Traffic Impact Assessment - Maribyrnong City Council
Traffic Impact Assessment - Maribyrnong City Council
Traffic Impact Assessment Proposed Reception Centre Prepared For: Happy Receptions Site Address: Report Date: Inspection Date: 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 04 September 2015 1 April 2015 Prepared By: Andrija (Andrew) Zivanovic Director BEng(Hons) MTraffic Address: Zav Traffic ‘Princess Tower’ Suite 313 1 Princess Street Kew VIC 3101 Phone: Fax: 03 9853 6624 03 9853 7629 Email: [email protected] Web: ABN: 37 149 082 057 Our Reference: Z2155Report_1A © Engineered By Zav Pty Ltd T/A Zav Traffic 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS ........................................................................................ 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................. 2 ROAD NETWORK ................................................................................................ 2 SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT MODES ............................................................................... 2 PARKING CONDITIONS .......................................................................................... 3 3 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL .................................................................................. 4 4 PARKING ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................... 5 4.1 STATUTORY CAR PARKING REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................... 5 4.1.1 4.1.2 Availability of Parking in the Locality ..................................................................... 5 Availability of Sustainable Transport Modes ............................................................. 5 4.2 BICYCLE ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................... 5 4.3 REFUSE AND LOADING .......................................................................................... 6 4.3.1 4.3.2 Refuse .......................................................................................................... 6 Loading ......................................................................................................... 6 4.4 ADEQUACY OF PARKING SUPPLY ................................................................................ 7 4.5 ACCESS LAYOUT ................................................................................................ 7 4.6 CAR PARKING................................................................................................... 8 5 TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................ 9 6 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................. 10 APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C 1 INTRODUCTION This is a report to the City of Maribyrnong in relation to an application by Happy Receptions to redevelop and extend the existing building at 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham into a two-storey reception centre with associated car parking. This report provides a parking and transport assessment of the proposed development, including: existing parking conditions within the vicinity of the site the estimated parking demand of the proposed use accessibility to sustainable transport suitability of proposed car parking layout suitability of refuse and loading arrangements suitability of bicycle arrangements traffic generation of the proposed use. The report is primarily based on the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme, Australian Standards and observations performed in the vicinity of the subject site. 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 1 2 2.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENT The subject site is located on the southern side of Sunshine Road, Tottenham. One vacant multi-purpose building with associated car parking is currently located on the subject land. Vehicular access to/from the subject site is provided via two separate crossovers directly to/from Sunshine Road. Land uses are predominantly residential, shop, office and industry in the general vicinity of the subject site. The subject land is currently zoned as Industrial Zone 3 and does front a Road Zone (refer to the Planning Map in Appendix A). 2.2 ROAD NETWORK Sunshine Road in the vicinity of the subject site is a 60 km/h primary arterial road (under the control of VicRoads) that runs east-west between Geelong Road, West Footscray and Market Road, Brooklyn. East of Market Road, Sunshine Road continues as Wright Street, and then is downgraded to a major road (followed by a collector road) after Anderson Street, Sunshine. In the direct vicinity of the subject site, Sunshine Road is undivided with two traffic lanes in each direction (with permitted kerbside parking on the southern side outside peak ‘Clearway’ periods) as shown in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1: Sunshine Road in the vicinity of the subject site 2.3 SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT MODES The subject site has excellent access to the public transport network via bus and rail service. Bus Route 220 (Sunshine to City) operates along 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 2 Ashley Street approximately 500 metres north-east of the subject site. Tottenham Railway Station (on the Sunbury line) is located approximately 200 metres east of the subject site. Relevant bus and rail services in the vicinity of the subject site are pictorially identified in Figure 2.2. Subject Site Figure 2.2: Maribyrnong local area public transport map (source: 2.4 PARKING CONDITIONS The southern side of Sunshine Road in the vicinity of the subject site is restricted to ‘1P’ parking from 9:30am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday and 9:00am to 12noon on Saturday. ‘Clearway’ restrictions also apply from 6:30am to 9:30am and 4:00pm to 6:30pm Monday to Friday. A site inspection was performed by Zav Traffic between 2:30pm and 3:00pm on Wednesday 1 April 2015. The site inspection identified no vehicles parking along the southern side of Sunshine Road in the vicinity of the subject site (refer to the photos shown within Figure 2.1 above). 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 3 3 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL It is proposed to redevelop and extend the existing building at 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham into a reception centre with a maximum of 1789 patrons. The applicant has advised that 1789 patrons or multiple events would only occur infrequently. Furthermore, the maximum number of patrons would be known ahead of time in order to permit the start/end times for multiple events to be staggered by at least an hour. A total of 536 at-grade car spaces will be provided including 12 disabled bays. Vehicular access to/from the subject site will be via a widened left in/out crossover positioned towards the western site boundary and a relocated/widened left/in out crossover positioned towards the eastern site boundary. The redundant crossover will be reinstated with kerb/channel. All refuse collection will take place onsite using a private collection service. 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 4 4 4.1 PARKING ASSESSMENT STATUTORY CAR PARKING REQUIREMENTS Table 1 to Clause 52.06-5 of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme specifies the number of car spaces required according to land use. A parking rate for place of assembly is specified within Clause 52.06-5 of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme. The relevant rate is 0.3 spaces to each patron permitted (rounded down to the nearest whole number) inclusive of patron, staff and disabled parking. Application of the above place of assembly rate to the 1789 patrons proposed results in a Clause 52.06 requirement of 536 spaces for the proposed use. While not specifically a Planning Permit requirement (rather a matter for Building Permit), a total 12 car spaces will be designated as disabled exceeding the rate of one disabled bay for every 50 car parking spaces or part thereof as per the Building Code of Australia. Before a requirement for car spaces is reduced or waived (note: no waiver is sought for the proposal), the applicant must satisfy the responsible authority that the reduced provision is justified due to: the availability of parking in the locality the availability of public transport in the locality any other relevant consideration. 4.1.1 AVAILABILITY OF PARKING IN THE LOCALITY As discussed in Section 2.4 of this report, the single spot count confirmed no cars parking along the southern side of Sunshine Road in the vicinity of the subject site. While the spot count does not provide information during all proposed operating hours, it does provide an indication that car parking demands along the site frontage might not be in high demand. 4.1.2 AVAILABILITY OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT MODES As discussed in Section 2.3 of this report, the site has excellent access to the public transport system. 4.2 BICYCLE ASSESSMENT Clause 52.34 of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme specifies the number of bicycle spaces required according to land use. A bicycle parking rate for place of assembly is specified within Clause 52.34 of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme as set out in Table 4.1: 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 5 Table 4.1 – Clause 52.34 Bicycle Parking Requirement Statutory Description Proposed Use Size Statutory Rate Bicycle Parking Required Place of Assembly Place of Worhip 5000 sq m net floor area approx. 1 employee space to each 1500 sq m of net floor area 3 2 plus 1 patron space to each 1500 sq m of net floor area 5 Total 8 Accordingly a place of assembly use would be subject to a statutory requirement of eight bicycle spaces. Notwithstanding the above, 10 bicycle spaces (on flat top rails) are proposed in general accordance with the Bicycle Network Victoria Handbook (refer to Appendix B), including four staff bays within a lockable compound. It should be highlighted that shower facilities are not required as the total number of employee bicycle spaces is less than five. 4.3 REFUSE AND LOADING 4.3.1 REFUSE It is proposed to utilise a private collection service, with bins collected on the subject site during early morning periods when no events are scheduled (i.e. most of the car spaces should be vacant). The refuse vehicle can either collect bins over vacant car bays or remain within the accessway (as the proposed aisle is rather wide at 6.4 metres width). An Autotrack swept path analysis based on an AS 2890.2:2002 12.5 metre Medium Rigid Vehicle with 300mm clearance confirms access to/from the subject site in forward direction with a mountable left in/out splitter island on the westernmost crossover (refer to Appendix C). 4.3.2 LOADING Clause 52.07 of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme requires the provision of a dedicated loading bay for the manufacture, servicing, storage or sale of goods or materials. Accordingly, a place of assembly is exempt from any loading requirements. Notwithstanding the above, the vast accessways and numerous car parking spaces provide opportunity for any occasional deliveries associated with the subject use outside scheduled event periods. 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 6 4.4 ADEQUACY OF PARKING SUPPLY Car parking associated with the proposed use (i.e. a total of 536 car spaces as per Section 4.1) will be accommodated on-site in accordance with Clause 52.06 of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme. It should be highlighted that the subject site is well positioned to reduce dependence on personal motor vehicle use with nearby access to public transport (refer to Section 2.3). Accordingly the proposal is not expected to have any adverse parking impacts in the surrounding area. 4.5 ACCESS LAYOUT It should be highlighted that if an accessway serves four or more car spaces or connects to a road in a Road Zone, the accessway must be designed so that cars can exit the site in a forward direction as per Clause 52.06-8. The proposal meets the above requirement. Clause 52.06-8 requires a corner splay or area at least 50 per cent clear of visual obstructions extending at least 2 metres along the frontage road from the edge of an exit lane and 2.5 metres along the exit lane from the frontage, to provide a clear view of pedestrians on the footpath of the frontage road. The area clear of visual obstructions may include an adjacent entry or exit lane where more than one lane is provided, or adjacent landscaped areas, provided the landscaping in those areas is less than 900mm in height. The proposal meets the above requirement. Clause 52.06-8 requires the provision of a passing area at the entrance at least 5 metres wide and 7 metres long if the accessway serves ten or more car parking spaces and is either more than 50 metres long or connects to a road in a Road Zone. The proposal seeks to exceed the above requirement at both entrances, with inclusion of a left/in splitter island to prevent right turns. Relevant signage to restrict right turn movements can be provided by way condition by VicRoads on the plans for endorsement. While automatic gates are proposed to both crossovers, the applicant seeks to keep both gates open during operating hours. The applicant has advised that the first staff member of the day would open all gates upon arrival in order to allow access for other employees and refuse vehicle. A minimum six metre setback to the easternmost gate/crossover is proposed from the property boundary to allow the first staff member of the day (mentioned above) to completely store a passenger vehicle within the site upon arrival. 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 7 4.6 CAR PARKING All proposed conventional car spaces will be at least 2.6 metres wide by 4.9 metre long with an accessway exceeding 6.4 metres in accordance with Clause 52.06-8 of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme. 12 disabled bays (with associated shared zone) will be linemarked with a width of at least 2.4 metres and a length of 5.4 metres in accordance with AS/NZS 2890.6:2009. 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 8 5 TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT As the proposal seeks to provide car parking provision in direct accordance with statutory requirements (536 spaces for 1789 patrons as per Section 4.1) and arrival/departure trips for reception events would not likely occur in the same hour (refer to Section 3), it would be reasonably conservative to assume that each space will generate one vehicular trip per space during peak operating hour periods (i.e. 536 vehicular movements). It should be highlighted that the statutory car parking rate includes staff car parking (who would usually arrive/depart well before/after patrons) and the applicant has confirmed that a peak of 1789 patrons would be a rare occurrence. Therefore, it would be much more reasonable to assume that the car park will not typically exceed 70 percent occupancy of car parking spaces or 375 vehicle movements during any peak hour. As arrival/departure traffic will be restricted to left in/out (using splitter islands within the verge), a proportion of patrons will have to perform a right-turn somewhere along Sunshine Road in order to access subject site. Given the limited extent of Sunshine Road to the west (refer to Section 2.1), it is expected that the majority of arrival traffic would be from the east of the subject site. Therefore requirements for right turns on arrival would form a low percentage, and likely facilitated by right-turns into Dempster Street and back around through around to Sredna Street at the signalised intersection to Sunshine Road. On departure, it is expected that patrons seeking to travel east would first travel west in order to perform a three-point turn in a permitted location within Olympia Street, then would be able to perform a right-turn at the signalised intersection to Sunshine Road in order to continue their journey. It is expected that vehicular traffic volumes along Sunshine Road (both commercial and passenger) would be at much lower during evening departure trips. The above numbers are considered well within the capacity of the surrounding road network. Notwithstanding the above, given the sites proximity to sustainable transport modes it is considered that the above traffic generation numbers could be slightly conservative. Overall, the proposed development is not expected to have an adverse impact on the surrounding road network. 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 9 6 CONCLUSION Based on the analysis and discussions presented within this report, the following conclusions are made for the proposed reception centre at 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham: the proposed on-site vehicle spaces and associated access requirements are considered appropriate car parking demands can be accommodated on-site in direct accordance with statutory requirements the subject site is well positioned to reduce dependence on personal motor vehicle use with nearby access to public transport 10 bicycle parking spaces will be provided in excess of statutory requirements proposed refuse arrangements will occur on-site using a private collection service there is no statutory loading/unloading requirement; however, there is opportunity on-site for turnaround over vacant car spaces outside scheduled event periods additional traffic generation is considered within the capacity of the surrounding road network. Overall the proposed reception centre development is not expected to have any adverse parking or traffic impacts in the area. 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 10 APPENDIX A Planning Map 199 Sunshine Road, Tottenham 0 90 180 m. Copyright © State Government of Victoria. Service provided by Legend Disclaimer: This map is a snapshot generated from Victorian Government data. This material may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria does not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for error, loss or damage which may arise from reliance upon it. All persons accessing this information should make appropriate enquiries to assess the currency of data. Map Centre - Melways 41 D4 Map Scale 1:4,193 July 24, 2015 1:24:31 PM APPENDIX B “Staff and students are much happier with the ease of access.” Flat Top – Yo Sergeant The familiar Flat Top rail is the all-purpose rail for both public and private spaces. The Flat Top Junior is for smaller bicycles and is ideal for schools. They can be bolted to a concrete slab, concreted in-situ or attached to Bicycle Victoria’s custom ground framing. Features • • • • • Stainless steel, powder coated or galvanised finish Each rail parks two bicycles Accommodates all types and sizes of bicycle Supports the entire bicycle in an upright position so it won’t slip or fall over Easy to use with any bike lock. Flat Top parking rails at Melbourne Business School Bicycle Victoria | The Bicycle Parking Experts | ™ The bicycle parking hanbook | 11 APPENDIX C B99 Vehicle (8m min radius) (2004) Sunshine Road AutoTrack v12.00 (Build 20130817) (c) Savoy Computing Services Ltd. Notes: 5.2m B99 Vehicle AS/NZS 2890.1:2004 (Realistic 6.3m Radius Turn) Overall Length – 5.2m, Overall Width – 1.94m, Wheelbase - 3.05m, Front Overhang - 0.95m Track Width – 1.84m, Kerb to Kerb Turning Radius – 6.25m, Max Speed 10km/h Green – Body Outline Forward Red – Body Outline Reverse (not applicable) Blue – 300mm Clearance Title: 199 Sunshine Road Tottenham Scale: Date: Client: Prepared: HR Dwg No: 1:200 18/08/2015 AZ Z2155ATR5 B99 Vehicle (8m min radius) (2004) Sunshine Road AutoTrack v12.00 (Build 20130817) (c) Savoy Computing Services Ltd. Notes: 5.2m B99 Vehicle AS/NZS 2890.1:2004 (Realistic 6.3m Radius Turn) Overall Length – 5.2m, Overall Width – 1.94m, Wheelbase - 3.05m, Front Overhang - 0.95m Track Width – 1.84m, Kerb to Kerb Turning Radius – 6.25m, Max Speed 10km/h Green – Body Outline Forward Red – Body Outline Reverse (not applicable) Blue – 300mm Clearance Title: 199 Sunshine Road Tottenham Scale: Date: Client: Prepared: HR Dwg No: 1:200 18/08/2015 AZ Z2155ATR5 HRV - Heavy Rigid Vehicle Sunshine Road AutoTrack v12.00 (Build 20130817) (c) Savoy Computing Services Ltd. Notes: 12.5m Heavy Rigid Vehicle AS 2890.2:2002 Overall Length – 12.5m, Design Width – 2.5m, Wheelbase – 6.6m Track Width – 2.5m, Design Turning Radius – 12.5m, Max Speed 10km/h Green – Body Outline Forward Red – Body Outline Reverse (not applicable) Blue – 300mm Clearance Title: 199 Sunshine Road Tottenham Scale: Date: Client: Prepared: HR Dwg No: 1:200 18/08/2015 AZ Z2155ATR5 Sunshine Road AutoTrack v12.00 (Build 20130817) (c) Savoy Computing Services Ltd. Notes: 12.5m Heavy Rigid Vehicle AS 2890.2:2002 Overall Length – 12.5m, Design Width – 2.5m, Wheelbase – 6.6m Track Width – 2.5m, Design Turning Radius – 12.5m, Max Speed 10km/h Green – Body Outline Forward Red – Body Outline Reverse (not applicable) Blue – 300mm Clearance Title: 199 Sunshine Road Tottenham Scale: Date: Client: Prepared: HR Dwg No: 1:200 18/08/2015 AZ Z2155ATR5 AutoTrack v12.00 (Build 20130817) (c) Savoy Computing Services Ltd. 12.5m Heavy Rigid Vehicle AS 2890.2:2002 Overall Length – 12.5m, Design Width – 2.5m, Wheelbase – 6.6m Track Width – 2.5m, Design Turning Radius – 12.5m, Max Speed 10km/h Green – Body Outline Forward Red – Body Outline Reverse (not applicable) Blue – 300mm Clearance Notes: HR 199 Sunshine Road Tottenham Client: Title: Dwg No: Prepared: Date: Scale: Z2155ATR5 AZ 18/08/2015 1:200