186 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 187 SESSION 5 SILVER | WATCHES JEWELLERY | VINTAGE & DESIGNER FASHION WEDNESDAY | 22 APRIL 2015 14h30 | LOTS 970 - 1302 DETAIL LOT 1026 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 188 SILVER 974 A PAIR OF ELECTROPLATE ENTRÉE DISHES, THOMAS WHITE, SHEFFIELD, 1872 the rectangular shaped body, chased with a stylised lobed band, the corners further highlighted with floral motifs, decorated with a beaded rim, the cover applied with a detachable beaded ring handle and conforming decoration, 28cm wide (4) R 1 500 - R 2 500 975 AN ELECTROPLATE JEWELLERY BOX, WALKER AND HALL, SHEFFIELD of square form, each side chased with a scene depicting one of the seasons, with a chased floral border, the hinged cover chased with cherubs and floral motif, with a purple satin interior, 13cm high R 5 000 - R 7 000 977 ELECTROPLATE AND OTHER METALS 970 AN ELECTROPLATE EPERGNE the central pillar of inverted trumpet form chased with vacant cartouches and bows, with a pierced oval band, on three stylised paw feet, supporting a trumpet-shaped glass vase, fitted with three detachable stylised arms, each supporting a glass dish, on a stylised base, approximately 51cm high R 14 000 - R 18 000 971 AN ART NOUVEAU STYLE ELECTROPLATE FIGURAL LAMP in the form of a maiden carrying two woven baskets filled with glass berries and leaves, one set of lights in righthand side basket not working, 22cm high R 3 000 - R 5 000 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 972 A THREE-PIECE ELECTROPLATE COFFEE SET, MAPPIN & WEBB, LONDON & SHEFFIELD, TRIPLE DEPOSIT comprising: a coffee pot, a milk jug and a sugar basin, each of cylindrical shape and plain decoration, the coffee pot applied with a scroll handle, each numbered “W15830”, sugar basin unmarked, coffee pot 9,5cm high (3) R 1 500 - R 2 500 973 A VICTORIAN ELECTROPLATE FOLDING MUFFIN BOX, PHILIP ASHBERRY & SONS, SHEFFIELD each bowl flat-chased with flowers and leaves, joined to a chased scrolling frame with a double dragon handle, raised on four stepped feet joined with openwork detail, each bowl opens to reveal a pierced grille, 25,5cm high (known as a folding biscuit box) R 2 200 - R 3 200 976 A CASED VICTORIAN ELECTROPLATE DESSERT SERVING SET, WALKER AND HALL NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT comprising: a grape shears, a pair of berry spoons with gilt interior, a pair of nutcrackers and a pair of motherof-pearl handled nut picks, each with floral and berry decoration, berry spoon 22cm in length (8) R 2 000 - R 3 000 977 A WHITE METAL COMMISSIONED CENTREPIECE, WMF (WURTTEMBERGISCHE METALLWARENFABRIK AG) the elaborate centrepiece depicting a maiden with an outstretched arm holding a shell, above a swan in flight transitioning into a stylised C-scroll decorated with flowers, supporting a cut glass bowl and vase, on a circular stepped base raised on four stylised bracket feet, approximately 86cm high ILLUSTRATED R 50 000 - R 60 000 SILVER 978 A PAIR OF ART NOUVEAU ELECTROPLATE MUSTARD POTS, WMF (WURTTEMBERGISCHE METALLWARENFABRIK AG) 981 NO LOT 982 AN ART NOUVEAU STYLE BRITANNIA-METAL VASE, POSSIBLY H. MOINHARTH the flared four-sided body with a hinged domed cover and stylised fleur-de-lis finial, applied with a harp-shaped handle, 9cm high, lacking liners (2) of elongated bulbous form, decorated in relief with a maiden wearing a flowing dress accompanied by a cherub, further decorated with a floral motif, with two open handles, raised on a stylised circular openwork base, 51cm high R 1 000 - R 1 500 979 AN ELECTROPLATE FIGURAL TAZZA, WMF (WURTTEMBERGISCHE METALLWARENFABRIK AG) R 3 000 - R 6 000 983 AN ART NOUVEAU WHITE METAL SERVING SET, KAYSERZINN the circular shallow dish embossed with a floral spray and wavy rim, supported by the central figure modelled as a putto, on a stylised circular base embossed with flowers, raised on four integrated feet, 27,2cm high comprising: a soup tureen and three entrée dishes, each of plain globular form with poppy, shell and insect repousse decoration, the cover with scalloped rim and conforming decoration, applied with a stylised loop handle, on three paw feet, soup tureen 22,5cm high; (4) R 2 500 - R 3 000 980 A WMF STYLE WALL PLAQUE of circular form, depicting a reclining maiden with a wine jug and an outstretched arm holding a goblet, within a beaded border further highlighted with art nouveau motifs and roses, 41,5cm in diameter R 10 000 - R 150 000 986 984 AN EARLY 20TH CENTURY WHITE METAL JEWELLERY BOX the rectangular body moulded in relief with scenes of dragons amongst clouds, raised on four stylised claw feet, the detachable cover moulded with a dragon chasing a flaming pearl, wooden interior, 23cm in length R 4 000 - R 6 000 985 AN EARLY 20TH CENTURY WHITE METAL EASEL BACK MIRROR ILLUSTRATED R 5 000 - R 7 000 of rectangular form, the textured base applied with relief of two dragons, with plain inner and outer rim, 40cm high R 5 500 - R 7 500 CAPE SILVER 986 A CAPE SILVER BEAKER, JOHANNES MARTINUS LOTTER the tapering body with banded rim, engraved ‘J.J.C.B. 1/7/59’, 161g, 9cm high ILLUSTRATED R 20 000 - R 30 000 980 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 189 190 SILVER ENGLISH SILVER 987 A SILVER GLOVE STRETCHER, ADIE & LOVEKIN LTD, BIRMINGHAM, INDECIPHERABLE DATE MARK each handle with relief design concluding in a lions head, 57g, 18cm long R 800 - R 1 000 988 A SILVER AND ENAMEL PILL BOX, ASPREY of casket form, the body and domed hinged cover enamelled with roses and leaves on an engine-turned background, the edges rimmed with silver, gilt interior, impressed Asprey on the base, 5cm wide R 5 000 - R 7 000 989 A GEORGE III SILVER PEN TRAY, JOHN SCHOFIELD, LONDON, 1795 the boat-shaped body with reeded rim engraved with a crest, scroll handles 141g, 24cm wide R 3 000 - R 5 000 990 A WILLIAM IV SILVER SNUFF BOX, POSSIBLY WILLIAM PUGH, BIRMINGHAM, 1833 the rectangular body with ribbed banding, centred with a vacant rectangular cartouche, with foliate thumbpiece, gilt interior, 82g, 7,5 cm wide R 5 000 - R 7 000 991 A SET OF FIVE SILVER-MOUNTED BABY RATTLES, VARIOUS MAKERS AND DATES, BIRMINGHAM AND CHESTER, 1851-1945 NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 the circular base with wavy rim, flat-chased with scrolls, foliage and a pair of vacant cartouches, centred with a detachable silver-mounted cut-glass inkwell, 310g weighable silver, 21,5cm wide (2) R 3 500 - R 5 500 993 A VICTORIAN CASED SET OF FOUR SILVER SALT AND PEPPER POTS, HARRISON BROTHERS & HOWSON, SHEFFIELD, 1886 – 1893 each fluted boat-shaped body embossed with bows and swags, raised on a fluted pedestal foot, with faded gilt interior, applied with ribbed harp-shaped handles, accompanied by four shell-shaped spoons, 265g in total, 12,8cm in length (8) R 6 000 - R 8 000 994 A VICTORIAN SILVER SUGAR CASTER, SIBRAY, HALL AND CO., LONDON, 1888 the bulbous body with circular swirl detail engraved “HGM”, on a spreading foot, the removable cover pierced with decorative motifs, 201g, 18cm high R 6 000 - R 9 000 995 A VICTORIAN SILVER SALVER, J SHERWOOD & SONS, BIRMINGHAM, 1894 the circular body with pie-crust beaded rim, the center flat-chased with flowerheads and scrolling foliage, raised on three ball and claw feet, 390g, 26cm diameter R 5 000 - R 7 000 each decorated with scrolls and flowers, hung with bells and modelled with a whistle, four mounted with mother-ofpearl handles and one with a coral handle, 140mm in length (5) 996 A PAIR OF LATE VICTORIAN SILVER CORINTHIAN CANDLESTICKS, JAMES DIXON AND SONS LTD, ILLUSTRATED each fluted column chased with stylised leaves and flowers at the top, with a detachable beaded nozzle, on a square stepped base with beaded band and stylised scrolls, 21,5cm high, loaded (2) R 12 000 - R 18 000 991 992 A VICTORIAN SILVER INKSTAND, EDWARD KER REID, LONDON, 1864 SHEFFIELD, 1894 R 3 000 - R 5 000 SILVER 1000 997 A LATE VICTORIAN HOT WATER POT, WALTER AND JOHN BARNARD, LONDON, 1894 998 A LATE VICTORIAN SILVER INKSTAND, WALKER AND HALL, SHEFFIELD, 1900 the ovoid body with a band of gadrooning, applied with a turnedwooden harp-shaped handle, the hinged lid with conforming decoration with turned-wooden disc finial; A modern mocha pot, possibly Dutch, the bulbous body with gadrooned band, applied with a turned-wooden handle, the hinged lid with conforming decoration and turned-wooden disc finial, 789g in total, mocha pot 17,5cm high (2) the shaped rectangular base bright-cut with a scrolling foliate border, with a central foliate taperstick flanked by two silver-mounted glass inkpots, two pen depressions, on four ball feet, hinged covers of inkpots stamped B&Co, Birmingham, 1899, 808g weighable silver, 19,5cm wide (4) ILLUSTRATED R 15 000 - R 20 000 R 4 000 - R 6 000 999 A VICTORIAN SILVER-MOUNTED CUT-GLASS SCENT BOTTLE, WILLIAM COMYNS, LONDON, 1900 the glass rectangular-shaped body with hinged cover moulded with scrolling foliage and a classical scene, the body applied with a pierced silver overlay, moulded with C-scrolls and flowerheads, 12cm high R 2 000 - R 3 000 1000 AN EDWARDIAN CASED SILVER CRUET SET, POSSIBLY JOSEPH HAWKINS, BIRMINGHAM, 1902 comprising: a mustard pot with blue glass liner, a salt cellar, two pepper pots and three spoons, each oval body with a gadrooned band applied with leaf-capped handles, with faded gilt interior, 165g excluding liner, salt cellar 9,7cm high (8) ILLUSTRATED R 5 000 - R 6 000 998 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 191 192 SILVER 1001 1001 A SILVER THREE-PIECE TEA SET, WILLIAM HUTTON & SONS LTD., LONDON AND SHEFFIELD, 1903 – 1913 comprising: a teapot, a milk jug and a two-handled sugar basin, each circular body with a gadrooned band, gadrooned and floral rim, the teapot applied with a turned-wooden leafcapped handle, the hinged cover with gadrooning and a turned-wooden disc finial, the milk jug and sugar basin applied with C-scroll leaf capped handles, 1431g in total, the teapot 14cm high (3) ILLUSTRATED R 12 000 - R 18 000 1002 AN ASSEMBLED EDWARDIAN SILVER FOUR-PIECE TEA SET, WG KEIGHT AND GEORGE NATHAN & RIDLEY HAYS, BIRMINGHAM & CHESTER, 1903-1906 comprising: a teapot, a hot water jug, a milk jug and a two-handled sugar basin, chased with scrolling foliage and flowerheads, centred on either side with a vacant cartouche, the rim with gadrooning and shell decoration, applied with a turnedwooden harp-shaped handle, the hinged cover with conforming decoration and oval gadrooned finial, raised on four ball feet, 1683g in total, the hot water jug 22cm high (4) 1005 A GEORGE V SILVER TEA KETTLE ON STAND, WILLIAM HUTTON & SONS LTD., SHEFFIELD, 1913 the rectangular body with decorative gadroon bands, with turnedwooden handle, the hinged lid with gadrooning and turned wooden disc finial, raised on a rectangular stand with gadrooned rim and pierced decoration, on four paw feet, centred by a burner, 1542g including burner, 33,5cm high including stand ILLUSTRATED R 10 000 - R 15 000 R 8 000 - R 12 000 1003 AN EDWARDIAN SILVER INKWELL, H. MATTHEWS, BIRMINGHAM, 1905 the circular-shaped pyramid body of plain decoration, 135g, 5cm high R 700 - R 1 000 1004 A PAIR OF SILVER SWEET DISHES, LEVI & SALAMAN, BIRMINGHAM, 1911 the plain circular body each applied with a Lapis Lazuli insert and a beaded-style rim, raised on a spreading foot, 7,5cm wide (2) 1004 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 ILLUSTRATED R 1 000 - R 1 500 1005 SILVER 1009 1006 AN ASSEMBLED THREE-PIECE SILVER TEA SET, VARIOUS MAKERS, BIRMINGHAM & CHESTER, 1919-1921 comprising: a teapot, milk jug, and a twohandled sugar basin with sugar tong, each circular body with plain decoration, the teapot with a leaf-capped turned-wooden scroll handle and finial, 862g in total, the teapot 13cm high (4) R 4 000 - R 6 000 1007 A PAIR OF GEORGE V SILVER ENTRÉE DISHES, HARRISON BROTHERS & HAWSON, SHEFFIELD, 1935-1936 each of rectangular form applied with a gadrooned rim, with detachable gadrooned ring handle, 2831g, 27cm in length (2) ILLUSTRATED R 40 000 - R 50 000 1008 A GEORGE VI SILVER THREE-PIECE TAZZA SET, MAPPIN & WEBB, LONDON, 1940 of two sizes, each circular body with scalloped rim, engraved with flowers, raised on a circular spreading foot, 627g, large tazza 22,8cm wide (3) R 15 000 - R 20 000 1009 SIX SILVER WINE GOBLETS, GARRARD & CO LTD., LONDON, 1972 the plain ovoid body with knopped stem and spreading base with a band of decoration depicting grapes and vine leaves, gilt interior, engraved on either side with the royal cypher of Queen Elizabeth II and the cypher of the Duke of Edinburgh, accompanied by original case, 1191g in total, 15cm high The goblets were produced to commemorate the silver wedding anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh in 1972. (6) 1007 ILLUSTRATED R 15 000 - R 25 000 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 193 194 SILVER 1010 A SILVER WINSTON CHURCHILL CENTENARY JUG AND GOBLETS, DESIGNED BY JOHN SPENCER CHURCHILL AND ALEX STYLES FOR GARRARD AND CO LTD., LONDON, 1974 number 52 in a limited edition of 100, comprising of one jug and six goblets, each of cylindrical form with gilt interior, each engraved with a different design depicting major events that occurred during Churchill’s life, enclosed in the original presentation case, 1834g, jug 26,3cm high (8) FOREIGN SILVER 1014 A CHINESE SILVER GOBLET 1015 A DANISH SILVER TEA STRAINER, STAMPED 830, GEORG JENSEN the circular body chased with scenes of fighting warriors amongst pagodas centred with a shield engraved ‘Ellis from us’, above an ocean band of figures at various pursuits, the knopped ribbed stem on a circular spreading foot chased with foliage, with removable liner, 221g, 17,2cm high the circular pierced strainer with art nouveau detailing with carved ebony handle, accompanied by slop bowl of circular form with beaded rim, raised on three stylised ball feet, impressed maker’s mark, DENMARK and numbered 6, 125g, 18,5cm in length (2) ILLUSTRATED R 6000 - 9 000 R 20 000 - R 30 000 R 18 000 - R 25 000 ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE 1016 A DANISH SILVER TWELVE PLACE SETTING OF ‘ACANTHUS’ PATTERN FISH KNIVES AND FORKS, GEORG JENSEN 1011 A PAIR OF SILVER WINE COASTERS, A CHICK & SONS LTD., LONDON, 1979 impressed maker’s mark, STERLING and DENMARK, 1032g, knife 20,7cm in length (24) each cylindrical body on a spreading circular foot, turned-wooden base, 12,5cm diameter (2) ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE R 1 000 - R 1 500 R 20 000 - R 40 000 1012 A VICTORIAN SILVERMOUNTED CUT-GLASS SCENT BOTTLE, MAPPIN BROTHERS, BIRMINGHAM, 1984 1017 A PAIR OF GERMAN SILVER SUGAR CASTERS, M H WILKENS & SÖHNE, BREMENHEMELINGEN the fluted ovoid body on a spreading foot, with pierced domed removable cover, 392g, 19cm high (2) the rectangular body with hinged cover, moulded with scrolling foliage and a vacant cartouche, the pierced silver overlay moulded with C-scrolls and flowerheads, 15cm high R 3 000 - R 6 000 R 1 500 - R 2 500 1018 SIX GERMAN SILVER FORKS, .800 STANDARD, D.R.G.M 1013 A PAIR OF STERLING SILVER CANDLESTICKS, EMPIRE of standard form with plain handles, 231g (6) each circular spreading base with gadrooned rim, knopped stem with urn-shaped sconce; accompanied by a lighter of baluster form with conforming design, loaded, 11cm high (3) R 1 000 - R 1 500 R 5 000 - R 7 000 1014 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 SILVER 1016 1019 A PAIR OF GERMAN SILVER KNIGHTS, MAKERS MARK AB, 800 STANDARD, POSSIBLY ERFURT each knight in a complete suit of armour, supporting a detachable shield and halberd, with an articulated visor, on a shaped circular wooden base, 23cm high including stand (2) ILLUSTRATED ON NEXT PAGE R 10 000 - R 15 000 1020 A SILVER KIDDUSH CUP, ISRAEL, STAMPED 84P the tapering cylindrical body with bright-cut decoration, on a stepped spreading foot, 9,4cm high, 33g R 800 - R 1 000 1021 A SILVER KIDDUSH CUP, ISRAEL, STAMPED 84P the tapering cylindrical body with bright-cut decoration, on a stepped spreading foot, 10,3cm high, 31g 1022 A COLLECTION OF EIGHT ZIMBABWEAN SILVER PLACECARD HOLDERS, PATRICK MAVROS each mounted on an ebonised wooden base depicting: a crocodile, an elephant (distress), a giraffe, a ground hornbill, an impala, a lion, an ostrich and an owl, the tallest 4,5cm high (8) R 5 000 - R 9 000 R 800 - R 1 000 1015 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 195 196 SILVER 1026 RUSSIAN SILVER 1023 1023 A RUSSIAN SILVER ICE BUCKET, STAMPED 84, INDECIPHERABLE MAKER’S MARK the cylindrical body with ribbed bands, flat-chased with a floral spray, with articulated plain handle, 366g, 13,8cm high ILLUSTRATED R 18 000 - R 20 000 1024 A HANDCUT ROCK CRYSTAL PERFUME BOTTLE, POSSIBLY RUSSIAN the finely worked domed top executed in three colours of gold of flower swag decoration applied with a metal screw thread in mint condition. PROVENANCE Lea Kras de Kraznakutski "Felicity Jewellers", accompanied by a certificate of authenticity R 20 000 - R 25 000 1025 A RUSSIAN SILVER CHARKA, ALDERMAN FYODOR PETROV, MOSCOW, 1780 the stylised bulbous body with an octagonal shaped rim, embossed with decorative motifs and a ribbed band, on a spreading foot with handle, 3,5cm high, 35g; a Russian silver charka, Moscow, of similar style and design, 3g, 4cm high (2) R 5 000 - R 8 000 1026 1019 A RUSSIAN SILVER-GILT AND CLOISONNE ENAMEL CIGARETTE CASE, STAMPED 84, IVAN SALTYKOV, MOSCOW, 1896 decorated with flowers in traditional colours on textured gilt ground, turquoise bead borders, gilt interior, 163g, 9cm in length ILLUSTRATED R 16 000 - R 20 000 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 SILVER 1027 A RUSSIAN METAMORPHIC SILVER-GILT AND PLIQUE-À-JOUR EGG, STAMPED 88, FABERGÉ WORKMASTER MIKHAIL EVLAMPIEVICH PERKHIN the ovoid body enamelled with arched panels and floral motifs in blue, green, red and purple, embellished with applied cables, on a knopped spreading foot, the interior fitted with stand for conversion into goblets, 13,3cm high. Michael Evlampievich Perchin (1806- 1903) was a self-taught goldsmith who became head workmaster for the House of Fabergé in 1886. Together with the Fabergé brothers Carl and Agathon, they introduced new techniques and inventions, including transparent enamels and varicoloured gold. Perchin’s period as head Fabergé workmaster is generally acknowledged to be the most artistically innovative, with a huge range of styles from neo-Rococo to Renaissance. Together with Henrik Wigström he is recognised as one of the most important workmasters. ILLUSTRATED R 100 000 - R 120 000 1027 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 197 198 SILVER 1023 -1028 1028 A RUSSIAN SILVER KOVSH, STAMPED 84, INDECIPHERABLE MAKER’S MARK of plain form, flat-chased with a floral spray, with an angular handle, 71g, 13cm in length ILLUSTRATED R 13 000 - R 15 000 1029 A RUSSIAN SILVER POSY VASE, PROBABLY ITSKA LOZINSKY, MOSCOW, STAMPED 84 the tapering cylindrical body on a stepped spreading foot, engraved with floral details, 17cm high R 1 100 - R 2 000 OBJECTS OF VERTU 1031 A VICTORIAN COROMANDEL DRESSING CASE, JAMES VICKERY, LONDON, 1876 NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT retailed by Austin Westmoreland & Co Ltd., Dublin, the rectangular box with brass rims, the hinged lid applied with the monogram ‘SMT’, the silver-gilt fittings engraved with scrolls and foliage on a an engine-turned ground and monogramed ‘HSD’, comprising: three rectangular boxes in sizes, seven bottles in sizes, seven implements, three with mother-of-pearl handles, and a bone-backed mirror accommodated in the hinged front panel, with a leather lined drawer, 20,6cm high ILLUSTRATED R 50 000 - R 70 000 SOUTH AFRICAN SILVER 1030 A CASED SET OF THIRTEEN SOUTH AFRICAN APOSTLE SPOONS, 1978 each weighing approximately 23g, with 24ct gold plated finials, accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity, contained in a leatherette case R 3 000 - R 5 000 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 1032 A VICTORIAN TORTOISESHELL SILVER MOUNTED PURSE NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT the rounded rectangular body with hinged cover, applied with tortoiseshell, further applied with a silver border of open work design with bright-cut decoration, the two covers joined together with a leather concertina band, 13,8cm in length R 3 000 - R 6 000 NO LOTS 1033 - 1050 SILVER 1031 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 199 200 WATCHES 1057 A LADY’S SILVER GILT WRISTWATCH, MUST DE CARTIER TANK quartz, the rectangular white dial with black Roman numerals, sapphire-set crown, on a later black leather strap, width of bezel 12mm, accompanied by a red Cartier box and a Cartier leather bound book with guarantee book R 5 000 - R 7 000 1052 POCKET WATCHES 1051 AN 18CT GOLD OPEN-FACED POCKET WATCH the circular white dial with black Arabic numerals, the case engraved with a spider and web, diameter of bezel 25mm; and a 14ct gold open-faced pocket watch converted to a wristwatch, the circular cream dial with black Roman numerals, the case bright-cut with flowers and foliage centred with a vacant cartouche, diameter of bezel 32mm (2) R 1 000 - R 1 800 1052 AN 18CT GOLD HUNTERCASED DOUBLE SIDED POCKET WATCH,GEORGE STOCKWELL, LONDON 1906 the circular champagne dial with black Roman numerals, enclosing a floral design, the case flat-chased with scrolls and foliage and centred with a vacant cartouche, diameter of bezel 25mm, not in working order, distress, accompanied by a 9ct gold muff chain, length approximately 102mm (2) ILLUSTRATED R 6 000 - R 9 000 1053 AN OPEN-FACED POCKET WATCH, OMEGA the white dial with black Arabic numerals and outer calibrated ring, subsidiary dial for seconds at 6 o’clock, diameter of bezel 50,82mm R 5 000 - R 7 000 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 1054 A 14CT GOLD HUNTER-CASED POCKET WATCH the white dial with black Roman numerals and calibrated outer track, subsidiary dial for seconds at 6 o’clock, plain outer case, case number 277787, the inner case engraved ‘Ancre Spiral Breguet 15 Rubies’, diameter of bezel approximately 51mm; accompanied by a hollow 14ct gold chain terminating in a double sided portrait charm (2) R 5 000 - R 7 000 WRISTWATCHES 1055 A LADY’S TWO-TONE WRISTWATCH, BREITLING LADY J reference no. D52065, quartz, the circular white dial with gilt baton hour markers and luminescent baton hands, date aperture at 3 o’clock, with rotating bezel, on an 18ct gold and steel bracelet strap with a folding clasp, diameter of bezel 30mm R 17 000 - R 25 000 1056 A STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, CARTIER reference no. 1330, quartz, the circular silvered dial with gilt Roman numerals, inner calibrated ring with Arabic and baton numerals, sapphire cabochonset crown, on a stainless steel and gilt bracelet with double deployant clasp, diameter of bezel 34mm, not in working order R 10 000 - R 15 000 1058 A LADY’S TWO-TONE WRISTWATCH, CARTIER TANK FRANCAISE reference no. 2384, quartz, the square white dial with black Roman numerals and sword-shaped blue hands, sapphireset crown, applied with an 18ct gold and steel bracelet strap, with a double-fold clasp, width of bezel 20mm R 16 000 - R 26 000 1059 A LADY’S GOLD PLATED WRISTWATCH, CHANEL PREMIERE, 1987 quartz, the rectangular black dial applied with gilt baton hands, on an integral interwoven chain and black leather strap, the dial, case back and buckle signed Chanel, width of bezel 20mm, not currently in working order R 7 000 - R 10 000 1060 AN 18CT GOLD WRISTWATCH, CHOPARD case no. 27714 2012, manual, the rectangular white dial with black Roman numerals and black baton hands, on a later black leather strap with an ardillon buckle, width of bezel 24mm R 6 000 - R 9 000 1061 A LADY’S DIAMOND-SET WRISTWATCH manual, the rectangular cream-coloured dial with Arabic and dot hour markers, the bezel and part of the strap embellished with round brilliant- and rose-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.28cts in total, the strap completed with a later bracelet, in platinum, width of bezel 11mm R 3 000 - R 5 000 WATCHES 1062 A LADY’S 14CT GOLD WRISTWATCH, ETERNA mechanical, the gilt oval dial applied with black baton hour markers, on a 14ct gold integrated strap with folding clasp, width of bezel 17mm R 4 000 - R 8 000 1063 A GENTLEMAN’S 18CT WHITE GOLD WRISTWATCH, PIAGET EMPERADOR reference no. G0A34021, automatic, the cushion-shaped brushed grey and silver dial, applied with baton hour markers, moon phase indicator with moon crater design at 6 o’clock, skeleton case back signed and hallmarked, serial no. 1026515, on a black leather Piaget strap with folding clasp, width of bezel 46,5mm, accompanied by a corrector stylus, guarantee card, manual and box (5) ILLUSTRATED R 310 000 - R 400 000 1064 A GENTLEMAN’S TWO-TONE WRISTWATCH, RAYMOND WEIL PARIFAL quartz, the circular black dial applied with gilt baton hour markers, date aperture at 3 o’clock, on a two-tone integral bracelet with folding clasp, diameter of bezel 38mm, accompanied by Raymond Weil box and outer card box (3) 1066 A LADY’S TWO-TONE WRISTWATCH, ROLEX OYSTER PERPETUAL DATE automatic, the circular gilt dial with gilt baton hour markers, date aperture at 3 o’clock, centred seconds, reeded bezel, Oyster case with screw down crown and case back, on a two-tone Jubilee strap, width of bezel 25mm R 15 000 - R 25 000 1067 A GENTLEMAN’S 18CT ROSE GOLD WRISTWATCH, ROLEX CELLINI reference no. 5330, manual, the white circular dial applied with gilt Arabic and dagger hour markers, the case back stamped 5330 A848867 18K, on a tan crocodile Rolex strap with 18ct rose gold buckle, diameter of bezel 36mm R 40 000 - R 60 000 1068 A LADY’S TWO-TONE STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, TAG HEUER AQUARACER reference no. WAF 1424, quartz, 300m water resistant, the mother of pearl dial with luminescent baton numerals, date aperture at 3 o’clock, calibrated bezel, on a stainless steel and 18ct gold plated bracelet with deployment clasp, diameter of bezel 27mm, accompanied by a Tag Heuer box (2) 1069 A LADY’S STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH WITH DIAMONDS, TAG HEUER FORMULA 1 quartz, 200m water resistant, the black dial with luminescent baton hands, date aperture between the 4 and 5 o’clock, bezel-set with one hundred and twenty round-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.75cts in total, scratch resistant sapphire crystal, on a stainless steel case and bracelet strap, with double locking fold over clasp, diameter of bezel 37mm, accompanied by a Precious Stone Certificate from Tag Heuer (2) R 18 000 - R 24 000 1070 A GENTLEMAN’S WRISTWATCH, IWC SCHAFFHAUSEN, MARK XV automatic, case no. 3045698, the black circular dial with luminescent hands, applied with silvered arabic numerals, date aperture at 3 o’clock, 24-hour display on an stainless steel IWC bracelet strap, with folding clasp, diameter of bezel 38mm R 33 000 - R 55 000 R 15 000 - R 20 000 R 4 000 - R 8 000 1065 A LADY’S STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, RAYMOND WEIL, TANGO quartz, the circular dial with engineturned decoration applied with Roman numerals, date aperture at 3 o’clock, on a stainless steel bracelet strap with folding clasp, width of bezel 28mm, accompanied by a guarantee card and box, not in working order (3) R 4 000 - R 8 000 1063 DETAIL Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 201 202 WATCHES 1063 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 WATCHES 1071 A STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, GLYCINE AIRMAN 7 PLAZA MAYOR reference no. 3861, automatic, the large square black dial, applied with three individual time zone sub-dials, each dial applied with white Arabic numerals and luminous dot and baton hour markers, each dial has a separate movement and crown, the semi skeleton case back secured by eight screws, black leather strap with stainless steel buckle, accompanied by a guarantee card, Glycine box and outer box, width of bezel approximately 60mm R 18 000 – R 28 000 1072 A LADIES STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, GLYCINE AIRMAN 18 1074 A STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, GLYCINE ALTUS CHRONOGRAPH reference no.3811, automatic, the rounded rectangular cream dial with Arabic numerals and dot hour markers, outer calibrated ring, subsidiary dials for thirty-minute and twelve-hour registers, date aperture at 3 o'clock, chronograph pushers flanking the crown, the semi skeleton case back secured by four screws, on a light brown leather strap, accompanied by a guarantee card, Glycine box and outer box, width of bezel approximately 42mm R 12 000 – R 20 000 1075 A GENTLEMAN'S WRISTWATCH, GLYCINEN EUGENE MAYLAN automatic, reference 3866, the black circular dial with luminous dot hour markers and luminous hands, date aperture at 3 o'clock, applied with a green leather Glycine strap, accompanied by a Glycine box, outer card cover and international guarantee, width of bezel 36,7mm R 12 000 – R 20 000 automatic, the black circular dial with luminous Arabic numerals and squelette hands, subsidiary dial for seconds, applied with a Glycine brown leather strap and deployment buckle, width of bezel 337mm, accompanied by a Glycine box, outer card cover and international guarantee R 8 000 – R 14 000 1073 A STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, GLYCINE AIRMAN SST 06 1076 A STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, GLYCINE LAGUNARE 1000 reference no. 3856, automatic, the circular orange dial with luminous baton hour markers, with outer calibrated ring and outmost revolving black 24-hours ring served by a slit head crown at 2 o'clock, date aperture at 3 o'clock, the case back featuring a silhouette of the watches namesake the Boeing Supersonic Transport 06, on a stainless steel bracelet with deployment clasp with push button, accompanied by a guarantee document, case and outer cover, diameter of bezel 48mm R 12 000 – R 20 000 reference no.3850, automatic, the circular yellow dial with repeating Glycine logo detailing, applied with luminous baton hour markers and hands, an inner revolving ring served by a crown at 2 o'clock, date aperture at 6 o'clock, on a black leather and white stitching strap with stainless steel buckle, accompanied by a guarantee document, Glycine case and outer cover, diameter of bezel 50mm R 8 000 – R 14 000 1077 A STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, GLYCINE AIRMAN 7 SILVER CIRCLE reference no.3841, automatic, the large circular silvered dial applied with three black individual time zone sub-dials, each applied with luminous dot and baton hour markers, each dial has a separate movement and crown, with semi skeleton case back, on a rubber strap with stainless steel buckle, accompanied by a guarantee card, Glycine box and outer box, diameter of bezel approximately 56mm R 20 000 – R 40 000 1078 A GENTLEMANS STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, GLYCINE AIRMAN SPECIAL II reference 3877, numbered 18/100, automatic, the black circular dial with luminous baton and dot hour markers, hour, minute and seconds function, magnified date aperture at 3 o'clock, applied with a stainless steel bracelet strap, accompanied by an extra strap, tool, Glycine box, outer card cover and international guarantee, diameter of bezel 40,7mm R24 000 – R34 000 1079 A GENTLEMANS STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, GLYCINE AIRMAN SPECIAL II reference 3877, numbered 54/100, automatic, the black circular dial with luminous baton and dot hour markers, hour, minute and seconds function, magnified date aperture at 3 o'clock, applied with a stainless steel bracelet strap, accompanied by an extra strap, tool, Glycine box, outer card cover and international guarantee, diameter of bezel 40,7mm R24 000 –R34 000 NO LOTS 1079 - 1090 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 203 204 JEWELLERY ANTIQUE, PERIOD AND CONTEMPORARY JEWELLERY 1091 AN 18CT GOLD NECKLACE comprised of elongated oval and circular links, approximately 415mm in length R 20 000 - R 30 000 1092 AN AMETHYST AND PINK SAPPHIRE RING of stylised design centred with an oval checkerboard-cut amethyst weighing approximately 17.41cts , highlighted with pink sapphires weighing approximately 1.79cts in total and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.22cts, in 18ct gold, size K ILLUSTRATED R 15 000 - R 25 000 1095 AN ART DECO STYLE RUBY AND DIAMOND RING the partly reeded domed band centred with a row of five rectangular stepped-cut rubies weighing approximately 1.05cts in total, highlighted with two bands of round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.28cts in total, in 18ct gold, size M R 4 000 - R 6 000 1096 AN EMERALD AND DIAMOND BALLERINA RING centred with an oval cabochon emerald weighing approximately 9.15cts, the tapered baguette- and round brilliant-cut diamonds wavy surround weighing approximately 1.25cts in total, in platinum, size L 1/2 composed of four strands of polished aquamarine beads of irregular shape, the hook-clasp set in 18ct white gold, measuring approximately 500mm in length R 3 000 - R 6 000 1094 A MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION OF RINGS including: a rubellite tourmaline solitaire ring in 9ct gold, size M, a solitaire ruby ring, size M and an aquamarine ring in 18ct gold, size L (3) R 2 500 - R 4 500 R 1 000 - R 2 000 1100 A RUBY NECKLACE composed of a single strand set with graduated natural ruby beads weighing approximately 61.0cts in total, with a plain silver clasp, approximately 450mm in length R 1 800 - R 2 800 R 32 000 - R 40 000 1096 1098 1097 A DIAMOND HINGED BANGLE claw-set to the centre with forty round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.62cts in total, with push-slide clasp and safety catch, in 18ct gold, inner width approximately 55mm R 18 000 - R 28 000 1098 A DIAMOND-SET BANGLE the hinged bangle of plain design, centred with nineteen round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 2.09cts in total, with clasp and safety, set in 18ct white gold ILLUSTRATED R 20 000 - R 25 000 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 composed of a single intertwined design, the interior engraved with an inscription ILLUSTRATED 1092 1093 AN AQUAMARINE NECKLACE 1099 A FRENCH SILVER BANGLE, INDECIPHERABLE MAKER’S MARK 1101 A DIAMOND CROSS PENDANT centred with a claw-set round brilliant-cut tinted white diamond weighing approximately 1.0ct, embellished throughout with round brilliant-cut black and tinted white diamonds weighing approximately 1.55cts and 0.47cts respectively, in 18ct white gold, suspended on a 9ct white gold curb link chain, approximately 470mm in length (2) R 30 000 - R 50 000 JEWELLERY 1111 A RUBY AND DIAMOND PENDANT 1102 A BLACK DIAMOND PENDANT centred with a claw-set cabochon-cut ruby weighing approximately 5.93cts, highlighted by sixteen round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.24cts in total, in 18ct white gold, on a 9ct white gold curb link chain, approximately 480mm in length (2) centred with a claw-set round brilliant-cut black diamond weighing 17.655cts, surrounded by a row of millegrain-set round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.81cts in total, in 18ct white gold. The central diamond accompanied by an EGL diamond report, no. 121004759/515489 stating that it is Natural Black in Colour R 60 000 - R 90 000 1106 1107 AN EDWARDIAN GARNET CRESCENT BROOCH 1103 AN 18CT GOLD BRACELET set with a row of graduated garnets weighing approximately 4.37cts in total, composed with a safety chain, set in 9ct gold R 1 500 - R 2 500 1108 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND BROOCH the two semi-circle halves centred with a bezel-set blue gem, in 18ct gold 1104 A 9CT GOLD BRACELET comprised of seven textured medium sized circular links, with a textured fold-over clasp, approximately 185mm in length R 5 000 - R 10 000 1105 A JADEITE BRACELET composed of seven links each claw-set with a cabochon shaped jadeite weighing approximately 35cts in total, set in 14ct gold with box clasp and safety, length approximately 180mm R 5 000 - R 8 000 1106 A VICTORIAN-STYLE DIAMOND BRACELET composed of a series of stylised bow motifs in open work design, embellished throughout with old mine-and senaille-cut diamonds, set in 10ct white gold with box clasp and safety R 1 200 - R 2 200 crescent-shaped, centred by an oval mix-cut synthetic sapphire weighing approximately 5.15cts enclosed within three rows of old-cut diamonds weighing approximately 6.0cts in total, set in 18ct white gold and silver R 18 000 - R 24 000 1109 A DIAMOND RING, BROWNS the broad tapered band centred with open scroll work, millegrain-set with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.56cts in total, in 18ct white gold, stamped “Browns”, size Q R 10 000 - R 15 000 1110 AN 18CT GOLD NECKLACE, TECNIGOLD, ITALY the matt herringbone chain decorated with interwoven polished butterfly design, within an 18ct white gold border, approximately 445mm in length R 8 500 - R 12 500 ILLUSTRATED R 10 000 - R 15 000 R 20 000 - R 30 000 1112 A SAPPHIRE NECKLACE composed of a single strand set with graduated natural sapphire beads weighing approximately 130cts in total, with a matte finished silver clasp, approximately 900mm in length R 3 500 - R 5 500 1113 A BLACK DIAMOND BRACELET claw-set with thirty-one round brilliant-cut black diamonds weighing approximately 33.0cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 190mm in length. Three diamonds accompanied by IDL diamond reports, no. J15056289, J15056290 and J15056291 stating they are 1.180cts, 1.270cts and 1.303cts respectively. ILLUSTRATED R 100 000 - R 150 000 1114 A 9CT GOLD CHAIN composed of round links, approximately 1540mm in length R 9 000 - R 12 000 1115 A DIAMOND RING comprised of three bands, the centre a solitaire diamond ring centred with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.32cts, in 18ct white gold, flanked on either side with a half eternity ring, channel-set with princess-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.60cts in total, in 9ct white gold, size L 1/2 R 3 500 - R 5 500 1113 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 205 206 JEWELLERY 1119 A CITRINE RING of stylised design centred with a cushion checkerboard-cut citrine weighing approximately 8.35cts, highlighted by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.23cts, the shoulders and part of the double band set with spessartite garnets weighing approximately 2.0cts in total, in 18ct yellow gold, size Q R 15 000 - R 25 000 1120 1120 1116 A DIAMOND CHOKER designed as a series of cruciform motifs suspending a fringe, embellished with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 11.13cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 340mm in length; and A Pair of Diamond Pendant Earrings, en suite, embellished with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.75cts in total, screw-on butterflies and clip fittings (3) R 95 000 - R 120 000 1117 A DIAMOND PENDANT A CORAL AND DIAMOND PENDANT, SCHWARTZ NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT claw-set with an oval mixed-cut emerald weighing approximately 0.72cts, highlighted by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.23cts in total, suspending a pear-shaped emerald weighing approximately 4.52cts, within a conforming surround of two rows of round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.08cts in total, with a hinged clip, on a diamond necklace claw-set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 9.68cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 430mm in length (2) ILLUSTRATED R 180 000 - R 240 000 ILLUSTRATED R 24 000 - R 30 000 R 30 000 - R 50 000 1121 A BLACK DIAMOND CROSS PENDANT comprising two concentric circles, the outer circle claw-set with white and tinted white round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.11cts, the centre circle claw-set with round black diamonds weighing approximately 1.08cts in total, in 18ct white gold, on a 9ct white gold wheat chain, approximately 490mm in length (2) R 20 000 - R 30 000 1122 A RUBY AND BLACK DIAMOND DEMI-PARURE claw-set with an oval mixed-cut ruby weighing approximately 1.91cts, surrounded by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.35cts in total, suspended from three rotating discs set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40cts in total, in 18ct white gold, on a 9ct white gold oval link chain, approximately 495mm in length (2) PENDANT centred with a teardrop-shaped coral with carved decoration weighing approximately 127.20cts, the bale and two stylised claws set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.61cts in total, in 18ct white gold, suspended on an 18ct white gold chain, approximately 445mm in length (2) of rosary style, claw-set with circularcut black diamonds weighing approximately 2.4cts in total, the round link chain interspersed with bezel-set circular-cut black diamonds weighing approximately 0.60cts in total, 9ct white gold, approximately 460mm in length 1118 A RUBY AND DIAMOND PENDANT 1123 A DETACHABLE EMERALD R 20 000 - R 30 000 1124 AN AMETHYST AND DIAMOND RING centred with a claw-set oval mixed-cut amethyst weighing approximately 26.85cts, the shoulders highlighted with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.92cts in total, in 18ct gold, size P ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE 1125 AN AQUAMARINE AND DIAMOND PENDANT centred with a claw-set trillion-cut aquamarine weighing approximately 3.60cts, within a conforming surround of twenty clawset round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40cts in total, in 18ct white gold, on a fine 9ct white gold curb link chain, approximately 440mm in length R 10 000 - R 15 000 comprising: a pendant and a pair of earrings, each set with oval mixedcut rubies and round black diamonds weighing approximately 6.30cts and 2.53cts respectively, in 18ct white gold, with 9ct white gold butterflies, the pendant on a 9ct white gold chain, approximately 450mm in length (4) R 25 000 - R 35 000 R 12 000 - R 18 000 1123 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 JEWELLERY 1130 AN EMERALD AND DIAMOND NECKLACE 1124 1126 A DIAMOND HINGED BANGLE, SCHWARTZ claw-set to the centre with thirty-two round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.83cts in total, in 18ct white gold, inner width approximately 56mm R 23 000 - R 33 000 1127 A DIAMOND CROSS PENDANT claw-set with sixteen round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.80cts in total, in 18ct white gold, suspended on a 9ct white gold fine box chain, approximately 440mm in length (2) R 8 000 - R 12 000 1128 AN EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING centred with a claw-set oval mixedcut emerald weighing approximately 2.03cts, highlighted by sixteen round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.32cts in total, the split shoulders highlighted by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.35cts in total, in 18ct white gold, size L R 32 000 - R 42 000 1129 A DIAMOND NECKLACE set with princess-cut diamonds weighing approximately 5.91cts in total, in 18ct white gold, length approximately 425mm R 40 000 - R 80 000 composed of two rows of claw-set round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 19.87cts in total, suspending three round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.26cts in total, further suspending an oval mixed-cut emerald weighing approximately 7.02cts, within a conforming surround of two rows of round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.56cts in total, in 18ct white gold ILLUSTRATED ON NEXT PAGE R 500 000 - R 600 000 1131 A DIAMOND PENDANT of textured stylised design, set with single-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.30cts in total, in 18ct white and yellow gold, on an 18ct gold rope chain; and an 18ct gold pendant of stylised design, set with an emeraldcut emerald, in 18ct gold, suspended on an 18ct gold chain (4) R 4 000 - R 7 000 1132 A DIAMOND RING centred with a bezel-set round brilliantcut diamond weighing approximately 3.13cts, within a conforming surrounded of twelve claw-set round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.80cts in total, the shoulders further embellished by six round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.90cts in total, in 18ct gold, size M 1/2 ILLUSTRATED R 60 000 - R 90 000 1133 A FULL DIAMOND ETERNITY RING set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.32cts in total, in 18ct gold, size K R 1 200 - R 2 000 1132 1134 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING claw-set with three round sapphires weighing approximately 1.20cts in total, further set with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.20cts in total, set in 18ct white gold, size L R 10 000 - R 15 000 1135 A MISCELLANEOUS GROUP OF DIAMOND RINGS of various designs, including: an 18ct gold ring centred with a round brilliantcut diamond weighing approximately 0.22cts, size U (4) R 8 000 - R 14 000 1136 A PAIR OF RUBY AND DIAMOND EARRINGS each centred with an oval mixed-cut ruby weighing approximately 6.11cts for the pair, within a surround of round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.72cts in total, in 18ct white gold, with 18ct white gold butterflies (2) R 25 000 - R 35 000 1137 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING centred with an oval mixed-cut ruby weighing approximately 1.29cts, flanked on either side with three round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.38cts in total, in 18ct white gold, size L R 5 500 - R 7 500 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 207 208 1130 JEWELLERY 1138 A TANZANITE AND DIAMOND RING claw-set with an oval-shaped tanzanite weighing 8.03cts, flanked on either side with eighteen round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.18cts in total, the shoulders further highlighted with channel-set baguettecut diamonds weighing approximately 0.20cts in total, in 14ct white gold, size L/M The tanzanite accompanied by an E.G.L certification, report no. TC131103255/97162, stating that the stone has a good Finish, is blue-VIOLET Vivid+ Colour and is Lightly Included in Clarity R 42 000 - R 60 000 1139 A DIAMOND TENNIS BRACELET claw-set with eighty-eight round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.76cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 185mm in length R 20 000 - R 30 000 1140 A PAIR OF DIAMOND CLIP-ON EARRINGS each highlighted with a marquise-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.85cts for the pair, each radiating within a surround of twenty-nine tapered baguette-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.75cts in total, set in 18ct white gold (2) ILLUSTRATED R 15 000 - R 25 000 1141 A RUBY NECKLACE composed of a single strand set with graduated natural ruby beads weighing approximately 127cts in total, interspersed with eight ruby beads, with a plain silver clasp, approximately 900mm in length R 3 500 - R 5 500 1140 1142 A SAPPHIRE AND RUBY NECKLACE composed of a single strand of sapphire beads weighing approximately 1.50cts, the centre suspending a ruby of tear-drop form weighing approximately 3.57ct, with a silver clasp, approximately 405mm in length R 2 000 - R 3 000 1143 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING of flowerhead form, centred with a round mixed-cut ruby weighing approximately 1.06cts, enclosed within a surround of old-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.0cts in total, in 9ct white and yellow gold, distress, size N R 2 000 - R 3 000 1144 A PAIR OF BLACK AND WHITE DIAMOND EARRINGS each centred with a round brilliant-cut black diamond weighing approximately 3.40cts for the pair, within a conforming surround of two bands of round brilliant-cut white diamonds weighing approximately 1.30cts in total, in 18ct white gold, studs (2) 1146 A PAIR OF RUBY AND DIAMOND EARRINGS each of stylised petal form, the edge highlighted with round brilliantcut diamonds and rubies weighing approximately 0.16cts and 2.4cts in total respectively, set in 18ct white gold, clip-on fittings (2) R 12 000 - R 18 000 1147 A DIAMOND RING claw-set and centred with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing 5.1683cts, highlighted on either side with a cushion-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.82cts in total, the split band further highlighted with forty-four round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.88cts in total, set in platinum, impressed Christoff, size L The central diamond accompanied by a certificate from E.G.L., no. 80100829/48502, stating that the diamond is N in Colour and VS2 in Clarity ILLUSTRATED R 550 000 - R 650 000 R 23 000 - R 30 000 1145 A RUBY AND DIAMOND BRACELET claw-set with fourteen round rubies weighing approximately 2.40cts in total, interspersed between twenty-four round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.38cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 170mm in length 1147 R 35 000 - R 45 000 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 209 210 1148 AN EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING centred with a claw-set square emeraldcut emerald weighing approximately 1.42cts, flanked on either side with two round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.16cts in total, in 18ct gold, size Q; An emerald and diamond ring, centred with a square emerald-cut emerald weighing approximately 0.55cts, the shoulders set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.30cts in total, in 18ct white and yellow gold, size M; An emerald and diamond ring set with six carré-cut emeralds weighing approximately 0.49cts in total, with oldcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.08cts in total, in 18ct gold, size H (3) R 5 000 - R 9 000 1149 AN 18CT GOLD AND ENAMEL BROOCH in the form of a bird on a branch, the feathers with blue, green, yellow and red enamel, with later pin 1153 A DIAMOND NECKLACE comprised of flexible plain rectangular links, transforming into a twig and blossom design set with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 5.0cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 425mm in length R 60 000 - R 90 000 1154 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING 1150 A FULL DIAMOND ETERNITY RING in the form of a flowerhead, centred with an oval mixed-cut sapphire weighing approximately 0.78cts, the surrounding petals set with round brilliant cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40cts in total, in 18ct white gold, size L R 1 200 - R 2 000 1155 A DIAMOND NECKLACE ILLUSTRATED R 15 000 - R 20 000 set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.32cts in total, in 18ct gold, size K 1151 A DIAMOND HALF ETERNITY RING set with seventeen round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.25cts in total, set in 18ct white gold, size K R 2 000 - R 2 500 1157 1149 1152 A 9CT GOLD NECKLACE composed of flat curb-link chain, approximately 500mm in length R 1 000 - R 1 500 R 12 000 - R 18 000 designed as a graduated fringe, clawset with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 5.44cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 330mm in length R 60 000 - R 80 000 1156 AN ALMANDITE GARNET RING, NATHAN BROTHERS, BIRMINGHAM the free form band claw-set with three round mixed-cut garnets weighing approximately 1.72cts in total, in 9ct gold, size K R 1 200 - R 2 000 JEWELLERY 1157 A GEM-SET NECKLACE set with various gemstones, in 9ct gold, approximately 400mm in length, accompanied by a matching bracelet, approximately 195mm in length, the necklace and bracelet can be combined to create a longer necklace (2) ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE R 14 000 - R 18 000 1158 A GEM-SET DEMI PARURE comprising: a ring and a pair of earrings with clip backs, each set with various gemstones including, amethyst, rose quartz, tigers eye and carnelian, in 9ct gold, ring size R (3) R 1 200 - R 2 000 1159 A SILVER BRACELET, DESIGNED BY ASTRID FOG FOR GEORG JENSEN impressed maker’s mark, DENMARK and numbered 194, designed as a broad silver bracelet of three rows of rectangular-shaped links, approximately 21cm in length R 5 000 - R 8 000 1160 A SILVER BANGLE, DESIGNED BY NANNA DITZEL FOR GEORG JENSEN impressed maker’s mark, DENMARK and numbered 168, the domed tapering bangle of plain form, accompanied by an original Georg Jensen box R 3 800 - R 5 800 1161 A SILVER DEW DROP NECK RING AND PENDANT, DESIGNED BY VIVIANNA TORUN BÜLOW-HÜBE FOR GEORG JENSEN both the neck ring and pendant impressed with the maker’s mark, DENMARK, the neck ring numbered 174 and pendant 131, drop-set with a rutilated quartz (2) R 4 000 - R 6 000 1162 A SILVER NECKLACE, GEORG JENSEN impressed maker’s mark, DENMARK and numbered 175, composed of elongated tapering links, length approximately 88cm R 2 500 - R 3 500 1163 A RUBY AND DIAMOND RING the spit band decorated with bead detailing and further set with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.05cts, embellished with round-cut rubies centred in four star motifs, set in 18ct gold, size P R 1 800 - R 2 800 1164 A 9CT GOLD BRACELET interspersed with ten flowerhead motifs, the petals set with single-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40cts in total, concluding with a box clasp and safety, 195mm in length 1168 A RUBY AND DIAMOND BRACELET claw-set with twenty-one oval mixedcut rubies weighing approximately 12.40cts, interspersed by round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 1.08cts, in 18ct white gold, length approximately 175mm R 130 000 - R 160 000 1169 A DIAMOND TENNIS BRACELET claw-set with one hundred and eight round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.08cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 190mm in length R 10 000 - R 15 000 1170 A DIAMOND NECKLACE set with graduated round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 10.02cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 425mm in length R 3 000 - R 5 000 R 140 000 - R 180 000 1165 1171 A MISCELLANEOUS GROUP OF JEWELLERY ITEMS AN 18CT GOLD AND DIAMOND RING domed to the centre and embellished with nine round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.33cts in total, in 18ct gold, size O 1/2 ILLUSTRATED R 13 000 - R 18 000 1166 A DIAMOND-SET BROOCH of stylised bow design, set with singlecut diamonds weighing approximately 1.70cts in total, in 18ct gold R 22 000 - R 30 000 including: three brooches of various design, an 18ct gold chain, a blue gem necklace and a pair of 9ct gold and silver earrings (7) R 3 000 - R 5 000 1172 A DIAMOND HALF ETERNITY RING set with seventeen round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.17cts in total, the ring raised in the centre, set in 18ct white gold, size J R 2 000 - R 3 000 1167 A DIAMOND BRACELET composed of a mesh design, applied with three rows of claw-set round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.02cts in total, set in 18ct white gold, 145mm in length R 18 000 - R 28 000 1165 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 211 212 JEWELLERY 1184 1173 A DIAMOND RING centred with a claw-set round brilliantcut diamond weighing 1.1cts, within a conforming surround of two bands of round brilliant-cut diamonds, the shoulders embellished with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.70cts in total, in 18ct white gold, size L. The central diamond accompanied by a certificate from G.I.A., no. 2177976935, stating that the diamond is Very Light Green in Colour, I1 Clarity with Medium Green Fluorescence. ILLUSTRATED R 50 000 - R 70 000 1174 A DIAMOND RING centred with a claw-set round brilliant-cut black diamond weighing approximately 1.98cts, highlighted by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.30cts in total, the shoulders further highlighted with sixteen round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.25cts in total, in 18ct white gold, size L R 17 000 - R 27 000 1178 A JADE AND EMERALD RING 1175 A DIAMOND RING claw-set with a pear-shaped fancy brownish yellow diamond weighing approximately 1.21cts, the stylised band set with eight round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40cts in total, in 9ct white gold, size N 1/2 centred with a claw-set oval cabochon jade weighing approximately 7.34cts, surrounded by an oxidised laurel wreath design, set with round emeralds weighing approximately 0.24cts in total, in silver, size P R 4 000 - R 6 000 R 14 000 - R 180 000 1179 1176 A DIAMOND PENDANT A DIAMOND PENDANT of articulated design, composed of three diamonds in a row weighing approximately 0.30cts in total, in 18ct white gold the stylised cello-shaped pendant, centred with two old-cut diamonds weighing 1.11cts in total, further highlighted with single-cut diamonds, set in 18ct white gold, attached to a platinum snake chain. R 1 800 - R 2 400 1180 The two central diamonds accompanied by certificates from I.D.L., no. J1238494 and J1238495 stating that the diamonds are 0.601cts, I in Colour, SI2 in Clarity and 0.515cts, I in Colour and SI1 in Clarity respectively. A PAIR OF KUNZITE AND DIAMOND EARRINGS each claw-set with an oval mixed-cut kunzite weighing approximately 9.40cts for the pair, centred below with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.28cts for the pair, post and clip fitting, in 18ct gold (2) ILLUSTRATED (2) R 18 000 - R 28 000 1177 A DIAMOND HALF ETERNITY RING R 30 000 - R 50 000 set with single-cut and old-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.153cts in total, set in 18ct yellow and white gold, size R R 1 600 - R 2 600 1173 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 1180 1185 1188 JEWELLERY 1181 A SAPPHIRE BROOCH, KURT JOBST 1189 A DIAMOND TENNIS BRACELET claw-set with sixty-two round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 4.34cts, in 18ct white gold, approximately 190mm in length of square form, featuring a cross of open work design, centred with a bezelset round cubic zirconia, further set with cabochon and baguette-cut sapphires, impressed Jobst, in 18ct gold R 25 000 - R 35 000 R 5 000 - R 8 000 1190 A PAIR OF MABÉ PEARL EARRINGS 1182 A QUARTZ AND SILVER RING, KURT JOBST set with an emerald-cut quartz weighing approximately 69.0cts, in a heavy 925 standard silver mount, impressed Jobst, size P R 5 000 - R 8 000 1183 A GEM-SET NECKLACE bezel-set with integrated gemstones, variously shaped, including labradorite, aventurine quartz, and quartz, on a round link chain, in silver, approximately 440mm in length R 800 - R 1 000 1184 A DIAMOND BRACELET of openwork leaf motif with millegrain rim, set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.26cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 190mm in length ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE R 14 000 - R 20 000 1185 A LEMON QUARTZ RING centred with a square checkerboard-cut lemon quartz weighing approximately 11.06cts, the freeform band set with spessartite garnets weighing approximately 0.66cts and round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.10cts, in 18ct gold, size N 1186 1186 A DIAMOND LEOPARD-HEAD BANGLE each of circular form, centred with a mabé pearl, surrounded by a blue enamel star, highlighted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.28cts in total, in 18ct gold, with post and clip backs (2) the 18ct white gold hinged bangle, terminating either side in a leopard’s head with emeraldset eyes, set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 5.50cts in total R 14 000 - R 18 000 ILLUSTRATED centred with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 1.56cts, the shoulders and bridge millegrain-set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.80cts in total, in 18ct white gold, size P R 75 000 - R 95 000 1187 A DIAMOND DRESS RING in the form of a leopard head with outstretched front legs, pavé-set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 4.0cts in total, with black enamel detailing, set with two pear-shaped emerald eyes, in 18ct white gold, size O ILLUSTRATED R 65 000 - R 80 000 1188 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING centred with a claw-set oval mixed-cut sapphire weighing approximately 5.71cts, the shoulders embellished with round brilliant- and baguettecut diamonds weighing approximately 0.66cts in total, in platinum, size M ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE R 18 000 - R 25 000 1191 A DIAMOND RING R 14 000 - R 22 000 1192 A MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION OF RINGS each set in 9ct gold, comprising of an onyx ring size R, a quartz ring size K and a ring of stylised design size J (3) R 2 000 - R 3 000 1193 A MISCELLANEOUS GROUP OF PEARL JEWELLERY ITEMS including: a starburst 9ct and seed pearl brooch, a 14ct gold and pearl ring, a pair of 18ct gold and pearl earrings, and two strands of cultured pearls (6) R 3 500 - R 5 500 ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE R 12 000 - R 18 000 1187 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 213 214 JEWELLERY 1196 AN AMETHYST NECKLACE designed as a five-strand necklace of faceted amethyst beads of varying size, the box clasp and safety set in 18ct gold, the shortest strand measuring 520mm in length R 3 000 - R 6 000 1197 A DIAMOND AND PEARL PENDANT NECKLACE the articulated design, claw-set with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.91cts, suspending a pearl measuring approximately 6.31mm diameter, embellished above with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.03cts, attached to a fine chain, set in platinum, length approximately 420mm (2) R 32 000 - R 42 000 1194 1194 A PAIR OF ONYX AND MOLDAVITE PENDANT EARRINGS each surmount claw-set with a square cushion-cut moldavite weighing approximately 3.04cts for the pair, suspending a briolette-cut onyx drop weight approximately 27.13cts in total, highlighted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.50cts in total, in 18ct gold, with 18ct gold butterflies (2) ILLUSTRATED R 9 500 - R 12 500 1195 A SAPPHIRE NECKLACE composed of a single strand set with graduated natural sapphire beads weighing approximately 71cts in total, interspersed with eight ruby beads, with a silver flower clasp, approximately 475mm in length R 1 800 - R 2 400 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 1198 AN 18CT WHITE GOLD NECKLACE, FOPE composed of cylindrical links, impressed “Fope”, 425mm in length R 18 000 - R 24 000 1199 A PERIDOT AND TOURMALINE NECKLACE 1201 AN ONYX RING of plain design, centred with an elongated oval cabochon onyx weighing approximately 22.28cts, in rhodium-plated silver, size M R 1 000 - R 1 500 1202 A PAIR OF PINK OPAL PENDANT EARRINGS each surmount claw-set with a heartshaped white sapphire weighing approximately 2.32cts for the pair, suspending a pear-shaped pink opal weighing approximately 32.50cts for the pair, in 18ct white gold, with 18ct white gold butterflies (2) ILLUSTRATED R 3 500 - R 5 500 1203 A DIAMOND AND ORANGE SAPPHIRE BRACELET claw-set with thirty round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 3.30cts in total, and nineteen round orange sapphires weighing approximately 2.28cts in total, in 18ct white gold length approximately 185mm R 35 000 - R 45 000 claw-set with alternating square cushion-cut peridots and round brilliant-cut pink tourmalines weighing approximately 55.86cts and 13.68cts respectively in total, set in 18ct gold, 42cm in length R 20 000 - R 30 000 1200 A DIAMOND BROOCH designed as a graduated bar, millegrain-set with graduated oldand point-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.65cts in total, flanked above and below with triangular millegrain set old- and single-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.10cts in total, in platinum R 25 000 - R 35 000 1202 JEWELLERY 1207 1204 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING the broad band centred with a bezelset oval mixed-cut sapphire weighing approximately 0.84cts, highlighted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.56cts in total, in 18ct white and yellow gold, size O 1/2 R 3 500 - R 5 500 1205 A DIAMOND RING centred with a bezel-set round brilliantcut diamond weighing approximately 0.11cts, the shoulder highlighted with channel-set round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.18cts in total, in 9ct white gold, size M 1/2; accompanied by a diamond ring, centred with a round brilliantcut diamond weighing approximately 0.27cts, above a row of channel-set round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.12cts in total, with yellow gold accents, in 10ct white and yellow gold, size P (2) R 6 000 - R 10 000 1206 A CIRCULAR DIAMOND PENDANT pavé-set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.15cts in total, in 18ct white gold, suspended on a fine 9ct white gold chain, length approximately 440mm R 8 000 - R 12 000 1207 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND NECKLACE the chain comprised of diamond-set circles of varying sizes, suspending seven drops set with princess-cut and pearshaped sapphires in conforming diamond surrounds, sapphires and diamond weighing approximately 10.0cts and 9.89cts respectively, in 18ct white gold ILLUSTRATED R 160 000 - R 200 000 1208 A DIAMOND RING centred with a bezel-set pear-shaped diamond weighing approximately 0.21cts, the shoulders channel-set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.14cts in total, in 9ct white gold, size I 1/2; a mock tension-set diamond ring, the stylised band centred with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.21cts, in 18ct white gold, size L (2) R 2 500 - R 4 500 1209 A RUBY AND DIAMOND PENDANT centred with a pear-shaped mixed-cut ruby weighing approximately 2.39cts, highlighted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40cts in total, in 18ct white gold, suspended on a 9ct white gold chain, approximately 460mm in length (2) 1210 A SINGLE STRAND PEARL NECKLACE composed of forty-six cultured pearls, approximately 6,25mm to 6,45mm in diameter, alternating with forty-five ruby beads, with a silver flower clasp, approximately 435mm in length R 3 000 - R 5 000 1211 A MISCELLANEOUS GROUP OF AMETHYST JEWELLERY including: a pear-shaped amethyst pendant, an oval mixed-cut amethyst ring in 18ct gold size O, a cluster ring set with an oval mixed-cut amethyst within a surround of white gems in 14ct gold, size O (3) R 2 000 - R 3 500 1212 A DIAMOND-SET PENDANT suspending a briolette-cut diamond weighing 2.19cts, set in 18ct white gold, attached to an 18ct white gold fine chain, 450mm in length. The diamond accompanied by a certificate from G.I.A.,report no. 2177432820 stating that the diamond is H in Colour and VS2 Clarity. (2) R 51 000 - R 70 000 R 15 000 - R 20 000 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 215 216 JEWELLERY 1217 A MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION OF 18CT GOLD RINGS including: three plain wedding bands, a signet ring and a thin band with open work decoration (5) R 3 500 - R 5 500 1222 1213 A DIAMOND CROSS PENDANT claw-set with sixteen round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.80cts in total, in 18ct white gold, suspended on a 9ct white gold fine box chain, approximately 440mm in length (2) R 8 000 - R 12 000 1214 A DETACHABLE DIAMOND PENDANT centred with a claw-set pear-shaped black diamond weighing 7.520cts, highlighted by two rows of round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.4cts in total, with a hinged clip, on a diamond-set chain claw-set with one hundred and sixtytwo round brilliant-cut black and white diamonds weighing approximately 7.29cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 420mm in length. The central stone accompanied by an IDL diamond report, no. J15056292, stating the diamond is Black in Colour. (2) R 80 000 - R 100 000 1215 A PERIDOT AND GOLD PENDANT of drop-set form, the oval shaped peridot weighing approximately 2.0cts, set in an 18ct gold mount R 2 000 - R 3 000 1216 A PINK SAPPHIRE RING in the form of a flowerhead, centred with an oval mixed-cut pink sapphire weighing approximately 1.66cts, the surround of petals set with round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40cts in total, in 18ct white gold, size L R 14 000 - R 22 000 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 1218 A TOURMALINE AND DIAMOND RING claw-set with a square emerald-cut green tourmaline weighing approximately 3.84cts, highlighted on either side with baguetteand round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.38cts in total, the bridge with a filigree design, in platinum, size L R 15 000 - R 25 000 1219 A BLACK AND WHITE DIAMOND BRACELET claw-set with thirty-seven round black diamonds weighing approximately 2.96cts in total, with nine claw-set round-brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.87cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 185mm in length R 30 000 - R 50 000 1220 AN 18CT GOLD BRACELET the broad band composed of multi-textured stylised links creating an infinity pattern, approximately 190mm in length R 24 000 - R 34 000 1221 A DIAMOND TENNIS BRACELET claw-set with sixty-one round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 4.27cts, in 18ct white gold, approximately 190mm in length 1223 AN ART DECO STYLE SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND BROOCH the rectangular plaque set throughout with old-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.1cts in total, the border highlighted with channel-set baguettecut sapphires, set in 18ct white gold and platinum R 20 000 - R 30 000 1224 A BLACK DIAMOND RING claw-set with a round black diamond weighing approximately 1.21cts, the split shank and ‘U’ bridge decoration set with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.59cts in total within a millegrain band, in 18ct white gold, size L 1/2 R 12 000 - R 18 000 1225 A DIAMOND RING bezel-set to the side with a yellow round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 3.95cts, further set with eight round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.60cts in total, with a flat euro-style band, size H ILLUSTRATED R 60 000 - R 90 000 1226 A DIAMOND RING centred with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.19cts, the shoulders highlighted with a floral motif, in 18ct yellow and white gold, size M R 1 200 - R 2 000 R 25 000 - R 35 000 1222 A PERIDOT AND DIAMOND RING centred with a claw-set cushion-cut peridot weighing approximately 13.0cts, within an oval surround of round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.58cts in total, the split shank further highlighted by round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.48cts in total, in 18ct white gold, size M ILLUSTRATED R 25 000 - R 35 000 1225 JEWELLERY 1227 A DIAMOND RING 1232 A DIAMOND RING The diamond accompanied by a certificate from E.G.L.,no. 140901564/102761, stating that the diamond is a Vivid Fancy Yellow Natural Colour and VS2 Clarity R 2 300 - R 3 300 bezel-set with an oval-cut diamond weighing 0.763cts in 18ct gold, size M. channel-set and centred with six round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.30cts in total, set in 9ct white gold, size L 1233 A DIAMOND-SET RING R 22 000 - R 32 000 1228 A DIAMOND AND PEARL RING 1235 the stylised scroll design, highlighted on either end with a claw-set round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.75cts and a pearl measuring approximately 6,04mm in diameter, further embellished with fifteen old-cut diamonds, in 14ct gold, size M R 14 000 - R 20 000 1234 A DIAMOND RING R 20 000 - R 25 000 designed as a marquise-shaped ring set throughout with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.3cts in total, set in platinum, size P 1229 AN ART DECO STYLE RING claw-set and centred with a baguette-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.50cts, within a surround of twenty-two baguette-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.1cts in total, set in 18ct white gold, size M R 16 000 - R 24 000 1236 1235 AN EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING of shaped rectangular panel design, centred with an emerald-cut emerald weighing approximately 0.37cts, within a millegrain surround, highlighted above,below and the shoulders further embellished with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.80cts in total, set in 14ct white and yellow gold, size L R 16 000 - R 22 000 1230 A DIAMOND-SET RING composed of a stylised flowerhead, the petals highlighted with four round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.64cts in total, the split shank further embellished with eight single-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.16cts in total, set in 18ct white gold, size S ILLUSTRATED R 6 000 - R 9 000 1236 R 6 000 - R 9 000 AN EMERALD AND DIAMOND RING 1231 A DIAMOND RING centred with a square emerald-cut emerald weighing approximately 1.62cts, highlighted on either side with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 1.0cts in total, set in 18ct yellow and white gold, size P of cluster design, claw-set with thirteen round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.85cts in total, set within a stylised mount, the double band in 18ct white gold, size N R 18 000 - R 24 000 of geometric design, centred with a bezel-set round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.50cts, within a surround of round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.30cts in total, set in 9ct gold, size L 1245 ILLUSTRATED R 18 000 - R 24 000 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 217 218 JEWELLERY 1245 A PAIR OF GEM-SET EARRINGS each of textured oval form centred with a bezel-set oval cabochon emerald weighing approximately 8.8cts for the pair, highlighted by round brilliant-cut diamonds, round sapphires and pearls weighing approximately 0.80cts, 3.18cts and 18.0cts respectively, in 18ct gold, with post and clip backs (2) ILLUSTRATED ON PREVIOUS PAGE R 30 000 - R 50 000 1246 A SMOKY QUARTZ NECKLACE 1251 1237 AN EMERALD RING claw-set with a square emerald-cut emerald weighing approximately 0.82cts, flanked on either side with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.04cts in total, set in 9ct gold, size O R 6 000 - R 9 000 1238 A RUBY RING the separated band concluding on either side with a round-cut ruby weighing approximately 0.14cts in total, set in 14ct gold, size O 1241 AN AQUAMARINE AND DIAMOND RING the broad domed ring set with fifteen princess-cut aquamarines weighing approximately 1.94cts in total, highlighted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 1.23cts in total creating a checkerboard pattern, in 18ct white gold, size O 1/2 R 16 000 - R 24 000 1242 A 14CT ROSE GOLD BRACELET R 1 200 - R 2 200 composed of hollow stylised zigzag links, approximately 187mm in length, accompanied by an extra link 1239 A RUBY, SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND INTERCHANGEABLE RING 1243 A ROSE QUARTZ CROSS designed as a band channel-set with baguette-cut rubies and sapphires, a hinged band attached on either side, embellished with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.30cts in total, set in 18ct white gold, size L/M, can be worn in various styles R 16 000 - R 24 000 1240 A SAPPHIRE RING centred with eleven round-cut sapphires weighing approximately 2.97cts in total, decorated throughout with cross motifs, set in 18ct gold with a 9ct gold ring guard, size R R 5 000 - R 8 000 R 3 500 - R5 500 claw-set with six round cabochon rose quartz weighing approximately 7.98cts in total, suspended on a silver snake chain, approximately 410mm in length (2) R 700 - R 900 1244 A SAPPHIRE AND DIAMOND RING of stylised crossover design, channelset with carré-cut sapphires weighing approximately 1.21cts and round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.20cts in total, in 18ct gold, size N 1/2; accompanied by two cluster rings claw-set with an oval blue gem, highlighted with round brilliant-cut diamonds in 18ct gold (3) R 4 000 - R 7 000 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 comprised of three bezel-set faceted oval smoky quartz weighing approximately 20.2cts in total, integrated into a round link chain, in silver, approximately 435mm in length R 700 - R 900 1247 A DIAMOND SOLITAIRE RING claw-set with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 2.12cts, in an 18ct white gold flat traditional setting, size N R 80 000 - R 100 000 1248 A SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RING four claw-set with an emerald-cut diamond weighing 0.767cts, on a reverse tapered flat band, in 18ct white gold, size K 1/2. The diamond accompanied by a D.I.A diamond report, no. 14030074, stating the stone is F in Colour and SI3 Clarity. R 25 000 - R 35 000 1249 A PINK SPINEL RING centred with a claw-set oval mixedcut pink spinel weighing 3.21cts, highlighted with sixteen round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.32cts in total, in 18ct white gold, size N. The pink spinel accompanied by an AGL identification certificate, no. C014080000453, stating the spinel is Reddish Pink in Colour with no enhancements. R 20 000 - R 30 000 JEWELLERY 1250 A PAIR OF DIAMOND EARSTUDS each in the form of a flowerhead, centred with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.22cts in total for the pair, set in 9ct gold (2) R 1 700 - R 2 700 1251 AN 18CT GOLD AND DIAMOND BRACELET composed of nine plain, twenty stylised and ten diamond-set links, weight of round brilliant-cut diamonds approximately 2.16cts in total, in 18ct gold, approximately 190mm in length ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE R 50 000 - R 70 000 1252 A DIAMOND RING composed of multiple textured and diamond-set bands, in 9ct white gold, size K; a diamond ring, centred with two channel-set bands of round brilliantcut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40cts in total, in 18ct white gold, size P (2) R 2 500 - R 4 500 1253 A CITRINE AND DIAMOND SUITE OF JEWELLERY comprising: a ring and a pair of earrings, each centred with an oval checkerboard-cut citrine weighing approximately 11.23cts for the suite, highlighted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.36cts in total, with open scroll work detailing, in 14ct white and yellow gold, ring size N 1/2, pin and clip (3) R 2 500 - R 4 500 1254 A DIAMOND PENDANT tube-set with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing 0.81cts enclosed in a tear-drop decorative mount, set throughout with old-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.9cts in total, set in 18ct white gold and platinum, attached to a stylised black cord applied with a fish-hook clasp, further set with an old-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.50cts and further embellished with old-cut diamonds. The central diamond accompanied by a certificate from E.G.L., no. 141111166/100323, stating that the diamond is F in Colour and VS1 in Clarity (2) R 54 000 - R 74 000 1255 A DIAMOND BRACELET set with thirty-eight tinted white and white round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 5.32cts in total, in 18ct white gold, approximately 180mm in length R 60 000 - R 80 000 1256 A MOCK TENSION-SET DIAMOND RING centred with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.26cts, in 9ct white gold, size P; a mock tension-set diamond ring centred with a round brilliant cut diamond weighing approximately 0.30cts, in 18ct white gold, size M; a diamond ring centred with a round brilliantcut diamond weighing approximately 0.21cts, in 9ct white gold, size N; a diamond ring centred with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.17cts, in 9ct white gold, size O (4) R 5 500 - R 9 500 1257 A THREE-STONE DIAMOND RING centred with a tinted white round brilliantcut diamond weighing approximately 0.56cts, flanked on either side with a round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately 0.18cts and 0.17cts, each shoulder highlighted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.40cts in total, in 18ct white gold, size L 1259 R 15 000 - R 25 000 1258 A CASED GARNET BROOCH, TIFFANY & CO., ITALY, 2003 of floral form, set with three cabochon garnets weighing approximately 1.77cts in total, highlighted with stylised leaves in 18ct gold and sterling silver, stamped “2003, Tiffany & Co., Italy”, contained in a black suede Tiffany & Co. box, with blue velvet interior R 3 500 - R 5 500 1259 A RUBELLITE TOURMALINE AND DIAMOND RING centred with a claw-set round mixedcut rubellite tourmaline weighing approximately 1.95cts, the shoulders highlighted with round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 0.10cts in total, in 18ct rose gold, size J ILLUSTRATED R 8 000 - R 10 000 1260 A MISCELLANEOUS GROUP OF RINGS of various designs, distress; set with blue gems and round brilliant-cut diamonds, in 9ct and 18ct gold (3) R 4 000 - R 7 000 1261 AN EMERALD NECKLACE composed of a single strand set with graduated natural emerald beads weighing approximately 57.5cts in total, interspersed with eighteen ruby beads, approximately 840mm in length R 4 000 - 6 000 UNMOUNTED GEMSTONES 1262 AN UNMOUNTED STEP-CUT AQUAMARINE, 7.852CTS accompanied by a Gem Identification Certificate from E.G.L., no. 140102451 stating that the Aquamarine is a Light toned slightly Greenish Blue Colour R 4 000 - 6 000 NO LOTS 1263 -1280 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 219 220 VINTAGE & DESIGNER FASHION VINTAGE & DESIGNER FASHION 1281 A VINTAGE WOMAN’S CHOCOLATE BROWN SEAL FUR COAT NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Label: “James Fong Fur Company Hong Kong". Full length. 82cm from the nape of the neck. Notched collar. Fully lined in satin. Front pockets. Thick, luxurious fur. Immaculate condition. R 20 000 - R 30 000 1282 A VINTAGE WOMAN’S OCELOT FUR COAT NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Mid length. 82cm from the nape of the neck. Notched collar. Fully lined. Double breasted. Four fur covered buttons. Front pockets. Back tab detail. Immaculate condition. R 35 000 - R 50 000 1283 A VINTAGE WOMAN’S CREME MINK JACKET NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Fox fur collar and lapel. Leather inserts on the side seam and sleeve. 70cm from the nape of the neck. Fully lined in satin. Front pockets. Initalled ‘Anne’ on the lining. Some wear on the leather, and fur at the elbows. Fox collar is in great condition. R5 000 - R 8 000 1284 A VINTAGE WOMAN’S CHEETAH FUR WITH BROWN MINK COLLAR NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Full length coat. Fully lined in satin. Front pockets. Notched collar. 110cm in length from the nape of the neck. Three front clasps. Immaculate condition. ILLUSTRATED R 50 000 - R 70 000 1284 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 VINTAGE & DESIGNER FASHION 1285 A WOMAN’S SILVER FOX COAT NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Full length coat. 85cm in length from the nape of the neck. Fully lined in black satin. One front clasp. Soft and luscious feel. Immaculate conditon. R 60 000 - R 80 000 1286 A VINTAGE WOMAN’S RED FOX COAT NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Full length. 85cm in length from the nape of the neck. Label: “Koseff Johannesburg”. Initialled “H.E.” on the lining. Thin leather tie attached to neck, which can be removed. Fully lined in gold satin. Two front clasps. Immaculate condition. R 20 000 - R 30 000 1287 A VINTAGE WOMAN’S BLACK DIAMOND MINK NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Full length. 105cm from the nape of the neck. Fully lined in black satin, with gold initials “R.S.” repeated along the hem. Three front clasps. Immaculate condition. ILLUSTRATED R 45 000 - R 60 000 1287 1288 A VINTAGE WOMAN’S SWAKARA COAT WITH GREY MINK COLLAR NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Full length. 90cm from the nape of the neck. Fully lined in black satin. Front pockets. Lining to be replaced. Embroidered initials. ILLUSTRATED R 5 000 - R 7 000 1289 A VINTAGE WOMAN’S CHOCOLATE MINK COAT NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Full length. 105cm from the nape of the neck. Fully lined in satin. Front pockets. Excellent condition. R 10 000 - R 15 000 1290 A WOMAN’S FOX FUR HAT NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Reclaimed silver fox fur. Elasticated. Beautiful condition. Fur is soft, long and full. 1288 R 3 000 - R 5 000 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 221 222 VINTAGE & DESIGNER FASHION 1291 A TURN OF THE CENTURY SILK CAPE Black velvet collar. Motif of butterflies and flowers beaded and embroidered on the back and the front tie. Some loose stitching and lost beads. Lined in silk chiffon. 122cm from the nape of the neck. A magnificent piece for display. ILLUSTRATED R 4 000 - R 6 000 1292 A FULLY BEADED VINTAGE GILET Magnificent bead and sequin motif of leaves covering the entire piece. Lined in satin. Some beads missing, otherwise beautiful condition. R 6 000 - R 8 000 1293 A RETRO WOMAN’S BEADED ENSEMBLE Fully sequined black shift dress, with multi-colour sequin and beaded crop jacket. Good condition. R 1 000 - R 1 500 1294 A BOB MACKIE VINTAGE BEADED EVENING GOWN 1291 Full length gown, long sleeves. Peacock colour beading in purple, green and blue. Excellent condition. 100% silk. Size 10. ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE R 20 000 - R 30 000 1291 DETAIL Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 1295 A LORENZI RED CROCODILE HANDBAG Authentic Lorenzi handbag. Gold tone hardware. Magnetic closure. Zip inside with mirror. Detachable long strap, bag becomes a clutch. Very good condition. ILLUSTRATED ON OPPOSITE PAGE R 15 000 - R 25 000 1296 A LOUIS VUITTON BEDFORD NOISETTE HANDBAG Embossed golden monogram patent leather. Natural cowhide leather handles. Zip closure. Some cracking to the inside leather. R 12 000 - R 18 000 1297 A VINTAGE WOMAN'S BLACK SWAKARA JACKET WITH MINK COLLAR NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Label: "H. Hartog of Johannesburg". Initialled "Belle-M." Cropped style. 62cm from the nape of the neck. Four buttons. Double breasted style. Beautiful black satin lining. Padded shoulders. Bishop style sleeve. Button loops need repair. Overall very good condition. R 8 000 - R 12 000 1298 A VINTAGE WOMAN'S MOCHA BROWN SWAKARA JACKET WITH MINK COLLAR NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Label: "Erich Fischer". Initalled "Belle". Cropped style. 68cm from the nape of the neck. Bishop style sleeve. Two side slits - to thread a belt through. Lined in mocha satin. Padded shoulders. Front pockets. Three front clasps. Beautiful condition. R 8 000 - R 12 000 VINTAGE & DESIGNER FASHION 1299 A VINTAGE WOMAN'S SQUIRREL FUR AND LEATHER JACKET NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Label: "Schönberg Inc. Stenberg Furs". 64cm from the nape of the neck. Three leather buttons down the front. Notched collar. Lined in polyester. Silky, soft pelts. Very good condition. R 6 000 - R 9 000 1300 A VINTAGE WOMAN'S GREY MINK CHEVRON AND LEATHER JACKET NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Label: "Schönbergs". 64cm from the nape of the neck. Notched collar. Lined in silver satin. Leather side seam, centre front, and underarm panels. Three leather covered buttons. Immaculate condition. R 8 000 - R 12 000 1301 A VINTAGE WOMAN'S MINK TURBAN AND TWO DETACHABLE VINTAGE MINK COLLARS NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT A set of a turban and collar. Caramel colour. Lined in a mocha satin. Label on collar:"London Fur Co. Expert Furriers, Johannesburg". Collar has loop on the end for closure. 93cm long. 12cm wide at neck - tapers to 6cm. Second collar is light blonde in colour. Fur on both sides. Clips attach to a coat. 93cm long. 8cm wide. All in beautiful condition. R 3 500 - R 6 000 1302 A VINTAGE MINK MUFF PURSE AND VINTAGE FOX FUR COLLAR NOT SUITABLE FOR EXPORT Russet colour mink hand warmer. Lined in satin. Secret pocket with a zip. Belt strap attached to create handle. Fur is in beautiful condition. Brown fox fur collar. Lined in black satin. Some wear to the fur on the neck. Front clasp. 74cm in length. R 1 500 - R 2 500 END OF SALE 1295 1294 Johannesburg, 21 & 22 April 2015 223
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