10/23/2013 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms
HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom P---, Isaac P---, Job Pa---, Thomas Pabet, August H. Pabst, Casper H. Pabst, Charles F. Pabst, Ernst Pabst, Ferdinand Pabst, Friedrich Pabst, H.J. Pabst, William Carl Pace, James W. Pace, Robert Pacey, John Pacey, Robert Pacey, Samuel H. Pachelhofer, Adolph Pack, Armleder Packard, Benjamin Packard, Henry Packard, Henry Packard, John G. Packard, S.S. Packard, Silas Packer, Alexander Packer, Andrew Packer, Charles Packer, Ellmore Packer, J.J. Packer, J.J. Packer, James Packer, William Packingham, Packner, John Padberg, Wilhelm Paddack, Alexander Paddack, James Paddan, Charles Paddick, Bernard Paddick, Johan Bern. Paddison, Charles C. Paddock, Albert Paddock, Charles Paddock, Truman Paddock, Truman G. Paddock, W.R. Paden, John Padget, William Padgett, William Padian, Thomas Paegel, Wilhlem Paehler, Ludwig Name of Bride Holland, Anna Maria Howard, Rebecca Wood Woolley, Elisabeth Simon, Catherine Oldendick, Catharine Bauer, Caroline Mossbacher, Cath. Spencer, Elisabeth Fiena, Johanna Roche, Mary Ellen Heutz, Sophia Daniel, Laura Kennedy, Nancy C. Stewart, Ursula Reading, Sarah Hird, Isabella Rupp, Anna Todd, Caroline Debolt, Nancy Cowan, Sarah Cohen, Sarah Armstrong, Julia Crocker, Marion Crocker, Marion Hogan, Amanda Moore, Alice Knauber, Mary Leonard, Mary Ross, Elisa C. Ross, Eliza VanZant, Rachel Sebring, Ann Hatharsley, Mary Weber, Amelia Luedecker, Maria Cramsey, Mary A. Green, Mathilda Murphy, Eliza Bosche, Elisabeth Lang, Elisabeth(Mrs) Gray, Maria A. Duval, Frances Mahew, Olive Mahew, Mary L. Rychen, Mary L. Hodgson, Mary Abby Fortmann, Harriet Luck, Hattie E. Hughes, Alice Green, Mary Bosse, Maria Brauer, Theresa MarriageYear 1835 1833 1825 1879 1846 1875 1872 1881 1867 1861 1850 1877 1834 1869 1858 1883 1866 1842 1842 1846 1846 1866 1850 1850 1866 1873 1882 1876 1867 1867 1842 1853 1849 1877 1858 1853 1854 1869 1859 1835 1880 1860 1817 1857 1881 1850 1859 1882 1853 1859 1865 1861 Page 1 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Martini United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 First German Presbyterian Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Court House Marriage License St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License York St. Methodist Chapel St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. All Saints Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Paener, Adam Paff, Johan Paff, John Paffe, Frank Paffe, Joseph Paffenberger, Joseph Page, Andrew Page, Andrew J. Page, C.M. Page, Charles E. Page, D. Page, Edwin V. Lee Page, Gorman Page, Harlan Page, Harry Page, Hiram Page, J.C. Page, James Page, James Page, James N. Page, John Page, John Page, Joseph Page, Lewis Page, Littlton Page, Martin Page, Michael Page, Michael Page, Patrick Page, Patrick Page, Richard Page, Thomas Page, Thomas Page, Thomas Page, Walter Page, Walter Page, William Page, William L. Pagels, Friedrich Paget, Edward Paget, Edward Pague, John K. Pahisch, August Pahlmann, J Dietrich Pahls, Johan Pahmeyer, Louis W. Pahner, Edward Pahren, August Pahren, August Paidee, William W. Paige, Harry C. Paige, John Name of Bride Lambert, Sophia Kuhn, Elisabeth Scheffel, Mary Dutz, Anna Stegemann, Catharina Meyer, Emma Yocum, Yocum, Elizabeth Thare, Lizzie Jones, Alice C. Porter, Mary L---, Mary Ash, Anna Turner, Sarah Sennett, Elizabeth Harbaugh, Pinkie Page, Belle Falk, Caroline Basquer, Julia Reynolds, Henrietta Stule, Charlotte Denett, Isabella Ashcraft, Elisabeth Layton, Ellen Burgess, Margaret Monroe, Millie Schooley, Sarah C. Callahan, Ann O'Conner, Margaret Cleary, Bridget Baumann, Nettie McBride, Margaret Gordon, Elisabeth Scanlan, Amanda P. Kain, Minerva Smith, Susan Steeb, Lucretia Phillips, Elisabeth Schindeldecker, L. Holmes, Mary Ann Stewart, Henrietta Suttner, Annie B. Kaiser, Maria Schroer, A Elisabeth Freund, Maria Stuckwisch, Maria E. Stack, Mary Olday, M.S. Bese, Henrietta Dillon, Catharine Sennett, Elizabeth Cook, Nancy MarriageYear 1845 1855 1884 1872 1864 1877 1844 1844 1874 1880 1873 1819 1861 1866 1879 1865 1866 1857 1867 1874 1838 1859 1846 1866 1856 1878 1843 1853 1862 1874 1856 1837 1844 1875 1846 1850 1866 1840 1877 1847 1864 1882 1860 1841 1840 1853 1867 1851 1877 1864 1879 1845 Page 2 10/23/2013 Source Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Aloysius on the Ohio Catholic Church St. Boniface Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Angels Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Angels Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Paige, W.H. Paige, W.H. Pailer, Christian Pailor, George Pain---, John Pain, Thomas Paine, Harry Paine, Luther Paine, Oscar Paine, Rufus Paine, Rufus K. Painer, Benjamin Painter, David Painter, John Painter, Joseph Painter, Robert Painter, Sam Painter, Samuel Pairan, Ferdinand Pairi, Samuel H. Pairi, Samuel H. Palank, Ladislaus Palm, Cord Heinrich Palmer, Aaron P. Palmer, Abraham Palmer, Abraham Palmer, Abraham Palmer, Albert Palmer, Alfred Palmer, Charles Palmer, Charles Palmer, Charles Palmer, Chauncey Palmer, Chauncey Palmer, David Palmer, Edward Palmer, F. Palmer, Frank Palmer, Frederic Palmer, Friedrich Palmer, Georg Palmer, George Palmer, George Palmer, George Palmer, George Palmer, Henry Palmer, Henry Palmer, Henry Palmer, J.B. Palmer, Jacob Palmer, James Palmer, Joel M. Name of Bride Fee, Clara Fee, Clara Robinson, Julia C. Harley, Delia Hubbs, Polly Urmstand, Maria Wentzel, Lizzie Manzy, Marietta Kingsley, Elizabeth Turner, Eliza J. Stillwell, Lucy A. Hoerner, Kate Wheeler, Permilia Corey, Anna Ophelia Phillips, Caroline McGill, Sarah Hanway, Mary Higgins, Elisabeth Jaeckel, Sarah Tyce, Mary E. Tyce, Mary E. Fischer, Catharine Schmidt, Maria Davis, Ellen Trutebuss, Manor Nehemiah, Sarah Nehemiah, Sarah Kemper, Alice Thornell, Elisabeth Tincher, Caroline Chestine, Maggie Schaefer, Anna M. Taylor, Helen White, Addie Hertzell, Rosina Maynard, Mary Jane Pemberton, Mary O. Moore, Mary E. Smith, Jane Pflum, Caroline Katzenberger, Eva Robinson, Sarah Robinson, Sarah Heberle, Maria (Mrs) Schmidt, Maggie Brown, Margaret Coolidge, Mary Coolidge, Mary Elis. Sheppard, Sarah J. Kors, Mary ----, ---Bates, Lulu F. MarriageYear 1875 1875 1875 1872 1820 1853 1878 1844 1868 1852 1859 1882 1836 1847 1858 1857 1872 1847 1861 1875 1875 1861 1846 1881 1837 1844 1844 1868 1857 1850 1883 1884 1863 1868 1868 1848 1882 1879 1877 1872 1857 1856 1856 1869 1883 1818 1856 1856 1876 1878 1855 1884 Page 3 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel St. Michael Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 First United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Palmer, Johan Palmer, John Palmer, John Palmer, John Palmer, John Palmer, John Palmer, John Palmer, John Palmer, John E. Palmer, John Frank Palmer, John S. Palmer, John S. Palmer, Joseph Palmer, Lewis H. Palmer, Richard Palmer, Richard M. Palmer, Richard P. Palmer, Robert Palmer, S.C. Palmer, S.C. Palmer, S.D. Palmer, Seneca Palmer, Solon Palmer, Solon Palmer, Thomas Palmer, Warren Palmer, William Palmer, William Palmer, William Palmer, William Palmer, William Palmer, William Palmer, William Palmer, William Palmer, William H. Palmerton, Homer Palmerton, John Palser, Alexander Pam---, John Pamader, Georg Pammill, James Panaero, Jacob Pancera, Anton Panchear, Wilhelm Pancoast, Barzilla Pancoast, George Pancoast, George Pancoast, J. Page Pancoast, Jonathan Pancoast, William Pandelo, Lambert Pander, Lawrence Name of Bride James, Magdalena Harvey, E.G. Wood, Susan McCoy, Margaret Cammack, Martha Reily, Eliza Berry, Anna O'Connor, Nellie Brown, Lucy Ann Young, Mary Smith, Carrie Smith, Carrie Stillwell, Susan Huff, Sarah Jane Smith, Rosanna Zimmermann, Maria McGowan, Mary F. Fishley, Louise Goodman, Annie J. Goodman, Annie May, Susan Palmer, Mary Becket, Mary Phillips, Mollie T. Smith, Sally Ann Nangel, Bridget Rice, Sarah Shaw, Martha Shaw, Martha VanMiddlesworth, J. Baldridge, Emma McKinney, Isabel Hoffmann, Mary Costello, Margaret Cox, Mary Ann Stewart, Clarinda Wilcox, Evemond Anderson, Mary Demand, Sarah Stutzler, Kundigunda Laughry, Charlotte E Weil, Mary Weimann, Margaretha Bargmann, Josephina Baker, Mary Hovey, Caroline Archer, Lizzie Binnix, Mary Powell, Delilah Lugton, Fannie Meyer, Maria Engel Schuler, Josephine MarriageYear 1870 1848 1854 1858 1862 1866 1874 1877 1824 1873 1877 1877 1848 1852 1849 1883 1873 1856 1876 1876 1856 1839 1851 1871 1833 1857 1846 1857 1857 1859 1860 1867 1874 1876 1850 1828 1824 1822 1818 1837 1871 1878 1849 1875 1854 1843 1853 1880 1843 1875 1845 1863 Page 4 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Luke United Church of Christ York St. Methodist Chapel York St. Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. James Episcopal Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pandorf, August Pandorf, Carl Pandorf, Frank H. Pane, George Paneo, Wilhelm Paner, Edward Paner, Louis F. Paner, William Pangburn, Oliver Panhorst, Dietrich Panhorst, Frederick Panhorst, George H. Panhorst, Johan Panko, Christ. Pankow, Carl Panlennay, J.H. Pann, Charles Panning, Johan Georg Panschar, Conrad Pansing, Wilhelm Panson, Henry Panter, Friedrich Panter, Ignatz Panter, Michael Pantz, Samuel Panzer, Johan Panzer, Ulrich Pape, Albert H. Pape, Albert H. Pape, Bernard Pape, Carl Pape, Claus Pape, Claus Pape, Georg Pape, Heinrich Pape, Heinrich Pape, Heinrich Pape, Henry Pape, Henry Pape, Henry Pape, Herman Pape, Isaak Pape, Jakob Pape, Johan Friedric Pape, Leopold Pape, Louis Pape, Louis Pape, Theodor Pape, William Pape, William Papenbrock, Everhard Papenbrock, Johan B Name of Bride Dulweber, Sophia Jenner, Catharine Liebrich, Augusta King, Amanda Schroeder, Sophia Montag, Rosa Newmeyer, Mary T. Mohrmeyer, Sophia Lauphaer, Rhoda A. Bishop, Ann Maurer, Louisa Schoelkopf, Louise Theesfeld, Sophia Armbrick, Elisabeth Fuchs, Mathilda Love, Eliza J. Langfritz, Margaret Sponsel, Catharine Westermann, Frances Roberts, Dorothea Prag, Maria Poppenberger, Anna Husle, Barbara Wirsch, Mary Fox, Elizabeth Krieger, Philomena Hehn, Maria Kidney, Fannie L. Kidney, Fannie L. Tormoehlen, Henrieta Oerther, Katharine Mueller, Engel Hagedorn, Catharine Rothan, Rosalia Stuever, Catharine Ginde, Louise Kamps, Mina Brase, Doris Fox, Caroline Sprandel, Emma Tiersbers, Sophia Freese, M. Mathilda Reif, Luisa (Mrs.) Westerlage, Regina Vaupel, Mathilda Longwisch, Sophia Fetzer, Dorothea Wengelin, Maria Wacker, Margaret Burlage, Elisabeth Iserhinke, Gertrud Niemeyer, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1866 1856 1882 1844 1867 1873 1883 1869 1852 1850 1879 1884 1872 1876 1864 1876 1856 1845 1860 1864 1855 1868 1875 1883 1866 1872 1869 1881 1881 1855 1861 1852 1856 1857 1838 1848 1861 1874 1875 1883 1847 1861 1866 1850 1862 1863 1866 1871 1851 1880 1848 1867 Page 5 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Salem United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Second German Presbyterian Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Michael Catholic Church First United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Clement Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Rose Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Luke Episcopal Church St. Luke Episcopal Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Martin German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church Salem United Church of Christ Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Papenbrock, Johan W. Papenbrock, John Wm. Papenbrock, Jos. B. Papenbrock, Wilhelm Papenbrock, Wilhelm Papier, Philipp Papner, Henry Papner, Wilhelm Pappe, Bernard Papst, Christian Papst, Friedrich Paramore, John Parcell, Charles Parcells, Frank Parcells, John Parchmann, Charles Parchmann, Friedrich Parchmann, William Pardey, August Pardi, Angelo Pardick, Heinrich Pardick, Henry Pardick, Henry Pardick, Herman Pardick, Matthias Pardieck, Henry H. Pardum, Walter Pareira, Abraham Parent, Caleb Parent, David Parent, Hiram Parham, James A. Parham, William Parhaut, Peter Paris, August Paris, Charles Paris, Daniel Paris, David B. Paris, Eugen Paris, Joseph C. Paris, Louis B. Paris, Peter Paris, Peter Parish, Joseph Parish, Stephan Parish, William Park, H. Sidney Park, H. Sidney Park, Herbert S. Park, Isaac Park, John D. Park, Thomas L. Name of Bride Gross, Anna Margaret Buhr, Catharine Galvagni, Emilie Harmann, Elisabeth Tepe, Elisabeth Lee, Maria Louise Dohme, Amelia Backhaus, Maria Colonel, Carrie Pfeifer, Dorothea Warner, Elisabeth Johnson, Mary Stokes, Mollie McGlaughin, Mollie Parcells, Harriet Wueppenhorst, Mary Wiese, Louisa Wuepkenhorst, Sophia Krieger, Dorothea Fragiani, Rosina Rathmann, Elisabeth Lewud, Maria Korte, Anna Hilmann, Maria Anna Heilemann, M Johanna Klinckhamer, Lizzie Greenham, Dinah Goodman, Sophia Leary, Elisabeth Hamilton, Mary Ready, Ann McWilliams, Susie Grogham, Mary Monnaie, Julia Flachsmeyer, Emilie Roll, Mary Arthurs, Amanda Brandon, Ella Weyeke, Ida Jelliff, Mary Purdon, Belle Reese, Mary Jane Reese, Mary J. Morris, Elizabeth Turner, K. VanWinkle, Dorcas Moore, Mary (Mrs) Moore, Mary (Mrs) Flynn, Mary Hutchinson, Hannah Price, Susan Young, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1865 1879 1882 1849 1865 1857 1868 1868 1882 1854 1857 1881 1862 1881 1858 1881 1877 1880 1856 1884 1858 1879 1884 1855 1860 1884 1833 1874 1858 1857 1821 1880 1860 1865 1874 1872 1840 1882 1867 1868 1881 1847 1847 1862 1861 1847 1884 1884 1880 1842 1845 1849 Page 6 10/23/2013 Source St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Martin German Evangelical Church First United Church of Christ Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Ann Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Camp Washington United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage License St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Park, William H. Parkau, Henry Parke, Edward Parke, Samuel Parke, William Parker, Parker, Albert Parker, Albert Parker, Albert Parker, Alexander Parker, Alexander Parker, Alfred Parker, Alvah Parker, Andrew Parker, Augustus Parker, Benjamin Parker, Benjamin W. Parker, C.R. Parker, Charles Parker, Charles G. Parker, Charles G. Parker, Charles L. Parker, Christopher Parker, Daniel Parker, David Parker, David Parker, David Parker, David Parker, David F. Parker, David M. Parker, E.C. Parker, E.M. Parker, Ed. L. Parker, Edward Parker, Edward Parker, Edward O. Parker, Edward O. Parker, Edward U. Parker, Edwin Parker, Elijah Parker, Elmore Parker, Emil Parker, Erastus Parker, Flem. Vordes Parker, Francis Parker, Franklin Parker, Frederick Parker, Frederick Parker, George Parker, George Parker, George Parker, George Name of Bride May, Agnes Morsch, Kunigunda Bannan, Alma Lee, Clara Froehlich, Antoinete Struble, Mary Hanna, Mary Seals, Alice Moore, Flora Noble, Melissa Noble, Melissa Tigar, Christina Heaslitt, Eliza Jane Herkel, Lucy Ann Schmidtman, Fanny Miller, Deborah Ann Cashman, Maggie Bill, Adeline McMannus, Eliza Lockman, Eva H. Lockman, Eva H. Oliver, Emilile M. Harrington, Margaret Gillespie, Kate Patton, Amanda M. Evinger, Sarah Garnder, Mary Dungan, Harriet McMakin, Sue C. Dungan, Harriet Seidell, Augusta Chapman, Nettie Bill, Mary E. Lesle, Margaret H. Crosby, Hannah Seidell, Augusta H. Seidell, Augusta H. Brown, Melissa Lucy, Bishop Gardner, M.E. (Mrs) Calhoon, Martha O'Boulet, Mary Green, Hattie Hughey, Georgia Jones, Elisabeth Carr, Catharine Langland, Margaret Langland, Margaret Inman, Helen K. Green, Mary Green, Mary E. Burns, Sarah MarriageYear 1876 1875 1871 1849 1884 1837 1869 1879 1879 1848 1848 1848 1846 1867 1861 1858 1868 1874 1868 1883 1883 1875 1860 1847 1834 1843 1844 1844 1874 1844 1877 1874 1877 1871 1882 1877 1877 1883 1870 1879 1852 1865 1882 1867 1818 1834 1846 1846 1856 1862 1862 1884 Page 7 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Holy Angels Catholic Church Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 York St. Methodist Chapel York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper York St. Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Angels Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Trinity Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Parker, George H. Parker, George W. Parker, George W. Parker, Gifford F. Parker, Henry Parker, Henry Parker, Henry Parker, Henry Parker, Henry Parker, Henry Parker, Henry Parker, Herman Parker, Hiram Parker, Isaac P. Parker, J. Parker, J.H. Parker, Jacob Parker, Jacob Parker, Jakob Parker, James Parker, James Parker, James Parker, Jeremiah Parker, John Parker, John Parker, John Parker, John Parker, John Parker, John Parker, John Parker, John A. Parker, John J. Parker, Joseph Parker, Joseph C. Parker, Joshua Parker, L. Parker, Lewis Parker, Louis E. Parker, Lucius H. Parker, Luther Parker, Luther Parker, Mason Parker, Mason Parker, Mather Parker, Nathan Parker, Nathaniel Parker, Nelson Parker, Nelson Parker, Oliver Parker, Owen Parker, Owen Parker, Pink Name of Bride Witt, Lydia Patten, Rachel Thiesgood, M.H. Hemsworth, Alice Taylor, Mary Marchant, Anna C. Mitchell, Elizabeth Hoell, Paulina Hall, Pauline Murphy, Rosa Craig, Catharine French, Mary Bush, Lorena Burnet, Hannah Kincaid, Hannah Laidley, Jonna Hoffner, Mary Larew, Catharine Broderick, Lizzie Burns, Ann Severn, Charlotte Reli, Elisabeth Cotty, Mary M. Banks, Lydia Harris, Emeline Markman, Anna E. Burgis, Margaret Edwards, Mollie E. Hackett, Tate, Eliza Thompson, Mary E. Riggs, Elisabeth Leahy, Mollie Brickel, Lulu G. Kincaid, Francis Sawyer, Clara Sawyer, Elisabeth Finnell, Elisabeth Holyoke, Elisabeth Bevan, Louisa Bevan, Louisa Herron, Lucy Herron, Lucy Wells, Elisabeth Stewart, Anna Hammond, Amanda Cassidy, Margaret Shaw, Catharine Mangold, Fanny Worthington, Anna Aulick, Maggie Harris, Mamie MarriageYear 1836 1843 1874 1870 1854 1858 1859 1859 1859 1877 1880 1853 1869 1822 1837 1823 1833 1842 1881 1825 1847 1858 1858 1834 1834 1859 1860 1871 1872 1874 1873 1833 1881 1879 1844 1877 1843 1877 1836 1851 1851 1856 1856 1859 1870 1883 1851 1863 1872 1851 1866 1884 Page 8 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Christy Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Henry Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Parker, Richard Parker, Royal Parker, Samuel Parker, Samuel Parker, Samuel Parker, Samuel Parker, Simeon A. Parker, Stephan Parker, T.H. Parker, Thomas Parker, Thomas Parker, Thomas Parker, Thomas Parker, Thomas H. Parker, Trebulon Parker, W.B. Parker, W.S. Parker, Washington Parker, William Parker, William Parker, William Parker, William Parker, William Parker, William Parker, William Parker, William G. Parkhill, James Parkhill, Thomas Parkhurst, S.L. Parkinson, John H. Parkinson, Martin Parkinson, Richard Parkinson, Robert Parkinson, Robert H. Parks, A.L. Parks, Albert Parks, Austin B. Parks, Daniel Parks, David Parks, J.B. Parks, James Parks, James Parks, M. Parks, Nathaniel Parks, Thomas Parks, William E. Parlier, Henry Parlon, Patrick Parma, Francis Parmela, E. Parmenter, Albert Parmenter, W.H.H. Name of Bride Holland, Prescilla Dooley, Isabella Perry, Jane Groves, Ann Horton, Margaret Meagher, Ella Jacobs, Elizabeth Schott, Johanna Cheever, Mary J. Ewans, Elisabeth Costello, Joann Young, Helen Elis. Green, Emma A. Lynch, Margaret Simpson, Matilda Scott, Actia Jane Dorsey, Mollie Raines, Lenora A. Woodruff, Catherine Luse, Angeline Leeds, Rhoda Ann Digges---, Mary Ann Smith, L.A. Kennedy, Sarah Goings, Lizzie Leeds, Ann Troville, Martha Conray, Nancy Wing, Elisabeth Weaver, Catharine Arlington, Frances Surguy, Mary Ann McGuffey, Helen McGuffey, Helen B. Burns, Anna Brann, Mary J. Shaw, Louise Layton, Mary Ann Hanna, Margaret Arnold, Virgie Sparks, Sarah Kennedy, Bridget Smith, Margaret Nesbit, Charlotte Mason, Mary Watson, Jennie Clark, Martha Moylon, Ellen Baer, Catharina Crowley, Nancy Mullen, Mary Taylor, Catharine MarriageYear 1862 1856 1849 1850 1852 1881 1867 1868 1849 1841 1850 1858 1882 1864 1841 1837 1865 1883 1838 1840 1844 1852 1865 1866 1884 1844 1855 1853 1833 1848 1833 1843 1878 1878 1861 1861 1840 1842 1841 1864 1854 1865 1836 1841 1834 1882 1856 1850 1841 1821 1866 1855 Page 9 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Court House Marriage License St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Parmer, Parmer, Benjamin Parmer, H.A. Parmer, Joseph Parmer, Robert Parmerton, Alonzo Parmerton, G.P. Parnell, Charles Parnell, George Parnell, Henry Parnell, John Parnitzky, Fritz Parr, James Parr, James W. Parr, Johan Parr, John C. Parrall, George Parram, William Parrent, William Parrich, Samuel Parrington, Robert Parris, Edward Parrish, Duane J. Parrish, Edward Parrish, Francis Parrish, James Parrish, Moses Parrish, S.C. Parrish, Thomas J. Parrott, George Parrott, Joseph Parry, Alfred Parry, August Parry, Evan R. Parry, F.J. Parry, John Parry, John H. Parry, Owen Parry, Owen Parry, Thomas F. Parry, William Parsell, Benjamin Parsell, George Parsell, George Parsell, George Parshall, D. Parshall, David Parshall, John Parshall, William Parslow, George E. Parslow, George E. Parson, Peter Name of Bride Underwood, Mary Ritz, Anna Glenn, Louisa Statton, Jane Bell, Margaret Scott, Franes Malone, Fannie M. Griffith, Emma Stallenecht, Emma Weatherby, Carrie Fish, Louise Kuntz, Maria Worsdell, Mary Ann Berry, Ella A. Gilz, Antonia Butler, Emily Reid, Margaret Ely, Martha Walker, Lillie Park, Lucinda Sebastian, Manie B. Wright, Emma Cook, Alice B. Cook, Alice Ferris, Elizabeth Philipps, Nancy Cook, Mary A. Turner, Nancy Bourne, Mary A. Sinks, Belle Williams, Margaret Munn, Eliza J. Haas, Louise Roberts, W. Scott, Mary L. Bogart, Hester Gibb, Elizabeth Goodhue, Miranda Goodhue, Miranda Stribley, Fanny J. Moore, Minerva Robinson, Nannie Crowell, Lucy Gibbs, Mary P. Gibbons, Harriet White, Jennie White, Jennie Craig, Caroline Hawks, Martha Moores, Emma F. Moores, Emma F. Steigelmann, Margt. MarriageYear 1822 1875 1878 1854 1868 1852 1882 1862 1865 1868 1835 1874 1852 1877 1849 1853 1852 1846 1879 1838 1877 1859 1871 1871 1850 1853 1857 1861 1868 1857 1862 1872 1850 1879 1877 1859 1868 1845 1845 1879 1842 1866 1836 1838 1863 1874 1874 1856 1864 1874 1874 1875 Page 10 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Mears Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Church of the Advent Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 St. Paul German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Parsons, Bryan Parsons, Burton Parsons, Charles Parsons, Dennis F. Parsons, Enoch Parsons, George Parsons, George Parsons, Gustave S. Parsons, J. Burton Parsons, J. Burton Parsons, Lewis Parsons, Michael Parsons, Oscar Parsons, William Parsons, William Partello, Alvin Partenfelder, Johan Partenfelder, Johan Partington, Charles Partl, Frank Partl, Wenzel Partmann, Johan Fr. Partridge, Charles Partridge, Edward Partridge, Ignatius Partridge, John B. Partridge, Sanford Partridge, William Partridge, William Partusch, Carl Partusch, Ferdinand Partusch, Frank Parvin, David H. Parvin, Dorsey A. Parvin, Samuel Parvin, Samuel Pasche, Herman Wm. Paschen, Arnold Paschen, F.W. Paschen, Frank Pasckert, Bernard Pasely, Benjamin Pasker, Bernard Paskert, Wilhelm Pasket, Gerhard Pasley, Benjamin Pasley, Henry Paslich, J. Albert Paslick, Heinrich Paslick, Johan Hy. Pasmore, Elias Pasmore, Joseph Name of Bride Hampton, Sarah Wiles, Emma E. Burr, Fanny Evans, Rosanna Horner, Sarah Murphy, Athalinda Murphy, Athalinda Herron, Emily C. Andrews, Amelia G. Andrews, Amelia Darrah, Elizabeth Sweeney, Mary Horton, Angie Brodie, Elizabeth Bryant, Georgia(Mrs) Young, Susan Reininger, Louisa Reininger, Louisa Funke, Amelia Betscher, Amanda Bechyne, Catharina Kardermann, Dorothea Peck, Mary Murray, Elizabeth Puthoff, Margaret Holmes, Catharine Moore, Mary Barton, Martha A. Barton, Martha A. Otte, Maria Herzog, Paulina Walker, Mary Winston, Francisca Whann, Sophia E. Brown, Lucinda Brown, Lucinda Niemeyer, Maria Elis Ebbeler, Maria Gaier, Anna McCarthy, Bridget Kloster, M Catharine Herron, Mary Elis. Hollermann, Matilda Kloster, Gesina Terhille, Catharine Palmer, E. Brown, Elisabeth Sohlmann, Catharina Koppmann, Maria Siels, Margaret Lambert, Lucinda Goshorn, Jane MarriageYear 1857 1866 1861 1884 1852 1864 1864 1878 1867 1867 1869 1850 1865 1866 1871 1861 1850 1850 1881 1879 1864 1861 1852 1875 1883 1883 1852 1879 1879 1871 1878 1883 1837 1852 1848 1848 1867 1876 1868 1879 1845 1846 1849 1861 1867 1850 1826 1849 1865 1872 1848 1855 Page 11 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Church of the New Jerusalem Court House Marriage License Trinity Lutheran Church - White Oak Trinity Lutheran Church - Colerain Twp. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Salem United Church of Christ Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pasqueen, Lawrence Pasquier, Charles Pasquier, Charles Pass, William Passange, Frank Passauer, Christian Passauer, Joseph Passe, Carl Passel, George Passel, George W. Passel, James Passmore, Passmore, Alfred T. Passmore, Charles Passmore, Charles A. Passmore, Elias Passmore, Stephen Passmore, William A. Passmore, William A. Passour, John Past, Nicolaus Pasto, Johan Heinric Patberg, Casper H. Patchell, Edward Pate, Henry Pate, Henry A. Pate, Theodore Pate, Van H. Path, Adam Path, Joseph Patmann, Frank Patmann, Friedrich Patmann, Wilhelm Patmor, Alfred Patmor, George W. Patmor, Jacob Patmor, James Patmore, Andrew Patmore, Jacob Patmore, John Patmore, Mathias Patrick, Charles R. Patrick, Holmes Patrick, J.W. Patrick, John W. Patrick, S. Patrick, Thomas F. Patridge, Charles Patridge, Edward Patridge, Sanford Patsera, Joseph Patten, Alpheus Name of Bride Coddington, Cynthia Packard, Martha Ries, Mary Kropf, Barbara Bogey, Jennie Brint, Anna Pfaff, Margaret Guhe, Anna Jones, Martha Jones, Martha A. King, Mattie Remier, Lillie Ann Hathaway, Isabella Flynn, Annie Davis, M.A. Dennings, Ann (Mrs) Stephenson, Rachel Weininger, Louise Weininger, Louise Dullmeier, Mary Goetz, Maria Anna VordemBerge, A.Engel Suhrkamp, Catharina Denniston, Belle Donnelly, Ellen Orlze, Mary D. McAtee, Emma Cannon, Mary A. Wehmer, Juliana Ziegler, Barbara Wiese, Henrietta Brorhmeier, Marie Klein, Louise Martin, Esther Goodrich, Sarah F. Coldo, Sarah Ann Sotcher, Marion Pierson, Sarah Jane Pierson, Margaret Satcher, Marion Felton, Elisabeth McLaughlin, Mary Taylor, Mary Jane Grace, Ruth Grace, Ruth A. Steele, Ellen A. Gress, Barbara Peck, Mary G. Ryan, Kate Moore, Mary Rober, Nellie Davis, Amanda MarriageYear 1845 1843 1877 1873 1882 1860 1865 1881 1867 1867 1867 1849 1880 1878 1882 1859 1855 1884 1884 1851 1841 1851 1849 1878 1857 1866 1878 1873 1878 1870 1875 1873 1874 1856 1880 1844 1847 1850 1848 1847 1824 1873 1851 1857 1857 1843 1866 1852 1871 1852 1877 1846 Page 12 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 All Saints Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 6 Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church First United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Patten, Harry Patten, Johan Patten, Thomas Patter, Jonathan Patterson, Abraham Patterson, Alexander Patterson, Alexander Patterson, Andrew Patterson, Andrew Patterson, Andrew Patterson, Charles Patterson, David Patterson, Edward Patterson, Eli Patterson, Elijah Patterson, George Patterson, George Patterson, George F. Patterson, Henry Patterson, Henry Patterson, Henry Patterson, Henry Patterson, J.S. Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James K. Patterson, James M. Patterson, Jesse Patterson, John Patterson, John Patterson, John Patterson, John D. Patterson, John D. Patterson, John Ed. Patterson, John H. Patterson, John H. Patterson, John S. Patterson, Joseph Patterson, Joseph Patterson, Joshua Patterson, Ludlum Patterson, M.M. Patterson, N. Patterson, Nicholas Patterson, Oscar F. Patterson, R.J. Patterson, Richard Patterson, Richard Patterson, Richard Patterson, Robert S. Name of Bride Bean, Fanny Schutz, Anna Byran, Honora McKer---, Elisabeth Peene, Ellen Long, Elisabeth Barnes, Helen M. Nelson, Bridget Kelly, Theresa McMahon, Mary Zoeller, Carrie E. Butterfield, Sarah Wambaugh, Flora Cox, Harriet Bowman, Nancy Lawrie, Jane Johnson, Jennie Graham, Louisa F. Cole, Mary Gills, Rebecca Sowers, Martha Benninger, Carrie Gettrus, Lydia Whitcomb, Sarah Patterson, Hannah Kettner, Susan Derrick, Levina Black, Mary A. Hoskinson, Philomena Palmer, Louise Williams, Mary A. Charter, Elisabeth Acra, Elisabeth Blair, Minerva Webster, Tillie Neil, Elisabeth King Woodruff, Ada Woodruff, Adelheid Ball, Emily A. Gales, Nancy Salmon, Elisabeth Williams, Mary Ann Davis, Hannah M. Evans, M.J. Powers, Lizzie Powers, Lizzie Ladd, Phoebe Clark, Lucy Smith, Mary A. Clark, Lucy Korte, Rachel Stewart, Annie MarriageYear 1871 1847 1866 1822 1858 1821 1852 1819 1858 1863 1881 1822 1869 1837 1838 1845 1860 1876 1847 1857 1860 1869 1875 1819 1833 1853 1868 1871 1853 1856 1839 1844 1858 1844 1882 1878 1860 1867 1835 1849 1851 1837 1832 1858 1877 1877 1875 1848 1844 1848 1884 1884 Page 13 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Wesley Methodist Chapel HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Patterson, S. Patterson, Samuel Patterson, Samuel Patterson, Samuel Patterson, Thomas Patterson, Thomas Patterson, Thomas Patterson, Thomas A. Patterson, Thomas J. Patterson, W.J. Patterson, W.T. Patterson, William Patterson, William Patterson, William Patterson, William Patterson, William Patterson, William Patterson, William Patterson, William Patterson, William Patterson, William Patterson, William Patterson, William Patterson, William Pattie, William Pattison, Abraham Pattison, Alex Pattison, E.M. Pattison, R.E. Pattison, R.E. Pattison, Robert Pattmann, Hermann Patton, A.R. Patton, Alexander Patton, Alpheus Patton, Alvin A. Patton, Andrew Patton, Charles Patton, David Patton, David Patton, David Patton, David Patton, David Patton, David Patton, David Patton, Dominick Patton, H.E. Patton, Harry Patton, Henry Patton, Hiram L. Patton, Isaac L. Patton, J.A. Name of Bride Galtrust, Lidia Felter, Isabella O'Donnell, Winifred Higbee, Anna Mary Linton, Sarah Payton, Mary Olds, Rosaltha Shields, Mary F. Courts, Sarah J. Bartel, Emma Barker, Emma Robins, Adaline Kirkpatrick, Elis. Pattison, Ann Sophia McLaughlin, Mary Corbley, Sarah A. Evans, M.J. Burroughs, Elizabeth Kelly, Catharine Shields, Mary Coleman, Maggie King, Maria Skiff, Alma Brough, Minnie Phillips, Sarah Bartlett, Anna Cornett, Lizzie Fischer, Mollie Wilson, Francis Wilson, Frances Worsdell, Elisabeth Lissmann, Maria Patterson, Fannie Brawley, Mary Davis, Amanda Engeln, Emilie Griffis, Sarah Ann Brady, Margaret Mefuly, Mary Danby, Catharine Burdge, Mary Ann Doran, Julia Lowhman, Mary Lowman, Mary David, Lizzie Ahearn, Jane Ellis, Adelaide Gibbs, Sallie M. Flinn, Josie Hughes, Mary E. Hall, Jane Sherwood, Josephine MarriageYear 1875 1846 1854 1868 1835 1858 1860 1866 1862 1875 1875 1844 1847 1851 1855 1856 1858 1862 1863 1866 1876 1878 1881 1882 1836 1850 1864 1860 1834 1834 1854 1874 1857 1867 1846 1883 1851 1851 1834 1838 1850 1859 1866 1866 1871 1858 1884 1884 1872 1873 1825 1877 Page 14 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Church of the Advent Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Wesley Methodist Chapel St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Patton, J.R. Patton, James Patton, James Patton, James L. Patton, James P. Patton, James R. Patton, John Patton, John Patton, John Patton, Joseph Patton, Joseph Patton, Joseph Patton, M.J. Patton, Marsh Patton, Michael J. Patton, Patrick Patton, Thomas Patton, Thomas Patton, Thomas Patton, William Patton, William Patton, William Patton, William Patty, Nathan Patz, Wilhelm Robert Patzig, Robert Patzig, Robert A. Patzold, Otto J. Patzsch, Charles Paudert, Louis Pauerwass, George Paugh, Perry Wilson Paul, Adam Paul, Alexander Paul, August Paul, Balthasar Paul, Bernard H. Paul, Casper Paul, Charles H. Paul, Conrad Paul, D. Paul, Daniel Paul, Daniel Paul, Franz Heinrich Paul, George Paul, Heinrich Paul, Heinrich Paul, Henry Paul, James M. Paul, Johan Paul, Johan Francis Paul, Johan Herman Name of Bride Holland, Nellie Harney, Esther Coleman, Honora Corcoran, Maggie M. Finn, Jane Dreher, Louisa Lockwood, Lydia Rybolt, Abby Schmidt, Barbara Armstrong, Jane Buskirk, Jane Meeker, Mary Danks, Margaret Isgrig, Rhoda Ann Danks, Margaret King, Bridget Lloyd, Margaret Lyons, Mary A. McGann, Bridget Dolph, Philinda Henry, Harriet Costello, Catharine Billings, Lydia McElhaney, Nancy Fischer, Henrietta C Morrell, Sophia Baldauf, Lina C. Beesley, Emma V. Windenback, Juliana Weinbuch, Emilie Weiss, Elisabeth Hair, Cevilla Klingler, Anna Thomas, Margaret Zelger, Regina Gans, Catherine Rosfeld, Anna Sophia Knitel, Margaret Barckley, Lizzie Kohler, Lena Jewett, Olivia Roemer, Lena Roemer, Lena Volz, Carolina Elliott, Jane Gans, Barbara Jauch, Mary Timbermann, Martha Hill, Jane Charlotte Fath, Anna M. Tiemann, Catharina Kuhlmann, Anna Maria MarriageYear 1876 1855 1867 1874 1853 1881 1821 1835 1874 1842 1842 1859 1878 1832 1878 1864 1866 1874 1875 1831 1846 1854 1876 1873 1849 1881 1868 1884 1852 1861 1881 1868 1873 1845 1855 1881 1853 1844 1880 1856 1862 1868 1868 1868 1856 1865 1882 1854 1848 1853 1867 1858 Page 15 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Immaculata Catholic Church Immaculata Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Paul, John Paul, John Paul, Joseph Paul, Joseph Paul, Josiah Paul, Julius Paul, Lawrence Paul, Louis Paul, Louis Paul, Ludwig Paul, Peter Paul, Robert Paul, Samuel Paul, Samuel Paul, Wilhelm Paul, William Paul, William Paul, William Paul, William H. Pauland, Heinrich Pauley, Carl W. Pauley, James Pauli, Anton Pauli, F. Heinrich Pauli, Francis Pauli, Francis Pauli, Karl Pauling, Richard Paulite, Joseph Paull, Friedrich Paull, James Paull, Richard Paulowsky, Johan Pauls, Johan Heinric Paulsen, Louis Paulsen, Peter Corn. Paulsen, Richard J. Paulsen, William F. Paulson, W.F. Paulus, Arthur Paulus, Bernard Paulus, George Paulus, George Paulus, Herman Jos. Paulus, Michael Pauly, Anton Paus, Matthias Paustian, Fred. Paver, Paver, Charles N. Paver, G.A.W. Paver, George Name of Bride Martin, Clara Lynch, Jennie Becht, Apollonia Verseike, Maria Wight, Jeannie Greisel, Margaretha Klotter, Magdalena Koch, Maria Berdel, Katherine Betz, Magdalena Fischer, Susanna Featherland, Elis. Wait, Mary E. Heritage, Dianna Maag, Lisette Menke, Mary Goeke, Elizabeth Ryan, Mary Bender, Gertrude K. Schumacher, M. Dina Aufdembrink, Carolin Woolley, Mary Ann Schoen, Crescentia Bronkamp, Maria Schuerfranz, Maria Schuerfranz, Maria Bandle, Victoria Willis, Fanny Swift, Mary Suess, Mina Gibson, Anna Laura Timbermann, Sarah Schwarz, Susanna Urk, Maria Elisabeth Farrell, Clara A. Dyrssen, Ovedine S. Froehliger, Belle Shepherdson, Anna M. Shepherdson, Anna M. Brink, Issabella Neubert, Margaretha Keller, Mary Badenhop, Sophie F. Heckmann, Matilda Doering, Dorothea Schein, Anna Theresa Schaff, Veronica Rickel, Lizzie Coiner, Augusta Staufer, Caroline Foote, Annie Hoffman, Nancy Ann MarriageYear 1881 1881 1849 1859 1856 1864 1860 1869 1873 1867 1862 1843 1857 1863 1873 1843 1862 1867 1883 1841 1872 1855 1848 1872 1867 1867 1873 1857 1836 1869 1862 1858 1856 1860 1882 1848 1884 1876 1876 1870 1854 1878 1884 1856 1871 1848 1854 1880 1864 1867 1876 1836 Page 16 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Salem United Church of Christ St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses York St. Methodist Chapel St. Louis Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church Immaculata Catholic Church Immaculata Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Paver, George Paver, George W. Paver, J.M. Paweleit, Adolph Pawen, George Pawner, James A. Pawson, Thomas Paxton, Alfred N. Paxton, Alfred N. Paxton, Charles Paxton, James Paxton, Samuel Pay, Oscar Payge, John Payler, Harry Paylor, George Payne, Arter Payne, Arthur Payne, Benjamin Payne, Bracket Payne, Charles F. Payne, Daniel Payne, David Payne, Edgar D. Payne, Edward Payne, Edward Payne, Enoch Payne, George W. Payne, George W. Payne, Harrison Payne, Harrison Payne, Harry E. Payne, Harry E. Payne, Harry E. Payne, J.H. Payne, James Payne, James Alex Payne, James M. Payne, James W. Payne, John Payne, John A. Payne, John M. Payne, John W. Payne, Robert T. Payne, Theodore Payne, W.A. Payne, Walter Payne, Walter H. Payne, William Payne, William Payne, William James Payton, John Name of Bride Foote, Anna Hoffman, Nancy Ann Zenner, Augusta Wenzel, Emma Hoffmann, Nancy Ann Moulden, Maggie Weeks, Rebecca Higler, Kittie Higler, Kittie Ferguson, Eliza Jane Warfield, Margaret Willer, Elisabeth Ingersoll, Hester Cooke, Nancy Louise, Minnie Weaver, Elisabeth McElhaney, Amanda Huntley, Rebecca E. Bolles, Harriet Miller, Hannah Brennan, Ella E. Clark, Elisabeth Thornton, Mary A. Mayhew, Cora Smith, Frances Metzel, Louise Hall, Martha Noble, Patience A. Noble, Patience A. Thorpe, Amanda Thorpe, Amanda Hudson, Kate Hudson, Mary Hudson, Mary Wilson, Susan A. Foley, Harriet Hughes, Mary F. Hart, Virginia Andrews, Anna B. Evans, Mollie Young, Arrene Hageman, Catharine Johnson, Henriette Sackett, Mary J. Johnston, Susan Straub, Fannie Davis, Nellie Davis, Nellie Morgan, Martha Ells, Flora Jardine, Elisabeth Holliday, Hannah MarriageYear 1876 1836 1864 1875 1837 1878 1847 1884 1884 1867 1852 1821 1846 1846 1882 1853 1864 1842 1848 1836 1879 1854 1882 1884 1840 1876 1847 1874 1874 1860 1860 1868 1881 1881 1883 1869 1868 1858 1874 1866 1879 1834 1882 1873 1860 1878 1878 1878 1848 1878 1846 1837 Page 17 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Mark German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Salem United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Morris Methodist Chapel St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Wesley Methodist Chapel Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Payton, Richard Peables, William Peabody, F. Peabody, Frank Peabody, Herbert Peabody, Joseph H. Peace, Horace Peachey, Henry Peachy, Henry Peacock, Frederick Peacock, G.W. Peacock, George F. Peacock, John George Peacock, S.H. Peacock, Simeon Peacock, Simeon Peacock, William Peacock, William Peak, J.M. Peak, William R. Peake, Charles R. Peake, Charles R. Peaker, Robert Peale, Frank Peale, T.J. Peale, T.J. Peale, Truman Peale, W.C. Peale, William C. Pealer, George Peany, William Peaper, Wilhelm Pearce, Alfred W. Pearce, Benjamin Pearce, C.B. Pearce, Charles Pearce, Charles Pearce, Christopher Pearce, Henry Pearce, Henry Pearce, Henry Pearce, Henry Pearce, Henry Pearce, Henry Pearce, Henry Pearce, James Pearce, James Pearce, James Pearce, John Pearce, John Pearce, John Pearce, John Name of Bride Francisco, Jenny Stevenson, Lucy Terwilleger, A.E. Thrasher, Hannah Lea, Emily Baker, Harriet Price, Lucretia Cummins, Jennette Cummins, Jenette McKee, Isabella Black, Ella Portman, Josie B. Murphy, Mary Elis. Dunn, Elisabeth Langdon, Mary G. Langdon, Mollie Browner, Sophia J. Browner, Sophia J. Lucas, Elise Mentzer, Mattie Kneisly, Emma A. Kneisly, Emma A. Flynn, Catharine Bruce, Mattie Liddell, Clara Biddel, Clara J. Hull, Laura Hey, Mary Hey, Mary E. Stewart, Elisabeth Vaughn, Emma Hofmeister, Charlott Davis, Susie B. Cross, Thesiah Shepard, Clara Harrison, Jennie L. Harrison, Jennie Sackett, Jane Ann Pearson, Elisabeth Lee, Elisabeth Owens, Elizabeth Owens, Elisabeth Owens, Sarah J. Arans, Laura Arons, Laura M. Goss, Mary Goss, Mary Carrigan, Ann Campbell, Sally Bagott, Alice Berry, Cecilia Brunton, L. MarriageYear 1874 1841 1876 1867 1841 1861 1826 1850 1850 1852 1880 1869 1845 1851 1857 1857 1847 1847 1862 1882 1875 1875 1870 1870 1876 1876 1871 1878 1878 1835 1876 1852 1879 1822 1873 1880 1880 1840 1835 1842 1847 1847 1856 1878 1878 1847 1847 1864 1835 1841 1853 1866 Page 18 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Christ Episcopal Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Fifth Presbyterian Church Morris Methodist Chapel Morris Methodist Chapel St. Edward Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pearce, John Pearce, John W. Pearce, Richard T. Pearce, Samuel Peare, William Pearl, John N. Pearl, John N. Pears, Thomas Pearse, Albert Pearson, Benjamin Pearson, Charles Pearson, Charles D. Pearson, Cyrus Pearson, Fred Pearson, Frederick Pearson, Frederick Pearson, Harry Pearson, James Pearson, James Pearson, James Pearson, Jesse Pearson, John Pearson, John Pearson, John Pearson, John Pearson, Levi Pearson, Richard Pearson, William Pearson, William Peas, Henry Peas, Horace Peas, Philipp Pease, Granville Pease, Henry B. Pease, Jared Peaslee, Edward S. Peaslee, John Peaslie, C.R. Peasse, John Peaton, Luke Peavey, Joseph Peavey, Thomas Peavy, Eliphalet Pechney, P.F. Pechstedt, William Pecht, Florence Pecht, Franz Pecht, Justin Peck, A.F. Peck, A.F. Peck, A.F. Peck, A.L. Name of Bride Hart, Josephine Kister, Hulda Ingham, Ada O. Parks, Elisabeth Murphy, Mary Keegan, Ann Wynne, Agnes Messenger, Sarah Williams, Hannah Mofford, Lucinda Ramsten, Sophia Laterhell, Sarah ----, ---Koyle, Mary L. Dill, Ann Kyle, Mary Voris, Katie E. Wait, Catharine Cook, Lizzie Cook, Lizzie Sampson, Martha Nightengale, Betsey Brokenshire, Mary A. Brokenshire, Mary A. Lemmon, Millison Emmon, Hannah Hanes, Martha Nash, Abba Allbaugh, Arthusa Padgett, Elisabeth Stitts, Ann Fannan, Bridget Beeler, Alice Morrison, Theresa Maddux, Sarah Crowell, Stella M. Wright, L. Harbeson, Ella Baget, Alice Cummings, Anna Vetile, Mary Stoops, Belle Miller, Roxanna Gardner, Mary Jane Mosig, Emilie Fries, Martha Dollrisz, Catharine Herberger, Barbara Todd, Caroline Griffin, Carrie Griffin, Carrie Woolley, Mary L. MarriageYear 1868 1874 1884 1841 1860 1882 1883 1861 1849 1847 1849 1824 1865 1877 1832 1877 1875 1856 1863 1863 1822 1843 1846 1846 1847 1820 1837 1836 1873 1833 1821 1853 1881 1836 1856 1878 1878 1874 1841 1862 1846 1859 1841 1855 1879 1875 1882 1855 1842 1875 1875 1874 Page 19 10/23/2013 Source Court House Marriage License Morris Methodist Chapel Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Peck, A.L. Peck, A.P. Peck, A.P. Peck, Bernard Peck, Charles Peck, David Peck, E.A. Peck, Ebenezer Peck, Edward Peck, Eli Peck, Ellsworth Peck, Frank Peck, Frank Peck, Georg Peck, George Peck, George P. Peck, Homer Peck, James Peck, John Peck, Joshua Peck, Morris Peck, Morris Peck, O.W. Peck, Orrin M. Peck, Sam. Peck, Solomon Peck, William Peck, William Peck, William Peck, William Peck, William H. Peckenpaugh, Michael Peckenpaugh, William Peckham, William Peckinpaugh, Fred. Peckover, Edmund Peckskamp, August Pedigo, William Pedman, William Pedrazini, John Pedretti, Francis Pedretti, P. Pedretti, Peter Pedretti, Peter Pedrow, James Pedrozzoli, Julius Peebles, D.M. Peebles, Harry Peebles, J.B. Peebles, J.B. Peebles, James Peebles, Joe D. Name of Bride Woolley, Mamie Dodge, Minnie Dodge, Amelia W. Heidkamper, Gertrud Potter, Adeline Weld, Hattie Cutter, Ada E. Hammond, Mary Jane Walcott, Amelia Schuyler, Abby Cutter, Ada Ranson, Carrie Ranson, Carrie Hayden, Almira J. Roche, Luella Leonard, Margaret Jones, Elisabeth J. Jackson, Emma Reick, Dorothea Harrison, Elizabeth Bevis, Emma Mounts, Vena Cropper, Angelina Bruce, Cora E. Fox, Roselle Conklin, Sarah Brown, Elisabeth J. Lishawa, Sarah Marpe, Harriet Brooks, Caroline Lishawa, Sarah Hathorn, Susan Stump, Rosa Driskill, Lucinda Livingston, Delilah Ridgely, Jane Noetker, Gertrude McCoy, Adaline Hendricks, Ann Levellari, Louise Maitland, Catharine Bennett, J. Bennett, Mary J. Bennett, Mary J. Kugler, Mary Snyder, Lois Wise, Maria Fisken, Agnes Blackburn, A. Blackburn, A. Farmer, Mary Elis. Parton, Sarah A. MarriageYear 1874 1877 1877 1846 1842 1868 1878 1851 1881 1846 1878 1882 1882 1847 1874 1857 1843 1876 1843 1859 1870 1876 1843 1878 1876 1854 1843 1861 1879 1880 1861 1847 1875 1851 1834 1859 1873 1866 1853 1874 1856 1879 1879 1879 1883 1872 1841 1876 1867 1867 1847 1878 Page 20 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Second Presbyterian Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christy Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Peebles, Joseph Peebles, Joseph Peebles, Joseph R. Peebles, Joseph R. Peebles, K.H. Peebles, Samuel Peebles, William Peebles, William S. Peek, Bernard Peek, William Peel, Alvin Peel, Edward Peel, Johan H. Peel, Samuel Peel, Samuel Peel, Walter Peeler, Charles F. Peeling, George W. Peeno, John Peens, Hubble Peepen, Friedrich W. Peeper, A. Peepers, George W. Peeples, William H. Peer, Fred. D. Peerce, John Peers, Heinrich Peers, Henry Peers, William Peet, Henry Peet, William Peet, William Pegethoff, Frank C. Pegg, John Peggs, Will. L. Peh, Peter Peht, Alexander H. Peifer, Adam Peifer, John Peilen, Jacob Peiler, Henry Peine, Frank Peine, Franz Wilhelm Peine, John Peirano, Stephen Peirce, B.F. Peirce, James Peirry, E.B. Peirsel, U.B. Peirsol, Tobias S. Peiser, Max Peist, Carl Heinrich Name of Bride King, Irene King, Irene Straub, Mary C. Straub, M. Carolina Mather, Amelia Whitaker, Lucy E. Stephenson, Lucy Tift, Della A. Heitkemper, Gertrud ----, Catharine Harvey, Evans, Mary E. Smith, Catharine Cupsey, Margaret Ann Clark, Elizabeth Coyle, Mary Walch, Laura A. Tanghan, Alice Armstrong, Mary L. Dice, Mary Jane Bahn, M. Dorothea Miller, Catharine Sanders, Eliza ----, ---Harper, Minnie B. Hazgard, Charlotte Henn, Christina Coppin, Elmira Reed, Grace Eslinger, Louise ----, ---DeCamp, Henrietta Williamson, Florence Thompson, Mellie S. Parker, Mary E. Rugger, Carolina Sells, Lydia Albers, Friedricka Carmean, Mary Knapp, Maria Schickling, Mary Kraker, Mary Essen, Catharina Hurmann, Annie Purcell, Mary Blair, Hattie Bone, Annie Powers, Mary Swain, Myra Grimm, Mary Sinsheimer, Ricka Schnebeck, Henrietta MarriageYear 1868 1868 1844 1844 1869 1854 1841 1852 1846 1838 1863 1864 1851 1837 1867 1867 1881 1875 1883 1865 1843 1834 1877 1851 1882 1841 1856 1837 1847 1874 1851 1866 1866 1867 1884 1859 1833 1852 1868 1871 1877 1874 1882 1884 1853 1866 1858 1880 1863 1883 1884 1862 Page 21 10/23/2013 Source Trinity Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Wesley Methodist Chapel St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Rose Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Zion German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Peitz, Arnold Peitz, Bernard Peitz, Bernard Pekl, Bernard Pelcer, Henry Pelch, Alfred Pele, Nicolaus Pelegrin, Pelegrius Pelett, Alfred Pelgen, Friedrich Pelham, William Pelker, Charles Pelking, Bernard H. Pell, Alexander Pell, John Pell, Nicolaus Pell, Nicolaus Pelle, William Louis Pellens, Adolph Jos. Pellens, Wm. Georg Pellenwessel, Heinr. Peller, Gerhard Peller, Joseph A.F. Peller, Richard Pellewessel, Herman Pelling, Anton Pelling, Richard Pelling, Richard C. Pellman, Bernard Pellman, Charles F. Pellmann, Adam Pellmann, Bernard Pellmann, Peter Pelman, William Pelser, Friedrich H. Pelser, Gerhard Pelster, Carl C. Pelster, Friedrich Pelstring, Georg Peltan, William Pelter, Conrad Pelton, Charles Pelton, George Pelton, John Pelton, Lorenzo Pelton, Mahlon Pelzer, Anton Bern. Pelzer, Bernard Pelzer, F. Pelzer, Francis Pelzer, Gerhard H. Pelzer, Henry Name of Bride Grote, Caroline Schierberg, Maria Schierberg, Maria Hoehe, Caroline Downs, Elizabeth Taylor, Jane McKinney, Mary Cline, Julia Hart, Ann Glass, Clara Phelps, Almira Kitchen, Maria Weise, Maria Stamm, Cora Cresland, Martha Day, Catharine Pelton, Amelia Jergen, Marie Tuercke, Friedricka Klein, Augusta Thole, Anna Maria Wittenkamp, Anna Rotha, Gertrud Hoehn, Elisa Wellbrink, Elisabeth Huy, Catharine Price, Alice Price, Alice K. Grunkemeier, Frances Centner, Louise Stone, Sarah Koebbe, Anna Ruelmann, Agnes Siefert, Anna M. Schroeder, Theresa Plaspohl, Maria Anna Lange, Anna Cath. Algermann, Wilhelmin Haringer, Maria Cartwright, Mollie Walter, Theresa Woollard, Georgina Corder, Sarah Grant, Mary Ann Campbell, Martha Turner, Sarah Ann Weber, Louisa Unnewehr, Elisabeth Wilfering, Minnie Tegenkamp, Lucia Ossenbeck, Dorothea Berlage, Louisa MarriageYear 1868 1866 1866 1876 1875 1841 1852 1860 1863 1859 1823 1852 1840 1882 1839 1838 1849 1850 1863 1875 1851 1850 1871 1869 1839 1882 1878 1878 1881 1876 1862 1884 1855 1880 1847 1849 1857 1872 1864 1855 1856 1875 1846 1846 1843 1844 1867 1850 1883 1835 1843 1880 Page 22 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John United Church of Christ - Harrison, Ohio Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pelzer, Theodor Peman, Arthur Pemberton, Thomas Pemberton, William Pemrell, George W. Penak, William Pence, Ralph Pence, Samuel Pencoat, George Pencoat, George Penden, William H. Pender, Michael Pendergast, Francis Pendergast, James Pendergast, James Pendergast, James Pendergast, John Pendergast, John G. Pendergast, Michael Pendergast, Michael Pendergast, Morris Pendergast, Peter Pendergast, Thomas Pendergast, Thomas Pendergast, Thomas Pendergast, Walter Pendery, Abram S. Pendery, Alexander Pendery, Alexander Pendery, C.W. Pendery, George Pendery, Israel Pendery, James Pendery, James A. Pendery, John Pendery, John Pendery, John S. Pendery, N.S. Pendery, Ralph Pendery, S.F. Pendery, Thomas Pendery, W.G. Pendery, William Pendery, William D. Pendery, William D. Pendery, William H. Pendleton, Edmund Pendleton, Edmund Pendleton, Edmund Pendleton, Edmund Pendleton, Elliott Pendleton, Elliott Name of Bride Duevel, Maria Garrity, Helen Centhinger, Louise Robbins, Ella Miles, Cath. Elis. Schwertmann, Henriet Case, Maria E. Midgley, Caroline Huddleson, Lida Huddleson, Lida Huff, Barbara Kennedy, Mary Dacey, Johanna O'Brien, Catharine Britt, Mary McDonnell, Catharine Churchill, Ellen Mc---, Hannah Balton, Nancy Brady, Mary Highland, Mary Churchill, Catharine Lavin, Catharine Nester, Catharine Heenehan, Maggie Nolan, Bridget Burns, Eliza Williamson, Sarah Wilkins, Anna Gartsch, Elizabeth Bellow, Maggie VanSant, Mary S. Dunn, Naomi Brownrigg, Fannie Rockey, Catharine Severinghouse, Elis. Edwards, Ellice Ida Smith, Emma Weatherby, Susan S. Hatfield, Mary J. Crawford, Lizzie Reuss, Anna Eva Guelich, Mary Skillman, Mary Ann Gulich, Mary A. Newell, Emma H. Morgan, Cornelia Morgan, Cornelia Marcy, Cornelia Hetzel, Margaret Gaylord, Mary Gaylord, Mary Emma MarriageYear 1849 1884 1848 1876 1842 1878 1858 1866 1878 1878 1873 1861 1863 1852 1861 1865 1851 1818 1854 1855 1853 1851 1852 1855 1872 1863 1869 1838 1861 1864 1869 1858 1848 1869 1847 1859 1876 1857 1846 1879 1866 1868 1867 1833 1867 1884 1845 1845 1864 1873 1850 1850 Page 23 10/23/2013 Source Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Christ Episcopal Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Morris Methodist Chapel St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Christ Episcopal Church Court House Marriage License Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pendleton, George Pendleton, George H. Pendleton, Hiram Pendleton, N.G. Pendleton, Nathaniel Pendry, H.E. Pendry, John Pene, Peter Pengemann, Gerhard B Pengemann, Johann T. Pengemann, John B. Pengermann, J. Theo. Penick, James Peniston, John Penmann, Gustav Penn, Charles Penn, Edward Penn, James Penn, James Penn, James Penn, John Penn, John W. Penn, Joseph Penn, Lewis Penn, Lewis Penn, Paul Penn, William Pennefather, William Pennekamp, Bernard Pennekamp, Bernard H Pennekamp, Johan Wm. Pennell, James H. Pennell, James Henry Pennell, James Henry Pennell, Joshua Penner, Georg Penney, Grove Penney, John W. Penney, Thomas Pennich, Conrad Pennicost, H.C. Penning, Bernard Penning, John Pennington, E.J. Pennington, George Pennington, James Penno, Joseph Penno, Theodor Penny, George Penny, John Penny, William Penny, William Name of Bride Williamson, Mary Key, Alice Salter, Josephine A. James, Ann Hunt, Jane F. O'Flarety, Mary A. Rockey, Catherine Sawyers, Fannie Wilkemacke, Anna M. Kruemberg, Philomena Meyer, Catherine Kruemberg, Philomena Wilson, Sallie Manville, Alice Metz, Margaret Ward, Christina Bibent, Annie Moors, Ann Ruse, Margaret Langston, Ann Bell, Lucy McDougal, Catharine Grames, Louise Kendall, Mary Kendall, Mary Brady, Katie James, Marietta Nugent, Margaret Funke, Henriette Berlage, Margaretha Niehaus, Anna Maria Berrey, Maggie Berrey, Maggie Berrey, Maggie Shotwell, Harriet Maer, Louisa Redway, Ada Smith, Sarah E. Milon, Ellen Solger, Agnes Brown, Elizabeth W. Aldag, Rebecca Zimmermann, Susanna Butler, Mary J. Badgley, Harriet Gordon, Catharine Nuenning, Dina Sondermann, Elis. Taylor, Jane Cheetham, Lizzie Long, Jane Carothers, Mary MarriageYear 1867 1846 1856 1841 1820 1875 1847 1877 1849 1873 1873 1873 1884 1866 1872 1858 1882 1838 1839 1849 1881 1835 1873 1867 1867 1870 1867 1849 1877 1867 1855 1876 1876 1876 1853 1863 1862 1881 1856 1864 1868 1874 1882 1880 1872 1856 1869 1869 1857 1866 1851 1858 Page 24 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Camp Washington United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Edward Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Church of the Advent St. Augustine Catholic Church Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Morris Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Penrod, Daniel Penrod, John Penrose, Penrose, Pierson M. Pensky, Michael Pentecost, H.C. Penter, George Adam Pentermann, Herman H Pentland, Francis Pentland, John A. Pentland, John A. Pentlarge, Theodore Pentlarge, Theodore Penton, John Penton, Thomas Pentorey, Thomas Penttarge, Theo. Pentz, John Penwarden, Oliver Peny, William Penz, Johan Peoples, J.W. Peoples, John R. Peoples, Samuel Pepenberg, Georg Peper, Carl Peper, Friedrich Peper, Henry Pepersom, William Pepp, Johan Peppard, Daniel Peppe, Heinrich Pepper, Aaron Pepper, Aaron C. Pepper, Albert Karl Pepper, Gottlieb Pepper, Isaac Pepper, James Pepper, K.B. Pepper, K.B. Pepper, William Pepperd, Lawrence Pepperkorn, Friedr. Pepperkorn, Friedric Pepperkorn, Heinrich Pepperkorn, J Heinr. Pepperkorn, Johan Peppermeyer, Bernard Peppers, Pat Perchaux, Emil Percheval, Horace B. Perchment, William Name of Bride Barborn, Anna Elis. Smith, Martha Cook, Cook, Lucy A. Brandt, Henrietta Brown, Lizzie Stauss, E.M. Hone, Margaretha Ferguson, Elizabeth Smith, Carrie M. Smith, Carrie M. Bettmann, Anna Trost, Lena Ryan, Anna Brandes, Maria Harney, Mary Troft, Lena Nolte, Sophia Wheatley, Jane Malone, Sarah Reichmann, Rosa Hereford, Anna Conway, Mary A. Stafford, Mahala Timpner, Wilhelmina Niermann, Louisa Rohrkasse, Maria Bulthaup, Caroline Landesvatter, Rosa Hochstuhl, Louisa Keeler, Elisabeth Engelhart, Maria Grant, Ada Grant, Adda C. Ehme, Catharina Kuster, Mary Cutter, Amelia Schooley, Rebecca White, Mary R. White, Mary R. Thomas, Mary Byrd, Catherine Heckmann, Maria Landesvater, Carol. Niehaus, Catharina Lienesch, M. Gertrud Meyer, Catherine Tiemeyer, Maria Elis Sommers, Bridget Dressler, Adelheid Finfrock, Eva J. Ernst, Armenia MarriageYear 1858 1856 1860 1860 1849 1868 1841 1847 1855 1874 1874 1873 1877 1881 1879 1852 1877 1880 1860 1857 1864 1875 1880 1836 1857 1841 1855 1876 1879 1884 1859 1860 1874 1874 1867 1879 1854 1844 1883 1883 1861 1872 1865 1868 1849 1845 1877 1858 1859 1881 1880 1858 Page 25 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Edward Catholic Church St. Henry Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. Mark German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Wesley Methodist Chapel St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Second German Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Court House Marriage License St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Salem United Church of Christ Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Percival, F.C. Perckes, Johan Percy, Henry Percy, James M. Percy, James M. Perdee, Alfred Perdusch, Friedrich Perdy, Joseph M. Peregrine, J.S. Perien, August Perigo, Perigo, George Perin, C. Theodore Perin, C.Y. Perin, Franklin Perin, Franklin Perin, Ira Perin, J.E. Perin, Joseph Perin, Lyman Perin, Nelson Perin, Nelson Perin, Oliver Perin, Oliver Perin, Ranner Perin, S.H. Perin, Samuel H. Perin, William Pering, Rannd Perino, Clifford J. Perkey, David Perkey, David Perkin, Thomas Perkins, A.R. Perkins, Albert E. Perkins, Asa R. Perkins, Askner Perkins, August Perkins, Benjamin Perkins, Brapilla Perkins, Charles A. Perkins, Constantin Perkins, Daniel Perkins, Elijah Perkins, F. Perkins, Francis Perkins, Frank H. Perkins, G.F. Perkins, George Perkins, George Perkins, H.H. Perkins, Isaac Name of Bride Higbee, Mima Kehl, Magdalena Coombs, Lillie C. O'Dowd, Ellen M. O'Dowd, Ellen M. Conover, Ann Walke, Mary Sherman, Eliza DeGraw, Rebecca Kline, Maria Cath. McCrady, S.V. McCready, Sally Tarrott, B. Parrott, Olive B. McMicken, Mary McMicken, Mary Edwards, Elvira Short, Ella M. Jaynes, Belle Wilson, Maria Keck, Ella Keck, Ella B. Nelson, Mary Jane Kugler, Elizabeth Byrn, Elisabeth Jones, Anna B. Jones, Anna Belle Shutts, Elisabeth Thomas, Elisabeth Rieker, Mary E. Symons, Mary Ann Rusk, Ellen Lynch, Julia Bartlett, Sallie T. Kelly, Mary E. Bartlett, Sallie Eort, Josephine Wadsworth, Fanny Westwood, Mary M. Townsend, Sophia Dagner, Libby Murcy, Mary Cochran, Sarah Johnson, Julia Bargmann, Philomena Classick, Margaret VanDuzen, Mary Farrell, L. Hays, Bridget Hussey, Clara Huffmann, Mollie Sykes, Sarah MarriageYear 1866 1849 1865 1884 1884 1837 1883 1868 1857 1839 1854 1854 1875 1875 1844 1844 1852 1874 1873 1849 1877 1877 1851 1867 1864 1875 1875 1854 1832 1875 1844 1847 1850 1874 1883 1874 1841 1844 1856 1863 1883 1854 1852 1856 1875 1852 1880 1874 1861 1868 1881 1851 Page 26 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Church of the Advent Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Atonement Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Perkins, J.E. Perkins, Jacob Perkins, Jacob B. Perkins, James H. Perkins, John Perkins, John Perkins, John Perkins, John J. Perkins, Joseph Perkins, Manuel Perkins, Nicholas Perkins, Nicholas Perkins, Richard Perkins, T.M. Perkins, Thomas H. Perkins, William Perkins, William L. Perkins, William T. Perkinson, A.Y. Perkuhn, Albert Perl, James Perle, John Perlee, Charles L. Perlee, John Perley, A.W. Perlmann, August Perluss, Samuel Pernell, J.H. Pernice, Marion L. Perra, Vincent Perrel, Nicholas Perret, Philipp H. Perrett, Julius Perrin, Edward Perrin, Joseph J. Perrin, Ranna Perrine, Amos Perrine, George Perrine, James Perrine, Robert Perrine, Thomas Perrine, William H. Perrine, William K. Perrish, Edmund Perrmann, Conrad Perrott, Walter Perry, A.F. Perry, Aaron Perry, Benjamin Perry, Benjamin Perry, Benjamin Perry, Benjamin Name of Bride Perkins, Berthenia Wilshire, Sallie Wilshire, Sallie M. Elliot, Sarah H. Krilty, Ann McKenzie, Mary Clearwater, Helen Clearwater, Helen H. Hayes, Maria Wade, Elisabeth Bonds, Sarah J. Johnson, P. Blythe, Jennie Hudspeth, Belle M. McCullough, Elisabet Robinson, Elisabeth Stokes, Sallie E. DeCamp, Sallie McNally, Margaret Hannings, Adline L. Brady, Ann Pierson, Mariah Oyler, Alice Bartlett, Sarah Fisher, Mary Bross, Carolyn Fisch, Rosa Bentcraft, Carol. Gotsel, Sarah Srata, Mary Murphy, Ann Pernet, Cecilia Sparrow, Minerva Bush, Mary Riddle, Melissa Potter, Decor, Jerusha Todd, Sarah VanFossen, Sarah Miller, Lucinda Duffy, Bridget Long, Mary Brown, Emma Smith, Margaret Bohrer, Kate Fagan, Catharine Williams, E. Williams, Elisabeth Reynolds, Elizabeth Reynolds, Elizabeth Hand, Margaret Hughes, Laura MarriageYear 1862 1878 1878 1834 1851 1860 1867 1867 1870 1845 1864 1869 1866 1884 1847 1833 1866 1859 1858 1882 1871 1835 1880 1852 1880 1870 1883 1869 1883 1871 1860 1824 1859 1880 1852 1851 1833 1869 1867 1843 1867 1825 1870 1821 1876 1857 1843 1843 1850 1850 1866 1873 Page 27 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 6 St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Morris Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Edward Catholic Church Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Perry, C. Joseph Perry, Charles Perry, Charles Perry, Charles Perry, Charles E. Perry, Columbus Perry, Comodore Perry, David Perry, David Perry, Edward Perry, Ellis Perry, Evan Perry, Evan J. Perry, Fountain Perry, Francis Perry, Frederick Perry, Gardner M. Perry, Georg Fried. Perry, George Perry, George Perry, George Perry, George W. Perry, Horatio Perry, James Perry, John Perry, John Perry, John Perry, John Perry, John Perry, John Perry, Joseph Perry, Leonidas Perry, Louis Perry, Ludwig Perry, Mason Perry, N.J. Perry, Nathan Perry, Nelson Perry, Noah H. Perry, Oliver Perry, Orison Perry, Richard Perry, Richard Perry, Richard Perry, Richard Perry, Samuel Perry, Samuel Perry, Samuel R. Perry, Stacy Perry, Thomas Perry, Thomas Perry, Thomas Name of Bride Julien, Maria O. Lambert, Mehela Morrison, Ida Warren, Mattie Jones, Dora E. Butler, Henrietta Brown, Henrietta Johnston, Mary E. Kelly, Mary Payne, Frances Keating, Catherine Roberts, Winniefred Evans, Mary J. Keenes, Julia Ann Sparks, Sallie Feeney, Mary Stewart, Margaret Davis, Susan Davis, Jane Masters, Nancy Freon, Sarah Johnson, Margaret Wallace, Augusta Demming, Emilia Strout, Mary Hinnan, Sophia Ashton, Elisabeth Harris, Mary Chandler, Sarah Massey, Kate M. Marriott, Sarah Griffith, Nannie Donley, Ellen Vollmarin, Regina M. Stroughten, Anna Warmann, Lucinda Wolf, Susanna Stokes, Minnie Lee, Malissa E. Griffin, Elisabeth Beatty, Margaret Guthrie, Nancy Edwards, Mary Gambriel, Maria Crompton, Jane Cunningham, Eliza Dunham, M. Druscilla Pancoast, Louise Hathorn, Amanda McFarland, Keziah Gallagher, Mary Pickert, Jemima MarriageYear 1873 1858 1868 1872 1883 1874 1876 1852 1857 1855 1875 1879 1869 1832 1863 1882 1834 1849 1862 1863 1865 1852 1858 1821 1821 1835 1837 1843 1862 1875 1822 1880 1847 1871 1847 1884 1855 1878 1867 1854 1861 1817 1840 1845 1850 1848 1855 1826 1846 1850 1857 1875 Page 28 10/23/2013 Source St. Anthony Catholic Church - Madisonville Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Perry, Thornton Perry, Washington Perry, William Perry, William Perry, William Perry, William A. Perry, William B. Perry, William J. Perryman, John W. Persell, Joseph Person, Carl Persons, Perssing, Frederick Pertell, James Pertels, Bernard Perterfield, James Perwessel, Henry Peschke, Theodor A. Peshar, James S. Pesigvine, J.S. Pessing, Johan Pessler, Johan Pestel, Christian Pester, John Pestrup, Johan Pestry, Ewald Petard, Johan Peter, A. Peter, Adam Peter, Adam Peter, Adolph Peter, Christian Peter, Christian Peter, Felix Peter, Frederick Peter, Georg Peter, Georg Peter, Georg Adam Peter, George Peter, George W. Peter, Heinrich Peter, Heinrich Peter, Heinrich Peter, Heinrich Peter, Heinrich Peter, Heinrich Peter, Henry Peter, Henry Peter, Henry Peter, Herman Peter, Herman Peter, Israel Name of Bride Steger, Mary E. Shepardson, Sarah Hulse, Maria Hoffmann, Catharine Wymann, Isabella Lee, Caroline B. Knussmann, Bertha D. Burroughs, Rosanna Constable, Margaret Rollson, Hetty Ann Abel, Anna Maria Carbar, Rachel Lumemann, Conradiena White, Margaret Alters, Christina Newborough, Lavina Pohlmann, Francisca Strobel, Caecila Osborn, Jane J. DeGraw, Rebecca Witte, Anna Zind, Sophia Schraudenbach, R. Drexler, Helena Niederhespe, Cath. Hector, Louise Kroeger, Maria Gmeines, Barbara(Mrs Worth, Maria Marcus, Maria Stirmer, Eva Bergmann, Sophia M. Barringer, Maggie Dierschmid, Matilda Morlang, Catharine Ambs, Barbara Reifert, Maria Noll, Regina Hook, Caroline Hanny, Carrie E. Schneider, Catharine Haase, Johanna Kramer, Friedricka Lukemeier, Sophia Wack, Elisabeth Jaeger, Elisabeth Bockelmann, Mina Helmig, Sophia Fleming, Magdalena Scholl, Christina Schmidt, Margaret Dunham, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1855 1853 1844 1854 1855 1835 1877 1838 1848 1822 1855 1844 1874 1865 1858 1835 1878 1871 1877 1857 1870 1871 1877 1877 1872 1872 1858 1851 1863 1872 1874 1875 1883 1870 1882 1851 1854 1839 1881 1884 1849 1851 1852 1858 1869 1874 1876 1879 1882 1855 1856 1854 Page 29 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Camp Washington United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Zion German Evangelical Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Second German Presbyterian Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Peter, Jacob Peter, Jacob Peter, Jacob W. Peter, Jacob W. Peter, Johan Heinric Peter, Johan J.F. Peter, John Peter, John Peter, Joseph Peter, Joseph Peter, Louis Peter, Meinrad Peter, Michael Peter, Philip James Peter, Philipp Peter, Simon Peter, Theodor Peter, Voldin Peter, Wilhelm Peter, Wilhelm Peter, William Peter, William Peterhaus, Anton Peterman, Henry Peterman, William Petermann, F Christ. Petermann, Friedrich Petermann, Georg Petermann, Heinrich Petermann, Johan Petermann, Xavier Peters, A.A. Peters, Andrew Peters, August Peters, August Peters, Bernard Hein Peters, Carl Peters, Carl Peters, Charles Peters, Charles Peters, Christian A. Peters, Christopher Peters, David J. Peters, Edward Peters, Edward Peters, Ernst Peters, Ernst Peters, Ernst F. Wm. Peters, Ernst Wm. Peters, Franz Peters, Friedrich Peters, Georg H. Name of Bride Battel, Margaretha Battel, Margaretha Gettier, Josephine Gettier, Josephine VonderHeide, Anna M. Deho, Catharina Bingley, Eliza Hessler, Mary Tennewein, Elisabeth Bruns, Mina Dornbichler, Christ. Albert, Catharina Heyl, Margaret Haverland, Mary Measta, Anna Moller, Antonia Velten, Mary Igent, Margaret Oelgeklaus, Elis. Schuermann, Katharin King, Sarah Kolkmeyer, Elisabeth Rimhart, Theresa Barth, Josephine Schanler, Amalia Schneider, Caecilia Bunnemann, Agnes Spitzfaden, Margaret Schmidt, A. Adelheid Haegehen, Henrietta Hornung, Elisabeth Wettengel, Ida Stuart, Emma Sengenberger, Rosina Buerckle, Lizzie Wiebke, Anna Maria VordemHoltz, Sophia Graefing, Margaretha Kattenhorn, Friedr. Nash, Elizabeth Evans, Maggie Uphof, Elisabeth Moss, Laura Krickembam, Elis. Margraff, Ph. Sellmeier, Elisabeth Sanker, Louisa Koenigkraemer, Soph. Herbert, Sophia Wettstein, Anna Toenges, Julianna Siebern, Maria MarriageYear 1856 1856 1848 1850 1843 1866 1861 1883 1863 1878 1873 1849 1881 1867 1872 1853 1879 1853 1868 1872 1844 1883 1854 1875 1854 1855 1860 1850 1848 1852 1854 1882 1867 1873 1875 1855 1855 1865 1854 1880 1876 1848 1880 1866 1882 1865 1880 1861 1867 1880 1874 1854 Page 30 10/23/2013 Source Trinity Lutheran Church - White Oak Trinity Lutheran Church - Colerain Twp. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Stanislaus Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church Assumption Catholic Church - Gilbert Ave. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Rose Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Camp Washington United Church of Christ St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Zion German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Peters, George Henry Peters, George W. Peters, Gerhard Peters, Gerhard Peters, Gerhard W. Peters, Heinrich Peters, Heinrich Peters, Heinrich Peters, Heinrich Peters, Henry Peters, Henry Peters, Henry Peters, Henry Peters, Henry Wm. Peters, Herman Peters, Isaac Peters, J.W. Peters, Jacob Peters, James S. Peters, Johan Hein. Peters, Johan Herman Peters, John Peters, John F. Peters, John M. Peters, Joseph Peters, Joseph Peters, Joseph Peters, Joseph Peters, Joseph F. Peters, L.S. Peters, Marshall R. Peters, Maurice Peters, Nicolaus Peters, Oscar Peters, Ralph Peters, Robert Peters, S.W.C. Peters, Sanford D. Peters, Simon Peters, Stephen Peters, Sylvester Peters, Theodor Herm Peters, W.W. Peters, Wilhelm Peters, Wilhelm M. Peters, William Peters, William Peters, William Peters, William Peters, William Peters, William Peters, William Name of Bride Spickermann, Elis. Robinson, Lena G. Rusche, Catharine Hoping, Catharine Peters, Rebecca Dunker, Anna Cath. Buchholz, M Dorothea Frielmann, Catharina Feldwisch, Friedrika Huyler, Marianne Boenholt, Carrie Jenkins, Geneva E. Schwartz, Anna Lange, Dora C.M. Luebke, Mary Lusk, Sarah Bynum, Appie R. Peace, Mary Dunn, Sarah Huerstmann, Anna M. Sanders, Helena Mann, Mathilda Pice, Nettie F. Moon, Jane M. Rogers, Lucretia Kaspers, Catharine Gudgen, Elisabeth Barrett, Sophia Kennedy, Eleanor Turner, Henrietta Wheatley, Etta Carroll, Mary Stork, Maria (Mrs.) Heckler, Alice Goodman, Eleanor H. Hohn, Mary Stevens, Elizabeth Johnson, Julia (Mrs) Turner, Elisabeth Foy, Mary Cable, Sarah E. Jorg, Anna Maria Scobel, Catherine Espel, Sophia F. Cody, Henriette C. Shy, Ann C. Sponhoff, Dina Cody, Henriette Mason, Albertina Vascon, Mary Nunnecker, Sarah Wiethoff, Sophie MarriageYear 1883 1882 1847 1849 1854 1849 1858 1859 1873 1845 1880 1880 1881 1884 1876 1832 1883 1827 1849 1845 1853 1877 1875 1859 1834 1848 1857 1873 1835 1856 1884 1862 1858 1863 1882 1850 1876 1882 1842 1867 1859 1851 1882 1843 1868 1844 1868 1868 1874 1879 1879 1884 Page 31 10/23/2013 Source St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Nast Memorial Methodist Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Church of the Advent Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses All Saints Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Salem United Church of Christ St. Louis Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Peters, William C. Peters, William C. Peters, William M. Peters, William S. Peters, William W. Petersen, Hans Claus Petersen, Karl Petershagen, John Petershanns, Louis Petersmann, Franz Petersmann, Jobst Petersohn, Jacob Peterson Johan Peterson, A.A. Peterson, August Peterson, B. Peterson, Charles Peterson, Charles Peterson, Charles Peterson, Christian Peterson, Eduard Peterson, Elisha Peterson, Elisha Peterson, Ernst Peterson, Francis Peterson, H.C. Peterson, Harp Peterson, Isaac Peterson, James Peterson, James Peterson, James G. Peterson, Johan Wm. Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John S. Peterson, Jurgen Peterson, Peter Peterson, Peter Peterson, Peter Peterson, Peter Peterson, Peter Peterson, Philipp Peterson, Ralph Peterson, Wilhelm Peterson, William Petker, Heinrich Petri, Anton Petri, Conrad Petri, Jacob Petri, Johan Petri, Johan Heinric Name of Bride Barrett, Lucy D. Barrett, Lucy Cody, Henrietta Cook, Rachel Bools, Sarah Bookhorp, Philippina Schaefer, Louisa Doeding, Maria Gerken, Katie Lennemeier, Mary Becker, Maria Engel Klostermann, Maria VonDea, Christina Sheck, Carrie Lang, Anna Ammann, Anna M.B. Murphy, Sarah Berry, America Kirch, Anna C. Becker, Catharine Bland, Rebecca Brown, Elisabeth Barnard, Mary E. Tuempe, Augusta Blangy, Mariam C. Huber, Catharine Watson, Lizzie Conover, Mary Ann Felton, Lizzie Felton, Libby Brown, Lucy F. Meyer, M. Elisabeth Evans, Margaret Purris, Mary A. Schwein, Elisabeth Sentney, Mary A. Hagebeck, Sophia Williams, Abigail Williams, Mary Wichers, Wilhelmina Nebel, Marie J. Schroeder, Elisabeth Bechtell, Charlotte Hardingbrook, Sarah Woellmann, M. Cath. Albers, Elisabeth Kuhlmann, Maria Kuhn, Lena Lange, Katherine Morhaus, M Elisabeth Hassold, Caroline Propst, Louise MarriageYear 1857 1857 1868 1852 1874 1856 1872 1854 1874 1884 1883 1845 1850 1868 1855 1874 1855 1855 1857 1846 1875 1834 1852 1883 1867 1855 1875 1837 1875 1875 1867 1846 1877 1877 1881 1849 1854 1832 1837 1868 1875 1884 1848 1822 1846 1841 1855 1884 1872 1846 1872 1868 Page 32 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Rose Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Morris Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Rose Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Rose Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church First United Church of Christ St. Mark German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Petri, Nicolaus Petrie, Charles R. Petrie, Joseph Petrig, Christian Petrus, Frank Petry, Nicholas Petteida--, Theodore Petter, Wilhelm Pettet, Charles Pettet, Cornelius Pettibone, Andrew Pettibone, Edward H. Pettibone, James Pettibone, John Pettibone, William Pettibone, William Petticord, O.F. Pettiford, G.P. Pettiford, Lewis Pettiner, Daniel Pettiner, Matthew Pettiner, Matthew Pettis, Andrew Pettis, Simon Pettit, David Pettit, E.W. Pettit, Elnathan Pettit, J. William Pettit, John Pettit, John Pettit, John Pettit, John H. Pettit, John T. Pettit, John W. Pettit, Jonathan J. Pettit, Levi Pettit, Rudolphus Pettit, Theodore Pettit, Theodore K. Petton, William Pettry, Philipp Petty, George E. Petty, John Petty, Karl Petty, Reuben Petway, William Petz, Wendel Petzhold, Friedrich Petzold, Julius Peycke, Amandus Peycke, Amandus C. Peyer, Samuel Name of Bride Vehr, Margaretha White, Mary J. Kelly, Mary Freitag, Catharine Wollweber, Eva E. Schwartz, Frederika Woodruff, Caroline Clayhorn, Catherine Steele, Hannah Morrison, Effie Blohm, Maria Alcoke, Alice A. Crooks, Lauretta Love, Amanda Whitney, M. Fran Whitney, M. Fran Colte, Mollie Carthy, Mary Basil, Artemesia Bergerot, Elisabeth DeCamp, Sarah B. DeCamp, Sarah McCarthy, Sarah Boyer, Elisabeth Fair, Elisabeth Cutter, Mary Benhana, Harriet Warnke, Matilda Alexander, Mary Kenneally, Mary Grandin, Mary Johnson, Susan Grandon, May Kenneallie, Mary J. Leever, Sarah A. Paylor, Elizabeth Todd, Caroline Bailey, Martha Bailey, Martha Edes, Permelia Schaefer, Catharina Livingsberger, Sarah Payne, Kittie Reifel, Anna Mary Johnston, Elisabeth Bowzer, Julianna Manz, Magdalena Weber, Marie (Mrs.) Reeder, Caroline Beyland, Mathilde Beyland, Mathilda A. Scheis, Lena MarriageYear 1851 1874 1825 1855 1884 1880 1823 1878 1860 1848 1848 1866 1871 1867 1881 1881 1878 1882 1849 1857 1857 1857 1847 1847 1832 1864 1840 1881 1834 1855 1877 1856 1877 1855 1882 1850 1853 1853 1853 1847 1860 1866 1880 1883 1852 1880 1874 1863 1882 1863 1863 1849 Page 33 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses First German Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Immaculata Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Luke United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Stanislaus Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Peylon, Bryan Peyton, Blewfort Peyton, Buford Peyton, Daniel Peyton, Levi Peyton, Richard Pezold, Henry Pezold, Valentine Pfad, Michael Pfadt, John Pfaefflin, August Pfaefflin, William Pfaender, Wilhelm Pfaff, Adam Pfaff, August Pfaff, Eugen Theo. Pfaff, Georg Pfaff, Johan Pfaff, Johan P. Pfaff, Johann Pfaff, John Pfaff, John Pfaff, Konrad Pfaff, Michael Pfaff, Michael Pfaff, Nicolaus Pfaff, Peter Pfaff, Wallace Pfaff, Wallace S. Pfaffenberger, Georg Pfaffenberger, John Pfaffinger, Georg N. Pfaffinger, George Pfaffinger, George Pfaffmann, Adam Pfaffmann, Jacob Pfalz, Seibert Pfalzgraf, Christ. Pfalzgraf, Georg Pfalzgraf, George Pfalzgraf, Peter Pfalzgraf, Philipp Pfalzgraf, Philipp Pfalzgraf, Philipp Pfalzgraf, Philipp Pfalzgraf, Philipp Pfander, Michael Pfander, Valentin Pfandler, Nicolaus Pfankuch, Henry Pfannkuchen, Christ. Pfannkuchen, Friedr. Name of Bride Sullivan, Ellen Cookenar, Elisabeth Cochenour, Elizabeth Hazelton, Debora Franks, Barbara A. Beatson, Martha J. Deusser, Sophie Carl, Eva R. Kilb, Rosa Sauer, Katherine Schneider, Emeline Schell, Caroline Pfau, Catharine Rising, Mary Ganggel, Rosina Boertzel, Maggie(Mrs Bechtold, Margaretha Ochsner, Bertha Schiett, Lena Mechler, Catharina Holt, Louise Abbey, Sallie Keiner, Philippina Baier, Margaretha Eberhard, Josephine Spies, Genofeva Brescher, Anna Hilts, Louilla Hilts, Luella J. Hahn, Barbara Guenther, Amalia Seymour, Emilia Fischer, Elisabeth Goettheim, Emma Hatmaker, Wilhelmina Fath, Catharine Meyer, Katharine Miller, Frederike Gradolf, Anna Howe, Elisa Rubin, Salomea Waldmann, Eva Martin, Magdalena Speier, Margaretha Pfalzgraf, Elisabeth Vester, Elizabeth Schartt, Anna Maria Gauswein, Barbara Huber, Elisabeth Schaller, Louise Siegmann, Rosalia Klinge, Adelheid MarriageYear 1864 1843 1843 1843 1847 1850 1881 1855 1879 1876 1851 1856 1851 1855 1880 1882 1854 1869 1865 1878 1842 1873 1873 1857 1859 1839 1856 1878 1878 1847 1876 1858 1883 1884 1882 1856 1863 1875 1869 1866 1881 1848 1849 1850 1878 1884 1856 1873 1857 1870 1856 1859 Page 34 10/23/2013 Source St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Augustine Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pfannkuchen, Georg Pfanz, John Pfarr, Johan Pfarr, Peter Pfat, Michael Pfau, Charles Pfau, Charles Pfau, Frank Pfau, Frank Pfau, Frank H. Pfau, Franz H. Pfau, George Pfau, Jakob Pfau, Jakob Pfau, Johan Pfau, Johan M. Pfau, John L. Pfau, John M. Pfau, Karl J. Pfau, Louis Pfau, Ludwig Pfau, Philipp Pfau, Sylvester Pfau, Wilhelm Pfau, William Pfaube, Georg Pfautsch, Johan Pfeffer, Benedict Pfeffer, Benedict Pfeffer, Christian Pfeffer, Jacob Pfeffer, Jacob Pfeffer, Jacob Pfeffer, Johan Pfeffer, Johan Pfeffer, Johan F. Pfeffer, John Pfeffer, John E. Pfeffer, John E. Pfeffer, Matthaeus Pfeffer, Peter Pfeffermann, Anton Pfehler, Adolph Pfeifer, Adolf Pfeifer, Ambrose Pfeifer, Anthony Pfeifer, Anton Pfeifer, August Pfeifer, Carl Pfeifer, Christian Pfeifer, Frank Pfeifer, Friedrich Name of Bride Klocke, Sophia Keck, Elizabeth Franzheim, Magdalena Darnenbert, Catharin Pfat, Maria Heitlage, Emilie J. Romer, Sophie Hines, Kate Ballauf, Antoinette Ballauf, Antonette C. Ballauf, Antoinetta Weiss, Barbara Bogen, Margaretha Schmidt, Maria Adrian, Dorothea Bogen, Wilhelmina Kaehl, Katharine Bogen, Wilhelmina Alms, Alvina A. Nickolaus, Theresa Barteheimer, Louise Crepeter, Elisabeth Nadler, Charlotte Schneider, Augusta Snider, Augusta Weber, Christine Pfaff, Catharine May, Catharine Ottem, Theresa Kuesper, Margaretha Hucker, Margaretha Kessler, Kate Beyer, Margaret Steiber, Rosina Hepp, Elisa Holder, Ella M. Stephan, Elizabeth Neupert, Katie Foley, Sarah J. Chieringer, Barbara Remmitter, Helen Hercker, Caroline Hein, Anna Dorothea Hebetsch, Eva Schwab, Theresa Hering, Emma Rapp, Margaret (Mrs) Gleason, Anna Zwissler, Elsa Dunker, Melina Mulvey, Ellen Panthoefer, Christ. MarriageYear 1869 1883 1846 1852 1854 1880 1883 1869 1869 1869 1869 1882 1855 1866 1856 1858 1860 1858 1870 1866 1856 1847 1838 1863 1863 1850 1845 1857 1862 1855 1864 1873 1876 1856 1868 1874 1860 1882 1884 1877 1863 1875 1880 1851 1873 1878 1864 1875 1854 1847 1867 1848 Page 35 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Paul German Evangelical Church Nast Memorial Methodist Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Martin German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Louis Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pfeifer, Friedrich Pfeifer, Georg Pfeifer, Heinrich Pfeifer, Heinrich Pfeifer, Heinrich Pfeifer, Henry Pfeifer, Henry Pfeifer, J. Gerhard Pfeifer, Jacob Pfeifer, Jacob Pfeifer, Jacob Pfeifer, Jacob Pfeifer, Jacob Pfeifer, Jodocus Pfeifer, Johan Pfeifer, Joseph Pfeifer, Joseph J. Pfeifer, Marc Pfeifer, Max Pfeifer, Otto Pfeifer, Otto Pfeifer, Peter Pfeifer, Sebastian Pfeiffer, Charles Pfeiffer, Francis Pfeiffer, Frederick Pfeiffer, Friedrich Pfeiffer, Georg Pfeiffer, George Pfeiffer, George Pfeiffer, George Pfeiffer, H.H. Pfeiffer, Isaac Pfeiffer, Jacob Pfeiffer, John Pfeiffer, John Pfeiffer, John Pfeiffer, Louis Pfeiffer, Louis Pfeiffer, Otto Pfeiffer, Philipp Pfeiffer, Stephan Pfeiffer, Stephen Pfeiffer, Wilhelm Pfeiffer, William Pfeiffer, William Pfeil, George Pfeil, Heinrich Pfeil, Valentin Pfeister, Franz Pfeister, Frederick Pfender, John Anton Name of Bride Berninger, Louise Neuhart, Victoria Thomas, Anna Elis. Mohringer, Anna Marg Weber, Elisabeth Scheidemann, Maria Schrott, Lotte Bradinger, Maria Ann Trua, Anna Maria Stahl, Magdalena Gustin, Anna R. Niebling, Christina Haenzel, Anna Theobald, Margaretha Asmann, Louise Greiner, Margaret Rettig, Agnes Hippen, Lucia Meyer, Magdalena Eslinger, Dorothea Engelke, Augusta Arp, Elisabeth Friedrich, Katharina Meyer, Katie Grueneberg, Dorothea Correran, Wilhelmina Laux, Hedwig Sutter, Maria Schott, Louisa Christmann, Margaret Rahmaier, Sophia Turner, Mary Paffenheimer, Sarah Dobler, Catharine Boehmann, Anna C. Ostendorf, Rosie Hoffmann, Mary Alms, Caroline Alms, Carolina Esslinger, Caroline Rueple, Pauline Naumann, Margaretha Nicol, Agatha Nayler, Christiane Bercen, Presilla Gardner, Elizabeth Krantz, Mollie Elitzer, Barbara Schneider, Augusta Reis, Magdalena Hagenbuck, Caroline Schmelling, Augusta MarriageYear 1878 1846 1847 1850 1853 1868 1884 1851 1856 1877 1878 1879 1882 1853 1867 1858 1880 1848 1858 1872 1876 1856 1856 1881 1854 1874 1868 1849 1879 1880 1882 1868 1882 1852 1858 1883 1884 1866 1866 1872 1883 1884 1850 1862 1856 1874 1882 1863 1860 1839 1868 1876 Page 36 10/23/2013 Source St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Nast Memorial Methodist Church First German Presbyterian Church St. Clement Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper North German Lutheran Church Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. First English Lutheran Church St. Boniface Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pfennigworth, Emil Pfenning, Paul Pfenninger, Jacob Pferiger, John Pferrmann, Conrad Pfetzer, Joseph Pfetzer, Joseph Pfiechter, Jacob Pfiermann, Conrad Pfiester, Edward Pfiester, Edward Pfiester, Edward Pfiester, Gabriel Pfiester, Jakob Pfiester, John Pfiester, John Pfiester, Michael Pfiester, Michael Pfiester, Wilhelm Pfifer, John Pfifferling, George Pfingstag, John Pfingstag, John Hy. Pfirmann, Caspar Pfirrling, Friedrich Pfirrmann, Andreas Pfirrmann, Andrew Pfirrmann, Friedrich Pfirrmann, George M. Pfirrmann, Jacob Pfirrmann, Johan Pfirrmann, Valentin Pfister, Anton Pfister, Carl Pfister, Carl Pfister, Charles Pfister, Daniel Pfister, Elias Pfister, Ernst Pfister, Heinrich Pfister, Henry J. Pfister, Jacob Pfister, Johan Pfister, Joseph Pfister, Joseph Pfister, Montgomery Pfister, Morrice H. Pfister, Peter Pfister, Theodor Pfister, Theodor Pfister, Thomas Pfisterer, George Name of Bride Gross, Hedwig Garver, Emma Schindler, Louisa Quirks, Delia Pferrmann, Barbara Amberg, Maria Klein, Margaret Doering, Maria Schmidt, Margaretha Shalvey, Elizabeth Shalvey, Elizabeth Shalvey, Elizabeth Meyer, Sarah Jane Kreis, Maria C. Scheller, Mary Michel, Rose Weiss, Elisabeth Kassner, Kate Lauer, Caroline Quirke, Bridget Holzmann, Kate Steidler, Pauline Fischer, Lizzie Wuest, Catharina Roose, Maria Oberheu, Lina Wocher, Bertha Mappes, Margaretha Bruntz, Caroline Ottlieb, Margaret Hart, Carrie Martzluft, Bridget Schwer, Rosine Anderlein, Barb.(Mrs Gravius, Philopena Nodler, Catharine Ruesch, Wilhelmina Lieberman, Maria Goettinger, Maria Engelhardt, Maria Reitzel, Louisa Baumann, Barbara Schnell, Maria Minges, Elisabeth Robenstein, Mary Armel, Elizabeth J. Cahill, Anna Bohl, Barbara Riher, Katherine Heiser, Lizzie Steins, Roseann Hessenauer, Rosina MarriageYear 1870 1884 1867 1859 1859 1849 1850 1852 1844 1878 1878 1878 1857 1871 1857 1883 1855 1880 1861 1873 1884 1881 1882 1853 1860 1857 1877 1857 1858 1873 1868 1864 1872 1853 1874 1854 1865 1874 1853 1852 1882 1878 1862 1861 1874 1873 1874 1850 1874 1882 1881 1881 Page 37 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christy Methodist Chapel St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Luke United Church of Christ Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Christ Episcopal Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pfisterer, Henry Pfisterer, Johan Pfisterer, Johan Pfisterer, Peter Pfisterer, Philipp F Pfisterer, William Pfistner, Martin Pfistner, Michael Pfitzer, Charles F. Pfitzer, John A. Pfitzer, Joseph Pfitzer, Joseph Pfitzer, Wilhelm Pfitzer, William Pfitzner, Gustav Pflager, Jakob Pflanz, Henry Pflanz, Louis Pflanz, William Pflaum, Stanislaus Pfleger, Julius Pflieger, Johan Pflomm, August Pflueger, Adolph Pflueger, Christian Pflueger, J. Michael Pflug, William Pfluger, George Pflum, Adam Pflum, Frank L. Pflum, Henry P. Pflum, Johan Pflum, Joseph Pflum, Peter Pflum, Wolfgang Pfohl, Andrew Pfohl, John Pfortner, Jacob Pfost, Wilhelm Pfrankle, Peter Pfriem, John Peter Pfrim, Johan Peter Pfrom, Johan Pfuderer, Wilhelm F. Pfueger, J. Michael Pfuehl, Lorenz Pfuhl, Michael Pfund, Jacob Pfund, Jacob Pfunder, Nikolaus Phares, Abraham Phares, Amos Name of Bride Stritmeyer, Anna M. Bittner, Jos. (Mrs) Lesch, Elisabeth Packer, Marie Wendel, Rosina VonGundy, Mary Sturm, Maria Anna Thunhorst, Mary E. Fathenstein, Frances Edmonds, Hattie Walk, Anna Maria Wesner, Laura Gohmann, Maria Giesker, Amalie Jepsen, Gertrud Rack, Regina Polster, Maggie Kreke, Sophia Blum, Mary Erhard, Justina Silbernagel, Cath. Squirk, Delia Werner, Barbara Jaeckl, Johanna L. Driehs, Eva Reitz, A. Margaret Erkmann, Eva Vosmer, Louisa Scheller, Catherine Brown, Elizabeth Burges, Anna E. Laut, Sophia Albers, M. Catherine Schreiner, Mary Bogenschultz, Kunig. Rodenkirch, Cath. Popp, Frances Wellsbillig, Barbara Goetz, Barbara Tapsen, Sarah Vogt, Magdalena Osters, Catharina Schaefer, Anna W. Ambach, Margaretha Emmert, Caroline Daniel, Louisa Stier, Catharine Meyer, Rosina Tierney, Mary Schott, Barbara Beach, Elisabeth Herron, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1864 1865 1866 1865 1853 1858 1866 1856 1880 1880 1864 1883 1857 1880 1854 1873 1882 1878 1876 1869 1871 1859 1873 1883 1869 1850 1842 1866 1875 1874 1871 1848 1873 1872 1843 1876 1876 1875 1853 1850 1876 1862 1871 1855 1865 1857 1854 1867 1877 1869 1854 1835 Page 38 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Henry Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Bonaventure Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Bonaventure Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Henry Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Phares, Charles Phares, Charles Phares, George W. Phares, J.H. Phares, John Phares, John Phares, John Phares, John H. Phares, Matthew Phares, R.T. Phares, Robert Phares, Samuel Phares, Samuel Phares, Walter Phares, Walter S. Phares, William Phares, William Phares, William Pharo, Johan Pharran, William Phaser, George Phealon, John Pheilsticker, Philip Pheiphere, Samuel Phelan, Dennis Phelan, Edward Phelan, Edward Phelan, Edward J. Phelan, Edward J. Phelan, John Phelan, John Phelan, Patrick Phelan, Patrick Phelan, Philip Phelan, Thomas Phelan, Thomas Phelan, Thomas Phelan, William Phelan, William Phelman, Franklin Phelps, Ambrose Phelps, Benjamin Phelps, Cathell Phelps, Cathill Phelps, Chester Phelps, J.E. Phelps, John Phelps, Louis Phelps, S.W. Phelps, Samuel Phelps, Samuel W. Phelps, Wilhelm H. Name of Bride West, Helen M. West, Helen Gaul, Julia Witherow, Elizabeth Butler, Hannah Pritchard, Martha Peters, Mary E. Frost, Neoma Martin, Rebecca ----, Elisabeth Brown, Jane Hutchinson, Polley Gould, Jane Fisher, Ellen Behringer, Monica Andrew, Catherine Andrew, Kate Hall, Louella H. Schmidt, Maria Elis. Casey, Nancy Buett, Catherine Armstrong, Catharine Bure, Mary Masse, Louise Flinn, Sarah Heiner, Kate Gaffney, Delia Swain, Margaret Swain, Margaret Quinn, Ellen Powers, Maggie Maloney, Margaret Hogan, Elizabeth Powers, Bridget Gorian, Sarah Lowry, Honora Butler, Mary A. Quinn, Mary Hart, Anna LaBoyteaux, Amanda Bogart, Margaret Cowdry, Elizabeth Connelly, Jennie Connelly, Jennie Mecks, Sarah Knecht, Elisabeth Shaw, Mary Evens, Ella Drake, Harriet Ball, Anne Ball, Ann Mueller, Mathilda MarriageYear 1875 1876 1865 1866 1842 1845 1866 1861 1849 1835 1818 1824 1846 1851 1884 1875 1875 1876 1860 1842 1873 1850 1875 1880 1859 1868 1869 1877 1877 1883 1883 1868 1880 1849 1860 1867 1875 1851 1877 1859 1881 1835 1863 1863 1866 1864 1818 1877 1836 1835 1835 1854 Page 39 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Atonement Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Angels Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio Court House Marriage License Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Phelps, Winslow Phelps, Winthrop Pheris, Peter Pherson, William Phester, Chester Phibbs, William H. Phibbs, William H. Philan, Andrew Philbin, John Philbin, Mark Philhour, Philip Philip, Bernhard Philip, Jacob Philip, Valentine Philipp, Abraham Philipp, Adam Philipp, Eugene Philipp, Georg Philipp, Georg Philipp, Gottfried Philipp, Jacob Philipp, Joseph Philipp, P. Philippe, Louis Philippi, Philipp Philippi, Wilhelm R. Philipps, August Philipps, Benjamin Philipps, E.H. Philipps, Emil Philipps, Francis Philipps, George Philipps, Louis Karl Philipps, Ludwig Philipps, Richard Philipps, Rufus Philipps, Theodore Philipps, Thomas Philipps, William Philips, Philips, B. Philips, Charles Philips, Ferdinand Philips, James Philips, James Philips, Spencer Philips, Thomas H. Philips, William G. Philley, Erastus Phillip, Edwin B. Phillip, John Phillip, Levi Name of Bride Foster, Susan Chambers, Emilie Pheris, Hattie Beers, Gertrude Shearer, Catharine Mercer, Mary M. Mercer, Mary M. Rasne, Margaret Manly, Mary Bulley, Catharine Sears, Catharine Purlier, Elizabeth Weigand, Margaretha Peter, Amalia Steinaugh, Caroline Siegfried, Maria Pressler, Johanna Stengen, Margaretha Braunagel, Rosa Heitt, Maria Mummert, Helena Rocklin, Mary Vanezillio, Maria Maunasion, Kate Dorr, Helena Hummel, Charlot(Mrs) Brunner, Anna Maria Etherington, Susan DePlatos, Clairissa Fuierer, Bertha Johnson, Lucyntha Muendel, Caroline Angelbeck, Lisette Beber, Elisabeth Gibson, Louise Brachmann, Aurelia Rengering, Anna Elis McGuin, Mary Lister, Hannah Durkey, Betsey Purlier, Elisabeth Lees, Martha E. Plant, Sarah Folger, Addie Folger, Addie Robinson, Hannah McCoy, Ann Gifford, Josephine Griffin, Mary Talbott, Mary McEwen, Catharine ----, ---- MarriageYear 1837 1873 1860 1884 1839 1880 1880 1868 1849 1871 1821 1845 1865 1855 1849 1866 1882 1846 1876 1861 1863 1855 1854 1883 1866 1873 1876 1850 1866 1881 1854 1880 1867 1860 1858 1864 1882 1868 1842 1818 1845 1862 1883 1868 1868 1821 1822 1848 1836 1875 1849 1851 Page 40 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church First German Presbyterian Church First United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Louis Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Phillip, Robert C. Phillipps, Heinrich Phillips, Phillips, Phillips, A.C. Phillips, Alfred Phillips, Andrew Phillips, Asa Phillips, Benjamin Phillips, Charles Phillips, Charles Phillips, Charles Phillips, Clinton Phillips, Cornelius Phillips, David Phillips, David Phillips, Edward Phillips, Elias Phillips, Elijah Phillips, F.N. Phillips, Firman Phillips, George Phillips, George F. Phillips, George J. Phillips, George J. Phillips, George W. Phillips, Harry Phillips, Henry Phillips, Henry Phillips, Henry L. Phillips, Hiram Phillips, Isaac Phillips, Isaac Phillips, Isaac Phillips, James Phillips, James Phillips, James Phillips, James H. Phillips, Janus Phillips, Joel Phillips, John Phillips, John Phillips, John Phillips, John Phillips, John Phillips, John Phillips, John M. Phillips, John M. Phillips, John R. Phillips, Joseph Phillips, Joseph Ed. Phillips, Louis Name of Bride Smith, Maria Schnermann, Louise Hagemann, Catharine Phillips, Ophelia Huffmann, Catharine Vincent, Stella C. Wyatt, Elisabeth J. Norholtz, Elisabeth Etherington, Susan Wright, Elisabeth Faulkner, Cora Webster, Laura B. Custer, Sarah A. Phillips, Susan Matthews, Elizabeth Zeve, Mathilda DePalos, Clarissa Sharp, Sarah Rose, Lorina Smith, Ada Smith, Bertha Ryan, Mary Mayfield, May G. Smith, Mary F. Smith, Mary F. Lynes, Susan Graves, Ella Thomas, Margaret Gold, Francis Collins, Sallie F. Ingram, Emerine Martin, Mary Ann Martin, Mary Ann Smith, Lucretia Douglass, Elisabeth Rosenburgh, Nancy Kelly, Lurena Jones, Margaret Braun, Nancy Goldsmith, Charlotte Dusheef, Betsy Dandy, Maria Twiford, Elisabeth Ware, Maria Mesling, Anna Starr, Mary Johnson, Hattie B. Johnston, Hattie B. Beeler, Nancy Brown, Ada Bell Jostarnd, Anna Maria Kleine, Toba MarriageYear 1834 1868 1849 1874 1858 1852 1848 1819 1850 1851 1875 1884 1883 1864 1848 1852 1866 1826 1854 1858 1879 1857 1877 1878 1878 1825 1875 1825 1867 1866 1881 1852 1852 1874 1821 1840 1856 1865 1873 1837 1818 1842 1854 1866 1875 1879 1875 1875 1849 1872 1883 1859 Page 41 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Thomas Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Morris Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Assumption Catholic Church - Mt. Healthy Court House Marriage License HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Phillips, Louis Phillips, Lucien Phillips, Luther Phillips, Mark Phillips, Mark Phillips, Morris Phillips, Moses Phillips, Moses Phillips, Oliver Phillips, Richard Phillips, Robert Phillips, Robert Phillips, Robert Phillips, Robert Phillips, Roderich Phillips, Samuel Phillips, Sydney Phillips, Thomas Phillips, Uriall Phillips, W.H. Phillips, William Phillips, William Phillips, William Phillips, William Phillips, William Phillips, William Phillips, William Phillips, William C. Phillips, William H. Phillips, William H. Phillis, Jacob Phillis, Thomas Phillmore, W.C. Philpot, John Philpot, William Philpot, William Phiper, John Phippard, William Phippe, Eugene Phipps, Chris. C. Phipps, Christopher Phipps, Elias Phipps, Gardner Phipps, George Phipps, Henry Phipps, L.F. Phipps, Tobias Phipps, William Phipps, William Phipps, William Phister, Morris T. Phlum, Joseph Name of Bride Wells, Anna Marvin, Abby Meyers, Sarah Morrison, Sarah Brightmore, Hannah Fuchs, Fannie Noble, Elisabeth Silvers, Sarah Edwards, Elizabeth Gest, Sally Humber, Mary S. Crary, Harriet Crary, Harriet Head, Elizabeth Dismond, Lucy Phillips, Fanny Bell, Maria T. Harris, Mary Saunders, Rosalie Hill, Martha Long, Mary Ann Symmonds, Esther E. Kautz, Margaret West, Sue E. Richardson, Cath. Richardson, Catharin Bailey, Anna Finnigan, Mary Hill, Martha Bailey, Adam Brundenge, Murilda Ross, Emeline Brooks, Margaret Work, Sarah Hammatt, Ann Glendennis, Sarah Shearer, Elisabeth Quinlan, Bessie Presle, Anna Ogg, Katie Gilmore, Angeline Pierson, Hulda Enyart, Rebecca Holderfield, Julia Marine, Elisabeth Waters, Nellie M. Miller, Sophia Dernerice, Emily Dixon, Margaret Reynolds, Lydia Cahill, Anna Greiner, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1867 1865 1862 1824 1856 1863 1835 1838 1868 1820 1843 1858 1858 1862 1867 1875 1859 1845 1874 1846 1841 1842 1853 1857 1860 1860 1879 1840 1847 1879 1833 1836 1874 1851 1845 1855 1837 1878 1882 1879 1847 1842 1839 1860 1852 1882 1847 1836 1842 1851 1874 1869 Page 42 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Michael Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Phoenix, James H. Piano, Giuseppi Piatt, Benjamin Piatt, Benjamin M. Piatt, Charles Piatt, Don Piatt, Donn Piatt, Donn Piatt, Edward Piatt, J.W. Piatt, J.W. Piatt, Jacob Piatt, Jacob Piatt, Jacob W. Piatt, John Piatt, Louis Piatt, Sanders Piatt, William Picard, Pierce J. Pichl, Gebhard Pichler, Johan Pichohowsky, Alex. Pick, George Pick, John Pick, Joseph Pick, William Pickard, George Pickel, Johan M. Pickel, Max Pickelheimer, David Pickelheimer, J.T. Pickelheimer, J.T. Pickelmann, Georg Pickelmann, Georg Pickens, Asher Pickens, Clifford Pickens, Hyram A. Pickens, James Pickens, James Pickens, Jeremiah Pickens, Jeremiah Pickens, John Pickens, Walter Picker, Johan Chris. Pickering, Charles Pickering, Charles Pickering, F.M. Pickering, Frank Pickering, George M. Pickering, James Pickering, John Pickering, Joseph Name of Bride Trask, Isabella Devoto, Biancha Mudd, Theodora Mudd, Theodora Brown, Ella C. Kirby, Ella Kirby, Louise Kirby, Ella Richardson, Sallie Lanman, Harriet DeValcourt, Martha Hubbell, Mary A. Hubbell, Mary Devalcourt, Martha Hybeman, Hannah Ryle, Lizzie Watts, Ellen Allen, Mary Terent, Jeasina McNelley, Maria Guenther, Eva Reckers, Maria Gorman, Elisabeth Centner, Catharine Bordini, Christina Boebinger, Louisa Mulford, Hannah Postel, Eva Gehner, Sophia Sharp, Susan Dolman, Elizabeth A. Dolman, Elizabeth A. Beck, Maria Mott, Martina Tucker, Mary E. Passmore, Maggie McGee, Katie Smith, Catherine Smith, Catharine Smith, Mary Smith, Mary E. Porter, Elisabeth Grah, Hulda Horsemann, Catharina Thompson, Elmira B. Thompson, Belle Anthony, F.B. Anthony, Flora Seamore, Maria Seymour, Sarah Little, Emma B. Jones, Mary MarriageYear 1867 1857 1864 1864 1881 1866 1847 1866 1879 1831 1837 1853 1853 1837 1834 1862 1863 1851 1853 1863 1865 1871 1884 1869 1854 1881 1858 1853 1852 1846 1883 1883 1854 1863 1853 1879 1882 1857 1857 1862 1862 1841 1882 1836 1867 1867 1881 1881 1833 1854 1871 1857 Page 43 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pickering, M. Pickering, T. Pickering, Thomas Pickering, Tilgham Pickers, J.A.H. Pickers, John Pickers, John Picket, Ignatz Picket, John M. Picket, Louis Pickets, John Pickett, A.W. Pickett, David Pickett, David Pickett, Edward Pickett, George W. Pickett, Henry Pickett, Samuel Pickett, Thomas Pickham, Andrew Pickins, Alexander Pickins, Amos Pickle, Anton Pickscheid, Ferdinan Picquett, David Piehler, Herman Piel, Heinrich Piel, John Christoph Piel, Nicolaus Pielage, Friedrich Pielage, Henry Pielage, Henry Pielage, Herman H. Pielage, Johan Pieling, August Piemann, Herman Piening, Bernard Piening, Johan H. Piening, John H. Pienkowski, T.J. Piepen, Joseph Piepenbring, Francis Piepenbring, George Piepenhoff, Johan H. Pieper, Andrew Pieper, August Pieper, Bernard Pieper, Bernard Pieper, Carl Pieper, Christian Pieper, Francis Pieper, Frank Name of Bride Carne, Sarah Hotchkiss, Anna W. Kendall, Elisabeth Hotchkiss, Annie Marsh, Mary McConkey, Lavinia McConkey, Lavina VanGennup, Rose Williams, Elinor P. Koehler, Mary Ann Pickets, Charlotte Pickett, Jennie Spellman, Margaret McCarthy, Mary Kramer, Josie Kattenkamp, Anna Chansler, Virginia Cra---, Charlotte Fennemore, Harriet Holland, Mary Jane Baumeister, Lucinda Rott, Elizabeth Dueringer, Antonia Nicolaus, Margaretha Masson, Elisabeth Stolzenbach, Dorothe Kronberg, Emma Droege, Maria Elis. Jacobs, Margaretha Schniederbehrend, E. Frailing, Mary Rekers, Catherine Schroeder, Anna Cath Pellewessel, Maria Forster, Magdalena Kramer, Elisabeth Matjohan, Pauline Richter, Elisabeth Harbers, Anna Leonard, Jennie Keegan, Margaret Leuck, Rose Ann Zoeller, Kate Barth, Maria Elis. Cain, Mary Runck, Mary Faehr, Barbara Reneker, Catharina Gronemeier, El.(Mrs) Yorker, Charlotte Fischer, Elisabeth Oberding, Mollie MarriageYear 1878 1865 1838 1865 1878 1861 1861 1862 1833 1863 1864 1875 1863 1866 1883 1858 1856 1855 1848 1842 1842 1860 1849 1850 1856 1867 1855 1855 1855 1866 1875 1875 1851 1862 1871 1855 1873 1874 1881 1875 1866 1853 1883 1850 1883 1884 1844 1852 1858 1853 1858 1880 Page 44 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pieper, Friedrich Pieper, Fritz Pieper, George Pieper, Gerhard Bd. Pieper, Gerhard H. Pieper, Gerhard H. Pieper, Heinrich Pieper, Heinrich F. Pieper, Heinrich F. Pieper, Henry Pieper, Henry Pieper, Henry Pieper, Herman Pieper, Herman Aug. Pieper, J. Gerhard Pieper, J. Theodor Pieper, Johan Pieper, John Pieper, John Pieper, John Pieper, John Clement Pieper, John H. Pieper, Louis Pieper, William Pieperjohannes, J.B. Piepko, William Piepmeier, Heinrich Piepmeier, Herman J. Piepmeyer, Fred. Piepmeyer, Fred. A. Piepmeyer, Henry Piepmeyer, J. Casper Piepmeyer, Johan F. Piepmeyer, Joseph Piepmeyer, Joseph F. Pierano, A. Pierce, Albert E. Pierce, Alexander Pierce, Arthur L. Pierce, Ben F. Pierce, Benjamin Pierce, C. Lewis Pierce, Caleb Pierce, Charles Pierce, Charles H. Pierce, Frank Pierce, Frank Pierce, Frank Pierce, Frank B. Pierce, Frank W. Pierce, George B. Pierce, Harvey Name of Bride Bunselmeier, Anna Strautmann, Emma Fealty, Catharine Schipper, Margaret A Berghegger, J. (Mrs) Schipper, A. Cath. Schneider, Carolina Sandmeier, Henrietta VonHerman, Charlotte Bockelmann, Sophia Clough, Jennie L. Clough, Jennie Dallmeyer, Eliza Holts, M. Henrietta Holtmeyer, Catharina Achter, Maria Thekla Kuhlmann, Theresa Engle, Mary Butler, Mary Jane Butler, Mary J. Rennekamp, Anna Cath Hollkamp, Louisa Sharpshair, Margaret Stedur, Louise Filesner, Johanna Ihlen, Amelia Blomberg, Sophia(Mrs Engel, Maria Boedeker, C. Elis. Auel, Elisabeth B. Muntel, Philomena Kuckhermann, Cath. Huermann, Maria Bockhorst, Anna Probst, Minnie Gazzolo, S. Robinson, Nannie Lucas, Rebecca Peyton, Sallie J. Rockenfield, Frances Henderson, Maggie Orr, Jennie Diamond, Ann Stall, Esther M. Chase, Harriet Trader, Amelia Young, Adeline Young, Adeline Ratcliffe, Ann Lewis, May C. Meyers, Sarah Segers, Ada MarriageYear 1872 1884 1850 1863 1867 1873 1867 1850 1859 1877 1880 1880 1868 1855 1849 1872 1860 1875 1876 1876 1873 1875 1879 1851 1884 1876 1861 1853 1875 1878 1874 1856 1846 1872 1884 1860 1884 1851 1871 1859 1876 1880 1850 1873 1847 1862 1874 1874 1862 1881 1875 1877 Page 45 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Paul Catholic Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Catholic Church Zion German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pierce, Henry Pierce, Isaac Pierce, J.W. Pierce, James Pierce, James Pierce, Jeremiah Pierce, Jerry Pierce, John Pierce, John Pierce, John J. Pierce, John W. Pierce, Joseph Pierce, Lymon Pierce, Martin Pierce, N.T. Pierce, Octavius Pierce, Omer T. Pierce, Richard W. Pierce, Samuel Pierce, Samuel R. Pierce, Thomas Pierce, Thomas Pierce, Walter D. Pierce, William Pierce, William Pierce, William Pierce, William Pierce, William Pierce, William H. Pierce, Zenas Piercy, William Pierle, Henry W. Pierman, Thomas Pierpoint, John Pierpoint, M.D. Pierpoint, Moses Pierreau, Joseph Pierrot, Anton Pierrot, T. Piersall, Arch. Piersol, Justinian Pierson, Adam Pierson, Charles Pierson, Charles Pierson, Charles E. Pierson, Cyrus E. Pierson, Daniel Pierson, Daniel Pierson, Daniel Pierson, David Pierson, Eugene Pierson, F.W. Name of Bride Brooks, Bettie Millne, Jane Pillsbury, Nellie Wood, Mary Eliza Smith, Louisa McDonough, Maria E. Estess, Ellen Stoyden, Ruth Wilkerson, Sarah Devane, Annie Pillsbury, Helen A. Shreve, Mary Snow, Mary A. Fitzsimmons, Mary Lord, E.E. (Mrs) Robinson, Caroline Marshall, Nettie Lesher, Sarah Robinson, Maria Comstock, Sylvia Wheeler, Mary Jane Wheeler, Mary Jane May, Mary A. Jackson, Evelina Sloop, Maria Campbell, Alice Garrison, Elizabeth Jaquess, M.E. Jackson, Eveline McCormick, Hannah J. Faulfmann, Elisabeth Sandau, Minnie Stewart, Charlotte Bodley, Melvina Rasselt, Sophia Basett, Sophia Lotheringer, Hortens Wilhelm, Magdalena Mikolajewski, Franci Welden, Mamie Thomas, Anna Helmich, Frances Moore, Nancy Marrow, Jane Schenck, Hattie Howard, Maggie Lathrop, Lydia Stevenson, Christina Carr, Sarah Jane C---, Elisabeth Crosby, Lena VanDyke, Lizzie MarriageYear 1882 1834 1878 1843 1848 1832 1875 1837 1853 1866 1878 1831 1875 1861 1868 1868 1875 1874 1850 1834 1845 1845 1861 1836 1849 1858 1863 1868 1836 1880 1862 1879 1867 1869 1876 1876 1883 1877 1881 1880 1860 1865 1845 1846 1882 1881 1850 1851 1857 1825 1883 1858 Page 46 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 6 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Stanislaus Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pierson, Frank Pierson, Furman Pierson, George W. Pierson, H.C. Pierson, J.B. Pierson, James Pierson, Jesse Pierson, Jesse Pierson, John Pierson, Jonathan Pierson, Joseph Pierson, Joseph John Pierson, Lewis Pierson, Moses B. Pierson, Newbold L. Pierson, Samuel Pierson, Simon Pierson, Stites Pierson, William Pierson, William Pierson, William Pierson, William Piesche, Joseph Pieser, Jacob Piesson, George W. Piestner, Johan Pietuc, Edward Pifer, John Pigg, Sanford Pigher, Philipp Pigman, Charles Pigman, Harrison T. Pigman, William Pignegny, Alfred L. Pignegny, Alfred L. Pignett, Henry Pike, George Pike, James Pike, John Pike, Louis Pike, Samuel Pike, Samuel Pike, Samuel Pike, Samuel Pike, Wesley Pike, William Pike, Wilson B. Piket, Ignaz Pilage, Heinrich Piles, Andrew J. Pilgelger, John J. Pilger, Edmund Name of Bride Norris, Mary VanDyke, Lizzie Lewis, Anna Voris, Katie E. Goodman, Billie E. Roseboom, Sarah Jane Wood, Almira Schenck, Margaret North, Ella Hill, Phoebe Conley, Bridget Snyder, Sallie M. Clark, Amalia Barr, Lucy Smedley, Margaret S. Jones, Mary E. Layman, Harriet Vorhes, Martha Couse, Isabella Schanck, Rebecca Jones, Amelia Williams, Juliett Kneher, Elisa Pfister, Elisabeth Roll, Sarah Gardner, Magdalena McDermott, Mary Merriman, Mary Dunn, Melissa Ekert, Maria Howell, Agnes ----, Phoebe Sprigman, Mary Ther. Johnson, Sarah G. Johnson, Sarah G. Williams, Louise Ross, Prudence Hall, Mary Raines, Vashti Ullman, Rosa Miller, Ellen Miller, Ellen Harrington, Rose Ann Simpson, Genett Drake, Lu. Snow, Winnifred McDaniel, Sara A. VonGennup, Rosa Hemmer, Anna Maria Wilson, Nancy Meier, Mary A. Wagner, Roslie MarriageYear 1884 1858 1874 1875 1876 1846 1833 1843 1859 1843 1859 1882 1854 1833 1884 1852 1841 1859 1836 1842 1850 1853 1867 1845 1876 1854 1869 1858 1858 1859 1884 1835 1854 1877 1877 1850 1842 1882 1854 1867 1846 1846 1853 1855 1835 1859 1880 1862 1846 1836 1878 1864 Page 47 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Grace Episcopal Church - College Hill Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pilger, Johan Pilger, John P. Pilger, Peter Pilgram, Gerhard Pilgrim, Thomas Pilhasky, Herman Pilkington, George Pilkington, John Pille, Bernard Pille, Friedrich Pille, Friedrich H. Pille, Henry Pillen, Herman Piller, Andreas Piller, John Bernard Pilletter, Allen Pilling, Mathias Pilling, Mathias J. Pilman, Patrick Pilmore, Eben H. Pilsing, Friedrich Pilster, Frederick Pinains, John Pinains, John Pinchase, Thomas Pincheon, W. Pinck, Max Pindar, Henry Pindell, Daniel Pindell, Richard Pindell, William Pine, Benjamin Pine, Edward Pine, George W. Pine, James L. Pine, Lazarus Pine, Leroy Pine, Leroy Pine, Simeon Piner, William Pinger, Anthony Pinger, David Pinger, Jacob Pinger, Jakob Pinger, John Pinger, John Pinger, Ludwig Pinger, Philipp Pingling, Joseph Pingree, John Pingsterhaus, Hermann Pingstrauss, Herman Name of Bride Kockmann, Wilhelmina Kockman, Wilhelmina Steinmetz, Margaret Barkling, Maria Baggin, Ann Fieber, Carrie C. Crary, Martha Cahill, Margaret Wilbermuhle, M Engel Witteriede, Catharin Meyer, Catharina Fratz, G. Helen Hoefkes, Sophia M. Voelker, Maria Becker, Maria Burnett, Mary King, Mary Dills, Catharine Ryan, Catharine M. Smith, Mary H. Kreke, Maria Lehrhorst, Caroline Simmons, Margaret Simmons, Margaret Irwin, Sarah Jane Mathers, Nancy Dlugorska, Sarah Morne, Ann Storlig, Elisabeth Beard, Amanda M. Pertneeth, Aggie Hoogland, Mary Barnes, Hetty Ann Underwood, Eliza Thompson, Sarah Holden, Elisabeth Smith, Mary Smith, Mary Knicely, Sarah E. Rouse, Almeda Quentin, Johanna Hauck, Catharine Bohl, Mary Hohneck, Maria L. Flozene, Eliza Cozine, Eliza Deitner, Welty, Sophia Leib, Wilhelmina Halley, Mary Ann Uehlein, Maria Woltmann, Maria Cath MarriageYear 1865 1865 1851 1868 1859 1875 1842 1862 1854 1848 1865 1873 1866 1882 1835 1876 1852 1860 1881 1832 1841 1862 1875 1875 1862 1825 1884 1852 1841 1833 1882 1819 1855 1859 1853 1822 1877 1877 1861 1855 1880 1854 1845 1869 1859 1859 1865 1866 1871 1840 1875 1849 Page 48 10/23/2013 Source Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Morris Methodist Chapel Morris Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Nast-Trinity Methodist Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pining, Joseph Pinkerton, B.J. Pinkerton, E.J. Pinkus, Charles Pinkus, Charles Pinkus, Ferdinand S. Pinkus, Frederick Pinnay, Martin Pinnel, Peter Pinner, Johan Pinney, Fred. H. Pinney, George H. Pinney, James Pinney, Martin Pinney, Samuel Pinney, Sidney Pinsterhaus, Herman Pinszenschaum, Mich. Pipe, James Pipe, James Pipe, James Piper, Charles Piper, Charles Piper, Charles Piper, Conrad Piper, George Piper, Harry Piper, Harry J. Piper, Heinrich Piper, John Piper, John J. Piper, John S. Piper, Louis Piper, William Piper, William Pipher, Lloyd Pipp, George H. Pipp, Joseph Pipp, Philipp Pirkey, James C. Pirmann, Georg Pirmann, Heinrich Pirmann, Henry Pirmann, Reinhard Pisarski, Valentine Pisenti, Peter Pister, Friedrich Pisters, Joseph Pistler, Friedrich Pistler, Georg Pistler, Wilhelm Pistner, Adam Name of Bride Strieker, Agnes Walker, Sallie Walker, Sallie Streisand, Bertha Cohen, Gertrude Adae, Laura A. Adae, Laura Brackett, Anna Mueller, Cath.(Mrs) Flach, Christina Everlocker, Minnie Brooke, Naomi Morris, Elisabeth Brackett, Anna P. Blangy, Anna E. Johnson, Elisabeth Uhlein, Maria Wambsgans, Catherine Cooper, Jane Cooper, Jane Froehlich, Louise Engelking, Christina Sellman, Emma Sellman, Emma Braun, Anna Maria Cattrill, Tamar Roots, Sue Roots, Sue N. Siemer, Maria Merriman, Mary Welsh, Jennie Ludwig, Helen Wilkins, Anna Marg. Gering, Henrietta Gering, Henrietta Stoes, Kate Lautenschlaeger, R. Schmidt, Anna Becker, Maria Connolly, Alvina W. Rau, Mary R. Fricker, Katharina Dunsche, Emma Worne, Charlotte Roschenkemper, Elis. Bust, Mary Lamm, Margaretha Geisler, Catharine Schlendermann, Cath. Groh, Sarah Dottings, Louisa Brand, Carolina MarriageYear 1849 1867 1867 1872 1883 1879 1879 1868 1884 1860 1881 1872 1853 1868 1856 1839 1875 1872 1868 1869 1880 1836 1883 1883 1849 1847 1881 1881 1871 1858 1880 1883 1857 1883 1883 1868 1878 1880 1852 1884 1865 1856 1881 1855 1875 1839 1867 1844 1866 1867 1852 1845 Page 49 10/23/2013 Source Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Second Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Church of the New Jerusalem Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 North German Lutheran Church Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Luke United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Stanislaus Catholic Church Christ Episcopal Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pistner, Johan Pistner, Johan Pistner, Johan Pistner, John Pistner, Joseph Pistner, Leo Pistner, Martin Pistner, Martin Pistner, Stephan Pistner, Stephen Pistor, Carl Pistor, Charles Pistor, Charles Pistor, Conrad Pistor, Jacob Pistor, Ludwig Pistor, Michael Pistor, William Pistorius, Bernard Pitabone, Albert Pitcher, Burgen Piter, Engelbert Pitering, Heinrich Pitman, Ephraim Pitman, Jonathan Pitman, William Pitroff, Georg Pitschner, Ernst Pitt, Francis Pittinger, A.W. Pittinger, Augustus Pittman, Edward Pittman, Ephraim Pittman, Nathan Pittmann, Isaac A. Pitton, Adolph Pitton, Carl Pitton, Philipp Pitz, Adolph Pitz, Adolph Pitzell, Asher Pitzer, Andreas Pitzer, George W. Pitzer, William Pivonka, Frank Pixley, Stephen Pizer, John Place, Lucius Place, Walter Place, William A. Plack, Henry Placke, Bernard Name of Bride Reis, Margaretha Seibert, Catharina Schmidt, Catharine Gardner, Helen Kleine, Maria Mueller, Catharine Walte, Elisabeth Sturm, Maria Mueller, Margaretha Schaeffer, Margaret Grasmuck, Maria Aufdemkamp, Carrie Walkenhorst, Minna Rab, Anna Maria Hass, Catharine Vickert, Catharine Wamsgans, Eva Frickhoff, Lizzie Hoffsuemmer, Emily Wyatt, Frances Fitzsimmons, Mary Broeker, Margaretha Bickers, Christina Jackson, Sarah Ann Argardine, Jane McQuogh, Margaret Gratz, Margaretha Kenkel, Friedricka Habig, Maria Elis. Fishwick, Lucy Fischwick, Lucy Barrett, Alvira McClellan, Hannah Chandler, Mary Safford, M.A. Schaller, Josephina Hurm, Sarah Weber, Catharine Verdin, Mary Verdin, Mary Marks, Rosa Fuss, Maria Anna Mains, Margaret Hargraves, Lorenia Bohatchek, Barbara Tupper, Sarah E. Duerr, Margaretha Landis, Elizabeth Stout, Eliza Conaughton, Bessie Lampe, Sophia Hener, Anna MarriageYear 1840 1852 1867 1854 1858 1866 1837 1866 1858 1858 1855 1877 1881 1855 1861 1853 1869 1883 1871 1836 1863 1854 1863 1862 1825 1874 1849 1854 1868 1875 1875 1856 1818 1818 1868 1879 1867 1858 1863 1863 1877 1871 1864 1857 1878 1856 1852 1845 1850 1874 1841 1867 Page 50 10/23/2013 Source Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Placke, Friedrich Placke, Herman Placke, Johan Placke, Johan Christ Placke, Johan H. Placke, Johan Heinr. Placke, Ludwig Plaezer, Lorenz Plagemann, Heinrich Plagemann, Herman Plagemann, Joseph Plagemann, Joseph Plagemann, Joseph Plake, Herman Planck, Johan Plank, Abe Plankenhorn, Emanuel Plankinton, William Plant, Nathan Plantz, Albert Planz, Jacob Plaspohl, Andreas Plaspohl, Bernard Plaspohl, Eberhard Plaspohl, Edward Plaspohl, Francis Plaspohl, Francis Plaspohl, Francis A. Plaspohl, Frank Plaspohl, Gerhard H. Plaspohl, Heinrich Plaspohl, Joseph Platann, Peter Plate, Ernst Plate, Hannabel Platen, Bernard Hy. Platfant, Gerhard Platfoot, Gerhard Plathe, Joseph Platoss, Oscar G. Platt, Alanson Platt, Alfred J. Platt, George Platt, Herman Platt, James Platt, Merit W. Platt, William Platt, William Platt, William H. Plattenburg, M.W. Plattfaut, William Plattfoot, Dietrich Name of Bride Soelmann, Catharina Rolver, Henrietta Ebert, Maria Will, Gertrud Wullenburg, Elis. Rolver, Wilhemina A Kassmann, Anna M.L. Polatski, Ernestina Piening, Elisabeth Keller, Gertrude Sonderhaus, M. Agnes Schroeder, Anna M. Niehaus, Maria Anna Kraemer, Catharine Heit, Margaretha Hess, Minnie Haas, Louise Woods, Mary E. Levy, Emma Sparkie, Maggie Baum, Catherine Helmes, Maria Helena Funke, Anna Menke, Elisabeth Poehling, Elisabeth Holthaus, Julia Mueller, Maria Clara Stall, Frances Malloy, Katie Voltermann, Maria Weis, Frances L.C. Vogel, Anna Maria Wagner, Philippina Lumelius, Anna Brown, Hannah Niemeyer, M. Elis. Sanders, A. Adelheid Frerkers, Cath. Elis Gravermann, Elis. Sinical, Ernestina Veil, Rachel Harrison, Mary Ann Maugel, Elisabeth Stone, Eliza Ginsley, Baggott, Emily Herbert, Sarah Ann Smith, Amelia Smith, Amelia Wetsel, Eliza L. Seinecke, Emily Schotthorst, Johanna MarriageYear 1846 1868 1867 1857 1853 1862 1850 1855 1864 1877 1844 1849 1850 1866 1847 1881 1882 1876 1882 1879 1872 1844 1850 1852 1881 1851 1874 1871 1879 1850 1857 1856 1854 1869 1841 1870 1849 1851 1866 1860 1831 1839 1856 1861 1834 1868 1840 1855 1855 1867 1884 1851 Page 51 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. North German Lutheran Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Platts, D.E. Platts, George E. Platz, Albin Platz, F.M. Platz, Paul Platzer, George T. Pleak, Steben Pleasant, Gus. Pleasant, P.P. Pleasants, James Pleasants, Samuel Pleasants, Samuel Pleasants, Samuel E. Pledge, Rufus Plehs, Heinrich Pleickert, Carl H. Pleie, Joseph Pleier, Franz Pleisenberger, F.W. Pleser, Peter Plessinger, Jacob Pletsch, John Pletscher, Johan Plettner, Joseph Plettner, Theodore Pletzer, Joseph Plevins, James Plien, Joseph Plimridge, Thomas Plitzker, Anton Ploch, Leonard Plocher, Johan Ploehs, Herman Ploehs, Johan Hein. Ploer, Friedrich Plogemann, Gerhard H Plogh, Anton Plogmann, Christoph Plogmann, Friedrich Plogmann, Heinrich Plogmann, Henry Plogmann, Herman Plogmann, Johan Plogmann, Joseph Plogstadt, Clamor W. Plogstaeth, Victor Plogsted, Louis Plogster, Friedrich Plogstert, Henry Plogsterth, Adam Ploner, Johan Ploog, Karl Name of Bride Minford, Maggie J. Davis, Kate A. Jenny, Caroline Schuetze, Charlotte O'Neil, Margaret Brown, Sarah Howells, Mary A. Williams, Maria Davis, H. Emma Jones, Lizzie O'Neil, Sallie O'Neal, Sallie Biggs, Mary Jeffrey, Catharine Ahrens, M. Josephine Dotgen, Catharine Lampe, Maria (Mrs) Vetter, Agnes Steikowky, Augusta Baldus, Rosalia Underwood, Levina Glaser, Magdalena Hofert, Catharine Same, Elisabeth Harvig, Elisabeth Vulkers, Adelheid ----, ---Wittmer, Helena McIntosh, Margaret Kotowski, Mary Dietz, Emma Deitsch, Elisabeth Feldhaus, Catharina Wellmann, Carolina Frese, Sophia Lagemann, Maria C. Wessel, Maria Niemeier, Maria Elis Luske, Maria Louisa Frommeyer, M.G. Lake, Catherine Klume, Gertrud Elixmann, Maria Busch, Maria Elis. Duetemeier, Charlott Helm, Catharine Bettinger, Margaret Luchs, Maria Angela Appelman, Mary Luebker, Cath. (Mrs) Rogge, Maria Sophia Hahn, Doris MarriageYear 1874 1883 1867 1877 1872 1870 1873 1884 1876 1858 1864 1864 1821 1850 1878 1846 1869 1871 1883 1852 1860 1858 1860 1856 1853 1875 1826 1884 1842 1883 1884 1855 1853 1846 1868 1854 1862 1850 1858 1849 1884 1871 1847 1867 1851 1852 1872 1869 1872 1855 1866 1863 Page 52 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 First English Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. George Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ploog, Karl Plosner, Daniel Ploss, Adam Ploss, Christoph Ploss, John Ploss, John Plotner, Eberhard Plow, Joseph Plow, William H. Plowman, Edward Plowton, George Plucker, Carl Plucker, Eugene Plucker, Heinrich Pluemer, Adolph Pluemer, Heinrich Pluemer, Heinrich Pluemer, Herman Pluemmer, Wilhelm Pluester, Bernard Plum, Charles Plum, Gotfried Plum, John G. Plum, William Plumb, Charles Plumb, Thomas Plumer, Heinrch Wm. Plumer, Henry Plumly, Borden S. Plummer, Aaron Plummer, Daniel Plummer, Henry Plummer, James A. Plummer, Nelson Plummer, W.E. Plump, Daniel Plump, Friedrich H. Plump, Georg Heinric Plump, Henry Plump, Herman Hein. Plump, Johan Heinr. Plump, Johan Heinric Plumtky, Gustav Pluncket, James Plunket, Matthew Plunket, Peter Plunkett, George Plunkett, Henry Plunkett, James Plunkett, James Plunkett, Joseph Plunkett, Patrick Name of Bride Schaefer, Johanna Albright, Rosina Kueszart, Maria Jung, Christina Voss, Anna Graff, Angeline E. Timmermann, Lizzie ----, Mary Miller, Mary E. Jones, Elisabeth Baily, Jane Schneider, Margaret Huetter, Jennie Bille, Anna Maria Fischer, Henriette Heitmeier, Wilhelmin Harms, Justina Mueller, Sophia Luessen, Anna Toebben, Helena Schmidt, Annie Metz, Carolina Schiedt, Kunigunda Hanley, Mary Jackson, Florence Meddock, Caroline Kuhlmann, Elisabeth Meyers, Mary Harper, Margaret Ousley, Martha Hunt, Ann Connel, Mary Jackson, Esther Markley, Rebecca Morten, Florence M. Hildebrand, Cath. Niemann, Margaretha Sand, Elise Kath. Niemann, Anna Fricke, Elisabeth Brethorst, Sophie Henkentin, M. Engel Wagner, Friedricka Newman, Mary Dolan, Catharine O'Brien, Ann Parker, Margaret Parker, Adelheid Stacom, Eliza Hennessey, Maggie Boston, Isabella Mannix, Bridget MarriageYear 1867 1841 1865 1870 1866 1876 1879 1839 1874 1846 1854 1867 1875 1839 1879 1859 1871 1871 1855 1858 1867 1839 1853 1882 1883 1858 1866 1867 1881 1854 1837 1839 1852 1855 1882 1838 1859 1864 1881 1840 1862 1840 1858 1853 1848 1845 1873 1850 1859 1879 1873 1858 Page 53 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses All Saints Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Plunkett, Richard Plunkett, Thomas Plunner, Horace Pluntky, Herman Plust, Carl Plyly, John Plymesser, John S. Poage, Robert B. Poage, Thomas Poates, Lemuel Poatigan, Thomas Pobst, Johan Heinric Pociey, Eugene Pockbeg, Johan Hein. Pockbet, Joseph Podesta, Bartholomew Podesta, D. Podesta, Francesco Podesta, John B. Podesta, John Louis Podesta, Joseph Podesta, Luigi Poe, Arthur Poe, Daniel Poe, George Poe, George Poedt, Heinrich Poehl, H. Wilhelm Poehler, Conrad Poehner, Andrew Poehner, Heinrich Poehner, John Poeling, Gerhard H. Poelker, Bernard Poelker, Johan F. Poelkin, Matthew Poelking, Johan Poellath, Georg Poellmann, David Poelster, Bernard Poelster, Carl Poelster, Johan F. Poenlein, Ambrose Poepple, Johan Poerjer, Johan Poeslash, Benedict Poetichheimer, Franz Poetter, Bernard Poetter, Henry Poettker, Henry Poetz, Georg A. Pofflein, Andrew Name of Bride Martin, Margaret Laird, Mary Ayers, Florence Schmith, Maria Ehlers, Dora Richmond, Eliza Thompson, Adaline Phillips, Kate A. Brickell, Jenny Coppers, Levinia Sweeney, Elizabeth Dauber, Catharine Moriarty, Mary Grave, Maria Carol. Hild, Maria Williams, Anna Badaracco, Sophie Stola, Margaret Holland, M Charlotte Podesta, Catharine Leviza, Manina Casinelli, Maria Kimble, Rebecca Pulse, Francis B. Topf, Lucina Starlin, Sant, Marie Amann, Mathilda Lampe, Maria Elis. Roeter, Margaretha Stimmermann, Cath. Anslum, Sophia Taphorn, Margaretha Vennemann, Hermina Hoelscher, Lena Breurmann, Elizabeth Wesselmann, M. Elis. Popp, Anna Schott, Barbara Fragenberg, Wilhel. Dickmann, Maria Th. Berstorf, M Karolina Fries, Barbara Seipel, Margaretha Selm, Maria Straub, Elisabeth Menninger, Elisabeth Tih, Elisabeth Piepmeyer, Franziska Steinkamp, Catherine Zimmermann, Philipin Huggins, Jessie W. MarriageYear 1851 1855 1879 1867 1882 1859 1874 1884 1855 1860 1868 1851 1873 1861 1866 1842 1881 1853 1850 1879 1858 1858 1862 1864 1846 1853 1872 1862 1868 1843 1843 1876 1856 1881 1858 1866 1854 1858 1883 1871 1853 1862 1869 1864 1848 1834 1860 1861 1883 1882 1853 1865 Page 54 10/23/2013 Source St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Second Presbyterian Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral North German Lutheran Church Atonement Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pogendick, Heinrich Poggemann, Georg Poggemann, Georg Poggendick, Christ. Poggendick, Daniel Poggendick, Henry Poggendick, Henry Poggenmeier, Johan Pogue, George Pogue, George Pogue, Henry Pogue, James Pogue, Joseph Pogue, Samuel Poham, Friedrich Pohl, Anton Pohl, Bernard H. Pohl, Cornelius Pohl, Friedrich Pohl, Friedrich Pohl, Friedrich B. Pohl, Gerhard H. Pohl, Heinrich Pohl, Herman H. Pohl, Joseph Pohl, Paul Pohl, Tobias Pohl, Wilhelm Pohl, William J. Pohlenz, Johan Pohli, Simon Pohling, Bernard Pohlkamp, Bernard Pohlking, William Pohlkotte, Heinrich Pohlman, C. Pohlman, George Pohlmann, Albert Pohlmann, Anton Pohlmann, Bernard Pohlmann, Carl Fried Pohlmann, Erhard Pohlmann, Francis Pohlmann, Frank Pohlmann, George Pohlmann, George Pohlmann, George W. Pohlmann, George W. Pohlmann, H.B. Pohlmann, Heinrich Pohlmann, Heinrich Pohlmann, Heinrich Name of Bride Gerdsen, Caroline Boltring, Maria Anna Schwegmann, Maria Bohlander, Catharine Reising, Catherine Bloss, Emma Moormann, Sophia Kassing, Caroline Brown, Catherine Brown, Catharine Crawford, Mary I. Drake, Mary Louise Whitelaw, Sophia West, Fannie Shapf, Francisca Schroering, Mina Heidotting, Catharin Boes, Helen Meyers, Maria Gemeiner, Clara Klein, Margaret(Mrs) Ruehl, Maria Adel. Brinker, Adelheid Alvdrosen, Margaret Frei, Catharine Niesel, Mary L. Reimeier, Anna Knapp, Maria Heine, Bertha Kreis, Catherine Schneider, Rosina Dure, Katharina Meyer, Wilhelmina Ohlhauser, Maria M. Buscher, Margaretha Meyer, Minnie McCann, Sadie Rutterer, Carrie Lau, Elisabeth Rusche, Agnes Baum, Eva Catharina Seidel, Sabina Lammers, Maria Sieber, Christina Schaeffer, Mina Lenkmann, Catherine McCann, Sadie McCann, Sadie Scheuer, Eva Nienaber, Maria Hackmann, Catharine Kunst, M. Adelheid MarriageYear 1844 1864 1869 1854 1880 1878 1883 1859 1860 1860 1875 1860 1866 1871 1872 1869 1853 1854 1856 1862 1850 1859 1855 1848 1856 1881 1854 1876 1882 1880 1853 1877 1884 1879 1867 1874 1876 1875 1875 1843 1847 1850 1853 1878 1858 1870 1876 1876 1884 1844 1845 1851 Page 55 10/23/2013 Source North German Lutheran Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Zion German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Augustine Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pohlmann, Heinrich Pohlmann, Heinrich Pohlmann, Heinrich Pohlmann, Heinrich Pohlmann, Henry B. Pohlmann, Herman Pohlmann, Herman Pohlmann, Herman H. Pohlmann, Jacob Pohlmann, Johan Pohlmann, Johan Pohlmann, Johan D. Pohlmann, Johan Herm Pohlmann, John Pohlmann, Joseph Pohlmann, Joseph H. Pohlmann, Louis Pohlmann, Nicolaus Pohlmann, Paul Pohlmann, Philipp Pohlmann, Philipp Pohlmann, William Pohlmann, Wm. Henry Pohlmeier, Gerhard Pohlmeier, J. Herman Pohlmeier, John Pohlmeyer, E. Christ Pohlmeyer, Friedrich Pohlmeyer, H. Carl Pohlmeyer, Heinrich Pohlmeyer, Heinrich Pohlmeyer, Heinrich Pohlmeyer, Herman Pohlmeyer, Johan H. Pohlmeyer, Joseph Pohlmeyer, Joseph Pohlmeyer, Philipp Pohlmeyer, William E Pohlschneider, Bern. Poindexter, Joel Poinier, Isaac Points, Charles Poireier, Henry Pokall, William Poke, Elias Poker, Friedrich Poklet, Philipp Pol, Samuel T. Polack, Wilhelm G. Polack, Wilhelm G. Polak, Edward Poland, James Name of Bride Hahn, Ernestine Schrader, Maria Elfers, Christine Meyer, Catharine Stockett, Helena Brueggemann, M Agnes Kampsen, Caroline Gerke, A.M. Louise Frank, Barbara Echtermeier, Elis. Spiess, Elisabeth Feldmann, Maria Elis Faring, Maria Anna Kelly, Bridget Deters, A. Margaret Sundermann, Cath. M. Zier, Barbara Kitter, Hannah Cath. Zeitler, Sophia Mescher, Margaretha Kohlhoff, Josephina Kahle, Louise Nietheimer, M. Carol Pohl, Maria Anna Kellieber, Louise Schwein, Carrie(Mrs) Lotz, Catherine Schuemann, Lisette Winkelmann, Wilhel. Kuhlmann, Bernardina Burkamp, Caroline Lott, Sophia Runnebaum, Anna Nauber, Louise (Mrs) Hinnert, Martha Reser, Mollie Borchert, Elisabeth Doughty, Anna Asbrede, Margaretha Davis, Elisabeth Ann Hanniss, Amanda Symmes, Elisabeth Wallace, Mary Kittermueller, J. Beesley, Sarah Wess, Maria Voll, Anna Nauce, Mary Jane Hans, Maria Elis. Hans, Maria Elis. Davis, Millie Sherlock, Ann MarriageYear 1854 1859 1859 1869 1878 1874 1884 1847 1878 1850 1868 1865 1838 1867 1883 1845 1864 1842 1848 1855 1862 1853 1884 1861 1854 1884 1870 1875 1861 1848 1854 1864 1875 1862 1869 1884 1862 1878 1848 1841 1844 1860 1848 1875 1866 1874 1848 1866 1852 1852 1884 1851 Page 56 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. North German Lutheran Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul Lutheran Church - Madisonville St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Trinity Lutheran Church - White Oak Trinity Lutheran Church - Colerain Twp. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Poland, Nathan Poland, Patrick Poland, Thomas W. Poland, William Polander, Andrew J. Polaskey, A. Pole, James Polebeck, George Poletz, Friedrich Poling, Albert Polinger, Stephan Polke, Ferdinand Polking, Bernard Polking, Ferdinand Polking, George H. Polkinhorn, H.B. Polkinhorn, H.B. Polkinhorn, Henry Poll, Heinrich Poll, Johan Bernard Poll, Johan Bernard Poll, Johan Georg Poll, Johan Herman Pollack, Abraham Pollack, Joseph Pollack, Mortimer Pollack, O.C. Pollack, Richard Pollack, Thomas Pollak, S. Polland, Joseph Pollard, George A. Pollard, James Pollard, James Pollard, James Pollard, Wilhelm Pollard, William Pollard, William Pollee, William Pollerff, James Polley, William Pollock, Pollock, Andrew Pollock, Collin Pollock, Cyrus Pollock, Granville Pollock, Hamilton Pollock, J.C. Pollock, John Pollock, John Pollock, John Pollock, John F. Name of Bride McChesney, Eleanor Ryan, Mary Clinetoss, Sallie Ryan, Catharine Peck, Augusta A. Fox, Sarah McDonald, Anna Schink, Lizzie Michelus, Louise Prun, Catharine Klein, Eva Maria Reisch, Elisabeth Dulweber, Maria A. Walliser, Luisa Roling, Mary H. Haldemann, Sallie M. Haldemann, Sallie M. Haldeman, Sallie Bramlage, Elisabeth Kersting, Agnes Nordloh, Anna Maria Niemeier, Maria Frecks, Cath. (Mrs) Wolff, Fannie Clark, Florence Smith, Amanda Osmond, Mary Ziegler, Catharine Ay---, Rachel Perry, Sallie O'Donnell, Margaret Wilson, Emma Crossman, Sarah Jones, Ann (Mrs.) Crawford, Elgin Hohmann, Johanna(Mrs Hyle, Mattie Utley, Cal. Lisia Preston, Elisabeth Lahnson, Irene Hanley, Margaret Sherrer, Margaret Ross, Elisabeth Amos, Margaret Sutton, Jemison, Hattie Apgar, Margaret Clark, Florence Rude, Rachel Butler, Martha Sarah Butler, Martha Parker, Lizzie C. MarriageYear 1817 1846 1864 1864 1866 1877 1847 1863 1873 1851 1848 1857 1866 1871 1876 1878 1878 1878 1874 1854 1863 1862 1855 1862 1862 1858 1862 1871 1820 1863 1884 1871 1866 1875 1875 1876 1865 1868 1832 1855 1878 1838 1853 1846 1825 1863 1846 1862 1817 1845 1845 1875 Page 57 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Christ Episcopal Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Louis Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Morris Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pollock, John M. Pollock, John N. Pollock, Robert M. Pollock, Samuel Pollock, Samuel Pollock, Samuel Pollock, Thomas Pollock, William Pollock, William Pollock, William Pollock, William A. Polly, Charles Polly, Charles Polsdorfer, Ernst Polser, John Polster, Conrad Polster, George Polte, Casper Polwein, Andreas Pomeroy, Caleb Pomeroy, Charles Pomeroy, Charles Pomeroy, Dwight Pomeroy, James Pomeroy, John Pomeroy, John Pomeroy, Phineas Pomeroy, R.S. Pomeroy, Robert Pomfrey, John Sam. Pomfrey, Joseph W. Pompilly, J.T. Pomroy, Caleb M. Pomroy, William C. Ponco, Alphonso Pond, Friedrich Pond, Thomas Pond, Thomas Ponfett, Frank Pons, Michael Pontius, Johan Pontius, John C. Pontius, Peter Pontius, Peter Pontius, Peter Pontius, Peter Pool, G.W. Pool, George Pool, James Pool, James Pool, Morris Pool, Robert Name of Bride Walsh, Maggie Walsh, Maggie Schuyler, Fannie B. Hilver, Christina Helver, Christina Harris, Mary Rioffe, Elisabeth Roach, Johanna Brown, Clementine Brown, Celementine Andres, Flora Orr, Mary Jane Orr, Mary Jane Gachstetter, Sarah Rofelter, Peggy Renner, Sabina Hartlein, Barbara Kitte, Anna Maria Kreidenweis, Barbara Simpson, Nancy Burnet, Edith Hunt, M. Elisabeth Ryan, Mary Wilshire, Fannie Potter, Julia E. Potter, Julia Hollis, Mary Breese, S.M. Jenkins, Mary C. Davvert, Mary Bigley, Josephine Thorne, Mary Simpson, Nancy Miller, Georgiana P. Flaherty, Catharine Sheppardson, Elis. Winston, Sarah Whitaker, Mary Darr, Anna Spies, Henrietta Metz, Lizzie Smith, Rebecca Loeffel, Maria Becker, Louise Daiber, Caroline Reisinger, Teresa Riggs, Jane Smith, Mahala Cilley, Emily Cilley, Emily Burk, Ellen Tibbs, Sarah MarriageYear 1875 1875 1880 1867 1867 1877 1854 1851 1876 1876 1884 1846 1846 1858 1820 1882 1849 1864 1877 1834 1863 1868 1854 1866 1864 1864 1854 1874 1840 1873 1871 1863 1834 1852 1879 1857 1856 1881 1876 1879 1882 1852 1842 1850 1880 1883 1860 1846 1857 1857 1853 1833 Page 58 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Second Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John Catholic Church - Dry Ridge Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Edward Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Atonement Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Paul Catholic Church Nast-Trinity Methodist Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pool, Solomon Pool, Stephen Pool, William Pool, William Poole, Elijah Poole, R. Dorsey Poole, Thomas Poor, C.M. Poor, Chester Poor, Henry Poor, John Poor, John A. Poor, Nelson P. Poor, Willard F. Poor, William Poor, William Poor, William H. Poore, W.W. Poore, W.W. Poos, Heinrich Poos, Nicolaus Poos, Nicolaus Pope, Adam Pope, Charles Pope, Conrad Pope, Isaac Pope, J.P. Pope, Johann Pope, Louis Pope, Michael Pope, Philipp Pope, William H. Popf, Justice Poph, Henry Popham, Charles Popp, Popp, Andrew Popp, Andrew Popp, Christopher Popp, Georg Popp, Georg Popp, Georg Popp, Johan Popp, Johan Popp, Johan Popp, John Popp, John Popp, John Popp, John D. Popp, Joseph Popp, Martin Popp, Michael Name of Bride Jones, Elisabeth Messick, Elisabeth Hardin, Rebecca Green, Betty Poole, Mary E. Whitcomb, Jennie Care, Mary King, Louise King, Louisa Cramsey, Elisabeth Gwynne, Margaret Gwynne, Margaret Thompson, Agnes (Mrs Irwin, Ellen C. Peers, Eliza J. Medary, Ella Medary, Ellen K. Ulam, Anna B. Ulam, Anna B. Reibel, Mina Becht, Maria Beicht, Maria Edwards, Ella G. Lawson, Elisabeth Schmidt, Wilhelmina Lindsey, Roberta Mooklar, Anna Cook, Maria Kenny, Mary Worthwine, Rosa Rida, Rosa Pruden, Barbara Burmeyer, Emma Dickey, Josephine Welsh, Mahala Mory, Mary Zehbegen, Elisabeth Huller, Mary Walter, Margaretha Popp, Margaretha Blank, Francis Biedenharn, Anna M. Rush, Margaretha Tanner, Carolina Meder, Mathilda Popp, Margaret Popp, Margaret Oeh, Anna Louis, Henrietta Schliter, Johanna A. Beiersdorfer, Barb. Rudolph, Barbara MarriageYear 1855 1836 1823 1863 1860 1872 1838 1863 1863 1848 1860 1860 1868 1882 1853 1880 1880 1875 1875 1867 1855 1857 1874 1856 1847 1846 1853 1878 1872 1884 1857 1881 1874 1852 1851 1849 1844 1864 1853 1840 1864 1881 1853 1863 1866 1873 1873 1879 1864 1858 1872 1852 Page 59 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Church of the New Jerusalem St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Angels Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. James Catholic Church - White Oak North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Pilgrim United Church of Christ Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. John the Baptist Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Popp, Wolfgang Popp, Wolfgang Poppe, Adolph Poppe, Andrew Poppe, August Poppe, August Poppe, Bernard Poppe, Bernard Poppe, Carl Poppe, Conrad Poppe, Dietrich Poppe, Friedrich Poppe, Heinrich Poppe, Henry Poppe, Johan B. Poppe, John Poppe, Michael Poppe, Wilhelm Poppe, William Poppe, William G. Poppen, Arnold Poppensieber, Gott. Popper, J.A. Poppers, August Popping, Joseph Poppino, Daniel Poppitz, Hermann Popplein, Andrew Poppleton, H.H. Poppleton, Houston Poradzinsky, Hypol. Porcella, John Porch, L.B. Porchmann, Hermann Porda, Christian Porendsford, Arthur Porgelt, Friedrich Pork, Johan Eduard Pormer, George Pornerkmann, Heinric Porning, Johan Georg Porrow, William Porsche, Anthony Porschet, Leonard Porte, John Porten, George W. Portene, William Porter, Adolph Porter, Andrew Porter, Charles Porter, Edward Porter, Edward Name of Bride Worthmann, Margaret Hoffmann, Margaretha Christoph, Maria Gessner, Elisabeth Gaerber, Caroline Dettmer, Caroline Poppe, Maria (Mrs) Kappen, Margaretha Schuch, Elisabeth Speckmann, Sophia Brengelmann, Maria Wemann, Christine Bahrs, Maria Saal, Rosa Klanke, Maria Becker, Minnie Schrenger, Barbara Moritz, Elisabeth Reinhart, Dora Windel, Elisabeth Stalhaus, M.A. Buddenbaum, Friedric Wise, Laura Hannebaum, Elisabeth Rose, Gertrud Bowers, Mary Jane Stoll, Maria Huggins, Jennie Cross, Lucina Cross, Lucina Krazewfska, Veronica Arratta, Louisa Edwards, Hettie Tegeder, Mina Menke, Elisabeth Harris, Jennie Grimen, Maria Elis. Bielfeld, Maria Anna Foster, Elisabeth Huger, Margaretha Oeh, Margaretha Kuhn, Elisabeth Clark, Nancy Leherzer, Margaretha Drake, Mary A. Harrison, Catharine Robertshan, Anna McComas, Cecilia Watkins, Harriet Martin, Maggie Sullivan, Lydia Ann Armstrong, Louise MarriageYear 1853 1855 1849 1875 1861 1876 1850 1875 1873 1848 1846 1861 1844 1877 1854 1875 1848 1847 1873 1881 1841 1854 1878 1847 1856 1852 1871 1865 1864 1864 1871 1868 1859 1870 1877 1856 1850 1849 1878 1849 1849 1834 1877 1844 1850 1854 1869 1882 1856 1872 1849 1878 Page 60 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church Camp Washington United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Boniface Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church First United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John Catholic Church - Dry Ridge Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Porter, Frederick C. Porter, Friedrich Porter, George Porter, Henry Porter, Henry Porter, Henry Porter, Henry Austin Porter, J.H. Porter, J.M. Porter, J.Q. Porter, James Porter, James Porter, James Porter, James Porter, James Porter, James Porter, James J. Porter, John Porter, John Porter, John H. Porter, John W. Porter, Jonathan Porter, Morgan Porter, O. Porter, Peter N. Porter, Richard Porter, Richard B. Porter, Robert Porter, Sam. Porter, Samuel Porter, Sidney Porter, Thomas Porter, W.W. Porter, Washington Porter, Wilber Porter, William Porter, William Porter, William Porter, William Porter, William Porter, William Porter, William Porter, William F. Porter, William H. Porterfield, A.D. Porterfield, William Portier, Charles Portley, John Portman, J.E. Portmann, Friedrich Portner, Francis Portner, Henry Name of Bride Evans, Kate H. Hacker, Kunigunda Dobson, Alice Filmore, Ferguson, Martha Ferguson, Martha B. Jackson, Sarah Ann Bonsall, L.T. Folger, Mary Joy Kaston, Lydia McKinsey, Margaret Walker, Nancy Ward, Mathilda Boyce, Savannah Cisco, Henrietta Ellis, Sarah Honeyman, Sidney Singer, Anna Sullivan, Catharine Bonsall, Lydia Curry, Hannah A. Smith, Elder, Christina Gule, Louisa Hoghland, Martha Barnes, Catharine O'Day, Bridget Mefford, Elizabeth Sparks, Bella Gumpert, Saloma Milligan, Martha Dacent, Anna Hines, America C. Robinson, Flora Voss, Cornelia Smith, Mary Ann Stewart, Mathilda Oyler, Sarah Snee, Julia Hart, Mary Davis, Ethlinda Ross, Mary Ward, Isabella Halsted, Mary Louisa Pompkink, Nannie Wakemann, Rosa Klein, Mary Murphy, Ellen Carson, Maggie L. Nackenhorst, Wilhel. Bock, Gertrude Caswell, Mary MarriageYear 1873 1867 1876 1864 1874 1874 1843 1849 1875 1876 1845 1858 1858 1871 1875 1877 1851 1851 1855 1849 1873 1825 1848 1876 1837 1846 1883 1862 1878 1881 1872 1875 1873 1871 1873 1837 1852 1854 1866 1867 1873 1876 1866 1853 1880 1883 1853 1857 1875 1868 1863 1855 Page 61 10/23/2013 Source St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Morris Methodist Chapel Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 First United Church of Christ St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Portner, K. Adolph Portune, George Portune, Johan Portune, Philipp Poschert, Wendel Poschneider, Bart. Poschner, Friedrich Poseiner, Wilhelm Posens, Andrew Posey, John Posey, Oliver Posey, Peter C. Poshauer, Nicolaus Poske, Dietrich Poske, Herman H. Poske, Hermann Poske, Johan Posley, Charles Poss, Francis Poss, Johan A. Post, Aaron Post, Abraham Post, Alfred Post, Anton C. Post, Francis Post, Francis Post, George J. Hy. Post, H.A. Post, Heinrich Post, Heinrich Post, Herman Post, James Post, Johan Post, Johan August Post, Johan Georg Post, John Post, John A. Post, Joseph Post, Joseph Post, Samuel Post, William Postal, Ed Postel, Friedrich Postel, G. Michael Postel, Georg Jacob Postel, George Postel, Jacob Postell, James Postelthwaite, John Postelthwaite, John Postelwaite, Joseph Postius, Friedrich Name of Bride Hesping, Cath. Elis. Hermann, Magdalena Trautmann, Francisca Hofsass, Agnes Prausch, Catharine Fritsch, Magdalena Stephany, Carolina Walter, Katharina Heckermann, Anna Jefferson, Mary Patterson, Sallie Porter, Ellen F. Weise, Magdalena(Mrs Thase, Henrietta Vordenberger, Anna M Roewekamp, Louise Haverkamp, Sophia Skinner, Lucy Volmer, Anna Maria Reselage, Francisca Gondy, Mary Ann Ceilds, Florence E. Lewis, Ida Splinters, Louise Hessler, Margaretha Vernhomberg, Cath. Muck, Catherine McLean, Carrie Brockmann, Gertrud Darnbecker, Maria B. Gellenbeck, Adelheid ----, Amelia Attermair, Sophia Branagan, Helena Panthoefer, Catharin Mack, Catherine Reselage, Theresia Franzisk Brown, Eleanor Brown, Eleanor Foster, Emma Wescott, Caroline Erwin, Bettie Weber, Anna Goetzel, Louise Leininger, Emilia Wells, Tilley Kuhn, Laura Fitzgerald, Mary Joseph, Lizzie Joseph, Lizzie Lee, Eliza Jane Horn, Magdalena MarriageYear 1847 1875 1854 1859 1848 1855 1870 1863 1875 1857 1857 1875 1867 1860 1852 1884 1853 1878 1854 1866 1846 1874 1869 1853 1850 1884 1883 1865 1852 1858 1844 1821 1872 1879 1851 1877 1866 1832 1832 1880 1846 1877 1856 1882 1839 1867 1882 1832 1883 1883 1850 1857 Page 62 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Clement Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Clement Catholic Church Camp Washington United Church of Christ Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Clement Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Postlethwaite, John Postlethwaite, Wm. Postner, Adam Potee, Robert Poten, August Potengee, James Poter, Henry E. Poter, Wilhelm Poth, Henry Poth, John Poth, John Pothast, Wilhelm Pothast, Wilhelm Pothhus, Henry Pothner, C. Potmann, Fred. Pott, Augustus Pott, Friedrich Pott, Friedrich Pott, Herman Pott, Johan Pott, Johan H. Pott, Johan Heinrich Pott, Johan Heinrich Pott, Robert Pottebaum, Friedrich Pottebaum, Herman Pottebaum, Johan H. Pottenger, James Pottenger, James W. Pottenhorn, Conrad Potter, Charles B. Potter, Charles W. Potter, Conrad Potter, Daniel Potter, Edward Potter, George A. Potter, Heinrich Potter, Henry Potter, Henry Potter, Howard Potter, J.A. Potter, Jackson Potter, James Potter, James Potter, John Potter, Joseph Potter, Joseph Potter, Joseph Potter, Joseph F. Potter, L.D. Potter, Thomas Name of Bride Anthony, M. Adelheid Ellis, Sallie Lakamp, Margaretha Lemmon, Emily Penrose, Elvina Fagley, Anna Finn, Anna E. Harvey, Maria Mularky, Catherine Kerns, Lucy Schwein, Lizzie Frecke, Charlotte Erlmann, Amelia Becker, Elisabeth Brewer, Mary Brockmeier, Mary Listner, Carrie Placke, Elisa Hohn, Mary Kaff, Catharine Rothert, Christina Bocklo, Elis. (Mrs) Buhrmann, Catharine Norkamp, Catharine W Bien, Agatha Teckenbrok, Friedr. Koester, Maria Haverkamp, Catharine Miller, Elisabeth ----, Mary Meier, Susanna Weaver, Jennie Huston, Elizabeth Loth, Jennie Onnen, Hannah Robinson, Catharine Kessler, Amanda M. Hunschemeyer, Elis. Finn, Anna E. Hockersmith, Ella Johnston, Eliza Ashby, Nettie H. Randolph, M. Gulick, Mary Gulick, Mary Kelpan, Tabitha Miller, Mary Robinson, Mary Jane Longworth, Elizabeth Alston, Caroline W. Wiley, Ellen McClain, Emma MarriageYear 1843 1871 1843 1852 1856 1861 1857 1871 1873 1866 1878 1856 1881 1863 1875 1873 1875 1864 1877 1861 1851 1863 1843 1848 1869 1862 1872 1855 1855 1835 1870 1866 1867 1858 1858 1867 1868 1850 1857 1881 1853 1876 1879 1843 1843 1847 1819 1845 1848 1848 1874 1856 Page 63 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 North German Lutheran Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Zion German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Potter, Willard Potter, William Potter, William Potter, William Potter, William Potter, William H. Potthast, Henry R. Potthoff, Heinrich Pottinger, Pottinger, D.H. Pottinger, John Pottinger, Samuel Pottker, Eberhard F. Pottle, William Pottle, William B. Pottlitzer, Leo Pottoff, W.H. Pottolowski, Joseph Pottorff, W.H. Potts, Amos Potts, Daniel S. Potts, Frank Potts, Frederick Potts, Friedrich Potts, Samuel Potts, William Potts, William Hy. Potzel, Adam Pouder, Henry Pouder, Lemuel Poulton, Robert Poulton, Robert Pounsford, Arthur Pounsford, Arthur Pow, Alonzo Powars, John Powder, Joseph Powel, Robert Powell, Powell, Ebenezer Powell, Edwin J. Powell, Elihu N. Powell, Elihu N. Powell, George Powell, George A. Powell, George W. Powell, Gibson Powell, Henry Powell, Henry F. Powell, Howell Powell, Isaac Powell, J.B. Name of Bride Newton, Mary Walker, Letitia Cartmill, Elisabeth Swain, Carrie Swain, Carrie M. Clark, Elizabeth Wermeier, Minnie Kattenberg, Elisabet Williamson, Cathriin Atherton, Elisabeth Huston, Lucy Ann Robbins, Mary Budke, Christina M. Goodrich, A.E. Boran, Mary Jane Treman, Minnie Wall, Belle Lamm, Lena Hall, Belle Harris, Mazarine Nichols, Olive E. Green, Susan Meier, Louisa Aufdemkamp, Louisa Cass, Ellen Dotten, Phoebe Stephens, Hannah Potzel, Elis. (Mrs) Law, Dora Aston, Mary Poulen, Susan Poulen, Susan Harris, Jennie Graham, Mary McDougal, Sarah Lehman, Sybilla Barns, Angeline Miles, Susan Merritt, Elisabeth Williams, Mary Bennett, Alice Atkins, Anna Atkins, Annie Collins, Catharine Knapp, Ella Keirnat, Rosa Stockham, Catharine Berrall, Susan Damkinson, Mary Lockmann, Laura Vance, Lucy Chumney, C.W. MarriageYear 1863 1860 1864 1867 1867 1845 1884 1856 1826 1847 1843 1868 1850 1879 1849 1879 1876 1852 1876 1868 1868 1864 1883 1884 1859 1825 1837 1872 1877 1849 1879 1879 1856 1863 1878 1834 1852 1880 1821 1856 1871 1875 1875 1844 1880 1872 1836 1852 1877 1854 1850 1869 Page 64 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Church of the New Jerusalem Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 9 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Salem United Church of Christ St. Mark German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Wesley Methodist Chapel Trinity Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Powell, James Powell, James Powell, James Powell, James Powell, John Powell, John Powell, John Powell, John Powell, John A. Powell, Joseph Powell, Joseph Powell, Joseph Powell, Joseph Powell, Joseph Powell, Joseph Powell, Joseph R. Powell, Josiah Powell, Lemuel Powell, Richard Powell, Richard Powell, Richard Powell, Robert Powell, Samuel Powell, Thomas Powell, Thomas Powell, Thomas Powell, Thomas Powell, W.O. Powell, W.S. Powell, William Powell, William Powell, William Powell, William Powell, William Powell, William Powell, William Powell, William Powell, William B. Powell, William B. Powell, William B. Powell, William Byrd Powell, William Byrd Powell, William F. Powell, William F. Powell, William F. Powell, William J. Powell, William S. Powell, William T. Powell, Wm. Thomas Power, A.K. Power, Alexander Power, C.L. Name of Bride McDonald, Joanne Foley, Anna Foley, Anna M. McFarlan, Carrie Lamburn, Mary Rashal, Elizabeth Gavin, Ellen Chumney, Carrie Weber, Julia Winston, Rebecca Hallowell, Louisa Hallowell, Louise Brickell, Margaret Howard, Louisa Martin, Fannie (Mrs) Patton, Catharine E. McClure, Martha Tingley, Elisabeth Gundle, Mary G. Nolan, Mary Groger, Lizzie Alexander, Martha A. Fischer, Mary Clawson, Maria Bates, Margaret Morgans, Mary Warner, Hattie McElvain, Mary E. Ross, Ellen L. Pugh, Elisabeth Dulhagen, Elizabeth Davis, Margaret Berrall, Mary Berrall, Mary Watkins, Essey Merritt, Eliza Tanner, Sarah Wallace, Nancy Grady, Katie Grady, Katie Jukes, Clara Jukes, Clara Dulhagen, Elisabeth Connor, Lizzie Connor, Lizzie M. Tuttle, Sallie Y. Grout, Harriet L. Walker, Elisa Brecourt, Lida J. Hetzler, Katie C. Bogert, Alice Young, Emma MarriageYear 1847 1855 1855 1882 1818 1846 1864 1869 1880 1837 1843 1843 1851 1864 1867 1865 1857 1860 1862 1862 1872 1867 1883 1835 1838 1860 1863 1864 1843 1841 1848 1852 1855 1855 1856 1859 1860 1837 1878 1878 1874 1874 1848 1874 1874 1883 1878 1848 1881 1880 1873 1865 Page 65 10/23/2013 Source St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Mears Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Martin German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Power, Charles Power, Charles C. Power, Cornelius Power, J.F. Power, J.F. Power, James Power, James Power, John Power, John Power, John S. Power, John T. Power, John W. Power, Joseph J. Power, Maurice Power, Owen Power, Richard Power, Thomas Powers, Adam Powers, Alexander Powers, Alfred Powers, Anthony Powers, Archilles Powers, Benjamin F. Powers, Biven Powers, Cyrus Powers, Earl Powers, Edward Powers, Edward Powers, Elias Powers, Elisha Powers, Esh. Powers, George Powers, Henry P. Powers, Isaac Powers, James Powers, James Powers, James Powers, James Powers, John Powers, John Powers, John Powers, John Powers, John Powers, John Powers, John Powers, John Powers, John Powers, John Powers, John Powers, John Powers, John H. Powers, John T. Name of Bride Dalkins, Maretia Skinner, Elisabeth O'Donnell, Ann Tipton, Mary Tipton, J.B. Welsh, Catharine Sexton, Margaret(Mrs Curtell, Mary Goita, Carmen Schumaker, Minnie Clarke, Fannie Spillman, Minnie Schlitzberger, Ameli Burke, Ellen Beal, Angelina Matthews, Mary Cassidy, Catharine Seville, Amanda Rinn, Elisabeth Price, Melissa McMullen, Rosanna Stewart, Sarah Bosson, Catharine M. Hubbard, Mary Justus, Isabella McGaughey, Rebecca Cole, Maria Cole, Maria Plummer, Abby Case, Carrie E. Miller, Phebe Bush, Margaret Brehtel, Lydia Ann Simonson, Ch. Mack, Anna Forestine, Catharine Meehan, Mary Ann Werner, Lizzie Boon, Jane Lebman, Sybilla Trindle, Isaac Lehmann, Sybilla Cooney, Joanna O'Neil, Delia McGrath, Anna Bolan, Mary Anderson, M.M.J. Maley, Catharine Muchmore, Annie Cleon, Belle McIlvain, Belle Walker, Jennie MarriageYear 1882 1856 1882 1862 1862 1852 1858 1853 1859 1881 1857 1867 1877 1853 1883 1856 1866 1853 1880 1863 1884 1847 1818 1845 1856 1835 1859 1859 1859 1875 1841 1857 1832 1869 1867 1875 1877 1880 1832 1834 1844 1851 1860 1867 1869 1874 1879 1880 1881 1884 1880 1873 Page 66 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses All Saints Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Church of the New Jerusalem St. Peter in Chains Cathedral All Saints Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 All Saints Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church Atonement Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Powers, Joseph H. Powers, Joshua Powers, Manuel Powers, Michael Powers, Michael Powers, Michael Powers, Michael Powers, Michael Powers, Morris Powers, Nathaniel Powers, Nicholas Powers, Patrick Powers, Patrick Powers, Philipp Powers, Philipp Powers, Richard Powers, Richard Powers, Robert Powers, Samuel Powers, Samuel Powers, Thomas Powers, Thomas Powers, Thomas Powers, Thomas Powers, Thomas Powers, Thomas Powers, Thomas E. Powers, William Powers, William Powers, William Powers, William B. Powld, John Powlesson, James Pownell, A.P. Powner, Andrew Powner, John Powner, William M. Prad, Andrew D. Praegel, Sebastian Praeger, Leopold Praesmaier, Friedr. Prager, Abraham Prager, Abraham Pragoff, William Praino, James H. Pramwart, A.J. Pranger, Gerhard H. Pranger, Herman Prante, E. Heinrich Prante, Ernst H. Pranton, Friedrich Praschel, Franz Name of Bride Vaughan, A.L. Lawrence, Harriet Powers, Bridget Rochford, Catharine McDonnell, Catharine McIntire, Mary Haught, Martha Bulman, Deborah Johnson, Henrietta Hernanders, Ella Lamb, Kate Morris, Joann Delaney, Johanna Hart, Elizabeth Tombleton, Bridget Ryan, Joann Daly, Mary Dohan, Elizabeth Haines, Arietta Legune, Rebecca VanSant, Jane L. Curley, Mary Curley, Mary Donellan, Catherine Noonan, Catherine Doran, Mary Muchmore, Eccles Cross, Parmelia Milan, Jane Vest, Fanny Lout, Mary A. Adkins, Maggie Olmsted, Maria Wilson, Mary J. Kelsay, Lydia Stoughton, Mary Ann Watson, Anna Delia Anderson, Alice Utz, Elisabeth Voigt, Selma Rahda, Dorothea Simon, Caroline Jones, Jennie Plasket, Mary Jemina Turner, Mary Schneider, Hannah Lefring, Christina Boehmer, Maria Agnes Meyer, Elisabeth Rahe, Anna Maria Wesselmann, Louise Rechel, Catharine MarriageYear 1881 1850 1841 1849 1854 1860 1873 1877 1867 1863 1877 1865 1875 1848 1858 1854 1868 1867 1833 1845 1837 1865 1865 1869 1875 1883 1874 1842 1854 1869 1854 1868 1871 1870 1839 1836 1841 1880 1860 1862 1864 1850 1880 1833 1834 1879 1861 1858 1851 1854 1849 1850 Page 67 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Edward Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Clement Catholic Church St. Clement Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Prass, William Prasse, Edward Prasse, W. Prater, John Praters, Johan Bd. Prather, Charles Prather, Charles Prather, James Prather, Jerome Prather, Stanley B. Prather, Stanley B. Pratt, Albert Pratt, Albert Pratt, Asa H. Pratt, Henry Pratt, Henry A. Pratt, Horace J. Pratt, Hugh W. Pratt, John Pratt, John Pratt, John Pratt, John D. Pratt, Maxwell Pratt, Micah Pratt, R.J. Praver, Christian Prayer, William Preacher, Franklin Precht, Michael Predel, John Prees, G.W. Prees, Griffith M. Prehn, Carl Prehn, Fritz Prehn, Helmuth C. Prehn, Johan Preis, Carl Francis Preis, Heinrich Preis, Johan Preis, Michael Preis, Rudolph Preisel, Francis L. Preismann, Johan Preiss, Johan Preiss, Rudolph Preisser, Wilhelm Prell, George Joseph Prell, Ludwig Prell, Sebastian Prels, Michael Prem, Georg Prematha, Mathias Name of Bride Sauerborn, Kaiser, Katherine Allen, Lydia Hamilton, Ellen Bove, Helena Carman, Kate Cahill, Maria Pratt, Clarissa Ritt, Addie Adams, Margaret E. Adams, Margaret E. Bidwell, Pennie Bidwell, Penelope Garrett, Elizabeth Attee, Mary Attee, Mary E. Lind, Fannie J. Lester, Alice M. Moriarty, Mary Jones, Ella Diesenbach, Vena Sheldon, Elvira C. Winnings, Mary ----, Nancy Thomson, Mary Isabel Railey, Elisabeth Quarrels, Emma Story, Sarah Braun, Margaretha Rhineberger, Elis. Jones, Anna Jones, Anna J. Frank, Carrie Doll, Louisa Gauss, Bertha Ploog, Elisa Kuhlmann, Julianna Fink, Margaretha Neubauer, Elisabeth Miller, Margaret Schwertfager, Carol. Fuirer, Theresa Doll, Catharine Lohmann, Anna Kohlmeyer, Wilhelmin Lambert, Magdalena Streckfader, Mary A. Goetze, Maria Wittenbauer, Johanna Baumann, Magdalena Busbacher, Dorothea Auerbacker, M. Elis. MarriageYear 1876 1882 1880 1850 1849 1853 1882 1841 1877 1881 1881 1855 1855 1850 1865 1865 1883 1870 1863 1877 1881 1872 1866 1823 1865 1863 1884 1855 1856 1860 1877 1877 1874 1878 1883 1859 1863 1864 1854 1852 1876 1867 1854 1884 1851 1854 1874 1859 1848 1871 1849 1841 Page 68 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Luke Episcopal Church St. Luke Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Morris Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Luke United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Prendell, Heinrich Prendergast, R.W. Prendergast, R.W. Prendergast, Richard Prendeville, Garrett Prendeville, Thomas Prenkowski, T.J. Prentios, L.W. Prentiss, Henry Prenzbach, Johan Geo Prescott, B. Prescott, Benjamin Prescott, Joseph Prescott, Levi Prescott, T.O. Prescott, Thomas Presho, William Presler, Georg Presmeier, Friedrich Presser, Bernard Pressler, Jakob Pressmer, Eberhard Prestley, James Prestley, William Prestley, William Preston, A.J. Preston, Abijah Preston, Charles Preston, Charles Preston, Daniel Preston, David Preston, E.J. Preston, Edmund Preston, Edward Preston, Emanuel Preston, George Preston, Isaac Preston, John A. Preston, Joseph Preston, William Preston, William Pretlow, Richard Pretsch, Josef Pretty, Charles Preuer, Anton Preuer, Johan Preuss, Frederick Preuss, Karl Prewitt, Cleland Price, A.J. Price, Abraham Price, Alexander Name of Bride Katsch, Maria Ryan, Rebecca Aschemoor, A.Louisa Walters, Anna Dempsey, Catharine Conners, Delia Leonard, Jennie Bernard, Nannie Jeffery, Anna E. Flaig, Maria Anna Cursey, Georgia Cursey, Georgie Hillmann, Mary G. King, Mary C. Mackie, Jessie Crofts, Charlotte Stewart, Margaret Auer, Barbara Avis, Mena Stahl, Theresa Spaeth, Carolina Waldenmeier, Friedr. Tagart, Jane Mary Burgoyne, Anna Jane Burgoyne, Ann Jane Raguet, Lillie Roll--, Patsy VanHorne, Margaret Appelgate, Lenora Walker, Ella Wilcox, Emma Bryant, Lydia Bryant, Lydia Gray, Martha Ayres, Priscilla Smales, Aley A. Rudicil, Eleanor Heller, Sophia Thornton, Hannah Whalon, Sarah Stewart, Louise Prague, Cassie Koelker, Christina Hinnemann, Henriette Naubauer, Susanne Weller, Veronica Felliger, Elizabeth Haen, Margaretha Rose, Mary A. Olden, Mattie Olden, Martha S. Yateman, Frances MarriageYear 1852 1874 1879 1870 1864 1881 1875 1870 1870 1854 1873 1873 1858 1848 1849 1847 1850 1853 1856 1875 1855 1866 1846 1857 1857 1854 1818 1859 1877 1880 1872 1847 1847 1857 1856 1883 1857 1884 1836 1822 1842 1869 1881 1883 1862 1857 1864 1864 1857 1865 1865 1856 Page 69 10/23/2013 Source St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 North German Lutheran Church All Saints Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Atonement Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Church of the Advent Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Luke United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Price, Caleb Price, Charles Price, Charles Price, Charles E. Price, Daniel W. Price, David Price, David Price, Edward Price, Edwin Price, Erastus Price, George Price, George W. Price, H.W. Price, Henry Price, Henry Price, Henry Price, Henry Price, Hezekiah Price, Isaac N. Price, J. Price, J.E. Price, J.H. Price, J.M. Price, Jabez Price, Jacob Price, Jacob Price, James Price, James Price, James A. Price, John Price, John Price, John Price, John Price, John Price, John Price, John Price, John Price, John Price, John E. Price, John D. Price, John F. Price, John G. Price, John J. Price, John J. Price, John R. Price, John T. Price, John W. Price, John William Price, Joseph Price, Lafayette Price, Lazarus Price, Liberty Name of Bride Calvin, Sophia Manifold, Lydia Starr, Fannie Potts, Ida M. Foley, Hattie H. Langdon, Elisabeth Lewis, Margaret Maderia, Martha Tompkins, Ellen Thomson, Rachel Thomas, Elisabeth Arnold, Anna Elis. McMullen, Elisabeth Brennan, Catharine Gardner, Mary J. Gardner, Mary Clark, Hester Boone, Rachel Rubers, Rosa Davis, Elisabeth Cosbey, A.J. Lyon, Sallie Strome, Imogene Maynard, Margaret Paton, Dorcus A. Strome, Imogene Brackeney, Keziah Cady, Rebecca Price, Almira Kale, Mary Ann Cohen, Maria Anna Furman, Sarah Elsner, Barbara Baker, Mattie Wingrove, Margaret O'Neil, Anna McCarroll, Rosa Kougler, Anna F. Baker, Martha Bodley, Sarah C. Cornthwait, Martha Metzler, Barbara Bowen, Eliza Bowen, Elisabeth A. Judd, Mary Ann Gatch, Bergeta Williamson, Florida Williamson, Florida Kimball, Cora Fair, Elizabeth Frank, Mary Chamberlin, Lucina MarriageYear 1858 1850 1873 1880 1879 1843 1856 1843 1859 1850 1844 1856 1858 1864 1867 1867 1876 1851 1878 1821 1867 1877 1873 1866 1847 1873 1859 1868 1850 1841 1846 1852 1852 1853 1853 1862 1869 1875 1853 1858 1877 1882 1858 1858 1833 1874 1858 1858 1881 1867 1851 1856 Page 70 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Columbia Methodist Episcopal Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Price, Mahlon Price, Michael Price, Milton Price, Milton Price, Morris Price, Morris Price, Morris Price, Nimrod Price, Patrick Price, Patrick F. Price, Rees B. Price, Rees E. Price, Richard Price, S. Price, S.M. Price, Samuel J. Price, Solomon Price, Stephen Price, Susan Price, Thomas Price, Thomas Price, Thomas Price, Thomas Price, Thomas Price, Thomas Price, Thomas Price, Thomas N. Price, Timothy Price, Walter Price, Walter Price, Washington Price, William Price, William Price, William Price, William Price, William Price, William Price, William Price, William Price, William Price, William Price, William Price, William A. Price, William C. Price, William F. Price, William F. Price, William S. Price, William T. Prichard, Ed Prichard, George Prichard, John Pricket, Henry W. Name of Bride Drake, Mary Rohan, Catharine Magill, Elisabeth Hagarty, Mary Kahn, Emma Roman, Annie Roman, Annie Peckinpaugh, Rachel Miller, Elisabeth Elliott, Maria Seiter, Mary L. Matson, Rees, Mary Pitzer, Emma D. Holmes, Sarah Bevy, Mariann Rosenblatt, Sarah Vroom, Cornelia Williams, Amos Austin, Sidney N. Heindman, Susan Hindman, Susan Shelby, Sarah Jane St.Clair, Virginia Moorefield, Sarah J. Northcutt, Eugenia Northcutt, Eugenia Kern, Anna Graham, Louise Thompson, Louisa Dilee, Rachel Johnston, Sarah McGalw--, Mary Davis, Sarah Harrison, Sophia J. Harrison, Sophia Wirth, Anna Williams, Margaret Popenor, Jennie Goeddel, Sarah Schott, Maggie Pebbles, Kate Leever, Martha Kress, Alice V. Cochran, Mattie J. Cochran, Mattie J. Buckley, Rosa McHenry, Elisabeth A McComas, Maria Colby, Hannah Evans, Sarah Rohe, Louisa MarriageYear 1858 1852 1861 1864 1872 1877 1877 1823 1862 1878 1857 1825 1872 1874 1861 1879 1857 1846 1850 1835 1844 1844 1856 1856 1858 1881 1881 1864 1852 1866 1863 1821 1834 1852 1864 1864 1867 1869 1871 1877 1877 1882 1849 1884 1880 1880 1880 1826 1865 1841 1877 1876 Page 71 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses All Saints Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Court House Marriage Licenses Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 9 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Mark German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 7 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pricket, John Pricket, Nicholas Pricket, Paul Prickett, John Prickett, William Prickle, Anton Pridham, Henry Prieger, John Georg Prier, James A. Pries, Henry Pries, John Priesbau, Francis Prieshoff, H. Heinrich Prieshoff, Theodor Priesmann, Henry Priesmeyer, Friedric Priesmeyer, John C. Priess, Henry Priess, Johan B. Priete, Johan H. Prietsch, Otto Prigge, Ernst Prigge, Henry Prigge, Jacob Ernst Priley, William Prill, William Prime, William H. Primes, Anthony Primmit, Jd. A. Primp, Frederick Primrose, Oliver Prince, David Prince, Joseph Prince, Louis M. Prince, Lucas Prince, William Prindeville, Garrett Prindeville, John Prindeville, Maurice Prindeville, Patrick Prindle, George B. Prindle, Moses D. Pringle, Joseph Prinn, Stephen Prinsbach, Franz X. Printy, Patrick Printz, Henry W. Printz, Joseph Printz, Joseph Prinun, Edward Prinz, Friedrich Prinz, Gerhard Name of Bride Corwine, Sarah Nash, Elisabeth Hinkle, Frank, Maria McManaman, Minerva Lambert, Victoria Helm, Ann B. Philipp, Marie Horton, Maly Ann Hartman, Mena Kennedy, Kate Hanser, Monica Macke, Dominika Stoll, Catharine Juergens, Bertha Quebe, Charlotte W. Spreel, Dorothea Hartmann, Minna Wamsler, Helena Aspre, Elisabeth Wrede, Maria Wiethoff, Minna Herold, Bertha Koenigkraemer, Soph. Stevens, Elizabeth Cammack, Emma Cook, Mary Jane Weitch, Sallie Gibson, Susan Cohen, Adelheid Hall, Mollie E.S. Dawson, Mary Jane Washburn, Harriet Senior, Rosie Maxmeller, Susanna Bates, Lizzie Lynch, Honora O'Hara, Catherine Drury, Ellen Mahoney, Bridget Williams, Sarah Ann Campbell, Kate A. Lindner, Helen Daly, Alice Brucker, Maria Duffy, Margaret Ward, Ascenetta Wetzel, Maria Gerlach, Maria Gorman, Catharine Hess, Augusta Wiggers, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1862 1849 1823 1847 1848 1856 1850 1863 1822 1872 1874 1859 1875 1876 1883 1849 1848 1872 1852 1849 1874 1866 1869 1863 1848 1866 1860 1882 1880 1866 1884 1841 1849 1882 1844 1880 1846 1876 1851 1855 1835 1868 1879 1851 1872 1852 1852 1859 1868 1855 1873 1857 Page 72 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses First United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 All Saints Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Prinz, Gustav Prinz, Heinrich Prinz, Valentin Prinzbach, Augustin Prinzel, Heinrich Prior, Adam Prior, Francis Prior, Friedrich Prior, George Prior, George Prior, George W. Prior, Henry Prior, James Prior, Johan H. Prior, John Prior, John H. Prior, Patrick Prior, Terence Prish, Daniel Pritchard, Benjamin Pritchard, Ezekiel Pritchard, George A. Pritchard, John Pritchard, Moses Pritchard, R. Pritchard, R. Pritchard, Walter R. Pritchett, Jeremiah Pritshoff, Theodor Pro---, R.M. Probasco, Henry Probasco, Henry R. Probsel, Adam Probst, Heinrich Probst, Henry Probst, Ignaz Probst, John Probst, John Probst, John George Probst, Peter Probsting, August Procter, P. Proctor, Alexander Proctor, George Proctor, Henry O. Proctor, Henry O. Proctor, John Proctor, John D. Proctor, M.H. Proctor, Thomas H. Proctor, William Proctor, William Name of Bride Forberger, Helena Goldmann, Catharine Dilg, Sophia Ecker, Mary C. Reinermann, Mary Bohnenkemper, Louise Simmons, Laura Ahring, Charlotte Reis, Sophia Batie, Louisa Wilson, Anna Muschbaum, Mary Shanks, Cassandra Brinkmeier, Cath. S. McManus, Ann Vogt, Christina Byrne, Catharine Resla, Friedricka Beckenbragh, Elis. Dougherty, Abigail Eglester, Caroline Faran, Sallie R. Evans, Sarah J. Stewart, Casey Jane Hamilton, Margaret Hunitton, Margaret Remley, Jennie Wooley, Julia Ann Hall, Catharine Kelly, Ellen Jane Canington, Amanda Moulton, Munnie Mohr, Margaretha Mueller, Maria Brockmann, Catherine Flattich, Wilhelmine Sander, Christina Schmaeling, Catherin Ritter, Catharine Stable, Louisa Cunningham, Cath. Meyer, Ellie Moodie, Jennie Meyer, Pauline Morris, Sarah R. Morris, Sarah R. Brenner, Louise King, Elisabeth Kelly, Sarah Norris, Anna Norris, Olivia Jackson, Lizzie MarriageYear 1880 1850 1857 1878 1878 1856 1856 1841 1879 1880 1869 1852 1845 1859 1858 1854 1850 1868 1820 1854 1843 1884 1877 1847 1845 1845 1884 1852 1864 1846 1840 1877 1857 1855 1871 1858 1852 1868 1842 1874 1879 1880 1876 1871 1879 1879 1884 1858 1865 1840 1833 1860 Page 73 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 10 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. First English Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Proeppermann, Johan Proessler, Andreas Profater, Oliver Proff, Ferdinand Proft, August Progaska, Johan Progkamp, Peter Proops, Solomon Prophater, John E. Prophater, Mason Prophet, Louis Propheter, Adam Propheter, Georg Propheter, Georg Propheter, Georg Propheter, Georg M. Propheter, George M. Propheter, Jacob Propheter, Johan Propheter, Mason Propheter, Peter Prophether, Adam Propsel, Adam Prosey, Joseph Proshun, Friedrich Pross, George W. Pross, Peter Prossart, J. Martin Prosser, Emory H. Prosser, Henry Prosser, Randal Prosser, William J. Prost, Carl Prost, Constant Prosy, Johan Protsman, Joseph C. Protz, Herman Proud, Thomas Prous, James A. Prout, Thomas Prout, William Prouty, J.B. Provines, W.H. Prows, Sylvester Prows, T.L. Prows, Thomas Prox, Franz Prozser, Conrad Pruden, Andrew Pruden, Andrew Pruden, Charles Pruden, Henry Name of Bride Hinnekamp, Catharine Koerner, Anna Maria Profater, Mary Moehling, Elisabeth Eckerle, Constatina Freund, Elisabeth Jansen, Catherine VanderBeugh, Sophia Judd, Lida Marshall, Angeline Allgeier, Catherine Kiene, Emilie Hammann, Elisabeth Merk, Magdalena Stratt, Emma C. Meyer, Maria Kiescke, Augusta Klaas, Mary Waldmann, Catharine Marshall, Angeline Nuss, Minnie Caheins, Margaret Mohr, Margaretha Topp, Mary Frieern, M Elisabeth Rafferty, Adelheid Stegner, Catharine Helfers, Margaretha Jones, Ida B. Hicox, Mary Murray, Abbie Grant, Nellie J. Boese, Maria Hakenmeier, Cath. Wismann, Catharine Cheesman, Zila H. Schumacher, Louise Barry, Elisabeth Wilcox, Electa Little, Ann Moore, Anna Fay, L.E. Simmons, Clara Ryley, Ellen Swisher, Lizzie Swisher, Elisabeth Middendorf, Agnes Weidemann, Julia Powell, Mary Ann Powell, Mary Ann Howard, Lucy Green, Mary MarriageYear 1862 1841 1861 1860 1871 1849 1870 1867 1870 1873 1872 1872 1854 1860 1870 1862 1862 1880 1854 1873 1879 1859 1857 1860 1840 1849 1845 1848 1881 1837 1868 1880 1851 1879 1852 1874 1854 1850 1853 1849 1873 1868 1883 1849 1858 1858 1868 1860 1841 1841 1860 1846 Page 74 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Pearl St. Methodist Chapel St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Lutheran Church - Madisonville North German Lutheran Church Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Court House Marriage License St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church York St. Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 North German Lutheran Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Nast Memorial Methodist Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pruden, Logan Prudent, Joseph Pruelage, Herman Pruen, Anton Pruene, Francis Prues, Anton Prues, Bernard Prues, Bernard H. Prues, Friedrich Prues, Georg Heinric Prues, Heinrich Prues, Heinrich Prues, Joseph Prues, Joseph Prues, Wilhelm Pruesner, Ernst Pruess, John Henry Pruhs, Joseph Pruice, Sol. Prulage, Joseph Prun, B. Heinrich Prunsche, Carl Jos. Prunsche, Johan Bd. Prunsche, Joseph Pruse, Henry Pruser, Charles Pruss, Carl Pruss, Georg Pruss, John Pruss, John Pryce, W.S. Pryer, Andrew Pryor, E.L. Pryor, John Pryor, Thomas A. Pryse, James Pryse, William S. Puchta, Lorenz Puchta, Lorenz Puchter, Johan Puck, Henry Pucker, Jacob Pucker, Peter Puckeridge, John Pucketat, Frank Puckett, John Puckner, John Pudewa, Herman Pudnick, Friedrich Puehl, A.J. Puehl, Conrad Puehl, Thomas Name of Bride Barrow, Mary Faessler, Mary Niemeyer, Wilhelmina Overwatter, Elisabet Wingerberg, Maria C. VonWahlde, Maria A. Gail, Mary Gisting, Elisabeth Ortkamp, Clara Eggers, Maria Engel Huelskamp, Wilhelmin Hendricks, Elisabeth Quigley, Mary Dierker, Maria Schreiber, Anna Hartmann, Minna Landwehr, Jane Kluf, Philomena Jacobson, Amelia Vedemeier, Bernardin Poltis, Euphemia Gerling, Mary Meier, Theresa Bosse, M. Adelheid Mehrs, Catharine Grusel, Christina Haucke, Hulda Kleine, Anna Reeves, Ellen Reeves, Ellen Perkins, Ella Cole, Mary Conn, Mary Larkin, Mary E. Miller, Julia Gibbons, Mary Perkins, Ella Schmidt, Barbara Schmidt, Barbara Foester, Barbara Manning, Hannah Springer, Susannah Christian, Prudence VanLoone, Anna Ladeweg, Anna Leeds, Susan Oliver, Elisabeth Winneger, Maria Dummeyer, Anna Marton, Elisabeth Bauriedel, Margaret Haeffner, Rosa MarriageYear 1851 1861 1882 1858 1884 1879 1881 1846 1862 1850 1848 1869 1874 1876 1837 1880 1852 1873 1878 1875 1854 1879 1882 1876 1852 1857 1872 1859 1876 1876 1875 1823 1868 1874 1881 1879 1875 1859 1859 1875 1845 1838 1837 1853 1881 1846 1838 1874 1879 1870 1855 1874 Page 75 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 6 Immaculata Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Puening, Ferdinand Puening, Gerhard Puening, Johan H. Puening, John Puerring, Jacob Pues, Frank Pues, Wilhelm Puesch, Joseph Puettel, Philipp Puettmann, Johan Franz Puetz, Johan Joseph Puff, Andreas Puff, Frederick Puffer, Frederick Puffmann, Philip Pugate, James Pugh, A. Henry Pugh, Charles E. Pugh, Elias Pugh, George Pugh, George E. Pugh, Henry Pugh, James Pugh, James B. Pugh, James B. Pugh, John Pugh, John B. Pugh, John D. Pugh, John L. Pugh, Jordan A. Pugh, Jordon Pugh, Michael Pugh, Richard Pugh, William Pugh, William H. Pugh, William H. Pugh, William H. Puhl, Johan Puhlhom, Johan Puhlmann, Karl Puk, Joseph Puke, Ferdinand Pulaski, Edward Pulk, Peter Pull, Charles Pullan, James Pullan, James Pullan, Joseph Pullan, Joseph Pullan, Richard Pullan, William B. Pullan, William B. Name of Bride Hogemann, Elisabeth Lagemann, Elisabeth Otting, Elisabeth Werries, Philomena Scotti, Alvina Faenger, Catharine Holtmeier, Bernardin Fin, Rosina Edrich, Salome Meyer, Amelia Hoefel, Maria Jos. Winter, Dorothea Schwab, Sophia Coffel, Sarah Maas, Magdalena Love, Mary LeBarr, Mary Hoffner, Jessie B. French, Elisabeth Chalfant, Theresa Chalfant, Therese Randall, Ursula Moore, Sophia Christie, Adelaide Christie, Adelaide Fay, Laura Moore, Sophia Fay, Laura J. Betts, Nina Miller, Sarah Belle Miller, Sarah B. Price, Elisabeth Evans, Ann Taylor, Sarah Stewart, Ella Searp, Sarah A. Wright, Mary A. Ackermann, Margaret Hill, Lotte Pahnter, Maria Volz, Genofeva Cohn, Mary Ann Greenberg, Fannie Whitmore, Sarah Fithian, Sarah Stephens, Annie Stephen, Anna Purinton, Eliza Purinton, Elisabeth Donaldson, Jessie Parker, Sarah Parker, Sarah MarriageYear 1851 1859 1853 1884 1880 1871 1855 1848 1872 1862 1849 1853 1881 1868 1843 1860 1875 1879 1843 1855 1855 1864 1853 1882 1882 1877 1853 1877 1870 1842 1842 1851 1844 1854 1856 1875 1875 1869 1878 1856 1860 1866 1876 1818 1842 1846 1846 1847 1847 1849 1874 1874 Page 76 10/23/2013 Source Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Salem United Church of Christ St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Pullen, Coleman Pullen, Richard Pullen, Richard T. Pullen, William Pulleston, George H. Pullman, John Pullman, John Pulls, Noah Pullum, Armstead Puls, Johan Herman Puls, John Puls, Otto Puls, Wilhelm Puls, Wilhelm Pulse, David Pulse, Hiram Pulse, Simon Pulse, Virgil Pulskamp, Herman H. Pulskamp, Johan H. Pultmann, Theodor Pults, William Pummill, L.H. Pummill, William Pumps, Simon Punch, Chalres J. Punch, Charles J. Punch, David Punch, John Punch, William Punch, William H. Pund, Anton Pund, Anton Pund, Carl Pund, Francis Pund, Frank Pund, Georg Pund, Heinrich Pund, Heinrich Pund, Heinrich Anton Pund, Herman Anton Pund, Johan Dietrich Pund, John Henry Pundle, Charles W. Pundsack, Henry Pundsack, J. Franz Pundsack, Joseph Pundt, Johan H. Punis, W.D. Punkerton, John Puns, Wilhelm Punshon, Name of Bride Whipple, Sarah Hall, Anna Hall, Anna M. Dickinson, Abby Weir, Annie M. Maloney, Fellitia Maloney, Fidelia Flowers, Alice Bowman, Belle Luhn, Maria Anna Dornkamp, Josephine Ahl, Emelia Splinters, Margaret Schulte, Anna Maria VanCleve, Rebecca Wheeler, Nancy Adamson, Ellen Bloom, Susan Schaefer, Maria Schaefer, Friedricka Beckmann, Wilhelmina McKinney, Eliza Cook, Louisa A. Nemeyer, Charlotte Adleta, Henrietta Paul, Anna Kruse, Louisa S. Hulbert, Harriet Worth, Carrie Utley, Emma Utley, Emma Wobbler, Catharine Menke, Mary Agnes Metha, Elisabeth Kurre, Elisabeth Schaefer, Philomena Hackmann, Catharina Richter, Maria Beiermann, Maria Kuhlmann, Anna M.W. Dornbusch, Johanna C Willenborg, Maria Stuckenborg, A. Cath Stickley, Dora Kluener, Sophia Armand, Anna Enneking, Maria Elis Abel, Catharina West, Cora J. Dowds, Liza Kerch, Anna Maria Langdon, Ruth MarriageYear 1850 1872 1872 1842 1883 1844 1844 1869 1868 1843 1870 1877 1844 1849 1843 1859 1867 1859 1854 1865 1853 1866 1874 1854 1864 1880 1882 1848 1879 1864 1864 1845 1880 1836 1860 1875 1867 1864 1883 1858 1856 1857 1848 1866 1881 1881 1846 1851 1878 1867 1853 1844 Page 77 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Morris Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Court House Marriage License Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 St. Henry Catholic Church St. Henry Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 7 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Punshon, John Punt, Herman Punt, Johan Heinrich Punte, Leonard Puntenney, J.H. Puntenney, James Punter, Heinrich Puntice, Charles F. Purcel, Samuel Purcell, Brison Purcell, Edward Purcell, Frank Purcell, Garrett Purcell, George Purcell, James Purcell, James Purcell, John Purcell, John Purcell, John Purcell, John Purcell, John Purcell, John D. Purcell, Michael Purcell, Michael Purcell, Oscar Purcell, Patrick Purcell, Patrick Purcell, Patrick Purcell, Robert Purcell, Robert Purcell, Stephen Purcell, Thomas Purcell, Thomas Purcell, Thomas Purcell, Thomas Purceral, William H. Purden, Edward Purden, George C. Purdom, John A. Purdon, John William Purdum, John Purdum, Louis Purdum, Louis Purdun, James Purdunn, August Purdunn, Augustus Purdy, Benjamin Purdy, E. Purdy, E.H. Purdy, Jeremiah Purdy, S. Purdy, Sylvester Name of Bride Langdon, Ruth Lieners, Louisa Noble, Elisabeth Lilisch, Adelheid Love, Isabella Love, Eliza J. Rinderman, Albertina Hughes, Emma Whipple, Emily Johnson, Priscilla Malleman, Mary Myers, Mary C. Ratchford, Joann Root, Mariette Holahan, Ellen McGrath, Ann Sullivan, Honora Green, Bridget O'Neill, Mary Ann Sheehan, Mary Cralscott, Anna Burt, Mary L. Tierney, Elizabeth Farrell, Anna Renner, Mary Kelly, Catharine Flynn, Esther Murray, Catharine Burns, Mary Sexton, Josephine Clarke, Clara Collins, Bridget Mahar, Julia Haverkamp, Anna Mulryan, Ellen Doury, Caroline Lauler, Maria Jakobe, Lena Fuller, Esabella Goodman, Rose Driskill, Minnie Boden, Lina Burke, Maggie Knicely, Martha Carson, Jennie Carson, Jennie Johnson, Achsah Nore, M.A. Barns, Libbie Disbrowne, Rebecca Campbell, Lucretia Podesta, Christine MarriageYear 1844 1865 1841 1866 1882 1876 1858 1883 1835 1835 1857 1879 1850 1854 1840 1847 1853 1856 1862 1867 1874 1880 1870 1875 1857 1850 1858 1869 1849 1873 1872 1858 1859 1879 1884 1873 1876 1877 1875 1871 1865 1880 1884 1868 1877 1877 1842 1869 1880 1821 1876 1863 Page 78 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Edward Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Edward Catholic Church Atonement Catholic Church Morris Methodist Chapel St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Purdy, Sylvester Purdyment, James Purel, Joseph S. Purgdom, John A. Purk, Johan Purlee, Peter Purlier, Purnell, Jesse Purnell, John M. Purnhagen, Clemens Pursby, Georg Purschke, Frank Pursel, A.L. Pursel, Brisen Pursel, Brison Pursel, John Pursel, Stephen L. Pursell, Mathew Pursell, William Pursell, William Purser, John Purser, John Purtell, Thomas Purton, Patrick Purus, Heinrich Puruth, Henry Purvis, John Purvis, John Purvis, John Purvis, William Pusch, William Pusey, Joseph P. Pusker, Edward Puthof, David Puthof, Francis H. Puthof, Gerhard Puthof, Heinrich Puthoff, Bernard Puthoff, Bernard Puthoff, Bernard F. Puthoff, Friedrich Puthoff, Heinrich Puthoff, Henry Puthoff, Johan H.F. Puthoff, Johan Hein. Puthoff, John Puthoff, John B. Puthoff, John Henry Puthoff, Joseph Putman, B.W. Putman, Charles Putnam, B.W. Name of Bride Podesta, Christine Dunseth, Margaret A. Ross, Mary Fuller, Isabella Weiglein, Josephina ----, Elisabeth Watson, Sarah Barrett, Imogene Wilson, Eliza Jane Hausmann, Anna Pursby, Elisabeth Kranz, Margaret Wood, Mary J. Snowden, Hannah Waltermann, A. Elis. Golden, Martha Washington, Ann Feehely, Elizabeth Lamey, Margaret O'Ferrall, Fannie Nicholas, Mary Dunlap, Elisabeth Hartwick, Emma Carrigan, Julia Brugge, Maria Regner, Dora Douglass, Eliza Ann Douglass, Elisabeth Hambrich, Emma Worth, Charlote(Mrs) Brinkmann, Elisabeth Brodfuehrer, Aggie McGeorge, Lucy Jane Vogelsang, Maria Boetemann, Margaret Kopmann, Anna Maria Reschmann, Catharine Kettler, Clara Boedde, Elisabeth Feldmann, Maria A. Klenke, M. Elisabeth Cruse, M. Elisabeth McGiven, Maggie Willenborg, Bernard. Gers, Maria Agnes Thorburgh, Sallie Bodeker, Elisa Thoelking, Caroline Thery, Rachel Bird, Anna Abbott, Margaret Bird, Anna A. MarriageYear 1863 1833 1818 1875 1864 1823 1849 1861 1848 1861 1866 1874 1869 1846 1855 1851 1834 1869 1851 1864 1845 1845 1880 1868 1858 1877 1843 1843 1876 1882 1872 1882 1855 1841 1847 1852 1857 1851 1867 1844 1875 1838 1876 1864 1845 1879 1867 1882 1875 1862 1860 1862 Page 79 10/23/2013 Source St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. George Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Catholic Church First English Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Putnam, Charles Putnam, John Putnam, John Putnam, John R. Putt, Georg Putt, Georg Putthof, Bernard Putthof, Casper H. Putthof, Heinrich Putthoff, August Putthoff, Bernard H. Putthoff, Francis Putthoff, Friedrich Putthoff, Heinrich Putthoff, Heinrich Putthoff, Louis Puttmann, Anton Puttmann, Anton Nick Puttmann, Ferdinand Puttmann, Johan F. Puttmann, Wilhelm Putz, Adam Putz, Sebastian Putzel, Aaron Pye, Robert Pye, Samuel H. Pye, Samuel H. Pyfrin, John Pygall, George Pygrle, George Pyle, Alexander Pyle, Alexander Pyle, Alexander Pyle, Fillmore Pyle, George Pyle, Isaac Pyle, Jeremiah Pyle, John Pyle, Milton E. Pyle, Smith Pyles, Charles Pylle, Alexander Pyne, Abraham Pyne, Abram Pyne, William Pyphrine, Shepard Pytrin, Samuel Qua, Clement Quachtmann, Joseph Quadel, Johan Heinr. Quadling, Alfred Quaill, John Name of Bride Abbott, Elizabeth Gwyn, Bella Shoemaker, Mary Shoemaker, Mary S. Reiering, Dina Kemme, Maria Kath. Jaspers, Anna Langen, Elisabeth Fairmann, Anna Maria Schaffer, Clara Klenke, Clara Elis. Mairose, Maria Weissenzell, Johanna Korte, Angela Mairose, Helena Niehaus, Mary Sonnermeyer, Cath. Giesting, Clara Haverkamp, Bernardin Meier, Emilia Puttmann, Elisabeth Hufnagel, A. Barbara Hell, Veronica Berliner, Helen Leonard, Margaret Johnson, Addie B. Johnson, Addie B. McCoy, Hester Clemments, Balinda Clements, Belinda Robbins, Sarah Baldwin, Eleanor Baldwin, Ellenora Stephens, Lucy Wilson, Mary Jane Lake, Ann Burdge, Elisabeth Harris, Ella Howard, Margaret Capidor, Catharine Smith, Emily Mitzing, Mina Peet, Emma Peet, Emma Tally, Maria Pearce, Ellen Cummings, Laura Hegger, Catharina Wesling, Maria Wiekmann, Maria C. Moonert, Hannah Hey, Ann MarriageYear 1860 1866 1867 1867 1863 1865 1855 1850 1835 1875 1863 1854 1870 1859 1864 1878 1850 1879 1868 1862 1849 1862 1865 1858 1858 1876 1876 1849 1845 1845 1850 1852 1852 1882 1843 1843 1846 1880 1838 1845 1883 1864 1863 1863 1860 1857 1866 1863 1853 1867 1882 1839 Page 80 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Quaing, Gerhard H. Qualbrink, J. Peter Qualbrink, J. Peter Qualey, John Qualey, John Quall, William Qualls, E. Qualls, William Quante, Heinrich Quante, John F. Quante, William Quante, William C. Quanty, Friedrich H. Quantz, John Quarles, Moses G. Quarles, Moses G. Quarmby, Frederick Quarmby, John Quartmann, Joseph Quatkemeier, Heinric Quatkemeyer, Friedr. Quatmann, Joseph Quattlender, Christ Queal, John Quebbemann, Franz Quebbemann, Heinrich Quebbemann, Heinrich Quebbemann, Henry Quebbemann, Joseph Quebe, Frederick Quebe, John H. Quebemann, Joseph Queen, Joseph H. Queen, William P. Queenan, Johan Queenan, Owen Queenan, Thomas Queener, Reuben Quellen, Charles Quellhorst, Dietrich Quellhorst, Louis Quensel, Johan F. Quensell, Conrad Quentin, Georg Querengassen, Edward Querner, August Querner, Heinrich Querner, Heinrich Querner, Lewis O. Querner, Lewis O. Querner, William R. Querry, William Name of Bride Foppen, Anna Margar. Menkhaus, Maria Cath Horstmann, M. Cath. White, Anna Powers, Margaret Shrouds, Susan Brown, Eliza Lonsdale, Susanna Lorey, Sophia Custer, Lena Johnson, Mary Johnson, Mary A. Wehaus, Sophia Tool, Clara Williams, Sarah E. Johnson, Lillie Wilson, Mary Savill, Jane Drees, Angela Mescher, Adelheid Spohr, Christina Otten, Maria Weil, Lena Buckingham, Jennie VonWalde, Philomena Holthaus, Elisabeth Wiebold, Gertrud C. Niehaus, M. Theresa Berkemeyer, Maria Eli, Mary Myers, Elenor Heckmann, Bernardina Davis, Carry D. Russell, Mariah Fitzsimmons, Bridget Kelly, Margaret Haringer, Mary Donald, Mary E. ----, ---Davis, Christina Kehlenbeck, Martha Schwenning, Christ. Stein, Auguste Pinger, Wilhelmina Hunslinger, Katherin Schlee, Elisabeth Friedeborn, Catharin Lippert, Elisabeth Hull, Annie E. Hull, Annie E. Frey, Julia Virgin, MarriageYear 1847 1851 1851 1871 1874 1833 1873 1823 1844 1858 1865 1865 1861 1882 1876 1881 1869 1849 1841 1865 1867 1844 1876 1867 1878 1845 1848 1871 1864 1850 1875 1846 1867 1820 1874 1865 1872 1880 1851 1851 1868 1847 1869 1856 1876 1868 1840 1873 1881 1881 1884 1853 Page 81 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Joseph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Clement Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Questa, Giovanni Queter, Anthony Quettschrilan, Henry Quick, David Quick, Jacob Quick, James Quick, Joseph Quick, Richard Quient, John Quigley, Carroll Quigley, Francis Quigley, Francis Quigley, George Quigley, Hugh Quigley, James Quigley, James Quigley, John Quigley, John Quigley, John Quigley, John Quigley, John Quigley, John Quigley, John Quigley, Joseph Quigley, Martin Quigley, Michael Quigley, Michael Quigley, Michael Quigley, Michael Quigley, Michael J. Quigley, Patrick Quigley, Patrick Quigley, Peter Quigley, Richard Quigley, Samuel Quill, John Quillan, John Quinan, Martin Quinan, Patrick Quinby, W.H. Quinby, William C. Quincey, J.A. Quincey, John Quincy, John Quiney, Edward H. Quinins, John Quinke, Heinrich Quinke, Peter R. Quinker, Johan Hein. Quinlan, Daniel Quinlan, James Quinlan, John Name of Bride Badaracca, Catharina Schulte, Helena Burckhardt, Barbara DeButts, Amanda Chivington, Mary Thacker, Maria C. Applegate, Anna ----, Catharine Klomann, Mary Conroy, Anna Rafter, Catharine Ryan, Mary Butler, Mary Lund, Alice Quigley, Catherine Baxter, Elizabeth Urick, Barbara Ann English, Mary Kelly, Bridget Manion, Bridget Perry, Sarah Berry, Sarah Maloney, Nora McDonald, Elizabeth Camino, Margaret Conner, Mary Gilleon, Margaret McCabe, Margaret Sticksel, Catherine Donahue, Margaret J. Anderson, Elisabeth Daley, Margaret McOngey, Ann Hayes, Julia Hall, Margaret Murphy, Julia Doressi, Elisabeth Kelly, Mary Merritt, Ellen Clark, Hannah Blangey, Lucy King, Alice Johnson, Annie Dorst, Mary Ann McLaughlin, Julia Keller, Mary Schroeder, Maria Kankel, Anna Maria Klus, Maria A. Harty, Margaret Fogarty, Margaret Keefe, Catharine MarriageYear 1850 1856 1875 1861 1834 1857 1847 1820 1884 1867 1865 1867 1861 1850 1863 1866 1856 1858 1858 1860 1866 1866 1884 1854 1873 1851 1856 1857 1873 1883 1858 1859 1849 1854 1832 1874 1859 1854 1873 1872 1874 1876 1879 1847 1882 1881 1862 1867 1856 1853 1842 1853 Page 82 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Sacred Heart Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Court House Marriage License St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Aloysius on the Ohio Catholic Church St. Aloysius on the Ohio Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Thomas Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Edward Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Quinlan, John Quinlan, John Quinlan, John Quinlan, Maurice Quinlan, Michael Quinlan, Patrick Quinlan, Patrick Quinlan, Patrick Quinlan, Patrick Quinlan, Thomas Quinlan, Thomas C. Quinlan, William Quinlan, William Quinlan, William Quinlin, Morris Quinlin, Thomas Quinn, Anthony Quinn, Arthur Quinn, Bernard Quinn, Bernard Quinn, C.L. Quinn, Charles K. Quinn, D.P. Quinn, Daniel Quinn, Edward Quinn, Edward Quinn, Francis Quinn, Francis Quinn, Frank Quinn, Frank Quinn, Frank R. Quinn, Hugh Quinn, Hugh Quinn, J.J. Quinn, James Quinn, James Quinn, James Quinn, James Quinn, James Quinn, James Quinn, James Quinn, James Quinn, James Quinn, James Quinn, James Quinn, James Quinn, James Quinn, John Quinn, John Quinn, John Quinn, John Quinn, John Name of Bride Wells, Hannah McGann, Mary Ann Barrett, Kate Grady, Mary McGuillan, Mary Ann Grady, Dora Keating, Mary Ann Walch, Mary Martin, Anne T. Sweeney, Mary Wright, Mary Stanton, Mary Connors, Elizabeth Jordan, Mary Callahin, Mary Smitherne, Virginia Butler, Ellen Garrett, Bell Gallagher, Mary Roberts, Helen Parvis, Louisana Darling, Emma F. Robins, Livina Cassidy, Bridget McDermott, Mary Ann O'Hara, Susan Milleny, Bridget McGrory, Hanna Barry, Emma Schwartz, Eva Barry, Emma Nugent, Bridget Glenn, Bridget Slevin, Maria Borden, Mary Ann Sinc, Mary Brady, Catharine Beatty, Ellen Cosgrove, Ellen Burns, Bridget Maher, Ellen Cook, Mary Coughlin, Catharine Sweeney, Bridget Davis, Catharine O'Connor, Mary Geraghty, Margaret Barnbridge, Drake, Martha J. Fleming, Catharine McTighe, Bridget Burk, Mary MarriageYear 1860 1869 1874 1855 1858 1856 1856 1859 1868 1845 1874 1851 1855 1872 1852 1847 1850 1862 1854 1865 1878 1880 1863 1872 1853 1877 1855 1863 1867 1877 1867 1848 1861 1852 1849 1851 1852 1852 1853 1855 1856 1858 1860 1861 1865 1866 1866 1825 1852 1855 1855 1862 Page 83 10/23/2013 Source Court House Marriage License St. Edward Catholic Church St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Quinn, John Quinn, John Quinn, John Quinn, John Quinn, John E. Quinn, John J. Quinn, John J. Quinn, John T. Quinn, Louis W. Quinn, Martin Quinn, Michael Quinn, Michael Quinn, Michael Quinn, Michael Quinn, Michael Quinn, P.A. Quinn, Patrick Quinn, Patrick Quinn, Patrick Quinn, Patrick Quinn, Patrick Quinn, Patrick Quinn, Patrick Quinn, Richard Quinn, Robert Quinn, Robert J. Quinn, Stanley Quinn, Stephan Quinn, Thomas Quinn, Thomas Quinn, Thomas Quinn, Thomas Quinn, Thomas Quinn, Thomas Quinn, Thomas Quinn, Thomas Quinn, Timothy J. Quinn, William Quinn, William Quinn, William Quinn, William Quinn, William Quinn, William E. Quinn, William W. Quinn, William W. Quinnlish, Patrick Quint, Ernst Quint, Heinrich F. Quint, Heinrich Wm. Quintern, Edward Quinton, Edward K. Quinzer, Philipp Name of Bride Scally, Bridget Quinn, Bridget McKeown, Mary C. Curtin, Margaret Fay, Catherine Slevin, Mary L. Hentgen, Wilhelmina Tate, Isabella Coldwell, Ann O'Rouck, Margaret Nicholas, Mary Burke, Helen Moriarty, Catharine Slattery, Nora Peiler, Mary Christy, Alice C. Grogan, Mary Haleran, Margaret Kelly, Bridget Ryan, Mary Hanley, Hannah Hesher, Maria Faulkner, Catherine Fitzgerald, Mary Palmer, Josephine O'Brien, Catharine Pendergast, Mary Leake, Hannah Haney, Bridget Nordike, Mary Lahey, Catharine Hansbury, Ellen Dussler, Mary Hyland, Johanna Abels, Laura Scalen, Mary Sweeney, Kate Williams, Harriet O'Neil, Sarah Tobin, Mary Coughlan, Catharine McCormick, Ellen Coats, Mary C. Shepherd, Katie J. Shepard, Kate L. McGorman, Susanna Wahoff, Maria Brockmann, Charlotte Wichhaus, M. Elis. Blum, Ida Keeshan, Julia Blisch, Elizabeth MarriageYear 1870 1873 1874 1883 1864 1852 1877 1870 1876 1865 1847 1864 1867 1879 1881 1875 1843 1853 1855 1855 1867 1880 1883 1854 1861 1870 1880 1853 1847 1848 1853 1863 1865 1873 1876 1876 1876 1839 1847 1852 1853 1862 1854 1875 1875 1851 1870 1849 1855 1884 1867 1850 Page 84 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral All Saints Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Edward Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Clement Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Quire, Charles Quire, Charles Quire, William Quirk, Edward J. Quirk, Martin Quiter, Anton Quittens, John Quotra, Andreas L. R---, Deloss R---, I.Y. R---, John R---, Joseph R---, Moses R---, Samuel R---, Vere. R---, William R---, William R---, William Raab, Georg Raab, Joseph Raabe, Conrad Raabe, Conrad Raabe, Heinrich Raabe, Henry Raabe, Henry Raabe, John Raabe, Julius A. Raabe, Martin Raach, Peter Rab, Edward Rabanus, Friedrich Rabanus, Henry Rabb, D.G. Rabbe, Henry Rabbe, Johan Fried. Rabbe, Philipp Rabbe, Wilhelm Rabbeth, S.A. Rabe, Adam Rabe, Charles Rabe, Clemens Rabe, Clemens Rabe, Clemens Rabe, Clemens Rabe, Francis Joseph Rabe, Frederick Rabe, Fredrick Rabe, Friedrich Rabe, Gerhard Heinr. Rabe, Heinr. Arnold Rabe, Heinrich Rabe, Heinrich Name of Bride Thompson, Julia Ann Phipps, Cordelia Harris, Caroline Behualer, Annie Leonard, Mary Schummacher, Dina Dennis, Amanda Simpson, Joan Cummins, Mary McCane, Emma Lovejoy, Matilda Loge, Mary Orr, Eliza McKim, Lydia Zuemers, Maria King, Sarah Fanmire, Hannah Wilson, Catharine S. Ruefle, Maria Deifinger, Magdalena Walter, Martha Wagner, Catharine Benthien, Elisa(Mrs) Bain, Sarah Geissler, Mary Vogle, Mary Schmittlin, J. Scholl, Maria Kaiser, Adelheid Kuhn, Margaretha Gemehle, Lizzie Gemehle, Barbara Fitch, Anna Barkhau, Sophie Lied, Catharina Schneider, Bertha W. Stratmeier, Louise Gaigan, Olie Koenig, Maria Schmietendorf, Wil. Shillis, Catharine VanHusen, Gertrud Koelmann, Catharina Kuhlmann, Catharine Rolwes, Angela Seeker, Louise Reilly, Margaret Schmidt, Mary Emke, Anna Maria Kreuzmann, Theresa Landmeier, Sophia Bunker, Catherine MarriageYear 1842 1849 1841 1878 1861 1853 1865 1851 1834 1868 1852 1837 1848 1826 1826 1821 1826 1833 1862 1873 1845 1872 1867 1863 1864 1882 1884 1866 1876 1873 1873 1877 1856 1884 1867 1867 1851 1874 1854 1866 1835 1845 1856 1856 1855 1868 1881 1874 1854 1868 1873 1884 Page 85 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Edward Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper First United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Assumption Catholic Church - Gilbert Ave. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Boniface Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rabe, Henry Gerhard Rabe, Johan Heinrich Rabe, Johan Heinrich Rabe, John Rabe, Joseph Rabe, Joseph Rabe, Lorenz Rabe, Ludwig Rabeneck, Christian Rabens, Dietrich Rabens, Friedrich Rabens, Friedrich Rabens, Heinrich Rabens, Herman Rabenstein, J.P. Rabenstein, Johan G. Raber, Georg Raber, Georg Raber, H. Raber, Henry Raber, J. Sebastian Raber, Louis Raber, Sebastian Raberd, Francis Rabius, Herman Raborg, Samuel Race, Abraham Rache, Herman Rachel, Bernard Rachel, Edward Rachford, Pierce Rack, Anton Rack, Anton M. B. Rack, Franz Anton Rack, George Rack, Johan Ludwig Rack, John J. Rack, Wilhelm Racke, Christian Racke, Philipp Racke, Philipp Racker, Gerhard Rackerby, W.C. Rackerby, William Rackur, Friedrich H. Racky, Georg Racoe, William Radabaugh, Clarkson Radabaugh, H. Radabaugh, John Radabaugh, John Radabaugh, William C Name of Bride Santen, Louise Dickmann, Carolina Struebbe, Mina Allgeier, Caroline Imbusch, Maria Elis. Gouda, Friedricka Roettele, Rosa Ahrens, Meta Wortmann, Maria Benning, Wilhelmina Kaufmann, Doris Wedig, Anna Behning, Dorothea Buschorn, Margaret Haller, Louisa Michel, Christine Bopp, Margaretha Riegler, Apollonia Dreiler, Margaret Schelar, Catharine Kramer, Elisabeth Hirschauer, Catharin Schneider, Chr.(Mrs) Baines, Margaret Strietmann, Lizzie Leggett, Mary Jane Bennett, Mary Jane Dohrmann, Charlotte Diersing, Catharine Budke, Carrie Tobin, Annie Rennert, Barbara Focke, Maria Herfel, Barbara Elis Focke, Anna Maria Pfeifer, Julia Ries, Anna M. Apke, Elisabeth Fischer, Margaretha Obernesner, Marie Oeth, Elisabeth Koennebeck, Anna M. DePalos, S. DePalos, Sarah Spreen, Wilhelmina Schwartz, Helena Miller, Mary Ann Sampson, Mary Ann Russell, M.E. Bolser, Harriet Good, Maggie Snowhill, Lena MarriageYear 1882 1858 1870 1877 1850 1859 1880 1873 1854 1851 1860 1868 1852 1850 1867 1863 1842 1848 1873 1861 1848 1877 1884 1855 1876 1835 1833 1872 1876 1882 1865 1848 1882 1878 1881 1871 1884 1875 1856 1865 1866 1864 1869 1869 1859 1879 1834 1844 1879 1860 1878 1873 Page 86 10/23/2013 Source Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. Boniface Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Boniface Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses First English Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Louis Catholic Church St. Luke United Church of Christ St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Angels Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Bonaventure Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Radcliff, Samuel Radcliff, Smyth Radcliff, Thomas Radcliff, William Raddemann, Francis Raddoff, Gustav Radefeld, Bernhard Radeffer, Joseph Radegier, Clemens Radel, Christoph Radel, Johan Radel, John Radel, John Radel, John Radel, Michael Radel, Peter Radelaff, Ferdinand Rademacher, Carl Rademacher, Friedric Rademacher, Gerhard Rademacher, Jacob Rademacher, Johan Rademacher, Johan H. Rademacher, Theodor Rademacher, Wilhelm Rademacher, Wilhelm Rademaker, Gerhard H Rademer, August Rader, Lewis Rader, Robert Rader, W.B.P. Radester, Wilhelm Radford, Isaac Radigan, James Radina, Anton Radina, Michael A. Radisch, Rudolph Radler, Johan Radley, William Radloff Charles Radloff, Ludwig Radloff, Wilhelm Radloff, William Radsctinner, Vitus Rady, Heinrich R. Rady, John Rady, Joseph Raeb, Albert Raechtin, Bernard Raechtin, Gerhard Raedel, Jakob Raeder, Wilhelm Name of Bride Perine, Sarah Ann McKeown, Hannah Booth, Joan Hughes, R. Heuermann, Elisabeth Feuerstein, Cath. Mauch, Lina J. Ruff, Ann Maria Windmeier, Maria Rehmer, Mary Worst, Martha Mueller, Catharine Crayan, Mollie Bardon, Lena Liebel, Louise Swan, Mary Radelaff, Louise Reitz, Maria Appel, Lena Konen, Christina Vogel, Catharine Langen, Elisabeth Schulten, Helena Saller, Carolina Heitgies, Christina Mullanhart, Maria Baumgardner, Maria C Henke, Sophia Massan, Mary Kunkel, Carolina W. Hardin, Clarissa Stamber, Philippina Lovell, Bedilia Devanney, Kate Kress, Christina Klostermann, Julia Luedecke, Louisa Harner, Eva String, Louisa Schneider, Maggie Oldag, Amalia Besuden, Anna Biermann, Amelia O'Hara, Mary A. Evers, Dorothea C. Larkin, Catharine Morton, Isabella Axtell, Katie Dieker, Adelheid Raechtin, Catharine Koch, Barbara Wenner, Elisa MarriageYear 1852 1852 1864 1851 1874 1879 1883 1841 1874 1884 1881 1858 1874 1880 1884 1879 1857 1865 1860 1854 1852 1858 1849 1854 1848 1872 1876 1875 1837 1874 1876 1849 1856 1879 1859 1865 1882 1865 1849 1881 1853 1847 1884 1875 1853 1851 1845 1880 1845 1845 1870 1870 Page 87 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum St. John the Baptist Catholic Church First United Church of Christ St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Michael Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 9 St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 North German Lutheran Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Raedle, Robert Raeger, Frank Raemey, Patrick Raenbold, Frank Raesner, Wm. H. Raetje, John Raetman, Jacob Raff, Carl Raff, Carl A. Raff, Charles Raff, Christian Raff, Henry Raffe, Aloysius Rafferty, Daniel Rafferty, Daniel Rafferty, G.W. Rafferty, James Rafferty, John Rafferty, John Rafferty, Michael Rafferty, Michael Rafferty, Thomas Rafflaub, Nicolaus Raffle, Magnus Raffle, Thomas Rafter, Patrick Rafter, Thomas Ragendorf, Morris Rager, Francis X. Rager, Frank X. Raggy, Heinrich Ragin, Peter Ragin, Robert Ragio, P.J.W. Ragland, Benjamin Ragland, W. Raglin, John Rago, Domenigo Ragot, Dominique Rah, Johan Rahe, August Rahe, Eduard Rahe, Ernst Heinrich Rahe, Fred. Rahe, Friedrich Rahe, George Rahe, Heinrich Rahe, Hermann Rahe, Johan Rahe, Johan Heinrich Rahe, Johan Heinrich Rahenkamp, Johan H. Name of Bride Woerner, Maria Ries, Adolphina Flattery, Honora Spangler, Catharine Heinlein, Margaret Froehlich, Dorothea Lehmuth, Theresa Swigler, Elizabeth Roberts, Maria (Mrs) Ryan, Ellen Bauman, Anna Maria Path, Charlotte Ruff, Carolina Highland, Bridget McDermott, Honora Wright, Mary Moore, Rebecca Cordes, Bridget Magan, Margaret Hopkins, Ellen Dunward, Bridget Gallagher, Annie Bernard, Margaretha Helinger, Magdalena Linder, Maria McCullough, Ann Walsh, Margaret Meyer, Amelia Kippenberger, Cath. Lacher, Martha Hebauf, Maria McLaughlin, Honora Jewell, Sarah Arrico, Mary A. Ellis, Maria Turpin, Alice Payne, Mary Ringe, Sarah A. Antonie, Catharine Oderbeck, Katharine Kroeger, Annie Reisenweber, Barbara Schweden, Maria Elis Nash, Mary Huster, Lizzie Hahn, Louisa Schumacher, Maria Linck, Christine Holle, Maria Brinkmann, Catharine Teepen, Maria Louise Luebbe, Anna Louise MarriageYear 1866 1856 1868 1866 1874 1854 1878 1865 1873 1878 1860 1860 1864 1861 1866 1877 1849 1852 1853 1852 1876 1883 1842 1872 1865 1853 1858 1868 1874 1877 1854 1852 1842 1883 1845 1877 1876 1839 1843 1844 1874 1870 1853 1878 1882 1879 1868 1872 1869 1844 1849 1856 Page 88 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 First United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rahenkamp, Wilhelm Rahi, Heinrich Rahill, Cornelius Rahill, Patrick Rahl, Patrick Rahm, Emil Rahm, Friedrich Rahm, J.B. Rahmann, Friedrich Rahmann, John Rahmeier, August Rahn, August Rahn, Bernard Rahn, Christopher Rahn, Emil Rahn, Friedrich Rahn, Henry Rahn, Jacob Rahn, Johan W. Rahn, John F. Rahn, Philipp Rahshoff, William Raible, Alois Raible, Carl Raible, Christian Raible, Christian Raible, Friederich Raible, Friedrich Raible, Friedrich Raible, Jakob F. Raible, Paul Raich, Wilhelm Raichle, Carl Raife, Charles Rain, William M. Raine, Friedrich Raine, Wilhelm Rainear, W.M.G. Rainer, Jacob T. Rainer, Johan Rainermann, Clement Rainey, George Rainey, Samuel Rainey, William R. Raipe, Rairden, Owen Rairdon, Timothy Raisback, Joseph Raisbeck, Joseph Raisch, John Raisch, Matthew Raisch, Michael Name of Bride Holst, Catherine Weber, Margaretha Johnson, Margaret Taylor, Joann Hunt, Winnie Honey, Angelina Baumann, Elisabeth Hardin, Mary Potthoff, Adel.(Mrs) Reckers, Mary Hupp, Mary Ringenberger, Eliz. Behrmann, Engel M. Nenike, Rosa Boehner, Maggie Kolkmeier, Marie Miller, Kate Flemhort, Elisabeth Reis, Caroline Cronimus, Alice Frick, Franziska(Mrs Scholl, Louisa Koeble, Anna Schweitzer, Phil. Weber, Magdalena Bettinger, Josephine Komli, Elisabeth Luckhardt, Barbara Kumle, Elisabeth Dierking, Anna M. Ilg, Christina Gottwalls, Magdalena McArdle, Mary Ellis, Anna Gerard, Elisabeth Uehlein, Maria Froendhoff, Lizzie Leilenthall, Geo. Holland, Lilly Diehl, Elisabeth Stertmaier, Sophia Thompson, Emma Coonse, Mary A. Scheck, Lena Summons, Ellen J. Gorey, Margaret Milan, Mary Longshore, Caroline Longshore, Cornelia Walz, Catharine Halbgewacks, Doroth. Wells, Sarah MarriageYear 1882 1857 1864 1853 1869 1884 1870 1864 1860 1881 1877 1877 1858 1853 1882 1862 1883 1856 1860 1884 1873 1875 1879 1841 1854 1857 1861 1854 1861 1873 1865 1860 1860 1858 1853 1871 1875 1874 1883 1864 1855 1865 1866 1883 1849 1857 1853 1875 1875 1855 1854 1866 Page 89 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Michael Catholic Church Zion German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Luke United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Wesley Methodist Chapel St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses All Saints Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Raiser, Johan Raisig, Martin Raising, Andreas Raisler, Charles Rake, Johan Bernard Rake, Johan Herman Rakel, Henry Rakel, J.H. Rakel, Johan Bernard Rakel, Johan Heinric Raken, Wilhelm H. Raker, Joseph Rakers, Gerhard Ralenkotter, Johan Rall, Adam Rall, Anton Rall, James Rall, Louis Rall, W.C. Rall, Wick Ralle, Charles Raller, Joseph Ralphy, John W. Ralstin, Z.T. Ralston, James Ralston, James H. Ralston, Johan Ralston, John Ralston, Joseph Ralston, Peter Ralston, Robert Ralston, William Ralthiff, B.D. Rambart, August Rambo, Francis Rambo, Francis Rambu, Henry Ramdell, Oscar Ramer, James Ramer, John A. Ramirez, Jose Ramke, Gerhard Ramlair, Christian Ramler, Heinrich Ramler, Joseph Ramler, Joseph Ramley, Daniel Ramme, Heinrich Rammeler, Heinrich Rammelsberg, Charles Rammelsberg, Fred. Rammelsberg, Friedr. Name of Bride Rau, Margaretha Huber, Tillie Meiser, Elisabeth Hill, Mary Schroer, Maria Anna Gueggelmeyer, Gesina Strull, Magdalena Jostans, M. Anna Bodick, Maria Agnes Wenning, Maria Kuehner, Augusta Heidthaus, Dina Koen, Anna Catharine Schuster, Paulina Beck, Maria Baumann, Elizabeth Neal, Sallie Cahow, Mary Jane Bernhardt, Louise VanDyke, Elisabeth Stewart, Elisabeth Haller, Kate Kearnes, Mary French, Katie Hill, Sarah Hill, Sarah Brown, Agnes Mitchell, Fannie W. Hineman, Elizabeth Picken, Margaret McGechin, Jennie Brown, Janet Beresford, Sallie W. Burman, Sarah Richardson, Joan Watkins, Mollie Donahower, Eliza Hodapp, Mary A. Barnes, Rachel Lockwood, Mary Dubourg, Hortensia Sievre, Antonia Blasies, Elisabeth Ryan, Maria Agnes Luken, Elisabeth Luken, Maria Elis. Cochran, Mary Bickmann, Maria Harvinghorst, Carol. Thomson, Rhoda Lape, Sarah Lape, Sarah M. MarriageYear 1857 1880 1855 1849 1859 1854 1884 1853 1857 1857 1873 1869 1847 1869 1873 1868 1865 1835 1877 1836 1849 1870 1882 1868 1857 1857 1850 1875 1859 1844 1871 1843 1878 1842 1827 1861 1864 1879 1857 1857 1880 1880 1871 1876 1855 1855 1818 1839 1847 1869 1842 1842 Page 90 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 7 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rammelsberg, Oscar Rammes, Bernard H. Rammet, G. Leonhard Rammler, Bernard Rammler, Heinrich Ramp, Charles W. Ramp, Daniel Ramp, Samuel Ramp, Samuel W. Rampe, Joseph Rampelmann, Francis Rampendahl, Johan H. Rampf, Georg Ramsay, Charles Ramsay, Franz Ramsay, J.Z. Ramsay, John M. Ramsay, Thomas Ramsay, William Ramsbeck, Valentin Ramsdale, Joseph Ramsdel, William Ramsdell, Joshua Ramsdell, Joshua Ramsden, Daniel Ramsey, Allen Ramsey, Aquilla Ramsey, Cyrus Ramsey, David Ramsey, David T. Ramsey, J.H. Ramsey, J.M.C. Ramsey, James Ramsey, James Ramsey, John Ramsey, Joseph M. Ramsey, Lewis F. Ramsey, Louis H. Ramsey, Nathan L. Ramsey, Robert Ramsey, Robert Ramsey, Sample Ramsey, Sample Ramsey, Samuel Ramsey, Simon Ramsey, Thomas Ramsey, Thomas Ramsey, W. Ramsey, William Ramsey, William Ramsey, William Ramsey, William Name of Bride Wheat, Kate Kruthus, Maria Roedter, Catharine Rolfes, Adelheid Stuhlmacher, Sophia Kerner, Elisabeth Ney, Josie Johnson, Susie Johnson, Susie A. Notebrock, Elisabeth Grote, Maria Adel. Mittendorf, Louise Koch, Maria Roberts, Betsy Ann Christmann, Caroline Easton, Mary J. Bevis, Mary Passons, Lydia Punshon, Mary Suhr, Theresa Clements, Agnes Airs, Jennie Baker, Clarissa Bradley, Susannah Barrow, Ann H. Heaps, Hester Milay, Priscilla Kerner, Elisabeth Hughes, Malah Page, Emma C. Murray, Ellen Dagaylier, Caroline Arbuckle, Minerva Gondor, Eveline Buckingham, Ann Fostney, Sarah Maxwell, Louise Foley, Lucy A. Calderwood, Mary Benham, Ellen Murphy, Ann Peters, Anna Maria Peters, Anna Maria Guthrie, Mary ----, Margaret Punshan, Mary Heap, Ann Mitchell, Millie Gambrel, Phebe Punshon, Mary Cole, Sarah Fitch, Althea MarriageYear 1876 1863 1845 1850 1851 1871 1884 1868 1868 1845 1861 1861 1855 1848 1871 1867 1834 1832 1847 1848 1855 1864 1836 1850 1843 1842 1833 1868 1850 1873 1863 1863 1847 1850 1846 1868 1873 1882 1876 1856 1858 1841 1841 1845 1818 1825 1842 1874 1846 1847 1851 1854 Page 91 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christy Methodist Chapel Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ramsey, William Ramson, S. Ramstaetter, Charles Rancevau, Theodore Ranch, Adolf W. Rand, Charles E. Rand, Elbrigid Rand, Frank E. Randal, Richard Randal, William S. Randall, Albert Randall, Albert R. Randall, Benjamin Randall, C.F. Randall, C.H.W. Randall, Charles S. Randall, Cyrus C. Randall, David Randall, Edmond Randall, George W. Randall, H. Randall, James Randall, John Randall, John Randall, John T. Randall, Joseph B. Randall, Joshua Randall, Joshua Randall, Nelson Randall, Shepherd Randall, Shepherd Randall, William Randall, William Randle, William Randolph, Benjamin Randolph, Christoph Randolph, Christoph Randolph, David F. Randolph, David S. Randolph, James Randolph, James W. Randolph, Lewis Randolph, P.B. Randolph, Peter Randolph, Peter Randolph, William Randolph, William Rands, Charles Rands, William Jos. Raney, Moses Raney, Peter Rangee, Delphin Name of Bride Pownall, Sarah Bell, Carrie Macke, Mary Pearce, Annie E. Hoffmann, Mary Wynkop, Margaret E. Rand, Sarah Ann O'Mara, Catherine Filter, Rosalia Hildreth, Hannah Magee, Sadie Magee, Sadie A. Everson, Margaret Harden, Lavina Russell, Mary Cromwell, Mollie Penckston, Margaret Carmichael, Grace Malsbury, Mary Duval, Ellen McClelland, Eliz. Weatherby, Mary Newell, Mary Ann Lawrence, Margaret Marsh, Sallie Brady, Mary Ellen Southerland, Mary Freshower, Sophia Avrey, Rachel M. Raymond, Eliza Raymond, Eliza Watts, Sarah Gordon, Anna Hindman, Ellen Davis, Sarah Metzger, Margaretha Brown, Lydia H---, Jemima Jones, Laura L. Vance, Matilda Frost, Jennie R. Steele, Sarah Brooks, Jane Jefferson, Mary A. Bailey, Blanche Merrill, Theodosia Monroe, Mary Coleman, Rachel VanAmringe, Susan Luckey, Catharine M. Lidle, Elisabeth Miller, Margaret MarriageYear 1864 1873 1884 1871 1870 1871 1837 1883 1842 1833 1879 1879 1855 1874 1881 1867 1839 1842 1872 1846 1874 1880 1842 1852 1878 1883 1842 1845 1854 1875 1875 1844 1864 1843 1848 1851 1853 1818 1866 1866 1883 1846 1856 1848 1871 1862 1866 1837 1851 1837 1844 1883 Page 92 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Augustine Catholic Church Church of the New Jerusalem St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ranger, Richard Ranger, Richard Rangyer, Christian Rankartt, Philipp Rankin, Augustus Rankin, Charles Rankin, Charles Rankin, Charles Rankin, Charles Rankin, Charles S. Rankin, George Rankin, George Rankin, Gilford Rankin, James Rankin, James Rankin, Oliver Rankin, Thomas Rankin, William Rankin, William Rankin, William Rankstirt, Lewis Rannells, D.W. Rannels, Richard Ranney, Moses Ransch, Philipp Ranscher, John Ransel, William Ransell, William Ransembrink, Ludwig Ransieck, Herman Ransley, Samuel Ransly, Charles E. Ransom, Ransom, Anthony Ransom, Charles Ransom, Owen P. Ransom, Peter Ransom, R.W. Ransom, R.W. Ransom, Sylvester Ransom, William Ransom, William Ranson, Thomas Rante, Wilhelm Rantyle, E.J. Ranz, Stephan Raper, Edmund Raper, Holley Raper, Joseph Rapes, James Rapin, Herman Rapke, William Name of Bride Goodman, Eliza Goodman, Elisabeth Eha---, Mary Wall, Sophia Walker, Marion Dodsworth, Nancy Cochnower, Ada Johnson, Julia Reid, Kate Cochnower, Ada Peacock, Sallie Matthews, Emma Snyder, Emma Cutter, Celia A. Cutter, Celia Brown, Susie Scott, Matilda Stevens, Ellen H. Stevens, Ellen Laing, Matilda Menkin, Rosina Clarkson, Mary E. West, Betsey Luckey, Catherine M. Droste, Anna Maria Kumbach, Francisca Burrell, Lizzie Henderson, Nannie H. Hellenkamp, Amalia Wessling, Anna Wilhelm, Louise Looker, Emeline Steel, Elisabeth Carlin, Catharine Lewis, Mary Mueller, Luise (Mrs) Eckermann, Frances Owens, Annie Owens, Anna Tobridge, Sarah Robinson, Sarah Geiger, Mamie Neely, Ellen Raetje, Dorothea(Mrs Rossa, Sally Helfrich, Elisabeth Sloan, Minnie Ramsey, Mary Tudor, Johanna Mounts, Phebe Heidt, Helena Maher, Mary MarriageYear 1850 1850 1853 1851 1867 1844 1866 1872 1876 1866 1859 1873 1873 1876 1876 1865 1834 1841 1841 1847 1846 1839 1839 1837 1849 1853 1877 1884 1859 1875 1883 1826 1849 1854 1882 1866 1857 1876 1876 1857 1848 1882 1850 1866 1858 1856 1858 1844 1842 1872 1884 1862 Page 93 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Morris Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 7 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rapp, Aloysius Rapp, Anton Rapp, Christian Rapp, Christian Rapp, Christian Rapp, Christian Rapp, Conrad Rapp, Eduard Rapp, Frank Rapp, Friedrich Rapp, Friedrich Rapp, Friedrich Rapp, Friedrich J. Rapp, Gabriel Rapp, Georg Rapp, George Rapp, George Rapp, George Rapp, George Michael Rapp, George W. Rapp, Heinrich Rapp, Henry Rapp, Henry Rapp, Henry Rapp, Jacob Rapp, Jacob Rapp, Jacob Rapp, Johan Rapp, John Rapp, John Rapp, John Rapp, John Rapp, John Rapp, John Rapp, John Rapp, John Rapp, Joseph Rapp, Joseph Rapp, Joseph Rapp, Joseph Rapp, Karl Rapp, Leonard Rapp, Leopold Rapp, Lewis Rapp, Louis Rapp, Ludwig Rapp, Mathias Rapp, Nicolaus Rapp, Otto Rapp, Peter Rapp, Peter Rapp, Peter Name of Bride Streub, Maria Michel, Carrie Behrwinkel, Johanna Weidelich, F. (Mrs.) Helsan, Ida Huber, Mary Gort, Maria Schiff, Emma Theuring, Louise Mueller, Catharine Young, Lizzie Volmer, Anna Maria Ganz, Sophia Christ. Lechleich, Catharine Hassaureck, Anna Leininger, Margaret Schmidt, Charlotte Pauer, Carrie Steiner, Maria Ballauf, Ida Nonlherichten, Karol Craddick, Mary Neu, Barbara Muennle, Kate (Mrs) Sohn, Elisabeth Arnold, Julia (Mrs) Gesner, Margaretha Arnd, Christina Haslop, Elisabeth Meier, Dorothea Dick, Catharine Schmaltz, Frances Hauer, Caroline Menk, Maria Anna Hilker, Mary Aylmore Hilker, Mary Aylmore Schoen, Sophia Gebhard, Josephina Reuter, Maria Brill, Anna Wocke-Mueller, Maria Walsh, Mary Katz, Amelia Haller, Annie Balack, Veronica Gloo, Johanna Anna, Agatha Hauck, Salome Groneweg, Mary Imhoff, Anna Loux, Catharine Koehler, Lizzie MarriageYear 1868 1877 1865 1867 1872 1881 1857 1880 1873 1858 1865 1879 1845 1856 1866 1835 1857 1878 1836 1877 1870 1859 1863 1879 1849 1852 1855 1869 1841 1846 1849 1855 1856 1857 1880 1880 1853 1867 1874 1874 1866 1883 1837 1876 1856 1856 1852 1857 1861 1837 1847 1880 Page 94 10/23/2013 Source St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Nast Memorial Methodist Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Luke Episcopal Church St. Luke Episcopal Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church All Saints Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Sacred Heart Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rapp, Philipp Rapp, Valentin Rapp, Valentine Rapp, William S. Rappalee, Thomas Rappelee, Luke Rappenecker, Peter Rappetto, Samuel Rapple, John Rappler, Louis Rappold, Gottlieb L. Rappott, Anton Rapprecht, Lorenz Raquet, Peter Rarasheid, George W. Rarden, William Rasch, Conrad Rasch, Conrad Rasch, Friedrich Rasch, Friedrich L. Rasch, Oscar C. Rasche, Anton Rasche, Anton Rasche, Friedrich Rasche, Friedrich Rasche, Heinrich Rasche, Johan Theo. Rasche, Markus Rascheimer, Louis Raschel, John Raschig, F. Maurice Raschig, Herman Hy. Raschig, Rheinold Rasing, Johan Raske, Heinrich Raskir, Heinrich Raskopf, Wilhelm Rasp, Jacob Rassenfuss, John Rassum, Edwin F. Rastake, John Rasum, Christoph Ratcke, Marc Ratcliff, George C. Ratcliff, James Ratcliff, John Ratcliffe, John Ratermann, Ferdinand Rates, George Ratge, Johann Rath, Andrew Rath, Eugene Name of Bride Metzler, Margaretha Mesmer, Ida Ovedunch, Catharine Heidenreich, Magdal. Schammaborne, Mary A Stevens, Mary Ann Mayer, Mary Ann Gotto, Mary Ann Weber, Agatha Dummick, Amy Neusteckel, Wilhel. Krimm, Catharine Mahlberger, Margaret Flocken, Margaretha Davis, Mary J. Bolen, Ann Fluck, Maria Fluck, Maria Stambusch, Josephina Proesser, Julia Langenbeck, Nellie Heitmann, Louise Heitmann, Louisa Nordemann, Maria C. Steinker, Josephina Feldmann, Maria Lines, Catharine Heitmann, Philomena Frank, Eliza Martin, Lena Meyer, Catharine Rollwagen, Alice Melsheimer, Ida Uphaus, Maria H. Kennepohl, Catharine Kurtz, Henriette Anschuetz, L. (Mrs) Krack, Barbara Sommer, Salome Herrmann, Alma Schafer, Margaret McCarthy, Esther Hect, Philomena Major, Susan M. Booth, Catharine Hard, Delany Harris, Amanda Huls, Maria Theresa Hollingshead, Elis. Schlueter, Wilhelmin Streble, Sophia Wrede, Bertha MarriageYear 1861 1853 1849 1884 1823 1852 1853 1863 1856 1883 1860 1845 1854 1864 1865 1863 1868 1868 1883 1882 1883 1875 1875 1854 1884 1867 1849 1870 1850 1879 1835 1877 1872 1875 1846 1860 1850 1863 1881 1879 1876 1879 1870 1855 1849 1851 1868 1853 1843 1873 1875 1883 Page 95 10/23/2013 Source St. Augustine Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Morris Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Rose Catholic Church St. Rose Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Michael Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Carthage United Church of Christ St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn North German Lutheran Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rath, Georg Rath, Jacob Rath, Johan Rath, Louis Rathauser, Friedrich Rathbone, George Rathbone, Jonathan Rathborne, St.George Rathburn, Charles Rathburn, Charles B. Rathburn, W.C. Rathgens, Christian Rathjins, Johan C. Rathmann, Edward Rathmann, Heinrich Rathsam, Michael Rathyen, Fred. Ratigan, James Ratigan, Thomas Ratjen, Charles Ratkliff, John Ratliff, B.D. Ratliff, J.M. Ratliff, Joel Ratliff, Joseph H. Ratliff, R.N. Ratliff, W.J. Ratt, Friedrich M. Rattan, Friedrich L. Rattele, Jacob Ratterman, B.J. Ratterman, Bernard Ratterman, Franz Rattermann, A.B. Rattermann, B.J. Rattermann, Bernard Rattermann, Bernard Rattermann, Bernard Rattermann, Bernard Rattermann, Bernard Rattermann, Bernard Rattermann, F.H. Rattermann, Ferdin. Rattermann, Frederic Rattermann, George Rattermann, Gerhard Rattermann, Heinrich Rattermann, Heinrich Rattermann, Henry Rattermann, Herman B Rattermann, Herman G Rattermann, Johan Name of Bride Ries, Johanna Rath, Louisa Kaemmerer, Magdalena King, Louisa Zink, Helena Conn, Jesse Cliff, Sarah Conn, Jessie F. Howard, Delila Brokamp, Lisetta Bryant, J.E. Holzmann, Anna Brost, Katharina Walter, Dina Schaeffler, Louisa Hager, Catharine Burger, Maggie Burke, Bridget Quinlan, Elizabeth Lawitz, Rosa Shin, Catherine Beresford, Sallie Asbury, Mary Cragg, Agnes Thomas, Saran Ann Whitfill, Katie L. Cox, Carrie H. Krug, Mary Wesemann, Lisette Flamm, Marie Eckert, Sophia Wallmann, Catharine Helling, Agnes Schmitz, Maria Louise Eckert, Sophia Hegge, Louise Hillmann, Bernardina Brokamp, Agnes Eckert, Sophia Placke, Catharine Abbing, Catharine Beitmann, Wilhelmine Strueving, Bernardin Schwegmann, Louise Niehaus, Anna Meyer, Elisabeth Ruff, Carolina Mueller, Catharine Lanser, Clara Schmitz, M. Louisa Pohl, Maria Engel Beitmann, Johanna MarriageYear 1848 1881 1862 1879 1843 1879 1821 1879 1855 1874 1879 1859 1848 1874 1881 1854 1884 1849 1868 1852 1876 1878 1871 1860 1844 1882 1879 1882 1843 1867 1875 1850 1870 1861 1875 1869 1870 1871 1875 1881 1882 1866 1850 1868 1875 1855 1856 1857 1884 1861 1865 1866 Page 96 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses West Cincinnati Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Henry Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rattermann, Johan B. Rattermann, John G. Rattigan, Michael Rattinghaus, Heinric Rattmann, Francis Rattray, Robert Rattray, Robert Ratz, Johan A. Rau, Albert Wm. Rau, Andreas Rau, Carl Rau, Charles M. Rau, Christian F. Rau, Christian Jacob Rau, E. Rau, Edward Rau, Georg Rau, Georg Rau, Georg Rau, Gottfried Rau, Heinrich Rau, Johan Rau, Johan Rau, Johan Rau, John Rau, Louis Rau, Max Rau, Wilhelm Raubart, Heinrich Raubart, Joseph Raubart, Wilhelm Rauber, Jacob Rauber, Martin Rauber, Wilhelm Raucebaugh, John Rauch, Adolph Rauch, Albert A. Rauch, Carl Rauch, Conrad Rauch, Conrad Rauch, Ernst Rauch, Fred Rauch, Friedrich Rauch, G.A. Rauch, Gustav Rauch, John Rauch, Lewis F. Rauch, Lewis F. Rauch, Louis Rauch, Peter Rauch, Peter Rauch, Wilhelm Name of Bride Kohrmann, Anna Maria Jacobs, Amelia Burke, Honora Berte, Philomena Strotkamp, Maria Lindsey, Belle C. Steen, Mary J. Zimmermann, Maria Young, Adelia Cath. Krauter, Magdalena Rau, Wilhelmina Elis Marblestone, Addie Moritz, Eugenia Everhard, Margaretha Sauer, Anna M. Schaeffner, Catharin Butler, Anna Kaltenbrun, Catharin Theobald, Barbara Stickler, Franziska Herrmann, Maria Riechert, Elisabeth Rudolphus, Catharina Hodom, Rebecca Chidlaw, Martha Weil, Louisa Wolff, Wilhelmine Bernens, M. Agatha Leunen, Margaretha Kelsch, Margaretha Kinzler, Juliana Souders, Rachel Effinger, Anna Reb, Anna (Mrs) Welsh, Ann E. Hadlern, Sophia M. Riesterer, Lina Wolf, Elisa Rothe, Elisabeth Herwig, Elisabeth Lippert, Katharina Neyer, Mary Bauer, Caroline Brauneis, Anna M. Kaemmerle, Maria Schoen, Catherine West, Roberta G. West, Roberta G. Voegle, Katharine Amann, Maria (Mrs) Klippert, Catharine Mueller, Eleanora MarriageYear 1858 1883 1855 1865 1838 1875 1876 1881 1884 1870 1856 1881 1866 1869 1876 1867 1865 1865 1868 1857 1839 1850 1851 1854 1862 1878 1860 1873 1866 1865 1863 1848 1881 1868 1860 1851 1874 1863 1861 1866 1860 1876 1877 1873 1869 1875 1884 1884 1864 1859 1863 1856 Page 97 10/23/2013 Source Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Joseph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Luke United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Bonaventure Catholic Church St. Luke Episcopal Church St. Luke Episcopal Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rauchenstein, Frank Rauchfuss, Otto Rauchkorst, Clemens Raue, Christian G. Raue, Gerhard Raue, Matthias Rauf, George Rauf, Michael Raugh, Reeder Rauh, Johan Rauh, Michael Rauh, Samuel Raukopf, Carl Raulman, Bernard Raum, B. Raum, B. Raum, Johan Raupp, Jeremiah Raus, Johannes Rausch, Adam Rausch, Conrad Rausch, Conrad Rausch, Georg Rausch, J. Friedrich Rausch, John Rausch, Martin Rausch, Peter Rauscher, Emil M. Rauscher, Johan Rauscher, John M. Rauscher, Ludwig Rauschert, Martin Rauschkolb, Peter Rausenberger, Frank Rausenberger, G.A. Rausenberger, Robert Raut, Friedrich Rauth, Francis Rauth, Joseph Rave, Frank Rave, Johan Herman Raven, Herman Ravens, Heinrich Ravens, John Ravy, John Raw, Charles Rawdon, Horace Rawe, George Rawe, John Rawert, Heinrich Rawert, Heinrich Rawling, John Name of Bride Penz, Bertha Fischer, Maria Rechtin, Theresa Mayer, Marie (Mrs) Katte, Theresa Kranz, Theresa Geers, Elisabeth Hartmann, Franziska Hauter, Barbara Armbruster, Christin Schmitt, Barbara Rens, Jenette Bostede, Catharine Baumer, Theresa Freyer, Elizabeth Freyer, Lillie Kleber, Magdalena Siehaus, Anna Hutmacher, Anna Schmidt, Catharine Habicht, Katharina Ochs, Katharine Frauenreisen, J. Lintsch, Mathilda Schmidt, Louisa Beckel, Maria Fenslein, Fredericka Goodall, Fannie Bodmer, Maria Eisenbert, Maria Geier, Anna Maria Kiefer, Maria Wagner, Katharina Bruner, Rosa Geier, Louise VonHagemann, Emilie Dietrich, Maria Anna Sullivan, Helen Ward, Irene Heisterkamp, Gertrud Abba, Catharine Brinkmann, Anna Waldkotter, Louise O'Rourke, Elizabeth Mack, Augusta Benkeser, Catherine Bartlett, Catharine Lagemann, Mary Wiehmann, Maria Anna Wullen, Gertrud Wullen, Gertrud Scott, Susan MarriageYear 1876 1869 1860 1874 1854 1855 1880 1869 1882 1875 1855 1858 1846 1871 1876 1876 1876 1853 1872 1856 1869 1870 1857 1848 1874 1855 1875 1879 1850 1849 1871 1872 1866 1884 1877 1884 1837 1879 1876 1881 1852 1864 1861 1876 1863 1874 1844 1878 1875 1869 1869 1868 Page 98 10/23/2013 Source St. Bonaventure Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. George Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Stanislaus Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church Atonement Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Rose Catholic Church St. Rose Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rawlings, Carroll Rawlings, Carroll C. Rawlings, George M. Rawlings, Henry Rawlings, James Rawlings, James Rawlings, Richard Rawlings, William Rawlins, Edward Rawlins, J.W. Rawlins, John H. Rawlins, Robert Rawlins, William R. Rawson, Edward Rawson, Joseph Rawson, Joseph Rawson, Joseph Ray, A.D. Ray, Charles Ray, Charles J. Ray, Cornelius Ray, Daniel Ray, Frank Ray, George Ray, Isaac Ray, J.H. Ray, J.H. Ray, James Ray, James Ray, James Ray, James Ray, James Ray, James B. Ray, John Ray, John Ray, Joseph Ray, Joseph M. Ray, Lewis Ray, Michael Ray, Samuel Ray, Thomas Ray, William Ray, William Rayburn, John Rayer, Jeremiah Rayhle, Heinrich Rayhle, John Henry Rayle, William Rayman, Otto Raymond, Burr Raymond, Calvin Raymond, D.F. Name of Bride Walton, Ida Walton, Ida Shoup, Harriet Vantrees, Luella Hulick, Augusta A. Shannan, Caroline McCarty, Jane Wiggins, Elisabeth Beepley, Katie Longnecker, Fannie Higbee, Jane Ross, Alice Kelly, Eleanor Hobart, Clara Richards, Mary W. Russell, Lucy Russell, Lucie Knox, Mellie Marcello, Elisabeth Jordan, Ida E. Gooch, Clara F. Weaver, Augusta Klutz, Barbara Swain, Mary Ann Loewenstein, Rebecca Williamson, Mary Williamson, Mary C. Sharp, Mary Johnson, Sophia Frosh, Sarah M. Moore, Alice Scott, Nervie Riddle, Mary Henry, Sarah Jane Henry, Sarah Booth, Elisabeth Sommer, Mary Dudgeon, Anna Kern, Ellen Hunt, Sarah Bain, Fina Mary Hoon, Barbara Gills, Emma Bradus, Lizzie Johnson, Dorcus Ann Minsenmeyer, Maria Rummel, Caroline(Mrs Malone, Mattie Howland, Mary Morrison, Mary A. Oliver, Sarah Wheeler, Kate MarriageYear 1872 1872 1873 1875 1848 1851 1849 1844 1882 1880 1844 1842 1882 1879 1838 1876 1876 1859 1858 1883 1856 1855 1861 1855 1877 1878 1878 1850 1855 1864 1879 1884 1818 1863 1870 1856 1876 1866 1859 1858 1883 1824 1876 1860 1852 1852 1872 1882 1854 1837 1849 1863 Page 99 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Wesley Methodist Chapel St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Atonement Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Raymond, Daniel Raymond, Daniel Raymond, David S. Raymond, E.H. Raymond, George M. Raymond, Robert Raymond, Thomas W. Rayner, Richard C. Raynor, Thomas Raynor, U. Raynor, Uriah Rays, John Rayser, Christian Rayser, Johan H. Raywood, Joseph Raz, Mathias Rea, David C. Rea, David C. Read, A.C. Read, Alvin Read, Charles H. Read, E. Read, Ezra Read, Frank Read, Frank Read, John A. Read, John C. Read, Morton Read, Philip Read, Robert Read, Sydney Read, William H. Reade, Charles H. Reade, David J. Reader, Johan Georg Reader, Martin Reader, William Reader, William Ready, Benjamin Ready, Daniel P. Ready, James Ready, John H. Ready, Lain Ready, Lawrence Ready, Richard Ready, William Ready, William Ready, William Reagan, Dennis Reagan, Edward Reagan, Edward Reagan, Hamilton Name of Bride Bonte, Jane M. VanHouten, Lydia Facemer, Mat. Wheeler, Emma Bonte, Elisabeth Ann Pratt, Mary Anna Grogan, Lotta A. Turner, Mary Harris, Esther Sellman, Maria V. Doty, Mary Campbell, Keziah Steinmann, Maria Taphorn, Elisabeth M Bolan, Johanna Mueller, Margaretha Gifford, Charlotte Gifford, Charlotte Eaton, Sophia Rogers, Evaline Cox, Mary E. Young, Louisa Young, Louisa Budd Bryant, Lizzie Pe-ize, Elize Staggmann, Lucy Milligan, Jane Smith, Eugenia Lewis, Belle Cubberly, Mary Ann Cornman, Alice A. Clark, Blanche Gaynor, Mollie Preston, Maria Walker, Cecilia Watson, Anna Rude, Sarah Lotz, Eva Hazen, Harriet Dawson, Isabella Larkin, Mary Coleman, May A. Beckley, Mary Ann Carey, Joann Buckley, Mary Prunt, Ruthinda Hueston, Margaret Beetle, Sarah A. Donnovan, Betsy Scanlan, Bridget Wermel, Elisabeth Wright, Rosanna MarriageYear 1833 1850 1822 1875 1836 1839 1876 1880 1855 1873 1861 1834 1872 1874 1868 1850 1884 1884 1864 1860 1874 1836 1836 1858 1879 1844 1852 1868 1881 1836 1883 1878 1879 1832 1869 1874 1842 1870 1838 1880 1867 1882 1842 1850 1851 1837 1845 1856 1859 1851 1883 1843 Page 100 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Pilgrim United Church of Christ St. Louis Catholic Church Trinity Episcopal Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Luke Episcopal Church St. Luke Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reagan, James Reagan, John Reagan, Michael Reagan, Michael Reagan, Michael Reagan, Patrick Reagan, Patrick Reagan, Reason Reagan, Timothy Reagan, Timothy Reagan, William Reagen, John Reagin, John Reagin, Reason Reah, George D. Reakert, William Reakirt, Charles Reakirt, Charles Reakirt, Joseph Reakirt, Joseph Reamy, George Reaney, Johan Reaney, Michael Reaney, Michael Reaney, Michael Reanny, William Reany, William Reardan, Daniel Reardan, Timothy Rearden, Michael Rearden, Nelson Reardon, Cornelius Reardon, Daniel Reardon, Daniel Reardon, Dennis Reardon, Dennis Reardon, Gabriel Reardon, James Reardon, Jeremiah Reardon, Jeremiah Reardon, John Reardon, John Reardon, John Reardon, Michael Reardon, Michael Reardon, Michael Reardon, Patrick Reardon, T.A. Reardon, Timothy Reardon, Timothy Reardon, William Reardon, William Name of Bride Londergan, Ellen Sullivan, Anna Mulhearn, Sarah Mulhearn, Sarah Mitchell, Winnefred Reilly, Bridget McQuinn, Joann Goodwin, Margaret Vaughan, Margaret Coiley, Helen Roden, Mary A. Richardson, Betsey Galvin, Mary Roper, Mary Ann Will, Clara E. Martin, Margaret Whetstone, R. Whetstone, Caroline Bodman, Lauretta Bodman, Lauretta L. Zumwald, Sarah Robinson, Esther A. Harrington, Mary Harrington, Mary Doherty, Annie Vaughn, Emma Vaughn, Susan Donovan, Mary Keher, Catharine Lynch, Catharine Fifer, Mary Goold, Anna Nancy Bowers, Mary Herlichy, Catherine McNamara, Honora Ahern, Honora Bowers, Anna Coyne, Julia Murphy, Anna Seyman, Mary Patton, Bridget Hickey, Margaret O'Hara, Bridget Kearns, Sarah Case, Anna Millet, Anna McCarthy, Honora Hoffmann, Lizza A. Sullivan, Mary Sullivan, Mary Powers, Anna Fallon, Ann MarriageYear 1854 1870 1860 1860 1871 1848 1863 1843 1859 1869 1861 1820 1853 1851 1875 1851 1852 1852 1860 1860 1849 1849 1859 1859 1871 1876 1843 1862 1859 1848 1851 1861 1867 1876 1858 1873 1872 1868 1854 1856 1857 1871 1883 1858 1880 1883 1853 1881 1860 1860 1872 1882 Page 101 10/23/2013 Source St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O All Saints Catholic Church Immaculata Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Lawrence Catholic Church Assumption Catholic Church - Gilbert Ave. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. All Saints Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Thomas Catholic Church Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reavesdale, C.P. Rebber, Johan H. Rebel, Joseph Rebel, Matthaeus Reber, Balthasar Reber, Georg Reber, Heinrich Reber, Johan Caspar Reber, Johan Fried. Reber, Michael Reber, Nicolaus Reberger, Christian Reberger, John Rebert, Albert C. Rebert, Karl V. Rebholz, George M. Rebholz, Karl Rebmann, Charles Rebmann, Georg Rebmann, Georg Rebmann, John G. Rebmann, Michael Rebner, Paul Rebold, Albert Rebold, Georg Rebold, John Rebold, Michael Rebold, Michael Rebold, Peter Rebs, John Rebstock, Carl Rebstock, Frank Rebstock, Joseph Rebstock, S. Franz Recam, Herman Heinr. Rech, Christian Rech, Heinrich Rech, John Rechas, Herman Rechel, Adam Rechel, Adam Rechel, Christian Rechel, Wilhelm Rechenauer, Johan Rechly, Johan C. Rechnath, Casper Recht, Christian Rechterman, August Rechtermann, Heinr. Rechtin, Bernard Rechtin, Dietrich G. Rechtin, Gerhard H. Name of Bride Ellery, A.E. Harwener, Anna M. Schmidt, Maria Eva Terbeck, Carolina Schweickhart, Elis. Heiberger, Magdalena Schues, Katharina Linne, Maria Rothinghaus, Elis. Kerth, Elisabeth Mueller, Maria Lindenborn, Mary Mueller, Elisabeth Wuellner, Mary Reiner, Katharine Sidel, Elizabeth Barlage, Katharina Embshoff, Carrie Busch, Maria Wahl, Rosina Reynolds, Ella Fufster, Anna Merkel, Rosina Groneberger, Anna M. Hoffmann, Margaretha Kareth, Magdalena Lohr, Maria Beckmann, Rose T. Bundschuh, Maria C. Garden, Sophia Schneider, Caroline Grieser, Mina Derke, Margaret Griesser, Jacobina Guelker, Maria Adel. Ackermann, Margaret Kunzmann, Maria Homberg, Minnie Schmude, Elisabeth Schneider, Carolina Kernen, Carolina Burner, Rachel D. Braam, Maria J. Steindel, Anna Winters, Elisabeth Eberle, Theresa Goebel, Eliza Sierweldt, Cornelia Wilke, Rosina Brinkmann, Bernardin Schmakes, Elisabeth Hubbers, A. Barbara MarriageYear 1877 1854 1852 1884 1851 1856 1862 1849 1859 1877 1860 1878 1844 1881 1877 1882 1881 1884 1851 1857 1878 1868 1861 1871 1853 1875 1853 1883 1881 1880 1845 1877 1857 1877 1840 1849 1867 1884 1840 1867 1869 1871 1872 1850 1868 1874 1875 1875 1859 1859 1877 1848 Page 102 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Rose Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 6 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Louis Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. George Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Martini United Church of Christ St. Paul Catholic Church St. Bonaventure Catholic Church St. Bonaventure Catholic Church Camp Washington United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Clement Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rechtin, Heinrich Rechtin, Heinrich Rechtin, Herman Rechtin, Herman Rechtin, J. Theodor Rechtin, Johan Rechtin, Johan Anton Rechtin, Johan Bd. Rechtin, Johan Bd. Rechtin, Johan Phil. Rechtin, John F. Rechtin, Phillip Reck, Charles Reck, Georg Recke, Reckel, Edward Reckelhof, Johan H. Recken, Conrad Recker, Adam Recker, Alexander Recker, Heinrich Recker, Johan Recker, John Henry Recker, Theodor Reckers, Bernard Reckers, Bernard J. Reckers, Christian Reckers, Frederick Reckers, Georg Reckers, Gerhard Bd. Reckers, Gerhard H. Reckers, Gerhard H. Reckers, Heinrich Reckers, Henry Reckers, Herman H. Reckers, Johan Herm. Reckers, Rudolf Reckert, Diedrich Recking, Johan Arnd. Reckley, John Reckman, Henry Reckman, Herman H. Reckmann, Friedrich Reckmann, Henry Reckmann, John Herm. Reckmann, Michael Reckner, Joseph Reckner, Wilhelm Rectannus, Peter Recth, Frank Rector, Hiram Red, Georg Name of Bride Guenthmann, Elisabeth Guentmann, Elisabeth Meier, Anna Huemler, Elisabeth Keller, Lucia Holters, Helena Heuermann, Elisabeth Midden, Theresa Schulte, Maria Adel. Zurline, Katharina Hirschauer, Louisa Heidemann, Anna Spitzer, Josephine Bleile, Louise Kauffmann, Isabella Schrickel, Katie Pund, Elisabeth(Mrs) Weber, Elisabeth Lubbermann, Louise Freeman, Lydia Schomaker, Margaret Zumgrunde, Maria Lefering, Christina Wille, Mina Ploehs, Elisabeth Enneking, Maria Grote, Anna Maria Hackmann, Mary Hoffrogge, Anna Schmidt, Anna Maria Buddendick, Gertrud Schipper, Margaretha Macke, Agnes VonderHeide, Carrie Bergfeld, Anna Maria Schmelzpfenning, A. Brockmann, Anna Kamphus, Catharina Rolwing, Friedricka Feucht, Magdalena Cutter, Sophie M. Kupper, Anna Maria Reckmann, Maria Schmidt, Louisa Schaefer, Bernardina Doering, Louise Sturgis, Eliza Marl, Sophia Kerth, Rosa Kechler, Elisabeth Darby, Sarah Schmid, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1867 1867 1863 1870 1857 1875 1853 1846 1848 1848 1878 1845 1868 1857 1869 1876 1853 1860 1866 1867 1843 1843 1870 1870 1880 1850 1861 1871 1856 1877 1854 1863 1851 1880 1854 1862 1883 1864 1851 1852 1882 1872 1848 1877 1876 1874 1859 1866 1878 1869 1872 1840 Page 103 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Clement Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Camp Washington United Church of Christ St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Camp Washington United Church of Christ St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church First United Church of Christ Court House Marriage License St. Clement Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Red, Thomas J. Red, William Redburg, Carl Ernst Redd, Henry Clay Redd, William Reddan, Patrick Reddehase, Frederick Reddehasen, Ludwig Reddenbaugh, Jacob Reddert, Heinrich Reddert, Henry Reddick, Elisha Reddick, Martin Reddick, Martin Reddick, Richard Redding, James Redding, James Reddinger, Georg Reddinger, Henry Reddington, Edmund Reddington, Michael Reddington, Thomas Reddington, Thomas Reddish, Albert Reddish, Albert Reddish, James Reddish, John W. Reddish, Samuel Reddish, Stephenson Reddon, Isaac Reddy, John Reddy, John Reddy, John Redeckel, Wilhelm Redecker, Ferdinand Redehanse, Ludwig Redeker, Frederick Redeker, Heinrich Redel, Wilhelm Redelmann, Georg H. Redelmann, Johan C. Redelmann, Matthias Redemeyer, William Reder, Bernard Reder, Heinrich Reder, Heinrich Reder, Heinrich Redermann, Francis Redermen, Jacob Redette, John Redfield, John H. Redfield, M. Name of Bride Wells, Louisa Arrens, Emeline Kuhlmann, Johana(Mrs Devall, Addie Pence, Julia J. Maher, Ann Albers, Anna Haverkamp, Maria Brown, Elisabeth Dauer, Anna Schwettmann, Sophie Bence, Mary Walker, Jane Creagan, Matilda Dilks, Catharine Moore, Harriet McCashen, Mary Ann Heyfield, Jane Amins, Mary Kerwin, Margaret Mullen, Elizabeth Tobin, Burke, Bridget Deam, Maggie Deam, Maggie B. VanBlamcome, Amanda Hay, Susan Birdell, Lucinda Rofinger, Kate Woolage, Siltha Green, Ann Cannon, Mary Connors, Ellen Schaeffer, Catharine Tatgenhorst, Henriet Racken, Charlotte Ahrens, Anna Louisa Groene, Adelheid Weller, Elisabeth Oldendick, Mathilda Rabe, Catharine Bergstermann, Elis. Beckmann, Louise E. Surman, Caroline Videmann, Maria Unkraut, Francisca Enneking, Elisabeth Holt, Maria Anna Thurmen, Elisabeth Lenon, Isabella Zollmann, Caroline Messick, Kate MarriageYear 1876 1846 1876 1883 1884 1857 1882 1861 1852 1867 1880 1842 1835 1837 1846 1850 1865 1866 1854 1868 1883 1865 1884 1873 1873 1860 1849 1859 1853 1882 1853 1862 1869 1859 1861 1852 1880 1855 1862 1848 1853 1847 1881 1875 1844 1874 1882 1848 1881 1844 1870 1881 Page 104 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Court House Marriage Licenses Mears Methodist Chapel Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church First United Church of Christ St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. North German Lutheran Church St. Henry Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Redford, Alfred Redge, Peter Redinbo, Henry Redinger, George Redinger, Michael Redlehase, Karl M. Redler, Joseph Redman, Benjamin Redman, Charles Redman, Conrad Redman, Dr. Redman, James Redman, James Redman, John S. Redman, Martin Redman, Mureth Redman, Robert S. Redman, Thomas Redman, William Redmann, Benjamin S. Redmann, Joseph Redmon, Charles Redmon, Dennis Redmon, Michael Redmon, Robert Redmon, Robert Redmond, Hugh Redmond, James Redmond, James Redmond, John J. Redmond, Matthew Redmond, Miles Redmond, Peter Redmond, Thomas J. Redmond, Timothy Redmond, W.H. Redmond, William Redmore, Richard Redon, Martial H. Redroo, James Redrow, Charles Redrow, Enoch Redrow, Ephraim Redrow, Ephraim Redtmann, Georg Redus, Joel A. Redway, A.J. Redway, Albert James Redwisch, Cord Hein. Redy, William Ree, Heinrich Ree, John Name of Bride Bush, Elisabeth Uebeli, Katharina Cassidy, Abigail Orschell, Helena Lodwick, Elisabeth Willmeier, Kath.(Mrs Tutz, Anna Kraft, B. Rose, Agnes Kelly, Mary Mills, Elisabeth Colgate, Mary Hoffmann, Barbara Ricketts, Clemma Boehm, Ida Spooner, Julia Hier, Mary Elisabeth Bracy, Francis Jackson, Sallie Farrell, Anna E. Schlotmann, Catharin Early, Caroline Self, Phoebe McLain, Margaret Early, Harriet Early, Harriet Ann Murphy, Ann Bryan, Bridget Brennan, Bridget Reynolds, Florence Murphy, Bridget Noyes, Catharine Washington, Sarah Herron, Anna Clarkson, Ann Patton, America Flanagan, Mary Wilson, Mary Ann Graves, Arietta Ross, Mary Beehamer, Eleonora Snowhill, Mary Jane Hasty, Mary McNelly, Elisabeth Hornung, Sophia Totten, Hettie Mitchell, Emma Mitchell, Emma H. Koch, Margaretha F. Carroll, Joanna Sieker, M. Gertrud Huffman, Hannah MarriageYear 1839 1867 1837 1884 1857 1866 1868 1860 1877 1884 1836 1832 1870 1872 1878 1859 1843 1849 1879 1875 1866 1857 1882 1862 1864 1864 1852 1851 1882 1881 1866 1864 1850 1867 1867 1859 1860 1841 1874 1835 1881 1837 1850 1855 1853 1868 1864 1864 1842 1863 1836 1837 Page 105 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Angels Catholic Church Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Thomas Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Angels Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Court House Marriage License St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum North German Lutheran Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Re-ea, William Reeb, Carl Reeb, Joseph Reece, John Reece, Thomas Reed, Reed, A.P. Reed, Abijah Reed, Albert W. Reed, Alex H. Reed, Andrew Reed, Benjamin Reed, Benjamin Reed, Benjamin Reed, Charles Reed, Charles Reed, Charles Reed, Charles Reed, Charles Reed, Charles H. Reed, Charles H. Reed, Coleman Reed, Cyrus Reed, Cyrus Reed, Daniel Reed, David Reed, David Reed, David S. Reed, E.O. Reed, E.O.G. Reed, E.O.G. Reed, Ebenezer Reed, Ed Reed, Eduard L. Reed, Edward Reed, Edward Reed, Edward Reed, Edward A. Reed, Edward J. Reed, Edwin Reed, Edwin Reed, Edwin A. Reed, Enos Reed, Enos Reed, Erastus Reed, Erastus Reed, Erastus Reed, Frank Reed, George Reed, George Reed, George W. Reed, George W. Name of Bride Bartholomew, Eliz. Vogel, Anna Maria Gurtz, Barbara Walriven, Bella Davy, Ann Runion, Mary Reed, Olive George, Mahala Reifsnider, Lulie Craft, Emma M. Leonard, Anna Phares, Adelphia McCulley, Maria L. McCulley, Maria L. Ward, Minerva McCulloch, Ellen Behr, Mary Colby, Amanda Pehr, Franziska Enyart, Emma C. Vettel, Carrie C. Kinslaer, Maggie Lowe, Lavinia Lowe, Lavina A. Boilean, Melvina C. Keegan, Catharine Worn, Martha Rayburn, Polly Bradley, Mary Hanlon, Susannah Hanlon, Susannah Myers, Louisa Watts, Aggie Watts, Agnes Williams, Anna Worrocks, Amanda Hanlon, Susanna Bradley, Mary J. Young, Mary A. Taylor, Mary Prindle, Sallie Hubbell, Ida M. Rose, Martilla Ireland, Mary Moore, Charlotte Moore, Jennie Anderson, Martha Ferris, Sarah A. Lynden, Mary Chapman, Emma Chapman, Emma A. Chapman, Emma A. MarriageYear 1879 1852 1856 1883 1856 1832 1877 1819 1875 1876 1864 1835 1880 1880 1839 1841 1865 1867 1880 1874 1880 1873 1857 1857 1842 1849 1854 1874 1868 1877 1877 1859 1876 1876 1867 1877 1879 1868 1871 1847 1856 1875 1843 1845 1853 1853 1877 1878 1862 1876 1876 1876 Page 106 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Trinity Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 6 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper York St. Methodist Chapel York St. Methodist Chapel HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reed, H.S. Reed, Harry C. Reed, Henry Reed, Henry Reed, Henry S. Reed, Hiram Reed, Horace G. Reed, Isaac Reed, Isaac Reed, Isaac Reed, Isaiah Reed, James Reed, James Reed, James Reed, James Reed, James G. Reed, James T. Reed, Jesse C. Reed, John Reed, John Reed, John Reed, John Reed, John Reed, John Reed, John B. Reed, John C. Reed, John E. Reed, Joseph Reed, Joseph Reed, Joseph Reed, Joseph Reed, Joseph D. Reed, Joseph P. Reed, Joshua Reed, Oscar Reed, Patrick Reed, Patrick Reed, Peter Reed, Peter B. Reed, Reuben Reed, Reuben Reed, Richard Reed, Richard Reed, Robert Reed, Robert Reed, Robert Reed, Robert Reed, Robert C. Reed, Rosswell Reed, Samuel Reed, Samuel Reed, Strotter Name of Bride Hall, Jesmina Cord. Curr, Sarah D. Pettit, Catharine Odenbaugh, Mary Reed, Rebecca Longshore, Mary Ann Montgomery, Annie Pettit, Sarah A. Smith, Mary Ulrich, Mary Krautwasser, Frialla ----, ---Long, Mary Ann Johnson, Caroline Collins, Jane Sweeney, Nellie Line, Amanda Cazey, Wilea M. Hugle, Sophia B. Tobin, Mary Butler, Ellen McDermott, Ellen Morgan, Barbara Hagerty, Alice Haggerty, Alice M. Knox, Susanna Bradstreet, Ella McQuillan, Mary Ann Sedam, Eliza Sedam, Elisabeth Kinney, Cassander Lalley, Margareth Applegate, Lillie V. Dixon, Sally Mitchell, Molly Lingan, Margaret Bolton, Margaret Bedel, Jane Bepis, Mary Ann Hackeleander, Christ Shaw, Hannah Babcock, Mary Jane McClelland, Susan Abbott, Elisabeth M---, Mary Stevenson, Elisabeth Walker, Isabella Hale, Julia Stonebraker, Matilda Campbell, Mary Freeston, Mary Stansbery, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1881 1870 1837 1853 1875 1839 1883 1876 1877 1881 1863 1819 1832 1846 1848 1866 1850 1832 1833 1857 1857 1863 1863 1877 1877 1864 1870 1846 1847 1847 1862 1882 1883 1852 1858 1863 1866 1833 1856 1826 1827 1856 1858 1819 1835 1854 1855 1818 1834 1856 1859 1861 Page 107 10/23/2013 Source Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Court House Marriage License HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reed, Thomas Reed, Thomas J. Reed, William Reed, William Reed, William Reed, William Reed, William Reed, William Reed, William Reed, William Reed, William Reed, William Reed, William Reeder, Alaric Reeder, Alfred A. Reeder, Allen Reeder, Anton Reeder, Barney Reeder, Charles Reeder, Charles A. Reeder, David Reeder, John Reeder, John Reeder, Joseph Reeder, Joseph A. Reeder, Morris Reeder, William Reeder, William Reeder, William Reedy, Andrew Reedy, Henry J. Reedy, John Reedy, Patrick Reedy, Robert Reehl, Louis Reehle, Ignatz Reel, John Reel, Thomas Reeling, Cager Reemelin, E.C. Reemelin, Louis Reemelin, Rudolph H. Reen, Jeremiah Reenan, James Reenan, Laughlin Reenan, Peter Reenan, Thomas Reer, Johan Rees, Charles Rees, Charles L. Rees, David Rees, David Name of Bride Colston, Rachael Shaw, Emily Whiteside, Sarah Whiteside, Sarah Bodine, Catharine Elkins, Laura Codington, Sarah Levi, Eliza Patterson, Harriet Coddington, Louisa Goudy, Sarah F. Gowdy, Sarah McCall, Anna Strickler, Sarah J. Brown, Amelia S. Elliott, Lydia Sturm, Maria Hauck, Anna M. Ford, Mary Ellen Merriman, Letitia Pierce, Elisabeth Myers, Carrie McNally, Mary Roth, Margaret Langdon, Olive Coones, Ellen Morris, Nancy King, Caroline Lane, Mary Leisy, Mary Burke, Johanna Crohin, Helen Kilkenny, Ann ----, ---Berger, Kate C. Wolf, Amelia Fitzpatrick, Elis. Ford, Anna Evans, Martha Bradford, Belle Livingston, Emma Marmet, Clara G. Fingler, Catharine Durnan, Mary Willis, Judith Schott, Christina McCarthy, Catherine Bruning, Elisabeth Beitler, Jennie Slater, Julia Gold, Martha Wilshire, Mary MarriageYear 1878 1834 1832 1832 1834 1846 1853 1860 1862 1864 1868 1868 1877 1847 1835 1841 1884 1877 1875 1882 1843 1880 1882 1847 1818 1861 1834 1851 1878 1858 1882 1871 1850 1862 1882 1862 1844 1867 1850 1873 1875 1882 1857 1850 1851 1881 1881 1862 1856 1852 1860 1860 Page 108 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Madisonville United Methodist Church First Presbyterian Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Edward Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rees, E. Rees, Evan Rees, Griffith Rees, Henry Rees, Joseph Rees, Robert Rees, Samuel D. Rees, Taylor Reese, Abner Reese, Charles Reese, David S. Reese, Henry Reese, John Reese, John Reese, John Fred. Reese, Richard Reese, Robert Reese, William Reese, William Reeve, E. Reeve, William Reeves, Aaron Reeves, Alexander Reeves, B. Reeves, David Reeves, David Reeves, Edward Reeves, Edward Reeves, Elijah Reeves, Elijah Reeves, Emson Reeves, Frank Reeves, Frank Reeves, Frank P. Reeves, George F. Reeves, Henry Reeves, Henry Reeves, James Reeves, John M. Reeves, Mark Reeves, Michael B. Reeves, Monroe Reeves, Spencer C. Reeves, Spender Reeves, T. Reeves, Thomas Reeves, Walter Reeves, William Reeves, William Reeves, William Reevy, John Reeys, Andrew Name of Bride Evans, E.L. Edwards, Magdalena Jones, Catharine Rees, Ann Miller, J. Breese, Jane McGuire, Orline Erwin, Martha Cott, Julia A. (Mrs) Jones, Georgianna Runyan, Carrie Ewing, Rachel Jones, Eliza Johns, Susan Tenoever, Johanna Nichols, Leanora Richards, Martha Reese, Catharine Gambrel, Elisabeth Jackson, Emma Greming, Joann Warmistin, Sarah Choate, Sarah A. McLain, Elisabeth Pierson, Sallie S. Pierson, Sallie Scolfield, Ruth Applegate, Angeline Troy, Ida M. Troy, Ida M. LaBoyteaux, Fannie Stevens, Clara Spargur, Nettie Spargur, Nettie V. Ross, Eliza Ellen McClow, Sarah Peens, Mary A. Pinkham, Mary Holmes, Deborah Middleton, Caroline McGrath, Mollie Grayson, Delphia Conley, Mary A. Morris, Mary Grimsley, Catherine Smith, Anna Maria Nelson, Ursa Scroggy, Rebecca Dempsey, Sarah Peters, Elizabeth Gill, Catharine Tinhoff, Bertha MarriageYear 1864 1859 1856 1877 1877 1851 1873 1864 1868 1867 1882 1856 1863 1866 1881 1864 1842 1845 1846 1866 1836 1837 1850 1836 1869 1869 1854 1883 1883 1883 1880 1868 1880 1880 1880 1855 1879 1876 1839 1849 1874 1881 1866 1846 1874 1842 1880 1854 1855 1883 1860 1835 Page 109 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses United Methodist Church - Harrison, Ohio Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Church of the New Jerusalem Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Holy Trinity Catholic Church York St. Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reffit, Henry Reffling, Julius Regan, Charles Regan, David Regan, David Regan, Dennis Regan, Dennis Regan, Dennis Regan, Edward Regan, Edward Regan, George Henry Regan, J.O. Regan, James Regan, James Regan, James Regan, James Regan, James T. Regan, James Thos. Regan, Jeremiah Regan, Jeremiah Regan, John Regan, John Regan, John Regan, John Regan, John Regan, John Regan, John R. Regan, Martin Regan, Michael Regan, Michael Regan, Michael Regan, Patrick Regan, Patrick Regan, Peter Regan, Thomas Regan, Thomas Regan, Thomas Regan, Thomas Regan, Timothy Regan, William Regan, William Regan, William J. Regenader, Valentin Regenbogen, Karl Regenfus, Joseph Regensburger, Andr. Reger, Georg Reger, Joseph Regg, Andreas Regh, William Regland, Benjamin Reglein, Peter Name of Bride Nash, Mary Sharp, Hattie McCune, Mary Roberts, Cynthia Marick, Sabina Hayes, Margaret Hill, Mary Lynch, Margaret McNary, Mary Collins, Julia McLaughlin, Maenhy, M. Dunn, Catharine Evans, Elisabeth Fisher, Margaret Pratt, Catherine Birth, Margaret Birch, Mary Ryan, Bridget Casey, Bridget Jones, Elisabeth McGrath, Margaret Callahan, Bridget O'Connor, Julia Terlinde, Millie Hosty, Margaret Boyle, Bridget Nee, Mary Gallagher, Mary E. Callahan, Catharine Schumacker, Mary Callaghan, Helen Cannavan, Margaret Mahoney, Margaret Tierney, Catharine Sullivan, Mary Ann Cooper, Margaret Keegan, Mary Cahill, Margaret A. Klinan, Mary Ryan, Ellen Aman, Emilie Carol. Dietz, Theresa Carder, Virginia Dietrich, Regina Noer, Maria Berwick, Lena Teuzer, Margaretha Henninger, Julia Lawrence, Theresa Ellis, Jane Feist, Theresa MarriageYear 1874 1877 1867 1818 1851 1850 1852 1856 1852 1854 1833 1873 1854 1858 1860 1884 1867 1861 1861 1883 1843 1846 1860 1868 1879 1881 1880 1866 1854 1857 1882 1859 1868 1860 1851 1862 1866 1879 1859 1851 1864 1862 1853 1881 1854 1856 1864 1884 1860 1880 1845 1847 Page 110 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 All Saints Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral All Saints Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Augustine Catholic Church Atonement Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Edward Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Regley, James Regner, John Regner, John W. Regney, Lewis Regus, John Regus, John Ulrich Reh, Johan Reh, Martin Rehart, George Rehbaum, Emil Rehberger, Conrad Rehberger, Frank Rehbock, Charles Rehbold, Albert Rehbrock, Heinrich F Rehde, William Rehe, Johan Heinrich Rehe, Johan Joseph Rehe, Johan Theodor Rehe, John Henry Rehe, Theodor Rehfuss, Ludwig Rehfuss, Otto J. Rehg, Jakob Rehg, Johan Rehg, Nikolaus Rehg, Peter Rehkamp, Anton H. Rehkamp, Johan Bd. Rehkamp, Joseph Rehl, Louis Rehling, Bernard H. Rehling, Friedrich Rehling, Friedrich Rehling, Gerhard H. Rehling, Heinrich Rehling, Herman Rehling, Herman Rehling, Joseph Rehm, Caspar Rehm, Caspar Rehm, Conrad Rehm, Georg Rehm, Johan Rehm, Johan Rehm, John Rehm, Otto Rehm, Simon Rehmann, John Wm. Rehme, Friedrich Rehme, Johan Heinric Rehmer, Andreas Name of Bride Cannon, Susan Saumer, Friedricka Weltzer, Mary Riley, Catherine Eckert, Rosie Reithal, Margaretha Mueller, Anna Maria Rauth, Barbara Mauerer, Cornelia Kanis, Kate Rohlfing, Anna Schmidt, Margaret Kranz, Emma Dister, Margaretha Schlottmann, Maria Egbert, Mary Luening, Elisabeth Meyer, Anna Maria Johannigmann, Carol. Hawickhorst, Elis. Ernst, Lisette Frank, Catharine Jacobi, Lillie E. Boeshaus, Katharina Hauck, Catharina Becker, Katharina Hauck, Clara Wilke, Catharine Ross, Maria Elis. Selm, Barbara Stierle, Friedricka Fettlage, Catharine Ahlers, Anna Elis. Lohmeier, Louise Luehn, Anna Margaret Schone, Gertrud Gruse, Anna Sophia Krekmeier, Anna Schmidt, Barbara Feser, Catharine Dieckscheit, Theresa Jetter, Minna Simster, Wilhelmina Weimer, Francisca Leichtle, Francisca Torwest, Mary Schwarz, Catharina Muhlin, Anna Heuermann, Cath. Klingler, Carrie Hawekotte, M. Engel Nolte, Katharina MarriageYear 1881 1854 1857 1868 1879 1855 1876 1863 1876 1879 1878 1875 1883 1856 1847 1877 1850 1848 1879 1881 1862 1843 1882 1859 1854 1861 1868 1860 1864 1874 1873 1844 1847 1872 1849 1843 1858 1879 1859 1857 1861 1868 1870 1856 1859 1880 1883 1838 1881 1883 1855 1859 Page 111 10/23/2013 Source St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses All Saints Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Rose Catholic Church Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church First United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Trinity Lutheran Church - White Oak Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rehmer, Mathias Rehms, August Rehmund, Friedrich Rehn, William Rehner, J. Friedrich Rehr, John Rehres, Joseph Rehring, Bernard H. Rehring, E. Rehring, Johan Rehrink, Fred. Wm. Rehse, Friedrich Rehymer, A.J. Reibel, Friedrich Reiber, Andreas Reiber, Ludwig Reibly, John Reich, Albert Reich, Emil Reich, Francis Reich, Frank Reich, Georg Adam Reich, Joseph F. Reichardt, Carl Reichardt, Friedrich Reichardt, Friedrich Reichardt, George Reichart, Johan Reichart, Valentine Reiche, Carl Reiche, Johan Fr. A. Reichel, Christoph Reichel, Adolph Reichel, Johan Reichel, Johan Reichel, Johan Reichel, John Reichel, Wilhelm Reichenbach, Damian Reichenbacher, John Reichenberger, Mich. Reichenberger, Nick. Reicher, Samuel Reichert, Alois Reichert, Andreas Reichert, Christian Reichert, Christian Reichert, Christian Reichert, Christian Reichert, Francis Reichert, Jakob C. Reichert, Johannes Name of Bride Beckmann, Maria Ferguson, Julia Kirchmer, Margaretha Hessler, Louisa Brockmann, Catharine Rosswinkel, Mary Backs, M. Gertrud Wehenpohl, Maria A. Reimert, Minnie Reckmann, Euphemia A Boss, Clara Siedentop, Sophia Smith, E.C. Hopstetter, Margaret Weininger, Maria A. Damminger, Elizabeth Schmitt, Katharina Hoffmann, Maria Zeller, Lena Seeck, Julia Weisensell, Barbara Wimmer, Friedricka Butler, Amelia Streit, Elisabeth Rosenberg, Mary Boehme, Lena Bauer, Wilhelmina Koehler, Martha Phillips, Mary Welsch, Catharine Wuenker, Maria Distler, Marie Dietrich, Catharina Kramer, Margaretha Kautzmann, Anna Meyer, Margaret Mueller, Etta Frey, Elisabeth Mueller, Josephina Weidner, Mary Koffer, Anna Acker, Margaretha Levy, Sophia Kouch, Maria Anna Rundle, Mary Benzing, Anna Lossos, Catharine Beck, Agatha Gamble, Eliza Schmidt, Margaretha Rechel, Sophia Ernst, Sophia MarriageYear 1870 1853 1852 1879 1849 1884 1849 1869 1875 1854 1870 1858 1873 1842 1856 1879 1863 1882 1858 1850 1865 1860 1878 1870 1855 1856 1882 1849 1881 1856 1858 1864 1853 1851 1855 1872 1859 1872 1868 1884 1879 1857 1879 1852 1851 1856 1858 1860 1862 1871 1861 1864 Page 112 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Camp Washington United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Philomena Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Sacred Heart Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Michael Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Luke United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reichert, John Reichert, Joseph Reichert, Joseph Reichert, Joseph Reichert, Magnus Reiching, Robert Reichle, John Reichle, Michael Reichlei, Joseph Reichley, Joseph Reichling, Carl Reichling, Franz Reichling, Johan Reichling, Johann Reichmann, Christian Reichmann, Vincent Reicholdts, Martin Reichrath, Francis Reichwald, Johan Reichwein, Joseph Reichwein, Joseph Reick, H. Reicke, John A. Reid, A.C. Reid, Adolph J. Reid, Alexander Reid, Alexander Reid, Archibald Reid, Benjamin Reid, Charles Reid, David Reid, George Reid, George Reid, James Reid, James H. Reid, James H. Reid, John H. Reid, John H. Reid, John H. Reid, Joseph Reid, Patrick Reid, Robert Reid, Robert Reid, Robert Reid, Robert Reid, Robert Reid, Samuel V. Reid, Scott Reid, Thomas Reid, Thomas Reid, William Reid, William Name of Bride Helfert, Catharine Retzbach, Maria Bechleich, Barbara Hirsch, Margaretha Steier, Anna Maria Keck, Caroline Fath, Mary Bausch, Barbara Reichert, Anna Storck, Katie Borntraeger, Clara Krag, Ernestina Rattermann, Louisa Rattermann, Luise Gottwald, Catharina Hentkorn, Francisca Fischer, Catharine Wolfram, Maria Bikkers, Maria Feldmann, Mary S. Huber, Catharine Wolf, Mary Wimker, Mary S. Eaton, Sophia Kennedy, Mary Laing, Jane Bissel, Anna E. Cain, Sarah Ackley, Mary Tullis, Anna Boulger, Martha M. Lodge, Indiana Robertson, Mary Oxtoby, Hattie Fawn, Harriet Withers, Mary Lee Rogg, Emma Rogg, Emma Rogg, Emma Kunz, Maria Cavanaugh, Catharine Blakeley, Mary White, Annie Wood, M. Frances Wood, Mary F. West, Mary H. O'Hara, Mary J. Orr, Julia A. Hickey, Catharine Smith, Alice Davison, Angeline Goetz, Mina MarriageYear 1854 1853 1856 1858 1860 1879 1876 1881 1851 1878 1870 1855 1868 1868 1867 1867 1856 1865 1868 1866 1867 1870 1858 1864 1878 1835 1879 1877 1824 1879 1855 1854 1867 1877 1853 1879 1878 1878 1878 1851 1863 1843 1872 1877 1877 1881 1879 1874 1864 1873 1853 1855 Page 113 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn First United Church of Christ St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 7 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Boniface Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Augustine Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Grace Episcopal Church - College Hill Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Pearl St. Methodist Chapel St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Edward Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reid, William Reid, William H. Reid, Wilson Reidebush, John Reidel, Georg Reidel, Michael Reidemaker, Dick Reidenbach, Charles Reidenbach, Friedric Reider, Alexander Reider, Balthasar Reider, Johan Reider, William Reidlin, August Reidt, Henry Reidt, Herman Reidt, Johan Gerhard Reidy, John Reiering, Heinrich Reif, Adam Reif, Adam Reif, Arnold Reif, Carl Reif, David Reif, Ed. Reif, Frank Reif, Friedrich Reif, J. Reif, Jacob Reif, Jacob Reif, Joseph Reif, Joseph Reif, Joseph Reif, Louis Reif, Martin Reife, Ignatz Reifel, Conrad Reifel, George A. Reifel, Jacob Reifel, Jacob Reifenrath, Johan Reifert, David Reiff, Baltasar Reiff, Georg Reifgraber, Joseph Reifschneider, C. Reifschneider, Conr. Reifschneider, Frank Reifschneider, Henry Reifschneider, Johan Reifsteck, Charles Reigelsperger, Valen Name of Bride McCall, Annie Livingston, Kate Smith, Rachel Zehnder, Barbara Meyer, Babette Hedel, Maria Anna Meier, Jannet Becker, Pauline Krausch, Barbara Praag, Bettie Baptist, Anna Buhler, Magdalena Sweeney, Margaret A. Dausch, Anna Niekert, Mina Placke, Catharine Pepperkorn, Maria C. Slattery, Catharine Schroeder, Dina Kleinmann, Margaret Stoll, Louisa Beyer, Mary Graf, Barbara Rinnerle, Anna Epply, Nellie Geissler, Elisabeth Volz, Anna Ulmer, Eliza Grimm, Anna Freiheit, Maria Daringer, Catharina Wolfzahn, Eva Distler, Maria Kattenbrink, Louise Ehrmentraut, Theresa Mueller, Maria Anna Kellermann, Maria Specht, Eva Kerth, Elizabeth Jaegel, Tillie Sartorino, Helena Kuechler, Louisa Zimmermann, Louise Miller, Louise Ell, Anna M.F. Kerstein, Bertha Dietz, Christina Pipp, Adeline Haberthauer, Carol Keppler, Catharine Bachmann, Eva C. Palmall, Carolina MarriageYear 1877 1864 1851 1857 1849 1848 1852 1858 1845 1878 1879 1853 1850 1880 1858 1851 1859 1851 1869 1838 1865 1879 1846 1883 1882 1865 1868 1865 1854 1882 1835 1843 1871 1882 1878 1834 1852 1881 1859 1883 1865 1867 1868 1863 1879 1867 1854 1881 1883 1844 1884 1867 Page 114 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. James German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reigelt, Johan Reiger, Johan Reigers, Henry Reik, Jakob Reike, Friedrich Reikert, G. Heinrich Reikert, Jacob Reile, Georg Reiley, Francis Reiley, James Reiley, John W. Reiley, Martin Reiley, Michael Reiley, Peter Reiley, Robert Reiling, Johan Reiling, John Reilinsperger, Anton Reilly, John Reilly, Andrew Reilly, B.P. Reilly, Bernard Reilly, Christopher Reilly, Daniel Reilly, Edward Reilly, Eugene Reilly, Eugene Reilly, Eugene Reilly, Frank Reilly, Hugh Reilly, Hugh J. Reilly, James Reilly, James Reilly, James Reilly, James Reilly, James Reilly, James Reilly, James Reilly, John Reilly, John Reilly, John Reilly, John C. Reilly, Joseph Reilly, Martin Reilly, Michael Reilly, Michael Reilly, Michael Reilly, Michael Reilly, Michael Reilly, Michael Reilly, Michael E. Reilly, Owen Name of Bride Rudolph, Anna Frey, Anna Thiel, Maria Zolg, Maria Rahn, Elisabeth Speick, M. Elisabeth Heiselman, Magdalena Goff, Catharina Good, Ellen Virginia Lenon, Mary Ready, Mary Howley, Catharine Fitzsimmons, Mary McCormick, Ann Gano, Isabella Doeppe, Agnes Gebhardt, Sophia Schwarz, Louise Picquet, Anna Harring, Bridget Evans, Maggie Kelly, Elizabeth McAdams, Ann Hayes, Josephine Caffrey, Mary Mitchell, Ellen Gaffney, Rose Goony, Margaret Anderson, Mary Campbell, Margaret Baldwin, Georgie Green, Julia French, Lucia Ann McCue, Bridget Nolan, Margaret Meyer, Mary T. Nolan, Mary B. Hill, Nora McHugh, Margaret Smyth, Mary McGill, Margaret Lynch, Ellen Gaffney, Maria Dory, Mary Donahue, Mary Connelly, Ann Lawless, Mary Coghlan, Ann Conner, Elisabeth Fitzpatrick, Julia Smith, Elisabeth Atkinson, Mary MarriageYear 1857 1870 1882 1869 1848 1839 1841 1835 1850 1860 1835 1869 1855 1851 1850 1848 1852 1860 1852 1851 1880 1865 1847 1864 1853 1849 1854 1857 1880 1850 1884 1841 1848 1852 1860 1874 1877 1884 1852 1853 1875 1845 1862 1877 1844 1846 1854 1854 1857 1868 1879 1867 Page 115 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church First German Presbyterian Church St. George Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses All Saints Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral All Saints Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Thomas Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Christ Episcopal Church All Saints Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church Atonement Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reilly, Patrick Reilly, Patrick Reilly, Patrick Reilly, Patrick Reilly, Patrick Reilly, Patrick Reilly, Richard Reilly, Thomas Reilly, Thomas Reilly, Thomas Reilly, Thomas Reilly, Thomas Reilly, Thomas Reilly, Thomas Reilly, Thomas Frank Reilly, Timothy Reilly, Washington Reilly, William Reilly, William Reily, Benjamin Reily, Dennis Reily, John Reily, John Reily, Martin Reily, Michael Reily, Robert Reily, Thomas Reim, Samuel Reim, Samuel Reimann, Joseph Reimel, Michael Reimer, August Reimer, August L. Reimer, Joseph Reimers, Charles Reimers, Charles W. Reimers, Heinrich Reimert, Friedrich Reiminger, Georg Reimler, Christian Reimler, Heinrich Reimund, John Rein, Adam Rein, John Rein, John C.K. Rein, Joseph Rein, Nicholas Rein, Nicolaus Reinauer, Leopold Reinbarth, Conrad Reinberg, John Reinberger, Charles Name of Bride Cassidy, Mary Smith, Mary Jennings, Bridget Fanning, Catharine Molloy, Mary Courtney, Mary Roddan, Ann Haines, Joanna Pendergast, Mary Meyers, Susannah Delaney, Margaret Keegan, Mary Heller, Lillie Hayes, Eliza Dwyer, Mary Marg. O'Brien, Margaret Bird, Mary Rails, Louise Stapleton, Ann Pauner, Hannah McManus, Ann Reily, Mary Brady, Julia Carney, Ann Kenny, Anna Campbell, Katherine Sexton, Eliza Smith, Catharine Smith, Catherine Buse, Anna Bauer, Anna Schmidt, Stefana Gras, Louisa (Mrs) Birk, Catherine Werlein, Minnie Hoffsuemmer, Minnie Wohl, Henriette Graf, Minna Durck, Catharine(Mrs Diersen, Anna Maria Niemann, Sophie Elsner, Mary Dernbach, Eva Schneider, Barbara Voelkel, W.A. Kunstmann, Kate Graf, Mary Gebel, Mary Bischofheimer, Fanny Simon, Maria Darwerger, Catharine Dixon, Nellie MarriageYear 1840 1847 1853 1855 1858 1859 1852 1832 1843 1849 1859 1860 1872 1876 1878 1851 1841 1834 1856 1820 1842 1856 1857 1861 1853 1844 1859 1855 1855 1872 1854 1875 1884 1874 1883 1884 1871 1869 1851 1864 1863 1852 1857 1879 1880 1883 1875 1857 1858 1867 1841 1884 Page 116 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses All Saints Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church Atonement Catholic Church Atonement Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Thomas Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Trinity Lutheran Church - White Oak St. Luke United Church of Christ Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church First United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Boniface Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Salem United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reinberger, Max Reinbold, Georg Reinbold, Georg Reinbold, Heinrich Reinbold, Johan Reinbold, John Reinbold, Rudolph Reindt, J. Friedrich Reinecke, Charles Reinecke, Conrad Reinecke, Conrad Reinecke, Eduard Reinecke, James H. Reinecke, James H. Reinecke, Martin Reinecke, William Reinefeld, August Reineke, C.W. Reineke, D. Henry Reineke, Friedrich W Reineke, Heinrich H. Reineke, Michael Reiner, August Reiner, George Reiner, Gottlieb Reiner, James Reiner, John Reiner, Joseph Reiner, Lawrence Reiner, Ludwig Reiner, Ludwig Reiner, Peter Reinerd, Friedrich Reinering, Johan Reinering, Johan Reinermann, August Reinermann, Clement Reinermann, Herman Reiners, August Reiners, Charles Reiners, Friedrich Reiners, Heinrich Reiners, Johan Reiners, Johan Reiners, Johan Reinert, Henry Reinert, Jacob Reinert, Ludwig Reines, William Reiney, James Reinfelder, Conrad Reinfried, August Name of Bride Vollag, Mary Nicklaus, Elisabeth Bruncks, Louise Ruckdeschel, Apollon Braun, Magdalena Zoeckler, Maggie Kaufmann, Maria Erstrol, Christina H Troy, Mattie Weber, Mary Hein, Cecilia Ring, Maria Goodnough, Anna Bell Goodnough, Anna Bell Ter, Anna Marckworth, Alvina Waehaus, Sophia Domhoff, Henrietta Meyers, Hallie Geismann, Wilhelmina Reinke, Maria Klanken, Henrietta Joas, Louise Schiller, Francisca Dort, Mary Simonson, Julia A. Stollen, Anna C. Zeisner, Mary Menetray, Catharina Kraft, Katharina Schneller, Anna Fink, Carolina Masch, Christina Busch, Maria Busch, Maria Folner, Mary Heidmann, Friedricka Kettler, Maria Anna Gau, Maria Tremmel, Mary Huegging, Charlotte Reinhardt, Elisabeth Deinger, Maria Mueller, Mina Koehn, Anna Henke, Henriette W. Bishop, Elisabeth Friedrich, Friedrica Callopy, Lucy Grady, Winny Bezold, Barbara Streck, Catherine MarriageYear 1875 1859 1861 1871 1844 1879 1854 1845 1881 1858 1866 1857 1881 1881 1866 1881 1865 1875 1881 1869 1869 1842 1884 1856 1874 1839 1841 1874 1855 1848 1872 1865 1873 1866 1866 1880 1865 1850 1873 1877 1875 1869 1848 1866 1871 1875 1852 1855 1854 1854 1853 1883 Page 117 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. James German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. George Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Sacred Heart Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul Lutheran Church - Madisonville St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reinganam, Jacob Reinhard, Balthasar Reinhard, Carl Reinhard, Carl Reinhard, Caspar Reinhard, Charles B. Reinhard, Emanuel Reinhard, Fred W. Reinhard, Friedrich Reinhard, Gottfried Reinhard, John Reinhard, Joseph Reinhard, Sebastian Reinhardt, Alex. Reinhardt, August Reinhardt, August Reinhardt, August Reinhardt, Charles Reinhardt, Conrad Reinhardt, Edward Reinhardt, Fr. Reinhardt, Frank Reinhardt, Friedrich Reinhardt, Friedrich Reinhardt, Georg Reinhardt, Georg Reinhardt, George Reinhardt, Heinrich Reinhardt, Heinrich Reinhardt, J. George Reinhardt, Jacob C. Reinhardt, James Reinhardt, John G. Reinhardt, Louis Reinhardt, Michael Reinhardt, Michael Reinhardt, Michael Reinhardt, Peter Reinhardt, Stephan Reinhardt, William Reinhardt, William Reinhart, Carl Reinhart, Carl Reinhart, Carl Reinhart, Charles J. Reinhart, Christoph Reinhart, Conrad Reinhart, Francis Reinhart, Johan Reinhart, John Reinhart, John Reinhart, Nicolaus Name of Bride Rosenbaum, Carolina Kuntz, Catharina Robert, Maria McDonough, Emily Schatz, Elisabeth Wright, Margaret M. Franz, Elizabeth Hoetlge, Sophia Pieper, Wilhelmina Deller, Barbara Duell, Ottilia Schuck, Christina Rettinger, Elisabeth Russ, Catharine Rosenbaum, Louise Meyer, Dora Froehlich, Elisabeth Kruse, Mary Geisler, Maria Heck, Friedricka Ahremann, Sophia Meyers, Magdalena Hoffmeyer, Sophia Niehaus, Mina Reitz, Magdalena Bowlby, Mary C. Sparks, Katie Bergmann, Maria Hackemeyer, Louisa Wolke, Bernardina Manz, Francisca Hammer, Pauline Geng, Francisca Wentz, Maria Meyer, Barbara Kemper, Barbara Matin, Eva Hust, Lena Pfeifer, Gottlieba Griffey, Anna V. Scantling, Jennie Eicker, Barbara Ideker, Louise Bach, Sophia Wahle, Augusta Klein, Catharine Renner, Harriet Bollin, Gertrude Oberklein, Mina Cotton, Margaret Schrodt, Lena Efers, Sophia MarriageYear 1859 1839 1849 1849 1853 1867 1880 1878 1851 1843 1882 1874 1870 1852 1856 1875 1881 1852 1858 1857 1870 1884 1845 1874 1845 1871 1874 1846 1873 1881 1864 1879 1875 1865 1849 1872 1882 1880 1855 1874 1876 1835 1854 1872 1881 1866 1862 1861 1870 1843 1877 1849 Page 118 10/23/2013 Source Court House Marriage License Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Luke United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. Henry Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reinhart, Nicolaus Reinhart, Wilhelm Reinhart, Wilhelm Reinheimer, Adam Reinheir, Simon Reinhold, Christian Reinholt, Rudolph Reinicke, F. Reinier, Hezekiah Reiniger, George Reiniger, John D. Reining, Johan Reininger, Frederick Reininger, Johan Reinke, Charles Reinke, Charles Reinke, Clement Aug. Reinke, Friedrich Reinke, Friedrich W. Reinke, George Reinke, Heinrich Reinke, Johan Heinr. Reinke, Johan Heinr. Reinke, John Reinke, William Reinken, Heinrich Reinking, Christ. Reinking, Christian Reinking, Christian Reinking, Friedrich Reinking, Wilhelm Reinlein, A. Reinlein, Andrew Reinlein, Anton Reinlein, Paul Reinmund, Harry J. Reinmund, Johan Reinmuth, John Reinner, John P. Reinold, John Reinold, William H. Reins, Charles A. Reinschmid, Coelest. Reinschmidt, Alois Reinsel, John Reinshagen, Peter Reinstaedter, Peter Reinwald, Frank Reinzan, Francis Reira, James J.S. Reirig, J. Gerhard Reiring, Friedrich Name of Bride Geisendorfer, Anna M Hagedorn, Margaretha Brausch, Catharina Reich, Christina Woodruff, Sarah Bedel, Agnes Kaufmann, Magdalena Leist, Carolina Passmore, Ann Koester, Mary Feucht, Anna Wupker, Maria Cath. Vogel, Apollonia Farrer, Maria Baas, Anna C. Lichtenstein, Emilie Heisig, Maria Anna Lukens, Maria Sophia Lukens, Dorothea Weglauer, Elisabeth Bruen, Wilhelmina Burmann, Catharine D Quante, A. Friedrica Nye, Lizzie Bennert, Elizabeth Leiben, Katharina Sundermeier, Louisa Brunswick, Caroline Becker, A. Henrietta Evers, Elisabeth Scheidemann, Sophia Hullfish, Kate Hulfish, Catharine M Kitzenschwab, M Anna Johnston, Anna Rammelsberg, Emma Ackermann, Margaret Mayer, Mary Catharin Weber, Mary Weiss, Mary Young, Car. C. DeLon, N.L. May, Magdalena Guthardt, Katharine Hopkins, Elisabeth Grabe, Maria Weber, Elisabeth Neupert, Sophia Quinn, Mary Moeller, Matilda Dalinghaus, M. Cath. Haelker, M. Elis. MarriageYear 1849 1844 1867 1848 1839 1872 1859 1855 1855 1876 1881 1847 1862 1854 1859 1883 1851 1845 1849 1876 1854 1849 1852 1876 1874 1857 1884 1868 1869 1870 1843 1857 1857 1840 1879 1870 1854 1877 1883 1862 1879 1869 1867 1870 1861 1853 1861 1854 1861 1845 1859 1874 Page 119 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses First United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Christy Methodist Chapel St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reiring, Gerhard Hy. Reiring, Heinrich Reiring, Herman Reiring, William Reis, Abraham Reis, Anton Reis, August Reis, August Reis, Carl Reis, Christoph Reis, Edward Reis, Elias Reis, Francis Anton Reis, Frank Reis, Franz Reis, Frederick Reis, Gabriel Reis, Georg Jacob Reis, Georg Joseph Reis, Ignatz Reis, Ignatz Reis, Isaac Reis, Jacob Reis, Jacob Reis, Johan Conrad Reis, Johan Georg Reis, John Reis, Joseph Reis, Julius Reis, Lewis Reis, Louis Reis, Michael Reis, Nicolaus Reis, Nicolaus Reis, Nicolaus Reis, Peter Reis, Peter Reis, Philipp Reis, Theodore Reis, Theodore Reis, Theodore Reis, Thomas Reis, Wilhelm Reis, Xavier Reisbach, R. Fred. Reisch, Johan Reisch, John Reisch, Joseph Reischel, Andreas Reise, Caspar Reise, Richard Reisel, John Name of Bride Rolsen, M. Elisabeth Thole, M. Adelheid Ravekamp, Anna Maria Burger, Lucy Brunswick, Clara Kaiser, Magdalena Meyer, Magdalena Doll, Carolina Heider, Mina Hunt, Elisabeth Wendel, Louisa Blessing, Ada Kuhn, Margaretha Meineke, Maria Wuest, Catharine Mueller, Augustina Lochner, Sophia Diehl, Carolina Birgold, Christina Gress, Catharine Mueller, Louisa Trost, Belle Heine, Margaretha A. VonderLage, Amelia Reiss, Eva Heine, Anna Maria Williams, Emma Steth, Josephine Seasongood, Julia Widman, Sarah Lambert, Margaretha Hauck, Margaretha Kammer, Barbara Pletner, Elisabeth Pfeifer, Margaretha Nichten, Sibylla Katrin, Magdalena Barwick, Elis. Sarah Scanlan, Catharine Scanlan, Catharine Scanlan, Catharine Vogt, Maria Schober, Rosalia Suterer, Helena Mueller, Barbara Weber, Sally McKeown, Mary Helen Ruether, Julia Enderle, Theresa Meier, Clara Maria Weismueller, Louise Schilfling, Barbara MarriageYear 1873 1858 1841 1882 1874 1853 1853 1857 1868 1872 1881 1884 1884 1884 1853 1868 1855 1862 1852 1844 1856 1875 1863 1878 1850 1838 1859 1880 1868 1859 1847 1865 1845 1849 1858 1839 1856 1855 1867 1867 1867 1857 1856 1858 1884 1857 1884 1883 1845 1858 1860 1847 Page 120 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. George Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Court House Marriage License Court House Marriage License St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reisenrath, Johann Peter Reisenweber, Nick. Reiser, Friedrich Reiser, Georg M. Reiser, John Reiser, John Reiser, Joseph Reiser, Seraphin Reiser, Valentin Reisert, Heinrich Reisert, Peter Reisigen, Herman Reisiger, August Reising, Adam Reising, Adam Reising, Adam Reising, Adam Reising, Georg Reising, George Reising, Johan Reising, Johan Reising, Johan Reising, Johan Reising, Johan Reising, Johan Reising, Johan Adam Reising, Johann Reising, Leonard Reising, Martin Reisinger, Barthol. Reisinger, Bernard Reisinger, Jacob Reisinger, Johann Reisinger, John Reisinger, Joseph Reisinger, Michael Reisinger, Valentine Reiskamp, Theodor Reisler, Wilhelm Reisloh, Heinrich Reisman, Joseph Reismann, Adolph Reismann, Adolph Reiss, Carl Reiss, Conrad Reiss, Daniel Reiss, Frank Reiss, Friedrich Reiss, George Reiss, Jacob Reiss, Johan Reiss, Johan Name of Bride Sartorius, Helena Fermbach, Caroline Eslinger, Mary Haemmerle, Martha Murphy, Elizabeth Erhardt, Catharine Neuhaus, Louise Birsch, Othilia Corneli, Catherine Schueck, Margaretha Schenk, Margaret Kenter, Elisabeth Ruewe, Theresa Springer, Aloysia Oestern, Christina Weiss, Eva Maria Westerkamm, Dora Emming, Maria Lorenz, Catharine Beyer, Margaretha Hafner, Magdalena Switters, Sophia Scherrer, Francisca Temasch, Maria Kroetz, Pauline Hemmer, Catharine Lamai, Magdalena Fink, Catharine Stephen, Catharine Braun, Theresa Welp, Anna Maria Frank, Carrie L. Joachim, Maria M. Feiss, Affara Wessendorf, Anna M. Schmidt, Lena Haeffling, Elizabeth Quite, Friedricka Kolkmeyer, Maria Zentner, Barbara Wolters, Elisabeth Wagner, Amalia Roessing, Ida Wuest, Louise Muehl, M. Elisabeth Miller, Mary Neff, Annie Hartmann, Maria Blankenbuehler, Elis Kallmann, Elisabeth Hickmann, Lena Habert, Clara MarriageYear 1865 1861 1876 1858 1880 1883 1868 1848 1879 1861 1861 1876 1873 1848 1848 1864 1883 1870 1881 1840 1848 1854 1856 1857 1866 1845 1840 1849 1861 1856 1878 1882 1884 1848 1848 1877 1873 1856 1845 1854 1874 1860 1861 1866 1841 1878 1883 1867 1880 1854 1859 1867 Page 121 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Sacred Heart Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Camp Washington United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reiss, Joseph Reiss, Joseph Reiss, Ludwig Reiss, Peter Reiss, Philipp Reiss, William Reisser, Frank Reisser, Quirien Reisser, Valentin Reisz, George Reitemann, Louis Reiter, Aaron Reiter, Charles Reiter, Conrad Reiter, Friedrich H. Reiter, Georg Adam Reiter, Joseph Reiter, Mathias Reiter, Peter Reiters, Francis Reith, Bernard Reith, Carl Reith, Francis Reith, Friedrich Reith, Johan Georg Reith, Johan Herman Reith, John Reith, Louis Reither, Johan Reithman, J Heinrich Reitmann, Jacob Reitmann, Karl Fried Reitmann, Nicolaus Reitmeyer, Friedrich Reittinger, Anton Reitz, Conrad Reitz, Conrad Reitz, Georg Reitz, Henry Reitz, John William Reitzammeier, Peter Reitzel, Karl Reitzel, Ludwig R. Reitzer, August Reitzer, Friedrich Reitzer, Johan Fried Rekate, Gustav Reke, Barney Rekel, Joseph Reken, Gerhard Reker, Heinrich Rekers, August Name of Bride Bauermann, Catharine Weefeld, Elisaberth Schmidt, Eva Heberger, Anna Maria Starkel, Catharine Stoecker, Annie Forthuber, Ellen New, Katie Deries, Philippina Beyer, Frances Steiner, Anna Newburg, Mathilda Hulsmann, Mary E. Colley, Mary Dammeier, Christina Schneider, Eva Werner, Louisa McElroy, Clara Felix, Anna Maria Hukert, Helena Gilb, Eva Hergeth, Susanna Hug, Francisca Weisenfell, Barbara Menz, Eva Elisabeth Rolfes, Bernardina Bernhardt, Christina Faber, Elisa Benker, Louise Hassfeldt, Catharine Goll, Maria Anna Limbert, Katharina Noll, Magdalena Klein, Maria Hellwig, Margaretha Bertsche, Caroline Watz, Anna E. Bartholomai, A. Elis Schneidhorst, Katie VanWarburg, Magdalen Zimmer, Margaret Steigert, Sophie Riess, Rosina Frommeyer, Sophia A. Frommeyer, Sophie Herzog, Anna Maria Stoeckinger, Anna Headbrink, Mary Ahlers, Maria Anna Hellhaus, Anna Maria Kemme, Elisabeth Meier, Theresia MarriageYear 1842 1870 1847 1866 1840 1884 1884 1880 1853 1879 1880 1864 1873 1879 1848 1854 1881 1848 1863 1848 1871 1853 1847 1865 1840 1864 1882 1871 1873 1859 1857 1860 1850 1853 1857 1847 1880 1848 1880 1848 1846 1861 1855 1858 1858 1863 1884 1857 1871 1839 1852 1872 Page 122 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter Catholic Church - Lick Run Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. First United Church of Christ Court House Marriage License Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rekers, Bernard Jos. Rekers, Heinrich Rekers, Herman Rekers, Johan Rekers, John Rekervig, Heinrich Relay, Theodor Relberg, George Reley, William Reling, Joseph Relkers, Heinrich Relphe, Michael Remach, Abraham Rembert, Johan Math. Rembold, Christ. Hy. Rembold, Christopher Rembold, Heinrich Remeker, John A. Remelin, Charles Remelin, Charles Remelsberger, Ulrich Remensberger, E. Remer, Friedrich Remers, Heinrich Remey, Richard Remhof, Heinrich Remington, Benjamin Remis, Marvin Remke, Friedrich Remke, Heinrich Remke, Heinrich Remke, John R. Remle, Francis Remle, Jacob Remlein, Franz Remler, Edward Remler, Leonard Remler, Leonard Remme, Gerhard Remme, Heinrich W. Remme, Heinrich Wm. Remme, Johan Heinric Remme, William Remmer, F.Wm. August Remmers, Dietrich J. Remmert, Heinrich Remmert, Heinrich Remmert, Herman H. Remmert, Wilhelm Remmi, Georg Remmler, Henry Remmy, Christian Name of Bride Kleine, Catharine Toerne, Anna Elis. Pohlmann, Catharine Ruholl, Maria Hillmann, M. Reitmeier, Sophia Rheinfort, Rosa Hornberg, Emilia Ward, Hattie E. Schmidt, Ottilia Bueckle, Maria Elis. Rogden, Catharine Zellerbach, Babette Munter, Henrietta Emmich, Elise Eckart, Christina Kimmich, Friedricka Corbett, Ellen Ewing, Elizabeth Ewing, Elizabeth Ammann, Veronika Bauer, Margaret Oberdahn, Elise Kohl, Carolina Herron, Susan Emer,Catharina Curtis, Mary L. Knight, Jane Heusermann, Adelheid Lauhof, Theresa Fleege, Elisabeth Kreppelt, Lena M. Klein, Louisa W. Schwarz, Barbara Pfund, Salome Meyer, Margaretha Niermann, Helena(Mrs Brockamp, Rosa Obelmann, Elisabeth Leimann, Catharine W Trimpe, Maria (Mrs) Baringhaus, Maria Lehmhaus, Lizzie Yungmann, Anna Maria Koetterheinrich, C. Reper, Maria L. Kalthaus, M. Louise Horwarth, Elise Stuetzer, Louisa Kalteier, Anna Elis. Hartmann, Elisabeth Kettler, Lizzie MarriageYear 1865 1861 1846 1861 1879 1860 1882 1858 1874 1864 1835 1860 1859 1857 1882 1854 1855 1882 1868 1868 1876 1878 1872 1858 1835 1867 1883 1836 1866 1858 1867 1875 1870 1872 1854 1853 1863 1872 1856 1841 1870 1866 1878 1872 1880 1845 1847 1865 1857 1861 1883 1882 Page 123 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Salem United Church of Christ St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Trinity Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter German Evangelical Church First United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Pilgrim United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Zion German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 St. Louis Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Remna, Johan M. Remnau, Herman Rempe, Edward H. Rempe, Franz Rempe, Friedrich Rempe, Friedrich Rempe, George Rempe, Heinrich Rempe, John Rempe, John Rempe, Wilhelm Rempen, Theodor Rempler, George Rempler, William Remsjan, Henry Renant, Xavier Renard, Adam Renart, Johan Renck, J.M. Render, Heinrich Render, John Henry Rendfleick, Philipp Rendigs, Charles Rendigs, Charles Rendigs, John H. Rendigs, William Rendigs, William Rendings, Johan H. Rendler, Friedrich Rendler, John Rendon, Alfred Renear, C.D. Renecamp, F. Joseph Renech, Henry Renecker, Jacob Th. Reneford, Charles C. Reneke, Johan Reneke, Joseph Reneker, Henry Renesch, Daniel Renett, Martin Renfo, Wilson Renfort, Rengel, George Rengel, Johan Rengel, Johan Rengel, Lawrence Rengel, Ludwig Rengering, Anthony Rengering, John Rengers, Anton Rengers, Hubert Name of Bride Fuerste, Catherine Griffenstein, Rosal. Ryan, Lulu Mueller, Elisabeth Titgemeier, Margaret Moeller, Margaretha Kaufmann, Elisabeth Langhorst, Dorothea Vierling, Louise Cordes, Minnie Immelholtz, Engel Humbert, Christina Miller, Catherine Gebhardt, Ella Elliott, Sarah Jane Jeanjan, Mary Wolf, Mary Paul, Magdalena Werstelle, Corinne Ortmann, Margaret Humkamp, Elisabeth Rolbe, Margaretha Boss, Rosa Boss, Rosa Boss, Christina L. Piefer, Louise Pieper, Louise C. Braun, Elisabeth Voll, Katie Crestofel, Mary Wright, Elisabeth McLaughlin, Margaret Kroeger, A Elisabeth Westermeyer, Carol. Wittkamp, Margaret Odlum, Susan Niemeyer, Maria Schupp, M. Elisabeth Dedrick, Lydia Nagel, Elisabeth McGlochlin, Catharin Whitehead, Katie Villemayne, Denas, Louisa Geiler, Amelia Brinkmann, Catharine Grimm, Paulina Wessler, Catharina Miffoad, Mary E. Lampe, Frances Helmes, Christina Gartmann, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1882 1861 1883 1848 1853 1856 1880 1853 1878 1884 1851 1852 1874 1880 1862 1851 1852 1848 1857 1870 1870 1858 1878 1878 1875 1877 1877 1849 1875 1879 1853 1874 1851 1876 1849 1867 1841 1857 1873 1867 1860 1877 1872 1875 1868 1872 1867 1854 1867 1882 1866 1867 Page 124 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 St. Peter United Church of Christ - Ridge Rd. St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church Assumption Catholic Church - Mt. Healthy St. Peter United Church of Christ - Ridge Rd. North German Lutheran Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Christy Methodist Chapel Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Renhard, Ignozius Renick, J. Scott Reninger, Gus Renise, William Renishogen, Otto Renk, Johan Philipp Renk, Philipp Renke, Johan Renken, George Renken, Jacob Renken, Johan Renker, Michael Renkert, August Renkl, Philipp P. Renle, Gottfried Renman, Julius Rennan, Alexander Renne, J. Gottfried Renneberg, Carl Rennecamp, Joseph Rennecker, Heinrich Rennegarbe, Wilhelm Rennekamp, Bernard Rennekamp, Francis Rennekamp, Francis J Rennekamp, Geo. Hy. Rennekamp, Georg Rennekamp, Georg Rennekamp, George Rennekamp, Heinrich Rennekamp, Heinrich Rennekamp, Heinrich Rennekamp, J. Joseph Rennekamp, Ludwig Rennekamp, William Renneke, Heinrich H. Renneker, Aloysius Renneker, Jacob Renneker, Johan H. Renneker, William S. Rennemeier, Friedric Rennemeier, Johan H. Renner, Adam Renner, Andreas Renner, Anton Renner, Anton Renner, Casper Renner, Charles Renner, Daniel Renner, David J. Renner, Friedrich Renner, Friedrich Name of Bride Deroline, Mary J. Southerland, Princie Semmons, Jennie Pasley, Emily Sattler, Dorothea Hide, Rachel (Mrs) Trepler, Francisca Klosener, Marg.(Mrs) Peacock, Sarah Brown, Maggie H. Henschen, Elisabeth Rothfuss, Francisca Ahlers, Mollie Bickel, Marianna Eckstein, Johanna Katlers, Anna Maria Thomas, Marie E. Schroeder, Maria A. Anschutz, Ida L. Scherin, Anna Obenstadt, Catharina Brunswick, Louise Francis, Christina Bender, Sarah Kamp, Maria Anna Griese, Josephine Mescher, Elisabeth Krieger, A.M. Elis. Strefeld, Maria Busse, Elisabeth Mascher, Catharine Tolsche, Wilhelmina Griese, Philomena Strategier, Bernar. Menke, Catherine Wessel, Cath. Elis. Grimmelsmann, Anna Heuermann, Caroline Aumann, Josephina Quinn, Rosa Tienig, Maria Elis. Wulfeck, Maria Renner, Louisa Kessel, Margaretha Dick, Catharina Schindler, Catharine Schnapf, Mary Hildenbrand, Mary Nuernberger, C.(Mrs) Victor, Mary A. Reider, Margaretha Slanker, Catharina MarriageYear 1875 1881 1875 1861 1864 1866 1873 1859 1859 1875 1851 1881 1878 1868 1856 1851 1875 1851 1870 1856 1840 1880 1845 1873 1865 1870 1847 1849 1870 1846 1849 1849 1873 1850 1879 1854 1881 1876 1848 1879 1849 1863 1860 1874 1854 1865 1861 1879 1862 1882 1864 1867 Page 125 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church First United Church of Christ Holy Trinity Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Joseph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Lawrence Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 North German Lutheran Church Salem United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Zion German Evangelical Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Renner, Friedrich Renner, Georg Renner, Georg Renner, Georg Jacob Renner, George Renner, Heinrich Renner, Henry Renner, Henry Renner, Henry F. Renner, Jacob Renner, Jacob Renner, Jakob Renner, Jakob Renner, Johan Renner, Johan Renner, Johan Renner, Johan B. Renner, Johan M. Renner, Johann Bert. Renner, John Renner, John W. Renner, Joseph Renner, Joseph Renner, Peter Renner, Philipp Renner, Rudolph Renner, Wendel Renner, Wilhelm H. Renner, William Renners, Joseph Rennert, Carl Rennesch, Clemens Rennicks, John Reno, George B. Reno, Julius Reno, Lewis Renont, Charles E. Renout, Charles Rensch, August Rensch, Joseph Rensch, Joseph F. Renschen, Johan H. Renschen, John Henry Renselmann, Christ. Rensenkuper, Bernard Rensford, Thomas C. Renshaw, Samuel Renshaw, Samuel Renshaw, William Renshen, Johan Hein. Rensing, Anton Rensing, Benjamin Name of Bride DeHart, Minerva Jane Himmler, Elisabethe Corone, Theresa Appelmann, Seraphina Himmer, Elisabeth Barringhaus, Annie Hanselmeyer, Sophia Hanselmeyer, Sophia Behrens, Carrie Scheurer, Susanna Keicher, Antonia Hutmacher, Louisa Siegle, Karolina Franz, Martha Burwinkel, Catharina Hill, Maria Moser, Elise Spies, Louisa Zehrer, Barbara Boss, Louisa M. Gilbert, Lucy A. Schmidt, Caroline Schmidt, Caroline Sasser, Rosa A. Fischer, Emilie Isemann, Theresa Knaebel, Carolina Meier, Emma Devasack, Catharine Heisterkamp, Christ. Laubert, Wilhelmina Weber, Maria Gray, Susanna Cook, Mary Free, Laura McGlahan, Mary Harrison, Elisabeth Renard, Elisabeth Bohrer, Maria Anna Vertig, Mary Patlock, Maria Schmitz, Catharina Renschen, Sarah Speckmann, Wilhelmin Salmering, Maria Williams, Margaret Rasin, Elizabeth Bondell, Catharine Morrisn, Emily Decken, M. Elisabeth Dressmann, Catharine Hardemann, Louise MarriageYear 1871 1858 1863 1854 1858 1866 1862 1862 1874 1841 1863 1858 1859 1858 1860 1868 1864 1872 1877 1881 1863 1858 1858 1877 1874 1852 1841 1881 1842 1878 1851 1870 1819 1867 1863 1844 1846 1851 1861 1882 1883 1854 1866 1852 1854 1844 1850 1851 1848 1843 1864 1868 Page 126 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 First German Presbyterian Church First German Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Salem United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Church of the New Jerusalem Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Sacred Heart Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rensing, Gerhard H. Rensing, Johan Herm. Rensing, Thomas Rensmann, Wilhelm Renson, G.W. Renster, Jacob Rent, A.W. Rent, A.W. Rentgen, Philipp Rentrop, Charles Rentrop, Henry Rentrop, Karl Rentschler, George Rentschler, Jacob Rentschler, Jacob Rentschler, Johan Rentschler, Johan Rentschler, Joseph Rentschler, Michael Rentschler, Michael Rentz, Charles Rentz, Charles Rentz, Ferdinand Rentz, Frederick Rentz, Friedrich Rentz, Georg Rentz, Georg Rentz, Jacob Rentz, Joseph Rentz, Michael Rentz, Peter Rentz, Sebastian Rentz, Sebastian Rentzsch, Otto Rentzsch, Otto Renz, August Renz, Friedrich Renz, Johan Renz, John Renz, John S. Renz, Nikolaus Renz, Philipp Renz, Simon Renzelmann, Christ. Renzelmann, Friedric Renzelmann, Heinrich Renzempe, Bernard Renzenbiber, Johan H Renzenbrink, Christ. Renzenbrink, Wilhelm Renzenbrink, William Renzenkuper, Bernard Name of Bride Beile, Carolina J. Macke, Maria Kavanaugh, Catherine Feldkamp, Catherine Eubank, F.E. Longue, Anna M. Fleming, Hannah Fleming, Hannah Villa, Henrietta Mueller, Elisabeth Foss, Emilie Kohrmann, Bertha Trahr, Plantena Frank, Barbara Fried, Barbara Stump, Katharina Nilschwitz, Dorothea Gebhard, Sophia Haeberle, Katharina Sigel, Regina Fritsch, Maria Hicks, Annie Hermann, Maria Douglas, Anna Mueller, Emma Wulfer, Rosalia Wulfer, Rosalia Scheiblein, Agatha Mueller, Margaretha Erhart, Veronica Eckstein, Sarah Barman, Louisa Barman, Louisa Dewine, Bera Dewine, Bena Schneider, Rosa B. Braun, Jeanette Hollinger, Katharina Spat, Barbara Stang, Mary L. Sohn, Catharina Louenstein, Johanna Becker, Catharine Hagen, Elise Winken, Charlotte Kamann, Dorothea Heising, Maria Anna Wildenhaus, Catharin Brockmann, Charlotte Uphaus, Katharine M. Schmidt, Mary (Mrs) Kassheimer, Adelheid MarriageYear 1871 1869 1871 1881 1873 1857 1858 1858 1855 1850 1879 1876 1859 1860 1861 1867 1870 1866 1856 1866 1857 1884 1839 1874 1884 1867 1867 1853 1844 1836 1839 1867 1867 1869 1869 1848 1851 1867 1850 1881 1854 1857 1853 1862 1855 1853 1854 1848 1847 1862 1876 1883 Page 127 10/23/2013 Source St. Michael Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church First United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Rose Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Renzenkuper, Johan G Renzgehausen, Carl Renzing, Heinrich Renzkehausen, Chas. Reomonde, Michael Reordan, Michael Reordan, Timothy Repke, Heinrich Repke, Herman Repking, Francis Repking, Heinrich Repking, Johan Theo. Repp, Otto Repper, Carl Repple, Anthony Requa, Benjamin Rerenger, Casper Rering, Henry Rering, Herman Reringer, Gus Rerirvan, John Rerk, William Resch, Georg Resch, Johan Resch, Peter Resch, Philipp Resebois, Anton Resee, James Resener, Christian Resener, Johan Hein. Resfrass, William Resh, Samuel Resing, Heinrich Resing, Heinrich Resing, Henry Resing, Johan Resing, Johan Resing, John Resing, Louis Heinr. Resink, Friedrich Reskahn, Adolph Reske, Charles Resor, Charles Resor, Charles Resor, Charles O. Resor, J. Burneh Resor, J. Burnet Resor, Jacob Resor, Jacob Resor, Michael Resor, R.P. Resor, Reuben P. Name of Bride Lammers, Maria Anna Hack, Barbara Wiggers, Theresa Speckmann, Mary Bishop, Mary McGrath, Hannah Connell, Fanny Grothaus, Wilhelmina Retz, Rosa Wichmann, Clara Extermann, Maria C. Friling, Elisabeth Thelb, Genoveva Miller, Maria Hong, Catharine Irving, Julia Fagly, Jemima Luecken, Adelheid Helde, Rose Seymour, Jennie McDonald, Mary Meek, Catharine Kunnert, Anna Maria Seifert, Margaretha Diebold, Martha Wirthwein, Henrietta Etienne, M. Anna Hughes, Mary E. Seifreid, Julianna Grewe, Anna Maria Bristow, Kate Jolly, Harriet A. Bley, Elisabeth Helmers, M Elisabeth Blei, Elisa Riehenn, Anna Schuerberg, Louisa F Babel, Augusta Koch, Sophia Maria Tenbrink, Genidina Hoffmann, Anna Ingells, Ella Fish, Amanda Hanly, Maria Fish, Amanda (Mrs) Brown, Mary Brown, Mary Sissbee, Anna Silsbee, Anna Wise, Jane Lovell, Sarah Lovel, Sarah MarriageYear 1848 1871 1849 1879 1854 1860 1862 1868 1866 1853 1857 1851 1871 1874 1851 1872 1819 1871 1881 1875 1849 1833 1861 1856 1882 1854 1852 1858 1848 1857 1862 1875 1849 1851 1850 1854 1854 1883 1847 1843 1869 1868 1867 1880 1867 1862 1862 1845 1845 1874 1834 1834 Page 128 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Church of the New Jerusalem Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Resor, William Resor, William Ress, Valentin Ress, Valentin Ressler, William F. Ressler, William F. Restemeyer, John F. Resterdt, Heinrich Restieaux, William Restieaux, William Resz, Johan Reter, Nicolaus Retge, Karl Rethmann, Clemens Rethmann, Ferdinand Rethmann, Francis Retmeyer, William Rett, Thomas Rettaker, Robert Rettel, Carl Rettermann, Johan Rettich, Adam Rettig, Adam Rettig, Fidel Rettig, George Rettig, Gustav Rettig, Ignaz Rettig, Johan Clem. Rettig, John Rettig, John Rettig, Joseph Rettig, Magnus Rettig, Martin Rettig, Paul Rettig, Valentin Retting, Frank Rettinger, Karl Retz, Carl Retzbach, Martin Retzer, Georg Retzner, Leo Retzner, Ludwig Retzsch, Albert Retzsch, Ernst Retzsch, William Retzsch, William C. Retzsche, Wilhelm Reu, James Reubel, Clemens Reuber, Henry Reuber, John P. Reuck, John Name of Bride Burnet, Mary T. Brown, Isabella Vogel, Franziska Gruen, Elisa Lawson, Maud Lawson, Maud Dzierzanowsky, Amel. Koch, Elisabeth Kennedy, Jenetta Kennedy, Jennetta Schmidtberger, Marg. Sawers, Elisabeth Bauer, Elisabeth Luetmerding, Agnes Woltring, Anna Maria Kaetmann, Christina Robinson, Mattie Mayer, Josephine McKune, Ellen Abel, Franziska Brunner, Maria Nack, Barbara Schneider, Pauline Moody, Elizabeth Rodamer, Mary Pfeifer, Christina Burkhardt, Karolina Roth, Louisa Bachmann, Caroline Baum, Ernestine Neunreiter, Louise Benz, Victoria Meyer, Elisabeth Ammann, Julia Pohlwein, Maria Eyster, Alice R. Stieckert, Elisabeth Schradenbach, Barb. Bort, Anna Gudde, Margaretha Merkel, Catharina Widel, Magdalena Wenzel, Elise Brehm, Barbara Senger, Elisabeth Long, Emma J. Boerne, Henrietta Sullivan, Ellen Grupenhof, Anna Elis Poppe, Caroline Hoberg, Louise C. Werstele, Corinne MarriageYear 1832 1861 1858 1861 1881 1881 1877 1868 1856 1856 1850 1856 1866 1868 1863 1868 1884 1864 1883 1884 1867 1867 1882 1860 1879 1880 1869 1884 1857 1877 1857 1856 1857 1854 1868 1875 1871 1867 1853 1881 1860 1850 1884 1874 1879 1884 1859 1864 1859 1884 1874 1857 Page 129 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Michael Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church First German Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 North German Lutheran Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Louis Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Luke United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reuen, Johan Reuhl, Henry Reul, Philipp Reule, Gottfried Reule, Gottfried Reulmann, Adolph Reulmann, Anton Reulmann, Bernard Reulmann, Herman Reulmann, Herman B. Reuppel, Nicolaus Reurmann, Adolph Reusch, Kilian Reuschel, Andreas Reuscher, Anthony Reusel, George Reusing, Gerhard Heinrich Reusing, John Reuss, A.H. Reuss, Herman Reuss, Wilhelm Reuste, W.J. Reute, Gottfried Reutelmann, Herman Reutemann, Heinrich Reutener, Conrad Reutepoehler, Georg Reutepohler, Chris Reutepohler, Christ. Reutepohler, Friedr. Reutepohler, Herman Reutepohler, Johan Reuter, Bernard Reuter, Christoph A. Reuter, Ernst H. Reuter, Friedrich Reuter, Friedrich Reuter, Georg Reuter, Heinrich Reuter, Herman Reuter, Michael Reuter, Rudolph Reuter, Wilhelm Reuter, William Reuter, William Reuter, William Reutermann, Bernard Reutermann, Henry Reuther, Charles F. Reuther, Conrad Reuther, Friedrich Reuther, Herman Name of Bride Horstmann, M. Elis. Mathias, Caroline Fermkaes, Margaretha Sieckmann, Maria Bedoit, Mary Stein, Maria Huening, Maria Bohlke, Josephine Pohlmann, Charlotte Mueller, Johanna A. Niemann, Anna Seher, Wilhelmina Huber, Magdalena Freis, Magdalena Wenz, Bertha Theobald, Louise Beile, Caroline Feuerstein, Carolina Holbrook, Sophia Frey, Sophia Walsdorf, Maria Gardner, Mary R. Desch, Elisabeth(Mrs Winger, Anna Maria Messmann, Elisabeth Stahl, Dorothea Klanke, Elise Schmidde, Anna Darpe, Mary A. Heitemann, Margaret Sollmann, Catharine Steinkers, M. Louise Kraemer, Maria Anna Holtzmeyer, Wilhel. Stegemeyer, W Louisa Kramer, Julia Holzweis, Mary Wiesel, Susanna Weislogel, Amelia Rethmann, Josephine Hick, Barbara (Mrs.) Minde, Friedricka Schuetz, Maria Willem, Sophia Andrele, Emma Oswald, Mary Weisker, Bernardina Baurittel, Henrietta Weimar, Mary Reuther, Barbara Weiser, Anna Maria Greis, Mary MarriageYear 1883 1875 1869 1867 1884 1859 1869 1879 1851 1868 1880 1860 1882 1848 1878 1860 1871 1875 1874 1874 1883 1867 1865 1846 1846 1864 1861 1875 1845 1858 1842 1849 1857 1851 1872 1881 1883 1854 1873 1877 1871 1857 1870 1865 1879 1883 1861 1884 1881 1882 1860 1859 Page 130 10/23/2013 Source Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O St. Henry Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reuther, Jacob Reuther, Johan Reuther, Johan Reuther, Michael Reuther, Peter Reutschler, G. Reutter, George Reutz, Sebastian Reuver, George Reuwer, Rudolph Reuyer, John Revcgan, Jeremy Reverdan, Cornelius Revermann, Bernard Revermann, Diederich Revermann, Ignatz Rewald, Heinrich Rewald, Lorenz Rewe, William Rewel, Heinrich Rewer, Friedrich Wm. Rewes, George A. Rewgent, Elo Rewold, Julius Rewwer, Freidrich W. Rewwer, George Rewwer, Herman Henry Rewwer, Hermann Rewz, Francis Rex, Daniel Rey, Martin Reyer, Heinrich Reyle, John Reyman, Otto Reyna, William Reynold, Thomas Reynolds, Abram Reynolds, Alexander Reynolds, Allen B. Reynolds, Andrew Reynolds, Andrew Reynolds, Benjamin Reynolds, Bernard Reynolds, Bernard P. Reynolds, Charles Reynolds, Christoph. Reynolds, Daniel Reynolds, Elige Reynolds, Elmer D. Reynolds, Eugene Reynolds, Frank Reynolds, Garrett Name of Bride Liebbermann, Mary Heinemann, Marie Deierling, Anna W. Huebenthal, Eva Elis Schock, Amalia Faehr, Paulina Raab, Elisabeth Barman, Louise Jentzen, Sophia Kahle, Amalie Boley, Frances M. Lillis, Mary Keys, Mary Kraemer, Maria Rippe, Anna Maria Schulten, Maria Anna Gruber, Margaret Breitzmann, Sophia Sutton, Sarah Finzer, Maria Speckmann, Clara Kestler, Margaret Alexander, Alice C. Kartschoke, Clara Schuhmacher, Henr. Lauther, Augusta Inderstroth, Ellen Kumming, Lizzie(Mrs) Cummings, Rebecca Helmig, Catharine Eberhard, Elisabeth Braegger, M. (Mrs) Rickhoff, Alvine C. Ryan, H. Selman, Mary Morgan, Ellen Borton, Mary Clugis, Frances Bradbury, Louise Dooley, Ann Hunter, Charity Johnson, Nannie McGuire, Bridget Reynolds, Anna Bentley, Hatty O'Brien, Mary Taylor, Milly Bain, Lillie Wilson, Dilia McAndress, Bridget Drescher, Lauretta Brady, Ellen MarriageYear 1884 1862 1871 1857 1858 1859 1856 1867 1882 1861 1876 1854 1884 1869 1866 1865 1871 1867 1844 1848 1851 1876 1875 1880 1869 1883 1857 1884 1832 1847 1883 1866 1880 1870 1852 1876 1853 1855 1831 1855 1857 1879 1871 1880 1860 1865 1819 1882 1884 1873 1880 1850 Page 131 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Camp Washington United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. George Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses First United Church of Christ Salem United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church First English Lutheran Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reynolds, George Reynolds, George Reynolds, George Reynolds, George W. Reynolds, George W. Reynolds, George W. Reynolds, George W. Reynolds, Harry Reynolds, Harry C. Reynolds, Henry L. Reynolds, Isaac Reynolds, J. Reynolds, J.E. Reynolds, James Reynolds, James Reynolds, James Reynolds, James Reynolds, James Reynolds, James Reynolds, John Reynolds, John Reynolds, John Reynolds, John Reynolds, John Reynolds, John Reynolds, John L. Reynolds, John W. Reynolds, Joseph Reynolds, Joseph Reynolds, Louis Reynolds, Marcus Reynolds, Melvin J. Reynolds, Michael Reynolds, Michael Reynolds, Michael Reynolds, Michael J. Reynolds, Orrin Reynolds, Orrin A. Reynolds, Otho A. Reynolds, Otto Reynolds, Owen Reynolds, P.L. Reynolds, Patrick Reynolds, Patrick Reynolds, Patrick Reynolds, Patrick Reynolds, Peter Reynolds, Peter Reynolds, Porter Reynolds, R.G. Reynolds, Richard Reynolds, Richard Name of Bride Reed, Mary Brangan, Mary Thorp, Emma Weghorn, Barbara Weghorn, Barbara Weghorn, Barbara Thorp, Emma B. Long, Sadie Long, Sadie E. Odenbach, Anna Sessions, Margaret Saunders, Estelle Brown, Ettie May Horne, Bridget McLean, Nancy Beagen, Margaret Harrison, Emma Nolan, Eliza M. Teahan, Honora Bebb, Eliza Gormley, Margaret McCormick, Elizabeth Flinn, Mary (Mrs) Carney, Mary Green, Mary Forbes, Matilda O'Brien, Bridget Este, Lucy Ann Este, Lucy Ann Jones, Amelia McCan, Sarah E. Fancher, Elizabeth Hunt, Catharine Connelly, Margaret Welsh, Catharine Dwyer, Mary J. Lyle, Mary Lyle, Mary L. Hall, Nannie Hall, Nannie Nolen, Ann Jackson, Maggie Burns, Catharine Durm, Catharine Callahan, Maria Cregon, Mary McMahon, Margaret Murphy, Susan Jackson, Maggie Londsdale, Martha Sweeney, Mary Casey, Catherine MarriageYear 1863 1876 1880 1877 1877 1877 1880 1879 1879 1877 1833 1868 1880 1842 1844 1849 1859 1859 1865 1842 1850 1851 1857 1858 1873 1850 1881 1843 1843 1881 1854 1866 1855 1858 1862 1870 1869 1869 1871 1871 1847 1865 1853 1855 1864 1873 1852 1858 1865 1823 1855 1878 Page 132 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Morris Methodist Chapel Trinity Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Reynolds, Robert Reynolds, Robert Reynolds, Robert Reynolds, Robert Reynolds, Royland Reynolds, Thomas Reynolds, Thomas Reynolds, Thomas Reynolds, Thomas H. Reynolds, Thomas J. Reynolds, Walter Reynolds, Whitney Reynolds, Wiley Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William Reynolds, William G. Rezold, Charles Rezolli, John Rhea, John Rhea, John Adam Rheem, James Rhegennes, Jacob Rhegness, John Rhein, Anton Rhein, Charles L. Rhein, Francis Rhein, Frank J. Rhein, George F. Rhein, Jacob Rhein, Jacob Rhein, Johan Rhein, John Rhein, John Adam Rhein, John V. Rhein, Joseph Rhein, Joseph A. Rhein, Nicolaus Rheinberger, J. Adam Rheinecker, Matthias Rheinecker, Matthias Name of Bride Montgomery, Mary Weeks, Matilda Lilley, Elisabeth Wilson, Susan Ann Slude, Delsina Pullen, Lizzie Conklin, Adelia B. Jones, Mattie Pullen, Elizabeth A. Kruitz, Sophie Pearson, Mary Jane Mills, Julia Anna Johns, Catharine Johnston, Rachel Campbell, Elisabeth Cross, Charity C. Simmons, Elizabeth Hook, Julia Jones, Mary Eckoff, Sophia Mullen, Ellen L'Hommedieu, Maria L'Hommedieu, Marie Dorsay, Catharine Shafer, Emily Schaefer, Emily C. Gates, Ida M. Kyle, Serupta Steinmetz, Francis Franz, Richetti Groves, Rosetta Kistner, Maria Kipp, Sarah Mulford, Irene Sullivan, Sarah Holdman, Theresa Lisker, Minnie Zeppenfeld, Carolina Intzler, Catharine Kuntz, Louisa Booth, Phoebe Wetmeyer, Barbara Arnold, Minnie Lechner, Rosa Ellick, Theresa Besemer, Juliana Metzger, Johanna Huettner, Juliana Orange, Mary Mehl, Maria Lorenz, Anna Maria Smith, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1837 1844 1844 1850 1838 1867 1870 1879 1867 1881 1834 1837 1833 1836 1840 1846 1848 1854 1856 1858 1859 1860 1860 1864 1867 1867 1879 1874 1876 1880 1842 1857 1850 1832 1844 1873 1881 1873 1875 1882 1855 1860 1883 1877 1881 1854 1855 1883 1866 1849 1866 1873 Page 133 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Trinity Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. James Episcopal Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Louis Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rheinecker, Peter Rheiner, Otto Rheinfrank, Carl Rheinfrank, Charles Rheinfrank, William Rheinhart, Conrad Rheinlaender, Johan Rheinlander, John Rhenau, Friedrich Rhine, David Rhineo, Henry Rhinock, Joseph L. Rhoads, Robert Rhode, Anton Rhode, Henry Rhode, Herman Rhodes, Charles W. Rhodes, David Rhodes, George W. Rhodes, Henry Rhodes, Isaac H. Rhodes, James Rhodes, James Rhodes, James Rhodes, James Rhodes, John Rhodes, Massilion F. Rhodes, O.W. Rhodes, Thomas Rhodes, Thomas D. Rhodes, W.H. Rhodes, William Rhodes, William Rhonemus, Christian Rhoton, Leonard Rhue, Joseph Rhymer, James Rhynearsor, George Rhyner, Ep. Rhyones, Henry E. Rianhard, Harry D. Rianhard, Harry D. Rianhard, John Rianhard, John A. Rianhard, L.L. Rianhard, Louis Rianhard, Louis Rianhard, Louis A. Rianhard, W.E. Ribbins, Sabian Ricarde, Johan Rice, Adam Name of Bride Schilling, Magdalena Boppert, Louise Wahlbrink, Anna M. Diekmann, Mary Wahlbrink, Carrie Volz, Pauline Barg, Margaretha Barg, Margaretha Eisermann, Caroline Rhine, Florence Geise, Elisabeth McKain, Emma Lewis, Irene Schroeder, Anna Dierling, Anna Maria Welle, Maria Johnson, Catharine J Lawrence, Lida Moran, Elisa McCormick, Carrie Holden, Mary Kingman, Sarah Kingman, Sarah Lyon, Laura Lyons, Laura Slaughterbade, Anna Lodge, Hattie L. Peyton, Barbara Smith, Eliza B. Lovell, Laura Maxwell, Emma Williams, Phoebe Merrill, Lydia Johnson, Callie Shyrock, Sarah Hughes, Elizabeth Woodruff, Sarah J. Fortney, Hannah E. Walker, Laura Lawrence, Claudia V. Mead, Sarah Mead, Sadie Mosby, Anna Mosby, Anna V. Davis, Louisa Benbridge, Kate Davis, Louisa A. Benbridge, Eveline E Bassett, Jane Cox, Sallie B. Wolska, Minnie Flemming, Kate MarriageYear 1865 1884 1870 1877 1875 1861 1864 1864 1852 1873 1834 1883 1856 1871 1865 1864 1863 1881 1880 1855 1878 1852 1852 1863 1863 1876 1884 1856 1839 1882 1878 1850 1853 1883 1844 1870 1853 1866 1879 1884 1875 1875 1866 1866 1874 1857 1874 1857 1848 1876 1866 1873 Page 134 10/23/2013 Source St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Second German Presbyterian Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Morris Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Angels Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rice, Amzi Rice, Andrew Rice, Andrew Rice, Andrew J. Rice, Ben. E. Rice, Boone Rice, Charles Rice, Charles Rice, Charles W. Rice, Charles W. Rice, David Rice, Ed. E. Rice, Edmund Rice, Edward F. Rice, Elipalet Rice, Eliphat Rice, Francis Rice, G.L. Rice, George Rice, George Rice, George Rice, George Rice, George H. Rice, Henry Rice, Henry Rice, Henry Rice, Henry Rice, Henry Rice, Herbert A. Rice, Isaac Rice, Jacob Rice, Jacob Rice, James Rice, James Rice, James Rice, James Rice, James Rice, James J. Rice, James R. Rice, John Rice, John Rice, John Rice, John A. Rice, John C. Rice, John E. Rice, John Henry Rice, Jonathan Rice, Joseph Rice, Joseph Rice, Joseph Rice, Joseph M. Rice, Meier Name of Bride Musgrave, Sarah Mayurk, Sarah O'Connor, Hepsebah McGurk, Sarah C. Hollstein, Mary Garrison, Alice M. Bonham, Felana Aling, Helen George, Belle McGuffey, Maggie Heady, Betty Lowry, Catherine Huntington, Eliz. Ely, Susan D. Harrison, Sallie Harrison, Sallie Smith, Charlotte Thompson, Katie Way, Ellen Franklin, Isabelle Franklin, Isabella Weitzel, Christina Hahn, Carrie Fields, Sylvia Wright, Elisabeth Sizer, Mary Wheatley, Elizabeth Nadler, Theresa Dohn, Josephine Weiler, Belle Sterin, Anna Haft, Anna Maria Price, Clarissa D. Connelly, Margaret Baker, Jane Crutcher, Belle Hardy, Eliza Card, Sarah Cook, Mollie Brown, Hannah Camp, Julia Byrne, Mary Sykes, Elizabeth Doddridge, Marion Robinson, Anna Lightfoot, Martha Stix, Aurelia Getz, Magdalena Bloomer, Josephine Flynn, Mary Perry, Alice E. Klopper, Berda MarriageYear 1850 1868 1883 1868 1880 1869 1865 1879 1869 1877 1877 1880 1881 1870 1847 1848 1860 1877 1837 1861 1861 1883 1875 1847 1856 1857 1859 1883 1878 1879 1842 1852 1841 1852 1858 1860 1864 1863 1882 1839 1844 1872 1874 1884 1883 1846 1874 1844 1867 1877 1877 1852 Page 135 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Second Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Holy Angels Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Fifth Presbyterian Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Edward Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rice, Michael Rice, Owen Rice, Phillip Rice, R.S. Rice, Reuben Rice, Rufus Rice, S. Bronson Rice, Solomon Rice, Uriah Rice, William Rice, William Rice, William Rice, William H. Rice, William P. Rich, Benjamin Rich, Blucher Rich, Emil Rich, George Rich, Henry Rich, John B. Rich, Joseph Rich, Meinrad A. Rich, Nathan F. Rich, Robert Rich, Sam S. Rich, Samuel Rich, Sanford Rich, W.S. Rich, W.S. Rich, William Richard, Clemens Richard, Clemens (Dr.) Richard, Gebhard Richard, George Richard, Henry Richard, Henry H. Richard, Herman J. Richard, J. Theodor Richard, John Richard, Mark Richard, Otto Richard, Richard Richard, W.A. Richard, William Richards, A.L. Richards, C.E. Richards, Channing Richards, Channing Richards, Charles Richards, Daniel A. Richards, David Richards, Davis Name of Bride Ginn, Ann Parker, Emma J. Coleman, Lizzie Baxter, Mattie Wiggins, Sarah Picket, Aley DeRoode, Eugenie Edwards, Margaret Cilley, Elisabeth Lee, Anna O'Connell, Honora Wattermann, Eliza Moore, Mary Vose, Mary McKinney, Nancy Williams, Ann Mager, Haver Alexander, Mary Miller, Millie Humphrey, Elliott Black, Lucretia Brown, Emeline Manning, Hannah Morley, Rosetta Williams, Missouri Martin, Sarah Conners, Ann Pfaffenschlager, S. Pfaffenschlager, S. Buffington, Jennie Ferneding, Anna M. Ferneding, Maria Anna Geiger, Benedicta Allen, Jane Margaret Gruenefeld, Anna M. Zipfel, Mary Lange, Maria Anna Reckelhoff, Anna M. McDowell, Sarah Manning, Henrietta VonBehren, Lizzie Humphrey, Mary Everson, Clara Corrington, Nancy Weston, Emma Tenent, Bettie Williamson, Lydia H. Williamson, Lydia Reck, Martha Bridgman, Cassie Shadrack, Phoebe Davis, Mary Ann MarriageYear 1849 1880 1877 1877 1835 1841 1864 1846 1851 1841 1854 1868 1867 1839 1853 1859 1853 1876 1875 1841 1843 1858 1845 1849 1868 1868 1869 1878 1878 1883 1859 1859 1863 1838 1862 1880 1867 1836 1864 1881 1881 1837 1881 1844 1853 1877 1837 1837 1839 1884 1868 1852 Page 136 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Luke United Church of Christ Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 7 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Second German Presbyterian Church Salem United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Richards, Dennis Richards, Dennis Richards, Dickson Richards, Edward Richards, Erastus Richards, George Richards, George Richards, George Richards, George E. Richards, George F. Richards, Giles Richards, Harry S. Richards, Henry Richards, J.B. Richards, J.B. Richards, James Richards, James Richards, John Richards, John Richards, John Richards, John Richards, John Richards, John M. Richards, John M. Richards, John W. Richards, Jonathan Richards, Karl Richards, Michael Richards, Morgan Richards, Randolph Richards, Randolph Richards, Samuel Richards, Silas L. Richards, Thomas Richards, Thomas Richards, Thomas Richards, Timothy Richards, W.N. Richards, W.N. Richards, Walter Richards, Warren Richards, Wesley Richards, William Richards, William Richards, William Richards, William Richards, William C. Richards, William J. Richards, William J. Richardson, A. Richardson, A.S. Richardson, A.S. Name of Bride Roy, Margaret Smith, Elizabeth Wirk, Nancy Hoshour, Serena Alexander, Susan Quinn, Elisabeth Meyer, Catharine Davenport, Carrie Davenport, Carrie Harding, Alice Hankinson, Eleanor Stevens, Fannie S. Rooney, Mary Madison, Mary Madison, Mary Hill, Margaret Doyle, Mary Richards, Harriet Northrop, Adaline Northrop, Adaline Beaufort, Jane Gressly, Maggie Thompson, Emma Huddart, Sallie Huddart, Sallie Latta, Elizabeth Schwenk, Kath. (Mrs) Laughlin, Elizabeth Lutton, Sarah Greene, Laura Green, Laura Williamson, Jane Kennedy, Josie Jenkins, Elisabeth Heiring, Amanda Dunn, Sallie Sanders, Martha Fisher, Emma M. Fisher, Emma M. Williams, Julia Miller, Belle Fallis, Ida Woodburn, Lucinda Moshmirg, Francis McDermott, Margaret Cole, Anna Evans, Lizza Beard, Eliza Winters, Emma Pease, Louise Wallis, Virginia M. Wallis, Virginia M. MarriageYear 1848 1862 1847 1857 1848 1838 1867 1877 1877 1864 1820 1884 1863 1877 1877 1846 1856 1845 1846 1846 1849 1877 1859 1875 1875 1825 1856 1854 1855 1857 1857 1832 1869 1843 1849 1856 1848 1876 1876 1883 1863 1877 1846 1853 1856 1860 1877 1859 1880 1855 1876 1876 Page 137 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Thomas Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Thomas Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Trinity Episcopal Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 7 Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Richardson, Andrew Richardson, Brown Richardson, Charles Richardson, Charles Richardson, Charles Richardson, Chase Richardson, Edward Richardson, Edward Richardson, F.B. Richardson, Francis Richardson, Francis Richardson, Frederic Richardson, Georg Richardson, George Richardson, George Richardson, George Richardson, Henry Richardson, Hugh Richardson, Isaac Richardson, J.B. Richardson, J.B. Richardson, J.D. Richardson, J.D. Richardson, James Richardson, James Richardson, James Richardson, James Richardson, James Richardson, James Richardson, James Richardson, James Richardson, James B. Richardson, James W. Richardson, Joel Richardson, John Richardson, John Richardson, John Richardson, John Richardson, John Richardson, Jonathan Richardson, Joseph Richardson, Joseph Richardson, Joseph Richardson, Joseph Richardson, Joseph Richardson, Louis Richardson, M.H. Richardson, Mal H. Richardson, Malachi Richardson, Melvin Richardson, Noah Richardson, P. Name of Bride Jeleff, Imogene Simpson, Maggie Graham, Hannah O'Connor, Mary Schwartz, Lottie O'Conner, Mary Kennedy, Mary Tiffey, Lottie Frowert, S.J. Conclin, Louisa Conclin, Louise Harris, Sarah Campbell, Mary Paterson, Mary Dyson, Jennie Young, Becky Hobbs, Mary Taylor, Emma Biddle, Rebecca McFadden, Frances Cone, Katie A. Walker, Sarah Walker, Sarah Waggoner, Mary Bates, Jane Robinson, Mary Ann Lovett, Ellen Richardson, Mary Haldeman, Addie Holden, Adelheid Osborn, Louisa Cone, Kate A. Nauhorf, Henrietta Colly, Susan Doel, Sarah Hall, Maggie Flagg, Mattie Flagg, Mattie Mead, Mary Richards, Sarah Fuller, Mary C. Wise, Anna Maria Wise, Anna Maria Caufield, Jane Boose, Elizabeth J. Butcher, Mollie Stevens, Bertie Stevens, M. Britie Finney, Margaret Delaney, Alice Brown, Mary Schillinger, Eliz. MarriageYear 1879 1874 1851 1875 1882 1875 1850 1884 1882 1847 1847 1846 1849 1860 1875 1880 1847 1875 1824 1862 1874 1876 1876 1844 1846 1851 1855 1856 1862 1862 1880 1874 1865 1856 1845 1857 1860 1860 1882 1835 1847 1854 1854 1863 1876 1878 1867 1867 1852 1884 1825 1836 Page 138 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Trinity Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Morris Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Richardson, Pearson Richardson, Philipp Richardson, Rensalea Richardson, Richard Richardson, Richard Richardson, Robert Richardson, Robert Richardson, Robert Richardson, Roswell Richardson, Samuel Richardson, Samuel Richardson, Samuel Richardson, Samuel Richardson, Silas Richardson, William Richardson, William Richardson, William Richardson, William Richardson, William Richardson, William Richardson, William Richardson, William Richardson, William Richardson, William Richart, Johan Riche, John F. Richel, John Richer, Karl Richert, Jakob Richert, Johan Richert, Philipp Richey, Richey, John Richey, Robert Richey, Samuel Richey, W.S. Richey, W.S. Richey, William F. Richhort, Rudolph Richimer, Michael Richmond, Alexander Richmond, Benjamin Richmond, John Richner, Friedrich Richt, Andreas Richt, Friedrich Richt, Michael Richter, Bernard Richter, Bernard Richter, Bernard Richter, Carl Richter, Casper Name of Bride Schillinger, Elis. Doney, Nancy Ward, Mary Knox, Mary Ann Rosengarten, Maggie Richardson, Cath. Gilman, Ann Russell, Catharine Spears, Matilda Lawrence, Mary Eliz. Lawrence, Elisabeth Eply, Mary E. Johnson, Julia Pratt, Pollie Richardson, Jane Mulford, Caroline Tipeld, Emma Lavender, Catharine Bennett, Josephine Bennett, Josephine Gill, Emma J. Stewart, Lidia Stewart, Lida Walt, Anna Schoen, Wilhelmina Walker, Parmela Mueller, Eta Niehof, Henrietta Groninger, Katharina Kaufhold, Apollonia Bigham, Elisabeth Borradail, Rebecca Glatt, B.J. Hubbell, Clara Watters, Lizzie Mullen, Clara Mullen, Clara Grant, Elsy M. Strauss, Christina Boellinger, Francis Kinnan, Louisa Andrews, Emma Kranz, Louise Bargen, Kate Glass, Theodora Kaiser, Rosa Reis, Margaretha Wibbel, Catharine Pieper, Gertrud Scharf, Catharine Wirsching, Wilhelmin Kraft, Theresa MarriageYear 1836 1844 1854 1828 1884 1820 1832 1842 1845 1847 1847 1852 1854 1880 1842 1857 1859 1861 1864 1864 1873 1874 1874 1877 1848 1819 1859 1848 1865 1858 1849 1831 1866 1862 1863 1875 1875 1875 1853 1843 1866 1879 1870 1876 1866 1876 1869 1845 1858 1884 1866 1851 Page 139 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Lutheran Church - Madisonville St. Peter German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Richter, Charles Richter, Charles L. Richter, Conrad Richter, Corum Richter, Dietrich Richter, Dietrich Richter, Ernst Richter, Francis Richter, Frank Richter, Frank Richter, Frank Richter, Franz Richter, Franz Richter, Friedrich Richter, Friedrich Richter, Friedrich Richter, George Richter, George Richter, George Richter, Gottlieb Richter, Gottlieb Richter, Gustav Richter, H. Eduard Richter, Heinrich Richter, Heinrich Richter, Heinrich Richter, Heinrich Richter, Heinrich Richter, Heinrich Richter, Henry Richter, Henry Richter, Henry Richter, Henry Herm. Richter, Henry W. Richter, Herman Richter, Herman Edw. Richter, J.H. Richter, Jakob Richter, Johan Andr. Richter, Johan Hein. Richter, John Richter, John Richter, John Hy. Richter, Joseph Richter, Joseph Richter, Joseph Richter, Joseph Richter, Joseph Richter, Joseph Richter, Lorenz Richter, Louis Richter, Oscar Name of Bride Levy, Fannie D. Robinson, Kate Herner, Dina Powell, Eliva Riehm, Elisabeth Schroeder, Elisabeth Buldmann, Bernardina Meier, Catharine Levir, Anna Holtheide, Elisabeth Goetz, Barbara Franke, Katharina C. Mezier, Elisabeth Langemeier, Elisabet Eking, Maria Selcer, Elise Luedeke, Charlotte Holtmann, M. Elis. Ciss, Emma Ullmann, Wilhelmina Ullmann, Wilhelmina Schaefer, Susanna Roth, Clara Bellmann, Adelheid Freisen, Cath. Adel. Wehlage, A.M.Gertrud Bocklage, Catharina Zimmer, Maria Boll, Emilia Zimmer, Mary Bogel, Elisabeth Eggemeyer, Mary Vierling, Catherine Heidenreich, Mary K. Hegner, Maria Koch, Augusta Anderson, Savannah Reinberger, Louisa Geihaus, Anna Mescher, Bernardina Giesler, Sophia Willmer, Bernardina Groen, Emma Fischer, Maria Elis. Wuebbel, Friedricka Wenning, Josephina Hechinger, Carolina Michaels, Elisabeth McGraff, Maggie(Mrs) Deranz, Margaret Schroyer, Sarah J. Schray, Mary MarriageYear 1884 1883 1881 1857 1847 1849 1848 1852 1862 1873 1883 1865 1873 1848 1859 1880 1874 1876 1879 1856 1856 1870 1865 1839 1847 1852 1854 1870 1871 1870 1871 1882 1882 1877 1873 1858 1881 1866 1855 1857 1878 1878 1883 1846 1848 1856 1862 1867 1882 1859 1860 1884 Page 140 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Trinity Lutheran Church - Colerain Twp. Trinity Lutheran Church - White Oak St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Martin German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Assumption Catholic Church - Mt. Healthy Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. Louis Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ Salem United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church Court House Marriage License United Methodist Church - Harrison, Ohio Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Richter, Rudolph Richter, Theodor Richter, Theodor A. Richter, Wilhelm Richter, Wilhelm Richter, Wilhelm Richter, William Richters, Heinrich Richthammer, Anton Rick, Christian Rick, John T. Rick, William Ricke, Bernard Ricke, Herman Ricke, Herman Heinr. Ricke, J. Heinrich Ricke, Pius Rickel, Wilhelm Rickeling, Johan H. Rickelmann, B. Henry Rickelmann, Gerhard Rickelmann, J.H. Rickelmann, Johan Rickelmann, Johan H. Rickels, Henry Ricken, Gerhard H. Ricken, John Rickenbach, Joseph Ricker, David Ricker, Frank Ricker, Frank Ricker, Georg Ricker, Georg Ricker, George W. Ricker, Gustavus Ricker, Heinrich Ricker, Henry Ricker, James H. Ricker, Joel Ricker, Johan E. Ricker, William Rickerink, Johan Rickers, Bernard Hy. Rickers, Henry Rickert, Mason Rickert, Peter Rickert, Peter Ricket, John Rickets, Greenbury Ricketts, George Rickey, Rickey, Horace M. Name of Bride Rieth, Elisa Haug, Jacobina Cross, Ida Duffner, Louisa Duffner, Louisa Lombard, Carolina Witt, Augusta Schuhmacher, Sophia Schuck, Veronica Feist, Anna M. Atchley, Emma Gray, Elisabeth Haidbrink, Maria Buesler, Sophia Kunnemann, Charlotte Timpermann, M. Cath. Boenig, Elisabeth Sauerbrink, Carolina Schippers, Susanna Valene, Angela Brosse, Maria Gesina Sommer, Maria Sommer, Maria Wiegel, Bernardina Moeller, Charlotte Huelsbeck, Maria Boers, Adelheid Hirzelberger, Marg. Marshall, Kate E. Shields, Jennie E. Shield, Jennie Toennies, Maria Anna Beyer, Katharina Parrett, Sarah Hughes, Elizabeth Hauser, Maria McCann, Ellen Moore, Louisiana Williamson, Sarah Petzer, Johanna Vogel, Caroline M. Schmitt, Anna Bohmann, M. Cath. Roegge, Catherine Featherstone, Lulu Selm, Anna Maria Imbot, Magdalena Williams, Nancy Ray, Mary Fetherlin, Sarah Clark, Elisabeth Southwaite, Mattie MarriageYear 1866 1851 1878 1862 1862 1870 1854 1859 1857 1854 1877 1819 1857 1865 1847 1840 1853 1853 1844 1870 1855 1861 1861 1860 1875 1856 1868 1849 1863 1867 1867 1853 1865 1854 1851 1871 1859 1870 1835 1856 1880 1869 1874 1874 1884 1846 1847 1818 1833 1872 1823 1883 Page 141 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rickey, John Rickey, John J. Rickey, Robert Rickhof, Albert Rickhoff, Charles Rickhoff, Gerhard Rickhoff, J. Gerhard Ricking, Bernard F. Ricking, Charles H. Ricking, Heinrich Ricking, Henry Ricking, J. Bernard Ricking, Werner Rickl, William Rickling, Bernard Rickoff, Andrew Rickoff, Andrew Ricks, C.W. Ricks, Nathaniel Rickup, John A. Ricoff, Aron Riconni, Charles Riddell, Cyrus Riddell, Horatio Riddell, Neal Ridder, Anton Ridder, Friedrich H. Ridder, Johan Ridder, John Ridder, Joseph Ridder, Peter Ferd. Riddermann, Bernard Riddinger, Conrad Riddle, Adam N. Riddle, Alfred Riddle, Alfred C. Riddle, Alfred C. Riddle, Andrew Riddle, Andrew Riddle, Andrew J. Riddle, August Riddle, August A. Riddle, Benjamin Riddle, David Riddle, George Riddle, George Riddle, Hiram Riddle, Hiram B. Riddle, Jacob Riddle, John Riddle, John Riddle, John Name of Bride Townsend, Mary Townsend, Mary J. Hubbell, Clara Poelking, Margaretha Hellebusch, Mary F. Krockmann, Louisa Beddinghaus, M. Cath Kaiser, M. Josephine Moore, Fannie Sieve, Dina Stocker, Elisabeth Luermann, Anna Maria Deters, Bernadina Reus, Elisabeth Rebman, Wilhelmina Black, Elisabeth Davis, Parthena Hussey, Catharine E. Winston, Mary Fogg, Maggie R. Roll, Margaret Charter, Helen Foster, Laura Greenwood, Nannie Tandy, Mildred Naubers, Catharine Lohmeyer, Marg. D. Tensi, Elisabeth Rothert, Agatha Wilke, Bernardina Mueller, M. Veronica Hellmann, Clementia Souri, Anna Cook, Elisabeth Oliver, Anna M. Pfeifer, Lida Pferffer, Lida Miller, Martha Miller, Martha Skillman, Levine Loose, Catharine Leonard, Eliza M. Patterson, Nancy Fox, Caroline Orr, Lydia Orr, Lydia VanAusdol, Lucretia Tuttle, Mary Ann Tucker, Ol. Ross, Jane Hilts, Elisabeth Thornell, Annie E. MarriageYear 1858 1858 1862 1848 1880 1852 1850 1880 1877 1848 1873 1856 1868 1853 1873 1842 1856 1884 1846 1875 1836 1881 1855 1877 1832 1851 1843 1870 1873 1884 1873 1873 1859 1835 1844 1875 1875 1847 1847 1848 1835 1866 1820 1837 1850 1850 1846 1835 1823 1834 1843 1874 Page 142 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Stanislaus Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Bonaventure Catholic Church St. Bonaventure Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Riddle, John N. Riddle, Mat Riddle, Samuel Riddle, Samuel Riddle, Thoch Riddle, Thomas Riddle, Thomas J. Riddle, William Riddle, William Riddle, William A. Ridenour, Albert K. Ridenour, Charles Ridenour, David F. Ridenour, James Ridenour, Samuel Ridenour, William Ridenour, William Ridenour, William H. Rider, Henry Rider, Isaac Rider, Zerah P. Ridge, Isaac M. Ridge, James Ridgely, A. Ridgely, Abraham Ridgely, Charles W. Ridgely, Fred Ridgely, Graham Ridgely, William Ridgeway, Alexander Ridgeway, Benjamin Ridgeway, Benjamin Ridgeway, George Ridgeway, John Ridgeway, John Ridgeway, John N. Ridgeway, Robert Ridgeway, Thomas Ridgley, E.G. Ridgley, E.G. Ridgway, Frank Ridgway, John F. Ridgway, Joseph Ridgway, Samuel Ridimann, Joseph Riding, Robert Ridings, Robert Riebe, George Mich. Riebel, Carl Riebel, Daniel Riebel, Ernst Riebel, Georg Name of Bride Pratt, Sarah B. Egge, Emma French, Sickey Easley, Mary Ellen Jones, Jennie Tice, Catharine Cooper, Martha Ann Burdsal, Lemira Golsch, Lydia Schuler, Augusta Pennebaker, Hannah Near, Kate Recher, Martha J. Martin, Annie Brown, Anna Bevis, Anna Eliz. Booth, Elizabeth Bevis, Ann E. Read, Mary A. Eppstein, Sallie Cowley, Ella Campbell, Maggie D. Summers, Melinda Hayes, Frances A. Hayes, Frances A. Duff, Anna Isett, Harriet Baer, Debbie Flinthan, Charlotte Rappold, Maria Elis. Boyd, Marian C. Boyd, Marian C. Boom, Mary Hicks, Mary Jane McClure, Mary McGinnis, Anna L. Scanlan, Susan Sheehan, Helen Denman, Mary Denman, Mary Rohrer, Belle Rohrer, S. Bell Tatem, Janett Robins, Carolina A. Hagedorn, Maria Matticks, Frances Freon, Alva M. Brodbeck, Maria Braun, Elisabeth Riebel, Mary G. Betts, Elisabeth Erdmann, Maria MarriageYear 1884 1876 1825 1851 1869 1818 1841 1854 1883 1883 1868 1859 1863 1865 1864 1851 1864 1851 1851 1869 1878 1882 1856 1843 1843 1867 1854 1851 1844 1881 1881 1881 1877 1845 1880 1835 1869 1879 1869 1869 1856 1856 1827 1842 1876 1855 1869 1837 1867 1881 1857 1843 Page 143 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Second German Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. James Episcopal Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Riebel, George Riebenkoenig, Johan Rieble, Severin Riechert, Jacob Riechert, Johan Riechert, Johan Riechmann, John Fr. Rieck, Carl Rieck, George Rieck, John Rieck, Miles E. Riecke, Simon Rieckelman, H.H. Rieckelman, John Rieckelmann, Herman Rieckelmann, Hermann Heinric Rieckhoff, Carl Riecking, George Ried, Charles Rieddinghack, H. Riede, Charles Riedel, Andrew Riedel, August Riedel, Carl Riedel, Christian Riedel, Emil T. Riedel, Henry Riedel, Henry Riedel, John Riedel, Martin Riedel, Michael Riedel, Paul Riedemann, Heinrich Riedemann, Heinrich Riedemann, Jasper Riedemann, Johan Riedemann, Johan Riedemann, Johnan H. Rieder, Adam Rieder, Jacob Rieder, Johan Rieder, Johan Riedinger, Joseph Riedinger, Wendel Riedler, Anton Riedlinger, Matthias Riedlinger, Sebast. Riedmann, Johan Riedmatter, Albert Riedy, Joseph Rief, Anton Rief, Carl Name of Bride Alexander, Catharine Buehler, Catharine Schoenauer, Louisa Kroninger, Catharine Gehring, Maria Anna Hartmann, Barbara Miller, Lizzie Grote, Wilhelmina Borgenhagen, Dora Hagemann, Sarah J. Richards, Ella O. Westerhaus, Justina Tangeman, Kate Sommer, Mary Tangemann, Catharine Tangemann, Katharina Koester, Anna Effinger, Elizabeth Behr, Anna Ternwald, Margaretha Fischer, Magdalena Rueckert, Augusta Bauer, Barbara Geiger, Babetta Schneidering, Marg. Theiler, Benedikla Dallwig, Elisabeth Zimmermann, Louisa Theis, Lina Arnold, Barbara Weber, Maria Nesser, Caroline Meyer, Elisabeth Weber, Charlotte Schneider, Maria Koch, Catharine Bauer, Maria Beck, Maria Boullis, Catharine Pabe, Lizzie Bosenmeyer, Philomen Kiffmeyer, Catharine Steiger, Afra Appelman, Kath.(Mrs) Stamm, Elisabeth Nuss, Helene Kock, Dorothea Knecht, Maria Anna Joeckle, Rosa Hesch, Sarah (Mrs) Ernst, Theresa Welsh, Anna MarriageYear 1846 1856 1882 1865 1856 1856 1877 1879 1881 1849 1882 1855 1859 1861 1859 1859 1852 1868 1865 1834 1850 1879 1865 1865 1848 1871 1857 1876 1854 1842 1854 1882 1851 1858 1870 1866 1873 1876 1874 1875 1872 1880 1869 1865 1876 1864 1867 1878 1884 1864 1855 1871 Page 144 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 North German Lutheran Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Rose Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Rose Catholic Church St. Rose Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rief, Wilhelm Riefenstahl, Christ. Riefenstahl, Christ. Riefle, Jacob Riegel, John P. Riegelman, E. Riegelsperger, Aloy. Riegenberger, Mich. Rieger, Albert Rieger, Anton Rieger, August Rieger, Bernard Rieger, Carl Rieger, Christian Rieger, Christian Rieger, Conrad Rieger, Florian Rieger, Frank Rieger, Georg Rieger, Gottlieb Rieger, Gottlieb Rieger, Heinrich Rieger, Jacob Rieger, Johan Rieger, Johan Rieger, Johan Adam Rieger, John Rieger, John Rieger, John Rieger, Joseph Rieger, Leopold Rieger, Michael Rieger, Paul Rieger, Philipp H. Rieger, Sebastian Rieger, William Riegers, W.S. Riegge, Heinrich Riegler, Leonard Riegler, Lorenz Riehe, Jacob Riehemann, Wilhelm Riehl, Charles H. Riehl, Ludwig Riehle, Adrian Riehle, Armond Riehle, August Riehle, Christian Riehle, Ignatz Riehle, Joseph Riehle, Mathias Riehly, Clement Name of Bride Vogelbach, Emma Popp, Elisabeth Burmann, Elise Kemper, Mary Hawley, Mary C. Wamser, Clara Wiemer, Mary Anna Stork, Sophia Bai, Maria Hendle, Josephina Theobald, Margaretha Wagner, Helena Kolb, Maria Juppenlatz, Elisabet Hager, Barbara Bratt, Brigitta Fuchs, Caroline Boller, Barbara Nagangart, Margaret Herwig, Elisabeth Berdo, Barbara Baumhacker, Antonia Schmetzinger, Eva Amma, Catharina Schwarz, Rosa Kirbeler, Henrietta Stark, Gottlieba Renner, Mary Schmidt, Maria Anna Fels, Frances Lambert, Adelaid Rother, Valeria Funk, Anna Meyer, Charlotte Oeh, Ella Schenck, Mary Beckley, Philomena Kiehe, Anna Rubner, Rosina ----, Margaretha Fey, Louisa Koetter, Anna Ruerden, Clarissa Nau, Elisabeth Braun, Dorothea Hempele, Thekla Back, Carolina Zundler, Christine Welf, Amalia Huy, Frances Grieshaber, Carolina Mohr, Cunigunda MarriageYear 1876 1856 1860 1867 1855 1875 1875 1853 1869 1855 1884 1851 1854 1842 1856 1857 1861 1882 1871 1855 1860 1867 1864 1853 1855 1854 1853 1860 1882 1872 1875 1882 1867 1855 1863 1878 1874 1859 1845 1850 1869 1860 1841 1842 1865 1850 1880 1860 1862 1876 1852 1860 Page 145 10/23/2013 Source St. Henry Catholic Church Zion German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ Nast Memorial Methodist Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Michael Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Sacred Heart Catholic Church St. Clement Catholic Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Riehoff, Johann Gerhard Rieke, Franz Joseph Rieke, H. Rieke, Heinrich Rieke, Heinrich Rieke, Wilhelm Riekeberg, Julius Rieken, John Rieker, Henry Rieker, Jacob Rieker, Michael Adam Rieker, Samuel C. Riekers, Christoph Riekers, Henry Riekers, Lambert Riela, Andrew B. Rielag, August Rielage, Christian Rielage, Ferdinand Rielage, Franz Rielage, Friedrich Rielage, Johan Rielage, Wilhelm Rieley, Pat. Rieley, Patrick Rielly, James Rielly, Thomas Rielly, William W. Riely, Charles W. Riely, Michael Riely, William Rieman, Ernst Rieman, Joseph Riemann, Adalbert Riemann, Carl Riemann, Christian Riemann, Frank F. Riemann, Friedrich Riemann, Friedrich Riemann, Gerhard Riemann, Johan H. Riemann, Joseph Riemeier, Herman Riemeier, John Hy. Riemenschneider, Bd. Riemenschneider, G. Riemenschneider, Geo Riemenschneider, Geo Riemenschneider, H. Riemenschneider, H. Riemenschneider, H. Riemer, Charles Name of Bride Termath, Johanne Gertrude Rieking, Bernardina Schmitte, Rosa Haeveler, Louise Husemann, Maria Eilers, Emma (Mrs) Hohe, Margaretha Loers, Adelheid McCann, Ellen Laile, Jacobina Weismann, Barbara Cochran, Amanda Poss, Wilhelmina Reuegge, Katherine Sterlage, Catharine Howery, Sarah A. Blackburn, E. Moeller, Catharine Trentmann, Maria E. Zumbahlen, Maria A. Holtmeyer, Louisa Zumbahlen, Carolina Wischmeyer, Catharin Rooney, Bridget Cronin, Catherine Crowley, Johanna Menton, Catharine Doyle, Catharine Dunigan, Margaret Murphy, Margaret Walsh, Elizabeth Frieler, Mary (Mrs) Meyer, Antonia Hahn, Katie Dueding, Agnes Maria Simon, Maria Gehrmann, Catharina Henke, Dorothea Messmann, Catharine Kleier, Maria Elis. Hecle, Anna Maria Schmidt, Amelia Godecker, Sophia Twachtmann, Anna Voelker, Maria Willke, Carolina Weiss, Barbara Alt, Katharina Nicklaus, Maria Greiff, Sophia Ohl, Emilia Moormann, Caroline MarriageYear 1858 1883 1878 1861 1867 1866 1859 1868 1859 1852 1845 1841 1867 1874 1870 1875 1876 1865 1850 1845 1850 1847 1842 1873 1880 1860 1866 1861 1874 1853 1880 1881 1871 1873 1857 1867 1853 1849 1856 1847 1872 1878 1852 1884 1868 1871 1881 1883 1849 1865 1867 1854 Page 146 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Salem United Church of Christ St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Angels Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Atonement Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Sacred Heart Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Louis Catholic Church St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn St. George Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. North German Lutheran Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Riemeyer, Edward Riemeyer, Friedrich Riemeyer, Heinrich W Riemeyer, J. David Riemeyer, Johan Fr. Riepe, Herman Riepe, Johan Heinric Riepelmeier, Wilhelm Rierheimer, Daniel Riermann, Joseph Rierson, Joshua Ries, Adam Ries, Adam Ries, Conrad Ries, Edmund Ries, Elias Ries, Francis Ries, Frank Ries, Frank Ries, Georg Ries, Georg Adam Ries, Georg Friedric Ries, Heinrich Ries, Jacob Ries, Jakob Ries, Johan Ries, Johan Ries, Johan Ries, Johan Baptist Ries, John Ries, Joseph Ries, Joseph Ries, Lambert Ries, Louis Ries, Ludwig Ries, Matthew Ries, Michael Ries, Owen Ries, Peter Ries, Wilhelm Ries, William Riesche, August Riesche, Heinrich Riese, Friedrich Riese, Friedrich Riese, Georg Riese, Georg Riese, Heinrich Riese, John Riesekamp, Henry Riesel, Johan L. Rieselmann, Benjamin Name of Bride Baum, Lizzie Sollmann, Caroline Kaiser, Minna Woellmer, Maria Ochs, Anna Meitendorf, Maria Stemmermann, C.(Mrs) Papen, Sophia Gnaw, Christina Rolf, M.A. Goodman, Lillie Geisler, Magdalena Bedel, Catherine Maflie, Sophie Finck, Eva Altschul, Clementine Hoffmann, Maria Petri, Anna Fehr, Rosa Krebs, Elisabeth Weber, Elisabeth Hepp, Magdalena Honer, Francisca Morio, Elisabeth Schneider, Catherine Ries, Elisabeth Schoster, Catharine Lehnert, Cath. (Mrs) Leierer, Dorothea Herbig, Anna May, Nanny Gross, Anna Schneider, Caroline Borger, Julia Schuler, Christina Berger, Caroline Frey, Dorothea B. Hamilton, Ellen Vilegis, Maria Mueller, Bernardina Barlage, Mary McCann, Jennete Taschner, Friedricka Wirkner, Ottilia Maerz, Maria Paul, Maria Bachmann, Cath.(Mrs) Borchmeyer, Maria E. Meyerrose, Mary Honefort, Mary Ratter, Josephina Westermann, Elis. MarriageYear 1882 1843 1870 1844 1884 1851 1854 1852 1857 1857 1876 1840 1873 1872 1881 1878 1848 1874 1881 1860 1847 1853 1875 1848 1880 1856 1879 1884 1884 1876 1856 1883 1875 1872 1850 1876 1875 1874 1854 1864 1881 1876 1867 1869 1869 1858 1860 1859 1879 1879 1873 1883 Page 147 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church St. Bonaventure Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John Catholic Church - Dry Ridge St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rieselmann, Bernard Riesenbeck, Anton B. Riesenbeck, Johan H. Riesenberg, Bernard Riesenberg, Heinrich Riesenberg, Henry Riesenberger, John Rieser, Lorenz Riesing, Francis Rieskamp, Herman H. Riesner, Johan Riess, Charles Riess, Conrad Riess, Friedrich Riess, Friedrich Riess, George Riess, Johan Riess, Joseph Riess, Michael Riess, Wilhelm C. Riest, Rudolph Riestenberg, Theodor Riester, Clement Riester, Edward Riester, Edward Riester, Fridolin Riesterer, John Riesterer, Joseph Riestner, Heinrich Rieter, Johan Rieth, Friedrich Riethmann, Heinrich Rietmann, Georg Rietmann, Heinrich Rietmann, Johan H. Rietschle, Albert Rieveschl, Peter Riewe, Clement Rife, Frank Rifenberick R.P. Riff, Henry Riff, Peter Riffelmacher, Georg Rifflemacher, George Riffy, George Rifner, Adam Rifner, James Rifner, Johan Milton Rift, Gottlieb Riga, Jacob Riga, John Riga, John Name of Bride Zumbahl, M Catharine Kaiser, Theresa Thoma, Maria Anna Grofe, Maria Anna Fester, Mary VonderHaar, Anna M. Stonefield, Mary Siegward, Mary Korn, Anna Reierink, Louisa Mader, Anna Nolte, Alvina Henninger, Eva Enderlin, Christina Kepner, Augusta Weiss, Wilhelmina Ball, Philomena Krieg, Mary Winterheimer, Christ Kronauer, Pauline Woodmansee, Lydia Philipps, Mary Scheiner, Barbara Roland, Catharine Roland, Catharine Reiser, Christina Johmann, Lena Reicherdt, Helena Reis, Wilhelmina Herrmann, Margaret Schulz, Elisabeth Wilpers, Anna Cath. Lanfersick, Elisa Weddendorf, Louisa Hasfeld, Maria Cath. Hartmann, Catharine Trautmann, Barbara Vonhus, Beckell, Lizzie Bell, Lucy McDonald, Witte, Carolina Fritzinger, Maria Auer, Mary Dunseth, Elisabeth Flora, Emilia Cilley, Martha Pearson, Mary Jane Rift, Eliza Stumpf, Caroline Hughes, Jennie Hughes, Jennie MarriageYear 1851 1858 1850 1852 1858 1861 1881 1880 1875 1869 1868 1884 1867 1855 1868 1883 1870 1868 1884 1871 1868 1874 1856 1869 1869 1868 1884 1852 1879 1874 1856 1851 1866 1869 1859 1875 1878 1845 1860 1866 1851 1858 1858 1881 1848 1853 1853 1850 1867 1878 1875 1875 Page 148 10/23/2013 Source Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church First United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church First United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Bonaventure Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Rose Catholic Church St. Rose Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Carthage United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Riga, Peter Rigby, Joseph Rigby, Joseph Rigdon, Charles Rigdon, Isaac Rigge, Noman Riggen, Algier Riggens, John Riggin, William Riggins, John Riggins, John E. Riggle, Abraham Riggle, Benjamin Riggle, George Riggles, William J. Riggs, Alphonso Riggs, Edson N. Riggs, Frank Riggs, Harlem Riggs, Isaac Riggs, J.P. Riggs, James Riggs, John H. Riggs, Milan Riggs, Miles Riggs, Simpson Right, John Rigle, Andrew Rigle, Benjamin Rigney, Bernard Rigney, Edward Rigney, John Rigney, Michael Rigney, Michael Rigney, Patrick Rigney, Step. B. Rigney, Thomas Rigor, Miles Rihl, Peter Rihle, Clement Rihm, Johan Riker, B.F. Riker, Daniel H. Riker, E. Emmet Riker, H.G. Riker, J. Clark Riker, J.C. Riker, James Riker, Joel Riker, Johan Dietric Riker, John Riker, John Name of Bride Hornberger, Elis. Ladd, Jane Ladd, Jane Dalton, Ann L. Auchey, Emma Miller, Mary Durham, Rebecca Baily, Rebecca Denver, Virginia Trimble, Jennie Bailey, Rebecca Crist, Henriette Extie, Mary E. ----, ---Wilson, Mary A. Conradi, Dora L. Bruns, Lizzie J. Payne, Georgiania Murphy, Margaret Franklin, Mary Ann Court, Rachael Robinson, Nannie Moore, Mary E. Douthwaite, Sarah Sheehan, Margaret Cullum, Sarah Ann Burns, Mary Bruhlmeier, Crescens Edwards, Eveline Malloy, Ann Keely, Eliza Gilligan, Margaret Mulready, Mary Redding, Bridget Connor, Catharine Conway, M.A. Coughlin, Mary McCreary, Lillie Lercher, Christine Wiedeman, Philomena Gnaebel, Josephina Longstreet, Malinda Sutton, Mary A. McKinney, Laura Jones, Caroline Sutton, Hannah Bigam, Mary A. Voorhes, Jennett Gest, Sarah Schade, Maria Anna Johnson, Phoebe Riker, Sarah Jane MarriageYear 1879 1856 1856 1820 1852 1878 1847 1864 1860 1869 1864 1877 1859 1833 1860 1882 1882 1877 1851 1842 1877 1873 1858 1845 1856 1849 1835 1855 1833 1867 1859 1882 1855 1862 1864 1879 1859 1858 1860 1869 1840 1869 1867 1880 1876 1869 1875 1845 1850 1846 1828 1843 Page 149 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. James Episcopal Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Thomas Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Riker, John Riker, John Riker, John Riker, John E. Riker, M.B. Riker, Mahlon Riker, Thomas Riker, William Rilanler, Lambert Rilea, Andrew B. Rilen, Isaac Riles, Daniel Riley, Adam Riley, Adam Riley, Andrew Riley, Benjamin Riley, Benjamin Riley, Bernard Riley, Charles Riley, Charles Riley, Charles Riley, Charles A. Riley, Charles F. Riley, Charles W. Riley, Christopher Riley, Dennis Riley, Edward Riley, Edward Riley, Edward Riley, Frank Riley, George Riley, George L. Riley, Gilbert Riley, Harrison Riley, Henry Riley, Hugh Riley, Irvin Riley, James Riley, James Riley, James Riley, Jesse Riley, John Riley, John Riley, John Riley, John Riley, John Riley, John Riley, John Riley, John Riley, John C. Riley, John C. Riley, John R. Name of Bride Isdell, Mary Jane Martin, Caroline Ham, Margaret Sampson, Margaret Logan, Alice Logan, Alice Bramble, Eleanor Ferris, Rachel Striker, Gesina Weldon, Sarah King, Caroline Golther, Fannie Duncan, Mary Patterson, Eliza McGlinn, Margaret Price, Maria L. Price, Mariah McQuillen, Maggie Sweeney, Mary (Mrs) Turner, Mary Kennedy, Mary Cook, Ella M. O'Shaughnessy, Katie Balsley, Corine Conroy, Bridget Jefferson, Mary Carney, Ann Mitchell, Mary Moloney, Mary Harlow, Bridget West, Cecilia Brown, Sallie Hayes, Belle Spergon, Martha Gorian, Mary Mahon, Ellen Shaw, Nancy Purvis, Elisabeth Kramer, Henrietta Sweeney, Catherine Adams, Lucinda Barnes, Susan Wallace, Helen Jack---, A.F. Padgan, Bridget Lyons, Mary Ann Russell, Elizabeth Kelly, Ellen J. Stewart, Eliza B. Lewis, Martha Baker, Emma Hanly, Catharine MarriageYear 1850 1855 1860 1869 1869 1869 1834 1818 1857 1854 1849 1880 1855 1867 1841 1856 1856 1883 1851 1871 1884 1877 1876 1882 1851 1867 1852 1854 1883 1884 1884 1881 1884 1845 1857 1882 1833 1844 1845 1878 1841 1837 1849 1858 1860 1872 1872 1876 1880 1847 1864 1881 Page 150 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Edward Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. All Saints Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Riley, John W. Riley, John W. Riley, Jonathan Riley, Michael Riley, Michael Riley, Michael Riley, Michael Riley, N.H. Riley, Oliver F. Riley, Patrick Riley, Patrick Riley, Patrick Riley, Patrick Riley, Philipp Riley, Samuel Riley, Shepherd Riley, Shepherd Riley, T.Z. Riley, T.Z. Riley, Thomas Riley, Thomas Riley, Thomas Riley, Thomas Riley, Thomas Z. Riley, Thomas E. Riley, Thomas W. Riley, W.H. Riley, William Riley, William Riley, William Riley, William Riley, William Riley, William H. Riley, William J. Riley, William R. Rilhoter, Bernard Rillias, Jacob Rilmemann, Ludwig Rimeler, August Rimeling, Emil Rimmle, Karl Rimpler, George Rimpler, John L. Rimpler, Wilhelm Rimsal, George A. Rin, William P. Rinck, Carl F. Rinck, Conrad Rinck, Friedrich Rinck, John Rinck, Peter Rincke, Friedrich W. Name of Bride DeArmand, Mary DeArmand, Mary Lamber, Elisabeth Cosgrove, Mary Lyon, Clarissa Mitchell, Sarah Golhin, RoseAnn Smith, Lilla Westwood, Mary A. Hughes, Caroline McEntee, Rose Hunt, Mollie Hickey, Elizabeth Riley, Frances Culbertson, Ella Ward, Harriet Ward, Harriet Watson, Sarah A. Wheeler, Mary Bloomer, Virginia Bowen, Keziah Kirwan, Margaret Sharp, Mamie Wheeler, Mary C. Latham, Sarah M. Terlinda, Catharine Waymore, Esse Ann Flood, Mary Ann Daily, Margaret Sweeney, Margaret Fogg, Sarah Cunningham, Stella Carter, Rosetta Hoban, Gertrude Long, Catharine Kiefer, Richardina Ritter, Barbara Jones, Marsa Gallagher, Mary Maurath, Julia Schaller, Lena Richards, Mattie Mattinger, Elisabeth Fels, Eva Rivers, Alice J. Voses, Mary A. Lahusen, Sophia J. Glessinger, Margaret Kammerer, Barbara Watterich, Emma Bath, Margaretha Helten, Anna Maria MarriageYear 1882 1882 1833 1853 1855 1857 1870 1877 1867 1854 1855 1868 1877 1851 1884 1847 1847 1858 1864 1841 1850 1855 1882 1864 1868 1884 1863 1851 1854 1872 1872 1884 1839 1884 1884 1853 1851 1848 1864 1872 1881 1883 1868 1868 1866 1839 1874 1857 1879 1883 1865 1849 Page 151 10/23/2013 Source Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Thomas Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Edward Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Edward Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rinckhoff, August Rinckhoff, W.H. Rindekoff, Simon Rinderle, Constantin Rinderle, Gabriel Rinderle, Georg Rinderle, Georg Rinderle, George Rindge, C.W. Rindsberg, Joseph Rindsberg, Moses Rindskopf, Jacob Rindskopf, Jacob Rine, William H. Rinear, Samuel Rinear, Samuel Rinear, Steven Rinear, Thomas J. Rinear, W.L. Rinear, Walter K. Rinear, William Rinehardt, John Rinehardt, William Rinehart, David Rinehart, John Rinehart, Joseph Rinehart, William Rinehart, William Rinehart, William Rinehart, William Ring, Charles A. Ring, Daniel Ring, Daniel Ring, George Ring, George Ring, George J. Ring, Johan Ring, Johannes Ring, John Ring, Jonathan Ring, Michael Ring, Moses Ring, Thomas Ringel, Johan Ringemann, Edward Ringemann, Heinrich Ringemann, Joseph Ringen, Gilbert Ringenbach, Eustache Ringenbach, Thibean Ringer, August W. Ringer, Christ. Name of Bride Wellmann, Maria Zeeder, Carrie Heidelbach, Henrieta Heim, Christina Brandstetter, Emilie Messmer, Agatha Karl, Maria Funk, Theresa Morgan, Sarah Goldsmith, Sarah Marks, Barbara Adlea, Fannie Adler, Fannie Collier, Jane W. Enos, Martha ----, Elisabeth Gorman, Mary E. Tumpaugh, Margaret Stevens, Isabelle C. Graves, Ellen F. Pearson, Jane Heron, Susan Gorman, Delia Clay, Lucy Cottam, Margaret Proud, Martha Hoffmann, Ruth Rue, Roxinda Morris, Nancy E. Gee, Lydia Ann Collier, Elizabeth Shea, Catharine O'Sullivan, Ellen Ollja, Minna Waldele, Theresa Scoville, Emily E. Hennessy, Julia Dalton, Amalia G. Night, Margaret Haulborn, Emma Bunke, Bridget Livingston, Jennie Riley, Mary Lutz, Kunigunda Westerhaus, Elis. Schmitz, Bernardina Westerhaus, Dina Domhof, Maria E. Grembechler, Marie Ackermann, Melanie Steinkamp, Carrie Cutter, Julie MarriageYear 1850 1875 1859 1858 1864 1856 1860 1861 1867 1866 1880 1875 1875 1873 1846 1858 1874 1848 1883 1879 1858 1850 1873 1850 1843 1881 1842 1849 1850 1855 1884 1853 1868 1854 1867 1867 1858 1871 1847 1864 1871 1878 1866 1848 1856 1879 1858 1843 1867 1884 1875 1864 Page 152 10/23/2013 Source North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Second Presbyterian Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Salem United Church of Christ Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Rose Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ringer, Joab Ringer, Joabb Ringer, John Ringer, Joseph Ringer, Joseph Ringer, Leonard Ringersen, Otto Ringgold, F.G. Ringgold, John A. Ringhoff, George Ringison, John Ringler, C.L. Ringmeier, Franz Ringold, John Ringsberg, Moses Ringsby, J.F. Ringwalt, Joseph Ringwalt, Joseph Ringwalt, Lansing Ringwalt, Rutgers Ringwolt, Anthony R. Rininger, Halet Rink, Carl Rink, Georg Rink, Johan Rink, Michael Rink, Peter Rink, Peter Rinke, Carl Rinkel, David Rinkel, Theobald Rinkenberger Philipp Rinkenberger, Johan Rinkenberger, Louis Rinkenberger, Philip Rinkenberger, Philip Rinkenmeyer, Heinric Rinkhorst, Ludwig Rinn, Conrad Rinnemann, J.F. Rinner, Karl Rinner, Philipp Rinnfus, Joseph Rinninger, William Rinninsland, H.C. Rinninsland, H.C. Rinninsland, Ludwig Rinsch, John George Rinschler, Anton Rinsford, Thomas Rinter, Christian Rintz, Frederick Name of Bride Ellis, Emeline Ellis, Emaline Patton, Eleanor Kasings, Maria Kasting, Engel Held, Margaretha Miller, Magdalena Gilmore, Clara Miller, Carrie Koenig, Maria Rickert, Theresa Frick, Mary Zwier, Margaretha McMill, Martha Dixon, Alice Randolf, Emma Price, Lizzie Price, Elizabeth Brown, Mary Riely, Rosa Riely, Rosa B. Hopkins, Hannah Fischer, Louise Ries, Elisabeth Biehl, Catharine Miller, Blandina Vierruther, Caroline Bart, Margaretha Kroeger, Brigitta Fuchs, Caroline Haas, Dorothea Gross, Magdalena Stille, Elisabeth Knorr, Katherine Schmidt, Elisabeth Reily, Mary E. Benninghaus, Anna M. Wienke, Anna Maria Romer, Katharina Springmeyer, Minnie Surret, Karoline Weimann, Caroline Schmidt, Barbara Baird, Sarah F. Klein, Rosa F. Klein, Rosa F. Boss, Louisa Eleonor Gashn, Louise Schuh, Wilhelmina Williams, Margaret Haas, Katharine(Mrs) ----, ---- MarriageYear 1854 1854 1852 1846 1849 1847 1884 1857 1880 1873 1860 1867 1860 1857 1874 1882 1860 1860 1867 1871 1871 1853 1884 1882 1857 1861 1862 1865 1868 1855 1853 1846 1856 1874 1858 1883 1846 1842 1854 1875 1860 1874 1844 1858 1875 1875 1883 1859 1844 1844 1862 1869 Page 153 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Luke United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rion, Joseph M. Riordan, Cornelius Riordan, Daniel Riordan, Daniel J. Riordan, James Riordan, Jeremiah Riordan, John Riordan, Michael Riordan, Patrick Riorden, Cornelius Riorden, Dennis Riorden, Joseph Riordon, James Riordon, Timothy Riouffe, Henry Ripke, Heinrich Ripke, Henry Ripking, H. Ludwig Ripley, Charles Ripley, Christian Ripley, Dan. Ripley, George Ripley, Joseph D. Ripley, Michael Riplo, Wilhelm Ripman, Frank Ripolt, John Rippe, John Gerhard Rippel, Emmanuel Rippel, Jacob Rippenberg, Charles Ripper, Georg Ripperger, Adam Ripperger, Adam Ripperger, Joseph Ripperger, Williges Rippet, John Rippey, James Rippey, Wesley Rippmann, David Ripsch, Jacob Ripsch, Jacob Ripsch, Johann D. Riscau, John Theodor Risch, Christian Risch, Heinrich Risch, Heinrich Risch, Herman Rischmann, Johan Rise, Heinrich Riser, Henry Rishell, C.W. Name of Bride Huston, Queenie Ring, Bridget Cotter, Ann Findley, Esther Rigney, Bridget Conalan, Deborah Barron, Mary Ferris, Ellen Clarey, Mary Durken, Ann Carroll, Elisabeth Miller, Mary E. Denoy, Anna Cotter, Margaret Kellin, Lida Grothus, Wilhelmina Ellmann, Elisabeth Hasha, Catharine Foster, Anna Gehrland, Lizzie Hudson, Edith Hallgath, Sarah Gardner, Sarah Ann Stuckenberg, Lizzie Stevert, Gertrud Bates, Mary A. Rice, Amelia Egalite, Margaret Mitchell, Hannah Christopher, Sophia Ziegler, Catharine Batelmann, Christina Hock, Eva Winter, Regina Legner, Frances Steigerwald, Mary Baham, Margaret Barnes, Harriet Weeks, Catharine Singer, Augusta Thornton, Barbara Thornton, Barbara Brown, Caroline B. Kluenenberg, M. Elis Wagner, Katharina Landemann, Elisabeth Diez, Magdalena Schonhuette, Louise Siepen, Gertrud Meilhoff, Maria Wise, Annie K. Harman, S.S. MarriageYear 1873 1853 1856 1883 1858 1852 1853 1851 1869 1849 1854 1857 1851 1854 1862 1868 1875 1871 1884 1877 1883 1843 1835 1882 1849 1875 1844 1884 1850 1860 1847 1857 1843 1843 1855 1881 1862 1852 1845 1859 1877 1877 1875 1838 1858 1846 1848 1873 1881 1848 1882 1878 Page 154 10/23/2013 Source Wesley Methodist Chapel St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. All Saints Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Holy Angels Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Old St. Mary Catholic Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rishell, C.W. Risher, A.C. Risher, Arthur C. Rishley, Elvy Risingsun, Henry Risk, E.F. Risk, E.F. Risk, J. Curtis Risk, J.Curtis Risk, Samuel Risk, Thomas Risley, C.W. Risley, Charles Risp, Conrad Riss, Friedrich Risschan, J. Theodor Risser, Daniel Risser, Daniel Rissey, James H. Rist, Jacob Rist, Jacob Rist, Leonard Rist, Nicholas Risterer, Coelestin Risterer, Lukas Ristermann, Wilhelm Ristori, Cesare Ritchey, J.W. Ritchie, Casper Ritchie, Casper Ritchie, Charles Ritchie, Charles Ritchie, Charles J. Ritchie, Francis Ritchie, Jacob Ritchie, John Ritchie, John Ritemann, Johan Rithaly, Blasius Ritsch, Carl Ritsch, Joseph Ritschen, Peter Ritscherd, Johan Ritschi, Carl Ritt, August Ritt, Nicolaus Ritt, Nikolaus Ritte, Henry Rittenberg, Israel Rittenhouse, Adam Rittenhouse, David Rittenhouse, Edward Name of Bride Harman, E.S. White, Dora White, Dora B. Tibbs, Sarah D. Given, Rebecca Murdock, Jane Murdock, Jane Voss, Annie Vose, Annie S. Mineis, Christina Sharp, Eliza Ann Whittier, Rose Miller, Mary Jane Henninger, Elisabeth Weber, Louise Klunenberg, Elis. Gregory, Harriet Dosch, Carolina Kelly, Mary Loos, Barbara Strieker, Maria Dewald, Regina Baumgardner, Anna Fund, Christina Bierer, Maria Neisen, Maria Giamartini, Adeline Stewart, Martha A. Moore, Elizabeth Moore, Elisabeth Terry, Rebecca Parker, Love Parker, Love M. Cowing, Mary E. Moore, Mary Watt, Maria Anna Smith, Jeanette Bonnet, Maria Anna Enger, Theresa Tiemeyer, Philomena Zammert, Catharina Rainee, Maria Pucher, Margaretha Koch, Elisabeth W. Mueller, Amalia M. Staub, Apollonia Blumhardt, Karolna Schneider, Salome Simmons, Henrietta Steames, Janette McCammins, Sarah Linn, Amanda MarriageYear 1878 1875 1875 1836 1818 1846 1846 1876 1876 1841 1850 1879 1856 1842 1883 1839 1854 1856 1833 1878 1883 1852 1880 1852 1858 1879 1867 1875 1853 1853 1843 1878 1878 1884 1853 1856 1863 1842 1848 1882 1854 1859 1862 1857 1872 1843 1867 1852 1857 1844 1821 1864 Page 155 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Carthage United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rittenhouse, Eli F. Rittenhouse, Erastus Rittenhouse, Freeman Rittenhouse, George Rittenhouse, George Rittenhouse, George Rittenhouse, Hiram Rittenhouse, J.A. Rittenhouse, Jeff. Rittenhouse, John Rittenhouse, John W. Rittenhouse, Joseph Rittenhouse, Joseph Rittenhouse, Lemuel Rittenhouse, Samuel Rittenhouse, T.J. Rittenhouse, William Ritter, Albert E. Ritter, Alexander Ritter, Andreas Ritter, Anton Ritter, Charles T. Ritter, Christian Ritter, Christian Ritter, Christopher Ritter, David Ritter, Eugen Ritter, Ferdinand Ritter, Francis C. Ritter, Francis C. Ritter, Frank Ritter, Frank Ritter, Frank Ritter, Frank Ritter, Frank X. Ritter, Franz X. Ritter, Friedrich Ritter, Friedrich W. Ritter, Georg Ritter, Georg H. Ritter, George Ritter, George Ritter, George Ritter, Heinrich C. Ritter, Henry Ritter, Herman Ritter, Hosea Ritter, Hubert Ritter, Immanuel Ritter, J. William Ritter, J.R. Ritter, James Name of Bride Herakle, Lydia Schroyer, Naomi Robinson, Margaret P Cormick, Elisabeth Farris, Lizzie Pursel, Helen Clark, Elizabeth Kincaid, Libbie Garside, Jennie Bowman, Hester Hayes, Mary J. Skidmore, Charlotte McIntyre, Martha E. Flowers, Mary Layton, Margaret Garside, Jennie Johnson, Caroline Grether, Matilda Kohler, Mary Nubling, Christina Ohnemiller, Catharin Schlicht, Salina Schmidt, Jakobina Wack, Margaret Eckel, Theresa Neubauer, Margaretha Mueller, Carolina Gebbert, Marianna Frazee, Eunice Chatwin, Rebecca Kutz, Margaretha Kutz, Margaretha Rasch, Julia Hayes, Florence Bua, Henrietta Schmidt, Susanna Sauer, Anna Marg. Ensfelder, Maria A. Malzner, Francisca Billemann, Gertrud Wendt, Anna Maria Brill, Carrie Winters, Annie Brubacher, Anna M. Reader, Mary Meyer, Catharine Collins, Rachel Spengler, Margaretha Friedrich, Monika Casser, Anna M. Chambers, Elizabeth Riggs, Nellie MarriageYear 1818 1855 1843 1849 1858 1859 1874 1865 1872 1850 1878 1856 1874 1859 1841 1872 1853 1878 1858 1880 1841 1883 1857 1882 1884 1853 1874 1853 1855 1877 1861 1861 1878 1883 1884 1860 1853 1849 1854 1856 1862 1878 1880 1872 1882 1850 1841 1843 1854 1845 1875 1880 Page 156 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 United Methodist Church - Harrison, Ohio Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. James German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. James German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ritter, Johan Ritter, Johan Ritter, John Ritter, John Ritter, John G. Ritter, Lorenz Ritter, Louis Ritter, Ludwig Ritter, Otto Ritter, Peter Ritter, Philipp Ritter, Rupert Ritter, Sebastian Ritter, Theodor Ritter, Theodor Ritter, William Ritter, William C. Ritter, William R. Ritterath, Peter Ritterhof, Heinrich Ritterhof, Henry Ritterhof, Johan Ritterhoff, J.F. Ritterhoff, John K. Ritterhoff, William Ritters, William E. Ritting, Francis Rittinger, Johan Rittinger, Philipp Rittinger, Theodor Rittmance, Henry Rittmann, Frank Rittmann, J. Fried. Rittweger, Georg C. Rittweger, Philipp Ritty, Franz Joseph Ritz, Alexander Ritz, Joseph Ritz, Joseph Ritz, Leopold Ritze, Erhard Ritzel, Adam Ritzenberger, Joseph Ritzenthaler, John Ritzer, August Ritzer, Joseph Ritzer, Joseph Ritzinger, Johan Ritzler, Andreas Ritzler, Andrew Ritzler, Joseph Ritzweller, Max H. Name of Bride Gutting, Margaretha Veerkamp, Elisabeth Putz, Catherine Mayweather, Ella Mann, Elisabeth Dierauf, Margaretha Drude, Louise Traut, Paulina Klocke, Julia Windergrass, Sophia Martin, Charlotte Schnacher, Anna M. Leigel, Louisa Lindauer, Elisabeth Lindauer, Elisabeth Schwazel, Louisa Aiman, Ann Thierkauf, Anna C. Druhmann, Agnes Mittendorf, Marg(Mrs Heyers, Rebecca Grothaus, Maria Edwards, Katie Pettit, Harriet Gerke, Minnie L. Foley, Maggie Brumler, Elisabeth Schmidt, Philippina Kuckenheim, Rosina Troescher, Kate Hendlon, Maria Kuebler, Katharina Trentmann, Maria Scheinhof, Eva Wal. Langenstrass, Maria Loepker, Philomena Sutterer, Catharina Schmieding, Johanna McMann, Mary Braun, Catherine Lauber, Margaretha Kessen, Maria Anna Wies, Fanny Grannemann, Caroline Benninger, Mollie F. Pfau, Maria Etzel, Friedricka Kunemann, Louise Neff, Rosa Neff, Rosa Brand, Elisabeth Hollstein, Fannie M. MarriageYear 1855 1884 1873 1884 1843 1859 1853 1871 1883 1859 1849 1847 1859 1865 1865 1868 1864 1882 1849 1853 1850 1858 1881 1883 1884 1880 1849 1844 1847 1884 1868 1856 1847 1842 1839 1881 1867 1870 1878 1860 1862 1852 1843 1878 1880 1856 1864 1864 1860 1857 1856 1883 Page 157 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Aloysius on the Ohio Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Michael Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rivers, Francis Rivers, Henry Rivers, Isaac R. Rivers, John Rivers, Joshua Rivers, William M. Rives, Edward Rives, Landon Rivet, Frank Rivoux, Louis F. Rix, Albert Rix, Heinrich Rixe, Henry H. Rixman, Georg Rixmann, J. Gernard Rixse, Albert H. Roa, Francis Roa, Frank Roa, Friedrich Wm. Roa, Martin Roa, Mathias Roa, Nicholas Roa, Nicolaus Roach, Henry C. Roach, James Roach, James Roach, James Roach, John Roach, John Roach, John Roach, John Roach, John C. Roach, John E. Roach, Joseph Roach, Lawrence Roach, Lawrence Roach, Max Roach, Michael Roach, Michael Roach, Michael Roach, Miles Roach, Patrick Roach, Peter Roach, Peter Roach, Redmond Roach, Richard Roach, S. George Roach, Thomas Roach, Thomas Roach, William Roach, William Roach, William Name of Bride Huston, Elisabeth McGrath, Catharine Adams, Honora Adams, Mary Stromp, Permilia Harris, Helen C. Thompson, Marie Watts, Letitia Schwartz, Augusta Isriel, Hester A. Wilbrunne, Margaret Guenther, Christina Hillmann, Emma K. Barnbrook, Mollie Bruns, Wilhelmina Kuehle, Christina E. Volz, Maria (Mrs) Schmer, Katharina Ludwig, Christina Mayer, M. Margaret Schiner, Genofeva Vogel, Dorothea Kolb, Maria McCormack, Millie Gardner, Mary Mooney, Lucy Sullivan, Nora McCaffney, Ann Daily, Hannah Jeffreys, Isabella Cox, Mary Lansdale, Clara Benson, Bertha A. McGrath, Mary Welch, Ann Donnelly, Charlotte McGoff, Ellen Shay, Mary Mullins, Mary Booth, Sarah Carney, Sarah Brown, Margaret O'Neil, Rosa Quinn, Bridget Cunningham, Mary Lavin, Delia Holingshesse, Elis. Woodruff, Elisabeth Carney, Julia Heffernan, Bridget Bryan, Margaret Cassidy, Catharine MarriageYear 1847 1850 1877 1874 1836 1863 1870 1850 1883 1850 1860 1845 1884 1880 1851 1851 1866 1883 1857 1877 1868 1862 1871 1864 1859 1879 1880 1856 1856 1878 1882 1879 1881 1855 1852 1854 1868 1850 1866 1867 1880 1873 1872 1874 1868 1881 1882 1845 1876 1846 1850 1853 Page 158 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Henry Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Holy Angels Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Angels Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church Assumption Catholic Church - Gilbert Ave. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roach, William Roach, William W. Roache, Michael Roades, Samuel Roads, Daniel D. Roaren, John Roark, James Roark, John Roark, Michael Roark, Thomas Roarke, James Roarke, James Roarke, John Roas, Jacob R. Roaset, Sylvester Roasey, Charles Roat, Samuel Roate, John Rob, August Robach, Charles Robaker, Edward C. Robb, Albert Robb, Benjamin Robb, D.T. Robb, David Robb, J.M. Robb, James Robb, James Robb, James M. Robb, James S. Robb, John Robb, Lyman Robb, Mahlon Robbe, Heinrich Robbe, Hermann Robben, Bernard Robben, Bernard Robben, Bernard Robben, Heinrich Robben, Henry Robben, Johan H. Robben, Johan Herman Robben, John Robben, Martin Robber, Heinrich Robbers, J. Gerhard Robbers, Nicolaus Robbert, Gottfried Robbert, Michael Robbiano, Barthol. Robbins, A.H. Robbins, Adam Name of Bride Wetherstein, Rosa King, Charlotte Flynn, Kate Pierson, Rebecca Ann West, Mattie Harrington, Ellen Yates, Margaret Hayden, Rebecca Reynolds, Anne Flinn, Mary Corgin, Ann Sullivan, Honora Walsh, Joann (Mrs) Addison, Mary Mills, Martha Forainer, Mary Crawford, Laura Cedelote, Emma Hoblein, Mary German, Julia Rigney, Margaret A. Robinson, Margaret Shinn, Anna B. Lockwood, Carrie Fitch, Rachel Finley, Kate Smith, Jane Watson, Christina Stevenson, Eleanor Edmonds, Josie C. Boring, Margaret Moore, Mary Rowley, Mary A. Alf, Euphemia Maria Woebkenberg, Bernadine Franz, Adelheid Schnoing, Helen Brune, Maria Schwiters, Maria Hesselbrock, Rosa Ferneding, Bernardin Lampe, Amalia Stephan, Emma Planware, Anna Maria Bruns, Maria Schroer, Elisabeth Moorbrink, Catharine Arnold, Rosina Leitz, Maria Brichetto, Theresa Kennedy, Emma Bishop, Aurelia MarriageYear 1858 1863 1872 1850 1880 1848 1852 1852 1863 1853 1854 1856 1863 1841 1869 1836 1846 1877 1881 1867 1881 1859 1851 1872 1856 1871 1822 1860 1852 1877 1868 1862 1864 1849 1858 1854 1861 1866 1850 1879 1856 1882 1882 1839 1879 1870 1857 1855 1855 1868 1869 1863 Page 159 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Church of the Advent Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Robbins, Andrew Robbins, Asa Robbins, Asa Robbins, Charles Robbins, Charles Robbins, Charles Robbins, Dan Robbins, Edward Robbins, Francis Robbins, Frank G. Robbins, Irwin Robbins, J.F. Robbins, James Robbins, James W. Robbins, John Robbins, John Robbins, Joseph Robbins, Josiah Robbins, Justin Robbins, L.B. Robbins, L.H. Robbins, Oscar J. Robbins, Patrick Robbins, S. Robbins, Samuel Robe, Herman H. Jos. Robelty, Mathias Roberg, Bernard Roberg, Gustav Bd. Robers, Bernard Robers, Bernard Robers, Herman Robers, Johan Robers, John Roberson, Rufus Robert, Adam W. Robert, Fred. Robert, Henry Robert, John Robert, John M. Robert, Joseph H. Robert, Louis Robert, Robert H. Roberts, A.D. Roberts, Alfred C. Roberts, Alfred C. Roberts, Andrew Roberts, Britton Roberts, Charles Roberts, Charles Roberts, Charles Roberts, Charles Name of Bride Moore, A.J. DeSerisy, Lottie DeSerisy, Lottie Glenn, Mary Ann Dumas, Jennie Schuyler, Belle Leverett, Charlotte Harwood, Harriet Tuttle, Sarah Clagget, Fannie C. Cobb, Cassie Imres, Adelia Bierer, Mary Lewis, Ellen Ford, Anna Ford, Annastatia Mallory, Ann Hamilton, Elisabeth Innes, Adelia Coctill, Luella Guy, Sarah Cutler, Fanny Dignan, Margaret Cox, Sallie Semple, Lizzie Essenbeck, M. Elis. Groves, Eliza Jane Beckmann, Maria Fee, Clara Donnenmeier, Margar. Diekmann, Maria Kotte, Margaret Schold, Theresa Grandemann, Rosa Buckingham, Elisabet Crall, Matilda Kennedy, Julia Davis, Ann P. Peipers, Lena Gager, Sophia Giltner, Eliza J. Clark, Ann (Mrs) Burk, Tempy Zahn, Augustina Watt, Mary E. Kraft, Christine Haley, Elisabeth Martin, Hester Ann LeBoutillier, Anne Bolin, Melissa Lindsay, Mary Edgley, Bessie MarriageYear 1857 1875 1875 1850 1869 1873 1819 1854 1843 1859 1862 1876 1848 1863 1850 1850 1851 1846 1876 1878 1874 1884 1856 1876 1864 1836 1867 1874 1882 1864 1871 1870 1849 1879 1861 1869 1879 1864 1867 1874 1862 1836 1822 1870 1876 1883 1876 1843 1848 1864 1877 1878 Page 160 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Trinity Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Atonement Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roberts, Charles Roberts, Charles J. Roberts, Charles J. Roberts, Charles W. Roberts, D.B. Roberts, David Roberts, David Roberts, David Roberts, Ebenezer Roberts, Edward Roberts, Edward Roberts, Edward Roberts, Edward P. Roberts, Elijah Roberts, Enoch Roberts, Frank Roberts, George W. Roberts, H.C. Roberts, H.J. Roberts, Harry C. Roberts, Henry Roberts, Henry J. Roberts, J.A. Roberts, Jabez Roberts, Jacob Roberts, James Roberts, James Roberts, James Roberts, James C. Roberts, Jeremiah Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John Roberts, John A.G. Roberts, John E. Roberts, John W. Roberts, Joseph Roberts, Joseph Roberts, Joseph Roberts, Joseph Roberts, Joseph Roberts, Leonard Name of Bride Burger, Emma LeBoutillier, Anne Edgley, Bessie M. Fulks, Mary Jane Roberts, Ruth Edwards, Elisabeth Murray, Theresa Burns, Mary Covey, Ann Baltazar, Caroline Roberts, Jane Ward, Sally Goble, Mary E. Birdges, Julia Cousins, Sarah A. Ettel, Mary Johnson, Mary Hall, Sallie Eckert, Fannie Dodson, Amelia Strout, Wilhelmina Eckert, Fannie Kinney, Helen Collett, Clara Curtis, Sarah Clear, Mary Rensten, Matilda Cummings, Honora Pater, Sarah F. Mack, Cora Bohn, Nancy Sisco, Rebecca Anderson, Martha Wright, Dorcas Smith, Anna Elis. Tappan, Mary Elis. Hopper, Mary Jane Terry, Susan Williams, Mary S. Mosby, Harriet Morgan, Martha L. Gowen, Matilda Gordon, Eva Kinney, Helen A. Griffiths, Lizzie Phillips, Anna Maria Hughes, Elisabeth Fugate, Francisca Sanders, Eliza Sanders, Eliza M. Selers, Margaret(Mrs Smith, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1883 1848 1878 1862 1873 1847 1864 1866 1846 1852 1860 1877 1884 1849 1873 1881 1850 1883 1877 1876 1855 1877 1867 1875 1847 1836 1842 1858 1882 1879 1833 1838 1840 1842 1846 1847 1857 1858 1858 1869 1872 1873 1876 1867 1874 1844 1837 1851 1869 1869 1875 1836 Page 161 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper North German Lutheran Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Morris Methodist Chapel Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roberts, Leonard Roberts, Lewis Roberts, Louis E. Roberts, Louis E. Roberts, Matthew Roberts, Michael Roberts, Richard Roberts, Robert Roberts, Robert Roberts, S.A. Roberts, Samuel Roberts, Solomon H. Roberts, T.S. Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Timothy Roberts, Turner Roberts, Vincent Roberts, W.L. Roberts, W.L. Roberts, William Roberts, William Roberts, William Roberts, William H. Roberts, William H. Roberts, William H. Roberts, William M. Roberts, Zeb. Robertshaw, James Robertson, Adrian Robertson, Alex Robertson, Alex. A. Robertson, Alexander Robertson, Alexander Robertson, Alexander Robertson, Andrew Robertson, Archibald Robertson, George Robertson, George Robertson, George R. Robertson, Green W. Robertson, Isaac Robertson, Israel Robertson, James Robertson, James Name of Bride McFarland, Margaret Runyon, Mary Chambers, Mary J. Chambers, Mary J. Carpenter, Harriet Wagstaff, Margaret Thomas, Ellen Jones, Charlotte Teichmann, Emma Herron, Margaret Wilkinson, Hannah Rickey, Maria Anna Cameron, Ollie Watson, Maria Jones, Eleanor Doyle, Bridget Bryant, Elisabeth Coffan, Bridget Davis, Catharine McKay, Flora Heimann, Mary Guild, Mary Rodgers, Lavina Wilson, Elisabeth Shoenberger, America Williams, Harriet O. Williams, Hattie Johnson, Sarah Fryer, Dorothea Ann Bramlage, Katie Mitchell, Henrietta Burdsall, Myra Hayes, Nellie E. Evans, Lizzie Thompson, Eliza Kenton, Susan Pittmann, Elisabeth Cundy, Lucy Cundy, Lucy Johnson, Mary Stephenson, Matilda Coleman, Maria Hillmann, Esther Rogers, Mary Ruffner, Ellie Ruffner, Ella Stover, Francis Trotter, Matilda Newman, Rhody Redenbaugh, Elisabet Bennett, Abigail Quinn, Margaret MarriageYear 1850 1835 1882 1882 1853 1849 1854 1833 1875 1878 1845 1851 1882 1837 1843 1843 1845 1851 1853 1853 1857 1862 1821 1834 1876 1875 1875 1842 1842 1879 1864 1876 1882 1870 1873 1857 1859 1881 1881 1848 1855 1871 1880 1872 1862 1862 1871 1844 1825 1843 1843 1868 Page 162 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Church of the Advent St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Edward Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Edward Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Robertson, James L. Robertson, John Robertson, John Robertson, John Robertson, John W. Robertson, Jonathan Robertson, Joseph Robertson, Junius Robertson, Paul H. Robertson, Richard Robertson, Thomas Robertson, W. Robertson, William Robertson, William Robes, Eberhard Robeson, George Robeson, John Robeson, Owen Robess, Henry Robets, Harrie Robey, John C. Robins, Ephraim Robins, Joseph Robins, Luther Robinson, A.F. Robinson, A.R. Robinson, A.R. Robinson, A.W. Robinson, Alexander Robinson, Alexander Robinson, Alfred C. Robinson, Allen Robinson, Allen Robinson, Alonzo Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Andrew M. Robinson, Ansel D. Robinson, Asa Robinson, B.C. Robinson, Benjamin Robinson, Benjamin Robinson, Bradbury Robinson, Bradbury Robinson, Buckner Robinson, Burnett Robinson, Calvin Robinson, Charles Robinson, Charles Robinson, Charles Robinson, Charles Robinson, Charles Robinson, Charles Name of Bride Newell, Minnie Jinks, Ann Edwards, Elisabeth Long, Selina Hull, Mary Davison, Ann Adams, Catharine Perralliat, Angela S Caldwell, Mary L. Cromwell, Virginia McDermott, Mary Morris, Ann Russell, Eliza Burt, Sallie Pohlmann, Gertrud Manet, Cora Williams, F.M. Smith, Louise Ellermann, Mary Dodson, Amelia P. Rouse, Martha Hussey, Asahel Brown, Mary Walsh, Mary Lincoln, Louisa Hurd, Mamie Hurd, M. Gray, Lizzie M. Deevy, Mary Jane Deery, Mary Jane Criswell, Isabella Jones, Mary Jacobs, Hester Bonneville, Deane Henshall, Elizabeth Paine, Maggie T. Gibbs, Hepzebah Williams, Fannie Fox, Jane Ferguson, Rachel Noctor, Anastasia Crane, Mary Crane, Mary Alpin, Harriet J. McMullen, Mary Barns, Sallie Barret, Maria Tuttle, Elizabeth Tuttle, Elisabeth Curry, Rebecca Wheeler, Susanna Green, Jane MarriageYear 1882 1836 1843 1862 1837 1833 1854 1848 1884 1850 1857 1857 1849 1868 1854 1879 1879 1881 1836 1876 1858 1832 1866 1861 1830 1873 1873 1882 1858 1858 1835 1874 1881 1876 1867 1866 1866 1869 1867 1849 1879 1859 1859 1874 1860 1862 1843 1846 1846 1850 1853 1867 Page 163 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Robinson, Charles Robinson, Charles Robinson, Charles B. Robinson, Clint Robinson, Clinton C. Robinson, Corn. Robinson, Cuthbert Robinson, D.K. Robinson, D.W. Robinson, Daniel Robinson, Daniel Robinson, Daniel Robinson, David Robinson, Edward Robinson, Edwin Robinson, Emmett Robinson, Eugene F. Robinson, F.M. Robinson, Frances Robinson, Francis L. Robinson, Frank Robinson, Gabriel Robinson, Gabriel Robinson, Gamaliel Robinson, George Robinson, George Robinson, George C. Robinson, George F. Robinson, George S. Robinson, Harrison Robinson, Henry Robinson, Henry Robinson, Henry Robinson, Henry Robinson, Henry Robinson, Henry Robinson, Henry Robinson, Henry Robinson, Henry Robinson, Henry A. Robinson, Isaac B. Robinson, Isaiah Robinson, J. William Robinson, J.A. Robinson, J.B. Robinson, J.M. Robinson, J.M. Robinson, J.P. Robinson, J.S. Robinson, Jackson Robinson, James Robinson, James Name of Bride Roberts, Minna Freeman, Agnes Robertson, Minnie J. Stevens, Carrie Stevens, Carrie I. McGee, Nannie Bouser, Jane Ann Nesterman, Mary Henon, Florence Pierson, Charlotte Stachhouse, Emeline Gall, Maria E. Gale, Jane Bridge, Mary Mitchell, Carrie Lane, Caroline Leppert, Salome Johnson, P.A. Campbell, Susan Donovan, Lydia Milam, Julia Jacks, Malinda Turner, Elisabeth Newman, Emeline George, Baker, Mary Streelon, Jane Bramble, Lavina Dottmer, Maria Mina Swift, Mary Johnson, Elisabeth Turner, Elisabeth Lowry, Sarah L. McAndrew, Joann Glancy, Josephine Waldon, Mary Bowman, Mary Ann Mauser, Ophelia Walke, Kate Madden, Margaret Dallance, Eleanor Cox, Martha Barrett, Mary J. Williams, Madge Morris, Emily Bakes, Margaret Jones, Margaret J. Hutchison, Lulu Carlie, Hester Coleman, Kate Barnum, Mary Hindley, Mary A. MarriageYear 1877 1879 1874 1876 1876 1881 1836 1874 1884 1829 1840 1858 1835 1865 1864 1882 1883 1858 1859 1833 1844 1836 1842 1854 1864 1880 1837 1872 1879 1881 1846 1847 1848 1848 1848 1854 1858 1863 1882 1873 1874 1855 1877 1877 1860 1847 1855 1874 1855 1862 1843 1853 Page 164 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Church of Our Saviour North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Robinson, James Robinson, James Robinson, James Robinson, James Robinson, James Robinson, James Robinson, James Robinson, James Robinson, James Robinson, James Robinson, James C. Robinson, James C. Robinson, James D. Robinson, James H. Robinson, James J. Robinson, James M. Robinson, James O. Robinson, James R. Robinson, Jeff. Robinson, Jerome Robinson, Jessie Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John Robinson, John B. Robinson, John C. Robinson, John H. Robinson, John H. Robinson, John M. Robinson, John T. Robinson, John W. Robinson, Joseph Robinson, Joseph Robinson, Joseph Robinson, Joshua Robinson, Joshua Robinson, L.C. Robinson, Lafayette Robinson, LaFayette Robinson, Lawrence Robinson, Lawrence Name of Bride McDonough, Elisabeth Quig, Clara Graham, Isabella Graham, Isabella Cheeseman, Lizzie Matthews, Mary E. Johnson, Susan Taylor, Mary A. Delp, Sophia Anderson, Martha Crarey, Mary Ann Gentry, Catherine Downie, Elizabeth G. Fitzpatrick, Elis. Whittaker, Martha Cheeseman, Lizzie H. Johns, Hannah M. Grover, Frances S. Bush, Elisa Kitchen, Mary McKintosh, Belle ----, Catharine Davis, Elisabeth Secret, Julia A. Wilmington, Mary J. McGee, Mary Jane Hays, Lizzie Klise, Elisabeth Martin, Almira Bond, Ellen Gauchan, Mary Bond, Lucy McClelland, Mollie Loemann, Eliza Nickens, Mary Challey, Maria Porter, Margaret Ogden, Amelia Bond, Ellen J. Turner, Caroline Hughes, Ruth W. Grant, Mary Crowder, Maria Markley, Ruth Ann Rusk, Jane Gates, M. Caroline Peacock, Hannah Fox, Jennie Bell, Fannie Autenrieth, Amelia Bateman, Mary Bateman, Mary E. MarriageYear 1854 1866 1867 1867 1868 1875 1875 1878 1878 1879 1834 1875 1856 1883 1850 1868 1876 1883 1875 1868 1877 1821 1832 1838 1846 1846 1849 1849 1849 1852 1854 1858 1862 1872 1873 1834 1835 1845 1852 1867 1831 1876 1846 1847 1864 1849 1852 1867 1863 1881 1877 1877 Page 165 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 7 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Robinson, Lawrence Robinson, Louis Robinson, M.B. Robinson, M.F. Robinson, Marcus Robinson, Marens Robinson, Melvin Robinson, Nathaniel Robinson, Neil Robinson, Neil Robinson, Nicolaus Robinson, Patrick Robinson, Patrick Robinson, R.A. Robinson, Richard Robinson, Richard Robinson, Richard Robinson, Richard Robinson, Richard Robinson, Richard T. Robinson, Robert Robinson, Robert Robinson, Samuel Robinson, Samuel Robinson, Samuel Robinson, Samuel Robinson, Samuel Robinson, Samuel Robinson, Solon Robinson, Stewart Robinson, T.G. Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Thomas E. Robinson, Thornton Robinson, Vickerman Robinson, W.F. Robinson, Webster Robinson, Webster Robinson, William Robinson, William Robinson, William Robinson, William Robinson, William Robinson, William Robinson, William Robinson, William Name of Bride Schaefer, Maggie Neighbors, Elizabeth Ernshaw, Millie Reede, Rachel Housband, Rosa Rokistem, Emily Horton, Emma Schafers, Charlotte Stem, Jessie Stein, Jessie Schnell, Maria Conway, Margaret Carney, Maria Miller, Bella Moore, Louise Dukes, Elisabeth Ann Tongat, Anna Miller, Belle Davis, Maggie Johnston, Jane Mary Wetzel, Margaret Hearne, Elle May Sears, Mary Capp, Lucy Delaroix, Victorine Carr, Mary B. Goings, Fannie Wiggins, M.E. Evans, M. Connor, Margaret Poole, Jeannie Lovejoy, Mary Lovejoy, Mary E. Williams, Mary Robinson, Catharine Guilfoyle, Bridget Wilson, Sarah Wilson, Mary Poole, Jenny F. McCoy, Annie Lear, Theresa F. Bagley, Caroline Seevers, Ann Seever, Anna Ayers, Julia Ann Jitler, Mary Epply, Julia Ann Hawkins, Belinda Lloyd, Catharine Lloyd, Kate McIntosh, Mary Ann Craig, Amanda MarriageYear 1883 1872 1873 1832 1883 1836 1862 1848 1876 1876 1847 1854 1865 1878 1837 1842 1872 1878 1882 1879 1847 1883 1818 1841 1845 1861 1878 1882 1828 1853 1876 1852 1852 1853 1866 1874 1875 1884 1876 1874 1867 1862 1857 1857 1843 1846 1847 1856 1859 1859 1863 1867 Page 166 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 6 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Atonement Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Robinson, William Robinson, William Robinson, William Robinson, William Robinson, William Robinson, William A. Robinson, William H. Robinson, William H. Robinson, William S. Robisch, Charles Robisch, Edward F. Robisch, Joseph Robison, E.L. Robison, Frank Robison, George Robison, James Robison, John Robison, John Robison, John Robison, Joshua V. Robison, Michael Robison, William Robitzer, Friedrich Robotham, Eden Robson, Charles Robson, Clinton Robson, Clinton Robson, George Robson, Henry Robson, James J. Robson, John Robson, William H. Roby, Benjamin Rocap, Eli Rocca, Geacom Roch, J. Balthasar Roch, Johan Roche, David Roche, David Roche, Herman Roche, J.B. Roche, Patrick Roche, Patrick J. Roche, Peter Roche, Thomas Roche, Thomas Rochel, Adolph Rochester, C.H. Rochester, Frank C. Rock, Carl Rock, Carl Rock, George Name of Bride Foster, Lizzie Goldsmith, Mary Orting, Katie Orting, Katie Conway, Julia H. McDonough, Anna Marshall, Mary J. VonSeggern, Sophia Powell, Alice B. Steinauer, Emma Lietz, Caroline Hoer, Catharine Mathews, Rosa Smith, Maria Batese, Susan Courtney, Matilda ----, ---Hull, Mary Doherty, Elisabeth Kinsey, Hannah J. Ginty, Mary Marshall, Henke, Elisa Schoenstedt, Paulina Hammel, Kate Saunders, Sears, Anna H. Steelman, Mary Lynch, Theresa Noonan, Elisabeth Dollers, Elisabeth Parsons, Mary E. Myers, Ella Stake, Catharine Gereno, Maria Heckerauth, Wilhel. Fissler, Johanna Callahan, Catharine Murphy, Mary Dohrmann, Charlotte Logan, Ann Elisabeth Day, Mary White, Elizabeth Toole, Elisabeth Munday, Margaret A. Kehoe, Elizabeth Maier, Elisabeth Carson, Maggie A. Sands, Lizzie Hahn, Eliza Deigendorsch, Maria Fracier, Clara MarriageYear 1876 1878 1878 1878 1884 1881 1853 1881 1881 1884 1880 1884 1876 1867 1869 1839 1824 1837 1841 1819 1849 1853 1856 1878 1862 1853 1864 1834 1881 1879 1853 1857 1877 1849 1860 1850 1852 1856 1858 1872 1858 1854 1878 1855 1849 1861 1878 1867 1882 1863 1866 1881 Page 167 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. George Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Church of the Advent St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Cross Catholic Church Holy Cross Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rockammann, C. Rockefellow, T.P. Rockel, Conrad Rockel, Jacob Rockelmann, H.H. Rockemann, Henry Rockemann, Henry Rockemann, Johan H. Rockemiller, Henry Rockenfeld, Horace Rockenfield, Abraham Rockenfield, Horace Rockenfield, Jacob Rockenfield, William Rockenfuss, Huldrich Rockenfust, Christ. Rocker, Felix Rocker, Johan Rocker, Michael Rockey, Henry Rockey, Henry Rockey, Thomas Rockford, John Rockhill, Edward Rockhill, Edward Rockhill, Edward Rockhold, Z.M. Rockinbick, Christ. Rockingfield, John Rockney, Henry Rocko, Luigi Rockwell, Charles H. Rockwell, Henry Rockwood, C.A. Rockwood, Charles Rockwood, Nathan Rocky, Andrew Rocof, Eli Rodabaugh, John Rodabaugh, Peter Rodan, Theodore Rodan, Theodore Rodd, Friedrich Rodde, Edmund Roddert, Friedrich Roddin, William Roddy, Charles Roddy, Daniel Roddy, Henry Roddy, Hugh Roddy, James Roddy, John Name of Bride Geaseken, Friedricka Dair, Katie Hubert, Maria Zepfenfeld, Augusta ----, ---Tumann, Anna Jackson, Annie Wilke, Christina Triselmann, Sophia Wells, Hattie B. Johns, Mary Wells, Hattie Samm, Hannah Fries, Ann Fullroth, Maria Blogens, Johanna Hilder, Christine Haller, Margaretha Heidle, Catherine Ruffin, Mary Perry, Margaret J. Glab, Eva Fitzpatrick, Mary Eby, Florence Eby, Florence Eby, Florence Stansbury, Mary A. Brady, Maria Hildreth, Asenath Perry, Margaret Brizzolari, Augusta Moulton, C.S. Hopper, Louise Cunningham, C. Barker, Chaloner, Anna Elis. Bilby, Elizabeth Landis, Anna Maria Crane, Sarah Jane Fields, Mary Jane Glasgow, Kate May Glasgow, Kate May Pinternella, Charlot Bollinger, Elisa Gerders, Anna Martin, Susan Casey, Bridget McCarthy, Alice E. Walsh, Margaret Fagin, Maria McCrea, Mary Murphy, Mary MarriageYear 1874 1873 1854 1882 1859 1859 1877 1851 1853 1878 1842 1878 1833 1882 1849 1859 1836 1856 1882 1820 1851 1851 1852 1879 1879 1879 1880 1864 1834 1851 1859 1880 1847 1882 1853 1843 1864 1864 1855 1847 1883 1883 1861 1858 1857 1839 1850 1882 1881 1871 1852 1882 Page 168 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. James German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Christ Episcopal Church St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Atonement Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roddy, Martin Roddy, Martin J. Rode, Johan Rode, John Rodecker, John B. Rodecker, Matthias Rodefahr, Heinrich Rodefeld, A. Rodefeld, Henry Rodefeld, J Heinrich Rodefeld, Johan H. Rodefer, Christopher Rodefer, George H. Rodeger, Robert Rodehuser, Francis Rodekamp, Gerhard Rodemann, Georg Rodenbeck, Fred. Rodenbeck, Friedrich Rodenbeck, Johan H. Rodenberg, Christian Rodenberg, Friedrich Rodenberg, Friedrich Rodenberg, Heinrich Rodenberg, Herman H. Rodenberg, William Rodenkercher, Christ Roder, Carl Roderick, John Rodershauser, Christ Rodersheimer, Casper Rodes, Morris Rodes, Norris F. Rodesheimer, Jacob Rodewald, August Rodger, John N. Rodgers, Charles Rodgers, Charles Rodgers, Charles E. Rodgers, J.W. Rodgers, John W. Rodgers, Joseph Rodgers, Samuel Rodgers, Thomas Rodgers, Walter Rodifer, Charles T. Rodifer, Joseph Rodig, F.G.R. Rodin, James Rodine, William Rodinghaus, Henry Rodler, John Name of Bride Sullivan, Honora Todd, Mary C. Seelinger, Margaret Kanis, Louise Pfifer, Caroline Martin, Elisabeth Troescher, Adaline Roemmich, Carrie Timm, Carrie B. Meyers, Maria Mollenkamp, Anna M. Smith, Elisabeth Jones, Lizzie Frey, Lena Vos, Anna Maria Gramann, Anna M. Bratenmacher, Chris. Runge, Amelia Chairsell, Matilda Grobmeier, Bernardin Frank, Mary Horstmann, Maria Lammel, Jeanette Lindemann, Emilia Detmering, Caroline Arnold, Lizzie Feuer, Louisa Klinger, Lewis, Joanne Neuhaus, Louisa Krampfer, Barbara Marsh, Sallie Marsh, Sallie F. Kampfer, Louise Lang, Dora Watt, Anna J. Fallis, Hattie Jackson, Math. Kincaid, Jessie Henderson, Fannie S. Gallagher, Belle Dunn, Clarinda Mills, Elisa A. Price, R.A. Bowen, Margaret McCune, Sarah Loomis, Susan Schenning, Auguste Maguire, Ann Hinton, Matilda Fischer, M. Agnes Stupping, Magdalena MarriageYear 1869 1879 1835 1877 1870 1842 1870 1875 1880 1848 1846 1841 1864 1868 1868 1849 1848 1883 1877 1848 1868 1858 1865 1858 1882 1869 1883 1856 1856 1872 1863 1881 1881 1857 1870 1875 1857 1876 1884 1877 1874 1856 1861 1857 1820 1875 1835 1884 1853 1820 1872 1856 Page 169 10/23/2013 Source St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Boniface Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Camp Washington United Church of Christ Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Church of Our Saviour St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Wesley Methodist Chapel St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rodler, John Rodman, Frank K. Rodmann, Heinrich Rodmann, Heinrich B. Rodmann, Johan Rodocker, Jacob Rodocker, William Rodriquez, Francis Rodriquez, Francis Roe, Benjamin Roe, Benjamin Roe, Daniel Roe, David Roe, Edwin Roe, James Roe, John Roe, John J. Roe, M.A. Roe, Mathias Roe, Peter Roebel, Engelbert Roebel, George Roebling, H.C. Roeckemann, Albert Roeckemann, Christ. Roeckemann, Johan H. Roecker, Heinrich Roeckers, Bernard Roedel, Jacob Roedel, Jakob Roedel, Michael Roedemeister, Frank Roeder, Albert Roeder, Cal. Roeder, Georg Roeder, Johan Roeder, John Roeder, Joseph Roeder, Joseph Roederer, Anton Roederer, Johan Roederer, Joseph Roedersheimer, Mich. Roedig, Wenzel Roedter, Heinrich Roedter, Simon Roege, Heinrich Roeger, John Roegge, Ernst Roegge, Gerhard H. Roegge, Heinrich Roehe, Johan Heinric Name of Bride Lorenz, Anna Margar. Archer, Zonana E. Kaufmann, Caroline Seybers, Maria Anna Erhardt, Justina Craig, Crecy Ann Bell, Mary Magine, Mary J. Maggini, M Josephina Cox, Rose (Mrs) Cox, Rose (Mrs) Ma---, Mary Tidd, Mary Hayden, Mattie Dorthey, Margaret Wright, Martha Ann Wright, Martha Knapp, Minnie Daller, Lena Quinn, Mary Fridmann, Barbara Geiger, Marie Brooks, Theodosia Bonny, Rosie Evers, Louise Webke, Justina Klisner, Maria Willenborg, Maria E. Beierle, Katie Wolfer, Maria Sengel, Caroline Schneider, Augusta Griese, Ida Lanterlack, Caroline Pink, Margaretha Mueller, Christina Ilstrots, Christina Schoenstein, Agatha Zimmerer, Balbina Zuz, Maria Anna Ill, Wilhelmina Eckerle, Anna Wagoner, Barbara Lang, Barbara Lempert, Theresa Leiner, Maria Anna Lilie, Maria Dressenberger, Marg. Arnold, Louisa Ninker, Anna Maria Roker, Catharina Siemers, Josephina MarriageYear 1882 1883 1854 1854 1872 1827 1824 1844 1844 1882 1882 1824 1860 1878 1871 1837 1837 1880 1877 1850 1852 1866 1863 1882 1854 1851 1866 1863 1884 1857 1847 1875 1878 1874 1853 1877 1845 1846 1884 1853 1876 1875 1861 1883 1842 1846 1856 1843 1875 1847 1862 1868 Page 170 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 North German Lutheran Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roehl, Andrew Roehle, Martin Roehlfe, Fred Roehll, Adolph Roehlmann, Wilhelm Roehm, Johan Roehm, Johan Georg Roehm, John G. Roehm, John G. Roehm, John Simon Roehm, John Simon Roehr, Dietrich Herm Roehres, Heinrich Roehrs, Heinrich Roelf, Nilson Roelfer, Heinrich Roelfson, William Roeling, Edward Roeling, Wilhelm Roelke, Georg W.H. Roelke, Heinrich Roelker, Ferdinand Roelker, Frank Roelker, Frederick Roelker, Friedrich Roelker, Heinrich Roelker, Henry Roelker, Johan G. Roelker, Johan Heinr Roell, Charles Roell, Christoph Roell, Heinrich Roell, Joseph Roell, Martin Roeller, Friedrich Roeller, Friedrich Roeller, Fritz Roelofson, Frederick Roelsch, Johan Roemer, Christian Roemer, Francis Roemer, Heinrich Roemer, Heinrich Roemer, Henry Roemer, Herman Heinr Roemer, J. Bernard Roemer, Johan Heinr. Roemer, Joseph Roemer, William Roemhild, William Roemler, C.O. Roemmelmeyer, Evan Name of Bride Albert, Catharine Eckstein, Anastasia Buhler, Elizabeth Gall, Kate Westbrock, M. Anna Schwuerger, Mary Keller, Fridolina Ginandt, Mary A. Ginandt, Mary Soldermann, Anna Brodbeck, Mary (Mrs) Drees, Catharina M. Michel, Maria Pape, Friedricka ----, ---Beckerstel, Catharin Avery, Emily Miszler, Anna Becker, Wilhelmina Bode, Caroline Schroeder, Elisabeth Helling, Emma Knapp, Regina Greene, Catharine Hastings, Emily Meyers, Wilhelmina Meyer, Elisabeth Moellers, Maria Steinkamp, Regina M. Schillinger, Magdal. Roell, Margaretha Boehne, M. Caroline Wirthlein, Carolina Fleckstein, Maria Fritz, Rosina Friedel, Maria Bonham, Henrietta Bruce, Emily Mueller, Margaretha Emigholz, Betty Bleckmann, Gertrud Brinning, Maria Anna Ernst, Elisa Barg, Lizzie S. Trimpe, Maria Agnes Griefenkamp, M Agnes Sannerhaus, M. Agnes Thorner, Friedricka Hunt, Mary Ann Kienzle, Ottilia Setz, Maria Thomas, Mary A. MarriageYear 1856 1846 1877 1880 1863 1859 1846 1874 1874 1867 1877 1841 1857 1868 1851 1852 1853 1880 1868 1849 1859 1884 1883 1853 1846 1849 1852 1853 1842 1883 1850 1855 1871 1842 1866 1873 1857 1861 1855 1865 1839 1843 1859 1882 1842 1838 1839 1842 1834 1882 1872 1881 Page 171 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Louis Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Mark German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Camp Washington United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church Pearl St. Methodist Chapel HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roemmelmeyer, Evan Roemmich, Charles Roemmich, W.J. Roenitsch, Valentin Roepkig, Johan Hein. Roesch, Albert Roesch, Anton Roesch, Boniface Roesch, Friedrich Roesch, Georg Roesch, Henry Roesch, Johan Roesch, Johan Roesch, Johan Roesch, John Roesch, Joseph Roesche, Carl F.G. Roesche, Charles H. Roesche, Georg W.A. Roeschmann, Bernard Roese, August Roese, Balthasar Roese, Balthasar Roese, Georg Roese, Johan Wilhelm Roesener, Heinrich C Roesener, Louis F. Roeser, Gottfried Roeser, Gottlieb Roesing, Adolph C. Roeslein, Johan Geo. Roesner, John Geo. Roesser, George Roessler, Johan Roessler, Ludwig Roessner, Johan G. Roester, Andreas Roester, Friedrich Roester, Ludwig Roetele, Sebastian Roetelle, Joseph B. Roeter, Heinrich Roetger, Gerhard H. Roetger, Heinrich Roetger, Mathias Roethig, Richard Roetken, Henry Roetker, Herman Roetker, William Roettcher, Heinrich Roettcher, Louis F. Roetteher, Wilhelm Name of Bride Thomas, Mary A. Deprez, Catherine Mueller, Maria Weiss, Margaretha Kockmeier, Maria C. Schmitt, Mary Schropp, Barbara Fiedler, Maria Kungler, Mary (Mrs) Wetzel, Maria Braun, Mary Hofer, Catharina Kassler, Maria Killing, Theresa Stegmann, Josephine Mullen, Mary Meyer, Anna Marg. Strietmann, Mollie Stroetker, Charlotte Stratmann, Catharine Sirrmann, Lena Heister, Margaret Wall, Marie (Mrs.) Altemann, Maria Wolf, Mary Stritthorst, Doroth. Lehmann, Pauline Kark, Louise Vogt, Catharine Hammer, Johanna Eger, Francisca Fischer, M. Josephin Daniel, Mary Busch, Carolina Scharf, Katharina Eberhard, Katharina Pertze, Helena ----, ---Steichheim, Dora(Mrs Sauer, Christina Liechart, Maggie Koester, Elisabeth Koberg, Catharine Mastbaum, Maria VonderHeide, A Maria Mueller, Theresa Miller, Christina Asbre, Anna Margaret Bollayann, Sophia Grottendieck, Kath. Riefle, Wilhelmina Walkenhorst, L.(Mrs) MarriageYear 1881 1877 1868 1883 1854 1875 1857 1865 1875 1865 1883 1853 1869 1869 1879 1883 1853 1882 1866 1842 1864 1846 1863 1847 1851 1854 1882 1876 1883 1854 1867 1875 1884 1860 1867 1857 1864 1855 1878 1865 1884 1857 1867 1867 1854 1867 1857 1851 1864 1862 1881 1872 Page 172 10/23/2013 Source Pearl St. Methodist Chapel St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter Catholic Church - Lick Run St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Luke United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church First United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Boniface Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roettele, August Roettele, Herman Roettele, Herman Roettger, Clement Roettger, Francis Roettger, Frank Roettger, Wilhelm Roettger, Wilhelm Roetting, Herman Roetting, Theodor Roettinger, Phil Roettinger, Philip Roettker, Clement Roettker, J. Gerhard Roettker, Ludwig Roevele, Jacob Roever, Alfred T. Roewekamp, Bernard Roewekamp, Bernard Roewekamp, Bernard Roewekamp, Heinrich Roewekamp, Henry Roewekamp, John Roewer, Bernard R. Roewer, Friedrich Roewer, Heinrich Roewer, Wilhelm Roewormann, Henry Rofelty, Christopher Rofelty, Washington Rofelty, William Rofelty, William Roff, August Roff, Charles Roff, Ferdinand Roff, John Roff, John Roff, William W. Roffell, Tobias Rogan, John Rogan, John Rogan, John Bill Rogan, Patrick Rogar, John H. Roge, Wilhelm Rogen, Thomas Roger, Andreas Rogerman, Christoph Rogerman, Herman Rogers, Adolphus Rogers, Albert Rogers, Alfred Name of Bride Biegler, Margaret Harter, Mary Roettele, Lena Niehoff, Catharine Warning, Elisabeth Toppie, Maria Regina Takelberg, Charlotte Mensendieck, Elis. Moeller, Agnes Willmoeller, Cath. McChesney, Ella McChesney, Ella A. Wellmann, M. Francis Hagemann, A.M. Meyer, Maria Mack, Johanna Elzner, Alvina Gehrs, Elisabeth(Mrs Hoesping, Louisa Brinker, Elisabeth Oost, Anna Nieporte, Josephine Kluene, Mary Elis. Hoffmann, Gesina Otting, Wilhelmina Jaenki, Christina Thiede, Wilhelmina Hoelscher, M. Elis. Wood, Sarah Lawrence, Maria Markland, Catherine Markland, Catharine Bolser, Hester A. Reider, Mary Fuller, Louise Meyer, Sophia Sullivan, Sallie Spranger, Hoppy Ann Spencer, Anna J. Kemper, Mary J. Kemper, Mary J. Kemper, M. Josephine Murphy, Margaret Richter, Mary Landwehr, Louisa Wade, Honora Herbermann, M. (Mrs) Schroer, Elisabeth Frazier, Florence E. Beers, Addie Sharydon, Mary Dixon, Louise MarriageYear 1880 1879 1880 1865 1854 1849 1849 1870 1874 1850 1879 1879 1874 1857 1856 1866 1882 1852 1857 1884 1853 1882 1880 1855 1852 1854 1867 1884 1859 1864 1848 1848 1879 1859 1846 1852 1875 1834 1884 1873 1873 1873 1857 1877 1871 1866 1867 1882 1881 1858 1856 1846 Page 173 10/23/2013 Source Camp Washington United Church of Christ St. Bonaventure Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Clement Catholic Church St. Clement Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Zion German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Church of the Advent All Saints Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rogers, Alfred Rogers, Andrew Rogers, Andrew J. Rogers, Barney Rogers, Charles Rogers, Charles Rogers, Charles Rogers, Charles E. Rogers, Charles H. Rogers, Clark Rogers, D.L. Rogers, Daniel Rogers, Daniel D. Rogers, David Rogers, Dominick Rogers, E.P. Rogers, E.P. Rogers, Ed. P. Rogers, Edmund Rogers, Edward Rogers, Edward J. Rogers, Edwin Rogers, Fenton C. Rogers, Fenton C. Rogers, Francis Rogers, Frank J. Rogers, George W. Rogers, H.D. Rogers, H.V. Rogers, Harry Rogers, Henry Rogers, Henry Rogers, Henry P. Rogers, Hiram Rogers, James Rogers, James Rogers, James Rogers, James Rogers, James B. Rogers, James C. Rogers, James F. Rogers, James G. Rogers, James R. Rogers, James W. Rogers, Jarvis Rogers, John Rogers, John Rogers, John Rogers, John Rogers, John Rogers, John Rogers, John Name of Bride Doxon, Louisa Whipple, Harriet Gold, Mary B. Noonan, Mary Newcomb, Caroline Ammann, Addie Kirgen, Sallie Phillips, Susan Ammann, Minnie Markland, Anna Maria Ebersole, Annie Moores, Adalaide Harris, Rachel Sefton, Harriet Mulvany, Bridget Crithfield, Narcissa Crilifield, Narcissa Stribley, Mary Gild, Celia Stribley, Mary Merriman, Ellen B. Mendenhall, Mattie Bonner, Katie Bonner, Katie Briggs, Jane Morris, Rebecca Brecount, Ruth Reynolds, Adelia Holliday, Emma Holliday, Emma Stop, Anna Shillito, Mary W. Shillito, Mary W. Harding, Cordelia D. Kerr, Adaline McMillan, Mary Kenna, Marcella Malloy, Mary McBride, America McGroarty, Ellen Wedgewood, Mattie A. Schatzman, Lena Loveridge, Maria J. Snider, Anna Paxton, Louisa Larone, Rebecca Bradley, Jerusha Shane, Mary Jane Shane, Mary Jane Irwin, Elisabeth Tyrrell, Mary Joshnway, Ann MarriageYear 1846 1833 1880 1851 1863 1884 1884 1832 1880 1847 1851 1872 1837 1825 1850 1868 1868 1877 1837 1877 1873 1876 1874 1874 1849 1883 1843 1863 1857 1857 1860 1875 1875 1833 1846 1849 1852 1865 1854 1860 1873 1880 1858 1879 1864 1839 1839 1847 1847 1851 1855 1861 Page 174 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper All Saints Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Church of the Advent Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Second Presbyterian Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Christy Methodist Chapel Madisonville United Methodist Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Court House Marriage License HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rogers, John Rogers, John Rogers, John David Rogers, John G. Rogers, John G. Rogers, John W. Rogers, John W. Rogers, Joseph Rogers, L.L. Rogers, Leander E. Rogers, Levi Rogers, M.T. Rogers, Martin Rogers, Martin Rogers, Michael Rogers, Michael Rogers, Nathaniel Rogers, Nicolaus Rogers, Patrick Rogers, Patrick Rogers, Patrick Rogers, R. Rogers, Robert Rogers, Robert Rogers, S.W. Rogers, Samuel Rogers, Samuel J. Rogers, Spry H. Rogers, Sylvester Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Rogers, Thomas C. Rogers, Thomas E. Rogers, Timothy Rogers, W.A. Rogers, W.W. Rogers, Werner Rogers, William Rogers, William Rogers, William Rogers, William Rogers, William Rogers, William A. Rogers, William H. Rogers, William J. Rogers, Wilson Name of Bride Noland, Hester A. Knight, Louise Kratz, Katie Davison, J.M. Davison, Ida M. Fowkes, Mary E. Salahger, Bell McIlvain, Mary Wright, Ida Hammitt, Lidia Ebersole, Anna Huling, Anna B. Reilly, Mary Riley, Mary Markey, Bridget Sheridan, Catharine Evans, Sarah Nichols, Lucinda Tracy, Ellen Quigley, Honora Doherty, Anna Miller, Catherine Miller, Catharine J. Evans, Katie C. Ross, Sue M. Elter, Carolina Evans, Martha Druhart, Deborah Butts, Tabitha Cortelyou, Ann Lyons, Winnie Cook, Mary Carney, Bridget Zanone, Annie Zanoni, Anna Demand, Ella Davis, Mary A. Demand, Helen Cook, Mary J. Flynn, Bridget Smith, Elisabeth Bateman, Anna E. Burge, Emma Gildea, Ellen Leard, Hannah Shelton, Emmeretta Bateman, Anna Elis. Bansar, Martha L. Sillman, Eleanor Alberts, Sadie R. Kilso, Lina Chadwick, Mary Jane MarriageYear 1862 1864 1880 1879 1880 1874 1874 1846 1882 1883 1851 1875 1852 1852 1849 1865 1826 1863 1851 1857 1863 1850 1850 1884 1858 1869 1853 1852 1861 1865 1870 1870 1873 1874 1874 1876 1879 1876 1870 1850 1837 1858 1871 1848 1852 1855 1858 1869 1884 1875 1880 1866 Page 175 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 United Methodist Church - Harrison, Ohio Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 9 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Sacred Heart Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Second Presbyterian Church First English Lutheran Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rogers, Wilson Rogg, Charles Rogg, Charles Rogge, Albert Rogge, Heinrich Rogge, Wilhelm Roggenkamp, Bernard Roggenkamper, Heinr. Roggenkemper, Hein. Roggenkemper, Joseph Roggs, William Roh, Herman Rohan, Frank S. Rohan, Thomas D. Rohanan, David Rohaus, Friedrich Rohback, Albert S. Rohda, John F. Rohde, Bernard Rohde, Emil Rohde, George Rohde, Heinrich Rohde, J. Luke Rohde, Johann H. Rohdes, John Rohe, Anton Rohe, August Rohe, Bernard Heinr. Rohe, Christian Rohe, Clemens Rohe, F. Heinrich Rohe, Fr. H. Rohe, Frank Henry Rohe, George Rohe, Heinrich Rohe, Heinrich Rohe, Herman Rohe, John G. Rohe, John R. Rohe, Joseph Rohe, Joseph Rohe, Joseph A. Rohenkamp, Edward Rohenkohl, Johan Rohi, John Henry Rohkass, August Rohland, Georg Rohler, Joseph Rohlfer, Joseph Rohlfing, Carl Fried Rohlfing, Christian Rohlfing, Christian Name of Bride Chadwick, Mollie Metzler, Magdalena Berberich, Mary Ruffert, Ottilie Wuelzer, Maria (Mrs) Meyers, Sophia Brinkmann, Catharina Boecker, Maria Engel Enneking, Agnes Geil, Rose Icher, Elizabeth Schwoerer, Magdalena Tringer, Clara F. Baker, Anna Bardsley, Mary Miller, Verrinda Buttles, Evaline Habermeier, Dina Rothert, Maria Manger, Elisa (Mrs) Rossback, Louise Luellmann, Magdalena Stenken, Tobina Schermann, Maria Graff, Mary Meyer, Anna Maria Burckhauf, Mary Petri, Catharina(Mrs Doellmann, Christina Niemeier, Christina Tepe, Anna Maria Tabel, Josephina M---, Anna Hoedebeck, M. Elis. Hergenruther, Marg. Eichner, Margaretha Brummer, Maria Kath Heckermann, Emma Helms, Caroline Bremer, Maria Angela Kruse, M. Elis. Schuler, Clara Luhmann, Elisabeth Kuhlmann, Maria Garthaus, Mary Husner, Ella Behrand, Ada Rickersheuser, Barb. Rohlfer, Anna Jungblut, Friedricka Schmidt, Dorothea L. Rohlfing, Sophia MarriageYear 1866 1872 1874 1883 1874 1869 1858 1856 1861 1884 1874 1859 1875 1880 1858 1884 1871 1852 1865 1881 1883 1866 1863 1879 1875 1857 1876 1861 1884 1880 1858 1849 1860 1879 1843 1876 1869 1883 1853 1848 1861 1873 1873 1865 1881 1873 1866 1852 1884 1844 1847 1848 Page 176 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Bonaventure Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Henry Catholic Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Immaculata Catholic Church St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Luke United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. Philomena Catholic Church Immaculata Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Boniface Catholic Church St. Boniface Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rohlfing, Christian Rohlfing, Christian Rohlfing, Harry A. Rohlfing, Heinrich Rohlfing, Wilhelm Rohlfing, Wilhelm Rohlfing, William Rohlfs, Hermann Rohlhepp, Georg Rohling, Bernard A. Rohling, Bernard Hy. Rohling, Bernard Hy. Rohling, Clemens Rohling, Friedrich Rohling, George Rohling, Henry Rohling, Henry Rohling, Johan H. Rohling, John Rohlmann, Bernard H. Rohls, Heinrich Rohlson, Johan Rohm, Georg Rohm, John Rohman, Theodore Rohmann, Adam Rohmann, Anthony Rohmann, Anton Rohmann, Bernard Rohmann, Carl Rohmann, Francis J. Rohmann, Frank Rohmann, Friedrich W Rohmann, Georg Rohmann, Heinrich Rohmann, Herman Bd. Rohmann, Johan Rohmann, John Rohmann, Joseph Rohmann, Peter Rohmer, Friedrich Rohn, Adam Rohn, George Rohn, John Rohn, Philipp Rohner, Frank Rohner, Friedrich Rohner, Richard Rohner, Richard C. Rohol, Bernard Rohr, Conrad Rohr, Daniel Name of Bride Andreas, Elisabeth Kahna, Louise Seery, Julia E. Niemann, Christina Rohlfing, Sophia L. Schwankhaus, Dina Moss, Lizzie Willer, Louise Schimmelpfennig, M. Quient, Bernardina Soehring, M. Anna Eggert, A. Caroline Bohmann, Helen Wernies, Elisabeth Schuster, Cecilia Rohling, Mary Lampe, Louisa Koehne, Maria Anna Hothert, Bernardina Buehner, Cath. (Mrs) Imsande, Sophia(Mrs) Menkhaus, Maria Kahn, Mary Schwinger, Mary Dengler, Mary Baum, Maria Schuhmacher, Anna Gensheimer, Francis Schasor, Maria Hessel, Bernardina Hudepohl, Wilhelmina Singer, Mary Willmann, M. Louise Weber, Maria Althammer, Carolina Kedeler, Catharina Meiser, Margaretha Pfeiffer, Katie Ordhaus, Helena Mueller, Rose Boning, Maria Reintel, Margaretha Loy, Annie Miller, Maria Findling, Maria Benninger, Mary Ann Pressler, Rosa Brinkmann, Bernardin Brinkman, Mary B. Feder, Catherine Guenther, Louise Rothert, Amalia MarriageYear 1848 1856 1877 1856 1849 1853 1873 1884 1849 1872 1870 1873 1880 1882 1880 1872 1879 1851 1881 1855 1865 1884 1859 1859 1872 1863 1880 1878 1861 1868 1849 1857 1851 1870 1873 1839 1863 1879 1858 1877 1883 1856 1883 1882 1846 1860 1884 1859 1859 1870 1866 1872 Page 177 10/23/2013 Source St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Paul Lutheran Church - Madisonville Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Sacred Heart Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Bonaventure Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O North German Lutheran Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Michael Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Lutheran Church - Madisonville St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Catholic Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rohr, Ignatz Rohr, John Rohrbach, Wilhelm Rohrbacher, Christ. Rohrbacher, Paul F. Rohrbacher, Philipp Rohrer, Christian Rohrer, Georg Rohrer, Henry Rohrer, Jacob Rohrer, John Rohrer, Samuel Rohrkasse, Friedrich Rohrkasse, Friedrich Rohrkasse, Friedrich Rohrkasse, Johan H. Rohrmann, Bernard Rohrs, Johan Fr. Rohs, Charles Rohs, Johan Rohs, John Rohsener, Heinrich Rohsmann, Johan Rohsmann, W. Roht, Friedrich Roisans, William Rojan, Heinrich Rojer, Gerhard Henry Rokle, Jacob Roland, Jacob Roland, Michael Roland, William Rolandelli, Jerome Rolands, William Roley, Thomas H. Rolf, Bernard Rolf, Friedrich Rolf, Friedrich Wm. Rolf, Georg Rolf, Heinrich Rolf, Heinrich Rolf, Heinrich Rolf, Hieronymus Rolf, Johan Rolf, Robert Rolf, Wilhelm Rolf, Wilhelm Rolfe, John Rolfer, Heinrich Rolfer, Joseph Rolfers, Bernard Rolfers, Herman G. Name of Bride Neidhart, Maria Kramer, Adeline Lips, Maria K. Beltz, Barbara Ehrmann, Louise Hessler, Carolina Gutyard, Elizabeth Cutler, Eliza Harp, Sarah D. Oberle, Sophia Doll, Mary Finck, Mary Fenkhaus, Louise Kostermann, Margaret Beckmann, Henrietta Peper, Caroline Paphorn, Maria Gammelin, Anna Stackhouse, Emma Norgengost, Barbara Waggoner, Margaretha Bauckens, Margaret Schmidt, Albertina Leidthner, Elisabeth Alt, Maria Coleman, Margaret Schumacher, Dorothea Schaefer, M. Cath. Rist, Elizabeth West, Cynthia Ann Flynn, Bridget Mulcare, Catherine Rolandelli, Maria Evans, Mary Hollen, Keziah Barlage, Elizabeth Meyer, Maria Kampschmid, Maria Kammann, Louisa Wolke, Maria Kammann, Sophia Rapp, Anna Gesker, Catharina Tormoelen, Anna Jackson, Ann Stockhof, Bernardina Tipker, Anna Clark, Mary Schloemer, Anna Rolfer, Anna Wilke, Bernardina Ritter, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1854 1860 1857 1869 1851 1840 1868 1849 1880 1882 1880 1879 1848 1849 1851 1846 1860 1859 1879 1864 1849 1851 1872 1852 1872 1860 1861 1870 1880 1841 1856 1878 1874 1846 1883 1849 1862 1857 1865 1869 1872 1873 1863 1853 1845 1856 1866 1855 1858 1884 1881 1853 Page 178 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Michael Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. George Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Salem United Church of Christ St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Clement Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. North German Lutheran Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rolfes, Carl Heinric Rolfes, Christian Rolfes, Christian Rolfes, Franz Rolfes, Friedrich Rolfes, Gerhard Rolfes, Heinrich Rolfes, Heinrich H. Rolfes, Henry Rolfes, Henry Rolfes, Johan Rolfes, Johan Rolfes, Johan Fried. Rolfes, Johan Heinr. Rolfes, Johan Herman Rolfes, John Rolfes, John F. Rolfes, Theodor Rolfes, Wilhelm Rolfing, Engelbert Rolfing, Heinrich Rolfmeier, Herman H. Rolfs, Bernard Rolfs, John Rolfs, Rudolph Rolfsen, Bernard Rolfsen, Bernard Rolfsen, Johan Hein. Roling, Bernard H. Roling, Heinrich Roling, Henry Roling, J. Gerhard Roling, J. Hermann Rolker, John H. Rolker, Valentin Roll, Roll, A.R. Roll, A.R. Roll, C.E. Roll, Carl Roll, David Roll, David Roll, Ebijah Roll, Edgar C. Roll, Edward Roll, Edward Roll, Edward Roll, Edward C. Roll, Edward C. Roll, Georg Roll, George Roll, Henry Name of Bride Toelking, Catharina Clarenaar, Maria Weisenfeld, Elisabet Storch, Maria Ostendorf, Louisa Meyers, Louisa Franz, Maria Elis. Helmig, Magdalena Schrand, Helen Schildmoeller, Anna Grote, Maria Helena Gellenbach, Rosa Schulte, Anna Maria Rolfes, Bernardina Meyer, Rosina Schmidt, Elizabeth Kintzlip, Frances Baumer, Carolina Knapp, Elise Vennewold, Elisabeth Bohn, Maria Dammermann, Cath. M. Borlage, Elisabeth Koring, Mary Melcher, Catharina M Moorkamp, Margaretha Krolage, Elis. (Mrs) Brockamp, Agnes Finke, Anna Maria Brinkers, Maria A. Burwinkel, Elisabeth Imbusch, Anna Maria Miller, Anna Maria Costello, Margaret Lauterbach, C. (Mrs) Jones, Polly Smiley, Dotte B. Smiley, Dollie Freon, Sarah Croissant, Friedrica Leinhard, Maria Zunftmeister, Jos. Crane, Nancy Peterson, Sarah E. Riddle, Eliza Jane Riddle, Elis. Jane Gorman, Josephine Kelley, Julia Ann Otto, Caroline Mohr, Elisabeth Carver, Anna M. Wells, Anna E. MarriageYear 1855 1857 1861 1856 1869 1869 1875 1882 1881 1884 1867 1876 1845 1861 1857 1864 1880 1873 1882 1860 1858 1836 1849 1871 1841 1849 1852 1847 1852 1846 1877 1850 1867 1872 1874 1823 1878 1878 1857 1853 1840 1869 1868 1879 1846 1846 1873 1836 1856 1849 1879 1856 Page 179 10/23/2013 Source Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Henry Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Henry Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Henry Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Carthage United Church of Christ Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Martin German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roll, Henry Roll, Henry J. Roll, Isaac Roll, James Roll, James Roll, James Roll, James W. Roll, John Roll, John Roll, Louis Roll, Martin Roll, Mathias Roll, Michael Roll, Paul Roll, Peter G. Roll, Philipp Roll, Reuben Roll, Reuben Roll, Richard E. Roll, S.V. Roll, Samuel Roll, Samuel B. Roll, Silas Roll, Theodor H. Roll, Theodore Roll, Thomas Roll, Washington Roll, Washington M. Roll, Wick Roll, William Roll, William Rollart, Friedrich Rolle, Charles Rolle, Ernst G. Roller, Christian Roller, E.B. Roller, George Roller, George W. Roller, Philipp Roller, Warren F. Roller, Warren T. Roller, William T. Rollert, John Rolleston, William Rolling, Basil Rolling, Bernard Rolling, Gerhard H. Rolling, Heinrich Rolling, Herman Rollings, James Rollins, James Rollins, R.J. Name of Bride Dorne, Sarah ----, ---Coats, Edna Boswell, Catharine McCormick, Ann Weathered, Lue Weatherhead, Susan Miller, Hannah Cranson, Diantha Schmitt, Margaret Preston, Abigail Miller, Ann Smith, Nancy Bettinger, M Theresa Newell, Sarah Jane Lochkinfin, Barbara Moore, Catharine A. Smith, Sarah Davison, Mattie E. Knof, Nancy Mundy, Mary Young, Matilda J. Runyan, Jennie Callander, Eliza E. Hearley, Elizabeth Switzer, Amelia Brashears, Sallie Brashears, Sarah A. Rott, Sallie M. George, Margaret M. Blackburn, Katie Brose, Mary Beis, Minnie Riehl, Catharina Laechle, Louise Wrightenbauth, Char. Laufer, Margaret Bacon, Hester Schaefer, Maria Wilson, Lizzie Barnes, Abbie Reeder, Ella A. Hesler, Minnie Longfellow, Clara Schmidt, Maria Westrich, Rosalia Pengemann, M. Adel. Settlage, Gertrud Mueller, Maria Anna Byers, Elizabeth Thompson, Emma Johnson, Susan MarriageYear 1872 1851 1882 1856 1861 1867 1867 1844 1844 1879 1855 1844 1851 1837 1836 1848 1851 1866 1884 1834 1857 1873 1856 1868 1882 1850 1876 1876 1868 1847 1874 1836 1883 1860 1858 1864 1850 1852 1868 1878 1880 1884 1881 1882 1868 1871 1840 1840 1867 1850 1842 1874 Page 180 10/23/2013 Source St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses West Cincinnati Presbyterian Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Zion German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Luke United Church of Christ St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. James German Evangelical Church Wesley Methodist Chapel St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rollins, Willis Rollison, Thomas C. Rolliston, Thomas Rollmann, Isaac Rollmann, Johan Rollo, Eugene D. Rolls, James Rolls, Lewis Rollwage, Fritz Rollwage, Lewis Rolof, John Roloff, Friedrich Rolper, Heinrich Rolsen, Bernard Rolsen, Bernard Rolsen, F. Rolsen, Henry Rolster, Heinrich R. Rolston, William Roltger, August W. Rolver, Francis Rolvers, J. Gerhard Rolves, J. Wilhelm Rolves, Wilhelm Rolves, Wilhelm Rolwing, Bernard H. Rolwing, Johan H. Rom, Georg Rom, Johan Joseph Rom, Joseph Rom, Joseph Roman, John Roman, John A. Romanowicz, Lucas Romath, Joseph Rombach, Albert A. Rombach, Andreas Rombach, August Rombach, Charles Rombach, Charles Rombach, Gerson Rombach, Karl Romben, Anthony Romberger, Andreas Rombone, Garrett Romeier, Wilhelm Romeis, Heinrich Romeiser, Peter Romeni, Johan Romer, Alexander Romer, Conrad Romer, Georg Name of Bride Simonton, Margaret Chumley, Martha Chumley, Mattie Wertheimer, Lina Hackmann, Elisabeth Faris, Amanda M. Campbell, Mary Goins, Theresa Kibers, Ernestina Rohlfing, Elisabeth Frazer, Jane Getz, Wilhelmina Leas, Elisabeth Wismann, Elisabeth Wernsing, Maria Mitchell, Lena Luecking, Angela E. Voin, M. Christina Dunlop, Katie Laverrie, Caroline Temaat, Bernardina Pund, Anna M. (Mrs) Walters, M Catharina Uphoff, Elisabeth Meyer, Catharina Krenlage, Elisabeth Bracke, Gesina Ponatz, Theresa Tressler, Barbara Roth, Sophia Mehienfeld, Maria Nombach, Barbara Martin, Eliza A. Hauser, Anna M. Gele, Elisabeth Baumgaertner, Sarah Schutte, Magdalena Peters, Belbina Ricard, Josephine Ricard, Josephine Held, Agatha German, Julia Hleck, Carol Hoffmann, Rachel Conrelly, Mary S. Fenker, Louise Hoppmann, Catharina Lenkerstorfer, Gert. Theler, Johanna Donaldson, Matilda Wilrich, Augusta Schayer, Anna M. MarriageYear 1856 1865 1865 1850 1839 1868 1835 1846 1849 1853 1841 1844 1834 1855 1884 1882 1880 1849 1862 1876 1868 1854 1855 1838 1843 1853 1853 1844 1862 1865 1867 1858 1871 1859 1867 1880 1858 1875 1858 1858 1855 1867 1847 1868 1837 1856 1841 1858 1851 1852 1870 1866 Page 181 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Nast Memorial Methodist Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Romer, James Romer, Johan Fried. Romer, John H. Romer, John H. Romer, Valentin Romes, George Romes, Heinrich Romey, Thomas Romig, Johan Andreas Rominger, Jacob Romloch, Joseph Rommeihs, August Rommeihs, Carl Rommeihs, Otto Rommers, John H. Rommich, Heinrich Romminger, Carl Romweber, Anton Romweber, Anton Ron---, James Ronaldson, Thomas Ronan, Edward Ronan, James Ronan, John Ronan, John Ronan, John Ronan, Matthew Ronan, Maurice Ronan, Patrick Ronan, Patrick Ronan, Timothy Ronar, William Ronayne, Justin Ronde, Gerhard Rone, Patrick Roney, F.B. Rongger, Martin Rongger, Reget Ronker, Bernard Ronland, James R. Ronnald, Jacob Ronnamaker, William Ronnamaker, William Ronnebaum, F. Henry Ronnebaum, Ferdinand Ronnebaum, Ferdinand Ronnebaum, Francis Ronnebaum, Francis Ronnebaum, Heinrich Ronnebaum, Heinrich Ronnebaum, Heinrich Ronnebaum, Heinrich Name of Bride Jones, Amanda Kraemer, Catharine Seals, Agnes M. Heuer, Catherine Storch, Margaretha Matthias, Katharina Merkhofer, Catherina Hart, Sarah Jane Fink, Magdalena Fritz, Katharina Hormann, Josephine Brinkers, Maggie Brautigam, Frances Kuhn, Maggie Flanagan, Nellie Nieter, Maria Deifer, Elisabeth Brockmann, Catharine VonHandorf, Maria A. Harrison, Nancy Ross, Mary A. Jones, Allie Ronan, Anastasia Connor, Catharine Wheeler, Mary Powers, L. Delaney, Ann Flevehan, Rose Ann Burke, Kate McGraw, Ellen Flannery, Ellen Conway, Julia Agnes Hassett, Mary Ann Arns, Anna Maria Rigney, Catharine Smith, Amanda Peicherr, Frances Seiger, Catharine Moeller, Bernardina Campbell, Margaret Trout, Phoebe Holmes, Elizabeth Holmes, Elizabeth Lake, Mary Frances Elbert, Elisabeth Ankebruck, Maria Schaffstall, Clara Trennekamp, Maria A. Reutemann, Elisabeth Frilling, Clara Bollmann, Angela Herbes, Christina MarriageYear 1881 1845 1879 1882 1851 1881 1869 1859 1847 1855 1863 1884 1880 1878 1882 1860 1858 1842 1862 1818 1855 1879 1843 1854 1866 1870 1849 1846 1862 1878 1852 1874 1855 1860 1851 1873 1855 1855 1864 1870 1832 1884 1884 1877 1857 1861 1849 1849 1840 1850 1852 1859 Page 182 10/23/2013 Source Wesley Methodist Chapel Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Sacred Heart Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ronnebaum, Heinrich Ronnebaum, Herman Ronnebaum, Herman Ronnebaum, Herman Ronnebaum, J Bernard Ronnebaum, J. Henry Ronnebaum, Johan Bd. Ronnebaum, Johan H. Ronnebaum, Johan H. Ronnebaum, Johan H. Ronner, Daniel Ronninger, Georg Ronse, James Ronse, Joseph W. Ronsheim, Ephraim Ronsheim, Joseph Ronsheim, Joseph L. Ronsheim, William Roof, Joseph Roof, William Rook, Charles Rook, John Rook, Rufus Rooken, James Rooker, J.J. Rooks, Johan Room, William Roone, George Roone, Heinrich Rooney, Edward Rooney, Edward Rooney, George Rooney, George F. Rooney, George F. Rooney, Henry Rooney, Jacob Rooney, James Rooney, James G. Rooney, John Rooney, Martin Rooney, Peter Rooney, Thomas Rooney, Thomas Rooney, Thomas M. Rooney, William H. Rooney, William H. Roony, Martin Roos, Carl Roos, Charles Roos, Christian Roos, Ernst Roos, Franz Name of Bride Meyer, Wilhelmina Busch, Maria (Mrs) Dodt, Josephina Putthoff, Carolina Michael, Anna Maria Harman, M. Elis. Meyer, Maria Maehler, Anna Maria Feldmann, Agnes Thedick, Mina Page, Mary Koehler, Elisabeth Whitten, Elvira D. Graham, Anna L. Star, Amanda Stein, Rika Ronsheim, Fannie Aub, Theresa Sweitzer, Caroline Harley, Mary A. Noll, Mary Garrison, Leah Wolf, Barbara Lyle, Jennie Lyle, Jennie Hays, Sara Dailey, Mary Campbell, Barbara Maass, Anna Leddy, Catharine Sullivan, Mary Finnegan, Mary Galloway, Eva Galloway, Eva Canfield, Dorothy E. McGuire, Mary Dempsey, Elisabeth Mahoney, Catherine M Landrigan, Mary Lyons, Sarah Sheridan, Frances Haut, Sarah Jane Morrissey, Bridget Costigan, Catherine Farraday, Susanna Farraday, Susanna Murray, Mary Salm, Amalia Tilken, Louisa Leuner, Amalie Deppe, Amalia Rittinger, Catharine MarriageYear 1875 1855 1864 1867 1841 1871 1867 1835 1844 1849 1853 1848 1883 1884 1874 1855 1882 1875 1854 1851 1875 1819 1881 1857 1857 1873 1872 1850 1874 1855 1864 1850 1883 1883 1843 1864 1834 1883 1850 1851 1849 1859 1867 1882 1884 1884 1858 1874 1876 1880 1867 1870 Page 183 10/23/2013 Source St. Henry Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John the Baptist Catholic Church York St. Methodist Chapel York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Boniface Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel St. Thomas Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roos, Fred Roos, Friedrich Roos, Friedrich Roos, George Roos, Johan Roos, Johan Roos, Johan Roos, Joseph Roos, Joseph Roos, Michael Roos, Nicolaus Roos, Nicolaus Roos, Valentin Roosa, Andrew Roosa, George L. Roosa, J.P. Roosa, John T. Roosa, Menard Roose, John Root, Daniel Root, Edward Root, Frederic Root, Frederick W. Root, James Root, Lewis Roots, D.T. Roots, Philander Roots, Thomas Rooy, Cornelius Rooy, Marinus Ropes, Samuel Ropp, Friedrich Roppe, Theodor Roppelberger, Tobias Roppelt, Johan Roppert, Johan Roquat, Philipp Rorer, Edward Rorhm, Martin Rorig, Heinrich Rork, Daniel Rork, Daniel C. Rork, Frank Rork, George W. Rork, William Rorlofson, William Rors, Clemens Rosamire, John Rosborough, William Rosbrough, William Roschang, George Roschenbeck, Frank Name of Bride Koch, Kavana Becktholt, Barbara Bechtold, Maria Mueller, Caroline Schaefer, Maria Frank, Rosina Schrantz, Barbara Lux, Agatha Seifried, Catharine Grotenthaler, Barb. Kastlehan, Elisabeth Koehler, Barbara Eischler, Margaretha Shafer, Mary A. Lay, Katie C. Roos, Charlotte Patton, Elisabeth McMichael, Altha Davison, Catharine Marty, Sarah Ann Bunyan, Mary Smith, Fannie Smith, Fannie Baxter, Almira Sweetser, Clara Foster, May Brown, Susan Turvin, Mary L. Breiner, Margaretha Reemtsma, Eliza Breeland, Maria Heerdt, Caroline Koehler, Angela Stilwell, Elisabeth Streng, Anna Maria Herrmann, Agnes Kilian, Louise Marsh, Helen Schmidt, Anna Ewighaus, Bertha Morgan, Charlotte Worthmann, Dora Vosberg, Sallie Rivers, Jennie Bailey, Margaret Avery, Emily Moormann, Gertrud Peake, Esther Mahard, Mary Ayres, Hannah Welzanback, Elis. Fickers, Adelheid MarriageYear 1874 1864 1869 1883 1849 1854 1878 1838 1842 1866 1850 1851 1857 1852 1882 1875 1842 1882 1869 1837 1862 1874 1874 1843 1868 1883 1837 1849 1867 1875 1822 1879 1863 1841 1866 1842 1853 1852 1851 1867 1847 1874 1859 1867 1850 1853 1851 1868 1833 1823 1880 1851 Page 184 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Church of the New Jerusalem Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 First German Presbyterian Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses First United Church of Christ St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Catholic Church - Dry Ridge Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Court House Marriage License Christy Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roschenkamper, Bd. Roschenkemper, Hein. Roschenkemper, Johan Roschkin, Eugene Rose, Rose, Abraham Rose, Adelman Rose, Andrew Jackson Rose, Arthur Rose, Ben. W. Rose, Bernard Rose, Bernard Rose, Bernard Rose, Charles Rose, Charles L. Rose, Christian F. Rose, Ennis Rose, Erasmus Rose, Francis Rose, Francis A. Rose, Franz Henry Rose, G.L. Rose, George Rose, Harrison Rose, Heinrich Rose, Henry Rose, Henry Rose, Henry Rose, Herman Rose, Hezekiah Rose, Hilbert L. Rose, Hugh R. Rose, Isaac Rose, Jacob A. Rose, James Rose, Jasper A. Rose, Jesse Rose, Johan Bernard Rose, Johan G. Rose, Johan Heinrich Rose, Johan Heinrich Rose, Johan Peter Rose, John Rose, John Rose, John Rose, John Rose, Joseph Rose, Joseph J. Rose, Joseph Johan Rose, Joseph M. Rose, Leopold Rose, Lovell C. Name of Bride Griese, Maria Hildenbeck, Gertrud Schulte, Maria Anna Gregg, Clara E. Kuhn, Sarah Mole, Blandina Pruden, Mattie Punch, Lue Hamilton, Anna Voris, Lizzie Friehl, Adelheid Dalhus, Christina Overberg, Elizabeth Wrie, Martha LaFaver, Alice Shomaker, Maria Brigman, Kate Kuhn, Sarah Wang, Magdalena Orr, Sarah Jane Welling, M. Cath. Kelley, Mollie Edington, Alice Day, Martha T. VonBrocke, Elisabeth McCormick, Anna Friedman, Millie Hoffstedde, Cath. Nabers, Adelheid Humphreys, Mary Ann Kelly, Mary E. Wolcott, Catharine Harvey, Pfiermann, Carol. S. Henderson, Sarah Neave, Emily Williams, Susanna Schawing, Anna Follkomner, Anna Vornbrocke, Antoinet Kasting, Louise M.E. Bruns, Maria Elis. Douglass, Jane Crosley, Belinda Dwyer, Ann Hidden, Carrie Siefert, Barbara Poehner, Barbara Grothian, Hanna R. Irwin, Rachel Stricker, Jette Gibson, Lucy A. MarriageYear 1859 1850 1854 1883 1849 1819 1855 1866 1868 1880 1857 1862 1871 1852 1878 1844 1880 1849 1838 1848 1878 1876 1844 1853 1847 1854 1873 1882 1857 1867 1876 1832 1825 1869 1846 1867 1843 1868 1868 1859 1864 1847 1823 1847 1853 1872 1850 1878 1872 1821 1850 1882 Page 185 10/23/2013 Source Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses St. Rose Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses All Saints Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rose, Ludwig Rose, Nathaniel Rose, Oliver Rose, Peter Rose, Samuel Rose, Samuel Rose, Samuel David Rose, Samuel S. Rose, Stites Rose, Theo. M. Rose, Theo. M. Rose, Thomas Rose, Thomas Rose, Thomas Rose, Thomas Rose, Thomas Rose, Thomas Rose, Thomas S.B. Rose, Timothy Rose, Valentine Rose, Valentine Rose, William Rose, William Rose, William S. Rosebaum, B. Roseberry, Isaac Rosebone, John Roseboom, H.C. Roseboom, Joseph Roseboom, William Roseboom, William Rosecrans, J.W. Rosecrans, William Rosel, Bernard Rosel, J. Rosell, W.M. Roseman, James Rosemeier, Friedrich Rosemeier, Henry Rosemeier, Johan H. Rosemeyer, August Rosemeyer, Clement Rosemeyer, Friedrich Rosemeyer, Heinrich Rosemeyer, Johan H. Rosen, Gerhard Henr. Rosen, James Rosen, John Rosen, John Rosen, John Rosen, John B. Rosen, Nathan Name of Bride Wernitscheck, Barb. Byington, Elisabeth Williams, Maria Brentel, Elisabeth Neis, Maria McMackin, Josephine Enge, M. Emma (Mrs) Geraldine, Caroline Hughes, Lydia Schrock, Luella Schrock, Luella Fawcett, E. Drake, Rebecca Drake, Rebecca Toland, Catharine Ward, Clarinda Hazen, Fannie Hazen, Fannie J. Little, Susan Mayhew, Jane Mayhew, Jane Bulter, Emma Shannon, Josephine Williams, Lena R. Rauh, Carrie Bellew, Nancy Ann Hole, Phoebe Roberts, M.A. Moore, Amanda Bacon, Mary L. Mason, Ollie Bussell, Hellen C. Austin, Sarah Krolage, Mary E. Farrell, Emiline Jones, Laura Nailor, Abbey Froehle, Maria L. Peckskamp, Elisabeth Kretimeier, Maria C. Fiesting, Theresa Holthaus, Bernardina Daly, Hanna Bauland, Catharina Bierhorst, Anna M. Lacke, G. Adelheid Fitzhugh, Elizabeth Foil, Catharine Ryan, Frances Breidenstein, Mary VonLehmen, Elisabeth Cohen, Fannie MarriageYear 1847 1842 1849 1864 1852 1867 1866 1840 1827 1875 1875 1836 1848 1848 1864 1875 1878 1878 1858 1857 1858 1869 1879 1874 1879 1833 1819 1868 1850 1846 1870 1877 1851 1852 1873 1873 1858 1854 1875 1858 1867 1851 1859 1865 1846 1852 1872 1842 1851 1869 1878 1884 Page 186 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper North German Lutheran Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Morris Methodist Chapel Morris Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Second Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Union Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Salem United Church of Christ Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Anthony Catholic Church - Madisonville Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rosenacker, Andreas Rosenacker, Andreas Rosenacker, August Rosenacker, August Rosenacker, Francis Rosenacker, Frank Rosenacker, Jacob Rosenbaum, Aaron Rosenbaum, Alfred Rosenbaum, Edward G. Rosenbaum, Elias Rosenbaum, Heinrich Rosenbaum, Israel Rosenbaum, Johan H. Rosenbaum, Johan H. Rosenbaum, Julius Rosenbaum, Meyer Rosenbeck, Charles Rosenbeck, William Rosenberg, Alexander Rosenberg, Heinrich Rosenberg, Jacob Rosenberg, Joseph Rosenberg, Julius Rosenberg, Julius Rosenberg, Lewis Rosenberger, Alex. Rosenberger, Ernst Rosenberger, Gabriel Rosenberger, Georg Rosenberger, Gustav Rosenberger, John Rosenberger, Leonard Rosenberger, Nichol. Rosenblatt, David Rosenblum, H. Rosenboom, B.H.M. Rosenboom, Daniel Rosenburgh, Johan Rosenbusch, Ben Rosenbusch, Johan Rosendaal, Johan Hy. Rosener, Baptist Rosener, John Roseners, John Henry Rosenfeld, Albert Rosenfeld, August Rosenfeld, Heinrich Rosenfeld, Isaac Rosenfeld, Joseph Rosenfeld, Sam. Rosenfeld, Solomon Name of Bride Hust, Theresa Doll, Antonia Kindel, Maria Albersman, Bridget Doll, Emma Roerber, Louisa Rosenacker, Caroline Krause, Katharina Schuster, Carrie Schuette, Clara M. Rosenbaum, C. Apping, Anna Kohleman, Mollie Callmaner, Maria E. Deppe, Catharine M. Joachim, Mary March, Laura Leak, Emma Hafer, Anna Frank, Henrietta Lahmering, Henriette Seinsheimer, Bertha Kahn, Rachel (Mrs) Finck, Sybilla Ford, Maggie E. Fechheimer, Bettie Kaufmann, Babette Herzog, Elise Cohen, Minchen Popp, Margaretha Leser, Barbara Coleman, Mary Dieck, Maria Stadtmueller, Barb. Bloch, Sarah Bennett, Rebecca Hitze, Josephine Wycoff, Mollie Theland, Sophia W. Stiefel, Sarah Gerdson, Maria Niese, Maria Elis. Spaeth, Ann Joyce, Mary Hermmelings, Carolin Goldsmith, Sophia Kattelmann, Sophia Meyer, Marie Kutz, Babette Hirsch, Sabina Lanser, Henrietta Jacobi, Rosa MarriageYear 1859 1869 1869 1881 1865 1872 1883 1864 1884 1856 1879 1863 1880 1836 1854 1869 1866 1877 1883 1855 1856 1875 1882 1849 1883 1873 1842 1867 1859 1868 1867 1880 1849 1846 1880 1884 1882 1877 1853 1876 1851 1875 1860 1866 1847 1856 1869 1863 1857 1860 1875 1861 Page 187 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Sacred Heart Catholic Church St. Boniface Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Second German Presbyterian Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 North German Lutheran Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Salem United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Court House Marriage License HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rosenfelder, A.J. Rosenfelder, Franz J Rosenfelder, Louis Rosenfield, Morris Rosenfield, Moses Rosengarn, J Gerhard Rosenheim, Bernard Rosenheim, Isidor Rosenkranz, D Christ Rosenmeyer, August Rosenmeyer, Frank F. Rosenmeyer, Frank F. Rosenplaenter, Chas. Rosenplaenter, Karl Rosenstein, Meyer Rosenstiel, Lewis Rosenstiel, Matthias Rosenstiel, Matthias Rosenstock, Morris Rosenthal, August Rosenthal, Carl Rosenthal, Charles Rosenthal, Christoph Rosenthal, G. Rosenthal, Heinrich Rosenthal, Henry Rosenthal, Isaac Rosenthal, Joseph Rosenthal, Louis Rosenthal, Myer S. Rosenthal, Nathan Rosenthal, Samuel Rosenthal, W.H. Rosenthaler, David Rosenthaler, Lewis Rosenviech, Mathias Rosenze, Enrico Rosenzi, Enrico Roser, Christian Roser, Ferdinand Roser, Georg Roser, Johan Roser, Joseph Roser, Ludwig Rosevelt, C.W. Roseyboom, Daniel Rosfeld, Heinrich Rosfelder, Georg Rosing, Anton Rosing, Anton Rosing, Frederick Rosinski, Rudolph Name of Bride Curry, Mary Lohne, Mary Willinger, Minnie Ottenheimer, Julia E Strauss, Hannah Hofkamp, Anna Cath. Eisenheimer, Jeanete Wagner, Carrie Boulkan, M. Sophia Tusting, Theresa Kelly, Elizabeth Kelly, Elizabeth Gehuer, Barbara Haemann, Katharina E Heiser, Henrietta Menkin, Rosina Bachmann, Catharine Bachmann, Catharine Loeber, Elisabeth Aber, Friedricka Preier, Gertrud Naegle, Isabella Frechmann, Henrietta Stevel, Elisabeth Storch, Johanna Fleischmann, Esther Rosenthal, Betty Adler, Celia Morris, Hannah Cohen, Marion Bernheim, Regina Bann, Fanny Oppenheimer, Henr. Bettman, Bertha Rindskopp, Anna Schussele, Maria Hyams, Isabella Hyams, Isabella Koch, Dina Kramer, Gertrud Kiefer, Sophia Waibel, Johanna Freye, Anna Maria Sailer, Sophia Olenne, Kate Harrison, Mary Vockenholz, Maria Seichel, Balbina Krusemeier, Theresa Meyer, Anna Maria Semmeling, Gerretge Fisch, Mina MarriageYear 1875 1855 1880 1874 1876 1850 1859 1883 1843 1867 1879 1879 1860 1860 1874 1846 1864 1864 1857 1846 1857 1873 1850 1856 1874 1856 1883 1873 1856 1877 1857 1860 1856 1874 1849 1870 1877 1877 1866 1853 1860 1868 1852 1858 1877 1846 1838 1870 1857 1868 1857 1857 Page 188 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Salem United Church of Christ Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper First German Presbyterian Church First German Presbyterian Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roskin, Henry Roslein, George Rosmalski, Peter Rosmeier, Jacob Rosnagel, Samuel Rosnagel, Samuel Rosnagle, Isaiah Rosnagle, Isaiah Rosport, Michael Ross, A.L. Ross, A.N. Ross, Abner Ross, Abraham Ross, Albert Ross, Albert Ross, Albert Ross, Alexander Ross, Alvah Ross, Andrew Ross, Andrew Ross, Anton Ross, Apollos Ross, Arthur Ross, Bernard Ross, Brooks Ross, C.S. Ross, Charles Ross, Charles Ross, Charles Ross, Charles Ross, Charles Ross, Charles A. Ross, Charles B. Ross, Charles J. Ross, Daniel Ross, Daniel Ross, Daniel Ross, David Ross, E. Ross, E.E. Ross, Edgar E. Ross, Edgar U. Ross, Edwin L. Ross, Elmer Ross, Elmer E. Ross, Emery Ross, F. Ross, Franz Ross, Franz Ross, Frederick Ross, Friedrich Ross, Friend Name of Bride Maline, Josephine Kelhmeier, Anna M. Abt, Clementia Haussermann, Anna Lacony, Catharine Duncan, Elisabeth Johnson, Emily Johnson, Emily Burgert, Amalia Brown, Harriet Dodd, Louisa Jane McCreary, Emma Crossman, Catherine Rogers, Louisa Rogers, Louise J. Kirschner, Bettie J. Brown, Mary Whitehead, Abaline Dailey, Martha Ann Sayers, Julia Kuefer, Elisabeth Campbell, Anna Elis. Bonsall, Caroline Kempe, M. Gertrud Ridlin, Elisabeth ----, ---Conklin, Harriet Carroll, Eliza Carroll, Eliza Anson, Emma Warner, Julia Walton, Mary A. Hohner, Margaretha Ennis, Elizabeth Gittier, Mary Louise Keller, Margaretha Seufer, Mathilda Heckler, Barbara Porter, Catharine Davis, Emma Haines, Susannah Raikes, Anna B. Weiler, Francis S. Cole, Eva Cole, Eva L. Ogden, Elizabeth Dicks, Catharine Berberick, Julianna Berberick, Julianna Dicks, Catherine Macke, Elisabeth Clemmer, Mary MarriageYear 1835 1848 1881 1878 1842 1852 1873 1873 1871 1857 1845 1877 1836 1858 1858 1878 1859 1843 1841 1863 1882 1844 1867 1851 1836 1862 1835 1859 1859 1864 1869 1883 1881 1882 1843 1865 1884 1849 1869 1882 1884 1874 1884 1880 1880 1848 1834 1860 1860 1834 1877 1860 Page 189 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Stanislaus Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christy Methodist Chapel Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Trinity Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Luke United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 First English Lutheran Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter Catholic Church - Lick Run St. Peter Catholic Church - Lick Run Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Court House Marriage License HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ross, Georg Ross, Georg Ross, Georg Ross, Georg Ross, George Ross, George Ross, George Ross, George Ross, George B. Ross, George E. Ross, George F. Ross, George Henry Ross, George W. Ross, George W. Ross, Gerhard Ross, Gerhard Herman Ross, Hamer Ross, Heinrich Ross, Heinrich Ross, Henry Ross, Henry Ross, Henry Ross, Henry E. Ross, Herman Ross, Hiram Ross, Hiram Ross, Isaiah Ross, Isom Ross, J.B. Ross, J.B. Ross, J.M. Ross, Jacob Ross, James Ross, James Ross, James D. Ross, James J. Ross, James J. Ross, James W. Ross, Johan Ross, Johan Ross, Johan Ross, Johan Ross, John Ross, John Ross, John Ross, John Ross, John Ross, John L. Ross, John M.D. Ross, John V. Ross, Joseph Ross, Joseph Name of Bride Dalheim, Margaretha Withacke, M. Anna Bahn, Catharina M. Gart, Apollonia Hoeter, Johanna Tillett, Emma Mellen, Mary Ann Moloney, Mary A. Marr, Anna B. Orr, Nancy Moore, Sarah Baecker, Helena Seymour, Mary Ann Ross, Lizzie Niemoeller, Elis. Bockmann, Anna Maria Abger, Arabella Ponas, Louise Herbst, Katherine Ross, Lisette Terrell, Maggie Kelly, Bridget Murray, Clara Hermes, Adelheid Marsh, Maria O'Neal, Theresa Singleton, Maria Hillhouse, Eliza Pocock, Lucy Pocock, Lucy Sine, Mary Greg, Rebecca M. O'Neal, Josephine Mayhugh, Catharine Long, Adelia T. Harper, Jane Boswell, Mary Jane Borgmann, Anna M. Distilerin, Gertrud Overbeck, Joanna Undersinger, Anna Cook, Elisabeth Waldo, Fannie Enyart, Ann Apgar, Martha Apgar, Martha Knox, Rosa Brenner, Catharine Metcalf, Elizabeth D Black, Mollie Humphrey, Hepsey Speckbauch, Anna M. MarriageYear 1845 1847 1855 1860 1851 1853 1864 1881 1882 1835 1859 1877 1854 1874 1856 1850 1874 1855 1877 1858 1867 1872 1856 1852 1853 1858 1839 1836 1876 1876 1867 1837 1850 1856 1883 1833 1834 1884 1853 1854 1872 1873 1848 1860 1868 1868 1881 1843 1874 1880 1825 1847 Page 190 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Atonement Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ross, Joseph Ross, Joseph Ross, Joseph C. Ross, Joseph S. Ross, Joseph S. Ross, Joseph S. Ross, Michael Ross, Mulford Ross, Oliver Ross, Richard M. Ross, Robert Ross, Robert Ross, S.R. Ross, S.W. Ross, Samuel Ross, Stephan Ross, Thomas Ross, Thomas Ross, Valentine Ross, W.G. Ross, William Ross, William Ross, William Ross, William Ross, William Ross, William Ross, William Ross, William Ross, William B. Ross, William B. Ross, William R. Ross, Williamson Rosse, Henry Rossel, Adolph Rosselot, Francis Rosselot, Georg Rosselot, Joseph Rosselot, Leopold Rosseme, Philipp Rossengarten, Samuel Rosser, Charles Rossfeld, John Anton Rossi, Ferdinand Rossi, Tobias Rossiter, Patrick Rossiter, William G. Rosskopf, Conrad Rosskopf, Johan Rossle, Francis Rossler, Andreas Rossler, Emil Rossler, Thomas Name of Bride Snider, Elizabeth Coyne, Ann Willoughby, Mary Bradstreet, M. Cutter, Mary E. Boehm, Alice Byrne, Margaret Guyune, Martha Whipple, Matilda Eastburn, Elisabeth Todd, Caroline Cummings, Emma Kinney, Elizabeth Coleman, Bedelia Hobbs, Mathilda Eshpan, Polly T. Wing, Sarah Welsh, Ann Siltz, Maria Anna Bachelor, Belle Jenkins, Martha Hawthorn, Georgiana Ladley, Mary Ann West, Electa Wood, Mary H. Conner, Eliza Buerkle, Euphr.(Mrs) Collins, Ella Roe, Frances Collins, Ella Flagg, Ann Stewart, Margaret Widdenholt, Elizabet Maas, Bertha South, Nancy Knabe, Rachel Chere, Mary Hutton, Sarah Jane Curtis, Maria Cohen, Rose David, Virginia Steinmetz, Catharina Frear, Catharine O'Brien, Mary Ann Finn, Mary Maus, Elizabeth Reinschmitt, Louise Wiedrecht, Elisabeth Rapp, Rosa Ruffe, Augusta Baschmeyer, Helena McGinnis, Mary MarriageYear 1855 1863 1855 1825 1866 1883 1859 1835 1842 1846 1848 1857 1847 1864 1853 1822 1848 1856 1836 1865 1839 1843 1847 1847 1855 1864 1875 1877 1836 1877 1834 1823 1859 1860 1843 1872 1853 1856 1866 1879 1856 1847 1861 1857 1874 1883 1864 1858 1852 1866 1851 1836 Page 191 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Church of the New Jerusalem Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 All Saints Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. Carthage United Church of Christ Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses First German Presbyterian Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rossmann, Adolph Rossmann, Clemens Rossmeyer, H. Rosswinkel, Bernard Rost, Albrecht Rost, August Rost, Carl Rost, Conrad Rost, Daniel Rost, George Rost, Henry Rost, Henry S. Rost, Jakob Rost, Johan Rost, Johan Rost, Johan Ludwig Rost, John M. Rost, Kilian Rost, Lawrence Rost, P.W. Rost, Paul Rost, Paul A. Rost, Tobias Roster, Louis C. Rostock, Robert Roswinkel, Heinrich Roszel, Stephen Rotchford, John Rote, Peter Rotele, Matthew Rotering, Heinrich Rotering, Wilhelm Rotert, Bernard Rotert, Charles Rotert, Heinrich Rotert, Heinrich Rotert, Heinrich Rotert, Henry Rotert, Johan Fried. Rotert, Johan Heinr. Rotert, Louis J. Rotert, Stephan H. Rotert, William Rotger, John Rotgermann, Herman Roth, Albert Roth, Alois Roth, Aloysius Roth, Anthony Roth, August Roth, August Roth, Balthasar Name of Bride Dreyfoos, Louisa Vois, Maria Hukers, Mary Mehmert, Johanna C. Siermann, Katie Jenkins, Annie Grau, Barbara Deitch, Elisabeth Simon, Eva Margaret Mergenthaler, Louise Hartmann, Catharine Emmons, Mary Gosset, Emma Hilbert, Eva Kiedensch, Elisabeth Zapf, Catharina Huebner, Margaretha Weiss, Catharine Weiss, Mary Bennett, Angie Bledner, Susanna R. Merret, Sarah E. Geltz, Barbara Winterrod, Effie L. Oberlander, Margaret Ferker, Maria Morris, Margaret Brown, Ellen Beer, Catharina Kattenbron, Sophia Ahrens, Elisabeth Krone, Johanna Marg. Kettels, Maria Pronitius, Katherine Boehl, Maria Elis. Westerhaus, Catharin Scharfstall, Louise Lotz, Louisa Lake, Maria Cath. Aubke, Anna Maria Jillatt, Fannie Bange, Marianna Dammeier, Julia Madden, Margaret Aumann, Bernardina Ackermann, Louisa Kuhn, Catharine Bresler, Christina Karl, Frances Groer, Rosina Bandit, Carrie Schaefer, Thekla MarriageYear 1860 1867 1873 1864 1879 1880 1848 1868 1850 1868 1855 1848 1859 1860 1864 1850 1861 1857 1877 1865 1857 1863 1857 1883 1884 1850 1860 1867 1835 1879 1855 1854 1875 1880 1847 1864 1867 1880 1846 1842 1878 1860 1879 1865 1851 1881 1854 1857 1852 1858 1878 1844 Page 192 10/23/2013 Source Court House Marriage License St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 First German Presbyterian Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Edward Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Holy Trinity Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O First German Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Old St. Mary Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roth, Benjamin Roth, Charles Roth, Charles Roth, Charles Roth, Conrad Roth, Conrad Roth, Conrad Roth, David Roth, Dominique Roth, Ed. N. Roth, Ferdinand Roth, Francis Roth, Frank Roth, Franz Roth, Friedrich Roth, Georg Roth, Georg Roth, Georg Roth, George Roth, George Roth, Gottlieb Roth, Gregor Roth, Gustav Roth, Gustav Roth, Gustav A. Roth, Heinrich Roth, Heinrich Roth, Henry Roth, Henry Roth, Herman Bernard Roth, Jacob Richard Roth, Johan Roth, Johan Roth, Johan Roth, Johan Roth, Johan Roth, Johan Roth, Johan Roth, Johan Roth, Johan Roth, Johan Roth, Johan Roth, Johan Roth, Johan Heinrich Roth, Johan Ludwig Roth, Johan Peter Roth, Johannes Roth, John Roth, John Roth, John Roth, John F. Roth, John George Name of Bride Gerwing, Josephine Herr, Agatha Raschig, Margaret Cawein, Louisa Hellmann, Elisabeth Renner, Catharine Poll, Catharina Wilson, Katie Strotz, Emma Hoeffling, Elizabeth Nefzer, Louise Lambert, Rosina Fasold, Anna Strohvers, Maria Miller, Christine Kreft, Maria Lorch, Theresa (Mrs) Renner, Elisabeth Naegele, Anna Scheimer, Katie McCarty, Maria Ellen Schuler, Elisabeth Frech, Rosina Micheler, Caroline Huster, Lottie M. Birger, Juliana Emmermann, Elisabeth Heuer, Elisabeth Weber, Catharine Fricke, Maria (Mrs) Meel, Barbara Pister, Eva Winkler, Elisabeth Poelking, Theresa Weiglein, Josephina Graeser, Margaretha Weigerding, Elisa Oehler, Margaretha Jocky, Sophia Mueller, Fanny Kaiser, Margaretha Fries, Maria Lotz, Carolina Lockstermann, Maria Giebelmeyer, A. Cath Weber, Louise Loerracher, Catharin Sachs, Maria Barbara Sippel, Barbara Seeger, Elisabeth Thiem, Amalia Wolfer, Barbara MarriageYear 1879 1851 1866 1869 1838 1856 1860 1876 1881 1881 1855 1841 1875 1849 1884 1853 1855 1870 1884 1884 1859 1845 1854 1884 1882 1848 1860 1851 1875 1855 1868 1836 1848 1850 1851 1853 1854 1857 1858 1863 1863 1866 1870 1853 1880 1865 1859 1850 1874 1882 1878 1880 Page 193 10/23/2013 Source St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Camp Washington United Church of Christ Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Stanislaus Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Clement Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Luke United Church of Christ St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Roth, Joseph Roth, Joseph Roth, Joseph Roth, Joseph Roth, Joseph Louis Roth, Julius Roth, Karl Roth, Lawrence Roth, Leonard Roth, Louis Roth, Louis A. Roth, Mathias Roth, Meyer Roth, Michael Roth, Michael Roth, Michael Roth, Michael Roth, Michael Roth, Michael Roth, Nicolaus Roth, Peter Roth, Peter Roth, Peter Roth, Philipp Roth, Philipp Roth, Stephan Roth, Vincent Roth, Wilhelm Roth, Wilhelm Fried. Roth, William Rothaas, George Rothacker, Adolph Rothacker, Jacob Rotham, Robert Rothammer, Andreas Rothan, Rothan, Frank Rothan, Johan Rothan, Johan Rothan, Johan George Rothan, John A. Rothan, Joseph Rothan, Joseph Rothan, Michael Rothan, Nicolaus A. Rothaus, Ludwig Rothe, George Rothe, Johan T. Rothe, John William Rothemel, Valentin Rothemeyer, Gerhard Rothenberg, G. Name of Bride Carbin, Emma Hahnwaker, Ulrich, Barbara Vetter, Barbara Oehler, Emelie Tettling, Josephine Graf, Louisa Groh, Elisabeth Hammel, Eva Reuter, Elisabeth Shierberg, Rosa Stiegerwald, Anna M. Hess, Mona Fasaz, Catharine VanWordragen, Maria VanWordragen, Mary Bode, Caroline Getz, Barbara Lynch, Mamie Gausepohl, Maria R. Kline, Margaret Fritley, Elisabeth Stoeber, Carolina Strasser, Catharine Keppel, Anna Schmider, Theresa Beller, Francisca Juengling, Theresa Schutte, Eva Klug, Barbara Reide, Margaretha Fritz, Mary Theobald, Mary Winters, Judah Koenig, Barbara Rose, Francisca Schrimpf, Augusta Reising, M. Gertrud Burok, Maria Beckenhaupt, Rosa E. Wulfeck, Mary A. Frey, Maria Francis Mueller, Carolina Langel, Maria Kramer, Emma Bosch, Elisabeth Klein, Carry Hanft, Margaretha Matson, Cynthia Bens, Cunigunda Grimmelsmann, Maria Hamberger, Rachiel MarriageYear 1843 1848 1859 1875 1883 1883 1870 1860 1849 1876 1875 1850 1864 1850 1866 1866 1870 1874 1876 1850 1842 1851 1856 1864 1866 1856 1871 1866 1850 1877 1864 1881 1883 1874 1852 1849 1868 1842 1865 1872 1879 1856 1865 1856 1867 1860 1882 1851 1853 1848 1850 1875 Page 194 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Clement Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Martini United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. George Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. George Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Martin German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rothenbucher, Frank Rothenburg, Ernst Rothenbusch, Christ. Rothenbusch, Johan Rothenbusch, Peter Rothenbusch, Philipp Rothenhoefer, Gust. Rothenhofer, Jakob Rothenkirch, Peter Rotherbusch, Philip Rothermel, Elijah Rothermel, George Rothermell, Samuel Rothert, Albert Rothert, August Rothert, August Rothert, August Rothert, August Rothert, August Rothert, August Rothert, Bernard H. Rothert, Christian F Rothert, Francis Jos Rothert, Franz H. Rothert, Friedrich Rothert, Friedrich Rothert, Friedrich Rothert, Georg Rothert, Gerhard Rothert, Heddo Rothert, Heinrich L. Rothert, Herman Rothert, Herman H. Rothert, J Friedrich Rothert, Johan H.Wm. Rothert, Johan Heinr Rothert, Lambert Rothert, Louis Rothert, Wilhelm Rothert, Wilhelm Rothfues, Jacob Rothfuss, Friedrich Rothfuss, Georg Rothfuss, John Georg Rothfuss, Paul Rothfuss, Robert Rothgeber, Fred Rothgeber, Frederick Rothhaas, Charles Rothhaas, Charles Rothhaas, Jacob Rothhahn, Friedrich Name of Bride Geier, Ottilia Montag, Maria Valentine, Auguste Peters, Sophia Boehm, Catharine Doerr, Maria Amalia Rul, Eugenia Goetz, Maria Steigerwald, Cath. Darr, Mary Amelia Gilles, Patsie Habig, Anna Gorey, Louisa Sager, Lucy Eckelmann, Alwina Hudelbrink, Louisa Jakobi, Maria Willenbrink, Lisette Schmitthenner, Julia Oberwaser, Elise Rasche, Bernardina Kruse, Christina Drees, M. Christina Bramlage, Josephine Landwehr, Maria C. Sunderhausen, Louisa Sickmann, Anna Reinke, Louise Mann, Helen Werterich, Louisa Ellerbruck, Cath. M. Arnold, Maria Nickel, Marie Cath. Osterhaus, Lisette Dickmann, Maria Hartmann, A.M. Elis. Schrand, Cath.(Mrs) Koch, Wilhelmina Schon, Mary Ann Nagel, Louise Froehlich, Amelia Conrad, Catharine Goepper, Barbara Mohr, Christina Boud, Mina Weckler, Dina Stoll, Sarah Stall, Sarah Huber, Magdalena Huber, Magdalena Schanstheimer, Maria Wolfhuegel, Louisa MarriageYear 1864 1869 1873 1881 1864 1847 1883 1855 1870 1847 1854 1880 1879 1875 1855 1859 1868 1874 1874 1874 1862 1844 1868 1843 1850 1856 1861 1868 1875 1852 1849 1869 1863 1847 1849 1844 1872 1850 1866 1873 1865 1859 1863 1854 1872 1873 1878 1878 1861 1861 1861 1859 Page 195 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Bonaventure Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Assumption Catholic Church - Gilbert Ave. Old St. Mary Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Assumption Catholic Church - Gilbert Ave. Salem United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper First German Presbyterian Church First German Presbyterian Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rothkamp, Johan Rothkamp, Richard Rothkopf, Charles W. Rothkopf, Johan H. Rothkopf, John Henry Rothlauf, Christoph Rothler, Georg Rothlore, Bernard H. Rothmann, Ben Rothmann, Carl Jos. Rothmann, Martin Rothschild, Abraham Rothschild, Benjamin Rothschild, Cyrus Rothschild, Emanuel Rothschild, Israel Rothschild, James Rothschild, Joseph Rothschild, Joseph Rothschild, Lewis Rothschild, Marx Rothschild, Moses Rothschild, Philipp Rothweil, Wilhelm Rothwell, Elkanah Rothwell, Isaac Rothwell, John Rotran, John Rott, Bernard Rott, Gerhard Rott, Henry Rott, Herman Martin Rott, Johan Wilhelm Rott, Leon Rott, Leonard Rott, Leonard Rott, Louis Rott, Louis Rott, Louis Rott, Martin Rott, Valentin Rott, Wilhelm Rott, Wilhelm H. Rottacker, Robert Rottam, Michael Rottaus, Franz Rotte, Johan Rottenbuecher, Frank Rottenscher, Napol. Rottger, Harry Rotti, Bernard Rottier, Wilhelm Name of Bride Disc, Louise Dickson, Louisa Portier, Rose Moennig, Anna Maria Schwab, Caroline Wurth, Maria Hartmann, Margaretha Schwenner, M. Anna Gregory, Sallie Hilsmann, Maria A. Fischer, Clara Spiger, Lena Gut, Babette Faller, Emma Rosenbaum, Pauline Wolf, Hannah Pumpernickel, Betsy Rothschild, Cecilia Werthemer, Sophia Anthony, Amelia Simon, Babette Seyman, Janet Fries, Eliza Bowles, Anna Waddingham, Elis. Bevins, Martha Steel, Mahala Grady, Bridget Moormann, Marianna Beyers, Sophia Meyer, Mary Haidkamp, Elisabeth Taggers, Sarah Graabs, Wilhelmina Schwarz, Anna Maria Wolfer, Gertrude Eshert, Fanny Watling, Lizzie Watling, Elisabeth Kaiser, Elisabeth Propheter, Catharine Tell, Elisabeth Lauxtermann, Elis. Henning, Kate (Mrs) Graf, Francisca Kuhlring, Dina Kehrt, Carolina Altbach, Catharine Schuhmann, Elisabeth Ehrmentrout, Maggie Beckmann, Magdalena Gunkel, Mathilda MarriageYear 1869 1858 1883 1855 1857 1861 1852 1854 1876 1843 1870 1860 1874 1882 1883 1873 1861 1843 1860 1857 1854 1860 1859 1851 1848 1858 1847 1880 1863 1871 1883 1847 1867 1858 1853 1875 1862 1869 1869 1850 1852 1858 1864 1883 1849 1879 1858 1852 1857 1876 1854 1853 Page 196 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul Lutheran Church - Madisonville St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rotting, Theodor Rotting, Theodore Rottinghaus, Andrew Rottinghaus, Bernard Rottinghaus, Francis Rottinghaus, Francis Rottinghaus, Franz Rottinghaus, Franz Rottinghaus, Friedr. Rottinghaus, Henry Rottinghaus, Johan A Rottler, Richard Rottmann, Bernhard Rottmann, Caspar H. Rottmann, Georg Rottmann, Henry Rottmann, Johan Rottmann, Johan E. Rottmann, Johan H. Rottmueller, Franz Rotzler, Jakob Fried Rouch, Michael Roudebusch, H.H. Roudebush, C.M. Rouff, Christian Rougel, Nicholas Roughan, Patrick Rouhaus, David Roun---, Mack Round, James L. Rounde, Martin Rounds, William H. Rourke, Dennis Rourke, George Rourke, James Rourke, John Rourke, Martin Rourke, Michael Rourke, Thomas Rourke, Thomas Rourke, William J. Rous, Mathelbert Rouse, Charles C. Rouse, Charles S. Rouse, Crawford Rouse, George Rouse, George L. Rouse, George L. Rouse, Isaac Rouse, James Rouse, James Rouse, Philipp Name of Bride Wittweller, Cath. Mueller, Catharine Buckley, Elisabeth Wahl, Elisabeth Klube, Carolina Peters, Maria Schipper, Gesina A. Berlag, Agnes Engelbert, Maria A. Eisman, Mary Kondering, Elis. Schweitzer, Amelia Stuntebeck, Elis. Kelenbrink, M Cath. Graft, Louisa Mercer, Lizzie Woeste, Dorothea Schneider, Marie Geist, Sophia Elisa Weber, Margaret Mueller, Anna Loftus, Joanne Simmons, Emiline Geisbauer, Melinda Chandler, Mary Lang, Louise Bean, Mary (Mrs) Mulcahy, Susan Wallenstein, Fanny Varley, Mary McLaughlin, Catharin Palmer, Mary U. Schmucke, Bernardina Daley, Ellen Brown, Mary Grunkemeyer, C.(Mrs) McKeown, Mary A. Madden, Mary Haney, Ann Mayhew, Olive Morre, Anna Crosby, Nancy Jane Buyer, Carrie C. Gould, Priscilla King, Nancy A. Roberts, Mary Wise, Julia Wise, Julia Kinney, Julia Miller, Mary Jane Thistlethwaite, Mary Hudson, Sarah Ann MarriageYear 1851 1880 1855 1878 1871 1875 1859 1867 1855 1870 1859 1878 1884 1858 1853 1883 1854 1864 1865 1883 1860 1853 1858 1867 1883 1872 1855 1883 1869 1877 1860 1859 1879 1881 1851 1878 1878 1875 1851 1867 1873 1846 1883 1867 1850 1861 1884 1884 1850 1855 1868 1842 Page 197 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Paul German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage Licenses All Saints Catholic Church Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Angels Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Louis Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Atonement Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christy Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rouse, Robert Rouse, Samuel Rouse, Simeon Rouse, Thomas Roush, Jacob Rousher, John Rousselat, Victor Rovekamp, Joseph Rover, August Rover, August Rover, Charles Rover, Georg Heinric Rover, William R. Rovers, John Gerhard Row, Conrad Row, John Row, Samuel H. Rowade, W.C. Rowald, Anton Rowald, Henry Rowalt, Frank H. Rowalt, Frank H. Rowan, B.F. Rowan, John D. Rowan, Matthew Rowan, Michael Rowan, Robert Rowan, Thomas Rowan, William Rowane, Michael Rowe, Charles F. Rowe, Dexter Rowe, Edward Rowe, Edward E. Rowe, Eli Rowe, Francis H. Rowe, Frank G. Rowe, George Rowe, George B. Rowe, George E. Rowe, Hiram S. Rowe, James Rowe, Richard Rowe, Richard Rowe, Stanhope Rowe, Stanhope Rowe, Thomas Rowe, Thomas Rowe, Thomas M. Rowe, William Rowe, William Rowe, William B. Name of Bride Herfel, Maggie Snyder, Luella Sargent, Dolly Gilbert, M.E. Blaestein, Louise Schanhoft, Agnes Racherieuse, Francis Brandevier, Catharin Diekmeier, Louisa Diekmeier, Louisa Kilgore, Maria Droste, Dora Elisa Wiemann, Sophia L. Becker, Maria Adel. Lambdin, Elisabeth Bull, Sylvia Heath, Mary Armstrong, Fannie Ebert, Sophia Magerhans, Augusta Blackburn, Mary Blackburn, Mary Fogleman, Catherine ----, Jane Osborn, Ann Morten, Martha Snider, Margaret ----, Margaret Bogart, Ann Burke, Margaret Switza, Maria M. Leonard, Emily Dunlap, Maggie Dunlap, Maggie Johnson, Sarah Hocker, Helena Foster, Nora C. Logan, Mary A. Frazier, Harriet Woliston, Sallie Leonard, Anna Brokenshire, Thomans Hewes, Alice Aurelia Partello, Millie Thomas, Francis Mary Thomas, Frances Mary Hartman, Lena Murray, Elisabeth Oliver, Margaret McCarden, Lillian Richardson, Margaret Holmes, Frances A. MarriageYear 1874 1881 1846 1877 1868 1865 1869 1861 1878 1878 1845 1868 1883 1842 1822 1850 1836 1864 1872 1865 1882 1882 1874 1835 1847 1824 1849 1822 1820 1857 1865 1850 1878 1878 1852 1856 1878 1868 1883 1867 1882 1851 1861 1863 1841 1841 1855 1875 1846 1870 1879 1852 Page 198 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Court House Marriage License St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rowe, William Henry Rowe, William S. Rowekamp, Bernard Rowekamp, Fred. Rowekamp, Friedrich Rowekamp, John Rowell, John Rowen, James D. Rowen, John Rower, Harry L. Rowers, Frank G. Rowla, Michael Rowland, Rowland, Charles Rowland, Daniel Rowland, George Rowland, George Rowland, Henry Rowland, James H. Rowland, Jefferson Rowland, John Rowland, Richard Rowland, Seth B. Rowland, T. Rowland, Thomas Rowland, Thomas Rowland, W.F. Rowland, William Rowlands, Richard Rowlette, James K. Rowley, George A. Rowley, Rudolpho Rowlings, Henry O. Rownsand, James Rowse, John Rowse, John B. Rowthan, Henry Rox, Francis Roxborough, Charles Roy, Daniel Roy, James Roy, Phillip Royal, Stanley O. Royans, Johan Royce, Frank Royce, Thomas S. Roycroft, Thomas Royer, Theodor Royer, Walter M. Roys, John Royse, Alex Royse, Thomas Name of Bride Smith, Eliza Ann Richardson, Margaret Kitte, Anna Foste, Amalia Lindley, Ellen Dwyer, Helen King, Lizzie Arnold, Mary Elis. Martin, Mary Garrison, Louise D. Dinkle, Wilhelmina Evans, Ellen Winshell, Waty Ann Green, Virginia Riess, Mary Sheeler, Kate Sheeler, Kate Sharp, Clarinda Smith, Sue M. Nichols, Sarah Ellen Jones, Mary Berger, Mary Ann Wineman, Alice Miller, Sarah Miller, Sarah J. Hamilton, Lucinda Bailey, Catherine Bailey, Catharine W. Thomas, Mary Peele, Lizzie Wilson, Lucy R. Humphrey, Angie VanTress, Louella Ash, Margaret Silver, Margaret Silver, Margaret Manton, Sarah Gentner, Theresa Briscka, Eveline Flaherty, Ellen Hill, Hannah J. Nicholet, Elizabeth Walden, Tillis Sievers, Anna Geary, Rosa Schaller, Philomena Sutle, Jennie Rodgers, Elisabeth Wolf, Laura V. Boyland, Nancy Woodward, Agatha Schaller, Philomena MarriageYear 1861 1879 1877 1877 1852 1871 1880 1848 1858 1864 1882 1862 1821 1854 1856 1849 1849 1861 1865 1869 1850 1846 1875 1854 1854 1859 1843 1843 1872 1882 1865 1879 1875 1863 1845 1845 1853 1862 1843 1874 1847 1849 1883 1869 1875 1867 1882 1843 1883 1833 1875 1867 Page 199 10/23/2013 Source Court House Marriage License St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Church of the New Jerusalem Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 6 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Royse, Thomas Roysten, Richard Royston, Franklin Ruan, Thomas Rub, Johan Rub, John Ruba, Rasillas Rubbel, Jacob Rubbert, Heinrich Rubbert, Henry Rubel, James L. Rubel, James L. Ruben, Jacob Ruben, Moritz Rubenacker, Ferdinan Rubenaw, Ernst Rubenbauer, Michael Rubenbaur, Nicolaus Rubenstein, Eli Rubenstein, John Rubenstein, Lewis Ruberg, Bernard Ruberg, Francis Ruberg, Herman Ruberg, Johan Hein. Rubert, Bernard Rubert, Nicolaus Ruble, A.J. Ruble, Benjamin Ruble, Rowe Rubley, John Rubley, John Rubly, Jacob Rubner, Joseph Rubusch, Heinrich Ruby, Daniel M. Ruby, Joseph Ruby, William F. Ruch, John Ruchenbach, Geo. J. Ruck, Frank Ruck, Friedrich Ruck, Joseph Rucke, Anton Rucker, George W. Rucker, Henry Rucker, Henry L. Ruckert, Heinrich Ruckhaler, Carl Ruckle, Charles Ruckman, Shephard Ruckner, Henry Name of Bride Schaller, Philomena Elmore, Mary Reed, Minnie McDonough, Julia Hauser, Magdalena Martin, Rachel Gay, Eliza Jane Stein, Jannetta Klonke, Gesina Hensel, Kate Shipley, Emma Shipley, Emma Stern, Bertha Cohen, Malchinn Kelsch, Catharina Brunner, Anna (Mrs) Wegmann, Matilda Poetter, Anna Maria Jacobs, Belle Ryan, Sarah Feld, Louisa M. Hilvert, Anna Getiker, M. Adelheid Hausfeld, Anna Maria Hilvert, M. Theresa Dickhaus, Franziska Becker, Barbara Aug, Ann E. Wilcox, Mary Poor, Jennie Hebbeler, Elizabeth Hebbeler, Elisabeth Hein, Catharine Meier, Maria Anna Gerdes, Maria Hayes, Mary Ridenour, Lizzie Gilcher, Mina Tomer, Elisabeth Feeney, Catherine Wingbermuehle, Cath. Ditmann, Sophie Schulz, Catharine J. Hellmink, Christina Duncan, Carrie M. Anderson, Laura Heckwelder, Mary J. Stifel, Maria Hainebach, Adelheid Roberts, Celia Patterson, Rachel Heckwelder, Mary J. MarriageYear 1867 1861 1880 1855 1869 1866 1860 1876 1857 1884 1874 1874 1851 1855 1861 1869 1881 1848 1875 1882 1879 1858 1842 1865 1858 1882 1857 1875 1833 1875 1877 1877 1837 1851 1851 1879 1863 1884 1847 1883 1868 1864 1847 1876 1879 1863 1833 1866 1860 1818 1839 1833 Page 200 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 All Saints Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Michael Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Henry Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Martin German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Madisonville United Methodist Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ruckriegel, Andrew Ruckriegel, Georg Ruckriegel, Johan Ruckstuhl, Felix Ruckstuhl, John C. Ruckstuhl, Peter Rucktaeschel, Otto Rucolius, Louis Rudd, George Rudd, George R. Rudd, William G. Rudde, Herman Gerh. Rude, John Rude, John E. Rude, Squire Rude, William Rudebock, Charles Rudel, John A. Ruden, Heinrich Wm. Ruder, Carl Rudering, John A. Rudig, Jacob Rudiger, August Ferd Rudisall, Reuben Rudisel, John Rudisell, Amor Rudisell, Charles Rudisell, Charles Rudisell, David Rudisell, George Rudisell, George Rudisell, Harrison Rudisell, Hiram Rudisell, Jacob Rudisell, James Rudisell, Jesse E. Rudisell, John Rudisell, Lewis H. Rudisell, Oliver Rudisell, Stephen Rudisell, T. Rudisil, Reuben Rudkins, Patrick Rudmann, Joseph Rudolf, Christian Rudolf, G. Rudolf, Max Rudolph, Adam Rudolph, Alex. Rudolph, Charles Rudolph, George Rudolph, Heinrich Name of Bride Schulte, Louise Schomer, Elisabeth Woelfel, Katharina Burger, Rosalia Diebold, Annie Hauser, Sara Ott, Louisa Craig, Lilly Pierce, Mary Peirce, Mary Dwyer, Bridget Kinkel, Maria Anna Brown, Rebecca Apgar, Christie Ann Packer, Mary ----, C. Hoffner, Susan Gardner, Huldah Borgmann, Helena Klingler, Helena ----, Agnes Maloney, Eliza Niebuhr, M. Sophia Brown, Rebecca J. Shots, Mary Howard, E.J. Foster, Jane Hudnut, Sarah Malston, Susan Ackley, Ellen Ireland, Louise Bolts, Easter A. McCabe, Mary A. Little, Patty Boaltz, Mary Ann Seidle, Elisabeth Gaines, Mary Ann Hopkins, K.B. Tilley, Anna Seston, M. Hillebrand, Mary Rudisil, Betsey Meagher, Julia Elbert, Julia Sibley, Mary Myers, Georgianna Mueller, Maria Anna Hennemann, Catharine Coyle, Bella McCohkey, Maggie Horn, Catharine Gutermann, Eva MarriageYear 1877 1873 1859 1852 1880 1861 1881 1878 1869 1869 1877 1854 1852 1857 1851 1834 1854 1857 1851 1857 1858 1874 1849 1880 1825 1880 1865 1880 1851 1824 1854 1854 1858 1819 1855 1883 1859 1880 1876 1883 1873 1843 1878 1875 1881 1867 1882 1852 1880 1865 1853 1853 Page 201 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Mears Methodist Chapel Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church St. George Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ First English Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rudolph, Henry Rudolph, Johan Rudolph, John Rudolph, John Rudolph, Joseph Rudolph, Lawrence Rudolph, Martin Rudolph, Nicolaus Rudolph, Paul Rudolph, Stephen Rudorf, Franz Rudtermann, Johan Bd Rudy, Albert Rudy, Albert R. Rudy, Henry Rue, John Ruebel, Christian Ruebel, Nicolaus Rueble, Adolph Ruebusch, Arnold Ruebusch, Arnold Ruebusch, Diedrich Ruebusch, Friedrich Ruebusch, George Ruebusch, Henry Ruebusch, John Henry Ruebusch, Wilhelm Ruecke, Friedrich W. Ruecke, Johan Heinr. Rueckholdt, Bernhard Ruedebusch, Dietrich Ruedy, Victor Ruef, Johan Ruefeld, Bernard Rueff, Johan Rueff, Robert Ruefly, Matthias Ruegemer, Charles Rueger, Frank Rueger, George A. Rueger, Henry Rueger, John G. Ruegg, Jacob Ruehl, George Ruehl, Heinrich Ruehl, Henry Ruehl, Jacob Ruehl, John Ruehl, Karl Ruehl, Louis Fred. Ruehl, Nicholas Ruehl, Peter Name of Bride Milholland, Anna Rupert, Elisabeth Koebler, Louise Otthofer, Sophie Ramsey, Katy Sheeouf, Catharine Armbruster, Cath. Seifert, Anna Maria Becker, Anna Schennick, Catharine Boch, Elisabeth Bernhaus, Catharina Moore, Alice Moore, Alice Cisco, Rebecca McMaster, Margaret Maringer, Maria R. Nusekabel, Mary Gramling, Elisabeth Lamping, Catharina Deters, Elisabeth Ruebusch, Catharina Mueller, Maria Holtheide, Anna Muntel, Philomena Schulte, M. Caroline Lamping, Maria A. Rahen, Elisabeth Holthaus, Catharine Niehaus, Paulina Meyer, Charlotte Junker, Theresa Christofel, Louisa Gleis, Catharine Erwin, Maria Schaefer, Marie Vogt, Christina Schaefer, Margaret Wuest, Anna E. Zoellner, Annie Hauser, Barbara Kern, Anna Boucher, Louise(Mrs) Brockherde, Christ. Breuning, Maria Kerstein, Maggie Helmig, Caroline Weiss, Elisabeth Eschbach, Wilhelmina Hammel, Rosa Stamm, Catherine Reis, Margaretha MarriageYear 1872 1859 1858 1884 1867 1823 1870 1852 1872 1860 1875 1854 1867 1867 1865 1850 1855 1882 1874 1863 1873 1869 1867 1884 1873 1873 1870 1848 1866 1865 1861 1865 1855 1866 1843 1863 1853 1862 1877 1882 1881 1882 1867 1881 1881 1878 1878 1879 1857 1876 1872 1872 Page 202 10/23/2013 Source United Methodist Church - Harrison, Ohio Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Zion German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Camp Washington United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter Catholic Church - Lick Run Pilgrim United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Michael Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Mark German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 First United Church of Christ Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Camp Washington United Church of Christ Camp Washington United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church Second German Presbyterian Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ruehl, Thomas Ruehle, Amand Ruehle, Wilhelm Ruehle, William Ruehlmann, Ruehlmann, Adam Ruehlmann, John Ruehlmann, Michael Ruehlmann, Peter Ruehm, August Ruehrwein, Charles L Ruehrwein, Edward Ruehrwein, Friedrich Ruehrwein, Henry Ruehrwein, Louis Ruehrwein, Wilhelm Ruehrwein, William Ruekert, Emil Ruelensch, Carl Ruelfen, Clement Rueller, Bernard Ruemele, Bernard Ruemke, Christian Ruemke, Wilhelm Ruemping, Adam Ruempke, Charles A. Ruempler, Adam Ruempler, Friedrich Ruempler, George Ruen, Johan Wilhelm Rueppelmann, Konrad Ruerick, Heinrich Ruers, Herman Ruesse, Conrad Ruesselmann, Ludwig Ruet, August Ruetepohler, Georg Ruetschelling, Wm. Ruett, Luther Ruettelmann, Johan Ruettelmann, Johan Ruetter, Theophile Ruettinger, Theodor Ruettmeyer, Herman Rueve, Edward Rueve, Michael Rueve, William Ruewe, Bernard Ruewe, Bernard Jos. Ruewe, Francis Ruewe, Frank Ruewe, George Henry Name of Bride Reiber, Carolina Himpele, Thecla Merkle, Elise Buerkle, Elisabeth Klein, Louise Wahler, Katie Vogel, Johanna L. Klein, Emma Louise Bernhardt, Barbara Copenheiner, Elise Thompson, Sallie H. Maurer, Lizzie Ponnath, Katharina Wiemann, Mary Kasten, Anna Diercks, Josephina Stegner, Sarah Milch, Anna M. Melchers, Margaret Lotze, Rosa Litel, Maria Frances Gerai, Sophia Kroeger, Louise Schroer, Eureka Mesker, Adelheid Loheide, Wilhelmine Schmitt, Elisabeth Mueller, Rosina Mueller, Katherine Honerbohn, Friedrika Stolz, Salome Klimper, Gesina Fahrtman, Gertrud Frey, Maria Steinke, M. Adelheid Seeling, Anna Lanfersick, Augusta Schmidt, Dina Niles, Emily Diggelmann, Elis. Diggelmann, Elis. Fischesser, Paulina Engel, Louise Sommer, A.M. Lohmann, Elisabeth Whitney, Catharine Higgins, N. Woltering, Catharine Baune, Bernardina Keller, Johanna Dyer, Jennie Moormann, Adelheid MarriageYear 1857 1850 1882 1880 1880 1879 1881 1883 1876 1869 1879 1878 1874 1867 1881 1871 1861 1852 1877 1867 1854 1873 1869 1863 1854 1876 1853 1854 1874 1861 1857 1854 1872 1858 1841 1874 1863 1857 1860 1866 1866 1873 1869 1854 1878 1850 1870 1877 1856 1873 1882 1884 Page 203 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Luke United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 North German Lutheran Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. George Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Trinity Episcopal Church First German Presbyterian Church First German Presbyterian Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ruewe, Johan Ruewe, Joseph Ruewe, Leonard J. Ruf, Albert Ruf, Alexander Ruf, Andreas Ruf, Andreas Ruf, Andreas Ruf, Johan Ruf, Johan Ruf, Johan Ruf, Johan Ruf, Johann Ruf, Karl Ruf, Michael Ruf, Peter Rufe, James Ruff, Balthasar Ruff, Charles Ruff, Conrad Ruff, Daniel Ruff, Georg Ruff, George Ruff, George Christ. Ruff, Herman B. Ruff, Louis J. Ruff, Samuel F. Ruff, Thomas Ruffcar, Morgan Ruffen, Elijah Ruffin, Calvin Ruffin, Charles Ruffin, James Ruffin, James Ruffin, John Ruffin, Louis Ruffin, Samuel M. Ruffins, Robert Ruffle, Martin Ruffley, Jacob Ruffley, John Ruffley, Martin Ruffner, Daniel Ruffner, F.A. Ruffner, George Ruffner, Henry Ruffner, Henry Ruffner, Henry Ruffner, Henry Ruffner, Henry E. Ruffner, Lewis Ruffner, Marine Name of Bride Collins, Mary Bruns, Elisabeth Karcher, Minnie Jansen, Maria Fecker, Josephina Rink, Barbara Zeiser, Louisa Schneider, Margaret Grieb, Maria Anna Guenther, Anna Maria Eisenhard, Anna Volk, Elisabeth Eisenhart, Anna Jordan, Pauline Leinweber, Maria Biger, Victoria Crammond, Alice Berger, Eva Harris, Emma Grosstaetter, Elis. Bruckner, Barbara Ballet, Maria Black, Sadie Kraebel, Catharine Farrell, Mary Burke, Bridget Schneeberger, Mary McCormick, Bridget Letter, Mary Eliza Cave, Arrena Sheppard, Sarah A. Watson, Nancy Griffith, Sarah Gaines, Martha Williamson, Rachel Knapp, Viola Coghlan, Mary Anderson, L. Gord, Louise Carravont, Mary A. Young, Anna B. Kleinhenz, Marg.(Mrs Singleton, Elisabeth Martin, Ruth A. Stone, Emma E. Kirby, Laura Jane Perry, Jemina Perry, Jemima Ross, Sarah R. Sherwood, Alice Smith, Anna Odell, Suzan MarriageYear 1879 1850 1883 1884 1864 1856 1857 1858 1851 1868 1875 1877 1875 1862 1862 1847 1849 1853 1884 1860 1883 1871 1881 1881 1880 1883 1859 1867 1843 1868 1859 1850 1836 1873 1842 1843 1866 1869 1864 1877 1878 1884 1844 1875 1881 1849 1851 1851 1858 1882 1883 1833 Page 204 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church York St. Methodist Chapel St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Luke United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ruffner, Marine Ruffner, Morgan Ruffner, Nevada M. Ruffner, Samuel T. Ruffner, Sylvester Ruffold, Johan Ruffra, George Rufus, Peter Rufuss, Christian Rug, John Rugan, Emery Rugg, David R. Rugg, Eli M. Rugg, Elisha Rugg, K.I. Ruggles, George Ruggles, George Ruggles, Henry Ruggles, Henry B. Ruggles, Socrates Ruh, Ferdinand Ruh, Martin Ruh, William Ruhe, Heinrich Ruhe, Johan Heinrich Ruhe, Theodor Ruhenhorst, Anton Ruhl, Adam Ruhl, Caspar Ruhl, Christian Ruhl, Conrad Ruhl, Cornelius Ruhl, David Ruhl, Francis Ruhl, Friedrich Ruhl, Friedrich Ruhl, Gregory Ruhl, Heinrich Ruhl, Johan Ruhl, John Ruhl, John Bernard Ruhl, Joseph Ruhl, Maximilian Ruhl, Nicolaus Ruhl, Peter Ruhl, Peter Ruhl, Robert H. Ruhl, Valentin Ruhland, John Ruhlman, George Ruhlman, Philpp Ruhlmann, Adam Name of Bride Odell, Susan Letter, Mary Elis. Coats, Ida M. Hotchkiss, Mary H. Wilson, Alsee J. Buchholz, Carolina Huhnerfant, Margaret Shay, Helen Stoevan, Anna Randon, Elizabeth Lambert, Rachel VanTrees, Susan Walker, Maggie Heritage, Sarah P. Perigo, S.V. L'Hommedieu, Alma L'Honnedieu, Alma Heilig, Jane Heilig, Jane Collier, Francis M. Schweitzer, Maria Ruh, Maria Ruh, Rosa Rottinghaus, Bernar. Meyer, Margaretha Schwegmann, Maria A. Nienhaus, A. Maria Neumann, Sophia Weiring, Maria Hassmann, Louise Grimmer, Maria Eckert, Maria (Mrs) Pahler, Sibilla Busenberger, Elis. Dewald, Susanna Adelmann, Carrie Deyer, Elisabeth Behrens, Dorothea Hesch, Catharina Schmidt, Margaret Kamperof, M. Cather. Meier, Philomena Sander, Rosalina Wandel, Emilia Davis, P. Ruhl, Dorothea Stribelein, Elisabet Geasner, Francisca Reith, Caroline Huelsmann, Anna Woesner, Margaretha Jacobs, Mary MarriageYear 1833 1843 1883 1869 1838 1880 1854 1874 1848 1850 1854 1858 1880 1843 1864 1868 1868 1855 1855 1867 1855 1854 1876 1856 1854 1842 1851 1857 1862 1873 1837 1863 1869 1863 1866 1881 1870 1844 1860 1880 1884 1870 1873 1855 1819 1851 1853 1863 1864 1874 1867 1869 Page 205 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Boniface Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ruhlmann, Herman H. Ruhlmann, Johan Ruhlmann, Valentin Ruhm, Philipp Ruhmoeller, Johan H. Ruhoff, Bernard Ruhoff, Bernard Ruhoff, Johan Heinr. Ruhol, Herman Ruholl, Francis H. Ruhrmann, Otto Ruhrwein, Friedrich Ruhrwein, Friedrich Ruhrwein, Jacob Ruhrwein, Jacob Ruhsmeyer, Henry Ruilmann, Herman Ruitermann, George Ruithner, Charles Rule, Rule, Andrew D. Rule, John A. Rule, Thomas Rulison, Hiram Rulison, Hiram M. Rull, Friedrich Rull, Herman Martin Rullkoetter, Friedr. Rulmann, Christoph Rulsam, Joseph Rulz, William Rumann, Christian Rumbach, Francis X. Rumbles, Simon Rumbles, Simon Rumbold, Joseph Rumcka, Heinrich Rumels, John W. Ruminger, Joseph Rumke, Christian Rummebaum, Heinrich Rummel, Christian Rummel, Gustav Rump, Anton Rump, Bernard Rump, Johan Anton Rump, Johan Heinrich Rump, Theodor Rump, Wilhelm Heinr. Rumpel, Georg Rumpel, John Jacob Rumper, Johan Heinr. Name of Bride Predick, Gertrud C. Geupig, Maria Magdal Dorst, Louise Reis, Margaretha Gehrmann, Anna (Mrs) Jansen, Anna Jansen, Anna Schobing, Margaret Schwegmann, Cath. P. Einhaus, Catharine Meyer, Elisabeth Hanselmann, Elis. Schuster, Catharine Hausmann, Elisabeth Mans, Louise Struthmann, Mary Willenborg, Josephin Shuis, Mary Adele Gebhardt, Catherine Lofthouis, Rosanna Phillips, Fannie Colter, Josephine Cully, Prudence Barcley, Sarah E. Bernard, J. Ida Burger, Victoria Lammers, Elisabeth Toedmann, Maria Merhoff, M. Engel Hollinger, Elizabeth Qahy, Johann Scheinneberg, Henri. Bessenhurst, Gertrud Taylor, Nellie Taylor, Nellie Thompson, Shearing, Friedricka Hartersby, Emma Mang, Caroline Koepper, Charlotte Wellmann, Maria Biernbeyer, Adelina Herbst, Wilhelmina Bothe, Antoinette Brand, Josephine Grote, Anna Maria Poertner, M. Gertrud Leusing, Agnes Pfeffer, Emilie Marth, Katherine Seitz, Anna Maria Otten, Maria Cath. MarriageYear 1853 1853 1873 1850 1860 1865 1865 1863 1881 1851 1872 1846 1854 1842 1843 1878 1878 1870 1877 1863 1875 1878 1834 1848 1874 1856 1845 1865 1846 1879 1853 1872 1843 1875 1875 1853 1855 1880 1856 1873 1884 1859 1850 1859 1866 1858 1858 1870 1876 1870 1879 1859 Page 206 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church Holy Angels Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rumpf, Frank Rumpf, Friedrich Rumpke, August Rumpke, Clarence Rumpke, Hermann Rumpke, Johan Rumpler, Carl Rumser, Christian Rumsey, Lafayette Runck, Henry Runck, J. Alexander Runck, Jacob Runck, Philipp Runcks, Jeremiah Rund, Fridolin Runde, Johan Herman Rune, Johan H. Rungan, Christian Runge, Anton Runge, Heinrich Wm. Runge, Herman H. Runge, Johan Anton Runge, Wilhelm Runge, William Runger, Heinrich Runger, Johan Rungon, John W. Runion, Henry Runk, Friedrich Runk, Friedrich Runk, Friedrich Runk, Friedrich Runk, Heinrich Runk, Heinrich Runk, Heinrich Runk, Henry Runk, Johan J. Runk, Karl Runk, Louis Runk, Michael Runk, Peter Runk, Philipp Runke, Anton Runkel, Isaac Runkel, William Runkle, Ben. Runkle, Ralph Runnel, Joseph Runnemann, Bernard Runte, Friedrich Runte, Friedrich Wm. Runte, Heinrich Name of Bride Biger, Karoline Bernbeck, Philippine Bierhorst, Mary Schuehler, Matilda Halfbrodt, Wilhelmin Kruse, Agnes Ebinger, Louise Hesslinger, Elis. Ellis, Luella Houser, Sophia Hopkins, Mattie Fulweiler, Margaret Metzger, Emma Preston, Lydia Beier, Maria Brinker, A Margaret Stukenberg, Katharin Rademan, Elisabeth Wehlage, Carolina Voege, Rebecca Wichers, Anna Marg. Vogelpohl, Catharina Linnemann, Wilhelmin Scheidler, (Mrs.) Reiter, Elisabeth Strobecke, Elisa(Mrs Smith, Nancy Hopkins, Elisabeth Kiefer, Barbara Hackmann, Margaretha Jung, Emilia Feise, Elisabeth Runk, Margaretha Buehler, Maria Siemer, Catharina Myers, Sarah E. Bigler, Katharina M. Schramm, Therese Winter, Margaretha Schaich, Maria Sanda, Maria Ruff, Rosina Wuelfer, Anna Maria Benedict, Amelia Gray, Lizzie Reynolds, Venetia Piatt, H.J. Howard, Sarah Sonderer, Hermina Schroeder, Elisabeth Grusenet, Emma F. Hartmann, Maria Elis MarriageYear 1864 1866 1884 1884 1884 1862 1869 1853 1872 1845 1880 1852 1876 1850 1850 1851 1848 1839 1867 1854 1865 1863 1849 1850 1863 1867 1866 1852 1849 1865 1866 1876 1841 1848 1855 1868 1862 1863 1861 1873 1858 1868 1850 1880 1854 1857 1830 1833 1874 1866 1884 1861 Page 207 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John United Church of Christ - Harrison, Ohio Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John United Church of Christ - Harrison, Ohio St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church First United Church of Christ HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Runte, Wilhelm Runtz, Georg Runtz, Marcus Runtz, Marx Runtzer, Joseph Runyan, Abraham Runyan, Albert C. Runyan, Alexander Runyan, Alfred Runyan, Alonzo Runyan, Courtland Runyan, Elias P. Runyan, Freeman Runyan, George Runyan, George Runyan, George Runyan, George Runyan, George M. Runyan, Goerge Runyan, Huston Runyan, John Runyan, John W. Runyan, John W. Runyan, Jonathan Runyan, Lewis Runyan, Robert Runyan, Solomon Runyan, Thomas J. Runyan, W.H. Runyan, William Runyan, William Runyan, William H. Runyon, George M. Runyon, Howard A. Runyon, Howard A. Runyon, James M. Runyon, John Ruoff, Friedrich Ruoff, J.B. Ruoff, Jacob J. Ruoff, Julius Rupel, John Rupert, Johan Rupke, Bernard Rupli, Ferdinand Ruply, Jacob Rupner, Joseph Rupp, Albert G. Rupp, Anthony Rupp, Charles Rupp, Frederick Rupp, Henry Name of Bride Cordes, Marie Schitt, Salome Burckhard, Wilhelmin Andrae, Julie Stein, Charlotte Hughes, Sarah Ann Schaefer, Philippine Hughes, Nichols, Sarah B. Simpson, Margaret Towner, Abigail Curle, Catharine Woodruff, M. Louise Rhinehart, Mary Ruffner, Lizzie Custard, Mary L. Custard, Mary L. Buckley, Mamie Pierson, Huldah Jordan, Emma Durick, Bridget Bedford, Kate A. Bedford, Kate A. Smith, Sarah VanSickle, Milla McAuley, Mary Hanley, Sarah Jane VanZant, Emeline Hemmerle, Rosa M. Meyers, Mary Hemmerle, Rosa Murphy, Anna (Mrs.) Simpkinson, Anna Seward, Mollie Seward, Mollie Ogden, Nancy Loery, Prudence Mann, Annie Kirner, D. Hetersimer, Helena M Bayer, Anna Maria Sch---, Christina Duroth, Maria Quinti, Maria Elis. Gutting, Katharina Denzler, A. Barbara Stein, Barbara Kunnemann, Annie Baum, Lena Weiss, Lizzie Ohler, Catharine Blum, Lucy MarriageYear 1860 1845 1854 1869 1850 1856 1882 1852 1844 1866 1849 1836 1847 1840 1866 1880 1880 1881 1834 1884 1858 1874 1874 1842 1834 1826 1847 1851 1876 1850 1876 1882 1883 1875 1876 1835 1835 1876 1865 1879 1869 1853 1849 1854 1867 1848 1848 1880 1869 1878 1848 1874 Page 208 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christy Methodist Chapel Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Columbia Methodist Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Assumption Catholic Church - Gilbert Ave. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rupp, Jacob Rupp, Jakob Rupp, Johan Rupp, Johan Rupp, Joseph Rupp, Joseph Rupp, Joseph Rupp, Julius Rupp, Michael Rupp, Oscar Rupp, Peter Rupp, Philipp Rupp, Rudolph Rupp, Solomon Rupp, Valentin Ruppel, Johan Ruppel, Philip Ruppell, Isaac Ruppell, John Ruppersberg, Jacob Ruppert, Johan Ruppert, John Ruppert, John Ruppert, Joseph Ruppert, Nicolaus Ruppert, Nicolaus Ruppert, William J. Ruppeter, Adolph Ruppiler, Charles Ruppiler, Theodor Rupprecht, Anton Rupprecht, J. Peter Rupprecht, Lawrence Rupprecht, Michael Rupprich, Christoph Rupra, George Ruprecht, Andreas Ruprecht, Dietrich Ruprecht, Henry Ruprecht, Henry Ruprecht, Herman Ruprecht, John Ruprecht, Karl Ruprecthofer, Chris. Rurke, Mathias Rurod, Peter F. Rursel, Frank Rusack, Wilhelm Rusch, Conrad Rusch, Henry Rusch, Mathias Rusche, Anton Name of Bride Dorst, Maria Dauer, Maria Fey, Marie Herber, Louise Smith, Martha Weber, Karoline(Mrs) Oswald, Margaretha Sendelbach, Julia Junker, Elizabeth Glasen, Caroline Ryde, Caroline Glocker, Rosa Hirschbrenner, Kath. Hartmann, Magdalena Schraenker, Margaret Hornung, Barbara Schalhaus, Elisabeth Dobele, Lucy Ryland, Mary Hilbach, Catharine Dennis, Mary Louise Dennis, Louise Dennis, Louisa Schneider, Katie Jacobs, Margaretha Schneider, Kate Stegner, Louisa Brunsmann, Catharine Ditschler, Julia Ling, Antonia Bossert, Louisa Linken, Elisabeth Schuster, Barbetta Pfoertner, Elisabeth Theis, Sophia Heberle, Magdalena Knoll, Caroline Mueller, Maria Termemeyer, Anna Leak, Martha Rahke, Johanna Johnston, Alice Morgenthaler, Alice Lustenberger, Magd. Lange, Maria Cath. Wedenonione, Maria Kiroh, Christina Hesse, Sophia (Mrs.) Flux, Mary Rohan, Catharine Stephan, Elisabeth Mollenkamp, Maria MarriageYear 1840 1854 1863 1877 1839 1863 1865 1852 1876 1866 1872 1858 1864 1855 1853 1849 1883 1863 1848 1852 1874 1874 1874 1883 1874 1879 1875 1851 1875 1858 1882 1846 1847 1860 1847 1859 1851 1850 1874 1877 1851 1878 1882 1851 1868 1832 1863 1868 1868 1877 1856 1865 Page 209 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Zion German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Court House Marriage License St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Louis Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rusche, Anton Rusche, Bernard Rusche, Bernard H. Rusche, Bernard H. Rusche, Francis Rusche, Francis Rusche, Frank Rusche, Franz Rusche, Friedrich Rusche, Heinrich Rusche, Henry Rusche, Henry Rusche, Henry Rusche, Johan Rusche, Johan Bd. Rusche, Johan Bd. Rusche, Johan H. Rusche, Johan Heinr. Rusche, John Rusche, Joseph Rusche, Joseph Ruschenbeck, Frank Ruscher, Gerhard Ruscher, Heinrich Ruscher, Ludwig Ruschmann, Leo Ruschmann, Martin Ruschulte, Georg Ruse, Henry Ruse, Rowland Rush, Alfred Rush, George A. Rush, Isaac Rush, James Rush, James Rush, John Rush, Louis Rush, Thomas Rush, William Rusiel, J.W. Rusing, Anton Rusk, A.F. Rusk, Branton Rusk, Calvin L. Rusk, David Rusk, George A. Rusk, James Rusk, Louis Rusk, William Ruskaup, Friedrich Ruske, Johan H. Rusland, Christopher Name of Bride Kuper, Elisabeth Pund, Helena Dickhaus, M. Anna Menke, Bernardina Schildmeyer, Cath. Fischer, Mary Engelbert, Bernardin Trenkamp, Agnes Schmising, Angela Feldmann, Louisa Keller, Maria Ruking, Hel. Doellmann, Maria Holthaus, Anna Marischen, Elisabeth Hilvers, M Christina Glins, Christina Wessel, Maria Helena Heitmann, Bernardina Buerger, Anna Maria Koelker, Mary Gruh, Elizabeth Groenemeyer, Charl. Schrand, Sibilla Moellers, Sophia Joerger, Rosina Clemens, Sophia B. Brinkmann, Clara McCane, Jane Tudor, Margaret Tury, Rachel Stevans, Elizabeth Anderson, Celia Ann Shumard, Mary Ann Shumard, Mary Overbeck, Catharine Vogt, Metha Campbell, Jane Buckingham, Elisabet Keefer, Maggie B. Felker, M. Catharina Watson, Jennie Martin, L. Chapman, Elizabeth Snider, Rebecca Edwards, Scerena Castill, Eliza Jane Wilson, Jennie Furrill, Margaret Schomburg, Henriette Sonnenberg, Maria A. Wolf, Mary MarriageYear 1872 1868 1848 1859 1846 1869 1850 1870 1851 1876 1873 1875 1883 1869 1853 1864 1849 1866 1873 1848 1874 1873 1873 1855 1845 1854 1869 1859 1825 1855 1835 1853 1855 1860 1860 1882 1858 1864 1849 1875 1861 1869 1868 1879 1830 1870 1849 1865 1861 1872 1847 1848 Page 210 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Lutheran Church - Madisonville Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Russ, Gotthard Russ, Heinrich Russ, Jacob Russ, Johan Russ, Lawrence Russ, Stephen Russ, William H. Russe, Charles Russe, Heinrich Russekup, Bernard H. Russell, A.L. Russell, Alfred Russell, Anthony Russell, Charles B. Russell, Charles R. Russell, Ebenezer H. Russell, Edward Russell, Enoch Russell, Francis Russell, George Russell, George C. Russell, George F. Russell, H.W. Russell, Harry Russell, Henry Russell, Henry Russell, Henry Russell, Henry Russell, Henry Russell, Henry Russell, Henry Russell, Isaac Russell, J. Russell, J. Joseph Russell, J.B. Russell, J.L. Russell, Jacob H. Russell, James Russell, James Russell, James Russell, James Russell, James Russell, James Russell, James H. Russell, Jesse Russell, Job Russell, Johan Russell, John Russell, John Russell, John Russell, John Russell, John Name of Bride Metzger, Barbara Menken, Anna Frey, Christina Litz, Barbara Smith, Sophia Ebberling, Katharina Koenig, Dora Heller, Sophia Kassens, Anna Bendermann, Catharin Rafferty, Florence Massur, Mary Elis. Green, Helen Turpin, Mildred L. Cummings, Nettie Stansbury, Anna B. Evans, Mary Evans, Jane Morrison, Ellen Finley, Mary Geiger, Louisa Hitzler, Catherine French, Eliza Winsor, Dora Tait, Jane Tate, Jane French, Elisabeth Stansbury, Anna Boschen, Anna Boschen, Anne Winsor, Dora Kempton, Mary Strong, E.C. Burns, Catharine Huston, Dellia M. Wilson, Mary Larrison, Eliza Coleman, Bridget Curran, Bridget Robb, Elizabeth Hywarden, Frances Howard, Nellie Heinz, Rachel Jorden, Charlotte McLaughlin, Matilda Schwischer, Mary Ann Bussmann, Gertrud Winter, Maria Winter, Maria Dale, Eleanor Ryland, Mary Dungan, Ann MarriageYear 1860 1874 1849 1847 1861 1863 1879 1880 1849 1849 1878 1850 1858 1876 1880 1864 1854 1869 1851 1859 1879 1880 1847 1876 1841 1841 1847 1864 1874 1874 1876 1873 1877 1881 1877 1867 1866 1851 1868 1869 1880 1881 1881 1824 1861 1848 1869 1845 1845 1848 1848 1851 Page 211 10/23/2013 Source Court House Marriage License St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 7 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Church of the New Jerusalem St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Russell, John Russell, John Russell, John Russell, John Russell, John Russell, Joseph Russell, Joseph Russell, Joseph Russell, Lutelus Russell, Michael Russell, Moses Russell, Nelson Russell, Nicholas Russell, Patrick Russell, Patrick Russell, Peter Russell, Peter J. Russell, R. Russell, R.J. Russell, Samuel Russell, Samuel V. Russell, Thomas Russell, Thomas Russell, Thomas Russell, Thomas Russell, Thomas M. Russell, W.H. Russell, W.J. Russell, William Russell, William Russell, William Russell, William Russell, William Russell, William Russell, William Russell, William Russell, William Russell, William Russell, William Russell, Zane W. Russum, Edwin Rust, Abraham Rust, Abraham Rust, August Rust, Benjamin Rust, C.H. Rust, Charles Rust, Charles A. Rust, Charles A. Rust, Charles August Rust, Edgar Rust, Friedrich A. Name of Bride Paul, Mary J. Hubbard, Rachel Creighton, Flora Jones, Mary Brown, Mary Walker, Rhoda Moss, Charlotte Banks, Maggie Bishop, Nancy Keating, Margaret Roberson, Sarah Epps, Arabella G. McCormick, Mary Russell, Joanna Croke, Anna Harrington, Mary Miller, Mary Johnson, Louise McCullough, Susan Nicklaus, Jane Crane, Mary O'Hare, Ann Bevill, Ellen Herbert, Mary Winter, Ellen Curry, Clarissa Kennedy, Elisabeth Lewis, Jennie Dunlap, Sarah Long, Elizabeth L'Hommidieu, Elis. Lawson, Susan McCorkel, Anna Smith, Eliza Blackburn, Hannah Lacy, Phebe C. Flannery, Mary Scurggs, Emma Parsons, Helen Hardy, Mary Ann Herrmann, Alma Emmet, Mary Ennerett, Jane Gross, Catharine McDaniel, Mary Ann Brown, Baisie Huesing, Mary King, Dorothea Connelly, Laura Heller, Mary Peters, Minnie Schulte, Jenny MarriageYear 1851 1863 1877 1877 1881 1823 1855 1872 1857 1860 1818 1876 1862 1862 1876 1855 1868 1856 1869 1832 1825 1852 1855 1861 1864 1849 1853 1876 1844 1847 1847 1848 1850 1850 1851 1853 1868 1873 1876 1841 1879 1821 1835 1849 1835 1876 1881 1878 1880 1882 1883 1835 Page 212 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Lawrence Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Edward Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rust, Gerhard Rust, Harry Christ. Rust, Herman Rust, Herman Rust, James Rust, John A. Rust, Joseph Rust, Joseph G. Rust, Lorenz Rust, Richard H. Rust, Thomas Rust, Thomas Rust, Thomas Rust, Wilhelm Rust, Wilhelm Rust, Will E. Rust, Will. E. Rusz, Otto Rutemaier, F. Rutemoeller, Bernard Rutemueller, Anton Rutemueller, August Ruten, Herman Conrad Ruten, Thomas Rutenick, Albert Rutenick, Albert Rutenick, Johan Ruter, Bernard Ruth, Christian Ruth, John Ruth, Robert Ruthemeier, Ludwig Ruthen, Henry Ruthenburg, Julius Rutherer, Ed. Rutherford, Edward Rutherford, Edward Rutherford, John Rutherford, Joseph Rutherford, Joseph Rutherford, Robert Ruthmann, Bernard Ruthmann, Heinrich Ruths, Charles Ruths, Philipp Rutledge, George Rutledge, Thomas Rutledge, William Rutli, Mathias Rutlmueller, Carl Rutt, Mathias Rutter, William Name of Bride Kale, M. Engel Froelking, Pauline Wand, Carolina Siegmann, Mary Willmore, Delila Brummelhaus, Maria Morris, Jane Morris, Jane Raabe, Louise Seybold, Emma Sanders, Drucilla Bonham, Clara Coter, Sarah Schuermann, Catharin Strobeck, Henriette Hauck, Binnie Hauck, Vinnie Potta, Julia Kindermann, Mary Jansen, Dina Veron. Steuer, Maria Theres Jansen, Theresa Durholt, Louisa Casner, Sarah Kuehn, Emilie Graf, Caroline Tholen, Elise Engbrinkhoff, Wm. Munrath, Philomena Smith, Mary Schazle, Barbara Schroeder, M. Elis. Stang, Lena Cohen, Henrietta Koehler, Maggie A. Lindsey, Jennie Lindsey, Jennie Bailey, Sylvia Wiley, Lucinda Holland, Delilah A. Ramsey, Mary F. Pistner, Margaretha Guggelmeier, Adel. Friday, Catharine Alexander, Barbara Duskey, Phoebe Berry, Mississippi McAndrew, Anna Laux, Catharine Angermann, Friedr. Thole, Philomena Woodruff, Eliza MarriageYear 1855 1877 1856 1878 1842 1857 1836 1836 1861 1871 1846 1849 1853 1845 1862 1875 1875 1869 1877 1869 1867 1873 1854 1863 1861 1864 1865 1884 1883 1851 1856 1870 1878 1852 1878 1879 1879 1852 1850 1855 1871 1879 1857 1856 1853 1862 1881 1867 1866 1870 1873 1842 Page 213 10/23/2013 Source St. Paul Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church First United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Wesley Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ruttinger, George C. Ruttinger, Joseph Ruttmiller, Charles Rutz, Carl Rutz, Frank Rutz, Frederick W. Rutz, Peter Rutz, Peter Ruve, Joseph Ruvers, Johan Ruwe, August Ruwe, Ferdinand Ruwe, Francis Hein. Ruwe, Friedrich Ruwe, Gerhard H. Ruwe, Gerhard Herman Ruwe, Heinrich Ruwe, Johan Gerhard Ruwenhorst, Anton Ruwers, Johan Rux, Samuel Ruzenber, Karl Ruzicka, Theodor C. Ry---, John A. Ryall, William Ryan, Andrew Ryan, Andrew Ryan, Bernard Ryan, Bernard Ryan, Charles Ryan, Charles Ryan, Charles Ryan, Charles Ryan, Charles Ryan, Charles Ryan, Charles S. Ryan, Cornelius Ryan, Cornelius Ryan, Daniel Ryan, Daniel Ryan, Daniel Ryan, Daniel E. Ryan, David Ryan, David Ryan, Dennis Ryan, Dennis Ryan, Dennis Ryan, Dennis Ryan, Dennis Ryan, Dennis Ryan, Edward Ryan, Edward Name of Bride Ammann, Elizabeth Stempli, Maria Angermann, Friedrika Doerr, Anna Maria Biermann, Margaret Gardner, Emma J. Zimpelmann, Cath(Mrs Zimpelmann, Cath(Mrs Dieckmann, Elisabeth Weigmann, Mary Wieland, Matilda Treielen, Theresa Schoettmer, Gesina Scheper, Catharina Rohe, Carolina Macke, Anna Maria Benken, Metha Wellinghoff, Gertrud Draghtert, Cath(Mrs) Teipen, Helena Mines, Christina Nieheiser, Pauline Mosteny, Elisabeth Sprong, Margaret Day, Julia Hickey, Ellen Larkin, Catharine Kelly, Frances Wagner, Francis Bell, Susan Fitzgerald, Bridget Beville, Mary Sheehan, Margaret Murphy, Margaret Thompson, Elizabeth Oliver, Mollie Quigley, Ann Deier, Mary Lyons, Mary Houreyhan, Ellen Bryan, Catharine Andrews, Margaret Camman, Ann Foley, Joanna Dougherty, Mary Ann Carrigan, Mary McDermott, Christina Murphy, Joanne Finn, Honora Donnelly, Catharine Ryan, Catharine Dwyer, Joann MarriageYear 1850 1865 1869 1869 1858 1884 1857 1857 1851 1856 1882 1850 1848 1848 1853 1857 1865 1849 1850 1849 1841 1881 1882 1852 1868 1853 1856 1860 1864 1847 1862 1868 1869 1869 1876 1876 1852 1854 1853 1854 1856 1872 1850 1869 1845 1845 1845 1851 1867 1883 1855 1856 Page 214 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Boniface Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Trinity Lutheran Church - White Oak Trinity Lutheran Church - Colerain Twp. St. Michael Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Wesley Methodist Chapel St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ryan, Edward Ryan, Edward Ryan, Edward Ryan, Edward Ryan, Edward Ryan, Edward J. Ryan, Elisha Ryan, Francis Ryan, Frank M. Ryan, Frank P. Ryan, George W. Ryan, George W. Ryan, Hugh Ryan, Jacob Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James Ryan, James E. Ryan, James M. Ryan, James Michael Ryan, Jefferson Ryan, Jeremiah Ryan, Jeremiah Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Name of Bride Woods, Mary Meaghan, Julia McKenna, Helen Conway, Catherine Demmedy, Ellen Bollinger, Anna Redmond, Elisa Fogarty, Bridget Welsh, Delia Oakes, Clara B. Bowan, Mary Lynes, Margaret Bouhan, Bridget Fischer, Julia Barry, Margaret Roberts, Mary Roberts, Mary Rule, Ellen Trehan, Joanne Keefe, Ellen Welsh, Sarah Harris, Helen Ryan, Mary Ann Kelaher, Julia Howe, Lena Barnes, Emeratta Fitzgerald, Maggie Hayden, Mary McGrath, Mary Early, Mary Whelan, Margaret Benkeser, R. Grady, Margaret Mallory, Catherine Wendt, Millie W. McCandrew, Bridget Pierson, Ellen Davis, Jessie B.F. Sherman, Jennie Maloney, Mary Agnes Schenck, Rhoda Ann Brennan, Mary Ann Ogden, Mary Kenney, Winnifred Kramer, Catharine McNamara, Margaret Kenwick, Nora Shea, Catharine Roderick, Mary Flynn, Elisabeth Ryan, Honora Dwyer, Catharine MarriageYear 1857 1865 1869 1872 1878 1883 1880 1854 1882 1873 1834 1864 1857 1881 1842 1849 1849 1851 1853 1854 1857 1857 1858 1861 1861 1863 1864 1869 1870 1872 1873 1879 1883 1883 1884 1884 1884 1881 1877 1879 1843 1867 1874 1849 1850 1850 1852 1853 1854 1854 1854 1854 Page 215 10/23/2013 Source St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. George Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Thomas Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Thomas Catholic Church Holy Angels Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Edward Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Cross Catholic Church St. George Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Edward Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John Ryan, John B. Ryan, John E. Ryan, John J. Ryan, John M. Ryan, John T. Ryan, Joseph Ryan, Joseph Ryan, Lewis Ryan, Marc Ryan, Martin Ryan, Martin Ryan, Martin Ryan, Martin Ryan, Matthew Ryan, Matthew Ryan, Matthew Ryan, Matthew Ryan, Matthew Ryan, Matthew Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Name of Bride McDonough, Juliua Fogarty, Margaret Fogerty, Margaret Hanley, Frances McDonough, Honora Horan, Sarah Bryan, Bridget Heffel, Jane Carroll, Alice Clark, Mary Scully, Mary Sheady, Helen Cavanaugh, Anne Brown, Honora Gilmore, Sarah Wagner, Margaret Buckley, Elisabeth O'Mark, Catharine Buckley, Elisabeth Smith, Elizabeth Fox, Mary O'Brien, Winnifred Graves, Joann Abram, Margaret Kelly, Mary McDevitt, Nellie McDevitt, Ellen Hartmann, Johanna Blakely, Mary Louisa Hicks, Margaret Ryan, Rosa Wilson, Martha J. Kating, Ellen Cunningham, Harriet Dothwag, Elizabeth Riley, Catherine Lynskey, Mary Forlan, Catharine McTeague, Anne McGauf, Elisabeth Austin, Annie Beresford, Mary Beresford, Mary Hyden, Margaret McHugh, Mary Dineen, Mary Churchill, Margaret Hammond, Lydia H. O'Brien, Bridget Hughes, Frances Hart, Mary Ryan, Catharine MarriageYear 1854 1854 1854 1855 1855 1856 1856 1856 1857 1857 1860 1860 1861 1862 1864 1867 1868 1868 1868 1869 1871 1872 1873 1873 1875 1876 1876 1881 1855 1884 1876 1880 1852 1847 1864 1868 1867 1854 1863 1876 1884 1844 1844 1855 1870 1870 1881 1840 1850 1853 1853 1855 Page 216 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Thomas Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio Holy Angels Catholic Church St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Holy Angels Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses All Saints Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Holy Angels Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral All Saints Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael Ryan, Michael F. Ryan, Michael F. Ryan, Michael J. Ryan, Nathen Ryan, Owen Ryan, Owen Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Patrick H. Ryan, Peter Ryan, Peter Ryan, Peter Ryan, Philip Ryan, Philip Ryan, Philip Ryan, Richard Ryan, Richard Ryan, Richard Ryan, Robert Name of Bride Crowley, Catharine Moran, Susan Harper, Honora Roach, Honora Miller, Ellen Holmes, Elizabeth Hogan, Helen Gilooly, Mary Burns, Bridget O'Shea, Bridget Besten, Julia Corcoran, Mary McCabe, Hanna Bohen, Catherine McCabe, Maggie Grant, Hannah Dowd, Anna O'Connor, Anna Walsh, Mary Ryan, Mary Boyle, Maggie Smith, Anna T. Quinlan, Catharine Carrigan, Mary Sheehan, Ella McAvoy, Mary Erwin, Anna Doyle, Catharine Carthy, Judith Ginder, Margaret Dunn, Esther Harty, Julia Kendrick, Annette Kain, Mary Mahoney, Mary White, Catharine Reily, Mary Lalley, Delia Flynn, Ellen Alwell, Mary Sharf, Minnie Walls, Mary Emma Murray, Bridget Flynn, Mary Casey, Mary Sweeney, Mary Ryan, Bridget Boylson, Ellen Glascow, Hanna (Mrs) McCabe, Lisa Hughes, Rose Nugent, Catherine MarriageYear 1856 1857 1858 1858 1862 1862 1862 1864 1865 1868 1869 1869 1876 1876 1876 1881 1882 1883 1884 1851 1878 1877 1856 1863 1884 1843 1851 1852 1852 1853 1853 1856 1862 1865 1867 1868 1872 1874 1874 1881 1883 1868 1850 1858 1867 1853 1861 1870 1860 1871 1882 1872 Page 217 10/23/2013 Source St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral All Saints Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Atonement Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. All Saints Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Court House Marriage Licenses Atonement Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Thomas Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Ryan, Stephan Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Thomas F. Ryan, Thomas F. Ryan, Thomas S. Ryan, Timothy Ryan, Timothy Ryan, Timothy Ryan, Timothy Ryan, Timothy Ryan, W.F. Ryan, W.S. Ryan, William Ryan, William Ryan, William Ryan, William Ryan, William Ryan, William Ryan, William Ryan, William Ryan, William Ryan, William Ryan, William Ryan, William F. Ryan, William M. Ryane, Michael Rybolt, Albert G. Rybolt, H.S. Rybolt, Jacob Rybolt, Jacob Rybolt, John Rybolt, M.G. Rybolt, Michael G. Rybolt, Stephen Rybolt, William Rybolt, William Name of Bride Delaney, Catharine Davis, Joanne ----, Catharine Murray, Elisabeth Dooley, Bridget Donovan, Ann Gillmann, Catharine Fitzgerald, Honora Dwyer, Catharine Collins, Joanne Noonan, Ellen Connor, Anna Carroll, Catharine Buckley, Maggie McDonnell, Kate Lawlor, Hannah Meagher, Maggie Brennan, Mary Hearn, Margaret J. Dolan, Mary ----, ---Lellis, Mary Roach, Margaret Dailey, Ann Donovan, Ann Donnovan, Anna Williams, Mary A. Reynolds, Maggie Gray, Sarah Wood, Elisabeth Porter, Harriet Downy, Bridget Russell, Julia Finn, Alice Maher, Bridget Fanning, Bridget McKean, Jane Reynolds, Maggie Humphrey, Bridget Williams, Mary A. Murray, Ellen Grant, Hannah Wilson, Susie R. Devoy, Elizabeth Johnson, Mary Jane Wright, Louise Moore, Amelia Benson, Harriet Benson, Harriet D. Scudder, Phoebe Fisher, Hannah Agen, Frances Ann MarriageYear 1857 1843 1846 1848 1849 1852 1853 1854 1855 1864 1864 1864 1869 1871 1873 1873 1879 1881 1878 1880 1851 1852 1853 1857 1859 1859 1876 1868 1819 1839 1842 1848 1852 1853 1860 1863 1867 1868 1870 1875 1843 1881 1884 1849 1836 1866 1845 1867 1867 1821 1850 1857 Page 218 10/23/2013 Source St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio Atonement Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Clement Catholic Church St. Thomas Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Church of the Advent St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper York St. Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Rybolt, William Rybolt, Willis Rychen, E.S. Rychen, S.K. Rydall, E. Herbert Rydall, Ernest Ryder, Arthur Ryder, Charles Ryder, Thomas Ryder, Thomas W.E. Rye, John Ryland, Edward Ryland, James Ryland, James S. Ryland, James W. Ryle, Cave Ryle, David M. Ryle, Joseph Ryley, Thomas Ryley, Thomas Ryling, George Rynar, Henry Rynearson, George Rynearson, George Rynearson, Isaac Rynearson, Jacob Rynearson, James S---, Amos S---, Daniel S---, David S---, George S---, James S---, James S---, William R. Saager, Johann H. Saal, Clement Saal, George Saalfeld, Bernard Saalmann, Joseph Saarback, Edmund Saarlin, Samuel K. Saatkamp, Adolph Saatkamp, Friedrich Saatkamp, Friedrich Saatkamp, Heinrich Saatkamp, Heinrich Saatkamp, Heinrich Saatkamp, Heinrich Saatkamp, J Heinrich Sabb, John Sabbert, Heinrich Sabbert, Peter Hein. Name of Bride Agin, Frances A. Crowl, Adelheid Scott, Ella L. Scott, Elisha Holland, Miriam Holland, Miriam Folmar, Lucy Elem, Harriet Myers, Annie Myers, Anna Rigney, Margaret Ware, Elisabeth Byington, Zelia Hallam, Mary McDavenport, Anna Vaness, Emedore Stephens, Mary Vinton, Sarah Hartford, Annie Hartford, Annie Crosbey, Elisabeth Jocelyn, Maria Sweethard, Nancy Locy, Martha Jane Crosson, Susan Sharp, Phoebe Brwon, Sarah Carroll, Jane Leary, Margaret Ann Hickman, Catharine Rogers, Mary Ann Tauph, Frances Clapp, Amelia Ann Lewis, Rachel Fenchel, Anna L. Hog, Maria Anna Meinecke, Mary Meier, Elisabeth Spaltmann, Johanna Davis, Bessie Flagg, Emma F. Dodhagen, Charlotte Schobengers, Friedr. Bremer, Sophia(Mrs) Speik, Sophia Saure, Friederika Bettenbruck, Louise Lehmhaus, Mary Lutterbeck, M Sophia ----, ---Burmann, Paulina Boesmann, Catharine MarriageYear 1857 1843 1874 1874 1879 1879 1878 1844 1877 1877 1872 1853 1855 1837 1867 1874 1881 1834 1882 1882 1876 1837 1837 1849 1834 1820 1844 1818 1845 1826 1823 1826 1835 1850 1879 1856 1880 1874 1845 1884 1875 1849 1846 1874 1869 1871 1874 1879 1852 1817 1867 1849 Page 219 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Church of Our Saviour St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sabel, John T. Sabelhaus, W. Arnold Sabes, Jacob Sabin, Carl Sabin, Carl Sabin, Wilhelm Sabine, H.W. Sabine, H.W. Sabiromski, Wilhelm Sabirowsky, Wilhelm Sachs, Caspar Sachs, Caspar Sachs, Charles Sachs, Christian D. Sachs, D.B. Sachs, David Sachs, Friedrich Sachs, Harry L. Sachs, Henry Sachs, Henry Sachs, Jacob Sachs, James Sachs, Johan Georg Sachs, Wilhelm Sachsteder, John Sachstetter, Peter Sachteleben, Fried. Sack, Charles Sack, Heinrich Sack, Heinrich Sack, Henry Sack, Henry Sack, Henry Sack, Johan Sacker, Henry E. Sackey, William Sackhoff, Heinrich Sackman, Henry Sackmann, George Sackrede, Friedrich Sacks, Christian D. Sacksteder, John Sackstetter, Francis Sackstetter, Johan Sackstetter, John Sacre, Bush Saddler, William H. Sadelfeld, Max. Sadler, Andrew Sadler, Charles Sadler, David Sadler, J.F. Name of Bride Sallee, D.A. Rakel, Maria Slayback, P.E. Wolf, Maria Holthaus, Bernardina Hauter, Joseph Jones, Jennie Jones, Jennie S.K. Feucht, Anna Kronn, Maria Wiest, Theresa Fischer, Eva B. O'Connor, Mary Hauck, Margaretha Schoenbrom, Mary Weil, Hanchen Kiefer, Elisabeth Allman, Mary Thurmour, Gier, Josephine Miller, Jennie Berzman, Esther Bogen, Johanna Gerkins, Lizzie Picard, Margaret Schak, Elisabeth Huedepohl, Anna Koenig, Emma Hubert, Barbara Riedlin, Paulina Brandmeier, Maria Moellers, Mary Kuckherman, Louisa Schlueter, Louise Hinchey, Sarah O'Brien, Julia Kisner, Augusta Sallman, Anna Maria Dolker, Catharine Finkler, Anna Houck, Margaretha Jenny, Eliza Stoll, Barbara Strapel, Johanna Pickard, Margaretha Gatewood, Anna M. Landrum, Gussie Blome, Maria B. Bloom, Caroline Bising, Kate Sweet, Abigail Pedon, Mattie MarriageYear 1878 1853 1874 1857 1873 1858 1873 1873 1882 1867 1849 1858 1878 1841 1874 1850 1858 1883 1847 1853 1883 1874 1849 1874 1856 1847 1865 1855 1858 1869 1845 1847 1875 1873 1874 1849 1846 1836 1867 1854 1841 1877 1840 1841 1856 1864 1884 1850 1857 1879 1843 1866 Page 220 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Philomena Catholic Church Wesley Methodist Chapel St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Mark German Evangelical Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Martini United Church of Christ St. Paul Catholic Church Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sadler, Johan Sadler, Joseph W. Sadler, William H. Saeger, Friedrich Saeger, John G. Saeling, Johan Saemann, George Saemann, Johann Saemann, William Saendker, Bernard H. Saenger, Anton Saenger, Ferdinand Saenger, Lawrence Saenger, Samuel Saerbeck, Joseph Saerger, Georg Saevening, Frank Saffe, Heinrich D. Saffelder, August Saffelder, August Saffelder, August Saffelder, Louis L. Saffer, George Saffer, Johan Saffin, Edward Saffin, Edward Saffin, F.G. Saffin, James Saffin, James Saffin, William Saffin, Wilson Safford, H.S. Safford, R.S. Safort, Nick Safyer, Charles A. Sagassur, Gillingham Sage, Charles Sage, Charles Sage, George Sage, George A. Sage, George R. Sage, George R. Sage, Henry Sage, Henry Sage, John Sage, Joseph Sage, Judson Sage, Marshall Sage, Marshall Sage, R.H. Sage, Samuel Sage, Samuel Name of Bride Schaefer, Apollonia Mitchell, Margaretha Barns, Catharine Knapp, Margaretha Scholl, Sarah Kelch, Catharina Haus, Magdalena Lapp, Rachel Kuntz, Maggie Goldschmidt, Anna Burg, Barbara Adleta, Emilie Renner, Agnes Heller, Hannah Niekamp, M Elisabeth Schmidt, Catharine Boehne, Rike Schimpf, Anna Marg. Stevens, Maria Myers, Alivida Myers, A. Vaughn, Hannah V. Hoffmann, Rosa Hoffmann, Maria Fisher, Lida Fisher, Lida Carnier, Emely Horton, Elisabeth B. Malott, Almira Cooke, Ella Wright, Ella M. Gordon, Jennie Stewart, Ada Gaffney, Delia Smith, Mollie Sheets, Mary Black, Eliza Cousin, Helen Corwin, Eva Kerr, Emma Sutherland, L. Etta Sutherland, L. Etta Hinkle, Lizzie Hinkle, Lizzie Barker, Mary Stuemann, Catharine Snowden, C.G. Luckey, Margaretta Luckey, Margaret Conley, Anna Flemming, Mary Dugan, Temperance MarriageYear 1851 1835 1868 1866 1854 1840 1883 1879 1876 1862 1869 1873 1851 1867 1859 1847 1864 1858 1855 1879 1879 1876 1870 1854 1884 1884 1874 1826 1856 1879 1883 1864 1858 1884 1876 1846 1849 1855 1855 1878 1883 1883 1856 1856 1854 1844 1868 1861 1861 1873 1832 1845 Page 221 10/23/2013 Source St. Michael Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 First United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Luke Episcopal Church St. Luke Episcopal Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Atonement Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Atonement Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Luke Episcopal Church St. Luke Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sagel, Bernard Sagel, Johan Bernard Sagel, Johan Heinric Sagel, John Albert Sagel, John B. Sager, James Sager, James Sager, James Sagerfeldt, Wilhelm Sagmeister, Joseph Sagnichts, Michael Sahlender, Andreas Sahlender, Georg Sahler, Joseph Sahlfeld, Clemens Sahm, Julius Sahnd, Johannes Saib, William Saigger, Anton Saigger, Ernst Sailer, Fidel Sailer, Johan Sailer, Leonard Sailer, Ludwig Sailer, Michael Sailey, Adolph Sailors, Joh. A. Saise, Tobias Saiter, Warren Saiter, Warren S. Saker, Henry Saladin, Johan Salatin, Emil Sale, Collins B. Salemann, Johan Salen, Gottfried Salenbrock, Heinrich Salender, Balthasar Saler, Michael Sales, Addison Sales, Armstead Salgenstein, Eli Salimono, Antonio Saling, Henry Salisbury, Erwin Salisbury, N.J. Salisbury, Samuel Saller, Joseph Saller, Morris Salley, August G. Salling, Charles Sally, Frank Name of Bride Flodmann, Adel.(Mrs) Kockmeyer, Angela Lange, Anna Margaret Vogel, Otillia Gloss, Maggie Healen, Mary E. Kahn, Anna B. Bosh, Elizabeth Remminger, Margaret Stephan, Katie Weissnichts, Susanna Ramelius, Christina Groh, Josephina Greaser, Gertrud Wittrock, Mary Kinsler, Karolina Schultz, Elisabeth Broermann, Lizzie Lorenz, Maria Seibert, Caroline Pfeffer, Rosa Rerig, Theresa Hessel, Catharine Hammann, Maria Ther. Dennis, Maria Mueller, Amelia Bartholomew, Josie W Kaiser, Maria Tonsley, Helen L. Tousley, Helen L. Andrews, Mary Amman, Maria Gertrud Wieland, Adaline Ross, Jennie Seidenberg, Maria Coulcher, Emma Buckhorst, Margaret Reinheit, Theresa Kessler, Bernardina Matthews, Lizzie Martin, Lettie Weil, S. Cuneo, Maria Weisbrodt, Augusta Avery, Mary E. Flyberger, Mary Coffman, Jennie Young, Mary J. Dreifuss, Hannah Hunter, Matilda Vieth, Lena Bacharach, Fanny MarriageYear 1855 1850 1861 1869 1883 1869 1877 1879 1852 1880 1855 1880 1863 1851 1877 1863 1873 1876 1874 1875 1859 1862 1865 1865 1842 1875 1875 1851 1872 1872 1848 1851 1884 1883 1868 1851 1853 1868 1852 1883 1864 1851 1851 1874 1863 1864 1866 1838 1882 1837 1884 1884 Page 222 10/23/2013 Source Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Peter United Church of Christ - Ridge Rd. Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 7 St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Christ Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Salem United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Clement Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Salman, Daniel Salmer, Theodor Salmon, Frank Salmon, James Salmon, Jeremiah Salmon, Joel Salmon, Michael Salmon, Robert Saloman, Levi Salomon, Emil Salomon, J. Salomon, John Salomon, Wm. A. Saloschin, Gustav Saloshin, Louis Salothe, Gustav Salt, Francis M. Salt, W.C. Salter, Thomas Saltes, Christian Salyers, S.E. Salymann, Frank Salzer, Johan Salzer, Johann Salzer, Joseph M. Salzman, George Sam, Friedrich Sam, George Samanahorn, Luke Sambewa, Emil Samelson, John D. Samhammer, Georg Samhammer, Georg Samhorst, Johan Saming, John Bernard Samm, George Sammel, Heinrich Sammer, Jacob Sammerble, William Sammet, Heinrich Sammet, Henry M. Sammons, J. Sammons, James Sammons, John Sammons, Samuel Sammons, William Samo, Henry C. Samolinski, Johan Samosch, William R. Sample, E.R. Sample, John S. Sample, Robert Name of Bride Carson, Hannah Stout, Delia Palmer, Zena Turner, Elcey Campbell, Keziah Blake, Martha Doheny, Bridget Pine, Priscilla Study, Jennie Kabaker, Rachel Johnson, Angeline Johnson, Angelina McGown, M.A. Goldsticker, Rosalia Cohn, Tillie Oeh, Margaretha Frazer, Emily Hawkins, P.A. Foster, Elisabeth Kubel, Maria Stubbs, Pestorah Rawland, Jennie Frier, Mina Boubin, Maria Mosler, Charlotte Grienewald, Louise Mende, Elise Davis, Tempi ----, Rachel Walser, Benedicta Summer, Bertha Seibel, Friedricka Hoffmann, Maria Anna Deppe, Rosa Hanefeld, A Margaret Brown, Sallie Siebert, Catharine Salotha, Mary E. Sands, Sarah C. Huneke, Maria (Mrs) Bruland, Anna Spence, Susannah ----, Abigail Seiler, Sarah Sink, Mary Elisabeth Miller, Mary E. Vinson, Katie E. Zwicklinska, Theo. Wolffkotter, Lizzie Best, Lena Chapman, Ella M. Gass, Matilda MarriageYear 1825 1863 1876 1821 1850 1855 1871 1841 1866 1878 1866 1866 1882 1854 1882 1857 1848 1871 1833 1844 1878 1864 1856 1881 1875 1868 1864 1881 1837 1880 1875 1866 1869 1870 1849 1876 1856 1863 1876 1873 1882 1835 1822 1859 1859 1862 1877 1867 1879 1865 1882 1858 Page 223 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Salem United Church of Christ Salem United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sampson, Albert Sampson, David J. Sampson, Elijah Sampson, Francis A. Sampson, Franklin Sampson, Frederick Sampson, Fredrick A. Sampson, Fredrick A. Sampson, George Sampson, George Sampson, George T. Sampson, Henry Sampson, Henry A. Sampson, J.L. Sampson, James Sampson, James Sampson, James Sampson, James Sampson, John B. Sampson, John E. Sampson, Joseph Sampson, Joseph Sampson, Joseph Sampson, Joseph W. Sampson, Louis Sampson, Senneca Sampson, William Sampson, William Sampson, William Sampson, William Sampson, William Sampson, William A. Sampson, William H. Samson, Abbt. Samuels, Bernard Samuels, James Samuels, John Samuels, Joseph J. Samuels, Solomon Samuels, Solomon Samuels, Wolf. Samuelson, David Samuelson, Robert Sanaey, Frederick Sanborn, John Sanborn, John Sanborn, John Sanburn, Abraham Sanburn, George Sand, Adolph Sand, Bernard Sand, G.A. Name of Bride Victor, Mary Kennedy, Emma B. Randall, Mary Lacey, Harriet Long, Lydia G. Goshorn, Emma B. Goshorn, Emma B. Goshorn, Emma B. Ellis, Hannah Smith, Emma J. Winter, J.L. Young, Josephine Vettel, Barbara Olden, Nancy Day, Ellen Irvin, Mary Frances Patmore, Mary Ann Homan, Anna Maria Pickering, Sussie Philley, Mary McDaniel, Mary Baxter, Lucinda Doty, Jane Richie, Mathilda Olden, Nannie Thocker, Jane Clafton, Submit Perryman, Sarah B. Gale, Lizzie Wright, Virginia Cunningham, Anna Cunningham, A.M. Gregory, Sarah Victor, Mary G. Vogel, Babette Patton, Laura Stockwell, Addie Holzmann, Elisabeth Gratz, Rachel Gratz, Rachel Jacobs, Julia Heymann, Babette Tannenbaum, Rosa Whipple, Mary Dawson, Phebe Cooke, Eliza Cooke, Elisabeth Southard, Margaret E Taylor, Rebecca Kunkel, Josephina Heskamp, Maria Schermann, Carrie M. MarriageYear 1876 1879 1861 1869 1843 1875 1875 1875 1846 1852 1880 1848 1883 1876 1834 1847 1847 1863 1866 1836 1835 1847 1853 1867 1876 1836 1832 1848 1853 1865 1867 1867 1850 1876 1854 1877 1881 1850 1843 1843 1856 1867 1868 1818 1834 1846 1846 1852 1867 1865 1865 1877 Page 224 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sand, Heinrich W. Sand, Henry Sand, Henry Sand, Henry W. Sand, Herman Sand, Jacques Sand, Johan Sand, Johan Heinrich Sand, Johan Herman Sand, Johan Wilhelm Sand, John Henry Sand, Joseph Sand, William Sandan, John Henry C Sandau, Christian Sandau, Emil J. Sandau, Henry Sandau, Wilhelm Sandbrink, Georg Sandbrink, Georg H. Sandbrink, Joseph Sandbrink, Theodore Sandburn, Abraham Sandel, Valentin Sander, Adam Sander, Adolph Sander, Adolph Sander, Anton Sander, August Sander, Bernard Sander, Bernard Sander, Bernard Sander, Bernard H. Sander, C.G. Sander, Christian Sander, Clement Sander, Conrad Sander, Edward Sander, Fred. Joseph Sander, Frederick Sander, Friedrich Sander, Friedrich Sander, George Sander, Gerhard Sander, Gerhard Sander, Gerhard A. Sander, Gerhard H. Sander, Gottlieb Sander, Heinrich Sander, Heinrich Sander, Henry Sander, Henry Name of Bride Miller, Louise Charann, Maria Helmes, Philomena Hortkamp, Elisabeth Brunsmann, Juliana Levy, Antoinette Hogemann, Dina Kiffmeyer, Anna(Mrs) Otten, Gesina Angela Averdunk, Anna Marg. Freisens, Marie Elis Huesing, Gertrud(Mrs Armstrong, Missouri Goosmann, Gesina Castrup, Catharine Hausfeld, Anna M.E. Fuldner, Anna Julia Brauer, Margaret Havikurst, Margaret Raffo, Barbara L. Reynolds, Mary A. Scherer, Anna White, Sarah Geissen, Anna Maria Pichler, Anna Maria Mathies, Catharine Mathies, Catharine Storck, Theresa Machenheimer, Dorete Meyer, Louise Hufemeier, Maria Hatke, Christina Luebkers, Angela Lauber, M. Elisabeth Hehe, Mary Penke, Maria Helena Scholly, Philippina Meyer, Maria Kemme, Elisabeth Vogt, Anna Mentrig, Maria Elis. Maschmeyer, Elis. Macke, Mary (Mrs.) Linnemann, M. Agnes Lucke, Agnes Windmeier, M. Elis. Hengelsbrock, Lenore Giebelmeier, Elis. Goetker, Catharine Elsbernd, Anna Dutrit, Mary Brink, Mary MarriageYear 1875 1872 1881 1880 1847 1883 1861 1857 1853 1852 1867 1856 1864 1850 1850 1881 1865 1877 1842 1863 1874 1883 1841 1846 1865 1866 1866 1843 1862 1858 1866 1881 1840 1838 1868 1848 1859 1859 1883 1850 1859 1875 1879 1883 1884 1875 1871 1859 1854 1871 1834 1881 Page 225 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church First German Presbyterian Church First German Presbyterian Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Bonaventure Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sander, Herman Sander, Herman Sander, Herman Sander, Hermann Sander, J. Philipp Sander, Johan Sander, Johan Caspar Sander, Johan Ch. Sander, Johan H. Sander, Johan P. Sander, Johan P. Sander, Joseph Sander, Joseph Sander, Louis Sander, Philipp Sander, Wilhelm Sander, Wilhelm Sander, William Sanderegger, Joseph Sanderlin, Holland Sanderlin, Holland Sanderlin, Kendrick Sandermann, Sandermann, Heinrich Sandermann, Henry Sandermann, Johan H. Sandermann, Johan H. Sanders, Sanders, A. Sanders, Abe Sanders, Alford Sanders, Barney Sanders, Charles Sanders, Charles Sanders, Charles A. Sanders, Charles A. Sanders, David Sanders, David A. Sanders, Ed. Sanders, Eli Sanders, Evan A. Sanders, Francis Sanders, Frank Sanders, George Sanders, George J. Sanders, George W. Sanders, George W. Sanders, Gerhard H. Sanders, H.S. Sanders, Heinrich W. Sanders, Henry Sanders, Henry Name of Bride Horstmann, Catharine Koehn, Maria Kath. Reeb, Carolina Precht, Maria Wirtholder, Sophia Deppen, Anna Trimpe, Maria Elis. Dammermann, Margaret Gladen, Maria Anna Friedeborg, Marg. Rosswinkel, Anna Pockwig, Maria Angert, Barbara Rathgeber, Henriette Renner, Catharine Meikenhaus, Margaret Melcher, L. Wiemeier, Charlotte Rothfuks, Maria Elis Bradley, Susan Keith, Elisabeth Nisbitt, Elisabeth Rectine, Elisabeth Kleve, Angela Fellada, Antonia Timmers, Maria Cath. Overbeck, Anna Maria Guion, Sarah Cross, Orphia Duncan, Ida Sanford, Antionette Hovermeier, Marie Wilde, Sarah Dobyrs, Jennie Thomas, Mary J. Thomas, Isabel LePage, Caroline Wright, Lucy Chappelle, Fannie Lingo, Orpha Wallace, Sarah J. Jones, Elisabeth Rothert, Josephine Davis, Margaret Williams, Mary P. Meara, Catharine Gesser, Josephine Lammers, Clara Shumard, Kate Endebrock, Anna M.L. Kolthoff, Sophie Knapp, Mary MarriageYear 1848 1865 1867 1871 1852 1873 1857 1844 1849 1849 1853 1863 1877 1862 1861 1846 1871 1860 1853 1846 1851 1856 1845 1849 1867 1859 1866 1849 1858 1880 1842 1866 1877 1880 1875 1875 1831 1838 1868 1820 1866 1837 1873 1847 1874 1852 1866 1848 1863 1863 1884 1884 Page 226 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. George Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Court House Marriage License North German Lutheran Church St. Boniface Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Mark German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Second Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Morris Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Ann Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Philomena Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sanders, Herman Sanders, Isaac Sanders, J. Milton Sanders, James Sanders, James Sanders, James Sanders, James Sanders, James D. Sanders, Johan D. Sanders, Johan Hein. Sanders, John H. Sanders, John H. Sanders, John W. Sanders, Joseph Sanders, Joshua Sanders, Lewis Sanders, Maxwell Sanders, Nehum Sanders, O. Sanders, Solomon Sanders, Washington Sanders, William Sanders, William Sanders, William Sanders, William Sanders, William H. Sanders, William Ira Sanders, William J. Sanders, William P. Sanderson, George Sanderson, George Sanderson, James W. Sanderson, John Sanderson, John Sanderson, Joseph Sanderson, Joseph Sanderson, Joseph Sanderson, Wilhelm Sanderson, William Sandford, Charles Sandford, Cyrus L. Sandford, Edwin Sandford, Seth Sandhage, Henry Sandhaus, Melchior Sandheger, Christoph Sandhiff, Christoph Sandiser, Philip A. Sandker, Bernard H. Sandler, Meyer Sandman, Anton Sandman, Frederick Name of Bride Frephon, Mary Rosenthal, Hannah Ward, Rose Harris, Mary Conger, Rachel Cusick, Catharine Hickey, Mary J. Holsen, Kate Rohlfing, Maria K. Deters, Elisabeth Thiel, Mary Hill, Alice A. Fowler, Frances Talbott, Martha Ryan, Eliza Matilda Goodwell, Delaney Williams, Sarah Fisher, Elisabeth Fowler, Juliana Disher, Butler, Elisabeth Marand, Susan Brown, Ollie Kiefer, Catharina Lorenz, Lizzie Dunn, Margaret Wallace, Maria Carter, Jennie Stuart, Mollie Harding, Harriet Hardinge, Henriette Schultz, Lizzie A. Lofthouse, Jane Butler, Draden Buckton, Ann Trainer, Emeline Schultz, Lizzie Wall, Margaret Wheeler, Abeline Judson, Susan McCoy, Anna E. Miller, Jennett Sumner, Margaret E. Eschmeier, Elisabeth Keller, Elisabeth Heinzmann, Bertha Burkett, Joanna Grinstead, Ida Egbers, Maria Mack, Regina Schmuette, Elisabeth Meier, Catharine MarriageYear 1867 1862 1857 1837 1843 1848 1857 1880 1869 1848 1877 1883 1882 1854 1860 1855 1857 1850 1884 1868 1841 1837 1868 1877 1882 1848 1865 1879 1873 1854 1854 1875 1837 1838 1836 1848 1875 1855 1834 1855 1852 1848 1844 1870 1870 1858 1872 1883 1863 1843 1883 1859 Page 227 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Salem United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Morris Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Augustine Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church Court House Marriage License HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sandman, Friedrich Sandman, Gerhard Sandman, Gerhard H. Sandman, Louis Sandmann, Anton Sandmann, Friedrich Sandmann, Friedrich Sandmann, Friedrich Sandmann, Gerhard Sandmann, Gerhard H. Sandmann, Heinrich Sandmann, Heinrich Sandmann, Heinrich Sandmann, Henry Sandmann, J Heinrich Sandmann, Johan F. Sandmann, Johan H. Sandmann, John Sandmann, Joseph C. Sandmann, Leonhard Sandmann, Wilhelm Sandner, Bernard H. Sandoe, John Sands, Edward Sands, Ephraim Sands, George Sands, George Henry Sands, George W. Sands, J.W. Sands, James Sands, John Sands, Joshua Sands, Robert M. Sands, Samuel Sands, Stephan Sands, Stephen Sands, Thomas Sands, Thomas Sandschulte, Wilhelm Sandt, B. Joseph Sandusky, Hugh Sane, Isaac Saner, August Sanford, Alanson Sanford, Alonson Sanford, Charles Sanford, Edwin Sanford, Elijah Sanford, James Sanford, Lewis Sanford, Peregrine Sanford, W.C. Name of Bride Dilger, Mary Toeller, Anna Snier, Wilhelmina Duffy, Anna M. Rethmann, Josephina Schwepmann, Maria Rholes, Louisa Niebaum, Johanna Kuhn, Maria Snier, Wilhelmina Hecker, Magdalena Schuette, Katharina Rahe, Regina Brockmann, Louisa Helmich, Anna Regina Stegmann, Elisabeth Runck, Maria Elis. Kaltenbrun, Mary Krogmann, Maria Anna Eggebrecht, Cath. Dobbeling, Friedrika Kenter, Bernardina Palser, Elisabeth Pratt, L.K. McCoy, Elisabeth W. Butterfield, Mary Schneider, Dorothea Moore, Mary Jennings, Hattie Fox, Margaret Hall, Elizabeth Cook, Eleanor Ann Dicks, Cecilia Linn, Margaret Bacon, Emily Allen, Ann Bates, Cummie Bates, Columbia E. Weigelmann, Catharin Egbers, Maria Ferguson, Elisabeth Cill, Margaret Roos, Christina Orfenille, Virginia D'Orfeuille, Jenny Judson, Susan Miller, Janet Hughes, Elizabeth M. Humble, Jessie Gross, Louise Thomas, Elisa J. Slayback, Elizabeth MarriageYear 1873 1873 1847 1870 1868 1848 1857 1865 1869 1852 1860 1862 1873 1884 1847 1853 1859 1884 1850 1874 1846 1875 1823 1869 1833 1873 1873 1857 1871 1883 1850 1847 1835 1851 1853 1877 1856 1856 1850 1850 1859 1839 1858 1855 1855 1855 1848 1862 1881 1859 1851 1849 Page 228 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sanftleben, Henry Sanger, B. Addison Sanger, Georg Sanger, Ignatz Sanger, Joseph Sangman, Samuel Sanker, Heinrich Sanker, John H. Sanky, Thomas Sannemann, Dietrich Sanner, Felix Sanning, Gerhard H. Sanning, Herman Sanning, Johan Bd. Sanning, Johan Bd. Sanning, Theodor Sannior, Claude J. Sanschie, George Sansom, J.R. Santel, Heinrich Santel, Henry Santel, J.B. Santel, Johan Bd. Santel, Johan Herm. Santer, Joseph Santmeyer, Charles Santmeyer, Joseph Santner, Mathias Sanxy, Theodore Sapare, Wolf Sapp, George Sapp, Thomas Sappington, Thomas Sargeant, Charles Sargeant, John Sargeant, William Sargeant, William Sargent, Aaron K. Sargent, C.S. Sargent, Charles Sargent, Charles Sargent, Christopher Sargent, D.H. Sargent, David Sargent, Edward Sargent, Edward Sargent, Frank D. Sargent, George Sargent, George Sargent, George W. Sargent, John Sargent, John M. Name of Bride Kollmann, Elisabeth George, Lizzie M. Walliser, Theresa Kraft, Catharine Ross, Rose Weiss, Rosa Finke, Maria Peters, Friedricka Mitchell, M. Ann Thielking, Sophia Loeser, Eva Steinbicker, Maria Horack, Clara Keitz, Susanna Marg. Hanfeld, Anna Marg. Schulhoff, Catharine Muelle, Margaret Becker, Elisabeth Berger, Fanny Kuhlmann, Eleanor Surkamp, Maria Cook, Lisette Koch, Maria Elisabet Backherms, Anna M. Buerkle, Christina Wright, Helen Haynes, Mary Mindel, Anna Maria Perry, Hetty Levi, Lena Noble, Nancy Williams, Nancy Eaverson, Matilda Lawson, Hannah Martin, Hannah E. Jacob, Anna Jacob, Anna Short, Amanda Torrence, Jane Lawson, Hannah Bishop, Emma G. Torrence, Jane F. Spangenberg, Eliz. Batchelor, Patty Smith, Mary J. Smith, Mary J. Stewart, Mary Spangenberg, Eliz. Baumeister, Caroline Key, Emma B. Ferree, Hannah Sharp, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1859 1866 1861 1860 1873 1874 1866 1859 1869 1871 1866 1880 1883 1843 1849 1872 1857 1847 1873 1867 1873 1871 1871 1871 1851 1868 1855 1851 1842 1882 1854 1826 1844 1842 1875 1884 1884 1882 1870 1842 1883 1870 1859 1819 1845 1845 1880 1859 1881 1879 1876 1834 Page 229 10/23/2013 Source Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Clement Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Wesley Methodist Chapel St. Paul Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Louis Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Church of the Advent Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage License Wesley Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sargent, John W. Sargent, John W. Sargent, Lewis Sargent, Lewis Sargent, Lewis H. Sargent, M.B. Sargent, Martin Sargent, Michael Sargent, T.P. Sargent, W.H. Sargent, William Sargent, William Sargent, William Sarginson, Joseph Sarick, Peter Sarison, Jacob Sarke, C. Sarles, James Sarner, William Saron, Samuel Sarp, John Sarran, Felix Sarreo, Philip W. Sarsfield, Michael Sartwell, George Sarver, John Sarver, John Sarver, Philipp Sass, Felix Sass, Johan F. Sasse, August Sasse, Heinrich Sasse, Heinrich Sasse, Heinrich F. Sasse, Henry Sasse, John Sasse, Joseph August Sassell, Henry Sassen, Tobias Sassie, John Satalis, Peter Satarger, Jacob Satchell, William Sater, Elbert Sater, Isaac Sater, Jasper Sater, John J. Sater, Joseph Sater, Joseph Sater, Joseph L. Sater, Milton Sater, Milton Name of Bride Fleree, Hannah D. Fleree, Hannah D. Nash, Susan Lehmanowsky, Florenc Lehmanowski, Florenc McGee, Jennie Hughey, Catharine McGee, Jennie Mansell, Ida M. Brown, Mary E. Wilson, Sarah Ellen Archey, Harriet Brown, Mollie Wormell, Jane Hof, Elisabeth Waters, Elisabeth Pistner, Margaretha Clemmer, Josephine Bucklin, Delight Roll, Margaret Lilly, Sarah Huser, Emilia P. VanLier, Mary Ann Dixon, Mary Braser, Clara Scales, Elisabeth Pearl, Mary McLean, Elisabeth Wassing, Maria Stagge, Henriette Vornholtz, M. Engel Andreas, Maria Hermsen, Theresa Fisse, Anna Maria Dettmer, Anna Imwalle, Catherine Stuemper, Elisabeth Garrett, Fannie Linnemann, Gesina Weik, Magdalena Boggiono, Mary Schlechte, Lizzie Jekinson, Martha Jones, Jennie ----, ---Carter, Eliza Larison, Nancy Pottinger, Elisabeth Hedges, Elisabeth A. Allen, Sarah P. Dunning, Clara E. Dunning, Clara E. MarriageYear 1876 1876 1852 1875 1875 1867 1862 1867 1877 1873 1842 1856 1873 1867 1839 1821 1837 1866 1862 1857 1854 1853 1835 1849 1876 1846 1874 1846 1852 1861 1846 1848 1865 1846 1871 1878 1869 1877 1848 1851 1876 1874 1864 1876 1851 1869 1834 1820 1849 1833 1875 1875 Page 230 10/23/2013 Source Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Cross Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sater, Oliver Sater, Thomas Sater, William Sater, William V. Satter, Joseph Sattershall, Thomas Satterthwaite, Georg Sattler, Alfred L. Sattler, Edward Sattler, Georg Sattler, Heinrich Sattler, John Sattler, Martin Sattler, Nicolaus Sattler, Robert Satzger, Edward Satzinger, Friedrich Satzmann, Joseph Saube, Frank Sauder, Jacob Sauderlin, Edward Sauders, George H. Sauders, S. Sauenbrok, Herman Sauer, Adam Sauer, Adam Sauer, Adam Sauer, Alex Sauer, Alexander Sauer, Alexander Sauer, Alexander Sauer, Alexander Sauer, Aloysius Sauer, Anton Sauer, Anton Sauer, Anton Sauer, Aquilin Sauer, August Sauer, Christian Sauer, Christoph Sauer, Conrad Sauer, Conrad Sauer, Francis Sauer, Francis Sauer, Friedrich Sauer, Georg Sauer, Georg Sauer, George Sauer, Gottfried Sauer, Heinrich Wm. Sauer, Henry Sauer, J. Name of Bride Bull, Sarah Gwaltney, Mary Skillman, Sarah Jane Skillmann, Catharine Gilb, Genofeva Isgrigg, Nancy Ann Chenoweth, Rebecca Krall, Kate C. Kein, Elisabeth Langenheim, Johanna Tuenker, Christina Dopmeier, Catharine Mueller, Elisabeth Veid, Elisabeth Ray, Maud Gundling, Lena Meyer, Antonia Miller, Matilda Hartlieb, Louisa Schuermann, Barbara Epps, Georgianna Jones, Pamela Ann Henghauser, Maria Hasmann, Sophia Sommer, Margaretha Bargel, Magdalena Sperber, Katherine Miller, Mary Emerling, Catharina Emelich, Catharine Emerling, Catharina Winter, Regina Dreschel, Catharine Heiberg, Catharina Vess, Elisabeth Riegelsperger, Mary Staub, Elisabeth Rehling, Maria Dor. Grub, Catharine Spindle, Barbara Amann, Louise Veit, Maria Schmidt, M. Barbara Buechner, Theresa Wagner, Barbara Herz, Helena Lus, Agatha Petermann, Katherine Lendowsky, Karolina Grell, Eva Dangel, Josephine Baum, Christine MarriageYear 1850 1860 1844 1867 1846 1835 1849 1882 1857 1851 1854 1848 1857 1882 1882 1881 1883 1860 1878 1869 1858 1830 1872 1865 1835 1840 1878 1872 1866 1866 1866 1876 1855 1848 1877 1880 1843 1854 1854 1884 1845 1852 1849 1876 1856 1849 1869 1879 1868 1849 1880 1873 Page 231 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Wesley Methodist Chapel Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Louis Catholic Church Church of Our Saviour St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Court House Marriage License St. Bonaventure Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter Catholic Church - Lick Run St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Peter Catholic Church - Lick Run St. Bonaventure Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Boniface Catholic Church St. Paul Lutheran Church - Madisonville St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sauer, Johan Sauer, Johan Sauer, Johan Sauer, Johan Sauer, Johan Sauer, Johan Sauer, Johan Sauer, John Sauer, John Sauer, John Sauer, John Sauer, John Sauer, John J. Sauer, Joseph Sauer, Joseph Sauer, Lawrence Sauer, Lawrence Sauer, Louis W. Sauer, Martin Sauer, Martin Sauer, Michael Sauer, Michael Sauer, Nicholas Sauer, Nicolaus Sauer, Peter Sauer, Salomon Sauer, Tony Sauer, Valentin C. Sauer, Wilhelm Sauer, William Sauerbeck, Georg Sauerbeck, Georg Sauerbeck, George Sauerbeck, John Sauerbeck, Phillip Sauerdick, August Sauerland, Francis Sauermann, David Sauermann, Georg Sauers, H.B. Sauerwein, Conrad Sauerwein, Johan Wm. Sauffer, Frank Saul, George Saul, George W. Saul, George W. Saul, Thomas Wynn Saul, Thomas Wynn Sauler, Johan H. Sauley, Alexander Saulman, Peter S. Saulmeier, Friedrich Name of Bride Mueller, Margaretha Weber, Maria Mueller, Barbara Kohl, Margaretha Hagen, Catharine Hage, Catharina Hage, Catharina Ruebler, Gottlieba Stegmann, Margaretha Thielen, Barbara Jung, Margaret English, Mary Sauer, Fredericka Weil, Mary Rogan, Maria Sauer, Catharine Burst, Barbara Muth, Caroline M. Pistner, Catharine Wilzbach, Mary Schardt, Margaret Dorsche, Ida Daiker, Hannah Schober, Barbara Freund, Margaretha Vetter, Carrie Gieseking, Fannie Klein, Anna M. Sommer, Regina Hocker, Barbara Koebele, Magdalena Schilling, Julia Bechtel, Catharine Gates, Mattie Wermuth, Ann Folsing, Minnie Rott, Friedricka Baier, Maria Spaeth, Maria Snyder, Josephine D. Schrader, Mena Nuss, Eva Margaretha Groh, Lena Diffley, Mary Leonard, Lillie L. Leonard, Lillie L. Tedrow, Lydia A. Tedrow, Lydia A. Laumann, Elisabeth Chatman, Harriet Schweinhart, Carolin Gerfe, Maria MarriageYear 1846 1849 1855 1857 1866 1866 1866 1847 1858 1877 1879 1883 1877 1883 1883 1854 1871 1884 1851 1883 1878 1882 1874 1881 1859 1881 1882 1884 1853 1875 1854 1856 1854 1880 1866 1881 1879 1851 1859 1866 1857 1863 1882 1868 1884 1884 1883 1883 1855 1843 1836 1853 Page 232 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Peter Catholic Church - Lick Run St. Peter Catholic Church - Lick Run Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church York St. Methodist Chapel Second German Presbyterian Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Camp Washington United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Second German Presbyterian Church Second German Presbyterian Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Michael Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Clement Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Edward Catholic Church St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Saulmeier, William Saumer, Heinrich Saunder, Gerhard H. Saundermann, Heinric Saunders, D.R. Saunders, David Saunders, George Saunders, James Saunders, James Saunders, John Saunders, John Saunders, John Saunders, R. Wertrop Saunders, Samuel Saunders, Thomas Saunders, Thomas B. Saunders, Wesley Saunier, Joseph A. Sauning, Johan Franz Saupe, Wilhelm Ferd. Saupe, William Saur, Otto Saurer, Henry Saurnweber, Martin Sauter, Anton Sauter, Benjamin Sauter, Friedrich Sauter, Jacob Sauter, Jakob Sauter, John Sauter, Joseph Sauter, Robert Sauter, Theodor Sauter, William Sauter, William Sautkamp, Henry Wm. Sautmann, Henry Sauvageot, James Savacool, John Savage, Edward Savage, Hugo Savage, James Savage, James Savage, James Savage, Jeremiah Savage, John Savage, Patrick Savall, Anthony Savill, Robert Savill, Robert Saville, William Sawdon, Robert Name of Bride Hasemeier, Annie Erker, Maria Knabe, A. Margaretha Schaperklaus, Sophia Thompson, Laura Tranter, Catharine Reynolds, Minnie White, Frances Cole, Sarah Turner, Sarah Ann Dickson, Elisabeth Dore, Mary R. Taylor, Martha Parker, Sarah Stokes, Clara Walker, Marion Witacker, Henrietta Heiles, Sarah Cath. Tegelkamp, Wilhemina Menzer, Crescentia Schwop, Mary Lange, Josephine Huert, Bridget Bohnensten, Maria Faulhaber, Amalia Burgen, Agatha Braeutigam, Christ. Rodenbeck, Louise Weber, Elisabeth Ruehl, Catherine Snauhan, Rebecca Lohmeier, Sophia Heusing, Anna Oster, Catharine Rambach, Theresa Kroelers, Katharina Voxmann, Friedricka Hohn, Caroline Hildreth, Frances Workman, Mary J. Shea, Mary Jolly, Mary A. Brusmann, Mary Curtin, Mary O'Meara, Catharine Houser, Harriet Sullivan, Mary McHale, Sarah Sharp, Mary Sharp, Mary DuBois, Amanda M. Wright, Anna MarriageYear 1882 1852 1862 1842 1881 1857 1874 1856 1860 1841 1846 1857 1864 1843 1866 1858 1842 1867 1869 1850 1872 1874 1863 1877 1881 1862 1867 1878 1859 1863 1871 1878 1880 1877 1881 1867 1851 1873 1861 1878 1884 1843 1855 1879 1870 1847 1862 1852 1866 1866 1882 1860 Page 233 10/23/2013 Source Salem United Church of Christ St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Second German Presbyterian Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. St. Paul Episcopal Church - 4th St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Lawrence Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Camp Washington United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Salem United Church of Christ Holy Angels Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Edward Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage License HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Sawdy, George Sawerly, Henry C. Sawey, Patrick Sawyer, D.O. Sawyer, Freeman Sawyer, Jasper Sawyer, Joseph Sawyer, Julius Sawyer, L.H. Sawyer, L.H. Sawyer, N.I. Sawyer, Samuel Sawzenbacher, John Sax, Jacob Saxowiski, Henry Saxton, Saxton, Benjamin Sayer, Joseph Sayer, Joseph Sayers, Edward J. Sayers, John Sayers, John Sayers, Samuel Sayers, William A. Sayler, John W. Sayler, Nelson Sayler, Tobias Sayles, H. Frank Saylor, Jacob Saylor, Michael Sayman, John A. Sayre, Caleb Sayre, Edward Sayre, George Sayre, Lewis G. Sayre, Richard Sayre, Samuel M. Sayre, William Sayre, William Sayrs, L.D. Scahill, James Scahill, Patrick Scahill, Patrick Scahill, Patrick Scales, C.C. Scales, C.C. Scales, John H. Scales, William Scalin, James Scallan, Michael Scallans, John Scallin, John Name of Bride Mayen, C. Edwards, Margaret Rice, Eliza Couch, Julia Slack, Cornelia Selman, Lucinda Hallowell, Mary Chard, Maria Arming, Anna L. Arning, Anna Wingate, Helen Hahn, Maria Braun, Julia Stoll, Francisca Berlekamp, Maria Harding, Sarah B. Hunt, Elisabeth Aman, Sophia Kendricks, Fannie Young, Martha J. Brooks, Jane Brooks, Jane Cason, Mary Thomas, Fannie M. Morris, Mary Ann Parshall, Laura Buch, Eva Munson, Sallie E. In---, Barbara Jennings, Ellen Ralls, Clara A. Fenner, Clementine Cary, Ella Nicholas, Ruth Alexander, Elisabeth Wood, Caroline O'Keefe, Louise Hamilton, Juliana Gallagher, Emma Bailey, Phebe Pennefeather, Kate Mileay, Mary Ann Steed, Mary McDermott, Mary E. Menzies, Mary E. Menzies, Mary Brooks, Charlotte Hughes, Ann Wilson, Juniata Doran, Maria Stemmer, Isabella Scully, Mary MarriageYear 1850 1873 1860 1866 1847 1855 1840 1853 1876 1876 1861 1881 1855 1875 1870 1825 1845 1846 1869 1875 1843 1843 1857 1882 1852 1862 1867 1881 1819 1875 1879 1863 1871 1854 1848 1850 1883 1821 1854 1864 1872 1852 1870 1871 1867 1867 1877 1855 1855 1879 1877 1825 Page 234 10/23/2013 Source St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. George Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Delta Methodist Episcopal Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Edward Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Sacred Heart Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Scallon, Simon Scally, Edward Scally, John Scally, John Scaman, Joseph Scamann, Heinrich Scammehorn, Jacob Scammyhorn, Joseph Scanlan, James Scanlan, James Scanlan, James Scanlan, John Scanlan, John Scanlan, John Scanlan, John L. Scanlan, Maurice Scanlan, Michael Scanlan, Michael Scanlan, Susie Scanlan, Thomas Scanlan, Thomas Scanlan, Thomas Scanlin, James Scanlin, James Scanlon, James Scannell, James Scarff, Addison Scarlett, Edward Scarry, John Scearce, John N. Sch---, Eberhard Schaad, Friedrich Schaaf, Adam Schaaf, Alphonse J. Schaaf, August Schaaf, Daniel Schaaf, Gustav Schaaf, Henry Schaaf, Oswald Schaaf, Oswald Schaaf, Peter Wm. Schaal, Louis Schaap, Johan Hein. Schaar, Georg Kaspar Schababerle, Leopold Schabdach, George Schabe, Joseph Schabel, Carl P. Schabel, Elias Schabel, Francis Schabel, Friedrich Schabel, Johan Name of Bride Ferrell, Mary Ann Gibbs, Alice Conway, Kate Reilly, Anna Deverly, Louisa Schramm, Catharine Stiles, Mary A. Hearn, Anna Belle Healy, Mary Howard, Ann Pfingsterhaus, (Mrs) Kavanaugh, Margaret Mungovan, Mary Herron, Maria Connelly, Ellen Selns, Sarah (Mrs) Fryhill, Mary Holloway, Honora Seen, Morris Brown, Bridget Boulger, Maggie Boulger, Maggie McDonald, Ann Burns, Mary O'Hara, Catharine Haney, Margaret Callenden, Mary V. Love, Mary J. Manion, Mary Smith, Kate R. Weber, Barbara Hermann, Lizzie Burger, Sophia Wheatley, Elizabeth Schneider, Mary Elis Schesckel, Philipina Story, Margaretha Kork, Bertha Schmidt, Magdalena Gruber, Christina Trageser, Kunigunda Klein, Caroline Schroeder, M. (Mrs) Schaefer, Marie Rapp, Louisa Gunther, Louise Rolf, M. Elisabeth Hesterberg, Maria C. Mueller, Catharine Glaub, Catherine Auer, Catharine Jurgens, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1861 1862 1869 1879 1852 1874 1870 1850 1867 1879 1883 1848 1853 1876 1861 1870 1856 1862 1877 1851 1876 1876 1852 1871 1865 1853 1875 1876 1853 1864 1853 1863 1882 1883 1875 1854 1871 1880 1857 1870 1861 1858 1851 1863 1848 1868 1853 1869 1855 1880 1854 1856 Page 235 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Atonement Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church All Saints Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Thomas Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church Assumption Catholic Church - Gilbert Ave. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Boniface Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schabel, Joseph Schabel, Rudolph Schaber, Andreas Schaber, Friedrich Schaber, Gottlieb Schaber, Johan Schaber, Thomas Schaber, William Schach, Benedict Schach, Jacob Schacherer, Johan Schachleiter, Joseph Schacht, John Schacht, Wilhelm Schacht, William Schachtmann, Andreas Schack, Peter Schackelhoff, Johan Schactner, Andreas Schad, Johan Schad, Johan B. Schade, John Schade, Wilhelm Schadel, Theodor Schadt, Georg H. Schadt, Heinrich C. Schaecker, Michael Schaedle, Henry Schaedle, Johan Schaedle, John Schaedle, Joseph Schaedle, Martin Schaedle, Michael Schaedler, Johan Schaefer, Adam Schaefer, Adam Schaefer, Albert Schaefer, Alexander Schaefer, Andreas Schaefer, Andreas Schaefer, Andreas Schaefer, Andrew Schaefer, Anton Schaefer, Anton Schaefer, Anton Schaefer, Anton Schaefer, August Schaefer, August Schaefer, August Schaefer, August L. Schaefer, Balt. C. Schaefer, Balthasar Name of Bride Schuetz, Catharine Meyering, Anna Nollen, Susanna Bohl, Margaretha Nagel, Elisabeth Bichler, Catharine Seiler, Magdalena Brown, Lena Geringer, Amelia Hoester, Barbara Stammer, Catharina Fox, Mary Jane Grautmann, Elisabeth Fieber, Emilia Tappin, Maria Daubert, A. Margaret Hack, Chrstina Vocke, Maria Cathar. Wendel, Phillipina Berg, Barbara Siegert, Franziska Doerfler, Elisabeth Kaiser, Helena Meyer, Anna Maria Hifer, Catharine Wocher, Anna B. Meyer, Elisabeth Mueller, Catherine A Reseler, Christina Miller, Lena Scherer, Catharine LeSaint, Catherine Schorr, B. Depler, Agnes Weber, Caroline Beyer, Anna Flood, Delia Kramer, Catharine Stall, Katharina Stall, Catharina Rapp, Catharina Noll, Rosina Meier, Anna (Mrs) Brummel, Catharina Mueller, Helena Hauser, Amelia Woerner, Catharina Hurth, Barbara Gleich, Sybilla Nahrung, Augusta Koch, Elisabeth Zimmer, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1852 1853 1849 1864 1861 1849 1858 1880 1854 1851 1848 1857 1879 1867 1842 1849 1850 1853 1850 1856 1860 1842 1857 1854 1853 1853 1839 1878 1851 1875 1859 1881 1880 1866 1843 1858 1879 1869 1861 1861 1862 1882 1850 1850 1850 1884 1869 1878 1883 1884 1877 1861 Page 236 10/23/2013 Source St. Michael Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. George Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. George Catholic Church St. George Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schaefer, Bernard Schaefer, Bernard H. Schaefer, C.B. Schaefer, Carl Schaefer, Carl Schaefer, Carl Schaefer, Carl Schaefer, Carl Schaefer, Carl Schaefer, Charles Schaefer, Charles Schaefer, Charles Schaefer, Christ. Schaefer, Christian Schaefer, Christian Schaefer, Christoph Schaefer, Christoph Schaefer, Christoph Schaefer, Christoph Schaefer, Clemens Schaefer, Conrad Schaefer, Conrad Schaefer, Cyrus Schaefer, Daniel Schaefer, Daniel Schaefer, Dietrich Schaefer, Edward Schaefer, Edward Schaefer, Edward A. Schaefer, Eugen Schaefer, Everhard Schaefer, F.H. Schaefer, Ferdinand Schaefer, Francis Schaefer, Francis Schaefer, Francis J. Schaefer, Frank Schaefer, Franz J. Schaefer, Fred. Schaefer, Fred. Schaefer, Fred. W. Schaefer, Frederick Schaefer, Frederick Schaefer, Friedrich Schaefer, Friedrich Schaefer, Friedrich Schaefer, Friedrich Schaefer, Friedrich Schaefer, Friedrich Schaefer, Friedrich Schaefer, Georg Schaefer, Georg Name of Bride Braun, Mary Wittenberg, Anna M. Secrist, F.C. Lembert, Maria Ant. Mueller, Theresa Eichhold, Maria Glins, Catharine Topmiller, Elisabeth Schedel, Johanna Neal, Sarah Langenbein, Francis Silbernagel, Kath. Hoeltge, Sophia Fuhr, Katharina Stirnkorb, Rosa Gehrlich, Margaretha Hoppmann, Dorothea Meyer, Mary Eck, Catharine Schaefer, Elisabeth Orlet, Barbara Mueller, Christine Klaser, Sophia Gro, Catharine Lebeck, Catherine Menning, Wilhelmina Wolke, Anna Maria Lukenheimer, Ella Hollis, Annie E. Stoll, Carrie Pena, Walburga Brennen, Maria L. Kruse, Maria Anna Nick, Catharina Rielage, Catharine Valending, Maria L. Meyer, Margaretha Goessnitz, Isidora VonSeggern, Emma Petri, Lena VonKienbusch, Lena VonSeggern, Emma Rinck, Elisabeth Dietz, Sophia Luft, Anna M. Amberg, Maria Lange, Anna M. Humberg, Louise Muthert, Anna Rothert, Anna Seifert, Margaretha Schuster, Eva MarriageYear 1884 1866 1874 1857 1858 1859 1873 1877 1883 1873 1879 1884 1864 1854 1870 1842 1847 1860 1866 1855 1849 1872 1863 1852 1881 1870 1861 1880 1882 1882 1834 1855 1852 1860 1861 1851 1865 1858 1874 1879 1877 1874 1882 1851 1859 1859 1867 1869 1877 1877 1838 1852 Page 237 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Henry Catholic Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Lutheran Church - Madisonville Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church First United Church of Christ St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Louis Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schaefer, Georg Schaefer, Georg Schaefer, Georg Schaefer, Georg Adam Schaefer, Georg F. Schaefer, George Schaefer, George Schaefer, George Schaefer, George H. Schaefer, Gottfried Schaefer, Gottlieb Schaefer, H. Schaefer, Harry Schaefer, Heinrich Schaefer, Heinrich Schaefer, Heinrich Schaefer, Heinrich Schaefer, Heinrich Schaefer, Heinrich Schaefer, Heinrich Schaefer, Henry Schaefer, Henry Schaefer, Henry Schaefer, Henry Schaefer, Henry Schaefer, Henry Schaefer, Henry Schaefer, Henry Schaefer, Henry Schaefer, Herman Schaefer, Herman H. Schaefer, Herman H. Schaefer, Hy. George Schaefer, J. Michael Schaefer, J. Philipp Schaefer, Jacob Schaefer, Jacob Schaefer, Jacob Schaefer, Jacob Schaefer, Jacob Schaefer, Jakob Schaefer, Jakob Schaefer, Johan Schaefer, Johan Schaefer, Johan Schaefer, Johan Schaefer, Johan Schaefer, Johan Schaefer, Johan Schaefer, Johan Schaefer, Johan Schaefer, Johan Name of Bride Gutzwiller, Sophia Gugel, Maria Ochs, Katherine Leopold, Barbara Beisser, Francisca Dilly, Elise Schumann, Katherine Powers, Ella Hollinger, Lizzie Daubermann, Caroline Burger, Magdalena Wells, Jennie Burke, Rosa Schulten, Susanna Meyers, Louise Jelle, Catharina Krome, Catharina Kalthoff, Louise Schnecker, Maria Helfenbein, Kather. Martin, Barbara Wiesmann, Catherine Meyer, Margaret Kirchhoff, Lizzie Colscher, Lillie Bruecker, Angela Buecker, Elisabeth Johnson, Ella B. Schreck, Catherine Hockmann, Catharine Kentrup, Maria Cath. Stientkers, Katharin Hollmeyer, Sophie Weizel, Theresa Mathias, Catharine Schaefer, Friedricka Meitert, Anna Maria Meckarmeck, Catherin Pflumm, Margaretha Scheidenhet, Anna B. Rehbaum, Minna Stark, Barbara Brossard, Theresa Kuhlmann, Babette Barranier, Gertrud Kramer, Elisabeth Bruns, Catharine Gidermann, Carolina Fleckenberg, Barbara Roessler, Margaretha Hossfeld, Mina Mueller, Barbara MarriageYear 1858 1870 1871 1850 1854 1860 1873 1875 1882 1856 1873 1877 1871 1852 1853 1859 1860 1866 1871 1874 1868 1871 1875 1878 1878 1880 1882 1884 1884 1855 1852 1860 1882 1855 1848 1854 1854 1865 1866 1874 1871 1874 1837 1845 1847 1847 1849 1850 1853 1856 1866 1867 Page 238 10/23/2013 Source St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church First German Presbyterian Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Michael Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Salem United Church of Christ Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 6 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Michael Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schaefer, Johan Adam Schaefer, Johan Geo. Schaefer, Johan H. Schaefer, Johan L. Schaefer, Johannes Schaefer, John Schaefer, John Schaefer, John Schaefer, John Schaefer, John A. Schaefer, John Henry Schaefer, John M. Schaefer, Joseph Schaefer, Joseph Schaefer, Joseph Schaefer, Joseph Schaefer, Joseph Schaefer, Joseph Schaefer, Joseph Schaefer, Joseph A. Schaefer, Karl Schaefer, Karl Schaefer, Karl G. Schaefer, L.W. Schaefer, Leonhardt Schaefer, Lewis Schaefer, Louis Schaefer, Louis Schaefer, Louis Schaefer, Louis M. Schaefer, Louis R. Schaefer, Ludwig Schaefer, Ludwig Schaefer, M.R. Schaefer, Martin J. Schaefer, Mathias Schaefer, Michael Schaefer, Nicolaus Schaefer, Nicolaus Schaefer, Oscar John Schaefer, Paul Schaefer, Peter Schaefer, Peter Schaefer, Peter Schaefer, Peter Schaefer, Peter Schaefer, Peter Schaefer, Philipp Schaefer, Reinhard Schaefer, Reinhold Schaefer, Robert A. Schaefer, Rudolph Name of Bride Besler, Mary Revert, Anna VonStrohe, Anna M.E. Willken, Margaretha Schmidt, Barbara Adams, Eliza Robinson, Elizabeth Ahlsaeath, Bertha Heckermann, Lizzie Krieg, Sallie Young, Maria Wolf, Christina Lutz, Barbara Pope, Maria Herrmann, Friedricka Herrmann, Friedricka Plaspohl, Frances Lang, Catherine Burkhardt, Elisabeth Bonin, Ella Misslo, Charlotte Sperber, Barbara Bauer, Minna Jackson, Nellie Diehl, Philippina Kasting, Louise Rempe, Friedricka Greahan, Sarah Harder, Louisa Graham, Sarah L. Kummer, Louisa E. Reinholdt, Sophia Langenbach, Katherin Hieronimus, Elis. Harney, Rosa Kelsch, Agnes Hug, Elisabeth Landwehr, Margaretha Lichtenberger, Cath. Klusmann, Emma Schaefer, Mary Bondeter, Elisabeth Kritsch, Margaretha Sedler, Elisabeth Foster, Barbara Foster, Barbara Wurtz, Maria A. Roedel, Margaretha Keller, Anna Wieber, Caroline Feldkamp, Anna Elisa Braam, Josephine MarriageYear 1844 1852 1854 1851 1858 1862 1872 1877 1882 1873 1848 1867 1859 1860 1866 1866 1876 1880 1883 1883 1853 1867 1867 1883 1843 1852 1861 1876 1882 1876 1884 1863 1878 1864 1859 1856 1856 1842 1858 1880 1882 1838 1855 1857 1861 1861 1877 1857 1883 1878 1881 1880 Page 239 10/23/2013 Source Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Pilgrim United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Augustine Catholic Church First German Presbyterian Church First German Presbyterian Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Catholic Church Pilgrim United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Michael Catholic Church First German Presbyterian Church First German Presbyterian Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schaefer, Samuel A. Schaefer, Theodor Schaefer, Theodor Schaefer, Udalrich Schaefer, Valentin Schaefer, Valentine Schaefer, Wilhelm Schaefer, Wilhelm Schaefer, Wilhelm Schaefer, Wilhelm Schaefer, Wilhelm Schaefer, Wilhelm Schaefer, William Schaefer, William Schaefer, William Schaefer, William Schaefers, Anton Schaefers, Hubert Schaefers, J.Bernard Schaeffer, Abraham Schaeffer, Andrew Schaeffer, August Schaeffer, Carl Schaeffer, Charles Schaeffer, Frank Schaeffer, Fred Schaeffer, Fred Schaeffer, Friedrich Schaeffer, Friedrich Schaeffer, Friedrich Schaeffer, Friedrich Schaeffer, George W. Schaeffer, Gustav A. Schaeffer, Heinrich Schaeffer, Jacob Schaeffer, Jacob Schaeffer, Johan Schaeffer, Johan Schaeffer, Joseph Schaeffer, Joseph Schaeffer, Joseph Schaeffer, Joseph Schaeffer, Joseph Schaeffer, Louis Schaeffer, P.A. Schaekel, Friedrich Schael, Carl Schaenschang, Steph. Schaepen, Bernard Schaeperklaus, Wm. Schaepfel, Jakob Schaerer, Walter Name of Bride Rein, Minnie Heine, Mary Hilpoltsteiner, Barb Beckermann, Maria A. Koch, Catharina Nachtigall, Susanna Walter, Catharina Oelschlaeger, Marg. Detmus, Marie Grimmer, Rose Doroth Griser, Amelia Murr, Franziska Greason, Mary Renzelmann, M. Metcher, Sophia Stammerding, Louisa Kraemer, Bernardina Seitz, Elisabeth Schoenberger, Kate Berliner, Celia Lorenz, Anna Haldy, Anna J. Schwarderer, Rosina Cobb, Annie Lester, Susan Burningstal, Barbara Schremper, Anna Westerhaus, Cath. Hoberg, Anna Maria McNeal, Sarah Klein, Elise (Mrs) Riess, Lena Ottenjohann, Wilhel. Heckler, Christina Grottunsche, Anna Hannges, F. Wermer, Julia Day, Mary Margaret Rach, Mary Knoth, Bertha Hoffmann, Sophie Hugg, Theresa Witkop, Augusta Mullaney, Catharine Elliott, Mary A. Schroeder, Charlotte Schmidt, Christina Haubner, Anna Dietz, Christina Hemann, Friedericka Poss, Elisabeth Wenzel, Jeanette MarriageYear 1876 1881 1884 1849 1855 1881 1853 1855 1861 1867 1867 1879 1861 1869 1884 1884 1864 1858 1884 1859 1875 1881 1843 1850 1859 1876 1878 1840 1859 1859 1865 1872 1851 1851 1856 1860 1858 1881 1839 1864 1882 1883 1883 1884 1879 1862 1871 1859 1858 1867 1867 1884 Page 240 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. John Catholic Church - Dry Ridge St. Michael Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Pilgrim United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church First United Church of Christ Zion German Evangelical Church St. Louis Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Nast-Trinity Methodist Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 North German Lutheran Church Salem United Church of Christ Court House Marriage License St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church Atonement Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schaerges, Charles Schaerges, Emil Schaettler, Charles Schaetzle, Albert Schaetzle, Theodor Schaetzlein, Friedr. Schaeufele, Ludwig Schaeven, J. Joseph Schaevene, Johan Schaf, August Schaf, Johan Schafer, Adam Schafer, Anton Schafer, Anton Schafer, Bernard Schafer, Charles Schafer, Christian Schafer, Fredrick W. Schafer, George B. Schafer, Henry Schafer, Henry N. Schafer, Hunter R. Schafer, Isaac Schafer, J.H. Schafer, Jacob Schafer, Johan H. Schafer, John Schafer, John Schafer, John A. Schafer, John B. Schafer, Joseph Schafer, Leonard Schafer, Nicholas Schafer, Otto Schafer, Phillip J. Schafer, Richard C. Schafer, William Schafers, Anton Ed. Schaff, Anton Schaff, Henry Schaff, Johan Schaff, Peter Schaffe, Peter Schaffel, Georg C. Schaffenberger, R. Schaffer, Benjamin Schaffer, Charles W. Schaffer, Edward B. Schaffer, Gottlieb Schaffer, Henry Schaffer, Jacob Schaffer, John C. Name of Bride Meyer, Mary Nieske, Louise Kempter, Gruebel, Margarethe Schwenkenbehler, Ida Voney, Margaretha Rierden, Maria(Mrs.) Albers, Anna Maria Gall, Margaretha Weibel, Barbara Hoeltinger, Maria Steigerwald, Margar. Frisch, Catharine Mesmann, Maria A(Mrs Girtey, May Goettle, Emma Rieder, Elisabeth Getchell, Mildred E. Warwick, Anna Reilly, Ellen V. Beatty, Emma F. Gilpin, Elisabeth D. Ketcham, Mary E. Osler, Amelia E. Hoepfel, W. Jung, Anna Maria Diehl, Louise Atzel, Sophie Seigel, Margaret Anderson, Luella A. McKirn, Sallie S. Morris, Katie F. Patterson, Roulia L. Sendelbach, Anna Guenter, Rosa Crosby, May Kirschner, Philie Brockamp, Maria Elis Nelle, Elisabeth Weider, Lizzie Jurgens, Justina Scholl, Catharine Bopp, Magdalena Wollenhaupt, Emilia Stahl, Margaretha Garside, Sarah Yarnnis, Mollie Dischner, Martha W. Pieper, Philomena Morgan, Sarah A. Maier, Elizabeth Stoever, Doris MarriageYear 1870 1869 1852 1868 1865 1846 1867 1853 1859 1873 1848 1855 1848 1871 1882 1876 1848 1880 1877 1869 1882 1872 1884 1874 1879 1849 1858 1882 1876 1883 1876 1878 1875 1853 1875 1872 1882 1852 1883 1882 1860 1850 1855 1846 1869 1862 1877 1874 1860 1880 1866 1873 Page 241 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Mears Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral York St. Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 1 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Christy Methodist Chapel Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Stanislaus Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 3 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schaffer, Lewis W. Schaffer, Ludwig Schaffer, Michael Schaffer, Oliver Schaffer, Theodore Schaffer, W.V. Schaffer, William Schaffhauser, Christ Schaffhauser, Karl Schaffler, Eugene Schaffner, Gottlob Schaffner, Hugo Schaffner, Jacob Schaffner, John Schaffner, Valentin Schafstahl, Gerhard Schafstall, Friedric Schafstall, Fritz Schafstall, Heinrich Schafstall, Heinrich Schafstall, Heinrich Schafstall, Henry Schafstall, Oliver Schafstall, Philipp Schafstall, Theodor Schaftal, Henry Schaible, Arthur F. Schaible, Jacob Schaible, Johan Schaible, Johannes Schaible, Michael Schaich, Elias Schaich, Johan Schaich, Lorenz Schaid, Philip Jacob Schaier, Constantine Schaig, Martin Schaiper, Fred. Schaiper, Henry Schaipper, Daniel L. Schalck, Joseph W. Schaleher, Johan Schalemann, J. Geo. Schalk, Charles Schalk, Heinrich Schalk, Heinrich Schalk, Jacob Schalk, Louis Char. Schalk, Peter Schalk, Peter Schalk, Sebastian Schall, August Name of Bride Smith, Sallie R. Siefert, Catharine Eschmann, Francis Jones, Julie C. Howard, Ruth Wallace, Mary E. Burkle, Gottlieba Kuehner, Augustina Juppenlatz, Maria Rentz, Elisabeth Roehm, Fridolina(Mrs Steidel, Philipena Ripsch, Catharine Hauck, Elisabeth Kopf, Catharine Westerhaus, Gertrud Leonhart, Adalheid Diersing, M. Anna Engelhard, Margaret Schmidt, Katharina Schnittker, Maria Young, Katie Seyfried, Lena Hoene, A.M. Adelheid Schramp, Wilhelmina Ryan, Maggie Stagner, Rowena A. Honkler, Catharine Gack, Veronica Dannrauther, Julia VanLaer, Louisa Folz, Margaretha Schowalter, Barbara Weiss, Susanna Hauck, Barbara Semmelmeyer, Elis. Densel, Maria Lauman, Elisabeth Liening, Catherine Laumann, Louise C. Klein, Mina Kapler, Barbara Bemmes, Maria Anna Hauck, Margaret Rohs, Elisabeth Braun, Lizzie Wessenfeld, Mary Williams, Mary Ellen Hamling, Maria Harris, Mary Meyer, Maria Fischer, Anna MarriageYear 1883 1850 1848 1875 1866 1883 1861 1874 1862 1851 1857 1867 1866 1882 1849 1846 1852 1870 1846 1848 1868 1877 1882 1846 1857 1879 1884 1855 1855 1871 1869 1873 1861 1878 1835 1854 1853 1877 1879 1883 1870 1857 1872 1883 1860 1880 1859 1884 1857 1882 1882 1851 Page 242 10/23/2013 Source Church of Our Saviour Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage License St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Zion German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 St. Augustine Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church St. John United Church of Christ - Harrison, Ohio Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. John United Church of Christ - Harrison, Ohio Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church Camp Washington United Church of Christ Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church First United Church of Christ St. Mark German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schall, August Schall, George Schall, George E. Schall, Joseph Schall, Jules H. Schallcross, Hiram Schallenmueller, CF Schaller, Charles Schaller, Frederick Schaller, Georg Schaller, Johan Schaller, John Schaller, John Schaller, Louis Schaller, Michael Schaller, Peter Schaller, Wilhelm Schaller, Wilhelm Schallert, Max Joseph Schallert, Max Jox. Schallhammer, Johan Schalline, Philipp Schallwitz, Carl Schalter, Herman Schalze, William Schamber, Johannes Schambers, Christian Schamer, Philipp Schamerloh, Heinrich Schaminghausen, Hy. Schammel, Charles J. Schammel, Charles J. Schandelmeier, Dom. Schandonney, George Schank, Louis Schank, Woodhull Schankel, George Schankel, George Schanlaw, Joseph Schantz, Michael Schantz, Michael Schanz, Georg Schanz, George Schanz, Louis Schanz, Otto Schanz, Peter Schanz, Xavier Schapcott, Richard Schapcott, Richard Schape, Carl Louis Schapenberger, Peter Schaper, Ernst Name of Bride Frerker, Caroline Ries, Lizzie Reichert, Theresa Baumann, Catharine Huymann, Emma C. Quick, Elisabeth Wagner, Minnie Hammann, Katie Conrad, Louisa Eckert, Elisabeth Stirnkorb, Margaret Barnes, Mary C. Sachs, Emma Bittner, Karolina Bucher, Juliana Deters, Rose Fussnecker, Amalia Fussnecker, Amalia Neyer, Crescentia Neyer, Crescentia Fetter, Magdalena Rudolph, Sophia Ritter, Susanna Speckbauck, Maria A. Haas, Christine Voss, Christine Bahmar, Anna Agnes, Katherine Weiss, Elisabeth Tellkamp, Johanna Kuhn, Carrie Kuhn, Carrie Allgeier, Catharine Cheek, Mary Ottignout, Maria Miller, Jeanette Groves, Anna B. Groves, Anna B. Laukamp, Elisabeth Fahner, Elisabeth Hahn, Theresa Laux, Apollonia Houser, Elizabeth Eichel, Maria Haeffner, Caroline Wursthorn, Sabina Overle, Margaretha Bewlay, Dunlop Bewlay, Dunlop Hodt, Amelia Seidensticker, Barb. Brattmueller, Maria MarriageYear 1875 1878 1882 1849 1881 1847 1883 1880 1876 1851 1861 1864 1884 1881 1870 1879 1869 1869 1858 1858 1869 1867 1850 1850 1848 1865 1860 1873 1845 1857 1881 1881 1876 1842 1855 1841 1883 1883 1861 1849 1856 1860 1876 1884 1876 1866 1850 1882 1882 1858 1858 1856 Page 243 10/23/2013 Source St. Mark German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Pearl St. Methodist Chapel Pearl St. Methodist Chapel St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Christ Episcopal Church St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Zion German Evangelical Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum St. Martin German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schaperklaus, Herman Schapmann, Henry Schapp, Georg Schapp, Gerhard Clem Schapp, Johan Schapp, Sebastian Schappenhorst, H.W. Schapper, Michael Schaptach, Georg Schar, Joseph Schar, Samuel Scharddin, Fred. Schardein, Adam Schardine, Friedrich Schardine, Peter Schardine, Valentin Schardt, J. Philipp Schardt, Jacob Scharenberg, Adolph Scharer, Joseph Scharf, August Scharf, Carl Scharf, Conrad Scharf, Michael Scharfe, Heinrich Scharfscheer, Henry Scharfscher, Heinric Scharherer, Jacob Scharing, David Scharinghausen, Wm. Scharlach, Fernando Scharlemann, Jacob M Scharmann, Heinrich Scharmann, Heinrich Scharmann, Henry Scharmann, Herman H. Scharnhorst, Ernst Scharnhorst, Heinric Scharnhorst, Heinric Scharnhorst, Henry Scharnhorst, William Scharnhorst, Wm. B. Scharold, Joseph Scharold, Philipp Scharppi, John Scharrar, Isaac Scharrar, Isaac Scharre, Ferdinand Scharregge, Louis Scharrelmann, L.H. Scharrenberger, Geo. Scharrer, Frederick Name of Bride Packers, Maria Lauching, Hannah Kilgenstein, Cath. Steffens, Maria Cath Voegele, Margaretha Hartmann, Magdalena Lubke, Sophia Schuettenheim, Anna Hohl, Agnes Fuchs, Lena Bertel, Anna Wirtwein, Louisa Marshall, Friedricka Langel, Mary Miller, Lena Barnhard, Lena Walkenhorst, Annie Schneider, Elisabeth Lammers, Friedrika Weaver, Catharine Goepfrich, Rosa Nolte, A. Christina Pist, Margaretha Meisner, Sophia Sauter, Elisabeth Mitchell, Catherine Stegemueller, Louise Oswald, Margaretha Wabnitz, Salome Stadtlander, Anna M. Barnes, Francisca Schroeder, Mary Anna Nuelke, Maria Sander, Wilhelmina Tepe, Helen Foelker, Dina Droege, Elisabeth Eist, Anna Maria Alvers, Minna Mueller, Katherine Hust, Barbara Mischke, Augusta Rauh, Margaretha Schriml, Anna Marg. Fowler, Althea Garver, Melhinda M. Campbell, Emma J. Fey, Rosalia Immenhort, Emma Stumpe, Wilhelmina Boschen, Louise Postius, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1842 1859 1859 1869 1858 1857 1868 1878 1861 1867 1849 1876 1835 1870 1884 1880 1882 1852 1883 1853 1880 1849 1849 1883 1853 1882 1846 1842 1850 1845 1871 1873 1848 1850 1884 1878 1881 1847 1850 1871 1879 1877 1876 1847 1850 1877 1882 1854 1883 1875 1856 1881 Page 244 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Clement Catholic Church St. Clement Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Camp Washington United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Stanislaus Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church - R North German Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Church of the New Jerusalem St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Bonaventure Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 10 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Scharringhaus, Wm. Scharringhausen, F. Scharstein, Alex Schart, Adolf Schartemeier, Herman Scharwarth, Johan Scharwath, Peter Scharwe, Johann Hermann Scharwing, George Schassein, Michael Schath, George Schath, Herman Schath, Michael Schath, Michael Schatt, Martin Schattenhelm, Andrew Schattin, Louis Schattinger, Adam Schattinger, Henry Schattinger, Peter Schattinger, Peter Schattner, Heinrich Schatto, Carl Schattuck, Alberto Schatz, Andrew Schatz, Carl Schatz, Charles Schatz, Friedrich Schatz, Johan Schatz, John Schatz, Nicolaus Schatz, Robert Schatz, Robert Schatzli, Franz Schatzman, Jacob Schatzman, John Schatzmann, Conrad Schatzmann, Peter Schaub, Adam Schaub, Anton Schaub, Conrad Schaub, Conrad Schaub, Dionysius Schaub, Friedrich Schaub, Georg Schaub, Heinrich Schaub, Hermann Schaub, Karl Schaub, Louis Schaub, Ludwig Schaub, Rudolph Schaub, Wendlin Name of Bride Hohnhorst, Philomena Brockschmidt, A.(Mrs Becker, Louise Bratt, Magdalena Ballmann, Maria Elis Hoffmann, Margaretha Scanlon, Margaret Ladenkoetter, Elisabeth Saal, Mary Bohlander, Anna Strauter, Minnie Eckerle, Elisa Speck, Elisabeth Kau, Kunigunda Baumann, Katharina Lepperts, Margaretha Bickmann, Caroline Kunkel, Maria Steuernagel, Marie Kaige, Catharine Lauderbach, Elis. Lazarus, Maria Byle, Brigitta Bailey, Louise Beck, Rosina Rohlfing, Sophia Wiegand, Maggie Felix, Louise (Mrs.) Schwemm, Friedricka Joerg, Anna Wolf, Catharine Flebein, Anna (Mrs) Hellmann, M. Louise Zimmermann, Louisa Amans, Catharine Governeur, M. Deitsch, Rosa Stahl, Katharina Jacob, Elisabeth Sedelke, Bertha Chreist, Catharine Linder, Anna Maria Beiser, Magdalena Reese, Bertha Schneider, Elisabeth Betzold, Anna Maria Miller, Barbara Ewald, Anna (Mrs.) Huber, Anna Maria Laubach, Margaretha Eberle, Elisabeth Sengal, Theresa MarriageYear 1869 1868 1882 1863 1855 1870 1861 1866 1853 1880 1875 1877 1852 1868 1857 1864 1870 1865 1883 1848 1870 1868 1871 1884 1883 1875 1882 1874 1854 1880 1855 1868 1868 1882 1861 1846 1866 1867 1884 1878 1844 1850 1838 1870 1856 1858 1875 1882 1866 1859 1854 1868 Page 245 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Philomena Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Mark German Evangelical Church Court House Marriage License Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Court House Marriage License St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Luke United Church of Christ St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church First United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schaubacher, Anton Schaudenbach, Ferd. Schaue, John Henry Schauer, Francis Schauer, Peter Schaufele, John Schaufert, Abraham Schaufert, Ferdinand Schaufert, Jacob Schaufler, Fred. Schauler, Michael Schaum, Philipp Schaumann, Simon Schaumburger, Fred. Schaup, Louis Schaup, Ludwig Schaup, Peter Schaup, Robert Schaupp, Charles Schaurer, Johan Schaurer, Michael Schaurer, Michael Schaurer, Peter Schauser, Phillip Schave, H. Heinrich Schave, Heinrich Schave, Johan Fried. Schawe, Christopher Schawe, Franz A. Schawe, Friedrich Schawe, George Schawe, Johan H. Schawe, Joseph Schbahe, Everhard Scheanschang, John Schear, Joseph Schearing, George Scheben, Ferdinand Schebermeier, Franz Schebers, Johan Scheble, Heinrich Schecher, Edward Scheck, Jacob Scheck, John Jacob Scheck, Lorenz Scheckmann, Bernard Scheddinger, Jakob Schedel, Valentine Schedel, Wilhelm Schedle, Martin Schedler, Anton Schedt, John Name of Bride Zimmerer, Juliana Mueller, Rosina Wingermuhler, Elis. Flemm, Carolina Casey, Ella Roeder, Barbara Kirchner, Louisa Lipps, Maggie Zipper, Rosa Gross, Caroline Wagner, Maria Sartori, Anna Schmieder, Maria A. Storch, Marie Guth, Josephine(Mrs) Beckmann, Anna Cath. Weber, Catharine Lehmann, Maria Anna Smith, Christina Keller, Barbara Baurer, Maria Anna Wilson, Mary E. Zipp, Catharine Florh, Theresa Bosecke, Johanna L. Wenning, Catharine Lange, Anna Margaret Schwegmann, Josephin Ladenkoetter, Elis. Hoffstedde, Catherin Bagge, Bertha Kleemeyer, Juliana Morherm, Theresa Lies, Catharine A. Ichreck, Barbara Schneider, Emma Schlee, Anna Knopf, Ursula Derenkamp, Theresa Griesmeyer, Sophia Eliger, Anna Maria Sheassle, Barbara Witzenbacher, Helena Otting, Rose Cramer, Josephine Hagedorn, Elisabeth Hutmacher, Margaret Juelg, Anna Maria Schroeder, Anna Block, Maria Anna Hoffmann, Maria Hensler, Louisa MarriageYear 1880 1858 1846 1864 1882 1852 1879 1882 1878 1881 1837 1855 1853 1871 1883 1872 1856 1872 1854 1860 1844 1880 1846 1874 1852 1861 1866 1880 1866 1874 1879 1857 1867 1844 1883 1861 1880 1853 1869 1855 1835 1874 1858 1883 1843 1876 1862 1884 1878 1855 1854 1874 Page 246 10/23/2013 Source Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Patrick Catholic Church - Third St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 St. Joseph Catholic Church First United Church of Christ St. Henry Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church Sacred Heart Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Court House Marriage License St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Scheel, Jacob Scheel, James H. Scheel, L.G. Scheel, L.G. Scheele, August Scheele, Gerhard Scheele, Herman Scheele, Johan Fried Scheele, John Scheele, Otto Scheeler, Charles M. Scheeler, Lewis Scheen, Andrew Scheeper, Joseph Scheer, Carl F. Scheer, George Scheer, Johan Heinr. Scheer, Karl F. Scheer, Louis Scheeran, John Scheeren, Peter A. Scheerer, Georg Scheerer, Georg Scheerer, Heinrich Scheerer, Heinrich Scheffel, August Scheffel, Peter Scheffel, William F. Scheffler, Friedrich Scheffner, William Scheffter, Henry Scheftroler, Louis Scheg, Johan Scheg, Johann Schehl, Friedrich Schehl, Johan Adam Schehr, Jacob Schehr, Peter Scheibel, Francis X. Scheibel, Friedrich Scheibele, Joseph Scheibele, Joseph Scheiber, Henry R. Scheiber, Wilhelm Scheibert, Emil Scheible, Friedrich Scheible, Nicolaus Scheible, Otto Scheible, Wilhelm Scheiblein, John Scheibly, John B. Scheibly, Joseph A. Name of Bride Liden, Catharine Mitchell, Jennie Hilliard, Marcella Hilliard, Marcella Wettig, Caroline Drasing, Maria Schmiesing, C. (Mrs) Scheele, Anna H. Wilmer, Margaret Bruding, Catharine Hoffmann, Minnie Nickert, Pauline Hollinger, Geneieve Niemeyer, Bernardina Lindemann, Caroline Stroh, Mina Lange, Maria Theresa Bernkemper, Wilhel. Sutor, Elizabeth Welsh, Anna Moeskops, Petronella Rau, Babette Lauther, Katharina Freier, Katharina Stockum, Emilie Hueneke, Anna Steinert, Elisabeth Seitz, Theresa Hagen, Dorothea Schulte, Mary Metzmer, Barbara Chefeldt, Caroline Krammer, Amanda Krammer, Amande Norlacher, Rosa Brendel, Anna Cath. Degent, Barbara Huber, Theresa Hagen, Maria Baltz, Dorothea Christoffel, Cath. Christoffel, Cath. Williams, Mary C. Zerwick, Anna M. Bechthold, Friedrika Schnepf, Caroline Hylser, Dorothea Lacher, Anna Doll, Margaretha Lindner, Catherine Waxler, Julia E. Whitehead, Josephina MarriageYear 1857 1875 1875 1875 1855 1842 1873 1852 1881 1842 1881 1880 1860 1875 1856 1865 1852 1857 1879 1879 1863 1856 1857 1856 1870 1856 1857 1879 1860 1881 1880 1877 1870 1870 1882 1881 1869 1878 1875 1843 1865 1865 1879 1852 1859 1859 1849 1883 1859 1876 1878 1877 Page 247 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Paul Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Holy Angels Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Scheid, Anthony Scheid, George Scheid, Henry Scheid, Henry Scheid, Michael Scheid, Nicolaus Scheid, Sebastian Scheid, Theodor Scheid, William Scheidecker, Nicolas Scheidemann, Andreas Scheidemann, Heinric Scheidemantel, Andr. Scheidemantel, Johan Scheidemantle, John B. Scheider, Frank Scheider, Friedrich Scheider, Georg Scheider, Jordan Scheiderer, Edward Scheiderer, Frank Scheiderer, Heinrich Scheiderer, John Scheidle, Heinrich Scheidler, Fred. Scheidler, Isaac Scheidt, Frank Scheidt, George J. Scheidt, Heinrich Scheidt, Heinrich Scheidt, Johan Scheidt, John Martin Scheidt, Morris Scheidt, William Scheier, Jacob Scheifers, August Scheifers, Rudolph Scheiffele, Wilhelm Scheigert, Henry Scheiking, Michael Scheil, James P. Scheil, Johan Theo. Scheiler, Joseph Scheiml, Heinrich Scheiner, Andrew Scheiner, Georg Scheiner, Jacob Scheiner, Jacob Scheiner, Johan Scheinfelder, Lorenz Scheirer, Lawrence Scheirer, Michael Name of Bride Grote, Anna Honert, Lontena Scheer, Louisa Scheir, Louisa Ader, Catherine Riesbeck, Barbara Guenther, Josephina Schreiner, Friedrika Schneider, Sallie Humbrecht, Anna Schmelz, Elise Grebel, Louise Bolander, Elisabeth Koch, Magdalena Hunter, Mary A. Brunst, Elisabeth Schindler, Theresia Aug, Catharine Mei, Agnes Fiege, Bertha Fuegi, Anna Hasselbacher, Eva Bodenkirch, Lizzie Reif, Elisabeth Burmeister, Marie Benning, Adelheid Baumgrass, Ottilia Steinmann, Caroline Ahrens, Catharina Hoffmann, Maria Jung, Catharine Jaich, Maggie Lena Berberich, Mary Negley, Eva Depler, Theresa Probst, Louisa Kotter, Elisabeth Schiess, Katharine Scharf, Sallie Westerkamm, Margaret Mitchell, Jennie Nauer, Anna Maria Fassel, Brigitta Koch, Catharine M. Deuchter, Isabella Schreiner, Appolonia Riester, Justina Heis, Caroline Stauss, Catherine Weimann, Catharine Renner, Perpetua Fischer, Sophia MarriageYear 1881 1877 1874 1874 1877 1843 1872 1853 1867 1877 1866 1856 1851 1837 1871 1880 1875 1857 1854 1882 1884 1851 1876 1853 1883 1864 1876 1880 1860 1873 1852 1880 1877 1876 1877 1862 1859 1860 1879 1851 1875 1856 1837 1846 1847 1874 1858 1884 1874 1856 1857 1868 Page 248 10/23/2013 Source St. Henry Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Luke United Church of Christ St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Pilgrim United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Pilgrim United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Mark German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. John Catholic Church - Dry Ridge St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Scheischel, William Scheiss, Johan B. Scheit, George Scheit, John J. Scheit, John J. Scheit, Joseph Scheit, Wilhelm Schekelhoff, Johan W Schekner, Jacob Schel, Johan Anton Schelcher, Eduard Scheldering, Heinric Scheldon, Thomas H. Schele, Bernard Scheler, Andreas Scheling, Martin Schelker, Ernst Schell, August Schell, F.H. Schell, Frederick Schell, Jacob Schell, Johan Schell, Joseph Schell, Paul Schell, Samuel Schell, William Schelle, Bernard Schelle, Wilhelm Schellen, Peter Schellenbaum, J.J. Schellenbaum, John Schellenberg, Jacob Schellenberger, Geo. Schellhammer, Johan Schellinger, Fred Schellinger, Will C. Schellmann, Joseph Schellmueller, Ger. Schelond, Theodor Schely, Albert Scheman, Theodore Schemann, Johan E. Schemann, Johan H. Schemann, Wilhelm E. Schembrie, Antonio Schemel, Andreas Schemick, Johan Ger. Schemmel, Charles Schemmel, Lorenz Schemmil, John Schen, George Schenblin, Julius Name of Bride Huber, Wilhelmina Mittnacht, Anna M. Schaeffer, Fowler, Helen Fowler, Helen Megel, Magdalena Jansen, Katharina Kennebeck, Maria E. Genter, Margaret Schick, Regina Guth, Julie Hux, Gesina Bornholz, Jelle Weber, Maria Anna Eversmann, Bernardin Weber, Elisabeth Sommering, Ottilia Hermann, Theresa Hoffmann, Minnie Rothe, Marie Laudick, Anna Maria Klein, Maria Graus, Kate Berry, Sarah Pierce, Mary E. Geissler, Barbara Millenbring, Anna Heitmeyer, Ida Schindenberger, Marg Gassenschmidt, W. Runk, Margaretha Fuchs, Magdalena Hernburg, Augusta Groetzinger, J.(Mrs) Hill, Rosina Webb, Katie M. Bentschler, Magdalen Dirsen, Wilhelmina Schmidthorst, W. Horneck, Anna Pickens, Elisabeth Knabe, Elisabeth(Mrs Gurter, Sophia Schroeder, Fran.(Mrs Schletti, Margaret Pfeifer, Maria Amrain, Anna Maria Boese, Anna Mette, Louise Fink, Kate E. Kaufmann, Katie Freitag, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1884 1849 1854 1877 1877 1855 1873 1848 1851 1846 1860 1849 1876 1853 1850 1852 1857 1853 1877 1873 1848 1870 1881 1877 1859 1861 1858 1869 1852 1859 1852 1849 1871 1865 1878 1871 1851 1845 1874 1881 1857 1868 1850 1864 1854 1856 1854 1880 1874 1877 1876 1858 Page 249 10/23/2013 Source St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. St. Paul Methodist Church - 7th St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn Pilgrim United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Court House Marriage License St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Louis Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schenck, A.D. Schenck, Friedrich Schenck, Halley Schenck, John Schenck, John Schenck, John Schenck, Julius Carl Schenck, Noah Hunt Schenck, Woodhull Schenck, Woodhull Scheneberger, Lorenz Schener, Carl Scheninger, Johan Schenk, Aaron Schenk, Aaron Schenk, Aaron L. Schenk, Adam Schenk, Adolf Schenk, Carl Schenk, Eduard Schenk, Ferdinand Schenk, Friedrich Schenk, George Schenk, Hyaderth Schenk, John Schenk, John Schenk, Karl Schenk, Lawrence Schenk, Lawrence Schenke, Anton Schenke, Heinrich Schenke, Heinrich Schenke, Herman Schenke, Johan Bd. Schenkel, George Schenkel, George Schenkel, Jacob Schenkel, Johan Schenkel, Johan Schenkel, John Schenkel, John W. Schenkel, Paul Schenkel, William Schenstead, Henry Schenz, Ignatz Schenz, Matthew Schenz, Theodor Schepas, Johan Schepen, Lawrence Scheper, Anton Scheper, August Scheper, Bernard Name of Bride Turner, Maggie Zimmermann, Margaret Holmes, Eliza Schenck, Phebe Schenck, Phebe Barkalow, Elizabeth Parent, Josephine Pendleton, Ann Miller, Jeanette Owen, Carrie Everns, Francisca Thurmayer, Hattie Rudel, Anna Bracken, Ann Bracken, Ann Wood, Maria P. Schneider, Elisabeth Klein, Marie Wolff, Henrietta Dertsen, Leonore Schettle, Louise Rockwied, Katharina Cosbey, Ella Deihs, Elisa Cain, Mary Stonebrecker, Cath. Wolff, Henriette Putz, Catharine Jacob, Anna Maria Beckmann, Adelheid Huemler, Philomena Huemmler, Philomena Weber, Anna Rehkamp, Bernardina Brinkmeier, Rosa Schroeder, Anna Ruteler, Barbara Schadler, Catharine Schenkel, Molly Connell, Cath. (Mrs) Ruf, Josephine Birkenkamp, Emma Rech, Josephine Haley, Margaret Sigel, Anna Sigel, Elisabeth Rihle, Theresa Knagg, Dina Schultheis, Maria Broegelmann, Henriet Lott, Elisabeth(Mrs) Mehmert, Elisabeth MarriageYear 1869 1850 1876 1843 1843 1844 1876 1850 1841 1871 1836 1877 1843 1867 1867 1822 1856 1862 1867 1855 1850 1861 1884 1860 1860 1866 1867 1865 1867 1867 1867 1867 1883 1862 1873 1878 1857 1852 1869 1867 1873 1882 1878 1875 1870 1872 1876 1849 1850 1847 1870 1844 Page 250 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Carthage United Church of Christ Christ Episcopal Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 7 St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio St. Gabriel Catholic Church - Glendale, Ohio Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Prostestantische Zeitblatter Newspaper - page 3 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Paul Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Second German Presbyterian Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Patrick Catholic Church - Blue Rock Rd. Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. James German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral First German Presbyterian Church First German Presbyterian Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Scheper, Francis H. Scheper, Herman H. Scheper, Johan Schepers, Wilhelm Schepker, Herman G. Schepmann, Gerhard Schepmann, J. Schepmann, Johan F. Schepmann, Johan H. Schepmeyer, Henry Schepp, Conrad Schepp, Conrad Schepper, Gerhard Hy Schepper, Heinrich Schepper, J. Francis Schepper, Johan H. Scherabedis, August Scherbach, Wilhelm Scherbrock, Gustav Scherbrock, Heinrich Scherbrock, Louis Scherck, Francis Scherd, John Aloy. Scherder, Heinrich Scherdler, John Geo. Scherdt, August Scherer, Andrew Scherer, Carl Scherer, Charles J. Scherer, Ferdinand Scherer, Georg Scherer, Georg Scherer, Georg Scherer, Georg Scherer, Georg Scherer, Georg Adam Scherer, George Scherer, Gerhard Scherer, H. Scherer, Henry Scherer, Henry Scherer, Jacob Scherer, Jacob Scherer, Jacob Scherer, Johan Scherer, Johan Scherer, Johan Scherer, Johan Scherer, John Scherer, Joseph Scherer, Joseph Scherer, Joseph Name of Bride Schroeder, Catharina Meyer, Bernardina Deken, Elisabeth(Mrs Farwick, Anna Meyer, Katharina M. Koester, Maria Freudenbargh, Elis. Steinkamp, Elisa Voregge, Catharine Borkamp, Catharine Riehl, Elisabeth Kraus, Friedrika Wegmann, Maria Brinkmann, Caroline Brueggemann, Elis. Herms, Josephina(Mrs Braun, Friedrika Ammann, A. Dorothea Heuwer, Caroline Breckweth, Catharina Bartels, Bertha Aulals, Maria Wiegmann, Elisabeth Thiemann, Maria Marazi, Julia Goldschmidt, Mary Rothweiler, Theresa Hagen, Anna Hoomes, Florence Zimmer, Mary Schmidt, Susanna Fehr, Genofeva Fehr, Emma Fahr, Amalia Fahr, Amalia Thielen, Susanna Smith, Frances Feye, Catherine Heidel, Catharine Adel, Elisabeth Lehmann, Amelia Eberle, Susannah Weber, Katharina E. Sutton, Eliza Knaub, Susanna Manz, Katharina Hoffmeier, Francisca Letzler, Anna Seile, Mary Reising, Barbara Retzbach, Maria Anna Mohr, Katharina MarriageYear 1834 1848 1849 1873 1848 1860 1845 1866 1846 1850 1869 1873 1872 1848 1844 1850 1870 1872 1875 1836 1876 1844 1874 1869 1879 1884 1882 1856 1881 1884 1845 1859 1865 1868 1868 1855 1861 1871 1870 1861 1881 1850 1864 1881 1857 1863 1866 1874 1876 1843 1856 1857 Page 251 10/23/2013 Source Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church First German Presbyterian Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church First United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ Holy Trinity Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. First United Church of Christ St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. George Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License St. Paul Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Scherer, Joseph Scherer, Joseph B. Scherer, Nicholas Scherer, Nicholas Scherer, Peter Scherer, Peter Scherer, Peter Scherf, Ferdinand Scherf, Johan Scherfers, William Schergens, Johan H. Schergens, Wilhelm Schering, John Scherl, Peter Scherlem, Michael Scherlin, Peter Scherly, Joseph Scherly, Joseph Scherm, Andreas Scherman, Fred Schermann, August Schermann, Heinrich Schermann, Heinrich Schermbeck, Heinrich Schermbeck, Heinrich Schermbeck, Johan H. Schermbeth, Aug. Hy. Schermer, George Schermer, Johan Schermer, Robert Schermer, Robert Schermeyer, Frank Scherr, Johan Scherr, Michael J. Scherra, Joseph Scherrer, Charles B. Scherrer, George P. Scherrer, Jacob Scherrer, Joseph Scherrer, Stephen H. Scherringhaus, J.D. Scherrmann, Gustav Scherson, Friedrich Schertler, Joseph Scherzinger, Fred. Scherzinger, George Scherzinger, Johan Scheser, Michael Schett, Jakob Schettenhelm, Chris. Schetter, Heinrich Scheu, George Name of Bride Seidel, Maggie Leibich, Magdalena Pfiester, Louise Meyer, Barbara Pfau, Amalia Suditto, Louisa Mesner, Mary Grote, Maria Weber, Dorothea Drahmann, Rose Reufer, Catharine Sollers, Rebecca Weil, Catharine Heck, Anna Hollenback, Maria Schilling, Elizabeth Back, Catharine Back, Catharine Ruprecht, Margaretha Doherty, Mary Gulow, Maria Mueller, Henrietta Gulow, Henrietta Meier, Anna Maria Stratemeier, Lizzie Borgmeyer, Elisabeth Boeckmann, Josephina Schneider, Helena Schreiner, Julia Goldschmidt, A.(Mrs) Horner, Susanna Bloom, Catherine Saenger, Magdalena Wagner, Bertha C. Rumpler, Caroline Feuerstein, Christin Goodrich, Margaret O'Brien, Ann Huber, Carolina K---mann, M. Elis. Knode, Maria C. Deremaux, Catherine Wickers, Wilhel(Mrs) Stoll, Catharine Holle, Dora Wild, Caecilia Steffens, Catharine Kiefer, Elisabeth Haertner, Elisabeth Hehr, Kunigunda Ringmann, Anna Weitmann, Louisa MarriageYear 1876 1855 1855 1868 1858 1861 1884 1869 1861 1884 1851 1856 1852 1883 1853 1859 1860 1860 1853 1876 1866 1859 1872 1865 1869 1854 1880 1874 1846 1871 1882 1876 1850 1879 1876 1879 1878 1858 1859 1851 1862 1884 1868 1880 1882 1856 1851 1854 1862 1851 1837 1850 Page 252 10/23/2013 Source St. Peter German Evangelical Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Salem United Church of Christ St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Camp Washington United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church Court House Marriage License First German Presbyterian Church First German Presbyterian Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Stanislaus Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 All Saints Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul German Evangelical Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Scheu, Louis Scheuer, August Scheuer, Carl Scheuer, George Scheuer, Johan Scheuermann, A. Scheuermann, John Scheuermann, Karl Scheufele, Johan Scheufele, Thomas Scheuing, Christian Scheuing, Christoph Scheuler, Joseph Scheuler, William Scheuman, W.S. Scheumer, W.G. Scheurer, J. Jacob Scheurer, Lawrence Scheurer, Michael Scheve, Bernard Scheve, Clemens Scheve, Heinrich Scheve, Heinrich Scheve, Johan Scheve, Johan Scheve, Joseph Scheve, Joseph Scheve, Martin Jos. Schewe, J. Dietrich Schewe, John David Schewe, Wilhelm C. Schewe, William Schewene, Charles L. Schewene, Philip Schey, J. Christoph Scheyer, John Scheyt, Johan Schibi, Charles Schibler, Friedrich Schick, Conrad Schick, Francis Schick, George Schick, James Schick, John Schick, John Schick, John G. Schick, Joseph Schick, Joseph Schick, Louis Schick, Louis Schick, Ludwig Schick, Wilhelm Name of Bride Weishaar, Katharina Pander, Maggie Thurnauer, Hattie Wuest, Dorothea Timy, Maria Goldsmith, G. Sandkaebler, Mary Weidl, Anna Helek, Eva Elisabeth Bing, Sophia Henn, Anna Maria Link, Anna B. Lans, Mary Herman, Johanna Merk, Christina Clark, Martha H. Meinhardt, Catharine Schumm, Maria Anna Knabb, Elisabeth Huelsmann, Catharine Huemler, Theresa Koesters, Josephina Mayer, Maria Luebbe, Catharina Koestemann, M. Cath. Griesehoop, Catharin Greif, Catherine Schulte, Josephina Ruse, Anna Maria Bohseke, Martha M. Kaiser, Gertrud Moellers, Elisabeth Metz, Josephine Droll, Louise Leider, Catharina Weil, Caroline Vollherbst, Luitgard Zick, Magdalena Hangs, Waldburga Mehler, Christina Rittel, Wilhelmina Ruehrwein, Carrie E. Finnegan, Mary A. Zimpelmann, Eva Froehlich, Lena Marschfelder, Chris. Werner, Elisabeth Boland, Ida Brandhoefer, Christ. Leibrock, Franziska Daling, Elisabeth Wessner, Maria MarriageYear 1861 1883 1877 1877 1860 1858 1866 1883 1855 1858 1849 1870 1881 1864 1880 1883 1848 1868 1817 1849 1878 1853 1860 1847 1857 1852 1882 1862 1849 1851 1853 1875 1883 1861 1839 1856 1846 1880 1851 1854 1872 1881 1880 1866 1883 1874 1845 1874 1875 1884 1864 1877 Page 253 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Second German Presbyterian Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Louis Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Stanislaus Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Assumption Catholic Church - Mt. Healthy St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 5 St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 Carthage United Church of Christ Carthage United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schickedanz, Christ. Schickendantz, Aug. Schickentanz, Fidel Schicker, Carl Schickling, Johan Schickling, M. Schickling, Michael Schickner, Jacob F. Schickner, William Schideler, William Schidmiah, Philipp Schie, Johan Adam Schiebe, Karl Schieber, Johan Schiech, Karl Schiefer, Andrew Schieferle, Ulrich Schieffele, William Schieffer, Frank Schiefner, Louis Schiel, Louis M. Schiela, Carl Schiele, Anton Schiele, Anton Schiele, Michael Schier, Henry Schierberg, Bernard Schierberg, Bernard Schierberg, Carl Schierberg, Charles Schierberg, Friedric Schierberg, Joseph Schierenbeib, Henry Schierer, George Schierge, David Schierhold, Franz Schiering, Gerhard Schiering, Johan H. Schiering, Louis Schierland, Fred. Schierland, Joachim Schierle, Anton Schierlob, John Schierloh, Heinrich Schierloh, Henry Schierloh, Otto Schierloh, Samuel Schiermann, Johan H. Schies, Jacob Schiess, Jacob Schiesz, William Schiet, Felix Name of Bride Mallen, Mary Ann Schacke, Anna M. Ehrmantraut, Sophia Py, Theresa Hutzler, Magdalena Lawrence, Katie Koehler, Margaret Meyer, Wilhelmine O'Hara, Mary Palmer, Rachel Schwab, Catharine Tenzer, Maria Karch, Karolina Scheit, Maria Schnect, Friedricka VanPelt, Clara E. Gilb, Margaretha Klein, Lisette O'Hara, Mary Lockmueller, Barbara Stallkamp, Julia Reidt, Christina Blumm, Anna Maria Streif, Rosina Niklas, Barbara Desmond, Elisabeth Lange, Agnes Dennies, Anna Brauer, Mary Geis, Caroline Harmeier, Catharine Meyer, Josephina Buescher, Sophia Klump, Agnes Beckmann, Sophia Wolters, Anna Elis. Rassing, Christina Dopphor, Margaretha Lickauer, Christina Lindemann, Mary Frisch, Magdalena Braun, Catharine Lotz, Christina Gottbehoede, Elis. Oesper, Margaret Stump, Magdalena Ayers, Clara B. Egbert, Maria Angela Kehrer, Louisa Heer, Louisa Weiss, Rosa Noschang, Anna Maria MarriageYear 1846 1851 1870 1867 1856 1880 1873 1883 1875 1855 1837 1846 1870 1869 1869 1881 1882 1860 1873 1865 1879 1854 1861 1863 1853 1852 1843 1867 1876 1876 1840 1874 1872 1878 1873 1854 1848 1848 1882 1877 1860 1859 1884 1868 1853 1876 1882 1841 1857 1875 1881 1864 Page 254 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper - page 2 St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Court House Marriage Licenses St. Luke United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Assumption Catholic Church - Gilbert Ave. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schiewe, Johan Bd. Schif, August Schiff, Abraham Schiff, Heinrich Schiff, Johan Schiff, John Schiff, John J. Schiff, John J. Schiff, Leon Schiff, Simon Schiff, Valentin Schiff, Valentine Schifferdecker, Wm. Schiffmacher, Anton Schiffmacher, Anton Schiffman, Gabriel Schiffmeier, John Schiffmeyer, Joseph Schilbach, Herman Schild, Frank Schild, Georg Schildbach, Joseph Schildering, Anton Schildering, Herman Schildering, Johan Schilderink, Henry Schilderink, Henry Schilderink, Wilhelm Schildknecht, Jacob Schildmann, Henry Schildmeyer, Herman Schilds, Johan W. Schilfahr, Johan Schill, Andreas Schill, Bernard Schill, Bernard Schill, Christian Schill, Desdivius Schill, George Schill, Sebastian Schiller, Friedrich Schiller, Georg S. Schiller, Gustav Schiller, Gustav Schiller, Ludwig Schilley, August Schilling, Adam Schilling, Alexander Schilling, August Schilling, Bernard Schilling, Carl Schilling, Carl Name of Bride Knoll, Maria Anna Weigel, Barbara Rosenbrown, Sophia Zerfass, Elisabeth Hauck, Maria Greatinger, Anna Crew, Anna M. Crew, Anna M. Levi, Diana Rosenbaum, Hanna Billiod, Emelia Billiod, Emeline Schmidt, Sophia Schaedel, Anna Braun, Christina Sauer, Margaret Popp, Francisca Spellbrings, Cathar. Boger, Elisabeth Addes, Catharine Renner, Maria Jacob, Anna Dillmann, M. Agnes Wollenkamp, Antonia Beckwamet, Theresa Sicker, Johanna Wuebben, Helena Herschede, Maria Klunz, Christina Guenther, Mary Krogmann, Catharina Meier, Anna Mechler, Katharine Streber, Anna Lang, Barbara Viux, Pauline Kessler, Dorothea Renner, Maria Anna Nippert, Louise Reibing, Theresa Koehler, Maria Biezler, Maria Besner, Margaretha Muth, Katharine Knau, Anna Schultz, Theresa Schmid, Catharine Ruttenger, Catherine Ideker, Dorothea Eckholt, Elisabeth Bremicke, Carolina Nielsen, Magdalena MarriageYear 1853 1873 1856 1847 1839 1854 1880 1880 1884 1866 1866 1866 1881 1852 1859 1876 1861 1855 1873 1881 1862 1867 1852 1850 1851 1870 1883 1884 1857 1883 1860 1865 1883 1881 1846 1847 1865 1851 1875 1847 1863 1856 1850 1872 1838 1870 1863 1875 1854 1865 1854 1855 Page 255 10/23/2013 Source Old St. Mary Catholic Church Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum St. John Episcopal Church - 7th and Plum Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church First United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Clement Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Camp Washington United Church of Christ Holy Trinity Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Martin German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schilling, Carl Schilling, Charles Schilling, Diedrich Schilling, Ernst Schilling, Fred. Schilling, Friedrich Schilling, Friedrich Schilling, Friedrich Schilling, Friedrich Schilling, Friedrich Schilling, Friedrich Schilling, Gustav Schilling, Gustav Schilling, Henry Schilling, Jacob Schilling, John Schilling, John Schilling, Joseph Schilling, Joseph Schilling, Joseph Schilling, Joseph Schilling, Martin Schilling, Michael Schilling, Theodor Schilling, Wilhelm Schilling, William Schillinger, Andreas Schillinger, John Schillinger, Louis Schillinger, Michael Schillinger, William Schillinger, William Schillinger, William Schillinger, William Schillmoeller, Ferd. Schillmoeller, Hein. Schillmoeller, Hein. Schillmoeller, John Schillmoller, George Schillmueller, Fried Schilmoeller, Henry Schilowsky, Paul Schilp, Morris Schimer, Johan Schimmel, Clemens Schimmelpfennig, Geo Schimmelpfennig, Geo Schimmoeller, John Schimpf, Lewis Schimpf, Louis Schimps, Frank Schinberger, John Name of Bride Kurz, Larissa (Mrs) Weymann, Lena Kunz, Barbara (Mrs) Martin, Katie Haller, Anna Meier, Maria Heiers, Wilhelmina Behren, Caroline Fischer, Elisabeth Westendorf, Maria Nolte, Sophia Schumacher, Bertha Pepper, Dora Allgeier, Kate Glaab, Margaret Barls, Hannah Baum, Margaret Ostenheimer, Maria Emminger, Theresa Behringer, Kunigunda Langheinrich, Anna Hoeffeling, Catharin Stenger, Maria Beckschmidt, Theresa Fust, Sophia Winkelmann, S. (Mrs) Baier, Barbara Berri, Louise Conradi, Hannah Niemann, Maria Lovejoy, Mary Lovejoy, Mary Cones, Frances Mary Cones, Frances Mary Klatte, Helena Maria Sadelfeld, Catharine Krogmann, Josephine Lohmann, Sophia Anna Segala, Louisa A. Habickhorst, Cath. Barnhorn, Anna Jungblut, Catharina Bright, Sarah Gutzweiler, Juliana Mueller, Crescentia Huesler, Margaretha Huesler, Agatha Brosenne, Sophia Wagner, Sophia Corell, Josephine Humback, Mook, Catharine MarriageYear 1880 1875 1871 1884 1882 1859 1862 1862 1863 1867 1881 1852 1866 1876 1883 1853 1855 1854 1858 1860 1865 1858 1847 1867 1860 1877 1870 1850 1884 1851 1836 1836 1841 1841 1854 1851 1854 1877 1875 1858 1883 1862 1864 1857 1853 1855 1855 1881 1852 1874 1858 1860 Page 256 10/23/2013 Source St. Luke United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 6 First United Church of Christ Salem United Church of Christ Salem United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Aloysius on the Ohio Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church First United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church - Reading, O St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Clement Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schindel, Johan Schindeldecker, Fr. Schindeldecker, Geo. Schindeldecker, Got. Schindeldecker, H. Schindeldecker, Hy. Schindeldecker, Jac. Schindle, Adam Schindler, A. Schindler, Alois Schindler, Andreas Schindler, Andreas Schindler, Andrew Schindler, Anton Schindler, Anton Schindler, Armand Schindler, August Schindler, Carl Schindler, Carl Schindler, Heinrich Schindler, Johan Schindler, Leo Schindler, Leopold Schindler, Meinrad Schindler, William Schiness, Benjamin Schinger, Carl Schinner, Andrew A. Schinner, Johan Schinner, Johannes Schinner, Michael Schinness, George Schinschang, Anton Schinsland, Joseph Schipmann, Friedrich Schipner, Joseph Schipp, John Schipper, Bernard H. Schipper, Everhard Schipper, Friedrich Schipper, J. Bernard Schipper, J. Theodor Schipper, J. Wendel Schipper, Johan Schipper, Johan Schiray, Carl Schirberg, Bernard Schirburg, August Schirejohann, Joseph Schirer, Georg Schiring, Gerhard Schirmann, Francis Name of Bride Meyer, Henrietta Vollmer, Ernestine Sieg, Elisabeth Weber, Charlotte Lautemann, Bena Klessole, Elisabeth Hetzel, Jakobina Geldes, Maria Owens, Ellen Stoeckel, Emma Ernst, Magdalena Reichert, Veronica Noll, Mary Grich, Rosina Heitler, Anna Owens, Ellen Lestermann, Mary Happers, Margaretha Koechle, Anna Jahreis, Margaretha Hauptner, Catharine Schimpf, Rosa Siegler, Victoria Weber, Veronica Guenter, Margaret Brun, Sophonia Simon, Maria Meder, Theresa M. Heil, Helena Heil, Helene Noschang, Catharine Carroll, Mary E. Leonard, Maria Anna Wohlfart, Victoria Kramer, Catharine Droll, Maria Anna Grodt, Christina Herbers, Anna Maria Kreke, Catharine Threm, Mary E. Schulte, M Catharina Frecking, M. Agnes Lampe, Maria Elis. Grammer, Theresa Geiser, Magdalena Tepe, Catharina Niemer, Elisabeth Lockwood, Cecilia Ricke, Anna Schilling, Christina Quain, Anna Adelehid Neddermann, Anna M. MarriageYear 1855 1866 1848 1856 1842 1865 1858 1856 1869 1878 1883 1884 1882 1850 1868 1870 1868 1861 1879 1856 1858 1880 1863 1854 1881 1852 1860 1883 1862 1862 1857 1858 1864 1864 1857 1840 1851 1859 1851 1853 1841 1840 1857 1855 1870 1868 1848 1867 1871 1838 1847 1842 Page 257 10/23/2013 Source St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. James German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Martini United Church of Christ St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schirmbeck, Louis Schirmer, Charles Schirmer, Friedrich Schirmer, Friedrich Schirmer, Herman Schirmer, Johan Schirmer, Johan Schirmer, Philipp Schirmer, Philipp Schirmer, Wilhelm Schirpenberg, Herman Schissler, Valentin Schits, John Schittenhelm, Christ Schittenhelm, Johan Schitzstetter, Heinr Schlachtenmeier, F. Schlachter, Jakob Schlachter, Joseph Schlacke, Bernard Schlacke, Friedrich Schlacke, Heinrich Schlademann, Arnold Schladen, Arnold Schlaegel, Anton Schlaenser, Anton Schlaenser, Jacob Schlafer, Gottfried Schlafer, Johan Schlaffman, Peter Schlagbeck, John Hy. Schlageder, Friedric Schlagenbrecher, J. Schlagentweith, S. Schlageter, Franz Schlageter, Joseph Schlageter, Martin Schlagetter, Franz Schlagheck, Bd. H. Schlagheck, Bernard Schlagheck, Wilhelm Schlaghenn, Georg Schlahausen, William Schlaich, Gregory Schlake, Franz Schlake, Frederick Schlake, Heinrich Schlake, Heinrich Schlaker, Friedrich Schlanser, Jakob Schlantker, Heinrich Schlapp, Charles R. Name of Bride Haverkamp, Johanna W Smith, Sophia Krieger, Maria Menke, Johanne Stock, Caroline Spaeth, Mathilda Spaeth, Mathilda Doermann, Wilhelmina Siegrist, Marie Deper, Caroline Broermann, Agnes Deschler, Katherine Featherlin, Joanna Schittenhelm, Elis. Newland, Margaretha Ochtering, Catharine Rennekamp, M. Elis. Metzger, Maria Bohmann, Helen Verwick, Margaretha Meyer, Elisa Post, Maria Arnold, Catharine M. Wolters, Anna Maria Lambur, Catharina Stiens, Regina Phil. Stiens, M. Elisabeth Momberg, Louisa Lippert, Catharine Kettler, Johanna Hillebrand, Maria Wempe, Elisabeth Kintzel, Maria Kaiser, Johanna Westphal, Catharine Breuler, Mary VanDuzer, Catharine Meier, Magdalena Fehmer, Anna Cath. Bairik, Elisabeth Sander, A. Maria Hille, Elisabeth Niemann, Louise Speers, Gottlieba Loewe, Margaret Myers, Eliza Voss, Maria Klara, Catharine Herber, Clara Stiens, Maria Elisabeth Riesenbrink, Maria Kiefer, Anna E. MarriageYear 1871 1876 1860 1863 1881 1863 1863 1846 1864 1857 1881 1871 1846 1866 1873 1869 1869 1857 1881 1849 1859 1873 1850 1858 1840 1866 1867 1864 1853 1883 1875 1867 1867 1866 1859 1873 1845 1851 1850 1850 1856 1848 1868 1849 1870 1859 1842 1850 1855 1867 1850 1879 Page 258 10/23/2013 Source Salem United Church of Christ St. Martin German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. James German Evangelical Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Clement Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Boniface Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Clement Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church First English Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Paul Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Mark German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schlapp, George Schlapp, Jacob Schlappner, Johan Schlarb, Peter Schlarmann, Anton Schlarmann, Christ. Schlarmann, Gerhard Schlarmann, Gerhard Schlarp, John Schlat, Johan Schlatter, Charles Schlatter, Johan Schlatter, John Schlauch, Friedrich Schlauser, J. Anton Schlay, Wilhelm Schlebaum, Heinrich Schlebbe, Theodor Schlecht, Carl Schlecht, Johan Schlechtinger, John Schlecke, Joseph D. Schledom, Joseph Schlee, George Schlee, George Schlee, Johan Georg Schleebaum, Gerhard Schleehuber, Johan Schleelein, Georg Schleep, Heinrich F. Schlef, Heinrich Schlegel, August Schlegel, August Schlegel, Christian Schlegel, Christoph Schleheim, Georg L. Schlehorst, Anton Schlehube, George Schleibaum, George Schleich, Angus Schleich, Anton Schleich, Anton Schleich, Johan Schleich, Joseph Schleich, Joseph Schleicher, Conrad Schleicker, Adam Schleier, Leopold Schleiffarth, Wm. Schleight, Henry Schlein, Frank Schleininger, John Name of Bride Bozert, Elisabeth Mueller, Louise Fischer, Barbara Zapf, Elisabeth Bergmann, Elisabeth Gronkemeyer, Christ. Niemann, Gertrude Minnerup, Maria (Mrs Hennies, Mary Ziegler, Anna Maria Hoffmeister, Pauline Wurth, Anna Maria Brauer, Anna M. Kehrt, Susannah Stiens, Regina P. Birnges, Susanna Peters, Louise Rehe, M. Catharina Kreke, Emma Doll, Magdalena Beier, Louisa Schou, M.A. Bischof, Caroline Kroeger, Philomena Mose, Anna Mueller, Maria M. Hoberg, Marg. Regina Pendorf, Henriette Ritter, Catharine Goldstein, Maria Merz, Lena Mahringer, Catharina Mahringer, Catharina Stors, Maria Reich, Friedricka Walter, A. Barbara Helmes, Theresa James, Mary Schroeder, Maria Breathart, Kate Bobb, Magdalena Wuertz, Anna Maria Schrott, Victoria Feldkamp, Gertrud Murray, Catharine Degenhardt, Louisa Meyer, Louise Weil, Rosa Linxweiler, Mary Divley, Rachel Becker, Elizabeth Dickroeger, Minnie MarriageYear 1858 1860 1864 1853 1883 1851 1860 1865 1881 1840 1879 1859 1883 1846 1866 1865 1845 1849 1882 1837 1883 1851 1867 1873 1875 1872 1847 1874 1852 1861 1871 1866 1866 1876 1857 1843 1859 1864 1853 1864 1846 1850 1853 1847 1880 1860 1850 1876 1861 1845 1879 1883 Page 259 10/23/2013 Source Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Martin German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church First United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Peter Catholic Church - Lick Run St. Peter Catholic Church - Lick Run St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Court House Marriage License St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 8 Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schleininger, Louis Schleininger, Louis Schleininger, Louis Schleker, Anton Schlelein, Andreas Schlelein, Andrew Schlelein, George Schlemann, Carl Schlemann, Joseph Schlemer, John Schlemm, Heinrich Schlemme, Christoph Schlemmer, Charles Schlemmer, Eugen Schlemmer, Georg Schlemmer, Herman Schlemmer, Johan H. Schlemmer, John Schlemmer, Louis Schlemmer, Oliver Schlemmer, Peter Schlendermann, Wm. Schlenger, Johan Schlening, Friedrich Schlenk, Georg Schlenk, George Schlenker, Andreas Schlenker, Christ Schlenker, Jacob Schlenker, Jacob Schlenker, Johan Schlenker, Johan Schlenker, Johan Schlenker, Johan Schlenker, John Schlenker, John Schlenker, Mathias Schlenker, Thomas Schlensker, Christ. Schlensker, Fred. Schlensker, Henry Schlensker, Karl Schlensker, William Schlenz, Friedrich Schlenz, Heinrich Schlenz, J Friedrich Schleper, Frederick Schleper, Georg Herm Schleppe, Herman H. Schleppey, John Schlereck, Conrad Schlerp, John A. Name of Bride Koester, Magdalena Koester, Magdalena Gottmann, Emma Endele, Rosa Frances Brandt, Francis Smith, Lena Appel, Emma Corhelin, Magdalena Schumacher, Sarah Neubert, Elizabeth Brehm, Margaret Borrmann, Catharina Bolia, Mary Fischer, Rosa Kuhn, Louise Ahlborn, Christina Rabe, Maria Elis. Leibeck, Gertrud Albers, Annie Setter, Mary Saunderman, Cath. Thielking, Anna Sieg, Dorothea Rothert, Anna Scharrer, Kunigunda Rahnle, Christina Dehlemann, Margaret Eckenroth, Lizzie Lichauer, Catharine Busch, Caroline Haller, Maria Flautz, Friedricka Steinhilger, Barbara Ehrhardt, Sarah Kligler, Mina Esterle, Christina Merkel, Elisabeth Kohler, Christina Meyer, Sophia Langhorst, Henrietta Dieckmann, Sophia Weber, Annie Patton, Susie Steinkohler, Elis. Brinkmeyer, Louise Westhoff, Maria(Mrs) Macke, Dina Schurer, Margaret Korte, Anna M. Elis. Hart, Ruth E. Geist, Anna Schott, Kate MarriageYear 1856 1856 1882 1854 1873 1860 1881 1878 1858 1862 1870 1846 1883 1858 1861 1856 1846 1883 1881 1877 1877 1866 1861 1863 1856 1870 1871 1884 1855 1875 1855 1860 1871 1874 1858 1861 1868 1863 1881 1877 1879 1882 1879 1852 1852 1849 1879 1871 1849 1849 1873 1884 Page 260 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Stanislaus Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 10 North German Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Second German Presbyterian Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Martin German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church First United Church of Christ Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses First United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ First United Church of Christ Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Pilgrim United Church of Christ North German Lutheran Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schlesinger, A. Schlesinger, J. Schlesinger, Johan Schlesinger, John Schlesinger, Joseph Schlesinger, Leopold Schlesinger, Michael Schlesinger, William Schlesselmann, Henry Schlessing, Adam Schlessinger, Debolt Schlessinger, Johan Schlessinger, Lebolt Schleter, Theodor Schletker, Johan Schleucher, Valentin Schleutker, Friedric Schleutker, Gerhard Schleweis, Heinrich Schley, Carl Schleyer, Henry Schleyer, Paul Schleyer, Wilhelm Schlich, John Schlicher, Philipp Schlicht, Constantin Schlicht, Heinrich Schlicht, Johan Schlicht, Joseph Schlicht, Joseph Schlicht, Peter Schlichte, Friedrich Schlichte, John Schlichte, Jos. Ed. Schlichter, C.C. Schlichter, Christ. Schlichter, Ernst Schlichter, Martin Schlick, Francis Schlick, Johan Schlicker, Jacob Schlickermann, Herm. Schlickmann, August Schlickmann, Felix Schlickmann, Heinr. Schlidron, Joseph Schlie, Caspar Schlie, Casper Schlie, Friedrich Schlie, Theodor Schliebaum, Henry Schlief, Johan Name of Bride Rosenfeld, Sarah Goldsmith, Adeline Billmann, Sophia Frank, Sallie Speckmann, Sophia Akar, Juda Niemeyer, Friedricka Eichengreen, Celia Geier, Elisa Moschmann, Gertrud Autmann, Lena Friedlin, Christina Hausenbusch, Hansch. Buscher, Catharina M Ratstake, Catharine Rheinlander, Maria Burbaner, Elisabeth Kipps, Wilhelmina E. Schmid, Johanna Doller, Mary Reedy, Mary Mainzer, Catharine Owens, Julia Ann Miller, Mary Dohn, Margaret Lambert, Barbara Schillinger, Charlot Hoffmann, Anna Maria Deifus, Margaretha Wolfensberg, Maria A Bellmann, Kunigunda Broxtermann, Lisette Gerhardt, Catharine Freibaam, Margaret Horick, Elizabeth Albricht, Catharine Vasker, Catharine Rooney, Mary A. Schuch, Anna Schnitzer, Maria Lang, Elisabeth Moenke, Elisabeth Bensen, Anna Averbeck, Anna Showen, Catharine Bishop, Caroline Moormann, Clara Walter, M. Margaret Achtermann, Francis Hickey, Elisabeth Bueker, Anna Eberle, Maria MarriageYear 1878 1863 1866 1884 1850 1874 1847 1880 1882 1855 1844 1838 1843 1839 1854 1847 1844 1859 1856 1874 1875 1859 1866 1867 1850 1850 1867 1847 1848 1852 1859 1856 1880 1872 1864 1850 1845 1874 1867 1868 1845 1851 1881 1880 1844 1867 1882 1882 1857 1881 1877 1874 Page 261 10/23/2013 Source Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Augustine Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Daily Times Newspaper - page 1 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Freeman Ave. United Church of Christ St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Daily Gazette Newspaper Court House Marriage License St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church York St. Methodist Chapel Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Paul Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Peter in Chains Cathedral St. Clement Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schlieper, Friedrich Schliepf, Johan Schliereth, Burkard Schliernzauer, Blas. Schliernzauer, Blas. Schlierzauer, Blas. Schlimme, Heinrich Schling, Henry Schlinnue, Henry Schlitzberger, Frank Schlitzberger, Hein. Schlobohm, Christoph Schlochter, Leo Schlochtermeier, B. Schlochtermeier, Bd. Schlochtermeyer, Fr. Schlocke, Dietrich Schloeffel, Johan Schloemer, Friedrich Schloemer, Georg Schloemer, Heinrich Schloemer, Heinrich Schloemer, Johan Schloemer, Johan Bd. Schloemer, Johan H. Schloemer, Johan H. Schloemer, John Hy. Schloemmer, Wilhelm Schloendorn, Heinric Schloepfel, George Schloer, Friedrich Schloer, Friedrich Schloer, Michael Schlofmann, August J Schlomann, Heinrich Schlomar, Henry Schlomer, Johan Bd. Schlon---, Christoph Schlonigile, Ferd. Schlont, Joseph Schloop, Charles Schloper, Herman H. Schlopp, John Schlopper, Johan Schloss, Charles Schloss, Hugo Schloss, Jacob Schloss, Joseph Schloss, Joseph Schloss, Louis Schloss, Meyer Schloss, Philipp J. Name of Bride Husemann, Alwine Weber, Maria Anna Gereth, Margaretha Neunert, Philomena Neunert, Philomena Schmidt, Louisa Schacht, Marie Lubbens, Catharine Ripsch, Carrie Croner, Henriette Hoffmann, Elisabeth Kuhlmann, Dora Eberhart, Lena Bocker, Bernardina Kemphaus, Bernardina Vogt, Mary Eliz. Nolker, Adelheid Lampen, Louise Bahlmann, Catharina Baurichter, Philomen Wilmes, Maria Adel. Eagan, Margaretha Reselage, Anna M. Bolke, Maria Elis. Lamping, Anna Maria Schoenrup, Maria Westerhof, Wilhelmin Stauferman, Cath(Mrs Wusowsky, Louise B. McClain, Ida W. Ridinsheverin, Apol. Graf, Anna Maria Moor, Barbara Dillhof, Elizabeth Riszelmann, Margaret Brinkmeier, Eliza Brandewiede, Maria Markham, Anna Corcoran, Mary Schnow, Theresa Eant, Mary J. Dust, Marg. Adelheid Berkemeyer, Elis. Schilling, Katharina Selig, Carrie Menderson, Rachel Bumm, Elisabeth Miller, Susan Stiefel, Jeanette Gerhardt, Anna Ray, Flora Schmidt, Catharina MarriageYear 1867 1855 1882 1864 1864 1873 1863 1841 1883 1881 1855 1873 1875 1863 1861 1879 1848 1848 1849 1867 1860 1880 1850 1848 1856 1857 1878 1873 1855 1884 1847 1854 1846 1870 1850 1868 1861 1869 1869 1871 1864 1852 1874 1848 1875 1881 1883 1867 1872 1883 1879 1837 Page 262 10/23/2013 Source St. Martin German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Paul German Evangelical Church North German Lutheran Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Old St. Mary Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Court House Marriage License Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Angels Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 Court House Marriage Licenses Second German Presbyterian Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 5 Holy Trinity Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schloss, Philipp J. Schlosser, Felix Schlosser, Francis Schlosser, Francis Schlosser, Francis J Schlosser, Friedrich Schlosser, Georg Schlosser, Heinrich Schlosser, Henry Schlosser, Henry Schlosser, Jacob Schlosser, Jacob Schlosser, Johan Schlosser, Peter Schlotfeld, Theodor Schlothaus, Herman Schlotman, Henry Schlotmann, Christ. Schlotmann, Dietrich Schlotmann, Francis Schlotmann, Gerhard Schlotmann, Gerhard Schlotmann, Gerhard Schlotmann, William Schlotter, Johan Schlotter, Melchior Schlotterbeck, Carl Schlotterbeck, Chris Schlotterbeck, Gott. Schlotterbeck, Jakob Schlotterbeck, Ludw. Schlottmann, Caspar Schlottmann, Frank Schlottmann, Herman Schlottmann, Johan H Schluete, Herman Schlueter, Adolph Schlueter, August Schlueter, August Schlueter, August Schlueter, Bernard Schlueter, Carl Schlueter, Carl J. Schlueter, F. Arnold Schlueter, Francis Schlueter, Gerhard Schlueter, Gustav Schlueter, H.F. Schlueter, Heinrich Schlueter, Heinrich Schlueter, Henry Schlueter, Henry Name of Bride Schwing, Cecilia Schewene, Maria Ziegler, Dorothea Schuler, Eugenia Eschmann, Barbara Kanzer, S. Hecker, Margaretha Wilhelm, Maria Sponsel, Margaretha Bauersacks, Henriett Beck, Frances Rosenbaum, Tillie Michels, Anna Maria Huelsmann, Theresa Schleiter, Christina Hermes, Mary Blaise, Barbara Elis Stockhowe, Henrietta Harmann, Gertrud Werneke, Christina Landwehr, Gertrud Duerstock, Catharine Kuhlmann, Maria Tueting, Lizzie Hipp, Maria Schmiding, M. Elis. Wentkers, Mina Helt, Katharina Lehnkering, Doris Schachtner, Margaret Sohn, Johanna Edwards, Ella Quinn, Mary Israel, Elisabeth Leppold, Maria Huppmann, Maria Anna Carstens, Sophia Meier, Bani Kneher, Katherine Scyers, Anna Schmitz, Elisabeth Kunze, Sophia Luttmann, Anna Vogt, M. Josephine Kleinbornhorst, Elis Varnau, Louise Heinrig, Rieke Egelman, Amelia Koenig, Anna Maria Wolf, Maria A. Meyer, Mina Siekermann, Fredrika MarriageYear 1865 1854 1844 1868 1855 1857 1865 1857 1848 1855 1851 1879 1856 1857 1857 1877 1876 1852 1842 1869 1848 1848 1854 1881 1849 1855 1857 1858 1874 1867 1859 1882 1881 1851 1846 1846 1878 1871 1872 1874 1867 1857 1865 1884 1851 1862 1883 1875 1857 1859 1879 1883 Page 263 10/23/2013 Source St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Rose Catholic Church Holy Angels Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Salem United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church North German Lutheran Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Paul Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church First United Church of Christ St. Paul German Evangelical Church Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. North German Lutheran Church First United Church of Christ HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schlueter, Herman Schlueter, Johan H. Schlueter, Karl Schlueter, Wilhelm Schluetker, Heinrich Schluetter, Heinrich Schluetter, Theodor Schluettler, Heinric Schlulenberg, Philip Schlumberger, Johan Schlump, Herman Clem Schlund, Martin Schlundt, Michael Schlutmann, Johan J. Schlutte, Johan H. Schmackenberg, Jul. Schmaedeke, William Schmaeh, Anton Schmal, Carl Schmal, Joseph Schmal, Joseph Schmale, Heinrich Schmale, Heinrich F. Schmale, Joseph Schmalholz, Georg Schmalstig, Carl Schmalstig, Johan Schmalz, Anthony Schmalz, Charles Schmalz, Franz X. Schmalz, John Schmalz, Leonard Schmalzigung, Johan Schmalzl, L.P. Schmalztig, Carl Schman, Joseph F. Schmatz, Anton Schmecker, Wilhelm Schmed, Johann Schmeddinck, Franz J Schmeddinghof, Johan Schmedes, Heinrich Schmedes, J. Joseph Schmedes, Johan H. Schmedis, Henry Schmeers, Bernard Schmees, George Schmees, Heinrich Schmeh, Karl Schmehling, Joseph Schmehling, Martin Schmeider, Martin Name of Bride Heckmann, Josephine Bohmann, Angela Haehl, Julia Lages, Elisabeth Grove, Margaretha Seiliger, Emilia Leusse, Theresa Meier, Elisabeth Rinkhoff, Emma Schueler, Magdalena Drees, Anna Schock, Josephina Mueller, Lisette Kleinebahnhofl, Kath Richter, Bernardina Bodendeck, Louise Duebber, Louise Braun, Paulina Reibel, Lisette Fueller, Christina Ellmann, Anna Kilb, Catharine Gorkens, M Elisabeth Retmann, Marianna Hoechmer, Catharine Schellbach, Catharin Kamlage, Anna Maria Suelau, Anna Hayes, Catherine Metz, Catherine Asbury, Louisa Klein, Rosina Pflug, Benedicta Marx, Theresa Christ, Margaretha Theiner, Christina Staudacher, Josephin Meyer, Catharina Veser, Elisabeth Voelker, Gertrud Steinemann, Agnes Schroeder, Maria Ruebusch, Maria Elis Tappel, A. Margaret Lamping, Catherine Bueter, Margaret Hemsath, Louise Schultgers, Ludmilla Reinkamper, Johanna Hirchkorn, Margaret Gerhardt, Katie Weiss, Magdalena MarriageYear 1855 1871 1864 1841 1837 1880 1854 1851 1856 1856 1871 1855 1873 1848 1845 1859 1876 1869 1869 1862 1875 1872 1848 1853 1853 1850 1859 1863 1878 1883 1882 1854 1855 1882 1856 1864 1867 1857 1872 1871 1851 1876 1854 1874 1871 1884 1882 1857 1880 1842 1876 1855 Page 264 10/23/2013 Source St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church Court House Marriage License North German Lutheran Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Holy Trinity Catholic Church First United Church of Christ St. George Catholic Church St. Augustine Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. James German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Louis Catholic Church St. Paul Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Joseph Catholic Church St. Philomena Catholic Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schmeiser, Carl Schmeiser, Heinrich Schmeisser, Ernst Schmeisser, Georg Schmeisser, Jakob Schmeker, Friedrich Schmela, Joseph Schmeltz, Frank Schmeltzer, Christof Schmelz, Charles Schmelz, Franz Schmelz, Heinrich Schmelz, Michael Schmelz, Peter Schmelzel, Fred. Schmelzer, Eduard Schmelzle, Johan Schmelzle, Michael Schmer, Georg Schmerber, Louis Schmerge, Andrew L. Schmergen, Joseph Schmerges, Benno L. Schmerges, G Bernard Schmerling, Joseph Schmerr, Heinrich Schmerr, Martin Schmerr, Peter Schmerr, Philipp Schmerr, Phillip Schmerr, William Schmerzinger, Carl T Schmett, Michael Schmetzer, Christian Schmetzer, John Schmeuser, Johan Schmeusser, Johan Schmezer, Henry Schmich, Johan Schmich, Johannes Schmich, Joseph Schmid, Anton Schmid, Anton F. Schmid, August Schmid, August Schmid, Carl Schmid, Carl Schmid, Christian Schmid, Christoph Schmid, Francis Schmid, Frank M. Schmid, Georg Name of Bride Schan, Caroline Winter, Anna Rosenthal, Louise Dolinger, Ann Boll, Wilhemlina Heitmann, Sophia Faber, Caroline Oakes, Mary Strong, Jane Welsh, Louisa Schwarz, Anna Hoyer, Elisabeth Frickmann, Augusta Entrup, Dina Ernst, Carolina Blum, Emma Stoeckle, Babette Bloechle, Christine Hermann, Eva Beckhardt, Mary Mueller, Elisabeth Platfot, Gertrud Lechner, Emma Aubke, Elisabeth Goss, Catharina Haff, Catharine Jaequil, Louise Loesche, Sophia Hahn, Maria C. Schmidt, Margaret Hensler, Barbara Hoffmann, Eleanora Morast, Barbara Kennedy, Mary Schlecker, Rosa Meyer, Catherine Dursch, Kunigunda Leonhard, Christiana Rong, Catharine Bradfisch, Carolina Stratman, Elisabeth Rettig, Crescenz Burkhardt, Agnes P. Kleiner, Josephine Kleiner, Josephina Honroth, Louise Eger, Barbara Pfeffer, Mary Grueninger, Eva Schlaufer, Franziska Conrad, Elisabeth J. Leipold, Martha MarriageYear 1882 1881 1854 1852 1854 1859 1876 1862 1855 1884 1860 1856 1879 1869 1873 1880 1867 1882 1865 1879 1873 1850 1882 1878 1849 1855 1880 1879 1856 1875 1866 1864 1882 1852 1863 1864 1883 1852 1855 1871 1877 1856 1882 1870 1870 1866 1869 1867 1857 1882 1864 1850 Page 265 10/23/2013 Source St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. John Evangelical Church - Mt. Auburn St. Paul German Evangelical Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Paul German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 3 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Volksblatt Newspaper - page 4 St. Augustine Catholic Church Salem United Church of Christ St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Luke United Church of Christ St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church St. Anthony Catholic Church - Budd St. St. Philomena Catholic Church St. Paul German Evangelical Church Holy Trinity Catholic Church St. James Catholic Church - White Oak St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. First United Church of Christ St. Matthaeus German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 4 St. Peter German Evangelical Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Cincinnati Freie Presse Newspaper - page 2 Restored Court House Marriage Licenses Restored Court House Marriage Licenses First United Church of Christ St. Paul United Church of Christ - Blue Rock Rd. Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Philomena Catholic Church Restored Court House Marriage Licenses St. Louis Catholic Church Cincinnati Volksfreund Newspaper St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church St. Peter German Evangelical Church Zion German Evangelical Church St. John's Unitarian Church - 12th and Elm St. St. Francis Seraph Catholic Church Old St. Mary Catholic Church HCGS Marriages 1808-1884 - Grooms- Abbreviated Index Name of Groom Schmid, Georg Schmid, Georg Adam Schmid, Hartman Schmid, Johan Schmid, Johan M. Schmid, John Schmid, John C. Schmid, John George Schmid, Julius Schmid, Lambert Schmid, Lewis Schmid, Mathias Schmid, Michael Schmid, Peter Schmid, Peter W. Schmid, William Schmidberger, Fried. Schmider, Theodor Schmidgall, Louis Schmidhauser, Carl Schmidlapp, Fredrick Schmidlapp, J.G. Schmidlapp, Peter Schmidlen, William Schmidlin, Johan Schmidt, A.E.Robert Schmidt, Abraham Schmidt, Adam Schmidt, Adam Schmidt, Adam Schmidt, Adam Schmidt, Adam Schmidt, Adolph Schmidt, Adolph Schmidt, Adolph Schmidt, Adolph Schmidt, Adolph Schmidt, Albert Schmidt, Albert Schmidt, Andreas Schmidt, Andreas Schmidt, Andreas Schmidt, Andreas Schmidt, Andrew Schmidt, Andrew Schmidt, Anton Schmidt, Anton Schmidt, Anton Schmidt, Anton Schmidt, Anton Schmidt, Anton Schmidt, Anton Name of Bride Schaefer, Anna Kunkel, Elisabeth Krah, Eva Gertrud Wissel, Sophia Diederle, Marie M. Scherer, Mary Fischer, Barbara Schneider, Catherine Barnes, M. Anna Griesser, Regina Scher, Caroline Thomann, Margaretha Fladung, Catharine Burger, Elisabeth Broxtermann, Maria Loether, Maria Kuester, Elisabeth Mandery, Rosa Pieper, Elisabeth Kopp, Christina Raye---, Mary Ann Balke, Emilie Goll, Catharina Schroeder, Mary Engelbach, Katharina Bauer, Margaret Unkrech, Jacobina Niedhammer, Louise Hoesser, Barbara Nusser, Maria Miller, Magdalena Irion, Anna Meyer, Maria Sturen, Martha Bailey, Anna Huber, Libby Schlezer, Caroline Eiglisheimer, Barb. Eichhorn, Clara Nicole, Catharina Hunt, Adilia Adams, Karoline Witt, Catharine Quilschreiber, Carol Becker, Theresa Pflum, Christina Huber, Catharina Fey, Apollonia Kuhn, Josephina Pander, Catharine Weibel, Elisabeth Hock, Francisca MarriageYear 1871 1866 1860 1866 1863 1884 1874 1879 1866 1882 1846 1869 1849 1874 1870 1879 1856 1874 1880 1869 1826 1877 1839 1884 1867 1881 1852 1852 1855 1856 1880 1884 1847 1871 1871 1877 1877 1842 1854 1838 1839 1867 1872 1867 1873 1836 1848 1851 1853 1854 1857 1859 Page 266 10/23/2013 Source St. John the Baptist Cath
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