13 - Guilford Art Center
13 - Guilford Art Center
Guilford Art Center 56 YEARS! 13 Beth Levine Michele Berman Bob Stern Caitlin Burch Wiwat Kamolpornwijit July 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 180 American Craft Artists Something for everyone! Silent Auction • Food • Music • And more! OPEN FOUR DAYS Thurs 12-9 • Fri 12-9 • Sat 10-7 • Sun 12-5 $7 General Admission • $5 Seniors • Free Members, Children under 12 and Active Military www.guilfordartcenter.org 203 453-5947 Take 1-95 to exit 57, 58 or 59 to downtown Guilford. Plenty of free & paid parking. Download the free LoYakk App @ loyakk.com/go to engage with the Craft Expo community, before, during and after! Guilford Art Center Table of Contents :WLJPHSPZ[ZPU*\Z[VT+LZPNULK)YPKHS1L^LSY` 13 56th Anniversary Guilford Art Center Craft Expo July 18, 19, 20, 21 Thursday & Friday: noon to 9 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday: noon to 5 p.m. Craft Expo Info ......................................3 Guilford Art Center Board/Staff .............4 Sponsors ...............................................4 Directory of Exhibitors ...........................5 Clay ..................................................5 Non-Wearable Fiber ..........................6 Wearable Fiber ..................................7 Specialty Food ..................................9 Glass ................................................9 Metal Jewelry ....................................9 Non-Metal Jewelry ..........................13 Leather ...........................................14 Metal ...............................................14 Mixed Media ...................................15 Painting and Paper Arts ..................16 Soaps .............................................16 Wood ..............................................16 Booth Locator by Exhibitors................20 Booth Map ..........................................22 ADMISSION Adults: $7 Seniors (65+): $5 Children 12 & under: Free Active Military: Free Guilford Art Center Members: Free All gate proceeds benefit Guilford Art Center’s educational programs. F E AT U R I N G : *HSS[VKH`[VHYYHUNL `V\YMYLLHWWVPU[TLU[ Raffle of Bianchi Milano Dama Bicycle, $10 per entry Silent Auction Student Tent Kid’s Crafts daily 1-4 p.m. Food trucks, music & more PRESENTED BY Designers of Fine Jewelr y - Gemologists 4HKPZVU 5L^/H]LU )VZ[VU7VZ[9K *OHWLS:[ ^ ^ ^ W L [ L Y P U K V Y M J V T 2 | Guilford Craft Expo 2013 Guilford Art Center 411 Church Street Guilford, CT 06437 Phone: 203 453-5947 Fax: 203 453-6237 www.guilfordartcenter.org [email protected] ON THE COVER: ON THE COVER: Works by Bob Stern, Heather Duckwall Kidson, Caitlin Burch, Michele Berman, Wiwat Kamolpornwijit, and Beth Levine. All images courtesy of the artists. Visit the Guilford Art Center 411 Church Street (Rte 77), 1 mile north of the Green Register now for summer and fall classes The shop@ Guilford Art Center, fine contemporary craft, open 7 days In the Gallery: The Art of the Knife Blade, through August 18 Visit our website: www.guilfordartcenter.org In case of an extreme weather occurrence, all exhibitors will be required to leave the Green and take shelter in their cars or at St. George Church, directly across the street from the main gate at 33 Whitfield Street. Guilford Craft Expo 2013 | 3 THE GUILFORD Art Center BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Charney Stephanie Dietz Sarah Giordano Chris Goetsch Amy Peters Bette Lou Rush Pam Stoddard Mace Vitale Steve Yardan Judith Young STAFF Davin Butterfield Maureen Belden, Executive Director Lynn Fischer, Events & Development Associate Suzanne Hens-Kaplan, Operations Director & CFO Allie Hyzak, Shop Coordinator Allison Maltese, Craft Expo Coordinator Joseph McMinn, Maintenance Anita Soos, Shop Administrator Lisa Wolkow, Registrar & Education Coordinator DIRECTORY OF CLAY Maggy Ames Maggy Ames Handmade www.mahandmade.com New York, NY ................................................... C01 Ayenne Applebaum Aviva Arts/whimseepots www.whimseepots.com/ Lake Worth, FL .................................................D03 Abigail Berkson Abby Berkson Ceramics www.abbyberkson.com Easthampton, MA.............................................. X05 Davin & Susan Butterfield Butterfield Pottery 845-616-4061 Ulster Park, NY ................................................. Y06 Dwo Wen Chen Three Wheel Studio www.threewheelstudio.com/ Providence, RI ..................................................B10 Exhibitors Maishe Dickman George Street Studio www.maishe.com/ New Haven, CT.................................................. E17 Gloria Elliott Half House Clay Works 860-399-6359 Westbrook, CT .................................................. P08 Sheilagh Flynn 508-990-3077 New Bedford, MA.............................................. C05 Anita Griffith Griffith & Parrott 203-245-7837 Madison, CT .....................................................H08 Gail Markiewicz Gail Markiewicz - Ceramic Art www.gmceramicart.com Woodbridge, CT................................................ L10 Thank You! The Guilford Art Center acknowledges the very generous support of our sponsors MEDIA SPONSOR LoYakk Shore Publishing BANNER SPONSOR On the Avenue Marketing COMMUNITY PARTNER The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven SMALL BUSINESS PARTNER EXPO FRIEND The Bead Hive CK Architects Kebabian’s Oriental Rugs Shoreline Eye Associates Squeaky Clean Car Wash & Lube Center RAFFLE SPONSOR The Devil’s Gear Bike Shop Eder Brothers www.ronafisher.com info@ronafisher.com Booth W08 4 | Guilford Craft Expo 2013 Guilford Craft Expo 2013 | 5 Greene Michael McCarthy Brother Sister Pottery 508-450-9872 Williamsburg, MA ............................................. K09 Karin Noyes Yellow House Studio www.karinnoyes.com Salisbury, CT .....................................................B07 Gloria McRoberts Hang-Ups www.gloriamcroberts.com Watertown, TN .................................................. Z01 Donna McGee www.donnamcgee.com Hadley, MA .......................................................Q04 NON-WEARABLE FIBER Jeanne Melillo Jeanne Melillo Design www.jmtableart.com/ Norwalk, CT...................................................... L08 Roxanne Parent Roxie’s Studio www.roxiestudio.com Conway, MA .......................................................J07 Robert Parrott Griffith & Parrott 203-245-7837 Madison, CT .....................................................H08 Sally Rothchild Sally Rothchild Pottery www.facebook.com/sallyrothchildpottery Mount Tremper, NY .......................................... F03 Susan Wechsler Susan Wechsler Designs www.swpottery.com Hamburg, NJ.....................................................B02 Allegra Brelsford Northern Magnolia Creative Quilting northernmagnoliaquilts.com West Hartford, CT ............................................. F02 Laura Cleminson Hoist Away Bags www.hoistawaybags.com York, ME ..........................................................H04 Audrey Hauserman Hauserman Quilts hausermanquilts.com Virginia Beach, VA............................................. X17 Laura Lyons Wildwood Farm 203-245-9786 Madison, CT ..................................................... P06 Claudia Mills www.jmtableart.com Philadelphia, PA ............................................... E07 WEARABLE FIBER Jennifer Armstrong & Tanya Alsberg JAK Designs LLC www.jakdesigns.com Warren, OH ..................................................... W07 Marijke & Rick Benedict Stijfselkissie Ltd 570-547-6263 Allenwood, PA .................................................. Z07 Camille Benjamin camillebenjamin.com Pomfret, CT ......................................................Q01 Megan Brogden & Marc Fogel Megan Brogden Studio www.meganbrogdenstudio.com Wilton, CT......................................................... X16 Cindy Ciarcia Cindy Anne Creations cindyannecreations.com Bristol, CT ........................................................ F15 6 | Guilford Craft Expo 2013 Exhibitors Duckwell Kidson DIRECTORY OF Marsha Fleisher Loominus Woodstock www.loominus.com Woodstock, NY .................................................G05 Lorraine Jackson & Paul Friedman Jackson Friedman 845-657-2594 Olivebridge, NY.................................................B04 Judith Jones Judy Connor Jones 845-657-2594 Plymouth, MA ................................................... X09 Heather Duckwall Kidson Heather Bell Designs 781-320-0956 Westwood, MA .................................................. F07 Teresa Crowninshield www.CrownCoats.com Easthampton, MA.............................................. C04 Janice Kissinger www.feltsutra.com Felt Sutra Lincoln, RI....................................................... M02 Ruth Davis Odile 508-398-3675 Dennisport, MA ................................................ F12 Pam LeBlanc Old Bagzz oldbagzz.com Kennebunkport, ME..........................................H06 Patricia Disantis Shibumi 203-269-6623 Wallingford, CT................................................ W05 Maralyce Ferree Design Michael Cianci www.coatsusa.com Amesbury, MA...................................................G02 Marla Duran www.marladuran.com Bethlehem, PA .................................................. E01 Melissa McKeagney Little Girl Pearl www.littlegirlpearl.com Wilmot, NH .......................................................H02 Guilford Craft Expo 2013 | 7 Kamolpornwijit Amy Meltzer Antrim Street Studio www.antrimstreetstudio.com Cambridge, MA ................................................. C06 Jane Miller Fresh As Paint freshaspaint.com Chester, NJ ........................................................ K07 Moon Tide Dyers Abbie Chambers & Maura Cronin moontidedyers.com New Bedford, MA.............................................. X10 Mary O’Shea Mary Lynn O’Shea Studio marylynnoshea.com Weybridge, VT .................................................. F10 Kyoung-Joa Park KJ Designs 201-556-9585 Rochelle Park, NJ ............................................. K03 DIRECTORY OF Susan Pillay susanpillay.com New York, NY ...................................................Q02 Jeanne Scannell 717-580-1060 Newburg, PA ..................................................... X18 Dahlia Popovits Dahlia Dahliahandmade.com Newton Centre, MA ........................................... Y03 Lucille Scelfo Silks by Lucia 717-580-1060 Northford, CT ...................................................D02 Adriana Rangel Woven Dream Designs www.wovendreamdesigns.com Old Bridge, NJ .................................................. Z06 Joyce Stewart Jes irie Wear 631-232-0979 Central Islip, NY................................................D06 Ossi Rioux Ossi Hats Etc. 917-539-3409 New York, NY .................................................. W01 Cindy Walsh Red Rover Clothing Co. www.redroverclothing.com Framingham, MA ..............................................B06 Lori Ross 860-429-1489 Ashford, CT....................................................... P03 Winning Woolies Laurie McLaughlin winningwoolies.com High Falls, NY ................................................... P05 Sondra Sardis 845-255-5259 Highland, NY ....................................................B09 4MVVa2WM¼[.Q[P<ITM &7·VIDYRULWHIUHVKFDVXDOVHDIRRGUHVWDXUDQWV 5ILQ[WV?M[\JZWWS6M_0I^MV ___TRÅ[P\ITMKWU )\\PM.Q[P<ITM\PM)Z\Q[WV\PM8TI\M Lynn Yarrington Yarrington Weaving Studio www.lynnyarringtondesign.com New Haven, VT.................................................. E10 Exhibitors Suzanne Tanner Tanner Glass www.suzannetanner.com Cranston, RI ..................................................... K06 Caitlin Burch Caitlin Burch Glassworks www.caitlinburch.com Putney,......................................................... VTM01 METAL JEWELRY Debra Abrams Debra Abrams Jewelry 845-255-7929 New Paltz, NY.................................................... F17 Michael & Andrea Alexander Michael Alexander Inc. www.michaelalexander.com New York, NY .................................................. W10 Britt Anderson Britt Anderson Designs www.brittandersonjewelry.com Raleigh, NC .......................................................H07 SPECIALTY FOOD Bittersweet Herb Farm Dave Wallace www.bittersweetherbfarm.com Shelburne, MA .................................................. Z09 Paul Scott East End Foodies 917-992-7560 Suffern, NY ....................................................... X13 GLASS Michelle & Bill Champitto Fresh Cut Glass www.freshcutglass.com Winthrop, MA ...................................................J05 Scott Hronich-Pernicka Internal Fire Glass InternalFireGlass.com Albany, NY ....................................................... W11 'RQ·W9LVLWRU'LVSOD\DWWKH&UDIW([SR ZLWKRXWD0HDODW/HQQ\-RH·V)LVK7DOH :HVHUYHJHQHURXVSRUWLRQVRIWKHIUHVKHVW VHDIRRGDWYHU\UHDVRQDEOHSULFHV ´/HQQ\-RH·VLVDQ$EVROXWH08679LVLWµ 8 | Guilford Craft Expo 2013 Kathleen Hunt Kaleidoart www.KaleidoArt.org Conway, SC ....................................................... F01 Guilford Craft Expo 2013 | 9 Neugebauer DIRECTORY OF Exhibitors Deborah Armstrong Deborah Armstrong & Company www.deboraharmstrong.com Greenwich, CT .................................................. L01 Sally Craig SEC Designs www.sallycraigsecdesigns.com Amherst, MA ..................................................... K04 Nancy Karpel N. Karpel Studio LLC nancykarpeljewelry.com New Haven, CT.................................................. L09 Daphne McDonald Daphne’s Jewelry Works 603-740-4447 Rollinsford, NH.................................................B08 Devaney Bennett Dev Bennett Jewelry www.devbennett.com Topsfield, MA.................................................... P04 Jaclyn Davidson Jaclyn Davidson LLC www.jaclyndavidson.com Middlebury, VT .................................................B05 Tai & Tiara Kim Tai & Tiara www.taikyunkim.com Edison, NJ......................................................... E14 Dana & David Melnick Dana * David www.danadavid.com New York, NY ................................................... F18 Michele Berman Michele Berman Jewelry www.micheleberman.com New York, NY .................................................. W13 Jessie & Dan Driscoll Made From Coins www.MadeFromCoins.com Woodstock, NY ................................................. X01 Serena Kojimoto Serena Kojimoto Studio www.serenadesign.com Los Angeles, CA................................................. L05 Richard Messina & Anne Landfield Richard Messina Designs www.messinadesigns.com Round Top, NY ................................................. E18 Lauren Blais Lauren Blais Jewelry www.laurenblais.com Jamaica Plain, MA............................................. K11 Rona Fisher Rona Fisher Jewelry Design www.ronafisher.com Philadelphia, PA .............................................. W08 Steven Kolodny Steven Kolodny Designs Malden Bridge, NY............................................ Z08 Adel Chefridi Adel Chefridi LLC www.chefridi.com Woodstock, NY ................................................ M04 Rob Greene 802-426-3841 Marshfield, VT .................................................. F09 Stephen LeBlanc Stephen LeBlanc Metalsmithing www.stephenleblanc.net Granville, NY..................................................... E13 Julia Groos Halo Designs LLC www.juliagroos.com Boston, MA ....................................................... X12 Lucile Martin Lucile Martin Jewelry lucilemartin.com Reisterstown, MD ............................................. A04 Jennifer Chin Lush Metals www.lushmetals.com Boston, MA ...................................................... W03 Tommy Conch Thomas Laraia www.tommyconch.com Milford, CT ....................................................... E15 Gerry Conti Klear Designs 508-478-2522 Franklin, MA.....................................................B15 Michael Michaud Michael Michaud Designs, LLC www.michaelmichauddesigns.com Fairfield, CT ......................................................G04 Judith & Tom Neugebauer Judith Neugebauer Jewelry www.judithneugebauer.com Milford, PA ....................................................... E09 Avery Groves A.G. Jewelers 434-823-1322 Charlottesville, VA ............................................. L07 Anne Hanson annerhanson.com Dunstable, MA .................................................. K12 Masumi Hayashi Lio&Linn www.lioandlinn.com Brooklyn, NY ................................................... W06 Kristin Holeman 954-527-1241 Fort Lauderdale, FL........................................... C02 judyconnorjones.com 508.322.0709 Dahlia Kanner Dahlia Kanner Studio 954-527-1241 Kingston, RI ..................................................... W02 Steve Stamas Ken Kantro Lovell Designs lovelldesigns.com Portland, ME .................................................... E02 Photo Pho Photos Ph h bbyy Ri R tterbi rbi bbiin Phot Pho hoo ograp ograph ograph raph phy 10 | Guilford Craft Expo 2013 Guilford Craft Expo 2013 | 11 Noyes Debbie Noiseux DN Metalsmith/Jeweler 603-429-8041 Merrimack, NH.................................................D05 Kara Raymond Kara Raymond Studio www.kararaymondstudio.com Healdsburg, CA ................................................. K10 Mindy Recht CJ Recht www.cjrecht.com New York, NY ................................................... E11 DIRECTORY OF Steven Stamas www.stevestamas.com Lexington, MA................................................... E06 Martha Sullivan Martha Sullivan Jewelry www.marthasullivan.com South Portland, ME........................................... Z03 Vicki Thaler Vicki Thaler Designs www.vickithaler.com West Hartford, CT ............................................. Z02 Daniel Riccio http://www.danielriccio.com/ East Hampton, CT .............................................G07 Alan & Dale Uchin Purple Gem Jewelry purplegemjewelry.com Birchrunville, PA ...............................................J08 Elizabeth Ryan Looka Jewelry www.LOOKAjewelry.com Spencer, MA ..................................................... P07 Barbara & Rick Umbel Barbara Umbel Jewelry Design www.barbaraumbel.com Melbourne Beach, FL........................................ C08 Sue Sachs Sue Sachs Metal Objects www.suesachs.com Parsippany, NJ ..................................................B13 Ashley Vick Filomena Demarco Jewelry www.filomenademarcojewelry.com Providence, RI ..................................................Q03 Exhibitors Jessica Weiss Jessica Weiss Jewelry jessicaweissjewelry.com Knoxville, TN ....................................................B14 Wendy Lin Wendy Lin, Inc. www.wendylindesigns.com Great Neck, NY ................................................. X11 Rina Young opticverve.com New York, NY ................................................... K05 Robin & Kevin McLauglin Stonecrop Beadworks stonecropbeadworks.com Kingston, NY .....................................................G01 Tricia Young triciayoung.com Churchville, VA F14 Erica Zap & Alison Whiting Erica Zap ericazap.com Newport, RI ......................................................D01 Nina Zotcavage Nina Z Jewelry 603-673-7365 Mont Vernon, NH ...............................................J04 NON-METAL JEWELRY Sheryl Blais Sheryl Blais Studios www.Sherylblais.com Westhampton, MA..............................................J03 Keelin Brett Keelin B. Jewelry www.KeelinBrett.com Northford, CT ....................................................J01 Caitlin Burch Caitlin Burch Glassworks www.caitlinburch.com Putney, VT........................................................ M01 Brenda Morrison Jasmine Keane www.jasminekeane.com Quincy, MA ....................................................... A02 Karin Noyes Yellow House Studio www.karinnoyes.com Salisbury, CT .....................................................B07 Liane Okamitsu Liane By Design www.lianebydesign.com Long Beach, NY ................................................B12 Erh-ping Tsai & Cynthia Chuang Jewelry 10 www.jewelry10.com Locust Valley, NY ............................................... L04 Lauren Wimmer Lauren Wimmer Jewelry www.laurenwimmer.com Brooklyn, NY .................................................... C03 Barbara & Virginia Cieslicki www.barbaracieslicki.com Plainfield, NH .................................................. M03 Wiwat Kamolpornwijit In-Boon www.kamolpornwijit.com Alexandria, VA .................................................. K02 Amy Leiner Amy Leiner Designs www.amyleinerdesigns.com Madison, CT ..................................................... Y07 12 | Guilford Craft Expo 2013 Scott Hronich-Pernicka May Conti sarapaanbeads www.sarapaan.com Franklin, MA.....................................................H01 Guilford Craft Expo 2013 | 13 Popovits DIRECTORY OF LEATHER METAL Exhibitors Fran Michaels Fran Michaels Studio frankronstadtstudio.com Nahant, MA ....................................................... Z04 Krista Tulisano & Chris Lerner Rustica Ornamentals www.etsy.com/shop/RusticaOrnamentals New Britain, CT................................................ M06 Don Rea Don Rea Designs 570-224-6482 Damascus, PA ................................................... X04 Matthew Weinberger Metalsmith www.matthewweinbergermetalsmith.com Round Top, NY ................................................ W17 Roger DiTarando www.ditarando.com Vernon, CT ....................................................... X15 Dale Rogers Dale Rogers Studio DaleRogersStudio.com Haverhill, MA.................................................... Y02 Daniel Riccio www.danielriccio.com East Hampton, CT .............................................G07 Kim Rilleau Rilleau Leather www.rilleauleather.com Woodstock, VT ................................................. L06 George Gabriel & Gloria Perez Infinity Art www.infinityartdesigns.com West Haven, CT .................................................H05 Emily Rosenfeld www.emilyrosenfeld.com Florence, MA .....................................................J02 Gregory & Gayle Roche Roche Leather rocheleather.com Watsonville, CA ................................................. F05 Robert Alan Hyde Metal Sculptor www.robertalanhyde.com Washington, MA................................................ F04 Ron Stattner Ron Stattner Originals buzar Champlain, NY .................................................. X19 Sephi Itzhaki ArtZooo www.artzooo.com Harrisburg, PA ................................................. W15 James Takaki Iron Arts www.ironartstudio.com Brattleboro, VT ................................................. X08 Pong Gaddi P Gaddi Leather Buffalo, NY ....................................................... F16 Arza Gilad Arzadesign www.arzadesign.com Brooklyn, NY ....................................................G08 Beth Levine 212-691-1087 New York, NY ................................................... A03 Laura Baring-Gould Laura Baring Gould Studios www.laurabaringgould.com Somerville, MA ................................................. F13 Whitmore Boogaerts WB Sculpture Studio wb-sculpture.com Providence, RI ................................................. W12 MIXED MEDIA Ryuichiro Iida Lio&Linn www.lioandlinn.com Brooklyn, NY ................................................... W06 Elissa Ehlin & James Leritz Kiln Design Studio kilnenamel.com Brooklyn, NY .................................................... F08 Silk Shibori scarves and shawls, hand dyed in a solar powered studio HISTORIC GUILFORD WALKING TOURS Join us for guided tours Saturdays & Sundays, 11 am & 2 pm from Memorial Day through September on and around the Green www.historicguilfordwalkingtours.org 203-233-1026 Antrim Street Studio 617-448-2483 [email protected] www.antrimstreetstudio.com Booth #C06 14 | Guilford Craft Expo 2013 Sponsored by Guilford Preservation Alliance Guilford Craft Expo 2013 | 15 Umbel DIRECTORY OF Exhibitors Robert & Donald Nichols Nichols Stained Glass www.nichglass.com Ft. Lauderdale, FL ............................................. Y04 PAINTING AND PAPER ARTS Bill Chisholm www.billchisholm.com Somerville, MA .................................................D04 Richard Dowin Rich Dowin Woodworking richdowinwoodworking.com Durham, CT ......................................................G06 Sande & Dave Jaffee Yucandu www.sharpchef.com Allentown, PA ...................................................B01 Robert & Jacqueline Rickard Rickard Studio www.rickardstudio.com Hoboken, NJ .....................................................B18 Cam Chapman Lighthouse Portraits camchapman.com Weston, FL ....................................................... W14 Thomas Dumke Thomas William Furniture LLC www.thomaswilliamfurniture.com Oconomowoc, WI ............................................. K08 Ian Johnson Cogworks www.cog-works.com Antrim, NH ....................................................... K01 Kathleen Scranton BeeZ by Scranton www.beezbyscranton.com Coventry, CT......................................................B03 Ronald Wilson Ronald Wilson Photography www.rwilsonphoto.com Plymouth, MA ................................................... X02 George Egan The Village Woodshop www.vwoodshop.com Saugus, MA .......................................................H03 Donald LaFratta Wooden Expression www.woodenexpression.com North Attleboro, MA.......................................... E04 Bob & Patti Stern The Perfect View www.beezbyscranton.com Moreland Hills, OH........................................... E08 Marcia Guthrie 845-586-1392 Margaretville, NY ...............................................J06 Daniel Gomes Heartwood Furniture www.letssit.com Schenevus, NY ................................................. W16 Ronald Lee Laughing Coyote laughing-coyote-kaleidoscopes.com Ellington, CT ..................................................... P02 Sharon Hammill Diebolt & Mark Diebolt Hammill/Diebolt Studio www.hammilldiebolt.com Rochester, NY ................................................... F06 David Morrison Dave’s Woodcraft 603-225-3812 Concord, NH.................................................... M05 Don Hart Hart Woodcrafts http://www.hartwoodcrafts.com Ledyard, CT ...................................................... Z05 Jeffrey Nelson & Eric Erstling Hudson River Inlay www.hudsonriverinlay.com New Windsor, NY ..............................................B16 Kent Stetson Kent Stetson Handbags kentstetson.com Providence, RI ..................................................G03 Stephen White StemsVases www.stemsvases.com New York, NY ................................................... E05 John Pattenden Patent Artwork www.patentartwork.com Mystic, CT ......................................................... C07 Leo Donahue Artfield Press www.leodonahue.com Fiskdale, MA ..................................................... Y05 Anne Wooster Anne Wooster Monotypes annewoosterimpressions.com Waldoboro, ME ................................................ P01 MARTHA SULLIVAN www.marthasullivan.com SOAPS Randy Cysyk Whisper Hill Bath & Body www.whisperhill.com Hartland Four Corners, VT................................ X06 WOOD Richard Borden Rich’s Hand Carved Root Baskets 908-797-0285 Wallingford, CT................................................ W04 Julianna Cameron www.juliannacameron.com Colchester, CT................................................... X03 George Gabriel 16 | Guilford Craft Expo 2013 John Deveer & David & Carolyn Levy Hardwood Creations www.davidlevycreations.com Davis, CA .......................................................... L02 Frank & Judy Dobai The Shade Tree, LLC www.CTcuttingboard.com Moodus, CT ...................................................... E16 Booth Z04 Guilford Craft Expo 2013 | 17 DIRECTORY OF Chris Oaks Twin Oaks Hammocks twinoakstore.com Louisa, VA ............................................... Y01 Peter Petrochko Peter M. Petrochko peterpetrochko.com Oxford, CT .............................................. E12 Soli Pierce Sherwood Forest Design www.sherwoodforestdesign.com Cortlandt Manor, NY ............................... X14 Richard Robinson 518-370-4329 Schenectady, NY......................................B11 Ted Sokolowski Sokolowski Studios www.sokolowskistudios.com Lake Ariel, PA ........................................ W09 booth w02 • dahliakannerstudio.com Exhibitors Visit Our Food Vendors Olde Fashioned Kettle Popcorn Booth X07 In the Food Court: Ashley’s Ice Cream Caseus Grilled Cheese Maui Wowi Hawaiian Smoothies Naples Pizza The Nut Lady Perk on Church Taco Pacifico Peter & Barbara Turner Turner Mastercraft turnermastercraft.com Red Springs, NC ...................................... A01 GREENE ART GALLERY :KLW¿HOG6W*XLOIRUG JUHHQHDUWJDOOHU\FRP 18 | Guilford Craft Expo 2013 Guilford Craft Expo 2013 | 19 Yarrington A01 A02 A03 A04 B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B07 B08 B09 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B18 C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 D01 D02 D03 D04 D05 D06 E01 E02 E04 E05 E06 E07 Peter & Barbara Turner Brenda Morrison Beth Levine Lucile Martin Sande & Dave Jaffee Susan Wechsler Kathleen Scranton Lorraine Jackson & Paul Friedman Jaclyn Davidson Cindy Walsh Karin Noyes Daphne McDonald Sondra Sardis Dwo Wen Chen Richard Robinson Liane Okamitsu Sue Sachs Jessica Weiss Gerry Conti Jeffrey Nelson & Eric Erstling Robert & Jacqueline Rickard Maggy Ames Kristin Holeman Lauren Wimmer Teresa Crowninshield Sheilagh Flynn Amy Meltzer John Pattenden Barbara & Rick Umbel Erica Zap & Alison Whiting Lucille Scelfo Ayenne Applebaum Bill Chisholm Debbie Noiseux Joyce Stewart Marla Duran Ken Kantro Donald LaFratta Stephen White Steven Stamas Claudia Mills 20 | Guilford Craft Expo 2013 BOOTH LOCATOR FOR E08 E09 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 F07 F08 F09 F10 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 G01 G02 G03 G04 G05 G06 G07 G08 H01 H02 H03 H04 H05 Bob & Patti Stern Judith & Tom Neugebauer Lynn Yarrington Mindy Recht Peter Petrochko Stephen LeBlanc Tai & Tiara Kim Tommy Conch Frank & Judy Dobai Maishe Dickman Richard Messina & Anne Landfield Kathleen Hunt Allegra Brelsford Sally Rothchild Robert Alan Hyde Gregory & Gayle Roche Sharon Hammill Diebolt & Mark Diebolt Heather Duckwall Kidson Elissa Ehlin & James Leritz Rob Greene Mary O’Shea Ruth Davis Laura Baring-Gould Tricia Young Cindy Ciarcia Pong Gaddi Debra Abrams Dana & David Melnick Robin & Kevin McLauglin Maralyce Ferree Design Kent Stetson Michael Michaud Marsha Fleisher Richard Dowin Daniel Riccio Arza Gilad May Conti Melissa McKeagney George Egan Laura Cleminson George Gabriel & Gloria Perez H06 H07 H08 H08 J01 J02 J03 J04 J04 J05 J06 J07 J08 K01 K02 K03 K04 K05 K06 K07 K08 K09 K10 K11 K12 L01 L02 L04 L05 L06 L07 L08 L09 L10 M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M06 Pam LeBlanc Britt Anderson Anita Griffith Robert Parrott Keelin Brett Emily Rosenfeld Sheryl Blais Nina Zotcavage Regina St John Michelle & Bill Champitto Marcia Guthrie Roxanne Parent Alan & Dale Uchin Ian Johnson Wiwat Kamolpornwijit Kyoung-Joa Park Sally Craig Rina Young Suzanne Tanner Jane Miller Thomas Dumke Michael McCarthy Kara Raymond Lauren Blais Anne Hanson Deborah Armstrong John Deveer & David & Carolyn Levy Erh-ping Tsai & Cynthia Chuang Serena Kojimoto Kim Rilleau Avery Groves Jeanne Melillo Nancy Karpel Gail Markiewicz Caitlin Burch Janice Kissinger Barbara & Virginia Cieslicki Adel Chefridi David Morrison Krista Tulisano & Chris Lerner P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 Q01 Q02 Q03 Q04 W01 W02 W03 W04 W05 W06 W07 W08 W09 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 W17 X01 X02 X03 X04 X05 X06 X08 X09 X10 X11 X12 X13 Anne Wooster Ronald Lee Lori Ross Devaney Bennett Winning Woolies Laura Lyons Elizabeth Ryan Gloria Elliott Camille Benjamin Susan Pillay Ashley Vick Donna McGee Ossi Rioux Dahlia Kanner Jennifer Chin Richard Borden Patricia Disantis Masumi Hayashi & Ryuichiro Iida Jennifer Armstrong & Tanya Alsberg Rona Fisher Ted Sokolowski Michael & Andrea Alexander Scott Hronich-Pernicka Whitmore Boogaerts Michele Berman Cam Chapman Sephi Itzhaki Daniel Gomes Matthew Weinberger Jessie & Dan Driscoll Ronald Wilson Julianna Cameron Don Rea Abigail Berkson Randy Cysyk James Takaki Judith Jones Moon Tide Dyers Wendy Lin Julia Groos Paul Scott X14 X15 X16 X17 X18 X19 Y01 Y02 Y03 Y04 Y05 Soli Pierce Roger DiTarando Megan Brogden & Marc Fogel Audrey Hauserman Jeanne Scannell Ron Stattner Chris Oaks Dale Rogers Dahlia Popovits Robert & Donald Nichols Leo Donahue Exhibitors Y06 Y07 Z01 Z02 Z03 Z04 Z05 Z06 Z07 Z08 Z09 Davin & Susan Butterfield Amy Leiner Gloria McRoberts Vicki Thaler Martha Sullivan Fran Michaels Don Hart Adriana Rangel Marijke & Rick Benedict Steven Kolodny Bittersweet Herb Farm Guilford Craft Expo 2013 | 21 Noyes MAP OF Exhibitors PARK STREET X15 1 6 2 5 X07 To I-95 X04 X03 X02 3 4 X01 M W03 W02 W01 W 04 3 6 4 15 4 5 5 14 G 6 13 6 13 C W 16 1 6 2 5 3 4 7 12 D 9 E ENTRANCE H HEADQUARTERS 3 4 A SILENT AUCTION/ STUDENT TENT PO R TA BL E TO IL ET S WHITFIELD STREET 22 | Guilford Craft Expo 2013 F W 10 2 10 10 5 11 8 9 3 7 8 9 10 W 09 W 11 7 12 8 11 7 W 07 8 W 17 MONUMENT ENTRANCE 1 12 Y01 2 7 1 B Y02 3 16 W 12 13 J 2 17 5 6 K 2 17 16 4 15 5 14 W 08 14 4 5 L 2 15 6 7 2 7 4 5 4 3 6 5 6 4 16 2 7 5 8 1 8 W 13 3 4 9 4 7 6 18 1 8 1 18 W 15 W 14 2 3 10 3 8 1 18 W 06 1 2 9 1 8 3 6 W 05 Y03 2 11 Z0 8 ENTRANCE 1 12 1 10 Z0 4 X06 X05 Y04 Z0 3 9 X0 Y07 Z0 2 P 0 X1 Y05 BOSTON STREET 2 X1 Y06 Z0 7 3 X1 Q 1 X1 8 X0 BROAD STREET 4 3 FOOD & MUSIC 4 X1 Z0 1 5 7 X1 Z0 9 3 2 1 4 1 8 7 6 2 FIRST AID Z0 6 6 X1 9 X1 Z0 5 8 X1 S LE BU SHUTT F F -O P DRO TO TRAIN STATION Guilford Craft Expo 2013 | 23 V`Z gj\hi]Vib V]dbZ ig^WVah CELEBRATING OUR ST k^aaV\Zgj\h 1 3 1 Y! ANNIVERSAR bdYZgch \ch iZmi^aZYZh^ dkZgYnZh hd[iXdadgh cZlXdadgh igVY^i^dcVah HOME OF THE MOST BE AUTIFUL ORIENTAL RUGS 73 Elm Street in Downtown New Haven, Connecticut 203-865-0567 www.kebabian.com Tues-Sat 9 - 5 Guilford Craft Expo 2013
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