Monthly Report - Genesee Landlords Association
Monthly Report - Genesee Landlords Association
Last Name Aaron Abbe Abner Abousini Abraham Abraham Abraham Abrams Abromitis Abron Abron Abron Abron Abuaita Abud Abufarha Accardo Acho Achten Achten Achten Achten Ackerman Ackerman Ackerman Ackerman Ackley Ackley Ackley Acre Acre Actene Adair Adam Adam Adamowicz Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams First Name John Darin Mae Marwan Sara Sara Nathanie Tina James Shaphan Shaphan Shaphan Shaphan Esperanza Cheryl Nisreen Shirley T Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Randy Susan Randy Melissa Dale Dana Timothy Keith Keith Peetil Gary Cristen Cristen Cestlovie Elise Gvona Lashaywndr Robert Mark David Josie Versie Anthony Alan Joyce Charity Josie Lashaywndr David Tarika Marcella Jimmy Date Case 1/9/2008 ltb00069 3/28/2008 ltb00571 10/10/2008 08-5084 8/20/2008 lte01050 10/27/2008 ltb02103 6/30/2008 ltb01215 6/26/2008 08-3180 9/3/2008 08-4393 2/26/2008 ltc00335 1/30/2008 ltb00195 4/30/2008 ltb00724 8/27/2008 ltb01624 7/30/2008 ltb01418 1/9/2008 ltf00088 3/27/2008 ltc00507 8/21/2008 ltc01361 7/15/2008 lta00587 10/30/2008 ltb02142 4/11/2008 lte00450 5/15/2008 lte00578 10/17/2008 lte01387 7/22/2008 lte00876 1/31/2008 ltb00214 4/4/2008 ltc00565 4/30/2008 ltb00761 8/27/2008 lte01113 6/19/2008 lta00534 2/11/2008 ltf00179 2/22/2008 ltb00298 8/21/2008 ltc01332 9/18/2008 ltc01495 4/29/2008 08-2091 9/12/2008 ltb01786 1/9/2008 ltf00079 4/10/2008 ltf00417 2/21/2008 08-0790 1/2/2008 lte00015 1/8/2008 lta00034 1/8/2008 ltd00059 1/9/2008 ltf00083 1/8/2008 ltf00042 1/3/2008 ltc00024 1/7/2008 ltc00040 1/2/2008 08-0113 3/12/2008 08-1286 2/12/2008 08-0679 6/19/2008 ltc00936 5/28/2008 ltb00987 4/24/2008 ltc00613 4/30/2008 ltd00422 2/5/2008 ltc00226 7/28/2008 08-3657 9/2/2008 08-4370 7/11/2008 08-3432 Plaintiff Twin Meadows Mhp Andler John B Abbasspour Stonehenge Gates Secore David Davison Hills Mhp Bhask Manyam James E Giles Southcreek Village Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Pineview Estates Indian Hills Manor Mt Morris Ldhalp Bank Of New York Huntington Cir Apts Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Continental North Federal National Continental North Twh Edgemont Pk Hsbc Bank Usa Mortgage Assoc Federal Home Loan Mortgage Cor Merrill Phillip Merrill Phillip Wells Fargo Bk Suntrust Mtg Inc Pineview Estates Pineview Evergreen Reg Thornridge Apts River Valley Manor Sunridge Apts Pineview Estates Deutsche Bank N.Morris Ests Pineshores Apts Orchard Rg Apts James M Hinkle Nicole L. Connolly Clovertree Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Pineshores Apts Sunridge Apts N.Morris Ests Mee Land Devel Cliford Fields Clarence Brown Last Name Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams-Shelt Adderhold Addison Addison Addison Jr Addy Adigun Adkins Adkins Adkins Adkins Adkins Adkins Adler Agee Agnew Agree Aguilar Aguilar Aguilar Aguilar Aguilar Aguilar Aguirre Aidif Aidif Aidif Aiello Aiken Aikins Ainsworth Aitken Akapo Aker Akins Akins Al-Amin Alander Alanous Albert Albert Albert Albrecht Albright First Name Charo Alan Lashawyndr David Leroy Tanisha Tameisha Cynthia Susan Lashawyndr Sherry Lecretia Tonya Tonya Benjamin Heather Adetunji Shawn Shawn Amanda Ralph Ralph Robert Dale Tracy Jeffrey Tracy Sandra Dianira Beatrice Maria Dianira Maria Esther Jamie Jamie Jamie Alea Kevan Amyre Keith Mary Susan James Teri Walter Christina Heather Ala Ervins Ervins Sylvester Quinn Carl Date Case 8/27/2008 ltb01639 6/10/2008 08-2801 7/3/2008 08-3253 8/29/2008 ltc01408 8/25/2008 lta00724 10/17/2008 08-5234 9/29/2008 ltf01179 8/4/2008 08-3854 9/19/2008 ltd00870 10/17/2008 08-5233 9/29/2008 ltd00887 6/19/2008 ltc00954 4/28/2008 08-2088 7/21/2008 08-3588 1/28/2008 08-0570 8/5/2008 ltf00965 9/24/2008 lte01260 4/2/2008 ltb00591 2/6/2008 ltb00271 4/22/2008 08-1920 5/7/2008 ltb00787 2/6/2008 ltb00270 6/24/2008 lte00738 10/10/2008 lte01333 1/25/2008 lta00100 3/25/2008 ltb00513 10/28/2008 ltd00991 1/31/2008 lte00116 5/8/2008 08-2248 4/22/2008 08-1919 3/7/2008 08-1215 8/13/2008 08-3966 8/19/2008 08-4044 9/5/2008 08-4446 5/23/2008 ltc00787 3/25/2008 ltc00472 7/25/2008 ltc01167 3/25/2008 ltb00514 6/30/2008 ltb01174 9/24/2008 ltf01152 2/5/2008 lte00180 7/23/2008 ltf00885 10/28/2008 08-5668 7/28/2008 08-3741 7/16/2008 08-3336 7/28/2008 08-3700 9/30/2008 08-4936 1/8/2008 ltd00023 9/24/2008 ltb01835 1/11/2008 08-0243 4/11/2008 08-1678 10/2/2008 ltc01585 10/6/2008 lte01325 2/20/2008 08-0937 Plaintiff Madison Pk Est Nicole L Connolly Shiloh Com Twnh N.Morris Estates Adams Janice Shiloh Com Twnh Southgate Twh Orchard Ridge Est Fed National Mtg Shiloh Com Twnh The Federal Mtg Hartman Frank Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Chase Bank Yobuck John Group Five Mgmt Arc Villa Arc Villa David Bistricky Arc Villa Arc Villa Perry Place Apts Winter Christy Sye Yea Yuan Charter Oaks Apts Sunridge Apts Perry Place Apts Richfield Apts Lp David Bistricky Fhc Richfield Apts Fhc Terry L Groves Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Charter Oaks Apts Charter Oaks Apts Kings Lane Begoske William Countrywide Home Julius Rs Stern Westgate Ter Apts Dorothy Farner American Mhp Redstone Twh Apple Creek Station Windsor Place Apts Loreta Vaughn Loreta Vaughn Hein Herbert Heatherwood Apts American Hm Mort Last Name Alburtus Alden Alden Alderman Alderman Aldred Aldridge Aldridge Alejandro Aleman Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexander Alexandra Alexandria Alford Alguilar Ali Ali Alicea First Name Melissa Sara Dennis Steven Deanna Chelsea Gail Gail Shawn Rena Ericka Ericka Alexandria Eric Jeremy Tamaica Elijah Craig Mshynka Carolyn Nickolas Ericka Teresa Karen Trashonda Alicia Teresa Jeremy Reginal Delano Troy Tamaica M-Shynka Shasha Dennis Tamaica Shantase Verna M-Shynka Ericka Robert Robert Ashley Elijah Richard Carolyn Elijah Rayshunda Alexander Shawn Dianira Mahasin Patricia Elana Date Case 9/26/2008 ltd00881 3/11/2008 08-1148 10/10/2008 ltd00955 5/28/2008 ltf00624 9/17/2008 ltf01132 3/14/2008 08-1255 1/23/2008 08-0430 9/9/2008 08-4491 6/30/2008 ltd00577 2/6/2008 08-0775 10/28/2008 ltd00992 1/29/2008 ltd00107 1/2/2008 ltb00033 1/11/2008 08-0242 1/24/2008 ltb00119 1/8/2008 ltd00058 6/20/2008 ltc00978 5/28/2008 ltf00629 3/17/2008 08-1311 5/5/2008 ltf00482 2/25/2008 ltb00330 4/30/2008 ltd00421 3/18/2008 ltb00453 5/21/2008 ltb00851 5/5/2008 ltf00502 3/19/2008 08-1337 5/22/2008 ltb00870 3/19/2008 ltb00482 4/28/2008 08-2059 4/22/2008 08-1939 6/4/2008 ltb01003 6/4/2008 ltd00509 5/30/2008 ltc00860 5/1/2008 08-2178 4/15/2008 08-1793 4/1/2008 ltd00331 9/25/2008 08-4824 10/17/2008 08-5526 7/31/2008 ltc01242 8/26/2008 ltd00816 9/19/2008 08-4680 8/11/2008 08-3938 9/15/2008 ltf01127 7/25/2008 ltc01202 9/15/2008 ltf01124 9/17/2008 ltb01792 9/24/2008 ltc01545 3/25/2008 lte00365 6/4/2008 ltb01012 1/30/2008 ltb00177 9/22/2008 08-4763 8/11/2008 08-3950 7/28/2008 08-3705 10/22/2008 08-5544 Plaintiff Lafonda Apartments Mictruzac Prop Deutsche Bk Option One Mortgage Salgot Dawn Gerald Burton L.G.I. Llc Poriot Dye Bank Of Ny Rollingwood Man Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Rosewood Park Apts Venita Dudley Three Rivers Assoc Sunridge Apts Quail Ridge Apts Maple Grove Jason Verkennes Blackberry Creek Windsor Place Apts Sunridge Apts Windsor Place Apts Gatewood Realty Kings Lane James Lenoir Windsor Place Apts Three Rivers Assoc Tony Stockton Ipm Horton Tonya Sunridge Apts Bohannon Naomi Ctry Cl Man Apts Glendale Realty Sunridge Apts Gerald Burton Bern Christenson Bohanon Naomi Sunridge Apts Stephen Turner Ipm C Isaacs Green Briar Quail Ridge Apts Bill B Neilson Riverwood Lux Apts Quail Ridge Apts Perry Place Apts Rosewood Park Apts Stockton Tony Richfield Aprts Michael Beattie American Mhp Paul Raymond Last Name Alicea Alicia Allan Allard Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Ii Allie Allie Allie Allison Allward Almasy Almond Alnajar First Name Elana Elana Tammi Matthew Rebecca James Terrance Rita Brian Steven Paula Albert Symone Dawnette Leslie Maralina Gregory Trevelyn Nancy Sarah Tina Bruce Danielle Tina Daniel Arlene Randolph Nicole Maralina Symone Melissa Marcia Lori Leslie Gabrielle Ed Carrie David Randall Chris Ladarius James Nicholas Albert Brian James Cindy Wanita Cindy Amy Gary Ronald Traci Hayel Date Case 6/24/2008 08-3092 5/21/2008 08-2530 7/24/2008 ltc01119 3/19/2008 08-1351 1/10/2008 ltc00067 1/10/2008 ltc00068 1/22/2008 08-0395 10/29/2008 ltf01357 1/24/2008 ltf00108 4/22/2008 08-1940 5/22/2008 lta00450 5/9/2008 08-2272 2/26/2008 lte00264 6/27/2008 ltb01154 4/17/2008 ltc00598 5/27/2008 08-2567 5/20/2008 08-2482 3/7/2008 ltf00270 4/25/2008 lte00498 6/23/2008 ltc01010 2/25/2008 ltf00193 2/19/2008 ltc00287 2/29/2008 ltd00242 5/5/2008 ltf00484 6/10/2008 08-2845 10/1/2008 ltf01202 7/28/2008 08-3704 9/17/2008 08-4609 9/22/2008 08-4754 7/31/2008 lte00974 7/9/2008 ltc01080 7/16/2008 08-3472 8/27/2008 ltb01649 7/7/2008 ltc01075 10/17/2008 ltb02040 10/10/2008 08-5085 8/25/2008 08-4180 9/29/2008 ltf01184 7/30/2008 ltc01230 9/24/2008 ltb01836 7/22/2008 08-3610 8/22/2008 ltb01588 7/1/2008 ltf00790 8/6/2008 ltc01286 8/25/2008 ltf00995 1/25/2008 lte00095 4/3/2008 ltb00652 4/3/2008 ltc00560 6/5/2008 ltb01086 5/20/2008 lta00430 8/25/2008 08-4246 3/25/2008 ltc00435 8/21/2008 lte01063 8/7/2008 lte01001 Plaintiff Paul Paymond White Ideal Rental Homes Llc N.Morris Estates Bank Of N Y Sugartree Apts Sugartree Apts Redstone Twh Taylor Jenny Genesee Villa Snj Properties Washington Mutual Gerald Burton Edgemont Pk Twh Windsor Place Apts Paschal Charles Georgian Crt Apts Fhc Kings Lane Group Five Mgmt Bristol Court Blackberry Creek Sugartree Apts Georgetown Park Blackberry Creek Federal Nat Mtg Pineview Estates American Mhp Kenneth McCall Georgian Crt Apts Edgemont Pk Twh Groves Terry National City Westwood Management Paschal Charles Fed National Mtg Russ Ritsen River Village Apts Genesee Villa Ideal Rental Windsor Place Apts Sunshine Mgmt Us Bank Green Acre Dry Investments Genesee Villa Fountain Pointe K.A.N. Prop Mer Holding Corp Kan Properties Llc Pheasant Run Mhp Court St Village Mt Morris Ldhalp Gmac Mortgage Gateway Of Gr Bl Last Name First Name Alore Karen Alpin Steven Alpin Steven Alsteen Patricia Alsteen Patricia Alsteen Patricia Alsteen Patricia Alsteen Patricia Alsteen Martin Alston Monique Alston Sears Alston Jerry Altheimer Anita Alton T Alvarado Melissa Alvord Bradley Alward Dennis Amaya Melissa Ambris Jeffery Amerson Victoria Amerson Troy Ampy Latonya Amy Matthew Amy Steven Amy Matthew Anagnostopo Costas Anagnostopo Costas Anderman Jeffrey Anderson Tammy Anderson Stephanie Anderson Anthony Anderson Ramonica Anderson Samuel Anderson D Anderson Freedom Anderson Tabitha Anderson Freedom Anderson Felicino Anderson Robert Anderson Jamie Anderson Adrienne Anderson Blake Anderson Robert Anderson Samuel Anderson Tabitha Anderson Thomas Anderson Kirt Anderson Kendra Anderson David Anderson Tammy Anderson Bethany Anderson Tabitha Anderson Chandra Anderson Andy Date Case 4/7/2008 lte00440 5/7/2008 ltf00549 7/1/2008 ltf00812 10/30/2008 ltf01390 2/7/2008 ltf00170 7/1/2008 ltf00810 10/1/2008 ltf01204 9/3/2008 ltf01094 8/29/2008 ltc01417 10/27/2008 lte01445 10/17/2008 08-5239 9/3/2008 08-4416 7/2/2008 08-3300 8/20/2008 ltb01566 3/31/2008 ltf00382 3/26/2008 lta00260 3/31/2008 ltf00361 7/29/2008 ltb01378 1/16/2008 lta00071 2/4/2008 08-0638 10/22/2008 08-5578 6/20/2008 08-3072 1/31/2008 ltb00215 1/2/2008 lte00023 2/25/2008 ltb00313 1/9/2008 ltf00057 3/5/2008 ltf00232 5/2/2008 ltd00429 10/28/2008 lta00925 10/23/2008 ltc01715 1/2/2008 lta00005 10/31/2008 lte01474 1/15/2008 08-0222 10/28/2008 ltd00984 1/16/2008 lta00069 2/26/2008 ltd00225 2/26/2008 lta00179 3/7/2008 08-1179 4/10/2008 lte00448 5/15/2008 08-2382 6/20/2008 08-2959 3/25/2008 ltd00285 4/22/2008 lta00332 3/27/2008 08-1457 6/24/2008 ltf00716 3/3/2008 08-1096 7/17/2008 08-3339 7/24/2008 08-3680 9/3/2008 ltc01431 8/6/2008 lta00659 8/26/2008 ltd00815 8/27/2008 ltf01018 8/4/2008 ltc01250 8/27/2008 ltb01650 Plaintiff Washington Mut Pineview Pine View Pineview Estates Pine View Pine View Pineview Estates Pineview Mortgage Associatio The Federal N Maplebrook Vill Apts Res Funding Real Est Orchard Ridge Est Rosewood Riv Twh Three Rivers Assoc Blackberry Creek Flushing Valley Creekwood Mhp Windsor Pl Apts Pine Forest Home Pk Deutsche Bk Kingdom Mgmt Patricia Ramirez Continental North Maplebrook Vill Apts Continental North Pineview Pineview Federal Home Loan Valley Mead Villag Cedarshores Apt Wells Fargo Bank Cedar Bend Apts Tdm Realty Apple Creek Station Montrose Mhp Sunridge Apts Burton Gerald Arbor Village Apts Glen Arbor Bank N Y Shirley Anderson Georgetown Park Vienna Village Tdm Realty Kings Lane Deutsche Bank Donald L Green Mortgage Elect Indian Hills Manor Valley Meadows Sunridge Apts Kings Lane Washington Mut Westwood Management Last Name Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Andes Andres Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Andrews Angellotti Anger Angle Angle Anglin Angus Anniat Ansley Ansley Anslow Anslow Anson Anter Dba C Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony Antonio Antrup Appling Appling Appling Aquilar Aquire Arcand Archangeli Archer Archer Areaga Arendt Arendt First Name D Felicia Regina D Shelly Regina Melissa Sharon Kim Jadrian Lee Don Debria Lee Terri Michael April Joshua Dawn Victoria Elizabeth Shawn Keith Keith Thomas Troy Michael Matt Joys Joys Yvonne Lynette Susan Lashawn Joys Alice Lashawn Paul Joys Susan T Jennifer Laquanda Laquanda Brandon Amber Alexis Nicole Jason Marc Jeffrey Daniel Anne Anne Date Case 8/26/2008 ltd00819 9/17/2008 08-4587 7/28/2008 08-3666 7/1/2008 ltd00581 7/24/2008 ltb01367 9/15/2008 08-4630 8/27/2008 08-4328 9/17/2008 08-4714 9/29/2008 ltf01192 5/27/2008 lte00677 2/22/2008 08-0963 10/16/2008 08-5199 9/23/2008 08-4746 8/8/2008 08-3895 8/29/2008 lte01139 5/8/2008 08-2261 7/31/2008 ltb01459 4/16/2008 08-1838 9/8/2008 ltb01767 9/17/2008 ltc01480 1/17/2008 lte00062 8/6/2008 08-3722 4/15/2008 08-1689 7/29/2008 08-3807 10/30/2008 lta00939 7/30/2008 lte00921 2/29/2008 ltb00389 8/18/2008 ltb01551 10/28/2008 ltd00993 6/4/2008 ltd00510 6/17/2008 lta00519 3/13/2008 08-1130 4/30/2008 08-2130 5/21/2008 ltc00766 2/26/2008 ltd00224 7/25/2008 08-3677 8/7/2008 08-3930 9/15/2008 ltf01129 8/26/2008 ltd00814 9/30/2008 08-4921 8/11/2008 08-3947 9/4/2008 ltc01443 1/14/2008 ltc00083 4/28/2008 08-2025 9/17/2008 ltc01485 2/13/2008 lta00135 3/19/2008 08-1339 1/15/2008 08-0284 6/3/2008 ltf00645 2/6/2008 08-0768 9/8/2008 ltd00843 8/19/2008 lte01018 1/25/2008 ltc00180 3/25/2008 ltc00436 Plaintiff Apple Creek Stations Treasure Enter James Franklin Apple Creek Station Riverside Mhp James Franklin Tony Stockton Household Fin Green Briar Maplebrook Vill Apts Terry Hanson Theodore Towner Clio Woods Apts Terry Hanson Maplebrook Vill Apts Richfield Apts Lmited Partnership Continental North Executive Prop Davison East Ideal Rental Grande Pointe Apts Nadine Harris Lawrence Barker Lawrence Barker James A Smith Perry Place Apts Federal National Mtg Dp Leasing Corporation Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Wells Fargo Bank Tyrone Smith Shady Acres Mhp Ideal Rental Sunridge Apts Mark Tyler Ideal Rental Green Briar Sunridge Apts Shady Acres Mhp Land Bank Indian Hills Manor Harris Anthony Eugene Marve Stockton Tony Valley Meadows James E. Lenoir Richard Ruddy Pineview Deutsche Bk Lasalle Bk Grande Pointe Apts Mt Morris Ldhalp Mt Morris Ldhalp Last Name Arendt Arendt Arendt Arendt Arendt Aretaga Argue Arijona Arkwright Arlington Armour-Jone Armour-Jone Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Arneson Arnett Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold Arntz Arntz Arntz Arntz Arntzen Arrington Arrington Arrington Arrington Arrington Arrington Arrington Arrington Arrington Arrington Arrington First Name Anne Anne Anne Anne Anne Daniel Andrew Tami Freddie Robert Tracy Tracy Nicole Charles Walter Antonio Kevin Luetta Danis Claudia Shaneka Robert Claudia Leonard Lakesha Claudia Gary Claudia Claudia Gary Nicholas Scott Shaneka Claudia Robert Gary Lakisha Crystal Tim James Tim Tim David Roshandra Monica Vita Vita Monica Troy Kathy Vita Kathy Vita Monica Date Case 5/23/2008 ltc00807 2/26/2008 ltc00350 6/20/2008 ltc00982 7/25/2008 ltc01196 8/21/2008 ltc01358 9/15/2008 lte01169 5/14/2008 08-2329 4/14/2008 lta00311 9/19/2008 08-4721 7/17/2008 ltc01101 8/19/2008 08-4131 10/6/2008 08-5068 1/23/2008 08-0325 3/5/2008 08-1118 2/5/2008 lta00120 7/25/2008 08-3695 10/1/2008 08-4975 4/4/2008 08-1619 6/26/2008 ltb01141 1/24/2008 ltb00120 2/4/2008 08-0751 3/28/2008 ltb00546 3/19/2008 ltb00483 6/20/2008 ltd00562 4/7/2008 08-1637 5/21/2008 ltb00852 10/22/2008 ltc01678 7/16/2008 ltb01321 10/14/2008 ltb02012 8/21/2008 ltc01366 7/31/2008 lte00967 7/29/2008 lte00910 7/18/2008 08-3551 8/20/2008 ltb01561 9/8/2008 ltb01760 9/24/2008 ltc01540 6/10/2008 08-2857 9/24/2008 ltb01837 6/20/2008 ltc00962 5/28/2008 ltb00981 4/25/2008 ltc00631 8/21/2008 ltc01320 1/31/2008 lte00117 3/24/2008 08-1397 4/28/2008 08-2054 4/28/2008 08-2055 10/28/2008 08-5756 6/25/2008 08-3200 6/9/2008 08-2843 6/24/2008 08-3174 8/27/2008 08-4338 10/16/2008 08-5188 7/21/2008 08-3581 8/27/2008 08-4335 Plaintiff Mt Morris Ldhalp Mt Morris Ldhalp Mt Morris Ldhalp Mt Morris Ldhalp Mt Morris Ldhalp Grande Pointe Apts B Abbasspour Paul L Labian Wells Fargo Bk R Duncan Tremaine Aaron Dionne Aaron Dionne Thom Casselman James E Giles Miller West Dayne Davis Bridgette Armstrong Fed National Mtmg Deutsche Bk Three Rivers Assoc Fhc Fishermans Cove Three Rivers Assoc Swartz Creek Mhp Evergreen Reg Three Rivers Assoc Pine Creek Apts Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Pine Creek Apts Thornridge Apts Bank Of Ny Fhc Three Rivers Assoc Fisherman's Cove Pine Creek Apts Sunshine Mgmt Windsor Place Apts Suffolk Court Apts Arc Torrey Hills Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Perry Place Apts River Village Apts Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Terrace Apts Willie Sykes Tony Stockton Willie Sykes Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Last Name Arrington Arteaga Arteaga Arteaga Arthur Artis Artis Artis Artis Artis Artis Asbury Asbury Ashbaker Ashby Asher Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Asp Asphy Asphy Atherton Athey Athey Athey Athey Athey Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkins Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Atkinson Attou Atwell Aube Aubrey Aubrey Augstin August Auker Aul First Name Troy Daniel Daniel Daniel Chinara Rosemary Thedas Tenesha Amelda Rosemary Rosemary Gregory William Jeff Jodi Senica Joshua Joshua Joshua Joshua Krista Jamaal J Ryan Jessica Jessica Jessica Jessica Tammy Juanita Jessie Heather Juanita Antion Nykeeia Heather Lakisha Heather Heather Heather Casandra Heather Casaundra Heather Marieka Jabbar Amanda Daniel Tujuana Tujana Mallory Ondra Kevin Shannon Date Case 7/8/2008 08-3350 3/14/2008 lte00333 5/15/2008 lte00577 7/22/2008 lte00875 8/27/2008 lte01114 1/25/2008 08-0559 7/10/2008 08-3365 10/7/2008 ltb01948 7/31/2008 08-3815 10/24/2008 08-5610 8/25/2008 08-4176 10/29/2008 ltf01356 8/26/2008 08-4129 5/1/2008 08-2085 7/3/2008 ltb01232 8/14/2008 08-4077 1/9/2008 ltf00075 4/10/2008 ltf00411 9/3/2008 ltf01095 7/1/2008 ltf00811 5/7/2008 lta00389 7/10/2008 08-3366 10/6/2008 08-5036 5/27/2008 08-2575 10/30/2008 ltb02149 2/1/2008 08-0475 7/31/2008 ltb01502 7/3/2008 ltb01227 10/2/2008 lte01320 1/23/2008 ltc00127 1/25/2008 ltc00158 4/10/2008 ltf00431 4/30/2008 ltc00686 2/19/2008 ltc00285 8/4/2008 08-3844 8/5/2008 ltf00941 10/21/2008 08-5541 10/1/2008 ltf01229 2/22/2008 08-0908 4/7/2008 08-1595 8/19/2008 08-4161 10/23/2008 08-5528 10/17/2008 08-5235 6/20/2008 08-3070 7/3/2008 08-3254 6/26/2008 lta00555 9/23/2008 lta00819 4/30/2008 ltb00746 4/30/2008 ltd00420 7/29/2008 ltd00683 3/19/2008 lta00234 1/8/2008 ltf00045 7/3/2008 ltb01222 4/28/2008 08-1996 Plaintiff Terrace Apts Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Twh Edgemont Pk River Village Apts Orchard Ridge Est Bozoki S Washington Mut River Village Apts River Village Apts First Horizon Home Todd Cook Gordon Bovee Westwood Management Capstone Invest Pineview Estates Pineview Pineview Pine View Flint Pasadena Llc Orchard Ridge Est Orchard Ridge American Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Garry Black Enterprise Ests Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Knollwood Vill Apts Cedarshores Apt Pine Creek Apts Green Acre Apts Cedarshores Apt Sugartree Apts Orchard Ridge Est Green Acre Lgi Llc Green Acre Apts Thom Casselman Thom Casselman Shiloh Com Twnh Thom Casselman Shiloh Com Twnh Thom Casselman Shiloh Com Twnh Genesee Valley Pine Forrest White Oak Estates Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Burton Gerald Boulder Creek Westwood Vill Rob Bottinelli Last Name Aul Auld-Winn Aulgur Auls Auls Austill Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Auston Autry Avant Avant Avant Avant Avery Avery Avery Avery Avery Avery Avery Avery Aviles Avritt Ayala Ayers Ayles Ayles Ayles Ayotte Ayotte Ayotte Ayotte Babb Babcock Bach Bach Bach Bachman Back Back Backver Bacon Bacon Bacon Badder Badgley Badgley Badgley First Name Shannon Adam David Mark Euneka Dawn Robert Candice Angel Mike Angel Mike Kevin Robbin Amber Kendalynn Florastine Florastine Florastine Shasta Wendy Willie Tammy Jennifer Kevin Delores Lawanda Johnny Charles Roberto Lorraine Mark Mark Mark Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda Erin Denise Jason Jason Jason Timothy Jon Michele S Rebecca Dana Victor Russ Tonya Kathi Tonya Date Case 9/8/2008 08-4302 5/6/2008 lta00383 4/7/2008 08-1556 7/23/2008 ltb01354 7/9/2008 08-3390 2/19/2008 ltc00292 4/28/2008 lte00501 2/19/2008 ltd00171 2/6/2008 ltc00243 6/5/2008 ltb01085 10/1/2008 ltc01579 9/24/2008 ltb01873 9/11/2008 08-4515 4/25/2008 08-1990 3/10/2008 ltb00445 1/3/2008 08-0011 6/4/2008 ltc00885 4/1/2008 ltc00528 2/6/2008 ltc00244 1/23/2008 ltc00133 1/3/2008 ltc00007 1/18/2008 08-0320 5/23/2008 08-2507 3/11/2008 ltf00296 8/27/2008 ltf01019 7/31/2008 ltc01241 10/1/2008 08-4976 10/6/2008 ltc01615 9/5/2008 lta00748 5/28/2008 08-2501 9/29/2008 ltb01903 7/3/2008 ltb01233 8/27/2008 ltb01651 7/31/2008 ltb01505 2/25/2008 ltb00331 4/28/2008 ltb00687 8/25/2008 ltb01594 7/29/2008 ltb01379 4/24/2008 lta00354 6/5/2008 08-2788 1/24/2008 ltb00142 2/25/2008 ltb00332 3/18/2008 ltb00454 10/10/2008 lta00865 1/7/2008 08-0043 8/20/2008 08-4132 4/2/2008 08-1562 5/9/2008 ltd00444 2/7/2008 08-0781 10/9/2008 lte01331 5/20/2008 lta00432 1/2/2008 lte00006 6/17/2008 lte00721 9/9/2008 lte01163 Plaintiff Phillip Jennings Mill Creek Apts James Thorne Riverwood Lux Apts Steven Boyce Clovertree Apts Federal National Federal National Cranbrook Vill Co Kettler Robert Cranbrook Village Kettler Robert Smith Family Trust Fnma Eastknoll Apt Matt Clark Cranbrook Village Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Goad Realty Cranbrook Vill Co Sandy Neal Michael & Jan Ranger Meadowbrook Manor Kings Lane Johnnie D Player Ipm Harvard Apts Deutsche Bank Nat Terry L Groves Continental North Westwood Management Westwood Management Westwood Management Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Pl Apts Wells Fargo Bank David Luna Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Bank Of New York William R Hiller Jan Ranger Dada Group Llc Bank Of New York Capstone Invest Sunset Plaza Apts Pheasant Run Mhp Group Five Mgmt Co. Mapleridge Apts Group Five Mgmt Last Name Bagwell Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Et Al Bain Bain Bain Bain Bainbridge Bainchini Baird Baird Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker First Name Paul Donald Douglas Rae Tarsha Katrina Tom Chundra Tarsha David April Angela April Katrina Lajere April Jennifer Jeremy Douglas Shannon Katrina Jennifer David April James James James Sandra Chris Teala Echo Echo Janet Amanda Kari Candice Jamie Gregory Keisa Candice Marqueishia Melissa Matthew Katrina Kari Jerry David Candice Corey Janet Rosie Malika Corey Celeste Date Case 1/29/2008 ltc00203 1/11/2008 08-0235 1/22/2008 ltf00100 1/25/2008 08-0544 2/5/2008 08-0761 3/20/2008 08-1342 6/3/2008 lta00472 2/4/2008 08-0753 3/26/2008 08-1438 3/28/2008 ltb00547 5/1/2008 lta00374 10/2/2008 ltb01925 8/21/2008 lta00721 9/4/2008 08-4265 9/5/2008 08-4397 7/10/2008 lta00578 9/22/2008 lte01202 9/11/2008 lte01165 8/27/2008 ltf01036 10/29/2008 08-5685 10/8/2008 08-5049 7/30/2008 lte00922 9/29/2008 ltb01894 10/23/2008 lta00910 10/28/2008 ltf01346 5/28/2008 ltf00631 2/25/2008 ltf00202 3/25/2008 ltd00275 9/4/2008 ltc01449 4/24/2008 lte00471 4/23/2008 ltf00464 6/20/2008 ltf00714 10/27/2008 lta00918 1/31/2008 lte00118 1/31/2008 ltb00216 10/24/2008 lte01412 1/7/2008 lte00040 2/11/2008 lta00127 3/24/2008 08-1392 5/27/2008 lte00652 5/29/2008 08-2646 5/8/2008 08-2151 2/28/2008 ltc00383 4/22/2008 08-1895 4/30/2008 ltb00762 4/21/2008 08-1897 6/24/2008 lte00740 6/24/2008 lte00739 3/18/2008 08-1320 9/17/2008 lta00796 7/29/2008 ltd00682 8/28/2008 08-4322 6/16/2008 08-2987 9/29/2008 08-4852 Plaintiff Stockton Tony Abby Stubbs Abn Amro Mortgage River Village Terrace Apts Dayne Davis Cameron Taljonick Fhc Terrace Apts Fishermans Cove Sye Yeayuan Riverside Mhp Sye Yea Yuan Dayne Davis Doris Brandt Sye Yea Yuan Perry Place Apts Lux Apartments Thomas R Cook Antonio Duran Dayne Davis Perry Place Apts Fishermans Cove Yea Yuan Sye Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood Burton Gerald Indian Hills Manor Perry Place Apts Michael Neurohr Neurohr Properties Westhaven Mhp Llc Perry Place Apts Continental North Perry Place Apts Twh Edgemont Pk Wells Fargo Bank M Beard Perry Place Apts Ester Davar Ralph E Yates Cross Gina Gayle Brewer Continental North Livingston Prop Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Fhc Westhaven Mhp Llc Sunridge Apts Georgian Crt Apts Fhc Fhc Last Name Balcorta Balcorta Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Jr Baldwin Jr Baleer Baleer Baliko Baliko Balknight Balknight Balknight Balknight Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ballance Ballard Ballard Ballard Ballentine Ballentine Ballou Ballzigler Bancroft Banister Bank Bank Sr Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks First Name Candace Candace Daniel Roger Roger Katrina Beverly Ralph Ralph Robin Robin Steve Stephen Marecia Marecia Maria Lexis Doug Jeri Jeri Joe Jeri Jeffery Richard Jessica Amanda James Kenneth Linda Nancy Brian Randy Ricky Indi-Mac Raobert Brynne Roshonda Michael Levelle Camille Michael Lakisha Thomas Camille Venita Najee Camille Michael Marvin Michael Camille Je'taime Thomas Malcom Date Case 4/14/2008 08-1672 6/16/2008 08-2954 3/5/2008 ltf00235 9/29/2008 ltf01187 7/18/2008 ltf00871 7/1/2008 ltf00801 9/4/2008 lta00745 6/30/2008 ltb01185 4/30/2008 ltb00754 5/27/2008 lte00651 7/30/2008 lte00918 4/3/2008 lta00296 8/20/2008 lta00708 4/3/2008 08-1517 7/24/2008 08-3649 10/8/2008 08-5057 8/7/2008 ltd00720 1/9/2008 08-0057 1/25/2008 ltc00176 5/23/2008 ltc00792 3/26/2008 08-1445 3/25/2008 ltc00475 7/18/2008 08-3422 6/18/2008 ltb01110 4/16/2008 08-1856 2/22/2008 ltb00299 5/20/2008 08-2474 1/28/2008 ltc00198 5/7/2008 ltb00808 9/16/2008 08-4615 10/6/2008 ltb01939 10/2/2008 ltf01260 2/4/2008 08-0705 1/9/2008 ltf00055 10/6/2008 lta00859 10/24/2008 ltb02067 1/24/2008 ltb00121 1/31/2008 lte00109 1/7/2008 08-0149 3/26/2008 08-1449 2/21/2008 lte00215 4/16/2008 08-1847 3/4/2008 lta00202 3/25/2008 08-1417 4/8/2008 ltc00571 5/15/2008 08-2407 10/14/2008 lta00878 8/20/2008 lte01036 6/26/2008 08-3186 10/13/2008 lte01348 6/4/2008 08-2755 9/23/2008 lta00808 6/4/2008 08-2753 9/24/2008 08-4794 Plaintiff Theresa Bush Theresa Bush Pineview Rykulski Stanley Rykulski Stanley Pine View West Court Ranch Continental Estates Continental Estates Parkwood Mhp Parkwood Mhp Reed Maryann Montrose Country Estates Michael Nard Michael Nard Dozier Church Mari-Dan Miller Farms Michael Neurohr Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Nationstar Mtg Dutch Village Llc Grant Lafon Arc Torrey Hills Marlene Pifher Kearsley Lake Terrace Llc Martin Trepus Wells Fargo Bank Na Brookstone Valley Denise Himelhoch Charter Oaks Apts Genesee Villa Ctry Cl Man Apts Pineview Federal Home Loan Windsor Place Apts Three Rivers Assoc Grand Bend Club Apts Us Bank Ridgecrest Vill Grand Bend Apts Paul Clasper Ideal Rental Homes John Harada Larry D Banks Ray Landon Flint Twp Prop Fountain Pointe Maguire 5 Llc Fountain Pointe John Harada River Vall Manor Mshda Land Bank Last Name First Name Banks David Banks Robin Banks Camille Banks Sharon Banks Kelly Banks Michael Banner Douglas Banner Brandon Banner Douglas Bannister James Banyard Chimera Banyard Frank Barajas Matthew Barajas Ashley Barard David Barbee Garland Barbee Garland Barbee Denise Barber Kenelle Barber James Barber Tonya Barber Kenell Barber Robin Barber Rebecca Barber Kenell Barber Tytionna Barber-Conw Shilinda Barber-Conw Shilinda Barber-Conw Shillinda Barch Dan Barchichat David Bard David Bard-Mansur Scott Bardoni Troy Bardoni Troy Bard-Wilson Alissa Bard-Wilson Alissa Barfield Nicole Bargy Jeffrey Barham John Barker Angela Barker Michael Barker Patricia Barker Patricia Barker Patricia Barker Duane Barker Kyle Barker Angela Barker William Barker Renee Barker Daisy Barkham Edmund Barkley Jeff Barlow Yvonne Date Case 7/25/2008 ltc01165 10/27/2008 08-5721 8/13/2008 08-3933 7/18/2008 08-3533 8/19/2008 08-4058 7/7/2008 lte00816 1/9/2008 ltf00069 1/15/2008 ltc00088 4/10/2008 ltf00405 8/28/2008 08-4299 1/7/2008 ltc00044 6/19/2008 ltc00942 1/9/2008 08-0047 7/8/2008 lta00571 7/30/2008 lta00637 10/23/2008 ltc01705 1/17/2008 ltc00112 3/3/2008 08-1063 1/22/2008 08-0404 4/4/2008 08-1578 2/26/2008 ltc00331 4/2/2008 08-1570 10/3/2008 08-5071 10/30/2008 08-5771 9/8/2008 08-4455 9/3/2008 08-4436 4/4/2008 08-1625 8/19/2008 08-4082 6/16/2008 08-2972 7/23/2008 08-3615 6/25/2008 lta00552 9/5/2008 ltd00835 7/28/2008 08-3796 5/22/2008 08-2553 2/22/2008 08-0962 1/2/2008 08-0068 6/23/2008 ltc00987 5/20/2008 08-2483 1/7/2008 lta00023 5/30/2008 ltd00493 10/30/2008 ltb02154 1/11/2008 08-0239 1/23/2008 ltc00126 3/31/2008 ltc00513 6/24/2008 ltc01033 2/28/2008 lta00183 2/14/2008 08-0869 6/9/2008 08-2823 7/10/2008 08-3367 10/6/2008 ltc01617 10/2/2008 08-4949 2/8/2008 ltd00142 5/21/2008 ltc00764 4/28/2008 lte00513 Plaintiff Dutch Village Llc Fhc John Harada Fhc Fhc Fountian Pointe Pineview Estates Indian Hills Manor Pineview Nola Jimison Pineshores Apts Sugartree Apts Curt Kargula Mill Creek Apt River Valley Manor Bristol Court Cedarshores Apartment Homes K Thompson Redstone Twh Ann Cruz Southcreek Village Redstone Twh Jason Spencer Bryan Carrell Redstone Twh Orchard Ridge Est Fhc Fhc Fhc Maryann Simor Genesee Valley Part Lafonda Apartments Bank Of Ny Lissa Klopf Lissa Knolf Deutsche Bk Holdings Llc Liberty Real Estate Fhc Himelhoch Denise Swartz Creek Med Twin Meadows Mhp Joyce E Keyes Cedarshores Apt Cedarshores Apts Cedarshores Apt Linden Place Mhc Deutsche Bank Rollingwood Man Orchard Ridge Est Clemons Ola Paul Berlanga Deutsche Bank Mary L Nelson Mapleridge Apts Last Name First Name Barlow Tamara Barnes Steven Barnes Kim Barnes Erica Barnes Kim Barnes Tina Barnes Ann Barnes Kim Barnes Brandy Barnes Shamekia Barnes Cheryl Barnes Lorraine Barnes Brandy Barnes Cassandra Barnes Maranda Barnett Donyale Barnett Stanley Barnett Donyale Barnett Robin Barnett Jennifer Barney Eddie Barnhart Amber Barr Sandra Barrett Kevin Barrett Barbara Barrett Greg Barrett Shirley Barrett Shirley Barro Adjata Barron Lesa Barron Lesa Barron Lesa Barrower Janus Barry Mary Barry Laquasha Barry Mary Bartholomew Carl Bartholomew Carl Bartholomew Philip Bartholomew Carl Bartholomew Carl Bartholomew Carl Bartlette Kathryn Barton Nova Barton Nova Barton Angela Barton Venessa Bassage Helen Basset Willie Bassett Willie Bates Amber Bates John Bates Julianne Bates Tawanna Date Case 5/1/2008 08-2120 1/28/2008 08-0567 1/2/2008 ltf00032 1/2/2008 08-0114 1/28/2008 ltf00119 2/25/2008 08-1004 3/12/2008 08-1238 5/5/2008 ltf00487 3/17/2008 08-1278 3/7/2008 08-1210 10/15/2008 08-5138 10/23/2008 08-5587 6/2/2008 08-2640 8/5/2008 08-3889 8/13/2008 08-3970 10/23/2008 ltc01716 3/31/2008 08-1506 6/24/2008 ltc01032 5/1/2008 lta00372 10/29/2008 08-5564 3/6/2008 lte00324 9/11/2008 08-4497 5/23/2008 ltc00820 10/28/2008 ltb02106 2/25/2008 ltb00314 9/11/2008 08-4498 7/29/2008 ltd00690 7/1/2008 ltd00580 10/24/2008 lte01411 6/20/2008 ltc00972 9/24/2008 ltc01542 10/22/2008 ltc01681 6/12/2008 08-2889 4/2/2008 ltb00602 3/28/2008 08-1469 7/21/2008 08-3425 1/9/2008 ltb00084 4/2/2008 ltb00592 2/1/2008 lta00116 7/3/2008 ltb01267 8/8/2008 ltb01530 10/9/2008 ltb02000 9/9/2008 ltc01455 1/9/2008 ltb00067 3/5/2008 ltb00418 9/16/2008 08-4641 9/29/2008 08-4828 7/29/2008 ltb01380 7/9/2008 08-3249 10/8/2008 08-5058 10/27/2008 lte01448 1/25/2008 08-0560 1/14/2008 08-0254 1/28/2008 08-0466 Plaintiff Metawanenee Hills Tony Stockton Creekwood Orchard Rg Apts Creekwood Tony Stockton Evergreen Reg Creekwood Skh Properties Fhc Wm Specialty Mtg Wells Fargo Bk Janice Forshee Imad Isaac Evergreen Reg Cedarshores Apt Westgate Terr Apts Cedarshores Apt Valley Mead Villag Debra Hagon Heatherwood Apts Deniset Ketchmark Bristol Court Charter Oaks Apts Continental North Sunshine Mgmt Apple Creek Station Apple Creek Station Perry Place Apts Pine Creek Apts Pine Creek Apts Pine Creek Apts Tom Daly Madison Pk Est Patricia Case Louis Conyers Arc Villa Arc Villa Mortgage Electronic Arc Villa Arc Villa Arc Villa Leonard Kimberly Enterprise Ests Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Brister Padgett Roy Landon Windsor Pl Apts Mark Tyler Mark Tyler Maplebrook Vill Apts River Village Apts Tim Bender Jermaine Jordan Last Name Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Bates Batson Batson Batterbee Batterbee Battle Battles Battles Battles Battles Bauer Bauer Baughman Baum Bauman Baumgart Baumgart Baumgart Baumgart Baumgart Baumgart Baumgart Baumgart Baumgart Baumgart Baumgart Baumgart Baur Baur Baxer Baxter Baxter Baxter Baxter Baxter Baxter Baxter Baydoun Bazemore Bazemore Beach First Name Alicia Alicia Joi Ladonna Amber Joi Tolerun David David Ladonna Joi Alwin John Crystal Leroy Leroy Matthew Valerie Pamela Sandra Richard Robert Sandra Roger Tricia Skip Scott Steve Michelle Joseph Michelle Michelle Joseph Joseph Michelle Joseph Michelle Michelle Joseph Joseph Patricia Patricia Ellis Colleen Colleen Dan Colleen Steven Colleen Dan Krystal Adrain Adrian Tonya Date Case 3/20/2008 ltf00320 6/24/2008 ltf00730 5/22/2008 ltf00587 5/19/2008 08-2453 5/22/2008 ltf00586 3/20/2008 ltf00321 8/1/2008 08-3716 9/24/2008 ltc01559 9/24/2008 ltc01560 8/13/2008 08-4012 7/23/2008 ltf00886 9/23/2008 lta00803 9/23/2008 08-4739 9/17/2008 ltb01806 5/21/2008 ltc00768 3/25/2008 ltc00487 9/24/2008 ltf01144 8/8/2008 ltb01531 3/27/2008 08-1386 4/30/2008 ltd00419 4/21/2008 lta00331 4/11/2008 08-1702 7/1/2008 ltd00583 1/16/2008 ltc00108 2/26/2008 ltc00334 10/17/2008 08-5531 9/26/2008 ltd00884 4/15/2008 ltc00584 1/25/2008 lte00094 10/30/2008 ltf01375 4/29/2008 lte00526 3/28/2008 lte00421 6/3/2008 ltf00663 4/10/2008 ltf00410 7/23/2008 lte00903 8/5/2008 ltf00958 8/20/2008 lte01051 10/13/2008 lte01362 9/3/2008 ltf01093 10/1/2008 ltf01203 2/29/2008 ltb00381 7/21/2008 ltb01345 7/22/2008 08-3549 1/2/2008 ltc00004 10/28/2008 ltc01737 6/17/2008 ltd00549 5/1/2008 ltc00711 8/18/2008 ltd00747 10/10/2008 08-5083 10/8/2008 ltd00952 5/5/2008 ltf00480 5/22/2008 lte00602 3/28/2008 lte00405 2/26/2008 ltc00356 Plaintiff Kings Lane Kings Lane Kings Lane Evergreen Reg Kings Lane Kings Lane Earnestine Johnson Burkeshire Pointe Burkeshire Pointe Stanley Gilbert Kings Lane William E Lacey River Village Apts Martin Jeffrey Ideal Rental Ideal Rental Federal Home Loan Arc Villa Cecil Bailey Sunridge Apts Robert P Anderson Richfield Apts Lp Sunridge Apts Federal National Southcreek Village Arthur R. Hart Fed National Mtg Hannosh Wendy Stonehenge Gates Pineview Estates Stonehenge Gates Stonehenge Gates Pineview Pineview Stonehenge Gates Pineview Stonehenge Gates Stonehenge Gates Pineview Pineview Estates Hometown Amer Hometown Amer David Richardson Brown John Edgley Danial Spinney Mark Brown John East Bay Mhp Danial Edgley Mark K Spinney Kings Lane Apts Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Quail Ridge Apts Last Name Beady Beahan Beall Beall Beall Beam Beames Beamon Beams Bean Bean Bean Bean Bean Beard Beard Beard Beard Bearup Bearup Bearup Bearyman Bearyman Beasley Beasley Beasley Beaty Beauchamp Beaudette Beaudoin Beaudrie Beaudry Beaugard Beaugard Beaugard Beaugard Beaugard Beaugard Jr Beavers Beavers Beavers Beavers Beavers Beavers Beavers Bebow Bebow Bechtel Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck Beck First Name Jennifer Patrick Devin Devin Devin David Emloe Shawanda Dave Cheri Tedd Cherie Vonsarah Cheri Charlotte Randi Charlotte Randi Jean Kimberly Rebecca Wonda Wonda Carla Alton Staci Jerry Richard Chantal Katlyn Robert Mike Reginald Reginald Reginald Reginald Reginald Lucius Paulette Marquinnus Marquinnus Paulette James Paulette Marquinnus Chase Chase David Timothy Amber Kenneth Shemika Jessie Kimberlee Date Case 4/25/2008 08-2006 1/2/2008 08-0121 2/5/2008 ltb00264 6/26/2008 ltb01144 4/11/2008 ltb00662 7/24/2008 ltc01120 1/15/2008 ltc00094 3/25/2008 08-1426 8/18/2008 ltc01301 1/15/2008 08-0286 3/31/2008 lte00425 3/7/2008 ltf00272 2/19/2008 ltc00315 6/9/2008 08-2831 5/22/2008 ltc00780 5/7/2008 ltf00541 2/19/2008 ltc00314 10/1/2008 ltf01258 4/25/2008 ltc00666 2/11/2008 lta00122 9/15/2008 lte01172 1/30/2008 ltb00199 9/17/2008 ltb01789 6/9/2008 ltc00907 3/17/2008 08-1314 8/20/2008 ltb01556 2/21/2008 ltb00297 8/5/2008 ltd00719 7/31/2008 ltb01451 4/28/2008 lte00509 2/1/2008 lte00174 7/7/2008 lta00567 1/8/2008 lta00031 3/4/2008 lta00194 7/30/2008 lta00629 9/23/2008 lta00810 8/19/2008 lta00702 1/2/2008 lte00019 1/25/2008 08-0462 1/16/2008 08-0304 6/24/2008 ltf00717 5/14/2008 08-2334 3/20/2008 ltf00322 10/21/2008 08-5543 9/15/2008 08-4571 2/29/2008 lte00312 5/22/2008 lte00621 7/31/2008 08-3766 4/24/2008 ltb00683 2/8/2008 ltd00150 4/10/2008 08-1652 7/28/2008 08-3698 10/8/2008 ltb01983 10/8/2008 ltb01953 Plaintiff Marcus Pahl Woodlawn Pk Apts Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc N.Morris Estates Indian Hills Manor John TomcAla Hudson Linda Clozetta Johnson Nrj Kings Lane Clovertree Apts Redstone Twh Clovertree Apts Pineview Clovertree Apts Pineview Dutch Village Llc Richard W Chapman Federal National Huntington Circle Apts Huntington Cir Apts Ideal Rental Tdm Realty Riverwood Lux Apts The Bank Ny Lake Winds Plaza Inc Continental Estates Thornridge Apts Thornridge Apts Judith L Goschka River Valley Manor River Valley Manor River Valley Manor River Vall Manor River Valley Manor Maplebrook Vill Apts Micah Parker Richfield Apts Kings Lane Micah Parker Kings Lane Joseph Ghattas Jcm Universal Stonehenge Gates Stonehenge Gates Wells Fargo Bk The Federal Mtg Georgetown Park Federal Home Georgian Crt Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Orchard Cove Last Name Becker Beckman Beckman Beckman Beckman Beckman Ii Beckwith Beckwith Bedford Bedford Bedford Bedsole Beebe Beebe Beeman Beeman-Orr Beemer Beers Beffle Begay Beggs Beland Belcher Belcher Belcher Belinsky Belk Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bellah Belleville Bellmore Below First Name Helen Charles Shannon Charles Shanon Charles Henry Henry Kayla Tory Brittany Judy Michael Michael Jaysha J Patricia Bradley April Theron Jami James Diane Michelle Jay Katherine Brenda Elizabeth Quanjamika Marcelena Jennifer Timothy Alberta Marcelena Marcelena Ethel Jennifer Tiereka Howard Devoris Tim Diane Mailton Elizabeth Tracy Veronica Susie Irrionna Marcelena Milton Shaun James Jared Bruce Date Case 2/11/2008 ltd00154 1/3/2008 08-0169 5/22/2008 ltb00871 3/27/2008 08-1460 8/25/2008 ltb01595 2/12/2008 08-0843 1/2/2008 ltf00003 3/31/2008 ltf00355 1/22/2008 08-0405 9/24/2008 ltc01506 7/9/2008 08-3355 4/25/2008 ltc00654 3/6/2008 ltb00438 6/26/2008 ltb01143 5/19/2008 08-2452 9/17/2008 ltb01796 4/25/2008 lta00359 7/31/2008 ltb01491 1/24/2008 ltb00117 1/4/2008 08-0020 5/6/2008 ltb00783 10/30/2008 ltd01036 6/2/2008 ltc00863 5/21/2008 lte00588 9/10/2008 08-4531 5/30/2008 ltd00504 10/1/2008 ltf01240 1/22/2008 08-0406 1/18/2008 08-0358 1/31/2008 lta00113 3/12/2008 08-1288 5/8/2008 08-2265 5/22/2008 08-2510 5/5/2008 lta00379 5/21/2008 lta00443 5/7/2008 ltb00809 2/13/2008 08-0593 2/25/2008 08-0989 2/27/2008 08-1045 4/4/2008 08-1579 4/2/2008 ltb00588 9/22/2008 lte01203 8/19/2008 lta00704 6/9/2008 08-2832 7/18/2008 08-3497 9/18/2008 08-4687 8/22/2008 08-4201 10/14/2008 08-5159 8/21/2008 lta00715 7/22/2008 lta00600 10/3/2008 ltd00939 4/25/2008 ltc00659 4/2/2008 ltb00635 4/25/2008 08-2020 Plaintiff Francis J O'brien Tdm Realty Windsor Place Apts Henry Milton Masters Tannebaum Windsor Place Apts Tdm Realty Maple Grove Maple Grove Redstone Twh Sugartree Apts Redstone Twh Sugartree Apts Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Evergreen Reg Riverwood Lux Apts The Federal National Twin Meadows Mhp Diversified Mktg Sophia J Taylor Beckman Prop Pineridge N.Morris Estates Kapur Properties Amy Romriell Flagstar Bank Pineview Estates Redstone Twh Evergreen Reg Marshall's Crossing Michael Neurohr Richfield Apts Clarence Sr Courts Maple Run Maple Run Brookstone Valley Michael Neurohr River Village Apts Gmac Mortg Corp Fhc Rosewood Park Grand Bend Club Apt Flint Twp Prop Redstone Twh Beulah Ecker Keith Black Larry Armstrong Alex Maul Maple Run Flint Twp Prop Georgetown Park Diane Company Joe Nickel Invest Oxford Bank Last Name Benard Bender Bender Bender Bendle Benear Benedict Benefield Benitez Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin Benn Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Benning Benning Benore Bensett Bensett Bensett Bensett Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Benson Iii Bentley Bentley Benton Benton Benton Benton Benton Benton Benton Beoder Berger Berger Bergeron First Name Jacki Kathy Kathy Kathy Stephen William Jodi Charles Sylvia Shelly Ramona Matt Kristle Matthew Tinishia Amy Matthew Amy Deanna Chea Amy Joseph John Matthew Patsy Karia David David Wendy Larry Michele Michele James Kimberly Brandy David Jennifer Gregory Jason Renee James Lucretia Jamie Johnie Johnie Torina Melinda Brenda Johnie Melinda Kathy Onda Onda Daniel Date Case 3/31/2008 08-1495 1/9/2008 ltc00055 5/23/2008 ltc00829 3/25/2008 ltc00478 7/7/2008 lta00566 2/28/2008 08-1054 8/20/2008 08-4126 6/27/2008 08-3215 7/28/2008 08-3771 6/17/2008 lte00724 2/20/2008 lte00207 7/30/2008 lta00641 10/23/2008 08-5547 10/30/2008 ltf01399 4/17/2008 08-1589 2/5/2008 ltb00253 4/10/2008 ltf00402 4/2/2008 ltb00615 5/12/2008 ltf00567 5/1/2008 08-2159 8/27/2008 08-4215 7/14/2008 ltc01091 8/18/2008 ltd00742 7/1/2008 ltf00804 6/3/2008 08-2715 9/9/2008 08-4474 9/17/2008 ltb01798 7/30/2008 ltb01422 7/3/2008 ltb01221 10/24/2008 ltb02089 3/26/2008 ltf00352 6/5/2008 ltf00678 8/11/2008 ltf00976 10/1/2008 ltf01222 7/23/2008 08-3633 10/7/2008 lte01327 10/1/2008 ltf01236 9/29/2008 ltb01895 7/28/2008 lta00626 8/1/2008 ltd00709 4/3/2008 lte00438 7/23/2008 08-3619 8/6/2008 lta00656 1/8/2008 ltd00057 4/30/2008 ltd00418 4/8/2008 08-1647 2/4/2008 08-0729 5/28/2008 08-2642 7/1/2008 ltd00584 8/27/2008 ltb01640 7/8/2008 ltc01079 3/26/2008 ltc00502 6/19/2008 ltc00945 9/24/2008 ltf01170 Plaintiff Little-Wadsworth Jacqeuline Little Jacqueline Little-Woodsworth Jacqueline Federal Home Fnma Mary K Fox Citimortage Jacquelin Smith Mapleridge Apts Bank Of Ny Us Bank Michael Neurohr Pineview Estates Joseph Hampton Twin Meadows Mhp Pineview Twin Meadows Mhp Crkovski Naum Dana Pintacura Chris Compton Federal National Fed National Mtg Pine View Hsbc Bk Usa Evergreen Reg Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Kearsley Lake Terr Westwood Management Centennial Farms Centennial Farms Centennial Farms Pineview Estates Ed Artis Deutsche Bank Trust Pineview Estates Fishermans Cove Deutsche Bank Georgetown Park Citibank Donna Congdon Whitehead Lloyd Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Lasalle Bk Fhc Court St Village Sunridge Apts Madison Pk Est Little Jacqueline Clovertree Apts Clovertree Apts Kings Lane Last Name Bergh Bernard Bernard Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Berry Besso Betts Betz Beuadrie Beuter Beverly Beverly Beverly Beverly Bexter Bice Bielec Biffle Biffle Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Bigelow Biggs Bignell First Name Christina Pameal Amerson Ryan Cynthia Theda Nicole Deshanea Deshaundra Melissa Brittnay Cynthia Troy Daniel Derek Latroya Alyson Derek Jessie Nicole Earnest Ricky Crystal Desundra Desaundra Cynthia Cynthia Brittany Deidre Mickey Brent Melissa Jackie Adam Stephanie Larry Robert Robert Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn Casey Amy Dana Aprile Aprile Ty Jack Jack Jack Jack Herbert Hope Date Case 4/25/2008 ltc00623 7/30/2008 lte00912 9/18/2008 08-4659 10/31/2008 lta00942 1/8/2008 ltd00056 10/23/2008 ltc01717 1/25/2008 ltc00185 1/18/2008 08-0379 1/18/2008 08-0378 5/5/2008 08-2077 6/20/2008 ltd00559 6/4/2008 ltd00511 3/25/2008 08-1415 6/17/2008 lte00722 2/27/2008 ltb00363 5/22/2008 lte00625 2/26/2008 ltc00366 6/4/2008 ltb01005 4/3/2008 ltc00546 5/5/2008 ltf00503 10/15/2008 08-5145 6/9/2008 08-2833 10/15/2008 08-5211 7/9/2008 08-3356 9/30/2008 08-4938 7/29/2008 ltd00681 7/1/2008 ltd00585 8/22/2008 ltd00767 6/16/2008 08-3006 8/4/2008 ltc01245 9/10/2008 ltb01778 7/25/2008 08-3673 8/4/2008 08-3903 1/31/2008 lte00149 1/22/2008 08-0392 9/8/2008 ltb01768 4/28/2008 lte00507 1/8/2008 ltf00044 10/24/2008 lte01429 8/20/2008 lte01039 9/22/2008 lte01248 7/23/2008 lte00896 9/30/2008 lte01312 5/22/2008 ltb00940 1/25/2008 ltc00149 8/18/2008 08-4037 9/18/2008 ltb01810 1/15/2008 ltc00096 4/25/2008 ltc00652 5/28/2008 ltf00632 9/24/2008 ltf01143 8/26/2008 ltf01012 2/15/2008 08-0836 10/24/2008 lte01424 Plaintiff Southcreek Village Parkwood Mhp Martin Chapman Childers Greg Sunridge Apts Cedarshores Apt Mt Morris Ldhalp Evergreen Reg Evergreen Reg Rob Bottinelli Georgetown Park Sunridge Apts Creekside Apts Mapleridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Knollwood Village Landon Roy Hunters Ridge Apts N.Morris Ests Kings Lane Cpm Properties Redstone Twh Park Manor Redstone Twh Redstone Twh Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Georgetown Park Executive Prop Homesales Inc Jag Mgmt Rob Bottinelli Jacqueline Glover Knollwood Vill Apt Kirkwood Comm Continental North Thornridge Apts Boulder Creek Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Thornridge Apts Continental Estates Quail Ridge Apt Llc Treasure Enter Treasure Enterprise Indian Hills Manor Sugartree Apts Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood Maurice Howell Mapleridge Apts Last Name Billings Billingsley Billingsley Billow Bills Bills Bindscheatel Bindscheatel Bingham Bingham Binion Binion Binion Binion Binion Binion Bird Bird Birmingham Biron Bischer Bishop Bishop Bishop Bisnett Bissonette Bitterman Bivens Bivens Bizzle Bizzle Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Blackburn Blackburn Blackledge Blackledge Blackman Blackman Blackman Blackman Blackman Blackmer Blackmer Blackmer Blackmer Blackmer Blackmon Blackmon First Name Charity Felicia Felisha Joshua Tamara Brian Christina Christina Robert Henry Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly Amanda Amanda Linda Diane Brandon Danny Darrick Phillip Ryan David Jennifer Patty Patty Marilyn Marilyn Teresa Melony Alicia Melony Shelly Teresa Ariel Ginger Charlotte Donna Donna Teresa Roylene Erick Roylene Erick Keith Keith Antoinette Keith Keith Wanda Stefanie Date Case 6/4/2008 ltb01006 5/20/2008 08-2484 8/19/2008 08-4072 8/15/2008 ltc01300 2/5/2008 ltb00265 2/19/2008 lta00157 5/15/2008 08-2358 3/14/2008 08-1306 1/16/2008 08-0292 3/7/2008 08-1229 1/17/2008 ltd00074 6/30/2008 ltd00579 5/20/2008 ltd00458 3/14/2008 ltd00264 4/14/2008 ltd00343 7/31/2008 ltd00701 3/10/2008 08-1137 6/12/2008 08-2910 1/24/2008 08-0522 10/28/2008 lte01465 3/31/2008 lta00278 10/27/2008 lta00912 9/11/2008 ltf01119 7/30/2008 ltb01447 4/15/2008 08-1810 4/16/2008 08-1800 9/8/2008 ltd00847 1/30/2008 08-0488 8/29/2008 08-4374 1/2/2008 08-0115 8/27/2008 ltf01020 4/14/2008 ltc00581 6/20/2008 ltd00558 6/23/2008 ltc00989 3/25/2008 ltd00284 2/26/2008 08-1000 10/17/2008 ltc01650 8/21/2008 ltc01328 10/23/2008 ltc01709 7/3/2008 ltb01234 6/30/2008 ltf00781 2/25/2008 ltf00198 10/24/2008 lte01410 6/20/2008 ltc00976 8/21/2008 lte01052 10/22/2008 ltc01677 7/30/2008 lte00957 10/28/2008 ltf01347 2/28/2008 ltf00217 5/23/2008 ltc00816 3/31/2008 ltf00362 9/24/2008 ltf01135 1/8/2008 lta00027 2/5/2008 08-0585 Plaintiff Hunters Ridge Apts Fhc Fhc Doll Terry Kearsley Creek Llc Myrtle Grove Mhp Gary Bradshaw Roger Jirikovic William Robinson Fhc Crain Briget Crain Bridget Crain Bridget Crain Bridget Crain Bridget Crain Bridget Sunshine Mgmt Nov Henderson Federal Home Loan Fairways At Woodfield Burton Gerald M.E.R.S. Owen Berta Landmark Realty Pamela R Muir Mervin Ferrell Mari-Dan Miller Farms Allyson Snell Allyson Snell Orchard Rg Apts Kings Lane Paschal Charles Georgetown Park Dutch Village Llc Georgetown Park Roy Landon Paschal Charles Dutch Village Llc Pineshores Apts Westwood Management Maple Grove Maple Grove Perry Place Apts Quail Ridge Apts Knollwood Village Apts Quail Ridge Apts Knollwood Village Creekwood Creekwood Paradox Enterpris Creekwood Mhp Creekwood River Valley Manor Hurley Trouser Last Name Blackmon Blackmon Blackmon Blackmon Blackmon Blackmon Blackmon Blackstock Blackwell Blackwell Blackwell Blackwell Jr Blade Blair Jr Blake Blake Blake Blake Blake Blake Blakely Blakely Blanchard Bland Bland Bland Blankenship Blankenship Blankenship Blanks Blanks Blanks Blanton Blanton Blasdell Blasdell Blasdell Blasdell Blasdell Blassingame Blassingame Blassingame Blassingame Blassingame Blassingame Blassingame Blassingham Blay Blaylock Bledsoe Bliss Bloch Blodgett Blodgett First Name Wanda Wanda Quinshonda Wanda Wanda Wanda Wanda Joe Shonda Jeryl Sally William Earl Carl Cynthia Sharlene Connie Ladonna Ladonna Cynthia Lateefah Darrell Joseph Greg James James Almon Lupe Lupe Farrah Farrah Farrah Gail Gail Joe Donna Nicole Joe Debra Tamika Tamika Tamika Maria Sherry Tamika Sherry Tamika Julie Kenyetta Carl Wayne Michael Trisha Trisha Date Case 3/4/2008 lta00200 3/25/2008 lta00252 3/26/2008 lte00394 9/23/2008 lta00815 8/19/2008 lta00700 10/21/2008 lta00896 7/30/2008 lta00635 6/4/2008 ltb01052 3/19/2008 08-1267 6/18/2008 08-2958 9/24/2008 lte01276 3/6/2008 lte00320 8/13/2008 ltc01295 5/16/2008 lta00417 10/23/2008 ltc01700 1/30/2008 ltb00180 5/22/2008 lte00630 4/30/2008 ltd00417 2/26/2008 ltd00223 8/21/2008 ltc01342 1/9/2008 ltb00095 2/26/2008 08-0919 1/10/2008 ltc00063 6/3/2008 ltf00659 8/5/2008 ltf00946 10/1/2008 ltf01241 5/9/2008 ltd00442 2/13/2008 ltd00156 9/8/2008 ltd00848 1/3/2008 ltc00008 3/14/2008 ltc00420 6/4/2008 ltc00886 3/18/2008 ltb00455 2/25/2008 ltb00333 1/22/2008 lta00080 4/24/2008 ltf00468 4/29/2008 lta00366 2/26/2008 lta00177 7/31/2008 lta00647 10/30/2008 ltb02137 1/2/2008 ltb00020 2/27/2008 ltb00366 3/25/2008 ltc00462 6/6/2008 08-2816 7/3/2008 ltb01281 9/17/2008 08-4594 4/30/2008 ltb00725 9/24/2008 ltb01838 10/31/2008 08-5816 3/28/2008 lte00409 7/25/2008 ltc01193 4/2/2008 08-1550 1/7/2008 lte00044 6/20/2008 ltb01131 Plaintiff River Valley Manor River Valley Manor Pedlar Shawn River Valley Manor River Valley Manor River Valley Man River Valley Manor Westwood Management Treasure Enter Paul Clasper Maplebrook Vill Apts Us Bank Doerr Properties Flagstar Bristol Court Kearsley Lake Terrace Llc Riverbend Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Bristol Court Madison Pk Est Tougas & Co Sugartree Apts Pineview Pine View Pineview Estates Lafonda Apts Lk Ponemah Mhp Lk Ponemah Mhp Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Village Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Wilinskon Amanda Walton Robert Wilkinson Amanda Wilkinson Amanda West Court Ranch Apt Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Bristol Court Ideal Rental Homes Hunters Ridge Apts Ideal Rental Hunters Ridge Apts Windsor Place Apts Roger Norton Real Estate Fountain Pointe Suffolk Court Apts Homecomings Fin Grande Pointe Apts Rising Ests Apts Last Name First Name Bloing Brent Bloing Donald Bloing Donald Blondin Sherrie Blondin Sherrie Blount Tiffany Blount Tiffany Blount Tiffany Blount Tiffany Blount Benjamin Blue Tom Blue Tom Blue Tom Blueit Shantia Blueitt Crystal Bluhm Kari Boan Richard Boardnex Sabrina Boatwright Sherri Boaz Helen Boaz Stephanie Boaz Demetrius Boaz Helen Bobo Aaron Bobo Shaumn Bobo Katie Bodary Thomas Bodie Kandice Bodie Kandace Boedecker Henry Boegner Joseph Boegner Amber Boettcher Steve Bogan Jeffrey Bogan Sharika Bogan Sue Boger Jeremy Boger Josh Boger Jeremy Bohannon Patricia Bohl Kimberly Bohl Kimberly Boilore Candice Boisclair Nathan Boisclair Nathan Boisclair Nathan Boisclair Nathan Boisclair Nathan Bokano Joshua Bolden Hortence Bolden Hortence Bolden-Bufor Tanisha Bollinger Donald Bollinger Donald Date Case 6/24/2008 lte00741 2/25/2008 ltb00305 9/29/2008 ltb01896 4/30/2008 ltc00703 8/4/2008 ltc01249 1/25/2008 lte00088 5/14/2008 lte00569 3/28/2008 lte00416 6/12/2008 lte00708 10/27/2008 08-5699 7/9/2008 ltb01310 8/20/2008 ltb01560 9/17/2008 ltb01797 10/14/2008 08-5106 5/15/2008 08-2362 2/21/2008 lte00220 2/8/2008 ltd00143 3/11/2008 08-1144 6/2/2008 ltc00864 5/19/2008 08-2431 9/5/2008 08-4401 10/28/2008 08-5735 7/11/2008 08-3389 3/27/2008 ltd00291 4/25/2008 08-2009 8/11/2008 08-3928 6/30/2008 ltb01175 1/16/2008 08-0270 3/19/2008 08-1759 5/20/2008 lta00421 4/30/2008 08-2131 7/10/2008 08-3399 5/13/2008 ltd00449 10/30/2008 ltd01035 3/3/2008 08-1080 9/30/2008 08-4942 8/27/2008 ltb01680 9/17/2008 ltb01805 7/23/2008 ltb01359 5/7/2008 ltf00537 10/30/2008 ltb02155 1/14/2008 ltf00093 7/7/2008 ltd00616 1/25/2008 lte00102 2/29/2008 lte00302 4/29/2008 lte00519 4/4/2008 08-1617 7/7/2008 lte00815 7/16/2008 08-3494 4/2/2008 ltb00603 7/30/2008 ltb01436 6/9/2008 08-2834 1/9/2008 ltb00060 6/4/2008 ltb01053 Plaintiff Perry Place Apts Fishermans Cove Fishermans Cove Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Fhc Riverwood Lux Apts Riverwood Lux Apts Riverwood Lux Apts Nola Jimison Beulah Ecker Perry Place Apts Citimortgage Danny Meekins N.Morris Estates Olson Mgmt Quality Mgmt Orchard Lane Olson Mgmt Pine Ridge Kermit Jr Ware Michael J Griffin Charter Oaks Apts Michael Neurohr Michael Neurohr Larry D Swadling Shady Acres Mhp Kirk Burrett Tercha Lawrence Pineridge Orchard Ridge Est Ray Curtin Stockton Tony Richfield Investors Llc Stockton Tony Pineview Twin Meadows Mhp Jawhari Bassam Georgetown Park Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Gisele Farah Fountian Pointe Michael Chapman Madison Pk Est Madison Pk Est Redstone Twh Westwood Management Westwood Management Last Name Bolter Bolton-Miller Bolton-Miller Bond Bond Bond Bondie Bondon Bonds Bonds Bonk Bonk Bonk Bonner Bonner Bonner Bonner Bonner Bonner Bonner Bonner Bonner Bonner Bonner Bonner Bonner-Norri Bonner-Norri Bonnier Bonter Booker Booker Booker Boone Boone Boone Boone Boone Boone Boone Boone Boone Boose Boose Booth Booth Booth Booth Booth Booth Jr Boozer Boozer Borg's Sport Boring Boring First Name Julianna Katrina Katrina Bridget Gere Floyd Jeff Robert Asha Asha Shannon Shannon Joseph Marquintes Marion Vernon Lisa Rose Patricia Marquintes Lateela Marquintes Jessica Marion Dollestner Jacqualin Jacqualin Kenneth Randy Kale Ebony Kale Candice Linda Timothy Chloria Lavern Lavern Chester Macie Chester Barbara Anthony Danny Todd Sandra Terry Jaunn Freddie Annette Annette C Melissa Robert Date Case 10/20/2008 ltf01295 1/9/2008 ltb00085 4/2/2008 ltb00593 9/29/2008 ltc01573 8/22/2008 08-4224 6/26/2008 08-3184 6/30/2008 ltc01056 8/22/2008 lta00723 7/10/2008 08-3368 10/6/2008 08-5027 5/15/2008 08-2359 7/28/2008 08-3767 9/3/2008 08-4415 1/2/2008 08-0131 4/30/2008 ltb00742 6/11/2008 08-2884 6/18/2008 ltf00709 7/30/2008 08-3752 9/15/2008 08-4575 6/3/2008 08-2731 9/8/2008 08-4456 9/24/2008 08-4791 7/16/2008 ltb01322 7/31/2008 ltb01474 8/28/2008 08-4294 5/22/2008 ltf00588 9/24/2008 ltf01174 7/14/2008 ltd00626 4/22/2008 ltf00456 4/16/2008 08-1824 4/4/2008 08-1580 3/11/2008 08-1285 1/10/2008 08-0207 1/25/2008 08-0463 4/30/2008 08-2144 6/12/2008 lte00712 5/15/2008 ltc00746 6/9/2008 ltc00915 2/8/2008 08-0795 8/26/2008 ltc01385 10/1/2008 08-4977 3/31/2008 ltf00373 3/13/2008 08-1129 2/6/2008 08-0776 5/22/2008 ltf00589 5/28/2008 ltc00846 9/10/2008 ltf01112 9/9/2008 08-4492 7/15/2008 ltc01097 4/4/2008 08-1635 7/18/2008 08-3562 9/19/2008 ltd00866 5/5/2008 ltc00716 7/2/2008 08-3274 Plaintiff Executive Property Arc Villa Arc Villa Hess Penny Kimberly Leonard Salem Housing Jones Burton Us Bank Nat Assoc Orchard Ridge Est Orchard Ridge Dtt Properties Daniel Tijerina Carriage Manor Country Cl Apts. Fishermans Cove Gary Bradshaw Landon Roy Roy Landon Eagle Ridge Sq Ctry Cl Man Apts Redstone Twh Country Club Manor Three Rivers Assoc Fishermans Cove S. Wolin Kings Lane Kings Lane Blw Investments Inc Meadowbrook Manor Brister Padgett P&T Brister Padgett Gerald Burton Sunshine Mgmt Hsbc Bk Usa Maplepark Terraces Dry Investments Inc Dry Investments Richfield Apts Lp Rutter Diane Ipm Church Realty Charles Miller Rollingwood Man Kings Lane Pineshores Apts Noone Charlene Ozell Simpson Rocca Jacquelyn Fhc Fhc Silver Pointe Curtiis Jablonski Citifinancial Mtg Last Name Borton Borum Bosak Bosak Boseman Bossert Bossert Bossert Bostic Botley Botley Bottinelli Bottinelli Bottinelli Boucher Boucher Bouck Bouguard Boulden Boulet Boulton Bounds Bounds Bounds Bounds Bouremia Boutiler Boutilier Boutique Bowan Bowden Bowden Bowden Bowe Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowen Bowens Bowerman Bowers Bowers Bowers Bowie Bowles Bowles Bowling Bowling Bowling Bowman First Name Sandra Michael Chris Allison Keya Arthur Arthur Arthur Jim Crystal Crystal Gina Gina Gina Marsha Danielle Jennifer Stacy Marquerite Bonnie Kenny Teresa Theresa Teresa Teresa Yioda Christine Christine Repeat Scott Celenia Celenia Beverly Levonne Josh Mark Corandes Mark Theresa Mark Theresa Troy Cheryl Jeff Misty Barbara Aaron Derrick Brian George Anthony A Carl Kenneth Date Case 7/30/2008 lte00923 1/24/2008 ltf00107 10/28/2008 lta00926 3/20/2008 ltf00323 1/14/2008 08-0257 10/24/2008 ltb02068 5/22/2008 ltb00872 9/24/2008 ltb01839 5/20/2008 lta00428 5/21/2008 08-2475 7/28/2008 08-3801 2/27/2008 lte00275 5/29/2008 lte00688 7/31/2008 lte00965 2/21/2008 ltb00295 7/22/2008 lte00871 10/10/2008 ltd00960 3/31/2008 08-1480 3/31/2008 08-1501 9/22/2008 lte01213 6/24/2008 ltf00755 1/22/2008 08-0323 5/13/2008 ltc00731 10/23/2008 08-5589 10/3/2008 08-5015 1/28/2008 ltc00200 1/9/2008 ltb00050 3/27/2008 ltb00535 10/1/2008 ltf01246 8/21/2008 ltc01381 1/28/2008 ltf00120 3/31/2008 ltf00363 6/19/2008 08-3067 6/26/2008 lte00777 5/23/2008 lte00636 6/17/2008 ltd00550 2/27/2008 ltc00373 3/18/2008 ltd00265 4/16/2008 ltd00344 9/18/2008 ltd00861 8/18/2008 ltd00749 8/18/2008 08-4040 5/28/2008 08-2643 8/19/2008 ltc01306 1/24/2008 08-0335 1/28/2008 lta00107 5/22/2008 lte00600 9/26/2008 08-4675 5/7/2008 ltb00793 10/1/2008 08-4979 2/29/2008 lte00313 6/16/2008 08-3020 8/8/2008 08-3937 1/25/2008 ltf00109 Plaintiff Perry Place Apts Genesee Villa Valley Mead Villag Kings Lane Steven Boyce Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Pheasant Run Mhp Motorcity Group Motorcity Group Thornridge Apts Thornridge Apts Thornridge Apts Guardian Mtg Group Five Mgmt Us Bank Na James Levasseur Larry Holland Parkwood Mhp Genesee Villa Tougas & Co. Doer Properties Glen Byers Glen Byers Fisher Doreen Stratford Sq Apts Stratford Sq Apts Pineview Estates Richard E Daly Jr Creekwood Creekwood Mhp M Lamar Harris Deutsche Bank Marabanian John Hamady Grant Stockton Tony Nichols Maureen Nichols Maureen Nichols Maureen Nichols Maureen Fnma Court St Village Oper John Renita Keelor Linden Place Mhc Fountain Pointe Jomo Byas Twin Meadows Mhp Ipm Maple Saginaw Investment Treasure Ente Westgate Manor Cook Thomas Last Name First Name Bowman Stephanie Bowman Brandy Bowman Brandy Bowman Tara Bowman Brandy Bowman Leslye Bowman Ken Bowman Ken Bowman Brandy Bowser Saquan Bowser Shaquan Bowsher Mark Boyce Jason Boyce Mark Boyd Colleen Boyd Colleen Boyd Diana Boyd Calvin Boyd Calvin Boyd Brenda Boyd Ronald Boyd Diana Boyd Diana Boyd Jennifer Boyd Barbara Boyd Brenda Boyd Rebecca Boyd Karen Boyd Eric Boyd Sr Garey Boyer Dawn Boyer Jamie Boylan Arthur Boyland Dorothy Boyle Mary Bozigan J Brabill Michael Brackenridge Nathan Brackett Demara Brackin Jayson Brackin Jayson Brackin Nicole Brackins Monique Brackins Latiya Brackins Katie Brackins Shirley Bracy Tyona Bradburn Joanna Bradburn James Bradburn Mike Bradbury Jodi Bradbury Jodi Braddock Shatara Braddock Antoinette Date Case 4/30/2008 ltb00755 4/30/2008 ltb00763 6/30/2008 ltb01193 2/19/2008 ltc00309 2/25/2008 ltb00315 8/6/2008 lta00661 8/12/2008 08-3985 10/15/2008 08-5193 9/29/2008 ltb01904 8/5/2008 08-3887 10/16/2008 ltc01643 10/6/2008 ltd00949 1/9/2008 ltb00071 4/15/2008 lta00316 1/2/2008 lta00003 5/28/2008 ltb00964 6/20/2008 ltb01132 4/25/2008 08-1991 3/26/2008 08-1379 3/24/2008 08-1409 3/25/2008 lte00382 3/25/2008 ltb00511 10/8/2008 ltb01994 10/20/2008 08-5506 8/28/2008 ltb01698 8/20/2008 ltb01563 10/30/2008 08-5772 7/31/2008 ltb01506 8/26/2008 ltf00999 9/15/2008 ltf01123 4/30/2008 ltc00695 10/3/2008 08-5064 7/14/2008 ltc01093 1/25/2008 08-0545 8/20/2008 lte01031 9/30/2008 ltd00924 6/3/2008 lta00477 7/30/2008 lte00920 4/2/2008 ltb00629 5/27/2008 ltf00621 3/18/2008 ltf00310 7/15/2008 ltf00861 5/28/2008 ltb00973 7/30/2008 ltc01231 9/2/2008 ltf01048 8/14/2008 lte01012 5/20/2008 08-2485 3/31/2008 ltc00521 8/28/2008 ltb01709 8/6/2008 08-3907 1/28/2008 ltf00121 3/31/2008 ltf00364 3/3/2008 08-1081 6/24/2008 ltf00718 Plaintiff Continental Estates Continental North Continental North Clovertree Apts Continental North Walker Annette Craig Smith Craig Smith Continental North Imad Isaac Ideal Rental Washington Mut Twin Meadows Mhp William E Lacey Amerihome Mtg Co Todd C Glynn Rising Ests Apts Laron Jones Carol Jones Citimortgage Tudor Estates Rising Estate Apts Rising Ests Apts Eileen Sweet Statford Square Apts Three Rivers Assoc Bryan Carrell Westwood Management Creekwood Countrywide Home N.Morris Ests Ray Curtin Congdon Donna Jeffery Harris Fountain Pointe Pheasant Run Apts Valley Meadow Gr Bend 452apts Dada Group Llc Lemeiux Robert Lemeiux Robert Julie A Sproule Cambridge Sq Flint Ideal Rental Boulder Creek Sandalwood South Cor Fhc Amerihome Mortgage Corp Twin Meadows Mhp Deb Cash Creekwood Creekwood Mhp Orchard Ridge Est Kings Lane Last Name Braddock Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradley Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Bradshaw Brady Bragg Braham Brahimiietac Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch Brand Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandt Brandt Brandt Brannon Branscomb Branscomb First Name Antoinette Johnathan Glenda Glenda Glenda Glenda Glenda Lindsay Glenda Audrella Krisshrion Tarmella Jonathan Debby Latoya Tarmella Shawntae Jonathan Charleen Alisha Debby Sandra Minus Charleen Benjamin Daniel Stephanie Al Wayne Jamie Joel Yolanda William Nygerem Koquita Angel Shakela Sarmarco Koquita Edna Shaheila Fallon Brooke Derrick Mary Lea Brooke Andre Richard Ronald Adam Deborah David David Date Case 10/17/2008 08-5525 1/15/2008 ltc00099 3/25/2008 lte00366 2/21/2008 lte00221 5/27/2008 lte00653 4/24/2008 lte00472 6/24/2008 lte00742 2/22/2008 lte00254 9/22/2008 lte01201 1/25/2008 08-0546 1/22/2008 08-0407 4/16/2008 08-1825 6/2/2008 ltc00865 3/25/2008 08-1423 5/1/2008 08-2177 7/10/2008 08-3318 8/20/2008 08-4141 8/29/2008 ltc01416 6/4/2008 08-2678 8/4/2008 08-3845 6/6/2008 08-2813 7/30/2008 ltb01430 10/31/2008 08-5814 10/7/2008 08-5074 9/15/2008 08-4643 3/26/2008 ltc00500 2/20/2008 lta00164 3/27/2008 ltf00353 4/24/2008 lte00489 9/3/2008 lta00740 10/16/2008 ltc01647 9/29/2008 08-4898 10/13/2008 lte01349 1/18/2008 lta00076 1/24/2008 08-0513 3/24/2008 08-1364 5/8/2008 ltf00565 2/19/2008 ltc00313 10/8/2008 ltb01965 7/15/2008 08-3443 8/18/2008 08-4030 9/24/2008 ltf01168 1/23/2008 lte00078 10/23/2008 ltc01695 3/31/2008 ltf00375 7/14/2008 ltb01319 7/22/2008 lte00868 7/31/2008 lte00978 6/19/2008 ltb01129 8/7/2008 ltd00722 8/11/2008 ltb01539 2/22/2008 lta00169 5/19/2008 ltf00578 10/20/2008 ltf01288 Plaintiff Family Tree Conc Indian Hills Manor Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Perry Place Apts Glendale Realty Redstone Twh Eugene Marve N.Morris Estates John TomcAla Ctry Cl Man Apts Eugene Marve Millie Parks N.Morris Estates Paula Graves Orchard Ridge Est Ideal Rental Homes Brookstone Valley Slidell Sr Res Paula Graves Ben Bradley Sugartree Apts Finch William Daniel D Wisenbaugh Maplebrook Vill Apts Mill Creek Apts Ideal Rental Fhc Fountain Pointe Kubic Fred Nove Henderson Beulah Ecker Gpa Mgt Clovertree Apts Madison Pk Est Phillip Johnson Pengelly Apts Kings Lane Group Five Mgmt Co. Clovertree Apts Blackberry Creek Wm Specialty Mtg Group Five Mgmt Deborah J Jones Collingwood Vill Apts Lk Ponemah Mhp Collingwood Vill Apts Bank Of New York Executive Property Executive Property Last Name Branstner Brantley Brasher Brasseur Brasseur Brassfield Braswell Braswell Bratton Bray Bray Brayshaw Brayshaw Braziel Brazil Breeden Breeden Breuer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewser Brewster Brewster Brewster Brewton Brewton Brewton Brezzell Bridges Bridges Bridges Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs Briggs First Name Barbara Brandon Jim Larry Edward Andrea John Alfred James Quana Leunia Daniel Diana Edward Edward Debra Debra Tammy Theresa Sally Lisa Sally Jonathan Pamela Val Pamela Tanissa Sally Lisa Alisha Tammy Johnathan Sally Jameelah Joel Sandra Johnathan Barbara Etienne Etienne Etienne Oshandre Oshontre Derek Priscilla Coydria Andrew Michael Annette James Gerald Gerald Jane Ray Date Case 7/15/2008 lte00840 2/22/2008 ltc00321 4/16/2008 lta00320 4/22/2008 ltb00674 9/4/2008 ltf01109 10/15/2008 lte01374 10/27/2008 ltf01324 5/14/2008 lte00564 6/5/2008 ltb01087 6/23/2008 ltc01016 7/28/2008 lta00618 9/24/2008 ltc01508 9/24/2008 ltc01531 2/4/2008 08-0749 7/18/2008 08-3536 8/27/2008 ltc01387 8/4/2008 ltc01252 10/27/2008 lta00919 1/7/2008 lta00024 1/9/2008 ltb00086 4/14/2008 lta00310 5/7/2008 ltb00788 2/19/2008 lte00204 3/18/2008 ltb00456 6/20/2008 ltd00566 5/22/2008 ltb00873 2/15/2008 08-0871 8/8/2008 ltb01532 9/24/2008 ltc01512 9/29/2008 08-4891 7/17/2008 08-3515 8/4/2008 lte00995 7/3/2008 ltb01268 9/22/2008 lte01200 7/22/2008 08-3624 8/21/2008 ltb01585 10/6/2008 lte01326 5/21/2008 ltc00773 5/8/2008 lte00555 2/26/2008 lte00263 7/10/2008 lte00835 2/20/2008 08-0932 10/21/2008 08-5572 8/27/2008 08-4218 10/23/2008 ltc01718 10/27/2008 ltf01325 5/8/2008 08-2264 10/23/2008 08-5585 3/25/2008 ltc00491 5/7/2008 lta00391 6/4/2008 ltb01054 3/3/2008 ltb00390 8/27/2008 ltb01652 10/17/2008 ltd00971 Plaintiff Us Bank National Kennedy Michael Jc Properties Rising Ests Apts Larry Swadling Riverbend Apts Kings Lane Lux Apartments Stratford Sq Apts Mtglq Investors Lp Laurence Wolf Prop Sugartree Apts Southcreek Village Fhc Fhc Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Westhaven Mhp Llc Somerset Apts Arc Villa Finch William Arc Villa Heatherwood Apts Windsor Place Apts Us Bank Na Windsor Place Apts Arbor Vill Apts Arc Villa Triple C Properties Fhc Fnma Heatherwood Apts Arc Villa Perry Place Apts Lois Driver Willson Burt Heatherwood Apts Ideal Rental Country Club Miller Country Club-Miller Country Club Miller Tdm Tdm Robert Walton Cedarshores Apt Kings Lane Richfield Apts Rose Accept Ideal Rental Flint Pasadena Llc Westwood Management Westwood Management Westwood Management Bank Of New York Last Name Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Brinker Brinker Brinker Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Briseno Bristol Britt Britt Britt Britt Britt Britt Britt Britt Broach Broach Broadnax Brock Brock Brock/gilbert Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks Brookshire Brookshire Brookshire Brookshire Broome Brosseit Broughton Broughton First Name Nakesha Nakesha Kelly Nakisha Kelly Jayne Jason Jayne Margarette Margaret Margaret Marganta Margaret Marganta Jeremy Dannisha Joyce Heath Tamara Heath Jakeya Zina Zina Tamara Carolyn Carolyn Kansas Termika Termika Dominica Pam John Brandon Eric Tawana Betty John Betty Kevin Angela John Sonny Callie Lamonica Angela Monica Kimberly Lacey Lacey Lacey Jesse Peggy Theon Theon Date Case 4/14/2008 08-1716 2/13/2008 08-0817 4/30/2008 08-2124 6/4/2008 08-2667 7/2/2008 08-3301 6/19/2008 ltc00941 8/29/2008 ltc01415 7/25/2008 ltc01204 1/30/2008 08-0616 5/14/2008 08-2313 4/16/2008 08-1821 9/24/2008 ltb01840 7/3/2008 08-3240 8/25/2008 ltb01596 10/30/2008 ltf01387 10/22/2008 08-5583 1/2/2008 08-0096 2/27/2008 ltb00367 2/20/2008 08-0936 4/30/2008 ltb00731 4/30/2008 ltd00416 9/17/2008 08-4658 9/5/2008 08-4398 10/15/2008 08-5126 8/18/2008 08-4038 6/16/2008 08-3014 10/27/2008 lte01444 1/16/2008 08-0226 5/8/2008 08-2263 8/26/2008 lta00728 1/30/2008 08-0489 1/31/2008 ltb00205 10/24/2008 ltb02069 2/25/2008 08-0922 2/19/2008 08-0788 3/3/2008 08-1057 4/1/2008 ltb00573 5/7/2008 08-2228 5/2/2008 08-2164 4/25/2008 ltc00679 9/22/2008 ltb01816 9/18/2008 ltb01811 10/6/2008 08-5028 7/17/2008 08-3516 8/21/2008 ltc01350 7/10/2008 08-3387 10/30/2008 ltc01742 10/30/2008 ltf01389 10/1/2008 ltf01213 9/3/2008 ltf01098 9/23/2008 lta00807 9/15/2008 ltd00856 1/22/2008 lte00071 3/31/2008 lte00424 Plaintiff Ray Collins Ray Collins First St Lofts Ray Collins First St Lofts Sugartree Apts N.Morris Estates Sugartree Apts Kingdom Mgmt Barb Johnson Barb Johnson Windsor Place Apts Barb Johnson Windsor Place Apts Pineview Estates Treasure Enter Shiloh Com Twnh Huntington Circle Apts Creekside Apts Huntington Circle Apts Sunridge Apts Mark Tyler Mark Tyler Creekside Apts Treasure Enter Treasure Enter Maplebrook Vill Apts Richfield Apt Richfield Apts Lp Kilmer Danny Allyson Snell Hometown Amer Timb Hgt Windsor Place Apts Kevin Muma Cit Group-Cons Redstone Twh Hometown Amer Redstone Twh Woodgate Llc Bristol Court Hometown Amer Federal H Mtg Orchard Ridge Countrywide Home Bristol Court Arthur Meier Hendry Bruce Pineview Estates Pineview Estates Pineview River Vall Manor The Federal Mtg Payne Christophe Payne Christophe Last Name Broughton Broughton Broughton Broughton Brouillet Browder Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown First Name Theon Albert Dyquesha Michael Cheryl Sara Charlene Alvin Akilah Bettye Virginia Latricia Sandrea Michelle Jarqueline Nikki David Lawrence Heather William Bennie Monica Shatar Freddie Carmen Heather Keith Cynthia Geralyn Roneeka Tammy Daphne Terry Lawrence Kissie Bennie Nicholas Carmen Wanda Tanisha Sam Laverne Brenda Ashley Wanda Troy Timothy Venus Richard William Linda Octavia Roy Aliah Date Case 2/21/2008 lte00213 10/1/2008 ltf01234 7/21/2008 lte00858 7/30/2008 lte00913 4/30/2008 ltb00747 8/29/2008 ltd00829 1/9/2008 ltb00070 1/28/2008 08-0443 1/14/2008 08-0266 1/25/2008 08-0552 1/22/2008 08-0394 1/8/2008 ltd00055 1/28/2008 08-0445 10/27/2008 lte01447 1/31/2008 lte00119 1/24/2008 ltb00123 1/31/2008 ltb00231 1/25/2008 ltd00092 1/9/2008 ltf00076 1/4/2008 08-0026 1/28/2008 ltb00163 1/28/2008 ltb00164 1/29/2008 ltd00108 1/31/2008 ltc00212 1/24/2008 ltb00122 10/30/2008 ltf01393 10/28/2008 ltf01348 10/30/2008 ltb02126 10/30/2008 ltb02121 10/31/2008 lta00940 2/11/2008 ltc00264 4/1/2008 08-1534 5/21/2008 ltb00854 5/27/2008 ltd00485 2/4/2008 08-0657 5/22/2008 ltf00590 5/22/2008 lte00626 5/21/2008 ltb00853 3/14/2008 08-1294 6/25/2008 ltc01048 5/22/2008 ltf00591 4/28/2008 08-2053 3/31/2008 lte00429 6/24/2008 ltf00719 4/21/2008 08-1807 4/21/2008 08-1887 6/3/2008 lta00470 2/26/2008 ltd00222 4/14/2008 08-1688 3/31/2008 08-1511 4/11/2008 08-1714 4/30/2008 08-2063 6/25/2008 ltc01041 2/22/2008 08-0898 Plaintiff Payne Christophe Pineview Estates Maple Park Terraces Parkwood Mhp White Oak Estates Becker Doreen Twin Meadows Mhp Tyree W Williams Allyson Snell River Village Apts Marlene Pifher Sunridge Apts D Himelhoch Maplebrook Vill Apts Perry Place Apts Three Rivers Assoc White Oak Estates Fenton Oaks Pineview Estates Michael Dempsey Kings Lane Kings Lane Sunridge Apts Michael A Kennedy Three Rivers Assoc Pineview Estates Creekwood Arc Torrey Hills Camelot Villa The Villas Todd J Sydow Rosewood Riv Twh Three Rivers Assoc Fenton Oaks Llc Douglas Sepanak Kings Lane Knollwood Village Three Rivers Assoc Geri Bader Pineshores Apts Kings Lane River Village Apts Maple Park Terraces Kings Lane Geri Bader Terry Kerouac Mill Creek Center Sunridge Apts Robert Matthews Michael Dempsey Fnma Jacqueline Little Stockton Tony Allyson Snell Last Name Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown First Name Davon Marsha Jennifer Charlotte Richard Jacob Deborah Alicia Latoya Nichole David Angel Heather Keita Taron Rodney Tawanna Brandon Steven Cynthia Keith Delmichael Larry Erica Earlene Ashley Loubertha Nikki Terry Amber Gary Robin Latoya Ronald Tashina Andrew Anita Tiffany Keith William A David Keneta Daphne Tammy Melissa Shikita Akia Lakeisha Vhiranda Louise Desheia Helga April Date Case 5/29/2008 08-2637 6/4/2008 ltb01032 3/20/2008 ltf00318 2/25/2008 08-0993 3/5/2008 08-1174 3/24/2008 lte00353 3/19/2008 08-1268 2/5/2008 lte00184 2/4/2008 08-0714 2/5/2008 lte00185 3/28/2008 ltb00539 2/21/2008 08-0952 5/7/2008 ltf00552 5/7/2008 ltb00826 3/19/2008 08-1746 3/24/2008 lte00356 5/14/2008 08-2335 5/30/2008 08-2665 6/17/2008 ltc00931 6/18/2008 ltb01111 5/28/2008 ltf00633 2/20/2008 08-0935 3/6/2008 ltb00439 6/4/2008 ltb01022 5/21/2008 08-2520 5/5/2008 ltf00504 3/19/2008 ltc00429 3/19/2008 ltb00484 3/19/2008 ltb00485 5/5/2008 08-2194 3/5/2008 ltf00253 5/28/2008 ltc00848 5/1/2008 08-2183 4/3/2008 08-1526 4/1/2008 ltd00330 3/26/2008 08-1447 2/13/2008 08-0834 2/21/2008 08-0907 2/6/2008 ltc00260 3/18/2008 08-1349 4/1/2008 ltd00328 5/22/2008 ltb00925 6/11/2008 ltd00539 4/30/2008 08-2103 5/21/2008 08-2531 2/14/2008 ltd00162 3/26/2008 08-1380 4/21/2008 08-1910 4/25/2008 ltc00661 5/15/2008 08-2403 3/25/2008 08-1370 9/22/2008 08-4769 10/15/2008 08-5191 10/23/2008 08-5518 Plaintiff Tonya Martin Brookstone Valley Genesee Westgate Terrace Apts Richard He Wm Specialty Mtg Group Five Mgmgt Treasure Enter Maplebrook Vill Apts Westgate Terr Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts White Oak Estates Rita Tobias Pineview Madison Pk Est Renee Turner Olson & Associa Diamond Forest Prop Theresa Mosley Orchard Ridge Est Federal National Arc Torrey Hills Creekwood Creekside Apts Kearsley Creek Llc Madison Pk Est Motorcity Group Kings Lane Sublett Virginia Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Orchard Ridge Est Pineview Pineshores Apts Westgate Terr Apts Steven Tessmer Sunridge Apts Nove Henderson Navarro Lockett Colonel Lee Federal National Mtg Assoc James Mars Sunridge Apts White Oak Estates Lemke Dale Rosewood Riv Twh Ideal Rental Homes Terra Mgmt Co Olson & Associates Allyson Snell Clovertree Apts Jp Investing Royal Mhp Richfield Aprts Dayne Davis Accurate Mgmt Last Name Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown First Name Terry Heather Tonecia Nicolas Desheia Andrew Monica Gary April Charlotte Bishetta Kimberly William Carmen Latoya Marquetta Andre David Diane Jarqueline Troy Wanda Tammie Andre Louis Chinanna Vhiranda Laverne Shaniya Alvin Akilah A Heather Victoria Rolondo April Tashina Angela Wade Jacob Waynemon Catherine Jennifer David Kimberly Bishetta Sharhonda J Freddie Shiela Terry Heather Gloria Terry Date Case 8/20/2008 ltb01562 9/17/2008 lta00788 6/24/2008 08-3166 7/14/2008 ltf00859 8/7/2008 lta00675 7/31/2008 08-3711 7/14/2008 ltf00857 9/22/2008 lte01199 6/3/2008 08-2741 6/3/2008 08-2748 9/23/2008 08-4736 6/16/2008 08-2993 8/11/2008 08-4017 10/14/2008 ltb02013 7/28/2008 08-3743 7/30/2008 ltc01237 8/19/2008 08-4152 7/31/2008 ltb01483 7/18/2008 08-3529 7/30/2008 lte00924 9/5/2008 08-4306 7/23/2008 08-3634 9/2/2008 08-4368 7/16/2008 08-3476 8/25/2008 08-4181 7/15/2008 08-3335 10/31/2008 08-5824 6/23/2008 08-3144 8/19/2008 08-4053 10/15/2008 08-5164 10/17/2008 08-5515 7/1/2008 ltd00587 7/1/2008 ltf00814 6/30/2008 08-3193 9/24/2008 ltc01505 9/8/2008 08-4485 9/30/2008 ltd00920 7/9/2008 08-3383 10/16/2008 lte01382 7/22/2008 lte00863 7/22/2008 lta00605 9/29/2008 ltc01571 8/25/2008 08-4203 9/29/2008 ltb01879 9/29/2008 08-4894 7/28/2008 08-3572 7/31/2008 08-3826 7/15/2008 08-3465 8/28/2008 ltc01399 8/20/2008 08-4148 7/16/2008 ltb01323 10/1/2008 ltf01201 10/1/2008 lta00849 10/14/2008 ltb02014 Plaintiff Three Rivers Assoc Myrtle Grove Mhp Metawan Hills Kings Lane Flint Twp Prop James Thomas Kings Lane Perry Place Apts Westgate Ter Apts Westgate Ter Apts River Village Apts Fhc Michael Dempsey Three Rivers Assoc Westgate Ter Apts Mark K Spinney Maguire 6 Llc White Oaks Estates Fhc Perry Place Apts Chris C. Thorsby Randy McCormick Mark Tyler Maguire 6 Llc River Village Apts Mickey Nagueb Jp Investing River Village Apts Fhc Tyree W. Williams Allyson Snell Sunridge Apts Pine View Sunshine Mgmt Sugartree Apts Sandra Burtch Sunridge Apts Ray Collins Bank Of New York Group Five Mgmt Freemont Investment Flagstar Bank Scot Johnson White Oak Estates Fhc River Village Apts Ideal Rental Home Asap Invests Michael Kennedy Kelley Bailey Three Rivers Assoc Pineview Estates Wells Fargo Bank Three Rivers Assoc Last Name Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Jr Brown Jr Brown-Cars Browning Brubaker Bruce Bruce Bruce Bruce Brumley Brumley Bruner Bruner Bruner Bruno Bruno Brush Bruski Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant First Name Warren Udell Timothy Akia Janice Regina Jacquelyn Chandra Milishi Chandra Aretina Tashina Jeremy Vhiranda Jacobi Venus Waynemon Helga Kenneth Michael Charles Chandra Wayne Aimee Dana Mark Courtney Mark Roy Kelli Amy Joy Amy Scott Hartford Karen Theodore Delbert Delbert Delbert Delbert Delbert Delbert Latoya Kimberly Rusty John Stephanie Kimberly Rusty Gina James Edward Rusty Date Case 9/2/2008 ltc01419 7/21/2008 08-3580 8/28/2008 lta00735 7/30/2008 08-3710 10/15/2008 08-5204 8/19/2008 08-4046 8/7/2008 lte01000 9/25/2008 08-4806 9/15/2008 08-4634 10/2/2008 08-5003 7/21/2008 08-3502 7/29/2008 ltd00680 8/5/2008 ltc01277 9/30/2008 08-4843 8/29/2008 08-4383 7/29/2008 ltd00679 8/4/2008 ltc01274 6/13/2008 08-2916 7/16/2008 ltd00627 4/2/2008 lte00434 3/24/2008 08-1387 6/23/2008 08-3046 9/12/2008 08-4563 5/14/2008 08-2338 1/2/2008 08-0003 3/19/2008 08-1729 4/10/2008 ltf00409 5/16/2008 08-2414 3/3/2008 ltc00388 10/9/2008 lte01330 1/16/2008 lta00068 1/2/2008 08-0077 4/15/2008 lta00315 5/21/2008 08-2532 6/20/2008 08-3076 3/11/2008 08-1149 10/16/2008 ltc01641 4/10/2008 ltf00406 2/7/2008 ltf00173 3/5/2008 ltf00246 5/7/2008 ltf00546 9/3/2008 ltf01091 7/1/2008 ltf00807 1/30/2008 08-0630 1/29/2008 ltd00109 1/24/2008 08-0530 1/2/2008 lta00004 2/13/2008 ltc00267 4/30/2008 ltd00415 3/25/2008 08-1424 4/3/2008 08-1525 2/12/2008 08-0848 9/30/2008 08-4912 9/17/2008 08-4593 Plaintiff Deutsche Bank Tony Stockton Mill Creek Center Allyson A. Snell Park Manor Fhc Gateway Of Gr Bl Matt. Wothke David Louis Matt. Wothke Fouzi Zerka Sunridge Apts Jodie Joel Bissonette Jp Investing Regina R Brown Sunridge Apts Fremont Invest E Cat Llc Lemke Dale Mapleridge Apts Deutsche Bk Terrace Apts Midfirst Bank Evelyn Angel Donald Smith Freumeth Polaski Pineview Grant Hamady Us Bank National Roumayah Jimmy Montrose Mhp American Mhp William E Lacey Dave Washburn Geralann Putman Larry Flagg Us Bank Pineview Pine View Pineview Pineview Pineview Pine View Kingdom Mgmt Sunridge Apts Gary Goad Realty Wm Specialty Hilton M Yarbrough Sunridge Apts Dave Washburn Daniel Perkins Westgate Park Bank N Y Ideal Rental Homes Last Name First Name Bryant Kimberly Bryant Karen Bryant Karen Bryant Yvonne Bryant Marcus Bryant Kimberly Bryson Krystal Bryson Darryl Bryson Krystal Bryson Todd Buben Bryan Buchanan Jason Buchanan Jason Buchanan Jason Buchanon Teashan Buchler Jenny Buchler Jenny Buck Girlie Buck Sabrina Buck Fantasia Buckey Latasha Buckley Tajuana Buckley Tajuana Bucy Chad Buffey Barry Buffey Barry Buffey Karrie Buford Rosiland Buford Rosiland Buggs Betty Buggs Brenda Buggs Carmela Buggs Kierra Buggs-McDill Vondra Bukowski Jeff Bullock Amanda Bumstead Michelle Bumstead Michelle Bunch Carrie Bunch Carrie Bunch Gail Bunker Kristyn Bunker Kristyn Bunn Timothy Bunton Kim Bur James Burch Ronald Burch Annette Burchunelt Kathy Burens Karen Burges Mechell Burgess Mechell Burgess Nathaniel Burgess Donna Date Case 8/26/2008 ltd00813 10/15/2008 08-5194 10/28/2008 08-5658 7/21/2008 08-3591 8/20/2008 08-4138 7/1/2008 ltd00586 3/24/2008 08-1389 3/31/2008 08-1508 9/2/2008 ltc01427 10/20/2008 ltd00973 3/31/2008 ltc00524 1/2/2008 lte00020 3/24/2008 lte00348 8/29/2008 lte01133 8/19/2008 08-4074 7/14/2008 ltc01089 8/27/2008 ltc01388 3/28/2008 lte00415 3/17/2008 08-1724 6/4/2008 08-2719 8/18/2008 08-4106 10/27/2008 lte01436 8/4/2008 lte00989 6/5/2008 ltf00684 2/6/2008 ltb00272 9/10/2008 ltb01779 10/9/2008 ltb02001 1/22/2008 08-0408 6/9/2008 08-2835 2/4/2008 08-0741 10/8/2008 08-5111 8/4/2008 08-3846 7/18/2008 08-3563 2/28/2008 08-0884 6/26/2008 ltb01136 8/1/2008 ltd00708 4/11/2008 08-1670 6/3/2008 08-2681 1/30/2008 ltb00184 4/2/2008 ltb00594 7/15/2008 lta00588 1/23/2008 ltf00103 5/15/2008 ltf00576 3/24/2008 08-1393 1/10/2008 lta00042 10/20/2008 ltf01303 4/9/2008 lta00301 10/1/2008 08-4978 5/14/2008 08-2312 8/27/2008 08-4289 4/14/2008 08-1671 9/15/2008 08-4621 9/29/2008 08-4829 9/19/2008 08-4724 Plaintiff Sunridge Apts Kalus Jackson Kathleen Jackson Treasure Enter Millie Parks Sunridge Apts M Beard Westgate Terr Apts Cedarshores Apt Bank Of N Y Buben John Maplebrook Vill Apts Maplebrook Village Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Fhc Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Fox Hill Glens Dave Johnson Ralph E Yates Denise Morgan Maplebrook Vill Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Vaughn Chuck Arc Villa Arc Villa Arc Villa Redstone Twh Redstone Twh Fhc Steve Bozoki Orchard Ridge Est Fhc Lynda Young Hsbc Bank Usa Na Georgetown Park Eileen Sweet Eileen Sweet Arc Villa Arc Villa Community State Bk McNamara Hilda A Plus Design American Mhp Leonard Sarah Green Briar Deutsche Bank Evergreen Reg Jack Diamond Margaret Tedhams Cliften Sterling Marianne Roat Roy Landon Veterans Affairs Last Name Burgett Burgquist Burgquist Burk Burk Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burke Burks Burks Burks Burks Burks Burks Burks Burks-Pitima Burks-Pittma Burleigh Burlingame Burm Burmeister Burmeister Burnes Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnett Burnette Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Burns Jones Burow Burquist First Name Angela Michael Michael Jane Terry Ronald Steven Kenneth Ronald Cheryl Steven Angela Jessica Gale Ronald Ronald Charmetrius Patricia Charmetrius Charmetrius Tamareico Cynthia Charmetrius Patricia Patricia Michael Jamie Mark Eric Eric Shacquea Heather Shauneka Tanesha Tanesha Chester Johnny Tanesha Lashannon Tonya Tanesha Shauneka Debra Debra William Shalonda Shalonda Keith Carla Trecia Janne Pinkie Jeffrey Michael Date Case 3/20/2008 ltf00316 2/7/2008 ltf00157 4/10/2008 ltf00394 5/13/2008 ltf00572 8/7/2008 lta00670 1/24/2008 ltb00124 2/25/2008 ltb00316 4/28/2008 08-2013 3/19/2008 ltb00486 4/11/2008 lta00305 3/28/2008 ltb00559 5/12/2008 ltc00727 8/22/2008 ltd00766 10/1/2008 ltf01243 7/16/2008 ltb01324 8/20/2008 ltb01564 4/16/2008 08-1820 3/31/2008 lta00284 2/21/2008 08-0950 6/16/2008 08-2952 9/17/2008 08-4648 7/30/2008 ltc01235 10/28/2008 08-5762 8/5/2008 lta00655 10/7/2008 lta00861 10/14/2008 lta00875 3/25/2008 ltd00274 3/3/2008 lta00187 2/19/2008 ltd00168 9/16/2008 ltd00859 8/19/2008 08-4060 1/28/2008 ltf00111 1/11/2008 08-0240 1/25/2008 ltc00164 3/25/2008 ltc00460 5/8/2008 08-2258 6/9/2008 ltf00691 5/23/2008 ltc00823 7/3/2008 ltb01275 6/11/2008 08-2886 7/25/2008 ltc01182 10/24/2008 08-5652 9/25/2008 08-4813 6/18/2008 08-3026 9/30/2008 lte01313 3/24/2008 lte00358 6/23/2008 lte00737 5/20/2008 08-2486 10/15/2008 lte01375 7/25/2008 ltc01170 9/10/2008 08-4503 5/2/2008 08-2165 5/5/2008 ltd00436 6/3/2008 ltf00649 Plaintiff Genesee Pine View Pineview Boulder Creek Deutsche Bank Three Rivers Assoc Continental North Dave Johnson Three Rivers Assoc Federal Nat Mtg Continental North Nagy Jeannine Georgetown Park Pineview Estates Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Barb Johnson Mark K Spinney Kingdon Asset Mgmt Barb Johnson John C Eaton Ideal Rental Tony Stockton Mark R Spinney Mark K Spinney Pheasant Run Mhp Federal National Countywide Home Lake Fenton Mhp Lake Fenton Mhp Fhc Maple Grove Dry Investments Bristol Court Triple C Properties Citibank Na Federal National Bristol Court Huntington Cir Apts L.A. Jr Hairston Bristol Court Dry Investment Tdm Realty Tdm Realty Thornridge Apts Diamond Forest Prop Diamond Forest Prop Fhc Riverbend Apts Dutch Village Llc Jerry Hart Terry Hanson Gateway Manor Lp Green Acre Last Name Burquist Burr Burrage Burrage Burrell Burress Burress Burris Burroughs Burrows Burt Burt Burt Burt Burt Burtch Burtch Burtley Burtley Burtley Burton Burton Burton Burton Burton Burton Burton Burton Burton Burton Burton Burton Burtrum Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Busick Bussiere Butcher Buterakos Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butler Butlers First Name Michael Kathleen Donnie J.D. Reid Jackquelyn Jacquely Joseph Chelsea Melissa Edris Metoia Cheryl Joshua Shrika Krista Krista Ronquel Ronquel Roquel Stacey Steven Stacey Delano Jennifer Janie Gary Jason Stacey Delano Delano Devra Chad Karen Alisa Remoka Nedra Alisa Alisa Nedra Lucas Christophe Jennifer Mareesa Jose Marketa Rasheena Mary Lee Catherine Rasheena Jose Maketa Elfriede Date Case 8/5/2008 ltf00950 5/22/2008 ltf00617 6/4/2008 08-2785 9/8/2008 08-4486 10/28/2008 lte01462 4/7/2008 08-1554 6/13/2008 ltc00923 3/11/2008 ltf00292 10/29/2008 ltf01355 2/4/2008 08-0726 1/29/2008 08-0576 1/22/2008 lte00072 3/20/2008 08-1345 9/5/2008 ltb01731 9/3/2008 08-4417 5/29/2008 08-2566 3/25/2008 08-1372 1/2/2008 08-0136 6/23/2008 08-3139 10/15/2008 08-5214 4/22/2008 08-1909 3/27/2008 lte00395 5/14/2008 08-2304 5/7/2008 ltb00827 4/23/2008 ltb00678 7/3/2008 08-3242 10/3/2008 ltc01598 7/2/2008 08-3305 8/5/2008 08-3880 7/29/2008 lte00905 10/15/2008 lte01376 8/8/2008 ltb01535 1/30/2008 lte00108 4/21/2008 08-1834 4/16/2008 08-1803 4/25/2008 08-2011 9/29/2008 08-4907 7/25/2008 08-3655 6/19/2008 08-3059 6/16/2008 08-2964 9/30/2008 ltd00928 10/22/2008 ltc01676 9/4/2008 08-4263 8/25/2008 08-4247 1/28/2008 ltb00165 1/22/2008 08-0409 4/4/2008 08-1623 5/30/2008 ltb01001 2/22/2008 08-0914 10/20/2008 ltf01281 8/19/2008 08-4073 8/4/2008 ltf00937 8/19/2008 08-4083 7/17/2008 08-3495 Plaintiff Pineview Abdule Mutee Doris Brandt Betty Joseph Group Five Mgmt Richard L Mountz Love Lawrence Meadowbrook Manor Kings Lane Fhc Wells Fargo Bk Payne Christpher Mort. Electronic Us Bank Rosewood M Apts Royal Mhp Royal Mhp Arbor Vill Apts Arbor Vill Apts Park Manor Sunshine Mgmt Hometown America Margaret Yanik Madison Pk Est Genesee Valley John Haynes N.Morris Estates W Second St Assoc Patricia Labarge Riverbend Apts Riverbend Apts Lasalle Bank National Associat On North Park Holdings Llc Larry Flagg Michael Clark Rose Accept Fhc Michael Clark Michael Clark Fhc Baier Stefan Sugartree Apts Westgate Manor Msh Da Kings Lane Redstone Twh Fhc Wells Fargo Bank Na Tim Harrington Bank Of New York Fhc Kings Lane Fhc Court Aprt Last Name Butterworth Butts Buyek Buys Byars Byers Byers Byers Byers Byers Byers Byler Byler Byler Byler Byler Byram Byrd Byrd Byrd Byrd Byrd Byrd Byrd Byrne Byrne Byrnes Byrnes Byrom Byron Caballero Caballero Caballero Caballero Caballero Caballero Caballero Caballero Cabell Cabell Cabine Cadd Cady Caery Caery Caery Cagle Cahill Sr Cairns Cairns Caldron Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell First Name Kevin Tara Julisa Ken Kandi Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Michael Leanne Leanne Leanne Leanne Tracy Delerra Stephanie Kathy Kathy Tina Stephanie Diane Josh John James James Derrick Vanessa Felix Felix Felix Felix Cynthia Felix Felix Cynthia Dianne Ryan Charmayne Christina Kim Patricia Patricia Michael Cecil Timothy Carolee Carolee Lisa Michelle Jennifer William Date Case 7/29/2008 ltb01381 5/28/2008 08-2561 1/3/2008 08-0017 5/20/2008 lta00429 5/28/2008 ltb00982 9/17/2008 ltc01488 9/17/2008 ltc01487 8/4/2008 ltc01272 8/4/2008 ltc01271 8/4/2008 ltc01273 8/4/2008 ltc01270 1/28/2008 lta00104 5/14/2008 08-2352 3/17/2008 08-1316 7/15/2008 08-3458 7/16/2008 C8-3458 8/7/2008 lte00999 1/2/2008 08-0116 4/11/2008 08-1709 4/28/2008 08-2024 5/27/2008 08-2577 9/24/2008 ltc01552 8/13/2008 08-3965 9/4/2008 08-4443 4/14/2008 08-1719 8/11/2008 ltf00971 5/15/2008 ltb00849 8/13/2008 ltb01544 5/5/2008 08-2195 10/30/2008 ltf01401 5/15/2008 ltf00577 6/17/2008 ltf00707 4/16/2008 ltf00447 3/19/2008 ltf00312 8/18/2008 ltf00985 10/22/2008 ltf01316 7/24/2008 ltf00912 9/17/2008 ltf01133 10/27/2008 lte01441 9/5/2008 08-4312 5/27/2008 08-2509 7/30/2008 ltb01423 6/30/2008 lte00794 5/16/2008 08-2390 9/25/2008 08-4809 10/7/2008 08-5040 3/31/2008 ltf00379 9/5/2008 ltb01745 5/15/2008 08-2404 2/26/2008 08-1001 2/4/2008 08-0687 1/24/2008 08-0435 2/26/2008 ltc00333 5/22/2008 ltb00874 Plaintiff Windsor Pl Apts Danny Zerka Rudolph McCarty Pheasant Run Mhp Arc Torrey Hills Fin Homecomings Fin Homecomings Homecomings Fin Homecomings Fin Homecomings Fin Homecomings Fin Homesales Tdm Realty Tdm Realty Tdm Realty Tdm Realty Washington Mut Orchard Rg Apts Richfield Apts F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. Suffolk Court Apts Richfield Apts Tdm Norma Killian Centennial Farms Willowbrook Apts Willowbrook Apts Orchard Ridge Est Pineview Estates Sarryanna Inv Llc Sarryahah Invest. Sarryanah Invest Sarryanah Sarryanah Invest Sarryanah Investments Sarryanah Invest Sarryanah Invest Maplebrook Vill Apts Alex Partners Serenity Invests Arc Torrey Hills Cady Wanda David L Carrill David Carrill Washington Mut Blackberry Creek Citimortgage Inc Ray Landon Roy Landon Ray Smith Dtt Properties Southcreek Village Windsor Place Apts Last Name Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Calhoun Calhoun Calhoun Callahan Callahan Callahan Callaway Callaway Callon Calloway Camarena Camehl Camehl Cameron Cameron Camp Camp Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell First Name Michelle Henry Jennifer William Candice Christina Avion Avion Unicee David David Jennifer Sophia Nathan Phylicia Daniel Dan Billy Steve Shawn Robin Robert Erika Donald Tammy Vanessa Renee Erika Joe Tammy Robin Carietta Vanessa Roman Joe Joe Gerald Toye Debra Gerald Bob Sharon Erica Sharon Angela Gerald Tammy Sharon Monique Tammy Robert Robert Dawn Erica Date Case 5/13/2008 08-2342 5/21/2008 ltb00855 7/25/2008 ltc01153 7/29/2008 ltb01382 10/29/2008 08-5763 1/9/2008 ltb00087 5/22/2008 lte00610 9/22/2008 lte01225 1/3/2008 08-0015 6/2/2008 ltc00866 4/3/2008 ltc00547 5/29/2008 lta00461 10/27/2008 08-5676 1/30/2008 08-0618 2/19/2008 lte00203 6/16/2008 ltd00548 5/19/2008 08-2458 2/19/2008 lta00155 2/1/2008 08-0498 7/23/2008 ltc01108 2/21/2008 08-0895 7/31/2008 ltb01492 1/10/2008 08-0061 1/16/2008 lta00070 1/25/2008 lte00099 1/24/2008 08-0501 6/18/2008 ltb01115 4/15/2008 08-1682 2/26/2008 ltc00351 5/22/2008 lte00605 5/22/2008 ltf00592 6/3/2008 ltf00665 3/19/2008 08-1334 3/19/2008 08-1336 6/20/2008 ltc00983 4/25/2008 ltc00636 4/3/2008 ltc00548 4/29/2008 08-2094 6/24/2008 08-3113 6/20/2008 ltc00961 3/13/2008 lta00221 4/30/2008 ltb00735 3/11/2008 08-1133 6/18/2008 ltb01112 4/2/2008 ltb00625 7/24/2008 ltc01151 10/13/2008 lte01341 8/28/2008 ltb01697 10/28/2008 08-5558 7/23/2008 lte00882 8/11/2008 ltf00970 8/11/2008 ltc01288 9/3/2008 08-4424 6/17/2008 08-2957 Plaintiff Dtt Properties Three Rivers Assoc Southcreek Village Windsor Pl Apts Evergreen Reg Arc Villa Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Odessia Peterson N.Morris Estates N.Morris Ests Douglas Gregory Michael Tougas Harris Invest Heatherwood Apts Rosenbrook Joshua Asap Invests Myrtle Grove Mhp Saood Issa Indian Hills Manor Dennis Reiley Twin Meadows Mhp Danny Zerka Pine Forest Home Pk Fountain Pointe Ray Landon Arc Torrey Hills Danny Zerka Mt Morris Ldhalp Fountain Pointe Kings Lane Pineview Roy Landon Roy Landon Mt Morris Ldhalp Mt Morris Ldhalp N.Morris Ests Household Fin Louise Bracnh Suffolk Court Apts Ross Properties Arc Torrey Hills Danny Zerka Arc Torrey Hills Riverside Mhp Southcreek Village Fountain Pointe Arc Torrey Hills Tommy Donerson Fountain Pointe Bayview Loan Svc Midfirst Bank Elms Mhc Skh Properties Last Name Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Camper Camper Campioni Canaday Cannon Cannon Cannon Cannon Cano-Sanch Cano-Sanch Canterbury Canterbury Cantley Cantley Cantrell Canup Caras Card Card Card Cardenas Cardwell Cardwell Carey Cargill Carlisle Carlisle Carlson Carlysle Carlysle Carlysle Carlysle Carlysle Carman Carmen Carmouche Carmouche Carmouche Carmouche Carmouche Carmouche Carnegie Carnes Carnevale Carney Carney Carney First Name Carietta Donald Vince Jessie Dawn Joe Tammy James James Gary Aaron Angela Zsanaca Erica Donell Renee Renee Sara Sara Bruce Bruce Keith Chris Lisa Martha Diane Diane Christina Ronald Leo Rachel Lynn Samantha Samantha James Annette Lillie Tracey Tracey Annette Scott Vernett Teresa Teresa Teresa Teresa Teresa Teresa Rochell Jeff Christopher Stephanie Tonya Robyn Date Case 10/1/2008 ltf01205 9/23/2008 lta00818 10/7/2008 ltb01947 7/9/2008 ltb01312 6/6/2008 08-2766 9/24/2008 ltc01517 8/20/2008 lte01024 1/28/2008 ltf00113 3/31/2008 ltf00356 7/28/2008 08-3797 4/28/2008 lte00510 5/21/2008 ltc00774 8/28/2008 08-4275 8/19/2008 08-4110 7/11/2008 08-3409 3/18/2008 ltb00457 5/22/2008 ltb00875 1/8/2008 ltc00048 4/3/2008 ltc00554 1/28/2008 lta00102 3/10/2008 ltf00282 4/11/2008 08-1690 8/22/2008 lte01069 1/24/2008 ltb00115 1/30/2008 ltb00200 4/24/2008 08-1971 6/25/2008 08-3202 2/25/2008 ltb00334 6/24/2008 ltf00757 9/12/2008 08-4562 5/1/2008 lte00542 3/28/2008 ltb00538 2/25/2008 ltb00335 7/29/2008 ltb01383 10/20/2008 ltd00974 4/30/2008 ltd00414 5/28/2008 08-2618 4/11/2008 08-1701 8/28/2008 08-4321 7/29/2008 ltd00678 1/11/2008 ltf00091 7/15/2008 08-3466 3/18/2008 ltb00458 4/28/2008 ltb00688 5/22/2008 ltb00876 7/29/2008 ltb01384 9/24/2008 ltb01841 8/25/2008 ltb01597 8/7/2008 ltd00721 10/14/2008 lta00874 7/21/2008 08-3601 3/5/2008 ltb00421 10/9/2008 08-5165 9/11/2008 lta00772 Plaintiff Pineview Estates Pine Forrest Riverside Mhp Riverside Mhp Elms Mhc Mt Morris Ldhalp Fountain Pointe Maple Grove Maple Grove National City Thornridge Apts Miller Jon Ideal Rental Susan Marcum David Richardson Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Matt Wothke Us Bank National Cmc Homes Llc Perry Place Apts Jag Mgmt Huntington Circle Apts Jp Investing Jp Investing Windsor Place Apts Kings Lane Bayview Loan Federal National White Oak Estates Windsor Place Apts Windsor Pl Apts Avelo Mortgage Llc Sunridge Apts Patricia Clayton Nanruth Chardoul Nanruth Chardoul Sunridge Apts Ghattas Joseph Orchard Ridge Est Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Pl Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Mari-Dan Miller Farms Pheasant Run Mhp Deutsche Bk Twin Meadows Mhp Jayne Guile Short Julie Last Name Carnicom Carodine Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carr Carradine Carrasco Jr Carrasco Jr Carrick Carrie Carriveau Carrodine Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carroll Carrothers Carson Carsten Carsten Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter First Name Amanda Tiffany Mark Johnny Jennifer Johnny Todd Chris Steven Johnny Scott G Gerald Cassandra Cassandra Dekyala Richard Peggy Tammy Howard Latoya Anthony Gregory Peggy Latoya John Sijiferdo Sijiferdo Charles Boehm Darrel Maxie Donyale Sheila Lachone Kayla Andre Rozetta Lachone Cynthia Charlie Merle Jeannie Desona Debra Jennifer Debra Sarah Anthony Karen Jancey Debra Johan Chad Date Case 3/28/2008 ltb00540 7/18/2008 08-3508 1/30/2008 ltb00181 5/27/2008 lte00637 5/23/2008 ltc00813 2/20/2008 lte00208 3/27/2008 lta00265 2/26/2008 ltd00233 7/3/2008 ltb01269 7/30/2008 lte00950 10/8/2008 ltb01990 10/22/2008 08-5580 10/1/2008 08-4950 1/16/2008 08-0306 5/8/2008 08-2268 4/30/2008 ltb00732 3/10/2008 ltd00255 3/3/2008 08-0982 6/23/2008 08-3159 8/29/2008 ltc01418 9/2/2008 lte01151 8/8/2008 ltd00727 8/27/2008 08-4214 10/14/2008 ltc01631 7/10/2008 08-3369 3/19/2008 ltb00487 10/27/2008 ltf01321 10/7/2008 ltf01265 3/25/2008 lte00367 6/18/2008 ltf00710 10/3/2008 ltc01599 7/14/2008 08-3434 6/18/2008 ltc00935 5/13/2008 lta00410 5/20/2008 08-2487 3/3/2008 ltb00391 10/1/2008 08-4980 8/4/2008 08-3877 10/27/2008 08-5717 10/24/2008 08-5633 9/22/2008 08-4762 1/23/2008 08-0428 3/10/2008 lta00208 1/22/2008 08-0410 1/29/2008 08-0578 1/23/2008 lte00074 1/24/2008 08-0517 10/27/2008 lte01454 1/10/2008 ltc00076 1/10/2008 lta00043 1/24/2008 ltb00140 5/28/2008 08-2593 2/13/2008 08-0861 3/27/2008 ltb00529 Plaintiff White Oak Estates Clarence Brown Kearsley Lake Terrace Llc Tudor Estates Quail Ridge Apts Tudor Estates Flushing Estates Pheasant Run Manor Apartments Arc Villa Tudor Estates Westwood Management Kingdom Mgmt Brent Ludwig Richfield Apts Richfield Apts Rosewood Park Household Finance Thomas & Deborah Springer American Mhp Mtg Co Fed Loan Roumayah Jimmy Fed National Mtg Melinda March Robert B Loasching Orchard Ridge Est Three Rivers Assoc Bank Of Ny Mellon Mortgage Electronic Perry Place Apts H Tannenbaum N.Morris Estates Beulah Ecker Landon Roy Myrtle Grove Mhp Fhc Westwood Management Ipm Victoria Chapman Fhc Matt Wothke Richfield Aprts Richard Smith West Court Ranch Redstone Twh G Commission Co Group Five Mgmt Co. Creekside Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Clovertree Apts Leonard Sarah Cambridge Square Flint Creekside Apts Court St Village Edward N Nicholls Last Name Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Carter Iii Carto Carto Cartwright Caruthers Caruthers Caruthers Caruthers Carvalno Casarez Case Caskey Cason Cason Cason Casselman Casselman First Name Daniqua Lynn Jerry Ewell Edward Anthony Karen Antoni Marshall Karen Wanita Tony Anthony Thomas Anthony Angela Sandra Anthony Freddie Stacy Nicole Anthony Marshall Antoni Tony Anthony Nicole Jennifer Marvel Jimelia Sandra Desma Marvel Corissa Anthony Anthony Tony Kevin Ashley Ashley Trisha Shamara Joe Joe Joe Amanda Thomas David Valeri Lynnetta Ardell Ardell Thomas Thomas Date Case 5/28/2008 ltb00974 3/31/2008 08-1491 4/30/2008 08-2000 3/25/2008 lta00253 4/24/2008 08-1973 3/26/2008 ltc00505 5/8/2008 08-2150 5/12/2008 08-2293 3/7/2008 08-1209 5/13/2008 lta00406 3/12/2008 08-1239 4/8/2008 08-1661 3/3/2008 08-1100 6/20/2008 lte00727 2/25/2008 08-0988 4/10/2008 08-1695 8/8/2008 ltb01528 10/24/2008 08-5607 9/30/2008 08-4868 9/26/2008 08-4605 8/20/2008 lte01021 6/23/2008 08-3074 9/29/2008 08-4847 9/25/2008 08-4812 10/29/2008 08-5563 7/25/2008 ltc01174 7/7/2008 lte00811 9/8/2008 lte01156 9/15/2008 08-4636 8/22/2008 08-4197 9/17/2008 ltb01799 10/29/2008 08-5766 7/14/2008 08-3330 10/3/2008 08-5013 8/1/2008 08-3831 7/28/2008 08-3740 6/6/2008 08-2771 3/12/2008 08-1296 10/20/2008 ltf01300 9/29/2008 ltf01193 8/20/2008 ltd00754 3/26/2008 ltc00503 2/25/2008 08-1009 4/28/2008 08-2058 8/18/2008 lta00688 4/9/2008 lte00446 10/24/2008 ltb02070 8/1/2008 08-3778 1/9/2008 ltb00051 3/3/2008 lte00314 10/10/2008 08-5135 8/19/2008 08-4153 4/29/2008 08-2093 5/28/2008 08-2590 Plaintiff Cambridge Sq Flint Federal Nat Mtg John Martin River Valley Manor Ideal Rental Home Pine Creek Apts Debra W Roberts Tdm Realty Fhc Leonard Sarah Evergreen Reg Marvin Chapman Elms Mhc Deutsche Bank River Village Apts Rose Accept Arc Torrey Hills River Village Apts Charles Pascaal Don Ricks Fountain Pointe Linda Sue Smitley Fhc Tdm Realty Marvin Chapman Clovertree Apts Fountian Pointe Group Five Mgmt Sunshine Mgmt Azure Invests Arc Torrey Hills Redstone Twh Sunshine Mgmt Mortgage Elect Elms Mhc River Village Apts Marvin Chapman Kak Assoc. Green Briar Green Briar Lk Ponemah Mhp Clovertree Apts Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Hartman Frank Crkovski Naum Windsor Place Apts Allen Debus Stratford Sq Apts Stonehenge Gates Maguire 2 Llc Maguire 2 Llc Bank Of Ny North Fork Bank Green Point Mor Last Name Casselman Casselman Casselman Cassidy Cassidy Castanon Casteel Casteel Castellanos Castellanos Castillo Castro Cates Cathron Catron Caudell Caudle Caudle Caudle Caudle Caudle Caulder Causey Cavazos Cavazos Cavazos Cavett Cavett Cavett Cavette Cavette Cavette Center Centers Cephus Cervantes Chairese Chairs Challergen Chamberlain Chambers Chambers Chambers Chambry Chambry Chandler Chandler Chandler Chandler Chandler Chandler Chandler Chandler Chandler First Name Thomas Thomas Thomas Marsh Marsh Thomas Sara Teresa Jose Jose Angela Robert Sherri Lashawndra Deriko Monika Monika Nicole Naquana Nicole Charise Jimmy Malcolm Delphia Kaitlyn Delfia Alan Tina James Rory Rory Rory Kesha David Tinesha Angela Shaun Shawn Bonnie Korinna Devlon Lynteria Joella Simone Simone Sheila Sandra Sandra Christine Sheila Christine Sandra Sheila Cynthia Date Case 5/19/2008 08-2418 5/20/2008 ltf00579 5/13/2008 08-2300 6/26/2008 lte00783 2/28/2008 lte00285 7/3/2008 08-3262 7/24/2008 ltc01121 7/24/2008 ltc01122 1/9/2008 ltf00065 8/5/2008 ltf00940 10/17/2008 08-5241 8/1/2008 08-3833 5/21/2008 lte00595 7/18/2008 08-3559 3/31/2008 ltf00384 6/16/2008 08-3011 1/2/2008 08-0156 1/10/2008 ltc00073 5/28/2008 08-2607 5/22/2008 ltc00775 10/2/2008 ltc01586 1/31/2008 lte00120 6/16/2008 08-2918 1/15/2008 08-0285 1/14/2008 08-0261 5/16/2008 08-2391 8/28/2008 lta00737 8/21/2008 lta00709 10/16/2008 08-5224 4/29/2008 lte00523 2/29/2008 lte00309 7/23/2008 lte00900 9/30/2008 08-4939 5/2/2008 08-2075 6/26/2008 08-3103 9/12/2008 08-4624 2/22/2008 08-0923 9/30/2008 08-4919 6/13/2008 ltc00924 6/30/2008 ltf00780 4/29/2008 08-2015 9/24/2008 08-4786 6/25/2008 08-3197 5/14/2008 08-2305 2/4/2008 08-0680 2/27/2008 ltb00373 5/28/2008 08-2503 9/26/2008 08-4666 9/8/2008 08-4457 10/2/2008 ltb01932 7/8/2008 08-3357 8/27/2008 08-4212 8/29/2008 ltb01722 9/23/2008 08-4734 Plaintiff Bank Of N Y Bank Of New York Bank Of Ny. Maplebrook Village Maplebrook Vill Apts Shady Acres Mhp N.Morris Estates N.Morris Estates Green Acre Green Acre Todd Cox Elms Mhc Group Five Mgmt Fhc Blackberry Creek Joseph Conroy Joe Conroy Clovertree Apts Tony Stockton Clovertree Apts Housing Deve Perry Place Apts Richfield Apts Theresa Bush Marianne Roat Theresa Bush Us Bank National Ass Flushing Estates Genesee Forest Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Redstone Twh Thom Casselman Jimmie Sr Hodge Venita Dudley Derek Neely Kingdom Mgmt Diane Co Maple Grove Octavio Williams Country Club Manor Tony Stockton Matt Wothke Matt Wothke Rosewood Park Apts Herbert Hein Herbert Hein Redstone Twh Rosewood Park Apts Redstone Twh Herbert Hein Rosewood Park Apts River Village Apts Last Name Chanex Chaney Chaney Chaney Chaney Chang Channels Channels Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman Chappel Chappele Chapple Charles Charles Charles Charmetius Chartrand Chase Chase Chase Chase Chatfield Chatman Chatmon Chatterson Cheatom Cheeks Chenney Cherkley Cherney Cherney Cherney Chesnut Chestnutt Cheva Chevalier Childers Childers Childress Childress First Name Oshea Thomas Timothy Latonya Latonya Lee Brandy Brandy Luwann Randy Brandon Rachel Essie Monique Andrae Luwann Essie Monique Monique Andrae Roseann Monique Essie Mary Aaron Tasha Anthony Ronny Shawn Burks Steven Emily Gerald Gerald Jennifer Kevin Laquieta Inicca Daniel Janice Amber Larry Mary Gregory Greg Gregory Jamille Jamille Marsha Brian Gregory Gregory Tony Tony Date Case 3/14/2008 08-1277 5/5/2008 08-2101 7/2/2008 08-3238 8/15/2008 08-4104 6/11/2008 08-2875 3/27/2008 lta00267 2/26/2008 08-1024 4/30/2008 08-2127 10/23/2008 ltc01719 3/27/2008 lta00266 4/23/2008 ltb00675 4/28/2008 08-2030 4/30/2008 08-2128 5/21/2008 08-2480 8/14/2008 08-4115 9/2/2008 ltc01426 9/23/2008 08-4732 8/20/2008 08-4167 9/30/2008 08-4844 8/29/2008 08-4377 10/9/2008 08-5158 7/25/2008 08-3692 7/2/2008 08-3303 8/28/2008 08-4267 3/26/2008 ltf00344 8/25/2008 08-4183 4/21/2008 ltd00355 10/1/2008 lta00851 6/16/2008 08-3018 5/15/2008 08-2283 4/30/2008 08-2119 5/14/2008 lte00570 4/3/2008 ltc00549 7/24/2008 ltc01123 8/8/2008 ltd00728 2/7/2008 ltf00162 8/4/2008 08-3847 5/14/2008 08-2328 7/22/2008 ltf00876 3/14/2008 08-1257 6/23/2008 ltc01013 6/5/2008 08-2786 10/3/2008 ltc01605 10/24/2008 ltb02090 4/2/2008 ltb00636 7/3/2008 ltb01235 1/24/2008 ltb00125 10/14/2008 ltb02015 5/5/2008 ltf00497 9/24/2008 ltb01869 9/25/2008 lte01291 7/3/2008 lte00804 5/23/2008 ltc00796 2/26/2008 ltc00329 Plaintiff David L Patrick Novastar Mtg Joyor Boyzie Mark Tyler Richard Smith Marshalls Crossing Rosewood M Apts Rosewood Manor Cedarshores Apt Bank Of New York Riverwood Lux Apts Todd Cook Rosewood Manor Dayne Davis Avenue Enterpr Cedarshores Apt Rosewood M Apts Dayne Davis Dayne Davis Avenue Enterpr Eileen Sweet Dayne Davis Rosewood M Apts Ballenger Manor Gpa Mgmt Co River Village Apts Becker Doreen Flagstar Bank Kingdom Mgmt Barb Johnson Fnma Wells Fargo Bank N.Morris Ests N.Morris Estates Deutsche Bk Pine View Orchard Ridge Est Susan Williams Lemieux Robert Gerald Burton Marik Enterprises Mary Ursha Deonta L Wilson Westwood Management Westwood Management Westwood Management Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Maple Grove Stockton Tony Knollwood Vill Apts Knollwood Village Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Last Name Childress Childress Childress Childs Childs Childs Chimal Chisholm Chisholm Chisnell Chisnell Chisnell Choate Choate Choice Christensen Christensen Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christian Christopher Christopher Church Church Church Cicalo Cifuentas Cimbala Cindy & All Clappe Clardy Jr Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark First Name Nadine Shatrell Sirena Tyra Rodney Gary Jose Christine Christine Debra Debra Debra Randi Rodney Donald Tonya Deb David Vickie Junetta Ebony Vickie Ebony Vickie David Jeanette Heather Cassie Arthur Debbie Tammi Robert Vanessa Kimberly Occupants Jennifer Kenneth Earl Clyde Kerry Diane Henry Ben Amber Tara Maurice Nathan Christophe Katrina George Amber Damon Julie Earl Date Case 2/5/2008 ltb00266 3/19/2008 08-1736 7/10/2008 08-3370 1/9/2008 ltb00088 1/2/2008 ltf00004 5/27/2008 ltd00473 4/29/2008 ltb00708 4/14/2008 08-1720 8/5/2008 08-3906 1/24/2008 ltd00090 2/19/2008 ltd00172 5/2/2008 ltd00433 1/14/2008 08-0215 8/22/2008 08-4200 5/19/2008 08-2457 6/23/2008 08-3165 2/15/2008 ltc00272 1/31/2008 lte00157 1/23/2008 ltc00137 1/30/2008 08-0615 1/31/2008 08-0474 3/26/2008 ltc00501 4/11/2008 08-1698 5/21/2008 ltc00765 3/27/2008 lte00396 7/18/2008 08-3423 1/28/2008 08-0477 5/2/2008 ltd00430 5/15/2008 08-2384 5/28/2008 ltc00835 9/24/2008 ltc01507 5/2/2008 ltc00714 10/23/2008 ltb02051 3/20/2008 ltf00324 9/18/2008 ltc01490 4/16/2008 lta00318 10/27/2008 lta00915 10/30/2008 ltb02127 10/27/2008 lta00914 1/15/2008 08-0263 1/4/2008 08-0014 1/31/2008 lte00141 3/6/2008 lte00323 5/7/2008 ltb00803 5/22/2008 ltb00877 6/4/2008 ltb01033 3/3/2008 08-1068 3/25/2008 ltb00515 3/25/2008 ltc00432 6/24/2008 ltf00725 4/2/2008 ltb00609 3/14/2008 ltb00448 5/5/2008 ltf00471 2/21/2008 ltb00284 Plaintiff Kearsley Creek Llc Gerald Burton Orchard Ridge Est Arc Villa Maple Grove Georgetown Park Stockton Tony Frank Valu Frank Valu Burton Gerald Burton Gerald Burton Gerald Countrywide Home Larry Armstrong Court St Village American Mhp Cavett Robert Hometown Amer Gr Bl Goad Realty Harris Investment Clifton Sterling Ideal Rental Homes Clifton Sterling Ideal Rental Hometown America Tonya Edwards Tammy A Carroll Georgetown Park Fnma Camelot Villa Sugartree Apts Mtg Systems Kearsley Creek Llc Kings Lane Thomas James Us Bank National Deutsche Bk Arc Torrey Hills Suntrust Mortgage Executive Prop Sandy Farmer Country Club Miller Heatherwood Apts Enterprise Ests Mhp Windsor Place Apts Brookstone Valley Axis Invests Charter Oaks Apts Suffolk Court Apartments Kings Lane Enterprise Ests Mhp Wells Fargo Bank Faris Tammy Arc Torrey Hills Last Name Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clarke Clarke Clarke Clarke Clark-Lasear Clayborn Clayborn Clayborn Clayton Clayton Clayton Clayton Clayton Clayton Cleary Cleary Cleary Cleaver Clees Clein Clein Jr Clements Clements Clements Clements Clemons Clemons Clemons Clemons Clemons Clemons Clemons Clemons Clemons Clemons Clemons First Name Ben Marcelina Jessica Diane Robert Steven Earl Richard Christophe Amber Roger Charlotte Ruth Cindy Tammy Henry Michael Susan Diane William Natasha Natasha Janetta Tanekia Tanekia Taneka Juanita Carolyn Curtis Carolyn Juanita Juanita Michael Michael Michael Robert Todd Gary Gary Mark Monte Mark Joseph Lynn Kriscynthi Nicole Nicole Tanya Johnnie Marcus Marcus Renodo Linda Cleopatra Date Case 5/21/2008 ltb00869 2/12/2008 08-0810 10/22/2008 ltf01318 7/28/2008 08-3664 6/6/2008 08-2765 7/30/2008 lte00925 9/17/2008 ltb01800 9/17/2008 lte01179 9/29/2008 ltb01905 7/31/2008 ltb01503 6/19/2008 08-3063 7/30/2008 lta00631 7/30/2008 ltd00697 9/26/2008 ltd00877 9/23/2008 lta00804 8/27/2008 lte01112 10/9/2008 08-5077 8/26/2008 08-4252 3/19/2008 ltf00311 7/30/2008 08-3748 8/27/2008 08-4333 6/25/2008 08-3199 9/16/2008 08-4614 5/7/2008 ltb00810 9/16/2008 08-4640 7/9/2008 08-3324 1/25/2008 08-0561 1/3/2008 08-0165 1/14/2008 08-0233 5/12/2008 08-2294 4/28/2008 08-2048 9/23/2008 08-4740 1/24/2008 ltb00143 4/28/2008 ltb00689 3/18/2008 ltb00459 4/2/2008 ltb00616 10/27/2008 ltb02105 4/1/2008 08-1359 6/25/2008 lta00549 10/24/2008 ltb02091 10/15/2008 08-5148 7/3/2008 ltb01236 7/29/2008 08-3813 1/9/2008 ltf00064 10/27/2008 ltf01326 1/29/2008 ltd00110 4/1/2008 ltd00329 2/13/2008 08-0858 2/15/2008 08-0873 4/29/2008 lte00531 2/22/2008 lte00249 4/2/2008 ltb00584 10/14/2008 ltb02016 7/1/2008 ltc01058 Plaintiff Street Brent Patrick Chaney Wisenbaugh Daniel Executive Prop Chase Finance Perry Place Apts Arc Torrey Hills Obeid Haytham Continental North Enterprise Ests Mhp F G Waddell River Valley Manor Pheasant Run Manor Fenton Oaks Llc William E Lacey Country Club Miller James Giles Chase Bank Joseph P Gilbert Bank N Y Tony Stockton Tony Stockton James M Smith Brookstone Valley Clara Beal Clara Beal River Village Apts Tdm Realty L Armstrong Tdm Realty River Village Apts River Village Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Us Bank Carol Mothersill Jarrard J Westwood Management Ridgecrest Vill Westwood Management Tdm Realty Pineview Kings Lane Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Ipm Johnnie Clemons Knollwood Vill Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Three Rivers Assoc Cranbrook Vill Co Last Name First Name Clemons Nicole Clemons Marcus Clemons Duletaime Clemons Nicole Clemons Calvin Clemons Mahoganey Cliber Sheri Cliford Tharon Clifton Robert Clifton Angela Clink Cheryl Clinton Sandra Clontz Dale Clouser David Cluetl Et Al Bob Clymer Brad Clymer Ii Bradly Coaster Mark Coaster Et Al Mark Coates Duane Cobb Patricia Cobb Patricia Cobb Ashley Cobb Dorthea Cobb Dorothea Cobb William Cobb Patricia Cobb Ashley Cobb Jr Willie Cobb Jr Willie Cobb Jr Willie Cobbin Dawn Cobbin Zena Cobbin Dawn Cobbin Zena Coburn Tanya Coburn Angela Cochran Sheridon Cochran John Cochran Gregory Cochran Gregory Cochran Tyrone Cocke Holly Cocke Holly Cockhern Ad Cockhern A.D. Cocking Randall Cocking Randall Cockrill Tifiny Cockrum John Cody Maggie Coe John Coe Michelle Coe Joseph Date Case 7/29/2008 ltd00677 7/3/2008 lte00803 7/23/2008 ltf00909 9/30/2008 ltd00919 7/9/2008 08-3358 6/19/2008 08-3034 8/18/2008 lta00692 6/25/2008 08-3198 5/15/2008 08-2353 8/22/2008 lte01102 4/24/2008 08-1984 7/10/2008 08-3320 7/15/2008 lta00585 10/23/2008 ltb02061 9/11/2008 lta00771 9/17/2008 lta00792 1/2/2008 ltc00006 9/17/2008 lta00797 6/17/2008 lta00517 5/7/2008 08-2152 2/4/2008 08-0707 5/1/2008 08-2176 4/7/2008 08-1638 8/21/2008 ltc01345 7/25/2008 ltc01184 10/27/2008 08-5725 9/3/2008 08-4425 9/3/2008 08-4406 3/24/2008 lte00347 2/5/2008 lte00183 8/29/2008 lte01137 2/1/2008 08-0683 6/25/2008 ltc01047 9/5/2008 08-4400 7/28/2008 ltc01209 4/1/2008 ltd00304 7/7/2008 ltf00843 2/4/2008 08-0713 9/11/2008 ltf01116 10/15/2008 08-5137 10/14/2008 08-4536 7/1/2008 ltc01071 2/26/2008 08-1027 9/30/2008 08-4923 10/30/2008 lte01471 9/2/2008 lte01150 4/10/2008 ltc00575 5/28/2008 ltc00854 6/30/2008 08-3290 4/22/2008 ltf00460 7/8/2008 lta00573 2/4/2008 ltf00151 9/22/2008 lte01218 10/27/2008 08-5731 Plaintiff Sunridge Apts Knollwood Village Genesee Villa Sunridge Apts Redstone Twh Craig Robinette Dekalita Ron Tony Stockton Juantia Slater Parkwood Mhp Gmac Mtmg Eugene Marve Hsbc Bank Group Five Mgmt Pheasant Run Mhe Paul L Labian Gibson Bryan Primm Mike Hamady Grant Larry D Johnson Ctry Cl Man Apts Ctry Cl Man Apts Ridgecrest Vill Bristol Court Bristol Court Fhc Elms Mhc Ridgecrest Vill Maplebrook Village Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Quality Rental Pineshores Apts Lamb Resources Pineshores Apts Apple Creek Station Lowell Carol Westgate Terr Apts Genesee Villa Deutsche Bk Deutsche Bk Pressley Cassandra Shady Acres Mhp Shady Acres Mhp Roumayah Jimmy Roumayah Jimmy Matt Wothke Wothke Matthew Treasure Enter Genesee Villa Mill Creek Apt Federal Mortgage Fountain Pointe Fhc Last Name Coffeen Coffeen Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffey Coffin Coffman Coggins Cohill Cohoon Cojo Coker Coker Coker Colbert Colbert Colburn Colburn Ii Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Colehanty Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman First Name Mary Timothy Melissa Melissa Melissa Melissa Elzie Patrick Gary June Davina Rodney Esther Lisa Daniel Lisa Ke-Ke Keke Ernest Mike Samantha Benjamin Joanna Katherine Joanna Tremikus Raelyn Justin Todd James Jacqueline Sierra Rashanda Joslyn Roxann Kristina Shamicha Naukeisha Jany Andrew Michael Joslyn Roxan Will Antonio Roxann Janay Shamicka Markis Michael Antonio Virginia Montrell Andrew Date Case 6/6/2008 ltb01091 6/12/2008 ltb01093 6/4/2008 lta00485 2/19/2008 lta00148 4/17/2008 lta00323 7/17/2008 lta00594 6/9/2008 08-2775 6/18/2008 08-3021 10/6/2008 08-5072 7/21/2008 08-3577 1/2/2008 08-0118 10/3/2008 ltd00945 4/25/2008 08-2004 5/22/2008 ltb00878 5/13/2008 08-2298 4/28/2008 ltb00690 1/14/2008 08-0253 6/27/2008 08-3087 2/25/2008 ltf00196 3/3/2008 ltf00219 1/10/2008 ltc00064 6/27/2008 ltb01155 5/7/2008 ltb00794 5/21/2008 lta00437 3/5/2008 ltb00434 7/31/2008 08-3712 7/3/2008 ltb01251 7/30/2008 lte00926 3/31/2008 lta00275 1/16/2008 08-0224 1/2/2008 08-0109 1/10/2008 ltc00060 1/23/2008 ltc00129 1/9/2008 ltb00057 1/2/2008 08-0095 10/30/2008 ltb02156 2/21/2008 08-0791 5/27/2008 lte00681 4/22/2008 08-1933 2/25/2008 ltb00336 2/21/2008 ltb00285 5/28/2008 ltb00975 4/22/2008 08-1881 4/28/2008 08-2038 6/24/2008 ltf00729 5/28/2008 08-2609 5/28/2008 08-2597 5/19/2008 08-2451 3/31/2008 ltf00377 5/20/2008 lta00424 5/5/2008 ltf00505 4/30/2008 ltd00413 3/26/2008 ltc00493 4/28/2008 ltb00691 Plaintiff Hometown Amer Consumer Solutinos Beech Trail Apts Beech Trail Apts Beech Trail Apts Beech Trail Apts Keith Dr. Hobbs Mortgage Elect Kevin Smith Federal H Mtg Orchard Rg Apts Deutsche Bk Millie Parks Windsor Place Apts Aurora Loan Windsor Place Apts Mark Tyler Mark Tyler Deutsche Bank Otto Bill Sugartree Apts Windsor Place Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Flint Pasadena Llc Twin Meadows Mhp Todd Lewis Twin Meadows Mhp Perry Place Apts Deutsche Bank Richfield Aprts John K Scheer Savage Jeffrey Landon Roy Cambridge Square Thomas Corp Twin Meadows Mhp Evergreen Reg Maplebrook Vill Apts Treasure Enter Windsor Place Apts Arc Torrey Hills Cambridge Sq Flint Chise Thomas Eugene Marve Kings Lane Lexus Enterprise Creekside Apts Evergreen Reg Blackberry Creek River Valley Manor Kings Lane Sunridge Apts Sugartree Apts Windsor Place Apts Last Name Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Coleman Jr Coleman Jr Coleman-Ma Colen Coles Coles Coley Coley Coley Coley Collette Collier Collier Collier Collier Collier Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins First Name Merdice Rashanda Will Joslyn Chantel Michael Douglas Elise Michelle Arleshia Shamicka Michael Sierra Danny Roger Matt Ronald Chantel Elise Heidi Will Camiessa Loretta Menguana Will Joslyn Marc Ronnie Candace Dairasha William Sarah Lin Kendall Lin Kendal Christine Jontae Gloria Nathaniel Dmonique Dominque Darrele Marcia Marilyn Briana Ta-Tashia Arlene Brianna Kendra Darrele John Sheila Dewayne Date Case 4/1/2008 ltc00525 2/26/2008 ltc00365 8/14/2008 08-3996 7/31/2008 ltb01524 10/1/2008 08-5001 6/12/2008 08-2911 10/22/2008 08-5577 10/28/2008 08-5682 10/15/2008 08-5210 9/26/2008 08-4700 10/1/2008 08-4999 10/15/2008 08-5207 9/2/2008 ltc01425 7/17/2008 08-3523 7/11/2008 lte00836 7/3/2008 ltb01252 9/29/2008 08-4849 9/30/2008 08-4958 6/30/2008 08-3220 7/17/2008 ltf00869 10/15/2008 08-5178 7/10/2008 08-3404 7/28/2008 08-3737 7/28/2008 08-3745 7/17/2008 08-3524 10/7/2008 ltb01944 4/11/2008 ltb00660 10/2/2008 ltc01590 7/3/2008 ltb01237 4/16/2008 08-1802 8/28/2008 08-4324 10/22/2008 ltc01661 1/2/2008 ltb00008 3/6/2008 ltb00440 5/7/2008 ltb00811 4/30/2008 ltb00770 8/25/2008 08-4248 5/5/2008 08-2196 3/20/2008 ltf00325 4/24/2008 ltc00614 3/28/2008 ltc00512 8/14/2008 08-3999 10/24/2008 lte01426 1/2/2008 08-0097 1/15/2008 lte00060 4/16/2008 08-1846 4/2/2008 08-1560 6/24/2008 ltf00720 2/25/2008 ltb00337 6/9/2008 ltf00687 6/17/2008 lte00719 2/4/2008 08-0723 9/26/2008 08-4669 7/24/2008 08-3660 Plaintiff Lappin Gary Landon Roy Eugene Marve Cambridge Sq Flint Evergreen Reg Citicorp Trust Bk Kearsley St Corp Wilfred Bush Park Manor Earl Turner Evergreen Reg Park Manor Cedarshores Apt Robert Arbuckle Owens Michelle Twin Meadows Mhp Fhc Redstone Twh Wilfred Bush Aetouna Real Estate Eugene Marve Beulah Ecker River Village Apts Westgate Ter Apts Robert Arbuckle Cambridge Sq Flint Venture Centerpk Cedarshores Apt Westwood Management Marianne Root Jeremy Sapienza Indian Hills Manor Brookstone Vall Est Kearsley Creek Llc Brookstone Valley Kearsley Creek Llc Us Bank Orchard Ridge Est Kings Lane Pineshores Apts Groves Tl Eugene Marve Mapleridge Apts Shiloh Com Twnh Lux Apts Paul Clasper Mshd Kings Lane Windsor Place Apts Green Briar Mapleridge Apts Fhc Carl Coulter James Lenoir Last Name Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Collins Colon Colonna Colton Combs Combs Combs Combs Comer Comer Comerford Comerford Common Como Como Como Compton Conely Coney Coney Conklin Conklin Conklin Conley Conley Conley Conley Conley Conley Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conner Conners Conrad Conrad Conrad ConstancioConway Conway Conway Conyers Conyers First Name Darrick Sean Charles Gerald Darrick Darrele Randal Kimberly Evelena Steven Tanisha Patricia Kandice Brent Patricia Aaron Aaron Beth Beth Charles Jason Jason Jason William Gwendolyn Steven Steven David David Beonka Adora Tammie Paulette Gwendolyn Paulette Tammie Donecia Doris Doris Andrew Shironda Doris Doris Doris Shironda Brandon Michelle Michelle Armida Chayne Anthony Ronald Lekithia Lekithia Date Case 7/1/2008 ltd00588 9/11/2008 08-4546 7/29/2008 08-3806 7/14/2008 lte00837 9/30/2008 ltd00918 9/24/2008 lte01266 9/11/2008 08-4542 6/6/2008 08-2812 3/24/2008 08-1399 1/7/2008 lte00038 4/1/2008 08-1540 2/27/2008 ltf00214 2/11/2008 ltf00180 8/4/2008 lte00985 8/11/2008 ltf00972 1/10/2008 ltc00070 4/25/2008 ltc00655 1/7/2008 ltb00039 2/27/2008 ltb00360 6/5/2008 08-2764 6/24/2008 lte00743 4/24/2008 lte00473 9/22/2008 lte01198 6/4/2008 lta00487 6/16/2008 08-2926 3/26/2008 08-1754 7/16/2008 08-3488 5/19/2008 lta00420 7/8/2008 lta00569 10/28/2008 08-5742 3/5/2008 ltb00422 3/5/2008 08-1159 8/27/2008 ltf01016 9/22/2008 08-4768 7/28/2008 ltf00914 8/13/2008 08-3959 4/1/2008 08-1512 3/19/2008 ltb00488 5/21/2008 ltb00856 6/11/2008 lta00503 2/28/2008 lte00287 7/16/2008 ltb01325 8/20/2008 ltb01565 10/14/2008 ltb02017 10/9/2008 08-5104 3/20/2008 ltf00326 4/21/2008 lta00329 10/22/2008 ltc01680 1/25/2008 08-0461 2/19/2008 08-0890 7/30/2008 08-3776 9/22/2008 08-4766 1/15/2008 08-0262 2/19/2008 08-1038 Plaintiff Sunridge Apts Fed National Mtmg Tdm Realty Wells Fargo Bank Sunridge Apts Mapleridge Apts Ruth Simon Ideal Rental Homes River Village Apts Garsteck Steve Evergreen Reg Centennial Farms Genesee Villa Maplebrook Vill Apts Centennial Farms Sugartree Apts Sugartree Apts Eastknoll Apt Eastknoll Apt Deutsche Bk Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Wye Yeayuan Richfield Apts Lena Pridegon Lena Pridegon Childers Greg Childers Greg Rosewood Riverside Twnhomes Twin Meadows Mhp Richfield Apts Blackberry Creek Richfield Aprts Blackberry Creek Richfield Apts Terrence Redmond Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Federal Home Maplebrook Vill Apts Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Lena Pridegon Kings Lane Veihl William Pine Creek Apts Anthony Allen Sunset Village James Sykes Richfield Aprts Executive Prop Executive Prop Last Name Conyers Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cooks Cool Cool Cool Cool Coolin Coon Coon Coon Coon Coon Cooney Cooney Cooney Cooney Coooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper First Name Lekithia Danielle Tyler Ikimberly Tyonna Mary Tyler Dianne Eric Tyler Nicole Danielle Mark Harrison Darren Laura Tyonna Carmita William Monroe Danielle Kelly Sonya Brian Octavia Ikimberly Sonya Carmita Mark Lanisha Brian Rebecca Lanisha Jason Alberta Joy Joy Joy Joy Tracy Veronica Victoria M Tim Diana Renee Matthew Matthew Matthew Robert Chelan Chelan Scott Barbara Date Case 4/16/2008 08-1842 1/28/2008 ltf00114 1/4/2008 lte00028 1/3/2008 ltc00009 1/17/2008 08-0363 3/31/2008 08-1528 3/28/2008 lte00419 5/22/2008 ltb00879 5/22/2008 ltb00880 5/22/2008 lte00622 4/30/2008 08-1961 3/31/2008 ltf00357 6/30/2008 ltb01207 2/4/2008 08-0752 2/27/2008 08-0928 4/4/2008 ltc00566 3/13/2008 08-1248 6/4/2008 ltd00512 5/9/2008 ltb00845 3/7/2008 08-1231 5/28/2008 ltf00628 9/23/2008 ltb01829 7/22/2008 lta00599 8/29/2008 08-4350 8/27/2008 lte01123 7/1/2008 ltc01059 8/18/2008 lta00686 8/26/2008 ltd00812 9/8/2008 ltb01761 6/23/2008 08-3050 10/24/2008 08-5621 7/21/2008 08-3509 9/22/2008 08-4755 9/17/2008 lta00791 7/22/2008 08-3623 1/2/2008 ltf00031 5/28/2008 ltf00634 9/24/2008 ltf01136 7/29/2008 ltf00924 6/23/2008 ltc01017 10/27/2008 ltf01323 2/26/2008 08-1030 7/16/2008 08-3468 8/27/2008 ltb01653 7/29/2008 ltf00925 5/20/2008 ltd00460 4/10/2008 ltf00426 7/1/2008 ltf00832 9/3/2008 ltf01102 8/5/2008 ltf00961 1/25/2008 ltc00167 1/31/2008 lte00121 1/4/2008 lte00026 5/21/2008 ltd00462 Plaintiff Executive Prop Maple Grove Stonehenge Gates Cranbrook Vill Co Little W Realty James Thomas Stonehenge Gates Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Stonehenge Gates Terrace Apts Maple Grove Fishermans Cove Fhc Michael Neurohr Brown Ellen Little Wolfe Realty Sunridge Apts Brannon Matt Fhc Maple Grove Kearsley Creek Llc Lawrence Wolf Prop Roy Landon Cedar Bend Apts Cranbrook Vill Co L Wolf Prop Sunridge Apts Fisherman's Cove Jeremy Sapienza Roy Landon Arthur Vanadia Jeremy Sapienza Gargagliano Mike Lois Driver Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood Clovertree Apts Tdm Holiday Village Diversified Mark Westwood Management Creekwood Larick Invests Llc Pineview Pine View Pineview Pineview Bristol Court Perry Place Apts Fox Hill Glens Allen Scott Last Name Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Coots Copeland Copeland Copeland Copeland Copeland Copeny Copes Cordell Cordell Corder Corey Corey Corey Cork Cork Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Cornelius Coronado Coronao Corthian Cosby Cosby First Name Janice Kaesha Clyde Kaesha Takiqusha Tiffany Miyaka Chelan Crystal Christina Scott Latisha Clyde John Bennie Clyde Chiquita Jerry Tiffany Takiqusha Chelan Crystal Earsalene Gloria Miyka Jesse Dan Shawn Heather Owen Tami Felecia Angelia Quintessa Dwayne Khelli Richard Richard Richard Vienna Jason Taquana William Latrice Taquana Sharkira Taquana Charlene Sharkira Margaret Armandina Larkarsha Brenda Brenda Date Case 5/16/2008 08-2393 5/5/2008 lte00548 5/7/2008 ltf00539 5/29/2008 lte00692 2/4/2008 08-0755 2/22/2008 08-0966 3/31/2008 lte00427 3/25/2008 ltc00461 3/11/2008 ltf00300 4/24/2008 ltc00615 4/29/2008 lte00524 9/25/2008 08-4827 9/3/2008 ltf01060 8/7/2008 lta00676 8/4/2008 lte00996 7/1/2008 ltf00796 10/16/2008 ltc01644 8/29/2008 08-4355 9/5/2008 08-4445 7/18/2008 08-3552 7/30/2008 lte00927 8/28/2008 08-4293 8/22/2008 lte01070 10/22/2008 ltb02042 7/21/2008 lte00862 5/16/2008 ltd00451 6/12/2008 ltb01103 6/24/2008 ltf00721 3/6/2008 lte00322 7/30/2008 lte00928 8/21/2008 ltc01373 5/5/2008 ltd00434 6/30/2008 ltb01194 3/18/2008 08-1321 9/17/2008 08-4596 10/15/2008 08-5166 3/4/2008 08-1154 2/20/2008 lta00159 9/22/2008 lte01212 7/22/2008 08-3614 9/29/2008 ltd00889 1/8/2008 ltd00054 1/4/2008 08-0146 2/20/2008 08-0894 4/1/2008 ltd00327 5/22/2008 lte00604 2/26/2008 ltd00221 7/23/2008 08-3622 9/22/2008 lte01220 4/1/2008 ltb00572 7/11/2008 08-3451 6/18/2008 lta00530 1/18/2008 08-0353 8/18/2008 08-4028 Plaintiff Gerald Mr Burton Cedar Bend Apts Pineview Cedar Bend Apts Fhc Eunice J Webster Heatherwood Apts Bristol Court Meadowbrook Manor Pineshores Apts Fox Hill Glens Gerald Burton Pineview Flint Twp Prop Heatherwood Apts Pine View Ideal Rental Fhc Walker Scharf Fhc Perry Place Apts S. Wolin Perry Place Apts Brookstone Valley Heatherwood Apts Suchovsky Barbara Genesee Valley Kings Lane Crkovski Naum Perry Place Apts Clovertree Apts Mari-Dan Miller Farms Continental North Fhc Bob Milne Court Aprt Bayview Loan Bayview Loan Ser Parkwood Mhp Stephen Turner Fed National Mtg Sunridge Apts Maguire 7 Llc Blake E Scott Sunridge Apts Fountain Pointe Sunridge Apts Marge Allen Fountain Pointe Chan Martha Wells Fargo Bk Flint Twp Prop Venture Invest Venture Invest Last Name First Name Cosner Matthew Costigan David Costigan David Costigan David Cotterman Nick Cotton Melba Cotton Tiffany Cotton Tasha Cotton Melba Cottrell Jeffery Cottrell Tamara Cottrill Rebecca Cottrill Rebecca Couch Matt Coulter Terence Coulter Ralph Coulter Betty Coulter Glenn Coulter Glenn Coulter Lewisteen Coulter-Haml Erika Counterman Tracy Courney Robert Coursen Cindee Courtemanc Brian Courtemanc Brian Courts Charles Courts Lorane Courts Laurane Courts Lorane Cousineau Adam Cousineau Curtis Coutcher Micheal Couture Kristen Covert Kevin Covington Tamia Cowan Bonnie Cowan Bonnie Cowell Robin Cowherd Barbra Cowson Sharon Cox Maurice Cox Cecilia Cox Pearl Cox Talisa Cox Raetta Cox Jeffrey Cox Anthony Coxon Vickie Coyce Blakemore Coyer Courtney Crabill Michael Crabill Michael Crabill Michael Date Case 7/25/2008 ltc01163 1/17/2008 ltf00097 5/5/2008 ltf00486 7/14/2008 ltf00856 6/11/2008 lta00507 1/17/2008 08-0317 5/20/2008 08-2488 3/5/2008 08-1166 10/9/2008 08-5078 6/20/2008 ltc00984 10/14/2008 ltc01636 1/31/2008 ltb00227 3/28/2008 ltb00548 9/4/2008 ltc01442 1/30/2008 08-0610 1/25/2008 08-0549 5/30/2008 08-2628 2/21/2008 lte00222 3/25/2008 lte00368 8/27/2008 08-4287 8/21/2008 08-4172 3/12/2008 lta00220 5/29/2008 08-2626 8/18/2008 ltb01549 6/6/2008 08-2807 10/7/2008 08-5042 10/27/2008 lte01437 3/31/2008 08-1484 6/6/2008 08-2724 9/16/2008 08-4657 1/16/2008 ltc00110 2/15/2008 ltb00282 4/29/2008 ltc00685 2/25/2008 ltb00338 1/30/2008 08-0485 7/8/2008 ltb01290 3/19/2008 ltb00489 9/30/2008 ltb01922 7/24/2008 08-3682 3/17/2008 08-1301 5/5/2008 ltf00506 1/14/2008 08-0256 4/28/2008 lte00511 2/26/2008 08-1013 6/13/2008 ltc00922 8/6/2008 08-3908 9/23/2008 08-4741 7/30/2008 08-3721 7/11/2008 lta00582 10/21/2008 lte01389 1/2/2008 lta00001 10/28/2008 lta00930 1/2/2008 lta00011 9/23/2008 lta00822 Plaintiff Pine Creek Apts Robert R Harper Harper Robert Deutsche Bank Flint Pasadena Llc James E. Giles Fhc Richfield Apts James Giles Mt Morris Ldhalp Hannosh Wendy Fishermans Cove Fishermans Cove Christensen Tom Harris Investment River Village Apts George Smith Jr Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Michael Grohoski Rose Accept Hsbc Vank Usa Hazel Southard Pjeter Margaret Woodlawn Apts Woodlawn Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Mark Or Johnnie Goodman Tyler Mark Tyler Mark Tyler Deutsche Bank Federal Home Loan Mortgage Cor Gunther Ann Windsor Place Apts Booth Browne Madison Pk Est Burkland Gerald Burkland Gerald Us Bank Donald Young Kings Lane Robert Simpson Thornridge Apts Georgian Ct Apts Loasching Robert Lacie Williams American Mhp Roger Ii Haack Marshalls Crossing Fairways At Woodfield Flushing Estates Valley Mead Villag Valley Mead Vill Valley Meadows Last Name Crabtree Crabtree Craddock Craddock Craddock Craft Craft Craft Craig Craig Craig Craig Crain Crain Crain Crain Cramer Cramer Crandall Crane Crane Crane Crane Cranmore Crannie Crannie Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crayton Crayton Crayton Crayton Crayton Crayton Creason Creech Cremer Crenshaw Crillo Crisel Crisp Crispin Crispin Criswell Crittenden Crittenden Crockett Crockett Crockett Crockett First Name Sheila Shirley Eric Melissa Emmett Chrissy Chrissy Julie Joyce Shasta Angela Carrie Shawtayvia Ronald Shawtayvia Ronald Robert Robert Timothy Theresa Brandi Marcia Marcia Kiley Kim Kimberly Kevin Tiffany John Lawrence Marquez Brad India India Angela Dequanna Lynn Dequanna Jerrie Joshua Cheryl Teresa Monica Michelle Yvonne Sandra Sandra Jamie Hewitt Michael Tina Kelli Kelli Chris Date Case 3/25/2008 lte00364 3/7/2008 08-1230 5/6/2008 ltc00718 9/17/2008 08-4604 9/17/2008 08-4600 3/5/2008 ltf00242 10/1/2008 ltf01255 8/15/2008 ltd00739 1/23/2008 ltc00125 3/7/2008 08-1200 10/9/2008 08-5180 7/9/2008 ltb01307 1/2/2008 08-0129 6/19/2008 ltc00943 5/1/2008 08-2186 10/22/2008 ltc01675 5/28/2008 08-2517 9/17/2008 08-4652 2/8/2008 ltd00138 1/22/2008 lta00085 5/27/2008 ltb00949 3/18/2008 08-1758 8/29/2008 08-4315 9/19/2008 lte01181 10/28/2008 lta00928 7/7/2008 lta00565 5/22/2008 ltb00881 2/26/2008 lta00178 10/1/2008 ltf01218 7/30/2008 lta00633 9/22/2008 08-4760 10/20/2008 ltf01292 1/24/2008 lte00084 5/9/2008 lte00557 10/22/2008 08-5642 8/15/2008 08-4105 6/26/2008 08-3188 10/9/2008 08-5152 8/19/2008 ltc01304 2/14/2008 lte00195 9/29/2008 ltd00886 4/4/2008 08-1616 1/9/2008 ltb00072 2/5/2008 ltc00227 1/2/2008 ltf00030 5/27/2008 ltd00465 4/23/2008 ltd00368 5/20/2008 08-2462 3/10/2008 ltc00402 7/17/2008 08-3520 10/30/2008 ltf01395 10/23/2008 ltc01710 5/28/2008 ltc00849 4/24/2008 lta00353 Plaintiff Grand Bend Apts Fhc Gunther Ann Stephen Minore Stephen Minore Pineview Pineview James P Weinrauch Cedarshores Apt Fhc Kellie Long Landon Roy Westgate Terr Apts Sugartree Apts Westgate Terr Apts Sugartree Apts Russ Ritsen Russ Ritsen R&d Land Co Rohl Alice Kearsley Creek Llc David West David West Stone Lee Valley Mead Villag Lasalle Bank Nation Windsor Place Apts Burton Richard Pineview Estates River Valley Manor Richfield Aprts Executive Property Petty James Petty James James Lenoir Johnnie Tyler James A Pegg Mark Tyler Stebbins Invest Grand Pointe Apts Lafonda Apartments Fhc Twin Meadows Mhp N.Morris Ests Creekwood Georgetown Park Georgetown Park Russ Ritsen Velthoven Fred Will Ferguson Pineview Estates Pineshores Apts Pineshores Apts William S Lewis Last Name Crockett Crockett Crockett Crockett Croft Croom Croom Croom Croom Crosno Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Crossett Crow Crow Crow Crowe Crowe Crowe-Nealy Crowl Crozier Cruikshank Crumb Crumb Crumb Crumb Crumb Crumb Crump Crump Crump Crump Crump Crump Crump Cruz Cryderman Cryderman Csirke Csirke Csirke Cuba Cuba Cuba Culhane Culhane Culver First Name Tina Dashonda Arius Larhonda Julie Tim Weffer Roshonda Timothy Betty Sandra Michael Sandra Edward Onaka Michael Oraka Michael Michael Linda Debra Carmen Debra Carin Carin Pamela James Marjorie Orin Linda Linda Linda Linda Linda Linda James James Chalita Laquesha Laquiesha Laquisha Taquetta Ann Michael Charles Erik Erik Kristin Sabrina Sabrina Niguel Laura C David Date Case 8/5/2008 ltf00953 7/16/2008 ltb01326 10/24/2008 08-5623 9/24/2008 ltc01525 6/2/2008 lta00463 1/18/2008 08-0336 5/23/2008 08-2549 10/14/2008 ltc01630 8/8/2008 08-3984 10/2/2008 ltc01587 6/24/2008 ltf00728 5/8/2008 08-2259 5/22/2008 ltf00593 9/15/2008 ltf01125 9/8/2008 08-4458 9/11/2008 08-4541 6/9/2008 08-2836 7/31/2008 08-3817 10/31/2008 08-5823 6/2/2008 08-2670 6/4/2008 ltb01055 10/27/2008 08-5716 7/31/2008 ltb01507 3/5/2008 ltf00268 3/5/2008 ltf00243 8/28/2008 08-4348 5/7/2008 lte00553 4/28/2008 lte00499 4/9/2008 ltc00574 1/28/2008 ltf00122 6/30/2008 ltf00775 3/31/2008 ltf00365 9/24/2008 ltf01137 8/26/2008 ltf01001 7/29/2008 ltf00926 10/23/2008 ltc01696 2/26/2008 ltc00347 3/31/2008 08-1483 3/31/2008 08-1482 10/9/2008 08-5154 7/9/2008 08-3247 10/21/2008 lta00898 8/25/2008 08-4251 5/28/2008 ltb00988 8/20/2008 lte01045 5/28/2008 ltb00983 9/17/2008 ltb01801 7/30/2008 ltb01424 2/5/2008 ltc00218 3/7/2008 08-1182 9/26/2008 08-4699 6/24/2008 ltf00731 8/13/2008 ltb01543 3/3/2008 ltb00392 Plaintiff Pineview Three Rivers Assoc Evergreen Reg Bristol Court Arthur Sauve Stephon Turner Rose Accept Boyce Steven Brent Ludwig Option One Mort Kings Lane Jp Investing Kings Lane Executive Property Redstone Twh Jp Investing Redstone Twh Jp Investing Jp Investing Eric McBride Westwood Management Fhc Westwood Management Pineview Pineview Bank Of Amer Federal National Federal Home Loan Associatio Gary L Hicks Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood Mhp Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood Burkeshire Pointe Burkeshire Pointe Mark & Bruce Goodman Tyler Mark Tyler Wilfred Bush Mark Tyler River Valley Manor Msh Da Twin Meadows Mhp Fox Hill Glens Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Deutsche Bank Bank Of N Y Charles Walker Kings Lane A Gail Keaton Hipkins Westwood Management Last Name Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummings Cummins Cumper Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Cunningham Curenton Cureton Curley Curley Curlin Current Currie Currie Currie Curry Curry Curry-Gray Curtin Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Cuspard Cyr Czap Czarney Dabaja Dabaja Dabaja First Name Kimberly Antoinette Kimberly Larry Michael Laura Erika Richard Faith Jackelyn Denise Angela Douglas Douglas Janell Diane Rachel Eunice Michael Tryphena Pornthip Daniel Lois Deejah Abraham Susan Susan Terry Margaret Danielle Danielle Danielle Sharonda Jimmy Sholonda Raymond Kimberly Kimberly Bradley Kimberly Amanda Kimberly Vivian Kimberly Amanda Amanda Amanda Natasha Douglas Justin Antonet Hussam Hussam Hussam Date Case 10/30/2008 ltf01381 4/17/2008 08-1829 4/10/2008 ltf00421 2/25/2008 lta00175 2/21/2008 lte00216 10/13/2008 lte01359 7/23/2008 08-3646 7/16/2008 ltb01341 8/4/2008 08-3879 7/30/2008 ltb01448 7/9/2008 ltb01308 1/22/2008 08-0411 1/23/2008 lta00090 1/7/2008 08-0171 3/14/2008 lte00327 2/21/2008 ltb00286 6/20/2008 ltc00968 3/27/2008 lta00261 4/25/2008 ltc00625 4/30/2008 ltc00687 10/1/2008 08-5000 9/24/2008 lta00833 8/21/2008 ltc01360 7/1/2008 ltd00589 7/28/2008 ltf00919 3/20/2008 ltf00319 7/10/2008 08-3388 8/25/2008 08-4231 9/10/2008 ltb01780 1/3/2008 ltc00011 9/10/2008 ltc01458 7/1/2008 ltc01060 7/31/2008 ltb01508 9/24/2008 ltb01865 8/8/2008 08-3926 3/5/2008 08-1119 1/2/2008 ltf00029 10/28/2008 ltf01349 6/23/2008 ltc00994 5/5/2008 ltf00488 5/27/2008 08-2581 6/30/2008 ltf00774 7/30/2008 ltb01421 8/26/2008 ltf01002 10/24/2008 08-5602 6/23/2008 08-3153 9/23/2008 08-4747 6/2/2008 08-2707 4/7/2008 ltb00657 10/24/2008 ltb02071 9/17/2008 ltb01802 5/13/2008 08-2302 5/19/2008 08-2417 7/25/2008 08-3703 Plaintiff Pineview Estates Alex Maul Pineview Somerset Apartments Grand Bend Apts Fox Hill Glens Beulah Ecker Willowbrook Apts Sedric Battle Landmark Realty Landon Roy Redstone Twh Federal Nat Mtg Fnma Cedar Bend Apts Arc Torrey Hills Southcreek Village Flint Twp Prop Southcreek Village Cedarshores Apt Evergreen Reg Gmac Mtg Llc Mt Morris Ldhalp Sunridge Apts Southgate Twh Genesee Evelyn Angel River Village Apts Arc Villa Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Westwood Management Camelot Villa Clifton Sterling Ardena Bosley Creekwood Creekwood Dutch Village Llc Creekwood F.D.H.A.L.P. Creekwood Davison Mhc Creekwood F.D.H.A.L.P F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P Fnma Us Bank Na Windsor Place Apts Arc Torrey Hills North Fork Bank Greenpoint Mort Residential Funding Company Llc Fnma Last Name Dabaja Dady Daggett Dahl Daig Daigneau Dailey Dailey Daily Daily Dale Dale Dalton Dame Dameron Damessa Dandridge Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Dantzler Dantzler Dantzler Dantzler Dantzler Dantzler Dantzler Daraiseh Darbee Darby Darby Darby Dare Dare Dare Dark Darling Darling Darling Darnell First Name Fadia Darrell Cynthia Daniel Marcus Michele Tim Timothy Trevor Trevor Kirsty Kristy Michele David Kimberly Mills Ken Carissa Edwina Briana Edwina Tashaunda Edwina Barbara Edwina Angela Danny Alicia Felicia Kenneth Tracey Charvie Alana Carol Khira Khira Khira Khira Jeremy Khira Khira Edward Jennifer Julia Robert Rosemary Amanda Noelle Noell Rochelle Angela Jacqueline Lela Ronald Date Case 9/4/2008 08-4260 4/2/2008 ltb00637 3/18/2008 ltf00309 9/24/2008 lte01273 9/24/2008 ltb01842 9/26/2008 ltd00876 10/31/2008 ltf01404 1/17/2008 08-0364 2/1/2008 lte00179 3/25/2008 lte00388 4/16/2008 ltc00590 7/23/2008 ltc01110 10/23/2008 ltc01698 7/24/2008 ltc01125 1/18/2008 ltb00104 4/23/2008 ltf00465 9/30/2008 lte01309 1/11/2008 08-0231 5/28/2008 08-2616 5/7/2008 ltb00812 10/24/2008 08-5631 8/25/2008 08-4186 8/28/2008 08-4326 8/26/2008 ltf01003 6/25/2008 08-3209 4/22/2008 ltc00603 4/11/2008 08-1703 8/28/2008 08-4266 9/30/2008 08-4878 7/16/2008 08-3455 7/8/2008 08-3323 8/22/2008 lte01092 8/7/2008 lta00669 7/10/2008 ltc01083 10/30/2008 ltb02138 1/2/2008 ltb00021 4/2/2008 ltb00585 6/4/2008 ltb01007 8/15/2008 08-3921 8/27/2008 ltb01625 7/30/2008 ltb01419 10/21/2008 08-5540 5/22/2008 ltb00914 2/4/2008 08-0715 2/11/2008 lta00124 7/3/2008 ltb01238 1/29/2008 ltd00136 6/4/2008 ltb01034 10/8/2008 ltb01955 2/29/2008 ltd00243 3/25/2008 ltc00490 8/18/2008 08-4026 7/29/2008 08-3774 2/25/2008 ltf00197 Plaintiff Fnma Westwood Management Lasalle Bank Maplebrook Vill Apts Windsor Place Apts Fenton Oaks Llc Hanson Terry Will Ferguson Thornridge Apts Thornridge Apts Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Burkeshire Pointe N.Morris Estates Wells Fargo Bank Carrasco Margurit Shah Sudhir Guy Gerwinski Matt Wothke Brookstone Valley Matt Wothke River Village Apts Matt. Wothke Creekwood Matt Wothke Traders Trust Richfield Apts Lp Evergreen Reg Anthony Marshall Richfield Apts Clarence Brown Gr Bend 452apts Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Building Develop Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Kak Assoc. Davison East Westgate Terr Apts Wells Farg Bank Westwood Management Pheasant Run Apts Brookstone Valley Brookstone Valley Georgetown Park Ideal Rental Kingdom Mgmt James Lenoir Avelo Mortgage Last Name Darrough Darrow Dassance Davenport Davenport Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davidson Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis First Name Tonya David Cathy Hermiyon Jeff Amanda Jessica Reginald Johntionet Crystal Amanda Crystal Lauren Kelly James Kirk Andrea Derrick Shawntika Willie Andrea Cynthia Brady Theresa Prince Anthony Lasondra Joseph Quawndrell Hillary Bryan Jessica Kerrie Shandreka Carrie Quadakos Veronic Jinnie Brandy Joshua Andrea Janice Thomas Lakida Theresa Sheena Jennifer Robert Berry Karen Sarah Michelle Sharis Roshawn Date Case 5/5/2008 08-2197 1/29/2008 ltd00135 5/27/2008 lte00678 3/24/2008 08-1390 7/29/2008 ltb01385 3/25/2008 lte00374 6/9/2008 ltc00913 4/30/2008 08-2113 2/27/2008 ltb00361 5/28/2008 ltb00989 7/28/2008 ltf00916 10/8/2008 ltb01984 9/24/2008 ltf01153 7/3/2008 ltb01253 10/30/2008 ltb02157 1/31/2008 lte00158 1/2/2008 08-0087 1/2/2008 ltc00002 1/11/2008 08-0228 1/4/2008 08-0016 1/25/2008 08-0534 1/7/2008 08-0041 1/30/2008 08-0604 1/8/2008 ltc00049 10/27/2008 ltf01327 1/18/2008 08-0338 10/27/2008 lte01446 1/28/2008 08-0572 10/23/2008 ltc01711 6/20/2008 ltd00565 5/15/2008 ltb00848 4/14/2008 ltf00444 2/12/2008 08-0808 5/7/2008 ltb00813 2/5/2008 ltb00254 4/10/2008 ltf00440 2/6/2008 08-0589 3/17/2008 08-1318 2/26/2008 08-1031 6/20/2008 ltc00977 2/26/2008 08-1018 3/7/2008 08-1219 6/18/2008 ltb01113 4/16/2008 08-1840 4/3/2008 ltc00555 4/17/2008 08-1808 6/30/2008 ltb01209 5/23/2008 ltc00790 5/28/2008 ltb00960 5/29/2008 08-2625 4/3/2008 08-1524 4/24/2008 lte00474 4/24/2008 lta00357 3/26/2008 ltc00499 Plaintiff Orchard Ridge Est Pheasant Run Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts D Gaines Windsor Pl Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Ideal Rental Land Bank Cambridge Sq Flint Twin Meadows Mhp Boulder Creek Twin Meadows Mhp Kings Lane Twin Meadows Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Hometown Amer Gr Bl F.D.H.A.L.P. Stockton Tony Arnold Moore Quality Mgmt F.D.H.A.L.P. Micah Parker Holiday Village Camelot Villa Kings Lane David Richardson Maplebrook Vill Apts Countrywide Home Pineshores Apts Lake Fenton Mhp Citimortgage Inc McCray Marcie Theresa Bush Brookstone Valley Twin Meadows Mhp Pineview Estates Jack Barnes Executive Prop Holiday Village Quail Ridge Apts F.D.H.A.L.P. Fhc Arc Torrey Hills Executive Prop Camelot Villa Patrick Chaney White Oak Estates Michael Kennedy Nts/flint Uilding Co Charter Oaks A Chris Lawrence Daniel Perkins Perry Place Apts Bank Of New York Sugartree Apts Last Name Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis First Name Barry Andrea Linda Rhonda Quadakos Rose Quadakos Brian James Michelle Roberta Kelli Shelly Kendrick Kelli Ike Stephanie Michelle Andre Andrea Jinnie Marnika Aleisa Mark Angela Colleen Emily Alberta Voncha Aleisa Kelli Sharis Kristin Sharis Shawntika Mary Rose Shalonna Cierra Johnnie Sharis Sharon Dolores Romeka Theresa Shandreka Kristen Dolores Robyn Seretta Flora Ontario Lakida Steven Date Case 3/25/2008 ltb00516 3/3/2008 08-1058 6/25/2008 ltc01050 3/18/2008 08-1741 5/7/2008 ltf00540 6/4/2008 ltb01023 3/5/2008 ltf00237 5/5/2008 ltf00489 3/5/2008 ltb00423 2/21/2008 lte00223 4/30/2008 ltd00376 4/22/2008 08-1879 4/9/2008 08-1658 3/25/2008 08-1434 2/20/2008 08-0934 4/25/2008 08-1993 7/30/2008 08-3750 9/15/2008 08-4576 8/13/2008 08-3971 10/29/2008 08-5767 7/23/2008 ltf00883 7/25/2008 08-3679 10/22/2008 08-5527 10/6/2008 08-5067 9/12/2008 ltf01122 8/22/2008 ltd00768 8/22/2008 lte01071 10/23/2008 08-5519 7/7/2008 lte00827 9/9/2008 08-4490 8/5/2008 08-3861 7/3/2008 08-3255 10/2/2008 ltd00933 9/30/2008 08-4925 6/18/2008 08-3060 7/17/2008 ltf00867 8/27/2008 ltb01641 7/16/2008 08-3477 9/3/2008 08-4407 6/10/2008 08-2861 8/19/2008 08-4162 7/18/2008 08-3558 8/20/2008 lte01044 9/22/2008 08-4731 8/4/2008 ltc01256 8/28/2008 ltb01686 8/28/2008 ltd00825 10/13/2008 lte01354 9/9/2008 lta00755 6/16/2008 08-2980 8/28/2008 08-4286 9/24/2008 lte01272 6/24/2008 08-3172 10/27/2008 08-5698 Plaintiff Charter Oaks Apts Redstone Twh Burkeshire Apts Al Kloss Pineview Madison Pk Est Pineview Creekwood Twin Meadows Mhp Perry Place Apts Apple Creek Station Carriage Apts Michael Griffin Ideal Rental Carriage Apts Harris Invest National City Eagle Ridge Sq Evergreen Reg Redstone Twh Blackberry Creek Mark Tyler Lynette Hatter William Pattee Kontrin Jagoda Gmac Mortgage Llc Perry Place Apts Joseph Murray Stonehenge Gates Lynette Hatter Carriage House Apts Shiloh Com Twnh Pine Ridge Shiloh Com Twnh Vera J Hamlett Burton Place Apts Madison Pk Est Georgian Crt Apts Ridgecrest Vill Roy Hutchin Shiloh Com Twnh Fhc Fox Hill Glens Marlene Spruill Camelot Villa Brookstone Valley Pine Ridge Fox Hill Glens Carlson Clint Fhc Matt. Wothke Maplebrook Vill Apts Executive Prop Fhc Last Name First Name Davis Quadakos Davis Flora Davis Sheree Davis Janea Davis Yashi Davis Flora Davis Kirk Davis & Asso Inc Davis Jr Lawrence Davis-Arringt Kathy Davison Zabrina Davison Zabrina Davis-Watso Bonita Dawes Marlon Dawes Heidi Dawson Justin Day Anjanette Day Theresa Day Teresa Day Anajette Day Chad De La Rosa Jessica Deal Sarmite Deal Elizabeth Dean Joanne Dean Michael Dean Nicole Dean Kimberly Dean David Dean Tomeka Dean Joanne Dean Demetria Dean David Dean Tiffany Dean Joanne Dean Angela Dean Nicholas Deane Demeture Debandelab Mr. & Mrs. Debar Darrin Debois David Deck James Decker Drew Decker Gary Decker Linda Deer Tiso Deer Tiso Deering Todd Deering Ralph Dees John Defeyter Shuree Degraffenrei Lakresha Delaney Thomas Delaney Thomas Date Case 9/3/2008 ltf01061 6/25/2008 08-3210 9/25/2008 08-4817 6/19/2008 08-3083 8/29/2008 ltb01723 10/9/2008 08-5130 10/16/2008 ltc01640 4/18/2008 ltd00347 3/6/2008 lte00319 4/10/2008 08-1675 2/26/2008 ltd00220 8/26/2008 ltd00811 6/2/2008 ltc00867 10/27/2008 ltf01328 3/19/2008 08-1769 8/28/2008 ltb01694 5/7/2008 ltf00544 5/7/2008 ltb00795 7/3/2008 ltb01254 9/3/2008 ltf01074 7/17/2008 lta00595 8/27/2008 ltf01035 3/4/2008 lta00199 7/8/2008 08-3349 10/23/2008 ltc01699 3/24/2008 lte00351 6/17/2008 ltb01107 4/10/2008 08-1606 10/27/2008 08-5679 10/1/2008 08-4998 6/3/2008 08-2739 9/26/2008 08-4703 9/2/2008 08-4390 8/20/2008 08-4127 9/24/2008 ltc01522 7/2/2008 08-3227 10/14/2008 08-5171 5/28/2008 08-2636 5/28/2008 08-2619 9/29/2008 ltf01186 10/28/2008 lta00927 3/24/2008 08-1410 4/17/2008 08-1805 3/10/2008 ltf00283 6/20/2008 lta00538 2/19/2008 ltc00288 10/31/2008 08-5818 2/21/2008 lte00224 3/14/2008 ltd00263 9/5/2008 08-4366 5/22/2008 lte00611 5/28/2008 ltc00850 1/4/2008 lte00031 2/29/2008 lte00296 Plaintiff Pineview Matt Wothke Gerald Burton Kak Assoc. Rosewood Park Apts Matt. Wothke Bank Of Ny Silver Pointe Federal Home Tera J Ladd Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts N.Morris Estates Kings Lane Ray Curtin Genesee Valley Pineview Twin Meadows Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Pineview Fed National Mtg Pine Run #2 River Valley Manor Tony Hohn Bristol Court Group Five Mgmgt Stratford Sq Apts Tina Whitten Eric McBride Evergreen Reg Westgate Ter Apts Nancy Crutcher Eric McBride William Cross Bristol Court Jetty D Walker George Willoughby Nancy Crutcher Avon Parks Apts At Design Valley Mead Villag The Bank Of New York Trust Comp Skh Properties Creekwood Shah Vikrah Clovertree Apartment Park Manor Perry Place Apts Swartz Creek Mhp Chris Compton Fountain Pointe Pineshores Apts Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Last Name Delaney Delaney Delaney Delaney Delaney Delarosa Delduca Delduca Delduca Deleo Deleo-Elkins Delgado Delgado Delgado Delgado Delling Delling Delmage Deloach Deloach Deloach Deloach Delon Delong Delorenzo Delorge Delosh Delph Delph Delvalle Delvalle Demarco Demarest Demasellis J Demlow Demorrow Demorrow Demott Demott Demott Demott Demott Demski Denchfield Denchfield Denchfield Denchfield Denegal Denney Dennie Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis First Name Thomas Jennifer Jennifer Thomas Tara Brandon Theodore Anthony Anthony Wayne Beverly Cory Casey Cory Cory Joe Amy Dennis Seneatha Mary Seneatha Kiesha Marcelino David Samuel Jack Michelle Teressa Roseann Angelo Angelo Tim Jennifer Anthony Sarah Helen Helen Danny Danny Debra Deborah Danny Robin Denise Denise Denise Fredrick Mitchel Michael Kasey Wayne Chris Chris Charles Date Case 9/22/2008 lte01222 8/25/2008 08-4189 10/24/2008 08-5604 8/20/2008 lte01027 6/13/2008 08-2892 5/8/2008 lta00395 3/25/2008 08-1752 4/23/2008 lta00346 3/19/2008 lta00237 8/6/2008 ltf00966 8/25/2008 ltb01599 1/28/2008 08-0565 4/17/2008 ltf00448 4/28/2008 08-2089 6/25/2008 08-3170 4/4/2008 ltc00564 6/23/2008 08-3134 7/31/2008 ltb01461 10/20/2008 08-5242 9/26/2008 08-4676 7/2/2008 08-3304 8/14/2008 08-3997 3/7/2008 08-1139 2/29/2008 ltb00380 9/29/2008 ltb01880 8/7/2008 lta00672 9/25/2008 lta00841 9/30/2008 08-4964 9/30/2008 08-4961 10/9/2008 ltf01272 7/1/2008 ltf00782 2/26/2008 lta00182 10/21/2008 08-5539 9/30/2008 lte01314 2/15/2008 lte00198 4/15/2008 lta00314 3/11/2008 lta00215 1/9/2008 ltf00086 4/10/2008 ltf00425 6/19/2008 ltc00948 9/3/2008 ltc01435 10/1/2008 ltf01214 10/3/2008 ltf01262 9/23/2008 08-4775 9/29/2008 ltc01565 8/22/2008 08-4174 9/29/2008 08-4840 5/1/2008 08-2145 7/23/2008 lta00611 10/29/2008 08-5566 2/19/2008 lta00152 2/26/2008 08-1028 6/30/2008 08-3261 9/17/2008 08-4602 Plaintiff Fountain Pointe American Mhp American Mhp Fountain Pointe Venita Dudley Duncan Marilyn Cynthi Tijerina Burton Gerald Burton Gerald Wells Fargo Windsor Place Apts Tony Stockton Gethicker Alice Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Deutsche Bank American Mhp Continental North Rosewood M Apts Clarence Brown Rosewood M Apts Eugene Marve Frazier Jr White Hsbc Mortgage Services Inc White Oak Estates Bank Of New York Painted Post Condo Redstone Twh Redstone Twh Centennial Farms Centennial Farms Sheahan Patrick Dale R Smith Thornridge Apts Phillips Jamie Myrtle Grove Mhp Myrtle Grove Mhp Pineview Estates Pineview Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Pineview Estates Larry Swadling Deutsche Bk Fed National Mtg Wells Fargo Bk Fnma Executive Prop Burton Gerald Olson Mgmt Mill Creek Apts Shady Acres Mhp Shady Acres Mhp Ellen Fischer Last Name Dennison Denno Denton Deola Depillars Depotty Depriest Depriest Dereweth Derk Derminer Deroche Deroche Derseweh Desander Deshano Deshano Deshazor Desmukes Dessinger Dettt Detty Detty Detty Detty Deuman Devaney Devoe Devoe Dewey Dewitt Dewitt Dewitt Dewolf Dezelia Dhaliwal Diakite Diawara Diawara Diaz Dick Dick Dick Dickerson Dickerson Dickerson Dicks Dicosola Diehl Diehl Dietlan Dietzel Dietzel Digard First Name Roger Joely Mike William Sheri Sarah Tracy Tracy Scott Benny Jenifer Theresa Theresa Paul Leslie Janet Evonne Darlene Chante Mark Amy Melissa Amy Amy Amy Steven Jamie Michelle Michelle Eric Don Don Don Sally Andrew Sonny Georges Deuba Demba Juan Kathleen Kathleen Kathleen Brian Brian Waltessia Richard David Ryan Shannon Bethany Paul Paul Jennifer Date Case 10/29/2008 ltd01028 6/26/2008 ltb01137 2/19/2008 08-0900 8/25/2008 ltb01598 7/28/2008 lta00621 4/25/2008 ltc00651 7/30/2008 lte00929 9/22/2008 lte01197 9/26/2008 08-4670 8/13/2008 ltb01545 7/1/2008 08-3233 5/23/2008 ltc00808 3/25/2008 ltc00440 8/22/2008 lte01103 1/3/2008 lta00021 10/21/2008 lta00891 7/25/2008 ltc01161 4/28/2008 08-2016 9/12/2008 08-4625 1/2/2008 lte00005 5/21/2008 08-2472 1/24/2008 08-0510 3/20/2008 08-1737 8/22/2008 08-3922 7/11/2008 08-3436 4/22/2008 ltf00454 8/20/2008 lte01038 6/12/2008 ltb01101 7/31/2008 ltb01521 1/22/2008 ltf00099 4/30/2008 ltb00717 10/2/2008 ltb01926 7/24/2008 ltb01368 6/20/2008 ltb01133 5/27/2008 ltd00466 1/24/2008 ltb00126 2/19/2008 08-0786 4/22/2008 lta00342 7/30/2008 lta00638 1/2/2008 08-0070 1/24/2008 08-0507 5/28/2008 08-2615 8/28/2008 08-4283 1/2/2008 ltb00007 4/23/2008 ltb00676 4/23/2008 08-1953 1/16/2008 08-0312 5/30/2008 ltd00495 9/24/2008 ltb01870 10/8/2008 ltb01985 1/29/2008 08-0579 4/18/2008 ltd00352 3/14/2008 ltd00262 4/25/2008 ltc00620 Plaintiff Burton Gerald Group Five Mgmt Karen Childs Windsor Place Apts Laurence Wolf Prop Sugartree Apts Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Jack Arrand Mathewson Janett Mervin Ferrell Mt Morris Ldhalp Pine Creek Aprt Parkwood Mhp Leonards Auto Works Us Bank Pine Creek Apts Willie Jr Nolden Venita Dudley Group Five Mgmt Co. James Alderson William Ferguson James Alderson James Alderson James Alderson Meadowbrook Manor Fountain Pointe Westwood Vill Westwood Vill Gerow Patrick Riverside Mhp Riverside Mhp Riverside Mhp Rising Ests Apts Georgetown Park Three Rivers Assoc Citimortgage Inc River Valley Manor River Valley Manor American Mhp Matt Wothke Matt Wothke Matt. Wothke Tebo David Tebo Dave Beulah Ecker Westgate Park Swartz Creek Med Stockton Tony Twin Meadows Mhp Fiordaliza Maria Swartz Creek Mhp Swartz Creek Mhp Quail Ridge Apts Llc Last Name Digard Digg Dill Dill Dillard Dillard Dillard Dillard Diller Dillon Dime Missio Diment Dingel Dingman Dingman Dingman Dingman Dingman Dinnan Dion Dirrell Dirrell Dirrell Dirrell Dirrell Disberry Dishman Dishman Dishman Dismukes Dismukes Dissmore Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixon Dixson Dixson Dixson Doan Doan Doan Doan Dobbins Dobbins Dobson First Name Jennifer Duane Deidra Annie Tyeasha Vanessa Danard Danard Patrick Denise Ist Church Erin Matthew Sandra Sandra Sandra Sandra Sandra Christophe Krystal Anthony Jeriesha Latoya Lotoya Lotoya Abby Keri Darin Darin Gregory Igna Kevin Tammia Thomas Jacqueline Tawanna Candis Elaan Tameka Glenda Amy Tamra Joyce Tawanna Petricia Lacelia Lacelia Eryka Michael Michael Chantel Diedre Deidre Cheryl Date Case 6/20/2008 ltc00973 1/9/2008 08-0163 3/31/2008 ltf00383 6/20/2008 08-3042 10/8/2008 ltb01966 7/21/2008 ltb01347 6/16/2008 08-2923 8/13/2008 08-3961 2/1/2008 08-0637 1/3/2008 ltc00025 5/16/2008 ltc00751 10/29/2008 08-5686 3/4/2008 08-1153 10/30/2008 ltf01378 1/9/2008 ltf00080 4/10/2008 ltf00418 7/1/2008 ltf00823 9/3/2008 ltf01089 7/3/2008 lte00802 10/7/2008 ltb01943 4/29/2008 lte00540 5/28/2008 08-2504 9/17/2008 08-4650 7/25/2008 08-3651 8/15/2008 08-4006 5/14/2008 08-2316 2/26/2008 ltc00337 9/2/2008 ltf01041 7/1/2008 ltf00783 5/21/2008 lte00598 6/4/2008 ltb01035 8/26/2008 ltd00770 1/23/2008 08-0327 5/16/2008 lta00418 5/5/2008 08-2198 6/9/2008 ltc00904 6/3/2008 08-2750 5/23/2008 08-2543 3/24/2008 08-1411 2/25/2008 ltb00339 6/9/2008 08-2848 6/10/2008 08-2803 9/15/2008 08-4628 9/17/2008 ltc01482 2/12/2008 08-0813 6/2/2008 ltc00882 8/11/2008 ltc01291 2/6/2008 08-0652 8/8/2008 08-3894 7/15/2008 08-3333 6/23/2008 08-3142 1/22/2008 08-0412 10/8/2008 08-5116 5/15/2008 08-2402 Plaintiff Quail Ridge Apts Mtg Elec. System Blackberry Creek Wells Fargo Bk Madison Pk Est Kearsley Creek Llc Richfield Apts Richfield Apts 2841 Cochrane Llc N.Morris Ests Joy Missionary Baptist Church Malirke Johnson Deutsche Bank Pineview Estates Pineview Estates Pineview Pine View Pineview Knollwood Village Lions Gate Devlop Twnh Edgemont Kenneth M Scott Home Realty Home Realty Haytham Obeid Eric McBride Southcreek Village Centennial Farms Centennial Farms Group Five Mgmt Brookstone Valley Terra Management Willie M. Gamble Wells Fargo Bank Orchard Ridge Est Ideal Rental Ballenger Manor Travelers Bank And Trust Fsb Citic Chase Bank Windsor Place Apts Marathon Fin Bobbie Kirby Donald Bishop Ideal Rental James Sykes Pichulo Robert Pichulo Robert Nate Williams Affordable Prop Affordable Prop River Village Apts Redstone Twh Creekside Apts Minkyu Kim Last Name Dobson Docherty Dodd Dodd Dodds Doha Doherty Doherty Doila Doll Dollinger Dominas Dominas Ii Dominy Dominy Dominy Dominy Dominy Dominy Dominy Dominy Domroese Domroese Don Donahue Donahue Donald Donaldson Donley Donley Donley Donley Et Al Donnan Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donnelly Donovan Donovan Dooley Dorr Dorr Dorris Dorsey Dorsey Dorsey Dorsey Doss Doss Doss Doss First Name Cherly Rose Brian Brian Delisa Bassam Lisa Lisa Marc Shawn Jennifer Robert Robert Dorothy Dorothy Michelle Dorothy Michelle Dorothy Michelle Dorothy Howard Howard Et Al John John Patricia Danna Bruce Bruce Bruce Deanne Emily Patrick Joseph John Patrick Patrick Cynthia Wanda Gary Bonnie Christophe Stacy Stacy Ian Alean Catherine Catherine Selena Shella Jamia Shella Teka Date Case 3/3/2008 08-1069 4/28/2008 08-2037 8/20/2008 lte01026 7/23/2008 lte00883 7/21/2008 08-3592 3/3/2008 lte00315 10/17/2008 08-5523 7/24/2008 08-3647 8/25/2008 lta00725 1/22/2008 ltd00083 9/17/2008 lta00794 9/24/2008 lte01271 10/7/2008 lte01328 10/30/2008 ltb02122 1/8/2008 ltc00050 1/3/2008 08-0012 4/3/2008 ltc00556 3/17/2008 08-1279 8/27/2008 ltc01389 7/23/2008 08-3632 7/14/2008 ltc01090 6/30/2008 ltb01195 4/30/2008 ltb00764 7/18/2008 08-3505 3/25/2008 08-1429 8/20/2008 ltc01307 7/29/2008 ltd00676 3/14/2008 08-1251 10/24/2008 ltf01319 5/8/2008 ltf00561 9/26/2008 lte01300 4/2/2008 lta00291 9/23/2008 ltb01830 5/27/2008 ltf00620 6/16/2008 ltf00698 2/11/2008 lta00128 8/29/2008 ltf01039 7/16/2008 ltf00864 7/21/2008 lte00859 7/11/2008 08-3456 5/30/2008 08-2631 10/21/2008 ltf01313 4/23/2008 ltd00367 5/16/2008 08-2394 3/25/2008 08-1374 9/22/2008 lte01196 1/23/2008 ltc00134 4/28/2008 08-2057 2/25/2008 08-1008 6/16/2008 08-2939 5/1/2008 08-2185 2/25/2008 08-0999 2/4/2008 08-0710 5/23/2008 08-2556 Plaintiff Minkyu Kim Michelle Fields Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Treasure Enter Fox Hill Glens Debra Hagon B A Jr Harris Ideal Rental Homes Maluchnik Cynthia Linden Place Mhc Fed Home Loan Federal National Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Matt Clark Camelot Villa Matt Clark Camelot Villa Matt Clark Camelot Villa Continental North Continental North Theodore Towner Goad Llc Williams Nate Sunridge Apts Nick Murphy Abdole Mutee Abdole Mutee Abdole Mutee Valley Meadow Vil Kearsley Creek Llc Parkview Manor Upttegraff Elizabeth Somerset Apartments Parkview Manor Llc Parkview Manor Maple Park Terraces Richfield Apts Rob Bottinelli H Tannenbaum Georgetown Park Royal Mhp Royal Mhp Perry Place Apts Goad Realty Tony Stockton Tony Stockton El Shaddai Westgate Terr Apts Ctry Cl Man Apts Westgate Terr Apts Allyson Snell Last Name Doss Doss Doston Dotson Dotson Dotson Dotson Dotson Dotson Dotson Dotson Dougherty Dougherty Dougherty Doughty Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglas Douglass Doumbia Doumbia Douros Douros Douros Douros Dover Dover-Thom Dowdall Dowdall Dowdy Dowdy Dowell Dowell Dowell Dowler Dowlless Downs Doxie Doyle Doyle Doyle Doyle Dozier Dozier Dozier Dozier Dozier Drake Drake Drake Drake Draper First Name Teka Shella Kevin Shannon Damon Damon Tara Damon Damon Brandon Shannon Carla Kevin Kevin Pat Desma Rodney Tasha Rashunn Stacey Duane Melanie Melanie Demetra George Demetra Demetra Candis Cleopatra Coleen Coleen Tabitha Ronald Lisa Lisa Lisa Media Lawrence April Tamica Rose Joseph Rose Patricia Deanna Linda Satevia Danetta Linda Pattisue Charlana Torrey Dominique Cloyce Date Case 6/3/2008 08-2730 9/24/2008 08-4784 8/22/2008 ltd00765 1/3/2008 ltc00035 1/24/2008 ltb00144 3/18/2008 ltb00460 2/25/2008 ltb00322 2/25/2008 ltb00340 5/22/2008 ltb00882 7/3/2008 lte00801 7/24/2008 ltc01124 1/18/2008 ltd00077 5/27/2008 lte00638 7/21/2008 08-3602 4/30/2008 08-2071 1/7/2008 08-0040 4/23/2008 08-1946 3/13/2008 08-1293 7/8/2008 ltb01291 9/24/2008 ltf01154 9/24/2008 lte01277 1/29/2008 08-0600 5/29/2008 08-2647 5/28/2008 ltb00961 6/24/2008 lte00744 6/30/2008 ltb01176 8/26/2008 ltb01615 1/10/2008 08-0189 1/31/2008 lte00122 8/13/2008 08-3969 9/25/2008 lte01292 3/25/2008 ltc00446 6/17/2008 ltc00928 1/15/2008 lta00064 2/20/2008 lta00162 3/13/2008 lta00223 1/2/2008 lte00018 10/7/2008 08-4957 8/28/2008 ltb01710 7/2/2008 08-3124 1/2/2008 ltf00005 4/24/2008 lta00351 5/5/2008 ltf00498 8/4/2008 lte00997 6/24/2008 ltf00722 4/8/2008 ltc00570 3/7/2008 08-1211 6/6/2008 08-2818 9/12/2008 ltc01471 5/15/2008 08-2379 8/4/2008 ltc01258 9/2/2008 08-4369 6/9/2008 08-2824 3/25/2008 lte00383 Plaintiff Westgate Terr Apts Westgate Terr Apts Georgetown Park N.Morris Ests Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Continental Estates Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Knollwood Village N.Morris Estates South Valley Mhp Tudor Estates Fidelity Bank Dennis Besset Steve Rutherford Deutsche Bk Ruth Bryant Madison Pk Est Kings Lane Maplebrook Vill Apts Eylastine Roberts Eyla Green-Roberts Charter Oaks Apts Perry Place Apts Charter Oaks Apts Charter Oaks Apts Gerald Burton Perry Place Apts Richfield Apt Knollwood Vill Apts Quail Ridge Apts Jp Morgan Bk Flint Twp Prop Flint Twp Prop Flint Township Prop Thornridge Apts Willie Mack Twin Meadows Mhp Stanley Gilbert Maple Grove Homesales Inc Maple Grove Blessing Lou Kings Lane Woodbury Tim Fhc Dave Washburn Woodbury Tim Excutive Property Cedarshores Apt Ken Simmons Rollingwood Man Tudor Estates Last Name Draper Draper Draper Draper Dreyfus Drielick Drimby Drimby Drimby Drimby Drinkwine Drinkwine Drish Drish Drummond Drummond Drury Duarte Dubard Dubbendorf Dube Dube Dubie Dubose Duby Duckwitz Dudla Dudley Dudley Dudley Duet Duff Duff Duff Duffy Dufort Dufort Duke Dukes Dukes Dukes Dukes Dukes Dukes Dukes Dukes Dukes Dukes Dukes Dukuly Dukuly Dulin Dumas Dumas First Name Cloyce Cloyce Cloyce Cloyce Jason Jessica John John John John Nicole Nicole Janet Dorothy Mrs Vivon Dawn Daniel William Tina Russell Karrie Darcie Tereze Crystal Herly Heather Shaylynn Shaylynn Shaylynn Christophe Rachel Rachel Rachel Richard Lee Mae Lee Ronnie Michael Keella Cavanna Keella Phillip Keella Michael Phillip Ethel Tonya Michael Abraham Abraham Mary A John Date Case 6/26/2008 lte00784 5/27/2008 lte00639 7/30/2008 lte00951 9/25/2008 lte01286 3/27/2008 08-1353 7/25/2008 ltc01164 4/30/2008 ltb00748 3/5/2008 ltb00435 7/31/2008 ltb01484 9/8/2008 ltb01754 3/14/2008 08-1275 7/23/2008 08-3635 4/9/2008 08-1657 9/29/2008 08-4900 1/17/2008 08-0316 4/18/2008 08-1832 7/14/2008 lte00838 3/25/2008 08-1371 4/24/2008 lta00355 4/28/2008 08-2028 4/22/2008 lta00333 4/23/2008 08-1925 9/24/2008 ltc01511 3/19/2008 08-1733 10/16/2008 lta00886 3/7/2008 08-1186 10/28/2008 ltb02107 1/31/2008 ltf00145 6/5/2008 ltf00679 9/2/2008 ltf01043 9/24/2008 ltc01535 10/24/2008 ltb02072 2/25/2008 ltb00341 7/29/2008 ltb01386 5/22/2008 ltb00912 3/6/2008 ltb00437 6/30/2008 ltb01216 9/2/2008 ltd00830 1/16/2008 08-0350 1/8/2008 ltd00053 1/18/2008 lta00075 2/26/2008 ltd00219 2/26/2008 ltd00218 4/30/2008 ltd00412 2/25/2008 08-0956 8/26/2008 ltd00810 10/27/2008 08-5730 9/17/2008 08-4592 8/19/2008 08-4059 5/27/2008 ltb00950 9/23/2008 ltb01831 7/18/2008 08-3534 4/1/2008 08-1543 9/17/2008 08-4599 Plaintiff Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Deutsch Bank Dutch Village Llc White Oak Estates White Oak Estates White Oaks Estates White Oak Estates Terry Hanson Terry Hanson Sunshine Mgmt Fhc James Sykes James Sykes Federal Home Royal Mhp Citizens Bank Priority Prop Mgmt Vienna Village Gary L. Hicks Parks Ii John Ron Birchmeier Burton Gerald Mortgage Elect Charter Oaks Apts Centennial Farms Centennial Farms Centennial Farms Southcreek Village Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Pl Apts Group Five Mgmt Davison Hills Mhp Davison Hills Mhp Stevens Phillip Glendale Realty Sunridge Apts Doll Terry Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts 2214 Clement St Sunridge Apts Fhc Kevin Kinnally Fhc Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Fhc Land Bank Gabe Kovacs Last Name Dunbar Dunbar Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Dunigan Dunikowski Dunikowski Dunk Dunkel Dunlap Dunlop Dunlop Dunlop Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunn Dunning Dupens Dupree Duran Duranta Durantini Durantini Durantini Durantini Durecki Durio Durio Durio Durish Durish Durish Durk Durman Duroccher Durocher Durocher Durphee Durrett Durrett Dusenbery First Name Debbie Robert Kaila Lyndsey Edward Kaila Feodor Eric Kaila Symone Kaila Feodor Nelson Shuranda Renee Chantel Chantel Melissa Jason Brigette Greg Greg Greg Talia David David Dennis Cecily Willester Ryan Esther Raiinee Jessica Garrett Alica Alicia Alicia Alicia Ronald Shelandra Shelandra Shelandra Terry Terry Terry Robert Nicholas Barbara Bernadette Bernadette Robin Laqueta Lawrence Charlene Date Case 5/9/2008 08-2230 7/29/2008 ltc01225 1/8/2008 ltd00052 2/5/2008 08-0672 6/2/2008 lta00467 4/30/2008 ltd00411 2/4/2008 08-0704 2/25/2008 ltb00323 9/30/2008 ltd00917 8/26/2008 lte01108 7/29/2008 ltd00675 6/3/2008 08-2737 10/14/2008 08-4533 7/1/2008 ltc01068 8/21/2008 08-4171 5/27/2008 lte00654 8/22/2008 lte01072 4/2/2008 ltb00595 2/25/2008 ltb00342 8/25/2008 ltf00991 1/31/2008 ltb00217 4/30/2008 ltb00765 7/31/2008 ltb01462 1/25/2008 lte00105 1/2/2008 08-0081 3/26/2008 08-1444 9/4/2008 lta00746 7/7/2008 08-3109 10/17/2008 08-5522 4/18/2008 ltf00450 9/10/2008 08-4502 10/9/2008 08-5157 3/5/2008 ltb00424 6/4/2008 ltb01009 6/20/2008 ltc00975 9/24/2008 ltc01544 7/25/2008 ltc01201 8/21/2008 ltc01369 4/7/2008 08-1640 1/23/2008 08-0347 8/14/2008 08-3917 10/1/2008 08-4879 6/4/2008 ltd00535 8/19/2008 ltd00752 10/10/2008 ltd00962 3/27/2008 ltd00293 1/16/2008 ltc00104 3/14/2008 ltd00260 4/18/2008 ltd00349 2/19/2008 ltd00170 7/31/2008 ltb01493 6/26/2008 ltb01150 9/29/2008 08-4890 6/30/2008 08-3104 Plaintiff Antoine Butler Whitthorne Sunridge Apts Tammara King Deutsche Bank Nat Sunridge Apts Ctry Cl Man Apts Continental Estates Sunridge Apts Mapleridge Apts Sunridge Apts Ctry Cl Man Apts Citifinancial Mtg Congdon Donna Metawan Hills Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Arc Villa Windsor Place Apts Creekwood Continental North Continental North Continental North Fountain Pointe Holiday Village Holiday Village West Court Ranch Dionna J Ross Lewis Bertrand Phh Mortgage Corp Linda Byrd Carrie Fuller Twin Meadows Mhp Hunters Ridge Apts Quail Ridge Apts Quail Ridge Apts Quail Ridge Apts Quail Ridge Apts Mtg Elect.Reg Booth Browne Booth Browne Booth Browne George M Popovich George M Popovich Trecha Margaret Pine Ridge Indian Hills Manor Lake Fenton Mhp Lake Fenton Mhp Lake Fenton Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Cambridge Sq Flint Fhc Michael L Vliet Last Name Dusenbury Dusenbury Dutcher Dwyer Dye Dye Dymowski Dyson Eaddy Eads Eagan Eagan Eagins Eagins Eagins Earl Earl Earle Earnest Earnest Earnest Earnest Earnshaw Earvest Easlick Eason Eason Eason Easterling Easterling Eaton Eaton Eaton Ebare Eberhardt Eberhoe Ebert Ebert Ebert Ebert Ebright Ebright Ebright Eckel Eckel Eckel Ecker Eckers Eckert Eddy Edelen Edelen Edelen Edelen First Name Charles Charlene Eugene John Lana Tomika Edward Montesia Daniel Nelson Amber Charles Sara Sara Sara Trabeon Demetrius Susan Vincent Marlaina Eric Vincent Patrice Denise Jeffery Brandi Brandi Quetika Troy Troy Keri Ashley Keri Charmaine Mandy Jessica Laurie Laurie Laurie Ashley Mark Mark Mark Jessica Jessica Jessica Sally Sally Cris Wayne Shaunte' Kamesha Shaunte' Shaunte Date Case 1/11/2008 lta00047 9/17/2008 lta00790 2/29/2008 ltb00382 1/18/2008 08-0352 3/10/2008 08-1234 6/23/2008 08-3086 8/25/2008 ltb01593 6/20/2008 lte00726 5/22/2008 ltf00594 1/18/2008 ltd00075 9/15/2008 08-4619 7/10/2008 08-3462 4/1/2008 ltc00529 6/4/2008 ltc00887 9/10/2008 ltc01459 1/28/2008 08-0467 10/14/2008 ltb02019 5/7/2008 ltd00439 6/3/2008 ltf00648 4/30/2008 lta00370 5/7/2008 ltb00814 2/7/2008 ltf00156 9/24/2008 08-4779 1/18/2008 08-0337 1/10/2008 ltc00069 5/15/2008 08-2405 8/29/2008 08-4351 9/26/2008 08-4707 4/22/2008 lta00343 3/4/2008 lta00197 5/7/2008 ltb00796 4/22/2008 ltd00357 2/5/2008 ltb00255 3/3/2008 ltb00393 9/26/2008 08-4694 6/20/2008 ltc00970 6/3/2008 ltf00658 3/5/2008 ltf00245 9/30/2008 ltc01574 7/16/2008 lte00844 5/28/2008 ltb00978 2/5/2008 ltb00250 10/8/2008 ltb01978 5/15/2008 08-2376 4/16/2008 08-1837 10/13/2008 lte01347 7/28/2008 08-3728 9/15/2008 08-4618 7/7/2008 ltd00619 8/7/2008 lta00680 10/23/2008 ltc01720 1/2/2008 08-0130 5/28/2008 ltc00847 8/4/2008 ltc01259 Plaintiff Burton Gerald Myrtle Grove Mhp Hometown Amer Court St. Village Mark K Spinney Rick Ives Ocwen Loan Servicingas Service F Cedar Bend Apts Kings Lane East Bay Mhp Grant Lafon Deutsche Bk Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Village Cranbrook Vill Co D Himelhoch Three Rivers Assoc Mari-Dan Miller Farms Green Acre Laurence Wolf Prop Brookstone Valley Pine View Security Federal Cr Willie Sykes Sugartree Apts Ray Landon Roy Landon Janice Collins River Valley Manor River Valley Manor Twin Meadows Mhp Johnson Tod Twin Meadows Mhp Westwood Management Kevin Smith Pine Creek Apts Pineview Pineview Elliot Don Crkovski Naum Enterprise Ests Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Executive Prop Executive Prop Fountain Pointe American Mhp Michelle Mastin Lasalle Bank Na Jbl Properties Cedarshores Apt Westgate Terr Apts Pineshores Apts Cedarshores Apt Last Name Edelen Edgeworth Edgeworth Edmiston Edmonds Edmonds Edmonds Edmonds Edmonds Edmonds Edmonds Edmondson Edmontson Edward Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards Edwards First Name Kamesha Kyle Misty Sheila Rhonda Rhonda Rhonda Rhonda Lashunda Lashunda Rhonda Norman Michell Lisa Ivoery Kathy Mark M Norman Cassandra Kathy Lavenia Shana Corian Shana Kathy Kimberly Kathy Ira Abbey Janet Shana Shannon Gregory Abbey Lalasha Quineisha Christine Shanay Kimberly Christine Abbey Corian Kathy Rae Lasandra Michelle Rae Kathy Kathy Jennifer Quineisha Tonya Jennifer Date Case 9/24/2008 08-4783 9/22/2008 lte01231 10/24/2008 08-5603 3/31/2008 08-1473 10/30/2008 ltf01382 4/10/2008 ltf00423 6/3/2008 ltf00671 2/7/2008 ltf00165 5/20/2008 lta00422 6/3/2008 lta00471 9/3/2008 ltf01105 3/4/2008 ltf00224 5/19/2008 08-2428 9/3/2008 ltf01104 1/22/2008 08-0413 1/24/2008 08-0511 10/24/2008 ltc01732 10/30/2008 ltb02146 10/28/2008 ltf01350 3/24/2008 08-1362 5/29/2008 08-2659 3/3/2008 08-1082 6/4/2008 ltc00888 5/5/2008 08-2190 2/6/2008 ltc00245 3/6/2008 08-1176 5/28/2008 ltc00834 4/17/2008 08-1866 5/21/2008 08-2476 5/30/2008 ltd00502 6/13/2008 lte00715 4/1/2008 ltc00530 5/7/2008 ltb00815 2/14/2008 ltc00270 2/29/2008 ltd00244 2/22/2008 08-0965 5/7/2008 08-2240 4/30/2008 ltb00743 8/26/2008 ltd00809 9/24/2008 ltc01558 7/31/2008 ltb01469 9/12/2008 ltd00851 9/17/2008 08-4601 10/23/2008 08-5588 9/3/2008 ltf01068 6/19/2008 08-3096 8/4/2008 08-3848 10/1/2008 ltf01244 7/17/2008 08-3519 8/28/2008 08-4282 8/20/2008 ltb01557 6/6/2008 08-2790 6/5/2008 08-2722 7/3/2008 ltb01285 Plaintiff Westgate Terr Apts Fountain Pointe American Mhp Jack Arrand Jr Pineview Estates Pineview Pineview Pine View Gorton Joe Gorton Joe Pineview Fed National Mtg Jeffrey Savage Pineview Redstone Twh Mujtaba Iftikhar Mortgage Assoc The Federal Natio Riverwood Lux Apts Creekwood Ed Artis Mujtab Iftikhar Orchard Ridge Est Cranbrook Village Gerald Peebler Cranbrook Vill Co Mujaba Iftikhar Burkeshire Apts Mujtaba Iftikhar Mich Land Bank Fast Track Authori Gateway Manor Federal National Cranbrook Vill Co Brookstone Valley Kloss Al Georgetown Park Terry Hanson Norah Edwards Davison East Sunridge Apts Burkeshire Pointe Davison East Gateway Manor Gerald Peebler Mujtaba Iftikhar Green Acre Antonio Duran Orchard Ridge Est Pineview Estates Mujtaba Iftikhar Mujtaba Itfikhar Riverwood Lux Apts Norah Edwards Mike Shayna Riverwood Lux Apts Last Name Egan Eggers Eggert Ehlears Ehlears Ehlears Ehlears Ehrhart Ehrhart Elam Elaoufir Elbert Elbert Elbert Elbert Elbert Elbert Elbert Elbert Elbert Elbert Elder Elder Eldridge Elem Elerson-Port Elerson-Port Elerson-Port Elizalde Elizalde Elizondo Elkins Elkins Elkins Ellard Eller Eller Eller Eller Eller Ellies Ellies Ellies Ellies Elliot Elliot Elliot Elliot Elliot Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott First Name Michelle Gary J Sally Sally Sally Sally John John Arbedella Carol James Tamika Carla Tameka Michelle Michele Michele Tameka James Adonis Edward Tiffany Portia Shaquanda Najia Najia Najia Leroy Leroy Crystal Katrina Monica Katrina Dan Kerri Kerri Kerri Kerri Kerri Ingrid Ingrid Jamie Patricia Heather Vetina Heather April Terry Elsie April Terry Jeffery April Date Case 5/8/2008 08-2153 4/23/2008 ltb00677 6/4/2008 ltd00508 10/29/2008 ltd01027 3/3/2008 ltb00394 4/2/2008 ltb00638 7/3/2008 ltb01239 5/29/2008 ltf00641 8/11/2008 ltf00977 6/19/2008 lta00535 6/24/2008 lte00745 5/2/2008 08-2166 2/15/2008 08-0882 4/30/2008 ltc00688 4/8/2008 08-1655 2/27/2008 ltc00376 6/24/2008 ltc01031 10/2/2008 ltc01591 9/5/2008 08-4307 10/27/2008 08-5693 6/4/2008 08-2756 1/25/2008 lta00099 6/13/2008 ltf00697 6/23/2008 ltc01000 4/25/2008 ltc00662 2/26/2008 08-1014 5/7/2008 08-2217 7/21/2008 08-3522 7/9/2008 08-3345 7/15/2008 08-3484 1/25/2008 ltc00184 2/7/2008 ltf00172 4/2/2008 ltb00631 7/1/2008 ltf00809 9/25/2008 ltc01563 1/18/2008 ltd00079 6/20/2008 ltd00564 4/18/2008 ltd00350 8/18/2008 ltd00745 10/17/2008 ltd00969 2/4/2008 08-0750 4/4/2008 08-1626 6/16/2008 08-2997 7/9/2008 ltb01301 1/31/2008 08-0497 5/5/2008 08-2100 5/28/2008 08-2519 8/5/2008 ltf00942 9/29/2008 ltb01906 6/4/2008 ltf00677 4/10/2008 ltf00432 2/25/2008 ltb00317 3/27/2008 ltc00510 2/7/2008 ltf00155 Plaintiff Charles Coons Land Bank Riverside Man Apts Singh Treavor Westwood Management Westwood Management Westwood Management H Tannenbaum H Tannenbaum Citimortgage Inc Perry Place Apts Terry Hanson Jason Verkennes Cedarshores Apt Jason Verkennes Cedarshores Apartment Homes Cedarshores Apt Cedarshores Apt Jason Verkennes Fhc Georgian Crt Apts Maple Run Robert R Harper Bristol Court Clovertree Apts Salem Housing Salem Housing Salem Housing Robert Elizalde Eva H Lowery Mt Morris Ldhalp Pine View Crigger Karl Pine View Cobb Wilda Lake Fenton Mhp Lake Fenton Mhp Lake Fenton Mhp Lake Fenton Mhp Lake Fenton Mhp Fhc Fhc Fhc Brookstone Valley Russ Ritsen Fnma Russ Ritsen Green Acre Continental North Genesee Villa Green Acre Apts Continental North Indian Hills Manor Green Acre Last Name Elliott Elliott Elliott Elliott Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ellis Ii Elrod Elsworth Ely Elyateem Emanuel Emanuel Embry Embry Emerick Emerton Emigh Emigh Emmerling Emmons Emory Engelman Engelmann England Entrikin Eplett Epperson Epps Erb Erb Ernest Ervin Ervin Erving Erwin Eschenweck Eschtruth Escobar Escobedo Escue Eskridge Eskridge Espinosa Essix Essix Essix Estate Of Ca Estate Of Sh First Name Jeffery Cari April Tina Kassie Jaime Jessie Brandon Angel Patricia Michael Samon Herbert Hope Spencer Sonia Kaniya Kaniya Monica Barbara Joseph William Mark Mark Larry Brent Shawn Rodney Amanda Diana Bobbie Diane Amanda Andre Christine Christine Eric Art Arthur Van Aronette Lawrence Mark Audrey Amy Gregory Leonard Leonard Andreia Michelle Michelle Michelle McCray Scott Date Case 7/23/2008 ltc01114 10/24/2008 08-5617 10/1/2008 ltf01230 9/30/2008 08-4872 6/23/2008 ltc00985 2/19/2008 ltc00316 5/22/2008 ltb00883 4/28/2008 ltb00692 5/13/2008 ltf00573 2/19/2008 08-0826 7/11/2008 ltc01087 9/30/2008 ltd00916 6/11/2008 ltf00695 4/7/2008 ltb00655 4/2/2008 ltb00610 8/26/2008 08-4259 1/2/2008 08-0098 2/4/2008 08-0688 5/22/2008 ltc00783 7/21/2008 08-3544 1/28/2008 ltf00112 2/28/2008 08-1053 5/29/2008 ltc00855 8/11/2008 ltc01289 7/28/2008 lta00625 9/29/2008 ltb01907 5/7/2008 ltb00797 10/8/2008 ltb01986 2/26/2008 ltd00217 3/6/2008 ltc00391 5/23/2008 08-2468 10/2/2008 lte01318 3/20/2008 ltb00506 5/27/2008 08-2569 5/5/2008 ltf00478 9/29/2008 ltf01180 7/22/2008 08-3604 2/4/2008 08-0654 5/6/2008 08-2171 9/30/2008 ltd00915 1/10/2008 ltd00061 10/21/2008 lta00889 1/24/2008 ltb00145 6/20/2008 ltd00557 10/13/2008 lte01356 6/19/2008 ltc00955 4/18/2008 08-1875 9/24/2008 ltf01149 2/21/2008 ltb00287 4/24/2008 08-1958 2/13/2008 08-0850 7/10/2008 08-3398 1/16/2008 ltc00111 3/7/2008 ltc00398 Plaintiff Indian Hills Manor Mortgage Elec. Green Acre Apts Donald Wilson Mt Morris Ldhalp Lajuan S Gibson Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Boulder Creek Diana Bell Gmac Mortgage Llc Sunridge Apts Homesales Inc Us Bank Enterprise Ests Mhp Wells Fargo Bk Shiloh Com Twnh Shiloh Com Twnh McQueen Susan Fhc Heltman Jonathan Mshd Mary L Nelson Mary L Nelson Fed National Mtg Continental North Twin Meadows Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Sunridge Apts N.Morris Ests Greg Childers Citimortgage Hsbc Mortgage Glendale Realty Villa Grande Villa Grande Dry Investment Thomas Agle Thomas Agle Sunridge Apts Wykes Juanita Deutsche Bank Windsor Place Apts Georgetown Park Fox Hill Glens Dawn Miller Erina Citizens Bank Blackberry Creek Arc Torrey Hills Maguire 6 Llc Maguire 6 Llc Maguire 6 Llc Citimortgage Inc Bank Of N Y Last Name Estate Of Ze Estelle Estep Estep Ester Esterdahl Esterdahl Esterdahl Esterdahl Esters Estes Estes Ethier Eubanks Eubanks Eubanks Jr Evanish Evan-Jones Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans-Jones Evans-Jones Evans-Jones Evans-Jones Evans-Jones Every Ewing Ewing Exum Ezell Ezell Faber Sr Faber Sr Fagan First Name Losin Celeste Andrea Penny John Todd Todd Todd Todd Candyce Valerie Danny Susan Cheryl Timothy Alvin Michelle Samuel John Ricky John John Cory Mark Linda Jason Leroy Lindsay Jennifer Michelle Porsche Jacqueline Jennifer Terra Michelle Larry Nicole Lynell Ronald Leroy Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel Samuel Gloria Nicole Nicole Cheryl Sharon Sherley Kenneth Kenneth Ernestine Date Case 7/29/2008 lte00909 10/21/2008 ltf01307 10/27/2008 lte01439 4/7/2008 08-1530 7/10/2008 08-3372 8/29/2008 08-4402 8/21/2008 lta00719 8/25/2008 08-4249 10/3/2008 08-5011 9/22/2008 lte01219 6/20/2008 08-3045 7/30/2008 ltb01425 4/18/2008 ltf00451 9/9/2008 lta00754 8/22/2008 lte01093 4/23/2008 08-1954 6/18/2008 ltb01122 6/23/2008 08-3156 1/22/2008 lta00078 1/25/2008 08-0554 5/7/2008 lta00388 3/13/2008 lta00224 6/23/2008 lte00732 4/29/2008 lte00532 4/28/2008 lte00508 4/24/2008 ltc00608 2/7/2008 08-0772 2/25/2008 ltb00343 6/4/2008 ltb01056 6/4/2008 ltb01013 4/4/2008 08-1519 7/10/2008 08-3373 7/31/2008 ltb01509 10/3/2008 08-5016 7/30/2008 ltb01415 8/1/2008 08-3779 7/29/2008 ltb01387 9/22/2008 08-4758 6/16/2008 08-3008 9/12/2008 08-4552 1/2/2008 08-0086 4/28/2008 08-2045 2/26/2008 08-1019 9/23/2008 08-4750 10/24/2008 08-5593 3/13/2008 08-1128 3/25/2008 ltd00283 4/23/2008 ltd00366 8/15/2008 08-4114 6/17/2008 lte00720 6/2/2008 08-2683 10/14/2008 lta00869 9/5/2008 lta00750 1/29/2008 ltd00111 Plaintiff Hsbc Bank Usa Genesee Villa Maplebrook Vill Apts David Louis Orchard Ridge Est Fnma Us Bank Nat Assoc Fnma Fed Home Loan Fountain Pointe Us Bank Arc Torrey Hills Deutsche Bank Carlson Clint Gr Bend 452apts Steve Wilcox Dada Group Llc F.D.H.A.L.P. Flint Twp Prop River Village Apts Flint Pasadena Llc Flint Township Prop Cedar Bend Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Thornridge Apts Wells Fargo Bk Howard Turner Windsor Place Apts Westwood Management Rosewood Park Apts Michael Neurohr Orchard Ridge Est Westwood Management Elms Mhc Rosewood Park Apts Louella Evans Windsor Pl Apts Richfield Aprts Executive Prop Howard Turner F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P F.D.H.A.L.P. Margaret Ross Georgetown Park Georgetown Park Melvin Tillman Mapleridge Apts Leon Williams Fed National Mtg Fed National Mtg Sunridge Apts Last Name Fagan Fagan Fagan Fagan Fagan Fagan Fagan Fails Fails Fairbanks Fairchild Fairfax Fait Faivre Fajardo Fajardo Fakhoury Fall Fall Jr Family Hair Fandrick Fantozzi Farber Jr Farber Jr Farkas Farkas Farkas Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Farrand Farris Farris Faust Fauth Fauth Fauth Favero Fay Faydenko Feather Feldhouse Feldhouse Felleke Felton Fenech Fenn Fenner Fenner First Name Nitosha Stephen Stephen Ernestine Ernestine Ernestine Ernestine Sherry Sherry Christophe Levodney Tanisha Emily Alice Tina Tina Nabeel Ron Rolland Kearsley Amy Keith Alfred Alfred Amanda Alan Amanda Brenda Dave Brenda Dave Keith Brenda Brender Brenda Debbie James Sharon Brandt Shawn Shawn Christophe Michael Wendy Gregory Jeff Amanda Amanda Daniel Sherry Jeremy Mark Erin Deena Date Case 5/6/2008 lte00552 2/26/2008 ltd00216 6/4/2008 ltd00514 4/1/2008 ltd00326 6/4/2008 ltd00513 9/30/2008 ltd00914 7/29/2008 ltd00674 1/8/2008 ltf00047 9/15/2008 ltf01128 3/27/2008 ltd00294 6/19/2008 08-3068 1/2/2008 lta00012 10/28/2008 ltd00985 7/11/2008 08-3406 1/24/2008 ltb00146 7/25/2008 ltf00913 4/8/2008 08-1558 1/9/2008 08-0178 8/4/2008 lta00651 10/30/2008 ltf01363 8/22/2008 lte01104 2/28/2008 ltb00378 1/31/2008 ltb00232 9/29/2008 ltb01881 2/21/2008 ltb00296 6/27/2008 ltb01156 4/22/2008 ltb00673 1/29/2008 ltd00112 5/28/2008 ltb00979 4/1/2008 ltd00325 3/5/2008 ltb00419 5/22/2008 ltb00884 6/4/2008 ltd00515 7/29/2008 ltd00673 9/30/2008 ltd00913 1/7/2008 lte00049 1/31/2008 ltb00206 10/28/2008 08-5557 7/2/2008 08-3239 10/24/2008 ltb02092 6/4/2008 ltb01057 2/14/2008 lte00193 10/24/2008 ltd00980 4/21/2008 lta00328 6/12/2008 ltb01094 4/2/2008 ltb00639 1/7/2008 ltd00009 2/29/2008 ltd00236 8/21/2008 lte01053 3/20/2008 lta00241 5/21/2008 ltc00759 1/18/2008 ltb00105 3/19/2008 lta00231 3/5/2008 08-1172 Plaintiff Bank Of New York Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Green Briar Green Briar Pine Ridge Craig Sepanak Valley Mead Vill Apple Creek Station Chris Thorsby Windsor Place Apts Smea Invest Denise Chadwell Matt Wothke Midfirst Bank Pineview Estates Parkwood Mhp Stratford Sq Apts White Oak Estates White Oak Estates Group Five Management Co Windsor Place Apts Group Five Management Co Sunridge Apts Enterprise Ests Mhp Sunridge Apts Enterprise Ests Mhp Windsor Place Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Gothard Anthony Hometown Amer Timb Hgt Brister Padgett Kristina Strand Westwood Management Westwood Management Grande Pointe Apts Homesales Inc Zellar Rose Citizens Bank Westwood Management Lafonda Apts Lafonda Apts Knollwood Village Apts Thaddeus Centers Us Bank National Bank Of New York Beech Trail Apts Federal H Mtg Last Name Fenton Auto Ferares Ferares Ferares Ferares Ferares Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Ferguson Jr Ferman Ferrell Ferrell Ferrell Ferrier Ferris Ferris Ferris Ferris Ferris Iii Fett Fett Fett Fick Fick Fielder Fielder Fielder Fielder Fielder Fielder Sr Fielder St Fields Fields Fields Fields Fields Fields First Name Sunoco Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Paige Kenneth Karen Karen Raina Paige Mark Karen Christopher Cheryl Paige Karen Gerline Mark Paige Karen Paige Karen Paige Willie Roger Dennis Sadi Dennis Dustin Amanda Matthew Amy Jennifer Ronald William William William Kevin Travis Krystal Melissa Krystal Krystal Krystal Craig Craig Tonya Eric Roslyn Cheryl Duane Christie Date Case 1/22/2008 ltd00082 1/7/2008 lte00043 3/14/2008 lte00331 5/15/2008 lte00575 2/14/2008 lte00194 9/15/2008 lte01167 1/25/2008 08-0447 1/31/2008 ltb00238 1/24/2008 08-0509 4/4/2008 08-1577 5/28/2008 08-2595 2/26/2008 08-0925 5/5/2008 ltf00473 2/22/2008 08-0896 5/23/2008 08-2554 5/19/2008 08-2430 3/24/2008 08-1367 8/29/2008 08-4364 9/30/2008 08-4877 6/19/2008 08-3098 10/27/2008 08-5667 10/8/2008 08-5047 8/1/2008 08-3715 7/25/2008 08-3694 9/29/2008 08-4864 3/4/2008 lte00317 7/30/2008 lte00952 10/28/2008 ltb02108 9/2/2008 08-4295 8/26/2008 ltb01616 10/8/2008 08-5048 6/9/2008 ltf00690 5/21/2008 ltb00868 8/27/2008 ltc01390 9/30/2008 08-4916 3/11/2008 lta00219 1/28/2008 ltf00123 6/30/2008 ltf00773 2/25/2008 ltf00203 2/26/2008 ltc00326 9/29/2008 ltb01908 1/3/2008 lta00019 1/8/2008 ltd00013 3/31/2008 lta00272 4/30/2008 lta00367 5/28/2008 lta00454 5/16/2008 lta00416 6/4/2008 lta00488 1/28/2008 08-0444 10/23/2008 ltc01721 1/18/2008 08-0380 1/28/2008 08-0568 1/30/2008 08-0628 1/9/2008 08-0180 Plaintiff Sunoco/leroy Invest Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Danny Zerka Citimortgage Inc Dayne Davis Dayne Davis Creekside Apts Danny Zerka Homesales Inc Dayne Davis Loreta Vaughn Lorene Ferguson Danny Zerka Dayne Davis Alex Maul Royal Mhp Danny Zerka Dayne Davis Danny Zerka Dayne Davis Danny Zerka Mapleridge Apts Tudor Estates Charter Oaks Apts Michael Zerka Charter Oaks Apts Amerihome Mtg Boulder Creek Asap Investments Camelot Villa Orchard Lane Guardian Mtg Co Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood S Laurin By Innovative Propert Mg Continental North Flint Twp Prop Georgetown Park Dayen Davis Inc Flint Twp Prop Flint Twp Prop Dakki Alaa Dakki Alaa C Leaverette Sugartree Apts Evergreen Reg Tony Stockton Ptl Properties Ipm Last Name Fields Fields Fields Fields Fields Fields Fields Fields Fields Fields Fields Fifer Fikes Fikes Filippi Filkins Filkins Filkins Filkins Fillmore Filpansick Filpansick Finch Finch Finch Finch Finch Findlay Findley Findley Findley Fink Fink Finley Finley Finley Firman Firman Firman Firman Firmingham Fischer Fischer Fischer Fischer Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher First Name Scheryl Cheryl Catrina Oscar James Candy Candy Eric Anita Alonzo Anita James Jeffrey Jeffrey Paul Joanne Michael Stacy Stacy Michael Ed Tom Melisa Debra Scott Scot Scott Kent Jeffrey James Jeffrey Mark Mark Dashika Brandon Dashika Ken Melissa Christina Christina Nathan Benjamin Jim Laura Katherine Michelle Michelle June Betsy Brenda Heather Jacqueline Heather Crystal Date Case 5/14/2008 08-2336 5/6/2008 08-2216 2/4/2008 08-0765 8/21/2008 ltc01379 8/27/2008 ltb01626 7/23/2008 ltc01111 10/22/2008 ltc01665 8/21/2008 ltc01314 10/2/2008 ltb01928 9/22/2008 08-4764 7/3/2008 ltb01282 1/17/2008 08-0274 8/15/2008 lte01015 7/24/2008 lte00904 6/27/2008 lte00790 1/15/2008 ltc00100 5/28/2008 ltb00990 6/30/2008 ltb01196 9/29/2008 ltb01909 6/18/2008 lta00533 1/10/2008 ltc00080 8/6/2008 lta00668 5/12/2008 08-2235 7/14/2008 08-3471 8/7/2008 08-3870 8/1/2008 08-3829 9/25/2008 08-4798 9/3/2008 lta00742 10/23/2008 ltb02050 3/14/2008 ltb00449 9/5/2008 ltb01733 6/30/2008 ltb01197 9/8/2008 ltb01769 5/30/2008 08-2694 7/25/2008 ltc01162 8/13/2008 08-3978 2/19/2008 ltc00278 8/13/2008 ltf00979 8/28/2008 08-4278 6/25/2008 08-3178 9/3/2008 08-4414 2/22/2008 lte00250 2/15/2008 ltf00186 6/2/2008 lta00465 7/30/2008 lte00930 2/19/2008 lta00149 2/13/2008 lta00140 5/22/2008 ltb00926 3/3/2008 ltb00395 5/6/2008 08-2214 10/1/2008 ltf01221 7/10/2008 08-3374 9/3/2008 ltf01086 8/1/2008 08-3725 Plaintiff Perry And Colleen Joseph Joseph Tony Stockton Fhc Deutsche Bank Hunters Ridge Apts Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Sugartree Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Richfield Aprts Hunters Ridge Apts Tim Woodbury Roy Wilcox Wilcox Roy Thornridge Apts Mora Alfonso Twin Meadows Mhp Continental North Continental North Fed National Mtg Marik Enterprises Vuillemot Sandra Clifton Sterling Lasalle Bank Chase Bank Usa Chase Bank Lasalle Bank Na Wells Fargo Kearsley Creek Llc Federal Home Mtg Kearsley Creek Llc Continental North Continental North Eagle Ridge Sq Pine Creek Apts Eagle Ridge Sq Englemann Jerry Tomasik Patricia Ideal Rental Lou Anne Malis Carriage Manor Knollwood Vill Apts Crkovski Veselka Flushing Estates Perry Place Apts Beech Trail Apts Beech Trail Apts White Oak Estates Westwood Management Court Aprt Pineview Estates Orchard Ridge Est Pineview Allyson Snell Last Name First Name Fisher Marvel Fitch Nicole Fitch Nicole Fitchena Nicole Fite Carolyn Fitzgerald Keandre Fitzgerald Jennifer Fitzgerald Janice Fitz-Newcom Terry Fizer Regina Fizer Harris Fizer Harris Fizer Regina Fizer Harris Flanders Tiffany Flannery Chris Flannery Karen Fleming Sharon Fleming Mary Fleming Nathaniel Fleming Bernace Fleming Thomas Fleming K Fleming Sharon Fleming Thomas Flemming Reynold Fler Douglas Fletcher Craig Fletcher Dave Fletcher Tina Fletcher Dave Fletcher Candace Fletcher Craig Fleury Jason Flewelling Allison Flood Lashanda Flood Gina Flood Jerome Flood Jerome Flores Anna Flores Rochelle Flores Josephine Flores Phyllis Flores Darlyn Flores Rochelle Flowers Jaime Flowers Karen Flowers Karen Floyd Crystal Fluellen Trerava Flugel Clark Fluker Kamisha Flynn Wynetta Flynn Flora Date Case 7/9/2008 08-3351 2/27/2008 ltc00380 9/4/2008 ltc01451 1/8/2008 ltf00041 8/1/2008 ltd00703 1/2/2008 08-0119 5/28/2008 ltb00962 10/13/2008 lte01371 1/3/2008 ltc00034 1/25/2008 08-0540 2/25/2008 08-0992 4/9/2008 08-1531 3/19/2008 08-1350 5/7/2008 08-2221 8/25/2008 ltf00996 6/5/2008 ltd00537 5/12/2008 ltd00446 5/19/2008 lta00419 5/19/2008 08-2456 5/14/2008 lte00567 4/15/2008 08-1794 7/7/2008 ltd00618 9/30/2008 08-4922 8/19/2008 lta00703 10/2/2008 ltd00936 5/16/2008 08-2357 1/31/2008 ltb00239 6/24/2008 lte00746 2/5/2008 ltc00221 6/30/2008 ltf00779 4/3/2008 ltc00557 2/19/2008 lte00205 9/22/2008 lte01195 8/25/2008 ltb01600 3/31/2008 ltf00366 1/29/2008 ltd00113 2/1/2008 08-0500 2/4/2008 08-0746 6/16/2008 08-3000 1/2/2008 08-0079 5/30/2008 ltd00500 2/25/2008 08-0991 7/23/2008 lte00891 10/24/2008 08-5614 8/15/2008 ltd00736 3/7/2008 08-1110 8/20/2008 ltb01558 9/17/2008 ltb01793 3/19/2008 08-1262 3/27/2008 08-1755 5/27/2008 ltd00467 5/27/2008 08-2586 1/30/2008 ltb00183 3/7/2008 ltc00397 Plaintiff Ballenger Manor Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Central Mortgage Co The Federal Mtg Orchard Rg Apts Charter Oaks Apts Thomas Lyman Co. N.Morris Ests Us Bank U.S. Bank Joe Abraham Us Bank Wells Fargo Bank Genesee Villa Pine Ridge Wells Fargo Bank Haack Ii Roger Court St Village Lux Apartments Arthur Busch Lafonda Apartments Rosewood Riv Twh Haack Ii Roger Kimberly Burgess Tim Harrington Deutsche Bank Perry Place Apts Camelot Villa Maple Grove Camelot Villa Heatherwood Apts Perry Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Creekwood Mhp Sunridge Apts Chris C Thorsby Fhc Fhc American Mhp Gateway Manor American Mhp Fountain Pointe Mortgage Elect Gateway Manor Evelyn Angel Riverwood Lux Apts Riverwood Lux Apts Eagle Ridge Sq River Village Apts Georgetown Park Arbor Vill Apts Kingdom Asset Management/tim J Federal Home Loan Last Name Flynn Flynn Flynn Fogarsi Fogarsi Fogg Folara Foley Foley Jr Folts Fons Fons Fons Fontana Fonville Fonville Foor Foor Foote Foote Foote Foote Forbes Forbes Forbes Forbes Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Fordham Foreman Foreman Forgette Formento First Name Rhonda Jeffrey Michael Jill Jill Rhonda Jostine Kerry Patrick Justin John John John Wendy Renee Renee Nicole Nicole Stacey Yvonne Edwina Nishkayina Pamela Basirah Jeff Jeff Mike Melveeta Mitchell Felicia Jeffrey Melveeta Kathy Arletha Jeffrey Joshua Frances Velecia Joshua Latoya Ciarra Francesa Mitchell Mike Melveeta Brittany Felicia Mitchell Melveeta Ericka Carl Carl Kristy Thomas Date Case 5/1/2008 08-1859 10/29/2008 08-5768 7/31/2008 lte00970 1/2/2008 ltf00006 2/25/2008 ltf00199 1/9/2008 ltb00089 3/12/2008 ltc00413 9/12/2008 lta00775 8/22/2008 lte01073 10/1/2008 ltf01216 6/27/2008 ltb01157 2/25/2008 ltb00344 4/28/2008 ltb00693 9/26/2008 ltd00883 10/8/2008 08-5122 7/8/2008 08-3363 7/24/2008 ltb01370 9/23/2008 ltb01832 4/16/2008 08-1853 2/8/2008 08-0802 4/30/2008 ltb00714 7/31/2008 08-3757 10/27/2008 ltf01329 6/24/2008 lte00747 6/4/2008 ltb01058 8/27/2008 ltb01654 10/30/2008 ltb02150 10/27/2008 lta00917 5/27/2008 08-2570 2/5/2008 ltb00251 2/26/2008 ltd00230 5/28/2008 lta00453 3/6/2008 ltc00392 3/5/2008 08-1167 6/25/2008 ltd00574 4/18/2008 ltd00353 2/13/2008 08-0663 6/3/2008 lta00473 7/23/2008 ltd00640 10/9/2008 08-5151 10/1/2008 08-4970 10/29/2008 08-5687 8/28/2008 08-4319 8/28/2008 ltb01705 7/28/2008 lta00622 6/16/2008 08-2946 10/6/2008 08-5066 10/10/2008 08-5134 9/9/2008 lta00762 8/21/2008 08-4170 5/6/2008 ltd00438 7/7/2008 ltd00617 7/15/2008 ltc01096 8/4/2008 ltc01253 Plaintiff Westgate Manor Redstone Twh Thornridge Apts Maple Grove Maple Grove Arc Villa Wilson E Costello Citimortgage Inc Perry Place Apts Pineview Estates Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Deutsche Bk Rollingwood Man Rollingwood Man Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Cpm Properties Richfield Apts Lp Cambridge Sq Flint Ridgecrest Vill Kings Lane Perry Place Apts Westwood Management Westwood Management Enterprise Ests Mhp L Wolf Prop Maguire 4 Llc Enterprise Ests Mhp Pheasant Run Manor Apartments Laurence Wolf Prop N.Morris Ests Richfield Apts Pheasant Run Apts Marvin Tim Booker Burnett Darwin J Smith Marvin Tim Sharetha Smith Fnma Marge Allen Maguire 4 Llc Enterprise Ests Mhp Laurence Wolf Prop Richfield Apts Barry Swindle Maguire 4 Llc Laurence Wolf Prop Metawan Hills Fenton Estates Fenton Estates Mora Alfonso Deutsche Bk Last Name Forrest Forster Forster Forsyth Fortenberry Fortier Fortier Fortt Fortt Fortune Fortune Fortune Forward Forward Forward Forward Foss Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Foster Fountain Fournier Fournier Fous Fous Fouse Fouse Fouse Foust Foust Foust Foutch Foutner Fowler Fowler Fowler Fowler First Name Ted Paul Tonya Dustin Aja Richard Richard Dashonda Kelvin Barbara Barbara Barbara Connie Connie Connie Ellen Lyndsay Jw Bart Christine Tonya Katrina Danielle Andrew Barton Gary Michael Marie Harold Thomas Mary Christine Michael Mary Christine Danielle Michael Christopher Dawn Ronald Charlene Charlene Kevin Kevin Kevin Stephanie Robert Stephanie Melissa Shalette Kelly Rebecca Melissa James Date Case 10/17/2008 ltd00968 4/7/2008 ltc00568 4/10/2008 08-1668 10/24/2008 ltb02093 1/31/2008 lte00123 1/2/2008 ltb00001 7/9/2008 ltb01313 2/27/2008 08-0971 5/12/2008 08-2339 3/5/2008 ltf00241 10/1/2008 ltf01254 9/3/2008 ltf01076 10/23/2008 ltb02052 9/5/2008 ltb01734 7/24/2008 ltb01371 9/15/2008 08-4572 9/15/2008 lte01168 1/30/2008 08-0629 1/15/2008 lta00067 3/13/2008 08-1127 5/9/2008 08-2348 2/19/2008 ltc00297 6/5/2008 lta00490 2/27/2008 ltb00375 6/17/2008 lta00526 5/27/2008 lte00655 5/5/2008 ltf00507 4/25/2008 ltc00645 2/13/2008 08-0856 7/11/2008 08-3407 8/18/2008 ltb01550 9/29/2008 08-4885 8/29/2008 ltc01414 6/13/2008 08-2890 7/25/2008 08-3675 8/19/2008 lta00706 9/24/2008 ltf01155 2/4/2008 08-0700 5/7/2008 08-2154 8/5/2008 08-3782 1/15/2008 ltc00098 10/22/2008 ltc01658 1/24/2008 08-0515 4/2/2008 08-1566 10/29/2008 08-5795 1/4/2008 lte00033 5/12/2008 lta00402 2/29/2008 lte00298 2/22/2008 lte00251 10/8/2008 ltb01967 1/14/2008 lta00055 1/29/2008 08-0577 3/4/2008 08-1113 8/26/2008 ltd00808 Plaintiff Lake Fenton Mhp Cantrell Martin Scott Penoyer Westwood Management Perry Place Apts Orchard Cove Orchard Cove Ola Clemons Curt Kargula Pineview Pineview Pineview Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Jonthan Kattola Grande Pointe Apts Kingdom Mgmt Myrtle Grove Monica Childers Scott Penoyer Clovertree Apts Henry Tannenbaum Stockton Tony Myrtle Grove Mhp Perry Place Apts Kings Lane Hsbc Bank Usa Na Margaret Yanik Chris Thorsby Federal H Mtg Monica Childers N.Morris Estates Linda Smith Monica Childers H Tannenbaum Kings Lane Ctry Cl Man Apts Jill L Moore Michael Sharp Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Carriage Apts Carriage Apts Carriage House Apts Fountain Pointe McRoberts Kenneth Fountain Pointe Knollwood Vill Apts Madison Pk Est Hsbc Bank Mshda Royal Mhp Sunridge Apts Last Name Fowler Fowler Fox Fox Fralick Fralick Fralick Fralick Fralick France Franckowiak Francy Franke Franker Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Frantz Fraser Fraser Frato Frato Frazier Frazier Frazier Frazier Frazier Frazier Frazier Frazier Frazier Frazier Frazier Frazier Frederick Frederick Frederick Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman First Name James Stephen Mary Justin Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Shauntae Anthony Boushra James Jen Lissa Patti Natasha Patti Maya Diana Melissa Paula Stephanie Jean Patti Jean James Jeanna Jeanna Christina Christina Beverly Tracy Volanda Renita Stephanie Tracy Beverly Febbilon Renita Febbilon Tracy Annet Christophe Sarah Sarah Michael Cynthia Janice Cynthia Douglas Daniel Randy Janice Date Case 9/30/2008 ltd00912 8/4/2008 08-3857 2/27/2008 ltc00379 9/12/2008 08-4517 1/31/2008 ltb00228 5/22/2008 ltb00918 3/28/2008 ltb00549 7/31/2008 ltb01475 9/29/2008 ltb01897 7/14/2008 08-3328 2/13/2008 lta00139 5/27/2008 lte00682 3/25/2008 lte00375 3/18/2008 ltb00461 1/28/2008 ltc00196 1/28/2008 ltc00191 5/1/2008 lte00545 2/26/2008 ltc00369 5/23/2008 08-2545 5/22/2008 lta00448 5/22/2008 ltb00913 4/4/2008 08-1612 2/19/2008 ltc00303 6/2/2008 08-2671 8/11/2008 ltd00729 10/22/2008 08-5579 8/22/2008 ltd00764 5/30/2008 08-2632 5/2/2008 08-2146 8/25/2008 ltb01601 7/29/2008 ltb01388 1/29/2008 ltd00114 5/29/2008 08-2638 6/12/2008 ltb01102 5/22/2008 lte00616 6/4/2008 ltb01036 10/16/2008 08-5215 9/30/2008 ltd00911 8/19/2008 08-4158 7/7/2008 lte00817 10/8/2008 08-5119 8/19/2008 08-4159 10/1/2008 08-4951 3/31/2008 ltf00390 4/24/2008 lta00350 8/29/2008 ltc01413 1/31/2008 lte00150 1/2/2008 lta00014 10/30/2008 ltf01369 10/28/2008 lta00931 4/18/2008 08-1870 2/7/2008 ltf00167 2/27/2008 ltc00375 4/10/2008 ltf00400 Plaintiff Sunridge Apts Fnma Indian Hills Manor Michael Neurohr Fishermans Cove Fishermans Cove Fishermans Cove Fishermans Cove Fishermans Cove Sunshine Mgmt Bank Of New York Wm Specialty Mortgage Knollwood Vill Apts Windsor Place Apts Deutsche Bank Southcreek Village Cedar Bend Apts Southcreek Village Citimortgage Inc Federal Nat Mtg Asso Group Five Mgmt Fhc Clovertree Apts David L. Carrill Rhonda J Jimerson Kingdom Mgmt Georgetown Park Greg Childers Greg Childers Windsor Place Apts Windsor Pl Apts Sunridge Apts Mark Spinney Westwood Vill Fox Hill Glens Brookstone Valley Nove Henderson Sunridge Apts Nove Henderson Fox Hill Glens Nove Henderson Nove Henderson Kermit Jr Ware Kings Lane Apts Ideal Rental Homes N.Morris Estates Knollwood Vill Apt Valley Mead Vill Pineview Estates Valley Mead Villag Tdm Realty Pine View Cedarshores Apartment Homes Pineview Last Name Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freeman Freguson Freiburger Freiburger French French French French Frick Friddle Friedli Fries Fries Friess Frink Frisby Fritcher Froberg Frock Fromwiller Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Frost Fry Frye Frye Frye Frye Frye Frye Frye Frye Frye Frye Frye Fryer Fuester Fuester First Name Aaron Janice Cynthia Randy Peggy Janice Douglas Cynthia Alexis Janice Randy Alexis Julanna Gregory Shannon Shea Jason Misty Misty Antwon David Tarah Mary Amy Amy Marcia Douglas Shaunti Joel Charles Richard Michelle Daniel Daniel Annamaria Mark Mary Daniel Myra Monika Tara Tracie Howard Tara Kimberly Tywania Tara Tara Minnie Crystal Tywania Marcia Lorea Lorea Date Case 4/16/2008 lta00319 6/4/2008 ltf00674 6/3/2008 lta00480 6/24/2008 ltc01030 8/1/2008 ltd00715 10/1/2008 ltf01251 6/2/2008 08-2710 9/23/2008 lta00825 9/24/2008 ltf01169 9/3/2008 ltf01072 8/21/2008 ltc01311 7/23/2008 ltf00905 9/10/2008 08-4529 8/28/2008 ltc01405 4/2/2008 ltb00617 4/30/2008 08-2139 10/30/2008 ltf01368 5/28/2008 ltc00836 9/11/2008 ltf01115 10/27/2008 08-5722 1/9/2008 ltb00090 10/24/2008 lte01409 10/3/2008 ltd00940 10/28/2008 08-5749 6/6/2008 08-2767 9/22/2008 ltb01817 10/1/2008 lte01315 7/1/2008 ltd00590 3/3/2008 08-1097 6/9/2008 08-2849 2/13/2008 08-0855 6/25/2008 08-3115 1/28/2008 ltf00124 5/5/2008 ltf00490 3/17/2008 08-1313 3/24/2008 08-1765 8/22/2008 08-4198 8/26/2008 ltf01004 7/30/2008 lte00931 10/22/2008 ltc01672 1/8/2008 lta00029 5/13/2008 08-2331 5/13/2008 lta00404 4/22/2008 lta00344 4/4/2008 08-1593 3/19/2008 08-1338 3/25/2008 lta00246 6/17/2008 lta00523 10/15/2008 08-5175 7/31/2008 08-3828 7/11/2008 08-3433 9/24/2008 lte01279 5/12/2008 08-2295 10/21/2008 08-5575 Plaintiff Federal Nat Mtg Pineview Valley Meadow Cedarshores Apt Swartz Cr Mead Pineview Tdm Valley Meadows Kings Lane Pineview Rocca Jacquelyn Kings Lane John Goodman Ideal Rental Twin Meadows Mhp Land Bank Pineview Estates Mora Alfonso Genesee Villa Fhc Arc Villa Perry Place Apts Georgetown Park Elms Mhc Elms Mhc Hometown Amer Bank Of Ny Sunridge Apts Federal Nat Mtg Deutsche Bk Kearsley St Corp Glenn Carpenter Creekwood Creekwood U.S. Bank Michelle Mastin Lakeside Mhp Creekwood Perry Place Apts Southcreek Village River Valley Manor Matt Clark Leonard Sarah River Valley Manor Delores Barnwell James Lenoir River Valley Manor River Valley Manor Joseph Hampton TomcAla Beulah Ecker Maplebrook Vill Apts Tdm Realty Tdm Last Name Fugate Fugate Fugate Fulbright Fulcher Fulcher Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fuller Fulton Fulton Furlow Furlow Furlow Furlow Furlow Furlow Furlow Fursyth Fursyth Fursyth Fuson Fyfe Fykes Fyvie Fyvie Fyvie Gable Gable Gabriele Gadany Gadany Gadd Gaddis Gaddy Gaddy Gadison Gadison Gage Gager Gagnon Gagnon Gaia-Paix Gaines Gaines Gaines Gaines Gaines Gale Gallagher Gallagher First Name Lanette Elena Elena Lisa Theresa Theresa Herb Erin Anthony Brent Anthony Touwas Dramell Dramell Raymond Raymond Raymond Kamarra Raymond Jacqueline Raymond Dustin Dustin Dustin Steve Debra Erick Fred Jeff Jeff Jaquita Jaquita Joseph Dennis John Melissa Larrie Carol Carol Tenika Tenika Randall Sabrina Sheri Cynthia Sue Edwward Zelma Krystal Kristal Krystal Susan David Kimberly Date Case 2/27/2008 08-1036 9/18/2008 ltc01491 8/13/2008 ltc01293 3/11/2008 ltf00301 9/15/2008 08-4632 6/20/2008 08-3084 1/2/2008 ltd00003 1/9/2008 08-0053 4/28/2008 08-2017 7/14/2008 08-3329 7/24/2008 08-3661 7/9/2008 08-3445 10/22/2008 lte01390 2/1/2008 lte00172 1/7/2008 08-0172 4/24/2008 08-1959 3/10/2008 08-1188 3/3/2008 08-1078 10/10/2008 08-5133 8/13/2008 08-4014 9/4/2008 08-4481 1/9/2008 ltb00061 4/2/2008 ltb00640 7/3/2008 ltb01240 1/8/2008 ltd00014 2/13/2008 ltb00279 5/29/2008 08-2657 1/2/2008 ltf00033 1/3/2008 ltc00021 6/24/2008 ltc01020 4/18/2008 08-1900 9/26/2008 08-4704 3/25/2008 ltd00273 7/7/2008 lta00562 7/29/2008 ltb01389 7/28/2008 ltd00643 6/23/2008 08-3138 10/3/2008 08-5053 8/22/2008 08-4202 1/23/2008 ltc00135 3/25/2008 ltc00489 3/10/2008 lta00207 10/22/2008 ltc01692 4/22/2008 ltd00356 10/2/2008 08-4945 1/2/2008 08-0006 1/29/2008 lta00108 5/20/2008 08-2499 8/27/2008 08-4336 7/21/2008 08-3582 10/28/2008 08-5757 5/14/2008 lte00565 3/3/2008 08-1070 3/25/2008 ltc00459 Plaintiff Matt Wothke C.J. & J. Trucking Johnson Camillia Swadling Larry Eileen Sweet Eileen Sweel Pheasant Run Apts Joseph Foust Willie Jr Nolden Sunshine Mgmt Willie Jr Nolden Eugene Marve Thornridge Apts Thornridge Apts Maguire 7 Llc Maguire 7 Llc Maguire 7 Llc Evergreen Reg Maguire 7 Llc Pamela Weible Maguire 7 Llc Westwood Management Westwood Management Westwood Management Georgetown Park Twin Meadows Mhp Irene Parrish Genesee Villa H Tannenbaum H Tannenbaum Mary E. Taylor Mary E. Taylor Abn Amro Mtg Countrywide Bank Windsor Pl Apts Fed National Mtg Innovative Prop Larry Armstrong Larry Armstrong Goad Realty Ideal Rental Us Bank Nat Assoc Clovertree Apts Jsjj Timothy Miller Guardian Mtg Flint Twp Prop Stephen Turner Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Lux Apartments James Rutherford Triple C Properties Last Name Gallagher Galle Galle Galloway Galloway Galloway Gamble Gamble Gambrell Gambrell Gamburd Gammage Gammon Gammon Gammon Garbarz Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Garcia Et Al Garcia Iii Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gareau Garfield Garfield Gargus Garland Garland Garner Garner Garner Garner Garner Garner Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett First Name David Chris Chris Nefisa Marquita Chad Alina Alina Tabitha Tabatha Rebecca Robert Cynthia Cynthia Cynthia Joe Christophe Rosalla Alicia Jennifer Krista Augustine Scott Krystal Scott Scott Frederick Scott John Carlos Quionna Kimberly James James Lesley Denna April Courtney Jason Faith Courtney Nathan Wendy Jeremiah Carolyn Lynette Fallon Lynette Carolyn Shannon Lynette Brent Fallon Carolyn Date Case 8/13/2008 08-3955 6/3/2008 ltf00644 4/10/2008 ltf00438 2/21/2008 08-0906 5/30/2008 08-2662 10/24/2008 08-5624 5/9/2008 08-2219 7/15/2008 08-3490 4/25/2008 ltc00653 9/29/2008 lta00844 4/30/2008 ltd00410 10/10/2008 lte01334 4/7/2008 08-1645 2/8/2008 08-0675 8/4/2008 08-3882 6/5/2008 08-2787 10/24/2008 ltb02073 3/14/2008 lte00326 3/25/2008 ltb00517 10/1/2008 08-4944 9/11/2008 lta00770 1/31/2008 lte00165 1/24/2008 ltb00147 5/6/2008 08-2213 2/25/2008 ltb00345 3/18/2008 ltb00462 3/25/2008 08-1421 5/22/2008 ltb00885 6/30/2008 08-3260 9/30/2008 ltd00910 8/13/2008 ltc01294 6/19/2008 ltc00951 10/1/2008 ltf01219 9/3/2008 ltf01088 10/7/2008 ltf01263 1/7/2008 08-0039 6/19/2008 ltc00938 1/8/2008 lte00050 1/25/2008 ltc00152 3/10/2008 08-1142 4/10/2008 lte00447 8/11/2008 08-3949 8/28/2008 ltb01700 4/17/2008 ltb00670 5/7/2008 ltb00816 2/27/2008 ltb00364 6/4/2008 ltc00889 4/30/2008 ltb00726 10/27/2008 08-5696 9/29/2008 ltb01910 7/3/2008 ltb01283 10/8/2008 ltb01995 8/6/2008 ltc01279 8/19/2008 08-4095 Plaintiff James Rutherford Pineview Pineview Estates Tim Woodbury Orchard Ridge Est Rose Accept Leonard J Mervenne Leonard Mervenne Sugartree Apts Lawrence Wolf Prop Sunridge Apts Us Bank National James Lenoir James E. Lenoir James Lenoir Mary Ursha Windsor Place Apts Roumayah Jimmy Charter Oaks Apts Daven A. Walker Pheasant Run Mhe Tudor Estates Windsor Place Apts Court Aprt Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts John TomcAla Windsor Place Apts Shady Acres Mhp Sunridge Apts Stanley Gilbert Indian Hills Manor Pineview Estates Pineview Special Property Vi Katherine Overton Clovertree Apts Warren Erin Hanson Terry Gemale Tyler Warren Bruce Land Bank Riverside Mhp Hsbc Bank Usa Na Brookstone Valley Hunters Ridge Apts Cranbrook Village Hunters Ridge Apts Fhc Continental North Hunters Ridge Apts Mtg Systems Cranbrook Vill Co Fhc Last Name Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison Garrison Ii Gartee Garten Garth Garth Garth Garth Garth Garty Garty Garty Garty Garvins Garvins Garza Garza Garza Garza Garza Garza Garza Garza Garza Gass Gates Gates Gates Gates Gates Gatewood Gatewood Gatewood Gatewood Gatica Gatica Gatica Gatica Gatlin Gatlin Gause Gauthier Gauthier Gay Gay Gay Gean Gearhart Geary Geary First Name Jasmine Albaseer Robert Robert Nathan Ed Kevin Kelli Robert Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Toni Toni Toni Toni Terrance Terence Benito Benito Martin Rosemary Jacob Miranda Benito Scottie Miranda Michael Nikkia Benjamin Linzie David Sandra Shantell Ted Shantell Ted Bryen Vanessa Lori Ruthann Xavier Lakita Keith Jeffrey Jeffrey Jared Jared Ja'miya Holly James Amy Ralph Date Case 4/22/2008 08-1934 2/26/2008 08-1026 7/3/2008 ltb01276 8/27/2008 ltb01630 9/24/2008 ltc01549 10/23/2008 ltd00978 2/5/2008 ltc00228 1/2/2008 lte00024 3/3/2008 08-1083 4/8/2008 08-1597 6/9/2008 08-2825 10/8/2008 08-5123 8/7/2008 08-3863 1/30/2008 ltb00178 5/28/2008 ltb00967 4/2/2008 ltb00633 8/28/2008 ltb01699 4/24/2008 08-1955 8/12/2008 08-4019 10/24/2008 ltb02074 1/24/2008 ltb00148 5/7/2008 ltb00843 5/28/2008 08-2560 3/31/2008 ltf00367 4/29/2008 lte00514 3/18/2008 ltb00463 8/4/2008 lte00994 7/23/2008 lte00879 7/3/2008 ltb01228 1/24/2008 ltb00127 10/30/2008 ltf01384 4/1/2008 08-1475 9/2/2008 08-4403 10/8/2008 08-5114 5/19/2008 08-2450 10/27/2008 08-5706 8/13/2008 08-3972 6/16/2008 08-2965 1/11/2008 ltf00090 1/28/2008 08-0480 2/5/2008 ltc00229 2/11/2008 lta00131 2/25/2008 ltf00192 8/1/2008 08-3714 5/6/2008 08-2209 1/28/2008 ltf00125 1/2/2008 ltf00028 1/25/2008 lte00097 2/29/2008 lte00295 5/29/2008 08-2658 10/23/2008 ltb02062 9/8/2008 08-4470 4/2/2008 ltb00626 10/20/2008 ltf01283 Plaintiff Kenny Perkins Rosewood M Apts Huntington Cir Apts Huntington Cir Apts Clovertree Apts Summers Robin N.Morris Ests Maplebrook Village Orchard Ridge Est Rollingwood Man Rollingwood Man Rollingwood Man Rollingwood Man Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Statford Square Apts Martin Lawrence Martin Lawrence Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Hometown Amer Vivienne Shaw Creekwood Mhp Fountain Pointe Windsor Place Apts Cedar Bend Apts Fountain Pointe Enterprise Ests Mhp Three Rivers Assoc Pineview Estates Home & Sub Realty Ctry Cl Man Apts Creekside Apts Evergreen Reg Fhc Evergreen Reg Fhc Zuccaro Bina Don Young N.Morris Ests Somerset Apartments Blackberry Creek Rob Mastin Brister Padgett Creekwood Creekwood Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Dayne Davis Group Five Mgmt National Bank Riverside Mhp Bank Of New York Last Name Geeck Geer Geer Geeting Geidroic Geiger Geiger Geiger Geisenhaver Geisenhaver Geister Gemmill Genaw Gennon Gensman Gensman Gentilucci Gentry Gentry Gentry Gentry Gentry Gentry Gentry George George George George George George George George George George George Gerald Gerke Germain Germain Germain Germani Gerow Getcy Getcy Getcy Getcy Geyer Giannouris Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs First Name Barbara Nicole Nichole Kimberly John Michael Faydra Faydra Nicholas Alicia Toyna Joslyn Nathan Abby Joanne Joanne Todd Calvin Avery Monica Monica Monica Latrice Monica Peter Cynthia Edwin Duran Michael Cynthia Euleta Tony Matthew Kizzy Guy Nelly Janice Rachel Rachel Rachel April Laura Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew Michael George Rachael George Earlene Theresa Tujuana Chantee Date Case 5/28/2008 lte00683 1/8/2008 ltf00040 5/15/2008 lte00576 1/8/2008 ltd00022 10/30/2008 ltb02129 4/11/2008 08-1699 5/1/2008 08-2086 9/18/2008 08-4664 10/30/2008 ltb02128 9/16/2008 08-4653 9/29/2008 ltd00888 6/20/2008 ltd00561 2/29/2008 ltd00245 7/7/2008 lta00561 1/9/2008 ltb00062 10/24/2008 ltb02094 4/4/2008 08-1618 1/15/2008 08-0279 1/31/2008 ltb00237 5/28/2008 08-2617 9/11/2008 08-4545 10/24/2008 08-5690 10/20/2008 08-5245 6/25/2008 08-3211 10/24/2008 ltd00979 1/29/2008 ltd00115 1/10/2008 08-0055 4/24/2008 lte00475 4/30/2008 ltd00408 4/30/2008 ltd00409 2/26/2008 ltc00346 8/26/2008 ltd00807 9/24/2008 ltb01843 8/20/2008 lte01032 7/31/2008 ltb01476 7/29/2008 ltd00672 1/10/2008 ltc00079 1/11/2008 lta00050 4/23/2008 lta00348 3/19/2008 lta00238 9/23/2008 08-4742 7/16/2008 ltf00862 10/22/2008 ltc01670 1/18/2008 ltc00118 6/23/2008 ltc01014 9/24/2008 ltc01529 7/2/2008 ltc01072 8/14/2008 08-4102 1/31/2008 lte00124 1/30/2008 ltb00179 5/1/2008 08-2121 5/22/2008 ltb00941 4/1/2008 08-1536 3/31/2008 08-1474 Plaintiff Hiway Mobile Home Walton Diane Grande Pointe Apts Riverside Man Apts Arc Torrey Hills Westgate Manor Betty Minor Betty Minor Arc Torrey Hills Sandy Farmer Georgetown Park Swartz Creek Mhp Georgetown Park Somerset Apartments Westwood Management Westwood Management L&s Homes Inc. Amerihome Mtg Gmac Mortgage Llc Matt Wothke Matt. Wothke Matt Wothke Ridgecrest Vill Matt Wothke Nationstar Mortgage Llc Sunridge Apts David Boyce Perry Place Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Dutch Village Llc Sunridge Apts Windsor Place Apts Fountain Pointe Fishermans Cove Sunridge Apts Marik Enterprises Burton Gerald Burton Gerald Burton Gerald American Mhp Nasser Gary Southcreek Village Rocca Jacquelyn Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Federal Home Loan Six M Prop Perry Place Apts Stockton Tony Metawanenee Hills Continental Estates Orchard Lane Shlomo Revach Last Name Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Jr Gibson Jr Giedrojc Giers Gifford Gifford Gifford Gil Gil Gil Gil Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert First Name Kassy Earl Delois India Tujuana Paul Chantee Temekia India Patrice Kristy Yhasmin Toni Latoya Latoya Patrice Angelina Mateisa Toni Lee Gail Rosanna Eddie Deonte Kristy Mateisa Patrice Sabrina Kelly Juanetta Cheryl Nita Jamar Milton Kristy Latoya Milton Milton John Robert Alisha Terry Brandon Deborah Deborah Deborah Joseph Patrice Whitney Carole Mamie Janice Carry Dequandra Date Case 6/3/2008 lta00475 4/8/2008 08-1648 6/23/2008 08-3075 8/19/2008 08-4157 7/31/2008 08-3763 8/1/2008 08-3834 8/4/2008 ltc01260 7/8/2008 ltb01292 9/25/2008 08-4803 1/2/2008 08-0099 1/2/2008 08-0082 3/19/2008 ltb00490 6/20/2008 ltc00964 6/4/2008 ltd00516 2/26/2008 ltd00215 2/4/2008 08-0689 4/30/2008 08-2136 3/7/2008 08-1203 4/25/2008 ltc00632 3/14/2008 08-1299 4/30/2008 08-2140 4/16/2008 ltc00591 5/28/2008 ltb00971 10/17/2008 08-5236 7/1/2008 08-3289 6/16/2008 08-2963 9/30/2008 08-4927 7/25/2008 ltc01197 8/26/2008 ltd00822 8/21/2008 ltc01357 9/17/2008 lta00786 8/20/2008 ltb01567 7/23/2008 ltf00887 9/24/2008 ltb01844 9/25/2008 08-4808 7/29/2008 ltd00671 5/22/2008 ltb00886 7/29/2008 ltb01390 2/21/2008 ltb00288 7/31/2008 lte00968 2/6/2008 08-0596 6/4/2008 ltb01059 4/10/2008 ltf00439 1/17/2008 ltd00073 3/19/2008 ltd00268 2/19/2008 ltd00176 8/22/2008 ltd00763 1/2/2008 08-0075 1/8/2008 ltc00051 1/30/2008 lta00112 5/12/2008 lta00403 4/22/2008 lta00335 4/24/2008 ltc00611 3/17/2008 ltc00426 Plaintiff Valley Meadow Household Fin John Yobuck Nove Henderson Orchard Lane Elms Mhc Cedarshores Apt Madison Pk Est Nove Henderson Shiloh Com Twnh Holiday Village Three Rivers Assoc Suffolk Court Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Shiloh Com Twnh Land Bank Fhc Southcreek Village Alphonso M Williams Land Bank Indian Hills Manor Riverwood Lux Apts Shiloh Com Twnh Holiday Village Fhc Shiloh Com Twnh Mt Morris Ldhalp Riverside Man Apts Mt Morris Ldhalp Myrtle Grove Mhp Three Rivers Assoc Kings Lane Windsor Place Apts Genesee Forest Est Sunridge Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Pl Apts Arc Torrey Hills Thornridge Apts Gary Bradshaw Westwood Management Pineview Estates Phillips Ardel Phillips Ardel Phillips Ardel Georgetown Park American Mhp Camelot Villa Ross Properties Gunther Liane Flint Twp Prop Ideal Rental Homes Stanley Gilbert Last Name Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert Gildersleeve Giles Giles Gilkie Gill Gill Gill Gill Gill Gill Gill Gill Jr Gillam Gillean Gillean Gillean Gillespie Gillespie Gilliam Gilliam Gilliam Gilliard Gilmore Gilmore Gilmore Gilmore Gipson Gipson Gipson Gipson Gipson Gipson Girtman Gist Givens Givens Givens Givens Givens Givens Givens Givens Givens Givens Givens Givens Givens-Syke First Name Donisha Tammy Ryan Corry Greg Larry Abra Kiya Melissa Mary Annette Shatoyia Carlos Jennifer Carla Stanley Nikki Daniel Stanley Robert Eric Eric Eric Karla Cloteal Joe Cassandra Holly Shirley Robin Mike Heather Chad Danny Dorothy Jeremy Kelley Crystal Anthony Derek Craig Brenda Erica Timothy Erica Anthony Jasmine Brenda Erica Jerry Cherrylean Anthony Timothy Lenise Date Case 5/12/2008 08-2275 10/17/2008 ltc01652 7/3/2008 ltb01223 7/30/2008 ltc01232 8/28/2008 ltb01701 7/31/2008 ltb01510 7/23/2008 ltf00888 3/25/2008 lta00250 2/29/2008 lte00310 7/11/2008 08-3446 7/10/2008 ltc01082 1/24/2008 ltb00128 3/7/2008 ltf00273 6/3/2008 ltf00662 3/7/2008 08-1181 9/29/2008 08-4865 6/26/2008 08-3179 9/29/2008 ltb01911 3/24/2008 lte00360 1/2/2008 ltb00034 4/22/2008 ltf00459 6/24/2008 ltf00751 8/25/2008 ltf00994 1/25/2008 08-0536 10/27/2008 08-5548 7/10/2008 lta00579 7/3/2008 08-3129 7/23/2008 lta00612 8/21/2008 ltc01310 6/18/2008 ltb01109 3/28/2008 08-1356 3/5/2008 08-1124 9/29/2008 lte01304 3/3/2008 08-1066 6/23/2008 ltc01009 4/14/2008 lta00312 8/14/2008 ltc01298 10/1/2008 ltc01577 8/8/2008 08-3893 2/13/2008 ltd00155 2/15/2008 ltb00281 1/28/2008 ltf00126 1/28/2008 ltb00166 4/1/2008 ltd00324 5/22/2008 ltf00596 5/22/2008 ltf00595 5/19/2008 08-2449 3/10/2008 ltf00284 3/20/2008 ltf00328 5/9/2008 lte00556 8/27/2008 lte01116 9/24/2008 ltf01156 7/1/2008 ltd00591 5/2/2008 08-2167 Plaintiff Leo McClain Hanson Terry Westwood Vill Ideal Rental Riverside Mhp Westwood Management Kings Lane River Valley Manor Fox Hill Glens Us Bank Milkiewicz Mark Three Rivers Assoc Kings Lane Pineview Federal Nat Mtg Stan Gill Murray Plamondon Continental North Riverbend Apts Rosewood Park Apts Genesee Villa Genesee Villa Genesee Villa American Mhp Ray Collins Howell Audrey W T Banks Burton Gerald Countrywide Home Jag Mgmt Connie Jarrell Michelle Frye Cedar Bend Apts Ronald Messinger Bristol Court Marathon Financial Michael Kennedy Bristol Court Dale Roberts Rife Ryan The Federal Nationalmortgage Creekwood Kings Lane Sunridge Apts Kings Lane Kings Lane Evergreen Reg Creekwood Kings Lane Federal National Gateway Of Gr Bl Kings Lane Sunridge Apts Allyson Snell Last Name Glasperel Glass Glay Gleason Gleffe Glen Glen Glenn Glenn Glenn Glenn Glenn Glennie Glennie Glennie Glomson Glomson Glover Glover Glover Glover Glover Glover Glynn Glynn Glynn Goad Goad Gobert Gocha Gocha Goddard Goderis Godfrey Goelette Goemaere Goff Goff Goforth Goforth Goggins Goggins Gohlke Gohs Goiavanti Goins Goins Goins Golden Golden Golden Golembiews Golleher Gomez First Name Monquice Angermitter Dale Margaret Wendy Tamra Lillie Brea Dorothy Tamara Dorothy Dorothy Peter Peter Peter Daniel Daniel Shirley Shirley Shirley Robert Tanisha Shirley Mary Mary Mary William Gary Janie Stephanie Stephanie Connie Jeffrey Andrew Mike Tracy Melissa William Virginia Tony June Shantel Jan Jerry Henry Marilyn Marilyn Scott Taracia Pertrina Audrey Dean Deborah Rocky Date Case 6/16/2008 08-2986 2/21/2008 08-0879 1/3/2008 ltc00019 2/13/2008 lta00133 2/20/2008 08-0827 6/18/2008 08-3093 8/15/2008 08-4120 4/30/2008 ltb00718 8/20/2008 lte01042 7/23/2008 08-3636 7/7/2008 lte00819 10/13/2008 lte01357 4/28/2008 ltb00694 3/18/2008 ltb00464 7/29/2008 ltb01391 3/25/2008 ltb00508 10/2/2008 ltb01936 1/8/2008 ltd00051 2/26/2008 ltd00214 4/30/2008 ltd00407 3/28/2008 08-1355 4/25/2008 lte00497 7/1/2008 ltd00592 1/7/2008 ltd00012 4/10/2008 ltd00338 8/7/2008 ltd00723 2/13/2008 08-0857 9/29/2008 ltc01568 2/29/2008 08-0973 4/30/2008 ltc00696 10/3/2008 ltc01600 8/6/2008 lta00663 5/1/2008 lta00373 7/28/2008 ltf00917 6/6/2008 08-2723 7/18/2008 08-3498 4/30/2008 08-2072 10/6/2008 lta00860 7/30/2008 lte00914 8/28/2008 08-4300 10/21/2008 08-5517 10/9/2008 08-5098 6/18/2008 ltb01127 5/22/2008 ltb00942 4/2/2008 ltb00596 1/2/2008 ltf00007 6/30/2008 ltf00778 2/12/2008 08-0847 10/28/2008 08-5556 9/10/2008 08-4524 10/27/2008 08-5681 3/18/2008 ltb00465 4/28/2008 lte00500 2/20/2008 lte00209 Plaintiff Fhc Evergreen Reg Gillie Cindy Case Tom Ellen Leach Jean Harkness George Jr Smith Riverside Mhp Fox Hill Glens James Harkness Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Pl Apts Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bk Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Guardian Mtg Group Five Mgmt Sunridge Apts Lk Ponemah Mhp Lk Ponemah Mhp Lk Ponemah Mhp Da Da Group Federal Nat Mtg Earlie M Brooks N.Morris Ests N.Morris Estates Mill Creek Apts Valley Mead Villag Boulder Creek Greg Benjamin William Groh C Whitthorne Washington Mutual Parkwood Mhp Donald Bishop Steve Zerka Kim Harrison Lockwood Of Davison Continental Estates Arc Villa Maple Grove Maple Grove Tdm Realty Donald Young Marge Allen Millie Parks Windsor Place Apts National City Real Estate Ser Tudor Estates Last Name Gomez Gomez Gonyer Gonyer Gonzales Good Goodman Goodman Goodman Goodrich Goodrich Goodwine Goosby Gooslin Gora Gora Gora Gordan Gordan Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gorham Gorman Goss Goss Goss Gossett Gossett Gouine Gouine Gourley Goward Gowder Goyette Goyette Goyette Grabowski Grace Grace Grace Grades Grady Grady Grady Grady First Name Rocky Rocky Mary Mary Albert Carl David Tyronda Kevin Charles Thomas Tamara Lenard Amy Christophe Christophe Christophe Sheretha Billy Craig Alicia Ricky Carry Alicia Carry Keanna Sheretha Rickey Carry Alecia Neil Shannon Sherion Tomeka Tomeka Lasoyna Raymond Tony Angelia Jonathan Lori Antonia Judy Michael Judy Kary Deborah Delores Bobby Thomas William William Monique William Date Case 4/29/2008 lte00527 7/30/2008 lte00953 1/9/2008 ltb00063 6/4/2008 ltb01060 7/9/2008 08-3393 1/31/2008 08-0631 1/7/2008 lte00047 6/19/2008 08-3062 7/23/2008 lta00614 3/28/2008 lte00412 9/29/2008 ltb01886 5/30/2008 08-2695 6/16/2008 08-2996 6/5/2008 08-2769 2/5/2008 ltc00230 4/3/2008 ltc00550 7/24/2008 ltc01126 1/9/2008 08-0199 4/1/2008 08-1538 1/4/2008 ltf00036 2/4/2008 08-0584 3/7/2008 08-1232 6/24/2008 ltc01028 6/4/2008 ltb01037 3/31/2008 ltc00514 10/20/2008 08-5570 6/25/2008 08-3204 6/16/2008 08-2968 9/2/2008 ltc01424 9/19/2008 08-4730 6/19/2008 ltf00712 7/3/2008 ltb01255 1/8/2008 lta00028 6/5/2008 ltc00899 7/14/2008 ltc01094 3/14/2008 08-1276 8/22/2008 lte01105 1/2/2008 lta00013 3/18/2008 lta00230 4/30/2008 08-2132 9/30/2008 lte01308 9/2/2008 08-4362 6/2/2008 ltc00868 5/29/2008 08-2648 10/3/2008 ltc01601 1/2/2008 ltf00008 1/31/2008 ltb00207 6/23/2008 08-3073 10/21/2008 lta00893 2/8/2008 08-0841 5/13/2008 lte00560 2/19/2008 lte00200 3/31/2008 08-1510 6/10/2008 lte00707 Plaintiff Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Westwood Management Westwood Management Abel Sahlool Federal Nat Mtg Windover Property Booth Browne Somerset Apartments Fountain Pointe Continental Estates Eagle Ridge Sq Fhc Ray Curtin North Morris Estate N.Morris Ests N.Morris Estates Motor City Group Arthur J Pointer Rasmussen Jer Marvin Chapman Fhc Cedarshores Apts Brookstone Valley Cedarshores Apts Kathy Khirfan Motorcity Group Fhc Cedarshores Apt Gerald Burton Abdole Mutee Twin Meadows Mhp River Valley Manor Encarnacion Reuben Wheeler Stephanie Terry Hanson Parkwood Mhp Valley Mead Vill Mdm Development Llc Shady Acres Oneil Robert Westgate Terr Apts N.Morris Estates Rahamin Davar N.Morris Estates Maple Grove Hometown Amer Timb Hgt Tammie Matiere Flint Twp Prop Mshd Attia Invest Attia Investments Michael Dempsey Attia Investments Last Name Graeff Graff Graff Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Graham Ii Grandy Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grass Graves Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Gray Graydon Grays First Name Mary Barbara Barbara Kimberly Kelly Richard Michael Richard Richard Richard John Richard Kathy Kecia Michael Clifton Cynthia James Jaminca Jaminca Carrie Cynthia Stacy Cynthia Shaneeka Paula Valorie Chiquita Sonya Sonya Lafonya Fatima Bertha Lori Jomechee Kathy Kenyetta Rebekah Ruby Oscar Ethilene Johnnie Fatima Narvin Sonya Kathy Beverly Clint Rachel Karen Dalphine Juanita Donna Joya Date Case 8/19/2008 lta00707 8/4/2008 lta00650 7/23/2008 08-3599 1/29/2008 ltd00104 2/12/2008 08-0678 4/25/2008 ltc00628 2/25/2008 ltb00324 6/20/2008 ltc00969 3/25/2008 ltc00457 2/26/2008 ltc00340 7/31/2008 lte00966 8/21/2008 ltc01322 6/3/2008 08-2747 7/11/2008 ltd00625 4/30/2008 ltb00756 1/16/2008 08-0309 1/3/2008 08-0018 2/13/2008 lta00137 5/7/2008 ltb00828 4/2/2008 ltb00604 8/21/2008 ltc01348 8/5/2008 08-3885 8/27/2008 ltf01021 10/28/2008 08-5554 8/4/2008 08-3784 9/29/2008 ltb01887 1/28/2008 08-0478 1/31/2008 lte00142 10/28/2008 ltd00994 1/29/2008 ltd00116 3/4/2008 08-1102 6/24/2008 ltf00723 3/14/2008 08-1282 5/20/2008 08-2467 4/30/2008 ltb00727 6/5/2008 ltc00897 3/7/2008 08-1208 4/7/2008 08-1641 10/28/2008 08-5747 9/15/2008 lte01166 9/18/2008 08-4660 8/26/2008 ltf01005 7/23/2008 ltf00906 7/24/2008 08-3671 7/1/2008 ltd00593 10/3/2008 ltc01597 10/17/2008 08-5530 9/9/2008 08-4500 6/10/2008 08-2859 7/7/2008 lte00812 7/17/2008 08-3419 10/24/2008 08-5649 5/28/2008 lta00455 9/8/2008 08-4459 Plaintiff Marshalls Crossing Federal Noational Mt Fnma Apple Creek Station Loretta Anderson Southcreek Village Continental Estates Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Thornridge Apts Southcreek Village Westgate Ter Apts Wells Fargo Continental Estates Vic Campbell Donald Young Usbank National Asso Madison Pk Est Madison Pk Est Bristol Court Donald Young Kings Lane Donald Young Stephen Turner Continental Estates Aonie Gilcreast Edgemont Park Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Stanley Gilbert Kings Lane Brister Padgett Doris Brandt Hunters Ridge Apts Michalak Renee Fhc Washington Mut Kurt Stebbins Jarrah Bahia Victoria Chapman Creekwood Kings Lane Barb Summerville Sunridge Apts Michalak Renee Doris Brandt Donta Hampton David L Carrill Fountian Pointe Theresa Mosley Theresa Bush Somerset Apts Redstone Twh Last Name Grays Grayson Grear Grear Grear Grear Grear Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green First Name Joya Terrance Janice Lamont Kc Janice Janice Awon Lisa Dannetta Marti Cristina Tiffany Tamara Sade Manuel Marquetta Antwann Greg Jennifer Robert Jaquella Fannie Marti Samantha Jaquella Norma Takayla Lisa Charmel Betty Sherrie Chester Lue Sherrie William Awon William Marcus Sedric Marquetta Danielle Robert Jarrell Takayla Jaquella Lisa Samantha Dequindra Takayla Lisa Jacqueline Danisha Dequindra Date Case 6/9/2008 08-2838 8/21/2008 ltc01355 1/25/2008 08-0558 6/16/2008 ltf00703 10/3/2008 08-5052 10/24/2008 08-5612 6/23/2008 08-3143 1/9/2008 08-0200 1/15/2008 ltc00101 1/25/2008 ltc00174 1/18/2008 08-0381 1/2/2008 08-0005 4/1/2008 08-1544 4/28/2008 ltb00705 6/24/2008 ltf00724 6/24/2008 ltf00727 4/11/2008 08-1705 4/9/2008 08-1649 4/23/2008 ltb00679 3/31/2008 ltf00374 5/5/2008 ltf00508 3/7/2008 08-1227 3/17/2008 08-1731 3/26/2008 08-1450 6/17/2008 lta00527 5/20/2008 08-2489 3/19/2008 ltb00501 2/27/2008 08-1043 2/26/2008 ltc00324 2/12/2008 08-0811 3/31/2008 08-1488 5/19/2008 ltc00754 7/28/2008 08-3699 7/30/2008 ltb01409 8/21/2008 ltc01343 7/1/2008 ltf00825 6/11/2008 08-2852 10/1/2008 ltf01223 9/3/2008 08-4438 6/3/2008 08-2736 6/16/2008 08-2927 9/12/2008 08-4564 8/27/2008 ltf01022 9/29/2008 08-4846 9/30/2008 08-4969 8/19/2008 08-4055 7/10/2008 lta00576 8/26/2008 lta00729 9/24/2008 08-4790 6/6/2008 08-2808 7/14/2008 lta00583 8/27/2008 ltc01395 10/1/2008 08-4982 6/3/2008 08-2732 Plaintiff Redstone Twh Mt Morris Ldhalp River Village Apts Kings Lane Leo Lipsey River Village Apts River Village Apts Motor City Group Executive Property Dev Suffolk Court Apts Evergreen Reg Allyson Snell Shiloh Com Twnh Thomas D Howes Kings Lane Kings Lane Richfield Apts Wells Fargo Bk Genesee Valley Mortgage Electronic Kings Lane Fhc Stanley Gilbert Evergreen Reg Myrtle Grove Mhp Fhc Genesee Valley Woodlawn Pk Apts Executive Prop Venita Dudley Anthony Vukelich Bank Of New York Salem Housing Huntington Cir Apts Bristol Court Pine View Motorcity Group Pineview Estates Orchard Ridge Est Ctry Cl Man Apts Richfield Apts Deutsche Bk Kings Lane Fhc D&s Properties Fhc Ronald A Bunch Myrtle Grove Country Club Manor Woodlawn Apts Ronald A Bunch Deutsche Bk Ipm Ctry Cl Man Apts Last Name Green Green Green Green Green Greene Greene Greene Greene Greene Greenman Green-Norris Greer Greer Greer Greer Greer Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Gregory Greive Grevious Grew Grice Grierson Grierson Grieve Grieve Grieve Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffin Griffith First Name Denise Sherrie Justin Samantha Alvin Terence Cynthia Cynthia Osha Earl Darcy Deborah Ruby Gerry Nicole Ruby Charles Marc Kimberly Banita Brian Mae Banita Banita Marc Nathan Donna Patricia Phyllis Juanita Payton Deborah Deborah Patricia Patricia Patricia Beatrice Derrick Beatrice Tiffany Derrick Deandrea Debra Beatrice Cheryl Kristin Warnell Michelle Kevin Traci Kevin Sheila Beatrice Angela Date Case 8/20/2008 08-4146 7/25/2008 ltc01183 9/24/2008 lta00835 10/8/2008 ltb01987 10/3/2008 ltc01602 3/18/2008 08-1326 6/9/2008 ltc00908 3/25/2008 ltc00485 8/26/2008 ltd00806 9/19/2008 08-4728 5/15/2008 08-2364 1/9/2008 08-0164 10/30/2008 ltb02139 2/29/2008 ltb00379 2/14/2008 lte00197 5/22/2008 ltf00597 7/29/2008 08-3668 10/29/2008 ltc01741 3/31/2008 lta00276 4/1/2008 ltd00323 3/19/2008 lta00236 5/5/2008 08-2207 6/4/2008 ltd00517 8/26/2008 ltd00805 6/10/2008 08-2798 9/15/2008 lte01173 8/25/2008 ltb01602 9/10/2008 ltb01783 5/28/2008 ltf00635 2/25/2008 ltb00325 7/30/2008 lta00627 3/5/2008 08-1168 6/16/2008 08-2921 1/9/2008 ltb00094 4/2/2008 ltb00601 6/4/2008 ltb01021 1/18/2008 08-0355 1/17/2008 08-0273 2/21/2008 08-0949 2/25/2008 08-0955 4/30/2008 ltc00689 6/25/2008 ltc01051 3/12/2008 ltc00410 4/15/2008 08-1789 4/18/2008 08-1901 3/25/2008 ltd00276 4/18/2008 08-1873 2/22/2008 lte00240 9/9/2008 lte01157 7/7/2008 lte00818 7/28/2008 ltf00918 9/29/2008 08-4855 6/11/2008 08-2904 1/8/2008 lta00036 Plaintiff Randy Kinot Bristol Court Federal National Twin Meadows Mhp N.Morris Estates National City Ideal Rental Ideal Rental Sunridge Apts Deutsche Bk Robert Eastman Federal H Mtg Hunters Ridge Apts Citifinancial Mortgage Company Inc Grand Pointe Apts Kings Lane 424 Avon Llc Schloegl Denise Bruton Gerald Sunridge Apts Burton Gerald Theresa Mosley Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts D Richardson Jagi Wafaa Windsor Place Apts Arc Villa Creekwood Continental Estates Redman Cindy Richfield Apts Richfield Apts Arc Villa Arc Villa Arc Villa Venture Invest James R. Rouser Venture Invest Terrace Apts Cedarshores Apt Burkeshire Apts Harris Barbara Venture Invest Mary E. Taylor Burton Gerald Fnma Group Five Mgmt Group Five Mgmt Fox Hill Glens Midfirst Bank Fhc Venture Invest River Valley Manor Last Name Griffith Griffith Grigsby Grigsby Grim Grimes Grimes Grisson Gritzinger Groce Grody Groins Grosinsky Grosinsky Grosinsky Gross Grotewold Groulx Grove Grover Grover Grover Grover Groves Groves Groves Groves Groves Grubbs Gruber Gruber Gruber Gruber Grunlund Gubala Gubala Gubala Gueldig Guenther Guerrero Guerrero Guest Guest Guest Gugin Guice Guidry Guigear Guiles Guimaraes Guise Guise Gulic Gulley First Name Angela Alexis Keondre Kimberly Jim Shonneal Marquetta Suzanne Charlene Danielle William Marilyn Adam Joseph Joseph John Kelly Brandon Margaret Carolyn Kanya Kanya Shaunta James James James Terry Terry Charshinda Fernan Fernan Fernan Fernan Nichole Thomas Thomas Thomas Philip Michael Jewelesha Jewelsha Matthew Heather Matthew Dana Jon Brett Ronald Nicole Crystal Jamilah Tasheka Debra Jessica Date Case 3/4/2008 lta00192 10/2/2008 ltc01592 5/7/2008 lta00385 3/3/2008 08-1075 6/4/2008 ltf00675 1/11/2008 08-0241 10/16/2008 ltc01638 7/23/2008 ltf00911 4/30/2008 ltb00757 6/30/2008 ltb01198 3/17/2008 lte00342 2/25/2008 ltf00200 1/30/2008 ltb00185 4/23/2008 08-1893 10/3/2008 08-5017 7/23/2008 lta00609 1/15/2008 lte00058 10/23/2008 ltc01722 4/2/2008 ltb00583 3/5/2008 ltb00407 5/22/2008 ltc00777 2/19/2008 ltc00311 8/5/2008 08-3909 1/9/2008 ltf00089 3/5/2008 ltf00266 5/7/2008 ltf00559 9/24/2008 08-4777 9/24/2008 08-4778 6/6/2008 08-2783 4/2/2008 ltb00597 5/7/2008 ltb00789 9/10/2008 ltb01781 7/3/2008 ltb01270 7/28/2008 ltd00641 1/2/2008 ltf00027 3/31/2008 ltf00369 2/28/2008 ltf00218 6/30/2008 ltb01186 8/4/2008 08-3859 1/2/2008 ltb00022 4/30/2008 ltb00728 5/29/2008 ltc00858 7/1/2008 08-3288 7/22/2008 ltc01105 9/18/2008 08-4662 6/12/2008 08-2888 10/17/2008 ltb02036 7/16/2008 ltc01098 7/30/2008 ltb01449 10/2/2008 08-5002 8/27/2008 lte01122 6/16/2008 08-2998 1/2/2008 lta00017 4/15/2008 08-1787 Plaintiff River Valley Manor Cedarshores Apt Flint Pasadena Llc Pengelly Apts Pace Mgt Douglas Thomas Loans Inc Countrywide Home Genesee Villa Continental Estates Continental North Attia Investments Maple Grove Arc Villa Royal Mhp Elms Mhc Burton Gerald Laballe Bank Sugartree Apts Eastside Village Apts Brookstone Valley Clovertree Apts Clovertree Apts Robert Morris Pineview Estates Pineview Pineview Elga Credit Union Elga Credit Union Marvin Chapman Arc Villa Arc Villa Arc Villa Arc Villa Bank Of New York Trust Company Creekside Creekwood Mhp Creekwood Continental Estates Carrage Manor Mhp Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Stockton Tony Holiday Village Stockton Tony Donald Smith Sybil Blount Gmac Mortgage Llc Sebert Diane Landmark Realty Matt. Wothke Cedar Bend Apts Fhc Hartman Frank Rollingwood Man Last Name First Name Gumpp Brenda Gumulinski Sally Gumulinski Sally Gunter Geraldine Gunther Kimberly Gunther Kimberly Gunther Kim Gunther Kimberly Gunther Kimberly Gurd Darlene Gurd Darlene Gurd Deona Gustafson Larry Guster Rachael Gustofson Bianca Guterez Rona Gutierrez Rachel Guy Tiffany Guy Karen Guy Tiffany Guy William Guy William Guy Omar Guy Robert Guynn Robert Gwaltney Kevin Gwinn Laura Gwinn Constance Habedank Dee Habedank Deedee Hackenberg Michelle Hacker Don Hackett Dwayne Hadad David Haddad Jamil Haemmerlein Cherry Hafer Scott Hager Mary Hager Mary Hager Gerry Haggard Kristy Haggerty Rebecca Haggerty Rebecca Haggerty Rebecca Haggerty Rebecca Haggerty Rebecca Hahn Stephanie Haines Patti Haines Michelle Haines Gary Hainey Sonja Hainey Sonja Hairston Phillip Hairston Phillip Date Case 9/4/2008 lte01153 10/15/2008 lte01373 7/7/2008 lta00564 9/15/2008 08-4627 5/20/2008 lta00425 6/17/2008 lta00521 10/21/2008 lta00899 8/19/2008 lta00696 9/23/2008 lta00811 4/29/2008 lte00528 9/25/2008 lte01290 6/10/2008 08-2796 7/1/2008 ltf00784 1/25/2008 08-0441 5/27/2008 lta00452 10/1/2008 08-4882 10/20/2008 ltf01287 1/2/2008 ltb00026 10/22/2008 ltc01674 2/27/2008 ltb00368 9/3/2008 08-4418 10/30/2008 08-5808 7/1/2008 08-3283 8/22/2008 ltd00762 8/7/2008 ltf00968 4/18/2008 ltd00345 5/20/2008 ltd00459 3/17/2008 08-1332 6/18/2008 ltb01123 9/22/2008 ltc01498 3/25/2008 ltb00518 6/17/2008 ltf00708 1/22/2008 ltb00109 8/4/2008 lte00987 5/16/2008 08-2395 8/12/2008 ltd00730 2/14/2008 ltf00185 5/27/2008 lte00656 2/21/2008 lte00225 3/28/2008 ltb00550 9/24/2008 lte01261 4/2/2008 ltb00598 6/4/2008 ltb01019 3/5/2008 ltb00416 2/6/2008 ltb00273 8/8/2008 ltb01533 10/31/2008 08-5827 1/3/2008 lta00018 4/17/2008 ltb00671 3/7/2008 08-1138 7/23/2008 ltb01358 10/31/2008 08-5773 1/31/2008 08-0633 1/3/2008 08-0160 Plaintiff Federal National Wilcox Roy Deutsche Bank Donald Bishop River Valley Manor River Valley Manor River Valley Manor River Valley Manor River Valley Manor Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Betty Choate Centennial Farms Rod Boyle Patrick M McDonald Vanessa Hicks Downer William Huntington Circle Southcreek Village Huntington Circle Apts Woodlawn Apts Woodlawn Apts Woodlawn Apts Georgetown Park Ayres Brian Countrywide Home Bush George Executive Prop Kathy M Beitel Johnson Dave Charter Oaks Apts Preston Elizabeth Group Five Management Co Maplebrook Vill Apts Rita Or Paul Farver Silver Creek Village Gary Alan Trepainer Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Fishermans Cove Group Five Mgmt Arc Villa Arc Villa Arc Villa Arc Villa Arc Villa Park Manor Graves Paula Deutsche Bank Roger Foutch Vath Vonda Ray Curtin Dayne Davis Dayne Davis Last Name Hairston Hairston Hairston Hairston Hairston Hairston Hairston Hairston Haiss Haiss Haiss Haiss Hajec Halasz Halberry Hale Hale Halford Halicek Halka Halka Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall First Name Phillip Jasmiin Lamos Phillip Lamos Lamos Amanda Claudette Brandon Trisha Trisha Trisha Mark Jolynn James Stacy Stacy Teaonia Nathen Donald Donald Michael Cowanna Ann Raymond Jacquetta Chaneta Steve Jared Coreen Renee Anthony Lina Nicholas Keeva Michael Brian Cowanna Tia Jason Lina Renee Janyia Aaron Dishonna Jason Kevin Michael Debra Shalinda Tammy Kevin Robert Kenyatta Date Case 3/6/2008 08-1175 6/30/2008 08-3270 6/19/2008 08-3037 7/25/2008 08-3693 7/24/2008 08-3688 8/19/2008 08-4097 9/24/2008 ltc01557 7/15/2008 08-3450 1/2/2008 lte00008 1/4/2008 08-0022 4/8/2008 08-1663 9/3/2008 08-4301 2/27/2008 lte00273 1/23/2008 08-0326 10/17/2008 08-5231 4/10/2008 ltb00658 5/22/2008 ltb00887 10/29/2008 08-5562 10/14/2008 08-5174 3/25/2008 ltb00509 8/22/2008 ltb01590 1/9/2008 ltf00078 1/28/2008 08-0459 1/30/2008 ltb00193 1/16/2008 08-0269 10/30/2008 ltb02147 3/6/2008 08-0975 3/18/2008 ltb00466 5/22/2008 lte00614 4/1/2008 ltd00332 4/7/2008 08-1594 2/5/2008 ltc00231 3/20/2008 08-1762 5/5/2008 ltf00491 5/22/2008 ltf00598 3/5/2008 ltf00252 6/26/2008 ltb01135 3/5/2008 08-1122 3/25/2008 08-1436 4/24/2008 lte00476 4/21/2008 08-1905 3/3/2008 08-0978 3/3/2008 08-1085 3/3/2008 08-1084 5/22/2008 ltc00782 6/24/2008 lte00748 4/29/2008 ltb00709 4/10/2008 ltf00416 10/24/2008 08-5609 8/4/2008 08-3900 7/25/2008 ltc01195 7/23/2008 ltb01360 8/26/2008 ltd00804 10/28/2008 08-5753 Plaintiff Dayne Davis Westgate Terr Apts Tim Knecht Dayne Davis Tim Knecht Tim Knecht Burkeshire Pointe Capstone Invest Cedar Bend Apts Thom Casselman Thom Casselman Thom Casselman Thornridge Apts Thom Casselman Nan Weatherspoon Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Marvin Chapman David Pounds Old Orchard Old Orchard Pineview Estates Allyson Snell Riverwood Lux Apts H&h Res Ser Riverwood Lux Apts C Whitthorne Windsor Place Apts Fountain Pointe Federal National Ray Collins N.Morris Ests Loretta Vaughn Creekwood Kings Lane Pineview Federal H Mtg Allyson Snell Ideal Rental Perry Place Apts Rodney Lawton Ray Collins Orchard Ridge Est Orchard Ridge Est Sugartree Apts Perry Place Apts Stockton Tony Pineview River Village Apts Jeffery Anderson Mt Morris Ldhalp Stockton Tony Sunridge Apts Tony Stockton Last Name Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Haller Halling Halstead Halstead Halstead Halterman Ham Ham Hamady Hamilla Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamler Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlet Hamlett Hamlin Hamlin Hamman Hammel Hammel Hammel Ii Hammersley First Name Kevin Keeva Tammy Tanesa Jared Lina Barbara Jaquetta Samuel Sonja Rachel Janiya Jared Detrick Lina Marqueta Ashley Jennifer Jamie Jamie Jamie Danielle Ralph Ralph Jennifer Christophe Candice Candice Steven Kerrie Sophia Bret Linda Emily Kerry Bret Kerrie Candy Candy Leticia Ora Teresa Michelle Jan Ora Teressa Jerry Gloria Tracey Harry Robert Robert Francis Michael Date Case 8/27/2008 ltb01679 7/23/2008 ltf00890 9/24/2008 ltc01516 8/19/2008 08-4050 10/13/2008 lte01346 6/13/2008 08-2898 9/24/2008 ltf01138 9/17/2008 ltb01794 7/1/2008 ltf00798 7/3/2008 ltb01286 10/2/2008 08-5007 10/22/2008 08-5584 9/22/2008 lte01234 10/17/2008 08-5512 9/22/2008 ltb01818 8/28/2008 08-4316 9/23/2008 ltb01833 10/1/2008 ltc01578 1/9/2008 ltf00060 5/7/2008 ltf00533 9/3/2008 ltf01055 6/16/2008 08-3005 1/2/2008 ltf00026 5/5/2008 ltf00492 4/11/2008 ltd00340 10/13/2008 lte01366 1/25/2008 08-0370 1/2/2008 lte00004 1/14/2008 lta00063 1/15/2008 ltc00092 6/16/2008 08-2953 5/27/2008 lte00657 3/7/2008 08-1214 5/21/2008 lte00584 4/16/2008 ltc00593 7/30/2008 lte00932 7/23/2008 ltc01115 6/23/2008 08-3047 7/2/2008 ltf00839 10/28/2008 lte01461 4/1/2008 08-1545 2/19/2008 ltc00282 2/13/2008 08-0809 8/5/2008 08-3781 7/3/2008 08-3256 9/16/2008 08-4655 1/30/2008 08-0608 1/29/2008 ltd00117 8/21/2008 lta00710 7/1/2008 08-3287 4/28/2008 ltb00695 3/18/2008 ltb00467 9/5/2008 ltb01735 10/30/2008 ltf01398 Plaintiff Stockton Tony Kings Lane Mt Morris Ldhalp Fhc Fountain Pointe Loreta Vaughn Creekwood Riverwood Lux Apts Pine View Riverwood Lux Apts Walker Invest Prop Treasure Enter Fountain Pointe Terry Nuzarijechuk Hometown Amer E Blake Scott Kearsley Creek Llc Flushing Mobile Ct Pineview Pineview Pineview Executive Prop Creekside Creekwood Dauner Haus Apts Stonehenge Gates Citimortgage Riverbend Apts Speakeasy Plaza Llc Indian Hills Manor Theresa Bush Perry Place Apts Fhc Mapleridge Apts Indian Hills Manor Perry Place Apts Indian Hills Manor Pine Run #1 Pine Run Candy Group Five Mgmt Shiloh Com Twnh Sugartree Apts Marvin Chapman Kujtim Sterbyci Shiloh Com Twnh Mark Tyler Harris Invest Sunridge Apts Maple Run Holiday Village Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Kearsley Creek Llc Pineview Estates Last Name Hammett Hammond Hammond Hammond Hampton Hampton Hampton Hampton Hampton Hampton Hance Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Handley Handley Handley Handy Haney Haney Haney Haney Haney Haney Haney Hanley Hanley Hanners Hannigan Hannigan Hansen Hansen Hansen Hansen Jr Hanshaw Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Hanson Haralson Harbin Harbin Harden Harden Harden Harden First Name Tori Chad Chad Robert Willie Maretta Michelle Leah Leah Anjanette Roslyn Barbara Bambi Bambi Sheena Bambi Sheena Katherine Katherine Katherine Hudy Daniel Jacob Jacob Mike Jacob Jacob Barry Tonya Tonya Teresa Ronna John Christophe Christophe Robert James Brian Lusetti Heidi Gary Andious Melvin Meoldy Heidi Azarea Lusetti Mark Rebecca Rebecca Lachina Cora Sennecca Bettie Date Case 7/10/2008 08-3403 10/30/2008 ltf01370 9/3/2008 ltf01084 8/14/2008 ltc01297 1/30/2008 ltc00206 3/27/2008 ltd00298 2/20/2008 lte00210 3/12/2008 ltc00409 7/30/2008 ltc01239 9/8/2008 08-4489 2/27/2008 08-1042 10/23/2008 ltc01712 4/7/2008 08-1596 9/26/2008 08-4698 8/28/2008 08-4216 8/4/2008 08-3876 10/30/2008 08-5793 8/25/2008 08-4237 10/24/2008 08-5601 6/23/2008 08-3152 9/8/2008 08-4488 1/29/2008 08-0601 3/28/2008 ltb00554 5/22/2008 ltb00915 3/25/2008 ltb00512 6/30/2008 ltb01179 7/31/2008 ltb01470 10/9/2008 ltb02002 9/24/2008 ltc01536 7/25/2008 ltc01159 4/25/2008 ltc00672 2/20/2008 lta00158 8/4/2008 ltc01251 3/5/2008 ltb00417 2/6/2008 ltb00274 5/22/2008 ltb00931 2/7/2008 ltb00277 1/25/2008 08-0455 1/22/2008 08-0385 3/31/2008 ltf00381 3/11/2008 lta00217 3/10/2008 08-1141 6/30/2008 08-3259 9/22/2008 08-4771 9/24/2008 ltf01147 7/29/2008 ltd00670 9/30/2008 08-4924 7/3/2008 lte00805 1/25/2008 ltc00148 8/21/2008 ltc01372 1/30/2008 ltb00189 1/25/2008 08-0564 1/28/2008 ltf00115 1/25/2008 08-0448 Plaintiff Steve Wilcox Pineview Estates Pineview Hooks Michael Groves T L Mota G Sage Tudor Estates Landon Roy Landon Roy Alfonso Hampton Executive Prop Pineshores Apts Thom Casselman Thom Casselman Ola Clemons Thom Casselman Ola Clemons F.D.H.A.L.P F.D.H.A.L.P F.D.H.A.L.P. Marva Perkins Alc Holdings Davison East Davison East Willowbrook Apts Davison East Davison East Arc Villa Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Bristol Court Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bk Arc Villa Arc Villa Continental North First Baptist Church Deborah Mullen Shady Acres Mhp Blackberry Creek Myrtle Grove Mhp John Berry Shady Acres Mhp Richfield Apts Blackberry Creek Sunridge Apts Shady Acres Mhp Hsbc Mortgage Srvs Quail Ridge Apt Llc Quail Ridge Apts Cambridge Square Flint F.D.H.A.L.P. Maple Grove Lucille Vines Last Name Harden Harden Harden Harden Harden Harden Hardening Hardges Hardin Hardin Harding Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Hardy Harger Hargrave Hargrave Haris Harman Harmon Harmon Harmon Harmon Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harper Harrington Harrington Harrington Harrington First Name Cora Lachina Tequina Sennecca Bettie Darlene Bettie Ruby Lena Lena Dorothy Tracy Tiara Joann Latanya Alicia Onisha Carrie Onisha Joann Tiara Phyllis Onisha Alicia Carrie Alicia Michael Marshall Randy Carolyn Tania Margaret Ruth Greg Ruth Paul Tanicia Menica Menica Tanicia William Tanicia Kenya Heather Michael Heather Menica Willie Kenya Nikita Roxanne Tara Curt Tracy Date Case 3/24/2008 08-1400 4/30/2008 ltb00715 3/5/2008 ltb00408 5/5/2008 ltf00499 10/9/2008 08-5156 6/16/2008 08-2951 9/23/2008 08-4684 3/19/2008 08-1264 4/1/2008 ltc00526 9/17/2008 ltc01484 5/29/2008 ltc00859 10/28/2008 ltd00996 1/8/2008 ltd00050 10/28/2008 ltd00995 1/18/2008 08-0329 4/30/2008 08-2105 3/12/2008 08-1243 5/15/2008 08-2282 5/14/2008 08-2367 7/29/2008 ltd00669 9/4/2008 08-4440 10/6/2008 08-5029 8/7/2008 08-3864 9/30/2008 08-4930 8/1/2008 08-3790 7/3/2008 08-3298 7/23/2008 ltc01112 8/13/2008 08-3979 10/17/2008 lte01385 7/1/2008 08-3277 5/23/2008 ltf00618 6/4/2008 ltb01061 4/29/2008 lte00533 6/18/2008 lta00531 2/22/2008 lte00252 10/1/2008 ltc01582 1/31/2008 08-0470 4/4/2008 08-1632 2/4/2008 08-0733 4/16/2008 08-1791 4/16/2008 08-1850 5/13/2008 08-2237 5/8/2008 08-2242 3/31/2008 08-1462 10/15/2008 08-5206 9/24/2008 08-4781 8/19/2008 08-4041 7/16/2008 08-3337 7/22/2008 08-3608 7/28/2008 08-3719 10/22/2008 ltc01673 3/31/2008 ltf00380 2/29/2008 lte00308 8/28/2008 08-4280 Plaintiff F.D.H.A.L.P. Cambridge Sq Flint Brookstone Valley Maple Grove Rodney Feaster Theresa Mosley Leon Knott Kingdom Mgmt Stockton Tony Stockton Tony McKay Irene Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Doris E. Brandt Shiloh Com Twnh Rollingwood Man George Jr Smith Rollingwood Man Sunridge Apts Tdm Orchard Ridge Rollingwood Man Shiloh Com Twnh George Jr Smith Shiloh Com Twnh Indian Hills Manor Eagle Ridge Sq Grande Pointe Apts Us Bank Kontrin Jagoda Westwood Management Knollwood Vill Apts Laurence Wolf Prop Knollwood Vill Apts Merrill Phillip Gerald Burton Fhc Fhc Gerald Burton Fhc Gerald Burton Terry Hanson Westgate Terr Apts Park Manor Westgate Terr Apts Fhc Robert Woods Coalwell Invest Lynetta Eggleston Southcreek Village Blackberry Creek Fox Hill Glens Ideal Rental Last Name Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris First Name John Tiffney Walter Paula David Tenelle Hannah Hannah Tania Bertha Brenetta Evelyn George Karen Christophe Crystal Sharonda Erika Michelle David Andrea Darryl Ken Tanisha Christophe Lonie Louise Shante Karen Donald Lonie Crystal Maegen Rona Lawan Ericka Karen Shonda Edward Karen Sarah Loma Christophe Nikisha Wendy Tracy Shonda Lorraine Francie Shonda Tracy Christophe Nadine Cassandra Date Case 10/22/2008 ltc01666 1/11/2008 08-0247 1/2/2008 08-0008 10/23/2008 ltc01723 10/22/2008 lta00905 1/25/2008 08-0557 1/2/2008 08-0088 1/25/2008 08-0563 1/22/2008 08-0415 1/22/2008 08-0414 10/28/2008 lta00922 1/23/2008 08-0346 1/14/2008 08-0216 4/30/2008 ltb00733 3/5/2008 ltf00259 2/29/2008 ltb00383 6/11/2008 08-2872 3/7/2008 08-1213 2/6/2008 ltc00246 4/30/2008 ltc00697 6/5/2008 ltc00900 5/5/2008 08-2199 2/21/2008 lta00166 5/28/2008 ltc00842 4/10/2008 ltf00422 3/25/2008 lte00389 5/28/2008 08-2611 2/1/2008 lte00177 2/27/2008 ltb00374 2/27/2008 ltc00378 5/29/2008 lte00689 4/22/2008 ltf00457 6/30/2008 ltf00772 10/28/2008 08-5752 9/10/2008 ltc01467 7/30/2008 ltc01227 7/30/2008 ltb01416 6/13/2008 08-2879 7/22/2008 ltc01104 8/29/2008 ltb01725 10/15/2008 lte01377 7/23/2008 ltf00882 10/1/2008 ltf01217 10/8/2008 ltb01956 6/30/2008 08-3258 6/18/2008 08-3071 8/13/2008 08-3914 10/17/2008 08-5514 10/10/2008 ltd00954 10/14/2008 08-5162 7/10/2008 ltc01085 7/1/2008 ltf00829 8/18/2008 08-4123 9/9/2008 lte01164 Plaintiff Indian Hills Manor Terry L Hanson Millie Harris Cedarshores Apt Orozco Juan River Village Apts F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. Redstone Twh Redstone Twh Miller West Booth Browne Wells Fargo Bk Rosewood Park Pineview Hometown Amer Antonio Barber Lint Housing Comm Cranbrook Vill Co N.Morris Ests Bachman Herman Orchard Ridge Est Davis- Kimberly Cedarshores Apt Pineview Thornridge Apts Gmac Llc Thornridge Apts Rosewood Park Apts Indian Hills Manor Thornridge Apts Executive Property Creekwood Tony Stockton Parks & Marshall Llc Ideal Rental Rosewood Park Apts Sabra Goodrich Stockton Tony Rosewood Park Apts Riverbend Apts Blackberry Creek Pineview Estates Brookstone Valley Shady Acres Mhp Unince Williamson Sabra Goodrich Delores Barnwell Hsbc Bank Usa Brenda Hendrix Clarke Eunice Pine View John Sr. Bontrager Group Five Mgmt Last Name Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Harris Ii Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrison Harrold Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Hart Harthorne Harthorne Hartley Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartman Hartwell Hartwick Hartwick Hartwick Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Harvey Hasan Hasan Hasan Haskins Hasman Hasman Hasse Hastings Haswell Hatch Hatcher Hatcher First Name David Lawan Jade Alisa D Natalie Christophe Hubert Christophe Jeffrey Edward Sammara Ruth Julie Valerie Tim Ruth Danisha Heidi Jeffrey Deirdre Belinda Heidi Taneshia David Jaren Jaren Michael John John John John Charles Renee Renee Renee Thomas Jacqueline Daniel Jacquelyn Joseph James Shaneka Fard Jameel Aaron Chris Chris Judy Debrah Cassy Anne Connie Michelle Date Case 10/3/2008 ltc01603 10/20/2008 ltc01656 7/21/2008 08-3586 10/31/2008 08-5833 9/3/2008 08-4437 10/10/2008 08-5173 9/3/2008 ltf01107 3/25/2008 ltd00282 1/17/2008 lta00073 5/29/2008 08-2661 2/21/2008 08-0941 7/3/2008 08-3309 8/13/2008 08-3967 10/20/2008 ltd00975 7/28/2008 lta00619 6/12/2008 08-2894 6/16/2008 08-2919 7/18/2008 08-3560 5/15/2008 08-2385 2/27/2008 lte00271 8/22/2008 08-4196 10/1/2008 08-4997 8/20/2008 08-4190 8/28/2008 ltc01406 7/28/2008 08-3567 7/30/2008 lta00642 9/23/2008 lta00827 3/5/2008 ltf00231 1/24/2008 ltb00149 3/18/2008 ltb00468 5/22/2008 ltb00888 8/25/2008 ltb01603 2/25/2008 ltb00309 3/5/2008 ltf00236 7/1/2008 ltf00795 9/3/2008 ltf01059 6/12/2008 ltb01098 2/27/2008 ltc00374 5/30/2008 08-2690 6/24/2008 ltc01027 9/24/2008 lte01259 9/19/2008 08-4717 6/25/2008 08-3196 8/22/2008 08-3923 9/19/2008 08-4726 7/30/2008 lte00933 9/22/2008 lte01194 8/22/2008 lte01074 6/19/2008 08-3033 2/12/2008 08-0659 9/24/2008 lte01269 6/3/2008 ltf00650 5/29/2008 08-2656 4/21/2008 08-1886 Plaintiff N.Morris Estates Ayala Julia Tony Stockton Park Manor Orchard Ridge Est Steven Rutherford Pineview Georgetown Park Amerihome Mortgage Fededral Nat Mtg Court St Village Countrywide Home Richfield Apts Suhre Ryan Laurence Wolf Prop Thomas Lazar Richfield Apts Fhc Robert Eastman Thornridge Apts Lakeside Mhp Evergreen Reg Robert Eastman Ideal Rental River Village Apts Flint Twp Prop Flint Twp Prop Pineview Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Davison East Pineview Pine View Pineview Wells Fargo Bank Na Cedarshores Apartment Homes Orchard Ridge Est Cedarshores Apartment Homes Group Five Mgmt Will Ferguson Tony Stockton Noha Fofana Bank Of Ny Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Fed National Mtmg Betty Choate Mapleridge Apts Green Acre Dayne Davis Knatarsha Allen Last Name Hatcher Hatchew Hatfield Hatfield Hatfield Hatfield Hatten Hatten Hatten Hatter Hatter Hatter Hatter Hatter Hatter Havard Iv Havard Iv Havard Iv Hawes Hawes Hawk Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawkins Hawlet Hawley Hawley Hawley Hayden Hayden Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayes Hayman Haynes Haynes Hays Hays Hayward First Name Marlon Flloyd Robbie Robbie Angela Robbie Andrea Andrea Aundra Tamika Tamika Derek Henry Tamika Tamika Elbert Elbert Elbert Patti Patti Sonya Shaunita Michelle Jessica Valeria Michelle Bridgette Chavez Keeyana Anjelita Angelita Zittigah Chavez Julie Shaunita Valeria Anjelita Christina Christina Daren Christina Martha Millicent Lauren Lucindia Lauren Kaystella Talisha Shayla Tamara Raquel John Lucinda Lisa Date Case 3/7/2008 08-1185 7/29/2008 ltd00689 4/30/2008 ltb00771 6/26/2008 ltb01145 4/28/2008 lte00502 9/5/2008 ltb01736 10/23/2008 ltc01713 1/7/2008 ltc00043 7/28/2008 ltc01210 1/25/2008 08-0375 1/2/2008 08-0092 2/1/2008 ltc00214 4/17/2008 08-1861 3/24/2008 08-1403 7/28/2008 08-3734 1/23/2008 lte00080 6/23/2008 lte00730 9/24/2008 lte01255 4/14/2008 lta00309 7/14/2008 lta00584 3/20/2008 ltf00329 1/4/2008 08-0033 10/28/2008 ltd00987 10/23/2008 ltc01707 5/7/2008 ltb00785 5/27/2008 ltd00480 6/24/2008 ltc01026 5/7/2008 ltb00829 5/23/2008 lte00635 4/8/2008 08-1666 2/4/2008 08-0581 9/16/2008 08-4654 7/28/2008 08-3747 9/2/2008 ltf01049 8/14/2008 08-4075 7/23/2008 ltb01356 7/22/2008 08-3618 2/21/2008 08-0942 4/16/2008 08-1684 10/1/2008 ltf01227 6/19/2008 08-3058 4/25/2008 ltc00622 7/24/2008 08-3686 1/9/2008 ltf00059 4/4/2008 08-1585 4/10/2008 ltf00437 8/29/2008 08-4379 8/6/2008 08-3891 10/27/2008 ltf01343 7/30/2008 lte00934 9/25/2008 08-4819 3/13/2008 ltc00418 6/25/2008 08-3206 6/18/2008 ltb01124 Plaintiff Federal Nat Mtg Apple Creek Station Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Hometown America Gradn Blan Kearsley Creek Llc Pineshores Apts Pineshores Apts Pineshores Apts F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. Verkennes Jason Dlj Mtg Capital F.D.H.A.L.P. Fdhalp Group Five Mgmt Co. Group Five Mgmt Group Five Mgmt Graves Paula Graves Paula Kings Lane Jacqueline Glover Fenton Pheasant Run Mtg Systems Riverwood Lux Apts Pheasant Run Apts Cedarshores Apts Madison Pk Est Verkennes Alicia Sam Ford Sam Ford Mark Tyler Lasalle Bank Boulder Creek Melvin Green Riverwood Lux Apts Sam Ford Sf Heard Mark Teed Green Acre Apts Mark Teed Southcreek Village Douglas Swain Pineview John Bontrager Pineview Estates Perry Warrior Barbara Payne Kings Lane Perry Place Apts Gerald Burton Deutsche Bank Motorcity Group Beckman Prop Last Name Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Haywood Hazelman Hazlewood Hazlewood Heard Hearn Hearn Hearns Hearod Hearst Heasty Heath Heath Heath Heatheringto Heatheringto Heatheringto Heaton Heaton Hect Hect Hect Hect Hegwood Heine Heit Iii Helias Helmkay Helmkey Heltzer Helwer Hemingway Hemphill Hemphill Hemphill Hemphill Hemphill Hempton Hempton Hempton First Name Marvell Theresa Dominique Tamiko Tony Darnisha Tony Michael Ebony Ebony Jamaro Crystal Crystal Ebony Terrance Kimberly Theresa Theresa Brittney Patricia Patricia Tonya Deanna Anna Janet Paul Brian Paul Nancy Nancy Nancy Sean Sean Kevin Mary Mary Mary Veronica John Frank William Neil Neal Alecia Michelle Jennifer Robin Robin Robin Shameka Shameka Allison Jessica Allison Date Case 10/27/2008 ltf01330 1/24/2008 08-0531 6/23/2008 08-3140 3/20/2008 ltf00330 4/10/2008 ltf00420 5/19/2008 08-2448 2/7/2008 ltf00166 10/21/2008 08-5503 6/9/2008 08-2778 9/9/2008 08-4501 9/3/2008 08-4388 8/27/2008 ltb01655 7/31/2008 ltb01511 10/28/2008 08-5657 6/30/2008 08-3257 3/25/2008 ltd00281 2/1/2008 lte00171 9/25/2008 lte01282 9/12/2008 08-4553 4/22/2008 08-1943 10/29/2008 08-5689 1/7/2008 08-0032 2/22/2008 08-0899 5/8/2008 08-2266 2/25/2008 lta00174 6/18/2008 ltb01121 10/28/2008 08-5751 8/28/2008 08-4217 3/5/2008 ltb00425 8/28/2008 ltb01711 7/3/2008 ltb01256 6/4/2008 ltb01062 8/27/2008 ltb01656 5/27/2008 ltb00951 9/3/2008 ltf01064 10/1/2008 ltf01231 7/1/2008 ltf00789 8/1/2008 08-3789 1/9/2008 ltb00091 10/30/2008 ltb02148 8/26/2008 08-4222 4/18/2008 ltd00346 10/22/2008 lte01396 1/11/2008 lta00051 9/24/2008 ltc01513 10/17/2008 ltb02038 5/14/2008 08-2317 5/28/2008 08-2505 4/16/2008 08-1812 7/29/2008 ltd00668 9/30/2008 ltd00909 10/22/2008 ltc01686 2/21/2008 lte00226 5/23/2008 ltc00791 Plaintiff Kings Lane Gary Goad Realty Arbor Vill Apts Kings Lane Pineview Evergreen Reg Pine View Cmc Homes Llc C Whitthorne C Whitthorne Beulah Ecker Westwood Management Westwood Management C Whitthorne Shady Acres Mhp Georgetown Park Lux Apts Lux Apartments David Carmichael Salem Housing Salem Housing Wanda Thompson Michael Kennedy Richfield Apts Somerset Apartments Landmark Realty Citimortgage Don Ricks Twin Meadows Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Westwood Management Westwood Management Kearsley Creek Llc Green Acre Green Acre Apts Green Acre Nearohr Prop Arc Villa Investco Farah-Khouri Lasalle Bk Midwest Kendrick Thomas Burton Gerald Dutch Village Llc Wells Fargo Bank Terence Leavy Terence Leavy Terence Leavy Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Dutch Village Llc Perry Place Apts Dutch Village Llc Last Name First Name Hempton Allison Hempton Allison Henberson Sawyer Henberson Sawyer Henderson Randy Henderson Nakia Henderson Shaundra Henderson Bishop Henderson Erwin Henderson Felecia Henderson Sonya Henderson John Henderson Bishop Henderson John Henderson John Henderson Bishop Henderson Jessica Henderson Daniel Henderson John Henderson Felecia Henderson Sonya Henderson Felecia Henderson Eddie Henderson Aniya Henderson Bishop Henderson Yolanda Henderson Yolanda Henderson Jean Henderson Angelia Henderson Jessica Hendrick Joshua Hendrick Shawn Hendricks Brian Hendricks Brian Hendricks Brian Hendrickson Eddie Hendrickson Jeffrey Hendrickson Eddie Hendrix Shawn Hendrix Quadreka Hendrix Quadreka Hendrix Keely Hendrix-Bro Pamela Hendrix-Morr Sue Hennessy Stacy Henry G Henry Edmond Henry Mark Henry Crystal Henry Jason Hense Karl Hensley Diana Henson Chris Herada Rashell Date Case 7/25/2008 ltc01168 8/21/2008 ltc01325 5/27/2008 lte00658 7/30/2008 lte00935 1/23/2008 08-0434 1/3/2008 ltc00010 1/7/2008 ltc00045 1/14/2008 08-0234 5/5/2008 08-2200 2/12/2008 08-0844 3/26/2008 08-1446 3/17/2008 08-1310 3/5/2008 08-1105 6/26/2008 ltb01138 5/22/2008 ltb00911 6/6/2008 08-2727 5/7/2008 ltb00830 2/26/2008 ltc00358 7/21/2008 ltb01348 9/4/2008 08-4444 8/29/2008 08-4380 6/18/2008 08-3025 7/31/2008 08-3818 8/13/2008 08-3915 7/7/2008 08-3348 9/29/2008 ltb01898 7/31/2008 ltb01477 8/14/2008 08-4094 6/11/2008 08-2902 7/30/2008 ltb01437 1/7/2008 ltb00042 10/29/2008 08-5637 2/19/2008 ltd00169 5/27/2008 ltd00477 9/16/2008 ltd00858 5/14/2008 lte00563 4/10/2008 08-1653 9/22/2008 ltf01134 4/21/2008 08-1890 7/29/2008 ltd00667 9/30/2008 ltd00908 9/3/2008 08-4389 6/9/2008 ltc00911 7/3/2008 ltc01074 10/16/2008 08-5184 2/6/2008 ltb00276 3/31/2008 ltf00376 9/17/2008 08-4711 7/31/2008 08-3758 10/1/2008 ltf01209 1/23/2008 08-0425 4/11/2008 08-1715 6/3/2008 ltf00646 10/9/2008 lte01329 Plaintiff Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Roger Green Cranbrook Vill Co Pichulo Robert Evelyn Angel Orchard Ridge Est Tdm Realty Marquitta Davis Carl H. Coulter Evelyn Angel Group Five Mgmt Group Five Mgmt Evelyn A. Angel Madison Pk Est Quail Ridge Apts Group Five Mgmt Tdm Perry Warrior Tdm Realty Dada Group Barb Johnson Evelyn Angel Fishermans Cove Fishermans Cove Executive Prop Dada Group Llc Madison Pk Est Charter Oaks Apts Grady B Jensen Lake Fenton Mhp Lake Fenton Mhp Lake Fenton Mhp Lux Apartments Federal Nat Mtg Meyers Doreen David West Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Courtney Hawkins Ideal Rental Hanson Terry Great Home Buyer Arc Villa Blackberry Creek Flint Employ C.U Ridgecrest Vill Pineview Estates Federal H Mtg Bank Of Ny Green Acre Roumayah Jimmy Last Name Herbert Herbert Herbert Herbert Herby Herda Herda Herda Herline Herman Herman Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez Heroux Herpel Herrera Herrera Herrick Herriges Herring Herron Herron Herron Herron Herter Hervey Hervey Hetzel Hetzel Hetzer Hetzer Heusted Heuvelman Heuvelman Hewitt Hewitt Hewitt Jr Hewitt Tax S Hewlett Heyd Heyworth Heyworth Heyworth Hickey Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks First Name Cory Shakeisha Lashuandra Carla Otis James James James Edward John Linda Amy Maria Irma Fransisco Nancy Jerimy Meagan Richard Craig Wendy Shirlene Patrick Amanda Jodi Ronald Amanda Otis Lyndia Scott Scott Sonya Sonya Steve Kenneth Kenneth Patricia Patricia Ralph Jackson Sara Jeff Lacy Lacy Lacy Paulette Mildred Johnnie Bennie Craig Craig Jackie Heather Donald Date Case 2/14/2008 lta00142 6/6/2008 08-2814 9/11/2008 08-4540 7/3/2008 08-3313 2/13/2008 08-0859 3/28/2008 ltb00561 5/22/2008 ltb00932 9/8/2008 ltb01770 1/9/2008 ltf00062 2/5/2008 ltc00232 8/19/2008 08-4087 4/4/2008 08-1592 8/6/2008 ltc01284 8/19/2008 08-4054 9/29/2008 08-4833 8/26/2008 ltd00821 3/5/2008 ltf00262 7/24/2008 ltc01127 9/17/2008 ltc01477 7/11/2008 08-3411 1/24/2008 ltb00116 4/16/2008 08-1844 2/19/2008 ltc00300 3/27/2008 ltc00506 7/14/2008 ltf00860 8/5/2008 lta00653 1/23/2008 lte00075 4/2/2008 08-1564 7/11/2008 08-3410 5/13/2008 lta00413 9/17/2008 lta00787 5/7/2008 ltb00804 7/3/2008 ltb01229 7/8/2008 ltb01289 7/23/2008 ltd00636 8/28/2008 ltd00826 5/27/2008 ltb00952 3/6/2008 ltb00441 6/4/2008 lta00484 3/25/2008 ltf00341 1/22/2008 ltb00108 1/15/2008 08-0282 5/22/2008 ltb00889 4/28/2008 ltb00696 3/18/2008 ltb00469 2/13/2008 08-0831 1/10/2008 08-0063 1/18/2008 lta00077 2/27/2008 08-1041 4/24/2008 lte00468 6/24/2008 lte00767 5/30/2008 08-2629 5/21/2008 lte00597 4/28/2008 lta00362 Plaintiff Pine Forest Home Pk Ideal Rental Home Drent Beshears Russ Ritsen Ipm Continental North Continental North Continental North Pineview N.Morris Ests Fhc Larry Armstrong Dennis E Jernigan Fhc Tony Stockton Riverside Man Apts Pineview N.Morris Estates Indian Hills Manor E Cat Jag Mgmt Executive Prop Clovertree Apts Indian Hills Manor Kings Lane Laurence Wolf Prop Group Five Mgmt Co. Ipm Roe-Vic Johnson Myrtle Grove Mhp Myrtle Grove Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Bank Of New York Walnut Grove Walnut Grove Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Stockton Tony Bc Real Estate Collingwood Vill Apts Jon Abbott Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Charles Froberg Danny Zerka Deutsche Bank Nat Executive Prop Grand Bend Apts Grand Bend Club Apts George Smith Jr Group Five Mgmt Hsbc Bank Usa Last Name First Name Hicks Jeanette Hicks Austin Hicks Bennie Hicks Jeanette Hier Jesse Hier Jesse Higgenbotto Tesia Higginbotha Gregory Higginbottom Lakeshia Higgins Christine Higgs Cathy Hightower Jakquos Hightower L Hightower April Hightower Jakquos Hightower Dee Hightower L Hildebrandt Michele Hilderbrandt Michelle Hildreth Scott Hildreth Joann Hilgris Christopher Hill Randall Hill Alona Hill Takiyah Hill Andrew Hill William Hill Brian Hill Randall Hill Lasomia Hill Zachary Hill Marie Hill Kimberly Hill Cindi Hill Jeffery Hill Melissa Hill Zachary Hill Catiera Hill Timasha Hill Chris Hill Scott Hill Lasonia Hill Jamiean Hill Adam Hill Trish Hill Brandy Hill Kevin Hill Linda Hill Tashanda Hill William Hill Randall Hill Sharon Hill Joann Hill Timothy Date Case 6/5/2008 08-2763 7/24/2008 ltb01369 9/17/2008 08-4588 9/19/2008 08-4715 5/28/2008 ltf00636 6/30/2008 ltf00771 2/25/2008 08-0917 6/3/2008 08-2733 8/28/2008 ltc01400 10/3/2008 ltc01604 4/2/2008 ltb00618 4/28/2008 08-2021 3/3/2008 ltb00396 7/8/2008 ltb01293 10/3/2008 ltd00938 7/24/2008 08-3683 7/3/2008 ltb01241 9/9/2008 ltb01777 1/31/2008 08-0634 1/2/2008 lte00001 7/28/2008 08-3800 5/28/2008 08-2592 10/24/2008 ltd00981 10/27/2008 ltf01331 10/28/2008 ltd00997 1/8/2008 ltb00049 3/11/2008 ltf00302 4/30/2008 ltb00766 6/20/2008 ltd00571 5/27/2008 08-2578 2/4/2008 08-0758 4/22/2008 08-1884 4/22/2008 08-1892 2/14/2008 08-0823 2/11/2008 lta00123 5/21/2008 lta00439 4/16/2008 08-1851 5/8/2008 08-2267 5/27/2008 08-2572 3/25/2008 08-1422 2/26/2008 ltc00327 2/4/2008 08-0717 6/24/2008 lte00749 6/23/2008 08-3163 2/5/2008 ltb00256 7/25/2008 ltc01169 10/1/2008 ltf01207 8/7/2008 lta00671 8/28/2008 ltb01687 10/3/2008 ltc01606 8/22/2008 ltd00759 7/3/2008 08-3297 10/30/2008 08-5568 8/18/2008 ltd00741 Plaintiff E-Cat Llc Riverside Mhp Treasure Enter Dayne Davis Creekwood Creekwood Brister Padgett Ctry Cl Man Apts Ideal Rental N.Morris Estates Twin Meadows Mhp Wells Fargo Bk Westwood Management Madison Pk Est Jp Morgan Bk Bank Of Amer Westwood Management Willowbrook Apts Duetsche Bk John F Harrington Fnma Creekside Apts Fenton Oaks Llc Kings Lane Sunridge Apts Kenneth J Banyas Swadling Larry Continental North Fenton Oaks Llc F.D.H.A.L.P. Fhc Marlene Pifher Catherine Hunt Brister Padgett Novak Rita Flint Pasadena Llc Fhc Richfield Apts Innovative Prop Ideal Rental Symphony Homes By Innovative Pr Westgate Terr Apts Perry Place Apts American Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Dutch Village Llc Pineview Estates Fed National Mtg Brookstone Valley N.Morris Estates Fenton Oaks Llc Shiloh Com Twnh Merle Waldorf Fed National Mtg Last Name Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hill Hiller Hillerman Hillerman Hillerman Hillerman Hilliard Hilliard Hilliard Hilliard Hilliard Hillier Hillier Hilliker Jr Hillman Hinejosa Hinejosa Hines Hines Hines Hines Hines Hines Hines Hines Hines Hines Hines Hiney Hinkle Hinman Hinojosa Hinojosa Hinojosa Hinternish Hinton Hinton Hinton Hipkins Histed Hitchye Hite Hite First Name Brian Zachary Catiera Lasonia Jacquline Reginald Catiera Marcia Curtis Cindi Jacquline Kristen Denise Scott Scott Scott Scott James James James Lawanna James F Heather Mark Karen Karen Karen Billy Billy Billy Daquiri Billy Paris Daquiri Billy Tamy Dolly Billy Robert Leonard Ronald Jose Andrea Andrea James Mr & Mrs Lo Karen Lonnie Todd Susan Joyce Roger Roger Date Case 9/29/2008 ltb01912 8/19/2008 08-4086 9/2/2008 08-4372 7/28/2008 08-3735 9/17/2008 08-4597 6/6/2008 08-2795 7/11/2008 08-3454 6/17/2008 08-2955 7/16/2008 ltc01100 6/16/2008 08-2942 10/20/2008 08-5249 9/24/2008 ltf01151 7/29/2008 ltf00923 2/25/2008 ltb00300 4/30/2008 ltb00749 6/30/2008 ltb01210 9/8/2008 ltb01755 5/6/2008 lta00381 3/20/2008 lta00243 7/1/2008 lta00559 6/2/2008 08-2672 8/19/2008 lta00705 1/9/2008 ltd00060 10/10/2008 lte01335 4/7/2008 ltf00391 7/29/2008 ltf00927 6/4/2008 ltb01063 8/27/2008 ltb01657 1/29/2008 ltd00118 10/28/2008 ltd00998 6/4/2008 ltd00518 5/7/2008 ltb00786 4/1/2008 ltd00322 6/16/2008 08-3012 7/3/2008 ltb01287 7/29/2008 ltd00666 6/11/2008 08-2850 8/21/2008 lta00720 8/26/2008 ltd00803 7/16/2008 08-3475 6/6/2008 08-2725 6/25/2008 ltc01042 1/24/2008 ltf00104 1/3/2008 ltc00033 6/2/2008 ltc00869 3/20/2008 08-1344 3/12/2008 08-1298 2/28/2008 lta00185 7/16/2008 08-3338 7/24/2008 08-3684 10/24/2008 ltb02075 8/29/2008 ltb01724 5/7/2008 ltb00805 7/3/2008 ltb01230 Plaintiff Continental North Fhc Dave Johnson Fdhalp Bob Richards Swanzetta Wilson Richfield Aprts Pt Properties Jackson Fred Brister Padgett Bob Richards Blackberry Creek Maple Grove White Oak Estates White Oak Estates White Oak Estates White Oak Estates Flint Twp Prop Flint Twp Prop Flint Twp Prop Myron Shelton Flint Twp Prop Parkside Place J.A.Leasing Co. Parkview Creekwood Westwood Management Westwood Management Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Riverwood Lux Apts Sunridge Apts Evergreen Reg Riverwood Lux Apts Sunridge Apts Margaret Yanik Hsbc Mrg Services Sunridge Apts Federal Nat Mtg Quality Mgmt Stockton Tony Genesee Villa N.Morris Ests N.Morris Estates Bank Of Ny Clarence Brown Bitterman Lynn Clarence Brown Conly Johnson Windsor Place Apts Rosewood Park Apts Enterprise Ests Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Last Name Hoadley Hobbs Hobbs Hobson Hobson Hobson Hobson Hobson Hobson Hockenberry Hodge Hodge Hodge Hodge Hodge Hodge Hodge Hodge Hodge Hodge Hodges Hodges Hodges Hodges Hodges Hodgins Hodgkins Hodo Hodo Hoenicke Hoff Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffman Hoffner Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan Hohn Hohn Hohn Hoisington Hoisington Holbrook Holbrook Holbrook First Name Kenneth Jerry Yvette Louann Dawn Louann Kara Louann Jennifer Amber Kenneth Marcus Dmitchell Steven Marcus Susan Demesha David Sadie Steven Cathy Cathy Elanore Cathy Cathy Aaron Richard Doug Quernetia John Asheley Ann Christophe Kimberly Holly Dawn Christophe Mark Jeffrey Tracy Lynette Tiffany Tiffany Tracy Sara Tiffany Jennifer Mary Jennifer Rebecca Rebecca Holly Kasandra Jodi Date Case 4/9/2008 lta00297 2/4/2008 08-0656 10/15/2008 08-5143 1/31/2008 lte00166 2/28/2008 lte00279 6/26/2008 lte00785 3/25/2008 ltc00444 3/25/2008 lte00384 8/19/2008 08-4068 2/14/2008 lte00196 10/22/2008 lta00903 2/27/2008 ltc00377 3/5/2008 08-1156 4/14/2008 lte00453 5/28/2008 ltc00837 6/30/2008 ltf00761 5/28/2008 08-2563 8/20/2008 08-4142 6/11/2008 08-2907 6/20/2008 08-3043 1/15/2008 ltc00087 6/19/2008 ltc00949 4/30/2008 ltb00719 9/17/2008 ltc01478 7/10/2008 ltc01084 6/2/2008 lta00468 7/24/2008 lta00615 10/14/2008 ltb02020 10/9/2008 08-5097 3/20/2008 ltd00269 6/24/2008 ltf00726 5/27/2008 08-2513 9/24/2008 lte01264 9/5/2008 ltb01746 7/22/2008 08-3613 8/25/2008 ltb01604 8/5/2008 ltf00938 9/26/2008 lte01301 2/20/2008 ltf00188 1/10/2008 08-0192 4/17/2008 ltb00669 4/1/2008 08-1546 2/4/2008 08-0690 3/19/2008 08-1734 10/17/2008 ltd00970 8/19/2008 08-4163 10/24/2008 ltb02076 2/20/2008 lte00206 9/24/2008 ltb01845 8/25/2008 ltb01605 9/24/2008 ltb01846 1/2/2008 ltf00025 4/30/2008 lta00369 3/6/2008 lta00205 Plaintiff Deutsche Bank Douglas Sepanak Maguire 5 Llc Tudor Estates Hometown America Grand Blan Tudor Estates Pine Creek Aprt Tudor Estates Fhc Grand Pointe Apts Federal National Mor Cedarshores Apartment Homes Richfield Apts Federal National Cedarshores Apt Wisenbaugh Daniel Api Realty Millie Parks Gmac Mtg U.S. Bank Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Riverside Mhp Indian Hills Manor Debra D Detman Klockenga Tamara Mortgage Electronic Three Rivers Assoc Chris Compton Pointe Place Llc Kings Lane Marianne Roat Mapleridge Apts Continental Estates Stephen Turner Windsor Place Apts Wells Fargo Deborah S Marshall Doll Terry Gerald Burton Eugene N Radzin Shiloh Com Twnh Shiloh Com Twnh Gerald Burton Bank Of New York Shiloh Com Twnh Windsor Place Apts Hiway Mobile Home Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Creekside Laurence Wolf Prop Awad Hamel Last Name Holbrook Holbrook Holcomb Holden Holdorf Holifield Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Holland Hollaway Holleman Holley Holliday Holliday Hollins Hollins Hollis Hollis Hollis Hollister Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holt Holt First Name Marquita Jodi Gennis Shiaretha Tracy Jeannie Candice Kathryn Sharon Sharon Jason Bobby Sharon Sharon Dale Sharon Tina Bonnie Evelyn Tina Shannon Larry Bobby Roy Nichole Rev Larry Jeffrey Jeffrey Michael Tracy Helen Sandra Helen Dustin Patrice Hubert Marcella Cathy David Patrice Patrice Desmond Monica Tiffany Pamela Danielle Anita Howard Anita Gulunda Patrice Pamela Sharon John Date Case 8/11/2008 08-3899 8/21/2008 lta00722 3/7/2008 08-1192 10/3/2008 08-5061 3/25/2008 ltc00458 3/3/2008 ltc00385 10/27/2008 lte01438 1/14/2008 ltd00067 1/25/2008 ltc00162 4/25/2008 ltc00670 2/5/2008 ltb00252 5/30/2008 ltd00501 6/23/2008 ltc00997 7/25/2008 ltc01179 9/26/2008 08-4708 8/21/2008 ltc01341 10/1/2008 ltf01206 7/31/2008 ltb01504 8/4/2008 lte00986 8/5/2008 ltf00957 9/24/2008 ltc01520 7/3/2008 08-3308 8/15/2008 ltd00737 6/19/2008 08-3057 4/24/2008 ltf00470 1/31/2008 lte00159 5/1/2008 08-2098 5/1/2008 08-2187 2/19/2008 ltc00273 6/16/2008 08-2976 1/2/2008 ltf00024 3/18/2008 ltb00470 8/26/2008 ltf01000 4/28/2008 ltb00697 1/2/2008 08-0120 1/14/2008 ltc00084 5/21/2008 ltc00772 6/25/2008 ltc01035 4/14/2008 08-1786 5/30/2008 08-2663 3/3/2008 08-1086 3/17/2008 08-1309 2/20/2008 08-0933 2/6/2008 08-0777 4/14/2008 08-1779 8/14/2008 lte01009 8/14/2008 lte01008 7/14/2008 ltc01092 10/16/2008 lte01383 9/25/2008 08-4814 10/6/2008 08-5030 8/13/2008 08-3956 10/29/2008 ltf01358 3/20/2008 lta00244 Plaintiff David Lenear David John Hamilton Fhc Richard Mountz Paradox Enterprises Llc Deutsche Bank Maplebrook Vill Apts Gateway Manor Lp Bristol Court Bristol Court Enterprise Ests Mhp Gateway Manor Bristol Court Bristol Court Larry Swadling Bristol Court Pineview Estates Enterprise Ests Mhp Maplebrook Vill Apts Pineview Bristol Court Federal H Mtg Gateway Manor Mark Teed Lotan Steve Hometown Amer Gr Bl Bank Of N Y Bank Of N Y Cedarshores Apt Fhc Creekside Windsor Place Apts Creekwood Windsor Place Apts Orchard Rg Apts Van Every Sharon Ideal Rental National Associatio Wells Fargo Ba Us Bank Orchard Ridge Est Orchard Ridge Est Sunshine Management Co Carriage House Apts Rollingwood Man Ryan Vandermeer Crkovski Naum Crkovski Naum Stevens Jerry Crkovski Naum Tdm Realty Orchard Ridge Ryan Vandermeer Executive Property Kubik Fred Last Name Holt Holt Holt Holt Holtery Holtgrete Holtslander Holtslander Holtslander Holtzkemper Home Depot Honaker Hone Honer Honeyblue Honeyblue Hood Hooker Hooker Hooker Hooker Hooker Hooker Hooker Hooks Hooks Hooks Hooks Hooks Hoop Hooper Hooper Hooper Hooper Hoover Hoover Hoover Hope Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkins Hopkson Hopson Hopson First Name Bryant Monquata Jammie Tracy Jeremy Dan Stephanie David Rick Tisha #2763 Virgil Diane Damon Salina Salina Velma Taryn Taryn Wendee Taryn Wendee Wendee Marlisa Stacey Stacey Stacey Stacey Stacey Kenneth James James James James Alisha Joshua Madalyn Reah Kenneth Chad Robert Deborah Shawnta Kenneth Raquel Keith Kenneth Deborah Tressie Kenneth Raquel Glomerda Hila Ronald Date Case 6/11/2008 08-2885 7/1/2008 ltd00594 9/5/2008 ltd00838 9/4/2008 ltc01441 9/3/2008 ltc01436 2/5/2008 ltb00257 2/25/2008 08-0918 6/4/2008 ltb01064 10/15/2008 08-5190 10/15/2008 ltd00963 8/6/2008 lte00998 7/23/2008 ltf00891 2/29/2008 ltb00384 7/16/2008 lta00589 4/24/2008 08-1966 8/29/2008 08-4382 6/3/2008 08-2738 1/15/2008 ltc00095 10/22/2008 ltc01663 5/27/2008 ltd00468 6/19/2008 ltc00952 6/20/2008 ltd00556 8/22/2008 ltd00761 7/1/2008 ltd00595 6/30/2008 ltb01199 3/28/2008 ltb00562 4/30/2008 ltb00767 8/14/2008 ltf00983 10/20/2008 ltf01277 7/16/2008 08-3493 3/5/2008 ltf00230 5/7/2008 ltf00531 10/1/2008 ltf01233 8/5/2008 ltf00944 4/30/2008 ltc00698 8/25/2008 ltf00989 10/1/2008 08-4983 6/10/2008 lta00501 10/27/2008 ltf01332 10/28/2008 ltd00988 3/19/2008 08-1728 6/23/2008 08-3162 2/19/2008 08-0891 5/22/2008 ltf00599 3/28/2008 ltb00563 7/21/2008 ltb01352 9/24/2008 ltf01157 10/3/2008 08-5018 10/20/2008 08-5248 7/23/2008 ltf00892 9/8/2008 ltb01771 1/23/2008 ltc00119 6/4/2008 ltb01065 3/6/2008 08-1140 Plaintiff L.A. Jr Hairston Sunridge Apts Swartz Cr Mead Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Twin Meadows Mhp Betty J Barker Westwood Management James Forte Mari-Dan Miller Farms Lange John Kings Lane Hometown Amer Whitaker Lakedia Shirley Durrett Shirley Durrett Ctry Cl Man Apts Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Georgetown Park Indian Hills Manor Georgetown Park Georgetown Park Sunridge Apts Continental North Continental North Continental North Zuccaro Bina Zuccaio Bina Michael Neurohr Pineview Pineview Pineview Estates Pine View N.Morris Ests Fnma Ipm Federal National Mtg Kings Lane Fenton Pheasant Run Velma Allen American Mhp Robert Goodman Kings Lane Continental North Carr Patricia Kings Lane Elms Mhc Velma Allen Kings Lane Continental North Wachovia Bank Westwood Management Lucille Milton Last Name Hopson Hopson Hopson Hornaday Hornback Hornback Horne Horne Horne Horne Horne Horne Horne Horne Horne Horning Jr Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Horton Hoskey Hosler Hoten Jr Hoten Jr Hoten Jr Hotmire Hountalas Hourany Hourany Hourany Hourany Hourany House House House First Name Melinda Hila Melinda Tiffany Thomas Thomas Quesosha Michael Roshanda Jessica Jamael Twonn Felica Queosha Michael Craig Lakisha Michael Aimee M Christophe Lakisha Bryan David Lashala Christophe Tommy Christophe Evaughn Shirley Luevenia Anette Barbara Sally Katrina Anthony Choya Kerry Bruce Chad Duane Curt Curt Curt Darren Anastasia Louis Holly Holly Sarah Sarah Kristy Kristy Tricia Date Case 2/21/2008 lte00227 2/5/2008 ltb00242 5/27/2008 lte00659 8/27/2008 08-4342 3/17/2008 lte00339 8/4/2008 lte00991 10/23/2008 ltc01704 1/14/2008 ltf00092 10/31/2008 lte01475 1/22/2008 08-0416 4/30/2008 lta00371 6/17/2008 ltc00932 7/10/2008 08-3397 9/24/2008 ltc01527 10/1/2008 ltf01225 4/1/2008 ltd00333 1/30/2008 08-0486 1/31/2008 lte00143 1/28/2008 08-0456 2/26/2008 lte00267 3/27/2008 lta00263 6/4/2008 ltb01038 6/4/2008 ltb01066 4/29/2008 08-2061 5/28/2008 08-2605 5/5/2008 lta00378 5/28/2008 lta00460 2/25/2008 lta00172 3/25/2008 ltc00464 8/26/2008 ltd00802 7/24/2008 08-3648 7/31/2008 ltb01494 8/4/2008 ltc01261 8/20/2008 08-4144 9/10/2008 08-4496 9/15/2008 08-4645 8/1/2008 08-3835 6/6/2008 08-2789 8/15/2008 08-4116 1/7/2008 ltb00043 1/8/2008 ltd00015 1/25/2008 ltd00095 5/30/2008 ltd00496 8/1/2008 ltd00710 9/3/2008 ltf01058 4/3/2008 lte00436 1/22/2008 08-0386 1/9/2008 08-0202 10/16/2008 08-5217 8/28/2008 08-4347 10/20/2008 08-5507 10/28/2008 lte01467 3/27/2008 lte00397 10/15/2008 ltb02033 Plaintiff Perry Place Apts Westwood Management Perry Place Apts Tony Stockton Cedar Bend Apt Cedar Bend Apts Bristol Court Deutsche Bank Cedar Bend Apts Redstone Twh Laurence Wolf Prop Caywood Quintine George Jr Smith Bristol Court Pineview Estates Us Bank National Booth Browne Edgemont Park Marianne Roat Edgemont Pk Twh Maple Run Brookstone Valley Westwood Management Alan Shepard Tony Stockton Maple Run Flint Twp Prop Maple Run Bristol Court Sunridge Apts Jane Cooper Twin Meadows Mhp Cedarshores Apt Martin Lawrence Reginald Owens Bobbie Kirby Elms Mhc Kenneth Erway Leonard Parks Charter Oaks Apts Georgetown Park Swartz Cr Mead Swartz Creek Med Swartz Cr Mead Pineview Us Bank National Shady Acres Mhp Motor City Group Motorcity Group Ideal Rental William Bender Star Sun Mgmt Hometown America Abdallah Jamal Last Name Householder Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howard Howd Howd Howd Howdyshell Howdyshell Howdyshell Howe Howe Howe Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell First Name Matthew Gabrielle Dujuan Gabrielle Laura Sylvestine Teresa Gabrielle Thomas Teresa Jaquanda Bertharine James Teresa Gabrielle Teresa Cameron Sandra Stafford Matt Carletta Stafford Seantina Kenyan Russell Valerie Chameil Sally Dana Kimberly Donald David Linda Articia Stafford Lillardo Stafford Robert Leroy Sara Nicholas Susan Gregory Jordon Josh Judith Dwayne Bobby Wyatt Nathan Norah Patricia Angela Patricia Date Case 7/22/2008 lte00866 1/25/2008 ltc00165 10/28/2008 ltd00999 6/3/2008 ltc00883 6/9/2008 ltc00909 2/29/2008 ltc00384 4/30/2008 ltb00750 4/25/2008 ltc00673 3/25/2008 lta00255 2/25/2008 ltb00301 9/3/2008 08-4408 10/2/2008 08-5008 7/25/2008 ltc01198 7/31/2008 ltb01485 10/7/2008 ltc01623 9/29/2008 ltb01882 8/27/2008 ltf01023 10/8/2008 08-5093 10/27/2008 ltf01334 1/9/2008 ltb00064 10/27/2008 ltf01333 3/20/2008 ltf00331 2/19/2008 ltc00306 5/5/2008 08-2191 4/25/2008 ltc00649 5/23/2008 ltd00463 4/11/2008 08-1669 5/5/2008 ltf00481 4/16/2008 08-1849 5/20/2008 ltc00757 9/15/2008 ltf01126 7/30/2008 lte00936 7/31/2008 lta00645 10/6/2008 08-5023 7/23/2008 ltf00893 10/21/2008 lta00894 9/24/2008 ltf01158 5/28/2008 ltb00968 5/8/2008 ltc00723 5/21/2008 08-2534 3/27/2008 ltb00530 6/6/2008 ltb01090 8/13/2008 08-3960 9/15/2008 lte01171 8/13/2008 ltb01546 7/10/2008 08-3386 1/25/2008 08-0449 1/15/2008 08-0264 5/21/2008 08-2473 3/13/2008 ltc00415 4/16/2008 lta00317 4/25/2008 ltc00674 4/14/2008 08-1687 6/20/2008 ltb01134 Plaintiff Group Five Mgmt Bristol Court Sunridge Apts Bristol Court Ideal Rental Paschal Charles White Oak Estates Bristol Court Laurence Wolf Prop White Oak Estates Ridgecrest Vill Federal H Mtg Mt Morris Ldhalp White Oaks Estates Ishman Jr James White Oak Estates Kings Lane Metoia Burt Kings Lane Westwood Management Kings Lane Kings Lane Clovertree Apts Evergreen Reg Pine Creek Apts Terra Management Co Eddie Walker Blackberry Creek Fhc Courts Gailya Green Briar Perry Place Apts West Court Ranch Apt Treasure Enter Kings Lane River Valley Manor Kings Lane Stockton Tony Federal National Dave Washburn Reo Management Llc Reo Management Llc Richfield Aprts Citimortgage Sanford Mike Court Aprt Sunshine Mgmt Executive Prop Nelson Bard Cedarshores Apts Federal Nat Mtg Bristol Court Thom Casselman Springer Gay Last Name Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell Howell Howland Howland Howse Hoy Hoyle Hrenyk Hubbard Hubbard Hubbard Hubbell Huddleston Huddleston Huddleston Huddleston Huddleston Huddleston Hudgins Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson Hudson-Bro Huff Huffman Huffman Huffman Hug Hug First Name Bobby Labrena Nicole Cynthia Julie Tamika Markala Michael Mark Sheril Michael Barbara Donald Nicole Dwight Nicole David Amada Willie George Timothy Amanda Gary Larry Titus Bonnie Curtis Curtis Sabrina Brittany Del Andrea Andrea Curtis Alicia Raylanda Alicia Stephanie Curtis Candence Andrea Karolyn Curtis Tirrell K Anita Leslie Nikki Vincent Donald Jack Doreen Lindsay Lindsay Date Case 4/2/2008 08-1478 10/28/2008 08-5759 8/22/2008 08-4195 7/18/2008 08-3565 7/10/2008 08-3344 6/16/2008 08-2941 6/30/2008 08-3267 3/10/2008 ltd00256 8/8/2008 ltb01537 7/16/2008 ltb01327 10/13/2008 lte01361 7/14/2008 08-3415 2/25/2008 08-0957 10/22/2008 ltc01682 4/24/2008 08-1978 3/25/2008 ltc00445 7/22/2008 08-3612 1/2/2008 08-0100 5/20/2008 08-2409 8/4/2008 ltc01254 8/25/2008 08-4187 8/20/2008 08-4139 7/29/2008 08-3670 10/16/2008 ltc01648 1/2/2008 08-0134 1/23/2008 08-0431 10/24/2008 lte01408 1/31/2008 lte00125 1/8/2008 ltf00052 1/2/2008 08-0125 1/9/2008 ltf00084 1/3/2008 ltc00037 4/15/2008 ltc00585 4/24/2008 lte00477 2/4/2008 08-0737 3/10/2008 08-1223 4/4/2008 08-1620 5/22/2008 08-2512 6/24/2008 lte00750 5/14/2008 08-2326 10/9/2008 08-5150 10/22/2008 08-5505 8/22/2008 lte01075 7/30/2008 ltb01410 7/15/2008 08-3343 6/16/2008 08-2974 9/19/2008 08-4722 9/26/2008 08-4696 7/25/2008 ltc01190 2/4/2008 lta00118 10/14/2008 lta00876 9/29/2008 ltc01570 10/24/2008 ltb02077 1/24/2008 ltb00150 Plaintiff Executive Prop Tony Stockton Gregory C. Fauth Fhc James E Giles Berthard Gaddis Ctry Cl Man Apts Jp Morgan Bk Indymac Bank Fsb Three Rivers Assoc Fox Hill Glens Carolyn Collier K Workman Pine Creek Apts Holiday Village Pine Creek Aprt Arthur Vanadia Shiloh Com Twnh Saxon Mortgage Services Inc Huddleston Ruby River Village Apts Millie Parks Joyce Kirkland Breckon Rhonda Arbor Vill Apts Craig Sepanak Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Green Briar Westgate Terr Apts Pineview Estates Follmar William William F Vollmar Perry Place Apts Fhc Fhc Fhc Michael J Liesen Perry Place Apts Jimmy Thames Cheryl Warson Miva Properties Perry Place Apts Huntington Cir Apts David Boyce Fhc Fed National Mtmg Johnnie Milow M Miller By Innovative Property M Marciszewski C Myrtle Grove Mhp Bank Of New York Trust Co Na Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Last Name Hug Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughes Hughey Hughey Hughey Hughey Hughley Hughly Hughson Hulett Hull Hull Hull Humphrey Humphrey Humphrey Humphrey Humphrey Humphrey Humphries Humphries Humphries Humphries Humphries Humphries Humprhey Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt First Name Lindsay Monique Rose Tiffany Tiffany Samuel Russell Brittney Sue Tanya Russell Russell Sue Denise Sue Russell Sue Tiffany Gailya Sue Deloris Phyliss Phyliss Danielle Tyrone Trudy Trudy Darla Anthony Sandra Shanquila Sherry Adree Keyana Adree Marie Jacqueline Keyana Melissa Keyana Melissa Constance Melissa Constance Keyana William Stefan Tywan Margo Margo William Margo Darrick Tywan Date Case 9/24/2008 ltb01847 1/2/2008 ltb00009 1/25/2008 08-0556 1/8/2008 ltd00049 1/2/2008 08-0135 1/24/2008 08-0502 1/31/2008 ltb00218 2/26/2008 ltd00228 3/31/2008 ltf00378 6/4/2008 ltb01067 5/22/2008 ltb00933 3/28/2008 ltb00564 5/22/2008 ltf00585 5/12/2008 lte00559 9/24/2008 ltf01150 7/31/2008 ltb01463 8/27/2008 ltf01017 8/26/2008 ltd00801 9/11/2008 08-4550 7/23/2008 ltf00881 9/17/2008 ltb01808 6/3/2008 ltf00656 2/7/2008 ltf00177 10/28/2008 08-5760 9/15/2008 08-4626 1/30/2008 08-0625 10/15/2008 08-5195 5/21/2008 lta00433 5/27/2008 ltb00953 3/7/2008 08-1193 9/2/2008 08-4384 10/23/2008 08-5647 1/16/2008 08-0314 6/19/2008 08-3066 9/4/2008 08-4262 6/30/2008 08-3117 9/30/2008 08-4940 8/19/2008 08-4125 1/23/2008 ltc00136 5/20/2008 08-2436 3/25/2008 ltc00488 7/29/2008 ltc01222 9/17/2008 ltc01481 9/24/2008 ltc01524 9/22/2008 08-4683 10/24/2008 ltb02079 1/14/2008 08-0245 4/4/2008 08-1629 4/23/2008 08-1914 2/15/2008 08-0909 7/21/2008 lte00848 8/4/2008 08-3780 6/18/2008 08-2934 10/27/2008 08-5700 Plaintiff Windsor Place Apts Brookstone Vall Est River Valley Apts Sunridge Apts Arbor Vill Apts Ray Landon Continental North Mari-Dan Miller Farm Blackberry Creek Westwood Management Continental North Continental North Blackberry Creek Heatherwood Apts Blackberry Creek Continental North Blackberry Creek Sunridge Apts Citimortgage Inc Blackberry Creek Brookstone Valley Green Acre Pine View Tony Stockton Matthew Downing Johnny Goodman Mark Tyler Flint Pasadena Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Fhc Nathaniel Williams David Faunkner Westgate Park Debra Hagon Westgate Park Annie R Hester Richard Daly Debra Hagon Goad Realty Debra Hagon Ideal Rental Eder Sandra Ideal Rental Bristol Court Debra Hagon Windsor Place Apts Evelyn Angel Fhc James Patton Jim's Auto Mapleridge Apts Tougas And Co Charles Walker Fhc Last Name Hunt Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Huntley Huntley Huntley Huntley Huntley Hurd Hurd Hurd Hurd Hurley Hurley Hurt Hurt Hurt Hurtado Hussey Hussey Hussey Hussey Huston Hutchins Hutchins Hutchins Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutchinson Hutcson Hutson Huyck Hyatt Hyatt Hyde Hyder Hyder Hyman Hyman Hypio Ide Ide First Name William Sandra Angela Jamie Jeffrey Kenyetta Chantel Sparkle Milando Sparkle Brian Thomas Thomas Paul Sandra Sandra Lorrie Crystal Colen Onalee Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Chad Chad Frederick Ramonita Predrick Charles Malika Malika Malika Patricia Sandra Dekecia Lisa Dekecia Debra William Peggy James Theresa Anna Marisol Trisha Victoria Nick Roger Roger Lillie Lillie Catherine Loretta Loretta Date Case 9/24/2008 ltb01848 1/24/2008 08-0436 1/25/2008 08-0538 4/14/2008 08-1778 4/11/2008 lta00308 3/24/2008 08-1366 5/14/2008 ltc00734 5/7/2008 ltb00817 9/8/2008 08-4471 7/9/2008 ltb01302 10/8/2008 08-5056 8/26/2008 08-4223 10/29/2008 08-5660 6/16/2008 08-3007 4/2/2008 ltb00642 5/15/2008 08-2377 5/28/2008 ltb00959 4/2/2008 ltb00641 10/2/2008 ltf01261 3/24/2008 ltc00431 4/25/2008 ltd00370 10/10/2008 ltd00958 8/15/2008 ltd00734 5/7/2008 ltb00844 10/2/2008 ltb01935 1/16/2008 ltc00103 5/21/2008 08-2479 3/18/2008 ltc00428 6/18/2008 lta00532 6/26/2008 ltb01146 4/11/2008 ltb00663 9/5/2008 ltb01737 10/23/2008 08-5648 6/4/2008 08-2676 6/4/2008 ltb01024 2/26/2008 ltc00357 7/30/2008 ltb01438 10/29/2008 ltb02116 3/20/2008 ltb00507 2/14/2008 08-0868 5/7/2008 ltb00831 9/4/2008 lta00744 7/25/2008 08-3702 1/7/2008 ltb00044 9/11/2008 ltf01120 7/8/2008 lta00572 2/5/2008 ltb00258 5/28/2008 ltb00980 4/2/2008 ltb00611 8/26/2008 08-4257 9/19/2008 08-4719 7/29/2008 ltf00928 1/16/2008 08-0294 10/3/2008 08-5062 Plaintiff Windsor Place Apts David Boone American Mhp Glaar Devel Deutsche Bank Beulah Ecker Eunice J Webster Brookstone Valley Gmac Mtg Brookstone Valley Michael Neurohr Farah-Khouri Farah-Khouri Executive Prop Westwood Management Executive Prop Shannon Manor/flint Building C Mp Westwood Management Genesee Villa Deutsche Bank Gateway Manor Lp Gateway Manor Apts Gateway Manor Hometown Amer Hometown Amer Allen Theresa Little Wolfe Allen Theresa Homesales Inc Of Del Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Bernard Schmitz Richard Smith Madison Pk Est Quail Ridge Apts Madison Pk Est Stockton Tony Kuhn Blanche Mortgage Elect Madison Pk Est Margaret A Miller Citizens Bank Charter Oaks Apts Glendale Realty Mill Creek Apt Twin Meadows Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Lasalle Bank Lasalle Bk Creekwood Thom Casselman Thom Casselman Last Name Ingam Ingersoll Ingraham Ingrahm Ingram Ingram Ingram Ingram Ingram Ingrand Inman Inman Inman Inman Inman Inman Inmon Intawong Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland Irish Irizarry Irizarry Irvin Irvin Irvin Irvin Irvin Irvine Irvine Irvine Irving Irving Irwin Irwin Irwin Isaac Isaac Isaacson Isbell Isenbarger Isenbarger Isenbarger Isichei Isichei Isom Isom Isom Isom Isom Jr Itson First Name Ken Mindy Lvanda Tamara Donald Shanika Larry Carla Shanika Carla Breanna Howard Howard Breanna Breanna Howard Gail Elizabeth Kayla Kayla Raymone Jason Rt Jeff Luis Luis Latoya John Latoay Latoya Latoya Tom Diane Diane Joseph Katherine Robert Michael Phillip Daniel Daniel Jamie Bryan Daniel Daniel Daniel Daisy Daisy Raymond Michael Yvonne Tom Simon Rodrick Date Case 7/17/2008 08-3331 7/18/2008 lte00847 2/21/2008 08-0880 4/2/2008 ltb00605 1/25/2008 08-0537 2/15/2008 08-0332 3/10/2008 08-1135 5/7/2008 ltb00832 6/4/2008 08-2668 7/15/2008 08-3342 1/24/2008 08-0503 1/2/2008 ltc00001 6/27/2008 ltc01054 5/15/2008 08-2406 3/19/2008 08-1333 10/7/2008 ltc01621 4/10/2008 08-1602 7/28/2008 08-3707 1/25/2008 ltc00150 3/25/2008 ltc00441 3/7/2008 08-1189 5/27/2008 lte00648 9/29/2008 ltf01194 3/11/2008 ltf00294 6/23/2008 lte00729 2/22/2008 lte00242 10/28/2008 ltf01351 10/27/2008 ltf01335 6/30/2008 ltf00770 8/26/2008 ltf01006 9/24/2008 ltf01139 5/15/2008 08-2281 2/29/2008 ltd00237 6/13/2008 ltd00545 8/26/2008 ltc01384 7/18/2008 08-3421 4/2/2008 ltb00612 9/29/2008 08-4880 9/24/2008 ltc01538 10/23/2008 ltc01708 2/26/2008 ltc00349 7/15/2008 lta00586 9/3/2008 ltf01062 6/30/2008 ltf00769 5/28/2008 ltf00637 8/26/2008 ltf01007 7/1/2008 08-3282 10/7/2008 08-5043 3/25/2008 lte00362 2/7/2008 lte00189 8/18/2008 08-4027 7/25/2008 ltb01376 5/21/2008 ltc00760 5/30/2008 08-2664 Plaintiff Danny Zerka Sproule Tina Evergreen Reg Madison Pk Est American Mhp Ray Collins Steven Boyce Madison Pk Est Ray Collins Clifton Fields Ray Landon Landon Wannita Landon Robert Ray Landon Roy Landon Landon Robert Martin Lawrence American Mhp Quail Ridge Apt Llc Pine Creek Aprt Fhc Parkwood Mhp Green Briar Meadowbrook Manor Group Five Mgmt Group Five Mgmt Creekwood Kings Lane Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood Theodore L Towner Lafonda Apts Lafonda Apartments Mary Elizabeth Hobson David Withey Enterprise Ests Mhp Randy McCormick Pine Creek Apts Mortgage Electronic Registrati N Sy Mtg Systems Wells Fargo Bank Pineview Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood Woodlawn Apts Woodlawn Apts Deutsche Bank Bank Of New York Kingdom Mgmt Bitriz Ather Countrywide Home Orchard Ridge Est Last Name Itson Ivey Ivory Ivory Ivory Ivory Ivy Jack Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson First Name Kimberly Latisha Jimmy Margaret Matthew Terquiese Laquana Jeremy Jimmie Larry Kenyetta Jermaine Robin Edna Raheed Consuella Deshawn Jennier Daniel Michael Dixie Claretha Rashad Ashley Rodney Christa Richard Deshawn Dannielle Perry Edward Baatheia Krisha Kimberly Anthony Briana Daniel Briana Deshawn Rashad Shannon Jason Rodney Richard Lori Odessa Tonya Glenda Gwendolyn Felicia Nina Taunya Percy Lori Date Case 10/24/2008 08-5597 9/29/2008 08-4897 1/30/2008 08-0617 2/12/2008 08-0660 7/29/2008 lte00908 9/9/2008 lte01160 9/12/2008 08-4622 5/27/2008 lte00679 10/24/2008 lte01417 1/16/2008 08-0349 1/9/2008 08-0193 1/30/2008 08-0524 1/16/2008 08-0298 10/24/2008 lte01407 1/4/2008 08-0145 3/18/2008 08-1323 2/21/2008 lte00228 2/5/2008 ltc00215 6/30/2008 ltb01180 2/8/2008 08-0803 6/4/2008 ltb01068 4/7/2008 08-1555 2/8/2008 08-0796 2/4/2008 08-0699 4/16/2008 08-1826 2/8/2008 lte00192 6/3/2008 ltf00660 5/27/2008 lte00660 5/19/2008 08-2447 3/31/2008 08-1498 3/31/2008 08-1493 4/21/2008 08-1833 3/19/2008 08-1265 2/4/2008 08-0703 4/2/2008 ltc00541 3/26/2008 ltb00524 3/28/2008 ltb00555 5/28/2008 ltb00976 6/24/2008 lte00751 4/11/2008 08-1707 3/31/2008 lta00279 5/5/2008 08-2099 2/29/2008 08-0888 2/7/2008 ltf00175 2/26/2008 ltc00344 3/24/2008 ltf00340 4/24/2008 08-1926 5/28/2008 ltf00627 5/27/2008 08-2558 8/29/2008 08-4354 7/3/2008 08-3296 7/1/2008 ltf00819 7/16/2008 08-3478 8/21/2008 ltc01324 Plaintiff F.D.H.A.L.P Fhc Harris Investment Huley Brown Deutsche Bank Nat'l Trust Group Five Mgmt Phillip Johnson Maplebrook Vill Apts Gr Bend 452apts Maguire 6 Llc Rollingwood Man Orchard Lane Terry Hanson Perry Place Apts Maguire 7 Llc Fhc Perry Place Apts Bank Of New York Davison East Richfield Apts Lp Westwood Management Jason Verkennes Richfield Apts Lp Ctry Cl Man Apts Eugene Marve Cedar Bend Apt Pineview Perry Place Apts Evergreen Reg Larry Flagg Kingdom Mgmt Ctry Cl Man Apts Landon Roy Cambridge Square Flint Davison East Cambridge Sq Flint Perry Place Apts Richfield Apts Burton Gerald Mortgage Elect Eugene Marve Pine View Southcreek Village Brannon Herb Nan Weatherspoon Maple Grove Dolph B. Ireland Fhc Shiloh Com Twnh Pine View Maguire 6 Llc Southcreek Village Last Name Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jr Jackson Jr Jackson-Me Jacob Jacobs Jacque Jacques Jacques Jacques Jaissle Jajko Jajko Jamerson Jamerson Jamerson Jamerson Jamerson First Name Gwendolyn Shannon Sophia Lawrence Paulette Claretha Deshawn Rosalie Derrick Lashanda Timothy Kenyetta Andrea Trevarria Baasiah Kathryn Krisha Michelle Nicki Sharon Jimmie Shira Laura Laura Lodenia Dixie Casey Lori Detrone Relina Richard Rhonda Edna Christa Carmen Latechia Lodenia Bradford Clayton Denora Bradley George Matthew Eric Eric Eric Michael Melissa Melissa Floyd Louella Floyd Marreco Quantrell Date Case 9/29/2008 08-4862 7/23/2008 lta00610 7/28/2008 08-3802 10/2/2008 08-4948 7/30/2008 ltc01233 9/5/2008 08-4308 9/22/2008 lte01193 10/10/2008 08-5087 9/26/2008 08-4835 9/16/2008 lte01176 7/8/2008 ltc01078 8/14/2008 08-3994 9/15/2008 08-4620 8/26/2008 08-4219 10/29/2008 08-5769 9/29/2008 ltb01913 6/16/2008 08-3017 10/31/2008 08-5834 8/20/2008 08-4145 8/22/2008 ltc01382 8/22/2008 lte01094 7/1/2008 08-3232 8/13/2008 08-4013 6/11/2008 08-2877 6/30/2008 08-3119 8/27/2008 ltb01658 9/29/2008 08-4848 9/24/2008 ltb01872 8/28/2008 08-4297 10/27/2008 08-5705 10/1/2008 ltf01210 7/28/2008 08-3730 7/30/2008 lte00937 8/4/2008 lte00993 8/15/2008 08-4080 10/27/2008 08-5694 10/27/2008 08-5673 3/24/2008 lte00361 9/18/2008 ltd00862 3/25/2008 ltc00483 1/8/2008 ltd00016 1/2/2008 ltb00027 8/28/2008 08-4270 6/30/2008 ltb01200 3/28/2008 ltb00565 2/25/2008 ltb00318 8/26/2008 08-4211 2/19/2008 ltd00177 3/18/2008 ltd00266 1/9/2008 ltb00092 1/8/2008 ltc00052 5/7/2008 ltb00790 2/13/2008 08-0851 9/23/2008 ltc01499 Plaintiff Dolph Ireland Burton Gerald Motorcity Group City Of Flint Edc Ideal Rental Alicia Verkennes Perry Place Apts Elaine V. Baldwin Olson Mgmt Crkovski Naum Landon Roy Skh Properties Harold Britton David L. Carrill Redstone Twh Continental North Kingdom Mgmt Park Manor Leonard A Butts Terry O.C. Gr Bend 452apts Eleanor Jackson James Sykes James Sykes Ray Collins Westwood Management Fhc Asmar Frank Gail L. Fife Fhc Pineview Estates Clio Woods Apts Perry Place Apts Cedar Bend Apts Us Bank Na Fhc Ray Collins Federal National Budae Stacey Ideal Rental Georgetown Park Huntington Circle First St Lofts Continental North Continental North Continental North Sandi Pattillo Exec Prop Devel Exec Prop Devel Arc Villa Camelot Villa Arc Villa David West Hughes Katherine Last Name Jamerson Jamerson James James James James James James James James James James James James James James James Jameson Jamieson Jamieson Jamison Jamison Jando Jankowiak Jankowiak Jankowski Jara Jarnol Jarnol Jarrad Jarrad Jarrett Jarrett Jarrett Jarrett Jarrett Jasper Jattett Jefferies Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jeffries Jelineki Jemenez First Name Deborah Donyale Latrice Laura Kim Renee Jolie Gwenda Gloria Mary Jolie Jolie Louise Gloria Michael Stephanie Stephanie Antonio Talia Talia Deborah Juanisha Mike Ashley Ashley Leah Francine Christophe Christophe Randy Randy Jonathan Brenda Jonathan Brenda Janel Brent Ja'nel Jessica Fred Rodney Jamell Cassandra T Andrea Christina Erica Rodney Cassandra Rodney Rodney Torrey Thomas Marquita Date Case 8/28/2008 08-4317 8/12/2008 08-4002 1/10/2008 ltc00077 10/29/2008 ltd01029 1/10/2008 ltc00074 1/22/2008 08-0342 2/7/2008 ltf00160 2/1/2008 08-0499 6/23/2008 ltc01005 4/3/2008 ltc00545 5/7/2008 ltf00542 4/10/2008 ltf00397 5/16/2008 08-2387 4/25/2008 ltc00677 7/3/2008 ltb01288 10/24/2008 08-5613 7/28/2008 08-3569 4/25/2008 ltc00624 3/18/2008 ltf00308 7/16/2008 ltf00865 1/25/2008 08-0465 10/14/2008 ltb02022 9/24/2008 lta00832 1/4/2008 08-0025 6/13/2008 lta00515 4/21/2008 ltd00354 2/25/2008 ltb00319 1/2/2008 ltb00002 7/30/2008 ltb01426 2/22/2008 ltd00186 8/1/2008 ltd00711 2/19/2008 08-0785 3/3/2008 ltf00221 2/19/2008 08-0806 9/15/2008 ltf01130 10/7/2008 ltb01952 1/7/2008 ltf00037 9/9/2008 08-4473 1/2/2008 08-0150 1/11/2008 08-0238 5/15/2008 08-2373 3/3/2008 08-1092 4/30/2008 08-2106 6/17/2008 08-2868 4/28/2008 lte00503 8/27/2008 ltb01642 8/4/2008 lte00990 8/14/2008 08-4078 9/16/2008 08-4582 6/19/2008 08-3036 7/17/2008 08-3518 1/2/2008 08-0110 9/16/2008 ltd00860 4/14/2008 08-1721 Plaintiff Don Ricks David West Clovertree Apts Burton Gerald Clovertree Apts Oliver Williams Pine View Willie & Arcie Wheeler Bristol Court Property Asset Mngt Pineview Pineview Michael Neurohr Bristol Court Riverwood Lux Apts River Village Apts River Village Apts Southcreek Village Executive Property Executive Property Don Ricks Three Rivers Assoc Hein Herbert Verne Eneix Burton Gerald Pine View Lake Apts Continental North Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Swartz Cr Mead Swartz Cr Mead Federal H Mtg Green Briar Community Federal H Mtg Green Briar Gatewood Realty Jasper Jeanne Rollingwood Man Orchard Rg Apts Howard Turner Realty Dd Dayne Davis Inc Shiloh Com Twnh Shiloh Com Twnh David Belton Hometown America Gradn Blan Madison Pk Est Cedar Bend Apts Dayne Davis Inc Land Bank Realty Dd Dayne Davis Inc Rosewood River Twh Boggs Kay Frank Valu Last Name Jemison Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkinson Jennings Jennings Jensen Jensen Jeny Jewell Jhonson Jiles Jines Jiovani Jobe Jobe Jobe Jobson Jobson Jobson Jofre Jofre Johns Johnson Johnson First Name Toresa Beth Kenny Ronnie Robert Nikibra Barbara Dan Trashal Charlotte Deongray Robert Tamika Kenny Alvin Otis Fallon Tameka Alvin Fallon Charlotte Fallon Nikidra Corinna Tina Tamikka Kenny Beverly Robert Danielle Otis Armondo Sheena Matthew Joann Cheryl Tena Kim Danielle Antony Jennifer Deamphra Jonathon Melissa Melissa Lynn Randy Randy Joseph Daniel Daniel Michael Ronald Aimee Date Case 9/4/2008 08-4394 10/23/2008 ltb02063 10/28/2008 lta00933 1/10/2008 ltc00066 1/24/2008 ltb00151 1/30/2008 08-0523 3/14/2008 ltd00261 4/21/2008 lta00330 4/23/2008 08-1923 2/4/2008 08-0754 2/12/2008 08-0662 3/18/2008 ltb00471 6/24/2008 ltc01025 3/10/2008 lta00209 4/11/2008 08-1704 4/10/2008 ltf00393 2/4/2008 08-0722 4/29/2008 08-2029 6/24/2008 lte00752 7/18/2008 08-3566 6/16/2008 08-2975 10/27/2008 08-5719 10/15/2008 08-5181 7/22/2008 08-3548 8/13/2008 08-3973 9/2/2008 ltc01423 7/31/2008 lta00644 6/24/2008 08-3148 8/25/2008 ltb01606 7/23/2008 ltd00638 7/10/2008 ltf00851 8/5/2008 08-3888 3/18/2008 ltb00472 6/9/2008 ltf00686 7/25/2008 ltc01187 9/17/2008 lte01178 10/16/2008 ltc01645 8/18/2008 ltd00746 8/21/2008 ltc01313 6/9/2008 08-2776 8/28/2008 08-4268 2/25/2008 ltf00191 1/18/2008 ltb00107 2/13/2008 08-0594 3/20/2008 08-1747 9/29/2008 ltb01877 1/17/2008 lte00065 3/14/2008 lte00334 6/17/2008 lta00518 3/28/2008 ltb00542 3/28/2008 ltb00541 5/28/2008 ltc00838 1/31/2008 lte00167 1/31/2008 lte00145 Plaintiff Royal Mhp Group Five Mgmt West Court Ranches Sugartree Apts Windsor Place Apts Carriage Town Sq Swartz Creek Mhp Gunther Ron Hurley Trouser Fhc Richard Ruddy Windsor Place Apts Cedarshores Apts West Court Ranch Richfield Apts Lp Crkovski Naum Fhc John S. Jackson Perry Place Apts Fhc Fhc Fhc Ronald Conway David Richardson Evergreen Reg Cedarshores Apt West Court Ranch Apt Metawan Hills Windsor Place Apts Mari-Dan Miller Farms Crkovski Naum Imad Isaac Windsor Place Apts Green Briar Bristol Court Swiastyn Patricia Ideal Rental Lake Fenton Mhp Sugartree Apts Scott Penoyer Carriage Town Sq Blackberry Creek Bank Of New York B.A. Jr Harris Donald O Harris Davison East Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Deutsche Bk White Oak Estates White Oak Estates Cedarshores Apt Tudor Estates Edgemont Park Last Name Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson First Name Diane Anjela Ashley Robert Scot Kimberly Dorthea Cristina Nicole Jeremy Lameeka Ashley Victor Sade William Rufus Gary Aaron Marianne Amy Billie Gay Robin Acquinton Adrianna Tamica Jimeka Arthur Janet Anjela Ronald Cristina Kenyatta Sade Lashonda Kim Tanesha Aimee Frankie Dennis Ashley Jamie Charles Jameka Harold Harold Edna Anthony Latoya Bryant Terry Sharhonda Alice Jimeka Date Case 1/9/2008 08-0050 1/30/2008 ltb00196 1/9/2008 ltb00073 1/28/2008 ltc00188 1/25/2008 ltd00094 1/11/2008 lte00055 1/10/2008 08-0201 1/15/2008 08-0265 1/15/2008 08-0276 1/15/2008 lte00061 1/10/2008 ltc00059 10/30/2008 ltb02158 1/16/2008 08-0311 1/2/2008 lte00017 10/28/2008 ltd01000 10/24/2008 ltb02078 1/9/2008 08-0204 1/3/2008 08-0170 10/23/2008 ltd00977 1/23/2008 lte00077 1/29/2008 08-0580 10/24/2008 lte01432 1/2/2008 08-0101 2/4/2008 08-0732 4/22/2008 08-1885 2/5/2008 08-0665 3/27/2008 08-1461 2/25/2008 ltb00326 5/14/2008 08-2327 6/4/2008 ltb01008 5/27/2008 lte00640 2/15/2008 08-0830 3/26/2008 08-1753 2/27/2008 lte00274 2/27/2008 ltb00369 5/9/2008 08-2270 6/19/2008 ltc00937 2/26/2008 lte00266 2/25/2008 ltb00306 5/9/2008 08-2231 5/28/2008 ltb00991 5/21/2008 08-2434 2/26/2008 ltd00213 3/5/2008 08-1165 5/21/2008 08-2481 3/28/2008 08-1471 3/5/2008 08-1171 4/24/2008 08-1965 4/1/2008 ltc00532 4/10/2008 08-1601 4/23/2008 08-1912 2/27/2008 08-1050 2/5/2008 ltc00216 5/12/2008 08-2291 Plaintiff Rob Bottinelli Hunters Ridge Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Burkeshire Pointe Mortgage Servicing American Hom Maple Park Terraces Gerald Burton Greg Childers Stefan Baico Suzanne M Johnson Dry Investments Inc Twin Meadows Mhp Wells Fargo Bk Thornridge Apts Sunridge Apts Windsor Place Apts James Levasseur Tdm Realty Paragon Developmentsinc Group Five Mgmt Co. Richard Smith Foutain Pointe Shiloh Com Twnh Fhc Jcm Universal Inc Theresa Bush Tdm Realty Continental Estates Jimmy Thames Hunters Ridge Apts Tudor Estates Greg Childers Stephen Turner Thornridge Apts Huntington Circle Apts Frank Valu Clovertree Apts Edgemont Pk Twh Fishermans Cove F Weatherspoon Twin Meadows Mhp Sunshine Mgmt Sunridge Apts Richfield Apts Ruth Simon Dayne Davis In Ruth Simon Wells Fargo Bk Georgian Ct Apts Cranbrook Vill Co Al Niestuchowski Melvin Jackson Nove Henderson Bank Of N Y Tdm Realty Last Name Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson First Name Ryan Cheryl Montazz Angela Diean Cheryl Dawn Clark Jason Timothy Donald Dellarhea Amy Kimberly Janine Niki Danielle Sharon April Janet Ebony Deanna Tanesha Frankie Tommie Timothy Harold Gay Diane Anna Latoya Antonio Edward Dorthea Montez Rufus Donna Barrieonta Kenyetta Amy Gregory Shantel Surae Rondald Cedric Ellery Sarah Montazz Andrea Katrina Mark Tarhesia Anthony Donald Date Case 3/4/2008 ltb00403 4/1/2008 ltc00531 2/5/2008 lte00181 2/5/2008 ltb00267 6/4/2008 ltb01014 6/4/2008 ltc00890 2/25/2008 ltf00195 4/21/2008 lte00462 6/26/2008 ltb01142 5/30/2008 08-2684 5/2/2008 08-2168 6/23/2008 ltc00999 3/24/2008 lte00352 3/26/2008 08-1383 4/15/2008 08-1811 3/7/2008 ltf00274 3/17/2008 ltc00425 6/11/2008 ltc00919 2/12/2008 08-0815 4/28/2008 ltb00698 5/19/2008 08-2446 6/13/2008 ltc00925 2/19/2008 ltc00295 5/22/2008 ltb00919 3/24/2008 08-1401 3/3/2008 08-1087 2/21/2008 08-0943 4/29/2008 lte00522 4/9/2008 08-1609 3/13/2008 ltc00417 2/6/2008 ltc00247 3/3/2008 08-0984 5/6/2008 08-2208 4/16/2008 08-1792 4/23/2008 08-1915 6/27/2008 ltb01158 2/20/2008 08-0904 5/22/2008 ltf00600 4/21/2008 08-1907 5/21/2008 lte00599 5/21/2008 ltb00857 4/8/2008 08-1664 2/7/2008 lte00190 3/25/2008 lte00385 3/7/2008 08-1228 4/29/2008 08-2092 5/21/2008 08-2535 4/24/2008 lte00491 4/11/2008 08-1677 6/24/2008 ltf00747 3/5/2008 ltf00263 5/5/2008 ltf00509 5/8/2008 08-2218 2/1/2008 08-0684 Plaintiff Charter Oaks Apts Cranbrook Vill Co Maplebrook Vill Apts Kearsley Creek Llc Rosewood Park Apts Cranbrook Village Aurora Loan Ocwen Loan Mtg Systems Orchard Ridge Est Todd Metter Bristol Court Group Five Mgmgt Shirley A Pierce Evelyn Sudberry Kings Lane Walker Nicholas Terry O C Gary Trepanier Windsor Place Apts Evergreen Reg Diane Co Clovertree Apts Fishermans Cove F.D.H.A.L.P. Orchard Ridge Est Ruth Simon Fountain Pointe Rob Bottinelli Homesales Inc Cranbrook Vill Co Api Realty Joseph Richvalsky Gerald Burton Irene -Johnson Windsor Place Apts Mildred Swanigan Kings Lane Stephen Turner Group Five Mgmt Three Rivers Assoc Robert Dumon Gateway Of Gr Bl Tudor Estates Fhc Deutsche Bk W.I.R.E Maplebrook Vill Apts Earl Crocker Kings Lane Pineview Kings Lane Thomas Pyles Quality Rental Last Name Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson First Name Denise Tamara Tequila Camille Charisa Patricia Willie Michelle Adrianna Kendrick Marcus Treveka Christine Ronald Angela Lashonda Lorraine Montazz Tommie Jacqueline Cheryl Aireka Matthew Ashley Gregory Deonna Clarissa Angela Latoya Kaylonda Ashley Kendra Ronald Karen Latrisha Kevin Tamara Denise Leon Christine April Felisa James Shareese Randall James Lameeka Jacqueline Cedric Katera Cedric Curtis Sharonda Andrianna Date Case 5/7/2008 ltb00833 6/16/2008 08-2947 2/1/2008 08-0640 5/19/2008 08-2433 5/5/2008 ltf00515 6/10/2008 08-2870 7/15/2008 08-3442 8/25/2008 08-4178 9/30/2008 08-4915 9/9/2008 lte01158 8/13/2008 08-3962 7/10/2008 08-3038 7/30/2008 lte00948 7/30/2008 lte00954 9/5/2008 ltb01739 7/3/2008 ltb01277 9/5/2008 ltd00833 8/29/2008 lte01136 6/23/2008 08-3149 7/2/2008 ltf00838 8/21/2008 ltc01308 6/3/2008 08-2735 9/24/2008 ltf01159 7/3/2008 ltb01257 10/13/2008 lte01365 7/8/2008 08-3322 7/15/2008 08-3444 7/10/2008 08-3371 7/1/2008 ltc01062 7/1/2008 ltc01061 8/28/2008 ltb01712 9/25/2008 ltc01564 9/25/2008 lte01287 10/13/2008 lte01353 9/29/2008 08-4888 9/16/2008 08-4583 10/9/2008 ltb02003 7/8/2008 ltb01294 6/20/2008 08-3041 7/3/2008 ltb01271 8/1/2008 ltd00702 7/11/2008 08-3395 10/27/2008 08-5708 6/16/2008 08-2985 9/23/2008 08-4774 7/18/2008 08-3564 8/6/2008 ltc01285 8/26/2008 ltf01013 10/27/2008 08-5697 9/9/2008 08-4478 7/18/2008 08-3531 8/27/2008 08-4341 10/10/2008 08-5079 6/9/2008 08-2830 Plaintiff Madison Pk Est Bank N Y C Whitthorne Jasmin & Sallie Galloway Johnson Kings Lane Ch Merehant Phillip Johnson River Village Apts Ruby Ross Group Five Mgmt Richfield Apts Marlene Pifher Lasalle Bank Nation Assoc Tudor Estates Kearsley Creek Llc Huntington Cir Apts Bank N Y Maplebrook Vill Apts F.D.H.A.L.P Wheeler Stephanie Cranbrook Village Ctry Cl Man Apts Kings Lane Twin Meadows Mhp Stonehenge Gates Linda Raulston Laron X Jones Orchard Ridge Est Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Twin Meadows Mhp Michael Kennedy Tudor Estates Fox Hill Glens Hurley Trouser Land Bank Arc Villa Madison Pk Est U.S Bank N.A. Arc Villa Burgess Kimberly Howard Burgess Fhc Fhc Deutsche Bk Fhc Dry Investments Inc Downer William Fhc Evergreen Reg Fhc Tony Stockton Loreta Vaughn Jcm Universal Inc. Last Name Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Jr Johnson Jr Johnson Jr Johnson Sr Johnson Sr Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnston Johnstone Joliff Joliff Jones Jones First Name Gay Bryant Jesse Everlis Julisa Jacqueline Timika Cheryl Julisa Shereese Ebony Deonna Brittany Amy Kinbra Tommie Adolphio Mekel Gay Billie Barrieonta Amber Dana Curtis Sharonda Tanesha Dellarhea Angela Latoya Billie Jean Curtis Latricia Brenda Carlton Carlton Carlton Carl Carl Angela William Steven Kimberly Kimberly Steven Tim Kimberly Tim James Janet Alberta Nicole Nicole Shameka Shari Date Case 9/22/2008 lte01235 9/17/2008 08-4610 8/19/2008 08-4043 8/11/2008 08-3948 10/29/2008 08-5567 10/21/2008 ltf01314 10/16/2008 08-5186 9/10/2008 ltc01460 7/31/2008 08-3788 9/29/2008 08-4908 10/1/2008 08-4996 10/14/2008 08-5172 8/13/2008 08-3980 7/22/2008 lte00864 7/28/2008 08-3742 9/23/2008 08-4752 8/4/2008 08-3786 7/31/2008 08-3816 7/23/2008 lte00894 8/5/2008 ltc01276 7/23/2008 ltf00895 8/13/2008 ltd00731 7/9/2008 08-3352 7/21/2008 08-3583 10/20/2008 ltf01298 7/25/2008 ltc01176 7/25/2008 ltc01181 9/5/2008 ltb01738 9/10/2008 ltc01461 6/11/2008 08-2876 9/30/2008 ltd00906 9/30/2008 ltd00905 9/30/2008 ltd00907 6/17/2008 lte00723 9/24/2008 lte01265 7/21/2008 lte00850 5/8/2008 lta00393 5/13/2008 lta00407 1/10/2008 lta00040 1/15/2008 ltc00093 1/25/2008 lte00096 10/27/2008 ltd00983 2/19/2008 ltd00167 5/14/2008 lte00568 5/30/2008 08-2630 5/27/2008 ltd00478 3/28/2008 08-1470 10/8/2008 ltd00951 7/31/2008 ltd00700 6/12/2008 ltc00920 10/24/2008 lte01419 5/27/2008 lte00649 1/14/2008 08-0260 10/28/2008 ltd01001 Plaintiff Fountain Pointe Roy Kaspar Fhc Land Bank Kermit Jr Ware Wheeler Stephanie Aundra Peterson Cranbrook Village Russell Colthorp Fhc Evergreen Reg Floyd L. Mills Eagle Ridge Sq Group Five Mgmt Westgate Ter Apts F.D.H.A.L.P Matt Clark Woodlawn Apts Fountain Pointe Keith Highland Kings Lane Lemke Dale Ballenger Manor Tony Stockton Executive Property Clovertree Apts Bristol Court Kearsley Creek Llc Cranbrook Village Richard Smith Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Mapleridge Apts Mapleridge Apts Mapleridge Apts Manyam Bhaakara Manyan Bhaakana Leonard Sarah Indian Hills Manor Fountain Pointe Lake Fenton Mhp Lake Fenton Mhp Fountain Pointe Robert Pichulo Lake Fenton Mhp Robert Pichulo Mark K Spinney Mark K Spinney Bristol Court Parkwood Mhp Parkwood Mhp Marianne Roat Sunridge Apts Last Name Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones First Name Deshanda Shari Robin Victor Shari Norma Carrie Richard Roderick Crystal Adrienne Cheryl Anthony Lakeya Kimberly Sherrie Tonia Jevon Maggie Anthony Christol Yvette Anthony Hazel Michael Tameka Sheila Candice Deamphra Christophe Danielle Aschandrie Victor Shirley Henry Tanya Christol Deborah Brian Tracy Nicole Melissa Walter Roderick Teresa Shari Lori Shari Kimberly Ronnica Daurice Melanie Sandra Mia Date Case 1/16/2008 08-0315 1/8/2008 ltd00048 10/22/2008 lte01395 1/15/2008 08-0220 1/28/2008 ltc00192 1/25/2008 08-0548 1/2/2008 08-0124 10/30/2008 ltb02159 1/2/2008 08-0128 1/24/2008 08-0505 1/14/2008 08-0259 1/30/2008 ltb00201 1/25/2008 lte00098 1/4/2008 08-0024 1/25/2008 lte00086 1/22/2008 08-0418 1/2/2008 ltb00010 1/22/2008 08-0417 3/31/2008 08-1357 5/22/2008 lte00603 6/24/2008 ltf00737 3/3/2008 08-1088 3/28/2008 lte00406 3/25/2008 08-1430 3/4/2008 lta00201 3/28/2008 lte00414 2/5/2008 lte00188 3/10/2008 ltc00401 3/31/2008 ltf00387 3/7/2008 ltf00275 4/24/2008 08-1974 5/19/2008 08-2419 3/27/2008 08-1458 3/7/2008 08-1216 4/8/2008 08-1656 5/5/2008 ltf00511 5/5/2008 ltf00510 5/7/2008 ltb00818 2/4/2008 08-0766 5/6/2008 08-2173 5/13/2008 08-2324 2/4/2008 08-0716 6/23/2008 ltc01002 2/25/2008 08-0997 6/9/2008 ltc00910 4/30/2008 ltd00406 3/3/2008 ltf00223 2/26/2008 ltd00212 4/7/2008 08-1643 5/28/2008 08-2623 3/11/2008 ltf00298 3/3/2008 ltf00222 6/9/2008 ltf00688 2/6/2008 ltc00242 Plaintiff Coalwell Invest Sunridge Apts Thornridge Apts Tdm Realty Soutcreek Village Fairmont Apts Westgate Terr Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Westgate Terr Apts Matt Wothke Aonie Gilcreast Huntington Circle Apts Fountain Pointe Bahina Assaf Fox Hill Glens Redstone Twh Brookstone Vall Est Redstone Twh Cornelius Campbell Fountain Pointe Kings Lane Orchard Ridge Est Fountain Pointe Goad Llc River Valley Manor Fox Hill Glens Maplebrook Vill Apts Lois N White Blackberry Creek Kings Lane Ideal Rental Homes Fhc Tdm Realty Fhc Jason Verkennes Kings Lane Kings Lane Brookstone Valley Fhc Rob Johnson Janice McKinney Westgate Terr Apts Bristol Court Westgate Ter Apts Ideal Rental Sunridge Apts Pattee William Sunridge Apts James Lenoir Gatewood Realty Meadowbrook Manor Green Briar Community Boulder Creek Cranbrook Vill Co Last Name Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones First Name Nicole Dointe Dennis Kimberly Kathryn Linda Tramaine Gary Cicily Crystal Sarah Crissey Sharisse Jason Dionte Teresa Vanessa Johnny Jeffrey Aaron Deonco Sherri Michael Shari Arthur Julie Crystal Debra Samuel Kimberly Crystal Tishanna Victor Angela Chantoya Crystal Chenelle Lentue Anthony Casonya Larashia Chantel Carol Byron Debra Ebonie Arlena Tessica Tessica Kimberly Tamisha Deborah Michael Walter Date Case 2/26/2008 ltc00348 3/26/2008 08-1440 4/30/2008 ltc00699 5/22/2008 lte00615 3/14/2008 lte00328 5/15/2008 08-2360 5/30/2008 08-2685 2/6/2008 ltb00275 4/24/2008 08-1957 4/10/2008 08-1697 3/19/2008 ltb00502 2/21/2008 lte00229 4/1/2008 08-1547 5/9/2008 ltc00725 4/25/2008 08-1992 4/30/2008 08-2107 3/25/2008 08-1431 5/8/2008 08-2262 4/3/2008 08-1576 4/25/2008 ltc00643 4/24/2008 lte00490 5/7/2008 08-2229 4/22/2008 lta00341 4/25/2008 ltc00626 9/29/2008 08-4706 10/20/2008 08-5536 9/25/2008 08-4802 7/24/2008 ltc01152 8/25/2008 08-4239 7/23/2008 lte00897 6/25/2008 08-3212 10/15/2008 08-5147 6/18/2008 08-3028 9/19/2008 08-4729 7/2/2008 08-3221 10/2/2008 08-5005 8/25/2008 08-4232 10/1/2008 08-4994 7/23/2008 lte00881 9/24/2008 ltc01547 10/15/2008 08-5146 9/23/2008 08-4748 9/5/2008 ltd00841 8/21/2008 lte01054 8/21/2008 ltc01318 10/28/2008 08-5683 7/29/2008 08-3641 9/15/2008 08-4569 6/11/2008 08-2903 8/20/2008 lte01040 9/15/2008 lta00778 9/5/2008 lta00751 9/3/2008 ltf01099 8/21/2008 ltc01347 Plaintiff Us Bank Barry Goldfarb N.Morris Ests Fox Hill Glens Cedar Bend Apts Camilli Johnson Orchard Ridge Est Arc Villa Joseph Foust Mat Wothke Genesee Valley Perry Place Apts Shiloh Com Twnh Makimaa Larry Barry Goldfarb Shiloh Com Twnh John TomcAla Richfield Apts Lp Federal Nat Mtg Chase Bank Usa Na Maplebrook Vill Apts Redstone Twh River Valley Manor Southcreek Village Betty Young Ben Jr. Mahan Matt. Wothke Southcreek Village F.D.H.A.L.P Fox Hill Glens Matt Wothke Jcm Universal Tdm Realty Jessica Bowker Doris Brandt Matt. Wothke Clio Woods Apts Evergreen Reg Fountain Pointe Clovertree Apts Jcm Universal F.D.H.A.L.P Swartz Cr Mead Knollwood Village Apts Southcreek Village Jack Cochran Theresa Bush Stacie Durant Stacie Durant Fox Hill Glens Wallace Storage Bank Of New York Pineview Bristol Court Last Name Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Ii Jones Iii Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan First Name Deonco Cheryl Jaron Sherri Freddie Cheryl Steven Yvette Lasondra Edward Aschandrie Sharisse Eric Shirley Tameka Tiffani Rochelle Deanna Shari E Deanna Latricia Patritia Hazel Teresa Sharrita Ernestine Vanessa Timothy J Quansheila Shirley Emmanuel Lori Darla Chanel Mary Oshea James Andy Kimberly Shari Shari Lori Terry Kimberly J Latoyia Rodney Earl Martha Amara Marlo Zaundra Date Case 8/29/2008 lte01134 10/2/2008 ltb01930 8/21/2008 ltc01312 9/8/2008 08-4460 10/20/2008 08-5243 7/3/2008 ltb01278 6/16/2008 08-2991 9/23/2008 lta00809 9/17/2008 08-4590 7/18/2008 08-3317 9/26/2008 08-4834 10/15/2008 08-5202 7/14/2008 ltf00858 9/3/2008 08-4419 7/7/2008 lte00820 9/30/2008 ltd00904 7/16/2008 ltb01328 9/29/2008 ltb01899 7/29/2008 ltd00664 7/29/2008 ltd00665 7/31/2008 ltb01478 6/13/2008 08-2929 7/31/2008 ltb01471 6/6/2008 08-2821 10/15/2008 08-5208 10/31/2008 08-5826 7/10/2008 ltc01086 6/6/2008 08-2819 9/30/2008 lte01306 7/1/2008 ltd00582 10/15/2008 08-5197 7/18/2008 08-3528 10/14/2008 ltb02023 8/28/2008 ltb01713 10/15/2008 08-5144 10/6/2008 08-5031 9/8/2008 08-4467 8/26/2008 08-4221 10/15/2008 08-5192 7/10/2008 08-3394 10/13/2008 lte01360 7/1/2008 ltd00596 8/26/2008 ltd00799 7/3/2008 ltb01258 9/11/2008 lta00773 9/22/2008 lte01247 8/26/2008 ltd00800 10/28/2008 08-5743 5/27/2008 lte00661 5/8/2008 08-2250 1/18/2008 08-0318 1/11/2008 08-0237 3/31/2008 08-1509 8/21/2008 ltc01356 Plaintiff Maplebrook Vill Apts Huntington Cir Apts Sugartree Apts Redstone Twh Amer Housing Huntington Cir Apts Fhc River Vall Manor Motorcity Group Donta Hampton Cecil Norman Park Manor Kings Lane Orchard Ridge Est Fox Hill Glens Sunridge Apts Three Rivers Assoc Fishermans Cove Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Fishermans Cove Jacqueline Little Davison East Ideal Rental Home Park Manor Park Manor Childers Monica Ideal Rental Homes Bank Of Ny Sunridge Apts Mark Tyler Fhc Three Rivers Assoc Twin Meadows Mhp Patricia Clayton Orchard Ridge Ray Smith Bonnie R. Miller Rick Schwab Dayne Davis Inc Mark Walker Fox Hill Glens Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Marshalls Crossing Fox Hill Glens Sunridge Apts Rosewood Riverside Twnhomes Perry Place Apts Richfield Apts Willie Morris Hill Salwa Khouri Westgate Terr Apts Mt Morris Ldhalp Last Name Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jorgensen Joseph Joseph Joslin Joslin Joslyn Jourdan Jourdan Jourdon Jourdon Judd Judd Judd Judd Judd Judd Judd Judd Judd Jude Jude Jude Judson Judson Julks Julks July June June June June June Jupree Jupree Jupree Juretich Justine's Go Kaake Kabana Kabel Kahan Kahan Kahee Kahn Kaines Kaiser Kallabat Kallabat Kalthoff Kamey First Name Kenneth Marlo Ion Dequieshia Lawrence Denet Joseph Allison Eva Marie Eva Lakia Lakia Lawrence Lakia Christine James Betty Roseanne James Christine Tawana Roseanne Roseanne Dwayne Dwayne Dwayne Lillie Brandon Latoya Latoya Cristina Joshua Takia Jessica Jessica Joshua Shanna Shanna Shanna Elizabeth Rket Corp Tina Leanne Victoria Lee Lee Lisa Terry Chandralyn Kelly Durra Sam Nikolaus Sparale Date Case 10/8/2008 ltb01957 6/30/2008 08-3265 10/24/2008 08-5605 10/27/2008 08-5692 8/25/2008 ltf00997 5/30/2008 ltd00494 5/27/2008 ltd00475 4/29/2008 ltb00710 8/13/2008 ltf00980 3/5/2008 ltb00426 1/29/2008 ltd00119 4/30/2008 ltd00405 8/26/2008 ltd00798 8/19/2008 ltd00750 3/31/2008 08-1490 4/15/2008 08-1790 5/27/2008 08-2574 6/18/2008 ltb01114 4/18/2008 08-1877 4/11/2008 ltc00577 9/8/2008 08-4399 9/17/2008 ltb01803 7/30/2008 ltb01427 6/24/2008 08-3081 10/27/2008 08-5678 7/22/2008 08-3617 5/7/2008 ltb00819 9/29/2008 ltb01900 1/9/2008 ltb00096 9/19/2008 08-4681 1/29/2008 lta00110 1/24/2008 ltb00114 4/28/2008 lta00360 5/7/2008 08-2087 6/9/2008 08-2728 10/29/2008 08-5659 1/2/2008 08-0133 5/27/2008 08-2585 10/15/2008 08-5213 3/10/2008 lta00213 10/29/2008 ltc01738 1/30/2008 ltc00208 10/13/2008 lte01337 6/24/2008 08-3112 5/28/2008 08-2620 8/13/2008 08-4035 5/21/2008 lte00586 8/1/2008 ltb01527 6/18/2008 08-3052 5/7/2008 ltb00798 9/19/2008 08-4727 7/2/2008 08-3237 8/22/2008 lte01076 3/13/2008 08-1272 Plaintiff Brookstone Valley Westgate Terr Apts Clio Woods Apts Fhc Gmac Mortgage Swartz Creek Med Us Bank Stockton Tony Keyes Patsy Twin Meadows Mhp Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Federal National Citizens Bank American Mhp Arc Torrey Hills Citizens Bank Deutsche Bank Clifford Scott Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Matt Moreau Matt Moreau Matt Moreau Brookstone Valley Fishermans Cove Madison Pk Est Verne Eneix Childers Greg Twin Meadows Mhp Hecko Cheryl Joshua Sharp John Howe Marianne Roat Sunset Village Mhp Arbor Vill Apts Arbor Vill Apts Park Manor Countrywide Home Grandview Invest Killian Norma Fountain Pointe Rod Boyle Avon Park Apts Avon Park Apts Mapleridge Apts Dada Group Llc James Thomas Twin Meadows Mhp Us Bank Ben Nakash Perry Place Apts Antonio Duran Last Name First Name Kaminer Malinda Kampf Karleton Kampf Karleton Kane Jonathon Kann Michael Kann Michael Karbowski Darlene Karcher Kimberly Karl Robert Karpelenia David Karrick Patricia Kassing Mark Kassing Mark Kavula Nathan Kazzerzell Dennell Kealohapaul Keosha Kealohapauo Keosha Kealohapauo Quasheila Kearsley Fa Care Keating Julie Keating Shannon Keefer Tomi Keefer Tomi Keehan Henry Keelin Angy Keely Carie Keely Patrick Keely Michelle Keely Jr Charles Keen Terry Keen Jodie Keen Larry Keen Charles Keen Ann Keen Betty Keen Jason Keene Rory Keene Raina Keene Jr Leonard Keener Tenesa Keeney Kelley Keeney Kelly Keeney Lorie Keesler Randy Keinath Amy Keith Jeff Kellen Sally Keller Mike Kelley Charles Kelley Joseph Kelley Danny Kelley Shane Kellogg Deborah Kellogg Deborah Date Case 8/6/2008 lta00665 2/29/2008 ltd00238 3/25/2008 ltd00287 10/9/2008 ltf01275 4/16/2008 ltc00589 7/23/2008 ltc01113 7/1/2008 08-3276 1/28/2008 ltc00193 5/21/2008 ltc00763 4/18/2008 ltf00449 9/26/2008 ltd00885 1/29/2008 lta00109 3/20/2008 lta00240 2/14/2008 lta00141 9/29/2008 ltb01914 4/18/2008 08-1818 8/4/2008 ltc01262 6/23/2008 08-3137 10/1/2008 ltf01247 4/2/2008 08-1477 3/3/2008 ltb00397 10/22/2008 lte01392 8/28/2008 lte01125 7/7/2008 lta00568 8/25/2008 ltb01607 4/17/2008 lta00324 10/27/2008 08-5655 8/27/2008 ltc01391 8/4/2008 lta00652 1/3/2008 08-0010 10/30/2008 ltb02151 4/30/2008 08-2117 5/28/2008 ltf00626 7/7/2008 ltf00845 10/27/2008 08-5666 9/12/2008 08-4522 3/6/2008 ltc00393 10/17/2008 08-5232 1/31/2008 ltc00211 5/21/2008 ltb00858 6/19/2008 08-3099 6/3/2008 08-2718 9/11/2008 ltf01121 3/25/2008 ltd00271 8/21/2008 ltc01323 8/18/2008 08-4124 5/19/2008 ltd00456 9/4/2008 ltf01110 6/3/2008 ltf00664 5/22/2008 ltb00934 7/10/2008 lte00833 8/1/2008 08-3836 1/28/2008 ltf00128 6/30/2008 ltf00768 Plaintiff Mill Creek Apts Lafonda Apts Lafonda Apts Ecker Beulah Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Bank N Y Southcreek Village Services Inc Mtg Us Bank National National City Mtg Olson Mgmt Management Olson Genesee Valley Apts Continental North Howard Chapman Cedarshores Apt Georgia Hobson Pineview Estates Ralph E Yates Westwood Management Thornridge Apts Thornridge Apts McRoberts Kenneth Windsor Place Apts Beech Trail Apts Charles Ciaravino Camelot Villa Countrywide Home Joseph Foust Enterprise Ests Mhp Fnma Maple Grove Teresa Chevalier Charles Chandler Herbert Hein N.Morris Ests Marlene Pifher Michael A Kennedy Three Rivers Assoc Russ Palmer Russ Palmer Villa Grande Estates Bank Of New York Southcreek Village Robert Burley Federal Home Loan Joan T Ford Pineview Continental North Windover Prop Mgmt Elms Mhc Creekwood Creekwood Last Name Kellogg Kellum Kellum Kellum Kellum Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelsey Kelsey Kelsey Kelsheimer Kelso Keltner Kemp Kemp Kemp Kemp Kemp Kemp Kemp Kenaya Kenaya Kendall Kendall Kendall Kendall Kendrick Kenebrew Kenebrew Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy First Name Deborah Shayla Roger Shayla Shayla Alma Mary Melinda Carie Cheryl Michael Michael Cheryl Danielle Alma James James Cheryl Kwinyetta Mary Jessica Michelle Rusty Thomas Ebony Patricia Frantasia Cytrice Tequila Deantwan Keilani Tamia Tequila Aziz Aziz Michelle Antenia Rachel Antenia Jeffery Tammy Tammy Michael James Michael Richard James Michael Richard Michael Megan Michael Michael Eddie Date Case 2/25/2008 ltf00204 5/12/2008 ltd00447 5/13/2008 ltf00571 9/8/2008 ltd00845 7/23/2008 ltd00639 1/2/2008 ltf00009 1/28/2008 08-0476 3/10/2008 08-1136 2/19/2008 lta00151 3/26/2008 ltd00289 5/1/2008 08-2158 4/23/2008 08-1894 5/7/2008 ltd00440 4/2/2008 ltb00586 3/31/2008 ltf00358 5/27/2008 lte00641 3/25/2008 lte00386 9/24/2008 ltd00872 7/9/2008 ltb01303 8/5/2008 08-3904 1/2/2008 lte00003 3/5/2008 ltb00420 9/2/2008 lte01152 1/18/2008 lte00069 5/22/2008 ltf00601 4/30/2008 08-2143 1/23/2008 08-0348 3/31/2008 ltc00515 2/5/2008 08-0651 7/17/2008 08-3517 10/15/2008 08-5108 8/21/2008 ltc01375 8/20/2008 08-4134 6/26/2008 08-3213 7/24/2008 08-3681 2/8/2008 08-0797 5/15/2008 08-2401 8/27/2008 08-4292 7/17/2008 08-3521 2/8/2008 08-0805 9/29/2008 lte01303 8/27/2008 lte01121 1/31/2008 ltb00219 1/31/2008 ltf00146 4/30/2008 ltb00768 3/11/2008 lta00216 3/26/2008 ltf00351 2/25/2008 ltb00320 2/19/2008 lta00156 6/30/2008 ltb01201 9/2/2008 08-4371 6/10/2008 08-2846 9/8/2008 ltb01772 8/7/2008 lta00679 Plaintiff Creekwood Mari-Dan Miller Farm Boulder Creek Mari-Dan Miller Farms Mari-Dan Miller Farms Maple Grove Betty Choate Steven Boyce Beech Trail Apts Silver Lake Arbors Douglas Sepanak Royal Mhp Silver Lake Arbors Hunters Ridge Apts Maple Grove Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Silver Lake Arbors Brookstone Valley Evelyn Angel Riverbend Apts Enterprise Ests Mhp Farmer Frances Attia Investments Kings Lane Mich St Housing Suzanne Graham Cedarshores Apts Eric M Oneal Dayne Davis Gloria J. Bogan Clovertree Apts Orlando C Goodman Federal Nat Mtg Federal National Richfield Apts Lp Jp Investing Angela Royster J P Invest Deutsche Bk Cedar Bend Apts Cedar Bend Apts Continental North Centennial Farms Continental North Myrtle Grove Mhp Centennial Farms Continental North Myrtle Grove Mhp Continental North Ellen Leach Federal Nat Mtg Continental North Homecomings Financia Last Name Kennedy Kennix Kenny Kenny Kenny Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kent Kenyon Keranen Kerbyson Kern Kern Kern Kerrison Kesel Ketchum Ketchum Ketchum Ketelhut Ketzler Keup Kewish Key Key Key Keyes Keyes Keys Khirfan Kibby Kidd Kidd Kidd Kidd Kidd Kidd Kielbasa Jr Kies Kietzman Kildee Kildee Killbreath Killian Killins Kimball Kimble Kimble First Name Eddie Sheilita Paul Paul Paul Annette Shawn Gregory Gregory Rebecca Dwayne Greg Shawn Shawn Koree Gregory Mark Bradley Jason Jason William Kimberly Jason Brad Brad Jason Joan Debra Jean Sonya Sonia Laura Donielle Damaria Tyree Josh Ray Debbie Chiquita Latoya Nadia Chiketa Rubisteen Steven Jeremy Rhonda Charlotte Charleen Carolyn Sally Lucretia Marcy Agnes Agnes Date Case 7/25/2008 08-3701 5/21/2008 ltc00769 1/25/2008 ltc00183 2/19/2008 ltc00280 3/25/2008 ltc00439 1/24/2008 lta00095 1/11/2008 08-0236 5/5/2008 lta00377 2/25/2008 lta00173 3/19/2008 lta00235 3/7/2008 ltf00276 9/17/2008 lta00798 7/9/2008 08-3243 10/8/2008 08-5091 8/5/2008 ltf00952 6/30/2008 ltd00578 1/23/2008 08-0427 6/23/2008 ltc01015 9/3/2008 ltf01075 10/1/2008 ltf01249 1/11/2008 lta00052 2/28/2008 lta00184 1/9/2008 08-0051 4/2/2008 lte00433 9/24/2008 lte01270 5/5/2008 08-2078 7/24/2008 ltc01128 3/4/2008 lta00198 2/26/2008 lte00269 5/5/2008 08-2201 7/10/2008 08-3375 10/1/2008 lta00853 4/30/2008 08-2142 8/21/2008 lte01055 3/19/2008 08-1331 5/27/2008 ltd00469 4/25/2008 ltc00639 10/29/2008 ltc01740 6/24/2008 lta00544 6/16/2008 08-2981 9/29/2008 08-4902 10/24/2008 08-5550 10/27/2008 08-5707 7/30/2008 lte00938 6/4/2008 ltb01069 8/20/2008 ltb01568 7/23/2008 ltc01109 9/3/2008 ltc01433 2/7/2008 ltf00154 9/26/2008 ltd00879 1/31/2008 08-0471 7/1/2008 ltf00785 5/20/2008 08-2460 10/20/2008 08-5538 Plaintiff Homecomings Fin Ideal Rental Mt Morris Ldhalp Mt. Morris Ldhalp Mt Morris Ldhalp Macgillivry Gail Lindsay Maple Run Maple Run Burton Gerald Kings Lane Powell J Rob Bottinelli Rob Bottinelli Pineview Us Bank Carl M. Uherek Mortgage Electronic Registrati Syst Pineview Pineview Burton Gerald Flushing Valley Apts Rob Bottinelli Mapleridge Apts Mapleridge Apts Rob Bottinelli N.Morris Estates River Valley Manor Edgemont Pk Twh Orchard Ridge Est Orchard Ridge Est Somerset Apts Land Bank Knollwood Village Apts Nove Henderson Georgetown Park Mt Morris Ldhalp M. Lavaughn Neurohr Properties Fhc Fhc James Giles Fhc Perry Place Apts Westwood Management Three Rivers Assoc Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Green Acre Lafonda Apartments Gerald Burton Centennial Farms Mark Teed Mark Teed Last Name Kimbrell Kimbrough Kinabo Kinabo Kincaid King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King King Kingen Kingen King-Perry Kingsbury Kingsbury First Name James Charlene Juliana Juliana Barbara Jason Michael Taysha Lamonica Jason Anisha Taysha Tonya Carrie Earnest Lisa Jermaine Gregory Jason Ernest Debra Erica Chad Jason Edward John Naquitta Jason Robert Carrie Earnest Robert Robert Terra Cheryl Marsalette Jennifer Leisa Evelyn Ronald Marslette Lesia Carrie Lee Chris Teresa Meghann Victor Sandra Jon Jon Benita Ashlee Ashlee Date Case 5/5/2008 ltf00500 7/24/2008 08-3685 4/24/2008 lte00496 8/4/2008 lte00983 1/15/2008 08-0223 10/30/2008 lta00936 1/10/2008 lte00051 10/23/2008 ltc01702 10/23/2008 ltc01714 10/30/2008 ltd01031 10/22/2008 ltb02044 1/25/2008 ltc00169 1/31/2008 lte00114 10/22/2008 ltc01684 1/2/2008 08-0102 6/23/2008 ltc01007 3/26/2008 ltc00492 2/26/2008 ltc00343 4/30/2008 ltd00427 4/1/2008 08-1548 3/27/2008 ltc00509 2/5/2008 ltc00233 3/5/2008 ltf00265 3/6/2008 ltd00253 3/10/2008 ltb00443 5/29/2008 08-2564 3/25/2008 08-1774 6/5/2008 ltd00536 3/31/2008 ltf00371 5/23/2008 ltc00789 2/4/2008 08-0692 4/8/2008 lte00444 7/7/2008 lte00829 7/22/2008 lta00604 7/7/2008 lte00809 7/30/2008 lte00958 6/6/2008 08-2791 7/25/2008 ltc01188 8/21/2008 lta00717 6/11/2008 08-2878 9/25/2008 lte01293 8/21/2008 ltc01351 8/21/2008 ltc01333 10/6/2008 08-5024 10/24/2008 08-5635 10/7/2008 ltb01949 10/6/2008 ltb01940 10/17/2008 ltd00972 8/27/2008 ltc01386 3/20/2008 ltf00332 5/5/2008 ltf00512 4/4/2008 08-1581 10/28/2008 ltd00990 1/8/2008 ltd00021 Plaintiff Maple Grove Treasure Enter Maplebrook Vill Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Tdm Realty Pineridge Wells Fargo Bank Bristol Court Pineshores Apts Pine Ridge Brookstone Valley Bristol Court Parkwood Mhp Dutch Village Llc Shiloh Com Twnh Bristol Court Sugartree Apts Southcreek Village Pine Ridge Shiloh Com Twnh Indian Hills Manor N.Morris Ests Pineview Pine Ridge Federal National Mtg Keith Calkins Api Realty Pine Ridge Creekwood Mhp Dutch Village Llc Shiloh Com Twnh David L White Polen Mtg Pheasant Run Mobile Fountian Pointe Knollwood Village Kak Assoc. Bristol Court Federal Home Loan Omar Nassar Knollwood Vill Apts Bristol Court Dutch Village Llc Treasure Enter Keith Calkins Arc Torrey Hills Charter Oaks Apts Walnut Grove Indian Hills Manor Kings Lane Kings Lane Terry Hanson Riverside Manor Riverside Man Apts Last Name Kingsbury Kingsbury Kingsley Kingston Kinney Kinney Kinnish Kinzer Kipfer Kipp Kirby Jr Kirkey Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland Kirkwood Kirkwood Kirkwood Kiser Kiser Kiser Kiser Kish Kitchen Kittle Kitzbeau Klamert Klamert Klatt Kleeman Kleeman Klein Kleinfelt Kleinfelt Klepoch Klier Klimaszewsk Klimaszewsk Klimaszewsk Klimaszewsk Kline Kline Kline Klinske Klopf Klopf Kluge Klungle Kluthe Kluwe Knapp Knapp First Name Amanda Ashlee Michael John George Christophe Deborah Regina Anthony Kelly Larry Amy Pamela Pamela Pamela Delbert Pamela Kyler Ruthie Ruthis Justin Justin Justin Justin Valerie Sarah Stephanie Karen Amy Amy Joseph Stephanie Stephanie Ricky Benjamin Benjamin Christopher Joshua Sara Sara Sara Sara Kari Derek Derek Jay Theodore Theodore Shirley Jason Steve Gwendolyn Duane Duane Date Case 8/1/2008 08-3837 8/26/2008 ltd00820 7/28/2008 ltd00644 7/29/2008 ltb01392 2/27/2008 ltc00382 5/23/2008 ltf00619 4/22/2008 lte00463 10/20/2008 ltf01296 6/16/2008 08-2948 1/15/2008 lta00066 4/18/2008 ltb00672 1/25/2008 ltd00099 5/22/2008 ltb00890 3/18/2008 ltb00473 2/25/2008 ltb00346 8/27/2008 08-4291 7/29/2008 ltb01393 10/24/2008 lte01418 6/9/2008 08-2774 9/25/2008 08-4815 3/28/2008 ltb00556 2/25/2008 ltb00310 4/30/2008 ltb00744 7/31/2008 ltb01472 7/21/2008 ltb01349 4/29/2008 ltb00711 8/29/2008 ltc01412 1/25/2008 08-0464 1/25/2008 08-0539 5/27/2008 lte00650 9/3/2008 ltc01434 6/18/2008 ltb01120 10/15/2008 ltb02035 9/10/2008 ltf01113 10/28/2008 ltb02110 7/29/2008 ltb01406 7/21/2008 08-3501 3/4/2008 ltd00250 4/22/2008 ltf00452 6/4/2008 ltf00676 2/27/2008 ltf00215 8/29/2008 ltf01040 4/21/2008 lte00461 4/28/2008 08-2052 7/28/2008 08-3739 5/19/2008 ltd00453 2/15/2008 ltb00283 10/1/2008 lta00848 4/11/2008 ltd00342 4/28/2008 08-2023 6/20/2008 ltd00555 6/27/2008 lte00788 5/15/2008 ltc00741 7/1/2008 ltc01063 Plaintiff Elms Mhc Riverside Man Apts Deutsche Bk Windsor Pl Apts Indian Hills Manor Bigelow Jack Costanza Silvino Executive Property Citi Mort Myrtle Grove Us Bank Swartz Cr Mead Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Royal Mhp Windsor Pl Apts Gr Bend 452apts Sunshine Mgmt Gerald Burton Davison East Davison East Davison East Davison East Group Five Mgmt Stockton Tony N.Morris Estates Don Ricks American Mhp Parkwood Mhp Indian Hills Manor Pjeter Margaret Pjeter Margaret Deutsche Bank Charter Oaks Apts Charter Oaks Apts John Salomon Sommerville Steve Parkview Manor Parkview Manor Parkview Manor Parkview Manor Llc Jpmorgan Chase Bank River Village Apts River Village Apts Deutsche Bank Federal Home Wells Fargo Bank Chase Home Fin Mtg Electronic Georgetown Park Us Bank National Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Last Name Knapp Knight Knight Knight Knight Knight Et Al Knispel Knoch Knoff Knorr Knott Knowlton Knox Knox Knox Knox Knuckles Kobayashi Kobylczak Koch Kochie Kochie Kocik Koebke Koenders Koester Kohlman Kohn Koin Kolasa Kolb Kolhagen Kolhagen Kolka Komar Koole Koplin Korn-Gonzal Korth Koteles Koteles Koteles Kotts Kouza Koviack Kowalski Kowalski Kowalski Kraft Kramer Kramer Kramer Kramer Krampe First Name Duane Michael Sharon Audrey Lois Michael Anna Estat Brian Gloria Denise Johnny Robert Chambrea Chambrea Shynay Gracia Phyllis Wanda Franklin Gregory Tamara Tamara Jason Jenni Tausha Michael Mary Lisa Daniel Robert Michael Shawna Shawna Candy Patrick Charley Toni Kristopher Dana Creshina Creshina Creshina Joe Louay Eddie Anthony Anthony Anthony Debra Nellie Nellie Nellie Christina Kira Date Case 9/10/2008 ltc01462 1/2/2008 lta00015 4/1/2008 lta00289 4/25/2008 08-1968 10/2/2008 08-4946 4/2/2008 lta00292 3/27/2008 ltb00533 1/2/2008 ltf00023 10/1/2008 08-4973 6/30/2008 ltb01211 10/22/2008 08-5545 8/7/2008 08-3785 1/30/2008 ltb00197 1/2/2008 ltb00023 3/28/2008 08-1465 4/22/2008 08-1928 4/30/2008 ltd00404 7/31/2008 lte00969 9/24/2008 ltb01866 6/16/2008 ltc00926 4/9/2008 lte00445 6/23/2008 lte00736 4/10/2008 ltf00404 5/23/2008 ltd00464 6/19/2008 ltf00713 6/19/2008 ltc00947 4/4/2008 ltd00334 1/22/2008 ltd00084 9/26/2008 08-4839 8/8/2008 08-3927 7/28/2008 ltd00647 7/29/2008 ltb01394 9/24/2008 ltb01849 8/15/2008 08-3919 5/22/2008 ltb00907 9/3/2008 08-4426 9/12/2008 ltc01472 7/31/2008 ltb01464 2/25/2008 ltf00194 1/24/2008 08-0504 7/30/2008 08-3751 6/4/2008 08-2758 2/13/2008 08-0820 6/10/2008 lta00502 3/3/2008 ltc00387 10/30/2008 ltf01379 4/10/2008 ltf00419 7/1/2008 ltf00826 10/2/2008 ltb01927 1/2/2008 lte00012 10/22/2008 lte01391 2/1/2008 lte00178 7/28/2008 08-3729 4/3/2008 ltc00544 Plaintiff Cranbrook Village Valley Mead Vill Federal Nat Mtg Danny Meekins Nate Williams Valley Meadow Vil Kearsley Lake Terrace Llc Creekside Bank N Y White Oak Estates Mark Bezinque Edward Geesaman Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts George Smith Jr Gerald Burton Sunridge Apts Thornridge Apts Camelot Villa James M Schuler Diamond Forest Prop Diamond Forest Prop Pineview Terra Management Co Ruby E Gorbutt Indian Hills Manor Fenton Oaks Llc Becker Fed National Mtg Clifton Sterling Us Bank Windsor Pl Apts Windsor Place Apts Timothy Bender Bank Of Ny Elms Mhc Citimortgage Inc Continental North Homesales Inc Ray Landon Roy Landon Roy Landon Kak Assoc. Us Bank National Ass Us Bank Na As Trustee Pineview Estates Pineview Pine View Riverside Mhp Thornridge Apts Thornridge Apts Thornridge Apts American Mhp Household Finance Last Name Krampe Kratt Krause Krause Krawcruk Krawcruk Krawcruk Krawcruk Krebsback Kremhelmer Kretzert Kritzman Kronenberde Krouse Kruger Krumm Krumnauer Krumnauer Krupa Kruptz Kulaszewski Kunstmen Kutzler Kutzler Kutzler Kutzler Kyle Kyle Kyles Kyles La Cour La Porte Labarge Labarge Labarge Labean Labeau Labell Lacewell Lacey Lacey Lacey Lacey Lackney Laclair Lacosse Ladd Ladwig Lafave Lafayette Lafferty Lafleur Lafleur Lafleur First Name Kira Tamber Brian Thomas David David David David Edward Bruce Morris Ricky Robert Brian Veronica Nicholas Jason Jason Jeriann John April Meranda Caroline Caroline Caroline Caroline Marc Bobbie Bobbie Michael Elizabeth Daniel Christine Christie Christine Timothy Cassandra Rebecca Eran Dennis Steven Gwynne Gwynne Karen Christina Sandy Joshua John Ashley Tracy Debra Mechele Mechele Mechele Date Case 7/31/2008 ltb01522 8/27/2008 lte01117 10/29/2008 ltc01739 7/21/2008 lte00856 10/30/2008 ltb02135 4/30/2008 ltb00723 7/30/2008 ltb01414 8/27/2008 ltb01623 4/18/2008 ltd00348 3/24/2008 lte00359 3/3/2008 ltb00398 10/13/2008 lte01345 10/14/2008 lta00877 5/23/2008 ltc00821 8/4/2008 lta00648 5/28/2008 ltf00638 1/29/2008 ltd00137 6/25/2008 ltd00576 10/1/2008 08-4985 1/25/2008 ltc00146 9/8/2008 ltb01756 2/11/2008 lta00129 10/30/2008 ltf01371 5/7/2008 ltf00545 3/5/2008 ltf00244 9/3/2008 ltf01069 6/18/2008 ltb01125 8/27/2008 ltb01636 5/14/2008 08-2311 4/23/2008 08-1950 6/4/2008 ltb01039 3/6/2008 ltc00394 1/31/2008 ltc00209 2/25/2008 lte00262 4/3/2008 lte00435 8/21/2008 ltc01334 1/25/2008 lte00091 7/31/2008 ltb01495 3/25/2008 08-1420 1/28/2008 ltf00110 10/27/2008 lta00920 2/7/2008 08-0782 10/20/2008 08-5250 8/25/2008 lta00726 4/2/2008 ltb00580 5/29/2008 08-2627 5/8/2008 ltd00441 1/23/2008 lte00079 10/8/2008 ltb01996 8/28/2008 ltf01038 10/22/2008 lta00902 10/13/2008 lte01351 7/23/2008 lte00902 8/20/2008 lte01046 Plaintiff Westwood Vill Gateway Of Gr Bl Labarge Linda Amtrust Bank 400 Fuller Apts 400 Fuller Apts 400 Fuller Apts 400 Fuller Apts Swartz Creek Mhp Countrywide Home Westwood Management Fountain Pointe Myrtle Grove Labarge Linda Moore James Creekwood Pheasant Run Apts Pheasant Run Apts Ipm Quail Ridge Apt Llc White Oak Estates Somerset Apartments Pineview Estates Pineview Pineview Pineview Beckman Prop Arc Torrey Hills Tdm Realty Carolyn Collier Brookstone Valley N.Morris Ests 1st National Bank Ofarizona Gmac Mortgage Aurora Loan Dutch Village Llc Stonehenge Gates Twin Meadows Mhp Larr Rettenmund Chase Home Finance Westhaven Mhp Llc Will Ferguson Will Ferguson Laruence Wolf Proper Ipm Hazel Southard Kubik Fred Group Five Mgmt Co. Landmark Realty Nancy S Ray Washington Mutual Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Last Name Lafreniere Lafuente Lahar Laidler Laird Laird Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake Lakes Lakes Lakies Lalonde Lalonde Lalonde Lalonde Lalonde Lalonde Ii Lalonde Ii Lalone Lalone Lalone Lalone Lamar Lamar Lamar Lamay Lamay Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lamb Lambaria Lambaria Lambaria Lambaria Lambaria Lambaria Lambaria Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambertson Lamont Lamparski Lamson Lancaster Lancy Land Land First Name Stephan Jose George D Brandy Carol Shannon Stephanie Wyona Boyd William Jennifer Angelica Scott Henry Sarah Gary Luke Luke Gary Gary David David David David Tyrina Monica Bernice Dani Stephanie Chad Valerie Jonathan Jodie Valerie Adam Adam Adam Adam Adam Adam Adam Samantha Gary Carlos Michael Jackie Scott Richard Bertha Hope Rajiv Patrick Booker Date Case 1/24/2008 ltc00139 6/27/2008 lte00792 9/12/2008 lta00776 7/31/2008 ltb01496 3/4/2008 08-1112 3/4/2008 lte00316 5/27/2008 ltb00954 3/31/2008 08-1533 4/2/2008 08-1516 4/30/2008 ltb00769 4/25/2008 ltc00621 1/18/2008 08-0321 9/26/2008 08-4677 10/28/2008 lte01459 1/31/2008 lta00115 3/10/2008 08-1235 2/25/2008 ltb00327 3/18/2008 ltb00474 6/27/2008 ltb01159 6/30/2008 ltb01187 7/31/2008 ltb01452 5/28/2008 ltb00969 4/2/2008 ltb00634 8/27/2008 ltb01678 7/23/2008 ltb01361 1/10/2008 08-0060 3/25/2008 08-1435 7/28/2008 ltc01211 4/3/2008 lta00295 7/17/2008 ltf00870 1/22/2008 lta00086 1/22/2008 08-0387 4/29/2008 ltb00707 3/20/2008 08-1761 4/30/2008 08-2133 10/30/2008 ltf01392 2/7/2008 ltf00169 5/7/2008 ltf00551 4/10/2008 ltf00413 7/1/2008 ltf00813 9/3/2008 ltf01096 10/1/2008 ltf01200 5/29/2008 lte00687 3/5/2008 ltf00257 6/2/2008 ltc00870 6/2/2008 08-2713 3/11/2008 ltf00289 4/11/2008 lta00307 1/25/2008 ltd00100 3/27/2008 ltb00532 10/24/2008 08-5670 1/15/2008 08-0219 6/30/2008 ltb01181 10/22/2008 08-5509 Plaintiff Gunther Ann Thornridge Apts Gmac Mtg Twin Meadows Mhp Jon Abbott Mapleridge Apts Kearsley Creek Llc Ctry Cl Man Apts Ahmed Naguib Continental North Southcreek Village Bitha Tucker Bitha Tucker Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank Wells Fargo Bk Continental Estates Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Continental Estates Continental Estates Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Danny Zerka Ideal Rental Pineshores Apts Lyden Tracey Pamela R Muir Federal Home Loan Shady Acres Mhp Charter Oaks Apts Loretta Vaughn Shady Acres Pineview Estates Pine View Pineview Pineview Pine View Pineview Pineview Estates Thornridge Apts Pineview N.Morris Estates Tdm Meadowbrook Manor Citimortgage Deutsche Bank Kearsley Lake Terrace Llc Aaron Dionne Ib Prop Holdings Davison East Naomi Davis Last Name Land Landers Landers Landon Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lane Lang Lang Lang Lang Langenau Langford Langford Langford Langford Langford Langford Langlois Langston Langston Langston Langston Langston Langston Langston Langworthy Langworthy Langworthy Langworthy Langworthy Lanier Lanigan Lantagne Lanxton Lapham Lapine Lara Lara Lara Larkin Larkin Larkin Larkin Larry First Name Patrick Ebony Ebony Robert Thomas Corease Harmony Sierra Harmony Thomas Thomas Bennie Margaret Sierra Sierra Jack Tiah Jaquata Tiah Tatiana Karl Harmony Jonathan Scott Scott Harmony Scott Marc Callie Keosha Nina Delores Keosha Monica Nina Christy John Christy John Christy Misty Nicole Lindsay Chandra Gary Ronda Michelle Stephanie Michelle Leslie Leslie Penny Penny Yolanda Date Case 9/29/2008 ltb01878 10/27/2008 ltf01336 9/24/2008 ltf01160 3/3/2008 lta00188 10/24/2008 ltb02080 6/20/2008 ltc00957 2/22/2008 lte00253 3/31/2008 08-1505 4/29/2008 lte00534 6/27/2008 ltb01160 9/24/2008 ltb01850 7/10/2008 08-3311 7/30/2008 ltb01439 7/28/2008 08-3746 6/30/2008 08-3272 8/15/2008 08-4121 1/22/2008 08-0341 6/24/2008 ltf00748 3/3/2008 08-1104 8/19/2008 08-4061 7/21/2008 lta00596 1/25/2008 lte00104 4/17/2008 08-1817 8/28/2008 ltb01714 7/31/2008 ltb01497 7/23/2008 lte00893 7/3/2008 ltb01259 3/17/2008 lta00229 1/29/2008 ltd00120 10/24/2008 lte01428 1/10/2008 08-0066 6/4/2008 ltd00519 9/22/2008 lte01242 10/2/2008 ltc01593 9/25/2008 lte01283 1/25/2008 lta00101 5/22/2008 ltb00935 6/30/2008 lta00558 9/8/2008 ltb01773 9/22/2008 lta00800 1/14/2008 ltc00082 2/22/2008 lte00241 2/28/2008 lte00291 2/14/2008 lta00144 9/15/2008 lta00780 6/4/2008 08-2757 3/5/2008 08-1120 3/5/2008 ltb00406 7/29/2008 08-3773 1/10/2008 ltd00062 4/10/2008 ltd00337 6/4/2008 ltb01070 8/27/2008 ltb01659 1/29/2008 ltd00121 Plaintiff Davison East Kings Lane Kings Lane Washington Mutual Windsor Place Apts Suffolk Court Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Westgate Terr Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Federal H Mtg Madison Pk Est Ctry Cl Man Apts Westgate Terr Apts Diane Hendrick Ferlon Webster Kings Lane Ferlon Webster Fhc Donna R Mantei Fountain Pointe Clifton Sterling Twin Meadows Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Fountain Pointe Twin Meadows Mhp Federal Nat Mtg Sunridge Apts Stonehenge Gates Roger Green Sunridge Apts Stonehenge Gates Cedarshores Apt Lux Apartments Joan M Dimond Continental North Thomann Phyllis Continental North Thomann Phyllis Alfred R Kloss Group Five Mgmt Maplebrook Vill Apts Laurence Wolf Proper Bank Of New York Roy Landon Gary Bradshaw Riverwood Lux Apts Gary Bradshaw Myers Cathy Myers Cathy Westwood Management Westwood Management Sunridge Apts Last Name Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry Larson Larson Larson Lash Lash Lash Lash Lash Lash Laski Laski Laski Lasley Lassiter Lassiter Laster Laster Latchison Latchison Latkovic Latreille Latreille Latting Lau Lau Lau Lauderdale Lauderdale Laur Laurence Laureto Laury Laury Laury Laury Laury Laury Lavergne Lavery Lavigne Lavire Lawrance Lawrence Lawrence First Name Yolanda Yolanda Lequisha Kanisha Christopher Nikkia Yolanda Christopher Atiya Kanisha Larry Lawrence Larry Mandi Angela Angela Angela Darrell Anthony Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Jonathan Jack Jack Justin Justin Annette Sarita Krista William Judith Amanda Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer Jannora Eric Jason Kiana Leonard Kaiesha Tanika Sonia Kaiesha Tanika Lee Lisa Craig Tina Alfred Angla James Eric Date Case 10/28/2008 ltd01002 4/30/2008 ltd00403 2/21/2008 08-0946 3/24/2008 08-1360 9/3/2008 08-4420 8/21/2008 ltb01584 7/1/2008 ltd00597 7/10/2008 08-3376 8/20/2008 ltb01569 6/20/2008 08-3069 7/1/2008 08-3234 10/1/2008 08-4986 6/18/2008 08-3053 1/9/2008 lta00038 1/3/2008 ltb00036 4/2/2008 ltb00578 5/28/2008 ltb00956 10/8/2008 08-5046 8/19/2008 lte01017 5/15/2008 08-2371 3/27/2008 08-1454 2/27/2008 08-1046 1/4/2008 08-0144 1/25/2008 ltc00160 5/23/2008 ltc00810 2/21/2008 lte00230 9/22/2008 lte01192 10/28/2008 lta00934 7/28/2008 ltc01212 9/3/2008 lta00739 1/2/2008 lte00009 6/23/2008 lte00728 10/1/2008 08-4988 1/15/2008 ltc00086 5/15/2008 ltc00739 9/4/2008 ltc01447 1/31/2008 lte00151 10/1/2008 08-4989 1/22/2008 08-0391 5/7/2008 08-2226 8/25/2008 ltf00987 4/29/2008 08-2036 4/30/2008 ltc00690 2/13/2008 08-0863 10/16/2008 08-5228 10/16/2008 08-5216 8/20/2008 08-4149 3/20/2008 08-1771 5/19/2008 ltd00455 7/3/2008 lte00800 7/29/2008 ltf00929 3/7/2008 ltf00271 1/31/2008 ltb00208 1/3/2008 ltc00032 Plaintiff Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Evergreen Reg Thom Casselman Orchard Ridge Est Terry L Groves Sunridge Apts Orchard Ridge Est Three Rivers Assoc Thom Casselman Prop Development Ipm Property Devel Mill Creek Apts Stratford Sq Apts Stratford Sq Apts Stratford Sq Apts Dayne Davis Mortgage Associatio The Federal N Nick Murphy Nick Murphy Nick Murphy Fnma Pine Creek Apts Pine Creek Apts Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts West Court Ranches Pineshores Apts Mill Creek Apts Thornridge Apts Jym Ipm Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Knollwood Vill Apt Ipm Kirkwood Comm Ridgecrest Vill Federal National Terrace Apts Cedarshores Apt Avon Parks Apts Ideal Rental Terry Hopper John Bontayer Cecil Norman Ocwen Federal Bank Knollwood Village Creekwood Walton Robert Hometown Amer Timb Hgt N.Morris Ests Last Name First Name Lawrence Daniel Lawrence Shawnte Lawrence Eric Lawrence Trisha Lawrence James Lawrence Joy Lawrence Camelia Lawrence Josephine Lawrence Marilyn Lawrence Marilyn Lawrence Camelia Lawrence Jeanine Lawrence Demetrius Lawrence James Lawrence James Lawrence Richard Lawrence Karla Lawrence William Lawrence Kiana Lawrence Tammy Lawrence Tionya Lawrence Sharice Lawrence Karla Lawrence Demetrius Lawrence Paul Lawrence Kiana Lawrence Michelle Lawrence Jeanine Lawrence Rosa Lawrence Rayshanda Lawrence Et Angela Laws Lakiesha Lawson Tammy Lawson Danielle Lawson Jhamonique Lay Stephen Lay Wendy Lay Shundrica Layman William Layne Kelly Layne Jeff Layton Candice Layton Timia Leach Joyce Leach Herman Leach Andrea Leadman Christine Leadmon Tina Leaf Lisa Leahy Tony Leahy Tony Leal Anita Leavell Devin Lebow Shirley Date Case 1/17/2008 ltc00117 4/10/2008 08-1696 6/2/2008 ltc00871 5/22/2008 ltb00891 4/23/2008 ltd00365 5/27/2008 ltd00479 5/2/2008 ltd00432 4/25/2008 ltc00656 2/22/2008 ltd00179 3/31/2008 ltd00299 6/20/2008 ltd00554 2/5/2008 ltc00234 5/7/2008 ltb00834 6/20/2008 ltd00553 10/3/2008 ltd00941 8/27/2008 ltb01660 9/24/2008 ltf01161 10/7/2008 ltb01950 9/3/2008 08-4409 8/11/2008 ltb01540 10/17/2008 08-5223 6/23/2008 08-3111 7/23/2008 ltf00896 8/27/2008 ltb01643 7/31/2008 ltb01488 10/20/2008 08-5246 7/31/2008 ltb01465 7/24/2008 ltc01129 9/29/2008 08-4904 9/22/2008 lte01191 7/11/2008 ltf00853 5/22/2008 ltf00602 3/3/2008 08-1151 2/25/2008 08-0916 6/4/2008 ltb01025 10/10/2008 ltc01627 9/23/2008 lta00823 8/6/2008 08-3890 10/20/2008 ltf01302 2/26/2008 ltd00227 10/1/2008 ltf01245 4/25/2008 08-2010 4/2/2008 ltb00606 10/30/2008 ltf01403 3/10/2008 08-1222 2/27/2008 ltc00372 9/22/2008 lte01190 4/30/2008 08-1962 3/6/2008 ltd00254 10/29/2008 ltb02117 8/27/2008 ltb01682 4/7/2008 lte00441 9/15/2008 ltd00855 3/3/2008 08-1098 Plaintiff Wright Stephen Mat Wothke N.Morris Estates Windsor Place Apts Georgetown Park Swartz Creek Mhp Georgetown Park Clovertree Apts Countrywide Bank Services Inc Mtg Georgetown Park N.Morris Ests Madison Pk Est Georgetown Park Georgetown Park Westwood Management Kings Lane Arc Torrey Hills Ridgecrest Vill Collingwood Vill Apts Chris Chapman Martin Trepus Kings Lane Madison Pk Est White Oaks Estates Ridgecrest Vill Continental North N.Morris Estates Fhc Perry Place Apts Walton Diane Kings Lane Elms Mhc Eric Lawson Madison Pk Est Varner Teri Valley Meadows Betty Joseph Green Briar Mari-Dan Miller Farm Pineview Estates Kermit Wareth Madison Pk Est Pineview Estates Fhc Thames Jimmy Perry Place Apts David Faulkner Lk Ponemah Mhp Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Chynoweth Jody Chau Chapman Elms Mhc Last Name Lecki Lecki Lecki Lecki Lecki Lecki Leclair Leclair Leclair Leclear Ledford Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee First Name Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Brandee Joshua Joshua Joshua Richard Roger Lorni Tamar Ashley Ron Amanda Derrick Jason Melanie Jason Eugene Eugene Ron Sheena Gina Michelle Lamaine Tanesha Rochelle Jerome Jerome Corina Michelle Lisa Tracey Samiko Eugene Tracey Samiko Samiko Tammybath Latric Jerome Christine Alan Eugene Eugene Lisa Tracey Toni Tamar Deidre Michael Derrick Date Case 10/30/2008 ltb02130 1/2/2008 ltb00003 4/30/2008 ltb00736 5/28/2008 ltb00984 7/30/2008 ltb01428 8/27/2008 ltb01637 6/30/2008 ltb01188 9/29/2008 ltb01888 9/5/2008 ltb01747 5/23/2008 ltc00806 5/2/2008 08-2163 1/10/2008 ltc00058 10/28/2008 ltd01004 10/28/2008 ltd01003 1/31/2008 ltb00233 10/22/2008 lta00907 1/11/2008 lte00052 1/29/2008 ltd00105 4/2/2008 ltb00619 4/1/2008 ltd00306 2/21/2008 lte00214 5/21/2008 lte00587 4/30/2008 ltb00751 4/28/2008 08-2051 2/4/2008 08-0711 5/30/2008 08-2696 3/19/2008 08-1725 3/26/2008 ltc00497 2/8/2008 ltd00145 4/2/2008 08-1515 5/16/2008 08-2284 3/17/2008 ltb00451 4/16/2008 08-1854 8/27/2008 lte01115 7/25/2008 08-3674 7/23/2008 ltf00898 9/18/2008 lte01180 6/25/2008 08-3176 8/20/2008 ltb01570 7/16/2008 ltb01337 10/6/2008 08-5032 10/8/2008 ltb01968 8/18/2008 08-4122 9/30/2008 ltf01195 8/27/2008 ltf01024 7/10/2008 lte00834 8/15/2008 lte01013 9/24/2008 lte01281 8/12/2008 08-4021 9/30/2008 ltf01197 8/26/2008 ltd00796 10/29/2008 08-5764 10/16/2008 lta00883 8/4/2008 08-3875 Plaintiff Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Continental Estates Continental Estates Continental Estates Roxbury Court Ldhalp Bruce Ritchie Bank Of New York Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts White Oak Estates Orozco Juan Wells Fargo Bank Apple Creek Station Twin Meadows Mhp Apple Creek Station Payne Christophe Payne Christophe White Oak Estates River Village Apts Westgate Terr Apts Eagle Ridge Sq Marvin Chapman Sugartree Apts Georgetown Park Ronald Thomas Ronald Thomas Lasalle Bank National Associat On Eagle Ridge Sq Twh Edgemont Pk Danny Zerka Kings Lane Payne Christophe Danny Zerka Three Rivers Assoc River Hollow Apts Orchard Ridge Madison Pk Est Pearl M Young Boulder Creek Kings Lane Payne Christophe Payne Christophe Maplebrook Vill Apts Danny Zerka Boulder Creek Sunridge Apts Evergreen Reg Burton Gerald Marianne Roat Last Name Lee Lee Jr Lee Jr Lee Jr Leece Leece Leece Leech Leech Leech Leech Leflore Leggewie Legrone Lehnert Lehr Leigh Leitch Lemorie Lenoir Lenoir Lenoir Lenor Lentine Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Leonard Lepain Lepain Lepard Lepus Lesiewicz Leslie Lesnick Lesnick Lesnick Lester Leverance Leverence Levy Levy Levy Lewandowsk Lewandowsk Lewellen Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis First Name Tracy Richard Richard Richard Carol Carol Carol Dawn Dawn Dawn Dawn Lolita Christina Darnell Rebecca Brian Derek Joseph Lenord Michele Michelle Katrina Katrina Thomas Tamara Hope James Timothy Tom Kimberly Kimberly Shannon Jason Jason Marsha Nicole Amanda Mike Linda Linda Linda Pearl Edward Paul Dante Colin Dante Rachel Debra Dionte Michelle Catherine Mattie David Date Case 10/14/2008 08-5170 10/28/2008 ltd01005 7/1/2008 ltd00598 8/26/2008 ltd00797 10/28/2008 lte01466 1/31/2008 lte00160 2/28/2008 lte00280 5/22/2008 ltb00927 2/25/2008 ltb00302 7/31/2008 ltb01486 9/8/2008 ltb01757 6/19/2008 ltc00946 6/6/2008 lta00493 7/17/2008 ltc01103 9/8/2008 lte01154 1/31/2008 lta00114 4/11/2008 08-1711 1/22/2008 08-0388 2/26/2008 ltc00360 1/7/2008 lte00041 7/31/2008 lte00975 9/3/2008 08-4410 7/16/2008 08-3510 10/13/2008 lte01342 3/12/2008 08-1240 5/23/2008 ltc00797 5/23/2008 08-2544 5/22/2008 ltb00916 4/7/2008 08-1586 8/7/2008 08-3872 8/22/2008 08-4173 7/24/2008 lta00616 2/8/2008 ltd00140 9/26/2008 ltd00878 9/30/2008 ltd00929 5/27/2008 lte00672 9/17/2008 lta00785 7/8/2008 lte00832 1/7/2008 ltf00039 2/20/2008 ltf00189 4/15/2008 ltf00445 4/3/2008 ltc00551 1/14/2008 lta00062 1/28/2008 ltf00129 3/26/2008 08-1439 2/8/2008 ltd00146 6/9/2008 08-2844 4/25/2008 ltc00629 3/18/2008 ltd00267 9/10/2008 08-4452 1/23/2008 ltc00130 1/7/2008 ltc00042 10/28/2008 ltd01006 1/10/2008 lta00044 Plaintiff Danny Zerka Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Star Sun Mgmt Hometown Amer Gr Bl Hometown America Grand Blan White Oak Estates White Oak Estates White Oaks Estates White Oak Estates Clovertree Apts Ideal Rental Homes Larry A Miller Cit Group Marshall's Crossing Richfield Apts Shady Acres Mhp Pine Creek Aprt Twh Edgemont Pk Edgemont Pk Twh Ridgecrest Vill Ridgecrest Vill Fountain Pointe Evergreen Reg Southcreek Village Abn Amro Mtg Davison East Tim Bender Deutsche Bk Washington Mut Us Bank National Lafonda Apts Lafonda Apartments Mari-Dan Miller Farms Maplebrook Vill Apts Myrtle Grove Mhp Indymac Bank Slubowski Gregory Slubowski Gregory Slubowski N.Morris Ests Independent Bank Creekwood Terrace Apts Georgetown Park Terrace Apts Southcreek Village Ck Property Gmac Mtg Landon Roy Pineshores Apts Sunridge Apts Pine Run #2 Llc Last Name Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Jr Lewkowicz Lichlyter Liddell Liddell Liddell Liddell Liddell Liddell Liddell Liebich First Name Tenecia Derick Tequila Lakeisha Shirley Altheia Barbara Diane Tequila Catherine Latrina Tamiko Latrina Terri Connie Swahetti Ken Sandra Michael Carmita Althiea Michael Brian Taniya Crystal Heidi Atta Tamiko Dawanda Anna Yolanda Shameka Joshua Catherine Deborah Diane Mr & Mrs La Diane Patricia Willie Laeon Michael Latany Jarrett Ronda Angela Crystal Anthony Danielle Crystal Ashley Ashley Ashley Marc Date Case 1/3/2008 08-0019 1/29/2008 lte00107 1/16/2008 08-0300 1/30/2008 08-0621 1/4/2008 lte00037 1/9/2008 08-0184 10/22/2008 ltc01687 3/27/2008 08-1452 3/5/2008 08-1158 6/25/2008 ltc01046 4/30/2008 08-2065 2/5/2008 08-0673 4/30/2008 08-2064 3/17/2008 08-1312 5/1/2008 08-2097 3/3/2008 08-1071 3/3/2008 08-1065 5/14/2008 ltc00735 5/21/2008 ltb00859 4/30/2008 ltb00730 5/12/2008 08-2276 3/19/2008 ltb00491 7/29/2008 ltc01223 6/13/2008 08-2891 7/2/2008 08-3125 6/24/2008 08-3080 8/14/2008 lte01010 7/29/2008 ltc01224 6/16/2008 08-3002 7/29/2008 lte00906 9/8/2008 lte01155 9/9/2008 ltc01456 7/28/2008 lta00624 7/28/2008 ltc01213 8/26/2008 08-4258 7/1/2008 08-3281 10/27/2008 08-5677 10/30/2008 08-5811 8/5/2008 ltf00955 10/9/2008 08-5131 9/26/2008 08-4859 8/20/2008 ltb01571 7/11/2008 08-3346 8/29/2008 lte01131 9/8/2008 ltb01774 7/28/2008 ltd00645 5/14/2008 08-2309 5/29/2008 08-2649 2/19/2008 ltc00307 8/25/2008 08-4242 7/21/2008 08-3584 8/27/2008 08-4331 10/28/2008 08-5758 2/11/2008 ltd00153 Plaintiff Joseph Hampton Skellenger Lois Richfield Apts Eagle Ridge Sq Sanford Tim Beulah Ecker Dutch Village Llc Woodlawn Pk Apts Richfield Apts Pineshores Apts Clio Woods Apts James M Smith Clio Woods Apts Fidelity Bank Federal Natl Mtg Hasina Akhter S. Wolin & Co Realtors Ishmon Jr James Three Rivers Assoc Huntington Circle Apts Deborah Mullen Tremami Lumber Three Rivers Assoc McQueen Steve Larry D Johnson M Lamar Harris Joe Ann Davis Lux Apartments Robert J Cavett Fhc Riverbend Apts Wells Fargo Bank Accurate Mgmt Hsbc Bank Usa Pineshores Apts Wells Fargo Bk Woodlawn Apts George Guinn Woodlawn Apts Pineview Matt. Wothke George Guinn Three Rivers Assoc Nancy King Maplebrook Vill Apts Continental North Wells Fargo Bank Na Avon Park Apts James Rutherford Landlord Soluti Clovertree Apts Avon Park Apts Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Deutsche Bank Last Name First Name Liebman Martin Liggens Salina Liggens Salina Light Kendra Like James Like Angela Lilly Michael Limas Daniel Limban Andrew Limban Andrew Limban George Limmer Lori Limon Olga Linden William Lindgren Lawrence Lindsay Torsha Lindsey Louvenia Lingdren Lawrence Link Paul Link Paul Link Dawn Linn Erika Linton Kanisha Linton Kanisha Lintz Jeffrey Lintz Jeffrey Lintz Doug Linwood-Ca Pennie Lipscomb Laureene Lipsey Chevonna Lipsey Chevonna List Kristie Little Toni Little John Little Crystal Little Chris Little Cynthia Little John Little John Little Lisa Little Kelly Little Arzell Little Toni Little John Littlecalf Tracy Littlejohn Dennis Littlepage Michelle Lively Krystal Lively Rebecca Lizotte Sharon Lloyd Lindsay Lloyd Willie Loafman-Jon Leslee Loafman-Jon Leslee Date Case 7/3/2008 08-3307 2/15/2008 08-0881 3/17/2008 08-1722 9/24/2008 ltb01851 6/26/2008 ltb01147 10/22/2008 08-5641 1/22/2008 ltb00110 6/9/2008 ltd00538 3/14/2008 08-1308 2/26/2008 ltf00210 10/3/2008 ltb01938 1/9/2008 ltb00052 2/1/2008 08-0653 1/2/2008 lta00002 9/12/2008 08-4499 5/15/2008 08-2408 10/31/2008 08-5832 6/16/2008 08-2896 1/2/2008 lte00022 5/27/2008 lte00673 8/29/2008 ltb01726 10/27/2008 ltc01734 10/30/2008 ltb02140 6/4/2008 ltb01010 1/11/2008 08-0213 1/23/2008 lta00089 2/4/2008 ltb00240 1/2/2008 08-0117 7/23/2008 ltf00899 6/24/2008 lte00768 8/22/2008 lte01095 9/9/2008 lta00764 1/10/2008 08-0191 1/24/2008 ltb00129 4/22/2008 08-1883 6/4/2008 ltb01071 6/17/2008 ltc00929 5/21/2008 ltb00860 3/19/2008 ltb00492 5/1/2008 08-2160 8/14/2008 ltc01296 8/28/2008 08-4345 9/23/2008 08-4744 8/20/2008 ltb01572 1/16/2008 08-0297 1/28/2008 ltc00186 2/13/2008 08-0853 1/7/2008 ltb00045 4/2/2008 ltb00599 7/30/2008 lte00955 1/2/2008 ltf00022 7/10/2008 08-3461 10/24/2008 lte01420 7/30/2008 lte00915 Plaintiff Saxon Mtg Jason Verkennes Jason Verkennes Windsor Place Apts Kearsley Creek Llc James Elenoir Group Five Management Co Fed National Mtg Guy Czerwinski Genesee Villa The Federal Mtg Stratford Sq Apts Al Kloss Flushing Estates Michael Berian Ray Landon Park Manor Michael J Berian Maplebrook Vill Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Rosewood Park Apts Bora Dan Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Mtg Electronic Mortgage Electronic Harris Invest Orchard Rg Apts Kings Lane Grand Bend Club Apts Gr Bend 452apts Wolford William Gerald Burton Three Rivers Assoc S. Wolin Westwood Management Housing Development Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc James Henneke Citicorp Trust Bank Goad Llc Clio Woods Apts Three Rivers Assoc Nancy Rich Burkeshire Pointe Kurt Stebbins Charter Oaks Apts Arc Villa Tudor Estates Creekside Countrywide Home Parkwood Mhp Parkwood Mhp Last Name Loar Lobbs Lochinski Locke Locke Lockery Lockett Loeffler Logan Logan-Perdu Lokken Londy Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Longerbeam Longford Longstreet Longtine Longtine Longtine Longtine Longtine Longton Longton Look Look Lookebill Ii Loomis Loomis Looney Looney Looney Loper Loper Loper Loper Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lord First Name Burgess Karen Jonathon Dustin Bernadine Kimberly Dana Travis Talona Teresa Stephanie Veronica David Daniel Teresa Tekia Daniel Kionna Lora Joseph Jonathan Donald Frederick Fredrick Frederick Frederick Frederick Lyndsey Lyndsey Michael Michael Earl Harris Tamara Wyvonne Rozier Wyvonne Patricia Kenneth Kenneth Patricia Mary Edwardo Edwardo Edwardo Maria Emeluterio Jennifer Edwardo Idear Robert Steven Christina John Date Case 2/25/2008 08-0998 3/17/2008 lta00228 7/25/2008 ltc01206 5/16/2008 08-2412 4/16/2008 08-1798 4/10/2008 ltf00442 1/31/2008 lte00110 4/24/2008 lte00465 4/3/2008 ltc00561 7/25/2008 ltc01192 5/29/2008 ltc00856 5/23/2008 ltc00800 1/16/2008 ltf00096 1/30/2008 ltb00186 5/7/2008 ltf00560 5/30/2008 08-2686 10/9/2008 ltb02004 8/27/2008 ltb01644 9/24/2008 ltc01534 10/8/2008 ltb01997 6/18/2008 08-3051 10/23/2008 08-5511 1/9/2008 ltf00087 4/10/2008 ltf00428 5/7/2008 ltf00556 7/1/2008 ltf00835 9/3/2008 ltf01101 4/30/2008 ltb00737 2/21/2008 ltb00289 3/28/2008 lte00403 9/22/2008 lte01249 9/5/2008 ltd00832 1/9/2008 ltb00093 9/3/2008 ltd00831 2/4/2008 08-0706 5/7/2008 ltb00820 6/30/2008 08-3264 5/15/2008 ltc00742 2/8/2008 08-0793 4/11/2008 08-1706 8/6/2008 ltc01280 10/30/2008 ltb02160 1/31/2008 lte00126 5/27/2008 lte00662 6/24/2008 lte00753 4/23/2008 ltd00364 5/14/2008 08-2315 3/5/2008 ltf00248 2/21/2008 lte00231 10/6/2008 08-5025 8/29/2008 lte01147 8/25/2008 08-4234 9/24/2008 ltc01514 10/28/2008 lte01468 Plaintiff Ctry Cl Man Apts Young Edward Sugartree Apts Phyllis Walden Grant Hamady In Phyllis Walden Citimortgage Inc Grand Bend Club Apts Federal Home Loan Parker Micah Suffolk Court Apts Stockton Tony Southcreek Village Carol A Long Arc Villa Pine Run #1 Llc Orchard Ridge Est Arc Villa Madison Pk Est Southcreek Village Willowbrook Apts Betty Joseph Linda Linder Pineview Estates Pineview Pineview Pine View Pineview Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Kimberlee J Auker-McVey Kimberlee Auker Saxon Mtg Serv. Arc Villa Silver Creek Village Ctry Cl Man Apts Brookstone Valley Ctry Cl Man Apts Cranbrook Vill Co Richfield Apts Lp Richfield Apts Cranbrook Vill Co Twin Meadows Mhp Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Georgetown Park Georgian Crt Apts Pineview Perry Place Apts Treasure Enter Fairways Woodfield Triple C Properties Dutch Village Llc Star Sun Mgmt Last Name First Name Lord John Lord Gregory Lord Kimberly Lord Gregory Lord Jason Lord Zackery Loree Ashley Loren Rachael Lorick Ronald Lorick Margaret Lorick Rezia Lott Marion Lott Dontae Lotter Pam Louchart Ricky Louden Jasmine Louis Tonya Louis Melba Love John Love Mandisa Love Betty Love Gwen Love Joann Love Joey Love Krystal Love Debra Love Lonzo Love Jonathan Love Shurmaya Love Jr Sam Love-Johnso Jessica Loveland Charlotte Lovest-Nicho Tammy Lovest-Nicho Tammy Lovest-Nicho Tammy Lovett Demetrius Lovett Demetrius Lovett Lashawnda Lovett Brian Lovett Demetrius Lowe Jakob Lowe Jakob Lowe Angelique Lowe Rob Lowe Sheila Lowe Tracy Lowe Sheila Lowery Christopher Lowes Cicily Lowson Sonya Loxton Kevin Loxton Kevin Loyd Ca'ron Loyd Deerico Date Case 3/27/2008 lte00398 5/16/2008 08-2415 5/22/2008 ltb00920 6/18/2008 08-3024 7/16/2008 lte00843 9/3/2008 08-4427 1/9/2008 08-0194 5/2/2008 08-2162 6/16/2008 ltf00702 10/14/2008 lta00871 10/17/2008 08-5513 3/14/2008 08-1284 6/4/2008 08-2759 10/28/2008 ltf01344 6/24/2008 lte00773 10/7/2008 ltb01945 10/8/2008 08-5115 10/13/2008 lte01363 1/22/2008 08-0389 5/21/2008 08-2521 5/13/2008 08-2332 3/19/2008 08-1732 5/28/2008 08-2644 5/14/2008 08-2337 5/2/2008 08-2149 9/24/2008 ltc01555 8/28/2008 08-4325 10/8/2008 ltb01988 7/21/2008 08-3500 6/4/2008 08-2752 8/26/2008 lte01110 1/25/2008 ltc00177 1/29/2008 ltd00122 4/30/2008 ltd00402 7/1/2008 ltd00599 10/30/2008 ltb02143 6/4/2008 ltb01017 3/5/2008 08-1157 10/17/2008 ltb02037 8/27/2008 ltb01631 1/29/2008 ltf00141 3/25/2008 ltf00342 2/5/2008 08-0587 3/10/2008 08-1143 2/27/2008 08-0920 4/25/2008 lta00358 6/26/2008 08-3182 10/15/2008 08-5142 10/16/2008 08-5185 2/12/2008 08-0816 3/24/2008 08-1388 10/1/2008 08-4881 1/9/2008 08-0176 5/1/2008 08-2122 Plaintiff Hometown America Will Ferguson Fishermans Cove Will Ferguson Crkovski Naum Elms Mhc Rollingwood Man Bruce Ritchie Kings Lane Wells Fargo Bank James Borden Kermit Ware Jr Roy Landon Deutsche Bank Parkwood Mhp Cambridge Sq Flint Creekside Apts Stonehenge Gates Shady Acres Mhp Motorcity Group Lena Pridegon Danny Meekins Court St Village Cornelius Brown Theresa Mosley Suffolk Court Apts Matt. Wothke Twin Meadows Mhp Doris Maddaford U.S. Bank N.A. Mapleridge Apts Dutch Village Llc Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Huntington Cir Apts Huntington Circle Apts Richfield Apts Chase Home Fin Huntington Cir Apts Parkview Manor Parkview Manor Llc Goodman Johnnie Bernadette Summers Georgian Ct Apts Mortgage Electronic Georgian Crt Apts Wells Fargo Bk Joseph Foust Gary Trepanier Duane Coolman Duane Coolman Pledged Prop Metawanenee Hills Last Name Loyd Loyd Loyd Loyd Lozano Lozano Lozano Lozano Luark Lubkin Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucius Luckado Luckado Luckado Luckado Luckett Lumbard Lumon Luna Luna Luna Luna Luna Luna Luna Luna Lundberg Lundberg Lundberg Lundberg Lunde Lunderman Lunkas Lunn Lurvey Lusane Luttrell Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutz Lutze Lutze Luxton Luxton First Name Canice Deerico Deerico Caron Abigal Abigal Abigal Abigail Amy Janice Keith Shardia Joan Carrie David Keith Keith Judy Edith Teairra Teairra Teairra Teairra Terra Donna Gail Jenifer Jennifer Isabel Michael Latasha Jamie Latasha Latasha Carrie Angel Tracie Angel Martin Risa Adam David Steven Thurman Larry Stephanie William Stephanie Stephanie William Bradley John Shawn Candace Date Case 3/20/2008 ltf00327 2/15/2008 08-0875 7/30/2008 08-3755 9/15/2008 08-4633 10/24/2008 ltb02082 2/25/2008 ltb00347 5/22/2008 ltb00892 7/29/2008 ltb01395 4/2/2008 ltb00651 3/19/2008 08-1352 1/2/2008 08-0151 4/9/2008 08-1527 3/20/2008 ltf00315 2/7/2008 lta00121 5/29/2008 08-2654 3/3/2008 08-1089 8/20/2008 ltb01573 8/11/2008 ltf00973 3/25/2008 ltc00476 10/28/2008 ltd01007 4/30/2008 ltd00401 2/26/2008 ltd00211 8/26/2008 ltd00795 2/26/2008 lta00181 10/30/2008 ltf01367 7/10/2008 08-3392 3/13/2008 lta00225 4/10/2008 lta00302 6/20/2008 lta00540 10/21/2008 08-5516 10/23/2008 08-5591 7/30/2008 lte00939 8/14/2008 08-4076 10/3/2008 08-5014 5/16/2008 08-2397 2/27/2008 08-0972 10/20/2008 ltf01284 9/30/2008 ltf01198 4/29/2008 lte00535 9/25/2008 lta00843 10/2/2008 ltc01589 1/29/2008 ltd00134 6/17/2008 08-2944 7/30/2008 lta00636 8/27/2008 ltb01661 1/30/2008 ltb00187 2/27/2008 ltb00376 5/7/2008 ltb00791 7/17/2008 ltb01343 8/27/2008 ltb01683 2/21/2008 ltb00290 7/1/2008 08-3280 5/28/2008 ltf00639 8/7/2008 08-3911 Plaintiff Kings Lane Metawanenee Hills Metawan Hills Eileen Sweet Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Pl Apts Landmark Realty Deutsche Bank Orchard Rg Apts Willie Nolden Jr Genesee Independent Bank Co Beverly Peterson Orchard Ridge Est Three Rivers Assoc Centennial Farms Dutch Village Llc Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts The Villas Pineview Estates Martin Lawrence Flint Township Prop Flint Twp Prop Deutsche Bank Nat Mi Joy Llc Martin Hable Perry Place Apts Martin Hable Martin Hable Jack Barnes Royal Mhp Boulder Creek Boulder Creek Knollwood Vill Apts Simms Jim Chase Bank Pheasant Run Apts Yvonne Grier River Valley Manor Westwood Management Arc Villa Stockton Tony Arc Villa Arc Villa Stockton Tony Arc Torrey Hills Hsbc Bank Creekwood Monica Childers Last Name Lyles Lyles Lyles Lyles Iii Lyman Lymon Lymon Lymon Lymon Lynn Lyon Lyon Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Mabe Macauley Macdougall Macgown Mack Mackey Mackey Macklin Macko Macko Macko Macko Maclin Maclin Maclin Maclin Maclin Maclin Maclin Macmillan Macon Macon Macon Macsuga Maddalena Madden Madden Madden Madden Maddock Maddock Madeja Madison Madison Madison Magee First Name Shana Teneika Shana James Jemerie Karla Steffen Bethel Karla Erika Keith Kimberly Aisha Victoria Victorya Shirtha Aisha Aisha Jason Chad Kyle Stephen Earl Janaya Crystel Anna Timothy Timothy Justin Jim Ruth Tamica Tamica Benjamin Regina Ruth Gene Harold Stephanie Sandra Stephanie Jason Vincent Salece Salece James Gary Kevin Kevin Marcus Dorris Gladys Ronald Willie Date Case 5/23/2008 ltc00803 5/23/2008 ltc00798 7/25/2008 ltc01185 10/6/2008 lte01321 7/3/2008 lte00799 10/23/2008 ltc01724 2/26/2008 08-1032 10/15/2008 08-5140 8/4/2008 ltc01263 7/24/2008 ltc01149 1/22/2008 lta00081 7/24/2008 ltc01130 5/30/2008 08-2703 5/19/2008 08-2459 2/4/2008 08-0740 10/14/2008 08-5107 8/29/2008 08-4375 10/31/2008 08-5822 9/12/2008 ltd00853 2/13/2008 08-0833 1/31/2008 lte00111 1/2/2008 ltf00002 1/15/2008 08-0227 10/31/2008 08-5812 7/1/2008 ltc01069 9/24/2008 ltf01162 1/3/2008 08-0161 3/13/2008 08-1249 4/15/2008 ltc00583 6/10/2008 ltc00917 10/22/2008 ltc01688 4/28/2008 08-1995 9/30/2008 08-4874 7/24/2008 ltc01131 6/26/2008 08-3214 8/21/2008 ltc01327 7/1/2008 ltc01057 10/14/2008 08-4534 2/4/2008 08-0727 5/16/2008 08-2427 6/16/2008 08-2970 5/30/2008 08-2706 2/22/2008 ltd00180 1/9/2008 ltf00072 3/5/2008 ltf00249 5/22/2008 ltb00936 3/14/2008 ltf00306 3/31/2008 ltd00301 10/13/2008 lte01343 9/22/2008 ltb01820 3/25/2008 lta00249 5/27/2008 08-2514 9/24/2008 lta00834 1/14/2008 08-0217 Plaintiff Bristol Court Bristol Court Bristol Court Miller Brian Knollwood Village Cedarshores Apt Holiday Village Mshda Cedarshores Apt Bora Dan Hamady Grant N.Morris Estates Dayne Davis Fhc Fhc James Giles Dayne Davis Dayne Davis Fed National Mtg Steven Cousino Grand Bend Club Apts Wells Fargo Bank Citizens Bank Park Manor Joan R Russ Kings Lane Realty Dd Inc Realty Dd Inc H Tannenbaum Boyce Steven Dutch Village Llc Mark Walker Grady Jensen N.Morris Estates Veterans Affairs Dutch Village Llc Turnwald Sueann Countrywide Home Fhc Wells Fargo Bk Fhc U.S. Bank Federal Home Pineview Estates Pineview Continental North Kontrin Jagoda Fenton Estates Fountain Pointe Hometown Amer River Valley Manor Charles Montgomery Citimortgage Inc Fnma Last Name Magee Magee Maggoo Maghee Magoulick Magyar Mahan Mahar Mahar Mahon Mailhot Main Maither Maitland Majchrowski Majied Majors Malin Malin Malin Malloy Malmberg Malone Malone Malone Malone Malone Malone Malone Mance Mance Manco Mandeville Mangold Mangold Mangus Manier Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Mann Manning Manning Manning Manning Manning Mannix Mannon Mannor Mannor Manns Manor First Name Michelle Michelle Trista La Var Kathlene Francis Tyre Malissa Malissa Quconna Timothy Michael Demetice Thomas Paul Claudie Jennifer Tara Tara Tara Edward Debbie Sandra Deonte Joy Joseph Perry Hosea Wendy Lawanda Lawanda Candice Nancy Pamela Pamela John Krystal Garney Stephan Bradley Tonya Tonya Stephan Sandra Ethel Ian Ethel Ronald Thomas John Kirk Kirk Jacoby Carol Date Case 9/19/2008 08-4718 8/19/2008 08-4098 10/22/2008 lta00904 1/11/2008 08-0249 10/2/2008 ltc01583 5/22/2008 ltb00908 5/14/2008 08-2325 4/1/2008 ltc00527 6/23/2008 08-3160 6/4/2008 08-2720 2/19/2008 ltf00187 6/30/2008 lta00557 4/23/2008 08-1924 3/31/2008 lta00280 4/14/2008 lte00454 4/8/2008 08-1660 5/7/2008 lta00387 2/25/2008 ltd00188 3/31/2008 ltd00302 10/3/2008 ltd00937 4/30/2008 08-2114 4/16/2008 08-1843 1/2/2008 ltf00010 1/2/2008 ltb00028 5/22/2008 ltc00776 4/24/2008 lte00492 4/22/2008 08-1935 10/27/2008 08-5704 9/29/2008 08-4893 10/1/2008 08-4974 6/11/2008 08-2905 9/11/2008 08-4638 7/25/2008 ltc01166 3/25/2008 lte00376 4/21/2008 08-1899 7/11/2008 08-3439 6/16/2008 08-2943 1/3/2008 ltc00031 3/25/2008 ltc00480 5/7/2008 ltc00720 10/3/2008 ltc01607 7/24/2008 ltc01135 7/30/2008 ltb01431 10/27/2008 ltc01733 1/8/2008 ltd00047 3/31/2008 08-1489 4/1/2008 ltd00321 2/11/2008 lta00125 3/27/2008 ltd00292 8/4/2008 ltc01248 1/24/2008 ltc00142 4/24/2008 ltc00605 8/28/2008 lte01127 8/4/2008 08-3883 Plaintiff Will Ferguson Will Ferguson Campbell Jason Theresa Mosley Bank Of N Y Wells Fargo Bank Na Matt Brady Stockton Tony American Mhp Tommie Pugh Wells Fargo Bank Srda John Joseph Chance Federal Nat Mtg Federal National Marvin Chapman Flint Pasadena Llc Pine View Lake Apts Llc Pine View Lake Apts Pine View Lk Apts Land Bank Executive Prop Maple Grove Huntington Circle Clovertree Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Treasure Enter Fhc Fhc Mary Geesaman Mary Geesaman Mark Buterakos Dutch Village Llc Knollwood Vill Apts Yam Lang Lee Daniel E Perkins Brister Padgett N.Morris Ests Ideal Rental Federal National N.Morris Estates N.Morris Estates Brookstone Valley Donald Young Sunridge Apts Barbara Auxier Sunridge Apts Revach Shlomo Pine Ridge Morequity Inc Traders Trust Comp Manufacturers Traders Trust Comp Thornridge Apts Valerie Young Last Name Mansfield Mansour Mantei Mantei Maple Marble March Marchant Marchi Marchi Marcou Marcum Marienthal Marion Marion Mark Mark Markee Marker Markey Markley Markley Markley Marko Marko Marks Marks Marks Marlow Marme Marme Marquez Marr Marriott Marriott Marsh Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall First Name Doug John John John Craig Angelina Robbie Jeffrey Shalon Shalon Veronica Lue Anne Annette Charles Aston Bruce Scott Emilia Saunya Dan Deborah Deborah Deborah Jennifer Lori Bobbie George Louis Sandra Christine Christine Ignacio Rachel Everton Everton Laura Robert Thelma Nicole Juann Shireen Melody Cokesha Willis Montreal Antwione Wendy Glen Jarmaine Alexis Anita Stephanie Co'kesha Carmen Date Case 9/3/2008 ltc01437 1/14/2008 ltd00070 6/12/2008 lta00511 3/25/2008 ltc00470 1/31/2008 lte00146 1/2/2008 lte00013 8/21/2008 ltc01315 4/25/2008 ltd00371 4/11/2008 ltd00341 8/15/2008 ltd00733 4/22/2008 08-1878 1/18/2008 ltd00081 7/3/2008 ltb01260 3/6/2008 08-1108 7/23/2008 ltf00900 1/16/2008 ltc00106 3/14/2008 08-1307 9/4/2008 ltc01439 8/12/2008 08-4018 1/7/2008 08-0042 2/5/2008 ltc00235 6/2/2008 ltc00872 7/24/2008 ltc01134 1/9/2008 ltf00073 1/3/2008 08-0158 1/15/2008 08-0280 3/24/2008 lte00354 8/19/2008 08-4052 10/30/2008 ltb02131 2/7/2008 lte00191 8/27/2008 lte01119 7/23/2008 ltb01362 5/30/2008 ltb01000 6/24/2008 lte00754 4/24/2008 lte00478 4/28/2008 ltb00686 1/30/2008 08-0484 10/30/2008 ltb02132 1/8/2008 ltd00044 1/8/2008 ltd00045 1/16/2008 08-0295 10/30/2008 ltb02123 1/8/2008 ltd00046 1/23/2008 08-0424 6/24/2008 ltc01021 5/5/2008 08-2202 5/23/2008 ltc00809 5/20/2008 08-2500 2/20/2008 ltc00318 4/17/2008 08-1828 2/14/2008 08-0867 6/23/2008 ltc00996 6/4/2008 ltd00520 3/4/2008 lta00193 Plaintiff Indian Hills Manor National Bank Ronald P Block Burkeshire Pointe Edgemont Park Thornridge Apts Sugartree Apts Federal National Mtg Gateway Manor Lp Gateway Manor Carriage Apts Margaret M Horan Twin Meadows Mhp Evelyn Sudberry Kings Lane Citifinancial Mtg Guy Czerwinski Gillie Cindy Michael Tougas Lawren Mitchell N.Morris Ests N.Morris Estates N.Morris Estates Pineview Estates Mort. Elect Reg Amerihome Mtg Group Five Mgmgt Fhc Arc Torrey Hills Gateway Of Gr Bl Gateway Of Gr Bl Stockton Tony Venture Centerpk Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Deutsche Bank Booth Browne Cambridge Sq Flint Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Odessia Peterson Camelot Villa Sunridge Apts Us Bank Na H Tannenbaum Orchard Ridge Est Mt Morris Ldhalp Stephen Turner Rocca Jacquelyn Laurene Petry Deutsche Bank Bristol Court Sunridge Apts River Valley Manor Last Name Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin First Name M Carmen James Ebony Co'kesha Robert Stephanie Glen Stephanie Juann James Co'kesha Stephanie Trenay Joshua Julius Christine Christopher Keaira Clarence Julius Mary Clarence Juluis Tracy David Tamara Patricia Michael Janita Diana Diana Clarence Renee Amiyrah Felicia Bonita Sonya Sonya Julius Laura Clarence Julius Tamara Dawn Renue Jacqueline David Latoya Kim Christian Latoya Keaira Alexis Date Case 10/6/2008 08-5026 7/30/2008 lta00630 8/4/2008 08-3849 10/30/2008 08-5798 9/30/2008 ltd00903 7/31/2008 08-3794 8/21/2008 ltc01339 8/12/2008 08-3989 7/25/2008 ltc01177 8/26/2008 ltd00793 9/24/2008 ltf01163 8/26/2008 ltd00794 9/24/2008 ltc01519 9/12/2008 08-4635 1/2/2008 08-0074 1/8/2008 ltd00043 10/24/2008 lte01421 1/14/2008 08-0214 1/9/2008 lta00039 6/17/2008 lta00524 4/30/2008 ltd00399 6/3/2008 lta00474 5/20/2008 lta00423 2/26/2008 ltd00210 5/2/2008 08-2245 4/18/2008 ltd00351 4/17/2008 lta00326 5/19/2008 08-2437 5/22/2008 lte00634 5/15/2008 08-2361 5/22/2008 lte00629 6/23/2008 lte00734 3/4/2008 lta00195 6/30/2008 ltc01055 2/4/2008 08-0709 9/30/2008 08-4941 8/27/2008 ltf01037 7/28/2008 08-3732 10/24/2008 08-5596 8/26/2008 ltd00792 8/29/2008 08-4381 10/21/2008 lta00900 7/1/2008 ltd00600 10/14/2008 lta00880 9/17/2008 ltc01479 6/20/2008 08-3101 9/3/2008 08-4421 7/1/2008 08-3235 7/8/2008 08-3128 10/1/2008 08-4972 8/12/2008 08-3986 9/25/2008 08-4821 8/18/2008 lta00685 10/21/2008 08-5524 Plaintiff Treasure Enter River Valley Manor Orchard Ridge Est David Louis Sunridge Apts Booth Browne Bristol Court Stephen Turner Bristol Court Sunridge Apts Kings Lane Sunridge Apts Bristol Court David Louis American Mhp Sunridge Apts Parkwood Mhp Fidelity Bank Genesee Vill Apts River Valley Manor Sunridge Apts Robert Swales River Valley Manor Sunridge Apts Federal Nat Mtg Lake Fenton Mhp Campbell Janette David Louis Us Bank National Steven Knific Riverbend Apts Riverbend Apts River Valley Manor Yobuck John Ctry Cl Man Apts Linnie Couch Gpa Mgt F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P Sunridge Apts Loreta Vaughn River Valley Manor Sunridge Apts Campbell Lloyd Indian Hills Manor John Yobuck Orchard Ridge Est Executive Prop Harold Britton Wells Fargo Bk Patricia Locke Gerald Burton Genesee Vill Apts Freddie B. Atkins Last Name Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Iii Martin Iii Martin Iii Martin Iii Martinez Martinez Martinez Martinez Martinson Marve Marvel Masadinton Masak Mascio Mask Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Mason Massey Massey Massey Massey Massey Massey Massey Massey Massey Massey First Name Laura Julie Kim Lekita Ranald Calvin Angela Clarence Clarence Clarence Clarence Carlos Margaret Christa Emilio Patcy Michelle Jim Eddie Christina Curtis Wilbern Rhonda Jaquicia Sacoria Charles Latasha Jackie Shanika Charles D'Wanda Gregory Yoko Charles James Reginal Charles Angelia Rhonda Latasha Charles Rhonda Rhonda Rhonda Robert Robert Melissa Robert Robert Melissa Robert Sean Tremetrese Sean Date Case 7/22/2008 08-3611 6/16/2008 08-2979 10/1/2008 08-4971 9/17/2008 ltb01795 8/5/2008 ltf00964 9/3/2008 08-4360 8/1/2008 ltf00935 1/8/2008 lta00033 4/22/2008 lta00336 8/19/2008 lta00698 7/30/2008 lta00632 6/10/2008 lte00703 4/10/2008 ltf00407 6/24/2008 ltf00746 7/21/2008 lte00857 1/2/2008 08-0004 1/10/2008 ltc00065 8/7/2008 ltd00725 9/16/2008 08-4647 7/29/2008 ltf00930 1/31/2008 ltb00204 4/21/2008 08-1876 1/9/2008 ltf00058 1/18/2008 08-0356 1/30/2008 08-0622 1/8/2008 ltd00042 1/18/2008 08-0382 1/14/2008 08-0255 5/19/2008 08-2445 4/30/2008 ltd00398 5/21/2008 lte00580 3/3/2008 08-0979 2/15/2008 ltc00271 2/26/2008 ltd00209 6/20/2008 lte00725 4/25/2008 08-1967 9/30/2008 ltd00902 7/15/2008 08-3459 8/5/2008 ltf00945 7/18/2008 08-3530 7/1/2008 ltd00601 7/1/2008 ltf00791 9/3/2008 ltf01054 10/1/2008 ltf01235 1/15/2008 08-0281 4/21/2008 08-1896 5/19/2008 08-2420 5/19/2008 08-2399 2/19/2008 08-0892 3/7/2008 08-1190 3/24/2008 08-1766 9/9/2008 lta00760 9/30/2008 08-4876 8/27/2008 lta00733 Plaintiff Loreta Vaughn Fhc Wells Fargo Bk Riverwood Lux Apts Pineview Wells Fargo Bk Barnes Jack River Valley Manor River Valley Manor River Valley Manor River Valley Manor Grande Pointe Apts Pineview Kings Lane Maple Park Terraces Jason Smith Sugartree Apts Kubik Fred Andrew Smith Creekwood Stratford Sq Apts Gmac Mtg Pineview Shiloh Com Twnh Eagle Ridge Sq Sunridge Apts Evergreen Reg Richard Smith Evergreen Reg Sunridge Apts Mapleridge Apts Anthony Lachcik Bohannon Naomi Sunridge Apts Gateway Of Gr Bl Mary L McClure Sunridge Apts Tdm Realty Pine View Fhc Sunridge Apts Pine View Pineview Pineview Estates James Sykes James Sykes Fhc James Sykes James Sykes Fhc James Sykes Wells Fargo Jimmey Cricton Wells Fargo Last Name Massey Massoud Masters Masterson Mastin Mastin Mastin Mata Mata Mata Matamoros Mathers Mathews Mathews Mathewson Mathis Mathis Mathis Mathis Mathis Matiere Matiere Matiere Matthess Matthess Matthew Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Matthews Mattia Matusik Matuszak Matuszak Matuszak Maule Maule Maupin Maurer Mauws Maxey Maxie Maxie Maxie-Stack Maxon Maxon May First Name Shanika Nagia Jeff Steve Crystal Michael Crystal Jessica Rob Alicia Eduardo Mary Ryan Deonte Janett Greg Mary Rob Robert Patricia Zjhanese Zjhanese Zjhanese Candi Penny Mary Mary Therese Toby Jeremy Mageela John Phillip Toby Danny Mageela Carol Ziad Mark Mariann Mariann Mariann Patrick Patrick Natasha Shawn Alissa Brandon Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Jimmy Jimmy Rebbecca Date Case 9/16/2008 08-4646 4/7/2008 lte00442 10/21/2008 lta00892 10/10/2008 lta00866 8/20/2008 ltb01574 7/31/2008 lta00646 10/14/2008 ltb02024 5/5/2008 ltf00514 2/13/2008 lta00134 9/22/2008 08-4756 7/9/2008 08-3306 8/15/2008 lte01016 4/16/2008 ltc00594 3/4/2008 lta00203 10/10/2008 ltb02009 5/5/2008 ltf00479 4/30/2008 08-1964 5/28/2008 08-2559 4/11/2008 ltc00580 4/28/2008 lte00504 2/8/2008 08-0794 6/16/2008 08-2925 8/13/2008 08-3958 9/23/2008 08-4743 8/28/2008 ltb01695 2/13/2008 08-0818 3/31/2008 08-1487 2/4/2008 08-0731 6/10/2008 lte00704 6/26/2008 lte00781 3/31/2008 ltc00516 4/22/2008 ltf00455 2/5/2008 lte00182 7/22/2008 lte00874 7/10/2008 08-3377 8/4/2008 ltc01264 7/8/2008 ltb01295 9/16/2008 08-4579 10/10/2008 lta00863 10/24/2008 ltb02095 5/5/2008 ltc00717 7/31/2008 ltb01512 1/10/2008 ltc00061 4/25/2008 ltc00650 1/18/2008 08-0319 10/2/2008 08-5009 5/30/2008 08-2697 6/24/2008 lte00769 1/2/2008 08-0103 2/4/2008 08-0693 4/30/2008 08-2108 2/5/2008 lte00187 4/24/2008 lte00495 6/24/2008 lte00755 Plaintiff Brister Padgett Wells Fargo Bank Kilmer Danny Hsbc Bank Usa Three Rivers Assoc West Court Ranch Apt Three Rivers Assoc Kings Lane Valley Meadows Richfield Aprts S. Wolin Federal National Indian Hills Manor Polen Mortgage Us Bank Villa Grande Wikle Goyette Dale G Patten Szostak Thomas Hometown America Gradn Blan Richfield Apts Lp Richfield Apts Richfield Apts American Mhp Genesee Valley Ray Collins Ray Collins Fhc Grande Pointe Apts Maplebrook Village Cedarshores Apts Meadowbrook Manor Maplebrook Vill Apts Grande Pointe Apts Orchard Ridge Est Cedarshores Apt Madison Pk Est Us Bank Fed National Mtg Westwood Management Trantham Ray Westwood Management Sugartree Apts Sugartree Apts Terry Nazarijchik Citifinancial Mtg Eagle Ridge Sq Grand Bend Club Apts Shiloh Com Twnh Shiloh Com Twnh Shiloh Com Twnh Maplebrook Vill Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Perry Place Apts Last Name May May May May May May Maybee Mayberry Mayberry Mayer Mayes Mayes Mayes Mayes Mayes Mayes Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Maynard Maynor Maynor Maynor Mayo Mayo Mays Mays Mays Mays Mays Mays Mays Mays Mays Mays Mays Maziarz Mazur-Benn Mazy McAdary McAlister McAllister McAra First Name Isaiah Delver Tiombe Lonisha Lonnell Timbe Florence Meta Terrance John Barbara Greg Kevin Donna Deloris Donna Johnny Johnnie Johnnie Remond Johnny Remond Johnnie Linda Linda Johnnie Remond Johnnie Remond Remond Amy Rickelle Kenya Della Markito Markita Eric Jonathin Robert Corwanna Marvin Lisa William Dudley Jonathin Samuel Corwanna Chris Kim April Noah James Desiree David Date Case 6/4/2008 ltd00521 5/28/2008 08-2645 2/26/2008 ltd00208 4/22/2008 08-1891 8/18/2008 08-4031 8/26/2008 ltd00788 10/28/2008 ltb02111 4/30/2008 08-2104 9/23/2008 lta00813 6/18/2008 08-3056 3/24/2008 08-1408 3/25/2008 ltc00452 2/21/2008 lte00232 10/14/2008 ltc01632 7/28/2008 lta00620 8/27/2008 ltc01396 1/11/2008 lta00045 10/30/2008 ltb02124 5/21/2008 ltb00867 4/1/2008 08-1549 6/25/2008 lta00550 2/4/2008 08-0694 2/25/2008 08-0995 4/24/2008 ltc00616 7/28/2008 ltc01214 7/23/2008 ltb01357 7/3/2008 08-3295 10/2/2008 ltb01923 8/19/2008 08-4164 10/17/2008 08-5237 6/11/2008 ltd00540 1/30/2008 08-0525 3/20/2008 ltf00333 9/26/2008 08-4695 7/21/2008 08-3593 6/16/2008 08-3019 1/31/2008 08-0490 4/1/2008 08-1537 5/15/2008 lte00572 5/5/2008 08-2203 10/6/2008 08-5033 8/4/2008 ltf00936 8/19/2008 08-4048 9/9/2008 08-4472 8/28/2008 08-4272 6/20/2008 08-3044 9/26/2008 08-4671 5/27/2008 lte00663 3/19/2008 08-1760 10/27/2008 ltb02104 7/10/2008 08-3384 1/29/2008 ltd00106 6/23/2008 ltc00993 6/25/2008 ltc01034 Plaintiff Sunridge Apts Court St Village Sunridge Apts Bryan Carrell Kingdom Mgmt Sunridge Apts Charter Oaks Apts Ed Geesaman River Valley Manor Alicia Verkennes Mtglq Investors L.P. Southcreek Village Perry Place Apts Bristol Court Laurence Wolf Prop Bristol Court Yea Yuan Sye Riverwood Lux Apts Riverwood Lux Apts Shiloh Com Twnh Yea Yuan Sye Shiloh Com Twnh Westgate Ter Apts Pineshores Apts Pineshores Apts Riverwood Lux Apts Shiloh Com Twnh Riverwood Lux Apts Shiloh Com Twnh Shiloh Com Twnh Lemke Dale Orchard Lane Kings Lane Herb Gulledge Treasure Enter Treasure Enter Tom Joubran Orchard Lane Federal National Orchard Ridge Est Orchard Ridge Carraseo Marquieta Fhc Federal H Mtg Orchard Lane Us Bank Mark Kenney Perry Place Apts Robert J. Cavett Davison Hills Mhp Ray Collins Apple Creek Station Dutch Village Llc Bank Of New York Last Name McArdwell McBain McBean McBrayer McBride McBride McBride McBride McBride McBride McBride McBride McBridge McCaa McCaa McCallister McCann McCann Jr McCants McCard McCarron McCarthy McCary McCaskill McCaskill McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClain McClelland McClelland McClennon McCleod McClinton McClinton McClinton McClinton McCloskey McCloud McClure McClure First Name Leo Marchelle Eric Jerald Shanika Tyeisha Monica Tyeisha Deleisa Daniel Tyeisha Aaron Daniel Christal Christal Jamie Edward James Regina Forrest Jody Kathy Myra Dominic Dominic Letisha Susan Deborah Marcina Megan Macina Monica Marcina Rebecca Alicia Megan Bobbiejean Deborah Marcina Marcina Marcina Barbara Joyce Leslie Michael Frank Tara James Tara Lora Robert Joan Starla David Date Case 10/20/2008 08-5535 1/8/2008 lta00030 1/3/2008 ltc00030 10/29/2008 lte01470 1/18/2008 08-0367 4/8/2008 08-1598 2/4/2008 08-0728 2/6/2008 08-0778 2/4/2008 08-0745 6/18/2008 ltb01116 7/10/2008 08-3364 8/26/2008 ltf01008 5/28/2008 ltb00985 1/23/2008 08-0433 6/11/2008 08-2887 9/16/2008 08-4581 2/22/2008 lta00168 8/27/2008 ltb01677 5/1/2008 08-2182 9/3/2008 ltf01067 4/18/2008 08-1868 7/9/2008 ltf00848 4/4/2008 08-1582 6/20/2008 ltf00715 7/21/2008 ltf00875 1/9/2008 08-0179 1/30/2008 08-0627 4/1/2008 08-1535 3/11/2008 08-1132 6/20/2008 ltc00966 5/12/2008 08-2322 4/30/2008 ltc00691 7/14/2008 08-3332 9/24/2008 ltb01871 10/27/2008 08-5711 7/25/2008 ltc01160 9/22/2008 lte01211 7/31/2008 08-3760 6/11/2008 08-2782 9/11/2008 08-4504 8/12/2008 08-3987 8/5/2008 08-3783 6/19/2008 ltb01130 6/10/2008 lta00497 5/7/2008 lta00392 2/26/2008 08-1033 2/1/2008 08-0642 5/5/2008 08-2102 6/30/2008 08-3230 7/8/2008 08-3353 4/16/2008 ltc00586 7/16/2008 08-3453 5/22/2008 lte00608 3/31/2008 ltc00523 Plaintiff Evelyn Angel River Valley Manor N.Morris Ests Country Club Miller Lawrence Moore Rollingwood Man Fhc Rollingwood Man Fhc Arc Torrey Hills Rollingwood Man Creekwood Arc Torrey Hills Roger Green Roger Green Dennis Messenger Federal Home Loan Lloyd Robert Westgate Terr Apts Green Acre Tdm Creekwood Donald Golightly Malik Steven Malik Steve Rosewood M Apts Nove Henderson Rosewood M Apts Danny Zerka Southcreek Village Danny Zerka Cedarshores Apt Danny Zerka Stockton Tony Fhc Southcreek Village Parkwood Mhp Rosewood M Apts Danny Zerka Danny Zerka Danny Zerka Doris McCla Collingwood Vill Apts Fed National Mtg Genesee Vill Apts Holiday Village Steven Boyce Bank Of Ny Margaret Ross Ballenger Manor Csirke Leigh Richfield Apts Fountain Pointe Bank Of Ny Last Name McCollum McComas McComb McCombs McCombs McCombs McConnaug McConnell McConnell McCormick McCormick McCormick McCormick McCotter McCovery McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy McCrady McCrady McCrandall McCree McCulley McCulley McCulley McCullough McCullough McDaniel McDaniel McDaniel McDaniel McDaniel McDaniel McDaniel McDaniel McDaniel McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonnell McDougal McDowell McDowell McDowell First Name Sedgwick Gary Jarrod Joey Beverly Mary Candice William William Kyle Kyle Sunsyra Kyle Andrew James Shyann Shyann Lavada Wendy Shadonna Wendy Charessa Wendy Sharon Sharon Sheri Danee Roxanna Roxanna Roxanna Trista Trista Dawana Michael Jay Latoyia Latoyia Dwana Kimberly Tonja Elgean Patricia Allison Keyana Starlene Georgia Sparkle Rushawnda Keyana Steve William Anna Yvonne Jeremy Date Case 10/9/2008 lte01332 5/22/2008 lte00633 2/25/2008 08-0959 2/27/2008 08-0926 8/28/2008 ltb01715 10/28/2008 08-5738 9/8/2008 ltb01762 10/27/2008 ltf01337 1/25/2008 08-0535 5/27/2008 ltb00955 7/24/2008 ltb01372 9/29/2008 lte01305 9/23/2008 ltb01834 5/13/2008 ltc00732 10/22/2008 ltc01667 2/21/2008 lte00217 6/24/2008 lte00770 5/22/2008 ltf00603 5/1/2008 08-2095 9/25/2008 08-4811 6/12/2008 08-2913 6/17/2008 08-2931 10/31/2008 08-5819 1/11/2008 08-0212 9/4/2008 08-4264 9/8/2008 ltb01758 5/19/2008 08-2455 4/3/2008 ltc00558 2/5/2008 ltc00222 4/30/2008 ltc00704 9/3/2008 08-4428 6/6/2008 08-2768 2/12/2008 08-0661 3/7/2008 08-1218 2/26/2008 ltd00207 4/4/2008 08-1610 9/17/2008 ltb01790 7/22/2008 08-3546 7/24/2008 ltc01133 9/26/2008 08-4701 8/19/2008 08-4042 4/7/2008 08-1557 3/17/2008 08-1281 4/22/2008 08-1936 4/4/2008 08-1622 7/21/2008 08-3543 10/27/2008 08-5710 10/24/2008 08-5671 8/18/2008 08-4032 6/17/2008 ltb01108 7/7/2008 lta00563 10/22/2008 ltc01668 3/5/2008 08-1163 8/27/2008 08-4340 Plaintiff Thornridge Apts Federal National Chase Bank Usa Jimmy Thames Twin Meadows Mhp Carriage Town Sq Fisherman's Cove Kings Lane American Mhp Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Cedar Bend Apts Kearsley Creek Llc Doer Properties Clemons Ola Grand Bend Apts Grand Bend Club Apts Kings Lane Dayne Davis Tdm Realty Dayne Davis Larry Flagg Park Manor Elaine Blair Elaine Blair White Oak Estates Pengelly Apts Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Elms Mhc Elms Mhc Mark Walker Fhc Sunridge Apts Fhc Land Bank Mark Walker N.Morris Estates Ralph Hardy Fhc James Thorne David Louis Treasure Enter Fhc Mary K Fox Fhc Marge Allen Kingdom Mgmt Ferrell Doug Wells Fargo Bank Southcreek Village Richfield Apts Tony Stockton Last Name McDowell McDowell McDowell McElroy McElroy McElroy McElroy McEwen McFadden McFadden McFadden McFadden McFadden McFadden McFadden McFadden McFall McFarland McFarland McFarland McFarland McFarland McFatridge McFatridge McGahee-Lit McGaughy McGee McGee McGee McGee McGee McGee McGee McGee McGee McGee McGee McGee McGee McGell McGhee McGhee McGhee McGhee McGinnis McGinnis McGinnis McGivern McGivern McGlaughlin McGlaughlin McGlaughlin McGlown McGovern First Name Jeremy Jorri Yuvonne Martin Martin Martin Shlonda Susie Charisse Marian Ashley Terrera Durent Mechelle Tina Teresa Katrina Tremayne Tremayne Tremayne Tremayne Bridgette Angela Angela Tujuana Jimmy Jarael Monica Rick Mary James Tameca Darryl Jorael Dorothy Jarael Mary Cornelius Deborah Refinald James Brian Larissa Darrell Michele Diana Michaeal Timothy Cassandra Akeya Akeya Akeya Krissi Lori Date Case 10/28/2008 08-5755 10/29/2008 08-5765 9/25/2008 08-4826 6/27/2008 ltb01161 3/18/2008 ltb00475 8/25/2008 ltb01608 9/10/2008 08-4493 6/11/2008 08-2780 1/24/2008 08-0516 1/8/2008 ltf00049 1/30/2008 ltb00190 1/24/2008 ltb00130 5/12/2008 ltc00728 2/20/2008 ltc00317 7/22/2008 lta00603 10/14/2008 ltb02025 7/21/2008 lte00852 1/3/2008 ltc00013 4/1/2008 ltc00533 2/6/2008 ltc00248 7/1/2008 ltc01064 7/28/2008 ltc01215 1/29/2008 ltc00204 8/27/2008 ltb01662 8/26/2008 ltd00791 10/27/2008 08-5701 10/30/2008 ltb02125 1/31/2008 lte00152 1/4/2008 08-0023 4/30/2008 ltd00400 5/28/2008 08-2608 5/16/2008 08-2426 3/11/2008 ltc00405 5/28/2008 ltb00972 6/25/2008 ltc01045 10/2/2008 ltb01924 8/26/2008 ltd00790 7/9/2008 08-3359 8/28/2008 08-4279 5/15/2008 08-2375 3/5/2008 ltb00409 9/2/2008 08-4359 10/6/2008 08-5039 10/14/2008 ltb02021 5/27/2008 ltd00484 3/7/2008 ltc00399 7/3/2008 ltf00842 6/25/2008 ltf00758 6/24/2008 lta00548 1/25/2008 ltc00173 4/25/2008 ltc00683 7/25/2008 ltc01189 5/7/2008 08-2222 7/30/2008 ltd00692 Plaintiff Tony Stockton Evergreen Reg Gerald Burton Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Lyle Simpson Reginald Owens Creekside Apts Green Briar Cambridge Square Flint Three Rivers Assoc Turner Robert Gillie Cindy Pheasant Run Mobile Three Rivers Assoc Mapleridge Apts Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Pineshores Apts Kay S Fisher Westwood Management Sunridge Apts Fhc Riverwood Lux Apts Knollwood Vill Apt Thom Casselman Sunridge Apts Comfort Amable Bank N Y Doerr Properties Riverwood Lux Apts Pineshores Apts Riverwood Lux Apts Sunridge Apts Redstone Twh Ideal Rental Executive Prop Brookstone Valley Chase Home Fin Jcm Universal Three Rivers Assoc Burton Gerald Mtg Co Fed Loan Richard John Sobota Matt Wothke Us Bank Nat Assoc Bristol Court Bristol Court Bristol Court Mtglq Investors Lp Pine Ridge Last Name McGowan McGrady-Ho McGrath McGrath McGrath McGraw McHenry McHenry McHugh McHugh McIlroy McIlroy McInnes McInnis McIntire McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh McKee McKeehan McKellar McKenney McKenney McKenney McKenney McKenney McKenney McKenney McKenzie McKenzie McKenzie McKerman McKinley McKinney McKinstry McKinze McKinzie McKinzie McKinzie McKinzie McKinzie McKivens McKnuckle McKone McKone McLain McLaughlin McLean McLean McLees McLeisn McLemore McLemore McLemore First Name Dennis Michelle Beth Mandy James Colleen Danielle Danielle Brian Brian Martin Sara Mary Amber Julie William Rachelle William Mark Heather David Troy Brad Kendra Kendra Brad Claressa Kendra Philip Sharon Sharon John Bruce Shamika Kathleen Dominique Domique Jeanette Dominique Perry Jeanette Monica Frederic Sabrina Cindy Terrance Jenypher Sedeka Debra Amy Don Norman Carmone Norman Date Case 3/14/2008 lte00336 10/13/2008 lte01370 3/19/2008 08-1743 8/1/2008 08-3838 8/28/2008 ltb01702 9/19/2008 08-4716 6/5/2008 lte00696 2/26/2008 lte00268 2/29/2008 ltb00385 9/22/2008 ltb01819 5/22/2008 ltb00893 7/3/2008 08-3241 5/22/2008 ltb00894 1/2/2008 08-0139 9/10/2008 ltc01463 9/22/2008 lte01239 9/22/2008 ltb01813 10/13/2008 lte01367 10/15/2008 08-5205 3/17/2008 ltf00307 5/21/2008 lta00435 1/23/2008 ltb00113 6/4/2008 ltb01072 4/2/2008 ltb00643 6/4/2008 ltb01073 3/3/2008 ltb00399 10/24/2008 08-5625 8/27/2008 ltb01663 2/4/2008 08-0743 2/4/2008 08-0739 9/29/2008 08-4845 9/29/2008 ltb01915 3/28/2008 08-1466 7/31/2008 08-3822 2/22/2008 lte00255 1/23/2008 08-0343 3/19/2008 08-1742 10/24/2008 08-5629 6/30/2008 08-3118 7/30/2008 lte00916 7/16/2008 08-3512 5/1/2008 ltb00780 7/28/2008 08-3568 4/28/2008 lta00365 8/18/2008 lta00693 9/10/2008 08-4528 3/25/2008 ltc00448 7/22/2008 08-3607 7/22/2008 08-3606 9/22/2008 lte01214 6/11/2008 08-2874 8/20/2008 08-4136 6/25/2008 08-3171 9/17/2008 ltc01476 Plaintiff Grande Pointe Apts Stonehenge Gates L Colagiovanni Elms Mhc Riverside Mhp Dayne Davis Edgemont Pk Twh Edgemont Pk Twh Hometown Amer Hometown Amer Windsor Place Apts Dennis Reiley Windsor Place Apts Arbor Vill Apts Cranbrook Village Stonehenge Gates Keeler Marilyn Stonehenge Gates Park Manor Case Tom Flint Pasadena Llc Rising Ests Apts Westwood Management Westwood Management Westwood Management Westwood Management Evergreen Reg Westwood Management Fhc Fhc Fhc Continental North Phillip Johnson Ideal Rental Home Knollwood Vill Apts Ray Collins Ray Collins Matt Wothke Ray Collins Parkwood Mhp Matt Wothke Bank Of New York River Village Apts Somerset Apartments Dale L Congdon Julie Hendershot Quail Ridge Apts Paul Clasper Paul Clasper Valdes Carlos Richard Smith Lloyd Havrilla Tony Stockton Havrilla Norma Last Name McLenna McLeod McLeod McLinton McLlen McLone McLoud McMillan McMillan McMillan McMillian McMillian McMillian McMillin McMillin McMillin McMillin McMillion McMillion McMorris McMullan McMullen McMullen McMullen McMullen McMullen McMullian McMurray McMurtney McMurtney McMurtry McNamara McNaught McNaught McNeal McNeal McNeal McNeal McNeal McNeal McNeal McNeal McNeal McNeil McNiel McNight McNinch McPheron McPherson McPherson McPherson McPhilimy McPhilimy McPhilimy First Name Melissa Elyce Maurine Tara Tory Sean Joan Lakeshia Eugene Lakeshia Linda Tamika Nicole Kevin Kevin Jennifer David Cheryl Antonieo Daryl Bridget Mary Tony Troy Brendan Raymond Bridgett John Patricia Patricia William Robert Branigan Branigan Lakeisha Jackie Lakeisha Sherae Kristin Jackie Morris Laytonya Jackie Annetta Ami Dedra Sheila Jasmine Jasmin Jasmin Jasmine Geralyn Geralyn Geralyn Date Case 6/23/2008 ltc00986 1/28/2008 08-0571 5/13/2008 ltf00569 1/14/2008 08-0258 8/15/2008 08-4117 2/6/2008 ltc00258 5/8/2008 08-2249 1/11/2008 08-0229 8/14/2008 08-4081 7/1/2008 08-3122 2/8/2008 08-0674 2/13/2008 08-0854 2/19/2008 ltc00281 4/25/2008 ltc00665 5/23/2008 ltc00788 7/30/2008 lte00940 10/20/2008 ltf01279 4/17/2008 08-1804 7/30/2008 ltb01432 3/6/2008 ltc00396 4/11/2008 08-1708 5/23/2008 ltc00815 3/18/2008 08-1757 5/13/2008 08-2343 7/31/2008 lte00962 9/25/2008 lta00840 2/8/2008 08-0801 5/20/2008 ltd00457 6/4/2008 ltb01026 7/30/2008 ltb01440 3/12/2008 08-1237 9/11/2008 08-4551 4/10/2008 ltf00434 8/5/2008 ltf00939 10/27/2008 ltf01338 1/8/2008 ltd00041 5/28/2008 08-2596 4/2/2008 ltb00630 4/25/2008 ltc00663 4/1/2008 ltd00320 7/11/2008 08-3400 6/30/2008 08-3229 7/29/2008 ltd00663 6/25/2008 ltc01044 3/28/2008 ltb00566 7/28/2008 08-3803 6/4/2008 ltb01074 9/30/2008 08-4966 4/22/2008 08-1880 2/12/2008 08-0812 7/25/2008 08-3676 10/30/2008 ltf01364 8/5/2008 ltf00949 9/3/2008 ltf01082 Plaintiff G Lemieux Secure Ll Credit Fnma Steven Boyce Joseph Chane National Assoc As T Wells Fargo B Richfield Apts Vickie George Mortgage Elect Vickie George Joel Alfaro Mike Shayna Sugartree Apts Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Perry Place Apts Matt Wothke Douglas Spalding Brookstone Valley Ellington Credit Fund 1 Richfield Apts E & R Properties Greg Goss Joseph Chance Federal National Bank Of New York Richfield Apts Lp Executive Prop Madison Pk Est Madison Pk Est Lasalle Bank Fnma Green Acre Apts Green Acre Kings Lane Sunridge Apts Creekside Apts Dada Group Llc Clovertree Apts Sunridge Apts Bobbie Kirby Tougas & Co Sunridge Apts Pineshores Apts Continental North Motorcity Group Westwood Management Redstone Twh Creekside Apts Venita Dudley Mark Tyler Pineview Estates Pineview Pineview Last Name McPhilimy McQueen McQuire McSigue McVey McWherter Mead Meade Meade Meadows Mealor Mealor Mears Meauley Mechura Median Medina Meekins Meekins Meeks Meeks Meeks Meeks Meeks Meere Mefford Meggs Meier Meier Meinecke Mejia Jr Meleish Melendez Melki Mellado Mellado Menifee Menifee Menifee Mens Mercier Mereles Merrill Merrill Merrill Merrill Merritt Merritt Merritt Merritt Merriwether Merriwether Merrow Merry First Name Geralyn Pamela London Deanna Tammy Patricia Mark Jennifer Jennifer Vendeshia Chrissi Rose Gary Gregory Maria Maxine Julius Rosner Rosner Sherry Angela Sherry Eureka Patricia Lisa Katie Kelli Timothy Timothy Dan Jose Carl Damarie Alexander Robert Robert Lanessa Lanessa Lanessa Darnell Shawn Phillip Victoria David Sabrina Sabrina Kimberly Greg Greg Brandy Anita Anita Leslie Katherine Date Case 7/1/2008 ltf00799 1/9/2008 ltb00097 8/5/2008 ltc01278 1/8/2008 ltc00047 9/23/2008 08-4737 10/22/2008 ltc01671 10/27/2008 lta00921 5/27/2008 lte00676 9/24/2008 lte01278 2/4/2008 08-0646 1/29/2008 08-0469 7/1/2008 08-3107 2/6/2008 ltf00152 10/24/2008 08-5553 1/22/2008 ltd00085 2/15/2008 08-0591 3/25/2008 ltc00449 1/17/2008 08-0365 1/17/2008 08-0361 1/24/2008 ltb00131 8/19/2008 08-4010 7/16/2008 ltb01329 10/27/2008 08-5729 6/24/2008 08-3147 3/11/2008 lta00218 10/28/2008 ltb02112 3/25/2008 08-1369 4/10/2008 lta00303 6/11/2008 lta00510 9/24/2008 ltb01852 10/23/2008 ltb02048 5/22/2008 ltb00943 3/7/2008 08-1202 5/27/2008 ltd00476 7/15/2008 08-3491 9/26/2008 08-4673 3/10/2008 lta00206 4/28/2008 08-2022 9/22/2008 08-4772 5/6/2008 08-2211 9/3/2008 ltf01052 4/29/2008 lte00521 6/25/2008 08-3177 4/2/2008 ltb00620 2/1/2008 08-0495 5/30/2008 08-2687 10/27/2008 lte01452 1/7/2008 lte00045 3/14/2008 lte00330 10/15/2008 lte01378 4/22/2008 08-1945 7/28/2008 08-3696 6/26/2008 lte00780 9/29/2008 ltb01883 Plaintiff Pine View Madison Pk Est Indian Hills Manor Gray Marie River Village Apts Southcreek Village Westhaven Mhp Llc Maplebrook Vill Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Lajuan Gibson Beverly Jefferson Larry Bloodworth Carl L Bekofske Chris Harris Becker Heidi Fendert Quail Ridge Apts Bank Of Ny Bank Of Ny Three Rivers Assoc Joeann Davis Three Rivers Assoc Fhc Metawan Hills Malknecht Steven Charter Oaks Apts Joseph Foust Flint Twp Prop Flint Twp Prop Windsor Place Apts Kearsley Lake Terr Continental Estates Fhc Us Bank Clifton Sterling Imogene Sterling Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bk Indymac Bank Brister Padgett Genesee Villa Fountain Pointe Marge Allen Twin Meadows Mhp Gene Coleman Orchard Ridge Est Maplebrook Vill Apts Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Riverbend Apts Georgian Crt Apts Georgian Crt Apts Maplebrook Village White Oak Estates Last Name Meserall Meskiles Messina Messina Messina Metar Metcalf Metzger Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyers Meyers Meyers Meyers Mich Mich Mich Mich Mich Mich Michael Michael Michelz Mickle Mickles Middleton Mier Mier Mier Miguel Mikolajczyk Mikolajezyk Mikolowski Mikula Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Miles Milhouse Millard Millard Millard Millard Millard Millard First Name Harold Scott John Andy John Dustin Stenisha Todd Mark Erik Erik Erik James Sonya Jennifer Jason Terry Terry Ronnie Terry Terry Terry David Shain Shane Lauren Diane Ben Bret Bret Bret Santresa Lawrence Larry Chris Tim David Robert Sharon Callie Sharon Ebony Hostlean Ricky Sharon Michael Ebony Tiara Jeremy Jacklyn Jeremy Jeremy Tina Jeremy Date Case 8/27/2008 ltb01685 3/20/2008 lta00239 5/13/2008 ltf00574 6/20/2008 ltd00567 7/1/2008 ltf00837 6/20/2008 ltc00979 3/5/2008 ltb00410 5/22/2008 lte00617 5/7/2008 ltb00806 5/22/2008 08-2540 3/13/2008 08-1250 7/11/2008 08-3449 10/22/2008 ltc01689 3/25/2008 ltc00447 2/22/2008 lte00243 7/21/2008 ltb01350 5/27/2008 lte00642 2/20/2008 lte00211 8/6/2008 lta00660 7/30/2008 lte00956 9/25/2008 lte01288 8/22/2008 lte01064 2/25/2008 ltb00303 2/25/2008 08-0967 5/5/2008 ltf00483 5/22/2008 ltf00584 10/27/2008 08-5728 7/15/2008 08-3341 10/30/2008 ltf01365 6/3/2008 ltf00655 8/5/2008 ltf00954 4/28/2008 08-2050 10/17/2008 ltd00965 5/13/2008 08-2297 10/22/2008 08-5640 2/26/2008 ltc00355 1/4/2008 08-0143 1/17/2008 08-0359 4/4/2008 08-1615 5/2/2008 08-2076 5/20/2008 08-2490 6/4/2008 ltb01040 4/11/2008 08-1710 5/19/2008 08-2421 8/19/2008 08-4096 9/3/2008 08-4429 10/23/2008 08-5508 1/16/2008 08-0307 4/3/2008 ltc00552 4/30/2008 08-2062 2/5/2008 ltc00236 10/3/2008 ltc01608 8/26/2008 ltd00818 7/24/2008 ltc01136 Plaintiff Willowbrook Apts Viullemot Sandra Green Briar Cremonte Julie Gomez Julie Quail Ridge Apts Brookstone Valley Fox Hill Glens Enterprise Ests Mhp Capstone Invest Capstone Invest Capstone Invest Dutch Village Llc Quail Ridge Apts Group Five Mgmt Group Five Mgmt Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Valley Meadows Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Tudor Estates White Oak Estates Antonio Hamric Blackberry Creek Blackberry Creek Fhc Peter A Rau Pineview Estates Green Acre Pineview River Village Apts Washington Mut Washington Mut Eva H Lowery Quail Ridge Apts Lasalle Bank Homesales Inc Fhc Theresa Bush Fhc Brookstone Valley Richfield Apts Fhc Fhc Elms Mhc Thom Casselman Richfield Apts N.Morris Ests Olson Mgmt N.Morris Ests N.Morris Estates Apple Creek Stations N.Morris Estates Last Name Millard Millard Millay Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller First Name Jacklyn Deborah Shane Jennifer Sandra K Kevin Jimmie Hayes Joezey Denise Lenell Timothy Alexis Scott Chelsea Tamara Doug Scott David Veronica Lenell Michael Jessica Matt Katherine Katherine Rashelle Cynthia Tanya Jasmine K Aaron Chelsea Sherry Major Matthew K Mari Jo Karlene Sandra Troy Daniel Almeeda Chelsea Jessica Sonya Crystal Angel Tamara Michael Lari Kevin Daniel Date Case 8/26/2008 08-4208 7/31/2008 ltb01479 2/8/2008 ltd00147 1/18/2008 ltb00106 1/2/2008 ltb00004 1/28/2008 08-0573 1/2/2008 lta00008 1/14/2008 lta00056 10/27/2008 ltf01339 10/28/2008 ltf01345 1/30/2008 08-0614 1/25/2008 08-0547 10/24/2008 ltb02083 10/27/2008 lte01442 1/31/2008 lte00161 1/11/2008 lte00053 1/8/2008 ltd00017 2/19/2008 ltd00165 6/27/2008 lte00791 2/1/2008 08-0636 4/29/2008 ltb00706 3/26/2008 08-1437 2/26/2008 ltf00211 2/14/2008 ltc00268 3/3/2008 08-1099 3/14/2008 08-1256 6/13/2008 08-2880 5/30/2008 ltd00503 2/7/2008 ltf00161 5/16/2008 08-2416 5/1/2008 08-2123 3/20/2008 08-1347 4/29/2008 08-2035 3/31/2008 lte00430 5/5/2008 ltf00474 3/7/2008 08-1195 3/25/2008 lte00392 2/29/2008 08-1056 2/11/2008 lta00130 4/23/2008 ltf00467 2/21/2008 ltb00291 2/28/2008 lte00282 2/29/2008 lte00303 4/28/2008 08-2047 6/12/2008 lte00711 4/17/2008 ltc00599 3/25/2008 08-1428 3/20/2008 ltf00317 5/8/2008 ltc00724 4/23/2008 ltd00363 2/29/2008 ltd00240 3/11/2008 08-1236 6/23/2008 lta00542 6/13/2008 ltd00543 Plaintiff Olson Mgmt Fishermans Cove Georgetown Park Venture Centerpark Ldha Lp Arc Torrey Hills Gmac Servicing Montrose Mhp Lasalle Bank Kings Lane Creekwood Harris Investment Terrace Apts Windsor Place Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Hometown Amer Gr Bl Maple Park Terraces Georgetown Park Aurora Loan Ser Thornridge Apts Hsbc Bank Charter Oaks Apts Terrace Apts Genesee Villa Ronald G Hall Elms Mhc Gerald Burton Gerald Burton Gateway Manor Pine View Jp Investing Metawanenee Hills Federal Nat Mtg Ezra Artis Era Maple Park Terraces Beneficial Michigan Fhc Thornridge Apts Fnma Somerset Apartments Wells Fargo Bank Arc Torrey Hills Hometown America Grand Blan Fountain Pointe River Village Apts Maplepark Terraces Hall Robert Goad Llc Genesee Bonner Belinda Georgetown Park Mortgage Electronic Registrati N Hsbc Mortgage Lacey William Us Bnk Na Last Name Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller First Name Ricky Gregory Joseph Carmen Amie Cartilia Lenell Mary Debra Steve Teri Kellie Tina Matthew Amie Kenyetta Tina Rashelle Tamara Veronica Scott Lenell Jonathan Kendra Joyce Darla Tracey Keyla Kenyetta Ashley Toni Leonard Amy Matt Tomasha Lenell Keyla Lenell Gregory Stephanie Rashelle Tracey Terry Shawndra Almeda Tanya Teeya Shelia Stephanie Kathy Sandra Arron Tracy Troy Date Case 5/2/2008 08-2170 3/19/2008 lte00344 3/19/2008 ltb00503 4/22/2008 lta00345 6/30/2008 ltb01182 3/20/2008 ltf00334 5/27/2008 08-2568 5/21/2008 08-2539 2/28/2008 08-1052 5/23/2008 ltc00811 5/16/2008 08-2400 5/7/2008 lte00554 5/23/2008 ltc00828 2/27/2008 lte00270 5/22/2008 ltb00917 3/3/2008 08-1059 4/14/2008 lta00313 2/29/2008 ltd00241 2/29/2008 ltd00246 2/29/2008 ltb00387 2/28/2008 lte00281 2/27/2008 08-0921 3/5/2008 08-1162 7/23/2008 lta00606 9/22/2008 lte01189 8/18/2008 08-4024 10/8/2008 ltb01969 9/5/2008 08-4483 6/9/2008 08-2839 9/9/2008 08-4477 8/20/2008 08-4168 8/19/2008 08-4066 6/30/2008 08-3251 6/6/2008 08-2804 8/19/2008 08-4156 9/25/2008 08-4692 6/16/2008 08-2962 8/28/2008 08-4320 8/19/2008 08-4051 9/29/2008 08-4860 8/15/2008 ltd00735 7/8/2008 ltb01296 9/30/2008 08-4918 9/16/2008 08-4617 9/23/2008 08-4738 6/25/2008 08-3203 10/27/2008 08-5663 10/24/2008 08-5549 7/25/2008 08-3653 7/9/2008 08-3246 8/27/2008 ltb01638 10/20/2008 08-5537 8/28/2008 lta00734 7/31/2008 ltb01473 Plaintiff Roger Ii Haack Deutsche Bank Genesee Valley River Valley Manor Davison East Kings Lane Terrace Apts Emc Mortgage Chase Bank Usa Pine Creek Apts Eunice J Webster Majid Fatima Homesales Inc Thornridge Apts Davison East Redstone Twh Federal Nat Mtg Gateway Manor Lp Georgetown Park Federal National Mtg Hometown America Grand Blan Terrace Apts Richfield Apts Flushing Devel Perry Place Apts Terry L Groves Madison Pk Est Cecil Bailey Redstone Twh Evergreen Reg Jp Investing Fhc Shady Acres Mhp Elms Mhc Ipm Terrace Apts Fhc Terrace Apts Fhc Michael Neurohr Gateway Manor Madison Pk Est S.Wolin & Co Walter Witak River Village Apts Jp Investing Mam Camara Aaron Dionne Neurohr Prop Chad Jones Arc Torrey Hills Patrick Poole Midfirst Bank Davison East Last Name Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Millerand Milles Milliken Milliken Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Milton Milton Milton Milton Milton Miltula Milum Milum Milum Mims Mims Mims Mincey Miner Miner Minerd Mines Minge Minniefield Minock Minock Minor Minor Minor Minor Minor Minor Minor Minor Minus Minzey Minzey Miracle Miracle Miracle Miracle Mireles Mireless First Name Deshon Toni Joyce Kellie Mary Antonio Hannah Billie Amara Amara James Ronald James Roger Roger Bernice Yolandes Yolandes Krystal Herman Yolandes Shawn Patricia Tonya Quiona Gregory Rodger Glenda Christophe Doug Doug Jeff Minnie Shari Carolyn Mitchell Mitchell Angela Latesha Angela Latesha Elzora Angela Angela Latesha Cynthia Dawn Dawn Davena Davena Davena Davena Tina Jose Date Case 10/6/2008 08-5034 10/8/2008 08-5112 8/22/2008 lte01077 8/27/2008 lte01118 7/31/2008 08-3825 7/30/2008 ltd00698 3/17/2008 ltc00424 1/22/2008 08-0334 1/7/2008 ltb00046 3/25/2008 ltb00519 4/1/2008 ltd00319 10/17/2008 ltd00967 8/26/2008 ltd00787 7/31/2008 ltb01453 9/5/2008 ltb01748 7/24/2008 ltc01137 6/23/2008 ltc01003 5/23/2008 ltc00825 6/23/2008 08-3048 6/30/2008 08-3279 8/21/2008 ltc01349 9/8/2008 ltb01775 1/31/2008 lte00144 10/2/2008 ltc01594 7/10/2008 08-3378 10/28/2008 ltd01008 2/29/2008 08-0885 9/18/2008 ltc01492 7/29/2008 ltd00662 5/28/2008 ltd00491 4/1/2008 ltd00303 1/30/2008 08-0605 2/5/2008 08-0664 4/24/2008 ltc00609 5/30/2008 08-2705 1/31/2008 lte00127 2/21/2008 lte00233 1/2/2008 ltb00024 1/7/2008 ltc00046 4/30/2008 ltb00729 4/25/2008 ltc00640 6/3/2008 08-2751 7/3/2008 ltb01284 8/27/2008 ltb01627 9/24/2008 ltc01551 5/5/2008 08-2079 1/16/2008 08-0308 3/5/2008 08-1161 1/3/2008 ltc00012 5/15/2008 ltc00743 3/14/2008 ltc00421 7/1/2008 ltc01065 10/24/2008 lte01425 8/14/2008 08-4091 Plaintiff Orchard Ridge Jp Investing Perry Place Apts Gateway Of Gr Bl Dave Washb Pheasant Run Manor Dry Investments Inc James Vaughn Charter Oaks Apts Charter Oaks Apts Sunridge Apts South Valley Mhp Sunridge Apts Continental Estates Continental Estates N.Morris Estates Bristol Court Bristol Court Hubert Hintz Citimortgage Inc Bristol Court Continental North Edgemont Park Cedarshores Apt Orchard Ridge Est Sunridge Apts Eugene Marve Landon Roy Sunridge Apts Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Holiday Village Theresa Bush National Associatio Wells Fargo Ba Bank N Y Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Glenn C Horton Hunters Ridge Apts Mt Morris Ldhalp Ballenger Manor Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Suffolk Court Apts Thomas Casselman Richfield Apts Richfield Apts Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Mapleridge Apts Executive Prop Last Name Mitchel Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitcher Mitcher Mitchner Mitchner Mitchner Mitous Mitton First Name Oree Richole Raymond Kimberly James Kristin Morgan April Karena Nellie Belinda Kristin Laura Muriel Kristin Lasara Natalee April Sydney James Ann Belinda Barbara Tangie Daniell Oree Patrick Kimberly Monty Karena Gernelle Daniel Monty Barbara Marian Brenda Laura Brandon Jamal Tracy Karena Karena Gary Patrick Ashley Mona Sloney Kameesha Kameeson Catherine Bonita Kamesha Naomi Joseph Date Case 4/17/2008 08-1588 1/2/2008 08-0104 1/10/2008 ltc00078 1/31/2008 ltc00210 1/15/2008 ltc00085 10/30/2008 lta00937 1/2/2008 08-0122 1/10/2008 08-0205 1/24/2008 08-0529 1/29/2008 08-0481 1/31/2008 08-0472 10/30/2008 ltd01032 1/3/2008 ltc00014 5/7/2008 ltb00821 4/30/2008 ltd00428 4/15/2008 08-1795 5/16/2008 ltc00752 5/9/2008 08-2271 3/5/2008 08-1121 4/16/2008 ltc00596 2/26/2008 ltd00234 4/16/2008 08-1835 3/3/2008 08-1072 4/2/2008 08-1521 3/24/2008 08-1768 5/21/2008 08-2463 3/6/2008 ltd00252 5/16/2008 ltc00753 6/4/2008 ltd00522 3/25/2008 08-1432 9/29/2008 ltc01572 7/11/2008 ltd00624 9/30/2008 ltd00901 8/13/2008 08-3974 7/31/2008 ltb01513 9/3/2008 08-4422 8/21/2008 ltc01326 10/13/2008 ltb02011 8/22/2008 lte01078 8/6/2008 08-3910 6/24/2008 08-3175 10/9/2008 08-5153 7/30/2008 lte00949 7/30/2008 ltd00693 9/25/2008 ltf01176 6/16/2008 08-2930 7/21/2008 08-3426 2/4/2008 08-0583 3/19/2008 08-1726 2/12/2008 08-0845 8/25/2008 08-4184 10/21/2008 ltc01657 9/17/2008 lta00795 3/25/2008 ltd00272 Plaintiff Selena O'neal Shiloh Com Twnh Clovertree Apts Michael A Kennedy Indian Hills Manor Pineridge Woodlawn Pk Apts Gerald Burton Gary Goad Realty Mark Stange Gerald Burton Pineridge Cranbrook Vill Co Brookstone Valley Pine Ridge Michael Neurohr Oneal Selena Gerald Burton Ramona Anderson Indian Hills Manor Pheasant Run Manor Apartments Gerald Burton Clifton Logan Nate Williams Terry Hanson Selena Oneal Pine Ridge Michael Kennedy Sunridge Apts Dave Washburn Yosheff Luba Fed National Mtg Sunridge Apts Clinton Logan Westwood Management Orchard Ridge Est Cranbrook Vill Co Windsor Place Apts Perry Place Apts Carl H Coulter Michael Dempsey Christine Hawthorne Lux Apartments Pine Ridge Matt Wothke James Forte Troy Winter Marvin Chapman Marvin Chapman Tdm Realty River Village Apts Scott P Pope Linden Place Mhc Countrywide Home Last Name First Name Mitts Vanessa Mitts Rita Mixon Lavern Mize Jimmy Mize Robert Mizell Angela Mizell Angela Moench David Moggo Rhyan Mohamed Lena Mohamed Lena Mohammed Lena Moira Jon Un Llc Molencupp Annettra Molencupp Annettra Moleski Robin Molina Laurie Molina Maria Molina Francisco Molisani James Moll Dave Mollencupp Annettra Moller Takisha Moman Dolanda Moman Dolanda Moman Dolanda Moman Dolanda Moman Dolanda Monarch Co Llc Monczunski Stephan Monezunski Stephan Monk Christine Monreal Kellie Monreal Maliesa Monroe April Monroe Cornelius Monroe Tonya Monroe Tonya Monroe Tonya Mont Michael Montague Margaret Montague Margaret Montague Margaret Montague Margaret Montez Karen Montgomery Nekida Montgomery Lisa Montgomery Shateka Montgomery Evata Montgomery Lisa Montgomery Lisa Montgomery Gay Montgomery Robert Montgomery Nekida Date Case 3/4/2008 08-1155 8/26/2008 08-4206 10/9/2008 08-5099 3/31/2008 lta00274 5/29/2008 ltb00998 8/18/2008 08-4113 9/29/2008 08-4861 6/30/2008 08-3120 10/16/2008 lta00882 10/23/2008 08-5586 10/17/2008 08-5240 10/24/2008 08-5619 6/13/2008 lta00516 10/22/2008 lta00906 1/17/2008 lte00067 6/16/2008 08-2867 4/30/2008 ltb00752 10/15/2008 08-5182 9/25/2008 lta00838 8/28/2008 08-4296 2/4/2008 08-0650 9/16/2008 lta00784 4/14/2008 08-1775 3/25/2008 lta00247 6/17/2008 lta00525 10/21/2008 lta00895 8/19/2008 lta00701 9/23/2008 lta00817 8/1/2008 lte00981 3/3/2008 08-1076 1/22/2008 08-0393 9/23/2008 lta00806 4/28/2008 08-1997 4/17/2008 08-1816 1/3/2008 ltc00022 2/19/2008 08-0789 10/2/2008 08-5006 7/16/2008 08-3513 9/25/2008 08-4805 3/26/2008 ltc00498 1/31/2008 ltb00229 3/28/2008 ltb00551 7/31/2008 ltb01480 9/29/2008 ltb01901 9/24/2008 lte01263 1/8/2008 ltd00040 1/25/2008 08-0372 5/22/2008 ltf00605 2/26/2008 08-0970 3/24/2008 08-1402 5/27/2008 08-2584 4/24/2008 08-1956 6/23/2008 lte00731 5/5/2008 ltf00475 Plaintiff Mike Shayna James Lenoir Dry Investment Deutsche Bank Spinney Mark Neurohr Prop Michael Neurohr Donald Bishop McRoberts Kenneth Fnma Fnma Citimortgage Jabero Fares Orozco Juan Grande Pointe Apts Jmb Prop Mgmt White Oak Estates John Murphy Maple Run Janice Rhodes E Blake Scott Jaun C Orozco N Henderson River Valley Manor River Valley Manor River Valley Manor River Valley Manor River Valley Manor Saba Land Corp Llc Pengelly Apts Pengelly Apts William E Lacey Loreta Vaughn Clifton Sterling Wilcox Steve Citimortgage Inc Matt. Wothke Matt Wothke Matt. Wothke Sugartree Apts Fishermans Cove Fishermans Cove Fishermans Cove Fishermans Cove Liberty Savings Bank Sunridge Apts F.D.H.A.L.P. Kings Lane Marge Allen F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. Harry Keene Group Five Mgmt Kings Lane Apts Last Name Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montney Montney Montney Montreal Montrull Montrull Montrull Moomey Moon Moonan Mooney Mooney Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore First Name Porshia Jarquetta Marie Lisa Khalilah Denise Tanea Madeline Laura Jay Rick Randy Shawn Shawn Tami Timothy Vance William Krystal Stephanie Archie Carrie Ebony Tonya Dwuan Daniel Sandra Danielle Cassandra Daniel Kuana Dwuan Patty Brenda Swayzine Carrie Laquana Dayna Jeffery Anita Carne Daniya Tyree Latia Phyllis Ron Mary Gina Ebony Carrie Trressa Laquana Shytavia Daniya Date Case 2/4/2008 08-0702 10/10/2008 08-5082 7/22/2008 08-3598 9/23/2008 08-4753 9/24/2008 ltf01173 7/11/2008 08-3452 8/19/2008 08-4084 7/16/2008 lta00590 1/23/2008 08-0429 7/31/2008 ltb01498 6/10/2008 08-2799 5/28/2008 ltb00992 5/15/2008 ltc00740 9/4/2008 ltc01450 9/3/2008 ltc01432 10/27/2008 08-5664 4/9/2008 lta00298 1/16/2008 ltb00101 10/23/2008 ltb02064 5/8/2008 08-2243 1/2/2008 08-0159 1/14/2008 08-0246 1/25/2008 ltc00172 1/18/2008 08-0366 4/29/2008 lte00541 5/22/2008 lte00623 3/5/2008 08-1123 2/4/2008 08-0767 5/13/2008 08-2296 4/29/2008 lte00525 5/14/2008 08-2318 6/5/2008 lte00697 3/24/2008 08-1395 6/5/2008 ltc00898 2/26/2008 ltd00206 3/3/2008 08-0985 3/10/2008 08-1221 2/25/2008 08-0996 2/25/2008 08-0954 4/24/2008 lta00356 4/22/2008 08-1918 3/7/2008 08-1196 6/19/2008 ltc00944 2/19/2008 ltc00289 2/19/2008 08-0839 6/11/2008 lta00508 3/31/2008 lta00273 6/4/2008 ltd00523 4/25/2008 ltc00682 6/16/2008 08-2899 8/12/2008 08-3990 8/19/2008 08-4069 9/29/2008 08-4856 8/19/2008 08-4047 Plaintiff Ctry Cl Man Apts Marjorie Brown Deutsche Bk F.D.H.A.L.P Kings Lane Richfield Apts Fhc L Wolf Prop Shawn Spalding Twin Meadows Mhp Martin Lawrence Twin Meadows Mhp Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Livingston Prop Citimortgage Inc Koop Christophe N Group Five Mgmt D Carrill Vision Properti Nate Williams Bristol Court Lawrence Moore Twnh Edgemont Stonehenge Gates Daniel A Courser Marlene Spruill Chise Thomas Stonehenge Gates Edward H Brown Edgemont Pk Twh American Mhp Hanson Terry Sunridge Apts Nathaniel Williams Fhc Westgate Ter Apts Federal Natl Mtg Taylor Bean Whitaker Nate Williams Fhc Sugartree Apts Clovertree Apts Ricky Grant Flint Pasadena Llc Consumer Solutions Sunridge Apts Bristol Court Renita Keelor F Weatherspoon Fhc Fhc Fhc Last Name First Name Moore Kuwana Moore Gary Moore Etoya Moore Shytavia Moore Cassandra Moore Marcy Moore Levell Moore Andre Moore Archie Moore Daniel Moore Brenda Moore Kandice Moore Trressa Moore Tammye Moore Tonya Moore Daniel Moore Anita Moore Brenda Moore Kandice Moore Christina Moore Anita Moore Kenneth Moore Daniel Moore Phyllis Moore Dayna Moore Christina Moran Rebecca Moreau Steven Moreno Anthony Moreno Laura Morey Earl Morey Earl Morey Jeffery Morgan Samuel Morgan Kyrie Morgan Dewanda Morgan Samuel Morgan Kenney Morgan Debbie Morgan Theodore Morgan Carly Morgan Anthony Morgan Cherell Morgan Marieau Morgan Patrice Morgan Cassandra Morgan Cherelle Morgan Michelle Morgan Marieau Morgan Joe Morgan Chris Morgan Patrice Morgan Chris Morgan-Allen Debroah Date Case 8/14/2008 08-4093 7/30/2008 lta00640 7/30/2008 ltb01433 6/16/2008 08-2961 10/8/2008 ltb01958 8/5/2008 ltf00963 8/18/2008 lta00687 9/25/2008 08-4820 7/3/2008 08-3226 8/20/2008 lte01049 7/25/2008 ltc01208 9/30/2008 lte01311 10/24/2008 08-5551 8/14/2008 08-3998 6/9/2008 08-2829 9/22/2008 lte01243 7/1/2008 08-3278 9/5/2008 ltc01452 7/31/2008 lte00971 9/5/2008 ltd00840 6/16/2008 08-2950 8/28/2008 08-4276 7/7/2008 lte00826 8/4/2008 08-3881 9/17/2008 08-4591 8/20/2008 ltd00753 6/4/2008 ltb01075 2/22/2008 ltd00178 10/24/2008 ltb02096 7/15/2008 08-3441 3/25/2008 ltc00473 6/23/2008 ltc00990 9/4/2008 ltc01445 1/17/2008 ltb00103 1/8/2008 08-0044 1/7/2008 08-0037 6/30/2008 ltb01173 2/15/2008 08-0838 3/5/2008 ltb00411 2/28/2008 lte00292 6/2/2008 ltc00862 2/19/2008 ltc00274 4/29/2008 lte00536 3/27/2008 ltc00508 10/20/2008 ltf01304 7/18/2008 08-3550 7/25/2008 ltc01178 9/17/2008 ltb01788 9/4/2008 ltc01440 7/30/2008 ltc01236 8/11/2008 ltf00969 9/29/2008 ltf01188 7/10/2008 ltf00852 3/31/2008 ltc00517 Plaintiff Executive Prop Ross Properties Brookstone Valley Fhc Brookstone Valley Pineview Us Bank National Gerald Burton Felicia Davis Stonehenge Gates Hanson Terry Thornridge Apts Theresa Mosley Eugene Marve Lawrence Moore Stonehenge Gates Fnma Terry Hanson Thornridge Apts Swartz Cr Mead Lasalle Bank Ideal Rental Stonehenge Gates Katherine Overton Motorcity Group Mari-Dan Miller Farms Westwood Management Mtg Elect Reg Westwood Management Heather Brooks Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Indian Hills Manor Kenneth R Duetsch Sunshine Mgmt Larry Flagg Kenneth R Duetsch Larry Flagg Brookstone Valley Maplebrook Vill Apts Mtg Systems Citimortgage Inc Knollwood Vill Apts Indian Hills Manor Green Briar Fhc Bristol Court Crigger Karl Indian Hills Manor Wells Kevin Crkovski Naum Green Briar Crkovski Naum Cedarshores Apts Last Name First Name Morgan-Allen Deborah Morin Holly Morle Sabriena Morly Samantha Morris Tamika Morris Viola Morris Kelly Morris Sandra Morris Ralph Morris Tamika Morris Juwanda Morris Melissa Morris Margot Morris Gregory Morris Timothy Morris Brenda Morris Terry Morris Dean Morris Margot Morris Anthony Morris Bradley Morris Margot Morris Amy Morris Maria Morris Kanisha Morris Ii Willard Morrison Melissa Morrison Christina Morrison Amanda Morrissey William Morrow Loren Morrow Thomas Morse Robert Morse Cecil Morse George Morse George Morse Todd Morse George Morse Patrick Morse Steven Morse Brent Morse George Morse Cecil Morse Cecil Morse Cecil Mortenson Lawrence Mortin Holly Morton-Collie Cynthia Mosby Kurt Mose Timothy Mose Timothy Mose Timothy Mose Timothy Mose Timothy Date Case 5/28/2008 ltc00839 2/25/2008 ltb00348 1/23/2008 08-0432 5/15/2008 ltc00750 1/25/2008 08-0450 1/28/2008 ltc00194 1/28/2008 ltc00190 10/28/2008 ltd01009 1/22/2008 ltf00101 5/6/2008 08-2174 5/23/2008 08-2469 3/26/2008 ltf00346 5/28/2008 08-2598 2/26/2008 ltc00328 2/7/2008 08-0769 6/4/2008 ltc00896 4/28/2008 ltd00374 9/29/2008 ltf01189 9/3/2008 08-4358 9/3/2008 08-4430 9/30/2008 lte01307 10/29/2008 08-5794 10/24/2008 08-5618 10/8/2008 08-5117 8/27/2008 08-4288 7/21/2008 lte00853 8/27/2008 ltb01664 7/3/2008 ltb01242 8/5/2008 08-3905 2/11/2008 08-0842 5/27/2008 lte00643 8/11/2008 ltc01290 1/31/2008 lte00162 1/25/2008 lta00096 1/10/2008 lta00041 10/23/2008 ltb02047 1/23/2008 ltb00112 6/26/2008 lta00553 6/27/2008 ltb01162 2/19/2008 lta00153 5/28/2008 ltf00623 5/13/2008 lta00405 6/2/2008 lta00464 9/29/2008 lta00846 7/30/2008 lta00643 2/19/2008 ltc00275 7/29/2008 ltb01396 7/31/2008 08-3824 3/31/2008 ltf00372 1/2/2008 ltf00021 1/28/2008 ltf00130 2/25/2008 ltf00205 5/5/2008 ltf00493 7/29/2008 ltf00931 Plaintiff Cedarshores Apt Windsor Place Apts Craig Sepanak Landon Roy Robert Mastin Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Sunridge Apts Bank Of N Y Rob Johnson Motorcity Group Llc Josh Otting Boulder Creek Creekside Apts Southcreek Village Deutsche Bk Curry Josiah American Home Mortgage Servici Green Briar Deutsche Bk Elms Mhc Federal National Creekside Apts Everhome Mtg Terry Groves Ray Collins Deutsche Bank Westwood Management Westwood Management Anthony Orefice Bayview Financial Tudor Estates Leonard J Krawczyk Hometown Amer Gr Bl Flushing Estates Leonard Sarah Riverside Mhp Rising Ests Apts Leonard Sarah Windsor Place Apts Myrtle Grove Mhp Novastar Mortgage Leonard Sarah Flushing Estates Flushing Estates Flushing Estates Citimortgage Inc Windsor Pl Apts Dave Washb Creekwood Mhp Creekside Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood Last Name Moses Moses Moses Mosher Moshier Moshier Mosley Mosley Mosley Mosley Mosley Mosley Mosley Mosley Mosley Mosley Mosley Mosley Moss Moss Moss Moten Moton Mott Mourer Mowery Moye Moye Moye Moye Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moynihan Mrazek Mughal Mulanix Mulcahy Mulcahy Mulcahy Mulcahy Muldrew Muldrew Mulherin Mulholland Mull Mull Mull Mullaney Inv Mullins Mullins Mullins First Name Latonya Latonya Bertha Marilyn Jennifer Jennifer Jessica Trina Shirley Ronald Bernetta Jessica Jessica Tonya Bernadine Jessica Rena Jessica Robert Robert Antuane John James Bridgett Andrew Kristy Alvin Alvin Carice Carice Nicholas Lance Cary Teresa Nickolas Linda Patrick Naveed Larry R R R R Sidney Sidney Samantha Shana Tracy Tanisha Mynette Llc Kyle Cortez Shane Date Case 1/4/2008 lte00030 10/13/2008 lte01339 7/29/2008 ltd00661 7/3/2008 ltb01224 1/9/2008 ltf00081 3/5/2008 ltf00255 1/8/2008 ltd00039 4/25/2008 ltc00634 4/4/2008 08-1624 3/14/2008 ltd00259 2/20/2008 08-0939 2/26/2008 ltd00205 4/30/2008 ltd00397 8/12/2008 08-3988 9/5/2008 08-4447 9/30/2008 ltd00900 9/24/2008 ltd00873 7/29/2008 ltd00660 4/28/2008 08-2026 9/12/2008 08-4623 9/30/2008 08-4959 6/2/2008 08-2709 9/29/2008 ltf01191 3/5/2008 ltf00264 4/2/2008 ltb00581 9/25/2008 lte01294 4/17/2008 08-1864 2/14/2008 08-0865 5/13/2008 ltc00733 4/18/2008 ltc00600 1/30/2008 ltb00182 8/6/2008 lta00667 8/21/2008 ltc01371 8/27/2008 lta00732 7/31/2008 ltb01525 10/9/2008 ltf01271 9/24/2008 ltb01853 1/2/2008 lte00025 7/7/2008 lte00808 10/28/2008 ltd00986 6/4/2008 ltd00507 4/1/2008 ltd00305 7/29/2008 ltd00688 9/24/2008 ltf01171 7/23/2008 ltf00889 5/22/2008 ltb00895 1/4/2008 lte00034 3/17/2008 08-1304 3/25/2008 08-1416 9/8/2008 08-4461 5/14/2008 ltb00847 1/31/2008 lte00128 1/16/2008 08-0305 9/22/2008 lte01236 Plaintiff Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Sunridge Apts Westwood Vill Pineview Estates Pineview Sunridge Apts Southcreek Village Fhc Deutsche Bank Mshda Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Danny Zerka Terry L Groves Sunridge Apts Silver Lake Arbors Sunridge Apts Eugene Marve Eugene Marve Redstone Twh Tdm Green Briar Pineview Ipm Knollwood Vill Apts Dayne Davis Dayne Davis Harris Alesia Harris Alesia Kearsley Lake Terrace Llc Mill Creek Apts Quail Ridge Apts Ethan Properties Llc Kearsley Lake Terr Centennial Farms Windsor Place Apts Maplebrook Village National Bank Apple Creek Station Apple Creek Station Apple Creek Station Apple Creek Station Kings Lane Kings Lane Windsor Place Apts Fountain Pointe Louis Conyers Creekside Apts Redstone Twh Citizens Bank Perry Place Apts Richfield Apts Fountain Pointe Last Name Mullins Mulroy Mumford Munerlyn Munerlyn Munerlyn Muniz Munoz Munoz Munoz Munoz Jr Munsey Munsey Murchi Murchi Murchie Murchie Murchie Murdock Murdock Murhpy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murphy Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murry Muscarella Music Muske Musson Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myers Myjak Myjak Myles First Name Shane Charlene Anthony Glenda Glenda Charise Ruby Charisse Mike Charisse Armando Noral Noral Abby Abby Glenn Abby Abby Tara Warren Sean Ashley Cedrick Benjamin Carolyn Donna Larry Linda Katherine Katie Laqueda Alma Samantha Laqueda Laqueda Quasha Nathan Alma Monica Tiara Earl Ollie Esther Wallace Richard Datanyen Rhonda Walter Michael April Dessie Bonnie Bonnie Barrett Date Case 8/20/2008 lte01037 9/24/2008 ltc01500 9/17/2008 08-4649 1/31/2008 lte00129 4/24/2008 lte00479 10/8/2008 ltb01970 5/14/2008 08-2314 4/29/2008 lte00516 6/6/2008 08-2809 9/22/2008 lte01226 7/31/2008 ltb01487 1/2/2008 ltd00002 2/26/2008 ltd00232 1/7/2008 ltd00011 3/26/2008 ltd00290 6/18/2008 ltb01117 5/27/2008 ltd00486 7/17/2008 ltd00630 9/17/2008 08-4663 8/11/2008 08-3942 3/3/2008 08-1064 1/9/2008 ltb00074 5/21/2008 lte00590 2/13/2008 ltd00157 10/8/2008 08-5050 6/24/2008 08-3091 8/1/2008 ltd00712 9/24/2008 ltc01509 6/16/2008 08-3016 1/14/2008 ltd00065 1/10/2008 08-0206 1/2/2008 08-0111 4/17/2008 08-1813 3/14/2008 08-1253 5/13/2008 08-2236 3/26/2008 08-1451 8/19/2008 08-4045 9/2/2008 ltc01420 8/26/2008 ltd00789 10/2/2008 ltb01933 2/27/2008 08-1048 2/8/2008 ltd00148 1/25/2008 lta00097 3/17/2008 ltb00452 10/30/2008 ltd01034 3/28/2008 lte00422 4/11/2008 08-1712 4/22/2008 ltf00453 7/29/2008 ltb01407 9/5/2008 08-4310 10/3/2008 ltd00948 1/25/2008 ltd00098 10/3/2008 ltd00947 3/25/2008 ltc00437 Plaintiff Fountain Pointe Whitaker Mortgage C Taylor Cedric Kendall Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Madison Pk Est Chris Garske Fountain Pointe Wells Fargo Bk Fountain Pointe White Oaks Estates Pheasant Run Apts Pheasant Run Manor Apartments Silver Lake Arbors Silver Lake Arbors Arc Torrey Hills Silver Lake Arbors Silver Lake Arbors Eugene Marve Ipm Asap Invests Twin Meadows Mhp Lux Apartments Lemke Dale Mortgage Elect Richard A Hess Swartz Cr Mead Parks Ii John Kingdom Mgmt Gateway Manor Lp Gerald Burton Rosewood M Apts Tim Bender Gerald Burton Gerald Burton Evergreen Reg Fhc Pineshore Apts Sunridge Apts Rosewood Park Apts Stephen Mayfield Georgetown Park Flushing Estates Countrywide Bank Pineridge Fairways At Woodfield Richfield Apts Meadowbrook Manor Charter Oaks Apts Marlene Pellens Swartz Cr Mead Swartz Cr Mead Swartz Cr Mead Mt Morris Ldhalp Last Name Mynor Mynor Myott Myott Myrick Myrick Naismith Najor Nananjo Nance Nance Nance Nance Nance Naphier Napolitano Naragon Naragon Nard Nard Nard Nard Nard Nash Nash Nasseef Nast Natzel Naughton Naughton Naugler Nault Naylor Naylor Naylor Naylor Naylor Naylor Naylor Naylor Naylor Naylor Naylor Nazarijchuk Neahusan Neal Neal Neal Neal Neal Neal Neal Neal Neal First Name Robert Robert Erica Carol Dewanna Dewanna Nicholas Becky Sision Jesse Jesse Effieya Jesse Tiffany Schermane Patrick Jennifer Jennifer Tysheka Clifton Nakia Modammid Clifton Kelly Choyer Merfat Tara Michael Amy Amy Wayne Shelly Kelia Emily Henry Henry Kelia Emily Emily Richard Henry Tamisha Henry Terry Jennifer Jequan Kayetta Jaquarra Michael Michael Jequan Gina Robert Michael Date Case 2/26/2008 ltd00204 8/26/2008 ltd00786 8/21/2008 lte01056 7/23/2008 lte00890 9/5/2008 08-4313 7/23/2008 08-3629 9/8/2008 ltf01111 8/18/2008 ltd00748 10/22/2008 08-5581 10/27/2008 lte01450 1/31/2008 lte00130 3/26/2008 08-1382 3/25/2008 lte00369 8/27/2008 08-4332 2/21/2008 08-0947 2/19/2008 ltd00174 6/27/2008 ltf00760 8/15/2008 ltf00984 1/31/2008 lte00131 1/23/2008 ltc00124 6/20/2008 08-3077 4/2/2008 ltb00644 4/30/2008 ltc00692 3/25/2008 ltd00277 9/5/2008 08-4469 6/3/2008 08-2666 3/28/2008 ltb00552 5/5/2008 ltf00494 7/21/2008 08-3585 8/27/2008 08-4329 5/28/2008 ltb00997 10/27/2008 08-5653 4/21/2008 08-1908 4/30/2008 08-2125 2/12/2008 08-0846 5/14/2008 08-2351 6/13/2008 08-2928 10/28/2008 08-5740 7/31/2008 08-3761 10/27/2008 08-5732 7/15/2008 08-3463 6/16/2008 08-2971 9/25/2008 08-4810 6/27/2008 08-3216 8/21/2008 ltc01380 10/27/2008 lte01434 1/4/2008 08-0027 1/28/2008 ltb00168 2/29/2008 ltd00247 3/25/2008 ltd00280 4/24/2008 lte00493 2/13/2008 08-0849 4/18/2008 08-1819 5/27/2008 ltd00470 Plaintiff Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Knollwood Village Apts Fountain Pointe Alex Partners Alex Partners Wells Fargo Bank Mitchell Steven Treasure Enter Maplebrook Vill Apts Perry Place Apts Rob Mastin Perry Place Apts Tony Stockton Evergreen Reg Federal National Marlene M Clark Marlene M Clark Perry Place Apts Cedarshores Apt Larry Bonham Westwood Management Cedarshores Apt Gateway Manor Lp Bank N Y Joan Khachouf Fishermans Cove Creekwood Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Gordon Thomas Thom Casselman Jerry Howard First St Lofts Tdm Realty Tdm Realty Jerry Howard First St Lofts First St Lofts Fhc Tdm Realty Fhc Tdm Realty Hsbc Bank Paterson D Maplebrook Vill Apts Beverly Phelps Kings Lane Georgetown Park Georgetown Park Maplebrook Vill Apts Matt Wothke Alan Perkins Georgetown Park Last Name Neal Neal Neal Neal Nearing Neefe Neeley Neely Neely Neiderer Nellis Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nemeth Nesby Nettels Nettles Nettles Nettles Nettles Nettles Nettles First Name Michael Michael Robert Mario Dale Laura Mark Derek Tracye Jeffrey David Cynthia Cassandra Devion Mike Mark Jackie Jacqueline Corey James Corey Cassandra Elden Laganda Ronald Cynthia Cynthia Nicole Letonia Anastasia Paul Mia Dorothy Denisie Heather Betty Sherrell Dorothy Cassandra James Linda Dorothy April Cynthia Dorothy Amber Charlene Marinda Yolanda Marinda Yolanda Deborah Yolanda Marinda Date Case 8/1/2008 ltd00707 10/3/2008 ltd00942 10/28/2008 08-5559 7/23/2008 lte00899 1/25/2008 ltc00154 10/21/2008 lta00890 5/28/2008 ltf00622 10/15/2008 08-5139 10/2/2008 08-5060 1/24/2008 ltb00152 7/3/2008 ltb01243 1/9/2008 ltb00075 1/16/2008 08-0290 1/30/2008 08-0613 1/4/2008 ltc00038 5/22/2008 08-2551 2/19/2008 ltc00290 5/22/2008 ltc00779 2/25/2008 08-0961 5/16/2008 08-2413 4/28/2008 08-2049 4/23/2008 08-1948 5/22/2008 ltb00921 3/19/2008 08-1745 6/25/2008 ltc01040 5/7/2008 ltb00799 3/5/2008 ltb00427 4/24/2008 ltc00617 2/26/2008 ltd00203 8/28/2008 ltb01716 9/8/2008 ltb01776 9/4/2008 08-4482 6/10/2008 08-2883 10/29/2008 08-5561 8/12/2008 ltb01541 8/18/2008 08-4008 10/27/2008 08-5734 9/11/2008 08-4512 6/25/2008 08-3208 7/29/2008 08-3809 6/16/2008 08-3003 8/14/2008 08-4101 8/1/2008 ltd00706 7/31/2008 ltb01499 10/27/2008 08-5680 4/23/2008 lta00347 2/27/2008 lte00276 9/25/2008 08-4804 1/25/2008 ltc00182 3/26/2008 08-1448 4/25/2008 ltc00638 4/8/2008 08-1662 2/26/2008 ltc00352 5/14/2008 08-2307 Plaintiff Georgetown Park Georgetown Park Alan Perkins Fox Hill Glens Pine Creek Apts Grant Hamadypat Hendrickson Melissa Bank Of N Y Marge Allen Windsor Place Apts Westwood Management Twin Meadows Mhp William G Stevens Harris Investment Stebbins William Denise Morgan Clovertree Apts Clovertree Apts River Village Apts Jeremiah Cox River Village Apts Matt Wothke Fishermans Cove Geneva Shine Mary L Nelson Twin Meadows Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Pineshores Apts Sunridge Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Continental North Maguire 2 Llc Metterz Wilson Marvin Chapman Rising Ests Apts Freddie Arkwright Fhc Meherz Wilson Matt Wothke Jeremiah Cox Fhc Metterz Wilson Georgetown Park Twin Meadows Mhp Metterzee Wilson Burton Gerald Country Club Miller Nove Hendeson Mt Morris Ldhalp Nove Henderson Mt Morris Ldhalp Marvin Chapman Mt Morris Ldhalp Nove Henderson Last Name First Name Nettles Antionette Nettles Yolanda Nettles Yolanda Nettleton Kellie Neubacher Chris Neumann Michael Neurohr Ryan Newberry Veronica Newell Tanya Newell Dennis Newell Tanya Newell Ronneka Newell Carl Newell Ronneka Newhouse Theresa Newhouse Theresa Newhouse Theresa Newhouse (s Theresa Newland Sally Newman Brandy Newman Shirley Newman Tracey Newman Christopher Newman Dawn Newman India Newman Brandy Newman Dawn Newman Tracey Newman Ryan Newman India Newsom Janice Newsome Brandy Newson Michael Newson Michael Newton Isiah Newton Michele Newton Michele Newton Jerome Newton Isiah Newton Jr Ronald Newton Jr Ronald Ney Mark Neys James Nicely Melody Nichols John Nichols John Nichols Jeremy Nichols Annette Nichols Mike Nichols Larhonda Nichols Jessica Nichols George Nichols Demetrius Nichols Michael Date Case 9/19/2008 ltc01496 9/24/2008 ltc01518 7/25/2008 ltc01199 1/28/2008 ltf00116 10/2/2008 ltd00931 1/31/2008 ltb00234 4/2/2008 ltb00600 3/27/2008 lta00268 1/25/2008 ltc00163 5/28/2008 lta00457 5/23/2008 ltc00822 3/26/2008 ltc00504 4/23/2008 08-1951 8/21/2008 ltc01376 1/28/2008 08-0569 8/27/2008 08-4337 10/28/2008 08-5754 5/28/2008 08-2602 5/27/2008 ltd00474 1/25/2008 08-0438 10/31/2008 ltc01744 5/8/2008 08-2260 5/23/2008 08-2546 3/25/2008 ltc00482 5/20/2008 08-2461 3/17/2008 08-1303 6/9/2008 ltc00912 6/18/2008 08-3023 7/30/2008 lte00959 7/30/2008 ltc01228 1/3/2008 ltc00029 2/27/2008 08-0927 1/30/2008 08-0487 3/6/2008 08-1106 10/23/2008 ltb02053 2/22/2008 ltd00185 5/30/2008 ltd00497 7/28/2008 08-3795 9/5/2008 ltb01740 2/25/2008 lta00170 7/25/2008 ltc01207 5/22/2008 08-2511 6/12/2008 ltb01095 6/3/2008 08-2674 10/31/2008 ltc01743 1/2/2008 ltc00005 10/22/2008 ltc01659 4/24/2008 ltf00469 6/9/2008 ltf00694 5/5/2008 ltf00516 6/17/2008 lte00717 5/7/2008 ltc00719 10/14/2008 lta00881 8/7/2008 lta00678 Plaintiff Hagan Darrel Mt Morris Ldhalp Mt Morris Ldhalp Maple Grove Pine Ridge White Oak Estates Arc Villa Mortgage Electronic Bristol Court National City Bank Bristol Court Clovertree Apts Ora Taylor Clovertree Apts Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Us Bank Louis Conyers Tardiff James Roy Landon Holiday Village Ideal Rental Robert J Cavett Louis Conyers Ideal Rental Roy Landon Knollwood Village Ideal Rental N.Morris Ests Johnny Knott Larry D Johnson Larry D Johnson Kearsley Creek Llc Swartz Cr Mead Swartz Creek Med Chase Bank Kearsley Creek Llc Us Bank National United Western Bank Matthew Bray Citimortgage Inc Michael Ranger Gibson Nicole Gibson Bryan Indian Hills Manor Wothke Matthew Jackson Fredric Kings Lane Mapleridge Apts Federal Home Loan Genesee Vill Apts Yea Yuan Sye Last Name Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nichols Nickerson Nickerson Nickerson Nickoloff Nicks Nicole Nicols Niehoff Nierman Nieves Nikoloff Nixon Nixon Noakes Noble Noble Nofziger Nofziger Nokovich Nokovich Nokovich Nokovich Nokovich Nolan Nolan Nordstrom Norman Norman Norman Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris Norris North North North North Northrup Norton Novakowski Nowak First Name Michael Demetruis Annette Larhonda Michael Travis Jeff Travis Brian Dana Michael Larhonda Kathy Christina Tomas Paul Levern Kari Ebony Angelique Angelique Monica Monica Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Cathie Cathie Thomas Ellen Barbara Ellen Tasha Tasha Ora Lamonica Christine Camonica Jasen Ora Tiffany Shawn Ora Shela Kirk Clyde Cary Clyde Doreen Yvette Christine Nicole Date Case 9/5/2008 lta00752 7/16/2008 lta00593 10/20/2008 ltf01278 8/27/2008 ltf01025 7/10/2008 lta00577 5/16/2008 08-2389 8/27/2008 ltb01665 7/31/2008 ltb01514 3/11/2008 ltb00446 8/21/2008 ltc01337 5/14/2008 lta00414 6/24/2008 ltf00735 2/14/2008 08-0822 6/16/2008 08-2924 6/30/2008 ltb01183 10/17/2008 08-5529 3/12/2008 08-1114 3/24/2008 08-1365 6/30/2008 08-3192 9/22/2008 lte01237 7/23/2008 lte00895 6/20/2008 ltc00960 8/21/2008 ltc01317 5/22/2008 lte00618 2/29/2008 lte00307 10/13/2008 lte01355 7/23/2008 lte00898 8/20/2008 lte01043 2/6/2008 08-0666 6/2/2008 08-2711 9/15/2008 lta00781 3/12/2008 08-1297 3/25/2008 lte00377 8/11/2008 08-4000 1/23/2008 ltc00128 1/16/2008 08-0299 2/25/2008 08-1002 2/29/2008 08-0889 5/7/2008 lta00386 4/16/2008 08-1827 10/2/2008 lta00855 7/21/2008 08-3579 7/30/2008 08-3709 7/28/2008 08-3665 9/29/2008 08-4830 10/31/2008 08-5815 1/9/2008 ltb00055 6/4/2008 ltb01076 10/16/2008 lte01384 8/27/2008 ltb01666 6/23/2008 lta00541 7/30/2008 ltb01441 9/26/2008 08-4841 3/14/2008 lte00337 Plaintiff Yea Yuan Sye Genesee Vill Apts Matt Wothke Kings Lane Sye Yea Yuan Kenneth S McCall Westwood Management Westwood Management Saenz Arturo Dutch Village Llc Yea Yuan Sye Kings Lane Roger Wildmo Richfield Apts Davison East Debra Hagon Merle Waldorf Beulah Ecker Warren Henson Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Suffolk Court Apts Southcreek Village Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Ronald Bower Tdm Wells Fargo Bank Edward J. Khouri Knollwood Vill Apts Edward J Khouri Landon Roy Richfield Apt Tony Stockton Eugene Marve Flint Pasadena Llc Eugene Marve Esther E Ballard Tony Stockton Steven Boyce Larry Johnson Tony Stockton Alton Yarbrough Stratford Sq Apts Westwood Management Us Bank Na Westwood Management Lacey William Madison Pk Est Fed Home Loan Grande Pointe Apts Last Name Nowak Noyes Nunley Nunley Nunley Nunley Nunley Nunn Nunn Nunn Nunn Nunn Nunn Nunn Nunnery Nussle Nyman Nyman Nyman Nyman O Dea Oaks Oaks Oaks Oates Oben Oben Obrien Obrien Obrien O'Brien O'Brien Occupant Occupant Occupant Ockletree Oconner O'Conner O'Conner O'Connor Ocwieja Odea Odeh Odeh O'Dell Odette Odom Ogburn Ogburn Ogden Ogden Ogden Ogden Oginsky First Name Nicole Adam Anthony Latonya Terry Latonya Latonya Yolanda Yolanda Yolanda Natesha Yolanda Utevia Nicole Beverly Joshua Tracy Tracy Debbie Tracy Joseph Timothy Timothy Gregory Kevin Milton Julie Tim Michael Donald Tim Timothy Antonio Unknown Unknown Jeanette Jennifer Paul Paul Brian Justin Brad Maysa Nasta Matthew Ashley Jewel Gertie Gertie Eboni Russell Russell Russell William Date Case 8/1/2008 08-3839 6/2/2008 ltc00881 1/8/2008 08-0173 4/30/2008 08-2073 2/14/2008 ltd00163 9/24/2008 08-4795 8/11/2008 08-3913 2/26/2008 ltd00202 6/4/2008 ltd00524 4/30/2008 ltd00396 8/28/2008 ltc01403 8/26/2008 ltd00785 8/1/2008 08-3724 8/21/2008 ltc01364 3/31/2008 08-1504 10/14/2008 ltb02026 3/27/2008 ltd00296 10/2/2008 ltd00932 7/9/2008 ltd00622 8/28/2008 ltd00824 1/28/2008 ltf00131 4/25/2008 ltd00373 6/20/2008 ltd00568 7/28/2008 08-3731 4/10/2008 08-1603 1/25/2008 08-0551 2/19/2008 ltc00302 1/17/2008 08-0362 2/5/2008 ltb00259 4/28/2008 lta00363 4/17/2008 08-1867 9/22/2008 lte01188 1/17/2008 ltc00113 3/12/2008 08-1241 3/12/2008 08-1242 3/31/2008 08-1499 10/14/2008 lta00872 1/24/2008 ltd00091 2/19/2008 ltd00173 10/9/2008 ltd00953 10/10/2008 ltb02008 8/29/2008 lte01146 1/14/2008 lta00057 10/1/2008 ltf01250 4/3/2008 ltc00553 8/29/2008 ltc01411 7/17/2008 08-3486 4/9/2008 08-1650 3/24/2008 08-1413 2/15/2008 08-0876 4/29/2008 ltb00712 8/27/2008 ltb01681 7/23/2008 ltb01363 2/26/2008 ltc00325 Plaintiff Elms Mhc Merrie Beth Fisher Federal H Mtg Larry D Johnson Terra Mgmt Co Lawrence Johnson Larry Johnson Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Ideal Rental Sunridge Apts Vernon Brown Pine Creek Apts Westgate Terr Apts Three Rivers Assoc Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Creekwood Fenton Oaks Llc Fenton Oaks Llc Liberty Real Est Martin Lawrence River Village Apts Clovertree Apts Will Ferguson Twin Meadows Mhp Somerset Apartments Will Ferguson Perry Place Apts Hannosh Wendy The Land Bank Authority The Land Bank Authority Pheasant Run Mhp Burton Gerald Burton Gerald Washington Mut Flagstar Bank Fsb Whitsel Deborah Federal Nat Mtg Pineview N.Morris Ests N.Morris Estates Carriage House Apts Deutsche Bk Deutsche Bk Metawanenee Hills Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Tony Jpmorgan Chase Bank Last Name Ohlssom OkungbowaOldaugh Olds Olds Olds O'Lear Oleary O'Leary Oliphant Olivares Olivares Olivares Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Oliver Et Al Olivo Ollie Ollie Ollie Ollings Olson Olson Olson Olson Olsway Olvera O'Malley O'Malley O'Malley O'Meara O'Morrow Ondrajka Oneal Oneal Oneal Oneal O'Neal O'Neal O'Neal Oneil Oneil Jr Ooten Opalewski Orchad Orcott Orcutt Orefice First Name Bengt Aries Geraldine Brandy Michael Bridgette Joseph Genniffer Bryan Matthew Perla Anamaria Jose Alina Dallas John James Michael Kym Shawnece Laporcha Gary Tiffany Priscilla Sherina Sherina Verniece Stacy Stacy Raechel Dawn Mary Joe Mandy Mandy Katie Marcia Thomas Eric Charles Carrie Charles Charles William William William Michael Gerry Robert Lynn Bud Candy Candy Anthony Date Case 10/30/2008 lta00938 10/7/2008 08-5041 3/26/2008 lte00393 4/29/2008 lte00537 9/22/2008 lta00801 10/9/2008 ltb01999 10/10/2008 08-5132 3/6/2008 ltb00436 10/2/2008 ltc01588 8/21/2008 lte01062 1/23/2008 08-0344 2/20/2008 08-0912 9/11/2008 08-4513 2/6/2008 ltc00249 5/6/2008 lte00551 5/15/2008 08-2365 7/3/2008 08-3314 8/1/2008 08-3428 7/15/2008 lte00839 8/22/2008 lte01079 8/25/2008 08-4226 6/3/2008 lta00478 1/23/2008 lta00088 3/31/2008 08-1485 6/3/2008 08-2675 7/24/2008 08-3672 5/21/2008 08-2506 2/6/2008 ltb00269 5/29/2008 ltb00999 3/25/2008 08-1373 7/3/2008 ltb01244 8/8/2008 08-3912 7/16/2008 ltf00866 1/3/2008 ltc00028 7/24/2008 ltc01138 10/29/2008 08-5688 10/17/2008 08-5532 7/22/2008 lte00867 2/25/2008 ltb00349 1/24/2008 ltb00132 5/28/2008 ltb00970 3/19/2008 ltb00493 7/16/2008 ltb01330 3/5/2008 ltf00239 10/1/2008 ltf01257 9/3/2008 ltf01079 3/5/2008 ltb00428 10/17/2008 ltb02041 2/19/2008 lte00201 1/3/2008 ltf00035 10/3/2008 08-5054 9/17/2008 ltb01807 3/28/2008 ltb00537 3/31/2008 lte00423 Plaintiff Malknecht Steve Woodlawn Apts Safaro Tom Knollwood Vill Apts Thomas L Burnett Jag Mgmt Bank N Y Davison Hills Mhp Bank Of Ny National City Bank Tanya Polk Aaron Dionne William Bender Cranbrook Vill Co Aurora Loan Robert Eastman Keith Hobss Geneva Lester Kaleel Michael Perry Place Apts River Village Apts Valley Mead Vill Gary Goad Realty Mark Tyler Olson & Associates Debra Breniak Shelia V Watkins Orchard Cove Orchard Cove Goyal Mhp Westwood Management Maureen Tryon Estates Murrell N.Morris Ests N.Morris Estates Susie Stroud Ray Curtin Group Five Mgmt Windsor Place Apts Three Rivers Assoc Stockton Tony Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Pineview Pineview Pineview Twin Meadows Mhp Wells Fargo Bank Na Goergen James Pace Mgt Co Danny Burroughs Martin Jeffrey Swan Stuart Us Bank Last Name O'Reilly Orlando Orlando Orr Orr Orr Orr Orr Ortega Ortega Ortiz Ortiz Osborn Osborne Osborne Osborne Osborne Osbourne Osbourne Osbourne Osbourne Osentoski Oskey Osmond Osmundson Ostrander Ostroe Ostroff Ostroff Ostrom Ostrom Ostrom Ostrum Overall Overall Overfield Overman Overton Overton Overton Owen Owen Owen Owen Sr Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens First Name Rachel Patricia Patricia Tomeka Christopher Tynascha David Amber Daniel Daniel Frank Frank Gregory Amanda Coy Kinder Valencia Tanisha Tanisha Tanisha Tanisha Joseph Brian Keshia Jennifer Randy Patricia Siv Siv Cristy Cristy Cristy Crystal Tanisha Tanisha John Allen Shavone Dantacia Dantavia Ruth Ruth Janet Keith Zebedee Anthony Jack Tony Ruth Carl Robert Tamarla Reginald Reginald Date Case 4/4/2008 08-1479 6/27/2008 ltb01163 8/25/2008 ltb01609 10/23/2008 ltc01706 1/29/2008 08-0492 2/19/2008 ltc00276 2/11/2008 ltc00263 9/3/2008 lta00741 2/7/2008 08-0783 8/7/2008 08-3932 9/25/2008 lta00839 8/21/2008 lta00711 10/22/2008 ltc01679 10/30/2008 ltb02144 6/27/2008 ltb01164 7/22/2008 lta00602 9/15/2008 08-4566 1/25/2008 08-0376 1/2/2008 08-0094 4/28/2008 08-2043 6/23/2008 08-3154 4/17/2008 lte00455 9/29/2008 ltb01884 2/5/2008 ltb00243 2/26/2008 08-1029 1/4/2008 ltc00039 5/2/2008 ltc00715 4/24/2008 lte00480 6/24/2008 lte00756 1/15/2008 ltc00090 6/19/2008 ltc00950 9/3/2008 ltc01430 8/25/2008 08-4230 1/28/2008 ltc00187 3/25/2008 ltc00468 9/5/2008 ltb01749 4/25/2008 ltc00657 4/15/2008 08-1809 6/9/2008 lta00495 3/18/2008 08-1305 10/23/2008 08-5510 9/26/2008 08-4693 6/9/2008 08-2794 1/9/2008 ltb00056 1/23/2008 ltc00131 10/24/2008 lte01406 1/15/2008 ltc00091 3/7/2008 08-1233 5/28/2008 08-2470 5/21/2008 lte00579 4/16/2008 ltc00597 4/30/2008 08-2129 5/12/2008 08-2287 5/12/2008 08-2286 Plaintiff Julie Short Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Bristol Court Cathy Hoadley David M Withey Ballard Cheryl Mill Creek Apts Dayne Davis Dayne Davis Maple Run Maple Run Pine Creek Apts Huntington Cir Apts Windsor Place Apts Pheasant Run Mobile Citifinancial F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. Gmac Mortgage Llc White Oak Estates Westwood Management Shady Acres Mhp Wilcox Steve Bank Of N Y Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor American Mhp Burkeshire Pointe Burkeshire Pointe Continental Estates Clovertree Apts Vera Dendy Whitthorne Cornelius Withthorne Kevin Smith Kevin Smith Ricky Jordan Stratford Sq Apts Goad Realty Perry Place Apts Indian Hills Manor Fhc Richard Smith Mapleridge Apts Indian Hills Manor Rosewood Manor Land Bank Land Bank Last Name Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owens Owensby Ozir Pace Pace Pacheco Pacheco Pacheco Pachuilo Padgette Padgette Padilla Padocks Padot Padua Padua Paese Paez Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Pagogna Pahl Paige Painter Paivarinta Paivarinta Palma Palma Palmateer Palmateer Palmateer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer First Name Kristy Debra Reginald Carl Tajala Krystal Anthony Tarra Christine James Rodergies Thomas Cheryl Brandi Brandi Theresa Heather Pamela Pamela Sylvia Jennifer Crystal Alfreda Alfreda Guiseppe Danny Theresa Theresa Tammy Lisa Jessica Theresa Nakisha Jessica Joseph Julienne Ruth Erin Jeff Jeff David David Destiny Destiny Jessica William Vincent Tara Regina Roberta Minyonne Belinda Nykeeshia Sonya Date Case 2/4/2008 08-0742 5/6/2008 ltd00437 5/12/2008 08-2288 7/21/2008 lte00849 9/29/2008 08-4909 10/28/2008 08-5744 9/22/2008 lte01187 7/31/2008 ltb01500 8/21/2008 lta00716 6/3/2008 08-2714 6/11/2008 08-2862 1/2/2008 lte00010 4/24/2008 ltc00612 8/20/2008 lte01022 7/7/2008 lte00813 9/29/2008 08-4851 5/28/2008 ltf00640 6/4/2008 ltd00525 7/29/2008 ltd00659 6/2/2008 08-2635 9/16/2008 08-4616 2/1/2008 ltf00149 3/28/2008 lte00417 7/23/2008 lte00901 3/13/2008 08-1246 4/25/2008 ltc00644 1/31/2008 lte00132 5/27/2008 lte00664 5/21/2008 08-2465 6/5/2008 lte00698 3/27/2008 08-1384 8/22/2008 lte01080 9/30/2008 08-4960 9/22/2008 08-4665 9/24/2008 lte01251 5/27/2008 lte00646 9/8/2008 08-4462 1/24/2008 ltb00153 4/2/2008 ltb00579 7/16/2008 ltb01338 4/17/2008 ltb00668 9/24/2008 ltb01854 4/8/2008 ltf00392 10/20/2008 ltf01291 10/27/2008 08-5656 1/31/2008 ltb00220 4/24/2008 lte00481 6/26/2008 lte00786 4/24/2008 ltc00618 2/22/2008 ltc00319 4/14/2008 08-1777 5/21/2008 ltc00767 8/8/2008 08-3896 9/23/2008 lta00824 Plaintiff Fhc Sunridge Apts Land Bank Mapleridge Apts Fhc Rosewood Riverside Twnhomes Perry Place Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Fed National Mtg U.S. Bank Wilfred Bush Thornridge Apts Citimortgage Fountain Pointe Fountian Pointe Fhc Creekwood Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Mary McGee Walter Witak Leach Tracy Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Washington Mutual Chase Bank Usa Na Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Angel Elicerio Edgemont Pk Twh James E. Stewart Perry Place Apts Redstone Twh Barb Johnson Wells Fargo Bank Gr Bend 452apts Redstone Twh Windsor Place Apts Stratford Sq Apts Stratford Sq Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Palmateer Robert Palmateer Robert Colleen And Dennis Sergent Short Continental North Perry Place Apts Tudor Estates Pineshores Apts Hanson Terry Alc Holdings Ideal Rental James Thomas Valley Meadows Last Name Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Panek Pangman Panizzoli Pantoja Pantoja Pantoja Paquette Pardee Pardee Pardee Pardo Parham Parham Parham Parion Parish Parish Parish Parish Parke Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Jr First Name Tara Vincent Rosemary Kevin Roberta Carnie Patricia Marilyn Stephen Lakesha Lakesha Lekesha Bettye Brian Robert Robert Charles Richard A Cue Richard Perry Dale Dale Dale Dale Andrew Nakia Danielle Jose Nakia Bill Angeleene Angeleene Larry Doris Barry Allen Patrick Cory Takia Richard Mandy Latoya Nakia Darlene David Princess Raiytisha Cory Jack Antonio Linda Princess Gerald Date Case 8/22/2008 lte01065 9/8/2008 ltb01759 6/19/2008 08-3035 10/16/2008 ltc01646 7/31/2008 ltc01243 6/13/2008 08-2897 1/31/2008 lte00133 8/21/2008 ltc01344 5/22/2008 ltb00909 1/29/2008 08-0602 5/29/2008 08-2650 8/8/2008 08-3925 8/26/2008 lte01111 3/26/2008 08-1376 10/9/2008 ltf01270 7/1/2008 ltf00786 1/30/2008 08-0483 2/20/2008 08-0903 3/18/2008 08-1325 7/29/2008 08-3639 8/25/2008 08-4240 1/2/2008 ltd00004 5/27/2008 ltd00482 9/30/2008 ltd00923 7/30/2008 ltd00696 9/9/2008 ltc01454 10/27/2008 lte01457 1/7/2008 08-0036 10/30/2008 ltb02161 1/25/2008 08-0439 5/28/2008 ltb00986 3/26/2008 08-1443 2/26/2008 08-1034 5/21/2008 lte00582 4/17/2008 lte00457 4/16/2008 ltc00588 4/17/2008 08-1863 6/20/2008 ltc00980 6/5/2008 ltf00683 5/27/2008 08-2557 7/28/2008 ltc01216 8/6/2008 lta00662 9/24/2008 ltc01523 8/28/2008 08-4346 7/31/2008 ltb01454 9/29/2008 08-4870 6/9/2008 08-2840 10/8/2008 ltb01959 10/9/2008 ltf01274 10/10/2008 lta00864 7/30/2008 lta00634 7/30/2008 ltb01408 6/3/2008 08-2744 6/3/2008 ltf00657 Plaintiff Tudor Estates White Oak Estates Deutsche Bk Ideal Rental Bohannon Naomi Sam Younce Perry Place Apts Bristol Court Federal H Mtg Alc Holdings Alc Holdings Allen Debus Mapleridge Apts Mike Zerka Centennial Farms Centennial Farms Rob Bottinelli Sunshine Mgmt Us Bank Sunshine Mgmt F.D.H.A.L.P Pheasant Run Apts Pheasant Run Apts Pheasant Run Apts Pheasant Run Manor Deutsche Bank Landon Roy Pamela Weible Twin Meadows Mhp John Phinisee Arc Torrey Hills Holiday Village Holiday Village Mapleridge Apts Cedar Bend Apts Indian Hills Manor Jp Investing Quail Ridge Apts Villa Grande Estates Catherine Williams Pineshores Apts Mill Creek Apts Bristol Court Goad Llc Continental Estates David A. Terrian Redstone Twh Brookstone Valley Villa Grande Estates Option One Mtg Corp River Valley Manor Kingdom Mgmt Westgate Ter Apts Pineview Last Name First Name Parker Jr Robert Parkin Andrea Parkinson Christa Parks Ashley Parks Beverly Parks Tia Parks Katrina Parks Kiara Parks Sarina Parks Beverly Parks Jermaine Parks Sr Harold Parks Sr Harold Parlor Teresa Parnell Linda Parr John Parrish Syndy Parrish Syndy Parrish James Parrish Syndy Parrish Syndy Parsell Robert Parson Gidgetta Parson Nelson Parson Gidgetta Partridge Virginia Partridge Virginia Pasal Nikia Pascal Rochanda Paschet Ronald Paschket Ronald Paschket Ronald Paschket Ronald Pasheek Mark Pasik Marsha Passmore Tabitha Patrick Christophe Patrick Angela Patrick Michele Patrick Randy Patrick Michele Patrick Erica Patsey Dustan Patson Gladys Patson Gladys Patson Edward Pattanachora Kellie Pattanachora Kelly Patterson Michari Patterson Michari Patterson Ashley Patterson Michari Patterson Michari Patterson Michari Date Case 2/5/2008 ltb00268 3/5/2008 ltb00429 2/25/2008 08-0958 10/24/2008 lte01405 1/16/2008 ltc00102 6/4/2008 ltb01077 3/19/2008 08-1770 2/1/2008 08-0643 2/1/2008 08-0685 3/13/2008 ltc00419 10/29/2008 08-5674 8/27/2008 ltb01667 7/3/2008 ltb01245 4/11/2008 08-1659 5/1/2008 08-2157 7/24/2008 ltc01147 1/2/2008 08-0108 4/21/2008 08-1913 8/22/2008 lte01096 10/8/2008 08-5127 7/30/2008 08-3792 4/2/2008 08-1514 1/28/2008 ltb00169 7/31/2008 08-3820 8/27/2008 ltf01026 5/21/2008 08-2536 7/11/2008 08-3412 10/17/2008 08-5521 5/7/2008 ltb00835 10/24/2008 ltb02084 5/22/2008 ltb00896 8/25/2008 ltb01610 7/29/2008 ltb01397 9/29/2008 ltb01889 9/16/2008 lte01175 5/20/2008 08-2466 2/19/2008 ltc00279 4/25/2008 ltc00658 10/29/2008 08-5796 10/16/2008 08-5225 8/26/2008 08-4254 8/15/2008 08-4118 8/28/2008 ltd00827 5/22/2008 lta00447 5/8/2008 08-2255 7/9/2008 08-3347 7/9/2008 08-3360 9/8/2008 08-4463 10/28/2008 ltd01010 4/1/2008 ltd00318 2/26/2008 ltc00367 6/4/2008 ltd00526 2/26/2008 ltd00201 7/29/2008 ltd00658 Plaintiff Charter Oaks Apts Twin Meadows Mhp American Mhp Perry Place Apts Frederick R Powell Westwood Management Mario Wills Aaron Dionne Quality Rental Wenzel Emory Glenn Johnson Westwood Management Westwood Management Nathaniel Towns Douglas Sepanak Washington Mut Mark Spinney Mark K. Spinney Gr Bend 452apts Mark K. Spinney Mark K. Spinney Kris Whitman Kings Lane Dada Group Kings Lane Ideal Rental Homes Llc-Moneta Terry L Groves Jack Cochran Madison Pk Est Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Pl Apts Continental Estates Crkovski Naum Richard Smith Sugartree Apts Clovertree Apts Carriage House Apts Genesee Forest Carriage Apts Herman L. Jr. Byrd Robert M Crites Fed National Mtg Fnma Renee Woolhiser Redstone Twh Redstone Twh Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Landon Roy Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Last Name First Name Patton Candace Patton Noah Patton Yvette Patton Jonah Patton Noah Patton Tangineca Patton Lisa Paul Lawrence Paulmer Ronald Paxton Salena Paxton Katrina Paxton Salena Paxton Carla Paylor Berdia Paylor Kimberly Paylor Berdia Paylor Berdia Payne James Payne Sarah Payne Stephanie Payne Stephanie Payne Joseph Payne Marcus Payne Jasmine Payne John Payne John Payne Jarrett Payne Aileen Payne Takeisha Payne Sarah Payne Delnika Payne Takeisha Payne Jarriet Payne Joseph Payne Joseph Payne Ja-Neen Payton Serrithia Payton Sha'kesha Payton Denise Payton Shakesa Payton Serrithia Payton Shakesa Payton Hines Cynthia Pazz Troy Pea Dorothy Pea Dorothy Pea Ayala Pea Kamille Pea Dorothy Peabody Sarah Peake Ryan Pear Tammy Pearl Daniel Pearl Daniel Date Case 1/4/2008 08-0030 2/5/2008 ltb00244 5/1/2008 08-2001 7/9/2008 08-3385 7/3/2008 ltb01246 8/20/2008 08-4143 9/24/2008 ltc01561 2/25/2008 ltb00304 9/11/2008 08-4516 5/21/2008 08-2526 4/7/2008 08-1552 6/19/2008 08-3065 8/21/2008 ltc01370 5/22/2008 ltf00606 10/15/2008 lte01381 9/24/2008 ltf01164 7/23/2008 ltf00901 1/4/2008 lte00029 10/24/2008 lte01404 1/29/2008 08-0468 4/14/2008 08-1718 2/5/2008 08-0771 3/27/2008 08-1456 4/1/2008 ltd00317 6/2/2008 ltc00873 9/23/2008 lta00826 10/27/2008 08-5665 9/4/2008 08-4441 6/16/2008 08-2967 8/22/2008 lte01081 6/27/2008 08-3089 9/29/2008 08-4901 8/14/2008 08-3993 9/3/2008 ltf01080 8/5/2008 ltf00951 6/4/2008 08-2770 4/22/2008 08-1937 2/4/2008 08-0648 7/10/2008 08-3379 10/3/2008 08-5063 7/21/2008 08-3594 7/3/2008 08-3127 2/25/2008 08-0953 6/20/2008 ltc00967 5/20/2008 08-2491 2/4/2008 08-0763 8/27/2008 ltf01027 8/27/2008 ltb01645 8/19/2008 08-4088 6/24/2008 lte00774 5/21/2008 lta00441 1/2/2008 08-0078 2/21/2008 lte00234 9/24/2008 ltc01501 Plaintiff Mark Tyler Westwood Management Regina Porter Ray Collins Westwood Management Maurice Woods Burkeshire Pointe White Oak Estates Charles Hicks Beverly Peterson Rene' Peterson Brister Padgett Mary Doolan Quail Ridge Apts Kings Lane Maple Park Terraces Kings Lane Kings Lane Fountain Pointe Perry Place Apts Connie Trouser Nate Williams Amro Mrtg Tdm Sunridge Apts N.Morris Estates Valley Meadows Reynold D Swilley Tdm Realty Fhc Perry Place Apts Robert Jones Fhc Reynold Swilley Pineview Pineview Verne Eneix Treasure Enter Mike West Orchard Ridge Est Terry Hanson Treasure Enter Terry Hanson Federal Natl Mtg Southcreek Village Fhc Fhc Kings Lane Madison Pk Est Fhc Parkwood Mhp Maple Run American Mhp Perry Place Apts Citimortgage Inc Last Name Pearson Pearson Pearson Pearson Peat Peat Peden-Figue Pederson Peel Peel Pegorraro Pelch Pelch Pellsala Pellsala Pellsala Pena Pena Pendelton Pendleton Penigar Penn Pennington Pennington Penny Pennyman Penttengill Peoples Peoples Peoples Pepitone Peplinski Peppers Perdue Perez Perez Perez Perez Perez Perez Perez Perez Perez Perez Perez Perez Perez Perez Perge Perkins Perkins Perkins Sr Perkins Sr Perreo First Name Danielle Annelle Danielle Annelle Addie Addie Gregorio Mike Carol Carol Kimberly Holly Holly Joseph Joseph Joseph Corina Corina Sylvester Sylvester Louvinia Ernest Sean Sean Dana Erika Bradley Shenina Richard Shenina Amber Christophe Theresa Teha David Michael Heather David Juan Jorge Tina David Silvia Elizabeth Danyel Tony Heather James Louis Jack Toni Temujin Temujin Anthony Date Case 1/2/2008 08-0152 4/25/2008 ltc00642 8/13/2008 08-3963 9/24/2008 ltc01554 4/25/2008 08-2007 7/18/2008 08-3424 9/2/2008 ltc01421 6/19/2008 lta00536 3/5/2008 ltf00251 7/1/2008 ltf00818 5/27/2008 ltb00948 10/30/2008 ltb02152 8/28/2008 ltb01706 2/25/2008 ltb00350 4/28/2008 ltb00699 6/27/2008 ltb01165 6/3/2008 ltd00506 7/16/2008 ltd00628 8/28/2008 ltb01688 4/10/2008 08-1676 8/29/2008 ltb01727 2/5/2008 ltc00217 1/23/2008 lta00093 8/28/2008 ltb01703 10/20/2008 08-5502 1/30/2008 08-0623 8/25/2008 ltf00988 5/21/2008 ltc00770 2/21/2008 08-0944 7/30/2008 ltc01234 2/19/2008 ltc00298 8/29/2008 lte01141 5/6/2008 08-2215 6/11/2008 08-2853 1/23/2008 ltd00089 10/24/2008 ltb02085 1/2/2008 lte00021 1/2/2008 lta00006 5/7/2008 ltc00721 3/25/2008 lte00370 3/19/2008 08-1723 3/31/2008 ltd00300 9/17/2008 ltc01489 9/26/2008 08-4836 7/30/2008 lte00917 7/31/2008 ltf00934 8/29/2008 lte01145 8/25/2008 08-4229 8/21/2008 ltc01316 1/24/2008 ltb00154 9/24/2008 ltf01165 10/28/2008 ltd01011 7/1/2008 ltd00602 4/4/2008 08-1636 Plaintiff Orchard Rg Apts Suffolk Court Apts Richfield Aprts Suffolk Court Apts Tonya Edwards Tonya Edwards Pineshore Apts Rodgers Nicholas Pineview Pine View Eastknoll Apt Enterprise Ests Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Lemke Dale Lemke Dale Brookstone Valley Antonio Duran Rosewood Park Apts Deutsche Bank Beech Trail Apts Riverside Mhp Robin Summers Eagle Ridge Sq David S Broadworth Ideal Rental E-Catt Llc Ideal Rental Clovertree Apts Wtl Group Llc Roger Wildmo Motorcity Group Fenton Estates Windsor Place Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Homesales Inc Wells Fargo Bank Na Perry Place Apts Aaron Dionne Fenton Estates Us Bank National Olson Mgmt Parkwood Mhp Olson Management Maple Park Terraces American Mhp Sugartree Apts Windsor Place Apts Kings Lane Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts National City Bk Last Name Perrin Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perryman Perryman Perryman Perryman Person Person Person Person Person Peterfi Peterman Peterman Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Peterson Petherbridge Pethers First Name Joyce Michele Perrin Matthew Shirley Perrin Parion James Parion Teosha Amy Michele Britt Terry Parion Michele Michele Parion Shawlene Shimecka Virgil Lillian Parion Michele Tammy Tammy Kimberly Tammy Labrina Harry Requille James Robin Deborah Stacey Courtney Sam Lechelli Candy Florence Florence Autumn Javon Susan Javon Autumn Brandy William Jasmin Sheketa Jamison Sheketa Noah John Date Case 4/16/2008 08-1852 1/31/2008 lte00153 1/25/2008 08-0374 10/28/2008 ltb02113 1/2/2008 08-0083 1/2/2008 08-0093 3/24/2008 08-1404 6/26/2008 08-3189 4/28/2008 08-2042 5/19/2008 08-2398 2/22/2008 ltd00184 4/29/2008 lte00538 2/21/2008 lte00235 5/13/2008 08-2238 2/26/2008 08-1022 3/25/2008 lte00378 7/3/2008 lte00798 6/23/2008 08-3151 7/28/2008 08-3738 9/29/2008 08-4831 9/29/2008 lte01302 9/29/2008 08-4889 10/24/2008 08-5600 8/21/2008 lte01057 4/30/2008 08-2074 3/11/2008 08-1115 7/16/2008 08-3485 10/6/2008 08-4956 1/2/2008 ltb00011 4/28/2008 ltb00685 5/22/2008 ltc00781 5/9/2008 08-2273 10/24/2008 08-5626 8/7/2008 08-3865 5/28/2008 08-2471 9/24/2008 lte01268 5/28/2008 08-2515 6/2/2008 08-2673 9/10/2008 08-4532 7/31/2008 ltb01466 9/29/2008 ltb01916 1/2/2008 ltc00003 1/8/2008 lta00026 2/25/2008 ltb00351 4/22/2008 lta00337 2/25/2008 ltc00322 9/8/2008 ltb01763 7/31/2008 08-3819 9/26/2008 08-4672 10/14/2008 08-5169 10/9/2008 08-5101 9/11/2008 08-4526 6/24/2008 lte00757 2/29/2008 ltb00388 Plaintiff Fhc Knollwood Vill Apt F.D.H.A.L.P. Charter Oaks Apts Holiday Village F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. Kenneth Aquil F.D.H.A.L.P. Jeffery Anderson Swartz Cr Mead Knollwood Vill Apts Perry Place Apts Gerald Burton F.D.H.A.L.P. Knollwood Vill Apts Knollwood Village F.D.H.A.L.P River Village Apts Tony Stockton Fairways At Woodfield Patricia Neigh F.D.H.A.L.P Knollwood Village Apts Marianne Roat Glen R Trego Fred Jackson Marianne Roat Brookstone Vall Est Clark Sherry Sugartree Apts Theresa Mosley Evergreen Reg Rollingwood Man Michael S Thompson Mapleridge Apts Ola Clemons Daniel Bistricky Hubert Hintz Continental North Continental North Tardiff James River Valley Manor Windsor Place Apts River Valley Manor Tardiff James Fisherman's Cove Dada Group Jack Barnes Danny Zerka Jack Barnes Danny Zerka Perry Place Apts Federal National Mtg Last Name Petiprin Petiprin Petite Petrosky Petrosky Petrosky Petrosky Petry Pettigrew Pettigrew Pettigrew Pettigrew Pettigrew Pettis Petty Petty Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Pharms Pharms Pharms Phelps Phelps Phelps Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Philp Philpots Philpott Phinisee Phinisee Phipps Phipps Phipps Phipps Phipps First Name Mitchell Mitchell Zakkyya Anthony Ronald Anthony Anthony Mark Shari Zavier Zavier Natasha Natasha Delmarko James Thomas Heidi James Tawana Tawana Twona Casey Tobe Philip Robin Krystal Dave Joseph James Angela Phillis Angela Ola Alexandria Wanda James Nicole James Ranika James Ronda Phillis Alghandi Victor Darrin Delando Carol Darcel Darcel Katina Katina Erica Unique Unique Date Case 5/22/2008 ltb00897 6/27/2008 ltb01166 1/24/2008 08-0532 4/10/2008 ltf00403 6/16/2008 ltf00701 7/1/2008 ltf00805 9/3/2008 ltf01083 7/22/2008 ltd00635 9/12/2008 08-4565 10/15/2008 08-5176 7/28/2008 08-3744 8/20/2008 ltb01575 10/14/2008 ltb02027 6/25/2008 08-3194 7/16/2008 lta00591 9/24/2008 lta00831 10/24/2008 lte01403 6/5/2008 ltf00680 1/29/2008 ltd00123 9/15/2008 08-4629 8/13/2008 08-3916 1/28/2008 ltf00132 5/27/2008 lte00665 2/25/2008 ltb00352 1/9/2008 ltb00076 10/23/2008 ltb02054 5/28/2008 ltb00993 2/14/2008 ltd00164 2/5/2008 ltc00223 6/24/2008 ltf00745 5/12/2008 08-2321 5/22/2008 ltf00607 5/12/2008 08-2234 5/22/2008 ltb00898 2/4/2008 08-0756 9/24/2008 ltb01867 7/14/2008 08-3405 10/20/2008 ltc01653 7/9/2008 ltb01304 9/24/2008 lta00837 10/21/2008 ltf01315 6/17/2008 08-2956 6/25/2008 08-3207 8/20/2008 ltb01576 9/24/2008 lte01253 8/27/2008 ltf01028 2/8/2008 08-0800 5/28/2008 08-2599 7/21/2008 08-3578 2/4/2008 08-0736 4/4/2008 08-1614 3/25/2008 lta00254 6/18/2008 ltc00934 9/18/2008 ltc01493 Plaintiff Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Gary Goad Realty Pineview Kings Lane Pine View Pineview Hoover Greg Atlas Investment Eugene Marve Westgate Ter Apts Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Tony Stockton Flint Twp Prop Bank Of New York Perry Place Apts Centennial Farms Sunridge Apts Barb Johnson Barb Johnson Creekwood Perry Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Kearsley Creek Llc Twin Meadows Mhp Kubik Fred Camelot Villa Kings Lane Michael Zerka Kings Lane Ruth Bryant Windsor Place Apts Fhc Camelot Villa Gary L Stanick Pineshores Apartment Brookstone Valley Gmac Mtg Howard Jerry Michael Zerka Federal Nat Mtg Three Rivers Assoc Group Five Mgmt Kings Lane Richfield Apts Lp Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Fhc Fhc Montrose Country Estates Landon Roy Landon Roy Last Name Phipps Pickard Pickard Pickard Pickard Pickelman Pickelman Pickerel Pickerell Pickett Pickett Piechowski Pieknik Pienta Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierece Pierre Pierson Pierson Pihlstrom Pihlstrom Pillen Pillen Pillen Pillen Pillen Pillow Pilon Pilon Pilon Pilon Pilon Pilon Pilon Pilon Pinder Pingel Pinkston Pinkston Pinkston Pinson Piotrowski First Name Katina Carrie Carrie Carrie Carrie Christophe Christophe Karen Roy Erin Juiwamma David Lisa Todd Michelle Corey Coveno Doris Corey David Corey Martina Teresa Promise Michelle Promise Corey Coveno Jonhisha Bethany Carrie Eric Eric Delbert Justin Delbert Justin Delbert Diane Bruce Bruce Paulette Bruce Paulette Bruce Bruce Bruce Carol Allen Doug Doug Ebony Brandi Alicia Date Case 7/31/2008 08-3832 3/5/2008 ltf00226 4/10/2008 ltf00429 9/3/2008 ltf01066 10/1/2008 ltf01232 5/1/2008 ltb00779 7/31/2008 ltb01467 7/16/2008 ltc01099 4/30/2008 08-2084 5/20/2008 08-2432 9/24/2008 lte01258 9/5/2008 lta00749 2/26/2008 lta00180 10/8/2008 ltb01979 1/8/2008 ltf00050 1/3/2008 08-0166 2/22/2008 08-0897 4/17/2008 lta00327 3/27/2008 08-1459 4/30/2008 ltb00738 10/21/2008 08-5574 9/11/2008 lta00768 7/29/2008 ltd00657 9/25/2008 08-4822 10/20/2008 ltf01301 7/18/2008 08-3316 9/24/2008 08-4793 8/19/2008 08-4009 1/2/2008 08-0105 3/27/2008 lte00399 10/14/2008 08-4453 3/27/2008 ltb00534 5/28/2008 ltb00957 2/26/2008 ltc00336 5/5/2008 ltf00495 5/23/2008 ltc00801 6/30/2008 ltf00767 8/21/2008 ltc01319 1/24/2008 ltc00143 10/30/2008 ltf01400 4/10/2008 ltf00415 4/4/2008 ltd00335 6/3/2008 ltf00669 6/20/2008 ltc00971 9/3/2008 ltf01090 7/1/2008 ltf00820 10/1/2008 ltf01224 9/30/2008 08-4913 9/29/2008 ltb01890 4/2/2008 08-1565 10/1/2008 08-4992 10/15/2008 08-5209 9/2/2008 08-4404 5/5/2008 ltf00485 Plaintiff Ideal Rental Home Green Acre Green Acre Apts Green Acre Green Acre Apts Continental North Continental North Deutsche Bank Genev Verkennes Timothy Bender Group Five Mgmt Deutsche Bank Nat The Villas Enterprise Ests Mhp Green Briar Tdm Realty Harry Keene Johnson Dave Tdm Realty Arc Torrey Hills Tdm Flint Twp Sunridge Apts Gerald Burton Green Briar Russ Ritsen Land Bank Harry Keene Shiloh Com Twnh Hometown America Lasalle Bank Stratford Sq Apts Stratford Sq Apts Southcreek Village Creekwood Southcreek Village Creekwood Southcreek Village Deutsche Bank Pineview Estates Pineview Bank Of New York Pineview Pine Creek Apts Pineview Pine View Pineview Estates Us Bank Continental Estates Indus American Ipm Park Manor Ctry Cl Man Apts Federal Home Loan Last Name Piotrowski Piper Piper Pipkin Pipkin Pippins Pippins Pitkin Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pittman Pitts Pitts Pitts Pitts Pitts Pitts Pizza Plair Plamondon Plamondon Planck Planck Planck Planck Platke Platt Platt Plumb Plummer Plunkett Plunkett Plunkett Plunkett Plunkey Plunkey Plunkey Plunkey Pluta Podoske Podpora Podsiadik Poe Poe Pohle Poindexter Polacek Polk Polk Polk First Name Martin Susan Joseph John James Teresa Teresa Karry Cherese Cherese Cherese Daniel Latisha Daniel Doreen Teresa Bryan Satyana Desonya Evelyn Tamika Al-Ummah Dominique Vania Traci Joedy Joedy Joedy Joedy Melenese Mark Mark Ellen John Leonetta Patrick Leonetta Patrick Matt Matt Matt Matt Christina Robert Walter Jason Melissa Derrick Frank Jason Lacey Mary Charles Mary Date Case 9/9/2008 lta00761 2/5/2008 ltc00219 9/18/2008 ltb01809 1/17/2008 lte00068 3/31/2008 ltf00359 2/25/2008 lta00171 5/21/2008 lta00442 8/19/2008 ltc01305 1/2/2008 08-0090 1/25/2008 08-0371 2/26/2008 08-1023 5/21/2008 ltc00761 4/25/2008 ltc00660 9/25/2008 08-4797 7/28/2008 08-3571 3/3/2008 08-1079 3/5/2008 08-1170 8/26/2008 ltd00784 9/29/2008 08-4863 8/19/2008 08-4064 10/8/2008 ltf01267 2/4/2008 lta00119 4/2/2008 08-1571 4/30/2008 ltb00745 7/28/2008 ltf00915 5/21/2008 ltb00850 3/27/2008 ltb00531 9/5/2008 ltb01744 7/9/2008 ltb01309 5/21/2008 lte00585 1/4/2008 08-0021 7/25/2008 08-3662 2/14/2008 08-0866 7/23/2008 ltb01364 1/28/2008 08-0458 5/28/2008 08-2606 5/30/2008 08-2633 7/21/2008 08-3587 3/5/2008 ltf00260 5/7/2008 ltf00555 9/3/2008 ltf01106 7/1/2008 ltf00830 5/20/2008 ltf00580 2/20/2008 08-0940 8/18/2008 lta00689 5/30/2008 ltd00498 10/27/2008 lte01443 2/20/2008 08-0931 7/23/2008 ltc01116 2/25/2008 ltb00353 7/29/2008 ltb01398 10/30/2008 ltf01391 1/8/2008 ltf00051 3/3/2008 ltc00386 Plaintiff Fifth Third Bank Quality Rental Mgmt Llc Center Park Wells Fargo Bank Maple Grove Maple Run Maple Run Bois Daniel F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. Deutsche Bank Clovertree Apts Indymac Bank River Village Apts Evergreen Reg Deutsche Bank Sunridge Apts Thomas Pugh Fhc Gpa Mgt Co. First Mortgage Fund Redstone Twh Davison East Blackberry Creek Horton Tonya Horton Tonya Horton Tonya Horton Tonya Mapleridge Apts Carl McMaha Carl McMahan Commonwealth Mtg Stockton Tony Allyson Snell Tony Stockton Allyson Snell Tony Stockton Pineview Pineview Pineview Pine View Wells Fargo Bank Bank Of America Daduke Jeff Swartz Creek Med Maplebrook Vill Apts Tdm Indian Hills Manor Windsor Place Apts Windsor Pl Apts Pineview Estates Green Briar Deutsche Bank Last Name First Name Polk Charles Polk Mark Polk Renisha Pollard Sparkle Pollard Peyonca Pollard Dwayne Pollard Charles Pollard Charles Pollard Charles Pollard Carl Pollard Peyonca Pollard Carl Pollard Kimberly Pollard Eni Pomeroy Sheryl Pomroy Mary Ann Pomroy Mary Pool Chaina Pool-Blair John Poole Lisa Poole Kathleen Poole Sonya Poole Lisa Poole Latashua Poole Henry Poole Tameka Poole Kathleen Poole Sunyo Poole Sonya Poore-Sancn Nicole Poore-Sancn Nicole Pope Terry Pope Christie Poplar Laurice Poplar Laurice Poplar Samone Pore Nathaniel Porritt Amy Port Shirley Porter Robin Porter Michelle Porter Robin Porter Robin Porter Robin Porter Veronica Porter Della Porter Jacqueline Porter Michelle Porter Robin Porterfield Shamonica Portillo Christina Portillo Cristina Portis Erin Posey Maxie Date Case 10/20/2008 ltf01299 8/25/2008 08-4205 10/2/2008 ltc01595 6/26/2008 ltb01151 2/26/2008 ltd00229 5/14/2008 ltc00736 2/21/2008 lte00236 3/25/2008 lte00371 3/4/2008 lta00196 8/20/2008 ltb01577 9/8/2008 ltd00844 7/16/2008 ltb01331 9/24/2008 ltc01502 8/21/2008 ltc01374 7/7/2008 ltc01076 5/28/2008 ltd00492 8/13/2008 ltd00732 7/29/2008 08-3667 10/1/2008 08-4943 1/9/2008 ltf00067 2/4/2008 08-0759 3/5/2008 ltb00412 3/5/2008 ltf00229 2/4/2008 08-0744 5/5/2008 ltf00517 4/4/2008 08-1634 6/16/2008 08-2977 8/29/2008 08-4376 10/1/2008 08-4991 6/20/2008 ltc00959 7/25/2008 ltc01154 3/19/2008 08-1744 2/6/2008 ltc00256 2/7/2008 ltf00168 7/1/2008 ltf00816 9/24/2008 ltc01553 10/10/2008 08-5136 8/22/2008 ltb01587 10/2/2008 08-4947 1/3/2008 ltc00015 10/28/2008 lte01464 4/1/2008 ltc00534 4/1/2008 ltc00535 2/6/2008 ltc00257 8/29/2008 lte01140 8/5/2008 ltf00943 8/21/2008 ltc01377 8/27/2008 lte01124 9/10/2008 ltc01464 10/17/2008 08-5533 1/11/2008 lte00056 6/24/2008 08-3082 10/1/2008 ltf01211 3/19/2008 08-1266 Plaintiff Green Briar Donald Young Cedarshores Apt Cambridge Sq Flint Mari-Dan Miller Farm Michael J Liesen Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts River Valley Manor Three Rivers Assoc Mari-Dan Miller Farms Three Rivers Assoc Mtg Electronic Reg Clovertree Apts Gibson Nichole Lemke Dale Lemke Dale 424 Avon Llc Royal Mhp Green Acre Fhc Brookstone Valley Green Acre Fhc Kings Lane Fhc Fhc Jeffery Anderson Evergreen Reg Suffolk Court Apts Southcreek Village Antonio Duran Cranbrook Vill Co Pine View Pine View Suffolk Court Apts Dayne Davis Gmac Llc City Of Flint Edc Cranbrook Vill Co Anton E Khouri Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Chynoweth Jody Pine View Clovertree Apts Anton E Khouri Cranbrook Village Tolerun Bates Heatherwood Apts Executive Prop Pineview Estates Kingdom Mgmt Last Name Potteiger Potteiger Potter Potts Potts Potts Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Powell Et Al Power Powers Powers Powers Prater Pratt Pray Pray Pray Pray Pray Pray Pray Pray Jr Prescott Presley Presnall Presnall Preston Preston Preston First Name Seth Seth Douglas Kelly Kelly Jamille Sayonya Joseph Sayonya Sayonya Sayonya Lorenzo Dan Ashley Trelena Rhonda Matt A Demitria Natasha Ashley Natashia Rhonda Sharanda Edgar Jonathan Trent Ashley Roxanne Robert Trent Matt Edker Krissy Janice Allan Susan Terry Robert Dawn Shelonda Dawn Dawn Dawn Tricia Tim Matthew Stephen Norman Janice Janice Michael William Barbara Date Case 8/21/2008 08-4128 6/26/2008 08-3183 5/21/2008 lta00446 4/24/2008 lte00482 2/21/2008 lte00237 4/16/2008 08-1822 2/4/2008 08-0695 2/13/2008 08-0860 3/3/2008 08-1093 7/3/2008 08-3294 9/30/2008 08-4932 10/23/2008 ltc01697 10/22/2008 ltd00976 4/16/2008 08-1857 5/21/2008 08-2533 6/4/2008 ltb01041 4/2/2008 ltb00627 3/19/2008 ltb00495 5/1/2008 ltb00781 5/19/2008 08-2429 3/3/2008 08-1077 3/11/2008 08-1146 10/8/2008 ltb01960 6/3/2008 08-2740 10/6/2008 ltc01616 8/1/2008 ltd00713 6/11/2008 08-2851 9/3/2008 08-4392 10/27/2008 08-5718 7/25/2008 08-3669 8/13/2008 08-3975 8/28/2008 ltb01704 4/7/2008 ltc00567 10/6/2008 ltb01941 9/24/2008 ltc01504 10/1/2008 ltf01220 10/7/2008 ltf01264 9/10/2008 ltf01114 1/18/2008 08-0368 1/31/2008 lte00112 1/22/2008 08-0419 5/27/2008 lte00647 6/24/2008 lte00771 4/24/2008 lte00469 7/29/2008 ltf00922 6/18/2008 08-2937 2/29/2008 lte00301 9/24/2008 ltb01875 5/5/2008 lta00380 6/24/2008 08-3145 8/21/2008 08-4169 10/24/2008 ltb02086 1/4/2008 ltb00038 8/11/2008 ltf00974 Plaintiff Kittle-Schott Invest Kittle Schott Marshalls Crossing Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Barb Johnson Shiloh Com Twnh Ipm Shiloh Com Twnh Shiloh Com Twnh Shiloh Com Twnh Burkeshire Pointe Anthony Bradley Pengelly Apts W.I.R.E Brookstone Valley Riverside Mhp Three Rivers Assoc Kearsley Lake Terr Barry Swindle Pengelly Apts Nabill Kako Brookstone Valley Westgate Ter Apts Clemons Ola Swartz Cr Mead Landlord Soluti Jamie Bishoff Fhc Robert Burley Investek 100 Llc Riverside Mhp Clemons Ola Charter Oaks Apts Deutsche Bank Pineview Estates Federa National Evans Joyce Diversified Mktg. Grand Bend Club Apts Redstone Twh Gr Bend 452apts Grand Bend Club Apts Grand Bend Apts Maple Grove Peter A Rau Fountain Pointe Jared Kim Wells Fargo Bank Metawan Hills Metawan Hills Windsor Place Apts Federal National Mtg Centennial Farms Last Name Prevo Prevo Prevo Prewitt Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Priest Priestley Primeau Primeau Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Prince Pringle Pringle Pringle Pritchett Pritchett Pritt Privett Privett Privett Proby Proctor Prophet Prose Prosser Prosser Jr First Name Baretta Nadra Nadra Javon Jeanette Shaquala Shamonica Christopher Twila Gloria Alison Lanisha Shaquala Jeanette Bobbie Jeanette Charles Angela Marie Latosha Jeremy Mosetta Angela April Eve Norman Norman Amber Robin Kristin Amber Kristin Robin Lloyd Amber Kristin Phillip Ronald Phillip Trisha Keionna Pamila Tanya Tanya David James Stephanie Stephanie Michael Dexter Bobby James Daniel Lamar Date Case 10/29/2008 ltf01360 5/8/2008 08-2247 9/22/2008 08-4757 9/29/2008 08-4857 1/2/2008 ltf00020 1/28/2008 ltb00170 1/28/2008 ltc00189 1/23/2008 08-0426 1/2/2008 ltb00012 1/31/2008 08-0473 4/22/2008 lta00334 3/27/2008 lta00262 5/5/2008 ltf00518 5/5/2008 ltf00496 4/30/2008 ltb00777 5/28/2008 ltf00630 6/2/2008 ltc00874 2/4/2008 08-0735 6/10/2008 08-2729 3/31/2008 ltc00518 9/3/2008 08-4423 8/6/2008 08-3862 6/16/2008 08-2994 8/18/2008 08-4112 5/27/2008 lte00666 8/27/2008 ltc01392 9/24/2008 ltb01868 5/14/2008 08-2333 4/21/2008 08-1898 5/21/2008 lte00591 2/4/2008 08-0712 8/29/2008 lte01148 7/24/2008 08-3637 10/13/2008 lte01350 6/16/2008 08-2865 7/18/2008 lte00846 9/8/2008 08-4475 7/8/2008 lta00574 8/22/2008 lte01097 1/8/2008 ltf00053 4/14/2008 08-1776 6/11/2008 08-2854 4/18/2008 08-1869 5/14/2008 08-2310 7/10/2008 08-3217 5/22/2008 ltb00910 7/2/2008 08-3228 10/22/2008 08-5645 4/28/2008 08-2031 2/8/2008 08-0668 4/28/2008 ltd00375 7/2/2008 08-3302 8/8/2008 08-3983 4/2/2008 lte00432 Plaintiff Executive Property Richfield Apts Lp Richfield Aprts Fhc Creekside Kings Lane Burkeshire Pointe Rosemary Gleason Brookstone Vall Est Dolph B Ireland Flint Twp Prop Flint Twp Prop Kings Lane Creekwood Household Finance Corporation Creekwood N.Morris Estates Fhc Delores Barnwell Cedarshores Apts Orchard Ridge Est Nove Henderson Fhc Ron Birchmeier Perry Place Apts Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Diamond Rough Prop David A Boone Fairways Woodfield Westgate Terr Apts Fairways Woodfield David A Boone Fountain Pointe Diamond Prop Fairways Woodfield Homecomings Fin Citimortgage Gr Bend 452apts H Tannenbaum Pamela Baker Motorcity Group Tdm Realty Tdm Realty Kirkwood Comm Citigroup Global Willie Jr Nolden Katherine Overton Willie Fields Michael . McCan Lafon Grant First St Lofts Orlando Goodman Mapleridge Apts Last Name Prough Provance Provost Prude Pruett Pruitt Pruitt Pruitt Pruitt Pruitt Pruitt Pruitt Pruitt Pruitt Pruitt Pruitt Pruitt Pryor Przybylowicz Psalms Psalms Psenski Ptacek Ptack Puchacz Puff Pugh Pugh Pugh Pugh Pugh Pugh Pulido Pulido Et Al Pullen Purcell Purdey Purdy Purnell Purnell Purzyscki Putman Putman Putnam Putnam Pyonk Pyonk Pyonk Quackenbus Quarrella Quedrago Quick Quillen Quillen First Name David Theresa Diane Darryl Diane Alicia Alicia Eric Deborah Alicia Alicia Eric Alicia Rebecca Alicia Deborah Alicia Troy Robert Tommie Tommie Donald Daniyel Todd Stanley Amy Florene Teresa Quinnisha Tamara Quinisha Dawn Betony Chrissy Mary Robert Jarrod Amanda William William Gregory Danielle Danielle Jason Katie Mary Mary Mary Jeffrey James Nicole Gavin Jennifer Jennifer Date Case 4/11/2008 lte00451 5/7/2008 lta00390 4/30/2008 ltb00720 1/9/2008 08-0175 8/13/2008 08-3991 1/2/2008 08-0091 1/25/2008 08-0373 1/24/2008 ltb00155 5/30/2008 08-2688 5/27/2008 08-2579 4/28/2008 08-2040 4/28/2008 ltb00700 10/24/2008 08-5599 8/22/2008 lte01082 8/25/2008 08-4236 8/20/2008 08-4140 6/23/2008 08-3150 8/22/2008 ltb01589 10/22/2008 08-5546 9/23/2008 lta00829 8/27/2008 lta00731 6/23/2008 08-3110 8/18/2008 ltc01302 8/29/2008 lte01143 3/11/2008 ltf00287 10/13/2008 lte01364 6/23/2008 lte00733 5/27/2008 08-2589 8/11/2008 08-3898 8/25/2008 ltf00992 7/25/2008 08-3652 10/15/2008 08-5109 1/2/2008 lte00007 9/11/2008 lta00769 6/13/2008 08-2914 10/28/2008 lta00932 2/26/2008 ltc00368 8/7/2008 lte01005 7/28/2008 08-3717 9/16/2008 08-4506 8/4/2008 08-3858 1/8/2008 ltd00038 2/26/2008 ltd00200 1/31/2008 ltb00226 9/22/2008 lte01250 1/25/2008 ltc00157 3/25/2008 ltc00442 9/24/2008 ltc01541 2/5/2008 ltc00237 10/29/2008 lte01469 1/2/2008 08-0153 6/2/2008 lta00466 10/24/2008 ltb02097 6/12/2008 08-2893 Plaintiff Grande Pointe Apts Flint Pasadena Llc Riverside Mhp Wells Frago Bank Duncan Tremaine F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. Windsor Place Apts Orchard Ridge Est F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. Windsor Place Apts F.D.H.A.L.P Perry Place Apts F.D.H.A.L.P Millie Parks F.D.H.A.L.P Gmac Mortgage Llc Christine Rosin Flint Twp Prop Flint Twp Prop Larry Armstrong Michael J Liesen Attia Investments Meadowbrook Manor Stonehenge Gates Homesales F.D.H.A.L.P. Haytham Obeid Eidson Sandra Home Realty Royal Mhp Group Five Mgmt Co. Pheasant Run Mhe Federal H Mtg West Court Ranches Southcreek Village Mapleridge Apts Sunshine Mgmt Sunshine Mgmt Joan Puzycki Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Davison East Gearing Loucetria Pine Creek Apts Pine Creek Aprt Pine Creek Apts N.Morris Ests Citizens Bank Orchard Rg Apts Fed National Mtg Westwood Management Larry Bonham Last Name Quillen Quinn Quinn Quinn Quinn Quintanilla Quire Quirk Raad Rackel Rader Radford Radocks Radocks Radocks Ragan Ragnone Ragnone Raines Rainey Rainey Rainy Ralph Ramey Ramlow Ramos Ramsey Ramsey Ramsey Ramsey Ramsey Ramsey Ramsey Ramsey Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randall Randle Randle Randle Randle Randle Randle Randle Randle Randle Randoeph Randolph First Name Jennifer Daniel Ryan Raeann Jacqueline Margarita Alexis Chris Delon Rose Denise Kennard Leo Jennifer Heather Mary Samuel Samuel Tarias Lonniesha Lonniesha Lonnisha Tiffiny Patricia Katie Michelle James Adriane Gewndalyn Satoya Ronald Satoya Juli James Dawn Sharon Amanda Dawn Sharon Crystal Sharon Ricky Amanda Shandra Yvette Tanjanika Yvette Shandra Yvette Yvette Tanjanika Shandra Stephanie Arthur Date Case 3/20/2008 08-1772 1/25/2008 lte00090 2/25/2008 ltb00321 3/26/2008 ltd00288 9/26/2008 ltd00880 9/24/2008 ltb01855 10/22/2008 08-5643 4/2/2008 ltb00645 6/24/2008 ltf00744 3/7/2008 ltf00277 1/30/2008 lta00111 9/9/2008 lta00759 1/29/2008 08-0494 4/25/2008 08-1969 7/31/2008 08-3821 6/26/2008 lta00554 1/29/2008 08-0575 2/15/2008 08-0878 6/18/2008 08-3029 4/1/2008 08-1513 7/23/2008 08-3631 1/24/2008 08-0454 10/22/2008 lte01393 9/29/2008 ltb01902 3/31/2008 ltf00370 5/22/2008 lte00619 10/28/2008 ltd01012 6/25/2008 ltc01049 5/8/2008 08-2319 2/26/2008 08-0924 4/11/2008 lta00306 7/9/2008 08-3105 9/29/2008 08-4867 8/26/2008 ltd00783 1/9/2008 ltb00065 1/9/2008 08-0203 4/2/2008 ltb00646 3/3/2008 ltb00400 5/21/2008 08-2522 6/4/2008 ltb01078 10/16/2008 08-5218 7/21/2008 lte00851 8/27/2008 ltb01668 10/30/2008 ltb02141 1/25/2008 ltc00178 10/23/2008 ltc01725 6/20/2008 ltc00981 6/4/2008 ltb01011 4/25/2008 ltc00635 9/24/2008 ltc01515 8/4/2008 ltc01265 8/27/2008 ltb01628 10/8/2008 ltb01971 5/21/2008 08-2477 Plaintiff Larry Bonham Fox Hill Glens Continental North Silver Lake Arbors Lafonda Apartments Windsor Place Apts James Lenoir Westwood Management Kings Lane Kings Lane Federal Nat Mtg Fed National Mtg Donald Moore Walter Witak Ideal Rental Home Leonard Sarah Stavenkan Fund Stavenkan Fund Tdm Curtis Cousineau Curtis Cousineau Don Ricks Thornridge Apts Fishermans Cove Creekwood Mhp Stonehenge Gates Sunridge Apts Grace Community Services Llc Mike Shayna Mustafa Tubner Somerset Apartments Mustafa Tubner Perry James Sunridge Apts Westwood Management Motor City Group Westwood Management Westwood Management Motorcity Group Westwood Management Motorcity Group Mapleridge Apts Westwood Management Hunters Ridge Apts Mt Morris Ldhalp Cedarshores Apt Mt Morris Ldhalp Hunters Ridge Apts Mt Morris Ldhalp Mt Morris Ldhalp Cedarshores Apt Hunters Ridge Apts Madison Pk Est Mrtg Electronic Last Name Randolph Randolph Ranger Ranger Ranjan Rankin Rankin Rankin Rankins Rankins Ransom Rapada Rappe Rasberry Raska Raslich Rasmussen Raspberry Raspolic Raspolic Raspolic Raspolic Jr Raspolic Jr Raspolic Jr Rathbun Rau Rauch Rauls Rauls Rauls Ravell Rawls Rawls Rawls Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Rayford Reach Reach Read Read Real Christia Ream Reaves Reaves Reaves Reaves Redditt Redick First Name Charlotte Sandra Richrad Samantha Autumn Loretta Henry Denise Bettie Lorretta Precious Pri Don Dorothy Tasheanna Brandi Barbie Chrystal Leland Angela Angela Michael Michael Michael Michael Cesiley Mike Morgan Brenda Lavalle Brenda Darkema Della Della Craig Tanya Andrea Andrea Florence Latasha Andrea Anndela Kavondra Amber Amber Ardis Robert Ministries Tia Tameka Tok Tok Tok Usheka Robert Date Case 4/22/2008 08-1921 7/10/2008 08-3380 8/21/2008 lta00712 9/10/2008 lta00765 1/31/2008 lte00147 1/17/2008 08-0271 4/14/2008 08-1686 7/2/2008 08-3275 3/25/2008 ltc00481 7/18/2008 08-3504 2/4/2008 08-0655 3/11/2008 ltf00293 4/25/2008 08-1986 8/26/2008 ltd00782 2/26/2008 ltc00342 4/10/2008 ltc00576 10/1/2008 ltd00930 10/7/2008 08-5089 1/31/2008 lte00168 4/29/2008 lte00529 8/22/2008 lte01066 1/31/2008 lte00169 4/29/2008 lte00530 6/26/2008 lte00787 4/17/2008 lte00456 2/12/2008 08-0676 7/30/2008 lte00960 2/4/2008 08-0719 3/20/2008 ltf00335 7/10/2008 08-3381 4/4/2008 lte00439 5/7/2008 08-2241 7/3/2008 08-3126 7/18/2008 08-3507 6/19/2008 ltb01128 3/25/2008 ltc00484 8/27/2008 ltb01646 8/4/2008 08-3860 8/4/2008 08-3855 10/8/2008 ltb01972 7/18/2008 ltf00872 7/8/2008 ltc01077 1/24/2008 ltb00156 5/22/2008 ltb00899 8/8/2008 ltc01287 9/5/2008 08-4448 7/9/2008 ltc01081 10/24/2008 ltb02066 5/28/2008 08-2622 4/24/2008 08-1972 9/11/2008 08-4544 8/7/2008 08-3935 7/31/2008 ltb01515 10/27/2008 ltf01340 Plaintiff Jacqueline Little Orchard Ridge Est Maple Run Boyce Steven Edgemont Park Theodore Towner Thom Casselman Metawan Hills Ideal Rental Theodore Towner Micah Parker Meadowbrook Manor Atherton Ldha Sunridge Apts Southcreek Village Jennings Jeremy Becker Doreen Ophelia Waits Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Tudor Estates Cedar Bend Apts Howard Burgess Knollwood Village Fhc Kings Lane Orchard Ridge Est McKinvens Monica Terry Hanson Terry Hanson Larry Johnson Genesee Valley Ideal Rental Madison Pk Est Terry Groves Investors Mtg Lc Madison Pk Est Gerow Kenda Pichulo Robert Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Hanson Terry Terry L Groves Cavett Brian Yvette Schlaire Taylor Johnny Goodman Jr Jp Investing Jp Investing Jp Investing Westwood Management Kings Lane Last Name Redick Redick Redmond Redwine Redwine Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Et Al Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reese Reeve Reeves Reeves Reeves Reeves Reeves Reeves Reeves Reeves Reiber Reichart Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reid Reimer Releford Releford Relerford Relerford First Name Robert Robert Crystal Kakisha Seria Sherod Jeffrey Lorenzo Jimmie Sherod Raymond Henry Timothy Mary Nicole Henry Jimmie L Danette Chalynn Chalynn Willie Shanika Richard Mary Willie Mary Richard Delilah Tameka Tonya Latanya Jennifer Quontia Tonya Nicole Tomeka Patsy Fred Paula Dalana Paula Kathy Robin Paula Delana Robin Kathy Dalana Lisa Jerry Le'onda Melody Melody Date Case 3/7/2008 ltf00278 9/24/2008 ltf01166 8/7/2008 lta00674 10/6/2008 ltc01619 10/6/2008 ltc01618 1/9/2008 ltb00077 5/27/2008 ltd00483 3/4/2008 08-1152 6/23/2008 ltc01001 2/5/2008 ltb00260 3/5/2008 ltf00227 5/28/2008 08-2624 8/12/2008 ltb01542 8/13/2008 ltf00981 9/24/2008 lte01257 9/26/2008 08-4606 7/14/2008 ltc01095 8/11/2008 08-3952 6/3/2008 lta00479 1/15/2008 08-0277 5/22/2008 08-2550 6/4/2008 ltb01042 2/22/2008 lte00256 3/5/2008 ltf00234 3/11/2008 08-1145 8/28/2008 ltb01689 6/10/2008 08-2858 10/1/2008 ltf01239 3/5/2008 08-1169 1/4/2008 08-0031 1/10/2008 08-0065 2/20/2008 08-0825 9/8/2008 08-4464 10/8/2008 08-5059 7/23/2008 08-3621 7/25/2008 ltc01173 8/15/2008 08-4103 8/5/2008 ltc01275 8/19/2008 ltb01552 1/28/2008 ltb00171 4/30/2008 ltd00395 5/5/2008 ltf00519 3/28/2008 08-1467 10/15/2008 08-5149 7/23/2008 ltf00902 7/28/2008 08-3770 6/10/2008 08-2873 9/30/2008 08-4875 10/16/2008 08-5179 8/29/2008 lta00738 8/28/2008 08-4269 9/30/2008 ltd00899 1/24/2008 ltb00133 3/19/2008 ltb00494 Plaintiff Kings Lane Kings Lane Flint Twp Prop Clemons Ola Clemons Ola Twin Meadows Mhp Burton Gerald Rose Acceptance Co Homeland Bldg & Remodeling Twin Meadows Mhp Green Acre Theodore Jordan Land Bank Petrucha Russ Group Five Mgmt Theodore Jordan Remodeling Homeland Wm Specialty Mtg Valley Mead Vill Stefan Baico Stefan Baier Brookstone Valley Knollwood Vill Apts Pineview Danny Meekins Brookstone Valley Danny Meekins Pineview Estates Mortgage Elect Johnny Goodman Lois Driver Lois Driver Redstone Twh Mark Tyler Marge Allen Clovertree Apts Mark Tyler Keith Highland Us Bank Kings Lane Sunridge Apts Kings Lane Linda Linder George Giannouris Kings Lane Mark Teed George Giannouris Duane Linder Mark Teed Leonard Sarah Carriage Town Sq Sunridge Apts Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Last Name First Name Relerford Melody Relerford Jason Relerford Lateka Relerford Jason Relerford Lateka Relerford Melody Relerford Tanyalic Render Kevin Renfro Kashmier Renner Joe Reno Carmen Reno Carmen Renshaw Louise Rentaria-Con Armida Renyolds Stacy Reppos Shirley Resident Un Etal Resident Un Etal Resser Paul Retelle Travis Retherford Richard Retherford Richard Revard Jeffrey Revels Michael Revord Matthew Reyes Xavier Reyna Anita Reynolds Stacy Reynolds Patricia Reynolds Lori Reynolds Betty Reynolds Lori Reynolds Lula Reynolds Tony Reynolds Kimberly Reynolds Cassandra Reynolds Cassandra Reynolds Et Craig Rhoades Whitney Rhoades Whitney Rhodabeck Candace Rhodes Christa Rhodes Melissa Rhyndress Brandala Rhyndress Brandala Rhyndress Brandala Ribar Melissa Ribble Craig Ribble Starr Rice Regina Rice Bruce Rice Sandra Rice Mark Rice Daniel Date Case 5/21/2008 ltb00861 5/27/2008 08-2580 5/14/2008 08-2370 4/28/2008 08-2041 8/7/2008 08-3866 8/29/2008 08-4378 7/24/2008 08-3691 6/19/2008 lta00537 7/31/2008 lte00963 4/30/2008 ltb00721 5/22/2008 ltb00947 2/4/2008 ltb00241 7/31/2008 ltb01455 7/25/2008 08-3663 1/2/2008 lte00011 4/2/2008 ltb00628 4/1/2008 08-1541 4/1/2008 08-1542 4/28/2008 08-1998 5/22/2008 08-2552 6/2/2008 ltc00875 10/3/2008 ltc01609 5/22/2008 ltb00944 2/13/2008 ltd00160 5/14/2008 lte00562 10/27/2008 lte01435 8/28/2008 ltb01707 3/25/2008 lte00391 3/19/2008 08-1340 5/22/2008 ltb00924 5/28/2008 lte00684 3/25/2008 ltb00510 7/29/2008 08-3640 9/30/2008 ltd00927 8/27/2008 ltc01397 9/2/2008 ltf01042 7/1/2008 ltf00787 6/3/2008 lta00481 1/28/2008 ltf00139 2/27/2008 ltf00216 1/15/2008 08-0283 10/14/2008 lta00873 8/28/2008 ltb01718 1/31/2008 lte00113 9/22/2008 lte01204 8/22/2008 lte01098 2/12/2008 08-0677 4/3/2008 ltb00653 10/14/2008 08-4535 3/26/2008 08-1441 2/19/2008 ltc00310 4/2/2008 ltb00647 4/30/2008 08-2126 2/15/2008 lta00147 Plaintiff Three Rivers Assoc F.D.H.A.L.P. Rollingwood Man F.D.H.A.L.P. Rollingwood Man Linda Young Kingdom Mgmt Kubik Fred Thornridge Apts Riverside Mhp Robert L Gill Robert L Gill Continental Estates Anthony Allen Thornridge Apts Riverside Mhp Land Bank Land Bank Jimmy Meredith Deniset Ketchmark N.Morris Estates N.Morris Estates Continental Estates Lemke Dale Jobbagy Richard Maplebrook Vill Apts Enterprise Ests Mhp Thornridge Apts James E. Lenoir Rising Ests Apts Hiway Mobile Home Rising Estate Apts Sunshine Mgmt Silver Creek Village John T McAndrew Centennial Farms Centennial Farms Valley Mead Vill Southgate Townhouse Southgate Townhouse Scott Reed Pheasant Run Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Grand Bend Club Apts Grand Bend Club Apt Gr Bend 452apts David Jones Jag Mgmt Mshda Tdm Inc Clovertree Apts Westwood Management First St Lofts Deutsche Bank Nation Last Name First Name Rice Regina Rice Mieshia Rice Rose Rice Tammy Rice Tim Rice Tammy Rice Rose Rice Mieshia Rice Ii Jimmie Rich Sonya Rich Sonya Rich Valleria Rich Valleria Richard Sonya Richard Terrance Richard Tamarah Richard Sharee Richard Kimberly Richard Eric Richard Marques Richard-Lewi Genale Richards Remus Richards Tojuana Richards Linda Richards Joseph Richards Heather Richards Tojauna Richards Tojauna Richards Rosita Richards Remus Richards Sonya Richards Linda Richardson Jarvis Richardson Debra Richardson Celeta Richardson Sparkle Richardson Albany Richardson Kimberly Richardson Don Richardson Delano Richardson Jarvis Richardson Steve Richardson Jarvis Richardson Celeta Richardson Jarvis Richardson Debra Richardson Zachary Richardson Paul Richardson Jamie Richardson Jarvis Richardson Don Richardson Elena Richardson Jarvis Richardson Kimberly Date Case 8/28/2008 08-4323 10/16/2008 08-5229 10/6/2008 08-5044 9/24/2008 08-4788 7/22/2008 08-3627 6/30/2008 08-3269 10/24/2008 08-5620 6/6/2008 08-2817 5/27/2008 ltd00488 1/9/2008 ltf00056 4/10/2008 ltf00435 10/27/2008 08-5713 6/16/2008 08-3001 1/2/2008 ltb00013 3/6/2008 08-1109 3/4/2008 08-0981 5/29/2008 lta00462 6/16/2008 08-3015 7/29/2008 ltd00656 6/3/2008 08-2734 6/16/2008 08-2882 10/27/2008 lte01456 1/9/2008 ltb00058 1/25/2008 ltc00166 2/15/2008 08-0872 4/25/2008 ltc00646 6/26/2008 ltb01152 2/27/2008 ltb00362 5/12/2008 lta00400 6/26/2008 lte00779 7/9/2008 ltb01305 10/1/2008 ltc01576 10/24/2008 lte01427 1/2/2008 08-0132 1/22/2008 08-0420 1/23/2008 ltc00123 6/20/2008 ltc00956 4/30/2008 08-2112 6/24/2008 ltc01022 5/20/2008 lta00426 3/28/2008 lte00418 3/5/2008 ltb00430 5/22/2008 lte00620 3/3/2008 08-1060 2/29/2008 lte00311 2/25/2008 08-0994 3/5/2008 ltf00267 2/28/2008 lte00294 8/29/2008 lte01129 8/20/2008 lte01047 9/11/2008 ltc01468 9/29/2008 08-4896 7/7/2008 lte00824 8/11/2008 08-3941 Plaintiff Tdm Inc Ideal Rental Roy Landon Country Club Manor Gerald Burton Ctry Cl Man Apts Roy Landon Ideal Rental Homes Bank Of N Y Pineview Pineview Estates Fhc Fhc Brookstone Vall Est Danny Meekins Sandra McCartha Stockton Tony Kingdom Mgmt Sunridge Apts Ctry Cl Man Apts Wanda Lyons Maplebrook Vill Apts Cambridge Square Bristol Court Fnma Pine Creek Apts Cambridge Sq Flint Cambridge Sq Flint Browne Booth Maplebrook Village Brookstone Valley Bristol Court Stonehenge Gates Country Cl Apts. Redstone Twh Cedarshores Apt Suffolk Court Apts M Burnett H Tannenbaum River Valley Manor Stonehenge Gates Twin Meadows Mhp Stonehenge Gates Redstone Twh Stonehenge Gates Ctry Cl Man Apts Richardson Margaret Maplebrook Vill Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Stonehenge Gates H Tannenbaum Fhc Stonehenge Gates Ipm Last Name Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richardson Richbow Richerson Richie Richie Richmond Richter Richter Richter Rickard Jr Rickman Riddle Riddle Riddle Rider Rider Rider Rider Rider Rider Rider Rider Ridley Ried Ried Ried Rielgaus Riel-Gaus Riel-Gaus Rieske Riffe Rifki Rifki Rifki Sr Riggs Riggs Riggs Riggs Riggs Riggs Riggs Riggs Riggs Riggs Riggs Riggs Riggs Rigsby Riley Riley First Name Jovana Jovana Vashti Elena Jarvis Patricia Karl Norell Sarah Richard Allen Allen Allen Carl Gene Connie Connie Urlanda Lewis Lewis Tom Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Dana Julie Julie Julie Robert Robert Robert Jessica Michael James Brandi James Sabastian Sebastian David Redonna Janice Teresa Darus Redona Janice Sabastian Janice David David Sarah James Alexandria Date Case 10/8/2008 08-5128 7/30/2008 08-3793 9/15/2008 08-4573 6/16/2008 08-2990 9/22/2008 lte01238 9/2/2008 ltf01051 4/30/2008 08-2067 4/4/2008 08-1583 5/23/2008 ltc00812 8/28/2008 ltb01717 2/7/2008 ltf00159 4/10/2008 ltf00395 3/5/2008 ltf00240 8/8/2008 ltb01538 6/23/2008 ltc00988 4/1/2008 lta00290 6/9/2008 lta00494 7/29/2008 ltd00655 1/28/2008 lta00103 1/25/2008 ltd00102 3/17/2008 lte00341 5/21/2008 08-2538 2/4/2008 08-0639 2/19/2008 08-0787 2/4/2008 08-0691 10/21/2008 lta00888 2/22/2008 lte00261 6/24/2008 ltf00753 4/22/2008 ltf00463 2/11/2008 ltf00182 9/17/2008 ltc01475 10/8/2008 ltc01624 9/3/2008 ltc01429 2/25/2008 ltb00354 8/15/2008 ltc01299 1/28/2008 ltc00195 2/26/2008 ltc00345 7/24/2008 ltc01139 1/25/2008 ltc00155 10/30/2008 ltf01374 1/24/2008 ltf00105 2/19/2008 ltc00304 6/27/2008 ltb01167 2/26/2008 ltc00362 2/19/2008 08-1039 6/23/2008 ltc01018 3/18/2008 ltb00476 2/26/2008 ltc00363 5/22/2008 ltb00900 8/25/2008 ltf00993 10/21/2008 ltf01309 6/12/2008 ltb01096 3/20/2008 ltf00336 4/21/2008 08-1889 Plaintiff Mark K. Spinney Mark K. Spinney Jcm Universal Fhc Stonehenge Gates Boulder Creek Codie Mikel Herbert Hein Quail Ridge Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Pine View Pineview Pineview American General Financial Ser Ice M Rickman Whitthorne Whitthorne Sunridge Apts Lasalle Bank Nationa Us Bank Deutsche Bank Wells Fargo Bank Deutsche Bk Deutsche Bk Deustche Bank M.E.R.S. Deutsche Bank Genesee Villa Genesee Villa Abdeljaber Mutee Joubran Michael Joubran Michael Joubran Michael Windsor Place Apts Genesee Developmentsllc Southcreek Village Southcreek Village N.Morris Estates Pine Creek Apts Pineview Estates Genesee Villa Clovertree Apts Windsor Place Apts Pine Creek Aprt Executive Prop Clovertree Apts Windsor Place Apts Pine Creek Aprt Windsor Place Apts Genesee Villa Genesee Villa Us Bank Kings Lane Betty J. Barker Last Name Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Riley Rimmer Rimmer Ringlein Rini Rini Riouse Riouse Rippy Rising Risley Rison Ritchey Ritchey Ritchey Ritchie Ritzert Ritzert Rivera Rivera Rivera Rivera Rivera Rizor Roach Roach Roat Robbins Robbins Robbins Robbins Roberson Robert Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts First Name Jamie Dawn James Dawn Brook Jamie Melissa Melissa Jeanie Thomas Thomas Shasha Sasha Lupita Tammy Dean Ramona Christophe Christophe Christophe Christophe Melissa Melissa Maria Maria Maria Ruven Maria Bethany Zachary Sue Mike Crystal Katonya Crystal Katonya Cynthia James Chevella Jacqueline Christina Ronald Deirdre Kenneth Deidre Amanda Amanda Amanda Aaron Sherida Amanda Veronica Tammy Latrice Date Case 3/7/2008 08-1225 5/7/2008 ltf00543 5/22/2008 ltf00608 5/5/2008 ltf00477 9/24/2008 ltc01533 10/27/2008 08-5709 5/22/2008 ltc00778 7/25/2008 ltc01172 7/24/2008 08-3650 6/27/2008 ltb01168 7/29/2008 ltb01399 2/27/2008 08-1051 8/28/2008 08-4344 8/26/2008 ltf01009 1/31/2008 ltb00235 1/16/2008 lta00072 7/22/2008 08-3605 2/28/2008 lte00288 5/27/2008 lte00680 9/24/2008 lte01275 5/6/2008 ltb00784 10/22/2008 ltc01669 7/24/2008 ltc01150 9/12/2008 08-4560 9/12/2008 08-4559 9/12/2008 08-4558 9/19/2008 08-4720 9/12/2008 08-4561 9/24/2008 ltb01856 2/19/2008 ltc00284 10/6/2008 08-5021 10/22/2008 ltf01317 1/25/2008 ltc00181 4/17/2008 lta00325 2/19/2008 ltc00283 4/28/2008 lta00361 10/24/2008 ltb02098 9/29/2008 08-4850 1/7/2008 ltf00038 3/3/2008 08-1067 4/2/2008 08-1567 4/29/2008 08-2034 5/13/2008 08-2239 5/12/2008 lta00401 4/10/2008 08-1605 5/22/2008 ltb00928 3/28/2008 ltb00543 6/30/2008 ltb01212 8/19/2008 08-4085 10/7/2008 ltc01622 7/31/2008 ltb01489 8/27/2008 ltb01669 8/21/2008 ltc01359 9/25/2008 08-4801 Plaintiff Fhc Pineview Kings Lane Pineview Estates Southcreek Village Fhc Clovertree Apts Clovertree Apts Joseph Morissette Windsor Place Apts Windsor Pl Apts James Levasseur Goad Llc Creekwood White Oak Estates Pine Forest Home Pk Dry Investment Maplebrook Vill Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Stratford Sq Apts Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Bayview Loan Bayview Loan Bayview Loan Hsbc Mortgage Bayview Loan Windsor Place Apts Sugartree Apts Atherton Ldha Parks Ii John Mt Morris Ldhalp Cousineau Adam Mt. Morris Ldhalp Cousineau Adam\ Westwood Management Fhc Beck John Melanie Purcell Elms Mhc Daniel Harris Gerald Burton Dickinson Lloyd Reginald Roberts White Oak Estates White Oak Estates White Oak Estates Fhc Ishman Jr James White Oaks Estates Westwood Management Mt Morris Ldhalp Citimortgage Last Name Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Jr Robins Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson First Name Michael Alfred Orlando Alfred Kinth Kinth Derrius Terri Milton Kinth Orlando Maddie Unika Milton Trina Milton Frances Albert Jon Deangelio Darius Alexis Krystal Dennis Deandra Toni Alexis Rodney Dennis Richard Jennifer Donita Alice Deandra Latrise Michelle Dennis Capus Krystal Diane Michele Toni Tammy Carolyn Lashanda Tiffany Joane Jacquillica Yolanda Kevin Hermon Ebony Deandra Diana Date Case 1/28/2008 08-0574 1/15/2008 08-0289 10/28/2008 ltf01352 3/3/2008 08-1111 5/30/2008 08-2702 5/14/2008 08-2366 3/7/2008 ltf00279 2/27/2008 ltb00365 4/24/2008 lte00483 8/19/2008 08-4154 8/26/2008 ltf01010 10/8/2008 08-5096 9/30/2008 08-4935 9/22/2008 lte01186 9/29/2008 ltb01891 8/22/2008 lte01083 6/16/2008 08-2999 9/17/2008 ltc01486 10/29/2008 ltf01359 1/2/2008 08-0126 10/27/2008 lte01453 10/30/2008 ltb02133 1/10/2008 ltc00062 10/30/2008 ltf01394 10/30/2008 ltb02134 1/2/2008 ltb00014 1/9/2008 ltb00059 1/25/2008 ltc00153 1/9/2008 ltf00077 1/25/2008 lta00098 1/25/2008 ltc00179 1/2/2008 08-0106 1/29/2008 08-0603 1/30/2008 ltb00191 10/23/2008 ltc01726 5/20/2008 08-2492 3/5/2008 ltf00250 3/13/2008 08-1273 3/26/2008 ltc00495 3/11/2008 08-1131 2/25/2008 ltf00206 5/7/2008 ltb00822 2/22/2008 ltc00320 5/5/2008 ltf00520 5/15/2008 ltc00744 3/5/2008 08-1164 5/14/2008 08-2381 4/28/2008 08-2032 5/19/2008 08-2422 2/4/2008 08-0647 6/4/2008 ltb01044 6/4/2008 ltb01043 5/28/2008 ltb00977 4/25/2008 ltc00675 Plaintiff Fremont Invest Bryan Carrell Creekwood Bryan Carrell Chenita Holley Chenita Holley Kings Lane Hunters Ridge Apts Perry Place Apts Chenita Holley Creekwood Curt Kargula Shiloh Com Twnh Perry Place Apts Continental Estates Perry Place Apts Fhc Citimortgage Inc Executive Property Westgate Terr Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Cambridge Sq Flint Sugartree Apts Pineview Estates Cambridge Sq Flint Brookstone Vall Est Cambridge Square Hanson Terry Pineview Estates Maple Run Mt Morris Ldhalp Shiloh Com Twnh Alc Holdings Cambridge Square Flint Cedarshores Apt Fhc Pineview William Sova Sugartree Apts Ivan Arburtha Creekwood Brookstone Valley Michael Kennedy Kings Lane Cranbrook Vill Co Richfield Apts Ray Smith Renee Turner Fhc Jimmy Hall Brookstone Valley Brookstone Valley Cambridge Sq Flint Bristol Court Last Name Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson Robison Robison Robles Roby Roby Robyn Roche Rockwell Rodabaugh Roddy Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers Rodgers First Name Emma Tabitha Dennis Monica Richard Latrise Latrise Regina Diane Yolanda Richard Emma Joann Dennis Toni Thomas Mya Harrison Toni Tiffany Sherema Diane Dennis Capus Felicia Latrise Jacquita Felicia Richard Alexis Jennifer Diana Jaquita Malayna John Donna Reta Steve Stephanie Carolyn Bruce Jamie Curtis Olivia Tamara Olivia Jefrery Katie Tamara Charles Danee Katie Mark Pamela Date Case 5/21/2008 ltb00862 4/1/2008 08-1539 5/7/2008 ltf00553 2/26/2008 08-1025 5/5/2008 lta00376 5/28/2008 ltc00840 2/25/2008 08-1007 4/16/2008 08-1799 7/25/2008 ltc01186 7/11/2008 08-3440 8/21/2008 lta00713 7/16/2008 ltb01332 9/8/2008 08-4468 8/5/2008 ltf00960 7/23/2008 08-3616 7/22/2008 lta00598 7/28/2008 08-3697 9/11/2008 08-4543 9/10/2008 08-4494 6/5/2008 08-2761 7/24/2008 08-3690 9/11/2008 08-4521 7/1/2008 ltf00815 6/16/2008 08-2900 10/29/2008 08-5770 8/4/2008 ltc01266 7/30/2008 ltb01442 7/7/2008 lte00828 7/7/2008 lta00560 8/27/2008 ltb01620 10/29/2008 08-5805 7/3/2008 lte00797 10/8/2008 ltb01973 5/21/2008 lte00596 9/3/2008 lta00743 4/7/2008 08-1644 9/2/2008 08-4363 6/23/2008 08-3136 8/11/2008 08-3897 10/24/2008 08-5650 4/16/2008 ltc00595 10/31/2008 08-5799 3/28/2008 lta00271 1/22/2008 08-0421 1/2/2008 ltb00015 5/7/2008 08-2251 5/19/2008 ltd00454 4/2/2008 08-1568 6/4/2008 ltb01045 5/7/2008 ltb00823 2/6/2008 08-0780 9/3/2008 08-4431 7/21/2008 lte00854 8/20/2008 08-4133 Plaintiff Three Rivers Assoc Arthur J Pointer Pineview Rosewood M Apts Maple Run Cedarshores Apt Tony Stockton Birdie Goodson Bristol Court James Thomas Maple Run Three Rivers Assoc Ray Smith Pineview Russ Ritsen Robbie R Robinson Georgian Crt Apts Dayne Davis Cecil Norman Ridgecrest Vill Kingdom Mgmt Arthur Meier Pine View El Shaddai Redstone Twh Cedarshores Apt Madison Pk Est Fox Hill Glens Maple Run Cambridge Sq Flint Redstone Twh Knollwood Village Madison Pk Est Group Five Mgmt Washington Mutual James Lenoir Westgate Terr Apts Indus Industries Lavern Wykes Mary Ford Indian Hills Manor Thom Casselman Dettman Md Carlton Redstone Twh Brookstone Vall Est Redstone Twh Us Bank Elms Mhc Brookstone Valley Brookstone Valley Rengelly Apts Elms Mhc Federal National Sunshine Mgmt Last Name First Name Rodgers Katie Rodgers Tamara Rodgers Jr Glen Rodorigo Nancy Rodorigo Terry Rodorigo Nancy Rodriguez Chad Rodriguez Melissa Rodriguez Armondo Roebuck Henry Roesner Timothy Roge Angela Rogers Glen Rogers Shantiya Rogers Melissa Rogers Karl Rogers Jody Rogers Glen Rogers Karl Rogers Ken Rogers Matthew Rogers Ellen Rogers John Rogers Ellen Rogers Shantyia Rogers Ellen Rogers Ivory Rogers Ellen Rogers Ken Rogers Shamika Rogers Matthew Rogner Gary Rogoszewski Jean Rohde Jeremy Rohl Jason Rohl Jason Rohl Jason Rohn Mary Roland Rhonda Rolfe James Rolland Dianna Rolland Dianna Rollier Michael Roman Brian Romska Brian Rondo Holly Rondo Craig Roney Donna Rood Lee Rooker Jason Rooks Heather Root Douglas Root Victoria Root Victoria Date Case 6/6/2008 08-2805 8/28/2008 ltb01690 7/16/2008 ltb01333 1/7/2008 lte00046 6/10/2008 lte00705 3/14/2008 lte00329 1/3/2008 ltc00027 1/2/2008 08-0069 1/2/2008 08-0076 4/2/2008 08-1569 2/8/2008 ltd00141 4/30/2008 ltb00772 1/18/2008 08-0330 6/25/2008 ltc01043 6/17/2008 ltc00930 5/23/2008 08-2542 5/28/2008 ltc00832 6/5/2008 ltb01088 5/29/2008 08-2660 4/25/2008 08-2002 5/7/2008 ltf00557 6/10/2008 lte00702 8/22/2008 lte01067 7/22/2008 lte00877 10/20/2008 ltc01654 8/19/2008 lte01019 8/27/2008 ltf01029 10/17/2008 lte01388 8/21/2008 08-4192 10/15/2008 08-5201 7/1/2008 ltf00831 8/21/2008 ltc01367 4/1/2008 lta00288 10/24/2008 08-5616 3/28/2008 08-1468 6/3/2008 08-2716 7/1/2008 08-3231 1/2/2008 lta00009 9/5/2008 08-4395 2/29/2008 08-0974 10/29/2008 lta00935 10/15/2008 08-5141 10/10/2008 ltd00959 10/27/2008 lte01451 7/28/2008 ltd00642 10/27/2008 lte01455 4/11/2008 08-1693 8/8/2008 ltd00726 5/16/2008 08-2388 8/29/2008 lte01130 8/25/2008 ltb01611 1/3/2008 ltc00026 5/21/2008 lta00440 8/29/2008 ltc01410 Plaintiff Elms Mhc Brookstone Valley Three Rivers Assoc Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts N.Morris Ests American Mhp American Mhp Elms Mhc Federal National Kearsley Creek Llc Matt Clark Pineshores Apts Citimortgage Inc Federal Nat Mtg Burkeshire Apts Stratford Sq Apts Fnma Dana J Baldwin Pineview Grande Pointe Apts Tudor Estates Grande Pointe Apts Pineshores Apartment Grande Pointe Apts Kings Lane Grande Pointe Apts Dana J. Baldwin Park Manor Pine View Pine Creek Apts Clio Village Apts Namir George Patricia Case Patricia Case Patricia Case Montrose Mhp Laurence Wells Jack Barnes Us Bank Nat'l Assoc Us Bank Fed National Mtg Maplebrook Vill Apts Feeral National Maplebrook Vill Apts Clarke Marsh Fed National Mtg Michael Neurohr Maplebrook Vill Apts Windsor Place Apts N.Morris Ests Ideal Rental Homes N.Morris Estates Last Name First Name Root Douglas Roots Shamia Roper Takesha Roper Jadie Roper Verdan Roper Jd Rorie Jackie Rosa Rachel Rosado Tello Betty Rosado-Tello Betty Rosado-Tello Betty Rosado-Tello Betty Rosales Kelly Rose Amanda Rose Michele Rose Joseph Rose Daniel Rose Guy Rose Jacqueline Rose Kim Rose Jennifer Rose Sarah Rose Kelly Rose Bonnie Rose Jennie Rose Taneka Rose Robert Rosebrough James Rosharra Funches Roshell Resha Roshell Resha Roshell Resha Roshell Resha Roshell Resha Ross Brenda Ross Sharon Ross Tracy Ross Patricia Ross Latonya Ross Brian Ross Kevin Ross Shari Ross Brenda Ross Brian Ross Jonathan Ross Kevin Ross Katie Ross Latonya Ross Kevin Ross Loretta Ross Shari Ross Clifton Ross Susan Ross Latoya Date Case 7/24/2008 ltc01140 7/10/2008 08-3321 1/23/2008 08-0345 5/5/2008 08-2080 4/1/2008 lta00287 3/31/2008 08-1464 5/6/2008 08-2210 2/1/2008 lte00176 10/24/2008 ltb02099 10/8/2008 ltb01991 8/27/2008 ltb01670 7/31/2008 ltb01516 2/26/2008 08-1035 1/28/2008 ltf00117 1/17/2008 08-0275 2/26/2008 ltc00323 6/4/2008 ltb01079 3/11/2008 ltc00407 6/30/2008 ltb01213 5/13/2008 ltf00575 3/6/2008 08-1107 9/3/2008 ltf01108 9/17/2008 lta00789 7/3/2008 ltb01225 9/5/2008 ltd00836 9/4/2008 08-4442 7/28/2008 08-3706 10/24/2008 ltb02081 3/7/2008 08-1197 10/30/2008 ltf01372 6/3/2008 ltf00661 2/7/2008 ltf00174 7/1/2008 ltf00806 9/3/2008 ltf01100 1/9/2008 ltb00078 1/7/2008 ltb00041 1/11/2008 lta00053 1/2/2008 ltb00019 5/22/2008 ltf00582 4/25/2008 ltd00369 4/10/2008 ltf00399 6/27/2008 ltc01053 4/2/2008 ltb00621 5/30/2008 ltf00643 4/2/2008 08-1522 6/3/2008 ltf00653 3/13/2008 ltf00304 3/31/2008 ltf00385 7/1/2008 ltf00802 9/29/2008 08-4832 10/17/2008 ltc01651 6/16/2008 08-2988 7/10/2008 08-3040 9/24/2008 ltf01145 Plaintiff N.Morris Estates Micah Parker Colonel Lee Curtis Fulgham Clio Village Apts Westgate Terr Apts Brister Padgett Thornridge Apts Westwood Management Westwood Management Westwood Management Westwood Management Holiday Village Maple Grove Richard Smith Federal National Westwood Management Southcreek Village White Oak Estates Green Briar Larry D Johnson Pineview Myrtle Grove Mhp Westwood Vill Us Bank Tdm American Mhp Windsor Place Apts Fhc Pineview Estates Pineview Pine View Pine View Pineview Twin Meadows Mhp Shannon Manor Burton Gerald Eastside Village Apts Blackberry Creek Morgan Properties Llc Pineview Gunther Ann Twin Meadows Mhp Azain Michael David R Ross Green Acre Genesee Villa Blackberry Creek Pine View Tony Stockton Gunther Ann Fhc Wm Specialty Mtg Blackberry Creek Last Name Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Rossier Rossier Rossiter Rossiter Rota Rounds Rousseau Routly Routly Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowe Rowell Rowells Rowlery Rowley Rowley Rowsey Rowsey Rowsey Rowsey Royce Royce Royce Royster Royster Royster Rubey Rubio Rucker Rude Rudolph Ruff Ruff Ruff Ruff Ruff Ruff Ruff Et Al Ruffin Ruffin Ruffin Ruffin First Name Brenda Kevin Latonya Byron Beverly Krystine Krystine Virginia Virginia Mike Dana Jaymie Renee Renee Amanda Timothy Amanda Amanda Sandra Patricia David Heather Heather Melissa Paul Joanne Karen Karen Sammy David Sammy David Mark Mark Mark Sabrina Crystal Jerome John Ricardo Jacqueline Ron Jonathon Anthony Dinah Latasha Barry Dinah Doris Barry Claudell Leewonder Claudell Tiffany Date Case 7/3/2008 ltb01261 9/3/2008 ltf01073 8/27/2008 ltf01014 8/28/2008 lte01126 9/2/2008 ltc01422 6/24/2008 lte00758 9/22/2008 lte01185 4/25/2008 ltc00648 10/16/2008 lta00884 6/4/2008 ltb01020 6/26/2008 ltb01139 2/28/2008 lte00286 1/3/2008 ltb00037 3/27/2008 ltb00536 2/25/2008 ltb00328 6/20/2008 ltd00560 6/30/2008 ltb01189 5/22/2008 ltb00945 3/14/2008 ltf00305 9/22/2008 lte01184 7/30/2008 08-3791 10/30/2008 08-5569 7/28/2008 ltf00920 7/23/2008 ltc01117 7/7/2008 ltf00844 2/19/2008 ltc00301 6/11/2008 lta00504 10/16/2008 lta00887 1/15/2008 08-0288 6/4/2008 ltd00527 3/17/2008 08-1319 2/26/2008 ltd00199 2/5/2008 ltc00224 4/30/2008 ltc00705 4/3/2008 ltc00559 2/28/2008 lte00289 4/2/2008 ltb00582 6/16/2008 08-2978 7/1/2008 ltf00794 10/15/2008 ltb02034 10/13/2008 lte01369 9/22/2008 ltb01821 10/17/2008 ltd00966 1/3/2008 ltf00034 4/28/2008 08-2012 4/22/2008 08-1932 9/23/2008 lta00821 10/27/2008 08-5675 7/30/2008 ltb01443 6/3/2008 lta00476 10/23/2008 ltc01701 1/8/2008 ltd00037 3/25/2008 ltc00465 6/23/2008 ltc01011 Plaintiff Twin Meadows Mhp Pineview Blackberry Creek Thornridge Apts Cedarshores Apt Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Pine Creek Apts Burton Gerald Arc Villa Group Five Mgmt Maplebrook Vill Apts Stratford Sq Apts Stratford Sq Apts Continental Estates Wells Fargo Bank Na Continental Estates Continental Estates Zuccaro Bina Perry Place Apts Abel Sahlool David Woodring Barnes Jack Indian Hills Manor Quality Rental Mgt Clovertree Apts Howell Audrey Burton Gerald Executive Prop Sunridge Apts Executive Prop Sunridge Apts Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Maplebrook Vill Apts Riverwood Lux Apts Fhc Pine View Bank Of N Y Stonehenge Gates Hometown Amer Amro Mrtg Gpa Mgt George Jr Smith Orchard Ridge Est Valley Meadows George Smith Jr Madison Pk Est Valley Mead Vill Bristol Court Sunridge Apts Bristol Court Bristol Court Last Name Ruffin Ruffin Ruffin Ruffin Rufus Rufus Ruiz Ruiz Ruiz Ruiz Ruiz Ruiz Rumbold Rumbold Rumbold Rumbold Rundell Rundell Runkin Running Running Runyan Runyan Rupp Rusch Rusch Rush Rushen Rushin Rushin Rushin Rushin Rushing Rushing Rushing Rushton Russ Russel Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell Russell First Name Kapercia Kashai Kashai Claudell Dexter Stephanie Mike Christina Mike Michelle Alejandra Alejandra Christine Christine Christine Christine Deena Deena Lorretta David Steve Jerry Jerry Craig Stephanie Stephanie Olivia Gloria Eric Brenda Brenda Brenda Maria Terrence Corey Jonathan Tracee Jammie Brian Kevin Melissa Brittany Brian Anndreall Danielle Danielle Brian Brittany Barbara Craig Brian Loraine Kevin Rebecca Date Case 7/29/2008 08-3811 9/9/2008 lta00763 8/21/2008 lta00718 9/24/2008 ltc01526 5/21/2008 08-2523 2/1/2008 08-0528 1/3/2008 08-0013 2/20/2008 ltf00190 7/28/2008 08-3769 9/15/2008 08-4639 9/9/2008 lte01161 7/22/2008 lte00872 1/9/2008 ltf00071 3/5/2008 ltf00247 7/1/2008 ltf00808 9/3/2008 ltf01092 4/29/2008 ltb00713 9/2/2008 ltf01044 10/16/2008 08-5189 3/3/2008 lta00189 7/16/2008 ltb01342 1/25/2008 ltc00159 3/10/2008 lta00210 7/21/2008 ltf00873 6/19/2008 ltc00953 9/4/2008 ltc01448 9/3/2008 08-4413 3/31/2008 ltf00388 1/4/2008 08-0007 9/30/2008 ltd00898 7/1/2008 ltd00603 7/29/2008 ltd00654 1/24/2008 08-0533 6/24/2008 ltf00749 3/19/2008 08-1335 6/2/2008 ltc00876 5/22/2008 ltb00901 1/29/2008 ltc00202 10/22/2008 lte01397 4/2/2008 ltb00648 4/1/2008 ltb00574 3/26/2008 ltf00345 2/27/2008 lte00277 5/28/2008 ltc00843 6/2/2008 ltc00877 3/6/2008 ltc00395 4/23/2008 lte00464 5/8/2008 ltf00564 5/28/2008 ltc00853 9/24/2008 ltf01140 7/3/2008 lte00807 6/16/2008 08-2969 7/31/2008 ltb01517 9/17/2008 08-4611 Plaintiff Clio Woods Apts Laurence Wolf Prop L Wolf Prop Bristol Court Motorcity Group Wells Fargo Bk Mark Buterakos Mers Mark Buterakos Mark Burrakos Group Five Mgmt Group Five Mgmt Pineview Estates Pineview Pine View Pineview Stockton Tony Centennial Farms Theodore Towner National City Real Willowbrook Apts Pine Creek Apts West Court Ranch Bank Of N Y Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Orchard Ridge Est Blackberry Creek Peter Durgan Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Goad Realty Executive Property Roy Landon N.Morris Estates Windsor Place Apts Stockton Tony Tebo Dave Westwood Management Hometown Amer Gpa Mgmt Co Tebo David Pineshore Apts N.Morris Estates N.Morris Ests Tebo David Gpa Mgt Randall Phalon Creekwood Tebo Dave Fhc Westwood Management Freddie Chapman Last Name Russell Russell Russell Russell St Russet Russo Rutherford Rutherford Rutherford Rutherford Rutkowski Rutkowski Rutkowski Rutledge Ruzinski Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan Rye Rynne Ryno Rytlewski Saantos Sabin Sabo Saddler Sadler Sadler Sadler Sadler Sadler Saenz Saiko Saiko Saiko Sain Sain Sain Sain Sain Salaam Salaam First Name Barbara Mary Mary Michael Shalandta Marjorie Tammy Kristie Brittney Frank Steve Steve Steve Tiashia Jeffrey Lewonn Christina Lewonn Tom Gerald Tom William Jacob Lewonn Jennifer Jennifer Lewonn Lewonn Lewonn Latrica Deonna Sharon Heather Terrie Jose Candace Robert Shemika Albertene Albertene Lottie Kenya Lottie Melodie Krista Krista Krista Stephanie Denita Louise Denita Louise O'Shina O'Shina Date Case 10/2/2008 ltc01584 6/26/2008 08-3185 8/13/2008 08-3954 5/22/2008 lta00451 6/9/2008 08-2826 3/7/2008 08-1180 5/1/2008 08-2180 6/30/2008 ltb01217 8/29/2008 ltb01728 8/4/2008 ltc01255 1/8/2008 ltd00018 5/27/2008 ltd00471 8/1/2008 ltd00705 10/1/2008 08-4990 6/13/2008 ltd00542 1/4/2008 lte00036 1/3/2008 ltc00036 5/22/2008 lte00613 2/26/2008 ltd00231 3/20/2008 ltb00505 6/25/2008 ltd00575 6/10/2008 lta00496 6/26/2008 ltb01148 2/29/2008 lte00305 2/1/2008 ltf00150 9/26/2008 ltf01177 7/23/2008 lte00892 9/22/2008 lte01233 8/20/2008 lte01035 7/7/2008 08-3244 8/20/2008 08-4137 1/7/2008 lte00039 7/28/2008 08-3658 3/7/2008 ltc00400 9/24/2008 ltb01857 6/25/2008 08-3201 2/1/2008 lte00170 5/15/2008 ltc00748 5/30/2008 08-2689 3/3/2008 08-1090 10/15/2008 08-5167 9/24/2008 ltf01148 8/18/2008 08-4109 6/4/2008 ltb01015 6/23/2008 ltc00991 5/23/2008 ltc00794 8/21/2008 ltc01336 6/24/2008 lta00543 4/10/2008 08-1604 10/24/2008 08-5608 8/21/2008 08-4193 8/25/2008 08-4177 9/8/2008 08-4465 7/14/2008 08-3361 Plaintiff H Tannenbaum Salem Housing Salem Housing Lasalle Bk Rollingwood Man Federal Nat Mtg Ctry Cl Man Apts Davison Hills Mhp Rosewood Park Apts Schweitzer Frank Georgetown Park Georgetown Park Georgetown Park Evergreen Reg Navarro Emley Fountain Pointe N.Morris Ests Fountain Pointe Pheasant Run Manor Apartments Federal National Mtg Pheasant Run Apts Fed National Mtg Kearsley Creek Llc Fountain Pointe Doll Terry Hammon Linda Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe John Laupp Theresa Mosley Fed National Mtg Mark Glesenkamp Deutsche Bank Windsor Place Apts Tony Stockton Aurora Loan Ser Edelen Mary Orchard Ridge Est Orchard Ridge Est Court Aprt Blackberry Creek Court Aprt Rosewood Park Apts Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Lawrence Wolf Prop Reginald Roberts River Village Apts Reginald Roberts River Village Apts Redstone Twh Redstone Twh Last Name Salam Salazar Salazar Salazar Salina Salinas Salinas Salinas Salinas Sallam Salsbury Salvati Salvati Salvati Salvati Samaras Sample Samples Sampson Sams Samuels Samuels Samuels Samuelson Sanborn Sanderfer Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders First Name O'Shina Manuel Manuel Rebecca Miranda Jose Rick Miranda Mike Oshina Robert Aldo Aldo Aldo Aldo Olga Derek Faith Eiko Leo Craig Craig Craig Margaret William Michael Dorothy Valerie Victoria Mary-Marie Vanita Teresa Cynthia Victoria Dorothy Mary Ruth Demarko Laronda Phillip Phil Danetta Natacha Sophia Kimberly Denise Renay Natacha Kevin Denise Christopher Rhonda Lillie Norah Date Case 3/3/2008 08-1061 1/9/2008 ltf00085 3/5/2008 ltf00261 10/24/2008 08-5520 10/8/2008 ltb01980 5/27/2008 08-2573 3/3/2008 lta00190 8/28/2008 ltb01708 8/5/2008 08-3886 5/7/2008 08-2252 1/22/2008 ltd00086 1/25/2008 lte00089 10/13/2008 lte01352 9/16/2008 lte01174 9/22/2008 lte01244 10/6/2008 lte01322 5/22/2008 ltb00937 3/27/2008 lta00269 8/27/2008 ltb01671 7/2/2008 ltc01073 10/28/2008 ltd01013 4/1/2008 ltd00316 7/1/2008 ltd00604 6/25/2008 08-3114 9/5/2008 ltb01750 9/24/2008 lte01267 1/2/2008 ltb00005 1/16/2008 ltc00107 1/29/2008 ltd00124 1/9/2008 08-0185 1/24/2008 08-0452 4/30/2008 ltd00394 3/3/2008 08-0980 4/1/2008 ltd00315 4/30/2008 ltb00739 5/9/2008 08-2320 6/4/2008 ltb01080 3/25/2008 08-1433 3/31/2008 08-1502 2/22/2008 lte00257 2/19/2008 lte00202 2/26/2008 08-1010 2/1/2008 08-0644 5/7/2008 ltb00837 5/27/2008 08-2571 4/4/2008 08-1584 5/7/2008 ltb00836 4/16/2008 08-1587 5/6/2008 lte00550 6/18/2008 08-3055 9/15/2008 08-4574 7/30/2008 lte00941 6/18/2008 08-2935 7/7/2008 lte00810 Plaintiff Redstone Twh Pineview Estates Pineview Suzanne Feurt Enterprise Ests Mhp Christopher Brady Besser Dennis Enterprise Ests Mhp Valerie Young Redstone Twh Deutsche Bank Fox Hill Glens Fox Hill Glens Federal National Fox Hill Glens Federal National Continental North The Villas Westwood Management Federal Home Loan Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Brian Birchmeier Continental Estates Mapleridge Apts Arc Torrey Hills Us Bank National Assoc Sunridge Apts Beulah Ecker Michael Mitchell Sunridge Apts Roy Cason Sunridge Apts Arc Torrey Hills Nate Williams Westwood Management Larr Rettenmund Westgate Terr Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Exec Prop Devel Ridgecrest Vill Leo McClain Madison Pk Est Clio Woods Apts Herbert Hein Madison Pk Est Leo McClain Federal National Herbert Hein Jcm Universal Perry Place Apts Terry Hanson Fountian Pointe Last Name Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders Sanders-Ank Sanderson Sanderson Sandford Sandford Sandford Sands Sands Sanford Sanson Santhany Santi Santino Santy Sargent Sargent Sargent Sargent Sargent Sargent Sasser Satterwhite Sauer Saunders Saunders Saunders Saunders Saunders Saunders Sauvageau Sauve Sauvie Savage Savage Savage Savage Savage Savage Savage Savage Savage Savage First Name Jeffrey Sherry Christopher Kapestrial Sherry Howard Lonniesha Brianna Jatura Kristy Ruth Natacha Danya Roy Roy Renee Renee Renee Desiree Desiree Jason Francisco Jennifer Dorothy Kristen George Jason Jason Jason Jason Brittany Jason Karrie Charles Luana Jesse Monic Jesse Helen Damon Jennifer Dustin Patricia Patricia Charlotte Dennis Ryan Sheila Corri Sheila Charlotte Corri Sheila Lavonne Date Case 9/25/2008 lte01289 10/6/2008 lte01323 7/16/2008 08-3469 8/18/2008 lta00684 7/21/2008 lte00860 9/15/2008 08-4637 9/16/2008 08-4642 9/29/2008 ltf01190 10/28/2008 08-5748 7/31/2008 08-3777 10/8/2008 ltb01992 7/21/2008 08-3427 9/30/2008 ltd00922 1/31/2008 lte00163 4/28/2008 lte00505 5/22/2008 ltb00938 9/29/2008 ltb01917 7/31/2008 ltb01468 1/2/2008 lte00016 2/27/2008 lte00272 2/8/2008 ltc00261 10/28/2008 lte01460 6/23/2008 08-3164 9/23/2008 lta00805 2/22/2008 lte00247 7/14/2008 ltf00855 1/25/2008 ltc00144 5/23/2008 ltc00814 6/20/2008 ltc00974 2/26/2008 ltc00354 6/9/2008 08-2841 8/21/2008 ltc01368 6/30/2008 ltf00762 3/27/2008 08-1756 9/19/2008 ltd00869 6/11/2008 ltc00918 5/27/2008 08-2587 2/5/2008 ltc00220 10/6/2008 08-5035 8/21/2008 ltc01378 8/25/2008 08-4188 9/26/2008 08-4709 7/9/2008 ltd00620 4/30/2008 ltd00424 10/29/2008 ltb02118 10/30/2008 ltf01396 10/29/2008 ltb02115 6/4/2008 ltd00528 5/22/2008 ltb00902 4/1/2008 ltd00314 4/16/2008 ltb00667 3/18/2008 ltb00477 8/26/2008 ltd00781 8/27/2008 08-4213 Plaintiff Tudor Estates Maplepark Terraces Jcm Universal Genesee Vill Apts Maple Park Terraces Sunshine Mgmt Brister Padgett Green Briar Stevens Homes Fred White Westwood Management Leo McClain Pheasant Run Apts Hometown Amer Gr Bl Hometown America Gradn Blan Continental North Continental North Continental North Thornridge Apts Thornridge Apts Turnwald Sueann Group Five Mgmt American Mhp William E Lacey Cedar Bend Apts Residential Funding Quail Ridge Apt Llc Quail Ridge Apts Quail Ridge Apts Quail Ridge Apts Redstone Twh Pine Creek Apts Wells Fargo Bank Linda Raulston Citimortgage Inc Quality Mgmt Arbor Vill Apts Quality Rental Mgmt Llc Orchard Ridge Us Bank Na American Mhp Larry Swadling Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Stockton Tony Pineview Estates Rising Ests Apts Sunridge Apts Windsor Place Apts Sunridge Apts Landmark Realty Windsor Place Apts Sunridge Apts Randell Savage Last Name Sawdon Sawvel Sawyer Sawyer Sawyer Sawyer Sawyers Saxton Saxton Saxton Saylor Saylor Scales Scales Scales Scales Scales Scales Scanlon Scarborough Scarbrough Scarnegie Schaar Schaeffer Schaer Schaffer Schanz Scharron Scheidler Schenk Jr Schermerhor Schidel Schidel Schieber Schieber Schiel Schiel Schillinger Schindler Schiuckbier Schleicher Schlomer Schlomer Schmidt Schmidt Schmieder Schmitzer Schmitzer Schneider Schneider Schneider Schneider Schnittker Schocke First Name Donna June Hal Hal Emily Tamar Leticia Berneta Michael Domenique Edward Shirley Mary Jeannette Shequona Mary Monica Mary John Shannon Terene Ken Jerome Darell Klixi Deltrese Derek Lee Chad Richard Karin Brianna Brianna Paula Paula Jessica Jessica Amanda Mark Scott Harold Amy Amy Jaimie Stephen Tim Dustin Dustin Vicki Jeff Jeff Timothy Jeffrey Tonya Date Case 1/7/2008 08-0035 5/13/2008 lta00409 2/5/2008 ltc00238 3/26/2008 ltc00496 6/25/2008 08-3168 9/15/2008 08-4568 5/7/2008 08-2223 8/13/2008 08-3976 10/24/2008 08-5651 9/30/2008 08-4926 5/20/2008 ltf00581 7/22/2008 ltf00877 4/15/2008 08-1683 3/31/2008 08-1486 9/2/2008 08-4367 9/10/2008 08-4530 6/25/2008 08-3167 6/23/2008 08-3049 3/12/2008 08-1289 10/8/2008 ltb01981 10/30/2008 ltb02153 10/24/2008 lta00911 6/24/2008 lte00759 10/29/2008 08-5565 1/31/2008 lte00134 6/4/2008 ltb01027 3/25/2008 08-1418 9/4/2008 lta00747 9/10/2008 lta00767 10/16/2008 ltc01639 5/5/2008 lte00547 1/24/2008 ltf00106 3/20/2008 ltf00314 1/11/2008 lta00048 3/31/2008 lta00285 8/8/2008 ltb01529 10/7/2008 ltb01951 10/17/2008 ltb02039 5/27/2008 08-2591 2/14/2008 lta00143 10/24/2008 lte01422 3/28/2008 ltb00553 2/25/2008 ltb00307 10/30/2008 ltd01038 3/25/2008 08-1751 8/22/2008 ltd00756 4/30/2008 ltb00759 9/29/2008 ltb01892 1/9/2008 ltf00070 6/30/2008 ltb01202 8/15/2008 ltb01547 7/31/2008 ltb01490 3/11/2008 ltf00303 9/5/2008 ltb01741 Plaintiff Royal Mhp Myrtle Grove Mhp N.Morris Ests Sugartree Apts Tony Stockton Rosewood M Apts Bank N Y Alc Holdings Llc Dry Investment Shady Acres Mhp Countrywide Home Prop Development Edward Rasco Larry Banks David Belton Edward Rasco Tony Stockton Edward Rasco Ron Birchmeier Enterprise Ests Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Corcoran Francis Perry Place Apts Mike Ballesen Perry Place Apts Madison Pk Est Ideal Rental West Court Ranch Yvonne Scheidler Wells Fargo Bank Na Citimortgage Inc Genesee Villa Genesee Burton Gerald Burton Gerald Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills National City Bank Federal Nat Mtg Pine Forest Home Pk Parkwood Mhp Fishermans Cove Fishermans Cove Kubic Fred Beulah Ecker Fenton Oaks Llc Continental Estates Continental Estates Pineview Estates Continental North Continental North White Oaks Estates Ford Joan Kearsley Creek Llc Last Name Schomber Schomber Schoonover Schott Schott Schott Schowalter Schrader Schrader Schreiber Schroeder Schroer Schropshire Schroth Schroth Schuchaskie Schuitman Schuler Schuler Schulte Schulte Schultz Schultz Schumacher Schuyler Schwartz Schwartz Schweitzer Schweitzer Sciacca Scofield Scofield Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott Scott First Name James James Yoshonda Dennis Dennis Dennis Greg Joe Joe Jon Matthew Michelle David Tiffany Tiffany Eric Timothy Ted Ted Dawn Dawn Stephan Ryan Sandra Anna Fred Eric Matthew Deanna Michael Karie Erica James Dennis Jason Najah Richard Amanda Chiquita Jason Carla Artunado Dennis Dequindre Laquita Carla Dennis Richard Arthur Arthur Jason Nichole Nichole Charlotte Date Case 1/8/2008 ltd00019 3/25/2008 ltd00279 1/28/2008 ltf00133 1/25/2008 ltc00147 3/25/2008 ltc00450 3/25/2008 ltc00451 2/19/2008 08-0784 3/5/2008 ltb00431 4/2/2008 ltb00622 3/24/2008 lte00346 5/8/2008 lta00396 2/25/2008 ltb00329 10/27/2008 ltf01341 5/1/2008 lte00544 8/7/2008 lte01002 9/12/2008 ltd00854 4/30/2008 ltb00775 4/30/2008 ltd00425 7/9/2008 ltd00621 9/17/2008 08-4598 8/18/2008 08-4025 1/24/2008 ltb00141 10/22/2008 lte01394 6/4/2008 ltb01004 7/21/2008 ltd00632 1/9/2008 08-0198 10/10/2008 ltb02006 3/5/2008 ltf00254 7/1/2008 ltf00803 1/18/2008 ltd00076 1/2/2008 ltf00019 7/29/2008 ltb01400 10/24/2008 lte01416 1/31/2008 lte00135 1/2/2008 ltb00029 1/29/2008 ltd00125 10/23/2008 ltb02055 5/28/2008 ltb00958 5/7/2008 ltb00838 5/21/2008 lte00594 5/9/2008 08-2350 6/24/2008 lta00545 3/25/2008 lte00372 4/18/2008 ltc00601 5/28/2008 08-2562 3/24/2008 08-1368 5/27/2008 lte00667 4/30/2008 ltb00774 4/30/2008 ltd00393 4/1/2008 ltd00313 3/24/2008 lte00355 10/8/2008 08-5113 7/24/2008 08-3687 10/16/2008 08-5227 Plaintiff Georgetown Park Georgetown Park Creekwood Quail Ridge Apt Llc Quail Ridge Apts Quail Ridge Apts Deutsche Bk Twin Meadows Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Maplebrook Village Apts Schroeder Neil Continental Estates Kings Lane Cedar Bend Apts Gateway Of Gr Bl Us Bank Nat Washington Mutual Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Keith Lutz Keith Lutz Red Carpet Keim Action Group 1 Thornridge Apts Horton Tonya Becker Doreen Nove Henderson Group Five Mgmt Pineview Pine View South Valley Mhp Creekside Windsor Pl Apts Gr Bend 452apts Perry Place Apts Huntington Circle Sunridge Apts Kearsley Creek Llc Stratford Sq Apts Madison Pk Est Group Five Mgmt Cynthia Jones-Burton Flint Twp Perry Place Apts Yearby Frank Diane Mitchell Alonzo Goodman Perry Place Apts Kearsley Creek Llc Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Group Five Mgmgt Howard Turner Howard Turner David Carrill Last Name First Name Scott Charlotte Scott Daquanna Scott Michelle Scott Amanda Scott Khayree Scott Christophe Scott Patty Scott Deliria Scott James Scott-Ruiz Carlton Scovel Joshua Scramlin Joleen Scramlin Joleen Scramlin Joleen Scroggins Tammy Scroggins Shalonda Scroggins Shalonda Scruggs Vanessa Scudder Ann Seal Wesley Seale Lenora Seale Lenora Seals Maria Sealy Kimisha Sealy Kinisha Seaman Mike Searcy Carol Searcy Katrina Searfoss Sarah Sears Tom Seaton Stacey Seay Jessica Seay Erin Seay Rebecca Sebastian Karanna Secord Sheri Secord Sherri Secord Kevin See Tiffany Seeback Matthew Seeback Matthew Sefa Ii Daniel Segrist Sheleta Segrist Shelita Self Dawn Self Thomas Selley Randy Seng Bernard Sengthamma Joyce Sengthamma Joyce Senkine Damon Senkine Damon Senter Troy Senter Tammy Date Case 6/13/2008 08-2895 6/23/2008 08-3135 8/13/2008 08-4036 7/16/2008 ltb01339 7/25/2008 ltc01205 8/25/2008 lta00727 8/18/2008 ltc01303 10/27/2008 08-5714 10/10/2008 ltc01629 10/1/2008 08-4993 2/13/2008 ltd00158 6/30/2008 ltb01190 3/28/2008 ltb00557 9/5/2008 ltb01751 8/25/2008 08-4233 7/30/2008 ltb01434 10/8/2008 ltb01961 5/22/2008 ltf00609 7/31/2008 ltb01456 4/30/2008 ltb00722 1/29/2008 ltd00126 4/1/2008 ltd00312 10/16/2008 08-5198 1/18/2008 08-0369 9/3/2008 08-4411 9/9/2008 lta00757 5/22/2008 lte00631 9/26/2008 08-4607 4/24/2008 ltb00682 8/22/2008 08-4210 8/28/2008 ltc01404 10/28/2008 ltd01014 5/23/2008 ltc00817 2/1/2008 lte00175 7/23/2008 ltb01366 1/24/2008 ltb00157 3/18/2008 ltb00478 9/12/2008 08-4554 6/30/2008 ltf00766 7/1/2008 08-3286 10/16/2008 08-5226 6/2/2008 ltc00861 5/8/2008 08-2345 8/12/2008 08-4003 10/23/2008 ltb02056 1/23/2008 ltc00138 9/12/2008 lta00774 3/25/2008 ltc00477 6/17/2008 lte00718 8/26/2008 lte01109 7/24/2008 ltc01132 10/3/2008 ltc01610 2/19/2008 ltd00175 2/13/2008 ltd00159 Plaintiff David L Carrill Clio Woods Apts Avon Park Apts Stratford Sq Apts Sugartree Apts Laruence Wolf Proper Springsteen Daniel Fhc Michael Kennedy Ipm Lemke Dale Continental Estates Continental Estates Continental Estates River Village Apts Brookstone Valley Brookstone Valley Kings Lane Continental Estates Riverside Mhp Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Lloyd Flewelling Ridgecrest Vill Ridgecerst Vill Carlson Clint Riverbend Apts David Boillat Morequity Inc Russ Ritsen Ideal Rental Sunridge Apts Clovertree Apts Thornridge Apts Stockton Tony Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Alc Holdings Creekwood Holiday Village Genesee Forest Everbank James McMillin James McMillin Kearsley Creek Llc Goad Realty Lasalle Bank Nation Dutch Village Llc Mapleridge Apts Mapleridge Apts N.Morris Estates N.Morris Estates Kogut Kevin Lemke Dale Last Name Senters Senters Senters Serges Serges Sermo Sessink Settle Settlemyre Settles Severance Severn Severn Severn Severn Severn Severt Severt Severt Sewell Sewell Sexton Seymour Shackelford Shackelford Shackelford Shackelford Shackelford Shackelford Shackelford Shackelford Shackelford Shackleford Shackleford Shackleford Shafer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Shaffer Ii Shaffer Ii Shaffery Shagena Shahid Shahid Shaker Shaltz Shamma Shanks Shanks Shann First Name Carissa Carissa Carissa Nicholas Nicholas Sarah Bryan Terry Jason Sonja Rodger Cassie Cassie Cassie Casey Brent Morris Morris Morris Jacqueline Jessie Sharon Joe Alma Alma Marcia Laronda Alma Alma Bobby Alma Rebecca Mandwell Aufrica Keyon Randy Paul Paul Maxine Kevin Paul Patricia Steven Steven Anna Keosha Najee Neico Michael Brian Mael Veronica Carol Thomas Date Case 1/9/2008 08-0195 6/9/2008 08-2827 10/8/2008 08-5124 6/25/2008 ltd00573 9/18/2008 ltd00863 6/24/2008 lte00772 10/31/2008 lta00941 7/23/2008 ltb01355 8/18/2008 08-4033 4/23/2008 08-1952 2/13/2008 ltf00183 10/22/2008 ltc01690 1/2/2008 08-0071 8/21/2008 ltc01329 9/24/2008 ltb01858 10/13/2008 lte01336 5/23/2008 ltc00804 2/26/2008 ltc00370 7/25/2008 ltc01156 1/31/2008 08-0598 6/30/2008 ltb01203 5/16/2008 ltd00452 9/18/2008 ltb01812 1/8/2008 ltd00036 2/26/2008 ltd00198 3/24/2008 08-1764 2/4/2008 08-0696 4/30/2008 ltd00392 8/26/2008 ltd00780 9/3/2008 08-4412 7/1/2008 ltd00605 7/28/2008 ltc01217 1/10/2008 ltc00072 3/25/2008 ltc00467 2/28/2008 lte00293 2/19/2008 lta00154 1/8/2008 ltc00053 4/30/2008 ltc00706 6/11/2008 ltf00696 7/21/2008 lte00861 8/27/2008 ltc01393 10/1/2008 ltf01242 6/12/2008 ltb01099 7/11/2008 ltb01318 3/4/2008 ltb00402 10/8/2008 ltb01974 4/11/2008 08-1680 7/9/2008 08-3391 10/8/2008 08-5092 5/13/2008 ltd00448 7/21/2008 08-3538 6/2/2008 ltc00880 8/21/2008 ltc01335 8/29/2008 lte01132 Plaintiff Rollingwood Man Rollingwood Man Rollingwood Man Terra Management Co Terra Management Co Grand Bend Club Apts Carlson Clint Riverwood Lux Apts Kingdom Mgmt Brian Brock Elizabeth Ann Phillips Dutch Village Llc American Mhp Dutch Village Llc Windsor Place Apts Fed Home Loan Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Clifton Sterling Continental North Lesus Susan Rickard Carl Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Reynold D. Swilley Shiloh Com Twnh Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Ridgecrest Vill Sunridge Apts Pineshores Apts Clovertree Apts Burkeshire Pointe Maplebrook Vill Apts Myrtle Grove Mhp Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Deutsche Bank Heatherwood Apts Camelot Villa Pineview Estates Mortgage Ssociation The Federal N Fed National Mtg Smith Sarah Madison Pk Est Fhc Steven Boyce Rob Bottinelli Guzman Marjorie Ronald Case Scharrer Mary Dutch Village Llc Maplebrook Vill Apts Last Name Shannon Shannon Shannon Shannon Shapardon Sharber Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharp Sharpe Shartner Shaull Shaurnoch Shaver Shaver Shaver Shaver Shavers Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shaw Shay Sheed Sheehan Sheeley Sheeley Shelby Shelby Shelhorn Shellhorn Shelling Shelling Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton Shelton First Name Lolita Mary Lolita Charlie Chris Jeanette Mary Julie Mary Dennilye Marcie Mary Sonya Sonya Krista Jennifer Chadd Donalt Robert Robert Robert Robert Rajoi Sheryl Consowella Consowella Dominic Joseph Joshua Dominic Consowella Lovaughn Sharon Dale Darlene Tracey Tracey Reginald Larry Eddie Eddie Kara Kara Monica Steven Steven Steven Elaine Monica Henry Steven Zakia Jeffrey Zakia Date Case 5/20/2008 08-2493 5/23/2008 ltc00795 3/7/2008 08-1212 9/3/2008 08-4356 9/29/2008 ltb01918 5/27/2008 lte00644 1/25/2008 ltc00161 6/27/2008 ltb01169 6/23/2008 ltc00995 2/22/2008 ltd00183 3/14/2008 lta00227 8/21/2008 ltc01338 8/29/2008 ltb01729 10/2/2008 ltb01934 7/30/2008 ltc01238 1/14/2008 08-0251 4/25/2008 ltc00669 3/17/2008 lte00338 6/3/2008 ltf00673 2/7/2008 ltf00164 5/7/2008 ltf00558 10/1/2008 ltf01212 9/24/2008 08-4785 1/30/2008 ltb00192 1/29/2008 ltd00127 6/4/2008 ltd00529 6/19/2008 08-3095 3/31/2008 ltc00522 4/28/2008 lte00512 9/10/2008 08-4527 7/29/2008 ltd00653 8/13/2008 08-3992 10/28/2008 ltd01015 7/3/2008 lte00806 2/28/2008 lte00278 8/1/2008 08-3638 7/3/2008 08-3224 4/3/2008 08-1523 8/25/2008 ltb01592 7/29/2008 ltb01401 5/22/2008 ltb00903 3/19/2008 08-1269 4/2/2008 ltb00632 1/2/2008 08-0154 1/9/2008 ltf00082 6/3/2008 ltf00670 3/5/2008 ltf00258 2/11/2008 lta00126 5/5/2008 08-2204 9/11/2008 08-4525 7/1/2008 ltf00828 9/30/2008 ltd00897 10/3/2008 ltd00943 7/29/2008 ltd00652 Plaintiff Fhc West Patrick Fhc Washington Mut Continental North Tudor Estates Bristol Court Windsor Place Apts Bristol Court Swartz Cr Mead Leroy T Whalen Bristol Court Rosewood Park Apts Rosewood Park Apts Landon Roy Dave Miller Dutch Village Llc Crkovski Naum Pineview Pine View Pineview Pineview Estates Country Club Manor Cambridge Square Flint Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Bradley A Anthony Emc Mortgage Corp Mapleridge Apts Brad Anthony Sunridge Apts Royal Mhp Sunridge Apts Ethridge Mark Federal National James Thomas James Thomas Hermean Shelton Alexopoulos Paul Windsor Pl Apts Windsor Place Apts Treasure Enter Treasure Enterprise Orchard Rg Apts Pineview Estates Pineview Pineview Hsbc Cons Lend Orchard Ridge Est Danny Zerka Pine View Sunridge Apts Georgetown Park Sunridge Apts Last Name Shelton Shepard Shepard Shepard Jr Shepherd Shepherd Shepherd Shepherd Shepp Sheppard Sheppard Shepse Sherbino Sheredy Sherington Sherington Sherington Sherman Sherman Sherrill Shielder Shields Shields Shier Shier Shier Shimmel Shimmel Shimmel Shimmel Shimmel Shinabarger Shipley Shively Shoens Shoens Shoens Sholes Sholler Et Al Shomin Shook Shook Shorez Short Short Short Shourd Shourd Showler Shreeve Shriber Shriner Shude Shuh First Name Jeffery Debra Jill Edward Tony Tony Tony Clifford Darcy Jennifer Jenifer Patrick Kerri Rebecca Jennifer Thomas Jennifer Maggie Heidi Donna James Matt Melissa Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany John Samuel John John Samuel Michelle Jaclyn Christophe William Mellisa Mellisa Allen Brian Bernard Darlene Jeffery John Stefon Terry Lc Jennifer Jennifer Kelley J Tammy Daniel Alyson Traci Date Case 8/22/2008 ltd00760 1/3/2008 ltd00007 9/9/2008 ltd00849 3/19/2008 ltb00481 7/28/2008 08-3799 10/14/2008 08-4454 8/15/2008 08-4079 9/24/2008 ltc01503 2/28/2008 ltb00377 1/23/2008 lta00091 2/19/2008 lta00150 4/25/2008 ltc00647 3/20/2008 ltc00430 6/23/2008 08-3161 4/24/2008 08-1979 4/24/2008 08-1980 7/1/2008 08-3285 3/19/2008 08-1261 9/24/2008 ltc01510 3/26/2008 08-1378 2/20/2008 08-0905 2/14/2008 08-0835 5/21/2008 ltc00762 3/25/2008 ltc00469 6/25/2008 ltc01052 10/14/2008 ltc01633 1/2/2008 ltf00011 10/24/2008 lte01402 5/5/2008 ltf00501 6/30/2008 ltf00777 7/30/2008 lte00942 10/24/2008 08-5552 1/17/2008 08-0328 9/24/2008 ltc01537 1/10/2008 ltc00081 4/9/2008 ltc00573 7/24/2008 ltc01148 5/15/2008 08-2372 10/2/2008 lta00856 2/26/2008 ltc00353 6/9/2008 ltf00692 5/5/2008 lte00549 10/29/2008 ltd01030 3/20/2008 08-1343 10/2/2008 08-4953 7/31/2008 ltb01457 9/22/2008 lte01217 10/13/2008 lte01340 3/28/2008 ltb00567 7/29/2008 ltd00686 6/12/2008 ltb01100 6/16/2008 ltf00705 7/29/2008 ltd00685 4/28/2008 lta00364 Plaintiff Georgetown Park Kubik Fred Roman Ann Riverwood Lux Apts Fnma Fnma Fnma Mike Young Properties Stratford Sq Apts Beech Trail Apts Beech Trail Apts Pine Creek Apts Slater Sherry American Mhp Holiday Village Holiday Village Holiday Village Cpm Properties Triple C Properties Robert J Cavett Willie Jackson Fred McGlown National Associatio Wells Fargo Ba Burkeshire Pointe Burkeshire Apts Burkeshire Pointe Maple Grove Perry Place Apts Maple Grove Maple Grove Perry Place Apts Chris Harris Leanne Jackson Southcreek Village Gunther Ann Gunther Ann Gunther Ann E Cat Llc Kubic Fred Flushing Mobile Court Bank Of N Y Deutsche Bank Burton Gerald Dayne Davis Richard Keller Continental Estates Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Continental North Apple Creek Station Us Bank Nationwide Advantage Riverside Man Apts Somerset Apartments Last Name Shuh Shultz Shultz Ii Shumpert Shumpert Shumpert Shumpert Sibley Sies Sies Sievert Silas Sillman Silva Jr Simboli Simmonds Simmonds Simmonds Simmonds Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simmons Simms Simms Simon Simon Simon Simonds Simons Simpkins Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson First Name Traci Clifton Thomas Lagloria Lagloria Lagloria Lagloria Elizabeth Scott Scott April Kendra Donald Earl Mr. Stephanie Matt Stephanie Matthew Gary Regina Russell Rochair Shelly Larry Shelly Russell Rochair Regina Pamela Angela Alicia Anthony Alicia Kelly Misty Latasha Kimberly Mildred Joyce Jennifer Richard William William Willie Mary Mavis Joyce Joyce Diana Arthur Jamie Joyce William Date Case 7/23/2008 lta00613 2/5/2008 ltb00245 5/14/2008 lte00566 6/4/2008 ltc00891 4/1/2008 ltc00536 2/6/2008 ltc00250 8/6/2008 ltc01281 6/6/2008 08-2806 10/9/2008 ltf01269 8/11/2008 ltf00975 7/3/2008 ltb01262 9/29/2008 08-4892 8/4/2008 lte00988 3/25/2008 ltc00474 7/14/2008 ltf00854 10/23/2008 ltb02057 6/4/2008 ltb01081 9/5/2008 ltb01742 8/27/2008 ltb01672 10/23/2008 ltb02049 2/29/2008 lte00306 5/20/2008 08-2494 5/22/2008 ltf00610 2/7/2008 08-0590 6/4/2008 ltb01018 10/6/2008 08-4955 9/29/2008 08-4858 9/24/2008 ltf01172 7/7/2008 lte00823 1/30/2008 08-0609 9/22/2008 lte01205 1/10/2008 08-0054 10/23/2008 ltc01727 9/26/2008 08-4678 4/1/2008 ltb00575 6/9/2008 ltf00693 1/2/2008 ltb00016 10/22/2008 ltb02043 10/23/2008 ltb02058 1/24/2008 ltb00158 1/28/2008 lta00105 1/3/2008 ltc00018 10/27/2008 lta00916 3/24/2008 lta00245 3/26/2008 08-1377 5/2/2008 08-2244 3/18/2008 08-1322 2/25/2008 ltb00355 4/28/2008 ltb00701 6/4/2008 ltd00530 5/28/2008 ltc00852 4/25/2008 ltb00684 6/27/2008 ltb01170 4/3/2008 ltc00543 Plaintiff Somerset Apartments Westwood Management Lux Apartments Cranbrook Village Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Elms Mhc Centennial Farms Centennial Farms Twin Meadows Mhp Fhc Maplebrook Vill Apts Dutch Village Llc Anderson D Kearsley Creek Llc Westwood Management Kearsley Creek Llc Westwood Management Kearsley Lake Terr Fox Hill Glens Fhc Kings Lane Jason L. Gillean Huntington Circle Apts Stan Wonch Fhc Kings Lane Fox Hill Glens Harris Invest Grand Bend Club Apt Carl Poit Cedarshores Apt Theresa Bush Hometown Amer Tyris G Eickhoff Brookstone Vall Est Brookstone Valley Kearsley Creek Llc Windsor Place Apts Linden Place Mhc Cranbrook Vill Co Wills Ken Wills Ken Robert J Cavett Indymac Bank F.S.B. Fhc Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Sunridge Apts Randall Phalon Harris Invest Windsor Place Apts American House Last Name Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simrau Simrau Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sims Sinayoko Sinayoko Sinayoko Sinayoko Sinayoko Singelis Singer Singer Singeton Singleton Singleton Singleton Singleton Singleton Sinkler First Name Tia Darlene Darlene Elmer Kimberly Cynthia Arthur Donquay Tonya Kizzie Darlene Latika Alverine Laron Angela Lisa Howard Howard Danita Monique Carla Michelle Monique Danita Alma Jesse Keith Youlonda Alma Michelle Omar Michelle Carla Victoria Benjamin Michelle Monique Carla Natasha Madina Madina Madina Madina Madina Renee Christophe Lenora Jameka Staci Deiontrize Derek Deontrize Staci Roxanne Date Case 6/24/2008 ltf00743 4/22/2008 ltf00458 6/24/2008 ltf00750 6/26/2008 lte00778 6/4/2008 ltb01046 7/30/2008 lte00943 8/11/2008 ltc01292 9/26/2008 ltf01178 10/30/2008 08-5797 8/19/2008 08-4067 10/20/2008 ltf01289 7/9/2008 ltb01306 8/26/2008 08-4207 8/19/2008 lta00699 9/10/2008 ltd00850 9/2/2008 ltf01046 10/22/2008 ltc01685 7/28/2008 ltc01221 1/29/2008 08-0493 1/18/2008 08-0322 1/10/2008 08-0208 6/4/2008 ltc00892 5/19/2008 08-2438 5/30/2008 08-2634 4/1/2008 ltc00537 4/1/2008 ltd00311 4/22/2008 08-1930 2/8/2008 08-0669 2/6/2008 ltc00251 4/1/2008 ltc00538 2/8/2008 08-0840 2/6/2008 ltc00252 7/22/2008 08-3626 7/31/2008 ltb01518 10/27/2008 08-5746 9/10/2008 ltc01465 8/19/2008 08-4155 9/25/2008 08-4816 10/3/2008 08-4954 3/25/2008 lta00258 5/9/2008 lta00398 2/14/2008 lta00145 6/13/2008 lta00513 7/21/2008 lta00597 4/14/2008 lte00452 3/6/2008 lte00325 8/22/2008 ltd00757 7/30/2008 08-3775 1/22/2008 08-0422 6/4/2008 ltb01028 5/1/2008 08-2188 9/24/2008 ltc01528 9/8/2008 08-4466 10/2/2008 ltd00934 Plaintiff Kings Lane Simpson Darlene Executive Property Maplebrook Village Brookstone Valley Perry Place Apts H Tannenbaum Creekwood Timothy Bender Fhc Executive Property Brookstone Valley Clay Worrell River Valley Manor Lemke Dale Church Realty Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Elmer Roberts Willie Blassing Gerald Burton Cranbrook Village Willie Younger Olson & Associates Cranbrook Vill Co Sunridge Apts Venture Invest Marcus Rankins Cranbrook Vill Co Cranbrook Vill Co Federal H Mtg Cranbrook Vill Co Gerald Burton Westwood Management Fhc Cranbrook Village Nan Weatherspoon Gerald Burton C Whitthorne Laurence Wolf Prop Laurence Wolf Prop Laurence Wolf Proper Lawrence Wolf Prop Lawrence Wolf Prop Federal National Hma Investments Llc Fenton Oaks Llc Betty Luster Redstone Twh Madison Pk Est Citifinancial Mtg Bristol Court Redstone Twh Pine Ridge Last Name Sinkler Sipes Sipes Sipes Siple Sire Sirlet Sisco Sisco Sisco Sisco Sisco Sisco Sisco Sisk Sisk Sisler Sission Sizemore Sizemore Skaggs Skaggs Skaggs Skalecki Skalski Skank Skarich Skelton Skelton Skelton Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skinner Skipper Skipper Skouson Skutt Skyes Skym Skyner Skyrme Slack Slack Slack Slack Slack First Name Roxann Brian Brian Larry Shelly Ann Paul Nicholas James Christy James James James Joseph Gary Gary Richard Erica Sherry Sherry Nathan Arthur Arthur Nicole Holly Mark Anton Brandy William William Charles Sheila Jolene Rome Sheria Chenae Rome Rome Carolyn Sheila Sheria Terri Edwin Richard Cynthia Emily Amber Kurt Joshua Teresa Teresa Teresa Teresa Teresa Date Case 7/30/2008 ltd00694 5/21/2008 ltd00461 10/9/2008 ltb01998 6/18/2008 08-3030 9/22/2008 ltb01822 7/11/2008 08-3327 3/27/2008 ltf00354 1/3/2008 ltd00006 6/27/2008 ltb01171 2/20/2008 lta00163 2/25/2008 ltb00356 3/18/2008 ltb00479 9/24/2008 ltb01859 9/29/2008 ltf01182 9/30/2008 08-4928 6/30/2008 08-3252 6/18/2008 08-3031 2/13/2008 08-0819 4/15/2008 ltf00446 10/20/2008 ltf01290 3/5/2008 ltb00413 6/12/2008 ltb01104 8/28/2008 ltb01696 7/21/2008 08-3596 6/20/2008 ltd00552 2/19/2008 ltd00166 4/2/2008 ltb00590 7/11/2008 08-3435 10/28/2008 08-5736 8/28/2008 08-4273 1/28/2008 ltc00201 3/25/2008 ltc00486 3/17/2008 08-1730 3/7/2008 08-1177 6/24/2008 08-3173 4/1/2008 08-1476 5/16/2008 08-2386 10/28/2008 08-5745 6/30/2008 08-3191 7/30/2008 ltc01229 10/7/2008 08-5075 4/23/2008 ltd00362 6/25/2008 ltd00572 2/29/2008 ltd00239 2/8/2008 ltd00139 1/28/2008 ltf00140 7/31/2008 ltb01481 7/22/2008 ltd00634 9/30/2008 08-4929 10/30/2008 ltf01366 4/10/2008 ltf00396 6/3/2008 ltf00651 7/1/2008 ltf00800 9/3/2008 ltf01077 Plaintiff Pine Ridge Terry L Groves Terry L Groves Dennis Messenger Hometown Amer James Borden Lemeiux Robert Sprader Robert Windsor Place Apts Carter Margaret Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Genesee Villa Shady Acres Mhp Shady Acres Mhp Bobby Overfield Ray Collins Executive Property Executive Property Brookstone Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Rollingwood Man Georgetown Park Bank N Y Land Bank Allyson Snell Orchard Lane Orchard Lane McGlown Fred Ideal Rental James Taylor Fairmont Aprt Cynthia Burton Larry G Keels Fairmont Apts Fairmont Apt James M Hinkle Ideal Rental Cynthia Burton Georgetown Park Terra Management Co Deutsche Bank Hsbc Bank Usa Parkview Manor Fishermans Cove Us Bank Shady Acres Mhp Pineview Estates Pineview Green Acre Pine View Pineview Last Name Slack Slack Slagg Slagg Slagg Slagth Slagth Slaughter Slayton Sleder Sleder Slenzak Sliva Sliwa Sloan Sloan Sloan Slomkowski Slough Slough Sly Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Small Smalley Smallwood Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Smart Jr Smartt Smedley Smeltzer Smieleski Smiley Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith First Name Kellie Teresa Sloan Sloan Mark Shelia Shelia Lacreta Veronica Jeremy Jason Ryan Earl Karen Joseph Randall Tiffany Bo Tamara Susan Bridget Betty Betty Mahagony Deric Latonya Tomeka Una Betty Fletcher Kendra Daniel Alona Kayia Deandra Kayia Deandra Deandra Jessie Esley Curtis Laine Ray Donald Jeff Tonya Veronica Tommy Shaquante Terrell Marilyn D Latrice Mary Date Case 8/1/2008 ltd00704 10/1/2008 ltf01259 6/5/2008 ltf00681 3/26/2008 ltf00350 9/19/2008 08-4725 3/31/2008 08-1496 10/16/2008 08-5219 1/2/2008 08-0067 3/25/2008 08-1750 5/8/2008 ltf00563 10/2/2008 08-4952 8/1/2008 ltd00714 2/26/2008 ltf00212 8/27/2008 ltb01673 3/11/2008 ltd00258 6/30/2008 08-3106 9/10/2008 ltb01782 4/30/2008 ltb00740 10/21/2008 ltf01306 6/18/2008 08-3094 1/2/2008 ltd00005 2/19/2008 08-0901 5/21/2008 08-2464 5/28/2008 ltc00841 8/11/2008 08-4016 6/9/2008 08-2837 8/19/2008 08-4057 7/23/2008 ltf00903 7/17/2008 08-3457 9/26/2008 08-4837 9/24/2008 08-4789 7/18/2008 08-3496 1/22/2008 ltb00111 5/30/2008 08-2698 5/21/2008 08-2478 9/15/2008 08-4577 8/7/2008 08-3936 7/11/2008 08-3447 3/25/2008 lte00379 5/22/2008 ltf00611 4/7/2008 08-1642 9/17/2008 08-4713 6/16/2008 ltb01105 5/15/2008 lta00415 1/15/2008 08-0268 1/25/2008 lte00093 1/31/2008 ltb00236 1/3/2008 08-0009 10/28/2008 ltd01018 1/22/2008 08-0396 1/25/2008 lte00106 1/22/2008 08-0403 10/28/2008 ltd01017 1/16/2008 08-0302 Plaintiff Georgetown Park Pineview Centennial Farms Centennial Farms Jp Morgan Chase Apr Realty & Mgmt River Village Ecker Family Trust Gpa Mgt Gary Bradshaw Swartz Cr Mead Genesee Villa Westwood Management Walnut Grove Invest John E. Masson Arc Villa Arc Torrey Hills Genesee Villa Jean Harkness Pheasant Run Apts Steven Thomas Grant Hamady Cedarshores Apt James Forte Redstone Twh Fhc Kings Lane Executive Prop Renee Turner Country Club Manor Beulah Ecker Group Five Management Co Eagle Ridge Sq Howard Turner Dayne Davis In Eagle Ridge Sq Howard Turner Howard Turner Knollwood Vill Apts Kings Lane James Lenoir Hsbc Mortgage Otisville Store Inc Diana K Balbaugh Vicky L. Hurley Stonehenge Gates White Oak Estates Olson Mgmt Sunridge Apts Redstone Twh Wolpert Beverly Redstone Twh Sunridge Apts Richfield Apts Last Name Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith First Name Robert Latrice Chanel Pat Jason Shatangeli Toni Melissa Mattie Kenneth Cinnamon Alice Curtis D Pamela Kimberly David Tinesha Leona Sharon Jojuana Tarita Laverne George Sarai Danna Tena Regina Carol Toni Carmencita Ronald Lisa Kimberly Ronald Sean Tracy Anthony Gracie Brandi Stanley Scarlett Nick Shanta Alvin Derrick Latrice Crystal Tina Steven Chanel Dennis James Curtis Date Case 1/24/2008 ltb00134 1/8/2008 ltd00035 1/8/2008 ltf00043 1/14/2008 lta00059 1/23/2008 lte00076 1/23/2008 ltc00122 1/23/2008 ltd00087 1/22/2008 08-0423 1/8/2008 08-0046 1/31/2008 lte00136 10/22/2008 ltc01694 1/25/2008 08-0437 1/2/2008 08-0073 10/28/2008 ltd01016 10/22/2008 ltc01664 10/24/2008 lte01401 10/24/2008 lte01430 1/2/2008 ltb00017 1/2/2008 ltf00012 1/29/2008 ltd00103 1/24/2008 08-0512 1/11/2008 08-0230 3/7/2008 08-1220 2/26/2008 08-1017 3/19/2008 08-1327 4/30/2008 08-1963 3/19/2008 08-1329 5/5/2008 08-2083 5/23/2008 08-2547 5/5/2008 ltd00435 3/19/2008 08-1341 5/13/2008 08-2301 2/13/2008 08-0595 5/27/2008 lte00668 5/27/2008 ltd00487 2/19/2008 08-0893 5/27/2008 ltc00830 2/8/2008 ltd00144 3/31/2008 08-1481 5/22/2008 ltb00922 4/11/2008 08-1692 2/14/2008 08-0870 2/27/2008 08-1040 5/21/2008 lte00583 2/20/2008 08-0930 2/4/2008 08-0681 2/26/2008 ltd00197 6/5/2008 lte00695 6/10/2008 ltc00916 3/7/2008 08-1184 6/9/2008 ltf00689 4/2/2008 08-1575 2/4/2008 08-0724 5/12/2008 08-2340 Plaintiff Three Rivers Assoc Sunridge Apts Boulder Creek Moore Jim Group Five Mgmt Co. Cedarshores Apt Mari-Dan Miller Farms Redstone Twh Clarence Brown Perry Place Apts Clovertree Apts Walter Abrams American Mhp Sunridge Apts Indian Hills Manor Perry Place Apts Fox Hill Glens Brookstone Vall Est Maple Grove Riverside Man Apts Geneva Colmer Teril Cooper Fhc F.D.H.A.L.P. Harris Invest David Faulkner Harris Invest Roshawn Marshall Holiday Village Mari-Dan Miller Farms James Lenoir Deutsche Bk Edwin Auston Perry Place Apts Lamontagne Tina Erwin J Craig Stebbins William Pine Ridge James Levasseur Fishermans Cove Fadi Nadar Federal National Executive Prop Mapleridge Apts Tdm Matt Wothke Sunridge Apts Country Club Miller Washington Mut Mtg Electronic Boulder Creek Redstone Twh Fhc J C Carr Last Name Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith First Name Christopher David Nadine Jacob Danny D D Danisha Shane Kim Derrick Linda Jojuana Latrice Tiffany Deana Joyce Emily Faneisha Danisha Eric Larry Curtis Gloria Tommy George Brittany Christophe Brittany Brittany Beverly Patricia Troy David Curtis Lakeisha Jojuana Constance Kathrine Marie George Yvonne Ricky Jayson Toni Sharon Andre Shanta Darryl Annette Latrice Charles Danisha Samual Date Case 3/19/2008 08-1735 4/18/2008 lte00459 5/7/2008 08-2253 2/25/2008 ltb00311 2/27/2008 ltc00381 4/30/2008 ltd00390 4/1/2008 ltd00310 4/1/2008 ltc00539 5/12/2008 08-2323 4/1/2008 ltb00576 5/14/2008 08-2306 2/8/2008 08-0667 5/29/2008 08-2652 4/30/2008 ltd00391 4/30/2008 ltb00773 4/22/2008 ltf00461 3/3/2008 08-1150 3/25/2008 ltb00520 3/7/2008 08-1226 6/4/2008 ltc00893 6/4/2008 ltb01029 9/24/2008 ltf01146 9/29/2008 ltb01919 8/6/2008 lta00658 7/14/2008 08-3431 10/24/2008 08-5594 8/20/2008 lte01048 9/24/2008 lta00836 10/13/2008 lte01368 9/22/2008 lte01240 10/21/2008 08-5542 9/24/2008 ltc01532 6/6/2008 08-2810 9/22/2008 lte01245 8/20/2008 ltb01578 10/30/2008 08-5810 7/30/2008 08-3754 6/18/2008 08-2933 10/7/2008 08-5090 8/12/2008 lte01007 6/23/2008 08-3157 7/10/2008 08-3460 9/22/2008 lte01206 8/22/2008 lte01084 9/8/2008 ltd00846 9/30/2008 ltd00925 10/31/2008 08-5817 8/7/2008 lte01006 10/24/2008 08-5615 7/1/2008 ltd00606 7/1/2008 ltd00607 6/16/2008 08-3009 10/1/2008 ltc01580 7/23/2008 08-3644 Plaintiff Gerald Burton Grandas Michael Redstone Twh Davison East Indian Hills Manor Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Cranbrook Vill Co Jack Barnes Hometown Amer Matt Wothke Johnson Kennedy Geneva L. Colmer Sunridge Apts Kearsley Creek Llc Genesee Villa Steven Boyce Charter Oaks Apts Fhc Cranbrook Village Madison Pk Est Blackberry Creek Continental North Childers Greg Olson Mgmt F.D.H.A.L.P Stonehenge Gates Veterans Affairs Dept Of Stonehenge Gates Stonehenge Gates Kak Assoc. Southcreek Village Wells Fargo Bk Fox Hill Glens Three Rivers Assoc Woodlawn Apts Geneva Colmer John Phinisee Ruth Bryant Crkovski Naum F.D.H.A.L.P. Us Bank Grand Bend Club Apt Perry Place Apts Mari-Dan Miller Farms Riverside Man Apts James Levasseur Mapleridge Apts Bank Of Ny Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Ptl Properties Cranbrook Village Steven Boyce Last Name Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Jr Smock Smoots Smoots Smoots Smoots Smythe Smythe First Name Ramona Crystal Sonja David Doris Shawna Aaron Samantha Latasha Stencer Wayne Tony Wayne Florareen Sharon Sherrina Larry Krista Melvin Tiffany Linda Dennis Shante William Linda David Latrice Annette Charlie Chanel Nadine Lakeny Charlie Carolyn Larry Toni Chanel Danna Lashawn Andreia Elayn Tarita Robert Geraldine Sabrina Keyonna Ronda Bruce Kenshanna Sharon Kenshanna Kenshanna Jeffery Matthew Date Case 7/24/2008 ltc01144 7/31/2008 lte00973 9/5/2008 08-4305 10/10/2008 ltb02010 8/25/2008 08-4245 10/6/2008 ltc01614 7/16/2008 lte00842 9/17/2008 08-4710 8/28/2008 ltb01691 9/11/2008 08-4514 10/21/2008 ltf01311 9/26/2008 08-4668 10/3/2008 ltd00944 8/4/2008 08-3850 7/29/2008 ltd00684 9/29/2008 08-4842 8/27/2008 ltf01015 9/29/2008 08-4854 7/22/2008 ltd00633 7/24/2008 ltb01373 6/11/2008 08-2863 9/12/2008 08-4518 9/12/2008 08-4555 9/9/2008 08-4476 9/10/2008 08-4510 7/7/2008 lte00821 8/26/2008 ltd00778 8/26/2008 ltd00779 10/21/2008 lta00901 10/20/2008 ltf01286 9/30/2008 08-4962 9/25/2008 08-4685 8/13/2008 08-4005 10/9/2008 ltb02005 7/23/2008 ltf00878 7/23/2008 ltd00637 9/2/2008 ltf01050 10/20/2008 ltf01294 9/25/2008 08-4823 9/5/2008 08-4309 8/13/2008 08-3934 8/20/2008 08-4135 7/31/2008 ltb01526 9/23/2008 08-4733 9/8/2008 08-4487 9/23/2008 08-4735 10/2/2008 ltb01937 7/8/2008 lte00831 2/4/2008 08-0718 8/7/2008 08-3871 9/2/2008 08-4405 6/3/2008 08-2746 1/28/2008 ltf00134 6/30/2008 ltf00765 Plaintiff N.Morris Estates Country Club Miller Victoria Chapman Fed National Mtg Court St Village Willett Gerald Chase Home Finance Steve Marciniak Brookstone Valley Walter Abrams Lasalle Bank Beverly Dubendorf Citimortgage Inc Orchard Ridge Est Riverside Man Apts Wells Fargo Bk Blackberry Creek Fhc Sunridge Apts Kearsley Creek Llc John Kennedy James M. Walker Landlord Solutions Evergreen Reg John Kennedy Fox Hill Glens Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts River Valley Manor Boulder Creek Redstone Twh John Brady Ruth Bryant Arc Villa Blackberry Creek Mari-Dan Miller Farms Boulder Creek Executive Property Gerald Burton Free Investments Geneva Colmer Teril Cooper Kearsley Lake Terr River Village Apts Marianne Roat River Village Apts Lasalle Bank Na Dec One Mort Co Westgate Terr Apts Mshda Westgate Terr Apts Westgate Ter Apts Creekwood Creekwood Last Name Smythe Smythe Smythe Smythe Snchez Snell Snell Snell Snell Sneller Snelson Snider Snider Snider Snider Snider Snider Snider Snider Snider Snider Snider Snooks Snover Snow Snow Snow Snow Snowden Snowden Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Sockwell Sockwell Sockwell Sohn Sokolowski Solarz Solis Solis First Name Tom Matthew Kenneth Kenneth Edgard Ladora Allyson Ladora Won Brooke Tina Madonna Mike Sabrina Justin Lessie Michael Sabrina Deidre Lessie Mike Mike Samuel Casey James April Laduana Shantey Frederick Eddy William Christophe Dennis William Robert Michael Deborah Steven Deborah William Michelle Rebecca Mandy Edward Robert Robert Wanda Wanda Wanda Katherine Brandon Maryann Yolanda Yolanda Date Case 6/20/2008 ltd00569 8/26/2008 ltf00998 6/17/2008 08-3013 9/17/2008 08-4603 2/21/2008 lte00238 2/8/2008 08-0804 9/11/2008 08-4549 6/16/2008 08-2920 8/18/2008 08-4108 9/22/2008 ltb01827 10/6/2008 08-5037 1/23/2008 lte00082 6/3/2008 ltf00666 6/3/2008 ltf00647 3/24/2008 lte00349 5/7/2008 ltf00550 4/24/2008 lta00352 4/10/2008 ltf00433 3/7/2008 08-1187 4/10/2008 ltf00412 10/1/2008 ltf01199 8/5/2008 ltf00959 8/28/2008 08-4349 3/11/2008 ltc00406 10/27/2008 ltf01322 2/6/2008 ltf00153 7/28/2008 lta00617 7/21/2008 08-3540 1/28/2008 ltb00172 4/22/2008 lta00339 1/31/2008 ltb00230 1/2/2008 ltf00001 3/31/2008 lte00426 6/30/2008 ltb01208 6/30/2008 ltb01191 6/30/2008 ltb01177 3/26/2008 08-1442 5/13/2008 08-2278 4/24/2008 08-1981 9/8/2008 ltb01764 9/3/2008 08-4432 7/3/2008 ltb01220 9/22/2008 ltb01823 8/25/2008 08-4227 9/29/2008 ltb01893 9/5/2008 ltb01752 5/22/2008 lte00606 7/23/2008 lte00884 9/22/2008 lte01223 7/28/2008 ltc01219 9/22/2008 ltb01824 4/22/2008 ltc00604 1/9/2008 08-0196 5/14/2008 08-2369 Plaintiff Fenton Oaks Llc Creekwood Grant Hamady David Burr Perry Place Apts Richfield Apts Lp Fed Home Mtg Richfield Apts Brister Padgett Group Five Mgmt Orchard Ridge Poit Carl Pineview Green Acre Maplebrook Village Apts Pineview Federal Home Loan Green Acre Apts Countrywide Home Pineview Pineview Estates Pineview Morgan Chase Dutch Village Bank Of Ny Trust Carl L Bekofske Laurence Wolf Prop Joe Vanhoutan Kings Lane River Valley Manor Fishermans Cove Bank Of New York Nrj Fishermans Cove Continental Estates Charter Oaks Apts Holiday Village Linda Linder Holiday Village Fisherman's Cove Elms Mhc Kearsley Lake Terr Hometown Amer American Mhp Continental Estates Continental Estates Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Dutch Village Llc Hometown Amer Sophie T Solarz Rollingwood Man Rollingwood Man Last Name Solis Somers Somerville Somerville Sondreal Sonnenberg Sonnenberg Sonnenberg Soper Sopko Sopko Sopko Sopko Sopko Sorsen Sorsen Sorsen Soule Southall Southard Southard Jr Southward Southward Southward Southward Southward Sovey Sovey Spain Spaly Spaniola Spanke Spanke Sparks Sparks Sparks Spearman Spearman Spears Spears Spears Spears Spears Spears Speight Speight Speight Speights Spence Spence Spence Spence Spencer Spencer First Name Yolanda Karen Maureen Maureen James Adam Adam Adam Staci Jodi Walter Walter Debra Jodi Jody Jody Jody Christopher Cathleen Lynn Jesse Marlanna Marlanna Marlanna Tamica Eric Carletta Carletta Sabrina Cary Martha Emily Tammy Flora David Shelly Milton Gloria Lynette Lynette Bobby Lynette Lynette Lynette Anthony Anthony Anthony Luevenia Jamesha Jamesha Timothy Evelyn Jerry Precious Date Case 3/12/2008 08-1244 1/7/2008 ltd00010 9/24/2008 ltb01860 7/29/2008 ltb01402 1/31/2008 lte00137 4/11/2008 lte00449 6/10/2008 lte00706 5/15/2008 lte00574 6/20/2008 ltd00551 4/2/2008 ltb00649 5/13/2008 lta00408 5/28/2008 lta00456 7/22/2008 lta00601 7/3/2008 ltb01247 10/30/2008 ltf01386 4/10/2008 ltf00427 7/1/2008 ltf00834 9/8/2008 08-4479 9/17/2008 ltc01483 2/20/2008 08-0902 10/28/2008 ltf01353 1/3/2008 08-0162 3/14/2008 08-1252 4/17/2008 08-1862 10/27/2008 08-5733 9/25/2008 08-4818 4/3/2008 ltb00654 10/1/2008 lta00852 4/16/2008 08-1845 1/24/2008 lta00094 5/28/2008 08-2516 2/26/2008 ltc00341 3/12/2008 ltc00411 5/7/2008 ltb00839 8/26/2008 ltd00817 8/7/2008 08-3874 1/18/2008 08-0357 7/3/2008 08-3222 1/3/2008 08-0168 3/17/2008 08-1317 4/10/2008 ltf00441 5/12/2008 08-2292 10/21/2008 08-5573 7/29/2008 08-3814 5/28/2008 08-2610 3/19/2008 08-1727 7/29/2008 08-3810 8/26/2008 08-4261 1/11/2008 08-0210 10/8/2008 08-5045 10/3/2008 lta00858 9/16/2008 08-4584 1/22/2008 08-0340 10/24/2008 lte01400 Plaintiff Rollingwood Man Silver Lake Arbors Windsor Place Apts Windsor Pl Apts Perry Place Apts Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Georgetown Park Westwood Management Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Bank Pheasant Run Mobile Westwood Management Pineview Estates Pineview Pine View Umth Lending Ideal Rental Sunshine Mgmt Creekwood Dayne Davis Dayne Davis Dayne Davis Fhc Gerald Burton Jag Mgmt Olson Management Paul Clasper Nations Finance Corp Thomas J Muldoon Southcreek Village Michael Kennedy Madison Pk Est Apple Creek Stations Toni Wright Mrtg Electronic Susie Williams Tdm Realty Tdm Realty Deutsche Bank Tdm Realty Tdm Tdm Realty Bc Real Estate Bs Real Estate Bc Real Estate Mortgage Elect Realty Dd Inc Dayne Davis McRoberts Kenneth Land Bank Nick Calugaru Perry Place Apts Last Name Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Sperling Spernock Spicer Spicer Spight Spilker Spilker Spiller Spiller Spiller Spiller Spiller Spiller Spillers Spivey Spivey Spivey Spohn Spohn Spooner Spooner Spotsville Spottsville Spottsville Spottsville Spottsville Spottsville Spottsville Spottsville Spottsville Spraggins Sprague Sprague Sprague Sprague Springsteen First Name Sharon Christina Loretta Tim Andrew Teresa Mark Walter Steven Teresa Carolyn Tim Amber Robert Kathy Romie Precious Carolyn Julie Janet Sheonka Gary Leon Shay Shay Carolyn Deshell Carolyn Carolyn Deshell Andre Deshell Ronetta Gary Ronetta Jennifer Jennifer Augustus Carol Jevonion Sherise Tyoane Tyoane Sherise Sherese Sherise Sherise Tyoane Emily Heather Heather Phyllis Heather Gary Date Case 1/30/2008 ltb00202 1/2/2008 08-0157 1/31/2008 ltc00213 3/6/2008 ltf00269 5/1/2008 08-2156 5/23/2008 ltc00786 6/30/2008 ltb01184 2/28/2008 08-0977 5/13/2008 08-2299 4/25/2008 ltc00668 3/19/2008 08-1263 6/17/2008 ltf00706 7/3/2008 ltb01263 6/23/2008 08-3102 9/3/2008 ltf01097 7/31/2008 08-3823 8/22/2008 lte01085 8/13/2008 08-3981 7/24/2008 ltb01374 2/11/2008 ltd00152 4/30/2008 ltd00389 3/28/2008 ltb00558 1/29/2008 ltd00128 1/23/2008 lta00087 4/3/2008 lta00294 1/4/2008 lte00032 5/27/2008 08-2588 5/22/2008 lte00607 2/29/2008 lte00297 10/31/2008 08-5828 10/24/2008 08-5672 2/27/2008 08-0883 6/27/2008 08-3088 9/12/2008 ltb01784 10/22/2008 08-5646 5/22/2008 ltb00904 9/24/2008 ltb01861 10/14/2008 lta00870 8/28/2008 ltb01692 6/4/2008 ltb01047 1/25/2008 08-0377 1/8/2008 ltd00034 6/4/2008 ltd00531 5/27/2008 08-2583 3/24/2008 08-1406 8/25/2008 08-4238 10/24/2008 08-5592 9/30/2008 ltd00896 8/1/2008 08-3840 1/8/2008 ltd00033 4/30/2008 ltd00388 10/16/2008 ltd00964 7/1/2008 ltd00608 1/31/2008 ltb00212 Plaintiff Huntington Circle Apts Wmc Mtg Corp. Michael A Kennedy Larry D Swadling Douglas Sepanak Dutch Village Llc Davison East Evelyn Angel National City Mortgage National Cit Dutch Village Llc Eagle Ridge Sq Larry D Swadling Twin Meadows Mhp David W Norberg Pineview Ideal Rental Home Perry Place Apts Eagle Ridge Sq Kearsley Creek Llc Mtg Systems Sunridge Apts Continental Estates Sunridge Apts Hutcheson Windford Hutcheson Win Fountain Pointe Arbor Vill Apts Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Park Manor Charles Angel Bobby Hatter Mark Tyler Alvarado Nellie Mark Tyler Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Deutsche Bk Brookstone Valley Brookstone Valley F.D.H.A.L.P. Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P F.D.H.A.L.P Sunridge Apts Elms Mhc Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Wilcox Roy Sunridge Apts Continental Estates Last Name Springsteen Springsteen Sprinkle Spurlock Spurlock Spurlock Squires Srda Srda St Coeur St James St John St John St John St. Amand St.Marie Stachowiak Stack Stack Stacker Stacker Stackpoole Stacy Staffen Stafford Stafford Stafford Stafford Stafford Stage Stage Stage Stair Staley Staley Staley Stall Stallings Stamm Stanfill Stanislaw Stanislaw Stanke Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Stanley Ii Stark Starks First Name Mark Mark Donald Dennis Dennis Dennis Ryan Julie Julie Sarah Jennifer Steven Julie Julie Kelly Rebecca Kevin David Katie Tamika Tamika Ellen Tammy Shelia Howard Carisma Jeffrey Albert Albert Dean Dean Dean Nancy Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Ted Tara Richard Kevin Matthew Matthew Rachel Bobbie Marcus Chenaya Charles Jaquetta Duchess Jaquetta Gordan Gary Theresa Allen Date Case 5/7/2008 ltf00538 8/5/2008 ltf00947 1/7/2008 08-0038 1/31/2008 lte00138 4/24/2008 lte00484 7/30/2008 lte00944 6/24/2008 lte00760 1/23/2008 lta00092 4/17/2008 lta00322 1/7/2008 ltb00048 8/28/2008 ltc01398 1/14/2008 lta00058 3/25/2008 ltc00455 6/20/2008 ltc00963 1/25/2008 ltd00093 7/28/2008 08-3798 3/20/2008 lta00242 1/31/2008 ltb00209 6/19/2008 08-3061 3/31/2008 ltc00519 8/4/2008 ltc01267 8/6/2008 lta00666 8/21/2008 ltc01309 5/5/2008 ltf00521 1/28/2008 ltb00167 5/7/2008 ltb00807 3/27/2008 08-1354 5/12/2008 08-2232 7/28/2008 08-3656 1/8/2008 ltd00020 4/23/2008 ltd00361 5/2/2008 ltd00431 8/7/2008 08-3867 3/19/2008 lta00233 7/9/2008 lta00575 10/9/2008 lta00862 5/28/2008 lta00458 1/11/2008 08-0248 5/12/2008 08-2274 10/10/2008 ltc01626 2/5/2008 ltc00239 4/30/2008 ltc00700 6/27/2008 lte00789 1/24/2008 08-0506 1/24/2008 ltc00140 2/4/2008 08-0701 4/18/2008 08-1831 3/7/2008 08-1201 4/25/2008 08-2003 6/16/2008 08-2973 7/21/2008 08-3541 8/26/2008 ltb01617 2/22/2008 ltd00182 1/31/2008 08-0597 Plaintiff Pineview Pineview Sunshine Mgmt Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Beech Trail Apts Beech Trail Apts Charter Oaks Apts Connie A Mills Federal Nat Mtg Southcreek Village Suffolk Court Apts Deutsche Bank Wells Fargo Genesee Vill Apts Hometown Amer Timb Hgt Booth Browne Cedarshores Apts Cedarshores Apt Mill Creek Apts National Associatio Wells Fargo Ba Kings Lane Kings Lane Enterprise Ests Mhp Fnma Alfred P Polland Rodney Lawton Georgetown Park Georgetown Park Georgetown Park Rollingwood Man Larry D Swadling Larry D Swadling Swadling Larry Gmac Terry L Hanson Daniel Dudley Deutsche Bank N.Morris Ests N.Morris Ests Thornridge Apts Matt Wothke Labarge Linda Ctry Cl Man Apts Sunshine Mgmt Fhc Millie Parks Fhc Gary Davis Charter Oaks Apts Swartz Cr Mead Clifton Sterling Last Name Starks Starks Starling Starling Starnes Starnes Starnes Starzyk Staten Stearns Stebbins Steele Steffen Stegall Stehl Stehle Steick Steihr Stein Stein Stein Stein Stein Stein Stein Stein Steiner Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinman Steinman Stele Stempky Stempky Stemple Stennis Stennis Stennis Stephan Stephan Stephan Stephan Stephan Stephan Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephens Stephens Stephens First Name Latrice Sonetta Erica Erica Kevin Kevin Kevin Jessica Henryetta Barbara Amy Sebastian Tamara Kevin Jan Dennis Angela Alea Lynette Kenneth Lynette Lynette Lynette Dennis Lynette Kenneth Larry David David David David David Latonya Jonathan Matthew Heather Janet Crystal Angela Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany Shawn Yolanda David Talal Yolanda James Shariese Tamra Thomas Date Case 3/7/2008 08-1207 10/2/2008 08-5051 2/25/2008 08-0987 7/28/2008 08-3570 1/30/2008 ltb00198 1/2/2008 ltb00025 8/27/2008 ltb01629 6/13/2008 lte00714 1/14/2008 08-0218 5/22/2008 ltf00604 3/12/2008 ltc00408 1/14/2008 ltd00069 1/22/2008 lta00083 7/25/2008 ltc01203 8/25/2008 08-4250 1/23/2008 ltc00132 2/21/2008 lta00165 3/18/2008 ltb00480 1/9/2008 ltf00068 1/2/2008 08-0084 10/30/2008 ltf01385 4/10/2008 ltf00424 9/3/2008 ltf01103 8/28/2008 08-4298 7/1/2008 ltf00833 7/1/2008 08-3284 3/24/2008 08-1767 1/31/2008 lte00148 1/7/2008 lte00042 4/3/2008 lte00437 7/31/2008 lte00976 10/1/2008 lte01316 5/1/2008 08-2068 3/20/2008 ltf00337 8/27/2008 ltf01030 1/14/2008 ltd00066 10/28/2008 ltd01019 5/5/2008 ltf00513 7/23/2008 lte00887 1/25/2008 lte00100 10/24/2008 lte01431 4/29/2008 lte00515 8/20/2008 lte01025 9/22/2008 lte01221 7/7/2008 lte00814 1/9/2008 08-0048 4/30/2008 08-2039 4/30/2008 08-2138 5/5/2008 08-2189 6/11/2008 08-2906 7/18/2008 08-3556 2/25/2008 08-0986 6/30/2008 08-3271 7/31/2008 ltb01519 Plaintiff Fhc Douglas Sepanak River Village Apts River Village Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Hunters Ridge Apts Wells Fargo Bank Gmac Mtg Grant Hamady Inc Marik Enterprises Wells Fargo Bank Forest Glen Ldha Quail Ridge Apts Deutsche Bank Luther Zona Spears Iii Fletcher Windsor Place Apts Pineview Estates Holiday Village Pineview Estates Pineview Pineview Bill Lamb Pine View Holiday Village Evelyn Watkins Edgemont Park Twh Edgemont Pk Edgemont Pk Twh Edgemont Pk Twh Edgemont Pk Twh Doris Cobbin Kings Lane Kings Lane Gateway Manor Lp Sunridge Apts Kings Lane Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Foutain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountian Pointe Roosevelt Mtg Terrace Apts Land Bank Deutsche Bank Terrace Apts Fhc River Village Apts Westgate Terr Apts Westwood Management Last Name Stephens Stepp Sternberg Sternberg Steve Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens Stevens-Lew Stevens-Lew Stevens-Lew Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Steward Steward Steward Steward Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart-Pow Stidham Stidham Stidham Stigall Stillwell Stillwell Stillwell Stimson Stimson Stine Stinnett Stinnett First Name Thomas Eric Amanda Amanda Greg Erin Brian Kristi Erin Brian Larry Michael Brian Katrina Amber Laura Brian Brian Brian Billyray Clifton Chris Mike Katreece Harvey Harvey William Dan Jenna Renae Ashley Ashley Dennis Navesha Aileen Sara Breyona Jasmine Jermaine Tyrone Brittney Brittney David Karin Karin Patrice Anchina Anchina Anchina Chad Steve Deanna Wanda Wanda Date Case 9/24/2008 ltf01175 2/14/2008 ltd00161 1/7/2008 ltb00047 7/9/2008 ltf00849 8/11/2008 08-3946 1/28/2008 ltb00173 1/31/2008 ltb00221 4/10/2008 08-1667 6/24/2008 ltf00742 5/22/2008 ltb00939 3/5/2008 lta00204 2/4/2008 08-0760 9/29/2008 ltb01920 9/3/2008 ltc01428 9/23/2008 lta00814 10/8/2008 ltb01993 10/28/2008 lta00923 10/28/2008 ltc01735 4/16/2008 ltc00587 1/31/2008 lte00154 3/11/2008 08-1270 6/17/2008 08-2869 10/17/2008 lte01386 1/4/2008 08-0028 3/12/2008 08-1291 4/14/2008 08-1780 6/23/2008 08-3146 1/11/2008 lta00049 3/24/2008 08-1412 5/6/2008 08-2212 10/20/2008 ltf01285 9/5/2008 08-4449 9/3/2008 ltf01053 10/17/2008 08-5238 9/30/2008 08-4931 8/21/2008 ltc01362 10/31/2008 08-5831 9/30/2008 08-4871 8/27/2008 ltb01632 8/19/2008 lta00694 10/15/2008 08-5212 2/25/2008 08-0990 1/14/2008 ltd00068 6/20/2008 ltd00563 8/18/2008 ltd00744 8/11/2008 08-3940 1/30/2008 ltb00188 5/7/2008 ltb00792 8/8/2008 ltb01534 10/24/2008 ltd00982 8/1/2008 ltd00716 7/15/2008 08-3483 1/22/2008 08-0397 3/3/2008 08-1062 Plaintiff Washington Mutual Terra Mgmt Co Charter Oaks Apts Michael E Slattery Land Bank Kings Lane Continental North Jeffrey Austin Kings Lane Continental North Clio Village Apts Fhc Continental North Bachman Herman River Valley Manor Westwood Management McQueen Steve McQueen Steve McQueen Steve Knollwood Vill Apt Donna L Hurt David Belton Grande Pointe Apts Evelyn Contrell Rod Boyle Marathon Fin River Village Apts Burton Gerald Federal H Mtg Brister Padgett Boulder Creek Terry L Groves Pineview Shiloh Com Twnh Shady Acres Mhp Pine Creek Apts Park Manor Donald Wilson Huntington Cir Apts Fed National Mtg Park Manor River Village Apts Gateway Manor Lp Lake Fenton Mhp Lake Fenton Mhp L Whalen Arc Villa Arc Villa Arc Villa Lafonda Apts Lafonda Apartments Diane Hendrick Redstone Twh Redstone Twh Last Name Stitt Stocker Stocker Stocker Stocker Stocker Stockinger Stockman Stockwell Stockwell Stogner Stogner Stogwer Stohon Stoik Stoinski Stokes Stokes Stokes Stokes Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Stonebraker Stoneburner Stoner Stoner Stoner Storms Storms Storms Storms Storr Stott Stout Stover Stover Stover Stowe Straham Straham Straley Strand Strange Stratman Stratman Stratton Stratton Stratton First Name Neil David Joann Albert Erica Shayla David Monica Donald Barbra Monroe Mistie Mistie Pete Raymond Glenn Tamara Paul Kenneth Sharmilla Amanda Stephanie Angel Amanda Peggy Kristen David Carisa Lucinda Deborah Courtney Courtney Courtney Michael Michael Michael Michael Mona Jessica Valerie Greg Greg Carl Dorothy Devon Devon William Tabitha Bruce Marc Charles Diane Keith Diane Date Case 7/8/2008 ltb01297 1/3/2008 lta00020 1/4/2008 08-0029 2/22/2008 08-0964 7/9/2008 08-3354 6/6/2008 08-2820 4/23/2008 08-1916 7/23/2008 ltf00904 9/26/2008 ltd00875 8/22/2008 lte01099 1/9/2008 ltb00079 5/19/2008 08-2454 2/21/2008 08-0913 5/19/2008 08-2425 9/24/2008 ltc01539 4/10/2008 08-1654 1/8/2008 ltd00032 10/28/2008 ltd01020 2/12/2008 08-0807 10/10/2008 08-5086 1/31/2008 lte00139 1/24/2008 lte00085 4/24/2008 08-1976 6/24/2008 lte00761 3/31/2008 lta00282 9/2/2008 ltf01047 7/14/2008 08-3416 10/29/2008 08-5806 9/12/2008 ltd00852 1/11/2008 ltb00099 1/2/2008 ltf00018 6/30/2008 ltf00764 2/25/2008 ltf00208 5/15/2008 08-2363 4/2/2008 08-1561 6/26/2008 08-3181 8/19/2008 08-4100 4/29/2008 08-2060 7/29/2008 ltb01403 10/27/2008 08-5715 6/24/2008 ltf00756 3/20/2008 ltf00313 9/24/2008 ltc01546 7/11/2008 08-3039 6/16/2008 08-2966 10/27/2008 08-5720 6/30/2008 ltb01204 4/30/2008 ltb00776 1/25/2008 08-0442 5/27/2008 lte00645 3/11/2008 ltf00288 4/11/2008 ltf00443 3/3/2008 08-0983 5/29/2008 ltf00642 Plaintiff Madison Pk Est Leonards Auto Works Rose Acceptnce Tristar Invest Ballenger Manor Ideal Rental Homes P&t Kings Lane Fenton Oaks Llc Gr Bend 452apts Twin Meadows Mhp Pengelly Apts William Pattee Citi Mort Pine Creek Apts Rose Accept Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Evelyn A. Angel Charley Chandler Perry Place Apts Cedar Bend Apts Ideal Rental Home Perry Place Apts Burton Gerald Boulder Creek Russ Ritsen Redstone Twh Millpong Manor Ldha Lp Deutsche Bank Creekside Creekwood Creekwood Maguire 7 Llc Maguire 7 Llc Maguire 7 Llc Maguire 7 Llc Grant Hamady Windsor Pl Apts Fhc Genesee Villa Genesee Quail Ridge Apts Deutsche Bk Fhc Fhc Continental North Hsbc Bank Fredric L Speed Tudor Estates Meadowbrook Manor H Tannenbaum Sunshine Mgmt H Tannenbaum Last Name Stratton Stratton Straughen Streeter Stribling Stricker Strickland Stringer Stringer Stringer Stringer Stringer Stroh Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strother Strother Strother Strozier Strozier Strozier Strozier Strozier Strozier Stuart Stuart Stuart Stuart Stuart Stuart Stubbs Stubbs First Name Diane Diane Deborah Sarah Cory Tracy Angela Alexis Holly Alexis Michael Jeffery Kelly Wyvonia Tony Matt Sheena Keima Antionette Sharon Charles Vivian Henry Charles Antoinette Dominique Katrina Verona Sharon Charles Laqualia Matt Sharon Verona Antionette Chambria Laqualia Daniel Daniel Daniel Tiahna Marsay Marsay Tiahna Tiahna Marsay Matthew Kristen Kristen Jennifer Phyllis Jennifer Donna Jeree Date Case 7/16/2008 ltf00863 9/11/2008 ltf01118 5/1/2008 08-2069 2/1/2008 lte00173 8/22/2008 lte01106 8/29/2008 ltc01409 1/25/2008 ltc00156 2/25/2008 08-1006 2/1/2008 08-0641 4/28/2008 08-2056 8/13/2008 08-3977 8/19/2008 08-4039 8/5/2008 ltf00956 10/23/2008 ltc01728 1/16/2008 08-0293 10/24/2008 lte01399 3/31/2008 lta00277 2/8/2008 08-0792 5/13/2008 08-2330 5/8/2008 08-2347 4/28/2008 08-2046 6/4/2008 ltb01030 5/22/2008 lta00449 2/26/2008 08-1016 2/5/2008 08-0586 5/22/2008 ltf00612 3/5/2008 ltb00414 6/4/2008 ltb01048 9/24/2008 ltb01874 6/23/2008 08-3158 8/26/2008 08-4253 8/22/2008 lte01086 7/23/2008 ltb01365 8/28/2008 ltb01693 9/29/2008 08-4887 7/30/2008 ltb01417 6/23/2008 08-3131 1/31/2008 ltb00222 3/28/2008 ltb00569 3/28/2008 ltb00568 1/8/2008 ltd00030 1/8/2008 ltd00031 2/26/2008 ltd00196 4/30/2008 ltd00386 2/26/2008 ltd00195 4/30/2008 ltd00387 1/16/2008 08-0313 4/11/2008 ltb00661 4/30/2008 08-2116 5/28/2008 08-2502 9/17/2008 ltb01804 10/1/2008 08-4884 10/28/2008 ltd01021 4/4/2008 08-1628 Plaintiff H Tannenbaum H Tannenbaum Joyce Petee Thornridge Apts Parkwood Mhp N.Morris Estates Pine Creek Apts Tony Stockton C Whitthorne Tony Stockton D & S Partnership Mortgage Elect Pineview Cedarshores Apt Danny Zerka Perry Place Apts Burton Gerald Richfield Apts Lp Hurley & Birdie E Trouser Maguire 7 Llc F.D.H.A.L.P. Madison Pk Est Aurora Loan F.D.H.A.L.P. Hurley Trouser Kings Lane Brookstone Valley Brookstone Valley Stockton Tony F.D.H.A.L.P. Creekside Apts Perry Place Apts Stockton Tony Brookstone Valley Hurley Trouser Rosewood Park Apts Creekside Apts Continental North Continental North Continental North Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Westgate Park Federal National Mtg M And T Bank Thom Casselman Arc Torrey Hills Thom Casselman Sunridge Apts Fhc Last Name Stubbs Stubbs Stubbs Stubbs Stubbs Stubbs Studaker Stultz Stumpf Sturgees Sturgess Sturgill Sturm Stutts Styles Styles Suarez Suarez Sublett Sublett Suffel Suggs Suggs Sullavan Sullavan Sullivan Summer Summerfield Summerfield Summers Summers Summers Summers Summers Summers Summers Summerville Summerville Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumner Sumption Supernaw Supernaw Suski Sutherby Sutherby Sutherby Sutherland Sutherland Sutrdivant Sutrdivant First Name Donna Cotina Cotina Sharon Lonnie Jeree Jason Craig Charles Andrea Andrea Jason Kimberly Kendra Walter Walter Kim Kim Holly Major Krystine Denisa Andre Jennie Jennie Angela April Gregory Bridgette Sharea April Amy Lerwonia Gene Lerwonia Gerald Jamica Wesley Sharonda Darren Nicholas Sharonda Sharonda Mae Jennifer Jennifer Robert Scott Scott Timothy Renae Reane Cornelius Cornelius Date Case 4/30/2008 ltd00385 4/29/2008 08-1999 3/28/2008 08-1472 4/4/2008 08-1591 7/25/2008 ltc01191 6/16/2008 08-2983 5/13/2008 08-2346 4/24/2008 lte00485 2/14/2008 ltb00280 2/27/2008 08-0976 9/30/2008 ltf01196 5/28/2008 08-2612 6/16/2008 08-2949 10/10/2008 ltf01276 1/2/2008 ltb00030 2/27/2008 ltb00370 5/28/2008 ltb00963 10/6/2008 ltb01942 7/8/2008 ltb01298 9/29/2008 08-4866 7/28/2008 08-3708 10/27/2008 08-5695 6/16/2008 08-2984 5/21/2008 lte00589 8/14/2008 lte01011 9/4/2008 ltc01438 10/21/2008 ltf01308 1/14/2008 08-0250 4/11/2008 08-1694 3/7/2008 08-1206 5/9/2008 ltf00566 4/25/2008 ltc00630 7/18/2008 08-3527 7/24/2008 ltc01145 9/29/2008 08-4905 7/30/2008 lte00919 4/16/2008 08-1801 3/25/2008 ltb00521 1/29/2008 ltd00129 5/7/2008 ltf00535 4/17/2008 lta00321 4/30/2008 ltd00384 7/1/2008 ltd00609 10/23/2008 ltb02065 4/9/2008 lta00300 9/9/2008 lta00756 9/5/2008 ltd00837 1/30/2008 ltc00205 3/3/2008 ltc00389 6/18/2008 08-3022 10/28/2008 lta00924 5/2/2008 ltc00713 3/28/2008 lte00404 10/13/2008 lte01338 Plaintiff Sunridge Apts J Fotenakes J Fotenakes Betty Holifield Holdings Llc Liberty Real Estate Fhc David John Loggans Perry Place Apts Willowbrook Apts Larry D Johnson Boulder Creek Federal Home Loan Wells Fargo Bank Kontrin Jagoda Huntington Circle Huntington Circle Apts Charter Oaks Apts Charter Oaks Apts Madison Pk Est Distressed Real Est American Mhp Fhc Fhc Jag Mgmt Jag Mgmt White Christophe Genesee Villa Roy Hutchins Roy Hutchins Fhc Genesee Villa Southcreek Village Fhc Leigh A Csirke Fhc Parkwood Mhp Michael Clark Charter Oaks Apts Sunridge Apts Pineview Beech Trail Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Group Five Mgmt Carlson Clint Carlson Clint Elga Credit Union Gd Ross Properties Gd Ross Properties Deutsche Bk Gauthier Albert Pine Creek Apts Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Last Name Sutter Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Sutton Suwienski Suwienski Svinarich Swain Swain Swain Swander Swanigan Swanigan Swanigan Swanson Swanson Swanson Swanson Swanson Swanson Swartz Swartz Swearingen Swearingen Sweeney Swett Swift Swift Swift-Davis Swilley Swims Swims Swims Swindle Swindle Swindle Swinnerton Switzenberg Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Sykes Sykes Szabo First Name John Denico Susan Joseph Darshika Monetha Denico Susan Samuel Joseph Keisha Susan Mandy Lawrence John Jody Edward Angela Julia Sherita Adrian Corey Courtney Courtney Sven Kirk Courtney Courtney Joesph William Jamie Jamie Jennifer Julie Tyrone Doreatha Sherri Jennifer Ryanesha Ryanesha Ryanesha Barry Barry Kenneth Carol Derek Tamala Tamala Tamala Tamala Jacob Emily Jaquandra John Date Case 10/3/2008 08-5019 1/9/2008 ltb00080 1/2/2008 ltd00001 3/25/2008 08-1375 3/25/2008 ltc00434 2/14/2008 ltc00269 5/7/2008 ltb00800 5/27/2008 ltd00481 2/13/2008 08-0862 7/16/2008 08-3487 8/14/2008 08-3918 9/30/2008 ltd00921 1/31/2008 lte00155 4/1/2008 lte00431 9/22/2008 lte01228 1/8/2008 08-0174 10/24/2008 lte01423 8/14/2008 ltf00982 8/15/2008 08-3920 5/1/2008 08-1860 10/15/2008 08-4537 8/20/2008 ltb01579 5/28/2008 08-2604 2/25/2008 08-1005 4/18/2008 08-1830 7/21/2008 ltb01351 8/27/2008 08-4330 10/28/2008 08-5761 1/9/2008 ltf00074 6/24/2008 lte00775 5/15/2008 08-2378 3/17/2008 08-1330 8/19/2008 lta00695 7/3/2008 ltb01248 10/24/2008 ltb02100 5/14/2008 08-2280 5/27/2008 lte00669 8/21/2008 ltc01354 5/22/2008 lte00632 10/15/2008 lte01379 7/29/2008 lte00907 1/10/2008 08-0188 4/25/2008 08-1989 10/14/2008 08-5088 4/28/2008 ltb00702 9/5/2008 ltb01732 6/23/2008 ltc00992 4/25/2008 ltc00667 5/23/2008 ltc00785 7/28/2008 ltc01220 9/11/2008 08-4539 3/25/2008 ltf00343 10/22/2008 08-5644 5/29/2008 lte00691 Plaintiff Elms Mhc Twin Meadows Mhp Pheasant Run Apts Robert Lee Us Bank Dwight D Neisler Twin Meadows Mhp Pheasant Run Apts Court St Village Robert Lee Lee Roy Parks Pheasant Run Apts Knollwood Vill Apt Natayan Nirmala Fountain Pointe Deutsche Bank Parkwood Mhp Douglas R Niclel David Dudley Richard Schwab Mshda Three Rivers Assoc Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Alex Maul Group Five Mgmt Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Pineview Estates Parkwood Mhp Executive Prop Executive Prop River Valley Manor Westwood Management Westwood Management Linda Wright Perry Place Apts Mt Morris Ldhalp Riverbend Apts Riverbend Apts Riverbend Apts Us Bank Us Bank Acce Financial Windsor Place Apts Fed Home Loan Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Dayne Davis Parkview Manor Llc Katherine Overton Cedar Bend Apts Last Name Szarafinski Szarafinski Szuch Taber Tables Talbert Talley Talley Tamplin Tangney Tangney Tangney Tanner Taplin Tappin Tardiff Tardiff Targett Tartt Tartt Tartt Tasley Tate Tate Tate Tate Tate Tatterson Tatum Tatum Tatum Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor First Name Craig Craig Kevin Mike Lisa Cassandra Rowana Kelly Tonya Patrick Patrick Patrick Melinda Jeanette Sherrice Robert Robert Robert Edrawinca Edtrawnica Edtrawnica Josey Ligeesha Daniel Kamell Daniel Lula Joshua Romeki Ronica Romeki Tina Leona Tori Keosha Laurie Jessie Maureen Beatrice Shalon Jeremy Willy Robert Jerry Florence Yolanda Pam Martha Tina Terry Angel Jamie Susan Sade Date Case 9/29/2008 lta00845 10/14/2008 lta00867 9/17/2008 lta00793 10/1/2008 ltf01208 9/15/2008 08-4570 5/6/2008 08-2220 4/11/2008 ltc00578 5/14/2008 08-2368 3/3/2008 08-1094 6/13/2008 ltd00546 3/25/2008 ltd00286 9/5/2008 ltd00834 6/6/2008 08-2726 5/19/2008 ltc00755 7/30/2008 ltb01420 4/9/2008 08-1600 9/22/2008 08-4767 9/3/2008 ltf01065 4/16/2008 08-1823 3/14/2008 08-1295 6/16/2008 08-2945 7/1/2008 08-3236 3/17/2008 ltc00427 9/11/2008 08-4547 10/20/2008 ltf01293 9/19/2008 08-4723 8/21/2008 lte01058 1/31/2008 lte00140 6/4/2008 ltc00895 4/2/2008 08-1520 9/17/2008 ltb01791 1/14/2008 08-0252 10/22/2008 ltc01662 1/2/2008 08-0107 1/29/2008 ltd00130 1/14/2008 ltf00094 1/10/2008 ltc00071 1/24/2008 ltb00135 1/4/2008 08-0034 1/10/2008 08-0190 1/15/2008 lte00059 1/23/2008 08-0451 3/19/2008 08-1328 3/5/2008 ltf00256 3/25/2008 lta00259 3/14/2008 08-1254 5/22/2008 lte00627 4/24/2008 ltc00610 5/5/2008 08-2205 2/7/2008 08-0770 3/14/2008 lte00332 6/3/2008 ltf00654 3/13/2008 08-1247 6/24/2008 ltc01024 Plaintiff Morequity Morequity St James Kathy Pineview Estates Evergreen Reg Countrywide Countrywide Home Rollingwood Man Shiloh Com Twnh Lafonda Apartments Lafonda Apts Lafonda Apartments Quality Mgmt Chapman Lois Hunters Ridge Apts Dennis Messenger Richfield Aprts Green Acre Brister Padgett Brister Padgett Brister Padgett Richard Bush Clemons Ola Fed National Mtmg Executive Property Fnma Knollwood Village Apts Perry Place Apts Murphy Maxine Harris Invest Land Bank Lajuan S Gibson Indian Hills Manor Shiloh Com Twnh Sunridge Apts Crkovski Naum Clovertree Apts Three Rivers Assoc Victorine George Gerald Burton Fifth Third Mortgage Jerry Howard Harris Invest Pineview Laurence Wolf Prop Gerald Burton Knollwood Village Ideal Rental Homes Orchard Ridge Est John D Hescott Grande Pointe Apts Green Acre Homesales Inc Cedarshores Apts Last Name Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor First Name Greg Beatrice Clara Tina Clara Jerry Leona Christina Deshawnda Jamie Pam Pam Frank Maureen Clara Jessie Lori Pam Sade James Maureen Herman Jamie Curtis Veronica Regina Rendell Aimee Carolyn Roberta Daryl Marie Margaret Yolanda Audrey Gregory Shawna Michelle Jamie Jerry Pam Michael Erena Rebecca Johnathan Linda Lashawn Louise Danielle Utesha Willy Martha Pam Annette Date Case 3/24/2008 08-1361 4/15/2008 08-1796 5/23/2008 ltc00799 2/4/2008 08-0645 3/25/2008 ltc00454 6/3/2008 ltf00672 5/15/2008 ltc00737 4/23/2008 08-1970 4/16/2008 08-1836 4/10/2008 ltf00401 3/25/2008 lte00380 2/22/2008 lte00258 2/11/2008 ltc00262 3/19/2008 ltb00496 2/26/2008 ltc00332 2/19/2008 ltc00294 4/28/2008 ltc00684 9/25/2008 lte01295 8/4/2008 ltc01268 7/10/2008 08-3382 10/14/2008 ltb02028 8/21/2008 08-4194 10/1/2008 ltf01252 9/30/2008 08-4937 8/12/2008 08-4020 9/15/2008 lta00779 7/9/2008 08-3219 9/30/2008 08-4933 10/28/2008 08-5560 6/3/2008 08-2749 7/17/2008 08-3340 6/11/2008 08-2781 9/30/2008 08-4963 9/25/2008 08-4825 9/23/2008 08-4745 9/8/2008 08-4303 7/22/2008 lte00873 7/30/2008 lte00945 9/3/2008 ltf01071 9/3/2008 ltf01087 7/30/2008 lte00961 9/30/2008 lte01310 10/31/2008 08-5830 8/4/2008 08-3856 8/13/2008 ltf00978 6/16/2008 08-2922 9/17/2008 08-4712 7/15/2008 08-3473 7/30/2008 ltd00699 10/14/2008 08-5160 7/25/2008 08-3654 8/28/2008 ltc01401 8/21/2008 lte01059 6/3/2008 08-2743 Plaintiff Corwin Matthews Michael Neurohr Southcreek Village Lajuan Gibson Southcreek Village Pineview Indian Hills Manor Mat Wothke Gerald Burton Pineview Knollwood Vill Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Goldsmith Jim Three Rivers Assoc Southcreek Village Clovertree Apts Paul M Kilbury Knollwood Vill Apts Cedarshores Apt Orchard Ridge Est Three Rivers Assoc Alex Maul Pineview Shiloh Com Twnh Danny Zerka Christiana Bank Eugene Marve Shady Acres Mhp Paul Clasper Rosewood M Apts Bradley Anthony Aaron Dionne Redstone Twh Gerald Burton Clio Woods Apts Fredric Krug Grande Pointe Apts Perry Place Apts Pineview Pineview Knollwood Village Thornridge Apts Park Manor Federal H Mtg Guimette Aalden Richfield Apts Hsbc Mortgage Federal Natl Mtg Lemke Dale Allen C. Overton Jerry Howard Ideal Rental Knollwood Village Apts Westgate Ter Apts Last Name Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Iii Tedford Tedford Tedford Tedhams Teed Teel Teel Teer Teffner Teichart Teichert Tellis Templeton Templeton Templeton Templeton Templeton Tenant Tenant Tenbusch Tennant Terrell Terrell Terrell Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Terry Teverbaugh Teverbaugh Thames Thames Thames Thames Thames Thames Thames Thames Thames The French Thelkeld Theobald Theobald Theodore Thibeault Thick First Name Maureen Veronica Jerry Nathaniel Joanna Sharon Hershel Sabrina Brian Anastasie Anestacia Tracy James Jeff Jeff Bonita Bryan Chris Christophe Bryan Bryan & Etal Etal Corey Cary Carolyn Pamela Diana Quida Mickey Latasha Donna Tramisa Donna Janie Ericka Vera Vera Monte Debra Quotknee Elois Monte Courtney Golden Elois Monte N Jacquetta Amy Amy Melinda Richard Ruth Date Case 7/16/2008 ltb01334 9/11/2008 08-4505 7/1/2008 ltf00827 9/24/2008 ltc01550 5/20/2008 08-2495 9/22/2008 08-4770 10/10/2008 ltd00956 10/28/2008 lta00929 5/28/2008 lta00459 1/11/2008 lta00054 9/23/2008 lta00820 5/6/2008 lta00382 10/6/2008 lte01324 6/24/2008 ltf00752 2/11/2008 ltf00181 10/8/2008 ltb01962 1/9/2008 ltb00054 6/19/2008 ltc00939 2/19/2008 ltc00286 10/8/2008 ltb01954 7/9/2008 ltb01314 5/30/2008 08-2704 6/12/2008 08-2908 7/11/2008 ltb01317 8/26/2008 lta00730 4/2/2008 ltb00650 4/15/2008 08-1797 6/20/2008 08-3085 2/6/2008 08-0774 6/26/2008 ltb01140 8/4/2008 lte00984 6/9/2008 08-2842 7/1/2008 ltc01070 9/30/2008 08-4965 9/3/2008 08-4433 9/10/2008 08-4511 2/4/2008 08-0491 6/18/2008 08-2938 10/24/2008 lte01433 1/16/2008 08-0301 4/2/2008 ltb00607 5/2/2008 08-2147 4/7/2008 lte00443 10/8/2008 08-5095 8/27/2008 ltb01647 6/5/2008 08-2760 7/21/2008 lte00855 8/7/2008 ltd00724 1/16/2008 08-0291 10/23/2008 ltb02059 7/24/2008 ltb01375 10/22/2008 08-5582 1/2/2008 ltf00017 10/14/2008 ltb02032 Plaintiff Three Rivers Assoc Danny Zerka Pine View Clovertree Apts Fhc Richfield Aprts Gateway Manor Apts Valley Mead Villag Bank Of N Y Pine Forest Home Park Pine Forrest Household Finance Maplepark Terraces Genesee Villa Genesee Villa Brookstone Valley Orchard Cove Sugartree Apts Sugartree Apts Orchard Cove Orchard Cove Jp Investing Jp Investing Fed National Mtg Silva Peter Westwood Management Jocephus Mance Jeanette M Neu Terrance Hollings Group Five Mgmt Maplebrook Vill Apts Redstone Twh Lovik Sharon Redstone Twh Gardenview Apts David Louis Jean Harkness Jean Harkness Burtow David Richfield Apts Madison Pk Est Steven Retherford Hart Shon John McDaniel Madison Pk Est Nan Weatherspoon Buetow David Rolls Enterprises Joe Ann Davis Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Kirkwood Mhp Creekwood Old Orchard Last Name First Name Thick Ruth Thick Kathy Thigpen Sharonda Thigpen Latasha Thomas Shanna Thomas Robert Thomas Jessica Thomas Toni Thomas Shaquanda Thomas Robert Thomas Carl Thomas Martha Thomas Robert Thomas Lydia Thomas David Thomas Cecelia Thomas Michelle Thomas Timothy Thomas Katrina Thomas Erin Thomas Renee Thomas Arnold Thomas Sherrie Thomas Laronda Thomas Michael Thomas Jessica Thomas Carl Thomas Lydia Thomas Deshonda Thomas April Thomas Lorrie Thomas Mercedes Thomas Stephanie Thomas Lorrie Thomas Lamikka Thomas Lamikka Thomas Chris Thomas April Thomas Jeff Thomas Corean Thomas Joseph Thomas Quanika Thomas Silena Thomas Jeff Thomas Loyd Thomas Marva Thomas Giovanna Thomas Lenora Thomas-Carr Razetta Thomas-Eva Jessica Thomason Michael Thomason Christine Thompkins- Diana Thompkins- Diana Date Case 8/22/2008 ltb01591 10/9/2008 08-5155 1/8/2008 ltd00029 2/20/2008 08-0829 1/15/2008 ltc00089 1/24/2008 ltc00141 1/25/2008 ltc00151 1/24/2008 ltb00136 10/28/2008 ltd01022 1/23/2008 08-0324 1/31/2008 08-0632 5/28/2008 08-2518 5/27/2008 08-2508 4/29/2008 08-2090 5/12/2008 08-2289 5/21/2008 08-2528 5/29/2008 08-2565 6/30/2008 ltb01205 5/7/2008 ltb00840 3/12/2008 ltc00412 2/25/2008 08-1003 5/14/2008 08-2380 4/22/2008 08-1941 6/24/2008 ltf00740 3/18/2008 08-1324 2/26/2008 ltc00359 3/27/2008 08-1453 2/6/2008 08-0588 5/5/2008 08-2081 5/30/2008 08-2691 3/11/2008 08-1134 10/2/2008 ltb01929 8/11/2008 08-4015 6/19/2008 08-3097 7/28/2008 08-3574 10/2/2008 ltc01596 9/15/2008 08-4644 9/3/2008 08-4480 9/22/2008 08-4761 10/3/2008 08-5070 9/30/2008 08-4967 10/14/2008 ltb02029 10/23/2008 08-5634 8/13/2008 08-3964 7/15/2008 08-3467 7/28/2008 08-3573 8/22/2008 08-4199 7/31/2008 08-3723 1/29/2008 08-0482 3/19/2008 08-1259 5/21/2008 08-2537 6/24/2008 ltf00754 1/29/2008 ltd00131 4/30/2008 ltd00383 Plaintiff Old Orchard Kevin Muma Sunridge Apts Ray Collins Indian Hills Manor Russell James Quail Ridge Apt Llc Three Rivers Assoc Sunridge Apts Kevin Smith Woodlawn Pk Apts Christine F Scott Kevin Smith N Henderson Hsbc Bank Usa Ideal Rental Homes Llc Doug Tho Keith Calkins Continental North Madison Pk Est Michael Kennedy Tony Stockton Kirkwood Mhp Snj Properties Kings Lane Lasalle Bank Pine Creek Aprt Woodlawn Pk Apts Michael Neurohr Arlene Dawson Orchard Ridge Est Marvin Chapman Hunters Ridge Apts Laurie Kokoszki Marvin Chapman Clio Woods Apts Cedarshores Apt Steven Boyce James Sykes Richfield Aprts Shirley Anderson Redstone Twh Three Rivers Assoc Josiah Curry Richfield Apt Orchard Ridge Est Clio Woods Apts Thomas Werth Lena Pridegon Vickie Jacobs Pengelly Apts Deutsche Bank Genesee Villa Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Last Name ThompkinsThompkinsThompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson First Name Diana Diana Lafetah Ramond Dale Denise Donald Sean Michael Katherine Tonya Lamont Tiara Latrenda Georga Latrenda Tiara Edna Tonya Waynette Deborah Deborah Debbie Kellie Kellie Denise Jackie Crain Janice Richard Kellie Lafetah Michael Daniel Jackie Rose Kellie Melody Keith Angel Pymaler Vikki Shawn Dan Evita James Marlow Denise Edna Pymaler Vikki Shameka Tiffany Denise Date Case 2/26/2008 ltd00194 7/1/2008 ltd00610 1/16/2008 ltc00105 1/18/2008 08-0351 1/17/2008 ltb00102 1/15/2008 08-0221 10/27/2008 lte01449 1/28/2008 ltf00135 1/28/2008 ltf00136 5/21/2008 lta00438 3/25/2008 08-1739 3/7/2008 08-1183 4/4/2008 08-1518 6/23/2008 ltc01008 2/29/2008 08-0886 5/23/2008 ltc00805 2/29/2008 08-0887 5/30/2008 08-2699 2/15/2008 08-0828 6/2/2008 lta00469 4/30/2008 ltc00710 4/30/2008 ltc00709 4/10/2008 ltd00339 4/10/2008 ltf00398 2/7/2008 ltf00163 3/17/2008 08-1315 4/24/2008 08-1960 5/7/2008 ltb00824 3/25/2008 lta00256 2/13/2008 ltc00265 6/3/2008 ltf00652 4/9/2008 ltc00572 3/10/2008 ltf00285 9/5/2008 ltd00839 7/22/2008 08-3547 6/16/2008 08-2940 10/1/2008 ltf01253 9/12/2008 08-4556 9/18/2008 ltd00865 9/18/2008 ltc01494 6/23/2008 08-3133 10/24/2008 08-5598 7/16/2008 08-3511 7/16/2008 ltb01320 7/28/2008 08-3768 10/31/2008 08-5639 8/13/2008 08-4022 6/2/2008 08-2712 9/15/2008 08-4578 8/26/2008 08-4255 8/25/2008 08-4241 10/8/2008 ltb01975 8/20/2008 ltb01580 10/27/2008 08-5702 Plaintiff Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Vaughn Loreta Treasure Enter Ritsen Ilene Tdm Realty Maplebrook Vill Apts Creekwood Creekwood Flint Pasadena Llc Clara S. Beal The Bank Of New York Trust Co Jp Eugene Marve Bristol Court Eugene Marve Bristol Court Eugene Marve Eagle Ridge Sq Maguire 4 Llc Juan Carlos Orozco Aurora Loan Ser Aurora Loan Parker Robert Pineview Pine View Tdm Realty Mark Walker Brookstone Valley Laurence Wolf Prop Putney Phillip Green Acre Loukes Gerald Creekwood Swartz Cr Mead Mark Walker El Shaddai Pineview Charles Froberg Strathmore Dev Landon Roy Carriage House Apts F.D.H.A.L.P Land Bank Twin Meadows Mhp James Stewart Alex Maul Carl Poit Tdm Eagle Ridge Sq Carriage Apts F.D.H.A.L.P Madison Pk Est Three Rivers Assoc Fhc Last Name Thorn Thorn Thorn Thorn Thornburg Thornquist Thornquist Thorns Thorns Thorns Thorns Thornton Thornton Thornton Thornton Thorpe Thorsby Thorton Thorton Thorton Thoune Thrasher Threlkeld Throap Thron Throop Throop Thrower Thrower-Bell Thurman Tibbs Tibbs Tick Tidrick Tidsdale Tidwell Tiggs Tiggs Tiggs Tiggs Tiggs Tihelka Tijerina Tiller Tillery Jr Tillery Jr Tilley Tilley Timmons Timmons Tims Tingley Tingley Tinker First Name Joyce Joyce Joyce A Heather Kerne Kerne Javonka Javonka Javonka Javonka Euleen Anthony Sharonda Keasha Mary Anthony Lamika Tammy Tammy James Samuel Mary James Jaymie James James Brian Sabrina Tyneisha Kathleen Thomas Ranada Jonathan Amber Chako Beatrice Anthony Beatrice Regina Dorothy Matthew Rebecca Shelena Douglas Douglas Matthew Tiffany Anthony Anthony Chiqueshia Sandra Sandra Josh Date Case 4/30/2008 ltd00382 8/26/2008 ltd00777 7/29/2008 ltd00651 10/14/2008 ltb02018 6/9/2008 lte00701 2/13/2008 08-0592 5/12/2008 08-2277 3/3/2008 08-1095 4/30/2008 08-2109 7/3/2008 08-3293 8/19/2008 08-4165 5/2/2008 08-2169 4/4/2008 08-1613 10/1/2008 08-4987 8/19/2008 08-4056 3/19/2008 08-1348 10/10/2008 ltc01628 1/2/2008 08-0138 1/25/2008 ltc00168 8/21/2008 ltc01346 7/10/2008 08-3326 7/17/2008 ltf00868 5/19/2008 08-2444 10/7/2008 08-5055 10/21/2008 ltf01310 5/16/2008 08-2411 8/29/2008 08-4365 2/5/2008 ltb00246 1/18/2008 08-0384 5/5/2008 08-2192 2/15/2008 08-0837 8/25/2008 08-4204 1/7/2008 lte00048 2/25/2008 ltb00357 4/2/2008 ltb00613 6/23/2008 08-3130 1/9/2008 08-0181 2/27/2008 08-1044 5/28/2008 08-2641 7/11/2008 08-3437 7/25/2008 08-3678 4/7/2008 ltd00336 10/20/2008 ltf01280 8/14/2008 08-4092 1/31/2008 ltb00210 2/29/2008 ltb00386 1/4/2008 08-0142 3/11/2008 ltd00257 6/24/2008 lte00762 5/27/2008 lte00670 1/30/2008 08-0624 10/22/2008 ltc01691 8/21/2008 ltc01331 3/5/2008 ltf00238 Plaintiff Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Three Rivers Assoc Sieloff Jason Michael Neurohr Michael Neurohr Shiloh Com Twnh Shiloh Com Twnh Shiloh Com Twnh Shiloh Com Twnh Glaar Development Fhc Evergreen Reg Fhc Federal Nat Mtg Gmac Mortgage Llc Arbor Vill Apts Bristol Court Bristol Court Sharetha Smith Homesales Inc Evergreen Reg Mutee Abdole Genesee Villa Mark Smith Mutee Abdole Westwood Management Lawrence Moore Evergreen Reg Arnold J. Simpson Thomas Morgan Roumayah Jimmy Windsor Place Apts Enterprise Ests Mhp Creekside Apts Marlene Pifher Mshda Marlene Pifher Terry Hanson Mark Tyler Alaska Seaboard Bank Of New York Executive Prop Hometown Amer Timb Hgt Hometown Amer Wells Fargo Bk Mari-Dan Miller Farms Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Rosewood River Twh Dutch Village Llc Dutch Village Llc Pineview Last Name Tinker Tinkler Tinsman Tippens Tippett Tippett Tippit Tipton Tipton Tipton Tipton Tipton Tisdale Tisdale Titanus Tithof Tithof Tithof Tithof Tithof Tithof Tlahuel-Rom Tobias Tobias Tobias Tobias Tobias Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd Todd Toins Toins Toins Toins Toins Tolbert Tolbert Tolbert Tolbert Tolbert Tolbert Tolbert Tolbert Tolbert Toles Toles Toles Toles Toliver Tolliver Tolliver First Name Josh Annette Randy Neisha Gerald Jestine Isaiah Thurman Stephanie Sean Tykia Dawnetta Sherando Harry Jessica Sande Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan Constantino Bradley Bradley Christophe Gerald Bradley Luis Michael Joseph Michael Michael Luis Monoca Monoca Monoca Lorenzo Jake Delores Delores Delores Zavonna Delores Delores Lajuanna Marquese Tracie Ericka Ericka Ericka Robert Linda Pamela Lamonica Date Case 2/7/2008 ltf00158 8/4/2008 08-3878 6/18/2008 ltb01118 5/7/2008 08-2227 1/31/2008 lte00164 6/30/2008 ltb01178 10/8/2008 08-5094 5/5/2008 ltf00523 3/25/2008 lta00257 9/17/2008 08-4612 7/22/2008 08-3545 7/21/2008 08-3542 5/5/2008 ltf00524 9/26/2008 08-4838 10/30/2008 ltb02162 5/22/2008 lte00624 4/29/2008 lte00518 2/29/2008 lte00300 8/20/2008 lte01033 7/23/2008 lte00889 9/22/2008 lte01229 10/3/2008 08-5020 3/28/2008 ltb00544 6/30/2008 ltb01214 9/19/2008 ltc01497 7/1/2008 ltf00797 9/29/2008 ltb01885 2/26/2008 ltd00226 5/7/2008 ltb00801 3/4/2008 lte00318 4/2/2008 ltb00623 8/28/2008 ltb01719 7/29/2008 ltd00687 5/20/2008 08-2496 2/4/2008 08-0734 10/27/2008 08-5712 7/29/2008 08-3642 10/15/2008 08-5168 1/2/2008 ltb00031 10/30/2008 ltb02145 2/27/2008 ltb00371 5/23/2008 08-2541 7/3/2008 ltb01279 8/27/2008 ltb01633 8/15/2008 08-4007 9/9/2008 lte01159 7/30/2008 ltb01444 1/2/2008 lte00002 10/30/2008 lte01472 9/2/2008 lte01149 7/31/2008 ltb01458 1/9/2008 08-0197 1/25/2008 lte00087 1/8/2008 lta00032 Plaintiff Pine View Victoria Chapman Arc Torrey Hills Ridgecrest Vill Hometown Amer Gr Bl Charter Oaks Apts Blenda Findley Kings Lane Laurence Wolf Prop Brenda Brockett Ronald Bowers Brenda Brockett Kings Lane Fnma Twin Meadows Mhp Stonehenge Gates Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Elms Mhc White Oak Estates White Oak Estates Dennis E Jernigan Pine View White Oak Estates Apple Creek Station Twin Meadows Mhp Mapleridge Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Apple Creek Station Fhc Fhc Fhc Vivian Petty Victor Sheffey Huntington Circle Huntington Cir Apts Huntington Circle Apts U.S. Bank Huntington Cir Apts Huntington Cir Apts Thomas E Pugh Group Five Mgmt Madison Pk Est Roumayah Jimmy Roumayah Jimmy Roumayah Jimmy Continental Estates Rollingwood Man Fox Hill Glens River Valley Manor Last Name First Name Tolliver Linda Tolliver Pamela Tolliver Lamonica Tolliver Travis Tolliver Linda Tolliver Pamela Tolliver Linda Tom & Steve H Grill Ll Tomalia James Toman Bradley Tomasik Christal Tomaszewsk Scott Tomaszewsk Scott Tomaszewsk Mark Tomaszewsk Scott Tomaszewsk Scott Tomaszewsk Scott Tomaszwesk Scott Tomaszycki Kimberly Tomaszycki Kimberly Tomlinson Tanna Tomlinson Tanna Tomlinson Tanna Toney Jean Toole Sheila Topp Leroy Topp Leroy Topps-Reyn Vatina Torn Yasmine Torns Cassaundra Torok Robert Torok Robert Torrence Carla Torrence Carla Torrence Tanesha Torrence Carla Torrence Carla Torres Martin Torres Esperanza Toso Travis Toso Travis Toth Laura Toth Chelsa Town Amy Towner Martha Towner Latonya Towner Mary Towner Latonya Towner Shawrica Towner Stephanie Towner Ted Towner Mary Towner Latonya Towner Jr Claver Date Case 3/12/2008 08-1245 3/28/2008 lte00413 3/25/2008 lta00248 6/4/2008 ltb01049 6/9/2008 08-2828 9/22/2008 lte01246 10/8/2008 08-5125 2/8/2008 ltd00151 1/28/2008 ltc00197 7/11/2008 ltb01316 7/16/2008 08-3481 4/29/2008 lte00517 2/29/2008 lte00299 4/18/2008 08-1872 7/23/2008 lte00888 8/20/2008 lte01030 9/22/2008 lte01227 1/4/2008 lte00035 3/26/2008 ltb00528 4/10/2008 ltb00659 4/30/2008 ltc00707 2/5/2008 ltc00225 8/4/2008 ltc01257 6/24/2008 lta00547 2/14/2008 ltf00184 3/11/2008 08-1116 6/23/2008 08-3079 9/15/2008 08-4567 3/25/2008 ltc00433 5/21/2008 lte00592 1/25/2008 ltc00145 9/24/2008 ltc01543 2/19/2008 ltc00291 5/23/2008 ltc00827 10/8/2008 ltd00950 7/25/2008 ltc01180 9/24/2008 ltc01521 1/25/2008 ltd00097 2/5/2008 lte00186 2/22/2008 lte00259 5/22/2008 lte00628 4/17/2008 lte00458 7/31/2008 lte00964 6/4/2008 lta00482 1/22/2008 08-0398 1/2/2008 08-0123 3/31/2008 08-1358 2/4/2008 08-0697 4/22/2008 08-1922 4/14/2008 08-1717 2/26/2008 ltd00193 7/28/2008 08-3772 6/30/2008 08-3292 6/24/2008 ltc01023 Plaintiff Rollingwood Man Fox Hill Glens River Valley Manor Brookstone Valley Rollingwood Man Fox Hill Glens Rollingwood Man Bliss Properties Llc Lasalle Bank Na Trustee Greenpoint Mtg Executive Prop Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Tdm Realty Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Roseberry Scott Roseberry Scott Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Camelot Villa Bank Of New York Us Bank National Roy Durgan Roy Durgan Countrywide Home Suffolk Court Apartments Group Five Mgmt Quail Ridge Apt Llc Quail Ridge Apts Clovertree Apts Bristol Court Mari-Dan Miller Farms Bristol Court Bristol Court Swartz Cr Mead Maplebrook Vill Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Knollwood Village Lasalle Bank Thornridge Apts Wells Fargo Bank Redstone Twh Westgate Terr Apts Emma Taylor Shiloh Com Twnh G.C.S.Y. Prop Nate Williams Sunridge Apts Emma Taylor Shiloh Com Twnh McQueen Susan Last Name First Name Towner Jr Clover Townley Kimberly Townley Kimberly Towns Shatonia Towns Shantonia Towns Shatonia Towns Gwendolyn Towns Shatonia Towns Brian Towns Shatonia Towns Kenisha Townsend Katrina Townsend Gwendolyn Townsend Keita Townsend Denise Townsend Regina Townsend Katrina Townsend Lashonda Townsend Yolanda Townsend Katrina Townsend Et Jonnie Traeye Wendy Traeye Sherita Traux Joel Traux Joel Traver Edward Traver Edward Traver Edward Traver Edward Travis Thresa Travis Patrick Trawik Erik Traxler Kristopher Traylor Genelle Treib Don Treib Donald Treib Don Tremble Tonya Trent Jr Ray Tretheway John Trethewey John Trethewey John Trevarrow Amy Trevillian Kevin Trevino Robert Tribett Juanice Tribett Keesha Tribett Keesha Tribett Juanice Tribett Keesha Tribett Keesha Trice Timmy Trice John Trice Timmy Date Case 5/22/2008 ltc00784 7/22/2008 lte00870 9/24/2008 lte01254 10/27/2008 lte01458 5/22/2008 lte00601 7/23/2008 lte00880 8/25/2008 08-4235 9/22/2008 lte01216 9/22/2008 lte01210 8/20/2008 lte01020 7/23/2008 08-3630 1/18/2008 08-0331 3/13/2008 ltc00414 5/15/2008 08-2354 4/2/2008 ltb00589 3/25/2008 lte00390 4/16/2008 08-1674 2/19/2008 ltc00299 10/8/2008 ltb01963 10/28/2008 08-5669 3/19/2008 lta00232 1/4/2008 lte00027 9/22/2008 ltb01828 2/6/2008 ltc00259 7/24/2008 ltc01143 1/31/2008 ltb00213 5/22/2008 ltb00946 6/30/2008 ltb01192 9/5/2008 ltb01753 4/7/2008 ltc00569 10/3/2008 08-5012 9/4/2008 ltc01444 4/11/2008 ltb00664 6/6/2008 08-2792 3/19/2008 ltb00497 5/21/2008 ltb00863 8/20/2008 ltb01581 7/22/2008 08-3503 9/16/2008 ltb01787 10/24/2008 lte01415 2/21/2008 lte00218 9/22/2008 lte01207 10/16/2008 08-5230 1/14/2008 08-0244 4/18/2008 08-1874 1/9/2008 ltb00098 1/25/2008 ltc00171 4/25/2008 ltc00680 4/2/2008 ltb00608 6/23/2008 ltc01012 8/21/2008 ltc01352 1/28/2008 ltb00174 1/30/2008 ltb00194 6/16/2008 ltf00700 Plaintiff McQueen Susan Group Five Mgmt Group Five Mgmt Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe L. Arseneau Fountain Pointe Parkwood Mhp Fountain Pointe Alex Partners Leo McClain Matrix Financial Venita Dudley Rosewood Park Thornridge Apts Leo McClain Clovertree Apts Brookstone Valley Leo McClain Hamady Inc Grant Fox Hill Glens Group Five Mgmt Harris Invest N.Morris Estates Continental Estates Continental Estates Continental Estates Continental Estates David A Boone Novastar Mtg Indian Hills Manor Kearsley Creek Llc Josiah Elzy Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Danny Peterson Hsbc Bk Usa Gr Bend 452apts Grand Bend Apts Grand Bend Club Apt Ideal Rental Herbert Hintz Us Bank Madison Pk Est Bristol Court Bristol Court Madison Pk Est Bristol Court Bristol Court Kings Lane Riverwood Lux Apts Kings Lane Last Name Trice Trickey Trickey Trickey Trimble Trimble Trimble Trionfi Triplett Triplett Triplett Triplett Tripp Tripp Tripp Tripple Tripplett Trombey Trombley Trotter Trout Trpkovski Trudell Truett Truett Truman Trumbo Trumbo Tubb Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tuder Tufford Tufford Tufford Tulip Tullos Turco-Longt Turco-Longt Turnbow First Name Timmy Robert Richard Frank Nicole Brad Nicole Joyce Lawanda Franchska Lawanda Lawanda Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas Jay Francheska Kathy Kathy Jeremy David Tommy Rose Jeannie Jeannie Dashonda Lamar Lamar Lashundra Melvin Thomas James Robert Norma Linnel Ronald Regina James Linnel Norma Thomas Thomas Regina Ronald Lorann Thomas John Donald Jerry Michelle Trisha Louise Louise Andrea Date Case 8/27/2008 ltf01031 3/11/2008 ltf00297 3/11/2008 ltf00299 6/2/2008 ltc00878 10/30/2008 ltd01033 4/30/2008 ltd00426 8/28/2008 ltd00823 7/7/2008 lte00830 4/30/2008 ltb00716 5/16/2008 08-2355 6/26/2008 ltb01153 8/27/2008 ltb01621 6/19/2008 08-3064 7/1/2008 08-3108 7/31/2008 ltc01240 9/19/2008 08-4776 9/16/2008 08-4656 1/8/2008 ltf00054 10/21/2008 ltf01312 5/5/2008 ltf00472 9/2/2008 08-4357 10/21/2008 ltf01305 7/3/2008 ltf00840 10/30/2008 ltb02136 7/3/2008 ltb01274 6/10/2008 08-2802 1/17/2008 lte00066 3/14/2008 lte00335 7/28/2008 08-3575 3/27/2008 lte00400 5/21/2008 lta00444 7/28/2008 ltc01218 6/10/2008 08-2856 7/1/2008 ltf00793 8/13/2008 08-4004 10/16/2008 ltc01637 7/16/2008 08-3482 10/20/2008 ltc01655 10/28/2008 08-5684 10/1/2008 ltf01238 8/18/2008 lta00683 9/5/2008 08-4450 10/20/2008 ltf01297 8/7/2008 lta00681 8/19/2008 08-4089 9/30/2008 lta00847 1/15/2008 lta00065 1/30/2008 ltf00144 10/14/2008 ltc01635 9/24/2008 ltd00871 5/27/2008 lte00675 3/26/2008 ltb00525 2/21/2008 ltb00292 3/7/2008 08-1194 Plaintiff Kings Lane Meadowbrook Manor Meadowbrook Manor N.Morris Estates Pineridge Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Majid Fatima Cambridge Sq Flint Annette Walker Cambridge Sq Flint Cambridge Sq Flint Mufee Abdole Mutee Abdole Abdole Mutee Credit Based Asset Mark Tyler H Tannenbaum H Tannenbaum Federal National Hsbc Bk Usa Burton Retail Center Wm Specialty Mortg 400 Fuller Apts 400 Fuller Apts Bobbie Kirby Grande Pointe Apts Grande Pointe Apts Clio Woods Apts Hometown America Flint Twp Prop Pineshores Apts Sunshine Mgmt Pine View Cj & J Trucking Washington Mut Executive Prop Pineshores Apartment Camilla Johnson Pineview Estates Flint Twp Prop Deutsche Bk Executive Property Washington Mutual Fhc Flint Twp Prop Caon Llc Boulder Creek Gunther Ann Silver Lake Arbors Maplebrook Vill Apts Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Fhc Last Name Turnbow Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Turner Jr Turner Jr Turnre Turyn Tuttle Tuttle Tuwaig Tuwaig Tuwaiq Tuwaiq Tweedy Tyerril Tyerril Tyerril Tyerril Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler First Name Lolanda Racquel Carolyn Ronald Glorieth Sandy Ronald Dollene Racquel Deondrah Tamra Carolyn Dishonder Deondrah Kevin Dorothy Deondrah Teneisa Dollene Jermaine Dollene Heather Ladonia Edwardian Ron Ronald Lionel Michelle Staci Betty Lloyd Solomon Jermine Leonora Cherryl Cheryl Nawaf Nawaf Nawaf Nawaf Danielle Dennis Dennis Dennis Steve Leandra Donte Sharron Tomeca Queentella Leandra Levi Tina Queentella Date Case 10/2/2008 08-5010 10/23/2008 ltc01703 1/8/2008 08-0045 1/9/2008 ltb00068 1/17/2008 ltc00115 3/19/2008 ltb00498 4/2/2008 ltb00614 2/6/2008 ltc00253 4/25/2008 ltc00676 3/25/2008 ltc00466 4/17/2008 08-1806 3/6/2008 08-1126 4/7/2008 08-1529 4/25/2008 ltc00681 3/28/2008 lte00420 8/11/2008 08-3945 8/21/2008 ltc01353 7/11/2008 ltc01088 7/1/2008 ltc01066 8/14/2008 08-3995 10/1/2008 ltc01581 10/8/2008 ltb01976 9/30/2008 08-4873 6/3/2008 08-2745 7/3/2008 ltb01231 10/8/2008 ltb01982 7/22/2008 08-3609 7/22/2008 ltc01106 7/18/2008 lte00845 8/22/2008 lte01087 1/4/2008 08-0141 7/28/2008 ltd00646 10/15/2008 08-5177 7/10/2008 08-3396 5/13/2008 08-2303 7/29/2008 08-3808 7/30/2008 08-3787 6/6/2008 08-2793 5/5/2008 08-2082 9/3/2008 08-4387 5/21/2008 08-2529 1/9/2008 ltb00066 2/5/2008 ltb00247 6/4/2008 ltb01082 9/12/2008 08-4523 1/28/2008 ltb00175 1/10/2008 08-0209 2/19/2008 08-0911 5/8/2008 lta00394 3/25/2008 ltc00471 6/24/2008 ltf00741 3/24/2008 08-1391 4/25/2008 ltc00637 5/28/2008 ltc00831 Plaintiff Saxon Mtg Bristol Court Mark Buterakos Enterprise Ests Mhp Hannosh Wendy Three Rivers Assoc Enterprise Ests Mhp Cranbrook Vill Co Bristol Court Bristol Court Alonzo C Miller Markos Buterakos Marianne Roat Bristol Court Stonehenge Gates Land Bank Bristol Court Hanson Terry Cranbrook Vill Co Eugene Marve Cranbrook Village Madison Pk Est Lasalle Bk Westgate Ter Apts Enterprise Ests Mhp Enterprise Ests Mhp Coalwell Invest Brown John Turner Mark Perry Place Apts Amro Mrtg Fed National Mtg Eugene Marve Bhask Manyam Dlj Mtg Capital Kurt Stebbins Kak Assoc. Kak Assoc. Kak Assoc. Kak Assoc. Moneta Ideal Rental Homes Llc Westwood Management Westwood Management Westwood Management Dennis Reiley Kings Lane Diane Becton Mark Tyler Flint Twp Burkeshire Pointe Kings Lane K Thompson Innovative Prop Mt Morris Ldhalp Burkeshire Apts Last Name Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyree Tyson Tyson Tyson Tyson Ubelski Ubelski Udnerwood Uhl Uhrig Ujlaky Ukellsky Ulishney Ulman Ulman Umphrey Unangst Underhill Underhill Underwood Underwood Underwood Underwood Underwood Unknown Re Updite Upton Upton Urban Urbina Urmanic Urmanic Urquhart Ursery Ursery Ursery First Name Marie Katheryn Holly Sharron Tina Cendella Tomeca Leandra Leandra Daniel Roslyn Marie Queentella Tomeka Sharron Tamara Tomeka Tomeca Tonya Michael Michael Valorie Ardis Linda Linda Fred Holly Mary Edna Linda Mandy Brian Brian David Susan James Jason Latrice Isiah Latrice Latrice Latrice Etal Devonne Harvey Randy Gary Santos Robert Robert Jackie Jeffrey Jefrey Jeffrey Date Case 4/10/2008 08-1607 4/22/2008 08-1938 5/13/2008 ltf00570 4/8/2008 08-1665 3/25/2008 ltc00438 3/12/2008 08-1292 6/5/2008 lta00491 5/5/2008 ltf00525 5/22/2008 ltf00613 10/27/2008 08-5703 7/15/2008 08-3334 7/8/2008 ltb01299 10/14/2008 ltc01634 10/15/2008 08-5196 6/17/2008 08-2932 10/3/2008 08-5069 7/9/2008 08-3248 8/7/2008 lta00673 7/31/2008 ltb01523 1/28/2008 ltf00137 1/2/2008 ltf00016 2/1/2008 08-0682 2/4/2008 08-0757 8/28/2008 ltb01720 7/3/2008 ltb01264 1/3/2008 ltc00023 5/8/2008 ltf00562 6/5/2008 08-2721 1/2/2008 ltb00006 2/14/2008 08-0821 3/25/2008 08-1414 6/6/2008 ltb01092 8/19/2008 ltb01553 1/24/2008 ltb00137 9/22/2008 08-4765 1/3/2008 ltb00035 1/15/2008 ltf00095 2/4/2008 08-0762 2/4/2008 08-0748 4/4/2008 08-1611 7/18/2008 08-3554 10/27/2008 08-5691 6/18/2008 08-3032 7/23/2008 08-3620 2/20/2008 lte00212 7/31/2008 ltb01501 6/4/2008 ltb01083 10/24/2008 08-5606 8/25/2008 ltb01612 9/24/2008 ltb01862 9/24/2008 08-4782 2/26/2008 08-1021 4/28/2008 08-2044 6/23/2008 08-3155 Plaintiff Lena Pridegon Treasure Enter Washington Mutual Mark Tyler Mt Morris Ldhalp Andrew Hall Flint Twp Prop Kings Lane Kings Lane Fhc Charles Phifer Madison Pk Est Burkeshire Pointe Mark Tyler Larry Flagg Loreta Vaughn Mark Tyler Flint Twp Prop Westwood Vill Creekwood Creekwood Quality Mgmt Fhc Twin Meadows Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Wilcox Steve Gpa Mgt Robert Kettler Arc Torrey Hills Thomas Ray Mtg Electronic Hometown Amer Hometown Amer Three Rivers Assoc Richfield Aprts Willowbrook Apts Executive Property Fhc Fhc Fhc Fhc Fhc Land Bank Doris Brandt Tudor Estates Twin Meadows Mhp Westwood Management Us Bank N.A. Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Westgate Terr Apts F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. F.D.H.A.L.P. Last Name First Name Valdez Daniel Valentine Eugene Valentine Berry Valentine Berry Valett Robert Vallance Jamie Vallance Bambi Van Tara Van Conant Michael Van Palt Tiqweena Van Palt Tiqweena Van Sickle Katherina Vanamberg Carolyn Vanarsdale Alicia Vanarsdale Alicia Vanarsdale Penny Vanaski Summer Vanburen Carol Vance Cortina Vance John Vance Kesha Vance Nicole Vance Kesha Vance Kristen Vance Marnee Vanconant April Vanconant April Vanconant Kelly Vanconant Kelly Vandenberk Deborah Vandercook Anna Vandercook Anne Vanderwerke Justin Vandesteene Stephanie Vandesteene Stephanie Vandusen Carla Vandusen Stephanie Vanduser Kanody Vanetten Taileah Vanevery Nicholas Vanfleet Heather Vangelder John Vangilder Sherilyn Vangilder Dennis Vanhofe Felix Vanhook Reginold Vankeuren Terry Vankuren Gordon Vanlandeghe Spencer Vann Leisha Vanover Darrell Vanover Ellen Vanpalt Tiqweena Vanpalt Martino Date Case 9/18/2008 ltd00864 3/4/2008 ltb00404 5/12/2008 08-2341 9/2/2008 08-4386 5/13/2008 ltc00729 5/15/2008 08-2383 9/11/2008 ltf01117 7/3/2008 ltb01265 6/24/2008 lta00546 3/25/2008 08-1749 4/11/2008 08-1691 3/20/2008 08-1738 4/16/2008 08-1839 1/28/2008 ltf00118 3/31/2008 ltf00360 3/19/2008 ltb00504 8/27/2008 lte01120 7/3/2008 08-3291 5/5/2008 08-2193 4/18/2008 lte00460 8/13/2008 08-3982 8/6/2008 lta00657 6/2/2008 08-2700 7/23/2008 ltf00910 7/30/2008 08-3753 2/26/2008 ltc00339 5/23/2008 ltc00819 9/29/2008 ltc01567 9/15/2008 ltc01474 4/11/2008 08-1700 10/8/2008 08-5110 8/7/2008 08-3931 5/12/2008 lte00558 5/22/2008 ltb00929 7/31/2008 ltb01482 1/24/2008 08-0520 8/20/2008 lte01023 6/2/2008 08-2708 2/8/2008 ltd00149 7/29/2008 ltb01404 5/20/2008 lta00431 7/2/2008 08-3225 8/19/2008 08-3924 9/12/2008 ltc01470 10/8/2008 08-5120 2/19/2008 ltc00277 10/10/2008 ltd00961 2/20/2008 08-0938 1/17/2008 08-0272 5/19/2008 08-2443 6/5/2008 lte00700 5/12/2008 08-2290 3/4/2008 08-1103 5/19/2008 08-2423 Plaintiff Strathmore Dev Charter Oaks Apts Sidney Booth Sidney Booth Gunther Ann Flagstar Genesee Villa Twin Meadows Mhp Lasalle Bank Ray Rushing Ray Rushing Lawrence McQuigg Executive Prop Maple Grove Maple Grove Genesee Valley Gateway Of Gr Bl Shiloh Com Twnh Evergreen Reg Federal National Eagle Ridge Sq McRoberts Kenneth Eagle Ridge Sq Genesee Villa Great Lakes Prop Southcreek Village Southcreek Village T Max Properties T Max Properties Nanruth Chardoul Richard Fox Richard Fox Heatherwood Apts White Oak Estates White Oaks Estates Goad Realty Fountain Pointe Martin Trepus Georgetown Park Windsor Pl Apts Pheasant Run Mhp Dave Johnson Neurohr Prop Citizens Bank Landlord Soluti Sugartree Apts Fed National Mtg Wells Fargo Bk Maguire 2 Llc Evergreen Reg Valdez Salvador Federal Home Loan Ray Rushing Fhc Last Name First Name Vanpelt Tiqueena Vantol Ricky Vantol Ricky Vantol Ricky Vantol Ricky Vantol Ricky Vanucci Gregory Vanucci Greg Vanvalenbur Eric Vanwingerde Erin Vanwingerde David Vargas Jesus Vargo Tobias Varmer Natasha Varney Jennifer Vasher Alex Vaughn Lacie Vaughn Erik Vaughn Delores Vaughn Lacie Vaughn Iwanda Vaughn Sylvester Vaughn Lyman Vaughn Iwanda Vaughn Terri Vaughn Debra Vaughn Terence Vaughn Angela Vauter Valerie Vauter Valerie Vazquez Islas Veal Sheryl Veal Sheryl Veasey Quinn Velez Freddie Velez John Velez John Vella Michele Venable Charles Venegas Nicole Venters Ashley Venters Ashley Venugopal Ravi Venugopal Ravi Verdun Michelle Verdun Michelle Verdun Michelle Verdun Michelle Verdun Michelle Verdun Michelle Verdun Latoya Verkennes Jason Verkennes Jason Verkennes Jason Date Case 1/2/2008 08-0002 1/9/2008 ltf00061 5/7/2008 ltf00534 10/1/2008 ltf01237 7/1/2008 ltf00792 9/3/2008 ltf01056 5/13/2008 08-2344 4/11/2008 08-1685 3/10/2008 lta00211 10/28/2008 ltb02114 3/25/2008 ltb00522 3/31/2008 08-1532 8/6/2008 lta00664 1/25/2008 08-0542 1/11/2008 ltb00100 1/14/2008 lta00061 10/27/2008 lte01440 2/25/2008 ltb00358 6/9/2008 ltc00902 6/26/2008 lte00782 6/4/2008 ltd00532 9/26/2008 08-4702 10/16/2008 08-5222 7/29/2008 ltd00650 6/3/2008 08-2717 8/28/2008 ltb01721 10/22/2008 08-5576 9/24/2008 lte01274 3/20/2008 ltd00270 7/10/2008 ltd00623 6/5/2008 lte00699 1/22/2008 08-0399 7/9/2008 08-3362 4/17/2008 08-1815 3/25/2008 lte00373 9/18/2008 08-4661 7/22/2008 08-3603 1/25/2008 ltd00096 6/13/2008 lta00512 9/24/2008 ltc01556 3/28/2008 lte00410 9/22/2008 lte01230 10/28/2008 lte01463 9/9/2008 lte01162 1/25/2008 ltc00170 4/25/2008 ltc00678 6/23/2008 ltc01006 5/23/2008 ltc00826 3/25/2008 ltc00463 6/18/2008 lta00528 8/19/2008 08-4063 1/8/2008 ltf00046 4/30/2008 08-2118 4/24/2008 ltc00607 Plaintiff Ray Rushing Pineview Pineview Pineview Estates Pine View Pineview Doris Brandt Doris Brandt Equity One Charter Oaks Apts Charter Oaks Apts Ctry Cl Man Apts Mill Creek Apts River Village Campbell Michael A + Realty Maplebrook Vill Apts Windsor Place Apts Deutsche Bank Maplebrook Village Sunridge Apts Betty Holifield Citimortgage Sunridge Apts Bobbie Thames Twin Meadows Mhp Bank Of N Y Maplebrook Vill Apts Budae Stacey Budae Stacey Edgemont Pk Twh Redstone Twh Redstone Twh Clifton Sterling Perry Place Apts Frank Valn Frank Valu Swartz Cr Mead The Federal Home Loa Burkeshire Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Group Five Mgmt Group Five Mgmt Bristol Court Bristol Court Bristol Court Bristol Court Bristol Court Ross Properties Fhc Flint Investments Fnma Wells Fargo Bk Last Name Verkennes Verkennes Verkennes Verkennes Verkennes Verkennes Verkennes Verkennes Vernier Verpooten Verpooten Verran Verran Vert Vesey Vickers Vickers Jr Vickers Jr Vickory Vickrey Vickrey Vickrey Vickrey Viers Vigilette Cho Vihron Villalpand Villalpand Villalpand Villalpando Villareal Villarreal Villarreal Villarreal Vincent Vincent Vincent Vincent Vincent Vines Vinning Virges Viverette Vliet Vliet Vliet Voelker Vojinov Vojjinov Volz Voorheir Vorce Vorce Vorrice First Name Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Paula Jason Jennifer Wanda Wanda Allison Allison Jeremy Yvonne Jamie Felipe Felipe Bridget Robin Robin Robin Robin Lee Edgar & Chris Tomekia Tomekia Tomekia Wanda Juan Americo Americo Americo Fred Ladetrice Betty Kristi Phyllis Kara Saul Geraldine Doris Raymond Jim Kelly Kimberly Virgie Michael Rebecca Gerritt Kerri Kerri John Date Case 4/24/2008 ltc00619 5/21/2008 ltc00758 4/25/2008 08-2018 4/30/2008 ltc00708 4/23/2008 08-1947 4/24/2008 ltc00606 7/23/2008 ltb01353 7/24/2008 ltc01146 8/26/2008 ltb01618 1/2/2008 08-0085 4/24/2008 08-1982 2/7/2008 ltf00176 4/25/2008 ltc00627 3/31/2008 08-1500 1/8/2008 ltd00028 8/22/2008 lte01088 8/27/2008 ltb01634 7/30/2008 ltb01411 10/20/2008 ltf01282 1/31/2008 lte00156 4/29/2008 lte00539 9/25/2008 lte01296 8/21/2008 lte01060 5/13/2008 ltd00450 3/25/2008 lte00363 2/26/2008 ltf00213 7/1/2008 ltd00611 8/26/2008 ltd00776 7/29/2008 ltd00649 6/24/2008 ltf00739 10/8/2008 08-5129 6/20/2008 ltc00965 4/25/2008 ltc00633 3/25/2008 ltc00456 1/14/2008 ltd00064 4/30/2008 08-2137 2/26/2008 ltc00364 10/16/2008 lta00885 7/28/2008 08-3804 6/5/2008 lta00492 3/31/2008 08-1507 8/19/2008 08-4070 8/25/2008 08-4244 4/30/2008 08-2134 2/22/2008 lte00244 7/3/2008 ltb01272 3/3/2008 08-1073 3/27/2008 ltc00511 10/28/2008 ltf01354 7/30/2008 lta00639 5/5/2008 ltf00476 6/13/2008 08-2864 7/2/2008 08-3123 1/17/2008 ltc00116 Plaintiff Wells Fargo Bk Mtg Elect Reg Fnma Mtg Systems Wells Fargo Bk National Trust Deutsche Bank Genesee Valley Homeland Trust Charter Oaks Apts Holiday Village Holiday Village Pine View Southcreek Village Maguire 3 Llc Sunridge Apts Perry Place Apts Huntington Cir Apts Huntington Cir Apts Homesales Inc Knollwood Vill Apt Knollwood Vill Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Knollwood Village Apts Us Bank North Park Holdings Genesee Villa Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Kings Lane Mark K. Spinney Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Federal National Land Bank Pine Creek Aprt Burton Gerald Motorcity Group Carrie Kupisch Westgate Terr Apts Fhc Court St Village Shady Acres Group Five Mgmt Arc Villa Concord Concepts Indian Hills Manor Creekwood Washington Mutual Von E Ballard Debra Hagon Debra Hagon Doerr Properties Llc Last Name Vorrice Vorrice Vorrice Vorrice Vredeveld Waatti Waatti Waddell Waddell Waddell Waddell Waddle Wade Wade Wade Wagers Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagstaff Wahl Wahnetah Waite Wakefield Waldrop Walikangas Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker First Name John John John John Rachel Dawn Dawn Vickie Vickie Eva Vickie Jeff Darrin Darrin Darrin Aaron Levi Levi Heather Jeremy Coleen Melvin Heather Shawn Kristine Deloney Tracy Brandi Jeremy Craig Denne Chanel Steve Tiffany Eric Malinda Twanetta Latonya Tonya Jill Lee Tracy Sarah Sophia Ontonia Kenneth Gemetria Michelle Marvin Zerra James Vera Sophia Nydra Date Case 5/13/2008 ltc00730 4/15/2008 ltc00582 8/21/2008 08-4150 6/4/2008 08-2784 10/24/2008 08-5622 3/25/2008 ltd00278 5/27/2008 ltd00472 1/9/2008 ltf00063 5/7/2008 ltf00536 10/2/2008 lte01317 9/3/2008 ltf01057 9/25/2008 ltd00874 6/23/2008 lte00735 4/24/2008 lte00466 10/15/2008 lte01380 6/13/2008 08-2871 1/2/2008 ltb00018 3/31/2008 08-1503 5/28/2008 ltb00994 8/12/2008 08-3953 6/27/2008 08-3190 8/8/2008 ltb01536 10/8/2008 ltb01989 3/20/2008 lte00345 9/22/2008 lte01208 10/22/2008 ltc01660 3/7/2008 08-1199 9/30/2008 ltd00895 8/22/2008 lte01089 3/10/2008 ltc00404 10/30/2008 ltf01380 1/9/2008 08-0183 1/11/2008 lta00046 6/17/2008 lte00716 3/27/2008 08-1385 3/7/2008 08-1198 2/13/2008 ltc00266 5/21/2008 ltc00771 3/31/2008 ltc00520 6/9/2008 ltc00903 3/13/2008 08-1274 5/23/2008 08-2555 4/24/2008 lte00494 5/15/2008 08-2374 3/25/2008 08-1748 4/25/2008 08-1988 5/28/2008 08-2603 5/5/2008 ltf00526 5/2/2008 08-2148 4/30/2008 ltd00380 6/6/2008 ltb01089 2/19/2008 08-0910 3/27/2008 08-1455 5/21/2008 08-2524 Plaintiff Doer Properties Doerr Properties Kirk Jackson Vanessa Pringle Roy Landon Georgetown Park Georgetown Park Pineview Pineview Stephen B Lissner Pineview Parks Ii John Riverbend Apts Riverbend Apts Riverbend Apts Kathleen Steele Brookstone Vall Est Westgate Terr Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Federal Natl Mtg Russ Ritsen Washington Mut Twin Meadows Mhp Us Bank National Asc Grand Bend Club Apt Indian Hills Manor Fhc Sunridge Apts Perry Place Apts Pocca Jacquelyn Pineview Estates Beulah Ecker Burton Gerald Mapleridge Apts Michael J. Griffin Fhc Wiliams Samecika Ideal Rental Cedarshores Apts Ideal Rental James Borden Corey Powell Maplebrook Vill Apts Dayne Davis T.R. Martin Development Wells Fargo Bk Tony Stockton Kings Lane James E Giles Sunridge Apts Michael Cackowski Court Aprt Dayne Davis Motorcity Group Last Name Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker Jr Wall Wall Wall Wall Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallace Wallanger Waller Waller First Name Sophia Sophia Gemetria Michelle Rosann Latrisha Tracy Etoile Joann Michele Othel Tiffany Lanonia Lenny Vanessa Marquetta Latrisha Artelia Laura Mia Lanonia Amy Kenneth Martha Shajuan Angela Latrisha Joe Doris Sharon Denne Marquetta Adam Doris Deonca Susan Floyd Felecia Trisha Tricia Stephen Tom Katrina Melanie Kenneth Billy Kenneth Melanie Kenneth Lazanda Lazanda Stephanie Amy Amy Date Case 7/11/2008 08-3408 10/31/2008 08-5821 8/27/2008 08-4339 7/30/2008 ltb01412 7/9/2008 ltb01311 7/14/2008 08-3430 7/23/2008 lta00607 6/4/2008 08-2677 8/25/2008 08-4243 10/2/2008 ltb01931 9/18/2008 08-4686 8/26/2008 lte01107 6/16/2008 08-2992 8/20/2008 ltd00755 8/19/2008 08-4011 9/25/2008 08-4807 10/15/2008 08-5183 9/2/2008 08-4373 9/3/2008 08-4435 7/31/2008 08-3759 9/29/2008 08-4895 9/5/2008 ltb01730 7/18/2008 08-3555 6/2/2008 08-2679 10/8/2008 ltb01964 7/22/2008 08-3625 9/5/2008 08-4396 9/22/2008 08-4759 7/10/2008 08-3310 8/18/2008 ltd00743 9/3/2008 ltf01085 10/2/2008 08-5004 9/29/2008 ltf01183 10/6/2008 08-5038 9/24/2008 08-4796 8/28/2008 lta00736 8/19/2008 ltb01555 1/4/2008 08-0147 3/26/2008 ltc00494 6/18/2008 ltc00933 9/30/2008 08-4911 6/12/2008 ltb01097 4/18/2008 08-1871 5/28/2008 ltb00995 6/23/2008 ltc01019 3/31/2008 ltf00386 5/23/2008 ltc00793 2/5/2008 ltb00261 8/21/2008 ltc01330 9/5/2008 08-4311 7/23/2008 08-3628 4/17/2008 08-1865 3/3/2008 ltb00401 8/27/2008 ltb01674 Plaintiff Dayne Davis Dayne Davis Tony Stockton Huntington Cir Apts Riverside Mhp Julia Ross Indymac Bank Rodney E Cross Court St Village Huntington Cir Apts Michael Neurohr Mapleridge Apts Fhc Lk Ponemah Mhp Corwin Matthews Matt. Wothke Julia Ross Evelyn Sudberry Holiday Village Ridgecrest Vill Fhc Us Bank Fhc Marianne Roat Brookstone Valley Gerald Mr Burton Julia Ross Richfield Aprts Orchard Ridge Est Lake Fenton Mhp Pineview Matt. Wothke Genesee Villa Orchard Ridge Lawrence Johnson Deutsche Bank Vath Vonda Georgian Crt Apts Sugartree Apts McCall Kenneth Washington Mut Wells Fargo Bank Na Tdm Realty Twin Meadows Mhp Dutch Village Llc Blackberry Creek Dutch Village Llc Twin Meadows Mhp Dutch Village Llc Alex Partners Alex Partners Dayne Davis Westwood Management Westwood Management Last Name Wallerstein Wallerstein Wallington Walmsley Walsh Walsh Walt Walter Walter Walterhouse Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walton Walz Wambold Wansley Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Warda Warda Warda Wardman Wardman Ware Wares Wares Wargo First Name Judy Judy Patrick Angel Frederick Becky Jodi Victor Vivian Lori Deborah Loren Lroen John Candace Angela Sharita Diane Ryan Anthony Antionette Jacqueline Bethany Antionette Bethany Clarissa Clarissa Barbara Anthony Edwina Shala John Aaron Camille Robbie Diana Freddie Chrishawna Aaron Shirley Aaron Bracy Weldon Weldon Dominga Thomas Mitzi Thomas Mary Marty Gerald Robert Robert Steffan Date Case 1/23/2008 lte00083 5/13/2008 lte00561 8/25/2008 ltb01613 4/24/2008 08-1975 1/28/2008 ltc00199 9/22/2008 ltb01825 1/23/2008 ltf00102 1/31/2008 lte00115 5/21/2008 lta00436 6/25/2008 08-3116 1/31/2008 ltb00223 2/28/2008 lte00283 3/27/2008 lte00401 8/19/2008 ltb01554 7/29/2008 08-3812 9/30/2008 08-4910 1/14/2008 08-0267 1/17/2008 lte00063 1/9/2008 08-0058 4/29/2008 lte00520 3/7/2008 08-1204 5/1/2008 08-2096 5/29/2008 08-2651 5/20/2008 08-2497 3/3/2008 08-1074 7/11/2008 08-3438 9/17/2008 08-4509 10/17/2008 08-5501 9/22/2008 lte01232 7/17/2008 08-3420 7/11/2008 08-3448 2/21/2008 ltb00294 3/26/2008 08-1381 1/8/2008 ltd00027 3/20/2008 08-1763 6/2/2008 ltc00879 2/1/2008 08-0527 6/6/2008 ltc00901 2/4/2008 lta00117 3/17/2008 ltc00423 7/10/2008 lta00580 8/19/2008 08-4049 8/19/2008 08-4160 10/8/2008 08-5118 9/23/2008 lta00812 4/23/2008 ltd00359 9/25/2008 lte01297 8/18/2008 ltd00740 5/27/2008 lte00671 8/22/2008 lte01090 9/19/2008 08-4689 2/11/2008 lta00132 7/25/2008 ltb01377 6/30/2008 ltf00763 Plaintiff Landon Roy Landon Ray Windsor Place Apts Ideal Rental Homes Mtg Systems Hometown Amer Stebbins Kurt Parkwood Mhp Flint Pasadena Llc M Aboneaan Continental North Hometown America Grand Blan Hometown America Hometown Amer Tdm Realty Deutsche Bk Aonie Gilcreast Grande Pointe Apts Stan Brantley Fountain Pointe Fhc Wells Fargo Bk Alc Holdings Fhc Alc Holdings Larry Johnson Roger Ii Haack Curt Kargula Fountain Pointe Aritha Parham Robert Pertrie Pazz Jeanne Roland Wade Sunridge Apts Mary Doolan N.Morris Estates Terry L Groves Curry Josiah C Marciszewski Verkennes Jason Howell Audrey Fhc Nove Henderson Nove Henderson River Valley Manor Mtg Systems Knollwood Vill Apts Us 23 & Thompson Rd Perry Place Apts Perry Place Apts Withey Invest Robert F Reid Maxwell Maria Creekwood Last Name Wargo Warman Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warner Warrant Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warrington Warson Warson Warson Washburn Washburn Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington First Name Steffan Paul James Brenda James Lindsey James James Sheryl Troy Jevoniou Karen Ronald Clifford Dionne John Dionne Adrienne Karren Clifford Lynette Michael Karen Dequandre Joshua April Dionne Karen Clifford Dionne Dione Clifford Karen Clifford Andre Jevoniou Dionne April Karen Dequandre Seneca Delton Todd H. David Gary Howard Jessica Stephanie George Shelly Lawrence Jamila Cecelia Nellie Date Case 8/26/2008 ltf01011 2/29/2008 ltd00248 10/24/2008 ltb02087 1/2/2008 08-0140 1/24/2008 ltb00160 2/29/2008 ltd00249 4/28/2008 ltb00703 5/22/2008 ltb00905 9/15/2008 lte01170 7/8/2008 lta00570 2/19/2008 ltc00305 1/2/2008 lte00014 10/27/2008 ltf01320 10/30/2008 ltf01377 1/25/2008 lte00101 5/13/2008 ltf00568 3/28/2008 lte00408 4/22/2008 08-1882 6/27/2008 lte00793 6/3/2008 ltf00667 3/13/2008 ltc00416 5/28/2008 ltc00851 4/28/2008 lte00506 5/27/2008 lte00674 5/5/2008 ltf00527 2/4/2008 08-0721 5/22/2008 lte00609 5/29/2008 lte00686 5/7/2008 ltf00554 7/23/2008 lte00886 8/20/2008 lte01029 10/1/2008 ltf01226 7/28/2008 08-3805 7/1/2008 ltf00821 7/22/2008 ltc01107 9/24/2008 ltc01548 9/22/2008 lte01224 6/16/2008 08-2995 8/28/2008 lte01128 8/29/2008 lte01138 7/30/2008 lte00946 8/27/2008 ltb01675 1/18/2008 ltd00078 1/25/2008 ltd00101 4/23/2008 ltb00681 7/23/2008 08-3600 1/2/2008 08-0072 3/17/2008 08-1280 1/25/2008 08-0550 10/22/2008 ltc01693 1/30/2008 08-0612 1/23/2008 ltc00121 3/3/2008 08-1091 6/12/2008 lte00710 Plaintiff Creekwood Georgetown Park Windsor Place Apts Arbor Vill Apts Windsor Place Apts Georgetown Park Windsor Place Apts Windsor Place Apts Homesales Mill Creek Apt Clovertree Apts Thornridge Apts Veterans Affairs Dept Of Pineview Estates Fountain Pointe Fremont Investment Fountain Pointe Gecko Fin Thornridge Apts Pineview Emc Mortgage Corp Randall Phalon Thornridge Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Kings Lane Fhc Fountain Pointe Thornridge Apts Pineview Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Pineview Estates Motorcity Group Pine View Wilcox Steve Clovertree Apts Fountain Pointe Fhc Thornridge Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Perry Place Apts Westwood Management Lake Fenton Mhp Us Bank Deutsche Bank Federal H Mtg American Mhp Robert Borduin River Village Apts Clovertree Apts Harris Investment Cedarshores Apt Orchard Ridge Est Maplepark Terraces Last Name Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Waskom Waskom Waskom Waskom Waskom Waterford Waterman Waters Waters Waters Waters Waters Waters Waters Waters Waters Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watkins Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson First Name Nessandra Shelly Michael Jerome Tamisha Ramona Dondra Doll Robert Doll Nichole Keesha Chiquita Joseph Doll Danielle Kashawna Dondra Orenthal Lisa Alyssa Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Lakisha Karen Carisa Shanteka Julius Shanteka Avaunte Bethney Carisa Angelic Julius Angela Bridgette Latanya Angela Stanley Angela Lloyd Valerie Linda Taikicia Mary Jack Brenda Jack James Linda Valerie Date Case 3/5/2008 ltb00415 2/19/2008 ltc00312 5/1/2008 ltc00712 3/31/2008 08-1494 3/7/2008 08-1224 2/6/2008 08-0773 6/24/2008 lte00763 5/15/2008 ltc00745 4/22/2008 08-1942 2/6/2008 ltc00254 5/21/2008 08-2525 2/22/2008 08-0915 9/5/2008 08-4484 8/19/2008 08-4111 8/6/2008 ltc01282 8/1/2008 08-3727 9/2/2008 08-4391 9/22/2008 lte01183 6/9/2008 08-2773 7/18/2008 08-3506 10/8/2008 08-5121 3/26/2008 ltb00526 6/18/2008 ltb01119 2/21/2008 ltb00293 4/30/2008 ltb00741 7/30/2008 ltb01429 4/25/2008 08-2008 1/10/2008 ltc00056 10/24/2008 ltb02101 4/17/2008 08-1814 3/7/2008 08-1191 3/12/2008 08-1147 10/24/2008 08-5636 7/31/2008 08-3756 7/3/2008 ltb01249 9/19/2008 08-4688 7/2/2008 08-3299 1/15/2008 08-0287 3/7/2008 08-1178 3/25/2008 08-1283 2/19/2008 08-1037 7/3/2008 ltf00841 8/14/2008 08-4090 10/30/2008 ltf01373 1/2/2008 08-0155 1/16/2008 08-0225 1/24/2008 08-0518 1/25/2008 08-0440 2/13/2008 lta00138 4/18/2008 08-1902 6/4/2008 lta00489 2/13/2008 08-0864 3/5/2008 08-1160 3/25/2008 08-1425 Plaintiff Brookstone Valley Clovertree Apts Taylor Marvin Fhc Lasenette Fuller Perry Place Apts Cranbrook Vill Co Sp Herringer Ll Cranbrook Vill Co Beverly Peterson Rene' Peterson William G Stevens E Blake Scott William McCarley Cranbrook Vill Co David Taylor Kenneth McCall Perry Place Apts Sunshine Mgmt Lela McLawhorn R Johnson Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Arc Torrey Hills Kermit Jr Ware Wells Fargo Bank Westwood Management Meloin Tillman Fhc Melvin Tillman Andrew W Novak Cpm Properties Westwood Management Elie Ghattas Gardenview Apts Executive Prop Terrance Apartment Llc Glendale R Curtis Fulgham Executive Prop Gpa Management Co Executive Prop Pineview Estates Orchard Rg Apts Richfield Apts Gary Goad Realty Vince Johnson Jr Ghattas Joseph Bernard Jackson Ghattas Joseph Avon Park Apts Richfield Apts John TomcAla Last Name Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watt Watt Watters Watts Watts Way Wayne Weatherly Weatherly Weatherly Weaver Weaver Weaver Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Webb Jr Webber Webbs First Name Pete Lawanda Cynthia Michael Valorie Valerie Lawanda Lawanda Crystal Taikicia Detris Brenda Detris Taikicia Tiayna Lawanda Victoria Rose Shirita Lawanda Sharon Tiffany Peggy Toni Elounda Lisa Latoya Coscetia Philip Philip Ron Emma Kim Michael Kaywana Carmen Jennifer Alicia Lance Alilia Jeffery Jeffery Carmen Michael Michael Ilene Carmen Bridget Kaywana Karen Ilene Terry Doyle Miss Date Case 2/5/2008 08-0670 4/21/2008 08-1904 2/25/2008 ltb00312 7/31/2008 08-3827 8/27/2008 08-4334 6/25/2008 08-3195 8/26/2008 08-4290 10/9/2008 08-5100 7/25/2008 ltc01171 6/6/2008 08-2815 7/31/2008 08-3765 9/12/2008 08-4520 9/23/2008 08-4773 8/28/2008 08-4343 9/23/2008 lta00816 6/16/2008 08-2866 7/3/2008 ltb01273 8/27/2008 ltc01394 7/14/2008 08-3414 7/21/2008 08-3539 5/1/2008 08-2179 9/17/2008 08-4508 10/31/2008 08-5825 5/14/2008 08-2308 6/9/2008 08-2822 8/7/2008 ltf00967 4/7/2008 08-1551 2/4/2008 08-0686 10/1/2008 ltf01256 9/3/2008 ltf01081 1/24/2008 08-0514 7/15/2008 08-3492 7/16/2008 ltb01340 1/2/2008 ltf00015 10/22/2008 ltb02045 1/29/2008 ltd00132 6/4/2008 ltb01016 5/7/2008 ltb00841 3/25/2008 ltc00453 2/4/2008 08-0582 4/14/2008 08-1785 3/5/2008 08-1173 6/4/2008 ltd00533 3/27/2008 lta00270 2/25/2008 ltf00209 9/26/2008 08-4690 8/26/2008 ltd00775 8/29/2008 lte01135 7/18/2008 08-3561 8/22/2008 lte01068 7/28/2008 08-3718 6/30/2008 08-3266 8/4/2008 lta00649 6/6/2008 08-2772 Plaintiff William McCarley Ray Collins Davison East Ideal Rental Home Tony Stockton Tony Stockton Ray Collins Ray Collins Dutch Village Llc Ideal Rental Home Rosewood Riv Twh Eugene Marve Washington Mut Goad Llc River Valley Manor Ray Collins Arc Villa Wells Fargo Bank Robert Palmateer Ray Collins Ctry Cl Man Apts Vera J Hamlett Citimortgage Nov Henderson Ray Smith Genesee Villa Brister Padgett Deutsche Bk Pineview Pineview David Tebo Ray Curti Stratford Sq Apts Creekwood Brookstone Valley Sunridge Apts 400 Fuller Apts Madison Pk Est Southcreek Village Marvin Chapman Fnma Washington Mut Sunridge Apts The Villas Creekwood Thom Casselman Sunridge Apts Maplebrook Vill Apts Fhc Tudor Estates Thom Casselman Westgate Terr Apts Valley Meadow Marvin Chapman Last Name Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Weber Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Webster Weddle Weddle Weeg Weeks Weeks Weems Weible Weible Weible Weible Weickart Weidenham Weidman Weidner Weiler Weir Weir Weir Weisberg Weise Weiser Weiser Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch Welch First Name Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Tabitha Alexander James Heidi Shataunna Matt Earlin Kamisha Roshanda Matt Matt Juquan Kamisha Satara Roshanda Sarah Niseshan Niseshan David D Dawn Sheena Brian Jerry Brian Brian Angela Michael Alicia Scott Jennifer Buffy Buffy Buffy Michael Jennifer Sheila Sheila Margaret Forrest Margaret Quaisha Jennifer Raphael Meosheumi Quaisha Mary Jennifer Jashua Margaret Date Case 1/2/2008 ltf00014 1/28/2008 ltf00138 3/10/2008 ltf00286 9/24/2008 ltf01141 8/15/2008 ltd00738 9/18/2008 lta00799 9/25/2008 08-4799 8/28/2008 ltd00828 9/26/2008 08-4697 10/30/2008 ltf01397 1/22/2008 lta00079 5/20/2008 08-2410 5/21/2008 08-2527 4/10/2008 ltf00414 7/1/2008 ltf00817 8/29/2008 08-4352 9/29/2008 08-4853 10/16/2008 ltc01642 9/17/2008 08-4595 9/16/2008 08-4585 10/23/2008 08-5590 8/19/2008 08-4099 4/25/2008 ltd00372 2/26/2008 lte00265 8/1/2008 08-3830 10/24/2008 lte01414 2/26/2008 ltc00338 2/27/2008 08-1047 9/24/2008 ltc01530 8/21/2008 ltc01321 6/30/2008 08-3273 1/30/2008 ltf00142 1/28/2008 ltb00176 10/1/2008 lta00854 3/25/2008 ltc00443 3/31/2008 08-1463 6/30/2008 08-3268 9/24/2008 08-4787 2/20/2008 lta00160 5/28/2008 08-2621 2/5/2008 ltb00262 7/3/2008 ltb01266 1/2/2008 ltb00032 5/15/2008 lte00573 4/2/2008 ltb00587 3/7/2008 08-1217 4/16/2008 08-1858 2/15/2008 08-0874 9/25/2008 08-4608 9/29/2008 08-4899 7/15/2008 08-3464 8/11/2008 08-3944 7/1/2008 ltf00824 8/27/2008 ltb01635 Plaintiff Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood Creekwood Gateway Manor Deutsche Bank Nat Deutsche Bk Chau Chapman Mi-Joy Llc Pineview Estates Guardian Mortgage Fhc TomcAla Pineview Pine View Roy Landon Fhc Matt Wothke Ideal Rental Land Bank D&s Properties D & S Properties Deutsche Bank National Trust Edgemont Pk Twh Wm Specialty Mtg Gr Bend 452apts Southcreek Village Will Ferguson Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Westgate Terr Apts Fnma Kings Lane Woodgate Pine Creek Aprt Ctry Cl Man Apts Ctry Cl Man Apts Country Club Manor Federal Nat Mtg Avon Park Apts Twin Meadows Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Huntington Circle Geauga Savings Bank Huntington Circle Apts Fhc Land Bank M & T Bank Donnie Younger Fhc Court St Village Land Bank Pine View Huntington Cir Apts Last Name First Name Welch Jashua Welch Traci Welch Harold Welch Quaisha Welch Margaret Wellbaum Sue Wellbaum Sue Wellbaum Sue Wellbaum Sue Wells Pamela Wells Cecelia Wells Carolyn Wells Kasey Wells Nicole Wells Carolyn Wells Kenneth Wells Kasey Wells Quenyeta Wells Sherry Wells Carolyn Wells Kawanda Wells Nicole Wells Brian Wells Kasey Wells Renee Wells Charles Wells Kasey Wells Jr Kedra Welsh Dawn Wendling Richard Wendling Richard Wenn Scott Wentworth Shannon Wentworth Barbara Wenzlick Tom Werda Anthony Werda Anthony Wesenberg Drew Wesley Evita Wesley Evita Wesley-Price Katherleen Wesson Flora Wesson Flora West Domonic West Jeremy West Patricia West Melissa West Kamonya West Roni West Melissa West Iii Walt Westbrook Dondre Westbrook Lillian Westbrook Dondre Date Case 8/5/2008 ltf00962 9/10/2008 08-4451 8/1/2008 08-3873 6/16/2008 08-2989 7/3/2008 ltb01280 2/22/2008 lte00260 3/25/2008 lte00381 9/25/2008 lte01298 7/3/2008 lte00796 1/7/2008 ltc00041 10/23/2008 ltc01729 1/29/2008 ltd00133 3/4/2008 ltb00405 4/30/2008 ltc00693 4/1/2008 ltd00309 6/9/2008 08-2847 6/17/2008 ltb01106 9/24/2008 ltf01167 9/23/2008 lta00830 9/30/2008 ltd00894 8/21/2008 08-4191 8/25/2008 ltc01383 10/3/2008 ltc01611 8/26/2008 ltb01619 10/1/2008 ltf01228 6/13/2008 08-2915 7/1/2008 ltb01219 5/30/2008 lte00693 8/4/2008 lte00982 7/16/2008 08-3479 8/19/2008 08-4151 4/24/2008 lte00486 9/16/2008 lte01177 7/8/2008 ltf00846 10/23/2008 lta00908 1/9/2008 ltf00066 4/10/2008 ltf00430 3/24/2008 lte00357 4/4/2008 08-1621 2/4/2008 08-0720 1/11/2008 lte00054 1/23/2008 ltc00120 4/30/2008 ltc00694 1/17/2008 ltc00114 4/11/2008 ltc00579 3/11/2008 ltf00295 4/28/2008 08-2033 10/24/2008 08-5611 10/2/2008 lte01319 7/11/2008 08-3429 5/12/2008 ltc00726 1/24/2008 ltb00138 10/28/2008 ltd00989 5/21/2008 ltb00864 Plaintiff Pineview Mich St Housing James Borden Fhc Huntington Cir Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Knollwood Vill Apts Knollwood Village Pineshores Apts Cedarshores Apt Sunridge Apts Charter Oaks Apts Cedarshores Apt Sunridge Apts Veteran's Affairs Charter Oaks Apts Kings Lane Seaton-Lotter Joyce Sunridge Apts Pearlean Grayer Harris Barbara N.Morris Estates Charter Oaks Apts Green Acre Apts Federal Nat Mtg Charter Oaks Apts Wells Fargo Bank Maplebrook Vill Apts Maguire 7 Llc Maguire 7 Llc Perry Place Apts Crkovski Naum Boulder Creek Johnson David Green Acre Green Acre Apts Diamond Forest Prop Fhc Fhc Maple Park Terraces Cedarshores Apt Cedarshores Apt Hannosh Wendy Wells Fargo Bank Meadowbrook Manor Olson Mgmt River Village Apts Gateway Of Gr Bl Olson Mgmt Gillie Cindy Three Rivers Assoc Fenton Pheasant Run Three Rivers Assoc Last Name Westbrook Westbrooks Westley Weston Weston Weston Weston Weston Weston Weston Weston Westphal Et Westrick Westrick Weststrock Wetherholt Wezell Whalen Wharram Wharram Wheaton Wheeler Wheeler Whellske Whetstone Whipple Whitaker Whitaker Whitaker Whitaker Whitcomb White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White First Name Gregory Ann Laquecia Pearline Robert Dion Daisy Pearline Pearline Pearline Robert Michael Michaela Michaela Dewayne Kim Kathy Timothy Richard Rick Seth Jeremy Alisha Linda Mellissa Aaron Judy Ray Judy Wisteria Tracy Javeeta Mikki Jonetta Connie Sade Rochina Ebony Walishya Walter Ladon Joshua Rochina Janice Paula Essie Deondra Glenda Robert Paula Allison Sharonda Terry Adrian Date Case 9/22/2008 lte01209 2/28/2008 lte00290 9/26/2008 08-4674 1/8/2008 ltd00026 5/28/2008 08-2614 3/10/2008 ltc00403 4/22/2008 08-1931 4/30/2008 ltd00379 2/26/2008 ltd00192 7/1/2008 ltd00612 8/28/2008 08-4285 3/31/2008 lta00286 1/2/2008 08-0127 5/1/2008 08-2184 5/5/2008 ltf00528 3/24/2008 08-1363 7/17/2008 ltc01102 2/11/2008 ltb00278 1/14/2008 ltd00071 9/15/2008 ltd00857 10/9/2008 ltf01268 4/7/2008 ltb00656 8/1/2008 08-3726 3/11/2008 08-1271 3/7/2008 08-1117 7/29/2008 08-3720 5/13/2008 lta00412 2/27/2008 08-1049 3/11/2008 lta00214 9/30/2008 08-4869 7/8/2008 ltf00847 1/10/2008 08-0064 1/30/2008 08-0526 1/22/2008 08-0400 10/23/2008 ltc01730 1/9/2008 08-0187 1/2/2008 08-0089 1/2/2008 08-0137 2/22/2008 lte00246 4/24/2008 lte00467 6/9/2008 ltc00905 4/25/2008 08-1987 2/26/2008 08-1015 5/29/2008 08-2655 5/28/2008 ltf00625 5/22/2008 ltf00614 6/20/2008 ltc00958 3/26/2008 ltb00527 2/11/2008 08-0852 2/25/2008 ltf00201 5/1/2008 lte00546 5/16/2008 08-2356 6/16/2008 ltf00699 6/12/2008 lte00709 Plaintiff Grand Bend Club Apt Maplebrook Vill Apts Imogene Sterling Sunridge Apts Matt Wothke Moore Lawrence Pengelly Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Matt. Wothke Heath Mike Westgate Terr Apts Westgate Terr Apts Kings Lane Beulah Ecker Wells Fargo Bk The Federal Mtg Birchmeier Ronald Birchmeier Ronald Centennial Farms Deutsche Bank Sandra Crichton Thomas Ray Quinston Hackett B Abbasspour Myrtle Grove Mhp D & S Properties Myrtle Grove Mhp C. Montgomery Boulder Creek Lois Driver Orchard Lane Redstone Twh Cedarshores Apt Beulah Ecker F.D.H.A.L.P. Arbor Vill Apts Cedar Bend Apts Abdole Mutee Ideal Rental Fnma F.D.H.A.L.P. Beverly Peterson Maple Grove Kings Lane Suffolk Court Apts Arc Torrey Hills Us Bank Maple Grove Cedar Bend Apts Phillip Johnson Us Bank National Stonehenge Gate Last Name White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White White Sr Whited Whited Whited Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitehead Whitfield Whiting Whiting Whiting First Name Rochina Eddnora William Floidie Essie Lafayette Walter Charles Paula Lisa Mikki Mikki Adrian Jenna Jason Bennie Linda Rochina Chenita Sandra Jeanette Russell Walter Annette Sean Perry Adrian Lafayette Mark Eddnora Eric Ladon William Rochina Mikki Sean Quintin Barbette Mark Essie Deondra Walishya Wayne Tina Tina Tina Charlotte Melanie Heather Charlotte Adrian Stephanie Stephanie Stephanie Date Case 5/27/2008 08-2576 2/26/2008 ltd00191 6/24/2008 ltf00738 4/30/2008 08-2111 6/24/2008 ltf00736 2/4/2008 08-0764 5/15/2008 lte00571 4/30/2008 ltc00701 6/30/2008 ltf00776 6/12/2008 08-2912 9/30/2008 08-4917 7/31/2008 08-3764 8/19/2008 08-4166 7/21/2008 08-3597 9/23/2008 lta00802 7/23/2008 ltf00894 10/7/2008 ltb01946 9/23/2008 08-4751 10/30/2008 08-5809 7/1/2008 ltd00613 9/17/2008 08-4589 9/3/2008 ltf01070 7/2/2008 lte00795 10/10/2008 ltd00957 9/25/2008 08-4800 10/10/2008 08-5080 10/20/2008 08-5244 7/18/2008 08-3557 9/30/2008 ltd00892 9/30/2008 ltd00893 7/21/2008 08-3576 8/28/2008 ltc01402 8/27/2008 ltf01033 7/28/2008 08-3736 8/28/2008 08-4274 8/11/2008 08-3951 6/12/2008 08-2909 8/4/2008 08-3851 7/14/2008 08-3245 8/27/2008 ltf01032 7/25/2008 ltc01194 8/29/2008 lte01144 9/24/2008 lte01280 1/22/2008 08-0390 4/30/2008 08-2135 9/30/2008 08-4934 5/13/2008 08-2279 9/29/2008 ltf01185 7/23/2008 ltc01118 10/16/2008 08-5187 8/19/2008 08-4071 1/31/2008 ltb00224 6/30/2008 ltb01206 9/29/2008 ltb01921 Plaintiff F.D.H.A.L.P. Sunridge Apts Kings Lane Ipm Kings Lane Fhc Abdole Mutee N.Morris Ests Maple Grove Dayne Davis Orchard Lane Orchard Lane Shiloh Com Twnh Rollingwood Man William E Lacey Kings Lane Cambridge Sq Flint F.D.H.A.L.P Woodlawn Apts Sunridge Apts Treasure Enter Pineview Abdole Mutee Gateway Manor Apts Deutsche Bk Steven Boyce Shiloh Com Twnh Fhc Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Countrywide Home Ideal Rental Kings Lane Fdhalp Orchard Lane Deutsche Bank Capstone Invests Orchard Ridge Est Mac-Clair Mtg Kings Lane Suffolk Court Apts Maple Park Terraces Maplebrook Vill Apts Shady Acres Mhp Shady Acres Shady Acres Mhp Julie Hendershot Genesee Villa Indian Hills Manor Larry D. Charlton Fhc Continental North Continental North Continental North Last Name Whitlock Whitlow Whitman Whitman Whitner Whitner Whitner Whitner Whitner Whitner Whitney Whitney Whits Whitson Whitson Whitson Whitson Whitt Whittington Whte Whtie Whyte Whyte Wichert Wichert Wicks Wicks Wiese Wiese Wiggins Wiggins Wiggins Wiggins Wiggins Wiggins Wilbanks Wilbanks Wilbanks Wilbanks Wilbanks Wilbanks Wilbon Wilbon Wilbon Wilbon Wilbon Wilbon Wilbur Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox Wilcox Wild Wilder First Name Brian Santorrey Sean Ronald Arthur Christy Arthur Arthur Arthur Arthur Rose Chris Sharonda Haddie Joseph Joseph Joseph Michael Shirley Rena Walter Archie Juin Amanda Amanda Xavier Xavier Larry Larry Sonya Daral Floyd Daral Sonya Daral Latasha Jasmine Tanika Chaka Zackery Latasha Taneshia Taneshia Sharon Sonya Tameshia Chondra Michell Jessica Dianne Jessica Karey April Veronica Date Case 9/26/2008 08-4705 2/26/2008 ltd00190 7/21/2008 ltb01344 9/29/2008 ltc01566 1/9/2008 08-0177 4/30/2008 08-2110 4/23/2008 08-1949 8/28/2008 08-4284 10/24/2008 08-5632 6/4/2008 08-2754 3/20/2008 08-1346 8/28/2008 ltc01407 9/26/2008 08-4679 3/7/2008 ltf00280 3/28/2008 lte00407 8/20/2008 lte01028 7/23/2008 lte00885 4/3/2008 ltc00542 5/8/2008 08-2256 7/18/2008 08-3526 8/15/2008 lte01014 4/30/2008 ltb00778 8/1/2008 08-3841 2/6/2008 08-0779 8/7/2008 08-3868 1/18/2008 08-0333 10/14/2008 08-5161 1/25/2008 lte00092 9/22/2008 lte01241 1/30/2008 08-0619 1/30/2008 ltb00203 10/23/2008 ltc01731 2/27/2008 ltb00372 7/21/2008 08-3595 7/30/2008 ltb01413 10/28/2008 ltd01023 5/5/2008 ltf00529 4/22/2008 08-1929 2/25/2008 08-0968 8/6/2008 08-3892 7/29/2008 ltd00648 1/25/2008 08-0555 3/24/2008 08-1396 3/25/2008 08-1419 7/31/2008 lte00977 8/25/2008 08-4185 7/11/2008 08-3413 8/20/2008 08-4147 1/11/2008 08-0232 1/24/2008 ltb00159 2/21/2008 08-0945 4/30/2008 ltb00760 3/24/2008 lte00350 4/4/2008 08-1633 Plaintiff Jim Boros Sunridge Apts Solt Kevin Chase Bank Usa Matt Wothke Shiloh Com Twnh Mat Wothke Matt. Wothke Matt Wothke Matt Wothke Consumer Solutions Parks Ii John Phillip Johnson Kings Lane Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Ocwen Federal Bank The Bank Of New York Trust Co Jp Fhc Abdole Mutee Wells Fargo Bk Elms Mhc Rollingwood Man Rollingwood Man Aliya Parker Aliya Parker Stonehenge Gates Stonehenge Gates Treasure Enter Huntington Circle Apts Deutsche Bank Huntington Circle Apts Treasure Enter Huntington Cir Apts Sunridge Apts Kings Lane Gerald Burton Ola Clemons Venita Dudley Sunridge Apts River Village Apts River Village Apts Ideal Rental Edgemont Pk Twh River Village Apts Terry L Groves David Louis Dennis Messenger Windsor Place Apts Dennis Messenger Continental Estates Maplebrook Village Apts Fhc Last Name Wilder Wilder Wildey Wildfong Wildfong Wilding Wiles Wiles Wiley Wiley Wiley Wiley Wiley Wiley Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhoit Wilkers Wilkerson Wilkerson Wilkerson Wilkes Wilkes Wilkes Wilkes Wilkes Wilkes Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Willaims Willard Willard Willard Willett Willey Willfong Willhelm William William Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams First Name David Veronica Larry Dallas Dallas Linda Vicki Vicki Josh Randy Josh Joshua Quentin Artrice Dennis George Jennifer Dennis Dennis Dennis Dennis Coby Dennis William Omar Linda Linda Linda Malandus Roselyn Roselyn Latoyan Malandus Roselyn Kesha Kenneth Russell Kesha Shaya Jeffery Christine Jeffery Paul Carra Devon Michelle Theresa Patricia Chris Drew Alfred Trinisa Bernard Karen Date Case 3/6/2008 lte00321 8/19/2008 08-4062 8/26/2008 08-4220 6/18/2008 ltb01126 3/14/2008 ltb00450 10/8/2008 ltf01266 2/28/2008 lte00284 3/27/2008 lte00402 1/22/2008 lta00084 10/28/2008 ltc01736 3/17/2008 08-1302 5/13/2008 lta00411 10/9/2008 ltf01273 8/4/2008 ltc01269 1/25/2008 lte00103 1/18/2008 ltd00080 4/24/2008 lte00487 2/29/2008 lte00304 3/28/2008 lte00411 5/22/2008 lte00612 8/20/2008 lte01034 10/17/2008 08-5534 10/13/2008 lte01344 3/6/2008 08-1125 9/29/2008 08-4886 6/4/2008 ltd00534 4/1/2008 ltd00308 9/30/2008 ltd00891 1/18/2008 08-0354 6/25/2008 ltc01038 5/28/2008 ltc00844 6/25/2008 ltc01039 2/26/2008 08-1011 9/8/2008 ltc01453 10/24/2008 lte01398 2/5/2008 ltc00240 4/23/2008 ltb00680 7/30/2008 lte00947 10/28/2008 08-5737 2/22/2008 ltd00181 2/29/2008 08-1055 10/3/2008 ltd00946 3/5/2008 ltb00432 8/4/2008 ltd00718 2/26/2008 ltc00330 9/25/2008 lte01299 6/9/2008 ltc00906 7/2/2008 08-3223 10/30/2008 ltd01037 1/28/2008 08-0460 1/22/2008 lte00073 1/30/2008 08-0620 1/25/2008 08-0360 10/30/2008 ltf01376 Plaintiff Wilder Jovita Fhc Michael Sparks Beckman Prop Beckmans Prop Gpa Mgt Co. Hometown America Grand Blan Hometown America Eastman Kenneth Hannosh Wendy Ken Eastman Myrtle Grove Mhp Larry Swadling Cedarshores Apt Fountain Pointe Wheeler Kenneth Perry Place Apts Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe Fountain Pointe J Fotenakes Fountain Pointe Daenco Prop Stephen Turner Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Jcm Universal Inc Pineshores Apts Pineshores Apts Pineshores Apts Jcm Universal Inc Pineshores Apts Perry Place Apts N.Morris Ests Genesee Valley Perry Place Apts Orchard Lane Swartz Cr Mead Fnma Swartz Cr Mead Twin Meadows Mhp Silver Lake Arbors Southcreek Village Washington Mut Ideal Rental Andrew Stitt Pineridge Sweetie Vickers Riverbend Apts Treasure Enter F.D.H.A.L.P. Pineview Estates Last Name Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams First Name Kenyatta Gloria Breonna Jimia Rita Tomikia Mandy Tiffany Rachel Tameeka Diane Jaleesa Yvette Demetrius Dominque Kenya Valerie Thomas Shante Lisia Troy David Johnny Jennifer Andre Joe Torson Tiffany Constantia Karen Louis Tiffany Jimmy Johnny Dawn Dawn Jennifer Jacqueita Diane Cynthia Christophe Andriennia Sandra Diane Michelle Richard Gelayna Torson Bernard Elios Christina Michelle Kris Cynthia Date Case 1/30/2008 ltf00143 1/8/2008 ltd00025 10/28/2008 ltd01024 1/10/2008 ltc00075 1/30/2008 ltc00207 1/24/2008 08-0508 1/9/2008 ltb00081 10/24/2008 lte01413 1/31/2008 ltb00211 1/24/2008 08-0446 1/10/2008 ltc00057 1/9/2008 08-0052 1/31/2008 08-0496 1/24/2008 ltb00139 1/15/2008 08-0278 1/22/2008 08-0401 1/22/2008 08-0402 1/28/2008 08-0479 1/16/2008 08-0303 1/24/2008 08-0519 1/2/2008 08-0112 1/16/2008 ltc00109 1/2/2008 08-0080 1/30/2008 08-0606 4/22/2008 lta00340 3/20/2008 08-1773 2/6/2008 08-0658 2/21/2008 lte00219 4/30/2008 ltd00378 2/7/2008 ltf00171 5/5/2008 ltf00530 3/18/2008 08-1740 3/14/2008 ltc00422 3/24/2008 08-1405 5/7/2008 08-2155 6/30/2008 08-3263 5/23/2008 08-2548 5/16/2008 08-2392 6/4/2008 ltb01084 2/6/2008 ltc00255 6/4/2008 ltb01051 2/15/2008 08-0877 5/29/2008 ltc00857 2/5/2008 ltb00248 2/25/2008 08-0969 5/12/2008 08-2233 5/7/2008 ltb00842 4/22/2008 08-1927 3/24/2008 08-1407 4/21/2008 08-1906 6/4/2008 ltb01050 5/28/2008 08-2600 5/28/2008 ltd00489 6/4/2008 ltc00894 Plaintiff Boulder Creek Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Clovertree Apts Killian Norma Matt Wothke Twin Meadows Mhp Gr Bend 452apts Hometown Amer Timb Hgt Mam Camara National City Bank Janice P Williams Russ Ritsen Three Rivers Assoc James Lenoir Redstone Twh Redstone Twh Thom Casselman Richfield Apts Tirell Paxton Carriage Town Sq Us Bank National Assoc F.D.H.A.L.P. Holiday Village River Valley Manor Allyson Snell Gerald Burton Grand Bend Apts Sunridge Apts Pine View Kings Lane Eunice J Webster Cranbrook Vill Co F.D.H.A.L.P. Clarence Brown Clarence Brown Holiday Village Henry Krajniak Westwood Management Cranbrook Vill Co Brookstone Valley Housecare Llc Stockton Tony Westwood Management Florida Harrison Darick Clemons Madison Pk Est Gerald Burton F.D.H.A.L.P. Stephen Turner Brookstone Valley Tony Stockton Pine Ridge Cranbrook Village Last Name Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams First Name Kelli Joe Fredrick Louis Karen Jimmie Laquita Syrita David Eddie Daisy Florence Johnny Shamika Stacy Kenya Kenyatta Loretta Alonzo Jennifer Shamika Timothy Johnny Darin Janiffer Kris Willie Tomikia Tamala Tiffany Billy Angela Eddie Angela Saul Cynthia Latasha Jacqueline Marquella Antoine Tamika Shirley Brittany Crystal Troy Tameeka Tonya Aukeshia Anthoney Sonya Quantesa Kris Tomikia Arthur Date Case 4/2/2008 08-1572 4/21/2008 08-1911 5/28/2008 08-2601 6/24/2008 ltf00734 5/7/2008 ltf00548 5/7/2008 ltc00722 5/7/2008 ltb00825 6/24/2008 ltc01029 4/3/2008 ltc00562 5/20/2008 08-2498 5/16/2008 08-2396 3/20/2008 ltf00338 5/27/2008 08-2582 3/7/2008 ltf00281 5/8/2008 08-2246 5/7/2008 08-2254 3/26/2008 ltf00347 5/19/2008 08-2424 5/2/2008 08-2161 3/19/2008 ltb00499 5/22/2008 ltf00615 2/19/2008 ltc00308 2/26/2008 08-1020 6/13/2008 lta00514 2/25/2008 08-0960 3/27/2008 ltd00295 2/26/2008 lta00176 5/28/2008 08-2613 4/1/2008 ltd00307 4/30/2008 08-2070 4/24/2008 lte00488 3/4/2008 lta00191 2/4/2008 08-0738 4/22/2008 lta00338 5/5/2008 08-2206 5/15/2008 ltc00747 4/15/2008 08-1788 4/16/2008 08-1841 2/4/2008 08-0698 4/15/2008 08-1673 4/28/2008 08-2027 3/25/2008 08-1427 3/19/2008 08-1260 6/23/2008 ltc01004 4/16/2008 08-1848 4/21/2008 08-1903 5/7/2008 08-2225 6/19/2008 ltc00940 2/14/2008 08-0824 5/7/2008 08-2224 2/19/2008 ltc00296 7/30/2008 ltd00691 8/28/2008 08-4327 6/5/2008 08-2762 Plaintiff Redstone Twh Allyson Snell Tony Stockton Kings Lane Pineview Us Bank Brookstone Valley Allen Theresa Lasalle Bank Fhc Tonya Edwards Kings Lane F.D.H.A.L.P. Kings Lane Richfield Apts Lp Redstone Twh Boulder Creek Fhc Mary Taylor Three Rivers Assoc Kings Lane Clovertree Apts F.D.H.A.L.P. River Hill Condo Ass Duane Coolman Pine Ridge Flint Twp Prop Matt Wothke Sunridge Apts Berthard Gaddis Perry Place Apts River Valley Manor Fhc River Valley Manor Orchard Ridge Est Cranbrook Vill Co Jcm Universal Inc. Executive Prop Shiloh Com Twnh Derek Dalby Eugene Marve Goad Llc Cpm Properties Bristol Court Paul Clasper Ray Collins Flint One Llc Sugartree Apts Brister Padgett Flint One Llc Clovertree Apts Pine Ridge Matt. Wothke Geneva Colmer Last Name Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams First Name Christophe Shiela Lamar Tanisha Quatisha Jason Demetrius Benita Diane Erica Johnny Tameeka Shamika Constantia Natasha Roshawn Anthony Shawn Courtney Loria Billy Sheila Eddie Michael Willie Sabinahend Todd Niki Cynthia Tracy Steven Azzie Demetrius Courtney Jessica Sunday Christopher Joe Ashton Danny Tiffany Yvette Jamar Rachel Yalonda Tomikia Clint Lisha James Suntunya Quatrail Gelayna Tracy Elios Date Case 7/30/2008 ltb01435 9/26/2008 08-4691 6/16/2008 08-2982 8/13/2008 08-3968 7/25/2008 ltc01175 7/30/2008 ltb01446 7/16/2008 ltb01335 8/27/2008 ltb01622 8/27/2008 ltb01676 7/29/2008 lte00911 9/23/2008 08-4749 6/4/2008 08-2669 9/12/2008 08-4557 8/26/2008 ltd00774 7/16/2008 lta00592 7/30/2008 ltc01226 8/13/2008 08-3957 9/17/2008 08-4507 8/18/2008 lta00682 7/21/2008 ltb01346 8/19/2008 08-4130 10/8/2008 ltb01977 8/29/2008 08-4353 9/30/2008 ltd00926 9/23/2008 lta00828 10/28/2008 08-5739 9/5/2008 ltd00842 7/18/2008 08-3525 8/6/2008 ltc01283 10/14/2008 ltb02031 6/13/2008 08-2917 6/25/2008 08-3169 10/14/2008 ltb02030 10/14/2008 lta00879 6/20/2008 08-3078 9/30/2008 ltc01575 6/10/2008 08-2860 6/19/2008 08-3054 7/18/2008 08-3499 10/24/2008 08-5638 8/22/2008 lte01100 9/17/2008 08-4651 9/24/2008 ltb01863 9/22/2008 ltb01826 9/22/2008 lte01215 10/24/2008 08-5630 7/10/2008 08-3218 7/29/2008 08-3643 7/18/2008 08-3553 10/9/2008 08-5102 9/10/2008 08-4495 7/8/2008 ltb01300 8/20/2008 ltb01583 6/11/2008 08-2779 Plaintiff Brookstone Valley Mickey Naguib Fhc Richfield Apts Clovertree Apts Citimortgage Inc Three Rivers Assoc Cambridge Sq Flint Westwood Management Sandalwood Assoc F.D.H.A.L.P Ray Collins Landlord Soluti Sunridge Apts Flint Twp Prop Williams Shelia Deutsche Bank Ron Birchmeier Flint Twp Prop Hometown Amer Joeann Davis Madison Pk Est Fhc Silver Creek Village Flint Twp Prop Carriage Town Sq Swartz Cr Mead Fhc Cranbrook Vill Co Three Rivers Assoc Realty Dd Tony Stockton Three Rivers Assoc Flint Twp Prop John Phinisee Daryl W Cole W Powell Allyson Snell Loreta Vaughn James Taylor Gr Bend 452apts Russ Ritsen Windsor Place Apts Hometown Amer Fountain Pointe Matt Wothke Pcg-Rea Llc Vivian Petty Fhc Michael Kennedy Royal Mhp Madison Pk Est Three Rivers Assoc Steven Turner Last Name First Name Williams Joann Williams Eshondra Williams Nicole Williams Suzanne Williams Ashley Williams Johnny Williams Rhonda Williams Tamika Williams Sonya Williams Alleysia Williams Rhonda Williams Mechelle Williams Karess Williams Tamala Williams Jerad Williams Rachaun Williams Brenda Williams Jr Jerome Williams-Dav Heshimu Williams-Hill Jennifer Williams-Hill Jennifer Williams-Hol Monique Williamson Eddy Willingham Melinda Willingham Melinda Willingham Tonika Willingham Kanisha Willingham Melinda Willingham Whitney Willingham Tonika Willingham Whitney Willingham Janifer Willingham Tonika Willingham Melinda Willingham Orisha Willingham Nichole Willingham Kamisha Willingham Whitney Willingham Whitney Willingham Melinda Willingham Melinda Willis Arthur Willis Gordon Willis Cynthia Willis Shatika Willis Janette Willis Sonya Willis Tasha Willis Janette Willis Cynthia Willis Cynthia Willis Dora Willis Jerry Willis Tameka Date Case 10/29/2008 08-5807 9/12/2008 08-4519 9/2/2008 08-4385 8/25/2008 ltf00990 8/25/2008 ltf00986 7/28/2008 08-3733 10/13/2008 lte01358 7/10/2008 08-3319 9/3/2008 ltf01078 8/25/2008 ltb01614 8/20/2008 lte01041 7/23/2008 08-3645 10/24/2008 08-5627 7/1/2008 ltd00614 6/30/2008 08-3121 10/1/2008 08-4984 10/24/2008 08-5628 6/24/2008 lte00764 9/26/2008 08-4667 5/21/2008 ltb00865 8/20/2008 ltb01582 10/1/2008 08-4995 4/9/2008 08-1599 10/28/2008 ltd01025 1/8/2008 ltd00024 1/31/2008 08-0599 3/24/2008 08-1398 2/26/2008 ltd00189 4/4/2008 08-1631 4/25/2008 ltc00671 2/4/2008 08-0725 2/5/2008 ltb00249 6/23/2008 ltc00998 4/30/2008 ltd00377 4/28/2008 08-2014 10/15/2008 08-5203 8/25/2008 08-4175 7/18/2008 08-3535 10/27/2008 08-5727 8/26/2008 ltd00773 7/1/2008 ltd00615 1/25/2008 08-0553 1/8/2008 lta00025 1/8/2008 lta00035 6/25/2008 ltc01037 4/8/2008 08-1559 5/20/2008 08-2440 5/28/2008 ltc00845 2/13/2008 08-0832 6/17/2008 lta00520 3/25/2008 lta00251 5/1/2008 08-2181 3/12/2008 08-1287 7/30/2008 ltb01445 Plaintiff Redstone Twh Allyson Snell Eileen Sweet Avelo Mortgage Llc Nicklas Andrew F.D.H.A.L.P. Fox Hill Glens Eugene Marve Pineview Windsor Place Apts Fox Hill Glens Steven Boyce Evergreen Reg Sunridge Apts David West Evergreen Reg Evergreen Reg Perry Place Apts Herbert Hein Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Ipm Patrick Omalley Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts Terry L Groves River Village Apts Sunridge Apts Fhc Bristol Court Fhc Westwood Management Bristol Court Sunridge Apts Richard Realty Park Manor River Village Apts Fhc Fhc Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts River Village Apts Flint Twp Prop River Valley Manor Pineshores Apts Tony Jones Fhc Pineshores Apts Tony Jones River Valley Manor River Valley Manor Westgate Terr Apts Rob Bottinelli Madison Pk Est Last Name Willis Willis Willis Willis Willis Willis Willis Willis Wills Wills Wills Wills Wills Wills Wills Wills Wills Wills Willsey Willson Willson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson First Name Janette Cynthia Latonya Bruce Loretta Loretta Dora Jerome Shurun Keona Keona William Robin Michael Keona Mario Shurun Rachel Brock Holly Holly Tricia Jennifer Valarie Danille Jackie Joyce Domica Veneta Roger Venita Jeremy Christophe Drayfus Veneta Robert Tamiko David Jamie Danille Kimberly Tammy Christine Lacie Latonya Jennifer Domica Evelyn Melanie Emma Glenn Crystal Scott Michelle Date Case 6/10/2008 08-2800 8/19/2008 lta00697 8/11/2008 08-3939 7/23/2008 ltf00880 10/21/2008 08-5504 8/11/2008 08-4001 9/24/2008 08-4780 8/7/2008 lta00677 2/21/2008 lte00239 2/4/2008 08-0708 5/1/2008 08-2175 8/18/2008 08-4107 7/10/2008 08-3402 7/22/2008 lte00878 10/1/2008 lta00850 7/15/2008 08-3474 9/22/2008 lte01182 8/19/2008 ltd00751 1/28/2008 08-0566 6/3/2008 ltb01002 4/15/2008 ltb00666 10/29/2008 ltb02119 10/22/2008 ltb02046 1/25/2008 08-0541 1/3/2008 ltc00017 10/27/2008 ltf01342 1/24/2008 08-0521 1/16/2008 08-0296 1/28/2008 08-0457 1/30/2008 08-0626 2/5/2008 08-0671 5/28/2008 ltb00996 3/27/2008 lta00264 4/4/2008 08-1627 4/25/2008 08-2005 4/1/2008 ltb00577 4/21/2008 ltc00602 4/22/2008 ltf00462 4/23/2008 ltd00360 4/1/2008 ltc00540 3/3/2008 08-1101 5/22/2008 ltb00906 4/23/2008 lta00349 5/28/2008 lte00685 5/28/2008 ltc00833 5/19/2008 08-2442 5/20/2008 08-2435 5/9/2008 08-2349 6/3/2008 ltc00884 6/4/2008 ltb01031 6/12/2008 ltc00921 4/24/2008 lte00470 2/29/2008 ltd00235 2/22/2008 ltd00187 Plaintiff Tony Jones River Valley Manor Ipm Blackberry Creek Ruth Bryant Ruth Bryant Westgate Terr Apts Deutsche Bank Perry Place Apts Ctry Cl Man Apts Ctry Cl Man Apts Court Aprt Steve Wilcox Robert F Gineman L Wolf Prop Federal Nat Mtg Perry Place Apts Sunridge Apts Tony Stockton Nickel Joe Joe Nickel Invest Stockton Tony Brookstone Valley Chase Bank Cranbrook Vill Co Kings Lane Gary Goad Realty Ray Jr Tyler James Sykes Melvin Carpenter Herbert Dudley Twin Meadows Mhp Maple Run Fhc James Sykes Hometown Amer James Perry Genesee Villa National City Real Cranbrook Vill Co L.G.I. Llc Windsor Place Apts Matt Wothke Standfest Todd Burkeshire Apts Evergreen Reg Raymond D Tyler George Willoughby Robert McAndrew Madison Pk Est Dixon Charles Grand Bend Apts Services Inc Mtg Deutsche Bank Last Name First Name Wilson Tammy Wilson Harold Wilson Emma Wilson Doug Wilson George Wilson George Wilson Veneta Wilson Tricia Wilson Keith Wilson Jennifer Wilson Shauna Wilson Vanesha Wilson Keith Wilson Demmetria Wilson Lester Wilson Lavera Wilson Helen Wilson Anthony Wilson Demmetria Wilson Danille Wilson Glenn Wilson Mia Wilson Susan Wilson Larry Wilson Bobby Wilson Marcia Wilson Rusty Wilson Domica Wilson David Wilson Robert Wilson Robert Wilson Tamiko Wilson Vanesha Wilson Anita Wilson Danille Wilson Wayne Wilson Anita Wilson Glenn Wilson Et Al Tina Wilson Et Al Christine Wilson-Menn Denise Wilson's Leather Winborn Brandy Winborn Brandy Windle Corey Windom Steven Windom Stephanie Wines Micci Wines Barb Wines Jr Jackie Winford Sonya Winford Sonya Winford Natalie Wink Anthony Date Case 2/25/2008 ltb00359 2/26/2008 ltc00361 8/27/2008 ltb01648 7/17/2008 ltd00629 10/28/2008 08-5750 8/1/2008 08-3842 6/26/2008 08-3187 8/27/2008 ltb01684 6/16/2008 08-3004 10/1/2008 08-4981 7/17/2008 08-3418 10/27/2008 08-5723 9/29/2008 08-4906 9/2/2008 08-4361 8/26/2008 ltd00771 8/26/2008 ltd00772 6/9/2008 08-2777 8/20/2008 ltb01559 6/3/2008 08-2742 7/1/2008 ltc01067 10/28/2008 08-5741 10/7/2008 ltc01620 7/25/2008 ltc01155 7/16/2008 08-3480 9/25/2008 lte01284 10/30/2008 08-5813 8/4/2008 ltc01247 7/11/2008 08-3401 9/29/2008 ltf01181 7/25/2008 ltc01200 8/18/2008 ltb01548 9/15/2008 ltc01473 7/14/2008 08-3417 10/28/2008 08-5555 9/10/2008 ltc01466 7/10/2008 08-3250 8/5/2008 08-3884 8/28/2008 08-4271 6/4/2008 lta00483 9/25/2008 lta00842 3/25/2008 ltc00479 9/8/2008 lta00753 4/16/2008 08-1855 6/2/2008 08-2701 10/30/2008 ltf01388 1/15/2008 lte00057 2/4/2008 08-0730 3/26/2008 ltf00348 9/16/2008 ltf01131 7/29/2008 ltf00932 1/9/2008 08-0186 7/31/2008 ltc01244 8/28/2008 08-4318 5/30/2008 08-2692 Plaintiff Windsor Place Apts Pine Creek Aprt Madison Pk Est Tabor Steve Elms Mhc Elms Mhc James Sykes Stockton Tony Fhc Evergreen Reg Shirley Knific Fhc Fhc Westgate Terr Apts Sunridge Apts Sunridge Apts C Whitthorne Riverwood Lux Apts Westgate Ter Apts Cranbrook Vill Co First St Lofts Johnstone Shirley Southcreek Village Executive Prop Lux Apartments Wm Specialty Mtg Bank Of Ny Deborah Thomas Genesee Villa Quail Ridge Apts Washington Mut James Perry Evelynor Sudberry Donald Young Cranbrook Village Doug Ferrell Donald Young First St Lofts Dennis Martin Matt Wothke Ideal Rental Genesee Valley Part Eagle Ridge Sq Eagle Ridge Sq Pineview Estates Federal National Mortgage Asso Fhc Boulder Creek Mitchell Tom Creekwood Beulah Ecker Bohannon Naomi Lawrence Johnson Orchard Ridge Est Last Name First Name Winkelman Jennifer Winkfield Clarence Winkfield Clarence Winkfield Clarence Winningham Jeffrey Winslow Chris Winslow Chris Winston Mitzi Winter Janelle Winter Timothy Winter Mike Winters Nicole Winters Dominque Winton Michael Wise Negwena Wise Amber Wise Kimi Wise Patricia Wise Jamie Wise Patricia Wise Johanna Wise Negwena Wiseman Michael Wisner Diana Wisner Harold Wisner Diana Wiswell Tina Witcher Anthony Witham Yvonne Withers Troy Withers Rose Withers Troy Withrow Bobbie Witmer Kathi Witmer Kathi Witt Kris Witt Rebecca Witzka Matthew Wllies Jamie Woehlert Patricia Wofford Shari Wogaman Holly Wojcik John Wolbert Vickie Wolf Edward Wolfe Jason Wolfe Herman Wolfe Mary Wolfe Kendra Wolford David Wolford David Wolford David Wollard Charles Wolosonowic Joe Date Case 3/31/2008 lta00283 5/22/2008 ltf00583 6/27/2008 ltf00759 7/23/2008 ltf00879 8/22/2008 ltb01586 4/10/2008 ltf00408 5/7/2008 ltf00547 1/10/2008 08-0062 6/24/2008 ltf00733 9/24/2008 lte01262 8/21/2008 ltc01363 6/27/2008 ltb01172 6/24/2008 lte00765 9/15/2008 08-4631 1/3/2008 08-0167 1/9/2008 08-0182 1/7/2008 ltd00008 2/26/2008 08-1012 6/19/2008 ltf00711 4/22/2008 08-1944 5/12/2008 08-2269 6/18/2008 08-3027 9/11/2008 08-4548 3/25/2008 lte00387 9/30/2008 08-4914 9/25/2008 lte01285 7/3/2008 08-3315 9/16/2008 08-4586 7/30/2008 ltb01450 6/3/2008 ltf00668 8/7/2008 lte01004 7/1/2008 ltf00822 3/5/2008 ltd00251 5/23/2008 ltc00802 7/25/2008 ltc01158 1/14/2008 lta00060 4/11/2008 lta00304 7/18/2008 08-3489 8/19/2008 08-4065 5/9/2008 ltd00443 2/22/2008 lte00248 5/28/2008 ltb00965 5/30/2008 ltd00505 4/9/2008 lta00299 10/30/2008 ltf01383 10/27/2008 lta00913 1/22/2008 ltf00098 7/29/2008 ltf00933 9/19/2008 08-4682 6/13/2008 ltd00544 9/26/2008 ltd00882 8/1/2008 ltd00717 4/30/2008 lta00368 10/1/2008 08-4883 Plaintiff Burton Gerald Blackberry Creek Blackberry Creek Blackberry Creek Group Five Mgmt Pineview Pineview Danny Zerka Kings Lane Federal National Pine Creek Apts Windsor Place Apts Perry Place Apts Zachary Baskin Tdm Realty Alton Yarbrough Deutsche Bank Salem Housing Kontrin Rentals Salem Housing Margaret Yanik Tdm Realty Dort Federal Tudor Estates Option One Mort Tudor Estates Glenn Schabel Land Bank Landmark Realty Pineview Diamond Forest Prop Pine View David L Carrill Southcreek Village Southcreek Village Moose Preston Ranwood Invest Deborah Atkinson Fhc Federal National Cedar Bend Apts Charter Oaks Apts Zysk Andrew Deutsche Bank Pineview Estates Namir George By Tdm Ocwen Federal Bank Creekwood Melvin Tillman Lafonda Apartments Lafonda Apartments Lafonda Apartments David A Faulkner Thom Casselman Last Name Wolverton Wolverton Wong Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Woodall Woodall Woodall Woodall Woodard Woodard Woodard Woodberry Woodberry Woodberry Woodbury Woodcock Woodell Woodell Woodell Woodell Woodhall Woodley Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woodruff Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods First Name Michelle Jessica Carol Ted Ebony Justin Kem Justin Steven Lynda Russel Anna Deborah Brian Justin Steven Jason Debbie Charles Wendy Shelesa Wendy Michael Lacretia Lacretia Lacretia Gregory Gregory Yasmine Katie Jamie Troy Troy Troy Troy Vernice Leeanna Daron Daron Daron Paul Shunta Shirley Venita Dequan Tonya Marquita Robert Tonya Tonya Tonya Mary Dequan Danielle Date Case 1/23/2008 ltd00088 4/30/2008 08-2066 5/28/2008 ltb00966 1/8/2008 ltf00048 1/3/2008 ltc00020 5/12/2008 ltd00445 3/5/2008 ltf00228 3/27/2008 ltd00297 4/25/2008 08-2019 5/19/2008 08-2439 5/8/2008 lta00397 6/11/2008 lta00509 3/12/2008 08-1290 4/24/2008 08-1985 5/28/2008 ltd00490 9/16/2008 08-4580 8/21/2008 lta00714 10/31/2008 08-5774 7/21/2008 08-3590 5/23/2008 ltc00818 6/11/2008 08-2855 7/25/2008 ltc01157 7/18/2008 08-3532 2/4/2008 08-0649 4/23/2008 08-1917 8/7/2008 08-3929 10/23/2008 lta00909 6/20/2008 lta00539 7/23/2008 ltf00907 4/2/2008 ltb00624 4/4/2008 08-1590 3/5/2008 ltf00233 5/7/2008 ltf00532 4/10/2008 ltf00436 9/3/2008 ltf01063 8/26/2008 08-4209 2/8/2008 08-0798 1/23/2008 lte00081 9/24/2008 lte01252 7/22/2008 lte00865 9/15/2008 lta00782 1/25/2008 08-0543 6/12/2008 lte00713 3/3/2008 lta00186 2/20/2008 lta00161 2/22/2008 lte00245 4/7/2008 08-1639 4/11/2008 08-1713 3/17/2008 lte00340 5/1/2008 lte00543 5/29/2008 lte00690 2/21/2008 08-0948 5/21/2008 lta00445 4/2/2008 08-1573 Plaintiff Mari-Dan Miller Farms Clio Woods Apts Charter Oaks Apts Green Briar Estella L Jones Robert W Tester Iii Green Acre Pine Ridge Fed Natl Mtg Tougas & Co Lasalle Bank Flint Pasadena Llc Thomas Agle Countrywide Home Pine Ridge Fnma Maple Run Leo J Kilgo Jim Harvy Southcreek Village Motorcity Group Southcreek Village Fhc Mike West Mike West Mike West Burrell Kathleen Burrell Kathleen Kings Lane Twin Meadows Mhp David Teed Pineview Pineview Pineview Estates Pineview Walter Thompson Richfield Apts Lp Group Five Mgmt Co. Group Five Mgmt Group Five Mgmt Us Bank Nat Assoc River Village Heatherwood Apts Flint Twp Properties\ Flint Twp Prop Cedar Bend Apts Evergreen Reg Richfield Apts Cedar Bend Apt Cedar Bend Apts Cedar Bend Apts Evergreen Reg Flint Twp Prop Redstone Twh Last Name Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woods Woodson Woodson Woodward Woodworth Woodworth Woodworth Woodworth Woolard Woolard Woolard Woolard Woollard Woolley Woolley Woolworth Wooster Wooten Wooten Wooten Worden Worges Workman Wortham Wortham Wortham Wortham Wortham Woughter Wray Wren Wren Wren Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright First Name Pamela Deborah Charlotte Tyra Tyra Shawanda Ronald Shawanda Jenna Dean Cheri Shunta Michael Tonya Gwendolyn Nikki Thomas Oran Sarah Sarah Carol Theresa William Theresa Theresa Kristina Rhonda Rhonda Denny Lee Mark Ruthetta Sequoria Ann Yale Lindsey Ticheta Hubert Hubert Hubert Hubert Dawn Billye Rajena Lynsharon Lynsharon Crystal Alectris Rollie Alectris Kathy Catherine Latoyia Adrianne Date Case 4/2/2008 08-1574 6/10/2008 08-2797 6/25/2008 08-3205 8/26/2008 08-4256 6/23/2008 08-3132 6/18/2008 08-2936 9/12/2008 ltb01785 8/29/2008 08-4314 8/28/2008 08-4277 9/9/2008 08-4538 7/28/2008 lta00623 8/25/2008 08-4182 10/27/2008 08-5724 8/4/2008 lte00992 4/14/2008 08-1681 8/21/2008 ltc01340 7/29/2008 ltf00921 6/11/2008 lta00505 3/3/2008 ltf00220 5/21/2008 lte00581 5/21/2008 lta00434 1/8/2008 08-0049 8/4/2008 08-3901 10/8/2008 08-5076 6/18/2008 08-3100 6/9/2008 ltc00914 1/28/2008 lta00106 6/4/2008 lta00486 1/30/2008 08-0607 6/24/2008 lte00776 6/13/2008 08-2881 10/10/2008 ltb02007 8/4/2008 08-3852 7/24/2008 ltc01142 3/10/2008 ltb00444 6/24/2008 lte00766 3/31/2008 ltf00389 4/14/2008 08-1781 4/14/2008 08-1782 4/14/2008 08-1783 4/14/2008 08-1784 7/10/2008 ltb01315 10/14/2008 08-5163 1/3/2008 ltc00016 4/4/2008 08-1630 9/29/2008 08-4903 1/2/2008 lta00016 1/2/2008 08-0001 6/23/2008 08-3141 6/24/2008 ltf00732 5/6/2008 08-2172 2/5/2008 ltc00241 3/7/2008 08-1205 4/10/2008 08-1608 Plaintiff Redstone Twh Thomas Agle Motorcity Group Carriage Apts Carriage House Apts Terry Hanson Lyles Ronnie Terry Hanson Ideal Rental Associates Fin Deutsche Bank Nat River Village Apts Fhc Cedar Bend Apts Larry Flagg Bristol Court Chase Home Finance Flint Pasadena Llc Green Briar Community Mapleridge Apts Flint Pasadena Llc Glenn Carpenter B Abbasspour Glenn Carpenter Glenn Carpenter Halpin Jerry Linden Place Mhc Linden Place Mhc Holiday Village Parkwood Mhp Gerald Burton Flagstar Orchard Ridge Est N.Morris Estates Deutsche Bank Perry Place Apts Blackberry Creek Fnma Fnma Fnma Fed Nat Mtg Matthewson Janett Andrew W. Novak Cranbrook Vill Co Fhc Fhc Valley Mead Vill Ray Rushing Arbor Vill Apts Kings Lane Joseph Hampton N.Morris Ests Fhc Cl Harrington Last Name Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wright Wrightman Wrobel Wuest Wyant Wyant Wyant Wyatt Wyatt Wyatt Wyatt Wyatt Wyatt Wyatt Wyatt Wybraniec Wycoff Wycoff Wykoff Wykoff Wykoff Wyman Wyman Wyman Wymer Wynn Wynn Wynn Wynn Wynn Wynn Wynn Wynn Wynne First Name J.B. Kenya Christophe Raeanne Andrew Jason S Lovie Fredrick Kenyatta Angelica Kenya Marvin Robert Brian India Alectris Kenya Lovie Kristy Christophe Eric Mary Elizabeth Nancy Nancy Nancy Tamera Tamera Erik Tamera Sheletha Erik Tamara Heather Elizabeth Amy Amy Nancy Henry Henry Shomika Shomika Shannon Todd Levertis Stephanie Edward Edward Jessie Levertis Edward Anita Anquanda Date Case 4/8/2008 08-1646 6/17/2008 lta00522 7/3/2008 ltb01226 8/25/2008 08-4179 10/3/2008 ltc01612 7/21/2008 ltf00874 9/30/2008 08-4968 8/25/2008 08-4228 7/23/2008 ltf00884 8/18/2008 08-4029 7/3/2008 ltb01250 10/21/2008 lta00897 8/21/2008 lte01061 8/22/2008 lte01101 7/17/2008 08-3514 10/31/2008 08-5829 8/27/2008 ltf01034 7/30/2008 lta00628 10/24/2008 08-5595 9/11/2008 ltc01469 9/8/2008 ltb01765 4/2/2008 08-1563 3/25/2008 ltb00523 10/23/2008 ltb02060 6/12/2008 ltd00541 4/30/2008 ltd00423 7/30/2008 ltd00695 1/11/2008 08-0211 2/21/2008 08-0951 3/31/2008 lte00428 5/8/2008 08-2257 8/4/2008 ltc01246 8/22/2008 lte01091 9/8/2008 08-4304 7/21/2008 ltd00631 10/29/2008 ltb02120 4/16/2008 ltc00592 9/4/2008 ltc01446 1/9/2008 08-0056 1/31/2008 ltf00147 6/5/2008 ltf00682 5/22/2008 ltf00616 7/23/2008 ltf00908 7/15/2008 lte00841 3/24/2008 08-1394 10/28/2008 ltd01026 2/8/2008 08-0799 2/4/2008 08-0747 10/27/2008 08-5726 8/4/2008 08-3853 9/30/2008 ltd00890 6/16/2008 08-2960 8/13/2008 08-4023 10/31/2008 08-5820 Plaintiff Household Fin River Valley Manor Westwood Vill River Village Apts N.Morris Estates McLean Craig Redstone Twh River Village Apts Blackberry Creek Jcm Universal Westwood Management River Valley Manor Countrywide Home Gr Bend 452apts Edquicredit Corp Park Manor Kings Lane River Valley Manor River Village Apts Nichols Larry Fisherman's Cove Meg McIntosh Charter Oaks Apts Kearsley Creek Llc Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Pine Ridge Suzette Cloyd Suzette Cloyd Maple Park Terraces Suzette Cloyd Countrywide Home Perry Place Apts Todd Lewis Becker Doreen Stockton Tony Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Jim Bastianelli Centennial Farms Centennial Farms Kings Lane Kings Lane Sunset Plaza Apts American Mhp Sunridge Apts Richfield Apts Lp Fhc Fhc Orchard Ridge Est Sunridge Apts Fhc Eagle Ridge Sq Park Manor Last Name Wyse Wysocki Wysocki Wysocki Yager Yaker Yalda Yambrick Yambrick Yambrick Yanez Yanke Yarbrough Yarbrough Yarbrough Yarbrough Yates Ybarra Yeager Yeager Yearby Yearby Yearby Yearby Yelinek Yelle Yelle Yelle Yenoir Yoder Yoker Yonan Yonkers Yopp York York York Yorks Yorks Yorks Yott Yott Yott Yott Youmans Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young First Name Nicole Carrie Carrie Joe Herbert Valerie Angelique Janet Janet Janet Jose Danita Denise Denise Jefferey Denise William Beatric Kim Kim Catherine Sherika Adam Adam Sharon Danny Danny Danny Brett Joel Valerie Thomas Corey Lillian Chad Pam David Cherri Cheri Cheri Collette Collette Collette Collette Christophe Cheryl Anthony Rebecka Laquesha Lance Tony Eric Jeremy Michelle Date Case 8/5/2008 lta00654 6/20/2008 ltd00570 8/22/2008 ltd00758 10/14/2008 08-5105 3/11/2008 ltf00291 1/22/2008 08-0339 9/15/2008 lta00783 2/25/2008 ltb00308 5/22/2008 ltb00923 9/8/2008 ltb01766 6/18/2008 lta00529 2/19/2008 ltc00293 3/19/2008 ltb00500 5/21/2008 ltb00866 7/25/2008 08-3689 7/16/2008 ltb01336 3/13/2008 lta00222 9/24/2008 ltc01562 4/30/2008 ltc00702 10/3/2008 ltc01613 5/30/2008 08-2693 5/20/2008 08-2441 5/28/2008 08-2594 5/5/2008 ltf00522 8/25/2008 ltd00769 4/11/2008 ltb00665 6/26/2008 ltb01149 9/5/2008 ltb01743 6/3/2008 08-2639 7/7/2008 lte00825 2/12/2008 08-0814 7/7/2008 lte00822 10/2/2008 ltd00935 8/1/2008 08-3713 1/9/2008 ltb00053 2/22/2008 lta00167 10/2/2008 lta00857 1/25/2008 ltc00175 4/25/2008 ltc00664 2/26/2008 ltc00371 3/17/2008 08-1300 8/15/2008 08-4119 9/17/2008 08-4613 6/25/2008 08-3090 4/23/2008 ltd00358 1/9/2008 08-0059 1/18/2008 lte00070 1/25/2008 08-0562 1/18/2008 08-0383 1/31/2008 ltb00225 10/22/2008 ltc01683 1/24/2008 ltb00161 1/14/2008 ltd00063 1/2/2008 ltf00013 Plaintiff Wiley Michael Fenton Oaks Llc Fenton Oaks Llc Sunshine Mgmt Meadowbrook Manor Dave Johnson Us Bank Nat Assoc Fishermans Cove Fishermans Cove Fisherman's Cove Genesee Vill Apts Clovertree Apts Three Rivers Assoc Three Rivers Assoc Kingdom Mgmt Three Rivers Assoc Lee & D. Janet Yott Burkeshire Pointe N.Morris Ests N.Morris Estates Orchard Ridge Est Fhc Creekside Apts Kings Lane Residential Funding Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Kearsley Creek Llc Philip Pierson Stonehenge Gates Dave Johnson Fox Hill Glens Pine Ridge Leslie A Raleigh Orchard Cove Flushing Estates Marshalls Crossing Suffolk Court Apts Dutch Village Llc Southcreek Village Daniel R. Spencer Daniel Spencer Daniel Spencer Daniel Spencer Federal National M&p Enterprise Attia Investments River Village Apts Evergreen Reg Continental North Dutch Village Llc Windsor Place Apts Abn Amro Mortgage Group Creekwood Last Name Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Youngblood Youngblood Younger Younger Youry Youry Youry Zachrich Zamora Zamora Zander Zaneske Zaruba Zavalniski Zawislak Zeeshan Zeeshan Md First Name Charles Joe Yvonne Tiffany Anthony Anthony Louis Adam Louis Joe Pamela Shelaine Michelle Heather Eric Lance Balicia Leonias Robert Nina Edna Kevin Rebecka Omar Chenelle Eric Adam Luvenia Joe Eric Trina Joe Kritessa Adam Lynda Michael Anthony Marilyn Dustin Laretha Chiquita Farrell Scott Farrell Michelle Lana Kendrea Stephen Christpher Lisa Demitri Stan Asif Asif Date Case 10/24/2008 ltb02088 1/31/2008 ltf00148 6/11/2008 lta00506 4/21/2008 08-1888 2/19/2008 lte00199 3/17/2008 lte00343 3/10/2008 lta00212 5/21/2008 lte00593 2/13/2008 lta00136 3/26/2008 ltf00349 5/20/2008 lta00427 6/25/2008 ltc01036 4/25/2008 ltc00641 5/30/2008 ltd00499 4/28/2008 ltb00704 3/28/2008 ltb00570 6/16/2008 08-3010 7/7/2008 08-3325 10/13/2008 lte01372 10/16/2008 08-5221 10/20/2008 08-5247 10/6/2008 08-5065 6/2/2008 08-2682 7/15/2008 08-3470 8/25/2008 08-4225 9/24/2008 ltb01864 9/24/2008 lte01256 6/11/2008 08-2901 9/2/2008 ltf01045 7/29/2008 ltb01405 9/4/2008 08-4439 7/1/2008 ltf00788 9/30/2008 08-4920 7/22/2008 lte00869 7/23/2008 lta00608 7/24/2008 ltc01141 8/29/2008 lte01142 6/6/2008 08-2811 10/16/2008 08-5220 4/30/2008 ltd00381 6/2/2008 08-2680 10/24/2008 ltb02102 4/4/2008 ltc00563 7/31/2008 ltb01520 8/21/2008 ltc01365 5/23/2008 ltc00824 5/15/2008 ltc00749 3/3/2008 ltc00390 3/11/2008 ltf00290 1/25/2008 08-0453 4/25/2008 08-1994 9/26/2008 ltb01876 10/31/2008 lte01473 5/5/2008 lta00375 Plaintiff Windsor Place Apts Centennial Farms Flint Pasadena Llc John Yates Attia Investments Attia Investments Bank Of New York Group Five Mgmt Bank Of New York Centennial Farms River Valley Manor Pineshores Apts Suffolk Court Apts Swartz Creek Med Windsor Place Apts Continental North Rosewood Manor Pamela Allen Chynoweth Jody Flagstar Bk Ridgecrest Vill M Aboneaas Sunshine Mgmt Jcm Universal River Village Apts Windsor Place Apts Group Five Mgmt Motorcity Group Centennial Farms Windsor Pl Apts Tdm Centennial Farms Orchard Lane Group Five Mgmt Dlj Mortgage Capital N.Morris Estates Attia Investments Ideal Rental Countrywide Home Sunridge Apts Carol Dick Westwood Management Us Bank Westwood Management Pine Creek Apts Bristol Court Landon Roy Zander Leandra Meadowbrook Manor Dan Plyler Michael Donan Willowbrook Apts Gateway Of Gr Bl Lonsway John Last Name Zelinski Zelinski Zerka Ziegler Zielinski Ziembo Ziembo Zimmerman Zimmerman Zinn Zittel Zofchak Zofchak Zofchak Zube Zube Zube Zubell Zuchowski Zudell Zudell Zudell Zuehlke Zwerican Zwerican First Name Mary Shane Sam Tina Rodney Rebecca Rebecca Kara Brian Rachel Steve Matthew Matthew Matthew Traci Tracie Tracie Traci Dale Heidi Forest Forrest Robert Cheri Mandi Date Case 5/7/2008 ltb00802 9/24/2008 ltf01142 1/2/2008 lta00007 5/2/2008 ltb00782 1/2/2008 lta00010 1/15/2008 ltc00097 5/15/2008 ltc00738 1/17/2008 lte00064 8/4/2008 08-3902 10/27/2008 08-5654 4/23/2008 ltf00466 4/30/2008 ltb00753 3/28/2008 ltb00545 5/22/2008 ltb00930 3/5/2008 ltb00433 10/1/2008 ltf01215 7/1/2008 ltf00836 1/9/2008 ltb00082 8/1/2008 08-3843 1/9/2008 ltb00083 2/5/2008 ltb00263 5/20/2008 ltc00756 1/24/2008 ltb00162 1/17/2008 lta00074 9/29/2008 ltc01569 Plaintiff Twin Meadows Mhp Creekwood William Atchison Duncan Marilyn American Hm Mort Indian Hills Manor Indian Hills Manor Grande Pointe Apts Jack Barnes Thom Casselman P&T White Oak Estates White Oak Estates White Oak Estates Twin Meadows Mhp Pineview Estates Pine View Twin Meadows Mhp Elms Mhc Twin Meadows Mhp Twin Meadows Mhp Robert E Cross Windsor Place Apts Abn Amro Mtg Group Us Bank National Asso
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