455 - A.Karamitsos
455 - A.Karamitsos
A.KARAMITSOS 34, Tsimiski Str. - 54623 Thessaloniki - GREECE tel.: +30 2310 264 366 - fax: +30 2310 274 031 www.karamitsos.com e-mail: [email protected] WORKING HOURS: 07.00 - 15.00 Saturday, 18 May 2013 PUBLIC AUCTION No 455 General Sale Start Time: 13.00 Viewing Arrangements: “Athens Auctions” Store Tuesday, 9 April 2013 - Friday, 17 May 2013 (working hours) “Hilton Athens” Hotel Saturday, 18 May 2013: 10.00 - 11.00 “Hilton Athens” Hotel 46, Vasilissis Sofias Ave. - Athens • tel.: +30 210 7281000 • fax: +30 210 7281111 “Athens Auctions” Store 46, Stadiou Str. - Stoa Arsakeiou 5 - Athens • tel.: +30 210 3250173 • fax: +30 210 3250176 Don't forget our other May auctions!!! Public Auction No 456 (Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Ceramics) Public Auction No 457 (Coins, Medals & Banknotes) for more info, visit: www.karamitsos.com Auction No 455 34, Tsimiski Str. - 54623 Thessaloniki - GREECE tel.: +30 2310 264 366 - fax: +30 2310 274 031 www.karamitsos.com . e-mail: [email protected] Έλαβα γνώση των όρων της δημοπρασίας και παρακαλώ να πλειοδοτήσετε για λογαριασμό μου τους παρακάτω λαχνούς, μέχρι το ποσό που έχω σημειώσει αντίστοιχα. Please bid on my behalf op to the limits, only if necessary, for the following lots. I have read and agree to the Conditions of Sale stated in the present Catalogue. Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ Client's code ________________________________________ Date ________________________ Phone ____________________________________ Fax ____________________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________ Please limit my total purchase to € __________________ Please send my lots I will collect my lots from your store Lot No Limit (€) Lot No Limit (€) Lot No Limit (€) Lot No Lot No Limit (€) Limit (€) Lot No Limit (€) Payment By Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard ) Card No Valid to / Signature ............................................ (Please note that an additional 2% on the total purchase amount is added, due to bank commission etc.) Through PayPal to [email protected] (Please note that an additional 4% on the total purchase amount must be paid, due to PayPal transaction fees etc.) Cash (PLEASE USE ALL THE BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS BELOW) BANK: EFG EUROBANK ERGASIAS, THESSALONIKI, GREECE, K. DIEHL BRANCH (030) IBAN: GR52 0260 0300 0009 1020 0744 514 SWIFT (BIC) CODE: EFGBGRAA A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E-3 STARTING PRICES IN EURO ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΑ Νο.455 ΤΗΣ 18/05/2013 PUBLIC AUCTION No.455 OF 18th May’13 LARGE HERMES HEAD 1 FC PAPER COLOUR AND PRINTING METHOD PROOFS. 1l. pale brown-gray on very thin paper. Thin. (Konst. 1 ΔΟΚ.II.2). E 20 2 FC PAPER COLOUR AND PRINTING METHOD PROOFS. 1l. red-brown on thin white paper. Light thin. (Konst. 1 ΔΟΚ.II.16). E 20 3 FC PAPER COLOUR AND PRINTING METHOD PROOFS. 1l. chocolate on thin white, slightly brownish, paper. (Konst. 1 ΔΟΚ.IV.1). E 75 4 FC PAPER COLOUR AND PRINTING METHOD PROOFS. 1l. deep brown, on white paper. Semi-final printing proof. Regummed with oxidization. (Konst. 1 ΔΟΚ.V). E 40 5 FC PAPER COLOUR AND PRINTING METHOD PROOFS. 5l. rose on whitish, slightly rose pelure paper. Faults. (Konst. 3 ΔΟΚ.I.1). Ε OFFER 6 FC Lot including 21 unused Large Hermes Heads from 1862/67 to 1880/86 issue. Only 6 stamps without gum. 5l. 1867/69 stamp with large part of original gum. Catalog value = 10462 Euros. Faults (mostly severe) on all stamps. (Hellas 15A+16b+17a+17b+18b+18d+20Ib+20IIa+22b+25a+26a+30b+39 b+41h+45b+49b+50c+56c+59IIb). 7 FC 8 */(*) 150 Collection including over 1300 stamps (Large and Small Hermes Heads) placed on an old album. Many different cancelations (all types I to VI included). Mixed quality. Interesting lot. ο 550 FC Lot including 32 Large Hermes Heads (10l.+20l. value) with CF errors. Stamps from 1861/62 to 1875/80 issue. Very nice study lot with high catalog value. o 20 9 FC Two ELs fr. with 20l. 1862/67 and 1867/69 stamps. Stamps F-VF. (Hellas 19b+27aNb). EL 20 10 FC Ionian islands canc. «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ» (type I+II+VI), «ΛΕΥΚΑΣ» (type I+II+IV), «ΙΘΑΚΗ» (type I+II), «ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ» (I+II), «ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ» (type I+II), «ΚΗΘΥΡΑ» (type I+IV), «ΠΑΞΟΙ» (type I+V) and «ΛΗΞΟΥΡΙΟΝ» (type II) on 45 Large Hermes Heads including some interesting stamps as Hellas 43b+46a+57a (stamps mostly with faults). o OFFER 11 FC Canc. «ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)» (type I+II), «ΣΜΥΡΝΑ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)» (type I+II), «ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)» (type I+II), «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)» (type II) and «ΒΩΛΟΣ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)» (type II) on 10 Large Hermes Heads from 1862/67 to 1875/80 issue. o 10 12 FC 2X2l. Large Hermes Heads stamps forgeries (URE: type 1a and 1b of poor and sad Hermes). P OFFER 13 FC 8X5l. Large Hermes Heads stamps forgeries on different papers and shades (URE: type 1a, 1b and 2 of poor and sad Hermes and type 3 by ALISAFFI). P 40 14 FC 8X20l. Large Hermes Heads stamps forgeries on different papers and shades (URE: type 1a, 1b and 2 of poor and sad Hermes and type 3 by ALISAFFI). P 45 15 FC 5X30l. Large Hermes Heads stamp, all different types forgeries (URE: type 2 by Oneglia of Turin, type 4 FOURNIER forgeries and type 5 the «GENOA» forgeries by Imperato). RR. P 60 16 FC 1l. brown, 2l. bistre, 5l. green, 20l. blue and 2X40l. mauve on blue, all without gum. Nice appearance but faults. (Hellas 1A+2A+3A+5A+6A). (*) 70 17 FC All the values of the Paris print. Nice to VF appearance but faults. (Hellas 1/7). o 35 (*) OFFER 1861 PARIS PRINT 18 FC 1l. brown, small tear at right, mng. (Hellas 1A). 19 FC 1l. brown, u. (Hellas 1a). VF. o 150 20 FC 1l. brown, one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 1a). o 90 21 FC 1l. red-brown, u. (Hellas 1b). VF. o 180 22 FC 1l red-brown with vertically laid medallion, u.(Hellas 1b). o 145 23 FC 1l. red-brown, one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 1b). o 90 24 FC 1l. red-brown in pair canc. «38» (=ΛΕΩΝΙΔΙΟΝ). Nice appearance but faults. (Hellas 1b-1350E). o 50 25 FC 1l. chocolate, m. Nice copy. (Hellas 1c). * 150 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E-4 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 26 FC 2l. brown-bistre, mng. (Hellas 2A). * 8 27 FC 2l. bistre, m. (Hellas 2a). VF. * 20 28 FC 2l. bistre, u. VF. (Hellas 2a). o 25 29 FC 2l. olive-bistre, u. VF. (Hellas 2b). * 20 30 FC 2l. olive-bistre, u. (Hellas 2b). VF. o 25 31 FC 2l. brown-bistre in u/m vertical pair. Superb. (Hellas 2c). ** 60 32 FC 2l. brown-bistre, m. (Hellas 2c). * 18 33 FC 2l. brown bistre, u. VF. (Hellas 2c). o 25 34 FC 5l. yellow-green, u. (Hellas 3a). o 45 35 FC 5l. yellow-green, u. VF. (Hellas 3a). o 45 36 FC 5l. yellow-green, u. VF. (Hellas 3a). o 40 37 FC 5l. green in pair, right «5» whitening on left stamp. Two good-large/two clear margins, u. (Hellas 3b). o 55 38 FC 5l.green, whitening «5», u.(Hellas 3b). o 32 39 FC 5l. green. u. One narrow margin. (Hellas 3b). o 22 40 FC 10l. yellowish-orange on blue, var «0» inverted on CF (Kound. 4.3), canc. «77» (=ΘΗΡΑ). Very nice appearance but thin. (Hellas 4aNb). o 150 41 FC 10l. orange on blue in horizontal pair on frag., u. VF. (Hellas 4b). Δ 300 42 FC 10l. orange on blue, certificate P.HOLCOMBE (1985), u. (Hellas 4b). o 160 43 FC 10l. orange on blue, u. (Hellas 4b). o 120 44 FC 10l. orange on blue, u. Light crease. Very nice margins. (Hellas 4b). o 100 45 FC 10l. orange on blue, u. F. (Hellas 4b). o 80 46 FC 10l. orange on blue, very nice appearance but a light thin in lower margin, u. (Hellas 4b). o 40 47 FC 10l. orange on blue, superb appearance but creased, u. (Hellas 4b). o 10 48 FC 10l. orange on blue (pos.86), var. «1 inverted» (KOUND.4.2), u. (Hellas 4bNa). Light thin on upper margin, narrow border touching the stamp. o 280 49 FC 20l. blue, gumless spot, m. (Hellas 5a). * 150 50 FC 20l blue, u. (Hellas 5a) o 30 51 FC 20l. blue, u. (Hellas 5a). o 25 52 FC 20l. blue, one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 5a). o 17 53 FC 20l. blue with one narrow margin and pinhole, u. (Hellas 5a). o OFFER 54 FC 20l. blue on thin paper, one narrow corner, m. (Hellas 5aPa). Very Rare. * 200 55 FC 20l. blue on thin paper with broken left frame line, one closing corner, u. (Hellas 5aPa). o 50 56 FC 20l. blue on pelure (0.045μμ) paper, u. Faults but R. (Hellas 5aPa). o OFFER 57 FC 20l. blue on EL, canc. «ΠΥΛΟΣ (26)*3 ΙΑΝ.62» in blue, arr. «ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ (31)*4 ΙΑΝ.62». (Hellas 5a). EL 60 58 FC 1862 EL fr. with 20l. deep blue (Hellas 5c), canc. dott.»32» & «ΣΠΑΡΤΗ (32)*26 ΦΕΒΡ.62» via «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ (2)*28 ΦΕΒΡ.62» arr. «AΘΗΝΑΙ (1)*28 ΦΕΒΡ.62». Three large margins, one narrow, touching lower right corner. o 40 59 FC 20l. deep blue on thin to very thin transparent paper, u. (Hellas 5cPa). Ink spot on stamp but R. o 60 60 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. Superb. (Hellas 6a). o 50 61 FC 40l mauve on blue, u. VF. (Hellas 6a) o 45 62 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. VF. (Hellas 6a). o 40 63 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u (Hellas 6a). o 30 64 FC 40l. dull mauve on blue, one narrow corner, u. (Hellas 6b). VF. o 35 65 FC 40l. dull mauve on blue, u. VF. (Hellas 6b). o 32 66 FC 80l. rose-carmine with incomplete print and canc. with dott «15» (=NΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ), (Hellas 7a). Superb. UNIQUE. o 1000 67 FC 80l. rose-carmine, u. Superb. (Hellas 7a). o 45 68 FC 80l. rose-carmine, u. (Hellas 7a). VF. o 35 69 FC 80l. rose-carmine, u. (Hellas 7a). o 35 70 FC 80l. rose-carmine, u. (Hellas 7a). F-VF. o 32 71 FC 80l. rose-carmine canc. «ΣΠΕΤΣΑΙ*9.ΙΑΝ.64», one narrow margin. (Hellas 7a). o 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E-5 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 72 FC 80l. carmine in pair (cut between), dott. «1». plate flaw «wide margins» (type II). VF. (Hellas 7b). o 65 73 FC 80l. carmine, u. VF. (Hellas 7b). o 45 74 FC 80l. carmine, u.(Hellas 7b). o 30 75 FC Prepaid 1861 EL (18 Oct.) fr.10l.orange/blue+20l.deep blue 1861 Paris print.(Hellas 4b+5c) canc. dotted «67» & «ΣΥΡΟΣ (67)*18 ΟΚΤ.61» (typ.I+II), «Π.Ε.Δ.» in red, via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*19 ΟΚΤ.61» to Kalamae. EL 450 76 FC Prepaid EL from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*11.ΝΟΕΜ.61» fr. with 10l. orange on blue, var. «1» inverted on CF (Kound.4.2-pos.86), and 40l. mauve on blue, both VF, to Argostoli. Doxed «Δ.Π.» and handwritten «1» (=1p), arr. «ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ». A very rare CF error on cover. (Hellas 4bNa+6a). EL 7500 1861/1862 ATHENS PROVISIONAL PRINTINGS 77 FC Lot including 2X1l.+2X5l.+2X10l.+4X20l.+2X40l. Provisionals (coarse and fine). Catalog value=2511 Euros. Nice lot. o 50 78 FC 20l. deep blue (quadrille background), u. (Hellas 8Ib). Fine/very fine. o 2500 79 FC 2l. brown-bistre, full o.g., m. (Hellas 10Ib). * 20 80 FC 2l. bistre, u. (Hellas 10Ic). o 30 81 FC 3x5l. «First Athenes printings (Coarse impression)» (Different shades), with some small faults. o 15 82 FC 5l. greyish green, u. (Hellas 11Ia). o 45 83 FC 5l. green (coarse impression), m. (Hellas 11Ib). Full original gum. Narrow margins. * 50 84 FC 5l. green, mng. (Hellas 11Ib). (*) 60 85 FC 5l. deep green in pair canc. «ΔΗΜΗΤΖΑΝΑ*10.ΙΟΥΝ.80» (type IIa)-very late use. Left stamp touched at upper left. (Hellas 11IIb). o 60 86 FC 2x5l. green & yellow green, both very nice appearance but with faults, u. (Hellas 11Ib). o 17 87 FC 5l.yellow-green (coarse print.),u.Var.»double contr.figure».Good/large margins but two closing corners. (Hellas 11 IbNo,Kound.10.1.). o 350 88 FC 5l. deep olive-green, very light thin spot and a narrow margin, m. (Hellas 11Ic). * 10 89 FC 5l. olive-green, u. (Hellas 11Ic). o 20 90 FC 5l. vivid green, plate flaw «thin circle», one narrow margin, m. (Hellas 11IdCF2). * 150 91 FC 5l. vivid-green, u. Nice copy. (Hellas 11Id). o 55 92 FC 10l. orange with intense yellowish cast, u. (Hellas 12Ib). VF. o 60 93 FC 10l. orange (shades), u. (Hellas 12Ib). F. o 45 94 FC 10l. orange with yellow cast, one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 12Ib). o 35 95 FC 10l. orange (coarse impression), u. VF. (Hellas 12Ib). o 30 96 FC 10l. orange with «open cross» (upper right), creased corner in margin, u. (Hellas 12Ib). o 10 97 FC 10l orange, canc. «9» (=ΠΑΤΡΑΙ). Var. «double CF» (Kound. 11.4). VF. (Hellas 12I var). o 400 98 FC 1862 EL fr.20l.indigo-blue (coarse print.1861/2) canc.dott.»26» & «ΠΥΛΟΣ (26)*8 ΣΕΠΤ.62» (typ. I+II),trans.ΑΘΗΝΑΙ,arr.weak «ΣΥΡΟΣ (67)».Fine stamp. (Hellas 13 Ib). EL 230 99 FC 20l indigo blue on fragment canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*29.ΙΑΝ.62», just touched on lower left corner, u.(Hellas 13Ib). Δ 120 100 FC 20l.prussian blue (coarse print.,yellow wash), m. Narr./clear margins & very light thin. RR. (Hellas 13 Ic). * 370 101 FC 20l. prussian blue with greyish cast, u. VF. (Hellas 13Ic). o 100 102 FC 20l Coarse impressions prussian blue with yellow cast. VF. (Hellas 13Ic). o 85 103 FC 20l. deep blue, u. VF. (Hellas 13Id). o 100 104 FC 20l. deep blue, u. VF. (Hellas 13Id). o 90 105 FC 20l. deep blue, good margins but a closing corner, u. (Hellas 13Id). o 75 106 FC 20l. deep blue, u. VF. (Hellas 13Id). o 45 107 FC 20l. deep blue with very strong contour on fragment canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*11.ΙΑΝ.62». (Hellas 13Id). Δ 80 108 FC EL from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*13.ΙΑΝ.62» fr. with 20l. deep blue with yellowis cast (stamp VF/Superb) to Pyrgos. (Hellas 13Id). EL 180 109 FC EL fr. with 20l. deep blue (faults) from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*16.ΙΟΥΛ.62», arr. «ΝΗΣΙΟΝ*18.ΙΟΥΛ.62». (Hellas 13Id). EL 30 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E-6 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 110 FC 1l. chocolate, mng. Plate flaw «broken inner frame». Certificate by P.Holcombe (1992). VF. (Hellas 9IIa 510 euros catalog value). (*) 250 111 FC 1l. chocolate, mng. 3 good/1 narrow margins. Light thin. (Hellas 9IIa). (*) 120 112 FC 1l. bistre-brown, m. (Hellas 9IIb). o 150 113 FC 1l. brown, one narrow (not touching) margin, u. (Hellas 9IIc). o 110 114 FC 1l. brown, mng. (Hellas 9IIc). (*) 75 115 FC 2x2l. bistre & yellow bistre, m. VF. (Hellas 10IIa+10IIb). * 40 116 FC 2l. bistre, m. (Hellas 10IIa). o 18 117 FC 3x5l. «First Athenes printings (fine impression)» (Different shades), with some small faults. o 18 118 FC 5l. deep green, u. (Hellas 11IIb). o 45 119 FC 10l. orange nice appearance but thin, m. (Hellas 12IIa). * OFFER 120 FC 10l. orange (fine impression), u. VF. (Hellas 12IIa). o 30 121 FC 10l. orange, u. VF. (Hellas 12IIa). o 25 122 FC 10l. orange with yellowish cast, u. (Hellas 12IIa). o 20 123 FC 10l.orange (fine print),u.Three good & one clear margins. (Hellas 12 IIa). o 17 124 FC 10l. orange, u. Var. «double C.F.». VF-Lux. (Hellas 12IIaNo). o 1200 125 FC 10l. orange in lower marginal copy, var widely spaced CF (Kound. 17.2), 3 margins, u. (Hellas 12IIaNk). o 50 126 FC 20l. deep blue, u. (Hellas 13IIa). VF. o 60 127 FC EL from «ΓΑΣΤΟΥΝΗ*11.ΙΑΝ.63» fr. with 20l. deep blue, arr. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*12.ΙΑΝ.63». (Hellas 13IIa). EL 85 128 FC 20l. blue with contour, two narrow margins, u. mng. (Hellas 13IIb). (*) 380 129 FC 20l. blue, u. VF. (Hellas 13IIb). o 32 130 FC 20l. blue, u. Nice copy. (Hellas 13IIb). o 25 131 FC 20l. blue, u. (Hellas 13IIb). o 20 132 FC 20l. blue, u. 1 narrow margin. (Hellas 13IIb). o 15 133 FC 20l. blue with conour, superb appearance but lower left corner crease, u. (Hellas 13IIb). o 10 134 FC EL from «ΣΠΑΡΤΗ*27.ΑΥΓ.62» fr. with 20l. blue to Argos. (Hellas 13IIb). EL 30 135 FC 40l. mauve on blue, large part og the original gum, m. Faults but RR. (Hellas 14IIa). * 80 136 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. (Hellas 14IIa). o 160 137 FC 40l. mauve on blue, good/large margins, u.(Hellas 14IIa).VF o 155 138 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. VF. (Hellas 14IIa). o 120 139 FC 40l. mauve on blue, with one narrow corner, u. (Hellas 14IIa). o 100 140 FC 40l. mauve on blue, VF appearance but a thin spot, u. (Hellas 14IIa). o 30 141 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. Var. «Light double C.F.» (Kound. 19.1) and plate flaw «open cross». Creased bu Very Rare. (Hellas 14IIa var). o 180 142 FC 1862 EL. fr. with 10l. orange and 40l. mauve on blue, canc. «ΣΥΡΟΣ (67)*25 ΦΕΒΡ.62» arr. «ΚΩΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)», orange single line horizontal «Π.Ε.Δ.». (Hellas 12IIa + 14IIa). EL 250 143 FC Prepaid EL from «ΧΑΛΚΙΣ*12.ΙΟΥΛ.63» fr. with 5l. green, 10l. orange, 20l. sky-blue and 40l. mauve on blue, arr. «TRIEST*30/7». On reverse postal rate indication «3/15» (18kr for Austrian and LLoyd fee=55l.+20l. Greek inland rate). (Hellas 11Ib+12IIa+19a+14IIa). EL 150 144 FC Unpaid EL from «ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*15.ΝΟΕΜ.63» to Athens. Handwritten «Col Vapore Austr» via «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*18.ΝΟΕΜ.63» fr. on arrival with 5l. deep green, 20l. sky-blue and 40l. light mauve on blue (45l. Austrian ship rate+20l. Greek domestic fee). (Hellas 11IIb+19b+20Ia). EL 180 100 1862/67 CONSECUTIVE ATHENS PRINTINGS 145 FC 1l. chocolate-brown in upper marginal bl.8 with vertically laid background, mng VF. R. (Hellas 15A). (*) 146 FC 1l. chocolate-brown with vertically laid background, mng. (Hellas 15A). (*) 14 147 FC 1l. chocolate-brown, «open cross» at lower right, m. (Hellas 15aCF1IV). * 20 148 FC 1l. chocolate-brown with vertically laid background, mng. F. (Hellas 15a). (*) 10 149 FC 1l. chocolate-brown left marginal with vertically laid background, u. (Hellas 15a). o 15 150 FC 2X1l. chocolate-brown and brown, mng. (Hellas 15a+15b). (*) 16 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E-7 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 151 FC 2X1l. chocolate-brown (vert. laid background) and brown (horiz. laid background), u. (Hellas 15a+15b). o 18 152 FC 1l.brown in bl.4 with horizontally laid background, m. (Hellas 15b). * 85 153 FC 1l. copper-brown with horizontally laid background in pair, m. (Hellas 15b). * 50 154 FC 1l. brown with horizontally laid background and printing error, mng. Nice copy. (Hellas 15b). (*) 12 155 FC 2X1l. brown (shades), mng. (Hellas 15b). (*) 17 156 FC 1l. brown, u. (Hellas 15b). o 23 157 FC 1l. cooper brown with horizontally laid background, u. (Hellas 15b). o 20 158 FC 1l. copper-brown in upper marginal copy, 2 very large/2 clear to good margins, u. (Hellas 15b). o 10 159 FC 3X1l. brown (shades) with horizontally laid background, canc. «106»+»110»+»110» (=ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ+ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ+ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ). (Hellas 15b). o 35 160 FC 2X1l. brown (shades), u. (Hellas 15b). o 16 161 FC 1l. red-brown, one narrow margin, m. (Hellas 15c). * 32 162 FC 1l. red-brown in strip of 3, touched on the lower part, u. (Hellas 15c). Rare. o 60 163 FC 1l.red-brown,u.Three large & one narr.margins. (Hellas 15c). o 40 164 FC 1l. claret-brown upper marginal, m. F. (Hellas 15d). * 30 165 FC 1l. deep red brown (with short beard), u. F-VF. (Hellas 1e - 330 euros). o 100 166 FC 3x10l. yellow-bistre & bistre & brown-bistre, m. (Hellas 16a+16b+16c). * 15 167 FC 2l. yellow-bistre on thin paper (0,05m), u. (Hellas 16aPa). o 10 168 FC 2l. bistre in bl.4, m. VF. (Hellas 16b). * 25 169 FC 2X1l. bistre and brown-bistre, both perf. 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 16b+16c). * 10 170 FC 2l. bistre, u. (Hellas 16b). o 10 171 FC 2l. bistre in pair canc. «ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ*5.ΟΚΤ.92», light thin in upper margin of the right stamp, u. (Hellas 16b). o 16 172 FC 2l. bistre on thin paper, u. (Hellas 16bPa). VF. o 15 173 FC 8x2l. all 1862/67 issue (different shades), m. (Hellas 16b+16c+16d). * 23 174 FC 4x2l. bistre & brown-bistre & deep grey-bistre, m. (Hellas 16b+16c+16d). * 17 175 FC 2l. brown-bistre, u/m. (Hellas 16c). ** 10 176 FC 2l. brown-bistre in horizontal pair, u. (Hellas 16c). o 40 177 FC 2l. brown-bistre, u. (Hellas 16c). o 10 178 FC 2l. deep grey bistre in bl.4, m. Vertical crease between and light diagonal crease on last stamp. Nice margins. (Hellas 16d). * 20 179 FC 2l. deep grey-bistre in horizontal strip of 4, m. (Hellas 16d). * 40 180 FC 7X5l. green and yellow-green (shades), u. (Hellas 17a+17b). o 16 181 FC 5l. green in bl.4. Plate flaw «Lines in the spandrel» & «Broken circle» & «Thin circle» (pos. 14+15+24). Canc. dott «106». Left margin narrow but RR. (Hellas 17a). o 1000 182 FC 5l.green,m.Large margins (except one closing corner). (Hellas 17a). * 40 183 FC 5l.green,mng.(without gum).Two good & two clear margins. (Hellas 17a).Fine copy. (*) 25 184 FC 5l. green in lower marginal strip of 3, u. (Hellas 17a). o 40 185 FC 5l. green in pair canc. «84» (=ΣΚΙΑΘΟΣ) in blue. Nice pair. (Hellas 17a). o 45 186 FC 5l. yellow green, u. (Hellas 17a). VF. o 10 187 FC 5l. green with very good/large margins, u. (Hellas 17a). Superb. o OFFER 188 FC 5l. green (pos.19), var deformed «5» on CF (Kound. 29.4.a), light horizontal crease, u. (Hellas 17a). o OFFER 189 FC 4X5l. green and yellow green(shades), u.(Hellas 17a+17b). o 12 190 FC 2x5l. green & yellow green (shades), u. (Hellas 17a+17b). o 12 191 FC 2x5l. green & yellow-green, very nice copies, u. (Hellas 17a+17b). o 12 192 FC 5l. yellow-green, m. (Hellas 17b). * 80 193 FC 5l.yellow-green, mng. Three good & one clear margins. (Hellas 17b). (*) 35 194 FC 5l. yellow-green, u.(Hellas 17b).Superb o 12 195 FC 2x5l. yellow-green (pos. 5 & 100), u. (Hellas 17b). o 12 196 FC 5l. yellow-green, cancelled with dot. «67». Var. «deformed 5» (Kound.29.4.c). F-VF. (Hellas 17b). o 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E-8 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 197 FC 5l. olive-green (pos. 131), u. (Hellas 17c). VF. o 18 198 FC 1863 EL from Volos (stampless) canc.only oval maritime «ΠΡΑΚΤΟΡΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΕ ΕΛΛ.ΑΤΜΟΠΛΟΙΑ*ΕΝ ΒΩΛΩ»,taxed with pair 10l.yellow-orange (May) (Hellas 18A,one touched) on arrival canc.»ΣΥΡΟΣ (67)*20 ΙΟΥΛ.63».Rare item. EL 500 199 FC 10l. red-orange (pos.74), u. VF. (Hellas 18a). o 25 200 FC 10l. orange, m.(Hellas 18b). o 95 201 FC 10l. orange, very light thin, m. (Hellas 18b). * 45 202 FC 10l. orange in pair, blue dott. «86» (=ΦΙΛΙΑΤΡΑ). One narrow margin. (Hellas 18b). o 30 203 FC 10l orange canc. with type I «97» (ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑ). Superb. (Hellas 18b). o 14 204 FC 10l. orange, u. (Hellas 18b). Superb. o 20 205 FC 10l. orange, u. (Hellas 18b). VF. o 10 206 FC 2X10l orange (shades), u. (Hellas 18b). o 20 207 FC 3X10l. orange, orange on blue and red-orange on blue, u. (Hellas 18b+18d+18e). o 8 208 FC 10l. yellow-orange, var «01 instead of 10», u. (Hellas 18bNd). Two narrow margins. o 20 209 FC 3X10l. orange (pos.61+80+142), var «01» instead of «10» on CF on all stamps (Kound. 30.4). Faults but nice study lot, u. (Hellas 18bNd). o OFFER 210 FC 10l. orange on blue in pair, u. F-VF. (Hellas 18d). o 15 211 FC 2x10l. orange on blue (both marginal), u. VF. (Hellas 18d). o 10 212 FC 3X10l.orange on blue(shades), u.(Hellas 18d). o 15 213 FC 10l. orange on blue, var double CF distance 1mm vertically (Kound. 30.3.h), canc. «ΣΥΡΟΣ». Three margins but R. (Hellas 18dNo). o 100 214 FC 2x10l. yellow-orange and orange on blue, u. VF. (Hellas 18d+18e). o 10 215 FC 3X10l.yellow-orange on blue and red-orange on blue(shades), u.(Hellas 18d+18e).Nice copies o 17 216 FC 3X10l.yellow-orange on blue and red-orange on blue(shades), u.(Hellas 18d+18e).Nice copies o 17 217 FC 10l. red-orange on blue with full gum, two narrow margins, m. (Hellas 18e). * 50 218 FC 10l. red-orange on blue in pair (pos.27-28), u. VF. (Hellas 18e). o 20 219 FC 10l.red-orange on blue in pair, good/large margins but very small thin on upper margin in first stamp, u.(Hellas 18e). o 18 220 FC 10l. red-orange on blue left marginal (pos.131), u. VF. (Hellas 18e). o 8 221 FC 10l. red-orange on blue, u. (Hellas 18e). VF. o OFFER 222 FC 10l.red-orange on blue (pos.71), var.»01» instead of «10» on CF (Kound.30.4), very nice appearance but a tiny thin spot in upper margin, u. (Hellas 18eNd). o 30 223 FC 10l. red-orange on blue (pos.12), var. «widely spaced C.F.» (KOUND.30.6), u. Touched but R. (Hellas 18eNk). o 15 224 FC 1869 EL posted from «ΝΑΥΠΑΚΤΟΣ» to «ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΝ» and franked with 10l. red-orange on blue in pair. (Hellas 18e). EL 28 225 FC 10l red-orange, u.(Hellas 18f).VF. o 20 226 FC 10l. red-orange, u. Nice copy. (Hellas 18f). o 20 227 FC 10l. red-orange, u. (Hellas 18f). Two good and two narrow margins. o 15 228 FC 21X20l. 1862/67 issue (different shades), pos. 53+41+76+142+2+71+55+31+60+64+144+11+13 3+36+147+148+84+12+54+16+1. (Hellas 19a+19b+19d+19e). o 27 229 FC 21x20l. all 1862/67 issue, different shades, u. (Hellas 19). o 26 230 FC 20l. sky-blue, light thin, u. (Hellas 19A). o OFFER 231 FC 20l. sky-blue (pos.63), var CF «80» instead of «20» (Kound. 31.1), 3 margins, u. RR. (Hellas 19aNe). o 150 232 FC EL from «METELINE*17/12» (Austrian P.O.) to Syros. Linear «FRANCO» taxed on arrival with 20l. skyblue and canc. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*8.ΔΕΚΕ.63». (Hellas 19a). EL 60 233 FC 2X20l. sky+blue and blue, u. Superb. (Hellas 19a+19b). o 15 234 FC 3X20l. sky+blue and blue, u. VF. (Hellas 19a+19b). o 20 235 FC 4x20l. sky-blue & blue to greenish blue (pos. 1+20+31+108), pos. 108 stamp-1867 issue, u. (Hellas 19a+19b). o 14 236 FC 3X20l. sky+blue and blue, u. Nice to VF copies. (Hellas 19a+19b). o 14 237 FC 2X20l. sky-blue and blue, both 1867 issue (pos.117+20), u. Nice copies. (Hellas 19a+19f). o 20 238 FC 20l. blue to greenish blue, m. (Hellas 19b). * 120 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E-9 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 239 FC 20l. blue, m. (Hellas 19b). Two good/large and two narrow margins. CERT. HOLCOMBE. 240 FC 20l. blue in right marginal copy, one narrow margin, mng. (Hellas 19b). * 100 (*) 55 241 FC 20l. blue, u. VF. (Hellas 19b). o 8 242 FC Large part of EL from «ΛΑΜΙΑ*21.ΝΟΕΜ.63» fr. with 20l. blue to Syros. On arrival boxed «ΠΛΗΡ./ΑΝΕΠΑΡΚΗΣ» and fr. with 20l. blue canc. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*24.ΝΟΕΜ.63». Also postman’s cachet «1». R. (Hellas 19b). Δ 50 243 FC Unpaid EL from «TRIEST*24/9» to Sira. Handwitten «3/10» fr. on arrival with 20l. strip of 3 (pos.3-5) to pay 13kr for Austrian and ship rate and 20l. Greek inland rate. Pos.4+5 stamps with plate flaw «white line at the lower part» and «oblique line behind the head». EL folded in middle but very nice and rare franking. (Hellas 19b+19b20F1+19b20F2). EL 60 244 FC 2x20l. blue to greenish blue & light to dark grey blue, u. (Hellas 19b + 19d). o 14 245 FC 20l. dark grey blue (oxid. corners), u. VF+. (Hellas 19d). o 12 246 FC 20l. light grey blue (oxid. corners-pos.141), u. VF. (Hellas 19d). o 10 247 FC 20l. dark grey blue (oxid. corners) and blue on green, u. Nice copies. (Hellas 19d+19e). o 10 248 FC 8X20l. grey-blue (oxid. corners), pos. 108+3+81+59+133+134+40+81, u. (Hellas 19d). o 15 249 FC 2X20l. dark grey blue (oxid. corners) and blue on green, u. Nice copies. (Hellas 19d+19e). o 14 250 FC Prepaid EL from «ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ*27.ΙΟΥΝ.67» to Triest fr. with 3X20l. deep grey-blue (oxid. corners) (pos.27-28-29) to pay 13kr for Austrian and ship rate and 20l. Greek inland rate. On all stamps plate flaw «white line at the upper inscription». EL via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*30.ΙΟΥΝ.67», arr. «TRIEST*18/7». (Hellas 19d20F6). EL 70 251 FC 20l. blue on green, u. VF+. (Hellas 19e). o 12 252 FC 20l. blue on green, u. (Hellas 19e). VF. o 12 253 FC 2X20l. blue on green, u. VF. (Hellas 19e). o 15 254 FC 14X20l. blue on green, pos. 46+33+138 (3 stamps)+2+51+14+85+3+31+66+65+116, u. (Hellas 19e). o 20 255 FC 20l. blue on green (pos.10) with «2» slightly double on CF, close vertical print due to sliding, u. VF. (Hellas 19e). o 30 256 FC 10X20l. blue (1867 issue), pos. 90+103+144+81+136+61+125+117+84+99, u. (Hellas 19b). o 10 257 FC 20l. deep blue, u. (Hellas 19f). Very nice. o 20 258 FC 2X20l. deep blue (1867 issue), pos. 117+104, u. (Hellas 19f). o 16 259 FC EL from «ΛΑΜΙΑ*14.ΙΟΥΝ.67» fr. with 20l. deep blue, via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*16.ΙΟΥΝ.67», arr. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*18. ΙΟΥΝ.67». (Hellas 19f). EL 35 260 FC 20l. deep dark blue, plate flaws issue «white line at the upper inscription» and «spot on the chin» (pos.27). Heavily inked copy, u. (Hellas 19g20F6). o 40 261 FC 40l light mauve on blue, u. (Hellas 20Ia) o 10 262 FC 40l light mauve on blue, u. (Hellas 20Ia) o 10 263 FC 2x40l light mauve on blue, u. (Hellas 20Ia) o 15 264 FC 40l.mauve/blue,mng.Three large & one clear margins. (Hellas 20 Ib).Very fine copy. (*) 80 265 FC 40l. mauve on blue with thin spot, mng. (Hellas 20Ib). (*) 50 266 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. (Hellas 20Ib). VF. o 10 267 FC 40l mauve on blue, u. (Hellas 20Ib) o 10 268 FC 3X40l. mauve on blue, u.(Hellas 20Ib). o 18 269 FC 2x40l. deep mauve on blue & mauve on greenish-blue, u. (Hellas 20Ib+20Ic). o 28 270 FC 2x40l. mauve on blue + grey-mauve on blue, u. (Hellas 20Ib+20Id). o 15 271 FC 40l. light mauve on blue, oxidized colour, (pos.5), var. «widely spaced C.F.» (KOUND.32.2), three large margins but one closing (not touching) corner, u. Impressive shade. (Hellas 20IbNk). o 55 272 FC 40l. mauve to deep mauve on blue, u. Var. «double C.F.» (double printing of 4 & traces of the 0). VF. (Cound. 32.1.c). (Hellas 20IbNo). RRR. o 550 273 FC 40l mauve on greenish blue, u. (Hellas 20Ic) o 20 274 FC 40l. grey-mauve on blue, one closing corner, m. R. (Hellas 20Id). * 350 275 FC 40l. grey-mauve on blue in pair, large margins but creased on upper left corner, u.(Hellas 20Id). o 85 276 FC 40l. grey-mauve on blue, u. VF. (Hellas 20Id). o 18 277 FC 40l grey-mauve on blue, u. (Hellas 20Id) o 15 278 FC 40l. grey-mauve on blue, u. VF. (Hellas 20Id). o 12 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 10 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 279 FC 40l grey-mauve on blue, canc. «110» (=ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ). (Hellas 20Id) ο 12 280 FC Double weight EL from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*27.ΔΕΚΕ.65» fr. with 40l. grey-mauve on blue to Thivae. (Hellas 20Id). EL 75 281 FC 40l. greyish-rose on grey-lilac, large part of the original gum, m. R. (Hellas 20IIa). * 400 282 FC 40l. greyish rose on grey lilac with thin, mng. (Hellas 20IIa). (*) 80 283 FC 2X40l. greyish rose on grey-lilac, u. VF. (Hellas 20IIa). o 10 284 FC 4X40l. greyish rose on grey-lilac (shades), u. (Hellas 20IIa). o 16 285 FC 4x40l geyish rose on grey-lilac, shades, u. (Hellas 20IIa) o 10 286 FC 40l. greyish rose on grey-lilac, var double CF (Kound. 32.1.2), canc. «ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙ(ΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ)». RR but 3 margins only. (Hellas 20IIaNo). o 150 287 FC 80l. carmine, u. VF. (Hellas 21a). o 35 288 FC 80l. carmine (with orange C.F.), u. (Hellas 21a). o 30 289 FC 80l. carmine with vertically laid background in right marginal copy, one narrow margin, u. R. (Hellas 21a). o 30 290 FC 80l. carmine with in lower marginal copy. Light double CF due to sliding. VF appearance but light thin in margin, u. R. (Hellas 21a). o 40 291 FC 80l.rose-carmine,u.Good margins. (Hellas 21b).Very fine copy. o 42 292 FC 80l rose-carmine, u. with orange CF. F-VF. (Hellas 21b) o 35 293 FC 80l. rose-carmine with vertically laid background, var. without C.F. (mentioned by Koundouros on page 79), u. VF. (Hellas 21bvar-Vlastos 27c-5500E). o 1700 294 FC 80l. rose-carmine, m. (Hellas 22a). * 10 295 FC 80l.rose-carmine in marginal pair,mng.Good margins. (Hellas 22a).Very nice pair. (*) 30 296 FC 80l. rose-carmine, var. «double C.F.» (KOUND.33.2), canc. «ΠΑΤΡΑ*5 ΔΕΚ.64». (Hellas 22aNo). Touched. o 320 297 FC 80l. rose-carmine (pos.91), var «8» inverted on CF (Kound.33.3), u VF. (Hellas 22aNa). o 180 298 FC 80l. rose-carmine (pos.91), var «8» inverted on CF (Kound. 33.3), good/even margins but vertical crease, u. (Hellas 22aNa). o 70 299 FC Unpaid EL from «ΣΥΡΟΣ*27.ΟΚΤ.65» to Constantinople. Handwritten «80» fr. on arrival with 80l. rosecarmine and canc. «ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*5.ΝΟΕΜ.65». (Hellas 22a). EL 65 300 FC Double weight unpaid EL from «ΣΜΥΡΝΑ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*27.ΜΑΙΟΣ.67» fr. on arrival with 80l. rose-carmine and canc. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*28.ΜΑΙΟΣ.67». EL folded in middle. (Hellas 22a). EL 50 301 FC 2x80l. rose-carmine & deep carmine, with good/large margins, u. (Hellas 22a + 22b). Very Nice. o 12 302 FC 5x80l rose-carmine & carmine, u. F-VF. (Hellas 22a,22b) o 12 303 FC 5x80l rose-carmine & carmine, u. F-VF. (Hellas 22a,22b) o 12 304 FC 3x80l. rose-carmine+carmine to deep carmine, (shades), u. (Hellas 22a+22b). VF. o 10 305 FC 80l. carmine in bl.6 (pos.124-125/144-145). Right «8» whitening (pos.144). Trace of thin on one stamp, otherwise Superb. Upper pair m, the rest stamps u/m. (Hellas 22b). */** 200 306 FC 80l. carmine, m. VF. (Hellas 22b). * 25 307 FC 80l. deep carmine, u. (Hellas 22b). Very nice. o 10 308 FC 80l. carmine (pos.150), var widely spaced CF (Kound.33.5). Also small part of the oval cachet «ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ» on reverse, u. Superb. (Hellas 22bNk). o 70 309 FC 80l. carmine, var partial impression (only traces) of «0» on CF, m. Cut but rare in mint. (Hellas 22bNj). * 50 310 FC Single weight prepaid cover from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15.ΣΕΠΤ.62» fr. with 10l. orange+2X20l. rose-carmine (with orange CF) (20l. Greek rate+150l. to England). Handwritten «Via Triest», plus «Π.Ε.Δ.», «CR» and «W.FR.20» in red, via «LONDON*6.OC.62» where canc. «P» in circle, arr. «PORT-GLASCOW*7. OC.1862». 80l. stamps with orange CF on cover are RR. (Hellas 21b+12Ib). C 300 311 FC Unpaid EL from «ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*3.ΜΑΙΟΣ.63» to Syros. Handwritten «50» fr. on arrival with 10l. yellow-orange and 40l. mauve on blue (oxidised) to pay the Lloyd and Greek fee and canc. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*5.ΜΑΙΟΣ.63». (Hellas 18a+20Ib). EL 100 312 FC Unpaid EL from «SMYRNE TURQUIE*10.MAI.64» fr. on arrival with 10l. orange and 40l. mauve on blue and canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*30.ΑΠΡ.68». (Hellas 18b+20Ib). EL 60 313 FC Unpaid EL from «MESSINA*3.AGO.66» to Corfu. Handwritten «Col Vapore Italiano» (under the stamps), via «GALLIPOLI*5.AGO.1866», fr. on arrival with 5l. yellow-green, 20l. blue on green and 40l. grey-rose on greyish lilac canc. «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*25.ΙΟYΛ.66». (Greece-Italy with Italian ship rate from 17/11/65). (Hellas 17b+19e+20IIa). EL 60 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 11 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 314 FC Unpaid EL from «MANCHESTER*21.MY.67» to Patras. Boxed «PIROSCAFI/POSTALI/ITALIANI», via «LONDON», «TORINO», «BRINDISI» and «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ», fr. on arrival with 10l. orange on blue and 80l. carmine (England -Greece via Italy rate = 90l.) and canc. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*17.ΜΑΙΟΣ.67». (Hellas 18d+22b). EL 80 315 FC Unpaid EL from «LYON*21.JUIN.67» to Athens. Handwritten «Via Marseille», transit canc. «MARSEILLE*22.JUIN.67», fr. on arrival with 2l. brown-bistre, 10l. orange, 40l. grey-rose on greyish lilac and 80l. carmine (1FF=112l. France-Greece+20l. Greek domestic fee) and canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15. ΙΟΥΛ.67». (Hellas 16c+18b+20IIa+22b). EL 100 316 FC Unpaid EL from «ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*1.ΝΟΕΜ.67» fr. on arrival with 5l. green and 40l. light mauve on blue and canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*3.NOEM.67». (Hellas 17a+20Ia). EL 60 317 FC Unpaid EL (large part) from «MANCHESTER» to Syra. Handwritten «Via Triest», transit canc. «TRIEST», tax-cachet «35» and handwritten «145», fr. on arrival with 5l. yellow-green, 20l. blue, 40l. greyish-rose on grey lilac and 80l. carmine (20l. from England, 105l.=35kr. for Austrian and ship rate and 20l. Greek inland fee) and canc. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*3.ΙΟΥΛ.68». (Hellas 17b+19b+20IIa+22b). Δ 60 318 FC EL from «ΣΥΡΟΣ*4.ΑΥΓ.68» fr. with 5l. yellow-green (thin circle) and 20l. blue to pay the Austrian shipey lilac, arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*5.ΑΥΓ.68». (Hellas 17b+19b). EL 30 1867/1869 CLEANED PLATES. 319 FC 1l. deep red brown in pair, m. VF. (Hellas 23a). * 35 320 FC 1l. red-brown, m. (Hellas 23a). * 13 321 FC 1l. deep red-brown in left marginal copy, u. (Hellas 23a). Nice. 322 FC Newspaper «Η ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΣ ΤΩΝ ΦΙΛΟΜΑΦΩΝ» fr. with 1l. deep red-brown canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*5.ΝΟΕΜ.69». (Hellas 23a). 323 FC 324 325 o 22 PRESS 160 2x1l. red-brown and greyish brown, u. (Hellas 23a+23b). o 35 FC 1l. light greyish-brown in strip of 4, m. VF. (Hellas 23b). * 75 FC 1l. greyish-brown in horizontal pair, m. (Hellas 23b). * 35 326 FC 1l. light greyish-brown, u. (Hellas 23b). o 20 327 FC 2x2l. grey-bistre, m. (Hellas 24a). VF. * 20 328 FC 2l. dull grey-bistre, right marginal, m. (Hellas 24b). Superb. o 15 329 FC 5l. yellow-green, u. VF. (Hellas 25a). o 40 330 FC 5l yellow-green, one narrow margin, u.(Hellas 25a). o 38 331 FC 5l. yellow-green, u. VF. (Hellas 25a). o 30 332 FC 5l. yellow-green, u. Nice copy. (Hellas 25a). o 20 333 FC 5l.green in horizont.bd.4 (posit.145-148) canc.»ΛΕΒΑΔΕΙΑ (40)*24 ΝΟΕΜ.77».Just touched left margin. (Hellas 25a). o 180 334 FC 5l. greyish green, u. Nice copy. (Hellas 25b). o 30 335 FC 10l red-orange m. with two good and two narrow margins. (Hellas 26a) * 240 336 FC 10l. red-orange, u. Superb. (Hellas 26a). o 13 337 FC 10l. red-orange, good/large margins, u. (Hellas 26a). o 12 338 FC 2X10l. red-orange (shades), u. Nice copies. (Hellas 26a). o 10 339 FC 3X10l. red-orange (pos.39+63+149), all 1st setting, u. Nice to VF copies. (Hellas 26a). o 25 340 FC 3X10l. red-orange (pos.11+104+122), all 2nd setting, u. Nice to VF copies. (Hellas 26a). o 25 341 FC 3 x 10l.red-orange (differ.shades),u.Two with good/large & one with clear/good margins. (Hellas 26a). o 14 342 FC 10l. red-orange (pos.121), var inverted «1» on CF (Kound 37.3), u. Superb. (Hellas 26aNa). o 14 343 FC 2X10l. red-orange (pos.2+41), var inverted «1» on CF (Kound 37.3) on both stamps, u. Nice/VF. (Hellas 26aNa). o 25 344 FC 10l. red-orange in pair (pos.105-106/1st setting), var «1» inverted (pos.106-Kound 37.3), u. Pos.106 stamp Superb. (Hellas 26a+26aNa). o 30 345 FC 10l. red-orange (pos.2), var widely spaced CF with «0» inverted on CF (Kound. 37.6). This error exists only in the 2nd setting on 1 position (2), large to very large margins, u. RR. (Hellas 26aNaNk). o 300 346 FC 10l. red-orange (pos.90), var. «inverted 0» (KOUND.37.4), u. (Hellas 26aNb). o 14 347 FC 10l.red-orange in pair,u.Two large & two clear/good margins.Var.»inverted 0 of contr.figures» on one. (Hellas 26a+26aNb). o 35 348 FC EL from «ΣΥΡΟΣ*22.ΦΕΒΡ.69» fr. with 10l. red-orange in pair, arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*23.ΦΕΒΡ.69». (Hellas 26a). EL 50 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 12 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 349 FC 10l. red-orange (pos.5), var both digits inverted on CF (Kound. 37.5), 2 stamps in the sheet only in the 1st setting of 1867/69 10 lepta stamps, u. Faults. (Hellas 26aNc). o 65 350 FC 10l. orange on greenish yellow, var «0» inverted on CF (Kound.37.4), u. VF and R. (Hellas 26cNb). o 70 351 FC 10l. orange on greenish yellow (pos.21), var «110» and inverted «1» on C.F. (Kound. 37.3+37.8), u. Rare. (Hellas 26cNavar). o 175 352 FC 10X20l. sky-blue and blue (shades), pos. 125+137+114+146+47+139+138+148+115+147, u. (Hellas 27a). o 20 353 FC 20l. sky-blue in horizontal pair (pos. 113/114), u. (Hellas 27a). o 27 354 FC 2X20l. sky-blue (shades), u. (Hellas 27a). o 10 355 FC 3x20l. sky-blue (shades), u. (Hellas 27a). o 12 356 FC 20l. sky-blue (pos.150), u. (Hellas 27a). o 6 357 FC 2x20l. blue, both with var. «0» inverted (pos. 77+60), the first stamp with double «2» on C.F. and the second with plate flaw «White spot on the floret», u. (Hellas 27aNb+27aNb 20F17). VF. o 22 358 FC 20l.blue,u.Clear margins.Var.»inverted 0 of contr.figures». (Hellas 27aNb). o 10 359 FC 20l. sky-blue with var. «0» inverted and plate flaw « Two dots at the upper inscription» (pos. 75), touched at the upper right corner, u. (Hellas 27aNb 20F15). o OFFER 360 FC EL from «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*4.ΦΕΒΡ.69» fr. with 20l. sky-blue in right marginal copy to Aeghion. (Hellas 27a). EL 10 361 FC Double weight EL from «ΣΠΕΤΣΑΙ*25.ΙΟΥΝ.70» fr. with 2X20l. sky-blue in vertical pair, one with «0» inverted on CF, via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*28.ΙΟΥΝ.70», arr. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*1.ΙΟΥΛ.70». (Hellas 27a+27aNb). EL 80 362 FC 40l. grey-mauve on blue, u. (Hellas 28a). VF. o 40 363 FC 40l. mauve on blue in upper marginal (pos.8) copy, m. VF. (Hellas 28b). * 130 364 FC 40l. mauve on blue (shades), (pos. 28 & 60 & 104), u. (Hellas 28b). o 22 365 FC 2x40l. mauve on blue, (pos. 42 & 128). u. (Hellas 28b). o 15 366 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. (Hellas 28b). VF. o 14 367 FC 40l. mauve on blue (pos. 57), one narrow corner, u. (Hellas 28b). o 8 368 FC 40l. mauve on blue (pos.72), u. Characteristic «0» of C.F. (Groom N.6). Thin on margin. (Hellas 28b). o OFFER 369 FC 40l. grey-mauve on blue (pos.5), var inverted «1» on CF (Kound. 39.3), u. Only three margins. (Hellas 28aNb). o 20 370 FC 40l. grey-mauve on blue, u. Var. «wrong C.F. 20 corrected to 40» (Pos.127, Cound. 39.1). VF. (Hellas 28bNf). o 450 371 FC 40l. mauve on blue, u. Var. «double C.F.» (Kound. 32.2.e). VF. (Hellas 28bNo). o 500 372 FC Prepaid EL from «ΣΜΥΡΝΑ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*29.ΝΟΕΜ.69» fr. with 40l. mauve on blue, arr. «ΣΥΡΑ*30.ΝΟΕΜ.69». (Hellas 28b). EL 80 373 FC 80l.rose-carmine,u.Three good/large & one clear margins.Var.»thick paper (95mm)». (Hellas 29a var.).Very fine copy. o 90 374 FC 80l. rose-carmine, one narrow corner, u. (Hellas 29a). o 45 375 FC 2X80l. rose-carmine and carmine, one narrow margin on each stamp, u. (Hellas 29a+29b). o 55 376 FC 80l. carmine in pair (pos.123-124), m. Superb. (Hellas 29b). * 110 377 FC 80l. carmine, u/m. VF. (Hellas 29b). ** 80 378 FC 80l. carmine, u. VF. (Hellas 29b). o 70 379 FC Prepaid EL from «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*8.ΦΕΒΡ.70» fr. with 5l. green, 10l. red-orange and 40l. mauve on blue, via «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*10.ΦΕΒΡ.70», arr. «TRIEST*25/2/70» (55l. Greece-Austria prepaids from 04/1867). (Hellas 17a+26a+28b). EL 40 380 FC Unpaid EL (large part) from «LONDON*18.JA.71» to Patras. Handwritten «Via Germany Verona Brindisi», via «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*2?.ΙΑΝ.71», fr. on arrival with 5l. green, 80l. rose carmine, 10l. red-orange (pos.56 plate flaw) and 20l. sky-blue (95l. from England to Brindisi+20l. Greek inland fee) and canc. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*28.ΙΑΝ.71». (Hellas 17a+22a+26a10F11+27a). Δ 65 381 FC Unpaid double weight EL from «TRIEST*14/3/71» to Cefalonia. Hanwritten «Col Vapore», via «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*7.ΜΑΡΤ.71», fr. on arrival with 40l. mauve on blue in strip of 3 (touched) and 20l. sky-blue (70l. for unpaids Greece-Austria from 1867) and canc. «ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ (ΚΕΦΑΛΛ)*8.ΜΑΡΤ.71». (Hellas 28b+31b). EL 100 * 60 1870 SPECIAL ATHENS PRINTING 382 FC 1l. light reddish brown, m. F-VF. (Hellas 30a). A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 13 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 383 FC 1l. light reddish brown, mng. (Hellas 30a). One narrow margin. 384 FC 1l. light reddish brown with thin, m. (Hellas 30a). (*) 27 385 FC 1l. reddish-brown, m. (Hellas 30b). VF. 386 FC 1l. reddish-brown, mng. VF. (Hellas 30b). 387 FC 1l. reddish brown with one narrow corner, mng. (Hellas 30b). (*) 20 388 FC 1l. reddish brown on newspaper fragment canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*24.ΔΕΚΕ.?». (Hellas 30b). Δ 50 389 FC 4X20l. sky-blue and blue (shades), u. VF. (Hellas 31b+31c). o 16 390 FC 2X20l. sky-blue and blue, u. VF. (Hellas 31b+31c). o 16 391 FC 20l. sky-blue in right marginal copy canc. «53» (=ΒΟΝΙΤΖΑ) in blue. VF. (Hellas 31b). o 10 392 FC 20l. sky-blue, u. Var. «C.F. inverted». Three large and one narrow margins. Horizontal crease. (Hellas 31bNm). o 25 393 FC 20l. sky-blue, var double CF (Kound. 42.2.c), canc. «1» (=ΑΘΗΝΑΙ). 3 margins and creased corner but RR, u. (Hellas 31bNo). o 150 394 FC 20l. sky-blue (pos.36), plate flaw «thin circle», also uneven CF (pos. not mentioned by Koundouros) and traces of double CF. VF appearance but a thin spot, u. R. (Hellas 31bCF2var). o 50 395 FC 20l. blue (pos.49) canc. «62» (=ΞΗΡΟΧΩΡΙΟΝ) with Groom’s No.16 characteristic «2» on CF, one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 31c). o 6 396 FC 20l. blue, var displaced CF (Koundouros) canc. «13» (=ΠΥΡΓΟΣ)- P.O. not mentioned. Faults but R. (Hellas 31c). o OFFER 397 FC 1870 EL fr. with 20l. blue, cancelled with dot. «9» and posted from «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ (9)*12 ΜΑΙΟΣ 70», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ (1)*13 ΜΑΙΟΣ 70». VF. (hellas 31c). EL 15 398 FC 20l. vivid deep blue in horizontal pair with two narrow margins, u. (Hellas 31d). o OFFER 399 FC 20l. vivid green on front cover from «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ» to Patras. Stamp Fantastic. (Hellas 31d). Δ 12 o 100 * OFFER * 50 (*) 45 1871/2 PRINTINGS 400 FC 1l. red-brown, u. VF+. (Hellas 32a). 401 FC 3x2l. 1871-72 issue, different shades. 402 FC 2l. yellow-bistre in left marginal bl.4, cancelled to order. (Hellas 33a). 403 FC 2l. yellow-bistre perforated, m. (Hellas 33a). * 8 404 FC 5l. yellow-green, m. (Hellas 34a). Extremely rare. * 2200 405 FC 5l. yellow-green, u. Superb. (Hellas 34a). o 45 406 FC 5l yellow-green, three large and one narrow margins, u.(Hellas 34a). o 35 407 FC 5l. sage-green, one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 34b). o 25 408 FC 5l. sage-green, superb appearance but vertically creased, u. (Hellas 34b). o OFFER 409 FC 10X20l. 1871/1872 issue (shades), pos. 2+61+4+128+148+36+15+144+70+106, u. (Hellas 35b+35c). o 12 410 FC 20l. sky-blue in vertical pair, one closing corner, u.(Hellas 35a). o 22 411 FC 20l. sky-blue (pos.15), var. «inverted 0» (KOUND.47.4), u. (Hellas 35aNb). o 55 412 FC 20l. sky-blue (pos.36), var double CF (Kound. 47.1). Distance 1mm vertically and 4mm horizontally anc canc. «9» (=ΠΑΤΡΑΙ), not mentioned in Koundouros study. Sign. Spetsiotis. Touched at left. (Hellas 35aNo). o 200 413 FC 2X20l. sky-blue and blue (pos.113+119), u. Superb. (Hellas 35a+35c). o 18 414 FC 2X20l. greyish-blue and blue (pos.11+117), u. VF. (Hellas 35b+35c). o 16 415 FC 20l. blue, mng. (Hellas 35c). (*) 200 416 FC 2X20l. blue(shades), u.(Hellas 35c).VF o 14 417 FC 20l. blue (pos.124), plate flaw «spot on the chin» and Groom’s No.27 characteristic «0» on CF, u. VF. (Hellas 35c). o 10 418 FC 20l. blue (pos.87). First setting of 1871/72 20l. (same CF with the 1870 issue 20l.). Plate flaws «spot on the neck» and «white line behind the neck». Also slightly double «2» on CF due to sliding, u. R. VF. (Hellas 35c). o 30 419 FC 3X20l. blue, steel blue and deep blue (pos.1+19+142), u. Nice copies. (Hellas 35c+35d+35e). o 20 420 FC 20l. blue (pos.89), var. «02 instead of 20» (KOUND.47.3), u. (Hellas 35cNd). Touched. o 75 o/(*) o 17 OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 14 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 421 FC 20l. steel blue, var «02» instead of «20» in C.F-one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 35dNd). o 120 422 FC 40l. rose-bistre on greenish, u. VF. (Hellas 36b). o 35 423 FC 40l. bistre on greenish, u. VF. (Hellas 36b). o 35 424 FC 40l. rose-bistre on greenish, u. VF. (Hellas 36b). o 30 425 FC 40l. bistre on greenish, u. VF. (Hellas 36b). o 30 426 FC 40l. bistre on greenish, var. «deformed 4» (KOUND. 48.6), one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 36b). o 25 427 FC 40l. rose-bistre (pos.6), var. «uneven C.F.» (KOUND.48.5), u. (Hellas 36bvar). Touched. Rare. o 75 428 FC 40l. bistre on greenish, u. (Hellas 36b). o 35 429 FC 40l.yellow-bistre/greenish,u.Good margins. (Hellas 36c).Very nice. o 35 430 FC 40l. yellow-bistre on greenish, u. VF. (Hellas 36c). o 30 431 FC 3x40l. yellow-bistre on greenish, u. (Hellas 36c). o 30 432 FC 40l. yellow-bistre (pos.25), var deformerd «4» on CF (Kound. 48.6.a), u. (Hellas 36c). o 45 433 FC Prepaid EL from «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*17.ΟΚΤ.71» fr. with 5l. green, 20l. blue and 40l. yellow-bistre on greenish, via «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*19.ΙΚΤ.71» and «BRINDISI*1.NOV.71», arr. «VENEZIA*2.NOV.71» (65l. Italy-Greece from 17/11/65). (Hellas 17a+19b+36c). EL 70 434 FC Prepaid EL (large part) from «ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ*17.ΣΕΠΤ.72» fr. with 20l. sky-blue (with «0» inverted and 2X40l. bistre on greenish to Taganrog. Handwritten «Via Vienna», arr. «TAΓΑΗΡΟΓb*4.OKT.72» (100l. for prepaids to Russia via Austria). Unsual route since the common was via Constantinople. (Hellas 27aNb+36b). Δ 75 1871/76 MESHED PAPER 435 FC 1l. grey-brown, u/m. (Hellas 37a). VF. ** 10 436 FC 2Χ1l. greyish-brown and brown, m. (Hellas 37a+37b). * 22 437 FC 1l. brown in vertical pair, m. (Hellas 37b). * 30 438 FC 1l. brown, mng. (Hellas 37b). 439 FC 2l. grey-bistre, lower left corner slightly creaser, m. R. (Hellas 38a). * 75 440 FC EL (large part) from «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*8.ΙΟΥΛ.74» fr. with 5l. sage-green in vertical strip of 4 (3 stamps with faults), arr. «ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*8.ΙΟΥΛ.74». (Hellas 39a). Δ 80 441 FC 5l.yellow-green in horizontal strip of 4, u. (Hellas 39b). o 60 442 FC 2 x 5l. yellow green 1971/76 print, u. (Hellas 39b). o 10 443 FC 3 x 5l.yellow-green (single+pair),u.Narr./touched margins.Var.»double contr.figure». (Hellas 39b No,Kound.51.2.2.) o 60 444 FC 2X5l. green and greyish green, u. (Hellas 39b+39c). o 25 445 FC 5l. greyish-green, u. (Hellas 39c). VF. o OFFER 446 FC 5l. emerald green with faults, mng. (Hellas 39d). (*) 80 447 FC 5l. deep green, u. (Hellas 39e). VF. o 15 448 FC 5l. deep olive-green, u. (Hellas 39e). o 12 449 FC 5l.deep olive-green,u.Good/large margins. (Hellas 39e). o 12 450 FC 5l. deep olive-green in marginal strip of 3, cancelled with «ΠΑΞΟΙ (107)*11 ΜΑΙΟΣ 75». 2 stamps with faults. (Hellas 39e). o 17 451 FC 4x10l. orange & red-orange & orange-vermilion & orange vermilion on levanter, u. (Hellas 40a+40b+40c+40d). VF. o 40 452 FC 10l. orange & red-orange & orange-vermilion, mostly good to very good margins, u. (Hellas 40a+40b+40c) o 35 453 FC 10l. orange in horizontal pair, u. (Hellas 40a). VF. o 27 454 FC 10l orange, u. (Hellas 40a) o 8 455 FC 2x10l. orange & red orange, u. (Hellas 40a+40b). o 15 456 FC 2x10l. orange and red orange, u. (Hellas 40a+40b). o 16 457 FC 3X10l orange and red-orange (shades), u.(Hellas 40a+40b). o 18 458 FC 10l orange in right marginal copy, var «110» on C.F. due to spacer’s edge print (KOUND. 52.15), also CF displaced, u. VF-Superb. (Hellas 40a). o 50 459 FC 10l.orange on blueish paper, var.»inverted 0». Narrow margins & small thin, u. R. (Hellas 40aNbI). o 40 (*) OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 15 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 460 FC 10l. orange (pos.142), var CF omitted (Kound. 52.6), sign. «SPANOS», u. Faults but R. (Hellas 40aNp). o 100 461 FC 2x10l. red-orange (two shades), good/large margins, u. (Hellas 40b). Superb. o 17 462 FC 10l. red-orange in horizontal pair, u. (Hellas 40b). VF. o 30 463 FC 10l.red-orange in pair (pos.2-3), canc.»ΓΥΘΕΙΟΝ(33)*23.ΔΕΚΕ.75», good/large margins, u. (Hellas 40b). o 25 464 FC 10l. red-orange, u. (Hellas 40b). o 10 465 FC 10l. red-orange, u. (Hellas 40b). o 8 466 FC 10l. red-orange (pos.90), CF inverted (Kound. 52.4), one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 40bNm). o 20 467 FC 10l. orange in vertical pair (pos.91-101), var «0» instead of «10» on CF (pos.91- Kound. 52.9) and plate flaw «deformed frame line» (pos.101), u. Both stamps with minor faults. (Hellas 40bNh+40b). o 70 468 FC 10l.red-orange,u.(posit.51).Var.»0 instead of 10».Nar./touched margins. (Hellas 40b Nh,Kound.52.9). o 25 469 FC 10l.orange-vermilion in pair (pos.21-22), u. (Hellas 40c). o 22 470 FC 10l. orange-vermilion on lavender, u. (Hellas 40d). Three very good margins. o 30 471 FC 10l. orange-vermilion on lavender, u. (Hellas 40d). Upper margin narrow. o 20 472 FC 20l. sky-blue, u. (Hellas 41a). o 10 473 FC 3x20l. sky-blue & blue & blue on blue, u. (Hellas 41a+41d+41h). o 14 474 FC 20l. deep blue (pos.79), var uneven CF (Kound. 53.8.a), u. (Hellas 41b). o 10 475 FC 3x20l. deep blue & blue, nice copies, u. (Hellas 3x41). o 14 476 FC 20l. blue in strip of 3, touched at left, u. (Hellas 41d). o 50 477 FC 3x20l. Blue to dull blue (shades), one with pos.17 plate flaw, u. VF. (Hellas 41d). o 18 478 FC 20l. blue, var double CF (Kound. 53.3). Dinstance 1mm vertically approx. Canc. «ΓΥΘΕΙΟΝ*20. ΙΟΥΝ.75», not mentioned by Koundouros, u. (Hellas 41dNo). o 150 479 FC 20l. blue (pos.31), var inverted keyhole shaped «0» on CF (Kound. 53.10), u. R but faults. (Hellas 41dNiII). o 50 480 FC 20l. indigo blue, u. (Hellas 41e). VF. o 15 481 FC 20l. indigo blue with var. «Keyhole shaped 0», touched on the right upper corner, u. (Hellas 41eNlI). Rare. o 30 482 FC 20l. lilac blue, u. (Hellas 41f). o 15 483 FC 20l. steel-blue in horizontal pair, u. (Hellas 41g). o 50 484 FC 20l. steel-blue, var double CF.There is also a trace of a third «0».Plate flaw «broken circle», u.(Hellas 41gNoCF3).Very rare o 550 485 FC 20l. blue on blue with faults, m. (Hellas 41h). * 80 486 FC 2X20l. blue on blue (pos.8+10), u. (Hellas 41h). o 17 487 FC 4X20l. blue on blue (shades), u. Nice copies. (Hellas 41h). o 17 488 FC 20l. blue on blue (pos.109), var. «2 with incomplete arch» (KOUND.53.11), u. (Hellas 41hVar). Touched. o 20 489 FC 1876 EL fr. with 20l. blue on blue, canc. «ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ (114)*8 ΔΕΚΕ.76» arr. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*9 ΔΕΚΕ.76». (Hellas 41h). VF. EL 25 490 FC 2X40l. dull olive-green on blue and bistre on blue (shades), u.(Hellas 42Ia+42Ib). o 30 491 FC 40l. dull olive green on blue with one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 42Ia). o 17 492 FC 40l. dull olive-green on blue, u. (Hellas 42Ia). VF. o 18 493 FC 40l. bistre on blue in horizontal pair, m. (Hellas 42Ib). * 15 494 FC 40l. bistre on blue, m. (Hellas 42Ib). * 10 495 FC 40l. dull grey-mauve on blue, var double CF (Kound. 54.2.a). Distance 3mm vertically and 0.5mm horizontally. Canc. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*3.ΔΕΚΕ.72». Faults but RR. (Hellas 42IIbNoI). o 200 496 FC Unpaid EL from «ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*19.ΟΚΤ.74» fr. on arrival with 40l. bistre on blue and canc. «ΣΥΡΑ*20.ΟΚΤ.74». (Hellas 42Ιb). EL 50 497 FC 40l. bronze on blue, supeerb appearance but a thin spot, u. (Hellas 42Ic). o 40 498 FC 40l. greyish magenta in bl.4 (pos.56-57/66-67), m. Plate flaw «Fishhook» (pos.67). VF. One of the greatest rarity with this very popular plate flaw. (Hellas 42IIa). * 2500 499 FC 40l. greyish magenta on blue, u. (Hellas 42IIa). o 20 500 FC 40l. greyish magenta on blue (pos.86), var uneven CF (Kound. 54.9.b), light thin due to hinge removal, u. (Hellas 42IIa). o 20 501 FC Unpaid EL from «ΣΜΥΡΝΑ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*3.ΜΑΡΤ.73» fr. on arrival with 40l. greyish magenta on blue and canc. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*4.ΜΑΡΤ.73». (Hellas 42ΙIa). EL 50 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 16 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 502 FC 40l. greyish magenta (C.F. in dull olive-green) on blue, u. (Hellas 42IIab). V.Nice. o 27 503 FC 40l. greyish mangenta on blue (CF in dull olive-green), u. (Hellas 42IIab). VF. o 25 504 FC 40l. dull grey-mauve on blue in right marginal copy, u. (Hellas 42IIb). o 20 505 FC 2X40l. dull grey-mauve on blue (shades), u. (Hellas 42IIb). o 27 506 FC 40l. dull grey mauve on blue, small tear, u. (Hellas 42IIb). o 10 507 FC Prepaid EL from «ΣΥΡΑ*21.ΙΟΥΛ.(73)» fr.with 40l. dull grey-mauve on blue (40l. to Constantinople), arr. «TANGAROG*12.ΑΒΓ.1873». Stamp Superb. (Hellas 42IIb). EL 70 508 FC 40l. dull grey-mauve (stamp VF) on blue on front cover canc. «ΣΥΡA*5.ΑΠΡ.72». (Hellas 42ΙIb). Δ 25 509 FC 40l. dull grey-mauve on blue (C.F. in dull olive-green), u. (Hellas 40IIba). o 18 510 FC 40l. deep bright purple on blue (Groseille) marginal, u. VF. (Hellas 42IId). o 480 511 FC EL fr. with 5l. yellow-green & bright sky-blue (Hellas 39b+41a) fantastic, posted from «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*24 ΝΟΕΜ. 73» and arr. «ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ (ΚΕΦΑΛΛ)*26 ΝΟΕΜ. 73». EL 50 512 FC Prepaid EL from «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*18.ΔΕΚΕ.74» fr. with 5l. greyish green, 10l. orange and 40l. greyish magenta on blue, via «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*20.ΔΕΚΕ.74», arr. «TRIEST*8/1/74» (55l. Greece-Austria prepaids from 04/1867). (Hellas 39c+40a+42IIa). EL 35 513 FC Double weight unpaid EL from «TRIEST*24/1/74» to Corfu. On arrival fr. with 2X10l. orange, 2X20l. blue and 2X40l. greyish magenta on blue and arr. «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*14.ΙΑΝ.74» (70l. Greece-Austria unpaids from 04/1867). (Hellas 40a+41d+42IIa). EL 80 514 FC Prepaid EL from «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*1.ΣΕΠΤ.74» fr. with 2X5l. green, 20l. blue and 40l. bistre on blue (50l. for the French ship+20l. Greek domestic rate) to Lyon. Via «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*3.ΣΕΠΤ.74», entry cachet to France «MOD. A.MARS.PARIS*18SEPT.74», via «DIJON*18.SEP.74», arr. «LYON*19.SEPT.74». (Hellas 39b+41d+42Ib). EL 50 515 FC Prepaid EL from «ΣΥΡΑ*16.ΜΑΡΤ.75» fr. with 5l. green, 10l. orange and 40l. dull olive green on blue, arr. «TRIEST*1/4/75». EL folded horizontally. (Hellas 39b+40a+42Ia). EL 40 * 220 1876 PARIS PRINTING 516 FC 30l. yellowish-brown, m. Ex.Rothschild. VF. (Hellas 43a). 517 FC 30l. deep olive-brown marginal, m. Superb margins, but small thin. (Hellas 43b) * 30 518 FC 30l. deep olive-brown, u. (Hellas 43b). Superb. o 25 519 FC 30l. deep olive-brown, u. (Hellas 43b). o 25 520 FC 30l.deep olive-brown,u.Good/large margins. (Hellas 43b). o 17 521 FC 30l. deep olive-brown, u. (Hellas 43b). One narrow margin. o 10 522 FC 60l deep green on green, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 44a) ** 10 523 FC 60l deep green on green in bl.6, a light vertical crease between the first two pairs, m.(Hellas 44a).VF. * 110 524 FC 60l. deep green on green in horizontal pair, m. (Hellas 44a). * 25 525 FC 60l. deep green on green, m. VF. (hellas 44a). * 10 526 FC 2X60l. deep green on green, one with oily impression, m. VF. (Hellas 44a). * 17 527 FC 60l. deep green on green, large/good margins, u. (Hellas 44a). VF. o 35 528 FC 60l.deep green/green,u.Two large & two good margins. (Hellas 44a). o 28 1876/77 ATHENS PRINTING 529 FC 21x30l. all 1876/77 issue «Athenes printing» (different shades), u. (Hellas 45). o 23 530 FC 10x30l. brown in different shades, u. (Hellas 45). o 10 531 FC 8Χ30l. (including 1 pair), all 1876-1877 issue (shades). ο 14 532 FC 30l. olive-brown in pair on fragment, u. VF. (Hellas 45a). Δ 12 533 FC 30l. olive-brown, u. VF. (Hellas 45a). o OFFER 534 FC 2x30l. sepia on thin paper (0,059m), u. (Hellas 45aPa). o 10 535 FC Prepaid cover printed «JEAN Ε. PSIACHI, SMYRNE» from «ΣΜΥΡΝΑ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*24.ΝΟΕΜ.77» fr. with 30l. olive-brown to Athens. Handwritten «Δια του Γαλλικού», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*27.ΝΟΕΜ.77». (Hellas 45a). C 15 536 FC 30l. brown, m. (Hellas 45b). * 20 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 17 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 537 FC 30l. brown on front cover to Taganrog (via Triest & Vienna) and 30l. red-brown on front cover from «ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)» to Athens. (Hellas 45b+45e). Δ OFFER 538 FC Double weight cover cover from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*11.ΟΚΤ.77» fr. with 2Χ30l. sepia, via «ΣΥΡΟΣ*12.ΟΚΤ.77» to Chios. (Hellas 45d). C 20 539 FC 30l. red-brown, mng. (Hellas 45e). (*) 15 540 FC 4X30l. red-brown (shades). VF. (Hellas 45e). o 10 541 FC 30l. yellowish-brown, m. Superb. (Hellas 45f). * 400 542 FC 3x60l. (Different shades), «Athens printing». VF. o 42 543 FC 60l. deep green, m. (Hellas 46a). * 120 544 FC 60l. deep green, u. VF. (Hellas 46a). o 20 545 FC 60l. deep green, u. (Hellas 46a). o 12 546 FC 60l. dark green, u. (Hellas 46b). o 25 547 FC 60l. dark green in right marginal copy, u. just touched. (Hellas 46b). o OFFER 548 FC 60l dark green on thin paper, u. Hellas 46bPa o 30 1875/80 CREAM PAPER 549 FC 1l. deep dark brown in right marginal cory, mng. (Hellas 47b). (*) 14 550 FC 1l.deep red-brown in vertical bd.5,u.Mainly good margins. (Hellas 47c). o 150 551 FC 5l. yellow-green, good margins, m. (Hellas 49b). * 55 552 FC 5l. yellow-green, m. (Hellas 49b). * 35 553 FC 5l. yellow-green in horizontal pair with small cut on the right lower corner, u. (Hellas 49b). o 10 554 FC 5l yellow-green, var double CF (Kound. 63.1), canc. «ΠΥΡΓΟΣ*27.ΑΠΡ.84», u.(Hellas 49bΝο).VF to Superb and rare. o 400 555 FC 5l. deep yellow green, u. VF. (Hellas 49c). o 15 556 FC 2x5l. yellow-green & deep yellow-green, u. (Hellas 49b+49c). o 18 557 FC 5l. light olive-green, m. Nice copy. (Hellas 49c). * 80 558 FC 5l. emerald, VF appearance but thin, u. (Hellas 49e). o OFFER 559 FC 5l. green, m. (Hellas 49g). * 85 560 FC 10l. orange on white, plate flaw «indentation of the top frame line» (pos.129), m. (Hellas 50a10F27). * 100 561 FC 10l. orange with gum greased, m. (Hellas 50b). * 60 562 FC 10l. orange with very oily printing, small thin, m. (Hellas 50b). * 30 563 FC 4X10l. orange and red-orange(shades), u.(Hellas 50b+50c).Nice copies o 17 564 FC 10l. orange in lower marginal pair, one touched margin, var double impression, u.(Hellas 50b).Rare o 130 565 FC 10l. orange in pair canc. «ΒΟΝΙΤΖΑ (53)*23.ΦΕΒΡ.79», good/large margins, u. (Hellas 50b). o 22 566 FC 10l. orange in horizontal pair with var. inverted «0», u. (Hellas 50b). o 25 567 FC 10l red-orange in strip of 3 (pos. 101-103), var «01» instead of «10» on C.F. (pos.101-Kound. 62.4). canc. «ΑΣΤΑΚΟΣ(55)*15.ΦΕΒΡ.80». Also in pos.101 plate flaw «deformed frame». Signed P.Holcompe, u. R. (Hellas 50b+50bNd). o 800 568 FC 10l.orange,u.(posit.101).Good margins but touched.Var.»01 instead of 10 contr.figures». (Hellas 50b Nd,Kound.63.4). o 60 569 FC 10l. orange in pair (pos.103-104), var. «00 instead of 10» (Kound.62.7-pos.103), small cut between the stamps, u. (Hellas 50b+50bNeI). o 60 570 FC 10l. orange (pos.62), var «00» instead of 10 on CF with «0» inverted (Kound. 62.7.2), u. (Hellas 50cNeII). o 35 571 FC 10l. orange (pos.1), var. «0 instead of 10» (KOUND.62.6), u. (Hellas 50bNh). o 75 572 FC 10l. orange and red-orange, u. Superb. (Hellas 50b+50c). o 18 573 FC 10l. red-orange, mng. F. (Hellas 50c). (*) 40 574 FC 10l. red-orange, u. Fantastic. (Hellas 50c). o 12 575 FC 10l. red-orange, u.(Hellas 50c).VF ο 10 576 FC 10l. red-orange, u. (Hellas 50c). VF. o OFFER 577 FC 10l. red-orange (pos.94), var. «01 instead 10» (KOUND.53.4), u. (Hellas 50cNd). o 120 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 18 578 FC 10l. red-orange, with var. «00 instead of 10 on CF» (KOUND. 62.7.1) (pos. 141 and type I), u. (Hellas 50cNeI). Superb. 579 FC 580 FC 581 582 STARTING PRICES IN EURO o 50 10l. red-orange with «keyhole» shaped «0», one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 50cNlI). o 20 10l. red-orange with incomplete «0» on C.F., u. (Hellas 50c). VF. o 10 FC 5x10l. red-orange & orange on yellowish (shades), u. (Hellas 50c+50d). F-VF. o 18 FC 10l. orange on yellowish, u. VF. (Hellas 50d). o 10 583 FC 10l. orange on yellowish, var inverted «0» on CF (Kound. 62.9), one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 50dNb). o 12 584 FC 10l. orange on yellowish (pos 31), var inverted keyhole shaped «0» on CF (Kound.62.12.2), u. (Hellas 50dNI II). o 45 585 FC 10l. orange on yellowish (pos.142), var widely spaced CF (distance 4mm) with «0» inverted (Kound. 62.10), 3 margins only, u. (Hellas 50dNkII). o OFFER 586 FC 5x20l. light prussian blue on white & blue & royal blue & indigo blue & ultramarine, u. (Hellas 51a+51b+51c+51d+51f). VF. o 25 587 FC 20l light prussian blue on white, large margins but scissor’s cut on lower margin, u. (Hellas 51a). o 15 588 FC 20l. light prussian blue on white, var double CF (Kound. 63.6), touched at right. Sign. Holcombe, u. (Hellas 51aNo). o 150 589 FC 3x20l. blue & royal blue (shades), u. (Hellas 51b + 51c). o 30 590 FC 3x20l. in blue, indigo blue and ultramarine, u. VF. (Hellas 51b+51d+51f). o 16 591 FC 11x20l. blue & indigo blue & ultramarine, u. (Hellas 51b+51d+51f). o 10 592 FC 20l. blue, with var. «Inverted keyhole, shaped 0» (KOUND. 63.10.2) (pos. 31), u. (Hellas 51bNlII). o 65 593 FC 20l. blue (pos.63), var uneven CF with «0» lower (Kound. 63.15.1), creased corner at lower right in margin only, u. (Hellas 51b). o OFFER 594 FC 20l. blue(pos 142)-one narrow margin, var widely spaced C.F. with «0» inverted(Kound.63.14.1), u.(Hellas 51bNkII). o 50 595 FC 4X20l.blue and ultramarine, var horizontal displaced C.F.(Kound.63.16), on one thin, u.(Hellas 51b+51f). o 35 596 FC 20l. royal blue (pos. 97) with var. «Displaced C.F.» (KOUND. 63.16) and Groom’s 7b characteristic «2». Also traces of double «2» due to sliding, u. with very nice appearence but with a tiny pinhole. (Hellas 51c). o 10 597 FC 20l. royal blue with var. «Uneven C.F.» (pos. 146), u. (Hellas 51c). o 40 598 FC 20l. royal-blue, var double CF (Kound. 63.6). Distance 2mm approx. vertically and 0.5mm horizontally. Sign. Holcombe. Superb appearance but torn. (Hellas 51cNo). o 200 599 FC 3X20l. indigo-blue, some narrow margins, u.(Hellas 51d). o 8 600 FC 20l. prussian blue with Groom’s No.9 characteristic «2» (pos.1), one margin narrow, u. (Hellas 51e). o 14 601 FC 21X20l.ultramarine(shades), u.(Hellas 51f). o 20 602 FC 20l. ultramarine, mng.(Hellas 51f). (*) 40 603 FC 4x20l. ultramarine with var. «Inverted 0», nice copies, u. (Hellas 51fNb). o 17 604 FC 20l. ultramarine (pos 119), var inverted and broken «2» in CF (Kound.63.4), u. (Hellas 51fNaII). o 40 605 FC 20l. ultramarine (pos.81), u. var. «02» instead of «20» with «0» inverted (Kound.63.8), u. VF. (Hellas 51fNdII). o 200 606 FC 2x40l. grey-bistre & rose bistre, m. (Hellas 52a+52b). * 20 607 FC 40l. grey-bistre, u. (Hellas 52a). VF. o 23 608 FC 40l. grey-bistre (pos.80), var deformed «4» on CF (Kound. 64.3.a). See Philotelia No.675/7-8/2012, mng. Light creased but R. (Hellas 52a). (*) 30 609 FC 40l. rose-bistre, good margins, m. (Hellas 52b). VF. * 12 610 FC 40l. rose-bistre, u. (Hellas 52b). o 25 611 FC EL from «ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ*13.ΣΕΠΤ.78» fr. with 10l. red-orange and 20l. ultramarine, via «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*17. ΣΕΠΤ.78», arr. «ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)*22.ΣΕΠΤ.78». (Ηellas 50c+51f). EL 20 1880/86 ATHENS PRINTING 612 FC 2l.+10l.+20l.+40l. ovpt «SPECIMEN». Mixed quality. (Hellas 54S+56S+58S+59IIS). S 70 613 FC 21X1l. all 1880/1886 issue (different shades), all used. (Hellas 53b+53c+53e). o 12 614 FC 12x1l. yellowish-brown & red-brown & deep red-brown & grey-brown, u. (Hellas 53b+53c+53d+53e). o 8 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 19 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 615 FC 7X1l. all 1880/86 issue (shades) in used copies. o 18 616 FC 3x1l. yellowish-brown & red-brown & grey-brown, m. (Hellas 53b+53c+53e). o 7 617 FC 3X1l. yellow-brown, red-brown and deep-red brown, u. (Hellas 53b+53c+53d). o 10 618 FC 4X1l. yellow-brown and red-brown (shades), u. (Hellas 53b+53c). o 10 619 FC 1l. yellowish brown in corner bl.4 (pos.1-2/11-12), m. Superb. (Hellas 53b). * 25 620 FC 1l.red-brown in sheet of 50 (10x5) stamps (posit.1-50).The sheet divided vertically in bl.15 (3x5),bl.20 (4x5) & bl.15 (3x5). (Hellas 53c). **/* 200 621 FC 1l. red-brown in 2Xbl4(shades), on first block horizontal crease, m/mng.(Hellas 53c). */(*) 25 622 FC 1l. red-brown in bl.4, the two lower stamps are u/m. (Hellas 53c). o 15 623 FC 1l. red-brown in used strip of 3. (Hellas 53c). o 6 624 FC 1l. red-brown and 1l. grey-brown in 6 used pairs. (Hellas 53c+53e). o 10 625 FC 1l. grey-brown in bl.4, m. (Hellas 53e). * 24 626 FC 4X1l. grey-brown (shades), u. (Hellas 53e). o 10 627 FC Newspaper «ΣΙΩΝ» fr. with 1l. grey-brown canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*19.(ΜΑΡΤ.1887)». (Hellas 53e). PRESS 30 628 FC 2l. grey-bistre in left marginal bl.4, m. (Hellas 54a). VF. * 20 629 FC 2l. grey-bistre, m. (Hellas 54a). Superb. ** OFFER 630 FC 2l. grey-bistre, u. (Hellas 54a). VF. o 15 631 FC 2l. grey-bistre, u. (Hellas 54a). VF. o 12 632 FC 21 x 5l.green & differ.shades,u.(one bd.3 included).Chiefly good margins. (Hellas 55).Nice copies. o 15 633 FC 2x5l. vivid green and greyish-grenn, m. VF. (Hellas 55b+55e). * 25 634 FC 3x5l. green in different shades, u/m. & m. (Hellas 55c). **/* 15 635 FC 5l. green, good large margins, m. (Hellas 55c). VF. * 10 636 FC 5l. green in bl.8, canc. «ΖΑΧΑΡΩ*14 ΟΚΤ. 88» (type IV). Some faults. (Hellas 55c). o 200 637 FC 5l. green in bl.4 (Pos.55-56/65-66), u. Plate flaw «broken circle» (Pos.65,type II). VF. (Hellas 55c). o 80 638 FC 5l. green in bl.4, u. F-VF. (Hellas 55c). o 55 639 FC 5l. green in bl.4 with vertical crease, u. (Hellas 55c). o 30 640 FC 5l. green in horizontal pair, the right stamp with white 5, u. (Hellas 55c). o 8 641 FC 5l. green with paper fold, u. (Hellas 55c). o OFFER 642 FC 5l. green in marginal pair, m. Var. «double impression, one inverted». Superb. (Hellas 55cVb). * 275 643 FC 3X5l. green perforated, deep green on thin paper (with gum crack) and greyish green, m. (Hellas 55c+55dPa+55e). * 15 644 FC 5l deep green(pos.129), var plate flaw «broken circle»(type III), m.(Hellas 55d). * 30 645 FC 5l. deep green in horizontal pair, m. (Hellas 55d). VF. * 80 646 FC 5l. deep green, m. (Hellas 55d). * 25 647 FC 5l. deep to oily yellow green on marginal bl.8 (pos.21-24+31-34) with printer’s mark.Var plate flaw «horizontal line crossing several positions» (pos.23-24).Also a whitenig «5» on pos.22. On thin paper, u/m. VF. (Hellas 55f). ** 400 648 FC 21X10l. yellow-orange and orange (shades). One stamp canc. «ΓΥΘΕΙΟΝ*1?.ΙΑΝ.95» (late use). Nice copies. (Hellas 56c+56d). o 10 649 FC 21X10l. all 1880-86 issue (different shades), few minor faults, u. o 15 650 FC 10l. bright orange-vermilion, mng. Trace of thin in white margin (upper-right). Clear/good margins except one very closing corner. RRR. (Hellas 56a). (*) 320 651 FC 10l. briht orange-vermilion, u. VF. (Hellas 56a). o 30 652 FC 10l. bright orange vermilion, good/large margins, u.(Hellas 56a). o 27 653 FC 10l.bright orange-vermilion,u.Good margins. (Hellas 56a). o 25 654 FC EL from «ΧΑΛΚΙΣ*28.ΑΠΡΙΛ.81» fr. with 10l. bright orange-vermilion, via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*29.ΑΠΡ.81», arr. «ΣΥΡΑ*30.ΑΠΡ.81». (Hellas 56a). EL 80 655 FC 10l. orange-red, good/large margins, u. (Hellas 56b). VF. o 20 656 FC 10l. red-orange, u. (Hellas 56b). o 20 657 FC Large part of EL from «ΚΑΛΑΒΡΥΤΑ*23.ΔΕΚΕ.(8)1» fr. with 10l. orange-red to Aeghion. (Hellas 56b). Δ 80 658 FC 10l yellow-orange in corner marginal bl.4 (pos.9-10/19-20), var plate flaw «white dot on the floret» (pos.9), m.(Hellas 56c+56c10F1).VF. * 70 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 20 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 659 FC 10l. light violet red brown, m. (Hellas 56c). VF. 660 FC EL fr. with 10l. yellow orange (Hellas 56c), posted from «ΑΡΤΑ*17 ΑΠΡ. 85» to ΧΑΛΚΙΔΑ. Middle Cut. * 661 FC 3x10l. very dull yellow-orange & yellow-orange & orange, m. (Hellas 56c+56d). * 15 662 FC 10l. orange in right marginal vertical pair, u.(Hellas 56d).VF o 10 663 FC 10l. orange in strip of 5 canc.»ΛΑΡΙΣΣΑ*11.IAN.94»(type V with ornament).4 VF strikes, one narrow margin, u.(Hellas 56d). o 60 664 FC 10l. orange canc. «(ΑΘΗΝΑΙ)*10.ΑΥΓ.91» (type III). Late use of Large Hermes Heads. (Hellas 56d). o OFFER 665 FC 20l. ultramarine, u. (Hellas 57a). VF. o 70 666 FC 20l. ultramarine with plate flaw «Thin circle», u. (Hellas 57a). o 50 667 FC 20l. ultramarine, u. VF. (Hellas 57a). o 35 668 FC 20l. ultramarine with crease on the lower part of stamp, u. (Hellas 57a). o OFFER 669 FC 4x40l. bright viole brown & dull violet brown & light dull violet brown, u. (Hellas 58a+58b+58c). o 20 670 FC 40l. bright violet brown, m. (Hellas 58a). * 20 671 FC 40l. bright violet brown in horizontal strip of 3, mng. (Hellas 58a). Touched in upper right margin. (*) 70 672 FC 3 x 40l.(bright violet-brown,dull violet-brown & light dull violet-brown).Good/large margins. (Hellas 58a+58b+58c).Nice lot. o 16 673 FC 2X40l. bright violet brown, clear/good margins, u.(Hellas 58a). o 12 674 FC 2x40l. light dull violet brown, m. (Hellas 58c). * 30 675 FC 40l. light dull violet brown in pair, u. (Hellas 58c). o 8 676 FC 20l carmine, one narrow margin, m.(Hellas 59Ia). * 70 677 FC 20l. deep carmine in horizontal pair with one narrow margin, u. (Hellas 59Ib). o 6 678 FC 5X20l. carmine and deep-carmine(shades), u.(Hellas 59Ia+59Ib).F-VF o 14 679 FC 3x20l. carmine & deep carmine, u. (Hellas 59Ia+59Ib). o 10 680 FC EL fr. with 20l. deep carmine (Hellas 59Ib) and posted from «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*22 ΜΑΙΟΣ 83» via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*22 ΜΑΙΟΣ 82» arr. «ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*24 ΜΑΙΟΣ 82». EL 30 681 FC 15X20l. bright rosine and dull rosine (aniline)-shades, u. Nice copies. (Hellas 59IIa+59IIb). o 10 682 FC 4x20l. bright rosine & dull rosine (Different shades), m. & mng. (Hellas 59IIa+59IIb). */(*) 8 683 FC 20l. bright rosine in bl.4, the two upper stamp are m. and the two lower u/m. (Hellas 59IIa). **/* 10 684 FC 20l. bright rosine in bl.6, m. (Hellas 59IIa). Pinhole. * 10 685 FC 20l. bright rosine (aniline) in strip of 3, canc. «ΛΑΡΙΣΣΑ*26.ΑΥΓ.?» (type IV). VF. (Hellas 59IIa). o 15 686 FC 2x20l. bright rosine & dull rosine, u. (Hellas 59IIa+59IIb). o OFFER 687 FC 20l. dull rosine (aniline) in bl.4, m. (Hellas 59IIb). VF. * 12 688 FC 20l dull rosine (aniline) in bl.4, lower pair creased, m. (Hellas 59IIb). * 10 689 FC 20l. dull rosine in vertical pair, u.(Hellas 59IIb).VF * 8 690 FC EL fr. with 20l. dull rosine (Hellas 59IIb) and posted from «ΣΥΡΟΣ*19 ΙΟΥΛ. 1884» arr. «ΓΥΘΕΙΟΝ». EL 7 691 FC 21X30l. all 1880/1886 issue (different shades). Mostly nice copies. o 30 692 FC 4x30l. grey-ultramarine & slate-blue & deep ultramarine & ultramarine (four shades). u. (Hellas 60a + 60b + 60c + 60d). o 16 693 FC 3x30l. slate blue & ultramarine (shades), u. (Hellas 60b + 60d). o 12 694 FC Cover fr. with 5l. deep green and 20l. dull rosine (Hellas 55d+59IIb), posted from «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*30 ΔΕΚΕ. 1884» via «BRINDESI» arr. «VENEZIA». C 15 8 EL 10 OFFER PLATE FLAWS 695 FC 4X30l. grey-ultramarine, deep ultramarine and ultramarine (2 shades), u. Nice to VF copies. (Hellas 60a+60c+60d). o 696 FC 1l. deep red brown with plate flaw «White line at the upper left part» (pos. 29), u. (Hellas 23a). o 30 697 FC 1l. deep red-orange with plate flaw «Broken plate» (pos. 55), m. (Hellas 23aFb). * 70 698 FC 1l. red-brown in horizontal pair (pos.47-48), plate flaw «deformed frame (typ.I, pos.47), u. (Hellas 53c). o 10 699 FC 1l. red-brown, var plate flaw «white spot at the nape»(pos.55), small tear at bottom, u.(Hellas 53cFb) o 10 700 FC 1l.red-brown in marginal bl.4(pos.109-110, 119-120), var plate flaw «mark on the Greek border»(pos.120), m.(Hellas 53c).Superb * 30 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 21 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 701 FC 5l. yellow-green, plate flaw «narrow margins» (pos.71), m. (Hellas 17b) * 60 702 FC 5l. yellow-green in pair, plate flaw «thin circle» on right stamp, u. R. (Hellas 34a+34aCF2). o 90 703 FC 5l. greyish-green, plate flaw «thin circle», very light thin in lower margin, u. (Hellas 39cCF2). o OFFER 704 FC 5x5l. green & greyish green, three with plate flaw «Thin crcle» and two with «whitening 5», u. (Hellas 55c+55c CF2). o OFFER 705 FC 5l. green (pos.59), plate flaw «extension of the greek border» (typ.II), u. (Hellas 55c). o 10 706 FC 5l. green (pos 129), var plate flaw «broken circle»(type III), u.(Hellas 55c).VF o 8 707 FC 5l. deep green, plate flaw «doted cheek lines» (pos.72), u. Faults. (Hellas 55d5F11). o OFFER 708 FC 5l. greyish-green u., showing «white line» Plate Flaw on top part of stamp. (Hellas 55e - 5F15 pos. 22H) o 10 709 FC 5l. greyish green in left marginal bl.4, plate flaw «lines at inscription» (pos.41), u. (Hellas 55e). Slightly creased due to the envelope at pos.41. o 35 710 FC 10l. orange on blue in pair (pos.27-28), plate flaw «white spot on the Greek border» (pos.28). Both stamps with small faults. (Hellas 4b+4b10F2-Catalog value=1140++). o 60 711 FC 10l. orange in very nice reddish shade, plate flaw «two dots in the upper inscription», u. VF. (Hellas 18b10F18-87E). o 20 712 FC 10l. red-orange on blue, plate flaw «dot in the floret» (pos.9), u. VF. (Hellas 18e10F1). o 8 713 FC 10l red-orange, plate flaw «scratch in the spandrel» (pos.50), u. Superb. (Hellas 40b10F9). o 16 714 FC 10l. orange, plate flaw «Greek border connected to the circle» (pos.107), u. (Hellas 50b10F23). o 8 715 FC 10l. red-orange(pos 75), var plate flaw «line below the chin», u.(Hellas 50c). o 12 716 FC 2x10l. red-orange & yellow-orange (both pos. 143), with plate flaw «Thin circle», u. (Hellas 50c+56c). o 10 717 FC 10l. yellow-orange, plate flaw «scratch in the upper inscription» (pos.35), u. (Hellas 56c10F5-14E). o OFFER 718 FC 10l. yellow-orange in pair (pos.75-76), plate flaw «line below the chin» (pos.75), u. (Hellas 56c10F16). o 7 719 FC 2x10l. yellow-orange + orange, u. Plate flaw «Greek border connected to the frame» (pos.73). F-VF. (Hellas 56c+56d). o 12 720 FC 10l.orange in left marginal bl.25(pos 51-55, 91-95), plate flaws in positions 52, 73, 75, 85 and 93, m.(Hellas 56d).VF * 225 721 FC 10l. orange in horizontal pair with plate flaw «Swollen circle» (pos. 40), u. (Hellas 56d). o 10 722 FC 10l. orange in horizontal pair (pos.85-86), plate flaw «lines in front of the head» (pos.85), u. (Hellas 56d). VF. o 8 723 FC 10l. orange, plate flaw «deformed frame» (pos. 101), u, Superb. (Hellas 56d). o 3 724 FC 10l. orange, plate flaw «Greek border connected to the circle» (pos.107), u. (Hellas 56d10F23). o OFFER 725 FC 10l. orange in horizontal pair (pos.116-117), plate flaw «two lines behind the neck» (pos.116), u. (Hellas 116-117). Narrow margins. o 8 726 FC 20l. blue, plate flaw «thin circle, large margins but a closing corner, u. (Hellas 5a20CF2). o 20 727 FC 5x20l. sky-blue & blue to greenish blue & blue on green with plate flaw «thin circle» (pos.18+22+82+105+123), u. (Hellas 19a+19b+19e). Nice copies. o 30 728 FC 10X20l. blue (1867 issue). Plate flaws pos. 9+22+23+25+26+27+30+75+82+124, u. (Hellas 19b). o 14 729 FC 1867 EL fr. wth 20l. blue with plate flaws «line crossing the upper inscription» and «spot on the chin» (pos.23), cancelled with dot «9» and posted from «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ (9)*16 ΔΕΚΕ. 67» to Αίγιον. (Hellas 19b). EL 20 730 FC 3x20l. blue to greenish blue (pos. 24+25+27) with white line crosses the upper inscription, pos. 271867 issue, u. (Hellas 19b). o 17 731 FC 20l. blue (1867 issue), plate flaw «spot on the chin» (pos.34), u. VF. (Hellas 19b). o 8 732 FC 20l. blue to greenish blue with plate flaw «Deformed E of the upper inscription» (pos. 54), u. (Hellas 19b). o 10 733 FC 20l. blue to greenish blue with plate flaw «Tow dots at the upper inscription» (pos. 75). u. (Hellas 19b). VF. o 8 734 FC 20l. blue, u. Plate flaw «spot on the chin and the neck» (pos.83). VF. (Hellas 19b). o 10 735 FC 20l. blue (1867 issue), plate flaw «deformed underlip region» (type I-pos.128), u. (Hellas 19b). o 8 736 FC 5X20l. grey-blue (oxid. corners). Plate flaws pos. 132+120+100+67+24, u. (Hellas 19d). o 12 737 FC 2X20l. blue on green, both with plate flaw «thin circle» (pos.22+123), u. VF. (Hellas 19eCF2). o 18 738 FC 20l. blue on green (pos.77), plate flaw «white spot on the floret», u. (Hellas 19e). o OFFER 739 FC 6X20l. sky-blue and blue (shades). Plate flaws pos. 23+67+83+120 (2 stamps)+124, u. (Hellas 27a). o 16 740 FC 20l. sky-blue, plate flaw «white spot on the Greek border» (pos.17). Also Groom’s No.6 characteristic «0» on CF, u. (Hellas 27a20F4). o 8 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 22 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 741 FC 3x20l. sky-blue to blue with plate flaw «white line cross the upper inscription» (pos.27+28+29), one stamp with inverted «0», u. (Hellas 27a+27aNb). o 25 742 FC 20l. sky-blue with plate flaw «spot on the chin» (pos.133), u. (Hellas 27a). o OFFER 743 FC 20l. sky-blue, plate flaw «white spot on the Greek border» (pos.17). Also Groom’s No.6 characteristic «0» on CF and CF displaced, u. (Hellas 31b20F4). o 8 744 FC 4x20l. sky-blue & blue with plate flaw «white line cross the upper inscription» (pos.23+24+25+26), u. (Hellas 35a20F6+35c20F6). o 20 745 FC 20l. blue with plate flaw «thin circle & oblique line at the upper part of the stamp» (pos.22), u. (Hellas 35c20F5CF2). o 10 746 FC 2x20l. blue with plate flaws «double lip» and «Indentation of the bottom frame line» & «White spot at the corner of the neck» (pos. 67 & 120), u. (Hellas 35c). o 14 747 FC 20l. blue with plate flaw «white spot on the M» (pos.100), u. (Hellas 35c20F19). VF+. o 10 748 FC 20l. deep blue with plate flaw «white spot at the angle of the neck» (pos.30), u. (Hellas 35e20F9). o 7 749 FC 20l. blue (pos.93), var plate flaw «spot on the neck», u. (Hellas 41d). o OFFER 750 FC 20l. light prussian blue on white with plate flaw «white line crosses the upper inscription» (pos. 24), u. (Hellas 51a20F6). VF. o 17 751 FC 20l. ultramarine, good/large margins, with plate flaw «White spot on the Greek border» (type II) (pos. 140), u. (Hellas 51f). o 10 752 FC 2x20l. dull rosine (pos.17 + 140), plate flaw «white spot on the greek border» (on both stamps, typ.I on pos.17, typ.II on pos.140), u. (Hellas 59IIb). o 10 753 FC 2x20l. dull rosine with plate flaw «White line crossing the lower part of the stamp» (pos. 36+37), u. (Hellas 59IIb). o OFFER 754 FC 40l. mauve on blue (pos.67), plate flaw «deformed Greek border» (fishook variety). Light thin. (Hellas 6A40F3-330E). 755 FC 40l. light mauve on blue, plate flaw «open cross» (upper right), u. (Hellas 20IaCF1II). 756 FC 40l. grey-mauve on blue, plate flaw «fishhook veriety» (pos.67), u. VF. (Hellas 20Id40F3). o 35 757 FC 40l. purplish mauve on blue, plate flaw «deformed Greek border» (fishook variety-pos.67), u. Two narrow margins but RR. (Hellas 20Ie40F3). o 60 758 FC 40l. dull violet brown, with plate flaw «missing frame and part of the inscription» (pos. 19), u. (Hellas 58b). VF. o 10 759 FC 40l. light dull violet brown with «missing frame and part of the inscription» (see N.Asimakopoulos page 157). Asimakopoulos mention pos. 133+134 for the lower parts of the stamp as described by Binos. This copy belongs to pos.64. (Hellas 58c). o 5 760 FC 40l. light dull violet-brown in bl.4(pos 57-58, 67-68), var plate flaw (pos 67) «deformed Greek border»(fish hook variety), u.(Hellas 58c).VF and rare o 180 ** 7000 mng 35 o 10 SMALL HERMES HEAD BELGIAN PRINT 761 FC Belgian print: complete set of 9 values imperforate plus 40l.+50l. perf. 11 1/2 in u/m bl.4. One 1dr stamp m. (trace) the rest SUPERB. RRR. (Hellas 61/67+70/71). 762 FC 25l. blue & 50l. green & 1dr. grey, all of them with overprint «SPECIMEN». (Hellas 66d+68d+69b). S 100 763 FC 50l. green-grey and 1dr grey ovpt «SPECIMEN», mng. (Hellas 68d+69b). S 60 764 FC 1l. brown in left corner marginal bl.12, u/m. (Hellas 61). Superb. ** 18 765 FC 2l. bistre in right corner marginal with canc. «ΤΡΙΚΚΕΡΙ». Very rare. (Hellas 62). o 80 766 FC 25l. blue (imperf.), m. The high value of the set. (Hellas 66). * 45 767 FC 3x25l. blue and medal’s background horizontally laid, u. (Hellas 66b). VF. o 20 768 FC 25l. blue, oily printing, m. (Hellas 66c). * 55 769 FC 40l. violet, m. VF. (Hellas 67). * 27 770 FC 1dr. grey, u. (Hellas 69-270euro). VF. ** 80 771 FC 1dr.grey (imperfor.),m. (Hellas 69). * 32 772 FC 1dr grey in strip of 3 canc. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*ΤΑΧ.ΔΕΜΑΤΑ*19.ΝΟΕΜ.88» (type V), u. (Hellas 69). o 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 23 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 773 FC 40l.violet, 50l.grey-green & 1dr.grey, u.(Hellas 70/72).VF o 50 774 FC 40l. violet with perforation 13 1/2 and canc. «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*1 ΑΠΡ. 92». (Hellas 67Ε). o 60 775 FC 50l green-grey in pair without perforation in the middle, with some yellow spots, canc. with «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*29 ΣΕΠΤ. 1889». (Hellas 71). o 10 776 FC 1dr.grey (perforat.11 1/2),m. (Hellas 72). * 50 777 FC 1l. brown and 5l. green, unofficially perf. 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 61D+63D). * 10 778 FC 10l. orange with perforation 11 1/2, u/m. (Hellas 64D). ** 18 779 FC 40l. blue perforated 11 1/2, u.(Hellas 66D).VF o 40 780 FC 2x1l. brown and pale-brown with unofficial 13 1/2 perforation, m. VF. (Hellas 61E). * 10 781 FC 50l. green-grey with perforation 13 1/2, u/m. (Hellas 68E). Superb. ** 10 */o 100 ATHENS ISSUES 782 FC 237 Small Hermes Heads, 66x1l, 6x2l, 38x5l, 28x10l, 37,20l, 20x25l blue, 20x25l violet, 23x40l blue, 1x50l and 8x1dr, on 10 exhibition sheets, all with plate flaws. Extremely difficult to collect. VF. 783 FC 40l. deep violet canc. with «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ». Fake stamp. o 10 784 FC «Athenes printing-1st period» complete set of 5 values, u. (Hellas 73/77). Superb. o 8 785 FC 1l. brown in bl.4, m. (Hellas 73). Superb. * 15 786 FC 1l. brown on yellow paper in bl.15, very rare, u/m. (Hellas 73b-937euro). Superb. ** 200 787 FC 1l.brown on yellow paper (imperfor.) with wmk.in corner (lower-right) bl.4.One stamp m. (Hellas 73b). **/* 85 788 FC 1l. brown on yellow paper in strip of 3 in right marginal with wmk. imperforated, «Athens printing-1st period», VF. (Hellas 73b). o 15 789 FC 1l. chocolate in bl.10 with WMK, only two stamps with m. (Hellas 73c). **/* 40 790 FC 1l.chocolate (imperfor.) in bl.10 (5x2),u.Two stamps creased & thinned. (Hellas 73c). o 30 791 FC 1l. chocolate, u. Fantastic. (Hellas 73c). o 15 792 FC 5l. green in strip of 4, canc. with «ΜΕΣΣΗΝΗ*7 ΑΥΓ. 91». (Hellas 74). o 15 793 FC 5l. deep green (coarse impression), u/m. Superb. RR. (Hellas 74b-225E). ** 100 794 FC 5l. green on yellow-brown paper in vertical pair canc. «ΜΕΘΑΝΑ.*30.ΑΥΓ.» (type IV). (Hellas 74d). o 15 795 FC 5l. dull green on thin paper, m. (Hellas 74e-180euro). * 40 796 FC 10l. red-orange, left marginal, m. (Hellas 75-35euro). * 729 797 FC 10l. red-orange in horizontal pair, one stamp with faults, m. (Hellas 75). * 15 798 FC 10l. orange, m. (Hellas 75a). * 12 799 FC 20l. red with very good/large margins, m. (Hellas 76). VF. * OFFER 800 FC 20l. pale red. oily printing, in left marginal copy, u/m. (Hellas 76ba). ** 6 801 FC 20l. rose (aniline) on yellow-brown paper, heavy m. One narrow margin. (Hellas 76d - 170 euros catalog value). * 20 802 FC 25l. light indigo blue with plate flaw, u. (Hellas 77). o OFFER 803 FC 25l. indigo blue with plate flaw, u. (Hellas 77). o OFFER 804 FC 25l. indigo blue with plate flaw, u. (Hellas 77). o OFFER 805 FC 25l. indigo blue with plate flaw, u. (Hellas 77a). Superb. o OFFER 806 FC 25l. indigo blue with plate flaw, u. (Hellas 77a). Superb. o OFFER 807 FC 25l. deep indigo blue with plate flaw, u. (Hellas 77a). o OFFER 808 FC 25l. deep indigo blue with plate flaw, small cut on the right upper corner, u. (Hellas 77a). o OFFER 809 FC 25l. ultramarine with plate flaw, u. (Hellas 77b). o OFFER 810 FC 25l. light indigo blue, m. (Hellas 77-140euro). * 45 811 FC 25l. deep indigo blue, imperforate, m. (Hellas 77a). VF. * 40 812 FC 25l.light ultramarine (imperfor.) with wmk.,m. (Hellas 77b). * 80 813 FC 25l. ultramarine, m. (Hellas 77b-100euro). * 30 814 FC 1l. chocolate with perforation 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 78-20euro). VF. * OFFER 815 FC 10l. orange, m. (Hellas 80a). * 30 816 FC 25l. deep indigo perf 11 1/2 with WMK, m. (Hellas 82a). * 80 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 24 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 817 FC 25l. deep indigo blue with watermark and perforation 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 82a). Vary rare. o 30 818 FC 5l. brown-grey (Paper «A») in marginal horizontal bd.5, stamps of two sizes due to dislocation of the perforation. (Hellas 83) o 120 819 FC 20l. red in bl.4, two stamps with bad perforation, 2 are u/m. & 2 m. (Hellas 84A). **/* 80 820 FC «Athenes printing-2nd period» complete set of 10 values, u. (Hellas 85/94). Superb. o 10 821 FC 3 blocks of 15x1l, 15x1l & 20x1l brown red, 2nd period, u/m, pos.1/15,16/35,36/50 (consisting a complete set of 50), wmk on pos.16-20/26-30. Catal.750eur++. (Hellas 85b) ** 150 822 FC 1l. brown-black in bl.8, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 85c). ** 50 823 FC 2l. brown-bistre imperf. in lower corner sheet bl.10, u/m. (Hellas 86a). ** 20 824 FC 2l clay in block of 4, 2nd period, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 86b) ** OFFER 825 FC 5l. deep green in u/m bl.25 (upper half pane) printed on folding paper. SUPERB. (Hellas 87b). ** 780 826 FC 5l. green in bl.4, cancelled with type V «ΝΑΞΟΣ*19 ΙΟΥΛ. 96». Horizontal crease between the horizontal pairs. (Hellas 87). o 20 827 FC 5l. green in pair, canc. «ΧΑΛΚΙΟΝ*12.ΣΕΠΤ.94» (type V). (Hellas 87). o 10 828 FC 4x5l yellow-green in block of 4, u/m. 2nd period. Catal. 170eur. (Hellas 87a) ** 45 829 FC 5l. yellow-green imperf. in left marginal, m. (Hellas 87a). * OFFER 830 FC 5l. yellow-green in strip of 4 canc. «ΒΑΡΘΟΛΟΜΙΟ*24.ΝΟΕΜ.9?» (type VI), u. (Hellas 87a). o 20 831 FC 5l. deep green in bl.4p canc.»ΦΙΛΙΑΤΡΑ*13.ΑΥΓ.(9)8»(type V), u.(Hellas 87b). o 20 832 FC 5l. green with double impression, m. (Hellas 87d-150euro). Rare and VF. * 60 833 FC 10l. red-orange, imperforate, m. (Hellas 88a). * 70 834 FC 10l. yellow-orange (paper «D»), m. (Hellas 88b). * 35 835 FC 20l. red in marginal bl.4 (pos.16-17/21-22) with the primary var. of the group of 50 «white dot over the 2nd Λ of the word ΕΛΛΑΣ» (pos.21), m. (Hellas 89). * 65 836 FC 20l. red, m. VF. (Hellas 89 - 30 euros catalog value). * 10 837 FC 20l. red in bl.15 with horizontal crease, canc. «ΘΗΡΑ*14 ΦΕΒΡ. 91», (Hellas 89). o 20 838 FC 20l. light red (paper B), m. Superb. (Hellas 89b). * 35 839 FC 20l. light red (paper «D»), m. (Hellas 89b). * 30 840 FC 20l. light red in bl.10 with horizontally creased in the middle, u. (Hellas 89b). o 15 841 FC 20l. rose marginal, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 89c - 175 euros catalog value). ** 50 842 FC 20l. rose, m. VF. (Hellas 89c). * 25 843 FC 20l. red on cardboard, m. (Hellas 89d-70euro). * 20 844 FC 25l. light blue, left marginal, m. (Hellas 90-60euro). VF. * 25 845 FC 25l. light indigo blue with plate flaw, u. (Hellas 77). o OFFER 846 FC 25l. blue, m. (Hellas 90a). * 26 847 FC 25l. blue (fine impression) in imperf. bl.8, 2 stamps m. VF & RRR. (Hellas 90c-4250E ). 848 FC 25l. blue (fine impression), imperforate, heavy m. (Hellas 90c). * 90 849 FC 25l. deep violet in corner bl.20 (pos.281-285/296-300), u/m. Plate flaw «white triangular spot in the the base of right palmette». VF. (Hellas 91). ** 80 850 FC 25l. deep violet in marginal bl.4, u/m. CV: 37, (Hellas 91). ** 8 851 FC 25l. violet on cardboard in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 91c). ** 20 852 FC 40l. blue (paper D) in marginal bl.20, u/m. CV: 350++, Superb. (Hellas 93a). ** 90 853 FC 25l.blue+40l.deep violet on cardboard+1dr.pale grey (all imperfor.),m. (Hellas 90a+92b+94 - 550 E). * 180 854 FC 1dr.pale grey (imperfor.),marginal,m. (Hellas 94). * 120 855 FC 1dr.grey (imperfor.),marginal,m.Very large margins. (Hellas 94a).Superb item. * 160 856 FC 2x1dr pale grey and grey marginal, u. FANTASTIC QUALITY. RR. (Hellas 94+94a). o 10 857 FC Complete set of «Athens printing-2nd Period» with perforation 11 1/2, the 5l. with plate flaw (pos. 288), m. (Hellas 95/104-860euro). * 300 858 FC 1l.red-brown (perfor.11 1/2) in 2 gutter bl.12+bl.12 (4x3+4x3),u/m. (Hellas 95b). ** 120 859 FC 2l. brown-bistre in gutter pair, u/m. (Hellas 96a). VF. ** OFFER 860 FC 2l. clay in bl.25 (pos. 251-255/271-275), with double perforation between the tow first vertical strips, u/m. (Hellas 96b). ** 40 861 FC 5l. green with 11 1/2 perforation, m. Plate flaw. Small faults. (Hellas 97). * OFFER **/* 1850 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 25 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 862 FC Wrapper fr. with 5l. green (Hellas 97), boxed cachet «HOTEL GRANDE BRETAGNE/ATHENES (GREECE)*31 DEC. 97» to WIESBADEN (Germany). RR. W 30 863 FC 5l. yellow-green in perf. 11 1/2 corner bl.8 (pos. 54-55/59-60/64-65/69-70), u/m. WMK on pos. 59-60 & 64-65. Plate flaws «white dash near the pearling in the back of helmet» (pos.59) & «white spots, one on the headband, one in the back of the neck and one under the nose» (pos.69). Superb. (Hellas 97a). ** 180 864 FC 5l. yellow-green perf. 11 1/2 on thick paper, m. (Hellas 97a). * 30 865 FC 5l. deep green in corner marginal, u/m. (Hellas 97b). Superb. ** 20 866 FC 5l. deep green perf. 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 97b). * 16 867 FC 10l. red-orange perf. 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 98a). * 70 868 FC 10l. yellow-orange perf. 11 1/2 with displaced perf., m. VF. (Hellas 98b). * 45 869 FC 20l. red perf. 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 99). * 15 870 FC 20l. deep red with perforation 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 99a). VF. * 20 871 FC 20l. ligth red perf. 11 1/2 in wider format, m. VF. (Hellas 99b). * 35 872 FC 20l. rose with perforation 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 99c-120euro). VF. * 40 873 FC 20l. red on cardboard with perforation 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 99d-120euro). VF. * 40 874 FC 25l. light blue in vertical pair with perforation 11 1/2 but without in the middle, m. (Hellas 100160+euro). Rare. * 60 875 FC 25l. blue with perforation 11 1/2, m. VF. (Hellas 100a-90euro). * 30 876 FC Double weight cover fr. with 25l. deep violet in pair (postal rate 60l.) perf. 11 1/2, canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6. ΟΚΤ.94» arr. «MANNHEIM*22.10.94». (Hellas 101). C 45 877 FC 40l. violet with perforation 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 102-110euro). * 35 878 FC 40l. deep blue with perforation 11 1/2. Printing error, m. (Hellas 103). * 10 879 FC 2X40l. deep blue and blue perf. 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 103+103a). * 9 880 FC 1dr. grey in perforated bl.4, m. VF. (Hellas 104a - 3000 euros catalog value). * 1400 881 FC 1dr grey perf. 11 1/2, m. VF. (Hellas 104a). * 200 882 FC 15x2l pale bistre in block of 15, u/m, perf.13 1/2, with very clear «E.X» watermark. R. (Hellas 107) ** OFFER 883 FC 40l. violet with perforation 13 1/2 and WMK, u. (Hellas 108). VF. * 35 884 FC 40l. violet perf. 13 1/2, u. (Hellas 108). o 10 885 FC 40l. violet on cardboard, m. (Hellas 108b). * 35 886 FC 40l. violet on carboard, u. (Hellas 108b). o 15 887 FC Triple weight register cover to Constantinople fr. with 7x10l. 1 orange and 6 yellow-orange (paper C,D) & 25L. violet and additional 20l. cancelled with «AR». (Hellas 80, 88b, 98a, 101). Posted from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*16 ΑΠΡ. 18..» arr. «BRITISH POST OFFICE CONSTANTINOPLE*30 APR.». C 100 888 FC Cover fr. with 10l. yellow-orange and 20l. red (imperf.) with canc. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*26.ΦΕΒΡ.95», trans. railroad «MONTCENIS A MACON*17.MARS.95» to Suisse. (Hellas 88b+89). C 15 889 FC Registered 20l. red Large Head PS cover fr. with 4x10l. mustard (perf. 1 1/2), posted from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*2 ΑΥΓ. 1895», via «AMB.LECCE -FOGIA*17 8 95’ and «AMB. N.1 MILANO-CHIASSO*18 AGO 95» to Lund. (Hellas 98). C 100 890 FC 20x1l.brown (2xbl.10) (imperfor.)+5l.pale green (perforat.) on cover canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*8 ΑΥΓ.1898», arr.»WIEN*24-8-98». Returned to Athens with handwritten «ΑΓΝΟΩ ΤΗΝ ADRESSA ΤΟΥ» and inscription «ΑΝΑΧΩΡΗΣΕ». One 5l.removed. (Hellas 121+129a). C 30 891 FC Regiatered cover fr. with 20l. light red + 25l. blue with 11 1/2 perforation and posted from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*11 ΑΠΡ. 18??», arr. «MODENA*26 4 ??». VF. (Hellas 99b+100a). C 30 892 FC 5l. green (Hellas 87) in marginal bl.4, 2 stamps u/m. Part of Amfissa perforation. VF. R. (Hellas 97A). **/* 100 893 FC 20l. red with «Amfissa» perforation, u. (Hellas 99A). o 10 894 FC 5l. red & 10l. green & 10l. oily printing, all stamps imperforate, u/m. (Hellas 97B+98B+98Ba). Superb. ** 60 895 FC 1l. brown in bl.10 with canc. type VI «ΑΜΦΙΣΣΑ», Superb. (Hellas 121). o 18 896 FC 1l. deep brown in corner marginal bl.10, u/m. (Hellas 121a). Superb. ** 27 897 FC 1l. light brown in pair, u/m. (Hellas 121b). ** 8 898 FC 2l. bistre in right marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 122). VF. ** 10 899 FC 5l. pale green in bl.9, u/m. VF. (Hellas 123). ** 40 900 FC 5l. pale geen in marginal bl.4 with oval canc. «ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ», u/m. VF. (Hellas 123). ** 15 901 FC 5l in block of 4, pale green, right marginal, 3rd period, u/m. Pos. 74-75/79-80. Plate flaw on pos.74,79. Catal. 50eur. Superb. (Hellas 123) ** 18 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 26 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 902 FC 5l. pale green, canc. with «ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΣ*15 ΔΕΚΕΜ. 1898». (Hellas 123). o 8 903 FC 5l. pale green in vertical pair canc. «ΠΛΑΤΑΝΟΣ (ΝΑΥΠ.)*12.ΦΕΒΡ.901» (type III). (Hellas 123). o 10 904 FC 5l. green in bl.4, m. (Hellas 123a). * 20 905 FC 5l. green in horizontal strip of 4 (pos. 286-289) with plate flaw (pos. 288), canc. with «ΦΙΛΙΑΤΡΑ» (type V). Rare and VF. (Hellas 123a). o 15 906 FC 5l. green, 10l. yellow-orange and 20l. red in u/m pairs. (Hellas 123a+124a+125). ** 30 907 FC 5l. emerald (fine impression) in bl.6 (3x2), u. Vertical crease on margins. (Hellas 123b). o 80 908 FC 5l. green in bl.4, u. (Hellas 123b). o 50 909 FC 5l. emerald (fine impression), m. VF. (Hellas 123b). * 32 910 FC 5l. emerald (coarse impression) in used bl.4. Touched at upper left corner. (Hellas 123c). o 15 911 FC 5l. deep-green olive, m. VF. (Hellas 123d). * 45 912 FC 5l. pale olive-green, imperforate, m. (Hellas 123f). * 50 913 FC Canc. «ΚΑΡΟΥΣΑΔΕΣ (ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑΣ)*19.ΔΕΚΕΜ.900» (type V) in blue on 5l. Small Hermes Heads in 2 strips of 4. Very few (cancellations) are known on Small Hermes Heads. RRR. o 100 914 FC 10l. orange in imperfor. bl.4, u/m. CV: 100E, SUPERB. (Hellas 124). ** 20 915 FC 4x10l. orange in different shades, m. (Hellas 124). * 15 916 FC 10l. orange in horizontal pair, m. (Hellas 124). * OFFER 917 FC Early «Piraeus» PPC (Grypos) fr. with 10l. orange canc. «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*10.ΟΚΤ.1899» to Patras. (Hellas 124). PPC 40 918 FC «Acropole d’ Athenes/Soldats Grecs» early color PPC (Pallis & Cotzias No 686) fr. with 10l. orange canc. «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*10.ΟΚΤ.1899» to Petesbourg. (Hellas 124). PPC 20 919 FC 10l.yellow-orange (imperfor.) in corner (upper part of pane with wide margins in 3 sides) bl.10 (5x2),u/m.Posit.1-5/6-10.Plate flaw posit.2 «white spot opposite the chin». (Hellas 124a).Superb item. ** 200 920 FC 10l. yellow-orange perf. 11 1/2, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 124a). ** 18 921 FC 10l. yellow-orange in horizontal pair, m. (Hellas 124a-40euro). * 15 922 FC «SOUVENIR D’ATHENES. TEMPLE DE JUPITER.» early b&w PPC (Pallis & Kotzias), fr. with 10l. yelloworange canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-1*15.ΦΕΒΡ.1898», arr. «ENNS*5/3». (Hellas 124a). PPC 9 923 FC «Temple d’ Eole avec l’ Agora» early greenish PPC fr. with 10l. yellow-orange canc. «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*11. ΝΟΕΜ.?» to Constantinople. (Hellas 124a). PPC 30 924 FC Postcard of Athens with indication «Τελεγράμμα της E.I.A.G.» fr. with 10l. yellow-orange and posted from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5*4 ΝΟΕΜ. 1898», arr. «RANDERATH*23/11 98». (Hellas 124a) PPC OFFER 925 FC 10l. mustard (wove paper) with very large margins, u/m. (Hellas 124b-250euro). Superb. ** 70 926 FC 10l. mustard (wove paper) with very large margins, m. (Hellas 124b). Superb. * 35 927 FC 20l red in bl.10 (upper part of the pane), (pos.201-205/206-210) plate flaws on pos. 204+205, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 125) ** 40 928 FC 5x20l red, in strip of 5, 3rd period, canc. «ΑΜΦΙΣΣΑ*14 ΦΕΒΡ 900». (Hellas 125) o OFFER 929 FC 20l. deep red in corner bl.4, mng. Gummed on face. Superb. RRR. The only known until now. (Hellas 125a). (*) 200 930 FC 20l. deep red in corner bl.4, m. VF. (Hellas 125a). * 22 931 FC 3x20l. deep red in different shades, m. (Hellas 125a-36euro). * 10 932 FC 20l. rose (fine impression), upper marginal, canc. with «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-2*12 ΝΟΕΜ 1898», some margins with crease. (Hellas 125b). o 80 933 FC 20l. rose (coarse impression), m. VF. (Hellas 125c - 30 euros catalog value). * 10 934 FC 20l. grey-rose in marginal horizontal pair (pos.54-55), plate flaw (pos.55), m. (Hellas 125d). VF and rare. * 65 935 FC 20l. grey-rose, m. VF. (Hellas 125d). * 45 936 FC 20l. grey-rose (imperfor.) in bl.4, horizontal folding on upper pair, u. (Hellas 125d). o 15 937 FC 20l. grey-deep red in marginal bl.4, u/m. Superb. RRR. (Hellas 125e). ** 500 938 FC 20l. grey-deep red in bl.10, canc. «ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΣ*5.ΑΠΡ.900» (type V), one narrow margin and creased vertically on right white margin, u. (Hellas 125e). o 100 939 FC 25l.violet in corner (lower-right part of pane) bl.10 (5x2). (Hellas 126a). **/* 50 940 FC Opened cover fr. with 25l. violet and posted from «ΤΡΙΚΕΡΑ*16 ΙΟΥΝ. 98» (type IV), via «ΒΟΛΟΣ*17 ΙΟΥΝ. 98» , arr, «NEW YORK* JUL. 16». (Hellas 126a). C 50 941 FC 1l. deep brown in marginal bl.6, perf. 11 1/2, u/m. (Hellas 127a). Three pairs imperforate in between. ** 40 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 27 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 942 FC 2l. bistre in bl.4 perforate all around only, the two upper stamps are m. (Hellas 128). 943 FC 2l. bistre perf. 11 1/2 canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-1*31.ΔΕΚΕ.1900» (last day of the 19th century). (Hellas 128). **/* o 944 FC 5l. pale green in bl.4 with perforation 11 1/2, u/m. VF. (Hellas 129-67euro). ** 18 945 FC 5l. pale green with perforation «11 1/2, m. (Hellas 129). * OFFER 946 FC «Souvenir d’Athenes. Tour des Vents et Agora Rho maique.» early b&w PPC (Alexandrou), fr. with 5l. pale green perf. 11 1/2 canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-1*7.ΑΠΡ.1900», arr. «PARIS*25.AVRIL.00». (Hellas 129). 947 FC 5l. deep green-olive in marginal copy perf. 11 1/2 imperforate vertically, u/m. (Hellas 129d-170E). 948 FC «Athenes Acropole» early PPC (Pallis & Cotzias), fr. with 10l. orange perf. 11 1/2 canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-1*22. ΙΟΥΝ.1900», arr. «IGLESIAS (CAGLIARI)*9.?.00». (Hellas 130). 949 FC 2x10l. yellow-orange in different shades, m. (Hellas 130a). 950 FC 3 same PPC with different caption (blue, lilac and without caption) fr. with 10l. yellow-orange and mustard. (Hellas 130a+130b). 951 FC 952 FC 953 PPC 15 OFFER 9 ** 50 PPC 12 * 15 PPC 16 20l. rose (fine impression) with perforation 11 1/2, m. VF. (Hellas 131b). * 10 20l deep grey-rose, 3rd period, perf.11 1/2, m. Catal.150eur. VF. (Hellas 131e) * 40 FC Double weight registered cover fr. with 25l. light violet in strip of 3, canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15.ΑΠΡ.1900» arr. «PARIS*2.MAI.00», RR. (Hellas 132). C 50 954 FC Register cover fr. with 2x25l. violet posted from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ» to «ΛΕΒΑΔΕΙΑΝ». C 10 955 FC Opened cover fr. with 1l. brown + 2x2l. bistre with perf. 11 1/2 posted from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*11 IAN. 1899», arr. «NUERNBERG*28 JAN. 99». (Hellas 127+128). C 30 956 FC Official service cover fr. with 5l. pale green + 10l. orange, perforation 11 1/2, plus 30l/40l. (narrow and wide 0, pos.10-20) corner pair (Hellas 129+130+155c+155A), posted from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-3*4 ΝΟΕΜ. 1900», arr. «MUELHEIM*21.11.00». Var. «space 4mm» (pos.20). VF. R. C 300 957 FC 5l. pale green with perforation «Akarnania» 9, m. (Hellas 129A). VF. * 40 958 FC 10l. yellow-orange in horizontal pair, with all around perforation «Akarnania» 9 only (without in the middle), u. Very rare. (Hellas 130A). o 45 1896 FIRST OLYMPIC GAMES 959 FC 1896 Olympic Games , complete set of 12 values, m. (Hellas 109/120). * 650 960 FC Complete set of 12 values,u. (Hellas 109/120). o 400 961 FC 10l. to 5dr. used, plus an extra copy of 60l. (Hellas 112/119+116) o 195 962 FC set of 10 values, up to 2dr, u. VF. (Hellas 109/118 - 190 euros catalog value). o 30 963 FC 1896 Olympic Games, set to 1dr, u. VF. (Hellas 109/117-90E). o 25 964 FC 1l. + 2l. + 5l. + 10l. in light and dark colour, u/m. VF. (Hellas 109+110+111+112 - 132 euros catalog value). ** 30 965 FC 1l. 1896 Olympic Games in u/m pair. Superb. (Hellas 109). ** OFFER 966 FC 2l. 1896 Olympic Games, var Engraver’s name omitted, m. (Hellas 110Fa). * 15 967 FC 20l., u/m. VF. (Hellas 113 - 100 euros catlog value). ** 25 968 FC 20l. 1896 Olympic Games in pair. Corner tooth short, u. (Hellas 113). o 15 969 FC 25l., m. VF. (Hellas 114). * 10 970 FC 2x40l. deep and pale colour, u/m. VF. (Hellas 115 - 80 euros catlog value). ** 20 971 FC 60l., u/m. VF. (Hellas 116 - 160 euros catalog value). ** 40 972 FC 60l. First Olympics, trace m. (Hellas 116). VF. * 20 973 FC 2dr. «1986 Olympic games», mng. (Hellas 118). (*) 80 974 FC 2x2dr. «1896 First Olympic games», one light brown and one deep brown, u. (Hellas 118). o 75 975 FC 5dr. 1896 Olympic Games, m. VF. (Hellas 119). * 200 976 FC 60l. in bl.4, cancelled with «ΙΘΑΚΗ*25 ΜΑΡΤ. 1896» (First Day). RRR. (Hellas 116). o 1800 977 FC «ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ*28 ΜΑΡΤ. 63» (3rd DAY OF GAMES) on 2l. VF. o 30 978 FC 2l. with engraver’s name omitted, m. with cachet «ΤΑΜΕΙΟΝ ΠΑΤΡΩΝ» on gum side. (Hellas 110a). * 10 979 FC 2X20l. 1896 Olympic Games canc. «ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΝ» and «ΜΕΣΣΗΝΗ» (both type III). (Hellas 113). o 6 980 FC ΓΑΡΓΑΛΙΑΝΟΙ, ΚΙΑΤΟΝ, ΚΥΜΗ, ΛΕΒΑΔΕΙΑ, ΛΗΞΟΥΡΙΟΝ, ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ, ΤΡΙΚΚΑΛΑ & ΦΙΛΙΑΤΡΑ, 8 different Type V cancellations on 20l. Olympic Games stamps. o 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 28 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 981 FC «ΔΙBPH / 16 OKT. 96» Type V canc. on 20l. (Hellas 113). o 7 982 FC 20l. 1896 Olympic Games canc. «ΛΕΩΝΙΔΙΟΝ*21.ΙΟΥΝ.96» (type II). VF. (Hellas 113). o 3 983 FC «ΛΟΓΚΑ*2 ΜΑΙΟΣ 96» (type IV) on 20l. o 10 984 FC Canc. «ΜΕΓΑΛΟΠΟΛΙΣ» (type III) without year, on 20l. 1896 Olympic Games. (Hellas 113). ο 5 985 FC Canc. «ΜΕΝΙΔΙΟΝ» (type IIa) part of canc, on 20l. first Olympic, (Hellas 113). o 6 986 FC 20l.+25l. 1896 Olympic Games canc. «ΜΥΚΟΝΟΣ» and «ΤΣΑΓΚΑΡΑΔΑ» (both type IV). (Hellas 113+114). o 6 987 FC 2X20l. 1896 Olympic Games canc. «ΣΚΟΠΕΛΟΣ» and «ΑΡΤΑ» in blue (both type V). (Hellas 113). o 6 988 FC Register cover posted from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 7 ΜΑΡΤ. 1897» and taxed with 60l. Arr. «MARBURG*27.3.97». (Hellas 116). C 180 989 FC 1891-98 PS print 5l. Hermes Head black on cream fr. additionally with 1l. + 2x2l. 1896 Olympic Games, canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-1*22.ΑΠΡ.1897», arr. «SAN DIEGO CAL*MAY.25.1897». Extremely rare destination. (Hellas 109+110). PS 500 990 FC 60l Fake stamp & fake «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ» postmark. o OFFER OLYMPIC YEAR (25 MARCH to 31 DECEMBER 1896) 991 FC «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*12 ΝΟΕΜ. 96» (inverted month) on 20l. o 3 992 FC «ΛΗΞΟΥΡΙΟΝ*11 ΙΟΥΛ. 96» (type V) on 10l. VF. o 3 993 FC «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*15 ΟΚΤ. 1896» on 25l. (Hellas 114). o 3 994 FC «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*21 ΔΕΚΕ. 1896» on 20l. (Hellas 113). o 3 OVERPRINTS ON HERMES HEADS & 1896 OLYMPICS 995 FC 3x20l./25l. light blue & light indigo blue & ultramarine & 1dr./40l. violet, u. (Hellas 133/136). VF. o 40 996 FC 20l./25l.light blue Small Head (imperfor.) 1900 in pair canc.»ΛΙΓΟΥΔΙΣΤΑ-250*26 ΟΚΤ.900» in blue (typ.III). o 6 997 FC Cover posted from «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ 25 ΣΕΠΤ. ??» to «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ». Fr. with 20l./25l. (Hellas 133). C 20 998 FC 20l./25l. with var «Double surcharges», m. (Hellas 133c-55euro). VF. * 20 999 FC 20l./25l. with var «Triple surcharge», m. (Hellas 133b-80euro). VF. * 35 1000 FC 20l./25l.pale blue (imperfor.),m. Var.»20 ΛΕΠΤΑ instead of ΛΕΠΤΑ 20» (Hellas 133f) * 30 1001 FC 20l./25l. blue in left corner marginal, u/m. (Hellas 133j-100euro). Superb. ** 30 1002 FC 20l./25l. deep blue 1900 Small Hermes Heads Surcharges, m. (Hellas 133i). * 16 1003 FC 20l./25l. light indigo blue with watermark, u. (Hellas 134a-65euro). o 20 1004 FC 20l./25l. deep indigo blue with watermark, u. (Hellas 134ba-100euro). Superb. o 40 1005 FC 20l./25l. with var. «Surchrge inverted», m. (Hellas 134c-135euro). * 45 1006 FC 20l./25l. ultramarine in marginal horizontal pair, m. (Hellas 135-130euro). VF. * 40 1007 FC 1900 Small Hermes Head surcharges 20l./25l. ultramarine(two shades) imperforated, m(trace).(Hellas 135).VF * 50 1008 FC 20l./25l. deep ultramarine, m. (Hellas 135-65euro). VF. * 25 1009 FC 1dr./40l. violet, var. «N instead of H», u. (Hellas 136). Superb. Extremely rare. o 30 1010 FC 1900 «Small Hermes heads» surcharges in complete set of 4 values plus 20l./25l. deep indigo blue, m. (Hellas 139/142+140b-300euro). VF. * 100 1011 FC 20l./25l. in corner marginal vertical pair with sewing machine perforation all around only (without in the middle), u/m. (Hellas 139). Superb. ** 30 1012 FC 1900 Small Hermes Heads surcharges, 20l./25l. blue (fine impression), perforated, m. Var. «double surcharge». VF. (Hellas 139ac). * 45 1013 FC 1900 Small Hermes Heads surcharges, 20l./25l. light blue, perforated, m. Var. «inverted overprint». VF. (Hellas 139b). * 20 1014 FC 20l./25l. light blue with perforation «9», u. (Hellas 139j-40euro). VF. o 15 1015 FC 20l./25l. light indigo blue in bl.10, perforation 11 1/2, (pos. 171-175 & 176-180) the first 4 with WMK, plate flaw (pos. 180), (Hellas 140a). Extremely Rare item. o 500 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 29 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1016 FC 1900 Small Hermes Heads surcharges, 20l./25l. light indigo blue, perforated, m. Var. «inverted overprint». VF. RR. (Hellas 140c). * 70 1017 FC 20l./25l. ultramarine, with perforation 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 141). VF. * 25 1018 FC 1dr./40l. red-violet on thick paper, m. (Hellas 142f-new catalog no.) * 10 1019 FC 2dr./40l.deep violet Small Head on cardboard (perfor.),m. (Hellas 144c). * 120 1020 FC 1dr/40l. and 2dr/40l. 1900 Small Hermes Heads Surcharges, both perf 13 1/2, m. (Hellas 145/146). * 25 1021 FC 1dr./40l.violet + 3x2dr./40l.violet (all perfoat.13 1/2),m.Var.»with wmk» & «on cardboard» on 2 stamps. (Hellas 145+146+146a+146c). * 35 1022 FC 1900 ovpt.»A M» & new values on Small & Large Heads (imperfor.),compl.set of 4 values, m. VF. (Hellas 147/150). * 50 1023 FC 1900 Large and Small Hermes Head surcharges, 50l/25l. corner, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 148 - 62 euros catalog value). ** 20 1024 FC 50l./25l. in pair, u. Superb. (Hellas 148a). o 10 1025 FC 1900 «AM» surcharges, 50l./25l. blue with horizontally laid background, m. VF. (Hellas 148d). * 18 1026 FC 1dr/40l. dull olive-green on blue 1900 Large and Small Hermes Heads «AM» Surcharges in lower marginal copy, canc «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*5.ΝΟΕΜ.1900» in blue, u. R. (Hellas 149). o 50 1027 FC 1dr/40l. 1900 Large and Small Hermes Heads «AM» Surcharges in right marginal copy, var narrow space (1 1/2mm). Also printing of the spacer. Thin spot at upper right corner, m. R. (Hellas 149c). * 15 1028 FC 1900 Large and Small Hermes Head «AM» surcharges, 25l./40l. violet perf. 11 1/2, imperforated between, m.(Hellas 151).VF * 12 1029 FC 1900 «Large Hermes heads» surcharges in complete set of 5 values, the 5dr. is lower marginal, m. (Hellas 155/159-200euro). * 60 1030 FC 30l./40l. violet brown with space 1 1/2mm, u. (Hellas 155a). * OFFER 1031 FC 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges, 30/40l. dull violet brown in horiz. pair with narrow and wide 0, m.(Hellas 155+155A).VF * 8 1032 FC 30l./40l. bright violet-brown 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges in strip of 3, one stamp with wide «0», u. (Hellas 155+155A). o OFFER 1033 FC 30l./40l. violet brown & 40l./2l. grey-bistre, both left corner marginal (pos. 1) with wide «0», u/m. (Hellas 155A+156A-35euro). Superb. ** OFFER 1034 FC 30l./40l. violet brown with wide «0» and space 1 1/2mm, u. (Hellas 155Aa). o OFFER 1035 FC 30l./40l. bright violet-brown 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges, var «ΑΕΠΤΑ» instead of «ΛΕΠΤΑ» (pos.35) with «Π» and «T» broken, u. Touched. (Hellas 155d). o OFFER 1036 FC 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges, 30l./40l. (pos.72) light dull violet brown (wide 0), m. VF. R. (Hellas 155C - 20 euros catalog value). * OFFER 1037 FC 30l./40l. light dull violet brown, var. «space 1 1/2mm», wide «0», m. (Hellas 155Ca). * 20 1038 FC 40l./2l. grey-bistre in horizontal pair with narrow «0», canc. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*ΤΑΧ.ΔΕΜΑΤΑ». (Hellas 156). o OFFER 1039 FC 2x40l./2l. grey-bistre both with space 1 1/2 and one with wide «0», u. (Hellas 156a+156Aa). o 10 1040 FC (1900) surcharges on Large Hermes Heads, 40l./2l. imperf. u., with space 2 mm. (Hellas 156b). o 27 1041 FC 40l./2l. grey-bistre with wide «0» and heavy impression on the lower part, u. (Hellas 156A). o 8 1042 FC (1900) surcharges on Large Hermes Heads, 40l./2l. marginal (right) imperf. m., wide «0» with space 1 1/2 mm. VF. (Hellas 156Aa). * 10 1043 FC 40l./2l.grey-bistre Large Head (imperfor.,wide 0),u.Var.»short space 2,3mm». (Hellas 156Ab). o 20 1044 FC 2x50l./40l. rose-bistre Large Hermes (imperf., narrow 0) m. var. «short space 1 1/2mm». (Hellas 157a + 157Aa). */(*) 8 1045 FC 50l./40l. grey-bistre 1900 Large Hermes Heads Surcharges imperf. (pos.20), var space 4mm (1 stamp space 4mm with narrow «0» per sheet), canc. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*ΤΑΧ.ΔΕΜΑΤΑ» (type V), u. Superb and R. (Hellas 157c). o 50 1046 FC 3dr./10l. orange with space 3 1/2, m. (Hellas 158a-120euro). VF. * 35 1047 FC 1900 Large Hearms Heads surcharges, 3dr./10l orange, var plate flaw «lines at the upper part of the stamp»(pos.146), u/m.(Hellas 15810F32).VF and rare. ** 70 1048 FC 5dr./40l. light mauve-blue in bl.4, m. On both lower pair stamps «short space 1 1/2mm». (Hellas 159a). * 320 1049 FC 5dr./40l.light mauve/blue Large Head (imperfor.),m.(trace).Var.»space 1 1/2mm.». (Hellas 159a). * 80 1050 FC 5dr./40l.light mauve/blue Large Head (imperfor.),m.Var.»short space 2mm.». (Hellas 159b).Very rare. * 150 1051 FC 5dr./40l. mauve on blue, m. (Hellas 159AI). Superb. * 45 1052 FC 5dr./40l.mauve/blue Large Head (imperfor.),u/m.Var.»short space 1 1/2mm». (Hellas 159A Ia). ** 100 1053 FC 5dr./40l. grey-mauve on blue with space 2mm. Extremelly rare and VF. m. (Hellas 159Ib). * 160 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 30 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1054 FC 30l./40l. dull violet brown, narrow «0» + 40l./2l. grey-bistre, narrow «0» + 50l./40l. grey-bistre, narrow «0» + 3dr./10l. orange, + 5dr./40l. mauve on blue, all stamps perf. 11 1/2, m. (Hellas 160 + 161 + 162 + 163A + 164AI). * 90 1055 FC 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges, 2x30l./40l. (narrow and wide 0), u/m. Var. «space 1 1/2mm». VF. R. (Hellas 160a+160Aa). * 20 1056 FC 1900 Large Hermes Head surcharges 30l/40l dull violet brown perf. 11 1/2, var «short space 2mm, m.(Hellas 160b). * 55 1057 FC 30l./40l.dull violet-brown Large Head (perfor.11 1/2,wide 0),m.Var.»partial double ovpt.». (Hellas 160Af). * 120 1058 FC 40l./2l. in vertical pair with narrow «0», the upper stamp with space 1 1/2, u. (Hellas 161a+161-43euro). o 10 1059 FC (1900) surcharges on Large Hermes Heads, 40l./2l. perf. 11 1/2, two m. copies, one with wide & one with narrow «0», both with space 1 1/2 mm. (Hellas 161a, 161Aa) * 27 1060 FC 1900 large Hermes Heads surcharges, 40/2l. grey-bistre wide 0, var. space 1/2mm, m.(Hellas 161Aa) * 15 1061 FC (1900) surcharges on Large Hermes Heads, 40l./2l. & 50l./40l. both m. & with perf. 11 1/2, wide «0» & space 1 1/2 mm., VF. (Hellas 161Aa, 162Aa) * 18 1062 FC 50l./40l. grey-bistre with narrow «0» and space 1 1/2mm., m. (Hellas 162a-25euro). * 8 1063 FC 50l./40l. rose-bistre with narrow «0» and space 3 1/2mm., only one position on the sheet. Very rare, m. (Hellas 162c-130euro). * 50 1064 FC 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges, 50l./40l. with wide»O», var. space 2mm(pos 90), u.(Hellas 162Ab). ο 25 1065 FC 1900 Large Hermes Head surcharges 50l/40l rose-bistre in pair perf. 11 1/2, u.(Hellas 162B).VF o 15 1066 FC 50l./40l. rose-bistre in vertical pair, both with wide «0» and space 1 1/2mm., u. (Hellas 162Ca+162C). o 20 1067 FC 3dr./10l. yellow orange with space 1 1/2, m. (Hellas 163Aa-100euro). * 35 1068 FC 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges, 3dr./10l. perf. 11 1/2, m. Var. «Space 4mm». Only 1 in the sheet pos.112. VF. RRR. (Hellas 163Ac). * 150 1069 FC 5dr/40l. light mauve on blue 1900 Large Hermes Heads surcharges perf. 11 1/2, var space 1 1/2mm, m. (Hellas 164a). * 140 1070 FC 5dr./40l. grey-mauve on blue with var. Space 1 1/2mm., m. (Hellas 164Ia-280euro). VF. * 85 1071 FC 1901 First Olympics «AM» surcharges, complete set of 5 values, u/m. SUPERB. (Hellas 165/1692440E). ** 600 1072 FC 1901 1st Olympics «AM» surcharges, complete set of 5 values plus a value of 50l./2dr. with wide 0, m. VF. (Hellas 165/169+167a). * 200 1073 FC 1901 ovpt. «A.M.» & new values on 1896 Olympics, compl. set of 5 values, u. (Hellas 165/169). o 150 1074 FC A.M 5l./1dr. Var.»Gothic M». (Hellas 165b). o 32 1075 FC 5l./1dr.Olympics 1901 ovpt.»AM» & new values on 1896 Olympics,m.Var.»small gothic M». (Hellas 165c). * 30 1076 FC 25l./40l. of 1901 «First Olympics ‘AM’ surcharges», u/m. (Hellas 166 - 400E). ** 180 1077 FC 1901 1st Olympics «AM» surcharges, 25l.40l. canvelled with «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-7*25 ΟΚΤ. 1901». Var. «additional surcharge «ΑΜ ΛΕΠΤΑ 50» in black». Signed by A.Zeis. VF. RR. (Hellas 166b). o 200 1901/02 FLYING MERCURY & A.M. 1078 FC 1901 Fl.Mercury, proof of 3l. ultramarine in marginal bl.4. The paper is regular and WKM. VF. R. E 80 1079 FC 2l.Fl.Mercury in black Essay on yellowish paper in corner bl.30 (10x3) (upper-right) & water-mark printed by PERKINS BACON & Co/London. E 120 1080 FC 10l.Fl.Mercury in black Essay on yellowish paper in corner bl.30 (10x3) (lower-left) & water-mark printed by PERKINS BACON & Co/London. E 120 1081 FC 20l.Fl.Mercury in black Essay on yellowish paper in corner bl.30 (10x3) (upper-right) & water-mark printed by PERKINS BACON & Co/London. E 120 1082 FC 30l.Fl.Mercury in black Essay on yellowish paper in corner bl.30 (10x3) (lower-left) & water-mark printed by PERKINS BACON & Co/London. E 120 1083 FC 1901 Fl.Mercury, complete set of 14 values in bl.4. From the 1l. to the 1dr. on thin paper, additionally the rest of the values (total 18 bl.4), m. and u/m. (Hellas 170A/180A + 181/183). **/* 700 1084 FC 1901 Fl. Mercury, complete set of 14 values on thick paper. 10l. value hinged, the rest u/m. (Hellas 170/183). ** 120 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 31 1085 FC 1901 Fl.Mercury,compl.set of 14 values on thick paper plus 40l.typ.II,m.(very fine hinge). (Hellas 170/183+178a).Excellent quality. 1086 FC 1087 FC 1088 1089 STARTING PRICES IN EURO * 60 1901 Fl.Mercury on thick paper,compl.set of 14 values,m. (Hellas 170/183). * 50 1901 «Flying Mercury» 1dr. & 3dr. on thick paper, u/m. (Hellas 180+182). ** 50 FC 1dr. 1901 Fl. Mercury in horizontal pair imperforate between, m. (Hellas 180f). * 200 FC 1dr. of «Flying Mercury» issue, with var. «Imperforate», m. (Hellas 180A). * 40 1090 FC 1901 Fl.Mercury, 1dr. (thick paper), var. «imperforated on the left side». u. RRR. (Hellas 180 var). o 90 1091 FC 1901 Fl.Mercury, 5dr. in bl.4 (thick paper), u/m. VF. (Hellas 183-200E). ** 60 1092 FC 5l. «Flying Mercury» imperforate in marginal bl.4, the two upper stamps are m. and the two lower are u/m. (Hellas 173Aa). **/* 18 1093 FC 10l.Fl.Mercury on thin paper (typ.I) in imperforate marginal pair,u/m. (Hellas 174Aa). ** 20 1094 FC 20l.Fl.Mercury (thin paper,typ.I) in horizont.marginal pair,m.Var.»imperforate». (Hellas 175Aa). * 8 1095 FC 25l.Fly Mercury (thin paper,typ.I) in marginal bd.3,u/m.Var.»imperforate». (Hellas 176Aa). ** 15 1096 FC 25l. in horizontal imperforate pair on thin paper (typ.I), m. (Hellas 176Aa). * 12 1097 FC 1dr. Fl. Mercury on thin paper in imperforate single copy, canc. «ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ*23.ΝΟΕΜ.10». (Hellas 180Ακ). ο 50 1098 FC 1l. in pair on thin paper typ. II with double horizontal and vertical perforation, m. Torn. (Hellas 170B). * OFFER 1099 FC 5l. 1901 Fl.Mercury in horizontal imperforate pair, m. (Hellas 173Ba). Thick gum. * 8 1100 FC 50l. Fl.Mercury (type II) in imperforate bl.9 on thin paper, mng.(Hellas 179Ba).ex Pemberton (*) 75 1101 FC Canc.»ΓΑΥΡΙΟΝ*23 ΟΚΤ.05» & «*7 ΣΕΠΤ.901» (typ.V) on 25l.+50l.Fl.Mercury. o 3 1102 FC Canc.ΚΕΡΑΣΟΒΟΝ-129 on 5l.pair+10l.pair+20l.pair+25l.Fl.Mercury. o OFFER 1103 FC PS print 10l. Fl.Mercury canc.»Β’ΤΑΧ.&ΤΗΛ.ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ(ΠΛΑΚΑΣ)*11.ΔΕΚΕ.08»-Superb canc. 1104 FC 1105 PS 60 PPC fr. with 10l.Fl.Mercury, canc.»ΣΤ’ΤΑΧ. &ΤΗΛ.ΠΑΡΑΡΤ.ΑΘΗΝΩΝ.ΠΛ.ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑΤΟΣ», arr.»ΡοΠΗΤ»-Thessaloniki. PPC 8 FC Sepia PPC «L’Universite» (Saliveros 96628) fr.pair 5l.1901 Fl.Mercury canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*21 ΙΟΥΝ.1907»,arr.Austrian «METELINO*7-7-07».Creased corner. (Hellas 173). PPC 15 1106 FC 1902 «Metal value» issue, proof of 50l. blue-green in imperforated pair. E 27 1107 FC 1902 «Metal Value» issue, complete set of 5 values in bl.4 (except 5l lower value the others in corner blocks). 5l u/m, 25l 3 stamps u/m, 50l 2 stamps u/m, 1dr+2dr 3 stamps u/m. VF. (Hellas 184/188). 1108 FC 1109 FC 1110 FC 1902 Metal value issue, 5l in imperforated pair, m. VF. (Hellas 184a). 1111 FC 1901 Parcel post issue for international use print 75l.Fl. Mercury brown on bright yellow carton paper with add. 2X25l.+1dr 1902 Metal Value issue canc. «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*27.ΜΑΡΤ.1908», arr. «PARIS*18. JUIN.1908». Stamps without razor cuts. (Hellas85+187). **/* 2400 1902 Metal value issue, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 84/188 - 1050 euros catalog value). ** 300 Metal value issue, complete set of 5 values, m. Catal. 152eur. (Hellas 184/188) * 30 * 45 PS 40 1906 SECOND OLYMPIC GAMES 1112 FC Proof for 1l. 1906 Second Olympics in emerald color on white cardboard. E 16 1113 FC 10l. light brown on cardbroad, PROOF. E 10 1114 FC PROOF of 10l. red (final colour) without perforation in regular paper, mng. E OFFER 1115 FC Proof for 40l. 1906 Second Olympics in horizontal pair in orange color on white cardboard, backside in grey. E 32 1116 FC 1906 Olympic Games, complete set of 14 values, u/m. VF. (Hellas 189/202-1700E). ** 500 1117 FC Compl.set of 14 values,m.(the 5l.,30l.,40l.& 50l.u/m.). (Hellas 189/202). * 300 1118 FC 1906 Olympic Games, complete set of 14 values, heavily hinged set, m. (Hellas 189/202). * 160 1119 FC 1906 Olympic Games, set of 13 values (the 3l. omitted), m. (Hellas 189/202). * OFFER 1120 FC Compl.set of 14 values,u.The 3dr.value canc.superb «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-9». (Hellas 189/202). o 100 1121 FC 1906 «Olympic games» complete set without 5dr. u. (Hellas 189/201). VF. o 60 1122 FC 5l. in imperforate horizontal strip of 3, mng. (Hellas 192a). (*) 60 1123 FC 10l. in marginal bl.20, cancelled with «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*20 ΑΠΡ. 1906». VF. RR. (Hellas 193). ο 160 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 32 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1124 FC 30l 1906 Olympic Games in upper marginal bl.4, var double impression. Also mirror printing (partly) due to paper folding, m. (Hellas 196c). Impressive and RRR. * 3000 1125 FC 20l cancelled with «ΒΟΛΟΣ». Var. «displaced perforation right and down» VF. (Hellas 198 var). o 30 1126 FC 2dr, 3dr and 5dr 1906 Olympic Games canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ (ΣΤΑΔΙΟΝ)/ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΙ ΑΓΩΝΕΣ*19.ΑΠΡ.06» (last day of the Games). On 5dr day is not clear, VF and RRR. (Hellas 200/202). o 380 1127 FC 3dr 1906 Olympic Games canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ (ΣΤΑΔΙΟΝ)/ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΙ ΑΓΩΝΕΣ*17.ΑΠΡ.06», u. Superb and RR. (Hellas 201). o 150 1128 FC 5dr 1906 Olympic Games canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*(ΑΚΡΟΠΟΛΙΣ)*ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΙ/ΑΓΩΝΕΣ*19.ΑΠΡ.06» (last day of the Games), u. VF and RR. (Hellas 202). o 250 1129 FC Canc.»ΔΑΙΜΟΝΙΑ (ΕΠΙΔ.ΛΙΜΗΡΑΣ*20 .... 06» (typ.V) on 20l.on fragment. (Hellas 194).Rare cancel. Δ 60 1130 FC Canc.»ΦΙΣΚΑΡΔΟΝ» (typ.VI) on 20l. (Hellas 194). o 10 1131 FC PPC «Athenes.Vue d’ensemble du Parthenon,de l’Erectheion,Belle Porte et Caryatides» colour. (No.2198) fr.10l. (Hellas 193) canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*26 ΣΕΠΤ.1906» to Algiers (Algeria). PPC 15 1132 FC Cover fr. with 25l. 1906 Olympic Games canc. «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*1.ΑΥΓ.1906», arr. «MUENCHEN*17. AUG.06». (Hellas 195). C 50 1133 FC «Athenes. Jeux Olympiques 1906. Escrime» early b&w PPC (Pallis & Cotzias No.823) pu. VF. PPC 75 1134 FC «Athenes Jeux Olympiques Internationaux 1906» b&w PPC (M.I.S.), unused. Lightly stained. PPC 30 1135 FC «Le Stade Jeux Olympiques 1906» Early b&w PPC(P & C No.816), unused. VF PPC 20 1136 FC «Athenes. Le STADE. Jeux Olympiques 1906. Les dames athletes Danoises au Stade» early b&w PPC (Pallis & Cotzias No.825) unused. VF. PPC 50 1137 FC «Athenes. Entree de L.M. les Rois de la Grande Brettagne et de Grece au Stade» early b&w PPC (Pallis & Cotzias No.822) u. VF. PPC 35 1138 FC «Le point de depart des coureurs de Marathon» Early b&w PPC(Pallis & Cotzias No.834), unused. minor faults PPC 30 1911 - 1923 ENGRAVED & LITHOGRAPHIC ISSUES 1139 FC 1911 Engraved issue, complete set of 16 values, u/m. (Hellas 203/218-1500E). ** 600 1140 FC 1911 «Engraved issue» complete set of 16 values, u. (Hellas 203/218). F. o 70 1141 FC 10l. engraved in imperforated bl.4, m. 2 bottom stamps with thin. (Hellas 203b). * 40 1142 FC 1l. engrave in pair, m. Var. «imperforated pair». (Hellas 203b). * 35 1143 FC 5l. Engraved in marginal bl.4, var. «imperforate pair», u/m. & m. (Hellas 206b). **/* 27 1144 FC 10l. engrave in pair, m. Var. «imperforated pair». (Hellas 207b). * 20 1145 FC 20l.Engraved in pair,m.Var.»imperforate». (Hellas 208b). * 75 1146 FC 25l. engraved m. showing the variety «Black perforation». (Hellas 209d). * 100 1147 FC 40l. engraved in imperforate pair, m. (Hellas 211b-350E). * 150 1148 FC 2dr engraved in red-orange colour in imperforate pair, small tear between, m. (Hellas 214Ab). * 150 1149 FC 5dr. Engraved (reprinting of 1919), printed on folded paper, u/m. VF. (Hellas 388var). ** 200 1150 FC 1918/1923 Litho (4th period),compl.sets of 10+8 values,m.The 5dr.value in black colour (oxidized). (Hellas 219D/228D+390/397). * 20 1151 FC Lithos stamps all with displaced perforation, 11 out of 18 values of the set. Very nice lot. o OFFER 1152 FC 1l.Litho (2nd period) in marginal pair.Var.»imperforate», left stamp u/m. (Hellas 219Ba). 1153 FC 1154 **/* 30 1l. litho (3rd period) in u/m bl.4 with intense displacement of perforation vertically and horizontally. Impressive. (Hellas 219C). ** 10 FC 1l.Litho (4th period) in marginal bd.10 (upper row of the sheet),u/m.Var.»upper side perfor.10 1/2 for the 5 left stamps & 10 1/2+13 1/2 for the 6th stamp». (Hellas 219Dc H.T.). ** 15 1155 FC 3l.1912 Litho (4th period) in pair canc.»ATAΛANTH».Var.»imperforate pair». (Hellas 221Da). o 70 1156 FC 5l deep green litho 4th period in lower marginal bl.8 with printer’s inscription(part).Mirror printing on backside, u/m.(Hellas 222D).VF ** 8 1157 FC 20l. litho (4th period) in bl.4 canc. «ΣΠΑΡΤΗ*11.ΦΕΒ.23». On lower pair perf. 10 1/2+13 1/2 on 1st stamp and perf. 10 1/2 on the 2nd, u. VF. (Hellas 224DeH.B.+224DcH.B). o 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 33 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1158 FC 25l. (4th period) in used pair with printing error on one. Interesting. (Hellas 225D). o OFFER 1159 FC 30l. litho (4th period) in u/m imperforate corner bl.4. (Hellas 226Da). ** 250 1160 FC 40l. litho (1st period), u/m. (Hellas 227A). ** 16 1161 FC 50l. «Lithographic issue» (2nd period), u/m. (Hellas 228B). VF. ** 55 1162 FC 80l.1923 Lithos,pair,m.Var.»imperforate». (Hellas 391a). * 40 1163 FC 1dr litho in strip of 3 with horizontal displacement of perforation(perf in the lower part of the stamp), u/m.(Hellas 392var).VF and rare ** 30 1164 FC 2dr litho in lower marginal strip of 3 with horizontal displacement of perforation(perf in the middle of the stamp), u/m.(Hellas 393var).VF and rare ** 30 1165 FC 2dr.Litho (1919,4th period) in pair.Trace of hinge on one,the other u/m.Var.»imperforate». (Hellas 393a). **/* 50 1166 FC 1l.+20l.+25l. lithos (3rd period), var perf. 10 1/2 at top and 80l. litho, var perf. 10 1/2 at bottom, u. (Hellas 219DcHT+224DcHT+225DcHT+391cHB). o 10 1167 FC 2dr 1919 in pair (separated) with displacement of perforation vertically and horizontally, u. (Hellas 393). o OFFER 1168 FC 2dr. Litho, var perf. «10 1/2» at top, m. (Hellas 393cH.T.). * OFFER 1169 FC 2dr.Litho (1919), u. Var.»perfor.13 1/2+10 1/2» at bottom. (Hellas 393eH.B.). o OFFER 1170 FC 3dr. lithographic m. Var. perf. 10 1/2 on top & bottom. (Hellas 394cH.T.B.). * 5 1171 FC 4x3dr. Litho, u. Var. «horizontal perforation 10 1/2 on top», «horizontal perf. 10 1/2+13 1/2 on top», «horizontal perf. 10 1/2 on top and bottom sides» and «horizontal perf. 10 1/2+13 1/2 on top and bottom sides». (Hellas 394cHT+394eHT+394cHTB+394eHTB). o 10 1172 FC 5dr. Litho in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. and m. (Hellas 395). **/* 40 1173 FC Cover to Canada, franked with litho. stamp 3dr. with perf. 10 1/2 on top & bottom (Hellas 394c), canc. «ΣΟΡΟΒΙΤΣ * 9.ΝΟΕ.26», transit machine canc. on back «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΑΦΙΞΙΣ * 10.ΝΟΕ.26». C 15 1174 FC 9 x 20l.Litho on fragment canc.lilac maritime «ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΑΤΜΟΠΛΟΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ-ΤΜΗΜΑ ΑΚΤΟΠΛΟΙΑΣ*ΓΕΝΙΚΟΝ/ΠΡΑΚΤΟΡΕΙΟΝ/ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ». (Hellas 224). Δ 20 1175 FC Cover (open) fr.1l.Litho (3rd period) canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*22 ΙΑΝ.16» to «In Town». (Hellas 219C). C 10 1176 FC PS print 5l. fr. with 5l. litho canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*?.VI.16» to Italy.On arrival canc.»FIRENZE*2.VII.16» and «BOLOGNA POSTA ESTERA/VERIFICATO PER CENSURA(23)». PS 10 1177 FC Wrapper fr. with 1l. + 2x2l. + 5l. Litho and cancelled with «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*13 ΙΟΥΛ. 24». W OFFER 1178 FC Dispatch note, fr. with 1dr. in two bl.4 and bl.6 & 5dr. Litho in horizontal strip of 6 & 2dr. Lord Byron, canc. «ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ (ΔΕΜΑΤΑ)*13 ΟΚΤ.924» to U.S.A. Creased in the middle. PS 50 1179 FC 30l. and 2dr Litho with perfin «ΕΘΤ». o 10 ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ BLACK OVPT. READING UP 1180 FC «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» ovpt in black (read. up), set of 21 values (1l. ovpt «ΛΗΜΝΟΣ» missing), m. The 25dr. value u/m. (Hellas 229/230-232/250). * 280 1181 FC 1l. engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read. up), var «Δ-ΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» (pos.54), u. (Hellas 229Β). o OFFER 1182 FC 1l Engrave in corner bl.6 (printing IV), 4 stamps u/m. Var. «ΛΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» (pos.12) and «large E» (pos.21). VF. (Hellas 229+229C+229K). 1183 FC 1184 1185 **/* 10 2Χ1l. engraved with add. printing errors only bottom half of «I» printed and «Δ» with dot in the middle, u/m. (Hellas 229Σ32+229Σ59). ** 3 FC 1l.+2l. Engraved, var. «ΔΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» and «large E», u/m. (Hellas 229B + 232K). VF. ** 6 FC 1l. «Black overprint» (reading up), with var. «Double overprint», u/m. (Hellas 230a). ** 3 1186 FC 1l.Litho (black ovpt.reading-up) in marginal bl.6 (2x3),mng.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas 230a). (*) OFFER 1187 FC 1l. litho ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read. up), var «no dot after ΕΛΛΑΣ», u/m. Superb. (Hellas 230d-300E). ** 100 1188 FC 1l.Litho (black ovpt.reading-up) in corner (lower-left with printer’s inscription) bl.4,u/m.Var.»no dot after ΕΛΛΑΣ» οn one & «grand E» on another. (Hellas 230+230d+230K). ** 80 1189 FC 1l.Litho (black ovpt.reading-up) in bl.4 & corner pair,u/m.Var.»grand E» on one of each (posit.21 & 91). (Hellas 230K+230). ** 10 1190 FC 1l litho overprinted «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read. up) with «ΛΗΜΝΟΣ» ovpt. Both overprints «a cheval», m. (Hellas 231-25E). * 5 1191 FC 2l. printing II, with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» black overprint (reading up) in bl.35, with «Additional errors», u/m. (Hellas 232 Σ17+Σ23+Σ57+Σ14+Σ15+Σ16). VF. ** 22 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 34 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1192 FC 2l. engrave, m. Var. «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ». VF. (Hellas 232BN). * OFFER 1193 FC 2l. «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» overprint, var. «ΛΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ», u/m. (Hellas 232C). ** 3 1194 FC 3l.Engraved (black ovpt.reading-up) in marginal bl.4 canc.»XANIA*2 MAPT.1912».Var.»ΛΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» on one. (Hellas 233+233C). o OFFER 1195 FC 3l. «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» overprint with var. «a cheval», u/m. (Hellas 233). ** 5 1196 FC 3l. «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» black overprint (reading up) in horizontal pair, with var. long letter «I» in «OI», u. (Hellas 233+233 Σ16). VF. o 3 1197 FC 5l. «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» overprint in vertical pair, one stamp with «ΕΛΛΗΝ_ΚΗ» instead of «EΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ» (pos. 7), u. (Hellas 234A+234). o 3 1198 FC 5l. Engrave in pair, u/m. Var. «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» on 2nd stamp. VF. (Hellas 234+234BN). ** 10 1199 FC 5l. engrave, u. Var. «ΟΙ higher than other letters» (Naltsas 194.k). Thin. (Hellas 234). o OFFER 1200 FC 5l.Litho (black ovpt.reading-up) in bl.4.One stamp m.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas 235a). 1201 FC 5l. Litho, var. «ΛΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ», m. (Hellas 235C). 1202 FC 10l. «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» onverprint in horizontal pair with «ΕΛΛΗΝ_ΚΗ» instead of «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ» (pos. 9-10), m. & u/m. (Hellas 236A+236). 1203 FC 10l.Engraved in bd.3,u/m.Displaced ovpt.(ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ/ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ). (Hellas 236 var). ** 1204 FC 10l.Engraved (black ovpt.reading-up) in bd.3,u/m.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas 236a).Lux quality. ** 7 1205 FC 10l. engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» (printing I) in black (read. up) in vertical strip of 4 (pos.919-29-39), var. «ΕΛΛΗΝ_ΚΗ» (pos.9), canc. «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*7.ΔΕΚΕΜ.12». (Hellas 236+236A). Δ 10 1206 FC 10l. Engrave, m. Var. «long letter Ι in ΔΙ and ΟΙ». VF. (Hellas 236Σ70). * 8 1207 FC 10l.Litho (black ovpt.reading-up) in marginal bl.13 (5x3-pair),u/m.(2 stamps m.).Var.»double & very displaced ovpt.». (Hellas 237a). ** 30 1208 FC 10l.Litho with DOUBLE black ovpt.reading-up,u.(Hellas 237a) o OFFER 1209 FC 10l. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» black overprint (reading up) in bl.4, with var. only bottom half of «I» printed, m. (Hellas 237+237 Σ32). * 8 1210 FC 10l.Litho,u.Var.»very displac.ovpt.(ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ-ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ)» (Hellas 237) o OFFER 1211 FC 10l. litho (2nd period), mng. Var. «double overprint». VF. (Hellas 237da - 50 euros catalog value). (*) 10 1212 FC 10l.Litho on 2nd period paper (black ovpt.reading-up),u.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas 237da). o OFFER 1213 FC 20l.Engraved in marginal pair,m.Var.»ovpt.ΕΛΛΗΝ-ΚΗ» on one. (Hellas 239A+239). * OFFER 1214 FC 20l. engrave in pair, u/m. Var. «ΔΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» on 2nd stamp. VF, (Hellas 239+239BN). ** 10 1215 FC 20l.Engraved (black ovpt.reading-up) in bl.4,u/m.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas 239a) ** 30 1216 FC 20l. engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read. up) in pair, var double ovpt (2 different printings), m. (Hellas 239a). ** 15 1217 FC 20l. engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read. up), var double ovpt, one inverted, m. (Hellas 239b). * 50 1218 FC 20l. Fl.Mercury, u. Var. «double overprint» and «Large E». VF. (Hellas 238aK - 180 euros catalog value). o 100 1219 FC 25l.Engraved (black ovpt.reading-up) in marginal pair.Var.»ΕΛΛΗΝ-ΚΗ» on one. (Hellas 240+240A). 1220 FC 25l.Engraved (black ovpt.reading-up) in pair,u.Var.»ovpt.ΕΛΛΗΝ-ΚΗ» on one. (Hellas 240A+240). o OFFER 1221 FC 4x25l. Engrave with Additional Errors «Long Letter Ι» , «Long letter Ι on ΔΙ» (2 stamps, different pos. from the same sheet) and «long letter Ι on ΣΙΣ». (Hellas 240Σ14+240Σ15+240Σ17). o 12 1222 FC 25l.Litho (2nd period) (black ovpt.reading-up) in marginal pair,u/m.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas 241da). ** 15 1223 FC 25l.Litho (period B! paper) (black ovpt.reading-up) in bl.20 (4x5),u/m.Var.»multiple ovpt.». (Hellas 241d+c). ** 60 1224 FC 30l Engrave in corner bl.4, u/m. Var. «Large E» (pos.91). VF. (Hellas 242+242K). ** 10 1225 FC 30l. «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» black overprint (reading up), with var. large «E» on «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ», m. (Hellas 242K). * 10 1226 FC 40l. engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read.up), var double ovpt, m. (Hellas 243a). * 15 1227 FC 40l.Engraved (black ovpt.reading-up) in 2 pairs (one corner) & single,m.Var.»ovpt.ΕΛΛΗΝ-ΚΗ» & «ovpt. ΔΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» on one stamp of each pair.Also,displaced ovpt.on the single. (Hellas 243A+243B+243 var). * 8 1228 FC 1dr engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read. up) in u/m bl.6. Superb. (Hellas 245). ** 20 1229 FC 1dr.violet-ultramarine (black ovpt.reading-up) in marginal pair,m.(trace).Var.»large E» on one (posit.21) (Hellas 245K+245) * 8 1230 FC 1dr engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read. up) with additional printing error long letter «Ι» on «OI», u. (Hellas 245Σ16). o 8 **/* * **/* **/* 10 OFFER 5 OFFER 5 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 35 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1231 FC 2dr.Engraved,u.Var.»ovpt.ΕΛΛΗΝ-ΚΗ». (Hellas 246A).Very fine & rare. o 100 1232 FC 3dr.Engraved,u.Var.»long letter «I» in «ΣΙΣ». (Hellas 247Σ17). o 10 1233 FC 5dr engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read. up), var. «ΕΛΛΝΙΚΗΗ», u. RRR. (Hellas 248H). o 450 1234 FC 10dr. Engraved, var. «ΔΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ», u/m. (Hellas 249B). Extremely rare. ** 1400 1235 FC 10d. engrave, u. Var. «Long letter Ι in ΣΙΣ». RRR. VF. (Hellas 249 Σ17). o 150 1236 FC 25dr engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (horiz. ovpt), m. (Hellas 250). * 100 1237 FC Registered (boxed «ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΟΝ») cover fr. with 1l. + 5x2l. + 3x3l. + 10l. + 20l.engrave, all with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ»overprint, posted from «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ». C OFFER BLACK OVPT. READING DOWN 1238 FC Set of 18 values (10l. engrave missing), m. With 25l. Litho (1st period) and 5dr. grey-blue. VF. RRR. (Hellas 251/256+258/269 - 3153 euros catalog value). * 1500 1239 FC 1l. engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read. down) in pair, u. VF and R. (Hellas 251). o 40 1240 FC 2l.Engraved (marginal pair)+5l.Litho (2nd period) (black ovpt.reading-down),u.Var.»large E». (Hellas 253+253K+256bK). o 6 1241 FC 2l.(black ovpt.reading-down) in corner bl.4,u/m.Var.»grand E» on one (posit.10). (Hellas 253K).Lux item. ** 18 1242 FC 2l.Engraved (black ovpt.reading-down) in marginal pair,u/m.Var.»large E of ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ» on one.». (Hellas 253+253K). ** 7 1243 FC 3l. engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read. down) in bl.8 canc. «ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ*25.ΔΕΚ.14», var long letter «Ι» in «ΔΙ» on one, u. (Hellas 254+254Σ15). ο 10 1244 FC Canc. «[ΣΟΥΜΠΟΤ]ΣΚΟΝ (ΚΑΡΑΤΖΟΒΑΣ)» on 5l. engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read. down), var «_ΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ». (Hellas 355E). o OFFER 1245 FC 5l litho ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» (reading down) in black in corner bl.20 (pos.57-60/97-100) , var large «E» (pos.80), u/m.(Hellas 256+256K).Superb. ** 100 1246 FC 10l. Litho, m. Var. «Δ with dot in the middle». VF. (Hellas 258Σ59 - 15 euros catalog value). * OFFER 1247 FC 25l. engrave, m. VF. (Hellas 261 - 135 euros catalog value). * 40 1248 FC 25l. litho in u/m corner bl.4 ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read. down), var. double ovpt on all stamps. Superb. (Hellas 262a). ** 230 1249 FC 30l. engrave, m. Signed by A.Zeis. VF. RRR. (Hellas 263). * 250 1250 FC 1dr. engrave, heavy m. Var. «Long letter Ι on ΔΙ». Signed by A.Zeis. (Hellas 266Σ15). * 90 1251 FC 1dr. engrave (print XVI), u/m. Var. «long letter Ι on ΣΙΣ». Vertical paper folding. RRR. (Hellas 266Σ17 330 euros catalog value). ** 140 1252 FC 1dr. grey-ultramarine, m. VF. R. (Hellas 266b - 90 euros catalog value). * 30 1253 FC 2dr engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» (read. down) in black, u.(Hellas 267). ο 80 1254 FC 3dr. engrave, m. Signed by A.Zeis. VF. (Hellas 268). * 60 RED OVPT. READING UP 1255 FC Set of 12 values (the high values 5dr.& 25dr.vertical ovpt.omitted),m. (Hellas 271/280+282+284). * 100 1256 FC 1l. engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in red (read. up) in bl.4, with additional printing errorslong letter «Ι» on «NI» and «I» long and broken like an exclamation mark, u. (Hellas 271+271Σ14+271Σ57). o OFFER 1257 FC 1l.Engraved (red ovpt.reading-up) in marginal pair canc.»ΡEΘYMNON».Var.»ovpt.ΕΛΛΗΝ-ΚΗ» on one (posit.7). (Hellas 271+271A). o 5 1258 FC 5l. Engrave, u. Var. «ΕΛΛ: all 3 lettersbroken at their lower part». VF. (Hellas 272Σ31). o OFFER 1259 FC 20l. litho ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in red (read. up) with add. ovpt error long letter «Ι» in «ΣΙΣ», m. (Hellas 274Σ17). * OFFER 1260 FC 25l. litho in pairs ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in red (read. ovpt). Additional printing errors long letter «Ι» in «ΣΙΣ» on one pair and on the other spot in the middle of «O» so that it resembles a «Θ». Both pairs used. (Hellas 275+275Σ17+275Σ24). o OFFER 1261 FC 40l. engrave, u/m. Var. «all letters horizontaly broken in the middle». VF (Hellas 276Σ35) ** 4 1262 FC 40l. engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in red (read. up) in strip of 3, on one additional printing error long letter «Ι» on «NI», u. (Hellas 276+276Σ14). o OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 36 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1263 FC 40l. engrave in pair, u. Var. «large letter Ι on ΣΙΣ». VF. (Hellas 276+276 Σ17). o 6 1264 FC 50l. Litho in corner bl.4, u/m. Var. «impressive displace of horizontal perforation up». VF. (Hellas 277). ** OFFER 1265 FC 50l engraved «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙKΗΣΙΣ» with red ovpt (read. up) in upper marginal pair, var «ΕΛΛΗΝ_Η» on one, u/m.(Hellas 277A+277).Superb ** 20 1266 FC 1dr engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in red (read. up), m. (Hellas 278). * 8 1267 FC 1dr engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in red (read. up) with additional printing var. long letter «Ι» in «ΣΙΣ», u. (Hellas 278Σ17). o 8 1268 FC 2dr «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ», var. large «ΕΛΛΗΝ_ΚΗ», u/m.(Hellas 280A). ** 180 1269 FC 2dr engraved overprinted «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in red (read. up), u. (Hellas 279). o 21 1270 FC 10dr.deep blue with DOUBLE ovpt.reading-up,one in BLACK,u/m. (Hellas 282d).One blunt corner. ** 30 1271 FC 10dr. engrave, u/m. Var. «double vertical perforation». VF. R. (Hellas 282e - New catalog entry). ** 100 1272 FC 25dr. Engrave, m. VF. Signed by A.Zeis. RR. .(Hellas 283). * 350 1273 FC 25dr. engrave horizontal overprint, m. Var. «Δ with dot in the middle». VF. R. (Hellas 284Σ59). * 100 1274 FC Red-carmine ovpt. «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» reading up on 10dr. engr., m. (Hellas 282N) * 45 1275 FC 10dr. engrave (red-carmine overprint), m. Var. «Double overprint one inverted». VF. RRR. (Hellas 282Nb). * 300 1276 FC 10l. Engrave carmine ovpt. (reading up), m. VF. R. (Hellas 293 - 90 euros catalog value). * 27 1277 FC 25l. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» carmine overprint (reading up), u/m. Superb. (Hellas 295). ** 100 1278 FC 30l.(carmine ovpt.),m. (Hellas 296). * 35 1279 FC 5dr engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in carmine (read. up), var. double ovpt, m. (Hellas 298a). * 230 RED OVPT. READING DOWN 1280 FC 25l.violet-ultramarine Litho,mng. (Hellas 287) (*) 40 1281 FC 20l. engraved ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in red (read. down), u. RRR. (Hellas 286). o 1000 1282 FC 25dr. engrave cancelled with type V «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ SALONIQUE*28 ΜΑΡΤ. 13». Very small part of perforation missing in the upper left part. RRR. (Hellas 289). o 300 ΛΗΜΝΟΣ OVPT. 1283 FC Black ovpt.»ΛΗΜΝΟΣ» οn varioys stamps,compl.set of 21 values,m. (Hellas 300/320). * 100 1284 FC 1l.Engraved with black inverted ovpt.»ΛΗΜΝΟΣ»,m. (Ηellas 300α). * OFFER 1285 FC 1l.black ovpt.,var.»double ovpt.» (Hellas 301b) * OFFER 1286 FC 1l.Litho ovpt.black «ΛΗΜΝΟΣ» in bl.4,mng.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas 301b). (*) OFFER 1287 FC 3l. engraved ovpt «ΛΗΜΝΟΣ» in black, var double ovpt, m. (Hellas 303b). 1288 FC 1289 FC 1290 FC 1291 FC 1292 FC 1293 FC 1294 1295 * 5 3l. Engrave in marginal pair with black overprint, u/m. Var. «ΔΗΜΝΟΣ». VF. (Hellas 303+303E). ** OFFER 5l.Litho with INVERT.black ovpt.in u/m marginal bl.8 (4x2) (Hellas 305a) ** 35 5l. engraved in marginal pair with black overprint, m. Var. «large Σ», (Hellas 305+305C). * OFFER 10l.Engraved with double black ovpt., m. (Hellas 306b) * 5 10l.litho. in u/m corn.bl.10 (5x2) with double black ovpt.(Hellas 307b).Pin-hole in one stamp. ** 20 10l.Litho (black ovpt.),corner,u/m.Var.»double ovpt.(on the margin,too)». (Hellas 307b var). ** 3 FC 3dr engraved ovpt «ΛΗΜΝΟΣ» in black, var «A» instead of «Λ», u/m. (Hellas 317B). ** 25 FC 5dr. engrave black overprint, m. Var. «double ovpt». (Hellas 318b). * 27 1296 FC 25dr.Engraved 1912/3 ovpt.black «ΛΗΜΝΟΣ»,m.High value of the set. (Hellas 320). * 50 1297 FC 1912-1913 «Carmine overprint» complete set of 10 values, m. (Hellas 330/339). RRR. * 900 1913 CAMPAIGN (1912) 1298 FC 1912 «Campaign» complete set of 17 values, with heavy hinge. (Hellas 340/355). * 300 1299 FC Set to 2dr. (13 values) in u/m. superb bl.4. One 30l. is hinged and one is creased. One 25l. has thin. (Hellas 340/351 - 1640.00++E). ** 500 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 37 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1300 FC Set to 2dr.(12 values) 1913 Campaign,m. (Hellas 340/351). * 60 1301 FC 1l. & 3l. & 10l. & 40l. «1912 Campaing» (on paper B), m. (Hellas 340h+342h+343h+344h). VF. * 25 1302 FC 5l. 1913 Campaign in pair canc. «ΦΛΩΡΙΝΑ» (type V), var perf. 10 1/2 at left. Oxidation. (Hellas 343d+343). o OFFER 1303 FC 5l. 1913 Campaign in right marginal imperforate pair, m. (trace). (Hellas 343ha). * 60 1304 FC 10l.on paper B,u/m.Var.»double vertical perforation». (Hellas 344hc). ** 12 1305 FC 10l. 1912 Campaign, 1914 reprinting, imperforate, m. (Hellas 344ea). Single stamp, fine and rare. * 65 1306 FC 30l.,m.(trace). (Hellas 347). * 27 1307 FC 1dr. in marginal bl.4 with printer’s inscription, u/m. VF. (Hellas 350-250E). ** 60 1308 FC 5dr.,m. (Hellas 353).Rare item. * 80 1309 FC Cover fr. with 5l. 1913 Campaign stamps in bl.4 canc. «ΑΙΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΗ*10.12.15», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*13. ΔΕΚ.15». (Hellas 343). C OFFER ** 27 SOUDA 1310 FC 1913 25l. Souda in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 356). E.T. OVPT. & PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT 1311 FC 1916 «ET» overprint, complete set of 17 values, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 357/374 - 711 euros catalog value). ** 300 1312 FC 1916 «ΕΤ» overprint, complete set of 17 values (the 50l. on paper A), m. VF. (Hellas 357/368+369h+370/374). * 80 1313 FC 1916 «E T» ovpt, complete set of 17 values plus all lithos paper varieties of the set. 2l. (paper B) stamp u/m. Very difficult to be collected, u. (Hellas 357/374+358e+363e+363g+365+365e+368h+369h+3 71e-206E). o 80 1314 FC 1l.1916 ovpt.»E T»,m.Var.»double ovpt.,one inverted». (Hellas 357c). * 7 1315 FC 2l. litho 1916 «E T» ovpt, var inverted ovpt, m. (Hellas 358a). * 12 1316 FC 2l. with «E T overprint» (2nd period), u/m. (Hellas 358e). VF. ** 8 1317 FC 3l.1916 E.T.with INVERT.ovpt.on fragm.with 2 other stamps (Hellas 360a) canc.ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ*15 ΝΟΕΜ.18. Δ 8 1318 FC 5l. 1916 «E T» overprint, var. «overprint inverted», m. (Hellas 361a). * 18 1319 FC 5l. 1916 «E T» ovpt, var double ovpt, u/m. (Hellas 361b). ** 20 1320 FC 10l. m. with INVERT. ovpt.»E.T.» (Hellas 362a-50E) * OFFER 1321 FC 20l. 1916 «E.T.» overprint in lower marginal bl.4, on first period litho, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 363g1050E). ** 250 1322 FC 25l.Litho 1916 ovpt.»E T»,m.Var.»inverted ovpt.». (Hellas 364a). * 5 1323 FC 1916 «ΕΤ» overprint, 25l. deep ultramarine, m. VF. (Hellas 365e - 160 euros catalog value). * 50 1324 FC 30l.1916 ovpt.»E T»,m.Var.»inverted ovpt.».Yellowish spots on 2 perfs. (Hellas 366a). * 8 1325 FC 50l. Litho (period A), m. VF. (Hellas 369h - 70 euros catalog value). * 20 1326 FC 1dr. 1916 «Ε Τ» ovpt in u/m marginal vertical pair with black perforation. (Hellas 370e-1410E). ** 420 1327 FC 3dr. & 5dr. & 10dr. «E.T.» overprints on Engraved stamps, m. (Hellas 372 + 373 + 374). * 30 1328 FC 10dr 1916 «E T» ovpt, m. (Hellas 374). * 8 1329 FC 1917 Provisional Government issue, complete set of 12 values.The 25dr with WMK, u/m.(Hellas 375/385a+386).VF and R. ** 320 1330 FC (1917) «Provisional Government» issue, complete set of 12, m. (Hellas 375/386). * 80 1331 FC 1917 Provision.Goverment,set of 11 values in pairs,u/m.Var.»imperforate». (Hellas 375b/385b). ** 300 1332 FC 1l. 1917 Provisional Government issue in imperforate upper marginal vertical pair, u/m. (Hellas 375b). ** OFFER 1333 FC (1917) ‘Provisional Government’ issue, the 50l. value in marginal u/m. imperf. bl.4. (Hellas 379b). ** 45 1334 FC 1dr 1917 Provisional Government issue in imperforate single upper marginal copy, u/m. (Hellas 380b). ** 10 1335 FC 1917 provisional 2dr. marg., m. Var. «imperf. pair». Diagonal crease. (Hellas 381b). * 10 1336 FC 5dr. «Provisional Government issue», with var. «C» instead of «O», u. (Hellas 383B). o OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 38 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1337 FC 10dr 1917 Provisional Government issue in imperforate single upper marginal copy, u/m. (Hellas 384b). ** 40 1338 FC 2X50l.+3dr+4dr 1917 Provisional Government issue in imperforate single copies, 3dr hinge (trace), the rest u/m. (Hellas 379b+382b+386b). * 25 1339 FC 2dr+5dr 1917 Provisional Government issue in imperforate single copies, mng. (Hellas 381b+383b). (*) OFFER 1340 FC 4dr 1917 Provisional Government issue never issued stamp in imperforate right marginal single copy with WMK, u/m. (Hellas 386c). ** 15 ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922 OVPT. 1341 FC 1923 «ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922» ovpt, complete set of 58 values in bl.4. 10l./20l. on 1905 Cretan stamp, 10l./20l. on 1908 Cretan postage due and 2dr/2dr on 1913 Campaign stamp u/m, the rest m. (Hellas 398/455). **/* 3200 1342 FC 1343 FC 1923 «ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922» overprint, 9 complete sets of 59 values, u/m. VF. (Hellas 398/455). ** 800 1923 «ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922» ovpt, complete set of 58 values, m. (Hellas 398/455). * 280 1344 FC Complete set of 6 values on stamps of the 1905 Cretan state issue, m. (Hellas 403/408). Trace on the 10l./20l. * 60 1345 FC 10l./25l.1905 Cretan,m.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas 404a). * 16 1346 FC Ovpt.on 1909/1910 Cretan State issue,compl.set of 10 values,m. (Hellas 412/421). * 100 1347 FC 5l./1l.Cretan 1909/1910 (ovpt.thick ΕΛΛΑΣ),m.Var.»inverted ovpt.». (Hellas 412a-30 E). * OFFER 1348 FC 10l./10l. 1923 «ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922» ovpt on 1909/10 Cretan State stamp, var inverted ovpt, m. (Hellas 414a). * 18 1349 FC 10l./20l. 1923 «ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922» ovpt on 1909/10 Cretan State stamp, var inverted ovpt, m. (Hellas 415a). * 18 1350 FC 5dr./5dr.Cretan 1909/1910 (ovpt.large «ΕΛΛΑΣ»),m.(just trace).Higher value of the set. (Hellas 421) * 100 1351 FC 50l./50l. 1923 «ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922» ovpt on 1910 Cretan State issue postage due ovpr «Specimen». (Hellas 436). S 10 1352 FC (1923) «ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922» ovpt. on ‘Campaign’ issue, complete set of 10, m. (Hellas 439/448). * 40 1353 FC 5l./3l.1913 Campaign,m.Var.»inverted ovpt.». (Hellas 439a). * 10 1354 FC 3dr./3dr.Campaign on paper B!,u/m. (Hellas 446b).Very scarce item. ** 200 1355 FC 2x10l. Provisional, m. Var. «overprint a cheval» and «inverted overprint». (Hellas 449a+449 var). * 12 1356 FC 5l./1l. + 50l./5dr «ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922» ovpt on 1900 Cretan state issue, never issued stamps, m. (Hellas 456/457). * 30 1357 FC 5l./1l. 1923 «ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922» ovpt on 1900 Cretan state issue, never issued stamp, m. (Hellas 456). * 20 1358 FC 50l./5dr.1900 Cretan in corner (lower-left) bl.4,u/m.Never issued. (Hellas 457). ** 90 1359 FC 10l./25l. «ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922» ovpt on 1900 Cretan state «ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΟΝ» issue, never issued stamp, m. (Hellas 458). * 65 1360 FC 10dr/10dr 1923 «ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ 1922» ovpt on «1912 Campaign» never issued stamp in lower marginal copy, m. (Hellas 460). * 450 15 1924 - 1944 1361 FC 1926 Messolonghi, 25l. in marginal strip of 4, u/m. Var. «perforation 10 1/2 on 1st stamp, 10 1/2 + 13 1/2 on 2nd and 13 1/2 on 2 last stamps». VF. (Hellas 463+463b+463e). ** 1362 FC Proof of 5l. of «Landscapes-Monuments issue» in brown color, u/m. Not approved disign. ** 80 1363 FC Perfin «T.E.» (=Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος) and «ΕΘ.Τ» (=Εθνική Τράπεζα) on 10 stamps (9 different), some with faults. o OFFER 1364 FC 1927 Landscapes, complete set of 14 values, u/m. (Hellas 467/408). ** 250 1365 FC 1927 Landscapes, complete set of 14 values, m. (some values even u/m.). (Hellas 467/480). 3 items with impressive color shades, one extra. * 50 1366 FC 5dr+10dr+15dr+25dr 1927 Landscapes. 25dr u/m but with a large triangular gumless spot, the rest m. (Hellas 477/480). * 60 1367 FC 2X10dr 1927 Landscapes on white and reddish paper, m. R. (Hellas 478). * 25 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 39 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1368 FC 25l. 1927 Landscapes in two horizontal pairs with impressive perforation displacements horizontally and vertically, u. (Hellas 470). o OFFER 1369 FC 1927 landscapes, 40l in pair, u. Bad perforation because of paper folding. (Hellas 471). 1370 FC 40l. + 1dr 1927 Landscapes, both printed on folded paper. (Hellas 471+474). 1371 FC 1dr 1927 Landscapes in u/m pair imperforate horizontally. VF and R. (Hellas 474e). ** 350 1372 FC 1927 Landscapes, 25dr. in bl.6 (3x2), u. (Hellas 480). o 20 1373 FC PS 5l. Εύζων, with additional rate 10l.Litho, 3X5l.+10l.+20l. 1927 landscapes.Mailed as ΕΝΤΥΠΟ (print) from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΠΛΑΤΕΙΑ ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑΤΟΣ-ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ*6.ΑΠΡ.27» to Wien.(Postal rate for prints 60l.) PS OFFER 1374 FC 1927 PS print 40l. fr. with 2X10l.+40l. landscapes canc.»ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*30.ΜΑΡΤ.1932» to Salonique. (Hellas 468+470). PS 10 1375 FC Cover indicated «ΕΝΤΥΠΑ/IMPRIME» fr. with 40l. Landscapes in bl.4 and canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*10.Χ.35». (Hellas 471). C OFFER 1376 FC 1927 Landscapes, 1l. (never issued) marginal, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 481). ** 200 1377 FC 1927 Favier, compl.set of 3 values in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 482/484). ** 70 1378 FC 1927 Fabvier, complete set of 3 values, u/m. (Hellas 482/484). ** 12 1379 FC 1927 Fabvier, complete sets of 3 values, m. (Hellas 482/484). ** 7 1380 FC ‘Avis de Reception’ PS card for item sent by registered post, franked with ‘Fabvier’ 1dr. + 3dr. (Hellas 482+483), canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ * ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΑ * 8 ΣΕΠ. 27», arr. octagonal bilingual «SMYRNE -17- / 16.9.27». PS 30 1381 FC 1927-1928 Navarino, complete set of 6 values, u/m.(Hellas 485/490). ** 120 1382 FC 1927-28 Navarino, complete set of 6 values, m. (Hellas 485/490). * 20 1383 FC 1.50dr 1927 Navarino in imperforate single copy. Large oxidization on gum side, m. (Hellas 485a). * 30 1384 FC 1930 Independence,compl.set of 18 values,u/m. (Hellas 491/508). ** 90 1385 FC 1930 Independence, complete set of 18 values, m. (Hellas 491/508). * 40 1386 FC 1930 Independence, compl.set of 18 values, u. (Hellas 491/508). o 30 1387 FC 3X4dr 1930 Indepedence all with perfin «ΕΘ.Τ» (=Εθνική Τράπεζα), u. (Hellas 502). o OFFER 1388 FC 25dr. & 50dr. «Independence», with two yellow spots on the gum, u/m. (Hellas 507+508). ** 20 1389 FC 1930 independence, 10dr. final proof of PERKINS,BACON on sheetlet with mirror print number «837». VF. R. (Hellas 504). E 130 1390 FC 1930 8dr.Arkadi Monastery,marginal,u/m. (Hellas 509). ** 20 1391 3x8dr. 1930 Arkadi, m. (Hellas 509). * 22 1392 1930 8Δ.Arkadi, m. (Hellas 509). * 8 o OFFER **/o OFFER 1393 FC 1932 surcharges, complete set of 6 values in u/m bl.4. (Hellas 510/515). ** 50 1394 FC 1932 Surcharges, complete set of 6 values, u/m. (Hellas 510/515). ** 12 1932 Surcharges, 2 complete sets of 6 values, m. (Hellas 510/515). * 10 1395 1396 FC (1932) Surcharges, the 1.50dr./5dr. ‘Heyden’ value m. with second surcharge. (Hellas 511b) * 16 1397 FC 1931-1935 Landscapes (re-issues), set of 7 values (1dr De la Rue stamp ommited), u/m. (Hellas 516+517A/522). ** 290 1398 FC 1927 Landscapes and 1931 Landscapes (re-issues), complete sets of 14 and 8 values, u. (Hellas 467/480 + 516/522). o 25 1399 FC 15dr 1931-1935 Landscapes (re-issues) in vertical pair, u/m. (Hellas 521-700E). ** 300 1400 FC 15dr 1934 Landscapes in imperforate lower marginal copy, m. Yellow spots and light cracks on gum. (Hellas 521a). * 150 1401 FC 1933 Republic issue, complete set of 3 values in corner copies, u/m. (Hellas 523/525). ** 850 1402 FC 1933 Republic,compl.set of 3 values,m.(fine). (Hellas 523/525). 1403 FC 1933 Republic,compl.set of 3 values in bl.4,u.The 100dr.value on fragment plus other stamps. (Hellas 523/525).Extremely rare multiple as used. 1404 FC 1405 1406 * 300 o/Δ 850 1933 «Republic issue» complete set of 3 values, u. (Hellas 523/525). o 70 FC 1934 8dr.Stadium in pair,u/m. (Hellas 526-350 E). ** 160 FC (1934) 8dr. Stadium, u/m.(Hellas 526). ** 75 1407 FC 8dr. 1934 Stadium, m. (Hellas 526). * 18 1408 FC 4dr. 1935 Mystras, u/m. (Hellas 527). ** 12 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 1409 E - 40 STARTING PRICES IN EURO FC 6X8dr 1934 Stadium (some faults) all with perfin «T.E.» (=Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος) reading up and down (4 different). (Hellas 526). 1935 4Δ.Mystras, m. (Hellas 527). * 5 1411 FC 1935 Restoration of monarchy (ovpt.»3 NOEMBPIOY 1935»),compl.set of 5 values in marginal bl.4,u/m. (Hellas 528/532). ** 40 1412 FC 1935 Restoration of Monarchy, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 528/532). ** 12 1413 FC 5l./40l. 1935 restoration of Monarchy in bl.8, var perf 10 1/2 at top and perf 10 1/2+13 1/2 at top, u/m. (Hellas 528a+528c). ** 30 1414 FC 50l./40l. 1935 Restoration of Monarchy in left marginal copy with double perforation at bottom, u/m. (Hellas 528). ** 10 1936 King Constantine I (mourning issue),set of 2 values in full sheets of 50 stamps.Printers data in Greek. (Hellas 533b/534b). ** 60 1410 1415 o OFFER 1416 FC 1937 King George II, compl. set of 4 val. in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 535/538). ** 35 1417 FC 1937 King George II, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas 535/538). ** 9 1418 FC 1937 King George II, complete set of 4 values, m. (Hellas 535/538). * 5 1419 FC 1937 Historical issue: Οfficial prospect with the 13 stamps of the set canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*1.XI.37» (first day of issue). (Hellas 540/541+543/553). 1420 FC 1421 FC 1422 FC 1423 FC Doc 100 1939 Ionian Islands union, complete set of 5 values in bl.4, u/m.(Hellas 560/564).Superb ** 200 1939 Ionian Islands union, complete set of 5 values, u/m.(Hellas 560/564). ** 45 1939 Union, compl.set of 5 val., m. (Hellas 560/564). * 20 1939 Balkan Games, complete set of 4 values in marginal bl.4, u/m.(Hellas 565/568). ** 15 1424 1939 Balkan Games, compl.set of 4 val., m. (Hellas 565/568). * OFFER 1425 1940 Balkan Entente II, complete set of 2 values in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 569/570). ** 450 1426 1940 Balkan Entente II,set of 2 values in 2 x bl.4,u/m. (Hellas 569/570). ** 40 1427 FC 1940 Balkan Entente II, complete set of 2 values, u/m. (Hellas 569/570). ** 10 1428 FC 1940 Balkan Entente II, complete set of 2 values, m. (Hellas 569/570). * 5 1429 FC 1940 National Youth Organization, complete set of 10 values ovpt «ΑΚΥPΟΝ», short perf. on 30dr but RR. (Hellas 571/580). S 250 1430 FC 1941 Youth Organization,compl.set of 10 values (definit.) in bl.4,u/m. (Hellas 571/580-4750E). Excellent quality. ** 1350 1431 FC 1940 National Youth Organization (regular + airpost), 2 complete sets of 10+10 values, u/m. (Hellas 571/580+A45/A54). ** 500 1432 FC 1940 National Youth Organization, complete set of 10 values, u/m. (Hellas 571/580). ** 250 1433 FC 1940 Youth Organization,compl.sets (regular & airpost) of 10+10 values,m. (Hellas 571/580+A45/ A54). * 250 1434 FC 1940 Youth Organization (regular),compl.set of 10 values,m.(trace). (Hellas 571/580). * 120 1435 FC 2dr 1942-44 Landscapes in u/m marginal vertical pair printed on the gum side. (Hellas 581a). ** 30 1436 FC 2X15dr+2X50dr 1942 Landscapes in deep and dull shades. One stamp per each value m. (Hellas 584+586). 1437 FC 25dr 1942 Landscapes in u/m corner copy with perforation variety due to paper fold. VF and Impressive. (Hellas 585). 1438 FC 25dr. 1942 Landscapes in corner bl.4, var double impression, u/m. (Hellas 585b). ** 20 1439 FC 50dr.1942/4 Landscapes in marginal bl.8 (2x4),u/m. Var.»displaced of the background colour,resembling double printing». (Hellas 586 var.).Rare item. ** 70 1440 FC 200dr, 1942 Landscapes in bl.4, var without «ΑΣΠΙΩΤΗ-ΕΛΚΑ» in one, u/m(Hellas 589+589a).VF ** OFFER 1441 FC 2000dr. of «Landscapes» in imperforate pair, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 592a). ** 25 1442 FC 5000dr 1942-44 Landscapes in u/m imperforate bl.4. (Hellas 593a). ** 60 1443 FC 25dr.+25dr. of «Children’s welfare» in imperforate pair, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 600a). ** 25 1444 FC Pre-printed 2dr. PS fr. with 100dr.+50dr. and posted from «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*6 ΟΚΤ. 43» to Athens. PS with faults. (Hellas 601). PS OFFER 1445 FC 1944 Children’s camps, complete set of 10 values, on cover cancelled with «ΠΛΑΤΕΙΑ ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑΤΟΣ*13 VIII 44». (Hellas 613/622). C OFFER 1446 FC 2dr 1944 New currency in u/m pair with ovpt decalque. (Hellas 623). ** OFFER **/* OFFER ** OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 41 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1945-2011 1447 FC 1945 Glory, complete set of 8 values in bl.4, some marginal, u/m.(Hellas 627/634).VF ** 20 1448 FC 1dr 1945 Glory in u/m bl.4 with full decalque. (Hellas 632). ** OFFER 1449 FC 1dr 1945 Glory in u/m corner bl.4 with perforation variety due to paper fold. VF and Impressive. (Hellas 627). ** OFFER 1450 FC 20dr 1945 Glory in u/m corner vertical pair with triple horizontal perforation (partially). (Hellas 631). ** OFFER 1451 FC 20dr 1945 Glory in u/m marginal imperforate pair printed on the gum side only. (Hellas 631a). ** 25 1452 FC 50dr 1945 Glory in u/m bl.20 (lower part of the sheet). On 8 stamps double impression with the background colour only. RR and Superb. (Hellas 632). ** 100 1453 FC 1945 «No anniversary», complete set of 2 values with printer’s inscription at top due to displaced perforation, u/m. (Hellas 635/636). ** OFFER 1454 FC 40dr. in corner marginal bl.4, the lower pair with two «ΑΣΠΙΩΤΗ ΕΛΚΑ» (up and down) because of perforation displaced, u/m. (Hellas 636). ** OFFER 1455 FC 20dr 1945 «No anniversary» in u/m imperforate pair with double impression. Superb. (Hellas 635d). ** 25 1456 FC 1945 No anniversary complete set of 2 values, 1945 F.Roosevelt complete set of 3 values and 1946 E.Venizelos complete set of 2 values in u/m marginal bl.4. (Hellas 635/636+637/639+659/660). ** OFFER 1457 FC 60dr 1945 Fr.D. Roosevelt in u/m marginal bl.4 with frame decalque. (Hellas 638). ** OFFER 1458 FC 60dr 1945 Fr.D. Roosevelt in pair without the mourning frame at right due to displacement of perforation. (Hellas 638). o OFFER 1459 FC 60dr. of «Franklin D. Roosevelt» in imperforate pair printed on the gum side only, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 638e). ** 25 1460 FC 60dr. deep-green of «Franklin D. Roosevelt» issue in imperforate pair with double impression, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 638f). ** 20 1461 FC 200dr. of «Franklin D. Roosevelt» issue with double impression and center inverted, u/m. (Hellas 639bc). ** 10 1462 FC 200dr. of «Franklin D. Roosevelt» issue in imperforate pair, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 639g). ** 20 1463 FC 1946 Chains surcharges, complete set of 18 values in marginal bl.4 (most of them corners), u/m. (Hellas 640/657). ** 300 1464 FC 1946 Chains surcharges, complete set of 18 values, u/m. (Hellas 640/657). ** 85 1465 FC 1946/47 ovpt. «chains», compl. set of 18 values, m. (Hellas 640/657). * 25 1466 FC 10dr/10dr 1946 Chains surcharges in u/m bl.6. On one stamp «ΔΡΧ» instead of «ΔΡΧ.». (Hellas 640). ** OFFER 1467 FC 10dr/10dr 1946 Chains surcharges, var surcharge inverted, u/m. (Hellas 640a). ** 40 1468 FC 130dr./20l.Historic 1946/7 ovpt.»chains»,u/m.Var.»double ovpt.» (one on the other). (Hellas 650b). ** 50 1469 FC 250dr/20l. 1946 Chains surcharges, var double surcharge, u/m. (Hellas 651a). ** 50 1470 FC 300dr./80l.Historic.1946/7 ovpt.»chains» in vertical corner bd.5 (left side of sheet with wide margins in 3 sides),u/m.Var.»brown ovpt.». (Hellas 652a). ** 20 1471 FC 2.000dr./5.000dr.1946/7 ovpt.»chains»,u/m.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas 656 var.). ** 80 1472 FC 5.000dr./15.000dr.1946/7 ovpt.»chains»,m.High value of the set. (Hellas 657). * 20 1473 FC 5.000dr./15.000dr.1946/7 ovpt.»chains»,u/m.Var.»blue ovpt.». (Hellas 657a).Excellent. ** 80 1474 FC 130dr. of «Elefterios Venizelos» in imperforate pair with double impression, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 659c). ** 25 1475 FC 1946 Reinstatement of King George II, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas 661/664). ** 9 1476 FC 1946 «Reinstatement of King George II» complete set of 4 values, m. (Hellas 561/564). * 5 1477 FC 1dr 1946 Reinstatement of King George II in 2 u/m corner bl.4, one with surcharge in blue and in black on the other. (Hellas 661). ** OFFER 1478 FC 50dr./1dr. «Reinstatement of king George II» with var. «a cheval», m. (Hellas 661). * OFFER 1479 FC 250dr./3dr. 1946 Reinstatement of King George II, marginal, var. «inverted surcharge», u/m. (Hellas 662a). Superb. ** 65 1480 FC 600dr./8dr. 1946 Reinstatement of King George II, corner marginal, var. «surcharge in red», u/m. (Hellas 663a). Superb. ** 320 1481 FC 250dr 1946 P.Tsaldaris, var imperforate pair showing strong decalque, u/m.(Hellas 665a) ** 22 1482 FC 600dr.1946 P.Tsaldaris in marginal pair,u/m.Var.»imperforate pair».Plate No.7. (Hellas 666a).Rare. ** 20 1483 FC 1947 «King George Ii mourning issue» complete set of 3 values, u/m. (Hellas 667/669). ** OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 42 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1484 FC PPC fr. with 50dr/1dr in pair + 250dr/3dr K.George II mourning in pairs, posted from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ». The 50dr./1dr. without mourning at right side due to displaced ovpt. (Hellas 667+668). 1485 FC 1947 Victory,compl.set of 9 values in bl.4 (chiefly marginal or corner),u/m. (Hellas 670/678). ** 85 1486 FC 1947 «Victory issue» complete set of 9 values, u/m. (Hellas 670/678). ** 25 1487 FC 1947 Victory issue, complete set of 9 values, u/m. (Hellas 670/678). Oxidized. ** OFFER 1488 FC 1947 Victory issue, set of 8 values (1000dr value omitted), m. (Hellas 670/675+677/678). * 8 1489 FC 1947/1951 Dodecanese union,compl.set of 23 values in bl.4 (mostly corner or marginal),u/m. (Hellas 679/701-2600E).Rare set. ** 520 1490 FC 1947 «Dodecanese union» complete set of 23 values, u/m. (Hellas 679/701). ** 130 1491 FC 20dr.1947 Dodecanese in vertical pair,u/m.Var.»imperforate». (Hellas 679a). ** 40 1492 FC 30dr+250dr+500dr 1947-1951 Dodecanese union with impressive mirror printing, u/m. (Hellas 680+684+689). ** OFFER 1493 FC 2x100dr. 1947-1951 «DODECANESE UNION» in 2 different colors, green and light green, u/m. (Hellas 682). ** OFFER 1494 FC 1000dr 1947 Dodecanese union in vertical imperforate pair with double impression, one inverted, u/m. (Hellas 694e). ** 100 1495 FC 1949 Children abduction+1000dr 1950 The Battle of Crete and 1000dr U.P.U., complete sets of 3+1+1 values, u/m. (Hellas 702/704+705+706). ** 12 1496 FC 1949 Children Abduction, complete set of 3 values, u/m. (Hellas 702/704). ** 7 1497 FC 1800dr 1949 Children abduction in marginal bl.4. On the 3rd upper stamp printing error «;» instead of «.» after «ΔΡΧ», u/m. (Hellas 704). ** 25 1498 FC 1000dr 1950 The Battle of Crete in u/m bl.4. (Hellas 706). ** 16 1499 FC 1000dr. 1950 «The Battle of Crete», u/m. (Hellas 706). ** 7 1500 FC 1950 U.P.U., 1000dr marginal, u/m. Var. «displaced ovpt. shown 874-1949 instead of 1874-1949». VF. (Hellas 707 var). ** OFFER 1501 FC 1951 St. Paul, complete set of 4 values in u/m corner bl.4. (Hellas 708/711). ** 300 1502 FC 1951 «St. Paul» complete series of 4 values (Hellas 708-711). u/m. ** 65 1503 FC 1951 Apostle Paul.compl.set of 4 values,m. (Hellas 708/711). * 25 1504 FC 1951 Marshall plan, complete set of 6 values in u/m corner bl.4. (Hellas 712/717). ** 290 1951 «Marshall plan» complete set of 6 values, u/m. (Hellas 712/717). ** 65 1506 FC 1951 Reconstruction,compl.set of 6 values,m. (Hellas 712/717). * 25 1507 FC 1300dr. Marshall plan, corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 714). ** 17 1508 FC 1952 Royal Birthday, complete set of 4 values, marginal, m. (Hellas 718/721). * 80 1509 FC 1952 Royal Birthday, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas 718/721). ** 20 1510 FC 1952 «Royal birthday» complete set of 4 values, m. (Hellas 718/721). * 10 1511 FC 1953.National products compl.set m.(Hellas 722/728) * 15 1512 FC 1953 National products,compl.set ot 7 values,u/m. (Hellas 722/728). ** 32 1513 FC 3X700dr 1953 National products (single + pair), two copies with printing errors. (Hellas 723). ** OFFER 1514 FC 2000dr 1953 National products in u/m bl.25 (half sheet-left part) with partial decalque. Impressive and R. (Hellas 726). ** 250 1515 FC 1954 «Ancient art (Part II)» complete series of 12 values, in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 729-740). ** 350 1516 FC 1954 «Ancient art (Part I)» complete series of 12 values, u/m. (Hellas 729-740). ** 90 1517 FC 1954 Ancient Art I,compl.set of 12 values,m. (Hellas 729/740). 1518 FC 1954 Union of Cypruus, official trilingual (Greek, French & English) three-fold brochure picturing the stamps of the set and the text of the British parliamentary debate on the Cyprus issue. (Hellas 741/746). 1519 FC 1520 1521 1505 PPC 10 * 30 Doc 15 1954 Union of Cyprus,compl.set of 6 values in bl.4 (mainly corner),u/m. (Hellas 741/746). ** 135 FC 1954 Union of Cyprus, complete set of 6 values, u/m. (Hellas 741/746). ** 30 FC 1955 Ancient art (part II) complete set of 8 values in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 747/754). ** 115 1522 FC 1955 Ancient Art (part II), complete set of 8 values, m. (Hellas 747/754). * 15 1523 FC 1955 Ancient Art (part II), complete set of 8 values, u/m. (Hellas 747/754). ** 35 1524 FC 1955 Ancient Art II,compl.set of 8 values,m. (Hellas 747/754-36 E). * 12 1525 FC 1955 «Pythagoras» complete set of 4 values in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 755-758). ** 120 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 43 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1526 FC 1955 «Pythagoras» complete set of 4 values, m. (Hellas 755/758). * 16 1527 FC 1955 Pythagoras, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas 755/758). ** 35 1528 FC 10.000dr.1952 Royal Birthday & 5dr.1955 Pythagoras,m.High values of the 2 sets. (Hellas 721+757). * 15 1529 FC 1956 Rotary in corner marginal bl.4, u/m.(Hellas 759). ** 16 1530 2dr 1956 Rotary, u/m. (Hellas 759). ** 4 1531 FC 1956 Royal Families (part I) complete set of 14 values in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 760/773). ** 115 1532 FC 1956 Royal families (part I), complete set of 14 values in u/m marginal copies. VF. (Hellas 760/773). ** 35 1533 FC 1956 Greek Royalty I,compl.set of 14 values,m. (Hellas 760/773). * 15 1534 FC 1957 Dionyssios Solomos, complete set of 3 values in u/m marginal bl.4. VF. (Hellas 774/776). ** 25 1535 FC 1957 Dionyssion Solomos, complete set of 3 values, u/m. (Hellas 774/776). ** 5 1536 FC 1957 Royal Families (part II) complete set of 14 values, u/m. (Hellas 777/790). ** 120 1537 FC 1957 Royal families (part II), complete set of 14 values, u/m. (Hellas 777/790). ** 35 1538 FC 1957 Royal families (part II), complete set of 14 values, m. (Hellas 777/790). * 17 1539 FC 2dr 1957 Royal families (part II) with full decalque, u/m. (Hellas 784). ** 5 1540 FC 1958 Merchant marine, complete set of 6 values in bl.4, u/m(Hellas 791/796).VF ** 15 1541 FC 1958 «Marchant marine» complete set of 6 values, u/m. (Hellas 791/796). ** 5 1542 FC 3.50dr. 1958 Merchant marine, var. «double impression of black colour», u/m. (Hellas 795a). ** 60 1543 FC 1958 Nature protection, complete set of 8 values in u/m marginal bl.4. (Hellas 897/804). ** 9 1544 FC 1958 Nature protection, complete set of 8 values, u/m. (Hellas 797/804). ** OFFER 1545 FC 1958 Ancient Art (part III), complete set of 8 values in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 805/812). ** 40 1546 FC 1958 Ancient Art (part III), complete set of 8 values, u/m. (Hellas 805/812). ** 12 1547 1959 Ancient coins I in compl. set of 10 values in bl.4 ,u/m. (Hellas 813/822). ** 45 1548 1959 «Ancient coins» complete set of 10 values, u/m. (Hellas 813-822). ** 12 1549 FC 1959 Ancient Thatre, complete set of 7 values in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 823/829). ** 15 1550 FC 1959 Ancient theatre, complete set of 7 values, u/m. (Hellas 823/829). ** 4 1551 1959 Victory issue in marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 830) ** 9 1552 FC 1959 Red Cross, complete set of 7 values, u/m. (Hellas 831/837). ** 3 1553 FC Official two-fold wishing card (text in Greek) depicting the 70l. 1959 Red Cross stamp. (Hellas 833). 1554 FC 4.50dr 1959 Imre Nagy on cover canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*12.XII.59». Retourn label on cover. (Hellas 838). 1555 FC 1556 FC 1557 FC 4.50dr. 1960 Europa, vertical marginal pair, var. «different Λ», u/m. (Hellas 862 + 862b). ** 10 1961 Tourist publicity in complete set of 17 val. in marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 864/880) ** 35 1961 «Tourist publicity» complete set of 17 values, u/m. VF. (Hellas 864-880). ** 9 1961 Minoan art, complete set of 8 values, u/m. (Hellas 881/888). ** 7 1961 Greek stamp centenary in complete set of 7 val. in marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 894/900) ** OFFER FDC OFFER 1558 1559 1560 FC 1561 PPC OFFER 1960 Rome Olympic Games, complete set of 11 values in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 851/861). ** 24 1960 «Rome Olympic Games» complete set of 11 values, u/m. (Hellas 851/861). ** 8 1562 FC 1962 Agicultural Security Organization, complete set of two values on cover in two horizontal pairs (plus 1961 Tourist publicity 50l.), canc. «ΜΥΤΙΛΗΝΗ*ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΑ*29 ΝΟΕ.62». (Hellas 914/915). 1563 FC 1963 Freedom from Hunger,set of 2 values ovpt.»AKYPON» in corner bl.4,u/m. (Hellas 916/917). S 1564 5 C 20 1963 Royal Dynasty in complete set of 5 val. in marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 918/922) ** 7 1565 FC 1963 Boy Scouts Jamboree,compl.set of 5 values,u/m.Ovpt.»AKYPON» (=Specimen). (Hellas 932/936). S 22 1566 FC 1963 Europa compl. set of 2 val., u/m. Ovpt. «ΑΚΥΡΟΝ» (SPECIMEN). (Hellas 937/938). ** 20 1567 FC 1963 Red Cross,set of 4 values ovpt.»AKYPON» in marginal bl.4,u/m. (Hellas 939/942). S 22 1568 FC 6dr 1964 King Paul printed on folded paper, u. Impressive. (Hellas 960). o OFFER 1569 FC Final PROOF of 3,50dr.1966 Princess Alexia’s birthday in bl.4 (2 gutter pairs) in issued colour. (Hellas 1051). E 90 1570 FC 1,5dr & 2dr. «Greek mythology (part I)» in bl.4, u. (Hellas 1226a/1227a). o 25 1571 FC 10dr.1970 Anniversaries & Events II in corner bl.4,u/m.Printing variety. (Hellas 1498). ** OFFER 1572 FC 26dr 1987 School of fine arts and Panteion University with No 100 at left selvage, u. (Hellas 1775a). o OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 44 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1573 FC 40dr 1987 Thatre in 2 used strips of 5, both with number at bottom selvage (Nos 55+90). VF. (Hellas 1782b-100E). o 5 1574 FC 1989 Microscopic Sea-life,compl.set of 5 values in bd.5,u/m.Var.»imperfor.horizontally» & «number underprint on one stamp of each bd.5». (Hellas 1788A/1792A+1788B/1792B - 274E). ** 75 1575 FC 60dr 1988 Capitals of prefectures imperforate at shorter sides with number «35» underprint, var double print of «35», one inverted, u. RR. (Hellas 1817Bvar). o 50 1576 FC 1988 Capitals of prefectures (part I): 3dr+5dr+10dr+20dr stamps one-side imperforate, 16 stamps in 4 bl.4 from booklet, on cover from Νεοχώρι Φωκίδος mailed registered and canc. rural posthorn «151*28.III.89» via «ΚΡΟΚΥΛΕΙΟΝ*28.III.89» to Athens. (Hellas 1807C/1813C). ο OFFER 1577 FC 1988 Counsil, 60dr. + 100dr. in pair, u/m. Var. «Imperforated gutter pair, only blue colour». RRR. (Hellas 1823 + 1824). ** 50 1578 FC 1988 Counsil, 100dr. in vertical pair, u/m. Var. «Imperforated tete-beche pair». Horizontal crease. RRR. (Hellas 1824Ba). ** 75 1579 FC 1989 Homeland of the Ol. Games, 70dr. in marg. vertical pair, u/m. Var. «Imperforated pair». Superb. (Hellas 1827a). ** 30 1580 FC 1989 Europa, in sheetlet of 8 imperforated lines, u/m. Var. «Imperforated pairs». RRR. (Hellas 1829/1830 var). ** 400 1581 FC 1989 Europa: Final proof in issued colour in sheet composed with 2 sheetlet of 16. Missprinted and partially double perforated. Full gum. VF and RR. (Hellas 1829/1830). ** 500 1582 FC 10dr 1992 Capitals of prefectures imperforate at shorter sides in vertical pair with cebtre displacement due to miscut, u. (Hellas 1920A). ο 10 1583 FC 5 used stamps (3 on fragments) from ‘Capitals of prefectures’ issues, all with shifted centers (Hellas 1820A, 1866A, 1922A, 1960A, 1967A) 1584 FC 60dr 1995 Melina Merkouri with displacement of perforation downwards, u. (Hellas 1972). o 1585 FC 200dr.1996 Greek Castles I in strip of 5 stamps,u/m.Var.»imperforate». (Hellas 2012Ab). ** 180 1586 FC 1999 Greece - Japan joint issue, Greek and Japanese stamps in u/m strip of 4. (Hellas 2103). ** OFFER 1587 FC o/Δ OFFER 10 2011 Greek Shipping miniature sheet, u/m. (Hellas F63). ** 25 1588 1958 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 791/812). ** 17 1589 1959 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 813/839). ** 28 1590 1960 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 840/862). ** 20 1591 1961 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 863/900). ** 22 1592 1962 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 901/915). ** OFFER 1593 1963 Complete year, u/m. VF. (Hellas 916/950-54.40E). ** 12 1594 1964 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 951/985). ** 7 1595 1965 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 986/1012). ** 3 1596 1966 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1013/1048). ** 4 1597 1967 complete year of 30 values, u/m. (Hellas 1052/1081). ** 4 1598 1968 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1082/1111). ** 6 1599 1969 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1112/1138). ** 6 1600 1970 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1139/1177). ** 10 1601 1971 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1178/1203). ** 7 1602 1972 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1204/1237). ** 6 1603 1973 complete year of 42 values, u/m. (Hellas 1238/1279). ** 5 1604 1974 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1280/1310). ** 3 1605 1975 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1311/1344). ** 3 1606 1976 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1345/1373). ** 3 1607 1977 complete year of 43 values, u/m. (Hellas 1374/1417). ** 4 1608 1978 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1418/1462+F1). ** 3 1609 1979 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1463/1517). ** 3 1610 1980 complete year of 39 values, u/m. (Hellas 1518/1556). ** OFFER 1611 1981 complete year of 34 values, u/m. (Hellas 1557/1590). ** OFFER 1612 1982 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1591/1620+F2/F3). ** 5 1613 1983 complete year of 41 values, u/m. (Hellas 1621/1661). ** 5 1614 1984 complete year of 25 values, u/m. (Hellas 1662/1686+F4). ** 8 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 45 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1615 1985 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1687/1718+F5). ** 5 1616 1986 complete year of 35 values, imperforated stamps not included, u/m. (Hellas 1719/1753). ** 15 1617 1987 complete year of 34 values+»Aesop’s Fables» imperforate, u/m. (Hellas 1788/1824+1806A/1820A+F6). ** 11 1618 1988 complete year of 37 values+»Capitals of prefectures(partI)»imperforate, u/m. (Hellas 1788/1824+1806A/1820A). ** 26 1619 1989 complete year of 20 values, u/m. (Hellas 1825/1844+F7). ** 10 1620 1990 complete year of 35 values + «Europa 1990» horizontally imperforate + «Capitals of prefectures» complete set imperforate, u/m. (Hellas 1845/1879+1849A+1850A+1856A/1870A+F8). ** 20 1621 1991 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 1880/1896 + F9). ** 15 1622 1992 complete year of 33 values, u/m. (Hellas 1897-1928 + F10). ** 25 1623 1993 complete year of 17 values + «Europa 1993» horizontally imperforate, u/m. (Hellas 1929/1945+1933A+1934A+F11). ** 15 1624 1994 complete year of 26 values + «Europa 1994» horizontally imperforate, u/m. (Hellas 1946/1971+1951A+1952A+F12). ** 13 1625 1995 complete year of 26 values, u/m. (Hellas 1972/1997). ** 16 1626 1996 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 2023/2057). ** 23 1627 1997 complete year of 35 values, u/m. (Hellas 2023/2057). ** 16 1628 1998 complete year of 31 values, u/m. (Hellas 2058/2088). ** 18 1629 1999 complete year, u/m. (Hellas 2089/2117). ** 12 1630 2000 complete year, plus europa horizontally imperforate stamp, u/m. (Hellas 2118/2148+2124A+F17). ** 20 1631 2001 complete year, plus europa horizontally imperforate stamps (ELTA-New company identity set not included), u/m. (Hellas 2149/2165+2156A/2157A+F18+F19). ** 27 1632 2002 complete year, plus europa horizontally imperforate stamps, u/m. (Hellas 2168/2211+2194A/2195A+F20+F23). ** 75 1633 2003 complete year (personal stamp set in single stamps included only in m/s), plus europa horizontally imperforate stamps, u/m. (Hellas 2212/2217+2227/2232+2261/2281+2231A/2232A+F25/ F26+F28). ** 70 1634 2004: 8 sets+5 m/s (Greek Olympic Medalists and The power of will sets not included), plus europa horizontally imperforate stamps, u/m. (Hellas 2282/2298+2301/2310+2312/2313+236/2345+F34/ F35+F38/F39+F41). ** 77 1635 2005 complete year, plus europa horizontally imperforate stamps, u/m. (Hellas 2346/2387+2389/2404 +2363A/2364A). ** 72 1636 2006 complete year (plus the 2 imperforate sets), u/m. (Hellas 2405/2411+2414/2419+2421/2438+24 41/2445+2447/2459+2421A/2438A+F45/F48). ** 95 1637 2007 complete year plus imperforate stamps, without personalized stamp miniature sheet, u/m. (Hellas 2460/2499+2476A/2477A+F50). ** 65 1638 2008 complete year (all around perforate stamps only), u/m. (Hellas 2500/2544+F51). ** 60 1639 1959 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 813/839). VF. ** 70 1640 1960 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 840/862). VF. ** 45 1641 1961 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 863/900). VF. ** 100 1642 1962 complete year in marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 901/915). VF. ** 15 1643 1963 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 916/950). VF. ** 50 1644 1964 complete year in corner marginal/marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 951/985). VF. ** 40 1645 1965 complete year in marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 986/1012). VF. o 15 1646 1966 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1013/1051). VF. ** 25 1647 1967 complete year in marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1052/1081). VF. ** 25 1648 1968 complete year in marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1082/1111). VF. ** 30 1649 1969 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1112/1138). VF. ** 45 1650 1970 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1139/1177). VF. ** 60 1651 1971 complete year in corner marginal/marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1178/1203). VF. ** 45 1652 1972 complete year in marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1204/1237). VF. ** 30 1653 1973 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1238/1279). VF. ** 30 1654 1974 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1280/1310). VF. ** 12 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 46 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1655 1975 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1311/1344). VF. ** 12 1656 1976 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1345/1373). VF. ** 12 1657 1977 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1374/1417). VF. ** 12 1658 1978 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1418/1462). VF. ** 10 1659 1979 complete year in corner marginal/marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1463/1517). VF. ** 10 1660 1980 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1518/1556). VF. ** 10 1661 1982 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1591/1620). VF. ** 20 1662 1983 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1621/1661). VF. ** 20 1663 1984 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1662/1686). VF. ** 30 1664 1985 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1687/1718). VF. ** 25 1665 1986 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1719/1753). VF. ** 30 1666 1987 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1754/1787). VF. ** 40 1667 1988 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1788/1824). VF. ** 90 1668 1989 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1825/1844). VF. ** 40 1669 1990 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1845/1879). VF. ** 65 1670 1991 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1880/1896). VF. ** 45 1671 1992 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1897/1928). VF. ** 60 1672 1993 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1929/1945). VF. ** 60 1673 1994 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1946/1971). VF. ** 45 1674 1995 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1972/1997). VF. ** 60 1675 1996 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 1998/2022+F13+F14+F15). VF. ** 80 1676 1997 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 2023/2057). VF. ** 60 1677 1998 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 2058/2088). VF. ** 70 1678 1999 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 2089/2117). VF. ** 40 1679 2000 complete year in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 2118/2148). VF. ** 40 1680 1945 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 627/639). o 3 1681 1946 complete year, u. (Hellas 640/666). o 15 1682 1947 complete year (Dodecanese union set complete), u. VF. (Hellas 667/701). o 3 1683 1949-1950 complete years, u. (Hellas 702/707). o OFFER 1684 1951 complete year, u. (Hellas 708/717). o 28 1685 1952 complete year, airpost stamps included, u. VF. (Hellas 718/727+A67/A70). o 7 1686 1953-54 complete years, airpost stamps included, u. VF. (Hellas 722/746+A71/A73). o 7 1687 1955 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 747/758). o 12 1688 1956 complete year, u. (Hellas 759/773). o OFFER 1689 1957 complete year, u. VF and scarce. (Hellas 774/790). o 5 1690 1960 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 840/862). o 8 1691 1961 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 863/900). o OFFER 1692 1962 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 901/915). o OFFER 1693 1963 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 916/950). o 3 1694 1964 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 951/985). o OFFER 1695 1965 complete year, u. (Hellas 986/1012). o OFFER 1696 1966 complete year, u. (Hellas 1013/1051). o OFFER 1697 1967 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 1052/1081). o OFFER 1698 1968 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 1082/1111). o OFFER 1699 1969 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 1112/1138). o OFFER 1700 1970 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 1139/1177). o 4 1701 1971 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 1178/1203). o 3 1702 1972 complete year, u. (Hellas 1204/1237). o 3 1703 1973 complete year, u. (Hellas 1238/1279). o 3 1704 1974 complete year, u. (Hellas 1280/1310). o OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 47 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1705 1975 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 1311/1344). o OFFER 1706 1979 complete year, u. (Hellas 1463/1517). o OFFER 1707 1980 complete year, u. (Hellas 1518/1556). o OFFER 1708 1981 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 1557/1590). o OFFER 1709 1982 complete year (m/s not included), u. (Hellas 1591/1620). o OFFER 1710 1983 complete year, u. (Hellas 1621/1661). o OFFER 1711 1984 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 1662/1686+Fa/Fd). o 5 1712 1985 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 1687/1718+F5a). o 3 1713 1986 complete year, u. (Hellas 1719/1753). o OFFER 1714 1987 complete year (m/s not included), u. VF. (Hellas 1754/1787). o 5 1715 1989 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 1825/1844+F7). o 6 1716 1990 complete year (m/s not included), u. VF. (Hellas 1845/1879). o 5 1717 1991 complete year (m/s not included), u. VF. (Hellas 1880/1896). o 5 1718 1992 complete year (m/s not included), u. VF. (Hellas 1897/1928). o 4 1719 1993 complete year (m/s not included), u. VF. (Hellas 1929/1945). o 5 1720 1994 complete year (m/s not included), u. VF. (Hellas 1946/1971). o 3 1721 1995 complete year, u. VF. (Hellas 1972/1997). o 5 1722 1984 Europa 25th anniversary of C.E.P.T., two complete sets of 2 values in booklet.(Hellas 1667/1668). ** 2 1723 1984 Invasion of Cyprus, booklet containing 2 complete sets in a 20dr pair and a 32dr pair. (Hellas 1674/1675). ** 2 1724 1984 Christmass, booklet containing a complete set in a se-tenant bl.4. (Hellas 1683/1686). ** OFFER 1725 1985 Europa, booklet containing a strip of 3 (27dr+80dr+27dr). (Hellas 1692/1693). ** 2 1726 1986 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 1741A/1742A). ** 15 1727 1987 Europa booklet includes two sets of the values in se-tennant, horizontaly imperforate, u/m. (Hellas 1762A/1763A). B 8 1728 1987 Higher education, the 23dr value in a pane of 10 in booklet.(Hellas 1768). ** 4 1729 1987 Christmass, booklet containing 5 se-tenants sets in a pane of 10 (5X2). (Hellas 1786/1787). ** 2 1730 1988 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 1793A/1794A). ** 15 1731 1988 Seoul Olympic Games booklet includes complete set of 5 values in se-tennant, horizontaly imperforate, u/m. (Hellas 1795A/1799A). B 10 1732 1988 Capital of prefectures (part I), booklet containing a pane of 16 (2X8) in 4 se-tenant bl.4 (3dr+5dr+10dr+20dr one-side imperforated on each bl.4). (Hellas 1807C/1813C). ** 3 1733 1989 Greece-Homeland of the Olympic Games, booklet containing a se-tenant horizontally imperforate set in strip of 4. (Hellas 1825A/1828A). ** 3 1734 1989 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 1829A/1830A). ** 7 1735 1990 Europa-Old and modern post offices, two complete se-tenant set of 2 values horizontally imperf. in booklet.(Hellas 1849A/1850A). ** 8 1736 1991 Europa-Europe and space, two complete se-tenant set of 2 values horizontally imperf. in booklet. (Hellas 1883A/1884A). ** 8 1737 1992 Europa-The discovery of America, two complete se-tenant set of 2 values horizontally imperf. in booklet.(Hellas 1902A/1903A). ** 9 1738 1993 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 1933A/1934A). ** 7 1739 1994 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 1951A/1952A). ** 7 1740 1995 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 1976A/1977A). ** 7 1741 1996 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 1998A/1999A). ** 9 1742 1997 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2036A/2037A). ** 6 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 48 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1743 1998 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2068A/2069A). ** 8 1744 1999 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2097A/2098A). ** 5 1745 2000 Europa, booklet containing a strip of 4X170dr horizontally imperforate stamps. (Hellas 2124A). ** 4 1746 2001 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2156A/2157A). ** 6 1747 2002 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2194A/2195A). ** 7 1748 2003 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2231A/2232A). ** 8 1749 2004 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2301A/2302A). ** 8 1750 2005 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2363A/2364A). ** 7 1751 2006 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2421A/2422A). ** 8 1752 2007 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2476A/2477A). ** 9 1753 2008 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2520A/2521A). ** 9 1754 2009 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2562A/2563A). ** 9 1755 2010 Europa, booklet containing 2 se-tenant horizontally imperforate sets in strip of 4. (Hellas 2601A/2602A). ** 9 1756 1984 15+27dr.Europa-CEPT, in u/m. sheetlet of 20 sets. (Hellas 1667/8). ** 50 1757 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, 4 complete se-tenant sets of 5 values in sheetlet of 20, u/m. (Hellas 1669/1673). ** 6 1758 1985 Europa, 10 se-tenant complete set of 2 values in full sheetlet of 20, u/m. (Hellas 1692/1693). ** 7 1759 FC 1986 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 1741/1742). ** 20 1760 FC 1987 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 1762/1763). ** 15 1761 FC 1988 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 1793/1794). ** 30 1762 FC (1988) ‘Seoul Olympic Games’ issue, mixed-value sheetlet of 20, u/m. (Hellas: 1795/1799 - 120E). ** 20 1763 FC 1989 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 1829/1830). ** 22 1764 FC 1990 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 1849/1850). ** 18 1765 FC 1990 Greece- Homeland of the Olympic Games, 4 se-tenant complete sets of 5 values in full sheetlet of 20, u/m. (Hellas 1871/1875). ** 11 1766 FC 1993 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 1933/1934). ** 20 1767 FC 1994 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 1951/1952). ** 18 1768 FC 1995 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 1976/1977). ** 18 1769 FC 1996 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 1998/1999). ** 18 1770 FC 1997 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 2036/2037). ** 15 1771 FC 1998 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 2068/2069). ** 25 1772 FC 1999 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 2097/2098). ** 16 1773 FC 2000 170dr Europa in sheetlet of 8. (Hellas 2124). ** 7 1774 FC 2001 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 2156/2157). ** 25 1775 FC 2002 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 2194/2195). ** 30 1776 FC 2003 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 2231/2232). ** 32 1777 FC 2004 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 2301/2302). ** 28 1778 FC 2005 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 2363/2364). ** 27 1779 FC 2007 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 2476/2477). ** 50 1780 FC 2008 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 2520/2521). ** 50 1781 FC 2010 Europa, 8 complete se-tenat sets in sheetlet of 16. (Hellas 2601/2602). ** 50 1961 Europa, complete set of 2 values in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 891/892). ** 5 1782 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 49 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1783 2.50dr 1961 N.Phocas in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 893). ** 10 1784 1963 Red Cross, complete set of 4 values in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 939/942). ** 25 1785 2.50dr 1964 National Institution of Social Welfare in full sheet of 50, u/m.(Hellas 973). ** 10 1786 1964 Royal Wedding, complete set of 3 values in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 976/978). ** 14 1787 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games, complete set of 7 values in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 979/985). ** 40 1788 1965 El Greco, complete set of 5 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 986/990-80E). ** 16 1789 1965 Athens Festival, complete set of 2 values in complete sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 991/992). ** 10 1790 2.50dr 1965 International Telecommunications Union in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 993). ** 7 1791 1965 Philiki Hetaeria, complete set of 2 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 994/995-50E). ** 10 1792 1965 Astronautical congress, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1000/100245E). ** 9 1793 1965 Balkan games, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1003/1005-45E). ** 9 1794 2.50dr 1965 Opening of the Planetarium in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1008). ** 6 1795 1965 Post Office Savings Bank, complete set of 2 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1009/1010). ** 6 1796 1965 St. Andrew, complete set of 2 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1011/1012-30E). ** OFFER 1797 1966 Painters, complete set of 5 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1013/1017). ** 12 1798 1966 National Bank of Greece, complete set of 4 values in full sheets of 100, u/m. (Hellas 1018/1021). ** 13 1799 1966 Ancient Theatre, complete set of 4 values in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1029/1032). ** 12 1800 1966 Princess Alexia’s birthday, complete set of 3 values in complete sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1049/1051). ** 14 1801 1967 Sports events, complete set of 5 values in complete sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1059/1063). ** 29 1802 1967 Nautical Week, complete set of 3 values in complete sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1066/1070). ** 25 1803 1967 April 21st, complete set of 3 values in complete sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1074/1076). ** 7 1804 4.50dr 1967 U.N.I.D.O. Convention complete sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1077). ** 7 1805 1968 Europa, complete set of 2 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1089/1090). ** 70 1806 5dr 1968 F.I.A. Assembly in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1091). ** 10 1807 1968 Mexico Olympic Games, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. On 5X10dr value stamp, var «ΤΕΚΜΑΙΡΟ» instead of «ΤΕΚΜΑΙΡΟ_». (Hellas 1105/1107+1107a). ** 45 1808 2.50dr 1969 St. Zeno in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1112). ** 10 1809 1969 International Labour Organization, complete set of 2 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1113/1114). ** 16 1810 2.50dr 1969 Vitsi-Grammos in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1131). ** 12 1811 1970 Christmass, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1175/1177-115E). ** 23 1812 1971 Olympic Games’ revival, complete set of 2 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1188/1189175E). ** 35 1813 1972 April 21st, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1219/1221). ** 13 1814 1972 Christmass, 50 complete se-tenant sets of 2 values in 2 full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1235/123630E). ** 5 1815 1973 Thera findings, complete set of 7 values in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1238/1244-105E). ** 21 1816 1973 Greek Mythology (part II), 60 se-tenant complete sets of 4 values in 3 full sheets of 40, u/m. (Hellas 1266/1269-54E). ** 10 1817 2.50dr 1973 The Icon of Tinos in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1270-10E). ** OFFER 1818 1973 George Papanicolaou, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1271/1272-25E). ** 5 1819 200X2.50dr 1973 Stamp Day in 4 full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1274-30E). ** 5 1820 1973 National benefactors (part I), complete set of 5 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1275/1279-60E). ** 12 1821 1974 Lord Byron, complete set of 2 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1280/1281). ** 4 1822 1974 Europa, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1282/1284-300E). ** 60 1823 1974 Greek mythology (part III), complete set of 4 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1285/128850E). ** 10 1824 1974 Universal Postal Union, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1289/129130E). ** 6 1825 250X2.50dr 1974 Stamp day in 5 full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1292). ** 5 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 50 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1826 1974 Christmass, 60 se-tenant complete sets of 3 values in full sheets of 36, u/m. (Hellas 1293/129527E). ** 5 1827 1975 Papaflessas, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1311/1313-30E). ** 6 1828 1975 Popular architecture, complete set of 5 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1317/1321-50E). ** 10 1829 1975 University of Thessaloniki, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1322/132435E). ** 7 1830 1975 International Woman’s Year, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1325/133735E). ** 7 1831 11dr 1975 Stamp day in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1332). ** 3 1832 1976 First telephone connection, 100 complete se-tenant sets in full sheet of 100, u/m. (Hellas 1345/1346-70E). ** 7 1833 200X4dr 1976 Messolonghi in 4 full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1347-30E). ** 5 1834 1978 Greek flora, complete set of 5 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1418/1422-60E). ** 12 1835 200X4dr 1976 Greek book in 4 full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1368). ** 5 1836 1977 Restoration of Democracy, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1390/139250E). ** OFFER 1837 1977 Navarino naval battle, complete set of 2 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1401/1402-17E). ** 3 1838 1978 Christmass, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1455/1455-17.50E). ** OFFER 1839 1978 The Greek State, complete set of 3 values in full sheets of 40, u/m. (Hellas 1460/1462). ** 5 1840 1979 Europa, 25 complete se-tenant sets of 2 values in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1468/1469). ** 10 1841 1979 Anniversaries and events (part I), complete set of 6 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1470/1475-50E). ** 9 1842 1979 Greece’s accession into the E.E.C., complete set of 2 values in full sheet of 40, u/m. (Hellas 1476/1477-24E). ** 7 1843 1980 Castles, Bridges and caves, complete set of 6 values in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1518/152365E). ** OFFER 1844 8dr 1980 Nephrology Congress in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1524). ** 2 1845 1980 Aristarchus, complete set of 2 values in full sheet of 50, u/m.(Hellas 1525/1526). ** 6 1846 1980 Energy conservation, complete set of 2 values in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1529/1530). ** 7 1847 1980 Anniversaries and events (part II), complete set of 5 values in full sheet of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1549/1553). ** 11 1848 1982 Anniversaries and events, complete set of 6 values in full sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1591/1596). ** 16 1849 1988 Microscopic Sea Life, complete set of 5 values in complete sheets of 50, u/m. (Hellas 1788//1792). -850e Hellas price. ** 310 1850 FC 2008: Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, complete set of 4 values in full sheets of 25, u/m. (Hellas 2510/2513- Face Value=43 Euros). ** 45 1851 FC (19.11.2004) 0.47E Official personal stamps commemorative sheet, special issue for «Nation’s Great School», u/m. (Hellas 2218E-S) ** 25 1852 FC (17.12.2004) 0.47E Official personal stamps commemorative sheet, special issue for «Drama’s CitizenVolunteer», u/m. (Hellas 2218H-S) ** 20 1853 FC (23.06.2005) 0.47E Official personal stamps commemorative sheet, special issue for «Exohio Custom’s Office», u/m. (Hellas 2218I-S) ** 20 1854 FC (1.9.2005) 0.65E Official personal stamps commemorative sheet, special issue for «40th Demetria», u/m. (Hellas 2219F-S) ** 30 1855 FC 13.8.2003. «Athens 2004 - 1 year before the Olympic Games» 47c. personal stamp sheet of 15. Hellas 2221D-S ** 30 ELECTRONIC VENDING MACHINES STAMPS 1856 FC 1984 (26/3), complete advance registration set (machine code No.002) of three values (15, 20 and 27dr), u/m.(Hellas M1). ** 8 1857 FC 1984 (26/3) Frama stamp (machine code No.002), var no value, partial print on a piece of paper that stuck on the roll, u/m. VF. (Hellas M1a). ** 15 1858 FC 27dr+28dr+80dr+95dr 1984 (26/3) Frama stamps (machine code no.002) on 2 covers canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΑΕΡΟΛΙΜΗΝ ΑΝΑΤΟΛ.*26.III.84» (first day of issue). (Hellas M1). FDC OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 51 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1859 FC 1984 (26/3), complete advance registration set (machine code No.003) of 3 values (15dr, 20dr and 27dr), u/m. (Hellas M2). ** 8 1860 FC 26.3.1984, First period, first definitive issue, 003 - Thessaloniki office, complete set of 3 u. values: 15, 20 & 27 drs., FDC canc. (Hellas M2) o 8 1861 FC 1984 (26/3), FRAMA stamp (machine code No.003), var no value, u/m.(Hellas M2a). ** 10 1862 FC 1984 (26/3), complete advance registration set (machine code No.006) of three values (15, 20 and 27dr), u/m.(Hellas M3). ** 8 1863 FC 1984 (26/3), 1dr frama stamp (machine code No.006), var printed on the gum side, u/m.(Hellas M3k). ** 10 1864 FC 26.3.1984, First period, first definitive issue, 008 - Athens Sorting Center, complete set of 3 values: 15, 20 & 27 drs., u/m. (Hellas M5) ** 15 1865 FC 1984 (26/3) Definitive issue FRAMA stamp with machine code 008 (Athens Sorting Center), var pair with the same value with the upper line of frame not printed, u/m . RR. (Hellas M5d2g). ** 60 1866 FC 26.3.1984, First period, first definitive issue, 009 - Athens Central office, complete set of 3 u/m. values: 15, 20 & 27 drs. (Hellas M6) ** 6 1867 FC 1984 (26/3), frama stamp (machine code No.009), var no value without inscription on top, u/m.(Hellas M6hia).RR. ** 80 1868 FC 1984 (26/3) Frama stamp (machine code No.009), complete advance registration set (15dr+20dr+27dr) on cover canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ Κ.*26.III.84» (first day of issue). (Hellas M6). FDC 10 1869 FC 1984 (28/6) Frama stamps (machine code no.001), complete advance registration set of 3 values (15dr+20dr+27dr), u/m. (Hellas M7). ** 8 1870 FC 0001dr 1984 (28/6) Frama stamp (machine code No.001), var endstripes, u/m. (Hellas M7f). ** 40 1871 FC 1984 (28/6) Definite issue of Frama stamps with machine code 001, complete advanced registration set of 3 values 15dr, 20dr snd 27dr, var mirror printing on gumm side oly, u/m. RR. Probably the only complete set with mirror printing. (Hellas M7l). ** 75 1872 FC 1984(28/6)Definitive issue FRAMA stamp with machine code 001(Rhodes Airpost), var. mirror printing on the gum side with no value(0000) in paper C, u/m(Hellas M7la).Very rare ** 65 1873 FC 28.6.1984, First period, second definitive issue, 004 - Heraklion Crete office, complete set of 3 values: 18, 27 & 35 drs., u. (Hellas M8) o 7 1874 FC 1984 (28/6), FRAMA stamp (machine code No.005), var no value, u/m.(Hellas M9a). ** 25 1875 FC 0002dr 1984 (28/6) Frama stamp (machine code No.005), var endstripes, u/m. (Hellas M9f). ** 40 1876 FC 28.6.1984, First period, second definitive issue, 010 - Athens, Larissa Line Railway Station, complete set of 3 values: 15, 20 & 27 drs., u/m. (Hellas M10) ** 8 1877 FC 1985 (22/11) commemor. issue of Philatelic Exhibition Piraeus’85, complete advance registration set of 3 values (15dr, 20dr and 27dr), u/m. (Hellas M11). ** 6 1878 FC 15dr Advance registration set for the Philatelic Exhibition of PIRAEUS 85 w/o machine code on cover fr. with 100dr.miniature sheet canc.»ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*28.XΙ.85» and the commemorative cachet «ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΑ ΕΚΘΕΣΗ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣΗΜΟΥ/ΣΧΟΛΙΚΟΣ ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΣΜΟΣ/ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ 28-11-85».(Hellas M11+F5). C 12 1879 FC 6.6.1986. First period, second commemorative issue for the Panhellenic Philatelic Literature Exhibition of 1986, complete set of the 3 advance-registration values: 18, 27 & 35 drs., u/m. All values with lower lines of frame not printed. (Hellas M12g) ** 15 1880 FC 1986 (6/6), complete advance registration set of 3 values (18, 27 and 35dr), commemor. for the Panhellenic Philatelic Literature Exhibition.All stamps canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑ*6.VI.86» (first day of issue), u.(Hellas M12). o 10 1881 FC 1986 (25/10) Frama stamps commemor. for the Philatelic Exhibition HERACLION ‘86, complete advance registration set of 3 values (22dr, 32dr and 40dr-type II) plus 130dr. On 22dr+130dr lower frame line missing, u/m. (Hellas M13II+M13IIg). ** 8 1882 FC Advance registration set for the Philatelic Exhibition HERACLION 86, complete set of three values(22dr, 32dr and 40dr-type I), w/o machine code and canc.»ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟ ΚΡ.*25.X.86» on three covers.(Hellas M13I). FDC 10 1883 FC 1987 (7/11), complete advance registration set (type II) of 3 values (26, 40 and 50dr) plus 150dr, commemor. for the Philatelic Exhibition of Heraklion, u/m.(Hellas M14II). ** 12 1884 FC 1987(7/11) Commem. issue of Frama stamps for the Philatelic Exhibition HERAKLION 87. 3 sets of 3 values (26dr, 40dr and 50dr)-2 set u/m and one canceled 7.XI.87 (first day of issue). U/m sets in types I+II, used set type II, a total of 12 stamps, u/m+u. (Hellas M14I+M14II). /o 25 1885 FC 1987 (7/11), frama stamp (type I) commemor. for the Heraklion Philatellic Exhibition, var no value (0000), u/m.(Hellas M14Ia).RR. ** 60 1886 FC 1987(7/11)Commemor. issue(type I) of FRAMA stamps for HERACLION 87 Philatelic Exibition.Four unused stamps labels 26dr, 40dr and 50dr(the ordinary postal rates) plus 150dr.On all stams upper or lower lines of frame not printed, u/m.(Hellas M14Ig). ** 7 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 52 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1887 FC 1987(27/11) commemor. issue for the Philatelic Exhibition Athens’87, complete advance registration set, 26dr, 40dr and 50dr plus 150dr, u/m.(Hellas M15) ** 10 1888 FC 1987 (27/11), complete advance registration set of three values (26, 40 and 50dr-type II), commemor. for the Philatelic Exhibition of Athens, canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*27.ΧΙ.87» (first day of issue), u.(Hellas M15II). o 18 1889 FC Advance registration set for the Philatelic Exhibition of Athens ATHENS 87, complete set of three values (26dr, 40dr and 50dr-type II), canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ.*27.XΙ.87» (first day of issue). (Hellas M15II). FDC 10 1890 FC 1988(27/3) commemor. issue for the Philatelic Exhibition IOANNINA’88, complete advance registration set, 26dr, 40dr, and 50dr, u/m.(Hellas M16) ** 12 1891 FC 1988(27/3) Commemor. issue Frama stamps for the Philatelic Exhibition IOANNINA 88, 3 complete sets of 3 values 26dr, 40dr and 50dr-one set u/m and the other 2 canc.The stamps were issued by the machine of Athens(paper C) and of Ioannina(Papar D), a total of 12 stamps. Both two used sets canc. «ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ*27.ΙΙΙ.88»(first day of issue). u/m, u.(Hellas 16M). **/o 32 1892 FC 1988 (27/3), Frama stamp commemor. for the Philatelic Exhibition of Ioannina, var test value, u/m. (Hellas M16a). ** 40 1893 FC Αdvance registration set for the Philatelic Exhibition of Ioannina IOANNINA 88, complete set of 3 values (26dr, 40dr and 50dr) canc.»ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ*27-3-1988»(first day of issue) on three covers. (Hellas M16). FDC 8 1894 FC 1988 (27/3), Frama stamp commemor. for the Philatelic Exhibition of Ioannina, var triple printing with different values (0001+0050+0040), u/m, RRR. (Hellas M16b3). ** 130 1895 FC 1988(4/11) Commemor. issue of FRAMA stamps for MAXHELLAS 88 Philatelic Exibition of Maxima Cards, complete advance registration set of 3 values (30dr, 50dr and 60dr) plus 200dr, u/m. (Hellas M17) ** 15 1896 FC 1988 (4/11) Commemor. issue of Frama stamps for the Philatelic Exhibition MAXHELLAS 88, complete advanced registration set of 3 values 30dr, 50dr and 60dr plus 200dr, canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*4.ΧΙ.88» (first day of issue), u. (Hellas M17). o 18 1897 FC 6 cover fr.with 30dr Frama stamp of comemm.issue for the Philatelic Exhibition MAXHELLAS 88. Two covers cacn.4/11/88(first day of issue).The others canc.5-8-9-11/11/1988, (Hellas M17). C/FDC 8 1898 FC 1991 (29/4) definit. issue, complete advance registration set of 4 values 50dr, 80dr, 250dr and 300dr, (machine code No 02), u/m. (Hellas M19). ** 10 1899 FC 1991(29/4) definite issue of Frama stamps, complete set of 4 values 50dr, 80dr, 250dr and 300dr, canc.»ATHINAI-AEROLIMIN ANATOL.*29.ΙV.91»(first day of issue), u.[Hellas M19(02)]. o 10 1900 FC Cover to Athens fr. with 2X10dr+20dr Frama stamps with machine code 03(Thessaloniki) and 20dr.1992 capitals of prefecture, canc.»ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΗ*10.V.93». [Hellas M20(03)+1917]. C OFFER 1901 FC 1992(23/3) definite issue of Frama stamps, complete set of 4 values 60dr, 90dr, 120dr and 280dr, canc.»ΑΜΠΕΛΟΚΗΠΟΙ*23.ΙΙΙ.92» (first day of issue), u. [Hellas M21(04)]. o 10 1902 FC Registered cover to Athens fr. with 70dr+100dr+210dr Frama stamps with machine code 04 (Ampelokipi-Athens) and 60dr. 1993 Buildings of Athens, canc.»ATHINAI*24.III.94», [Hellas M21(04)+1943]. C OFFER 1903 FC 1992 (23/3) definite issue of Frama stamps, complete set of 4 values 60dr, 90dr, 120dr and 280dr, canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 16*23.03.92» (first day of issue), u. [Hellas M22(05)]. ο 10 1904 FC Cover to Athens fr. with 20dr Frama stamps with machine code 05(Pangrati-Athens) and 2X20dr.1992 capitals of prefecture, canc.»ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ*3.ΙΙΙ.93». [Hellas M22(05)+1917]. C OFFER 1905 FC 1991 (29/4) definitive issue of Frama stamps, complete advanced registration set of 4 values 50dr, 80dr, 250dr and 300dr with machine code 07, canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑ ΠΛΑΤΕΙΑ ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑΤΟΣ*29.IV.91» (first day of issue), u. [Hellas M24(07)]. o 10 1906 FC 1991 (29/04) definit. issue, complete advance registration set of 4 values 50dr, 80dr, 250dr and 300dr, (machine code No 07), u/m. (Hellas M24). ** 10 1907 FC 1991(29/4)definite issue of Frama stamps, complete set of 4 values 50dr, 80dr, 250dr and 300dr, canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑ ΠΛΑΤΕΙΑ ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑΤΟΣ*29.ΙV.91»(first day of issue), u.[Hellas M24(07)]. ο 10 1908 FC 29.4.1991, Second period, first definitive issue, 07 - Syntagma Square office, stamp with value ‘0000’ u/m. (Hellas M24a) ** 12 1909 FC 1991(29/4) 0005dr Frama stamp with machine code 07, var thick red vertical lines, u/m. RR. (Hellas M24f). 1910 FC 1992 (23/3) definite issue of Frama stamps with machine code 08, complete set of 4 values 60dr, 90dr, 120dr and 280dr, canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-ΑΕΡΟΛΙΜΗΝ ΔΥΤΙΚΟΣ*23.ΙΙΙ.92» (first day of issue), u. [Hellas M25(08)]. o 10 1911 FC 1991 (29/04) definit. issue, complete advance registration set of 4 values 50dr, 80dr, 250dr and 300dr, (machine code No 09), u/m. (Hellas M26). ** 10 1912 FC 1991(29/4)definite issue of Frama stamps, complete set of 4 values 50dr, 80dr, 250dr and 300dr, canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ Κ.*29.ΙV.91»(first day of issue), u.[Hellas M26(09)]. ο 10 75 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 53 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1913 FC 1992(23/3)definite issue of Frama stamps, complete set of 4 values 60dr, 90dr, 120dr and 280dr, canc.»ATHINAI AKROPOLIS*23.ΙΙΙ.92»(first day of issue), u.[Hellas M27(10)]. o 10 1914 FC 15.6.1991. Second period, commemorative issue for the Philatelic Exhibition HELLAS - CYPRUS ‘91, complete set of 4 advance registration values 50, 80, 250 & 300 drs. u. with commemorative canc. (Last Day of Exhibition) (Hellas M28) o 12 1915 FC 15.6.1991, Second period, commemorative issue for the Philatelic Exhibition HELLAS-CYPRUS ‘91, stamp with value ‘0000’. (Hellas M28a) ** 30 1916 FC 26.10.1991, Second period, commemorative issue for the Philatelic Exhibition MYTILENE ‘91, stamp with value ‘0000’. (Hellas M29a) ** 30 1917 FC 1993 (23/10) commemor. issue for the Philatelic Exhibition Rhodes’93, complete advance registration set of 4 values 60dr, 90dr, 120dr and 280dr, u/m. (Hellas M31). ** 12 1918 FC 1994 (5/11) commemor. issue for the Philatelic Exhibition of KIFISSIA’93, complete advance registration set of 4 values 60dr, 90dr, 120dr and 280dr plus 10dr value, u/m. (Hellas M32). ** 10 1919 FC 1995 (22/11) commemor. issue for the Philatelic Exhibition Athens-Piraeus’95, complete advance registration set of 5 values (type II) 80dr, 120dr, 150dr, 350dr and 400dr, u/m. (Hellas M33II). ** 10 1920 FC 1996 (25/3) commemor. issue for the centenary of the first Olympic Games, complete advance registration set, 80dr, 120dr, 150dr, 350 and 400dr (type II), u/m. (Hellas M34II). ** 15 1921 FC 2004, self-adhesive stamp produced by the blue electronic automatic weigh-machines, «Acropolis» on yellow paper, with multiple (continuous) «AKYPO» printed on mis-cut piece of paper, with part of other stamp on it. Hellas: M79a var. ** OFFER 1922 FC 2004, self-adhesive stamp produced by the blue electronic automatic weigh-machines, «Acropolis» on yellow paper, 65c. value on cover posted from Glyfada, Athens, on 13.12.2005. Hellas: M79. C OFFER AGION OROS PHILATELIC COLLECTION 1923 FC Agion Oros: 2008 Historical Begining, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 1/5). ** 15 1924 FC Agion Oros: 2008 Holy Monasteries I, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 6/10). ** 15 1925 FC Agion Oros: 2008 Holy Monasteries II, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 11/15). ** 15 1926 FC Agion Oros: 2008 Holy Monasteries III, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 16/20). ** 15 1927 FC Agion Oros: 2008 Holy Monasteries IV, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 21/25). ** 15 1928 FC Agion Oros: 2009 Aspects of every day-Spiritual Life I, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 26/30). ** 15 1929 FC Agion Oros: 2009 Aspects of every day-Spiritual Life II, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 31/35). ** 15 1930 FC Agion Oros: 2009 Aspects of every day-Spiritual Life III, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 36/40). ** 15 1931 FC Agion Oros: 2009 Aspects of every day-Spiritual Life IV, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 41/45). ** 15 1932 FC Agion Oros: 2010 Flaura-Fauna, Natural Environment, I. complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 46/50). ** 15 1933 FC Agion Oros: 2010 Flaura-Fauna, Natural Environment, II. complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 51/55). ** 15 1934 FC Agion Oros: 2010 Flaura-Fauna, Natural Environment, III. complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 56/60). ** 15 1935 FC Agion Oros: 2011 Initial Letters II, complete set of 6 values, u/m. (Hellas 72/77). ** 15 1936 FC Agion Oros: 2011 Initial Letters III, complete set of 6 values, u/m. (Hellas 78/83). ** 15 1937 FC Agion Oros: 2008 Histirical Begining, complete set of 5 values on official FDC. (Hellas 1/5). FDC 20 1938 FC Agion Oros: 2008 Holy Monasteries I, complete set of 5 values on official FDC. (Hellas 6/10). FDC 20 1939 FC Agion Oros: 2008 Holy Monasteries II, complete set of 5 values on official FDC. (Hellas 11/15). FDC 20 1940 FC Agion Oros: 2008 Holy Monasteries III, complete set of 5 values on official FDC. (Hellas 16/20). FDC 20 1941 FC Agion Oros: 2008 Holy Monasteries IV, complete set of 5 values on official FDC. (Hellas 21/25). FDC 20 1942 FC Agion Oros: 2009 Aspects of every day-Spiritual Life I, complete set of 5 values on official FDC. (Hellas 26/30). FDC 20 1943 FC Agion Oros: 2009 Aspects of every day-Spiritual Life II, complete set of 5 values on official FDC. (Hellas 31/35). FDC 20 1944 FC Agion Oros: 2011 Initial Letters IV, complete set of 5 values on 2 official FDC. (Hellas 89/89). FDC 20 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 54 STARTING PRICES IN EURO AIR-MAIL ISSUES 1945 FC 1926 Sounio, complete set of 3 values (never issued stamps) in u/m left marginal bl.4 with 2 gutter pairs in each block. VF. (Hellas AI/AIII). ** 65 1946 FC 1947 FC 1926 Sounio, complete set of 3 values (Never issued stamps), u/m. (Hellas AI/AIII). ** 15 1926 Patakonia, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas A1/A4). ** 30 1948 FC 1949 FC 1926 Aeroespresso («Patagonia»),compl.set of 4 values,m. (Hellas A1/A4). * 10 3dr. 1926 Patakonia in marginal bl.4 incl.one blank label, u/m.(Hellas A2a).Superb ** 50 1950 FC ‘Patagonia’ issue overprinted in red with «IV ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗΣ / ΒΑΡΙ 1933» in red, the 2dr. value u/m. with double overprint. There is no handstamped circle with aeroplane on the back of this variety. One short perf. on top but VERY RARE. (Hellas A1Ab). ** 500 1951 FC 1933 Zeppelin, compl. set of 3 valus, u/m (Hellas A5/A7) ** 120 1952 FC 1933 Zeppelin,compl.set of 3 values,m. (Hellas A5/A7). * 45 1953 FC 1933 Aeroespresso,compl.set of 7 values in bl.4 (chiefly marginal),u/m. (Hellas A8/A14). ** 210 1954 FC 1933 Aeroespresso, complete set of 7 values, u/m. (Hellas A8/A14). ** 50 1955 FC 1933 Aeroespresso,compl.set of 7 values,m.(almost invisible trace). (Hellas A8/A14). * 25 1956 FC 1933 Definit.(State’s),compl.set of 7 values in corner (the 5dr.& 10dr.values in marginal) bl.4,u/m. (Hellas A15/A21). ** 320 1957 FC 1933 Government’s issue, complete set of 7 values, u/m. (Hellas A15/A21). ** 80 1958 FC 1933 State’s issue,compl.set of 7 values,m. (Hellas A15/A21). * 40 1959 FC The 9 values of 1935 Mythological issue on leaflet «NOUVEAUX TIMBRES-POSTE AERIENS DE L’ETAT HELLENIQUE» with description for each value. VF and R. Doc 170 1960 FC 1935 & 1937/1939 Air Mythology,2 compl.sets of 9+5 values in bl.4,u/m. (Hellas A22/A30 + A31/A35). ** 210 1961 FC 1935 Mythological issue+1937/39 re-issue, complete sets of 9+5 values, u/m. (Hellas A22/A30+A31/ A35). ** 70 1962 FC 1935 & 1937/9 Air Mythology,compl.sets of 9+5 values,m. (Hellas A22/A30+A31/A35). * 25 1963 FC 1938-1942 Airplane 50l. in bl.6, var»Εισποακτέα» in one, u/m (Hellas 36+36a). ** 8 1964 FC 1dr./2dr.Post.Due (zig-zag) 1942 ovpt.»Airplane» in vertical marginal pair,u/m.Var.»red colour of the ovpt.backside». (Hellas A37 var.). ** 6 1965 FC 1dr./2dr. 1938 «Airplane» in two marginal horizontal strips of 4, perf. 10 1/2+13 1/2 (up, pos.37 and down in pos.47), perf. 10 1/2 (pos.38+39+40 and down in pos.48+49+50), in pos.39 var. «double dott after ΔΡ», u/m. VF. (Hellas A37c+A37d+A37cf). ** 50 1966 FC 5dr.Post.Due (zig-zag) 1938/1942 ovpt.red «Airplane» in marginal pair,u/m.High value of the set. Var.»very displaced ovpt.leftwards (a cheval)». (Hellas A38 var.). ** 100 1967 FC 5dr.Post.Due (perfor.13 1/2) 1938/1942 ovpt.red «Airplane»,u/m.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas A41b). ** 15 1968 FC 25dr 1941 Airplane ovpt, var without accent on «εισπρακτέαι», u/m. (Hellas A43b). ** 20 1969 FC 1940 Youth Organization (airpost),compl.set of 10 values,u/m. (Hellas A45/A55). ** 285 1970 FC 1940 Youth Organization,compl.set (airpost) of 10 values,m. (Hellas A45/A54).Rare set. * 120 1971 FC 400dr.1943 Winds II,u/m.Var.»significant displacement of the blue-grey colour of the center». (Hellas A66 var.). ** 10 1972 FC 1952 Grammos-Vitsi, compl.set of 4 values in bl.4, u/m. VF. (Hellas A67/A70-405E). ** 75 1973 FC 1952 Grammos-Vitsi, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas A67/A70). ** 20 1974 FC 1952 «Grammos-Vitsi» complete set of 4 values, m. (Hellas A67-A70) * 10 1975 FC 1954 N.A.T.O.,compl.set of 3 values in bl.4 (corner or marginal),u/m. (Hellas A71/A73-652 E). ** 100 1976 FC 1954 N.A.T.O., complete issue of 3 values, u/m. VF. (Hellas A71/A73). ** 30 1977 FC 1958 Harbours complete set of 7 values, u/m. (Hellas A74/A80). ** 25 1978 FC 25dr. of «Horbours» issue in corner marginal horizontal pair with date, u/m. (Hellas A77). ** OFFER 1979 FC 30dr. of «Horbours» issue in corner marginal horizontal pair with date, u/m. (Hellas A78). ** OFFER 1980 FC 50dr. of «Horbours» issue in corner marginal horizontal pair with date, u/m. (Hellas A79). ** OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 55 STARTING PRICES IN EURO AIR-MAIL COVERS,CARDS,CACHETS,ETC. 1981 FC (Early biplane overflying a beach) bistre (no inscription,probably a combination of 2 differ.real-photos). VF. PPC 20 1982 FC Cover from Rodi (Egeo) to Trieste, printed on flap «LLOYD TRIESTINO», franked with Italian 50c. ‘Antoniano’ (Unif. 295), canc. boxed black «TRASPORTATO PER VIA AEREA / TRANSPORTE PAR AVION», transit «BRINDISI POSTA AEREA * 11.5.31», arr. machine «TRIESTE / CENTRO / 12.V.31». UNIQUE!!! Hellas: Type AC18. C 450 1983 FC 18.12.1931. Mirabella Bay (Irakleion) - Khartoum Flight by Imperial Airways. England - Greece - Egypt - Central Africa Service. Air cover franked with 2x2dr. + 1dr. + 2dr., canc. «ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ * 18 ΔΕΚ 31», arr. «SUDAN AIR MAIL - KHARTOUM / 21.XII.31». C 35 1984 FC 9.3.1932. Paris - Corfu. France - Syria - Indochina by Air Orient. Printed air cover advertising the journey, with depart. canc. «PARIS 86 / RUE CLEMENT-MAROT / 9.III.32», arr. «KEPKYPA (ΔΕΜΑΤΑ) / 10.MAP.32». C 20 1985 FC 8.6.1932. Athens - Brindisi - Switzerland. Air cover with special violet cachet «PAR AVION JUSQU’ A Brindisi» (type AC24aA), canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / -8.6.32», arr. at Brindisi on 10.6.1932. The cover was forwarded to destination by surface and the airmail cachet was crossed out in Italy. C 10 1986 FC Registered air cover to Calimnos, Dodecanese, total franking 12,50drs. (Hellas 472,509,515), red cachet «PAR AVION JUSQU’A Rodi», red canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ / ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ / ΣΥΣΤΗΜ. ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ * 24.VI.32», transit «POSTA AEREA * RODI (EGEO) * 28.6.32», arr. «CALINO * (EGEO) * 1.7.32», returned to sender, arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ * ΣΥΣΤ. ΑΦΙΞΙΣ * 9.VII.32». Registration label missing (fallen out). C 20 1987 FC 10.10.1932. Athens - Paris. Commercial cover franked with 2dr./5dr. + 10dr., intended to travel by air to France & thus marked «PAR AVION» by the sender, depart. canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / 10.Χ.32». However, the plane had alread left, thus the air marking was crossed out with red crayon & a lilac boxed cachet «AVION PARTI» was applied by the GPO (cachet type AC21, withdrawn on 13.10.32). Cover sent by rail to Paris (arr. 22.10.32). C 20 1988 FC 14.8.1933. Flown cover from Ioannina (14.8.33) to Athens, arrived on 14.8.33, bearing Greek airmail propaganda labels in green on front & in light grey-brown on back, the first sealed with Air Arrival cachet in red & the second with arr. canc. of Athens. First Day of Use of the labels (in Athens only). Jannina boxed advertising commemorative cachet in violet on back. Hellas types: AC16c, AC22A, AL12A, AL28A. FFC 60 1989 FC 21.8.1933. Athens - Salonica by E.E.E.S. Air cover with violet boxed «ΕΝΑΕΡΙΩΣ / PAR AVION» and air label «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩS / ΔΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΕΤΑΙΡΙΑΣ ΕΝΑΕΡΙΩΝ ΣΥΓΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΩΝ Α.Ε.», franked with 10l. + 1,50dr./5dr., depart. canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / 20.VIII.33»,arr. «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ - ΑΦΙΞΙΣ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / 21.VIΙI.33», plus Air Arrival cachet in violet. C 15 1990 FC 10.11.1933. Air mail label «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ» in blackgrey-blue colour (type AL29), issued by theGreek Government in co-operation with E.E.E.S. (Hellenic Aerial Communications Company) for inland & foreign airmail, on cover from Athens to Jannina, posted in Athens on 10.11.1933 (First Day of label use), flown to Jannina (arr. 11.XI.33) by plane of EEES. Air arrival cachet (type AC22I) in blue. FDC 60 1991 FC 10.1.1934. Registered cover to USA, franked with ‘Views’ pair 2x3dr. + 10dr. (Hellas 478+519), canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΑ / 10.ΙΑΝ.34», special publicity label on flap «APEX INTERNATIONAL / AIR POST EXHIBITION / LONDON, MAY 7-12-1934», arr. «NEW YORK, N.Y. / REG’Y.DIV. / 1-24-1934». C 8 1992 FC 5.3.1934. Piraeus - England. Commercial cover franked with 4x2dr. ‘Landscapes’ plus 2dr. + 5dr. air stamps, intended to travel by air to England, depart. canc. «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / 15.ΙΙΙ.34». However, the plane had alread left, thus a lilac boxed cachet «AVION PARTI» (type AC21B) was applied by the G.P.O. C 20 1993 FC 28.7.1934. Jannina - Athens (Kifissia) by EEES. Cover franked with 1dr.+2dr. ‘Landscapes’ plus 1dr. air stamps, with black cachet «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / PAR AVION» (type AC16c), canc. «ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / 28.VII.34», arr. at Athens on 28.7.1934 and at Kifissia the following day. C OFFER 1994 FC 2.1.1935. Cavalla - USA. Commercial cover franked with 1dr.+2dr. ‘Landscapes’ plus 5dr. litho. & 2x5dr. + 2dr. air stamps on front & 2x50l. + 5dr. on back, with black cachet «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / PAR AVION» (type AC16f), canc. «ΚΑΒΑΛΛΑ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ / 2.1.35». C 25 1995 FC 3.1.1935. Thessaloniki - USA. Cover franked with 3dr.+5dr. ‘Landscapes’ plus 3x1dr. + 3x5dr. air stamps, with black cachet «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / PAR AVION» (type AC16b), canc. «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / 3.1.35». C 15 1996 FC 30.3.1935. Athens - England. Commercial cover franked with 2x2dr.+1dr. ‘Landscapes’ plus 8dr. Stadium on front & 4x5dr. + 1dr. air stamps on reverse, with violet cachet «PAR AVION» (type AC43), canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / 30.III.35». C 10 1997 FC 14.4.1935. Athens - Cairo. Cover franked with 8dr. Stadium plus 2x50l. + 2x1dr. + 2dr. air stamps, with air label «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / PAR AVION» (type AL36) & cachet «PAR AVION» (type AC43), canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΠΛΑΤΕΙΑ ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑΤΟΣ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ / 14.IV.1935», arr. at Cairo on 16.4.1935. C 15 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 56 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1998 FC 7.9.1936. Athens (Kifissia) - Berlin. Cover franked with 8dr. Stadium plus 7dr. air stamps, with air label «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / PAR AVION» (type AL38B), canc. «ΚΗΦΙΣΣΙΑ * 7 - ΣΕΠ. 36», arr. at BERLIN on 8.9.1936. C OFFER 1999 FC 23.2.1939. Piraeus - Budapest. Bank cover franked with 2x20l. + 8dr. plus 2x2dr. air stamps, with air cachet «PAR AVION» (type AC50), canc. «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ * 23.ΙΙ.39», arr. at Budapest on 25.2.1939. Civil censorship tape «ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑ ΕΘΝΙΚΟΥ ΝΟΜΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ / CONTROLE DU CHANGE» sealed with violet cachet of Piraeus. C 18 2000 FC 21.4.1939. Athens - Prague. Air cover franked with 2x3dr. plus 1dr. + 5dr. air & 1dr. Charity stamps, with air cachet «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / --- PAR AVION» (type AC44), canc. «ΠΛΑΤΕΙΑ ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑΤΟΣ - ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ * 21.ΙV.39», via Budapest (22.4.39) arr. at Prague on 24.4.1939. Civil censorship cachet «ΠΕΝ» (ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑ ΕΘΝΙΚΟΥ ΝΟΜΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ). C 12 2001 FC 7.8.1939. Athens - Rhodes. Registered official cover sealed on flap with violet administrative cachet «MINISTERE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGERES», with air label (type AL41), stamps canc. with «ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟΝ ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΩΝ * -7.VIII.39». C 15 2002 FC 12.10.1940. Irakleion - Piraeus. Commercial cover franked with 3dr. plus 1dr. air & 50l. Charity, with air cachet «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ» (type AC48), canc. «ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ * 12 OKT 40», arr. at Piraeus the same day. C 10 2003 FC -.-.1941. Syros - Germany. Commercial cover franked with 2x5dr. plus 2x50l. air stamps, with air label (type AL41) imperforated at right & red boxed «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / PAR AVION / BY AIR MAIL», canc. «ΣΥΡΟΣ (ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ) * -.-.41». German censorship tape & markings on arrival. C 30 2004 FC 11.11.1941. Athens - Thessaloniki. Cover franked with 2x2dr. plus 2dr. air & 2x50l/5l. Charity stamps, with air label «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / PAR AVION» (type AL38B), canc. «ATHINAI - POSTE AERIENNE * 11.11.41», arr. «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ / ΑΦΙΞΙΣ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / 12.ΧΙ.41». C OFFER 2005 FC 13.11.1941. Thessaloniki - Athens. Cover franked with 2x2dr. plus 5dr. air & 2x50l./5l. + 20l. Charity stamps, with black boxed cachets «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / PAR AVION» (type AC16b), canc. «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ / 13.ΧI.41». C OFFER 2006 FC 3.3.1944. Thessaloniki - Athens. Air express cover with black boxed cachets «ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / PAR AVION» (type AC16b) & «ΚΑΤΕΠΕΙΓΟΝ» on front, franked with 12x100dr. on reverse, canc. «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ - ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΑ / 3.ΙΙI.44». C OFFER 2007 FC 24.2.1946. Athens - London. Air cover franked with 2x300dr./80l. on front plus 8x5dr. on back, with black air cachet «PAR AVION / ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ» (type AC70), canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΨΥΧΙΚΟ * 24.II.46». C 15 2008 FC 1.3.1946. Patras - USA. Cover to USA, posted unfranked due to printers’ strike for 2 months, canc. «PATRAI * 1.III.46», with air cachet «PAR AVION JUSQU’A....» (type AC66) plus «Εισεπράχθη τέλος Δραχ. (850) / Taxe Percue Dr. ___» (type AC71). C 50 2009 FC 8.1.1947. Thessaloniki - USA. Commercial air cover franked with 2x50dr./1dr. + 2x1000dr./500000dr., with black air cachet «PAR AVION JUSQU’ A ....» (type AC15bB), canc. «THESSALONIKI * AVION * 8.I.47». C OFFER 2010 FC 10.4.1947. Athens - London. Air cover franked with 50dr./1dr. + 3x250dr., with violet air cachet «PAR AVION / ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ» (type AC70), canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΝΕΑ ΣΜΥΡΝΗ * 10.IV.47». C 10 2011 FC 7.6.1947. Thessaloniki - Paris. Commercial air cover franked with 300dr./80l. + 500dr., with black air cachet «PAR AVION JUSQU’ A ....» (type AC15bB), canc. «THESSALONIKI * AVION * 7.VI.47». C OFFER 2012 FC 9.9.1947. Sitia - Athens. Air cover franked with 250dr./20l. + 100dr. plus 50dr./50l. Charity stamps, canc. «ΣΗΤΕΙΑ * 9.ΙΧ.1947», with air cachet «ΕΝΑΕΡΙΩΣ / PAR AVION» (type AC11F), arr. at Athens on 11.9.1947. C OFFER 2013 FC 7.10.1962. Athens - Germany. Official cover posted unfranked (due to strike ?), canc. «ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΣΜΟΥ - ΑΘΗΝΑΙ * -7.Χ.62», with air cachet «PAR AVION / ΤΑΧΕ PERCUE / DRACHMES 4,50» (type AC91). C 25 2014 FC 26.4.1986 & 27.5.1987. Two American Express window covers, franked with US stamps, canc. to favour «AIR FORCE POSTAL SERVICE / ATHENS AMT» dated 26-APR-1986 & 27-MAY-1987. C OFFER POSTAL TAX (CHARITY) STAMPS 2015 FC 5l. 1914 National Welfare Fund in pair canc. «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*?.III.1927» and «REGISTERED/ LONDON*23.MA.27». Nice. (Hellas C2). o OFFER 2016 FC 2X5l. 1914 National Welfare Fund, var perf. 10 1/2 vertically, one copy at left the other at right, u. (Hellas C2c). o 8 2017 FC (5l.) 1915 Red Cross Fund in left marginal bl.4, m. (Hellas C3). * 30 2018 FC 2x1l./1l., 2x1l./3l., 5l./1l., 5l./20l., 2x4l./40l., 5l./50l., 5l./1dr., 10l./30l. Fl. Mercury, variations include «surcharge inverted», «double surcharge, one inverted», «triple surcharge», u/m. and m. (Hellas C5a + C5a + C6a + C6d + C7b +C8b + C9Ba + C9Bb + C10a + C11k + C12b). **/* 90 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 57 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2019 FC 1917 «ΚΠ» surcharges on Fl.Mercury stamps, 1l/1l. with var. «red-brown surcharge», cancelled with «ΑΙΓΙΟΝ*2 ΑΠΡ. 17» (2nd DAY OF ISSUE). VF. (Hellas C5e). o 10 2020 FC Κ.Π.1l./3l.Fl.Mercury (plate II) in bl.4.Var.»ovpt.K.M.instead of Κ.Π.» on one (Hellas C6+C6II). ** 5 2021 FC Κ.Π.1l./3l.Fl.Mercury in marginal pair,u/m.Var.»no dot after K» on one. (Hellas C6 V). ** OFFER 2022 FC Κ.Π.1l./3l.Fl.Mercury (thin paper,thin letters) in corner (lower-left) bl.6 (2x3),u/m.Var.»Κ..Π» on 2 stamps. (Hellas C6 VII). ** OFFER 2023 FC Κ.Π.1l./3l.Fl.Mercury (thin paper,thin letters) in bl.4,u/m.Var.»comma after Π» on one. (Hellas C6 IX). ** OFFER 2024 FC Κ.Π.1l./3l.Fl.Mercury in bl.4,u/m.Var.»λεπ-ού» & «no dot after K» on 2 stamps. (Hellas C6 V,XVI). ** OFFER 2025 FC Κ.Π.1l./3l.Fl.Mercury in marginal pair,u/m.Var.XVI on one. (Hellas C6+C6 XVI). ** OFFER 2026 FC 1917 «ΚΠ» surcharges, 1l./3l in bl.4, u/m. Var. «inverted overprint». VF. (Hellas C6Aa). ** 10 2027 FC Κ.Π.1l./3l.Fl.Mercury (typ.II) in bd.3.Var.»ovpt.λεπτο-» on middle (posit.78). (Hellas C6Β var). **/* OFFER 2028 FC Κ.Π.1l./3l.Fl.Mercury (typ.II) in pair,u/m.Var.»upper dot after Π» on one. (Hellas C6B+C6B III). ** OFFER 2029 FC Κ.Π.5l./1l.Fl.Mercury,u/m.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas C7b) ** 5 2030 FC Κ.Π.5l./20l.Fl.Mercury in bl.4,u/m.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas C8b). ** 35 2031 FC Κ.Π.5l./50l.Fl.Mercury in marginal bl.4,u/m.(one m.).Var.»Κ..Π» at 2 stamps. (Hellas C10+C10 VII). ** 5 2032 FC 5l./50l. «Κ.Π. surcharges on 1901 Flyin Mercury» in horizontal pair (type II), one stamp with var. «calligraphic ε», u/m. (Hellas C10 XI+C10). ** OFFER 2033 FC 5l./1dr 1917 «Κ.Π.» surcharges on Fl.Mercury stamp perf. 11 1/2X13 1/2 in u/m corner bl.4. Superb. (Hellas C11d). ** 3 2034 FC 10l/70l 1917 ΚΠ red-brown three lined surcharge, m. VF. (Hellas C23).6 * 17 2035 FC 1917 «Κ.Π» surcharge, 20l./80l., u/m. Superb. (Hellas C30). ** 80 2036 FC 20l./80l. 1917 «Κ.Π.» surcharges on «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» revenue, m. (trace). (Hellas C30). * 45 2037 FC 1917 «Κ.Π.» surcharges on «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» revenues, perf. 11 1/4 in middle, complete set of 5 values, m. (Hellas C32/C36). * 40 2038 FC 1l./50l. 1917 «Κ.Π.» surcharges on «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» revenues, black two-line surcharge, var the first «1» upright (pos.29), m. (Hellas C40a). * 15 2039 FC 10l./50l. 1917 «Κ.Π.» surcharges on «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» revenues. Corfu local issues, u. VF. (Hellas C45). o 280 2040 FC 1917 «K.Π.» Surcharges, 5l./10l. on «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» revenues, with black two-line surcharge, archaic «K» in one, m(Hellas C50+C50b) 2041 FC 5l. 1918 Red Cross Fund in u/m corner bl.4 with printer’s inscription. VF. (Hellas C51). ** 50 2042 FC 5l. 1918 Patriotic Relief Institution Fund in u/m vertical pair, var «Π Ι.Π.» on lower stamp. VF. (Hellas C52+C52b-96E). ** 30 2043 FC 1922 Women’s Patriotic League ovpt.»Ισχύει δια λεπτά 5»,compl.set of 4 values,u. (Hellas C56/C59). Very rare set. o 170 2044 FC 5l./10l. 1922 Women’s Patriotic League Fund, var with accent also on «ι» of «δίά», u. VF and R. (Hellas C56c). o 65 2045 FC 10l. 1926 Red Cross Fund in corner bl.4 with printer’s inscription. Trace of hinge on one stamp. (Hellas C61). **/* OFFER 2046 FC 20l. 1934 Thessaloniki International Fair Fund in u/m pair with double perforation between. (Hellas C62). ** OFFER 2047 FC 1934 Internat.Fair in vertical pair,u/m.Var.»imperfor.horizontally».Vertical crease. (Hellas C62d). ** OFFER 2048 FC 1937 Social Welfare Fund Overprints, 10l. with var. «perforated 10 1/2 horizontally», u. (Hellas C70a). o OFFER 2049 FC 1937 Social Welfare Fund Overprints, 10l. with var. «perforated 10 1/2 and 13 1/2», u. (Hellas C70ab). o 8 2050 FC 50l./20l. 1938 Social Welfare Fund Overprints on postage due stamp with accent on «ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣΗΜΟΝ», u. (Hellas C72). o 20 2051 FC 50l./5l. 1937 Social Welfare Fund overprints, var. «without dot after Λ», u. (Hellas 74b). o 5 2052 FC 50l./20l.Post.Due 1938 ovpt.Cross & «ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑ» in marginal pair,u/m.Var.»perforat.10 1/2 at upper side». (Hellas C75a). ** 20 2053 FC 50l./20l.Post.Due 1937/8 ovpt.»ΠΡΟΝΟΙΑ»,u.Var.»perfor.10 1/2» in upper side. (Hellas C75a). o 8 2054 FC 1dr./20l. in corner marginal bl.10, the 5 upper stamps without perforation at the top of stamps, u/m. (Hellas C87). ** 15 2055 FC 100dr. of 1944 «Postal staff Anti-Tuberculosis Fund» in three var. with inverted ovpt. and double ovpt., u/m. (Hellas C90 + C90a + C90b). ** 8 2056 FC 25.000dr./2dr.1944 Postal Staff Anti-TB,u/m.Var.»ovpt.printed on the gum side». (Hellas C92c). ** 75 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 58 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2057 FC 2dr/40l. 1945 Postal staff Anti-Tb Fund in sheet of 50 (separated in bl.30+bl.20) with decalque surcharge, u/m. (Hellas C94). ** 3 2058 FC 1945 Anti-Tuberculosis Fund, 2dr/40l. in corner bl.4, u/m. Var. «surcharge inverted». Superb. (Hellas C94b). ** 55 2059 FC 1946/47 Postal staff Welfare Fund, 50dr/50l., u. Var. «double ovpt.». (Hellas C99b). o 12 2060 FC 50dr/50l. 1947 Postal-Stuff A-T Fund, var without «ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑ ΦΥΜΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΤΤΤ», u/m.(Hellas C101b). ** 35 2061 FC 1948 Restoration of Thessaloniki Monuments Fund 50dr. in marginal corner horizontal imperforated pair printed on both sides, cracked gum, u/m.(Hellas C102a+b). ** 15 2062 FC 1956 Macedonian Studies Society Fund, complete set of 2 values, u/m. (Hellas C108/C109). ** OFFER OFFER POSTAGE DUE STAMPS 2063 FC 6 single and 1 bl.4 FRAME PROOFS in different colours, 1 perforated. E 2064 FC 20l. Proof on yellow paper. Var. «printed frame on gum side». VF. E 60 2065 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, complete set of 9 values with ovpt. «SPECIMEN». VF. (D2S+D3S+D4S+D6S+D8S/D12S). * 140 2066 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, complete set of 12 values with 10 1/2 perforation, m. (1st hinge). VF. (Hellas D1A/D12A - 297 euros). * 100 2067 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, complete set of 12 values with 12 1/2 perforation, m. VF. RRR. (Hellas D1C/ D12C - 560 euros). * 220 2068 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, complete set od 12 values with 10 1/2 x 12 1/2 perforation, u. (Hellas D1E/ D12E). o 150 2069 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, set of 10 values (60l., 70l. and 90l. missing, extra 20l.), imperforated single stamps, m. VF. (Hellas D1/D6, D9, D11, D12 + D5). * OFFER 2070 FC 1875 (1st Vienna issue),compl.set of 12 values (perforat.10 1/2),u.(the 80l.m.). (Hellas D1A/D12A217E). o 60 2071 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, set from 5l. to 90l. with 10 1/2 x 9 1/2 perforation, u. VF. RR. (Hellas D3D/D10D - 240 euros). o 80 2072 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, 10l. perf. 12 1/2, u. VF. R. (Hellas D4C - 70 euros). o 25 2073 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, 20l. perf. 12 1/2, u. VF. (Hellas D5C - 45 euros). o 15 2074 FC Unpre-paid EL posted from «ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ (ΚΕΦΑΛΛ) (110)*11 ΟΚΤ. 75», via «ΣΥΡΑ (67)*15 ΟΚΤ. 75» to Constantinople. Canc. «T» and manuscript «60» (= Lepta, double postal rate of 30l). On arrival taxed with 60l. postage due and cancelled with dot. «95». VF. R. (Hellas D7A). EL 150 2075 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, 70l. in perfr. 10 1/2 bl.4, m. VF. Signed by Deilakis. (Hellas D8A - 80++ euros). * 30 2076 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, 70l. with 9 3/4 perforation, u. VF. RRR. (Hellas D8B). o 300 2077 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, 80l. in bl.4 with perforation 9, m. VF. Signed by Deilakis. (Hellas D9B - 160++ euros). * 50 2078 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, 90l. in bl.4 with perforation 9, m. VF. (Hellas D10B - 140++ euros). * 55 2079 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, 1dr. perf. 10 1/2 x 12 1/2, m. Var. «open M». VF. RR. (Hellas D11Ea - 330 euros). * 130 2080 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, 1dr. perf. 10 1/2 x 12 1/2, u. Var. «open M». VF. RR. (Hellas D11Ea - 330 euros). o 130 2081 FC 1875 1st Vienna issue, 2dr. in bl.4 with perforation 12 1/2, m. Signed by Deilakis. VF. (Hellas D12C 160++ euros). * 50 2082 FC 1876 2nd Vienna issue, «SPECIMEN» ovpt. complete set of 5 values, m. VF. (Hellas D13S,D17S,D19S,D23S and D24S - 200 euros). S 60 2083 FC 1876 2nd Vienna issue, 1l. with 10 1/2 perforation, u. Signed by Deilakis. VF. (Hellas D13A - 280 euros). o 80 2084 FC 1876 2nd Vienna issue, 1l. in pair with 11 1/2 perforation, m. Var. «impressive displaced centre». Cancelled by blue crayon. VF. (hellas D13E var). * 15 2085 FC 2l. 1876 2nd Vienna issue, var centre inverted (12 1/2), u/m. (Hellas D14a-440E). ** 160 2086 FC 1876 2nd Vienna issue, 5l. with 10 1/2 perforation, m. VF. R. (Hellas D15A - 400euros). * 120 2087 FC 1876 2nd Vienna issue, set of 9 values from 10l. to 200l. with 10 1/2 perforation, u. (Hellas D16A/D24A - 248 euros). o 70 2088 FC 1876 2nd Vienna issue, 10l. in bl.4, u/m. Var. «imperforated pair and centre inverted». Cancelled with blue crayon. VF. (Hellas D16b - 160 euros). ** 45 2089 FC 20l 1876 2nd Vienna issue, perf. 9, u/m. Superb. (Hellas D17B). ** 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 59 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2090 FC 1876 2nd Vienna issue, 20l. with 12 1/2 perforation, m. Var. «inverted centre». VF. (Hellas D17Ca - 135 euros). * 40 2091 FC 1876 2nd Vienna issue, 40l. in bl.4 with 10 1/2 perforation, m. Plate flaws «white line between Γ and Ρ» and «dot after N». Signed by Deilakis. VF. (Hellas D18A - 420++ euros). * 120 2092 FC 1876 2nd Vienna issue, 40l. imperforated with yellow spots, m. (Hellas D18). * OFFER 2093 FC 1876 2nd Vienna issue, 60l. in bl.4 with 9 perforation, bottom pair u/m. Plate flaw «white line between Σ and H». Signed by Deilakis. VF. (Hellas D19B - 210+ euros). 2094 FC 1876 2nd Vienna issue, 70l. in bl.4 with 10 1/2 perforation, m. Signed by Deilakis. VF. (Hellas D20A 140+ euros). 2095 FC 100l. 2nd Vienna issue perf. 10 1/2 in bl.4, one m. the rest u/m.(Hellas D23A).-245E 2096 FC 200l. 1876 2nd Vienna issue, perf. 10 1/2, u. (Hellas D24A). o 8 2097 FC 1890-1893 3rd Vienna issue, complete set of 4 values in bl.4 with 10 1/2 perforation, m. Signed by Deilakis. VF. (Hellas D25A+D26A+D28A+D29A - 240++ euros). * 70 2098 FC 1890-1893 3rd Vienna issue, 1l. in imperforated pair, m. Thin spot. (Hellas D25a). * OFFER 2099 FC 1890-1893 3rd Vienna issue, 2l. in vertical pair, without perforation. Var. «trace of centre printed». VF. (Hellas D26a var). 2100 FC 2101 **/* 75 * 40 **/* 70 (*) 18 1890-1893 3rd Vienna issue, 2l. with 9 perforation, m. Var. «displaced centre». VF. (Hellas D26B). * 10 FC 1890-1893 3rd Vienna issue, complete set of 3 values in bl.4 with 11 1/2 perforation, m. VF. (Hellas D27C+D28C+D29C - 560++ euros). * 170 2102 FC 1890-1893 3rd Vienna issue, 4x5l. with different perforations, m. VF. (Hellas D27B,D27C,D27D and D27E). * 15 2103 FC 1890-1893 3rd Vienna issue, 5l. imperforated, m. VF. (Hellas D27a). * OFFER 2104 FC 1890-1893 3rd Vienna issue, 5l. yellow-green in imperforated bl.6, 5 stamps u/m. Var. «triple printed frame». VF. (Hellas D27Ba var). **/* 50 2105 FC 1890-1893 3rd Vienna issue, 5l. yellow-green with large 5 in imperforated pair, m. Var. «inverted and displaced centre» and «printed frame on gum side». VF. (Hellas D27Ca var). * 60 2106 FC 1890-1893 3rd Vienna issue, 40l. in vertical pair with 10 1/2 perforation, cancelled with «ΤΑΧ.ΠΑΡΑΡΤ. ΤΕΛΩΝΕΙΟΥ ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑΣ» (not clear). VF. (Hellas D28A). o 20 2107 FC 1890-1893 3rd Vienna issue, 40l. + 60l. with perforation 11 1/2, m. VF. (Hellas D28C+D29C - 125 euros). * 40 2108 FC 1890-1893 3rd Vienna issue, 60l. in pair with perforation 10 1/2, m. Var. «displaced centre». VF. (Hellas D29A). * 25 2109 FC Complete set of 10 values with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» black overprint (reading up), m. (Hellas D44/ D53). * 20 2110 FC 1l. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» (printing IV) black overprint (reading up) in bl.4 (pos. 21-22/3132), var. large «E» and broken «Δ», singed by Deilakis, the two upper stamps are m. (Hellas D44+D44K+D44 Σ38 new entry). **/* 10 2111 FC 2l. with double «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» (printing IV) black overprint (reading up) in corner marginal bl.4 (pos. 81-82/91-92), var. large «E» and only upper half of «I» printed, singed by Deilakis, the two upper stamps are m. (Hellas D45a+D45aΚ+Δ45a Σ33). **/* 200 2112 FC 2l. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» black overprint (reading up) in bl.4, var. double overprint (one inverted). Singed by Deilakis, u/m. (Hellas D45b). Superb. ** 100 2113 FC 3l. 1912 ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in black (read.up) in u/m bl.4 with add. error all letters broken in the middle. (Hellas D46+D46Σ35). ** OFFER 2114 FC 5l. with double «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» black overprint (reading up), singed by Deilakis, m. (Hellas D47a-35euro). * 15 2115 FC 10l.(black ovpt.reading-up) in bl.4.One m.(trace).Var.»double ovpt.,one very leaning». (Hellas D48a). Impressive. **/* 30 2116 FC 20l. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» (printing IV) black overprint (reading up) in bl.4 (pos. 21-22/3132), var. large «E» and broken «Δ», singed by Deilakis, the two upper stamps are m. (Hellas D49+D49K+D49 Σ38 new entry). **/* 18 2117 FC 30l. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» black overprint (reading up), var. large «E», singed by Deilakis, m. (Hellas D50K). * 15 2118 FC 40l. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» black overprint (reading up), var. large «E», singed by Deilakis, m. (Hellas D51K-48euro). * 20 2119 FC 50l. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» (printing I) black overprint (reading up) in bl.4 (pos. 64-65/74-75), var. large «E» and «Ι.Ο» instead of «ΙΟ», singed by Deilakis, the two upper stamps are m. (Hellas D52+D52K+D52 Σ51). **/* 35 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 60 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2120 FC Complete set of 5 values with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» black overprint (reading down). Very rare and singed by Deilakis, u. (Hellas D54/D58). o 180 2121 FC Complete set of 11 values with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» redk overprint (reading up), u. (Hellas D59/ D69). o 35 2122 FC 1912 «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» overprint, 1l. in strip of 3 (red ovpt. reading up), u/m. Var «Large E». Superb. (Hellas D59+D59K). ** 6 2123 FC 1l. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» red overprint (reading up) in bl.4, one stamp with var. Large «Ε», singed by Deilakis, the two upper stamps are with m. (Hellas D59+D59K). */** 8 2124 FC 2l.Post.Due 1912 (red ovpt.»ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ/ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» reading-up) in marginal pair.Var.»ΕΛΛΗΝ-ΚΗ» on one (u/m). (Hellas D60+D60A). */** 6 2125 FC 2l. 1912 (red ovpt. read. up) in marginal bl.4 (posit.39-40/49-50), with add. printing errors long letter «Ι» in «ΣΙΣ» (posit.39), «Δ» with dot in the middle (posit.40) and long letter «I» (posit.50). VF. (Hellas D60+D60Σ14+D60Σ17+D60Σ59). o 5 2126 FC 5l. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» red overprint (reading up) in bl.4, var. longer letter «Ι» on «ΣΙΣ» and longer letter «Ι» and «Ι» longer & broken like en exclamation mark, singed by Deilakis, m. (Hellas D61+D61 Σ17+D61 Σ14+D61 Σ57). * 15 2127 FC Red ovpt.»ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ/ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» reading-up on 5l.1902,m.Var.»large E». (Hellas D61K). * OFFER 2128 FC 20l.Post.Due 1912 (red ovpt.»ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ/ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» reading-up) in marginal vertical pair.Var.»ΕΛΛΗΝΚΗ» on one. (Hellas D62A+D62). */** 3 2129 FC 30l. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» red overprint (reading up) in bl.4, one stamp with var. «ΕΛΛΗΝ_ΚΗ» instead of «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ», u. (Hellas D63+D63A-135euro). o 40 2130 FC 40l.1912 (red ovpt.»ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ/ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» reading-up),u.Var.»ΔΙΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» (posit.74). (Hellas D64 var). o 5 2131 FC 50l. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» red overprint (reading up) in bl.4, one stamp with var. «ΕΛΛΗΝ_ΚΗ» instead of «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ», the two upper stamps are with m. (Hellas D65+D65A). **/* 10 2132 FC 1dr. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» red overprint (reading up) in bl.4, var. spot in the middle of «O» so that it resembles a «Θ», singed by Deilakis, m. (Hellas D66+D66 Σ24). * 40 2133 FC 2dr 1912 «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» ovpt in red (read. up) in u/m vertical marginal pair. Superb. (Hellas D67). ** 40 2134 FC 2dr.1912 ovpt.red «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ/ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» reading-up, m. Var.»large E». (Hellas D67K). Rare item. * 60 2135 FC 1912 «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» overprint, 1dr with carmine overprint (reading up), u/m. Var. «double overprint and ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣ». Signed by Cosmopoulos. Superb. RRR. (Hellas D73aM - catalog value 3000+ euros). ** 1500 2136 FC 1dr ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in carmine (read.up), var large «E». Sign. S.F., Cosmopoulos and A.ZEIS, u/m. RRR. (Hellas D73K). ** 1800 2137 FC 2l. ovpt 1912 «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» in carmine (read. down) in corner bl.15, var large «E» (pos.10), «Δ_ΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» (pos. 7) and additional printing errors only bottom half of «Ι» printed (pos.8) and only upper half of «Ι» printed (pos.20), u. Superb. (Hellas D76+D76K+D76B+D76Σ32+D76Σ33). o 40 2138 FC 2dr. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» carmine overprint (reading down) in bl.4, var. second letter «Λ» broken horizontally, singed by Deilakis, the two upper stamps are m. (Hellas D76+D76 Σ36). **/* 30 2139 FC 2dr. with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» carmine overprint (reading down), singed by Deilakis, u. (Hellas D81). o 70 2140 FC 2dr.1912 carmine ovpt.»ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ/ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» reading-down,u/m.Var.»ovpt.ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚ../ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣ...». (Hellas D81M).Superb & very rare item. ** 200 2141 FC 5l. 1913-1928 Lithographic issue (2nd period) in right marginal pair, var «εισποακτέα» instead of «εισρακτέα» on one, m. R. (Hellas D87Ba+D87). * 10 2142 FC 1913-1928 Lithographic issue, 10l. (3rd Period), m. Var. «perforated 10 1/2 horizontally». VF. (Hellas D88Cb). * 3 2143 FC 20l. litho (period «C»), var perf. 10 1/2 at top, m. (Hellas D89Cb). * 8 2144 FC 25l.1913/1928 Litho (zig-zag) (3rd period) in marginal bd.6,u/m.Var.»perfor.in lower side 13 1/2+10 1/2 for posit.91 & 10 1/2 for posit.92/95». (Hellas D90Cb). ** 10 2145 FC 40l.1913/1928 Litho (zig-zag),u.Var.»perfor.10 1/2» in upper side. (Hellas D92b). o OFFER 2146 FC 3 x 1dr.+2 x 2dr.1913/1928 Post.Dues (zig-zag,without accent on ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣΗΜΟΝ),u.Var.»perfor.10 1/2 at upper side»,»perfor.10 1/2+13 1/2 at upper side» & «perfor.10 1/2 at lower side» on the 3 x 1dr. respectively and «perfor.10 1/2 at upper side» & «perfor.10 1/2 at lower side» on the 2 x 2dr. (Hellas D95Db+D96Db). o 20 2147 FC 2dr.1926 Litho (zig-zag) (with no accent on ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣΗΜΟΝ) in horizont.bd.5,u/m.Var.»perfor.13 1/2»,»perfor.10 1/2+13 1/2» & «perfor.10 1/2» in upper side. (Hellas D96D+D96Db var.+D96Db). ** 30 2148 FC 1913-1926 Litho issue, 3dr. in pair, u. Var. «perforation 10 1/2 horizontaly». (Hellas D97b) o 17 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 61 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2149 FC 5dr.Litho (zig-zag) 1913/1928 in corner (upper-right) bl.4,u.2nd period paper. (Hellas D98B). o 18 2150 FC 1930 Lithographic issue, complete set of 8 values, m. (Hellas D99/D106). * 12 2151 FC 1935 engraved issue, complete set of 2 values, u. (Hellas D107/D108). o OFFER 2152 FC PS fr. with 20l. litho in vertical strip of 4, posted from «ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ*3 ΟΚΤ. 26» with boxed «ΕΙΣΠΡΑΚΤΕΟΝ ΤΕΛΟΣ/ΔΡΑΧ. 0.40». On arrival taxed with 20l. taxe in pair and cancelled with «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*8 ΟΚΤ. 26». (Hellas D90C). PS 15 2153 FC Private PS printed «Χ.ΜΑΝΤΖΑΒΙΝΟΣ/ΛΗΞΟΥΡΙΟΝ» fr. with 100dr+400dr Dodecanese union canc. «ΛΥΞΟΥΡΙΟΝ*5.ΙΧ.52» to Patras. Handwritten «200» taxed on arrival with 200dr Dodecanese union canc. linear «ΕΙΣΠΡΑΚΤΕΟΝ», arr. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*8.IX.52». PS 8 2154 FC 3 postage free covers, all 1966, from Athens.Arrival «ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΑ ΑΝΑΚΤΟΡΑ-ΑΦΙΞΙΣ» αnd canc.boxed «ΕΙΣΠΡΑΚΤΕΟΝ ΤΕΛΟΣ». C 6 FIRST DAY COVER 2155 FC 1933 Government’s issue, complete set of 7 values on airmail cover canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*2.XI.33» (first day of issue), arr. «ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ*3.XI.33». (Hellas A15/A21). FDC 200 2156 FC 10.11.1935. Mythological issue of air stamps issued by the Greek Government for use on all airmail, including the lines of Ala Littoria (former Aeroespresso Co.). Complete set on two air covers posted the FIRST DAY OF USE of the stamps, one to Berlin, flown to Salonica (11.11.35) & the other to Ioannina (11.11.35), both by EEES. VERY RARE! (Hellas A22/A30) - Goddard No. 405. FDC 350 2157 FC Registered airmail cover fr. with 1dr+2dr 1935 Mythological, canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΑ*10.ΧΙ.35» (first day of issue) to Thessaloniki. Also label «PAR AVION» and «SHCA» vigniette. (Hellas A22/A23). R. FDC 25 2158 FC 1938 Royal wedding, complete set of 3 values on a two-fold sheet printed on reverse»SOUVENIR OF THE WEDDING/OF H.R.H. THE CROWN-PRINCE/PAUL OF GREECE/WITH H.R.H. THE PRINCESS/ FREDERIKA-LOUISA OF HANNOVER». All the three stamps of the set are canc. with first day of issue cancellations (3 different days)-on 3dr value red commemor. cachet. (Hellas 554/556). FDC 30 2159 FC Registered cover fr. with 1939 Ionian Islands union complete set of 5 values canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*21.V.39» (first day of issue) to Belgium. On reverse railway canc. « ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ-ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΚΙΝ.1Β» and exchange control cachet circular «ΥΕΣ». (Hellas 560/564). FDC 120 2160 FC 1941 PS printed 2dr fr. with 1945 «No» anniversary, complete set of 2 values, canc. «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*28.Χ.45» (first day of issue). Also commemor. cachet «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 28 ΟΚΤΩΒΡΙΟΥ» in blue and red. (Hellas 635/636). PS 5 2161 FC 1946 Reinstatement of King George II, complete set of 4 stamps on registered airmail cover canc. «ATHINA*28.IX.46» (first day of issue but weak), arr. «COLUMBIA*4.OCT.1946». (Hellas 661/664). FDC 20 2162 FC 700dr.1951 Saint Paul on cover canc.»ΒΡΟΝΤΑΔΕΣ*15-VI-51» (First Day of Issue). (Hellas 708). FDC 10 2163 FC 15.5.1954. ‘NATO’ air set of 3 on registered air cover addressed to USA, canc. «ΑTHINAI - AVION RECOMMANDES / 15.V.54» (First Day of Issue), arr. «NEW YORK, N.Y. / PECK SLIP STA. / MAY-181954». (Hellas A71/A73). Goddard No.563. FDC 130 2164 FC 1958 Merchant marine, complete set of 6 values on cover canc. «ΙΑΣΩΝ-ΙΩΛΚΟΣ ΒΟΛΟΣ*30.1.58» (first day of issue), arr. «BOYERTOWN*4.FEB.1958». (Hellas 791/796). FDC 10 2165 FC 1958 Harbours, complete set of 7 values on official FDC. R. (Hellas A74/A80). FDC 300 2166 FC 1958 Nature protection, complete set of 8 values on canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15.ΣΕΠ.58» (first day of issue). Also commemor. cachet «DIXIEME ANNIVERSAIRE U.I.C.N.*11-19 IX 1958». (Hellas 897/804). FDC 20 2167 FC 1959 Ancient coins (part I), complete set of 10 values on 2 official FDC. (Hellas 813/822). FDC 120 2168 FC 1959 Ancient theatre, complete set of 7 values on official FDC, arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*20.VI.59». (Hellas 823/829). FDC 30 2169 FC 1959 Imre Nagy, complete set of 2 values on cover canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*8.XII.59» (first day of issue). (Hellas 838/839). ο 25 2170 FC 10l.+20l.+50l.+70l. 1961 Tourist Publicity on card, canc. «ΚΝΩΣΟΣ*16 II.61» (first day of circulation). (Hellas 864 + 865 + 866 + 867). FDC 10 2171 FC 1963 Ancient coins (part II), complete set of 9 values on cover printed «UNION PHILATELIQUE INTERNATIONALE OLYMPIQUE» canc. «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ*5.VII.63» (first day of issue). (Hellas 923/931). FDC 40 2172 FC 1963 Jamboree, complete set of 5 values on special illustrated card canc. «ΜΑΡΑΘΩΝ*1.VIII.63» (first day of issue). (Hellas 932/936). FDC 15 2173 FC 1964 King Paul, complete set of 10 values on cover canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6.V.64». (first day of issue). (Hellas 951/960). FDC 40 2174 FC 2.50dr 1964 National Institution of Social Welfare on cover canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*10.IX.64» (first day of issue). (Hellas 973). FDC 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 62 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2175 FC 1965 Festival, complete set of 2 values, on cover canc. «ATHINAI*30.IV.65» (first day of issue). (Hellas 991/992). FDC 5 2176 FC 1965 International Telecommunications Union, complete set of 2 values on special illustrated cover canc. «ATHINAI*30.IV.65» (first day of issue). (Hellas 993). FDC 5 2177 FC 1965 Post Office Savings Bank, complete set of 2 values on special illustrated cover canc. «ATHINAI*30.XI.65» (first day of issue). (Hellas 1009/1010). FDC 5 2178 FC 1965 St. Andrew, complete set of 2 values on illustrated cover canc. «ATHINAI*30.XI.65». (first day of issue). (Hellas 1011/1012). FDC 5 2179 FC Commemorative FDC canc. with «ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΣΜΟΥ*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*29.XI.67» fr. with 4,5dr. of 1967 «U.N.I.D.O. Convention» (first day of issue). (Hellas 1077). FDC 10 2180 FC 5dr 1968 F.I.A. Assembly on illustrated cover canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*29.III.68» (first day of issue). (Hellas 1091). FDC 8 2181 FC 1986 Olympian Gods, complete set of 12 values on 2 FDCs, canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*17 II.86». (Hellas 1719/1730). FDC 22 2182 FC 1988 Europa, complete set on FDC, var. «horizontally imperforate».. (Hellas 1793A/1794A). FDC 12 2183 FC 1988 European Council, set of 2 values on cover, canc.THESSALONIKI*2.XII.88 (First Day of Issue). (Hellas 1823A/1824A). FDC 10 2184 FC 1990 Europa, complete set of 2 values on FDC, var. «horizontally imperforate». (Hellas 1849A/1850A). FDC 5 2185 FC 1991 Europa, complete se-tenant horizontally imperforate set on unofficial FDC. (Hellas 1883A/1884A). FDC 8 2186 FC 1996 Greek Castles (part I), complete set of 9 values horizontally imperforate on unofficial FDC. (Hellas 2006A/2014A). FDC 30 2187 FC Athens 2004- 23 months before the Games, complete set of 2 values on cover canc. «ΑΡΧΑΙΑ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ*13.IX.02» (first day of issue). (Hellas 2166G/2167G). FDC 15 2188 FC Athens 2004- 100 weeks before the Games, complete set of 2 values on cover canc. «ΑΡΧΑΙΑ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ*13.IX.02» (first day of issue). (Hellas 2166D/2167D). FDC 15 2189 FC Athens 2004- 700 days before the Games, complete set of 2 values on cover canc. «ΑΡΧΑΙΑ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ*13.IX.02» (first day of issue). (Hellas 2166E/2167E). FDC 15 2190 FC «Athens 2004: Sports equipment» issue, the M/S on unofficial FDC cover (with official FDC canc.). Hellas: F24 FDC 30 2191 FC «Personal stamps 2003» issue, the M/S on unofficial FDC cover (with official FDC canc.). Hellas: F26 FDC 20 2192 FC 15.1.2004. «Athens 2004: Olympic cities» issue, the M/S on unofficial FDC cover (with official FDC canc.). Hellas: F32 FDC 35 2193 FC 13.8.2004. «Athens 2004: Athens-Beijing» issue, the M/S unofficial FDC cover (with official FDC canc.). Hellas: F42. FDC 12 2194 FC 2005 Greek caricature, complete set of 6 values of Self-adhesive stamps (from booklet) with 13 imperforate labels on 6 unofficial FDC. (Hellas 2378A/2383A). FDC 25 2195 FC 2010 Greek Islands IV, complete set of 10 values horizontally imperforate on 3 covers canc. «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*14.Χ.10» (first day of issue). FDC 19 2196 1961 complete year in 7 official FDC. (Hellas 881/900). FDC 40 2197 1962 compl.year of 4 sets on 5 official illustr.covers of Greek P.O.with commemor.cancels of FDC,unused. (Hellas 901/915 - 16,80 E ). FDC 6 2198 1963 the 6 issues of the year on 7 official covers of the Greek P.O.with commemorat.cancels of «First Day of Issue»,unused. (Hellas 916/922+932/950- 37 E ). FDC 12 2199 1964 the 7 issued official FDCs for 5 issues on illustr.covers with commemor.cancels. (Hellas 961/972+974/985 - 15,40 E ). FDC 5 2200 1965 the 8 sets on 8 official illustr.covers of Greek P.O.with commemor.cancels of FDC,unused. (Hellas 986/990+994/1008 - 9,40 E ). FDC 3 2201 1966 Collection of FDC (popular art excluded), eight covers. FDC 5 2202 1967 complete year on 8 official FDC. (Hellas 1052/1076+1078/1080). FDC 6 2203 1968 complete year on 11 official FDC. (Hellas 1082/1090+1092/1103+1105/1111). FDC 7 2204 1969 complete year on 9 official FDC. (Hellas 1113/1138). FDC 8 2205 1970 complete year on 7 official FDC. (Hellas 1139/1144+1156/1169+1175/1177). FDC 8 2206 1971 complete year on 8 official FDC. (Hellas 1178/1203). FDC 9 2207 1972 complete year on 11 official FDC. (Hellas 1204/1237). FDC 7 2208 1973 complete year on 14 official FDC. (Hellas 1238/1279). FDC 10 2209 1974 complete year on 9 official FDC. (Hellas 1280/1310). FDC 4 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 63 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2210 1975 complete year on 11 FDC. (Hellas 1311/1344). FDC 6 2211 1976 complete year on 11 official FDC. (Hellas 1345/1373). FDC 6 2212 1977 11 FDCs Inter.Year of Rheumatic Patients, Europa, Transport Ministers Conference, Alexander The Great, Restoration of Democracy, Archbishop Makarios, Contemporary Architecture, Navarino naval battle, Environmental protection, Greeks abroad, Painters, compl.sets on 14 covers.(Hellas 1374/1417). FDC 5 2213 1978 complete year on 14 official FDC. (Hellas 1418/1459+F1). FDC 5 2214 1979 complete year on 14 official FDC. (Hellas 1463/1517). FDC 5 2215 1980 complete year on 11 officials covers. (Hellas 1518/1556). FDC 4 2216 1981 complete year on 9 official FDC. (Hellas 1557/1590). FDC 4 2217 1982 complete year on 11 officials covers. (Hellas 1591/1620+F2/F3). FDC 6 2218 1983 complete year on 12 official FDC. (Hellas 1621/1661). FDC 7 2219 1984 complete year on 9 official FDC. (Hellas 1662/1686+F4). FDC 8 2220 1985 complete year on 10 official FDC. (Hellas 1687/1718+F5). FDC 9 2221 1986,8 sets on official covers with commemorat.canc.First Day of Issue,unused.The Olympian Gods set omitted for a compl.year. (Hellas 1731/1753). FDC 13 2222 1987 complete year on 12 official FDC. (Hellas 1754/1787+F6). FDC 16 2223 1988 complete year on 11 official FDC. (Hellas 1788/1824). FDC 37 2224 1989 complete year on 11 official FDC. (Hellas 1825/1844+F7). FDC 20 2225 1990,complete year (8 sets) on official covers with commemorat.canc.First Day of Issue,unused. (Hellas 1845/1879). FDC 18 2226 1991 complete year on 8 official FDC. (Hellas 1880/1896+F9). FDC 14 2227 1992 complete year on 9 official FDC. (Hellas 1897/1928+F10). FDC 30 2228 1993 complete year on 6 official FDC. (Hellas 1929/1945+F11). FDC 20 2229 1994 complete year on 8 official FDC. (Hellas 1946/1971+F12). FDC 12 2230 1995 complete year on 7 official FDC. (Hellas 1972/1997). FDC 27 2231 1996 complete year on 10 official FDC. (Hellas 1998/2022+F13/F15). FDC 45 2232 1997 complete year on 9 official FDC. (Hellas 2023/2057). FDC 32 2233 1998 complete year on 8 official FDC. (Hellas 2058/2088+F16). FDC 20 2234 1999 complete year on 10 official FDC. (Hellas 2089/2117). FDC 22 2235 2000 complete year on 11 official FDC. (Hellas 2118/2148+F17). FDC 22 2236 2001 complete year on 7 official FDC. (Hellas 2149/2165+F18/F19). FDC 22 2237 2002 complete year on 12 official FDC. (Hellas 2168/2211+F20+F23). FDC 62 2238 2003 complete year in 12 official FDC. (Hellas 2212/2281+F25+F28). FDC 65 2239 2004, complete year on 32 official FDC. (Hellas 2282/2298+2301/2310+2312/2313+2316/2345+F34/ F35+F38/F39+F41). FDC 125 2240 2005 complete year on 13 official FDC. (Hellas 2346/2387+2389+2401). FDC 67 2241 2006, 14 official FDC (only the «Ancient Greek Technology» set is missing). (Hellas 2405/2411+2414/2 419+2421/2438+2447/2459+F45/F48). FDC 75 2242 2007 complete year on 12 official FDC. (Hellas 2460/2499+F50). FDC 52 2243 2008 complete year on 10 official FDC. (Hellas 2500/2544). FDC 60 2244 2009 complete year on 13 official FDC. (Hellas 2545/2588+F53+F56/F58). FDC 105 2245 2010 Complete year on 9 official FDC. (Hellas 2589/2637). FDC 125 MAXIMUM CARDS 2246 FC 1dr 1933 Landscapes (De La Rue plates) on maxim card canc. «ATHINAI*18.XI.36». (Hellas 516). PPC 15 2247 FC 100dr Ancient art (part I) on maxima card , canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*ΠΛ.ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑΤΟΣ*5.Ι.54»(first day ofissue).(Hellas 729) FDC 10 2248 FC 300dr Ancient art (part I) on maxima card , canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΟΝ*5.Ι.54»(first day ofissue). (Hellas 731) FDC 10 2249 FC 100dr.+200dr.+300dr.+600dr. 1954 Ancient Art (part I) on three maxima cards. (Hellas 729 + 730 + 731 + 733). FDC 40 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 64 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2250 FC PPC «(Audience)» b&w fr.20l.1959 Ancient Theater (Audience) canc.»AΘHNAI*27-ΧΙ-59». (Hellas 823). PPC 6 2251 FC 2.50dr. 1959 Ancient Theatre on Maxima Card, unused. (Hellas 826). VF. FDC 10 2252 FC 1.50dr 1961 Tourist publicity on maximum card canc. «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ*25.VI.62». (Hellas 870). PPC 10 2253 FC PPC «Delphi.Theatre and Temple of Apollo» b&w (Stournaras W.1501) fr.6dr.1961 Tourist Publicity (Delphi.Theatre & Temple of Apollo) canc.»ΔΕΛΦΟΙ*3-V-61». (Hellas 876). PPC 15 2254 FC PPC «Athens.The Acropolis» colour.(Hassid 11) fr.70l.1961 Tourist Publicity (Acropolis) canc.»ΑTHIΝΑΙ*28-VII-61». (Hellas 867). PPC 8 2255 FC 40l. 1960 Scouts on Maxima Card, unused. (Hellas 845). FDC 10 2256 FC 10dr 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games on maxima card canc. «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ*24.Χ.64» (first day of issue). (Hellas 985). FDC 7 2257 FC 2.50dr 1966 Ancient Theatre on maxima card canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*26.V.66» (first day of issue). (Hellas 1031). FDC 7 2258 FC 1965 Post Office Savings Bank, complete set of 2 values on 2 maxim cards canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*30.XI.65» (first day of issue). (Hellas 1009/1010). FDC 12 2259 FC 1dr 1970 Mosaic Art on maxima card canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*16.III.70». (Hellas 1140). PPC 6 2260 FC 15dr 1977 Europa on maxima card canc. «ΤΖΕΡΜΙΑΔΟΝ*9.VI.77». (Hellas 1381). PPC 7 2261 FC 1975 7dr Papaflessas on maximum card canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*26.Χ.75». (Hellas 1312). PPC 7 2262 FC 30dr 1977 Environmental protection on maximum card canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*2.III.78». (Hellas 1406). PPC 5 2263 FC 26dr 1987 Column Capitals on maxima card canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*2.III.88». (Hellas 1772). PPC 7 2264 FC 40dr 1987 Column Capitals on maxima card canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*2.III.88». (Hellas 1773). PPC 7 2265 FC 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, complete set of 5 values (4dr+20dr+30dr horizontaly imperforate) on Maxima Cards, all canc. with «ΜΑΞΕΛΛΑΣ’88-ΧΡΥΣΗ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΔΑ 1996*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*11-11-88» (last day of the exhibition). (Hellas 1795A/1797A+1798/1799). PPC 22 2266 FC 1989 Wild Flowers, complete set of 7 values on 9 Maxima Cards. (Hellas 1838/1844). PPC 32 2267 FC 90dr 1994 Greek Presidency of rhe E.U. on maximum card canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*5.X.94». (Hellas 1956). FDC 5 2268 FC 80dr 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games on maxima card canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑ*7.Χ.96». (Hellas 2001). PPC 8 2269 FC 2003 Greek Presidency of the E.U. on 4 official Maxima Cards. (Hellas 2227/2230). PPC 15 2270 FC 2005 Greek Flora, complete set of 5 values in maximum cards. (Hellas 2358/2362). PPC 16 2271 FC 2007 Anniversaries and events, complete set of 9 values on official maximum cards. (Hellas 2467/2475). FDC 21 2272 FC 2008 Greek traditional products, complete set of 6 values on maximum cards. (Hellas 2529/2534). PC 15 2273 FC 20/10/2008 Historical Sports club, complete set of 4 values in maximum cards. (Hellas 2535/2539). PPC 12 2274 FC . FDC OFFER 2275 FC . FDC OFFER 2276 FC . FDC OFFER 2277 FC . FDC OFFER 2278 FC . FDC OFFER 2279 FC . FDC OFFER 2280 FC . FDC OFFER 2281 FC . FDC OFFER 2282 FC . FDC OFFER 2283 FC . FDC OFFER 2284 FC . FDC OFFER 2285 FC . FDC OFFER 2286 FC . FDC OFFER 2287 FC . FDC OFFER 2288 FC . FDC OFFER 2289 FC . FDC OFFER 2290 FC . FDC OFFER 2291 FC . FDC OFFER 2292 FC . FDC OFFER 2293 FC . FDC OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 65 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2294 FC . FDC OFFER 2295 FC . FDC OFFER 2296 FC . FDC OFFER 2297 FC . FDC OFFER 2298 FC . FDC OFFER 2299 FC . FDC OFFER 2300 FC . FDC OFFER 2301 FC . FDC OFFER 2302 FC . FDC OFFER 2303 FC . FDC OFFER 2304 FC . FDC OFFER 2305 FC . FDC OFFER 2306 FC . FDC OFFER 2307 FC . FDC OFFER 2308 FC Germany 1980 (14/08), 60Pf on maxima card. FDC OFFER 2309 FC . FDC OFFER 2310 FC . FDC OFFER 2311 FC . FDC OFFER 2312 FC . FDC OFFER 2313 FC . FDC OFFER 2314 FC . FDC OFFER 2315 FC . FDC OFFER 2316 FC . FDC OFFER 2317 FC . FDC OFFER 2318 FC . FDC OFFER 2319 FC . FDC OFFER 2320 FC . FDC OFFER 2321 FC . FDC OFFER 2322 FC . FDC OFFER 2323 FC . FDC OFFER 2324 FC . FDC OFFER 2325 FC . FDC OFFER 2326 FC . FDC OFFER 2327 FC . FDC OFFER 2328 FC . FDC OFFER 2329 FC . FDC OFFER 2330 FC Germany 1988 (5/5), compl. set of 2 values on maxima cards. FDC OFFER 2331 FC Germany 1988 (10/11), compl.set of 4 values on maxima cards. FDC OFFER 2332 FC . FDC OFFER 2333 FC Germany 1991 (5/11), 100Pf on maxima card. FDC OFFER 2334 FC Germany 1991 (5/11), 100Pf on maxima card. FDC OFFER 2335 FC . FDC OFFER 2336 FC . FDC OFFER 2337 FC . FDC OFFER 2338 FC . FDC OFFER 2339 FC . FDC OFFER 2340 FC France 1986 (8/3), 1,80Fr on maxima card. FDC OFFER 2341 FC France 1986 (4/10), 2X2,20Fr on maxima cards. FDC OFFER 2342 FC 7.25 Gronland 1992 on maxima card.(Mi.225). FDC OFFER 2343 FC 4.00Kr Gronland 1993 on maxima card.(Mi.242). FDC OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 66 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2344 FC 4.00Kr Gronland 1994 on maxima card.(Mi.246). FDC OFFER 2345 FC 7.25Kr Gronland 1995 on maxima card.(Mi.259). FDC OFFER 2346 FC 4.50+0.50kr Gronland 1997 on maxima card.(Mi.299). FDC OFFER 2347 FC 4.75Kr Gronland 1997 on maxima card.(Mi.309). FDC OFFER 2348 FC 5.75Kr Gronland 1999 on maxima card.(Mi.343). FDC OFFER 2349 FC 4.75Kr Gronland 2000 on maxima card.(Mi.355). FDC OFFER 2350 FC Gronland 2000, complete set of 2 values on maxima cards.(Mi.356/.357). FDC OFFER 2351 FC 15.00Kr Gronland 2001 on maxima card.(Mi.368). FDC OFFER 2352 FC . FDC OFFER 2353 FC Gronland 2005, complete set of 3 values on maxima cards.(Mi.431/433). FDC OFFER 2354 FC Jersey 1982, compl. set of four on maxima cards.(Mi.278/281). FDC OFFER 2355 FC . FDC OFFER 2356 FC Liechtenstein 1983, 80r on maxima card.(Yv.771). FDC OFFER 2357 FC . FDC OFFER 2358 FC . FDC OFFER 2359 FC . FDC OFFER 2360 FC . FDC OFFER 2361 FC . FDC OFFER 2362 FC . FDC OFFER 2363 FC . FDC OFFER 2364 FC RSA 1984 (24/02), set of four on maxima cards. FDC OFFER 2365 FC . FDC OFFER 2366 FC . FDC OFFER 2367 FC . FDC OFFER 2368 FC . FDC OFFER 2369 FC . FDC OFFER FIRST FLIGHTS 2370 FC 19.9.1926. Piraeus - Brindisi, by Aero-Espresso Italiana. Registered cover to Milano, franked with 3x2dr. litho. stamps, canc. «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ * ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΑ * 18.ΣΕΠ.26», transit «BRINDISI * POSTA AEREA * 19.9.26», arr. at Milano on 21.9.1926. Special rubber cachets «SURTAXE / AΈRIENNE / PERCUE EN / NUMERAIRE» in black & blue (type AC4aB), applied on departure. Airmail fee was paid cash since the airmail stamps were not ready yet. Hellas: FF-18i. FFC 300 2371 FC 29.9.1926. Athens-Brindisi: 6th Flight of Aero-Espresso. Cover to England, franked with 3dr. litho. stamp, canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΟΥ / 29 ΣΕΠ .26», arr. «BRINDISI * POSTA AEREA * 29.9.26». Special rubber cachet «SURTAXE AÉRIENNE / PERCUE EN / NUMERAIRE» (type AC4aA with accent on ‘E’) in violet, applied on departure. Airmail fee was paid cash since the airmail stamps were not ready yet. Hellans FF-16Bic. FFC 30 2372 FC 23.10.1926. Athens-Brindisi: On 22.10.1926 the Athens P.O. commences the sale of stamps issued by Aero Espresso Italiana. Of the flight of 23.10.1926 less than 10 letters are known with the new stamps. Depart. canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΟΥ / 22.ΟΚΤ.26», on back transit «BRINDISI * POSTA AEREA * 23.10.26», arr. «GALLARATE * (MILANO) * 25.10.26». Franking: 3dr. letter rate, 5dr. airmail fee. (Hellas: FF-22). FFC 300 2373 FC 24.11.1926. Athens - Istanbul: Fourth flight with airmail stamps to Istanbul. Cover franked with 3x20l. litho. plus 3dr. Air stamps, canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ * ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ * 24.ΝΟΕ.26», arr. «GALATA -5- / (date unclear)». Hellas: FF-23Aii. FFC 45 2374 FC 12.12.1926. Athens - Istanbul: Fifth AEI flight with airmail stamps to Istanbul. Cover franked with 3dr. litho. plus 3dr.+5dr. Air stamps, canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΟΥ / 12.ΔΕΚ.26», arr. at Galata (Istanbul) on 12.12.1926. Hellas: FF-23Aii. FFC 50 2375 FC 13.3.1928. Athens - Brindisi - (Germany): Single use of the 5dr. Air stamp of aero Espresso on cover to Germany franked with additional 1dr. stamp, canc. «AΘΗΝΑΙ * ΑΕΡOΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ * 15 MAP.28», arr. «BRINDISI * POSTA AEREA * 13.3.28». Hellas: FF22ii. C 25 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 67 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2376 FC 11.7.1929. London - Karachi Service by Imperial Airways via Rome and Athens. Italian PPC franked on view side with Italian 25c. + 50c. ‘Imperiale’ plus 1,20L. Air (airmail rate per 15grs.), canc. «ROMA FERROVIA * POSTA AEREA * 11.7.29», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ (ΑΦΙΞΙΣ) / 12 ΙΟΥΛ. 29». ONLY 10 FLOWN. Hellas: FF-46B. FFC 220 2377 FC 19.2.1930. Athens - Mytilene. First Flight by Aero Espresso Italiana. Mytilene new landing place on the route Athens - Istanbul. «Athenes - Vue partielle» real photo sepia PPC, franked with 2dr. Air stamp + 1dr. ‘Landscapes’, canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ * ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ * 18 ΦΕΒ.30», arr. «ΜΥΤΙΛΗΝΗ * ΑΦΙΞΙΣ * 19 ΦΕΒ.30». 103 Flown - Hellas: FF-79B. FFC 40 2378 FC 15.4.1930. Salonica - Bushire (Persia). First Flight on the new itinerary of the England - India Line by Imperial Airways. Registered air cover to Bushire with boxed violet «PAR AVION JUSQU’A ....» (First Day of Use of this cachet in Salonica) & depart. canc. «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ * ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΑ * 13.ΙV.1930», arr. «BOUCHIR (ARRIVEE) * 17.IV.30». 24 Flown - Goddard No.94H. FFC 120 2379 FC 18.5.1930. Salonica - London. First airmail to London on the route India - England by Imperial Airways. Air cover with franking of 3,90drs. (0,90drs. printed matter rate + 3drs. airmail fee) with departure cachet «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ * ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ * 17.V.30» & special boxed violet cachet «PAR AVION / JUSQU’ A London». 27 Flown - Hellas: FF-109. FFC 150 2380 FC «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*30.JUIL.30» first flight registered cover to «NAPOLI*31.7.30» by AO with air-cachet type 15bA in violet, destination «SHANGHAI*18.8.30» and returned to sender. All transits cachets. (Hellas FF123J). FFC 20 2381 FC 25.5.1931. Karachi - London Line by Imperial airways. First Flight Mirabella Bay (Irakleion) - London. Air cover to London with red commemorative cachet & depart. canc. «ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ * 24.ΜΑΙ.31» in violet. 75 Flown. Goddard No. 172E. FFC 35 2382 FC 12.11.1931. Athens - Jannina. First Flight by EEES. Registerede air cover franked with 2x20l. + 2x40l. +5l.+1dr.+3dr. (total: 5,25dr. incl. 1dr. airmail fee), with violet commemorative cachet & depart. canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / 12.ΧΙ.31», arr. «ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ - (ΑΦΙΞΙΣ) / 12.ΧΙ.31». Air Arrival cachet in violet on back & special air label (pink/blue) affixed on departure (First Day of Use of the new label). 881 Flown - Hellas: FF-208C. FFC 15 2383 FC 1.12.1931. Mirabella Bay (St. Nicholas) - Athens. First Flight by Imperial Airways. Cover franked with 10l. Charity + 2x1dr. ‘Landscapes’, canc. «ΑΓΙΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ * -1 ΔΕΚ.1931», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΑΦΙΞΙΣ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / 1.ΧΙΙ.31» & Αir Arrival cachet in black. ONLY 12 FLOWN- Goddard No. 231. FFC 220 2384 FC 28.3.1932. Air Crash at Crotone, Italy. Indochina - Greece - Marseilles route by Air Orient. Commercial air cover from Saigon (7.3.1932) to Paris (30.3.1932) with the stamps washed off, handstamped «COURRIER ACCIDENTE» (type CAC1) on arrival. The Corfu to Naples Air Orient seaplane from Corfu to Naples landed at Crotone in bad weather but broke its moorings and was stranded on a beach, the mails being soaked by sea water. Hellas: CF-12. FFC 150 2385 FC «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*19.IV.32» first flight cover to (Limassol*19.4.1932) (no arrival cachet) by IA with air cachet type 5A, commemorative cachet «ΕΝΑΡΞΙΣ ΑΕΡΟΠ. ΣΥΓΚ. ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ-ΚΥΠΡΟΥ» in blue and «ΠΡΩΤΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΗ ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ*18.IV.32» in red. (Hellas 235). FFC 15 2386 FC 4.3.1933. Alexandria-Athens by Imperial Airways. «Satyrus» crash mail at Patroclos island. Registered air cover with depart. canc. «ALEXANDRIA / 3-MR.33» & arr. canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΑΦΙΞΙΣ ΣΥΣΤΗΜ. ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / -5.ΙΙΙ.33». The Liner «G ABFC» (Scipio type) was obliged to make a forced landing, due to lack of petrol, on a heavy sea, near Patroclos Island, off cape Sounion. The mail was brought to Athens the same evening. ONLY 3 KNOWN - Hellas: CF-15. FFC 400 2387 FC 9.5.1933. Athens - Kuwait. Imperial Airways England-Greece-India Line. Air cover with violet boxed cachet «ΕΝΑΕΡΙΩΣ / PAR AVION», depart. canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / -9.V.33», arr. «KUWAIT * 11 MAY.33». ONLY 23 FLOWN - Hellas: FF-296. FFC 200 2388 FC 29.5.1933. Athens - Rome - Friedrichshafen. Return Flight of the Zeppelin Rome-fahrt. Registered cover to England, franked with complete ‘Zeppelin’ set of 3 (Hellas A5/A7) plus 2x8dr., depart. canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΣΥΣΤΗΜ. ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ / 27.V.33», commemor. connecting AEI cachet in red & Italian connecting cachets of Rome (29.5.33), arr. at Friedrichshafen with special green canc. (30.5.33). ZEIS Certificate (1985). Hellas: FF-293D2a. FFC 600 2389 FC 8.2.1934. Corfu - Bushire. First Flight of the weekly connection Corfu - Siam by Air France. PS card with depart. canc. «KEPKYPA / CORFOU / 7 FEVR.34» & arr. canc. «BOUCHEAR (ARRIVEE) / 10.II.34». Boxed black commemorative cachet on front. Air France was operating flights from Europe to Indochina in competition with KLM and Imperial Airways. Its fares were lower but KLM was considerably faster. 184 covers flown. Hellas: FF-326A. FFC 25 2390 FC 10.12.1934. Athens - Waingapoe. First Flight on the England - Dutch East Indies and Australia Service by Imperial Airways (and Qantas Empire Airways - to Australia). IA commemorative cover with special commemorative cachet in blue, depart canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ / 10.ΧΙΙ.34», arr. «WAINGAPOE * 27.12.34». Cover returned to Athens on 13.5.35. Only 30 flown - Hellas: FF-349Fa. FFC 100 2391 FC 5.3.1936. Athens - Canton. First Flight by Imperial Airways. Registered air cover to Shanghai, with black boxed cachet «PAR AVION JUSQU’A Canton», depart. canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΑΕΡΟΠ. ΣΥΣΤ. / -5 ΜΑΡ.1936», transit «CANTON / 17.3.36», arr. «SHANGHAI * 23.3.25» & black boxed «AIRPLANE NOT ARRIVED; RECEIVED BY Steamer». Airmail rate: 25drs per 5grs, Registration fee: 5drs. Hellas: FF366B. FFC 280 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 68 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2392 FC «CAIRO*21.AU.36» crash flight «SCIPIO» to «ENGLAND» by IA, crashed at «MIRABELLA BAY*22.8.36» and the mail delivered either by the next IA flight or by rail via «PARIS» to «LONDON» where cancelled with «DAMAGED-BY-SEA WATER» in black type d(SANFORD catalogue), (Hellas CF19). CF 100 2393 FC 8.12.1940. Athens - Korytsa by Royal Hellenic Air Force (abandoned at Larissa). Illustr. military PS card with air label (type AL38B), canc. «ΤΑΧ. ΤΟΜΕΥΣ 451 * -8.ΧΙΙ.40», arr. canc. on back «ΚΟΡΥΤΣΑ * -9.Ι.41». Hellas: MF-31. FFC 100 2394 FC 5.12.1944. O.A.S. military cover to England, canc. on back «FIELD POST OFFICE 776 * 5 DE 44» (Athens) with «Opened by Censor» censorship tape sealed with violet cachet «PASSED BY R.A.F. BASE CENSOR No.29 / 5-DEC.1944». Rare. Hellas: MF-48I. C 25 2395 FC 13.3.1945. Military air cover to Kalimpang, India, franked with Indian 8as., canc. «F.P.O. No 86 / 13 MAR. 45» & violet censorship cachet «PASSED BY CENSOR No 5963», arr. at Kalimpang on 22.4.1945. Hellas: MF-49D. C 80 2396 FC 8.4.1945. British air letter to England, posted free of charge (military), canc. «F.P.O. No 24 / 9 APR. 45» & violet censorship cachet «PASSED BY CENSOR No 3025». Hellas: MF-49C. Text refers, among others, in living conditions in Macedonia («... locals live in crashed aeroplanes...»). C 40 2397 FC 4.3.1950. Jerusalem - Amman - Athens. Registered commercial cover franked with stamps of Palestine & Transjordan, posted by air from Bethlehem (3.3.1950), via Jerusalem (4.3.1950) and Amman (6.3.1950) arrived at Athens on 10.3.1950. Hellas: FF-458A. FFC 30 2398 FC 19.7.1953. Greek Expeditionary Force, Korea - Athens. Military airmail cover (inscribed «Free / RHAF») to Piraeus, with sender’s address at 13th Hellenic Fl., RHAF GAPO 5802, U.S. machine canc. «ARMY - AIR FORCE POSTAL SERVICE / JUL-19-1953 / 67», arr. «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ / ΑΦΙΞΙΣ * 2.VIII.53». Hellas: MF-64B. C 50 2399 FC First flight cover Munchen-Athen with first date canc. (10.5.59), by LH 294A, (Hellas 507E). FFC 10 2400 FC Canc. «LUFTHANSA*ΜΕΤΑΦΕΡΘΗ ΜΕ ΠΡΩΤΗΝ ΠΤΗΣΙΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ-ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΑΣ(HAMBURG)*14. ΜΑΙΟΥ.1959» by LH 295, (Hellas 508D). FFC 8 2401 FC Canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-ΚΩΣ*6.4.64/1η ΠΤΗΣΙΣ» on airmail cover fr. with 2.50dr, arr. «KOS*6.IV.64». (Hellas 574). FDC 5 2402 FC 1.6.1966. Athens - New York by OA. «International shows / July - December 1965» program brochure with Olympic Airways advertisement, posted to USA, in a wrapper franked with commemorative stamp & cachet for the First Flight (1.6.1966), arr. the same day at New York, on back. Interesting and scarce. Hellas: FF-585. FFC 20 2403 FC Canc. «1er VOL THESSALONIKI-WIEN PAR CARAVELLE*8.ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ.1966» by AUA, on illustrated private air-letter with photo «Thessaloniki. Twelve Apostles», (Hellas 589B). FFC 6 2404 FC Canc. «1er VOL FRANKFURT-ATHENES.....-DAR ES SALAAM*30.12.66» by LH, (Hellas 591). FFC 6 2405 FC Canc. «1st GREEK FLIGHT ATHENS-(MONTREAL)-CHICAGO*11-6-69» with OA, on cover fr. with 8dr. (Hellas 623). FFC OFFER 2406 FC Canc. «PREMIER VOL ATHENES-MULHOUSE*3-4-70» with AF, on cover fr. with 5dr. (Hellas 632B). FFC OFFER 2407 FC Canc. «1ER VOL ATHENES-LYON*4-4-70» with AF, on cover fr. with 5dr. (Hellas 634). FFC OFFER 2408 FC Cover canc. with «FIRST FLIGHT ATHENS-FRANKFURT*(14.1.1974)*LH 645 WITH DC-10», (Hellas 695E). FFC OFFER 2409 FC Commemorative canc. «1st FLIGHT DC-10 FRANKFURT-ATHENS*18-1-74» with LH, on cover. (Hellas 696A). FFC OFFER 2410 FC Canc. «1st FLIGHT ATHENS-BOMBAY-BANGKOK-HONG KONG» (18-1-74) by LH DC-10, on cover fr. with 6,5dr.+2dr. (Hellas 696C). FFC OFFER 2411 FC Cover canc. with «ERSTFLUG THESSALONIKI-ISTANBUL*6.4.74* with DC-9» by AUA, (Hellas 700B). FFC OFFER 2412 FC Canc. «LH-640*1st FLIGHT ATHENS-KARACHI-TOKYO*11-1-75» by DC-10, on cover fr. with 2dr.+4,5dr.+8,5dr. (Hellas 704A). FFC OFFER 2413 FC Canc. «LH-319*1st FLIGHT THESSALONIKI-DUSSELDORF*5-4-75» by LH B727, on cover fr. with 7dr. (Hellas 709). FFC 3 2414 FC «3-4-1976*ATHENS-CAIRO, AUA FIRST FLIGHT», by DC-9 on illustrated card fr. with 4dr.+1,5dr. (Hellas 716B). FFC OFFER 2415 FC «1-7-1976*ΣΑΝΤΟΡΙΝΗ-ΑΘΗΝΑ, OA ΠΡΩΤΗ ΠΤΗΣΙΣ», on cover fr. with 2x2dr. (Hellas 721). FFC OFFER 2416 FC Canc. «12-7-1976*ATHINAI-DHAHRAN-DUBAI, OA 1ST FLIGHT», on cover fr. with 2x4dr. (Hellas 722B). FFC OFFER 2417 FC Canc. «14-7-1976*ATHINAI-BENGHAZI, OA FIRST FLIGHT», on cover fr. with 2x4dr. (Hellas 723). FFC OFFER 2418 FC Canc. «3-12-1976*ATHENS-MELBOURNE, OA FIRST FLIGHT», on cover fr. with 2dr.+11dr. (Hellas 726). FFC OFFER 2419 FC Pre-printed «ROYAL AIR FORCES ESCAPING SOCIRTY/DUKE OF YORK’S HQ LONDON S.W.3» and «ΕΠΙΣΤΡΟΦΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΚΡΗΤΗ» fr. with 4.50dr. National Costumes III issue posted from «ΧΑΝΙΑCHANIA*12 ΙΧ 77». On front informations about the flight and pilots. C 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 69 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2420 FC Cover canc. with «FIRST FLIGHT ATHEN-MUNCHEN-DUSSELDORF*1.4.78*by LH 317 with AIRBUS A300» arr. «DUSSELDORF*1.4.78», (Hellas 735B). FFC OFFER 2421 FC Canc. «FIRST FLIGHT LUFTHANSA-AIRBUS A300-LH 622 ATHENS JEDDAH*ΑΘΗΝΑ*15-4-78» on illustrated cover fr. with 2X4dr, arr. «JEDDAH*17.4.1978». (Hellas 738B). FFC OFFER 2422 FC Canc. «FIRST FLIGHT LH 623/ATHEN-FRAKFURT-LUFTHANSA/AIRBUS A 300*ΑΘΗΝΑ*16-4-78» on cover fr. with 2X1,50dr and 4dr, arr. «FRANKFURT AM MAIN 3 FLUGHAFEN*16-4.78». (Hellas 739B). FFC OFFER 2423 FC «20-7-1979*ΣΠΑΡΤΗ-ΑΘΗΝΑΙ(25-7-1979), ΟΑ 1ST FLIGHT» on cover fr. with 5dr., (Hellas 752). FFC 3 2424 FC Canc. «29-3-1981*ATHENS-LYON, ΟΑ 1ST FLIGHT» on cover fr. with 17dr., (Hellas 761). FFC OFFER 2425 FC Canc. «3-4-1981*ATHENS-JOHANNESBURGH, ΟΑ 1ST FLIGHT» by B747, on cover fr. with 20dr.+3dr., (Hellas 765B). FFC OFFER 2426 FC Canc. «29-3-1982*THESSALONIKI(2-4-82)-ZURICH, SA+OA 1ER VOL» by B727, on cover fr. with 12dr.+9dr., (Hellas 771). FFC OFFER 2427 FC Canc. «3-6-1983*ATHENS-AMMAN, OA 1ST FLIGHT» by B737, on cover fr. with 25dr.+7dr., (Hellas 781). FFC OFFER 2428 FC Canc. «1-4-1988*THESSALONIKI-PARIS, OA 1ST FLIGHT» on cover fr. with 32dr.+18dr., (Hellas 801). FFC OFFER 2429 FC 5.9.1988. Athens - Leipzig, First Flight by Interflug (with TU-134). Registered cover franked with FRAMA commemorative stamps of the ‘ATHENS ‘87’ Exhibition, canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΣΜΟΥ * -5.ΙΧ.88», arr. «LEIPZIG BPA * 12.9.88». Hellas: FF-804. FFC 12 NATIONAL RESISTANCE (LOCAL) ISSUES 2430 FC 1944 ovpt.»ΕΛΛΑΣ/Αγρίνιο»,compl.set of 4 values in bl.4,u/m.Whole safety marks on backside. (Hellas R26/R29). ** 90 2431 FC 1945 Alexandroupoli surcharge, complete set of 6 values in sheetlets of 25, u/m. Var. «ΑΥΤΟΔΙΟΚΗΣΗ» (pos.5) and «large ΕΒΡΟΥ» (pos.11). Superb. R. (Hellas R40/R45). ** 500 ALBANIA 2432 FC 1pi. bisected Ottoman stamp on fragment, canc. 3-ring oval BERAT (Arabic inscription only). (C&W 18). Δ 60 2433 FC June 1913, Vlore Government of Albania issue «Double headed Eagle & SHQIPENIA» black ovpt. on Turkish stamps, (1911) 2pa. olive used on small fragment. Signed Georg Buhler. (Mi.3). Δ 30 2434 FC June 1913, Vlore Government of Albania issue «Double headed Eagle & SHQIPENIA» black ovpt. on Turkish stamps, (1909) 20pa. rose perf. 13.5x12 used on fragment, canc. «VLONE / 8-9-1913 / SHQIPENIE» in violet. (Mi. 6). Δ 20 2435 FC June 1913, Vlore Government of Albania issue «Double headed Eagle & SHQIPENIA» black ovpt. on Turkish stamps, (1908) 2 1/2pi. dull sepia used on small fragment. (Mi.9). Δ 75 2436 FC June 1913, Vlore Government of Albania issue «Double headed Eagle & SHQIPENIA» black ovpt. on Turkish stamps, (1909) 5pi. dull lilac used. (Mi.10). o 100 2437 FC Provisional Vlore Government (1913-1914): 3rd Prov. issue, 16 June 1913 ‘Eagle’ ovpts, 5pi. dull lilac Turkish stamp (Mi.165IIC) handstamped in black with a double-headed ‘Eagle & SHQIPENIA’, used on fragment, canc. ELBASAN. Perf. 12x13 1/2. Signed Freyse, Calves & Prendushi. (Mi. 10) Δ 250 2438 FC 25 October 1913, Vlore Government of Albania 1913-14, 5th Prov. issue, square stamps with circular rubber stamp inscribed «Postat e Qeverries se Perkoheshme - te Shqipenies», small double-headed eagle in the center & values by use of a typewriter, the 1gr. value with inscription & eagle in VIOLET INSTEAD OF BLACK colour, used. (Mi. 20) o 12 2439 25 October 1913, Vlore Government of Albania 1913-14, 5th Prov. issue, square stamps with circular rubber stamp inscribed «Postat e Qeverries se Perkoheshme - te Shqipenies» & values by use of typewriter, 5 used values (the 5gr. value missing). (Mi. 18/23). o 30 2440 25 October 1913, Vlore Government of Albania 1913-14, 5th Prov. issue, square stamps with circular rubber stamp inscribed «Postat e Qeverries se Perkoheshme - te Shqipenies», small double-headed eagle in the center & values by use of a typewriter, the 5gr. value with eagle in BLACK INSTEAD OF BLUE colour, used. (Mi. 22) o 15 10pa.+ 29pa. + 1gr. 1913 stamps, value in blue ink, stamps in blue, red-orange and black color, with small eagle ovpt, mng. and u. (Mi.18-20). (*)/o 2441 FC OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 70 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2442 FC Vlore Government 1913-14, 5th Provisional issue, 15 Oct. 1913 handstamps: Registered cover to Germany, franked with 2x10pa. + 20pa. + 1gr. square stamps, canc. violet «VLONE / SHQIPENIE / 1911-1913», arr. on back «MUENCHEN 2.B.Z. / 22. NOV. 13.» Correct franking according to postal rate. Signed Freyse. (Mi. 2x18+19+20). C 90 2443 FC Vlore Government 1913-14, 5th Provisional issue, 15 Oct. 1913 handstamps: Commercial cover to Sarande (Agioi Saranda), franked with 1gr. square stamp, canc. «VLONE / SHQIPENIE / 27-11-1913». (Mi. 20) C 70 2444 FC Oct. 1913, Vlore Government of Albania, 2nd issue, imperf. stamps with circular handstamp «Postat e Qeverries se Perkoheshme / te Shqipenies» with small eagle & typewritten values, 2gr. blue on cover sent registered to Germany, canc. «VLONE / SHQIPENIE / 22-11-1913» in violet, arr. «MUENCHEN 2 B.Z. / 25.NOV.13». (Mi.21). Rare & VF. C 25 2445 FC 28 November 1913, Vlore Government of Albania 1913-14, 6th Prov. issue, Independence Anniv. stamps, registered cover to Germany, franked with complete set of 5, canc. «VLONE / SHQIPENIE / 1-12-1913», via Italy, arr. «MUNCHEN 2.B.Z. / 6 DEZ. 13». (Mi. 24/28) C 65 2446 FC 10q.+10q. red ‘Skanderbeg’ PS card with paid answer addressed to Germany, canc. red «VLONE / SHQIPENIE / 13-3-1914». Same canc. on ‘reponse’. Not travelled. PS 60 2447 FC Principality (22.1.1914-3.9.1914): 2-4-1914. Skanderbeg stamps with grosh and para overprint, complete set of 6 on registered cover to Gustav Freyse in Hamburg, Germany, canc. blue «DURRES / SHQIPENIE / 28-5-1914». Signed Freyse. (Mi. 41/46). C 30 2448 FC Principality (22.1.1914-3.9.1914): 16-4-1914. Postage dues, Skanderbeg stamps with «TAKSE» & grosh and para overprints: Cover addressed to Vlore with postage due stamps 1gr./25q. and 2gr./50q., canc. «VLONE / SHQIPENIE / 15-5-1914». (Mi. 8+9). C 20 2449 FC The post at Shkoder 1914-1915: 19-3-1915. Shkoder provisional issue for the Anniv. of Hoisting of Albanian Flag on Fortress of Rozafat, philatelic cover posted unfranked, canc. «OBOT / SHQIPENIE / 18-4-.1915», marked with «T» on arrival & Taxed with 50q. postage due stamp, canc. «SHKODER SHQYPENI * SCUTARI - ALBANIE * 25 APR 1915». C 200 2450 FC The Post of Essad Pasha’s Second Regime 1914-16: Handstamped defacement of Skanderbeg stamps, 2q. Skanderbeg plus 5 stamps with the Turkish currency surcharge on cover, all canc. bilingual «DURAZZO / 15.1.15». (Mi. 1,5/9). C 90 2451 FC Cover fr. Italian stamps pair 2x10c. V.E.III Leoni, canc. «POSTA MILITARE*115*/2-.9.17» (Albania), to Milano, Italy (arr.). C 10 2452 FC Cover (franchise) canc.military Austro-Hungarian «TABORI POSTAHIVALAT-9*8 JUN.916» to Vienna. C 40 2453 FC Cover fr. Italian stamp 20c. V.E.III Michetti, canc. «POSTA MILITARE*116*/-3.3.18» (Albania), to Gallarate (Milano), Italy (arr.). C 10 2454 FC Cover fr. Italian stamps pair 2x10c. V.E.III Leoni, canc. «POSTA MILITARE*116*/28.4.18» (Albania), to Gallarate (Milano), Italy (arr.). C 8 2455 FC Republican Regime 1924-28, cover from the Albanian Red Cross to Leipzig, Germany, franked with 2q.+10q.+25q. ovpt. diagonal «Republika Shqiptare» in black, canc. «TIRANE * MISJE - DEPART * -7.6.25». (Mi.119+121+122). C 40 2456 FC PREVESA: Italian military PS card, canc. «POSTA MILITARE N.139*-9.-3.43» to Lecce, Italy. Violet censor marking. PS 20 2457 FC «Danzatrici Albanesi» greenish PPC, unused. VF. PPC 12 2458 FC «Costumi Albanesi» b&w on yellowish PPC (Foto Enit No.152770), pu. VF. PPC 15 2459 FC «Albania-Fortezza Veneziana» greenish PPC, unused. VF. PPC 12 2460 FC «Un Pozzo Albanese» greenish PPC, unused. VF. PPC 14 2461 FC «Himara e vieter» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 15 2462 FC «Korca - Xhamija ilia Beut dhe Saati» b&w PPC on brown paper, u. In bad shape, with faults. PPC 10 2463 FC «Kostume Kombletare - Shkoder» b&w on yellow paper, unused. VF. PPC 15 2464 FC «Pellegrini Giorgio Albanese e De-Scalvis seguono la Taumaturga Immagine della Madonna del Buon Consiglio da Scutari (Albania) fino a Roma, attraversando il mare Adriatico a piedi asciutti» colored PPC in Italian, pu. VF. PPC 15 2465 FC «Shkoder-Kostum i Zadrimes» b&w photo-card (Distaptur), pu. VF. PPC 15 2466 FC «Valona-Il Mercato» greenish PPC, unused. VF. PPC 15 * 60 ATHOS MOUNTAIN (MONT-ATHOS) 2467 FC 5l. 1916 «Ι.Κοινότης Αγ. Ορους» ovpt on London issue postage due stamp, m. (Hellas 4). A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 71 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2468 FC 5l. 1916 «Ι.Κοινότης Αγ. Ορους» ovpt on 1913 Litho postage due stamp, var fallen «ς», u/m. (Hellas 5a). ** 90 2469 FC 25l. 1916 «Ι.Κοινότης Αγ. Ορους» ovpt on Lithographic issue (2nd period) postage due stamp, m. (Hellas 8). * 50 DEDEAGATCH 2470 FC 10l./10ct.red & black Bulgarian 1913 ovpt.»ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ/ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ/ΔΕΔΕΑΓΑΤΣ» in re-assembled sheetlet of 8 (4x2) stamps.The posit.1,2 & 8 m.,the rest u.Var.»ΔΕΛΕΑΓΑΤΣ instead of ΔΕΔΕΑΓΑΤΣ» in posit.6. (Hellas 2+2a).Scarce lot. */o 250 2471 FC Registered cover fr. with 10l/10ct in pair (pos.7-8) + 25l/5ct in pair (pos.3-4) posted from «ΔΕΔΕΑΓΑΤΣ», via «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*31 ΙΟΥΛ. 13» and «PARIS ENTRANCE*18-8-13, arr. «PARIS*18 AOUT 13». (Hellas 2+3). C 100 2472 FC 1913 1st label issue, sheetlet with 3 horizontal and 4 vertical perforations, u. (Hellas F6). o 50 2473 FC 1913 1st label issue, complete set of 3 values, mng. The 10l. used. (Hellas 6/8 - 81 euros catalog value). (*) 20 2474 FC 1902-1913 DEDEAGH inscription, complete set of 7 values, u/m. The 10c. with hinge. VF. (Hellas 10/16). ** 45 DODECANESE ITALIAN OCCUPATION - LOCAL NON ITALIAN ISSUES 2475 FC 1912 «Koinon Nisioton», complete set of 3 values in u/m bl.6. (Hellas 1/3). ** 30 2476 FC 1912 «Koinon Nisioton» issue in complete set of 3 values, u. (Hellas 1/3-105euro). o 30 C 30 DODECANESE 2477 FC Printed «ΑΡΧΗΓΕΙΟΝ/ΚΑΣΤΕΛΟΡΙΖΟΥ/ΕΛΛΑΣ» cover fr. with 2l. + 3l. + 5l. Campaign with «Καστελλόριζον» overprint, cancelled with «ΠΡΟΣ ΕΛΛ. ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤ. ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΗ ΚΑΣΤΕΛΛΟΡΙΖΟΥ*ΤΜΗΜΑ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΥ 1913» to Rodes. (Hellas 2/4). ITALIAN OCCUPATION - ITALIAN POST OFFICE ISSUES 2478 FC 1912 «EGEO» overprint in complete set of 2 values, m. (Hellas 1/2-80euro). * 10 2479 FC Large canc.POSTE ITALIANE-PATMOS (Egeo) on fragment fr.1912 ovpt.»EGEO» set of 2 values in bl.4. (Hellas 1/2). Δ 16 2480 FC 1912 «EGEO» overprint in complete set of 2 values, u. (Hellas 1/2-70euro). o 10 2481 FC 25cent of 1912 «EGEO» overprint in marginal bl.4, u. (Hellas 1-140euro). o 25 2482 FC 1912 First islands’ names overprints, complete set of 7 values with «Stampalia» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 3I/9I). ** 25 2483 FC 1912 «STAMPALIA» overprint in complete set of 7 values, m. (Hellas 3I/9I). * 10 2484 FC 1912 ovpt.»Piscopi» on Italian stamps,compl.set of 7 values,u/m. (Hellas 3 II/9 II). ** 24 2485 FC 1912 «PISCOPI» overprint in complete set of 7 values, m. (Hellas 3II/9II). * 10 2486 FC 2c. with overprint «Piscopi» in marginal strip of 4, u/m. (Hellas 3II). ** 10 2487 FC 1912 First islands’ names overprints, complete set of 7 values with «Calimno» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 3III/9III). ** 23 2488 FC 1912 First islands’ names overprints, complete set of 7 values with «Scarpanto» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 3IV/9IV). ** 25 2489 FC 1912 ovpt.»SCARPANTO»,compl.set of 7 values,m. (Hellas 3 IV/9 IV-44 E). * 10 2490 FC 1912 SCARPANTO and COS Ovpt 15c, u/m.(Hellas 6IV+6VI). ** 50 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 72 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2491 FC 1912, ovpt. «Caso», complete set of 7 in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 3V/9V). ** 80 2492 FC 1912, ovpt. «Caso», complete set of 7, u/m. (Hellas 3V/9V). ** 20 2493 FC 1912 Caso ovpt, compl. set of 7 values on 6 fragments and one bl.4 (15c.-high value in bl.4-1 stamp torn), all canc. «CASO (Egeo)», u. (Hellas 3V/9V). Δ/ο 28 2494 FC 1912 ovpt.»Cos»,compl.set of 7 values,m. (Hellas 3/9 VI-143 E). * 30 2495 FC 1912 ovpt.»LIPSO»,compl.set of 7 values,m. (Hellas 3 VII/9 VII-40 E). * 10 2496 FC 1912 «Leros» overprint in complete set of 7 values, u/m. (Hellas 3VIII/9VIII-240euro). ** 60 2497 FC 1912 «Leros» overprint in complete set of 7 values, m. (Hellas 3VIII/9VIII-120euro). * 30 2498 FC 1912 ovpt.»Leros»,compl.set of 7 values,u. (Hellas 3 VIII/9 VIII-54 E). o 30 2499 FC 1912 First islands’ names overprints, complete set of 7 values with «Nisiros» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 3IX/9IX). ** 25 2500 FC 1912 ovpt.»Nisiros»,compl.set of 7 values,m. (Hellas 3/9 IX-45 E). * 10 2501 FC 1912 STAMPALIA and NISIROS Ovpt 15c, u/m.(Hellas 6I+6IX). * 30 2502 FC 1912 First islands’ names overprints, complete set of 7 values with «Patmos» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 3X/9X). ** 23 2503 FC 1912 ovpt.»Patmos», compl.set of 7 val., m.(Hellas 3X/9X) * 10 2504 FC 1912 1st Island’s names, 15c ovpt. «RODI», u. (Hellas 6XI). o 4 2505 FC 1912 First islands’ names overprints, complete set of 7 values with «Simi» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 3XII/9XII). ** 48 2506 FC 1912 ovpt.»Simi» on Italian stamps,compl.set of 7 values,m. (Hellas 3 XII/9 XII). * 16 2507 FC 1912 ovpt.»Simi»,compl.set of 7 values,u. (Hellas 3 XII/9 XII). o 10 2508 FC 1912, ovpt. «Karki», complete set of 7 in bl.4, u/m. LUX. (Hellas 3XIII/9XIII). ** 80 2509 FC 1912, ovpt. «Karki», complete set of 7, u/m. (Hellas 3XIII/9XIII). ** 24 2510 FC 1912 ovpt.»Karki»,compl.set of 7 values,m. (Hellas 3/9 XIII-45 E). * 10 2511 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, complete set of 2 values with «Stampalia» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 10I/12I). ** 45 2512 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, 20c. with «Stampalia» ovpt., m. VF. (Hellas 12I). * 22 2513 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, complete set of 2 values with «Piscopi» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 10II/12II). ** 40 2514 FC 1916 «PISCOPI» overprint on 20c./15c. & 20c., m. (Hellas 10II+12II-82euro). * 20 2515 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, 20c. with «Piscopi» ovpt., m. VF. (Hellas 12II). * 19 2516 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, complete set of 2 values with «Calimno» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 10III/12III). ** 60 2517 FC 1916 20c./15c ovpt.»CALIMNO»,u/m (Hellas 10III) ** 10 2518 FC 1917 20c.orange (without wmk.) ovpt.»Calimno»,u/m (Hellas 12III) ** 40 2519 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, 20c. with «Calimno» ovpt., m. VF. (Hellas 12III). * 22 2520 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, complete set of 2 values with «Scarpanto» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 10IV/12IV). ** 70 2521 FC 20c./15c. & 20c. of 1916 «New domestic postal rates» with «Scarpanto» overprint, m. (Hellas 10IV+12IV-142euro). * 10 2522 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, 20c. with «Scarpanto» ovpt., m. VF. (Hellas 12IV). * 35 2523 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, complete set of 2 values with «Caso» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 10V/12V). ** 70 2524 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, 20c. with «Caso» ovpt., m. VF. (Hellas 12V). * 35 2525 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, complete set of 2 values with «Cos» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 10VI/12VI). ** 40 2526 FC 20c./15c. & 20c. of 1916 «New domestic postal rates», m. (Hellas 10VI+12VI-80euro). * 20 2527 FC 1916 20c./15c ovpt.»COS»,u/m (Hellas 10VI-40E) ** 10 2528 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, 20c. with «Cos» ovpt., m. VF. (Hellas 12VI). * 12 2529 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, complete set of 2 values with «Lipso» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 10VII/12VII). ** 40 2530 FC 20c./15c. & 20c. of 1916 «New domestic postal rates» with «Lipso» overprint, m. (Hellas 10VII+12VII85euro). * 2 2531 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, 20c. with «Lipso» ovpt., m. VF. (Hellas 12VII). * 19 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 73 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2532 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, complete set of 2 values with «Leros» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 10VIII/12VIII). ** 40 2533 FC 20c./15c. & 20c. of 1916 «New domestic postal rates» with «Leros» overprint, m. (Hellas 10VIII+12VIII80euro). * 20 2534 FC 1916 20c./15c.grey-black ovpt.LEROS, m.(HELLAS 10VIII) * 6 2535 FC 20c. 1919 Consecutive overprints, ovpt. «LEROS», without watermark, u/m. (Hellas 12VIII). ** 18 2536 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, complete set of 2 values with «Nisiros» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 10IX/12IX). ** 70 2537 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, 20c. with «Nisiros» ovpt., m. VF. (Hellas 12IX). * 32 2538 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, complete set of 2 values with «Patmos» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 10X/12X). ** 50 2539 FC 20c./15c. & 20c. of 1916 «New domestic postal rates» with «Patmos» overprint, m. (Hellas 10X+12X102euro). * 25 2540 FC 1917, «Patmos» ovpt., 20c. u/m pair.(Hellas 12X) ** 60 2541 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, 20c. with «Patmos» ovpt., m. VF. (Hellas 12X). * 18 2542 FC 1916-1917 RODI Ovpt 10c/25c, u/m.(Hellas 10XI). * 120 2543 FC 20c./15c.1916/7 ovpt.»RODI»,m. (Hellas 10 XI). * 40 2544 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, 20c. with «Rodi» ovpt., m. VF. (Hellas 12XI). * 50 2545 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, complete set of 2 values with «Simi» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 10XII/12XII). ** 40 2546 FC 1916 20c./15c.ovpt.»SIMI»,m. (Hellas 10 XII). * 4 2547 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, 20c. with «Simi» ovpt., m. VF. (Hellas 12XII). * 15 2548 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, complete set of 2 values with «Karki» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 10XIII/12XIII). ** 70 2549 FC 20c./15c. & 20c. of 1916 «New domestic postal rates» with «Karki» overprint, m. (Hellas 10XIII+12XIII143euro). * 35 2550 FC 1916-1917 New domestic postal rates, 20c. with «Karki» ovpt., m. VF. (Hellas 12XIII). * 30 2551 FC 1919 «Consecutive overprints», «Stampalia» overprint on 15c. & 20c., m. (Hellas 13I/14I-60euro). * 15 2552 FC 1919-1923 Consecutive overprints, complete set of 2 values with «Piscopi» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 13II/14II). ** 35 2553 FC 1916 «New domestic postal rates» with «PISCOPI» overprint on 15c. & 20c., m. (Hellas 13II/14II75euro). * 18 2554 FC (1919-1923) Consecutive ovpts., «Calimno» on 20c., u. (Hellas 14III). o 10 2555 FC 1919-1923 Consecutive overprints, complete set of 2 values with «Scarpanto» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 13IV/14IV). ** 35 2556 FC 15c. & 20c. of 1919 «Consecutive overprints» with «Scarpanto» overprint, m. (Hellas 13IV/14IV-75euro). * 15 2557 FC 1921/1922 ovpt.Leros, compl.m.set of 2 val. (HELLAS 13VIII/14VIII) * 50 2558 FC 15c. & 20c. of 1919 «Consecutive overprints» with «Leros» overprint, u/m. (Hellas 13VIII/14VIII362euro). ** 90 2559 FC 15c. & 20c. of 1919 «Consecutive overprints» with «Leros» overprint, m. (Hellas 13VIII/14VIII-181euro). * 45 2560 FC 1919-1923 Consecutive overprints, complete set of 2 values with «Nisiros» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 13IX/14IX). ** 65 2561 FC 15c. & 20c. of 1919 «Consecutive overprints» with «Patmos» overprint, m. (Hellas 13X/14X-176euro). * 40 2562 FC 1919-1923 Rodi Ovpt 15c, m.(Hellas 13XI). * 55 2563 FC 15c.1919/1923 ovpt.»Rodi»,u. (Hellas 13 XI). o 20 2564 FC 1919 «Consecutive overprints» with «Simi» overprint on 15c. & 20c., m. (Hellas 13XII/14XII-200euro). * 50 2565 FC 1919 «Consecutive overprints» with «Simi» overprint on 15c., u/m. (Hellas 13XII-250euro). ** 50 2566 FC 20c. of 1919 «Consecutive overprints» with «Karki» overprint, u/m. (Hellas 14XIII). * OFFER 2567 FC 10c.,20c.,30c.,40c.& 50c.Post.Due («SEGNATASSE») canc.»PISCOPI (EGEO)». o 10 2568 FC 10c. proof of «Map of kastellorizo» in vertical imperforate pair with thick paper in light green color. E 40 2569 FC 1923 «Map of kastellorizo» in complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 26/30). * 5 2570 FC 1922 first «CASTELROSSO» overprint in complete set of 9 values, u/m. (Hellas 17/25-315euro). ** 60 2571 FC 1922 first «CASTELROSSO» overprint in complete set of 9 values, m. (Hellas 17/25-174euro). * 30 2572 FC 1924 second «CASTELROSSO» overprint in complete set of 10 values, m. (Hellas 31/40-26euro). * 5 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 74 STARTING PRICES IN EURO ITALIAN DODECANESE - ITALIAN POST OFFICE ISSUES 2573 FC 1929 «Pittorica» issue in complete set of 9 values, the 10L. with a short tooth, u/m. (Hellas 41/49). ** 60 2574 FC 1929 «Pittorica» issue in complete set of 9 values, u. (Hellas 41/49). o 25 2575 FC 1930 Ferrucci issue, ovpt «PISCOPI», complete set of 5 values, m. (Hellas 59II/63II). * OFFER 2576 FC 1930 Ferrucci issue, complete set of 5 values with «CALINO» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 59III/63III). ** 12 2577 FC 1930 Ferrucci issue, ovpt «SCARPANTO», complete set of 5 values, m. (Hellas 59IV/63IV). * OFFER 2578 FC 1930 Ferrucci issue, ovpt «CASTELROSSO», complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 59VI/63VI). ** 27 2579 FC 1930 Ferrucci issue, complete set of 5 values with «LISSO» overprint, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 59VIII/63VIII). ** 12 2580 FC 1930 Ferrucci issue, ovpt «LISSO», complete set of 5 values, m. (Hellas 59VIII/63VIII). * OFFER 2581 FC 1930 Ferrucci issue, ovpt «NISIRO», complete set of 5 values, m. (Hellas 59IX/63IX). * OFFER 2582 FC 1930 Ferrucci issue, ovpt «RODI», complete set of 5 values, m. (Hellas 59XII/63XII). * OFFER 2583 FC 1931 «Eucharistic Congress» in complete set of 7 values, m. (Hellas 73/79). * 30 2584 FC 1930 Virgil airpost issue, complete set of 4 values, m. (Hellas A4/A7). * OFFER 2585 FC 1932 «St. Anthony» in complete set of 7 values, m. (Hellas 80/86). * 30 2586 FC 1932 «Dante Alighieri» (regular & aripost) issues in complete set of 18 values, m. (Hellas 87/98+A8/ A13-35euro). * OFFER 2587 FC 1932 «Dante Alighieri» (aripost) issue in complete set of 6 values, u. (Hellas A8/A13-78euro). o 15 2588 FC 1932 Garibaldi issue, complete set of 10 values with «PISCOPI» overprint, u. VF. (Hellas 108II/117II). o 50 2589 FC 1932 Garibaldi issue, complete set of 10 values with «CASO» overprint, u. VF. (Hellas 108V/117V). o 50 2590 FC 1932 Garibaldi issue, complete set of 10 values with «CASTELROSSO» overprint, u. VF. (Hellas 108VI/117VI). o 85 2591 FC 1932 Garibaldi issue, complete set of 10 values with «COO» overprint, u. VF. (Hellas 108VII/117VII). o 50 2592 FC 1932 Garibaldi issue, complete set of 10 values with «LIPSO» overprint, u. VF. (Hellas 108VIII/117VIII). o 50 2593 FC 1932 Garibaldi issue, complete set of 10 values with «LERO» overprint, u. VF. (Hellas 108IX/117IX). o 50 2594 FC 1932 Garibaldi issue, complete set of 10 values with «PATMO» overprint, u. VF. (Hellas 108XI/117XI). o 50 2595 FC 1932 Garibaldi issue, complete set of 10 values with «CARCHI» overprint, u. VF. (Hellas 108XIV/117XIV). o 50 2596 FC 1932 «Garibaldi» (Airpost) issue in complete set of 7 values, m. (Hellas A14/A20). * 60 2597 FC 1932 Garibaldi airpost issue, complete set of 7 values, u. VF. (Hellas A14/A20). o 145 2598 FC 1932 «Dante Alighieri» issue in corner marginal bl.4, u/m. (Hellas A21). ** 40 2599 FC 1933 «Zeppelin» in complete set of 6 values, u/m. (Hellas A22/A27). ** 150 2600 FC 1933 «Zeppelin» in complete set of 6 values, m. (Hellas A22/A27). * 70 2601 FC 12L. of 1933 «Zeppelin» issue, u. (Hellas A25). o 40 2602 FC 20L. of 1933 «Zeppelin» issue, u. (Hellas A27). o 40 2603 FC 1933 «Balbo’s Flight» in complete set of 2 values, u/m. (Hellas A28/A29). ** 40 2604 FC 1933 «Balbo’s Flight» in complete set of 2 values, m. (Hellas A28/A29). * 20 2605 FC 1932 «20 Years of Occupation» from 5c. to 10L. (Hellas 118/126) on two covers and posted from «RODI*(EGEO)» and arr. «ROMA FEROVIA». C 80 2606 FC 1934-1938 Symbolical of flight, complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas A30+A31A/A33A). ** OFFER 2607 FC 1934 World Football Cup (regular+airpost), complete sets of 5+4 values, m. (Hellas 128/132+A34/ A37). * 85 2608 FC 1934 «World Football cup» (airpost) issue in complete set of 4 values, u/m. (Hellas A34/A37). ** 25 2609 FC 1934 «World Football cup» (airpost) issue in complete set of 4 values, m. (Hellas A34/A37). * 15 2610 FC 1934 «Military Medals» (regular) issue in complete set of 11 values, the 10c. & 20c. & 25c with m. all the others are u/m. (Hellas 133/143). **/* 180 2611 FC 1934 «Military Medals» (airpost) issue in complete set of 9 values, only the 3L.+2L. with spot of m. all the others are u/m. (Hellas A38/A46). ** 200 2612 FC 1934 «Military Medals» (airpost) issue in complete set of 9 values, u. (Hellas A38/A46). o 140 2613 FC 1935 «Holy Year» in complete set of 8 values, m. (Hellas 144/151). VF. * 150 2614 FC 5L. of 1935 «Holy Year» in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 151). VF. ** 450 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 75 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2615 FC 1938 «Emperor August’s» (regular & airpost) issues in complete set of 15 values, m. (Hellas 152/161+A47/A51). * 15 2616 FC 1940 «Triennale Exhibition» issues (regular & airpost) complete sets on special two fold, canc. «RODI*EGEO*28.10.40». (Hellas 164/170+A52/A55). Δ 15 2617 FC Canc. «ANTIMACHIA*(COO)*» on 1929 25c.+50c.+1.25L. Pittorica issue stamps. (Hellas 44+46/47). o 40 2618 FC Canc. «APERI SCA(RPANTO*EGEO)» on 10c. pittorica issue. o 18 2619 FC (1927) 2,65L. ‘V.E. III’ Italian stamp (Unif. 217) u., canc. «POSTE ITALIANE * LEROS (EGEO) * 25.11.27». The use of this stamp in the Italian Aegean islands is rare. Certificate E.DIENA (1988). o 50 2620 FC Maritime canc. «MOTONAVE POSTALE FILIPO GRIMANI*12 OTT. 1931» on fragment fr. with 50c. Pittorica issue. Δ 60 2621 FC Canc. «MONTONAVE POSTALE*PIRO FOSCARI*-MAR.1931» on 1929 1.25L. Pittorica issue stamp. (Hellas 47). o 10 2622 FC 50c. RODI ‘Pittorica’ u., canc. «OLI[MBO] * (SCARPANTO [EGEO]) * 18.1.33». Rare. (Hellas 104). o 45 2623 FC Canc. «R.R. POSTE ITALIANE*MALONA (RODI EGEO)*21.10.30» on 50c. 1930 Congresso Idrologico stamp. (Hellas 55). o 20 2624 FC Canc. «UFFICIO POSTALE TELEGRAFICO*CALINO*27.5.30» on 1929 30c. Pittorica issue stamp in vertical pair. (Hellas 45). o OFFER 2625 FC Large fragment of an Italian PS Money Order sent from Rhodes to Torino, franked with Postal Orders stamps 20c. + 1L. (Unif. 1+4), canc. «POSTE ITAL_NE VAGLIA RISP_MI * RODI (EGEO) * 20.2.26», arr. «TORINO VAGLIA RISPARMI * PAG_TO (A) * -8.4.26». Very Rare! Two CERTIFICATES: A. DIENA & G. BOLAFFI (1972). PS 180 2626 FC Register.commerc.cover fr.5c.+pair 60c.+60c.Italian canc.»POSTE ITAL.RACC.ASS.-RODI (EGEO)*25-11-26»,trans.BRINDISI,arr.»BERGAMO*30-11-26» (Italy).Some cover faults. C 20 2627 FC 75c.+15c.Italian stamp canc.»RR.POSTE ITALIANE-VILLANOVA (Rodi-Egeo)*29-10-29». o 18 2628 FC Avis de Reception fr. with 1929 «Pittorica» issue 20c.+30c.(Hellas 43+45) canc. POSTE ITALIANE RACC.ASS.*RODI(EGEO)*27.11.29. Doc 150 2629 FC Italian PS Money Order for 771,80 Lire sent from Cos to Milano, franked with Postal Orders stamps 2L. + 3L. (Unif. 5+6), canc. «KOS * (EGEO) * 29.12.25», arr. «MILANO 32 * VIA POPOLO DA CANNOBIO * -8.2.26». VERY RARE ! Signed E.Diena. PS 250 2630 FC Cover fr. with 1.25L.(Hellas 105), canc.»RR POSTE ITALIANE *20.12.38»VILLANOVA(Rodi Egeo), arr.»ALEXANDRIE*23.DEC.38». On reverse part of cover is missing. C 100 ** 35 GERMAN MILITARY ADMINISTRATION ISSUES 2631 FC 25c.+25c. 1943 «PRO ASSISTENZA EGEO» surcharge, var surcharge inverted, u/m. (Hellas 4a). 2632 FC 1944 «PRO SINISTRATI DI GUERRA» surcharge in complete set of 6 values, m. (Hellas 11/16). * 10 2633 FC 1944 «PRO SINISTRATI DI GUERRA» surcharge on airpost stamps, complete set of 4 values, m. (Hellas 19/22). * 20 ** OFFER C 20 GERMAN MILITARY POST OFFICE 2634 FC 1944 «Zagreb INSELPOST» overprint singed by Chiavarello, m. only the one tooth. (Hellas 4). BRITISH POST OFFICE (M.E.F.) 2635 FC Cover posted from «RODI*(EGEO)*18.2.47» and fr. with complete set of «M.E.F.» overprints (Hellas 10/14). GREEK MILITARY ADMINISTRATION ISSUE - Σ.Δ.Δ. 2636 FC Air mail cover with «PAR AVION» indication fr. with 2x10dr/2000dr + 50dr «ΣΔΔ», posted from «ΡΟΔΟΣ», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6-V-47». (Hellas 1b+4). C 10 2637 FC Registered cover fr. with 7 «ΣΔΔ» stamps, posted from «ΡΟΔΟΣ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΕΝΑ*29 X 47», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ». C OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 76 STARTING PRICES IN EURO FRENCH POST OFFICE 2638 FC Registered cover fr. with 3x50c French stamps, posted from «RHODES», arr. «STAMBOUL*29-1-24». C 30 C 10 PART OF GREECE 2639 FC Small postage free cover canc. «ΚΑΡΠΑΘΟΣ*19.III.49» and «ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΧΩΡΟΦΥΛΑΚΗΣ ΚΑΡΠΑΘΟΥ», arr. «ΡΟΔΟΣ*1.4.49». EPIRUS 2640 FC 1914 infantrymen, 1l. in imperforated pair, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 5a - 120 euros katalog value). ** 35 2641 FC 1914 Sentrymen, complete set of 8 values, on fragment, canc. «ΑΡΓΥΡΟΚΑΣΤΡΟΝ*13 ΜΑΙ.14». (Hellas 5/12). Δ 12 2642 FC 1914 Argyrokastro issue, 20l./1pi + 25l./1pi, half sheet of 5 pairs, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 22b). ** 40 2643 FC 1914 Erseka issue, complete set of 7 values in sheetlets of 6 (3 vertical tete-beche pairs), u/m. (Hellas 43a/49a - 280 +++ euros catalog value). ** 80 2644 FC 1914 Moschopolis issue, complete set of 15 values, u/m. (Hellas 50/64). ** 30 2645 FC 1914 Moschopolis issue, complete set of 15 values on fragments canc. «ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑ ΜΟΣΧΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ*16.ΟΚΤ.14». 3l. stamp in yellow-brown, 30l. in green and 40l. in blue-green colour. (Hellas 50/51+52b+53/55+56c+57c+58/64). Δ 25 2646 FC 3l. yellow-brown 1914 Moschopolis issue, m. (Hellas 52b). * 12 2647 FC Moschopolis issue 2x25l in deep blue and light blue, m. (Hellas 55) * OFFER 2648 FC (1914) Moschopolis issue, 30l. green, u. VF. (Hellas 56c) o 25 2649 FC Register.(«ASSURE») cover fr.2l.+3l.+5l.+10l.+30l.1914 Moschopolis issue canc.»ΜΟΣΧΟΠΟΛΙΣ» & «ΑΥΤΟΝΟΜΟΣ ΗΠΕΙΡΟΣ*ΚΑΤΑΛΗΨΙΣ ΜΟΣΧΟΠΟΛΕΩΣ*24-6-1914»,arr.»HAMBURG*27-11-14» (Germany).Various colours in stamps. (Hellas 51+52c (brown)+53+54 orange+56 (green). C 60 2650 FC 1914 Moschopolis issue, 10dr. orange and blue in marginal bl.4, u/m. Var. «centre inverted». Superb. (Hellas 63b-560E). ** 160 2651 FC 1l.+2l.+3l.(pair)+5l.+10l.+25l.+30l.+50l.(pair) 1914 Moschopolis issue canc.(to favour) ΜΟΣΧΟΠΟΛΙΣ,except 10l.& 25l.,mng.Var.»ovpt.ΕΛΛ.ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ/ΜΟΣΧΟΠΟΛΙΣ». (Vlastos 57+58+59+60+61+62+63+65). o/(*) 200 2652 FC 1l.1914 Moschopolis issue in vertic.pair,u.Var.»ovpt.ΕΛΛ.ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ/ΜΟΣΧΟΠΟΛΙΣ». (Vlastos 57). o 50 2653 FC 1dr.1914 Moschopolis issue in vertic.pair canc.(to favour) «ΜΟΣΧΟΠΟΛΙΣ».Var.»ovpt.ΕΛΛ.ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ/ ΜΟΣΧΟΠΟΛΙΣ». (Vlastos 66). o 100 2654 FC 3dr.1914 Moschopolis issue,u.Var.»ovpt.ΕΛΛ.ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ/ΜΟΣΧΟΠΟΛΙΣ». (Vlastos 68). o 50 2655 FC (1914) King Constantine issue. 20l.rose-carmine + 1dr.rose-carmine in Se-tenant horizontal pair, u/m. Superb. Extremely rare. (Hellas 88a+91a). ** 5000 2656 FC 1914 Korytsa issue, complete set of 2 values, m. (Hellas 94/95). * OFFER 2657 FC (1914) ‘Campaign’ stamps overprinted «B. HΠΕΙΡΟΣ», complete set of 12, m. (Hellas 96/107). * 80 2658 FC 1l. 1914 Campaign stamps ovpt in u/m corner bl.9 (pos.21-23/31-33/41-43), var dot after «E» (pos.33). VF. (Hellas 96+96B). ** 10 2659 FC On 2l. Campaign stamps, var overprint inverted, u/m.(Hellas 97a).VF ** 30 2660 FC 3l. Campaign stamp ovpt «Β.ΗΠΕΙΡΟΣ» with ovpt «ΗΠΕΙΡΟΣ Β.» and dot inside the lower circle of «B» (pos.24), u. (Hellas 99Cvar). o OFFER 2661 FC (1914) ‘Campaign’ stamps overprinted «B. HΠΕΙΡΟΣ», the 1dr. value u., canc. type V ΑΓΙΟΙ ΣΑΡΑΝΤΑ. Acceptable perforations for this stamp. (Hellas 107). o 30 2662 FC 1l lithogr. paper C, with double «Β.ΗΠΕΙΡΟΣ» ovpt. reading up, u/m. (Hellas 112NAa) ** 30 2663 FC 3l.Litho 1915 ovpt.black «B.HΠEIΡOΣ» (reading-up) in pair,u/m.Var.»double ovpt.». (Hellas 115a- 75E). ** 15 2664 FC 1915 engarved stamps overprinted, 1dr cancelled with type V «ΑΡΓΥΡΟΚΑΣΤΡΟΝ*25 ΜΑΡΤ. 14». Signed by A.Zeis. R. (Hellas 125). o 60 2665 FC 1915 engarved stamps overprinted, 3dr cancelled with type V «(ΧΕΙ)ΜΑΡΡΑ». Signed by Deilakis and A.Zeis. RR. (Hellas 127). ο 90 2666 FC 1l B’ paper with double «Β.ΗΠΕΙΡΟΣ» ovpt. reading down, u/m. (Hellas 129Na) ** 40 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 77 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2667 FC 1915 engarved stamps overprinted reading down, 5dr, m. Signed by A.Zeis. RRR. (Hellas 137). * 500 2668 FC 1940 «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» ovpt, complete set of 25 values, u/m. (Hellas 143/167). ** 16 2669 FC 1940 «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» ovpt, complete set of 25 values, m. (Hellas 143/167). * 8 2670 FC Complete sets of 1940 and 1941 «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» overprints on regular, charity, postage due and airpost stamps, Total 45 stamps, u/m. (Hellas 143/167 + 168/177 + 178/187). ** 165 2671 FC 1941 «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» overprint on airpost stamps, complete set of 10 values, u/m. (Hellas 168/187). VF. ** 150 2672 FC 1941 ovpt.»ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ/ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» on Youth Organization (definit.& airpost),compl.sets of 10+10 values,m. (Hellas 168/177+178/187). * 75 2673 FC Open cover fr. with 1dr. 1937 George II and 50l. 1939 Queens(Hellas 535+C81) canc. «ΚΟΡΥΤΣΑ*5. ΧΙΙ.40» and «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ ΚΟΡΥΤΣΑΣ». C 120 2674 FC 1940 «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» ovpt, complete set of 25 values on 5 register covers all canc.»ΚΟΡΥΤΣΑ*8.III.41».In all four covers «ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ-ΚΟΡΥΤΣΑΣ/ΕΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΘΗ 1»and arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*13.ΙΙΙ.41» C 150 2675 FC Military postal card fr. with 3dr EON and 10l. charity stamp ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ», canc. «ΑΡΓΥΡΟΚΑΣΤΡΟΝ*12.IV.41» to Athens. Cahet «Δ/ΣΙΣ ΧΩΡ/ΚΗΣ ΑΡΓΥΡΟΚΑΣΤΡΟΥ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑΣ». (Hellas 160+168). PS 50 2676 FC Italian PS print 20 Para 20/10c. Italian Levant canc. «JANINA (UFFICIO POSTALE ITALIANO)*10/3/04» to Paris. PS 30 THESSALY 2677 FC Registered official cover from DOMEKE (Domokos) to ISTANBUL by official cachet of DOMEKE KUMANDANLIGI in green-blue during THESSALY WAR about 1897-1898. Rare. C 120 2678 FC Commerc.cover («Banque d’Athenes,Suc.Volo») fr.4x10pa.1892 (2 pairs) deleted with pen & handwritten «Voie de Salonique»,trans.railroad NANCY-A-PAGN-S-MOSELL,arr.»LUDWIGSHAFEN*20 JAN.98» (Germany). C 80 2679 FC Cove fr. complete set of Thessaly issue, posted from «LARISSA*24 AVR. 98» (3rd day of issue), arr. «STAMBOUL-ARRIVEE». (Hellas 1/5). C OFFER 2680 FC Vigniette: ΤΑ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑ 27 ΜΑΙΟΥ 1912 ΕΝ ΤΡΙΚΑΛΟΙΣ in bl.6. VF. ** 30 PS 80 PPC 10 THESSALONIKI (SALONICA) 2681 FC Registered 10l. blue PS fr. with 10l. yellow-orange + 20l. grey-deep red Small Head (Hellas 124a+125e), posted from «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*6 ΦΕΒΡ. 1900, via «ΒΟΛΟΣ*21 ΜΑΡΤ. 1900» (NEW CALENDAR), arr. «SALONIQUE TURQUIE*23 MARS. 00». The receiver was unknown and cancelled with 3-line french «RETOUR/AL’ENVOYERUR/5095», via «SALONIQUE TURQUIE*31 MARS. 00», arr. «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*?? ΜΑΡΤ. 1900».VF. RRR. 2682 FC «Costumes a Salonique» coloured PPC mailed as «Imprime», canc. «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*17.ΝΟΕ.921» and fr. with 1l.+5l. lithos to Wien. On arrival taxed with 2X2kr. Austrian postage due stamps and canc. «WIEN*22.XI.21». VF. 2683 FC (1882) 20pa. Empire Turkish PS card to Istanbul, canc. French only «SALONIQUE * DEPART * 22 JUILLET 1890» (N&G 14), arr. «STAMBOUL / ARRIVEE / 30 JUIL 90». PS 12 2684 FC (1892) 20pa. Empire Turkish PS card to Holland, canc. French only «SALONIQUE * DEPART * 4 OCTOBRE 93» (N&G 15), arr. «AMSTERDAM / 7 OCT 93». PS 12 2685 FC Cover print P.PESNIKIDES-SALONIQUE to Philadelfia USA fr. with vertical strip of 4X10pa. canc. bilingual «SALONIQUE-3*20.6.10». C 15 2686 FC Turkish PS card print.20pa.Empire canc.Latin SALONIQUE-TURQUIE*10 DECEMBRE 1886 in black to Zigenhan...(?). PS 18 2687 FC 1904 PPC «Salut de Salonique L’Hopital italien a Salonique» (No.26, ed.H.Vassif) from Salonica to Switzerland fr. with 10pa Turkish stamp canc. by Turkish «Salonique 4 Echelle» in arabic (N-G 1) and arrival «ST. GINCOLPH/5 VI 04» postmark. PPC 50 2688 FC Service (franchise) cover canc.bilingual OFFICE SANITAIRE DE SALONIQUE & bilingual SALONIQUE*.......84 to Constantinople. C 35 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 78 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2689 FC Official unfranked envelope, sealed on top right and on flap with green-black administrative cachet «OFFICE SANITAIRE DE SALONIQUE *1877*», canc. bilingual «SALONIQUE / 24 NOV 8?» (N&G 19) in violet and bilingual «STAMBOUL * SEPT / 28 / 98» in blue. Scarce. C 75 2690 FC 1912 parcel-post form from Salonica to Hoboken-Belgium fr. with 10pa+1pi+10pi Ottom. stamps (?1909/1911 issue) canc. by Ottom. PO «SALONIQUE 11/16.7.912» (N-G 65), transit «ZEMUN A 2/912 JUL.18», «15 WIEN 101/19.VII.12», «VERVIERS QUEST/20 JUIL 1912», «COLN (RHEIN) 12 AUSLAND/22.7.12» and arrival «HOBOKEN No1/24 JUIL-912» postmarks. PS 150 2691 FC 1852 EL canc.weak 2-line SALONICH/10.MARS,trans.SEMLIN*12/3 plus disinfect.seal NETTO DI FUORA E DI DENTRO,arr.TRIEST*24/3. EL 15 2692 FC 2sld, 5sld, 10 sld Austrian stamps canc. by Salonica Austrian PO (N-G 2) and 2sld, 2x3sld, 10sld, 2x15sld Austrian stamps canc. by Salonica Austrian PO «SALONICCO» (N-G 3). o 10 2693 FC Letter-card print.1pi./10kr.1890 Levant canc.single-ring.SALONICCO*3-5-92, arr.NAPOLI*7-5-92 (Italy). PS 8 2694 FC «Souvenir de Salonique-Vue panoramique de la Ville du cote du Port» Early b&w PPC fr. with 5h. Austrian stamp canc.»SALONICH I-OESTERREICHISE POST*14.5.03», arr.ROMA*18.5.03».On arrival taxed with 10c Italian post due stamp and canc.»19.5.03».VF PPC 75 2695 FC Register cover fr. with 2X1pi. canc.»SALONICH I*?.4.04», arr.»LEEDS*11.AP.04» C 15 2696 FC Cover fr. 1pi. canc.»d SALONICH I OSTERR.POST*7.VI.10», arr.»ZURICH*9.VI.10». C 10 2697 FC Register.cover fr.5cent.1908 Austrian Crete+60pa.+1pi.1908 Levant canc.»d-SALONICH-I*31-V-11»,arr. ATTNANG-PUCHHEIM-a*3-VI-11 (Austria).Good mixed franking.Registr.label «Salonich I». C 60 2698 FC Unused Italian 10c PS with overprinted «Salonicco» and surcharged «20 para 20» (HELLAS PC1). PS 20 2699 FC Italian 2x20pa/10c, «Levante 1 piastra»/25c, pair of «Salonicco 20 para 20»/10c and «Salonicco 1 Piastra 1»/25c, all canc. by Italian PO at Salonica postmarks (N-G 1, 2). o 5 2700 FC Cover front fr.4 x 30c.Empire Napoleon 1867 (perforat.) canc.dott.»5095» & «SALONIQUE-TURQUIE*.. OCT.69» plus «ITALIE-1-SALONIQUE» (delete because letter was to Switzerland & not to Italy).Mailship «MARIE-LUISSE». Δ 40 2701 FC PPC «Salonique.Vue de la ville» greenish-grey (Alexakis,Piraeus No.1200),pu.(franchise) canc.»BOJHA ΠΟWTA*BP.999*1-6-16» to Corse-France. PPC 10 2702 FC Registered cover to France, franked with 1l.+2l.+3l.+10l.+25l. all with carmine ovpt. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ plus 25l. with red, all reading up, canc. «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ * 29 ΙΟΥΛ. 13» type V, arr. on reverse. (Hellas 290/293,295,275). C 60 2703 FC 1pi/2 1/2p + 1 3/4pi/4d + 2x12pi/2/6sh cancelled with «BRITISH POST OFFICE-SALONICA». o 50 2704 FC PPC «Salonique...................» (inscpirtions deleted with black lines after liberation the city by the Greek Army) colour early (Bader 214),pu.(franchise) «ARMY POST OFFICE*S.X.5*A 3 FE.17» (LikovanMacedonia) & weak triangular censor cachet to Devon-England. PPC 15 2705 FC 4dr 1928 Navarino with perfin «ΕΘ.Τ» (=Εθνική Τράπεζα) canc. «(ΔΙΕΘΝΗ)Σ ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ/(ΘΕΣΣΑ)ΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ/(...)ΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ 1929». o OFFER THRACE (EAST-WEST-NORTH) & PORT-LAGOS 2706 FC 10pa. red 1913 «Autonomous Government» issue, u. (Hellas 3). o 10 2707 FC 1913 Autonomous Government issue, 1pi. violet in bl.4, mng. VF. (Hellas 5 - 220 euros catalog value). (*) 60 2708 FC 2X1pi. blue 1913 «Autonomous Government» issue, one copy printed on diagonally laid paper and the 2nd cut off pre-printed envelope. (Hellas 6). o 10 2709 FC 1913 «Autonomous Government» issue, 1pi. grey without safety mark, u. (Hellas 6b). o 15 2710 FC 1913 Autonomous Government issue, 2pi. violet in bl.4, u. VF. (Hellas 7). o 20 2711 FC 1913 «Autonomous Government» issue, 2pi. grey with safety mark, u. (Hellas 7b). o 15 2712 FC 1913 Pre-printed envelopes issues, 1pi. off-yellow(14,5X11), unused.(Hellas PE10). PS 30 2713 FC 1913 Pre-printed envelopes issues, 1pi. off-white(15,5X12,5), mailed, arr.»CONSTANTINOPLE*24. OCT.13».Folded in middle.(Hellas PE11).VF and rare PS 70 2714 FC 1913 Pre-printed envelopes issues, 2pi. off-yellow, mailed.Arr.»GALATA ARRIVEE».(Hellas PE16). PS 85 2715 FC 1913 Autonomous Government of Western Thrace overprint, 1pi/5ct. + 2pi/3ct. on fragment, u. (Hellas 10+11) Δ 40 2716 FC 1913 Autonomous Government of Western Thrace overprint, 2 1/2pi/10ct., m. (Hellas 12) * OFFER 2717 FC 1913 Autonomous Government of Western Thrace overprint on Greek engraved stamps, 1pi/3l., m. (Hellas 18). * 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 79 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2718 FC 1913 Autonomous Government of Western Thrace overprint on Campaign stamps, 10pa/1l. on fragment, u. (Hellas 22). Δ 10 2719 FC 1913 Autonomous Government of Western Thrace overprint on Campaign stamps, 1pi/1l. on fragment, u. (Hellas 24). Δ 10 2720 FC 1919 «THRACE INTERALLIEE» overprint, 5ct. with var. «second L inverted», m. (Hellas 33a). * 8 2721 FC Bulgarian PS, printed 10ct. fr. with 1ct+2ct.+5ct+10ct+15ct+25ct bulgarian stamps ovpt «THRACE INTEALLIEE»(Hellas 31/36), canc. «DIDIMOTI(KA)*6.XII.919». PS 20 2722 FC 1920 «THRACE INTERALLIEE» and «THRACE OCCIDENTALE» overprint on 1919 Bulgarian and postage Bulgarian stamps, complete sets of 21 values, m. (the Hellas 55 in mng condition). (Hellas 40/45+46/49+51/56+D4/D8). * OFFER 2723 FC 1920 «Thrace Interalliee» overprint in bl.4, complete set of 5 values, u/m. (Hellas 46/50). Lux. ** 80 2724 FC 1920 «THRACE OCCIDENTALE» overprint in bl.4, complete set of 6 values plus the «THRACE OCCIDENTALE» overprint on Bulgarian postage due stamps, 4 values in bl.4, u/m. (Hellas 51/56 + D4/D8). Lux. ** 16 2725 FC 1920 «Διοίκησις Δυτικής Θράκης» overprint on 1dr. engrave, m. VF. (Hellas 62). * 10 2726 FC 10dr engraved stamp (1919 re-issue) ovpt 1920 «Διοίκησις Δυτικής Θράκης», m. (Hellas 67). * 10 2727 FC 1920 «Διοίκησις Δυτικής Θράκης» overprint on 1l. litho bl.4 canc. «ΓΚΙΟΥΜΟΥΛΤΖΙΝΑ*12 ΣΕΠ 20» (type I). (Hellas 68). o 17 2728 FC 1l. engraved ovpt «Διοίκησις Δυτικής Θράκης», var ovpt inverted, m. (Hellas 68b). * 8 2729 FC 1920 «ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΔΥΤΙΚΗΣ ΘΡΑΚΗΣ» ovpt. on Litho stamps, 3l. Litho in corner bl.9, u/m. Var. «inverted overprint». VF. (Hellas 70b). ** 60 2730 FC 5l. litho 1920 «Διοίκησις Δυτικής Θράκης» ovpt, var ovpt inverted, u/m. (Hellas 71b). ** 18 2731 FC 1920 «Διοίκησις Δυτικής Θράκης» overprint on 1916 «E.T.» stamps, set of 9 values (5l.+25l.+30l. never issued stamps omitted), m. (Hellas 80/81+83/84+86+68d/91). * 65 2732 FC «Διοίκησις Δυτικής Θράκης» ovpt on. 1916»ET» 2l., var overprint inverted, signed Zeis, u/m.(Hellas 81b).VF ** 25 2733 FC 1920 «ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΔΥΤΙΚΗΣ ΘΡΑΚΗΣ» ovpt. on «ET» stamps, 5l. Litho, u/m. VF. (Hellas 82). ** 15 2734 FC 25l. 1920 «Διοίκησις Δυτικής Θράκης» ovpt on 1916 «E T» never issued stamp in u/m bl.4. Superb. (Hellas 85). ** 80 2735 FC 1920 «ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΔΥΤΙΚΗΣ ΘΡΑΚΗΣ» ovpt. on «ET» stamps, 25l. Litho, u/m. VF. (Hellas 85). ** 20 2736 FC 1920 «Υπάτη Αρμοστεία Θράκης» overprint, complete set of 9 values, u/m (only the 5l./3pi with hinge). VF. (Hellas 92/100). ** 15 2737 FC 1920 «Υπάτη Αρμοστεία Θράκης», 20l./1pi., m. Var. «double overprint, one inverted». (Hellas 94C). * 17 2738 FC 1920 «Υπατη Αρμοστεια Θρακης» overprint, 2dr/10pa/20pa.with var. «2 2 ΔΡΑΧΜΑΙ instead of 2 ΔΡΑΧΜΑΙ», u/m. RR. (Hellas 98). ** 35 2739 FC 2l.Litho (2-line ovpt.) in marginal bl.4,u/m.Var.»double ovpt.» (Hellas 107a-102E) ** 20 2740 FC 20l. litho ovpt 1920 «Διοίκησις Θράκης», var ovpt inverted, u/m. (Hellas 111-27E). ** 10 2741 FC 3dr. with «Διοικησις Θρακης» overprint on 1916 «E.T.» stamp, u/m. (Hellas 122). ** 10 2742 FC Turkish PS card print.20pa.1905/6 canc.bilingual «ISKETCHE*7-4-906» (Greek ΞΑΝΘΗ) to ArdennesFrance. PS 10 2743 FC Commercial cover from Adrinople to Italy, franked with 1pi. Turkish stamp, negative canc. «ANDRINOPLE RUSTEM PASHA HANI» (N&G 1), arr. at Milano on 13.1.95. C 18 2744 FC Small postage free military cover with railway canc.»ΞΑΝΘΗ-(ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ)*13.ΙΑΝ.21». C 10 2745 FC «GUMULDJINA» (NG.1), «ISKETCHE» (NG.5) and «OUZOUN-KEUPRU» (NG.6) on Turkish stamps. o 10 2746 FC «SOFILOU» on 1pi. o 8 2747 FC «XANTHI (INSKEDCHE)» on 1pi. (NG.9). o 10 PPC 30 GIUMULTZINA (=KOMOTINI) 2748 FC Komotini Bulgarian PPC fr. with 2KB Bulgarian stamp, canc.»GUM(ULZINA)*9.XI.1943» to Sofia A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 80 STARTING PRICES IN EURO IKARIA ISLAND 2749 FC 1912 Free state, complete set of 8 values, u. (Hellas 1/8 - 53 euros catalog value). o 15 2750 FC 2l.1912 Free State in full sheet of 25 (5x5,wide margins all around) canc.(to favor) «ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΑ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ-ΙΚΑΡΙΑΣ*ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΟΝ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ*21-10-1912». (Hellas 1) o 50 IONIAN ISLANDS 2751 FC 1812 EL from Zante to London, arr. «FOREIGN*20.JU.1812». EL 60 2752 FC Cover printed 15fr with additional 5kr. Austrian stamp from «TRIEST*10/1», via «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ», arr. «ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ (ΚΕΦΑΛΛ)*4.ΙΑΝ.71». R. C 100 2753 FC PS «CORFOU-Grand Hotel d’Angleterre & Belle Venise» fr. with 10l. Small Hermes Head cancelled with «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*10.ΜΑΡΤ.99», arr. «LAFAYETTE*3.APR.1899». PS 35 2754 FC «Photo of small child» b&w real photo PPC, fr. with 5l. Fl.Mercury. The smallest posted photocard. PPC 35 2755 FC PPC «S.M.S Moltke» fr. with 10l. Fl.Mercury and posted from «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*12 ΝΟΕΜ.», arr. «LANGFUMR*28.11.03». PPC OFFER 2756 FC PPC fr. with 5l. engrave and cancelled with «ΚΑΡΟΥΣΑΔΕΣ*10 ΟΚΤ. 10», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*12 ΟΚΤ. 10». VF. R. PPC 27 2757 FC PPC «PERAMA-CORFOU» (Colour, Γ.Ασπιώτη) fr. with 5c. Italian stamp and cancelled with «CORFOU*28.4.917» with boxed «VERIFICATO PER CENSURA», arr. «VIGNALE MONFERRATO*3.5.17». PPC 50 2758 FC PPC «EGLISE Ste BARBARE POTAMO-CORFOU» (colour, Γ.Ασπιώτη, Ν.170) fr. with 5c. Italian stamp, cancelled with «CORFOU- POSTE ITALIANE*26.7.917» to Italy. PPC 40 2759 FC 1923 Italian Occupation of Corfu, 1st and 2nd «CORFU» ovpt, complete sets of 8+3 values on fragments, canc. «CORFU POSTE ITALIANE». (Hellas 1/11-200E). o 45 2760 FC Italian occupation of Corfu, 1923 2nd «CORFU» overprint, complete set of 3 values, m. VF. (Hellas 9/11 - catalog value 150 euros). * 30 2761 FC 60l./25c. 1923 3rd «CORFU» overprint, u/m. (Hellas 12). * 6 2762 FC 50l./5l. 1938 Social Welfare Fund Overprints on postage due stamp with accent on «ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣΗΜΟΝ» (Hellas C71) canc. «ΠΟΤΑΜΟΣ (ΚΥΘΗΡΩΝ)*16.Χ.38» on fragment. o OFFER 2763 FC 1941 Corfu Overprin, 1dr. in corner marginal bl.6, u/m. (Hellas 1). ** 25 2764 FC 1941 Corfu overprint, 30dr. King Constantine on fragment, cancelled with «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*5 ΙΟΥΝ. 41». VF. (Hellas 19 - 110 euros catalog value). o 20 2765 FC 1941 Argostoli overprints «ITALIA Occupazione Militare Italiana isole Cefalonia e Itaca», 6dr. in pair taxed on fragment and cancelled with «ΑΓΙΑ*ΕΥΦΗΜΙΑ». (Hellas 64). Δ 15 2766 FC 1941 Argostoli overprints, 50l. in pair, u/m. Var. «open C». (Hellas 84). ** 15 2767 FC 50l.1939 Charity Queens (marginal) 1941 ovpt.»ITALIA/Occupazione Militare/Italiana isole/Cefalonia e Itaca»,m.Signed by Drossos. (Hellas 103).Very rare. * 280 2768 FC 1941 Argostoli overprints, 2x2dr. + 50l. overpeint on singles, u. (Hellas 148+169). o 30 2769 FC 1941 Itaca overprints on Historical issue stamps from 10l. to 80l., m. VF. (Hellas 175/179 - 350 euros). * 2770 FC 1941 boxed ovpt.»OCCUPAZIONE/MILITARE DI/ZANTE/1-5-XIX» in violet on 1937 Greek Historical,set of 12 values (the 7dr.value missing) in bl.4,mng. (Hellas 272/280+282/284 - 6.460 E).Very rare lot. (*) 1000 2771 FC 1941 ovpt.»OCCUPAZIONE/MILITARE DI/ZANTE/1-5-XIX» on 2dr.+5dr.+6dr.+10dr.+15dr.+25dr.Greek 1937 Historical,mng. (Hellas 278+279+280+282+283+284).Rare items. (*) 180 2772 FC «ISOLA ITALIANA DI PAXO» ovpt on 13 stamps of 1937 Historical issue, 1935 Mythological air-post stamps and 1939 Queens charity stamps. Most stamps sign Cosmopoulos, u/m. ** 40 2773 FC 30c. PS (VINCEREMO) ovpt. «ISOLE JONIE» posted from «ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ» with 2-line censorship canc. «VERIFICATO PER CENSURA» and censors canc. «2» to Athens. (Hellas PC12). PS 8 2774 FC German Occupation of Zante Island: 2 Italian ISOLE JONIE PS cards (VINCEREMO) (PC 12) fr.1943 black (on one card) & red (on the other card) ovpt.»EΛΛΑΣ/2-Χ-43» on Italian ISOLE JONIE stamps,sets of 3 values of each colour canc.»ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ*24-X-43». (Ηellas 2/4+6/8). PS 200 2775 FC German Occupation, 10c. 1943 «ΕΛΛΑΣ 2.Χ.43» ovtp in black, u/m. (Hellas 1). ** 65 2776 FC German Occupation, 10c. 1943 «ΕΛΛΑΣ 2.Χ.43» ovtp in red, sign. FIERCHI, u/m. (Hellas 5-680E). ** 200 2777 FC Six Cover (between 1937/40) with red or violet canc. «ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΣΥΝ/ΤΟΣ ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑΣ». One Cover with tape as well. C 18 70 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 81 2778 FC Colour PPC fr. with 2c USA stamp, posted from «LOS ANGELES*15 OCT. 1939», via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ» to Corfou. Also, on arrival, administrative mauve canc. «ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ-ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΣΥΝ/ΤΟΣ ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑΣ». 2779 FC 2780 STARTING PRICES IN EURO PPC 25 1939 Cover from «ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ*27 ΜΑΙ.39» and rural typ.I canc. to USA. C 20 FC Cover fr. with 50c. Italian Stamp with red overprint «ISOLE JONIE» and cancelled with «ΙΘΑΚΗ*30 II 42», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*3 ΙΙΙ 42». (Hellas 320). C 10 2781 FC Cover fr. with 5X10c(Hellas 316), canc. «ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ*22.ΙΟΥΛ.42».Censor’s cachet «3» in blue, via «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*23.IOYΛ.42» to Athens.VF C 30 2782 FC «ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΙΑ ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑΣ 1931-1971» complete set of 6 labels in u/m bl.4 with 2 tete-beche pairs each. ** 20 PS 22 PPC 30 CAVALLA 2783 FC (1892) 20pa. Turkish PS card to Paris, France, canc. light-green double-ring bilingual «CAVALLA * MAI29-98» (N&G 9). 2784 FC Scarce early PPC of Cavalla in grey-green (Zoides) fr.pair 10pa.1901 canc.oval bilingual POSTE Elle DE CAVALA & round CAVALLA*12-7-904 (Vl.8+10),arr.KANDERN*17-7-04 & re-directed arr. PFORZHEIM*19-7-04 (Germany). 2785 FC 1913 10l./10ct ovpt «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΔΕΔΕΑΓΑΤΣ» on fragment. VF. (Hellas 2). Δ 160 2786 FC 1893/1900 ovpt.French «Cavalle» on French stamps (Sage type),compl.set of 9 values,u.(the 8pi./2F. value m.). (Hellas 1/9). o 100 2787 FC 1902-1912 «CAVALLE» inscription, complete set of 7 values + 15c. rose, u. VF. (Hellas 10/16+12a). o 25 2788 FC PPC from Norway fr. with 10ore and canc. «KRISTIAN...*6.IX.13», arr. «CAVALLA-OESTER. POST». Mailed from «ΚΑΒΑΛΛΑ*3.ΣΕΠΤ.13» (type V), arr. «GALATA*26.IX.13» and mailed once again to Samsun. PPC 10 2789 FC 1945 Cover handwritten «Λέβα 5» (postal rate indication) canc. «ΚΑΒΑΛΛΑ-ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ» tο Comotini. RRR. C 100 CRETE GREEK & CRETAN POST OFFICES 2790 FC 1900 «First issue of the Cretan State» complete set of 9 values, u. (Hellas 1/9). o 30 2791 FC 1900 ovpt.red «ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΟΝ» on definit.values,compl.set of 5 values,m. (Hellas 10/14). * 85 2792 FC 1900 «Red ovpt» complete set of 5 values, u. (Hellas 10/14). o 90 2793 FC 1900 black ovpt. ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΟΝ, complete set of 5 val, m. (Hellas 15/19) * 50 2794 FC 1900 «Black ovpt» complete set of 5 values and 1901 «Local black ovpt», u. (Hellas 15/20). o 50 2795 FC 1901 Crete «Postage due stamps» complete set of 10 values, m. (Hellas D1/D9). * 25 2796 FC 1905 Second issue of the Cretan State, complete set of 9 values, 10l and 3dr u/m, the rest m. (Hellas 24/32). */** 60 2797 FC 25l.& 1dr.1907/8,m. (Hellas 34+35). * 18 2798 FC 1908 ovpt.small «ΕΛΛΑΣ»,compl.set of 11 values,m. (Hellas 36/46). * 70 2799 FC 1908 «The small ΕΛΛΑΣ ovpt» on regular stamps already in circulation complete set of 11 values, u. (Hellas 36/46). o 55 2800 FC 1908 Official stamps ovpt small «ΕΛΛΑΣ», complete set of 2 values, m. (Hellas O3/O4). * 15 2801 FC 1l. 1908 «The small ΕΛΛΑΣ overprint» in pair, var. overprint inverted, heavy hinge. m. (Hellas 36f). * 20 2802 FC 2l. 1908 small ΕΛΛΑΣ ovpt, var reversed «Σ», u. (Hellas 37b). o 8 2803 FC 5l. 1908 «small ΕΛΛΑΣ» ovpt., var «ΕΛΑΛΣ», u. (Hellas 38a). o 80 2804 FC 5l. of 1908 «small ΕΛΛΑΣ» ovpt in bl.6 (including ovpt var. reversed «Σ»), one stamp with mint, (Hellas 38+38b). **/* 10 2805 FC 5l. «The small ΕΛΛΑΣ overprint» with «Δ» istead of «Α», m. (Hellas 38c). * 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 2806 FC E - 82 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 10l. «The small ΕΛΛΑΣ overprint» in strip of three, the middle stamp with reversed «Σ», m. (Hellas 47+47b). * 20 2807 FC 1l. postage due ovpt 1908 «small ΕΛΛΑΣ», var «Λ» much broken at top, mng. (Hellas D10I). (*) 8 2808 FC 1908 «Small ΕΛΛΑΣ» overprint, 40l. postage due, m. Var. «Reversed Σ». VF. (Hellas D14b - 110 euros catalog value). * 35 2809 FC 1dr. «The small ΕΛΛΑΣ overprint» on postage due stamps with reversed «Σ», m. (Hellas D17b). Rare. * 80 2810 FC 2x10l. 1908 «The small ΕΛΛΑΣ overprint» on official stamps. Left leg of «A» missing on one and ovpt. «a cheval» on the other, u. (Hellas O3). o 15 2811 FC 1909 provisional issues, complete set of 6 values, m. The 5l./50l. (Hellas 52) is signed by A.AΡΓΥΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ. (Hellas 48/53). * 80 2812 FC 1909 «Use of bisected 2 lepta» on fragment, (Hellas 54). o OFFER 2813 FC 1909 «Gothic ΕΛΛΑΣ» oveprint, complete set of 8 values, m. (Hellas 55/62). * 70 2814 FC 1909/1910 «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ» ovpt complete set of 10 values, m. (Hellas 63/72). * 40 2815 FC Crete. «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ» on 1901 Postage Due stamps, complete set of 8 values, unused, m. Hellas D19/ D26. VF. * 60 2816 FC 20l. in bl.10 1909-1910 «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ» ovpt. on 1901 postage due stamps with canc. «ΧΑΝΙΑ*18. ΑΥΓ.1912». «ΕΛΛΑΣ» with a broken «Σ» on upper fourth stamp. (Hellas D22). o 10 2817 FC 2dr 1900 ovpt «ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΟΝ» in red canc. «ΧΑΝΙΑ*1.ΜΑΡΤ.1900» (first day of issue), u. (Hellas 13). o 30 2818 FC Issues by Therisson Rebels, 1905 Litho issue, 1dr. in strip of 3 with var. «imperforated between, u/m. RRR. VF. (Hellas 10a - new entry). ** 100 2819 FC 1900 PS printed 10l. Prince George, posted from «ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ*6 ΦΕΒΡ. 1901» to En Ville. Receiver is the Photographer R.Behaeddin. (Hellas PC1). PS 75 2820 FC Cretan PS 1900 print.10l.Prince George canc.»XANIA*22 ΑΠΡ.1905»,arr.»FRANCHEVILLE*20 MAI.1905» (France). (Hellas PC 1). PS 10 2821 FC 1908 «Small ΕΛΛΑΣ» overprint, unused. (Hellas PC6). VF. PS 25 2822 FC 1908 «Small ΕΛΛΑΣ» overprint on (double) Postal Card, unused. (Hellas PC8). PS 30 2823 FC Canc. «ΧΑΝΙΑ (162)*4.ΟΚΤ.81» on 5l. Large Hermes Head. R. o 100 2824 FC Canc.»ΑΓ.ΜΥΡΩΝ*16 IOYN.1903» on 10l.Hermes 1909 ovpt.Gothic «ΕΛΛΑΣ». (Hellas 55). o OFFER 2825 FC Canc.»ΑΛΙΚΙΑΝΟΣ» on 20l.orange 1901 & 10l.1905 Prince George. (Hellas 21+26). o 10 2826 FC Canc.»ΚΑΣΤΕΛΛΙΟΝ ΚΙΣΣΑΜΟΥ» on 5l.1905. (Hellas 25). o 5 2827 FC «ΚΟΛΥΜΠΑΡΙ*18.ΝΟΕΜ.1907» on 25l. 3rd issue of the Cretan State stamp. o OFFER 2828 FC 10l. official stamp ovpt «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ» on delivery receipt (fragment) canc. «ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ*5.ΜΑΙΟΣ.1911». (Hellas O5). Δ OFFER 2829 FC Canc.»ΠΑΛΑΙΟΧΩΡΑ» on 10l.Hermes 1908 ovpt.small «ΕΛΛΑΣ». (Hellas 47). o 5 2830 FC Canc. «ΠΑΝΟΡΜΟΣ» on 5 different Cretan stamps. o 10 2831 FC Canc. ΠΥΡΓΟΣ (ΜΟΝΟΦ.) on 10l. (Hellas 26). o OFFER 2832 FC Canc. ΣΠΗΛΙ on 10l. (Hellas 26). o OFFER 2833 FC Delivery receipt fr. with 10l. official stamp 1909 ovpt «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ» canc. «ΤΖΕΡΜΙΑΔΩ*16. ΑΠΡ.1912». (Hellas O5). Doc OFFER 2834 FC Two types of canc. «ΧΑΝΙΑ» on 2x25l. stamps on fragment. The distance between «X» and «A» is 14mm. and 13mm. Δ 8 2835 FC Canc.ΧΕΡΣΟΝΗΣΟΣ*2 ΝΟΕΜ.1911 on 10l.Hermes 1909/1910 ovpt.thick ΕΛΛΑΣ. o OFFER 2836 FC Rural «23» on 5l. 1st Cretan state issue. VF. (Hellas 26). o 8 2837 FC Rural dotted canc.»26» on 25l.1900 Definit. (Hellas 5). o 5 2838 FC Rural canc. «28» on 10l. 2nd Issue. (Hellas 26). o 5 2839 FC Rural dotted «32» on 20l.1900 Definit. (Hellas 4).Very fine. o 7 2840 FC Rural (dotted) «37» (weak) on 5l.1905. (Hellas 25). o OFFER 2841 FC Rural (dotted) «38» on 10l.Prince George 1905. (Hellas 26). o 5 2842 FC Rural dott.canc.»41» on 10l.1905 Definit.(Prince George). (Hellas 26). o 5 2843 FC Dotted rural canc. «42» in lilac on 10l. 1900 1st Cretan State issue, u. (Hellas 3). o 8 2844 FC Rural (dotted) «43» on 10l.Prince George 1900. (Hellas 3). o 7 2845 FC Canc.dott.»56» on 10l. Cretan. 2846 FC Delivery receipt fr. with 10l. 1900 1st Cretan State issue canc. «ΒΙΑΝΝΟΣ*15.1902.IOYL» (year before month) and rural dotted «60». RR. (Hellas 3). o 7 Doc 50 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 83 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2847 FC Canc.dott. «64» on 10l. Cretan. VF. o 8 2848 FC Rural (posthorn) canc.»18» on 10l.Hermes 1909/1910 ovpt.large «ΕΛΛΑΣ». (Hellas 66). o OFFER 2849 FC Rural (posthorn) canc.»26» on 10l.Hermes 1909/1910 ovpt.large ΕΛΛΑΣ. (Hellas 66). o OFFER 2850 FC Rural (posthorn) canc.»28» on 10l.Hermes ovpt.large «ΕΛΛΑΣ». (Hellas 66). o OFFER 2851 FC Rural (posthorn) canc.»32» on 10l.Hermes ovpt.large «ΕΛΛΑΣ». (Hellas 66). o 3 2852 FC Small cover mailed intown fr. with 2l. canc. «ΧΑΝΙΑ*7.ΙΑΝ.1905» with inverted month. RRR. C 40 2853 FC Registered cover fr. with 50l. «Gothic ΕΛΛΑΣ» + 1l. «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ», posted from «ΧΑΝΙΑ*6 ΜΑΙΟΣ 1910», arr. «WILMERSDORF*28.5.10». (Hellas 58+63). C 20 2854 FC Registered cover fr. with 2l. in strip of 5 + 20l. + 50l. all with «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ» and posted from «ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ*29 ΙΟΥΝ. 1911», arr. «WILMERSDORF*18.7.11». (Hellas 64+67+69). C 20 2855 FC Register.cover fr.1913 25l.Souda in bl.4 canc.»ΡΕΘΥΜΝΟΝ*18 ΜΑΡ.14»,trans. ALEXANDRIA,arr.»BIRKIT EL SAB*6-IV-14» (Egypt). (Hellas 73). C 60 2856 FC Stampless cover posted from «TERMINI IMERSESE PALERMO*7.11.13» cancelled with «T» postmark and manuscript (0,25x2), arr. «ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ*2 ΝΟΕΜ. 13» and taxed with 10l. postage due with «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» overprint in marginal strip of 5. VF. RRR. C 120 2857 FC Register air-mail cover fr. with 2X200dr Roosevelt, 1000/500000dr Chains and 300dr Venizelos(Hellas 638+642+660) canc.»ΧΑΝΙΑ*19.ΙΟΥΝ.46» via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*23.VI.1946» to Stockholm. C 10 AUSTRIAN POST OFFICE 2858 FC Austrian P.O. canc. CANEA on Austrian Levant Franz Josef two single 10sld. stamps (fine & coarse print.). o 16 2859 FC «La Canee, Crete» wishing early PPC (RICH KRUGER LA CANEE) fr. with 10pa./3kr. Austrian Levant stamp canc. «a-TRIEST*1/1/98», arr. «PETTA*2.1.98». PPC 60 2860 FC 1903-1906 overprints on Austrian stamps, 25c./25h. cancelled with «J.R. SPEDIZIONE POSTALE CANEA*27/3 05». (Hellas 3). ο 15 2861 FC 1Fr./1Kr.1903/4 ovpt.on 1899 Austrian stamp canc.Austrian «CAN(DIA)». (Hellas 5). o 20 2862 FC 1903 «Overprints on Austrian stamps» 1f. with perforation 12 1/2x9, m. (Hellas 5c). VF. * 180 2863 FC 1905 Overprints on Austrian stamps, set of 2 values, m. (Hellas 12/13). * 32 2864 FC 5cent./5hel.1905,m. (Hellas 12).Scarce item. * 30 2865 FC 1906 overprints on Austrian stamps, complete set of 3 values, u. VF. (Hellas 14/16). o 10 2866 FC 1908-1914 commemorative issue, complete set of 8 values, m. (Hellas 17/24). * 10 BRITISH POST OFFICE 2867 FC 20πα. 1898 provisional handstruck issue, u. Superb. (Hellas 1). o 120 2868 FC Blue linear «ΜΟΧΟΣ» on 10pa. of British Administration issue. Signed by A.Zeis. UNIQUE. RRR. (Hellas 2). o 3000 2869 FC Cover fr. with 10pa blue + 20pa green and cancelled with linear «ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ». (Hellas 2+3). C OFFER FRENCH POST OFFICE 2870 FC Crete, French P.O., Crete issue, complete set of 15 values, unused, m. (10c & 25c u/m). 5Fr heavy hinged. Hellas 1/15. VF. 2871 FC Crete, French P.O., Surcharged Crete issue, complete set of 5 values, unused, m. Hellas 16/20. */** 70 * 250 RUSSIAN POST OFFICE 2872 FC 1met.blue (typ.I) 1899 Provisional canc.»ΑΓ.ΓΑΛΗΝΗΣ» in deep violet. (Hellas 1). o 35 2873 FC «ΣΕΛΙΑ» in lilac on 1met. 1899 Provisional handstruck issue, (Hellas 3). o 50 2874 FC Cover fr. with 1met. green in pair, Russian administration, cancelled with linear «ΡΕΘΥΜΝΟΝ» to Spili. C 15 2875 FC 2 MET.pale grey-rose (typ.II) 1899 provision.handstruck canc.linear «ΡΟΥΣΤΙΚΑ». (Hellas 4). o 45 2876 FC 1899 1st Litho, 1met. blue (type 3), u. VF. (Hellas 22). o 50 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 84 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2877 FC 1899 1st. Label issue, 1met. green (type 3) with blue cotrol mark, m. VF. (Hellas 23). * 70 2878 FC 2 μετ. in rose (type III), 1899 First lithographic issue. Control mark in blue. Thin spot, m. (Hellas 28). * 30 2879 FC 1899 1st Litho issue, 2met. green with control mark (type 2), u. VF. (Hellas 30 - 110 euros catalog value). o 60 2880 FC 2met. lilac 1899 (without stars), m. Typ.3. (Hellas 32). * 70 2881 FC 1899 1st. Label issue, 2met. yellow (type 1) without cotrol mark, m. VF. (Hellas 33). * 70 2882 FC 1gr.green 1899 (without stars) on fragment,u.Violet contr.mark.Typ.3.Var.»broken T in ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ». (Hellas 37b). Δ 75 2883 FC 1899 1st. Label issue, 1gr. orange (type 4) without cotrol mark, m. VF. (Hellas 38). * 75 2884 FC 1899 Second lithographic issue, complete set of 12 values. 1γρ. in green and rose both copies m. and with «ΓΡΟΣ.ΙΟΝ» var, the rest u. VF. (Hellas 42/50+51a+52a+53). o 100 2885 FC 2 μετ. in blue (type IV) imperforate, 1899 Second lithographic issue, u/m. (Hellas 46). ** OFFER MACEDONIA 2886 FC Cover from Vodena to Torino (Italy), franked on flap with (1892) 20pa. Turkish stamp, canc. bilingual double-ring «VODINA * AVR-28-94» (N&G 2), arr. «TORINO * 4-5-94». VF. C 60 2887 FC Beautiful PPC «Vue de Karaferia,d’une position naturelle tres belle» (=Verria) fr.3x5pa.bistre 1905/6 Turkish canc.bilingual «USKUB (GARE)*29-11-906» (=Skopje) to Madagascar (via SUEZ).Very rare destination. PPC 60 2888 FC Repaired back only of a PPC posted from Salonica to Caterini, franked with 5pa. Turkish stamp, canc. small bilingual «SALONIQUE -3- * 13-9-12» (N&G 43), arr. bilingual «KATERINA * 18-9-12» (N&G 5 EXTREMELY RARE). PS 100 MYTILENE ISLAND 2889 FC Colour.early PPC «Venezia.Pescheria» (painting) fr.10c.Italian canc.square «VENEZIA*10-9-02»,arr. Austrian «METELINO*19-9-02». PPC 8 2890 FC Colour.PPC «Paris.Rotonde du Parc Monceau» fr.10c.Semeuse canc.»PARIS*1-11-06»,arr.Austrian «METELINO*7-11-06». PPC OFFER 2891 FC 1912 New values on Mytilene stamps, complete set of 4 values, u. Vf. (Hellas 15/18 - 127 euros catalog value). ο 40 2892 FC Cover fr. with 2l. + 5l. «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ»1 ovpt. + 3l. campaign, posted from «ΜΙΤΥΛΗΝΗ*12 ΑΠΡ. 13», via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*19 ΑΠΡ. 13», arr. «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ*21 ΑΠΡ. 13». C OFFER 2893 FC 1935 Cover fr. with 5dr. Litho & 3dr. Litho 1927 Landscapes, canc. «ΜΥΤΗΛΙΝΟΙ*21.8.1935», arr. U.S.A. C 8 SAMOS ISLAND 2894 FC 1912 Map of Samos, complete set of 3 values, u. VF. (Hellas 11/13). o 10 2895 FC 1912 «Hermes head» complete set of 5 values, the 10l. diagonally bisected on fragment properly mailed, u. (Hellas 14/18+16c). o 9 2896 FC 1912 Hermes head, complete set of 5 values, u. (Hellas 14/18). o OFFER 2897 FC 1l.+5l. 1912 Hermes head in imperforate singles, m. (Hellas 14a+15a). * 15 2898 FC 1912 «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ» overprint, complete set of 6 values in bl.4, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 19/24 - 270 euros catalog value). ** 100 2899 FC 1912 «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ» ovpt, complete set of 6 values, m. (Hellas 19/24). * 10 2900 FC 1912 «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ overprint» complete set of 6 values, u. (Hellas 19/24). o 8 2901 FC 1912 «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ» overprint, 10l. in corner bl.4, u/m. 1 stamp in mint condition. VF. (Hellas 21a 300+ euros catalog value). 2902 FC Cover canc.»ΒΑΘΥ*?.ΜΑΙ.1913» fr. with a bisected 10l. large «ΕΛΛΑΣ» ovpt on Hermes Head via «ALEΧANDRIA*6.JU.1913», arr.»ZAGAZID*7.VI.13».(Hellas 21ca).Cover is folded. **/* 100 C 80 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 85 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2903 FC 1912 «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ» overprint, 50l. in gutter pair, cancelled to order. VF. (Hellas 23). o 8 2904 FC 1912 «Large ΕΛΛΑΣ» overprint, 1dr. in inerpaneau bl.4, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 24). ** 60 2905 FC Registered NON philatelic cover fr. with 10l. + 2x25l. + 50l. «large ΕΛΛΑΣ» ovpt., posted from «ΒΑΘΥ*27.ΙΑΝ.1913», via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*30 IAN. 13», arr. «WIESBADEN*17.2.13». (Hellas 21+22+23). C 20 2906 FC 1913 Samos Castles, complete set of 5 values, m. All with «ΘS» monograph. (Hellas 25/29). * 160 2907 FC 1913 Samos’ castles, complete set of 5 values in imperforated bl.4, u/m. Thin spots on 1 stamp of 1dr. Signed by Spanos and Smyrloglou. RRR. (Hellas 25a/29a). ** 4300 2908 FC 1912 «Thin ΕΛΛΑΣ» ovpt, complete set of 5 values, m. (Hellas 30/34). * 15 2909 FC 1914 General administration og Samos (I), complete set of 7 values, u/m. Superb. (Hellas 35/40+41 98 euros catalog value). ** 30 2910 FC 1914 General administration of Samos (I), complete set of 6 values, u. VF. (Hellas 35/40 - 35 euros catalog value). o 10 2911 FC 1914 General administration og Samos (I), complete set of 6 values fr. on registered Philatelic cover cancelled with «ΣΑΜΟΣ*16 ΑΠΡ. 15». (Hellas 35/40). C 10 2912 FC 10l. of «General Administration of Samos (I)» with red overprint, m. (Hellas 37h). * 60 2913 FC 1914 General administration of Samos (I), complete set of 5 values (without Sofoulis initials) in bl.4, m. Very few bl.4 are known. RRR. (Hellas 42/46). * 3200 2914 FC 2l. 1913 Campaign in pair canc. «VATHY*12.ΣΕΠΤ.1914» in blue. (Hellas 341N). o OFFER 2915 FC «EΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΣ» Early greenish PPC fr. with a pair of 5l. Fl.Mercury from Athens, arr.»VATHY*OESTERREICHISSHE POST*19.?.19?» 2916 FC 2917 FC PPC 15 Cover printed «A.D. SYNNEFIAS SAMOS-TURQUIE/Marie Vve A.D. SYNNEFIAS Successeur», unused. VF. C 20 Cover fr. with 5c. (type II) «Vathy» overprint and posted from «VATHY SAMOS*27 MARS 00», via «SMYRNE TURQUIE D’ASIE*29 MARS 00» and «SALONIQUE TURQUIE*30 MARS. 00», arr. «WOLFRATSHAUSEN*2 APR. 00». (Hellas 3). C 60 SMYRNE, CONS/PLE & ASIA MINOR (before 1922) 2918 FC Registered cover fr. with 5x5l. + 25l. + 1dr, Litho, posted from «ΣΜΥΡΝΗ*12 ΙΟΥΛ. 21», arr. «NEW YORK*11 8 1921». C OFFER 2919 FC Register cover fr. with 2l in bl.4 1916»ET», 1dr. litho and 5l.charity stamp, canc.»ΣΜΥΡΝΗ*10.ΑΥΓ.21» and arr. «NEW YORk*9-15/1921». C 20 2920 FC Private PS card fr.3x1pi.greenish-blue 1920 canc.very fine bilingual «BROUSSE-2*9-2-22» & superb Greek censor.cachet «ΣΤΡΑΤ.ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ*ΠΡΟΥΣΗΣ*Σ.Δ.Π./1921» (=Στρατιωτική Διοίκησις Προύσης).File holes. PS 40 2921 FC Cover posted from «TAX. TOM. 915*2 IOYN. 22» fr. with 50l. Litho and cancelled with «ΣΜΥΡΝΗ*5 ΙΟΥΝ. 22» and 2-line censhorship «ΕΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΘΗ*ΤΤ 915», arr. «ALEXANDRIA F*29.JU.22». C 8 2922 FC Payment order from Aivali for 70 ltq to be paid on Metelin dated 21/10/1917 with Turkish fiscal. Doc 20 2923 FC Canc. «ΣΙΒΡΙΧΙΣΑΡ*6.ΜΑΙ._» on fragment with 2X25l. litho. Δ 7 2924 FC Negative «BERGAMA» (= Πέργαμος) on 2 Duloz stamps. o OFFER 2925 FC «MAGNISSA» (= Μαγνησία), 2 different cancellations, on 7 Duloz stamps. o 20 2926 FC «Smyrne. Pont des Caravanes» early b&w PPC (August J. Schwidernoch), franked with 20pa. Ottoman stamp, canc. double-ring «SMYRNE * NOV / 10 / 901» to Milano, Italy. PPC 15 2927 FC Nice PPC «Smyrne.Les quais (Belle-vue)» (night view) grey-green early (Dermont) fr.10pa.greenyellow 1901 canc.bilingual «SMYRNE*29-8-902»,trans.ALEXANDRIE,SUEZ,SINGAPORE & SAIGONCOCHINCHINE*29 SEPT.02 to Haiphong-Indochina.Very rare destination. VF. PPC 60 2928 FC Rare PPC «Brousse.Bains de Jeuni Koeplidja» sepia (Eugenidis) fr.5c.1908 canc.bilingual «BROUSSE*23-10-08» (Greek Προύσσα),arr.»PEKIN CHINE*14 DEC 08».Rare destination. PPC 30 2929 FC «Smyrne.Femmes Turques travaillant les figues» (same in Greek) b&w (Decipris),pu.(SMYRNE-3) to Calvados-France. VF. PPC 50 2930 FC Turkish register.receipt print.10pa.Fiscal canc.bilingual SAMSOUN*3-9-16. PS 35 2931 FC Advertising PS fr. with 5c. Francaise stamp, canc.»SMYRNE*TURQUIE D’ASIE*8.DEC.00». PPC 50 2932 FC Good PPC «Constantinople.Vue de Halki» (Greek Χάλκη) b&w early (Fruchtermann 368) fr.5c.French Sage canc.French «CONSTANTINOPLE-GALATA*1-7-02»,trans.PARIS,arr.»DRAVEIL*6 JUIL.02» (France). VF. PPC 35 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 86 2933 FC Registered (linear «Recommande») cover fr. with 1fr. posted from «TRESOR ET POSTES*528*18-321», arr. «PARIS». 2934 FC 2935 FC STARTING PRICES IN EURO C 20 «Souvenir d’ Orient - Smyrne. Campement d’une Caravane chameaux» early PPC (Ed. J. Molko No. 3955), franked with Austrian Levant 20pa., canc. «SMYRNA I / OESTERREICHISCHE POST * 5/7 05», arr. at Berlin on 10.7.1905». PPC 10 «Cour de la Mosquee du Sultan Eyoub» early PPC (Ed. Jacques Ludwigsohn No.21) to Athens, franked with German Levant 10pa./5pf., canc. «CONSTANTINOPEL I * DEUTSCHE POST * 13.7.05». PPC 10 CHIOS ISLAND 2936 FC (1913) «Ε.Δ.» ovpt., u/m. superb. (Hellas 1) ** 60 2937 FC 25l. litho 1913 overprinted «Ε.Δ» in pair, var «Ε.Λ.» on one, m. (Hellas 1a+1). * 130 C 30 C 10 C 15 MILITARY CANCELLATIONS BRITISH MILITARY POST OFFICES 2938 FC Stampless military cover canc. «APO 3*12.DE.17» to POW camp to Philippopolis Bulgaria. British and Italian censor cachets (cover mailed via Italy) and Bulgarian censor tape and cachet on arrival. FRENCH MILITARY POST OFFICES 2939 FC Registered cover fr. with 10c + 40c French stamps, posted from «TRESOR ET POSTES*506*1.12.20» to Paris. ITALIAN MILITARY POST OFFICES 2940 FC Cover fr.pair 25c.1932 Views RODI (Hellas 102) canc.»POSTA MILITARE N.550*21-6-41 XIX» (RhodesDodecanese),arr.»LIVORNO*25-6-41 XIX» (Italy).Without any censor cachets or marks. (Pts.1). GREEK MILITARY POSTMARKS & CACHETS 2941 FC Thessaloniki PPC canc.»ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΑ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΑ-940*20.ΟΚΤ.18» and «ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΙΣ ΥΓΕΙΟΝΟΜΙΚΗΣ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑΣ*ΓΕΝΙΚΟΥ ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΕΙΟΥ». PPC 5 2942 FC Cover fr. with 100dr 1947 Dodecanese union canc. «903 ΒΑΣΙΣ ΣΤΡΑΤ. ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΥ*7.ΣΕΠ.53». On reverse railway canc. «Κ.Θ.Π.1Α*9.IX.53», arr. «ΚΑΛΛΙΘΕΑ*9.ΙΧ.53». C 8 2943 FC Cover canc. with 2.50dr. (Hellas 956). canc. «913Σ.Τ.Γ.-ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ*28.ΣΕΠΤ.68» to Athens, arr. postman’s cachet «34» C OFFER 2944 FC Register cover canc. «ΑΡΧΗΓΕION NAYTIKOY-ΚΕΝΤΡ.ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΝ*5.ΦΕΒΡ.74». C OFFER C 10 C 15 U.S.A. 2945 FC Air cover to Baltimore, Maryland, franked with 6c. American air stamp, canc. «U.S. ARMY POSTAL SERVICE / A.P.O. * 206 / JAN-8-1953» (206 N.Y. A.P.O. was in Athens in that period). CENSORSHIPS 2946 FC Two covers (letters included) fr. with 1916 «E T» stamps both mailed to Neuchatel (Swiss) with 2 different Italian Censor tapes «VERIFICATO PER CANSURA». A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 87 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2947 FC Cover fr. with 2X1l.+3l.+20l. 1916 «E T» stamps canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*22.I.08» (wrongly, instead of 22.I.18) to India. Tape «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑ» and cachet «ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΝ ΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΣΙΑΣ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ». On arrival tape «OPENED BY CENSOR» and cachet «PASSED CESNOR*BOMBAY*26». C 8 2948 FC Two ragistered covers (mailed same day) to Calcuta India fr. with 1916 5X10l. «E T» stamps each, with British Censor tape «OPENED BY CENSOR/4008» and triangular cachet «6/M.A.». C 10 2949 FC PPC fr. with 2X5l. litho canc. «ΤΑΧ.ΑΘΗΝΩΝ ΠΑΡΑΡΤ.1*26.ΔΕΚ.1918» to Syros. Boxed «PASSED AEGEAN POSTAL CENSOR SYRA» (not clear). PPC 5 2950 FC Cover fr. with 50l. Litho, posted from «ΤΑΧ. ΤΟΜ. 915» with military canc. «ΗΜΙΛΑΡΧΙΑ 3ης ΜΕΡΑΡΧΙΑΣ» and with 2-line censorship «ΕΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΘΗ/ΤΤ915» to Egypt. On front linear «ΕΠΙΣΤΡΑΦΗΤΩ». C 15 2951 FC Cover fr. with 50l. litho and posted from «ΤΑΧ.ΤΟΜΕΥΣ 915*2 ΜΑΙ. 22» with boxed «ΕΛ ΓΟΚΡΙ Η/Τ 915» (type III), via «ΣΜΥΡΝΗ*6.ΜΑΙ.22», arr. «ALEXANDRIA*25 ΜΑΥ 22». R. C 10 2952 FC 2 Air-Mail covers fr.Italian stamps (50c.Aerea & pair 50c.King) canc.»REDA-RAVENNA*15-3-42» & «*29-7-42» to «Posta Militare 23».Italian censor.tape «Verificato per censura RA» & different cachets. C 10 2953 FC PS card print.7dr./2dr.Historic.plus 2dr.+5dr.+10dr.Historic.canc.»ΛΑΡΙΣΣΑ*17-ΧΙΙ-42» to Volos.Italian round censor.cachet «VERIFICATO PER CENSURA*3» in lilac. PS 8 2954 FC Cover «COMMISSARIATO ITALIANO/RADIODIFFUSIONI ELLENICHE*ATENE» fr.pair 50c.Italian Aerea canc.»POSTA MILITARE N.23*14-4-43» & plain censor.tape canc.censor.»46 R» & «30» to Novara-Italy. C 8 POSTMARKS & CANCELLATIONS PRE-ADHESIVE CANCELLATIONS 2955 FC 1834 cover from «ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟ» to «ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ» with canc. «ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ*ΕΠΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΚΟΡΙΝΘΙΑΣ» and handwritten «8/5» inside the cancellation. EL 20 2956 FC 1840 «ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΣ» (type I) on EL, arr. «ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*2.ΙΟΥΝ.40», prepaid fee 10l. EL OFFER 2957 FC 1840 EL posted from «ΛΕΒΑΔΙΑ» (button, type I), arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*18 NOEM: 1840». Prepaid 10l. postage rate. EL 10 2958 FC Prepaid EL from «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*6.ΝΟΕΜΒ.1842», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*8.ΝΟΕΜ.1842» (small in blue). Handwritten «60» (=λέπτα) for the prepaid fee. EL OFFER 2959 FC Prepaid EL from «ΣΠΑΡΤΗ*8.ΑΥΓ.1842» (type II), arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*12.ΑΥΓ.1842». Handwritten «30» (=λεπτά) for the prepaid fee. EL OFFER 2960 FC Pre-paid EL posted from «LIVORNO*8 MAG 1844» with manuscript «Reggio Vapore Francese», via «ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*30 ΑΠΡ. 1844». On reverse manuscript «10» (=decim) postal rate to be paid till Greek borders and on the front «20l.» internal rate. EL 10 2961 FC «ΠΥΛΟΣ ΤΡΙΦΥΛ.» (type I) on EL arr. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*20 ΜΑΙΟΣ. 1944» (type II). EL 7 2962 FC «ΚΥΠΑΡΙΣΣΙΑ» (blue/green canc. type I) on 1847 EL. Arr. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ» (type II). EL 10 2963 FC 1849 EL posted from «Λιβόρνο τη 26 Janv 1849» with manuscript «col Bosforo», via «ΣΥΡΑ*8 ΜΑΡΤΙ. 1849», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*9 ΜΑΡΤ: 1849».100l. postal rate to be paid. EL 10 2964 FC Boxed «ΔΤ30» (municipal post canc., Itinerary Στυλίς-ΛΑΜΙΑ) on EL posted from «Στυλίδα 12 Αυγούστου 1854», via «ΛΑΜΙΑ», «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ», arr. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*16.ΑΥΓ.1854». EL 100 2965 FC Unpaid EL from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15.ΔΕΚΕ.1853», via «ΠΥΡΑΙΕΥΣ*15.ΔΕΚΕΜ.1853», arr. «CONSTANTINOPLE TURQUIE*3.JANV.54». Handwritten «5» (kr) for postal rate to be collected. EL OFFER 2966 FC Prepaid EL from «MALTA*27.JA.1856», arr. «ΣΥΡΟΣ*18.ΙΑΝ.1856». EL OFFER 2967 FC 1857 cover posted from «BRADFORD-YKS*JA 5 1857» with manuscript «Via Marseille by French Packets», trans. «ANGL. AMB. CALAIS M*6 JANV. 57», arr. ‘»ΣΥΡΟΣ*5 ΙΑΝΟΥΡ: 1857». 160l. postal rate to be paid. C 10 2968 FC 1858 EL fron «ΠΥΛΟΣ*25.ΑΥΓ.1858», arr. «ΓΥΘΕΙΟΝ*29.ΑΥΓ.1858». Both canc. type III in blue. EL 40 2969 FC Blue «ΛΕΧΑΙΝΑ (10)*12 ΣΕΠΤ. 58» on EL, arr. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ (9)*13 ΣΕΠΤ. 58». EL 35 TYPE I POSTMARKS 2970 FC Dot. «4» (=ΜΕΓΑΡΑ), on provisional faulty 5l. stamp o 25 2971 FC Canc. «36» (=ΜΟΝΕΜΒΑΣΙΑ) in blue on 1862/67 10l. Large Hermes Head. o 6 2972 FC Dott.»73» (=Mykonos) on 20l.blue Small Head. o 10 2973 FC Dott «84» (=ΣΚΙΑΘΟΣ) on 20l. Consecutive Athens printings. o 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 88 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 2974 FC Dott.»85» (=Skopelos) on 5l.Large Head.Very rare cancel. o 12 2975 FC Dotted «87» (=Ζαχόλη) on 20l.blue Large Head. (Hellas 19b). o 15 2976 FC Dot. «88» (=ΒΥΤΙΝΗ) on 2l. postage due. o OFFER 2977 FC Dotted «92» (=Υπάτη) on 20l.blue Large Head.Clear/good margins. o 25 2978 FC Canc. «93» (=ΝΕΑ ΜΙΖΕΛΑ) on 20l. 1862/67 Large Hermes Head. ο 10 2979 FC Canc. «105» in blue [=ΑΡΤΑ (ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ)] on 1862/67 40l. Large Hermes Head. R. o 50 2980 FC Canc. «107» (=ΠΑΞΟΙ) on 20l. 1862/67 Large Hermes Head. o 8 2981 FC Dott «122» (=ΑΛΗΤΣΕΠΗ) on 20l. sky-blue (Hellas 31b). Extremelly rare. Superb strike. o 250 2982 FC Canc. «14» (=ΑΡΓΟΣ), «20» (=ΔΗΜΗΤΣΑΝΑ), «29» (=ΝΗΣΙΟΝ), «33» (=ΓΥΘΕΙΟΝ), «40» (=ΛΕΔΑΔΕΙΑ) and «112» (=ΛΑΜΙΑ) on 6Χ20l. Large Hermes Heads stamps (2 with pos.23-29 plate flaw). o OFFER 2983 FC Canc. «44» (=ΚΑΡΠΕΝΗΣΙΟΝ), «45» (=ΑΜΦΙΣΑ), «50» (=ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΝ), «65» (=ΥΔΡΑ), «70» (=ΤΗΝΟΣ) on 5l. provisional and «112» (=ΚΗΘΥΡΑ) on Large Hermes Heads stamps (2 with pos.23-29 plate flaw). o OFFER 2984 FC «112» (=ΚΗΘΥΡΑ), «97» (=ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑ) and «18» (=ΤΡΙΠΟΛΙΣ) on 1862/67 Large Hermes Heads. ο 8 2985 FC Canc. «25» in blue (=ΚΥΠΑΡΙΣΣΙΑ), «43» (=ΛΑΜΙΑ), «111» (=ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ) and «119» (=ΚΙΑΤΟΝ) on 4X20l. Large Hermes Heads. Stamps without faults. o 8 2986 FC Canc. «62» (=ΞΗΡΟΧΩΡΙΟΝ), «66» (=ΣΠΕΤΣΑΙ) and «70» (=ΤΗΝΟΣ) on 3X20l. Large Hermes Heads. ο 7 TYPE II POSTMARKS 2987 FC «ΑΙΓΙΑΛΟΣ (128)*12 ΑΠΡ. 75» on 5l. emerald (Superb) 71/76 issue. (Hellas 39d). o 120 2988 FC Canc. «AKPATA (6)*?.ΙΟΥΛ.82» on pair of 10l. 1880/86 issue Large Hermes Head. o 30 2989 FC «(ΑΜΟΥ)ΡΓΟΣ (79)*10 ΜΑΡΤ. 87» (blue canc.) on 20l. aniline fr. on fragment. R. o 15 2990 FC «ΑΡΕΟΠΟΛΙΣ (34)» on 20l. Small Head. ο OFFER 2991 FC «ΚΑΜΑΡΙΟΝ (145)*10 ΙΑΝ. 90» on 10l. in pair small head (first period). o OFFER 2992 FC «ΚΑΡΥΣΤΟΣ*17.ΣΕΠΤ.75» on 20l. 1871/76 LHH on cover.VF C 30 2993 FC ΛΑΡΙΣΣΑ (without No.) on 30l.Large Head (Athens) o 100 2994 FC «MEΓΑΡΑ*3.ΣΕΠΤ.75» on a verticall pair of 10l. orange on blue(Hellas 18d)-on lower stamp plate flaw open cross.Arr.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*4.ΣΕΠ.75».Very rare C 150 2995 FC Canc. «ΝΕΑ ΜΙΖΕΛΑ» on 20l. Small Hermes Head. ο 10 2996 FC «ΣΟΠΟΤΟΝ*23 ΑΥΓ. ??» on 20l. Small Harmes Head. ο 15 2997 FC Canc. «ΦΑΝΑΡΙΟΝ*2.ΜΑΡΤ.82» (weak) on 20l. carmine 1880/86 Large Hermes Head. o OFFER 2998 FC Canc. «ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟΝ», «ΛΕΩΝΙΔΙΟΝ», «ΣΠΑΡΤΗ», «ΣΤΥΛΙΣ» in blue and «ΦΙΛΙΑΤΡΑ» on Large Hermes Heads. ο 3 2999 FC Canc. «ΑΓΥΙΑ», «ΑΜΦΙΣΣΑ», «ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ» and «ΥΠΑΤΗ» on 1880/86 Large Hermes Heads. VF. o 7 3000 FC Canc. «ΑΙΤΩΛΙΚΟΝ», «ΑΤΑΛΑΝΤΗ», «ΔΕΡΒΗΤΣΕΛΕΠΗ», «ΛΕΩΝΙΔΙΟΝ», «ΠΟΡΟΣ», «ΤΥΡΝΑΒΟΣ» and «ΥΔΡΑ» on Large Hermes Heads. o OFFER 3001 FC Canc. «ΑΙΤΩΛΙΚΟΝ», «ΑΡΕΟΠΟΛΙΣ», «ΑΤΑΛΑΝΤΗ», «ΓΑΣΤΟΥΝΗ» and «ΝΑΞΟΣ» on Large Hermes Heads. o 5 3002 FC Canc. «ΑΙΤΩΛΙΚΟΝ», «ΑΝΔ.(ΚΑΣΤΡΟΝ)», «ΚΑΡΥΣΤΟΣ», «ΚΥΠΑΡΗΣΣΙΑ», «ΠΡΑΜΑΝΤΑ» and «ΥΔΡΑ» on Large Hermes Heads. ο 8 3003 FC Canc. «ΑΝΔ.(ΚΑΣΤΡΟΝ)», «ΑΡΤΑ», «ΒΩΛΟΣ», «ΔΗΜΗΤΖΑΝΑ» and «ΚΡΑΝΙΔΙΟΝ» on Large Hermes Heads. ο 8 3004 FC «ΑΡΓΟΣ», «ΑΡΤΑ», «ΖΑΓΟΡΑ» and «ΚΑΡΔΙΤΣΑ» (all IIa) on 4X5l. 1880/86 Large Hermes Heads. o OFFER 3005 FC Canc. «ΑΡΓΟΣ», «ΚΑΡΥΣΤΟΣ», «ΜΕΓΑΡΑ» (ΙΙα), «ΣΚΟΠΕΛΟΣ» and «ΥΔΡΑ» on 1880/86 Large Hermes Heads. ο 8 3006 FC Canc. «ΑΡΤΑ», «ΛΕΒΑΔΕΙΑ», «ΛΕΩΝΙΔΙΟΝ», «ΠΑΡΟΙΚΙΑ» and «ΦΑΡΣΑΛΟΣ» on 1880/86 Large Hermes Heads. ο 5 3007 FC Canc. «ΑΤΑΛΑΝΤΗ», «ΒΟΝΙΤΖΑ», «ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ», «ΛΕΩΝΙΔΙΟΝ» and «ΥΔΡΑ» on Large Hermes Heads. o OFFER 3008 FC Canc. «ΔΕΡΒΗΤΣΛΕΠΗ», «ΚΑΡΥΣΤΟΣ», «ΚΙΑΤΟΝ», «ΞΗΡΟΧΩΡΙΟΝ», «ΣΚΟΠΕΛΟΣ», «ΤΡΙΚΚΑΛΑ» and «ΦΑΡΣΑΛΟΣ» on 1880/86 Large Hermes Heads. o OFFER 3009 FC Canc. «ΚΟΘΡΙΟΝ (ΑΝΔΡΟΥ)» in blue, «ΜΕΣΣΗΝΗ», «ΣΠΑΡΤΗ», «ΤΗΝΟΣ», «ΤΡΙΠΟΛΙΣ» and «ΥΔΡΑ» on Large Hermes Heads. VF. o 5 3010 FC «ΥΠΑΤΗ», «ΜΟΝΕΜΒΑΣΙΑ», «ΓΑΡΓΑΛΙΑΝΟΙ» and «ΖΑΓΟΡΑ» on 4Χ20l. aniline 1880/86 Large Hermes Heads. o 3 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 89 STARTING PRICES IN EURO TYPE III POSTMARKS 3011 FC Canc. «ΚΟΝΙΣΤΡΑΙ*6ΦΕΒΡ.97» on 20l. 1896 Olympic Games (stamp faulty). o 7 3012 FC «ΛΗΞΟΥΡΙΟΝ 120*22 ΙΟΥΛ. 89» on 20l. Small Head. o OFFER 3013 FC Canc. «ΜΕΓΑΡΑ» (not clear) on 20l. Small Hermes Head. ο 10 3014 FC Canc. «ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ» without P.O. number on 5l. Small Hermes Head in strip of 4. o OFFER 3015 FC Canc. «ΝΕΑ ΨΑΡΡΑ*19.ΜΑΙΟΣ.96» on 20l. Small Hermes Head. ο 8 3016 FC Canc. «ΠΥΡΓΟΣ (ΤΗΝΟΥ)*24.ΑΥΓ.88» in blue on 5l. 1880/86 Large Hermes Head. ο 4 TYPE IV POSTMARKS 3017 FC Canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ.» on 1880/86 30l. Large Hermes Head. VF. ο 10 3018 FC «ΓΑΡΔΙΚΙΟΝ*17 ΦΕΒΡ....» on 20l.bright rosine (aniline) Large Head. o 14 3019 FC Canc. «ΚΑΛΑΜΑΚΙΟΝ» on 1880/86 5l. Large Hermes Head. o OFFER 3020 FC Canc. «ΛΕΒΕΤΣΟΒΑ*15.ΑΥΓ.96» on 10l. Small Hermes Head in pair. o 15 3021 FC Canc. «ΑΓΙΟΣ ΠΕΤΡΟΣ», «ΜΑΝΤΟΥΔΙΟΝ», «ΞΥΛΟΚΑΣΤΡΟΝ» and «ΠΥΛΟΣ» on Small Hermes Heads. o 8 3022 FC Canc. «ΑΜΠΕΛΑΚΙΑ» and «ΚΑΛΑΜΑΚΙΟΝ» on 2X20l. 1880/86 Large Hermes Heads. o 18 3023 FC «ΛΕΥΚΑΣ», «ΖΑΚΥΝΘΟΣ», «ΚΗΘΥΡΑ» and «ΜΕΣΟΛΟΓΓΙΟΝ» on 4Χ20l. aniline 1880/86 Large Hermes Heads. ο OFFER 3024 FC Canc. «ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ», «ΤΗΝΟΣ», «ΜΕΣΟΛΟΓΓΙΟΝ», «ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΣ» and «ΑΡΤΑ» on 1880/86 Large Hermes Heads. ο OFFER TYPE V POSTMARKS 3025 FC «ΑΓ.ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ*26 ΙΟΥΝ.900» on 5l.Small Head (imperfor.) in bl.4.Very rare cancel. o 60 3026 FC Litho. colour Easter PPC posted in town, franked with 2x1l. Flying Mercury stamps, canc. «Γ’ ΤΑΧ. & ΤΗΛ. ΠΑΡΑΡΤ. ΑΘΗΝΩΝ (ΝΕΑΠΟΛ.) / 1 ΑΠΡ.» type V. Very rare. PPC 80 3027 FC «ΑΜΑΡΟΥΣΙΟΝ» on 3l.Engraved on PPC «Vue generale des antiquites V.Corinthe» b&w (Scouteris 26) to Seine et Marne,France. PPC 16 3028 FC «ΑΝΔΡΟΣ*8 ΑΠΡ.99» in blue on 20l.Small Head. o 3 3029 FC Canc. «ΑΣΤΑΚΟΣ» and «ΑΧΑΙΑ» on Fl.Mercury stamps. o OFFER 3030 FC Blue «ΑΣΤΡΟΣ*4 ΔΕΚΕ. 98» on 5l. deep green in pair. VF. (Hellas 87b). o OFFER 3031 FC 3x10l. two of them in horizontal pair on thin paper , blue canc. «ΑΤΑΛΑΝΤΗ*6 ΜΑΡΤ.1904». (Hellas 174I). o 8 3032 FC Canc. «ΑΧΙΛΛΕΙΟΝ*21.ΜΑΡΤ.12» on 3l. engraved stamp. VF. o 10 3033 FC «ΒΑΡΥΜΠΟΠΗ*.......08» on 5l.Fl.Mercury (faulty). o OFFER 3034 FC Cover fr. with 20l. Fl.Mercury cancelled with blue «ΒΕΛΕΣΤΙΝΟΝ*28 ΙΟΥΛ. 03», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*4 ΑΥΓ. 1903». C 8 3035 FC «ΒΟΙΤΣΑ*11 ΦΕΒΡ.14» on 10l.Litho. (Hellas 223B). o OFFER 3036 FC (BPA)XATION*1901 on 20l.Small Head. o 6 3037 FC «ΓΑΣΤΟΥΡΙΟΝ» («button» typ.) on 10l.Litho 1916 ovpt.»E T». o 5 3038 FC ΔΑΥΛΕΙΑ*....906 in blue on 1l.Fl.Mercury in bd.3. o 5 3039 FC Canc. «ΔΙΒΡΗ» on 20l. Small Hemres Head. o 20 3040 FC ΔΡΑΧΜΑΝΙΟΝ*28 ΟΚΤ.04 (after 1900 type) on 3l.Fl.Mercury. o 5 3041 FC «ΖΑΧΛΩΡΟΥ» large blue «button» cancelation on 2x5l. Engraved stamps on cover, on backside «ΣΙΔΗΡΟΔΡ.Π.Α.Π.*22 ΜΑΡ.13», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*23 ΜΑΡ.13» machine cancelation. C 20 3042 FC Canc. «ΙΣΘΜΙΑ» on 20l. engraved stamp. o 8 3043 FC «ΚΑΣΤΡΙΟΝ*25 ΑΠΡ. ..» on fragment fr. with 5l. Litho+10l. 1916 ovpt.»ET». Δ 3 3044 FC «ΚΙΜΩΛΟΣ*24 ΙΑΝ. 12» on 10l. Fl.Mercury PS. PS 10 3045 FC «ΚΡΕΣΤΑΙΝΑ*1 ΜΑΙΟΣ 900» in blue on 10l.Small Head (imperfor.). o 5 3046 FC ΚΡΙΜΠΑ*10 ΝΟΕΜ.11 on 20l.Fl.Mercury. o 8 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 90 3047 FC «ΚΡΙΕΚΟΥΚΙΟΝ (ΗΛΕΙΑΣ)» in black, «*18 (ΟΚΤ. 98)» in blue, «*10 IOYN.97» (inverted dates) in green on pair 20l.&20l.&pair 10l.Small Head (imperfor.). 3048 FC 3049 FC 3050 3051 STARTING PRICES IN EURO o 20 Blue «ΛΑΓΚΑΔΙΑ» on 1l. deep brown in vertical pair. R. (Hellas 121a). o 16 ΤΑΧ.& ΤΗΛ.ΛΑΜΙΑΣ & ΤΑΧ.& ΤΗΛ.ΥΠΑΤΗΣ on 5l.Small Head+20l.Fl.Mercury. o 3 FC Canc. «ΛΕΒΕΤΣΟΒΑ», «ΛΕΒΙΔΙΟΝ», «ΛΟΙΔΩΡΙΚΙΟΝ» and «ΛΟΥΤΡΑΚΙΟΝ» on Fl. Mercury stamps. o OFFER FC «ΛΗΞΟΥΡΙΟΝ*9 ΜΑΙΟΣ.92» & «ΛΗΞΟΥΡΙΟΝ*1 ΜΑΡΤ.08» on 20l.Small Head (imperfor.) & 10l. Fl.Mercury.Types before & after 1900. o 6 3052 FC Canc. «ΛΟΥΤΡΑ ΑΙΔΗΨΟΥ» on 20l. Small Hermes Head. o 5 3053 FC «MAZEIKA*.. OKT.(11)» on letter-card print.10l.Engraved,arr.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ». PS 16 3054 FC «MEΓAΡA*7.ΑΥΓ.97» οn PS printed 10l. blue Large Head PS 10 3055 FC «MEΓAΡA*26.ΙΟΥΛ.901» on pair of 5l.Small head(Hellas 123) o 6 3056 FC ΜΗΛΕΑΙ on 1l.,2l.,3l.,pair 5l.,20l.& 25l.Fl.Mercury (6 strikes). o 5 3057 FC «MOΛAOI*31 ΣΕΠΤ.98» on 5l.Small Head (imperfor.) in bl.4. o 7 3058 FC «ΜΟΣΤΙΤΣΙΟΝ» «button canc. on 2x25l. & 2dr. Litho stamp on fragment. o 15 3059 FC «ΜΥΚΟΝΟΣ*3 ΝΟΕΜ. 11» on 10l. Fl.Mercury PS. PS OFFER 3060 FC «ΝΕΑ ΑΓΧΙΑΛΟΣ» on 5x40l. Litho fr. on cover, via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*30 ΝΟΕ. 13» to USA. C 12 3061 FC ΝΕΟΧΩΡΙΟΝ (ΠΑΡΑΧΕΛΩΙΤΙΔΟΣ) on letter-card print.10l.Litho,arr.military ΣΤΡ.ΤΑΧ.ΧΙΙ ΜΕΡΑΡΧΙΑΣ*7 ΑΠΡ.16 (typ.V) PS 20 3062 FC «ΞΗΡΟΚΑΜΠΙΟΝ»,»ΝΕΑ ΕΠΙΔΑΥΡΟΣ»,»ΠΟΡΟΣ»,»ΣΥΡΟΣ» & «ΛΕΟΝΤΑΡΙΟΝ» on 6x10l.(incl.2 pairs)+25l.Fl.Mercury.Few faults. o 12 3063 FC Canc. «ΠΑΛΑΙΟΒΡΑΧ(Α)» on 25l. Fl.Mercury. P.O. est. 2/1/07, clos. 20/6/11. PROBABLY UNIQUE. RRRR. o 50 3064 FC «ΠΑΞΟΙ*28.ΣΕΠΤ.94» canc. on 10l. Large Hermes Head. u. o OFFER 3065 FC 3 different posted from Bayern, Italia and Belgium, all with arrinal canc. «ΠΑΤΗΣΙΑ» in black or blue colour. PPC OFFER 3066 FC «ΠΛΑΤΑΝΑ (ΣΚΟΠΕΛΟΥ)» («button» type) on pair 10l.Litho. (2 weak strikes). o 3067 FC «ΠΛΑΤΑΝΟΣ (ΚΡΑΘΙΔΟΣ)*26 ΑΥΓ...» on 5l.Litho on small fragment. Δ 5 3068 FC ΠΥΡΓΟΣ (ΘΗΡΑΣ) on pair & single 10l.Fl.Mercury.Two cancels. o 10 3069 FC «ΡΑΨΑΝΗ*16 ...» on 20l.Small Head (imperfor.). o OFFER 3070 FC «ΣΑΓΕΙΚΑ*4 ΜΑΙΟΣ 09» in blue on letter-card print. 10l.Fl. Mercury, arr. «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*4 ΜΑΙ.09» PS PS 5 o 10 5 12 3071 FC 5l. Flying Mercury PS card to Athens, canc. type V «ΣΙΦΝΟΣ * 13 ΣΕΠΤ. 05», arr. at Athens on back. 3072 FC «ΣΚΙΑΘΟΣ» on 20l. red in strip of 3. Superb. (Hellas 89). 3073 FC «ΣΚΑΛΑ (ΛΑΚΕΔΑΙΜΟΝΟΣ)» («button» type) on 10l.Litho. o 20 3074 FC Cover fr. with 5l. +10l. Litho canceled with «ΣΤΡΕΦΗ (ΟΛΥΜΠΙΩΝ)» (button type) to Athens. Also postmans canc. «E25». C 40 3075 FC «ΣΥΚΙΑ (ΣΥΚΙΩΝΟΣ)» («button» type) on 10l.Litho. o 10 3076 FC ΤΑΧ.& ΤΗΛ.ΛΑΜΙΑΣ on 5l.,10l.,2 x 20l.(one on cover) & 40l.blue. 3077 FC Canc. «ΤΕΜΕΝΗ (ΑΙΓΙΑΛΕΙΑΣ)*16.ΑΥΓ.13» on 10l. litho. 3078 FC ΤΡΑΓΑΙΑ on pair 10l.Small Head. o 6 3079 FC «ΤΡΙΚΚΑΛΑ*4.ΜΑΡΤ.96» on PS card 1891-98 print 10l. blue Large Head to Athens. PS 8 3080 FC 2X1901 Letter cards print 10l. Fl.Mercury from.»Τρυπιά 1907», without cancel(obviously due to deficiency of cancel), arr.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*13.ΙΑΝ.1907».(Στρ.Β3β). PS 15 3081 FC «ΦΙΛΙΑΤΡΑ» in 2 differ.types on single+pair 20l.Small Head (imperfor.). o 6 3082 FC «XATZH*29 OKT.901» on 20l.Fl.Mercury. o 3 o/C 12 o 10 TYPE V POSTMARKS FOR NEW TERRITORIES 3083 FC «ΑΓΙΟΝ ΟΡΟΣ», «ΓΕΥΓΕΛΗ», «ΘΑΣΟΣ», «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ», «ΚΛΕΙΣΟΥΡΑ», «ΝΙΓΡΙΤΑ», «ΣΕΡΡΑΙ», «ΣΟΥΜΠΟΤΣΚΟΝ (ΚΑΡΑΤΖΟΒΑΣ)», «ΦΛΩΡΙΝΑ» on various stamps. o OFFER 3084 FC «ΑΣΒΕΣΤΟΧ(ΩΡΙΟΝ)» on 2l. campaign. o 25 3085 FC Canc. «ΒΟΓΑΤΣΙΚΟΝ (ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ)*5.ΜΑΙΟΣ*14» on 25l. 1913 Campaign stamp. o 20 3086 FC «ΓΕΝΙΤΣΑ*31 ΔΕΚΕ. ??» on charity stamp (Hellas C1). o OFFER 3087 FC «ΓΕΥΓΕΛΗ*26 ΦΕΒΡ.13» on 10l. «ΕΔ». VF. o 30 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 91 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3088 FC «ΔΟΙΡΑΝΗ*1 ΑΥΓ.13» on 3l., 5l., 20l., 25l., 30l. Engraved stamps, surcharged by hand with «ΕΔ» (=ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ). Superb and extremely rare. o 270 3089 FC Canc. «ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ» (small and large strikes) on 2l. and 25l. 1913 Campaign stamps. o OFFER 3090 FC Canc. «ΠΡΕΜΕΤΗ», «ΜΟΥΔΡΟΝ-ΛΗΜΝΟΥ», «ΣΕΡΡΑΙ», «ΚΑΒΑΛΛΑ», «ΘΑΣΟΣ», «ΚΑΣΤΡΟΝ-ΛΗΜΝΟΥ» and «ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ» on Campaign stamps. VF to SUperb strikes. ο OFFER 3091 FC «(ΚΑ)ΤΑΦΥΓΙΟΝ*20.Ι...14» on 10l. 1913 Campaign.Rare ο 75 3092 FC «(ΚΑΤ)Ω ΤΣΟΥΜΑΓΙΑ*15 ΟΚΤ.» on 5l. Campaign. o OFFER 3093 FC «ΚΙΛΚΙΣΙΟΝ (ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ)*16 ΜΑΡΤ. 19» on 50l. lithographic issue in horizontal pair. o OFFER 3094 FC Canc. «ΛΕΙΒΑΔΙΟΝ(ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΣ)*31.ΜΑΡΤ.16» on 5l. 1912-1913 «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» ovpt. o 18 3095 FC Military cover (EL included) written on «Λαχανά τη 20/02/19» and posted from «ΛΙΓΚΟΒΑΝΗ*2? ΦΕΒΡ. 19» (type V), via «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*28 ΦΕΒΡ. 19». RRR. C 150 3096 FC Canc. «ΝΙΑΟΥΣΑ», «ΠΟΛΥΧΝΙΤΟΣ», «ΠΡΕΒΕΖΑ», «ΠΡΕΜΕΤΗ», «ΣΕΡΡΑΙ» and «ΣΟΡΟΒΙΤΖ» on 1913 Campaign stamps. ο OFFER 3097 FC «ΠΛΩΜΑΡΙΟΝ*13 ΝΟΕΜ.15» as arrival on telegram from Thessaloniki. 3098 FC Colour PPC fr. with 1l. «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ» and cancelled with mauve «ΣΑΜΟΘΡΑΚΗ». 3099 FC «ΣΕΛΙΤΣΑ*11.ΙΟΥΛ.?» on 10l. 1913 Campaign.VF 3100 FC ΣΟΥΜΠΟΤΣΚΟΝ (ΚΑΡΑΤΣΟΒΑΣ) on 10l.Campaign. o 8 3101 FC «ΣΤΡΑΤΩΝΙΟΝ (ΧΑΛΚΙΔΙΚΗΣ)» on 20l.Litho. o 20 PS 20 PPC 10 o 25 RURAL CANCELLATIONS 3102 FC Hundreds of fragments with stamps canc. with rural posthorns (clear canc.). Very nice lot. Δ OFFER 3103 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Καλλονή Πεδιάδος Ηρακλείου (66Α), via «ΚΑΣΤΕΛΛΑΝΟΙ» (72) and Αγ. Λέων Ζακύνθου (37). ο OFFER 3104 FC Τhree covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Τριταία Αμφίσσης (139), Μαριολάτα Παρωασίδος (140) and Ξηροχώρι Δωρισών (140). ο OFFER 3105 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Τεμενια Σελίνου (206), Σούγια Σελίνου (206) and one via «ΚΑΡΠΕΝΗΣΙΟΝ» (204). ο OFFER 3106 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Κρυονέρι Βοιου (220), Αχλαδόκαστρο Ναυπακτίας (221) and Διασελάκι Αιτ/νιας (221). ο OFFER 3107 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Γαλλανείκα Ευρυτανίας (224), Κορίτσα Ευρυτανίας (224) and Σταυρός Λαμίας (224). ο OFFER 3108 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Μουρέσι Βόλου (267), Πληκάτι Κόνιτσας (614) and Δεσποτικό Πρεβέζης (656). ο OFFER 3109 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Ξυλούπολη Θεσσαλονίκης (275), Λευκοχώρι (899) and Πηγή Τρικκάλλων (275). ο OFFER 3110 FC Cover to Cincinnati (USA), with rural posthorn type canc. «693 * -6.VIII.80» plus «SKLITHRON * 6.VIII.80», arr. at Cincinnati on 21.8.80, returned to sender, arr. at Athens on 19.11.1980 at back side. C 8 3111 FC Rural posthorn canc. «759 * 11.1.94» on air cover to Canada, with canc. «ΤΣΟΤIΛΙΟΝ / TSOTILION * 11.Ι.94». C 3 3112 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Λιβαδάρι Πάργας (813), Σπαθαραίοι Πάργας (813) and Τζάρα Πάργας (813). ο OFFER 3113 FC Rural posthorn canc. «862» and «863» on 2 covers from «ΜΗΛΙΕΣ ΙΣΤΙΑΙΑΣ» and «ΠΑΛΑΙΟΧΩΡΑ ΧΑΛΚΙΔΙΚΗΣ». C OFFER 3114 FC Rural posthorn canc. «866» on cover from «ΑΓ.ΓΕΡΜΑΝΟ ΝΑΟΥΣΗΣ». C OFFER 3115 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Τριάδα Λασιθίου (871), Λιθίνες Σητείας (872) and Γομάτι Χαλκιδικής (873). ο OFFER 3116 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Γομάτι Χαλκιδικής (873), Ουρανούπολη (873) and Ιασμος Ροδόπης (881). ο OFFER 3117 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Ιμερος Κομοτηνής (886), Πολύανθος Ροδόπης (881) and one via «ΖΑΓΚΛΙΒΕΡΙ» (882). ο OFFER 3118 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Πύργος Ορεστιάδος (896), Ρίζια Ορεστιάδος (896) and Στέρνα Ορεστιάδος (896). ο OFFER 3119 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Αετόλοφος Σαπών (922), Βουνίχωρα Φωκίδος (139) and Πλάτανο Κισσάμου Χανίων (11). ο OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 92 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3120 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Εράσμιο Ξάνθης (1025), Αρματολικό Τρικκάλων (283) and Οιχαλιά Τρικκάλων (279). ο OFFER 3121 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Φαρακλό Λακωνίας (1042), Ι.Μ. Κοιμήσεως Θεοτόκου Σταγιάδες Καλαμπάκα (1106) and Ριζώματα Ημαθίας (918). ο OFFER 3122 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Ζάρκο Τρικκάλων (1062), Δομένικο Ελασσόνας (1065) and Ποταμιά Αγιας (1064). ο OFFER 3123 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Αλεποχώρι Διδ/χου (1102), Αχελινάδα (1103) and Γερακάρι Τρικκάλων (1103). ο OFFER 3124 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Αγ. Γεώργιος Μεσολόγγιου (1112), Σκοντερά Τριχωνίδος (1114) and one canc. (1119). ο OFFER 3125 FC Three covers and one front cover canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Δεπερια Τυρναβου (1169), Μεταξά Κοζάνης (1165), and Λιβαδερό Κοζάνης (1165) and one via «ΣΕΡΒΙΑ» (1165). ο OFFER 3126 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Λιβαδερό Κοζάνης (1165), Αψαλος Αριδαίας (1175), and Αξός Γιαννιτσών (1176). o OFFER 3127 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Αμπελειές Γιαννιτσών (1176), Κορφοβούνι Αρτας (1179) and Νέα Σάντα Σαπών Ροδόπης (1182). ο OFFER 3128 FC Three covers canc. with rural posthorns mailed from Σαρακίνα Τρικκάλων (1184), Λευκάδα Φθιώτιδος (1189) and Πίτσιον (1189). ο OFFER PS OFFER TELEGRAPHIC POSTMARKS 3129 FC «ΤΗΛ.ΓΡ. ΑΡΑΧΩΒΑΣ (ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑΣ)*24 ΔΕK. 15» on 5l. PS posted from «ΠΑΤΡΑ*21 ΔΕΚ. 15». 3130 FC «ΤΗΛ. ΓΡ. ΓΑΛΑΞΕΙΔΙΟΥ*11 ΙΑΝ. 17» on 10l. PS. PS OFFER 3131 FC PS «ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΣ ΝΕΑ ΖΩΗ ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΣ» posted from «Κόρινθος 8-9-23». On arrival taxed with 40l. litho and cancelled with «ΤΗΛ. ΓΡ. ΔΕΡΒΕΝΙΟΥ*9 ΣΕΠ. 23». PS OFFER 3132 FC «ΤΗΛ. ΓΡ. ΛΙΜΝΗΣ» and «ΤΗΛ. ΓΡ. ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥΠΟΛΕΩΣ» on 2 different covers. C OFFER AMBULANT (RAILROAD) CANCELLATIONS 3133 FC Railroad canc. «ΤΑΧ. ΓΡ. ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΥ-ΑΙΓΙΟΥ» on 5l. 1880/86 Large Hermes Head. o 8 3134 FC «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ-ΓΟΥΜΕΝΙΤΣΑ» and «ΓΟΥΜΕΝΙΤΣΑ-ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ» on 10l+25l. 1912 Campaign. Rare. o 20 3135 FC Cover canc. «ΧΙΟΣ*1.ΔΕΚ.28» fr.1.50dr(Hellas 485).On arrival railway linear «ΑΡΝΙΣΣΑ» and «ΣΙΔΗΡ. ΕΛΛ.ΚΡΑΤΟΥΣ*ΑΡΝΙΣΣΑ*6.ΔΕΚ.28».Very rare C 80 3136 FC Cover canc. in arrival «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ-ΣΙΔΗΡΟΔΡ.ΣΤΑΘΜΟΣ*ΕΠΙΤΑΓΑΙ/22.ΔΕΚ.34».Rare canc. C 10 3137 FC «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ-ΦΛΩΡΙΝΑ/ΚΙΝΗΤΟΝ 1Β» and «1Γ» on two covers. C 8 3138 FC Cover from Aminteon canc.»ΚΙΝΗΤ.ΦΛΩΡΙΝΗΣ-ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ-1A*2.IV.40» to Athens. C 8 3139 FC PS canc.»ΒΟΛΟΣ*14.ΙΩ.53» and railway canc.»ΛΑΡΙΣΑ-ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ ΚΙΝ.2Γ*15.ΜΑΡ.53», arr.»ΠΥΡΓΟΣ*17.ΙV.53». PS OFFER 3140 FC 1953 cover posted from «OAKLAND CALIF.», via «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ» and «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ», arr. «ΡΕΘΥΜΝΟΝ». Then posted again to Agra with RARE railway canc. «Κ.Θ.Φ.1Α*10.IX.53». C OFFER 3141 FC Cover from «ΠΕΡΙΓΙΑΛΙ ΚΟΡΙΝΘΙΑΣ» and railway single-circe 30mm diam.canc. «K.ΠΑ.ΠΕΙ.2Γ*19. XI.56».NON philatelic cover.Very rare C 18 3142 FC «Κ.ΠΕΙ.-ΠΑ.2Γ*10 XII.59» (ΚΙΝΗΤΟΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ-ΠΑΤΡΩΝ 2Α) on 1.50dr. 1958 Ancient Art III, on Cover to Netherlands. Very rare. o 10 3143 FC Cover addressed to Queen Frederika in Athens, franked on flap with 2.50dr., ambulant canc. «ΠΥΡΓΟΣ - ΠΑΤΡΑΙ * ΚΙΝ. 2Α * 26.Χ.59», arr. «ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΑ ΑΝΑΚΤΟΡΑ - ΑΦΙΞΙΣ * 27.Χ.59». C 10 3144 FC «ΤΡΙΠΟΛΙΣ - ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ - ΚΙΝΗΤΟΝ*1 ΝΟΕ.960» on 1.50dr. 1959 Ancient Coins I, on Cover to Netherlands. Rare. o 10 3145 FC Cover canc.»ΚΙΝΗΤ.ΦΛΩΡΙΝΗΣ-ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ-1Γ*1.IV.63». C 8 3146 FC Railway canc. «Κ.Π.Θ.1Γ*19 VIII. 63» on cover. C OFFER 3147 FC Cover fr. with 2,50dr. canc. railway single-circe 24mm diam.»K.ΤΡ.-ΠΕΙ.2A*20.VIII.67»,NON philatelic cover.Very rare C 18 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 93 STARTING PRICES IN EURO COMMEMORATIVE CACHETS 3148 FC Registered cover (philatelic) fr. with 1927 Landscapes complete set of 14 values (Hellas 467/480), canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-ΣΤΑΔΙΟΝ-ΒΑΛΚΑΝΙΚΟΙ ΑΓΩΝΕΣ*29.ΣΕΠ.1929», arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*30.ΣΕΠ.29» in red. C 15 3149 FC Commemorative canc. «ΙΕΡΑ ΠΟΛΙC ΜΕCΟΛΟΓΓΙΟΝ*25.ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ.1937» on various stamps on fragments mounted on an old album page. o 15 3150 FC «4 ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥ 1938*ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ» on PS card fr.6 stamps to «In Town». PS 8 3151 FC Register cover arr. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*28 ΟΚΤ.», fr. with 20dr. & 40dr. & 2x1dr./40l. (Hellas 635/636+C93). C OFFER 3152 FC Commemor. canc. romboid «ΔΕΛΒΙΝΟΝ/6-12-40» on illustrated PS print 2dr and fr. with 5dr+10dr 1945 Glory and 1945 «No» anniversary issue, complete set of 2 values canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*6.ΔΕΚ.45» mailed intown. PS 10 3153 FC Commemorative romboid canc. «ΑΡΓΥΡΟΚΑΣΤΡΟΝ/8-12-40» on cover fr. with 1945 «No anniversary» complete set of 2 values. o OFFER 3154 FC Register.cover canc.military «ΒΑΣΙΣ ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΥ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟΥ*15 ΜΑΙΟΥ/ΗΜΕΡΑ/ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ/ ΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ» in red fr.3 stamps canc.»ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*13-V-46»,arr.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15-V-46» & British military «FIELD POST OFFICE*17 MY.46».Very rare item. C 150 3155 FC Commemor. cachet «ΕΝΩΣΙΣ ΔΩΔΕΚΑΝΗΣΟΥ*7-ΙΙΙ-48» on cover with 1947 Dodecanese union stamps, complete set of 8 values (20.11.47 issue), canc. «ΡΟΔΟΣ*7.III.48», arr. «ΡΟΔΟΣ*9.III.48». (Hellas 679/682+684+689/690+694). o 10 3156 FC «ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ ΜΑΚΡΟΝΗΣΟΣ*14-4.49» on color PPC of the Ancient Art series. PS 5 3157 FC Canc. «ΙΕΡΟΝ ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙΟΥ*11 VII.1954» plus lilac «ΕΠΙΔΑΥΡΟΣ/ΙΠΠΟΛΥΤΟΣ*11.7.1954» on cover fr. with 1954 N.A.T.O. airpost, complete set of three values (Hellas A71/A73). C 15 3158 FC PPC «LOUTRAKI Vue Generale» (b&w) fr. with 700dr. + 1800dr. and cancelled with with red canc. «ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ ΕΠΙΔΑΥΡΟΥ*19 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΥ-3 ΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ 1955», via «ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ*20 VI 55» to Lausanne. Non Philatelic. RR. PPC 20 3159 «ΕΠΙΔΑΥΡΟΣ*15.6/7.7.1957» and «ΙΕΡΟΝ ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙΟΥ*22.VI.1957» on card. o OFFER 3160 FC Commemor. cachet «NATO 1949-1959» and boxed «Ο Ν.Α.Τ.Ο. ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΙ/ΕΓΓΥΗΣΙΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑΣ» on cover. o 10 3161 FC «10η ΕΠΕΤΕΙΟΣ/ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΥ/ΕΥΡΩΠΗΣ/5 ΜΑΙΟΥ 1959» commer. canc. and «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*5.V.59» on cover fr. with 10l+20l+50l+70l+1dr (Hellas 813/817). C OFFER 3162 FC «ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΟΝ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΝ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΩΝ*ΟΙΚΟΥΜΕΝΗ*ΡΟΔΟΣ 19/28.8.59» on cover. o OFFER 3163 FC «CONSEIL DES GOUVERNEURS/DE LA CROIX ROUGE/XXV SESSION 21.9-1.10.59-ATHINAI» commemor. canc. on cover to Piraeus fr. with 70l 1959 Red Cross in bl.4 (Hellas 833) canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*21.ΙΧ.59» (first day of issue). C OFFER 3164 FC Commemor. cachet «NATO 1949-1959» and boxed «ΜΠΙΖΑΝΙ-ΚΙΛΚΙΣ-ΛΑΧΑΝΑ/ΑΙΩΝΙΑ ΜΝΗΜΕΙΑ ΑΘΑΝΑΤΩΝ ΗΡΩΩΝ» on cover. o 8 3165 FC Boxed «ΗΜΕΡΑ ΤΗΣ ΜΗΤΕΡΑΣ/14 ΜΑΙΟΥ 1961» on cover fr. with 10l. + 20l. + 50l. + 70l. + 1dr. Landscapes cancelled with «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*14 V 61», arr. «ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ*16.V.61». C 3 3166 FC «ΝΑΤΟ/1949-1961» on cover fr. with 20l.+70l.+2x80l. Tourist cancelled with «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*11.IV.61». C 5 3167 FC 1962 ΚΑΤΩ ΒΕΡΜΙΟΝ canc.KATΩ ΒΕΡΜΙΟΝ-ΝΑΟΥΣΗΣ-23 ΙΙ 62 arr.ΑΘΗΝΑΙ C OFFER 3168 FC Commemor. cachet «Α’ ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΟΣ ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΚΗ ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ/ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ*23.ΑΠΡΙΛ.1966» on special illustrated card. o 3 3169 FC Commemor. cachet «Διεθνες συμποσιον επι της συγκριτικης δομης της αιμοσφαιρινης/Θεσσαλονικη*11-13 απριλιου.1966» on colloured PPC. ο OFFER 3170 FC Commemor. canc. «Β’ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΚΡΗΤΟΛΟΓΙΚΟΝ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΝ/12-18 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 1966*ΧΑΝΙΑ» on illustrated cover fr. with 2.50dr canc. «XANIA*12.IV.66». C 5 3171 FC Commemor. cachet «Β’ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΑΛΑΙΩΝ ΑΥΤΟΚΙΝΗΤΩΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-8.ΜΑΙΟΥ.1966». ο OFFER 3172 FC Commemor. cachet «ΕΠΑΝΑΚΟΜΙΔΗ ΤΙΜΙΑΣ ΚΑΡΑΣ ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΟΥ ΤΙΤΟΥ/ΕΝΕΤΙΑ 1669 ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ 1966/15-17 ΜΑΙΟΥ.1966». o OFFER 3173 FC Commemor. canc. «17ον ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΝ ΔΙΕΘΝΟΥΣ ΕΝΩΣΕΩΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΩΝ-ΕΜΠΕΙΡΟΓΝΩΜΩΝ ΤΟΥΡΙΣΜΟΥ*A.I.E.S.T*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*10-13/9/66» on cover canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*ΞΕΝ.ΜΕΓ.ΒΡΕΤΑΝΙΑ*2.IX.66». ο OFFER 3174 FC Commemor. canc. «ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΚΗ ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ/ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣΗΜΩΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ/ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*16.10.66» on illustraterd cover. o OFFER 3175 FC «LIONS EUROPA FORUM*ATHENS 25/29.9.68» on cover. o OFFER 3176 FC «ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΔΙΑΣΚΕΨΙΣ ΔΙΑΣΤΙΜΙΚΗΣ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ*ΧΑΝΙΑ 24-31.5.69» on cover fr. with 5dr. C OFFER 3177 FC «Β’ ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΟΣ ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΚΗ ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ*ΠΕΙΡΑΕΥΣ 23.9.69» and «B’ ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΟΣ ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΚΗ ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ*ΠΕΙΡΑΕΥΣ*29.9.69» on 2 covers. o OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 94 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3178 FC «ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ ΠΡΟΣΚΟΠΙΚΟΥ ΓΡΑΜ/ΜΟΥ*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 22.11.1970» «Β’ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ ΣΑΜΙΩΤΙΚΟΥ ΚΡΑΣΙΟΥ*ΣΑΜΟΣ 25.7.70» and «ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ ΓΡΑΜ/ΜΩΝ ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛ. ΟΜΙΛΟΥ ΚΟΛΛΕΓΙΟΥ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 10 ΜΑΙΟΥ 70» on 3 covers. o OFFER 3179 FC Commemor. cachet «ΕΥΡΩΠΑΙΚΟΝ ΠΡΩΤΑΘΛΗΜΑ FINN/ΑΓ.ΚΟΣΜΑΣ*13.VIII.1971» and «6.VIII.1971» on 2 «BIOE» (=Βασιλικός Ιστιοπλοικός Ομιλος Ελλάδος) postal cards. Also games label. o 6 3180 FC «Γ’ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ ΣΑΜΙΩΤΙΚΟΥ ΚΡΑΣΙΟΥ*ΣΑΜΟΣ 23.8.71» on cover. o OFFER 3181 FC «ΧΑΝΘ 1921-1971 50 ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΑΓΑΠΗΣ*ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 9 ΣΕΠΤ. ‘71» on 2 different colour official covers. o OFFER 3182 FC Commemor. canc. «ΕΛΛΑΣ/UNESCO/25η ΕΠΕΤΕΙΟΣ/ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*4-11-1971» on illustrated cover fr. with 2.50dr 1971 stamp, arr. «ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΗ*10.XI.71». C OFFER 3183 FC «29οι ΠΑΝΕΥΡΩΠΑΙΚΟΙ ΑΓΩΝΕΣ ΜΠΡΙΤΖ*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 23 ΝΟΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ ‘71» on illustrated card. o OFFER 3184 FC Two covers and two illustrated cards with var. of commemorative cachets of 1972. o OFFER 3185 FC «5η ΕΠΕΤΕΙΟΣ ΕΘΝΙΚΗΣ ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΕΩΣ 21ης 4.67*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 21.4.72» on cover. o OFFER 3186 FC Three illustrated cards with var. of commemorative cachets of 1972. o OFFER 3187 FC «ΟΣΕ 50 ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΔΙΕΘΝΟΥΣ ΕΝΩΣΕΩΣ ΣΙΔΗΡΟΔΡΟΜΩΝ-UIC*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 1.12.1972» on cover. o OFFER 3188 FC Four covers with var. of commemorative cachets of 1973. o OFFER 3189 FC «ΠΕΝΤΗΚΟΝΤΑΕΤΗΡΙΣ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΥ ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΕΙΑ*1924-1973*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*18.11.1973» on illustrated cover. o OFFER 3190 FC Commemor. canc. «ΠΡΟΣΚΥΝΗΜΑ ΕΦΕΔΡΩΝ ΑΞΙΩΜΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ*ΞΑΝΘΗ*25.3.74». ο OFFER 3191 FC Commemor. canc. «ΕΠΕΤΕΙΟΣ ΕΘΝΙΚΗΣ ΠΑΛΙΓΓΕΝΕΣΙΑΣ/ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*25.3.74» on cover fr. with 2.50dr, arr. «ΒΟΛΟΣ*26.III.74». C OFFER 3192 FC «2ον ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΟΝ ΔΕΡΜΑΤΟΛΟΓΙΚΟΝ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟΝ*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 12.5.73», «IX CONGRES GROUPEMENT LATIN DE MEDECIN DU SPORT*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 10.9.73» and «25ΕΤΗΡΙΣ ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΟΥ ΟΡΓΑΝΩΣΕΩΣ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 7.4.73» on 3 covers. o OFFER 3193 FC «3η ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΗ ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣΗΜΟΥ*ΚΟΛΛΕΓΙΟ ΑΘΗΝΩΝ 13 ΜΑΙΟΥ 1973» and «75ΕΤΗΡΙΣ ΠΡΩΤΟΥ ΚΡΗΤΙΚΟΥ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣΗΜΟΥ 1898-1973*ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ 28.11.1973» on 2 covers. o OFFER 3194 FC Three covers with var. of commemorative cachets of 1973. o OFFER 3195 FC «ΠΟΣΕΙΔΩΝΙΑ ‘74*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 8.6.1974» on cover. o OFFER «Β’ ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΗΣ ΑΓΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΑΣ*ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 7.10.77» on cover. o OFFER «ΗΜΕΡΑ ΚΛΑΣΣΙΚΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣΗΜΟΥ*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 18.11.77» on cover. ο OFFER «ΤΑΧ. ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΝ ΔΙΕΘΝΟΥΣ ΕΚΘΕΣΕΩΣ ΘΕΣ/ΝΙΚΗΣ*17.ΣΕΠ.1976» on PPC. ο OFFER 3196 3197 FC 3198 3199 FC Commemor. canc. «ΣΥΝΟΔΟΣ ΟΜΑΔΑΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ POIGT4*ΑΘΗΝΑ*3.10.78». ο OFFER 3200 FC Seven covers with var. of commemorative cachets of 1976. o OFFER 3201 FC Five covers with var. of commemorative cachets of 1976. o OFFER «XI ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΧΕΙΡΟΥΡΓΙΚΗΣ*ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*23.10.78» on PPC. o OFFER 3202 3203 FC Commemor. canc. «1η ΠΑΝΕΛΛΗΝΙΑ ΣΥΝΑΝΤΗΣΗ ΠΑΛΑΙΩΝ ΠΡΟΣΚΟΠΩΝ*ΑΘΗΝΑ*4.11.78». ο OFFER 3204 FC Commemor. canc. «30η ΕΠΕΤΕΙΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΔΙΑΚΗΡΥΞΕΩΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΩΝ ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ/ Ο.Η.Ε.*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*10.12.78». ο OFFER 3205 FC Commemor. canc. «Α’ ΠΑΝΝΕΛΗΝΙΟ ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*25.2.79» on special numbered illustrated cover. o OFFER 3206 FC «ΠΡΟΛΗΠΤΙΚΗ ΙΑΤΡΙΚΗ Ζ’ ΙΑΤΡΙΚΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΕΝΟΠΛΩΝ ΔΥΝΑΜΕΩΝ*ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 5.4.1979» on cover. ο OFFER 3207 FC Commemor. canc. «ΕΝΑΡΞΙΣ ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΚΟΥ ΔΙΑΛΟΓΟΥ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΩΝ ΡΩΜΑΙΟΚΑΘΟΛΙΚΗΣ ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΟΥ*ΠΑΤΜΟΣ*29.5.80». ο OFFER 3208 FC «70 ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΘΑΝΑΤΟ ΤΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ ΠΑΠΑΔΙΑΜΑΝΤΗ*ΣΚΙΑΘΟΣ 22.5.81» on cover. o OFFER 3209 FC «ΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΙΚΗ ΣΧΟΛΗ ΚΛΑΣΙΚΩΝ ΣΠΟΥΔΩΝ 1881-1981*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 17.6.1981» on cover ο OFFER 3210 FC Complete set of 9 commemorative covers illustrated with reproduction of different Thessaloniki PPC, canc. «ΠΑΝΝΕΛΗΝΙΑ ΦΙΛΟΤΕΛΙΚΗ ΕΚΘΕΣΙΣ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ’83*22.10.83»-»30.10.83». o OFFER MARITIME CANCELLATIONS 3211 FC Cover to Gyteion fr. with 2dr. litho canc. oval «ΔΕΞΑΜΕΝΟΠΛΟΙΝ*ΑΓΙΟΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ*ΑΡΙΘ.ΝΗΟΛΟΓ. 1463». C 15 3212 FC Ship mail: Cover to Alexandria, re-addressed to Cairo, franked with 1m.+4m. Egyptian stamps, canc. oval green «S.S. TAIF / KHEDIVIAL MAIL LINE», arr. «PORT-TAUFIC / ISMAILIA / 7.MR.31» and machine slogan canc. «CAIRO / 9.III.31» on back. C 60 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 95 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3213 FC «S.S.KRALJICA MARIJA*PREDATO NA MORU*22 MEI.1931» in violet color on PPC to Czechoslovakia. 3214 FC Cover from Pireus to Rethymnon with maritime canc. «.....ΚΗ ΑΤΜΟΠΛΟΙΑ ΚΑΡΑΙΣΚΑΚΗΣ» PPC 20 C 5 EXCHANGE CONTROL CACHETS 3215 FC 1937 Airmail cover fr. with 7dr airpost stamp plus 8dr King George II and 2X50l. charity stamp to Leiben (Austria). Readdressed to Wien taxed with 30c. Austrian postage due stamp. Circular exchange control cachet «ΥΕΣ». C 10 3216 FC 1938 Cover fr. with 8dr Stadium plus 2X50l./5l. charity stamp to France. Taxed on arrival with 30c. French postage due stamp for restante. Exchange control cachet «ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΑ ΕΘΝΙΚΟΥ ΝΟΜΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑΣ*» C 10 3217 FC 1938 Airmail cover fr. with 7dr airpost stamp plus 8dr King George II and 2X50l./20l. charity stamp to France. Triangular cachet «T» and 30c. French postage due stamp for restante and circular exchange control cachet «ΠΕΝ». C 10 3218 FC 1938 Airmail cover fr. with 7dr airpost stamp plus 8dr Royal Wedding and 2X50l. charity stamp to Marseille.Taxed on arrival with 30c. French postage due stamp for restante. Circular exchange control cachet «ΥΕΣ». C 10 PS OFFER VARIOUS CANCELS & CACHETS 3219 FC «ΠΑΤΡΑΙ (ΕΠΙΤΑΓΑΙ)*1 ΙΟΥΝ.00» (wrong year 00 instead of 32) on Money-Order receipt. 3220 FC «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-ΠΑΡΑΡΤ.1*16 ΜΑΙΟΣ 16» & boxed «ΒΟΗΘΕΙΤΕ/ΤΟΝ ΕΡΥΘΡΟΝ/ΣΤΑΥΡΟΝ» οn PPC «Athenes.Academie» b&w (brown Aspiotis» fr.10l.Litho to Milano-Italy. 3221 FC Canc. «ΑΝΑΚΤΟΡΑ*13.III.36» on 1927+1931/35 Landscapes, Mystras, Stadium and 50dr Republic issue stamps on sheet. 3222 FC 3223 FC 3224 PPC 15 o 12 Postman cachets «2», «17» and «100» and cachets «T» (2 different) on various stamps. Interesting. o OFFER Cover to USA, franked with ‘Independence’ 4dr. (Hellas 502), canc. «ΑΡΙΣΤΟΜΕΝΗΣ * 11.ΟΚΤ.930», transit canc. «ΜΕΣΣΗΝΗ * 11.ΟΚΤ.930» & machine canc. of Athens on back. C 8 FC 2x1dr. Landscapes PS cancelled from «ΑΚΤΑΙΟΝ» in black and blue colour. PS OFFER 3225 FC Cover fr. with 6x20dr/50dr. + 130dr/20l. + 50l./1dr. and cancelled with «ΧΩΡΑ (ΤΡΙΦΥΛΛΙΑΣ)*23.I.47». C OFFER 3226 FC «ΝΙΑΤΑ*27 IV.64» via «ΜΟΛΑΟΙ*27 ΑΠΡ.64» to USA. C OFFER 3227 FC Cover from «LONDON*7 JNE 1963» with tape and canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-ΑΕΡ.-ΕΞΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΙΣ*6.VI.63». C 8 3228 FC «ΑΜΥΚΛΑΙ ΛΑΚΩΝΙΑΣ*22-Ι-72» as arrival on cover canc.ΘΕΣ-ΝΙΚΗ. C OFFER TURKISH POSTMARKS 3229 FC Canc. «RAKKA» and «KIRCHEHRI» on Turkish stamps on fragments. Δ OFFER 3230 FC Canc. «RESNE» on a pair of 20pa. Turkish stamps on fragment. RRR. Δ 15 LEVANT 3231 FC 1865 double weight EL posted from «ΘΗΡΑ (77)*28 ΔΕΚΕ. 65» with manuscript «Col Vapore Austriaco» and boxed «PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI», via «ΣΥΡΟΣ (67)*1 ΙΑΝ. 66», «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ (106)*18 ΙΑΝ. 66» and «BRINDISI*3 JAN. 66», arr. «LONDON». Postal rate to be paid «1 celine and 4 pence». EL 30 3232 FC 1867 double weight EL posted from «Μήλος 14 Απριλίου 67» with manuscript «Col Vapore Austriaco» and boxed «PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI», via «ΣΥΡΟΣ (67)*21 ΑΠΡ. 67», «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ (106)*25 ΑΠΡ. 67» and «BRINDISI*8 MAG. 67», arr. «LONDON». Postal rate to be paid «1 celine and 4 pence». EL 30 3233 FC 1868 double weight EL posted from «ΜΗΛΟΣ (80)*7 ΜΑΡΤ. 68» with manuscript «Col Vapore Austriaco» and boxed «PIROSCAFI POSTALI AUSTRIACI», via «ΣΥΡΟΣ (67)*11 ΜΑΡΤ. 68», «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ (106)*14 ΜΑΡΤ. 68» and «BRINDISI*27 MAR. 68», arr. «LONDON». Postal rate to be paid «1 celine and 4 pence». EL 20 3234 FC 1868 triple weight EL posted from «ΜΗΛΟΣ (80)*14 ΜΑΡΤ. 68» with manuscript «Col Vapore Austriaco» and boxed «PIROSCAFI POSTALI AUSTRIACI», via «ΣΥΡΟΣ (67)*25 ΜΑΡΤ. 68», «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ (106)*28 ΜΑΡΤ. 68» and «BRINDISI*10 APR. 68», arr. «LONDON». Postal rate to be paid «2 celines». EL 30 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 96 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3235 FC 1868 double weight EL posted from «ΜΗΛΟΣ (80)*6 ΙΟΥΛ. 68» with manuscript «Col Vapore Austriaco» and boxed «PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI», via «ΣΥΡΟΣ (67)*14 ΙΟΥΛ. 68», «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ (106)*16 ΙΟΥΛ. 68» and «BRINDISI*28 LUG. 68», arr. «LONDON*3 AU 68». Postal rate to be paid «1 celine and 4 pence». EL 20 3236 FC 1871 double weight EL posted from «ΜΗΛΟΣ (80)*18 ΟΚΤ. 71» with manuscript «Col Vapore Austriaco», via «ΣΥΡΑ (67)*22 ΟΚΤ. 71», arr. «LONDON*11 NO 71». Postal rate to be paid «1 celine and 8 pence». EL 30 3237 FC 1872 EL posted from «ΜΗΛΟΣ (80)* 7 ΑΥΓ. 72» with manuscript «Col Vapore Austriaco», via «ΣΥΡΑ (67)*9 ΑΥΓ. 72», arr. «LONDON*31 AU. 72». Postal rate to be paid «10 celices». EL 30 AUSTRIAN P.O. 3238 FC ALEXANDRIEN (2 different types), CONSTANTINOPEL, SALONICCO, TREBISONDA, canc. on five Franz Josef stamps. VF. o 15 3239 FC ALEXANDRIEN canc. on two fragments with single & 2x15sld. Franz Josef. VF. Δ 15 3240 FC CONSTANTINOPLE (2 different types) canc. on two 50sld. Franz Josef stamps. o 50 3241 FC 10pa Austrian Levant stamp on PPC canc. «CONSTANTINOPEL-OESTERREICHISCHE POST*4.5.05», arr. «PARIS*27.5.05». PPC 283 3242 FC 2 early coloured PPC fr. with 20pa/5h. and 10pa/3h Austrian Levant, canc. commemor. in lilac «JERUSALEM*31/10/98» and «25/12/99». PPC 20 3243 FC Maritime canc.»LLOYD AUSTRO-UNGARICO*XXIX*26-6-80» on 10kr.Double Adler stamp perfin «PARISI».Thinned. o 35 3244 FC PPC «Vounaraki-Metelin» fr. with 10pa/10H Austrian Levant, posted as document (The Carte Postale is crossed out) from «METELINO*30 11 03». On arrival «GENEVA*7.XII.03» taxed with 10c Swiss taxe. PPC 60 3245 FC 10 sld.Lombardy-Venetia (perfor.9 1/2) in pair on fragment canc.single-ring.Austrian «RUSTSCHUK*10/8». Δ 40 3246 FC «Souvenir de Salonique-Le vieux marche de Ville appele le Kapan» Early b&w PPC fr. with 5h. Austrian stamp canc.»SALONICH I-OESTERREICHISE POST*14.5.03», arr. ROMA*»18.5.03».On arrival taxed with 10c Italian postage due stamp and canc.»(ROMA)*19.5.03».VF PPC 50 3247 FC «SALONICCO U» Consulat-post office canc. on 1pi/10kr and 20pa. o 30 3248 FC Cover fr. with a strip of 4 of 10pa. canc.»G SALONICH I OSTERR.POST*9.V.12», arr.»BOUDAPEST*912.MAI.11». C 30 3249 FC Cover ffr with 1pi. Austrian stamp and posted from «VALONA*29/4/03», arr. «ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ». C 10 BRITISH P.O. 3250 FC Printed commercial cover from Salonica to England, franked with British Levant 1pi./2 1/2d., canc. «BRITISH POST OFFICE - SALONICA * B / MY 11, 11». C 25 3251 FC Registered cover fr. with 1/2p.+2X11p.+2p. British stamps canc. «BRITISH A.P.O.CONSTANTINOPLE*10.MR.20», arr. «LONDON*21.MAR.20». C 30 FRENCH P.O. 3252 FC 1869 EL canc.»SALONIQUE-TURQUIE*21 SEP.69» (stampless) & manuscript postage rate «6»,trans. French LES DARDANELLES,SMYRNE & ALEXANDRETTE to Alep (Syria).On arrival canc.large TAXE & fr.with Ottoman stamp(s) removed.Mail ships were «ASIE»,»ILLISUS» & «TANAIS». EL 100 3253 FC Cover fr. with 1pi/25c. and posted from «KERASSUNDE TURQ. D’ASIE*12 OCT. 89» with boxed «MER NOIRE», arr. «CONSTANTINOPLE TURQUIE*15 OCT. 89». VF. RR. C 180 3254 FC PPC fr. with 2x5c. Levant cancelled with «DARDANELES TURQUIE*20 AYG. 03», arr. «PARIS*24-7-03». PPC 10 3255 FC Colour PPC «Beyrouth. Promenade des Pins» (Dimitri Tarazi & Fils, N.699), fr. with 10c. and cancelled with «BEYROUTH SYRIE*9 MARS. 13». (Yv.14). PPC 10 Δ 25 GERMAN P.O. 3256 FC 5 x 1pi./20Pf.Post.Due (25/1/1884) on fragment fr.pair+bd.3 canc.»CONSTANTINOPEL-1*DEUTSCHE POST*29-12-85*1-2N». (Mi.3). A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 97 3257 FC 1901 German Levant 10pa/5pf green on PS wrapper from Jerusalem to Oels-Schlesien canc. «JERUSALEM * DEUTSCHE POST */25 5 01» postmark. Special rubber cachet for return to certain address at «Syrian Orphanage of Jerusalem on reverse». 3258 FC 3259 FC STARTING PRICES IN EURO W 22 «Souvenir de Constantinople. Ecole de commerce a Halki» early PPC (Fruchtermann) to Italy, franked with German Levant (1900) 10pa./5pf., canc. «CONSTANTINOPEL 3. * DEUTSCHE POST * 28/10 01 9-10N.» (type XII), arr. «BUDAPEST * 901-OKT.29». (Mi. 12I) PPC 25 «Jerusalem. Mosque of Omar» colour PPC posted via German P.O. to New Jersey, USA. PPC 10 POSTAL STATIONERY 3260 FC 2XPS card 1883 print.5l.grey black on yellow cream+black on yeliow cream Large Head, unused. (Στρ.Δ3/Δ3α). PS 10 3261 FC 1883 PS print 5l. Hermes Head black on yellow cream ovpt «SPECIMEN». VF. (Στρατ. Δ3S). PS 10 3262 FC 1883 PS card print.10l.blue Large Head canc.»ΘΗΡΑ (77)*11 ΣΕΠΤ.89» (typ.II), arr.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*13 ΣΕΠΤ...». (Στρατ. Δ4). PS 10 3263 FC 1883 double PS print.5l.+5l.black Large Head black on yellow cream, unused. VF. (Στρατ. Δ6). PS 6 3264 FC 1883 double PS print 5l.+5l. Hermes Head black on yellow cream «with paid answer», unused. VF. (Στρατ. Δ6A). PS 10 3265 FC 1883 PS with pre-printed 10l.+10l. blue Hermes head, unused. (ΣΤΡ.Δ7). Superb. PS 20 3266 FC 1883 PS with pre-printed 10l.+10l. red Hermes head on grey-blue, unused. (ΣΤΡ.Δ8). Superb. PS 20 3267 FC Registered 5l. black PS fr. with 2x10l. yellow-orange + 20l. grey-deep red Small Head (Hellas 124a+125e), posted from «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥ*6 ΦΕΒΡ. 1900. The receiver was unknown, label «Unbefannt/ Inconnu» and return to «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ». Register receipt included. VF. R. PS 40 3268 FC Registered 10l. blue PS fr. with 20l. rose (coarse impression) Small Head (Hellas 125c), posted from «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ», via «PARIS», arr. «DIJON». The receiver was unknown in Dijon «INCONNU A L’APPEL A DIJON» and return «RETOUR A L’ENVOYEUR» to «ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ». The register receipt included. VF. R. PS 30 3269 FC PS card 1891-98 print 10l. brownish red in green blue Large Head, unused.(Στρ.Δ11β).VF PS 15 3270 FC 8 PS with preprinted 10l. red-brown with very impressive color variety on green-blue and dark blue paper, u. (Στρ. Δ11β/Δ11γ). PS 15 3271 FC Two 1894 Letter cards print 20l. red in blue and red in grey-blue, on one displaced lower inscription, unused(Στρ.Β1+Β1α). PS 20 3272 FC 1894 Letter card print 20l. red in grey-blue with printing error, unused(Στρ.Β1a). PS 10 3273 FC 1894 Letter card print 20l. red in blue with printing error, unused(Στρ.Β1). PS 10 3274 FC Two 1894 Letter cards print 20l. red in blue with different printings errors, unused(Στρ.Β1). PS 20 3275 FC 1900 letter-card print.10l.red Fl.Mercury on light blue (perfor.11 1/2),unused. (Strat.B2). PS 8 3276 FC 1900 letter-card print.10l.red Fl.Mercury on light blue (perfor.13 1/2),unused. (Strat.B2a). PS 10 3277 FC 1901 letter-card print.10l.red to red-orange Fl.Mercury on blue (perfor.13 1/2),unused.Shading lines on the background of the stamp.Nine lines instructions text on the background. (Strat.B3b).Superb & rare. PS 18 3278 FC 1901 wrapper print.1l.Fl.Mercury brown on brown-cream,unused. (Strat.T1).Very fine. PS 10 3279 FC 2X1901 Wrappers print 5l. Fl.Mercury green on brown cream and green on dark brown cream, unused. VF. (Στρατ. T3). PS 15 3280 FC PS in twofold with printed 5l. green Fl.Mercury on both sides with ovpt. «SPECIMEN», unused. (ΣΤΡ. Δ145). PS 20 3281 FC 1891 PS with pre-printed 10l. red Fl.Mercury on grey-green paper, ovpt, «SPECIMEN», unused. (ΣΤΡ. Δ13S). PS 20 3282 FC PS with pre-printed 5l. Fl.Mercury, var. «distance between lines 31mm.», unused. (ΣΤΡ.Δ15). Superb. PS 8 3283 FC 1901-10 post card print 5l. olive on ivory Fl.Mercury.Canc.»ΠΑΤΡΑΙ*18.ΦΕΒΡ.190?» to Βοlogna.(Στρ. Δ16). PS OFFER 3284 FC 1901 money order print.30l.Fl.Mercury in violet on grey carton,unused. (Strat.TE1). PS 18 3285 FC 1901 money order print.50l.Fl.Mercury in blue on grey carton,unused. (Strat.TE2). PS 18 3286 FC 6 Post cards 1910 print 10l.red orange on light grey, pu with add. pates 80l., 90l.+30l.+25l., pu.(Στρ. Δ25). PS 18 3287 FC 1911-20 PS print 10l. litho red on ivory, thick, canc. «ΚΥΠΑΕΙΣΣΙΑ*15.ΙΑΝ.20» to Athens., u. VF. (Στρατ. Δ30). PS 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 98 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3288 FC PS with pre-printed red 10l. Litho on blue-green, unused. (ΣΤΡ.B4). Superb. PS 10 3289 FC PS with pre-printed pink 10l. Litho on grey-green, unused. (ΣΤΡ.B5). PS 10 3290 FC PS with pre-printed orange 10. Fl.Mercury, canceled to favor «ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*14 ΜΑΙ.15». (ΣΤΡ.Δ33). PS 10 3291 FC 1915 Parcel post print 5l. litho green on yellow with 18 lines French text on reverse, unused. Upper right corner missing (frame). (Higgins/Gage No.8). PS 15 3292 FC 1931 double pre-printed 1dr.+1dr. PS, unused. (Strat. D47). PS 6 3293 FC 1.9.39 Printed envelope with 8dr+1dr, unused. VF. PS OFFER 3294 FC 1.4.47 Postal card print 350dr Glory red on cream, unused. VF. PS OFFER 3295 FC «War Scenes» (=Πολεμικές σκηνές), set of 10 differ. colour postals print 2dr. King George II (one more missing for a compl.set), unused. (Strat.Δ56/1-4-1941,issued as normal cards in October 1946). 3296 FC 3297 PPC 18 4 dr.1974 Aerogram (cancelled crown) plus 3dr.1974 Europa canc.»ΑTHINA*11-I-75» to Dettingen (Germany). (Strat.A7a). PS 10 FC Bulletin d’expedition from «ΣΟΥΦΛΙΟΥ*26.ΟΚΤ.30» fr. with 10X10dr. litho+1dr+1.50dr Independance(Hellas 396+497/798)-stamps were cut with razor, arr.»ΠΑΤΗΣΙΑ*?.ΝΟΕ.1930». PS 40 3298 FC Bulletin d’expedition from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*26.ΝΟΕ.30» fr. with 3X2dr. litho+50l. lanscapes(Hellas 393+472)stamps were cut with razor, arr.»ΓΑΡΓΑΛΙΑΝΟΙ*2?.ΝΟΕ.1930». PS 30 3299 FC Bulletin d’expedition from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*8.ΝΟΕ.30» fr. with 50l.+1dr.+7X3dr.Independence(Hellas 495/496+501)-stamps were cut with razor, arr.»ΓΑΡΓΑΛΙΑΝΟΙ*11.ΝΟΕ.1930». PS 40 3300 FC Bulletin d’expedition from «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*10.ΝΟΕ.30» fr. with 4X8dr. Arcadi+2X15dr.Independence+1dr. Landscapes(Hellas 474+505+509)-stamps were cut with razor, arr.»ΓΑΡΓΑΛΙΑΝΟΙ*14.ΝΟΕ.1930». PS 45 1901/3 NUMBERED EDITION OF GREEK P.T.T. 3301 FC «Temple de Minerve a Aegine» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.4 black, pu 1901 (ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ), arr. «ANVERS*18.JUIN». VF. PPC 25 3302 FC «Temple de Minerve a Aegine» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.4 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to France. VF. PPC 25 3303 FC «Athenes-Panorama d’Athenes» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.12 black, pu 1902(ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5), SENTIER*27.IX.02.slightly creased corner PPC 20 3304 FC «Olympie-Temple de Jupiter» print 10l.+10l. Flying Mercury, No.10 black, pu.1902 (ΛΕΥΚΑΣ) to Landskron.VF PPC 30 3305 FC «Mycenes.Le tombeau d’Atree» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.13 black canc.(to favor) «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-3*4 ΝΟΕΜ...». PPC 25 3306 FC «Mycenes-Le tombeau de Klytaimnistre» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.14 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to France. Slightly creased corner. PPC 30 3307 FC «Mycenes-La porte des lions» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.15 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to France. VF. PPC 30 3308 FC «Vue de Delphes (Le Village)» print.5l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.17 black, unused. VF. PS 30 3309 FC «Vue de Delphes» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.17 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to France. VF. PPC 35 3310 FC «Vue d’Eleusis» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.19 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to Paris. Creased corner. PPC 35 3311 FC «Vue d’Eleusis» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.19 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to France. VF. PPC 30 3312 FC «Athenes.Vue d’Acropole prise du Boulevard de la Reine Olga» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.22 black (animated) plus 2c.Italian canc.»SAN REMO*5-2-03» to Cremona. PPC 20 3313 FC «Athenes-Vue de Dipylon» print 10l+10l Fl.Mercury No.26 black, pu 1903(ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to Roumanie.VF PPC 25 3314 FC «Athenes-Pnyx» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.27 black, pu 1902(ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5), arr. CHERMONT*16-6.02. slightly creased corner PPC 22 3315 FC «Le Theatre d’Epidaure» 10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.31 black,pu.1902 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ) to J.Martin,Paris. PPC 20 3316 FC «Athenes-Le Temple de Thesee» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.35 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to France. VF. PPC 25 3317 FC «Athenes.Le Palais de S.A.R.le Prince Heritier» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.40 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ,unused.Excellent. PPC 25 3318 FC «Le Piree.Vue de la colline du reservoir d’eau» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.41 black, pu 1902(ΛΕΥΚΑΣ), arr. LΑΝDSΚRΟΝ*12.5.02.VF PPC 25 3319 FC «Vue generale de vieux Phalere» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.43 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to Germany. VF. PPC 30 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 99 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3320 FC «Athenes-Theatre de Bacchus» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.44 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to France. VF. PPC 25 3321 FC «Vue generale du Nouveau Phalere» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.45 black, pu.1901(ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5), arr. CRAIOVA*23.SEP.01.VF PPC 25 3322 FC «Athenes-Le Stade» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.46 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to France. VF. PPC 30 3323 FC «Athenes-Le Stade» print 10l+10l. Fl.Mercury Νο.48 black, pu. 1902(ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 5) to England.VF PPC 40 3324 FC «Athenes-Le Temple de la Victoire Aptere» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.48 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to France. VF. PPC 25 3325 FC «Athenes.L’Arc d’Adrien» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.54 black canc.»ΛΕΥΚΑΣ*1903»,arr.»HELSINGF ORS*6-II-03» (Finland). PPC 20 3326 FC «Athenes-Statue de Themis» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.55 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to Paris. VF. PPC 25 3327 FC «Athenes.Statue de Themis» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.55 black canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5*3 OKT.1902»,arr.»GENOVA*21-10-02» (Italy). PPC 25 3328 FC «Athenes.La Bibliotheque de Vallianos» print.5l.+10l.Fl.Mercury (plus 5l.Fl.Mercury) No.58 brown canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5*12 ΜΑΡΤ.1902» to Genova-Italy. PPC 25 3329 FC «Athenes-Le Parthenon» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.59 black, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to France. VF. PPC 25 3330 FC «Athenes-Eglise Byzantine de St Theodore» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.60 black, pu 1903 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to Anvers. Vertically creased. PPC 15 3331 FC «Athenes-La porte de l’Agora» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.61 black, pu 1902(ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5), arr. EMMERICH*14.1.03».creased corner PPC 25 3332 FC «Athenes-La belle porte d’Erechtheion» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.62 black, pu 1902(ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5), arr. ST.NICOLAS DE PORT*19.NOE.02.VF PPC 25 3333 FC «Athenes-La facade de l’Observatoire» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.65 green «ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ», unused. VF. PPC 35 3334 FC «Athenes-Ecole Polytechnique Metsovien» print 5l.+10l.Fl. Mercury, No. 66 green, pu. VF. PPC 25 3335 FC «Vue du Palais de Tatoi» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.69 green,unused. PTT 25 3336 FC «Athenes.Tour la Reine» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.72 green canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5*5 ΦΕΒΡ.1903»,arr.»TRANI (BARI)*23-2-03» (Italy). PPC 35 3337 FC «Athenes-Musee Archeologique» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.78 green, pu 1901(ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ), arr. VERDEN*19.10.03.VF PPC 18 3338 FC «Athenes-panorama d’Athenes pris de l’Observatoire» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.79 green, pu 1903 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to London. VF. PPC 35 3339 FC «Athenes-Vue de l’Acropole prise du Stade» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.85 green, pu 1903 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to London. VF. PPC 30 3340 FC PPC «Athenes.Haidari avec la villa» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.82 green canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5*14 ΟΚΤ.1902»,arr.Hungary («1 NOV.902»). PPC 40 3341 FC «Athenes. l’Eglise du Couvent a Daphni» print.5l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.92 green, pu.1901. VF. PPC 66 3342 FC «Athenes-Vue du palais prise du Jardin Royal» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.94 green, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to Bruxelles. VF. PPC 30 3343 FC «Monument de Dipylon and Stele funeraire du Piree» (2 views) print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.114 black, pu 1902 (ΧΑΛΚΙΣ) to Belgium. VF. PPC 25 3344 FC «Athenes-Cavaliers de la procession des Pantathenes (fragment de la frise du parthenon)» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.123 black, pu 1901 (ΧΑΛΚΙΣ) to Belgium. VF. PPC 25 3345 FC «Athenes-Parthenon de l’est» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.127 brown «ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ», unused. Slightly creased corner. PPC 30 3346 FC «Athenes-Dieux assis (fragment de la frise du Parthenon)» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.134 brown, var relief stamp displaced, u. RR and Superb. PPC 35 3347 FC «Monument de Dexileus and relief funeraire d’Aegine» (2 views) print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.141 brown, pu 1902 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to Nice. Slightly creased corner. PPC 30 3348 FC «Corfou-Statue de Capodistria» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.161 black, pu (KEPKYPA) to London. VF. PPC 25 3349 FC «Corfou-Statue de Capodistria» print 10l+10l. Fl.Mercury No.161 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused.VF PPC 20 3350 FC «Corfou-L’Acropole et la Citadelle» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.163 black, pu 190? (ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ) to London. VF. PPC 25 3351 FC «Corfou-L’Acropole et la Citadelle» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.163 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, u.small tear at top PPC 20 3352 FC «Corfou.Peristyle de l’Achillion» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.164 black ovpt.»ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ»,unused. PPC 25 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 100 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3353 FC «Vue de Corfou (Prise de l’ ile de vido)» print 10l.+10l.Fl. Mercury No. 166 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused. VF. PPC 20 3354 FC «Corfou-Achillion (Galerie Exterieure)» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.169 black, unused. Slightly creased corner. PPC 30 3355 FC «Corfou-Vue de la Citadelle prise de Vido» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.171 black, pu 1902 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to France. VF. PPC 25 3356 FC «Corfou.Vue de la citadelle,prise de Vido» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.171 black ovpt.»ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ»,unused. PPC 25 3357 FC «Corfou-Avenue St Georges» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.172 black, pu (ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ) to England. VF. PPC 30 3358 FC «Corfou-Avenue St Georges» print 10l+10l. Fl.Mercury No.172 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused.VF PPC 20 3359 FC «Corfou-Quai St.Nicolas» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.174 black, pu 1902(ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ) to Italy.VF PPC 20 3360 FC «Corfou.Achillion (interieur).La Chapelle» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.176 black ovpt.»ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ»,unused.Canc.2-line «ARMEE D’ORIENT/DEPOT INTes D’ARTILLERIE DE CAMPAGNE». PPC 25 3361 FC «Corfou-Entree de l’Achillion, du cote de la mer» print 10l+10l. Fl.Mercury No.177 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused.VF PPC 25 3362 FC «Corfou-Promenade de Garitza» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.178 black, var without relief stamp, pu 1901 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to Paris. RRR. PPC 85 3363 FC «Corfou.Ile de Ptychia (Vido)» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.182 grey-black, pu. to Italy. VF. PS 40 3364 FC «Corfou-Vestibule de l’Achillion» print 10l+10l. Fl.Mercury No.183 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused.VF PPC 20 3365 FC «Corfou-Statue de maletot dans l’Achillion» print 10l+10l. Fl.Mercury No.185 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused.VF PPC 20 3366 FC «Corfou-La peri allaitant son enfant(statue dans l’Achillion)» print 10l+10l. Fl.Mercury No.187 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, u.VF PPC 20 3367 FC «Corfou-Achillion(interieur).Le triomphe d’Acchile(peinture murale)» print 10l+10l. Fl.Mercury No.188 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused.VF PPC 22 3368 FC «Corfou.Achillion.Les statues des Muses» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.189 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ pu. VF. PPC 25 3369 FC «Corfou-Statue d’Achille (de Face)» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.192 black, pu 1902 to Anvers. VF. PPC 25 3370 FC «Corfou-Vue de la Citadelle, prise de Mon Repos» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.193 green, pu 1902 (ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ) to Chios. VF. PPC 25 3371 FC «Corfou.Village de Benitzes» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.199 green,pu.1903 (ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-5) to Paris. PPC 20 3372 FC «Corfou-Achillion. Vue generale prise du cote du jardin» print 10l.+10l. Fl. Mercury No.200 green «ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ», u. VF. PPC 25 3373 FC «Corfou-Ponticonissi» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.201 green «ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ», u. Creased corner. PPC 30 3374 FC «Corfou-Canoni» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.203 green, u.diagonal crease PPC 20 3375 FC «Corfou-Analipsis» print 5l.+10l. Flying Mercury plus 5l. Flying Mercury stamp, No.204 green, pu. 1902 (ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ) to Italy. very small tearon left PPC 25 3376 FC «Corfou-Achillion.Vue du Peristyle(vue generale)» print 5l+10l Fl.Mercury No 202 green, pu 1903(ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ) to France.VF PPC 20 3377 FC «Corfou.Village de Pelekos (au milieu des champs)» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.207 green ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ,pu.1919 to France.VF. PPC 25 3378 FC «Corfou-Villa Royale de mon repos» print 5l.+10l. Fl. Mercury No.208 green, pu 1902 (ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ) to Tripolis. VF. PPC 20 3379 FC «Corfou.Village de Pelekos (cabanes de pausans)» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.209 green ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ,unused.Excellent. PPC 30 3380 FC «Corfou.Jardin de l’Achillion.Vue de la terrasse des Centaures» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.211 green,pu.1903 (KEPKYPA) to Berlin,Germany. PPC 20 3381 FC «Corfou-Paysage de Paleocastritza» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.213 green, pu 1902(ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ), arr. WIEN*1.11.02.VF PPC 20 3382 FC «Corfou.Villa Royale de *Mon Repos*» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.214 green ovpt.ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ,pu.1919 (T.& P.Vodena) to Marseille,France. PTT 20 3383 FC «Le Chateau d’eau du Lord Maitland» print 10l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.215 green «ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ», unused. VF. PPC 25 3384 FC «Corfou.Le platane du village de Gastouri» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.217 green ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ,pu. in French.VF. PPC 30 3385 FC «Corfou-Esplanade (cote-bas)» print 5l.+10l. Fl. Mercury No.218 green, pu (ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ) to Tripolis. VF. PPC 25 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 101 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3386 FC «Corfou.Village de Potamos» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.221 green ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ,unused.VF. PPC 25 3387 FC «Corfou.Ancienne citadelle» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.222 green ovpt.»ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ»,unused. PPC 22 3388 FC «Larissa-La vallee de Tempe. Le village de Baba» print 10l.+10l.Fl. Mercury No. 229 brown ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused. VF. PPC 40 3389 FC «Eghion-Montee a la Ville» print 5l.+10l. Fl.Mercury No.241 green» pu canc. railway «ΚΙΝΗΤΟΝ ΤΑΧΥΔΡ.ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ-ΠΑΤΡΩΝ*8.ΙΟΥΝ.02». VF. PPC 80 3390 FC «Une rue de Larissa» print 10l.+10l. Fl. Mercury No.250 green «ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ», u. VF. PPC 45 3391 FC «Larissa.Panorama de la Vallee de Tempe» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.254 green ovpt.»ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ»,unused. PPC 35 3392 FC «Athenes.L’Eglise Protestante» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.281 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ,unused. Excellent. PPC 30 3393 FC «Athenes -La garde du Palais Royal (Presentation des armes par les euzones)» 10l.+10l. Flying Mercury, No.285 ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ black, u.some faults PPC 35 3394 FC «Volo.Vue prise de la mer» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.301 brown ovpt.ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ,unused. PTT 25 3395 FC «Volo.Vue prise de la mere» print.5l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.301 green ovpt.»ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ»,unused. PPC 30 3396 FC «Volo.Macrinitza» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.303 brown ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, pu. to England, with purple «PASSED BY CENSOR» cancelation. Creased corner. PS 50 3397 FC «Nauplie.Monument d’Ypsilantis» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.312 brown ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused. VF. PS 35 3398 FC «Nauplie. Statue de Kolocotroni» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.317 brown ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, used. VF. PPC 35 3399 FC «Nauplie.Statue de Kolocotroni» print.5l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.317 green ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused. VFLux. PPC 25 3400 FC «Procession des litanies a Oktonia (Eubee)» print 10l+10l Fl.Mercury No.335 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused.VF. PPC 80 3401 FC «Le Pirre-Vue Generale de l’Hotel de Ville» print 10l.+10l. Flying Mercury No.344 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused.VF PPC 45 3402 FC «Oropos.Trone du Theatre d’Amphiaraus(profil)» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.348 black ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused. VF. PS 40 3403 FC «Thessalie.Les Meteores-Monastere de St.Nicolas» print.10l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.356 (green+black) ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused. VF-Lux. PPC 55 3404 FC «Thessalie.Les Meteores-St.Monastere» print.5l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.370 green ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused. VF. PPC 25 3405 FC «Thessalie.Les Meteores-St.Monastere» print.5l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.370 brown ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused. VF. PS 40 3406 FC «Une Rue de Kalambaca» print.5l.+10l.Fl.Mercury No.378 brown ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΟΝ, unused. VF. PPC 30 THEMATIC (TOPICAL) PHILATELY OLYMPIC GAMES-ATHLETICS-FOOTBALL 3407 FC Berlin 1936 Olympic Games. Cover franked with 5dr./100dr. posted to Nafpaktos, cancelled with commemorative «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΗ ΛΑΜΠΑΔΗΔΡΟΜΙΑ-ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ-ΒΕΡΟΛΙΝΟ/1936*20-VII 1936». C 10 3408 FC Berlin 1936 Olympic Games. German commercial cover to Zurich, franked with 12pf. red Hindenburg, cancelled by the Olympic machine-cancel «BERLIN C2 / du / 21.7.36 - Dietrich-Eckart-Buhne / auf dem Reichssportfeld.2-16 August 36». C 12 3409 FC Berlin 1936 Olympic Games. Private PS card with canc.»ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΗ ΛΑΜΠΑΔΗΔΟΔΡΟΜΙΑ -ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ_ΒΕΡΟΛΙΝΟΝ*20 VII 36» arrival «BERLIN OLYMPISCHES DORF*27.7.36» and «BERLIN OLYMPIA-STADION*1.8.36». PS 15 3410 FC Berlin 1936 Olympic Games. German b/w PPC (Kolberg) franked with 6pf. green, canceled by the Olympic machine-cancel «KOLBERG (OSTSEEBAD) 1 / 11.8.36 - Olympische Spiele / Berlin 1.-16. August 1936». PPC 12 3411 FC U.S.S.R. Rowing-before the Game, b&w PPC, unused. PPC OFFER 3412 FC U.S.S.R. Running (women) in the fields, b&w PPC, unused. PPC OFFER 3413 FC U.S.S.R. all Union fitness parade, 12 August 1945. Coloured PPC, unused. PPC OFFER 3414 FC U.S.S.R. all Union fitness parade, 12 August 1945. Coloured PPC, unused. PPC OFFER 3415 FC U.S.S.R. all Union fitness parade, 12 August 1945. Coloured PPC, unused. PPC OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 102 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3416 FC U.S.S.R. all Union fitness parade, 12 August 1945. Coloured PPC, unused. PPC OFFER 3417 FC U.S.S.R. all Union fitness parade, 12 August 1945. Coloured PPC, unused. PPC OFFER 3418 FC U.S.S.R. fitness parade, Russian S.S.R.. Coloured PPC, unused. PPC OFFER 3419 FC U.S.S.R. fitness parade, Moldavian S.S.R.. Coloured PPC, unused. PPC OFFER 3420 FC Card printed «HOLIDAYS OF FLAM/XV OLYMPIADAS/OLYMPIA-HELSINGFORS*1952» canc. «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ*25.VI.52». 3421 FC 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games. DDR, set of 2, FDC cover, «BERLIN W8 * 28.9.56». 3422 FC Small cover printed «OLYMPIA/MELBOURNI» canc. commemor. «OLYMPIA*2-XI-1956». C 5 3423 FC 1956 Melbourne: Registered air cover from Austria, for the special XVI Olympiade Flight from Vienna to Melbourne (16.XI.1956), canc. «Wien 101 - 16.11.56», special Olympic vignette «Wien-NordpolMelbourne», arr. on back ‘Torch bearer’ «Olympic Village, 22 Nov 1956», returned to sender. C 30 3424 FC U.S.S.R. fitness parade 1956. Coloured PPC, unused. PPC OFFER 3425 FC U.S.S.R. fitness parade 1956. Coloured PPC, unused. PPC OFFER 3426 FC U.S.S.R. 1956 rowing-eight boat. Coloured PPC (Pravda), unused. PPC OFFER 3427 FC U.S.S.R. Water-polo. Coloured PPC, unused. PPC OFFER 3428 FC U.S.S.R. Gymnastics. Coloured PPC, unused. PPC OFFER 3429 FC Cover printed «HOLIDAYS OF FLAM/XVII OLYMPIADAS/OLYMPIA-ROMA*1952» with commemor. cachets and 50l. 1960 Rome O.G. stamp (Hellas 852) canc. «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ*12.VIII.60» (first day of issue). C 5 3430 FC «ΑΦΗ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΥ ΦΩΤΟΣ ...TOKIO/ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ*21-8-1964» commer. canc. on cover pre-printed «UNION PHILATELIQUE OLYMPIQUE-1962» to Athens. C 10 3431 FC 1964 Innsbruck IX Winter Olympic Games. Austrian official illustr. PS card, canc. «IX. OLYMP. WINTERSPIELE * INNSBRUCK 1964 * 29.1.64 / INNSBRUCK 2». PS OFFER 3432 FC Commemor. cachet «7η ΣΥΝΟΔΟΣ ΔΙΕΘΝΟΥΣ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΗΣ ΑΚΑΔΗΜΙΑΣ*ΑΡΧΑΙΑ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ*12.8.1967» on card printed «INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC ACADEMY/7th SESSION/29 JULY-14 AUGUST/ANCIENT OLYMPIA» and canc. «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ*12.VIII.67». o OFFER 3433 FC Canc. «ΛΑΜΠΑΔΗΔΡΟΜΙΑ ΧΙΧ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΩΝ ΑΓΩΝΩΝ/ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ-ΜΕΞΙΚΟ*23-8-68» on 2 covers. C OFFER 3434 FC Mech. canc. in red «9eme SESSION DE L’ACADEMIE OLYMPIQUE INTERNATIONALE*1-13 SEPTEMBRE 1969/ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*21.IX.69/ΕΛΛΑΣ 00.00». No value mec. cachet. R. o 10 3435 FC Four different labels for summer of 1973 sports events in full sheet of 32 including 4 strips of 4 different, u/m. VF. ** 10 3436 FC Moscow Olympic Games: 1974+1976+1980 U.S.S.R. stamps in complete sets (all stamps issued for 1980 O.G.). Total 73 stamps + 8 min. sheets. Catalog value (Michel) = 169 Euros. ** 20 3437 FC USSR 1980 Moscow Olympic Games. 10 postal cards all print 4k. with different sports cancelations. PS OFFER 3438 FC USSR 1980 Moscow Olympic Games. 8 postal cards all print 4k. with Olympic cities canc. «MOSCOW», «KIEV», «LENINGRAND», «MINSK» and «TALLIN». PS OFFER 3439 FC USSR 1980 Moscow Olympic Games. 8 postal cards all print 4k. with different Olympic commemorative cachets. PS OFFER 3440 FC 1992 Barcelona O.G.: Olympic torch relay, complete set of the 4 commomor. cachets on coloured cards. Very nice. PPC 10 3441 FC 1996 Atlanta O.G.: Olympic torch relay, complete set of the 9 commomor. cachets on coloured cards. Very nice. PPC 15 3442 FC 1996 Atlanta O.G.: Olympic torch relay, complete set of the 9 commomor. cachets on official three-fold brochures. Very nice. Doc 40 Complete set of 11 commemorative covers for the lighting and olympic torch relay through Greece for the Winter Olympic Games 2006 at Torino, Italy. Dates: 27/11/2006 - 6/12/2006. C 30 2011 Special Olympics, the 1st page of the booklet with illustrations of the sports on special illustrated cover canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑ*18.03.2011» (first day of issue). FDC 15 3443 3444 FC o FDC 5 OFFER CHESS 3445 FC Commemor. cachet «V ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΣΚΑΚΙΣΤΙΚΟ ΤΟΥΡΝΟΥΑ ΑΚΡΟΠΟΛΙΣ*ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*2-7-1980» on special illustrated cover. C OFFER 3446 FC «The Great International Open Chess Tournament/BELA CRKVA, 18-30, juna 1983» special illustrated card with Jugoslavian stamp and first day of the Games commemorative cachet. o OFFER 3447 FC Commemor. cachet «26η ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΔΑ ΣΚΑΚΙΟΥ/ΛΗΞΗ /ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*5.12.84» on special illustrated numbered cover (161/2000). o 5 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 103 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3448 FC «The Great International Open Chess Tournament/BELA CRKVA, 22.6-4.07-1985» special illustrated card with Jugoslavian stamp and first day of the Games commemorative cachet. o 3449 FC «27th Chess Olympiad Dubai’86» 14.11.86 UAE First day cover. 3450 FC Jugoslavian commemorative cachet «MEDITERANSKA ZONA/PUCAREVO*20.III.87» on special illustrated cover. o OFFER 3451 FC «The Great International Open Chess Tournament/BELA CRKVA, 20.06-30.06-1987» special illustrated cover with Jugoslavian stamp and commemorative cachet. o OFFER 3452 FC «OPEN BELA CRKVA» commemorative cover for INTERNATIONAL OPEN CHESS TOURNAMENT in 1987 at JUGOSLAVIJA. C OFFER 3453 FC Commemor. cachet «28η ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΔΑ ΣΚΑΚΙΟΥ/53ο ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ F.I.D.E. /ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*25.11.88» on 3 different special illustrated numbered covers. o 5 3454 FC 5th INTERNATIONAL CHESS TOURNAMENT «ACROPOLIS» commemorative cover. C OFFER 3455 FC 28th CHESS OLYMPIAD commemorative cover, performed in 1988 at Thessaloniki. C OFFER FDC OFFER FDC OFFER 5 GREECE IN WORLD WAR II 3456 FC Commemorative USA cover with american stamp represents greek flag (first day of issue), canc. «WASHINGTON*12.OCT.1943». 3457 FC Unpaid cover from Athens to Suisse with round «COMITE INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX-ROUGEGENEVE» along with single line «SERVICE HELLENIQUE», round «DELEGATION DU C.I.C.R. EN GRECE-SECTION DES P.G.», and double line «KRIEGSGEFANGENENPOST/POSTA DI PRIGIONIERO DI GUERRA» cachets. Unopened - letter included. RR C 60 3458 FC 1942 Unpaid Greek Red Cross cover with rare round «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΣ ΕΡΥΘΡΟΣ ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ/ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΝ ΑΙΧΜΑΛΩΤΩΝ» cachet on front and reverse and arrival «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ/28 ΧΙ 42» postamrk. C 55 3459 FC Cover fr. with 2 1/2p. from «H.M.S. PLUCKY» with the included letter, from Greece «29-6-52» to London, with canc. «LONDON*5.JLY.1952» and GB Maritime mail canc. C OFFER 1939 - October 1940 3460 FC Cover fr. with 8dr 1937 King George and 1dr 1939 Charity stamp canc. «ATHINAI*4.VI.40» to Sonthofen. Circular exchange control cachet « ΠΕΝ» and German censor tape and cachet. C OFFER 3461 FC «ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΜΕΙΩΜΕΝΟΥ ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΙΚΟΥ ΤΕΛΟΥΣ» cover fr.10l(Hellas 541), canc.»ΦΛΩΡΙΝΑΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*ΚΙΝΗΤΟΝ 1Α/14.VI.1940», arr.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*15.VI.40». C 20 3462 FC Stampless cover canc. «ΤΑΧ.ΤΟΜΕΥΣ-721*23.II.40» and romboid «ΤΛ 724». C OFFER Greco - Italian War (October 1940 - April 1941) 3463 FC 1941-Canc. «ΤΑΧ.ΤΟΜΕΥΣ*205» on 2 pairs of 8dr 1940 Balkan Entente II. o OFFER 3464 FC Cover written by a Greek prisoner of war.»Posta di Prigioniero di Guerra, Campo P.G.n.124/P.M.50/10 FEB 1942».Tape «VERIFICATO PER CENSURA» and «UFICIO CENSURA POSTA ESTEPA» and «196/I» in lilac. C 60 3465 FC Missolonghi PPC canc.»ΜΕΣΟΛΟΓΓΙΟΝ*12.ΝΟΕΜ.40» and «ΥΠΟΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΧΩΡ/ΚΗΣ ΜΕΣΟΛΟΓΓΙΟΥ». PPC 10 3466 FC Military cover canc. «ΤΑΧ.ΤΟΜΕΥΣ 590*7.XII.40» and romboid «ΤΛ 590».Arr. «ΤΑΧ.ΤΟΜΕΥΣ 461*15. ΙΙ.41» C OFFER 3467 FC Large postage free military cover canc.»ΤΑΧ.ΤΟΜΕΥΣ 251*10.Ι.41» and romboid «ΤΛ251».Hanwritten «ΕΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΘΗ». C 3 3468 FC Military cover (with letter enclosed) to Athens, canc. «ΤΑΧ. ΤΟΜΕΥΣ 850 * 22.ΙI.41» plus rhomboid censorship marking «T/850/Λ» & red straight-line «ΕΛΟΓΟΚΡΙΘΗ». C 15 3469 FC Military cover (with letter enclosed) with canc. «ΤΑΧ. ΤΟΜΕΥΣ 901 * -5.ΙV.41» & rhomboid censorship marking «T/901/Λ». C 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 104 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 1941-44 AXIS Powers Occupation - German Zone 3470 FC Register cover canc.»ΑΘΗΝΑΙ*29.VII.42» to Wien.German and Italian censor tape and cachet. C 15 3471 FC Commercial cover canc. «ΑΘΗΝΑΙ-ΔΕΜΑΤΑ*2.ΑΥΓ.4?» to Wien.German censor tape. C 10 3472 FC Cover from «Feldpost 13570A» (Stab II-Geb.-Art.Rgt.619) canc. «FELDPOST-b*27.11.43» and with the Unit’s Dienstelle Eagle and Swastika cachet. Censored in Germany (also chemically examined) and N.Italy. Handwritten «Uber Feldpost prufstelle Munchen», arr. «VERONA*20.12.43». Certificate «G.MARCHESE» (1989). Fine condition and RR. C 100 DOC 80 November 1944 - 1945 3473 FC Bulletin of «21/12/1944» from «Ρ.Μ. ΣΚΟΜΠΥ - ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟΝ ΛΑΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ». Prisoners Of War & Concentration Camps 3474 FC Cover from «Greek Refugee Camp 3» to «Greek Newspaper National Herald» New York, fr. with 100m. Palestine stamp canc. «JERUSALEM*10.FE.44». Airmail label and censor tape «OPENED BY EXAMINER KK/35151». C 60 3475 FC German PS printed «Kriegsgefangenenpost» written on 3.12.44 and mailed «04.1.45» to Larnaca Cyprus. On reverse sender’s name and prisonner no. On arrival censor cachet. A 1973 letter with translation in English also included. PS 50 C 10 GREEK CIVIL WAR 1944-1950 3476 FC Cover fr. with 250dr. in pair + 2000dr. in pair posted from «ATHINAI*7.XI.47» (Hellas 672+677) with cencorship tape and canc. «Osterreichische Zensurstelle-W-677». MISCELLANEOUS LOTS & ACCUMULATIONS 3477 FC PROOF of Thessaloniki Government, complete set of 6 values, mng. E OFFER 3478 FC PROOF of Thessaloniki Government, 50l. in vertical pair imperforated between, m. Trace of incomplete perforation on reverse. Small thin. E OFFER 3479 FC Leaflet in favour of King Constantine for Nov.1974 refererendum about Greece’s constitution. Doc 20 3480 FC Ballot in favour of King Constantine for 1974 refererendum about Greece’s constitution, canc.»ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ*ΚΑΛΑΜΑΡΙΑ*8.ΧΙΙ.74». Doc 20 3481 FC «Salone del Francobollo 19-21 Marzo 2010», vigniette in bl.8 OFFER CYPRUS 3482 FC 12pi.brown-orange 1882/6 (wmk.Crown CA) (Fr.22) * 45 3483 FC 4pi.olive 1892/4 QV (wmk.CA,die II), m. (Fr.34) * 18 3484 FC 1894/6 4th Definit. QV (new colors and values) set to 18 pi. (Fr.46 missing), m. (Fr. 37/45). * 30 3485 FC 2pi.,4pi.,6pi.& 12pi.1902/4 1st Definit.KEVII,m. (Fr.50+51+52+54-187 E). * 35 3486 FC 2pi.carmine & black 1938/1951 Definit.KGVI,marginal,u/m.Var.»perforat.12 1/2 x 13 1/2». (Fr.155a) ** OFFER 3487 FC 1962 complete year, u/m. (Fr. 208/225-131,5euro). VF. ** 35 3488 FC 1962 1st Definite pictorial issue of the Cyprus Republic, complete set of 13 values, u/m. (Fr. 213/224). ** 30 3489 FC 1963 Commemor. issue fot the 50th anniversary of Cyprus boy Scouts, m/s, u/m. (Fr. B1). ** 45 3490 FC 1963 Europa, complete set of 3 values, u/m. (Fr.236/238). ** 20 3491 FC 1965 Europa, complete set of 3 values, u/m. (Fr.269/271). ** 15 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 105 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3492 1967/1969 compl. years + B5, B6 & B7, u. (FR. 298/340). o 8 3493 1983 Europa, complete set of 2 values in sheetlet of 20, u/m. (Fr. 596/597). ** OFFER 3494 FC 1986 Road Safety ovpt.SPECIMEN, compl. set of 3 val. (Fr.681/683). S 3 3495 FC 1994 Costumes compl.u/m.set ovpt.SPECIMEN (Fr.857/870) S 10 3496 2003 complete year with specimen overprint, S.(Fr.1031-1050). VF S 20 3497 2004 complete year with specimen overprint, S.(Fr.1051-1072+B24). VF S 35 3498 2006 complete year, both used and u/m. (Mi. 1069/1086+Bl.25/26-56E, Face Value=21.80E). **/o 20 3499 2007 complete year, both used and u/m. (Mi. 1087/1118+Bl.27-109E, Face Value=46.70E). **/o 40 3500 2008 complete year, both used and u/m. (Mi. 1121/1143+Bl.28-55E, Face Value=24E). **/o 20 3501 2009 complete year, both used and u/m. (Mi. 1144/1171+Bl.30-53E, Face Value=25,60E). **/o 20 3502 2010 complete year, both used and u/m. (Mi. 1172/1199-64E, Face Value=31,60E). ** 27 3503 FC 1pi King George VI (Fr. 151), more than 120 copies all with rural cancelations (entire or half strikes). o 120 3504 FC Canc.»LARNACA*D» (3 cancels with D sideways),»PAPHO*A» (sideways A),»LIMASSOL*A» (sideways A) & «LEFKARA» on 6x1/2pi.dull green QV. o 5 ** 150 FOREIGN COUNTRIES MIDDLE EAST 3505 Israel: Collection including stamps from 1964 to 1993 in complete sets. Not all years complete. All stamps tabbed, u/m. Many pairs included (mainly on later issues). Total catalog value (Michel) approx.= 1365 Euros. Also 45 FDCs from 1981 to 1986. Nice accumulation. 3506 FC Israel: 5 different «COUPON-REPONSE», 4 aerogramms and 4 envelopes printed 30c. PS OFFER 3507 FC 1961 Zodiac signs block of six 1p. perf. shift, and 1965 Town Emblems 1p full tabed used (BALE 216,323). o/* OFFER 3508 FC IrS Zodiac Tete Beche 18x0.08 half sheet (heart of sheet) m. and 18x0.12 half sheet (heart of sheet) m. (BALE IrS18,19). * OFFER 3509 FC IrS Town Emblems Tete Beche 2 sheets of 36x0.08 and 36x0.12 m. and 6 vertical and horizontal pairs of the two values u/m (BALE IRS 21-22). */** OFFER 3510 FC Cover fr. with 2X1dr canc. «ΚΑΛΛΙΘΕΑ*19.XII.67» to Jerusalem boxed «RETURN TO SENDER/ DELIVERY PREVENTED BY ENEMY OCCUPATION/OF JORDAN TERRITORY». C 30 3511 FC 1969 IrS#25 Town emblems TB-Sh 3 sheets u/m (BALE IrS25). ** OFFER 3512 FC 1971-78 Landscapes 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.45, 0.50, 1.30, 2.00, 3.00 all full tabbed and used (BALE 573,597,542,577,547,507,599,549,543). o OFFER 3513 FC 1975 Mem. Day 1.45 vertical pair full tabbed and 2x1.45 full tabbed one with colour disorders u/m, 1958 Maritime 2x20 u/m and one is full tabbed, 1954 Independence 350m tabbed u/m, 1975 paintings 4m tabbed u/m, 1963 2x20ag used - one tabbed ** OFFER 3514 FC 1963 Airmail Birds 28ag with print disorders u/m (BALE 264) and 1973 New Year 2x0,65 one is var. missing «0,65» value u/m (BALE 571). ** OFFER 3515 FC Flying stag 5: 180pr unused, 250pr unused, 220pr FDC (BALE AS14,AS15,AS17). 3516 FC Flying stag 5: 120pr unused, 2x120pr FDC, 120pr used, 220pr FDC, 150pr FDC (BALE AS13,AS15,AS16). 3517 FC Symbolic airmail design 2x0.55 and 1x0.65 unused (BALE AS35,AS36). 3518 FC Flying stag 4: 180pr dark green FDC, 250pr FDC, Inland Letter Sheets 60pr FDC and 60pr unused (BALE AS12,AS19,ils2). 3519 FC PS Fl. stag4 150pr FDC, 150pr FDC used, 250pr FDC (BALE AS18,AS19). PS OFFER FDC OFFER PS OFFER PS/FD OFFER PS OFFER BELGIUM 3520 FC 1985 150 Belgian railways miniaure sheet with 356+383+384 railroad stamps, u/m. (Ni. B.4-120E). ** 12 3521 FC Lot with miniature sheets from 1941 to 1981. Total 29 items (multiples incuded). Catalog value approx. = 175 Euros. ** 15 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 106 STARTING PRICES IN EURO BULGARIA 3522 FC 1932 Intern.Exposit.in Strassbourg,compl.u/m set of 3 values in bl.4 (Mi.249/251-1280E) ** 85 ** OFFER CZECHOSLOVAKIA (FORMER) 3523 FC 1967 5Kcs Prague International Stamp Exhibition and 1968 (21/6) 2Kcs, both in u/m min. sheets. (Mi. 1744+1802-29E). FRANCE 3524 2000 Coeurs 2000 d’YSL, 2001 Bonnes Annee and Fete du Timbre booklets. (Yv. BC3298A+BC3440A+BC3370a-49E). ** 49 3525 2002 Fete du Timbre, Vacances and Meilleurs Voeux booklets. (Yv.BC3467a+BC3494A+BC3534A44E, Face Value=13,15E). ** 7 3526 2002 St Valentine, Transports, Football World Championship, Motorcycles and European Capitals miniature sheets, u/m. (Yv.43+47+49+51+53-41E-Face Value=15.64E). ** 9 3527 2002 3E 30th anniversary of the Airbus A300 1st flight airpost stamp in sheetlet of 10, u/m. (Yv.F65120E-Face Value=30E). ** 18 3528 Carnets (booklets): 2003-Meilleur Voeux/2004-Timbres pour naissances, Europa, Au profit de Croix Rouge and Meilleurs Voeux. (Yv. BC3622+BC3634/35+3672+3717+BC3726-86E-Face Value 31.6E). ** 20 3529 2003 St Valentin, Nature de France, Portrait de regions No1+2, Timbre pour anniversaires, Cyclisme, Jardins de France and Vehicules utilitaires et grande echelle miniature sheets, u/m. (Yv.54+56/59+61/63-70E-Face Value=28.50E). ** 17 3530 2003 4E J.Auriol airpost stamp in sheetlet of 10, u/m. (Yv.F66-110E-Face Value=40E). ** 25 3531 11 out of 14 2004 miniature sheets (Jardins de France, J.O.-Passage de la Flamme a Paris and Meilleurs Voeux m/s missing), u/m. (Yv. 66/70+72/73+75/78-105E-Face Value=39.20E). ** 25 3532 2004 5E Marie Marvingt airpost stamp in sheetlet of 10, u/m. (Yv. F67a-125E-Face Value=50E). ** 32 3533 Carnets (booklets): 2005-Timbres pour naissances, Sourires, Au profit de Croix Rouge and Meilleurs Voeux and Annee lunaire chinoise du coq in sheetlet of 10. (Yv. BC3804+BC3825+3840+BC3853+F3749-77E-Face Value 28.20E). ** 17 3534 10 out of 13 2005 miniature sheets (Centenaire de Becassibe, Sport automobile and and Meilleurs Voeux m/s missing), u/m. (Yv. 80/82+84/86+88/91-84.5E-Face Value=34E). ** 20 3535 2005 2E Adrienne Bolland airpost stamp in sheetlet of 10, u/m. (Yv. F68-40E-Face Value=20E). ** 12 3536 10 out of 11 2006 miniature sheets (Aviation m/s missing), u/m. (Yv. 93/102-101E-Face Value=41E). ** 25 3537 Carnets (booklets): 2007-Timbre pour vacances, Timbres de messages, Sourires, Au profit de Croix Rouge and Meilleurs Voeux. (Yv. BC4037+BC4082+BC4089+BC4120+BC4125-61E-Face Value 28.70E). ** 18 3538 2006 St. Valentin, Portrait de regions (La France a voir/a vivre), Jardins de France and Capitals Europeens m/s, u/m. (Yv. 104/105+108+111+113-40E-Face Value=19,90E). ** 12 3539 Carnets (booklets): 2007-Art, Timbre pour vacances, Fete du timbre, Environement and Timbre de naissances. (Yv. BC4132+BC4149+BC4184+BC4185+BC4186+BC4205-66E-Face Value 33E). ** 20 3540 9 out of 10 2007 miniature sheets (Salon du Timbre 2008 m/s missing), u/m. (Yv. 115/119+121/12467.10E-Face Value=31.65E). ** 20 Colis-Postaux stamps: 1944-47 complete set of 29 values and 1948-54 complete set of 4 values, u. (Yv. 1/26+27/30-205E). ο 25 3541 FC GERMANY (REICH-WEST-EAST-BERLIN) 3542 FC Lot with miniature sheets from 1936 to 1980. Total 40 items (multiples incuded). Catalog value approx. = 500 Euros. ** 50 3543 FC PS 5ph Reichpost canc. «PFORZHEIM*28.10.97» indicated «T» for insufficient rate.On arrival taxed with 4c US stamp PS 30 3544 FC «Das unterirdische Berlin.Untergrundbhn am Reichskanzlerplatz» colored PPC (M.VOgel No.503) from Berlin (German stamps are missing), arr. «ALEXANDRIA-CAIRO/T.P.O.*2.X.11».On arrival the card taxed with 2X2m Egyptian postage dues. PPC 20 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 3545 FC E - 107 STARTING PRICES IN EURO Canc. «AACHEN*19.3.45». The first postmark on Amerikan Zone stamps in Germany. o 50 ** OFFER ** 300 LUXEMBOURG 3546 1971 Complete year, u/m. (Mi.820/840-12.90E). RUSSIA (Former U.S.S.R.) 3547 Collection including stamps and miniature sheets from 1961 to 1991. Almost complete (Michel no 5771 stamp is missing plus m/s Bl.30+Bl.33 are missing). All imperforate stamps included and some sheetlets as well. Michel No.2520 hinged, the rest u/m. Catalog value (Michel) approx. 2500 Euros. Very nice accumulation. ASIA (Except Middle East) 3548 FC Iran: 1909 Coat of arms, complete set of 16 values, m. (Mi.288/303-650E) * 80 3549 FC Vietnam: 1995 WWF set (Mi. 2685/2688) in 2 m/s: one imperforated and one ovpt «SPECIMEN» (listed only on Donphil catalog). **/S 10 3550 FC Vietnam: 2000 WWF set (Mi. 3063C/3066C) sheetle ovpt «SPECIMEN» (listed only on Donphil catalog). ** 20 ** 50 AFRICA 3551 FC Belize: 1983 WWF set (Mi. 719/722) in vertical imperforate pairs (listed only on Donphil catalog). 3552 FC Leshoto: 1982 centenary of the Sesotho Bible set on maximum cards. PPC OFFER BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 3553 3554 FC Pitcairn Island: Collection placed on album including stamps from 1963 to 2008 in u/m complete sets. Three sets lightly hinged. Catalog value (Yvert) = 970 Euros approximatelly. ** 100 1948 Issue commemorating the Royal Silver Jubilee, complete set of two values from 8 British Commowealth countries (including set from Cyprus), m. (Fr.168/169). * 40 UNITED NATIONS (U.N.) 3555 FC Collection of UN FDCs placed on album. About 200 FDCs. Nice accumulation. FDC OFFER FISCALS AND REVENUES 3556 FC 1920 Essay for 5dr+100dr fiscals in sheet contain 2 panes of 6 (2X3), one for each value, on very thin transparent paper. E 50 3557 FC 1920 Essay for 5dr+100dr fiscals in strip of 4 with mixed value tete-beche pair. E OFFER PICTURE POSTCARDS 3558 FC «GRECE.» A very interesting collection of 13 b&w PPCs from various places in Greece.» unused. VF. PPC 125 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 108 STARTING PRICES IN EURO DODECANESE ISLANDS 3559 FC «Isole Egee» coloured map PPC (Servizio Cartografico del Ministero delle Colonie No.694), unused. VF. PPC 15 3560 FC «VISIONI PITTORICHE DELLE ISOLE ITALIANE DELL’EGEO» package of 10 b&w PPCs, all from RODI, unused. VF. PPC 70 3561 FC «Panorama Porto MANDRACHI (Rodi)» b&w PPC in twofold, with commemorative cancelation. VF. PPC 45 3562 FC «RODI - Veduta generale dell’Ospedale dei Cavalieri, oggi Museo Archeologico» b&w PPC in twofold, pu. VF. PPC 45 3563 FC «Panorama di Rodi» b&w PPC (M.S. Modiano No.54411), unused. VF. PPC 10 3564 FC «Rodi. Gran Faro e Mulini a vento» b&w PPC (G.G.Umberto), unused. VF. PPC 10 3565 FC «Il Faro di Rodi» b&w PPC (K.Anastasiades No.19252), written but not used. VF. PPC 15 3566 FC «Rodi- Forte S.Nicola» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 12 3567 FC «Rhodes. Italian troops» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 10 3568 FC «Rodi Il Palazzo del Governo» brown- olive PPC (E.Verdesi No.3), unused. VF. PPC 15 3569 FC «Rodi- Caserna Brigata Regina» b&w PPC (M.S. Modiano No.96445), unused. VF. PPC 10 3570 FC «Rodi- Circolo Italia» b&w PPC (M.S. Modiano No.96442), unused. VF. PPC 10 3571 FC «Rodi, Hotel Savoia» brownish PPC, pu. Minor imperfections. PPC 10 3572 FC «Rhodes. Hotel Thermai» b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 8 3573 FC «Rodi- Grande Albergo delle Rose» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 8 3574 FC «Rodi- Grande Albergo delle Rose» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 8 3575 FC «Rodi- Grande Albergo delle Rose- Apertura 24.5.1927» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC 15 3576 FC «Rhodes. Grand Hotel des Roses» greenish PPC (N.Stournaras No.414), unused. Sliglty creased corner. PPC 8 3577 FC «Rhodes» 12 b&w real photos, 1948 June. VF. PPC 10 3578 FC «Rhodes» b&w photocard (Kozas), unused. VF. PPC 5 3579 FC «Rhodes» b&w photocard (Kozas), unused. VF. PPC 5 3580 FC «Rhodes» b&w photocard, unused. VF. PPC 5 3581 FC «Rhodes» b&w photocard (Kozas), unused. VF. PPC 5 3582 FC «Villagio Archangelos di Rodi» b&w PPC in twofold, unused. VF. PPC 70 3583 FC «Panorama di Lindos - Isola di Rodi» b&w PPC in twofold, pu. VF. PPC 50 3584 FC «Neohori. Rhodes & Panorama des Moulins Neohori» brownish PPC in twofold, u. VF. PPC 30 3585 FC «Rodi. Un villaggio sotto Monte-Smith» b&w PPC (A.G. Parodi), pu. VF. PPC 10 3586 FC «Rhodes. Les trois Commandants Turcs prisonniers» b&w PPC (Ragozino No.63323), unused. Minor imperfections. PPC 15 3587 FC «Rodi (?) Le Mura» b&w PPC (Ragozino No.36480), pu. Minor imperfections. PPC 10 3588 FC «Coo (Egeo) -Moschea Defterdar» b&w PPC (Menasche, Levy, Touriel), unused. VF. PPC 20 3589 FC «Coo La Moschea Defterdar» b&w PPC (L.Salomone), unused. VF. PPC 20 3590 FC «Coo (Egeo) L’antico albero d’Ipocrate data 15 secoli» b&w PPC (Menache, Levy, Touriel), unused. VF. PPC 15 3591 FC «Symi 1923. Vue generale» b&w photocard, unused. VF. PPC 10 3592 FC «Acropole et Port de l’Ile de Symi» b&w PPC (No.20920), unused. VF. PPC 20 3593 FC «Symi 1923. Vue generale» b&w photocard, unused. VF. PPC 10 3594 FC «Symi 1923. Vue de la mer» nice b&w photocard, unused. VF. PPC 10 3595 FC «Symi 1923. Vue panoramique» nice b&w photocard, unused. VF. PPC 10 3596 FC «Symi» nice b&w photocard, unused. VF. PPC 10 3597 FC «Symi 1923. Vue generale» nice b&w photocard, unused. VF. PPC 10 3598 FC «Symi 1923» nice b&w photocard, unused. VF. PPC 10 3599 FC «Omero Scuola Comunale di Mandachi- Nisiros» b&w (Petruzzo), unused. Creased corner. PPC OFFER 3600 FC «Carpathos» b&w photocard, unused. VF. PPC 8 3601 FC «Calimno (Egeo)- Il Porto» b&w PPC (No.21504), unused. VF. PPC 20 3602 FC «Calimno (Egeo) Panorama» b&w PPC (No.21503), unused. VF. PPC 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 109 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3603 FC «Calimno (Egeo)» blueish PPC (No.40156), u. VF. PPC 15 3604 FC «View of Myrties and islet of Telendos, Calymnos» coloured PPC (M.Macarounas No.9), unused. VF. PPC 8 3605 FC «SANTA MARINA (Lero - Egeo) - Dogana e Ufficio Marittimo» brownish PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 3606 FC «Panorama di Santa Marina (Lero Egeo)» greenish PPC (A.Grafiti No.38228), pu. VF. PPC 15 3607 FC «CASO (Egeo) - Panorama di Panaia» bleuish PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 3608 FC «Patmos. La maison de Emm. Xanthos Philicos» b&w photocard (Phokakis No.2247-17), unused. VF. PPC 10 3609 FC «Patmos. Relegious ceremony» six real photos, unused. VF. PPC 40 CRETE 3610 FC «La Canee Terrain de gymnastique de Helena Venizelos» b&w PPC (Petrakis No.4), unused. VF. PPC 12 3611 FC «Rade de Suda» b&w PPC (Ferrania No.41), unused. VF. PPC 10 3612 FC PPC «Nefs-Amari - Crete» (b&w, early, R.Behaeddin, Marinakis: No.100), canc. to order. few yellow spots. PPC 15 3613 FC «Sitia-Crete.Ecole communale, 1906.» b&w early, (Behaeddin, No 114), unused. Lux. PPC 30 3614 FC PPC «Crete. Types of national dress» (b&w, early, R.Behaeddin, Marinakis: No.103a), postal used. VF. PPC 60 CYCLADES 3615 FC «Myconos. Vue generale» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 12 3616 FC «Pollonia. Milos» b&w photocard, u. VF. PPC 8 3617 FC «Andros. Village Messaria» b&w PPC (Karaoulanis), u. VF. PPC 10 PPC 35 AEGEAN ISLANDS (NORTH AND EAST) 3618 FC «Metelin. Vue de la Ville» b&w PPC, unused. VF. 3619 FC «Metelin. port du Nord et Forteresse» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 35 3620 FC «Metelin. Vue du Port» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 35 3621 FC «Grand Panorama de Metelin» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 35 3622 FC «Metelin. L’entree du port» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 40 3623 FC «Metelin. LA Douane» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 35 3624 FC «Metelin. Les Campagnes» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 35 3625 FC «Lesvos. Molyvos: Le entree de la forteresse» coloured photocard (Molyviatis bros No.7), unused. VF. PPC 5 3626 FC «Samos. Chateau et Eglise historique» early b&w PPC, pu. Slightly creased corner. PPC 10 PELOPONESE 3627 FC «Une Pensee de Patras» colored PPC(Em.Bx et Cie No.10), unused. small tear at left PPC 27 3628 FC «Panorama de Patras» b&w PPC, unused.VF PPC 27 3629 FC «Souvenir de Patras-La Basse Ville» Early colored PPC(A.B.Paschas No.64), unused.VF PPC 40 3630 FC «Souvenir de Patras-La Basse Ville» Early colored PPC(A.B.Paschas No.63), u.VF PPC 40 3631 FC «Patras.General view» b&w PPC, unused.VF PPC 20 3632 FC «Patras.Une vue» b&w PPC, in Greek only(A.B.Paschas), pu.minor faults PPC 27 3633 FC «Patras-Le Port» b&w stereoscopic PPC(LL No.9), unused.VF PPC 25 3634 FC «Patras.Vue de la mer» b&w PPC(N.Anagnostopoulos No.2), unused.VF PPC 22 3635 FC «Patras.L’aube pointe sur le quai» b&w PPC(N.Stournaras No.805), unused.VF PPC 20 3636 FC «Port de Patras» Early b&w PPC(C.Eleftheroudakis No.207), u.slightly creased corner PPC 27 3637 FC «Patras-Rue St.Nicolas» colored PPC(P.Synadinos No.15), u.VF PPC 35 3638 FC «Patrasso.Piazza Re Giorgio 1o» b&w PPC, unused.VF PPC 18 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 110 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3639 FC «Place St.Georges.Patras» Early b&w PPC, pu (on arr. canc.»ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ*2?.1904»-Crete).few soft brown spots PPC 30 3640 FC «Patras-Place du Diadoque» colored PPC(P.Synadinos No.31), u.minor faults PPC 35 3641 FC «Patrasso.Place Giorgio A» b&w PPC, unused.VF PPC 18 3642 FC «Patras.Place Olga» b&w PPC(N.Anagnostopoulos No.9), unused.VF PPC 25 3643 FC «Patras.Place Olga.Le Monument aus heros» b&w PPC(Delta No.1645-24), u.VF PPC 20 3644 FC «Souvenir de Patras-Place de Benizelos Roufos» Early colored PPC, unused.creased corner PPC 40 3645 FC «Patras Hypsila Alonia» b&w PPC(Delta No.1641-20), unused.VF PPC 20 3646 FC «Statue Germanos» b&w PPC(L.Calogeropoulos), unused.VF PPC 20 3647 FC «Patra-Eglise Pantocrator» b&w PPC, unused.VF PPC 20 3648 FC «Eglise de Saint Gerasime, a Patras» Early colored PPC(A.B.Paschas No.213), pu.VF PPC 40 3649 FC «Patras-Asile de vieillards» b&w PPC(Zographos), unused.VF PPC 20 3650 FC «Patras.La Forteresse» b&w PPC, unused.VF PPC 20 3651 FC «Patras:Couchet du Soleil» b&w PPC, u.VF PPC 25 3652 FC «Patras.Boulevard Ities» b&w PPC(A.Cajafas), u. two soft brown spots PPC 40 3653 FC «Souvenir de Patras.Vue de la Fabrique de vins Achaia» Early colored PPC(A.B.Paschas No.70), u.slightly creased corner PPC 40 3654 FC «Patras-Gutland(Klaus)» colored PPC(P.Synadinos No.14), u.creased corner PPC 35 3655 FC «Souvenir de Patras-Ravine pres de la Fabrique de vins Achaia» Early colored PPC(A.B.Paschas No.17), pu.VF PPC 45 3656 FC «Souvenir de Patras-Vigne de Raisins de Corinthe» Early colored PPC(A.B.Paschas No.13), unused. slightly creased corner PPC 40 3657 FC «Egion. Une vue prise de Psil-Alonia» b&w PPC (Delta No.1159), u. VF. PPC 8 3658 FC «Egion. Psila-Alonia» b&w PPC (Delta No.569), u. VF. PPC 8 3659 FC «Rion Patras» b&w PPC(FS. No.448), unused.VF PPC 20 3660 FC «Couvent historique de St.Laura» b&w PPC in Greek only, u. VF. PPC 5 3661 FC «Hermes by Phidias at Olympia» brownish PPC (Hellenic Art Publishers, Boston), unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3662 FC «Vue generale de Calamata» two-fold b&w PPC (P.Vioucas) unused. Minor Imperfections. PPC 40 3663 FC «Calamata - Douane» b&w (P.Vougioukaas, No.4) unused. VF. PPC 50 3664 FC «CALAMATA. Place de Roi Georges II» b&w real photo PPC (DELTA) unused. VF. PPC 20 3665 FC «Calamata. L’eglise de la Chandeleur» b&w PPC (Delta No.134-6), unused. VF. PPC 10 3666 FC «ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ - ΦΡΟΘΡΙΟΝ ΠΑΛΑΜΗΔΙΟΥ» color PPC (N.Christopoulos) unused. VF. PPC 20 3667 FC «NAUPLIE. Pronia» color PPC, pu. VF. PPC 15 3668 FC «ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ. Αποψις προς Ακροναυπλιαν» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 15 3669 FC «Nauplia the Itch Kale.» b&w PPC. unused. VF. PPC 12 3670 FC «NAUPLIE. Vue vers Palamidi» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 15 3671 FC «NAUPLIE. Grece» b&w PPC, pu. Stamp removed. PPC 15 3672 FC «Vue generale de Nauplie» b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 12 3673 FC «Naulpia the Palamede.» b&w PPC. pu. VF. PPC 15 3674 FC «Nauplie. Vue vers Acronauplie et Palamidi» b&w PPC (Delta No.1560), unused. VF. PPC 15 3675 FC «NAUPLIE. Vue vers Pronia» b&w PPC (DELTA) unused. VF. PPC 15 3676 FC «Nauplie. Vue de Acronauplie de la ville» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 10 3677 FC «ΝΑΥΠΛΙΟΝ. ΜΠΟΥΡΤΖΙ» sepia PPC in oval print, unused. VF. PPC 12 3678 FC «Nauplie Le Bourtzi» b&w PPC, unused. Faults. PPC 12 3679 FC «Fragment of base- Asclepios, Hygieia & Nike, from Epidauros» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 8 3680 FC «Corinthe, vue generale des antiquites» color PPC (Farazi and Michalopoulou) unused. VF. PPC 14 3681 FC «ΚΟΡΙΝΘΟΣ, Πειρήνη Κρήνη» brownish (in greek only) (E.N. Michalopoulos) unused. VF. PPC 14 3682 FC «Corinthe-Le Canal de Corinthe» colored PPC (Farazis & Michalopoulos), unused. VF PPC 15 3683 FC «Parc a Loutraki» b&w real photo PPC, pu. VF. PPC 10 3684 FC «Source d’Etat de Loutraki» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 8 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 111 STARTING PRICES IN EURO ATHENS & AREA 3685 FC «Egine-St. Nicolas» coloured PPC (Delta No.52), u. VF. PPC 15 3686 FC «Πρωτοχρονιάτικη κάρτα από τον ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟ ΓΗΓΕΝΩΝ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΤΩΝ». b&w 3fold greeting card. VF. PPC OFFER 3687 FC «Vue du Piree» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 16 3688 FC «Le Port du Piree» early coloured PPC (P & C No.111), unused. VF. PPC 12 3689 FC «Piraeus the harbour» coloured PPC (No.120), unused. VF. PPC 12 3690 FC «Le Piree. Du port» b&w PPC (DELTA) unused. VF. PPC 20 3691 FC «Le Piree. La douane» color PPC (M.N.Michalopoulos) u. VF. PPC 30 3692 FC «Piree. Vue du Centre» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 8 3693 FC «Ομορφες Πειραικες ακτες Τουρκολιμανο» b&w PPC (Stournaras No.735) unused. VF. PPC 20 3694 FC «Kastella- Piree» coloured PPC (I. Gryponisiotis No.69436), unused. VF. PPC 10 3695 FC «Panorama d’Athenes» coloured PPC (Pallis & Cotzias No.2), unused. VF. PPC 10 3696 FC «Panorama d’Athenes» b&w PPC (Heritiers A.Pallis), unused. VF. PPC 8 3697 FC «Vue d’Athenes» brownish PPC, unused. VF. PPC 8 3698 FC «Vue d’Athenes» coloured PPC (No.69304), u. VF. PPC 10 3699 FC «Acropolis with Areiopagus. Athens» b&w PPC (English Photo Co), unused. VF. PPC 5 3700 FC «Athenes & Zapeion» early b&w PPC (P & C No.164), unused. VF. PPC 8 3701 FC «Athenes- Vue d’ ensemble du Parthenon de l’Erechtheion. Belle porte et Caryatides» coloured PPC (No.10223), unused. VF. PPC 8 3702 FC «Athenes- Parthenon-Nord Ouest» coloured PPC (Racopoulo Fremes No.6), unused. VF. PPC 5 3703 FC «Athenes. Evzones sous les Caryatides» b&w PPC (Delta No.1255), unused. VF. PPC 8 3704 FC «Athenes- Theatre d’Herode» early coloured PPC (Hestia No.3540), pu. Slightly creased corner. PPC 8 3705 FC «Athenes- Temple de Thesee et le Lycabette» b&w PPC (Heritieres A.Pallis), unused. VF. PPC 8 3706 FC «Athenes- Temple de Thesee» coloured PPC (A.Cocondinis No.58706), u. VF. PPC 5 3707 FC «Athenes- Monument de Lysicrate» coloured PPC (G.Faratzis No.2200), pu. VF. PPC 8 3708 FC «Athenes. Agora et soldats efzones» coloured PPC (M. Michalopoulos), unused. VF. PPC 30 3709 FC «Athens. Bibliotheque nationale» early coloured PPC, in Greek only (Athinagoras), unused. VF. PPC 15 3710 FC «ATHENES. Biblioteque Nationale» b&w real photo PPC (DELTA) unused. VF. PPC 10 3711 FC «ATHENES. Devant d’Academie» b&w real photo PPC (DELTA) unused. VF. PPC 15 3712 FC «Palais Royal, Athenes» coloured PPC (No.66598), unused. VF. PPC 8 3713 FC «Athenes. Guarde du Palais» b&w PPC (No.32), unused. VF. PPC 20 3714 FC «Athenes Grand Hotel Panchion» early b&w PPC (M.Erginos), pu. VF. PPC 10 3715 FC «Athenes. Hotel Olympias» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 10 3716 FC «American School Athen- 1911» b&w PPC (NPG), unused. Slightly creased corner. PPC 8 3717 FC «Musee National d’Athenes. Hermes d’ Andros (Detail)» b&w PPC (Societe Archeologique No.30), unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3718 FC «Groupe D’ Aphrodite, d’Eros et de Pan (Detail). Delos» b&w PPC (Societe de la Archeologique No.158), unused. VF. PPC 5 3719 FC «Musee d’Eleusis. Relief funeraire de Nicarius Diodore» b&w PPC (Societe Archeologique No.15), unused. VF. PPC 8 3720 FC «KIFISSIA.» color PPC (Farazis & Mihalopoulos). u. VF. PPC 30 PPC 15 CENTRAL GREECE 3721 FC «Θήβαι- Ο Ναός του Ευαγγελιστού Λουκά το πάλαι Ισμήνιος Απόλλων εις το βάθος ο Τάφος του Ευαγγελιστού διασωθείς» coloured PPC (S.Hadjiioannou), pu. VF. 3722 FC «Sitaropazaron - LAMIA» color PPC (A.I.Giannoukos) pu. VF. PPC 20 3723 FC «LAMIA Pres de Thermopyles. Le sentier d’ Ephialte», b&w real photo PPC («DELTA», 1807-36), unused, VF. PPC 15 3724 FC «PAUILLON-REΣTAURANT YPATI», b&w real photo PPC, unused, spots on corner margins on front and reverse & handwriten «26». PPC 25 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 112 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3725 FC «Bains de Hypati. Vue du parc» b&w photocard (Delta No.256-4), u. VF. PPC 10 3726 FC «BAINS D’HYPATI. Vue du parc», b&w real photo PPC («DELTA», 254-2), unused, VF. PPC 20 3727 FC «Delphes Salle du Musee» b&w PPC, u. Minor imperfections. PPC 5 3728 FC «Itea. Vue generale» b&w PPC (G. Alexakis), u. VF. PPC 5 3729 FC «Naupactos. Vue generale. Cote d’est» b&w PPC (A.Drakos No.1), unused. VF. PPC 15 3730 FC «Naupactus. Le petit port pittoresque et la Tapia de Anemoyanni» b&w PPC (A.Drakos No.514-11), unused. VF. PPC 10 3731 FC «Mesolonghi. Le Monument des Heros» b&w photocard, u. VF. PPC 5 3732 FC «Kryoneri Messolonghi-Patras» color PPC (K.G. Aspioti) pu. Card creased vertically in the middle. PPC 7 THESSALY 3733 FC «Thessalie. Les rochers des Meteores» b&w PPC (K.Stournaras), unused. VF. PPC 15 3734 FC «Trikala: La tour de l’horloge» coloured photocard (Kyriakidis bros No.7), unused. VF. PPC 5 3735 FC «Trikala: la Citadelle Byzantine et la tour de l’horloge» coloured photocard (Kyriakidis bros No.3), unused. VF. PPC 5 3736 FC «Trikala- Vue partielle» coloured photocard (Recos No.93), unused. VF. PPC 5 3737 FC «Trikala Eglise de St. Nicolas» coloured photocard (I.N.Ag. Nikoalou), unused. VF. PPC 5 3738 FC «Trikala- Scenes de la vie quotidieme» coloured photocard (M. Toumbis No.6), unused. VF. PPC 5 3739 FC «Karditsa- Place Centrale» coloured photocard (Recos No.106), unused. VF. PPC 5 3740 FC «Karditsa- Le jet d’eau» coloured photocard (Delta No.1477), unused. VF. PPC 5 3741 FC «Karditsa- Palais de la Justice» coloured photocard (Recos No.108), unused. VF. PPC 5 3742 FC «Karditsa- Pafsilypon» coloured photocard (Recos No.105), unused. VF. PPC 5 3743 FC «Kanalia Karditsa- General view» coloured photocard (Antoniou LTD), unused. VF. PPC 5 3744 FC «Kanalia Karditsa- Vue partielle» coloured photocard (Antoniou LTD), unused. VF. PPC 5 3745 FC «Kanalia Karditsa- Vue partielle» coloured photocard (Antoniou LTD), unused. VF. PPC 5 3746 FC «Kanalia Karditsa- Monument du soldat inconnu et bureau de l’eglise» coloured photocard (Antoniou LTD), unused. VF. PPC 5 3747 FC «Kanalia Karditsa- Some view of the square» coloured photocard (Antoniou LTD), unused. VF. PPC 5 3748 FC «Kanalia Karditsa- The old men of the village in the square» coloured photocard (Antoniou LTD), unused. VF. PPC 5 3749 FC «Kanalia Karditsa- The playground of the village» coloured photocard (Antoniou LTD), unused. VF. PPC 5 3750 FC «Kanalia Karditsa- Saint mary’s church» coloured photocard (Antoniou LTD), unused. VF. PPC 5 3751 FC «Kanalia Karditsa- Saint Elie» coloured photocard (Antoniou LTD), unused. VF. PPC 5 IONIAN ISLANDS 3752 FC «Kithira: Panagia Myrtidiotisa» coloured photocard (Stournaras), unused. VF. PPC 5 3753 FC «ΑΡΓΟΣΤΟΛΙΟΝ-Φανός Αγίων Θεοδώρων» (ed. Faraxi & Mihalakopoulou, Athens), unused, rounded corners. PPC 25 3754 FC «Levcade: Cape Lefcatas» coloured photocard (Catapodis), unused. VF. PPC 5 3755 FC «Souvenir de Corfou, vue panoramique» early color PPC (Purger & Co.) pu. VF. PPC 18 3756 FC «Corfou. Le Quai» early coloured PPC (No.3929), pu. Stained on reverse. PPC 8 3757 FC «Corfou. Fontaine Renaissance» b&w PPC (Levy No.3454), u. VF. PPC 8 3758 FC «Corfou. L’Achilleion. Zouave en sentinelle a l’entree de l’Achilleion» b&w PPC (Levy No.3432), u. VF. PPC 8 3759 FC «Corfou, village Hypso» b&w on yellow paper (G. Aspioti freres) pu.1916. VF. PPC 12 3760 FC Corfou Easter 1962, b&w real photo PPC, used. F. PPC 20 PPC 25 EPIRUS 3761 FC «ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ. Γενική άποψις» b&w real photo PPC (ed. Nik. Stournaras, no.244), unused, VF. A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 113 STARTING PRICES IN EURO THESSALONIKI (SALONICA) 3762 FC «Souvenir de Salonique. Vue panoramique de la ville.» b&w PPC (Albert J.Barzilai). unused. VF. PPC 25 3763 FC «Vue Generale a Salonique.» color PPC (D.Sonides). pu. VF. PPC 25 3764 FC «Salonique- Le Port» b&w PPC on yellowish (Ghedalia No.16), unused. VF. PPC 10 3765 FC «Salonique. Douane» b&w PPC (A.B. Paschas), u. VF. PPC 10 3766 FC «Salonique. Vue de Quai» b&w PPC (M.S.R. No.114), u. VF. PPC 8 3767 FC «Quai de Thessaloniki» b&w PPC (No.66), unused. VF. PPC 15 3768 FC «Salonique. Avenue Nikis» rosine PPC on cardboad (Alexakis No.1650), unused. VF. PPC 10 3769 FC «Thessalonique. Boulevard Nike vers la Tour Blanhce» b&w PPC (No.1072), unused. VF. PPC 15 3770 FC «Salonique- La Tour Blanche et le quai» coloured PPC (H.Naar No.1301), unused. VF. PPC 10 3771 FC «Salonique La Tour Blanche du cote Est» coloured PPC (H. Naar No.15), unused. VF. PPC 10 3772 FC «Salonique- Arc de triomphe d’Alexandre le Grand» coloured PPC (J. Saoul No.22), u. VF. PPC 8 3773 FC «Salonique- Arc d’ Alexandre le Grand» coloured PPC (J. Menahem & Sevy No.142), unused. VF. PPC 10 3774 FC «Thessaloniki. Rue Egnatia» b&w photocard (No.401), u. VF. PPC 7 3775 FC «Salonique- Vue panoramique Yedi- Koule» coloured PPC (J. Saoul No.32), u. VF. PPC 10 3776 FC «Salonique. La forteresse de Yedi- Coule» b&w PPC (Delta No.914), unused. VF. PPC 3 3777 FC «Salonique- Vestiges des Remparts» coloured PPC (J. Saoul No.35), u. VF. PPC 8 3778 FC «Salonique- Vieille maison macedonienne» coloured PPC (H. Manuel No.241), u. VF. PPC 10 3779 FC «Salonique. L’Eglise orthodoxe de Yedi-Coule» coloured PPC (H. Naar No.4), unused. VF. PPC 8 3780 FC «Salonique Un Monument histirique- Eglise des 12 Apotres» coloured PPC (J. Saoul No.19), unused. VF. PPC 8 3781 FC «Salonique- Mosquee Ancienne Eglise des 12 Apotres» coloured PPC (No.30), unused. VF. PPC 8 3782 FC «Salonique- Eglise St. Georges» coloured PPC (No.29), unused. VF. PPC 10 3783 FC «Souvenir de Salonique. L’Eglise Saint Sophia.» b&w PPC (David M.Assael). pu. minor spots. PPC 35 3784 FC «Place de Ste Sophie» b&w PPC (Lycides No.28), unused. VF. PPC 15 3785 FC «Salonique- Types de la rue, au fond Zonanes» coloured PPC (H. Manuel), u. VF. PPC 8 3786 FC «Salonique- Rue Venizelos» brownish PPC (Ghedaliao No.13), u. VF. PPC 10 3787 FC «Souvenir de Salonique. Rue Venizelos.» color PPC (A.B. Paschas). u. VF. PPC 25 3788 FC «Salonique- Palais du Quartier general militaire» b&w PPC (Librairie Francaise No.1008), u. Light diagonal crease. PPC 10 3789 FC «Salonique. Quartier general» b&w PPC, in Greek only (Delta No.920), unused. VF. PPC 10 3790 FC «Costumes a Salonique» b&w PPC (J. Saoul), u. VF. PPC 12 3791 FC «Costumes de paysans a Salonique» b&w PPC (J. Saoul), u. VF. PPC 10 3792 FC «Costumes a Salonique» b&w PPC (J. Saoul), u. VF. PPC 10 3793 FC «Salonique Costume du pays» b&w PPC (Cohen Benroubi & Pessah), unused. Tiny brown spots. PPC 8 3794 FC «Salonique- Costume National Grec» b&w PPC, u. Minor imperfections. PPC 10 3795 FC «Salonique. Costume Macedonien» b&w PPC (I. Alexakis No.1650), unused. VF. PPC 10 3796 FC «Salonique- Quartier Vardar, Danses» b&w PPC (J.T. & Cie No.18), u. VF. PPC 12 3797 FC «Salonique-Filleettes tziganes» coloured PPC (No.232), u. VF. PPC 8 PPC 25 ATHOS MOUNTAIN (MT.ATHOS) 3798 FC «Mountain Athos.» early b&w PPC in Serbic. pu. VF. MACEDONIA 3799 FC «Scenes et Types de Macedoine (Grece) - Habitation et famille de Nomades» b&w PPC (Librairie Francaise No.1064), u. VF PPC 12 3800 FC «Scenes et Types de Macedoine (Grece)-Bergers Macedoniens» b&w PPC (Librairie Francaise No.1059), unused. VF PPC 10 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 114 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3801 FC «En Macedoine. Villageoises a la fontaine» b&w PPC (No.29), u. VF PPC 10 3802 FC «Scenes et types de Macedoine-Jeune nomade» b&w PPC(Librairie Francaise), u. VF PPC 12 3803 FC «Scenes et Types de Macedoine(Grece)-Famille de Paysans» b&w PPC (Librairie Francaise), unused. VF PPC 10 3804 FC «Macedoine 1916.Berger dans les plaines du Vardar» b&w PPC (E.Le Deley), u. VF. PPC 10 3805 FC «Femmes Macedoniennes» b&w PPC (No.177), u. VF. PPC 10 3806 FC «Campagne d’Orient 1914-18. Florina. Vue Generale prise en Aeroplane» b&w PPC, u. VF PPC 20 3807 FC «Florina-Vue de la ville» b&w PPC (No.25), u.VF. PPC 12 3808 FC «Florina- Jeune fille Macedonienne en costume national» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 12 3809 FC «Edessa-Vers les Cascades» b&w real photo (Stougiannakis), unused. VF PPC 18 3810 FC «Edessa-Le Jardin Mounicipale» b&w PPC (No.266), unused.VF PPC 12 3811 FC «Edessa-Le Pavillon Touristique» colored PPC (No.251), unused.VF. PPC 18 3812 FC «Verria - Le Village» b&w PPC (No.12), unused. VF PPC 15 3813 FC «Karaferia-Vue panorqamique» b&w PPC (Baudiniere No.18), u.VF. PPC 15 3814 FC «LA MACEDOINE-Gare de Verria» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 30 3815 FC «Veria-Vue panoramique» b&w PPC (No.163), unused.VF. PPC 12 3816 FC «Verria-Entree de l’Ambulance» b&w PPC (No.133), unused.VF. PPC 15 3817 FC «Alakilisse (Kilkis) - Fontaine Alexandre-le-Grand» b/w PPC (ed. Deley), used in 1918. PPC 5 3818 FC «Alakliche (Macedoine) - Emplacement de l’antique Pella, patrie d’Alexandre-le-Grand» b&w PPC (No.158), unused. brown spots PPC 15 3819 FC «Drama. Une partie de la ville» b&w PPC (in frame) u. VF. PPC 30 3820 FC «DRAMA. Rue Tsaldari» b&w real photo PPC, pu. VF. PPC 35 3821 FC «Souvenir de Drama» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 40 3822 FC «Drama. Rue Alexandre le grand» &w real photo PPC (Vouvalides) unused. VF. PPC 30 3823 FC «Δραμα - Πλατεια Ελευθεριας» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 3824 FC «Souvenir de Drama» b&w real photo PPC, u. VF. PPC 40 3825 FC «Drama. Grands depots de tabacs» b&w PPC (A.Joannides No.301) unused. VF. PPC 50 3826 FC «Drama. Plateau des Sources» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 30 3827 FC «Drama. Un des quartiers grecs» early b&w PPC (B.Davelopoulos) unused. VF. PPC 40 3828 FC «Paysage - Drama» b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 20 3829 FC «Moulins - Drama» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 3830 FC «ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ - ΠΑΓΓΑΙΟΥ» b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 30 3831 FC «Panorama de Cavalla» b&w PPC in threefold, unused. VF. PPC 120 3832 FC «Panorama de Cavalla» color PPC in twofold, pu. Slightly creased corner. PPC 75 3833 FC «Souvenir de Cavalla (Vue panoramique)» early b&w PPC, pu. Creased. PPC 25 3834 FC «Souvenir de Cavalla» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3835 FC «Cavalla» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 3836 FC «Souvenir de Cavalla» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3837 FC «Souvenir de Cavalla» early b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 20 3838 FC «Souvenir de Cavalla» early b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 3839 FC «CAVALLA. Vue de la mer» b*w PPC (G.N.Georgiadis) unused. VF. PPC 25 3840 FC «Vue generale de la ville de Cavalla» early b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 35 3841 FC «Cavalla» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 30 3842 FC «Souvenir de Cavalla» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3843 FC «Καβαλλα. Με χιονια» color PPC, pu. VF. PPC 20 3844 FC «Port de Cavalla» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3845 FC «Cavalla» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3846 FC «Πανοραμα Καβαλλας» b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 35 3847 FC «Cavalla» color PPC (S.C.Diamantopoulos) unused. VF. PPC 25 3848 FC «CAVALA» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 20 3849 FC «Souvenir de Cavalla» early b&w PPC, pu. Stamp removed. PPC 25 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 115 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3850 FC «Cavalla. Le Quai» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 40 3851 FC «Souvenir de Cavalla. Un cote du Port» b&w PPC, pu. Creased in the middle. PPC 20 3852 FC «Souvenir de Cavalla. La debarcadere» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 45 3853 FC «Aqueduc de Cavalla» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3854 FC «Le fort de Kavalla» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 3855 FC «Fort de Cavalla» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 3856 FC «Imaret Cavalla» color PPC, pu. VF. PPC 20 3857 FC «Imaret Cavalla» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3858 FC «Souvenir de Cavalla. La maison de feu Mehmet Aly Pacha d’Egypte» b&w PPC, pu. Creased corners. PPC 30 3859 FC «Ανατολικη αποψις Καβαλλας» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3860 FC «Souvenir de Cavalla (turquie). Rue et cafes de Kioutsouk - Orman» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 3861 FC «Cavalla» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 3862 FC «CAVALLA: Municipalite et Grand Club» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 35 3863 FC «Le Grand cercle et la Banque d’Athenes - Kavalla» b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 40 3864 FC «Cavalla. Palais de gourvenement» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 50 3865 FC «Grand Hotel - Kavalla» b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 40 3866 FC «Cavalla - Transport des Tabacs» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 50 3867 FC «Chargement de tabac sur bateau» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 50 3868 FC «CAVALLA» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 3869 FC «CAVALLA. (Grece). L’Epiphanie» b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 40 3870 FC «Cavalla (Grece)» b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 50 3871 FC «Cavalla. Caserne» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 3872 FC «Cavalla. Eglise Grecqie St.Athanase» color PPC, pu. VF. PPC 30 3873 FC «Καταθεσις Θεμελιου Λιθου Ιερου Ναου Αγιας Βαρβαρας (Καβαλλας)» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 50 3874 FC «Souvenir d’Osmanie (Ile de Thassos)» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 35 3875 FC «THASOS» early b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 20 3876 FC «THASO» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3877 FC «THASO» b&w real photo PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3878 FC «ΛΙΜΗΝ (ΘΑΣΟΥ)» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3879 FC «ΤΟ ΛΙΜΑΝΑΚΙ (ΘΑΣΟΥ)» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3880 FC «Ο ΛΙΜΗΝ ΘΑΣΟΥ» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 3881 FC «THASO» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3882 FC «THASOS» b&w real photo PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 3883 FC «THASOS» b&w real photo PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 3884 FC «THASO» b&w photo PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 3885 FC «THASOS» b&w photo PPC, unused. VF. PPC 15 3886 FC «MAIN STREET LIMENA. THASSOS» b&w real photo PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 3887 FC «Ruins of Acropolis. Thaso» b&w real photo PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 3888 FC «VENETIAN CASTLE. BUILT 1400 AD THASO» b&w real photo PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 3889 FC «Θασος - Λιμεναρια» b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 25 THRACE 3890 FC «Nestos River» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3891 FC «Porto Lagos: St. Nicolas» coloured photocard (Recos), unused. VF. PPC 5 ROYALTY 3892 FC «The King of Greece and family group at Athens» b&w PPC in cardboard (A.V.N. Jones), unused. VF. PPC 10 3893 FC «S.M. LE ROI DES HELLENES.» b&w PPC (P&C No. 216). pu. VF. PPC 20 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 116 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3894 FC «S.A.R. le Prince Nicolas.» b&w PPC. pu. VF. PPC 20 3895 FC «S.A. Le Prince Andree.» b&w PPC (No. 176). pu. some faults. PPC 15 3896 FC «S.A.R. le Prince Heritier.» b&w PPC. pu. VF. PPC 20 3897 FC «S.A.R. le Prince Constantin avec le premier Ministre Monsieur Venizelos.» b&w PPC in frame (F. Caloutas). unused. VF. PPC 20 PERSONALITIES 3898 FC «E.Venizelos» b&w photocard (Scuppin & Winker), unused. VF. PPC 10 3899 FC «Eleftherios Venizelos.» b&w PPC. unused. VF and RARE. PPC 30 3900 FC «Rizopoulos, estates in Athens.» b&w card. unused. faults. PPC 10 PPC 200 GREEK HISTORY 3901 FC Five b&w covers complete commemorative set for Byron Centenary Celebration (1824-1924), (Edit. I. N. SIDERIS). R. MILITARY - WARS 3902 FC «Les mebres du gouvernement provisoire de Grece apres le requiem celebre en k’honneur des victimes de l’Angheliki, vapeur torpille par les Allemands dans l’ Archipel» b&w PPC (No.1), unused. VF and RRR. PPC 45 3903 FC «Ο ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΟΣ ΓΑΡΙΒΑΛΔΗΣ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΩΝ ΤΗΝΜΑΧΗΝ ΤΟΥ ΔΡΙΣΚΟΥ» b&w PPC, unused. Cut corner. PPC 8 3904 FC «The Adriatic, Mare Nostrum.» color PPC (Dimitrios Dimitrakos). unused. VF. PPC 15 3905 FC «France» Coloured animated PPC (italian editor), pu. VF. PPC OFFER SHIPPING (VESSELS,PORTS,CANALS,ETC.) 3906 FC «Le tout Saigon attend l’arrive de l’Ernest Simons qui porte le Gouverneur General Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes: Grece, Turquie, Egypte...» b&w PPC (Devambez), unused. VF. PPC 10 3907 FC «Schelldampfer Auguste Victoria» early coloured PPC, pu (LHH). VF. PPC OFFER 3908 FC «S.S. Habsburg» early coloured PPC, pu. Creased corner. PPC OFFER 3909 FC «S.S. Semiramis» early coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3910 FC «Hohenzollern» coloured PPC, pu. VF. PPC OFFER 3911 FC «Piroscafo Ancona» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3912 FC «Societe Generale de Transports Maritimes a Vapeur» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3913 FC «Lloyd Latino» coloured PPC on very thin paper, unused. Slightly creased corner. PPC OFFER 3914 FC «Piroscafo a Turbine Venezia» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3915 FC «Vapore Dante Alighieri» coloured PPC, pu. Creased corner. PPC OFFER 3916 FC «Vapore Principe di Udine» coloured PPC, pu. Minor faults. PPC OFFER 3917 FC «Twin-Screw R.M.S. Baltic 23884 Tons» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3918 FC «R.M.S. Mauretania» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3919 FC «S/S Dorian» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3920 FC «The Hellenic Mediterranean lines s/s Ionia» coloured PPC, pu. VF. PPC 10 3921 FC «Port Said N.D.L.S.S. Kleist» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3922 FC «The Port of Liverpool. Yhe Empress of Russia at Prince’s Landing Stage» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3923 FC «T/N Ascania» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3924 FC «Genes-Naples-Marseille-Barcelone-Dakar-Bresil-Uruguay-Argentine sur Provence et Bretagne (20.000T)» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3925 FC «Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen D. Columbus» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 117 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3926 FC «Doppelschraubendampfer Sierra Ventana» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3927 FC «Vierschrauben- Schnelldampfer Bremen» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3928 FC «Doppelschraubendampfer Stuttgart» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 3929 FC «Doppelschraubendampfer Dresden» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3930 FC «Doppelschraubendampfer Karlsruhe» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3931 FC «Pfo Esperia Grande Espresso Europa-Egitto» coloured PPC, unused. Light vertical crease. PPC OFFER 3932 FC «Esperia Grande Espresso Europa-Egitto» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3933 FC «Doppelschraubendampfer Crefeld» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3934 FC «M/N Anna C.» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3935 FC «R.M.S. Majestic 56621 Tons The Largest steamer in the world» coloured PPC, pu. Slightly creased corner. PPC OFFER 3936 FC «M/N Montserrat» coloured PPC, pu. Stained at left top corner. PPC OFFER 3937 FC «M/N Abbazia» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3938 FC «Flotta Lauro- Turbonave Roma» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3939 FC «SS Conte Grande» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3940 FC «Conte Di Savoia 50.000 Tons» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3941 FC «Conte Biancamano 21.446 Tonn» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3942 FC «M.V. Karadenis 8809 tons» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3943 FC «M/sStella Maris Greek Registry» coloured PPC, written but not used. VF. PPC 5 3944 FC «M/N Franca C.» coloured PPC, pu. VF. PPC OFFER 3945 FC «M/s Italia 21.600 t.» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3946 FC «Vierschrauben T.S.Bremen 32335 BRT» coloured PPC, pu. VF. PPC OFFER 3947 FC «S/S Ionia» coloured PPC, u. Faults. PPC OFFER 3948 FC «Doppelschraubendampfer Sierra-Morena» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3949 FC «Doppelschraubendampfer Saarbrucken» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3950 FC «Doppelschraubendampfer Berlin» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3951 FC «Doppelschraubendampfer Madrid» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3952 FC «Doppelschraubendampfer Werra» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3953 FC «Doppelschraubendampfer Derfflinger» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3954 FC «The Hellenic Mediterranean lines s/s Ionia» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC 10 3955 FC «The Aegean Navigation T.s.s. Angelica» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC 10 3956 FC «Greek Steam Navigation Co. T.s.s. Olympia» coloured PPC, pu. VF. PPC 10 3957 FC «Montonave Victoria» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 3958 FC «Greek Steam Navigation Co. s/s Nea Hellas» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC 10 SMYRNE, CONSTANTINOPLE, ASIA MINOR 3959 FC «Andrinople. Vue partielle» b&w PPC, u. VF. PPC 8 3960 FC «Sedoul Bahr. Callipoli» b&w photocard, unused. VF. PPC 10 3961 FC «Kilia. Military camp» b&w photocard, unused. VF. PPC 10 3962 FC «Gruss aus Constantinopel» early color commemorative PPC, unused. VF. PPC 35 3963 FC «Konstantinople. Le pont de Galata and Turkish coins» early coloured embossed PPC (J.Ludwigsohn), u. VF. PPC 10 3964 FC «Constantinople. Mosquee Ahmed et l’Hippodrome and Turkish coins» early coloured embossed PPC (J.Ludwigsohn), unused. VF. PPC 15 3965 FC «Gruss aus Konstantinopel» early color PPC, pu. Stamp removed. PPC 35 3966 FC «Turque. Exposition Universelle de 1900» early color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 40 3967 FC «Constantinople. Amiraute Imperiale (Ters-hane)» early coloured PPC (M.Fruchtermann No.202), unused. VF. PPC 20 3968 FC «Constantinople» early coloured PPC (M.Fruchtermann No.211), pu. VF. PPC 15 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 118 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 3969 FC «Constantinople. Mosquee d’Ortakeuy et Palais de Beylerbey» early coloured PPC (M.Fruchtermann No.205), pu. VF. PPC 10 3970 FC «Constantinople. Vue de Top-Hane. Infanterie et Cavalerie retour de la parade de Vendredi» early coloured PPC (M.Fruchtermann No.204), pu. VF. PPC 15 3971 FC «Constantinople- Palais de Yildiz Kiosk et Mosquee Hamidie» early coloured PPC (M.Fruchtermann No.206), pu. VF. PPC 15 3972 FC «Salut de Constantinople.» early color PPC, u. VF. PPC 30 3973 FC «Salut de Constantinople.» early color PPC, u. VF. PPC 25 3974 FC «Salut de Constantinople.» early color PPC, pu. VF. PPC 30 3975 FC «Salut de Constantinople.» early color PPC, u. VF. PPC 25 3976 FC «Salut de Constantinople.» early color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 3977 FC «Salut de Constantinople.» early color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 25 3978 FC «Salut de Constantinople.» early color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 3979 FC «Salut de Constantinople.» early color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 3980 FC «Salut de Constantinople.» early color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 3981 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Mosquee du Sultan Ahmed et Place de l’Hippodrome.» early color PPC, pu. Creased corners. PPC 25 3982 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Dolma Bagtche (Palais Imperial)» early color PPC, pu. Stamp removed. PPC 25 3983 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Gare des Chemins de fer Orientaux» earlr color PPC, pu. VF. PPC 25 3984 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Chemin de Fer» early color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 40 3985 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Mosquee de Ste Sophie» early color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 40 3986 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople.» early color PPC (four views on PPC), pu. Stamp removed. PPC 25 3987 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Dolma Bagtche (Palais Imperial)» early color PPC, unused. Creased corner. PPC 35 3988 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. La tour du Seraskerat» early color PPC, pu. VF. PPC 30 3989 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople.» early brownish PPC (three views on PPC) pu. Stamp removed. PPC 35 3990 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Kady-Keuy, Iles des Princes, Ponte du Serail (Gare)» early brownish PPC (M.Fruchtermann) pu. Stamp removed. Slightly creased corner. PPC 25 3991 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Arnaout-Keuy» early brownish PPC (M.Fruchtermann) unused. VF. PPC 30 3992 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Caserne Selimieh» early brownish PPC (M.Fruchtermann) unused. VF. PPC 30 3993 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Vue generale du Pont de Kura-Keuy» early b&w PPC (M.Fruchtermann) unused. VF. PPC 30 3994 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Tour de Galata» early brownish PPC (M.Fruchtermann) unused. VF. PPC 30 3995 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Kouskoundjuk, Scutari (Faubourg)» early brownish PPC (M.Fruchtermann) pu. Stamp removed. PPC 25 3996 FC «Khedivial Palace Hotel» & «Vue de Khevidial Palace, Constantinople» early brownish PPC (M.Fruchtermann) pu. VF. PPC 30 3997 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Dolma Bagtche (Palais Imperial)» early b&w PPC, unused. Creased corner. PPC 30 3998 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Pont de Kara-Keuy, prise de Stamboul.» early brownish PPC, pu. Creased corner. PPC 25 3999 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople. Porte et Tour du Seraskerat» early b&w PPC (M.Fruchtermann) unused. VF. PPC 30 4000 FC «Souvenir de Constantinople» early b&w PPC (three views on PPC) (M.Fruchtermann) pu. VF. PPC 30 4001 FC «Costumes Nationales Helleniques. Salut de Constantinople» early coloured PPC (No.1141), unused. VF. PPC 20 4002 FC «Salut de...» early coloured PPC (M.Fruchtermann No.212), unused. VF. PPC 15 4003 FC «Turkei» early color PPC, pu. VF. PPC 25 4004 FC «Smyrne. Rue Franque» coloured PPC (J.Molko No.2228), unused. VF. PPC 30 4005 FC «Smyrne. Campement de Yiorouks (Nomades)» early coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC 30 4006 FC «Smyrne. Pont de Caravanes» early b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 10 4007 FC «Smyrne. Eglise Orthodoxe» b&w PPC, unused. VF. PPC 8 4008 FC «Smyrne. Le travail des figues» coloured PPC (Zachariou & Koury No.68), unused. VF. PPC 20 4009 FC «St.Joseph Licee (1930-1935 years)» b&w real photo PPC, unused. VF. PPC 15 A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 119 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 4010 FC «St.Joseph Licee (1930-1935 years)» b&w real photo PPC, unused. VF. PPC 15 4011 FC «St.Joseph Licee (1930-1935 years)» b&w real photo PPC, unused. VF. PPC 15 4012 FC «Marmarice (Turcey in Asia Minor). The Harbour» b&w PPC (U.Adinolfi No.16266), unused. VF. PPC 15 4013 FC «Marmarice (Turcey in Asia Minor). View from the Castle» b&w PPC (U.Adinolfi No.16255), unused. VF. PPC 15 4014 FC «Marmarice (Turcey in Asia Minor). The Square» b&w PPC (U.Adinolfi No.16244), unused. VF. PPC 15 4015 FC «Yozgadcamlik» b&w photocard, unused. VF. PPC 10 5 OTHER COUNTRIES (Except CREECE) 4016 FC «Palmyre. Arc de Triomphe et colonnade, vus de face» early b&w PPC (D.Tarazi & fils No.35), pu. Minor imperfections. PPC 4017 FC «Constanta. Barca de Salvare» coloured PPC (Saraga), pu. VF. PPC 8 4018 FC «Constanta. Vaporul Principesa Maria in port» coloured PPC (Dabo No.197), pu. VF. PPC 10 4019 FC «Braila. Docuri» b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC 10 4020 FC «Vederea Brailei de pe Dunare» coloured PPC (Chrysoverghis No.1804), pu. VF. PPC 5 4021 FC «Salutari din Braila. Basinul Docurilor» coloured PPC (Theologhides), pu. VF. PPC 8 4022 FC «Braila, Proprietatea D.Jonescu» coloured PPC (Maier & Stern No.3292), pu. VF. PPC 5 4023 FC «Lacul Sarat, Parcul Euglez. Braila» coloured PPC (Purger & Co.No.3486), pu. VF. PPC 5 4024 FC «Expositia National 1906, Vedere spre Palatul Artelor» coloured PPC (Stengel), pu. VF. PPC 10 4025 FC «Expositia Nationala 1906, Pavilionul Regal in perspectiva» coloured PPC (Stengel), u. Torn at top. PPC OFFER 4026 FC «Bukaresti. Lacul Cismigiu» coloured PPC (A.Lobel), u. VF. PPC 5 4027 FC «Bukarest. Universitatea si Monimentul lui Bratianu» coloured PPC (A.Lobel No.9), u. VF. PPC 6 4028 FC «Bucuresti. Aleea Carmen Sylva» coloured PPC (Saraga No.2547), pu. VF. PPC 8 4029 FC «Bucuresti. Lacul Cismigiu» coloured PPC (A.Horowitz No.09 4658), unused. VF. PPC 8 4030 FC «Bucuresti. Institutul Bacterologic» coloured PPC (DUB No.33), u. VF. PPC 6 4031 FC «Bucuresti. Hotel de France» b&w PPC (Centrala No.7104), u. VF. PPC 5 4032 FC «Bucuresti. Cheiul Dambovitei si Piata» coloured PPC (Saraga No.10 8513), u. VF. PPC 5 4033 FC «Monimentul Roseti. Bucuresti» coloured PPC (Maier and Stern No.1115), pu. VF. PPC 5 4034 FC «Sianaia Vederea Cantinei si Corpu de Garda» coloured PPC (No.19), u. VF. PPC 8 4035 FC «Castel Peles Sinaia» coloured PPC (J.Schwarzfeld), pu. VF. PPC 5 4036 FC «Baile Sarata-Monteoru, Vedere Bailor» coloured PPC (Maier & Stern No.1396), pu. VF. PPC 5 4037 FC «Baile Sarata-Monteoru, Vedere Generala» coloured PPC (M.Tapiter No.2820), pu. VF. PPC 6 4038 FC «Baile Sarata-Monteoru, Vedere spre Casino» coloured PPC (M.Tapiter No.2817), pu. VF. PPC 6 4039 FC «Targu Jiu- Bulevardul J.C. Bratianu» coloured PPC (No.8557), u. VF. PPC 5 4040 FC «Salutari din Targu Jiu- Podul Ferdinand peste Jiu» coloured PPC (No.8553), u. VF. PPC 5 4041 FC «Turnu- Severin. Portul» coloured PPC (Maier & Stern No.1819), pu. VF. PPC 8 4042 FC «Targovistea. Turnul Chindiea» coloured PPC (DUB No.9298), u. VF. PPC 5 4043 FC «Drumul spre Baile Slanic, Podul de fier si Biserica Raducanu» coloured PPC (J.Flachs No.5802), unused. VF. PPC 6 4044 FC «Curtea de Arges. Biserica, Episcopia si Resedinta Regala» coloured PPC (Maier & Stern No.1254), pu. VF. PPC 6 4045 FC «Fantana Mesterului Manole» coloured PPC (G.Mitu), pu. VF. PPC 6 4046 FC «R.Sarat. Primaria» coloured PPC (Saraga No.14), u. VF. PPC 5 4047 FC «T.-Severin. Vederea Portului» coloured PPC (Maier & Stern No.1641), pu. VF. PPC 6 4048 FC «Sonda Roman-Americana Stejaru Bustenari» coloured PPC (DUB No.8777), u. VF. PPC 8 4049 FC «Buzeu. Palatul Comunal» coloured PPC (Saraga No.551), pu. VF. PPC 6 4050 FC «Vederea Generala cu Biserica Precista si Judecatoria (Casa Borisov)» b&w PPC (J.Flachs), unused. Light diagonal crease. PPC 5 4051 FC «Boka Kotorska- Starinska Nosnja Mrnarica» coloured PPC (Tosovic, Ragusa), unused. VF. PPC OFFER 4052 FC «Costumi dalmati» coloured PPC (G.Predelin), u. VF. PPC OFFER 4053 FC «Golfo di Napoli» early coloured PPC (Bertolini Palace Hotel Napoli), unused. VF. PPC OFFER A. KARAMITSOS - AUCTION 455 E - 120 STARTING PRICES IN EURO 4054 FC «Napoli Una carreta de contadino» early b&w PPC (Rommler & Jonas No.8729), unused. VF. PPC OFFER 4055 FC «Humbert I roi d’Italie sur le trone en 1878» early coloured PPC (No.1100), pu. VF. PPC OFFER 4056 FC «Comando del Genio della 3a Armata» coloured PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 4057 FC «Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano Ditta Pelagatti- Parma» early coloured advertising PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 4058 FC «Venezia. Ristorante al graspo de va» coloured advertising PPC (A. & G. Mora), unused. VF. PPC OFFER 4059 FC «La bretelle Parisiana» coloured advertising PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 4060 FC «Conserves Le Soleil Malines» coloured advertising PPC, unused. VF. PPC OFFER 4061 FC «Paris Vecu- Au Jardin d’Acclimatation» early b&w PPC, unused. Minor imperfections. PPC OFFER 4062 FC «Paris Vecu- Attende au Tramway» b&w PPC, pu. VF. PPC OFFER 4063 FC «Paris- Tramway de Versailles» b&w PPC (ELD), unused. Minor imperfections. PPC OFFER 4064 FC «Paris- Chemin de fer Metropolitain, Ligne no.2 sud Etoile-Italie, Gare de Suffren» b&w PPC (ND), u. Creased corner. PPC OFFER GREEKS ABROAD 4065 FC «TARPON SPRINGS FLA. U.S.A.» color booklet with 8 color PPCs, unused. VF. PPC 40 4066 FC Colour PPC «Sightseeing boat, Sponge Exchange, Tarpon Springs, Fla. USA» (Sun News, T.S.27), unused. VF. PPC 12 4067 FC Colour PPC «Sponges at sponges exchange, Tarpon Springs, Fla. USA» (Hillsboro News Co., 297329), unused. VF. PPC 10 4068 FC Colour PPC «Sale in progress at the sponge Exchange, Tarpon Springs, Fla. USA» (Sun News Co, T.S.2), unused. VF. PPC 10 4069 FC «The Sponges and Sponge Boats at Tarpon Springs, Florida» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 15 4070 FC «Sponge Fleet in Harbor, Tarpon Springs, FLA., USA» color PPC, used. VF. PPC 20 4071 FC «Sponge fleet in Harbor. Tarpon Springs, FLA. U.S.A.» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 15 4072 FC «Epiphany Day Parade at Tarpon Springs, Florida, the Venice of the South» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 4073 FC «Epiphany ceremony held Annually on January 6th at Tarpon Springs, Fla» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 4074 FC «Waiting for the throwing of the cross, Spring Bayou, Epiphany day, Tarpon Springs, FLA» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 4075 FC «Diver with the Cross on «Greek Cross Day», Tarpon Springs, FLA., U.S.A.» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 4076 FC «St.Nicholas exhibition boats and divers, Tartpon Springs. FLA» color PPC, unused. VF. PPC 20 4077 FC Colour PPC «Tarpon Springs Fla., Sponge packing house» (Bohbe Litho Co.), postal used. Creased corners. PPC 10 4078 FC Real photo «Sale day, sponge exchange, Tarpon springs, Fla.» some stain spots, used. PPC 12 4079 FC Real photo ‘Tarpon springs, Fla» (b&w, early), used. VF. PPC 12 4080 FC PPC «Sponge Exchange, Tarpon Springs, Fla. USA» (b&w, Asheville post card Co.), unused. VF. PPC 12 ΤΕΛΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΑΣ - ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΟΥΜΕ END OF SALE - THANK YOU SYMBOLS - ABBREVIATIONS / ΣΥΜΒΟΛΑ - ΣΥΝΤΜΗΣΕΙΣ F FC **, u/m. *, m. (*), mng. o, u. P pu o. g. E S W EL C, cov. Δ PS PPC RP M Hellas Fr. Yv. Mi. SG. AG.PA. EST. R, RR col. arr. avpt. inv. wmk. fr. imp. perf. MS canc. bl. 4, 6 bd. 3, 4 marg. var. trans. sign. corn. G F VF B doc. NEWS ENGR MAG EPH BOND FFC MF CF CER LABEL See photo plate (b&w) / Βλέπε φωτογραφία (Α/Μ) See color photo / Βλέπε έγχρωμη φωτογραφία Unmounted mint / Ασφράγιστο χωρίς σαρνιέρα Mounted mint / Ασφράγιστο με σαρνιέρα ή ίχνος σαρνιέρας Mint without gum / Ασφράγιστο χωρίς γόμμα Used, cancelled / Σφραγισμένο Forgery, fake / Πλαστό Postally used / Ταχυδρομημένο κανονικά Original gum / Γνήσια γόμμα Essay of proof / Δοκίμιο Specimen / Δείγμα Wrapper / Περιτύλιγμα (ράπερ) Entire letter / Επιστολή αναδιπλούμενη (χωρίς φάκελο) Cover, envelope / Φάκελος On fragment, on piece / Επί τεμαχίου (χαρτιού ή φακέλου) Postal stationery (card, letter card, print. envelope) / Ταχυδρ. μονόφυλλο (δελτάριο, βραχεία επιστολή, έντυπος φάκελος) Picture postcard / Εικονογραφημένη κάρτα Real photograph, photocard / Φωτοκάρτα, πραγματική φωτογραφία Map / Χάρτης HELLAS Greek catalogue / Κατάλογος ΕΛΛΑΣ FRANGOUDIS Cyprus catalogue / Κατάλογος Κύπρου ΦΡΑΓΚΟΥΔΗ YVERT & TELLIER French catalogue / Κατάλογος ΙΒΕΡ MICHEL German catalogue / Κατάλογος ΜΙΧΕΛ S. GIBBONS British catalogue / Κατάλογος ΓΚΙΜΠΟΝΣ AGAOGULLARI PAPUÇCIOGLU Turkish Postmarks catalogue / Κατάλογος Τουρκικών Σφραγίδων ΠΑΠΟΥΤΣΙΟΓΛΟΥ Our estimation / Προσωπική μας εκτίμηση Rare, very rare, etc. / Σπάνιο, πολύ σπάνιο κλπ. Color, colored / Χρώμα, έγχρωμο Arrival cancellation / Σφραγίδα αφίξεως “Overprint, overprinted / Επισήμανση, επισημασμένο Inverted / Ανεστραμμένο Watermark / Υδατόσημο Franked with, bearing / Γραμματοσημασμένο Imperforated / Χωρίς οδόντωση Perforation, perforated / Οδόντωση, οδοντωμένο Minitature or souvenir sheet / Μπλόκ φεγιέ Cancelled, cancellation / Σφραγισμένο, με σφραγίδα Block of 4, 6, etc. / Τετράδα, εξάδα κλπ. Band of 3, 4, etc. / Μπάντα, λωρίδα των 3, 4 κλπ. Margin, marginal / Περιθώριο, άκρη φύλλου Variety / Ποικιλία Transit cancellation / Διαβατική σφραγίδα Signed by / Με υπογραφή του “Corner, corner copy / Γωνία, γωνιακό τεμάχιο Good quality or condition / Ανεκτή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση Fine quality or condition / Καλή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση Very fine quality or condition / Πολύ καλή ποιότητα ή κατάσταση Library book / Βιβλίο Document / Έγγραφο Newspaper / Εφημερίδα Engraving / Γραβούρα Magazine / Περιοδικό Ephemera / Εφήμερα Bonds & Certificates / Μετοχές First Flight Cover / Φάκελος Πρώτης Πτήσης Military Flight / Στρατιωτική Πτήση Crash Flight / Αεροπορικά Ατυχήματα Ceramic / Κεραμικό Label / Ετικέτα ΟΡΟΙ ΔΗΜΟΠΡΑΣΙΩΝ Όλοι οι λαχνοί περιγράφονται προσεκτικά και πωλούνται ως γνήσιοι και αυθεντικοί εκτός αν περιγράφονται άλλως. Ο αγοραστής μπορεί να απορρίψει το λαχνό και να τον επιστρέψει εντός 7 ημερών (ημερομηνία σφραγίδας ταχυδρομείου) απο την λήξη της δημοπρασίας, αν αποδείξει ότι δεν είναι γνήσιος ή ότι περιγράφηκε λανθασμένα. Οι λαχνοί πρέπει να επιστρέφονται όπως παραλήφθηκαν αρχικά, χωρίς καμμία διαφοροποίηση. Λαχνοί που εξετάσθηκαν προηγουμένως από τους υποψηφίους αγοραστές δεν επιστρέφονται. Επίσης δεν επιστρέφονται λαχνοί που αγοράσθηκαν στην Αίθουσα μετά την έξοδο των αγοραστών από αυτή. Οι αγοραστές δεν έχουν το δικαίωμα επιστροφής μικτών λαχνών, συλλογών, λαχνών που έχουν ελαττώματα σε μικροαξίες, καθώς και φωτογραφημένων στον κατάλογο λαχνών, για ελαττώματα ορατά στη φωτογραφία (κεντράρισμα, περιθώρια, οδόνττωση). Όταν η αξία του λαχνού είναι στη σφραγίδα και όχι στο γραμματόσημο, ο λαχνός δεν μπορεί να επιστραφεί για ελάττωμα του γραμματοσήμου. Κάθε λαχνός περιέρχεται στον πλειοδότη, που προσφέρει την υψηλότερη τιμή. Σε περίπτωση ίσων ταχυδρομικών προσφορών, πλειοδότης θεωρείται αυτός που η προσφορά του έφθασε πρώτη στα Γραφεία μας. Τηλεφωνικές εντολές αγοράς γίνονται δεκτές από γνωστούς πελάτες, πρέπει όμως να επικυρωθούν γραπτώς. Πριν από την έναρξη της πωλήσεως ή την ημέρα της δημοπρασίας (για γραπτές προσφορές), η Εταιρία έχει το δικαίωμα να αποσύρει λαχνούς, να διαχωρίσει λαχνούς σε δύο ή περισσότερα μέρη ή να συνενώσει δύο ή περισσότερους λαχνούς. Προσφορές γίνονται δεκτές έως 2 ώρες πριν από την έναρξη της δημοπρασίας. Η πληρωμή πρέπει να γίνεται αμέσως μετά το τέλος της δημοπρασίας στην Αίθουσα ή εντός 10 ημερών από την παραλαβή των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου (για πελάτες Εξωτερικού). Σε αγοραστές εντός Ελλάδος οι λαχνοί αποστέλλονται επί αντικαταβολή και σε γνωστούς πελάτες χωρίς προπληρωμή, για πληρωμή αμέσως μετά την παραλαβή των λαχνών. Αν η πληρωμή καθυστερήσει πέραν των 10 ημερών, η Εταιρία διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να επιβαρύνει το λογαριασμό με το νόμιμο επιτόκιο. Η κυριότητα των λαχνών παραμένει στον πωλητή, μέχρις ότου αποπληρωθεί ο λογαριασμός. Συμμετοχή αγοραστού στη δημοπρασία μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί, αν κατά την κρίση του πωλητού, ο αγοραστής δεν εκπληρώνει τους όρους της καλής πίστεως. Η ταχυδρόμηση των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου γίνεται στην διεύθυνση, που φαίνεται στο έντυπο προσφορών. Τα έξοδα αποστολής βαρύνουν τον αγοραστή. Έξοδα συσκευασίας δεν χρεώνονται. Η απόδειξη παραλαβής “Συστημένου” του Ταχυδρομείου αποτελεί για την Εταιρία και απόδειξη παραλαβής του υλικού από τον αγοραστή. Στην τιμή κατακυρώσεως προστίθεται ποσοστό 18% για προμήθειά μας και επί πλέον ο αναλογών ΦΠΑ επί της προμήθειάς μας. Όλες οι τιμές στόν κατάλογο είναι σε ΕΥΡΩ. Απούλητοι λαχνοί με τιμή εκκίνησης “OFFER” δεν διατίθενται προς πώληση μετά τη λήξη της δημοπρασίας. Η τιμή πώλησης των λαχνών με την ένδειξη “OFFER” ορίζεται από το ποσό της προσφοράς, με κατοχύρωση του λαχνού στην υψηλότερη. Ο πλειοδότης (είτε βρίσκεται στην Αίθουσα, είτε έχει καταθέσει την προσφορά του μέσω τηλεφώνου/email) είναι υπεύθυνος για την εξόφληση του τιμολογίου, εκτός αν έχει συνεννοηθεί γραπτώς ειδάλλως με την Εταιρία. Οποιοσδήποτε λαμβάνει μέρος στη δημοπρασία είναι γνώστης των προαναφερομένων όρων και τους αποδέχεται πλήρως. Οποιαδήποτε διαφωνία μεταξύ των συμβαλλομένων μερών τίθεται στην κρίση και δικαιοδοσία του αρμοδίου Δικαστηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης. CONDITIONS OF SALE All descriptions are reliable and accurate and the lots are sold as genuine and authentic, unless the contrary is indicated. The purchaser may reject the lot and return it within 7 days (post office date stamp) after the end of the auction, if he proves it is not genuine or incorrectly described. The lots must be returned intact and as originally despatched. Lots which have been examined by the buyers before the auction cannot be returned. Also, lots purchased in the room cannot be returned after leaving the place. Buyers have no right to reject mixed lots, collections containing undescribed items, or described as having defects. Any illustration is part of the description and items cannot be returned for defects visible in it. When the value of a lot lies in the cancellation and not in the stamp, any defects of the latter shall not be a reason for rejecting the lot. The highest bidder shall prevail. In case of equal mail bids, the earlier arrived will be considered as succesful. Telephone bids are acceptable, but should be confirmed in writing. Before start selling or the date of the auction the Auctioneer has the right to withdraw any of the lots, to divide it into two or more parts, or to join two or more lots into one. Bids should be received at least 2 hours before the start of the Sale. Payment must be made in full just after the end of the sale in the room, or within 10 days after receipt of our invoice. Foreign buyers can pay by credit card (we accept Visa and Mastercard) or by Bank Cheque, personal cheque and money order in foreign currency or in euro. Interest shall be payable by the purchaser on any overdue account. The Auctioneer has a descretion to waive payment of the interest. Title shall remain to A. KARAMITSOS until payment in full is received. Any buyer could be excluded if he is not a person of good faith, according to the Auctioneer’s opinion. The invoices and the lots will be mailed to the address given on the bidding form. Postage and insurance is charged to the buyers. No packing cost is charged. The receipt for “Registered” letter by the Post Office constitutes delivery receipt for the Auctioneer. A 18% buyer’s commission will be added to the “hammer price” for each lot, plus the respective Value Additive Tax (VAT) on our commission. All prices expressed in the catalogue and all bids are in euro, unless otherwise is stated. Unsold lots with starting price “OFFER” are not available for sale after the end of the auction. The sale price of lots marked as “OFFER” is defined by the highest offer, highest bid wins the item at said price. The bidder (either via mail or in the room) is responsible for the invoice’s payment, unless otherwise aggreed, in writing, with the company. Anyone who will take part in this Auction is familiar to the conditions of sale and accepts them. Any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent Court in Thessaloniki, Greece. 1 1 20 € 2 20 € 3 75 € 4 40 € 5 OFFER 9 20 € 8 20 € 16 70 € 6 150 € 18 OFFER 19 150 € 21 180 € 24 50 € 22 145 € 20 90 € 23 90 € 10 OFFER 25 150 € 13 40 € 12 OFFER 2 7 550 € 3 11 10 € 14 45 € 26 8 € 27 20 € 28 25 € 17 35 € 15 60 € 41 300 € 29 20 € 35 45 € 30 25 € 36 40 € 32 18 € 37 55 € 33 25 € 34 45 € 38 32 € 39 22 € 44 100 € 45 80 € 31 60 € 40 150 € 42 160 € 43 120 € 4 46 40 € 47 10 € 53 OFFER 54 200 € 48 280 € 55 50 € 49 150 € 56 OFFER 50 30 € 59 60 € 51 25 € 52 17 € 60 50 € 61 45 € 58 40 € 62 40 € 63 30 € 64 35 € 65 32 € 57 60 € 75 450 € 67 45 € 71 10 € 68 35 € 69 35 € 72 65 € 70 32 € 73 45 € 74 30 € 66 1000 € 77 50 € 5 76 7500 € 78 2500 € 124 1200 € 6 79 20 € 84 60 € 89 20 € 96 10 € 80 30 € 81 15 € 85 60 € 90 150 € 86 17 € 91 55 € 97 400 € 92 60 € 100 370 € 93 45 € 82 45 € 83 50 € 87 350 € 88 10 € 94 35 € 95 30 € 101 100 € 98 230 € 99 120 € 102 85 € 103 100 € 104 90 € 105 75 € 107 80 € 106 45 € 109 30 € 108 180 € 110 250 € 111 120 € 112 150 € 113 110 € 7 114 75 € 115 40 € 117 18 € 126 60 € 128 380 € 116 18 € 118 45 € 129 32 € 119 OFFER 122 20 € 130 25 € 131 20 € 120 30 € 123 17 € 121 25 € 125 50 € 132 15 € 133 10 € 136 160 € 137 155 € 138 120 € 140 30 € 141 180 € 146 14 € 127 85 € 135 80 € 139 100 € 134 30 € 142 250 € 150 16 € 147 20 € 143 150 € 148 10 € 145 100 € 8 144 180 € 149 15 € 151 18 € 153 50 € 155 17 € 152 85 € 154 12 € 160 16 € 165 100 € 162 60 € 167 10 € 168 25 € 170 10 € 156 23 € 159 35 € 157 20 € 158 10 € 163 40 € 166 15 € 172 15 € 164 30 € 169 10 € 173 23 € 171 16 € 161 32 € 178 20 € 174 17 € 9 175 10 € 176 40 € 177 10 € 182 40 € 179 40 € 183 25 € 180 16 € 188 OFFER 185 45 € 189 12 € 184 40 € 186 10 € 187 OFFER 190 12 € 192 80 € 193 35 € 191 12 € 195 12 € 194 12 € 196 10 € 181 1000 € 10 199 25 € 197 18 € 200 95 € 201 45 € 198 500 € 202 30 € 205 10 € 206 20 € 209 OFFER 203 14 € 207 8 € 208 20 € 210 15 € 211 10 € 213 100 € 212 15 € 214 10 € 216 17 € 215 17 € 204 20 € 217 50 € 218 20 € 224 28 € 228 27 € 11 220 8 € 219 18 € 221 OFFER 223 15 € 222 30 € 225 20 € 232 60 € 229 26 € 226 20 € 227 15 € 230 OFFER 233 15 € 231 150 € 234 20 € 235 14 € 236 14 € 237 20 € 244 14 € 250 70 € 238 120 € 239 100 € 240 55 € 241 8 € 243 60 € 245 12 € 246 10 € 247 10 € 251 12 € 12 242 50 € 254 20 € 249 14 € 253 15 € 252 12 € 255 30 € 257 20 € 260 40 € 248 15 € 258 16 € 261 10 € 256 10 € 262 10 € 263 15 € 267 10 € 264 80 € 265 50 € 268 18 € 266 10 € 259 35 € 269 28 € 271 55 € 272 550 € 270 15 € 13 273 20 € 274 350 € 275 85 € 277 15 € 276 18 € 278 12 € 280 75 € 279 12 € 281 400 € 282 80 € 284 16 € 285 10 € 290 40 € 292 35 € 287 35 € 294 10 € 293 1700 € 283 10 € 286 150 € 288 30 € 289 30 € 291 42 € 295 30 € 296 320 € 14 297 180 € 302 12 € 301 12 € 298 70 € 303 12 € 306 25 € 304 10 € 308 70 € 307 10 € 309 50 € 299 65 € 310 300 € 311 100 € 313 60 € 305 200 € 300 50 € 312 60 € 314 80 € 315 100 € 15 322 160 € 318 30 € 317 60 € 319 35 € 320 13 € 323 35 € 316 60 € 321 22 € 325 35 € 328 15 € 334 30 € 338 10 € 326 20 € 331 30 € 335 240 € 324 75 € 327 20 € 332 20 € 336 13 € 340 25 € 329 40 € 333 180 € 337 12 € 339 25 € 341 14 € 330 38 € 16 342 14 € 344 30 € 343 25 € 346 14 € 347 35 € 349 65 € 345 300 € 350 70 € 351 175 € 348 50 € 352 20 € 360 10 € 353 27 € 355 12 € 354 10 € 356 6 € 358 10 € 357 22 € 359 OFFER 362 40 € 361 80 € 372 80 € 364 22 € 363 130 € 17 396 OFFER 395 6 € 394 50 € 400 100 € 401 17 € 403 8 € 402 OFFER 407 25 € 408 OFFER 398 OFFER 405 45 € 406 35 € 409 12 € 411 55 € 412 200 € 414 16 € 413 18 € 416 14 € 415 200 € 418 30 € 404 2200 € 18 417 10 € 420 75 € 419 20 € 410 22 € 421 120 € 422 35 € 423 35 € 424 30 € 425 30 € 426 25 € 427 75 € 428 35 € 429 35 € 430 30 € 431 30 € 432 45 € 435 10 € 436 22 € 433 70 € 438 OFFER 434 75 € 442 10 € 437 30 € 441 60 € 439 75 € 444 25 € 443 60 € 440 80 € 445 OFFER 446 80 € 447 15 € 448 12 € 19 449 12 € 455 15 € 456 16 € 451 40 € 452 35 € 457 18 € 459 40 € 458 50 € 454 8 € 453 27 € 450 17 € 461 17 € 462 30 € 460 100 € 463 25 € 464 10 € 465 8 € 466 20 € 468 25 € 469 22 € 470 30 € 471 20 € 472 10 € 473 14 € 476 50 € 474 10 € 467 70 € 475 14 € 481 30 € 20 478 150 € 479 50 € 483 50 € 480 15 € 487 17 € 488 20 € 490 30 € 486 17 € 482 15 € 491 17 € 484 550 € 492 18 € 485 80 € 493 15 € 494 10 € 496 50 € 489 25 € 495 200 € 497 40 € 499 20 € 500 20 € 502 27 € 503 25 € 498 2500 € 21 365 15 € 371 500 € 373 90 € 376 110 € 374 45 € 382 60 € 368 OFFER 367 8 € 366 14 € 375 55 € 383 27 € 385 50 € 369 20 € 370 450 € 377 80 € 378 70 € 386 45 € 387 20 € 389 16 € 379 40 € 384 OFFER 390 16 € 380 65 € 391 10 € 388 50 € 397 15 € 381 100 € 392 25 € 393 150 € 399 12 € 22 505 27 € 508 25 € 501 50 € 504 20 € 507 70 € 511 50 € 506 10 € 512 35 € 514 50 € 509 18 € 515 40 € 510 480 € 513 80 € 516 220 € 517 30 € 524 25 € 518 25 € 525 10 € 519 25 € 520 17 € 526 17 € 521 10 € 522 10 € 527 35 € 528 28 € 23 523 110 € 530 10 € 529 23 € 531 14 € 533 OFFER 532 12 € 535 15 € 536 20 € 534 10 € 541 400 € 537 OFFER 543 120 € 538 20 € 540 10 € 539 15 € 24 548 30 € 549 14 € 554 400 € 558 OFFER 545 12 € 544 20 € 542 42 € 551 55 € 555 15 € 559 85 € 552 35 € 546 25 € 547 OFFER 553 10 € 556 18 € 557 80 € 563 17 € 550 150 € 560 100 € 561 60 € 566 25 € 569 60 € 568 60 € 562 30 € 570 35 € 571 75 € 567 800 € 565 22 € 572 18 € 564 130 € 573 40 € 574 12 € 25 575 10 € 576 OFFER 577 120 € 578 50 € 579 20 € 581 18 € 584 45 € 582 10 € 585 OFFER 587 15 € 589 30 € 593 OFFER 598 200 € 592 65 € 595 35 € 591 10 € 596 10 € 583 12 € 586 25 € 588 150 € 590 16 € 580 10 € 594 50 € 599 8 € 597 40 € 600 14 € 26 605 200 € 602 40 € 601 20 € 604 40 € 611 20 € 606 20 € 603 17 € 607 23 € 615 18 € 608 30 € 609 12 € 612 70 € 616 7 € 613 12 € 617 10 € 614 8 € 618 10 € 610 25 € 27 620 200 € 629 OFFER 619 25 € 622 15 € 623 6 € 621 25 € 630 15 € 624 10 € 626 10 € 631 12 € 28 625 24 € 628 20 € 636 200 € 627 30 € 632 15 € 635 10 € 633 25 € 641 OFFER 634 15 € 640 8 € 637 80 € 642 275 € 638 55 € 639 30 € 643 15 € 645 80 € 644 30 € 646 25 € 29 657 80 € 647 400 € 648 10 € 649 15 € 654 80 € 650 320 € 651 30 € 653 25 € 663 60 € 660 OFFER 655 20 € 658 70 € 652 27 € 662 10 € 661 15 € 656 20 € 659 10 € 664 OFFER 30 667 35 € 666 50 € 665 70 € 669 20 € 673 12 € 668 OFFER 670 20 € 674 30 € 675 8 € 678 14 € 676 70 € 692 16 € 672 16 € 677 6 € 679 10 € 682 8 € 681 10 € 671 70 € 685 15 € 683 10 € 684 10 € 693 12 € 31 680 30 € 687 12 € 688 10 € 689 8 € 690 7 € 686 OFFER 694 15 € 691 30 € 695 8 € 696 30 € 698 10 € 697 70 € 702 90 € 699 10 € 700 30 € 701 10 € 703 OFFER 705 10 € 706 8 € 32 707 OFFER 704 OFFER 711 20 € 708 10 € 712 8 € 713 16 € 714 8 € 716 10 € 719 12 € 722 8 € 726 20 € 709 35 € 715 12 € 717 OFFER 721 10 € 724 OFFER 727 30 € 710 60 € 718 7 € 723 3 € 725 8 € 731 8 € 33 732 10 € 733 8 € 735 8 € 734 10 € 720 225 € 738 OFFER 737 18 € 728 14 € 729 20 € 730 17 € 34 740 8 € 736 12 € 742 OFFER 739 16 € 743 8 € 741 25 € 745 10 € 744 20 € 746 14 € 748 7 € 747 10 € 750 17 € 749 OFFER 751 10 € 752 10 € 754 35 € 753 OFFER 757 60 € 755 10 € 758 10 € 756 35 € 759 5 € 35 763 60 € 762 100 € 760 180 € 765 80 € 766 45 € 767 20 € 768 55 € 769 27 € 770 80 € 772 10 € 764 18 € 775 10 € 780 10 € 771 32 € 776 50 € 781 10 € 777 10 € 783 10 € 773 50 € 774 60 € 778 18 € 779 40 € 788 15 € 36 761 7000 € 37 782 100 € 38 784 8 € 785 15 € 789 40 € 787 85 € 790 30 € 791 15 € 794 15 € 792 15 € 795 40 € 786 200 € 793 100 € 39 796 729 € 797 15 € 798 12 € 801 20 € 802 OFFER 803 OFFER 808 OFFER 809 OFFER 810 45 € 814 OFFER 815 30 € 804 OFFER 816 80 € 800 6 € 799 OFFER 805 OFFER 811 40 € 806 OFFER 812 80 € 817 30 € 807 OFFER 813 30 € 820 10 € 818 120 € 819 80 € 823 20 € 824 OFFER 40 822 50 € 829 OFFER 832 60 € 826 20 € 833 70 € 834 35 € 821 150 € 827 10 € 828 45 € 836 10 € 830 20 € 831 20 € 41 825 780 € 838 35 € 839 30 € 841 50 € 842 25 € 843 20 € 844 25 € 845 OFFER 846 26 € 835 65 € 837 20 € 840 15 € 42 847 1850 € 848 90 € 854 120 € 853 180 € 856 10 € 859 OFFER 855 160 € 861 OFFER 857 300 € 851 20 € 864 30 € 850 8 € 866 16 € 867 70 € 43 849 80 € 860 40 € 865 20 € 868 45 € 863 180 € 852 90 € 858 120 € 44 862 30 € 875 30 € 869 15 € 870 20 € 872 40 € 873 40 € 877 35 € 878 10 € 871 35 € 874 60 € 876 45 € 881 200 € 880 1400 € 883 35 € 879 9 € 45 887 100 € 882 OFFER 890 30 € 891 30 € 888 15 € 884 10 € 889 100 € 886 15 € 897 8 € 892 100 € 885 35 € 894 60 € 898 10 € 893 10 € 905 15 € 46 895 18 € 896 27 € 900 15 € 902 8 € 909 32 € 903 10 € 911 45 € 899 40 € 901 18 € 904 20 € 908 50 € 907 80 € 47 906 30 € 912 50 € 913 100 € 910 15 € 914 20 € 915 15 € 917 40 € 916 OFFER 920 18 € 921 15 € 925 70 € 918 20 € 926 35 € 919 200 € 923 30 € 48 928 OFFER 924 OFFER 922 9 € 929 200 € 930 22 € 932 80 € 936 15 € 931 10 € 933 10 € 927 40 € 937 500 € 935 45 € 49 941 40 € 938 100 € 939 50 € 934 65 € 946 9 € 942 15 € 944 18 € 940 50 € 943 OFFER 945 OFFER 947 50 € 948 12 € 949 15 € 951 10 € 952 40 € 50 955 30 € 956 300 € 950 16 € 957 40 € 953 50 € 958 45 € 954 10 € 959 650 € 960 400 € 963 25 € 964 30 € 965 OFFER 962 30 € 969 10 € 51 967 25 € 961 195 € 970 20 € 966 15 € 973 80 € 974 75 € 971 40 € 979 6 € 968 15 € 972 20 € 980 10 € 975 200 € 977 30 € 981 7 € 982 3 € 990 OFFER 993 3 € 983 10 € 986 6 € 978 10 € 984 5 € 992 3 € 985 6 € 987 6 € 52 976 1800 € 988 180 € 998 20 € 989 500 € 997 20 € 991 3 € 1001 30 € 994 3 € 995 40 € 996 6 € 999 35 € 53 1000 30 € 1003 20 € 1002 16 € 1007 50 € 1008 25 € 1004 40 € 1009 30 € 1010 100 € 1006 40 € 1005 45 € 1012 45 € 1013 20 € 1016 70 € 1014 15 € 1017 25 € 1011 30 € 1015 500 € 1018 10 € 1019 120 € 1028 12 € 1020 25 € 1021 35 € 1025 18 € 1023 20 € 1022 50 € 1026 50 € 1027 15 € 1024 10 € 1029 60 € 1031 8 € 54 1032 OFFER 1030 OFFER 1037 20 € 1034 OFFER 1035 OFFER 1036 OFFER 1040 27 € 1041 8 € 1038 OFFER 1039 10 € 1042 10 € 1043 20 € 1045 50 € 1033 OFFER 1046 35 € 1049 80 € 1047 70 € 1050 150 € 1051 45 € 1044 8 € 1052 100 € 1053 160 € 1054 90 € 1055 20 € 1057 120 € 1048 320 € 1056 55 € 1058 10 € 1066 20 € 1060 15 € 1059 27 € 1062 8 € 1063 50 € 1061 18 € 1065 15 € 55 1064 25 € 1068 150 € 1067 35 € 1069 140 € 1070 85 € 1074 32 € 1075 30 € 1072 200 € 1073 150 € 1087 50 € 1076 180 € 1077 200 € 1088 200 € 1079 120 € 1071 600 € 1078 80 € 56 1080 120 € 1081 120 € 1083 700 € 1086 50 € 1089 40 € 1082 120 € 1091 60 € 57 1094 8 € 1093 20 € 1096 12 € 1090 90 € 1095 15 € 1102 OFFER 1084 120 € 1101 3 € 1098 OFFER 1097 50 € 1092 18 € 1099 8 € 1085 60 € 1103 60 € 1104 8 € 1100 75 € 58 1107 2400 € 59 1105 15 € 1111 40 € 1106 27 € 1109 30 € 1108 300 € 1115 32 € 1110 45 € 1112 16 € 1113 10 € 1114 OFFER 1117 300 € 1116 500 € 1119 OFFER 1118 160 € 1126 380 € 1120 100 € 60 1124 3000 € 1121 60 € 1125 30 € 1122 60 € 1127 150 € 1128 250 € 1130 10 € 61 1133 75 € 1134 30 € 1123 160 € 1135 20 € 1132 50 € 1129 60 € 1136 50 € 1137 35 € 1139 600 € 1138 30 € 1131 15 € 1140 70 € 62 1141 40 € 1142 35 € 1143 27 € 1144 20 € 1153 10 € 1145 75 € 1157 10 € 1147 150 € 1146 100 € 1148 150 € 1152 30 € 1150 20 € 1149 200 € 1155 70 € 1158 OFFER 1160 16 € 1161 55 € 1151 OFFER 1162 40 € 63 1168 OFFER 1159 250 € 1156 8 € 1169 OFFER 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1996 10 € 1994 25 € 1998 OFFER 1995 15 € 1999 18 € 1992 20 € 111 2000 12 € 2001 15 € 2002 10 € 2003 30 € 1997 15 € 2005 OFFER 2004 OFFER 112 2006 OFFER 2007 15 € 2008 50 € 2010 10 € 2011 OFFER 2009 OFFER 2012 OFFER 2013 25 € 113 2015 OFFER 2014 OFFER 2016 8 € 2020 5 € 2024 OFFER 2023 OFFER 2019 10 € 2021 OFFER 2017 30 € 2026 10 € 2018 90 € 114 2027 OFFER 2025 OFFER 2028 OFFER 2029 5 € 2030 35 € 2033 3 € 2022 OFFER 2031 5 € 2043 170 € 2032 OFFER 2042 30 € 2034 17 € 2035 80 € 2036 45 € 2037 40 € 2044 65 € 2038 15 € 2039 280 € 115 2040 10 € 2041 50 € 2047 OFFER 2046 OFFER 2061 15 € 2056 75 € 2051 5 € 2045 OFFER 2048 OFFER 2049 8 € 2052 20 € 2054 15 € 2050 20 € 2053 8 € 116 2059 12 € 2060 35 € 2062 OFFER 2057 3 € 2058 55 € 2055 8 € 2063 OFFER 2064 60 € 2065 140 € 117 2067 220 € 2066 100 € 2068 150 € 2070 60 € 2072 25 € 2071 80 € 2076 300 € 2079 130 € 2074 150 € 2073 15 € 2069 OFFER 2075 30 € 2080 130 € 2083 80 € 2077 50 € 2078 55 € 2081 50 € 118 2082 60 € 2099 18 € 2084 15 € 2085 160 € 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