation and Control Systems, Inc. (918) 630‑1070 Sally Wood, Treasurer 8233 S. 72nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 Rick Scott Construction (918) 835‑4551 Jon Humphrey, Vice President 14990 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.rickscottconstruction.com Mesa Products, Inc. (918) 627‑3188 Terry May, President P. O. Box 52608 Tulsa, OK 74152-0608 http://www.mesaproducts.com CONTRACTOR - INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL (918) 632‑7200 Nabholz Construction Chris Burnett, President, Oklahoma Division 10319 E. 54th St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.nabholz.com Oscar J. Boldt Construction (918) 582‑9090 Jeff Kusler, Area Manager 12121 E. 51st St., Ste. 107 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.boldt.com CORROSION SERVICES Siemens Industry, Inc. (918) 615‑1430 Laurie Womack, Service Coordinator 12101 E. 51st St., #103 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.sbt.siemens.com CONVENIENCE RETAIL GROCERY Bob Cook Enterprises Inc. / The Snack Shop (918) 630‑3512 Bob Cook, Owner 2 West 2nd Street, Ste. 44/66 Tulsa, OK 74103 Roger’s Mini Stop (918) 443‑9103 David Rogers, Owner P. O. Box 485 Oologah, OK 74053 CONVENIENCE/GASOLINE RETAILER QuikTrip Corp. (918) 615‑7700 Chet Cadieux, Chairman, CEO and President P. O. Box 3475 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.quiktrip.com CORPORATE HOUSING National Corporate Housing (918) 742‑3500 Cheryl Roberts, General Manager 6216 S. Lewis, Ste. 101 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.nationalcorporatehousing.com COUNSELING Brittany Park Services (918) 747‑1600 Vicki Seward, Account Manager 5512 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105-7140 www.brittanyparkcs.com Family Crisis & Counseling Center (918) 336‑1188 Barbara Turner, Executive Director P. O. Box 5016 Bartlesville, OK 74005 http://www.familycrisis.us COURIER SERVICE Oklahoma Custom Courier, LLC (918) 286‑7700 Ben Randall, Owner / Partner P.O. Box 3344 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.oklacc.com COURT REPORTING Nichols McClanahan Reporting (918) 585‑9969 Kathy McClanahan, President 907 S. Detroit, #1075 Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa Freelance Reporters (918) 587‑2878 Lisa Steinmeyer, Owner 610 S. Main, Ste. 210 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.tulsafreelancereporters.com CRANES Midwest Crane Services (918) 835‑4500 Sam VanMeter, Member 3101 N. Toledo Ave. Tulsa, OK 74115 www.midwestcraneservices.com CRATING Crating Solutions of Tulsa, LLC (918) 272‑3712 Lisa Grill, Owner 5209 N. Mingo Tulsa, OK 74117 http://www.cratingsolutionstulsa.com CREDIT CARD SERVICE Bluefin Payment Systems (918) 270‑2583 Ruston Miles, CEO 9820 E. 41st St., Ste. 101 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.bluefin.com 86 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 98 3/15/12 8:39 AM Integrity Donations (918) 496‑9009 Vyrl Pember, President & Owner 8242 S. Harvard, Ste. F Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.integritydonations.com North American Bancard - Oklahoma (918) 636‑1541 Melissa Engle, President 1228 E. Fairview Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.nab-ok.com CREDIT UNIONS Encentus Federal Credit Union (918) 430‑3500 Misty Potter, President 1320 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.encentusfcu.org Golden Eagle Federal Credit Union (918) 836‑6752 Norma Cates, President/CEO P. O. Box 582350 Tulsa, OK 74158-2350 http://www.goldeneaglefcu.org Hillcrest Federal Credit Union (918) 579‑7998 Linda Curtis, CEO P. O. Box 4682 Tulsa, OK 74159 Red Crown Federal Credit Union (918) 477‑3200 Marsha Schmidt, President/CEO 5001 E. 91st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.redcrown.org Red Crown Federal Credit Union (918) 477‑3200 Joyce Hill, Assistant V. P. 5321 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.redcrown.org Red Crown Federal Credit Union (918) 477‑3200 Misty Wooldridge, Loan Officer 3101 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.redcrown.org Tulsa Federal Credit Union (918) 610‑0200 Keith Kearney, President 9323 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.tulsafederalcu.org DECALS AND LABELS Nameplates, Inc. (918) 584‑2695 Ramona Woollard, Controller 325 S. Quincy Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.nameplatesusa.com Tulsa Municipal Employees Federal Credit DELIVERY SERVICE (918) 582‑7573 Union Charles Howard, President I’m Delivered (918) 955‑7467 1120 W. 17th St. Patrick Cuningkin, Owner Tulsa, OK 74107 1720 E. 67th Pl. http://www.tulsamefcu.org Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.955shop.com Western Sun Federal Credit Union (918) 858‑9229 Streamline Logistics LLC (918) 437‑1514 Kay Jones, Branch Manager Joe Tortorici, Operations Manager 907 S. Detroit P. O. Box 471220 Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.wsfcu.com http://www.streamlinelogisticsllc.com Family Dentistry of Broken Arrow (918) 455‑3777 Timothy Hughes, 2001 S. Elm Place, Ste. E Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Garry Anderson, D.D.S. (918) 742‑2096 Garry Anderson, 4415 S. Harvard, Ste. 102 Tulsa, OK 74135 Gary C. Davidson, DDS (918) 486‑3266 Gary Davidson, 122 E. Chestnut St. Coweta, OK 74429 CRUISES DEMOLITION Cruise Planners (918) 289‑0101 Marcy Martin, Cruise Specialist 3609 E. 56th St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.martinescapes.com Ark Wrecking Co. of Okla. Inc. Howard D. Dunlap, D.M.D., P.C. (918) 583‑0488 (918) 481‑3256 Ray Morgan, President Howard Dunlap, President/Owner 1800 South 49th West Ave. 8988 South Sheridan, Ste. D-1 Tulsa, OK 74107 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.arkwrecking.com CUTLERY Ken D. Ray, D.D.S., M.S., Inc. (918) 492‑7581 Donna Thompson, Office Manager The Baron Dental Laboratory 5010 E. 68th St., Ste. 204 (918) 494‑7729 Tulsa, OK 74136 Cathy Hutchison, Secretary 6565 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 907 Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 895‑8090 Kids Dental Soomin Hong, Dentist DAIRY AND/OR ICE CREAM PRODUCTS 10342 E. 21st St. DENTISTS Borden Dairy of Oklahoma Tulsa, OK 74129 (918) 587‑2471 Barry J. Farmer DDS, Inc. (918) 683‑3451 http://www.kidsdentalusa.com Bill Witt, General Manager Barry Farmer, Owner 215 N. Denver Ave. 806 N. York (918) 254‑0135 Krishna & VR, PC Tulsa, OK 74103 Muskogee, OK 74403 Hement Suthar, Manager / Administrator http://www.bordentulsa.com http://www.drbarryfarmer.com 7863 S. 95th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 Hiland Dairy Foods Inc. (918) 437‑1344 Benjamin Gerkin, DDS (918) 749‑2509 Jim Clark, Ben Gerkin, Dentist (918) 485‑3371 Lakeside Dental 16124 E. Marshall St. 4604 S. Harvard, Ste. A Amy Harman, Tulsa, OK 74116 Tulsa, OK 74135 302 S. Hayes www.hilanddairy.com http://www.drgerkin.com Wagoner, OK 74467 Trails End Knife Company (918) 371‑9980 Charles McCormick, 11429 E. 116th St. N. Collinsville, OK 74021 http://www.trailsendknifecompany.com DENTAL LAB - CROWN/BRIDGE Chad N. Webster, DDS, PC (918) 307‑0307 Chadwick Webster, Owner Pointe of Grace Dance Center 8190 S. Memorial Dr. (918) 396‑7432 Red Crown Federal Credit Union Tulsa, OK 74133 Debbie Hammontree, (918) 825‑5656 http://www.tulsadentalcreations.com/.net 219 E. Rogers Blvd. Lisa Higgins, Branch Manager Skiatook, OK 74070 19 N. Rowe St. (918) 587‑1303 Clint Stevens, DDS Pryor, OK 74361 Clint Stevens, Dentist http://www.redcrown.org DATA PROCESSING SERVICES 15 W. 6th St., Ste. 2100 Tulsa, OK 74119 TokenEx (877) 588‑7775 Sand Springs Community Federal Credit http://www.clintondstevensdds.com Alex Pezold, CEO (918) 245‑1301 Union 5110 S. Yale Ave. Leilani Harpole, President Tulsa, OK 74103 D. Scott Fooshee, DDS (918) 337‑0540 202 East Morrow Road http://www.tokenex.com D. Scott Fooshee, Owner/Dentist Sand Springs, OK 74063 707 S. Osage http://www.sscfcu.com Bartlesville, OK 74003 DANCE STUDIO DAY CARE CENTERS Tinker Federal Credit Union (918) 592‑0324 Sean Barton, Branch Manager 8920 E. 61st St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tinkerfcu.org Endodontic Specialists of Northeast Oklahoma (918) 524‑3366 Armella Glenn, Office Manager 5555 E. 71st St., Ste. 9210 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.esneok.com Collaborative Companion Care, LLC Dr. Aaron Harman (918) 485‑3371 (918) 344‑7699 Aaron Harman, Owner Libby McCormick, Owner 302 S. Hayes Ave. P. O. Box 9154 Wagoner, OK 74467 Tulsa, OK 74157 http://www.collaborativecompanion.com (918) 742‑1480 Dr. Sean Costello Sean Costello, Tulsa Federal Credit Union Small Wonders Academy (918) 561‑6179 3150 E. 41st St., Ste. 100 (918) 610‑0200 Gwendolyn Hawkins-Minor, Director/Owner Tulsa, OK 74105 Greg Gallant, President & CEO 3018 E. Pine Street 9323 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74110 Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.tulsafederalcu.org Larry F. James, D.D.S. (918) 665‑0015 Larry James, D.D.S. 5011 S. Fulton Ave., Ste. 2 Tulsa, OK 74135 Drlarryjames.com Matthew Gray, D.D.S., PLLC (918) 272‑9519 Matthew Gray, 11920 E. 86th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 Mint Dental (918) 346‑6016 Lauren Avery, Owner / Dentist 4329 S. Peoria, Ste. 335 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.mintdentaltulsa.com Modern Day Dental (918) 376‑9600 Dorinda Oestreich, 9551 N. Owasso Expressway Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.moderndaydental.com Neslihan Hargett, DDS, PLLC (918) 749‑5033 Mandy Duncan, Office Manager 3808 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 87 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 99 3/15/12 8:39 AM Peggy Merrill, DDS (918) 299‑7750 Peggy Merrill, Owner 7707 E. 111th St., Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74133 Perfect Smile Tulsa - Dr. Mark Davis (918) 742‑8100 Marianne Davis, Practice Manager 5301 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.theperfectsmiletulsa.com (918) 384‑0099 Shortline Dental Tiffanie Riggs, Marketing Director 9908 E. 21st Street Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.shortlinedental.net/newsite SoonerDentalCare (918) 742‑1480 Kenneth Garner, 3150 E. 41st St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.SoonerDentalCare.com (918) 748‑8484 Stephen Glenn, D.D.S. Stephen Glenn, 5319 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 222 Tulsa, OK 74105 Terry W. Tinker, DDS (918) 492‑3681 Terry Tinker, Owner 6565 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 603 Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 376‑2700 Thomas Dental Lanita Thomas, 12406 E. 86th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.thomasdentalandeye.com Todd Gentling DDS, Inc., PC (918) 251‑8141 Todd Gentling, 2443 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.ba-dentist.com Wesley N. Black, DDS, PC (918) 745‑0500 Wesley Black, President 3321 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 Wrany R. Southard DDS, PC (918) 294‑1144 Wrany Southard, Owner 6333 South Memorial Drive, Ste. G Tulsa, OK 74133 DENTISTS - PEDIATRICS Morrow and Lai, DDS (918) 742‑9810 Mark Morrow, 2930 S. Pittsburg Ave. Tulsa, OK 74114 JCPenney - Woodland Hills (918) 252‑7525 Gary Rowlett, Store Manager 6931 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74133 DESIGN SERVICES Born Inc. (918) 582‑2186 Binaya Thapa, President 5410 S. 49th W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 JCPenney - Promenade Mall (918) 627‑8500 Ron Kise, Store Manager 4101 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 Accent Display & Graphics, Inc. (918) 437‑4338 Irene Barns, President P.O. Box 691690 Tulsa, OK 74169 http://www.TradeShowStuff.com Crain Displays & Exhibits (918) 585‑9797 Steve Milam, President 1510 South Memorial Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.craindisplays.com Casino Hospitality Design & Consultant (918) 261‑4640 Custom Exhibits Corp. (918) 250‑2121 Robert Zablonski, Owner Jim Grisham, Sales Manager P. O. Box 434 1830 North Indianwood Ave. Jenks, OK 74037 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.customexhibits.com (918) 687-3482 S Designs Sharen Wallace, Skyline Exhibits Oklahoma, Inc. 3031 N. 11th St. West (918) 258‑6668 Muskogee, OK 74401 Jim Otterstrom, President 1813 W Reno St DEVELOPER Broken Arrow, OK 74012-1409 http://www.skyline.com One Place, LLC (918) 574‑8770 Hank Pellegrini, Principal 120 W. 3rd St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.oneoklahoma.com Plan B Industrial Sales (918) 798‑8399 Pat Bell, Owner 1808 N. 30th Street Broken Arrow, OK 74014-4996 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Community Options, Inc. (918) 789‑5900 Grace Peterson, CFO / Part-Owner P. O. Box 85 Chelsea, OK 74016 http://www.communityoptionsinc-coi.com ResCare, Oklahoma - Tulsa (918) 592‑3888 Chris Freedom, Executive Director 1601 S. Main St. Suite 400 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.rescare.com DIESEL REPAIR Diesel Power Plus, LLC (918) 625‑8191 Doug Longnecker, Owner 7014 S. 235th E. Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.dieselpowerplus.net Richard Biby, Inc. (918) 250‑0581 Richard Biby, President 5869 South Garnett Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.richardbibyinc.com DISC JOCKEY Pediatric Dental Group, LLC (918) 585‑3744 DJ Connection (918) 481‑2010 Nancy Keithline, Marketing Director Clay Clark, Owner 602 S. Utica Ave. 201 W. 5th St., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.pediatricdentalgroup.com http://www.djconnectiontulsa.com DEPARTMENT STORES DISPLAY, DESIGNERS & PROD. Revolution DJs (918) 543‑5297 Jason Kreitzer, Co-Owner 23966 S. 381st E. Ave. Porter, OK 74454 http://www.revolution-djs.com DISTRIBUTORS 3 Nine USA, Inc. (918) 561‑6880 Christian Grill, Owner 27730 S. River Rd. Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.3nine.com Broken Arrow Electric Supply Inc. (918) 258‑3581 Mick Leibold, Vice President 2350 W. Vancouver Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.baes.com Jatasco, Inc. (918) 627‑4381 Charles De Boer, Outside Sales P. O. Box 470428 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.jatasco.com (918) 607‑0317 K. E. Wilson, LLC Kevin Wilson, Owner 2737 E. 26th Place Tulsa, OK 74114 Lubsoil Equipment Co. (918) 838‑3354 Don Stanton, Operations Manager 5240 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74115 Machine Tool Specialties (918) 622‑0018 Jeff DeLaughter, President 5280 S. 100th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.machinetoolspecialties.com (918) 663‑0555 Pace Products of Tulsa Cindy Nuckolls, Owner 9513 E. 55th St., Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74145 Preferred Tape, Inc. (918) 834‑8273 Scot Marshall, President 6708 E. 13th St. Tulsa, OK 74112-5612 http://www.preferredtape.com Tilestone Distributors, Inc. (918) 492‑5434 Janelle Johnson, Owner 2309 E. 69th St. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.tilestonedistributors.com (918) 835‑9987 Val’s Distributing Ken Grabow, President P. O. Box 581583 Tulsa, OK 74158 DNA FORENSIC CONSULTING Pocket Expert Consulting, LLC (405) 410‑4601 Karen Mize, CFO 5328 E. 26th St. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.pocketexpert.net DOG GROOMING Pawcasso’s Academy of Animal Arts (918) 872‑7821 Leslie Rosales, Owner 9614 E. 26th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.pawcassos.biz DONUTS Daylight Donut / German Corner (918) 371-5544 Leroy Carey, 11330 N. Garnett Rd., Unit E Owasso, OK 74055 DRAFTING Downtown Design Services, Inc. (918) 592‑3374 Tim Harrison, President P. O. Box 9427 Tulsa, OK 74157-0427 http://www.ddsiglobal.com EngATech, Inc (918) 599‑7500 Clay Slaton, CEO 233 S. Detroit Ave., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.EngATech.com DRAPERIES/CURTAINS - RETAIL/ WHOLESALE Fabricut, Inc. (918) 622‑7700 David Finer, Vice President 9303 E. 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.fabricut.com DRILLING COMPANY Latshaw Drilling & Exploration (918) 355‑4380 Trent Latshaw, Owner 4608 S. Garnett Rd., #100 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.latshawdrilling.com DRIVE SHAFTS Power Train, Inc. (918) 445‑2220 Jeff Miller, Manager 2442 W. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.powertraintulsa.com 88 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 100 3/15/12 8:39 AM DRUG STORES Walgreen Store #3039 (918) 834‑0519 Justin Gardenhire, Manager 6415 E. Pine Street Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.walgreens.com Tulsa Job Corps Center (918) 585‑9111 Helen Guidry, Center Director 1133 North Lewis Avenue Tulsa, OK 74110 http://www.tulsa.jobcorps.gov EDUCATIONAL TRAINING Walgreen Store #3258 (918) 663‑4578 Wallace Berryman, Manager 4971 South Memorial Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.walgreens.com KIPP Tulsa College Prep (918) 925‑1580 Darius Kirk, Principal 1661 E. Virgin St. Tulsa, OK 74106 http://www.kipp.org DRYCLEANING ELECTRIC COMPANIES Ann’s Cleaners and Laundry (918) 392‑4989 Timothy Pate, Owner/Partner 320 S. Cincinnati Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.annscleaners.com Advanced Communications & Electric, Inc. (918) 447‑8600 Larry LaFave, President 1114 W. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.acetulsa.com LaMode Quality Cleaners (918) 622‑5255 Jim Light, Owner 7025 E. 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74145-4514 http://www.lamodecleaners.com Alrac Electric, Inc. (918) 587‑6607 Robert Hefley, President 508 S. Troost Tulsa, OK 74120-4062 http://www.alracelectric.com DUMP TRUCK SERVICES Arnold Electric, Inc. James Ryals, President 1424 E. 3rd St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.aeiok.com Tulsa Time Trucking (918) 663‑7448 Mark Hanoch, Owner 4530 S. Olympia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 Y-Knot Trucking (918) 437‑6683 William Grove, Owner 718 N. 145th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 ECONOMIC INCENTIVES Strategic Solutions Group, Inc. (918) 359‑6006 Doug Wright, President 8321 E. 61st St., Ste. 207 Tulsa, OK 74133 EDUCATION - CHILD SAFETY Ident-a-Kid Services of America (918) 340‑4544 Kim Tredeau, Program Director 1216 E. Kenosha, #273 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.identakid.com EDUCATIONAL CINEMA Circle Cinema Foundation (918) 585‑3456 Clark Wiens, P. O. Box 50750 Tulsa, OK 74150 http://www.circlecinema.com EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Brain Balance of Tulsa (918) 488‑8991 Isaac Johnson, Owner 6022 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.brainbalancecenters.com Teach For America (918) 746‑6807 Lance Tackett, Executive Director 3027 S. New Haven Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.teachforamerica.org Public Service Company of Oklahoma (918) 599‑2000 Stuart Solomon, President & COO P. O. Box 201 Tulsa, OK 74102 http://www.PSOklahoma.com ELECTRONICS - SALES & SERVICE (918) 639‑1319 Schultz Electric Paul Schultz, Owner 8719 Glen Lane Tulsa, OK 74131 Video Revolution, Inc. (918) 495‑0586 Ronald Witmer, President 7030 S. Lewis, Bldg. #1 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.videorevolution.com Shermco Industries, Inc. (918) 234‑2300 Jim Harrison, Operatons Manager 4510 S. 86th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.shermco.com Sooner Electrical Services (918) 266‑5707 Mary Ferguson, Administrative Assistance 8225 E. Hope Place Catoosa, OK 74015 Tucker’s Green Country Electric (918) 266‑3800 Joseph Tucker, Owner P. O. Box 805 Catoosa, OK 74015 (918) 583‑3723 CW Electric Inc. (918) 283-8034 Laurel De Lammermore, 25875 S. 4130 Rd. Claremore, OK 74019 ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES WHOLESALE Goodfellows, Inc. (918) 485‑5562 Lance Goodfellow, 31915 E. 723rd Dr. Wagoner, OK 74467 Industrial Controls of Oklahoma (918) 834‑2770 Sam Huckaby, President 6767 East Virgin Street Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.ico-inc.com Stuart C. Irby Co. (918) 250‑2491 Roy Thornton, Branch Manager 10302 E. 58th St. Tulsa, OK 74146-6598 http://www.irby.com Minor Electric and Construction (918) 341‑4622 Bill Minor, 16650 S 4110 Road Claremore, OK 74017 OG & E Electric Services (918) 227‑6232 Chuck Mitchell, Manager - Community Affairs P. O. Box 1128 Sapulpa, Ok 74067 http://www.oge.com Oklahoma Electrical Supply Co./INFOSYS (918) 585‑1297 Tim Walker, P. O. Box 3384 Tulsa, OK 74101-3384 http://www.oesco.com (336) 789‑2171 Pike Electric, LLC Rufus Lankford, Operations Vice President P. O. Box 868 Mount Airy, NC 27030 http://www.pike.com EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN SERVICES Berry Winn, M.D., PLLC Office Administrator, 211 S. 36th St., Ste. 2 Muskogee, OK 74404 (918) 781‑9466 EMISSIONS CONTROL PRODUCTS MIRATECH Corporation (918) 622‑7077 Kevin O’Sullivan, President & Chief Operating Officer 420 S. 145th E. Ave., Mail Drop A Tulsa, OK 74108-1305 http://www.miratechcorp.com EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Engage Life (918) 712‑8882 Majick RavenHawk, Owner Advanced Industrial Devices, Inc. 5272 S. Lewis, Ste. 220 (918) 445‑1254 Tulsa, OK 74105 Gary Dundee, President & Owner http://www.engagelifeeap.com 4323 S. Elwood Tulsa, OK 74107 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS http://www.aidusa.com Mac’s Electric Supply Co. (918) 583‑3101 Jack McGlumphy, President 1624 East 3rd Street Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.macselectricsupply.com Meek’s Electrical Services, Inc. (918) 622‑0334 Barbara Casey, Vice President P. O. Box 14066 Tulsa, OK 74159 Best Buy (918) 622‑0024 Mike Perkins, General Manager 5520 E. Skelly Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.bestbuy.com ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION & TRANSMISSION Bison Electric, Inc. (918) 234‑3735 Leslie Simmons, President 1209 N 143rd East Ave Tulsa, OK 74116 Benefit Plan Strategies (918) 712‑5256 James Consedine, President 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 601 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.bpstrategies.net Benefits Plus (918) 664‑0870 Dave Noble, Owner 4150 S. 100th E. Ave., #200 Tulsa, OK 74146 Benex Insurance (918) 369‑5900 Susan McGinnis, RHU 8516 E. 101st, Ste. H Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.benex.org ELECTRONIC SERVICES Birchall & Hampton (405) 528‑3360 Jim Hampton, Partner 3601 Classen Blvd., Ste. 201 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 http://www.birchallandhampton.com Direct Communications, Inc. (918) 291‑0092 Steve Vandervort, President 13701 S. Highway 75 Glenpool, OK 74033 http://www.directok.com C. L. Frates and Company (918) 232‑3170 RIck Franklin, P. O. Box 26967 Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0967 http://www.clfrates.com TCPIP, Inc. (918) 671‑8277 Terence Hare, President 322 W. 32nd Pl. South Sand Springs, 74063 http://www.tcppro.net Employee Benefit Solutions, Inc. (918) 638‑7198 Sydney Briley, Owner P. O. Box 3098 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.ebstulsa.com York Electronic Systems, Inc. (918) 258‑9675 Jennifer Jezek, V. P. of Operations 2900 West Albany Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.yorkes.com Employee Benefits Advantage, LLC (918) 459‑2516 Tim Malhoit, President 1605 S. Eucalyptus, Ste. 105 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.ebadvantage.com 89 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 101 3/15/12 8:39 AM Insurance Services (918) 344‑2279 Nancy Shahadi, Sole Proprietor 3727 S. Utica Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 Integrated Benefits of Oklahoma (918) 459‑7706 Thom Bowen, Owner 7633 E. 63rd Place. Ste. 450 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.intbenok.com (918) 492‑1921 James & Associates Clark James, Partner P. O. Box 701530 Tulsa, OK 74170-1530 Mattia Wealth Management, LLC (630) 759‑2200 Tim Dombrow, LPL Investment Advisor 2135 Citygate Lane, Ste. 300 Naperville, IL 60563 http://www.mattiawealth.com Adecco Employment Service (918) 496‑8700 Debbie Whisman, Branch Manager 2250 E. 73rd, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.adeccousa.com (918) 459‑0802 Advantage Staffing Liz Brolick, Manager 6009 S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.HireThinking.com Alternative Labor Resources Inc. (918) 622‑1448 Tony Haynie, 5924 E. 31st Street Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 362‑9675 American StaffCorp Casey Lamb, President 6301 S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.americanstaffcorp.com Plan Benefit Analysts of Tulsa, Inc. (918) 496‑2000 Daniel Wheeler, President 4775 East 91st Street, Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74137-2805 http://www.pbatulsa.com AppleOne Employment (918) 877‑0506 Lee Taylor, Branch Manager 5801 E. 41st St., Ste. 104 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.appleone.com Spirit Financial / Employee Benefits Division (918) 295‑7411 Kurt Schultz, Vice President 1800 S. Baltimore, Ste. 620 Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 747‑8600 Astra Solutions Mark Cabaniss, President P. O. Box 52402 Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.astra-solutions.com Strategic Employee Benefit Services of (918) 497‑1180 Oklahoma, Inc. Melinda Stanford, Employee Benefit Specialist 7030 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 800 Tulsa, OK 74136 Wilson Group Strategies (918) 742‑3310 Barry Wilson, Owner/Broker 8523 S. Winston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.wilsongroupstrategies.com EMPLOYEE LEASING Staff One, Inc. (918) 664‑1999 Scott Glanz, 6846 S. Canton Ave., Ste. 530 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.staffone.com EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Abundant Solutions (918) 749‑6999 Dewayne James, President 3617 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135-2227 http://www.abundantbusiness.com Accounting Principals (918) 878‑2100 Lori Rowan, Managing Director 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 312 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.accountingprincipals.com AcctKnowledge Financial Staffing (918) 582‑6000 Lisa Rambo, General Manager 1202 S. Boulder Tulsa, OK 74119-2828 http://www.AcctKnowledge.com Hubbard Family Medicine (918) 576‑1207 Rebecca Hubbard, Office Manager 12700 Country Ridge Lane Claremore, OK 74019 Jacobi Kelley Search, LLC (918) 496‑9192 Chris Jacobi, President 7030 S. Yale, Suite 504 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.jacobikelley.com Kelly Services, Inc. (918) 461-0355 Jim Fuals, District Manager 6808 S. Memorial, Ste. 202 Tulsa, OK 74133-2032 http://www.kellyservices.com Key Personnel (918) 747‑0000 Patricia Oertle-Phaneuf, President 6450 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.keyjobs.com Kruse and Associates, Inc. (918) 251‑5982 Chris Walton, CEO 8596 E. 101st Street, St. H Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.kruseassoc.com 5727 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 575 Tulsa, OK 74105 Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (918) 581‑2083 http://www.manpower.com Belen Burkhalter, Programs Manager 444 S. Houston, Ste. 200 (918) 693‑9000 Moylan Staffing, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74127 Larry Moylan, President Experis ManpowerGroup (918) 712‑8626 Allison Holbrook, Program Manager 4500 S. Garnett Rd., Suite 200 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.experis.com Express Employment Professionals (918) 362‑9600 Scott Davis, 10816 E. 71st St Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.expresspersonnel.com H.O.W. Foundation, Inc. (918) 252‑5739 Ollie Treat, Executive Director Box 470058 Tulsa, OK 74147 High Tech Resources, Inc. (918) 481‑8822 Marylee Robison, President 6120 S. Yale, Ste. 100, Two Warren Place Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.hightechinc.com Pro Drivers (918) 828‑0400 Darla Creek, Area Manager 3202 S. Memorial Drive, Ste. 1J Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.prodrivers.com (918) 398‑7593 JoCo (918) 806‑1790 Marianne Johnson, Owner Recruiting Excellence 427 S. Boston Ave., #12C Vicki Marino, Tulsa, OK 74103 1909 W. Vail St. http://www.jocotulsa.com Broken Arrow, OK 74012-0201 www.RecruitingExcellence.net (918) 836‑8939 Labor Ready Sean Fry, Branch Manager Crossbridge Consulting, LLC 3130 E. Pine St. (918) 855‑5732 Tulsa, OK 74110-4800 Jennifer Lamb, Managing Member http://www.laborready.com 4607 E. 109th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74137 (918) 492‑3131 Manpower http://www.crossbridgeconsulting.com Kelly Beyer, Branch Manager (918) 250‑5521 DMD, Inc. David McDaniel, CEO 1309 W. Detroit St. Broken Arrow, OK 0 http://www.laborfinders.com Premier Staffing Inc. (918) 491‑2200 Dan Roberts, President 7131 S. Riverside Dr. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.premier-staff.com P. O. Box 2055 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.moylanstaffing.com Oklahoma State University Career Services (918) 594‑8208 Bianca Townsend, Employer Development Coordinator 700 North Greenwood Ave. Tulsa, OK 74106 http://www.hireosugrads.com Robert Half International, Inc. (918) 493‑3393 Kimberly Shapiro, Branch Manager 7666 E. 61st St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.rhi.com (918) 971‑5900 Spherion Jim Deatherage, Owner 4936 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.spherion.com (918) 582‑0522 Stand-By Personnel Mark Morris, Owner 1530 E. 1st Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.standbypersonnel.com Switchgear Search & Recruiting LLC (918) 574‑8750 Dixie Agostino, Managing Member 1302 S. Atlanta Pl. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.switchgearrecruiting.com (918) 561‑6767 Taber Staffing Troy Taber, Owner 7040 S. Yale, Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.taberstaffing.com TaskForce Staffing, LLC (918) 749‑3116 Kevin Gaskins, 2627 E. 21st St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.taskforcestaffing.net The Major Group, LLC (918) 632‑0844 Robin Thompson, President 4815 S. Harvard Ste. 590 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://majorgroupok.com (918) 551‑7767 Part-Time Pros Carey Baker, President 1326 E. 43rd Ct., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.parttimepros.net (918) 836‑1900 The Rowland Group Don Rowland, Principal 3851 S. 103rd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.rowland-group.com Peoplelink Staffing Solutions (918) 745‑6500 Shelly Bollinger, State Manager 5401 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 101 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.peoplelinkstaffing.com (918) 628‑2000 The Working Staff Inc. Leonora Bustos-Carrillo, Owner 8556 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.theworkingstaff.com (918) 745‑1800 Pinpoint Personnel Cindy Cook, President 3311 South Yale, Suite 200 Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 749‑6661 TNT Staff Pro Lucy Cravens, President 6539 E. 31st, Ste. 17 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.tntstaffpro.com 90 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 102 3/15/12 8:39 AM Trinity Staffing (918) 622‑2588 Cory Minter, President 5321 S. Sheridan, Ste. 2 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.trinitystaffingok.com Worksource (918) 806‑6700 Bobbie Phillips, Area Manager 8316 E. 61st, Ste. 103 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.workwource.net ENERGY COMPANIES Alliance Resource Partners, LP (918) 295‑7600 Joseph Craft III, President & CEO P. O. Box 22027 Tulsa, OK 74121-2027 http://www.arlp.com BMG Basin Management Group, Inc. (918) 704‑1782 Robin Weaver, Secretary / Treasurer 5511 E. 115th St. Tulsa, OK 74137 ENERGY CONSERVATION ENGINEERS THG Energy (918) 858‑4920 Wes Buxton, Executive Vice President 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 950 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.relyenergy.com Air-X-Limited (918) 743‑6111 Ken Jones, President 2230 E. 49th St. Tulsa, OK 74105 ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS aether dbs (918) 250‑6601 Robert Fate, Domestic and International Sales Manager 11385 E. 60th Pl. South Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.elyenergy.com ENERGY SERVICE PROVIDERS Flint Energy Services, Inc. (918) 294‑3030 Bryce Satter, President 7633 E.63rd Place, Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.flintenergy.com Ron Roller (918) 260‑6769 Ron Roller, 6104 W Phoenix Ct. Broken Arrow, OK 74011 Clean Line Energy Partners (405) 990‑3453 Phillip Teel, Regional Outreach Manager ENGINEERING - ENVIRONMENTAL 5921 Lytle Dr. John Zink Company, LLC (918) 234‑1800 Oklahoma City, OK 73127 Jim Goodman, President/CEO http://www.cleanlineenergy.com P. O. Box 21220 Tulsa, OK 74121 (918) 661‑1143 ConocoPhillips http://www.johnzink.com Dan Gilliam, Manager of GSS Community Relations & Affairs Systems Analyses and Solutions, Inc. 612-A IC (918) 770‑6840 Bartlesville, OK 74004 Brian Rudichuk, Bookkeeper / Administrator 1717 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 600 Helmerich & Payne, Inc. (918) 742‑5531 Tulsa, OK 74119 Hans Helmerich, President & CEO http://www.sas-ieng.com 1437 S. Boulder Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.hpinc.com ENGINEERING - GEOTECHNICAL Magellan Midstream Partners, L. P. (918) 574‑7010 Bruce Heine, Director, Government Affairs P. O. Box 22186 Tulsa, OK 74121-2186 http://www.magellanlp.com (918) 588‑7000 ONEOK Inc. Angie Schrader, Community Investments Coordinator Post Office Box 871 Tulsa, OK 74102-0871 http://www.oneok.com (918) 622‑3442 Panoak Natural Gas Chris Harl, President 403 S. Cheyenne, Ste. 1000 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.panoak.com Seminole Energy Services, LLC (918) 492‑2840 Dana Nickel, 1323 E. 71st Street, Suite 300 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.seminoleenergy.com (918) 573‑2000 Williams Alan Armstrong, President & CEO One Williams Center 49th Floor Tulsa, OK 74172 http://www.williams.com Terracon Consultants, Inc. (918) 250‑0461 Michael Homan, Office Manager 10930 E. 56th St. Tulsa, OK 74146-6709 http://www.terracon.com ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES JR Donelson, Inc. (918) 394‑3030 Joe Donelson, 8410 E. 111th St. South Bixby, OK 74008 jrdonelsoninc.com Select Engineering (918) 592‑1133 Scott Hastings, 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 600 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.select-engineering.com B & T Engineering, Inc. (918) 587‑4630 Jeff Roberts, Telecom Engineering Manager 1717 S. Boulder, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.btengineering.com (918) 592‑3904 Carter & Burgess, Inc. Brett Mann, Senior Project Manager 403 S. Cheyenne, Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.c-b.com D. W. Gates Engineering (918) 583‑6905 Derek Gates, President/Chief Engineer 616 S. Main, Ste. 112 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.gatesengineeringservices.com/ EDG International (918) 576‑6900 Terry Stewart, President 907 S. Detroit Ave., Ste. 1100 Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.edginternational.net ENGlobal (918) 270‑1171 John Killingsworth, Manager Field Services 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 3300 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.englobal.com HMG Engineering, Ltd. (918) 493‑2500 Ying Wang Gay, President 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 3300 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.hmg-engineering.com (918) 720‑6444 I 4 Systems, Inc. Brigan Sitton, 8310 Shadowood Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74011-8283 (918) 592‑3904 Jacobs Engineering Doug Duke, Office Manager 403 S. Cheyenne Ave., Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.jacobs.com (918) 392‑0911 Lancorp, Inc Belkis Barrera Lane, Principal 20 E. 5th St., Suite 410 Tulsa, OK 74103 www.lancorpengineering.com Linde Process Plants, Inc. (918) 477‑1200 Steve Bertone, President 6100 S. Yale, Ste. 1200 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.lppusa.com Western Technologies, Inc. (918) 712‑2406 (918) 582‑4088 MPW Engineering Monica Cypert, Office Manager Scott Webb, Principal 4404 S. Maybelle 110 W. 7th St., Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74107 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.westechgalv.com http://www.mpwengineering.com Willbros Engineers (US), LLC Piland Engineering, Inc. (918) 770‑0008 (918) 496‑0400 Robert Piland, President Edward Wiegele, President 2446 E. 49th Street 2087 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.willbros.com Quality Equipment Design, Inc. (918) 492‑4019 Laverle Morrow, President 4246 S. 74th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.qed-corp.com SAIC Energy, Environment & (918) 492‑1600 Infrastructure, LLC Dan Pearson, Managing Director One West Third Street, Suite 100 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.saic.com/EEandI Shafer, Kline & Warren, Inc. (SKW) (918) 499‑6000 Tom Smith, Vice President-Director, Site Development 1323 E. 71st Street, Ste. 120 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.skw-inc.com Spartan Engineering, Inc (918) 895‑7666 Wayne Lagorin, President 10820 E. 45th St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.spartan-eng.com Vincetrox (918) 906‑7859 Zach Vincent, 9806 E. 108th Pl. North Owasso, OK 74055 ENGINEERS - CIVIL Cobb Engineering (918) 663‑9401 Doug Glenn, Branch Manager 4617 E. 91st St. South Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.cobbengr.com Impact Engineering & Planning, PLC (918) 376‑4294 Kevin Vanover, Principal 109 N. Birch, Ste. 200 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.impact-eng.net Walter P. Moore & Associates, Inc. (918) 806‑7200 Hollis Allen, Managing Director 7666 E. 61st St., Ste. 475 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.walterpmoore.com ENGINEERS - CONSULTING CH2M HILL (918) 583‑3057 Murry Fleming, Area Manager 401 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 330 Tulsa, OK 74103-4425 http://www.ch2m.com Crafton Tull (918) 584‑0347 Shane Fernandez, Corporate Director of Architecture 220 E.8th St. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.craftontullsparks.com Craig & Keithline, Inc. (918) 743‑6611 C. R. Keithline, President 6940 S. Utica Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136-3901 Enercon Services, Inc. (918) 665‑7693 Mike Fitter, Sr. Project Manager 5100 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 450 Tulsa, OK 74135-6547 http://www.enercon.com 91 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 103 3/15/12 8:39 AM Garver (918) 250‑5922 ENGINEERS - PETROLEUM Kelly Fincannon, Sr. Project Manager Joshi Technologies International, Inc. 10015 E. 51st St. (918) 665‑6419 Tulsa, OK 74146 S. D. Joshi, President http://www.garverusa.com 5801 E. 41st St., Suite 603 Tulsa, OK 74135 Kleinfelder (918) 627‑6161 http://www.joshioilandgas.com Russell Zora, Area Manager 10835 E. Independence St., Ste. 102 KWB Oil Property Management, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74116 (918) 583‑8300 http://www.kleinfelder.com C. Arnold Brown, President/COO 20 E. 5th St., Ste. 1100 (918) 665‑8800 Poe & Associates, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74103-4439 Robert Smith, V. P. 4606 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. 600 ENGRAVING Tulsa, OK 74146-5200 Brown & Hartman Engraving (918) 582‑1165 Potensys Engineering, LLC Connie Bryant, President (918) 299‑7569 552 South Quincy Christy Brown, Business Manager Tulsa, OK 74120 4304 E. 98th St. http://www.bhengraving.com Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.potensyseng.com Professional Engineering Consultants (918) 664‑5400 Ethan Edwards, Tulsa Office Manager 4150 S. 100th E. Ave., Ste. 401 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.pec1.com (918) 627‑9737 RJN Group, Inc. Tom Prag, Senior Project Manager 5401 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 302 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.rjn.com (918) 249‑3909 Tetra Tech Pam Taylor, Marketing Manager 7645 E. 63rd St., Ste. 301 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tetratech.com The Horizon Companies, Inc. (918) 663‑0870 Margo Proctor, Owner 1414-A East 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.horizoneng.com ENTERTAINMENT America’s Incredible Pizza Company (918) 294‑8671 Christeen Clark, Marketing Director 8314 E. 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.incrediblepizza.com/tulsa Big Splash (918) 749‑7385 Amber Woessner, General Manager 4707 E. 21st Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.bigsplashwaterpark.com BOK Center/SMG Tulsa (918) 894‑4200 Jerry Goldman, Assistant General Manager 200 South Denver Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.bokcenter.com Box Talent, Inc. (918) 743‑2263 Cindy Post, Vice President 3701-A S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.boxtalent.com Cain’s Ballroom (918) 584‑2306 Tulsa Engineering Alliance, Inc. Alice Rodgers, Owner (918) 394‑9444 423 N. Main St. Tony Henshaw, President & Owner Tulsa, OK 74103 7580 E 151st Street http://www.cainsballroom.com Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.teaeng.com/ Celebrity Attractions, Inc. (918) 477‑7469 Larry Payton, President (918) 582‑2552 URS Corporation 7506 East 91st Street Romelle Kirk, Project Manager Tulsa, OK 74133-6033 1437 S. Bouder Ave., Ste. 730 http://www.celebrityattractions.com Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.urscorp.com Discoveryland! USA (918) 245‑6552 Bill Jeffers, Managing Director (918) 584‑5858 Wallace Engineering P. O. Box 9787 Brad Thurman, Principal Tulsa, OK 74105 200 E. Brady St. http://www.discoverylandusa.com Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.wallacesc.com (918) 663‑5551 Laser Quest Annette Harer, ENGINEERS - ELECTRICAL 2909 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74129 Quadrelec Engineering Corp. http://www.laserquest.com (918) 744‑7172 Charles Pratt, President 4338 S. Jamestown Ave. Nikolapoulos Group Ltd. (310) 614‑6148 Tulsa, OK 74136 Chris Nichols, Owner / President http://www.quadrelec.com 6546 S. Fulton Ave. Tulsa, OK 74156 Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame (918) 281‑8600 Jason McIntosh, CEO 111 E. 1st St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.okjazz.org Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park (918) 274‑0592 Lacey Lamm, President 11403 E. 100th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.skyzonesports.com SRO Productions of Tulsa, Inc. (918) 492‑2503 Jon Terry, President 7107 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 134 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.srobands.com Tulsa Ballet (918) 749‑6030 Marcello Angelini, Artistic Director 1212 E. 45th Place South Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.tulsaballet.org EVENT COORDINATORS Parties Plus Productions, Inc. (918) 401‑0361 Dwayne Craul, Owner 4421 S. 91st E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 Perfect Occasion (918) 899‑4100 Heather Ballew, Owner 2001 W. Princeton Circle., #1012 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.theperfectoccasionandevents. com Special Event Services, LLC (918) 488‑8817 Kathy Purple, Owner 5724 E. 65th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 645‑0195 Time Line Results, LLC Austin Park, Event Planner 2226 W. Vancouver Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.timelineresults.com Tulsa Boat, Sport & Travel Show (918) 481‑6871 Phil Keeter, President 5834 E. 62nd St. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.tulsaboatshow.com EVENT FACILITY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (918) 446‑4194 Camp Loughridge Vince King, Executive Director 4900 W. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74131 http://www.camploughridge.org Arcadis G & M, Inc. (918) 664‑9900 Brian Guillette, Office Manager 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 1000 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.arcadis-us.com Bovaird Supply Company LLC (918) 293‑0223 Brian Bovaird, President P. O. Box 52826 Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.bovairdsupply.com Cherokee CRC, LLC (918) 582‑9110 Cheryl Cohenour, Owner P.O. Box 521120 Tulsa, OK 74152-1120 http://www.cherokee-crc.com Stericycle Specialty Waste Solutions, Inc. (918) 587‑9664 J. Scott Logan, President 2120 Southwest Boulevard Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.enviro-solve.com United-Tech Inc. (918) 392‑9983 John Page, Owner PO Box 470940 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.united-tech.com EQUIPMENT LEASING/RENTAL Dealer Leasing Corp. (918) 587‑3030 Mike Minyard, President 520 N. Forest Ridge Blvd. Broken Arrow, OK 74014-2757 http://www.dealerleasingcorp.com Big Cedar Lodge (417) 339‑5030 Kenny Smith, Regional Sales Manager 612 Devil’s Pool Road Ridgedale, MO 65739 http://www.bigcedar.com (918) 744‑1113 Expo Square Mark Andrus, President & CEO P.O. Box 4735 Tulsa, OK 74159 http://www.exposquare.com IDL Ballroom (918) 640‑9519 Tom Green, Owner/Partner 230 E. 1st St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.idlballroom.com Messick Banquet Room (918) 743‑1668 Dean Messick, Owner 1330 E. 58th St. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.messickbanquetroom.com Post Oak Lodge (918) 425‑2112 Jim Barnard, CEO 5323 West 31st St. North Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.postoaklodge.com (918) 266‑3331 Skelly Lodge Harvey & Janie Sweet, Owners 27795 S. Skelly Rd. Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.skellylodge.com Spirit Bank Event Center (918) 369‑9363 Kim Parsons, Director 10441 S. Regal Blvd, #295 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.spiritbankeventcenter.com (918) 664‑4724 Stokely Event Center Sam Stokely, Owner 10111 E. 45th Place Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.stokelyeventcenter.com 92 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 104 3/15/12 8:39 AM The Columns Estate (918) 812‑6707 Charlotte Hopkins, Owner 1825 S. Cheyenne Ave. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.vrbo.com/190808 Tulakogee Conference Center, Inc. (918) 462‑3212 Don Burns, Tulakogee Director 34168 E. 713th Wy Wagoner, OK 74467 http://www.tulakogee.com Tulsa Convention Center (918) 894‑4200 Janet Rockefeller, Assistant General Manager 100 Civic Center Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.tulsaconvention.com EVENT PLANNERS/DECORATORS Talmadge Powell Creative, LLC (918) 582‑0359 Talmadge Powell, Founder, Principle 1222 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.talmadgepowell.com EYE CARE CENTER Anderson and Renfro Eyecare, PLLC (918) 455‑4545 Becky Anderson, 2001 South Elm Place, Ste. B Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.andersonrenfro.com Eye Restoration Clinic (918) 664‑6544 Elsie Joy, Owner 4606 S. Garnett, #302 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.eyerestorationclinic.com Owasso Eye Institute, Inc. (918) 274‑7100 Chrystie Edwards, 12455 E. 100th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 TLC Laser Eye Centers, Inc. (918) 398‑6565 Liz Schad, Business Manager 6827 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tlcvision.com Triad Eye Medical Clinic (918) 252‑2020 Stephanie Clary, Executive Director 6140 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.triadeye.com FABRIC - RETAIL/WHOLESALE Decorator Fabric Showcase, Inc. (918) 369‑2260 Darrell Ingram, Vice President 10462 S. 82nd E. Ave., #102 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.beautifulfabric.com FAMILY SERVICES Okmulgee County Family Resource (918) 756‑2549 Marlene Covington, P. O. Box 73 Okmulgee, OK 74447 William W. Barnes Children Advocate (918) 283‑2800 Martha Kross-Vinson, P. O. Box 1889 Claremore, OK 74018-1889 FARM SHOW Midwest Shows, Inc. (507) 437‑7969 John Riles, Owner 315 4th Ave. S.E. Austin, MN 55912 http://www.farmshowsusa.com FARMING Keizor’s Farm (918) 267‑6290 Joi Keizor, Owner P. O. Box 593 Mounds, OK 74047 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney (918) 744‑4649 James Alame, Financial Advisor 2200 S. Utica Pl., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://fa.smithbarney.com/james.alame Hamilton Financial Partners, LLC (918) 779‑3730 Louise Hamilton Short, Senior Partner 7134 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.hamiltonfp.com (918) 492‑5813 The Pennyrich Co., LLC Penny Adamson, 3847 E. 72nd St. Tulsa, OK 74136 Henderson Financial Group, Inc. (918) 428‑5433 Matthew Henderson, 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1125 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.gohenderson.com Roberts Farms (918) 260‑8068 Karla Roberts, Part Owner Route 1, Box 90 Haskell, OK 74436 UBS Financial Services, Inc. (918) 712‑3100 Greg Hopeman, Branch Manager 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 825 Tulsa, OK 74136 www.ubs.com/branch/tulsadl Waddell Quarter Horses (918) 733‑9954 Addison Waddell, 23375 Hwy 52 Henryetta, OK 74437-7317 Veteran Financial Group (918) 481‑9600 Russ Palmer, 5555 E. 71st, Ste. 8310 Tulsa, OK 74136 FASTENERS/DISTRIBUTORS Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC (918) 742‑8000 John Gero, Branch Manager 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.wellsfargoadvisors.com Fastenal Company (918) 438‑8422 Matt Knox, General Manager 11205 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.fastenal.com FENCES Aaron Fence Co. (918) 446‑3503 Mike Oakley, President 4235 S. 33rd W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.aaronfence.com FESTIVALS/SPECIAL EVENTS Oktoberfest, Inc. (918) 744‑9700 Patti Zabienski, Administrative P. O. Box 4362 Tulsa, OK 74159-0362 http://www.tulsaoktoberfest.org Tulsa International Mayfest (918) 582‑6435 Heather Pingry, Executive Director 1 West 3rd Street, Suite 109 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.tulsamayfest.org FILTERS Southwest Filter Company (918) 835‑1179 D. W. Thompson, President P. O. Box 580608 Tulsa, OK 74158 FINANCIAL ADVISOR ChartMark Investments, Inc. (918) 477‑7685 Mark Smith, President/CEO 2200 S Utica Place, Suite 525 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.chartmark.com Everett Advisory Partners (918) 994‑7306 Stephen Curry, Senior Managing Director 1902 S. Nyssa Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.everettadvisory.com William Stitt Enterprise, LLC (918) 622‑1466 Bill Stitt, President 5387 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 FINANCIAL SERVICES Barretto Financial Services (918) 850‑3370 Carlos Barretto, Financial Representative 1202 Eucha Creek Place Sand Springs, OK 74063 Brock & Associates (918) 270‑1999 James Brock, Senior Financial Advisor 5018 E. 68th St., 1st Floor Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.brockandassociatesadvisors.com (918) 496‑1080 HoganTaylor, LLP Randy Nail, President 6120 South Yale, #1200 Tulsa, OK 741364242 Investment Designers of Tulsa (918) 747‑6446 Gordon Robinson, President 3314 E. 51st St., Ste. S Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.idtulsa.com (918) 388‑2003 Karimian & Associates Sylvia Karimian, Senior Financial Advisor 7712 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 240 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.sylviakarimian.com (918) 794‑4202 Kathy C. Carleton, LLC Kathy Carleton, Sr. Financial Advisor 4765 E. 91st St., Ste. 150 Tulsa, OK 74137 (918) 794‑9290 Melia Advisory Group Jim Moss, Marketing Director 5424 S. Memorial Dr., Bldg. E Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.meliaadvisorygroup.com (877) 638‑6389 MetLife Jim Tindell, Director, Customer Response Center 12902 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.metlife.com Business Pension Group, LLC (918) 369‑0505 Mission Financial (918) 488‑1124 Adrian Berryhill, Mike Simmonds, Owner P. O. Box 244 1605 S. Eucalyptus Avenue, Ste 200 Tulsa, OK 74133-0244 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.bpgoklahoma.com Modern Woodmen of America (918) 449‑1114 CEK Energy, LLP (918) 518‑5661 Robert Dickinson, Financial Representative Kevin Lambert, Managing Director 9209 Haskell Drive 9650 S. Quebec Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 Tulsa, OK 74137 https://www.modern-woodmen.org Debt Reduction Services (918) 660‑0200 Heraclio Rosales, Branch Manager 4111 S. Darlington Ave., Ste. 540 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.DebtReductionServices.com (918) 495‑1163 National Quik Cash Traci Hinson, Area Manager 7030 South Lewis, Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.qcholdings.com Financial Planning Advisors, Inc. (619) 669‑5342 Phillip Faker, President 3311 Rancho Miguel Road Jamul, CA 91935 (918) 663‑0724 National Quik Cash Jeniesha Littlejohn, Branch Manager 4343 S. Memorial, Ste. C Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.qcholdings.com Financial Planning Resources, Inc (918) 494‑2929 James “Skip” Nichols, ChFC, CLU 2250 E. 73rd, Ste. 650 Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 836‑5333 National Quik Cash Candise Butler-Forrest, Branch Manager 6912 E. Admiral Pl. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.qcholdings.com 93 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 105 3/15/12 8:39 AM New England Financial (918) 488‑8747 Joe Rice, 4444 E. 66th St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.nefn.com FINANCING Powerone Financial, Inc. (918) 231‑5568 Evans Rector, Owner 7633 E. 63rd Place, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74133 Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Superior Finance Company (918) 496‑8721 (918) 250‑2135 Lance Franczyk, Managing Partner Jon Bercher, Branch Manager - Tulsa 7030 S. Yale, Ste. 800 7167 S. Mingo Tulsa, OK 74136-5726 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.nmfn.com/oklahomagroup http://www.superiorfinancecompany.com Oklahoma Central Credit Union (918) 664‑6000 Steve McNabb, EVP & Chief Business Development Officer P.O. Box 471227 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.oklahomacentral.org Premier Advisors Group (918) 664‑6511 Michael Hulse, President 4111 S. Darlington, Ste. 800 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.premieradvisorsgrp.com Private Note Investments (918) 408‑5722 Tina Young, 6129 S. Waco Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 tyoungprivnote.com Riddle Financial Group, LLC (918) 524‑6330 Bruce Riddle, CEO 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 350 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.riddlefinancialgroup.com Securian Advisor MidAmerica, Inc. (918) 459‑9349 Joe Wilburn, Managing Partner 7633 E. 63rd Pl., Ste. 450 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.securianmidamerica.com (918) 523‑9933 Senior Options. LLC Steve Juett, Owner 5230 E. 69th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.senioroptionsllc.com Tulsa Economic Development Corp. (918) 585‑8332 Rose Washington Rentie, Executive Director 907 S. Detroit St., Ste. 1001 Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.tedcnet.com Xtreme Performance Center (918) 994‑6868 Steph Underwood, General Manager 8221 E. 61st St., Ste. 5 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.xpctulsa.com FITNESS EQUIPMENT SALES Hollywood Fitness Repair (918) 994‑7391 Phyllis Peabody, Owner / CEO P. O. Box 706 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.hollywoodfitnessrepair.com FIRE SUPPRESSION/DETECTION SCIFIT Systems, Inc. (918) 359‑2000 FireCo (918) 633‑0390 Lawrence Born, CEO Tom Palmer, Owner 5151 S. 110th E. Ave. 2000 W. Detroit, Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74146 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.scifit.com http://www.fireco-ok.com FIREWORKS Big Blast Fireworks (918) 640‑1869 Melissa Torkleson, Partner 1120 S. 221st W. Ave. Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.bigblastfireworksok.com FIRST AID SUPPLIES Zee Medical (918) 663‑5543 Chris Laakso, Sales Manager 6100 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 1900 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.zeemedical.com FITNESS CENTER Amazing Athletes of Eastern Oklahoma (918) 407‑3472 Michael Amberg, Owner 10912 N. 151st E. Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.amazingathletesinc.com Body Masters Fitness & Training (918) 720‑3714 Summit Investment Group, LLC Todd Dorrough, Owner (918) 477‑7227 8222 E. 103rd St., Ste. 105 Curtis Wilson, Owner Tulsa, OK 74133 2200 S. Utica Pl., Ste. 525 http://www.bodymastersfit.com Tulsa, OK 74114 The Financial Coach, Inc. (918) 492‑2150 Mike Mazzei, CFP 1375 E. 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74136-5035 http://www.foundationfreedom.com Inner Peace Yoga (918) 392‑7873 Meghan Donnelly, Owner / Instructor 7718 E. 91st St. S., Ste. 160 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.innerpeaceyogatulsa.com (918) 499‑1650 TSF Capital, LLC Howard Barnett, 7136 S. Yale, Ste. 414 Tulsa, OK 74136 Jimmy Lee’s Fitness & Wellness (918) 369‑9601 Jimmy Lee Miley, Owner 11021 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.jimmyleestotalfitness.com Warburton Capital Management, LLC (918) 794‑3000 Tom Warburton, Principal 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 3675 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.warburtoncapital.com Sky Fitness & Wellbeing (918) 299‑5500 Kyle Ayers, Director of Membership Development 10121 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.sky-fit.com (918) 621‑1122 Planet Fitness Jorge Roldan, Owner 5050 South Memorial Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.planetfitness.com (918) 994‑4484 T-Town Fitness Gallery Katherine Cohen, Owner 9999 S. Mingo Rd., Ste. C Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.ttownfitness.net FLOOR COVERINGS Aladdin Flooring, LLC (918) 742‑9663 Jeff Witt, Owner 2435 E. 18th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.aladdinhardwoodfloors.com , http://www.aladdinflooring.com Roper Hardwood Floor Company, Inc. (918) 694‑7834 Joseph Roper, President 9529-C E. 55th Place Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.roperfloors.com Vanco Flooring, LLC (918) 270‑9903 Debbie Evans, Project Manager 9749 E. 54th St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.vancoflooringok.com FLORISTS - RETAIL Blossom Shoppe (918) 663‑3030 Jim Wilkins, Secretary/Treasurer 5565 E. 41st, #A Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.tulsablossom.com Rebecca’s Flowers (918) 251‑0037 Rebecca Foust, Owner 804D S. 9th Street Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.rebeccasflowersandgifts.com Stems (918) 584‑1863 Renaye Johnston, Owner One Williams Center, Ste. 253 Tulsa, OK 74172 http://www.tulsaflorist.net (918) 742‑9027 Toni’s Flowers & Gifts Toni Garner, Owner 3549 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.tonisflowersgifts.com Wild Orchid (918) 392‑7633 Shirley Ludwig, Owner 5958 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.kabloomoftulsa.com FOOD PRODUCT DISTRIBUTOR Crossroads Fresh Connection, Inc. (918) 893‑6553 Brett Puckett, President 420 S. 145th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 www.crossroadsfreshconnection.com FOUNDATIONS Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation (918) 591‑1074 Alana Hughes, P. O. Box 51 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.tulsa.schusterman.org Folds of Honor Foundation (918) 274‑4700 Ginny Creveling, President & COO 5800 North Patriot Drive Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.foldsofhonor.org Foundation for Tulsa Schools (918) 746‑6600 Lucky Lamons, President & CEO 3027 S. New Haven, Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.foundationfortulsaschools.org George Kaiser Family Foundation (918) 392‑1612 Ken Levit, Executive Director 7030 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.gkff.org Coble’s Flowers & Gifts (918) 254‑3762 Susan Hauglund, 514 Plaza Ct. Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.coblesflowers.com Grace Hospice Foundation (918) 712‑2800 Sharon Doty, Director of the Foundation P. O. Box 35894 Tulsa, OK 74153 http://www.gracehospicefoundation.org Mrs. DeHaven’s Flower Shop (918) 583‑0118 Amy Adkins, Owner/President 106 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.mrsdehavens.com Merkel Family Foundation (918) 744‑5222 John Turner, Trustee 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74136 Petal Pushers (918) 494‑0999 Elizabeth Wallis, President 1660 East 71st, Suite H Tulsa, OK 74136-5191 94 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 106 3/15/12 8:39 AM Osteopathic Founders Foundation (918) 551‑7300 Sherri Wise, President 4812 East 81st Street, Ste. 301 Tulsa, OK 74137-1907 http://www.osteopathicfounders.org Floral Haven Funeral Home & Cemetery FURNITURE RENTING/LEASING (918) 252‑2518 Aaron’s Sales & Leasing (918) 835‑7071 Mark Blankenship, General Manager Roy Bingham, Sales Manager 6500 S. 129th E. Ave. 7418 E. Admiral Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74115 www.floralhaven.com http://www.aarons.com The William K. Warren Foundation Freeman Harris Funeral Home (918) 492‑8100 (918) 749‑3333 David Whitehill, General Counsel Joan Freeman, Manager P. O. Box 470372 3333 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74147-0372 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.freemanharris.com Tulsa Community Foundation (918) 494‑8823 Phil Lakin, CEO 7030 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.tulsacf.org FREIGHT FORWARDERS Moore Funeral Homes, Inc. (918) 744‑1202 Mary Ellen Stanley, Funeral Director 2570 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74114-4661 http://www.moorefuneral.com AIRGROUP (918) 438‑3243 Johnny Saied, Owner & Operations Manager 160 S. 122nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.airgroup.com Paul Norwood and Associates (918) 760‑7111 Paul Norwood, Owner 3015 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 443B Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.penorwood.com (918) 438‑1446 DHL Express Mark Odle, Station Service Manager 11519 E. Pine Street Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.dhl.com Wright Funeral Home (918) 486‑5515 James Brown, President 210 S. Broadway Coweta, OK 74429 http://www.wrightfh.net FROZEN FOODS - MFG/SALES/MKTG FURNITURE - CONSIGNMENT H. M. International, LLC (918) 664‑1914 Peter Meinig, Chairman/CEO 5810 E. Skelly Dr., Ste 1650 Tulsa, OK 74135-6420 FUEL MANAGEMENT Quick Fuel Fleet Services (817) 709‑7362 Greg Smith, Territory Sales Representative 10701 Tube Street Hurst, TX 76053 http://www.quickfuel.com FUNDING - PRIVATE College Funding Solutions, LLC (918) 346‑1954 Wayne Scott, President & Owner 2916 E. 88th St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.MyCollegeInfo.com FUNDRAISING Dolphin Bay Fundraising, LLC (918) 749‑6023 Joel Hulett, General Manager 5401 S. Sheridan, #401 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.dolphinbayfundraising.com St. John Health System Foundation, Inc. (918) 744‑2186 Richard Boone, President 1923 South Utica Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.sjmc.org FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dyer Memorial Chapel, Inc. (918) 425‑5549 Sharon Dyer, Owner-President 1610 E. Apache Street Tulsa, OK 74106 Mustard Seed Furniture Consignment (918) 742‑9600 Diana Clark, Owner 5800 S. Lewis, #154 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.mustardseedconsignment.com FURNITURE DEALERS - RETAIL Big Yellow Store (918) 835‑6888 Theresa Jones, Owner 2519 E. Admiral Pl. Tulsa, OK 74110 http://www.bigyellowstore.com Completely Country, LLC (918) 341‑7792 Martin James, 410 W. Will Rogers Claremore, OK 74017-6821 Direct Buy (918) 254‑1234 David Berry, Franchise Owner 5125 S. Garnett Rd., Suite D Tulsa, OK 74146-5900 http://www.directbuy.com GK Home Furnishings, Inc. (918) 681‑1174 Beth Cooper, 411 W. Broadway Muskogee, OK 74401 Rooms Today (918) 663‑0270 Calvin Worth, General Manager 3500 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 www.roomstoday-usa.com Videon, Inc. (918) 582‑0901 Kathy Root, 1017 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74120 GAMES - VIDEO Play N Trade Video Games - Gateway (918) 794‑6060 Granville Haynes, Owner / Manager 1605 N. Peoria Ave., Ste. C Tulsa, OK 74106 http://www.playntrade.com/playntradenorth GAS PRODUCERS Source Rock Operating LLC (918) 728‑3116 Brian Weatherl, Manager 401 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 2424 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.sourcerockenergy.com GENERATOR SALES/SERVICE/RENTAL Power Ready (918) 712‑5300 Ginette Overall, President 4121 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.powerready.net GARDEN CENTER GEOLOGICAL CONSULTING Lettuce, LLC (918) 814‑6974 Robert Walenta, Owner & Vice President 1407 S. Urbana Tulsa, OK 74112 Rock Whisperer, LLC (918) 289‑8611 Edith Wilson, Owner 3726 S. Xanthus Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.rockwhispererllc.com Myers Nursery, LLC (918) 259‑5864 Jo Elaine Palmer, 1635 S. Florence Pl. Tulsa, OK 74104 GIFT CARDS Send Out Cards - Independent Distributor (918) 808‑9629 Michael Gotcher, Independent Distributor Sanders Nursery and Distribution 8000 S. Elder Ave. (918) 486‑1500 Broken Arrow, OK 74011 James Berry, General Manager http://www.sendoutcards.com/mikegotcher 20705 E. 161st St. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 Tulsa In Ink (918) 269‑0077 http://www.sandersnurseryok.com Valerie Lopez, Owner 3135 E. 42nd St. Southwood Landscape & Nursery Co, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 299‑9409 http://www.tulsainink.com Joseph Schulte, President 9025 S. Lewis Keepsake Candles (918) 336‑0351 Tulsa, OK 74137 Karen Ririe, http://www.southwoodnursery.com 263 CR 3022 Bartlesville, OK 74003 (918) 528‑3828 The Garden Trug http://www.keepsakecandles.com Sue Welch, Owner 3009 E. 101st St. Lyon’s Indian Store / Tulsa Treasures Tulsa, OK 74137 (918) 582‑6372 http://www.thegardentrug.com Larry Lyon, President 111 S. Detroit Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 GAS & PROPANE COMPANIES Synergy Gas (918) 838‑8804 Keith Jutras, Manager 3602 N. Mingo Valley Expressway Tulsa, OK 74116 GAS MARKETERS Nielsens Exclusive Gifts at The Plaza (918) 298‑9700 Andrea Nielsen, President 8138-A South Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.NielsensGifts.com NGL Energy Partners (918) 481‑1119 Steven Tuttle, President 6120 S. Yale, Ste. 805 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.nglenergypartners.com Tapestry Gifts (918) 742‑4446 Sheri Renfrow, President 1330 E. 41st Tulsa, OK 74105 Oklahoma Energy Services, Inc. (918) 254‑9630 Bonnie Taubel, 7134 South Yale Ave., Ste. 210 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.okesi.com GAS MEASUREMENT SERVICES Flow Measurement Co., Inc. (918) 493‑3443 Bob Edwards, President 4934 E. 73rd St. Tulsa, OK 74136-7007 GLASS - COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL American Glass, Inc. (918) 583‑2728 Jessie Peterman, Owner 4600 W. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74107-3455 http://www.glassandmetal.com/agm City Glass of Okmulgee Gloria Grim, 105 N. Alabama Ave. Okmulgee, OK 74447 (918) 756‑4723 City Glass of Tulsa (918) 585‑3399 Darla Flippo, Co-Owner 1301 E. 3rd Street Tulsa, OK 74120 95 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 107 3/15/12 8:39 AM Mobile 1 Glass (918) 622‑5545 Bob Avers, Owner 1201 Wild Plum Court Oklahoma City, OK 73025 http://www.mobile1glass.com Battle Creek Golf Club (918) 355‑4850 Dee Roadman, Director of Golf 3200 N. Battle Creek Drive Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.battlecreekgc.com City of Collinsville (918) 371‑1010 Pamela Polk, City Manager P. O. Box 730 Collinsville, OK 74021 www.cityofcollinsville.com Riverbend Glass (918) 299‑4776 Delba Blair, Owner 5836 S. 68th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 Cherokee Hills Golf Club (918) 384‑7600 Matt Harris, Golf Professional 777 W. Cherokee St. Catoosa, OK 74015-3235 http://www.cherokeecasino.com City of Glenpool (918) 322‑5409 Ed Tinker, City Manager P. O. Box 70 Glenpool, OK 74033 http://www.cityofglenpool.com Emerald Falls Golf Club (918) 266‑2600 Lucia Carballo, General Manager 30510 East 63rd Street South Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.emeraldfalls.com (918) 299‑5883 City of Jenks Mike TInker, City Manager P. O. Box 2007 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.jenks.com Forest Ridge Golf Club (918) 357‑2282 Joe Robson, 7501 E. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.forestridge.com City of Sand Springs (918) 246‑2500 Rocky Rogers, City Manager P. O. Box 338 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.sandspringsok.org Mohawk Park Golf Club (918) 425‑6871 George Glenn, Manager 5223 E. 41st St. North Tulsa, OK 74115-1319 http://www.tulsagolf.org (918) 596‑7411 City of Tulsa Dewey Bartlett, Mayor 175 E. 2nd St., Suite 690 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.cityoftulsa.org Page Belcher Golf Course (918) 446‑1529 Tom Wolf, 6666 S. Union Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132-1802 Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation (405) 951‑3480 Services Raymond Turner, Project Coordinator 3535 N.W. 58th St., Ste. 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 http://www.okdrs.gov (918) 664‑7904 Robinson Glass Co. Clark Robinson, Owner 7240 E. 46th Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.robinsonglass.com GLASS BLOWING Tulsa Glassblowing Studio (918) 582‑4527 Janet Duvall, Executive Director 19 E. Brady Street Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.tulsaglassblowing.org GOLF COURSES - PRIVATE Cedar Ridge Country Club (918) 252‑2501 Cleve Stubblefield, General Manager 10302 S. Garnett Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.cedarridgecountryclub.com Indian Springs Country Club (918) 455‑7431 Franki Gibbs, Membership Director GOLF INSTRUCTION 16006 E. 131st St. South GolfTEC Tulsa (918) 622‑3968 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Pat McTigue, Owner, Director of Instruction http://www.indianspringsclub.com 6010 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 446‑6161 Oaks Country Club http://www.golftec.com Mark Barrett, General Manager 6900 S. 49th W. Ave. Maddox Golf (918) 906‑4044 Tulsa, OK 74132 Don Maddox, Owner http://www.oakscountryclub.com 8201 S. Gary Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 Southern Hills Country Club (918) 492‑3351 Nick Sidorakis, General Manager GOURMET FOODS 2636 E. 61st St. Edible Arrangements (918) 728‑3102 Tulsa, OK 74136 Sally Velcofsky, Manager http://www.southernhillscc.com 3311 S. Peoria Ave. The Golf Club of Oklahoma (918) 486‑6575 Brian Ihnat, General Manager 20400 E. 141st St. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.golfcluboklahoma.com (918) 272‑1260 The Patriot Golf Club David Bryan, PGA Director of Golf & General Manager 5790 N.. Patriot Dr. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.patriotgolfclub.com (918) 585‑8151 Tulsa Country Club Jason Fiscus, General Manager 701 N. Union Ave. Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.tulsacountryclub.com GOLF COURSES - PUBLIC Bailey Ranch Golf Club (918) 274‑4653 Corey Burd, Director of Golf 10105 Larkin Bailey Blvd. Owasso, OK 74055 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.ediblearrangements.com Edible Arrangements (918) 872‑9204 Sally Velcofsky, Manager 7731 E. 91st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.ediblearrangements.com (918) 324‑5251 Town of Depew / PWA Susan Case, Treasurer & Deputy Town Clerk P.O. Box 357 Depew, OK 74028-0357 (918) 596‑5000 Tulsa County Mark Liotta, Chief Deputy 500 S. Denver Avenue Tulsa, OK 74103 http://tulsacounty.org (918) 596‑5100 Tulsa County Assessor Ken Yazel, 500 S. Denver, Second Floor Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.assessor.tulsacounty.org U. S. Army Recruiting Headquarters (918) 665‑0344 Paul Clark, Company Commander 5321 S. Sheridan, Suite 18 Tulsa, OK 74145 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS GOURMET KITCHEN & SUPPLY PANTRY The Stock Pot (918) 627‑1146 Nancy Kavanaugh, Partner 7223 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.thestockpots.com GOVERNMENT City of Bixby (918) 366‑4430 Douglas Enevoldsen, City Manager P. O. Box 70 Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.bixby.com Erling and Associates Margaret Erling, President 4310 E. 79th St. Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 494‑5636 Longacre, Inc. (918) 607‑1129 Jami Longacre, President P. O Box 460 Kellyville, OK 74039 http://www.longacreinc.com GRANITE Midwest Marble Co. (918) 587‑8193 Richard McMahon, President 510 S. Quincy Tulsa, OK 74120 GRAPHIC DESIGN Byers Creative (918) 949‑3399 Angela Byers, Owner / Designer 9246 S. Sheridan, #209 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.byerscreative.com Feathergraphx, Inc. (918) 321‑9210 Cecil Cummings, President/Owner P. O. Box 459 Kiefer, OK 74041 (206) 323-8441 Hyde Design Laura Hyde, Graphic Design 301 E. Roy St., #68 Seattle, 98102 (918) 850‑6143 Merchant Graphics Ron Close, President 3901 W. Toledo St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 NotionBox Creative, LLC (918) 557‑4241 Joey Minick, Marketing Consultant 9109 S. Norwood Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.notionboxcreative.com Onyx Sky Design (918) 813‑3865 Paul Schmitz, CEO 9309 E. 93rd St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.onyxsky.com (918) 337‑0414 PDG+creative Matt Pendergraff, Executive Creative Director 319 South Dewey Ave., Ste. 200 Bartlesville, OK 74003 http://www.pdgcreative.com (918) 557‑8492 Rain Design Group Melissa Rainey, Owner/Partner 9230 E. 89th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 254‑8241 The Ad Dept Reuben Marcum, Owner 7504 E. 65th Place Tulsa, 74133 http://www.theaddept.net GROCERS - RETAIL Aldi, Inc. (800) 984‑7239 Mark Bersted, Vice President Olathe Division 12572 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74129-1806 http://www.aldi.us Cam’s Grocery (918) 728‑1620 Daniel Cameron, CEO 1248 S. Columbia Pl. Tulsa, 74104 http://www.camsgrocery.com Food Pyramid #61 (918) 747‑9672 Daniel Moore, Manager 3915 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 Food Pyramid #62 (918) 743‑9948 Scott Norby, Manager 3328 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 Food Pyramid #63 (918) 663‑9220 David Gonzales, Manager 7990 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 96 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 108 3/15/12 8:39 AM Food Pyramid #64 (918) 459‑5838 Joe Heck, Manager 11214 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 Food Pyramid #65 (918) 481‑0573 Sandee Gonzales, Manager 4818 E. 80th Street Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 369‑6565 Food Pyramid #66 Steve Dory, Manager 10122 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74133 Food Pyramid(Ramey & Smitty’s Supermarket-RPCS) (417) 829‑9200 Rob Marsh, Real Estate/Store Development / Store Engineering 336 S. Barnes Springfield, MO 65802 http://www.foodpyramid.com Gateway Market (918) 938‑7381 Antonio Perez, Owner 1601 N. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74106 Harps Food Stores Inc. (918) 622‑0080 Chris Yarnell, 11333 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.harpsfood.com (918) 744‑4414 Homeland #567 Jim Kern, Vice President of Human Resources 3139 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 www.homelandstores.com (918) 241‑3748 Homeland #778 Jim Kern, Vice President of Human Resources 4001 S. 97th Hwy. Sand Springs, OK 74063 (918) 747‑8905 Petty’s Fine Foods R. Scott Petty, President 1964 Utica Square Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.pettysfinefoods.com Reasor’s Foods (918) 456‑1472 Ken Perry, Director of Marketing & Advertising 200 W. Choctaw Tahlequah, OK 74464 http://www.reasors.com (918) 270‑2100 Reasor’s Foods Anthony Fulfaro, Store Director 4909 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.reasors.com (918) 293‑2244 Reasor’s Foods Dale Lobaugh, Store Director 1885 South Yale Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.reasors.com Reasor’s Foods Darla Burns, Store Director 7114 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.reasors.com (918) 610‑0610 Reasor’s Foods Tony Bell, Store Director 11005 E. 41st Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.reasors.com Reasor’s Foods (918) 748‑8332 Jeff Burns, Store Director 2429 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.reasors.com Body Shapers International (918) 200‑2166 Gloria Kelley Gonzalez, Owner 7414 E. 97th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market (918) 258‑6175 Scott Gray, Store Manager 1770 S. Elm Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 H20 For Life (918) 955‑6305 Tim Skiba, 1318 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.h20forlife.info Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #2395 (918) 299‑8316 Robert Cannon, Store Manager 9411 S. Delaware Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.wal-mart.com Southern Anesthesia Providers, P. C. (918) 519‑5717 Rodan & Fields Dermatologists (615) 202‑9765 Brent Henderson, Cynthia Mabry, Independent Consultant 513 E. Shreveport St. 1233 W. Richmond Shop Rd. Broken Arrow, OK 74011 Lebanon, TN 37090 https://cynthia.myrandf.biz Tulsa City County Health Department Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #2880 (918) 524‑1435 Awet Tsehaye, Store Manager 6606 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.walmart.com Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #3340 (918) 392‑7020 Blake Litton, Store Manager 4720 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74114 Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #3457 (918) 622‑7797 Bill Baumann, Store Manager 3116 South Garnett Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.walmart.com Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market #5093 (918) 749‑1577 Steve Love, Store Manager 4404 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 GUTTERING Best Choice Guttering, INC. (918) 270‑2224 Daniel Lewis, Owner 2104 N. Willow, Suite I Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.bestchoiceguttering.com HAIR REPLACEMENT SERVICES Cirrus Hair of Tulsa (918) 492‑1919 Michael Son, President 1660 E. 71st St., Ste. Q Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.cirrushairoftulsa.com HANDYMAN SERVICE Davidson Maintenance Service (918) 408‑5475 Kirk Davidson, Owner 20469 Highway 72 Haskell, OK 74436 www.tulsa-handyman.com HEALTH & WELLNESS PRODUCTS Body Shapers By Ardyss (918) 527‑8533 Veronica Leichnitz, Owner 7628 S. Quebec Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bodyshapersbyardyss.com HEALTH CARE A Better Life Home Care (918) 392‑3838 Lori Hauge, President 309 E. Dewey Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.abetterlifehomecare.com (918) 779‑7414 Care ATC Paul Keeling, Director of Sales 9902-A East 43rd St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.careatc.com Community Health Connection, Inc. (918) 622‑0641 Laurie Paul, CEO 9912 E. 21st Street Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.communityhealthconnection.org Comprehensive Medical Foot Care, LLC (918) 607‑6533 Steve Gregory, 2605 S. Beech Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Eastern Oklahoma Ear Nose & Throat (918) 492‑3636 Jalinda Glesener, Marketing Coordinator 5020 East 68th Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.eoent.com Gastroenterology Associates, PLLC (918) 307‑3144 Eric Cottrill, Owner 10505 E. 91st, Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tulsagi.com Maxim Healthcare Services (918) 496‑0001 Josh Naylor, Accounts Manager 5314 Yale Ave., Suite 510 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.maximhomecare.com Michael L. Martin, PhD, PLLC (918) 895‑6294 Michael Martin, 5555 E. 71st St., Ste 6300 Tulsa, OK 74136 Morton Comprehensive Health Services, Inc. (918) 587‑2171 John Silva, CEO 1334 N. Lansing Ave. Tulsa, OK 74106 www.mortonhealth.org Psychiatry of Tulsa (918) 627‑8858 Hazem Sokkar, 4833 S. Sheridan, Ste. 408 Tulsa, OK 74145 Skiatook Osteopathic Clinic, Inc. (918) 396‑1262 Rudolph Wolf, President P. O. Box 428 Skiatook, OK 74070-0428 (918) 595‑4400 Bruce Dart, Health Director 5051 S. 129th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.tulsa-health.org Tulsa Integrated Pain Services (918) 477‑5950 Yvonne Redington, Manager 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 563 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.tulsaintegratedpain.com/ HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION Benefit Informatics, Inc. (918) 491‑3600 Philip Kurtz, President & CEO 400 Riverwalk Terrace, Ste. 250 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.benefitinformatics.com (918) 878‑7300 GlobalHealth, Inc. Scott Vaughn, President & CEO 6120 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 925 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.globalhealth.com (918) 481‑4282 Relay Health Craig Seiler, Director Support 6100 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 1900 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.relaythealth.com HEALTH SERVICES Oklahoma Heart Institute (918) 592‑0999 Steven Struttmann, Executive Director 1265 South Utica Ave., 3rd Floor Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.oklahomaheart.com Passport Health of Oklahoma (888) 528‑9521 Russell Rooms, Executive Director 3545 NW 58th St., Ste. 340 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 http://www.passporthealthok.com Planned Parenthood of Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 858‑5207 Kate Neary-Pounds, 5780 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.ppaeo.org HEALTH/WELLNESS CLINIC Hillcrest Fitness Center (918) 579‑4900 Chris Bousum, Director 1265 S. Utica, Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.hillcrest.com/help/ 97 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 109 3/15/12 8:39 AM PIC-Med of Oklahoma David Parekh, Manager 11014 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.picmed.com (918) 438‑5005 St. John Siegfried Health Club (918) 744‑2484 Ken Grant, Director 1819 E. 19th Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.stjohnhealthsystem.com Tulsa Natural Health Clinic and Spa (918) 551‑6600 Connie Morgan-Harris, President 6465 S. Yale, Ste. 804 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.tulsanaturalclinic.com HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS Cardinal Health (918) 808‑7358 Cathy Morgenstern, Sales Representative 10205 E. 61st St., E-1 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.E.com (918) 250‑7610 Melaleuca, Inc. Marvin Krueger, Independent Marketing Executive 10707 E. 76th St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 HEALTHCARE RESOURCE MyHealth Access Network (918) 236‑3439 Dean Hudson, Director of Business Operations 16 E. 16th St., Ste. 405 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.myhealthaccess.net HEALTHCARE SERVICES Breathe America-Tulsa, LLC (918) 259‑3141 Eric Lindaman, Regional Account Manager 817 S. Elm Pl., Ste. 105 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.breatheassap.com/tulsa HEARING AIDS Better Sound Hearing Aid Service (918) 894‑4000 Natalie Landis, 7103 S. Yale Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bettersoundhearingaidservice. com HEAT EXCHANGERS Energy Exchanger Company (918) 437‑3000 Ralph Hendrex, President 1844 North Garnett Road Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.energyexchanger.com Hughes-Anderson Heat Exchangers, Inc. (918) 836‑1681 Monte Stewart, President 1001 N. Fulton Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.hughesanderson.com HEAT TRANSFER EQUIPMENT Optimus Corp. (918) 491‑9191 G. Scott Lewis, President 5727 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74105-7147 http://www.optimus-tulsa.com SPX Heat Transfer Inc (918) 234‑6000 Jorge Camacho, President P. O. Box 3158 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://spxheattransfer.com/ HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE ABC Air Conditioning Co., Inc. (918) 627‑8745 Terry Bell, President P. O. Box 4243 Tulsa, OK 74159 Air Assurance Co. (918) 258‑2665 Mike Rampey, President 1301 SW Expressway Dr. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.airassurance.com Air Technology Services (918) 258‑5858 Kym Barger, Owner P.O. Box 470665 Tulsa, OK 74147 (918) 252‑5666 Airco Service, Inc. John Boyce, President 11331 E. 58th St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.aircoservice.com Beck Mechanical Inc. (918) 402‑2266 Steve Beck, Owner 3771 E. 78th St. Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 252‑0597 Benco Services, Inc. Keli Bennett, Accountant - Corporate Secretary 5853 S. Garnett Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.okbenco.com (918) 543‑2665 Cool Enterprises, Inc. Steve Maner, Owner P. O. Box 526 Inola, OK 74036 Hill & Company (918) 258‑8855 Mark Hill, Managing Partner 12345 S. 193rd E. Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.topahill.org Quality Control Management (918) 872‑1707 Teresa Cox, Owner 8302 E. 78th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 McIntosh Services, Inc. (918) 270‑1414 Tom Owens, President P.O. Box 472208 Tulsa, OK 74147-2208 http://www.mcintoshservices.com Rooney Holdings, Inc. (918) 583‑6900 Kevin Moore, 5601 South 122nd East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74146 (918) 899‑5164 Quick Temp Cooling Rod McGee, Owner P. O. Box 195 Skiatook, OK 74070 Ready Services (918) 706‑3743 John Anderson, Marketing Manager 9521 S. Riverside Dr., Ste. B#249 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.rsmtulsa.com Sharp Heat & Air, Inc. (918) 272‑2665 JoAnne Sharp, 9210 N. 163rd E. Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 Shatwell Heat & Air (918) 288‑6560 Levon Shatwell, Owner P. O. Box 125 Collinsville, OK 74021-0125 (918) 663‑1614 Soder Mechanical Inc. Scott Soder, President 9526 E. 54th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.sodermechanical.com (918) 582‑2212 Veolia Energy Tulsa Sam Kumar, General Manager 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1501 Tulsa, OK 74103-4704 HEATING EQUIPMENT & SYSTEMS The G. C. Broach Company (918) 664‑7420 Roger Broach, 7667 E. 46th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.broach.com HEAVY EQUIPMENT Custom Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. (918) 258‑8686 J. C. Canfield, Design Consultant 901 S. 9th St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.customservices-inc.com Kirby-Smith Machinery, Inc. (918) 438‑1700 Bruce Taylor, Tulsa Branch Manager 12321 E. Pine Street Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.kirby-smith.com Donohue Commercial Services (918) 663‑5353 Steve Yeagle, General Manager 7676 E. 46th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74145 Yellowhouse Machinery Co. (918) 245‑5926 Curtis Christiansen, Oklahoma Sales Manager 1100 W. Wekiwa Rd. Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.yellowhouse.us/index.html (918) 437‑3721 Dowd Heat & Air Terry Dowd, Owner 5412 S. Mingo Rd., #M Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.dowdheatandair.com Dyna Service of Oklahoma LLC (918) 663‑6200 Steve Sanders, President 5136 S. 94th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.dynaserviceok.com HOLDING COMPANIES Houston Interests, LLC (918) 496‑4400 Lauren Houston, Strategic Planner 6846 S. Canton Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.houstoninterests.com Knightsbridge Resources (918) 392‑2880 William Walker, Asset Manager 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74136 HOME BUILDERS Brian D. Wiggs Homes, Inc. (918) 518‑5678 Carolyn Wiggs, Vice President P. O. Box 280 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.briandwiggs.com Capital Contracting, Inc. (918) 809‑4440 Wayne Rogers, Owner 4740 S. Toledo Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.capitalcontractinginc.com Home Creations (918) 355‑4995 Deb Karstens, Community Manager - Realtor 3325 E. Emmitsburg Place Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.homecreations.com Legend Homes, L.L.C. (918) 850‑6126 Christy Chambers, Co-Owner 2708 N. 16th St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.legendhomesok.com Magnolia Homes (918) 254‑1118 Nancy Schwartz, V.P. / Secretary 10026-A S. Mingo Rd., #281 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.magnolia-homes.com Stimson Brothers Construction (918) 341‑4210 Jerry Stimson, Owner 1324 W. Oklahoma St. Claremore, OK 74017 Water Rock Homes (918) 269‑8090 Jared Brown, Owner 6632 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.waterrockhomes.com HOME HEALTH SERVICES Added Care Services, LLC (888) 499‑1129 Todd Onstott, COO 1216 E. Kenosha, 287 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.addedcareservices.com BrightStar (918) 392‑9949 Jeff Stone, President/Owner 5110 S. Yale, Ste. 530 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.247brightstar.com Care Plus Home Health Care, Inc. (918) 294‑9760 Prasad Itty, President 8030 S. Memorial Dr., #D-1 Tulsa, OK 74133 Freedom Hospice LLC (918) 493‑4930 Mary Bush, Owner / HR Administrator 6666 S. Sheridan Rd., #102 Tulsa, OK 74133 98 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 110 3/15/12 8:39 AM Magna Home Health Care (918) 459‑5073 Leonard Agbasi, CEO 4271 W. Albany Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.magnaok.com Millennium Home Health Care, Inc. (918) 493‑6555 Donna Randall, Owner 12129 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.millenniumhhc.com Renaissance Management Group (918) 254‑6748 Patrick Brendle, President & Executive Director 7615 E. 63rd Pl., Ste. 130 Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 493‑2100 Senior Select Ann Popejoy, Owner 10810 E. 45th St., Ste. 310 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.seniorselecthc.com Shanadoa Home Health, Inc. (918) 331‑0800 Shanda Minson, Owner 2633 S.E. Mission Dr., Apt. #128 Bartlesville, OK 74003 Specialized Home Health (918) 481‑8135 James Wilcox, Business Manager 7125 S. Braden Tulsa, OK 74136 HOSE & ADAPTERS Ameriflex Hose and Accessories (917) 437‑7002 Corvan Robison, President & CEO 12940 E. Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.ameriflex.com HOSPICE SERVICES Infinity Care of Tulsa (918) 392‑0800 Deborah Brazeal, CEO 6914 S. Yorktown, Ste. 115 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.infinitycare.com Tranquility Hospice (918) 592‑2273 Nikia Denny, Owner 1815 E. 15th Street Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.trinityhospice.com HOSPITALS Hillcrest HealthCare System (918) 579‑1000 Kevin Gross, President & CEO 110 W. 7th St., Ste. 2540 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.hillcrest.com Hillcrest Medical Center (918) 579‑1000 Kevin Gross, Division President & CEO Hillcrest HealthCare System 1120 S. Utica Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.hillcrest.com HOME LINGERIE PARTY For Ladies Only, Inc. (918) 447‑1414 Jim Tolson, Owner 5521 W. 51st Street Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.floparty.com HOME MEDICAL EQUIPMENT New Frontier Medical (918) 392‑4444 Diane Gates, General Manager 5147 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.newfrontierhospice.com HOME STAGING Stage First Design, LLC (918) 699‑9816 Kim Richard, Owner 8730 E. 110th Ct. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.stagefirstdesign.com HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Arabian Horse Association (303) 696‑4500 Glenn Petty, Executive Vice President 10805 E. Bethany Dr. Aurora, CO 80014 http://www.arabianhorses.org Palomino Horse Breeders of America, Inc. (918) 438‑1234 General Manager, 15253 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.palominohba.com Kaiser Rehabilitation Center (918) 579‑7100 Michael Mages, Administrative Director of Rehab Therapy Services 1125 S. Trenton Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.kaiserrehab.com Laureate Psychiatric Clinic & Hospital (918) 481‑4000 Eli Smith, Executive Director 6655 South Yale Tulsa, OK 74136-3329 http://www.laureate.com MeadowBrook Specialty Hospital (918) 660‑5303 Lee Simpson, CEO 3219 S. 79th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.rehabcare.com Muskogee Community Hospital (918) 684‑2701 Stephen Thames, 2900 N. Main St. Muskogee, OK 74401 http://www.mch-ok.com Oklahoma State University Medical Center (918) 599‑1000 Jan Slater, CEO 744 West 9th Street Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.osumc.net Oklahoma Surgical Hospital (918) 477‑5000 Pinto Horse Association of America, Inc. Rick Ferguson, CEO (405) 491‑0111 2408 E. 81st St., Suite 300 Darrell Bilke, Executive Vice President/COO Tulsa, OK 74137-4230 7330 N.W. 23rd Street http://www.oklahomasurgicalhospital.com Bethany, OK 73008 http://www.pinto.org Saint Francis Health System (918) 494‑2200 Jake Henry, President & CEO 6161 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.saintfrancis.com Saint Francis Hospital South (918) 307‑6000 David Weil, Senior Vice President/Administrator - Saint Francis Hospital South 10501 E 91st St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 Select Specialty Hospital, Tulsa (918) 579‑7260 Tracy Ferlet, CEO 1125 S. Trenton, 3rd Floor Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.selectmedicalcorp.com St. John Health System (918) 744‑2180 David Pynn, COO 1923 S. Utica Ave Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.sjmc.org Tulsa Spine & Specialty Hospital (918) 388‑5701 Terry Woodbeck, CEO 6901 S. Olympia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.tulsaspinehospital.com HOTELS Aloft Tulsa Hotel (918) 949‑9000 Sarabeth Marshall, Director of Sales 6716 S. 104th E. Ave Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.alofttulsa.com Ambassador Hotel (918) 587‑8200 Michael Frimel, General Manager 1324 S. Main Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.hotelambassador-tulsa.com Best Western Airport (918) 438‑0780 Dharmesh Gandhi, Owner 222 N. Garnett Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.BWTulsaAirport.com Best Western Inn & Suites (918) 858‑2100 Beth Andrews, General Manager 3212 S. 79th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 Best Western Owasso Inn & Suites (918) 272‑2000 Sonny Patel, Owner 7653 N. Owasso Expressway Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.bestwestern.com Best Western Sand Springs Inn & Suites (918) 245‑4999 B.C. Gheewala, General Manager 211 S. Lake Dr. Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.Bestwestern.com/ sandspringsinnsuites (918) 294‑9000 Candlewood Suites Kate Buster, 10008 E. 73rd St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.candlewoodsuites.com Circle Inn (918) 832‑7717 Bhagvandas Patel, 8945 East Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74115 Clarion Hotel (918) 258‑7085 Bhavna Desai, General Manager 2600 North Aspen Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.choicehotels.com/hotel/ok161 Comfort Suites Airport (918) 628‑0900 Greg Romine, General Manager 1737 South 101st East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.comfortsuites.com/hotel/ok003 Comfort Suites-Central/I-44 (918) 622‑6300 Nila Patel, Owner 8039 E. 33rd St. South Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.comfortsuites.com/ires/en-US/ hotel/ok109 (918) 660‑0646 Courtyard by Marriott Landon Amberg, General Manager 3340 South 79th East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.marriott.com/tulcy (918) 994‑4500 Courtyard by Marriott Trina Salavar, GM 9041 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.marriott.com/Tulwh Courtyard by Marriott/Atlas Life (918) 994‑6300 Jeff Hartman, Owner/Operator 2251 N. Stonewood Circle Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.sjshospitality.com (918) 663‑4541 Days Inn Amrut Patel, GM & Owner 8181 E. Skelly Drive Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.daysinntulsa.com (918) 836‑3931 Days Inn - Airport Andy Patel, General Manager 35 N. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.daysinn.com/hotel/20414 Days Inn South (918) 299‑8511 Chandulal Patel, 8888 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.daysinnsouthtulsa.com DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Tulsa - Warren (918) 495‑1000 Place James Cunningham, General Manager 6110 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.doubletree.com DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Tulsa (918) 587‑8000 Downtown Luis Arellano, General Manager 616 W. 7th St. Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.tulsadowntown.doubletree.com Econo Lodge Inn & Suites (918) 624‑2800 Rakesh Dayalji, General Manager 3217 S. 79th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 99 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 111 3/15/12 8:39 AM Embassy Suites Hotel (918) 622‑4000 Curtis Reitz, General Manager 3332 South 79th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.tulsa.embassysuites.com Hilton Garden Inn (918) 838‑1444 Terri Kullerd, General Manager 7728 Virgin Ct. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.hiltongardeninn.com Fairfield Inn & Suites - Marriott (918) 994‑4700 Stacey Wyett, GM 9150 S. 102nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.marriott.com/Tulcr Hilton Garden Inn - Tulsa South (918) 392‑2000 Renee Reed, General Manager 8202 S. 100th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tulsasouth.gardeninn.com Fairfield Inn by Marriott Tulsa Central (918) 663‑0000 Cecile Jairamani, General Manager 3214 S. 79th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.marriott.com/tulfc Hilton Garden Inn Tulsa Midtown (918) 858‑7777 Steve Nabilsi, General Manager 4518 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.hilton.com Fairfield Inn Woodland Hills (918) 252‑7754 Veronica Gomez, General Manager 9020 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.marriott.com Hilton Tulsa Southern Hills (918) 492‑5000 Julie Trimble, General Manager 7900 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.hiltontulsa360.com Hampton Inn (918) 251‑6060 Kal Desai, 2300 West Albany St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.hampton-inn.com/hi/tulsabrokenarrow Holiday Inn & Suites Tulsa South (918) 994‑5000 Jim Mullen, General Manager 10020 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.holidayinn.com/tulsasouth Hampton Inn & Suites Tulsa Central Holiday Inn Express & Suites - South (918) 779‑4000 (918) 970‑6000 Tulsa/Bixby Karen Scanlon, General Manager Avinas Nokhai, General Manager 3418 S. 79th E. Ave. 8405 E. 102nd St. South Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tulsacentralsuites.hamptoninn. http://www.hiexpress.com/tulsabixby com Hampton Inn and Suites Tulsa Hills (918) 340‑5000 Karen Scanlon, General Manager 7004 S. Olympia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.tulsahillssuites.hamptoninn.com Holiday Inn Express Central (918) 665‑4242 Terry Studenny, General Manager 3215 South 79th East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.hiexpress.com/tulsacentral Hampton Inn and Suites Tulsa/Catoosa (918) 739‑3939 Elizabeth Beilhartz, General Manager 100 E. McNabb Field Rd. Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.tulsacatoosasuites.hamptoninn. com Holiday Inn Express East (918) 266‑4100 Natalie Maynard, General Manager 18725 E. Admiral Place Catoosa, OK 74015 Hampton Inn South Tulsa/Bixby (918) 394‑2001 Philip Koepf, General Manager 8220 E. Regal Place Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.hamptoninn.com Hampton Inn-Tulsa/Sand Springs (918) 245‑8500 Matt Knight, Director of Sales 7852 W. Parkway Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.tulsa.hamptoninn.com Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa (918) 384‑7800 Stacy McKee-Redden, Director of Sales 777 W. Cherokee Street Catoosa, OK 0 http://www.hardrockcasinotulsa.com Holiday Inn Tulsa City Center (918) 585‑5898 Shannon Penner, General Manager 17 W. 7th St. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.holidayinn.com/tulsa-cc Homewood Suites by Hilton (918) 392‑7700 Andy Patel, Owner 4900 W. Madison Place Broken Arrow, OK 74012 www.tulsasouth.homewoodsuites.com Hyatt Place Tulsa/Southern Hills (918) 491‑4010 Tonnie Wainscott, General Manager 7037 S. Zurich Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.hyattplace.com (918) 582‑9000 Hyatt Regency Tulsa Jeff Keeley, General Manager 100 East 2nd St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.tulsa.hyatt.com Interstate Inn (918) 446‑1600 Jay Patel, Owner/Manager 5554 S. 48th W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 Savoy Hotel (918) 347‑2869 David Sharp, Owner 631 South Peoria Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.tulsasavoy.com La Quinta Inn and Suites Airport (918) 949‑3600 Sheridan Pond Apartments & Guest Suites (918) 481‑1650 Dennis Patel, Owner 23 N. 67th E. Ave. Nola Vaughn, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74115 8130 S. Lakewood Place Tulsa, OK 74137 (918) 665‑0220 La Quinta Inn, LLC Suzanne Allen, General Manager 10829 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 htttp://www.laquinta.com La Quinta Tulsa Central (918) 665‑2630 Michael DeVilbiss, General Manager 6030 E. Skelly Drive Tulsa, OK 74135 http://601.lq.com Mayo Hotel and Residences (918) 582‑6296 Macy Snyder, Director of Public Relations and Social Events 115 West 5th Street Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.themayohotel.com (918) 835‑2301 Oasis Motel P. R. Patel, Owner 9303 E.11th Tulsa, OK 74112 Quality Inn Broken Arrow (918) 258‑8585 Rakesh Dayalji, President 2301 W. Concord St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.enlightementhospitality.com (918) 858‑9625 Quality Suites Linda Haynes, General Manager 3112 S. 79th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.choicehotels.com Radisson Inn Tulsa Airport (918) 835‑9911 Robert Everett, General Manager 2201 North 77th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.parkinn.com/airporthotel-tulsa Sleep Inn & Suites-Central/I-44 (918) 663‑2777 Cammy Bradley 8021 E. 33rd St. South Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.sleepinn.com/hotel/ok093 Sleep Inn & Suites Tulsa South (918) 249‑8100 Sonny Patel, Owner 10143 E. 62nd Street South Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.sleepinntulsaok.com (918) 664‑7241 Studio 6 Sanjay Naik, General Manager 8181 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.guesthouseintl.com (918) 249‑8008 Super 8 Ashiq Kumar, Market / Sales Representative 12416 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.super8.com The Campbell Hotel & Event Center (918) 744‑5500 Barbara Casey, Owner 2636 E. 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.thecampbellhotel.com Tulsa Holiday Inn Express - Woodland (918) 459‑5321 Hills Jackie Mallory, General Manager 9010 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 [email protected]/tulsa-woodland Tulsa Marriott-Southern Hills (918) 493‑7000 Joe Gaudet, General Manager 1902 E. 71st Street So. (918) 828‑9128 Ramada Tulsa, OK 74136 Marc Childers, General Manager http://www.tulsamarriott.com 8175 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74129 (918) 250‑4850 Tulsa Residence Inn Tiffany Bigbie, Sales Manager (918) 622‑6776 Red Roof Inn 11025 E. 73rd St. South Kal Deshi, Owner Tulsa, OK 74133 4717 S. Yale http://www.mariott.com Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.redroof.com Renaissance Tulsa Hotel & Convention Center (918) 307‑2600 Tim Lewin, General Manager 6808 South 107th East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.renaissancetulsa.com (918) 836‑8101 Rest Inn & Suites Amrut Patel, Owner 7475 E. Admiral Pl. Tulsa, OK 74115 (918) 254‑1777 Tulsa Springhill Suites Craig Lovell, General Manager 11015 E. 73rd St. South Tulsa, OK 74133 http://marriott.com/property/propertypage/ TULSH (918) 663‑1000 Tulsa Square Hotel Andrea Velasquez, General Manager 3209 S.79 East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.hamptoninn.com 100 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 112 3/15/12 8:39 AM Western Inn (918) 835‑7640 Shorty Patel, Owner/Partner 5915 E. 11th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 Granite Mountain, LLC (918) 742-3109 Robert Austin, President P.O. Box 52009 Tulsa, OK 74152 Wyndham Tulsa Hotel (918) 627‑5000 Stephen Salay, General Manager 10918 E. 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.wyndham.com Gwendolyn Highfill (918) 2740114 Gwendolyn Highfill, 9708 N. 99th E. Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 HOUSING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Pythian Manor West (918) 583‑4401 Cassie Moore, Manager 1700 Riverside Drive Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa Pythian Manor (918) 836‑2710 Laurel Barnett, Manager 6568 E. 21st Place Tulsa, OK 74129 www.tulsapythianmanor.org HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT Accord Human Resources (918) 270‑1727 Rick Hash, Business Development Consultant 9717 E. 42nd St., Ste. 104 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.accordhr.com HRB Consultants (918) 630‑7401 Kent Williams, Principal Consultant 1811 S Baltimore, Suite 201 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.hrb-links.com Jeff Wilkie Consulting (918) 625‑9383 Jeff Wilkie, President & CEO 5707 S. New Haven Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 www.jeffwilkieconsulting.com The People Group (888) 797‑9992 Kevin Kennemer, Partner 11063-D South Memorial Drive, #501 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.thepeoplegroupllc.com HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Berendsen Fluid Power, Inc. (918) 592‑3781 Albert Anthony, Vice President 6526 East 40th Street Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.bfpna.com HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Hytorc Central (918) 296‑0202 Rocky Fisher, Owner 302 W. A St. Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.hytorccentral.com INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP Bobby Burnett (918) 637‑6492 Bobby Burnett, 1605 South Beech Avenue Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Boylan Partners, LLC (918) 493‑7993 Peter Boylan, 6600 Timberlane Road Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 809‑6930 John Haste John Haste, Vice President 6609 E. Broadway Street Broken Arrow, OK 74014 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION Blackhawk Industrial (918) 610‑4712 Tonya Thompson, Manager or HR, Benefits & Wellness 5460 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. G Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.blackhawkid.com R. L. Hudson & Company (918) 259‑6600 Rick Hudson, CEO 2000 W. Tacoma Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.rlhudson.com INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES AirTech, Inc. (918) 693‑0299 Victor Washburn, President 13100 E. 101 N. Owasso, OK 74055 INFORMATION SERVICES New Orders Weekly (918) 299‑7220 Tom Pepper, Owner P. O. Box 54609 Tulsa, OK 74155-0609 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACE Network Consulting (918) 496‑4223 Pat Turney, Principal Consultant 7050 S. Yale, Ste. 350 Tulsa, OK 74136 www.acenetconsulting.com Adair Computer, LLC (918) 274‑9994 Mark Adair, Owner 13314 East 88th Court North Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.adairtechnology.com (918) 924‑9464 CT Technologies LLC Chris Tracy, Owner 8301 E. 51st St., Ste. 208 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.cttechnologies.net Cyboriginal, Inc. (918) 895‑6014 James Gillispie, President 3712 E. 82nd Street Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.cyboriginal.com (918) 592‑3722 Docvia, LLC Noah Roberts, 301 E. Archer St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.docvia.com Allied Bearings Supply Co. (918) 583‑0164 HP Enterprise Services (918) 939‑4366 W. Allen, Chairman/CEO Wesley Mitchell, Director, U.S. Central Hub Box 3263 Data Center Tulsa, OK 74101 4000 North Mingo Road, MD 396 http://www.alliedbearings.com Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.eds.com AMETEK Chandler Engineering (918) 250‑7200 Integrated Technology Solutions Daniel Skinner, Division Vice President (918) 748‑9846 P. O. Box 470710 Terry Anderson, Managing Partner Tulsa, OK 74147 P. O. Box 701594 http://www.chandlerengineering.com Tulsa, OK 74170-1594 http://www.its-systems.com Continental Industrial Supply Co. (918) 948‑9410 Interworks Inc. (918) 258‑9500 Staci Bejcek, Director of Operations Joe Parker, 1425 S. Sangre Rd. 744 W. Elgin Stillwater, OK 74074 Broken Arrow, OK 74012-2401 http://www.interworks.com Core Lab Instruments & Temco divisions of Core Laboratories L.P. (918) 834‑2337 Paul Brauer, General Manager 4616 North Mingo Tulsa, OK 74117-5901 http://www.corelab.com Grainger (918) 836‑8631 Randy Frost, Branch Manager 10707 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74116-1547 http://www.grainger.com (918) 584‑2919 Pruitt’s Tool Sales Jerry McGinnis, Owner 1020 N. Peoria Ave Tulsa, OK 74106 Tulsa Industrial Products (918) 266‑6590 Ann Haney, Owner-Partner P.O. Box 1529 Catoosa, OK 74015 Realize Information Technology (918) 508‑2228 Jeffrey Woods, Owner 3303 S. Harvard Ave., Ste. D Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.realizetech.com Sooner Micro Systems (918) 521‑4992 Larry Poor, Owner 5319 E. 37th St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.soonermicro.com Technology Deployment Company (918) 445‑1355 Doug Oglesby, President 4134 S. 43rd W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.techdeployco.com INSURANCE 2 Sisters Financial (918) 456‑6331 Renita Dick, Owner P. O. Box 493 Tahlequah, OK 74465 A Great Rate Insurance Agency (918) 272‑1000 Michael Watson, 8283 Owasso Expressway Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.allstate.com/MichaelWatson (918) 748‑1000 AAA Oklahoma Neal Krueger, President/CEO 2121 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.AAA.com AASK Insurance Agency (580) 622‑4867 John Krogh, Owner P. O. Box 602 Sulphur, OK 73086 http://www.AASKinsure.com Advanced Marketing Inc. (918) 663‑4887 Judy Johnson, Administrator 3225 S. Norwood, Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74135 Aetna (918) 624‑4700 Scott McCoy, Account Executive 6120 S. Yale, Ste. 1225 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.aetna.com Alexander & Strunk, Inc. (405) 751‑8356 Joe Strunk, President Keltech (918) 794‑0129 P. O. Box 20550 Kelsy Eakin, Owner Oklahoma City, OK 73156 7161 Braden Avenue http://www.strunkinsurance.com Tulsa, OK 74136-6302 http://www.keltechit.com Allegiant Benefit, Inc. (918) 336‑4500 Mark Humphries, President & CEO Moserhaus Consulting, LLC 401 S. Dewey Ave., Ste. 224 (918) 366‑8949 Bartlesville, OK 74003-3537 Ronald Moser, http://www.allegiantbenefit.com 10026-A S. Mingo, #107 Tulsa, OK 74133-5700 Allied Insurance Associates, Inc. http://www.moserhaus.com (918) 272‑5900 David Wise, Broker OakTree Software, Inc. (918) 584‑7900 8555 N. 117th E. Ave., Ste. 207 Bryan Wilson, Vice President, Sales & Marketing Owasso, OK 74055 1437 South Boulder, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74119 (405) 745‑2968 Allison Insurance http://www.oaktreesoftware.com Bob Allison, Owner P. O. Box 299 Wheatland, OK 73097 www.allisoninsurance.com 101 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 113 3/15/12 8:39 AM Allstate Insurance - D’Arcangelo Agency (918) 858‑5000 David D’Arcangelo, Owner 4502 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 Benefit Services, Inc. (918) 627‑1864 Mary Ann Colston, President P. O. Box 140790 Broken Arrow, OK 74014-0790 http://www.benefitservicesok.com Business Planning Group (918) 488‑1111 Tim Hendricks, Owner 1605 S. Eucalyptus Avenue, Ste. 200 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.bpgoklahoma.com Allstate Insurance - KT Williams Agency Benefits Technologies, LLC (918) 742‑2784 (918) 227‑1500 Todd Williams, Agency Owner Darcy Fulkerson, Human Resource Director 3315 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 200 1200 E. Taft St. Tulsa, OK 74135 Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.allstateagencies.com/trwilliams http://www.bentecllc.com Capitol Benefits Group (405) 843‑7344 Charles Paine, President 5001 N. Pennsylvania, Ste. 202 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 http://www.capitolbenefitsgroup.com Carla Holzrichter Insurance Agency, Inc. (918) 367‑5547 Carla Holzrichter, Owner 121 E. 8th Ave. Bristow, OK 74010 http://carlaholzrichter.com Coventry Health and Life Insurance (918) 712‑4355 Ann Stoeppelwerth, 5727 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 450 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.chcoklahoma.com Cunningham Insurance Agency (918) 853‑1301 Deana Cunningham, Agent 12420 E. 86th St. N. Owasso, OK 74055 Allstate Regional Office (602) 631‑6387 Traci Whitley-Rose, Recruiting Manager 5800 E. Skelly Dr., Ste., 404 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.allstateagent.com Bill Warren Enterprises, Inc. (918) 274‑8416 Bill Warren, Owner/ President 15631 E. 85th Place Owasso, OK 0 American National Insurance Company (918) 664‑1131 Michael Pinion, Agent 7941 E. 57th St., Ste. 5 Tulsa, OK 74145 Bill Wells - State Farm Insurance (918) 492‑1657 Bill Wells, Owner 1660 E. 71st., Ste. 2H Tulsa, OK 74136 Catalyst Benefits Group. LLC Darrell Lucht Insurance Agency (918) 524-6304 (918) 683‑7765 Paul Boullion, Principal Darrell Lucht, Owner 4200 East Skelly Drive, Suite 352 P. O. Box 2878 Tulsa, OK 74135 Muskogee, OK 74402 www.thecatalystgroupllc.com Anderson & Associates (918) 693‑4421 Tim Anderson, Independent Agent 9115 East 76th Place Tulsa, OK 74133 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma (918) 551‑3500 Bert Marshall, President P. O. Box 3283 Tulsa, OK 74102 http://www.bcbsok.com Dave Bryant Agency, Inc. - Farmers (918) 747‑8631 (918) 627‑0191 CFR Insurance Group Robert Gardner, CEO David Bryant, President 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 900 2021 S. Lewis, Ste. 150 Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.cfr-ins.com Bob Derby/Insurance Agent (918) 451‑9783 Robert Derby, Owner 1404 W. Kenosha St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Charles Bowman Insurance Agency (918) 683‑4545 Donald Jones, Broker/Owner 636 N. York Muskogee, OK 74403 http://www.cbowmaninsurance.com Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management (918) 584‑1433 Services, Inc. Jay Eshelman, President P. O. Box 3142 Tulsa, OK 74101-3142 http://www.ajg.com/tulsa ATS Financial Solutions, Inc. (918) 341‑4480 H. Jon Haley, President 1204 Parkland Ave. Claremore, OK 74017 http://www.atsfs.com (918) 440‑9999 B & B Benefits, Inc. Chellie Bea, P. O. Box 3034 Bartlesville, OK 74006 (805) 208‑1391 BAG Holdings, LLC Bruce Quarantello, Managing Member 12371 Shoreline Drive Sperry, OK 74073 Bainswest Benefits, Inc. (918) 346‑6977 Michael Loftis, President P. O. Box 460 Blackwell, OK 74631 http://www.bainswest.com Bankers Life & Casualty Co. (918) 254‑2800 Beau Driggers, Branch manager 7663 E. 63rd Pl., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74133 www.bankers.com Beale Professional Services (405) 521‑1600 Jennifer Beale, P. O. Box 21880 Oklahoma City, OK 73156 http://www.bealepro.com Benefit Designs of Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 747‑7788 Lisa DeRycke Irby, President 2805 E. Skelly Dr., #808 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.benefitsok.com Boese Group - Allstate Agency (918) 665‑2424 Jim Boese, Owner 10396 E 21st Street Tulsa, OK 74129 Bomford Couch & Wilson (918) 542‑3358 Debbie Fry, Producer/Agent P. O. Box 849 Miami, OK 74355-0849 http://www.bcwins.com Brandon Whinery Agency (918) 438‑0600 Brandon Whinery, Agent 2227 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.farmersagent.com/bwhinery Brashear Insurance Agency (918) 266‑3133 Faith Brashear, Agent/Owner P. O. Box 130 Catoosa, OK 74015 Brawner Operations, LLC (918) 712‑5272 James Brawner, Managing Member 5314 S. Yale Ave., #900 Tulsa, OK 74135 Brookside Market Insurance Agency {Allstate) (918) 574‑2400 Joshua Lackey, Owner 3807 D South Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 Brown and Brown Agency (918) 825‑3295 Lance O’Rourke, 208 N. Mill St. Pryor, OK 74361 http://www.bbinsurance.com Charles Campbell Insurance Agency, Inc (918) 254‑4633 Charles Campbell, Owner 8169 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.charlescampbellinsurance.com Christine Wilson Agency (918) 637‑3167 Christine Wilson, 1016 W. Main St. Collinsville, OK 74021 Christy & Mike Hays - Aflac (918) 645‑5905 Representatives Christy Hays, Independent Contractor 3739 E. 85th St. Tulsa, OK 74137 Daemi Insurance Group (918) 271‑2960 Ali Daemi, Agent 10798 E. 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.daemigroupofoklahoma.com Ed Martinez Insurance Agency (918) 742‑3131 Ed Martinez, Agent 3125 S. Yale Ave., Suite A Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.edmartinez.org Employee Benefit Analysts of Tulsa, Inc. (918) 665‑2268 David Knox, Broker 4500 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 102 Tulsa, OK 74145 Employee Benefit Professionals, LLC (405) 286‑9696 Rebecca VonFeldt, Partner 2212 NW 50th, Ste. 140 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Equity Insurance Company (254) 776‑4521 C. Michael Davis, President P. O. Box 8036 Waco, TX 76714 http://www.homestate.net Chubb Group of Insurance Companies (918) 493‑5600 Kirk Bailey, Vice President 6120 S. Yale, #450 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.chubb.com Farmers Insurance - Scott Baker (918) 394‑3333 Scott Baker, Agent 7711 E. 111th St., Ste. 102 Tulsa, OK 74133 Commercial Risk Group, Inc. (918) 317‑3200 Marvin Loyd, President 1700 W. Albany, Ste. 200 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.crgins.com Farmers Insurance * Novara Insurance (918) 810‑8200 Agency Carl Novara, Insurance & Financial Services Agent 1515 E. 71st St., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74136 www.novarainsuranceagency.com CommunityCare Managed Healthcare Plans of Oklahoma (918) 594‑5200 Richard Todd, President/CEO 218 W. 6th St. Tulsa, OK 74119-1004 http://www.ccok.com Farmers Insurance Group - State Executive (918) 496‑3244 Office John Lucido, Oklahoma State Executive Director 5314 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 305 Tulsa, OK 74135 102 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 114 3/15/12 8:39 AM Financial Security Group, Inc. (918) 524‑6360 Del Dreyer, President 4200 East Skelly Dr., Ste. 325 Tulsa, OK 74135 Harbor Insurance Company (918) 492‑1446 Pat Wilson, President 4501 E. 31st Street Tulsa, OK 74135-2132 Finch Insurance Services (918) 461‑0555 Terry Finch, Vice President 1404 S. Eucalyptus Lane Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.finchinsuranceservices.com Harmon Ventures, Inc. (918) 251‑2511 Janice Hewitt, President 800 S. Elm Place Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.harmonins.com First Source, Inc. David Pinard, President 25 NW 144th Circle #A-2 Edmond, OK 73013 Henderson Benefits Group, Inc. (918) 582‑5433 Amanda Baker, Client Relations/ Marketing 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1125 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.gohenderson.com Jana Pitt Insurance Agency, Inc. (405) 601‑0184 Jana Pitt, Owner P.O. Box 23872 Oklahoma City, OK 73123 (918) 682‑2278 Hilda Richey, Inc. Hilda Richey, P. O. Box 1448 Muskogee, OK 74402 (918) 665‑2663 Jeff R. Johnson, Inc. Jeff Johnson, President 5801 E. 41st St., Ste. 601 Tulsa, OK 74135 Holmes Organisation, Inc. (918) 359‑6000 Ann Marie Constable, CFO P. O. Box 1440 Tulsa, OK 74101-1440 http://www.theholmesorg.com (918) 492‑5396 Jessee Agency Inc. Bud Jessee, Multi-Line General Agent 7131 S. Braden Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.ANPAC.com Howell-Stone Insurance, Inc. (405) 216‑1213 Sherri Pryor, Producer P. O. Box 5010 Edmond, OK 73083 http://www.howell-stone.com (918) 582‑8206 Jim Ruley & Co., Inc. Jim Ruley, President 5727 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 420 Tulsa, OK 74105 (405) 751‑4448 Flippo Insurance (918) 455‑0554 Roger Flippo, Owner PO Box 2197 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.flippoinsurance.com Forbes Financial Group, Inc. (918) 298‑3050 Karen Forbes, Vice President 9309 South Toledo Tulsa, OK 74137 Fred Ballard Insurance Agency, Inc. (918) 245‑0715 Fred Ballard, 416 Plaza Court Sand Springs, OK 74063 Fred Daniel and Sons, Inc. (918) 582‑8206 Fred Daniel, 5727 S. Lewis, Ste. 420 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.fdands.com Huddleston Insurance (405) 843‑1615 Ron Huddleston, Agent/Owner 3837 NW 67th Oklahoma City, OK 73116 Freudenrich and Associates, Inc. (918) 299‑6200 Darrell Freudenrich, Marketing/Sales P. O. Box 701857 Tulsa, OK 0 http://www.freudenrich.com (918) 477‑9357 Humana, Inc. Tracy Dukes, 7104 S. Sheridan, Ste. 10A Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.humana.com Gillum & Boyd Insurance Agency (918) 584‑7218 Terri Boyd, 220 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74120 (918) 794‑0777 Hunter & Hunter, LLC Dirk Hunter, Partner 420 S. Main, Ste. 205 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.theinsurancecrew.com Goins Insurance Agency, LLC (918) 743‑9868 Aaron Goins, Owner 6965 S. 69th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 Impson Enterprises, LLC (918) 494‑2929 Jack Impson, 2250 E. 73rd St., Ste. 650 Tulsa, OK 74136 Green Country Associates of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans (918) 392‑7130 Robert Morgenthaler, Financial Consultant 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 5609 Tulsa, OK 74137 Grothjan Financial Services (918) 492‑8707 Steve Grothjan, President 4148 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.mybestbroker.com Hanna Insurance Agency (918) 775‑1951 David Hanna, Agent P. O. Box 939 Sallisaw, OK 74955 Insurance Designers of Oklahoma (918) 664‑6394 Shawn Byerly, Marketing 1560 E. 21st St.., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74114 https://www.insurancedesignersofoklahoma. com (800) 599‑5641 Insurance Services Cheryl Drake, Owner P. O. Box 905 Safety Harbor, FL 34695 http://www.cheryldrake.com Integrated Insurance Services Inc. (918) 825‑8400 John Hawkins, President P. O. Box 866 Pryor, OK 74362 http://www.insure-iis.com International Insurance Brokers Ltd., LLC (918) 592‑4200 Becky Bannon, P. O. Box 35487 Tulsa, OK 74153-0487 http://www.iibLtd.com J. Hale & Associates, LLC (918) 439‑1990 Jeremiah Hale, Owner/President P. O. Box 581741 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.insuranceoklahoma.net (918) 660‑0090 Joe West Company Tim Driskill, President P. O. Box 52628 Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.joewestcompany.com (405) 751‑6636 John Winblad Agency John Winblad, President 11212 N. May Ave., Ste. 305 Oklahoma City, OK 73120 Magoon & Associates (918) 743‑7744 Bruce Magoon, President 1419 S. Utica Tulsa, OK 74104-4631 http://www.magooninsurance.com Mann & Associates, Inc. (405) 364‑2554 Mickey Mann, President P. O. Box 721740 Norman, OK 73069 www.mannandassociates.net MassMutual Financial Group (918) 524‑6355 Greg Wood, 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 325 Tulsa, OK 74104 Mastin Insurance Services (918) 294‑9580 Katie Mastin, Operations Manager P. O. Box 330262 Tulsa, OK 74133-0262 Matt McCoy Insurance (918) 615‑6634 Matt McCoy, Agent 4631 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.mattmccoyinsurance.com Mercer (918) 586‑7989 JoAnn Booker, 401 S. Boston Ave., Suite 800 Tulsa, OK 74103-4021 http://www.mercer.com (918) 574‑5148 MIG Agencies, Inc. Doug Miller, Agent P. O. Box 891327 Oklahoma City, OK 73189 Murray Wamble & Associates, Inc. (918) 388‑6633 Ken Wamble, President 5525 E. 51st Street, Ste. 310 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.murraywamble.com Jonathan E. Gibson - State Farm Insurance (918) 382‑5717 (918) 838‑0739 Agent Mutual of Omaha Jonathan Gibson, Russ Kirkpatrick, District Manager 205 E. Pine, Ste. 102 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Suite 140 Tulsa, OK 74106 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.jonathangibson.org http://www.mutualofomaha.com Klimas & Associates, Inc. (918) 261‑6109 Phil Klimas, 111 E. College St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 LaReau & Associates, Inc. (405) 579‑1711 J. Tyler LaReau, Independent Agent 116 S. University Blvd. Norman, OK 73069 Liberty Mutual Insurance (918) 299‑7593 John Vidal, Branch Manager 8130 S. Lewis, Ste. C Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.libertymutual.com (918) 742‑4301 Life Solutions, Inc. Ann Wilkerson, President 2127 E. 52nd St. Tulsa, OK 74105 Lincoln Financial Group (972) 202‑4760 Abby Hentges, Marketing Representative 4975 Preston Park Blvd., Ste. 510-W Plano, TX 75093 http://www.jpfic.com New York Life Insurance Co. (918) 587‑3301 John Stagg, Managing Partner 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 650 Tulsa, OK 74136-1235 http://www.newyorklife.com Paige Anderson, CLU Paige Anderson, Owner 114 N. Grand, Ste. 212 Okmulgee, OK 74447 (918) 756‑6310 Paradigm Risk Management (918) 299‑8081 Robert Garland, Owner 1804 W. Jefferson St. Broken Arrow, OK 74011 Peacock Financial Services, LLC (918) 747‑7138 E. Dian Peacock, 5272 S. Lewis, #206 Tulsa, OK 74105 103 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 115 3/15/12 8:39 AM Perry Financial Services, LLC (918) 478‑2424 Budo Perry, Agent 801 South Lee Street Fort Gibson, OK 74434 Phil Shoemake (918) 488‑1848 Phil Shoemake, 6729 S. Richmond, Ste. 530 Tulsa, OK 74136 www.shoemake.org Rosburg and Associates (American National Insurance) (918) 369‑9070 Paul Rosburg, Owner 6810 E. 121st St., Ste. 100 Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.rosburginsurance.com Rosenheck and Co., Inc. (918) 742‑9944 Ted Rosenheck, President 4555 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135-2930 http://www.rosenheck.com Phillip E. Maloney Agency (918) 663‑9898 Phillip Maloney, Owner / Agent 7625 E. 51st St., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.maloneyinsagency.com Samandor, Inc. (918) 712‑5225 Sam Allen, President 5314 S. Yale, Ste, 900 Tulsa, OK 74135 Pioneer Financial Group (918) 794‑7100 Jason Ford, President 6450 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74136 SH Management (918) 712‑5227 Steve Holloway, President 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 900 Tulsa, OK 74135 RCI Insurance Group (918) 341‑6081 Michael Cottom, President P. O. Box 1185 Claremore, OK 74018 http://www.rci-ins.com Son Country Insurance Agency (918) 245‑9604 Glenn King, 16 E. Broadway Sand Springs, OK 74063 Rich and Cartmill, Inc. (918) 743‑8811 Vaughn Graham, 2738 E. 51st, Ste. 400 Tulsa, OK 74105-6228 http://www.rcins.com Southwest Benefits, Inc. (918) 459‑9355 Greg McKinney, President 7633 E. 63rd Place, Ste. 450 Tulsa, OK 74133 Rinehart’s Insurance Agency (918) 286‑7901 Rick Rinehart, 3838 W. Galveston Place Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (405) 216‑3472 RMS Consulting, LLC Robin Shepard, Owner 30 E. Campbell St., Ste. 240 Edmond, OK 73034 (918) 492‑1777 Robert C. Bates, LLC Bradley McCrory, 6846 S. Canton, Suite 250 Tulsa, OK 74136-3400 Robinson - Welch Insurance Agency, Inc. (918) 743‑9868 Charles E. “Chuck” Welch, Owner/President 3723 E. 82nd Court Tulsa, OK 74137-1604 Roger Hicks & Associates Group Insurance (800) 356‑9059 Inc. Roger Hicks, President P. O. Box 18169 Oklahoma City, OK 73154-0169 http://www.callhicks.com Ron Roark Insurance Agency, Inc. (918) 496‑0089 Gerry Roark, Operations Manager 4166 S. Mingo Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.farmersagent.com/rroark Rooney Insurance Agency, Inc. (918) 582‑0565 George Kolczun, Vice President 5601 South 122nd East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.rooneyinsurance.com St. John Financial Group, Inc. (918) 272‑7200 David St. John, 9500 N. 129th E. Ave., Ste. 122 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.stjohnfinancialgroup.com State Farm Insurance - Bryan Smith (918) 481‑7283 Bryan Smith, Agent 6937 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.callbryansmith.com State Farm Insurance - Mike McCoy (918) 254‑1959 Mike McCoy, 8929 South Memorial, Suite 190 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.statefarm.com State Farm Insurance - Shannon Morris (918) 938‑6100 Shannon Morris, Owner / Agent 1709 S. Baltimore Ave. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.mytulsaagent.com State Farm Insurance Companies (918) 621‑3000 Rendi Black, Vice President of Operations 12222 State Farm Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74146-5402 http://www.statefarm.com Statewide General Agency (918) 492‑1446 Patrick Wilson, President 4501 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74135-2132 http://www.swgen.com Summit Consolidated Group, Inc. (918) 663‑0991 Dale Young, CLU, ChFC 1350 South Boulder Avenue, Suite 300 Tulsa, OK 74119 William Preston Phillips Insurance and Financial Services (918) 794‑8520 Preston Phillips, Owner 5514 S. Lewis, #5 Tulsa, OK 74105 Synergy Benefit Consultants, Inc. (918) 671‑3010 Evie Pope, Partner P. O. Box 571444 Tulsa, OK 74157-1444 Williams & Humphrey Insurance Agency (918) 682‑8900 Pamela Williams Bierig, 320 N. Fourth Muskogee, OK 74401 Tedford & Associates (918) 299‑2345 Mark Tedford, Vice President P. O. Box 1050 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.tedfordinsurance.com Wilson Insurance Group (405) 756‑1186 Lesley Wilson, Office Manager 607 S. Main Lindsay, OK 73052 INTERIOR DESIGN Terry Fitzgibbon Insurance & Marketing (918) 250‑3685 Services Terry Fitzgibbon, Owner 7824 E. 79th Place Tulsa, OK 74133 Allen-Kobsey Antiques and Interiors (918) 747‑0075 Lina Kobsey, President 8912 S. 70th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 The Beckman Company (918) 683‑7844 Martin Beckman, President P. O. Box 429 Muskogee, OK 74402-0429 http://www.beckmanonline.com Campbell Design Associates (918) 583‑6671 Doug Campbell, Owner 1927 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 101 Tulsa, OK 74119 The Insurance Crew (918) 794‑0777 Shane Allbee, Partner / Owner 420 S. Main St., #205 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.theinsurancecrew.com Darby Design Group (918) 346‑6792 Debbie Darby, Owner 2551 E. 26th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.darbydesigngroup.com (918) 294‑3712 The McNett Agency Bob McNett, Owner P. O. Box 35281 Tulsa, OK 74153 http://www.grouphealthinsurancetulsa.com Hallborne Design Associates (918) 745‑9010 Kathryn Shackleford, 6216 S. Lewis, Suite 200 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.hallborne.com Thomason, Tyler & Lynch Insurance (918) 749‑0523 Agency, LLC Roy Thomason, Manager 4100 E. 51st St., Ste. 103 Tulsa, OK 74135-3547 Julie Paul Design (918) 277‑9273 Jeff Paul, 15126 E. 100th St. North Owasso, OK 74055-4829 Thornton Herzberg Insurance Solutions, LLC (918) 359‑0410 Wesley Herzberg, President 4200 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74135 Transitions Home Staging, LLC (918) 907‑1027 Walt Gasior, V.P. - Admin, Logistics & Marketing 5815 Tallgrass Trail Bartlesville, OK 74006 http://www.transitions-home-staging.com Tony Yelle Insurance Agency (918) 794‑5777 Tony Yelle, Owner 2727 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 Wallace and Associates (918) 284‑3664 Rick Wallace, 2806 E. 89th Street Tulsa, OK 74137 White Insurance Agency (405) 330‑6331 Kathy White, President 3200 Puget Sound Dr. Edmond, OK 73034 Wilcox & McGrath Insurance (918) 747‑4100 Ed McGrath, 5591 South Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.wjm-ins.com INTERNET MARKETING BlueView, A Digital Agency (918) 592‑1400 Dan Winders, CEO/Principal 110 W. 7th St., Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.blueviewagency.com Clarence Fisher Consulting, LLC (918) 878‑0555 Clarence Fisher, President & CEO 7107 S. Yale Avenue Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.TulsaInternetMarketingServices. com INTERNET SERVICES Cox Business (918) 806‑6079 Tim Jenney, Director of Business Sales 11811 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.coxbusiness.com 104 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 116 3/15/12 8:39 AM Naufel & Associates, LLC (918) 355‑4273 Doug Naufel, 1300 E. Fargo St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Edward Jones - Tammy Stead (918) 488‑8999 Tammy Stead, Financial Advisor 7147 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136-6308 http://www.edwardjones.com/en_US/fa/ OCOSA Communication, LLC index.html&CIRN=408258 (918) 585‑9882 Otis Surratt Jr., President P. O. Box 3432 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.ocosa.com TulsaConnect Internet Services (918) 584‑1100 Tony Bacher, Owner 110 W. 7th St., #302 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.tulsaconnect.com (918) 261‑2121 Withos.com Madison Crawford, President & CEO 1628 E. 6th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.withos.com INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES intelliAd Media (918) 574‑8740 Jochen Talmon, CEO 427 S. Boston Ave., #517 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.intelliad.com/home.html Fidelity Investments (918) 712‑7628 Eric Reyes, Manager 2020 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74104 First Stuart Corp. (918) 744‑5222 Jon Stuart, President/CEO 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74136-1235 (918) 583‑1005 gregory.w.group Gregory Weaver, President 15 W. 6th, Ste. 2901 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.gregorywgroup.com INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES Laflin Investigative Group (918) 671‑4007 Terry Laflin, President P. O. Box 690322 Tulsa, OK 74169 http://www.laflinpi.com (918) 830‑5419 JNT Investments, LLC Jim Thomas, President P. O. Box 471320 Tulsa, OK 74147 AXA Advisors (918) 496‑8111 Chuck Graham, Financial Advisor 4200 East Skelly Drive Tulsa, OK 74135 LPL Financial / Dan Witham (918) 398‑8387 Dan Witham, Branch Manager & Principal 8516 E. 101st St., Ste. C Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.moneytalktulsa.com Bonaire Holdings, LLC (918) 760‑6210 Don Lockhart, President P. O. Box 701645 Tulsa, OK 74170 (918) 321‑5404 Masterworks, Inc. Mike Bolden, Vice President 6486 Lense IV Court Sapulpa, OK 74066-1070 Bovaird, LLC (918) 749‑0434 John Bovaird, President 2686 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74105 Midwest Housing Equity Group Inc (405) 278‑7909 Andrea Frymire, Executive Vice President 500 N. Broadway Ave., Suite 150 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 http://www.mheginc.com Bridgecreek Investment Management, LLC (918) 392‑1990 Chuck Fuller, Chief Executive Officer 2431 E. 61st Street, Ste. 315 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.bridgecreekinvestment.com (918) 584‑7242 Davis Bros., L.L.C. Barry Davis, 110 W. 7th St., Ste. 1000 Tulsa, OK 74119 Eagleton Brown Investment Group (918) 293‑7211 Kent Brown, Financial Advisor 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 460 Tulsa, OK 74135 Philip C. Lauinger, Jr. Philip Lauinger, 320 S. Boston, Ste. 1130 Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) 587‑7119 Poe Enterprises, LLC (918) 749‑6873 Robert Poe, Owner 2131 E. 29th St. Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) 744‑5607 RBC Ventures, Inc. Roger Collins, CEO P. O. Box 52586 Tulsa, OK 74152 River Gayle, Inc. (918) 488‑0311 Judy Waters, President Insurance and Investment Brokerage, Inc. 6846 S. Trenton Avenue (918) 585‑2223 Tulsa, OK 74136 Tom Alley, Managing Partner 2727 E. 21st St., Ste. 600 Siegfried Companies, Inc. (918) 747‑3411 Tulsa, OK 74114 E. Dick Bendel, http://www.iaibrokerage.com 1924 S. Utica Ave., Ste. 1120 Jarvis Trust Holdings, LLC (918) 231‑8806 Jim Jarvis, Owner 1711 N. Gilcrease Museum Rd. Tulsa, OK 74127 INVESTMENTS Osage, LLC (918) 582‑5633 Kim Noble, Office Administrator 302 S. Cheyenne, Ste. 112 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.osagellc.com Morgan Stanley Smith Barney - Jane (918) 744‑4601 Mudgett Jane Mudgett, Investment Manager 2200 S. Utica Pl., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.fa.smithbarney.com/janemudgett Mr. Robert J. LaFortune (918) 582‑2981 Robert LaFortune, 427 S. Boston, Suite 937 Tulsa, OK 74103 Oklahoma Equity Partners (918) 382‑0395 David Humphrey, Chief Operating Officer 320 South Boston Ave., Ste 1108 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74104 Stolper Asset Management (918) 745‑6060 Jon Stolper, President 1924 S. Utica, Ste. 805 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.stolperassetmanagement.com Susan Cobey - Morgan StanleySmith (918) 496‑3600 Barney Susan Cobey, Sr. Vice President, Wealth Advisor 5555 E. 71st Street, Ste. 7300 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.morganstanley.com The Focus Group Advisors (918) 336‑7877 Larry Dearman, Financial Advisor 117 W. 5th Street, Ste. 300 Bartlesville, OK 74003 http://www.tfgok.com TwinAssets, LLC (918) 742‑7879 Jenifer Norman, Co-Manager 2512 East 38th Tulsa, OK 74105 JANITORIAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES All Maintenance Supply, Inc. (918) 628‑0100 Steve Inasy, Sales Manager 9520 E. 55th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 JANITORIAL SERVICE ACE Janitorial Service (918) 949‑4448 Michael Ashley, Owner P. O. Box 471693 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.acejanitorialtulsa.com Anago of Tulsa (918) 621‑1400 Brett Drumm, President 4725 S. Memorial, Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.anagotulsa.com Bonus Building Care (918) 461‑8459 Steve Burger, President 8135 E. 74th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.bonusbuildingcare.com Clempire Janitorial (918) 361‑3127 Daniel Clem, Owner 6701 S. Troost Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.clempire.com Commercial Janitorial Services (918) 663‑5777 Craig Stephens, Owner 2251 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 106 Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 663‑1919 Final Touch Cleaning Sandra Gardner, President 10404 E. 55th Place, Ste. C Tulsa, OK 74146-6509 http://www.finaltouchcleaning.com First Maintenance Company of Tulsa (918) 747‑3600 Bill Farr, Owner 3158 S. 108th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 Jani-King of Tulsa (918) 627‑4475 Shannon Wells, 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 600 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.janiking.com Jan-Pro of Tulsa (918) 599‑8001 Jeff Parks, Business Relations Manager 1516 South Boston Ave Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.jan-pro.com/tulsa Meticulous Janitorial (918) 698‑8474 Aaron Owens, Owner/Partner 6217 E. 76th St. Tulsa, OK 74136 JEWELERS - RETAIL Bishop’s Fine Jewelry (918) 445‑5509 Elizabeth Bishop, Owner AmSan (918) 388‑2185 7462 S. Olympia Ave., C-5 David Eve, President Tulsa, OK 74132 1830 N. 109th E. Ave. http://www.bishopsfinejewelry.com Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.amsan.com Bruce G. Weber Precious Jewels (918) 749‑1700 GW Watts Distributing Co. Inc. Bruce Weber, President (918) 337‑0799 1700 Utica Square Michael Tom, Tulsa, OK 74114 1705 W. Hensley Bartlesville, OK 74003 Moody’s Jewelry (918) 834‑3371 Ernest Moody, President 1137 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.moodysjewelry.com 105 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 117 3/15/12 8:39 AM Moody’s Jewelry (918) 834‑3371 Ernest Moody, President 1137 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.moodysjewelry.com Touch of Class, LLC (918) 622‑2042 Jim Rice, Owner 4107 S. Yale, Ste. 132 Tulsa, OK 74135 JEWELRY & ACCESSORIES C. W. Rose Co., Inc. (918) 583‑6028 Ray Rose, President 316 East 2nd Street Tulsa, OK 74120 Jemoca, LLC (918) 808‑6470 Jennifer Palmer, Owner/Designer 2000 W. Detroit, Ste. A Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.jemoca.com JOB TRAINING/PLACEMENT Arbor E & T / Workforce Oklahoma (918) 796‑1200 Brad Williams, Regional Director 14002 E. 21st St., Ste. 1030 Tulsa, OK 74134-1412 http://www.workforce-ok.com Goodwill Industries of Tulsa (918) 584‑7291 David Oliver, President 2800 Southwest Blvd Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.goodwilltulsa.org The Best Job Interview (918) 557‑5796 Joseph Callery, President 15320 E. 115th St. N. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.thebestjobinterview.com KARATE STUDIO Martial Arts Academy (918) 376‑9080 Chris Velez, Owner / Chief Instructor 9100 N. Garnett Rd. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.owassomartialarts.com Martial Arts Academy Bixby, LLC (918) 394‑5425 Nicole Trost, Owner 11043 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.bixbymartialarts.com LABELS M.E.I. Labels (918) 258‑8321 Tom Martin, President P. O. Box 1829 Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.meilabels.com LABORATORIES - TESTING Adobe Testing Services, Inc. (918) 872‑9898 Byron Labadie, Owner 11830 S. Oswego Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 Sherry Laboratories of Oklahoma, LLC (918) 258‑6066 Jeffrey Simmons, Director of Materials Testing 3100 N. Helmlock Circle Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.sherrylabs.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LEGAL SERVICES Howell & Vancuren, Inc. (918) 592‑1270 Joe Howell, President 601 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74104-3327 http://www.howellvancuren.com Jeffrey D. Stoermer, PC Jeffrey Stoermer, President P. O. Box 470982 Tulsa, OK 74147 LandPlan Consultant, Inc. (918) 584‑6464 Keith Franklin, President 1110 W. 23rd St. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.lpci.com LAUNDRY SERVICE Brookside Laundromat (918) 742‑7005 Mao Thao, Manager 1141 E. 33rd Pl. Tulsa, OK 74105 LAWN AND GARDEN SUPPLIES Bloss Sales & Rental (918) 252‑5755 K. A. (Jack) Bloss, President 5883 S. Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.blosssales.com LAWN MAINTENANCE/LANDSCAPING AAA Landscape of Tulsa (918) 369‑4447 Mark Worley, Owner 13243 S. Mingo Rd. Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.aaalandscapoftulsa.com A-Plus Complete Indoor & Outdoor Services (918) 282‑7185 TaQwa Mumin, Owner 906 W. Seminole St. Tulsa, OK 74127 Bullfrog Pest and Lawn Management (918) 764‑8999 Nick Miller, President P. O. Box 470644 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.bullfrogtulsa.com Lawn America Inc. (918) 249‑5296 Brad Johnson, President 5129 S. 110th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.lawnamerica.com (918) 682‑8312 Scott’s Lawn Care, LLC Christy Biggs, 2604 Haddock Drive Muskogee, OK 74401 Three Leaves Landscape (918) 744‑7686 David Wood, Owner 1420 S. Knoxville Ave. Tulsa, OK 74112 (918) 851‑8285 U. S. Lawns of Tulsa Tim Stauffer, Owner 7380 S. Olympia Ave., Ste. 360 Tulsa, OK 0 http://www.uslawns.com (918) 695‑5352 Nichols & Nichols (918) 744‑4407 David Nichols, Senior Partner 2506A East 21st Street Tulsa, OK 74114 Slicker Law Firm, P.C. (918) 496‑9020 Frederick Slicker, Attorney 4444 E. 66th St, Suite 201 Tulsa, OK 74136-4206 http://www.slickerlawfirm.com Social Security Law Center, LLC (918) 388‑7752 Michael Clay, Owner 2241 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 101 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.sslc.biz OMNI Lighting (918) 583‑6464 Jeff Olsen, President 1333 E. 4th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.omnilighting.com LIMOUSINE SERVICE Galaxy Limousine & Executive Charter Inc. (918) 481‑3374 Tricia Roberts, President 5540 S. 94th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.galaxy-limo.com LINEN SUPPLY SERVICE United Linen & Uniform Rental (918) 583‑6202 Mat Saddoris, Owner P. O. Box 458 Bartlesville, OK 74005 http://www.unitedlinen.com LIQUOR - RETAIL &/OR WHOLESALE LEGAL WRITING CBMJ Enterprises Inc. (918) 298‑4824 Cheryl Jones, President & CEO 8177 S. Harvard Ave., # 616 Tulsa, OK 74137 Professional Publishing Associates (918) 742‑2868 Susan Thomas, Director 4119 E. 42nd Place Tulsa, OK 74135 LIBRARIES John Vaughan Library/NSU (918) 456‑5511 Harriett Hobbs, Acquisitions Librarian 711 N. Grand Avenue Tahlequah, OK 74464 http://www.nsuok.edu/jvl Tulsa City-County Library (918) 549‑7367 Gary Shaffer, CEO 400 Civic Center Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.tulsalibrary.org LIGHTING FIXTURES-RETAIL Garbe Industries (918) 627‑0284 Kathy Baker, Outside Public Relations 4137 S. 72nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 https://www.garbes.com LIGHTING SYSTEMS Cedar Key, Inc. (918) 899‑6748 Paula Holsey, President 8612 E. 103rd St. Tulsa, 74133 Integrated Lighting Systems, Inc. (918) 523‑9400 Rob Boltinghouse, President & CEO 9309 South Toledo Avenue, Suite A Tulsa, OK 74137 YardVarks Lawncare & Landscape http://www.integratedlighting.com (918) 364‑9273 Andrew Buchwald, Owner Lighting, Inc. (918) 622‑1988 10026-A South Mingo, Ste. 181 Mitchell Blessing, President Tulsa, OK 74133 P. O. Box 471343 http://www.yardvarks.com Tulsa, OK 74147-1343 http://www.lightinginc.us Alberty’s Broadway Liquor & Snackers (918) 683‑1306 Mike Alberty, 3116 W. Broadway St. Muskogee, OK 74401 B & B Liquor South (918) 299‑1722 Joe Bohannon, Owner 2828 E. 91st St., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.bandbliquor.com Old Village Wine & Spirits (918) 712‑2155 Steve Kinnett, Owner 1327 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74105 Parkhill’s Liquors and Wines (918) 742‑4187 Lance Parkhill, Owner 5111 South Lewis Tulsa, OK 74105 Ranch Acres Wine and Spirits (918) 747‑1171 Mary Stewart, Owner 3324-A East 31st Tulsa, OK 74135 Riverview Wine & Spirits (918) 241‑8717 Donna Burch, Secretary 114 S. Adams Rd. Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.riverviewwines.com Seventy First Wine & Spirits (918) 461‑9546 Ruby Brave Bear, General Manager 11234 E. 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74133 Spirits of 66 (918) 342‑2362 Sam Cowherd, Owner 409 N. Lynn Riggs Claremore, OK 74017 The Crossing Wine & Spirits (918) 369-6022 Richard Stewart, 7820 E. 101st St. Tulsa, OK 74133-6910 106 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 118 3/15/12 8:39 AM Wine & Spirits Barn (918) 293‑9746 Kristy Kamins, Owner 2430 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74105 M & M Lumber Co. (918) 627‑1926 Jim McKellar, President Box 470263 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.mmlumberco.com Mill Creek Lumber & Supply Co. (918) 747‑8027 Jeffrey Dunn, President 6974 E. 38th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.millcreeklumber.com LUMBER - WHOLESALE Cedar Creek, Inc. (918) 258‑9688 Clark Wiens, Co-Owner P. O. Box 1900 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.cedarcreek.com MACHINE SHOPS Alexander Machine (918) 615-3737 Ben Alexander, President 11662 E. 51st St Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.AlexanderMachineInc.com Fabrication Solutions (918) 398-7162 Mike Owings, President 109 S. 122nd East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.fabsol.com M & M Manufacturing (918) 664-6793 Kenneth Statton, President 13914 E. Admiral Place, Suite A Tulsa, OK 74116 MAGAZINE Oklahoma Magazine (918) 744-6205 Vida Schuman, Publisher P. O. Box 14204 Tulsa, OK 74159-1204 http://www.okmag.com Oklahoma Today (800) 777-1793 Ervalene Jenkins, Account Executive 120 N. Robinson Ave., Ste. 600 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 http://www.oklahomatoday.com TulsaPeople (918) 585-9924 Jim Langdon, Publisher 1603 S. Boulder Tulsa, OK 74119-4407 http://www.langdonpublishing.com James Shirley Management Consultants, MANUFACTURER - EQUIPMENT Inc. (918) 830-5927 SPECIALIZED James Shirley, President Enersys (972) 351-3843 1811 S. Baltimore Ave., Ste. 202 Dawn Roberts, Tulsa, OK 74119-5215 7822 Birmingham Forest Drive http://www.jsmgmt.com Frisco, TX 75034 http://www.enersys.com Magnir Group, LLC (918) 877-1063 Fred Menge, President MIDWESCO Industries, Inc. (918) 858-4200 401 S. Boston, Ste. 2300 James Bost, Chairman Tulsa, OK 74103 P. O. Box 3445 http://www.magnir.com Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.sidebooms.com MJ Executive Management, Inc. (918) 274-8374 MANUFACTURER - FOOD Mary Jo Wichers, President & CEO 8805 N. 145th E. Ave., Ste. 203 Leonard Mountain, Inc. (918) 366-2800 Owasso, OK 74055 Debbie Berckefeldt, Owner http://www.mjexecmgmt.com P. O. Box 67 Leonard, OK 74043 Veteran Family Network Magazine http://www.leonardmountain.com Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits (918) 313-4028 (918) 579-1900 Mark Lockhart, V. P. Sales & Marketing Dana Wilkes, Development Director Savoy Foods (918) 728-6440 12101 N. MacArthur Blvd., Ste. 500 1145 S. Utica Ave., Ste. 1100 Evan Kelamis, President Oklahoma City, OK 73162 Tulsa, OK 74104 P. O. Box 35825 http://www.vfnsales.com http://www.oklahomacenterfornonprofits.org Tulsa, OK 74153 http://www.savoyfoods.com MAKEUP ARTIST Redbird Strategies, LLC (918) 474-3495 Allen Helt, Manager The Glamour Palette / Artz (918) 504-4291 MANUFACTURER - METAL RR 1 Box 2385 Destry Davis, Owner B D & J Manufacturing (918) 584-6550 Oktaha, OK 74450 11256 S. 275th E. Ave. Bob Lawson, Vice President http://www.redbirdstrategies.com Coweta, OK 74429 312 S. Lansing Ave. http://www.glamorartz.com Tulsa, OK 74120 Stinnett & Associates, LLC (918) 728-3300 MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS BLR Services, LLC (918) 691-6129 Bruce Ricks, 6819 S. 124th West Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74066 CMC Holdings LLC (918) 640-4690 Charles Rogers, President 10636 S. Erie Pl. McCaskill Machining & Repair, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74137 (918) 266-5186 Jackie McCaskill, Office Manager Empower Change, Inc. (918) 686-0660 24454 S. Keetonville Rd. Lisa Wade Raasch, Catoosa, OK 74015 1000 Mockingbird Lane Muskogee, OK 74401-8615 OK Machine and Manufacturing www.empowerchange.com (918) 838-1300 Glenn Strobel, President/Owner Giana Consulting, LLC (918) 938-2527 2522 North Columbia Place Chery Gegelman, President Tulsa, OK 74110 3908 E. 60th St. Tulsa, OK 74135 R & S Manufacturing (918) 266-2266 http://www.gianaconsulting.com/ Ron Appelman, President 3010 N. 193rd E. Ave. Gilbreath’s LLC (918) 743-3111 Catoosa, OK 74015 Willis Allen, 5272 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 200 Titan Machine Services, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 671-9250 http://www.gilbreaths.com Lyle Johnson, 3104 N. Elm Pl. in2vate, llc (918) 794-9239 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Julian Brewer, Director of Marketing 321 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 900 Tulsa Machine Works, Inc. (918) 834-0911 Tulsa, OK 74103 Forrest Rogers, Owner http://www.in2vate.com 2438 N. Columbia Place Tulsa, OK 74110 (918) 492-1100 J. Chris White, Inc. J. Chris White, Principal 5314 South Yale Ave., Ste. 400 MACHINE TOOL SERVICE Tulsa, OK 74135-6271 Crossfire Service, LLC (918) 352-0564 http://www.corporateperformancegroup.com Nathan Petz, Owner 16936 S. 179th W. Ave. Kellyville, OK 74039 http://www.crossfire-service.com Andrea Harman, Director of Operations 8801 S. Yale, Ste. 330 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.stinnett-associates.com SummitTrek Executive (918) 466-0090 Brad Sprague, CTO 2019 W. Sandusky St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.summittrek.net MANUFACTURERS AAON, Inc. (918) 583-2266 Norman Asbjornson, President & CEO P.O. Box 3067 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.AAON.com Adams Electronics, Inc. (918) 622-5000 Robert Adams, President & CEO 1611 S. Utica Ave., PMB 408 Taber Compliance Consulting, LLC Tulsa, OK 74104 (918) 970-6930 http://www.adamsinc.com Albert Taber, President 7225 E. 111th Pl. South Air Power Systems Co., Inc. (918) 622-5600 Bixby, OK 74008 Larry Mocha, President P.O. Box 470948 Tulsa, OK 74147 MANUFACTURER - AIRCRAFT http://www.apscopower.com NORDAM (918) 274-2885 Hastings Siegfried, Vice Chairman & Chief Operating Officer 7018 N. Lakewood Tulsa, OK 74117 http://www.nordam.com Airflo Cooling Technologies / ACT (918) 585-5638 Ben Townsend, CFO 728 S. Wheeling Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.aircooltech.com Primus International Walden’s Division (918) 836-6317 Ameristar Fence Products (918) 835-0898 Mike Morgan, Deputy General Manager Nancy Brandwein, V. P. Administration 3030 N. Erie P. O. Box 581000 Tulsa, OK 74115 Tulsa, OK 74158-1000 http://www.wmitulsa.com http://www.ameristarfence.com Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. (918) 832-2272 Karen Powell, Director-HR, Communications & Gov. Relations P.O. Box 582808 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.spiritaero.com Anchor Drilling Fluids U.S.A, Inc. (918) 583-7701 Bob West, CEO 2431 E. 61st Street, Suite 710 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.anchorusa.com Automated Manufacturing Services, LLC (918) 398-7885 Steve Cooper, Owner 14501 W. 18th St. Sand Springs, OK 74063 107 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 119 3/15/12 8:39 AM Avitrol Corporation (918) 622-7763 Tasheena Dillingham, Owner 7644 E. 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.avitrol.com Emoteq Corporation (918) 627-1845 Joe Ivey, General Manager P. O. Box 470009 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.emoteq.com IC of Oklahoma, LLC (918) 833-4000 Grant Pick, Plant Manager 2322 N. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74116-1218 http://www.nav-international.com Metro Sales & Assembly, Inc. (918) 258-3988 Randy Nightingale, P. O. Box 140177 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 Badger Meter, Inc. (918) 836-8411 Anne Malone, Accounting Manager P. O. Box 581390 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.badgermeter.com Exopack Meat, Cheese & Specialty IC of Oklahoma, LLC (918) 833-4000 Red Smith, H.R. Manager (918) 739-4903 Rusty Bright, General Manager 2322 N. Mingo Rd. 905 W. Verdigris Parkway Tulsa, OK 74116-1218 Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.nav-international.com http://www.exopack.com Muncie Power Products, Inc. (918) 838-0900 Doug Sullivent, Director of Operations/Plant Manager-Tulsa 7217 E. Pine Street Tulsa, OK 74115-5649 http://www.munciepower.com Bearwood Concepts, Inc. (918) 933-6600 Ken Hird, Executive Vice President 6202 E. 30th St. North Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.bearwoodconcepts.com F. W. Murphy (918) 317-4100 Dave Crowell, V. P. of Finance P. O. Box 470248 Tulsa, OK 74147 Kimberly-Clark Corp. (918) 366-5100 Susan Bickert, Facilities Manager P. O. Box 3000 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.kimberly-clark.com Borets-Weatherford U.S., Inc. Fo-Mac Inc. (918) 425-5524 (918) 439-7009 Tom Kupke, President Raymond Standridge, President 2621 N. Iroquois 1600 N. Garnett Rd. Tulsa, OK 74106-2431 Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.fo-mac.com http://www.borets.com L.E.F., Inc. (918) 665-7799 Ronald Lapelle, President P. O. Box 470284 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.laserengr.com Gardner Denver, Inc. (918) 664-1151 Braden Manufacturing, L.L.C. George May, Plant Manager (918) 272-5371 P. O. Box 470486 Bill Sellers, V.P. Finance Tulsa, OK 74147 P. O. Box 1229 http://www.gardnerdenver.com Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.braden.com Geophysical Research Company, LLC LA Maison, Inc (918) 592-1222 E. Dick Bendel, President 1736 E. 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 LaBarge, Inc (918) 459-2200 Ronald Falk, General Manager (918) 834-9600 11616 East 51st Street Robert Laird, President & CEO Chemtrade Refinery Services Inc. Tulsa, OK 74146 (918) 587-7613 P. O. Box 581570 http://www.labarge.com Fred Boeheim, Plant Manager Tulsa, OK 74158-1570 5201 W. 21st St. http://www.grcamerada.com (918) 437-3902 Lafarge Cement Tulsa, OK 74107 Jim Bachmann, Plant Manager http://www.chemtradelogistics.com Green Cap Industries (918) 344-0142 2609 N. 145th E. Ave. Conley Corp. (918) 299-5051 Karen Conley-Greene, President & CEO 2795 E. 91st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.conleyfrp.com Scott White, CEO 3100 Charles Page Boulevard Tulsa, OK 74127 (918) 439-4248 GTM Technologies Inc. J. Michael Koonce, President 11390 E. Tecumseh St. Tulsa, OK 74116 Daylight Donut Flour Co., LLC (918) 438-0800 http://www.gtmtechnologies.com John Bond, President & CEO P.O. Box 691150 Gunnebo-Johnson Corp. (918) 832-8933 Tulsa, OK 74169 Sylvia Walton, Vice President, Finance http://www.daylightdonuts.com 1240 North Harvard Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.lafargecorp.com (918) 584-3475 Larkin Products Inc. W.R. Tipsword, President P. O. Box 3644 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.bairdmfr.com Love Envelopes, Inc. (918) 836-3535 Mike Love, Chairman 10733 E. Ute Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.loveenvelopes.com Tulsa, OK 74115 DENTSPLY Tulsa Dental Specialties http://www.gunnebojohnson.com (918) 493-6598 (918) 836-9476 Lowery Well Heads Inc. Jeannie Bracken, Virginia Cleveland, Helicomb International, Inc. 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 300 (918) 835-3999 P. O. Box 582565 Tulsa, OK 74135-6546 William Cole, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.tulsadental.dentsply.com 1402 South 69th East Ave. http://www.lowerywellhead.com (918) 622-4725 Digicut Systems Tom Turman, Controller 7700 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.digicutsystems.com (918) 437-7447 DMI Industries Brandon Ritchie, General Manager 15300 Tiger Switch Road Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.dmiindustries.com Electranetics, Inc (877) 821-2064 Michael Freeman, CEO 1701 S. Carson Ave. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.electranetics.com Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.helicomb.com Hemphill, LLC (918) 834-2200 John Hemphill, President 1350 N. Louisville Ave. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.hemphill.com Mathey Dearman, Inc. (918) 447-1288 Doug Hughes, President & C.O.O. 4344 S. Maybelle Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.mathey.com Muncie Power Products, Inc. (918) 838-0900 Ray Chambers, Vice President Tulsa Division 7217 E. Pine Street Tulsa, OK 74115-5649 http://www.munciepower.com (918) 836-9077 OAI Electronics Roger Evoniuk, President 6960 E. 12th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 Pelco (918) 283-4004 Phil Albert, President 1501 N. Industrial Blvd. Claremore, OK 74017 http://www.pelcostructural.com Pinnacle Packaging Company Inc. (918) 744-5400 J. Scott Dickman, CEO 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 260 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.oraclepackaging.com Pratt Industries (918) 234-5683 Shannan Drummond, General Manager 1020 N. 145th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 Quality Rags, Inc. (918) 483-2811 Kurt Gibson, President & Owner P. O. Box 330 Porter, OK 74454 Rhodes Inspection, LLC (918) 272-1074 Janelle Roberts, 10210 E. 89th St. North Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 893-3568 S N & P Lock & Security Mynette Whittington, Managing Partner 1605 W. Plymouth St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.wattlock.com Sawyer Manufacturing Company (918) 834-2550 Thomas Sawyer, President 1031 North Columbia Place Tulsa, OK 74110 www.sawyermfg.com McElroy Manufacturing, Inc. (918) 836-8611 (918) 872-3000 (713) 392-7431 Hilti, Inc. A. H. “Chip” McElroy, President and CEO Team Oil Tools Cary Evert, President Romer Bracho, V. P. Manufacturing Box 580550 Box 21148 Tulsa, OK 74158 9185 Six Pines Drive Tulsa, OK 74121 http://www.mcelroy.com The Woodlands, TX 77380 http://www.us.hilti.com http://www.tejascs.com (918) 224-8713 Hydrant Repair Parts Debi Golden, Owner 7900 New Sapulpa Road Tulsa, OK 74131-3239 (918) 641-0641 Metal Panels Inc. Mitchell Hentkowski, Owner 131 S. 147th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.metlpanels.com (918) 694-6299 Tek-V, Inc. Richard Crownover, President 5161 E. 36th St. Tulsa, OK 74135 108 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 120 3/15/12 8:39 AM Totally Green (918) 619-9700 Nathan Baker, President 4500 S. 129th E. Ave., Ste. 115 Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.totallygreen.com MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE APN Marketing, LLC (918) 472-4600 OPUBCO Communications Group Jill Ridenour-McAninch, Operations Manager (405) 475-4041 Cherokee Measurement & Control 4200 E. Skelly Drive, Ste. 1015 Michelle Kelley, Director of Marketing Services (918) 446-1611 Tulsa, OK 74135 P. O. Box 25125 Joe Ragsdale, President http://www.autopronetwork.com/dealers Oklahoma City, OK 73125 9906A E. 43rd Street http://www.newsok.com Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulco Oils (918) 838-3354 AuxArcIMC, Inc. (918) 299-2499 http://www.cherokeetulsa.com Jeff Cope, President Wade Huntsman, Owner Phame Marketing (918) 619-9137 5240 E. Pine St. 3708 W. 108th Ct. Ron Owens, CEO (918) 664-7511 M & D Controls, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74115-5328 Sapulpa, OK 74066 5053 S. 79th E. Ave Barbara Johnson, Vice President http://www.tulco.com http://www.auxarcimc.com Tulsa, OK 74145 4142 S. 70th E. Ave. http://www.phamemktg.com Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa Centerless Bar Processing Better Way To Wealth (918) 809-0862 www.manddcontrols.com (918) 438-0000 Denise Clements, Owner RVA LLC Market Research & Consulting 14434 E. 59th St. North Evan Hudson, Vice President (918) 592-3100 Myers-Aubrey Co. (918) 622-3500 Owasso, OK 74055 P. O. Box 581251 Michael Render, Tim McFerrin, President Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.betterwaytowealth.com 15 W. 6th St., Ste. 1204 Box 470370 http://www.tulsacenterless.com Tulsa, OK 74119-5400 Tulsa, OK 74147-0370 http://www.RVALLC.com BizNdex, Inc. (918) 578-4112 http://www.myersaubrey.com Tracey Whitehead, Project Manager Tulsa Centrifugal Casting Machines, LLC (918) 585-1400 311 East Rogers Blvd. Smarter Media (918) 499-0331 (918) 622-5400 The Canada Company Michael Posten, Owner Skiatook, OK 74070 Tim Airhart, President Carol Robinson, President 5461 S. 101st East Avenue http://www.bizndex.com 12221 E. 51st St., Ste. B 4141 S. 87th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.centrifugalcasting.com/ http://www.smartermediaok.com CitySelect (918) 994-5454 http://www.canadaco.com Jill Pratt, V. P. - Sales / Marketing Tulsa Tube Bending Co., Inc. 8321 E. 61st St., #100 The Blancett Group, Inc. (918) 671-4348 MANUFACTURING CONSULTANTS (918) 446-4461 Tulsa, OK 74133 Meloyde Blancett-Scott, Director, Business Rebekah Hipp, Executive Assistant http://www.cityselect.com Development-Agency & Interactive Services Industrial Solutions, Inc. (918) 280-9051 4192 S. Galveston Ave. 1620 S. Newport Ave. Gerry Raubach, President Tulsa, OK 74107 Tulsa, OK 74120 10404 E. 55th Pl. Consumer Pulse Marketing, LLC http://www.tulsatubebending.com Tulsa, OK 74146 (234) 206-0790 http://www.isiworld.net Jennifer Cook, President & CEO The Consultants Ltd. (918) 459-4547 (918) 446-3581 111 W. 5th St., Ste. 1000 Turner Machine Scott Filstrup, President Brian Ridener, Sales Manager Tulsa, OK 74103 7633 E. 63rd Pl., Ste. 332 Oklahoma Manufacturing Alliance 5311 S.W. Boulevard http://www.consumerpulsemarketing.com Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 592-0722 Tulsa, OK 74107 Chuck Prucha, President & CEO 525 South Main, #210 Expert Message Group (415) 523-0404 (918) 550-9168 The Devin Agency Tulsa, OK 74103-4503 Colleen McCarty, Owner Vernon Manufacturing Co. (918) 224-4068 Jason Devin, http://www.okalliance.com Brenda Bindel, P.O. Box 949 1328 E. 38th St., Ste. D 8375 S. 89th W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74101 Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74131 http://www.expertmessagegroup.com http://www.thedevinagency.com MAPPING FIRMS Carlisle Brake & Friction (918) 739-2900 Don Brown, 1110 W. Tenkiller Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.wellmanproducts.com (918) 627-9400 Wilnat, Inc. Tim Wood, General Manager P. O. Box 470161 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.koonsandassociates.com (918) 258-8551 Zeeco, Inc. Scott Johnson, Director of Special Projects 22151 East 91st Street Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.zeeco.com MANUFACTURERS - AEROSPACE Mingo Aerospace, LLC (918) 272-7371 Rene Witten, Co-Owner & V. P. P. O. Box 1408 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.mingoaerospace.com MANUFACTURERS - BALLPOINT PENS Paul’s Pens,Inc. (505) 235-4489 Paul Fossett, President 6309 S. 90th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 LT Mapping Services, Inc. (918) 249-0422 Cheryl Tucker, Vice President 12211 E. 52 St., Ste. 304 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.LTMapping.com (702) 630-8876 Five Hour Sample, LLC Bill Cottam, Field Marketing Manager 9402-D East 55th Place Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.5hourenergy.com Tulsa Connections (918) 521-0692 Maggie Nichols, President 7321 S. Mingo, #1215 Tulsa, OK 74133 MASONRY MARKET RESEARCH/DATA COLLECTION Gabrielson Consulting, LLC Jimco Masonry, LLC (918) 838-0164 (918) 708-1464 Jill Norrid, Partner JoLynne Gabrielson, Owner Cole, Hargrave, Snodgrass and Associates 4916 E. Haskell St. 11063-D S. Memorial Dr., Box 350 (405) 415-3017 Tulsa, OK 74115 Tulsa, OK 74101 Pat McFerron, DIrector http://www.getyourgift.biz P. O. Box 2034 Shelton & Shelton Masonry, LLC Oklahoma City, OK 73101 (918) 481-6337 Herolight (918) 625-3141 Mike Shelton, President M. Scott Deason, Co-Owner Consumer Logic, Inc. (918) 665-3311 5127 E. 84th Pl. 4358 E. 60th Pl. Dan Jarrett, President Tulsa, OK 74137 Tulsa, OK 74135 4500 S. 129th E. Ave., Ste. 112 http://www.sheltonmasonry.com http://www.herolight.com Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.consumerlogicresearch.com MATERIALS - ADVANCED COMPOSITE (918) 277-4868 Hunt PR Liz Hunt, CEO Shapard Research, LLC (405) 607-4664 The Advanced Composites Group, Inc. 1144 S. Newport Ave. Bill Shapard, CEO (918) 252-3922 Tulsa, OK 74120 820 N.E. 63rd St. Shannon Jewart, Director of Finance Oklahoma City, OK 73105 http://www.shapard.com Learfield Sports (918) 550-1167 Drew DeHart, Account Executive 2625 S. Memorial MARKETING Tulsa, OK 74129 Anderson Marketing Services Inc. http://www.learfieldsports.com (918) 994-7400 David Anderson, President November Sundays, Inc. (918) 398-0407 112 W. Kenosha Andy Mullins, President Broken Arrow, OK 74012 400 S. Boston, Ste. 1100 http://www.amsiweb.com Tulsa, OK 74103 5350 South 129th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.acg-us.com MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT Casters of Oklahoma, Inc. (918) 359-1900 Darrel Barnes, President 11740 E. 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74128-4402 http://www.castersof oklahoma.com http://www.novsun.com 109 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 121 3/15/12 8:39 AM Cisco-Eagle, Inc. (918) 622-9010 Warren Gandall, Chairman 5208 S. 100th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.cisco-eagle.com Melinda Dandridge DO, PLLC Mackey Medical & Design (918) 425-1966 (918) 298-5437 Cali McMickle, Executive Administrative Melinda Dandridge, Assistant 410 E. Main St. 4404 W. 31st St. North Jenks, OK 740374135 Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.mackeymedical.com Looks Beauty & Wellness (918) 392-9698 Jennifer Smith, Director of Marketing 9521B Riverside Pkwy Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.lookscompany.com Deep South Equipment Co. Muskogee Family Care, LLC (918) 270-4007 (918) 681-4646 (918) 227-9995 O2 for U, Inc. Brett Stone, Operations Manager Betsy Smith, Steven Keeton, President P. O. Box 470306 1118 W. Broadway 8281-B S. 89th W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74147 Muskogee, OK 74401 Tulsa, OK 74131 http://www.deepsouthequipment.com http://www.O2foru.com Skin Care Institute (918) 494-8300 Charlene Darrow, Spa Manager 6565 S. Yale, Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.skincareinstitute.net Stor Quip Systems, Inc. (918) 371-3929 Mark Palmer, P. O. Box 335 Owasso, OK 74055 MEDICAL CASE MANAGEMENT Office Medic, Inc. (918) 683-2330 David Edwards, 3101 Chandler Rd., #105 Muskogee, OK 74403 MEDICAL CLINICS Muskogee Pulmonary Clinic, Inc. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICE (918) 687-3994 Precision Transducer Services, Inc. Stork Vision (918) 899-3995 Sherrie Baker, Office Manager (918) 272-6685 Jamee Oney, Owner Kenneth Clark, President 615 S. 32nd St. 8130 S. Lewis Ave, Suite B Muskogee, OK 74401 9022 N. 97th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.storkvision.com http://www.ptsprobes.com Pinnacle Health Care of Oklahoma (918) 331-1653 MEDICAL/DIAGNOSTIC FACILITIES Kim Vineyard, Wheelchair & Seating Clinic of Oklahoma, 10512 N. 110th E. Ave. LLC (918) 622-5433 Tulsa Diagnostic Imaging (918) 499-1674 Owasso, OK 74055 James Carr, Managing Member Bambi Fritz, Executive Director 10301 E. 51st Street, Ste. E 6046 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74145 T. L. Carey M.D. & Associates (918) 481-8122 http://www.tulsadiagnostic.com Sherry Moore, Office Manager MEDICAL EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES Broken Arrow Family Clinic, Inc. 7125 S. Braden Ave. (918) 251-2666 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Bigleather Ranches, LLC (918) 855-3601 Tulsa, OK 74136 Natalie Aguilar, Charles Hopper, Manager Creoks Mental Health Services 705 W. Oakland 10668 S. 93rd E. Ave. (918) 592-1662 Broken Arrow, OK 74012-1656 Three C’s Medical Clinic, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74133 Brent Black, CEO (918) 587-5100 2725 E. Skelly Drive , Ste 200 Susanne Thompson, DaVita Dialysis Center (918) 665-2159 Tulsa, OK 74105 MEDICAL RESEARCH P. O. Box 27434 Pam Schrader, Office Manager http://www.creoks.org Tulsa, OK 74149 5314 S. Yale, #500 Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation http://www.threecsmedicalclinic.com Tulsa, OK 74135 (405) 271-7210 Samaritan Counseling & Growth Center http://www.davita.com J. Donald Capra, MD (918) 336-1463 825 Northeast 13th Street (918) 743-3737 Tulsa Spine and Rehab Keith Sheffield, Oklahoma City, OK 73104-5046 Sean Riley, Manager / Owner Family Medicine Associates 245 S.E. Madison Blvd. http://www.omrf.org 3345 S. Harvard Ave., Ste. 101 (918) 455-7777 Bartlesville, OK 74006 Tulsa, OK 74135 Janet Honeywell, Office Manager http://samaritanbartlesvill.org http://www.tulsaspineandrehab.com 3100 S. Elm Place, Ste. A Paradigm Clinical Research Group,LLC Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (918) 512-6379 MERCHANT SERVICES Shari Lee, Administrator (918) 488-8888 Vein & Laser Clinic 119 E. Dewey Gary Cunningham, Owner Grassroots Healthcare (918) 878-7733 Basys Processing (918) 729-3668 Sapulpa, OK 74066 6901 S. Yorktown Ave. Melita Tate, Owner/Partner Catie Pritchard, Regional Director of Business http://www.pcrgroup.org Tulsa, OK 74136 6530 E. 91st St. Development http://www.veinclinic.com Tulsa, OK 74133 25312 Stonebridge Parkway (918) 486-5564 Winn Family Practice Diana Walcutt, Office Administrator 607 S. Broadway Coweta, OK 74429 Tulsa Clinical Research (918) 743-2349 Rita Smith, Manager 1705 E. 19th St., #406 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.tulsaclinicalresearch.com MEDICAL CONSULTANTS MEDICAL SPA David C. Eldridge, OD, PC (918) 299-7443 David Eldridge, 6603 E. 112th St. Bixby, OK 74008 Advanced Skin Solutions (918) 296-7546 Leslie Masters, President/Owner 8172 S. Lewis, Ste. D Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.drlesliemasters.com http://www.grassrootstulsa.com Hotshots Healthcare, LLC (918) 906-9373 Chad Phillips, 5414 Oak Forest Lane Tulsa, OK 74131 http://www.tulsahotshots.com IMWell Health, LLC (918) 299-9112 Justin Tomberlin, Director of Business Development 616 S. 17th St. Fort Smith, AR 72901 http://www.imwhealth.com Claremore, OK 74019 http://www.BasysPro.com Hathaway 51 (918) 810-9438 Diane White, Owner 1340 E. 37th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74105-3210 METAL FABRICATORS ABI (Avery Barron Industries) (918) 446-1638 Bruce Barron, President / Partner 2102 W. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.abi-us.com Physicians Management Assist Group Armstrong Medical Clinic (918) 274-9300 (918) 392-7880 Carol O’Bryan, Office Manager Joe Spann, Managing Partner Indian Health Care Resource Center 12702 E. 86th St. North 4608 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. 404 (918) 588-1900 Owasso, OK 74055 Tulsa, OK 74146 Carmelita Skeeter, CEO METAL RECYCLING http://www.armstrongmedicalclinic.com http://www.mypmag.com 550 S. Peoria CMC Recycling (918) 437-5377 Tulsa, OK 74120-3825 Alan Adams, Regional Accounts Coordinator Clinical Care Skin Solutions http://www.ihcrc.org MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SALES/ P. O. Box 1768 (918) 481-0004 SERVICE/REPAIR Catoosa, OK 74015 Charlotte Bates, Innovative Family Medicine http://www.cmc.com Complete Medical Equipment 8242 S. Harvard, Suite A & B (918) 485-0091 (888) 391-4363 Tulsa, OK 74137 Jillian Riggs, DO Warren Linn, Owner http://www.clinicalcareskinsolutions.com S & S Metals, Inc. (918) 245-4212 1202 W. Cherokee, #D 6528 E. 101st, Ste. D-1 Melinda Mulcare, Vice President Wagoner, OK 0 Tulsa, OK 74133 1901 S. 81st W. Ave. Enhanced Skin & Body Medical Spa Tulsa, OK 74127 (918) 994-7444 Jenks Health Team, LLC (918) 299-9447 Kaye Sanders, CEO / Owner Susan Shaw, 6616 S. Memorial Dr. 715 W. Main St., Ste. S Tulsa, OK 74133 Jenks, OK 740373553 110 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 122 3/15/12 8:39 AM Yaffe Metals (918) 245-0257 Rocky McGee, General Manager 7300 Charles Page Blvd., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.yaffeco.net MILITARY MOLD INSPECTIONS Tulsa Historical Society (918) 712-9484 MOTORCYCLE - SALES/SERVICE Sharon Terry, Executive Director Zada Resources Mold Inspection Myers Duren Harley Davidson 2445 South Peoria (918) 743-3020 (918) 743-4440 Tulsa, OK 74114 Larry Miller, Owner Reba McClanahan, President http://www.tulsahistory.org 7122 S. Sheridan Rd. 4848 South Peoria Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.zadaresources.com http://www.tulsaharley.com MUSIC INSTRUCTION Oklahoma Air National Guard (918) 833-7208 MONUMENT BUILDERS Michael Hepner, Hollisters Monument Co. (918) 341-1566 9121 E. Mustang Street Kory Hollister, Owner Tulsa, OK 74115 15806 E. 495 Rd. http://www.oktulsa.ang.af.mil Claremore, OK 74019 http://www.hollistersmonument.com MOVING & STORAGE SERVICE 2 Fellas & A Big Vehicle (918) 665-7007 Josh Keeler, Owner 1811 N. Indianwood Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.2fellas.com MINERALS MANAGEMENT Brook Fine Arts Academy (918) 491-6011 Alice Brook, President/Director 8138 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.brookfinearts.com MUSIC STORES Firey Music Company, LLC (918) 245-7730 A-1 Freeman North American Allison Firey, (918) 251-2220 3722 S. Highway 97 Bank of America Home Loans Matt Christian, General Manager Sand Springs, OK 74063 (918) 855-6600 2900-C N. Hemlock Circle Michael Jennings, Retail Sales Manager Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Saied Music Co. (918) 742-5541 515 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. LL http://www.a-1freeman.com J. Robert Saied, President Tulsa, OK 74103 MINISTRY 3259 S. Yale http://mortgage.bankofamerica.com/ David Ingles Ministries (918) 455-5693 Ace Moving & Storage Co. (918) 251-1111 Tulsa, OK 74135 michaeljennings David Ingles, President Tom Pizzo, Relocation Consultant P. O. Box 1924 4433 W. 49th St. BOk Mortgage (918) 488-7350 Tulsa, OK 74101 NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTOR Tulsa, OK 74107 Ben Cowen, President, BOk Mortgage http://www.oasisnetwork.org http://www.aceatlas.com Tiger Natural Gas (918) 491-6998 7060 S. Yale, Ste. 100 Tracy Phillips, Vice President - Marketing Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 477-7111 Newberry Ministries 1422 E. 71st St., Suite J All My Sons Moving & Storage of Tulsa, Dan Newberry, Principal Tulsa, OK 74136 Inc. (918) 621-1102 Family Security Mortgage (918) 970-4397 P. O. Box 702564 http://www.tigernaturalgas.com Anthony Adamson, President Jon Fleege, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74170 6945 E. 38th St., Ste. A 123 W. Commercial Street http://www.destinynetworkalliance.org Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa Gas Technologies (918) 665-2641 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.allmysons.com Tom Sewell, President http://www.familysecuritymortgage.com 4809 S. 101st E. Ave. MOBILE DETAILING Tulsa, OK 74146 Two Men & A Truck (918) 234-2636 Eco Green Mobile Detailing First Mortgage Company (918) 496-2241 http://www.tulsagastech.com Mike Mays, Partner/Owner (918) 955-7174 Joe Pearce, Vice President 2013 N. Willow Ave., Ste. C D. J. Patterson, Owner / Operator 2504 E. 71st, Ste. A Broken Arrow, OK 74012 9048 E. 40th Pl. NATURAL GAS GATHERING & Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.twomen.com Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.firstmortgageco.com PROCESSING http://www.ecogreenmobiledetailing.com DCP Midstream (918) 492-3331 MUSEUM First Omni Mortgage Lending William Gifford, (918) 249-4350 Cherokee Heritage Center (918) 456-6007 6120 S. Yale Ave., Ste.1100 MOBILE HEALTH SCREENING Bobby Williamson, Regional Vice President Judy Pierce, Marketing & Public Relations Tulsa, OK 74136-4234 Stroke Prevention Plus, Inc. 8023 E. 63rd Place, Ste. 205 Manager (918) 296-9171 Tulsa, OK 74133 P. O. Box 515 Elkhorn Energy, LLC (918) 492-4418 Doug White, Owner http://www.1omni.com Tahlequah, OK 74465 Jack Bentley, CEO 3008 E. 87th St. http://www.cherokeeheritage.org 4613 E. 91st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 (918) 893-6200 Gateway Mortgage Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.strokepreventionplus.net Jeff Leek, Branch Manager Gilcrease Museum (918) 596-2700 http://www.elkhornenergy.com 2446 W. New Orleans Melani Hamilton, Communications Manager MOBILE HOME DEALERS Broken Arrow, OK 74012 1400 N. Gilcrease Museum Road Frontier Energy Services, LLC Tulsa, OK 74127 Home-Mart, Inc. (918) 835-0500 (918) 388-8438 http://www.gilcrease.org Douglas Gorman, President Holliday American Mortgage Dave Presley, President Anchor Stone Co. (918) 599-7255 Joseph Parker, Jr., Chairman 4124 S. Rockford Ave., Ste. 201 Tulsa, OK 74105 MORTGAGE SERVICE 9516 E. Admiral Place Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.homemart.us (918) 492-1707 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 400 Treak Tasker, President Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art Tulsa, OK 74135 8023 East 63rd Place, Ste. 525 (918) 492-1818 http://www.frontierenergyllc.com Tulsa, OK 74133 Arthur Feldman, Executive Director http://www.hollidaymortgage.com 2021 E. 71st St. MOBILE HOME PARK NATURAL GAS LIQUIDS Tulsa, OK 74136-5408 Elba Terrace Mobile Home Community http://www.jewishmuseum.net Lansing NGL Services (918) 728-6601 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage (918) 835-1507 Larry Payne, President (918) 493-3151 Margie Beaudry, Resident Manager 6502 S. Yale Ave. Mike Burgess, The Philbrook Museum of Art 1242 N. Fulton Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 5314 S. Yale Ave., #420 (918) 749-7941 Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.lansingtradegroup.com Tulsa, OK 74135-6271 Randall Suffolk, Executive Director http://www.wellsfargo.com/mortgage MODELING AGENCIES Linda Layman Agency (918) 744-0888 Linda Layman-Hull, Owner 3546 E. 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.lindalaymanagency.com ZFG Mortgage LLC (918) 459-6530 Fareed Hussein, Sr. Mortgage Consultant 6670 S. Lewis Ave. Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.zfgmortgage.com 2727 S. Rockford Road Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.philbrook.org Tulsa Air and Space Museum & Planetarium (918) 834-9900 Glenn Wright, Executive Director 3624 N. 74th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.tulsaairandspacemuseum.com NATURAL GAS MARKETING Clearwater Enterprises, LLC (405) 842-9200 Regina Fort, Gas Sales Manager 5637 N. Classen Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73118 111 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 123 3/15/12 8:39 AM NETWORKING SERVICE Bright Systems, Inc. (918) 398-9152 Jeff Bright, President 1609 W. Lincoln Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.bright-systems.com Tulsa Automatic Music Co. (918) 584-4775 Bob Stewart, President 3324 E. 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74135-2904 Fab Lab Tulsa, Inc. (918) 346-8591 Matt Norris, President - Board of Directors P. O. Box 14047 Tulsa, OK 74159 Mid-American Communications Alliance (877) 732-4788 Todd Abrajano, Executive Director P. O. Box 58610 St. Louis, MO 63158 http://www.communicationsalliance.org For His Glory, Inc. (918) 584-1808 Susan Barnes, Director American Diabetes Association P.O. Box 14022 Muscular Dystrophy Association (918) 492-3839 NEWSPAPER PUBLISHING (918) 749-7997 Tulsa, OK 74159-1022 Ann Richards Ketcham, Area Executive Director Becky Wilkerson, District Director http://www.gloryhousetulsa.org Greater Tulsa Reporter Newspapers 6600 South Yale Ave., Suite 1310 5840 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 307 (918) 254-1515 Tulsa, OK 74136-3346 Tulsa, OK 74145 D. Forrest Cameron, Editor/Publisher Habitat for Humanity Tulsa http://www.diabetes.org http://www.mdausa.org P. O. Box 470645 (918) 592-4224 Tulsa, OK 74147-0645 Paul Kent, Executive Director/President Ann Patterson Dooley Family Safety http://www.gtrnews.com 6235 E. 13th National Multiple Sclerosis Society(918) 742-7480 Center (918) 488-0882 Tulsa, OK 74112 Oklahoma Suzann Stewart, Director Paula Cortner, President http://www.habitat-tulsa.org/ Hispano de Tulsa (918) 622-8258 3010 S. Harvard, Ste. 200 4606 E. 67th St., Bldg. 7, Ste. 103 Margarita Vega-Trevino, Owner Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74136 P. O. Box 52054 Housing Authority of the City of Tulsa http://www.dvis.org http://www.nationalmssociety.org/OKE Tulsa, OK 74152 (918) 582-0021 http://www.hispanodetulsa.com Chea Redditt, President & CEO Arthritis Foundation - Eastern Oklahoma 415 E. Independence St. OK Texans Soccer Club (918) 582-6001 Chapter (918) 495-3553 Tulsa, OK 74106 Liz Skidmore, Administrator (918) 443-2428 Oologah Lake Leader Dawn Duca, President & CEO http://www.tulsahousing.org P. O. Box 2912 Faith Wylie, Publisher 7170 S. Braden, Ste. 170 Tulsa, OK 74101 109 S. Maple St. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.oktexans.com Oologah, OK 74053 International Council for Machinery http://www.arthritis.org http://www.oologah.net (918) 259-2950 Lubrication, Inc. Rosania Kloss, Executive Administrator Oklahoma Centennial Botanical Garden Arts & Humanities Council of Tulsa (918) 289-0330 2208 W. Detroit St., Ste. 205/206 The Journal Record (918) 295-4982 (918) 584-3333 Todd Lasseigne, Executive Director Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Mary Melon, Publisher Ken Busby, Executive Director & CEO 2 West 6th St., Ste. 325 101 N. Robinson Ave., Ste. 101 2210 S. Main St. Tulsa, OK 74119-1237 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (918) 495-1100 Jewish Federation of Tulsa Tulsa, OK 74114-1190 http://www.ocbg.org http://www.journalrecord.com Drew Diamond, Executive Director http://www.ahct.org 2021 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74136 Oklahoma Center for Community & Tulsa Business Journal - Neighbor Better Business Bureau of Tulsa, Inc. (918) 583-1361 http://www.jewishtulsa.org Justice Newspapers (918) 585-6655 (918) 492-1266 Nancy Day, Executive Director Chuck Branch, Publisher Rick Brinkley, President/CEO 100 West Fifth Street, LL 1030 20 E. 5th St., Ste. 105 Junior Achievement of Oklahoma, Inc. 1722 South Carson Ave., Ste. 3200 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) 663-2150 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.occjok.org http://www.tulsabusinessjournal.com Shannan Beeler, President http://www.tulsabbb.org 3947 S. 103rd E. Ave Oklahoma Quality Award Foundation, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa World (918) 581-8450 Breast Impressions Foundation and Turn (405) 815-5295 http://oklahoma.ja.org Robert Lorton, Publisher and CEO (918) 691-3874 Tulsa Pink Heather Griswold, Executive Director Box 1770 Judi Grove, Founder & Director 900 North Stiles Tulsa, OK 74102 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 4645 S. Vandalia Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73104 http://www.tulsaworld.com (918) 481-5807 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.oklahomaquality.com Nikki DeFalco, Executive Director http://www.breastimpressions.com 601 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 1300 (918) 592-5550 Urban Tulsa Weekly Tulsa, OK 74119 Oklahomans for Equality (918) 743-4297 James Bengfort, Associate Publisher Center for Employment Opportunities Toby Jenkins, Executive Director http://www.jdrf.org P. O. Box 50499 (918) 894-6561 P. O. Box 2687 Tulsa, OK 741500499 Kelly Doyle, County Coordinator Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.urbantulsa.com (918) 587-2190 Land Legacy 111 W. 5th St., Ste. 401 http://www.okeq.org Robert Gregory, Executive Director Tulsa, OK 74103 406 S. Boulder Ave. Suite 280 Value News, Inc. (918) 828-9600 http://www.ceoworks.org Tulsa, OK 74103 Osage Nation Foundation (405) 415-0383 Mary Bransford, Founder, President and Bill Webb, Executive Director http://www.landlegacy.net Publisher Child Abuse Network (918) 624-0200 P. O. Box 92777 5800 East Skelly Drive, Suite 707 Barbara Findeiss, Southlake, TX 76092 Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 477-7079 Leadership Tulsa, Inc. 2829 S. Sheridan http://www.osagefoundation.org http://www.valuenews.com Wendy Thomas, Executive Director Tulsa, OK 74129 1717 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 104 http://www.childabusenetwork.org Tulsa, OK 74119 Prevent Blindness Oklahoma NIGHT CLUBS (918) 496-3484 http://www.leadershiptulsa.org (918) 665-7026 Clarehouse, Inc. Electric Circus (918) 551-7447 Melanie Sherl, Director of Financial Kelley Scott, Executive Director Tom Green, Marketing Manager Development March of Dimes - Eastern Oklahoma 7617 S. Mingo Road 230 E. 1st St. 2505 E. 21st St., Ste. B (918) 742-0333 Division Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74114 7146 S. Braden Ave., Suite 700 http://www.clarehouse.org http://www.idlquadgroup.com http://www.preventblindnessok.org Tulsa, OK 74136 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Community Food Bank of Eastern ENSO (918) 551-7447 (918) 585-2800 Oklahoma Angie DeVore-Green, Owner/ Partner Eileen Bradshaw, Executive Director 230 E. 1st St. 1304 N. Kenosha Ave. Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74106 http://www.idlquadgroup.com www.cfbeo.org Night Trips (918) 622-3858 David Benham, President 3902 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.nighttrips.com (918) 749-2141 Crossroads, Inc. James Wineinger, Executive Director 1888 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.crossroadsok.org http://www.marchofdimes.com Rebuilding Together Tulsa (918) 742-6241 Jennifer Barcus-Schafer, Director MCA of Eastern Oklahoma, Inc. P.O. Box 52201 (918) 627-3636 Tulsa, OK 74152 T. Elliott, Executive Director http://www.rebuildingtogethertulsa.com 2121 S. Columbia, Ste. 445 Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) 445-4457 RedFork Main Street http://www.mcaok.org Katy Davis, Executive Director P. O. Box 570978 Tulsa, OK 74157 http://www.redforkmainstreet.org 112 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 124 3/15/12 8:39 AM Restore Hope Ministries (918) 582-5766 Jeff Jaynes, Executive Director 2960 Charles Page Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.restorehope.org The Salvation Army (918) 587-7801 Carrie Salce, Director of Fundraising & Special Events P. O. Box 397 Tulsa, OK 74101-0397 http://www.salvationarmytulsa.org Route 66 Marathon, Inc. (918) 409-2828 Chris Lieberman, Executive Director 9717 E. 42nd St., Ste. 217 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.route66marathon.com Northside Nursing Home (918) 224-0833 Ernest Johnson, Administrator The Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless, (918) 583-5588 Inc. 102 E. Line Ave. Sandra Lewis, Executive Director Sapulpa, OK 74066 415 W. Archer Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) 245-5908 Oak Dale Manor http://www.tulsadaycenter.org Patty Eisenmann, Administrator/Owner RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) (918) 280-8656 Betty Groth, Community Relations & Special TSHA, Inc. \ Total Source for Hearing-loss (918) 832-8742 and Access Events Manager Rene Ryan, 5756 E. 31st St Tulsa, OK 74135 8740 E. 11th St., Ste. A http://www.rsvptulsa.org Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.tsha.com Forest Hills Care & Rehab (918) 254-5000 Demetrio Guteirrez, Administrator 4300 W. Houston St. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.sunbridgehealthcare.com 1025 N. Adams Rd. Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.oakdalemanor.org OFFICE EQUIPMENT &/OR SUPPLIES J.D. Young Company (918) 582-9955 Doug Stuart, President P. O. Box 3368 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.jdyoung.com Office Depot (918) 274-4755 Kara Kuester, Manager 12211 East 96th Street North Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.officedepot.com (918) 663-0682 Office Depot #0047 Derek Drew, Manager 7950 East 51st St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Parks Edge Nursing & Rehabilitation (918) 627-5238 (918) 838-0293 Office Depot #0050 Debbie Ary, Administrator Steve Anderson, Rural Water District #6, Okmulgee County 5115 E. 51st 2010 S. Sheridan Rd. (918) 827-6350 Tulsa Association of Health Underwriters Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74112 Rick Boone, District Manager (918) 551-3113 P. O. Box 340 Zane Whitlow, President Phoenix Healthcare, LLC (918) 592-7012 (918) 250-9292 Office Depot #2132 Mounds, OK 74047 7122 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 2; Box 453 Carla Jackson, Regional Director Rob Wieden, Manager Tulsa, OK 74133 P.O. Box 2680 11001 East 71st Street South http://www.oktahu.com Stop Child Trafficking Now (918) 346-2168 Tulsa, OK 74101 Tulsa, OK 74133 Jason Weis, National Community Director http://www.phoenixhealthcarellc.com http://www.officedepot.com Tulsa Fraternal Order of Police 12015 S. Birch Court (918) 694-4867 Jenks, OK 74037 Sterling House of Broken Arrow Office Depot #2391 (918) 749-0821 Phillip Evans, President http://www.sctnow.org (918) 451-1987 Mark Cohen, Store Manager P. O. Box 2473 Omar Stiefer, Regional V. P. 1530 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74101 Susan G. Komen for the Cure Tulsa 4001 S. Aspen Ave. Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.tulsafop93.org (918) 392-2745 Broken Arrow, OK 74011 Affiliate http://www.officedepot.com Christy Southard, Executive Director http://www.brookdaleliving.com (918) 746-5125 5110 S. Yale, Ste. 415 Tulsa Garden Center (918) 481-5755 Office Depot #359 Barbie Raney, Executive Director Tulsa, OK 74135 Sterling House of Claremore Jeff Zellers, Manager http://www.komentulsa.org 2435 S. Peoria Ave. (918) 343-3300 7286 S. Lewis Tulsa, OK 74114 Omar Stiefer, Regional V. P. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.tulsagardencenter.com (918) 808-6576 Sustainable Tulsa 1605 N. Highway 88 Corey Wiliiams, Executive Director Claremore, OK 74017 Office Depot Business Solutions Division (918) 591-3885 Tulsa Pipeline Expo P. O. Box 3543 http://www.brookdaleliving.com (918) 845-5845 Bill Solomon, Chairman Tulsa, OK 74101 Bobby Bingham, Territory Development http://www.sustainabletulsa.org PO Box 472145 Sterling House of Owasso (918) 272-0202 Manager Tulsa, OK 74147-2145 Omar Stiefer, Regional V. P. 1530 S. Lewis http://www.tulsapipelineexpo.com 12807 E. 86th Pl. North T.C.O.S.C.P.A. (Tulsa Chapter of OK Society Tulsa, OK 74104 (918) 512-4632 Owasso, OK 74055 for CPA’s) http://bsd.officedepot.com Kellie Grayson, President 2011 http://www.brookdaleliving.com Tulsa Press Club & Benevolent Association (918) 583-7737 P. O. Box 470243 (918) 582-0819 Standley Systems Tami Hensler, Club Director Tulsa, OK 74147 Sterling House of South Tulsa Kimberly Lamar, Director of Sales Northeast http://www.tcoscpa.org 415 S. Boston Ave. (918) 461-1100 111 W. 5th St., Suite 110 Tulsa, OK 74103 Omar Stiefer, Regional V. P. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.tulsapressclub.org TARC (918) 582-8272 8231 S. Mingo Rd. http://www.standleys.com John Gajda, Executive Director Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 834-7200 2516 E. 71st Street Tulsa Project Woman http://www.brookdaleliving.com/sterlingSunDANCE Office Supply (918) 252-4100 Anne Bogie, Executive Director Tulsa, OK 74136 house-of-tulsa-south.aspx John Condry, President http://www.ddadvocacy.net P. O. Box 14026 2000 N. Willow Ave. Tulsa, OK 74159 NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.tulsaprojectwoman.org TC Lane “Make A Difference” Foundation http://www.sundanceoffice.com Complete Nutrition (918) 806-2005 (918) 224-1982 Corbin Horse, Store Manager Nanette Lane, Treasurer Tulsa Women’s Foundation 7103 S. Memorial Dr. (918) 284-2406 P. O. Box 384 OFFICE FURNITURE Tulsa, OK 74133 Ginger Heald, Director Sapulpa, OK 74067 Cort Furniture Rental (918) 663-7290 http://www.completenutrition.com P. O. Box 2549 http://www.tclane.org Tracie Fuson, District Manager Tulsa, OK 74101-2549 7050 E. 41st St.. OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE The Cornerstone Institute, Ltd. Tulsa, OK 741454515 (918) 523-7733 Women’s Business Council - Southwest http://www.cort.com National Occupational Health Services, Phillip Wiltfong, President (817) 299-0566 LLC (918) 794-4777 8921 S. Kingston Ave. Nancy Readel, Vice President Brad Petty, President L & M Office Furniture (918) 664-1010 Tulsa, OK 74137 2201 N. Collins, Ste. 158 6848 East 41st Street Cari Marshall, Executive Vice President & COO http://www.tciltd.org Arlington, TX 76011 Tulsa, OK 74145 4444 S. 91st E. Ave. http://www.wbcsouthwest.org http://www.nohs.com Tulsa, OK 74145 The Nature Conservancy (918) 585-1117 http://www.l-mofficefurn.com Mike Fuhr, State Director NURSING HOME St. John Urgent Care and Occupational 2727 E. 21st St., Ste. 102 Healthcare (918) 872-6804 CONVALECENT CARE Scott Rice (918) 362-4300 Tulsa, OK 74114 LaFonda Bruner, George Basore, President/Owner Clare Bridge of Tulsa (918) 494-4011 http://www.nature.org 1717-A South Utica 2900-A N. Hemlock Circle Omar Stiefer, Regional V. P. Tulsa, OK 74104 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 6022 E. 71st St. http://www.sjmc.org http://www.scottriceok.com Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.brookdaleliving.com 113 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 125 3/15/12 8:39 AM Stow’s Office Furniture (405) 235-3131 Diana Stow, Owner 6402 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.stowsofficefurniture.com OFFICE MACHINE SALES/SERVICE Business World (918) 430-6697 Ron Howell, Senior Sales Representative 9430 E. 114th Street Bixby, OK 74008 http://www.businessworld-usa.com (918) 250-7431 Drake Systems, Inc. Rick Dodson, President 1827 N. Yellowood Avenue Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.drakecopiers.com BlueStone Natural Resources, LLC Pinon Energy Company (918) 585-9660 (918) 392-9200 John Coughlon, President/Owner Kristi Perryman, Engineering Specialist 15 E. 5th Street, Ste. 3625 2100 S. Utica Ave., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.bluestone-nr.com Sanguine Gas Exploration, LLC Brower Oil & Gas Co. Inc. (918) 298-7200 Susan Dunlap, Production Analyst P.O. Box 2009 Jenks, OK 74037 (504) 722-7402 CAVU Resources, Inc. William Robinson, President 5147 S. Harvard Ave., Ste. 138 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.cavu-resources.com (918) 496-4777 RAM Energy Resources, Inc. Thomas Fuller, Vice President (918) 663-2800 Les Austin, CFO Box 700720 Tulsa, OK 74170 5100 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 650 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.ramenergy.com (918) 582-6237 Singer Bros. LLC George Singer, Manager Box 755 Tulsa, OK 74101 Tallgrass Energy, L.L.C. (918) 561-6737 Brett Bradford, President & COO 1135 E. 33rd Pl. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.tallgrassenergyllc.com Cimarex Energy Co. (918) 585-1100 Barry Oyler, Director of Operations/Accounting Graphic Resources & Reproduction 15 E. 5th St., #1000 (918) 461-0303 Tulsa, OK 74103-4311 Verna Roberts, President http://www.cimarex.com (918) 619-6368 Trace Drilling, LLC 4251 W. Albany Warren Linn, President Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (918) 629-0090 D B T, Inc. 2421 E. Skelly Dr. http://www.grandr.com David Trumbo, President Tulsa, OK 74105 2809 E. 35th St. Konica Minolta Business Solutions Tulsa, OK 74105 Unit Corp. (918) 477-4465 (918) 277-4874 http://www.highdesertresources.com David Merrill, CFO & Treasurer Susan Crockett, Relationship Manager 7130 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 1000 9909 S. 74th E. Ave. Eagle Energy Production, LLC Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 746-1350 http://www.unitcorp.com http://www.konicaminolta.us Steve Antry, CEO 9 E. 4th St., Ste. 200 (918) 585-5875 Litgistix LLC OIL & GAS INVESTMENTS Tulsa, OK 74103 Chris Sloan, Partner http://www.eagleenergyok.com C2 Oil, LLC (918) 688-5815 5 East 5th St. Kirk Waits, Owner Tulsa, OK 74103 4152 S. Victor Ave. (918) 491-4250 Francis Oil & Gas, Inc. http://www.litgistix.com Tulsa, OK 74105 Angela Swift, Executive Vice President (918) 327-4070 Pitney-Bowes, Inc. Dean Burke, Sales Manager 5115 S. 122nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.pb.com (918) 622-1362 Xerox Corporation Rhonda Wilkin, 10830 E. 45th St., Ste. 101 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.xerox.com OFFICE PRODUCTS Staples - Tulsa Hills (918) 447-0381 Brandon Curry, General Manager 7521 S. Olympia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.staples.com OIL & GAS BROKERAGE Frontier Land Inc. (918) 584-2050 Bruce Blevins, President 601 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 810 Tulsa, OK 74119 OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT Accipiter, LLC (918) 592-2280 James Deuschle, Manager 601 S. Boulder, Ste. 1010 Tulsa, OK 74119 Apache Corporation (918) 491-4900 Robert Johnston, Vice President - Central Region 6120 S. Yale, Ste. 1500 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.apachecorp.com Petroleum International, Inc. (918) 712-1840 Mary McMahon, President 1840 East 15th Street Tulsa, OK 74104 Samson Investment Co. (918) 583-1791 Kevin Morris, Vice President - Human Resources Two W. 2nd Street Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.samson.com Tulsa Energy Partners, LLC (918) 585-1437 Rick Gibbon, President 20 E. 5th, Ste. 1203 Tulsa, OK 74103 OIL & GAS SERVICES Capital D Exploration, LLC (918) 688-6408 Charles Dye, Managing Member 3701-A S. Harvard Ave. #380 Tulsa, OK 74135 J. T. Power LLC (918) 812-1230 Tracy Todd, Co-Owner 8918 E. 74th St. Tulsa, OK 74133 Pacer Energy Marketing, LLC (918) 585-6790 Larry Durham, President P. O. Box 21468 P. O. Box 4470 Tulsa, OK 74121-1468 OIL & GAS PRODUCTION Tulsa, OK 74159-0470 http://www.pacerenergymarketing.com Cartledge & Cartledge Oil Co., Inc. Geo-Microbial Technologies, Inc. (918) 321-3034 (918) 535-2281 Cathey Cartledge, Secretary/Treasurer R. A. Bodenhamer & Associates, Inc. Daniel Hitzman, President P. O. Box 40 (918) 855-1964 P. O. Box 132 Kiefer, OK 74041 Debbie Bodenhamer, Ochelata, OK 74051 604 W. 36th St. http://www.gmtgeochem.com Sand Springs, OK 74063-2860 Cimarron River Operating, Inc. (918) 865-3235 (918) 367-2533 Holmes Oil Co., LLC Tamra Colpitt, Secretary SemGroup Corporation (918) 524-8100 Mary Ellen Holmes, P. O. Box 289 Norm Szydlowski, CEO 23570 Timber Trail West Mannford, OK 74044 6120 S. Yale, Ste. 700 Bristow, OK 74010-3879 Tulsa, OK 741364216 http://www.semgroupcorp.com (918) 321-9331 Dexxon, Inc. Keener Oil & Gas Company (918) 587-4154 Tashia Rongey, CEO Dewey Bartlett, President P. O. Box 348 South Burbank Petroleum (432) 682-9784 1648 South Boston, Suite 200 Kiefer, OK 74041 Don Shackelford, Tulsa, OK 74119-4416 3510 N A St., Bldg. B 100 http://www.keeneroil.com Midland, TX 79705 Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. (918) 494-0000 H. G. Kleemeier, CEO & President Medallion Petroleum, Inc. (918) 582-1320 P. O. Box 21468 OIL COMPANY John Brock, President Tulsa, OK 74121 2021 S. Lewis, Ste. 415 Hope Oil Inc. (918) 381-0036 Tulsa, OK 74104 Buddy Maybee, Owner Kantor Oil Company, LLC (918) 583-6412 9340 N. Birmingham Jon Kantor, Manager Sperry, OK 74073 Nadel and Gussman, LLC (918) 583-3333 15 W. 6th St., Ste. 2601 Wayne Hamilton, Tulsa, OK 74119 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 3200 Robinson Oil (918) 846-2732 Tulsa, OK 74103 Linda Robinson, Co-Owner Lamamco Drilling (918) 396-3020 P. O. Box 152 Curtis Biram, General Counsel Wynona, OK 74084 Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent, Inc. 4444 E. 146th St. N. (918) 582-2690 Skiatook, OK 74070 Angela Paulsen, Human Resources Manager http://www.lamamco.com OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT/SALES & One Williams Center, Ste. 1900 SUPPLY Tulsa, OK 74172 (918) 587-2497 Lyons & Lyons, Inc. BHC Pipe & Equipment Co. (918) 488-0488 Trevor Lyons, Owner Raymond Batchelor, President (918) 587-8163 Philwell Inc. P. O. Box 14148 P. O. Box 701166 Bill Snow, President Tulsa, OK 74159-1148 Tulsa, OK 74170 320 S. Boston, Suite 1910 http://www.bhcpipe.com Tulsa, OK 74103 114 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 126 3/15/12 8:39 AM C & G Oilfield Equipment, Inc. OPTICAL - RETAIL (918) 885-6238 Black Optical (918) 794-8000 Wilda Swain, Office Manager Gary Black, Owner 1011 North Eastern 3524 D South Peoria Hominy, OK 74035 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.blackoptical.com McJunkin Red Man Corporation (918) 250-8541 Empire Optical Inc. (918) 744-8005 Nasser Farshchian, Senior Vice President & CIO Charles Hargrove, President-Owner Box 35632 3238 E. 21st st. Tulsa, OK 74153 Tulsa, OK 74114-1814 http://www.mrcpvf.com http://www.empireoptical.com (918) 607-6726 Oilfield Products, LLC Hughes Coston, Owner 9727 E. 46th Place Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.rollerrodguides.com OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT-MFG./SALES OPTOMETRISTS Arrow Eye Care (918) 455-0222 Tracy Tran, Owner/Optometrist 717 W. New Orleans Broken Arrow, OK 74011 http://www.arroweyecare.com Crosby-McKissick Products Baker Eye & Laser Center (918) 335-1515 (918) 834-4611 Susan Sanders, Office Manager Joe Gardner, General Manager 3400 SE Frank Phillip Blvd. Suite 202 P. O. Box 3128 Bartlesville, OK 74006 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.thecrosbygroup.com (918) 712-1212 Billie Walsh, O.D. Scott Walsh, Administrator (918) 587-3504 D & L Manufacturing 2836 E. 101st St. Lee Eslicker, President Tulsa, OK 74137 P. O. Box 52220 Tulsa, OK 74152 (918) 492-2702 Blane Snodgrass, O.D. http://www.dlmfg.com Blane Snodgrass, Optometrist 7171 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 101 Kline Oilfield Equipment, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 445-0588 http://www.doctorsnodgrass.com Curtis Kline, Vice President P.O. Box 571262 (918) 582-7346 David R. Free, O.D., PC Tulsa, OK 74157 David Free, President http://www.klinetools.com 1223 South Peoria, Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74120 (918) 721-0000 PGS Paragon LLC http://www.drfree.net Graham Gardner, President 9520 E. 55th St., Ste. B Downtown Tulsa Eyecare (918) 935-3500 Tulsa, OK 74145 Julie Holmes, Owner http://www.pgsparagon.com 9 E. 4th St., Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74103 OIL FIELD SERVICE http://www.downtowntulsaeyecare.com Linn Operating, Inc. (918) 879-4207 Amy Roundtree, Administrative Assistant IV (918) 622-6244 Ken Merchant, O.D. 6660 S. Sheridan, Ste. 205 Ken Merchant, Owner Tulsa, OK 74133 4853 S. Sheridan, Ste. 607 Tulsa, OK 74145 www.visionsource-drmerchant.com Powell Roustabout Services (918) 857-2992 James Powell, President Oklahoma Vision Development Center P. O. Box 581 (918) 745-9662 d/b/a Harrel Eyecare Cleveland, OK 74020 Monte Harrel, CEO 4520 S. Harvard, Ste. 135 Tulsa, OK 74135 Superior Tool Services (918) 367-5651 http://www.harreleyecare.com Danny Joslen, Owner P.O. Box 725 Bristow, OK 74010 ORAL/MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY OIL LEASES Hardnox Inc. (918) 770-6822 Sean Jackson, Managing Partner 216 S. 77th St. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 OIL ROYALTIES Pactola Development Co. (918) 636-4856 Dan Mordhorst, President P. O. Box 4335 Tulsa, OK 74159 INCOG (918) 584-7526 ORTHOPEDIC SERVICES Richard Brierre, Executive Director T. Jeffrey Emel, M.D. (918) 494-9300 2 W. 2nd St., Ste. 800 T. Jeffrey Emel, Tulsa, OK 74103-3123 6475 S. Yale, Ste. 301 http://www.incog.org Tulsa, OK 74136 N.A.A.C.P. (918) 592-7989 Pleas Thompson, President P. O. Box 6246 Tulsa, OK 74148 The Center For Individuals With Physical (918) 584-8607 Challenges Lori Long, Executive Director 815 S. Utica Ave Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.tulsacenter.org http://www.eooc.com ORTHOTICS CFS Allied Health Education (918) 266-3678 Yolanda Sevier, Owner 507 W. Denny Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.learnpedorthics.com Total Care Orthotics & Prosthetics, LLC (918) 502-5975 John Brest, Orthotist The T.R.U.S.T Road & Bridge Coalition 6565 S. Yale Ave., Suite 901 (405) 802-8184 Tulsa, OK 74136 Jami Longacre, Executive Director http://www.totalcareop.com P.O. Box 16112 Oklahoma City, OK 73113 http://www.restoretrust.org (918) 583-7171 Tulsa Area United Way Mark Graham, P.O. Box 1859 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.tauw.org OUTPLACEMENT COUNSELING Challenger, Gray & Christmas (918) 459-4517 Calvin Colbert, Vice President 7633 E. 63rd Pl., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.challengergray.com Tulsa County Medical Society McLaughlin, Berns, Costello Associates, (918) 743-6184 Inc. (918) 491-9748 Mona Wright, Executive Director John Costello, President 5315 S. Lewis 7136 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.tcmsok.org http://www.mbctulsa.com Tulsa Global Alliance Inc. (918) 591-4750 Becky Collins, 800 S. Tucker Drive Tulsa, OK 74104-3126 http://www.tulsaglobalalliance.org OUTPLACEMENT SERVICES Career Development Partners (918) 293-0500 Travis Jones, CEO-Owner 4137 S. Harvard, Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74135 Volunteer Central of Greater Tulsa, Inc. http://www.careerdevelopmentpartners.com (918) 447-1888 Brenda Michael-Haggard, Executive Director 212 E. 6th St. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.volunteercentraloftulsa.org (918) 587-2100 YWCA Tulsa Felicia Collins Correia, Executive Director 1910 S. Lewis, Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74104-5708 ORTHODONTISTS Dr. Robert J. Herman (918) 492-4822 Donann Havlik, Office Manager 6565 S. Yale, Ste. 510 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.DrHermanbraces.com Tulsa Braces (918) 743-2315 W. Scott Harrington, DMD, Inc. Llon Clendenen, (918) 743-9929 3305 E. 45th St. W. Scott Harrington, Owner Tulsa, OK 74135 2111 S. Atlanta Ave. http://www.tulsabraces.com Tulsa, OK 74114 PACKAGING - MATERIALS Creative Packaging (918) 587-0347 Mike Bell, Owner 2837 Charles Page Boulevard Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.creativepackagingok.com Green Bay Packaging Inc. (918) 446-3341 Ryan Boegh, General Manager - V.P. 6106 W. 68th St. Tulsa, OK 74131-2429 http://www.gbp.com Omni Packaging Corp. (918) 461-1700 Roberta Jones, President 12322 E. 55th St. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.omnipackaging.com SupplyOne, Inc. (918) 446-4428 Dave Jones, Facility Manager 11401 E. 27th St. North, Ste. D Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.supplyone.com ORGANIZATIONS ORTHOPEDIC PRODUCTS Greater Cornerstone Community Development Project, (918) 446-3145 Willard Jones, Executive Director 5610 S. 41st W. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74107 http://www.gccdp.com Orthopedic Resources, Inc. (918) 744-1078 PACKAGING & SHIPPING Mark Farrow, President 1638 S. Main St. The UPS Store #1849 (918) 747-0662 Tulsa, OK 74119 Brent Hopkins, Owner www.orthopedicresources.com 3701-A South Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 115 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 127 3/15/12 8:39 AM PARKING LOTS PEST CONTROL PETROLEUM TRAINING American Parking (918) 587-4141 George Shaffer, President 410 South Main, Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.american-parking.com 87PestsPray (918) 355-5752 Cindy Emerson, Co-Owner P.O. Box 470482 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.87pestspray.com PetroSkills/OGCI (918) 828-2500 Dennis Wing, Owner 2930 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74114-6252 http://www.petroskills.com Specialty Pain Management Center Central Parking System (918) 582-6515 (918) 481-6494 Daryl Homer, General Manager Jeffrey Calava, CEO 20 E. 2nd St. 6802 S. Olympia Ave. West, Ste. 250 Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.parking.com http://www.cancer-pain.com Arrow Exterminators, Inc. (918) 258-9669 Michael Fulps, President P. O. Box 708 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.nomorebugs.com PHARMACY The UPS Store #2779 (918) 749-2405 Laura Hopkins, Owner 1611 S. Utica Tulsa, OK 74104 PAIN MANAGEMENT PAINT DEALERS - RETAIL Spectrum Paint Company (918) 369-1264 Gentry Stafford, Marketing Manager 10807 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.spectrumpaint.com Spectrum Paint Company (918) 398-2188 Gentry Stafford, Marketing Manager 15247 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.spectrumpaint.com Spectrum Paint Company (918) 749-0383 Gentry Stafford, Marketing Manager 4520 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.spectrumpaint.com Charles Pest Control, Inc. (918) 584-3323 Terry Rosenthal, President P. O. Box 471100 InVia Pavement Technologies, LLC Tulsa, OK 74147 (918) 528-3399 David Reynolds, CFO Mosquito Man, LLC (918) 360-9690 1540 N. 107th E. Ave. Rick Vickers, Tulsa, OK 74116 2901 E. Hiawatha Dr. http://www.majeskaassociates.com Muskogee, OK 74401 PAVING MATERIAL WHOLESALE & MANUFACTURERS Road Science, LLC (918) 960-3800 Pat Larin, President & CEO 6502 S. Yale Avenue Tulsa, OK 74136-8368 http://www.roadsciencellc.com Freeland Brown Pharmacy (918) 743-4491 Michael Dotson, Managing member 4112 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.freelandbrown.com Medicap Pharmacy #299 (918) 274-1737 Dena Wind, Bookkeeper 130 S. Main Owasso, OK 74055 PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGEMENT Palliative Drug Care (888) 901-2092 Hank Grant, Outbound Solutions Manager Mother Natures Pest Control 10810 E. 45th St. (918) 362-2000 Tulsa, OK 74146 Shelia Ahrend, http://www.pdcrx.com P. O. Box 471440 Tulsa, OK 74147-1440 PHOTO EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES RETAIL PAWN SHOP Orkin Pest Control (918) 622-0800 Camera Gallery, Inc. (918) 252-3652 Daryl Murdock, Branch Manager Silver Dollar Jewelry & Pawn, Inc. Eli Lebow, President 6550 E. 40th St. (918) 744-8666 8172 E. 68th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Tim Clark, President Tulsa, OK 74133 Spectrum Paint Company (918) 836-9911 4125 South Peoria http://www.cameragallery.cOM Gentry Stafford, Marketing Manager Tulsa, OK 74105 Security Pest Control, Inc. (918) 663-6272 4621 E. Admiral Blvd. Jennifer McCollum, Admin. Asst. / HR Tulsa, OK 74115 P. O. Box 690116 Silver Dollar Jewelry & Pawn, Ltd. PHOTOGRAPHY http://www.spectrumpaint.com Tulsa, OK 74169 (918) 496-1221 Adam Murphy Photography Margaret Clark, (918) 844-4849 6573 E. 71st PAINT DEALERS -WHOLESALE & West Termite & Pest Management Adam Murphy, Owner Tulsa, OK 74135 RETAIL (918) 446-0474 14610 S. 52nd E. Ave. Eileen Imwalle, Office Manager Bixby, OK 74008 Anchor Paint Manufacturing Company 8634 S. Peoria http://www.adammurphyphotography.com (918) 836-4626 PAYROLL SERVICES Tulsa, OK 74132 Chip Meade, CEO ADP (918) 828-3267 http://www.westtermite.com 6707 E. 14th St. Aerial Data Service, Inc. (918) 622-4144 John Silva, Sales Executive Tulsa, OK 74112 Jean Carter, President 4111 S. Darlington Ave., Ste. 550 http://www.anchorpaint.com 8301 E. 51st., Ste. 100 PETROLEUM MARKETERS Tulsa, OK 74135-6375 Tulsa, OK 74145-9028 http://www.adp.com Holly Refining & Marketing - Tulsa LLC http://www.aerialdata.com PAINTING & WALLCOVERING (918) 594-6000 Tony Conetta, Vice President & Refinery Paychex, Inc. (918) 663-2221 Bob Turner Painting (918) 439-1969 Apertures Photo (918) 742-0500 Manager, Tulsa Refinery Mike Ruzicka, Branch Manager Paul Turner, President Natalie Green, President P. O. Box 21001 9810 E. 42nd St., Ste. 100 P. O. Box 1887 1936 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74121-1001 Tulsa, OK 74146-3617 Catoosa, OK 74015 Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.hollycorp.com http://www.paychex.com http://www.bobturnerpainting.com http://www.aperturesphoto.com Ican Energy Company (918) 249-3555 Southwestern Payroll Service, Inc. Brook D. Trotter Painting Co. Carroll Brooks, General Manager (918) 587-3321 (918) 440-7752 7229 S. 85th E. Ave., Ste. 200 Ray Fowler, President Brook Trotter, President Tulsa, OK 74133 11008 E. 51st St. 2718 Waterford Ct. Tulsa, OK 74146 Bartlesville, OK 74006 http://www.swpay.com PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Artworks Tulsa Photography (918) 527-1519 Rebecca Eubanks, Owner 624 S. Boston, Ste. 735 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.artworkstulsaphotography.com S & B Professional Painting Asphalt and Fuel Supply, LLC (918) 284-1284 PERFORMING ARTS (918) 488-1339 Bob McCormack Photography Inc. Barbara Senka, Co-Owner / Office Manager John Reaves, Managing Member Tulsa Opera, Inc. (918) 582-4035 (918) 587-2628 1719 E. 137th St. 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 600 John Peter Jeffries, Executive Director John McCormack, Owner Bixby, OK 74008 Tulsa, OK 74135 1610 S. Boulder P. O. Box 52799 http://www.asphalt-fuelsupply.com Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa, OK 74152 Star Painting of Tulsa / Mr. Magic http://www.tulsaopera.com (918) 224-5993 Entertainment B & M Oil Co. (918) 445-0725 Face to Face Photography (918) 284-4126 Jesse Frias, Owner Hal Musgrove & Mr. Jim Beavers, Co-Owners Tulsa Performing Arts Center Cassandra Madden, Owner 13429 W. 78th St. South Box 9309 (918) 596-7122 2541 Poplar Ct. Sapulpa, OK 74066 Tulsa, OK 74157 Nancy Hermann, Marketing Director Sapulpa, OK 74066 110 E. 2nd St. http://www.facetofacephotography. Treadway Painting Co. (918) 250-7569 Tulsa, OK 74103-3212 smugmug.com Explorer Pipeline Co. (918) 493-5100 Mary Treadway, Bookkeeper http://www.tulsapac.com Rod Sands, President/CEO 8936 E. 92nd Ct. P. O. Box 2650 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74101-2650 http://www.expl.com 116 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 128 3/15/12 8:39 AM Jon B. Petersen Photography, Inc. Professional Physical Therapy Inc Tulsa Otolaryngology, Inc. (918) 742-7376 (918) 585-2509 (918) 744-1331 Allen Munson Fuller, Owner/President Jon Petersen, Owner Helen Pratt, President 1725 E. 19th St., Ste. 100 29202 E. 24th St. 4612 S. Harvard, Ste. B Tulsa, OK 74104 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.jonpetersenphotography.com http://www.ppttulsa.com Providence Surgical Group (918) 376-2200 Michael Mann, 10502 N. 110th E. Ave., Rm 305 Owasso, OK 74055 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Retina Associates, Inc. (918) 747-7799 Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center, Raymond Townsend, Physician / Owner Julie Greenwood Photography, LLC Results Therapy Services, LLC P.C. (918) 392-4550 (918) 488-9535 (918) 865-7020 220 W. 71st St. Jennifer Pimentel, Office Manager Julie Greenwood, Co-Owner & President Stacey Jerome, Office Manager Tulsa, OK 74132 6565 S. Yale, Ste. 209 3424 E. 62nd Street P. O. Box 361 Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74136 Mannford, OK 74044 (918) 592-3937 Utica Eye Care http://www.aaicenter.net http://www.luckydogpokerart.com Curtis Wolf, MD (918) 272-3002 The Body Firm 1145 S. Utica, Ste. 362 Angela McGuire, D.O., P.C. (918) 774-1187 Kelly Johnson, Miller Photography, Inc. (918) 587-2505 Tulsa, OK 74104 Angela McGuire, Scott Miller, President 10306 N. 138th E. Ave., Ste. 102 8351 E. 120th St. North 212 North Main Owasso, OK 74055 Whitlock Plastic Surgery/Reflexion Collinsville, OK 74021 Tulsa, OK 74103 Medical Spa (918) 743-5438 http://www.millerphotographyinc.com Therapy Time Pediatrics, PC Tami Thompson, Marketing Director David B. Siegel, D.O., P.L.L.C. (918) 712-7868 3319 E 46th St (918) 369-8672 (918) 760-1575 Lanette DeCelle, PT / Owner Morgan Studio Tulsa, OK 74135 David Siegel, Owner Michael Morgan, President 4157 S. Harvard, Ste. 110 http://www.whitlockmd.com 10914 S. 91st E. Ave. 2824 E. 82nd Pl. Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.therapytimetulsa.com PHYSICIANS GROUP Dermatology Associates of Tulsa, LLC United Physicians, LLC (918) 491-3500 Moto Photo & Portrait Studio Total Physical Therapy and Rehab (918) 307-0215 Cheryl King, (918) 494-6686 (918) 495-0600 Cindy Wilson, 6767 South Yale Ave., Ste. A Dana Bell, Owner Mark Hobbs, Owner/Manager 8803 S. 101st E. Ave., Ste. 335 Tulsa, OK 74136 8220 S. Harvard 6933 S. 66th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74137 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.dermtulsa.com http://www.motophoto.com PICTURE FRAMING PHYSICIAN - NEUROLOGIST Photography by Dori G, Inc. Child Neurology of Tulsa (918) 493-3300 (918) 341-0959 David Siegler, Physician Ashley May, 4619 E. 108th Pl. 401 E. 5th St. Tulsa, OK 74137 Claremore, OK 74017-7416 http://www.kidnoggin.com Dr. David C. Duncan (918) 270-1115 David Duncan, 5505 E. 51st St., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 585-9119 Ralph Cole, Inc. Stephanie Cole, Studio Manager P. O. Box 2803 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.ralphcolephotography.com (918) 492-6000 Dr. John Clark Bundren J. Clark Bundren, Owner 5555 E. 71st St., Ste. 6220 J. Wade, M.D. - Neurology, PC Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 587-5100 J. Wade, P. O. Box 2169 Greg Ratliff, M.D., Inc. (918) 712-0888 Tulsa, OK 74101 Greg Ratliff, Owner (918) 694-7113 Route 66 Photobooth John O’Meilia, Owner P. O. Box 52321 Tulsa, OK 74152 http://www.route66photobooth.com Jeanne M. Edwards, PC (918) 712-7900 Jeanne Edwards, 1717 B S. Utica, Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74104 Grant’s Frames (918) 493-2141 Grant Denny, Owner 8007-A South Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74133 PIPE LINE EQUIPMENT CRC - Evans Pipeline International Inc. (918) 438-2100 Rick Stellarini, General Manager P. O. Box 50368 Tulsa, OK 74150 http://www.crc-evans.com 2107 East 15th Street Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.pscoftulsa.com DMI International, Inc. (918) 438-2213 Cody Shoulders, Executive Vice President 15715 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74116 Halterman Enterprises, LLC http://www.dmiinternational.com (918) 296-5481 Mark Halterman, Owner PHYSICIAN SERVICES Shane Bevel Photography (918) 409-0604 10003 S. Jamestown Ave. Shane Bevel, Owner Enduro Pipeline Services, Inc. Comprehensive Infectious Disease Tulsa, OK 74137 816 S. Jamestown (918) 446-1934 (918) 615-3750 Tulsa, OK 74112 Dwane Laymon, President Ngozi Okolonwamu, 5002 South 45th West Ave. James R. Campbell, D. O. (918) 251-1391 8803 S. 101st E. Ave., Ste. 350 Tulsa, OK 74107 Colleen Garland, Office Manager Tulsa, OK 74133-5726 Sunsets and Snowflakes, Inc. http://www.enduropls.com 500 S. Elm Pl. (918) 825-3192 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Missy Ritchie Nicholas, President Ergent Care (918) 299-4333 172 S. 427 Sheehan Pipe Line Construction Company Steven Nussbaum, Doctor/Owner Pryor, OK 74361 (918) 747-3471 Knock-U-Out Anesthesia, PLLC 9716 Riverside Pkwy., Ste. 100 Leonard Pataki, General Counsel (918) 810-9156 Tulsa, OK 74137 2431 E. 61st St., Ste. 700 Jay Wheeler, Owner http://www.ergentcare.com TSS Photography of Green Country Tulsa, OK 74136-1267 8446 South Kingston Ave. (918) 252-3394 http://www.sheehanpipeline.com Tulsa, OK 74137 Don Flyer, Family Medicine of Southeast Tulsa 2629 W. Dallas St. (918) 492-3405 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 T. D. Williamson, Inc. (918) 447-5000 (918) 764-9332 Luiz Weksler, PLLC Joe Morgan, Owner http://www.tssphotography.com/ Richard Williamson, Chairman of the Board Luiz Weksler, President 5404 E. 104th Place greencountry P. O. Box 2299 2716 S. Rockford Rd. Tulsa, OK 74137 Tulsa, OK 74101 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.tdwilliamson.com PHYSICAL THERAPY - OUTPATIENT Greenwood Healthcare Specialists for Oklahoma Spine & Brain Institute Women, PLLC (847) 630-3655 ProActive Therapy, LLC (918) 299-9300 Vacuworx International (918) 259-3050 (918) 749-0762 Calvin Monroe, Manger / Owner Sherrie Olivier, Office Manager Terry Flynn, Sales Representative Deborah Wood, 1216 E. Apache St. 10123 S. Sheridan Rd. 10105 E. 55th Pl. 6802 S. Olympia, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74106-3938 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.proactive-therapy.com http://www.vacuworx.com http://www.osbi.net Pain Diagnosis & Treatment Center, LLC (918) 366-5511 Jaqruti Bhakto, Member 8556 E. 101st Street South, Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74133 117 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 129 3/15/12 8:39 AM PIPES Webco Industries, Inc. (918) 241-1040 Dana Weber, President/COO P.O. Box 100 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.webcoindustries.com PIPES, VALVES & FITTINGS Hajoca Corporation (918) 627-3332 Glenn Ewell, Manager 5154 S. 110th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.hajoca.com Roto-Rooter (918) 622-6996 Kyle Brierly, Executive V. P. 8125 E. Skelly Drive Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.rotorooter.com CP Solutions (918) 664-6642 Hef Matthews, President 2757 South Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.cpsolutions.biz Thompson Twin Plumbing Inc. Hardesty Press, Inc. (918) 582-5306 (918) 371-9306 Millie York, Service Patty Thompson, 1317 E. 11th St. 12228 N. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74120 Collinsville, OK 74021-7141 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Program Management Group, LLC (918) 582-7595 Kirby Crowe, Owner & Managing Director 601 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 1200 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.pmgtulsa.com PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Halo Branded Solutions (918) 630-7118 Jo-Anne Finn, Key Account Executive Hoffman Printing & Digital Graphics, LLC 720 W. Helena (918) 682-8341 PLUMBING HEATING/AIR Broken Arrow, OK 74012 F. “ Lynn” Hoffman, Owner CONDITIONING http://www.joannefinn.halocatalog.com P. O. Box 1529 ABC Plumbing, Heating & A/C Inc. Muskogee, 74402-1529 PLANT SALES AND RENTAL (918) 341-5508 www.hoffmanprinting.com Halo Branded Solutions (918) 808-1398 Cohlmia’s (918) 582-5572 Brian Frederick, President Stanford Pape, Sales Representative Phillip Breckenridge, Owner 15213 S. 4195 Road 2422 N. Denver Pl. Joan’s Print Shop, Inc. (918) 624-5858 1502 S. Cincinnati Place Claremore, OK 74017 Tulsa, OK 74106 Cindy Llewellyn, Partner Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.abcplumbing.net http://www.prontostore.com 9706 E. 55th Pl., Box F11 http://www.cohlmias.com Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.joansprintshop.com POWER GENERATION EQUIPMENT (918) 832-9889 Initially Yours, Inc. PLUMBING - COML/INDUST/ Ewald Kempa, Global Power Equipment Group, Inc. 1539 North 105th East Avenue RESIDENTIAL (918) 587-7068 McNally Printing (918) 488-0828 Tulsa, OK 74116 Mike McNally, President David Keller, President & CEO AAA AUGER (918) 641-5551 http://www.initiallyyours.com 505 S. Quaker Ave. 5199 N. Mingo Rd. Jason Brown, Business Manager Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74117 428 S. 122nd E. Ave. http://www.globalpower.com MAH Promotions, LLC (918) 895-6220 Tulsa, OK 74128 Mary Elliott, http://www.aaa-auger.com Meek’s Group (918) 836-0900 1625 S. Boston Ave. Jerry Crockett, President POWER LINE CONST./MAINT. Tulsa, OK 74119 6749 E. 12th St. American Leak Detection (918) 298-5325 www.mahpromotions.com Calvary Construction, Inc. (918) 287-2832 Tulsa, OK 74112-5606 Wayne McCollough, Marketing Manager Sylvia Herren, Owner http://www.meeks-group.com P. O. Box 310 P.O. Box 1352 Jenks, OK 74037-0310 PROMOTIONS Pawhuska, OK 74056 http://www.americanleakdetection.com (918) 749-0981 Miller Printing Co., Inc. Feld Entertainment (469) 248-1462 Wayne Elliott, President Stephanie Schettek, Event Marketing & Sales 4224 S. Peoria PRINTER SUPPLIES & ACCESSORIES/ Apex Plumbing, Heating & Piping, Inc. Manager Tulsa, OK 74105 REPAIR (918) 584-6007 14131 Midway Rd., Ste. 1220 Harry Warden, President Addison, TX 75001 Advantage Graphics (918) 582-1590 1111 East Archer Street (918) 336-5737 Printing Center, Inc. http://www.feldentertainment.com Steve Stacy, Vice President Tulsa, OK 74120-1204 Mike Byfield, Manager/V.P. 601 E. 4th St. 220 S.E. Comanche Tulsa, OK 74120 PROPERTY LEASING - RESIDENTIAL Bartlesville, OK 74003 Cunningham Plumbing Co., Inc. Group M Investment, Inc. (918) 627-5446 (918) 446-3730 LaserWorks, Inc. (918) 622-1007 Barbara Casey, Vice President Jimmie Cunningham, President (918) 582-1825 Quik Print of Tulsa, Inc. Norman Sandusky, President P. O. Box 14066 2723 W. 40th Street Gary Gravley, President 11507 E. 58th Street Tulsa, OK 74159-1066 Tulsa, OK 74107 6732 E. 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74146-6804 http://www.groupminvestment.com Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.laserworksinc.com http://www.qptulsa.com (918) 838-9841 Heatwave Supply, Inc. Roland Rice, President P.O. Box 580009 Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.heatwavesupply.com PRINTERS Allegra Print & Imaging (918) 665-0944 Martin Hanna, President 7707 E. 38th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Henderson Plumbing Co., Inc. http://www.allegratulsa.com (918) 352-5400 Nicole Henderson, Co-Owner P. O. Box 1124 Coweta, OK 74429 Jolley Plumbing, L.L.C. (918) 396-2144 James Larry Jolley, 1635 E. 168th St. North Skiatook, OK 74071 Boomerang Printing (918) 747-1844 Tom Wilson, 3615 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.boomerangprinting.com PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - Royal Printing & Copy Centers COMMERCIAL (918) 584-2679 Bumgarner Asset Management, L.L.C. Mike Scrimsher, Vice President (918) 584-1414 400 S. Elm Place Donna Davis, Property Manager Broken Arrow, OK 74012 320 South Boston, Ste. 1130 http://www.royalprintba.com Tulsa, OK 74103-4700 Stewart Business Forms, Inc. JoeHenry Management Company, LLC (918) 664-7597 (918) 496-2292 John Stewart, President Jeff Hamra, Manager 608 E. 3rd St., Ste. 3 4512 E. 51st St., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 747-5684 Logan Smith Plumbing Bill Ward, Owner 1312 E. 36th Place Tulsa, OK 74105 Communication Graphics Inc. PRIVATE CLUBS (918) 258-6502 Summit Club (918) 582-5243 David Cleveland, President Walter Munaretto, General Manager 1765 North Juniper P. O. Box 2007 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.thedecalcompany.net http://www.summittulsa.com Mullin Plumbing, Inc. (918) 258-6636 Mark Wayne Mullin, President 118 S. Elm Pl. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.mullinplumbing.com (918) 583-3353 Copy Scan & More, LLC David VanDalsem, Owner 400 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.copyscanandmore.com Katherine Investments, Inc. (918) 369-1658 Robert Brusso, 11613 S. 100th E. Ave. Bixby, OK 74008 VMJ Properties, LLC (918) 749-0166 Michael Jones, Manager 4734 S. Delaware The Development Services Network, LLC Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 606-6109 Steve Alter, Owner 11202 S. Locust Jenks, OK 74037 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 118 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 130 3/15/12 8:39 AM PSYCHIATRISTS/PSYCHOLOGISTS PUBLIC SERVICE Depression and THS Therapy Center of River Parks Authority (918) 596-2006 Tulsa (918) 747-8867 Matt Meyer, Executive Director Peter Alan Rao, Owner, Psychiatrist 717 S. Houston, Ste. 510 5544 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74127-9008 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.riverparks.org http://www.tulsatms.com RAILROADS BNSF Railway Company (918) 445-2501 Dave Devault, Terminal Superintendent 1631 W. 33rd Pl. Tulsa, OK 74107-3801 http://www.bnsf.com First Commercial Real Estate Services Corporation (918) 495-1551 Richard Sudduth, President-Broker 8301 E. 74th Place Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.first-commercial.com (918) 830-6343 Holston Group LLC Yvonne Hovell, President P. O. Box 470587 Blooming Twig Books LLC (866) 389-1482 Fioravanti Bison Ranch, LLC Tulsa, OK 74147 Kent Gustavson, Owner (918) 852-6830 320 S. Boston, Suite 1026 Sheila Fioravanti, President Tulsa, OK 74103 1510 W. 90th St. North (918) 622-8937 Homevesters http://www.bloomingtwig.com Wagoner, OK 74467 Jerrid Horton, Property Manager 1515 E. 15th Street Wilson Psychological Associates, PLLC Tulsa, OK 74120 Insight International Inc. (918) 493-1718 Hase Family Farm (918) 633-6303 (918) 337-6050 http://www.tulsa.homevestors.com John Mason, President Debbie Hase, Partner Spence Wilson, Owner 4739 E. 91st St., Ste. 210 50338 W. 21st St. South 501 S. Johnstone, Ste. 503 Tulsa, OK 74137 Jennings, OK 74038 JNT Properties LLC (918) 855-9849 Bartlesville, OK 74003 http://www.freshword.com Jeff Stumpff, 14705 E. 150th St. North REAL ESTATE PUBLIC RELATIONS Collinsville, OK 74021-2031 (918) 605-0696 Love Unlimited LLC Accent Realtors (918) 665-8559 Bill Morgan, Owner Crossroads Communications, LLC Paul Wheeler, President/Owner 2722 S. 137th E. Ave. (918) 633-4397 (918) 865-3457 JST Investments 4625 S. Harvard Ave., Suite 100 Tulsa, OK 74134 Mandy Vavrinak, President Stacy Moore, Vice President Tulsa, OK 74135 3732 S. Canton Ave. P. O. Box 1010 http://www.AccentRealtors.com Tulsa, OK 74135 Mannford, OK 74044 Reporter Publishing Company http://www.crossroadscommunications.com (918) 789-2331 Aerie Properties, LLC (918) 760-8166 Linda Lord, Editor Keller Williams Realty (918) 496-2252 Keith Roberts, Owner P. O. Box 6 Diane White Public Relations & Events Sherry Lewis, Broker\Owner 1127 E. 33rd Pl. Chelsea, OK 74016 (918) 574-8767 4745 E. 91st, Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.chelseareporter.com Diane White, Owner & President Tulsa, OK 74137 2642 E. 21st St., Ste. 220 http://www.kw.com Tulsa, OK 74114 BLR Realty Corp./Tri-Angle Development Snapdragon Group (918) 245-0825 (918) 610-7210 Rebecca Currington, President Keller Williams Realty - Jill Fleischner Ronald Looney, President 160 Osage Ridge Dr. Emerge Marketing & PR (918) 794-3555 (918) 406-4661 5445 South 99th East Ave Sand Springs, OK 74063 Jessica Dyer, President Jill Fleischner, Realtor Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.snapdragongroup.com 11063-D S. Memorial Dr., PMB 445 2651 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.emergempr.com Brooks Harvard (918) 245-0005 http://www.jillsellingtulsa.com Westech Media, LLC (918) 478-2185 Linda Price, Secretary Kara West, Vice President 113 E. 22nd St. One Plaza S. #347 Rex Public Relations, LLC (918) 599-0029 M & D Properties, LLC (918) 269-1807 Tulsa, OK 74114 Tahlequah, OK 74464 Ryan Rex, Managing Member David Lichtenwalter, 401 S. Boston Ave., Ste. 2300 510 Fairway Dr. Tulsa, OK 74103 Bruce Gibson Real Estate Inc. Broken Arrow, OK 74011-8407 PUMPS & PUMPING EQUIPMENT http://www.rexpr.com (918) 630-3175 Bruce Gibson, Automatic Engineering, Inc. Mapco Plaza Building (918) 749-7741 1816 N. 15th St. (918) 585-5703 Saxum (918) 858-4680 John Neas, Owner Broken Arrow, OK 74012-9372 Russell Gibbs, President Jesse Boudiette, Senior Vice President & P. O. Box 35288 http://www.brucegibsonhomes.com 1501 E. 6th St. General Manager Tulsa, OK 74153-0288 Tulsa, OK 74120 200 E. Brady St. http://www.mapcoplaza.com http://www.aei-tulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74103 Charles Ford Investments (918) 743-4056 http://www.saxum.com Charles Ford, Owner Mapleview Associates, Inc. (918) 583-8808 5518 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa Tool & Pump Company Joseph Westervelt, President Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 250-1806 Saxum Public Relations (405) 608-0445 1630 S. Boston Ave. James Hadorn, President C. Renzi Stone, President & CEO Tulsa, OK 74119 11366 E. 60th Place 1300 N. Broadway Drive Chinowth & Cohen Realtors Tulsa, OK 74146 Oklahoma City, OK 73103 (918) 392-0900 McGraw Davisson Stewart Realtors, Inc. http://www.tulsatool&pump.com http://www.saxum.com Sheryl Chinowth, CEO (918) 592-6000 1441 E. 41st St. John Woolman, President Tulsa, OK 74105 Vanco Equipment Co. (918) 627-1920 Schnake Turnbo Frank PR (918) 582-9151 4105 S. Rockford Ave. http://www.cctulsa.com Kent Van Valkenburgh, President Becky Frank, Chairman & CEO Tulsa, OK 74105 7033 E. 40th 20 E. Fifth Street, Ste. 1500 http://www.mcgrawok.com Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) 272-2020 Cleveland & Associates http://www.stfpr.com Don Hunt, Mid America Realty, Inc. (918) 299-0100 10306 N. 138th East, Ste. 1012 RADIOLOGY George O’Connor, President Owasso, OK 74055 Scissortail Group PR (918) 583-2333 10125-C South Sheridan Road Fidelis Radiology (918) 392-0720 Gary Percefull, Owner Tulsa, OK 74133 Kasey Clark, Business Manager 3704 Southwest Blvd. Coldwell Banker Select (918) 392-3500 http://www.midamericarealty.org P. O. Box 702586 Tulsa, OK 74107 Sam Rader, Chairman Tulsa, OK 74170 http://www.scissortail.com 8522 E. 61st St. Orlando & Associates, Realtors Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 212-6611 Fioravanti Interventional/Diagnostic http://www.cbtulsa.com Waller & Company Public Relations, Inc. Orlando Dumalag, Owner Radiology, PLLC (918) 519-1155 (918) 587-1909 1308 S Cypress Lane Bernard Fioravanti, President Barrett Waller, Equitas Realty Advisors, LLC Broken Arrow, OK 74012 1510 W. 90th St. North P. O. Box 521030 (918) 280-9900 http://www.callOrlando.com Wagoner, OK 74467 Tulsa, OK 74152 Marco Placencia, Managing Broker http://www.wallerpr.com 5801 East 41st Street, Suite 101 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.equitasrealty.com Behaviorial Health Group of Northeastern Oklahoma (918) 337-0900 Spence Wilson, Owner 501 S. E. Johnstone, Ste. 510 Bartlesville, OK 74003 PUBLISHERS RANCH 119 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 131 3/15/12 8:39 AM Patterson & Associates (918) 749-8374 Charles Patterson, Real Estate Advisor 2651 E. 21st St., #101 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.SellerOfDreams.com Ingram, Blevins, Roberson, Knight, Inc. Fleener Minnix Real Estate Inc. Property Company of America (918) 743-4332 (918) 621-1133 (918) 745-9500 David Roberson, Gary Fleener, President Grant Hinch, Principal 4137 South Harvard Avenue, Ste. E 1703 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 107 4111 S. Darlington, Ste. 1190 Tulsa, OK 74135-2607 Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.fleenerminnix.com Prospectors Real Estate (918) 682-8501 Sherri Jones, Broker/Owner P. O. Box 3198 Muskogee, OK 74402 Sahoma Lanes, Inc. (918) 224-4890 Wayne Bolin, President P. O. Box 1243 Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.sahomalanes.com Prudential Detrick Realty (918) 671-1855 Sheldon Detrick, CEO 4636 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.pruhomequest.com Scott Realty Company (918) 877-2797 Jeffrey Scott, President 7335 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 209 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.scottrealty.net Showhomes Tulsa (918) 392-1960 Tammy Edwards, Owner 9175 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.showhomes.com Grubb & Ellis/Levy Beffort (918) 481-3200 Jared Andresen, Managing Partner 2021 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 410 Tulsa, OK 74104-5710 http://www.grubb-ellis.com Valuation Associates of Oklahoma (918) 266-2609 Imperial Properties, Inc. (918) 665-2700 Edward Truitt, President David Hall, President P. O. Box 1190 6130 E. 32nd Street, Ste. 108 Claremore, OK 74018-1190 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.imperialproperties.com Wilson Lillie & Associates Appraisal Co., (918) 341-8765 (918) 581-3300 Inc. Kanbar Properties Marla Lillie, Lisa Brandes, Vice President P. O. Box 1250 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 2400 Claremore, OK 74018 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.kanbarproperties.com Sand Springs Home (918) 245-1393 R. A. Weese, Trustee P. O. Box 278 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Sooner Realty Properties, LLC (918) 260-5286 Kamlesh Aggarwal, Broker/Owner 2709 S. 27th St. Muskogee, OK 74401 http://www.SoonerRealtyProperties.com Stan Frisbie Real Estate, LLC (918) 747-7600 Tony Lombardi, Managing Broker P. O. Box 52126 Tulsa, OK 74152-0126 http://www.stanfrisbie.com REAL ESTATE - CLOSING SERVICE (918) 747-0833 Leikam & Leikam Venture Properties, Inc. (918) 747-8700 Commercial Title & Escrow Services, Inc. R. Kip Leikam, Partner Philip Allen, President (918) 556-6336 2622 East 21st Street, Ste. Seven 4835 S. Peoria Pamela “Pam” Bewley, President Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74105 4739 E. 91st St., Ste. 200 http://www.ventureproperties.com StayTulsa, LLC (918) 492-7799 Tulsa, OK 74137 Jerry Ryan, Owner/Manager McDowell & Associates, Inc. http://www.commercialtitleok.com (918) 298-0800 6171 S. Marion Ave. Whiteside & Grant Realtors James McDowell, (918) 743-9898 Tulsa, OK 74136 FirsTitle & Abstract Services, Inc. Robert Grant, President 6843 S. Peoria http://www.staytulsa.com (918) 250-1641 Tulsa, OK 74136 1924 S. Utica, Ste. 812 Karen Burnette, President http://www.mcdowellre.com Tulsa, OK 74104 The Detrick Companies (918) 671-1855 9136 South Sheridan Road http://www.whitesidegrant.com Sheldon Detrick, CEO Tulsa, OK 74133 4636 S. Harvard Montie Box Co., Realtors (918) 245-2505 http://www.firstitle.com Montie Box, President (405) 842-0100 Tulsa, OK 74135 Wiggin Properties, LLC Charles Wiggin, President http://www.PruHomeQuest.com Box 98 Titan Title & Closing LLC (918) 299-2300 5801 N. Broadway Ext., Suite 120 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Donna Shell, Real Estate Closer Oklahoma City, OK 73118 http://www.montieboxrealtors.com (918) 272-2750 Vines Properties, Inc. 104 East A Street http://www.wigginprop.com David Vines, Jenks, OK 74037 P. O. Box 498 NAI Commercial Properties (918) 745-1133 Owasso, OK 74055 REAL ESTATE - DEVELOPERS/ REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL Max Heidenreich, http://www.vinesproperties.com MANAGEMENT 6914 S. Yorktown Ave., Ste. 215 Argue Properties, Inc. (918) 587-1900 American Residential Group Tulsa, OK 74136 Terry Argue, President Walter & Associates, Inc. (918) 743-2001 (918) 748-8636 http://www.naitulsa.com 401 S. Boston, Ste. 300 Peter Walter, President Jay Helm, President Tulsa, OK 74103 1319 E. 35th St. 5727 S. Lewis #550 http://www.argueproperties.com Tulsa, OK 74105 National Commercial Auctioneers, LLC Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 895-7078 http://www.walterandassociates.com http://www.argtulsa.com Stephen Karbelk, President Beacon Commercial Group, Ltd. 7715 E. 111th St. South, Suite 114 (918) 394-1000 White Coyote Properties LLC Aspen Realty, LLC (918) 691-1200 Tulsa, OK 74133 Tanda Francis, Managing Partner (918) 943-6293 Matt Gawey, Owner / Manager http://www.natcomauctions.com 8242 S. Harvard, Suite I Dana Luft, Owner 1127 E. 33rd Pl. Tulsa, OK 74137 14211 S. Vandalia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.beaconcommercial.com Bixby, OK 74008 Paradigm Realty Advisors, L.L.C. (918) 665-1900 B & G Property, LLC (918) 494-4949 Michael Estus, Director CB Richard Ellis/Oklahoma (918) 665-3830 Williams & Williams Worldwide Real Robert Cox, Owner 4500 S. Garnett, Suite 600 Thomas O’Brien, President (918) 250-2012 Estate Auction 3902 E. 63rd St. Tulsa, OK 74146 1401 S. Boulder Ave., Suite 100 Dean Williams, Tulsa, OK 74136-1500 http://www.paradigmtulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74119 7120 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 200 http://www.cbreok.com Tulsa, OK 74136 Cameron Investment Corporation http://www.williamsauction.com Pinnacle Commercial Group (918) 254-6000 (918) 587-8400 Coates Commercial Properties, LLC Jim Cameron, President/CEO Ted Osgood, Partner (918) 610-0700 Woody Enterprises, LLC (918) 850-3736 3550 West Tacoma 5727 S. Lewis, #550 Patrick Coates, Marketing Director/Broker Jennifer Edwards, Owner Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74105 9726 E. 42nd St., Ste. 100 P.O. Box 158 Catoosa, OK 74015 REAL ESTATE - APPRAISERS Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.coatesproperties.com Corporate Realty Advisors (918) 392-1950 Brown Appraisal Service, LLC Nick Probst, Commercial Leasing Specialist (918) 527-2284 3150 E. 41st St., Ste. 102 Matt McCormick, Tulsa, OK 74105 4111 S. Darlington Ave., Ste. 140 http://www.craok.com Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.brownappraisalservice.com (918) 488-8880 Properties Plus, Inc. Greg Williams, Owner 7040 S. Yale, Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.propertiesplus.com Case & Associates Properties, Inc. (918) 492-1983 Mike Case, President 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste. 800 Tulsa, OK 74135-3237 http://www.caseusa.com 120 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 132 3/15/12 8:39 AM Metropolitan Tulsa Investments, LLC Shikoba Recycling (918) 894-2019 REAL ESTATE - LEASING (918) 587-9500 Kristen McCormick, Manager Greathousetulsa.com (918) 794-4337 Thomas Hinds, General Manager P. O. Box 14108 Andrew Nelson, Owner Two West Second St., Ste. 22 Tulsa, OK 74159 2626 S. Evanston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.shikobarecyclilng.com Tulsa, OK 74114 Collins & Associates, Inc. (918) 524-3833 http://www.greathousetulsa.com Douglas Collins, President Parmenter Realty Partners (918) 492-3400 REFUSE COLLECTIONS 5153 E. 51st St., Ste. 108 Scott Mitchell, Senior Property Manager D & E Refuse, Inc. (918) 585-8317 REAL ESTATE RELOCATION/DOMESTIC & FOREIGN Tulsa, OK 74135-7442 6100 South Yale, Suite 390 Ellen Schneider, President Tulsa, OK 74136 ERA John Hausam, Inc., Realtors P. O. Box 726 http://www.parmco.com (918) 492-2000 Comfort Zone of Tulsa, Inc. Sand Springs, OK 74063 John Hausam, President (918) 366-8282 6550 East 71st Street Linda Hildebrand, CFO (918) 582-6297 Port Partnership (918) 438-9970 Tulsa Refuse, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74133 Robert James, Vice President 14219 S. New Haven Ave. Mary Hawthorne, President http://www.johnhausam.com Bixby, OK 74008 P. O. Box 14049 2221 South Garnett Road http://www.ilikehouses.com Tulsa, OK 74159 Tulsa, OK 74129 RE/MAX Executives, Realtors (918) 254-0600 Dixon Real Estate Co., Inc. (918) 748-0308 Property Client Services (918) 488-8020 David Momper, Broker/Owner REHABILITATION SERVICES Stephen Dixon, President Gail Fair, Property Manager 7506 East 91 St. Ste. 200 4870 S. Lewis, Ste. 1200 7060 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 900 Phoenix Residential Services Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 245-1884 http://www.tulsahomelist.com http://www.propertyclientservices.com Bambi LaTray, Chief Financial Officer CIGA Investments, LLC (918) 274-0500 Robert Soden, President P. O. Box 1526 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 779-7575 East Gate Metroplex Rob Phillips, Owner 14002 E. 21st St., Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.eastgatemetroplex.com SB Holdings LLC (918) 585-5636 Bradley Patton, Managing Member 5103 S. Sheridan, Ste. 710 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.sbholdingsllc.com Eliot Management Group (801) 933-5581 Shawn McKinish, Manager 4500 S. Garnett Rd., #610 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.e-mg.com Smithco Investments, LLC (918) 459-4643 Susan Lawrence, Executive Assistant 7633 E. 63rd Place, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 493-2525 GBR Properties, Inc. Ben Latham, President 3114 E. 81st St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.gbrproperties.com Tulsa, OK 741691487 REAL ESTATE INSPECTION Ford Engineering (918) 743-4549 William “Bill” Ford, Sole Proprietor 3337 S. Troost Tulsa, OK 74105-2644 http://www.inspectoklahoma.com RECORDS STORAGE 20 W. 2nd Street, Ste. 200 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.phoenixresidential.org RELIGIOUS ORG. Christ Gospel Church (918) 585-9634 Debra Hill, Pastor’s Wife 1203 W. Archer Tulsa, OK 74127 5R, Inc. (918) 665-2828 Shekinah Network (918) 296-9006 Greg Robbins, President Chuck McKee, President 5152 S. 95th E. Ave. Tailor Made Investments, LLC 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 4925 Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 282-3530 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.storageplus.biz Terry Calhoun, http://www.shekinahnetwork.org P.O. Box 691487 Advanced Record Storage (918) 438-2012 Jay Havlik, Operations Manager RELOCATION SERVICES 11403-A E. 19th St. Henderson Investments Co., Inc. The Robson Companies, Inc. Quantum Relocation Services Tulsa, OK 74128 (918) 367-2284 (918) 357-2787 (972) 733-1181 http://www.ate.net Wayne Henderson, Owner Joe Robson, President J. Phillip Page, CFO P. O. Box 1235 901 N. Forest Ridge Blvd. 14114 Dallas Parkway, Ste. 470 Bristow, OK 74010 Broken Arrow, OK 74014-2759 Data Storage, Inc. (918) 664-6164 Dallas, TX 75006 http://www.forestridge.com Dymian Kritikos, Marketing & Sales Manager http://www.quantumrelocation.cPM 7370 E. 38th St. Home Finders Leasing & Management Inc. Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 665-0212 The Sanditen Companies (918) 742-3315 REMODELING AND REPAIRING http://www.datastorageinc.com Ken Cook, Owner Wilfred Sanditen, 5321 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 30 3314 East 51st, Suite 200-A Cornerstone Property Services, LLC Tulsa, OK 74145-7509 Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 640-5353 RECREATION EQUIPMENT http://www.homes-tulsa.com Steven Vogler, Owner Terra Pad Recreation Solutions 9119 S. 75th E. Ave (918) 629-1988 Traband Realty Corp. (918) 270-2335 Tulsa, OK 74133-6036 (918) 289-5443 Robert Traband, President JDV Properties, LLC Brandon Riggs, President & CEO James VanDuker, Owner/Manager P. O. Box 869 P.O. Box 55126 8240 S. 72nd East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74101-0869 Granite Transformations of Tulsa Tulsa, OK 74155 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.midtownbusinesscenters.com (316) 681-1900 http://www.terrapad.com Clay Morse, Co-Owner 5151 S. Mingo Rd., Ste. C John Turk Construction (918) 550-9017 Twenty First Properties, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74146 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES John Turk, Owner (918) 743-4300 http://www.granitetransformations.com 614 E Huntsville Pl Paul Wilson, President C & L RV Center (918) 687-9537 Broken Arrow, OK 74011 2121 S. Columbia Ave, #650 Rick Berkinbile, Tulsa, OK 74114-3505 3101 S. 32nd St. RENTAL SERVICE STORES Muskogee, OK 74401 Jordan Land & Investments, LLC A.B.C. Equipment Rental, Inc. (918) 808-8611 Vicki Berg Property Manager, Inc. (918) 744-8353 Susie Medcalf, Manager (918) 664-5756 Timothy Hewett, President RECYCLING CENTERS 2209 W. Vicksburg Vicki Berg, President 2910 East 15th Street AbiBow Recycling, LLC (918) 730-1468 Broken Arrow, OK 74011 5153 E. 51st, Ste. 112 Tulsa, OK 74104 Leslie Pippin, Recycling Consultant Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.abcequipmentrental.com 2443 Dawson Road http://www.vickiberg.com/ (918) 398-3988 Larson Development Tulsa, OK 74110 Travis Skaggs, Operations Manager http://www.paperretriever.com RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME (918) 749-7781 12324 E. 86th St. North Wenrick Development Tom Wenrick, Owner/President Owasso, OK 74055 Copp’s Residential Care, Inc. Greenstar Recycling (918) 245-7030 2930 E. 51st St. (918) 341-2543 Shayne Brown, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74105 Tracy Copp, Secretary/Treasurer (918) 743-2100 Leinbach Company 360 S. Main St. http://www.wenrick.com 14092 E. 500 Road Edward Leinbach, President Sand Springs, OK 74063 Claremore, OK 74019 2240 East 49th Street, Ste. 100 http://www.greenstarrecyclling.com Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.leinbach.com 121 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 133 3/15/12 8:39 AM RESTAURANT SUPPLIES Arctic Sales & Leasing, Inc. (918) 663-3323 Linda Crowl, Owner 7890 E. 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 Chili’s & More (918) 872-9513 Marcos Moreno, Partner 10918 E. 2nd St. Tulsa, OK 74128 Curtis Restaurant Supply (918) 622-7390 David Hillin, Co-Owner 6577 E. 40th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.CurtisEquipment.com Baxter’s Interurban Grill (918) 585-3134 Craig Baxter, Owner/Operator 717 S. Houston Tulsa, OK 74127 http://www.baxtersgrill.com Coney Island Sandwich Shop Elwoods Restaurant (918) 949-9090 (918) 587-2821 Tom Dittus, Owner James Economou, Owner 1924 S. Riverside Dr. 123 W. 4th St. Tulsa, OK 74119 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.bluerosecafetulsa.com/elwoods. html BBD II (918) 481-5555 Cosmo Cafe (918) 459-0497 Christopher Cooley, Owner/Operator Philip Kaiser, Owner 8218 S. Harvard 3334 S. Peoria Tulsa, OK 74137 Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.cosmo-cafe.com (918) 445-3520 Belly Busters Robert Elder, Owner 3524 Southwest Blvd. Tulsa, OK 74107 (918) 295-7748 Daily Grill Kenneth Scudder, General Manager 100 E. Second St. Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.dailygrill.com (918) 794-7782 Fat Guys Burger Bar Chris Dodge, Owner 140 N. Greenwood Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.fatguysburgers.com (918) 249-3473 Firehouse Subs Audi White, Owner 6630 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.firehousesubs.com Billy Sim’s BBQ (918) 270-1978 Jeff Jackson, Owner RESTAURANTS 5213 S. Sheridan Rd. Dairy Queen (918) 756-4554 Brandon Branch, Tulsa, OK 74145 Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar 742DINE (918) 742-3463 1000 E. 6th Street (918) 712-7500 http://www.billysimsbbq.com Dan Katz, Owner Michael Bennett, Private Dining Director Okmulgee, OK 74447 5401 S. Sheridan Rd., Suite 301 1976 Utica Square Tulsa, OK 74145-7524 Billy’s on the Square Restaurant Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.742dine.com (918) 583-8703 (918) 377-2288 Dan’s Bar-B-Que Pit http://www.flemingssteakhouse.com Billy Bayouth, Owner Annita Vandever, Owner 424 S. Main St. P. O. Box 561 Albert G’s Bar-B-Q (918) 747-4799 Tulsa, OK 74103 Davenport, OK 74026 Freddie’s Bar-B-Que & Steak House Chuck Gawey, Owner (918) 224-4301 http://www.billysonthesquare.com 2748 South Harvard Ed & Sherian Slyman, Owners Tulsa, OK 74114 Dave and Buster’s of Oklahoma, Inc. P. O. Box 904 http://www.albertgs.com BoneFish Grill (918) 252-3474 (918) 449-3100 Sapulpa, OK 74067 Brad Rockholt, Manager Jamie Payne, Special Events Manager 4651 W. Kenosha 6812 S. 105 E. Ave. Andolini’s Pizzeria (918) 728-6111 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74133 Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers Mike Bausch, Co-Owner (918) 249-9991 http://www.bonefishgrill.com http://www.daveandbusters.com 1552 E. 15th St. JT Mills, Tulsa, OK 74120 9311 E. 71st St. http://www.andopizza.com (918) 551-6500 Braum’s Ice Cream & Dairy Store Dickey’s Barbecue Pit Tulsa, OK 74133 (405) 475-1656 Jack Whitehead, General Manager hhttp://www.freddysfrozencustard.com Andrea Schwab, Public Relations Director 6044 S. Yale Ave. Applebee’s Neighborhood Bar & Grill 3000 N.E. 63rd Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 254-4237 Oklahoma City, OK 73121 http://www.dickeys.com Freebirds World Burrito (918) 445-4113 Wendi Doak, Marketing Manager Mike Basten, General Manager http://www.braums.com 9409 E. 71st 7547-B S. Olympia Ave. West Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 938-6382 Dilly Deli Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.applebees.com (918) 445-9953 Elliot Nelson, Owner Buffalo Wild Wings http://www.freebirds.com James Allen, Manager 402 E. 2nd St. 7568 S. Olympia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 Applebee’s Neighborhood Bar & Grill Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.dillydelitulsa.com (918) 664-1988 http://www.buffalowildwings.com Wendi Doak, Marketing Manager 4733 S. Yale Ave. (918) 897-1234 Diner Connection Tulsa, OK 74135 Shawna Simpson, Co-Owner (918) 248-8722 Cafe USA Sam Jabr, 7012 S. Sandusky Ave. 725 S. Mission St. Tulsa, OK 74136 Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.dinerconnection.com (918) 664-1400 http://www.cafeusa.org Wendi Doak, Marketing Manager 11104 E. 41st St. (918) 949-3663 Doc’s Wine & Food Tulsa, OK 74146 Darin Ross, Owner (918) 254-8888 Carrabba’s Italian Grill http://www.applebees.com Tim Johnson, Proprietor 3509 S. Peoria Ave. 11021 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74133 Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar http://www.carrabbas.com (918) 376-9086 (918) 371-8755 Doug’s Grill Wendi Doak, Marketing Manager Tracy Starr, 9039 N. 121st St. 705 W. Main Charlie Mitchell’s Modern Pub Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 728-8181 Collinsville, OK 74021 http://www.applebees.com Sean Savage, General Manager 4848 S. Yale Duffy’s #1 Restaurant (918) 740-5623 Tulsa, OK 74135 Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar Frank Alchami, Manager http://www.charliemitchellsmodernpub.com (918) 451-1715 5616 S. 89th E. Ave. Wendi Doak, Marketing Manager Tulsa, OK 74145 3900 S. Elm Place (918) 960-2723 Chimi’s Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Brandon Fischer, Owner (918) 382-7482 El Guapo’s Cantina http://www.applebees.com 6709 E. 81st St., Ste. A Elliot Nelson, Owner Tulsa, OK 74133 332 E. 1st St. http://www.chimismexican.com Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar Tulsa, OK 74120 (918) 687-3266 http://www.elguaposcantina.net Wendi Doak, Marketing Manager (918) 835-9922 Christy’s Fast Food 415 W. Shawnee Antoun Alkhouri, Owner Elote Cafe and Catering (918) 582-1403 Muskogee, OK 74402 9516 E. Pine St. Libby Auld, Owner http://www.applebees.com Tulsa, OK 74115 514 S. Boston Ave. Frisario’s Italian Ice Cream (918) 671-9087 Tony Dietz, Owner P. O. Box 582 Jenks, OK 74037 (918) 583-6666 Full Moon Cafe Tony Henry, Owner 1525 East 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.eatfullmoon.com Genghis Grill (918) 574-2695 Mike Pierce, Owner 1617 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.genghisgrill.com Gina & Guiseppe’s Italian Ristorante (918) 296-0111 Jacquelyn Spraker, Owner 400 Riverwalk Terrace, Ste. 100 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.gngitalian.com Go West Restaurant and Saloon (918) 446-7546 John Wimpy, Owner 6205 New Sapulpa Road Tulsa, OK 74131 http://www.gowestrestaurant.com Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.elotetulsa.com 122 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 134 3/15/12 8:39 AM Grand Selections Restaurant In The Raw (918) 744-1300 (918) 583-0510 Greg Hughes, Owner Brent Meyer, Owner 3321 South Peoria 309 S. Main Tulsa, OK 74105 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.intherawsushi.com http://www.grandselections.com McDonald’s (918) 664-6085 Michelle Buckles, Marketing Coordinator 4935 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.mcoklahoma.com/3908 Qdoba Mexican Grill (918) 493-7179 Alex Hammond, Manager 5220 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.qdoba.com In the Raw on the Hill (918) 524-0063 Becky Archer, General Manager 6151 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.intherawsushi.com McDonald’s #32608 (918) 445-7201 8630 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.mcstate.com Qdoba Mexican Grill (918) 494-7022 Josie Walden, Manager 7153 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.qdoba.com Hatfield’s Burgers & BBQ (918) 437-4353 Lera Smith, Owner 11223 E. Admiral Pl. Tulsa, OK 74116 Health Foods To Go, Inc. (918) 744-5085 Ayman Kabbani, Owner 3303 E. 15th St. Tulsa, OK 74112 Hey Mambo Italiano (918) 508-7000 Scott Moore, Owner 114 N. Boston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74103 www.heymamboitaliano.com Holden’s Drive In (918) 267-4437 Becky Wilson, Co-Owner P. O. Box 521 Beggs, OK 74421 McGill’s/Food & Beverage IV (918) 742-8080 (918) 994-7145 James E. McNellie’s Public House Qdoba Mexican Grill (918) 382-7468 Greg McGill, Owner Cameron Tobin, Manager Elliot Nelson, Owner 1560 E. 21st St. 8310 E. 71st Ct. Tulsa, OK 74114 Tulsa, OK 74133 P.O. Box 3301 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.dineMcGills.com http://www.qdoba.com http://www.mcnellies.com (918) 252-9999 Jason’s Deli Monte Harrison, Owner 8321 M East 61st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.jasonsdeli.com McGill’s/Food & Beverage IV Red Lobster Inns of America (918) 388-8080 (918) 496-3323 Greg McGill, Owner Hien Luu, Manager 6058 S. Yale Ave. 4525 E. 51st Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.dineMcGills.com http://www.redlobster.com Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches Mexicali Border Cafe, Inc. (918) 582-3383 (918) 935-3400 Marshall Kottler, President Ron Tapley, Owner 14 West Brady 1931 S. Yale Ave. Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74103 Hooters (918) 250-1498 Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.mexicaliborder.com Jennifer Walls, Manager http://www.jimmyjohns.com 8108 E. 61st St. (918) 599-8009 Tulsa, OK 74133 Mi Cocina (918) 298-7010 Hillary Gilbert, Marketing Consultant http://www.hooters.com Johnny Carino’s Doug Aldridge, Manager 1342 E. 15th St. 9718 S. Riverside Drive Tulsa, OK 74120 (918) 254-2277 IHOP Tulsa, OK 74137-7397 http://www.mcrowd.com Natalie Hernandez, Area Manager http://www.carinos.com 11020 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 621-4467 IHOP #1488 Alberto Miranda, 3130 S. Memorial Drive Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.ihop.com/ (918) 254-2277 IHOP #1496 Khurram Pervaiz, 11020 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.ihop.com/ IHOP #3131 (918) 355-5300 Candace Wolf, General Manager 1901 E. Hillside Dr. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.ihop.com/ (918) 609-6226 IHOP #3201 Joe Hunsberger, General Manager 9005 N. 121st E. Ave. Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.ihop.com/ (918) 296-9625 IHOP #3282 Mario Luna, General Manager 12101 S. Waco Ave. Glenpool, OK 74066 http://www.ihop.com/ (918) 419-2015 IHOP #3325 Tom Vaughn, General Manager 101 S. Hwy 97 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.ihop.com/ (918) 739-3055 IHOP #3344 Jorge Hernandez, General Manager 2020 S. Cherokee St. Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.ihop.com/ Johnny Carino’s Country Italian (918) 270-2000 Restaurant Jordan Parks, General Manager 6364 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.carinos.com (918) 254-6333 MiMi’s Cafe Daren Barker, General Manager 8215 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133-2967 http://www.mimiscafe.com (918) 394-7625 Redrock Canyon Grill Jeremy Brim, General Manager 9916 Riverside Parkway Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.redrockcanyongrill.com (918) 712-7427 Rib Crib BBQ Inc. Marc Chastain, President 4535 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135-2905 http://www.ribcrib.com Romano’s Macaroni Grill (918) 254-7800 Emily Machetta, General Manager 6603 S. Memorial Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.Macaronigrill.com (918) 299-5900 More Than Noodles Ron’s Hamburgers & Chili (918) 245-6010 Juliana Peyravy, Owner Barry Caruthers, 9635 S. Riverside Parkway Juniper Restaurant & Martini Lounge 233 S. Adams Rd. (918) 794-1090 Tulsa, OK 74137 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Justin Thompson, Owner 324 E. 3rd St. Mustache Joe’s Inc. / Wranglers BBQ Roops Frozen Yogurt (918) 622-6617 Tulsa, OK 74120 (918) 252-4499 Jatin Bhakta, Owner http://www.junipertulsa.com Joseph Keough, Manager 4107 S. Yale Ave. La Flama Mexican Grill (918) 459-0121 Rodrigo Cardozo, Manager 6746 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74133 7915 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 664-2245 Royal Dragon Oklahoma Style Bar-B-Que Jun Liang Zhang, Manager/Owner (918) 835-7077 7837 E. 51st St. Mattie Hayes, Owner Tulsa, OK 74145 2225 N. Harvard Ave. Le Bistro, The Sidewalk Cafe (918) 622-0750 Tulsa, OK 74115 (918) 496-4663 Schlotzsky’s Dwight Teakell, Owner http://www.okstylebbq.com Shane Ramsey 5970 E. 31st St., Ste. J 2343 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 770-0719 Piatto Cucina Italiana Tulsa, OK 74136 (918) 396-4165 Mac’s Barbeque, Inc. Vickie McMillan, Owner 1030 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook, OK 74070 Marley’s Pizzeria (918) 551-7744 Jeff Hague, Owner 6104 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.marleyspizza.com (918) 663-8880 Mazzio’s, LLC Terry Biehl, Controller 4441 South 72 East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.MAZZIOS.COM Marcia Harris, Owner 7513 S. Olympia Ave. Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.piattotulsa.com PJ’s Sandwich Shoppe Inc. (918) 622-4662 Marguerite Harrison, Owner 4307 E. 31st St. Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 585-2229 Qdoba Mexican Grill Kevin Brutto, Manager 1520 E. 15th Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.qdoba.com (918) 622-4053 Schlotzsky’s Shane Ramsey 4905 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 0 (918) 398-7272 Smoke N Grill Cafe Heather Lightfoot, Owner/Manager 12 N. Utica Tulsa, OK 74110 http://www.smokengrillcafe.com Sonic Drive In of Bristow (918) 367-6135 Bob Barnes, Owner P. O. Box 95 Bristow, OK 74010 123 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 135 3/15/12 8:39 AM Subway / MTR Holdings, LLC Tropical Smoothie Cafe (918) 938-7747 (918) 451-8723 Tim Smallwood, Owner / Manager Matt Gillispie, 7460 S. Olympia Ave. 6303 S. Elm Tulsa, OK 74132 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.tropicalsmoothiecafe.com Taco Bell (479) 646-2053 Sam Fiori, P. O. Box 6538 Fort Smith, AR 72906-6538 (918) 254-8337 Ted’s Cafe Escondido Jeannie Barnes, Catering Manager 3202 W. Kenosha Broken Arrow, OK 74012 www.tedscafe.com Texas Roadhouse (918) 461-8891 Glen Haydel, Partner 11111 E. 71st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.texasroadhouse.com The Chalkboard (918) 382-6022 Joshua Ozaras, Catering Director / General Manager 1324 S. Main St. Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.thechalkboard-tulsa.com viaMarket Consumer Products, LLC (918) 398-0865 The Restoration Corporation (918) 585-1990 Chris Shell, Chief Manufacturing Officer Felix Ontiveros, President/Owner 10820 E. 45th Street, Ste. 209 712 S. Wheeling Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74104 http://www.viamarketinc.com http://www.trcteam.com Wendy’s (918) 437-7722 Jim Cook, Senior Vice President-Marketing (918) 488-8791 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Darla Holmes, Store Manager 10718 E. Marshall St. Worldwide Restoration, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74116-5678 (918) 495-3800 2019 E. 81st St. http://www.wendys.com Nathan Butterfield, Owner Tulsa, OK 74137-4206 533 S. Rockford Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 (479) 633-5288 White River Fish Market (918) 835-1910 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. http://www.worldwiderestorationinc.com Garry Cozby, Owner Angela Stoner, Senior Manager, Public Affairs Upbeat International, LLC (918) 381-8863 Patricia Snider, 10116 Glen Ellen Owasso, OK 74055 1708 N. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.whiteriverfishmarket.com (918) 508-7676 Yokozuna Elliott Nelson, Owner 309 E. 2nd St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.yokozunatulsa.com The Melting Pot of Tulsa (918) 299-8000 Becky Chapman, Owner 300 RiverWalk Terrace, Suite 190 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.meltingpot.com/tulsa (918) 250-5999 Zio’s Italian Kitchen Melody Jennings, Catering Manager 7111 S. Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.zios.com (918) 744-4280 The Polo Grill Royal Merrifield, President 2038 Utica Square Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.thepologrill.com (918) 298-9880 Zio’s Italian Kitchen Eric Cline, General Manager 8112 S. Lewis Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.zios.com The Spaghetti Warehouse (918) 587-4440 Chris Young, General Manager 221 East Brady Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.meatballs.com RESTORATION (918) 499-1919 Ti Amo, Inc. Mehdi Khezri, General Manager & Co-Owner 6024-A South Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.tiamoristorante.com Ti Amo, Inc. (918) 592-5151 Mehdi Khezri, General Manager & Co-Owner 219 S. Cheyenne Tulsa, OK 74103 http:www.tiamotulsa.com (918) 576-6333 Top That Pizza Archana Patel, Owner 19412 E. 38th St. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 http://www.topthatpizza.com Mattress Firm (918) 461-9510 Michael Yelich, Managing Partner 9404 E 71st Street Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.mattressfirm.com United States Beef Corp. (Arby’s & Taco Servpro of South Tulsa County Spiceology (918) 895-7838 (918) 665-0740 (918) 437-2095 Jeff Gettys, Co-Owner Bueno) Jeff Davis, CEO Dave Jones, President 7335 S. College Ave. 4923 E. 49th 14690 E. Pine St. Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.spiceology.net http://www.usbeefcorp.com http://www.servprosouthtulsa.com (918) 830-1990 The Dog House Josh Lynch, Owner 1101 S. Detroit Ave Tulsa, OK 74102 http://www.doghousetulsa.com (918) 665-1416 The Spudder Inc. Stephen Jeffery, Owner 6536 E. 50th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.thespudder.com Reset Restoration Services (918) 232-5505 Ryan Lefler, Manager 8808 S. Peoria Ave., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74132 http://www.resetrestoration.com Accent Restoration LLC (918) 286-8510 Stephen Vaughan, President 3168 S. 108th E. Ave., Ste. 350 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.accentrestoration.com RESTORATION - FIRE & WATER 702 SW 8th Street Bentonville, AR 72716-0350 Dynamic Restoration Services, LLC Wal-Mart SuperCenter (918) 834-8700 (918) 224-6070 Joel Berry, Store Manager James Leewright, President 207 S. Memorial Drive 19 S. Main St. Tulsa, OK 74112 Sapulpa, OK 74066 (918) 224-8080 Wal-Mart SuperCenter National Disaster Restoration (NDR) Michael Huff, Store Manager (918) 949-4637 1002 West Taft Kyle Russell, Owner Sapulpa, OK 74066 10326 E. 47th Place Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.ndrllc.com Paul Davis Restoration (918) 663-5848 Kevin Platt, 10344-B East 58th Street Tulsa, OK 74146 (918) 245-0213 Wal-Mart SuperCenter Teressia Kehr, Store Manager 220 S. State Highway 97 Sand Springs, OK 74063 (918) 259-9126 Wal-Mart SuperCenter Rusty Stamps, Store Manager 2301 W. Kenosha St. PCC Cleaning & Restoration Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (918) 641-1111 Roger Fisher, Owner 1124 N. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74116 http://www.pcccr.com (918) 272-6609 Wal-Mart SuperCenter Marty Cooper, Store Manager 12101 E. 96th St. N. Owasso, OK 74055 RETAIL (918) 294-3800 Wal-Mart SuperCenter Gunboat Park Surplus & Militaria Timothy Mallett, Store Manager (918) 622-7887 6625 S. Memorial Dr. Matt Greeff, Manager Tulsa, OK 74133 1141 S. Frankfort Tulsa, OK 74120 (918) 341-2765 Wal-Mart SuperCenter http://www.gunboatparksurplus.com Lindel Stephens, Store Manager 1500 Lynn Riggs Blvd. Espo Fire and Water Restoration Hollyhock Quilts (918) 494-4845 Claremore, OK 74017 (918) 277-9604 Glenna Hailey, President Kathy Hefley, Marketing Manager 8408 S. 65th E. Pl. 8157 E. 46th St. (918) 394-4000 Wal-Mart SuperCenter Tulsa, OK 74133-4246 Tulsa, OK 74145 Gary Kramme, Store Manager http://www.hollyhockquilts.com www.espofireandwater.com 10938 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74133 Ida Red (918) 949-6950 Nationwide Restoration (918) 378-8585 Alice Rodgers, Owner Raymond Ontiveros, Owner (918) 396-1244 Wal-Mart SuperCenter 3346 S. Peoria 12804 S. Memorial, Unit #117 Paula Moore, Store Manager Tulsa, OK 74105 Bixby, OK 74008 700 W. Rogers Blvd. Skiatook, OK 74070 Just Camp (918) 794-8368 (918) 261-5665 Pearl Restoration, LLC Mike Lassman, President C. Alan Benton, President (918) 455-4354 Wal-Mart SuperCenter 1209 S. Frankfort Ave. 605 S. Peoria Ave. Rian Short, Store Manager Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74120 6310 S. Elm Pl. http://www.justcamp.com Broken Arrow, OK 74011 Assurance Restoration LLC (918) 224-2700 Judy Shouse, Marketing Director 711 E. Taft Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.assurancerestoration.com 124 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 136 3/15/12 8:39 AM Roberts Roofing & Construction SALON - FULL SERVICE (918) 628-7663 Universal Field Services, Inc. Casablancas Image & Day Spa David Forbes, Controller (918) 494-7600 (918) 392-0525 7634 E. 46th Pl. Gene Land, President Annette Belmonte’, Owner Tulsa, OK 74145 6532 E. 71st St., Ste. 200 P. O. Box 35666 http://www.robertsroofing.com Wal-Mart SuperCenter (918) 486-6511 Tulsa, OK 74153 Tulsa, OK 74133 John Botts, Store Manager http://www.ufsrw.com http://www.casablancasdayspa.com 11207 S. Highway 51 Southern Roofing Contractors, Inc. (918) 284-9041 Coweta, OK 74429 Chrysalis Salon & Spa (918) 492-7477 ROOFING Steve Wright, Owner Bob Fleischman, Owner/Partner P.O. Box 2134 A-Best Roofing, Inc. (918) 587-1426 (918) 825-6000 Wal-Mart SuperCenter 7 E. Brady Street Broken Arrow, OK 74013 Jim Lane, President Mike Nichols, Store Manager Tulsa, OK 74103 P. O. Box 1259 4901 So. Mill Rd. www.chrysalissalon.net Tulsa, OK 74101-1259 Pryor, OK 74361 The Downs, Inc. Roofing & Construction http://www.abestroofing.com (918) 971-9992 Composure (918) 510-6543 David Downs, CEO (918) 513-1411 Wolf Voice Ent, LLC Christa Michelle Tyler, Owner 336 Century Dr. Above It All Roofing and Construction Scott Carson, 2651 East. 21st Street, Ste. 300 Oswego, IL 60543 (918) 398-6595 704 S. Main Tulsa, OK 74114 Jonathan Wygle, President Broken Arrow, OK 74012-5527 http://christamichellestylist.blogspot.com 6575 E. Skelly Dr. (918) 252-0222 Ultimate Exteriors LLC Tulsa, OK 74145 Carol Newport, Office Manager Hair Em (918) 358-2240 RETIREMENT CENTER http://www.aiaroofing.com 3808 North Hemlock Circle Harlin Hendricks, Owner Broken Arrow, OK 0 Autumn Leaves of Tulsa (918) 249-1300 117 N. Broadway http://www.ultimateexteriors.com Anthony Fleming, Director Best Quality Roofing & Construction Cleveland, OK 74020-3809 7807 S. Mingo Rd. (918) 622-7477 Tulsa, OK 74133 Chester Ullrich, Owner (918) 665-8700 Wisdom Roofing, Inc. Hair on the Square (918) 585-5260 http://www.autumnleavesliving.com 10926 E. 55th Pl. Mike Wisdom, President & Owner Carla Marler, Owner Tulsa, OK 74146 1320 N. Wheeling Ave. 507 S. Main St., #100 http://www.bestqualityroofing.com Tulsa, OK 74110 Inverness Village (918) 481-9988 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.wisdomroofingandguttering.com Scott Bushong, Executive Director 3800 W. 71st St. Decor Construction, Inc. (918) 382-7663 Ihloff Salon & Day Spa (918) 587-2566 Tulsa, OK 74132-2117 Joy Corvin, RV PARKS Marilyn Ihloff, Owner http://www.invernessvillage.com 1806 S. 49th W. Ave. 8343 S. Memorial Gibson RV Park at the Lake Tulsa, OK 74107 Tulsa, OK 74133 (918) 485-1177 http://www.decorconstruction.com (918) 491-5200 Montereau http://www.ihloffspa.com Paula Gibson, David Murlette, CEO 73896 S. 340 Rd. 6800 S. Granite Ave. Elite Roofing Systems (918) 508-9292 Wagoner, OK 74467 Knockouts Haircuts For Men Tulsa, OK 74136-7039 Terry Madden, Owner (918) 286-1810 http://www.montereau.net 13101 S. Penn Ave., P.O. Box 15 Megan Conroy, Manager Mingo RV Park (918) 832-8824 Oklahoma City, OK 73170 6626 S. Memorial Dr., #7 Steve Sanders, President http://www.eliteroofok.com Oklahoma Methodist Manor Tulsa, OK 74137 801 N. Mingo Rd (918) 574-2590 http://www.tulsako.com Tulsa, OK 74116 Cari Owens, Director of Sales & Marketing Elliott Roofing (405) 789-4646 http://www.mingorvpark.com 4134 E. 31st St. Larry Cargal, Manager/Owner London Pavement (918) 295-0002 Tulsa, OK 74135 3900 N. Harvard Ave. Jeffrey Cook, President http://www.ommtulsa.org Oklahoma City, OK 73122 SAFETY EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES 427 S. Boston Ave. http://www.elliottroofs.com MEDSAFE (918) 622-8128 Tulsa, OK 74103 Park Village Retirement Community Hal Smith, Branch Manager (918) 834-6400 (918) 245-0282 Hi Tech Systems Inc. 4432 S. 70th E. Ave. Mystique Salon and Spa (918) 369-4247 Sherry Miller, Resident Manager Carl Sensintaffar, President Tulsa, OK 74145 Shari Romer, Owner 650 S. Memorial Dr. 2822 N. State Hwy 97, Ste. 200 http://www.gosafe.com 9999 S. Mingo Rd., Ste. P Tulsa, OK 74112 Sand Springs, OK 74063-6520 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.hitechroofing.com http://www.mystiquesalonbixby.com SAFETY TRAINING (918) 495-3600 Prairie Rose Ted Massad CPR (918) 313-5330 Louis Shahin, Director Mark Close Roofing and Construction, Inc. Schwegman Insurance and Financial Ted Massad, Owner 7401 Riverside Drive (918) 371-9677 Services (918) 336-1800 4511 E. 49th St. Tulsa, OK 74136 Mark Close, President Doug Schwegman, Agent Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.prairie-rose.us 399315 W. 3900 Rd. 300 S. Shawnee Ramona, OK 74061 Bartlesville, OK 74003 http://www.markcloseroofing.com Woodland Terrace Retirement Community SALES & MANAGEMENT TRAINING (918) 250-3631 Dale Carnegie Training of Oklahoma (918) 269-5878 Sussurro Studios Shondel Herald, Executive Director Metro Roofing Company (918) 298-5400 (877) 947-3253 Corine Triplett, Owner 9524 E. 71st St. Russ Howell, General Contractor Diane Smith, Administrative Assistant 5909 E. 58th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74133 8448 S. Peoria, Ste. H 6155 108th Ave. N.E. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.seniorstar.com Tulsa, OK 74132 Norman, OK 73026 http://www.metroroofingtulsa.com http://www.oklahoma.dalecarnegie.com Z Studio - The Art of Hair (918) 743-5353 RETIREMENT CENTER RENTALS Beau Barbee, Owner / Partner Pro-Tech Roofing, Inc. (918) 250-7663 Senior Star Living (918) 592-4400 4516 S. Peoria SALES & MARKETING Larry Wilson, Terry Bigger, CFO Tulsa, OK 74105 P. O. Box 470113 Derek Ford Sales Consulting, LLC 1516 S. Boston, Suite 301 http://www.zstudiotulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74147-0113 (918) 478-3872 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.tulsaprotech.com Derek Ford, Owner http://www.seniorstar.com P. O. Box 471 SANDBLASTING Fort Gibson, OK 74434 Red River Roofing & Construction, Inc. Superior Sandblasting & Coatings (918) 270-2888 Company (918) 241-7177 Clint Rayburn, Marketing Manager Heritage Sales & Marketing, Inc. Ricky Williams, P. O. Box 6846 (918) 342-0504 5718 S. 116th W. Ave. Edmond, OK 73083 Sandra Moates, Co-Owner Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.redriverroofing.com 9355 Colonial Dr. Wal-Mart SuperCenter (918) 485-9515 Tim Hoover, Store Manager 410 South Dewey Wagoner, OK 74467 RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITIONS Claremore, OK 74019 125 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 137 3/15/12 8:39 AM SATELLITE SYSTEMS & COMM. DIRECTV (918) 280-2200 Susan Hall, Employee Recognition and Events Specialist 2029 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.directv.com SCALES Prairie State Sales (918) 371-0093 Gerry Steltzlen, 11006 E. 120th Ct. north Collinsville, OK 74021 SCHOOL SUPPLIES The Apple Tree, Inc. (918) 622-8733 Sandy Schaeffer, 7204 E. 41st Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.theappletreeinc.com SCHOOLS Ace DUI School, Inc. (918) 398-7979 Kathy Wilkinson, Owner 4528 S. Sheridan, #222 Tulsa, OK 74145 Dove Science Academy (918) 834-3936 Abiden Erez, Principal 280 S. Memorial Dr. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.dsatulsa.org SCHOOLS - INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL & TRADE Tulsa Tech (918) 828-5000 Kara Gae Neal, Superintendent & CEO P. O. Box 477200 Tulsa, OK 74147-7200 http://www.tulsatech.edu (918) 587-6789 Tulsa Welding School Debbie Burke, V. P./Executive Director 2545 East 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74104-3909 http://www.weldingschool.com Vatterott College (918) 835-8288 Cindy Gordon, Director 4343 S. 118th E. Ave., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.vatterott-college.edu SCHOOLS - PRIVATE Bishop Kelley High School (918) 627-3390 Holy Family Cathedral School Jean Ann Hankins, Director of Advancement (918) 582-0422 3905 S. Hudson Ave. Jay Luetkemeyer, Principal Tulsa, OK 74135 820 S. Boulder http://www.bkelleyhs.org Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.holyfamily-tulsa.org Cascia Hall Preparatory School Stonebridge Academy Institute Oklahoma Technical College (918) 752-1200 (918) 895-7500 Wren Hawthorne, Head of School Blaze Bly, P. O. Box 99 4444 S. Sheridan Okmulgee, OK 74447 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.sbridgeacademy.org http://www.oklahomatechnicalcollege.com The Goddard School in Jenks Oklahoma Wesleyan University (918) 299-2676 (918) 728-6143 Jennifer Richey, Owner Everett Piper, President 11302 S. Elm St. 10810 E. 45th St., Ste. 100 Jenks, OK 74037 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.goddardschool.com http://www.okwu.edu SCHOOLS - UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Brown Mackie College (918) 628-3800 Denise Choquette, Director of Career Services 4608 S. Garnett Rd., Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.brownmackie.edu Clary Sage College (918) 298-8200 Christen Brummett, 3131 S. Sheridan Rd. Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.clarysagecollege.com Cloud Capital LLC (918) 492-1080 Owen Pugh, Senior Vice President 5314 S. Yale, Ste. 606 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.cloud-capital.com Oral Roberts University (918) 495-6175 Mark Rutland, President 7777 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.ORU.edu (918) 663-9000 Platt College Michael Pugliese, 3801 South Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.plattcollege.org Rogers State University (918) 343-7612 Larry Rice, President 1701 W. Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore, OK 74017-3252 http://www.rsu.edu Southern Nazarene University-Tulsa (918) 664-4100 Dale Young, Langston University - Tulsa 8210 E Regal Ct (Augustinian Catholic School) (918) 877-8149 Tulsa, OK 741330 K12, Inc. (918) 299-3210 (918) 746-2600 Henry Ponder, Interim President http://tulsa.snu.edu Alissa Olden, Local Development Manager Roger Carter, Headmaster 914 N. Greenwood 504 E. Comanche 2520 S. Yorktown Ave. Tulsa, OK 74106 Spartan College of Aeronautics and Jenks, OK 74037 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.lunet.edu/tulsa (918) 836-6886 Technology http://www.k12.com/ovca http://www.casciahall.org Jeremy Gibson, CEO / President National American University 8820 E. Pine Lake Country Christian School, Inc. Holland Hall (918) 481-1111 (918) 879-8400 Tulsa, OK 74115 (918) 245-6602 John Marshall, Head of School Warren Zeigler, Culture Club President http://www.spartan.edu Dee Ann Herje, 5666 E. 81st St. 8040 S. Sheridan Road 4101 S. Maple Tulsa, OK 74137 Tulsa, OK 74133 St. Gregory’s University (918) 610-8888 Sand Springs, OK 74063 http://www.hollandhall.org http://www.national.edu Amy Barnes, 5801 E. 41st Street, Ste. 900 (918) 627-1040 Peace Academy ITT Technical Institute (918) 615-3900 Northeastern State University Tulsa, OK 74135 Zaheer Arastu, Board Director Karen Selby, Director (918) 444-2000 http://www.stgregoryscwa.org 4620 S. Irvington Ave 8421 E. 61st St., Ste. U Jerry Cook, VP of Community Relations Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74133 601 North Grand Ave. Tulsa Community College (918) 595-7868 http://www.peace-academy.net http://www.itt-tech.edu Tahlequah, OK 74464-2399 Thomas McKeon, President & CEO http://www.nsuok.edu 6111 E. Skelly Drive, Suite 626 Tulsa Public Schools (918) 746-6303 Miss Helen’s Private School Tulsa, OK 74135 Keith Ballard, Superintendent (918) 622-2327 Oklahoma State University http://www.tulsacc.edu P. O. Box 470208 Lynda Wingo, Executive Director (405) 744-6384 Tulsa, OK 74147 4849 S. Mingo Rd Burns Hargis, President University of Oklahoma-Tulsa http://www.tulsaschools.org Tulsa, OK 74146 107 Whitehurst (918) 660-3300 http://www.misshelens.com Stillwater, OK 74078-0001 Gerard Clancy, President http://www.okstate.edu Union Public Schools (918) 357-4321 4502 E. 41st St., Room 3B32 Cathy Burden, Superintendent Mizel Jewish Community Day School Tulsa, OK 74135-2512 8506 E. 61st St. (918) 494-0953 Oklahoma State University Center for http://tulsa.ou.edu/ Tulsa, OK 74133 Sandi Tilkin, Director Health Sciences College of Osteopathic http://www.unionps.org 2021 E. 71st Street (918) 561-8201 Medicine (918) 622-4877 University of Phoenix Tulsa, OK 74136 Kayse Shrum, Provost and Dean Lori Santiago, Vice President/State of http://www.mizelschool.org 1111 W. 17th Street Wright Career College (918) 628-7700 Oklahoma Tulsa, OK 74107-1898 Cindy Schultz, Campus Director 14002 E. 21st St., Ste. 1000 http://www.healthsciences.okstate.edu 4908 S. Sheridan Monte Cassino School (918) 742-3364 Tulsa, OK 74134 Tulsa, OK 74145 Matthew Vereecke, School Director http://www.phoenix.edu http://www.wrightcareercollege.com 2206 S. Lewis Oklahoma State University in Tulsa Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) 594-8000 (918) 631-2000 University of Tulsa http://www.montecassino.org Howard Barnett, President SCHOOLS - CHARTER Steadman Upham, President 700 N. Greenwood Ave. 800 S. Tucker Dr. Discovery School of Tulsa (918) 960-3131 Tulsa, OK 74106-0700 Rainbow Montessori School Tulsa, OK 74104 Barbaros Aslan, Principal http://www.osu-tulsa.okstate.edu (918) 252-0079 http://www.utulsa.edu 4821 S. 72nd E. Ave. Anil Reddy, Founder Tulsa, OK 74145 9725 E. 79th St. http://www.discoveryok.org Tulsa, OK 74133 126 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 138 3/15/12 8:39 AM SCHOOLS - VOCATIONAL Octavian Security USA Inc. (918) 392-3399 Shred-It (405) 943-6700 SHIPPING AND RECEIVING Jas Athwal, Senior Vice President Stephen Russell, District Operations Manager Broken Arrow Beauty College, Inc. Unishippers (918) 740-7401 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 2970 2616 S. Vermont Ave. (918) 251-9669 Marc Van Hooser, Owner Tulsa, OK 74103 Oklahoma City, OK 73108 Frances Sells, President 11063 D S. Memorial, #456 http://www.octavianusa.com http://www.shredit.com 400 S. Elm Place, Ste. C Tulsa, OK 74133 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.unishippers.com Alliance Fire & Security, Inc. http://www.babeautycollege.edu SIDING (918) 695-7924 Worldwide Express (918) 257-2295 Community Builders (918) 836-5055 Ronald Lloyd, President (918) 627-8074 Jared Hood, Regional Sales Manager Career Point College G. J. Wolter, President 4528 S. Sheridan Taylor Bracey, Director 10830 E. 45th St., Suite 102 8220 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74145 3138 S. Garnett Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74129 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.wwelogistics.com http://www.communitybuildersinc.com D & S Security and Fire Alarms http://www.career-point.org (918) 269-8318 Exterior Pro Siding & Windows, Inc. SHOES - RETAIL Sue Ellen Rhine, Owner Community Care College (918) 610-0027 (918) 346-9950 2506 E. 56th Pl. Fleet Feet Sports Tulsa, LLC Rebecca Banvelos, Marketing Director Wes Spencer, President Tulsa, OK 74105 (918) 492-3338 4242 S. Sheridan Rd. 8177 S. Harvard Ave., #234 Lori Dreiling, Owner Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74137 5968 S. Yale Ave. Holder Security (918) 663-8660 http://www.CommunityCareCollege.edu http://www.exteriorprosidingandwindows. Tulsa, OK 74135 Linda Holder, Owner com http://www.fleetfeettulsa.com 7027 E. 40th St. Oklahoma Health Academy Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 748-9900 SIGNS http://www.holdersecurity.com Fleet Feet Sports Tulsa, LLC Christi Sprague, Director of Student Services (918) 492-3338 Ace Sign Co., Inc. (918) 446-3030 & Placement Lori Dreiling, Owner Marilyn Williams, President/Owner Integrated Lock & Security Systems 3801 S. Sheridan 418 E. 2nd St. 5823 S. 65th W. Ave. (918) 232-3436 Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74107-8607 Vince Blocker, Owner http://www.oha.edu http://www.fleetfeettulsa.com http://www.acesignok.com 1239 W. 111th Street Jenks, OK 74037 Paul Mitchell The School Tulsa http://www.ilssystems.com John Daniel Footwear (918) 712-5566 Acura Neon, Inc. (918) 252-2258 (918) 932-2779 Dan Parker, Co-Owner Mir Khezri, President Natashia Abbage, Admissions Leader 1760 Utica Square 1801 N. Willow Pendergraph Systems Inc. (918) 835-8403 14002 E. 21st St., Ste. 1050 Tulsa, OK 74114 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Doug Padgett, President Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.johndanielfootwear.com http://www.acuraneon.com 6916 East 12th Street http://www.pmtstulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.pendergraphinc.com (918) 382-7463 Sole Mates, LLC A-Max Signs Co., Inc. (918) 622-0651 Standard Beauty College of Oklahoma, Arthenia Schumpert, Owner/Operator Catherine Westbrook, President (918) 245-6627 LLC 116 N. Greenwood Ave. 9520 E. 55th Place TnT Security Services (918) 712-0238 Myra Sellers, Owner/Administrator Tulsa, OK 74120 Tulsa, OK 74145-8108 Tim Carpenter, Sales P. O. Box 759 www.solematestulsa.com http://www.amaxsign.com 5147 S. Harvard, Ste. 101 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.sandspringsbeautycollege.com http://www.tntsecurityservices.com Trippet Shoes, Inc. (918) 742-7384 Crown Neon Signs, Inc. (918) 437-7446 William Young, President Justin Moydell, Owner SCRAP METALS 2635 S. Harvard Ave. 5676-A S. 107th E. Ave. SENIOR CARE Tulsa, OK 74114 Advanced Metal Recycling (918) 592-5050 Tulsa, OK 74146 Home Instead Senior Care (918) 384-0980 Jeff Ray, Partner http://www.crownneonsigns.com Andrew Garrean, Owner 2300 N. Lewis Ave. SHOPPING CENTERS 4815 S. Sheridan Rd., Ste. 110 Tulsa, OK 74110 Fastsigns (918) 627-3278 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.advancedmetalrecycling.com King Investment (918) 496-2865 Alda Blankenship, President http://www.homeinstead.com Sharon King Davis, Co-Owner 4735-A S. Memorial Drive 4662 E. 59th Street Borg Compressed Steel Corp. Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74135 LIFE Senior Services (918) 664-9000 (918) 587-2511 http://www.fastsigns.com Laura Kenny, Chief Executive Officer Chuck Cale, General Manager 5950 E. 31st St. 1032 N. Lewis Ave. (918) 627-9282 Tulsa Promenade Frederick, Sommers & Western Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74110 Sheila Cooper, General Manager (918) 587-2300 http://www.LIFEseniorservices.org http://www.yaffeco.net 4107 S. Yale Ave. Pat Patterson, Manager Tulsa, OK 74135 415 E. Third St. http://www.tulsapromenade.com (918) 662-3688 Stay Home Services Tulsa, OK 74120 SCREEN PRINTING Susan Asquith, www.fredericksigns.com TGI Enterprises, Inc. (918) 835-4330 103 N. 37th St. Utica Square Shopping Center Inc. Tracy Copeland, President Muskogee, OK 74401 (918) 742-5531 Lettercrafts (918) 584-2400 1219 S. Hudson Ave. Jessica Barr, Property Manager Larry Gannan, Vice President Tulsa, OK 74112-5423 21st St. & Utica Avenue Visiting Angels of Green Country 4148 S. 70th East Ave. http://www.tgipromo.com Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) 609-5600 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.uticasquare.com Page Cole, Owner/Administrator http://www.lettercrafts.com 15342 E. 76th St. North SECURITY AND LOSS PREVENTION Owasso, OK 74055 Woodland Hills Mall (918) 252-7511 Federal Protection, Inc. (800) 299-5400 Signs For The Times (918) 682-8849 http://www.visitingangels.com/greencountry Jodi Koch, Director of Marketing & Business David Whisner, Regional Manager Paula Vanderveer, Development 1911 N. Yellowood Ave. 1321 N. Main 7021 S. Memorial Dr. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Muskogee, OK 74401 SERVICE STATIONS Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.federalprotectioninc.com McKay DX, Inc. (918) 742-8346 Signs Now (918) 712-7446 Tom Frisch, Owner SHREDDING Jennifer Maricle, 3344 E. 31st SECURITY SERVICE 3229 South Harvard Tulsa, OK 74135 Shredders, Inc. (918) 446-8386 First Response Security (214) 770-9159 Tulsa, OK 74135 Randy Gwartney, President Ashley Kelley, Owner/Chief Executive Officer http://www.signsnowtulsa.com 635 W. 41st P. O. Box 34 Tulsa, OK 74107 Cedar Hill, TX 75106 http://www.shreddersinc.net 127 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 139 3/15/12 8:39 AM U.S. Safety Sign & Decal (918) 592-2529 Vonda Zimmerman, Sales Director 1433 E. 6th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.ussafetysign.com YMCA of Greater Tulsa (918) 747-9622 Susan Plank, P. O. Box 3689 Tulsa, OK 74101-3689 http://www.ymcatulsa.org SKIN CARE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT The Skin Boutique (918) 528-3999 Bonnie Montgomery, Owner 10031 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 102 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.theskinboutique.biz Bueno Software (918) 919-4380 Price Brattin, CEO 8137 S. 75th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133-4212 http://www.BuenoSoftware.com Megasys Hospitality Systems Green Beetle, LLC (800) 506-9692 (918) 743-0100 Josh Calvert, Owner Mark Jewart, President 7709 E. 42nd Pl., Ste. 103 5800 E Skelly Dr., Ste 600 Tulsa, OK 74145 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.greenbeetlegear.com http://www.megasyshms.com (918) 704-0504 School Desx LLC Chris Vokoun, Principal 9149 S. Yale, Ste. 214 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.schooldesx.com Softouch Development (918) 250-1493 Jeff Taylor, President-Owner 8023 E. 63rd Place, Ste. 255 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.easyworship.com Utica Square Skin Care (918) 712-3223 Karen Weidner, Doctor R.N. 2111 S. Atlanta Pl. Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) 584-3223 ECAD, Inc. Ted Gregory, Operations Manager P. O. Box 51507 Midland, TX 79710-1507 http://www.ecadinc.com SOCCER FACILITIES Steward Consulting, Inc. (918) 299-7514 Horizon Business Concepts, Inc. Darin Steward, President (918) 355-3469 7718 E. 91st St., Ste. 200 Leann Lehmann, President Tulsa, OK 74133 721 W. Queens St. http://www.stewardconsulting.com Broken Arrow, OK 74012-1767 http://www.totalfbo.com Soccercity Tulsa (918) 249-0044 Kerry Shubert, Owner & General Manager 5817 S. 118th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.soccercitytulsa.com Tulsa Soccer Club Hurricane Jump Technology Services (918) 624-5867 (918) 688-9071 Denise Brinkmeyer, President & CEO Jim Tindell, Executive Director 6528 E. 101st Street, Suite D-1, PMB# 41 P. O. Box 243 Tulsa, OK 74133 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.JUMPTechnology.com http://www.tschurricane.com SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATION 12 & 12 Inc. (918) 664-4224 Bryan Day, Executive Director 6333 E. Skelly Dr. Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.12and12.org (918) 388-3529 MacroSolve Clint Parr, President / CEO 1717 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 700 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.macrosolve.com (918) 740-5018 Mere Software, Inc. Mark Dale Stewart, Owner 8538 South Gary Drive American Red Cross Tulsa Area Chapter Tulsa, OK 74131 (918) 831-1100 http://www.meresoftware.com Regina Moon, CEO 10151 East 11th St. Tulsa, OK 74128 http://www.tulsaredcross.org Community Action Project of Tulsa County, Inc. (918) 382-3379 Karen Kiely, COO 4606 S. Garnett, Ste. 100 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.captc.org (888) 825-6080 Reliant Live Chris Wright, President/CEO 20 E. 5th St., Ste. 1020 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.reliantlive.com SOLAR ENERGY EQUIPMENT SYSTEMS Ion Solar, LLC (918) 630-0646 Todd Stephens, Principal 1728 S. Carson Ave., Ste. 2-382 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.ion-solar.com SPA SERVICES Bella Vita Spa & Salon (918) 369-8482 Lee Beasley, Owner 10424 S. 82nd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.bellavitaspaandsalon.com Ihloff Salon & Day Spa (918) 587-2566 Marilyn Ihloff, Owner 1876 Utica Square, #1-A Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.ihloffspa.com SPEAKING - MOTIVATIONAL & EDUCATIONAL Impact Tactical Airsoft (918) 286-6816 Adam Armstrong, Owner P. O. Box 953 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.ITAirsoft.com (918) 234-9044 Wohali Outdoors, LLC Cristy Gilleland, 1300 N. Industrial Blvd. Claremore, OK 74017 http://www.wohalioutdoors.com SPORTS - PROFESSIONAL Tulsa 66ers (918) 585-8444 Jim Brylewski, Team President 2727 E. 21st St., Ste. 500 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.tulsa66ers.com (918) 744-5998 Tulsa Baseball, Inc. Mike Melega, General Manager 201 N. Elgin Ave. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.TULSADRILLERS.COM Tulsa Oilers Hockey Inc. (918) 632-7825 Taylor Hall, General Manager 9128 East 46th Street Tulsa, OK 74145-4824 http://www.tulsaoilers.com (918) 949-9701 Tulsa Shock Steve Swetoha, President 1 West 3rd St., Suite 1100 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.tulsashock.net SPORTS CLUB Spring Valley Anglers Rod and Gun Club (479) 752-3390 Adam Maris, President 6641 S. Atlanta Pl. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.springvalleyanglers.com Bill Bartmann Enterprises (918) 388-3328 Bill Bartmann, President Steve Boyle & Associates, Inc. 2488 East 81st Street, Suite 600 (918) 455-7355 Tulsa, OK 74137 SPORTS ORGANIZATION Steve Boyle, President http://www.billbartmann.com P. O. Box 225 Arena Football League (918) 508-2303 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 Court Appointed Special Advocate For Sarah Gomez, CFO Cindy W. Morrison / CWM Media http://www.sbainc.net Children (918) 686-8199 15 E. 5th St., Ste. 2221 (918) 324-6396 Kathryn Eaton, Tulsa, OK 74103 Cindy Morrison, President 215 State St., Ste. 815 http://www.arenafootball.com (918) 252-2015 Tornado Studios 8086 S. Yale, Ste. 206 Muskogee, OK 74401 Tom Kudirka, President Tulsa, OK 74136 7134 S. Yale Ave., Ste. 520 http://www.cindywmorrison.com Oklahoma Soccer Association Tulsa, OK 74136 Department of Human Services (918) 627-2663 http://www.tornadostudios.com (918) 794-7500 Sid Goodrich, Executive Director SPORTING GOODS - RETAIL Carolyn Johnson, Area Director 9410 E. 51st St. Dick’s Sporting Goods (918) 447-1100 6128 E. 38th Street, Ste. 300 Tulsa, OK 74145 SOFTWARE SALES Frank Trimboli, Store Manager Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.oksoccer.com AllegianceMD Software, Inc. 7523 S. Olympia Ave. http://www.okdhs.org (800) 868-1923 Tulsa, OK 74132 Tulsa Expo Raceway (918) 838-3777 Mohamed Elmawi, CTO http://www.dickssportinggoods.com Family YMCA of Bartlesville Donna Harris, Executive Director P. O. Box 701285 (918) 336-0713 1141 S. 83rd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74170 Dick’s Sporting Goods - Tulsa Stores Libby Merritt, Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.allegiancemd.com (918) 249-4444 101 N. Osage http://www.chillibowl.com Aaron Herring, Store Manager Bartlesville, OK 74003-2723 ExecuTime Software (918) 551-7676 10021 E. 71st St. Tulsa Sports Commission (918) 560-0273 Kevin Malone, Owner and Founder Tulsa, OK 74133 Margaret Hudson Program Ray Hoyt, Executive Director 427 S. Boston, Ste. 707 http://www.dickssportinggoods.com (918) 833-9890 Two West Second Street, Suite 150 Tulsa, OK 74103 Janel Bowers, Director of Development Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.executime.net P. O. Box 580637 http://www.tulsasports.org Tulsa, OK 74158 http://www.margarethudson.org 128 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 140 3/15/12 8:39 AM STATE AGENCIES STRUCTURAL REPAIR Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (405) 319-8400 C. Michael Carolina, Executive Director 755 Research Parkway, Suite 110 Oklahoma City, OK 73104 http://www.ocast.ok.gov Residential Repair, Inc. (918) 621-1020 Jonathon Knapp, Owner & President 7628 E. 46th Street Tulsa, OK 74145 TAGS ICON Technology Solutions, LLC (918) 409-2276 Billie’s Town West Tag Agency Neil Twa, President (918) 445-2929 P. O. Box 470432 Max Givens, Tulsa, OK 74147 5632 W. Skelly Dr. http://www.icontsi.com Tulsa, OK 74107 SUNROOMS Impact Technologies, LLC (918) 627-8035 Downtown Tulsa Tag Agency Pat Oglesby, Vice President (918) 582-8247 P.O. Box 35505 J. Devon Jones, Manager/Owner Tulsa, OK 74153 201 W. 5th Street, Suite 110 Tulsa, OK 74103 (918) 585-8488 Peak UpTime http://www.tulsatag.com Roberta Fankhauser, Director of Marketing http://www.ok.gov/oid 823 S. Detroit Ave., Ste. 200 SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS Prattville Tag Agency (918) 241-2800 Tulsa, OK 74120 Berta Holmes, STEEL CHAINS Digi Surveillance Systems (918) 824-2520 http://www.peakuptime.com 606 W. 41st St. Josh Herron, Owner KWS, Inc. (918) 665-4114 Sand Springs, OK 74063-2611 2533 W 519 Elizabeth Roberts, V. P. of Operations Perimeter Technology Center, Inc. www.prattvilletagagency.com Pryor, OK 74361 P. O. Box 470487 (918) 592-5551 http://www.digiss.com Tulsa, OK 74147 Steven Curtis, Director of Sales Engineering TANK HEADS www.kwschain.com 322 East Archer Digi Surveillance Systems (918) 824-2520 Tulsa, OK 74120 Prescor, Inc. (918) 224-6626 Josh Herron, Owner http://www.perimetercenter.com Wally Trepp, President STEEL PRODUCTS 6789 Hwy 69 South P. O. Box 9856 Pryor, OK 74361 Quality Steel Coating (918) 378-8242 Tulsa, OK 74157-0856 (918) 630-8663 Solutions Hosting, Inc. http://www.digiss.com Douglas Garrett, Owner http://www.prescor.com Bruce Hardy, President P. O. Box 141303 5147 S. Harvard, Ste. 310 Broken Arrow, OK 74014 Tulsa, OK 74135 SURVEYORS - LAND TAX PREPARATION http://www.solutionsbpm.com D. Goss & Associates (918) 371-0096 Sooner Steel, Inc. (918) 478-4635 H & R Block (918) 249-2493 Dan Goss, Owner Melody Diebold, Owner Theresa St. John, District Manager (918) 712-4905 Trace Technologies P.O. Box 216 20944 S. Rogers Rd. 7172 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. B Jimmy Dixon, Partner Collinsville, OK 74021 Ft. Gibson, OK 74434 Tulsa, OK 74133 1611 S Utica Ave http://www.hrblock.com Tulsa, OK 74104 GEODECA Land Surveying Company http://www.tracetechnologies.us STEEL SERVICE CENTERS (918) 806-1740 H & R Block (918) 622-3069 Carrie Muzika, Business Manager Metal Management Services, Inc. Theresa St. John, District Manager VEXIS Systems (918) 663-8080 P. O. Box 330281 (918) 835-3205 5349 E. 41st Philip Fuller, President Tulsa, OK 74133 John Marks, V. P. - Sales Tulsa, OK 74135 5800 E. Skelly Dr., Penthouse http://www.geodeca.com 1771 N. 75th E. Ave. http://www.hrblock.com Tulsa, OK 74135 Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.vexis.com http://www.metalmanagement.net Heartland Surveying & Mapping PLLC H & R Block (918) 835-8000 (918) 682-7796 Theresa St. John, District Manager Edward Seaton, TELECOMMUNICATIONS STORAGE UNITS 1871 S. Sheridan 600 Emporia St., Ste. C Tulsa, OK 74112 Best Buy Mobile (918) 294-0136 Budget Box Mobile Storage Muskogee, OK 74401 http://www.hrblock.com Candace Polhamus, General Manager (918) 234-3444 7021 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 217 Jay Williams, President Tulsa Land Surveying LLC (918) 770-6720 Tulsa, OK 74133 P. O. Box 580 OTV, Inc. (918) 294-9530 Josh Lamb, Owner http://www.bestbuymobile.com Jenks, OK 74037 Jeff Showalter, President P. O. Box 14276 http://www.budgetboxtulsa.com 6321 E. 102nd St., Ste. A Tulsa, OK 74159 Tulsa, OK 74137 BTC Broadband (918) 366-0271 http://www.tulsasurveying.com http://www.otvinc.com Scott Floyd, Sales Director Kool Storage (918) 584-7000 11134 S. Memorial Drive DeeAnn Cokeley, Manager Bixby, OK 74008 1125 S. Peoria SWIMMING POOL SUPPLIES/ TECHNOLOGY & BUSINESS http://www.btcbroadband.com Tulsa, OK 74120 EQUIPMENT CONSULTING http://www.koolstorage.net Coral Swimming Pool Supply Co. Aztec Systems (918) 728-8281 CastleCom LLC. (918) 561-6400 (918) 494-0393 Scott Kroh, Business Development Manager Matthew Roberg, Owner/Principal Southland Mini-Storage & Tiger Mini Steven Haas, President 9810 E. 42nd St. 120 W. 3rd Street Storage and Car Wash (918) 633-6099 2315 E. 69th St. Tulsa, OK 74146-3600 Tulsa, OK 74103 Mark Savage, Co-Owner Tulsa, OK 74136-3985 http://www.aztecsystems.com http://www.castlecom.us P. O. Box 305 http://www.coralpoolsupplies.com Ketchum, OK 74349 Expanse Communications, Inc. http://www.southlandministorage.com Cox Communications (918) 806-6000 SWIMMING POOLS (918) 671-0698 John Bowen, Vice President Cooper, Owner Darin Wholesale Hot Tubs (918) 828-0101 11811 E. 51st St. South STORM SHELTERS 1828 W. 64th St. Brian Clift, Manager Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74132 Stealth Storm Shelters (918) 459-8181 3938 S. Memorial http://www.cox.com http://www.expansecom.com Norman Ahrend, Tulsa, OK 74145 11356 E. 51st Pl. http://www.whtrw.com EasyTEL Communications, Inc. Tulsa, OK 74146 i2E (918) 582-5592 (918) 523-8000 Tom Walker, CEO & President Ben Hilborn, Executive Vice President SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Two West Second Street, Suite 210 7335 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 100 STREET LAMPS Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa Symphony Orchestra Tulsa, OK 74136 Street Lamps of America (918) 622-8641 http://www.i2e.org (918) 584-3645 http://www.easytel.com Ken Sarinske, Owner Ron Predl, Executive Director 5330 S. Mingo 111 E. 1st Street Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.streetlamps.com http://www.tulsasymphony.org Four Seasons Sunrooms (918) 250-7301 Oklahoma Insurance Department Brian Jones, President (918) 295-3700 7123 South 92nd E Ave., Ste. E John Doak, Insurance Commissioner Tulsa, OK 74133 7645 E. 63rd St., Ste. 102 http://www.prdc.fourseasonssunrooms.com Tulsa, OK 74133 129 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 141 3/15/12 8:39 AM Sprint Nextel (918) 249-3206 Brad Watson, General Manager 7633 E. 63rd Place, Ste. 105 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.sprint.com TELEVISION - CABLE Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 451-0345 Lynn Allamon, Store Manager Narrative Television Network 3901 South Elm Place (918) 627-1000 Broken Arrow, OK 74011 Jim Stovall, President http://www.robertson-tire.com 5840 South Memorial, #312 Tulsa, OK 74145 TECHSICO (918) 585-2347 Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 582-3697 http://www.narrativetv.com Marty Seat, VP Sales & Marketing Scott Borst, Store Manager 910 S. Hudson Ave. 1611 East Admiral Boulevard TENT RENTAL Tulsa, OK 74112 Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.techsico.com http://www.robertson-tire.com Party Pro Rents (918) 622-8102 Stephanie Layson, Owner 4111 S. 70th E. Ave. (918) 343-3333 Tel-Star Communications, Inc. Robertson Tire Co., Inc. Tulsa, OK 74145 (918) 376-9200 John Roaton, Store Manager http://www.partyprorents.com Mike Eubanks, President & Owner 812 W. Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore, OK 74017 1573 S. 79th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.robertson-tire.com TERMINAL http://www.tel-starcommunications.com Frontier Terminal (918) 683-2827 Robertson Tire Co., Inc. (918) 369-1500 Bruce Goodale, Office Manager (918) 599-7000 Joe Mattingly, Store Manager tw telecom P. O. Box 1589 Rick Gibbens, Branch Sales Manager 11142 S. Memorial Dr. Muskogee, OK 74402 100 W. 5th St., Ste. 315 Bixby, OK 74008 Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.robertson-tire.com http://www.twtelecom.net THERAPY SERVICES Faith Therapy Clinic (918) 698-5560 Verizon Wireless - Southroads Ty Faith, Owner (678) 787-3488 6161 S. 33rd W. Ave. Scott Caul, Store Manager Tulsa, OK 74132 4915 E. 41st St., Suite B www.faithslp.com Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.verizonwireless.com (918) 627-6566 Robertson Tire Co., Inc. Jared Hale, Store Manager 4247 S. Peoria Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.robertson-tire.com Buffalo Land Abstract Company, Inc. (918) 748-8871 Randy Dittmann, President 7306 S. Lewis Ave. Tulsa, OK 74136 http://www.buffaloland.com Pioneer Abstract & Title Co. (918) 683-2904 Darlene Lacrone, 414 W. Broadway St. Muskogee, OK 74401-6613 Residential Title & Escrow Services, Inc. (918) 369-6345 Estelle Berlin, President 8556 E. 101st St., Ste. E Tulsa, OK 74133 TOILETS RENTAL At Your Service Rentals (918) 272-0568 Tammy Hollis, President P. O. Box 1676 Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.aysrentals.com San-O-Let Portable Chem. & Johnny On (918) 836-2134 The Spot Bill Bryant, Owner P. O. Box 581163 Tulsa, OK 74158 (918) 664-6244 Robertson Tire Co., Inc. Ralph Lohnbakken, Store Manager David’s Custom Wheel & Tire Verizon Wireless - Tulsa Hills 4372 S. Mingo Rd. (918) 437-4477 TRACTOR DEALERS (918) 445-7443 Tulsa, OK 74146 David Jones, President Britten Brassard, Retail Sales Manager http://www.robertson-tire.com Trinity Farm & Equipment Repair 10705 East 11th Street 7145 S. Olympia Ave. (918) 232-2421 Tulsa, OK 74128-3202 Tulsa, OK 74133 Maudie Brinkley, (918) 251-3712 Robertson Tire Co., Inc. http://www.verizonwireless.com P. O. Box 152 Lynn Allamon, Store Manager Discount Mike’s Tire & Auto Henryetta, OK 74437-0152 401 West Kenosha (918) 258-0717 Verizon Wireless - Woodland Hills Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Mike Gauldin, (918) 459-5464 http://www.robertson-tire.com Tulsa New Holland, Inc. (918) 438-5665 1000 E. Houston Shirl Sanders, Store Manager Mike McCrate, Owner Broken Arrow, OK 74012 10031 E. 71st St. 11919 E. Pine St. (918) 298-1188 Robertson Tire Co., Inc. http://www.discountmikestires.com Tulsa, OK 74133 Tulsa, OK 74116 12590 S. Waco Ave. http://verizonwireless.com http://www.tulsanewholland.com Glenpool, OK 74033 Firestone Tire & Service Centers http://www.robertson-tire.com (918) 250-3663 Windstream Communications TRAILER SALES/SERVICE/PARTS Michael Hartman, Store Manager (918) 382-8816 (918) 234-4020 Robertson Tire Co., Inc. 8334 E. 71st Todd Bryant, Director - Business Sales A & N Trailer Parts, Inc. (918) 461-8404 Grant Lohnbakken, Store Manager Tulsa, OK 74133 1437 S. Boulder Ave., Ste. 130 Debbie Adamson, President 14455 East 21st Street Tulsa, OK 74119 6028 South 118 East Avenue Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.windstreambusiness.com Tulsa, OK 74146 Firestone Tire & Service Centers http://www.robertson-tire.com http://www.antrailerparts.com (918) 499-1911 Michael Fabbri, Store Manager (918) 664-8200 XETA Technologies (918) 274-8022 Robertson Tire Co., Inc. 4937 East 91st St. Chris Ryan, TRAINING SERVICES Jim Reeves, Store Manager Tulsa, OK 74137 1814 West Tacoma Street 8341 Owasso Expressway Business & Industry Services/Tulsa Tech http://www.mastercareusa.com Broken Arrow, OK 74012-1406 Owasso, OK 74055 (918) 828-5404 http://www.xeta.com http://www.robertson-tire.com Judy Elliott, Director Firestone Tire & Service Centers P. O. Box 477200 (918) 663-8785 TELEPHONE COMMUNICATI0NS Tulsa, OK 741477200 (918) 291-0330 Robertson Tire Co., Inc. Michael Myers, Store Manager http://www.tulsatech.edu Joe Harwell, Store Manager AT&T (918) 596-6004 10815 E. 31st 8840 S. Delaware Ave. Michael Cooper, Director, External Affairs Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74137 509 S. Detroit, Room 100 Cardinal Consulting (918) 384-9588 http://www.robertson-tire.com Tulsa, OK 74120 Arlene Johnson, President Firestone Tire & Service Centers http://www.att.com 2208 E. 25th St. (918) 747-2714 Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) 664-5775 Robertson Tire Co., Inc. James Watson, Store Manager Justin Youngblood, Store Manager Chickasaw Telecom, Inc. (918) 663-3565 2213 E. 61st 4362 South Mingo Road Jeffrey Downey, General Manager Freemount Corporation (918) 584-0414 Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74146 5115 South 110 East Ave. Clifton Taulbert, Owner http://www.robertson-tire.com Tulsa, OK 74146 4870 S. Lewis Ave., Ste. 203 (918) 341-5804 J J J R Enterprises, LLC http://www.chickasawtel.com Tulsa, OK 74105 Tim Romaine, http://www.cliftontaulbert.com TITLE COMPANIES 625 W. Will Rogers Blvd. Telephone Connections (918) 237-7593 Claremore, OK 74017 Allegiance Title & Escrow, LLC Christopher Riley, Sales Representative Hughes Training and Development (918) 392-7100 7359 E. 58th Court Solutions (918) 605-4577 (918) 664-2211 Robertson Tire Co., Inc. Lindsay Hendrix, Vice President Tulsa, OK 74145 Steve Hughes, Managing Partner Mark Robertson, President 2250 E. 73rd, Ste. 415 http://www.telephoneconnections.us 321 N. Hemlock Ave. 4370 S. Mingo Rd. Tulsa, OK 74136 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.hughestrainingsolutions.com http://www.robertson-tire.com TIRE DEALERS &/OR DISTRIBUTORS 130 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 142 3/15/12 8:39 AM TRANSLATORS/INTERPRETERS Tulsa Translations LLC (918) 636-1636 Zaida Kepford, Co-Owner P. O. Box 703077 Tulsa, OK 741703077 Travel Service, Inc. (918) 307-0455 Bobbie Needham, President 809 S. Sweet Gum Ave. Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.travelserviceinc.com American Transfer & Storage TRUSTS (918) 437-9300 Alexander Memorial Fund (918) 744-0360 Steve Montgomery, President R. O. Laird, Managing Trustee P. O. Box 690506 4200 E. Skelly Dr., Ste 252 Tulsa, OK 74169 Tulsa, OK 74135 http://www.americantransferok.com Warren Place Travel (918) 492-4724 AmeriTrust Corporation, an Oklahoma Dana Daza, President (918) 241-4600 B & E Escort, Inc. Trust Company (918) 610-8080 Elaine Cooper, 6100 South Yale Ave., Ste. 100P American Emerald Transportation J. Harvie Roe, President Tulsa, OK 74136 6147 S. Highway 97 Services (918) 660-7272 4111 S. Darlington, Ste. 450 http://www.warrenplacetravel.com Sapulpa, OK 74066 Bernie Clegg, Executive Vice President Tulsa, OK 74135 4608 S. Garnett, Ste. 403 http://www.ameritrusttulsa.com Tulsa, OK 74146 (918) 478-4026 World Travel Service, LLC (918) 743-8856 Crittenden Trucking http://www.amemtrans.biz Alex Eaton, President Rick Crittenden, The Trust Company of Oklahoma 7645 E. 63rd St., Ste. 101 P. O. Box 1655 (918) 744-0553 Tulsa, OK 741331208 Fort Gibson, OK 74434-1655 BP US Pipelines & Logistics Thomas Wilkins, President http://www.worldtraveltoday.com (918) 660-4316 P. O. Box 3627 Mike Thompson, Director of Govt & Public Hoffmeier, Inc. (918) 428-5645 Tulsa, OK 74101 Affairs Kermit Hoffmeier, President http://www.trustok.com TREE SERVICE 4334 N.W. Expressway, #275 P. O. Box 3667 S & W Tree Specialists of Tulsa, LLC Oklahoma City, OK 73116 Tulsa, OK 74101 (918) 437-0056 http://www.bp.com TUTORING http://www.hoffmeier.com Leilani Hughes, Office Manager Huntington Learning Center 10151 S. State Highway 51 Carolina Companies, LLC (918) 369-0608 (918) 250-2565 International Trucking Network, Inc. Broken Arrow, OK 74014 Terry Jenkins, President Brian Younger, Owner (918) 283-2100 http://www.swtree.com 7107 S. Yale, Ste. 297 7116 S. Mingo, Ste. 105 Petra Ketcher, Vice President Tulsa, OK 74136 Tulsa, OK 74133 P. O. Box 2423 http://tulsa-se.huntingtonlearning.com/ TROPHIES AND AWARDS Claremore, OK 74018 TRANSPORTATION Sooner Freight, Inc. (918) 628-0010 Don Helterbrand, CEO P. O. Box 472305 Tulsa, OK 741472305 http://www.soonerfreight.com CustomCraft Awards LLC (918) 622-2377 Masood Khaleel, Operations Manager 6716 E. 12th Street Tulsa, OK 74112 http://www.customcraftawards.com TranSol Pro, LLC (918) 830-0315 C. Kevin Sparks, President 5711 E. 102nd St. Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.transolpro.com Trophy & Plaque Plus, LLC (918) 252-2145 Ed Mackey, Manager 9755 E. 61st St. Tulsa, OK 74133 http://tapp.onlineawardstore.com Tulsa Port of Catoosa (918) 266-2291 Robert Portiss, Port Director 5350 Cimarron Road Catoosa, OK 74015 http://www.tulsaport.com TRAVEL & SPORTS HUNTING Jeff C. Neal, Inc. (918) 299-3580 Jeff Neal, President 2651 E. 21st St., Ste. 304 Tulsa, OK 74114 TRAVEL AGENCIES Bonvoy Adventure Travel (405) 714-0002 Sean Jackson, Owner One Technology Center Tulsa, OK 74103 http://www.travelbonvoy.com TRUCK ACCESSORIES Mathnasium (918) 574-2222 John Christner Trucking Inc. Vane Lucas, Owner (918) 227-6641 8032 S. Yale Ave. Daniel Christner, Vice President/C.O.O. Tulsa, OK 74136 P. O. Box 1900 http://www.mathnasium.com Sapulpa, OK 74067 Oxford Learning (918) 250-5500 LynnCo Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. Danny Stockstill, Owner (918) 664-5540 7715 E. 91st St., Ste. B Wendy Buxton, President Tulsa, OK 74133http://www.oxfordlearn.com 2448 E. 81st St., Ste. 2600 Tulsa, OK 74137 http://www.lynnco-scs.com UNIFORM RENTAL SERVICE Daytonz Hitch & Truck Accessories LLC Melton Truck Lines, Inc. (918) 234-8000 (918) 744-0341 Robert Peterson, President April McConnell, Owner 808 N. 161st E. Ave. 2920 South Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74116 Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.meltontruck.com TRUCK DEALERS (918) 439-4165 Miller Truck Lines Bobby Miller, Vice President Frontier International Trucks 4550 W. 49th Street (918) 438-2000 Tulsa, OK 74107 Lynn Owens, President P. O. Box 3666 Tulsa, OK 74102-3666 http://www.frontier-intl.com (918) 834-8828 SD Transportation Grant Downey, Vice President P. O. Box 580039 Tulsa, OK 74158 www.sdtransportation.com Aramark Uniform Services (918) 249-0138 Stephen Chapman, Regional Account Executive 5849 S. Garnett Rd. Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.aramarkuniform.com Unifirst Corp. (918) 251-4334 Jack Walters, General Manager 2100 North Beech Avenue Broken Arrow, OK 74012 http://www.unifirst.com UNIFORMS Cintas Corporation (918) 252-3693 John Peters, General Manager Penske Truck Leasing (918) 437-1280 5940 S. 129 East Ave. Brendan VanDorn, Tulsa, OK 741346707 Tom R. & Karen Starrett, Inc. 11330 E. Pine St. http://www.cintas-corp.com (918) 260-6046 Journey House Travel Services Inc Tulsa, OK 74116 Karen Starrett, (918) 524-5249 http://www.penske.com P. O. Box 552 Donna Powers, Manager K. Renee’s Uniform Closet (918) 627-3341 Cleveland, OK 74020 2200 S Utica Pl, Ste 220 Bryan Schooley, General Manager Tulsa, OK 74114 5557 E. 41st St. TRUCK REPAIRS/SERVICE http://www.journeyhouse.com Tulsa, OK 74135 Totem Trucking Services (918) 371-1373 Afterhours Mobile Repair Inc http://www.uniformcloset.com Andrea Gallemore, (918) 637-1326 18357 View Point Ct. Southern Journey of Oklahoma, LLC Willard Warren, Owner Collinsville, OK 74021 (770) 936-9876 Patrol Technology, Inc. (918) 459-7919 12121 S. 4060 Rd. Tom Stevens, Associate Manager Member Debbie Ashby, Owner-Manager Oologah, OK 74053 56 Woodstock Road 11349 E. 61st St. Willis & Associates Logistics, Inc. Roswell, GA 30075 Broken Arrow, OK 74012 (918) 446-5700 TRUCKING http://www.patroltechnology.com Rick Willis, Owner P. O. Box 9920 Allton Trucking (918) 341-0672 Spears Travel / Travel Leaders Tulsa, OK 74157 Lanie Allton, President (918) 254-1608 http://www.willislogistics.com P. O. Box 1085 Brad Johnson, Director of Business Claremore, OK 74018 Development 8321 E. 61st, #201 Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.spearstravel.com TRUCK RENTAL & LEASING 131 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 143 3/15/12 8:39 AM UNIONS Laborers International Union of North America (918) 585-1799 Reno Hammond, Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer 11720 E. 21st St., Ste. D Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.swldc.org VIDEO & FILM PRODUCTION Creative Specialists, Inc. (918) 743-7881 WASTE REMOVAL H. M. Balch, President Bulldog Film & Video Services, Inc. Allied Waste / Republic Services P. O. Box 52807 (918) 584-5111 (918) 828-6021 Tulsa, OK 74152-0807 Brian Blagowsky, President Russell Haywood, Municipal Services Manager http://www.csihealthmedia.com 717 E. Marshall St. 1225 N. 161st E. Ave. Tulsa, 74106 Tulsa, OK 74116 bulldogfilmandvideo.com http://www.republicservices.com WEBSITE HOSTING/SERVICE CO- (918) 749-3344 Flying Colors Media Doug Crain, Tulsa Firefighter’s Local 176 (918) 599-8176 3228 S. Jamestown Ave. Matthew Lay, Vice President Tulsa, OK 74135 1283 S. Detroit http://www.flyingcolors.tv Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.tulsafirefighters.org Seaborn Grip & Electric, Inc. VALVES & FITTINGS OCV Control Valves (918) 627-1942 Britt Radford, CEO 7400 East 42nd Place Tulsa, OK 74145-4744 http://www.controlvalves.com (918) 809-5548 Harley Hollan (918) 317-7777 Monte Seaborn, President / Owner Harley Hollan, President P.O. Box 330254 P. O. Box 3207 Tulsa, OK 74133 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 http://www.harleyhollan.com (918) 949-3838 Signal Factory Mark Dempsey, Managing Partner 624 S. Boston, Ste. 450 Tulsa, OK 74119 Trinity Precision Flow Control, LLC http://www.thesignalfactory.com (918) 806-7676 Catherine Geisinger, General Manager Stretch Drive Media, LLC (918) 671-8241 9750 S. 219th E. Ave Tim Turrell, Owner Broken Arrow, OK 74014 1038 E. 35th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74105 VENDING MACHINES AAA Vending Corporation (918) 582-4650 Denise Jones, Office Manager P. O. Box 150170 Tulsa, OK 74115 Canteen Vending Services (918) 663-8844 Paul Langel, General Manager 10161 E. Admiral Pl. Tulsa, OK 74116-2529 Tulsa Vending Services (918) 906-8302 Roger Williams, Owner/Operator 3816 S . 86th E. Ave Tulsa, OK 74145 LOCATION American Waste Control, Inc. Isocentric Networks, Inc. (918) 858-9500 (918) 446-0023 Scott Phillips, President Kenneth Burkett, President 100 W. 5th Street, Ste. 705 1420 W. 35th St. Tulsa, OK 74103 Tulsa, OK 74107-3814 http://www.isocentric.com http://www.americanwastecontrol.com VIDEO SECURITY Arvest Bank (918) 631-6801 Bryan Gerken, Branch Manager 4301 S. Garnett Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.arvest.com Live-Guard, LLC (918) 527-2727 Brad Spears, Managing Member 7122 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.live-guard.com VIOLIN SHOP Tulsa Violin Shop (918) 582-1942 Lou Lynch, President 15th Street Veterinary Group 220 North Main (918) 835-2336 Tulsa, OK 74103 Mark Shackelford, Partner 6231 E. 15th Tulsa, OK 74112-6407 WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTION VETERINARY HOSPITALS Brent Blackmon, New Business Development Oklahoma Veterinary Specialists 11324 E. Apache St. (918) 299-4900 Tulsa, OK 74116 Steven Hodges, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine http://www.unitedwarehouse.com 9360 S. Union Ave., Ste. 102 Tulsa, OK 74132 WASTE ENERGY http://www.okvets.com Covanta WBH, LLC (918) 699-0011 Matt Newman, Director, Business Management Southern Hills Veterinary Hospital 2122 S. Yukon Ave. (918) 747-1311 Tulsa, OK 74107 Rodney Robards, President http://www.covantaholding.com 2242 E. 56th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.southernhillsvet.com Tulsa Wedding Society (918) 512-6074 Shannon Dotson, Social Coordinator 6402 S. 126th W. Ave. Sapulpa, OK 74066 http://www.tulsaweddingsociety.com Waste Management of Oklahoma - Tulsa (918) 437-7773 District WEDDINGS/RECEPTIONS Jeff Newman, District Manager Vesica Piscis Chapel (918) 266-2141 13740 E. 46th Street North Judy Lytle-Odum, President/Co-Owner Tulsa, OK 74116 10327 N. 139th E. Ave. http://www.wm.com Owasso, OK 74055 http://www.vesicapiscischapel.com WATCHES AND CLOCKS Selco, LLC (918) 622-6100 Mark Abels, President 8909 E. 21st St. Tulsa, OK 74129 http://www.selcotime.com WESTERN APPAREL/CLOTHINGRETAIL Cavenders Western Outfitters (918) 664-2668 Larry Tysver, Store Manager 8035 E. 31st Street WATER TREATMENT Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.cavenders.com Advance Chemical Solutions (918) 629-6859 Jerry Weems, Chemist WHOLESALE/RETAIL MEMBERSHIP P. O. Box 702188 CLUB Tulsa, OK 74170-2188 Sam’s Club #6342 (918) 252-9503 Mike Floyd, Store Manager Seed Technologies, Inc. (918) 742-0028 6922 South Mingo Road Jennifer Jones, Owner Tulsa, OK 74133 5109 S. Wheeling Ave., Ste. 200 http://www.samsclub.com Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.seedtechnologies.com Toro Web Designs, LLC (918) 636-0892 Henry Toro, Owner 4601 S. 173rd E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.torowebdesigns.com Auto Refinish Distributors Inc. Eastside Veterinary Hospital (918) 587-6727 (918) 371-2439 Steve Clark, President WEB DEVELOPMENT Jackie McFarland, Office Manager Box 169 P. O. Box 558 Tulsa, OK 74101 Brookside Studios (918) 392-0745 Collinsville, OK 74021 Damon DoRemus, President http://www.eastsideveterinaryhospital.com 8221-B E. 61st St. The Hodges Companies (918) 622-3028 Tulsa, OK 74133 Dennis Kriz, President http://www.brooksidestudios.com Northside Veterinary Clinic P. O. Box 470028 (918) 683-4921 Tulsa, OK 74147 Marilyn Halkola, http://www.hodgesco.com 1924 N. 11th Street Muskogee, OK 74401 United Warehouse Co. (918) 234-0040 WEDDING SERVICES Carpe Consilium (918) 789-6636 Jim Millaray, Owner 1210 E 30th Pl. Tulsa, OK 74114 http://www.askmetellme.com WEBSITE DESIGN BrickWire, LLC (918) 551-7038 Jeff Foster, Founder PO BOX 700804 Tulsa, OK 74170 http://www.brickwire.com Sam’s Club #8263 (918) 627-1443 Keith Lowe, Store Manager 4420 S. Sheridan Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.samsclub.com WHOLESALER IMAX Worldwide Imports 918) 665-7715 Al Bulak, President & Owner P. O. Box 472188 Tulsa, OK 74147 http://www.imaxcorp.com Jeanmarie Creations (918) 663-4211 Darrell Whited, Director of Finance/ Administration P. O. Box 471130 Tulsa, OK 74147 ORS Nasco (918) 781-5300 Larry Davis, President 9910 E. 42nd St., Ste. 200 Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.orsnasco.com Regal Distributing Company, Inc. (913) 982-5104 Dean Kopulos, President/Owner 9734 Pflumm Lenexa, KS 66215 http://www.getregal.com 132 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 144 3/15/12 8:39 AM WINDOW CLEANING - COMMERCIAL/ RESIDENTIAL WINDOWS WINERY Burnett, Inc. Windows & Siding Girouard Vines (918) 706-5520 (918) 286-7600 Chris Girouard, Above All Commerical Window Cleaning Scott Burnett, President 817 E. 3rd St. (918) 283-4034 11202 E. 61st St. Tulsa, OK 74120 Jeremy Brazil, Owner Tulsa, OK 74133 http://www.tulsawine.com 1107 W. 23rd Street http://www.burnettinc.com Claremore, OK 74017 WINDOW COVERINGS Endisco Supply, Inc. (918) 583-3373 Randy Gorrell, President 1315 E. 5th St. Tulsa, OK 74120 http://www.endisco.com Tint World (918) 299-5777 Tracy Lewis, President 404 S. Elm, Ste. 102 Jenks, OK 74037 http://www.tintworld.com YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES Stone Bluff Cellars (918) 482-5655 Bob & Sandy McBratney, Owners Champion Windows of Tulsa, LLC (918) 622-1953 24145 E. 191st St. South Pat Dewey, Division Manager Haskell, OK 74436 5899 S. Garnett Rd. http://www.stonebluffcellars.com Tulsa, OK 74146 http://www.championfactorydirect.com Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma (918) 744-4400 Sharla Owens, CEO 5840 S. Memorial Dr., Ste. 111 Tulsa, OK 74145 http://www.bbbsok.org General Wire & Supply Co. (918) 245-5961 Ray Estep, Box 2186 Tulsa, OK 74101 http://www.gwst.com Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma (918) 749-2551 Roberta Preston, Chief Executive Officer 2432 E. 51st Tulsa, OK 74105 http://www.GirlScoutsEastOK.org WIRE PRODUCTS Thermal Windows, Inc. (918) 663-7580 Solar View / Oklahoma Shutters Dennis Lane, President & CEO (918) 366-6468 12805 E. 31st Street Sherry Barbour, Tulsa, OK 74146 18622 S. 62nd E. Ave. http://www.thermalwindows.com Bixby, 74008 http://www.okshades.com WINDOWS & DOORS-RETAIL & WHOLESALE WINDOW TINTING Workforce Tulsa (918) 595-8824 Fred Schnook, Executive Director 909 S. Boston Ave., Room MC2001 Tulsa, OK 74119 http://www.workforcetulsa.com WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS One Source Windows and Doors Workforce Oklahoma/Oklahoma State (918) 461-0075 Employment Service (918) 796-1200 Bryan Rinder, Owner Karen Baskerville, Center Manager 11333 E. 51st Place 14002 E. 21st St., Ste. 1030 Tulsa, OK 74146 Tulsa, OK 74134 http://www.onesourcewindows.com http://www.oesc.ok.gov ZOO Tulsa Zoo Friends, Inc. (918) 669-6601 Keegan Young, Executive Director 6421 E. 36th St. North Tulsa, OK 74115 http://www.tulsazoo.org 133 Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 145 3/15/12 8:39 AM Connecting Tulsa employers with qualified talent. ChooseTulsaJobs.com is an effective web tool that is improving the way Tulsa-area employers find top talent and professionals search for the right fit. Helping employers and recruiters sell Tulsa. ChooseTulsaJobs.com easily identifies why Tulsa is a top choice for relocation and includes helpful tools and resources for both employers and job seekers. Providing a view into Tulsa’s passion for life. ChooseTulsaJobs.com provides a window into Tulsa’s many community and cultural opportunities. ChooseTulsaJobs.com is a valued destination for employers, recruiters and job seekers. c Salary Calculator c Locally Headquartered Companies c Relocation Contact Information c Job Search c Top Industry Listing c Community & Culture For more information call Denise Reid, director of talent strategies, at 918.560.0255 or email [email protected]. Tulsa Chamber Membership Directory Final.indd 146 3/15/12 8:39 AM Tulsa Downtown 415 South Boston Avenue Tulsa, OK 74103 PH: (918) 508-7400 FX: (918) 508-7425 www.marriott.com/tultd Complimentary wi-fi Walk-in glass showers iHome w/ iPod docking station IT’S A GREAT STAY 24 hr. 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