Annual Report 2012-2013 - Holy Cross High School


Annual Report 2012-2013 - Holy Cross High School
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2012-2013 REPORT ON
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“ Zeal is the great desire to make God
known, loved, and served, and thus to
bring knowledge of salvation to others.
All activity flows from this virtue.”
Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C. Founder Congregation of Holy Cross
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“ God only asks of us to be good Christians,
to obey the commandments, especially the
ones on the love of God and the love of our
neighbor. God does not ask the impossible,
but he wants everyone to offer their good
intentions, their day’s work, and some prayers.”
St. Andre Bessette, C.S.C.
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T O S E RV E …
“ If indeed we love the good God as we
should, it would be a lot easier for us to
put into practice the Christian virtues of
patience and charity, for we cannot love
God without loving our neighbor.”
St. Andre Bessette, C.S.C.
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This has been an extraordinary year in so
many ways. The total number of individuals
giving to Holy Cross rose significantly. Our
school community and our city survived one
of the worst natural disasters in recorded
history. The outpouring of generosity,
support and concern for our wellbeing at
Holy Cross, remains almost indescribable.
From as early as when the storm was baring down on the
Northeast, I was being contacted by friends of Holy Cross,
from near and far, on how they might help when the storm had
passed. Because of that tremendous outpouring of generosity, all
of our boys returned to school and continued their education.
As well, we were able to help those in need with basic necessities
to get them through as their rebuilt their lives. Nature presented
through its might an unprecedented challenge to us, but the
power of love prevailed.
Our focus at the high school is to provide the best possible
education for boys, and education specifically focused on boys.
That is who we are, and I want us to be the experts in Queens
on boys education. We strive for that expertise within two
crucially defining realities and traditions: the Congregation of
Holy Cross and the Catholic faith. I want us not simply to be
the first all-boys Catholic high school in Queens, nor the last,
but to be the best. The support of so many is necessary to
achieve that goal! Actually, we are only allowed to have that
goal because we have the support of so many generous alumni,
benefactors and friends.
school community. We’re launching a master plan for our building
and facilities as part of our strategic planning process. This will
allow us to focus on what we need to achieve our goals for the
boys. The process will be widely consultative and be guided by an
architectural firm yet to be chosen. We’ve completed, this past
year, an independent review of our athletic programs. The
independent review’s recommendations led to significant changes
in matters that impact student-athlete health and safety. As well,
we raised the bar on what we expect of the boys academically in
order for them to be able to suit up for competition.
We strive to educate the heart and the mind of our boys. As we
grow toward our goal of being the best we can be, we know that
our focus has to be on student academic success. We recognize
the diversity of learning needs, abilities and challenges in our
more than 900 students. In this past year, we have chosen to
tackle the complexities of these needs and challenges through a
more comprehensive approach to student success. When we
accept a boy for matriculation at Cross, we are indicating to
that child and to his family that we believe he can succeed here.
We then have a sacred and moral obligation to do everything
possible to make sure he does. Beyond our Saint Andre
Enrichment Program, we have put into place a system to address
special education needs, and we will work closely with parents
to secure the services entitled to them as taxpayers of the City
and State of New York.
This has been an extraordinary year in so many ways. Much
of it was possible because of the generosity of our donors.
May God bless you for your generosity.
With every best wish and prayer for you and those you love,
I remain,
In Holy Cross,
This is an exciting time of growth and change at Cross. In
cooperation with our Board, we continue to work on a long
range strategic plan that encompasses every aspect of our life as a
Father Walter E. Jenkins, C.S.C., Ed.D.
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2012-2013 FINANCIAL
Total Income for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013 = $10,524,216
•_____________ Capital/Contingency 4%
•__________ Scholarships and Financial Aid 5%
•_______ Athletics & Student Activities 6%
•_____ Supplies & Equipment 3%
•______________ Investment Income 4%
•____________ Other 2%
•________ Auxiliary 13%
•_____ Gift Support 10%
•____ Plant Operations 8%
•_____ Administrative/Staff
•_______ Tuition 72%
Salary & Benefits 25%
•___________________ Instruction 49%
Gift Support
Investment Income
Total Revenue
$ 7,535,446
$ 1,029,996
$ 1,394,379
$ 187,314
$ 377,082
$ 10,524,216
Administrative/Staff Salary and Benefits
Plant Operations
Supplies and Equipment
Athletics and Student Activities
Scholarships and Financial Aid**
Total Expenses
$ 5,172,359
$ 2,603,252
$ 838,112
$ 341,740
$ 641,320
$ 522,655
$ 404,779
*Includes Academic Programs, Salaries & Benefits
**Operating Expenses Only/Does Not Include Endowment
Note: Direct comparison of these revenue figures with the fiscal year summary information is not possible since the Knights Fund year ends
August 31 while the fiscal year ends June 30.
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For the period September 1, 2012 - August 31, 2013
Total Revenues 2012 - 2013
Annual Giving Program
Total Knight’s Fund Giving:
Donor Pledges
Total, Events Revenues
Total, Events Net Income
Net Income
$ 432,524.48
$ 282,380.04
$ 109,476.31
$ 7,206.88
$ 102,269.43
Hall of Fame
Net Income
$ 130,200.00
$ 52,957.73
$ 77,242.27
Spring Raffle
Net Income
$ 20,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 10,000.00
Net Income
$ 172,848.17
$ 79,979.83
Capital Giving
Total Capital Giving
Endowed Scholarships
Endowment for Operating
Restricted to Plant
Total Net Revenue 2012 - 2013
$ 156,766.00
$ 50,666.00
$ 66,325.00
$ 32,025.00
$ 7,750.00
Other Gift Support
Fathers’ Club
Women’s Guild
$ 10,600.00
$ 17,300.00
Special Funds
Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund
Total Revenue All Sources 2012 - 2013
$ 133,902.16
Current Parents
Alumni Parents
Total Donors
Unrestricted Contributions include Knights Fund
contributions which support the school’s operating needs
within the fiscal year in which they are contributed.
Contributions to the Knights Fund are used toward
enhancement of arts and athletic programs, as well as some
scholarship and financial aid offerings, making a Holy Cross
education accessible to young men.
Restricted Contributions are targeted by the donor
to specific purposes, and are most usually made to one of
four categories:
1) permanently restricted contributions to the Holy Cross
2) funds restricted to renovations or major additions to the
plant including special equipment purchases;
3) gifts targeted to start-up or ongoing funding of special
academic programs;
4) contributions restricted to Capital Campaigns.
Special Events provide a unique opportunity for the
school’s various constituencies to celebrate and bond, and,
at the same time raise funds for various pre-announced
purposes including plant renovations, enhancement of
endowments and other special projects. Donors are
encouraged to participate in all forms of giving in support
of the school’s operating budget, special programs, building
projects and endowments.
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Listed by constituency and includes gifts and
pledges to Annual Fund, Capital Giving or
Sponsorship of an Event for the period
September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013.
Class of 1959
Amount: $41,492
Members: 369
Donors: 84
Participation: 22.7%
Andre Society
Paul O. LeClerc, Ph.D.
Gold Circle
Dennis C. Golden, Ed.D.
Silver Circle
Mr. Eugene J. Doyle
Frank P. Le Veness, Ph.D.
RADM Kenneth P. Manning
Philip W. Marin, MD
Mr. Bernard F. Reynolds
Knight’s Circle
Mr. James C. Shea
Lance Club
Lt. Col. Ronald Mattana,
Mr. Robert J. Murphy
Mr. James J. Raftery
Mr. Richard J. Shullman
Principal’s Club
Mr. Richard W. Aprile
Rev. Msgr. Donald T. Bennett
Mr. Paul E. Des Noyers
Mr. Francis J. Gross
Mr. Richard L. Hegney
Mr. Robert D. McNamara
Thomas J. Murray, DDS
Mr. William F. Roche
Century Club
Mr. Joseph P. Blake, Jr.
Mr. Thomas R. Brown
Mr. William R. Brunner
Mr. Charles J. Carnesi
Arthur T. Christiansen, DCP
Dr. Dennis George Colie
Mr. Zaven C. Der Boghossian
Mr. Joseph E. Dirks
Hon. William C. Donnino
Mr. Frank J. Egan
Mr. John H. Farr
Mr. Richard P. Fogarty
Mr. James L. Foley
Ralph A. Giannotti, Ph.D.
Mr. Ronald J. Hallissey
Mr. Daniel J. Hanrahan
Mr. Raymond P. Manzi
Joseph D. Masheck, Ph.D.
Mr. John A. Monahan
Mr. Martin D. Mostyn
Mr. Michael K. Murphy
Prof. Stephen J. O’Neill
Mr. Robert A. Parry
Mr. Robert T. Sadowski
John T. Sawyers, Esq.
John E. Sippel, Ph.D.
Mr. Richard A. Speciale
John E. Stevens, CPA
Andrew J. Sullivan, MD
Mr. James F. Sullivan
Mr. Richard R. Sullivan
Mr. Terence M. Tarpey
Thomas J. Timchek, Ph.D.
Col. Arthur J. Willis, USAF
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Charles V. Bellanca
Mr. Richard L. Bilon
Mr. Vincent J. Carbone
Mr. Anthony J. D’Andrea
John M. Desiderio, Esq.
Mr. James V. Frost
James J. Glynn, MD
Mr. Frank A. Handler
Mr. Alfred F. Ingulli
Mr. Thomas A. Kelleher
Mr. Daniel E. Keough
Mr. Joseph A. Lundy
Capt. Thomas G. Madden
Mr. Joseph C. Marinello
Mr. Richard D. May
Mr. Robert J. McCarthy
Mr. Michael A. Meagher
Mr. Richard J. Moore
Mr. Jeffrey J. Nella, Sr.
Mr. James J. O’Connor
Mr. William L. Panagulis
Mr. George P. Pickel
Mr. George R. Reers
Mr. Richard A. Rega
Mr. Charles J. Schaudel, Jr.
Mr. Andrew J. Yankaus
Class of 1960
Amount: $27,475
Members: 230
Donors: 37
Participation: 16%
Diamond Circle
Mr. Michael P. Hebron
Mr. William G. Poppe, Jr.
Gold Circle
Carmen L. Flamino, CFP
Mr. John Owens
Knight’s Circle
Mr. Charles H. Funk
Mr. Patrick D. Keneally
Mr. Theodore J. Seiter
Lance Club
Mr. John A. Gentile, Jr.
Mr. Robert A. Toledo
Principal’s Club
Mr. Donald R. Boyle
Mr. Thomas M. Pigoski
Mr. Edward J. Weille, Jr.
Century Club
Mr. Luis Abella
Mr. Richard Alexandro
Neil J. Cooper, Esq.
Capt. Robert A. Fuicelli
Mr. Frank Galizia, Jr.
Mr. Charles E. Hanley
Mr. John Lucas
Mr. Lawrence J. Madden
Mr. Brian J. Magliocco
Mr. Dennis M. McCartin
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Mr. John G. McGowan
William P. Modry, PE
Dominic J. Romeo, Ph.D.
Mr. James P. Treanor
Mr. Charles Zambrano
Principal’s Club
Sponsor’s Club
Century Club
Mr. Gerard Benhardt
Mr. Anthony Deluca
Mr. Angelo DiFrancisco
Mr. David R. Fulton
Mr. Anthony Greco
Mr. Frederick Hamble
Mr. Leroy J. Hoeffner
Mr. Thomas Iorizzo
Mr. Robert Schwalb
Mr. David M. Zimmerman
Mr. Charles J. Beach
Mr. Kevin D. Brenan
Mr. Thomas R. Carley
Mr. William P. Cotumaccio
Mr. Howard J. Gee
Mr. John P. Gillis
Dr. Leonard M. Gonasun
Mr. James A. Healy
John J. Lynch, MD
Philip A. Melita, Ph.D.
Mr. Robert T. Moriarty
Mr. Gerard L. O’Connell
Mr. Robert O’Connell
Mr. Edward V. Oddo
Mr. John P. O’Hare
Lt. Col. Joseph J. Puzo, USAF
Class of 1961
Amount: $11,855
Members: 228
Donors: 46
Participation: 20.2%
Gold Circle
Mr. William J. Keckeisen
Silver Circle
Frank H. Wright, Esq.
Knights Circle
Mr. William J. Burke, Sr.
Mr. John A. Douglas
Lance Club
Mr. David P. McCann
Mr. Denis E. Burke
Mr. John T. Powers
Br. Norman Smercak, OSF
Mr. John P. Wynne, Jr.
Mr. Raymond G. Schortemeier
Mr. John E. Sharkey
Mr. Charles A. Sullivan
Sponsors Club
Mr. Richard J. Bosticco
Dr. James V. Candy
Mr. Kurt Deutschmann
Mr. Patrick Downing
Mr. Richard P. Fennelly
Mr. Dante A. Foceri
Mr. Michael J. Gallagher, Jr.
Mr. Paul J. Glennan
Mr. John E. Healy
Mr. John A. Ingersoll
Mr. Samuel D. McClelland
Mr. Paul T. Monte-Bovi
Mr. William C. Muskopf
Mr. Christopher M. Schneider
Mr. Wayne W. Sheridan
John P. Wasacz, Ph.D.
Mr. James V. Young
Class of 1962
Amount: $3,695
Members: 273
Donors: 29
Participation: 10.6 %
Knights Circle
Mr. Richard J. Duggan
Lance Club
Mr. James P. McGovern
Principal’s Club
Mr. Ronald Vallar
Mr. John M. Winfield
Sponsors Club
Mr. Robert C. Bergin
Deacon Thomas A. Colton
Mr. Frederick W.
Honerkamp, III
Mr. John Iengo
Mr. James V. Klein
Col. James P. Mannix
Mr. Patrick Nash
Anthony J. Pepe, MD
Mr. Philip J. Valentino
Mr. Thomas J. Walsh
Class of 1963
Amount: $18,375
Members: 246
Donors: 50
Participation: 20.3 %
Mr. John Sola
Gold Circle
Century Club
Mr. Robert Buchholz
Mr. Carmine R. Catuosco
Donald Cleary, Jr., CPA
Mr. Anthony V. Cocheo
Mr. Jeremiah Cronin
Mr. Martin J. Doyle
Mr. Anthony M. Hurtado
Michael J. Lagas, Ed.D.
Mr. John C. McAvoy
Mr. Henry McLaughlin
Mr. Joseph T. Neilson
Mr. Richard C. Quinn
Dr. Michael D. Szap
“Holy Cross was a financial sacrifice for my parents and I did
not want to let them down. With the Lord’s help, the friends
I made at Holy Cross were some of the greatest guys whom
I still treasure. Brother Joseph “JJ” was a caring advisor
who encouaged me to go on educationally after HC and
encouraged me to go to the Senior Prom to which I took
Terry, still the love of my life 52 years later. Giving to Holy
Cross over the years is the least I could do to thank the Brothers
of Holy Cross and help some students get the break I got.”
William J. Burke, Sr. ’61
Managing Director - Investments, Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC.
The Burke Rynkar Group
Father John F. Carney
Mr. Gregory A. Clark
Silver Circle
Robert A. Dormer, Esq.
Knights Circle
Mr. Thomas J. Auletta
Mr. Richard Dieter
Green & Gold Club
Mr. Louis Vasi
Lance Club
Mr. Peter Bonventre
Mr. Bernard Egan Jr.
Mr. John Ford
Mr. Gustave Gelardi
Mr. John J. Guze
Mr. John Lamonte
Mr. Robert A. Robesch
Principal’s Club
Mr. Martin P. Cryan
Mr. James T. Daly
Mr. James W. Fenn
Robert A. Monaco, MD
Century Club
Mr. Robert Adams
Mr. Kenneth J. Burke
Mr. Daniel Buyse
Mr. Stephen R. Conte
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“Although I did not realize it at the time, Holy Cross
was my bridge from adolescence to adulthood. I can
say without a doubt that the foundation for my
professional and personal life had its start at Holy
Cross. I know that my support will help give someone
else the same opportunity I received.”
Frank Orzo ’64
President, LT Online Corporation
Mr. William J. Dalton
Kevin D. Dyer, PE
Mr. Edward R. Dzioba
Mr. Michael Ferko
Mr. Joseph E. Graziadei
Mr. Pasquale Guadagno
Mr. Robert MacDonald
Louis Maiorino, CM CGFM
Mr. Richard F. Owens
Mr. Leonard J. Palumbo
Mr. Ronald Petralia
Mr. Michael Piotrowski
Mr. William E. Porr
Mr. Paul T. Pugliese
Mr. James H. Ryan
Mr. Thomas V. Tully
Mr. Joseph F. West
Mr. Paul J. Weston
Mr. Leslie Wilton
Sponsors Club
Mr. Edward Amato
Mr. Joseph M. Colandro
Mr. Patrick M. Corrigan,CPA
Mr. Anthony J. DelGiorno
Mr. Ronald Friedman
Mr. Edward W. Garrone
Mr. Philip Harloff
Mr. James McDermott
Mr. Robert E. Pitiger
Mr. Clemente Russo
Class of 1964
Amount: $60,560
Members: 290
Donors: 46
Participation: 15.9%
Benefactor’s Society
Mr. John J. Jennings
Knights Circle
Sponsors Club
Clifford Baumann, CPA
Mr. Christopher Byron
Mr. Frank Orzo
Mr. George C. Thorsen
Mr. James G. Cacopardo
Deacon Lawrence J. Duffy
Mr. Anthony Giaccone
Mr. Arthur Kiernan
Mr. Vincent Matteis
Mr. William H. McManus
Mr. William H. Orlaskey
Mr. Gerard Paretta
Mr. Walter Porr
Mr. Frank Priore
Mr. John L. Schaefer
Mr. Richard W. Schneider
Mr. Richard A. Zimmerman
Green & Gold Club
Mr. Ronald J. Zucker
Lance Club
Mr. Paul M. Falabella
Mr. Frank J. Lynch
Mr. Thomas J. Ponosuk
Principal’s Club
Mr. John P. Cleary
Mr. Richard David
Mr. Laurence P. Koester
Century Club
Mr. Joseph T. Bartolini
Chief George F. Brown
Capt. George D. Emmons
Mr. Joseph W. Farrell
Mr. Joseph A. Gallo
Mr. Frank Greco
Mr. Walter Halloran
Mr. Ralph E. Johnson
Mr. William Kelly
Mr. Michael T. Kelty
Mr. William R. Lee
Mr. Robert D. Lorenz
Mr. John Montefusco
Mr. Russell F. Moran, Esq.
Mr. Denis P. Mullaney
Mr. John J. Murphy
Mr. Daniel L. Nettuno
Mr. William J. Olvany
Mr. William J. O’Sullivan
Mr. John P. Raftery
Mr. Dominic S. Valente
Class of 1965
Amount: $13,160
Members: 258
Donors: 35
Participation: 13.6%
Gold Circle
Mr. William F. Quinn
Dr. Joseph J. Contiguglia
Mr. Donald J. Kiefer
Mr. William F. Mahoney
Mr. Gregory G. O’Brien
Mr. Thomas Pukenis
Mr. Richard A. Raggio
Mr. James G. Sahakian
Mr. John J. Sahakian
Mr. Richard C. Spiegel
Sponsors Club
Mr. Rich T. Balbone
Mr. Daniel Cronin
Mr. James Eisert
Mr. Thomas R. Gray
Mr. Thomas M. Healy
Mr. John F. Keenan
Mr. Gregory E. Leonardo
Mr. Dennis J. O’Connell
Mr. Dennis Olvany
Mr. Patrick J. Raftery
Mr. James P. Rhoads
Mr. James F. Ruckel
Mr. Richard Savarese
Mr. Frederic A. Sklow
Class of 1966
Amount: $5,005
Members: 211
Donors: 22
Participation: 10.4%
Knights Circle
Mr. James T. Beattie
Mr. Thomas W. Schettino
Lance Club
Silver Circle
Mr. Randolph J. Vineis
Mr. Joseph M. Giannuzzi
Mr. Robert F. Orlich
Principal’s Club
Knights Circle
Mr. Nicholas T. Lomangino
Principal’s Club
Mr. Edmund J. Giordano
Mr. John P. Monahan
John R. Peterson, Esq.
Mr. Michael P. Phelan
Mr. Lawrence Pitilli
Mr. James D. Taormina
Century Club
Mr. William Brown
Mr. Thomas C. Burke
Mr. Vincent Carey
Mr. Philip J. Piscatella, Jr.
Century Club
Mr. William H. Cassidy
Mr. Daniel DeVoe
Mr. Kevin Duffy
Mr. Thomas W. Egan
Mr. Timothy J. Hurley
Mr. Kenneth Moore
Mr. Raymond Powers
Mr. Joseph A. Raftery
Mr. Patrick Raggio
Thomas Troiano, CPA
Mr. Frank J. Werber
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Sponsors Club
Hon. John A. Barone
Mr. Denis C. Collins
Mr. Brian P. Faherty
Mr. Robert J. Lopresti
Mr. Thomas J. Meehan
Class of 1967
Amount: $11,755
Members: 244
Donors: 38
Participation: 15.6%
Silver Circle
Mr. Robert Wellner
Knights Circle
Mr. Francis Bergold
Mr. Brian R. Dyer P.E.
Mr. Richard J. Havens
Mr. Robert A. Piazza
Green & Gold Club
Mr. Thomas Keenan
Lance Club
Dr. Vincent Parnell
Principal’s Club
Mr. Joseph A. Sollano
Mr. Kevin Hicks
Thomas J. Kehoe, Esq.
Jean P. Marachi, MD
Mr. Robert J. McCabe
Mr. Kenneth A. Mooney
Dr. Edward T. Peteroy
Mr. Thomas Spellane
Mr. Eugene Striffler
Sponsors Club
Lt. Col. Peter H. Borosky, USA
Mr. Donald Bress
Mr. Richard L. Caggiano
Mr. John Devaney
Thomas C. Devlin, Esq.
Mr. William D. Gerry
Mr. Joseph P. Lingen
Mr. Stephen W. Priory
Mr. Dennis Saville
Mr. Kenneth J. Sheehan
Mr. John E. Zick
Class of 1968
Amount: $8,880
Members: 220
Donors: 29
Participation: 13.2%
Diamond Circle
Mr. John J. Collins
Mr. Russel A. Considine
Mr. Gary J. Courtenay
Mr. John C. Dombrowski
Mr. James Donaghy
Mr. Thomas Doyle
Mr. Brian Fallon
Mr. Neal D. Fenton
Mr. Greg Ferrone
Mr. Timothy C. Jahn
Mr. George LaNicca
Mr. Philip Miller
Mr. Mark M. Moncher
Mr. Robert Rothschild
Mr. Robert F. Slama
Mr. Peter Trupia
Brian M. Van Linda, MD
Sponsors Club
Mr. Edward J. Barone
Mr. John Jackolski
Mr. Jeffrey R. Maher
Mr. Thomas A. Myles
Louis M. Petralia, Esq.
Class of 1969
Amount: $12,865
Members: 269
Donors: 29
Participation: 10.8 %
Mr. William J. McDermott
Century Club
Mr. John Bonistalli
Mr. Edwin Campbell
Mr. Philip J. Cicciari
John P. D’Auria, Ed.D.
Mr. James Daw
Mr. Thomas DiPaola
James H. Friscia, Esq.
Vito N. Giardina, DPM
Mr. Joseph K. Grogan
Gold Circle
Principal’s Club
Mr. Joseph M. Grimaldi
Honorable Michael J. Abel
Mr. Kevin C. Carroll
Mr. John Poplawski
Silver Circle
Century Club
Knights Circle
Dr. Paul F. Bevilacqua
William Catone, Ph.D.
Mr. Matthew G. Cola
Mr. Kevin Clarke
Mr. James J. Duane, Esq.
Mr. Thomas E. Sullivan
Robert A. Klein, MD
Lance Club
Mr. Patrick J. Battel
Principal’s Club
Mr. John Asselta
Mr. William G. Schaeffer
Mr. Christopher R. Wood
Century Club
Mr. Lawrence J. Bentley
Mr. Robert F. Corrado
Mr. Salvatore Gianone
Mr. Dennis Gillooly
Mr. George T. Groom
Mr. George Kalb
Mr. Donald Manning
Mr. Michael J. McCallion
William F. McCartin, Esq.
Robert Musso, Esq.
Mr. Michael R. Reed
Mr. Arthur J. Sainsbury
Mr. Ronald M. Soldo
Mr. John J. Stiklickas
Sponsors Club
Br. Robert C. Berger, FSC
Mr. John Desmond
Mr. Donald J. Kavanagh
Mr. Lewis Kobel
Mr. Thomas J. Rolla
Mr. Robert J. Shannon
Class of 1970
Amount: $23,155
Members: 246
Donors: 22
Participation: 8.9%
Andre Society
Robert J. Nobile Esq.
Knight’s Circle
“I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity
to attend Holy Cross High School. The values, discipline,
skills and learning to care for others has served me well,
for which I am most thankful. I would be most remiss if I
did not recognize the wonderful and dedicated faculty that
helped guide me through my four years at Holy Cross.”
Richard J. Havens ’67
SVP, Sales and Marketing
Onset Dermatologics
Mr. Richard M. Radelich
Century Club
Robert W. Cockren, Esq.
Mr. Joseph K. Collins
Mr. John J. Geskie
Mr. John F. Howarth
Robert J. Kalle, Ph.D.
Hon. Gregory L. Lasak
Mr. James P. Malone
Mr. Frederick A. McKinley
Mr. William M. Paladini
Mr. Vincent A. Pinto
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Mr. Stephen P. Valenti, CPA
Mr. Donald A. Winters
Class of 1972
Mr. Henry T. Sarnataro
Brother William Zaydak, C.S.C.
Sponsor’s Club
Amount: $10,083
Members: 285
Donors: 33
Participation: 11.58 %
Sponsor’s Club
Robert M. D’Agostino, MD
Mr. Robert Davniero
Mr. Francis E. Dekoskie
Mr. Ralph J. Garlo
Mr. Thomas M. Hurley, Sr.
Mr. Michael O’Sullivan
Mr. Robert Schettino
Mr. Joseph R. Scionti
Class of 1971
Amount: $8,460
Members: 246
Donors: 22
Participation: 8.8%
Silver Circle
Mr. John Adamovich, Jr.
Mr. Eugene A. Petracca, Jr.
Knight’s Circle
John F. Duane, Esq.
Mr. Kevin McGrath
Silver Circle
Mr. Robert Weber
Knight’s Circle
Mr. Donald W. Boecke
Mr. Frank T. Chiarello
Mr. John F. Kelly
Mr. Kevin O’Connell
Green & Gold Club
Mr. Thomas C. Malone
Lance Club
Mr. Timothy Owens
Principal’s Club
James E. Baker, Esq.
Mr. Robert W. Reichenbach, Jr.
Dr. Anthony P. Tufaro
Mr. Louis C. Giaconelli
Mr. Michael Spicer
Principal’s Club
Neil M. Filomena, CLU CHFC
Mr. Stephen Kelly
Anthony D. Rosato, Ph.D.
Century Club
Mr. John M. DeMaggio
Mr. Thomas J. Fleming
Mr. James T. Kassebaum
John P. Libretti, Esq.
Mr. James P. Magee
Mr. Walter Malloy
Mr. William Wittmann
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Salvatore V. Bastardi
Mr. James Fitzpatrick
Mr. Robert A. Hill
Mr. Lawrence J. Kane
Mr. Patrick Lynch
Mr. Gerald A. Regan
Nicholas W. Tarricone, MD
Class of 1973
Amount: $22,015
Members: 271
Donors: 44
Participation: 16.2 %
Diamond Circle
Mr. Daniel Bartolomeo
Gold Circle
Century Club
Lance Club
Mr. Gerard Baldassaro
Mr. Donald A. Buckley
Mr. Patrick Buonocore
Mr. Gary F. Ciesla
Mr. Stephen J. DeLuca
Senator Thomas K. Duane
Mr. Michael Lutz
Mr. Patrick J. Lydon
Mr. James J. Meehan
Mr. Richard Rizzo
Mr. Anthony Scarnati
Mr. John J. Collins
Hon. Perry T. Criscitelli
Mr. Richard E. Delbango
Michael S. DiLillo, CPA
Mr. Albert Gentile
Mr. Thomas Jaffa
Mr. Gerard McKiernan
Mr. Gary L. Mittler
Michael J. Pender, Esq.
Mr. Paul Rafferty
Mr. R. Scott Flieger
Mr. Daniel J. Hannon
Principal’s Club
Mr. Robert F. Candela
Mr. Joseph J. Graziano
Mr. Scott E. Masterson
Century Club
Mr. Anthony P. Bonfiglio
Mr. Stephen Borries
Mr. Christopher P. Boylan
Mr. Shawn J. Brosnan
Mr. Joseph Caminiti
Mr. Michael Certoma
Mr. Kenneth Conti
Mr. Charles J. Giglio
Mr. Thomas Gillis
Mr. Richard Guidal
Mr. Robert J. Harrison
Mr. Timothy Kelly
Mr. Matthew Kiernan
Carl Koenigsmann, MD
Lt. Col. James L. Nelson, Jr.
Mr. David O’Connor
Mr. John P. O’Donoghue
Mr. James K. O’Neill
Mr. Brian P. Pryor
Mr. Bruce F. Ripepi
Mr. Philip G. Spellane
Mr. Christopher Wagner
Mr. Thomas A. Winsch
Sponsor’s Club
Green & Gold Club
Mr. Domenick J. Tarantino
Lance Club
Deacon Victor A. DeFilippis
Mr. James P. Flood
Mr. John D. McParland
Mr. Michael H. Santo
Mr. Robert Corinaldesi
Mr. Joseph DeClemente
Mr. John Farrell
Mr. George Hogan
Kevin Gerard MacCary, Esq.
Robert J. Rabaglia, Ph.D.
Mr. Jeffery Wilson
Mr. Francis Winters
“I contribute to Holy Cross in gratitude for the quality
education I received gratis after my dad died during
freshman year. I am also grateful that, during an
impressionable age, Cross nurtured my faith and
values and my teachers exemplified what it means to
be a good person. Last, but not least, I contribute to
the school because it is where I made friendships that
have lasted a lifetime.”
Remy Rodas ’74
Partner -Curtis Mallet-Prevost Colt & Mosle LLP
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Class of 1974
“Any success I’ve had in my career and life I trace back
to the lessons I learned at Holy Cross — hard work,
integrity and an interest in serving the public and
giving back. I relied on these core values in law
enforcement and still do now as the owner of a private
company. I support Holy Cross because I believe in its
unwavering mission of educating the hearts and minds
of young men. And I want the next generation to have
the same great opportunities I had while at Cross.”
Amount: $52,951
Members: 198
Donors: 44
Participation: 22.2%
Andre Society
Mr. Michael D. Sapraicone
Diamond Circle
Mr. Michael A. Casciato
Michael Sapraicone ’74
President/CEO Squad Security
Gold Circle
Kevin F. Brady, Esq.
Remy A. Rodas, Esq.
Mr. Martin Stein
Silver Circle
Mr. Lloyd W. LaRousse
Eric Pilotti, Esq.
Knight’s Circle
Mr. Kevin M. Byrnes
Lance Club
Mr. Robert Guglielmo
Deacon Richard G. Napoli
Mr. Frank Ottaviano
Principal’s Club
Major General William F.
Schauffert, USAFR
Century Club
Kenneth J. Ayers, CPA CFP
Mr. Raymond Dannenhoffer
Mr. Thomas Engel
Mr. Vincent J. Fazzino
Father James E. Fenstermaker, C.S.C.
Anthony M. Frasca, MD
Mr. Paul D. Horvath
Dr. Timothy F. Lisante
Mr. Joseph T. McFeely
Mr. Michael Myers
Santi J. Neuberger, MD
Mr. Richard J. O’Donnell
Mr. Richard J. Rizzuto
Mr. Edward Rotondo
John A. Ruisi, MD
Mr. John S. Saladino
Mr. Stephen R. Sergi
Mr. Steven Toner
Anthony J. Tutino, RPh
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Joseph J. Calderone
Mr. Joseph M. Cauchi
Mr. Vincent F. Davi
Mr. Gerard Devan
Mr. William Kelly, Jr.
Mr. Anthony Pontosky, Jr.
Mr. Robert H. Wagner, Jr.
Mr. Peter M. Waldron
Class of 1975
Amount: $10,035
Members: 227
Donors: 20
Participation: 8.81%
Dr. Thomas P. Leonard
Mr. Richard J. Miller
Dr. John Pagano
Mr. John B. Pi
Mr. Mark Verdi
Mr. John Woop
Class of 1976
Amount: $12,620
Members: 235
Donors: 39
Participation: 16.6%
Gold Circle
Mr. Richard M. Cassata
Diamond Circle
Knight’s Circle
Mr. Paul J. Reilly
Mr. James Reilly
Mr. Marc H. Albanese
Mr. Frank J. Dellafera
Philip J. Orlando, CFA
Mr. Steven Sokolich
Principal’s Club
Green & Gold Club
Mr. Anthony Biscione
Peter J. Zipf, PE
David A. Chester, PA-C
Mr. James V. McGurren
Century Club
Lance Club
Mr. Quentin Dixon
Mr. Robert Dumas
Mr. Peter J. Ebersold
Mr. Andrew Giusto
Mr. Michael A. Hulser
Mr. Brian J. Kelly
Mr. James Kenney
Mr. Peter J. Schmitt
Raymond F. Angelini, Ph.D.
Mr. Philip McAndrews
Lance Club
Principal’s Club
Edward Bailey, Esq.
Edmond R. Bannon, Esq.
Mr. Robert J. Sorge, Jr.
Century Club
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. James Capraro
Michael Hurson, Esq.
Mr. Charles T. Boudiette
Mr. Anthony Brancato
Mr. Patrick Carragee
Paul F. Clark, Esq.
Peter G. Danias Esq.
Mr. John E. Gallagher
Mr. Barry K. Gunderson
Dr. James P. Murphy
Mr. Robert B. Nichols
Mr. Paul J. Nittoli
Mr. Kevin M. O’Meara
Carlos E. Pena, Esq.
Mr. Timothy F. Walsh
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Eric Benvenuti
Mr. William A. Chuber
Mr. Victor DeVagno, Jr.
Mr. Peter M. Diana
Mr. Anthony Diaz
Mr. Richard A. Donovan
Mr. Paul J. Kemp
Mr. Paul Lobosco
Mr. William J. Pickett
Thomas J. Regan, CPA
Mr. Robert A. Stivanello
Mr. Daniel E. Sutorius
Mr. Kevin Wessely
Mr. John D. Zasloff
Class of 1977
Amount: $20,267
Members: 298
Donors: 35
Participation: 11.7%
Diamond Circle
Mr. Michael P. Ryan
Mr. Peter Venaglia Esq.
Silver Circle
Mr. Carl F. Mattone
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Knight’s Circle
“I remain committed to Holy Cross for one simple yet
compelling reason. In the 59 years since Holy Cross was
founded, the mission of the school has never changed:
the making of moral men in service to our faith, our
community and our country. In a society of ever shifting
values, it is this steadfast commitment to those principles
that sets Holy Cross apart.”
Mr. Kevin Quinn
Lance Club
Mr. Robert P. Barrett
Mr. Raymond Carroll
Mr. Kevin G. Conlon
Richard R. Tortora, Esq.
Principal’s Club
Mr. Pasquale D’Orsi
Christian R. Zimmer, DDS
Michael Ryan ’77
Managing Director, UBS Wealth Management
Century Club
Mr. Randall A. Byrne
Mr. James K. Crook
Mr. Antonio Delgado
Mr. Anthony J. DiMasso
Mr. James M. Dulko
Mr. Neal Dunatov
Mr. James P. Farrell
Mr. Ronald Fiore
Mr. William H. Girard III
Mr. Peter Goetz
Mr. Anthony F. Guidice
Mr. Joseph Iorio
Mr. Dominick Lopez
John G. Martin, Esq.
Mr. Richard H. Smith
Joseph J. Tock, Esq.
Mr. Dominick J. Totino
Mr. Stephen Wegmann
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. John J. Cifarelli
Mr. Douglas J. Hall
Mr. Paul Heyer
Mr. Robert J. Lee
Mr. John J. McEnerney
Mr. Richard A. Raggo
Class of 1978
Amount: $4,785
Members: 270
Donors: 28
Participation: 10.3 %
Knight’s Circle
Century Club
Century Club
Mr. Joseph J. Bradley
Mr. Arthur A. Candido
Mr. Robert Dixon
Mr. William L. Facciola
Mr. Joseph P. Ferri, Jr.
Mr. Bruno R. Fiore
Mr. Stephen King
Mr. Joseph A. LoBono
Mr. James R. Manfre
Mr. Peter J. Neary
Mr. Carl R. Pate
Mr. Paul Potenza
Mr. Thomas M. Rooney
Mr. Francisco P. Segarra
Mr. Joseph Sparacio
Mr. Christopher Waldron
Monsignor Steven J. Aguggia
Mr. Robert C. Greene
Mr. Eugene G. McCarthy
Mr. Patrick M. Sclafani
Mr. Robert J. Uhl
Mr. Thomas J. Weigl
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Peter D. Bernaschina
Mr. Paul F. Bugoni
Mr. William J. Farrell
Mr. Michael P. Manning
Mr. Ronald Occhiogrosso
Mr. George H. Sarmiento
Class of 1980
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. James Agostisi
Mr. John J. Geelan
Gavin D. McElroy, Esq.
Mr. Scott K. Neibel
Joseph M. Pokorny, PE
Mr. Philip Pursino
Dr. Albert J. Robichaud
Amount: $25,727
Members: 279
Donors: 22
Participation: 7.9%
Class of 1979
Gold Circle
Amount: $3,465
Members: 294
Donors: 16
Participation: 5.5 %
Silver Circle
Andre Society
Sponsor’s Club
Dr. Mark A. Capodanno
Mr. Gerald B. Corrigan
Mr. John J. Dispensa
Mr. Brian K. Hyland
Mr. Brian G. Jamison
Mr. John P. Jastrzembski
Class of 1981
Amount: $6,450
Members: 308
Donors: 13
Participation: 6.8%
Gold Circle
Paul M. Aguggia, Esq.
Mr. Thomas J. Girard
Knight’s Circle
Mr. Thomas E. Ehrhardt
Lawrence A. Pasini Esq.
Principal’s Club
Mr. Francis W. Korzekwinski
Mr. Pasquale A. Bavaro
Mr. Richard G. O’Rourke
Capt. James C. Quinn
Knight’s Circle
Mr. Christopher DeMarco
Mr. Allen D. Gillis
Kevin J. Kiley, Esq.
Silver Circle
Mr. Daniel C. Barr
Lance Club
Principal’s Club
Lance Club
Mr. Richard Maffia
Mr. Donald J. McLoughlin
Mr. John A. Corvi
Mr. Christian P. Covington
Mr. Michael M. Winslow
Principal’s Club
Century Club
Mr. John A. Titone
Mr. Denis C. Callinan
Mr. Frank T. Florio
Mr. Mark J. Marcucci
Mr. James D. Ninivaggi
Mr. Patrick J. O’Neill
Mr. William A. Purschke
Mr. Stephen J. Tulley
Mr. Leonard G. Wolfring
Century Club
Mr. Martin J. Bartow
Dr. Miguel A. Casanas, DDS
Mr. Joseph P. Farrell
Mr. Richard M. Martinez
Mr. Brian E. McGovern
Mr. Christopher J. Moore
Sponsor’s Club
Joseph C. DaProcida, Esq.
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Class of 1982
Principal’s Club
Amount: $6,475
Members: 313
Donors: 25
Participation: 8%
Century Club
Gold Circle
Mr. Christopher L. Sparro
Lance Club
Mr. Richard J. Scauri
Mr. Raymond F. Wrobleski
Principal’s Club
Mr. Noel P. Coppinger
Mr. Martin G. Glennon
Mr. Peter S. Manzi
Century Club
Mr. Michael J. Bartow
Mr. Michael J. Benzmiller
Mr. John P. Burgess
Mr. John D. Gaffney
Mr. Richard A. Gaydos II
Mr. Paul A. Mongelluzzo
Mr. Patrick T. O’Brien
Mr. Gerard C. Roche
Mr. Joseph S. Sblendorio
Mr. John C. Sanchez
Mr. John Andriano
Mr. Richard P. Banks
Mr. Alonzo C. Campillo
Dr. Gary Sgroi
Mr. George Zbravos
Class of 1985
Lance Club
Amount: $6,345
Members: 301
Donors: 19
Participation: 6.3%
Amount: $4,855
Members: 265
Donors: 14
Participation: 5.3%
Principal’s Club
Gold Circle
Gold Circle
Mr. Thomas J. Donovan, Jr.
Mr. Vincent J. Paladino
Principal’s Club
Silver Circle
Mr. Kenneth J. Tokar, Sr.
Dr. Fokion Avgerinos, DC
Mr. Charles G. Merritt
Century Club
Mr. Thomas B. Courtney
James M. Conboy, CPA
Silver Circle
Mr. Christopher G. Cahill
Green & Gold Club
Class of 1986
Class of 1984
Mr. Joseph V. Bavaro
Mr. Peter C. Fitzgerald
Mr. Jose M. Graziano
Mr. Liuio R. Jurman
Mr. Joseph C. Marden
Mr. Timothy McCabe
Mr. Antonio Polito
Mr. James W. Sorge
Mr. John A. Zullo
Andre Society
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Glenn T. O’Brien
Mr. John E. Smith
Mr. Joseph Albanese
David A. Capodanno, CPA
Mr. Darryl W. Wisher
Sponsor’s Club
Knight’s Circle
Amount: $19,150
Members: 285
Donors: 13
Participation: 4.5%
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Peter M. Dolan
Mr. Robert C. Fabio
Mr. James M. Klein
Dr. John P. McAtamney
Mr. John P. Murray
Joseph J. Perrini, Esq.
Mr. Ralph J. Pugliese, Jr.
Mr. Charles T. Weber
Mr. Sean F. Wrynn
Sponsor’s Club
Class of 1983
Mr. Chris M. Laudando
Mr. Gerard Rocco
Mr. Joseph Weisenauer
Lance Club
Alexander Fitzpatrick, Esq.
Century Club
Mr. Jerome D’Antone
Mr. Vincent F. Farrell
Mr. Michael J. Baxter, Jr.
Mr. Joseph J. Buonocore, Jr
Mr. Stephen P. Cartolano
Mr. Thomas J. Ciotti
Mr. Guido M. DiRe
Mr. Robert Kittelberger
Mr. Thomas J. Koster
Mr. Michael Manfredonia
John S. Moore, PE
Mr. Paul Revelant
Amount: $28,115
Members: 269
Donors: 18
Participation: 6.7%
Moreau Society
Nonna’s Garden Foundation
Mr. Terence C. Coppinger
Mr. Kenneth J. Fiore
Mr. John P. Giraldo
Century Club
Mr. John C. Colvin
Mr. Richard C. Farley
Mr. Thomas J. Moore
Mr. Dennis A. Occhino
Mr. Christopher J. Prochner
Mr. Paul J. Rogers
Mr. Kevin J. Taylor
Stephen P. Tuffy, CPA
Mr. Nicholas J. Vagra
Mr. Kevin D. Ward
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Robert G. Canale
Yiannis Limcaoco
Katsogridakis, MD
Mr. William R. McEldowney
Mr. Ralph B. Perricelli
“I treasure my Holy Cross experience and its influence
on my personal development. Living in the Holy Cross
community, and more recently as the parent of a
Sophomore, I have witnessed not only the continued
development of Holy Cross Men but the significant
contributions Holy Cross makes to strengthen its ties
to the community, through walkathons, service
projects and the work done with children at St. Mary’s
Hospital. Our continued collective support enables
Holy Cross to continue this mission.”
Paul G. Laurenzano ’87 P’16
Partner - KPMG
Mr. Richard Merz
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Class of 1987
“As an alumnus of Holy Cross I understand the need and
benefit of a proper education. While I was a student at
Holy Cross I was taught many valuable lessons which I find
important in my life as an adult to this day. Holy Cross High
School means more to me than just a place for education.
It is a place where students learn the traditions of becoming
outstanding men of their communities and beyond. It is in
these traditions which I hold so important that I find it my
privilege to donate to Holy Cross High School.”
Amount: $1,860
Members: 278
Donors: 12
Participation: 4.3%
Knight’s Circle
Mr. Paul G. Laurenzano
Century Club
Mr. Egidio G. Cafarelli
Mr. Thomas G. Cercena
Mr. Brian A. Killen
Mr. Lewis R. Klein
Mr. Shane F. Patilla
Prof. Victor Ricciardi
Mr. Marcos Siega
Sponsor’s Club
James Merritt ’88
Project Manager, Merritt Engineering
Mr. Gerard E. Fiocca
Mr. Luigi Forino
Mr. Brian M. O’Keefe
Mr. Gerard J. Sansobrino
Mr. Anthony Siega
Mr. Anthony B. Tesoriero, Jr.
Mr. Alberto S. Tirrito
Class of 1990
Lance Club
Amount: $6,445
Members: 252
Donors: 11
Participation: 4.4%
Century Club
Sponsor’s Club
Gold Circle
Mr. Paul B. Fitzpatrick
Mr. Stan Zuzic
Mr. Douglas P. Madden
Mr. Dennis P. McGowan
Mr. Mario Patrissi
Mr. Christopher M. Sanso
Mr. Michael S. Thomas
Dr. Brian M. Wraith
Class of 1989
Silver Circle
Sponsor’s Club
Vincent J. Calcagno, CPA
Mr. Christopher A. Ronacher
Knight’s Circle
Gold Circle
Amount: $1,950
Members: 285
Donors: 11
Participation: 3.8%
Mr. James M. Merritt
Mr. Anthony E. Nitti
Lance Club
Mr. James Brosi
Mr. Teddy H. Chin
Mr. Guy A. Maltese
Mr. Gary C. Tesi
Class of 1988
Amount: $13,974
Members: 261
Donors: 19
Participation: 7.3%
Knight’s Circle
Mr. Joseph A. Pasqua
Mr. Thomas J. Fennell
Mr. Paul M. McVeety
Mr. Steven P. Pasquale
Principal’s Club
Green & Gold Club
Century Club
Mr. Frank A. Farella
Patrick D. Geraghty, Esq.
Mr. Michael McCarthy
Peter M. Carrozzo, Esq.
Mr. Claudio M. Chappell
Mr. Matthew S. Geraghty
Mr. John J. Knesich
Mr. Michael Marano
Mr. Frank L. Marchesini
John T. Powers, Jr., Esq.
Mr. Anthony C. Skoros
Century Club
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Philip W. Cardaci
Mr. Raymond E. Collett
Mr. Barry S. Fecci
Mr. Jeremy B. Santiago
Lance Club
Joseph C. Moran, MD
Principal’s Club
Mr. James J. Boyle
Mr. Christopher L. Squeri
Moreau Society
Andre Society
Diamond Circle
Gold Circle
Silver Circle
Knight’s Circle
Jr. President’s Society*
$10,000 – 24,999
$5,000 – 9,999
$2,500 – 4,999
$1,500 – 2,499
$1,000 – 1,499
Green and Gold Club
Lance Club
Principal’s Club
Century Club
Sponsor’s Club
$750 – 999
$500 – 749
$300 – 499
$100 – 299
$1 – 99
*Graduates from the classes of 2003-2013 qualify for the
Jr. President’s Society with a gift of $500 or more.
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Top ten classes
Class of 1991
Amount: $800
Members: 222
Donors: 11
Participation: 4.9%
Century Club
Mr. Giovanni M. Aguirre
Mr. Craig B. Geraghty
Mr. William Parra
Mr. Bernard R. Quigley
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Patrick F. Clermont
Mr. Ronald Lai
Mr. Joseph Licari
Mr. Joseph Meglio
Theodore W. Ucinski, Esq.
Class of 1992
Amount: $3,460
Members: 227
Donors: 16
Participation: 7.1%
Knight’s Circle
Mr. Matthew Lohan
Mark A. Mongelluzzo, Esq.
Century Club
Mr. Michael E. Clifford
Mr. Brian J. Doyle
Mr. Mark A. Mazzara
Mr. Timothy Powers
Mr. Richard V. Schneider, Jr.
Mr. Jose B. Torres
Mr. John Triolo
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Phillip Boncy
Mr. Jonathan Bonett
Mr. William Donovan
Mr. Robert Dziekonski
Mr. Thomas McNamara
Raymond M. Moran, PE
Class of 1993
Amount: $1,325
Members: 248
Donors: 8
Participation: 3.2%
Green & Gold Club
Mr. Robert V. Miraglia
Century Club
Mr. Damiano Imperatore
Mr. Felix G. Laforest
Mr. Peter A. Palumbo
Mr. Mark Randazzo
Lance Club
Class of 1994
Class of 1996
Amount: $535
Members: 202
Donors: 5
Participation: 2.5%
Amount: $550
Members: 204
Donors: 6
Participation: 2.9%
Century Club
Century Club
Mr. Rene A. Benito
Mr. Paul Brower
Mr. Joseph Caracciolo
Mr. Robert Forstner
Mr. Spiros Maliagros
Class of 1995
Amount: $275
Members: 196
Donors: 3
Participation: 1.5%
Century Club
Mr. John Lomangino
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Jerry S. Lettieri
Mr. Jay Thomas
Mr. Loyaan Egal
Mr. Brendan F. Cassar
Mr. William Dersch
Mr. Kevin Kirrane
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Thomas Dowd, Jr.
Mr. Jason Meier
Mr. Ryan Nevins
Class of 1997
Amount: $480
Members: 195
Donors: 4
Participation: 2.1%
Principal’s Club
Mr. Nicholas P. Brady
Century Club
Mr. Nicholas Devastey
“I support Holy Cross because I believe firmly in the
Mission and I want to do my part to ensure that a Holy
Cross education remains accessible to middle class families
in Queens and beyond, now and in the future. The world
needs more Holy Cross men and it is the responsibility of
all alumni to contribute what we can each and every year.
A gift to Cross is a gift of a Catholic education rooted
in the tenets of our faith and the example of Blessed
Fr. Moreau. It is a great investment and one I intend to
continue to make.”
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Marc A. Cesaire
Mr. Kenneth Norman
Class of 1998
Amount: $50
Members: 217
Donors: 1
Participation: 0.4%
Sponsor’s Club
Mark Mongelluzzo ’92
Mr. Nicholas Scigliano
Director of Development – Xavier High School, NY
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Class of 1999
“I have always felt the desire to give to Holy Cross because of
the great experience I had during my time in high school.
My four years at Holy Cross were a rewarding experience that
allowed me to develop my interests and learn from many
amazing faculty members. By donating back to the school, I
know that I am helping to continue the Holy Cross tradition
and giving the students today an opportunity to have that
same great experience.”
Amount: $1,175
Members: 205
Donors: 5
Participation: 2.4%
Lance Club
Mr. Theodore A. Neos
Century Club
Steven Yorio ’00
Mr. Matthew Borella
Mr. Anthony Cardone
Mr. Patrick T. Harmon
Mr. Michael Simulescu
Associate, Global Coverage BNP Paribas
Class of 2000
Amount: $1,975
Members: 200
Donors: 10
Participation: 5%
Class of 2002
Amount: $270
Members: 199
Donors: 4
Participation: 2.2%
Century Club
Sponsor’s Club
Century Club
Mr. Joseph Mare
Mr. Keith P. Smith
Mr. Matthew A. Tanon
Mr. John E. Paugh, Jr.
Class of 2005
Amount: $2,030
Members: 226
Donors: 8
Participation: 3.5%
Green & Gold Club
Mr. Frank Antonelli
Mr. Kevin P. O’Neill
Mr. Anthony W. Paratore
Mr. Steven A. Yorio
Sponsor’s Club
Century Club
Mr. Joseph D’Amato
Mr. Winston Forgenie, Jr.
Mr. Michael R. Rappold
Class of 2003
Mr. John P. Bolan
Mr. Eric Bentley
Mr. Antonio Causi
Mr. Vincent J. D’Amato, Jr.
Mr. Matthew Rivera
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Christopher Belich
Mr. Michael Hoffer
Amount: $150
Members: 184
Donors: 3
Participation: 1.6%
Class of 2001
Century Club
Amount: $500
Members: 227
Donors: 5
Participation: 3.1%
Sponsor’s Club
Century Club
Class of 2004
Mr. Christopher J.
Mr. Michael G. Dominianni
Mr. Timothy W. Fung
Mr. Thomas J. McGrail, Jr.
Amount: $175
Members: 209
Donors: 4
Participation: 1.9%
Principal’s Club
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Christopher Anastasio
Mr. Danny Anastasis
Mr. Adam Dilluvio
Mr. Eric C. Johnson
Mr. Raymond G. Muccio
Mr. Nicholas J. Paratore
Class of 2006
Amount: $1,295
Members: 214
Donors: 9
Participation: 4.2%
Lance Club
Mr. Keith J. Caparelli
Principal’s Club
Mr. Renan J. Mazorra
Sponsor’s Club
Century Club
Mr. Bryan C. Oates
Mr. Joseph M. Matelsky
Mr. John J. D’Amico
Mr. Xavier B. deAnfrasio
Mr. John W. Jamieson
Mr. Matthew L. Santeufemia
Mr. Matthew T. Viviano
Mr. Matthew P. Waters
Class of 2007
Silver Circle
Mr. Russell G. Oates
Mr. Joseph Calabrese
Mr. Andrew V. Cruz
Sponsor’s Club
Amount: $120
Members: 234
Donors: 4
Participation: 1.7%
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Kyle J. Cassidy
Mr. Brian C. Murphy
Mr. Joseph F. Reilly
Mr. Jordanis Triantafilidis
Class of 2008
Amount: $2,115
Members: 216
Donors: 5
Participation: 2.3%
Silver Circle
Mr. James M. Benesh
Century Club
Mr. Daniel P. Maher Jr.
Mr. Sean J. O’Shaughnessy
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Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Brian R. Campbell
Mr. Andrew H. C. Lai
Class of 2009
Amount: $115
Members: 233
Donors: 3
Participation: 1.3%
Class of 2012
Amount: $260
Members: 201
Donors: 5
Participation: 2.5%
Century Club
Mr. Nicholas A. LaForgia
Mr. Timothy H. LaVelle
Sponsor’s Club
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Julian D. Herrera
Mr. Derek Lamacchia
Mr. Brian J. Mansfield
Mr. Justin Garcia
Mr. Matthew V. Klimavicius
Mr. Robert R. Lago
Class of 2010
Class of 2013
Amount: $285
Members: 203
Donors: 7
Participation: 3.45%
Amount: $305
Members: 211
Donors: 15
Participation: 7.1%
Century Club
Century Club
Mr. Anthony G. Hotzoglou
Mr. Thomas J. Gillen
Sponsor’s Club
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Timothy R. Doyle
Mr. Daniel A. Gonzalez
Mr. James L. Hilsdorf
Mr. John J. Petinos
Mr. Matthew Pontillo
Mr. Armand R. Tognan
Mr. Frank A. Barongi
Mr. Juan J. Borges
Mr. Matthew O. Burke
Mr. James A. Callahan
Mr. Anthony J. DiPasquale
Mr. Christopher D. Eliades
Mr. Nicholas M. Gross
Mr. Michael A. Mendez
Mr. Joseph A. Moledo
Class of 2011
Amount: $165
Members: 214
Donors: 5
Participation: 2.3%
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Kevin V. Campbell
Mr. Liam P. Cassidy
Mr. Robert B. Hilsdorf
Mr. William S. Hilsdorf
Mr. Arthur J. Sonnick IV
Mr. Austin R. Nieves
Mr. Brian T. Schade
Mr. Nicholas J. Sforza
Mr. Kevin P. Walsh Jr.
Mr. Nicholas J. Zito
Class of 2015
Class of 2014
Class of 2016
Lance Club
Century Club
Mr. Joseph R. Gross
Mr. Barry Simmons
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Sean E. Price
All Time
Class Gift
“Holy Cross High School not only provides a strong
foundation of traditional secondary education, but also
instills the good morals and values all fine men should
embody. These are just a few reasons why I choose to
regularly give my support to the mission of Holy Cross.
As Benjamin Franklin once said, ’An investment in
knowledge pays the best interest.’”
John P. Bolan ’05
Music Director & Organist, The Parish of Divine Mercy
Brooklyn, New York
Owner, J. Bolan Landscape Designs
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Parent Donors
Listed by Class of son’s
graduation. Parents with
more than one son enrolled
at Holy Cross will be listed
under multiple grade levels.
Class of 2013
Principal’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Gillen
Century Club
Mr. and Mrs. George C.
Ms. Elizabeth Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick A.
Mr. and Mrs. Demetris C.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Gunn
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Gurino
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L.
Mr. and Mrs. John LaRocca
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Antonios N.
Mr. Anthony M. Mastronardi
Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Mortimer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Saeed Osman
Mr. and Mrs. John Pellegrini
Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Pierre
Mr. and Mrs. Teodulo Polanco
Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Reichert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Romano
Mr. and Mrs. James Schade
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schwien
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Sersheb
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sforza
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy S. Yao
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Agnello
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ammirati
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Banzon
Mr. and Mrs. Mario U. Bogota
Mr. Kevin J. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick DiConza
Ms. JeanMarie Dunne
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Eccles
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Fraracci
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Frucht
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Garvey
Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Gaudesi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Gianakos
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lattanzio
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Lentino
Mr. and Mrs. George Leung
Mr. and Mrs. Alvaro D. Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Maer
Mr. Joseph C. Marden
Mrs. Lorraine McGrath
Mr. William E. McMahon
Mr. Milton A. Moreno
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ostuni
Rev. Fr. and Mrs. Paul P. Panos
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Picarelllo
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Randazzzo
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Rush
Ms. Antoinette Smikle
Mr. Stephen Tesoriero
Mr. Kostas Theodosopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Zito
Mr. John A. Zullo
Class of 2014
Gold Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J.
Green & Gold Club
Mrs. Barbara Amarantinis
Lance Club
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Colgan
Ms. Lori DeStefano
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Persad
Mr. and Mrs. Garret Thorsen
Dr. and Mrs. Alberto D. Urena
Principal’s Club
Ms. Deborah DaGiau
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew DeJunco
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Higgins
Mrs. Maureen Hilsdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Yiannis
Mr. and Mrs. Jose M. Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Tarek Moussa
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Neil
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Niapas
Mr. Dennis A. Occhino
Mr. and Mrs. Carmine L. Sanzo
Ms. Pierrette Senat-Jean
Mr. and Mrs. George Tsatsaronis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Van Rossem
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Zagosky
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Almeida
Mr. Phillip Boncy
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bowe
Ms. Katherine Cetta
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Chamorro
Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Codio
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Dadolos
Mr. Gerard Devan
Ms. Susan DiBartolomeo
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Firrincieli
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Hinners
Mrs. Anne Infantino
Mr. Liuio R. Jurman
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Katsihtis
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel A. Lago
Mr. and Mrs. Derick Leung
Ms. Lisa Martelli-Bacarella
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Munna
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Noriega
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Russello
Mr. and Mrs. Fermin Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Seibert
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond P. Staokes
Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Traina
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Vendittelli
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Wick
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wong
Class of 2015
Century Club
Silver Circle
Ms. Zinovia Abatzis
Mr. Richard M. Aureli
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Bonelli
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cacchioli
Mr. Carl F. Mattone
Knight’s Circle
Mr. and Mrs. and Scott Hicok
Principal’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Cadigan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark San Antonio
Century Club
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard E. Andersen
Mr. and Mrs. Fathi Bahabishi
Ms. Olia Barnaby
Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Beaman
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Benanti
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Chow
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Colainni
Mr. and Mrs. Demetris C. Eliades
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Falco
Mr. and Mrs. Marco A. Fiallos
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Fu-Hsin Fong
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Glynn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K.
Mr. Chris M. Laudando
Mrs. Melissa Leuthner
Ms. Jean-Philippe Ludney
Mr. James R. Manfre
Mr. Dominick J. Totino
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Van Rossem
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wise
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Amato
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ambrosino
Ms. Anna Aprea
Mr. and Mrs. Anwar A. Asgar
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Belviso
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Brown
Ms. Edma Collado
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C.
Mr. David DiBona
Mr. and Mrs. Nikolaos Efkarpidis
Mr. and Mrs. Winston S. Gibson
Mr. Sellus A. Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos P. Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Renos A. Kyriacou
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lopano
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Luckey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Maddaloni, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Marchini
Mr. and Mrs. James F. McCaul
Mr. William E. McMahon
Ms. Yohanni Medina
Ms. Michele Mirro
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murro
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Ms. Tracey Perri
Mr. and Mrs. Jose E. Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Raffi S. Saladin
Ms. Barbara Schnarr-Campos
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic W. Schuler
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R.
Mr. Kostas Theodosopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh
Class of 2016
“Many years ago at a parent orientation meeting,
Mr. G shared a story about a student who referred
to Holy Cross as his "home away from home."
That sentiment pretty much nails it. Ask any grad
or current student and you're likely to hear the
same heartfelt description of this special high school.
We will forever be grateful to the dedicated teachers
and staff at Holy Cross who helped shape our son into the young man he is
today— equally committed to his studies and to the service of others.”
Knight’s Circle
Vincent and Sally Sasso
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G.
Alumni Parents
Principal’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C.
Century Club
Capt. James C. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Vitrano
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Griffin
Mrs. Maureen Hilsdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Katsihtis
Ms. Caterina Leonardo
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Machalek
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Tiberi
Alumni Parents
Benefactor’s Society
Knight’s Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Marc H. Albanese
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas T.
Ms. Bernadina M. Petruzzini
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Sasso
Mr. and Mrs. James Taheny
Ms. Patricia Zaccone
Lance Club
Mr. Anthony E. Galati and
Dr. Deborah Dilello
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M.
Mattone, Sr.
Vincent F. Nicolosi, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Occhipinti
Mrs. Rosemarie Pergolizzi
Ms. Maureen E. Mitchell
Principal’s Club
Andre Society
Honorable and Mrs. Michael J.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Affatato
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Prospero F. Benavides
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gompers
Mr. and Mrs. Vaclovas M.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Liarda
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Livingston
Mr. Frank Marando
Mr. and Mrs. Mark San Antonio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Scagnelli
Mr. Kenneth J. Tokar, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Zipf
Diamond Circle
Mrs. Theresa Mullan
Gold Circle
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Banks, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Renan A. Mazorra
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vlakancic
Silver Circle
Ms. Patricia Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Castaldi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Della
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Orlich
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pilotti
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tyburczy
Century Club
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Abony
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alessandro
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Arduini
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Arfsten
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Bentley
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Blaine
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Boudiette
Mr. and Mrs. William Carabba
Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Cardone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casal
Dr. Miguel A. Casanas, DDS
Ms. Jennifer Chase
Mr. Francis Connolly-Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Costanza
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D’Amato, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dimino
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick A.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dowd, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ehrhardt
Mrs. Lorraine Esposito
Mr. Edward M. Finegan
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Pueng Fung
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giusto
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Glynn
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Grasso
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guidal
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Gurino
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall E. Harris
Mrs. Maureen Hilsdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hotzoglou
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Dario Knesich
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowpak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. LaFForgia
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamacchi
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh P. LaVelle
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Ligotti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lipinski
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Lisante
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lo Castro, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lorenz
Ms. Diane Macari
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mare
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCann
Mrs. Patricia A. McEnerney
Mr. and Mrs. Winfield E. McGue
Mrs. Marion Mezzetti
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mohr
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Denis P. Mullaney
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John Pavon
Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Ramirez
Mr. Michael T. Ridge
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Ryan
Ms. Gertrude Schweiger
Mr. and Mrs. Carmelo Scifo
Mr. and Mrs. James Scigliano
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Seeley
Ms. Pierrette Senat-Jean
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Sershen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sheehan
Mrs. Gail Sicoli
Ms. Marguerite Sipp
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory
Stephanoff, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Terence M. Tarpey
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick J. Totino
Mrs. Fran Tsimoyianis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Van Rossem
Dr. and Mrs. John Vernaleo
Mr. and Mrs. William Vitale
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wise
HC_annual 2013_rd4_Layout 1 11/22/13 11:51 AM Page 22
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Wolring
Mrs. Lorraine Yorio
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zick
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Abruzzo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Agosta
Ms. Janet Alloggiamento-Caraisco
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anastasio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Andeerson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beirne
Mr. Mark R. Boccia
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolan
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bordenca
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brosi
Ms. Maria Bruno
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Campbell
Mrs. Denise Capobianco
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Cecco
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Chamorro
Mr. and Mrs. Hayk Chorekchyan
Ms. Sandra Chu-A-Kong
Mrs. Gloria Colozzi
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Como
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Craig
Mr. Bernard Cretaro
Mr. Clyde Crosdale
Mr. and Mrs. Efrain Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Filippo Cucchiara
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Dominique
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dersch
Mr. and Mrs. Romilnor Destra
Mrs. Dorothy Dettling
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Devan
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Dilluvio
Mr. and Mrs. Tony DiRe
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Donahue
Ms. Maureen Dukeman
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Dunham
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Economou
Mr. and Mrs. Nikolaos Efkarpidis
Dr. Sylvia Egal
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Etienne
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferri
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Fey
Ms. Loretta Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flanagan
Mrs. Lucia Florio
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Formato
Mr. and Mrs. Jose M. Formoso
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gaal
Mr. and Mrs. Winston S. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. James Gilmartin
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Grskovic
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guzzardo
Mr. Philip Harloff
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Zaheed Hoosein
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Ince
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jurkovic
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kiley, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kuhnle
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel A. Lago
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lai
Mrs. Veronica LaScala
Mr. and Mrs. Jose A. Lazo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lempert
Mr. and Mrs. Ernani Lirag
Mr. and Mrs. Domenico F.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lombardo
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lopano
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lydon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Maddaloni, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Manatrizio
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Marden
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Marzano
Mrs. Maria R. Massa
Ms. Brigitte McCloskey
Mrs. Lorraine McGrath
Mrs. Rita McKitty
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McMahon
Mr. Donald E. McShea
Ms. Yohanni Medina
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mione
Ms. Michele Mirro
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Mongelli
Mr. and Mrs. Alvaro E. Mora
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mougis
Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Neggie
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Nella, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neuman, Sr.
Mr. Joseph T. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Richard O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald B. Odle
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Sean J. O’Sullivan
Dr. and Mrs. John Pagano
Mr. and Mrs. Vassilios
Mr. and Mrs. Ndoc Pepa
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peranio
Mr. and Mrs. Narad Persaud
Ms. Lisa Petruzzo
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Mrs. Marie C. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Picarello
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pontillo
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Prassakos
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Pula
Mr. and Mrs. William Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Randazzo
Mr. and Mrs. James Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rennie
Ms. Sonia Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Romney
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Santillo
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Santiis
Mr. Salvatore Saputo
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Savino
Mr. Richard W. Schneider
Ms. Michele Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Anant K. Shenoy
Ms. Denise Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bozidar Strk
Ms. Noreen P. Super
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Tegnazian
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Tiberi
Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Tognan
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Tursi
Mrs. Giovanna Tutino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Viviano
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Xelas
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Young
Midas Management Associates
Miller Systems
Ridgewood Savings Bank
St. Thomas Aquinas College
Andre Society
Principal’s Club
Ms. Loreen McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Neggie
Mr. Anthony J. Biancaniello
George J. Messner Trust
Clifford Baumann, CPA,’64
Holy Cross Fathers’ Club
Holy Cross Women’s Guild
Mr. Robert Scheer
And Friends of Paul Pope
Diamond Circle
Arrow Electronics, Inc.
Dornbush Schaeffer Strongin &
Venaglia, LLP
New York Community Bank
Nuzzi, Lowth, Wilson & Leibowitz
Gold Circle
Mrs. Carol Cook
Energized Realty Group, LLC
Mr. Ram P. Gupta
Silver Circle
Ms. Patricia Burns
Flushing Savings Bank
Mr. Thomas P. Groarke
Knight’s Circle
and Staff
Bourbon Street
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hickey
Main Street Radiology
St. John’s University
Silver Circle
Green & Gold Club
Mr. Joseph M. Giannuzzi ’65
Investors Bank
Lance Club
Lance Club
Father Walter E. Jenkins,
C.S.C., Ed.D.
James Sheehan D.Min.
Andrew Glass Mortgage
Brokerage, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Brancato
Mr. Michael D. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Coleman
Coratolo & Carrieri Associates,
Engineers Country Club
Mr. Sean C. Farley
Mr. and Mrs. Renato Fazzi
Mr. George Haralampoudis
Mr. Daniel Healy
Helms Brothers Inc., Mercedes Benz
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E.Markowitz
Century Club
Mr. Albert J. Forte
Mr. and Mrs. David Fox
Mrs. Gail Sicoli
Mr. Ronald Vallar
Sponsor’s Club
Ms. Suzanne Abruzzo
Mr. Brian Batzer
Brother Ralph Edmiston, C.S.C.
Astoria Federal Savings
Bayside Little League
Brooke Inspections
Brookside Environmental
Mr. James Cartelli
Donovan’s Grill & Tavern
Five Star Network Solutions, Inc.
GFE Consultants
Hi Rise Engineering
IAQ Technologies
In Good Company Hospitality
King’s College
Lane Capital Partners College
Point LLC
Lewis & Murphy Realty, Inc.
Michael Lynch, Esq.
Mr. Kevin J. Mullen
St. Andrew Avellino Parish
TD Bank
The Fitness Loft
Tony Roma’s
Mr. Gerard Tully
Century Club
Allied Pediatrics of NY, PLLC
Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Andriola
Bamontes Restaurant Corp.
Father Michael A. Carrano
Cement & Concrete Workers
Local 20
Christie & Co. Salon & Spa
Mr. Joseph J. Ciofalo
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cooke
Mrs. Noreen Crummy
Cullen and Dykman LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cullinan
Ms. Celeste J. Cuozzo
Mr. William D. Damato
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Davis
Derive Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dorman
Mr. Joseph G. Dourigan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ehrhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Farelli
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Gedda
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Genova
Ms. Claire Geyelin-Meyerhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Giamona
Gleason Funeral Home
Groothuis & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Giacomo Hadjibay
Harpell Chemists
Ms. Gayle Iandoli
Inter Capital Resources
J P Morgan Chase
Jim Longo, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy
Kevin O’Hara Soccer Camp, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krische
Mr. John Leonti
Mr. Wayne Lipman
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Little
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Terence E. Malone
Marco Book Co.
Marino Brothers/Ottati Foods
Mr. Pete Martin
Maspeth Federal Savings
Mr. Philip McBride
Ms. Faye D. Mclaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. George McTague
Ms. Mary Mendoni
Merritt Engineering
Consultants, P.C.
Ms. Florence Milito
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Mohan
Morton’s. The Steakhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mullineaux
Ms. Annie F. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Muphy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murtha
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Nabatian
Mr. Rob Nelson
New Era Cap
New York Giants
New York Jets Community
New York Nets
Nor-Cross Service Station
Mr. Edward M. O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. O’Connor
P.C. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paprocky
Mr. Henrik Patel
Pergolis Swartz Associates Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pugh
Mr. James F. Quinn
Mr. Edward Richter and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Roeder
Romano Paving & Contracting
Ms. Amy Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Savarese
Sisters of the Order of St. Dominic
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt D. Sprotte
St. Kevin Parish
St. Leo Parish
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St. Mel’s School
St. Rose of Lima Church CYO
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Tigh
Tipp Floor Covering, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trabold
TTS Business Products
Vallo Transportation
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Velsor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright
Sponsor’s Club
ABC Studios - TV1
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Amper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arabian
Ms. Martha Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Brendel
Brooklyn Cyclones
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Ms. Alice M. Carola
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Caturano
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Cave
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cawley
Ms. Kathryn Colleary
Ms. Susan M. Colleary
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Compton
Ms. Lauren Concannon
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic D’Argenzio
Ms. Veronica D’Angelo
Ms. Michelle Dickerson
Mr. and Mrs. Luigi DiMarco
Mr. Peter M. Dolan
Mr. Daniel Dorrian
Ms. Mary J. Downing OTR
Ms. Eleanor Ducey
Ms. Kathleen Ducey
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Elliot
Ms. Shirley Elmore
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Farley
Ms. Mary Ford and
Ms. Linda Tracz
Mr. William J. Fowler III
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Gil
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gilroy
Mr. John R. Goldman
Ms. Kathleen Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gulli
Ms. Barbara Hamill
Ms. Amy S. Hinder-Lovane
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Katz
Ms. Alison E. Lawlor
Mr. and Mrs. R. Leger
Maggie May’s Restaurant
Ms. Beatrice Mangine
Martha Clara Vineyards
Ms. Elizabeth Matthews Molier
Ms. Joan Matzel
James J. Messina
Monahan & Fitzgerald Restaurant
Ms. Eileen R. Morse
My Tribute Gift Foundation, Inc.
New York Yankees
Mrs. Marylou Norman-King
Ms. Patricia Oettinger
Osprey’s Dominion Vineyards
Our Lady of Victory Home School
Mr. and Mrs. John Padula
Ms. Molly Padula
Ms. Barbara Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Phyfe
Pindar Vineyards
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Pisacano
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Plotzky
Ms. Kathleen M. Posa
Press 195
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle C. Quinn
Ms. Maria T. Regan
Rockaway Jet Ski
Ms. Barbara Ann Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Heli Rodriguez
Ms. Linda Schwartzman
Ms. Markella Sirris
Ms. Anne Stanton
Sunshine Club of HCHS
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Temkin
Mr. Christos Tsouratakis and
Ms. Sarah Swammy
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Turner
Ms. Amy E. Vanden Boogart
Ms. Livia Vittiglio
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Wesoly
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Wittenberg
Matching Gifts
Amerada Hess Corporation
Arch Insurance
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Assured Guaranty Corporation
Bank of America
Brinks Incorporated
Brookfield Financial Properties
Capital One
Ecolab Incorporated
GE Foundation
General Mills
Goldman, Sachs & Company
IBM Corporation
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Nelnet Matching Gift Program
New York Life Foundation
Office Depot
Penguin Group (USA), Inc.
The Andrew Mellon Foundation
Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz,
Edelman & Dicker, LLP
HC_annual 2013_rd4_Layout 1 11/22/13 11:51 AM Page 25
Gifts to the Annual Fund and Capital Giving between
September 1, 2012 and August 31, 2013.
Mr. Ken Auer ’64
Mr. Matthew Brian Giannuzzi
Mr. Michael Morris ’63
Mrs. Albina Rodas
Mr. Eamon Tubridy ’85
Honor and
Mr. William Kelly ’64
Mr. Laurence P. Koester ’64
Mr. Robert D. Lorenz ’64
Mr. William F. Mahoney ’65
Mr. Pete Martin
Mr. John Montefusco ’64
Russell F. Moran, Esq. ’64
Mr. William J. O’Sullivan ’64
Mr. Robert A. Piazza ’67
Mr. John P. Raftery ’64
Mr. Richard A. Raggio ’65
Mr. Dominic S. Valente ’64
Lance Club
Mr. Paul M. Falabella ’64
Carmen L. Flamino, CFP ’60
Mr. Frank J. Lynch ’64
Mr. Thomas J. Ponosuk ’64
Mr. Ronald J. Zucker ’64
Principal’s Club
Mr. Michael P. Phelan ’65
Century Club
Mr. Joseph T. Bartolini ’64
Mr. John Bonistalli ’67
Mr. William Brown ’65
Mr. Thomas C. Burke ’65
Mr. Joseph J. Ciofalo
Capt. George D. Emmons ’64
Mr. Joseph W. Farrell ’64
Mr. Edmund J. Giordano ’65
Mr. Walter Halloran ’64
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Brian R. Campbell ’08
Mr. Kevin V. Campbell ’11
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Campbell
In Memory of
Michael D. Mullan ’85
Sponsor’s Club
Lance Club
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Cave
Ms. Shirtley Elmore
Ms. Barbara Ann Rodgerts
Mr. John D. Zasloff ’76
Mrs. Theresa Mullan
In Honor of
Michael Genovese
Silver Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Gedda
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Little
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murtha
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. James Tully
Lance Club
Principal’s Club
Mr. Paul J. Reilly ’75
Mr. Renan J. Mazorra ’06
Century Club
Century Club
Mr. Brian A. Killen ’87
Mr. and Mrs. Remy A. Rodas
Mrs. Noreen Crummy
Mr. Wayne Lipman
Sponsor’s Club
Sponsor’s Club
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cawley
Ms. Kathryn Colleary
Ms. Eleanor Ducey
Ms. Kathleen Ducey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliot
Ms. Barbara Hamill
Mr. and Mrs. R. Leger
Ms. Joan Matzel
Mr. and Mrs. Brtian McMahon
Mr. James Messina
Ms. Patricia Oettinger
Mr. and Mrs. John Padula
Ms. Molly Padula
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Phyfe
Mr. Kevin M. Byrnes ’74
Joseph C. DaProcida, Esq. ’81
Mr. Kenneth Norman ’97
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Amper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arabian
Ms. Susan M. Colleary
Ms. Lauren Concannon
Ms. Veronica D’Angelo
Ms. Susan DiBartolomeo
Ms. Michelle Dickerson
Mr. and Mrs. Luigi DiMarco
Mr. Daniel Dorrian
Ms. Mary J. Downing OTR
Ms. Mary Ford
Ms. Amy S. Hinder-Lovane
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Katz
Ms. Alison E. Lawlor
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Patrick Nash ’62
Mr. Robert Griffin
Mr. Frank Orzo ’64
Mr. George C. Thorsen ’64
For Ms. Mona Kossein and
Ms. Cheryl Miller
In Memory of
Sean McDonough ’02
In Memory of
Mrs. Theda G. Elmore
In Memory of Ken Auer ’64
Knight’s Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Plotzky
Mr. Henry T. Sarnataro
Ms. Linda Schwartzman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Temkin
My Tribute Gift Foundation
In Memory of
Thomas J. Donovan, Jr. ’84
Century Club
In Honor of Thomas and
Margaret Groarke
Lance Club
Mr. Thomas P. Groarke
In Memory of
Nicholas W. Rappold ’07
Mr. Michael R. Rappold ’05
HC_annual 2013_rd4_Layout 1 11/22/13 11:51 AM Page 26
Ms. Beatrice Mangine
Ms. Elizabeth Matthews Molier
Ms. Barbara Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R.
Ms. Kathleen M. Posa
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Prassakos
Ms. Maria T. Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Heli Rodriguez
Mr. Anthony Scarnati ’72
Ms. Markella Sirris
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Turner
Ms. Livia Vittiglio
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Wittenberg
In Memory of
Hildegarde Richter
In Memory of
Mr. Eamon T. Tubridy ’85
Silver Circle
Eamon Tubridy Foundation
Lance Club
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Mr. Sean C. Farley
Mr. Thomas J. Girard ’80
Mr. George Haralampoudis
Mr. Richard Merz ’83
Principal’s Club
Century Club
Mr. Thomas J. Fennell ’89
Mr. Kevin J. Mullen
South Queens Boys & Girls Club
Mr. Edward Richter and
Century Club
In Memory of
Mrs. Sally Tarpey
Century Club
Mr. and Mrs. Terence M.
Tarpey ’59
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shea ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Philip P.
Mr. Stephen P. Cartolano ’85
Mr. John C. Colvin ’86
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dorman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Farelli
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Genova
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Giamona
Mr. John P. Giraldo ’86
Mr. Robert C. Greene ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Giacomo Hadjibay
Ms. Gayle Iandoli
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Joyce
Kevin O’hara Soccer Camp, LLC
Mr. Thomas J. Koster ’85
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krische
Mr. James P. Malone ’70
Mr. Michael Manfredonia ’85
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Mohan
Mr. John S. Moore, PE ’85
Mr. Thomas J. Moore ’86
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mullineaux
Ms. Annie F. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Nabatian
Mr. Peter J. Neary ’78
Mr. Edward M. O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. O’Connnor
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paprocky
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pugh
Mr. Gerard C. Roche ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Roeder
Ms. Amy Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Savarese
Mr. Patrick M. Sclafani ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt D. Sprotte
St. Rose of Lima Church CYO
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Tigh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trabold
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Velsor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright
Sponsor’s Club
Ms. Martha Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Brenel
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Compton
Mr. and Mrs. Domenic
Mr. Joseph M. Giannuzzi ’65
Ms. Kathleen Gorman
Dr. John P. McAtamney ’84
Mr. Ralph B. Perricelli ’86
Mr. Philip Pursino ’78
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle C. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Wesoly
In Honor of
Mr. Kenneth A. Warren ’71
Century Club
Mr. Stephen Kelly ’71
In Memory of
Mr. Anthony V. Washington ’08
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. Brian R. Campbell ’08
In Memory of
David Woods ’89
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gulli
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The Matthew Brian
Giannuzzi Endowment
In Memory of
Matthew Brian Giannuzzi
Diamond Circle
The Thomas Brick
In Memory of
Thomas Brick ’91
Mr. Michael D. Sapraicone ’74
Century Club
Silver Circle
Gold Circle
Mr. Daniel DeVoe ’66
Mr. Joseph M. Giannuzzi ’65
The Raymond J. Cook
In Memory of
Raymond J. Cook ’61
Green & Gold Club
Andre Society
Mr. Anthony J. Biancaniello
Silver Circle
Mrs. Carol Cook
Century Club
Mr. John T. Powers ’61
The Gino DeMarco
Memorial Scholarship
In Memory of
Gino DeMarco ’78
Century Club
Ms. Clair Geyelin-Meyerhoff
The Brother John
Donoghue, C.S.C.
Scholarship Endowment
In Memory of Brother
John Donoghue, C.S.C.
Diamond Circle
The Rudin Foundation, Inc.
Century Club
Mr. John T. Powers ’61
The Frank Galizia
Scholarship Endowment
In Honor of Frank Galizia
Knight’s Circle
Holy Cross Fathers’ Club
Mr. Paul J. Reilly ’75
Lance Club
Matthew Brian Giannuzzi
Basketball Tournament
Mr. Carl F. Mattone ’77
Two Brothers Memorial Fund, Inc.
Principal’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Donato
Mr. William J. Fowler III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Mr. Joseph C. Marden ’82
Ms. Loreen McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Neggie
Mr. Dennis A. Occhino ’86
Mr. Richard W. Schneider ’64
Holy Cross High School
Sunshine Club
Ms. Amy E. Vanden Boogart
The Brother Stephen
LaMendola C.S.C. Moreau
In Honor of Brother Stephen
LaMendola, C.S.C. ’67
Gold Circle
Mr. Ram Gupta
Lance Club
Mr. Frank T. Chiarello ’72
Mr. Christopher G. Cahill ’83
Century Club
Kenneth J. Ayers, CPA, CFP ’74
Mr. Thomas J. Fennell ’89
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Gillen
Mr. Thomas J. Gillen ’13
Mr. Richard Guidal ’73
Mr. Barry K. Gunderson ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Higgins
Mrs. Maureen Hilsdorf
Dr. Timothy F. Lisante ’74
Mr. James P. Malone ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Terence E. Malone
Mr. Philip McBride
Ms. Mary Mendoni
Mr. Sean J. O’Shaughnessy ’08
Mr. Christopher L. Squeri ’90
Mr. Martin Stein ’74
Mr. Terence M. Tarpey ’59
In Memory of Santo Barbarino
Mr. Ronald Vallar ’62
Sponsor’s Club
Ms. Suzanne Abruzzo
Mr. Brian Batzer
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Calderone
Mr. and Mrs. Hercules
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
C. Curcio
Principal’s Club
Michael Lynch, Esq.
The Michael Mitchell
Memorial Scholarship
In Memory of
Mike Mitchell
Moreau Society
Ms. Maureen E. Mitchell
The Pergolizzi
Scholarship Endowment
In Memory of
Michael Pergolizzi ’77
Century Club
Mrs. Rosemarie Pergolizzi
The Paul Pope Scholarship
In Memory of Paul Pope
The Eugene Taheny
Scholarship Endowment
In Memory of
Eugene Taheny ’88
Knight’s Circle
Mr. and Mrs. James Taheny
Century Club
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Dario Knesich
Mr. John J. Knesich ’89
Mr. and Mrs. George McTague
The Sergio Villanueva
In Memory of
Sergio Villanueva ’86
Century Club
Mr. Christopher L. Squeri ’90
The Peter Vlakancic
Scholarship Endowment
In Memory of
Peter Vlakancic ’88
Gold Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vlakancic
Women’s Guild Endowment
In Memory of
Mrs. Mary T. Sasso
Century Club
Ms. Celeste J. Cuozzo
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Davis
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Caturano
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Farley
Mrs. Marylou Norman-King
Our Lady of Victory Home School
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Sasso
Ms. Anne Stanton
Andre Society
The David Woods
Scholarship Endowment
Mr. Robert Scheer
And Friends of Paul Pope
Century Club
Mr. Christopher L. Squeri ’90
HC_annual 2013_rd4_Layout 1 11/22/13 11:51 AM Page 28
Capital Gifts
to Plant
Andre Society
George J. Messner Trust
Clifford Baumann, CPA ’64
Diamond Circle
Mr. James M. Conboy, CPA ’83
Mrs. Theresa Mullan
Silver Circle
Ms. Patricia Burns
Knight’s Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Kallinikos
Mr. William F. Quinn ’65
Lance Club
Mr. Keith J. Caparelli ’06
Father John F. Carney ’63
Mr. John A. Corvi ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Renato Fazzi
Mr. R. S. Flieger ’73
Mr. Joseph R. Gross 2014
Father Walter E. Jenkins, C.S.C.
Dr. Philip W. Marin, MD ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Renan A. Mazorra
Mr. William J. McDermott ’68
Mr. Philip J. Orlando, CFA
Principal’s Club
Mrs. Susan Dillon
Century Club
Mr. John Adamovich, Jr. ’71
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Banks, Sr.
Mr. Edmond R. Bannon, Esq. ’76
Mr. Daniel C. Barr ’79
Mr. Pasquale A. Bavaro ’81
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Benanti
Mr. and Mrs. Prospero F.
Mr. Peter Bonventre ’63
Mr. Matthew Borella ’99
Mr. Christopher P. Boylan ’73
Mr. Donald R. Boyle ’60
Mr. Joseph J. Bradley ’78
Chief George F. Brown ’64
Mr. Randall A. Byrne ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Cadigan
Mr. Christopher G. Cahill ’83
Mr. Arthur A. Candido ’78
Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Cardone
Charitable Flex Fund
On behalf of
Paul Laurenzano ’87
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Colgan
Mr. John J. Collins ’68
Mr. James K. Crook ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D’Amato, Sr.
Mr. Peter G. Danias Esq. ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Della
Michael S. DiLillo, CPA ’72
Mr. James Donaghy ’68
Mr. Pasquale D’Orsi ’77
Mr. Kevin Duffy ’66
Mr. Neal Dunatov ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Demetris C. Eliades
Mr. and Mrs. Marco A. Fiallos
Carmen L. Flamino, CFP ’60
Mr. John E. Gallagher ’76
Prof. Ralph A. Giannotti, Ph.D. ’59
Mr. Charles J. Giglio ’73
Mr. Dennis Gillooly ’69
Mr. George T. Groom ’69
Mr. Timothy J. Hurley ’66
Mr. John F. Kelly ’72
Mr. Stephen Kelly ’71
Kevin J. Kiley, Esq. ’78
Mr. Chris M. Laudando ’84
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Ligotti
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Livingston
Mr. Joseph A. LoBono ’78
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Maher
Mr. Daniel P. Maher Jr. ’08
Mr. Michael Manfredonia ’85
William F. McCartin, Esq. ’69
Mrs. Gema McLoughlin
Mr. Robert D. McNamara ’59
Mr. Paul M. McVeety ’88
Mr. James M. Merritt ’88
Mr. Richard Merz ’83
Mr. Richard J. O’Donnell ’74
Mr. Robert F. Orlich ’65
Mr. William M. Paladini ’70
Dr. Vincent Parnell ’67
Lawrence A. Pasini Esq. ’80
Mr. Mario Patrissi ’90
John R. Peterson, Esq. ’65
Ms. Bernadina M. Petruzzini
Mr. Lawrence Pitilli ’65
Mr. Michael T. Ridge
Mr. William F. Roche ’59
Dominic J. Romeo, Ph.D. ’60
Dr. Gary Sgroi ’83
Mr. Barry Simmons ’16
Mr. Martin Stein ’74
Mr. John E. Stevens, CPA ’59
Mr. John J. Stiklickas ’69
Mr. Richard R. Sullivan ’59
Mr. Alberto S. Tirrito ’88
Mr. Edward Tyburczy
Mr. Randolph J. Vineis ’66
Mr. and Mrs. William Vitale
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Warner
Mr. Stephen Wegmann ’77
Mr. Edward J. Weille, Jr. ’60
Mr. Joseph F. West ’63
Mr. Leslie Wilton ’63
Mr. Michael M. Winslow ’80
Mr. Raymond F. Wrobleski ’82
Ms. Patricia Zaccone
Mr. Peter J. Zipf, PE ’75
Sponsor’s Club
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Arfsten
Mr. Andrew Giusto ’75
Mr. Joseph E. Graziadei ’63
Mr. Laurence P. Koester ’64
Mr. Paul Lobosco ’76
Mr. Patrick J. Lydon ’72
Mr. Robert T. Sadowski ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Serras
Mr. Robert F. Slama ’68
Mr. William Wittmann ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zick
HC_annual 2013_rd4_Layout 1 11/22/13 11:51 AM Page 29
Academy of the Holy Cross, Inc.
Archbishop Hoban High School
Bayside Little League
Bishop McNamara High School
Broadway-Flushing Chapter of
Brothers of Holy Cross,
Flushing, NY
Catholic Business Network
Con Edison
Congregation of Holy Cross
Moreau Province
Congregation of Holy Cross,
US Province
Congregazione di Sana Croce
Gonzaga College High School
Gilmour Academy
Holy Cross Church
Holy Cross Fathers’ Club
Holy Cross High School,
San Antonio, TX
Holy Cross Sunshine Club
JC Security Systems
Moreau Catholic High School
Notre Dame High School,
West Haven, CT
Saint Mary’s College
Sisco and Benuti Family Jewels
S.L. Seminary
St. Columba Catholic Church
St. Edward’s High School
St. Edward’s University
St. Francis High School
St. Ignatius Martyr School
St. Michael’s Catholic Academy
Stonehill College
TTS Business Products
Wyoming Valley West High
Ms. Suzanne Abruzzo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Agnello
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Amato
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ammirati
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Mr. James W. Ashley
Ms. Darlene Baron
Mr. Daniel Bartolomeo ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Loenard Battaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Begonja
Mr. and Mrs. Prospero F. Benavides
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Botero
Mr. Donald R. Boyle ’60
Mrs. Nora K. Brandon
Mr. Daniel Buyse ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Caballero
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Cacchioli
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Cadigan
Mr. Denis C. Callinan ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Chow
Mr. and Mrs. Hercules
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Colgan
Dr. Dennis George Colie ’59
James M. Conboy, CPA ’83
Mr. Russel A. Considine ’68
Mr. Roger J. Consolla ’61
Mr. Tim Corrigan
Mr. Gregg J. Courand
Mr. Jeremiah Cronin ’62
Mr. Andrew V. Cruz ’03
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. D’alelio
Mr. Robert J. Davis ’78
Mr. John M. DeMaggio ’71
Mrs. Helene DeMaria
Mr. Gerard Devan ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Tony DiRe
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doepfner
Robert A. Dormer, Esq. ’63
Mr. John A. Douglas ’61
Mr. Eugene J. Doyle ’59
Brian R. Dyer P.E. ’67
Kevin D. Dyer, P.E. ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Demetris C. Eliades
Father James E. Fenstermaker,
C.S.C. ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Firrincieli
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E.
Mr. Liam M. Fitzpatrick ’14
Sr. Margaret Mary Fitzpatrick,
SC, Ed.D
Dr. Larry A. Frankini ’84
Anthony M. Frasca, MD ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot A. Friedman
Mr. Charles H. Funk ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Kallinikos Georgiadis
Mr. Joseph M. Giannuzzi ’65
Ms. Dorothy Gill
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Gillen
Mr. William H. Girard III ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. Graff
Ms Lisa Grande
Ms. Monico Gribaudo
Mr. Nicholas Grosch
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Gunn
Ms. Samantha Hall
Mr. Daniel Healy
Ms. Althea Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Herzog
Mr. Ralph E. Johnson ’64
Mr. Liuio R. Jurman ’82
Mr. Edward J. Kane
Brother James Kane, C.S.C.
Ms. Katharine Kane
Mrs. Catherine Kenny
Ms. Joanna C. Kjellman
Mr. and Mrs. Renos A. Kyriacou
Mrs. Dana LaSpisa
Mr. Paul G. Laurenzano ’87
Ms. Doris LeClaire
Mr. Michael P. Leto ’14
Mr. and Mrs. Manny Loizos
Ms. D. Machalek
Mr. Douglas P. Madden ’90
Louis Maiorino, CM CGFM ’63
Mr. John C. McAvoy ’62
James B. McCarthy, Ph.D. ’64
Ms. Loreen McCarthy
Ms. Ann C. McClung
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J.
Mr. Robert McMahon ’13
Mr. Anthony C. Miraglia ’66
Mr. Daniel M. Mirro
Mr. Matthew C. Mirro ’10
Ms. Michele Mirro
Ms. Maureen E. Mitchell
Mr. Barry Moore
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Morabito
Mr. Nicholas J. Morabito
William A. Neilson, Esq.’65
Mr. Brian A. Nolan ’62
Mr. Patrick O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ostuni
Mrs. Palmeri
Mr. Nicholas V. Papayannoulis ’09
Mr. and Mrs. John Pellegrini
Ms. Viviana Perez
Mrs. Lisa M. Petri
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pieszala
Ms. Mary Pollini
John T. Powers, Jr., Esq. ’89
Mr. David A. Radcliffe ’14
Mr. Richard A. Raggo ’77
Mr. Jonathan P. Reid ’99
Mr. Robert M. Reid, Sr.
Mr. Eugene B. Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Russello
Mr. Robert T. Sadowski ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Santagato
Mr. Michael D. Sapraicone ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Sasso
Mr. William F. Savino ’76
Mr. and Mrs. William Schilleci
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schmitt
Mr. Nicholas J. Sforza ’13
Mr. James Skiba ’73
Mr. Arthur J. Sonnick IV ’11
Mr. Christopher L. Squeri ’90
Mr. Thomas E. Sullivan ’69
Mr. Marco Svagna ’76
Mr. Terence M. Tarpey ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Garret Thorsen
Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Trevino
Brother David Turmel, C.S.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Alberto D. Urena
Ms. Debra A. Van Elslander
Ms. Mary Ann Van Elslander
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vicital
Mr. Christopher Waldron ’78
Mr. Robert Wellner ’67
Mr. John K. Wheelen
Mr. and Mrs. John White
Mrs. Janene White-Plaza
Mr. Taylor Wilkerson
Mr. James P. Wise ’15
Ms. Patricia Zaccone
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Zagorsky
Mr. Stan Zuzic ’90
HC_annual 2013_rd4_Layout 1 11/22/13 11:52 AM Page 30
The Holy Cross Community would like to thank the
following individuals, businesses and foundations that
supported Institutional Advancement Office special events
from September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013.
Gold Circle
Mr. Eugene A. Petracca, Jr. ’71
Queens Garden Florist
Mr. John M. Sheahan ’59
Mr. Joseph Walz
Energized Realty Group, LLC
Main Street Radiology
Robert J. Nobile Esq. ’70
Mr. Michael P. Ryan ’77
Sponsor’s Club
Silver Circle
Mr. Robert Scheer
Lance Club
Dr. Fokion Avgerinos, DC ’84
Mr. Steven E. Burns ’91
Ferrari Driving School
Mr. Daniel Healy
Helms Brothers Inc.,
Mercedes Benz
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E.
Miller Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Sasso
Hall of Fame
Arrow Electronics, Inc.
Dornbush Schaeffer Strongin &
Venaglia, LLP
Mr. Paul J. Reilly ’75
Peter Venaglia, Esq. ’77
Baschnagel Brothers
Mr. John P. Monahan ’65
Century Club
B & M Auto Repair
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R.
Clearview Tire and Auto
Mr. Jack A. Gaeta ’90
Dr. Charles Lombardi
Mr. Frank Marando
Mr. Joseph Nemeth
Nor-Cross Service Station
Dennis O’Sullivan, Esq.
Green Parchment
Silver Page
Mr. Michael A. Casciato ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Castaldi
Mr. Kevin Clarke ’69
Congregation of Holy Cross
Moreau Province
Mrs. Carol Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Della Vecchia
Mr. William J. Burke, Sr. ’61
Mrs. Colleen M. Donovan
Mr. Thomas J. Girard ’80
Dennis C. Golden, Ed.D. ’59
Mr. Francis W. Korzekwinski ’80
Lawrence A. Pasini Esq. ’80
Rogers and Taylor Appraisers, Inc.
St. John’s University
St. Thomas Aquinas College
Mr. and Mrs. James Tully
The Flieger Family
Mr. Charles G. Merritt ’84
Harpell Chemists
Mr. Carl Mattone ’77
The Mattone Group
Navin Brother Food Service
New York Community Bank
Paladino Printing
Lawrence A. Pasini, Esq. ’80
Principal’s Club
Mr. Daniel C. Barr ’79
Dornbush Schaeffer Strongin &
Venaglia, LLP
Flushing Savings Bank
Mr. Daniel J. Hannon ’73
Frank P. Le Veness, Ph.D. ’59
Mr. Eugene A. Petracca, Jr.
Mr. Paul J. Reilly ’75
Mr. Peter Venaglia Esq. ’71
Dennis C. Golden, Ed.D. ’59
Holy Cross Board of Directors
Ms. Helen Fritz Hornbake
Mr. Gerald S. Hobbs
Mr. Joseph C. Marinello ’59
Lt. Col. Ronald Mattana,
Mr. Carl F. Mattone ’77
Mr. Robert D. McNamara ’59
Mrs. Theresa Mullan
Navin Brothers Food Service
New York Community Bank
Mr. James J. O’Connor ’59
Mr. Vincent J. Paladino ’85
Lawrence A. Pasini Esq. ’80
Mr. William G. Poppe, Jr. ’60
Mr. Paul J. Reilly ’75
Mr. William F. Roche ’59
Mr. Charles J. Schaudel, Jr. ’59
Mr. James C. Shea ’59
Mr. John M. Sheahan ’59
Mr. Terence M. Tarpey ’59
Mr. Joseph Grimaldi ’69
Mullen Advertising
Mr. Thomas J. Girard ’80
Mr. Joseph M. Grimaldi ’69
RADM Kenneth P. Manning ’59
Robert J. Nobile Esq. ’70
Beige Parchment
Gold Page
Mr. Thomas Keenan ’67
Mr. Michael D. Sapraicone ’74
Squad Security, Inc.
Mr. Bob Wellner ’67
Caufield Wealth Management
Mr. Frank T. Chiarello ’72
Mr. John M. Delany ’59
John M. Desiderio, Esq. ’59
Mr. Charles Doberstein
Mr. James L. Foley ’59
Bronze Page
Mr. Thomas J. Donovan, Jr. ’84
Mr. John A. Gentile, Jr. ’60
Mr. William J. Keckeisen ’61
HC_annual 2013_rd4_Layout 1 11/22/13 11:52 AM Page 31
Main Street Radiology
Lawrence A. Pasini Esq. ’80
Mr. Michael D. Sapraicone ’74
Full Page
Mr. John Adamovich, Jr. ’71
Arrow Electronics, Inc.
Mr. John Asselta ’69
Astoria Federal Savings
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Banks, Sr.
Bayside Little League
Brother Jonathan Beebe, C.S.C.
Rev. Msgr. Donald T. Bennett ’59
Bourbon Street
Mr. Eugene J. Doyle ’59
John F. Duane, Esq. ’71
Ferrari Driving School
Mr. R. Scott Flieger ’73
Forest Labs
Msgr. Michael J. Hardiman
Holy Cross Fathers’ Club
Holy Cross High School
Holy Cross Women’s Guild
Mr. Patrick D. Keneally ’60
Kevin J. Kiley, Esq. ’78
King’s College
Robert A. Klein, MD ’69
Mr. Francis W. Korzekwinski ’80
Lewis & Murphy Realty, Inc.
Mr. Richard Maffia ’78
Mr. Joseph C. Marden ’82
Mr. Charles G. Merritt ’84
Mr. James M. Merritt ’88
My 3 Sons Vending
Vincent F. Nicolosi, Esq.
Mr. Vincent J. Paladino ’85
Lawrence A. Pasini Esq. ’80
Eric Pilotti, Esq. ’74
Mr. James J. Raftery ’59
Mrs. Georgiana Reese-Benatti
Mr. Robert W. Reichenbach, Jr. ’72
Ridgewood Savings Bank
Mr. James C. Shea ’59
Mr. Steven Sokolich ’76
St. Andrew Avellino Parish
St. Mary’s Healthcare System
for Children
Mr. Martin Stein ’74
TD Bank
The Mary Louis Academy
Mr. Gerard Tully
Mr. Edward J. Weille, Jr. ’60
Mr. John P. Wynne, Jr. ’61
Christian R. Zimmer, DDS ’77
One-Half Page
Blum, Shapiro & Co. PC
Brother Edward Boyer, C.S.C.
Father Michael A. Carrano
Mr. Michael A. Casciato ’74
Gleason Funeral Home
Mr. Thomas Keenan ’67
Mr. Donald Manning ’69
Maspeth Federal Savings
Mrs. Theresa Mullan
Our Lady of the Blessed
Sacrament Parish
Pergolis Swartz Associates
Ms. Pearl Polifka
Romano Paving & Contracting
Mr. and Mrs. Carmine L. Sanzo
Sisters of the Order of
St. Dominic
Mr. Richard A. Speciale ’59
St. Agnes High School
St. Joan of Arc Parish
Mr. Terence M. Tarpey ’59
Tipp Floor Covering, Inc.
Joseph J. Tock, Esq. ’77
Vallo Transportation
Mr. Robert Wellner ’67
One-Quarter Page
Golf Classic
Bamontes Restaurant Corp.
Mr. Pasquale A. Bavaro ’81
Blue Ribbon Travel
Church of St. Helen
Mr. Richard E. Delbango ’72
Fleetwood Sales
Jim Longo, Inc
Joseph D. Masheck, Ph.D. ’59
Mrs. Patricia A. McEnerney
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miltenberg
St. Andrew Avellino Alumni
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
St. Josaphat’s Parish
St. Kevin Parish
St. Mel’s School
TTS Business Products
Business Card
Monsignor Steven J. Aguggia ’79
Christie & Co. Salon & Spa
Mr. Gerard Fogarty
Ms. Clara Freiss
Harpell Chemists
Hoffman, Wachtell, & Rao LLP
Knight Marketing Corporation
of New York
Mr. Frank Marando
Marco Book Co.
Marino Brothers/Ottati Foods
John T. Powers, Jr., Esq. ’89
Mr. Stephen Preuss
John A. Ruisi, MD ’74
Mr. and Mrs. James Scigliano
Mrs. Gail Sicoli
St. Leo Parish
Virgadamo Family Trust
Benefactor Sponsor
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Castaldi
Mr. Thomas J. Donovan, Jr. ’84
Mr. Charles G. Merritt ’84
Prize Sponsor
Paul M. Aguggia, Esq. ’81
Robert J. Nobile Esq. ’70
Lead Sponsor
Flushing Savings Bank
Investors Bank
Mr. Thomas Keenan ’67
Mr. Francis W. Korzekwinski ’80
Main Street Radiology
Mr. Robert V. Miraglia ’93
New York Community Bank
Mr. Robert Wellner ’67
Event Sponsor
Andrew Glass Mortgage
Brokerage, Inc.
Mr. Michael D. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Coleman
Mr. Thomas B. Courtney ’84
Mr. R. S. Flieger ’73
Mr. Thomas J. Girard ’80
Helms Brothers Inc.,
Mercedes Benz
Mr. Thomas C. Malone ’72
Mr. Philip McAndrews ’76
Mr. Donald J. McLoughlin ’70
Midas Management Associates
Mr. S. B. Murolo
My 3 Sons Vending
Green and Gold
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Affatato
Approved Oil Company
Bourbon Street
Brooke Inspections
Brookside Environmental
Mr. Denis E. Burke ’61
Mr. John P. Cleary ’64
Five Star Network Solutions, Inc.
GFE Consultants
Mr. Joseph M. Giannuzzi ’65
Hi Rise Engineering
IAQ Technologies
In Good Company Hospitality
Mr. Carl F. Mattone ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Renan A. Mazorra
HC_annual 2013_rd4_Layout 1 11/22/13 11:52 AM Page 32
Mr. James V. McGurren ’76
Dr. Thomas J. Murray, DDS ’59
Mr. Philip J. Orlando, CFA ’76
Ridgewood Savings Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Mark San Antonio
Tony Roma’s
Knight’s Sponsor
Cement & Concrete Workers
Local 20
Cullen and Dykman LLP
Derive Technologies
Mr. Vincent F. Farrell ’84
Sr. Margaret Mary Fitzpatrick, SC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hickey
Inter Capital Resources
J P Morgan Chase
Jaspan Schlesinger
Kevin J. Kiley, Esq. ’78
Lane Capital Partners College
Point, LLC
Merritt Engineering Consultants,
Modell’s Sporting Goods
New Era Capital
Vincent F. Nicolosi, Esq.
Mr. Vincent J. Paladino ’85
Mr. William A. Purschke ’80
Auction, Raffle
ABC Studios - TV1
Mrs. Barbara Amarantinis
Mr. James M. Benesh ’08
Ben’s Restaurant Group, Inc.
Brooklyn Cyclones
Mr. Thomas R. Brown ’59
Mr. John R. Buran
Mr. Denis E. Burke ’61
Mr. Egidio G. Cafarelli ’87
Mr. Raymond Carroll ’77
Mr. James Cartelli
Chelsea Piers Management, Inc.
James M. Conboy, CPA ’83
Coratolo & Carrieri Associates,
Mr. Thomas B. Courtney ’84
Ms. Lori DeStefano
Mr. Thomas J. Donovan, Jr. ’84
Donovan’s Grill & Tavern
Mr. Richard J. Duggan ’62
Brother Ralph Edmiston, C.S.C.
Empire State Building Observatory
Engineers Country Club
Neil M. Filomena, CLU
CHFC ’71
Mr. Kenneth J. Fiore ’86
Mr. Matthew S. Geraghty ’89
Mr. Russell Gompers
Hammock Beach Resort
Mr. Michael P. Hebron ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hickey
Jedediah Hawkins Inn
Kevin J. Kiley, Esq. ’78
Mr. and Mrs. Vaclovas M.
Mr. John Leonti
Mr. Marc S. Levine
Louie’s Oyster Bar & Grille
Maggie May’s Restaurant
Mr. Thomas C. Malone ’72
Mr. Frank L. Marchesini ’89
Martha Clara Vineyards
Mr. Scott E. Masterson ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J.
Modell’s Sporting Goods
Monahan & Fitzgerald Restaurant
Morton’s. The Steakhouse
Mrs. Debra Nelson-Hicok
New York Giants
New York Jets Community
New York Nets
New York Yankees
North Shore Country Club
Nuzzi, Lowth, Wilson & Leibowitz
Osprey’s Dominion Vineyards
P.C. Richards
Mr. Vincent J. Paladino ’85
Pindar Vineyards
Mr. William G. Poppe, Jr. ’60
Press 195
Queens College Kupferberg
Center for Performing Arts
Rockaway Jet Ski
Mr. Michael D. Sapraicone ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Sasso
Mr. William G. Schaeffer ’69
Mr. Marcos Siega ’87
Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Silva
Mr. Arthur J. Sonnick IV ’11
St. John’s University
Staten Island Yankees
TD Bank
The Fitness Loft
The Hampton Classic
Tilles Center for the
Performing Arts
Mr. Kenneth J. Tokar, Sr. ’85
Mr. Dominick J. Totino ’77
US Tennis Open
Mr. Robert Weber ’72
Mr. Mark Zaino
Ms. Zinovia Abatzis
Mr. Joseph Alessandro
Mrs. Barbara Amarantinis
Mr. Daniel J. Ammirati ’13
Mrs. Dina Antonucci
Mr. Lorenz Arfsten
Mrs. Adriane Barongi
Mr. Frank A. Barongi ’13
Mr. Lawrence J. Bentley ’69
Mrs. Patricia Brodersen
Mr. Matthew O. Burke ’13
Mr. William J. Burke, Sr. ’61
Mr. Thomas J. Colgan
Mr. Thomas B. Courtney ’84
Mr. Stephen J. DeDalto ’76
Mr. Richard E. Delbango ’72
Mr. Joseph R. DeMarco ’14
Ms. Lori DeStefano
Mr. Jeffrey Diaz ’13
Mrs. Karen DiGiacamo
Mr. Anthony J. DiPasquale ’13
Ms. Kristina DiRe
Mrs. Philomenia DiRe
Mr. John A. Douglas ’61
Mrs. Debbie Dunham
Sir Paul F. Eggert, PGK ’74
Mrs. Patricia Eggert
Mrs. Margaret Eliades
Mrs. Pauline Ellis
Mr. Ed Fitzgerald
Mrs. Edna Fitzgerald
Mr. Michael Genovese
Mr. Craig B. Geraghty ’91
Mr. Joseph M. Giannuzzi ’65
Mrs. Brenda Glynn
Mrs. Janice Graham
Mrs. Mary Gross
Mr. Patrick Harris
Mr. Paul Iacano
Mr. Thomas Keenan ’67
Mrs. Mary Kern
Mr. James Kerr
Mr. Donald T. Kiley, Jr. ’76
Mr. Francis W. Korzekwinski ’80
Mrs. Dayna Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Loccisano
Mrs. Barbara London
Mr. Donald Manning ’69
Mr. Joseph C. Marinello ’59
Ms. Lisa Martelli-Bacarella
Mrs. Dyanne Marzano
Ms. Nicoletta Masullo
Mr. Kevin McCarthy
Brother Joseph McDonnell,
Mrs. Suzanne McDonough
Mr. Charles G. Merritt ’84
Mrs. Alba Morelli
Mr. Raymond F. Murphy ’72
Mrs. Maureen Neggie
Mrs. Renee Neil
Mrs. Debra Nelson-Hicok
Mrs. Poppy Niapas
Mrs. Loretta Occhino
Mr. Vincent J. Paladino ’85
Mr. Anthony W. Paratore ’00
Lawrence A. Pasini Esq. ’80
Mrs. Rosemarie Pergolizzi
Mrs. Jennifer Pierre
Mrs. Susan M. Portoghese
Mr. Thomas Pugh
Mr. Jack Rampulla
Mrs. Debbie Hicok
Mrs. Lorraine Rubino
Mr. Mark San Antonio
Mrs. Louise San Antonio
Mr. William G. Schaeffer ’69
Mrs. Joan Schuler
Mr. James C. Shea ’59
Mrs. Mary Socci
Mr. Arthur J. Sonnick IV ’11
Mr. George Stein ’76
Mr. Martin Stein ’74
Mr. Terence M. Tarpey ’59
Mr. Joseph Temperini
Mrs. Antonietta Tulino
Mr. Michael F. Wang ’13
Mr. Robert Wellner ’67
Mr. John Wheelen
Mrs. Janene White-Plaza
Mrs. Patricia Wise
Mr. Steven A. Yorio ’00
Mrs. Carol Zagorsky
Mr. Nicholas J. Zito ’13
In reports of this nature, some errors are inevitable. If your
name was omitted or improperly listed, please accept our
apologies. If you have detected an error please contact the
Advancement Office at (718) 886-7250 ext. 524 so we may
correct our errors.
HC_annual 2013_rd4_Layout 1 11/22/13 11:52 AM Page 33
Board of Directors
Leadership for July 2013 through June
30, 2014 which represents the fiscal year.
Mr. Eugene J. Doyle ’59, Chair
Mr. Thomas Girard ’80, Vice Chair
Managing Director/Sr. Portfolio Manager
NY Life Investment Management
Mr. Charles Funk ’60, Secretary
Charles Funk Insurance Agency
Mr. James M. Conboy ’83, Treasurer
Senior Vice President, Internal Audit
AMC Networks, Inc.
Msgr. Steven J. Aguggia ’79
St. Margaret Church
Mr. Marc H. Albanese ’76
Vice President, Technical Sales
Structure Tone, Inc.
Mrs. Shirley DellaVecchia
Director of Operations
Michael DellaVecchia & Sons, Inc.
Mr. Christopher DeMarco ’80
Managing Director
UBS Securities, LLC
Mr. Daniel Doyle ’61
Fr. James Fenstermaker, C.S.C. ’74
Holy Cross Parish, South Easton, MA
Sr. Margaret Fitzpatrick, SC, Ed.D.
President and CEO
St. Thomas Aquinas College
Mr. Brian Jamison ’80
Vice President, Fixed Income Strategies
First Empire Securities
Mr. Steven Yorio ’00
Associate, Global Coverage
BNP Paribas
Father Walter E. Jenkins, C.S.C., Ed.D.
Holy Cross High School, Flushing, NY
Ms. Patricia Zaccone
RC Diocese of Brooklyn
Dr. Patricia Kelly-Stiles
Associate Director, Center for
Catholic Schools
Fordham University
Board of Corporate Members
Mr. Carl F. Mattone ’77
The Mattone Group
Mr. Daniel Panitz ’88
Executive Vice President
Hays Ventures
Mr. Anthony W. Paratore ’00
Doctoral Fellow
St. John’s University
Lawrence Pasini, Esq. ’80
Practice Area Attorney
Cravath, Swaine & Moore, LLP
Mr. Robert A. Piazza ’67
Vice President
Equity Residential
Eric Pilotti, Esq. ’74
Emmanuelli & Pilotti, Esqs.
Mr. Richard J. Rizzuto ’74
Senior Wealth Manager
Newport Coast Securities
Brother David Turmel, C.S.C.
Provincial Steward/Chief Financial Officer
Moreau Province
© Design: Peapod Design, New Canaan, CT, Photography: Dominick Totino Photography
Brother William Zaydak, C.S.C. ’72
Provincial Superior
Moreau Province
Brother Jonathon Beebe, C.S.C.
Director of Vocations
Moreau Province
Brother Donald Blauvelt, C.S.C.
Executive Director
Holy Cross Institute, Austin, TX
Brother James Branigan, C.S.C.
Notre Dame High School, West Haven, CT
Advancement Office Staff
Dr. James Sheehan
Advancement Director
Mrs. Gail Sicoli
Associate Advancement Director
Mr. Robert DiRe ’08
Advancement Associate
Mrs. Annette Sobeck
Advancement Associate
HC_annual 2013_rd4_Layout 1 11/22/13 11:50 AM Page cov1
26-20 Francis Lewis Boulevard
Flushing, New York 11358-1197
Use envelope in centerfold to make your
contribution to the Annual Fund.
Spring Alumni Reunions
Saturday, May 3, 2014
For the Classes of ’59, ’64 (50th Reunion),
’69,’74,’79,’84, ’89 (25th Reunion), ’94
Alumni Reunion and Barbecue
Saturday June 7, 2014
For the Classes of 1999, 2004, 2009
2014 Golf Classic
Monday, June 23, 2014
Engineers Country Club &
North Shore Country Club

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