The First Five Meetings Outline - Brownie


The First Five Meetings Outline - Brownie
Brownie Girl Scouts First Five Meetings
A Step by Step Guide to Start Up Your Girl Scout Year
The first five meetings of the Girl Scout year set the stage for new Girl Scout Volunteers and new Girl Scout troops as they begin their Girl Scout
journey! Meetings typically last 60-90 minutes in length, but depend on your troop or group. The following outlines are samples and should be
adapted to meet the needs of the girls, and may, in fact, be too basic for returning troops. Regardless, this guide can help you to incorporate the
three Girl Scout processes in the First Five Meetings and throughout the Girl Scout year:
Girl Led: Help girls decide which Journeys or topics they are interested in. Help girls choose goals and activities using Brownie level troop
government models.
Cooperative Learning: Girls work together in teams or small groups to meet a goal or objective.
Learning by Doing: Assist girls to create or do something together. Provide resources for them to experience the joy of doing it on their
The suggested outlines will help you begin the process of planning and…
Give important information in a Parent / Guardian meeting
Help girls decide what they want their meetings to “look like” for their Girl Scout year
Assist girls in choosing their Brownie Journey and Badge Activity Set for the year
Help girls choose their troop government style and use leadership skills
Enable the girls to establish and enjoy Girl Scout traditions and ceremonies
Identify resources
Set the foundation for a year of fun and memories!
Resources: Check them out!
Brownie Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
Brownie Journeys: Brownie Quest, WOW! Wonders of Water, A World of Girls, and corresponding Adult Guides
It’s Your Journey: Customize It! Your Local Overseas Committee training
Girl Scout University – NEW! Juliette’s List – compilation of resources and ideas for Girl Scout Volunteers
USA Girl Scouts Overseas (USAGSO)
USAGSO Shutterfly site (see also: Volunteer Essentials under the Adult Resources tab)
USAGSO annual volunteer conferences
Meeting 1: Get to Know You and Get to Know Girl Scouting
10 – 15 Gathering:
minutes Welcome
Arrange for a Co-Leader, Committee Member or Older
Girl Scout to work with the Brownie Girl Scouts while
you meet with the Parents / Guardians in the Parent /
Guardian Meeting. Ensure proper ratio for the first
Brownie meeting, which should be 2 adults to every 20
Brownies! (see Volunteer Essentials, page 9 for
additional details.) One volunteer could meet with the
girls if the Parents / Guardian meeting was held in a
multi-room location.
As girls arrive, say: Welcome to Brownie Girl
Scouting! You can make your very own nametag while
we wait for the other girls to arrive. Write your name
and decorate your nametag!
(Please note: Resources are highlighted
in bold in the Appendix following each
meeting outline.)
After everyone has arrived, say: Now that everyone
is here, Brownie Troop # (insert your troop number) will
now form its first Brownie Girl Scout Ring! Join hands
and follow me. (Chant, while having the girls clasp
hands in a slowly moving circle, the Brownie Girl
Scout Ring Chant…) “Round and round and round about. Take the hand of a Brownie Girl Scout.
Here we are in the Brownie Ring,
Ready for most anything!” The Brownie Ring is a special circle where we can talk
about plans, make decisions, listen or have snacks. It
is a special Girl Scout tradition. It is very important to
listen and be quiet when someone is talking in the
Brownie Ring. Everyone can have a turn! The Quiet
Sign is a Girl Scout tradition that works like magic. The
Quiet Sign lets everyone know that it is time to be quiet.
If someone raises their right hand and makes the Quiet
Sign, each person who sees it raises their hand too
until everyone is quiet. Let’s try it. Everyone talk and watch for the Quiet Sign! Raise your hand and stop
Prepare reusable Brownie
 String or yarn / pins / etc.
 Markers or Crayons
Brownie Girl Scout Ring
Chant song
The Quiet Sign:
Who will
Leader and
talking when you see it. (Try this several times and
congratulate the girls on how well they are doing!)
Say: This is our meeting space! If you need to go to
the restroom, it is located (tell girls where it is….) Girl Scouts use the Buddy System, so if you need to use
the bathroom, always ask a leader and take a buddy!
Let’s do some Brownie and Parent / Guardian activities!
Brownies, stay in your Brownie Ring, and parents, let’s
go over here and make a second circle.
With Girls:
Say: Girl Scouts across the United States and around
the world say the Girl Scout Promise. The Promise
has three parts: On my honor, I will try: 1) to serve
God * and my country, 2) to help people at all times,
and 3) to live by the Girl Scout Law.
* When making the Girl Scout Promise, individuals may
make working appropriate to their own spiritual beliefs
for the word God
Ask: What do you think it means when we say, “On my honor, I will try?” (I will do my best; I promise to try and do the parts of the Promise, etc.) What does “to serve God and my country” mean? (to be a good citizen; to be kind, etc.) How can you “help people at all times”? (Look for ways to help at home, at school,
everywhere”!) Say: Let’s play the Promise Game! I’ll pass the ball / beanbag / stuffed animal to a Brownie. When someone
receives it, say one of the words of the Promise and
we’ll say the whole Girl Scout Promise together, one
Brownie and one word at a time. Let’s try it! (Pass a
ball or bean-bag to the first girl. She should hold the
ball and say “on,” the first word of the Promise, and pass the ball to the next girl, who should say “my.” The next girl will say “honor,” and so on until the girls complete the Promise. Go slowly at first, and faster on
the next round. Pass the ball in a random order to make
the game more challenging.)
Say: All Girl Scouts use the Girl Scout Sign in
Ball or Beanbag or Stuffed
Girl Scout Promise Sign
Or Older
Girl Scout
ceremonies and to help them remember the G.S.
Promise. Hold up your right hand; cover your pinkie
finger with your thumb.
Business or
minutes Planning
Ask: What do you think the 3 fingers represent? (the
three parts of the Girl Scout Promise) That’s right! With parents:
Say: While the girls explore more about Girl Scouting,
we are going to work together to begin your daughter’s
Brownie Quest for the year.
 Handout and collect forms (registration, health
history, permission slips)
 Decide on communication – website, blog, email,
newsletter, Facebook, etc.
 Calendaring – decide how often to meet, schedule
meetings and confirm OC event dates
 Review uniform options (vest or sash). Order
uniform and start-up insignia after the girls make
their uniform decision. Order Start-up Kit, or
individual items (vest or sash, insignia tab,
WAGGGS pin, Brownie GS Pin, Troop Numbers,
American Flag, and Troop Crest). Ask for adult
volunteer to coordinate and submit orders for Girl
Scout uniforms, insignia, books, etc. NOTE:
Uniforms are not mandatory, but do build unity and
identity. The only required part of the uniform it is a
vest or sash for ceremonies or when we represent
Girl Scouting. Girls should choose uniform
components either individually or as a troop.
 The Brownie uniform is important and simple:
either a sash or vest worn with a white or blue shirt
and khaki pants, shorts or a skirt. The girls can
wear any white shirt and khakis. The Brownie
uniform and insignia is worn by Brownie Girl Scouts
around the world. Insignia have a placement on the
sash or vest as shown in the handout. (Where to
place insignia on the Brownie uniform)
 Discuss and collect dues. See Volunteer
Essentials, “Managing Group Finances, pages 5659¸for details. Overseas Committees may have
guidelines for your locale as well.
See your local Overseas
Committee for the
following three forms:
1. GS Registration Forms
2. Health History Forms
3. GS Permission Forms
School Calendar
National Program Portfolio:
How the National
Program Portfolio Works
What Brownies Do
Journey books:
1. Brownie Quest
2. Wow! World of Water
3. A World of Girls
Or if the books are
unavailable, use the 3
Brownie Journeys visual
Journey Map
Where to place insignia
on Brownie uniform
Ladder of Leadership
(Review the Brownie program with the Parents /
Say: The Brownie program, or National Program
Portfolio, (How the National Program Portfolio
Works) has two parts: the National Leadership
Journeys and the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting. Girl
Scouting is designed to help girls become strong
leaders and explore new skills. What Brownies Do
shows these resources used in the Brownie program.
Take a look at the Brownie Journey Map shows the
program as a journey or adventure with many side trips.
What side trips do you see (badges, traditions, trips,
USAGSO awards, outdoor)? The girls will receive their
Journey map next meeting as a puzzle for discussion.
There are 3 different Leadership Journeys for Brownie
Girl Scouts:
1. It’s Your World, Change It! - Brownie Quest
2. It’s Your Planet –Love It! – WOW! Wonders of
3. It’s Your Story – Tell It! – A World of Girls
Each is unique and has awards the girls can earn. The
Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting handbook has fun
information about the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouting,
Girl Scout traditions, bridging to Junior Girl Scouts and
more! The National Program Portfolio builds from
Daisies, through Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes to
Seniors and Ambassadors. (Ladder of Leadership)
leading to the Bronze, Silver and Gold, the highest
awards in Girl Scouting.
With Parents / Guardians:
For working with the Parents /
Say: Let’s sit in a Girl Scout Circle. This paper is a
 Parents / Guardian
timeline. It shows the years of our daughters’ lives.
Interest Survey
From zero to 5 or so, we are the primary nurturers of
 Pens
our girls at home. We help them grow from tiny babies,  Long narrow strip of paper
to walking toddlers, and curious preschoolers. (rip off
1 yard in length. Create a
years 1-5) Around age 18 our girls graduate and head
timeline for years 1 -80.
off to college. (rip off paper at 18) Ages 5 – 18 we
share our girls with the school and their friends 8 hours
a day. The portion of time we have with our daughters
For working with the girls:
Leader and
Co-leader /
Volunteer or
Older Girl
becomes shorter, particularly when they reach their
teens. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to maximize the time with a quality, leadership driven way to help our girls
grow, share our leadership journey and skills with them,
and create memories? Girl Scouts is it!
Ask: What do you want her to learn? What dreams
and ideas would you want her and her troop to explore?
Is there something special that you could share?
Distribute Parent / Guardian Interest Survey.
Say: Please take a minute to complete this interest
survey to share what you hope your daughters will
learn from Girl Scouting this year and what you want to
share with your daughter and the girls this year.
With Girls:
Volunteer asks: What do you want to do in Brownie
Girl Scouts this year? What do you want your Girl
Scouts to “look like”? Let’s play “Popcorn” and take turns suggesting things that you would like to do in
Brownies this year. We’ll take turns tossing the ball /
beanbag / stuffed animal and when you get it, share
one thing you would like to do this year! The only rule
is that we all share ideas and every idea is a good one!
No laughing or comments – just share ideas! Okay?
Who would like to toss the first time? I’ll write down your ideas! (Encourage the girls to share ideas.)
Ask: How were your answers similar?
What are the things you most want to do in Girl Scouts
this year? (Help girls summarize ideas using the list of
ideas you wrote down.)
Say: You have a special Brownie uniform. (Review
uniform options and insignia. (Where to Place
Insignia on Ambassador Uniform) Girl Scouts
around the world wear Girl Scout uniforms. The only
required part of the uniform it is a vest or sash for
ceremonies or when we represent Girl Scouting. The
vest / sash is worn with a white or blue shirt and khaki
pants, skirt or shorts. Girl Scout uniforms build unity
Ball / Beanbag /
Stuffed Animal
Juliette Gordon Low
Prepare a pictures for
the girls to do the
Juliette Gordon Low
and identify us as Girl Scouts and as a troop.
Ask: What do you think? Raise your hand if you like
the vest? Or sash? (Let the girls decide. Reinforce
the idea that inside the Brownie Ring, everyone can
share ideas by making the Quiet Sign to speak.)
Ask: Should we all wear the same uniform or do you
each want to choose your own uniform option of a vest
or sash. Raise your hand if you want a troop uniform?
Or individually chosen uniforms? (Help girls make a
decision as a group.)
Ask: We should share your decision with the adults
when we get back together. How do you want to tell
them? (one girl / several girls share their decision, girls
draw their choice, etc.)
Say: Let’s do a quick skit for your guests! This is a
skit about the founder of Girl Scouts, Juliette
Gordon Low. Divide into 8 groups and I’ll give each group a sign and we’ll practice one time first. (Let girls
self-divide into groups, or count off by 8 if they have a
hard time. Read the handout for directions. Practice
the skit!) Let’s get back together with your Parents /
Guardians and do the skit and tell them what you
decided about your Brownie uniforms!
Clean Up
Say to the entire group: The Brownies have a skit
they’d like to share with you! (Do the skit as practiced, and then say…) The girls would like to tell you something about their uniforms! (Let the girls
announce their decision.)
Say: its snack time!
Ask: What kind of snacks do you think we should have
this year? Please write any allergies or diet
considerations, or any additional cultural or faith
considerations on the Girl Scout Health Form. I will
share the information with everyone so everyone will
have a fun snack! Girls, sign up for a turn to bring
snacks to a meeting!
Say: Let’s clean up! Brownie Girl Scouts, we always
Countdown clean-up
leave a space cleaner than how we found it! I am going
to count down to zero. Look around your area to see
what you can clean up. When I get to zero, clean up
your area by the time I count back to ten. Are you
ready? 5-4-3-2-1-0. Clean up! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10!
Yea! Great job everyone!
Say: Another Girl Scout tradition is the Friendship
Circle and Squeeze. It’s a kind of Girl Scout closing ceremony. Let’s all stand up in our circle. (Sing the
Brownie Ring Chant to get everyone in the Brownie
Ring.) Cross your right arm over your left arm in front
of you and hold hands with the people on either side of
you. When everyone is quiet, a leader starts the
friendship squeeze which is passed from hand to hand.
The Friendship Squeeze is a gentle squeeze of your
Brownie Smile Song
hand and it moves in one direction around the Ring.
Put your right foot forward when you receive the
Friendship Squeeze and pass the squeeze onto the
next girl. When the squeeze comes back to the first
person who started it, she raises her arm and everyone
hold hands and turns under their right arm to end our
meeting. Let’s try turning out and turning back in first. (Try it, and then give a few announcements… sing a song…. Etc.) Let’s sing a song! (Sing the Brownie Smile Song.)
Wow, you were wonderful!
Ask: Parents / Guardians, when is our next meeting?
Ask: Who will bring the snack next time?
Say: It’s time to say good bye Girl Scouts! Raise your
hands above your head and turn around and say, See
you next time Brownie Girl Scouts! Are you ready?
Let’s try it! (Help girls finish their Friendship Circle.) See you on (date and time of next meeting).
Song: Brownie Girl Scout Ring Chant
Round and round and round about,
Take the hand of a Brownie Girl Scout.
Here we are in the Brownie Ring,
Ready for most anything!
Juliette Gordon Low Skit
Divide the girls / volunteers into 8 groups.
Give a sign and/or picture for each group with the following, announcing each one as you hand them out:
Girls - Stand and say, “Go Girls!” Juliette Low - Curtsy and say, "Glad to meet you"
The State of Georgia – Say, "Hey, y'all"
Horses – stamp your feet and say “neigh”
Lord Baden-Powell (pronounced “pole”) - Bow formally and say "how do you do?"
London – Sing, "London Bridge is Falling Down"
Boy Scouts - Make Boy Scout Scout sign, say "Be Prepared"
Girl Scouts – Make the Girl Scout sign and say, “On my honor” (or, if you know it, one line from the song, “Girl Scouts Together”)
World – Stand up, spin around once and then sit down
Explain that you are going to read a short story, and whenever a group hears the words on their sign, they should say or do whatever
their sign tells them to do. For example, if you are the “Little Girls” group, and you hear me say “Little Girls”, you should all stand and
say, “Go Girls!”. Are you ready? Listen for your words…
Once upon a time there was a girl named Juliette Low who lived in Georgia and loved to ride horses. In 1912, Juliette Low became interested in
Scouting while visiting her friends, Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, who lived in London, England and who started the Boy Scouts. She was
fascinated by the work he was doing which he began in London. She studied with him for a while and decided to begin a troop of Girl Scouts for
the girls who liked to ride horses in Georgia. So Juliette Gordon Low said good-bye to the Boy Scouts in London and came home to Georgia
with the ideas that Lord Baden-Powell gave her. She formed a group of girls in Savannah, Georgia, who liked to ride horses and be together, into
a troop of Girl Scouts. She did this on March 12th, 1912, and this first troop of eight girls was the first Girl Scout troop in this part of the world.
This first Girl Scout troop was so successful that Juliette Gordon Low wanted to see Girl Scout troops all over the world because she knew that
Girl Scouting would help girls all over the world to become friends and to help build world peace and good will. Girl Scouting grew and grew
until now you are not only a member of your own Girl Scout troop but also a member of the larger Girl Scouts of the United States of America and
the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.
“The girls loved it so much that the idea spread and now there are troops all over the world. Aren't we glad that a… (speed up here) Little girl
named Juliette Gordon Low from Georgia who liked horses went to….. London and met Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the….. Boy Scouts,
and came home to start….. the Girl Scouts.” (Repeat and do it a little faster if desired.)
If desired, summarize with the Girl Scout story
or founding of the WAGGGS organization
Girl / Girls
Gordon Low
Lord & Lady
Baden Powell
Song: Brownie Smile song
I've got something in my pocket, (point to shirt pocket)
That belongs across my face, (point to face)
I keep it very close at hand,
(both hands over shirt pocket)
In a most convenient place.
I'm sure you couldn't guess it,
(shake head and finger back and forth)
If you guessed a long long while.
So I'll take it out and put it on,
(reach into pocket)
It's a great big Brownie smile. (put smile on face!)
Where to Place Brownie Insignia on the Uniform
Our troop/group family will serve as our best resource in developing meaningful pro- gram activities for our girls. Please share a little about your interests, hobbies,
or profession so that we may know a little about you!
Phone #: ____________________
E-mail Address: ______________________________________
My job (past or present), business or profession would i nteres t girls to d is c ove r: ____________________________________________
I am affiliated with the following community groups: _________________________________________________
List other ways you could help:
Lend a yard, playroom
or kitchen for an occasional meeting
a place to store troop/group equipment
Other ways I would
like to help: ___________________________________________
Special Interests:
Human Relations Skills
Archery Instructor
Dental Health
Women's Issues
G.S. Core Leadership,
Arts & crafts
Literacy - helping
Other talents, hobbies,
Training, Experience
Drawing, Painting
others to read
or skills:
G.S. Troop Camping
Audio Visual
Auto Maintenance
Environmental Issues
First Aid, Health &
Standard First Aid
CPR for:
__ Infant / Child
__ Community
Career Planning
Global Issues
__ Basic Life Support
Health & Fitness
Special Needs Issues
Child Care
Water Safety
Community Service
Horseback Riding
Licensed Driver
Meeting 2: Exploring the Brownie Journey Map and “the Brownie
Quest” Journey.
Set out precut Brownie Journey Map puzzles for the
girls to complete as they wait for everyone to arrive.
(Please note: Resources are highlighted
in bold in the Appendix following each
meeting outline.)
Confirm with the Adult
Volunteer that the Brownie
Girl Scout Pins and
uniforms order will arrive in
time for the fifth meeting
and the Investiture /
Rededication Ceremony!
10 – 15 Gathering:
minutes Welcome
As girls arrive, say: Welcome back Brownie Girl
Scouts! We can start our meeting putting together a
puzzle of a map just for Brownie Girl Scouts! It’s the Brownie Journey Map! See how many things you can
find on your map when you finish your puzzle!
After everyone arrives, say: You did a fabulous job
putting together your Brownie Journey Map puzzles!
Ask: What kind of things did you see on your Brownie
Journey map? Our troop journey can follow the path
and take many side trips (point at each one) such as:
(things the girls can point to on the map as well)
traditions like the Brownie Ring and Friendship Circle;
Outdoors, like camping; Badges, like the Brownie
badges and Journey Awards; Trips, or the USA Girl
Scouts Overseas Awards like the International
Cut Brownie Journey
Maps into puzzles and put
each one in an envelope, 1
per girl or per pair of girls.
 Nametags
Brownie Journey Maps
Who will
Friendship Pin. There are 3 Brownie Journey books to
choose from and YOU get to decide which one you
want to do as a troop! We will do an activity from each
Journey to help you decide! Today, we are going to go
on a Brownie Quest. (Show the girls the Brownie
Journey map.) Let’s do an activity from the Brownie Quest Journey!
Clean Up
Ask: Do you know what a “quest” is? (a journey with a purpose) What do you see on the map? (For example,
path, tent, campfire, game, etc.)
Say: We are going to play a game called, “Going on a Ball / Beanbag / Stuffed
Trip”. A trip is another word for a journey. Let’s get in Animal
our Brownie Ring (sing the Brownie Ring Chant song).
Everyone will get a turn to say their name and
something that begins with the first letter of their name
that they want to bring on their trip or journey. For
example, “I’m Sabrina and I’m going to bring a suitcase” or “I’m Callie and I’m going to pack a CD.” (Play the game until everyone has had a turn.)
3 Keys of Leadership
This activity is from the Brownie Quest Journey:
Say: When we join in the Brownie Ring, we’re making Brownie Quest girls book or
picture of the book.
connections with girls all over the world sitting in a Girl
Scout Ring just like this one. Imagine 500,000 girls
doing the same thing! You are a part of an amazing
sisterhood. We can discover each of the Leadership
Keys in the Brownie Quest Journey. We can learn new
skills and talents each of us brings into this circle with a
discovery game! (Start the game by saying your name
and one special quality you bring to the ring, and then
toss the ball and say…) Now it’s your turn! Tell us your name and a special talent or quality that you bring
to our Brownie Ring, and then toss the ball to someone
else. (Ask a Brownie friend or someone to write down
each of the shared talents / qualities, and after
everyone has shared, say…) Look at all the talents and special qualities we have in our Brownie troop! What a
talented group of Girl Scouts
Thank the Brownie Girl Scout who brought the snack
and ask her to pass out the snacks / set them out / etc.
Say: Girl Scouts always leave a place better then they Brownie Clean-Up Song
found it! Let’s clean up so our meeting area looks better than it did before we came here! Let’s learn the Brownie Clean-Up Song to sing while we clean up. I
sing one part and you sing the other part. It goes like
Brownie Scouts, Brownie Scouts,.
Let's tidy up the room.
Brownie Scouts, Brownie Scouts,.
Time to go home soon.
Brownie Scouts, Brownie Scouts,
We're picking up our things.
Brownie Scouts, Brownie Scouts,
Hear our voices sing.
Say: It’s time to close another meeting! Let’s get in our Brownie Ring and join hands in the Friendship
Circle. Remember, when you receive a gentle
squeeze, squeeze the hand of the person next to you
so that our friendship squeeze can go all around the
circle! Wait for the squeeze! Let’s sing the Brownie
Smile Song while we wait! (After everyone has had a
turn, remind everyone of any announcements, such as
when you meet again, and say…) Good bye Girl
Brownie Smile Song
Brownie Clean‐Up Song
(Tune- Jingle Bells)
Brownie Scouts, Brownie Scouts,.
Let's tidy up the room.
Brownie Scouts, Brownie Scouts,.
Time to go home soon.
Brownie Scouts, Brownie Scouts,
We're picking up our things.
Brownie Scouts, Brownie Scouts,
Hear our voices sing.
Meeting 3: Troop Government and Exploring the Brownie “Wow!
Wonders of water” Journey
10 – 15 Gathering:
minutes Welcome
Prepare parts of a Brownie Kaper Chart using the
examples as a guide.
As girls arrive, say: Choose a stick/paper doll/flower,
etc. and write your name on it, and then decorate it with
markers. It is going to be part of a bigger something, a
kaper chart, for our troop!
(Please note: Resources are highlighted
in bold in the Appendix following each
meeting outline.)
After everyone arrives, say: Did you know that you
are all Daisy’s helpers? Remember that Daisy, or Juliette Gordon Low, was the founder of the Girl Scouts
of the USA? She wanted to help girls be leaders and
helpers in their cities and in the world. From now on,
we will take turns being one of Daisy’s Helpers in our
meetings by choosing a different Helper from our
Kaper Chart. (Note: Kaper charts are a way to
organize small jobs or activities for the troop. It is a tool
that helps distribute tasks equally among the group,
and can be used for any number of tasks, such as troop
meeting tasks, small jobs at camp, even household
 Using the supplies on the table, how can we make a
Kaper Chart for our troop? Here are some
examples. (Show the Brownie Kaper Chart
 How do you want to choose who does the jobs?
 How do you want to rotate everyone so everyone
gets a turn at some point?
 Which helper roles do you want to use?
(Give girls time to make their kaper chart, and when
Supplies as needed to
make a Kaper Chart
(Poster Board, popsicle
sticks, etc.)
 Crayons and / or markers
 Nametags
Kaper Chart Examples
Poster board, colored paper,
stickers, glue sticks, etc. for
the girls to create their troop
Kaper Chart
Note: Make sure to consider
the following when developing
the troop Kaper Chart:
 Make a fun, colorful
Kaper Chart.
 Involve everyone in the
planning of the Kaper
 Make a list of all the
small jobs to be done.
Have enough jobs so that the
girls can have turns helping do
the tasks. See handout for
additional helps.
Who will
Business or
minutes Planning
done, say…) Let’s see who our helper is today! (A
Girl Scout chooses a stick from the jar / from the kaper
chart, and announces who the helper will be today!)
(Girl’s name), can you help me with an activity?
Say: Today we are going to do an activity from the
Brownie Journey book, WOW! Wonders of Water.
Remember, you are going to choose which Journey
you want to do this year! Last meeting we did a game
from the Brownie Quest Journey discovering our
Brownie friends’ talents! Today we are going to do an
activity about our planet!
This activity is from the Brownie WOW! Wonders of
Water Journey:
WOW! Wonders of Water
girls book or picture of the
Say: What is your favorite water activity? My favorite
water activity is ___ (such as: slip and slide on front
lawn on a hot day or ice skating. If a girl gets stuck for
an answer, encourage her to think of simple, enjoyable 
uses of water, such as a nice cold drink of lemonade,
etc.) Draw a picture of your favorite water activity and
then we’ll share our answers and put our pictures on the WOW! Poster. (Give girls time to draw their
pictures.) Okay, (call on the girl who has the job to start
the activity from the Kaper Chart), can you start our
sharing? (Remind the girls to put their pictures on the
Clean Up
Ask: Does anyone know what “WOW” stands for? I’ll give you a clue: it’s in the title of the Brownie Journey
that we are exploring today! (Wonders of Water)
Thank the girl and her family for bringing the snack and
encourage positive conversation fun things to do with
water. Let’s sing a song for treat time and clean up time. It’s called the Make New Friends song.
Say: It’s time to clean up! (Girl’s name), how can you help lead the clean-up time? (For example, hold a
garbage bag; lead the girls in a race to pick up items,
etc.) Let’s sing the Brownie Clean-up Song.
Say: It’s time to close our meeting. Please join together in the Brownie Ring (Sing the Brownie Ring
Chant) Think of our fun water activities, and how you
feel when you are having fun with or in the water. Do
Post-it Notes or small
pieces of paper
Picture of your favorite
water activity on the post-it
note or small piece of
Crayons / Markers
“WOW!” Poster board
Make New Friends Song
Brownie Clean-up Song
Brownie Ring Chant song
you remember the name of today’s Journey? (WOW!
Wonders of Water) That’s right! So far we’ve discovered talents and fun water activities. Next week
we’ll do one more Journey activity and you will get to choose which Journey you want to do this year! Yea!
(Girl’s name), can you please start the friendship
squeeze, and when it has gone all the way around, say
“Good bye Girl Scouts”? Brownie Kaper chart Examples
There are so many ways to make a Kaper Chart. Kaper Charts and encourage Girl Led leadership skills. Here are a few examples:
Pick a Brownie Jar:
Using craft sticks, each girl can decorate her stick with her name. Have two jars, “Do It” and “Done It” (or other names chosen by the
girls). When a job needs to be done, a girl pulls out a stick from the “Do It” jar, and when done, puts the stick in the “Done It” jar. Make sure to consider the following when developing a Troop Kaper Chart:
Make a fun, colorful Kaper Chart.
Involve everyone in the planning of the Kaper Chart.
Have enough jobs so that everyone can have a turn.
Decide how to choose who does the jobs.
Decide how to rotate jobs so everyone gets a turn at some point.
The girls can choose from the following list of jobs or create their own:
Help Set Up
Lead Pledge of Allegiance
Lead Girl Scout Promise
Handle supplies
Help assign Kapers
Collect Dues
Hand out or collect paperwork
Lead an activity
Choose or Lead a song / Song Leader
Choose a game
Get Flag
Take Pictures
Bring snack
Hand out Snack
Clean-up captain
Clean-up after snack
Bathroom buddy
Lead good bye game
Flag Bearer
Friendship Squeeze Starter
Attendance Taker
Song: Make New Friends
Make new friends but keep the old;
One is silver and the other gold.
A circle is round, it has no end,
That’s how long I want to be your friend.
I have a hand, and you have another,
Put them together and we have each other
Meeting 4: Exploring the Brownie “A World of Girls” Journey and
Choosing the Journey for the Year
Set out the Brownie Kaper Chart.
(Please note: Resources are highlighted
in bold in the Appendix following each
meeting outline.)
10 – 15 Gathering:
minutes Welcome
Prepare one Brownie crown
with the words, “I do a good turn daily” Do not decorate it
so the girls can use their own
As girls arrive, say: Le’s make a Brownie Crown!
 1 prepared crown
Write the words, “I do a good turn daily” on your crown  Write “I do a good turn and then decorate it with pictures that show how you
daily” on the white board or help people every day. I’ll staple your crown so it fits poster board for the girls to
your head when you are done and you can wear it for
copy onto their crowns
the rest of our troop meeting! What do you think “do a  Construction paper crowns
good turn daily” means? (to do something kind or  Crayons and /or markers
helpful every day)
 Stapler and extra staples
 Nametags
When everyone arrives, say: Let’s get in our Brownie  Brownie Ring Chant song
Ring. (Sing the Brownie Ring Chant. Use the Quiet
 Brownie Girl Scout pin or a
Sign to get everyone’s attention, and check the Kaper
picture of the pin
Chart to see who the helper is for games, etc.)
Say: The Girl Scout Handshake is a special tradition
that Girl Scouts everywhere use in special ceremonies
like investiture (or rededication), awards ceremonies
and other special occasions. You will get to use it at
your next meeting when you receive your Brownie Girl
Scout pin and for investiture (or rededication). (Give
the pin to the helper to show everyone.) This is the
Brownie Girl Scout pin and only Brownie Girl Scouts
can wear it. What does it look like? (It looks like a little
elf or brownie.) That’s right! It’s the same thing that is on your nametags too!
Who will
Say: Here is how you do the Girl Scout Handshake. I
need a partner; (Girl’s name), can you help me show everyone, and everyone get a partner to practice with!
Raise your right hand. Now make the Girl Scout sign
with your fingers. Hold up your right hand, cover your
pinkie finger with your thumb.
Business or
minutes Planning
Ask: Do you remember what the 3 fingers represent?
(the three parts of the promise) Now take your left
hand and shake your partner’s left hand while making the Girl Scout sign with your right hand. You’ve just done the Girl Scout Handshake! Good job! Try it again
and then switch partners and do two more times.
Say: Today we are going to do a fun activity from
another Brownie Journey, A World of Girls, and get
ready for a special Girl Scout ceremony. We are going
to invite your Parents / Guardians to come to our next
meeting for your Investiture ceremony where the new
girls will receive their Brownie pins and other girls will
rededicate themselves to the Promise and the Law in a
rededication ceremony. We will divide into three
(1) Group 1 will make personal invitations for their
families and
(2) Group 2 will decorate posters of the Promise and
the Law and the song you want to sing next time.
(3) Group 3 will make Girl Scout Law Links! Choose
one part of the law and draw a picture of what it means
to them. Make sure you put your name and the law on
it, and then we’ll switch!
Paper and art supplies
make invitations
Write the date, time ,
location on the board for
the girls to copy onto their
3 poster boards
Strips of paper (to make a
paper chain at the
ceremony next time)
Girl Scout Promise and
Ask: Do you want to sing a song for your investiture /
rededication? Which song would you like to sing in
your ceremony?
Say: Let’s see who will be our helper today! (Check
the Kaper Chart, and say…) (Girl’s name) is our helper for the activity today!
This activity is from the Brownie A World of Girls
Three Cheers for Animals
girls book or picture of the
Say: This is the A World of Girls Journey and a
globe. Imagine that when you hold this tiny globe in
your hand, it’s easier to believe in yourself and your ability to do extraordinary things! Your globe is a
special symbol of the wide world of girls to which you
Globe activity sheet
Crayons or markers
Ask: Do you ever think, “I just can’t do it” or “Maybe I
shouldn’t even try?”
Say: We all think these things sometimes, but this little
globe in your hand can be a reminder of all the strength
and skills you have inside you! Let’s think about what keeps you feeling good and strong (things like your
family, your friends, learning about yourself and new
people and places, trying new activities, knowing
everyone is special in their own way). Now, with
pictures or words, let’s each of us put all of the things
that make us feel good and strong inside our globes.
Once the girls have filled their globes, Ask:
Who would like to share what they put in their globe?
Do other girls have something in their globes that might
keep you strong, too? You can put it in your globe!
Clean Up
Say: Take this globe home and hang it in a special
place. Whenever you look at it, remember all the
strength and all the skills you have inside you. With
these strengths and skills, you can always do
extraordinary things—even without a tiny globe in your
Let’s check the kaper chart and see who brought
snacks today. (Girl’s name), can you please help with the treats? (Be sure to thank whoever brought the
snacks for the meeting.) We need to decide what kind
of snack you would like to have for your Brownie
Investiture / Rededication next week.
It’s clean-up time! (Girl’s name), what is a fun way that Brownie Clean-up Song 2
we can all clean up today? (Help the helper to come up (Tune: London Bridge)
with a fun way to clean up if she has difficulty and
support her decision.) Let’s sing a new clean-up song
to help us have fun while we straighten up!
Weave the magic in and out, in and out, in and
Weave the magic in and out, for we are
We have tidied everything, everything,
We have tidied everything, for we are Brownies!
(Ask another helper to announce that it is now time get
in a circle again, and sit next to her.) It is now time to
choose which Journey we will do this year. Here are
the 3 Brownie Journeys: The Brownie Quest; WOW!
Wonders of Water, and A World of Girls. Raise your
hand for the one that you want to do this year…. (Take a poll.)
(Ask the helper to announce the Journey for the year
and to start the Friendship Circle.) Everyone, (Girl’s name), has reminded us that it is time for our
Friendship Circle. (Girl’s name), can you start the Friendship Squeeze? (and when it is done,
announce….) I can’t wait to start the Brownie Journey
with you this year! We are going to have so much fun!
See you next time for your special Girl Scout Investiture
Three Brownie Journey books:
 Brownie Quest
 WOW! Wonders of Water
 A World of Girls
 or 3 Brownie Journeys.
Hand out the Brownie
Investiture / Rededication
invitations for the girls to take
Brownie Girl Scout pin
Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try
To serve God and my country
To help people at all times
And to live by the Girl Scout Law
Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
Honest and fair,
Friendly and helpful,
Considerate and caring
Responsible for what I say and do,
And to
Respect myself and others
Respect authority
Use resources wisely
Make the world a better place, and
Be a sister to every Girl Scout.
3 Brownie Girl Scout Journeys
Brownie Clean‐up Song 2
(Tune: London Bridge)
Weave the magic in and out, in and out, in and out,
Weave the magic in and out, for we are Brownies!
We have tidied everything, everything, everything.
We have tidied everything, for we are Brownies!
Meeting 5: Investiture and or Rededication
The girls will “walk through” the ceremony as it is done, however, if you feel practice is necessary, pre-arrange
for the girls to come early.
(Please note: Resources are highlighted
in bold in the Appendix following each
meeting outline.)
10 – 15 Gathering:
minutes Welcome
As girls and Parents / Guardian arrive, say: Thank
you so much for coming to the Brownie Investiture and
Rededication ceremony! Today is a day that the girls
have been working towards and looking forward to for
several meetings!
Say: We are going to open with a Brownie Girl Scout
song that the girls chose. Girls, please come up here
with me and let’s teach your song to your Parents /
Guardians. Parents / Guardians, you may also follow
along using the sign / handouts with the words. Let’s sing one line at a time and then our guests can repeat
and sing the song after us, and then we’ll sing it all together. Ready? (Sing one line at a time with the girls
facing their Parents / Guardians. Help Parents /
Guardians learn the song. Looking at the girls say…)
You did a fantastic job teaching the song to your
guests! You can sit with your Parents / Guardians now.
One Brownie Girl Scout
Pin for each girl
American Flag and Stand
Troop or Girl Scout Flag
Beginning Brownie
Certificate (if desired)
Sign for the words of the
song that the girls chose
last week
Words of the song the girls
chose on a poster or handouts
for the Parents / Guardians.
Who will
Business or
minutes Planning
Say: Today the girls will become Brownie Girl Scouts.
We are going to start by telling the Brownie story. It is
interactive, so everyone needs to do the actions to the
story. (See Brownie Story Skit.) When you hear the
words… do the sound and action: Words
Oh my!
Be prepared!
Come in!
Hands in front of mouth
Both hands slap knees
Stand and make the Girl Scout Sign
Motion with right hand to come in
Bend arms and flap wings
Move arms up and down with fingers
Brownie Story Skit
Brownie Ceremony:
 Use a mirror with greenery,
blue poster board cut in a
pond shape, or use your
 Invite returning Brownies
to join you and stand on
the other side of the pond
to greet the first time
(If you have returning Brownies, say… Will our second year Brownies come and join me in the Brownie Ring?)
Say: Each of the Brownies will receive their Brownie
pin after a very special Brownie Girl Scout tradition. As
I call your name, please come up to the magic pond,
and complete the rhyme. (Take each Girl Scout
Brownie-to-be (first year girls), turn her around and
have group (Parents / Guardians and / or second year
Brownies, say…)
"Twist me and turn me and show me the elf. I
looked in the water and saw _________"
(The girl looks in the magic pond and sees a Girl
Scout Brownie peering up! She says, "Myself!")
You will receive your Girl Scout Brownie pin upside
down on the left side of your uniform and stand in the
Brownie Ring while your sister Girl Scouts receive their
pins. You may turn the pin right side up after you have
done a good deed daily for three days!
(After all the girls have received their pins and are in
the Brownie Ring, say…) Now that you have all
become Brownie Girl Scouts, let’s give the Girl Scout Sign and say the Promise together for your Parents /
Guardians. Parents / Guardians, you can follow along
on the posters that the girls made for you.
Ask: What is a good turn? (Helping at home when not
asked, doing something nice for someone, etc.)
Girl Scout Law Links:
Paper strips that the girls
made in the last meeting
Ask: Why do you think there are 3 good turns? (One
for each part of the Girl Scout Promise!) That’s right! After you have done three good turns, you can ask a
Parents / Guardian to turn your pin around so that it is
right side up! I hope to see all the pins turned over by
our next meeting!
Clean Up
Say: The Girl Scout Law helps us to be great
Brownies! Girls, come on up and get your Girl Scout
Law Links that you made last time. Now, when I read
your part of the Law, share what it means to you and
staple your paper onto our Girl Scout Law. We will link
together all of your ideas to help us all to be Girl Scouts
who will make the world a better place! (Read the Girl
Scout Law and have someone help them staple their
paper strip to the paper chain.) Thank you Girl Scouts!
Say: Please join us in celebrating the newest Girl
Scout Brownies of (the name of your Overseas
Committee) with snacks specially chosen by the
Say: Let’s sing our Brownie clean-up song for our
Parents / Guardians as we clean up!
Say: It is now time for our Friendship Circle!
Everyone, please put your right hand in the circle and
cross it over your left hand. Now, hold hands with the
persons standing next to you, and then we’ll send the friendship squeeze around the circle. (Pick someone
who may be quiet or need the opportunity to lead out,
and when the friendship squeeze has gone all the way
around, ask the girl…) What do we say now? (Good bye Girl Scouts!) Way to go! See you all at our next
meeting when we begin our (Fill in the name of the
Brownie Journey the girls chose) Journey!
Stapler and extra staples
or tape
Make sure each girl speaks
clearly and loudly enough for
all to hear her!
Brownie Clean-up Song as
chosen by the girls
The Brownie Story Skit
This is an interactive skit for everyone to participate with the
corresponding sound and action during the story. Instead of one
person or group doing the actions, everyone helps! When you hear
the word girl or girls, make a giggling or laughing sound and put
your hands in front of your mouth. When you hear the word
“Granny,” say “Oh my!” and slap both knees with both hands. (Read the rest of the words, sounds and actions.)
Oh my!
Be prepared!
Come in!
Hands in front of mouth
Both hands slap knees
Stand and make the Girl Scout Sign
Motion with right hand to come in
Bend arms and flap wings
Move arms up and down with fingers moving
I’m going to read the Story of the Brownies now, and whenever you hear the words, do the sound and action that goes with it! Watch me and I’ll help you! Are you ready?
Once there were two little girls who lived in England with their Granny and their father. The girls played all day while their Granny and Father
worked hard every day. One day Granny told the girls about the Brownies who used to do many things to help around the house. “They are gone now,” she said, “but we were always much happier when they helped.” “Oh, Granny! Where are they now?” Granny replied, “Only the Wise Old Owl knows, my dear.” That night, when everyone else was asleep, one of the girls kept thinking of the Brownies. “There is an Owl living in the big tree near the pond,” she thought, “If she is the Wise Old Owl, she can tell me where to find a Brownie.” She ran out of the house into the magic forest, and there she
found the Wise Old Owl.
“Please,” she said, “Where can I find the Brownies to come and live with us?” The Owl said, “I know of two Brownies – right in your house! To find one of the Brownies, go the pond when the moon is out. Turn yourself
around three times while you say, “Twist me and turn me and show me the elf, I look in the water and see...” The Owl continued, “Then look in the pond to see the Brownie. You will think of the word that ends the magic rhyme.” The girl went to the pond in the magic forest and did as she had been told. Then she went back to the Wise Old Owl and said, “Something must be wrong. I did what you told me to do and I only saw myself, and I’m not a Brownie!” “Are you sure?” said the Owl. “To be a Brownie you must be ready to help those around you. Return to your house and speak to your sister about
the Brownies.”
“I’d like to be a Brownie,’ she said. “Then go home and try,” the Wise Old Owl said kindly.
She went back to her house and quietly woke up her sister, and told her everything that happened in the magic forest. They laughed out loud
when they realized who the Brownies were! Together they tip-toed into the front room and began to clean up the house. In the morning when
Granny and Father saw how clean the house was and said, “The Brownies are back!” Many days later Father came downstairs and discovered
the girls cleaning and said, “What have we here? Where are the Brownies?” The girls laughed and sang, “Here! Here are the Brownies!” Brownie Girl Scout Songs
Brownie Girl Scout Ring Chant
Round and round and round about,
Take the hand of a Brownie Girl Scout.
Here we are in the Brownie Ring,
Ready for most anything!
Brownie Smile Song
I've got something in my pocket, (point to shirt pocket)
That belongs across my face, (point to face)
I keep it very close at hand, (both hands over shirt pocket)
In a most convenient place.
I'm sure you couldn't guess it, (shake head and finger back and forth)
If you guessed a long, long while.
So I'll take it out and put it on, (reach into pocket)
It's a great big brownie smile. (put smile on face!)
Brownie Clean‐up Song
Brownie Scouts, Brownie Scouts,.
Let's tidy up the room.
Brownie Scouts, Brownie Scouts,.
Time to go home soon.
Brownie Scouts, Brownie Scouts,
We're picking up our things.
Brownie Scouts, Brownie Scouts,
Hear our voices sing.
Brownie Clean‐up Song 2
(Tune: London Bridge)
Weave the magic in and out, in and out, in and out,
Weave the magic in and out, for we are Brownies!
We have tidied everything, everything, everything.
We have tidied everything, for we are Brownies!
Make New Friends
Make new friends but keep the old;
One is silver and the other gold.
A circle is round, it has no end,
That’s how long I want to be your friend.
I have a hand, and you have another,
Put them together and we have each other