Cincinnati Magazine
Cincinnati Magazine
BATIAGIIA'S MIKE SEilSE H0RSE AND TIIETEAGIIER KIttER TIIESERIAT lt11 JEFFMATHEWS i l * mcilmffiffit HOWGING AR,ET7OU? Yt)UR TEST KN(lWLEDGE ()UT ANIIFIND IT WHAT Tt): TAKES WIN ATCORNH ) THE RUN PIG! FLYING I ) :. EXPTAIN AL! UNCLE ) rl i, i . i AND MORE! ffi + I H EH S I :F t B R U I R 2 0Y1 4 --> MATcH cALENoAR cAGE r.o2&3 R0t(YERtCt(S011 GEORGE SIRIIT VS. l;i,r,2i',;!;y,,*, ThecawboyRi(les Away Farewell fou r, Nat ion wide Atetla, ColLntibLts,Feb 15 sanAntonio TiiiiJlt fletlsltwavsbeen Raised oncattle ranch,a voiceon Kingof theHill MoreNo.t hitsthan anyothersingle artistin history in starred PureCountry Renounced citizenH0WTEXAS shiowhenheswore lsHE? in anaffidavit thathe wasa Martian Acco,''pusH. fi{;;ffiili:1. G!1ilq :l?.i*H$'Jlf" H(lttYw(l(|DMassacre jus hat Jfiilt|[, Etectric cowboy B O WD 0 W NT 0 T H EB L I N Gt r h eQ i n gD y n a s rt yu l e d whenchild-emperor Puyi from1644to 1911, ending China Thelastimperial Chinese courtwasdefined wasdeposed. visual themostdomianelaborate stylemarking byfashion, Ihreadsof Heav en:Silken Legacyof nantplayersin society. clothing, LastDynastyfeatures opulenttapestries, China's Vuitton iewelry,andshoesfromanagewhendragons-the bewornbyonlythemostpowerful. logooftheirday-could of Art, )) Feb7-May18,TaftMuseum rL Nb I TI{ELUTEABIDES -) Thecatacoustic isdedicated Consort to playingveryold musicthewayit was of madehundreds yearsago.Theirannual EarlyMusicFestival Bach,Vivaldi, features andmore,performed bynumerousworldclassgroupsallover town-fromChrist to churchCathedral Tavern. Northside )>ThroughFeb, ml0 END0FTIME + rtre a maineventof theyearfor vibrantlocaldance trouoe MamLuft&c0., the premier ot / Shif t/ oflers a group of survivors of anunseen catastrophic event(War? Epidemic? Apocalypse?), astheyadapt andwatches to a newreality.)) Feb 22& 23,AronoffCenter, mamluftcodance,org ]',lb 4-6 H I G HN O I E S pointsfron Threehigh abustlingnonth atuc's College-Conservatory of Music -t MaryZimmerman'svisuallystunningtheatrical retelling of ovid's Metamorplrosesmyth; it made a splashon Broadway.)) FebS-9 -t Theworld-famousAriel Quartetisinthemiddleofa resithree-and-a-half-year dencyat ccM, wherethey are chowingdownon the collectedstringquartets of Beethoven.)) Feb20&22 -) Whimsicaljazzbounddrummer) ary-pusher(and MattwilsonbringshisArts and crafts quartet. They team with the university Jazzensembles. ) Feb9 IN SHAKESPEARE -'What THEDARK if a familiarstorywas retoldthroughtheeyes minor of itsexceedingly Hamletis characters? turnedinside outinTom Rosencrantz Stoppard's Are andGuildenstern Dead,astwoshlubssent to spyonthe Princeof become thecenDenmark 1; ter ofthetale.Madness Method0. ) Febl4-March 9, cincinnatishakespeare cincyshakes. Company, com presents ThelrishCurse, a playabout ThismonthCliftonPerformance Theatre groupfortheminimally-endowed ) Feb28 a fictional men's **f\ u%b. etLu**u*dd' Percentag oe f g u y sw i t ha no p i n i o n a b o uA t n d yD a l t o n l-28 7 FO EB YO I 4 CINCINNATIIVAGAZJNE.C [ IR U A R 2 .,.,'I\. .l:" .0% '',ht.i r., :, P e r c e n t a g e o f g u y s w h o c o u l d s a yP e r c e n t a g e o f g u y s i n r e a l l i f e w h o w o u l d s i t somethingaboutrheGoklfinclt aroundtalkingabouttheirliitlelittlebuddv