opportunities for agricultural biotechnology in the eu
opportunities for agricultural biotechnology in the eu
Doctoraatsproefschrift nr. 908 aan de faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen van de K.U.Leuven OPPORTUNITIES FOR AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY IN THE EU: POLICIES AND NOVEL CONSTRAINTS Koen DILLEN Supervisor: Prof. E. Tollens, K.U.Leuven Members of the Examination Committee: Dissertation Presented in Partial Prof. R. Merckx, K.U.Leuven, Chairman Fulfillment of the Requirements for Dr. M. Demont, AfricaRice the Degree of Doctor of Prof. E. Mathijs, K.U.Leuven Bioscience Engineering Prof. J. Vanderleyden, K.U.Leuven Prof. J. Wesseler, Wageningen University June 2010 © 2010 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Groep Wetenschap & Technologie, Arenberg Doctoraatsschool, W. de Croylaan 6, 3001 Heverlee, België Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden vermenigvuldigd en/of openbaar gemaakt worden door middel van druk, fotokopie, microfilm, elektronisch of op welke andere wijze ook zonder voorafgaandelijke schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, microfilm, electronic or any other means Legal Deposit Number: D/2010/11.109/25 without written permission from the publisher. Preface And he gave it for his opinion, "that whoever could make two ears of corn, or two blades of grass, to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, would deserve better of mankind, and do more essential service to his country, than the whole race of politicians put together." Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels--Voyage to Brobdingnag Four years…four exciting years leading up to this doctoral degree. Four years of ample intellectual freedom and curiosity. Four years that led me to interesting places and situations. Four years with ups and downs. Four years that profoundly enriched my life. But above all, four years in which I met, interacted with and relied on fantastic people. These are the people I want to dedicate this preface to. First of all, I would like to thank my promoter, Professor Eric Tollens, for his trust in the fact that I would make this doctorate work. Something I wasn’t sure of myself at the beginning. During the growth process of this doctorate, he proved to be a valuable mentor, guided me around in the miraculous world of academics, and convinced me of the practical implications of our work. A second word of gratitude goes to the members of the Examination Committee. Professors Mathijs, Merckx and Vanderleyden, for proofreading my manuscript and providing their valuable comments. A special thank goes to Professor Wesseler as he was there during the whole process of the doctorate. We attended the same conferences, discussed research topics and he welcomed me at the University of Wageningen for workshops and meetings. Now, before you think I forgot you, the time has come to thank you. Yes Matty, I’m addressing you in second person to capture your attention. During the first eight months of the doctorate, I had the honor to occupy the office next to Dr. Demont. You introduced me to the interesting world of agricultural biotechnology and the methodologies for impact assessments. Near the end of your stay at the Division for Agricultural and Food Economics, this cooperation was so intense that I spend perhaps more time in your office than in my own. During these first eight months, there were enough ideas in the pipeline to fill two doctoral dissertations. Even after his move to Senegal, Matty played a continuous role in my research. Through mutual visits or Skype, ideas (the one even more crazy than the other) were exchanged and elaborated. Thanks to this splendid cooperation, the EUWAB project, founded in 1999 by Matty himself, grew to be an authority on the analysis of the economic impact of GM technology in the EU. By the latest count, the project produced, among other things, 22 international journal publications, something to be proud of. Thank you Matty for the trust, the warm welcome in Leuven and Saint-Louis, and the more than pleasant interaction. Of course during these four years at the Divison, a whole group of colleagues, all with their own personality and background came by. Hopefully I’m not forgetting anyone if I’m thanking Annelies, Abebe, Cristal, Zaid, Fredu, Josaphat, Henry, Kidane, Mesfin, Erwin, Tinne, Isabel, Ellen, An, Basil, Anneleen, Greet, Alice, Wouter, Jorge and Benny for the funny, serious and other moments we shared. A special thank you goes to Professor Maertens who had to endure my endless questions about econometrics and who gave me her wise vision on the problems I faced. Finally, I would like to thank Josee, Godelieve and Sofie for the logistic and administrative support. Next I would like to thank the people at Monsanto for their support. In particular Ivo Brants who showed me the practical consequences of GM crops and introduced me to people all over the world that deepened my understanding of the technology. Another group of people that deserve great acknowledgment are the people at the University of Missouri (e. g. Professor Kalaitzandonakes) and IFPRI (Dr. José Falck Zepeda) who made my research stay in the US a fruitful one. A warm thanks to professor Paul Mitchell from the University of Wisconsin for the cooperation which grew from a casual meeting at a conference and resulted in two publications. Finally a special thank you to the people all over the world that opened their door and shared their experience with me in the last four years. It is just impossible to list you all in this acknowledgement but that does not mean there is any less gratitude. Tenslotte nog een woordje in het Nederlands. Ik wil jou bedanken Lotte voor het geduld dat je met me hebt gehad als ik weer eens in het buitenland was of weer eens over economie aan het ratelen was. Voor de steun en houvast die je bood als er zich eens een grotere hindernis voordeed. Wat de toekomst zal brengen is per definitie onzeker (gelukkig maar), maar ik weet alvast dat ik er samen met jou wel geraak. Natuurlijk mogen mijn ouders en familie niet ontbreken in deze ondertussen al lange lijst van bedankingen. Zij creëerden de omgeving voor mij om zelf mijn weg te ii Preface gaan en de wereld te ontdekken. Ik heb deze kans met twee handen gegrepen en zal dat blijven doen. Verder ook nog een woordje van dank voor de andere mensen die daar waren om me te steunen, ontspannen, etc. Ik denk aan Karel, Simon en Wim voor de pauzes in het Geo-instituut. Ik denk aan Kris, Veerle, Bram, Sarah en Karel voor de vele (ont)spannende momenten. Joren en Willem voor hun enthousiasme en nuchtere kijk. Ik denk aan de Woodies voor alle vroege en late uurtjes. En natuurlijk denk ik aan alle andere vrienden die er tijdens deze 4 jaar gewoon waren. Vermits jullie nu natuurlijk zitten te popelen om de rest van dit boekje te lezen nog 1 keer….. VAN HARTE BEDANKT! Koen iii iv Samenvatting Ondanks het feit dat de commerciële introductie van genetisch gemodificeerde (GM) gewassen meer dan een decennium geleden plaats vond, is het debat omtrent de impact en het nut van GM gewassen nog zeer actueel, zeker binnen Europa. Doorheen de tijd heeft het debat zich toegepast op verschillende thema’s gaande van de risico’s voor het leefmilieu, over voedselveiligheid tot economische effecten. De aandacht voor de economische effecten kan worden verklaard door het feit dat GM gewassen vaak beschermd zijn door intellectuele eigendomsrechten die de welvaartscreatie en vooral de verdeling ervan beïnvloeden. De laatste tijd gaan er stemmen op om een socio-economische evaluatie onderdeel te maken van de bioveiligheid en deregulatie procedure van GM gewassen. Echter, het introduceren van socio-economische evaluaties in deze procedure is niet eenvoudig omwille van legale, conceptuele en methodologische redenen. In deze thesis wordt geprobeerd progressie te boeken in enkele van de methodologische problemen. De methodologische oplossingen worden vervolgens gebruikt om inzicht te verwerven in enkele recent veranderde beleidsmaatregelen en omstandigheden in de Europese landbouw. Een socio-economische evaluatie van een technologie voor ze de markt bereikt, ex ante, leidt tot het endogeen probleem van imperfecte en onvolledige data. Er is geen informatie beschikbaar over het segment van adopterende boeren en de effecten op typische adoptieparameters zijn niet detecteerbaar. De voorgestelde methodologie probeert dit probleem op te lossen door gebruik te maken van parametrische modellen en expliciet rekening the houden met de heterogeniteit die er bestaat in de landbouwpopulatie. Deze aanpak suggereert dat heterogeniteit een cruciale rol speelt in ex ante evaluaties omdat ze de prijszetting door de innovator en de hieruit voortvloeiende de welvaartscreatie bepaalt. Het expliciet in rekening brengen van heterogeniteit vermijdt mogelijks vertekende resultaten door een homogeniteits- of prijszettingsafwijking. De voorgestelde methodologie wordt vervolgens toegepast op het geval van herbicide tolerante (HT) suikerbieten op het niveau van de boer en op het geaggregeerde niveau door middel van het EUWABSIM model, om de empirische consequenties te vatten. Deze analyse wordt verder aangevuld door een Bayesiaanse analyse die expliciet rekening houdt met verschillende irreversibele effecten die samengaan met de introductie van GM technologie. v Door middel van de ontwikkelde modellen wordt vervolgens onderzocht hoe recente (voorgestelde) veranderingen in het Europese beleid de potentiële adoptie en deregulatie van GM gewassen beïnvloeden. Eerst wordt onderzocht hoe de recente hervorming van de Europese suikermarkt leidt tot een wijziging van de determinanten van innovatie in de sector. De resultaten tonen aan dat deze effecten significant zijn, maar op zo’n manier dat de oorspronkelijke doelstelling van de hervorming, de competitiviteit van de sector verhogen, niet wordt aangetast. Vervolgens wordt de impact van veranderingen in de commitologie procedure van de EU op de kans tot deregulatie van HT suikerbiet geëvalueerd. Het verschuiven van de autoriteit over deregulatie naar het nationale niveau zorgt voor een betere afstemming van de economische drijfveer met de kans op deregulatie. Tenslotte wordt de focus gericht op de maïswortelboorder, een recent in Europa geïntroduceerde maïsplaag. Door middel van een enquête bij Hongaarse boeren wordt de bedreiging doordeze insectensoort in kaart gebracht. Gebruikmakend van deze resultaten en data uit de Verenigde Staten, wordt er vervolgens een bio-economisch model opgebouwd gebaseerd op de eerder gepresenteerde bouwstenen. De toepassing van het model op acht Centraal Europese landen toont de economische bedreiging door de soort aan, en geeft inzicht in de werking en competitiviteit van de verschillende strategieën om schade te beperken. Tegelijkertijd berekent het model de potentiële waarde, zowel monetair als niet-monetair, van het dereguleren van een wortelboorder resistente maïsvariëteit. vi Abstract Despite the commercial introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops over a decade ago, the debate about the impact of GM crops in society is still very much alive, especially in Europe. Through time, the discussion has hovered over various themes such as environmental risk, food safety, consumer protection and economic effects. Within the frame of economic concerns, the welfare and distributional effects of a technology protected by intellectual property rights play a key role. Recently, voices were raised to include the economic impact of GM crops in the biosafety and deregulations procedure, both at the global and the European level. However, including socio-economic assessments in this procedure is not straightforward due to legal, conceptual and methodological reasons. This dissertation highlights some of the methodological problems and suggests possible solutions. Moreover, the proposed concepts are used to shed light on some recent policy changes and novel constraints in European agriculture. A socio-economic assessment of a technology before its introduction, ex ante, creates the endogenous problem of imperfect and scarce data. No information is available on the segment of adopting farmers and the effects on typical adoption variables cannot be observed. The proposed framework tries to reduce this constraint through the use of parametric models and the explicit incorporation of heterogeneity in the farmers population. The framework suggests that heterogeneity plays a crucial role in ex ante impact assessments as it affects the optimal corporate pricing strategy and the resulting welfare distribution of the technology among stakeholders. Hence accounting for heterogeneity in ex ante impact assessments eliminates both a potential pricing and homogeneity bias. In order to fully understand the consequences, the framework is applied to impact of the potential introduction of herbicide tolerant (HT) sugar beet in the EU, at the farm level, and at the aggregate level through the EUWABSIM model. Moreover, the possible irreversible effects related to the introduction of HT sugar beet are included in the model through a Bayesian approach. Secondly, the developed models were employed to assess the effect of recent (proposed) changes in European policies that may affect the adoption and deregulation of GM crops. First, the effect of the recent change in the European sugar policy on the innovation incentives in the sugar sector is assessed. The results show that the innovation incentive is significantly altered, but in a way it supports the initial vii aim of the policy reform to increase the competitiveness of the sector. Secondly, the impact of changes in the commitology procedure of the EU is assessed. Results show that shifting the approval decision to the national level increases the convergence of economic incentives with the likelihood of deregulation. Finally, the threat of the invasive species Western corn rootworm (WCR) for European agriculture is assessed. First, the results of a survey among Hungarian farmers to elicit their perceptions of the threat are presented. Combining these results with data from the USA resulted in a bio-economic model based on the earlier described framework. The model output for eight central European countries quantifies the potential threat for European maize production and sheds light on the appropriateness and competitiveness of the different crop protection strategies. Moreover, the model estimates the potential value, both pecuniary and non-pecuniary, generated by deregulating a WCR resistant maize variety. viii Table of Contents Preface ............................................................................................................................ i Samenvatting ................................................................................................................ v Abstract .......................................................................................................................vii List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................... xiii Chapter 1. Introduction .......................................................................................... 1 1.1 Socio-economic experiences with GM crops in the world ......................... 3 1.2 GM crops in the European Union ............................................................... 7 1.2.1 Coexistence between GM and conventional crops ....................... 8 1.2.2 The role of ex ante socio-economic impact assessments in the regulatory process ..................................................................................... 11 1.2.3 Chapter 2. Dissertation’s hypotheses ........................................................... 14 Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters: The Case of Herbicide Tolerant Sugar Beet .......................................................... 19 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 20 2.2 Model ........................................................................................................ 21 2.3 Application ................................................................................................ 26 2.3.1 Data ............................................................................................. 31 2.4 Results and Discussion.............................................................................. 33 Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation ...... 39 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 40 3.2 Model ........................................................................................................ 42 3.2.1 The Old Market Organization for Sugar ..................................... 46 3.2.2 New Common Market Organization for Sugar........................... 50 3.3 Data and model calibration ....................................................................... 52 3.4 Results ....................................................................................................... 55 3.5 Discussion ................................................................................................. 60 Chapter 4. Global Welfare Effects of GM Sugar Beets under Changing Sugar Policies .............................................................................................................. 63 ix 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 64 4.2 Model ........................................................................................................ 65 4.3 Data and Model Calibration ...................................................................... 66 4.4 Results and Discussion.............................................................................. 68 Chapter 5. The Barroso Proposal of Nationalizing GM Approval: A Look at HT-Sugar Beets under Changed European Sugar Policy............................. 73 5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 74 5.2 Herbicide Tolerant Sugar Beet .................................................................. 76 5.3 The Economic Model ................................................................................ 78 5.3.1 Social reversible effects .............................................................. 81 5.3.2 Social irreversible effects............................................................ 82 5.3.3 Calibration of the MISTICs ........................................................ 82 5.4 Model Results ........................................................................................... 84 5.5 Voting Assessment .................................................................................... 87 5.6 Discussion ................................................................................................. 91 Chapter 6. Are Farmers Willing to Pay for a Maize Variety Resistant to Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Damage? ......................................................... 95 6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 96 6.2 Methodology ............................................................................................. 99 6.3 Data ......................................................................................................... 101 6.4 Results ..................................................................................................... 106 6.5 Discussion ............................................................................................... 108 Chapter 7. On the Competitiveness of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Crop Protection Strategies in Hungary: a Bio-economic Approach ................... 111 7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 112 7.2 Control Options ....................................................................................... 113 7.2.1 Crop rotation ............................................................................. 113 7.2.2 Chemical control ....................................................................... 114 7.2.3 Bt maize .................................................................................... 115 7.3 Bio-economic Model............................................................................... 116 7.3.1 x Data ........................................................................................... 120 7.3.2 Simulations and Results ............................................................ 124 7.4 Discussion ............................................................................................... 131 Chapter 8. The Western Corn Rootworm, a New Threat to European Agriculture: Opportunities for Biotechnology? .......................................... 133 8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 134 8.2 Maize Production and WCR in each Country......................................... 135 8.2.1 Austria ....................................................................................... 135 8.2.2 Czech Republic ......................................................................... 135 8.2.3 Poland ....................................................................................... 136 8.2.4 Romania .................................................................................... 136 8.2.5 Serbia ........................................................................................ 137 8.2.6 Slovakia .................................................................................... 138 8.2.7 Ukraine...................................................................................... 138 8.3 Bio-economic Model............................................................................... 139 8.4 Results ..................................................................................................... 144 8.5 Discussion ............................................................................................... 150 Chapter 9. Conclusions and Further Considerations ...................................... 153 Hypothesis 1: Heterogeneity among farmers has no effect on corporate pricing strategies of proprietary technologies and resulting welfare effects. ..................... 154 Hypothesis 2: Parametric approaches do not have the potential to complement the inherent scarce data in ex ante impact assessments. ........................................ 158 Hypothesis 3: EU policies not directly related with GM crops do not affect the potential adoption and deregulation of GM crops in Europe. ................................ 160 Hypothesis 4: The invasive species Western Corn Rootworm does not presents an economic threat for Central European maize farmers....................................... 164 Hypothesis 5: EU farmers cannot gain from the introduction of Bt maize resistant to WCR damages. .................................................................................... 166 List of References ..................................................................................................... 169 List of Publications .................................................................................................. 189 International Scientific Journals ...................................................................... 190 Book Chapters .................................................................................................. 191 xi xii List of Abbreviations AFC Auto Financing Constraint CARA Constant Absolute Risk Aversion CDF Cumulative Density Function CE Certainty Equivalent CMO Common Market Organization CP Crop Protection CV Contingent Valuation EBA Everything But Arms EC European Commission EU European Union EUWABSIM Specific partial equilibrium model simulating the introduction of HT sugar beet GM Genetically Modified HT Herbicide tolerant IPM Integrated Pest Management IPR Intellectual Property Right LDC Least Developed Countries LSR Land Supply Response MISTIC Maximal Incremental Social Tolerable Irreversible Cost PDF Probability Density Function ROW Rest Of the World SEACER Spatial Ex Ante CoExistence Regulation UK United Kingdom USA United States of America WCR Western corn rootworm WPN World Price Non responsive WPR World Price Responsive WTP Willingness To Pay WTO World Trade Organization xiii xiv Chapter 1. Introduction Agricultural biotechnology is a broad concept which ranges from animal cloning (Faber et al., 2003), to crops producing pharmaceutical products (Moschini, 2006). This dissertation focuses on the most common application of biotechnology in agriculture, genetically modified (GM) crops. GM crops have been inserted with genes, from within or outside of the species, that transcode for desirable properties initially not present in the species. Three distinct groups of GM crops can be differentiated. First generation GM crops are designed to overcome constraints in the agricultural production process, such as pests and weeds. Second generation GM crops are targeted to consumers, delivering extra quality traits such as improved nutritional value. Third generation GM crops produce end products previously not considered an output of agriculture, such as pharmaceuticals. GM crops as a group have a huge potential to ensure the supply of sufficient food and raw material in the upcoming decades, when constraints such as climate change and population growth will affect agricultural production and food security (von Braun, 2007). The first GM crops were commercialized in the mid-1990s. Since, adoption increased steadily, both in industrial and developing countries. In 2009, GM crops were grown on 134 million ha worldwide or about 10% of arable land (James, 2010). Area (million hectares) 140 120 100 80 Total 60 Industrial 40 Developing 20 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 0 Year Figure 1: Worldwide adoption of GM crops (1996-2008) The area planted with GM crops in the world and disaggregated between industrial and developing countries Source: James (2009) Up to now, only first generation GM crops have been commercialized. Only a limited number of crops and traits are available in the market. Herbicide tolerant soybeans 2 Chapter 1. Introduction make up 53% of the global GM area. Maize, both herbicide tolerant and pest resistant, accounts for another 30% of the area, or 24% of the maize grown worldwide (James, 2009). Other important GM crops include cotton and oilseed rape. Cotton resistant against bollworms and butworms is important for developing countries, e.g. the adoption in India and its introduction on the African continent. Some other crops have been cleared for commercial use but are only grown on relatively small areas, e.g. virus resistant papaya in Hawaii and herbicide tolerant sugar beet in the USA. 1.1 Socio-economic experiences with GM crops in the world As these first generation GM crops were developed to overcome agricultural production constraints the adoption can be explain by a high farmer’s demand. A logical explanation for this demand would be the economic profitability at the field level. Most of the available GM technologies have been developed by the private sector and therefore are protected by intellectual property rights (IPRs). These IPRs grant market power to the innovator (Weaver and Wesseler, 2004) allowing the private company to charge a premium, or technology fee, for the use of the technology. 1 This market structure raises concerns about the distribution of benefits between the downstream and the upstream sector and became part of the societal debate surrounding GM crops. Qaim (2009) reviews the economic literature both at the farm level and the aggregate level published in the first decade of commercialization. In this introduction some of this literature is discussed and the important issues in relation to the dissertation’s research questions are highlighted. As the economic effects of herbicide tolerant crops and pest resistant crops are different we look at them separately. Herbicide tolerant (HT) crops are resistant to a broad spectrum herbicide which changes the agricultural production system. As yield effects from the technology are limited from the trait as such, the main benefit lies in the reduced expenditures on herbicides, labor and fuel. However, at least part of those benefits accrues to the innovating sector through the technology fee. As the technology fee is of similar magnitude as the cost reduction, average benefits are generally low or even negative (e.g. Fernandez-Cornejo and McBride, 2002; Fulton and Keyowski, 1999; Phillips, 1 This assumption only holds in countries where institutions and enforcement mechanisms to protect IPRs exist. There is some evidence (e.g. Qaim and de Janvry, 2003 for Argentina) that markets and economic responses are different. However, in this dissertation we focus predominantly on agriculture in developed countries with strong institutions. 3 2003). Despite the low monetary value, adoption of these crops has been successful. In the USA, over 95% of the soybean acreage possessed the HT trait in 2008 (NASS, 2009). Two reasons explain this observation. First, farmers are heterogeneous and the average value does not exclude a group of farmers to gain from the technology. Secondly, the management ease of the broad spectrum herbicide and the increased weed control have a non-pecuniary value to farmers (Marra and Piggott, 2006). These non market valuated returns may sometimes increase monetary income through the use of excess labor in other markets, especially in family farms (Useche et al., 2009). Fernandez-Cornejo et al. (2005) for example show that off farm income indeed drives the adoption HT soybean in the USA. Insect resistant crops affect agricultural production in a different way. The commercialized varieties are inserted with a gene from Bacillus Thurgeniensis, in order to produce a protein toxic for specific lepidopteron and/or coleopteran insects. Hence, the use of Bt varieties replaces the application of chemical control agents for that pest. The economic effect is twofold. First there is a cost reduction from the reduced chemical use (similar to HT crops). It is important to note that Bt crops do not eliminate insecticide use, as not all pests are targeted by the Bt variety. Secondly, Bt crops may increase the actual yield by avoiding previously uncontrolled pest damage. These two effects are interlinked. Farmers previously applying optimal chemical control will have cost reductions and resource poor farmers with uncontrolled damage will experience yield increases after adoption (Qaim and Zilberman, 2003). A body of literature has focused on the farm level effect of Bt crops in developed and developing countries. Return on investment of the technology fee depends on the country and the crop considered. For Bt cotton the increase in gross margins ranges from $23/ha in Argentina (Qaim and de Janvry, 2003) to $470/ha in China (Pray et al., 2002) while for Bt maize this ranges from $12/ha in the USA (Naseem and Pray, 2004) to $70/ha in Spain (Gomez-Barbero et al., 2008). To address the distributional concerns, a more aggregated approach is needed. Both partial equilibrium models and general equilibrium models have been used in this context. Partial equilibrium models are used to assess the impact of one specific crop ceteris paribus. Demont et al. (2007b) perform a meta-analysis on these models’ results to discover the welfare sharing between farmers, consumers and input suppliers. They discover that, despite the variability in results from different countries 4 Chapter 1. Introduction and crops, about one third of the value accrues to input suppliers and two third to farmers and consumers, both in developing and developed countries. A general equilibrium approach takes into account substitution effects between markets and regions, and is generally used to assess the global value of GM crops. Estimates for Bt cotton for instance range from $0.7 billion (Anderson et al., 2008) to $1.8 billion (Elbehri and Macdonald, 2004). Of course, those absolute values depend on the adoption rate while the distributional effect is assumed to be constant over time. The effect for consumers is often not straightforward as agricultural policies affect the price elasticity to changes in supply. A recent study by Brookes et al. (2010) using a computable general equilibrium model suggests that world prices of maize, soybeans and canola would be, respectively, 5.8%, 9.6% and 3.8% higher compared to the actual situation in 2007 if no GM crops would have been adopted. The aforementioned economic assessments only consider the net reversible effects of the introduction of GM crops. A limited number of studies include the irreversible social costs related to the introduction through the use of real options. This approach, explicitly taking into account uncertainty, allows the calculation of the maximal incremental social tolerable irreversible costs (MISTICs) to justify the immediate release of the technology (Demont et al., 2004; Scatasta et al., 2006; Wesseler et al., 2007). Hence, these studies include environmental effects in the socio-economic impact assessments. All of the studies discussed present an economic rationale for the adoption of GM crops. Despite this apparent economic benefit for both farmers and consumers, adoption has been limited to 25 countries 2 with three countries (USA, Brazil and Argentina) accounting for 80% of the area grown. It seems that once a variety is commercialized farmers’ demand is substantial, but the farmer’s pull is not strong enough to push the hurdle of deregulation. The reason can be found in the opposition against GM crops in the public perception. Especially in Europe, the anti-GM feelings and the interest groups against the technology are strong (European Commission, 2006a). Over the years, the focus of the debate has shifted over diverse frames of reference as freedom of research, environmental risk, food safety, consumer protection, bioethics, economic policy and international trade (Scholderer, 2005). These concern are especially present in Europe but generate important spillover 2 Official number, anecdotal evidence suggests the use of illegal GM seeds in other countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan and Ukraine. 5 effects to other countries through trade regulation, lobbying groups and misinformation (Gruère and Sengupta, 2009). The most dominant factor in the debate seems to be the perception of environmental risks, e.g. super weeds, impacts on non-target organisms, decreased biodiversity, and the potential health effects. These risk are indeed important and have to be closely monitored in the future. However up to now, no negative externalities have been documented. Moreover, extensive reviews by e.g. Shelton et al. (2009) and Sanvido et al. (2007) have found no negative effects of the introduction of GM crops so far. These risks have to be considered and closely monitored in the future but for now do not seem to lead to problems. On the other side some positive environmental and health benefits have been documented, including: • Reduced pesticide use in Bt crops (Barfoot and Brookes, 2007; Hu et al., 2006; Qaim et al., 2006; Qaim and Zilberman, 2003) • Increased no till practices in HT crops, leading to reduced fuel and better erosion management (Kalaitzandonakes, 2003) • Reduced toxicity of the broad spectrum herbicide production system (Devos et al., 2008a) • Potentially increased biodiversity as breeding through biotechnology can be more easily backcrossed to local varieties (Zilberman et al., 2007) • Decreased mycotoxins in maize (Wu, 2006) • Decreased exposure of farmers to insecticides (Huang et al., 2005). The literature points out that the actual presence of risks is probably not the main reason of the public opinion against GM crops. Therefore a school of research has focused on different possible determinants of public opinion making. The influence of information dissemination and media was highlighted as biasing the view of consumers (Marks et al., 2002; Marks et al., 2003; Moon and Balasubramanian, 2004). Gaskell et al. (2004) argue that it is not the perception of risks that influence the opposition but the absence of clear benefits for the consumer. Other factors influencing decision making in the EU highlighted in literature, include the dominance of small scale farming, the presence of a strong biotechnology sector and the share of organic production (Cooper, 2009; Kurzer and Cooper, 2007a; Kurzer and Cooper, 2007b). 6 Chapter 1. Introduction 1.2 GM crops in the European Union Against this general background of the impact and spread of GM crops in the world, we turn towards the European situation and the issues at stake at this moment. Despite the harmonization of European legislation on risk assessments, deregulation and labeling and tracing since 2004, adoption of GM crops within the EU has been limited. Only one Bt variety of maize (MON 810), resistant against damage from European Corn Borer, is commercialized. Figure 2 shows the adoption through time. The major adopter is Spain, with a total of nine Member States having cultivated GM crops. 3 In the beginning of 2010 a GM potato with increased starch content was also deregulated but no commercial cultivation has taken place yet. 120,000 35,000 GM maize plantings (ha) 100,000 80,000 Other EU member states, 2004-2008 30,000 25,000 PL SK 20,000 RO 15,000 DE PT 10,000 60,000 Other EU member states France 5,000 CZ 0 40,000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Spain 20,000 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Years Figure 2: Adoption of Bt maize in the EU Evolution of plantings (ha) with Bt maize resistant against European corn borer in the EU since 1997 Source: reproduced with permission from Demont et al. (2010a) Two issues are at the forefront of the legislative debate in Europe. A first aspect concerns the role of socio-economic assessment in the EU regulatory process. As the remainder of this dissertation is situated in this debate, we first focus on the second issue, coexistence. Ceteris paribus, the regulatory problem is going to expand as the development and commercialization of GM crops is assumed to boom in the next 3 The ninth country with experience in GM crops is Romania which deregulated HT soybean before accession to the EU but had to abandon plantings due to this accession. 7 decade. Stein and Rodriguez-Cerezo (2010) estimate that by 2015 over 120 different crop trait combinations will be commercialized worldwide. The introduction of second generation and third generation GM crops may further increase regulatory problems and economic assessments. 1.2.1 Coexistence between GM and conventional crops 4 The EU struggles with the implementation of coherent rules to assure the coexistence between GM crop production and conventional/organic production. According to the European Commission’s (EC) guidelines, “Coexistence refers to the ability of farmers to make a practical choice between conventional, organic and GM crop production, in compliance with the legal obligations for labeling and/or purity standards. The adventitious presence of GMOs [genetically modified organisms] above the tolerance threshold set out in Community legislation triggers the need for a crop that was intended to be a non-GMO crop, to be labeled as containing GMOs. This could cause a loss of income, due to a lower market price of the crop or difficulties in selling it. […] Coexistence is, therefore, concerned with the potential economic impact of the admixture of GM and non-GM crops [...]” (EC, 2003). The final authority of designing coherent coexistence policies lies on the Member State level. Since the publication of these guidelines, some Member States have developed, and others are still developing, a diversity of ex ante regulations and ex post liability rules on the coexistence of GM and non-GM crops (Beckmann et al., 2006; Devos et al., 2009; EC, 2006). The variety of coexistence rules in place and the stringency of these rules in some Member States suggest the perverse use of coexistence rules to avoid GM cultivation by some Member States (Devos et al., 2008b). Research has focused on the optimal design of coexistence measures. The biggest body of empirical work covers the technical feasibility to keep adventitious presence of GM traces under the tolerance threshold. However, as suggested by the EC, this could cause a loss of income, due to a lower market price of the crop or difficulties in selling it.. Therefore some studies focus on the economic impacts of different coexistence measures. Special focus has been on the spatial ex ante coexistence regulations (SEACERs) such as isolation distances and buffer zones. Perry (2002) concludes that stringent mandatory SEACERs combined with an increase in adoption 4 The next section is adapted from papers co-authored by the author of this dissertation: Devos et al. (2009), Demont et al. (2008b; 2009a), and is therefore more elaborated than some other sections. 8 Chapter 1. Introduction of organic cultivation restricts the cultivation of GM crops within the landscape, in some cases even hampering the coexistence of both production systems. Dolezel et al. (2005) confirm these findings by estimating the area lost for non-GM cultivation under SEACERs in three Austrian regions. Moreover, this case study concludes that in small-scale structured landscapes with a high percentage of maize cultivation, spatial feasibility is negatively correlated to increases in the stringency of SEACERs and GM crop adoption. Sanvido et al. (2008) examine the feasibility of SEACERs under spatial constraints at two levels. At the aggregate level, national statistics are used to assess whether the available arable land in Swiss communes is large enough to enable isolating an assumed area allocated to GM maize. This approach is complemented by a GIS (Geographic Information System) analysis at the field level. The authors demonstrate that both the density of maize cultivation as well as the distances between maize fields can strongly differ within the communes and hamper coexistence, despite the feasibility to comply with SEACERs at the aggregate level. Devos et al. (2007), using a combination of GIS data and Monte Carlo simulations, investigate how these spatial arrangements influence the feasibility of implementing SEACERs. The results show that clustering may be an effective strategy to facilitate the coexistence of production systems. Therefore, Devos et al. (2008c) propose the theoretical solution of pooling arable land to increase the feasibility of SEACERs in the landscape. However, besides agronomical problems such as the promotion of monoculture, clustering also creates significant transaction costs. Furtan et al. (2007) assess the economic and institutional feasibility of such coordination through the case of private organic clubs in Canada. Although institutional settings differ between Canada and the EU, the results offer some insight in the dynamics. If the size of the cluster decreases or SEACERs become more stringent, the costs of the private clubs increase. Messéan et al. (2006) use a GIS analysis to assess the influence of alternative SEACERs on farm level costs but do not provide any information on the economic feasibility of the SEACERs and the impact of spatial patterns. Munro (2008) investigates spatial feasibility of SEACERs within an economic environment. Within the spatial restriction of a stylized rectangular agricultural landscape, he stresses the importance of appropriate policy options as efficient outcomes will not be achieved in an unregulated market. The feasibility of SEACERs depends mainly on the size of the barrier which must be maintained in order to avoid cross-fertilization. However, as the model is built on a simplified spatial economy, it does not take into 9 account the geographical influence of landscape, land fragmentation, and field configuration on the impact of GM crops. Moving from a simplified surrogate to a real landscape substantially increases the complexity of a model. Ceddia et al. (2009) attempt to overcome the constraints of a stylized agricultural landscape through the incorporation of a general aggregation index, developed by He et al. (2000), in their model. Using this model, they assess the biological efficiency of different policy variables including SEACERs. However some of the proposed policies would not be feasible from an economic point of view as they would generate excessive costs to the farmers. Moreover, the aggregation index does not account for the actual shape of agricultural plots. From this literature review, it becomes clear that there is a need to assess the interaction between SEACERs on the one hand and the spatial configuration of the landscape on the other hand. Demont et al. (2008b) analyze this interaction and illustrate that spatial feasibility of SEACERs can be significantly reduced in densely planted areas if they trigger a domino-effect of non-GM crop planting decisions. However, it could be useful if this interaction could be summarized in a single measure. Therefore Demont et al. (2009a) introduce the shadow factor as the ratio of the total area of the shadow induced by SEACERs to the remaining total area planted with the GM crop assuming perfect compliance with SEACERs. The shadow factor is a measure for the opportunity costs borne by GM crop farmers per planted hectare of the GM crop as a result of complying with SEACERs. The shadow factor is applied to assess the proportionality condition of SEACERs. In a more recent Communication to the Council and the European Parliament the EC states: “[…] coexistence measures should not go beyond what is necessary in order to ensure that adventitious traces of GMOs stay below the labeling threshold […] in order to avoid any unnecessary burden for the operators concerned. While some Member States have taken this advice into account, others have decided to propose or adopt measures that aim to reduce adventitious presence of GMOs below this level. In some cases, proposed measures, such as isolation distances between GM and non-GM fields, appear to entail greater efforts for GM crop growers than necessary, which raises questions about the proportionality of certain measures. […] Given that the majority of Member States have not yet proposed technical field measures for coexistence, and that little practical experience is available, a full evaluation of such measures has not yet been possible. While the Commission recognizes the legitimate right to regulate the 10 Chapter 1. Introduction cultivation of GM crops in order to achieve coexistence, it stresses that any approach needs to be proportionate to the aim of achieving coexistence” (EC, 2006, p. 6). The analysis suggests that flexible SEACERS based on pollen barriers are more likely to respect the proportionality condition than rigid SEACERs based on isolation distances. Particularly in early adoption stages, imposing rigid SEACERs may substantially slow down GM crop adoption. The findings argue for incorporating a certain degree of flexibility into SEACERs by advising pollen barrier agreements between farmers rather than imposing rigid isolation distances on GM farmers. The most recent paper in the debate, published by Beckmann et al. (2010), goes one step further and discusses the interaction between ex ante and ex post regulations in the presence of uncertainties and irreversibilities. Taking into account these extra dimensions increases the effect of mandatory SEACERs on the necessary incremental benefits justifying GM crop production. Moreover, this inclusion strengthens the findings by Beckmann and Wesseler (2007) that ex ante coexistence regulations are discriminatory against small farms and suggests that a combination of ex ante and ex post regulations is superior over precautionary ex ante measures only. 1.2.2 The role of ex ante socio-economic impact assessments in the regulatory process There is an ongoing active discussion on including this type of assessments in the regulatory process of deregulation, both at the global and the European level. At the global level, this discussion is centered around the Cartagena Protocol on biosafety, an agreement of the Convention on Biological Diversity, was designed to assure science-based risk assessments of the environmental effects of novel technologies such as GM crops. The Protocol allows the inclusion of other considerations such as socio-economics in the biosafety assessment. Article 26.1 says: “The parties may take into account, consistent with international obligations, socioeconomic considerations […] The parties are encouraged to cooperate on research and information exchange on any socio-economic impacts […].”. However the exact meaning and interpretation of the consequences of this article is being discussed. Article 26.1 does not explicitly state which socio-economic effects should be considered. Many stakeholders believe that the scope of the economic consideration exceeds the environmental level (Fransen et al., 2005), while some authors argue that the scope of the Protocol is limited to factors affecting biodiversity in a strict sense 11 (Jaffe, 2005). Falck-Zepeda (2009) compares the inclusion of socio-economics in different national biosafety regulations. It seems there is a tendency to go further than the biodiversity related costs, including issues of food security, market opportunities and labor division. Kikulwe (2010) argues that the inclusion of socio-economics in the biosafety regulation should be done in a case by case approach as he discusses the potential introduction of GM banana in Uganda. Within Europe the issue of socio-economic assessments is present at different fronts. First there is the safeguard clause, which gives Member States the authorization to ban GM crop production, based on perceived novel concerns on consumer safety and environmental risk. 5 One of the scientific questions raised in the French report supporting the use of the safeguard clause states: “available studies only consider the micro-economic level […]. Uncertainty and variation (climatic variation and pest pressure) make analysis difficult. […] Price differences [between GM and conventional] are not taken into account. […] No study assesses the impact at the global level. […] Conclusion of the committee, not enough studies and data are available at the micro-level, the supply chain and the international market.” 6 Following the publication of the report, the Haute conseil des biotechnologies was inaugurated in 2009, with a specific commission assessing the ethic, social and economic effects of biotechnology. In the Netherlands on the other hand, answering a question of the minister of environment, the Commissie voor Genetische Modificatie (COGEM), presented nine socio-economic criteria that are important in the assessment of GM crops (COGEM, 2009). At the European level, the European Commission will present a report in June 2010 that will discuss the position and possibilities for the inclusion of socioeconomic effects within the deregulation procedure of the EU, or commitology procedure (see Chapter 5 for a description of this procedure). The European Commission is expected to deliver a report indicating, among other things concerning GMOs, their stance on the position of economic assessments in the deregulation process. They will consider the opinion of the different Member States but above all have to make sure that the solution is consistent with existing WTO rules on trade. 5 6 The use of the safeguard clause explains the disappearance of Bt maize in 2008 in France and in 2009 in Germany. In total six EU Member States are now using the safeguard clause to ban GM cultivation on their territory This extract has been translated from French. The real quote can be found in: Comité de préfiguration d’une haute autorité sur les organismes génétiquement modifies institué par le décret n°2007-1719 du 5 décembre 2007. Avis sur la dissémination du MON810 sur le territoire français 12 Chapter 1. Introduction Without taking a stand in the discussion, including socio-economic studies in a biosafety regulation and decision making is not straightforward, and may become an obstacle in the regulatory process delaying or even blocking the introduction of GM crops. First of all, there is the conceptual problem of weighing economic results with risk assessments. On the other hand, investing resources in products with low environmental risks but no economic value may never result in adoption and therefore lost resources. This is certainly problematic for developing countries with limited resources for biosafety assessments. Secondly, extra regulatory demands and its delays will further increase the regulatory cost for innovators. These costs are already a significant factor in the commercialization of GM crops (Kalaitzandonakes et al., 2007) but the time value tends to be even higher than the cost of compliance itself (Beyer et al., 2008). Third, and most important for the remainder of this dissertation, as biosafety assessments take place before large scale introduction of the technology, socio-economic effects have to be calculated ex ante. This setting means that no observable adoption data exist and the researcher has to work under imperfect data, requiring a set of tools distinct from ex post socio-economic impact studies. Compared to ex post impact assessments, the literature on ex ante impact assessments is limited. Partial budgeting approaches are popular to assess the effect of a new technology at the farm level by comparing alternative farm plans (e.g. Alston et al., 2002). An adoption model has to be used to determine estimated adoption rates based on competing technologies. Breustedt et al. (2008) use a choice experiment to determine the anticipated demand function while others often make exogenous assumptions. A cost-benefit analysis goes one step further by considering all gains and losses related to the technology that are measurable (e.g. Flannery et al., 2004). The use of real options (e.g. Demont et al., 2004; Wesseler et al., 2007) introduces the concept of irreversibility and uncertainty in the equation as it estimates the maximal incremental social tolerable irreversible costs (MISTICs). However, these approaches do not provide insight in the distributional effects of the proposed technology. Kikulwe (2010) tackles this issue by explicitly combining a real options approach for the consumer side and a willingness to pay analysis for the consumer side. Another approach is to calculate consumer and producer surpluses in a partial equilibrium model (e.g. Falck-Zepeda et al., 2000). An added property of market models is the fact that policies, both direct and indirect related to the technology, can explicitly be modeled (e.g. Demont and Tollens, 2004a). The relation between markets and 13 substitution effects can be captured in a general equilibrium model, simultaneously determining prices and quantities under perfect competition (Nielsen, 2001). The specifics of selected methodologies will be highlighted during the following chapters. In this dissertation an attempt is undertaken to improve the available methodologies for ex ante impact assessments of GM crops and provided additional knowledge about the potential introduction of GM crops in Europe. However, the proposed methodologies are not strictly limited to GM crops, but can be applied to a variety of innovations (e.g. an ongoing application on Jatropha production in Tanzania). From an empirical point of view, some recent policy changes and novel production constraints in the arena of GM crops are assessed and the consequences evaluated. This way the dissertation provides a timely addition to the knowledge in the policy literature, the impact assessment literature, stochastic partial equilibrium modeling and the impact of agricultural biotechnology in Europe. 1.2.3 Dissertation’s hypotheses The scholarly literature on the adoption of GM crops has highlights the importance of the heterogeneous character of farmer populations on welfare creation and distribution of IPR protected innovations (Weaver, 2004). This heterogeneity stems from difference in farm properties such as soil, climate, managerial capacities and market conditions. These heterogeneous characteristics lead to a downward sloping aggregate demand curve for the technology (Falck-Zepeda et al., 2000), restricted monopoly pricing (Weaver and Wesseler, 2004) and farmers that make a rational choice between adopting and not adopting the technology (Lapan and Moschini, 2004). Oehmke and Wolf (2004) develop a model to assess to which extent observed farmer rents can be explained by adopter heterogeneity in USA’s Bt cotton market. Although heterogeneity is implicitly captured by ex post adoption data and hence in ex post impact assessments, Demont et al. (2008a) show that ex ante impact assessments need to explicitly account for it in order to avoid a homogeneity bias. This dissertation builds on their framework by focusing on corporate pricing strategies under IPR in a heterogeneous population and the relation between heterogeneity and the distribution of welfare effects among stakeholders. Hence the following hypothesis is tested in Chapters 2 and 4 on the case study of HT sugar beet introduction in the EU 27, a timely issue as the crop was introduced in the USA in 2008. 14 Chapter 1. Introduction Hypothesis 1: Heterogeneity among farmers has no effect on corporate pricing strategies of proprietary technologies and resulting welfare effects. In ex post adoption data of a technology, the valuation for the technology is revealed by adopters through their adoption decision and technology expenditures. From an ex ante perspective, adoption has not yet occurred and revealed preference information of a technology is quasi-unobservable to the researcher. Stated preference information can be collected through choice experiments such as contingent valuation (CV) instead. However, this method requires costly survey data as surveys need to be reproduced in different years and different regions in order to capture both the structural and stochastic foundations of heterogeneity. These constraints severely limit the use of CV analysis in large-scale ex ante impact assessment under time and resource constraints. Hence, a flexible framework is proposed which explicitly models heterogeneity of proprietary seed technology valuation among adopters under data scarcity. The framework relies on the use of parametric methods to simulate heterogeneity in the population under scarce data. Hypothesis 2: Parametric approaches do not have the potential to complement the inherent scarce data in ex ante impact assessments. The standard framework is discussed in Chapter 2. In Chapter 7 the flexibility of the approach is demonstrated by complementing the framework with a biological component to upgrade the framework to a bio-economic model. The impact assessment literature recognizes market interventions as a key determinant of innovation because they distort the flow of benefits from R&D and, hence, the incentives for innovation in the agricultural sector (Alston et al., 1995). Wesseler (2005) highlights the importance of policies related to the introduction of GM crops when describing the theoretical environment in which innovation takes place. Consequently, different ex ante impact assessments of GM crops have explicitly considered agricultural policies in their approach (e.g. Demont et al., 2004; Demont and Tollens, 2004a). However, to my knowledge, no study has ever assessed the impact of changes in policies that are situated in a different policy arena indirectly affecting the innovation incentive. Hence the following hypothesis is assessed. 15 Hypothesis 3: EU policies not directly related with GM crops do not affect the potential adoption and deregulation of GM crops in Europe. This hypothesis is tested by modeling the impact of two indirect policy changes on the potential introduction of HT sugar beet in Europe. Starting from the existing EUWABSIM model (Demont et al., 2004; Demont, 2006; Demont and Tollens, 2004a), the effect of a recent change in the common market organization (CMO) for sugar, primarily aimed at increasing competitiveness in the sector is assessed. Particular attention is given to the effect of the change on the incentive for farmers to adopt and the incentive for the innovator to develop and commercialize the technology (Chapter 3). If there is a significant effect on these factors, it is necessary to assess whether these induced changes coincide with the initial goal of increased competitiveness. In Chapter 5 the effect of a change in the European commitology procedure on the chance of deregulating HT sugar beet is assessed. The literature review demonstrated that from a purely economic point of view the introduction of GM crops seems rational as farmers can gain significantly. However the possibility of irreversible negative effects related to the introduction of these crops (Demont et al., 2005b), affects the outcome of the approval process, eg. during the quasi moratorium on GM crops between 1998 and 2004 in the EU (Wesseler et al., 2007) or the safeguard clause. Through the use of a real options approach these irreversible effects can be included in the analysis. Hence in Chapter 5, the results from the EUWABSIM models serve as an input for this Bayesian analysis to estimate the MISTICs for HT sugar beets in the EU. Assuming that individual voters base their behavior on these MISTICs, the electoral outcome under the voting rules of two different EU treaties can be compared with a recent proposal to nationalize the approval decision of GM crops, the Barroso proposal. A next set of more empirical hypotheses finds its origin in a project at the Division of Agricultural and Food economics to estimate the potential impact of the invasive maize pest Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte or Western corn rootworm (WCR) and the competitiveness of different control options. WCR was introduced in Europe in the early nineties (Baca, 1993) and continuously spread in Central Europe since. An alien species can induce significant economic losses by imposing an additional constraint on crop production. Therefore, the introduction and 16 Chapter 1. Introduction establishment of an invasive pest should be understood in the socio-economic context of crop production (Beckmann and Wesseler, 2003; Boriani et al., 2006). However, very little information is available about the pest’s spread and damage in Europe (Dun et al., 2010) and the uncertainty surrounding the resulting damages under different control options is high (Rice and Oleson, 2005). Hence the research project created the perfect environment to further expand the methodology developed in Chapter 2 and the discussion of Hypothesis 1 and 2. This resulted in two additional hypotheses of this dissertation: Hypothesis 4: The invasive species Western Corn Rootworm (WCR) does not presents an economic threat for Central European maize farmers. Hypothesis 5: EU farmers cannot gain from the introduction of Bt maize resistant to WCR damages. Chapter 6 introduces the nature and the actual status of the pest. Furthermore, the results from a survey questioning Hungarian farmers about their production methods and strategies to cope with the invasion are presented. Moreover, the survey is used to determine the willingness to pay for a still to be commercialized pest resistant maize variety trough a dichotomous choice model. Chapter 7 combines the lessons learned from the survey with a stochastic crop protection model and the framework from Chapter 2 to develop a bio-economic model to assess the impact of the pest and the competitiveness of the different control options. The setup of the model has the added value benefit of determining the factors influencing the appropriateness of a certain control option. Chapter 8 extends the framework to seven other Central European countries. The results show that the choice of control options depends to a high extent on the local market and production situation. The final chapter concludes by discussing the hypotheses and highlights some issues for further research. Figure 3 schematically presents the relation between the five hypotheses and the chapters of this dissertation. 17 Chapter 3: Stochastic partial equilibrium model of HT sugar beet introduction under changing policies. H1 Chapter 2: methodologic framework to improve ex ante impact assessments. H 1 and H2 Chapter 6: Western Corn Rootworm. Exploration + choice experiment H4 and H5 Chapter 3: effect on innovation incentive H3 Chapter 4: Potential welfare effects of HT sugar beet H1 Chapter 5: includes irreversibilities and assesses EU approval decisions. H3 Chapter 7:Bio-economic model to assess WCR effects in Hungary H2, H4 and H5 Chapter 8: Bio-economic model applied on extra countries to deepen insights H4 and H5 Figure 3: Schematic representation of the dissertation’s structure and the interaction with the hypotheses (H) 18 Chapter 2. Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters: The Case of Herbicide Tolerant Sugar Beet Adapted from Dillen, Demont,& Tollens, AgBioForum, 2009, 12 (3&4): 334-345. In ex ante impact assessment of proprietary seed technologies, the assessor operates under scarce and imperfect data as no market has been established for the new technology and adoption has not yet taken place. Recently the scholarly literature focused on the importance of accounting for heterogeneity among potential adopters to avoid homogeneity bias in the impact estimates. In this chapter we argue that incorporation of heterogeneity in the corporate pricing strategy of the innovation is needed to avoid a second bias in the welfare estimates, the pricing bias. Therefore a framework is developed which explicitly incorporates heterogeneity of proprietary seed technology valuation among adopters in both the pricing decision and the impact assessment. The results explain the tendency of innovators to engage in third degree price discrimination if the market structure discourages arbitrage. Finally the model is applied on the case study of herbicide tolerant sugar beet in the EU-27. 2.1 Introduction Since the commercial introduction of the first generation of genetically modified (GM) crops in agriculture, the value creation and benefit sharing of these technologies have been of great interest. In contrast to earlier, publicly funded technologies in agriculture, most of the commercially available GM technologies are developed and commercialized by the private sector. The laws and enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs) have provided innovating firms with some monopoly power in the market for GM seeds, affecting the value creation and benefit sharing of these proprietary seed technologies (Acquaye et al., 2005;Falck-Zepeda et al., 2000;Moschini et al., 1997;Moschini et al., 2000). The first generation of GM crops is out there for more than a decade and ex post impact studies uncover the global value creation (Brookes, 2009) and benefit sharing (Demont et al., 2007b) of these technologies. Regardless of the variability of the impact evidence, Demont et al. (2007b) reveal that, on average, two thirds of the global benefits of first-generation GM technologies are shared among domestic and foreign farmers and consumers, while only one third is extracted by the input suppliers (developers and seed suppliers). Previous research has shown that the heterogeneous character of farmer populations (Weaver, 2004), results in a downward-sloping aggregate derived demand curve for GM seed technologies (Falck-Zepeda et al., 2000). This suggests that, despite their high value, GM seed innovations can be considered non-drastic (Arrow, 1962), because the monopolist’s pricing decision is constrained by the threat of competition (Lemarié and Marette, 2003), leading to restricted monopoly pricing (Weaver and Wesseler, 2004) and reduced adoption. In this chapter we argue that the observed benefit sharing of first-generation GM technologies is a direct reflection of heterogeneity of farmers’ technology valuation, constraining pricing strategies of monopolistic technology providers. This is in contrast with earlier research stating that the pricing of biotechnology innovations has a clear strategic dimension (Fulton and Giannakas, 2001). Oehmke and Wolf (2004) developed a model to assess to which extent observable farmer rents can be explained by adopter heterogeneity in USA’s Bt cotton market. Although heterogeneity is implicitly captured by ex post adoption data, Demont et al. (2008a) show that ex ante impact assessments need to explicitly account for it in order 20 Chapter 2. Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters to avoid homogeneity bias. However, their impact estimates and the model application by Demont et al. (2008) are based on fixed, exogenous, technology pricing. In this article, we elaborate on their framework and relax the assumption of exogeneity by introducing alternative corporate pricing strategies. A parametric framework to fully incorporate farmer heterogeneity in ex ante impact assessment of proprietary seed technologies under data scarcity is developed. Within this framework, alternative corporate pricing strategies are simulated to assess the effect of heterogeneity on classic adoption parameters such as profits and adoption. The output of this framework can be aggregated through a trade model – as presented in Dillen et al. (2008; 2009b), the next chapters of this dissertation – to assess the effect of profit maximizing pricing strategies on total welfare distribution. The approach offers both a tool for policy makers to implement ex ante socio-economic assessments with limited resources and for seed technology and gene developers to assess the value of proprietary seed technologies. The chapter is organized as follows. In the following section, a theoretical framework for modeling heterogeneity among potential adopters of a new technology protected by IPRs is developed and some comparative statics are derived. In the third and fourth sections, an empirical application on herbicide tolerant (HT) sugar beet in the EU-27 is presented. A final section discusses the theoretical and empirical results of our framework. 2.2 Model We define a technology as a marketable good which allows farmers to surmount an agricultural constraint. Moreover, we introduce the concept of technology valuation to represent the willingness to pay (WTP) for the technology, which can include both pecuniary and non-pecuniary attributes (e.g. Marra and Piggott, 2006). While some papers (e.g. Demont et al., 2004; Wesseler et al., 2007) and Chapter 5 assess both the irreversible and reversible benefits and costs of the technology and determine the maximum incremental social tolerable irreversible costs (MISTIC), this chapter focuses on the reversible private benefits and costs as these drive adoption among profit maximizing farmers. It is important to recognize the fact that the innovation does not happen in a vacuum. Certain innovations alter the nature of production decisions, i.e. from decisions over individual inputs (e.g. seeds and pesticides) to decisions over bundles of complementary inputs (e.g. HT seed 21 complimented with a broad-spectrum herbicide) (Alexander and Goodhue, 2002). Therefore the value of such technology should be calculated as the value of the new production system as a whole. Previous research showed that the value of a technology is not uniformly distributed among farmers; some realize a profit from the technology and adopt it while others rationally choose not to adopt. In particular, GM seed technologies will pay off differentially depending on field conditions, pest densities, crop rotation and environmental conditions. Moreover, the technology valuation to any particular farm will depend on managerial expertise and local market conditions that condition the profitability of GM seed technologies relative to alternative technologies (Weaver, 2004). Furthermore, technology valuation is affected by the attitude towards risk of the potential adopter. Empirical evidence shows that most farmers are risk averse (e.g. Anderson and Hardaker, 2003). Farmers are averse of being exposed to unexpectedly low returns and this affects their technology valuation and adoption behavior. In ex post adoption data of a technology, technology valuation is revealed by adopters through their adoption decisions and technology expenditures. From an ex ante perspective, adoption has not yet occurred and revealed preference information of a technology is quasi-unobservable to the researcher. Stated preference information can be collected through choice experiments such as contingent valuation (CV). However, this method requires costly survey data as surveys need to be reproduced in different years and different regions in order to capture both the structural and stochastic foundations of heterogeneity. Moreover, farmer preferences are elicited based on hypothetical, rather than actual, scenarios. These constraints severely limit the use of CV analysis in large-scale ex ante impact assessment under time and resource constraints. Therefore, we propose a framework which explicitly models heterogeneity of proprietary seed technology valuation among adopters under data scarcity. Just et al. (2004) recommend the use of a probability density function (PDF) to model heterogeneity among producers. We adapt this modeling approach to the case of heterogeneous technology adopters. In ex ante impact assessment, imperfect information is endogenous to the problem and parametric approaches can be used to complete scarce data with estimates based on assumptions, analogy and theory. Let x represent farmers’ valuation or WTP for a new proprietary seed technology and assume that the new technology is an innovation such that x > 0. Farmers’ 22 Chapter 2. Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters technology valuation may include pecuniary benefits such as yield increases and cost reductions as well as non-pecuniary benefits such as convenience and enhanced flexibility of farming operations induced by the technology. Hence, it summarizes the total value of all attributes of the technology the farmer is willing to pay for. Let f(x) represent the PDF of individual technology valuations in a heterogeneous population of farmers. From the ascending cumulative density function (CDF) of technology valuations, F(x), the descending CDF, Q(x), can be derived, which can be interpreted as a normalized demand curve, Q( x) ∈ [0,1] , for the new technology: Q( x) = 1 − F ( x) , (1) The restricted monopoly in the market for privately developed proprietary seed technologies allows the innovator to set a monopolistic price which is higher than the price of the conventional technology bundle. In most ex ante impact studies this technology fee (θ) is treated exogenously (Demont et al., 2008a; Demont and Dillen, 2008; Demont and Tollens, 2004a; Flannery et al., 2004; Hareau et al., 2006; Krishna and Qaim, 2007; May, 2003). Alston et al. (2002) endogenize θ based on first-order statistics, i.e. they assume that the technology would be competitively priced, which implies that the technology fee is set at the mean technology valuation. However, neglecting higher order statistics does not account for heterogeneity and leads to homogeneity bias in the estimation of the impact of the technology on welfare and corporate revenue (Demont et al., 2008a). Throughout this chapter we assume that farmers act rational, adopting a technology if valuation, net from technology price, is positive, i.e. x − θ > 0 . Assuming constant long-run marginal costs, c, the profit function of the monopolistic innovator is represented by: ) (θ − c)Q(θ ) . π (θ= (2) The optimal price of the technology bundle, θ*, satisfies the following first-order condition: d π (θ ) dQ(θ ) .(θ − c) += Q(θ ) 0 . = dθ dθ (3) 23 Alexander and Goodhue (2002) argue that if users are heterogeneous, θ* may be below the technology valuation of a potential adopter therefore leaving significant rents with the adopter. Lapan and Moschini (2004) alternatively interpret this pricing strategy as the monopolist choosing the profit-maximizing marginal adopter, m = θ*, directly from a heterogeneous population of farmers and allowing the adoption to be incomplete. This marginal adopter is indifferent between adopting and a status quo; therefore all potential adopters with a higher technology valuation will adopt the new technology leading to an adoption rate, ∞ ∫ f ( x)dx . ρ= (4) θ* We define fa(x) as the adopters’ density function of technology valuation: f ( x) (x > θ *) f a ( x) = ρ . * 0 (x ≤ θ ) (5) The average net value (farmer surplus) of the new technology, α , for all adopters can be measured by aggregating the farmer surplus, τ(x) = x – θ*, and amounts to: ∞ α = ∫ τ ( x). f a ( x) dx θ (6) * Similar to Oehmke and Wolf (2004) we derive some comparative statistics. Assume f(x) is characterized by a mean µ, standard deviation σ and risk premium R. In order to derive comparative statistics analytically, independence between µ and σ is required. For R not to thwart this assumption, constant absolute risk aversion is assumed. Constant absolute risk aversion is often used to analyze farm decisions under risk (see Mitchell et al. (2004) for an application in GM crop literature). Assuming an increasing von Neumann-Morgenstern utility function (Babcock et al., 1993), we can calculate the risk premium R as, R ( A, σ ) = 24 ln(0.5(e − Aσ + e Aσ ) , Aσ (7) Chapter 2. Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters where A represents the coefficient of absolute risk aversion. The effect of a change in average technology valuation over all farmers on θ* is determined by − Fµ ( x) + (c − θ ) f µ ( x) dθ * = − , dµ − F ( x)θ − f ( x) − θ fθ ( x) (8) where subscripts denote partial differentiation. In order to determine the sign of the derivative, additional assumptions are needed. The denominator is negative under the assumption that f ( x) is unimodal and θ* lies on the lower tail of the PDF. As we assume the innovation will be marketed, θ* > c, the nominator becomes positive. Therefore, as the average technology valuation increases, the technology fee will follow. The effect of a change in variance is determined by − F ( x)σ + (c − θ ) f ( x)σ dθ * = − . dσ − F ( x)θ − f ( x) − dF ( x)θ (9) Under the same assumptions, this derivative will be negative. This means the innovator will drop the price in order to maintain his customer base as the variance or heterogeneity increases. This price decrease originates both from the direct effect of a more heterogeneous population and the decrease of the risk premium which acts as a shifter as dR( A, σ ) < 0 for σ > 0. The effect of increased risk aversion is determined dσ in a similar way by − F ( x ) A + (c − θ ) f ( x ) A dθ * = − , − F ( x)θ − f ( x) − dF ( x)θ dA (10) where under the same assumptions θ* decreases if absolute risk aversion increases as dR( A, σ ) < 0 for A > 0. The induced changes in θ* translate to changes in dA the distribution of the technology’s welfare effects. Assessing this impact through a formal model is difficult. First the resulting comparative statistics yield ambiguous results. Secondly, in reality µ and σ are often linked which makes the analytical 25 traceability even lower. Therefore we discuss the results in the next section through an empirical case study. 2.3 Application The case of herbicide tolerant (HT) sugar beet is very appealing for EU agriculture as this crop is grown in most EU countries and economic sugar production is impossible without weed control. Moreover, the recent reform of the sugar regime (see Chapter 3) towards more market driven and a booming market for raw materials (biofuels and bio-based chemistry) increases the need for cost reduction in the sector. We understood that the major impediment comes from the concentrated group of refiners, processors and manufacturers of sugar and sugar-containing products. Processors face risks related to market acceptability of sugar and by-products (DeVuyst and Wachenheim, 2005). However, it seems that recently the sugar processors have opened their doors to biotechnology following the food and feed approval in Australia, New Zeeland, Japan and the EU. The success of the commercial introduction of HT sugar beet in the USA in 2008, reaching an unprecedented adoption level of over 90% of the total sugar beet area in the second year (Kilburn, 2009), proves the high value of the technology for farmers 7. The appropriate PDF of the technology valuation among potential adopters is the centerpiece of the developed model. Oehmke and Wolf (2004) in their ex post assessment construct the PDF through a kernel density estimator on available adoption data. In ex ante assessment, the assessor faces the endogenous problem of imperfect information which makes a similar approach impracticable. The amount of data available to the researcher can be situated in an information continuum. At the lower end of the continuum, no information is available and theoretical considerations dictate the parametric estimation procedures. Towards the higher end of the information continuum, in the direction of full information, empirical findings gradually replace theory and non-parametric procedures substitute for parametric procedures. Although the probability of selecting the correct parametric model is zero, a parametric approach does not necessarily lead to biased results. With a false model, parameters will converge such that the Kullback-Leibler distance between the true 7 In 2009, a district court in California ruled that the environmental assessment preceding introduction by the United States Department of Agriculture was not adequate resulting in a suspension of the cultivation authorization. On March 16 2010 the suspension was temporarily lifted as a cultivation ban would have severe economic consequences. The final decision on the pending court case will follow later in 2010. 26 Chapter 2. Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters density and the best parametric estimate is minimized. Therefore it is possible that an incorrect parametric model may have greater efficiency than the correctly modeled density and a non-parametric model (Goodwin and Ker, 2002). In the case of data scarcity, expert opinions are often used to construct subjective probabilities for uncertain parameters. Although very popular, the triangular PDF might not be the best way to model expert opinions for modeling heterogeneity of technology valuation. Both tails are overemphasized and often experts have better knowledge on the central tendencies than on the extremes. Therefore the PERT PDF, a special case of the Beta distribution, is preferred for modeling expert opinions. It can range from highly skewed till symmetrical distributions, has a close fit to normal and lognormal distributions and attributes less weight to the extremes. The excessive reliance of the triangular PDF on the extremes also influences the variance introduced into the model. 0.25 0.24 Standard deviation 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.2 0.19 Triangular distribution 0.18 PERT distribution 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95 Most likely value Figure 4: Effect of parameter specification, choice of most likely value, on the resulting standard deviation of the triangular and the PERT PDF In Figure 4 we observe that for the same values of the extremes, the triangular distribution always has a higher standard deviation, therefore introducing unnecessary uncertainty in the model if we assume that we can rely on the expert’s knowledge. Demont et al. (2008a) use a re-parameterized version of the classic PERT specification to construct a PDF based on their specific context of limited data availability. In this article we are one step further in the information continuum as we combine expert opinions with evidence from farmer surveys, which allows us to 27 select the PDF based on empirical goodness-of-fit instead of forcing a pre-defined PDF to fit our expert data. For economic sugar beet production, effective weed control is crucial. Yield losses can be up to 100%, such is the poor ability of beet to compete with the large range of weeds present in arable soils (Dewar et al., 2000). Expert opinions on the herbicide expenditures for most of the EU countries are reported by Hermann (1996; 1997; 2006), while detailed cross-sectional survey evidence is available for the Netherlands (IRS, 2004) and France (ITB, 2000; Lemarié et al., 2001). We use the first data source to obtain basic first and second order moments of the underlying data, while we use the second data source to determine higher order moments in order to determine the appropriate functional form to be used in our parametric modeling. We fit alternative CDFs on the available cross-sectional datasets on herbicide expenditures in sugar beet growing. The loglogistic CDF consistently provides the best fit based on the root mean square error (RMSE) goodness-of-fit criterion and is therefore chosen to model heterogeneity among potential adopters (Table 1). Table 1: Cumulative loglogistic distributions fitted on survey data on weed expenditures Parameter Estimate Model: H(z) = 1/(1+(z/γ)^(-δ)) (equation 11, assuming ϕ = 0 before adoption of HT sugar beet) France, 1997 France, 2000 Netherlands, 2004 Scale (γ) Shape (δ) Scale (γ) Shape (δ) Scale (γ) Shape (δ) 103.3* 4.8* (0.2) 160.2* 4.7* 803.3* 5.0* (1.0) (0.4) (0.04) (3.7) (0.1) 0.99852 0.99981 0.99917 0.003 0.006 0.005 R² Goodnessof-fit (RMSE) Sources: IRS (2004), ITB (2000), and Lemarié (2001) Notes: Standard deviations are shown between brackets. * = significant at the 0.01 level. We combine the empirical results with the expert opinions through the estimation of the three fractiles in the survey data corresponding with the minimum, maximum and mean expert opinions. By assuming that the correspondence between both data sources is constant, we calibrate loglogistic CDFs of herbicide expenditures on expert opinions for major sugar producing Member States of the EU-27 in 2004 (Table 2). With this procedure we avoid the difficulties of experts to estimate the extreme fractiles of a distribution (Miller, 1956). This yields the following PDF, h(z), and CDF, H(z), for our case study: 28 Chapter 2. Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters δ −1 z.(1 − φ ) δ. γ h( z ) = 2 z.(1 − φ ) δ γ . 1 + γ H ( z) = 1 z.(1 − φ ) 1+ γ −δ , (11) (12) where z represents herbicide expenditures, γ the scale parameter and δ the shape parameter of the loglogistic PDF. In order to make the concept of technology valuation more dynamic, a shift parameter, φ > 0 , is introduced. The parameter can be used to introduce constant absolute risk aversion premium, R(A, σ), as presented earlier, and various exogenous price and cost effects into our static model. For the assessment of a biotechnological innovation, the latter can include: (i) the inclusion of coexistence measures (e.g. Devos et al., 2009), (ii) the existence of a market premium for non-GM crops and (iii) changes in the pricing strategies of competing technologies. In the case of HT crops, history shows that conventional herbicide producers try to countervail the increased competition with price reductions. This effect took place with the introduction of HT soybeans in the US and can be observed with the introduction of generic products in the herbicide market as well (Just, 2006). Due to data limitations, we assume the cost implications of these price reactions to be homogeneous in the population and to shift the PDF without affecting relative heterogeneity measured by the ratio of the mean to the standard deviation as both statistics are multiplied by the same factor. Although spatial variation in some of these factors certainly exists, we assume that this heterogeneity is captured by the herbicide expenditures. In order to transform herbicide expenditures, z, to technology valuation, x, we subtract the total cost of the HT system, excluding the technology fee, from the total cost of the conventional system, including application and product costs. The country-specific PDF of technology valuation can then be calculated as fi ( x) = hi [ x + (nci − ngi )ki − pgli .gi ] , (13) 29 where ngi and nci represent the number of herbicide applications in the HT and conventional system respectively, ki the cost of a single herbicide application (assumed equal for glyphosate and conventional applications), gi the dosage and pgli the price of glyphosate in country i. Note that (x + nciki) represents the total cost of the conventional system while (ngiki + pgligi) represents the total cost of the HT replacement system, excluding the technology fee. Again, due to data limitations we assume application costs and glyphosate expenditures to be homogeneous at the country level and to shift the PDF of technology valuation horizontally without affecting its shape. Based on the resulting PDF of technology valuation among potential adopters, the innovating sector (technology developers and seed suppliers) will set its price in order to maximize profits following the presented modeling framework. We differentiate between two distinct corporate pricing strategies. In the first pricing strategy we use disaggregated data to calculate the price at the member state level. This pricing strategy is known as spatial third degree price discrimination (Schmalensee, 1981). The second pricing strategy assumes a uniform price setting over the EU-27 sugar beet producing countries. The resulting proprietary seed demand function for the proprietary seed is constructed based on the area-weighted average herbicide expenditures: n Q( x) = ∑ f i ( x).χ i , (14) i where n represents the number of countries taken into account and χi the share in area over the n countries. The two different pricing strategies enable investigating the effect of heterogeneity on the variables under research. Uniform pricing is a realistic pricing strategy for the European sugar sector as it is common for sugar producers (processors) to purchase seed and distribute it upstream with contracted farmers. This practice, combined with the high concentration of the sugar sector through multinational companies (Smith, 2007), creates a situation of oligopsony at supranational levels which would favor a uniform pricing strategy. With these specifications, the impact of the different pricing strategies on adoption and value creation can be calculated following the system of equations 3-6. 30 Chapter 2. Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters 2.3.1 Data In Table 2 the data used in this chapter are presented. Similarly to Desquilbet and Bullock (2009), we assume for simplicity that the long-run marginal costs of supplying seed are zero, which comes down to assuming that the technology developer maximizes revenue instead of profit. All prices are deflated to the 2008 level by using GDP deflators (World Bank, 2008). To aggregate the revenues to the national level and for yields, we use data from F.O.Licht (2005). The shift parameter, φ , is calibrated on the expected reduction of the price level of competing conventional herbicides. Analogous to the effect of HT soybeans in the US we estimate this reduction to take the value of 20% (Just, 2006). Moreover, analogously to other studies (Demont and Dillen, 2008; Dillen et al., 2008; Dillen et al., 2009b) we include a 5% yield increase for adopting farmers due to reduced toxicity of the glyphosate herbicide regime in HT sugar beet cultivation. The price of glyphosate is assumed uniform among Member States (€4.37/l) due to data limitations and to make abstraction of those markets where glyphosate is not well established and where the price structure is likely to change with the introduction of HT sugar beet. To construct the demand function in the uniform pricing strategy we use the area-weighted average of fi(x) for the countries producing three quarters of the European production (equation 14). These regions can be considered as the main market and include the efficient production regions where innovation incentives are positively affected by the recent sugar reform and therefore feature a higher likelihood to adopt HT sugar beet (see next chapters). 31 Table 2: Weed control costs under conventional and HT sugar beet technology in the EU-27 Member State Min (€/ha) Mean (€/ha) Max (€/ha) Conventional weed control Scale Shape Application parameter parameter cost k (€/ha) γ δ 261 5.4 41.5 207 4.2 18.5 160 3.9 18.2 223 6.1 13.0 180 10.0 7.3a Number of applications nc 2.5 3.5 3 3 3b Total application costs (€/ha) 103.8 64.8 54.6 39.0 21.9 HT weed control Number of Glyphosate Glyphosate applications dose g expenditures pgl ng (l/ha) (€/ha) 2.5 6 26.2 2.5 6 26.2 2.5 6 26.2 1 3 13.1 2.5 6 26.2 Austria 156 311 467 Belgium 104 261 417 Germany 76 206 334 Spain 141 261 381 Czech 138 198 276 Republic France 103 150 206 136 9.7 20.0 3.8 76.0 2.5 6 26.2 Finland 154 220 297 201 10.0 16.4 3.8 62.3 2.5 6 26.2 Greece 94 132 202 121 10.5 17.5 1.5 26.5 1 3 13.1 Italy 95 169 253 145 6.4 15.3 2.5 38.3 2.5 6 26.2 Ireland 64 93 122 84 9.7 13.3 3 39.9 2.5 6 26.2 Netherlands 135 176 238 164 13.5 40.4 3.5 141.4 2.5 6 26.2 Poland 121 214 332 185 6.4 7.3 3b 21.9 2.5 6 26.2 Sweden 77 186 308 149 4.3 13.3 2.9 38.6 2.5 6 26.2 UK 78 149 225 124 5.9 14.4 4.6 66.2 2.5 6 26.2 Denmark 88 212 372 166 4.4 26.0 4 104.0 2.5 6 26.2 Portugal 141c 261c 381c 223 6.1 13.0 3 41.7 1 3 13.1 d d d a b Hungary 64 159 211 132 2.7 7.3 3 21.9 2.5 6 26.6 Sources: Hermann (2006) for most cases, complemented by Hermann (1996; 1997) if recent data is missing, Schäufele (2000) and Bückmann (2000) a no data available, data for Poland were used. b Urban et al. (2008) c no data for Portugal, we used data from Spain d no data from Hermann (1996; 1997; 2006), data from AKI (2005) Total application costs (€/ha) 103.8 46.3 45.5 13.0 18.3 50.0 41.0 17.5 38.3 33.3 101.0 18.3 33.3 36.0 65.0 13.9 18.3 Chapter 2. Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters 2.4 Results and Discussion Table 3 presents the results of our pricing framework. Under third degree price discrimination, the technology fee ranges from €50/ha to €147/ha. The area-weighted average technology fee amounts to €98/ha. These spatially adapted technology fees result in adoption potentials (ceilings) that range from 51% for Ireland to 97% for Spain. The estimated adoption rates are remarkably close to potential market penetration rates estimated by experts of national sugar beet institutes (Coyette et al., 2002). The uniform pricing strategy yields a European-wide price of €95/ha. This fee, less adapted to local conditions and demand, generates a dramatically different adoption pattern from almost no adoption in Ireland to almost full adoption in Spain. At first sight, the endogenous technology fees seem rather high compared to commercially available GM seeds of other crops. However they are in line with the current technology fee of HT sugar beet in the USA, i.e. €90-106/ha (KWS, 2006), and can be explained by the high herbicide expenditures in conventional sugar beet cultivation (Table 2). The results confirm the theoretical model as the increased farmer heterogeneity of herbicide expenditures, generated by applying a uniform pricing strategy over a larger area, leads to a lower technology fee at the EU-27 level. Under price discrimination, the area-weighted average of the farmer profits amount to €99/ha with the extremes in Spain and Ireland. Corporate revenue in the EU-27 is €154 million. If third degree price discrimination is not possible, e.g. due to the market structure, the farmer profits amount to €116/ha while the corporate revenue drops to €141 million. Under increased farmer heterogeneity of herbicide expenditures, farmers are able to capture a higher rent while the innovator looses revenue. The lower technology fee will relocate the position of the marginal adopter but the increased adoption rate is not enough to compensate for the reduced optimal technology fee on a per-hectare base. Therefore the corporate goal of increasing adoption might not be the revenue maximizing strategy. Under market structures with strong IPRs which reduce arbitrage, third degree price discrimination is a profitable strategy for the innovator. By dividing the population into smaller, more homogenous segments, corporate revenue increases by progressively extracting farmer surplus from the total value of the proprietary seed technology. Heterogeneity is minimized in each sub-market fi(x) and revenue is maximized. Empirical evidence can be found for Bt cotton in the US, Mexico and South Africa (Frisvold et al., 2006; Gouse et al., 33 2004; Traxler et al., 2003). The separation is mainly introduced by different germplasm due to the sensitive reaction of upland cotton varieties to agro-climatic changes (Acquaye and Traxler, 2005) and preventing farmers to buy seeds in other districts (Traxler et al., 2003). With strong IPRs, the submarkets could be introduced through enforcement of a contract with a “no resale” clause, thereby strengthening monopoly power. In Europe, price discrimination can be found in Bt maize in Spain as a function of spatial pest infestation levels (Gomez-Barbero et al., 2008). These observations indicate that the innovator is aware that patent-based uniform pricing of a GM seed technology leaves substantial benefits with the producers, preventing full appropriation by the innovator due to heterogeneity among farmers. In developing countries with weak or no governance of IPRs, on the other hand, price discrimination of HT technologies can only be efficiently implemented in the case of hybrids as hybridization biologically strengthens IPR protection and acts as a substitute for weak IPR enforcement (Goldsmith et al., 2003). This may explain the absence of price discrimination in the case of HT soybeans in developing countries (Qaim and Traxler, 2005). Due to the antagonistic response of farmer rents and corporate revenues to changes in heterogeneity, the magnitude of total welfare depends on the shape of the parametric model. In the case of the loglogistic PDF, the upwards effect on farmer rents following an increase in heterogeneity more than compensates the downwards effect on corporate revenue on a per-hectare base such that the total value increases. The total value under uniform pricing amounts to €218/ha while it only reaches €204/ha in the case of third degree price discrimination. Full welfare effects under uniform pricing are calculated through the use of a partial equilibrium model, EUWABSIM (Chapter 3). 34 Table 3: Technology fee, innovator revenue, farmer rent and total value of HT sugar beet under two alternative pricing strategies, price discrimination and uniform pricing, in the EU-27 Member State Austria Belgium Germany Spain Czech Republic France Finland Greece Italy Ireland Netherlands Poland Sweden UK Denmark Portugal Hungary EU-27 area-weighted average (total) Price discrimination Technology Farmer Adoption Corporate fee incremental (%) revenue (€/ha) profits (million €) (€/ha) 147 123 74 4.9 123 131 76 8.1 94 99 69 26.5 145 135 97 12.9 98 87 88 5.6 87 133 90 27.0 125 68 79 3.5 75 95 90 2.2 77 59 79 9.7 50 32 51 0.7 121 92 92 11.2 102 79 80 22.4 86 74 65 2.5 78 117 86 8.8 106 122 80 4.3 145 135 97 1.2 108 63 84 2.6 98 99 (154) Total value (€/ha) 270 254 193 280 185 220 193 170 136 82 239 181 160 195 228 280 171 204 Uniform pricing Technology Farmer Adoption Corporate fee incremental (%) revenue (€/ha) profits (million €) (€/ha) 95 188 84 3.8 95 174 98 7.2 95 108 63 26.3 95 192 99 9.0 95 101 91 5.6 95 131 78 26.9 95 102 97 2.7 95 63 43 1.8 95 45 43 8.6 95 1 5 0.003 95 151 97 8.6 95 96 85 22.0 95 71 47 2.5 95 99 59 8.5 95 145 82 4.0 95 192 99 0.7 95 78 92 2.4 95 116 (141) Total value (€/ha) 283 269 203 287 196 226 197 158 140 96 246 191 166 194 240 287 173 218 Note: For comparison, the market potentials estimated earlier by experts of national sugar beet institutes in six selected countries are 75% for Belgium, 71% for Germany, 100% for Spain, 90% for France, 93% for the Netherlands and 89% for the UK (Coyette et al., 2002) Demont et al. (2008a) demonstrate the homogeneity bias that emerges from not incorporating second order statistics in ex ante impact assessment. They conclude that the bias is a decreasing function of the mean and an increasing function of the variance of f(x). This result is in contrast with earlier statements in the literature that the distribution is of minor importance as the lower and higher tails of the distribution will compensate each other (Breustedt et al., 2008). However, by using an exogenous technology fee, θ , they potentially introduce a second source of bias, i.e. pricing bias. In the literature on HT sugar beet, different assumptions and estimates have been reported for the technology fee, varying from €25/ha (Flannery et al., 2004), €3040/ha (Märländer, 2005), €40/ha (Demont, 2006), €32-48/ha (May, 2003), €38/ha (Gianessi et al., 2003) and €77/ha (Lemarié et al., 2001) in Europe to €128/ha (Gianessi et al., 2002), €133/ha (Burgener et al., 2000), €157/ha (Rice et al., 2001), and €164/ha (Kniss et al., 2004) in the USA. We illustrate the magnitude of the exogenous pricing bias for France by comparing farmer surplus generated under the assumption of an exogenous technology fee of €40/ha with surplus generated under the assumption of third-degree price discrimination. The assumption of exogeneity would lead the researcher to overestimate the potential adoption ceiling by 11% (100% instead of 89%) and the value captured by farmers by 39% (€185/ha instead of €133/ha). If the technology developer commercializes HT sugar beet seed into the European sugar industry through uniform pricing, endogeneizing the technology fee but assuming third-degree price discrimination instead of uniform pricing would generate a second source of bias, i.e. farmer benefits would still be overestimated by 1.5% (€133/ha instead of €131/ha). The small bias is explained by the fact that France, the largest sugar producer, would play a determinant role in EU uniform pricing. The total pricing bias on farmer surplus would then be the sum of both biases and would amount to 41% (€185/ha instead of €131/ha). Our results underline the importance of incorporating heterogeneity in ex ante impact assessment of proprietary seed innovations, especially if the impact assessor is operating under data scarcity and imperfect expert information. Not accounting for heterogeneity introduces both homogeneity bias and pricing bias into the impact estimates. Moreover, the presence of heterogeneity explains the strategy of the innovating seed sector to engage in third degree price discrimination as the latter maximizes corporate revenue but possibly reduces total welfare. 36 Chapter 2. Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters Finally, our proposed parametric modeling framework provides a practical tool for breeders, technology developers, agricultural economists, crop protectionists and biosafety regulators to estimate the value of future proprietary seed technologies under data scarcity. In particular it can be useful for large-scale ex ante impact assessment under time and resource constraints, such as the socio-economic assessment of new technologies under the Cartagena protocol. Falck-Zepeda (2009) argues that inclusion of socio-economic considerations may become an obstacle to potentially valuable technologies, particularly for developing countries facing higher barriers in terms of biosafety regulatory compliance due to resource constraints. 37 38 Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation Adapted from Dillen, Demont, & Tollens, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2008, 56:533-553 In July 2006, the European Union’s Common Market Organization (CMO) for sugar underwent the first radical reform since its establishment in 1968. In this study we model the incentives for adoption of a new technology, herbicide tolerant sugar beet, before and after the policy reform. We take the observed reform-induced changes in production incentives as given. A stochastic partial equilibrium model is built to assess the innovation incentives under the old and the new CMO. We use the model to analyze the effect of the policy reform on the adoption of new technologies. Our findings show that the new CMO does not jeopardize the goal of increased competitiveness in the European sugar market as a whole. The adoption incentive of high cost farmers is significantly reduced under the new CMO, decreasing their ability to cope with future changes in the sugar market. Medium cost producers on the other hand have grater incentives under the new CMO to adopt new technologies while low cost producers are left unaffected. These results show that the new CMO disfavors adoption by high cost producers of a new technology. The reduced adoption leads to lower flexibility and competitiveness of these farmers and therefore coincides with the goals of the reform to crowd out high cost producers. 3.1 Introduction In 2006, the European Union (EU) implemented the first radical reform of the Common Market Organization (CMO) for sugar since its establishment in 1968. Two key factors are said to have initiated this reform. First, there is the conviction of the EU sugar policy on the 28th of April 2005, when after a complaint from Brazil, Thailand and Australia, it was decided that the export of out-of-quota sugar did not comply with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules because of a cross-subsidy effect. This socalled C-sugar is supposed to be traded on the world market at low prices due to the high support for in-quota sugar and is therefore indirectly supported by the policy. The second constraint is the Everything But Arms (EBA) agreement which would offer free access on the European market to sugar from the least developed countries (LDCs) starting in 2009. To cope with this anticipated increased competition from LDCs, a more competitive European sugar sector was a necessity. Several studies have attempted to estimate the effects of alternative reform scenarios of the European sugar sector and the CMO itself, both at the farm level and at the aggregate level (Bogetoft et al., 2007; Buysse et al., 2007; de Bont C.J.A.M. et al., 2006; Frandsen et al., 2003; Gohin and Bureau, 2006; Nolte, 2008; Schmitz, 2002). These studies have focused on the demand and supply side of the sugar market. In contrast with previous studies which model the impact of the sugar policy reform on the incentives for production and consumption assuming unaltered incentives for innovation, we explicitly model the incentives for innovation under changing sugar policies, while taking the observed reform-induced changes in incentives for production and consumption as given. Market interventions are a key determinant of innovation because they distort the flow of benefits from R&D and, hence, the incentives for innovation in the agricultural sector (Alston et al., 1995). However, although agricultural innovation could assist the European sugar sector to become more competitive, so far no studies have modeled to which extent this new policy alters the incentives for the adoption of new technologies. 8 In this chapter we assess whether the secondary effect of a policy reform, i.e. its impact on innovation incentives, is consistent with the objectives of the reform to increase the 8 It is important to make a distinction between the incentive to innovate for innovators (gene developers and seed suppliers) and the incentive to adopt innovations for farmers. The surplus of an innovation is the total value to the innovator and farmers of a cost-reducing innovation, while the incentive to adopt innovations is purely based on the share of the surplus accruing to farmers. We are dealing with proprietary innovations in this paper and assume the farmer pays a technology premium for a license to the developer of the technology. 40 Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation competiveness of the European sugar sector. We test whether the null hypothesis of the chapter, the policy reform has no influence on the stream of benefits from innovation, holds or not. This statistical test complements Demont (2006) who provided a first and rough attempt to predict the impact of the new CMO. Our model is a stochastic partial equilibrium model and the specific innovative crop analyzed is genetically modified (GM) herbicide tolerant (HT) sugar beet. The case of herbicide tolerance in sugar beet growing is very appealing for EU agriculture as sugar beet is grown in most of its Member States and weed control is crucial to economic beet production. Previous research has forecast that EU beet growers could substantially gain from HT technologies (Demont et al., 2004; Demont, 2006; Demont and Tollens, 2004a). Most European countries have sufficient research experience in GM sugar beet, but for the time being their processing industries remain largely reluctant to accept this technology in fear of losing domestic and export markets (DeVuyst and Wachenheim, 2005). In the USA, in contrast, many processors have cleared their growers to plant GM HT sugar beet in the spring of 2008, developed by the gene developer Monsanto and seed company Betaseed (part of the KWS group), following approval for feed en food use in Mexico, Japan, Australia, New Zealand the EU and others. Secondly, the demand for this technology by farmers (groups) is important in the USA, where farmers have extensive experience with GM crops since 1996. A key factor in modeling the European CMO for sugar is the specification of responsiveness of out-of-quota supply to world prices in the distorted world market. Beet growers may overshoot their quotas for two reasons, namely (i) as a precautionary measure to ensure quota fulfillment, or (ii) to speculate on the world market. In the literature, alternative argumentations on the incentives behind observed out-of-quota production have been presented (see Buysse et al., 2007 for a review). In this article we propose a balanced multi-criteria system to identify Member States that consistently supply out-of-quota sugar in response to world prices. The chapter is organized as follows. In the next section, we introduce the stochastic partial equilibrium model which explicitly models the old and the new EU sugar regimes. The model simulates the introduction of GM HT sugar beet in a disaggregated European Union with spillovers to the sugar beet sector in the rest of the world. We use the model to study the incentive to innovate under the two regimes. In the model section, we calibrate the model with secondary data. In the results section, we report the Monte Carlo simulation outcomes. The final section discusses the results. 41 3.2 Model The focus of the framework lies at the level of the farmers, who are the main actors in the adoption process of new varieties of crops. The incentive to innovate and adopt is assessed in a rational choice model (see Scot, 2000, for a review and common critiques), that is, a farmer makes his decision purely based on the per-hectare profit of adoption. For suppliers of the innovative input, HT sugar beet in this example, only the effect on revenue is estimated. To analyze the potential benefits of the introduction of HT sugar beet in the sugar sector, we set up a spatial model that differentiates between sugar cane and sugar beet. The sugar beet region is further divided into the EU-27 and the ROW, including mainly the rest of Europe, followed by the USA. We believe that a three-region model, covering the EU-27 (disaggregated later on in the chapter in order to obtain a more realistic supply response for the EU) and the beet and cane growing regions in the rest of the world (ROW) captures well the essence of production and trade in the global sugar market. Moschini and Lapan (1997) argue that impact assessments of new technologies should account for the relevant institutional and industry structures responsible for the actual development of these technologies. Most of the recent agricultural biotechnology innovations have been developed by private firms protected by intellectual property rights (IPR), such as patents, which confer temporary restricted monopoly rights to the discoverer. Prices for IPR protected inputs are higher than they would be in a perfectly competitive market. Our model draws on the impact assessment framework of Moschini et al. (2000), which exogenously incorporates monopolistic power in the input market. They develop a profit function for farmers operating in the output market which explicitly accommodates the characteristics of the HT technology. By introducing the simplifying assumption of exogenous monopolistic pricing of the technology in the profit function, they separate the incentives for innovation from the incentives for the adoption of the proprietary technology: π i , j ( p, ρ ) = Ai , j + ρα i + (1 + ρβi )Gi , j 1 + ηi p1+ηi − µi ρ , (1) where the HT technology is parameterized through four parameters, i.e. the adoption rate ρ, the technology-induced per-hectare profit gain αi, the boost βi in percentage and the per-hectare licensing premium or ‘technology fee’ μi. Furthermore, Ai,j and Gi,j 42 Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation represent scale parameters (i represents the region and j the year), p the sugar price, and ηi the elasticity of yield with respect to sugar prices (as defined by Moschini et al., 2000). Applying Hotteling’s lemma, the yield function can be derived as (1 + ρβ )Gi , j pηi . Next, the scarce factor to the industry, i.e. land, is represented, as being available with an upward sloping non-linear constant-elasticity supply function as a function of the average per-hectare profit, that is, θ Li , j = λi , jπ i , j ( p, ρ ) i , j . (2) Multiplying the land supply function with the yield function results in a region- and year-specific supply function: θ = Qi , j ( p, ρ ) λi , j [π i , j ( p, ρ )] i , j (1 + ρβi )Gi , j pηi (3) where λi,j is a scale parameter and θi,j the land supply elasticity (area elasticity) with respect to sugar beet profit per hectare. Our model includes 18 regions, i.e. the ROW cane region (i = 0), the ROW beet region (i = 1), 16 EU-27 Member States (i = 2, 3, …, 17), and covers nine agricultural seasons (2006-2014) (see Table 4). 9 Aggregation of 18 supply functions allows modeling the effect on world sugar prices of the interaction between two aggregate regions, the EU-27 and the ROW, as a consequence of the introduction of the HT technology. However, the structure of these functions implies that all 18 regions in the model are able to participate in the aggregate supply response to prices. While all regions certainly respond to a certain regionspecific incentive price, in reality only the most competitive producers respond to world prices. Due to domestic price regulations and high production costs, uncompetitive Member States are isolated from world market incentives. Their supply is inelastic and, instead of exporting on the world market, any surplus generated through enhanced yields will be absorbed by their domestic quotas and will free up land allocated to sugar beet. Hence, we distinguish between world price responsive (WPR) and world price nonresponsive (WPN) Member States, which will be identified through a multi-criteria framework at a later stage in this chapter. The aggregate EU sugar supply function in year j is given by, 9 In the remainder of the text, the term ‘region’ will be used for aggregates (ROW beet, ROW cane, EU-27), but also for individual EU-27 member states. We merged Belgium and Luxemburg in a single region ‘Belgium’ and omitted nine remaining New Member States, who supply less than 8% of sugar in the EU-27. We also omitted Ireland which gave up production since the reform of the CMO, making comparison between the two regimes impossible. 43 QEU, j ( = p, ρ EU ) 17 ∑Q =i 2 = ( p, ρi ) i, j ∑Q + ∑Q i, j =i WPI =i WPR i, j ( p, ρi ) (4) In Equation 4, ρEU represents the 16x1 adoption vector of the new technology in the EU with elements ρi (i = 2, 3, …, 17). This aggregate sugar supply function is very detailed in that it contains 10 parameters per member state totaling 160 parameters, of which 64 are related to the new technology. Table 4: Regional specification of incentive prices and elasticities under the new and the old sugar EU sugar policy for the Member States included in the model ϕi,j* Region Incentive price Former 6 5 New 6 5 Former world price world price New world price world price Belgium 4 8 world price (C) Denmark Germany 3 4 7 8 B sugar price world price (C) Greece Spain France 0 3 4 7 7 8 A sugar price B sugar price world price (C) Italy Netherlands 1 2 7 7 Austria 4 8 A sugar price mixed price (A, B and a fixed quantity of C sugar) world price (C) world price (industrial) instit. price world price (industrial) instit. price instit. price world price (industrial) instit. price instit. price ROW cane ROW beet Area elasticity Elasticity of yield 0.290 0.202 0 0 0.055 0.08 0.034 0.074 0.08 0.08 0.228 0.226 0.172 0 0.08 0.08 0.712 0.041 0.08 0.08 world price 0.154 0.08 (industrial) Portugal 0 7 A sugar price instit. price 0.228 0 Finland 1 7 A sugar price instit. price 0.064 0.08 Sweden 2 7 B sugar price instit. price 0.030 0.08 United 4 8 world price (C) world price 0.176 0.08 Kingdom (industrial) Czech Rep. 4 7 world price (C) instit. price 0.569 0.08 Hungary 3 7 B sugar price instit. price 0.5686 0.08 Poland 3 7 B sugar price instit. price 0.5667 0.08 Sources: Devadoss and Kropff (1996), Poonyth (1998), Frandsen et al. (2003), Banse et al. (2005), and Confédération des Betteraviers Belges (2002). * Legend for ϕi,j: 0 = A-quota not fulfilled 1 = A-quota fulfilled 2 = A-quota fulfilled and significant part of B-quota 3 = A-quota and B-quota fulfilled but world price nonresponsive (WPN) sugar production 4 = A-quota and B-quota fulfilled but and world price responsive (WPR) sugar production 5 = ROW but world price nonresponsive (WPN) sugar production 6 = ROW and world price responsive (WPR) sugar production 7 = post-reform quota fulfilled 44 Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation Next, we model innovation adoption. Innovation adoption occurs in a large, open economy with technology spillovers and shape the two-region framework of Alston et al. (1995) to the specific features of the EU’s CMO for sugar. For each beet growing region i, the four technology-specific parameters ( ρi , α i , βi , µi ) engender a pivotal, divergent shift of the supply curve (Equations 1-3). At the centre of the analysis is the calculation of a counterfactual world price pj in year j to isolate the effect of the technology-induced supply shift from other exogenous changes in supply and demand. It represents what the world price would be if all supply and demand conditions are identical except for the introduction of the new technology. Hence, in our analysis we represent the world price as a function of the worldwide adoption vector: pj(ρW). The EU’s export supply curve in year j can be modeled as: ES j ( p, ρ EU ) = QEU , j ( p, ρ EU ) − C j (5) where C j is EU sugar demand in year j, assumed exogenous and independent of the price due the inelastic response to sugar prices in the EU. The EU’s export supply expansion, generated by a technology-induced pivotal shift of the EU’s aggregate supply function, would cause the world price to decline from pj(0) to pj(ρEU). This price decrease is determined using a reduced-form equation, extracted from the University of Missouri’s FAPRI world sugar model, which calculates the world sugar price as a function of actual and lagged EU net sugar exports (Poonyth et al., 2000). 10 For each year j the reduced-form equation transforms the observed world price into the price that would result from the EU’s technology-induced export expansion in year j and j – 1: ES j ( p j (0), ρ EU, j ) − ES j ( p j (0),0) ES j −1 ( p j −1 (0), ρ EU, j −1 ) − ES j −1 ( p j −1 (0),0) p j ( ρ EU, j ) = p j (0) 1 + σ 1 +σ 2 ES j ( p j (0),0) ES j −1 ( p j −1 (0),0) (6) with σ1 = -1.0 and σ2 = 0.46. The variables σ1 and σ2 are the short- and long-run flexibility, respectively, and they reflect sugar export demand elasticities that are twice as large in the long-run as in the short-run. The positive value for the coefficient of the lagged export supply expansion term reflects the output contraction of the ROW as a reaction on the world price decline from pj(0) to pj(ρEU). The reaction stems mainly 10 If we assume EU imports to be exogenous, we can calculate the world price as a function of the EU’s export supply expansion. Under the old CMO the import was fixed, due to fixed ACP (African, Caribbean, and Pacific) import agreements. Under the new CMO the EBA agreement will offer free access to the European sugar market for the LDCs in 2009. In a recent simulation, Nolte (2008) observes that the extra import under the EBA only has a marginal effect on the import and on the price level (-1%) in Europe due to the lower internal prices following the reform. Therefore, as the EBA will marginally affect our results we assume it to be exogenous under the new CMO. 45 from the ROW cane sector. The ROW beet region supplies less than 2% of globally traded sugar (F.O.Licht, 2005) and can therefore be considered ‘small’, i.e. facing an infinitely elastic export demand function and not able to influence world prices significantly through innovation in the beet sector solely. ROW sugar policies further weaken the link between world prices and domestic prices and supply. Therefore, we model the ROW beet region as WPN and, as a result, in our model world prices are not affected by technology spillovers to this region. In addition, if we assume no spillovers of biotechnology in sugar beet breeding to the ROW cane sector, the following equality holds: pj(ρW) = pj(ρ0, ρ1, ρEU), independent of ρ0 and ρ1. 3.2.1 The Old Market Organization for Sugar The overall world price change can be transmitted to EU domestic prices using the principles of the EU’s former CMO for sugar, which came into full effect in 1968 and ended on the 30th of June 2006. At the start of each year j, the Council of the European i Union fixed an intervention price ( p EU , j ) for sugar and minimum prices for beet. The quotas, consisting of A- and B-sugar ( Qa , j and Qb , j ), filled under the high price support system, were set at a higher level than internal consumption Cj, at the intervention price i p EU , j . This overproduction Qd , j (= Qa , j + Qb , j – Cj) was exported on the world market and hence subsidized. This export subsidy system was completely auto-financed by levies on A- and B-quota production. Consumers, who paid a high internal intervention price, subsidized the internal within-quota production. A levy τ aj of maximum 2% of the intervention price applied to the entire quota. Moreover, B-quota production received an additional, more variable, levy τ bj of maximum 37.5% of the intervention price. Both levies were chosen to satisfy the auto-financing constraint, AFCj, which was a function of the world price (Combette et al., 1997): i a i b i pEU, 0 (7) jτ j ( p j (ρ W ))(Qa , j + Qb , j ) + pEU, jτ j ( p j (ρW ))Qb , j − (Qa , j + Qb , j − C j )( pEU, j − p j (ρ W )) = The levies had to fill the gap between the world price and the high internal price for quota production which was in excess of consumption and exported on the world market. If AFCj did not solve by combining Equations 7 and 8, the system of Equations 7 and 9 was solved. Finally, when the latter neither yielded a solution, a multiplicator νj was defined solving the system 7 and 10: 46 Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation τ aj ( p j [ρ W ]) ∈ [0,0.02[ b τ j ( p j [ρ W ]) = 0 (8) τ aj ( p j [ρ W ]) = 0.02 b τ j ( p j [ρ W ]) ∈ [0,0.375[ (9) τ aj ( p j [ρ W ]) = 0.02(1 + υ j ) b τ j ( p j [ρ W ]) = 0.375(1 + υ j ) (10) By feeding the technology-induced world price pj(ρW) into Equation 7, the system of Equations 7 to 10 yielded an estimate of the levies that had to be imposed on quotaproduction to satisfy AFCj. This specification clearly visualizes how the levies were a function of the world price, while the world price on its turn was a function of worldwide adoption. World prices were transmitted to levy changes through solving AFCj. For each member state, A- and B-quota prices could be deducted from the State’s intervention price pii, j and the levies: pia, j ( p j (ρ W )) = pii, j [1 − τ aj ( p j (ρ W ))] (11) pib, j ( p j (ρ W )) = pii, j [1 − τ aj ( p j (ρ W )) − τ bj ( p j (ρ W ))] (12) By substituting pj(ρW) into equations 11 and 12, the model allows us to transform world price changes into domestic quota price changes. Thus, under the CMO the farmgate price was endogenous since it depended on sugar production, internal demand and the gap between the intervention and the world price. All out-of-quota production could either be: (i) stocked to be carried over to the following marketing year, enabling to smooth out annual production variations, or (ii) exported on the world market at the world price. The opposite effects of technology-induced cost-reduction and depression of world and domestic prices are transmitted to the average profit functions by imputing the corresponding prices and adoption rates (Equation 1). Note that the profit functions are a function of (i) region-specific and (ii) worldwide adoption rates, the latter through the [ world price: π i , j pia, j ( p j (ρ W )), ρ i [ ] [ for A quotas, π i , j pib, j ( p j (ρ W )), ρ i ] for the B ] quotas, and π i , j p j (ρ W ), ρ i for C-sugar beet. If Li , j (π ) denotes the optimal allocation of land to sugar beet in member state i in year j, the variation in producer surplus 47 (relative to the benchmark without adoption) due to the innovation can be measured in the market of land supplied to the industry (Moschini et al., 2000). The producer surplus change strongly depends on the position of the supply curve and, hence, the member state’s competitiveness in sugar production. Therefore, we introduce the categorical parameter ϕi,j (Table 5). Depending on the value we attribute to this parameter, the model automatically selects the appropriate formula for the calculation of the welfare effects. Detailed information about the formulas can be found in (Demont, 2006). For a high-cost EU member not fulfilling its A quota we set ϕi,j = 0. Portugal and Greece are the only examples. A high-cost EU member state, fulfilling its A- but not its B-quota is assigned φi,j = 1. The beet growers in these countries aim at fulfilling their A quota and in order to ensure this objective they choose to accept a minimal precautionary overproduction, even in low-yield years. For medium-cost EU countries fulfilling their A quota and a significant part of its B quota, we set ϕi,j = 2. Table 5: Multi-criteria framework for identifying WPR sugar producers in the EU Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Italy Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden UK Frandsen (2003) Frandsen (2003) revisiteda WPR WPR WPR WPR Gohin (2006) WPR Buy-out in first two yearc No WPR WPR No No WPR Yes Yes No WPR WPR WPR Poonyth (1998) WPR WPR WPR WPR wrongb WPR WPR Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Score WPR (3/5) WPR (5/5) WPR (4/5) WPR (3/5) WPR (4/5) Czech republic WPR Yes Hungary WPR Yes Poland WPR No Sources: Frandsen et al. (2003), Gohin and Bureau (2006), and Poonyth (1998). a We extend the criterion of Frandsen et al. (2003) to the period 1996-2006 (F.O.Licht, 2005). b The authors did not use the correct mixed price in their econometric model. c The fact that countries decide not to sell any quota despite this incentive means they are able to produce at the lower internal price, hence being competitive. 48 Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation As mentioned previously, the estimation of world price effects crucially hinges on the specification of world price responsiveness of sugar supply. Particular attention needs to be given to the distinction between WPR and WPN Member States. 11 Buysse et al. (2007) summarize the literature on the specification of the sugar supply curve and the incentive to produce C-sugar. The first approach they discuss is developed by Gohin and Bureau (2006) who show that, in contrast to the WTO decision on C-sugar, crosssubsidization from the high price quota to the fixed costs of C-sugar production cannot be sustained in the long run. The second motivation for the production of C-sugar discussed is an insurance strategy against losses due to not filling the quota. However, Adenäuer and Heckelei (2005) show that this insurance strategy is only one factor in the decision, temporal variability being at least as important. Therefore, Buysse et al. (2007) define a precautionary sugar beet supply as a function of the quota endowment and rent, taking into account farm-specific characteristics that play a role in this variability. Unfortunately, the analysis of Buysse et al. is based on farm level modeling and cannot be easily extrapolated to the aggregate level. Frandsen et al. (2003) define WPN Member States as those that overshoot their quota by less than twice the standard deviation of total production. They argue that WPN Member States would normally not supply C-sugar, since the rents of the latter are not sufficient to cover production costs. Since quota fulfillment is the primary objective of WPN Member States, we assume that risk premiums and stock decisions are exogenous. In order to get a more balanced distinction between WPN and WPR Member States we extend the single-criterion framework of Frandsen et al. (2003) and present a multicriteria framework in Table 5, by adding four additional criteria based on the literature and the success of the buy-out scheme. In our multi-criteria framework, we define WPR Member States as those that satisfy more than half, i.e. at least three out of five, of the criteria in Table 5. We revisit the criterion proposed by Frandsen et al. (2003) and apply it on a longer time series of data, i.e. 1996-2006. Further, we base our third and fourth criteria on econometric evidence provided by Poonyth (1998) and Gohin and Bureau 11 A reviewer interestingly pointed out that our exogeneity assumption imposed on the categorical parameter φi,j is strong. We agree that the parameter φi,j should be a function of prices (and adoption). This would imply that regions could move between categories due to the net effect of innovation and reducing prices. However, introducing this endogeneity would make our model extremely complex. In this paper, we decided to develop a static multi-criteria framework to identify WPN and WPR regions, based on historical data (Table 4), due to the important influence of world price responsiveness on world prices. Ideally, we would need to apply this framework on all categories and make it dynamic, i.e. by endogenizing prices. These upgrades would unnecessarily complicate the present framework, because we would need to make strong assumptions on ‘when’ regions upgrade from one category to a higher one, i.e. when regions become quota-fillers or when precautionary overproduction of quota-fillers becomes structural. 49 (2006). Finally, we use observed post-reform behavior of Member States as a fifth indicator. Application of the buy-out scheme in the post-reform period indicates the inability of a member state to produce at reduced post-reform internal prices and, hence, the inability to respond to world prices, which are even lower than internal prices. Our enhanced framework suggests adding Belgium to Frandsen et al.’s (2003) original list of WPR Member States, i.e. Austria, France, Germany, and the UK. 3.2.2 New Common Market Organization for Sugar On the first of July 2006 a new CMO for sugar was introduced. The key features of the reform were (i) a progressive cut of the EU institutional price up to 36% over four marketing years, (ii) direct compensatory payments of 64.2% of the estimated revenue loss over three marketing years and (iii) a single quota arrangement for the term 2006/07-2014/15. The new institutional sugar price is not fixed in the short-run but in the long run it is. In order to facilitate the desired reduction in production, a buy-out scheme was established. In the four year period following the reform, sugar producers can sell their quota to the EU for an annually declining compensatory payment, which evolves from €730/ton in the first two years to respectively €625/ton and €520/ton in the third and fourth year. This should stimulate less competitive producers to reduce or abandon production. If the reduction were to be insufficient in 2010 to reach the goals set by the EU (12.5 million tons), the EU could decide on a linear quota cut for all European producers (European Parliament, 2006). For our model, the introduction of the new CMO has several structural implications. Supply and quota decisions depend to a large extent on the prices for sugar. Furthermore, this decision is influenced by a restructuring amount to be paid for each quota held which creates an incentive to sell excess quota as soon as possible. Therefore, we introduce two new post-reform categories of competitiveness (for an overview of all categories, see the legend of the categorical parameter ϕi,j below (Table 5). Producers not filling their quota under the old regime (ϕi,j = 0, 2), will sell their excess quota under the new institutional price and join the group of post-reform quotafillers (ϕi,j = 7), together with pre-reform quota-fillers (ϕi,j = 1, 3) although the latter might sell some of the initially allocated quota due to the reduced sugar prices. WPR Member States (ϕi,j = 4) are affected the most, since they have to give up all sugar 50 Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation production supplied to the world market but we assume that they remain WPR after the reform (ϕi,j = 8). Due to WTO obligations, export of sugar is limited to 1.4 million tons white sugar per year. As a rule, this amount is filled with excess quota sugar. Only if the budget is not sufficient to fill the gap between the institutional price and the world price or the excess supply of quota sugar is smaller than 1.4 million there is a possibility to export out of quota sugar. Therefore, EU sugar production meant for the world market is marginal. Low cost producers can supply their excess out-of-quota sugar only to the small European industrial market. On this market European sugar producers are price takers since they have to compete with imported sugar and the limited size of this market. They get some rents through reduced costs but only marginally influence world prices. The ROW cane industry is assumed to respond to the world price, but since no technology spillovers are assumed between beet and cane industries, cane producer surplus is only affected through world prices. The innovation rents of A- and B-quota producers are estimated taking into account member state-specific pricing systems, quota and price responsiveness (see Demont, 2006 for detailed formulas). The innovation rents of the European sugar beet producers post reform are calculated following the same formulas depending on the categorical variable ϕi,j. The innovation rents of WPR Member States under the old regime are measured along the supply curve of land to the sugar beet industry (Moschini et al., 2000): ∆PS i , j ( p j (ρ W ), ρ i ) = π i , j ( p j ( ρ W ), ρ i ) ∫L i, j π i , j ( p j ( 0 ), 0 ) (π )dπ (13) For WPN Member States we assume inelastic land supply; instead of allocating more land, they respond to yield-enhancing technologies by freeing up land allocated to sugar beet. Hence, their innovation rents are measured as follows: ∆PS i , j ( p j (ρ W ), ρ i ) = Qi , j y ( p j (ρ W ), ρ i ) [π ( p (ρ i, j j W ] ), ρ i ) − π i , j ( p j (0),0 ) (14) Finally, to calculate the profit of the input suppliers in the case of GM sugar beet, we can reasonably assume that they will apply uniform monopolistic pricing at the EU-27 level (see Chapter 2, updated to correct year). Therefore the gross revenue captured by the input suppliers can be modeled as the accumulation of monopolistic technology fees 51 (μi) on the entire area of land supplied to the sugar beet industry in equilibrium and planted with GM crops (Moschini et al., 2000): 18 Π j ( p j (ρ W ), ρ W ) = ∑ ρ i , j Li , j ( p j (ρ W ), ρ i ) µ i , (15) i =0 3.3 Data and model calibration Our model is calibrated on the observed production data for the period 2004-2006. Observed yields, incentive prices (see above), world sugar prices on the London n°5 exchange, quantities ( Qi , j ) and quota ( Qi ,aj and Qi b, j ) are taken from F.O.Licht (F.O.Licht, 2005), USDA (2006b), and FAO (2007). Our counterfactual scenario projects the old regime up to 2014, assuming that production remains fixed at the prereform 2005 level. The factual scenario is based on observed post-reform 2006 data. Future price and consumption levels come from the World Sugar Outlook (F.O.Licht, 2005) and future yields are derived through linear extrapolation of historical trends (F.O.Licht, 2000; F.O.Licht, 2005). The sugar prices, as forecast by FAPRI, account for the new CMO and could therefore be influencing our outcome. However, the new regime, although eliminating a lot of the European export, is not the major factor influencing world sugar prices. For example right after the introduction of the new CMO, world prices went down due to record yields in Brazil and Thailand in 2007. Other major influences are the demand for bio-ethanol and decreasing stocks (as in India during 2007). We assume that only WPR producers supply industrial sugar after the reform and up to an amount of 1.5 million ton (SUBEL, 2007), shared among producers and weighted according to their quota. The other Member States are assumed to just fulfill their quota. 52 Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation Table 6: Global production of sugar beet and profits from HT technologies in 2006 Area Production (ha) (t white sugar) Belgium 86,078 960,248 Denmark 48,595 475,047 Germany 405,136 4,090,902 Greece 37,490 294,897 Spain 114,334 1,207,097 France 349,906 4,328,332 Italy 26,375 185,281 Netherlands 92,373 991,380 Austria 48,348 499,314 Portugal 7,091 65,467 Finland 32,316 158,930 Sweden 53,278 420,344 United Kingdom 118,737 1,257,945 Czech Republic 69,621 568,496 Hungary 63,519 497,047 Poland 292,579 2,047,234 EU-27 1,901,149 19,845,900 ROW beet 3,088,900 14,826,720 ROW cane 21,634,040 98,867,570 World 26,624,089 133,540,190 Sources: Chapter 4, F.O.Licht (2005), Note: n.a.: not applicable, a EU area-weighted average Yield (t/ha) 11.2 9.8 10.1 7.9 10.6 12.4 7.0 10.7 10.3 9.2 4.9 7.9 10.6 8.2 7.8 7.0 10.4 4.8 4.6 5.0 Profit from HT sugar beet (€/ha) 174 145 108 63 192 131 45 151 188 223 102 71 99 101 78 96 117a 117a n.a. n.a. To calibrate the average profit function, we need an approximate estimate of the profit in all regions. Thelen (2004) compares per-hectare profits among four beet producers (Poland, Ukraine, USA and Germany) and six cane producers (Brazil, Australia, Thailand, South-Africa, India and USA). Since after an extensive sensitivity analysis it appears that this is just an inconsequential scaling parameter, we use the estimate of Germany for the EU-27 and calculate the area-weighted averages for the ROW cane and beet regions. All cost and price data are first deflated and actualized to the agricultural season 2006/07 using the GDP country deflators from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators (World Bank, 2008), and then converted to Euro using the Euro/USD exchange rate for 2006. The technology fee and adoption ceilings is estimated according to Chapter 2. We allow for technology spillovers to the ROW beet region but, as mentioned before, we assume no changes in the ROW cane region. As we carry out the analysis before adoption has been observed, the relevant adoption data are not yet available. Moreover, the estimation of certain parameters, such as elasticities, is surrounded by uncertainty. Therefore we construct subjective distributions for these parameters, using all prior information available. , We generate stochastic distributions of the outcomes of the model using Monte Carlo simulations. 53 For sugar beet, it is widely accepted that conventional herbicides harm the crop because of the low selectivity of the used herbicides (Märländer, 2005). Field trials comparing HT sugar beet with conventional control practices suggest that yield boosts vary between 0% and 8% (Bückmann et al., 2000; May, 2003; Wevers, 1998), due to greater weed control and reduced crop injury. We construct a triangular distribution for of this parameter (minimum = 0%, most likely value = 4%, maximum = 8%) to capture this uncertainty. The per-hectare profit gains of HT sugar beet in all EU Member States are calculated according to Chapter 2 (Table 6). The profit estimates are based on parametric modeling of heterogeneity of herbicide expenditures of beet growers through loglogistic probability distribution functions which are extrapolated to the entire period 2006-2014 in our model. To calibrate the model, we need to define incentive prices pˆ i , j for all regions, i. The incentive price for the ROW, pˆ 0, j corresponds to the world price (Table 4). For EU Member States, the incentive price depends on the state’s competitiveness and the national pricing system applied to pay beet growers and processors. The incentive prices under the former CMO for sugar are modeled in a dynamic way and depend on the world price, which, in turn, depends on world-wide adoption rates. Incentive prices can be A-sugar prices pia, j ( p j (ρ W )) , B-sugar prices pib, j ( p j (ρ W )) , a member [ ] state-specific mixed price pim, j pia, j ( p j (ρ W )), pib, j ( p j (ρ W )), p j (ρ W ) , or the world price pj(ρW). For the new CMO, the incentive price for in-quota sugar ( pio, j ) is set equal to the reference price level (which is decreasing in time) and the out-of-quota incentive price is the world price pj(ρW). The model is calibrated on the preinnovation equilibrium, i.e. we set ρW = 0. In Table 5 we combine different literature sources and our categorical system mentioned above to calibrate supply curves with member state-specific incentive prices and area elasticities. To calibrate θi,j it is useful to relate this parameter to the more standard notion of elasticity of land supply with respect to sugar prices. If we define ri,j as the farmer’s share (rent) of unit revenue, the parameter θi,j can be calibrated as (Sobolevsky et al., 2005): πˆ i pˆ i , j y i , j θ i , j = ψ i ri , j = ψ i 54 (16) Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation Since our model features disaggregated area response (ψi) and yield response (ηi) to prices we need to find elasticities that correctly represent farmers’ behavior and incentives in the global sugar beet sector. In a quota system with fixed prices, the annual within-quota price variation is too small to obtain reliable estimates of the elasticities of supply. Quota rents of WPN Member States are not significantly affected by supply response and therefore their supply elasticities do not influence the results. WPR Member States, in contrast, significantly affect world prices and global welfare through technological innovation. Therefore for them, precise estimates of area response to world prices are needed. Poonyth et al. (2000) report short- and longrun area elasticity estimates for 13 EU Member States 12 As they do not include any standard deviations for ψi, we construct symmetric triangular distributions with the short-run estimate as the minimum value, the long-run estimate as the maximum value, while we assume that the most likely value is the average of the SR and LR estimates. Devadoss and Kropff (1996) report supply elasticities for all major sugar producers in the world. For the ROW cane and ROW beet regions, we calculate a production-weighted average supply elasticity of 0.269 and 0.207, respectively. For Greece and Portugal we use Devadoss and Kropff (1996) supply elasticity estimate of 0.228 for A-quota sugar. As supply elasticities already incorporate yield response to prices, we set ηi = 0 for these Member States. We borrow area elasticities for the new Member States and yield elasticities from the ESIM-model of Banse et al. (2005) and use the aggregate EU-27 elasticity of yield for all Member States, ηi = 0.08. Unless otherwise stated, for all structural elasticities we construct symmetric triangular distributions centered on the average value and ranging from zero to twice the average value, based on strict positivity from theory. 3.4 Results We conduct a Monte Carlo simulation of 3,000 iterations to generate stochastic distributions for the results, using the software program @Risk from Palisade Corporation. Given the assumed, estimated and retrieved parameters, in each random 12 Only the supply elasticities of WPR regions influence our results as in our model only these regions are able to influence world prices (see Demont 2006, p. 118 for more details). For the five WPR countries, identified through our multi-criteria system (Table 5), Poonyth (1998) econometrically estimated area equations as functions of world price, exchange rates, wage index, allocated quota and sugar yield. He used two stage least square regressions and obtained highly significant t-values. Moreover, in none of the equations the Durbin Htest’s null hypothesis of no autocorrelation was rejected. Therefore, we concluded that the supply elasticity estimates stemmed from well-behaved structural equations. 55 draw the model is calibrated on the pre-innovation structural parameters so as to retrieve pre-innovation acreage, quantity, yield, and price data for each year j. Two alternative scenarios have been assessed: first the observed factual introduction of the new regime in 2006, and secondly the counterfactual projection of the former CMO up to 2014. The basic question is whether the differences in innovation incentives among the two regimes are robust under a set of reasonable assumptions. To analyze hypotheses of interest on transformed prior distributions of stochastic simulations, Davis and Espinoza (1998) use the distribution-free Chebychev inequality on the pairwise differences between alternative outcomes of the model. However, Griffiths and Zhao (2000) argue that this inequality is unnecessarily imprecise and recommend the use of ordinary probability intervals. If the nullhypothesis of this chapter, H0: the policy reform has no influence on the stream of benefits from innovation, is true, a probability interval of the pairwise differences of the alternative outcomes under both CMOs should contain the value zero. If it is rejected, the probability intervals show a significant deviation from zero, leading to higher or lower incentives after the reform. Our results reveal there are significant differences between the old and the new sugar regime for both farmers and input suppliers. Table 7 shows the 95% probability intervals of the simulation model’s outcome for the different Member States welfare gains of the new technology. The reduction of institutional sugar prices in the EU means lower revenue for sugar producers. However not all producers are affected the same way as there supply reacts to different incentive prices. High cost sugar producers who responded to the high A-quota price face the steepest price drop. The latter means a significant reduction of adoption incentives under the new regime. This effect is observed for Portugal, Italy and Finland, where farmers gain on average 25€/ha less from the innovation under the new CMO. For middle cost producers, before adjusting supply according to B-quota prices, the situation is different. Although the average revenue (over the produced A- and B- quota) reduces, their incentive price in fact increases. The new reference price for sugar is set between the old A- and B-quota prices. Therefore B-quota producers could gain from the reform. This gain is higher during the restructuring period due to the gradual reduction of the institutional price. Once the restructuring period is over in 2010, the institutional price is close to the old B-sugar price, decreasing the additional incentives for innovation. This theoretical explanation is confirmed by the outcomes of the model. For medium56 Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation cost B-sugar producers such as Spain, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Denmark and Sweden, we observe significant positive effects on the incentives. The Netherlands, although also a B-sugar producer, has no significant outcome due to the use of the mixed pricing system in the former regime, which sets the incentive price a little above the B-sugar price, close to the new institutional price. Intuitively, we would have expected C-producers to have higher innovation incentives after the reform due to a smaller depressing effect of EU sugar exports on world prices. However, C-producers’ innovation incentives seem to be largely unaffected by the reform. This holds for the highly competitive WPR Member States Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, and the UK. These results show we can reject the null hypothesis of the chapter, as benefits stream of the innovation are indeed affected by the reform. The issue is whether this result interferes with the goals of the new CMO of increased competitiveness. Since the innovation incentive for high cost producers is reduced, innovation is discouraged compared to the former CMO. On the other hand, producers with lower costs are encouraged to innovate or remain unaffected by the reform. Therefore low cost producers are favored to reduce production costs even further and are better prepared to cope with future changes in the market caused by biofuels or price changes. This increases the competitiveness of low cost producers and could eventually even lead to a further crowding out of high cost producers. These results are in line with the predictions of Demont (2006). 57 Table 7: 95% probability intervals of farmers’ profit differences (€/adopted hectare) and input suppliers’ revenue (m€) Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Italy Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Czech Republic Hungary Poland Input suppliers revenue Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Italy Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Czech Republic Hungary Poland Input suppliers revenue 2006 (-21.9; 88.5) (10.6; 137.8) (-23.7; 97.0) (-44.6; 3.9) (15.4; 94.1) (-27.7; 110.0) (-35.0; 2.5) (-19.0; 94.5) (-20.7; 87.0) (-119.4; -5.9) (-41.6; -1.1) (13.5; 81.1) (-14.0; 54.6) (10.0; 71.2) (2.8; 35.2) (9.8; 61.6) (-4.3; -8.1) 2011 (-23.7; 94.7) (-15.8; 96.1) (-25.8; 103.8) (-86.3; 0.40) (-0.24; 29.3) (-30.1; 117.1) (-65.7; -0.73) (-76.5; 63.8) (-22.6; 93.3) (-190.2; -14.9) (-80.4; -6.1) (5.5; 50.2) (-15.3; 58.7) (1.5; 23.2) (-3.9; 11.2) (0.38; 24.8) (-10.2; -16.6) 2007 (-20.2; 83.1) (2.2; 111.9) (-21.9; 91.7) (-64.4; 1.4) (9.6; 59.3) (-25.6; 103.6) (-48.5; 0.41) (-40.4; 70.8) (-19.1; 81.9) (-151.0; -10.8) (-58.1; -3.7) (10.5; 64.2) (-12.8; 51.0) (6.3; 46.7) (0.70; 22.7) (6.4; 41.9) (-10.9; -17.6) 2012 (-24.3; 96.5) (-16.3; 97.7) (-26.5; 105.8) (-86.2; 0.51) (-0.32; 29.8) (-30.8; 119.2) (-66.3; -0.65) (-77.4; 65.0) (-23.1; 95.1) (-191.3; -15.0) (-81.4; -6.1) (5.5; 50.8) (-15.7; 59.9) (1.5; 23.6) (-4.0; 11.4) (0.34; 25.2) (-10.1; -16.4) 2008 (-22.1; 88.8) (-7.2; 102.0) (-24.0; 97.5) (-76.7; 0.93) (4.7; 41.4) (-28.1; 110.2) (-57.3; -0.24) (-59.4; 65.4) (-21.0; 87.3) (-171.0; -13.0) (-69.1; -5.0) (7.8; 55.2) (-14.2; 54.8) (3.9; 32.7) (-1.4; 16.0) (3.6; 31.6) (-10.6; -17.2) 2013 (-24.7; 97.9) (-16.7; 99.0) (-26.9; 107.3) (-86.2; 0.59) (-0.42; 30.1) (-31.3; 120.8) (-67.0; -0.60) (-78.2; 66.0) (-23.5; 96.6) (-192.6; -14.9) (-82.5; -6.1) (5.5; 51.4) (-16.0; 60.8) (1.5; 23.9) (-4.1; 11.5) (0.32; 25.6) (-10.1; -16.3) 2009 (-23.1; 92.3) (-15.3; 93.8) (-25.1; 101.2) (-86.4; 0.31) (-0.19; 28.7) (-29.3; 114.3) (-64.4; -0.79) (-75.1; 62.3) (-21.9; 90.8) (-187.4; -14.5) (-78.3; -6.0) (5.4; 49.2) (-14.9; 57.0) (1.4; 22.7) (-3.8; 10.9) (0.42; 24.2) (-10.4; -16.9) 2014 (-25.3; 99.8) (-17.2; 100.6) (-27.5; 109.3) (-86.1; 0.70) (-0.56; 30.6) (-32.0; 123.0) (-67.7; -0.49) (-79.4; 67.2) (-24.0; 98.5) (-193.8; -14.9) (-83.5; -6.1) (5.4; 52.1) (-16.4; 62.1) (1.5; 24.3) (-4.2; 11.7) (0.29; 26.0) (-10.0; -16.2) 2010 (-23.3; 93.2) (-15.4; 94.8) (-25.4; 102.3) (-86.4; 0.34) (-0.19; 29.0) (-29.6; 115.5) (-65.0; -0.77) (-75.7; 62.9) (-22.1; 91.9) (-189.0; -14.9) (-79.3; -6.0) (5.5; 49.6) (-15.1; 57.7) (1.5; 22.9) (-3.8; 11.1) (0.40; 24.5) (-10.6; -17.4) Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation The situation for the input suppliers is different. Under the new sugar regime, total production decreases following the abolishment of quota by high cost producers. As a result, the total annual technology revenue for the supplier declines (Table 7). This might explain the observed low priority that seed producers are currently attributing to the regulatory approval of HT sugar beet for cultivation in Europe (Monsanto, 2007). Ceteris paribus, the decrease in revenue implies a decrease in profit and the incentive for innovation for the technology provider. The latter, however, might be partly offset by the fact that higher farmer profits accelerate adoption and enable innovators to capture revenue in a shorter time interval. Moreover, other policy measures can significantly influence the profit of innovating firms. Kalaitzandonakes et al. (2007) have shown that the regulatory costs for registering new GM varieties are very high. Creating an environment which favors innovation and research could lower the cost to introduce new technologies in the market. In this case lower revenue is not necessary correlated with lower profits. The results also affect US and Canadian sugar industries and consumers. There is of course a GM rent accruing to farmers due to reduced production costs. However this GM rent does not change under the EU sugar reform because of the high domestic protection of the sugar market. The fact that innovation has a marginal effect on world prices – the new CMO completely eliminates the risk of immiserizing growth (Bhagwati, 1958) – represents perhaps the most dramatic change induced by the reform. For the North American government, this implies a reduction in tax expenses to protect beet and cane growers from world price declines. These savings accrue directly to taxpayers in these countries. In contrast with the former regime, world prices are not affected by the innovation, keeping sugar prices constant minimizing the welfare losses for sugar cane producers, mostly in developing countries. The increase of competitiveness in the European Union and North America also implies that trade barriers become less necessary to maintain domestic production. Therefore, endogenizing the innovation in trade policies would allow trade partners to reduce high trade barriers and the latter would perfectly fit in the ongoing WTO trade negotiations which spur free trade. On the other hand, in a world with rising agricultural commodity prices, a competitive European sugar sector could start exporting on the world market without subsidies and as such decrease the world price significantly after all. 59 3.5 Discussion The first historical radical reform of the European sugar regime has greatly affected the sector. Besides the direct goals of the reform to reduce production through crowding out of high cost producers, our analysis has shown that the stream of benefits from a innovative technology are significantly altered. An alternative way of increasing competitiveness in the sugar sector could result from spurring innovation. Therefore, a desirable side effect from the reform would be that it increases the incentives for innovation, or at least, does not decrease the incentives of already competitive producers. It is important here to distinguish between ‘motives’ and ‘incentives’ for innovation. Their uncompetitive character provides them motives for innovation, and even more so after the reform if they are not able to cope with lower prices. The incentives for innovation, on the other hand, do not directly stem from their competitiveness (although indirectly through technical efficiency), but mainly from the marginal revenue they obtain from genetic yield improvements and, hence, institutional prices. Due to lower institutional prices, farmers in uncompetitive Member States have weaker incentives to adopt new technologies under the new sugar regime. During the beginning of the restructuring period the losses in technology rents are small due to the gradual decrease of prices, but they increase with time. This means farmer gain less from adopting HT sugar beet then before the reform. Former B-sugar producers, on the other hand, capture higher gains under the new regime because the new institutional price is slightly higher than the old B-sugar price. Hence, the new regime spurs innovation and adoption by leaving competitive producers unaffected, providing incentives for innovation for medium-competitive producers, while eroding incentives for uncompetitive producers and stimulating crowding out of this group. This decrease in adoption incentive makes them less likely to adopt new technology. Therefore future changes in the sugar market will be difficult to bear and could lead to a targeted crowding out of high cost producers. This result coincides with the goals of the European sugar CMO. However, the reform could result in loss of incentive for gene developers and seed companies regarding R&D investments due to the contracted market for innovated sugar beet seed in Europe. This is consistent with the currently observed lack of interest of the European biotechnology sector in continuing GM sugar beet research. 60 Chapter 3. European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation Other policy measures favoring innovation could anticipate and offset this decrease in incentive. Finally, one effect of the introduction of GM beet has not been considered in this study. The decrease in production costs in the European sugar industry could open doors to cost-effective bio-ethanol production, where consumer attitudes are not expected to refrain biotechnology research. Further research is needed to assess the incentives for innovation under these production conditions. 61 62 Chapter 4. Global Welfare Effects of GM Sugar Beets under Changing Sugar Policies Adapted from Dillen, Demont & Tollens, AgBioForum 12(1):119-129 Ex post impact studies of genetically modified (GM) crops indicate that society is capturing sizeable gains of agricultural biotechnology. In Europe, in contrast, due to limited adoption, research has been largely restricted to ex ante technology and policy impact assessment of GM crop cultivation. In this study we assess the impact of a hypothetical introduction of herbicide tolerant (HT) sugar beet in the global sugar sector under both the former and the actual European Common Market Organization (CMO) for sugar. The model starts from a farm level analysis, introducing a perfect corporate pricing strategy under restricted monopoly power, which is expanded to a partial equilibrium model of the world sugar trade. We show that even under the given condition of private market power, significant gains accrue to farmers and consumers while a smaller part goes to the seed sector (gene developers and seed suppliers). The global value of HT sugar beet for society in the period 1996-2014 is estimated at €15.4 billion of which 29% is captured by EU farmers, 31% by farmers and consumers in the rest of the world and 39% by the seed sector. However, the global sugar sector is foregoing most of this value as the technology is currently only accepted by the USA sugar industry. 4.1 Introduction In the scholarly literature, the debate on the economic impact of genetically modified (GM) crops has been characterized by polar viewpoints. 13 In contrast with public research, in the case of proprietary GM seed innovations societal interest is typically not focused on the rate of return of biotechnology research, but on its welfare distribution among the private upstream seed sector (gene developers and seed suppliers) and downstream stakeholders (farmers, processors, distributors and consumers) in the supply chain. The published ex post impact assessments indicate that farmers clearly capture sizable gains despite the proprietary nature of the innovation (Demont et al., 2007b; Qaim, 2009). According to Chapter 2, heterogeneity among farmers drives value sharing of proprietary seed technologies by restricting monopoly. In the European Union (EU), only a limited number of Member States have been growing GM crops so far and only a few ex post impact assessments have been published, i.e. on Bt maize in Spain (Demont and Tollens, 2004b; Gomez-Barbero et al., 2008) and the Czech Republic (Demont et al., 2008a), and HT soybeans in Romania (Brookes, 2005). Some ex ante EU distributional impact studies on GM sugar beet are documented as well (Demont, 2006; Demont and Tollens, 2004a), reporting a global welfare increase of €1.1 billion during the five-year period 19962000, shared among EU producers (26%), the global seed industry (24%) and farmers and consumers in the rest of the world (50%). However, these studies did not take into account heterogeneity among farmers and relied on an exogenous set technology fee, opening the door for homogeneity and pricing bias. Chapter 2 addresses the question but as argued by Frisvold et al. (2003), assessing distributional effects without trade effects is of little use. Despite the official end of the moratorium and new approvals of GM crops, adoption of national guidelines on coexistence has been relatively slow in the EU and due to regulatory uncertainty and consumer hostility, the adoption of GM crops is still limited. This means that the EU is still in a state of quasi-moratorium regarding the introduction of GM crops Devos et al. (2008b), foregoing important benefits of these technologies. However, with upwards price pressure in world food markets, shortages 13 For example, despite the vast literature on the positive welfare effects of GM crops, in public debate and some recent papers the relation between adoption of GM cotton in India and increased farmer suicides is investigated (e.g. Herring, 2008). 64 Chapter 4. Global Welfare Effects of GM Sugar Beets under Changing Sugar Policies in the non-GM feed market and development of a significant bio-energy market, it seems the tide could be changing and the demand for the introduction of GM crops might increase in the EU in the near future. In this chapter we therefore assess the potential global welfare implications of HT sugar beet for upstream and downstream stakeholders in the global sugar beet sector under perfect corporate pricing strategies. Since our analysis covers both the future and the past, results both include the welfare forgone and the potential future benefits of the technology. Furthermore, this study also takes into account the change in the Common Market Organization (CMO) for sugar that Europe underwent in 2006. 4.2 Model The general structure of the EUWABSIM model is described in Chapter 3. However, the model now covers 19 agricultural seasons, from 1996-2014. Hence, it captures the accession of new Member States in the EU in 2004 and 2007. This broadened scope allows us to introduce two model novelties. First, because HT sugar beet is not yet adopted, the characteristics of the adoption pattern are not known yet. Therefore, for each member state we construct a logistic adoption curve (Griliches, 1957) calibrated on the adoption ceilings estimated in Chapter 2, which take into account heterogeneity of weed control expenditures in the different Member States. ρi ( j ) = ρ max,i 1 + exp(−a − bj ) (1) We further complete the parameterization of the adoption curve through analogy. More specifically, we impute adoption pattern parameters, a and b, of a comparable technology in the USA, i.e. HT soybeans (USDA, 2006a). 14 The inclusion of regional adoption ceilings allows for a more realistic representation of the adoption of the technology and, hence, consists in a major upgrade of the former EUWABSIM model. Second, we apply the framework presented in Chapter 2 for two values of j, 1996 and 2004. This means we allow the monopolistic innovator to set a new technology fee in 2004 to adapt to the expansion of the EU and the changed practices in 14 We believe that the US case of HT Roundup Ready® soybeans is comparable with the EU case of HT sugar beet, because of (i) the common embedded technology of herbicide tolerance, (ii) the ubiquitous importance of each crop on both continents, and (iii) the comparable importance of exports of the refined products. 65 conventional herbicides. Hence, ρmax,I and the profit per hectare are altered in 2004 for all Member States. 4.3 Data and Model Calibration In the simulation model, our counterfactual scenario assumes hypothetically that both the EU’s beet sugar industry and the ROW beet region embraced the technology since the marketing year 1996/97, and progressively adopted it up to 2014/15. Our model is calibrated on the observed production data from the past period 1996-2006. Observed yields, incentive prices, London n°5 world sugar prices, quantities and quota are taken from various sources (European Commission, 1999; F.O.Licht, 2000; F.O.Licht, 2005; FAO, 2006; USDA, 2006b). Forecasted data are borrowed from the FAPRI (2006) model, linear extrapolations of historical yield trends and from decision 290/2007 from the EU (European Parliament, 2007). We assume that only low cost producers will supply industrial sugar and this up to an amount of 1.5 million ton (European Parliament, 2007) (SUBEL, 2007), shared according to their quota. The other Member States are assumed to just fill their new quota. All cost and price data are first deflated and actualized to the agricultural season 2006/07 using the GDP country deflators form the world development indicators, and then converted to Euro using the exchange rate of 2006. Institutional prices are deflated using both agricultural and financial exchange rates. We assume a uniform pricing strategy in which the innovating firm monopolistically prices the technology in two stages, i.e. in 1996 upon introduction and in 2004 upon the introduction of new Member States. The adoption ceilings then represent the maximal adoption of the technology under the restricted monopoly held by the seed sector. Heterogeneity of weed control expenditures is based on estimated herbicide and application costs (Table 8). Since we are only focusing on a single technology in a single sector, in our model the technology cannot ‘spillover’ to the ROW cane region. Therefore, we allow technology spillovers to the ROW beet region, subject to a similar adoption pattern, but assume a ceteris paribus in the ROW cane region. As a result, our estimated welfare effects have to be interpreted as functions which are fed with an assumed adoption pattern. 66 Chapter 4. Global Welfare Effects of GM Sugar Beets under Changing Sugar Policies Table 8: Heterogeneity of herbicide expenditures and estimated technology fee and adoption ceilings for herbicide tolerant sugar beet adoption in the EU-27 Mean herbicide expenditures (€/ha)a 1996 2004 167.6 (37.3) 226.9 (110.2) 180.5 (83.4) 180.8 (84.8) 216.0 (85.4) 178.7 (95.3) 228.1 (46.8) 122.9 (21.6) 280.2 (98.7) 233.1 (73.5) 134.1 (55.5) 138.2 (26.4) 199.8 (37.1) 85.9 (16.5) 194.25 (64.9) 151.4 (45.4) 144.8 (101.2) 165.8 (22.6) Technology fee (€/ha) 1996 2004 98 88 98 88 98 88 98 88 98 88 98 88 98 88 98 88 98 88 Adoption ceiling 1996 2004 89% 91% 88% 92% 90% 69% 99% 63% 100% 100% 43% 89% 93% 1% 74% 53% 69% 100% Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Ireland Italy The Netherlands Austria 246.9 (104.3) 275.9 (99.1) 98 88 87% 96% Portugal 280.26 (98.7) 280.4 (98.8) 98 88 99% 100% Finland 276.8 (81.0) 2040 (37.6) 98 88 99% 100% Sweden 159.6 (100.6) 162.7 (77.7) 98 88 47% 60% United 130.1 (42.2) 130.1 (42.2) 98 88 66% 73% Kingdom Czech Republic n.a. 183.1 (34.0) n.a. 88 n.a. 92% Hungary n.a. 166.7 (162.1) n.a. 88 n.a. 46% Poland n.a. 192.6 (57.4) n.a. 88 n.a. 87% Notes: a standard deviation between brackets; n.a. = not applicable as these countries were not part of the EU-27 in 1996. Source: Estimated and calculated through the framework Chapter 2 with data from Hermann, yield boost not included (1996, 1997, 2006). As we carry out the analysis from an ex ante perspective, i.e. before adoption has taken place, the relevant adoption data (yield increases and cost reductions) are not yet available. Moreover, the estimation of certain parameters, such as elasticities, is surrounded by uncertainty. Therefore, using the computer program @Risk from Palisade Corporation, we incorporate subjective distributions for these parameters into the model, using all prior information available. Through Monte Carlo simulations, stochastic distributions are generated for the outcomes of the model. Technology-induced cost reduction estimates are crucial to economic surplus calculations. We reproduced the 2004 farm level profit estimates of Chapter 2 for the agricultural season 1996 upon the hypothetical introduction of HT sugar beet. Furthermore we assume that the ROW beet area is able to achieve a cost reduction similar to the EU-27 and use the area-weighted average for this region. To calibrate the model, we need to define regional ‘incentive prices’ for all regions depending on the category introduced earlier. For the ROW the world price is used. For EU regions, the incentive price depends on the region’s production efficiency and the national pricing system applied to pay beet growers and processors. 67 The incentive prices for the former CMO for sugar are modeled in a dynamic way and depend on the world price, which, on its turn, depends on world-wide adoption rates. Incentive prices can be either A or B sugar prices, a region-specific mixed price, or the world price. For the new CMO for sugar the incentive price for in quota sugar is fixed (although decreasing in time) and the out-of-quota incentive price is the world price. Chapter 3 introduces a multicriteria decision tool to assign the right incentive price to different Member States (Table 4). Elasticity calibration remains unchanged from Chapter 3. 4.4 Results and Discussion We conduct a Monte Carlo simulation of 6,000 simulations to generate stochastic distributions for our welfare estimates, using the software @Risk from Palisade Corporation. Table 9 reports the mean values. The downstream sector (global producers and consumers) captures the largest share (61%), while the seed sector extracts 39% of the total welfare created despite the perfect corporate pricing strategy. This result is in line with ex post impact studies on first-generation GM crops where, on average, a value sharing of two thirds downstream and one third upstream is observed (Demont et al., 2007b). 31% of the benefits accrue to the ROW if we assume that beet producers in these countries are able to achieve similar cost reductions from the technology as in the EU-27, and are not able to export the technology-induced surplus on the world market which would further erode the world market price (i.e. they are assumed to be WPN). The results presented further include welfare effects foregone in the past and potential benefits in the future. Biennial price and welfare effects are reported in Table 9. Worldwide, sugar beet growers gain €8.0 billion almost equally shared between EU-27 producers (57%) and ROW producers (43%). The seed sector extracts €6.1 billion of the global welfare gains. If we do not take into account any market effects, 57% of the benefits would flow to the beet growers, while 43% would accrue to the seed sector. 68 Chapter 4. Global Welfare Effects of GM Sugar Beets under Changing Sugar Policies Table 9: Biannual price and welfare effects of the global adoption of herbicide tolerant sugar beet during the adoption scenario 1996-2015 Year Price effects (%) World sugar price A sugar price B sugar price 96/98 98/00 00/02 02/04 04/06 06/08 08/10 10/12 12/14 14/15 NPV LSR 99.6 99.9 99.8 99.4 99.9 99.7 98.9 99.9 99.2 98.7 99.9 99.2 98.6 99.9 99.6 98.3 n.a. n.a. 98.4 n.a. n.a. 98.4 n.a. n.a. 98.4 n.a. n.a. 98.4 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Welfare effects (million €) Belgium 6 Denmark 5 Germany 31 Greece 5 Spain 25 France 13 Ireland 3 Italy 15 The Netherlands 10 Austria 4 Portugal 1 Finland 3 Sweden 2 United Kingdom 7 Czech Republic 0 Hungary 0 Poland 0 EU-27 producers 128 EU-27 consumers 0 ROW cane -232 ROW beet 107 Net ROW producers -125 ROW consumers 296 Net ROW 171 Seed sector 189 Total 489 10 11 56 9 52 21 8 32 24 6 3 6 4 11 0 0 0 253 0 -313 205 -108 387 279 403 935 15 17 88 17 83 31 11 50 36 9 4 9 6 16 0 0 0 392 0 -529 316 -213 637 424 585 1,401 18 21 97 18 96 33 14 63 43 10 5 11 8 18 0 0 0 454 0 -596 369 -227 685 458 716 1,628 34 25 98 11 90 106 1 44 68 19 6 10 10 30 30 18 114 712 0 -730 383 -347 865 518 715 1,945 31 20 89 8 49 100 0 21 41 17 3 8 10 27 18 10 73 522 0 -999 391 -609 1,171 562 628 1,712 30 16 92 4 42 94 0 18 34 17 2 5 8 26 13 7 60 468 0 -1,046 398 -649 1,226 578 601 1,646 31 16 94 4 41 97 0 17 33 17 2 5 8 27 13 7 59 468 0 -1,110 399 -711 1,306 595 588 1,651 31 16 95 4 41 99 0 17 33 17 2 5 8 27 13 7 59 472 0 -1,167 405 -762 1,384 622 585 1,680 16 8 48 2 20 50 0 9 16 9 1 2 4 14 6 3 29 238 0 -606 205 -402 723 322 292 851 223 178 888 115 691 603 64 390 389 127 36 79 74 210 80 45 331 4,523 0 -7,222 3,461 -3,761 8,610 4,848 6,069 15,440 0.2 -3.1 0.2 -2.8 -3.3 0.3 -2.0 -2.2 -3.2 0.6 -3.6 -3.6 -2.0 0.3 -4.3 -2.2 -4.1 -1.2 n.a. -0.4 -2.8 -0.7 n.a. n.a. n.a. -0.7 Welfare distribution (%) EU-27 producers 26 EU-27 consumers 0 Net ROW 35 Seed sector 39 Total 100 27 0 30 43 100 28 0 30 42 100 28 30 0 33 37 100 28 0 35 36 100 28 0 36 36 100 28 0 37 35 100 28 0 38 34 100 29 0 31 39 100 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 37 0 0 28 27 44 37 100 100 Note: n.a. = not applicable; NPV = net present value in the agricultural season 2006/07 of the accumulated welfare effects; LSR = land supply response to the technology The depressing effect on world prices engendered by innovating WPR regions causes ROW consumers to gain €8.6 billion, but this is for a large part offset by the ROW cane growers’ loss of €7.2 billion. Since we assume that the technology spillovers to the ROW beet sector do not depress the world price (WPN assumption), the EU is not affected by HT sugar beet adoption in the ROW. Instead, through the inclusion of WPR Member States, our model implicitly allows for the EU eroding its own profitability through technological innovation, an ambiguity called immiserizing growth (Bhagwati, 1958). However, our results show that the CMO for sugar largely protects domestic producers against this perverse side effect of innovation. The model 69 suggests a world price decrease of 1.6% over a period of 19 years due to the progressive adoption of the innovation. This estimate is relatively small compared with the estimated annual price declines of 0.64% in the case of Bt cotton adoption in the USA (Falck-Zepeda et al., 2000) and 0.88-0.97% (Moschini et al., 2000; Qaim and Traxler, 2005) in the case of Roundup Ready® soybean adoption in the USA and South America. Under the former CMO, EU institutional prices were exogenously fixed, i.e. no important price declines were possible. As a result, the benefits essentially accrued to farmers without affecting EU processors and consumers. However, if weed control based on GM HT technology increases the sugar beet’s sucrose content (Kniss et al., 2004), processors will be expected to gain from the technology as the processing costs are approximately the same per ton of beets regardless of sugar content (DeVuyst and Wachenheim, 2005). Moreover, if the EU government endogenized public and private agricultural research expenditures (see e.g. Swinnen and De Gorter, 1998) in the CMO for sugar, benefits would be shared among farmers and consumers. Under the new CMO, where no institutional prices for beets exist, created benefits can be shared between farmers and sugar processors through lower beet prices. The welfare increase for sugar processors could increase the pull by the sugar lobby to accept GM sugar beet in the EU. The global welfare gain over the entire 19-year period considered, finally, would accumulate to a 2006/07 net present value (NPV) of €15.4 billion. As we assume no supply response for the majority of beet producers, the enhanced yields of the technology engender important land contractions in the beet industry. Table 9 reports the average land supply response (LSR) to the technology. Our model predicts that due to the adoption of HT sugar beet, the EU-27 beet area will shrink with 1.2% on average. WPN Member States’ beet areas are expected to decline between 2.0% and 4.3%, whereas WPR regions are expected to allocate more land to sugar beet, i.e. between 0.2% and 0.6%, in response to increased profits. The ROW beet region will remove 2.8% of sugar beet area from cultivation, while the ROW cane area will shrink with about 0.4%. On a global scale, the sugar industry is expected to contract its area allocated to sugar beet and cane with 0.7%. In Table 10, we present some descriptive statistics of the global 2006/07 NPV of HT sugar beet during the period 1996-2015. Given the assumed subjective distributions, EU-27 producer surplus ranges from €3.8 billion to €5.3 billion in 95% 70 Chapter 4. Global Welfare Effects of GM Sugar Beets under Changing Sugar Policies of the cases. Total welfare increase is less robust, ranging with the same probability from €12.5 billion to €18.5 billion. Table 10: Descriptive statistics of the global 2006/07 net present value of herbicide tolerant sugar beet during 1996-2015 EU-27 producers EU-27 consumers Net ROW Seed sector Total Minimum 3,245 0 2,563 4,310 10,999 2.5% confidence limit 3,751 0 3,366 4,777 12,512 Mean 4,523 0 4,848 6,069 15,440 97.5% confidence limit 5,347 0 6,333 7,355 18,462 Maximum 5,998 0 7,415 7,838 20,161 Table 11: Normalized regression coefficients of the estimated welfare effects in the agricultural season 2006/07 in function of the model parameters World price EU-27 producers ROW cane ROW beet ROW consumers Net ROW Model parameter Short-run flexibility 0.905 0.094 0.905 0.709 -0.905 -0.088 Long-run flexibility 0.375 0.039 0.375 0.293 -0.375 -0.037 Area elasticity ROW 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.016 cane Area elasticity ROW -0.004 0.000 -0.004 -0.003 0.004 0.000 beet Yield change ROW 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.534 0.000 0.861 Yield change EUa -0.018 0.133 -0.018 -0.014 0.018 0.002 R2 0.982 0.997 0.982 0.989 0.982 0.998 Note: a The normalized regression coefficients are averaged over all EU regions. Seed sector Total 0.003 0.000 0.000 -0.020 -0.008 0.009 0.000 0.000 -0.052 -0.001 1.000 0.444 0.038 0.999 Normalized regression coefficients in Table 11 reflect the robustness of the model to individual parameter values. The coefficient of determination R2 is high in all regressions, which suggests that the linear response surface sufficiently explains the variation in the iterations. We investigate the coefficients for the most recent agricultural season, 2006/07, the sensitivity estimates for the other seasons being similar. The short-run flexibility (≤ 0), which can be interpreted as the inverse of the ROW export demand elasticity, is the main driver of technology-induced world price movements. A higher short-run flexibility implies a more elastic export demand curve, engendering (i) a smaller technology-induced world price decline, (ii) a smaller loss for all farmers (positive coefficient, columns 3, 4 and 5) and (iii) a smaller gain for ROW consumers (negative coefficient, column 6). For the global welfare gains, the opposing effects are largely cancelling each other out. Sensitivities to the lagged sugar export supply expansion coefficient (long-run flexibility) are smaller because of two reasons. First, we assumed a more narrow distribution for this parameter. 71 Secondly, as we assumed a monotonically increasing adoption curve, lagged technology-induced EU sugar export supply expansions are smaller than actual expansions such that it has a smaller effect on welfare gains, regardless of its stochastic distribution. All yield increases have an important effect on global welfare. As the EU model is disaggregated, each region features a separate stochastic yield boost and the aggregate effect is partly cancelled out. However, for individual EU regions the coefficients are larger, ranging from 0.011 for Hungary to 0.216 for Germany. The ROW cane area benefits from all factors that prevent the EU (i) to achieve large cost reductions in adopting HT sugar beet, e.g. a small yield boost, and (ii) to export its surplus on the world market, e.g. an elastic export demand and/or inelastic supply. As the ROW cane region does not innovate in our model, its welfare is essentially a function of the world sugar price. Therefore, the world price and the ROW cane region equations share the same regression coefficients. Table 11 reports a small but significantly negative effect of a yield increase on the seed sector’s profits. In highly protected sectors, such as quota systems, yield-enhancing technologies negatively affect their own demand, as farmers who are non-responsive to world prices (WPN) will decrease their land allocated to the crop, lowering the derived demand for enhanced seed. This phenomenon has long been observed in the EU market for sugar beet seed, which is gradually decreasing due to increasing productivity and to decreasing acreage (Bijman, 2001). Including the market for biofuels or modeling the introduction of GM technologies in sugar cane production could also be included in further updates of the EUWABSIM model. 72 Chapter 5. The Barroso Proposal of Nationalizing GM Approval: A Look at HT-Sugar Beets under Changed European Sugar Policy The president of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso proposed in 2009 to nationalize the approval of genetically modified crops. We use a stochastic partial equilibrium model with irreversibility to analyze the effect of the Common Market Reform for sugar on the maximum incremental social tolerable irreversible costs (MISTICs) of genetically modified herbicide tolerant sugar beet. Voting for approval based on the MISTICs is assessed at the national and the EU level. Results show that the Barroso proposal is more proportional to the economic incentives of technology than the different EU treaties. 5.1 Introduction Despite the first commercial introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops almost 15 years ago, the discussion on their benefits and risks is still at the forefront of the debate in the European Union (EU). Over the years, the focus of the debate has shifted over diverse frames of reference as freedom of research, environmental risk, food safety, consumer protection, bioethics, economic policy and international trade (Scholderer, 2005). Since the end of the de facto moratorium in 2004, harmonized EU regulations are in place for deregulation for cultivation and imports, and for labeling and tracing. Despite this harmonization, only two GM crops are deregulated for cultivation and only one Bt maize variety is commercialized, with adoption limited to eight EU Member States (Devos et al., 2009). Two major regulatory reasons for this standstill can be determined. First, several Member States use a safeguard clause to ban GM crop production on their territory, based on their perception that novel concerns on consumer safety and environmental risk exist (Protection, 2009; Sheingate, 2009). Secondly, the EU struggles with the implementation of coherent national regulations to ensure the coexistence of GM and non-GM production systems (Beckmann et al., 2010; Demont et al., 2009a; Devos et al., 2009). Moreover, it has been suggested that national authorities exploit their authority on coexistence regulations to design measures that hamper cultivation on their territory (Devos et al., 2008b). In his visionary talk at the end of his first term as the president of the European Commision, José Manuel Barroso suggested a solution for this stalemate, “… it should be possible to combine a Community authorization system, based on science, with freedom for Member States to decide whether or not they wish to cultivate GM crops on their territory” (Barroso, 2009). The idea, first proposed by Austria at the Council of Environment Ministers in Luxembourg in June 2009, would confer the decision of GM deregulation to the subsidiarity principle and allow the individual Member States some degree of sovereignty in the field. The Barroso proposal would converge the authority on deregulation with the authority on cultivation practices under the coexistence regulations. Consequently, decision making can be determined solely at the national level instead of the supranationalism or the intergovernmentalism level, potentially increasing regulatory efficiency (Lieberman, 2006). Although the implementation of the Barroso proposal has to be verified 74 Chapter 5. The Barroso Proposal of Nationalizing GM approval against the regulation of internal markets as specified in the Lisbon Treaty and the signed WTO treaties, it has the potential to end the standstill in the deregulation of new GM crops and their cultivation, as it is backed by a substantial amount of Member States (GMO safety, 2009). In this study, we assess how the Barroso Proposal could affect the deregulation of herbicide tolerant (HT) sugar beet in the EU. This is done through a comparison of the proposal with the EU Treaty it would replace. For such a comparison the driving forces behind the political process have to be understood. The established literature on the decision making and voting behavior in the EU has highlighted different determinants in the position of a Member State towards GM crop cultivation, including the dominance of small scale farming, the presence of a strong biotechnology sector and the share of organic production (e.g. Cooper, 2009; Kurzer and Cooper, 2007b). In this chapter, the assumption is made that the decision is made based on economic rationale, i.e. the EU tries to maximize the welfare of EU citizens. However, as highlighted Chapter 1, irreversible effects and uncertainty surround the introduction of GM crops and influence the political outcome (e.g. the safeguard clause, precautionary principle) (Wesseler et al., 2007). Hence these concepts need to be explicitly incorporated in the political economic framework. A Bayesian decision analysis, i.e. real options, does this by estimating the maximum incremental social tolerable irreversible costs (MISTICs) that justify the immediate release of the technology (Ansink and Wesseler, 2009; Batie, 2003; Demont et al., 2004; Gollier and Treich, 2003; Hennessy and Moschini, 2006; Mooney and Klein, 1999; Morel et al., 2003; Wesseler et al., 2007). In his dissertation, Demont (2006) takes a similar approach. However, his setup assumes that the EU functions as a single decision maker weighing (with different weights depending on the scenario) the benefits and risk of individual Member States in order to reach a societal optimal outcome. in reality, the decision at the EU level is reached through a political process in which representatives support national stands on the introduction. Hence, in this chapter we take one step back and start from the voting behavior of individual citizens and follow their vote through the regulatory process. The underlying assumption is that the magnitude of a citizen’s MISTIC determines the individual voting behavior. The higher a voter’s MISTIC, the higher his incentive to support the introduction of the technology. 75 The earlier described stochastic partial equilibrium model EUWABSIM (Dillen et al., 2009a; Dillen et al., 2008) provides the necessary data for the Bayesian analysis. Demont et al. (2004) apply a real options approach on the same model but without the inclusion of the changes described in Chapters 2 and 3. Moreover in this chapter, the model output is used to calibrate the assumed stochastic process, which assures a technology specific calibration, different from earlier approaches. Applying the framework on the case of HT sugar beet deregulation is particulary interesting as two policies affecting the process recently changed. In 2006, the Common Market Organization (CMO) for sugar underwent its first drastic reform since the establishment in 1968 (Chapter 3). Hence, we can estimate the MISTICs under both the old and the new CMO and its differential effect on deregulation. Secondly, in 2009 the EU adopted a new treaty, anticipating the enlargement of the EU, which rewrites the procedures of decision making in the EU. Comparing both treaties allows the assessment of different voting rules within the EU on the likelihood of deregulating HT sugar beet and its relation to the economic incentives. The chapter is structured as follows. In the next section, a comparison is made between the conventional sugar beet production and the potential HT sugar beet system, particularly with regard to the irreversible benefits and costs associated. In the third section, both the Bayesian decision analysis and the stochastic partial equilibrium model, yielding social reversible benefits, are introduced. Special attention is given to the calibration procedure of the stochastic process and the differences with earlier approaches. The fourth section presents the MISTIC values and describes the impact of the CMO reform on these values. The fifth section discusses the individual voting behavior and assesses the likely outcome under the different voting rules considered. The final section discusses and concludes. 5.2 Herbicide Tolerant Sugar Beet Herbicide tolerant sugar beet is very appealing for EU agriculture as it is grown in most EU countries and economic sugar production is impossible without weed control. HT sugar beet allows the farmer to use a single broad-spectrum herbicide instead of mixtures of different active ingredients (a.i.). Hence, it allows easier and more flexible control of weeds within a crop than by conventional herbicides or mechanical means. Switching from conventional sugar beet cultivation to HT sugar beet cultivation implies a shift in production system, not just using a single different 76 Chapter 5. The Barroso Proposal of Nationalizing GM approval input (Alexander and Goodhue, 2002; Dillen et al., 2009a). This change in production system has different agronomic and economic consequences. In this section we focus on the quantifiable social irreversible costs and benefits accompanying the change in production system based on Chapter 2, Bückmann et al. (2000) and Schäufele (2000) (displayed in Table 12). The conventional herbicide mix is replaced by the application of a broad spectrum herbicide, hence both the type of a.i. and the amount of a.i applied per hectare is altered. Similar to Demont et al. (2004) we estimate the external cost of releasing a.i. in the environment based on Pretty et al. (2001). Accounting for the annual human health cost and the loss of biodiversity, each kilogram of a.i. released in the environment has an external cost to society of €1.13. 15 The monetarization by Pretty et al. (2001) does not account for the difference in toxicity level of a.i.. For instance for HT maize, Devos et al. (2008a) show that, due to the lower acute toxicity of broad-spectrum herbicides and the lower potential to contaminate ground water, the pesticide occupational and environmental risk (POCER) indicator was reduced significantly under the HT regime. Therefore the aforementioned value can be considered as a conservative estimation. Interestingly Table 12 indicates that in some countries the shift to HT sugar beet would increase the amount of a.i. released. This is in contrast with some earlier studies (e.g. Coyette et al., 2002) predicting a decrease in a.i. following the introduction of HT sugar beet. This can be explained by a recent reduction of the number of a.i. in conventional sugar beets (Eurostat, 2007). According to industry sources, this is a result of a tendency to increased efficiency in conventional cultivation in view of a revision of the EU regulations on herbicide application. The HT production system also alters the number of herbicide applications as described in Chapter 2. Diesel use per application per hectare is estimated by Rasmusson (1998) at 1.43l/ha which translates to 3.56kg CO2/ha following Phipps and Park (2002). Using the price for CO2 estimated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2001) the monetary value can be calculated. Finally, farmers may be more inclined to adopt reduced or zero tillage systems as the control of perennial grass weeds comes at no extra cost under a broad-spectrum 15 Pretty et al. (2001) consider USA, Germany and the UK. We extrapolate the results for the UK to the rest of Europe. All monetary data were discounted to 2006 using the World Development Report Indicators published by The Worldbank (www.worldbank.org) 77 herbicide (May, 2003). Results from the adoption of HT canola in Canada show a strong correlation with the adoption of reduced tillage. Similar results have been reported for the adoption of HT soybeans in the United States (Kalaitzandonakes, 2003). The adoption of reduced or zero tillage systems provides a number of environmental benefits. This includes an increase in biodiversity and reduced nutrient run-off. Carbon sequestration has also been mentioned but still remains controversial (Baker et al., 2007). The IPCC recommends to use a 10% increase in soil carbon sequestration for a change from conventional tillage to zero tillage and a 5% increase for a change from conventional tillage to reduced tillage in temperate climates (West and Post, 2002). The effect of adoption of reduced tillage systems induced by HT sugar beets remains questionable. Romaneckas et al. (2009) report no yield effect of a shift from conventional to reduced tillage for Lithuania while Koch (2009) report a yield decrease for Germany. Given the controversy assessing soil carbon sequestration and the possibility of a negative yield effects on sugar beets we do not consider potential benefits of reduced or zero tillage adoption with the introduction of HT sugar beets, but note that this may result in an underrepresentation of irreversible environmental benefits. 5.3 The Economic Model The introduction of a novel technology is surrounded by uncertain benefits and costs, both affecting private stakeholders and society as a whole. The decision maker has to decide whether to release the technology immediately, or wait until further information becomes available. In the context of ex ante impact assessments, different methodologies are developed to account for a part of these uncertainties (e.g. Demont et al., 2008a; Dillen et al., 2010a). However, these methodologies do not take into account the presence of irreversible and time effects. In the context of HT sugar beet, these could include e.g. pollen drift, health issues, herbicide resistance or effects on biodiversity. The Bayesian decision analysis of real options, suggested by Morel et al. (2003) in the context of GM crops, offers a tool to account for these irreversible effects. Some papers have followed this approach to increase the understanding of the socio-economic impact of the potential introduction of GM crops (e.g. Demont et al., 2004; Wesseler et al., 2007). In order to optimize the welfare of EU citizens, the decision making unit has to weigh the expected social reversible net benefits against the social irreversible net 78 Chapter 5. The Barroso Proposal of Nationalizing GM approval costs. Through the explicit inclusion of the possibility of postponing the introduction hysteresis is introduced. The technology should only be released if the reversible net benefits are greater than the irreversible net costs multiplied by a factor higher than one, the hurdle rate. The real option approach does allow the quantification of this the hurdle rate, h, through contingent claim analysis and standard real option pricing models (Demont et al., 2004; Dixit and Pindyck, 1994). 𝛽𝛽 (1) ℎ = 𝛽𝛽 −1 with 1 𝛽𝛽 = 2 − 𝑟𝑟−𝛿𝛿 𝜎𝜎 2 𝑟𝑟−𝛿𝛿 1 2𝑟𝑟 + �� 𝜎𝜎 2 − 2� + 𝜎𝜎 2 > 1 (2) where r is the riskless rate of return, δ the convenience yield and σ the drift rate of a geometric Brownian motion. The full extent of the social irreversible costs and benefits of GM crops are highly uncertain and central in the precautionary principle followed by the EU. However, the net social reversible benefits can be determined as presented in Chapter 4. Hence, reformulating the aforementioned decision criteria, the maximum incremental social tolerable irreversible costs, MISTICs, can be calculated, justifying the immediate release of the technology, 𝐼𝐼 ∗ = 𝑅𝑅 + 𝑊𝑊/ℎ (3) where R represents the quantifiable social irreversible benefits and costs and W the social reversible benefits. The threshold value I* defines a space where immediate introduction of the GM crop would be rational. 79 Table 12: The irreversible benefits and costs as a result from a switch from conventional sugar beet to a HT sugar beet production system Dosage of herbicide use 2003 (kga.i./ha) Glyph. dose (l/ha) Glyph. dosage (kg a.i./ha) Difference dosage (kg a.i./ha) External irreversible herbicide reduction benefits (€/ha) # Conv. app. # Glyph. app. Difference # app. 1.6 6 2.16 -0.6 -0.63 2.5 2.5 0.0 Austria 3.0 6 2.16 0.8 0.95 3.5 2.5 1.0 Belgium 1.8 6 2.16 -0.4 -0.41 4 2.5 1.5 Denmark 2.8 6 2.16 0.6 0.72 3.8 2.5 1.3 Finland 3.4 6 2.16 1.2 1.40 3.8 2.5 1.3 France 2.4 6 2.16 0.2 0.27 3 2.5 0.5 Germany 3.7 3 1.08 2.6 2.95 1.5 1 0.5 Greece 0.2 6 2.16 -2.0 -2.21 3 2.5 0.5 Ireland 1.5 6 2.16 -0.7 -0.74 2.5 2.5 0.0 Italy 3.6 6 2.16 1.4 1.62 3.5 2.5 1.0 Netherlands 0.1 3 1.08 -1.0 -1.10 3 1 0.1 Portugal 6.9 3 1.08 5.8 6.55 3 1 0.1 Spain 2.1 6 2.16 -0.1 -0.07 2.9 2.5 0.4 Sweden 3.1 6 2.16 0.9 1.06 4.6 2.5 2.1 UK 6 2.16 1.6 1.85 3 2.5 0.5 Czech Republic 3.8 3.8 6 2.16 1.6 1.85 3 2.5 0.5 Hungary 2.8 6 2.16 0.6 0.72 3 2.5 0.5 Poland Sources: Eurostat (2007), Bückmann et al. (2000),Pretty et al. (2001),Schäufele (2000),Phipps and Park (2002) Diesel use (l/Appl.ha) Saving in diesel use (l/ha) Avoided carbon dioxide emission (kg/ha) External irreversible benefits (€/ha) 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 0.0 1.4 2.1 1.8 1.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.0 1.4 0.1 0.1 0.6 2.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.00 4.99 7.48 6.48 6.48 2.49 2.49 2.49 0.00 4.99 0.35 0.35 1.99 10.47 2.49 2.49 2.49 -0.63 1.44 0.34 1.37 2.04 0.52 3.20 -1.96 -0.74 2.12 -0.11 7.55 0.13 2.10 2.10 2.10 0.97 Chapter 5. The Barroso Proposal of Nationalizing GM approval 5.3.1 Social reversible effects To assess the social reversible benefits of HT sugar beet, an adapted version of the EUWABSIM model is used. The model, described in earlier chapters is a stochastic partial equilibrium model calculating the technology induced worldwide welfare effects of a hypothetical introduction of HT sugar beet. Starting from a corporate profit maximizing framework with heterogeneous adopters, developed by Dillen et al. (2009a), it simulates the introduction of a technology protected by intellectual property rights in an open economy (Alston et al., 1995; Moschini and Lapan, 1997). 19 regions are included, each of them modeled by a non linear constant elasticity supply function: 17 EU regions 16, the rest of the world sugar beet region and a sugar cane region. These differentiated supply functions are aggregated into an EU and ROW supply function. This specification allows for heterogeneity among Member States and for technology spillovers in the ROW beet region. The social reversible benefits are calculated as welfare changes, both consumer and producer surpluses (Demont, 2006). Both the old and the new CMO are explicitly modeled for the time span of 2006-2014, to incorporate the policy specific price and supply effects. The main differences lie in the decreased institutional price for sugar and the reduced export possibilities for the EU. This translates in a diminished production under the new CMO, shifting production to low cost producers (Bogetoft et al., 2007; Buysse et al., 2007; Gohin and Bureau, 2006). Dillen et al. (2008) show that, as a secondary effect, the incentive to adopt HT sugar beet decreases significantly for the high cost producers, stimulating the crowding out effect of these producers in time. The technology adoption process follows a logistic pattern following Griliches (1957) as described in Chapter 4. The long term adoption ceilings, 𝜌𝜌𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ,𝑖𝑖 , are extracted from the study by Dillen et al. (2009a) that estimates these ceilings based on a uniform European wide technology premium of €95/ha. The other parameters in the adoption function are calibrated on the diffusion of HT soybean in the USA (Dillen et al. 2009b). This innovation relies on the same technology and reaches adoption rates similar to 𝜌𝜌𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ,𝑖𝑖 (NASS, 2009). Producer surpluses are calculated as the region annual welfare per hectare multiplied with the adopted acreage, which forces the welfare function (𝑊𝑊𝑖𝑖 ,𝑐𝑐 (𝑡𝑡)) to follow a similar logistic pattern. 16 The remaining EU member states either do not produce sugar beets or very low amounts. Our 17 regions represent 92% of the EU’s sugar production (Eurostat, 2009). Results are only presented for 16 EU regions as Ireland abolished sugar beet production under the new CMO, making a comparison impossible. 81 Wi ,c (t ) = Wmax,i ,c (1) 1 + exp(−aW − bW t ) where 𝑎𝑎𝑊𝑊 and 𝑏𝑏𝑊𝑊 are a constant of integration and the diffusion rate respectively that are assume constant for the different Member States (Chapter 4), t is time, i differentiates the Member States and c is a dummy variable specifying the old or the new CMO. 𝑊𝑊𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ,𝑖𝑖,𝑐𝑐 is the highest annual welfare effect during the time period considered from 2006 to 2014. The 2006 net present value of the social reversible benefits can be calculated as ∞ 𝑊𝑊06,𝑐𝑐 = ∫0 𝑊𝑊𝑖𝑖 ,𝑐𝑐 (𝑡𝑡) 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒−𝜇𝜇𝜇𝜇 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 (2) where µ is the risk-adjusted rate of return derived from the capital asset pricing model. 17 Hence, our results refer to the year 2006, the year in which we assume the start of adoption and when the CMO reform for sugar took place. 5.3.2 Social irreversible effects The known social irreversible effects, ri, of the HT sugar beet innovation were described in section 2 and presented in Table 12. They are approximated by, (3) 𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑖 = ∑(𝐴𝐴𝑖𝑖 , 𝑁𝑁𝑖𝑖 ) with Ai the social effect of a reduced number of a.i. and, Ni the social irreversible benefit of reduced carbon dioxide. We assume that ri is not affected by the change in CMO. 18 Assuming that the per hectare social irreversible benefits and costs are proportional to the adoption function, the 2006 present value, R06,i can be calculated by ∞ 𝑅𝑅06,𝑖𝑖 = ∫0 𝑅𝑅𝑖𝑖 (𝑡𝑡)𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒−𝜇𝜇𝜇𝜇 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 where Ri (t ) = ri ρ max,i 1 + exp(−aW − bW t ) (4) . 5.3.3 Calibration of the MISTICs To calculate the hurdle rate, h, some additional calibration parameters are needed. As a solution to the real options was reached through contingent claim analysis, a riskfree rate of return has to be decided. Following earlier papers on GM crops we set r 17 18 Following Demont et al. (2004) and Wesseler et al. (2007) we set µ at 10.5%. This is a simplification. As the reform of the CMO reduced production in the EU and crowed out a group of farmers, the average cultivation properties may have changed. However, data to assess this change in practices is not available at this time. 82 Chapter 5. The Barroso Proposal of Nationalizing GM approval at 4.5% to complement the risk adjusted rate, µ, of 10.5% (Demont et al., 2004; Wesseler et al., 2007). Central to the real options approach is the stochastic process followed by the value of the technology. The standard assumption is that the time series of technology payoffs follows a geometric Brownian motion (Dixit and Pindyck, 1994). Different approaches haven been used in the literature to determine the drift rate, α, and the variance, σ, of the Brownian motion. Previous studies calculated hurdle rates using time series data based on past performance of economic variables such as prices, revenues or gross margins (Demont et al., 2004; Pietola and Wang, 2000; Rahim et al., 2007; Wesseler et al., 2007), while other studies use simulation results projecting returns of a technology (Ndeffo Mbah et al., 2010; Purvis et al., 1995; Winter-Nelson and Amegbeto, 1998) or investments (Hinrichs et al., 2008; Musshoff and Hirschauer, 2008; Odening et al., 2005). In this study we calculate the maximum likelihood estimators for α and σ using the results of the EUWABSIM model. Wi,j,c is the net welfare effect of the technology per adopted hectare in country i, in year j under policy c given the logistic adoption pattern. The EUWABSIM output can be transformed into a differential time series for the period 2006-2014. This data output represents the technology specific growth under the policy’s and the technology’s particularities and can be used to estimate α and σ, needed to calculate β and the hurdle rate, 19 𝑊𝑊 𝑖𝑖,𝑗𝑗 ,𝑐𝑐 𝜎𝜎 = 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 �ln 𝑊𝑊 𝑖𝑖,𝑗𝑗 −1,𝑐𝑐 𝑊𝑊 𝑖𝑖,𝑗𝑗 ,𝑐𝑐 𝛼𝛼 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 �ln 𝑊𝑊 𝑖𝑖,𝑗𝑗 −1,𝑐𝑐 � �. (5) (6) However, as the EUWABSIM model has a stochastic nature, this differential time series is not deterministic due to uncertain effects and inputs. Table 11 presented the stochastic variables influencing the outcome of the EUWABSIM model such as yield boost and elasticities. How these are transposed to the technology pay-off depends on the applied sugar price system and the volume traded on the world market. Therefore, the parameters and the hurdle rate, h, are calculated for each single iteration of the Monte Carlo simulation representing a certain possible time series of the technology. Aggregating the simulation results leads to a stochastic hurdle rate instead of a 19 There is no reason the technology pay-off would not follow a geometric Brownian motion. Seasonality plays no role as annual averages are used for the calibration nor does time dependency. The assumption of lognormality does not cause problems as long as adopters can temporarily replace HT sugar beet with conventional without additional costs. For HT sugar beet this assumption seems not problematic. 83 deterministic value in earlier studies. The hurdle rate’s simulated distribution is approximated by a triangular probability density function to incorporate this stochastic nature in the calculation of the MISTICs. 20 5.4 Model Results Table 13 presents the results of the modeling exercise i.e. ρmax,i, Wmax,i, the mean hurdle rate and the values of W, R and I* as annuities (subscript a). Wa are the highest in Spain, the Netherlands, Austria and Portugal under both the old and the new CMO. For some countries Wa decreases under the policy reform while for others the value increases. For, a detailed discussion on the effect of the policy change on the welfare creation, the reader is referred to Chapter 3 as several factors play a key role; the changing price structure, the old quota structure and changes through time. ρmax,I ranges from 43% in Greece and Italy to 99% in Portugal. The range can be explained through the use of a uniform technology fee while herbicide expenditures are not uniform among Member States. Hence, countries with previously high herbicide costs or low heterogeneity among farmers tend to have higher adoption ceilings. The social irreversible net effects vary among countries but are generally small ranging from €0.36/ha to €5.10/ha. The hurdle rates differ significantly between the old and the new CMO. Under the new CMO, where the export sugar is limited and there is limited effect of world market prices on domestic sugar prices, the variation though time, and hence the drift of the Brownian motion, is very low, leading to hurdle rates close to 1. If we look very closely we can see that world price responsive countries (i.e. Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, UK) have the highest hurdle rates as they are marginally exposed to price changes on the world market. Under the old CMO hurdle rates are generally higher. The reason is country specific and is a result of the higher variance in technology pay-off due to different systems of sugar pricing and the volume exported on the volatile world sugar market. A higher hurdle rate under the old CMO indicates that social irreversible costs have to be compensated by a higher amount of social reversible net benefits in order to justify an immediate deregulation of HT sugar beet. 20 As no theoretical correct distribution for this rate is known, a triangular PDF was chosen for transparency of the model. 84 Chapter 5. The Barroso Proposal of Nationalizing GM approval However, as Wa also changes (Chapter 3), the outcome is not straightforward. 21 Under the old CMO the highest annual MISTIC values are found in Portugal (€254/ha) and Spain (€169/ha) and the lowest in Germany (€14/ha) and Denmark (€21/ha). This is a combined effect of the fact that high cost producers have a higher share of production under the A-quota, and thus benefit from higher sugar prices, and the higher hurdle rate of sugar exporting countries. The total annual MISTICs within a Member State these amount to €19 million and €15 million in Poland and France respectively. This is mainly driven through the magnitude of adopted hectares in these countries. Spain also has a high MISTIC value driven by the high potential adoption rate and high benefits per hectare. Portugal, despite high Wa values and high adoption, has low MISTICs due to the negative value of Ra and low acreage. Under the assumption that the negative externalities from HT sugar beet introduction stay at the sugar beet farm, we can assess the MISTIC farmers are willing to accept to justify a release of the technology. Portugal and Czech Republic have present the highest MISTIC at the level of the sugar beet holding. For Portugal the reason can be found in the high value per adopted hectare combined with the high adoption. The high value in Czech can be explained by the size of typical sugar beet farms in the country. The lowest MISTICs can be found in Germany with €131/farm. Under the new CMO, the MISTICs range from €48,1/ha in Italy to €197.6/ha in Portugal. This range is smaller due to the smaller value of α and thus hurdle rate. Comparing the individual outcomes under both regimes reveals that the new MISTICs are higher for all countries except Greece, Italy, Finland and Portugal. As these countries are generally considered high cost sugar producers, the conclusion can be drawn that competitive countries have a higher incentive to adopt the technology under the new CMO through increased Wa and lower hurdle rates. At the national level the MISTICS are high in Germany and France but low for Portugal and Finland. At the farm level Czech has by far the highest MISTIC with €3838/ha followed by Denmark, Germany and France, a group of competitive sugar producers. These farm level values indicate that if the decision was left to them whether or not to introduce the technology, they would allow a significant amount of irreversible costs as the value created by the technology is large. 21 The hurdle rates for the old CMO for sugar differ significantly from Demont et al. (2004) and are generally lower. By calibrating the Brownian motion on a time series of gross margins several factors, Demont et al. introduce sources of variability, e.g. weather effects, world market prices and other technologies in sugar beet production, that do not directly relate to the technology of HT sugar beet leading to higher hurdle rates. 85 Table 13: EUWABSIM results, adoption ceilings (ρmax), mean hurdle rates, annual social reversible benefits (Wa), social irreversible benefits (Ra) and maximum incremental tolerable social irreversible costs (I*a) per hectare of HT sugar beet and per sugar beet growing farmer. Member State Wmax Wa (€/ha) Ra (€/ha) Hurdle Rate Ia* (€/ha) Ia* (€) 98% 161 103 0.97 1.077613 97 8 107 383 4.79E-02 605 Denmark 82% 158 102 0.19 4.841197 21.3 857 356 6.76E-01 200 Germany 63% 84 51 0.22 3.836102 13.6 5 346 466 5.85E-01 131 Greece 43% 122 83 0.94 1.05967 79.4 2 933 103 3.82E-02 204 Spain 99% 245 164 5.10 1.000278 169.1 15 088 785 1.83E-04 978 France 78% 104 66 1.09 1.448304 46.5 15 859 971 1.97E-01 530 Italy 43% 97 64 -0.22 1.232448 51.9 9 860 526 1.28E-01 274 Netherland 97% 218 142 1.4 1.363038 105.9 9 283 404 1.75E-01 705 Austria 84% 176 113 -0.36 1.135094 99.6 4 680 685 7.97E-02 522 Portugal 99% 382 254 -0.07 1.000081 253.7 1 698 012 5.27E-05 2534 Finland 97% 182 121 0.91 1.000105 122.1 3 000 929 6.75E-05 1409 Sweden 47% 75 49 0.04 1.047497 47 2 375 252 3.11E-02 673 United Kingdom 59% 91 59 0.85 2.747777 22.2 2 557 346 4.54E-01 337 Czech Republic 91% 135 91 1.3 1.000665 92.6 4 872 339 4.41E-04 4640 Hungary 92% 90 60 1.32 1.000254 61.5 3 003 420 1.65E-04 1206 Poland 85% 123 82 0.56 1.004259 82.4 18 504 185 2.95E-03 229 98% 198 132 0.97 1.009099 131.9 11 031 382 3.44E-03 823 Denmark 82% 229 145 0.19 1.001713 144.8 5 076 405 6.40E-04 1186 Germany 63% 124 83 0.22 1.010634 82.2 32 244 302 3.79E-03 789 Greece 43% 105 65 0.94 1.002209 66.2 1 315 412 5.06E-04 91 Spain 99% 292 185 5.10 1.001611 189.7 13 470 372 6.05E-04 874 France 78% 150 102 1.09 1.014367 101.3 34 613 129 4.69E-03 1158 Italy 43% 77 48 -0.22 1.002026 48.1 5 509 687 6.77E-04 153 Netherland 97% 248 155 1.4 1.001956 156.4 10 583 648 7.08E-04 804 Austria 84% 212 141 -0.36 1.008735 139.7 6 572 343 3.62E-03 733 Portugal 99% 309 199 -0.07 1.00111 198.3 506 231 4.26E-04 756 Finland 97% 148 95 0.91 1.001445 96.2 1 617 853 5.80E-04 760 Sweden 47% 115 73 0.04 1.001841 72.8 2 538 996 6.37E-04 719 United Kingdom 59% 114 77 0.85 1.012847 76.6 8 838 270 4.57E-03 1164 Czech Republic 91% 167 106 1.3 1.00217 107.5 4 029 889 7.12E-04 3838 Hungary 92% 105 67 1.32 1.001456 67.9 2 255 003 5.58E-04 906 Poland 85% 152 97 0.56 1.001884 97.2 18 719 120 7.01E-04 231 Old CMO sugar Belgium New CMO sugar Belgium 86 ρmax Coefficient of variation Ia*/farm (€) Chapter 5. The Barroso Proposal of Nationalizing GM approval 5.5 Voting Assessment Following Directive 2001/18/EC of the EU, the decision whether or not to release a GM crop for commercial use typically begins at the level of the national competent authorities. 22 They notify the EU and the European Food Safety authority starts with the preparation of a scientific risk assessment. Based on this opinion, the European Commission (EC) formulates a draft decision and presents this to the regulatory committee, a group of Member State experts. Within this group a qualified majority is needed to reach consensus and for the Commission to adopt the regulation. If no qualified majority is reached, the EC’s draft is forwarded to the Consilium, better known as the Council of Ministers. Here, a qualified majority is again needed to adopt the regulation. If no decision is reached within three months, the Commission itself may deregulate the GM crop for EU-wide use (Sheingate, 2009). Kurzer and Cooper (2007a) argue that agricultural biotechnology is one of the rare occasions where consumers have overruled the EU’s policymaking process. Through their organized action, consumer movements have transformed a pro-GM approval system to a market situation where GM food is labeled and its availability low. This study follows another approach and assumes that consumers solely influence the EU decision making through their voting behavior. Moreover, the assumption is made that the individual’s MISTIC value determines the tendency to vote for or against approval of a GM crop. If an individual has a high MISTIC value, he/she is more inclined to vote for approval. I*vote,c, the MISTIC per voter per year from HT sugar beet under policy c, is calculated by dividing Ia* through the number of people older than 18 (Eurostat, 2009) and shown in Table 14. The individual voting behavior can be represented by ∗ 1 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝐼𝐼 < 𝐼𝐼𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 ,𝑐𝑐 𝑉𝑉𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 = � 0 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 (7) where I is the actual incremental social tolerable irreversible costs. Although I cannot be determined, it is clear that if I*1vote < I*2vote than P (Vind=1| I*1vote) < P (Vind=1| I*2vote). Under the assumption that all citizens have a similar exposure to irreversible social net costs, I*vote,c is uniformily distributed within each Member State. Therefore, Vind directly translates to a decision at the national level and consequently the decision of their representatives in the Council of Ministers. 22 The website http://www.gmo-compass.org provides an overview about the steps for gaining approval for planting GM crops in the EU. 87 At the Council of Ministers, a qualified majority is essential to proceed with the deregulation of GM crops in Europe. The criteria to reach a qualified majority are described in the EU’s treaty. The aim of a qualified majority is to introduce a correction for the differences population between Member States in the voting procedure. The voting weights are presented in Table 14. Under the Nice Treaty, which entered into force on 1 February 2003, a qualified majority is reached if the countries pro regulation represent more than half of the Members States and 74% of the voting weights and 62% of the EU population (Felsenthal, 2001). Hence, VQMnic, has the following form: 𝑉𝑉𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄 = � 1 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 ∑𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗 𝑣𝑣𝑗𝑗 ≥ 0.74 ∑𝑁𝑁 𝑣𝑣𝑛𝑛 ∧ 𝑗𝑗 ≥ 0.5𝑛𝑛 ∧ ∑𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗 𝑝𝑝𝑗𝑗 ≥ 0.62 ∑𝑁𝑁 𝑝𝑝𝑛𝑛 0 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 (8) with N the set of n Member States, j the countries voting in favor of the proposal, v the weights assigned in the voting process to each Member State according to the Nice treaty and p the population within country j or n. On 1 December 2009, the Lisbon Treaty replaced the Nice treaty. The Lisbon Treaty includes, among other things ensuring efficient governance in an expanding EU, new criteria to reach a qualified majority. However, in a transitional phase until 31 October 2014 the voting rules of the Nice Treaty stay in place. From 2014 on, the criteria to pass are a positive vote by a majority of countries (55%) representing 65% of the population or every situation where the criteria to block are not met. To block a proposal, at least 4 Member States have to vote against the proposal or in cases where not all members participate, the minimum number of members representing more than 35% of the population of the participating Member States, plus one member, 𝑉𝑉𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄 = ⎧ ⎪ ⎪∑ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 0 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 ⋕ 𝑘𝑘 = 4 ∧ ∑𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 𝑝𝑝𝑘𝑘 ≥ 0.35 ∑𝑁𝑁 𝑝𝑝𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑝𝑝𝑘𝑘 ≤ 0.35 ∑𝑁𝑁 𝑝𝑝𝑛𝑛 : 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 ⋕ 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 (∑𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 𝑝𝑝𝑘𝑘 ≥ 0.35 ∑𝑁𝑁 𝑝𝑝𝑛𝑛 ) + 1 1 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑗𝑗 ≥ 0.55𝑛𝑛 ∧ ∑𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗𝑗 𝑝𝑝𝑗𝑗 ≥ 0.65 ∑𝑁𝑁 𝑝𝑝𝑛𝑛 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 with k the countries voting against the proposal (European Union, 2007). The proposal introduced by Barroso at the end of 2009 has the aim to circumvent the rules of the qualified majority by shifting the authority on deregulation to the national level. Consequently in our model the decision whether or not to allow cultivation of GM crops on their territory is transformed to an autonomous 88 Chapter 5. The Barroso Proposal of Nationalizing GM approval dichotomous process directly reflecting the individual voting behavior within the Member State. Hence, the outcome under the Barroso proposal can be represented by, 𝑉𝑉𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 ,𝑖𝑖 = 𝑉𝑉𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 = � ∗ 1 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝐼𝐼 < 𝐼𝐼𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 ,𝑖𝑖,𝑐𝑐 . 0 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 (10) With the voting rules laid out, the results from Table 14 can be used transfer the individual vote decision to a EU deregulation. Each value of I*vote,c can be considered as a threshold value for a positive vote in a particular country following equation 7. In order to evaluate the set of equations 8-10 we start with the Member State with the highest I*vote,c and add the next Member State in the row until a qualified majority is reached. Hence, a threshold for I can be determined which would justify the immediate release of the technology under the differ. To allow for the fact that not all Member States are present in our analysis, the relative shares were used representing the situation that only these countries would have voting rights on the approval of HT sugar beet. First consider the situation as present in the EU, the voting rules of the Treaty of Nice combined with the new CMO for sugar. The results show that 𝑉𝑉𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄 ,𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 � €0.19 1 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝐼𝐼 < 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 ∗𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦 0 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 (11) As long as the irreversible social incremental costs are below €0.19/ voting citizen deregulation will happen. Replacing the Nice Treaty with the Lisbon Treaty results in a higher threshold value, 𝑉𝑉𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄 ,𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 � €0.28 1 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝐼𝐼 < 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 ∗𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦 0 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 . (12) For the Lisbon Treaty the opportunity to block a proposal at the Council of Ministers was also explored in a similar way. However, the requirement to block would only be reached for I equal to €0.37 making this an impossibility given the fact that a qualified majority would be reached at €0.28. Similar to previously, we assume that I*1 < I*2 means that P (V=1| I*1) < P (V=1| I*2) or a higher threshold means a higher likelihood of deregulation. Comparing VQMnic,new and VQMlis,new shows that the introduction of the Lisbon Treaty would increase the likelihood of deregulation significantly due to a 47% increase in the threshold value. This is in line with the aim of the Lisbon Treaty to facilitate decision making in a larger EU and reach a consensus more easily. The same reasoning and sequence of equations can be followed for the old CMO yielding the following result, 89 𝑉𝑉𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄 ,𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 = 𝑉𝑉𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄 ,𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 � €0.20 1 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝐼𝐼 < 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 ∗𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦 (13) 0 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 This result suggests that the under the old CMO for sugar the change of treaties does not affect the likelihood of deregulating HT sugar beet. Table 14: The MISTIC per voting citizen and the voting weights under different EU treaties Member State Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Spain France Italy The Netherlands Austria Portugal Finland Sweden United Kingdom Czech Republic Hungary Poland Total Population over 18 years 8331936 4216893 67725607 9178742 36017564 49006703 48608776 12752453 6647030 8567879 4151882 7113513 46799543 8359568 8108480 30293256 Ia*/voting person new CMO, Ia*/voting person old CMO, ( €/year) (€/year) I*vote,i ,new 1.32 1.20 0.48 0.14 0.37 0.71 0.11 0.83 0.99 0.06 0.39 0.36 0.19 0.48 0.28 0.62 I*vote,I,old 0.97 0.20 0.08 0.32 0.42 0.32 0.20 0.73 0.70 0.20 0.72 0.33 0.05 0.58 0.37 0.61 Voting weight under Nice Treaty 12 7 29 12 27 29 29 13 10 12 7 10 29 12 12 27 277 Voting weight under Lisbon Treaty 11 5.5 82 11 46 64 60 17 8.3 11 5.3 9.2 62 10 10 38 450.3 Sources: Eurostat (2009), European Union (2007) These results lead to an important conclusion. From a Chapter 3 we know that the new CMO disfavors the adoption of HT sugar beet for high cost producers. Moreover the results in Table 13 show a higher value of I*a is higher for lows cost producers under the new CMO. Hence, the incentives for deregulation in low cost producers have increased under the new CMO. Nevertheless, the results show that IQMnic,new < IQMnic,old indicating that the likelihood for deregulation is lower if voted under the Nice Treaty. However, under the Lisbon Treaty, IQMlis,new > IQMlis,old translating in an increased likelihood of deregulation coinciding with the economic incentives. This 90 Chapter 5. The Barroso Proposal of Nationalizing GM approval confirms the analysis by Leech (2002) that the rules to reach a qualified majority can be too stringent to be an (economic) effective decision making rule. Let us now turn towards a situation in which I is marginally higher than the highest threshold to reach deregulation under any of the four scenarios. Applying the rules of the Barroso proposal, equation 10, results in the fact that all countries for which I*vote,c > €0.29 would deregulate while neither under the Nice Treaty nor under the Lisbon Treaty deregulation would take place. Comparing the threshold value of €0.29 with the results in Table 14 highlights the countries that would deregulate HT sugar beet under the Barroso proposal. Under the old CMO all Member States except Denmark, Germany, Italy, Portugal and the United Kingdom would deregulate the cultivation of HT sugar beet on their territory. Under the new CMO, all countries except Greece, Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Hungary would deregulate. Hence, the shift to the new sugar policy would increase the chance of deregulation in two competitive sugar beet countries, Germany and Denmark, while a high cost producer as Greece now has a lower chance of deregulating. Overall, the more competitive Member States have a higher voting threshold under the new CMO, increasing the potential of deregulation under the Barroso proposal. Hence, the Barroso proposal, as expected, provides a better response to the invididual incentives of the Member States and the effects of the sugar policy reform. Finally, when the absolute values of I*vote,c are considered, it seems a rational decision by the EU not to engage in an immediate release of HT sugar beet. Despite the high potential value of the technology for sugar beet farmers (Dillen et al. 2009b), and their resulting high MISTICs (Table 13), I*vote,c values are very low. As long as individuals are prepared to pay as little as €0.08 for German citizens under the old CMO, or €1.32 for Belgian citizens under the new CMO, it is better to postpone the introduction of HT sugar beet. These results are in the same magnitude as the analysis by Demont et al. (2004). 5.6 Discussion This chapter presents a Bayesian decision analysis of the introduction of herbicide tolerant sugar beet in the EU. The model is built on a stochastic partial equilibrium model complemented with a real options approach calibrated on the same partial equilibrium model. The aim of the model is twofold. First, the effect of a change in the Common Market Organization for sugar on the MISTICs that justify immediate 91 release of the technology is assessed. Secondly, the decision making process at the EU level is evaluated based on these calculated MISTIC values. In particular the effect of the Barroso proposal compared to the conventional European treaties is estimated. The results show that the MISTIC value per hectare under the new CMO increases for all Member States except for some high cost producers, Finland, Greece and Portugal. This observation is a combined effect of the change in value added per hectare through the adoption of HT sugar beet, as presented earlier in Dillen et al. (2008) and the effect on the hurdle rate. The new CMO, through reduced export opportunities and changed price effects makes the return from the technology more predictable, hence decreasing the uncertainty and the hurdle rate, resulting in increased MISTICs. From a regulators point of view this means that deregulating HT sugar beet under the new CMO would be justified under higher irreversible social costs, hence increasing the economic incentive for approval. Under the assumption that voters base their position towards GM crops on the magnitude of their personal MISTIC value, the outcomes of different EU decision making protocols are assessed. The results show that increased economic rationale of adopting HT sugar beet under the new CMO is only transformed in a higher chance of deregulation under the Lisbon Treaty while the Nice Treaty even slightly decreases the chance. The Barroso proposal to nationalize deregulation decisions has the closest link to Member States’ economic incentives and hence the individual voter. Under irreversible social costs that would never qualify for a qualified majority under the EU treaties, a large majority of the Member States would engage in an immediate release of the technology. Besides the closer link to economic incentives, the Barroso proposal brings the legislative framework of deregulation at the same level as that of coexistence, possibly increasing the efficiency of the resulting decisions and regulations. Finally, looking at the absolute values of the MISTICs the analysis shows that if citizens are prepared to pay, depending on the Member State and the CMO, between €0.06 and €1.32 annually to avoid the introduction of HT sugar beet, release should be postponed. This result indicates that despite high economic benefits from HT sugar beet and high MISTICs for sugar beet farms the benefits are not enough on a per capita level to justify an immediate release. If the benefits of HT sugar beet would increase in the future through a more liberalized sugar CMO or quality effects for the 92 Chapter 5. The Barroso Proposal of Nationalizing GM approval consumer this could change. These are the same deterministic mechanisms that influence the strength of consumer movements highlighted in the analysis by Kurzer et al. (2007a). 93 94 Chapter 6. Are Farmers Willing to Pay for a Maize Variety Resistant to Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Damage? Western corn rootworm (WCR) (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte), an invasive species in Europe, presents a novel threat to European maize production. The species’ larvae feed on maize roots, causing yield losses and lodging. Designing socio-economic optimal control strategies is an important but difficult task for European farmers and policy makers. The reason is twofold. First of all the species’ damage is highly variable and information in European settings limited. Secondly, some of the control options are still under development or not deregulated. This study attempts to shed some light on the issues at stake through a survey among Hungarian maize farmers. European farmer’s perceptions about WCR have never been documented before. Therefore we present data on the actual behavior of farmers under this new constraint and their perceptions about the species. Farmers recognize the threat of the species as they list it as the most important maize pest in Hungary. Moreover, they estimate the average potential yield loss caused by the species be taken at 22%. This explains why farmers list it as the most important maize pest in Hungary. The introduction of damage resistant varieties, being conventionally bred or through biotechnology, could increase the farmer’s toolbox and decrease the dependence on chemical control options. The willingness-to-pay analysis shows that farmers are willing to pay a significant premium, €70/ha, for the pecuniary and nonpecuniary benefits of such a variety. This information is valuable for seed suppliers and policy makers, currently developing or deregulating these varieties. 6.1 Introduction The threats of invasive species to agriculture are well documented and studied (Pimentel et al., 2001). An introduced exotic species can induce significant economic losses by imposing an additional constraint on crop production. Therefore, the introduction and establishment of an invasive pest should be understood in the socioeconomic context of crop production (Beckmann and Wesseler, 2003; Boriani et al., 2006). This chapter focuses on the Western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte: WCR), a recently introduced invasive species threatening European maize production. The species probably originated in Central America but has spread over the United States Corn Belt, reaching the east coast of North America (Gray et al., 2009). The costs arising from controlling WCR were estimated at around $1 billion annually in the USA (Metcalf, 1986). Moreover, WCR is the insect pest which causes the highest insecticide use in the world (Baufeld and Enzian, 2005c). Over a decade ago the species was introduced into Europe, where it was first observed near Belgrade, Serbia in 1992 (Baca, 1993). Since, at least four other introductions from the USA into Europe took place, presumably via airplanes (Ciosi et al., 2008). As a response to the introduction, the European Commission designed a series of eradication and containment strategies detailed in Commission Decision 2003/766/EC and later amendments (European Commission, 2003). Despite these regulations, the pest was successful in spreading through Central and Eastern Europe. Two types of infested areas have been identified in Europe (Figure 5): (i) areas of continuous spread (in Central and Southeastern Europe and northwestern Italy), and (ii) several disconnected outbreaks that did not persist over time or did not spread due to enforced eradication measures in place. The Central European outbreak now extends over 11 countries, from Austria to the Ukraine and from southern Poland to Serbia. Studies indicate that the spread of WCR to the rest of climatic suitable Europe is only a matter of time (Baufeld and Enzian, 2005b). The steady spread of this invasive species causes a threat to maize production in times with generally good prospects for European maize production. Among the structural causes of this expected appreciation are the steady rise in global commodity demand driven by urbanization and changes in dietary patterns (notably for meat) in many parts of the world (in particular India, China and Latin America) and the emergence of new market outlets such as the biofuels market (European Commission, 2008). Furthermore, the 96 Chapter 6. Are Farmers Willing to Pay for a WCR Resistant Maize Variety? abolishment of intervention prices should increase fluidity in Eastern European markets and therefore offer a larger marketing potential for European maize. Figure 5: The presence of Western Corn Rootworm in Europe in 2008 (permission granted by C.R. Edwards, Purdue University) Most of the damage to the maize crop is caused by larvae of the univoltine beetle feeding on the root system, although some economic damage may occur through adult beetles feeding on silk. The latter is especially important in high value crops such as sweet and seed maize. Predicting and assessing the damage caused by the species is very difficult as exogenous factors such as drought and soil conditions affect the resulting yields to a high extent (e.g. Rice and Oleson, 2005). Larval damage may be offset by the regrowth of the root system if water is available during the appropriate time window of the growing process (Simic et al., 2008). This leads to difficulties, or even impossibilites, in determining the correlation between population pressure and damages (Urias-Lopez and Meinke, 2001). This uncertainty inflicts problems in determining the optimal crop protection (CP) strategy in the field. In particular conditions the pest can lead to a total loss of production due to lodging or goose necking, while in other conditions no economic damage can be confirmed despite a high pest population pressure. 97 In Chapters 7 and 8, a bio-economic model is developed to evaluate the competitiveness of different CP options and shed light on the optimal design of these strategies. However, before we turn to a economic assessment, two complementary research aims are addressed in this chapter. Different papers (e.g. Dillen et al., 2010a; Dillen et al., 2010b; Dun et al., 2010; Wesseler and Fall, 2010) highlight the need for European data generation on WCR. Although data is available from the USA, very limited knowledge exist about damages and practices in European crop production. This will also proof key during the calibration of the bio-economic model later. Hence in this chapter we present the results from a survey among Hungarian maize farmers regarding their perceptions of the pest and the CP options. Hungary offers a good case study as the species already appeared on its territory in 1995, via the southern county Csongrad. In 2000, the first economic damage to maize roots by larvae was detected and no uninfested plots were left by the end of 2003 (Boriani et al., 2006). Moreover, maize is the most important crop in Hungary with around 1.2 million hectares sown each year and 3.2 million tons exported in 2008 (Eurostat, 2009). On average around 40% of the maize area is sown in continuous cultivation (no rotation). This has important consequences as continuous cultivation increases the potential for WCR population build-up and damage. This share differs in each county and depends on farm size, the degree of specialization of the farmer and the profitability of competing crops. In absence of detailed data one can assume a high percentage of continuous maize in smaller fields of individual farmers (Toth, 2005). Land allocation constraints combined with a high private demand for maize (e.g. own livestock) reduce the crop rotation options of smaller farmers resulting in reduced flexibility. Secondly, the same survey is used to assess whether Hungarian farmers are willing to pay for WCR resistant maize. For the moment only a small toolbox of CP strategies is available to Hungarian farmers. However, different companies are working on the development and deregulation of a maize variety resistant to WCR damage. Hence assessing the valuation for such a technology is valuable for technology providers and developers to assess the potential impact of their innovation. Furthermore, a high willingness to pay (WTP) may also indicate shortcomings in the available toolbox. Compared to the calculation of the monetary benefits of such a technology in Chapter 7, the WTP approach also recognizes the presence of technology properties that are not directly valuated in the market: increased farmer health from reduced handling of chemicals, safety for the environment, reduced 98 Chapter 6. Are Farmers Willing to Pay for a WCR Resistant Maize Variety? management and scouting activity, certainty of protection (risk reduction), easier application of the protection, … (Alston et al., 2002). Most of these non-pecuniary benefits are either credence or experience based (Marra and Piggott, 2006). Therefore, the willingness-to-pay (WTP) is influenced by the knowledge and beliefs of the farmer about the technology and his perceptions of the pest problem. Earlier papers (e.g. by Krishna and Qaim (2007) and Marra et al. (2001)) demonstrate the significant importance of information provision in the valuation and adoption of Bt technology. However, at the time of introduction, not all non-pecuniary benefits may be known to the farmer. Piggott and Marra (2008) show that the effects of non-pecuniary benefits on farmer’s WTP do indeed fluctuate over time. In an initial phase the demand for a new technology is determined by its monetary gains, while in a later phase demand becomes less dependent on price changes as the non-pecuniary benefits are revealed. The WTP for a pest resistant maize variety has never been assessed in Europe before.. This information may provide guidance to policymakers in order to develop appropriate guidelines or deregulate certain control options. The remainder of this chapter is structured as followed. In the next section the contingent valuation model used to estimate the WTP for WCR damage resistant maize varieties is presented. In the data section, the survey structure is documented and both some general characteristics of maize cultivation in Hungary and specific farmer behavior under WCR are presented. Finally, the results of the WTP model are presented and discussed. 6.2 Methodology Contingent valuation is a common methodology to measure a respondent’s WTP for a good. It allows the researcher to extract a stated valuation where the revealed valuation does not exist or non-pecuniary properties have a high value. In our case as we assess a not yet commercialized maize variety with specific properties both of these constraints are present. In the context of resistant crop varieties, contingent valuation has mainly been applied to genetically modified (GM) crops (e.g. Alston et al., 2002; Marra et al., 2004; Marra and Piggott, 2006). In this study this differentiation between different breeding techniques is not made. The reason is threefold. First of all GM crops have not been commercialized in Hungary and therefore farmers never cultivated any GM crops. This means they have to rely on secondary information and beliefs which may bias their WTP. This leads to the 99 second reason. The institutional environment in Hungary is strongly opposed to GM cultivation. (Protection, 2009). Hence, not specifying the technology avoids political statements during the evaluation. Finally, the resulting WTP now bears valuable information to a broader range of agricultural stakeholders, including GM crop producers and conventional maize breeders, as it indicates the technology price to be used in marketing strategies and business development plans. On the other hand the WTP may be optimistic for GM crops as costs for coexistence and segregation (Devos et al., 2009) are not included in the analysis. The setup of a contingent valuation study is as follows. The respondent is introduced to the technology under research through a thorough story about both the advantages and the disadvantages of its nature and choice. Afterwards a statement of the respondent is extracted. In this chapter, a bounded choice model is chosen as this form is generally superior to an open-ended estimation due to its more market-like situation (Bateman et al., 2002). Bishop and Heberlein (1979) introduce a single bounded model where the respondent is presented a single monetary amount, varied among respondents, and has to decide whether he is willing to pay this amount for the presented situation or not. Hanemann et al. (1991) in turn introduce a variant, the dichotomous bounded choice model. Similarly to the earlier approach, a respondent is first presented a certain monetary amount and has to state his opinion. Conditional on this answer a follow-up question is chosen. If the respondent was willing to pay the initially proposed amount, a second, but higher, bid is presented. If the respondent rejects the first amount, a lower follow-up amount is proposed. The authors show, both theoretical and empirical, that such a dichotomous approach is more efficient and cost effective than the previous methods. In this study, a bivariate probit model initially developed by Cameron and Quiggin (1994) is used. The probit functions is estimated via a maximum likelihood estimation and has the advantage over a logit model of reaching convergence easier in a bivariate model. 23 We define y1j=1 if the response to the first question was “yes” and 0 if “no”, and y2j similarly coding for the second answer, with d1j= 2 y1j -1, d2j= 2 y2j -1, ti the value of the bid, µi the mean, σi the standard deviation, ρ the correlation and εi the error terms, the jth contribution to the bivariate probit likelihood function becomes 23 The underlying assumption of a probit regression is that the error term has a normal distribution. This was checked through the use of a residual plot and no systematic deviation was observed. 100 Chapter 6. Are Farmers Willing to Pay for a WCR Resistant Maize Variety? L j ( µ t ) = Φ ε 1ε 2 (d1 j ( t1 − µ1 σ1 ), d 2 j ( t 2 − µ2 σ2 ), d1 j d 2 j ρ ) (1) This model is very general and flexible by allowing for the possibility of different means, dispersion, and non perfect correlation across the two responses. We used a Wald test to assess whether µ1= µ2 and σ1= σ2. Independent from which parameters are introduced in the model we can reject the hypothesis. This means respondents reveal a WTP significantly different in the two rounds of questions. This phenomenon is well documented in literature (i.e. Cameron and Quiggin, 1994; Haab and McConnel, 2002; Hanemann et al., 1991). Several explanations have been proposed. Respondents may feel exploited if the price goes up in the second question, may perceive the value of the product as decreased if the price is reduced or answer strategically on the expectation of a third question creating a bargaining situation. Despite these different preference sets, Haab and McConnel (2002) argue that the bivariate probit model still offers higher efficiency than the single bounded approach if the correlation between the two independent probit functions significantly differs from zero. As this is the case in our data, the bivariate probit model is selected and the parameters of the first equation estimated, as the preference set in the first bid can be assumed to be the unaltered set. To avoid a starting point bias, we randomize the first amount presented within a predetermined range (Herriges and Shogren, 1996). The mean WTP is estimated by evaluating at variable mean values. 6.3 Data A computer assisted telephone survey of maize farmers was undertaken in October 2008 by Kleffmann &Partner Kft Hungary. A stratified sample was randomly taken from their database of maize producers. The stratification was based on the cultivation of maize in specific regions of Hungary; the Danube valley (n=200), North (n=30) and the Great Plain (n=220). The surveyed farmers grew maize on 34% (standard deviation (σ) =19%) of their cultivated area or 253ha (σ=394ha). If farmers were cultivating maize in continuous cultivation in 2008, it covered on average 36% (σ= 28%) of the area sown with silage maize and 44% (σ=31%) in the case of grain maize. Farmers in the Great Plain have a significant higher percentage of continuous maize, which coincides with the figures of AKI (2007) stating that gross margins are the largest in this region. If maize is 101 cultivated in a rotation scheme, complementary crops are winter wheat, barley, sunflower and rape seed. Most farmers rely on a limited rotation system, with 62% stating winter wheat as their primary pre crop and 44% stating it as the primary post crop. In a secondary rotation scheme, one has winter barley and sunflower and to less extent rape seed. The presence of livestock on the farm influences the decision to cultivate maize. Almost half of the farmers (43%) cultivating maize have some kind of livestock on the farm, 51% of these have pigs and 49% have cattle, which are exclusive. This herd can be complemented with some other animals (poultry 12%, sheep 10%). Farmers engaging in mixed production cultivate significant higher acreage with silage maize and in the case of cattle also the total maize area is significantly higher. Silage maize is mainly produced for the spot market (26%) or for farm use (35%), only a limited amount (11%) is planted on a contract base for which the expected price is lower than on the spot market. The supply of own fodder is almost sufficient since only 9% of the mixed farms buys extra fodder. Grain maize on the other hand is mainly used on farm (47%) or produced on a contract basis (34%) with limited sales on the spot market (19%). The official infestation data state a full coverage of the Hungarian territory by 2003. However initial interviews with farmers seemed to contradict this statement. As WCR is an invasive species, information on its spread is essential. Therefore farmers were explicitly asked the data of the first detection of WCR in their own field. Figure 6 shows the percentage of maize fields infested through time according to official sources and our survey. Boriani et al. (2006) indicate a full coverage of the territory by the end of 2003 while at that time only 40% of the respondents detected WCR in their field. Even in 2008 only 72% of the farmers detected the species in their maize field. This discrepancy between the official figures and local knowledge points towards an information lag and a lag between infestation and damage which may lead to problems in designing appropriate control options based on scouting techniques. 102 Chapter 6. Are Farmers Willing to Pay for a WCR Resistant Maize Variety? 120.00% Cummulative presence 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% in farmer perception 40.00% Official (Borriani et al. 2006) 20.00% 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 0.00% Figure 6: Presence of WCR in Hungarian maize fields according to official data and the survey results The respondents were also asked about the importance of WCR compared to other maize pests. The results show that WCR is by far the most important pest 24, for which 82% of the selected respondents applied some control measure. 11% of the farmers controlled for Aphids, 10% for European Corn Borer, followed by the other European pests such as cut and wireworms. This ranking is in line with previous research on pest pressure in Hungarian agriculture from before the introduction of WCR and highlight the importance of WCR control in Hungarian agriculture (Nagy et al., 1999; Szõke et al., 2002). As the pest is such is an important constraint to agricultural production, farmers were asked to estimate the potential yield loss of WCR within their field. As expected, the highly variable impact of the pest, due to exogenous effects, on yield damages is reflected in the farmers’ perceptions. Therefore an Epanechnikov kernel function is used to estimate the non parametric probability density function (PDF) to get an insight in higher order statistics of the yield impact (Figure 7). 24 Limited amount of respondents (56%) had knowledge about all the pests within their field. We only used these farmers to determine importance of different pests and control options. 103 Kernel density estimate of western corn rootwom in Hungary 0 .005 Density .01 .015 .02 .025 (kernel=Epanechikov, bandwith=7.6) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Percentage yield loss 80 90 100 Figure 7: Kernel density estimate of WCR damage in Hungary The resulting PDF is positively skewed with about 50% of the farmers stating they do not fear any damage from WCR. On the right hand side of the distribution there are also farmers stating their whole maize production may be lost under high pest pressure. A possible explanation for this heterogeneity can be found in the different production systems. Indeed, as highlighted before, continuous cultivation of maize increases the population density and hence the potential for damages. As a consequence, a uniform crop protection strategy for all Hungarian farmers may be difficult to achieve. Averaging the perceived potential yield loss results in an estimated yield loss of 22% if no control option would be taken. Fortunately, farmers have access to different crop protection options to moderate the effect of WCR in maize. The survey probed to the actual use of these tools in Hungary. The spectrum and application procedures of these options are discussed in detail in Chapter 7 or in the reviews by Levine and Oloumi-Sadeghi (1992) and Gray et al. (2009). The results show that he most widely used protection against WCR in Hungary is soil decontamination or soil insecticides with 59% of the maize farmers applying it on an average area of 203 ha. At the time of the survey only one active ingredient (tefluthrin) was allowed for use in maize (Ripka, 2008). Crop rotation and seed treatment follow closely with respectively 47% on 228 ha and 44% on 196 ha. 104 Chapter 6. Are Farmers Willing to Pay for a WCR Resistant Maize Variety? Foliar application of chemicals is only used by 20% of the farmers on 91 ha on average, with application rates between 1 and 4 (average 1.28). Foliar treatment is only economical for the production of high value maize such as seed production as they are under threat of silk feeding by adult beetles. All the control options indicate a very high coefficient of variation (~1) which is endogenous to the heterogeneous nature of maize production systems in Hungary. Nevertheless some interesting properties of the control options can be extracted from the data. Crop rotation has a significant negative dependence with soil insecticides but positive with seed and foliar treatment. This can be explained by the fact that despite the use of crop rotation, and seed treatments are applied as an insurance strategy and their mode of action against wireworms (Muška, 2008). Seed treatment and foliar application are also a combined strategy. In continuous cultivation of maize soil insecticides are the preferred sole option as they have a higher efficiency under high population pressure (Ma et al., 2009). Farmers using soil insecticides perceive the potential damage significantly higher than farmers using any of the other techniques, once again confirming its status as the best available solution under high population pressure. Respondents were also asked about the practice of crop rotation in their field after detecting WCR. 52% of the farmers stated a decrease in acreage of continuous maize with on average 59% of their previous maize area(σ=30%). If this figure is to be compared with the share of farmers indicating crop rotation as a control option (47%), it seems that 5% of the farmers introduced it as a precautionary measure. Finally farmers were asked about their actual loss in the last two cropping season applying the aforementioned control options. In 2007, 20% of the farmers had economic damage with an average yield loss of 20% (σ=19%). In 2008 only 12% of the farmers had damage with an average yield loss of 15% (σ=14%). Interesting to note is that 8.5% of the farmers had an economic loss in both years. This either means their pest protection was not adequate, they miscalculated the severity of the pest or they valued the damage from WCR lower than the price of the control measure. To calibrate the dichotomous bivariate probit in the WTP analysis the bid prices were randomly varied from 1000 to 10000 HUF/ha. This range was based on the actual price of maize and the findings in previous valuation studies of Bt maize. Conditional on whether the respondent was willing to pay the proposed value, a second value was given being 30% higher if the initial answer was “yes”, 30% lower if “No”. The variables used in the regression model are presented and elaborated in 105 Table 15. For the likert scale respondents were asked the importance of the factor in their decision about the chosen control option against pests. 6.4 Results The results from the dichotomous bounded choice model (equation 1) can be seen in Table 15. The different variables included in the analysis are described in the same table. A first group of variables assess the importance of a control option’s specific characteristics on the WTP value for the technology of WCR resistant maize. It seems that for Hungarian farmers factors such as personal health, then environment, insurance and ease of management is not important. What is important to them is the compatibility of a control strategy with existing machinery. As soil insecticides and foliar application need specialized machinery (e.g. high clearance tractors and airplanes) or contracted services which are not needed with the systemic protection of resistant plants, this results in a higher WTP for WCR resistant maize. Another group of variables consists of the farm’s demographic characteristics. An important factor is the location of the farm. If a maize farm is located in Great Plain, they are willing to pay significantly more than farmers in the rest of the country. The gross margin for maize production is consistently higher in this region, making the switch to crop rotation costly (AKI, 2007). Therefore they are willing to pay for a new technology allowing them to produce maize in the future. A similar reasoning can be followed for the significant positive coefficient accompanying the percentage of maize in continuous cultivation. Farmers specialized in maize production have a need for an efficient technology to guarantee the production of maize. The other demographic variables (education, lease, livestock and age) have no significant effect. This could be induced by two reasons. All farmers may have the same information on WCR and control options, or information is scattered and based on personal experiences not captured by the demographic variables. The latter option is not convincing in the setting of Hungary with highly educated farmers (70% of the sample has a higher education training of which 70% a university degree in agriculture) and information sourcing. The survey shows farmers stating own experience as their major information source regarding insect control is limited to 9.1% of the population. With 49%, almost half of the farmers state an independent source (advisors, agricultural magazines, lectures and professional literature) as the determining source of information. Private companies are only the major source in 106 Chapter 6. Are Farmers Willing to Pay for a WCR Resistant Maize Variety? 16% of the cases. Therefore we can assume that the extension services are efficient and well used and information is uniform among farmers (although not necessarily correct). The coefficients for both grain and silage prices indicate that high maize prices spur the investment in WCR damage resistant varieties. This is rational as under high prices there is more value in the production to protect. The significantly negative effect of 2008’s yield is challenging but may be explained by the fact that farmers with high maize yields feel they already possess the necessary tools to manage the presence of WCR. Farmers with lower yields, possibly partially explained by the WCR damage, are willing to pay more for a protecting technology. Table 15: Results and parameters of the bivariate probit analysis to assess the WTP for a WCR resistant maize variety Variable Description Coefficient Mangament Likert scale 1-5 on the importance in control option decision -0.01 Yield value Likert scale 1-5 on the importance in control option decision 0.17 Insurance Likert scale 1-5 on the importance in control option decision -0.06 Personal health Likert scale 1-5 on the importance in control option decision -0.23 Equipment Likert scale 1-5 on the importance in control option decision 0.25** Environment Likert scale 1-5 on the importance in control option decision -0.2 IPM Experience Integrated Pest management (1=yes,0=no) Danube 1 if the farmer is located in the Danube valley, 0 otherwise Plain 1 if the farmer is located in the Great Plain, 0 otherwise Lease The percentage of the cultivated area leased -0.05 Maize The percentage of the cultivated area planted with maize 0.64 Livestock 1 if the farmer has livestock, 0 otherwise 0.21 Price grain Anticipated farm gate price for 2008 season for grain maize (HUF/ton) 0.0002*** Price silage Anticipated farm gate price for 2008 season for silage maize (HUF/ton) 0.0003*** Grain continuous Share of grain maize area under continuous cultivation Yield grain Expected yield in 2008 (ton/ha) for grain maize -0.11* Yield Silage Expected yield in 2008 (ton/ha) for silage maize -0.0004*** Education 1 if university education, 0 otherwise -0.13 Age Age of respondent 0.01 Infestation Years since first detection in field (2009) 0.04 Future damage 1 if farmer expected damage in the future, 0 otherwise -0.18 Off farm income percentage of income from off farm employment -0.03 0.63*** 0.19 1.15** 0.01*** -2.74** Intercept -180.3 Log-likelihood 1 96.9** chi squared Estimated mean WTP Average WTP for the proposed variety (€/ha) 70.3 Notes:1presents a goodness of fit test based on the log-likelihood. The regression parameters where chosen based on this criteria. *=significant at the 0.1 level, **=0.05, ***0.01 107 A final significant and interesting result of the analysis is the effect of the farmer’s experience with Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM is an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management. IPM programs use information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. This information, in combination with available pest control methods, is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment. The positive effect means that farmers having an interest in sustainable cultivation methods such as IPM value the resistant variety higher. This could be a direct effect of the high toxicity of the allowed soil insecticides tefluthrin. Finally, the specified bivariate probit model leads to an average WTP of €70.3/ha. We tried to use the bootstrap methodology introduced by Krinsky et a. (1986) in order to construct a confidence interval for the average WTP but failed to reach convergence. A reason for this may be found in the high variability among farmers and the different preference sets used by the respondents 6.5 Discussion The results of our extensive survey seem to indicate that WCR presents a serious threat to farmers. According to Hungarian farmers, on average 22% of the maize yields may be lost if no action is undertaken but this may amount to a full yield loss in specific cases. Hence, Hungarian farmers are using crop protection strategies such as crop rotation, soil insecticides and seed treatment to moderate the effect of the invasive species on their maize. Especially in continuous cultivation of maize, which is common practice, the dependence on chemical control options is high with potential environmental side effects. Maize resistant to WCR damage could expand the spectrum of available control options and lessen the dependence on chemical solutions. It seems that farmers are aware of the potential of such technologies as they are willing to pay €70/ha as a premium to conventional seeds. Especially the reduced need for specialized machinery increases the WTP for the resistant variety and is important to farmers. Farmers that are inflexible due to specific production constraints, such as land, reveal a higher WTP for resistant maize. Therefore the marketing potential is mainly located in the Great Plains and among continuous maize farmers. 108 Chapter 6. Are Farmers Willing to Pay for a WCR Resistant Maize Variety? This kind of data helps to provide some insights in the practices of farmers to cope with WCR, which has been limited up to now and is essential for the economic assessment in the next chapters. 109 110 Chapter 7. On the Competitiveness of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Crop Protection Strategies in Hungary: a Bioeconomic Approach Adapted from Dillen, Mitchell, & Tollens, Journal of Applied Entomology, 134(5):395-408 Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte or Western Corn Rootworm (WCR), is a major pest of cultivated maize, Zea mays L., introduced into Europe in 1992. Since then, the beetle spread through Central Europe, leading to a continuous pest population in 11 European countries. This chapter presents an economic assessment of different crop protection strategies against this invasive species in the Hungarian maize sector. A bio-economic model, using Monte Carlo sampling, estimates the potential damage from WCR under no control and the value created by Bt maize, seed treatment, soil insecticides and cultural control. At the same time potential market shares for the different damage abatement options under perfect information are deducted. The potential damages under a no control scenario are estimated at €176/ha for grain maize farmers on average, which points out the need for well designed damage abatement strategies. For land-constrained farmers cultural control is a valuable damage abatement strategy, being the optimal choice in 69% of the cases. In monoculture Bt maize is the best option as it creates the highest value in 78% of the cases. However, as Bt maize active against WCR is not deregulated in the European Union, soil insecticides in 54% of the cases and seed treatment in 46% of the cases are the rational choices. As the value created by Bt maize is positive, not deregulating Bt maize in Hungary leads to benefits foregone ranging from €16/ha for land-constrained grain farmers to €49/ha in the case of silage maize under monoculture. Finally, the results of the sensitivity analysis can be used to develop a multi-criteria tool to aid farmers in applying the appropriate damage abatement strategy. This could decrease the dependency of farmers on scouting techniques and economic thresholds of WCR presence. 7.1 Introduction As discussed in the introduction of Chapter 6, the introduction of an invasive species in agriculture hast to be understood in its socio-economic situation of crop production. Earlier socio-economic literature on WCR in the USA mainly estimated economic thresholds of insecticide applications (e.g. Foster et al., 1986), while recent literature focused on integrated practices (Van Mellor et al., 2006), the value of introducing Bt maize as a crop protection (CP) strategy (Alston et al., 2002) or on dynamic control strategies (Crowder et al., 2005). In Europe, where the invasive species is still spreading, economic damages are not yet stabilized, uncertainty about the efficiency of different control measures is not yet resolved and future trends are difficult to predict, economic assessments have been limited. Wesseler and Fall (2010) assess the efficiency of containment strategies while others estimate the potential value of damage and crop protection options (e.g. Baufeld and Enzian, 2005b; Fall and Wesseler, 2008; Hatala Zsellér et al., 2006; Schaafsma et al., 1999). In this chapter, a bio-economic simulation model is developed to assess the absolute and relative competitiveness of alternative CP strategies and their potential market share in a European setting, which is accepted to be different from the USA situation (Kiss et al., 2005). In the first section different CP strategies are presented. In a second part, the bio-economic model is described. As available data is scarce and not all CP strategies commercialized, we opt for a stochastic ex ante simulation model, explicitly incorporating heterogeneity among maize farmers. The impact of different CP strategies is compared to the counterfactual of unrestricted damages. However, instead of using a proxy to determine the main source of heterogeneity as in Chapter 2, the impact of the production constraint, WCR, is explicitly modeled through a stochastic biological component. Via a hierarchical modeling procedure this component is then used as an input for the economic model. This approach ameliorates the earlier economic studies as it reduces the need for expert opinions and decouples the explicit link between CP options and yield losses. In the third section data are presented. The fourth section presents the results of the model and the sensitivity analysis. These results can be used to develop a multi-criteria decision tool aiding the farmer in choosing the optimal control option given his constraints. The last section concludes and discusses. 112 Chapter 7. On the Competitiveness of WCR Control Options in Hungary 7.2 Control Options 7.2.1 Crop rotation Crop rotation is tailored to the behavioral characteristics of the univoltine beetle and has been successfully applied in the USA for decades. Egg deposition takes place during late summer, predominantly in maize fields, where the eggs overwinter and hatch the next spring. The larvae have relatively limited mobility, and therefore feed on the roots in their vicinity. However, the species depends on monocotyledons to terminate their lifecycle. Moreover, the potential of crops besides maize to act as a feeding source is low (Branson and Ortman, 1967). Therefore, rotating maize with a non-host crop offers a practical solution to limit pest population growth and overcome damage. However, since the early nineties, damage in first year maize occurs in some parts of the USA despite rotation (Levine and Oloumi-Sadeghi, 1996). In their review Gray et al. (2009) point towards a lack of fidelity to maize as an oviposition site for adult females as a trigger for the development of a rotation resistant pest population. However, this variant has not evolved in Europe and the relatively higher agrobiodiversity of European agriculture may not exert as strong of a selection pressure on this trait. European maize production differs regionally but is generally different from the USA due to a more diverse array of cropping patterns (Kiss et al., 2005). This diminishes the pressure towards rotation resistant pest populations. However, the same high agro-biodiversity increases the potential presence of other host crops in the agricultural landscape. Moeser and Vidal (2004; 2005), studying European populations of WCR, found that feeding on some grasses was significant and adults emerged. Gloyna and Thieme (2007) tested WCR development on barley, oats, spelt, triticale and wheat. On all of these crops, possible to use as a rotational crops except oats, adult WCR development took place. Unfortunately none of these studies assessed whether these adults were fecund and if so, where egg deposition took place. In this study we assume crop rotation is a feasible CP strategy for infested European maize fields in the present situation. Crop rotation comes at a cost to farmers, the magnitude of which we use to classify farmers in this chapter. Farmers with excess land and low specialization in maize production encounter minimal costs to use new crop rotations, as they can produce a crop mix equivalent to the situation before crop rotation was introduced as a CP strategy by simply reallocating land. However, farmers facing land constraints 113 and specialize in maize production will have to adapt their output mix by growing a second best crop, reducing farm profits. Within this group of land constrained farmers, a special group can be differentiated who practice continuous (non-rotated) maize production. This group mainly consists of small-scale farmers engaging in livestock production or farmers producing under long term contracts and will not readily adopt crop rotation as a CP strategy, but focus on other available solutions. 7.2.2 Chemical control Both in the USA and in selected European countries, chemical CP strategies are applied to both reduce the WCR population and prevent damages. Soil insecticides and seed treatments target the larvae to protect maize roots from feeding damage. Soil insecticide applications are placed in furrow, over the row or in a T-band during planting. The efficacy and consistency of soil insecticides depends upon a number of factors: the applied active ingredient, timing of the application because of limited persistence in the soil (about 6 weeks), leaching, physical and chemical composition of soil, mechanical and operational aspects, …(see Gerber, 2003 for a detailed review). Seed treatments on the other hand are placed directly onto the seeds via a coating, thereby optimizing both spatial and temporal application while reducing management requirements. Although these products provide adequate protection under low pest population pressure, they tend to be more variable in protection than traditional soil insecticides under high pest population pressure (Cox et al., 2007; Horak et al., 2008; Ma et al., 2009). On the other hand, some of the active ingredients used in seed treatment offer protection against wireworms, thereby increasing the spectrum of application (Muška, 2008). Adult control can be achieved through foliar application of insecticides. Although adult control may be rational to reduce silk feeding in seed production and for sweet maize, it does not directly protect roots from larval feeding. However, by reducing the population, egg laying is reduced, thus reducing larvae damage in the next season. Foliar spraying is either done by high clearance tractors or aerial application. As this chapter only focuses on grain and silage maize, and the availability of the required mechanical equipment in the countries under research is low, adult control is not incorporated in the analysis. 114 Chapter 7. On the Competitiveness of WCR Control Options in Hungary Based on the experiences gained in the USA where insecticide resistance for some active ingredients developed in WCR populations (Meinke et al., 1998), cautious resistant management is a key factor in maintaining the efficiency of the different control options. In this respect, the limited and reducing availability of active ingredients allowed for use in the EU due to environmental concerns could create a genetic bottleneck. In Hungary, only one active ingredient was available as a soil insecticide in the 2008 planting season (Ripka, 2008). Combined with the findings of Ciosi et al. (2008), demonstrating multiple introductions of WCR in Europe increasing the probability of adaptations to management strategies, this points towards the need for a diversified approach against WCR in Europe. Moreover, neither soil insecticides nor seed treatment is an efficient way to control pest population dynamics. Both offer farmers the ability to reduce damage but not necessarily to reduce the presence of WCR in the field (Furlan et al., 2006), introducing a potential for lagged damages. 7.2.3 Bt maize Agricultural biotechnology is a recent addendum to the toolbox to prevent WCR damage. The genome of the maize, resistant to WCR damage, contains a coleopteran specific insecticidal toxin from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). This socalled Bt maize was commercially introduced in 2003 in the USA. Adoption of the technology by US farmers was rapid so that by 2005, about 1.8 million hectares were planted in the USA with WCR resistant Bt maize. In 2009, 63% 25 of the US maize area was planted with some type of Bt maize. The adoption of was successful at the expense of soil insecticides. The Bt technology gives a systemic protection to WCR and, as it is incorporated in the root, its performance is less likely to be affected by environmental conditions, planting time, soil conditions or calibration of machinery (Mitchell, 2002). The results in the USA indeed show a high efficiency of the trait to avoid economic loss and high efficacy (Ward et al., 2005). The threat of resistance against the active ingredient Cry3bb1, is reduced through the implementation of a high-dose/refuge area in the USA. In Europe, the cultivation of this Bt maize (MON88017) is not deregulated, but allowed for import as food and feed crop (AGbios, 2008). 25 This figure also includes the area of Bt maize that only carries resistance against the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) because disaggregated data are not available. 115 7.3 Bio-economic Model Unfortunately, very little data is available on the extent of WCR damage and the efficiency of different CP strategies in Hungary. Moreover, one of the potential CP strategies, Bt maize, has not been deregulated. This imperfect and scarce data justifies the setup of the model as an ex ante impact assessment. We compare the situation in which every single farmer tries to optimize his farm income with a counterfactual situation where no CP strategy would be applied, potentially resulting in high yield losses. The structure of the model is similar to the approach in Chapter 2 which to cope with the particularities of imperfect data in an ex ante impact assessment through parametric modeling. Of particular interest in that chapter was the role of heterogeneity among farmers. This heterogeneity, stemming from differences in soil, climate, managerial capacities, etc, creates a different value for the available CP strategies between farmers which has to be accounted for to avoid the homogeneity bias. In the case of WCR another important source of uncertainty influences the valuation of the technology in the population of potential adopters. As presented earlier, the damage caused by WCR depends on several exogenous factors which results in a low correlation between pest population, CP strategies and resulting yields. To explicitly incorporate the unpredictable nature of the yield effect, this effect is introduced through a hierarchical model starting from a biological component which’s output feeds the economic farm model. Hence, compared to earlier approaches, we take one step back and explicitly model the source of variance instead of relying on observable proxy variables. The biological component of the model follows Mitchell et al. (2004) predicting the root rating under different CP strategies conditional on the counterfactual untreated situation 26. For notation, let RRno denote the root rating without CP and RRseed, RRsoil and RRBt respectively denote the root rating with a seed treatment, with soil insecticide and with Bt maize active against WCR larvae. The model assumes that the root rating with a treatment follows a beta probability density function (PDF) with parameters conditional on the root rating without CP. Specifically, the distribution with control treatment is a beta PDF with a mean µ and standard deviation σ as follows: 26 The root rating, sometimes referred to as the Iowa scale, is a measure to quantify the damage on a maize root (Hills and Peters, 1971). The scale categorizes maize roots from no visible damage (1) to the equivalent of three or more nodes of roots pruned off (6). 116 Chapter 7. On the Competitiveness of WCR Control Options in Hungary µ= 1 + m1 ( RRno − 1) σ = e( s + s ( RR 0 1 no −1)) (2) (3) where m1, s0 and s1 are parameters to estimate via a maximum likelihood estimation.27 These functions normalize the root rating without control to the 0 to 5 range, then, because the root rating must be between 1 and 6, the function for the mean has a minimum of 1 when the observed root rating without control is also 1 (i.e., no rootworm damage without control implies on average no root damage with control). The standard deviation uses an exponential function to ensure that it is always positive, with the intercept term e s0 defining the standard deviation when the root rating without control is 1. The conditional beta PDF constructed needs a lower and an upper limit. The lower limit is 1.0 as this denotes no visible damage and the upper limit is assumed to be the maximum of RRno and 2.0. Therefore the upper limit is no higher than the observed root rating without control, except when the observed root rating without control is very low. Given the values or functions for the mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum, the standard equation for the beta function is used to derive functional forms for the parameters of the conditional beta density. A specific procedure using Monte Carlo simulation can now be used to generate pseudo observations of the impact of WCR and the CP options in Hungary. In each iteration, a value is drawn from a hypothetical PDF representing the counterfactual situation. This value is then inserted in the biological model and initiates the draw of a root rating for each single CP option conditional on this counterfactual value. Hence, the difference in root rating between, ∆RRi =RRno - RRi where the subscript i denotes the different abatement strategies, can be determined for each iteration. This pseudo observation of ΔRRi is then translate in a yield effect according to = Yi Ybase (1 − ∆RRi .α ) (4) where Ybase is the unaffected yield in Hungary, and α the percentage yield loss per root rating extracted from the composed-error model by Mitchell et al. (2004). We 27 Other estimation techniques would have been possible. However, the maximum likelihood is not biased and allows for the specification of the beta distribution with strict boundaries. Incorporating these constraints in other techniques would create estimation problems that are out of scope of this chapter. 117 make abstraction from the standard deviation around α and assume variability is captured by the conditional PDF. The specification of the model contains the implicit assumption that the yield losses in the USA and Europe are equal despite the various differences in production systems. However, due to the limited availability of data on European damage and the deregulated status of Bt maize this is a necessary assumption. In Chapter 8 this assumption is further discussed. To transform the biological component resulting in a yield effect into an economic decision model, the model is grounded in a rational choice framework assuming farmers are utility maximizers. In this chapter we differentiate two utility functions. The first utility function is a linear function of the profit derived from different CP strategies. The second utility function is a negative exponential Von NeumannMorgenstern utility function. This specification allows introducing constant absolute risk aversion (CARA). The assumption of CARA preferences is often used to analyze farm decisions under risk (Just and Pope, 2002). As the absolute risk aversion level does not convey sufficient information to indicate whether the implied level of risk aversion is reasonable, Babcock et al. (1993) calculate the risk premium as a percentage of the wealth at risk. The resulting certainty equivalent (CE) may lead to an ordering of control options different from the risk neutral case (see Mitchell and Hutchison, 2008 for an overview of economic methods to incorporate risk into entomological contexts). A partial budgeting approach is followed to assess the marginal effect of WCR on farm profits. Partial budgeting is a commonly used method to estimate the net increase in farmer returns due to a small change in management relative to some base case (Olson, 2004). π q = P(Yi − Yno ) − cq where q = soil or seed treatment (5) π Bt = (1 − r )( P(YBt − Yno ) − YBt ∆P − cBt ) + r ( P(1 − ∆P)Yno ) (6) π rot = • 2( wother − wmaize ) 3 P the price for identity preserved (IP) non –GM maize and ΔP the price discount for Bt maize. • (7) ci the cost of the different control measures on a per hectare base. 118 Chapter 7. On the Competitiveness of WCR Control Options in Hungary • r the percentage area not planted with Bt maize while applying the Bt CP strategy, including both the refuge area under the integrated resistance management plans and the area planted with ex ante coexistence measures under the European regulations (Devos et al., 2009 offers a comprehensible overview). As refuge areas have to be planted in the direct vicinity of the Bt maize field, we assume they are located in the buffer compulsory under the coexistence guidelines and will therefore have to be sold at the discounted price for Bt maize. • Yi is the average yield under the application of the alternative control measures. • wmaize is the gross margin of maize and wother of the complementary crops in a 3-year rotational plan. As highlighted in Chapter 2, the segment of adopting farmers in the population is a function of the price/cost of the different CP options. However, as Bt maize active against WCR is not deregulated in Europe, the technology fee is not yet established. Chapter 2 presents a framework to calculate the technology fee assuming a revenue maximizing strategy by the IPR owner. If the technology fee is not endogenized, i.e. through competitive pricing or expert opinions, a pricing bias could emerge. Central in the framework is the concept of technology valuation, the appraisal a potential adopter has for the new technology compared to the other solutions available. The technology valuation therefore depends on the threat of competition from other CP strategies. The bio-economic model allows the calculation of the added value of Bt maize compared to the next best alternative. Under this specification, the technology valuation, θ , is represented by = θ π Bt0 − max [π soil , π seed , π rot ] (8) where π Bt0 is the profit made from Bt maize assuming a zero price level for the technology. The heterogeneity and uncertainty introduced in the model through the pseudo observations, implies that θ has a PDF, f(θ), representing the distribution of technology valuation among farmers. Farmers on the right/upper tail will have a high valuation and will likely adopt the technology while farmers at the lower/left tail would not adopt even at a zero price. From this PDF a normalized demand curve for 119 the technology can be constructed via the descending cumulative distribution Q(θ) = 1 - F(θ) with θ the price of the technology. As Bt maize is protected by IPRs, we assume that the innovator has some market power which allows him to set θ at a rate maximizing his revenue function: π (θ ) = θ Q (θ ). (9) The optimal price of the technology bundle, θ*, satisfies the following condition: θ * = arg max π (θ ). θ (10) With the assumption of rational farmers, a farmer will adopt if his technology valuation exceeds θ*. Moreover, the technology fee, θ*, equals the marginal adopter, indifferent between accepting and refusal (Lapan and Moschini, 2004). With the marginal adopter known, the potential adoption rate, ρ, and the average value ( ω ) accruing to adopters from introducing Bt maize can be calculated, ∞ ρ = ∫ f (θ )dθ (11) θ* = ω ∞ ∫ (θ − θ * ) f a (θ ) dθ (12) θ* where f (θ ) f a (θ ) = ρ 0 (θ > θ * ) (13) (θ ≤ θ * ) 7.3.1 Data Data are gathered from various sources and transformed in order to serve as an input for the stochastic bio-economic model and presented in Table 16. In this section we discuss some of the most important data. Further implications of the data use is discussed in Chapter 8 if we compare the model in different countries. 120 Chapter 7. On the Competitiveness of WCR Control Options in Hungary Table 16: Input data for the bio-economic model of Chapter 7 Parameter Value Source Yield grain maize (t/ha) PERT (0; 7.70; 10.26) Based on AKI (2008) Price grain maize(Ft/t) Lognormal(29278;11140) “ Yield silage (t/ha) PERT(0;31.85;42.46) “ Price silage (Ft/t) Lognormal(4874;775) “ Cost seed treatment (Ft/ha) Uniform(10130;12836) Hatala Zselléret al. (2006) Cost soil insecticide (Ft/ha) 17472 “ RR in counterfactual PERT(1;2;6) Assumption Yield increase / RR (α) 0.114 Mitchell et al. (2004) Price discount (%) Triangular(0;2;3) Assumption Technology fee (€/ha) Triangular(18;23;28) Endogenized Refuge (%) 20 AGBIOS (2008) Gross Margin Maize (Ft/ha) PERT(68627.6;87959.5;94444.6) Based on AKI (2008) Gross Margin Barley (Ft/ha) PERT(41350.6;58762.0;73847.9) “ Gross Margin Winter wheat (Ft/ha) PERT(48337.0;67416.8;78270.4) “ Exchange rate (Ft/€) 252 Oanda (2008) -0.2 Assumption based Goodwin (2009) Correlations Price grain-yield grain on The lognormal PDF on price data is constructed based on the mean and standard deviation of a time series from 2000 to 2008 (AKI, 2008). Following Goodwin (2009) we introduce a negative correlation between yields and prices to account for the effect that under a high supply of maize, market prices may decrease. Yield itself is an output from germplasm, management and environmental influences. Due to the correlation between space and time, following from the systemic nature of crop production, the central limit theorem is not applicable. Moreover, crop yield distributions are assumed to be skewed due to the biological constraints at the tail of the distribution (Goodwin and Ker, 2002). We assume crop yields follow a linear trend in time and deviate from this trend due to external constraints. Assuming that the deviation is proportional to the trend we calibrate our uninfested yields, Ybase on trend adjusted yields. Regressing yields in time we get expected yields in year t of Yˆt and the error, eˆt , which are used to recenter the latest yield data for year t = 2008 as the base, ˆ ∧ Ybase= (1 + Yeˆ2008 ) Y 2008 . 2008 (14) 121 Under the constraints of scarce data we opt for the PERT distribution to model the base yield as it is well suited to represent subjective estimates with lower emphasis on the extremes when data availability for these fractiles is low (see Chapter 2 Lau et al., 1998). The distribution is parameterized on the centered yield with zero and 150% of Ybase as the extremes. 28 Data for estimation of equations 1 and 2 were assembled from field trials conducted by entomology faculties at universities in Illinois, Nebraska and Ohio. This data was combined data provided by Monsanto for early comparisons of Bt maize for rootworm control with conventional control by soil insecticides. In many cases, trap crops were planted the previous year to ensure a high amount of larval pressure. These field trials are randomized plots comparing the various rootworm control options with an untreated control plot. Their original purpose was often to provide third-party evaluations of the control efficiency of the various WCR larval control options available to farmers. The majority of these data were for soil insecticides (949 observations), with a few for Bt maize (75 observation) and seed treatments (38 observations) because soil insecticides were the most popular form of larval control in use at the time and Bt maize was relatively new. Later evaluations of Bt maize and soil insecticides switched to using the node injury scale of Oleson et al.(2005), so few observations were available for this currently popular form of larval control. The results of the estimation are shown in Table 17 which serves as an input to construct the conditional PDFs of root ratings under different CP strategies. To apply equation 3 an estimation of RRno, the counterfactual situation is needed. However, due to the containment regulations in place and the use of CP, this counterfactual situation is not observable in Hungary. Therefore we have to make an assumption based on expert opinions and compare the resulting yield effects with the survey data from Chapter 6 and other secondary data sources to check consistency before continuing with the calculations (a detailed set of assumptions is given in Dillen et al., 2009c). 28 The specification of the base yield is conservative as it assumes that the used historic yield data are not yet affected by WCR. This is debatable in those countries already suffering from a high pest population pressure such as Hungary. 122 Chapter 7. On the Competitiveness of WCR Control Options in Hungary Table 17: Estimation results of the parameters determining the conditional beta distribution of root ratings under different damage abatement strategies Damage abatement strategy Seed Treatmenta Soil Insecticideb Bt maizec a Parameter m1 s0 s1 m1 s0 s1 m1 s0 s1 Estimate 0.674 -2.145 0.440 0.427 -1.500 0.231 0.262 -1.687 0.317 Standard Error 0.032 0.552 0.139 0.005 0.059 0.018 0.036 0.121 0.057 t Statistic 20.99 -3.89 3.15 77.91 -25.41 13.04 7.31 -13.94 5.54 p Value < 0.001 < 0.001 0.002 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 38 observations, RMSE = 0.479 using the mean as the prediction. 949 observations, RMSE = 0.492 using the mean as the prediction. c 75 observations, RMSE =0.416 using the mean as the prediction. Source: based on: Gray and Steffey (1998), Meinke et al.(2000a; 2000b; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004a; 2004b), Eisley (2002) and Mitchell (2002). b Costs for seed treatment and soil insecticide are taken from the Hungarian State Phytosanitary Institute. Prices are in line with the €40-60/ha for insecticides according to Takacs et al. (2007) and data we received from wholesalers in Hungary. To reflect variation in the price for seed treatments, we use a uniform PDF with the appropriate ranges while we assume a fixed price for soil insecticides as only teflutrin was allowed for use in the 2008 season. In the case of Bt maize, costs arise from different sources as reflected in equation 5. The refuge area needed to ensure effective insect resistance management is assumed to be equal to the requirements in the USA, i.e. 20% of the planted area. We assume that this refuge area at the same time allows farmers to comply with the European legislation on ex ante coexistences. The farmer does not control for WCR in the refuge area and therefore encounters yield losses while offering it in the market as non IP maize. In theory there may be a price discount for Bt maize as consumers perceive it to be an inferior product. European markets in GM crops are premature, but for a price discount for Bt maize did not develop in the maize market (Gomez-Barbero et al., 2008; Skevas et al., 2009). However, to be conservative, a subjective triangular PDF ranging from no discount to 3% is introduced. Cultural control options are evaluated based on alternative cultivation options. As the gross margin of complementary crops is highly uncertain at the time of decision making, the associated cost has a high variability. AKI (2008) documents gross margins of commodities with their spatial and temporal variation throughout Hungary. Using the standard methodology to calibrate a PERT PDF based on the 123 most likely value and the extremes, the appropriate distributions are constructed. As winter wheat and barley are the main crops rotated with maize (see Chapter 6), we use this rotation scheme in the model. We believe that the broad variability in gross margins covers the local deviations from the assumed rotation scheme. However, not all farmers switching from continuous maize to a rotation scheme encounter a reduction in revenue. As introduced before, we distinguish three groups of farmers. A first group of land-unconstrained farmers has the possibility to engage in crop rotation as a CP strategy without altering their output mix and hence there revenues. These farmers are only marginally affected by the WCR infestation and we assume that their damage of WCR is zero. Land-constrained farmers that have to reduce maize production under crop rotation bear a cost due to the lower gross margins on the the rotation crop. Within this group of land-constrained farmers, there is a sub-population that is characterized by the compulsory cultivation of continuous maize. The underlying reason is the high degree of specialization, often related to the presence of livestock on the farm or long term contracts (i.e. biofuels production). As land resources are essential in this differentiation, smaller farmers have a higher chance of engaging in continuous maize production. Finally, for CARA farmers we follow Mitchell et al. (2004) and set the risk premium at 20% of the standard deviation on profits of the different CP options, to account for moderately risk averse farmers. 7.3.2 Simulations and Results The calculations are carried out in Excel, using the @RISK add-in by Palisade Corporation allowing Monte Carlo sampling in Excel. Each simulation was run for 10 000 iterations to ensure convergence of the results. Before turning the attention to the competitiveness of the different control options, the results of the specification of the biological component are evaluated (Figure 8). The average yield loss in Hungarian maize production reaches on 28%. This is reasonably close the results of the survey in Chapter 6 where farmers estimated this value to be 22%. Earlier literature also presents a range for the potential yield loss. Schaafsma et al. (1999) estimate the effect for Germany at around 10%, Baufeld and Enzian (2005a) use 1013%, while Macleod et al. (2007) assume 25-30% for the UK. Our result is on the higher edge of this range. However, as Hungary is characterized by a high percentage 124 Chapter 7. On the Competitiveness of WCR Control Options in Hungary of continuous maize (Toth, 2005) a high population pressure in the counterfactual may be expected. With this specification, the efficiency of the different CP strategies can be evaluated. Crop rotation offers the highest yield protection as we assume no damages under this strategy. Bt maize has an average efficiency of 96% while soil insecticides and seed treatment offer a lower efficiency, respectively 93% and 88%.The estimated yield loss from WCR leads to a potential average loss of €176/ha in grain maize cultivation. Wesseler and Fall (2010) estimate these costs in the same magnitude at €137/ha. 1 Cummlative percentage 0.8 0.6 Yield crop rotation (mean 6.8 t/ha) 0.4 Yield seed treatment (mean 6.0 t/ha) Yield soil insecticide (mean 6.3 t/ha) 0.2 Yield Bt maize (mean 6.5 t/ha) 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Yield grain maize (t/ha) Figure 8: Yield under different damage abatement strategies in Hungarian field conditions In a next step, the model is setup to estimated the distribution of the technology valuation, f(θ). Based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the Weibull PDF was chosen as a parametric representation of f(θ). This PDF allows the calculation of the endogenized technology fee, θ*. Chapter 2 shows that pricing the technology differently in separate submarkets, e.g. grain and silage maize, increases the revenue of the innovator. However, grain and silage maize markets are not clearly distinct at the time of planting. The farmer’s choice between silage and grain can be reviewed during the growth process if exogenous factors favor the one or the other system (e.g. 125 ear diseases, price changes, etc.). Moreover, the area under silage maize is small in Hungary, making it a niche market. Therefore we assume that the price is set in the grain maize market, leading to a technology fee of €23/ha. This value lies within the range of magnitude found in other papers. Alston et al. (2002) price the technology competitive to soil insecticides, at about $30/ha in the USA. Fall et al. (2008) use different scenarios with a technology fee ranging from €27.65/ha to €102.7/ha for different European Member States, but abstracting from costs arising from refuge and price discount. Table 18: Value created by different damage abatement strategies against WCR in Hungary for risk neutral and risk averse farmers (€/ha) Risk Neutral Mean Coefficient of variation Certainty Equivalent Rent Bt maize 148.2 0.6 132.2 Rent seed treatment 100.1 0.8 87.8 Rent soil insecticide 113.0 0.9 96.4 Rent crop rotation 169.0 0.8 152.6 Land-constrained 16.1 0.6 17.6 Continuous maize 37.0 0.7 35.7 Rent Bt maize 46.8 0.9 38.4 Rent seed treatment -12.0 2.4 -17.5 Rent soil insecticide -10.0 4.5 -18.8 Rent crop rotation 40.7 1.7 27.6 Land-constrained 25.6 0.5 26.5 Continuous maize 48.5 0.5 46.3 Grain Added value created by Bt maize CARA Silage Added value created by Bt maize With all the necessary variables defined, the initial research question can be addressed. The results presented in Table 18 show that in grain maize production all different CP strategies on average create a positive rent. For land-constrained farmers, crop rotation offers the highest value, €169/ha, followed by Bt maize, soil insecticides and seed treatment. The heterogeneity among farmers and the particular properties of each CP strategy suggest that the highest average value does not mean the strategy is optimal in all situations. Therefore Table 19 indicates the percentage of pseudo observations in which a certain strategy is optimal. For land-constrained farmers, crop rotation is the optimal solution in 69% of the cases, while Bt maize is the best strategy in 28% of the cases, leaving the chemical options only optimal for a marginal number 126 Chapter 7. On the Competitiveness of WCR Control Options in Hungary of farmers. For farmers committed to continuous maize, Bt maize is optimal in 78% of the cases followed by soil insecticides in 15% and seed treatment in the remaining 7%. In silage maize production, the average benefits are lower due to the lower value of the crop. Bt maize now offers the highest average protection and creates a value of €47/ha, followed by crop rotation and the chemical options. Interesting is that both soil insecticides and seed treatment on average seem not to generate benefits. Looking into detail in the pay-off, the model shows that seed treatment would be preferred to no control in 26% of the cases, while soil insecticides do slightly better with 34% of the cases. For land-constrained silage farmers, Bt maize is optimal in 55% of the cases, crop rotation in 36% of the cases, while for 8% of the farmers it is optimal not to engage in any CP measure as the value of the damage is too small. In continuous maize, the dominance of Bt maize increases to 87%. Table 19: Distribution of optimal crop protection strategies against WCR in the heterogeneous farmer population of Hungary Risk neutral farmers Grain Continuous 78% Landconstrained 36% 1% 7% 2% 7% Soil insecticide 1% 15% 3% 12% Crop rotation 69% n.a. 60% n.a. No control 0% 0% 0% 0% Bt maize 55% 87% 61% 90% Seed treatment 0% 1% 0% 1% Soil insecticide 0% 3% 0% 2% Crop rotation 36% n.a. 29% n.a. No control Bt maize Seed treatment Landconstrained 28% Continuous CARA farmers 81% Silage 8% 9% 11% 7% Grain (Bt maize not commercialized) Seed treatment 8% 46% 7% 47% Soil insecticide 3% 54% 4% 53% Crop rotation 89% n.a. 89% n.a. 0% 13% 0% 11% Soil insecticide 0% 28% 0% 25% Crop rotation 67% n.a. 62% n.a. No control 33% 59% 38% 64% Silage (Bt maize not commercialized) Seed treatment n.a.: not applicable 127 As Bt maize is not yet deregulated in the European Union, the results presented above do not reflect the actual situation. Therefore in Table 19, the distribution of CP strategies among the heterogeneous population of farmers is shown in the absence of the Bt technology for grain maize. In that scenario, land-constrained farmers would opt for crop rotation in 89% of the cases, followed by seed treatment in 8% and soil insecticides in 3% of the cases. In monoculture, soil insecticides become the dominant strategy with 54% followed by seed treatment with 46%. If we compare these values with the results of the survey in Chapter 6 on the actual practices in Hungary, these figures seem to be close to the actual situation, as 59% of the farmers stated they used soil insecticides and 44% used a seed treatment. Land-constrained silage maize farmers will either apply crop rotation, 67%, or no control at all. In a situation of silage under monoculture, 13% of the farmers would opt for seed treatment, 28% for soil insecticides while the remainder would not apply any CP strategies. The discrepancy between the outcome with Bt maize deregulated and the actual situation suggests that the deregulated status of Bt maize comes at a cost (benefits foregone) to those farmers having to use the less efficient technologies available. These benefits foregone can be calculated as the added value from adopting Bt maize and shown in Table 18. Land-constrained farmers on average forego €16/ha for grain maize and €26/ha for silage maize. The latter is higher as the technology fee is tailored to the particularities of the grain maize market, creating an added value which is higher in the silage maize market. For farmers engaging in monoculture, this value increases to €37/ha and €49/ha respectively. To farmers the absolute value may not be the final parameter in the decision whether or not a CP strategy is optimal. For risk averse farmers, the variability in the value created plays an important role. This variability is shown in Table 18 by the coefficient of variation and used to both calculate the risk premium and the CE. The low variability in the value created by Bt maize makes it attractive for the moderately risk averse farmer. For grain maize this translates into increased rationale for Bt maize, now the optimal CP strategy for land-constrained farmers in 36% of the cases (Table 19). The application range of crop rotation is affected the most, only optimal in 60% of the cases. The choice for soil insecticides and seed treatments reduces to 2% and 3% respectively. In continuous grain maize, Bt maize would be the optimal choice in 81% of the cases for risk averse farmers. Similar results for other situations can be found in Table 19. 128 Chapter 7. On the Competitiveness of WCR Control Options in Hungary As the results indicate, there is no single dominant CP strategy. Therefore farmers need a set of criteria to determine the optimal CP strategy given their own constraints. Up to this point no insight is provided in these decision criteria. Literature has not addressed this issue up to now. But also in this study we either implicitly assumed to have only knowledge about the average value in Hungary, or full information in order to determine the potential market share for each optimal CP strategy. The reality for the farmer is somewhere in between. Farmers have to operate under imperfect information as yield, prices and damages are not known at the time of decision making, but farmers possess private information which differentiates them from the other farmers in the population. This private information may aid farmers in their decision if the factors determining the value of a certain CP strategy are known. To determine these factors and their influence on the value creation, a sensitivity analysis is run through a normalized stepwise linear regression (R2 always higher than 0.9). The results can be seen in Figure 9 through Figure 11. As the regression is normalized, a coefficient of 1 means an increase of one standard deviation increases the dependent variable equally with 1 standard deviation. Figure 9 shows the significant coefficients for the value created by Bt maize. As expected the higher the root rating in the no control scenario, the higher the value of the protection by Bt maize. A higher yield and higher maize price also increase the value of the Bt maize. On the other hand an increase in the technology fee or a decrease in the efficiency of Bt maize decreases the value. The other individual values follow the same reasoning. In the farmer’s adoption decision the change in the mutual relationship of CP strategies is of higher interest. Figure 10 shows the determinants of the added value created by Bt maize. The negative influence of the root rating under no control is interesting. Often Bt maize is believed to be the best option under high pest population pressure. However as the efficiency of Bt maize is not 100% and the refuge area suffers from WCR losses under high pressure, a high population pressure leads to an increase in the competitiveness of crop rotation. The same reasoning explains the negative coefficients on the grain price and yield. However, farmers with a high gross margin in maize production prefer Bt maize. This can be explained by the fact that gross margins are determined by the price of both inputs and outputs. The framework allows for this as the gross margin of maize production is introduced exogenously. Finally consider the tradeoff between seed treatments and soil insecticides as this reflects the actual situation in Hungarian continuous maize fields 129 (Figure 11). The major determinant is the efficiency in protecting maize from WCR damage. Furthermore, high yields and high maize prices increase the value of soil insecticides as the potential monetary loss increases and the higher price of soil insecticides is justified. Figure 9: Normalized regression coefficient of Bt maize value Figure 10: Normalized regression coefficients of added value from Bt maize with respect to the next best option 130 Chapter 7. On the Competitiveness of WCR Control Options in Hungary Figure 11: Normalized regression coefficients of the difference in value between seed treatment over soil insecticides The results in the above paragraphs can be used to develop a multi-criteria decision framework to aid the adoption decision of CP strategies while decreasing the dependence on inefficient scouting techniques and uniform economic thresholds. At the same time the results can help to anticipate in the changes in the market for CP technologies under changing prices and policies. 7.4 Discussion The results of the bio-economic model demonstrate that the value of the potential WCR damage in the Hungarian maize sector is high, with average potential losses for grain maize of €176/ha under no control. Therefore applying a CP strategy would be rational for all farmers cultivating grain maize. With the profit maximizing corporate pricing strategy resulting in a tech fee of €23/ha, lower value silage maize, 8% should not apply any CP strategies as they are too expensive. Crop rotation offers the highest average value of protection in grain maize while in silage maize Bt maize offers the highest value. However due to the variability in Hungarian maize production they are not optimal for all farmers. In the actual situation where Bt maize is not deregulated crop rotation is optimal in 89% of the cases for land-constrained grain maize farmers, followed by seed treatment and soil insecticides. For those farmers engaging in monoculture, excluding the option of crop rotation, soil insecticides are optimal in 54% of the cases. 131 With the hypothetical introduction of Bt maize resistant against WCR damage, the situation changes significantly. Bt maize offers a higher average value than chemical options and in certain situations outperforms crop rotation as a CP strategy in grain maize production. In silage maize, the average value from Bt maize is higher than any other CP strategy. In monoculture Bt maize would be rational for 78% of the grain maize farmers and 87% in silage maize. This comes mainly at the expense of soil insecticides and seed treatment as their potential market share decreases significantly. The non-commercialization of Bt maize in Hungary comes at a cost as farmers and innovators forego the possible benefits from adopting, ranging from €16/ha for landconstrained grain farmers to €49/ha for silage maize under monoculture and €23/ha for the innovator The model results determine the factors influencing the performance of the different CP strategies. This knowledge can be exploited by the farmer’s knowledge of his farming practices in order to determine the optimal CP strategy for his particular situation. The same results could be used in a multi-criteria decision support tool for farmers. This would yield more appropriate CP strategies than simple scouting techniques, threshold values or prophylactic applications. Comparing the results of this chapter with the WTP for WCR resistant maize varieties in Chapter 6 gives some insight in the non-pecuniary value of the technology. While the pure bio-economic assessment yields an added value of the technology in grain maize between €16/ha and €49/ha the WTP analysis resulted in a technology valuation of €70/ha. Although calculating an average of the monetary value in Hungary is impossible without detailed information on the share of the different type of production systems, it is fair to assess the non-pecuniary benefits introduced earlier in the range of €21-€54/ha. Alston et al. (2002) in their assessment get a lower estimation of 12$/ha in the USA setting. The only study we know of indicating a measure of WTP for non-pecuniary benefits of insect control options in Hungary (or neighboring countries) reports values €59-99/ha (Demont et al., 2005a) which is in line with our results. A more general discussion of the results of the bio-economic model can be found in Chapter 8 where we apply the model to seven other Central European countries giving a deeper insight in the results. 132 Chapter 8. The Western Corn Rootworm, a New Threat to European Agriculture: Opportunities for Biotechnology? Adapted from Dillen, Mitchell, Van Looy &Tollens, Pest Management Science, in press During the early 1990s, the Western Corn Rootworm, a maize pest, invaded the European continent. The continuous spread of the pest has introduced a new constraint into European maize production. As the damage caused by the invasive species is highly variable and different crop protection (CP) strategies are available, farmers’ optimal strategies are not obvious. This study uses a simulation model to assess the competitiveness of different CP strategies in seven Central European countries. Results indicate a high degree of heterogeneity in the profitability of different CP strategies depending on the production parameters in each country. In general, crop rotation and Bt maize offer the best solution to farmers, but in continuous (non-rotated) maize cultivation, chemical CP options may capture part of the market. For Austrian continuous maize production, we find that not deregulating Bt maize implies that farmers forego revenues of up to 59€/ha. In the presence of WCR, producing maize in an economically sound method requires incorporating country and farm specific characteristics into the decision framework. Also, not deregulating Bt maize has direct monetary consequences for many farmers that could influence total maize output and resistance management. 8.1 Introduction The threats of invasive species to agriculture are well documented and studied (Pimentel et al., 2001) An introduced exotic species can induce significant economic losses by imposing an additional constraint on crop production, so that the introduction and establishment of an invasive pest should also be understood in the socio-economic context of crop production (Beckmann and Wesseler, 2003; Boriani et al., 2006). This chapter focuses on a recently introduced invasive species, WCR, threatening European maize production. The species, first introduced into Europe in the early 1990s from the USA, now has a continuous population in 11 European countries (Figure 5). Predicting and assessing the yield loss caused by the pest damage is difficult, as exogenous factors such as water availability and soil conditions are important (see Chapter 7). Therefore farmers face difficulties in designing economically optimal crop protection (CP) strategies. Some studies assess part of the economic puzzle surrounding WCR in Europe, mainly estimating potential damages and the effect of different CP and containment strategies. Chapter 7 highlights these studies and evaluates the on-farm competitiveness of different CP strategies in Hungary based on a stochastic model explicitly incorporating the uncertainty and heterogeneity of damages and losses among maize farmers. Results show that the competitiveness and suitability of a CP option depend on several specific criteria, not only on a single economic threshold value as proposed in earlier literature (Foster et al., 1986). This chapter applies the WCR bio-economic model to seven infested countries not previously examined for WCR economics: Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia and Ukraine. It also expands the discussion of the modeling approach in a more qualitative way and the problem of WCR in Europe. The insights gained from the analysis can be used by both farmers and policy makers to design appropriate practices and to minimize the impact of the invasive species on European agriculture. The remainder of the chapter is structured as follows. The next section provides an overview of maize production in each nation and documents the status of WCR. Section 8.3 introduces the important concepts of the stochastic bio-economic model and the data used, while in the last two sections, model results are presented and discussed. 134 Chapter 8. Western Corn Rootworm: Opportunities for Biotechnology? 8.2 Maize Production and WCR in each Country 29 8.2.1 Austria The area cultivated with grain maize has been increasing steadily over the last 5 years in Austria, leading to an all time high of 194 000 ha in 2008 (AGES, 2008). In addition, Austrian farmers annually cultivate 80 000 ha of silage maize. Combined, maize covers about 22% of the available arable land in Austria and has consistently higher yields than in the other countries discussed in this study, indicating intensive production. Indeed, because of spatial constraints such as elevation, the cultivation of maize is predominantly concentrated in the southeastern part of the country bordering Slovenia and Hungary. According to the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, the area under continuous maize ranges from 0% in the low density areas to 25% in high density areas (AGES, 2008). Two types of farms are likely to have continuous maize—small farms with animal husbandry and farms with specialized irrigation systems. WCR was initially detected near the borders with Hungary and Slovakia during the summer of 2002. By 2008, the pest was present in 65% of the Austrian maize area. Despite the presence of WCR in most maize fields, no economic damage has been officially reported (AGES, 2008). 8.2.2 Czech Republic The Czech Republic produces both grain and silage maize. Although the area sown with silage maize has been decreasing in recent years, it still dominates, constituting 63% of the cultivated maize area in 2008 (Eurostat, 2009; Trnka et al., 2007). With 287 900 ha sown, maize ranks fourth in terms of cultivated area in the country, behind soft wheat, barley and rape seed, with half of this production concentrated in Central Czech and South Moravia. WCR entered into the Czech Republic in 2002 via the southeastern border. Pheromone trap data reveal an annual increase of the WCR 29 Very little peer reviewed data on maize production and WCR damage exist for the countries under research, so we must rely on government data, unpublished information and personal communication. Part of our goal is to summarize this information, as such a summary does not exist, and to keep the sources and process as transparent as possible so that interested readers can consult the same sources. Some further data is detailed in (Dillen et al., 2009c). 135 population and by 2008, the beetle had spread to all major maize producing areas. In the Czech Republic, South Moravia is the area with the highest density of maize cultivation and the longest established WCR populations, and so this area is under the most acute danger of economic loss, but none had been reported before 2009 (SPA, 2009). 8.2.3 Poland Grain maize is a relatively minor commodity in Polish agriculture, the dominant crops being soft wheat, barley, rye and triticale. In 2008, 317 000 ha of grain maize and 418 000 ha of silage maize were harvested in Poland, or about 5% of the total arable land (Eurostat, 2009). Despite the low importance of grain maize in Poland, it is still the 6th largest producer of grain maize in Europe, with 3.5% of the total sown area. The main maize producing areas within Poland are found in the central provinces of Dolnoslaskie, Wielkopolski and Podlaski, representing 38% of the sown maize area and almost half of the grain maize production (Polish Statistics, 2008). Within this area, continuous maize is a common practice and nationally about 23% of all maize is grown in continuous cultivation (European Commission, 2006b). In Poland, 56% of livestock are located on farms with less than 20 ha of cultivated land, while 59% of cultivated grain maize is on farms with livestock. Therefore, continuous maize is predominantly found on small farms that need maize as a source of feed and have low flexibility due to a land constraint. WCR was first detected in 2005 near an international road leading to Slovakia, with the nearest maize field situated 6 km away (EPPO, 2008). In 2006 and 2007, the beetle spread throughout the whole southern part of Poland, with findings in 9 provinces. Before 2007, beetles where only found in trapping devices and neither larvae nor economic damage were detected. However, because of the high percentage of continuous maize in the area of infestation, economic damage is an impending threat. As the beetle spreads towards the central regions of Poland, the most important maize growing regions will likely be infested within the next few years. 8.2.4 Romania The political transition process in Romania focused on privatizing land ownership and downsizing farms to change collective agriculture to individual agriculture (Lerman et al., 2007). The farmer response to this process was to shift cultivation to maize, as the 136 Chapter 8. Western Corn Rootworm: Opportunities for Biotechnology? crop is generally easy to cultivate and uses relatively few inputs (Balint and Sauer, 2006). As a result, 2.5 million hectares were sown with maize in 2008, which ranks second in the European Union. Within Romania, maize occupies on average about 30% of total arable land, but in the eastern half of the country, which represents about 60% of the area sown with maize, this reaches 42% (Eurostat, 2009; National Institute for Statistics Romania, 2009). In 2006, about 50% of the sown area was in continuous maize (Rosca, 2006). WCR was first reported in Romania in 1996 near the Hungarian border. Since that time, WCR has spread rapidly due to the high percentage of land planted to maize in (EPPO, 2008). In 2006, about half of the country was infested and preventing spread to the rest of Romania was difficult, with a front line over 400 km wide and the most densely planted areas in the east not yet infested. Despite these favorable settings, official data show that economic damage can only be found on a few square kilometers in south west Romania (Rosca, 2006). 8.2.5 Serbia Grain maize is by far the most important crop in Serbia. With an average area of 1.2 million hectares sown annually, it occupies 38% of the total arable land in Serbia (Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 2007). The main maize growing areas are located in river valleys and in the northern part of the country, with continuous maize production common. A recent survey found that maize was planted for more than one year on the same plot for 48% to 53% of the fields studied (Sivcev et al., 2009). However, in some communities the share of continuous maize was 80% before the invasion of WCR (Sivcev, 2008). Serbia was the location of the first successful invasion by WCR in Europe (Baca, 1993). The first economic damage occurred in 1992, though the actual introduction likely took place earlier but was not documented. The high percentage of maize under continuous cultivation created ideal conditions for rapid population growth and the pest soon covered the whole region. In 2003 economic damage was recorded on 3000 ha, but since that time, damage has been sporadic and spatially fragmented, averaging 1000 ha annually due to changing production systems and crop protection practices. In 2009, Sivcev et al. (2009) reported 12% of the fields under research had more than 6 beetles/trap/day, which is considered the economic threshold value. As sampling was not representative, we cannot extrapolate this value to the rest of the country. 137 Serbian farms are small, averaging 2.49 ha of cultivated land per holding, which allows for little flexibility in the production system (Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 2007). Maize production is especially prevalent on the smaller farms, as maize only accounts for 10% of arable land on larger farms. Few farmers use insecticides to manage WCR damage. The preferred CP option of Serbian farmers seems to be crop rotation, as it is promoted by most extension services in the region. This shift away from continuous cultivation due to WCR is suggested as one of the causes for the 236 000 ha decrease in the sown area between 1991 and 2008 (Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 2007). 8.2.6 Slovakia In Slovakia, maize is the third most extensively planted crop grown, with 141 000 ha of grain maize and 74 000 ha of silage maize sown in 2008, only exceeded by winter wheat and barley (Eurostat, 2009). Silage maize is predominantly used for on-farm purposes—on average, 88% of silage maize was used for fodder production in 2006 and 2007. The main grain maize producing region is located in the southern parts of Slovakia, bordering Hungary. Within this region, maize cultivation is intensive, often irrigated, with a significant portion under continuous cultivation. The area under continuous maize cultivation fluctuates annually, but over the period 2004-2007, 16% of the maize was on average cultivated under continuous cultivation (Cagan, 2008). WCR was first detected in Slovakia in 2000, reported in three districts bordering Hungary. The first economic damage occurred in 2004 on about 340 ha and by 2005, 7% of the maize area had a beetle population exceeding the economic threshold and 2.66% (6419 ha) of the area had economic larval damage. The area with economic damage has continued to increase despite the use of CP options and by 2007, economic larval damage occurred on 4.86% of the sown area, with yield losses in continuous maize reaching 60% in some cases (Cagan, 2008). 8.2.7 Ukraine As the potential bread basket of Europe, maize is one of the most important grain and forage crops in Ukraine, with about 2 million hectares planted to grain maize annually, mainly in eastern and southern Ukraine (FAO, 2007). Due to the ease of cultivation and its high feeding value, maize is disproportionally popular among household farms, as they have less flexibility in the crop rotation. Nationally, 26% of 138 Chapter 8. Western Corn Rootworm: Opportunities for Biotechnology? private farmers have difficulties using crop rotation, but in some areas this constraint applies to almost half of the farmers (Lerman et al., 2007). It is important to note that Ukrainian farmers are characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity as a result of the differences in resources during the recent transition period (Zorya and von Cramon-Taubadel, 2006). Continuous maize growing averages 10-12% of the sown area nationally, but is significantly higher in the intensive production regions. In August 2001, WCR was detected west of the Carpathian Mountains near the Hungarian and Romanian borders. Since that time, the beetle has spread throughout the southeastern part of Ukraine bordering the infested zones in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. No economic damage has been reported yet, but the WCR population is steadily increasing and, because continuous maize is a common practice in the infested zone (25% of the sown maize area), damage is expected in years to come. In 2008, 15 000 ha of arable land (30% of it planted with maize) were officially under quarantine. 8.3 Bio-economic Model WCR is not yet fully established in the countries examined here, nor are all CP options deregulated and commercially available. Therefore, we use a bio-economic model as an ex ante impact assessment. For this analysis, we use partial budgeting to estimate the net increase in farmer returns per hectare due to adoption of a specific CP option relative to the hypothetical base case of an established WCR population and no CP options used. We use a stochastic model to account for some of the uncertainties faced by farmers making their CP choices. The basic model structure for farmer returns per hectare with each CP option is the product of the maize price and maize yield, minus the cost of production and the cost of the CP option, with the price, yield and costs potentially varying for each CP option. For example, for Bt maize, the maize price includes a discount because the maize is GM and costs include required refuge/co-existence measures. As discussed in Chapter 7, a recent stream of literature has focused on developing partial budgeting methods to avoid biases arising from earlier methodologies. An important aspect of this literature is the use of probability distributions for various economic and biological parameters and Monte Carlo simulations to account for the uncertainty inherent in these parameters and for the heterogeneity among farmers and across seasons. As explained by Demont et al. (2008a), explicitly accounting for 139 heterogeneity in this manner avoids the homogeneity bias introduced by using only parameter means. The bio-economic model used here is described in detail in Chapter 7, but we highlight some of the specific properties more qualitatively here to deepen the understanding of the model and its consequences. Root ratings and yield loss. Uncertainty exists for both the damage caused by the WCR and the consistency and effectiveness of each CP option, so the model uses available information to construct prior probability density functions (PDFs) used for Monte Carlo simulations. To estimate WCR damage to maize and the effectiveness of different CP options, the model follows a specific procedure. For each iteration, the root rating under the hypothetical no control scenario is drawn from a beta PDF with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6. A root rating for each CP option is drawn from a beta PDF with parameters that depend on the drawn root rating without control (see Chapter 7 for the full set of equations). Finally, the difference in the root ratings between the no control case and each CP option is used to generate the percentage yield difference between the no control case and each CP option. Following Mitchell et al. (2004), the percentage yield difference is 11.4% of the difference in the root rating between the no control case and each CP option. This calculated percentage yield difference for each iteration is then used in the economic model. WCR damage and pest population data are limited in Europe, so the conditional PDF of the root rating is based on USA data. Results from field trials by land grant universities in Illinois, Nebraska and Ohio are complemented by data from Monsanto (Meinke et al., 1998; Mitchell et al., 2004). This assumption implies that the effect of WCR is similar in Europe and the USA, although production systems differ significantly (Kiss et al., 2005). It is important that European data be generated to improve future assessments (Dun et al., 2010). Prices and yields. Farmers never have certainty about prices and yields, even though the time at which decisions are made differ for the CP options (soil insecticide at sowing, seed treatment at buying and Bt maize even earlier as notification to regulatory agencies may be required). To capture this uncertainty and to reflect the heterogeneity in farming practices within each country, PDFs are also used for many of the prices and yields as part of the Monte Carlo simulation. This uncertainty and heterogeneity stems from differences in soil, climatic and managerial conditions and has important consequences for an ex ante impact assessment. A few price parameters are fairly similar across the countries examined here (e.g., the cost of seed treatments, 140 Chapter 8. Western Corn Rootworm: Opportunities for Biotechnology? soil insecticides, and Bt maize), and so have values that do not vary across countries, though the values can be random for each iteration. Table 20 summarizes the distributions used for each parameter, or constant values for those parameters not drawn from distributions, and the source of these distributions or values. However, many price and yield parameters vary among the countries and so require countryspecific parameters, which are reported in Table 21. For example, grain and silage yields in each country are drawn from beta PDFs and prices from lognormal PDFs, but with different parameters for each country (Table 21). PDFs for gross margins for maize and key rotational crops in each nation are the net return (revenue minus costs) under the no control case. Table 20: Probability density distributions and deterministic values for price and yield parameters constant that are considered constant across regions Parameter Value Source Cost seed treatment (€/ha) Uniform(37.3;47.4) Cost soil insecticide (€/ha) 62 a Hatala Zsellér et al. (2006) “ b Bt maize price discount (%) Triangular(0;2;3) Assumption Additional cost Bt maize (€/ha) Triangular(18;23;28)b Chapter 7 Refuge (% sown area) 20% Maize price grain-yield correlation -0.2 AGBIOS (2008) Assumption based on Goodwin (2009) a b Numbers are the minimum and maximum of the distribution. Numbers are the minimum, mode, and maximum of the distribution. Price and yield data for this study were gathered from several sources. For transparency and consistency, we kept the number of sources limited, but verified them with national experts. We use prices for the different CP options from the Hungarian market because Hungary is an important maize producer in the region, is fully infested with WCR and has a commercial market for most CP options. Moreover, some countries examined here do not allow active ingredients such as tefluthrin for use in maize production (PPDB (http://www.eu-footprint.org)). These assumptions are in line with earlier work (Takacs et al., 2007; Wesseler and Fall, 2010). Based on Chapter 7, we assume a technology fee for Bt maize between €18/ha and €28/ha, with an average equal to the optimal technology fee calculated of €23/ha. This assumption implies that there is no scope for price discrimination between countries, which coincides with the assumption of equal pest pressure in our counterfactual. Also, we introduce a negative correlation between the yield and maize prices as a higher supply likely decreases local maize prices (Table 20). Lastly, as 141 explained in the model section, we use Monte Carlo simulations to obtain robust results, to capture second order statistics and to facilitate sensitivity analysis, using @Risk from the Palisade Corporation with 10 000 iterations. Quality of information. As previously discussed, many of the parameters are not deterministically known. We try to incorporate this uncertainty using observable historical data, expert opinions, and similar information, but nevertheless, must operate under imperfect data. However, farmers may possess private information about these parameters, not observable to researchers. This private information will allow the farmer to extract more information than researchers from the posterior distribution constructed through the Monte Carlo simulation. Therefore, we present three different types of results. First, we report the average and coefficient of variation of the net benefit for each CP option for farmers in each country. Second, potential adoption patterns for each CP option in each country are presented under the assumption that farmers have perfect information. Finally, regression-based sensitivity analysis shows the relative contribution of the various factors underlying our results and the effect of private farmer information on the competitiveness of the different CP options. 142 Table 21: Country-specific distributions* and parameters for bio-economic model Austria source Czech Republic a source Poland source Eurostat (2009) PERT(0; 6.8; 9.1) Eurostat (2009) PERT(0; 6.205; 8.27) Eurostat (2009) Silage yield (t/ha) PERT(0; 10.7566; 14.342)a PERT(0; 46.2; 65.3)a Eurostat (2009) PERT(0; 38.3; 51.1)a Eurostat (2009) Eurostat (2009) Price grain (€/t) Lognorm(127.2;49.76) Lognorm(150.7;43.1)b VUZE Price silage (€/t) Lognorm(25.1;5) Landwirtschaftskamm er Fall et al. (2008) PERT(0; 47.91; 63.88) Lognorm(102;7.7) Lognorm(18.0;2.9)b Fall et al. (2008) Lognorm(12.5;2.862) Fall et al. (2008) Grain yield (t/ha) c Eurostat (2009) Gross margin maize (€/ha) PERT(-83;69;216) Brookes (2008) Uniform(15;108) Brookes (2008) PERT(363;489;626) Brookes (2008) Gross margin wheat (€/ha) PERT(-171;-165;-147) Brookes (2008) Uniform (10;48)c Brookes (2008) PERT(186;229;240) Brookes (2008) Brookes (2008) PERT(118;131;172) Brookes (2008) PERT(268;277;316) Brookes (2008) Gross margin barley (€/ha) PERT(-271;-269;-260) Gross margin oilseed rape (€/ha) Exchange rate (€1) n.a. Serbia PERT(0; 5.9; 8.85) Brookes (2008) Uniform(16;51) n.a. n.a. source c 28.32 Slovakia a source Romania source Ukraine source Statistics Office of Serbia PERT(0;8.3;11.1) Eurostat (2009) PERT(0; 3.9; 5.85 Eurostat (2009) PERT(0; 3.7; 5.55) FAO (2009) PERT(0;27.6;36.8)a Eurostat (2009) PERT(0; 19.2; 28.8) PERT(0; 12; 18) FAO (2009) Statistics Office of Serbia Lognorm(89;4.8) Statistical office Slovakia + Eurostat (2009) Fall et al. (2008) Lognorm(149.7;49.2) Eurostat (2009) Eurostat (2009) Lognorm(55;8.08) FAO (2009) Lognorm(9.1;3) PERT(170;340;510) FAO(2004) PERT(260.25;347;433.75) Brookes (2008) PERT(156;303;450) PERT(104;208;312) Schaafsma(1 999) FAO(2005) Soya= PERT(110.5;221;331.5) FAO(2004) PERT(81;108;135) Brookes (2008) PERT(58;116;174) PERT(87.5;175;262.5) FAO(2005) Sunflower=PERT(148;296;444) FAO(2004) PERT(60.75;81;101.25) Brookes (2008) PERT(32;64;96) Schaafsma(1 999) Brookes (2008) Brookes (2008) Brookes (2008) PERT(63.25;126;189.25 ) n.a. FAO(2005) n.a. Lognorm(87.76;30.99 n.a. Lognorm(28.4;4.8) Lognorm(9.1;4.5) n.a. n.a. n.a. 82 38.9 3.38 Unspecified sources are unpublished data and personal communications from 2008. * PERT is the beta-PERT distribution and Lognorm is the lognormal distribution. a Numbers are the minimum, most likely, and maximum of the distribution. standard deviation of the distribution c Numbers are the minimum and maximum of the distribution. 7.79 b Numbers are the mean and 8.4 Results For each CP option examined, Table 22 reports the average net benefit (€/ha) and coefficient of variation (CV), where the net benefit is the increase in farmer returns from applying the CP method compared to the hypothetical situation of no WCR control. Results vary significantly depending on the local situation. In most countries, Bt maize offers the highest average benefit, ranging from 0.4 €/ha in Ukraine to 100.7 €/ha in Austria. In two countries, Czech Republic and Serbia, crop rotation performs best, with an average net benefit of 136.4 €/ha and 25.9 €/ha, respectively. Chemical CP options on average generate benefits with substantially lower means and higher variability as the coefficients of variation show. This relatively higher variability would decrease the value further for risk averse farmers. For silage maize, the results are similar. Czech Republic generates the highest average benefits from crop rotation, 95 €/ha, while Bt maize dominates in the other countries, reaching an average net benefit of 104 €/ha in Austria. In Ukraine, none of the CP options generates an average net benefit higher than the no control case, implying that farmers on average would earn higher returns using no control and accepting lower yields rather than using any of the CP options. Again, the chemical CP options generate significantly lower average benefits in all countries. Note that the average net benefit does not necessarily equal the actual benefit earned by an individual farmer. Because of heterogeneity among farmers, net returns and the relationships between the different CP options differ, so that in the same country, some farmers will earn higher net benefits with one CP option, while other farmers will earn higher net benefits with a different CP option. Thus, for each CP option, Table 23 reports the percentage of the iterations for which the benefit was the largest relative to all other CP options. These percentages can be interpreted as the potential adoption rate of each CP option, assuming farmers have perfect information regarding their prices, yields and losses from WCR. Thus, in the Czech Republic, where average benefits of crop rotation are high, 91% of the land constrained grain maize farmers would likely apply crop rotation, while only 7% would likely opt for Bt maize, while the remaining farmers would be rational in not applying any control. However, for farmers in the Czech Republic obliged to cultivate maize in a continuous system, results in Table 23 suggest that 81% of the grain farmers would choose Bt maize, 10% would choose soil insecticides and 2% would choose seed 144 Chapter 8. Western Corn Rootworm: Opportunities for Biotechnology? treatments and the group of farmers not using a CP option increases to 7%. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Table 4 suggests that 81% of Slovakian grain farmers would choose Bt maize, only 2% would engage in crop rotation, and 11% would not apply any CP strategy. As crop rotation has a limited scope in Slovakia, few continuous maize producers would likely adopt crop rotation, rather results imply that 83% would likely turn to Bt maize. In Austria, results suggest that soil insecticides are preferred by 10% of the land constrained farmers and 13% for continuous maize producers, the highest share in any of the countries and as high as crop rotation. Seed treatments will likely have the highest potential in Romania, where results show that 16% of the farmers, both land constrained and continuous maize producers, would likely apply seed treatments. In Serbia crop rotation and Bt maize will likely be preferred by a similar share of the farmers, with 46% and 38% respectively. Interestingly, in Ukraine 41% of the land constrained farmers and 58% of the farmers with continuous maize cultivation would likely choose not to adopt any CP option. For the remaining countries and the analysis of adoption in silage maize, the results in Table 23 are similar. 145 Table 22: Mean and coefficient of variation (CV) of net benefit and surplus created by Bt maize (€/ha) in each country for each Western Corn Rootworm crop protection option Austria Grain Czech Republic Poland Serbia Slovakia Romania Ukraine Net Benefit Mean CV Mean CV Mean CV Mean CV Mean CV Mean CV Mean CV Bt maize 100.7 1.0 71.9 1.0 37.8 1.1 28.2 1.3 47.2 1.0 99.8 0.9 0.4 33.8 Seed treatment 22.0 3.0 5.2 8.6 -13.9 -1.9 -19.4 -1.3 -8.8 -3.5 20.9 3.0 -35.1 -0.3 Soil insecticide 48.3 2.1 20.4 3.5 -13.7 -3.0 -23.3 -1.7 -4.7 -10.2 48.2 2.0 -50.9 -0.3 Crop rotation 16.4 9.6 136.4 0.8 -89.3 -0.8 25.9 3.0 -55.4 -1.3 62.9 2.4 -6.2 -5.9 Land constrained 48.3 0.6 10.5 0.7 44.4 0.5 30.6 0.6 45.0 0.5 33.1 0.6 23.4 0.6 Continuous 58.5 0.7 52.0 0.6 45.5 0.5 44.8 0.4 47.2 0.5 36.5 0.7 40.5 0.3 Bt maize 103.9 0.8 54.9 0.9 46.9 0.9 ---- ---- 34.1 1.1 103.7 0.8 -5.9 -1.5 Seed treatment 19.1 -3.1 -8.2 3.9 -13.3 2.1 ---- ---- -18.5 1.3 18.0 -3.1 -39.5 0.2 Soil insecticide 43.2 -2.0 -3.2 15.6 -12.3 3.6 ---- ---- -21.9 1.7 42.8 -2.0 -58.7 0.1 Crop rotation 7.3 18.8 95.2 0.8 -86.7 -0.9 ---- ---- -85.6 -0.7 54.3 2.5 -19.8 -1.6 Surplus created by Bt maize Silage Net Benefit Surplus created by Bt maize Land constrained 52.4 0.5 12.1 0.5 49.7 0.5 ---- ---- 46.5 0.4 30.8 0.4 24.2 0.5 Continuous 61.7 0.6 51.3 0.5 51.0 0.6 ---- ---- 47.3 0.4 31.4 0.4 44.6 0.4 Table 23: Adoption pattern for Western Corn Rootworm crop protection options implied by Monte Carlo simulations. Crop Protection Austria Czech Republic Poland Serbia Slovakia Romania Ukraine LC C LC C LC C LC C LC C LC C LC C Bt maize 72% 79% 7% 81% 81% 81% 38% 74% 81% 83% 71% 72% 22% 42% Seed treatment 2% 3% 0% 2% 1% 1% 0% 1% 1% 2% 16% 16% 0% 0% Soil insecticide 10% 13% 0% 10% 3% 3% 1% 3% 5% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% Crop rotation 10% n.a. 91% n.a. 0% n.a. 46% n.a. 2% n.a. 0% n.a. 37% n.a. No control 5% 5% 2% 7% 14% 14% 15% 22% 11% 11% 12% 12% 41% 58% Bt maize 79% 84% 13% 88% 89% 89% n.a. n.a. 83% 88% 18% 18% 12% 20% Seed treatment 2% 2% 0% 1% 0% 2% n.a. n.a. 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 0% Soil insecticide 8% 10% 0% 4% 2% 0% n.a. n.a. 1% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% Crop rotation 8% n.a. 85% n.a. 1% n.a. n.a. n.a. 1% n.a. 0% n.a. 26% n.a. No control 3% 3% 2% 7% 8% 8% n.a. n.a. 14% 7% 82% 82% 62% 80% Seed treatment 13% 20% 1% 38% 11% 12% 1% 9% 12% 14% 46% 51% 42% 1% Soil insecticide 36% 52% 0% 52% 23% 26% 3% 18% 27% 32% 0% 0% 0% 1% Crop rotation 23% n.a. 96% n.a. 4% n.a. 59% n.a. 9% n.a. 8% n.a. 0% n.a. No control 28% 29% 3% 10% 62% 62% 38% 73% 52% 53% 46% 49% 58% 99% Seed treatment 14% 20% 1% 46% 11% 12% 2% 14% 8% 9% 2% 2% 0% 0% Soil insecticide 37% 51% 0% 48% 23% 26% 5% 34% 17% 19% 0% 0% 0% 0% Crop rotation 23% n.a. 96% n.a. 5% n.a. 71% n.a. 3% n.a. 0% n.a. 28% n.a. No control 27% 28% 3% 6% 61% 62% 23% 52% 71% 72% 98% 98% 72% 100% Grain Silage Grain (Bt maize not commercialized) Silage (Bt maize not commercialized) LC: Land Constrained, C: Continuous maize, n.a.: not applicable Note that these results do not resemble the actual situation, since Bt maize has not been deregulated in any of the countries examined here. Because Bt maize creates large average benefits for farmers relative to the counterfactual no control case and is the optimal CP option for many farmers, non-commercialization implies substantial benefits not being captured by farmers. Hence Table 22 also reports the added benefit of Bt maize relative to the next best option. Alternatively, this added benefit can be interpreted as the benefits lost due to the non-commercialization of Bt maize. For land constrained grain maize farmers in the Czech Republic, this lost benefit amounts to 11 €/ha, while in continuous maize, in the absence of crop rotation, the lost benefit increases to 52 €/ha. For the other countries, the difference between continuous cultivation and land constrained farmers is smaller. Also, these results show that the value per adopted hectare is the highest in Austria’s intensive maize growing areas, at almost 60 €/ha. As can be seen in Table 22, the results for silage maize are similar, but slightly higher on average. The unavailability of Bt maize also affects potential adoption shares of the other CP options. As Table 23 shows, depending on the competitiveness of these CP options, the share previously captured by Bt maize is divided differently. If crop rotation is favorable, as in Czech Republic, almost all land constrained farmers (96%) will likely adopt crop rotation. In other countries, the gap is mainly filled by the chemical CP options. In Austria, 36% of the land constrained grain maize farmers would probably adopt soil insecticides and 13% would likely adopt seed treatments, while for specialized maize farmers with continuous maize, these adoption rates would be 52% and 20% respectively. In Romania on the other hand, seed treatments are the dominant chemical CP option, with adoption rates likely around 46% and 51% in land constrained and continuous production systems respectively. In the absence of Bt maize, results in Table 23 show that many farmers in some of these countries would probably not apply any CP option. Under continuous maize cultivation, 53% of famers would likely not use any control in Slovakia, while 62% would likely do so in Poland, 73% in Serbia and 99% in the Ukraine. Again, results are very similar for silage maize. This result occurs because the costs of chemical CP options are too high compared to their yield benefit. The Monte Carlo simulation model allows determination of the relative contribution of the various factors underlying these results, since each iteration can be treated as a “pseudo observation.” A regression-based sensitivity analysis, Figure 1 148 Chapter 8. Western Corn Rootworm: Opportunities for Biotechnology shows the normalized regression coefficients for the factors influencing the average net benefit of Bt grain maize. These normalized regression coefficients as calculated by the @RISK software show the change in the net benefit of Bt maize if the respective parameter is increased by one standard deviation. Results depend on the specific situation in each country, but some general tendencies are apparent. For example, if the effectiveness of Bt maize is low, the net benefit of Bt maize is reduced significantly, as the relatively large negative results for “Damage Bt maize” indicate. On the other hand, if chemical treatments suffer from poor performance, the competitiveness of Bt maize increases, as the relatively large positive results for “Damage soil insecticide’ indicate. A surprising result is the negative influence of damage under the hypothetical no control scenario (“Damage counterfactual”)—the greater the WCR damage under no control, the lower the net benefit of Bt maize. This result occurs because of the policies we assumed if/when Bt maize is deregulated. We anticipate that the area assigned to refuge and ex ante spatial coexistence measures will be untreated for WCR, implying higher losses in these areas under higher population pressure. Though losses on the Bt maize are hardly changed, famers adopting Bt maize will suffer greater losses on refuge/coexistence areas, thus reducing the overall value of Bt maize. Finally, the higher the gross margin for maize production, the more farmers gain from Bt maize as they can use Bt maize to protect their more valuable crop. Damage Bt maize 1 Damage soil Price seed insecticide treatment 0.5 Gross margin winter wheat 0 Price maize -0.5 Gross margin barley Czech Slovakia Austria -1 Damage counterfactual Poland Romania Serbia Technology fee Gross margin maize Yield Ukraine Damage seed treatment Figure 12: Normalized regression coefficients of the factors influencing the value added by Bt maize 149 8.5 Discussion In Ukraine and Serbia, chemical CP options have very limited scope as their cost outweighs the benefits in a low yielding environment, so that in practice farmer choices are limited to Bt maize or crop rotation. Farmers earning high revenue from maize will protect this revenue by using Bt maize, while other farmers will choose crop rotation if feasible, and no CP option in most cases. In Ukraine, this effect is augmented by the strong negative effect on the benefit of Bt maize from a slight increase in the competitiveness of rotational crops, which is especially the case for small mixed farms with flexibility constraints. This modeling result is consistent with observations that Serbian farmers have not adopted chemical CP strategies for WCR control, but typically use crop rotation to manage the pest (Sivcev, 2008). In the maize producing areas of Poland and Slovakia, the cost of engaging in crop rotation as a CP method is high because the revenue from producing maize is high compared to other crops and is highly specialized. As a result, the chemical CP options directly compete with Bt maize in the market. In Figure 12, Poland and Slovakia exhibit high coefficient values on the axes for damage in soil insecticides and seed treatments. If a farmer assesses a low efficacy for chemical CP due to his farm characteristics, he will be inclined to protect his high revenues through Bt maize and vice versa. For Austria, the highest yielding country in this study, similar conclusions can be drawn. However, because the value of the maize is high, and therefore the value of potential damage, it is mainly the more effective soil insecticides that compete with Bt maize, and to a lesser extent seed treatments. For Romania, a low yielding country with little scope for crop rotation due to the typical farm structure, seed treatment is the best solution for many farmers as it offers some protection at a lower price. Results in Table 23 show that the scope for chemical CP options is limited in markets where Bt maize is deregulated. In the actual situation with Bt maize not commercially available in these countries, chemical CP options are economically viable in most of these countries. The more expensive and more effective soil insecticides will likely be popular in high yielding countries, while seed treatments will be preferred by lower yielding operations. Not deregulating Bt maize in Europe has important consequences besides the direct benefits foregone by producers discussed earlier. First, the success of crop rotation as a CP option may reduce the 150 Chapter 8. Western Corn Rootworm: Opportunities for Biotechnology total area sown with maize in a time when returns for coarse grains are expected to remain high. This shift has been observed in Serbia since 1992. Second, the availability of soil insecticides in the European Union is still under discussion due to environmental considerations. In 2008, only one active ingredient, tefluthrin, was deregulated for use in maize. This over-reliance on a single compound could lead to the development of insecticide resistance among the WCR as has occurred in the USA for some compounds (Meinke et al., 1998). Finally, a large number of farmers would choose to not use any CP option and thus be exposed to increased risk and income variability due to the pest. As crop rotation is mainly favored in low yielding, low revenue maize production, this implies that small farmers risk losing substantial parts of their harvest if WCR damage is unexpectedly high in a season. Bt maize would offer a practical and economic sound tool to minimize the impact of WCR in European maize production. The information extracted from the sensitivity analysis can potentially aid farmers in their decision-making process. A farmer can use his private information to position himself relative to the population of farmers in his country. Comparing his own farmspecific characteristics with the overall farm population in his country and relating them to the normalized regression coefficients in Figure 12 gives an indication on the relative competitiveness of specific control options within his constraints. For example, the large positive coefficient for “Gross margin maize” in Figure 1 for Serbia indicates that a Serbian farmer with a gross margin for maize production relatively higher than average in Serbia can conclude he is likely to gain from the adoption of Bt maize. Similarly, the relatively high coefficients for “Price maize,” “Yield” and “Damage soil insecticide” for Poland in Figure 12 imply that a Polish farmer may want focus on his managerial capacities and application constraints for soil insecticides, as these are the most important factors influencing his decisionmaking. In the future, a more detailed multi-dimensional framework could assist farmers in designing optimal CP options given their specific constraints, instead of relying on arbitrary economic population thresholds. Finally, we wish to emphasize the importance of the input data used for determining parameter values and our results. Although input data were selected to reflect reality, assumptions always influence the outcome in ex ante assessments. Two key assumptions are important in this respect—prices and yield effects of the WCR. Prices influence the relative competitiveness of the different CP strategies, so that our 151 results can alternatively be explained by the fact that the prices used for chemical control options were too high for the degree of crop protection provided relative to the cost and protection offered by Bt maize. However, these insecticide and Bt maize prices are not static. Insecticide prices used in this analysis were observed in a market where Bt maize is not deregulated and therefore the insecticides were priced only to compete with crop rotation. If Bt maize is deregulated and commercialized in these countries, the prices of chemical CP options may decrease, changing the results of this study. A similar phenomenon occurred for herbicide resistant crops in the USA and the introduction of generic herbicides when the patent on glyphosate expired (Just, 2006). Similar logic applies to the cost of Bt maize—if Bt maize were commercialized at prices substantially different from those used here, results would change. Another crucial source of data is the impact of the WCR on maize yields in Europe. Our bio-economic model used data for three key relationships—the damage caused by WCR under the no control scenario, the damage caused by WCR with each CP option (or equivalently, the efficacy of each CP option), and the yield effect of WCR damage. Only fragmentary data to describe these relationships are available in Europe, particularly for many of these counties, which make an economic assessment difficult. Therefore this study relies on data from the USA, which has disadvantages, as it assumes that the damages and yield losses are similar in US and European systems although there is a significant difference in cultivation practices and circumstances (Dun et al., 2010). Our results suggest that European maize producers will face substantial yield and income losses from WCR and will likely adopt various crop protection measures to reduce these losses, including Bt maize if it is available. However, our results rely on non-European data for some key relationships, indicating the tremendous need to collect, analyze and disseminate field data and economic analyses based on European data. 152 Chapter 9. Conclusions and Further Considerations In this chapter the dissertation’s hypotheses, introduced in Chapter 1, are critically assessed using the results from the various chapters. A full statistical proof is impossible due the nature of ex ante impact assessments. However, the different chapters provide substantial information to discuss the hypotheses. Furthermore, some recommendations for further research are formulated based on the lessons learned from the dissertation. Hypothesis 1: Heterogeneity among farmers has no effect on corporate pricing strategies of proprietary technologies and resulting welfare effects. The importance of heterogeneity is recognized in the scholarly literature about adoption and technological innovation (e.g. literature review in Chapters 1 and 2). The value of a technology is not uniformly distributed among farmers; some realize a profit from the technology and adopt it while others rationally choose not to adopt. In particular, GM seed technologies will pay off differentially depending on managerial capacities, market and field conditions, pest densities, crop rotation and environmental conditions. However in the literature of ex ante impact assessments little attention is given to this important concept, especially under imperfect and scarce data. Previous studies generally focused on the value of the new technology for the average farmer. Implicitly, these studies assume that the group of farmers with a high potential value is compensated by a group of farmers with low benefits centering the welfare estimation around the average farmer. However, some stakeholders in the debate surrounding GM crops, may actively seek out a limited subsample of the heterogeneous population to support their claims about GM crops. Therefore, Chapter 2 presented a framework explicitly accounting for heterogeneity in ex ante impact assessments and assesses the implicit assumption in earlier studies. Building upon the work started by Demont et al. (2008a), Chapter 2 explicitly takes into account the presence of heterogeneity through the use of probability density functions (PDF) and Monte Carlo simulation. Instead of focusing on some available data points, the use of PDFs allows for the evaluation of the technology for each single farmer in the population of potential adopters. This approach eliminates two potential sources of biases in ex ante impact assessments that do not take into account heterogeneity. The first bias, homogeneity bias, may arise in the conventional approach through insufficient knowledge about the distribution of technology 154 Chapter 9. Conclusions and Further Considerations valuation in the population. The segments of adopting and non-adopting farmers are not directly observable. Hence the implicit assumption that both segments will cancel each other out around the average farmer is not straightforward and may lead to a bias. Particularly for innovations that possess some degree of market power such as proprietary seed varieties. This constraint is overcome by explicitly determining a marginal adopter, indifferent between adopting and not-adopting, and calculating the benefits explicitly for the adopting segment of the population. Similar to Demont et al. (2008a), it is argued that taking into account second order statistics avoids homogeneity bias. Before these individual determinants could be assessed, the solution for a second possible bias, the pricing bias, is to be introduced. Under the assumption that the innovator operates in a market with market power due to his intellectual property rights and that he is a profit maximizer, the decision on the profit maximizing technology fee can be made endogenous. This specification makes the marginal adopter dependent on the shape of the chosen PDF. The framework can be used to trace the effect of higher order statistics on the magnitude of the technology fee, potential adoption rates and the resulting welfare effects. The higher the average valuation for the technology in the population, the higher the technology fee profit maximizing technology fee, which follows the intuition. Perhaps of higher interest is the formal conclusion that a more heterogeneous population of potential adopters decreases the value per hectare for the innovator. The price is dropped in order to maintain a profit maximizing customer base. Unfortunately, the influence of these variables on the created farmer benefits are not analytically tractable. However, compared to the conclusions reached by Demont et al. (2008a), the calculations show that higher order statistics such as skewness also play a key role, and the arising pricing and homogeneity bias is determined by the full shape of the probability density curve. It is apparent that lower heterogeneity leads to higher profit shares for the innovator, extracting more of the generated value. Exploration of the consequences was completed through a case study with a specific PDF. Applying the framework on HT sugar beet yields interesting data on adoption and technology fees under different corporate pricing strategies. Moreover, introducing the micro level analysis into the partial equilibrium model EUWABSIM yields insight in the distribution of benefits among downstream and upstream sectors. Surprisingly, assuming profit maximizing innovators in the heterogeneous population 155 of sugar beet farmers, results in a distribution according to the rule of thumb defined by Demont et al. (2007a), stating that 2/3 of the benefits accrue to farmers and consumers. Hence it is suggested that the observed rule of thumb is a direct result of the heterogeneity among farmers and not a result of a strategic choice by the innovator. The importance of heterogeneity on the value and its distribution can help to explain why innovators engage in spatial third degree price discrimination. By setting a different technology price in different regions, the innovator tries to reach a more homogeneous population of potential adopters. This differential price strategy has been observed in Spain with pest pressure as a homogenizing variable (GomezBarbero et al., 2008). Heterogeneity may also play a key role in the benefit sharing of future introductions of IPR protected technology. For the innovator, a more homogenized, standardized population of potential adopters increases the share of the value that can be extracted. Hence, it is a profitable strategy for the innovator to homogenize the population through packaging of the technology with compulsory goods. For example, credit can be offered to farmers in order to increase the liquidity of farmers and their possibility to pay for a certain technology. Another strategy is to provide insurance policies with the GM technology, as decreased risk decreases the heterogeneity in the population. Interestingly, the very nature of some first generation GM crops available in the market seems to result in a homogenized population of potential adopters. HT crops for instance, shift the production system from based on individual scouting decisions and individual decision on mixing appropriate herbicides, to a standardized herbicide-seed decision. This potentially increases the share accruing to innovators in the next wave of GM crop introductions aimed at other production constraints. The discussion suggests that Hypothesis 1 does not hold as heterogeneity has been proven to affect corporate pricing strategies and welfare effects to a high extent and may even be an important determinant of welfare distribution. Hence, not explicitly accounting for it in ex ante impact assessments leads to biases in the estimation results. The aforementioned possibility of an homogenizing effect of GM crop introduction on the farm triggered an idea for further research in the dissertation of Demont (2006). This idea has been further elaborated during the period of this PhD and will be shortly introduced here. 156 Chapter 9. Conclusions and Further Considerations Agricultural production differs from other economic sectors due to endogenous structural constraints in the production process (Nerlove, 1996; Schmitt, 1991). Among other properties, a farm’s output depends on nature’s influences, mainly weather, pests and diseases, and on the optimal timing of application of production inputs depending on farm-specific weather variations which are hard to anticipate in advance. Hence, timeliness costs are high as yields may decline significantly in the case of deviation from optimal timing (Ndeffo Mbah et al., 2010; Short and Gitu, 1991; Swanton et al., 1999). The effects of these structural constraints in agriculture on labor or production organization have been debated in literature. Stiglitz (1974) started a stream of literature on share tenancy based on a principal-agent framework. Another stream of research is focused on the transaction costs involved in agriculture (Allen and Lueck, 1996; Allen and Lueck, 1998; Allen and Lueck, 2002; Beckmann, 2000; Roumasset, 1995). Especially labor specific moral hazard problems and their related transaction costs burden agricultural production and are often listed as a reason for the persistence of small scale farming despite a long term tendency towards consolidation and industrial agriculture (Allen and Lueck, 2002; Beckmann, 2000; Johnson and Ruttan, 1994; Nerlove, 1996; Rizov, 2003). However, the direct effect of timeliness costs on contracting within a farm and the boundaries of the farm are not well studied. Allen and Lueck (2002) present some predictions based on a stylized framework arguing that decreased time sensitivity would lead to increased contracting. This is in line with the seminal paper in New Institutional Economics by Masten et al. (1991) highlighting the importance of temporal specificity in governance structures promoting internal integration. GM crops may have the opportunity to decrease this temporal specificity through the increased production flexibility. Therefore, research on this interaction and its effect on contracting and even the boundaries of the agricultural firm is needed to assess these indirect effects of GM crops. Some empirical papers have touched upon some related structural effects of adoption (Fernandez-Cornejo et al., 2005; Useche et al., 2009) such as off farm income. However, no structured framework exists to address these issues in a more formal way. 157 Hypothesis 2: Parametric approaches do not have the potential to complement the inherent scarce data in ex ante impact assessments. Chapter 2 and the discussion on Hypothesis 1 highlighted the need for higher order statistics to incorporate the important factor of farmer heterogeneity in ex ante impact assessments. But the nature of ex ante impact assessments creates an endogenous problem of imperfect information for the assessor. The amount and type of data available to the researcher can be situated in an information continuum (Figure 13). At the lower end of the continuum, no information is available and theoretical considerations dictate parametric theoretic estimation procedures. Towards the higher end of the information continuum, in the direction of full information, empirical findings gradually replace theory and non-parametric procedures substitute for parametric procedures. Little information Intermediate Full information • Expert opinions • Theory and parametric models • Resource extensive • Combination data with theory • Data sets • Non-parametric models • Resource intensive Figure 13: The information continuum in ex ante impact assessments Although the probability of selecting the correct parametric model is zero, a parametric approach does not necessarily lead to biased results. With a false model, parameters will converge such that the Kullback-Leibler distance between the true 158 Chapter 9. Conclusions and Further Considerations density and the best parametric estimate is minimized. Therefore it is possible that an incorrect parametric model may have greater efficiency than the correctly modeled density and a non-parametric model (Goodwin and Ker, 2002). The position of the assessor in the information continuum is to a high extent dependent on the resources available to gather data. As argued in the introduction, the inclusion of socioeconomic impact assessments in biosafety regulations may lead to a need for reliable results with limited resources. Hence, in this study two different parametric approaches based on limited available data have been developed and tested. The approach in Chapter 2 matches an extensive dataset for a limited geographical region with expert opinions on that dataset. The approach yields a structural equation for the PDF and fractals determined by the experts. Consequently the appropriate PDF for the remaining regions can be constructed by overlaying the region specific expert opinions with the structural shape of the PDF. The resulting PDF can then be used as a measure of heterogeneity in the pricing strategy and to discover the marginal adopter to identify the segments of adopters and non-adopters in the population. Although the aforementioned method is one step up from previous approaches constructing a PDF solely on expert opinions (Demont et al., 2008a), heterogeneity is still simplified through the use of a proxy variable instead of the underlying determinants. The bio-economic model described in Chapter 7 and applied in Chapter 8 tries to trace back the heterogeneity to the driving forces of pest damages, control options and market situations through the use of a hierarchical model. Based on experimental field data, a yield response to pest damage under different control options is estimated. This response is modeled as a beta PDF conditional on a counterfactual pest damage distribution for the situation and location considered. Sampling from these two hierarchical distributions results in a structural representation of the yield effects which can be used in the partial budgeting approach of Chapter 2 and further limit the reliance on assumptions and experts. Hence, in contradiction with Hypothesis 2, parametric procedures have the potential to combine scarce data and theoretical consideration in such way that the homogeneity biases can be avoided. The developed approaches do not differentiate between do not explicitly differentiate different sources of heterogeneity. However, in reality, the sources of heterogeneity among farmers can often be subdivided into a spatial and a temporal dimension. The application of the developed framework on a panel data set in 159 Demont et al. (2009b) recognizes these two dimension but when fitting the resulting PDF they aggregate both dimension is a single spatio-temporal PDF. However, for some technologies, disaggregating these two dimensions may be essential to capture the consequences introducing the technology. A technology may have a different moderation effect on the two dimension. An example at the center of attention is drought tolerance. A drought tolerant maize variety will reach the US market in 2012 and different research consortia such as the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) are developing crops for the near future in other continents. Drought has a spatial component but it is mainly the temporal variability that causes problems in the agricultural production process. Theoretically there is no problem to transform the frameworks developed in Chapter 2 and Chapter 7 to a three dimensional model explicitly accounting for the two sources of heterogeneity. Let us consider the continuous PDFs s(x) and t(y) representing the spatial and the temporal heterogeneity respectively. A joint distribution can be constructed, 𝑓𝑓𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 (𝑥𝑥, 𝑦𝑦) = 𝑠𝑠𝑥𝑥⃓𝑦𝑦 (𝑥𝑥 ⃓𝑦𝑦)𝑡𝑡𝑦𝑦 (𝑦𝑦) where 𝑠𝑠𝑥𝑥⃓𝑦𝑦 (𝑥𝑥 ⃓𝑦𝑦) is a conditional distribution and 𝑡𝑡𝑦𝑦 (𝑦𝑦) a marginal distribution. This three dimensional distribution can be projected in a plain to fit equation 1 in Chapter 2, 𝑟𝑟 𝑟𝑟 𝐹𝐹(𝑟𝑟) = ∫0 ∫0 𝑓𝑓𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 (𝑥𝑥, 𝑦𝑦)𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑. For some PDFs a closed form of this multivariate distribution does exist. However, if the distribution in the spatial dimension and temporal dimension have different functional forms and the analytical traceability will reduce. Two possible solution can be explored. First a numerical procedure can be used to approximate the function or calculate the results. If longitudinal data is available a joint distribution could be constructed through the use of a Copula function (Greene, 2008). Hypothesis 3: EU policies not directly related with GM crops do not affect the potential adoption and deregulation of GM crops in Europe. It is well know that policy interventions alter the stream of benefits from innovations (Alston et al., 1995). For a highly regulated sector such as agriculture this has 160 Chapter 9. Conclusions and Further Considerations important consequences. Hence, when describing the institutional environment affecting the introduction of GM crops, Wesseler (2005) pinpoints policy as an important factor. Therefore, studies assessing the impact of innovations typically account for these market distortions (e.g. Chapter 4). However, very little studies have assessed the effect of changes in policies on the incentives for innovation and adoption. To my knowledge, no study has ever assessed the impact on innovation of policies that are situated in a certain policy arena but may have secondary effects on innovation. In this dissertation the effect of two EU policies originally serving other goals on innovation is assessed. In Chapter 3 the effect of the 2006 change in the Common Market Organization (CMO) for sugar on the innovation incentive of farmers and innovators is assessed. The pairwise differences between the technology’s added value per adopted hectare under the old and the new CMO for sugar are evaluated. Hence the chapter specific hypothesis, the policy reform has no influence on the stream of benefits from innovation, can be tested. Focusing on the farmers, the results show that for high cost producers there is a significant reduction of the incentive to innovate. Reduced innovation leads to decreased competitiveness in the longer run. Therefore, this result is in line with the initial aim of the policy reform to shift production to lower cost regions and crowd out the high cost producers. Hence, the secondary effect of the sugar reform does not interfere with the initial aim of the policy. To understand the impact of the CMO reform on the innovator, the seed developer, data from both Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 can provide some insights. In Chapter 4 one can see that the CMO for sugar does drastically decrease the area planted with sugar beet due to lower internal prices. As the source of revenue from the innovator is the technology fee, a premium per hectare, a decreased hectarage means decreased revenue. In Chapter 3 this hypothesis is analyzed by the pairwise comparison of the EU revenue before and after the reform. As expected, the results show a significant decrease in revenue from the technology introduction. A decreased anticipated revenue reduces the incentive for R&D in the sugar sector. From a policy point of view, this is an unwanted side effect of a reform aiming at increased competitiveness in the sugar sector. The discussion in Chapter 3 only considers reversible effects of the technology introduction. However, the introduction of GM crops may have properties that cannot be quantified or are even unknown at the time of the assessment. For GM crops these 161 potential effects may include gene drift, biodiversity effects, human health etc. As these sources of uncertainty are not easily predicted, an approach as described earlier is not feasible. Moreover, some of these potential effects have an irreversible character, once they arise, a ban on the technology does not restore the situation to its state before introduction. These properties of a novel technology results in a waiting value or option. In time, the uncertainty about a technology may reduce and provide more insights in whether or not to allow introduction at that time. Therefore, Chapter 5 introduces a Bayesian decision model to integrate these sources of uncertainty and irreversibility. This model transforms the neo-classical rule, “introduce the technology if the benefits are at least as high as the costs” to “the technology should only be released if the reversible net benefits are greater than the irreversible net costs multiplied by a factor higher than one, the hurdle rate. The hurdle rate can be quantified by the standard procedures of the real options approach. However, with the introduction of GM crops the net reversible benefits can be assessed (Chapter 4) but the irreversible net costs are uncertain. Hence the decision criteria is reformulated in order to quantify the maximal incremental social tolerable irreversible cost (MISTIC) that would justify an immediate release of the technology. Comparing the analysis including irreversibility and uncertainty with the neoclassical approach deepens the insights in the effects of the technology and introduces a second approach to assess the effect of policy reforms. In Table 13 we see that the hurdle rates, both under the old and the new CMO, are higher than one, leading to a more conservative decision rule as in neo-classical economics. Interestingly, the hurdle rates are higher under the old regime, especially for those countries exporting sugar to the world market. Indeed the exposure to world market prices increases the uncertainty of the stream of benefits. Denmark presents a clear example of the impact of including uncertainty and irreversibility in the economic rationale. Under the old CMO reversible net benefits are €103/ha, but the presence of high uncertainty leads to a MISTIC of only €21.3/ha. Under the new CMO this average benefit increases to €145/ha but the MISTICS increase to €144.8/ha. From this perspective, an introduction of the technology in Denmark is more likely to be justified than under the old regime. A similar but less pronounced effect is present for most Member States. Only for Greece, Italy and Portugal do the MISTICs decrease with the CMO reform. Hence the increased stability under the new CMO provides an environment in which 162 Chapter 9. Conclusions and Further Considerations introduction of HT sugar beets is more likely from an economic optimizing strategy point of view. In conclusion to Hypothesis 3, it seems the reform of the sugar policy did affect the potential adoption of HT sugar beet in the EU. The change favors low cost producers through two avenues, i.e. by increasing the incentives for innovation and hence the MISTICs, but also by lowering uncertainty by limiting world market influence and, hence again increasing MISTICs Irreversibilities have a prominent role in the approval process of GM crops in the EU (Wesseler et al., 2007). Hence an assessment has been done of the effect of changes in this approval process on the likelihood of deregulation of HT sugar beet based on the MISTICs value. Under the assumption that the magnitude of individual MISTICs determines the voting behavior of an individual, the outcome under two EU treaties and the recent Barroso proposal are evaluated. The two treaties modeled, the Nice and Lisbon Treaty, differ in the way a qualified majority is to be reached. For the old CMO for sugar, the shift from the Nice Treaty to the Lisbon Treaty only has a marginal effect on the MISTIC threshold value needed to reach a qualified majority and hence the likelihood of deregulation. For the new CMO however, there is an important difference in this likelihood. The threshold value increases with 47% under the Lisbon Treaty. Hence the likelihood of approval increases significantly under the newer Lisbon Treaty. This leads to the conclusion that the increased economic incentive to innovate under the new CMO only translates to a higher chance of deregulation under the reformed Lisbon Treaty. This is in line with the aim of the alteration of the rules to reach a qualified majority proportional to incentives, despite the expansion of the EU. The Barroso proposal suggest to shift the deregulation decision to the national level. The results under this proposal show that a high degree of inertia is present in the EU decision making if the position of different Member States differs. A threshold value that would not lead to deregulation at the European level, would transfer to deregulation in all but five Member States under the Barroso proposal. Interestingly, the countries restrained to deregulate are countries that are considered to have high production costs. Consequently, the proposal would allow the countries with low costs to approve the technology. Thus, as a secondary effect the Barroso proposal may increase long term competitiveness of the sector as discussed earlier. Shifting the authority on deregulation to the national level has the added benefit of converging the 163 authority on approval with the authority on coexistence between GM crops and conventional systems. This may increase the efficiency of policy making and avoid perverse effects of the legislative framework (e.g. Demont et al., 2010b; Devos et al., 2008b). Both the case studies presented in this dissertation prove that policies do affect the likelihood of adoption and deregulation, even if they were initially designed for other purposes. Hence, Hypothesis 3 does not hold. Therefore, long term competitiveness studies or studies assessing the impact of novel technologies should try to include these policies explicitly in the analysis. Hypothesis 4: The invasive species Western Corn Rootworm does not presents an economic threat for Central European maize farmers. In the nineties, the invasive species WCR started spreading through Europe. The species presents a potential economic threat to European maize production, mainly because its larvae feeds on the roots of the maize plants. The specific nature of the species makes the prediction and assessment of damage caused by the species very difficult, as exogenous factors such as climatic and soil conditions affect the resulting yields to a high extent (Rice and Oleson, 2005). Larval damage may be offset by the regrowth of the root system if water is available during the appropriate time window of the growing process. This leads to difficulties in determining the correlation between population pressure and damages. Due to this uncertainty, the perception about the actual threat to European maize is diverse and the available economic studies scattered (e.g. Baufeld and Enzian, 2005b; Fall and Wesseler, 2008; Hatala Zsellér et al., 2006; Schaafsma et al., 1999). In Chapter 6 through Chapter 8 different approaches are used to evaluate whether the species actually presents an economic risk to farmers. In Chapter 6, the results of a farmer survey in Hungary are presented. As Hungary was fully infested by the species in 2003, farmers should have enough experience with the species to answer the questions. The results show that farmers consider WCR as the major maize pest in Hungary. Interestingly, despite the perceived danger, only 70% of the farmers stated they detected WCR in their field. This indicates that despite the official infestation, not all farmers actively observe the beetle within their plantings. This is also reflected by the anticipated damage by WCR in their field as 164 Chapter 9. Conclusions and Further Considerations presented in Figure 7. 50% of the farmers indicate that even without treatment WCR would not cause any yield loss on their field. This is in contrast with the other half of the population expecting high damages from the species, up to 100%, resulting in an average perceived damage of 22%. The contradiction can be explained by two factors. First, farmers with extensive crop rotation may never reach a population causing economic damages as rotation terminates the life cycle of the species. Secondly, farmers may have difficulties in disentangling the damages by the species from yield reduction due to the reasons discussed above. This was demonstrated in the USA where before introduction of a resistant GM variety a large group of farmers indicated not having problems with the species but where adoption led to yield increases nevertheless. For Hungary, with a high percentage of maize in continuous cultivation, favoring a population build-up, the perceived threat can also be deducted from the high rate of insecticide application according to the survey. Moreover, some farmers indicated they suffered damages in the last cropping seasons despite the application of crop protection (CP) strategies. Hence, the results from the Hungarian survey suggest that a threat exists but that it is highly dependent on the production system and the marketing situation of maize. Chapter 7 looks at the potential threat from a modeling point of view. Starting from data gathered in the USA, combined with expert data and the survey from the Chapter 6, a stochastic hierarchical model is developed as presented earlier. The model results indicate the range of potential yield losses under a hypothetical no control situation. As expected, the resulting distribution of potential effects ranges from no yield loss to 60% yield loss in special circumstances. Fortunately, farmers have access to different CP options moderating the impact of WCR on their maize yield. The model results show that none of the available strategies; crop rotation, soil insecticides and seed treatments, reduce the chance of a yield loss to a zero percentage level. Therefore, a stochastic partial budgeting model is built to explore all possible outcomes under different crop protection strategies, and more importantly, the determinants of the relative economic competitiveness of different strategies. Unraveling the determinants allows the specification of optimal CP strategies in different maize production systems. In Chapter 8, the framework is applied to seven other Central European countries to get a better insight in the species’ threat. The combined analysis shows that 165 ,although there exists a high variability, crop rotation is generally a rational decision for the majority of farmers. Only in those countries where yields are low and prices are low (such as Ukraine) a majority of farmers will not control for the species as the price for the different CP are not compensated by the provided protection. If feasible, crop rotation is often a viable CP strategy. However, for farmers with compulsory continuous maize cultivation due to specialization or land constraints, chemical control options are essential. For specific results a reference is made to Table 23. Combining the results from the modeling approach with the results from the survey rejects Hypothesis 4 stating there is no economic threat for maize production by the species. Especially in a time when prospects for maize production are good this may have serious consequences. Therefore there exists a high need to design CP strategies consistent with the individual situation of the farmer to protect production. Further work along the track started in this dissertation could eventually lead to a multi-criteria framework to be used as an aid to develop economic rational control strategies instead of uniform tools such as economic threshold values. For this framework to evolve to a decision tool, there is an urgent need for data gathering in the EU. A first effort should be made to gather data on the pest-yield relationships in European field conditions. In the present framework, the implicit assumption is made that the yield effects in Europe are similar to the effect in the USA. This link is not proven nor completely rational as agricultural practices differ significantly between the two continents. However, it is the best available information we have so far. Secondly, as the maize cultivation practice is such an important determinant, detailed information on each maize production system is essential. Ideally, geographic explicit land use and land tenure data would allow the development of an improved biological model including population build-up in specific regions dependent on the environmental parameters. Moreover, such data would allow aggregation to the national level or the incorporation in a trade model to understand the threat of the species in more depth. Hypothesis 5: EU farmers cannot gain from the introduction of Bt maize resistant to WCR damages. As indicated in the discussion of Hypothesis 4, besides crop rotation, two different CP strategies are commercially available on the European market. At the same time it is 166 Chapter 9. Conclusions and Further Considerations clear that WCR presents a threat to Central European maize production in the present market context. In the USA, another CP option has been commercialized in 2003, a Bt maize variety resistant to WCR damage. The adoption of this technology has been swift, highlighting the potential value of the technology for farmers (Alston et al., 2002). In Europe this variety has not been deregulated and commercialized for cultivation, but the trait MON88017 is allowed for feed and food use. Hypothesis 5 states that deregulating this Bt maize trait in Europe would not create economic benefits for European farmers. This hypothesis is tested via two approaches. In Chapters 7 and 8 the bio-economic model includes Bt maize as an addition to the toolbox of CP options and estimates the monetary value added by the technology or alternatively the value foregone by not deregulating the technology. The survey described in Chapter 6 uses a choice experiment to elicit the valuation of Hungarian farmers for a WCR resistant variety, hence including non-pecuniary properties in the estimation. The approach in Chapter 7 addresses the strictly monetary gains from deregulating the technology. The results suggest that despite an average anticipated technology fee of €23/ha, profits range between €10/ha and €62/ha, depending on the production system, for farmers rationally adopting the technology. The largest benefits accrue to farmers that engage in continuous maize cultivation. Consequently, predicted market shares of the different CP options change drastically with the introduction of Bt maize. Before the introduction chemical CP would be optimal on a substantial area (as confirmed through our survey), e.g. 49% in Austria, mainly by farmers having either high yields or high pest pressure. These is exactly the market segment where Bt maize is highly valuable, hence the area with chemical application in Austria reduces to 10% after the introduction of the technology. This effect shows that besides an added value for Bt maize, it would move farmers away from chemical control options creating a positive externality from the technology. In Chapter 6 the willingness to pay (WTP) for a WCR resistant maize variety in Hungary is estimated. Due to the discussed constraints, this analysis does not only contain Bt maize but also resistance through other breeding techniques. Estimating the WTP has the benefit of accounting for both the monetary benefits, similar to those calculated by the bio-economic model, and the non-pecuniary benefits present in the technology (e.g. Marra and Piggott, 2006). The dichotomous choice model reveals that farmers are willing to pay €70/ha for the technology on average. This is 167 substantially more than the results from the modeling approach. Hence, the nonpecuniary benefits such as reduced scouting etc. do have an important value to farmers. For Hungarian farmers the compatibility from the technology with their existing material is an important plus of the resistant technology. 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Zaragoza Spain. 188 List of Publications International Scientific Journals Dillen, K., P.D. Mitchell, T. Van Looy & E. Tollens. “The Western Corn Rootworm, a new threat to European agriculture: Opportunities for biotechnology?”, Pest Management Science, in press. Demont, M., K. Dillen, W. Daems, C. Sausse, E. Tollens & E. Mathijs. 2010. “On the Proportionality of EU Spatial ex ante Coexistence Regulations: Reply.” Food Policy, 35(2), 183-184. Dillen, K., P.D. Mitchell & E. Tollens. “On the Competitiveness of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Damage Abatement Strategies in Hungary: a Bio-economic Approach”, Journal of Applied Entomology, 134(5):395-408. Dillen, K., M. Demont & E. Tollens. 2009. “Corporate Pricing Strategies with Heterogeneous Adopters: The Case of Herbicide Resistant Sugar Beet”, AgBioForum, 12(3&4): 334-345. Dillen, K., M. Demont & E. Tollens. 2009. “Potential Economic Impact of GM Sugar Beet in the Global Sugar Sector.” International Sugar Journal, 111 (1330): 638-643. Demont, M., K. Dillen, W. Daems, C. Sausse, E. Tollens & E. Mathijs. 2009. “On the proportionality of EU spatial ex ante coexistence regulations”, Food Policy, 34: 508518. Dillen, K., M. Demont & E. Tollens. 2009. “Global Welfare Effects of GM Sugar Beet under Changing EU Sugar Policies”, AgBioForum,12(1):119-129. Devos, Y., M. Demont, K. Dillen, D. Reheul, M. Kaiser & O. Sanvido. 2009. “Coexistence of GM and Non-GM Crops in the EU. A Review” Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 29:11-30. Dillen, K., M. Demont & E. Tollens. 2008. “European Sugar Policy Reform and Agricultural Innovation.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 56:533-553. Demont, M. & K. Dillen. 2008. “Herbicide Tolerant Sugar Beet: The Most Promising First-Generation GM Crop?” International Sugar Journal, 110(1318): 613-617. Demont, M., M. Cerovska, W. Daems, K. Dillen, J. Fogarasi, E. Mathijs, F., Muška, J. Soukup and E. Tollens. 2008. "Ex ante impact assessment under imperfect information: Biotechnology in New Member States of the EU." Journal of Agricultural Economics 59(3):463-486. Demont, M., W. Daems, K. Dillen, E. Mathijs, C. Sausse & E. Tollens, 2008, “Regulating Coexistence in Europe: Beware of the Domino-effect!” Ecological Economics, 64(4):683-689. Demont, M., K. Dillen, E. Mathijs & E. Tollens. 2007. "GM crops in Europe: How much value and for whom?" EuroChoices. 6(3): 46-53 . 190 Book Chapters Bezlepkina, I., R. Jongeneel, F. Brouwer, K. Dillen, A. Meister, J. Winsten, K. de Roest & M. Demont. 2010. “Dairy” The Economics of Regulation: Compliance with Public and Private Standards in Agriculture. Brouwer, F., G. Fox & R. Jongeneel, eds., Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, in press. De Roest, K., J. Winsten & K. Dillen. 2010. “Assessing the Impact of Nutrient Management Policies and Growth Hormone Bans on International Trade in Beef: An EU/US Perspective” The Economics of Regulation: Compliance with Public and Private Standards in Agriculture. Brouwer, F., G. Fox & R. Jongeneel, eds., Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, in press. De Roest, K., J. Winsten, P. Rajsic & K. Dillen. 2010. “The impact of standards on the competitiveness of the EU with respect to pigs and poultry” The Economics of Regulation: Compliance with Public and Private Standards in Agriculture. Brouwer, F., G. Fox & R. Jongeneel, eds., Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, in press. Devos, Y., M. Demont, K. Dillen, D. Reheul, M. Kaiser & O. Sanvido. 2009. “Coexistence of Genetically Modified (GM) and Non-GM Crops in the EU. A Review.” Sustainable Agriculture, Vol. 1. Lichtfouse, E., Navarrete, M., Debaeke, P., Souchère, V., Alberola, C., eds., pp. 203-228. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences – Springer. Demont, M., K. Dillen & E. Tollens. 2008. “Economics of Spatial Coexistence: Isolation Distances versus Pollen Barriers.” Theory in Ecology. Breckling, B., H. Reuter & R. Verhoeven, p159-163, ed. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften. 191