May 24 2011 - The Aurora Newspaper
May 24 2011 - The Aurora Newspaper
VOL. 32 NO. 21 MAY 24, 2011 NO CHARGE 14 WING • ESCADRE 14 GREENWOOD, NS ww co bertajerk y. m Vacuum Sealed For Members Deployed Overseas Free delivery with any order over 10 lbs. SECTION RV 2011 2 CF Begin Operation ATTENTION 3 Update On the Maritime Helicopter Project 6 413 Squadron to Conduct Cormorant Boat Camp Training 6 Bravo Zulu 7 NAOSH Week 2011 8 COMMUNITY Ice Pilots Visit GMAM 2 GMFRC Red Friday Lunch and Walk - Update 5 Library of the Month 7 Markland Lodge Officers for 2011 9 Drug Awareness 12 From left, 14 Air Maintenance Squadron (AMS) Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) G Pitman, Imaging Section Manager Warrant Officer (WO) R Clowe, 14 AMS Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) TE Flynn and 14 Aircraft Maintenance Support Officer Major (Maj) S Racle perform the official ribbon cutting ceremony for the renovated and expanded 14 AMS Wing Imaging Section on 20 April 2011. (Image: Private Alex Bouchard, 14 AMS Wing Imaging, Imagery Technician) Health Promotion Services Spring 2011 14 Youth Happenings 19 SPORTS Atlantic Region Wins Squash National Championships 4 14 Wing Air Force Triathon 8 Swimmers of the Week 10 Fifteen Year Old Pots Hole in One 10 Trampoline and Tumbling Championships 11 By Corporal Melissa Spence, 14 AMS Wing Imaging WEEKLY For Your Info Horoscopes Find and Win Sudoku Crossword Classified Ads Page 16 Page 16 Page 16 Page 17 Page 17 Page 18 On any given day, 14 Air Maintenance Squadron (AMS) Wing Imaging has up to twenty-one Imagery Technicians sharing space in the shop on the second floor of 10 Hangar. The confines of our old space left little room to move without stepping on one another. Therefore, we knocked down a few walls and redecorated a little, and now we have more (and better) room to spread our wings. In fact, we have nearly tripled our workspace. And along with more floor space, we got windows too! To allow for this expansion, our old next-door neighbour, the 10 Hangar gym, was moved upstairs. Discussions and planning got underway at the end of March last year and the sledgehammers came out eight months later in November. The renovations were completed in early April, and the official opening for the renovated and expanded 14 AMS Wing Imaging section was Continued on page 3. Canadian Tire Service Department • Light Roadside • Heavy Towing • Wheel Lift & Flatbed Service • ONLY INDEPENDENT TOWING COMPANY IN OUR AREA 24 HOUR SERVICE Specialists in: Call Steve at 765-6338 • Heavy Haulage • Tractors • Trucks • Buses • Baby Barns • • RV’s • Motor Homes • Lock Out & • Boost Service • Mon - Fri 8 am - 5 pm Fax (902): 825-1589 held on 20 April 2011. 14 AMS Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel TE Flynn, Aircraft Maintenance Support Officer Major SG Racle, Squadron Chief Warrant Officer G Pitman and Imaging Section Manager Warrant Officer R Clowe were on hand to perform the official ribbon cutting. It has been a long process, but 14 AMS Wing Imaging is now running more smoothly and efficiently than ever. We have additional desks and computer work stations, so no one has to wait to work on jobs. This is important because our computers are essentially our dark rooms as well as our graphic design studios. With the additional space, we were also able to get the video section out of a crammed corner, new offices for the Sergeants and a new workspace for the Master Corporals. Finally, a new matting and framing section means that all the going away gifts, Certificates of Service, door signs, and maps get out the door much quicker. Middleton Cell (902): 825-7026 Dave’s Collision Works Ltd. FRAME & COLLISION REPAIR SPECIALISTS 765-8161 Pot Hole Special Front End Check for FREE Alignment Special reg $5999 Now $4999 + Tax Most Vehicles Saturday 8 am - 12 noon Have your Hybrid Serviced Here - Call for Details CERTIFIED Your Choice for Collision Repairs Page 2 The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS May 24, 2011 Ice Pilots Visit the Greenwood Military Aviation Museum By: Malcolm Uhlman, GMAM The first week of April saw a white Aurora flying in and out of Greenwood! An April Fools joke? No, it was a Buffalo Airways Lockheed Electra ferrying cement and re-bar to Iqaluit, in the Canadian North. The familiar white and green paint scheme of the aircraft, a predecessor of the Aurora, was flown by the famed “Ice Pilots” of the national TV program of the same name. The program chronicles the activities of Buffalo Airways of Hay River, NWT owned and operated by Joe McBryan (“Buffalo Joe”). The company flies to northern Canadian destinations, mainly out of Yellowknife and Hay River, using vintage aircraft DC-3 and DC4 airliners and C46 Commando; and newer Beech Baron, CL-215 water bomber and turbo-prop Lockheed Electra. The program’s #1 fan is Officer Cadet (OCdt) Elizabeth (Liz) Cowden, seen at the reception desk at the Greenwood Military Aviation Museum. Between flights, the Electra crews paid visits to the Museum. General Manager, Major Bob Johnson, gave personal tours, part of which was video taped and will be part of a future episode of next year’s “Ice Pilots” show. A call to OCdt Liz at home brought her to meet her “champions”, even though she had to hobble around in her ankle cast; in the excitement she forgot her crutches at home! As there was so much work, a second Electra crew enabled them to fly round-the-clock. The second crew was captained by AJ Decoste, who got off track driving to Greenwood from the airport in Halifax and ended up in Liverpool, even though he’s originally from Nova Scotia. When they asked for directions to a couple of sight-seeing locations in the Valley, OCdt Liz printed off a very clear set of local maps so they wouldn’t run into the same navigational issues. OCdt Liz got to chat with AJ and Scott on quite a few Sean Barry, Scott Blue, OCdt Liz Cowden, Brian Harrison, Adam Smith. (Images: Officer Cadet (OCdt) Elizabeth Cowden) 2011 marks the 70th Anniversary of the formation of 4 World War II Squadrons (Sqn): 404, 405, 413 and 415 Squadrons; as well as the 45 th Anniversary of VP International. RV-2011 commemorates these significant milestones with 4 Major Events and several smaller events from 9-12 June 2011 at 14 Wing Greenwood. It is hoped that these events will allow current and former 404 Sqn “Buffalos”, 405 Sqn “Eagles”, 413 Sqn “Tuskers”, 415 Sqn “Swordfish” and members of VPI to celebrate our “History and Fellowship” RV-2011 commences on June 9 th . Registration packages will be available all day and in the evening VPI will host a “Fellowship Night” at the VPI Building, open to all RV-2011 registered guests. On June 10th registration will continue all day. In addition, there will be a morning “Shotgun Start” Golf Tournament at the 14 Wing Golf Club at 8:00 a.m. followed by the “Meet and Greet” at the Annapolis Mess commencing at 6:30 p.m. June 11th will have “The Main Event”; commencing at 9:00 a.m. with Squadron and Industry displays, a Beer Tent with live music provided by the 14 Wing Band, as well as tours of aircraft and simulators. The evening has the “Dinner and Dance” in 14 Hangar. Starting at 6:30 p.m., music will be provided by the internationally acclaimed HMCS Stadacona Band. On June 12th there will be a “Farewell Breakfast” at the Annapolis Mess from 8:00-10:00 a.m. followed by the VPI Memorial Parade at 11:00 a.m. Cost for the event is two tiered: Premium Level includes all events (Golf Tournament fees are extra) is $90.00 and the Basic Level includes the Fellowship Night, Meet & Greet and Main Event is $35.00 These events serve as a unique opportunity for alumni of these 4 Squadrons to reunite with former colleges, meet current members and forge new friendships; all while celebrating our impressive military aviation history. All who have contributed to 404, 405, 413 & 415 Sqn successes over the last 70 years as well as those working with VPI these last 45 years are encouraged to join in this momentous occasion. More information is available at the RV2011 webpage or RSVP by email to [email protected] or call Major Pitcher at (902) 765-1494 ext 3936 indicating which level you would like to participate in. Space is limited so RSVP no later than 27 May 11. Useful Links occasions over the week. She tells us that they were both so nice and willing to answer all her questions about flying in the North, operating those old war birds in the bitter cold, and how they ended up In Yellowknife of all places. AJ is an avid snowmobiler but says this past winter was too cold to go out much. OCdt Liz, being a pilot herself, (glider and private licenses) and an Officer Cadet pilot- untrained in the military, the crews were more than happy to talk shop. They loved the Bolingbroke restoration project and their ears perked up when she talked about our Dakota restoration, as they are still flying some of the same vintage! Both of them said they had tried to get into military flying but it hadn’t worked out for one reason or another. OCdt Liz declares it was a pleasure to meet all of the crew, not just because of the TV show, but because “they share my passion for real hands-and-feet flying and they do it in incredibly harsh conditions, in aircraft with real character and history. And they were all incredibly nice to boot.” Overall, they put that goofy smile on this young flyer’s face for quite some time. Many of the crew make their home in Yellowknife and despite our preconceptions of the weather there, they do have summers. Working in the 40 degree weather is indeed Canadian Air Force website Community Gateway Site 14 Wing Greenwood Site Personnel Family Support Services National Defence and the Canadian Forces Officer Cadet Liz Cowden (GMAM) and AJ Decoste. brutal, the hardest part being the loading and unloading of the aircraft. Yes, Buffalo Joe is as stern as he is portrayed in the episodes but it is, without doubt, the boss’ way of keeping the crews alert and making sure they return home safely. Despite this gruff exterior, the boss often shows his softer side through his generosity, but don’t tell anyone! Overall, the crews were most impressed with the Museum, its aircraft on display in the air park and the memorabilia inside. Of particular interest was the Air Commodore Birchall display, one of Canada‘s war heroes whom Churchill called “The Savior of Ceylon“. S/L Birchall, with 413 Squadron flying an R.C.A.F. PBY 5A Catalina out of Ceylon (Sri Lanka), was the Canadian pilot who spotted the massive Japanese fleet in the Indian Ocean approaching the islands. His warning message alerted the British in the home port enabling the repulsion of the attack and keeping this strategic area in Allied hands. Birchall’s plane was shot down, killing three crew members; the survivors spent three years in a prisoner of war camp. This story and many more can be viewed at the Greenwood Military Aviation Museum. Combat Camera combatcamera/home-eng.asp Recruiting Military Family Resource Centre VPI The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS May 24, 2011 Canadian Forces Begin Operation ATTENTION in Kabul, Afghanistan By: Captain Glen Parent, National Command and Support Element, Op ATTENTION Kabul, AFGHANISTAN A Canadian soldier prepares to install cable on a pole at Camp Phoenix, Kabul on May 12. A 75-person Theatre Activation Team is in Kabul temporarily to prepare infrastructure and support services for the stand-up of Operation ATTENTION, the new Canadian Forces training mission in Afghanistan. The 35 Canadian Forces personnel who constitute the advance party of the National Command and Support Element of Op ATTENTION reached Kabul in late April and are now working with the Theatre Activation Team to prepare for the arrival of the rest of the initial rotation — Roto 0 — over the coming months. Most of the Canadian Forces personnel deploying to the Kabul area on Roto 0 of Operation ATTENTION will be in place by the fall of 2011. (credit/source: Capt Glen Parent, NCSE Op ATTENTION) 14 AMS Wing Imaging Undergoes Major Renovations above and beyond in order to way to ensure all our imag- Wing’s imaging needs - were make this project such a huge ing needs – and therefore the met. success. From everyone at 14 AMS Wing Imaging and 14 AMS, we would like to pass on our gratitude for the excellent work. A tremendous “Thank you” goes out to all those who went out of their Cover story continued. None of this would have happened without the work and support of the Wing Logistics and Engineering Organization (WLEO) and the Wing Telecommunication and Information Services Squadron (WTIS), who went [email protected] Office: 902-765-3505 Fax: 902-765-3065 768 Central Ave., Greenwood Rick Snider Getting Posted? Get Pre-approved Now! With interest rates at an all time low, owning a home has never been more affordable! Valerie Payne, Mortgage Specialist RBC Royal Bank Specializing in Mortgage Products and Interest Rate Buy Down’s. Pre-approval rates held for up to 4 months! Lock in now before rates increase. Conveniently located in Kingston and available Days, Evenings & Weekends. Call me today at 760-2146 or 1-800-710-2785 Visit my website: E-Mail me: [email protected] Page 3 Page 4 The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS May 24, 2011 Atlantic Region Wins Squash National Championships Originator: Major Gilles Couture Submitted by: Captain Jeff Hallam, TacNav Instructor, 404 (LRP&T) Squadron The Atlantic Region Squash Team won the 2011 Squash National Championships. The tournament was held in Borden, ON and took place from the 8th to the 13th of May. Representing Team Atlantic were Major (Maj) Gilles Couture (Team Coach, Team Capt) from Acoustic Data Analysis Centre Atlantic (ADAC(A)), Lieutenant Commander (LCdr) Michael Melnychuk from CF Naval Engineering School (CFNES), Chief Petty Officer 1st Class (CPO1) Ken Mullins from Maritime Forces Atlantic (MARLANT) Headquarters, LCdr Pat Perks from HMCS Preserver, Master Corporal (MCpl) Brian Reid from 423 Maritime Helicopter Squadron, Naval Cadet (NCdt) Victoria Bertling from the Halifax Base Commander’s office, Captain (Capt) Jeff Hallam from 404 Long Range Patrol and Training Squadron, and Private (Pte) Chris Jones from 2nd Battalion The Royal Canadian Regiment (2RCR) in Gagetown. The opposition comprised of teams Valley Podiatric Medical Centre ~ May is Foot Health Month ~ If you have diabetes, or if you suffer from any foot problems, arrange to see your Podiatrist today. 765-3668 (foot) No referrals necessary Fees covered by most Extended Health Plans ~ Located in Greenwood Mall across from Maxwell Shoes ~ Marlene’s Greenery 1298 Victoria Road, Aylesford 847-3562 Stop in and see our large selection of Annuals, Perennials, Trees & Shrubs. from the other traditional regions, consisting of the Prairies, Pacific, Quebec and Ontario. The National Championship tournament format is similar to the Regional Tournament. The event is divided into two distinct parts: for the first two and a half days, the players compete against equally seeded players from the other regions to determine which team will bring home the pennant. The second part of the Tournament is an elimination round for the Under 30, Master, Women and Open categories to determine which player for each category will be Individual National Champion. Team Atlantic dominated in the team event, accumulating an incredible 141 points out of a perfect 156, only 1 point shy of 142, the 2007 record which also belongs to Team Atlantic. Just a couple more nicks and it would have been a new record! The elimination round also went very well for the Atlantic Region players. Keeping on track with the momentum gathered at the Canadian Nationals held in Toronto a few days before, Maj Gilles Couture defeated Maj Simon Comtois from the Prairie Region for his first CF National title (Open). Pte Chris Jones secured the Under 30 crown while LCdr Michael Melnychuk was the runner-up in a tightly fought battle in the Masters division. CPO1 Ken Mullins and Capt Jeff Hallam won their respective consolation draws. NCdt Victoria Bertling, in her first participation in the CF Nationals, came within 3 little points from the title in the Women’s round robin. Atlantic not only performed well on the court but also in the awards department. First, Capt Jeff Hallam was the recipient of the “Dedication to CF Sports Award – Squash”. This award is presented to an athlete, coach, official or athletic trainer who best exemplifies the qualities of strong commitment and support to the CF Sports Program. Jeff was nominated for his dedication to the Greenwood Squash Club and for his outstanding work as chair of the annual Greenwood Invitational tournament for the last few years. Finally, the enthusiasm, team spirit and fellowship demonstrated by CPO1 Ken Mullins during the tournament were also recognized, earning him the Royal Canadian Legion Sportsmanship Award – Squash 2011. Overall, Team Atlantic players did extremely well at the 2011 Squash Nationals Championships. This would not have been possible without the help of the following individuals: Mr. Terry Sweeney, Mr. Jon Berg, Mr. Tony Hamilton and In the semi-finals for the Masters category of the CF National Squash Championship, LCdr Mike Melnychuk of the Atlantic Region plays against Lt(N) Karl Hoener of the Pacific Region. (Image: Corporal Cynthia Wilkinson, CFSTG Imagery) Mr. Isaac Habib, from Formation Halifax PSP Staff, for their outstanding logistical and continuing support. Finally, the team would like to thank all squash players at bases in our region for their love of the game, participation in team practice, camaraderie and friendship. Okay! We’re open! Bouncy white lambs fluffy yellow chicks squealy piglets overly affectionate old goat three legged dog . Just North of Exit 16 and follow our Signs For more info call 847-1855 Dempsey Corner Orchards U-Pick and Farm Market Open 7 days a week (yes that includes Sundays) 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. ~ HOURS ~ Mon - Sat: 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m6XQ: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. The Aurora Newspaper is published each Monday by 14 Wing under the authority of Colonel W.F. Seymour, CD, Wing Commander. Est publié chaque lundi par la 14e Escadre sous les auspices du Colonel W.F. Seymour, CD, Commandant de l’escadre. Managing Editor/Rédacteur - Stephen R. Boates (902) 765-1494 ext. 5441 Wing Public Affairs Officer & Editorial Asst. Capt Scott Spurr (902) 765-1494 ext. 5101 Production Coordinator/Coordinateur de production Brian Graves (902) 765-1494 ext. 5699 Business & Advertising Representative/Représentant, Affaires et Publicité Anne Kempton (902) 765-1494 ext. 5833 Administrative Clerk/Commis adminiftratif Candace Ernst, (902) 765-1494 ext. 5440 FAX (902) 765-1717 • E-mail: [email protected] Circulation/Circulation: 5900 - Agreement No. 462268; Numéro de contrat 462268. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit, condense or reject copy or advertising to suit the aims of a Service Newspaper as specified in CFAO 57.5 and/or by the Editorial Board. Le comité de rédaction se réserve le droit de reviser, de condenser ou de rejetter tout article ou message publicitaire afin de satisfaire aux exigences relatives aux journaux militaires figurant dans l’OAFC 57.5. Pen names may be permitted at the discretion of the Editor. Le rédacteur en chef peut, à sa discrétion, permettre l’utilistion de pseudonymes. Opinions and advertisements appearing in “The Aurora Newspaper” are those of the individual contributor or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 14 Wing, Greenwood or the Printers. L’escadre 14, Greenwood et les éditeurs laissent l’entière responsabilité de leurs textes et de leurs annonces publicitaires aux auteurs et aux annonceurs. Les opinions exprimées sont celles des collaborateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue des Forces armées canadiennes ou du comité de rédaction. The Aurora is in no way responsible for typographical errors arising from hand written or printed copy. In case of typographical error, the liability of “The Aurora Newspaper” is limited to a refund of the space charged for the erroneous item. In case of advertisements accepted by telephone, “The Aurora” accepts no liability for error whatsoever. Errors must be brought to the attention of the editor within three (3) days after publication. En cas d’erreur typographique l’Aurora ne s’engage à rembourser que l’espace occupé par l’article dans lequel s’est glissé l’erreur. Lorsque les annonces publicitaires sont, reçues par téléphone l’Aurora n’accept aucune responsabilité pour les erreurs qui pourraient se glisser dans le texte. The deadlines are as follows: 12:00 noon Wednesday for classified ads; 3:00 p.m. Wednesday preceding publication date for all other advertising and those requiring proofs. Editorial material MUST be typed and MUST be accompanied by the disk and hard copy, the originator’s name, address and telephone number no later than 9:30 a.m. Thursday. Or E-mail us at [email protected] 12h00 pour les annonces publicitaires moins d’une demie page, le mercredi qui précède la semaine de publication. Les annonces publicitaires de plus d’une demie page ou demandant une épreuve doivent nous arriver par le mercredi à 12h00. Les documents doivent être dactylographiés et provenus avec le disque et une copie imprimée.Ils doivent aussie porter le nom, l’adresse et le numéro de téléphone de l’auteur. Ou Email: [email protected] Promotion of Private Businesses in articles submitted for publication is not permitted except in cases of appreciation for donations where only the company name is included. (Companies or individuals that are currently in arrears shall not be published.) Individuals or groups shall not make any offer of promotion in The Aurora Newspaper of products and/or services in exchange for donations. La promotion d’entreprises privées sournis en forme d’articles n’est pas permise, excepté dans les cas d’appréciation pour dons ou seulement le nom de la compagnie est inclus. (Compagnies ou individues qui sont présentement en arrérages ne pourront être publiés. Les individues ou groupes ne pourront pas faire d’offres de promotions de produits et/ou de services en échange de donations dans The Aurora Newspaper. Mail Subscriptions are available at the following rates: On peut s’abonner par la poste, aux taux suivants: Canada/Canada: $65.00 + HST per year/par année. Rest of the world/Reste de monde: $75.00 + HST per year/par année. Editor, The Aurora Newspaper PO Box 99 Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 Rédacteur, Le Journal Aurora C.P. 99 Greenwood, N.-É. B0P 1N0 email: [email protected] website: The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 5 May 24, 2011 GMFRC Red Friday Lunch and Walk - Update Submitted by: Michelle Thibodeau Wagner, Coordinator of Special Events and Promotions, Greenwood Military Family Resource Centre 765-1491 local 1421 [email protected] 2011 marks the 5th anniversary of the Red Friday campaign in Canada. The concept of wearing Red on Friday to show support for our Troops has grown and swelled to cover our whole country. It is certainly not uncommon to walk through a store or a mall on a Friday and see people proudly wearing Red to show their support for our military members, as well as their families. In honour of Red Friday the GMFRC will be hosting a Red Friday Lunch and Walk on May 27th. Come to the GMFRC at 12 noon, wearing red and we will give you a free hot dog lunch! After lunch we will take a walk through our community to show our support and appreciation for our troops and all they do. All are welcome! For more information, please contact 765-5611. BoatSmart Canada Is offerring a Pleasure Craft Course 3rd June 2011 - Kingston Lions Club at 6pm to Book contact Terry at 765-1093 or [email protected] GREENWOOD BOWLING CENTRE Leagues • Competitions • Birthdays • Glow Bowling • Family Bowling • Tournaments • Private Bookings For more information or to reserve your lanes, phone: 765-1494 ext 5631 Green Fees 35 $ Only email: [email protected] 2 Green Fees & a Cart after 1:00 p.m. for only 14 Wing Community Centre, Building 110 Church Street tax included Everyday! Bernie Rawle "( ,QPOP=J@EJC+ASQOEJAOO Steel Fabrication Reasonable Rates Free Estimates CWB Certified • 35 years experience 1 (902) 840-0386 [email protected] Free RN Consultation =NA-ANOKJ=HEVA@BKNUKQNJAA@O %KQOAGAALEJC)=QJ@NU KKGEJC HVDAEIANO =NA0K?E=H,QPEJCO /+KJ?=HHDKQNO=@=U LLNKRA@!3=J@ &JOQN=J?A0ANRE?A-NKRE@AN Kingston 765-3122 Tibb’s Tumblers Locksmithing Services WIDE ASSORTMENT OF KEYS The Aurora Newspaper is the “Military Voice of the Annapolis Valley” Target Your Market with a Promo Ad 1/2 page ad for ONLY $180 tax included. For a Grand Opening, Anniversary or Special Event. Ph: 765-1494 ext 5833 Some conditions apply! Automotive Transponder Keys Available Richard Tibbel, Bonded Locksmith High Security Keys Safes Commercial Residential Automotive Installations Lockouts Code-Key Cutting (VWLPDWHV Rekeyed Locks IRPP Claimable 59 Stronach Mtn. Rd NEW PHONE # (902) 840-3658 Page 6 The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS May 24, 2011 Update On the Maritime Helicopter Project The first interim maritime helicopter, the CH-148 Cyclone, arrived at 12 Wing Shearwater, N.S., last week. (Image: Sikorsky) The CH-148 Cyclone inside a hangar at 12 Wing Shearwater, N.S. after its arrival last week. (Image: Sikorsky) May 18, 2011 for the Maritime Helicopter Maritime Helicopter capability The first interim maritime Project. that provides the Canadian h e l i c o p t e r, t h e C H - 1 4 8 “The arrival of this helicopter F o r c e s w i t h a m o d e r n , Cyclone, arrived at 12 Wing in Shearwater demonstrates flexible helicopter to assist Shearwater, N.S. last week to progress with this project in the defence of Canada and support training of Canadian and brings us one step closer Canadian interests well into the Forces aircrew and technicians towards the delivery of a future,” said Defence Minister the Peter MacKay. On May 13, 2011, Sikorsky Own your Future Sears Canada Inc. is offering qualified candidates an opportunity to own and operate the Sears Dealer Store in… Kingston, NS Sears Dealer Stores offer the most popular brands of Furniture, Major Appliances, Mattresses, Furniture, Home Electronics, Floor Care & Sewing Products, Air & Water Treatment Products and Lawn & Garden Equipment, plus Sears Catalogue Services. This unique opportunity will allow you to combine your proven business skills with the many strengths of Sears including: Field sales and merchandising support Toll-free and online operational support Extensive advertising & marketing support Complete inventory at no cost to you Professional interior & exterior signing packages On-lne point-of-sale reservation system Desirable customer payment options Your sales experience and exceptional customer service skills plus commitment, hard work and winning spirit combined with Sears strengths will provide the structure for success in your community. You’ll earn commission plus additional income opportunities. Interested candidates should call… Telephone: 1-800-698-7088 Fax: 1-888-744-3666 or e-mail your resume to : Operations International Inc. flew the helicopter to Shearwater as part of its contractual obligation under the Maritime Helicopter Project to deliver initial cadre training to the Canadian Forces. The helicopter will be used as a ground-based training aid for technicians. The arrival of this helicopter does not mark formal delivery at this time as Sikorsky has not yet met all of the contractual delivery requirements. The helicopter will remain under Sikorsky title and control until all requirements are met. The Canadian Forces will take formal delivery and assume ownership of the helicopter once a Canadian military airworthiness certificate is granted and once initial aircrew flight training is conducted. Sikorsky continues to make steady progress. Formal delivery of the first interim maritime helicopter is expected later this summer. The new Cyclone, in its final configuration, will be at the forefront of modern technology and will be one of the most capable maritime helicopters in the world. 413 Squadron to Conduct Cormorant Boat Camp Training in Prince Edward Island PSA-002.11 & Rescue) Squadron will be conducting Search and May 20, 2011 Rescue training with Canadian Coast Guard assets around 14 WING GREENWOOD – Members of 413 (Transport Charlottetown, PEI, during the period of 24 to 27 May 2011. The training will include hoisting Search and Rescue Technicians on and off various Coast Guard boats from a CHTHE MUNICIPALITY OF THE COUNTY OF KINGS 149 Cormorant helicopter. 87 Cornwallis Street, PO Box 100 Kentville, Nova Scotia B4N 3W3 TENDER D/U 11-01 1087 Rafuse Road, Waterville House & Shed Demolition The Municipality of the County of Kings Building Services Section invites tenders for the supply of the following: Removal and disposal of the house, foundation and all material on property at 1087 Rafuse Road, Waterville, Kings County, Nova Scotia; Fill in the foundation areas to match existing grades. Specifications and tender forms may be picked up at the office of the Department of Development & Building Services, Municipal Complex, 87 Cornwallis Street, Kentville, NS, Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 4:30pm. There will be a mandatory pre-tender meeting at the project site at 10:00 am May 24th, 2011. Tenders received from parties who did not attend the pre-tender meeting will not be considered. Inquiries pertaining to this tender may be directed to the Building Services Section at: [email protected] 902-690-6191 SEALED TENDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL 2:00PM Thursday, June 2, 2011 The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all tenders, not necessarily accept the lowest tender, or to accept any which it may consider to be in its best interest. The Municipality also reserves the right to waive formality, informality or technicality in any tender. Telephone: 690-6191 Fax: (902) 679-0911 1-888-337-2999 E-Mail: [email protected] Bravo Zulu The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS May 24, 2011 Page 7 Images from 14 AMS Wing Imaging unless otherwise indicated. The Wing Operations Officer LieutenantColonel Steve Chouinard presents Corporal Jeanette MacLeod from the Wing Operations/Intelligence Section with the inaugural Wing Operations Person of the Month award; 11 May 2011. Private Luke Verran receives his first chevron from Major Michael Smith, 14 Air Maintenance Squadron Aircraft Maintenance Organization Officer. Corporal Travis Kennedy receives his promotion to current rank from Major Michael Smith, 14 Air Maintenance Squadron Aircraft Maintenance Organization Officer. The Wing Operations Officer LieutenantColonel Steve Chouinard presents Captain Gregory Miller from Air Traffic Control with the CD1, 11 May 2011. The Wing Operations Officer LieutenantColonel Steve Chouinard presents Petty Officer Second Class Graham Gosse from the Accoustic Sensor Analist Section with the CD1; 11 May 2011. Corporal Stephan Arsenault receives his promotion to current rank from Major Michael Smith, 14 Air Maintenance Squadron Aircraft Maintenance Organization Officer. Private Erin Connors receives her first Chevron from Major Carver, Wing Supply Officer. (Image submitted) Petty Officer, 2nd Class James Dicks receives his promotion from Major Carver, Wing Supply Officer. (Image submitted) “Library of the Month” for June is Kingston Submitted by: Frances Newman, Regional Librarian, Annapolis Valley Regional Library, 902-665-2995 ext. 223 or [email protected] All library branches of the Annapolis Valley Regional Library are being celebrated this year with a monthly focus on each branch thanks to their sponsor, RBC. Kingston is the Library of the Month for June. An Open House will be held on Thursday, June 9 from 1:005:00 p.m. There will be a special storytime for kids and families after school at 3:00 p.m. and remarks from special guests will take place at 3:30 p.m. Stop by for some treats and see what the Kingston Library has to offer! On Friday, June 10 at 7:00 p.m. join Canadian bestselling mystery writer William Deverell as he discusses his latest novel, “Snow Job”. Deverell was the creator of the Canadian television series Street Legal, and has won the Dashiell Hammett Award for Literary Excellence in North American Crime Writing. Deverell’s fifteen crime novels are very realistic because he worked as a lawyer on thirty murder trials as well as hundreds of other criminal trials and has seen it all first hand. In addition to his novels, he has also written a true crime book on Robert Frisbee based on the notorious murder trial which he defended, as well as several CBC radio episodes of, “The Scales of Justice”. William Deverell lives on Pender Island, BC and his visit is made possible through a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts. Lots of other great activities are planned for June at the Kingston Library including a Landscaping & Curb Appeal Workshop on Thursday, June 2 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. with Amanda Bowlby from Bowlby’s Garden & Mowing Services, a demonstration on Preparing a Great Picnic Lunch by Chef Dan on Tuesday, June 7 at 7:00 p.m., a Floral Arranging Workshop with Barb from the Atlantic Superstore on Tuesday, June 14 at 7:00 p.m., and a Cake Decorating Demonstration with Elizabeth Markey on the afternoon of June 16. On Saturday, June 18 at 1:00 p.m. you can enjoy the violin music of the Symons Family when you visit the library. Kingston is the “youngest” branch in the Annapolis Valley Regional Library system. Established in 1972, it was first housed upstairs in the former Village Commission Office on Victoria Drive. Then it moved downstairs into a new addition made specifically to house the library. It moved to its current location in the rear of the new Village Commission Office on Main Street in 1996. In 1972 the Kingston Library checked out just over 4,000 items. Last year in 2010, 27,646 were checked out! And to think some people thought that the Internet would replace public libraries. Obviously they were wrong and the numbers prove it! Everyone knows the public library loans books, movies, and magazines for adults and children, but did you know they also offer downloadable e-books and audiobooks? You can download e-books and audiobooks for free through the library’s website at Can’t find what you’re looking for on the library’s shelves? Since the Kingston Library is part of the Annapolis Valley Regional Library family of libraries, people can request books from any of their branch libraries or even from other libraries across Nova Scotia and Canada. For more information about programs and services at the Kingston Library, call 765-3631 or visit them online at Sergeant Mark O’Keefe receives his promotion to current rank from Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Flynn, Commanding Officer of 14 Air Maintenance Squadron; pictured on the right is Squadron Chief Warrant Officer Chief Warrant Officer Gary Pitman. OPTOMETRY CLINIC Dr. Paul J. Gagnon Comprehensive Eye Examinations Latest Eyewear Fashions and Contact Lenses New Patients Welcome Zellers Plaza • Greenwood (902) 765-2715 Page 8 May 24, 2011 The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week 2011 By Roger Walsh, CRSP, Wing General Safety Officer On 2 May 11, Wing Commander Col Seymour, Wing Chief Warrant Officer, CWO Jardine, Wing Logistics & Engineering Officer LCol Letourneau, Wing General Safety Officer Roger Walsh, and Director Health Promotions Lisa White mustered at the 14 Wing Main Gate to unfurl the NAOSH Flag, officially marking the commencement of the week’s activities. Several activities were held throughout the week to promote health & safety and this year’s theme: “What’s Your Plan”? In the true spirit of partnership, which NAOSH Week is all about, 14 Wing General Safety & 14 Wing Health Promotions united to host a Health & Safety Fair in the Annapolis Mess on Wednesday 4 May. With over 45 kiosks advertising a wide range of health & safety (H&S) products and services, exhibitors included many provincial H&S service providers as well as many of our own 14 Wings affiliated H&S disciplines. Many thanks to Mrs. Colleen Hodder and Union of National Defence Employees (UNDE) Local 80403 for sponsoring the H&S Fair snacks and refreshments. Our collective thanks to MS Lapierre, Function Coordinator and the Annapolis Mess staff for their efforts in ensuring this event was a success. To all who assisted with the set up and take down of the lounges, a sincere thank you. Wing General Safety along with Wing Health Promotions would like to acknowledge all who contributed to the success of NAOSH Week by putting on displays, and Wing imaging for their coverage of the events. By all accounts NAOSH week 2011 was a success and truly reflective of the NAOSH symbol of many hands coming together in support of a valuable cause. Although the NAOSH week curtain has fallen for another year it remains paramount that we remain vigilant in our commitment to health & safety and continually ensure we always plan for safety in all tasks we undertake. “What’s Your Plan”? 14 Wing Air Force Triathlon Submitted by: Captain (Capt) Denis Choquette Village of Kingston EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY SEASONAL PUBLIC WORKS POSITION The 14 Wing Air Force Triathlon will be held on 19 June 2011 right here on base. Join the fun whether you participate or cheer on your family & friends. Three events with different distances are offered to ensure maximum participation. Triathlon: 750m swim – 20k bike – 5k run Triathlon: 300m swim – 10k bike – 3k run Duathlon: 5k run – 20k bike – 2.5k run Aquathlon: 750m swim – 5k run Aquathlon: 300m swim – 3k run This will be a pool-swim event. The entire course is on base. The Village of Kingston requires a seasonal, fulltime public works operator to perform duties related to the operation and maintenance of the village’s parks, transportation and sewer infrastructure. The successful applicant will be assisting with the maintenance and upkeep of all village assets and equipment while working within a team environment. The successful candidate may also be required to perform on-call duties, or provide support to the wastewater treatment facilities dependent on qualifications. Preference will be given to applicants that hold a Nova Scotia Class 1 Wastewater Certification. Effective April 1, 2011, the salary range for this position is $13.79 to $18.22 per hour, dependant on experience and certification. A detailed job description may be obtained from the undersigned. Resumes are to be sent to: Greg Towne, Clerk/Treasurer Village of Kingston 671 Main St PO Box 254 Kingston, NS B0P 1R0 [email protected] fax: (902) 765-0807 If you want to participate, please visit www.atlanticchip. ca for registration. If you would like to volunteer for the event, please send your name and coordinates to Capt Choquette at 404 Squadron 765-1494 local 3584 or at the following e-mail address: denis.choquette@forces. ~ In Memory ~ Village of Kingston ELECTION DAY SATURDAY JUNE 4, 2011 TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Kingston will be holding elections for the positions of two (2) Commissioners. Polls will be open from 9:00am until 7:00pm on Saturday, June 4, 2011. An advance poll will be offered from 11:00am until 7:00pm on Tuesday, May 31, 2011. Poll location is the Kingston Village Office, 671 Main St, Kingston. before 4:00pm on Wednesday, June 1, 2011. Voting is open to all residents of the Village. Per section 403 of the Municipal Government Act, an elector means a person resident within the village entitled to vote at a municipal election, and who will have resided in the village for at least six months immediately prior to the village election. The Village of Kingston thanks all applicants for their interest and will only reply to those selected for an interview. Please visit the Village website at for updates and more information. Village of Kingston 671 Main St, PO Box 254 Kingston, NS B0P 1R0 p: (902) 765-2800 f: (902) 765-0807 [email protected] Village of Kingston 671 Main St, PO Box 254 Kingston, NS B0P 1R0 p: (902) 765-2800 f: (902) 765-0807 [email protected] In loving remembrance of PATSY JEAN LUNN, a wonderful and loving wife, mother, grandmother and sister. It hardly seems like 10 years have passed since we lost you. Remembering you is easy, We do it every day. But missing you is heartache, That never goes away. God has you in his arms and we will have you in our hearts forever. Fondly remembered by family, and friends including Denny, Stephen & Pat; Sharon & Tim; Sandra & Alan; Scott & Lynne, and all of your precious grandchildren and great grandchildren. Sabean’s Meat Store ~ Opening ~ Former manager of Bowlby’s Retail Store, Dave & Jackie Sabean is opening a new business. Sabean’s Meats Store will be opening on Saturday, May 28, located in the Wilmot Centre across from Frenchies. Hours: Mon to Sat • 10 am to 6 pm Sun • 12 noon to 5 pm Dave looks forward to serving his former customers and new ones as well. Stop in, say hello and check out the great deals. Phone: 825-1794 The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 9 May 24, 2011 Markland Lodge Officers for 2011 Submitted by: W.C. Abbott, Publicity Markland Lodge Front Row L-R: Bruce Corkum, Alex Bennet, Rocky Hendrickson, Rick Haynes, Eric Maplebeck. Second Row L-R: Robert Beresford, George Leaman, Don Riswold, Doug McKeil, George Thompson. Back Row L-R: Winston Abbott, Blair Williamson (Image submitted) Officers For 2011/12 Master - Rocky Hendrickson Sr. Deacon - Robert Beresford Sr. Warden - Alex Bennett Jr. Deacon - Howard Boone Jr. Warden - Rick Haynes $ 15,495* Or purchase for $299** mth taxes included 2001 Jeep Wrangler Sport 3.8L V6 Engine, Command-Trac 4WD, Advanced Multistage Driver and Front Passenger Air Bags, Antilock Brake System, Electronic Stability Control, Hill Start Assist, Electronic Roll Mitigation, Removable Full-frame Doors, (3) Skid Plates, Halogen Headlamps and Fog Lamps, Tow Hooks, Sunrider Soft Top, Media Centre 130 Radio with AM/FM/CD Player and Auxiliary Input Jack. Sr. Steward - Floyd MacMillan Dir.of C. - George Thomson Jr. Steward - Dave Eddington Chaplain - George Leaman Tyler - Doug McKeil Schedule of Events 2011 Jeep Patriot Sport 2.4L dohc 16v vvt 4-cylinder, 5 Speed Manaul Transmission with Hill Start Assist, Antilock Brakes, Electronic Stability Control, Allspeed Traction Control, Electronic Roll Mitigation, Dual Front and Supplemental Side Curtain Airbags, Steeing Mounted Speed Control, Tire Pressure Monitoring Marshall - David Rozee Treasurer - Bruce Corkum Historian - Winston Abbott Secretary - Eric Mapplebeck Inner Guard - Don Riswold Associate - Blair Williamson 11 am - 2 pm VON Blood Pressure Clinic 12 pm - 1:30 pm Healthy Aging Presentation • Dr. Kira Woolaver, BSc, ND On Improving Digestion, Keeping Your Mind Healthy and Your Body Strong 11 am - 2 pm Enjoy Displays from • Country Store • Accessories & Stuff • Relay for Life • Annapolis Valley at Home Senior Care • Community Police for Keeping Seniors Safe • Valley Naturopathic Clinic 2 pm BINGO - Jackpot $50 gift card 11 am - 3 pm Refreshments, Create a Craft and Prize Draws Enjoy the Apple Blossom Festival of Art on exhibit next to Maxwell’s Quality Footwear $ 17,995* Purchase $329** mth taxes included Vehicle may not be axactly as shown. *price plus freight, taxes, dealer administration fee, see dealer for details, all discounts applied. ** payment tax, freight, dealer admin fee included, all discounts applied, OAC, see dealer for details ...let’s talk about YOU Send your articles and photos to: [email protected] Page 10 The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS May 24, 2011 Fifteen Year Old Pots 140 Yard Hole In One Subway Swimmers of the Week Submitted by: Michelle O’Reilly, GDSC Secretary Emily Clarke Novice 8 yrs old, 1st year with GDSC Favourite Stroke: Breaststroke Other Hobbies: Backstroke & Ringuette Submitted by: Jamey Foster and Beth MacKeigan Fifteen year old Paul MacKeigan of Kingston had a hole in one on the 140 yard, 16th hole, at Berwick Heights Golf Course on May 15th. His playing partners were Benjamin Foster and Jamey Foster. Paul is a grade 10 student at West Kings High School and a member of the 14 Wing Greenwood Golf Club. Paul has participated in the junior program at the Greenwood Golf Club for several years and his family are also all members of Greenwood (father Scott, brother Ryan, and myself, mother Beth). Paul enjoys both golf and hockey very much and played on the West Kings hockey team this past season. Matthew Clarke Novice 10 yrs old, 1st year with GDSC Favourite Stroke: Breaststroke Other Hobbies: Hockey (Images submitted) Open Monday. Holiday Monday just got better. We’re open. 89 95 10 gal Japanese Maples AT E E R U G AL V $ AT E E R U G AL V H O M OL PE O I N N DA D Y AY Visit your Greenwood Canadian Tire Garden Centre today. $ (reg. $149.99) 2 49 4” Dracena Spike Paul MacKeigan (Image submitted) 33-3514 33-6401 50 00 12 99 T EA E R U G AL V $ $ T EA E R U G AL V 2 FOR 1 gal Dwarf Burning Bush Fruit Trees (save $4.00 each) 33-7176 33-1757 HEALTHY HEALTHY LAWN LAWN CHECKLIST CHECKLIST Grass Grassseed seed Lawn fertilizer Lawn fertilizer Lawn Lawn soil soil Sprinkler Sprinkler 7 DAYS ONLY Friday, May 22 – Thursday, May 26, 2011 Concerned about RETIREMENT? Want to PLAN AHEAD to be prepared? Unsure of your BENEFITS on release? Want to know how your PENSION works? Wondering if your WILL is sufficient? Are you entitled to EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENT? Second Career Assistance Network (SCAN) seminars assist Regular Force and full-time Primary Reservists and their families in planning, preparing and achieving their personal and professional transition to the civilian environment upon release from the CF. Members are encouraged to attend at least one SCAN seminar at a mid-point in their career and then again prior to release, to gain any updated information. 13 - 15 June 2011 Registration Deadline: 31 May 2011 Advertised items are available only at 730 Central Ave., Greenwood 765-6338 • Sunday 12 pm-5pm - Mon-Sat 8am-9pm Registration form can be found at For more info call local 5390 or CSN 568-5390 The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Eastern Canadian Trampoline and Tumbling Championships Kristin Akin, competed in finals and placed 7th in tumbling. Submitted by: Sarah Calder - Tumbling Wanda Calder Prov. B, placed 16th. Preliminary Results of Breanna Doucette Rainbow Riders athletes Trampoline C 12 & under, from Saturday May 7th. placed 21st • DMT Prov. C Kristin Akin - Tumbling 12 & under, placed18th. Prov. C 12 & under, placed Marissa McBride - DMT 14th • Trampoline Prov. C 12 Prov. C 13 & over, placed & under, placed 23rd • Double- 15th. mini trampoline Prov. C 12 & Ceilidh McGean under, placed 9th. Trampoline Prov. B, placed M i k a e l a B a r n e t t - 17th • DMT Prov. A, placed Trampoline Prov. B, placed 7th • Tumbling Prov. C 13 & 19th • DMT Prov. B, placed 14th. over, placed 13th. Page 11 May 24, 2011 ...let’s talk about YOU Send your articles and photos to: [email protected] Ceilidh McGean, placed 2nd in synchronized trampoline. (Images submitted) Sheldon McGean Trampoline Prov. C 12 & under, placed 9 th • DMT Prov. C 12 & under, placed 9th. Shelby Peters - DMT Prov. C 13 & over, placed 14th. Shelby Prost - DMT Prov. C 12 & under, placed 20th. Lily Rafuse - DMT Prov. C 13 & over, placed 26th. M i r a n d a Ta y l o r Trampoline Prov. C 13 & over, placed 16 th • DMT Prov. C 13 & over, placed 17th. The following athletes advanced to finals on Sunday, May 8 th: Kristin Akin, Ceilidh McGean, and Shelby Peters. USED INVENTORY STOCK # U1760 11-158A 11-34A 10-376A 11-115B * 11-198A 11-231A 11-222B U1741 11-191A 10-626A 11-59B * 11-33A 11-171A 10-538A 11-234A U1804 U1806 U1810 * 11-239A * 11-187A * 10-274A 11-53A 11-206A 11-139A 11-230A 11-150A 11-162A 11-99A 11-209A 10-610A * 11-238A 10-471A * 11-218A 10-621A • Cedar Play Structure • GymKids • Exercise Equipment for Children Developing Healthy Lifestyles for the Future • XBlaster Lazer Tag System A Variety of New and Exciting Game Challenges YEAR 1996 2000 2002 2003 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 MAKE C C C C Trans Am Lexus ES300 Camry XLE Camry SE AA Matrix XR AA Tacoma DblCab Sienna CE Silverdo Crew Corolla CE SE Rav4 4WD Passat 2.0T Camry Hybrid Camry LE BA Corolla CE CA Yaris Sedan Corolla CE BA Camry Hybrid B Yaris Sedan CA Matrix BA Tundra Reg Cab Matrix XR AA Corolla CE BA Corolla CE BA Rav4 4WD Mazda B4000 SE Ranger XLT Yaris 5Dr H/B Corolla CE AA Camry LE BA Corolla CE BA Tacoma ACC Cab Ranger FX4 Ranger Sport Rav4 4WD Sentra COLOUR Red Silver Grey Red Silver Red Blue DGreen Silver Blue Green Beige Black Blue Green Red Black Silver DBlue Slate Blue Grey White Green Red Blue Grey Red Grey Grey Red Blue Red Pyrite Silver Phone 765-0667 T 6 A A A 5 A A A 5 A A A A A A A A A A A A 5 A A 5 A 5 A A 5 A 5 A A A OPTIONS AC,PW,PDL Leather, S/R AC,S/R,PW,PDL AC,PW,PDL,Cru AC,PW,PDL,Cru 4WD,SR5,AC,PW AC,PW,PDL,Cru 4WD,Z71,5.3 AC,S/R,PW,PDL AC,PW,PDL,CRU Leather, S/Roof AC,PW,PDL,Cru AC,PS,PW,PDL AC,PW,PDL,Cru CD AC,PDL,CD Leather,S/RF AC,PW,PDL,CD AC,PDL,Cru,CD 4WD,AC,CD AC,PW,PDL,Cru AC,PDL,CD AC,PDL,CD,Cru AC,PW,PDL,Cru 4WD,Cab Plus 2WD,Sup/Cab,AC LE,PDL,CD CD AC,P/S,PW,PDL AC,PDL,Cru,CD 4WD,Trd,Loaded 4WD,Sup/Cab,Ltr 4WD,Sup/Cab,AC AC,PW,PDL,Cru AC,PW,PDL,CD Vehicles have the following ECP/EXT Warranty Coverage: * 11-59B: 6 yr--160,000 Ext. Warr/ In-Service: Aug 27/07 * 11-115A: 6 yr--160,000 Ext. Warr/ In-Service: May 27/05 * 10-471A: 5 yr--100,000 (FMPP) Free Maintance & Wear Items * 10-610A: 6 yr--200,000 Ext. Warr/ In-Service: Mar 09/09 Monday to Friday 10am-8pm (Arcade and Lazer Tag open til 9pm) Saturdays 10am-6pm • Sundays 12noon-5pm M 8 6 4 4 4 6 6 8 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 4 4 KMS 164,000 110,000 83,000 108,000 113,000 114,000 157,000 119,000 95,000 141,000 115,000 65,000 103,000 72,000 60,000 81,000 117,000 48,000 88,000 154,000 65,000 52,000 72,000 36,000 44,000 32,000 58,000 71,000 37,000 94,000 42,000 38,000 16,000 31,000 17,000 PRICE 13,995 8,995 9,995 10,995 8,995 18,995 10,995 14,995 10,995 13,995 14,995 18,995 13,995 11,995 9,995 11,995 16,995 11,995 12,995 14,995 13,995 12,995 12,995 21,995 16,995 13,995 11,995 11,995 18,995 10,995 30,995 18,995 19,995 24,995 14,995 * U1810: 4 yr--100,000 Ext. Warr/ In-Service: Dec 08/07 * 11-239A: 5 yr--160,000 Ext. Warr/ In-Service: Jun 26/07 * 11-187A: 6 yr--120,000 Ext. Warr/ In-Service: Dec 20/06 C -- Toyota Certified Military Personnel bring in this Ad & Receive an Additional $300 off any Used Car in Stock! 840 Park Street Kentville, NS • Toll-free 1-888-466-2702 • (902) 678-6000 Page 12 The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS May 24, 2011 Drug Awareness Poster Contest Submitted by: Ann Marie Chalifoux, PTA President Kingston Lions Club members Barbara Lyle, Chairman of Youth Outreach, and David McHattie, First Vice-President, presented awards to the winners of the Drug Awareness Poster Contest from Dwight Ross Everyone Welcome!!!! The Kingston/Greenwood Community Health Board invites you to come hear about “Cyber bullying– how to protect kids online” By Rodena Renaud, Community Program Officer Annapolis RCMP At our Annual General Meeting Tuesday May 31, 2011 Annapolis Mess, 14 Wing Greenwood 7:00 pm *Refreshments Provided* For more information contact Kingston/Greenwood Community Health Board Phone: 765-4541 Web: Email: [email protected] Elementary School on April 27th. Winners were (L to R) first place, Jason Chalifoux; second place, Kylie RevelsScholte; and third place, Holly Morrison. Thank you to the Kingston Lions Club for holding this yearly contest as it is a great way for parents and teachers to raise awareness of and to open dialogue regarding the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. (Image submitted) Greenwood Dispute Resolution Centre • Are you involved in a conflict in the workplace and unsure of how to handle it? • Do you have issues with a work situation that you want resolved? • Do you want to know how to approach a co-worker during a dispute? Local 5530 Call the Greenwood Dispute Resolution Centre for assistance or visit the Greenwood Dispute Resolution Centre (DRC) at the AVM Morfee Centre (MFRC), School Road or for a DRC nearest you National Phone Number: 1-888-589-1750 DRC services are available to all Regular and Reserve Force members, Civilian and NPF employees, and members of the Cadet organizations. SATURDAY, MAY 28TH Donate $1 makes it $3 and Canadian Tire 1 in 3 Canadian families can’t afford to enrol their kids in sport and recreation You can help. Visit your local Canadian Tire store on Jumpstart Day and we will donate $2* to Canadian Tire Jumpstart ® for every $1 donation you make using any acceptable form of payment. 100% of your donation stays in your community. Thanks to the generosity of this community, 223 kids were helped in 2010 and 752 kids have been helped since inception in 2005. For more information on the Jumpstart program, visit JSE11-261 * $2 (up to a maximum of $2 million) will be donated on your behalf for every $1 donated at a Canadian Tire store. This donation is funded by Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited, Canadian Tire Associate Dealers, and select Canadian Tire vendor partners. ® Trademark of Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited Wise customers read the fine print: •, *, ††, § The Jeep 70th Anniversary Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating retailers between May 3 and May 31, 2011. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. See participating retailers for complete details and conditions. •$17,995 Purchase Price applies to 2011 Jeep Wrangler 2-door Sport 4x4 (23B) only and includes $3,250 Consumer Cash Discount. See participating retailers for complete details. Pricing excludes freight ($1,400), licence, insurance, registration, any retailer administration fees, other retailer charges and other applicable fees and taxes. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailers may sell for less. *Consumer Cash Discounts are offered on most new 2010 and select 2011 vehicles and are manufacturer-to-retailer incentives, which are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. Amounts vary by vehicle. See your retailer for complete details. ††Customer Choice Financing for 36-, 48- and 60-month terms on approved credit through TD Financing Services and Ally Credit Canada is available at participating dealerships to qualified retail customers on select new 2011 Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge and Ram models. The following terms apply to TD Financing Services contracts. (Different contract terms apply to Ally Credit Canada offers. See your retailer for complete details.) Vehicles are financed over a 36-, 48- or 60-month term with payments amortized over a term of up to 96 months and the pre-determined residual balance payable at the end of the contract. At contract’s end, customers have the choice of returning their vehicle through a Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram dealership with no further obligations (except payment of a $199 return fee and excess wear and tear, mileage and similar charges), financing the remaining balance for the rest of the amortization period at then-current standard rates or paying the residual balance in full. Some conditions apply. Customer Choice Financing offered by TD in Quebec is subject to different terms and conditions. All advertised Customer Choice Financing offers are TD offers. Examples: 2011 Jeep Wrangler 2-door Sport 4x4 (23B)/2011 Jeep Compass North Edition 4x4 (26E+AL3)/2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo (26E) with a Purchase Price of $17,995/$22,995/$36,595 financed at 6.49%/3.99%/0% APR over 36/36/36 months with $2,049/$1,999/$4,599 down and payments amortized over 95/72/74 months equals 78 bi-weekly payments of $99/$151/$199 and one final payment of $10,830/$11,163/$16,483 for a cost of borrowing of $2,637/$1,953/$0 and a total obligation of $20,631.57/$24,947.74/$36,595. Freight ($1,400), taxes, licence, insurance, registration, excess mileage and wear and tear charges, any retailer administration fees and other applicable fees and charges not included. Retailers may sell for less. See participating retailers for complete details. §2011 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 4x4 shown. Price including applicable Consumer Cash Discount: $28,244. Pricing excludes freight ($1,400), licence, insurance, registration, any retailer administration fees, other retailer charges and other applicable fees and taxes. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailers may sell for less. The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications LLC, used under licence. ▼Based on Ward’s 2010 Middle SUV classification. ¤ Based on 2011 EnerGuide Fuel Consumption Guide ratings published by Natural Resources Canada. Transport Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption may vary. 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee V6 – Hwy: 8.9L/100 km and City: 13.0L/100 km. 2011 Jeep Compass 4x4 North Edition 2.4L 5-speed manual – Hwy: 7.2L/100 km and City: 9.2L/100 km. ®SIRIUS and the dog logo are registered trademarks of SIRIUS Satellite Radio Inc. ®Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC. Customer Choice Financing is a trademark of Chrysler Group LLC. The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS $ • Hwy: 7.2L/100 km and City: 9.2L/100 km¤ • One of the most affordable SUVs in Canada • All-new exterior appearance: Completely new from the A-pillar forward, enhanced soft interior touch points, and improved ride and handling 2011 Jeep Compass Sport 4x4 shown. 32 MPG HWY 8.9L/100 KM HWY¤ May 24, 2011 17,995 • 2011 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 4x4 shown. $ 151 BI-WEEKLY @ 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland shown. Page 13 AFTER 70 YEARS OF MOUNTAINS AND SNOW AND SAND AND MUD AND WATER – IT’S TIME TO CELEBRATE. 2011 JEEP WRANGLER 2-DOOR SPORT 4X4 PURCHASE FOR INCLUDES $3,250 CONSUMER CASH.* • Delivering 290 hp and Hwy: 8.9L/100 km¤ and City: 13.0L/100 km • New premium interior & 4-wheel independent suspension • Quadra-Trac I® 4-wheel drive system • More than 45 safety & security features CUSTOMER CHOICE FINANCING OR CHOOSE $ § BI-WEEKLY WITH THE OPTION TO RETURN AFTER 36 MONTHS 99 $ CHOICE FINANCING WITH THE OPTION TO RETURN AFTER 36 MONTHS 199 0 BI-WEEKLY SCAN HERE FOR MORE GREAT OFFERS 16 ALL-NEW OR COMPLETELY REDESIGNED VEHICLES. @ FOR 36 MONTHS AND $2,049 DOWN 6.49 %†† ALL-NEW 2011 JEEP COMPASS 4X4 NORTH EDITION CUSTOMER CHOICE FINANCING 3.99 %†† FOR 36 MONTHS AND $1,999 DOWN WITH THE OPTION TO RETURN AFTER 36 MONTHS ALL-NEW 2011 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 39 MPG HWY 7.2L/100 KM HWY¤ 72L/100 UNSURPASSED 4X4 FUEL E ECONOMY▼ CUSTOMER @ %†† FOR 36 MONTHS AND $4,599 DOWN Page 14 The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS May 24, 2011 Parenting from Afar – Staying in Touch with Your Child During Deployment with your child can make a your family. your child online try playhuge difference in how they • If you have older children ing a game of rock paper feel about your time away read the same books as they scissors. from them. Young children are reading and talk about Military families have may not understand where what is happening in the to make many emotional P a r e n t i n g d u r i n g a the parent went or why they story via email. adjustments during a d e p l o y m e n t c a n b e a couldn’t go with them. A • When writing letters to your deployment. Often children challenge. Staying in touch few ideas on how you can children let them know seem to gain confidence stay connected to your child what activities you miss in themselves and become during your deployment are: doing with them and remind more independent. You can Kingston • Send postcards home to them that you will do them help your child know that Legion your child showing where once again when you get it’s okay to feel happy while you have been. home. you are away. It doesn’t mean • Write separate letters/ • Share with your child what that they have forgotten the emails to each child in your typical day is like (the deployed parent it simply foods you eat, where you means that they are finding sleep, what you do). other ways to find strength Sunday, 1:45 p.m. • If you are able to chat with w i t h i n t h e m s e l v e s a n d Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Submitted by: Kim Dixon, GMFRC Coordinator of Child and Youth Services at 765-1494 local 1812 765-8848 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 20 May - 02 Jun 11 Fri - Sat 6 & 8:30 pm, Sun - Thurs 7 pm Rated PG (Violence & Frightening Scenes) See you at the Movies Regular Games - $125 • 1 Early bird - 60/40 • 2 - 60/40 • Letter H - 80/20 • 1 Lucky 7 - Progressive • 1 Bonanza - Progressive • Jackpot - 3 Chances Consolation $500 • Double Action Lic.# 35542-96 EAP Employee Assistance Program When you need someone to talk to, call: Wayne Atwater...5567 Darlene Richards...3119 Debby Benda...3340 support from friends and other family members while the deployed parent is away from home. Your Greenwood Military Family Resource Centre is a great place to find resources on parenting before, during, and after your deployment. If you would like more information on how you can stay in touch with your child during your time away please contact Kim Dixon at the GMFRC. Remember it is never to early or too late to get connected to your child during deployment. Health Promotion Services (PSP) Spring 2011 Program Schedule Register now to ensure a seat! Submitted by Lisa White Health Promotion Director Program Date Time Location 02 Jun 11 0830 – 1530 F&S Centre 28 Jun 11 08:00 – 16:00 hrs F&S Centre Monday (by apt only) 1330 – 1530 hrs F&S Centre Friday (by apt only) 0930 – 1130 hrs F&S Centre Stress Take Charge! Top Fuel for Top Performance Alcohol, other Drugs & Gambling Supervisor Trg Mental Fitness & Suicide Awareness Super Training Nutrition & Active Living Seminar Butt Out – Self-Help Program All programs are free and open to military members and the defence team. For more information or to register, please contact: Edith Tremblay 765-1494 ext: 5388 Or visit our webpage: NOMINATION DAY VILLAGE OF GREENWOOD Wednesday, June 1, 2011 The Village Commissioners of Greenwood have adopted a nomination day by-law and hereby give notice that nominations for election for one upcoming vacancy for Village Commissioner; will be accepted on Wednesday, June 1, 2011. Nomination Forms will be available at the Greenwood Village Office beginning May 19, 2011 for the following vacancy: 1 – three year term All nominations must be in writing, in Application “Form A”, and must be filed with the Clerk/Treasurer on June 1, 2011, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.; or by appointment during the week preceding Nomination Day. Only those persons duly nominated shall appear on the ballots, as candidates for election on Election Day, June 14, 2011 at the Annual General Meeting, 7:00 p.m. at the New Beginnings Center, 1151 Bridge Street, Greenwood. Marian Elsworth Clerk-Treasurer Village of Greenwood The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 15 May 24, 2011 Parent à distance : rester en contact avec vos enfants pendant un déploiement Soumis par Kim Dixon, cartes postales montrant où type (ce que vous mangez, coordonnatrice des vous êtes; où vous dormez, ce que vous services aux enfants, • Écrivez des lettres ou des faites); aux jeunes et aux courriels séparés à chacun de • Si vous pouvez clavarder adolescents du CRFMG, vos enfants; avec vos enfants, essayez 902-765-1494, poste 1812. • Si vous avez de grands end’organiser un jeu de roche, Être parent pendant un fants, lisez les mêmes livres déploiement peut représenter un qu’eux et parlez-leur par défi, mais rester en contact avec courriel de ce qui se passe ses enfants peut faire une énorme dedans; différence quant à la façon dont • Lorsque vous écrivez des est vécu l’éloignement. De lettres à vos jeunes enfants, plus, les plus jeunes peuvent parlez-leur des activités que ne pas comprendre où leurs vous faites habituellement parents sont allés ou pourquoi avec eux et qui vous manils ne peuvent pas être avec eux. quent, et rappelez-leur que Voici quelques trucs pour rester vous les reprendrez quand proche de vos enfants pendant vous rentrerez; un déploiement : • Expliquez à vos enfants à • Envoyez à vos enfants des quoi ressemble votre journée papier, ciseaux. Les familles de militaires ont de nombreux ajustements émotionnels à faire lors d’un déploiement; souvent, les enfants semblent gagner confiance en eux et devenir plus indépendants. Vous pouvez aider vos enfants à savoir que c’est tout à fait correct de se sentir heureux quand vous THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE COUNTY OF KINGS êtes au loin. Cela ne veut pas communiquez avec Kim ou trop tard pour se rapprocher dire qu’ils vous ont oublié; Dixon, au CRFMG. N’oubliez de ses enfants pendant un cela signifie simplement qu’ils pas qu’il n’est jamais trop tôt déploiement. ont trouvé la force en euxmêmes ainsi que le soutien d’amis et d’autres membres de la famille. Le Centre de We have books on tape/CDs to make ressources pour les familles de militaires Greenwood est your journey fly by. un formidable endroit pour trouver des ressources sur l’art d’être parent avant, pendant 14 Wing et après votre déploiement. Greenwood Library School Street Si vous désirez en savoir 765-1494 Loc 5430 plus sur la façon de rester en contact avec vos enfants pendant que vous êtes parti, Are you a Commuter? Motorcycle Ride Events Children’s Bicycle Rodeo RCMP & MP Displays EHS & Life Flight Display Casualty SimulaƟŽŶ Exercise Jaws of Life DemonstraƟŽŶ 87 Cornwallis Street PO Box 100 Kentville, NS B4N 3W3 JOINT POLICING PROPOSAL Two Public Presentations The Town of Berwick and the Municipality of the County of Kings have been discussing a possible Joint Policing Proposal, an 18 month pilot policing project and wish to go forward with public presentations. Village of Kingston NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the Electors of the Village of Kingston will be held on Thursday, June 2, 2011 at 7:00 at the Kingston Fire Hall, 570 Sparky Street. Safety Services NS – Advanced Motorcycle Handling Bikers Down – Motorcycle Raŋe Kentville Motorcycle Patrol HRM Integrated Traĸc Unit Display Kingston & Greenwood Fire Rescue Displays Kingston Legion Food Concession Fireman’s 4 Alarm Chili Let’s talk Onsite Vendors – Canadian Tire, safety! G W Sampson, B&H Wholesalers Two public participation meetings will be held: 0D\DW.LQJVWRQ)LUH+DOODWSP 0D\DWWKH%HUZLFN)LUH+DOOSP We are inviting the public to attend both or one of these public participation meetings. Village of Kingston 671 Main St, PO Box 254 Kingston, NS B0P 1R0 p: (902) 765-2800 f: (902) 765-0807 [email protected] ParƟcipaƟng Sponsors Tel:(902) 690-6195 Fax: (902) 679-0911 Toll Free: 1-888-337-2999 THE Motorcraft® WORKS Get checked. Get out there. Trust the experts who know your Ford best. Ford Trained Technicians. For more details and offers, see your Atlantic Service Advisor or visit us online. Enjoy the stops along the way. Never buy ® another set of Motorcraft brake pads or shoes with our lifetime warranty!† Get ready to spend less on gas. You can save up to $350^ a year with The Works and regularly scheduled maintenance. Package includes: Motorcraft® Premium Oil and Motorcraft® Filter change* Rotate and inspect 4 tires FOR ONLY Check belts and hoses Up to 87-point inspection including air filter (clogged air filter reduces fuel economy) steering and suspension components,battery test and report on findings 99 59 $ Inspect brake systems and report on measurements BRAKE PADS OR SHOES Fuel Economy Package‡ ‡ PLUS: GET PREMIUM MOTORCRAFT® WIPER BLADES INSTALLED FOR ONLY $15.99 PER BLADE 99 129 $ ◊ All offers expire June 30, 2011. See Service Advisor for complete details. Applicable taxes and provincial levies not included. Dealer may sell for less. † Ford Protection Plan is only available for non-commercial cars and light trucks. If an eligible Ford, Motorcraft® or Ford-approved part fails due to a defect in material or workmanship, wear out or rust through, it will be replaced at no charge as long as the original purchaser of the part owns the vehicle on which the part was installed. Labour is covered for the first 12 months or 20,000 km (whichever occurs first) after the date of installation. Emergency brake pads are not eligible under this plan. See Service Advisor for complete details and limitations. ◊Excludes emergency brake pads or shoes. Machining or replacement of rotors and drums available at additional cost. Taxes payable after discount amount is deducted. ˆBased on a Ford Fusion V6 automatic that has a fuel consumption rating of 10L/100 km in combined city/ highway driving (properly tuned), a one-year driving distance of 24,000 km and $1.02 per litre for gasoline. Improved fuel efficiency and emission reduction levels depend on model, year and condition of vehicle. ‡Applies to single rear wheel vehicles only. **Some conditions may apply. See Service Advisor for details. ±Discount applies to parts only (not service). Check out www.kingstonnovascŽƟĂ͘ca for more informaƟŽn. Page 16 The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS May 24, 2011 Coffee Party UP-COMING EVENTS • CLUBS • ORGANIZATIONS • GROUPS FYI is The Aurora Newspaper’s format for publishing items of interest to the community submitted by NOT-FOR-PROFIT Service Groups, Clubs and Organizations. Due to space limitations, submissions are limited to approximately 25 words. Items MUST be submitted each week either in person to our offices located on 83A School Road (Morfee Annex), 14 Wing Greenwood, by FAX to (902)765-1717 or e-mail: aurora@ These announcements will be published on a first-come, firstserved basis and are limited to the space available for that particular publication. To guarantee that your announcement will be published, you may choose to place a paid advertisement at our current advertising rates. The deadline for FYI submissions is Thursday at 9:30 a.m. previous to publication unless otherwise notified. BIANS - Brain Injury Association of Nova Scotia - Valley Chapter Valley Regional Hospital, Kentville – Support Meeting every 3rd Thursday of the month from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. and the General Meeting from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Valley Chapter Executive; Soldiers Memorial Hospital, Middleton - every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.; Annapolis Community Center, Annapolis Royal - every 2nd Thursday of the month from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. For additional information please contact Barry Schaffner: 902-582-7443, Jake MacDonald: 902-542-4289, Dan Nogler: 765-6760. May 22 - May 28 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Aries, there’s so much to get Libra, try new things and you will done but your mind just isn’t on be surprised at the results. An the task at hand. Maybe some opportunity pops up at work, and inspiration and encouragement it is something you just can’t pass from friends will do it. up. Go full steam ahead. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Taurus, it’s time to break out Scorpio, work toward and hope of your funk because there are for the best this week in the many exciting things on the face of many challenges that lie horizon. All you have to do is be ahead. With a little dedication you a little patient. can pull through. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Gemini, your industrious nature Make an honest assessment earns you a new opportunity. of your personal finances, You’re not quite sure what to Sagittarius. Now could be the make of the situation just yet. time to make a few cuts and With time you could find it is the smarter decisions to work toward perfect fit. establishing that nest egg. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Silence is golden for you this Capricorn, you will have a hard week, Cancer. Without any time concentrating on one thing, distractions you can accomplish which could prove troublesome at many things on a personal level. school or work. When you need New relationships could be to focus, it’s important to clear budding. your mind. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Don’t let others write off your For an individual who is so abilities, Leo. Show them just what personable, you may have you are capable of this week. They trouble making new friends in will be surprised at what you can the days to come. It could be due accomplish with your mind set. to closely guarded secrets that you’re hesitant to share. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Carefully consider your bank PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 account, Virgo. The time has Pisces, it’s time to make come to find ways to replenish a change because the stars the money that has been spent; indicate discord and antipathy otherwise, you could end up in a in your life. Think about the possibilities. sticky situation. FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS MAY 22 Ginnifer Goodwin, Actress (33) MAY 23 Jewel, Singer (37) MAY 24 John C. Reilly, Actor (46) MAY 25 Mike Myers, Comic Actor (48) MAY 26 Lenny Kravitz, Singer (47) MAY 27 Chris Colfer, Actor (21) MAY 28 Jesse Bradford, Actor (32) Horoscopes brought to you compliments of: Currie’s Small Engine Repair • Lawnmowers • Snowblowers • Chainsaws Neil Currie: (902) 765-8432 Cell: (902) 847-5709 The Kingston and District Health Auxiliary will be holding a Coffee Party on Friday June 10, 2011, 9:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m. at the Kingston Fire Hall. Proceeds for VON. All are welcome to join us for coffee and snacks. Saturday Morden Breakfast There will be a Saturday Morden breakfast held at the community hall on May 28th from 8:00-10:30 a.m. The menu will be scrambled eggs, ham, sausage, baked beans, panAnnapolis Valley African cakes, homemade fishcakes, toast, coffee/tea and juice. It Violet Society Annapolis Valley African is a free will offering and all Violet Society Presents “Royal proceeds are for the Morden Celebration of Violets”. African Community Centre. Violet Show and Tea Saturday All Saints’ ACW Spring May 28th, 2011. St John’s Casserole Buffet Supper United Church Hall, Middleton All Saints’ ACW will be NS from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. holding a Spring Casserole BufA Comtempory Prodigal fet Supper. Where: All Saints’ Church Hall, Pleasant Street, Son Musical/Drama “Nowhere to Run” to be Kingston. When: Thursday May presented at the Nictaux Baptist 26 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. What: Church. Featuring Musicians: A selection of salads, casseroles Music director/keyboards - and desserts. Adults - $ 9.00 Sheldon Crouse; Percussion - Children - $ 4.00. Family rates Dick Denhaan (Jokers Right); are available and there will be Base - Greg Patterson (Jokers take out! Contact: Sheila HulRight). Drama - “The Nictaux ford 765-4023. Baptist Church Messengers”. Masonic Ticket Auction Sunday June 5 - doors open Markland Lodge #99 at 7:00 p.m. presentation 7:30 AF&AM Kingston NS will be p.m. and Sunday June 12 - doors holding a ticket auction at the open at 7:00 p.m. presentation Lions Hall in Kingston NS on at 7:30 p.m. Meet the cast with Saturday June 11th 2011 startrefreshments to follow at CFC. ing at 10:00 a.m. The draws will begin at 3:00 p.m. The reason VPI Meeting for the auction is to raise funds Thursday 26 May The Greenwood 14 Wing VPI for the construction of a wheel will hold their monthly meeting chair ramp at our lodge hall. on Thursday 26 May at the VPI There will also be a Computer Centre. Last minute details on Notebook on display that tickets the Reunion 2011. Flt Plan at will be sold on, the draw for this 1500 hrs, Engines On for the will be on September 26th, 2011. meeting at 1530 hrs, with Take For more information please phone 765-0621. Off planned for 1600 hrs. Kingston Lions Annual Spring Raffle Please support our Annual Spring Raffle starting on 12 April and running until 1 June. Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00 and will be available at Zellers in Greenwood, the Greenwood Mall and Sobeys in Greenwood. Total prizes are valued at over $2000.00. The draw will take place on 1 June at the Kingston Lions club. Help us support our community in our 50th year. Valley Animal Shelter Annual Plant Sale The Valley Animal Shelter will hold its Annual Plant Sale on Saturday May 28th, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, at 36 Elm St., Jefferson Pines Subdivision in Meadowvale, Annapolis County. Expect to find many of your garden favourites as well as a few treasures. For more information, including directions, please call Jennifer at 765-6629. Just Fill in The Blanks. Three Easy Ways to Enter. 1. Through our website: 2. Fax: 765-1717 3. Drop into our office located on 83A School Road (Morfee Annex) Kingston Area Seniors Association Kingston Area Seniors Association meets the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at the Kingston Branch No 98 of the Royal Canadian Legion. Fun day (cards & games) every second and fourth Friday of the month at 1:00 p.m. For more information contact Barb Hildebrand at 765-2513. Fellowship Baptist Church If you are looking for a Church Family to connect with, Fellowship Baptist Church, 174 Bridge St., Melvern Square invites you to join them Sundays at 9:45 a.m. – Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. – Worship Services (765-6361). RCAFA # 107 (Valley) Wing Giant Yard Sale Annual Yard Sale Saturday June 4th Indoors (upstairs) at New Beginnings Center 904 Central Avenue, Greenwood Sunday Morning Worship from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Treasures galore at ridiculous prices. Service New Beginnings Center, Also on sale hot dogs and pop. 11 51 Bridge St., Greenwood, Proceeds are used to support the invites you to our Sunday Greenwood Air Cadet Squadron. Morning Worship Service at Farmers Market at the 10:45 a.m. There is a children’s Greenwood Mall program and we have a potluck Thursday 12:00-4:00 p.m. fellowship lunch following the Come down and pick up some Service. We look forward to fresh baked sweets, breads, meeting you. canned goods, handcrafted jewlery, nature based crafts, Kingston United Baptist beautiful local photography, Church Library The Kingston United Baptist handcrafted soaps and so much Church Library will not be more! Jennifer 242-2085. open on Thursday evenings A Contemporary Prodigal for the next several months. Son Musical/Drama The Library will start Thursday “Nowhere to Run” evening hours again in October Sunday, June 5, & Sunday, 2011 and is still open on Sunday June12. Nictaux Baptist Church. mornings before and after the Seating at 7:00 p.m. with the worship service. For inquiries, presentation starting at 7:30 please call 765-6735. p.m. Meet the cast and refreshHelp Wanted ments to follow at the CFC. The Kingston Steer BBQ Offering for “Preparing Future and Village Fair Committee are Pastors Fund” Acadia Div. looking for some community School. Everyone Welcome minded volunteers to help at Valley Autism Support the Steer BBQ on 9th July 2011. Team (VAST) If you can spare a few hours, it Valley Autism Support Team would be greatly appreciated. (VAST) would like to invite Contact Chairperson Lion Alice anyone with an interest in Neiley at 844-1278. Autism Spectrum Disorder to “Spring Celebration” join us on Thursday, June 9th Service from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Lunenburg soprano, Judith Kingston Elementary School Burdett, will offer musical for a discussion about what selections by Handel, Mozart, services and events that those Byrd, and Greene at a “Spring on the spectrum and parents of Celebration” service, to be children on the spectrum would held at Torbrook Mines United like to see available in the ValChurch on Sunday, June 5 at ley. This is your chance to tell us 7:00 p.m. All are welcome at this your ideas. This is our last meetspecial time of poetry and song. ing until September. Everyone is welcome! For more information call 825-2588 or online at PRESENTS... FIND & WIN No Central Registry or Canada Post please. Deadline: Noon, Thursday, May 26th, 2011. Make sure you include your full name and phone number. NAME PHONE NUMBER Limited to one win per family in a TWO MONTH PERIOD. The winner will be drawn randomly from all correct entries. Only one entry per family per week. Complete the following sentences from ads in this week’s issue and WIN a large 2-topping Pizza from Pizza Delight, Greenwood! Coupon Valid for 30 days! 1. What business has a XBlaster Lazer Tag System__________________________________ 2. What time is the meeting to hear about Cyber Bullying____________________________ 3. What is the price on a 2011 Jeep Wrangler Sport_________________________________ 4. When is Sabean’s Meat Store opening________________________________________ 5. Whose ad says, Okay! We’re Open! ___________________________________________ This contest is brought to you by: Pizza Delight, Greenwood 765-4477 Congratulations to last week’s winner: BURTEN STRONG Walk the Walk for Autism June 18, 2011 Valley Location: Rotary Park, Middleton, N.S. with the Registration Desk Opening at 9:00 a.m. Opening Ceremonies start at 10:30 a.m. and the walk leaves Rotary Park at 11:00 a.m. Enjoy the walk celebrations from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. (Refreshments and family event). To register visit our website: walkthewalkforautism. ca. Pledge forms are available online. For more information about Walk the Walk for Autism or to find out how you can get involved, please email: [email protected]. Money raised in the Valley goes toward programs & services for people in the Valley affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Kingston United Church Yard Sale Yard Sale at Kingston United Church, 733 Main St, on Saturday May 28 starting at 10:00 a.m. Rain or Shine. Great selection of items, also plants, baked goods etc. Canteen available. The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 17 May 24, 2011 Family Stress Management of Deployment Submitted by: Amy Snow, GMFRC Coordinator of Deployment Services, 765-1494 local 5583 or e-mail [email protected] Do you have a loved one preparing for deployment, currently away on deployment, or returning home from deployment? Do you have questions or would like more information about the deployment process and ways to handle deployment stress? If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions then come join us on Wednesday, June 1st from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the GMFRC for our Family Stress Management of Deployment. We know that deployment can be a stressful time for all members of the family and we want to help make this time go as smoothly as possible. This will be a great opportunity to learn helpful ways to help children through deployment, ways to communicate effectively with your deployed loved one, as well as coping techniques and ways to avoid deployment stress. Many of the topics that will be discussed will be very similar to the topics that your deploying loved one received in their training prior to their deployment. It has been found that families who received the same information concerning deployment stress and coping techniques felt more unified during the deployment and were better able to successfully navigate their family separation. So come join us on June 1st to receive this valuable information! Light snacks will be provided. To register for this activity or for more information call 765-5611 before Friday May 27, 2011. Gestion du stress pour les familles de militaires déployés Soumis par : Amy Snow, Coordonnatrice des services de déploiement du CRFMG, 765-1494 poste 5583 ou par courriel à [email protected] Votre conjoint se prépare en vue d’un déploiement, est actuellement déployé ou sera bientôt de retour à la maison ? Vous avez des questions ou aimeriez obtenir plus d’informations concernant le processus de déploiement et les façons de composer avec le stress ? Si vous avez répondu « Oui If you want to drink ~ That is your business If you want to stop drinking ~ We can help. » à l’une de ces questions, nous vous invitons à venir assister au séminaire sur la Gestion du stress pour les familles de militaires déployés le mercredi 1er juin de 11 h à 13 h au CRFMG. Nous savons que le déploiement est une période qui peut s’avérer stressante pour les membres de la famille et nous voulons que vous viviez cette période le plus harmonieusement possible. Ceci est une belle opportunité de découvrir des moyens utiles pour aider les enfants à vivre un déploiement, des façons de communiquer efficacement avec votre proche parti au loin ainsi que des techniques pour éviter le stress lié au déploiement. Plusieurs des sujets qui seront abordés seront très similaires à ceux entretenus par votre proche déployé lors de sa formation pré-déploiement. Il a été établi que les familles qui reçoivent la même information, concernant le stress lié au déploiement et les techniques pour mieux le gérer, se sentent plus unis pendant le déploiement et traversent cette période de séparation familiale avec plus de succès. Venez nous rejoindre le 1er juin pour recevoir ces précieuses informations. Un léger goûter sera servi. Pour vous inscrire à cette activité ou pour plus d’informations, appeler au 765-5611 avant vendredi le 27 mai 2011. Metro Crossword Spelling: US English Solution page 18 AA meetings every Tuesday at 8 p.m. TEMPORARELY at Queen of Heaven Annex Sudoku Solution page 18 ACROSS 1. Severo ___, US biochemist 6. Mother of Perseus 11. Failure to act promptly 14. British Air Aces 16. Wire rope 17. Make a mistake 19. Opposite of digest 22. Carefree spending 24. Chilean pianist Claudio 26. Reference point to shoot at 27. Soft exhales 29. Accumulated glacial debris 30. Front-runners 32. Seaman 35. Border for a picture 36. Distress signal 37. Ruses 40. Audio-systems 41. Hindu holy man 45. Sermon on a moral topic 46. Umbrellas (British) 48. Old World buffaloes 49. Filled with narcotic medication 51. Norse goddess of death Fun By The Numbers Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! Sudoku brought to you compliments of: Greenwood Mall Cellular Sales & Service Authorized Product Care Centre 765-2415 Patrick’s Puzzle brought to you compliments of: 954 Central Avenue Greenwood 765-6381 52. Hall for music or drama 57. de cologne 58. 2 consecutive games 63. Tree shadow 64. Distributes playing cards DOWN 1. Propositions 2. 38th state 3. 1/3 of Santa’s laugh 4. Non-exchange stocks (abbr.) 5. Dentist’s group 6. Dekaliter 7. To become old 8. ‘All About Love’ actress Sandra 9. 2001 Spielberg film 10. Invigorates 12. Atomic #37 13. Leaves eaten as vegetables 14. 2nd tone of the scale 15. Honorable title (Turkish) 18. Plexus 20. ___ Lanka 21. Children’s game 22. Indian dresses 23. Italian textile city 25. Ultrahigh frequency 26. Hill (Celtic) 28. Lappland herders 29. Tiny specks or molecules 31. Personal holiday (abbr.) 32. Repeated tones 33. Skylighted central areas 34. Stirs up anger 37. Repented 38. ‘Little Dorrit’ actress Claire 39. Droop 40. Former ruler of Iran 42. Father 43. Health Maintenance Organization 44. Not downers 47. A very large body of water 50. Of, French 52. Not new 53. River in NE Scotland 54. Canadian what 55. Largest English dictionary (abbr.) 56. No (Scottish) 59. Expression of uncertainty 60. Atomic #56 61. Algerian dinar 62. Raised electrical railway Metro Crossword brought to you compliments of: Come in & check out our New Parfaits Middleton - 902-825-5525 • Greenwood - 902-765-2267 Page 18 The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS May 24, 2011 Classified Ads Classified advertisements, 35 words or less, $6.00 including tax. Additional words are 10 cents each plus tax. $1.00 extra for bold. If you require a receipt and/or invoice via Canada Post a surcharge of $1.00 including tax will be added. Classified advertising must be prepaid and be in our office no later than 12:00 noon Wednesday previous to publication. Acceptable payment methods include VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, Debit or Cash. Classified advertisements can be accepted by telephone if paying by Credit Card. The Aurora Newspaper is not responsible for the products and/or services advertised in this section. Readers should exercise their best judgement with the content. PLEASE NOTE: June 1st Regular print $7.00, Bold print $8.00 per week. To place a Classified Ad by Word Count call Candace Ernst at 765-1494 local FOR RENT – Clean Bach5440. The Aurora Newspaper office is located on 83A School Road, Morfee Annex, elor apt suitable for one 14 Wing Greenwood. Email classifieds to [email protected]. Fax: 765-1717. person. Located in Kingsing is laminated & tile. $695 a FOR SALE FOR RENT month, utilities included. Call FOR SALE – Canopy for a 10 FOR RENT – Small Bachelor 765-4132. (3220-ufn) by 10 Gazebo. Brand new Apt heat & lights included. FOR RENT – 3 bedroom house never used. $30.00 for quick $530.00 per month. Located on own lot with carport in subsale. Please call 765-8051. in Kingston. Phone 847-5046. division behind Greenwood (3221-1tp) (3219-ufn) Mall, Fridge, stove, washer FOR RENT – 2 Bedroom base& dryer hook-ups. Lawn care ment duplex apartment. Adult and snow plowing included. building. 634 Aldred Drive, Available June. $690.00 per Greenwood. 850 Sq Ft. Floormonth plus electrical. Contact C.HANSON DOWELL, Q.C 765-4101. (3220-ufn) Barristers 250 Main St., Middleton 825-3059 Valleywide In-Home Computer Repair RALPH FREEMAN MOTORS LTD. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Offers a full range of services in the comfort of your home (B.A. Hon.), L.L.B. Southgate Court, Greenwood N.S. • Upgrades • Sales • • Networking • Tutoring • • Pickup/Return • • Laptop Repair • • Eve-Wkend Appointments • • Drop-off in Aylesford • YOUR LOCAL USED CAR DEALER For Fast, Economical, Convenient Service www.freemans 844-2299 820 Main Street, Kingston 765-2544 765-2555 PARKER & RICHTER Chris Parker L.L.B Ronald D. Richter Phone: 902-765-4992 Fax: 902-765-4120 “Serving the Western Valley Since 1977” ~ Call Valleywide ~ Barristers • Solicitors • Notaries Stephen I. Cole, LL.B. Craig G. Sawler, LL.B. Licensed Mechanic Available on Site •Rust Check •U-Haul Dealer RUSSELL A. MAILLET 264 Main Street, Middleton, N.S. GLASS SHOP Tel: 902-825-6288 Fax: 902-825-4340 AUTOMOTIVE AND RESIDENTIAL GLASS [email protected] 443 Tremont Road Up to $100 OFF Deductable 765-0207 Email: Website: Evening and Weekend Appointments Available RAM Tough on Saving YOU Money on ALL YOUR GLASS NEEDS David A. Proudfoot ton. $535.00 heat & lights included. Phone 825-3607. (3221-ufnb) FOR RENT – Two bedroom apartment in quiet Greenwood Subdivision. Hardwood floors, spacious lot in adult building. No smoking. Lawn care and snow removal included. $550.00 per month plus utilities. Call 844-0432. (3221-ufn) COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT – Approx 600 Sq feet of prime space at Village Plaza. 805 Central Ave, Greenwood NS. Ideal for office space currently set up as 4 offices GUITAR GURU GUITAR LESSONS Play & Learn in our comfortable home studio Electric or Accoustic Guitar All ages, all styles of music Beginner to Advanced Over 26 years experience Call Steve 825-6553 Durland, Gillis & Schumacher Associates Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries W. Bruce Gillis, Q.C. Blaine G. Schumacher, CD (Also of the Alberta Bar) Counsel: Clare H. Durland, Q.C. (Non-Practicing) Phone (902) 825-3415 Fax (902) 825-2522 74 Commercial Street P.O. Box 700 Middleton, NS B0S 1P0 Barrister * Solicitor * Notary • Real Estate 811 Central Avenue, PO Box 100 Greenwood, NS B0P 1N0 Email: [email protected] Web: T: 902-765-3301 F: 902-765-6493 • Family Law • Wills / Estates • Consultations / Referrals & One of the Most Viewed Pages in the Newspaper For information on Placing a Boxed Business Ad in the Classified Section call Anne Kempton at 765-1494 local 5833. Business or Boxed Ad Sizes for the Classified Page Range from 1 Column to 7 Columns. plus reception area. Also great for other types of business. For complete details please contact Gerald Chase at 542-3398 or Tim Fay at 765-4987. (3219-6tpb) FOR RENT – Three Bedroom side of a duplex in Middleton with Garage, laundry hook-up, hardwood floors, no smoking or dogs. References required $600/mo + Util. Available June 1. Call 840-3580. (3219-3tpb) FOR RENT - Completely renovated 2 bedroom house with wooden floors, Ceramic tiles, huge back patio and lots of storage in Plaines View just 5 min from Greenwood base. Everything included at 1400$/ month, make this place your home. 840-3583 or 765-6170. (3221-2tpb) FOR RENT – Three bedroom duplex located in Nictaux. Fridge & stove included and washer & dryer hook-ups. Daylight basement. $700.00 a month plus utilities. Phone 363-2009. (3221-2tp) Future Glass and Mirror Ltd. Sampson Dr., Greenwood 902-765-2105 SPECIALIZING REPAIRS/ REPLACEMENTS OF WINDSHIELDS ALSO: *plateglass *mirrors *plexie glass * vehicle accessories * window & screen repairs Many Used Windshields Available at Reduced Prices “INSURANCE CLAIMS OUR SPECIALTY” JASON BEZANSON ROOFING CONSTRUCTION 9594 South Farmington RR1 Wilmot, NS B0P 1W0 840-0552 S p e c i a l i z i n g i n R o o f i n g • Free Estimates Crossword Solution Sudoku Solution summer and winter grounds FOR RENT – Room for rent. care. Must be able to work Looking for mature, emwell with others and have ployed non-smoker to rent excellent customer service a large fully furnished room skills. Apartment and salary in Fales River Subdivision. and benefits negotiable with (Greenwood Area). Close to experience. Fax resume to all amenities. $500.00 per 1-902-865-3884 or e-mail month. Meals can be inwww.bandnrental@eastlink. cluded with adjusted agreed ca. (3211-ufnb) upon rent. Phone 765-3092. (3220-1tpb) WANTED- Dental Receptionist required for friendly SERVICES practice in Middleton. 4+ days per week. Must have SERVICE – Bilingual handydental experience. RDA man carpenter available, 25 preferred. Please respond years of experience with finby e-mail drevva@bellaliant. ish work, flooring, stairs, tile com or fax 902-825-2009. work and more. Reasonable (3218-ufnb) rates – flexible hours. Call Mike at 242-2465 or 840- WANTED - Child Care needed 0529. Greenwood/Kingston in Annapolis Royal. Childcare (3024-ufn) provider wanted to work a SERVICE – Round 2 It Yardmin. of 2 days a week (T Th 8 care. Lawn Mowing, Fertil-1700) in our home in Annapoizing, Rotor-tilling, Hedge lis Royal. Possibility that posiTrimming, Leaf Raking, Proption will become full time. 3 girls erty Clean-up, Small Load aged 18 months - 3 years from Hauling, Dump Runs, & other 2 families. Candidate should small jobs. Call Geoff Graves have experience taking care of at 902-844-1633. (3221-2tp) young children (ECE or similar preferred), non-smoker, current first aid, willing to undergo JOBS criminal/child abuse police WANTED - Wanted supercheck and provide variety of intendent couple. We’re educational/fun activities both looking for a physically indoors and outdoors. Salary fit couple to look after 90 70-90$/day. French language unites in Wolfville. Duties skills an asset. Email resume include but are not limited and 2 references to remi.colto running the rental office, [email protected] or call 532leasing, rent collections, 7753. (3221-2tp) cleaning the building, commons areas and grounds, Steve Lake’s Light Trucking Moving & Deliveries 16’ Cube Van DAN’S FIREWOOD Hardwood, $200 a cord Softwood, $160 a cord Cut, Split, Delivered Ph: 825-6424 844 0551 U-LOCK ENGLAND WE BUY FURNITURE Inside & Heated STORAGE UNITS 812 Maple Street Ext., Kingston Storage From -- 420 cu.ft 6’x7’x10’ Up to -- 1920 cu.ft 12’x16’x10’ (next to 14 Wing) ALSO Auto - Boats - Campers Military Discount 847-0490 or 847-5074 By the piece or lot. We do local moving 765-4430 FOR SALE FIREWOOD Clear Hardwood Cut, Split and Delivered Quality Guaranteed Please Phone 825-3361 Having Trouble with Childcare? It’s common to have hiccups in childcare plans. No matter how much planning goes into it, things can happen. If you need help with summer care, have appointments you need to go to or work part time etc, call us. We are open Monday to Friday from 8amCall the GMFRC’s Causal Childcare Centre we 4pm. For more information or to make a booking, may be able to help. please call 765-5611. Submitted by: Michelle Thibodeau Wagner, Coordinator of Special Events and Promotions, Greenwood Military Family Resource Centre 765-1491 local 1421 [email protected] The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 19 May 24, 2011 Youth Happenings at 14 Wing Community Centre By: Recreation Youth Worker; Megan LeMoine We will be OPEN for Victoria Day; regular drop in hours for pre-teens 4:006:00 p.m. and teens 6:009:00 p.m. Drop-in today and get your June calendar so you don’t miss out on any of our cool programs or events. If you would like more information please call Megan at 765-8165. Here’s what’s happening this week. Teen Council Tuesday May 24 3:00-4:00 p.m. After just completing our first car wash this year, we’ll look forward to our next car wash as well as BBQ’s and The Community Yard Sale. Pirate’s Cove here we come! Walking/Biking Program Tuesday May 24 6:00-7:00 p.m. Come put some spring in your step! Pre-teens and teens meet at the Centre where we’ll go for a brisk walk or bike around the PMQ’s or is the weather isn’t nice; we could use the track at The F&S Centre. Walking can take you places! Active Chicks Out-Door Games Wednesday May 25 6:00-7:30 p.m. Girls, come to the F&S Centre for out-door games, we’ll play capture the chicken, bomb squad and play at the park. Teen Activity Cooking Thursday May 26 6:00-7:30 p.m. Cost- $2 ~ Obituary ~ Griffin, Ethel Berneice, Greenwood Square, NS GRIFFIN, Ethel Berneice - 85 of Greenwood Square, NS. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our mother, Ethel Griffin, May 16, 2011 with family by her side in Soldiers Memorial Hospital, Middleton. Born in Forest Glade on February 10, 1926 she was the daughter of the late Ouida L. (Harris) and Clayton A. Pierce. She was the loving wife of the late W. Lloyd Griffin. She was active in her church and sang in the choir. Ethel worked many years in the Kingston Steadman’s Store before moving on to a cleaning position at CFB Greenwood from where she retired due to illness. She was past Noble Grand of the Rebekah Lodge. Ethel cared for her mother-in-law, Eva Griffin and sister-in-law Vivian Griffin as well as Lloyd’s Uncle Arthur Griffin over the years. Ethel loved camping with her” best friend”, husband Lloyd and in recent years playing cards with dear friends at Community Halls in Forest Glade and Parker Hall in Victoria Vale. She will be dearly missed by all who knew her. She is survived by her sons, Harold (Pamela), Melvern Square, Roy, Aylesford and daughter, Velora (Richard) Gibson, Bothwell, ON., special niece, Pauline (Polly) (Charles) Gervais, Mississauga, ON., grandchildren, Sharon Griffin (Bernard Letarte), Ottawa, Harold (Hal) Griffin (Sharleen Prasad), Calgary, AB., Ann (Bill) Langlois, Hull, Quebec, John (Cathy) Griffin, Trenton, ON., Sheila Griffin (Wayne LeFave), New Germany, Kenneth (Erin) Gibson, LaSalle, ON., Elizabeth (Kevin) Osmond, Oshawa, ON., and 10 great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. Also survived by sisters, Thelma Raddon, Peterborough, ON; Hazel Downie, Bridgetown and Jean Westlake, St. Catherines, ON. Besides her parents and husband, she was predeceased by her granddaughter, Pamela Dawn Griffin, sisters, Ardis Schofield, Lawrencetown, Elma (Frank) Tomkinson, Brantford, ON, Melba Pierce, Kingston, brothers, H. Maxwell (Peggy), Yarmouth, Douglas (Vivian), Aylesford, Archie (Vera), Greenwood, infant, Russell F. H. and C. Aubrey, Duncan, BC. Visitation will be held 2-4 and 7-9PM, Friday, May 20, 2011 in the Middleton Funeral Home, 398 Main Street, (902) 825-3448. The funeral service will be held 2:00PM, Tuesday, May 24, 2011 in the Kingston Baptist Church with Rev. Leon Langille officiating. Interment will be in the North Kingston Cemetery. By request, family flowers only. Donations in memory may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Kingston Baptist Church. Online condolences may be made through: <> www. Teen please sign up before May 25, let me know what you would like to make. Pre-Teen Dance Friday May 27 6:00-8:00 p.m. Cost- $3 Come dance the night away with your friends, listen to some great music and win some cool prizes! Tonight we have a draw for a $15 gift card to Subway; anyone that enters the dance has a chance to win! Bring your friends! Youth Centre Drop in Hours Pre-Teen (ages 9 – 12) Teens (ages 13 – 18) Monday 4 pm to 6 pm 6 pm to 9 pm Tuesday 4 pm to 6 pm 6 pm to 9 pm Wednesday 4 pm to 6 pm 6 pm to 9 pm Thursday 4 pm to 6 pm 6 pm to 9 pm Friday 6 pm to 8 pm 4 pm to 6 pm 8 pm to 10 pm Saturday 2 pm to 4 pm 6 pm to 8 pm 4 pm to 6 pm 8 pm to 10 pm Sunday 2 pm to 5 pm 5 pm to 9 pm ...let’s talk about YOU Send your articles and photos to: [email protected] 9th Annual Communication & Electronics Golf Tournament The 9th Annual Atlantic Region C&E Golf tournament will be held this year from 23-24 June 2011. A four person scramble format will be used at the Challenging Greenwood Golf Club. The tournament is shaping up to be one of the best ever with great food, prizes and entertainment. You can sign up individually, a partial team or a complete team of four. Major Dale King 14 WTISO would like to extend a personal invitation to all former members of the C&E branch, business associates and any affiliates interested in joining our Squadron for two fun filled days. This is a great opportunity to get reacquainted with old friends and perhaps make some new ones. For more information you can contact the Tournament Chairman Master Corporal Scarlett Law 902-765-1494 ext. 3221 or Tee Master Corporal Troy McKeough 902-765-1494 ext. 3547. For additional tournament information, to register or to browse pictures from previous tournaments please visit our website: ANNAPOLIS EAST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ~ Obituary ~ Scoville, Donald Clifford, Tremont, NS SCOVILLE, Donald Clifford - 62 of Tremont. It is with heavy hearts the family of Donald Clifford Scoville, announce his death -Tuesday May 17, 2011 the QEII Health Sciences Centre - following a brief illness. Born in Yarmouth, he was the son of Geneva (Brittain) Scoville, Wilmot and the late Clifford Scoville. Don served in the Canadian Armed Forces from 1966- 1990 and was a proud member of the Black Watch. Since retirement Don was an active member of 107 Valley Wing and the Middleton Legion. He was an avid dart and crib player and had a lifelong love of fishing which he shared with his children and grandchildren. “Big Don” will be lovingly remembered by his family as a gentle giant of a man. Surviving are his wife of 25 years, the former Pauline Hindle, Tremont; sons, Don (Susan), Greenwood Square; Tony (Debbie), Tremont; daughter, Shawna (Jason), Tantallon; grandchildren, Kaitlin, Joshua, Dawson and Jack; sister, Pat and brother, Gordon, both of Halifax. Cremation has taken place. A celebration of Don’s life and reception will take place 11:00AM, Saturday, May 21, 2011 in the Middleton Funeral Home, 398 Main Street, (902) 825-3448with Rev. Leon Langille officiating. Donations in Don’s memory may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Nova Scotia or a charity of choice. Online condolences may be made through: KINGSTON & DISTRICT SCHOOL Daily lunch combo includes main entrée, daily dessert, and white milk for $3.50 ~ The following items are available at the Cafeteria daily ~ Sandwiches: $2.35; Wraps - $2.35; Sub Sandwiches - $2.00; All sandwiches & wraps will include fresh/vegetable on the side. Fresh Vegetables & Dip - $1.75; Cheese & Cracker Plate - $1.75; Fresh Fruit & Yogurt Dip - $1.75; Toss Salad - $3.25 sm $2.50; Caesar Salad - $3.25 sm $2.50; Yogurt - $1.25; Yogurt Tubes - $1.25; Yogurt Parfaits with nut free granola - $1.50; Cheese Strings - $1.00 Fresh Fruit: Apples, Oranges, Kiwi, Grapes, & Bananas - $.75; Gold Fish Crackers - $.60; Frozen Juice Bars: Orange & Cherry - $1.25; Rice Crispy Squares - $1.00; Smoothies: Mon,Wed,Fri - $1.25; Juice: Apple, Orange, 7-Fruit, & Wildberry - $1.25; White Milk - $.35; Chocolate Milk - $1.35; Welch’s Fruit Snacks - $1.25; Apple Slices - $1.00; Pudding Cups (vanilla, butterscotch, banana) - $1.00; Bagels (blueberry, plain) - $1.00; Bagel & Cream Cheese (strawberry, plain) - $1.50; Applesauce (strawberry/apple, blueberry/apple, plain apple) - $1.00; ~~~ Canteen Items - CASH ONLY ~~~ There will be a cost for ALL condiments if your child is not purchasing lunch from the cafeteria. Ketchup, Mustard, Relish - $.15 each; Mayo & Salad Dressings - $.25 each; Barbecue/ Sweet & Sour Sauce - $.40 each; Cream Cheese (plain or strawberry - $.50 each; Cheese Whiz - $.40 each; Strawberry Jam - $.15 each We are a NUT & SCENT sensitive school with a smoke-free enviroment. May 23rd: Victoria Day • No School May 24th: Oven Fries, Cheese & Gravy $3.00 • Yogurt $1.25 May 25th: Corn Chowder $2.00 • Macaroni & Cheese $3.00 • Apple Slices $1.00 May 26th: Taco Salad $3.00 • Frozen Juice Bar $1.00 May 27th: Chicken Burgers $2.50 • Fresh Fruit Cup $1.00 This menu brought to you compliments of: Picture Your Business Here $15.40 plus HST Give Anne a Call 765 1494 loc 5833 Whole Sandwiches 1/2 Sandwiches (Asst. fillings) ......$1.30 Deluxe 1/2’s ...................................$1.65 Full Sandwiches/Croissant/Wraps .$3.30 Hot Foods One Hot Food Daily.......... $2.50 - $3.00 Cup of Soup ..................................$1.00 Bowl of Soup .................................$2.00 Teacher’s Plate.................. $3.75 - $4.25 Beverages Milk................................................$0.35 Choc. Milk .....................................$1.50 Juice Small ....................................$0.75 Bottled Water ................................$1.25 Yop ................................................$1.50 Oasis Juice Purple/Red/Yellow ....$1.25 Salads Caesar Salad...................................$2.50 Chicken Caesar/Greek/Spinach/Potato .$3.30 Snacks Fresh Fruit (apple/banana/orange). $1.00 Fresh Fruit.... Small $1.50 - Large $3.00 Veggie & DipSmall $1.50 - Large $3.00 Nacho Chips & Salsa ...................... $1.25 Sun Chips/Frito Chips.................... $1.50 Yogurt/Apple Sauce/Fruit Cups ..... $1.00 Cheese ............................................. $0.80 Pepperoni & Cheese ....................... $1.25 Bagel with Cream Cheese ............... $1.25 Bagel 1/2 w/Flavored Cream Cheese & Fruit . $1.50 Boiled Egg ...................................... $1.00 Gold Fish Crackers ......................... $0.60 Welch’s Chews ............................... $1.25 Freezer Items Frozen Juice Bar ............................. $1.25 Yogurt Tubes .................................. $1.25 Desserts Muffins/Biscuits.............................. $1.00 Cookies .......................................... $0.50 Yogurt Parf/Cinnamon Bun/Apple Delight .. $1.25 Condiments / Cutlery Ketchup/Mustard/Relish ................. $0.15 Mayo & Salad Dressing .................. $0.30 Fork/Knife/Spoon ........................... $0.05 Cream Cheese/Chesse Whiz pkg ...... $0.50 Butter pkg ....................................... $0.25 Daily Specials (Mon-Thur): Price Includes Hot Meal, Dessert & White Milk - $3.25 - $3.75 There is a “NO” Charging Policy in Effect • Milk Card Available $7.00 for 20 Milk Mon: Victoria Day • No School Tues: Hamburgers with Fixings $3.50 Wed: Pizza Day from the Pizza Factory $3.50 ($2.75 per slice) Thurs: Chicken Dinner with all the Trimmings $3.75 Fri: Chicken Nuggets & Veggies $3.50 This menu brought to you compliments of: FRASER’S Home Centre BERWICK • 1-800-959-3727 KINGSTON • 1-902-765-3111 KENTVILLE • 1-902-678-8044 BRIDGETOWN • 1-902-665-4449 May 24, 2011 Ford offers more vehicles with BEST-IN-CLASS FUEL ECONOMY 2011 RANGER NGER R SUPERC SUPERCAB CAB A SPORT 4 4X2 X2 $ 12,999 Now, not only will you go further, so will your money. 2011 F-150 SUPERCAB XLT 4X4 $ 27,999 * INCLUDES $6500 MANUFACTURER REBATE INCLUDES $500 FORD CREDIT CASH.▲ INCLUDES $1000 COSTCO INCENTIVE■ ENGINES 4 ALL-NEW 8.9L/100km 32 MPG HWY ± 12.8L/100km 22 MPG CITY ± ˆ than any other brand. 2011 RANGER. MOST FUEL EFFICIENT PICK-UP. ^^ DELIVERS AN IMP DE IMPRESSIVE MPR MP RESSIVE THE RANGER RANGER GER FEL F * 37 3 7 MP MPG INCLUDES UDES $6000 MANUFACTURER REBATE. offer excludes taxes and freight OUR BEST OFFER OF 2011 7.7L/100km 37MP 37MPG HWY †† 10L/100km 28MP 28MPG CITY †† Manufacturer Rebates up to $ 7000 + $1000 † Eligible Costco members receive $ Q ON SELECT NEW 2011 MODELS 2011 F-150 REGULAR CAB XL 4X2 17,999 * INCLUDES $1000 MANUFACTURER REBATE offer excludes taxes and freight INCLUDES $1000 COSTCO INCENTIVE■ BEST-IN-CLASS FUEL ECONOMY ± BEST-IN-CLASS offer excludes taxes and freight PAYLOAD &TOWING ±± Visit your Atlantic Ford Store or today and GO FURTHER FOR LESS. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers may be cancelled at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. *Purchase a new 2011 [Ranger SuperCab Sport 4x2/F-150 Regular Cab XL 4x2/F150 SuperCab XLT 4x4] for [$12,999/$17,999/$27,999] after Total Manufacturer rebate of [$6,000/$1,000/$6,500], Costco incentive of [$0/$1,000/$1,000] and [$0/$0/$500] Ford Credit Cash deducted. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Total Manufacturer Rebate has been deducted. Offer exclud1es freight and air tax of [$1,450/$1,550/$1,550], license, fuel fill charge, insurance, PDI, registration, PPSA, administration fees, any environmental charges or fees, and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. † Receive $500/$1,000 /$1,500 /$2,000 /$3,000/ $3,500/ $4,000/$4,500/ $5,500/$6,000/$6,500/ $7,000 in Manufacturer Rebates with the purchase or lease of a new 2011 Focus S, Fiesta S, Escape I4 Manual/Mustang 2DR Coupe V6 Value Leader, Taurus SE, Edge (excluding SE), E-Series, F-150 Regular Cab XL 4X2, F-350 Chassis Cabs, F-450, F-550, 2012 Focus (excluding S)/Fusion S, Ranger Super Cab XL and Regular Cab/ Transit Connect (excluding electric), 2012 Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader)/2012 Mustang GT (excluding Boss 302)/ Focus (excluding S), Mustang V6 (excluding Value Leader)/ Fusion (excluding S)/ Mustang GT/ Expedition, F-150 Regular cab (excluding XL 4X2)/Ranger Super Cab (excluding XL)/ F-150 Super Cab and Super Crew/ F-250 to F-450 (excluding Chassis Cabs). All GT500, F-150 Raptor and Medium Truck models are excluded. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at either the time of factory order or delivery, but not both. Manufacturer Rebates are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives ^Fuel efficiency based on ratings of 2011 Ford Motor Company of Canada vehicles. Total of 6 Best in Class models: Fiesta (B Car), Fusion Hybrid (CD Car), Escape Hybrid (Small Utility), Ranger (Compact Pickup), Super Duty (Full Size Pick Ups over 8,500lbs. GVWR), and Transit Connect (Full Size Bus/Van). Classes per R.L. Polk Canada, Inc. (Canada). Fuel consumption figures based on city/hwy label values, using Transport Canada approved test methods and information available at the time of publishing. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle equipment and driving habits. ▲Offer valid from May 3, 2011 to June 30, 2011 (the “Offer Period”). Customers who purchase finance or lease most new 2011 Ford F-150 (excluding Raptor and Regular Cab XL 4x2) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”) and finance through Ford Credit, Canada will receive $500 (the “Offer”). The new vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford dealer during the Offer Period. Only one (1) Offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per customer. This Offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford of Canada at the time of either factory order or delivery, but not both. This offer is not combinable with CPA, GPC, CFIP, FALS or Daily Rental Allowance incentives. Customer may use the Offer amount as a down payment or choose to receive a rebate cheque from Ford of Canada, but not both. Taxes payable before Offer amount is deducted. ±Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs. GVWR, non-hybrid. Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2011 F-150 4X2 3.7L V6 SST: 12.8L/100km city and 8.9L/100km hwy based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption may vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits. ^^Based on R.L. Polk Compact Pickup segment. 2011 Ranger 4x2 2.3L I4 5 speed manual: 10.0L/100km city and 7.7L/100km hwy based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits. Model shown is Ranger 4x2 4.0L V6 5-Speed Manual with 13.5L/100km city and 9.8L/100km hwy. ±±When properly equipped. Max. towing of 11,300 lbs with 3.5L EcoBoost and 6.2L 2 valve V8 engines. Max. payload of 3,060 lbs with 3.5L Ecoboost and 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engines. Class is Full-Size Pickups under 8,500 lbs GVWR vs. 2010/2011 competitors. ††Estimated fuel consumption ratings for the 2011 Ranger 4x2 2.3L-I4: 10.0L/100km city and 7.7L/100km hwy. Model shown 2011 Ranger 4x2 4.0-V6 5-speed manual: 13.5L/100km city and 9.8L/100km hwy.Fuel consumption ratings based on Transport Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption may vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits. ■Offer only valid from April 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with a Canadian Costco membership on or before March 31, 2011. Use this $1,000CDN Costco member offer towards the purchase or lease of a new 2011/2012 Ford/Lincoln vehicle (excluding Fiesta, Focus, Ranger, Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302 & Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). The new vehicle must be delivered and/or factory-ordered from your participating Ford/Lincoln dealer within the Offer Period. Offer is only valid at participating dealers, is subject to vehicle availability, and may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. Only one (1) offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. This offer can be used in conjunction with most retail consumer offers made available by Ford Motor Company of Canada at either the time of factory order (if ordered within the Offer Period) or delivery, but not both. Offer is not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Applicable taxes calculated before $1,000CDN offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer, see dealer for details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. ©2011 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. Page 20 The Aurora Newspaper, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
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May 9 2011 - The Aurora Newspaper
The Aurora Newspaper is published each Monday by 14 Wing under the authority of
Colonel W.F. Seymour, CD, Wing Commander. Est publié chaque lundi par la 14e
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