owner`s manual
owner`s manual
OWNER'SMANUAL j t I I Watedoovllle HamPshlre po7'7t J Td: (STD0705)25,1511 This manualis providedto giveWesterlyyacht owner'san of a ôperationandmaintenanca insightto the cônstruction, new Westerlyyacht. WesterlyYachtswarrantsthe perfdmanceof its vesselsto curent'specificationsin accprdancewith WesterlyYachts standardwarranty. WesterlvYachtsreservesthe rightto improvelhsvesselsor specificâtionsidentifiedin this publicationwithoutnotice. containedin this PublicationWesterlyYachts Soecifications Owner'sManual- lssue1) supersedealldatapublishedby WeSerlyYachtsbeforeMarch1988. WesterlvYachtswill not be heldliablefor any personal iniuriesbr damageoccuningas a resultof misuseor badly maintainedequipment. requires designandc-onstruc{ion Yachtsadvanced Westerty quality BS of qualityconûol,u5inghigh thestriciest component andancillary rawmaterials approved manufacturers. Adherenceto this orner's Manualwillensuremanyyearsof yachtis trouotefree sailing.Remembera wellmaintained value. resale higher a moreretiabteand retains uttimatelv contact Servicc Sales to After For furth'erinformationrelating AfterSalesManageron (STD0705)256406. €') l *1,i;,;' illiil'.:.:::.::'.:l;.i:r,,:,:r:tr:,:r::,:,::,,:::,:iii'iill;t1i'Ê-"rë,fi|ïEùllf,s:'':::':' Title Page INTRODUCTION (ii) CONTENTS (iii) YACHTS EQUIPMENT CHART- CURRENT (vi) SECTION1 . HULL Construction SkinFittingsand Seacocks cathodicProtection Antifouling .1 .2 ,4 .5 SECTION2 . SAILSANDRIGGING Typesof Rig StandingRigging MastVibration Sails FoldingSails SettingSails HalyardClutches 2.1 2.3 2.10 2.11 2.11 2.13 2.20 SYSTEMS SECTION3 - STEERING Rudders WheelSteeringSystems HydraulicSteering 3.1 3.5 3.6 4 - ENGINESYSTEMS SECTION EngineSystems FuelSystems CoolingSystems ExhaustSystems EngineControls EngineInstrumentation BasicEngineCare Turbochargers 4.1 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.14 (iii) COHTEHTS Ttle Page SternGear 4.12 SECTIONs-GASSYSTEMS Gas System 5.1 SYSTEMS SECTION6. WATER/WASTE EquipmentChart WaterSystems WasteSystems BrvdonMarineToilet eÛdon Toiletwith HoldingTank 6.1 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.4 SYSTEMS SECTION7 . ELECTRICAL BasicElectricalSystem Batteries BatterylsolationSwitches SwitchPanels Powercentre IYSSwitchPanel 7.1 7.2 7.2 7.4 7.4 7.8 8. MAINTENANCE SECTION Hull Sailsand Rigging SteeringSystems EngineSystems GasSystems Systems WaterAÀ/aste Wnterisation/Dewinterisation Cleaning 8.1 8.8 8.9 8.11 8.15 8.15 8.15 8.19 0v) CON.ïENf$,'($,qntln ued) Tirle Page SECTION 9 - SPECIFICATIONS !:" Konsort29 KonsortDuo Tempest31 Fulmar32 Storm33 Storm33 Cruising Riviera35 Seahawk35 Falcon35 Corsairll 36 - Sloop Sealord39 - Sloop 40 - Sloop Oceanlord 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.54 9.58 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 YACHTS- PRE 1988 SECTION10 _ WESTERLY 10.1 lntroduction 10.2 EquipmentCharts - PRE1988 SYSTEMS SECTION11- STEERING 11'1 WhitlockSystems _ PRE1988 SECTION12 _ ENGINESYSTEMS EngineSystems SternGear 12.1 12.1 SYSTEMS- PRE 1988 SECTION13 - WATER/V1/ASTE LavacMarineToilet LavacToiletwith HoldingTank SL 400 SeriesMarineToilet 13.1 13.2 13.5 (v) I ( ) È ë = J ç P & ô o ë o ù : t o o o : S u o d ô R R S o d â * s o N 2 o q v o K { ë Ë o ù $ Ë f ; f ; Ë f i * Ë Ë Ë 8 f ; t ( f t e L I r = = C E R fr 8 € I € s € I € € € = ( E . g ( t ( E ( E ( ! € r E ( ! d Ë Ë . o 8 & r o 8 & r o r o 8 F (r) I S F G t ( D ( 1 r o t $ l c ) c / r ( D ( ' ) ( r ) ( ? o o o o o o o o o o o u o o o o o a o o o o o t = \ ? o . o o > o à è 2 g . o o è o à à 2 o è o o à è UJ 9 = i Ë i r E E g Ë Ë= Ë = Ë =Ë = g 3 b È - a 9 g, 8 ô È Ë b È 6 F F F É F Ê à E E E E * F G ! ( H$ â â g g g ; s â E# o ) O r - F î'5 E f = - a z9 u,t r- . è + g '= d ul V È c '= C L ê L E â 3 . â B Ê :t e := := (5 =-, a f ô = ' o c È = È . E . ç : = È È È , 8 , G E i I F i I E i ! F - i ! t . t . l . t . t L r r Ë e a o 3 ' q L E F C) J F E Z IIJ UI t - G c L F- I () : F F F ) Y O c t r ë f i f i ^ nË = ; É Ë â q rp z n A C D C s s 6) < 6: <E F3r !Ë6 Ë- oËÉ *. - @ f r 8 8 1 1. HULL CONSTRUCTION ANDSEACOCKS SKINFITTINGS Valve Fitting Gate Skin Valve Fitting Sleeve Skin Fitting BallVatve Skin CATHODICPROTECTION Attachment Bonding Replacement ANTIFOULING CONSTRUCTION The mainhulland deck is manufactured usingGlass ReinforcedPlastic(GRP).GRPmattingand a polyesterresin are laminatedin mouldsto producethe hulland deck shapes. The outer surfaceshavea gelcoatlayer 1mmthickwhichprovidesa waterresistant approximatoly skin. matfor high Threetypesof GRPare used:Unidirectional strengthand reinforcing,wovenrovingfor high strengthand reinforcing,choppedstrandMat (CSM)for intricate mouldings. PVCfoam is used in deck and coachroof mouldingsfor strengrth.lt is light in weightand does not absorbwater. CSMGompoeiteBottom SklnWhhWovenRovlngs Frg 1 - PVCFoamSandwich Plvwoodis usedin hiqhloadareassuchas stanchion plàe is usedatthemastheelplinthfor bâses.Alurninium highstrength. andstringersis achieved usingbulkheads Hullstiffening polyuretlane formers foam açe usually Thestringeri of underside hutl and of the ttisins-ide on enp, overlaid'I,itn as an alternative. be used Ptywood can the deck. 1.1 The mostimportantstructuralareais in the regionof the keelattachment.Thisis heavilyreinforcedwith polyurethane foamoverlaidwithGRPto withstandthe tremendousforcesexerted. SKINFITTINGSAND SEACOCKS poirrsandrnusttherefore Skinfittingsare hullpenetration be wellsealedto preventthe ingressof water.Thisis achievedby mouldingthe fittingintothe hullusingGRP,or by usingsdalingringi or washersundertheflangesof the fitting.Tnetittingsale normallymadefroma corrosion resislantmaterialsuchas bronze,stainlesssteelor plastic. Thevare eitherinteoratedwith,or associatedwith,a seaéock.The exceÉtionis wheretheyare usedto allowhull etc. penetration for log or echosoundertransducers, The threetypes of seacockcurrentlyfittedto Westerly Yachtsare: Skln Fltting GateValve Application:Usedfor enginecoolingwithVolvoremote filier,sink drainoutletand cockpitdrains. to openand clockwise Operation:Turntap anti-clockwise to close. W.2- GateValve 1.2 SkinFittingSleeveValve Applications:Toiletinletandtoiletoutlet. hose. To open,turnleverto alignwithinlet/outlet Operation: Fig.3- Op€n To close,turnleveruntilat rightanglesto theinlet/outlet hose. 1.3 Skin FittingBallValve Apptications:Enginecoolingsystems,sinkand cockpil drains. Operation:To open,turn leverto alignwithinlet/outlet hôse.To close,turnleveruntilat rightanglesto the '' inletloutlethose. Fig.5 - Ball Valve CATHODICPROTECTION Westerlvvachtsare frttedwith hull mountedsacrificial anodes'aêthesegivethe bestresults.Theseare usually to keep of the enginecompartment mountedin the re-gion minimum. the bondingcâblerunto a 1.4 Attachment Thisis achievedbVusinq3/8"studspermaren:iyfixerlto the andthe cableis securedinternaliy hulltowhichthe b'ondinq nuts using attached be should The anode anodeexternally. washers. and locking Bonding i Theanodeis bondedto the engine,storntubebracketand for the enôinecoolinoskinfitting.Theieis no requirement keel the or seacocks, and mo-reremoteét<infrttlngs mountingboltsto be Protected' Replacement The anodeshouldbe replacedwhenit is approximately two-thirdseroded. lf anVdoubtexistsas to whetherthe ânôOewiifsurvivethe season- changeit! In the core of the anodeis a galvanisedsteelstripvhich prgvidesthe âttààÀtentiegsfor the anode"The anôdois removedby iemôvinqthe iwo securingnutsand washers.lt is whenreplàcingthe anode,thqtthPnuts, recommËnded *asnôriând backingsheetaie alsoreplaced.The oiiginal by M. G. Duff,part numberzD77' àÀôoeis manufacturéd ANTIFOULING FromJuly 1987,allyachtsare antifouledwith BlakesTÏger Tin FreeAntifouling. 1.5 2;,,,$Altis:; fi fl p ft lgGf,t{G TYPESOF RIG RIGGING STANDING ShroudPlates Checks Maintenance Rig Adjustment Ajustmentof FrastionalRig MASTVIBRATION Theory Actionsto MinimiseEffect SAILS ResinatedSailcloth Supercruise SAILS FOLDING Mainsail Headsails Bagging Folding SETTINGSAILS Hoistinq & Trimming Sheetin-g KickingStrap MainsailReefing Spinnakers 2 TYPESOF RIG Yachtsare eitherSloopor Ketchrigged. Mostyachtsof under31 feetLOAareSlooprigged.(Fig.1). MAIN HEAO JIB HEAD MAIN LUFF TOPPINGLIFT MAIN LEACH JIB LU F F /MArN MAIN /cLEw FooT ffi rsneû / ,,MAIN \ \{l\) ._-.".-_\- FOOTBLOCK JIBSHEET FARLEAD ELOCKON TRACX TACK JIB TAC( KICKINGSTRAP Fi& 1- SloopRig 2.1 The differencebetweenSloopand Ketchriggedyachtsis the additionof a mizzenmast. lOPPING LIFT 1 Mlzz€N HEAO MAIN LEACH r,ilzzE LEACH Il|^tzzÉ LUF H|zZ CLEW MAIN TACK MIZZEN FOOT JI8 FOOT KICKING SÎRAP ELOCKON IRACI( YuS.Z-KÊtchRtg 2,2 STANDINGRIGGING The.standing riggingis th,eonlysupportfor the mast(s).tt is macleTromslainlesssteeland hasa finitelife,thereforéit is vitalthatit is adjustedand maintained correctlv.Fio. - 3 illustrates the basicstandingriggingfor a Sloop. ..CAP SHROUD SPREADER BACKSTAY FORESTAY L OWE R S H R OU O INNER FORESTAY F'rg.3- Sloop 2.3 TheKetchrighasadditional standing riggingforthe mizzen mast(Fig.4). AFT MIZZEN S H R OU D MIZZEN FORWARD SHROUD Flg.4- KetcÀRig ShroudPlates to ShroudPlates, Thestandingriggingis attached Plates,locatedeithersideof the commonlycâlled-Chain mastat dêck level. Theseare reinforcedto withstandthe tremendouspressureexertedby the sails. (Fig.5 shows used). the strengthening 2.4 S[ilnrl ^mûmrr Plywood9rndwlctt ^8mrn Eotb Smtd lw||Ët Iùqrgh DdrSærsrrt bChfiPlrHgtd eæ*tg Eq&mtt TbFOd Bôr.crrÛtg î!Mlofffi &;5-$âtsadn*c 26 Malntenance Checks Maintenance shouldbe carriedoutregularly duringthe seasonwhentheyachtis in commission andbeforeany longvoyage. coveredin the manual. and Wnterisationchecksare interisation sectionof this !:. 1 Exarnineall steelwireropefor signsof corrosion,wear and damage. 2 Examineall terminationsfor signsof wearor damage.Pay particularattentionat all splitpins. Note: Spllt plns should be a good flt through hole and should not be underslzed. for signsof fatiguewearor dam3 Examineall bottlescrews'in . age and ensuretheyare safety',ie. the innerthreads are visiblethroughbothsafetyholes. Wherebottlescrews are coveredwithtapeor plastictubing,removeit to enableexamination. 4 Ensurethe ends of the spreaderbar are protectedto preventsailchafing. 5 Ensurethe rig is conecty adjusted. lf you are in arry or a doubt,you shouldconsultthe mastmanufiacturers riggingspecialist. Rlg Adlustment Most Westerlyyacfits havea MastheadRig, adiustmentis as follows: 1 Set up the mastwith all riggingslack (seeFig.6). 2 Tensionthe cap shrouds. 3 Tensionthe forestayand backstay. 2.6 4 Hardendownonthecapshrouds. Fig.6 - Slack trowec F.ry.7 Y-ry.'t- Bowed Tensioninnerforestayuntilmastbowsforward2" at the spreaders. Tensionthe aft lowershroudsequallyto reducethe bow to 1" (seeFig.7). Gheckthe rig whilstsailing. The tensionin the mainsail will straightenthe mast. Whilstsailing,checkthe sidewaysbend. lf the mastleans to windwarà,tigntenthe cap shi'ouds(seeFig.8).. lf the mastleansto Èeward,tighientho aft lowershrouds(see Fio.9). then checkthe fôre and aft bend. lf the mastis be-ntâft, into the mainsail,tightentho innerforestay. 2.7 W IND WIND +-- Fig.8-Windward I Ftg.9 - Lecward Flg.g-Lecward Tensioningthe backstaywill resultin the mastbowingaft (seeFigs.10 & 11). Ft&l0-Bowed F,g.11-Straight Adustmentof Frastlonal(3/4)Rlg SomeWesterlvvachtshavea FractionalRig. tt is also for thistypreof r[ is as knownas a 3/ahig. nOlustment follows: 2.4 1 Setup the mastwithalfriggingslack. the back2 Tensionforestayanduppershrouds(leaving stayslack)untilthemasthasa 1"forwardbendat the (seeFig.12). spreaders Tensionlowershroudsuntilmastis straigftt. FrS.n-3l4Rig Checkthe rig whilstsailing.The mastshouldremain straight.Chetk the mastf-orsidewaysbend. lf the top of the mastleansto leeward,loosenthe lowershrouds(see Fig. 13).tf the spreadersleanto leeward,tightenthe lower shrouds(seeFig.14). Fig. 13 - Mast Fi& 14- Spreaders 2.9 Notes: The backstay ls used only tor bendlng the top of the mast when salling to wlndwerd. Whenreachlngand runnlng,the tenslon In the backstaymusl be reduced to keep thê top sectlon of lhe mast stralght. The upper shrouds should be kept tlght. Riviera35 mast rlgglng procedurè Mast:KempFurlin'2131104 aft (213mm) DesignedRake:1 mastsecrtion 1 Adjustforestayand backstayto achievedesignedaft rake. 2 Lightlytensionbabystay. 3 checking Tênsioncap shroudsand intermediates for any att bend. continuously Notê: lf tenstonlng thê shrouds causes thê mast to bend aft, note the degree of bend and the clrcumstarrcesIn whlch lt occurred. Thls Intormatlon wlll be neededby the mast manufacturer. 4 a)' lf the shroudscan be tensionedwithoutbending. the mast,the aft lowershroudscan be tensioned and all riggingchecked. b)' lf the mastdoes bend,and it was inducedby the intermediateshrouds,partiallyslackenthe shroudsandtensionthe babystayto pullthe mast forward.Thenretensionthe éhroÙdsand re-check the mast. c)' lf the bendwas inducedbv the cap shrouds in coàjunctionwith adjustthe forestay/backstây thé babyStayto removebend. Notes: Tenslon In th€ cap shrouds and lntermedlatesshould put lhe mast Into comprcssbn oNLY and the resultlngaft bend ls a tault ot the mast spreaderposltlons and/or heel llttlng plvot posltion relatlveto the neutral axls ol the mast. 2,10 Problemsencountered durlngriggingshouldbe reported manufacturers so that the can be lnformed. Durlng rlgging also check for any closlng ot the sall slot In the aft face of the mast, partfcularlyIn the vlclnlty of the spreaders. Working Aloft Boatsfittedwith Kemplnmastfurlirigsystemsshould underno circumstances use halyardsfittedwith the mainsailand removable halyardtails,specifically for wihchinopôoplealoft,or for work oenoahalvard'tails. hàlvardtailsare not ftitn tne bôsun'schair.Removabl'e be usedfor desionedto be loadbearinoand must-never workinqaloft.Soarsare suÉpliedwithsparemainsail oàlyshouldbd usedwiththe halyards, these'halyards bosun'schair. MASTVIBRATION Vibrationappearsat moderatewindspeeds,occurring.in is causedby winddirection.The v'rbration an athwartships eddvcurrentson the leewardsideof lhe mast,the freqirencydependingon windspeed,mastsectionand size. Whenthe naturalflexingfrequencyof the mastcoincides resonanceoccursandthe frequency, withthe oscillation -and amptituderapidlvincreâses causesvibration.The on the mastsection,sizeandany is'dependant amblitude is knownas the dàmping.The vibration aerbdynamic 'Karman'effect. Actions to MinimiseEffect 1 2 3 Add additionalinnerwire forestay. Increaseterisionon the staysto decreasethe natural frequencyof the mast. Usea'VortexBreak'.This is a 4" stripof 9oz sailcloth, side.This hoistedup the mastgrooveon the le.eward fromcausingvibration. preventsthe vortext[rrbulence 2.104 4 Internalmasthalyardscan magnifythe noiseof the Thiscan be reducedby usinginternal vibration. polyurethane foam'cushions'. SAILS YourWesterlyyachtis suppliedwithRatseyand Lapthorn correctly,will sailswhich,if tieatedwith'iareand maintained oivemanvseasonsqood service.Yoursailswillbe made f-romeithérVectisreéinatedsailclothor Supercruise. ReslnatedSailcloth Thisis the conventional sailclothusedand containsresin fillers.Thesesailsmustbe foldedto preventthe resinfiller from breakingup and causingpermanentcreases.These creasesdistortthe sailshapeand makethemvirtually to set. impossible Supercruise doosnot containanyfillers,thereforestows Suoercruise eaèityand remainscrease-free.[t shouldhowever,stillbe treatedwithcare, WARNING:Do not smolrewhen working with sails. Cigarettebums causeexpensivedamageto sails..lt is that smokingishot allowedby any strbnqMrecommended mem6érof the crewwhenhandlingsails. FOLDINGSAILS Mainsail Oneof the easiestmethodsof foldingthe mainsailis with it stillon the booçn: 1 Tightentoppingliftto suppottboom. 2.11 2 Lowerthe sailfully. 3 Ënsurethe coachroofis closed. 4 Easethe tensionin the foot of the sailby releasingthe clewouthaul. 5 Removethe battensto minimisestretchand chafingin the '' battenpockets. 6 Standcloseto the mast,on the oppositesideof the boom to the pileof mainsail. 7 With an assistantat the leach,take hold of the sail about twelveinchesfromthe boom,pullup togetherand laythe sailhalfwayoverthe boom. The bottomof the hanging levelwiththe bottomof the fold shouldbe approximately boom. 8 Take a furthertwelveinchesof sail and fold back overthe boom in the oppositedirection. I Continuethis 'layering'actionuntiltheentiresailis layed overthe boom. 10 Securethe sailto the boomusingsailties. 11 The halyardcan eitherbe removedand stowedor left attachedto the headof the sail. lf letton the sail,secureto the boomby passinga sailtie throughthe headof the sail andthentensionthe halYard. 12 lf the sailis to remainfoldedfor morethana few hours, put the sail coveron to preventdamagefrom ultraviolet lightor othersource. 2.12 Headsalls lf your yachtis not fittedwitha furlingheadsail,the headsail mustbe removedand baggedwhennot in use. Depending on the type of sail,it can be foldedor'bagged'in the sailbag. Bagging ,,. 1 Putthe headof the sail into the sailbagfirst. 2 Work the luff and the leachin together,alsothe body of the sail. 3 Leavethe tack and cfewuntillastand passthe sailbag neck cord throughboth tack and clew beforedrawing tight.Thismethodprovesits worth in adverseconditions, to the stemheadand enablingtho tack to be connec-ted the sail is released to the fitted clew before the sheétsto be then be run back and can from the sailbao.The sheets 'snatched' The sailcan the sail. bv withot-il beino secured a time,until hank at oné stay, to tràfore alsobe hanked halyard. the to attached head is left to be onlythe Foldlng 1 Laythe headsailout flat in a convenientposition,a pontoon or jettyis ideal. 2 The sail shouldthen be foldedfollowingthe stepsillustrated in Fig.15. SETTINGSAILS No vachtwill sail well if the sailsare badlvset. The few pointswhichfolloware includedto assistin settingsails correctly. 2.13 t oi + /m \r=1 .F r çt P ît E s Ë Hoisting Whilstthis is a straiqhtforwardprocedure,the amountof conditions.All tensionin the halyirddepends.'on.wind the Ho.ist tensions. differing wellto modernsailsrespond luff, the in wrinkles there are-no that iultyens'uiing màrnsaif from away not curve does luff the thât heiadsail, and on a iÀetorestavbetwéenthe hanks- Creêsesin a sailare the on their firstsiqnof incorrecttensionanddepending much or tCIolittle is too there whether indicate oolitioî. thev you that is recommended lt ha$ard. fensionin thé the sails.onyouryacht slack'enand ovedension. dôliberately peculiar their learn to conditions in differenfwind halyardsso that their mark Someowners ônàraôteristics. time. each the correcttensioncan be applied Sheetingand Trlmming ruleof sailsheetingis "Letit out'til it flaps,pullit The basic in 'til it stops." The mostcommonfaultis sheetingin too hard. Thisis best for that purpose.lt is wr'rÈen e*ùaineOin booksspecifically that everyyacht'slibraryhas one' reôommended Klcking StraP This controlsthe amountof twist in the mainsailand.also ànJuiàèinâitne uôomdoesnot'kic* up'. The kicking strao must alwavsbe tensioned,the only exceptlonDelng wnênthamainsâilis sheaed in hard. The easies!ryayto. by using strapto the optimumpositio.n.is iènéiontné tiiCÈins parallelto.the guide. be Thisshould the too battenas à Ëà-o-ùIfïlies to ieËward,tightenthe kickingstrap,if it lies to windward,loosenit. 2.15 MainsailReeflng All currentproductionyachtsare fittedwithslabreefing. wherereefing arrangement Fig.16showsthe slab-reefing priorto 1978 guldesare not fitted. Yachtsmanufactured iray be fittedwith Proctorrollerreefingsystèms.lf informationis required,it is suggestedthat ProctorMasts Ltd be contacted Spinnakers of spinnakerand cruisingchutes Fourbasicconfigurations areshownin Fig.17. Theseare: CROSSCUT - Usualtypeusedfor runningand reaching. RADIALHEAD- Similarto cross cut but with improved headshapefor bettersûengûhand setting. TRI RADIAL- Flattertype usedfor reaching. CRUISINGCHUTE- Crossbetweengenoaand spinnaker but unsuitablefor fine reaching.Veryversatileand easyto rig,can be usedwithouta Pole. 2.16 ii\ lti rtl il1 I'l l l l l t l 1 l l t l l sLtP Kt{,Ï rclon HrcHl Fig. 16 - Mabsail Rco6sg 2.17 cRosscuT RAOIALHEAD CRUISINGCHUTE TRI RAOIAL Ftg.t7 - Spinnakers 2.18 HALYARO LEACH/ LUFF TOPPING LIFÏ OOWNHAUL'/ Rg. 18 - Typical Spinoafcr Rigging Arrangenont 2.19 HALYABDCLUTCHES Winching In: Clutch Action The clutchesare designedto holdloadedropeautomatically: the halyardcan be winchedthroughthe clutchwiththe handle-closed and thenthe ropetaitcan be safelyremoved fromthe winchdrumwithouttàuchirigthe clutch. lt is normal for ropeto travelout throughthe clutchby approximately25 to locktherope. mmasthecamrotates Shouldthe releasehandlelift as the ropeis beingtensioned, this shouldbe ctoseddownbeforethe tail is removedlrom the winch. For Extra Tension Wherehalyardtensionis mostcritical(Gç-no?91Ç-U1ltl)^You of a veryetfectiveMANUALLOCKDOWN havethe crlption facility. In heavierconditionse tigltl lutf is essentialand requiiesfar morethan normalloàdingol the halyard-To acÉievethis,the handleis liftedto itgverticalpositionand then firmlyre-lockedontothe loadedrope- This reduces ropelravelto5-10mm. It is importantto markthe halyardas an aid to maintainthe indicatesany lossof tencorrecisetting.This immediatety sionthat mighteffectwindwardperformance. Z.ZO New Rope New halyardsare slippery.lf the halyardslipswhenin the 'CLUTCH"mode,usethe MANUALLOCK-DOWN facility worked in. has untilthe halyard been Release ç. rethe loadcan be effortlessly In normalwindconditions leasedsimplyby liftingthe handlewithoutusingthe winch. In heavierweatherreleaseis stillpossiblethisway - butfor reasonsof safetyand ropecare,ropeshouldbe re-tensioned the clutch.Forsafereon the winchdrumbeforereleasing position lease,the handleshouldbe movedintoits fully-open so thatthe cam is liftedwellclearof the movingrope. Afterreleasethe handleshouldbe movedintoits fully-open positionso thatthe cam is liftedwellclearof the moving iope. Afterreleasethe handleshouldbe closedoncemorenot leftopento get in the way of the riggingor crew. Warranty for In the eventthatthis produc{failsto performsatisfactorily any reason,a rapidh'elpand adviceserviceis operatedby Eachclutchunitis coveredby a two year thé manufacturer. warrantyandanyclaimunderthiswarrantyshouldbe made directlyto Spinlockat the followingaddress: SERVICE CUSTOMER SPINLOGK LTD. INSTRUMENTS OFFSHORE ROAD 41 BIRMINGHAM COWES ISLEOF WIGHT PO317BH UNITEDKINGDOM (0)9832955ss TELEPHONE: 2.21 3. SïEEHING','SV,$[Ëltil$ RUDDERS TransomHungRudder SpadeHungRudder 'o' WHEELSTEERING SYSTEMS EdsonPedestalSteering Maintenance HYDRAULIC STEERING UsewithAutopilot HydraulicFluid FaultFinding FurtherInformation g RUDDERS Twomaintypesof rudderarefitted,transomhungand spadehung. TransomHungRudder Thistypeof rudderis attachedto theyacfitby sgpport brad{etsmountedon thetransomas shownin Figs.1 &2. 5/S TILTERHOOO TILLERHINGEBOLT RUOOER LOCI(ING BAR TILLER UPPER HANGING STRAP FAIRINGSKE6 Fig;1 - TraosooHrmgRudd€'r 3.1 TOPBRACKET BUSH BUSHSLEEVE THROUOH STRAP BOTTOMBRACKET BU5I,I SPLITPIN SECURING LOCKINGBAR W2- SusberrangÊEÊlrt SpadeHungRuddor Thisis the standardrudderfittadto Westerlyyacùts, steelstockpassingthrough of a long consistino -Astainless steelwebi-swaHedto the the deckândhull. stainless stockanda GRPrudderis mouldedoverthestockand web. lt car be operatedby eithera tilleror wheeJ.For wheeloperation,'asteerini quadrantis fittedto the stock witnintlie hullarba. nn auÏopilotoperatingarmis norm-ally alsofitted. Fiqs.3 & 4 sftowtypicalarangpmentsTorÙ[er andwheetapplications.Thebearingsorrently fitbd are mâOefrom Éerplas10fi) $fiich willnot rot or conodeandis therebyreduciltgmaintenanct.These self-lubricating, bo chéckedwhenthe yacfitis bàarinossnoùldhoweÛer liftedfô'rwinterisation. 9.2 4' EHglûlË',,ffifEii$ ENGINESYSTEMS FUELSYSTEMS FuelTanks FuelStopcock FuelFïlter Rdrrn Pipe FuelGontents COOLINGSYSTEMS SeawaterCooledEngines FreshwaterCooledEngines WaterFilter FXHAUSTSYSTEMS ENGINECONTROIS EngineStop Mechanism ENGINE INSTRUMENTATION BASICENGINECARE Maintenance Toqls MaintenanceProducts TURBOCHARGERS OperatingInçtructions Maintenancs 4 a:iEffGtHE$I($f:Ë[tS (&ntlnuad] STERN GEAR CutfassBearing CalciumDeposits ShaftSealVenting VentingProcedure Lubrication ç' ENGINESYSTEMS The enginesftttedto 1987productionyachtsare Volvo2mO senes: VOLVO2OA2-GriffonClub,Medin,Konsort,Fulmar,Storm, Tempest VOLVO20Gl - KonsortDuo,Seahafuk,Falcon,Corsair VOLVO2003T- Corsair,Oceanlord,Sealord Eachyacht is suppliedwith the relelant manufacturers literaturefor its engine. The followinginformationis thereforeof a genéral,ratrer than a specific,natureand is supersededby any specificinformationgivenin the mantrfacturersliterature. FUELSYSTEMS The basicfuel systemis illustratedin Fig. 1. FILLERCAP DIESEL TANK STOPCOCK FEED II RETURN II(OPTIONAL) lt FUELFILTER | 1 Fig 1- BasicFuet$rtcn 4.1 FuelTanke Allyachtshaveheavygaugemildsteelfudtanks, extemally treatedwitha corrosionresistantpaintfinish.Wheretanks a regular to damageby stowedequipment, areexposed -ensure thereis no damageto the check'should be madéto externalfinish,cardng rustspotsto devdç. Fud Stopcock repairsor Unlessthefud systemis undergoing thefudstopcockon. It it is normaltoleaÙe maintenance, the engineis runwiththe stopcockturnedoff,an airlockcan thesystem. bleeding be causedwhichwillnecessitate Fuel Fllter Thebulkheadfuelfiltershouldbo chod€d regularlybr wst€randdrainedor deanedas neco$rery. RetumPlpe fiera nry be a rdlm ppe b On someengineinstaÛlatiors thetueltankÏromthe enginefud pump. FuelContents Fueltankcontentstr€ normellydeterminedræinga dipsdck, but sorneyacfitsmaybe fitbd n iÛ|fud gu4ns. Notæ: I Keepthe fuel tankftrll whgtevcr po.tlHc-ll thb preÙentrcondsËdon formlng In ôe tanlc 2 Avlod 3plllaeost fuct on $e dcclc tIcaf on t dcd( can be ilang-elouc,lt alto dtrrcû dlil. 4.2 COOUNGSYSTEMS The basiccoolingsystemis illusùatedin Fig.2. s|(IN FITTIT{G fig. 2 - Btsic Coolilg & Erhaust $ntcm is drawnintothe systembytheengineimpellor, Seawater erileringthe yacfTtthroughaskin fittiilg. lt PagsesthloughI seacockanda filter,bebre passingthroughth€ englneano out throughthe extrzustsystem.tÉ passagethroughthe anginedependson thetypeof coolingsystem. SearvaterGooledEnglnes through circulates Inlhis typesf engine,the seavvater galleries'in the eri'gine andgearboxbgforebeinginlected intothe exhaustpiæ br discharge. 4.3 FreshwaterGooledEnglnes whichcirculates Thistvoeof svstemusesfreshwater in a closedcircuitheat exchanger throughtheeirgineanda passés wherethe heat exchanger, throughthe Seawâter treshwater to it fromtheclosedcircuit heatis trahsferred is theniniectedintothe svstem.Theheatedseawater elhaustsystemfor discharge.Thistypeof enginerunsat a slightlyhighertemperature. WaterFllter Thisbasicstraineris a bulkheadmountedblackcylinder unscrews meshfilter. 5" in diameter. For inspection,the cap clockwiseallowingaccessto the coarsewFe Notæ: 1 Ensure cap Is not cross-threadedwhen replacctl. 2 Ensurecap ls screweddowntlghtlyto preventalr Ingress.this can Gausedamageto the lmpellorand thè englneil overheatlngoocurc. Ë,ffiAUST SYSTEMS The inJectionof the coolingwate,rreducesthe temperature of the'éxhaustgassesallolvingthemthe.bedischarged, to the bronzeexhaustskin throuqhreinforéedrubbertubing, '-swan neck' to reducethe fittino] The exhausttube has a ôosfiUitiWof seawaterbeingforcedinto the exhaustand into inâévlinéers,causingdamàgeto the engine.Thisproblem can firrtherbe avoidedin two ways: 1 Closethe inlet stopcoc* severd secondsbefore stopping the engine.. 2 Æterthree or four attemptsto start a stubbomengine, closethe inletstopcockunmtne enginestarts. 4.4 WARNINGS: 1 DO NOTCRANKTHE ENGINEOVERUSINGTHE BATTERYWITHOUTCLOSINGTHE STOPCOCIC YOU MAYCREATEA HYDRAULICLOCKAND CAUSE MAJORDAMAGETO THE ENGINE. 2 WHENSTARTTNG AN ENG|NE,pHECKTHATWATER IS BEINGEJECTEDTHROUGHTHEEXHAUSTWITHIN 20 SECONDS.IF NOT,SWITGHOFFA]{D IM/ESTIGATE. FIRSTCHECKTHATTHE INLETSTOPCOCKIS OPEN. ENGINECONTROLS Currentyachtsare fittedwith the singlelever'VolvoTX' typethrottleand gearchangelever. N = Neutral F : ForwardGear R : ReverseGear T = ThrotdeIncrease Fig3 - VolvoTXI-ever 4.5 Movingthe leverto F or R,increases theenginerevsand goar. Furthermovement seleclstheappropriate of thelever increases theenginerevsuntilthey reachmaximum. To increase enginerevswithoutselecting a gear,withthelever in neutral,pressandholdthedisongage knob(2)andmove theknobandmovethe theleverin eitherdirection.Release leveruntiltheenginereachesthe requiredrevs. EnglneStop Mechanlsm Dieselenginesar6stop@ by prarcntingthetud bqing inlec'tedintoÛtecvlinders.Thisis normaltvachie\tedby witha corTtrol termingted uéinoa cabletvpriconrrolwhich 'STOP'.Toisstop theengine,pulland knoÈ', usuallyrir'arked holdthecontrolknobuntiltheenginehasstopped. pushthecontrolknob lmmediately theenginehasstopped, 'RUN' position. Switchofftheengineat the backto the ignition. are Note: lt your englnefalls b start, wfist the betterlec -condltlon, 'STOP' good the englne ched<nr$ thd In coûol ls In the'RU]l' poofilon. ilETTATION ENGINEINSTRU Thisvaries,depending on the typeof enginefitted,but rnost vacfrtsareeqÙippedutitha rw counter,nratertemperaturo ô29e, oil prdséurewamingligtrtandchargingwaminglight. BASICENGIilEGARE Thefollowinsbasicpoints,if adheredto, willensurelong enginelife. Themoit criticalperiodis the first20 - 30 runninghours. 1 Do not startan engineunhs you arasure: t 1.1Engineoil levelis sgtisfactory. l.2Gearboxoil bvel is satisfacbry. 4.6 l.3Coolantlevelis satisfactory (freshwater cooledengines only). l.4Throttlesetconectly- out of gear. 1.5Fuelstopcockis open. " 1.6Fuelis freefromcontamination. 1.7Water inletstopcockis turnedon. 1.8lftheenginedoesnotstartafteroneor twoattempts, do notcontinue to turntheengineoverwithoutturning the enginewaterinletoff.Seekan approvedengine agentsadvice. 2 lmmediately afierstarting,check: 2.1Oilpressure warninglightertinguished. (orammeterreadingsatisfacZ.Zûharging lightextinguished tory). 2.3Wateremissionfrom exhaust. 3 Avoidhighrevs. 4 Allowenginerevsto decreaseto idle beforechanging gear. 5 Do not altowengineto run at a low idlefor long periods. ie. watertem6 Duringrunning,cfieck any instrumentation, peraturegauge,oilpressurewarninglight,etc. 7 Priorto stoppingengine,allowengineto idlefor a few minuteswith the moru;eleverin neutral. I Afterstoppingengine,return'STOP'controlto the 'Run' position. 4.7 I Ensurethefirstserviceis carriedout by a manufacturer's agent. recommended arecarriedoutat the servicings 10 Ensureallsubsequent correctfrequencY. areused. 11 Ensureonlythecorrectlubricants reibmmendations. 12 Adhereto all manutacturer's Log)' 13 Keepan enginelog.(SeeMaintenance Maintenance withthe shouldbe carriedout in accordance Maintenancs instructions.lf youdo notfeeLcapableof manufacturers anytask,engagetheservicesof a marine undertaking engineer. Tools Thefollowinstoolsarerequiredto c?rryout basic on Volvo2000seriesengines: maintenancà - 8, 10,13& 17mm Spanners Combination AF SPanner''l12' Gombination SPanner 8'Adjustable SideCuttingPliers (7-10mm bladewidth) FlatBladeScrewdriver type) (Phillips CrossPointScrewdriver SteelKnife Stainless - 5 & 10mm(AllenKeys) HexagonHeadedWrenches 4.8 OilScavangePump& Hose For cylinderheadtightening: TorqueWrenchcapableof 70Nm(52ft lbs) 17mmSocketto fit torquewrench . MalntenanceProducts products forusewiththeVolvo A tableof recommended is giveninTable1. æ00seriesengines PRODUCT stzE voLvo Pt.No. Goolanttype85 1 litre 5 litre 1141523 1141524 Uquidgasket 25 gm 40879-1 sAE 20W30 lubricating oil 1 litre 5 litre 25litre 1141fi2-3 1141506-4 1141515-s Inhibiting oil 1 litre 1141510€ Grease 40 gm 8282ffi-1 Propeller shaftgroase 500 gm 1141509€ Enginepain 400 ml 1 litre 897176-7 897124-7 Universal oil 165ml 2814M4 Rustproofing spray 400 ml 1161038-3 lable 1- RccommeudedProducts 4.9 Operatinglnstructions: Nospecialoperatinginstrustions arerequiredfor theVolvo æ03T,butthefollowingrulesapply: 1 Do not runat idlingspeedfor too long. Thetemperature in the combustion chamberbecomestoo lowfor effective combustion andtheengineproducesveryunpleasant blackexhaust fumes. 2 Donot attemptto chargebatteries at idlingspeedas most generators/alternators onlychargeabove1500revs. 3 lf the enginehas beenrun hardfor a longperiod,let it idle for a few minutesbeforeswitchingoff. Thisis sometimes knownas 'Turbo RunDown'. In àll engines,it willavoid the risk of 'AfterBoil',a conditionwherethe coolingsystem temperaturecontinuesto rise becauseof lack of circulation. Severeoverheatingcausesbearingwearin the turbocharger. Malntenance No specialmaintenanceis requiredfor the Volvo20GlT,but engineoil changesmust be carriedout at the cpnect frequencyusingthe correctgradeof oil. Correctlubrication is criticalfor turbochargedengines. STERNGEAR Yachtsare fittedwith a 'P' brackettype sternbearing,(Fig. 5). The strutis boltedbetwsenhullstiffeningwebs. One securingbolt is electrically bondedto the sacrificial anode for cathodicprotection.A waterlubricated'Cutlass'bearing (Fig.6) at the end of the strutsupportsthe outboardend of the stainlesssteelpropellershaft. The propellershatt passesthrougha GRPsterntube,whichis bondedto the hull. At the inboardend of the tube,is a watercooled rubberseal. 4.11 u, o ? ul o t- - E ul l! .tl I at c E Ê lr, t, o o t g 19 = z trl a F (2 2 lrl Ê, r,' t É l, 19 z EB .B = lrl Ë= t.n IL = Ë U < - 4 o,3 É o Ê Ful srg ,=ts an + r>< q = ù > z rrl ao e e = = P À ul o JÈ ô UI to lrt , .o = z UJ lL E n I t t l rg z, E vl UJ 6 c| lr, tn F J o @ F a, F vl z rlJ () F F tr, -() E, @ n g É o :1 G tr| T TN CutlassBearlng bearingis normally Thistypeof waterlubricated andhasa fromneoprene manufactured 'High or polyurethane silt,sandandmudlevelswill longlifein cleanwater. causeacceleratewear. | -*--G @ / A-GrubScrew or RollPin ,^ \" B - Bracketl C - CutlassBearing D - BearingShell Hg,6 - CutlassBearing Calclum Deposlts ln certainareaswhereyachtsremainunusedfor long periods,a hardcalciunidepositmayform on the propeller bhatt. lf this depositformsbetwesnthe loinsinthe cutlass bearing.whenthe shaftrevolvesfor the firstûme,the hard calciuri'depositcan damagêthe bearingsurfiact. This is normalJvassociatedwith noiseand vibrationfrom the bearingarea. lf this happens,stopthe engineimmediately and investiqate..Thedepositcan be removeclwith a sharp scraper.Tdgain accessto the bsaringarea,uncouplethe proçieller shàftat the engineand slideit backuntilthe affectedareais exposed. 4.13 ShaftSeafVenting fromthewater,thewaterin the {hen.theyachtis removed sterntubedrainsout. on relaunching, the'airin thestern tubeis forcedup thesealareaandcàûsesanairlock. This prevents thewaterfromreaching thesealandcoolinqit. This can cause serious damage-to theseaiif it iJ;ôi'vented'withtheyacht in theùater." Thigo.nfyappfieswhenthe yacfrthasdriedoutbr a tono penod,experience hasshownthatdryingout betweenfdes rarelycausesdamage. VenUngProcedure 1 comp.ress.thg r.ub.!ar sealattE lipandpresstowardsthe propeller.hqn-+ (Fig.z). Thiswill'brmd-sapa-betyve€n ute snaftandthe sæ|, alloyving airto be vànted. Fi& 7- Vcnting Fig;8 - Lubricatioû 2 Whenwaterforcesits waythroughthe gap,releasethe seal.Thesealis nowvenied,but-mustË'luOricateO. Lubrlcgtlon t lps.g a smaftquantity(approxt cm1 of waterproofqrease mTornerubDersealAas shownin Fig.Dg. 4.14 Note:lt ls recommendedthat VolvoGreasept No 828250-1, or equivalent,is used. 2 Thesealshouldbe lubricated 2OO afterapproximately hoursoperation, or annually. 4.15 : r,," 5;,,,iGAS:Sffij[Elli[, GASSYSTEM Maintenance Leaks 5 GASSYSTEM Thegasbottle(s)is stowedin a remoteselfdrainingfocker. Theregulator, connected eitherdirecdy,or by a shôrt flexiblehose,to the bottle,reducesthd gaspressurefor the yaghtslowpressureappliance(s). The5upÉty to the cabin ptpe oy a c€ppe.l termanatect.nearÊthe applianc-e witha gas F tap. Theappliance(egcooker),is ôonnebieO to tha oastâo by a shortflexiblehosé,allowirigit to movein itsgim6als. 1 - Regulator 2 - AnlOfrValve 3 - GasBotfle 4 - Locker t 5 - Drain 6 - FlexibleHoce 7 - CopperPipe 8 - GasTap 9 - FledbleHose 10 - Cooker It"rg.1 - ïpical Gasgr*cm 5.1 Malntenance Maintained conectlv.qassvstemsaresafeandtroublefree. beforeanylongvoyage,the At the startof eachdeÉson'and following checksarerecommended: 1 All rigidpipesandfittingsshoul{be checkedfor cprrosion. 2 Allflexiblepipesshouldbe checkedfor perishing. Note:lt ls recommendedthat all flexlblehosesare replacedannually. 3 Allgastapsandcontols shouldbetestedfor operation. 4 Gasbotflelockersshouldbe cleanedthoroughSand drainscheckedfor blockages. for conosionor damage. shouldbe examined 5 Regulators lf in doubt- do not attemptto repaira regulator- takeit to yournearestgasstockist. Leaks lf you suspectthatthereis a leakin the system,checkthe pipeworkusinga strongsoapysolution, appliedto thearea in whichyouthinktheleakmaybefound.lf a leakis detectedandyou areat alldoubtfulasto yourabilityto repairit, consulta qualifiedengineer. WARNING:DONOTTESTFORI-EAKSttlTI{ A NAKED FIÂME. 5.2 EQUIPMENT CHART WATERSYSTEMS WASTESYSTEMS TOILETS BRYDONMARINETOILET OporatingInstructions Procedure Winterisation SpareParts BRYDONTOILETWTTHHOLDINGTANK OperatingInstructions 6 Èe t * 6r _l!c 4U a (r, R (D3 R r-,t (o Ful Èo (J- ()(,) 3 o Ë 3 È ! o û # o € € I I z o ô c) a S z o ô z o ô É . C E ( f d t d t c D $.ÈB^À"ÈBÈBÈ3ÈBÈ3È a = o I = = = o : E ô I o - o - 6 I o - fiËâÉHËËËÉHÉH z . z z 2 z . z z z , z o o o o o o o o o ô o o o ( ) o ô o ô v ( r c c E t E E a r t E c c = o a o t o o a o o c l @ t F tr - o tz o ul = g 3 -*\ f,y+ o = E lU F = t- r o o UI B ù >È o-l À ( L I o- I ù a L ) o- L 3È L> O j fOo-? )G o) fOo-r fÀ o-:) lOo-D Eo ? o I o so g, q*:Ë l HeI g e z e $ Y 9 g 9 Y E iËôR rè Ê t  ; E o r z Bsee e I U X * i vF Ê * g â O E J G IJJ F - z z o o o ô c c r É o c o o pp*=FFF*p*F*FÉF*F* Ë$* o ul ul :tr (L . r A v " hË ( q B R : E t ! o E 5 â d -5 5 = Ô cr q E !' .9 g 9 ë = E EE = a 6 = .Ë Ë 5 d r e e F i H H= f i # Ë Ë z àr( 4 ? o o o 7. ELËCTHrcAL S'OIgg:':': SYSTEM BASICELECTRICAL BATTERIES BATTERY ISOLATION SWITCHES SWITCHPANELS POWERCENTRE Switches DC GircuitBreakers BattervCondition Useof the System EngineBattery BatteryCharging SinoleBattervOperation batteryCharging MainsPower-ed IYSSWITCHPANEL 7 8VSÎET BASrcELECTRICAL Mr|ti l'tt .t *-l'I | l l | 1' I I: r Crûrrl5t I I I l - { I I L g J Eg 1- BdcBbcaicrlrye 7,1 BATTERIES Yachtsusc a 12volt dectical sysHn oomgisirg eitherone thattho 'soaledbr llla' or two batteries.lt is recommended tVOgof battery.beingfunnbssandrequiringlimited matmenance, lSusocl. lf two batteriesarefitbd, theyarc usally oonnectedto stwo lrdividudisohtion eithera dualisolatkrn svuitch switcfps. BATTERYISOIÂTK)}ISWTTGHES âg.2 illusùatesthe Hdb typedradt Wrz - IfG& $TG 8scry lrohbo Grd Selectedyache warefrtûedwffi thc Vdrs Bery bddon $rltch (Érg.3). r.2 Fî9,3 - VetusIsolationSwitch This tvpe of isolationswitchallowsboth batteriesto be connéôtedin parallelforenginestarting.I youl yachtis fittedwith this'typeof switcliand has trrvobatteriesfrtted,the followingpointsshouldbe noted: 1 Alwaysswitchoff batterieswhennot requiredand not on charge. 2 Useone batteryfor the engineand onefor auxiliaryuse. Whenthe auxiilârybatteryloes flat, do not switchto the enginebattery.Startthe eÀgine,usingthe enginebattery, and fullychargethe system. 7.3 3 Try to keepthe auiliary batteryfullycharged,this will en-ableit to be usedto startthe engineif the engine batteryis flat. SWITCHPANELS types of switchpanelare currentlyfiÏted,the Two 'Powercentre'and the'lYS'. i POWERCENTRE This comprisescircuitswitcheswith illuminateddisplays, circuitbréakersand a batterystatusdisplay. Swltchæ Thesecontrolthe outputof the batterycircuitto the various systams. The switchiegend,to the rilht of the switch,lights whenthe circuitis switchedon. DC Glrcult Breakers Theseare controlledby a touch astivatedmembraneat the bottomof the panel(Fig.4). @@E@E Fïg.4- DC CircuitBreakers lf a circuitis tripped,a visualindicationis given.onthe relevantcircuitËreakertouch panel.To rèsetthe circuit breaker.pressthe touchpandlforthe relevantcircuitand the lightwittextinguishwtienthe circuitis reset. 7.4 BatteryCondition Thisis indicatedon an illuminated batterystatuspanel(Fig. 5). balierY status \\-on cht'g' -\ o A, Auxiliary BatteryIndicator B - EngineBatteryIndicator C - AuxiliaryBatteryChargeLight D - EngineBatteryGhargeLight Flg5.- BatteryStatus Panel Use of the system Switchon the auxiliarybatteryisolationswitch,then providingall circuitswitchesâre off and no toddis appliedto the battery,the auxiliaryindicator(A)willshow: Green(SystemOK - chargeabove507.). Red(Systemlow' - requirescharging. chargebelow5O"/o Witha load appliedto the battery,theauxillaryindicatorwill show: 7.5 Green(SystemOK- chargeabove50%).Yellow(Charge ând50"/"- rechargebattery).Red(Charge between25o/o batteryurgently).Red(Flashing) below25o/"recharge : now). (ChargebelowlOo/"- batterylevelcritical- recharge Note:lf load is removedwhenIndlcatoris yellow,tt will revertto green. Redand red (flashing)will remalnon ç. untll batteryls recharged. EngineBattery Switchon the enginebatteryisolationswitch,engine indicator(B)willshow: lf 'Ofi Load': Green(SystemOK - ctrargeabove607d. Yellow(cautionChargebbtweens0% and-60%- recharôebattery). Red urgently). (danger- Chargebelowæ% - recharge-battery Note: When startlng the engine, the dlsplay wlll change to red. BatteryCharglng will Whenthe engineis running,the generator/alternator chargethe systemas follows: 1 Engineon chargeindicator(D)will fight. 2 Auxiliaryon chargeindicator(C) will lightwhenthe split chargerelayengages. 3 Auxiliarvand ensineindicators(A & B) willlight. This indicatésthey hàvereachedminimumrecfiargelevel.Run enginefor 2 hoursto obtainsatisfactorychargelevel. t 7.6 Note: When the englne ls switched off, the yellow charging indicators(C & D) wlll remalnon for approxlmately2 mlnutesand the spllt charge relaywlll dlsengage. Slngle Battery Operatlon 1 Batterylevelindicatedon enginegisplay(B). 2 On chargelight (D) will indicatebatteryis on charge. 3 Enginedisplayis greenwhenthe minimumchargelevelis reached. 4 The auxiliarydisplay(A) is red whenlightsetc. are used withoutthe enginerunning. Malns Powered Battery Charglng A mainspowaredbatterychargeris availablefor use with the Powercentre.Furtherinformationis availablefrom: Kdd PowercentreLimited,TregoniggieInd Est, FALMOUTH, TR114SN. Cornwall. 7.7 NS SWITCHPANEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Afi Cabin Saloon FwdGabin Dock ComPass Shower !r Water Navigation I nsts Au4 Aux3 Ar( 2 Ancfior Strig Nav2 Navl Negative Aux1 Positive 7.9 i1,.:.6':.::lilAIt{T.ENttl$Ë .;; .i;i1.r.. HULL KeelBolts Dectection Repaira LeakingKeelBolt Skin Fittings& Seacocks SacrificialAnodes Antifouling ?' SAILS& RIGGING Sails Ropes STEERINGSYSTEMS Rudders WheelSteerinoSvstems HydraulicSteeÏng FaultFinding ENGINESYSTEMS FaultFinding Maintenance SternGear GASSYSTEM Maintenance Leaks SYSTEMS WATEFVWASTE BrydonToilet LavacToilet SL 400Toilet r NIDEWINTERISATION WINTERISATIO CLEANING I HULL KeelBolts Desoite beinqfullvsealedandbondedat thetimeof targetfor leaks. is a primary mariufastureitnehull/keelioint the willincrease keels on bilge Running or standing aground risk. E CAUTION:The following inlormatlonls provldedt9 assist suitableexperlencedmarineenglneersand assumesthat suifableequipmentand condltionsare availableto carry out the repair procedures. Westerly Yachts Llmlted cannot be held responsible for any damageIncurreeluslng the proceduræ. Detection A leakinokeetbolt,will nearlyalwaysproducerust staining' This is a-resultof staininqfrcimthe-keêlsurfaceand not from the fittingswhichare stalnlesssteel. Leakingbolts normally leakallthe time,not just whensailing.lf leakingoccursonly. witha màiorstructural when sailinq.it is nofmallVassociate-d faultwhichéhouldbe cbéeV inspec'ted.lf a leakis suspectedbut no thereis nô signof staining,the following proôedureshouldbe adopted: 1 Drythe suspectedareathoroughly. 2 Placea ringof 'plasticine',or similar,aroundthe suspectedbolt(s). 3 Checkthe areafor signsof waterwithinthe ring. lf water becomestrappedin tÏe area,it is likelythereisa leak. Repalrlnga LeSklngKeel Bolt Leakinqkeel bolts must be tackledone at a time. Required tools aid materialsare as follows: 8.1 1 A suitablysizedsocketor spanner: 1978to date- Metric 1975to 1978- Whitworth or Metric Pre1975- Whitworth 2 A scraper. 3 Ragor otherdryingmedium. ç' 4 Gaulking cotton. 5 Thiosulphide sealant(Keelbond or Thiofixetc.). procedure Thefollowing is caniedoutfrominsidethehull. 1 Havingidentified the relevantbolt,removethe protective gelcoat. 2 Undothe locknut,usingthecorrectshedsocketor (Fig.1). spanner 3 Remove thenutandsmallwasher. 4 Removethe platewasherandcleanreadyfor reassembly. Seepagewilloccurif theyachtis in thewater. 5 Throughlydrythe areausinga suitablematerial. 6 Makeup a ringletof caulking cottonasshownin Fig.2. 8.2 316Gradel(e€lStud S/S316LocklngNut , SIS316Fullnut GRPof HLill FormlngKeel StubMouldlng T f li t: t: ii T I Th|ono(600 rubbersealant (pdp ulphHeÂhlostiPhide) t Castlron Keel StudIntotappedholeln Keel Whenatendhg to Keelbolt leaks caulklngcotton rlngletto be posltlonedhereprbrto reflacemenû of pbte vûasher. Fig. 1 - Typictl IGcl Bolt hstallation Startby forminga 4 or S strandloop arounda fingeror 114'(6mm)larger othersuitablysizedobject,approximatety thanthe bolt. Wnd the cottonaroundthe loop. Continuewindingthe cottonin a spiralfashionuntilthe internaldiametris slightlylessthanthe bolt. Thiswill ensurea snugfit. The soctionthroughthe ringletshouldbe 1l4"to 5/16' (6 - 8mm)diameter. approximately 8,3 Ft& 2- Ringlct 7 Fitthe ringletof caulkingcottonto the bolt. I of the platewasherand Applysealantto the underside putin on thebolt. 8.4 I Fit the plainwasherand nut. ïghten the nut. Westerly YachtsLtd do not use a torquesettingfor tighteningkeel bolts,but as a guide,24mmboltsshouldbe tighted to 150ftlbs,20mmboltsto 85ftlbs and 15mmboltsto 55ftlbs. 10 Fit and tightenthe locknutto 30%of the torquefigure !:. requiredfor the full nut. 11 Whenthe sealanthascured,coatthe wholeassembly with gelcoat. Resinor paintwill sufficeif gelcoatis not available.This will both seal and lock the threads. 12 Regularlyinspectthe repairedareafor signsof leaksuntil satisfiedthat the repairis totallywatertight. Skln Flttlngs & Seacocks Gate Valves Gheckregularly: 1 Freeoperationof valve. 2 Securityand conditionsf hoseand hoseclip. lf valveis jammedor failsto operatecorrectly,it shouldbe replaced. SleeveValve Checkregularly: 1 Freeoperationof valve. 2 Sealbetweenbody and core. 3 Securityani conOition of hoseand hoseclip. 8.5 lf valveis stiff: 1 Removecorefrombody. andrePlace. 2 Clean,regrease lf valveis leaking: !i. tighten as necessary. Checksecurityof botts, É T Ejl .ffi @ Ftg3 - SlecveValve. BallValve Checkregularly: 1 Freeoperationof valve. 2 Securityand conditionof hoseand hoseclip. 8.6 Slrin Fltting Gate Valvewith Strainer Thistype is fittedto someearlyyachts(Pre1982). Checkregularly: 1 Freeoperationof valve. ? 2 Gleanliness of strainer. 3 Securityand conditionof hoseand hoseclip. 4 Cathodicbondingif applicable. lf valveis jammedor failsto operatecorrectly,it shouldbe replaced. : Fig4-GateValve. 8,7 SacriflclalAnodes Thesemustbe checkedannually.lf theyachtis not lifted a theanodecanbe checkedby handfrom andwinterised theyachtto 'dryout' allowing dinghy.lf thisis notpossible, tides.See on soitmudwillenableit to be checkedbetween for further information.. Hullsection Antiloullng Thisshouldbe checked annually.lf theyachtis not lifted, tidesto allowtheyachtto 'dryout' on softmudbetween providean opportunity for inspection. SAILSAND RIGGING Riggingchecksand adJustments are detailedin the Sails and Riggingsection. Sails Saifsshouldbe checkedregularlyduringthe seasonfor the following: 1 Chaffing(Mainlyat spreadersand on foot of largesails). 2 Tearsat battenpocketsand allattachmentpoints,Tack, Clew,Head,Hailsand ReefingCringles. 3 Otherdamage. Ropes All ropes shouldbe checkedregularlyduringthe seasonfor the following: 1 Damagetowhipping or heatshrinksleeves. 8,8 cleated, 2 Signsof wearor damagewhereconstantly clamped,passedroundsheaveblocksor through fairleads. important Thisis particularly 3 Splicesareserviceable. wherenylonropesaresplicedto steelwireropes,such as halyards. ,r STEERING SYSTEUS Rudders Ruddersbecomelessefficientas bushwearincveases. Bushesshouldthereforebe checkedat the endof each seasonandrepairedas necêssary.So€SteeringSystems sestionfor typicalbusharangement. WheêlSteerlngSystems Etlson.Maintenance shouldontvbe carriedout if in possessionof the relevantropaifinformation sheetavailable fromWesterlyYachtsUmitedor an Edsonagent. Lubricationof the cablesandquadrantshouldbe canied that out annually.Onextendedvoyages,it is recommended is carriedoutweekly. lubrication lllhltlock. SeePre1988Sectionfor information on Cobra, MambaandTitansystems. HydraullcSteeringFaultFlntllng Note: Sometlmeswhenreturnlngthe wheelfrom hard-over,a sllght reslstanc€may be felt and a cllcklng nolseheard. Do not m|stal(ethle for a lault. FAULT1 - StedTing stiff(evenwhencrafris not moving). PROBABLE CAUSE- Mechanical bindingat rudder, bushes/bearings binding. 8,9 ACTION- Disconnect ramfromtillerarmandcheck. lf still stiff,checkfor restriction in hose,repairas necessary.lf no hoseretriction,checkviscosityof flùid. Drainandrefillas necessary. FAULT2 - Rudderdriftswhenundennray. PROBABLECAUSE- Dirtin systeft. ACTION- Drain,flushand refill,thenrecheck. FAULT3-Leakingseals. ACTION- Replacesealsor unit. 8.10 ENGINESYSTEMS Fault Finding EnglneProblems- Startlng TroubleStarting Starterfailsto turn, or turns tooslowlv Cause !?. I Batterynot connected,or insuf- orroose. lt+ii"Î13[nl;,roded 3 Starterswitchdamaged. 4 SolenoidswitchfaultY. 5 StartermotorclutchsliPs. 6 Startermotorbrushesshorting to earth. 7 Brokenterminaltocarbon brushes. 1 - 2 willoccursuddenly. 3 - 7 will producesymPtomsof progressive deterioration. Startermotorturns, btrt does not engagein engrne. Pinionor ring geardifi or damaged. 8.11 Englne Problems- Startlng TroubleStarting Cause Startercontinuesto run afterignitionswitch returnedto 1. 1 lgnitionswitchdefective. 2 Startersolenoidjammed. Enginodoesnot start tnoirgnstarteroperates I Heaterplugsfaufty. 2 Fuelstgppàge.Checktank,fuel ,: Pinionfailsto disengage 1 Shutdownimmediately. afier enginehas statted Startermotordefective. and running. norrnarrv g"JxËitàt3#..,il"To"J"oi3 too small. 4 Valveclearances 5 Valvespringsbroken. 6 Pistonringsdamaged. 7 Cylinderheadgasketdefestive. EnglneProblems- Runnlng TroubleRunning Cause Speedandpower decreased.' low.. I Fuelrunning linesleaking. 2 Delivery 3 AirenteringinjectorPurnp. 4 Needlevalveih inledtorlammed. 5 lncorrestvalveclearance. 6 Blockedairfilter. 7 Blocked fuelfilter. increasing 8 Silencerbloc{<age prsssure. back 8,12 EnglneProblems- Runnlng TroublaRunning Cause Engineknocks(unusual 1 Injectorneedlestickingor leaciingcausinglowfuelmetering enginenoise). chamber. into precomustion 2 Fuellinesparticallyblockedor leaking. 3 Fuelinfectionout of sYnchronisationwith crankshafttiming. Shut 4 Damagedcrankshage. downengineimmediately. Engineemitsblue exhaustgas. t Oil leveltoohigh(overfilled). 2 Oil bathair cleaneroil leveltoo high. 3 Valveguidesworn. 4 Pistonringsdamagedor stuck. Engineemitswhite exhaustgas. 1 Waterin coolantenteringcombustionchamber- fauttycylinder headoasket. 2 Injeàor maladjusted- fuel deliveryincorres'tcausingunburntfuelemission. 3 Fuelingectionout of synchronisationwithcrankshafttiming. too 1 Lackof coolant. Coolanttemperature 2 Goolantsystemcontains high. sludge. 3 Vee belt slackor brokento waterpump. 4 Defectivewater pump mechanism. 5 Defectivethermostatunit. 6 Cylinerheadgasketleaking. 8,13 Englne Problems- Runnlng TroubleRunning Cause Vapouremissionfrom enàineunit.Shutdown 1 Coolantwaterenteringengine lubricansvstem. immediaterv enfiine or broken !5,1;0, 33,'lJsx?,1i3 jammed. - bearings 4 Crankgeardamagod or insuflack of oil to seizeddue ficientoilfiltering. too low.lf Oilpressure sudden,shutdown 1 Lowoillevelin sump. 2 SAEgradetoo low. faulty' immediatery. engine î B'j,::;13 5i'itYiY: wornto excossive 5 Bearings clgarances. oil pressuregauge. 6 Defec{ive Enginestopsor sudden 1 LeakinfuelLine./lnlqclqr. , pofrer bss' 3Xi"t'l5riî^tif:i3i5![c*eo gear 4 Pistonseized,or crank Shutdownengine damaged. immediately. Malntenance shouldbe carriedout in accordancewithths Maintenance instruc{ion.SeeEngineSystemsSec{onbr manufacturers detailson Volvoenginesandalsobasicenginecare. 8.14 S-ternGear - soeEngineSystems Section. CalciumDeposits - seeEngineSystems Section. ShaftSealVenting - seeEngineSystems Section. ShaftSealLubrication GASSYSTEM - seeGasSystems Section. Maintenance Leaks- seeGasSystemsSection. WATER/WASTE SYSTEMS BrydonToilet - seeWaterMasteSystemSection. Winterisation SystemSection. SpareParts- seeWaterflÂ/aste LavacToilet - seeWaterÂ/Vaste SystemOldModelsSestionMaintenance - seeWaterAl/aste SystemOldModelsSestion. Winterisation SL 400 Tollet SpareParts- see WaternvasteSystem- Old ModelsSection. WINTERISATION/DEWINTERISATION WesterlyYachtsrec€mmendsthat all vesselsare takenout of the waterevoryyear. All plasticsabsorbmoisturewhen immersedin r,llatèr.lf you wishto keepyourvesselin top condition,it shouldbe allowedto dry out. 8.15 IÂYINGUPCHECKLIST 1 lf hauledout andproppedup,check: Securityof propsandshores Wedgesbetweenshoresandtopsides Stakesto stop lowerendsmovinf, Securefore andaft (topandbottom) Propunderforefoot andvandals? ls it safeagainstliketywinddirestions æ\terslayedup period. 2 Checkinsurance 3 Ensureadequatewntilationwhileleavingboat. heaterbarson heating.tdeallygreenhouse 4 Consider lateralwoodstrutstakingthemwellclearof joineryetc., if the boatis afloatandiikelyto move.Centralheating or timecontrolor both. by thermostat 5 Removecushionsfor cleaningandstorage. 6 Propopenall lockerdoorsandhatcftesto air. 7 Takehomeeverythinglikelyto rust- pans,oH galleygear. I Wnteriseengineas advised. I Blowthroughallwaterplpesto arroida frozenpipe splittinglater. Gleantanks. chargingand for cleaning,periodical 10 Removehatteries storage. 8,16 - suchas 11 Planengineandsterngearmaintenance if replaceexhaust silencer renewed sternglandpacking, necessary. andvaletting.Note 12 Takesailsashorefor cleaning to check. particular areasyouwishsailmaker recuttingbr replacement 13 Plansailmodifications, (remember winterdiscounts). 14 Drystoresailsashorewhenworkcompleted. 15 lf possible coverthedeck,coachroofanddeckioinery to reducecleaning efforton fittingout. Makesurecover is supported clearof woodwork. as gantlines. 16 Undressmastrig- oldhalyards as required. 17 Washallrunningrigging,checkandreplace riggingscrews, rigging.Replace 18 Gheckoverstanding terminals, if therearesignsof wear. shackles, blocks,spreader 19 Checkmastfittings- tracks,sheaves, sockets,etc. sendaway recommends, 20 Washoiliesas manufacturer repair required. for as andrecoat,rubdown 21 Remove oldor looseantifouling protection. winter andrecoatvarnishfor ENGINES FORWINTERISING PROCEDURE Thafollowingproceduresshouldbe carriedout on all yachts priorto winterstorage: 1 Afterenginehas beenrun up withcoolantwatermixed this shouldbe drainedcompletely. with antËfreeze, 8.17 should 2 Whereenginesarefreshwater cooled,anti-freeze be addedto closedcircuitsystemto manufasturer's recommendation. 3 Disconnect exhausttubingfromengine;usingplastictape, clip tapeoverexhaustoutleton engine.Pinchup Jubilee ontoexhausttubeso thatit canbo foundeasilywhen !:. commissioning. 4 Remove tapeup airinlston engineandinlet aircleaner, ports andoutlet on aircleaneritself,storeaircleanerin galleylocker. pupp. fromcoolantwatercirculating 5 Removeimpeller(s) punip for easylocationwhencommissioning. andsecure'to service CD/SAIAPl 6 Leavelubrication oil (Volvo114/15064 preventing properties good for four whichhasrust this months- notAdfilmtypeinhibiting oils)in engine, is goodfor useuntilfirstserviceaftercommissioning. 7 Completely filltueltank. ElectrlcsandGeneral 1 Disconnect ship'sbatteriesandpullbatterycableswell clearof terminals. with 2 Sprayexposedelectricsandwiringterminations to batterymaster WD40,andpayparticular attention switch. such 3 Ensurebatteriesaremovedfromitemsof equipment radios,logs,etc. as echo-sounders, 4 Complete$.ary aftertesfng. outtoiletinstallation 5 Ensuredomesticfreshwatersystemis drainedasfar as possible. 8.18 Procedure tor Dewinterislng CoolingSystem(SeaWater)- Closedraintaps,opensea waterinletvalve. (FreshWater)- Fiflcoolingsystemwithcoolant. Lubricating System- Draininhibitin!oil,replenish sumpwith lubricating oil. FuelSystem- Bleedfuellinesas necessary. ExhaustSystem- Remove tapeblanksandreconnect exhausthose. - Recharge Electrical batteries, thsnconnectterminals. Air Filters- Remove tapeblanksandreconnect airfilters. CLEANING Instructions for the removalof stainsfromCushionFabrics Cushioncoverscontaininherentproperties whichpromote the releaseof stains,butthisis oôlyèffective if thehain is asteduponimmediately. Note:Do not dry clean,do not machinewash. Forthe bestresultsremovethe stainas soonas possible andworkfromthe outeredgeto thecentreof thé stained area. Removalof Stalns 1 Freshstain- removeexcessmoisturewith kitchenroll or alikeby blotting. Do not rub the stainedareaas this spreadsthe'stain. 2 Driedstain- breakup stainand removethe loose particlesby lightlybrushingand/orvacuuming. 8,19 moisten 3 Afterremovingexcessmoistureor driedmaterial, agent. aréa with upholstery cleaning the stained Useonlythe amountof cleanlngagent CAUTION: requiredto do tne iob. Excesscan spreadstaln antl resultin absorptlonbytùe cushlon. spot ffthe stainpersists,applya commdnhousehold remover.Applyspotremoverto a cleandoth or sponge. Donot appÛ'spofremoverdirocttyto thefabric.Testthe areabeforeusingon the stain solventcjrieinihconspicuous itself. Moststainscanbe removedwitha mildsolutionof to minimize deteroent.Soonoeuo excassdetergent resoiling.gtotwttÏ a bleandgmpspbngeandrepeatuntilall exs€ssdetergentis removed. Stalnsremovablewlth householdshampooor detergent crayon,o99,fam,sauces, Alcoholicdrinks,blackberries, crsam, chocolate,_strawberries, milk, mud, ico fruitjuice, -wine, soup, fooddye,charcoal,coilfee, mascara, tea, tooihpasie,handlotion,co-cacola,mustard,inkandurine. Stalnsremovablewith spot remover Butter,candlewa(, grayy,lipslick,furniturepolish,shoe polish,lard,chewinggum,hairtonic,crayon,salacl engineoilandmargarine. dressing, WARNING:LoosecttshlonGoverslf removedthould neverbe handor machlnewaehed, CleanlngVlnylUholstery 1 Removeall'dustfromarea. 2 Washareawithsoapandwater.Thiswillremovecoffee andfood stainsetc. 8.20 Greaseandoil stalns Thesewillneedan oil solventsuchas WhiteSpiritor paraffin.Applywitha cloth. Besurenotto rubfor long periodsof time,asthismayremovethe material print. Do not useany materlalssuchas petrol, WARNING: cellulosethlnners,or any materidscontalnlngacetone solvent. Thesematerlalswlll removethe patternand leavea llght patchwhlchcannotbe repalred. Finlshlng Washwithsoapandwater,thenfinishwitha good polish. upholstery Donotcleanvinylswithcleanersor solventscuntaining silicone. CleanlngDraylonVelvEts Forlonglifecareshouldbetakento removedustandgrit, gentlybrushing witha mediumbristlebrush,followedbythe useof a handvacuumcleaner. witha slightlydamp Stainsshouldbe removedimmediately cloth. shampoo(follow Cleanregularlywitha dryfoamupholstery manufacturer's Donotsoakor rubthe pile instructions). heavity.Neverusea detergent.Usewarmwater,neverhot. Donot dry cleanor machinewash. 8,21 vKonsort 29 KonsortDuo Tempest31 Fulmar32 Storm33 Storm33 Cruising Riûera35 Seahawk35 Falcon35 Corsairll 36 - Sloop Sealord39- Sloop Oceanlord41 - Sl-oop L ? KONSORT29 SPECIFICATION LenothOverall (excÏudingrudder) 28' 10u LengthWaterline 25'6u Beam 10'9u 3.29m 5'4u 3'3u 1.62m 0.99m Displacement 9211lbs 4178k9 Ballast Fin Keel Twin Keels 3200lbs 3200lbs 1451k9 1451k9 MastHeight 35'9u 10.89m SA't AREAS sgfi sqm Mainsail 180.0 16.72 No 1 Genoa 333.0 30.94 No 2 Genoa 257.O 23.88 No 1 Jib 168.0 15.61 No 2 Jib 1æ.0 11.15 No 3 Jib 68.0 6.32 Spinnaker 753.0 æ.96 Draft Fin Keel Twin Keels 8.8m ,!:. 7.77m r 9.1 WATEFYWASTE SYSTEMS Someolderyachtsarefittredwiththe Brydonmarinetoilet, but mainlythe LavacandSL400toifetsareused. I.AVACMARINETOILET 1 - InletSeqcock 2 - Pump 3 - Air BlsedVah/e 4 - OrrtletSaacoc* Ftg 1- LavacToilot 13.1 OperatingInstructlons: 1 Openinletand outletseacocks. 2 Usethe toilet. 3 Closethe lid and sit on it to ensureit seals. 4 Operatethe pumpfor 8 - 10 s|où strokes. 5 Pausefor a few seconds. 6 Operatethe pumpfor a furtherI - 10 slowstrokes. 7 Waitfor a few secondsfor the vacuumto clear. 8 Raiselid. 9 Operatethe pump untitthe bowl is clearof water. 10 Gloseinletand outletseacocks. Malntenance Pump Blockage Shoulda blockageoccurin the pump,pourhalfa bucketof waterin the bowl leavethe lid openand pumpwftnnrm strokesuntilthe waterleavesthe bowl. RepeatiTnecessary. lf this doesnot work,the pumpmustbe dismantled. Bleed Hole Blockage The smallbleedholein the inletpipe (Fig.1, ltem3) mustbe keot clear. lf it becomesblockeit,it will preventcorrect op'erationof the toilet. Take care if paintingin this areaor wnen hangingclothingabovethe toilet. 13.? Wlnterisatlon Whenlayingup the yachtfor the winter,it is re-commended tie wellflushedand thendried. Carryout the thatthe toiËt'Pump Blockage'severaltimes-Removethe in ooeration and pumpthe toiletinto a bucket the'seacock hose at oi.rtlet hoseand ensurethe the outlet Reconnect untildrv. . seacoiks are closed. PumpValves saltwater After2-3vears,the pumpvalvesmay'fur-up'from action.Thissialingis eàsilyremovebby flexirythe rubber tnatthe pumpis andscrapinggentl!. ft is reicomm.ended 2 yéarsanddescaledas necossary. checked'every SpareParts calrbe obtainedfrom Sparepartsandrepairinformation WesteilyYachtsLtil. or direstfrom: Works, Blake& SonsLimited,POBox15,Sunbeam Hants.PO122HG Tel:(0705)æ3922 GOSPORT, lÂVACTOILETW]THHOLDINGTANK Someexportyachtsarefittedwitha holdingtankwaste in Fig.2. systemas illustrated 13.3