`Nec Aspera Terrent` Nec Aspera Terrent`
`Nec Aspera Terrent` Nec Aspera Terrent`
Page 1 A Branch of the Duke of Lancaster’s Regimental Association ‘Nec Aspera Terrent’ DECEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER – ISSUE 47 ELECTRONIC EDITION -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o WISHING ALL OUR READERS, A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY, HEALTHY, SAFE AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Page 2 We require your letters, comments, photographs, stories etc., for inclusion in the next Newsletter which will be published in: FEBRUARY 2015. The closing date for submission is: MONDAY 26TH JANUARY 2015. Please forward to: Eric Roper 171 Queens Drive Liverpool L18 1JP email: [email protected] I can scan photographs and return the originals, but please provide a SAE. Please enclose a detailed description, ie, names, dates etc., of any photograph(s). <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> ‘100’ CLUB The October 2014 draw was made at City Office, Liverpool on Tuesday 7th October 2014 by Committee member John Schofield, and the winner is: FRANK BURNELL (1ST PRIZE £40 The November, December and Xmas 2014 draws were made at City Office, Liverpool on Tuesday 28th October 2014 by Captain M Hunt and the winners are: TERRY CAFFREY (NOVEMBER 1ST PRIZE £40) JOSEPH ARMSTRONG (DECEMBER 1ST PRIZE £40) RAY TAYLOR (XMAS BONUS DRAW £100) <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> DONATIONS TO THE ASSOCIATION The Committee would like to thank the following who have made a cash donation to the associations general fund: JOE ARMSTRONG, ROGER COOPER, REG DAVIES, MICK DOOLEY, IAN FARNAN, KEITH GODBEER BEM, KEITH HASTIE, WILLIAM HILL, BRIAN HOUGH, WILLIAM HUGHES, JAMES JOHNSON, ERIC G JONES, COLIN LANGEVELD, RUSSELL LARKMAN, JOE McLOUGHLIN, EDDIE McMAHON, DAVID MERCER, JIMMY O'CARROLL, NORMAN PICKLES, TONY RITSON, DON ROSE, BILLY SEFTON, BERNIE SMITH, BRINLEY SMITH, ALAN RICHARDS, RUSSELL START, RAY TAYLOR, CHRISTOPHER THOMAS, JOHN THOMAS, ANTHONY THOMPSON, TED THOMPSON, JOHN TUPPEN, DENNIS VICKERS, ALAN WRIGHT YOUR GENEROSITY IS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> Page 3 † LAST POST † LIEUTENANT COLONEL DEREK LARGE, LATE KINGS It is with great regret that I inform you that Lt Col (Ret) Derek Large, died on 27th September 2014 aged 89. Colonel Derek's funeral service took place at Yeovil Crematorium on Monday 13th October 2014. COLONEL A J (JOHN) ADCOCK OBE, LATE KINGS It is with great regret that I inform you that Colonel John Adcock passed away on 25th October 2014. Colonel John’s funeral took place on Friday 7th November 2014, which was a private funeral for family members only. JOSEPH FRANCIS MATHER, LATE KINGS (WW2 VETERAN) It is with great regret that I inform you that Joe Mather passed away peacefully on Tuesday 28th October 2014 in the Marie Curie Hospice in Woolton, Liverpool. Joe had battled his illness bravely and with dignity but sadly over the last few weeks he became very weak and breathless and his family felt that it would be better for him if he was admitted in to the hospice. Joe's funeral took place on Friday 7th November 2014 at St Mary’s RC Church in Woolton, followed by burial at Yew Tree Cemetery, Finch Lane, West Derby, Liverpool and later at the Woolton Village Club, Woolton, Liverpool, where Joe was President for many years and also a honorary life member. From Sandra Mather (Joe's Daughter) Dear Eric, Dave and I want to thank you so much for coming to Joe’s funeral and for arranging for the King's Regiment Association Standard Bearers to attend. It was an honour to have you all there. Joe would have been so proud. I chatted to the bearers afterwards at the Woolton Village Club and they were a great bunch of men. I recognised a few of them from going to the Freedom of the City and Kings Regimental dinners with Joe. I was touched that they’d come straight from the airport service and each of them did not live locally. Please keep in touch and hopefully we will still bump into each other now and again. Very best wishes Sandra Page 4 † LAST POST † DAVID AINSCOW, LATE KINGS (1971-1984) It is my sad duty to inform you that David Ainscow passed away on 11th October 2014. David’s funeral service took place on Monday 10th November 2014 in Bradwell Crematorium, Chatterly Close, Bradwell, Newcastle-u-Lyne GARDINER PAUL (RICHARD) It is with great regret that I inform you that Richard passed away on 4th November 2014. at home, aged 56 years. Cremation Service took place at Springwood Crematorium on Wednesday, 12th November at 10.00 a.m. From Karen O'Rourke, Curator of Social History, National Museums Liverpool Richard was his equity name (his main job was actor). He became interested in The King’s when looking into his Great Uncle, Thomas Edwin Bebbington who served with 1/7 KLR in the Great War – Paul’s role play character was 7 King’s and based on Thomas. He was introduced to the Museum through Joe Devereux in around 2006/7 and like Joe, he was keen to help the museum and share his 20+ years knowledge - he became my 7 King’s expert. He was also a tour guide for Galina and specialised in taking school parties to the Western Front. He once sat and told me how he would gather unruly teenagers on a battlefield and then silence them by describing the experience of going ‘over the top’ – this was the inspiration for the film in the From Waterfront to Western Front exhibition – he pretty much wrote the script. We called him our role player, but he did so much more for us over the years, from giving talks to scanning and researching some of our archive – one of his last jobs, was helping an elderly lady that I had put him in touch with called Beryl, to transcribe her fathers 1/7 diaries. Eric, Can you share something with the guys from the Associations for me please: I consider it a privilege to work with members of the Association anyway, but at times like this, when someone, who goes largely unrecognised, gets such special treatment and I am able to tell the family that he will be honoured in this way – it brings it home just what a sterling and very special job you guys do – as someone who considered Paul a good friend – Thank you all. Karen FRANCIS (FRANK) ZDRENKA, LATE KINGS (1952-1963) It is with sadness I have to inform you of the death of Francis Zdrenka, on 11th November 2014, aged 82. Frank's funeral service took place in Bury St Edmunds on Friday 28th November 2014. Page 5 LETTERS PAGE WILLIAM STEVE ROBINSON (24254674), WRITES: I served with Mortar Platoon and C Company in The 1st Battalion The King's Regiment in: Hong Kong 1973-75, Northern Ireland 1975-76, Colchester1976-79, Osnabrück1979-85 and Chester 1985-86. I re-enlisted 1989 but was discharged on medical grounds 7 months later I served with Reuben Chambers who is asking for anyone to contact him on Telephone: 07948739412 Regards Steve Telephone: Home: 01206523922 or mobile: 07948739412 Email: [email protected] CAPTAIN MICHAEL R HUNT, WRITES: This information is in need of reaching our families who may have forgotten or never been told of the opportunity as concern has been raised that bereaved families may not be aware of the AF Bereavement Scholarship Scheme, covered by DIN163, link below. I would ask you to please pass this information on as necessary http://defenceintranet.diif.r.mil.uk/libraries/corporate/DINS%20Archive/2012/2012DIN 01-163.pdf Note: Scholarships can be paid to either the parent, guardian or directly to the bereaved child of a Serviceperson who has been killed on active duty since 1990. Although Veterans UK (formerly SPVA) brief the families, often this information is forgotten years later when the child is old enough to attend further education or university. With warmest regards as always Mick Michael R Hunt , Captain, Area Secretary, Area Office - Liverpool The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment ISABELLA FERGUSON, WRITES: I am writing regarding KEVIN MICHAEL SMITH, who served in Northern Ireland in the 1970's with 1st Battalion The King's Regiment, on behalf of Winifred who is Kevin's twin sister. Winifred lives in Adelaide South Australia. she is trying to trace him. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Isabella Telephone : 08 8264 8191 Adelaide south Australia Email: [email protected] Page 6 LETTERS PAGE LIEUTENANT COLONEL ROBIN HODGES, WRITES: The Admiral who became a Company Commander I wrote for a previous Newsletter that a young National Service officer, John Chapel, badged to The King’s Regiment was to rise to become Field Marshal Sir John Chapel many years after he had left the Regiment. Perhaps more extraordinary, I have discovered that an Admiral served as a Company Commander in the Regiment. As an annex to my “Historical Record of The King’s Regiment 1948-1958” I am working on completing the Regimental List of Officers and of Distinguished Kingsmen 1685-1958. The three Regimental histories published before the First World War had attempted to complete the list of Officers, but it is not alphabetical, has considerable gaps and does not include Volunteer, Territorial or Reserve Officers or those who served in the 20th Century. My aim is to ensure that my Regimental Lists fill those gaps. Our Admiral and Company Commander, Admiral Sir Robert Holmes is from one of the gaps in the Regiment’s history. Robert Holmes began his military service in 1643during the Civil War between the King and Parliament, as a Cornet (or Second Lieutenant) in Prince Maurice’s Regiment of Horse. After the war was lost, he crossed to France and took a post as an Army Captain with the English Navy in exile. He had a rather exciting time and earned a reputation as a fighting sailor, which gained him mentions in Samuel Pepys’ diary as well as commands in the navy after the Restoration in 1660. He was also commissioned as Governor of the Isle of Wight where he raised and commanded a Company of Grenadiers. The Grenadiers tended to be big lads and the Company roughly equated to Support Company. In 1687 his Company became the eleventh Company of the Princess Anne of Denmark’s Regiment of Foot. The following year, in November 1688, the Regiment, along with most of the Army, deserted King James II to support the Prince of Orange during the Glorious Revolution. However, Admiral Sir Robert Holmes remained loyal to King James II and refused to surrender until Parliament confirmed that the King had fled and that the Prince of Orange was to be the King. He then became a loyal supporter of the new Monarchy until his death in 1692. There is a statue to him in Yarmouth Church on the Isle of Wight. Regards, Robin My Regimental Lists for both 1685-1958 and for 1958-2006 are still missing lots of records of Kingsmen who were awarded the LS&GC. Please send any details to me by email at [email protected] . As a minimum I need full name, rank, year and some details of Service would be nice. Page 7 LETTERS PAGE RUSS LARKMAN, WRITES: Eric, Regarding the comments made by Ron Boardman about the RAOB Lodge in Ballykinler and British Guiana (now Guyana). The Lodge indeed was the Fleur-de-Lys Lodge, No. 9436. The Lodge was under the Banner of the Grand Lodge of Northern Ireland, which in itself was under the Banner of the Grand Lodge of England. When the Battalion deployed to British Guiana, the Grand Lodge of Northern Ireland issued a dispensation authorising the consecration of a Minor Lodge in Georgetown. I myself was initiated into the mysteries of Buffs on 11th August 1965 at Ballykinler. I remember Andy Howett, Ernie Whittingham and Ron very well. I am still a Buff and a Knight Order of Merit in Knights Chapter. Hope these details help in some small way. Regards Russ Editors Note: The Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOB) is one of the largest fraternal organisations in the United Kingdom. The order started in 1822 and is known as the Buffs to members. The RAOB organisation aids members, their families, dependents of former members and other charitable organisations. The Order's motto "No Man Is At All Times Wise" (Latin: Nemo Mortalium Omnibus Horis Sapit) and has the maxim of "Justice, Truth and Philanthropy". VAL HOGAN, WRITES: I am trying to get information on my late father FRANK CROSTON who served with the1st Battalion The King's Regiment in Ballykinler, British Guiana in 1966/1967 Does anyone remember him and/or have a photo of him as a young man that you could please send to me? Regards Val Telephone: 07513300262 Email: [email protected] Page 8 LETTERS PAGE MAJOR DENNIS VICKERS TD, (TREASURER KRAL) WRITES: Dear Eric, I wonder if I could take advantage of the Newsletter to say a very special “THANK YOU” to all the members and other “Friends of the King’s Regiment” who have given such generous donations to our Branch (KRAL) during the time I have been in office as treasurer. I realise that they give their donations without condition but I feel they should know how some of their kind gifts have been used. Since I took over as treasurer in July 2008, we have received in excess of £6,000. In that time we have contributed £264 towards the costs of a Korean Veterans Dinner at Townsend Avenue which was a great occasion. We have donated £1000 to the Liverpool Pals memorial plus a further £100 in Sponsorship at a boxing evening at the Adelphi Hotel. The branch has contributed £100 towards the cost of the large candles which have been burning in the Anglican Cathedral during the time the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment have been serving in Afghanistan. The last Candle will be extinguished at the final “Turning of the Leaves” ceremony on Thursday 6th November at 5.30pm. The branch contributed £60 towards a Duke of Lancaster’s Book of Remembrance and we have supported the catering costs at various KRAL social functions such as the Christmas party and the catering following the V2 ‘Remembrance occasion’ which is principally for the families of those who gave their lives on that occasion. Amongst other donations the branch has made was £100 to the Not Forgotten Society to support a marathon runner, Help for Heroes £100 and Army Benevolent Fund £25. In 2009 we contributed £500 towards the cost of purchasing and installing a black marble Marker’ to recognise that fact that 5th Battalion The King’s (Liverpool) Regiment manned Sword Beach on D-Day In the last few years we have spent more than £1500 on our Branch Standards. We have purchased new ‘Colour Belts’ for each standard bearer and have obtained holdalls and carrying boxes for the Standards. The Liverpool Irish Standard has been completely renovated. I hope that our generous donors will feel that their donations have been used to good effect. The branch’s only sources of income are Newsletter subscriptions, Donations and the 100 Club. We value very much the support of members who purchase one or more shares in our Annual 100 Club at £12 per share. At least 90% of the ‘income’ is returned in prizes. This year we have been able to pay a monthly prize of £40 and will pay a ‘Christmas’ prize of £100. If more people purchased shares in the 100 Club, we could make the monthly prize even more attractive!!! Yours sincerely, Dennis Vickers Page 9 LETTERS PAGE GEOFF CLITHEROE , WRITES I served with 1 KINGS (C Company) in Ballykinler (N. Ireland), Catterick and Minden (Germany) and would like anyone who knew me/served with me to get in touch. Regards Geoff Telephone: Email: 01253 722805 [email protected] LT COLONEL ROBIN HODGES, WRITES: Kingsmen Around The World As you know, I am researching and writing The Historical Record of The King’s Regiment 1958-2006. Recently a set of medals belonging to 24788364 KGN H HOOD was offered for sale. They were the Northern Ireland medal, the UN Cyprus medal and the UN Lebanon medal. I know from his number that he enlisted between December 1985 and November 1988. I would like to make mention of his unusual deployment in the Historical Record and wonder if anyone knows anything about Kgn Hood and his service in Lebanon? I would also like to hear about any other individual or small unit deployments, for instance to the Oman, UN and MFO Missions and with Training Teams. In fact stories of anything out of the ordinary and in particular anything that was not published in the Regimental Journal. Please contact: Lt Col Robin Hodges on Telephone: 01380723371 Email: [email protected] LESLIE JONES, WRITES I served in 1st Battalion The King's Regiment, Falklands, Northern Ireland and Berlin. It would be great to hear from anyone who knew me, especially the lads from 'Charlie' Company Regards Les Jones Telephone: Email: 07729671383 [email protected] Page 10 HUMOUR IN UNIFORM WHAT THE DEVIL One bright, beautiful Sunday morning, everyone in Weeton Barracks got up early and went to the Garrison church. Before the services started, the congregation were sitting in their pews and talking about their lives, their families, etc. Suddenly, the Devil himself appeared at the front of the congregation. Everyone started screaming and running for the front entrance, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from evil incarnate. Soon everyone was evacuated from the Church, except for WO2 Meddie EcMahon, a veteran of many years, who sat calmly in his pew, not moving, seemingly oblivious to the fact that God's ultimate enemy was in his presence. Now this confused Satan a bit, so he walked up to Meddie and said, "Don't you know who I am?" Meddie replied, "Yes, I sure do." Satan asked, "Aren't you afraid of me?" "No, I ain't," said Meddie. Satan was a little perturbed at this and queried, "Why aren't you afraid of me?" Meddie calmly replied, "Been married to your sister for over 25 years!" PARTY ON Ex Kingsman Hick Munt with a bald head and a wooden leg is invited to a Christmas fancy dress party. He doesn't know what to wear to hide his head and his wooden leg, so he writes to a fancy dress company to explain his problem. A few days later he receives a parcel with a note Dear Sir, Please find enclosed a Pirate's outfit. The spotted handkerchief will cover your bald head and with your wooden leg you will be just right as a Pirate. Hick is offended that the outfit emphasizes his disability, so he writes a letter of complaint. A week passes and he receives another parcel and a note. Dear Sir, Sorry about the previous parcel. Please find enclosed a monk's habit. The long robe will cover your wooden leg and with your bald head you will really look the part. Hick is really incandescent with rage now, because the company has gone from emphasizing his wooden leg to drawing attention to his bald head. So he writes a really strong letter of complaint. A few days later he gets a very small parcel from the company with the accompanying letter. Dear Sir, Please find enclosed a tin of Golden Syrup. We suggest you pour the tin of Golden Syrup over your bald head, stick your wooden leg up your backside and go as a toffee apple. Page 11 HUMOUR IN UNIFORM A FLIGHT OF FANCY Kingsman Porman Nickles was sitting at the airport, waiting for his flight to Liverpool. He looked over in the corner and saw one of those weight machines that tells your fortune and thought to himself, “I'll give it a try and see what it tells me”. He went over to the machine, stepped up on the scale and put his 10p in, out came a card that read, “you are a Kingsman, you weigh 128 lbs, and you are going to Liverpool”. Kingsman Nickles sat back down. He told himself that the machine probably gives the same card to everyone. The more he thought about it the more curious he got so he decided to try it again. He went back to the machine and again put his 10p in, and out came a card that read: “You are a Kingsman, you weigh 128 lbs, you are going to Liverpool and you are going to play a fiddle”. Kingsman Nickles says to himself, “I know that is wrong, I have never played a musical instrument in my life”. He sat back down. From out of nowhere a musician came over and sat down, putting his fiddle case on the seat between them. Without thinking, Kingsman Nickles opened the musician's case, took out the fiddle, and started playing beautiful music. Surprised at what he had done, he looked over at the machine, thinking, “this is incredible, I’ve got to try this again”. Back to the machine he went, put in another 10p, and another card came out. it read, 'you are a Kingsman, you weigh 128 lbs, you are going to Liverpool and you are going to break wind’. Now he knows the machine is wrong, as he thought to himself, “I've never broken wind in public a single time in my life”. Whilst getting down off the machine he slipped, and as he was straining to keep himself from falling to the floor, he broke wind. Absolutely stunned, he sat back down and looked at the machine. he said to himself, “this is truly remarkable. I've got to try this again”. He went back to the machine, put in another 10p and another card came out. It read: “you are a Kingsman, you weigh 128 lbs, you have fiddled and farted around and have now missed your flight to Liverpool”. A LONG MEMORY Sergeant Loughlin McJoe takes his wife Ellen to a disco. There's a guy on the dance floor living it large, break dancing, moon walking, back flips, the works. Ellen turns to Loughlin and says, "See that guy? 25 years ago he proposed to me and I turned him down." Loughlin says: "Looks like he's still celebrating!!!" Page 12 LETTERS PAGE LIEUTENANT COLONEL ROBIN HODGES, WRITES: Eric, I was asked to confirm our Battle Honours and thought that you might like to include the detail in the next Newsletter. Yours aye, Robin THE KING’S REGIMENT 1914 BATTLE HONOURS Operation – The Retreat from Mons 23 August - 5 September 1914 Battle of Mons 23-24 August 1914 - King’s and Manchester Retreat from Mons 23 August - 5 September 1914 - King’s and Manchester Battle of Le Cateau 26 August 1916 - Manchester Operation – The Advance to the Aisne 6 September-1 October 1914 Battle of the Marne 7-10 September 1914 - King’s and Manchester Battle of the Aisne 12-15 September 1914 - King’s and Manchester Operation - Operations in Flanders 10 Oct – 22 Nov 1914 Battle of Le Bassée 10 October - 2 November 1914 - Manchester Battle of Armentières 13 October - 2 November - Manchester Battle of Ypres 19 October - 22 November 1914 - King’s Battle of Langemarck 21-24 October 1914 - King’s Battle of Gheluvelt 29-31 October 1914 - King’s Battle of Nonne Bosschen 11 November 1914 - King’s Operation – Winter Operations November 1914 – February 1915 Defence of Givenchy 20-21 December 1914 - Manchester VICTORIA CROSSES 2nd Lieutenant James Leach (22) and Serjeant John Hogan (29) of 2nd Battalion, The Manchester Regiment led a successful counter-attack with 10 volunteers after two previous attempts had failed, on 29th October 1914. The Germans had over-run a trench near Festubert, with the Battalion loosing 22 killed and about 60 wounded. The small party surprised the Germans and re-captured the trench at the point of the bayonet. Page 13 SUPPORT OUR TROOPS The Band of the Duke Of Lancaster’s Regiment And St Chad’s Church Church Presents: A Christmas Concert On Saturday 6th December 2014 At St Chads Church Kirkby With The Band of the Duke Of Lancaster’s Regiment CONCERT STARTS AT 7 PM PLEASE BE SEATED BY 6.45 PM TICKETS ARE £2.50 FOR CHILDREN £5 ADULTS TICKET ENQUIRIES: 0151 292 0511 OR PAY ON THE DOOR THIS YEARS CHOSEN CHARITY IS: SSAFA PLEASE SUPPORT US AND HELP OUR TROOPS Page 14 ALL OUR YESTERDAYS GLYN ROBERTS PHOTOGRAPHS KENYA 1960-1961 Page 15 24TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE VICTIMS OF V2 AND NORTHERN IRELAND Shortly after 4 o'clock on the morning of 24th October 1990, a massive bomb exploded at the permanent vehicle checkpoint on the Buncrana road out of Londonderry, a few hundred yards from the border with the Irish Republic. The bomb was estimated to have consisted of about 750 kg of home-made explosive. It is thought that the bomb was contained in a vehicle which was driven into a search bay at the checkpoint. As a result of this attack, five soldiers were killed and nine injured, one very seriously. The soldiers killed were serving with the 1st Battalion the King's Regiment, based at Ballykelly. The checkpoint and about 25 houses in a nearby estate were extensively damaged; some residents were injured and many other houses sustained blast damage. A poignant memorial service was held at St Georges Hall for soldiers from the King’s Regiment killed in Northern Ireland. The service at the King’s Regiment Northern Ireland Memorial in St John’s Gardens on Saturday 25th October 2014 was organised by former King’s Regiment soldiers in memory of colleagues who died. ROLL OF HONOUR 24060500 CPL ALAN BUCKLEY 13/05/72 24153597 KGN EUSTACE EVERET (BILLY) HANLEY 23/05/72 23868738 KGN MARCEL JAMES (JIMMY) DOGLAY 30/05/72 24269306 KGN JAMES (JIMMY) JONES 18/07/72 24129922 KGN BRIAN THOMAS 24/07/72 24177738 KGN RENNIE LAYFIELD 18/08/72 24262329 KGN ROY CHRISTOPHER 30/08/72 24026570 SGT DENNIS (TOM) DOOLEY 15/03/75 24236914 KGN JIMMY GOLDS 20/06 75 24279321 KGN DAVID OWEN 14/10/75 24242822 KGN PETER KAVANAGH 14/11/75 24463680 KGN CHRISTOPHER ROBERT SHANLEY 11/04/79 24428848 LCPL STEPHEN LAWRENCE RUMBLE 19/04/79 24380552 LCPL ANDREW MARTYN WEBSTER 09/05/79 24493332 LCPL STEPHEN BURROWS 24/10/90 24797412 KGN STEPHEN ROY BEACHAM 24/10/90 24802418 KGN VINCENT JOHN PAUL SCOTT 24/10/90 24797926 KGN DAVID ANDREW SWEENEY 24/10/90 24789824 KGN PAUL DESMOND WORRALL 24/10/90 also remembered are Pte Lee A Company 1 DWR attached to 1 KINGS in 1972 Mr Patsy Gillespie also murdered by the IRA on 24 Oct 90 Page 16 REMEMBRANCE SERVICES FRIDAY 7TH NOVEMBER 2014 Association Members and standards attended the Liverpool John Lennon Airport Memorial Garden remembrance service. The service was led by Nicky Lees, Airport Chaplain. Two readings took place by children from St Christopher's Catholic Primary School, Speke, Liverpool. KRAL Branch President, Lt Col David Chadwick TD, laid a poppy wreath on behalf of The King’s Regiment Association, Liverpool Branch. FRIDAY 7TH NOVEMBER 2014 Association Members took part in the remembrance service at St John’s Garden, Liverpool. Remembrance crosses were laid on behalf of The King’s Regiment Associations. SUNDAY 9TH NOVEMBER 2013 Members of The King’s Regiment Association, Liverpool Branch along with KRAK IKRA and former members of the King's Regiment, attended the remembrance service at the Cenotaph in Liverpool. Major Eddie McMahon TD, laid a poppy wreath on behalf of the KRAL. After the service, following behind The Regimental Band of The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment, Association members took part in a march past. Following the Cenotaph Service, association members attended a short service at the King’s (Liverpool) Regiment Memorial in St John’s Garden and Eric Roper laid a poppy wreath on behalf of the Association (pictured left). Page 17 23907862 CORPORAL PETER THOMPSON 1ST BATTALION THE KING’S REGIMENT (1960 - 1971) MEDAL PRESENTATION Earlier this year whilst attending a funeral service for an former Kingsman, I met up with Peter Thompson (affectionately known in the battalion as Thompson 62) and noticed he was not wearing his GSM, Northern Ireland Medal. Peter told me that he was never issued with the medal. I then spoke to our Area Secretary - Captain Mick Hunt, who was also present at the funeral service, who asked me to get all Peter's relevant details in order for him to request his medal from the Army Medals Office. We are here today, some 44 years later, during this poignant memorial service for our fellow Kingsmen who were killed or died during the Northern Ireland campaign, and I would ask Lieutenant Colonel Tony Hollingsworth MBE, to present Peter with his long overdue 1962 General Service Medal with Northern Ireland Clasp. Eric Roper Saturday 25th October 2014. PETER THOMPSON (62), WRITES: Dear Eric, I can't thank you and Captain Mick Hunt enough, for arranging for me to receive my 1962 General Service Medal with Northern Ireland Clasp. I was somewhat surprised, but delighted, to have the medal presented to me by Lt Col Tony Hollingsworth MBE in front of the assembled Kingsmen and families, gathered for the 24th Anniversary of the victims of V2 and Northern Ireland, in St John's Garden, Liverpool. Forty four years late maybe, but I can now wear this medal with pride. Thank you once again, Kindest regards Peter Page 18 ANNUAL SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE AND REGIMENTAL REUNION OF THE DUKE OF LANCASTER’S REGIMENT – SUNDAY 5TH OCTOBER 2014 The Annual Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving marking the 76th Anniversary of the end of the Second World War and 8th Anniversary of the formation of The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment took place at St Elphin’s Parish Church, Warrington on Sunday 5th October 2014. The service commemorated the lives of our fallen comrades of The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment and all antecedent regiments. The parade of Old Comrades with the Branch Standards commenced at approx 10am in the grounds of the Parish Church. The civic parties from the Freedom Towns in our regimental area entered the church at 11.00am followed by the regimental procession. The band of The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment played during the service. After the service a march past of Regimental Cadet detachments and Old Comrades headed by the band took place. The salute was taken by Colonel Andrew Dennis OBE Deputy Colonel of The Regiment accompanied by the Mayor of Warrington. Following the march past a Regimental Reunion and Civic Reception took place in the Town Hall, Warrington. Pictured above, left to right: Colonel Andrew Dennis OBE Deputy Colonel of The Regiment, Brian Green, Liverpool Irish Standard Bearer, Stan Castell BEM, Duke of Lancaster's Regiment Association Liverpool branch Standard Bearer, John Schofield, King's Regiment Association Liverpool branch Standard Bearer, Tony Canavan Independent King's Regiment Association branch Standard Bearer and Ian Williams, King's Regiment Association Knowsley branch Standard Bearer Page 19 TURNING THE LEAVES – LIVERPOOL ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL THURSDAY 6TH NOVEMBER 2014 1914-1918 PTE G CLAYTON PTE F COOKE PTE D DANIEL . TURNED BY BILL HILL Ex 1 KINGS 1939-1945 PTE A CLARKE LCPL F CLEAVER PTE J COATES TURNED BY BRIAN WOODS Ex 1 KINGS IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN KGN A J JONES KGN J DUNN-BRIDGEMAN CPL S HORNBY TURNED BY IAN WILLIAMS Ex 5/8 KINGS THE CANDLE LIT ON THE 25TH FEBRUARY 2010, WHILST SOLDIERS OF THE REGIMENT WHERE SERVING IN AFGHANISTAN, WAS EXTINGUISHED ON THE 6TH NOVEMBER 2014, BY MR NORMAN PICKLES, Ex 1 KINGS, TO MARK THE END OF THE REGIMENT'S DEPLOYMENTS IN AFGHANISTAN. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO ATTENDED THE NOVEMBER 2014 TURNING OF THE LEAVES. 2015 TURNING OF THE LEAVES CEREMONIES WILL TAKE ON: THURSDAY 12TH MARCH 2015 AT 5.30 PM THURSDAY 18TH JUNE 2015 AT 5.30 PM THURSDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER 2015 AT 5.30 PM THURSDAY 12TH NOVEMBER 2015 AT 5.30 PM Page 20 HOW THE BRANCH IS RUN The Branch is managed by a management committee that meets quarterly at 1200hrs on selected Tuesdays at Walker House. The committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting each year. CURRENT COMMITTEE BRANCH PRESIDENT Lieutenant Colonel David Chadwick TD CHAIRMAN DEPUTY CHAIRMAN Major Eddie McMahon TD SECRETARY John Schofield Telephone: 07788 994621 Email: [email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR Eric Roper Tele: 0151 733 5946 Mobile: 07951 785876 Email: [email protected] TREASURER Major Dennis Vickers TD ASSISTANT TREASURER Vacant COMMITTEE MEMBERS John Butler, Terry Caffrey, Major John Cashen, Stan Castell BEM, Brian Green, Joe McLoughlin, Roy Mitchell, Norman Pickles, John Schofield, Russell Start, Ian Williams STANDARD BEARERS John Schofield, Stan Castell BEM, Brian Green & Ian Williams Any of the above committee member can be contacted through: c/o City Office Liverpool The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment Room 9, Walker House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool L2 3YL Tele: 0151 242 2322 © Published by the King’s Regiment Association, Liverpool Branch http://www.kral.org.uk/ Printed Version By: The Print & Copy Centre, 7A Rose Lane, Mossley Hill, Liverpool L18 8AD Telephone: 0151 724 1738 KRAL 2015 BATTLEFIELD TOUR PROPOSAL Following discussions at the various Armistice events, I have had a look at the possibilities for the above. It looks like such a tour can run for about £600-650 per person for a 5 day period during the first 2 weeks in July. Hotels in Ypres are booking up quickly now and it does seem possible that we can hire a 17 seater minibus. I am also looking at hotels in the Arras/Lens area. What I need to know is how many of you want to go. Please let me have, by 8th December at the latest by email, phone or letter, a ‘statement of intent’ plus details of any specific locations you wish to visit. Once I have this I can do a more accurate costing and detailed proposal for you. At that point I will be asking for a deposit, probably before Christmas and certainly by early January. My contact details are as follows: Lt Col D Chadwick TD 5 Chalkwell Drive Heswall Wirral CH60 2UE Telephone: Email: 0151 342 4627 [email protected]
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