Low`s pocket cable code (alphabetical), specially adapted for
Low`s pocket cable code (alphabetical), specially adapted for
* REVISED BDITIOM BD^JH fej* M. L05?i * s JS*-r/ CROSS nf 949 BROADWAY TRAFAU5AR SQUARE I -MEARSatAVEHOm.i7 0!AKiMC iDHDOM-1 -New York- Din£IN H. L03la£, L0WS EXeriAN©E And Steamship 57 Charing Cross, 949 Broadway, Madison Square, NEW Cable Address flgeney, YORK. Trafalgar Square, London Local and ; EDLOW, NEW YORK EDLOW, LONDON. LONDON. Continental Messages Address: "AFTERNOON," LONDON. ESTABLISHED View from Lows Exchange in 1885. London. For the Convenience of American and Other Travellers. £ o EDWIN H. LOW, LOW'S EXCHANGE)" 57 Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square, LONDON, ENGLAND. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : $1.00 per month; $2.50 three months. D EPA iPOStHl RTM ENTS: — For the care and forwarding When part. of Letters, Telegrams, etc. and Telegrams repeated by wire to any Special attention given to this. Prompt service guaranteed. desired, Cables iPaSSCttgCl any Line — Full information furnished and Passages booked by Sailing and Passenger Lists on file also to all parts. ; telegraphic advices of the arrival of Steamers. — Mr. Low is prepared to offer exceptional banking faciland rates to purchasers of Drafts or Credits on all the best houses of Europe and America. Drafts issued direct on Low's Exchange in London or New York. Foreign monies exchanged JBailfcillCJ ities at lowest rates. STOUTS all — Estimates for Tours of short or long duration furnished and tickets secured at lowest rates. to parts of the world, StOraQC — Travellers' Large trunks, 6d.; Baggage Stored at a medium size trunks, small weekly rate, viz.: 4d.; small trunks and steamer chairs, 3d. — IfOnVtirOtnCJ Travellers' Luggage collected from any given address and forwarded to all parts at low rates. Goods shipped to the United States or Canada. ITHSUrailCC chandise, — Covers etc., by fire risk of Damage or Loss to Baggage, Mer- or sea. N. B.— Low's Exchange in London is established for the general convenience of travellers, and anything which adds to their comfort will cheerfully be undertaken. Foreign monies exchanged. Guide Books, etc. on sale. American and other Directories and Newspapers on file.' ' BFOfcun's Hotel TO WHICH HAS BEEN ADDED THE =St. George's Hotel DOVER STREET and ALBEMARLE STREET, LO Elevators. N D O N, Fixed Baths. Electric Light Throughout. Telegrams : — "Brownotel, TELEPHONE J. J. Ia£. FORD NO. London. ' 3696. V SONS, Proprietors, Messages can be sent by Low's Pocket Cable Code, which is in use in the Hotel. LOW'S Pocket Cable Code (ALPHABETICAL) -SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR" AMERICAN TRAVELLERS. Comprising- over 10,000 Useful Commercial and Domestic Phrases and Sentences. PUBLISHED BY EDWIN 949 Broadway, NEW H. LOW, 57 Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square, LONDON. YORK. -ALSO SUCCESSOR TO THE" NATIONAL EXCHANGE and PASSENGER AGENCY. INTERNATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC RATES, DIFFERENCES IN TIMES IN THE EUROPEAN CENTRES, VALUE OF EUROPEAN CURRENCIES, LIST OF EUROPEAN BANKERS ( WITH THEIR TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESSES), HOTELS RECOMMENDED AND OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION TO TRAVELLERS. COPYRIGHTED [THIRD 1894. (Revised) EDITION.] BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT CALLAGHAN & CO, ) OPTICIANS r TO H. 7//£ < H- DR. PRINCE OF WALES. Opera, Race and Field Glasses The Largest and Choicest Assortment. FROM J32 lOS. 23a New Bond Street, . TO . £20. LONDON, W. THE 1,0 X EDWIN H, DO I QF LOW, LOW'S EXCHANGE, HAS REMOVED TO 3Ncrgp ci Roffe^e | trat/(lgar buildings, TBAEALGA R SQUARE, W. THE revised 0. Low's Pocket Cable Code edition of contains an Appendix of useful phrases which were wanting which It will also in the and second first editions, and be found of value. contains words which it is some not slight changes anticipated will code interfere The with the use of the former editions. lated meanings have not been altered, in and an transindi- vidual using one edition and not finding a word in a telegram received, can invariably use the word occupying the same alphabetical place. The possibilities of misconstruction necessitated the substitution of these few code words for those in former editions. LONDON & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY, (ENGLAND-) The Old Route IRISH in the Old Country. The Tourist's Favorite. AND SCOTCH ROYAL MAIL ROUTE. SHORTEST AND QUICKEST. Liverpool (fflMfO, to London (S3, Under 4% hours; to GLASGOW. EDINBOKO, PERTH, ABERDEEN, MANCHESTER, BIRMINGHAM, LEAMINGTON, STRATFORD-ON-AVON, BRISTOL, OXFORD, (All RRIDtiE, etc., and vice versa. SPECIAL TRAINS Liverpool to London and vice versa, when requisite to make close connection with American Steamers. QUEENSTOWN TO LONDON, via Dublin and Holyhead, American Mail Route, under 16 hours. RAGGAGK CHECKED THROUGH from New York to London, Edinboro, Glasgow, etc., via Liverpool and via Queenstown; also from the Landing Stage, Liverpool and Queenstown. SECOND-CLASS CARS on all trains except FIRST-CLASS CARS on all trains through trains with Scotland, and other minor connections; THIRD-CLASS CARS on all trains except Irish Mail Trains. CORRIDOR ( Vestibuled ) TRAINS. LONDON, LIVERPOOL, Manchestkr TO GLASGOW, Edinboro, and vice versa. First and Third-Class Dining Cars. Luncheon, Dinner and Tea, served on train. DRAWING-ROOM CARS.— Special Compartments, Private Saloons and Family Cars for parties, equipped with all modern improvements, are provided for SLEEPING CARS on the use of first-class passengers without extra charge. night trains. DINING CARS run on all principal trains. OMNIBUSES for family parties at Liverpool, London, Birmingham and Man; chester. LUNCHEON BASKETS containing substantial refreshments, hot or cold, can be obtained at the principal stations. HOTELS under the management of the Company: North Western Hotel, Lime Street Station, Liverpool, the best and largest, patronized by Americans; Queen's Hotel, Eiiston Hotel, London, noted for its cellar and French cuisine Birmingham; Central Sluiion, Glasgow, etc. The Company's Agents, Mr. W. STIRLING, at Queenstown, and Mr. FRED. W. THOMPSON, at Liverpool, meet the American steamers on arrival and secure omnibuses, seats, saloon carriages, rooms at hotel, and give general ; information. THROUGH TICKETS to London. Glasgow, Paris, and principal stations in England, Scotland, Ireland, Walks, and Continent of Europe. Time Tables and full information as to travel and hotels can be obtained from the Company's General Agent for North America, Mr C. A. BARATTONI. 852 Broadway, near Union Square, New York; Mr. D. BATTERSBY, 184 St. James St., Montreal, and Messrs. 11. GAZE & SONS, 113 Broadway, New York, and their offices in the principal cities of the United States and Canada. 6. P. NEELE, Supt. of the Line. London, Euaton station. E. MICHEL, Foreign FRED. HARRISON, Traffic Supt. General Manager. PRE FACE. value of a Cable Code to the traveling community THE now superfluous so generally recognized that is it is upon its advantages. Indeed, no experienced traveler would consider his (or her) traveling equipments complete without a code of some description. The Cable Codes for the traveling public now in existto enlarge ence are very limited in number, and, without in the least detracting from their value, may be said to fall short of the increasing requirements of the tourist. too, of the compilers of The practice, such publications of classifying the sentences under various Headings has been found irk- some, especially to the uninitiated, besides often entailing loss of valuable time. To provide, therefore, a Cable hensive and Code of a more compre- yet simple character for the traveler has been the aim of this publication. The construction of Low's Pocket Cable Code, by being arranged in alphabetical form, is so simple that any person, without the least knowledge of readily understand therewith — will it, Telegraph Codes, can while the information in connection — for instance, the International Telegraph Rates, be found absolutely indispensable in the use of this any other publication of a similar kind. Hence Low's Tocket Cable Code should commend itself to everyone using Codes for sending messages by wire. or GENERAL REMARKS. ¥ITH the aid of this Code, travelers are not only able direct communication, by cable, with their and friends abroad, notifying them, for instance, to hold relatives of their safe arrival, the state of their health, their pecu- niary and other pressing needs, etc., but can also arrange, by wire, while traveling Europe, for their homeward in passages by any Line, through Low's Exchange, London, as well as to clearly express their wishes regarding the disposition of their letters and telegrams which they may have directed to their care, at a considerable saving in the cost of transmission. One example will doubtless suffice. to make our meaning Say a Mr. Robinson intends and on arriving at Brussels desires to have his letters which he has had addressed to Low's Exchange, London, sent to the care of Messrs. Bigwood & Morgan, Bankers of that city. On turning to the words "Letters" in the Code, he will find that he is Then, on directed to refer to "Forward" re Letters. referring to the European Bankers (who have been selected on account of their business relations being principally with American Travelers) he will observe that intelligible to the reader. making a tour in Italy, — — the telegraphic Hence, he address " of that firm is "Bigwood." Low's Exchange, London, as follows: "Afternoon, London, Healthiest Bigwood, (Signed) Robinson," will wire, which reads: of Bigwood — "Forward all letters & Morgan," — thus for saving me at here, least care eight words. The Its other distinct advantages which this circulation general among Code offer are: European the principal Bankers and Hotels, so that should the tourist, in the course of his travels, have mislaid his copy, as it may sometimes happen, he (or she) will have little or no difficulty in Secondly, in the securing another copy for reference. pecuniary interest of those travelers using this Code, the London principal hotels and certain of the leading foreign hotels— as specified on pages 206-208— are prepared to receive and give best attention to telegrams that may be addressed to them in the language of this Code, regarding accommodation. Besides the great saving effected in the cost of transmission of Cables by the use of the Low's Pocket Cable Code (examples of which are given below) a still further saving tive or may be gained by the traveler abroad and the relafriend at home selecting, at the outset, some dis- tinguishing cable address, sailing at Low's Exchange, In this and registering same before New York. way supposing your name to be Robinson, you own name for fear someone else may have do not take your compose a word of the letters of your name or take the first two syllables, viz.: " Robin." This upon is registered opposite the address of your family, and " Dreameth York New Edlow receipt of a wire reading the same, but you Robin," it be able to is translated to sail," mean "Cannot say when shall and sent direct to your family without IO further cost New York in if or by collect telegram if outside the city. One word of advice to those using Codes, e. i. messages be written so legibly that the operator no difficulty in reading Let the will have it. EXAMPLES OF THE SAVING OF EXPENSE BY THE USE OF THIS CODE. Code Word. Translation. Steppeth When do you Dreameth Cannot say when Heartiness ) Munroe Forward letters, > cables, for ) Paris. Heartburn Forward cables, leave me letters, for me ? shall be able to leave. telegrams and including to Munroe & Messrs. including Co., telegrams and your Cor- here, care of respondents. Helpless ) Coppice Pruning y \ . , Brownotel .. r I J '".'' Muscovite jr up all to and includ- telegrams and two double-bedded rooms for . , T „„.,„, Hotel, London. Browns nesday, D n cr a or e * „ Wed- . ' >geny j to reach here ing June 30th. Repeat cables, by wire. ' Wednesday _ *" ( Forward mail > "\ ' Remit immediately by telegraph, through Low's Exchange, London, $4.00. 1 CONTENTS. PAGE. Ld American Bankers? y American Consul 5 American Newspaper Offices in London 209 Appendix 197 200 Bankers (European) Cable Rates to America, be160-1 tween Code 12-199 Currencies, Foreign, be- 1 60tween Differences in Time in the European centers, betw'n 160-1 European Bankers (with Tel- egraphic Addresses) 206 pean) London — American Bankers 209 American Papers (Offices). 209 Amusements 215 Art Exhibitions of 216 England 211 Museum British 211 Crystal Palace 211 Hampton Court 211 Hotels recommended Houses of Parliament Music Halls and Postal Mail 207 212 .. . Theatres Tower 211 212 London Westminster Abbey 212 Zoological Gardens 212 of 212 New York— Aquarium 216 Club Directory 222 Daily Newspapers 222 Drives 221 Eden Musee 216 Exchanges 222 Foreign Consuls 224 Galleries and Art Museums 220 216 Madison Square Garden. . Monuments and . Statues... 221 Music Halls 220 National League Baseball Ground 216 Public Libraries 220 Public Parks 221 Theatres 217 Varieties 219 and from America. 210 Mails 215 Postages, Rates of 209 Telegraphic Addresses European Bankers 211 Telegraphic Rates (Interna160-1 tional), between Institutions and Places of Interest Paul's Cathedral Spurgeon's Tabernacle. 211 Intelli- gence Public St. 200 Hotels recommended (Euro- Bank PAGH. London {continued) — to 209 of 20x3 — — —— ) ) —— — CODE. Abdal ABOUT the Abduce About the same as Aberrant Abjugate Ablude Abrogable Absonant Abuttal ABSENT from the office ABSOLUTELY final. ... same. to-day ; will return Absolutely necessary Absolutely necessary that you should leave at once. Absolutely necessary that you should return by Admonition ... ACCEPT any responsibility. Accept contract Accept draft (for Accept invitation (for Accept my (our) congratulation. Accept my (our) sincere sympathy. Accept no responsibility whatever. Accept offer Accept terms. Adulterate ... ACCEPTOR(S) Acclivity Accordion ... — — Accretive Accusetb Acidulous Adduciblb ... Audjuration ... ... ACCIDENT Affinity Agedly is of draft. only slight Accident of a serious nature. Accident will probably terminate fatally. Aghast ACCOMMODATION not available. Aglow Accommodation Accommodation Aggressing ... Aimless desired is offered, accepted. offered, accepted ; have remitted deposit. Albumen Accommodation offered, accepted; have instructed the following to pay deposit Alcove Accommodation Alienating ... Alomancy ... offered, accepted request the following to pay necessary deposit Accommodation offered, accepted letter follows. Accommodation offered, accepted will remit deposit. Aloofness ... Accommodation ; ; ; offered is still available. Amazeiul Ambilogy ... According to news received here. ... ACCOUNT of detailed charges. Ambitude ... Account Ambulative ... ACKNOWLEDGE ... Acknowledge ... ACKNOWLEDGED ... Acknowledged ... ACT according to instructions contained Ambuscade Ambushing Amendatory Amendful to date. receipt of this, by letter. receipt of this, by wire. receipt of letter- receipt of telegram in letter of — ——— —— — — ) ) —— — *3 Amnesty Amorously Amphibian Amphilogy Anagram Act according to instructions in telegram of— Act cautiously. Act on your own judgment. Act only on legal advice. Act promptly. Act upon instructions from ACTING under instructions from Acting under your instructions of Analytic ADDITIONAL Amplifying Amplitude Amusable Anatomical ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Anatomized... Ancestral Anchorites ... ... be— " Forward " re Letters). Address as before. Address care of Address for repeating telegrams by wire is Address for mail is Address for telegrams (is Address letter tome, personally. Address of Address telegrams hereafter "care Edlow, London," this being the telegraphic address of — Ancipital Anecdotist Angelic Angelical fare (will ADDRESS — 'see ... ... Low's Exchange, London. Angered Anglicify Address unknown. Address up to will be Angrily ADDRESSED Angulous Animation Annealed Annexation — ... ... ... ... Advance ... ADVICE Annoyers Annulleth ... ... ... j\ntics Antilogy Antimony ... Antimonial Antipodes ... Antiseptic ... ... of— in tt Annihilate Annotators Antcatcher Antecessor Antelope Antevert in care your care. ADJOINING rooms (Nob. —J* Adjoining rooms preferred. ADVANCE anything on it Addressed refused. on draft. Advice mailed Advice not received. Advice received ADVISE you to Advise you to accept. Advise you to remain. Advise you to hurry home. Advise you to postpone your departure until— Advise you not to Advise you not to accept. Advise you not to have anything to do with it. ADVISED on the— — —— — 14 AFTER -A-pex Aphorizing Apiculated Apishness ... Apostolate ... ... .. Apostrophe ... Appanage ... Appealable Appeasive Appellant Appendicle Appetitive Appetized Applausive Appraisal Apterous Aptness Aquatic Aquatical Aquiform Aquosity Arabesque Arabian Arabic Arable Arbitrable Arbitrary Arcadian Archangle Archducal Archduchy Archduke Arched Archery Archtype Archness Ardency Ardent Ardentness Arduously despatch of the goods. After his (her) arrival. After that date. After this date. After you haveAfter you have made arrangements. ... After you have seen the individual (individuals/. After your departure. ... AGENT'S ... ... ... ... ... ... address is— name AGREE toAgent's is Agree to the arrangement. Agree to the terms. AGREEMENT not signed. Agreement signed. Agreement will be signed ALL arrangements are completed. All charges. ... All documents. ... All documents relating to All expenses paid. ... All send congratulations. All send sympathy. All well. ALSO ... ... ... ... ... ... berth for— Also berth for maid. Also berth for two maids. Also berth for maid in same room. Also berth for man-servant. Also berth for two men-servants. ALTERATION cannot be made. I right in doing this? AMIDSHIPS, or as near saloon as possible. AM Amidships preferred. ... —AMONG the lost. —Among the saved. AMOUNT advanced. ... ... Amount deposited with Amount exceeds the limit. Amount not to exceed — —— ? . ? ) ?? — } ; 15 Areometer Arguable Argufy ... ... — AND brothers. — and Company. . — and Sons. Aristate Armament Armlets Armoric Armsreach . . Arrantly Arrogantly And ... Artistical Ascendency Ascendeth ... ... ANNUAL CAI3I.E "). ANXIOUS to hear. Anxious to know. —Anxious to know ... ANXIOUSLY ... COMPANY. rental. ... if the foregoing arrived safely at- await letter. Anxiously await news concerning Anxiously await reply (to Anxiously await reply to my (our Anxiously await telegraphic reply (to Anxiously await your coming. Anxiously await your return. ANY cause for anxiety ? Any chance of Any danger apprehended? — — ... Assailers ... ... ... ... ... ... Assuage Assuasive Assuretn Asterisk Asteroid Astraddle thence to ... Askew Assailment Assentator Assertory Assiduity Assimilate Associable you cannot Annual subscription. ANSWER— (see " Reply Ashpit Asperity Aspirated Aspireth And if ANGLO-AMERICAN Arterial Artfulness Articulate Amount of damages. Amount of my indebtednes Amount of our indebtedness. AMOUNTS— (see " Money "). ... ... Astricting Astrictory ... Astride Astringer ... ... — .' — Any demand for— Any demand for same? Any doubt about it? Any duty to pay on ? Any enquiry for— * Any further—' Any further news f Any goods for us? Any intelligence concerning— Any mail forme ? —Any mail for me or my party Any mail for the following— Any mail for us? Any more? — — — (consisting of — — —— ? ? — ? i6 Any package for— Any redress ? —Any telegrams or cables for me? —Any telegrams or cables for us? A.strology Asunder ... Astuteness Atheism ... Atheistic... —Any Athletic Any time within Any time within a week. Any trace of— Any trace of the goods. APARTMENTS— (see "Engage ... Atmologist Atomizing Atrocities telegram for the (or following) individuel- APOLOGY— (see "Tender"). APPLY— (see also "Call " and Attackable Attaineth Attenuant Attesting... Attestor ... Atticism ... Attracteth Attractors . . . . Apply Apply Apply Apply Apply *'). " Enquire '% to to hotel to my my to your banker. to (our) agent at — (our) bankers APPROVE of the course taken. APPROXIMATE cost. Approximate value. " Calendar "). ARRANGE as best you can. Arrange so as to be here by— ARRANGEMENTS for— Arrangements for next week. Arrangements for this week. Arrangements concluded (with Arrangements not concluded. Arrangements with . APRIL— (see Attuned ... Audacity... Auditory... Augment eth . . . Auguration Augurship Auriform Autocracy Autopsical Auxilliary Avarice Avaricious ... Avenged Averment ... Averseness Avulsed ... Awakeneth — ARE not—? . . . . . Awestruck Awning ... — . — — Are they Are you ? Are you any better? Are you coming and when? Are you going to ? Are you ill or what is the cause Are you in need of anything ? Are you in need of funds ? Are you satisfied ? Are you positive that you are ; of your silence ? — — ) )) ) 17 Balefully Ballasted Ballooning Balloonist Balsamic Bandits ... ... Bandying Banging ... Banjoist ... Bantering Baptismal Baptistery- Bap tiz able Barbaric ... Barbarism Barbarity Barbarized Barbarous Barefaced Barefooted Bareheaded Barnacle Barony .. .. Baroscope Barology Barometric Baronage. .. Baronial Barratry Barren Barrenly . . . Barricade Barrier Baseball Basketry . . . Basque Bassoon . . Bastile Bastinado Bastion . ARRIVED here; all well. Arrived here all well after a pleasant passage. Arrived here all well ; after a stormy passage. ; ; ; Arrived Arrived Arrived Arrived Arrived Arrived Arrived Arrived on Monday. on Tuesday. on Wednesday. on Thursday. on Friday. on Saturday. on Sunday. safely ; suffered much from sea-sickness. — — — Arrived this afternoon (at Arrived this evening (at Arrived this morning (at Arrived to-day (at Arrived too late. Arrived yesterday. AS a set off. — As early as possible. As instructed. As it cannot be arranged. As it is important. As it is impossible. As long as possible. As long as it will As mentioned in letter of As mentioned in telegram of— As much as can be spared. As much as possible. As near amidships as possible. As originally intended. As security for the advance. As soon as can be arranged. As soon as convenient. As soon as decided. As soon as I (we) learn anything As soon as it arrives. As socn as it is done. As soon as possible. As soon as secured. will acquaint you. — — — i8 Bathing" . . . . Battened Battery Battlement Battleth . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . Bawl BawlingBeadle As the matter is important. As the individual (they) can. As there is (are)—. As to the movements of— As to the whereabouts of— As well as As well as can be expected. As you'have omitted to send ASCERTAIN— (see also Beadmold.. Beaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bearable Bearded Bearings Bearish. Beatify .. Beatitude.. .. Beauteous . . Beautified . . Beauty .. .. Becloud .. .. —Ascertain address of " Enquire ")• this individual. Ascertain anything definite. Ascertain cause of delay. Ascertain cause of non-receipt. Ascertain from the (or foregoing) individual. Ascertain, if possible, if Ascertain if the (or foregoing) individual has— Ascertain if the rumour is true or false. Ascertain present address of the individual. Ascertain without delay. (see " Request "). ASK— Bedabble Bedashing Bedaub Bedaubing . . . . Bedazzle Bedazzling . . Bedder .. Bedding .. Bedecked Bedecking . Bedelry . .. Bedew Bedewing Bedimmed Bedismal.. Bedizen .. Bedizening . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ASKING you to telegraph. the (or foregoing) individual in getting off. ASSISTANCE not desired. ASSIST AT any price. At best price. At cheapest price. At 8 guinea rate. At 10 guinea rate. At 12 guinea rate. At 15 guinea rate. At 18 guinea rate. At 21 guinea rate. A t£ 12 rate. At ,£15 rate. At £iS rate. At ,622 rate. At £26 rate. At disposal of the individual (them). At intermediate rate. all you can ——— .. — ) ) 19 Bedlam At lower Bedlamite Bedouin Bedtiek Bedtime Bedward Beehive Befouled Befringed Begetteth Beggarly Begilding Begrim Begriming . Beguile Behead Beheading Bejade Bejumble Belabor Beldame. Belied Bellicose Bellitude . . my At my /\t rate. (our) disposal. (our) expense. At our office at At request of At same address. At steerage rate. At the address mentioned. At the station. At their disposal. At their expense. At what address? At what hotel ? At what price? At what price can you boy ) At what price can you sell ? At what time did same occar? At your disposal. At your expense. At your office at At your office here. At your office there. ATTACK of a mild character. a severe character. AUGUST — 'see "Calendar"). Attack of Bellowing AUTHORITY to Bellrope Authority to draw. Authority to pay. Authority to pay draft. ... Bellomancy Bemaul ... Bemire Bemoaneth Benefice AUTHORIZATION to pay— AUTHORIZE acceptance cf— encashment of (us) to pay — Benumbed Benumb ent Authorize Authorize Authorize Authorize Authorize Authorize Bequote AUTHORIZED ... Bengalese Benighted Benignant ... Bebeechers Beshrouded accept. me payment (of — you to accept. you to draw (on you to pay. — acceptance (of— Authorized me (us) to draw. Authorized payment. ^ — ——— ) ) 20 Besieger Authorized payment of ... Besmearing Besmirk ... . , Bespatter Bestowal Bestoweth Bestowment. ... Bestudded ... Betrayment Betuline ... Bewailment Bewitched Bibacious Bibacity Biblically Biblicism Bibliology Bibulous — AVOID this individual. AWAIT arrival ... . — Balance Balance Balance Balance Balance Bicipitous BANK Bidental ... Biennially Bank Bifoliate Bijugate Biiugous of next steamer. Await arrival of the (or foregoing) individual. Await further instructions. Await letter (of ). Await letter; it will explain matters. Await telegram. Await (my) arrival 'of Await your arrival. AWAITING your reply. Awaiting your reply, by telegraph. Awaiting your return. BAGGAGE— (see " Luggage "). BALANCE ... for— Available for another — Bestrideth Betrayal Bestirring AVAILABLE of order. of passage-money. to my my to (our) credit. (our) debit. to your credit to your debit is is— of— rate to-day. BANKER'S address is— ... — BANKING Company, Limited. ... BE ... Be very sure and keep your promise. careful of BECAUSE— (see "As"). BED-ROOMS— (see " Engage " re Boarding-house Accommodation). Billeted ... BEFORE arrival. Billowy Bimaculate Binate Binervate Binocular Before departure. Before doing anything Before it is signed. Before it is too late. Before leaving (for Biological ... Before receipt of letter. Before receipt of telegram. ... Before sailing. ... Biology Biparous — Hotel and — — ——— ) ) —— ) ) 21 Bipeltate Bipetalous Bipontine Biquintile Birdeyed BirtHmark Birthright Birthsong Biscayan Bisection Bisegment Bisexous Bismuth Bistipuled Biternate Bitterish Bivalvous Biventral Bivouac Bladdering Blandness Blanketed Blarneying Bleedeth Blemish BlendouS ... Before telegraphing . Before you Before your departure. ... BELIEVE 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Blindside ... BluffneSS Bluishness Bluntish BlushlesS Blustrous Boarish — Best available accommodation (is Best available accommodation, at rate named, isBest available accommodation I (we) can offer isBest course to take. Best price (for Best route (is Best way of sending Best way of transmitting money (to — — BETTER arrangement. ... ... Blithesome Blockade Blockish Bloodstone BloSSOmeth Blowpipe Blubbering Bluegrass Bluestone BELONGING to me. Belonging to the individual. Belonging to us. BERTHS (see " Secure " re Passages). BEST arrangement possible. — ... ... Blessedly Blindfold Blistering Blitheful is— it Believe such is the case. Believe it is not so. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Better come. Better go. Better leave by Better not. Better not come. Better not go. Better not leave until Better price (or terms). Better stay another BI (see " Safely delivered "). BLANK cheque book. RTHS— BOARDING house— (see " Engage "). BONDS genuine. Bonds worthless. BOUGHT— (see " Purchase"). BRAIN fever. BREAK the news gently. BREAKFAST with me (us). BRING documents (relating to— Bring my (our—) Bring the (or following) individual with you. BRITISH Consul (at—) BUSINESS Business Business Business Business Business Business Business brisk. engagement. good. not good. of importance. of speculative kind. prevents my (our) leaving slow. — — — ) ) 22 Boastfully Boastingly Boastive ••• Boatable Bobtailed Bodeful Bodiless Bodily Bodyguard ... BUY— (see " Purchase "). BY Allan ... ... Boggling Bogtrotter ... Boldfaced ... Bombastry ... Bondslave Boniform Bonniness Boorishly ... ... ... ... Booted Bootless Bootlessly ... Borage Borax Borderer Botching Bounteous Bourbonism Bowieknife ... Bowknot Bowlegged Bowshot Boyishly Brachiate Bracketing Brackish Business transactions. Business will detain me for an indefinite time. Business will detain me until— ... ... ... ... ... Line. By alternate steamers. By' Anchor Line. By American Line. By bookpost. By City of— By Cunard Line. By depositing (with By first mail. By first steamer. By first train. By goods train. By grande vitesse. By Guion Line. By hands of By Hill (Twin-Screw) By Inman Line. By National Line. By next train. By next steamer. By no means. By passenger train. By petite vitesse. By registered post. By return mail. By special messenger. By telegraph. By tidal train (via—; By what steamer. By White Stat Line. By what train. — Line. Bragless CABLE Brandish Brazenly Breastwork Breathable Breechpin Breviary Cable rate. Cable rate to-day, is— Cable transfer. CALL at our office (at—) Breviature ... ... ... ... Brewage Brickbat Bridalty Bridleway ... Call Call Call Call Call Call address. at the office of at the Poste Restante (for for mail matter at for ticket at— for ticket at our office. upon the (or following) individual. CALLED — yesterday. 000000000000000000000000000000 QQQOUOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOUOOQQ W^S l-Sl Wot 2.25 «!>.,„ P 5 a) 2 S 3 e33 C > g g -3737? £ eg c3 SfcgSgg&'g^TSg =3 Jllhggg&sft&gggg gfPSSifpggfig? sa2dflc2csrtssgg«gfl 000 o 000000000000000 00S000000000 OOOOOOOOO fc ooooooooooooooo O O'o O O O O 000000000000000000000000000000 o3c3^5c3c3cgrt ££ 0060000000000000000000000000000 - ta -i cj ^ e3 <D 0) 3 D 0) 0) »(B O O O © O **** 0) ,G XI -C *« * -C «* * S^riVi csld oooooooooooooooooooooooouoooo cg'c?rt OHHWHffl o3 e3 o3 o3 o3 e3 e3 (S oft ftftftftCi^^^ " CDtHCC-rH *- « ^ ^ "*: 2 .d S.S.fe'il | 8 |S§3 w l-f S^S £S| g g§| &f §.-,.8.8 Jds a+3d>(>>|>>>>t>t>>>'>t>MMM^cec3e3c3 4i+343+3+3 43 +3 + ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp HU'D VJ V W-^-^43 rJ u Mh O fn fn U '**."%. Z. O.S O ftftftafta^ HfiplflflaflFlflflOoflaftflPiPi^^hMaiiBfflaKioaiaiBi PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP t>». © d.Q © M£ fl Wo3cj4i©vH003 oooo o-d-d^^tdcdtpicrt {xcM^^.^^s^^ aaaaaaaa ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp € S g 3^ SISIS h" ^.d+i.S'S S CO b- N ° O'ti^i PI £ 03-rH tf tf c3 © PI cb y © © © ©.S-h.S-2 O O O e3coe3aic3c3c3(3©©©©<l><D©<I>©©©©©©©©©©©©©© PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP £a^a S«6S^|SOO OtCO >^ 8^ 3 2 8* PfSn^^l S S ®.2oooodd32ddd ^-2-2^^ S &£ 2-s ©3 £ £ 3 £ fHfHfHf fHf fHfHf fHfHddPldpPiPlP'dPld>>^r^^5 fH H SO W 42 w F* ft Jj H H fH fH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOpPQQQ -£.2 «-2 w 2 ^ «8-tJ -g Ptf;;f-lf-lfHf-lfHf-lfHfHfHfHfH»:W+3+adPdPl>t>>>eS03rte3S©© OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfHf-tfHfnSfHfH OOOOOOOOOOOOOUODUOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VS*^***^**^*****^^^^:*^ O O O 00 01 fl <M CO t* 10 CO l> WWJ CO .H (M CO <tf lO CO 00 G> rH 10 CO t> 00 05 <N rHrHrHl^ pHlHrHrHrHCqCq(M(MCq(MC^(M<M(MCOCO ^ in tJ( ——— ——— — — ?? ? ? ? ? ? 25 Diagnostic Diagonally Dialect ... ... Dialetic Dialogue Diameter Diametric Diapason Diatonic ... Diatribe Dicrotic Didactic Didactial Dietetic Diffusely Diffusible Diffusive Digital Digitate ... Dignitary ... Digraph Digressed ... Dilation Dilucid Diluvian Dimissory Dimity Dingdcng Dinginess Diocesan Dioptric Dioptrical Dioramic Dipterous Direful... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... CAN alter my (our) plans, if necessary. Can arrange, as requested. Can arrange satisfactorily. Can be depended upon. Can deposit Can do no good here, shall I return ? Can do nothing until Can do nothing until Monday. Can do nothing until Tuesday. Can do nothing until Wednesday. Can do nothing until Thursday. Can do nothing until Friday. Can do nothing until Saturday. Can do nothing until Sunday. Can draw on me for Can draw on us for Can it be arranged? Can leave by steamer, sailing Can leave by train, departing at— Can no longer defer departure. Can nothing be done? Can offer berth, No. Can offer stateroom, No. Can secure Can send Can start at once. Can they Can we—? Can you Can you accommodate Can you accommodate the party? Can you arrange? Can you arrange to start — Can you ascertain ? Can you attend to the matter? Can you depend upon Can you depend upon it? Can you do better? Can you extend ticket? Can you execute the following order — — — — — Dirge Dirtier Disability ... Disabuse ... Disaffect ... — ——— —— — — — ? .... ? ?? ? ? — ? 26 Disanimate Disannex.. Dissannul Can you fix the date of leaving ? Can you furnish the address of—? — Can you furnish the address of having something of importance to the party Disarmetli Disavoweth Disbanded Disburseth Discardeth Discemeth Discerning Discloud . Discompose Disconcert Discordant Discretive Discursive Discursory Disdained Disdainetb Disdainful Disdaining Disedify Diselder .. Disencbant Disenrolled . Disentomb Disfurnisb Disglory Disgorge .. Disgorgetb Disguiseth Disgusteth Disgustful . Dishing . Disjointed Disj ointly Dislodging Disloyalty the foregoing, to communicate ? Can you go to ? Can you inform me (us) — Can you join me (us) at — Can you meet me (us) at — Can you meet me (us) on arrival ? Can you make any reduction ? Can you realise ? Can you recommend a good — Can you remit — Can you sail by s.s.— Can you start at once ? Can you transfer the ticket to — CANCEL following word of my (our) telegram. Cancel order of Cancel last order. Cancel previous order. CANCELLED order, as desired. Cancelled order of CANNOT accept. Cannot accept engagement on account of Cannot accept (your) invitation. Cannot accept further Cannot accept less than Cannot accommodate you. Cannot accommodate the (your) party. Cannot advance. Cannot allow you any discretion Cannot arrange unless you Cannot ascertain Cannot ascertain address. Cannot assist you. Cannot attend to the matter. Cannot authorize — Cannot authorize payment of Cannot authorize the payment. — ———— ——————— — — 27 Dismally Dismantled Dismember Dismission Disorderly ... ... ... ... ... Disowneth ... Disparage ... Disparity ... Dispenseth Dispersion ... ... Dispirit Displacing Displanted Displayeth Displode Disploding Displosion Disported Dispraise Disputant Disquieted ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Disrelish. Disrepute Disrobe Disrooted Disruption Dissected Dissection Dissemble ... ... ... ... ... Dissocial Dissoluble ... Cannot be cleared before Cannot be delivered before Cannot be depended upon. Cannot be ready until Cannot be responsible. Cannot be shipped until Cannot be too cautious. Cannot cash draft Cannot carry out your instructions. Cannot collect before Cannot decipher the word in your telegram, number Cannot decipher telegram; repeat same without regard to any Code. Cannot deliver goods before Cannot deposit to cover. Cannot do as you request. Cannot do better. Cannot discount draft Cannot execute order. Cannot explain by wire; will write. Cannot explain by wire await letter. Cannot fix the date. Cannot get— Cannot give Cannot give more than Cannot go direct Cannot go toCannot guarantee. Cannot hear before Cannot hold the accommodation. Cannot hold accommodation after Cannot hold accommodation any longer; offer now ; cancelled. Dissolvent Dissonant Dissuage ... ... Distaff Distending ... Distort Distorting ... Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot join you. leave at present. leave by- leave to-day. leave to-morrow. leave until leave until Monday. .. .. .... . .... — ——————— — — — 28 Distortion Disunion Disusage Ditched . . . Ditties.. .. Ditty .. .. Diurnal Divergence . Diversely. Diverteth.. Divertive.. Divinity . Dizzy .. .. Docility . Dodgeth . Doggerel .. Dogmatic Dogmatical . Dogmatism Dogmatist Dogmatize Dolesome. DolorifLc . Dolorously Donateth Donative . . Dormancy Dormouse Doubleness Doubloon . Doughnut ; Dovetail Dovetailed Doxology. Doziness Dracina . . . Draggeth . Drainable Draineth Drainpipe . Cannot leave until Tuesday. Cannot leave until Wednesday. Cannot leave until Thursday. Cannot leave until Friday. Cannot leave until Saturday. Cannot leave until Sunday. Cannot make any allowance. Cannot make any reduction. Cannot meet the individual (them). Cannot meet you. Cannot obtain any reduction. Cannot obtain payment. Cannot obtain payment of Cannot offer anything better. Cannot offer more favorable terms. Cannot pay. Cannot pay until Cannot proceed further without Cannot promise definitely. Cannot realize. Cannot recommend it (them). Cannot recommend you to Cannot refund. Cannot refund deposit. Cannot remit Cannot remit to-day. Cannot remit to-morrow. Cannot remit until Cannot reply at present. Cannot reply before Cannot reply by wire will write. Cannot reply until result of enquiries are known. Cannot return before Cannot sail by s.s. Cannot sail by the steamer referred to Cannot say if arrived. Cannot say if sailed. Cannot say positively. Cannot say how Cannot say what —— ———— —— — — 29 Dreadeth Dreameth. ... Dredge Driblet Driftwood ... Drilletb, Dripple Driveller Drollest Dronish. Cannot say when Cannot say when shall be able to leave. Cannot say yet when shall arrive. Cannot secure (or reserve) the desired accommodation. Cannot secure(or reserve)the desired accommodation, but can offer berth, No. Cannot secure (or reserve) the desired accommodation, but can offer room, No. Cannot secure (or reserve) the desired accommodation, but have secured Cannot secure (or reserve) the desired accommodation, but have secured room, No. Cannot secure the desired accommodation at the hotel in question, but have secured at Hotel Cannot secure the desired accommodation at the shall I (we) secure accomhotel in question modation elsewhere? Cannot secure (or reserve) the desired accommodation by the steamer referred to, but can offer per s.s.— — — ; Dropseeve ... Drumhead ... sailing Drumstick Drybones Dryrot Cannot secure (or reserve) the desired accommodation sailing by s.s. Cannot secure ticket for Cannot secure (or reserve) unless deposit is made. Cannot secure (or reserve) unless offer is accepted — ... byCannot secure Drysalter (or reserve) unless offer once, by telegraph. Dualism Duality Dubitable ... Ducatoon Duchy Ductility Dugout Dulcify Dulcimer ... Dumbness ... Dummy Dumpish Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot Cannot see the advantage of (it) is accepted at — sell. sell at the figure. sell at the figure; telegraph instructions. send. send before send key. send Letter of Credit. ship ship goods before ship until— supply. —— — —— ) — ) ) ) 3o Duncial Duncify Cannot trace the missing article. Cannot transfer. Cannot transfer to steamer referred Duplex to, same being full. Duskily Duskiness ... Cannot understand. Cannot understand telegram ; await your confirma- tory letter. Dwarfish ... Dwindleth ... Dyestuff Dynamics Dynamite Dynastic Dynasties ... ... ... Earmark Earprick Earthworm Earwig Edgeth ... Edifying Effaceth Cannot understand telegram; repeat, by wire, following words Cannot understand telegram; repeat, by wire, the whole message without regard to any code. Cannot understand why Cannot you change your plans? CAPTAIN'S room per s.s. sailingCaptain's room not available. — CARE of hotel Care of Care of Care of Care of Care of Care of Care of Officer-in-Charge of mails. Poste Restante. United States Consul (at your Agents (at—) your your your office (at CASE — office here. office there. CARRIAGE — (see Effigy — "Compartment"). of goods. CASH— (see also " Pay "). Effluxion Effulgence Effusive ... Cash cheque. Cash in hand. Cash in hand amounts to Cash payment. Cash the (or following) draft. Cash this individual's draft Egression Ejaculate Elaborator ... — Elasticity ... CAUSE Elateth Electrode ... Cause of delay. Cause of non-receipt. ... ... CAUTION Elfish Ellipsoid Elliptical Elongate Eludible for of death. the individual (firm) against— Caution you against ... CERTAINLY not. CERTIFICATE of death (of— Certificate of marriage (of — — — — — — — 3* Elusive Certificate of the (or following] stock ... Emblazon Emblazonry Embodiment Emboweling Embracery Embroiled .. Emissaries Emollient CHANGE my address to— Change our address to Change the address to Change approved of. Change it so it reads as follows CHANGED my (our) plans. CHARGE a commission of Emplead Charge all expenses to Charge all expenses to me. Charge all expenses to us. Charge for Charge for forwarding the (or foregoing) goods to- Emporium CHEAPEST obtainable. Emptiness Cheapest price. Cheapest rate to Cheapest way possible. Empalement. Empirical Emplastic Emulgent Emulsion Emulsive Enamelist Enarched — CHECK baggage through. CHEQUE book. Cheque book lost or stolen, please stop payment of any cheques bearing the number of my cheque book. Encaustic Enchant Enchant eth ... Enchisel Encompass Endemic Endemical Endogen Endoweth Cheque Cheque Cheque Cheque Cheque Cheque of paid. presented. referred CHILD Child — for not paid. not presented. to— isdeaa. is still alive. CHILDREN, Engendered Engird aged respectively— under age. CHOLERA epidemic at— Cholera epidemic still rampant (at Engloom CHRISTMAS Engraft Engrafting CHURCH Engrained Engulfed Engulfing Cipher message understood. CIRCULAR Note. Enervating Children all number of— CIPHER address the— (is—) CIRCUMSTANCES control of over which I (we) have no —————— —— — ——— — ) ) ) 32 Enchanceth ... Enjoineth ... CITIZENS' National Bank (at—) Enkindle ... CITY of— ** City of New Enlisted ... " City Enlivened ... Enmity ... Enravish Enrichment Enrolleth Enshield of York." Rome." CLAIMS full value. ... Claims return of Claims the sum of Claims the full value ... CLEARANCE ... Clearance ... of the goods. of trunk (or goods). of trunk cannot be effected (or goods) until receipt of Enshrine Enshrineth ... CLIMATE suitable, so shall remain (another—) Climate unsuitable, so shall leave at once (for Enshroud ... CLOAK-room ... COLLECT ... Collect charges at your end. ... — at the (or following) station. CODE— (see " Cipher.") Ensnare Ensnareth Entangling Enthral Enthorned Entombed ... ... Collect cost of Collect cost of this telegram from the party. ... Collect expenses from the individual. ... Collect from the following Entomology... Entreateth ... Collect goods Entwine Entwining ... COLLECTED ... Collected goods Entwisted Enunciate Envault Enviously Ephemeral Epicure Epicurean Epigram Epilogue Episcopacy Episodic end at your ... ... ... ... ... Collect trunk of charges. Collected goods and shipped per COME COMMERCIAL ... ... COMMISSION ... Commission ... ... —sailing Bank (at—) Commercial Cable Co. Commercial National Bank Commercial standing (of ... s.s. Collected proceeds of cheque Collected proceeds of draft at once. (at — will of — — per cent. be —COMMUNICATE contents of this message to— Epitaphio ... Epitome •-• Epitomist . Communicate contents of this message to no one. Communicate with Communicate with the (or following) individual. — ..... — — 33 Epitomizer Equalizeth Equipoise Eremite . . Erratical Erudition.. . . Escritoire. Communicate with the COMMUNICATING . . COMPARTMENT . Compartment reserved . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . Essayist .. Essentiate . Essorant.. .. .. Esteemeth . . . . Estiferous Estimative Estrange.. Ethereal .. Etherize . Etruscan .. . . Evolution Exactitude Excaveth.. Excavator Exciteth . Excludeth Exonate . Excruciate Excretive.. Excretory Sxculpable Excusatory Excuser .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . the matter. COMPLIED with the request. Complied with (your) letter of— COMPLY at once with the request. COMPROMISE . .. COMPLETED Completed the order. Completed the purchase. .. . Euphonic Euphonical Evacuation Evangel COMPLAINT COMPOUND Ethics Ethnologic . .. leaving— Complete order before— Complete purchase before Complete the matter at once. COMPOSITION . train, —COMPLAINS — .. . by the as desired. of delay in receipt of— Complains of non-receipt of mail. is not well-grounded. .. . (or following) individuals. with the individual's friends. . .. Escalade .. Escheated Espousal Essayed .. .. offered of— the— fracture of accepted. rejected. Compromise Compromise the matter on the best terms you Compromise the matter on following terms CONCERT commences at— can. Concert takes place agreed to. Concession cannot be made. CONCLUDE contract (with—) CONCESSION CONCLUDED contract (with— ) Concluded negotiations (for—) CONCUSSION of the brain. CONDITION about the same. Condition Condition Condition Condition Condition critical. less favourable. more favourable. improved. of the market. CONDITIONS accepted. Conditions are unreasonable. Conditions rejected. CONDOLENCES to the deceased's nearest relatives. — — — 34 Exhalation Exhaleth Exhaling Exhibiteth ... CONFIDENTIAL ... Exilement ... Exorable Exorcism Exordium Expansible Expelleth Explieity ... Expunging ... Exterior External Extolling Exuberance communication. Confidential letter. CONFIRM Exhume Exogen Exogenous Condolences to you. CONDUCTOR of the train. ... Exultingly Eyesore Fabulist Factorage ... by letter. Confirm by telegraph. Confirm telegram by letter. CONFIRMED by letter. Confirmed by telegraph. CONFISCATED by the Custom House. CONGRATULATIONS received; CONNECTED with— CONSECUTIVE steamers. CONSENT given. Consent, provided that Consent withheld. CONSEQUENCES may be serious. CONSIDERED the matter, but cannot comply. CONSIGN to— Consign to care of CONSIGNED toConsigned to your care. Consigned to your Agency Fadeaess (or Office) at Consignee's name. Consignee's receipt required. CONSIGNER(S) of goods. Falcate Falchion Falconry CONSIGNMENT consisting of— Faltereth Consignment Famish Famished Famisheth Famishing Famishment Famousness Famously CONSULAR Certificate. CONTAIN (S) dutiable goods. Fantastic Fatalist Faulty thanks. ... of goods. Contain (s) nothing dutiable. ... CONTENTS ... Contents and value the same. ... of trunk. CONTINENTAL express. CONTINENTAL tour (as follows— CONTINUE to forward mail matter. ) Continue Continue here. to forward mail matter here. telegramg or cables by wire to repeat — — ——— — — — — ) — 35 Feathered Continue repeat telegrams to and cables by wire, to Feathering Fecundity- Federate Federative Feesimple Fencible Fencing Fenestral ... ... ... Ferment Fermenteth Fermenting ... Ferocity ... Ferrotype Fertile Fertility ... Fervent Fervently ... Festal CONTRACT awaits signature (of—) Contract between the parties. Contract concluded. Contract for Contract must not be— Contract not signed. Contract not signed yet, but will be signed Contract with CONTRADICT the there ; Convenient for you to CONVENIENTLY arrange CO-OPERATE with me COPY of invoice. Copy Copy Copy of the document ... Correct word Fibrous ... COST, Figment ... Filament Filched ... Filcheth ... Filtrate Filtration Finespun.. ... Finisheth Firebrand no truth to in come. it. shipment (relating to — Will (of—) to be embalmed and shipped per s.s.— of the CORPSE CORRECT amount (is—) is CORRESPONDENTS— (see Fierce Fiercely ... Fierceness is (us) in the matter. of invoice, relative to Festoon Festooneth Festooning Fettered ... report CONTRARY to my (our) wishes. CONTRIBUTORY negligence. CONVENIENT for the individual including all "Agents"). charges Cost is Cost for the (or following) tickets. Cost for the (or following) tour. Cost of Cost of the goods. Cost of transmitting by telegraph (to)— Cost of transit, COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW— (see " Lawyer"). — COUNTERMAND-ED— (see "Cancel-led' COUPONS falling due— COURIER for Continental tour. Courier for tour in taken approved of. Course taken not approved of COURSE ). it. — . —— —— ———— ) ;<6 Firmament COVERED by insurance. CREDIT— (see " Open *'). — (see " Financial " re commercial Credit balance — Credit Fisticuff . Fistulous CREDITED me with— Flabby Credited us with Credited the party with Credited you with (it) .. Flagellate Flagstone Flaking Flanked Flash Flashed ... CREDITOR(S) for— CRISIS is Crisis is now Flaunted CUSTOM Fleshy- DAILY Flickered Flickering Flimsiest Damages ... edition (of—) DAMAGES are estimated at— for DANGER is over. Danger is not yet over. — DANGEROUSLY — Dangerously death ill. ill; ... Flounce Flouncing Flounder ... Flourish duties. Custom House. only a question of a few . Floatage ... Floridness Floscular Flotilla passed. Current account is still open Current account with Flaunting Flesh Fleshiness Flintlock Flitting not passed. CUNARD Line. CURRENT account closed. Flasheth Flimsy standing). (is ... — hours. Dangerously ill ; not expected to live long. Dark-colored DATE fixed upon is Date not yet fixed. Date of last letter received. Date of last telegram received. Date of sailing of Date of sailing of the steamer referred to to Flourished Flowering .... Fluid Date of the letter. Date of the telegram. Fluidity ... Fluidnesa DATED from— DEAD Letter Office. DEBENTURE stock. Flummery DEBIT Flunky DECIDED ... ... balance (is—) not to— is changed — —— — — — —— 37 Flurried Flurry Flurrying Flute Fluting Flutter Fluttered Fluttering Fluvial Flux Fluxion Flyblown Decided not to leave for the present. ... DECLINES ... ... responsibility. all Declines invitation. DECLINED, witb thanks. DECREASE amount to DECREASED it to— DEDUCT charges. Deduct cost. ... DEED ... Deed relating Flyleaf duly executed Deed of partnership. Deed of settlement. to DEFAULTER(S) Flytrap Flywheel FOCUS Fodder Foddering yet. Decision will be given— Flying Flyspecked DECIDEDLV not. DECISION not given ... to the extent of— — DEFEATED by this number of votes. Foil Defeated by a large majority. Defeated by a small majority. DEFER your departure. Defer your departure until you DEFERRED my departure until— ) Folded DELAY Folding Foliage Delay Delay Follies DELAYED ... Foeman Followers ... Foment Fomented ... Fomenting Fonder Fondest Fondle Fondling Fontal Fooled — , ... caused will be explained, by letter. in transmission. Delayed through Delayed through non-receipt of— DELIVER consignment to Deliver immediately. Deliver to Deliver to-day, without DELIVERED, Fooling* Foothold DELIVERY ... ... fail. as instructed on Delivered Delivered Delivered Delivered Footmark Footpad by— in the delivery of to-day. to the individual, personally. yesterday. of goods. Delivery of trunk. DAMAGES amounting to — — — — —— — ) ; 38 Damages Damages Damages Footprint Footsteps Footstool for delay. for detention. for non-delivery. DEPART— (see " Leave "). Foppery Foppish ... . ... . Foppishly Foragers ... Foraging... Forbade Forbear Forbearing Forced Forceps . . ... . ... . .. . ... Forcible ... Fordable... Fordeth Forearm Forebodeth Foreboding DEPENDED upon . . . ... ... Forecast ... Forefather Forefinger Foregone... Forehead... Foremast... Forepart Foreseen ... ... Foreshadow Forest Departure delayed on account of Departure delayed until— Departure indefinitely postponed (on account of Departure postponed until date specified herein write explaining DEPEND upon the individual (them). Depend upon your coming. Depend upon your remitting . . DEPOSIT Deposit necessary to secure accommodation. Deposit not yet received. Deposit of £-,. J Deposit of ^6 io. Deposit of half the passage-money. Deposit remitted. Deposit cannot be refunded. percent. Deposit will be refunded less — Deposit with Deposit with the . (it). forfeited. Bank of DEPOSITED with— Deposited with the Bank of DERIVED any benefit from the change Derived much benefit from the change. Derived no benefit from the change. is as follows :— Description of the missing article. DESCRIPTION DESI RES— (see " Wishes "). DETAILS— (see " Full")DETAINED on account of domestic Forestage Forestall .. Forestry .. Foretaste.. Foretell .. Foretold .. Forewarn — affliction. Detained on account of illness (of Detained on account of important business. Detained until DIED in great pain. Died last night. Died of— — ; will — .. —— — )) ) 39 Forgave Forgiven Forgiveth. Forlore . ... . Forkedness Forlorn Formalism Formality Formation Formative Formerly Formidable Formula Formulary Forpine Forsaking Forsooth Forswear . . . ... Died peacefully. Died suddenly, of Died this Died to-day. Died yesterday. DINE to-day with me (or us). ... Dine to-morrow with me Dine with me on (at Dine with us on (at ... DIPH HERIA ... ... (or us). — — — — ... 1 of a mild form. Diphtheria of a severe form. Direct communication with— ... DIRECTORY of your city. DISBURSEMENTS covered. ... Disbursements not covered. . «. DISCONTINUE my (our) subscription DISCONTINUED subscription to— DISCOUNT the (or following) bill. DISCRETION— (see Cannot " and " DISEASE of the— ... DISHONORED ... «« Fortified ... Fortitude Fortress Forum DISPUTE Fossil Fostereth ... "). Dividend not declared. Dividend paid. DO all you can. Do as you think best. Foundry Fount Do ... everything that ... ... is possible. DOES he—? Does ... Foxhunt Foxing Fraction Fracturing Fragile not settled yet. Dispute settled. Dispute settled on the following terrr»: DISTRESS— (see " In DIVIDEND declared. Foully Foulness Fountain Fourfold Fourfooted Foxes Foxchase cheque. Dishonored draft. it? Do not — Do not accept. Do not act at present. Do not act until Do not advance anything. Do not advance more than (to— Will.") ——— —— —— —— — 40 Framing ... Do not advise. Do ( — does) not approve of Do ( —does) not approve of course taken. Do ( — does) not authorise. Do — does) not authorise payment Do not be too anxious. Do ( — does) not believe it. Franchise ... Donotcallon Franking ... Fragility ... Fragment ... Fragrant ... Frail Framed Framework Frantic Franticly Fraternal Fraternity Fraternise Freak Freakish Freckle Freeborn Freestone Frenchify Frenzied. Frenzy Frescoed Frescoing Freshet Freshly Freshness Fretful Fretfully Fretting ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Fretwork ... Friable Friction Frigate ... Frighten Frightened ... ... ... ... Frightful Frigid Frigidity ... Frigorific .. ... ... ( Do not collect Do not collect charges; they will be paid at Do not come. Do not come at present. Do not come without Do not decide until — Do not decide until you hear from me. Do not decide until you hear from Do not decide until you receive letter. Do not decide until you receive telegram. Do not delay. Do not delay your departure. Do not deliver goods until you Do not draw. receive Do not draw for more than Do not engageDo not engage passage by s.s. — sailing Do not engage passage until Do not exceed the limit. Do not fail. Do not fail to meet on arrival. Do not forget. Do not forget this, as it is very important. Do not forget to Do not force the lock; key will be sent. Do not forward— (see " Retain," re Mail.) Do not give. Do not give more than Do not guarantee. Do not holdDo not hold accommodation nftor — Do not hold accommodation any longer. this end. —— — — —— 4i Frill Frilled Frilling ... ... ... Fringe Frippery ... Friskiness ... Frisky ... ... Frittering Frivolity ... Frivolous ... Frock Frolic Frolicing Frolicsome Frontage Frontal Frontier Fronting Frontlet Frosted Frostbite Frostily Frosting ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Frostwork ... Frothing ... Frown Frowning ... Frozen Fructified Fructify Frugal Frugality Fruitage Fruitful ... ; ... Fruitless Frustrate Frying Fuchsia Fuddled Fuddleth Do not intend toDo not know. Do not know the address. Do not know the address of— Do not know what— Do not know when Do not leaveDo not leave before Do not makeDo not make any— Do not meetDo not meet the individual. Do not pay. Do not pay the bill unless— Do not postpone your departure. Do not postpone your departure unless— Do not proceed further in the matter. Do not proceed further to— Do not protest draft of— Do not protest the draft. Do not remain. Do not remain longer than— Do not remit. Do not remit, by telegraph. Do not remit furtherDo not remit more than Do not remit, to-day. Do not remit until— Do not reply to the party. Do not reply by telegraph, but by letter. Do not return yet there is no need of it. Do not return until— Do not return until you receive Do not sell. Do not sell at that figure. Do not sell unless you can obtain Do not sell until you receive Do not send— Do not send by— Do not send goods. ... —— — —— ? ?? ? — — ) —— ? 42 Fuddling... Pudge Fuel Pugaceous Fugacity Fugitive ... Fugleman Fulcrum Fulfilling Fulgency... Fulgent ... Fulgidity Fullness Do not stir from where you Do not surrender are. Do not surrender document(s) Do not stop at Do not telegraph. Do not telegraph after Do not telegraph any further. Do not telegraph further funds. Do not telegraph more than Do — does) not think Do — does) not think it desirable. Do — does) not think it safe. Do — does) not understand. Do —does) not understand meaning of the wordDo (— does) not understand your instructions of Do — does) not understand your telegram of Do ( — does) not understand telegram please repeat ( ( ( ... Fulminate Fulsome Fumbling Fumigate ... ( ( ( ; by wire. Fumigating Fumigation Function ... Functional Fundament Fungus ... Funnel Furbelows Furies Furiously Furled FurloughFurnace ... Furrowed Furrowing Furthest Furtive ... Furtively ... Fusibility Fusilade ... Fusilier ... Fusion Do not wait any longer. Do — does) not wish it. Do nothing. Do nothing at present. Do nothing at present await letter. Do nothing until Do nothing until (we) reach home. Do nothing until (we) see you. Do nothing until you hear from Do nothing until you hear from me (us) again. Do nothing until you receive letter (of— Do nothing until you receive telegram Do they—? Do you advise it? Do you approve of— Do you authorise — Do you authorise payment ? Do you expect — Do you guarantee — Do you guarantee payment (of— ) ? Do you hold Do you hold berth, No. — by s.s. — sailing — ( ; I I — ) . ) ? — — ) 43 Fussily Fussing Fustian Fustiness Futile Futilous ... Futurable ... Do you hold stateroom, No. — by s.s. — sailing Do you intend coming, and when ? Do you know? Do you know address of ? Do you know the individual's address? Do you know anything about — Do you know by what steamer the (or foregoing) vidual is expected vidual is expected train the (or foregoing) is ? Do you know when the (or foregoing) Do you think it advisable? Do you think it can be done ? Do you think you will be able to Gaieties Gaily Gainable Gaining Gainsay Galaxy Do you wish it Do you wish me to — ? DOCKS— (see "Embark"). Galilean DOCUMENT(S) Gaiters... ... Gallantry ... Galleries Gallery Gallop Gallopade Galloping ... ... . . . G-alvantic necessary proceeded with. Document(s) not required. — Document(s) relating to Document(s) required. DOCTOR advises— Doctor advises your immediate return. Doctor says there is every hope of recovery Doctor says there is little hope of recovery. Doctor says there is no hope of recovery. DOING well. DOLLARS.— (see ... Galvanised ... DOUBLE-bedded room. ... Double-bedded rooms. Double the number (or quantity). ... DRAFTS Gambler Gambling Gamecock Gameful Gamester Gaming .. Gammoning .. ... individual before matter can Galvanism Gammon indi- ? — Do you know when this steamer expected (at— — Do you know when this steamer sails Gadding Gadfly Gallow indi- ? Do you know by what Futurity ? Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft i 101 "). against credit. at sight (on at " page — day's sight (on — at 3 days' sight (on at 30 days. at 60 days. — ? be —— — — — — ) — 44 Gangrene Gangway ... Gapeth Gaping Garbage Gardening ... Garlanding ... Garlic Garnish Gamisheth. Garnishing Garrison Garrotter Garrotting Garrulous Gasburner Gascon Gasconade ... ... ... ... Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft Draft at 90 days. drawn at— drawn bydrawn for— drawn on- has been paid. has been presented. Draft has been presented and returned unpaid. Draft has now been presented and paid. Draft is irregularly endorsed. Draft not paid. Draft not presented. Draft not protested. Draft of this party for— Draft paid. Gaslight ... Draft Draft Draft Draft Gasometer ... Draft, with shipping- documents attached ... ... Gastrology ... Gastronomy ... Gastropod ... Gateway ... ... Gatherable Gathered Gathering Gaudiness Gaudily ... ... ... ... ... Gauging Gaunt ... Gauntlets ... Gauze ... Gawky Gayer Gayness Gazelle Gazetted Gazetteer Gazetting ... ... ... ... ... ... presented. protested for non-acceptance. protested for non-payment. referred to has been— Drafts not paid. Drafts paid. Draw at— Draw at sight on— Draw at 30 days' sight onDraw at 60 days' sight onDraw at 90 days' sight on— Draw for the amount on Draw for the amount due on Draw on demand. Draw on me for Draw on me for amount due. Draw on my (our) — Draw on the Bank of— Draw on them (for) Draw on the correspondents of Draw through Draw on us (for— ... D RA WEE (S) ... Drawee (s) of cheque. of draft. — —— — — ) — ) 45 Gazing Gearing DRAWER(S) Gelatine Drawer (s) says Geminate Gender DRAWN at— of cheque. Drawer(s) of draft. GenealogyGenerality Generalize Generate Generating Generation Generative Generosity Generously Genesis Genial Genially Genitive Genius Genteel Genteelly Gentile Gentility Gentleness Gentleship Gentry Genuinely Drawn on Drawn on you (for Drawn through Drawn through the Bank of Drawn through your Branch — Due on Due to-day. Due to-morrow. Due yesterday. DUPLICATE Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Bill of Lading. Lading issued on Bills of not issued. of not paid. paid. DUTIABLE goods. DUTY will be— EACH adult. Each child. Each month. Each week. EAGER— (see Geography EARLIEST "Anxious.") date. moment. Geologist Earliest possible Geology EDITION— (see " Daily," EFFECT clearance (of— etc.) )-, Geometry Geranium Germinated Effect clearance of goods. EFFECTED clearance (of—) Effected clearance of goods. EFFORTS— (see " EIGHT Gestation Gestatory Gesture ... Eight o'clock (on Eight months. Gewgaw EIGHTH ... at- DU Eat- Spare.") adults word — of telegram. — —— ) — —— — — 46 —EITHER this Ghastly berth, or berth, No.— Ghost — Either this room, or room, No.— Giant Giantess Giantly Gibbeting Giddily Giddiness Gifted Gigantic Giggler Gigot Gilding Gimcr,ack ELECTED by a large majority. Elected by a majority of Elected by a small majority. ... ELECTION fixed for— Election returns up to the present show a majority for ... ELECTRIC light. ELEVEN months. Eleven o'clock (op — ELEVENTH word of telegram. EMBALM the body and ship per s.s. EMBALMED the body and shipped by s.s— EMBARK at the following DocksEMBARKATION Notice of s.s.— (See "Hour.") Gimp EMBEZZLED to the extent of— EMIGRANT rate to— Ginger Gingham Emigrant Giraffe Girlish ... ... ENCLOSURE has been Gizzard ... ... Enclosure not received. ticket for abstracted. ENDEAVOUR to get- Glacial Glacier — Endeavour to get this individual to leave by — Endeavour to get this individual to leave by Gladden hrst steamer. Gladdening ... Gladiator ... Gladsome ... Glances Glancing Glandular Endeavour to Endorsement Endorsement ... Gleeful Glibness Gliding Glimpse Glisten Glistening ... is in order. is irregular. ENDORSER(S) of cheque. Endorser(s) of draft. (see " Secure," re " Passages.") Engaee (or Reserve) adjoining rooms, viz., one single and one double-bedded room. Engage (or Reserve) adjoining rooms, viz., two single bedded rooms. Engage (or Reserve) by train leaving Engage (or Reserve) for Engage (or Reserve) for self and wife. Engage (or Reserve) for to-day ENGAGE — Glibly secure— ENDORSED byENDORSEMENT is a forgery. — ——— —— ——— — —————— 47 Engage (or Reserve) for to-morrow Glitter Glittering Gloate.d Glowing Glued Engage from— Engage on best possible terms Engage (or Reserve) one single-bedded room for Engage (or Reserve) one single and one double-bedded rooms for Engage (or Reserve) one double-bedded room for Engage (or Reserve) rooms for self and friend for Engage (or Reserve) two single-bedded rooms for Engage (or Reserve) two double-bedded rooms for Engage (or Reserve) three single-bedded rooms for— Engage (or Reserve) three double-bedded rooms for Engage (or Reserve) four single-bedded rooms for Engage (or Reserve) saloon compartment by train Glutton Engage ... Gloating Globular Globule Glorified Glorify Glory Glorying Glossary leaving vTODlin . . . . Gocart . • . . (or Reserve) compartment, with lavatory attached, by train leaving Engage (or Reserve) sitting-room and bedroom for Engage (or Reserve) sitting-room and bedroom, adjoining. Golden Engage (or Reserve) sleeping berth ; lower preferred ; by train leaving at Goodness Engage (or Reserve) sleeping berth; upper preferred; by train leaving at Gorgeous Engage (or Reserve) this number of sleeping berths by train leaving at Gorilla Gossip Gossipers Gossiping Gotnic Goutiness Engage the services of a good ENGAGED — (see " Accommodation."' ENGAGEMENT for— ... ... ... Engagement for to-day. Engagement for to-morrow. Engagement is hereby cancelled. Engagement terminates. ENJOYING Gouty myself (ourselves) immensely. also " Ascertain ). about ENQUIRE— (see Govern Governable Governing Grabbed Graceful .. ... Enqui _ Enquire at— Enquire at Poste Restante for Enquire at Poste Restante for Enquire of Miss ' letters. — —— — — —— — 48 Graceless Graciously ... Grading Enquire of Mrs.— Enquire if the (or foregoing) individual Enquire if the (or foregoing) individual has sailed by s.s. Gradual Graduate Graduating ... Enquire if there is (are) any Enquire if they— Enquire of— Enquire of office, or agency, of this Line if the individual mentioned has taken passage by any of their steamers, or by the following steamer Enquire of all the steamship offices if this individual has taken passsage, advising name of steamer and date, by telegraph. Enquire what Enquire when Enquire when and by what steamer the foregoing intends leaving. Enquire where the foregoing has gone to. Grafted — Grafting — Grammar Grammatic ... Grandly Grandness Granulate Grapery Graphic Grappling Grasping ... ... — — ENQUIRY of— ENTERED into any agreement with ENTIRE ... responsibility. Entire inside stateroom. Entire outside stateroom. Grateful ENTRY relating to- Gratified Gratifying EPILEPTIC fit. ... Gratitude ... EQUALLY as good. EQUITABLE arrangement. ERROR— (see ESTIMATE Greased Greatness Greedily Gregarious ... ... Grenadier Grief Grievance Grieveth Grieving Grievous Grievously ... Mistake "). Estimate for Estimate for the (or following) tour Estimate not accepted. ESTIMATED Grenade «' accepted. cost is— EUROPEAN tour. Euston Station. ... ... EVENING edition. EVERY appearance of Every member of the family is well. Everything going on satisfactorily. Everything satisfactorily arranged. 49 Grill ——— — ————— 5o Grudge Grudgeth Grudging ... ... Gruffly Gruffness Grumble Grumbleth Grumbling EXPECTING to hear, EXPENSE will be— Expense Expense will ... EXPLAIN Gruntle Gruntling Guardable Explain Explain Explain Explain Guarded Guardeth Guardful Guarding Guardless ... ... ... ... ... Gumboil Gumminess Gumption Gunboat Gunmetal Gunner in letter EXPLANATION of— of the matter. Explanation satisfactory. Explanation unsatisfactory. rate. EXTEND further time. Extend Letter of Credit Extend ticket for EXTENDED ... Extended Extended for Letter of Credit for— ticket, as desired. ticket for EXTRA supply. EXTRACT of (or following) Guilty Gullible Gullies Gullosity EXPLAINED Express train. Guiding Guild Guineapig Guitar Gulf cause of delay. cause of non-delivery cause of non-receipt EXPRESS Guideth. Guiltily Guiltiness Guiltless at once, by letter. at once, by telegraph. Explained in telegram of Gudgeon Guessed Guffaw Guidance to-day. — Expired yesterday. —EXPIRES to-day. — Expires to-morrow. Grumpy ... be too great. be more than— will not —EXPIRED ... by telegraph. ... FACE value. FACTS of the case. FAILED for— FAILURE of the (or ... following) individual. Failure of the (or following) firm. FALLS ... document. Extract of the letter of due on Falls due to-day. •• Falls due to-morrow. ... FALSE report. FAMILY consists of— FARE from — to — ) — — 5i Gunning Gunsmith Gunwale Fare to ... accident. FAVOURABLE news. FEVER of a malignant Gurgle Gurgling Gusheth Gushing Gussett Gustable Gustation Gustful FATAL form. Fever of a mild form. days longer. FEW Few months longer. Few weeks longer. FIFTH National Bank (at—) ... Fifth word of telegram. FINANCIAL standing of the (or following) indivi- dual. Gusto Financial standing of the (or following) firm. Financial standing of the individual (or firm) Gutter is good for— Guttural Guzzle Financial standing of the individual (or firm) is good for ordinary transactions. Financial standing of the individual (or firm) is not Guzzling FIRE has good. Gymnasium Gymnast Gymnastic Fire insurance. ... FIRM Fire has partially destroyed Gypsies Gypsum Gypsy Gypsyism Haberdash completely destroyed ... failed for— Firm is insolvent. Firm is solvent. FIRST-class accommodation. ... First National ... First of each Bank (at — month. Exchange. Habiliment ... First of Habilitate ... First steamer. ... — First steamer of this Line. ... FIVE Habitable Habitance Habitation ... Habited Habitual Habitude Hacking Haggard Haggardly Haggle days. Five months. Five o'clock. Five weeks. FIX ... Fix Fix Fix Fix a date. a later date. a time. an earlier date. an early date. —— ———— — 52 Haggling Hairbrush ... Haircloth. Hairiness... ... Hairline Hairpin Hairstroke ... Halfbreed ... Halfcaste Halfcocked Halfmast Halibut Hallowed Hallowing ... ... Halting Hammer Hammering ... Hammock Hampered Hampering Hamstring Handful Handicap Handicraft ... ... ... Handily Handiwork ... Handleth Handsomely Handspike .. ... Hangman Hangnail.. Hankered Hankering Happeneth Harangue Haranguing ... ... ... Harass Harassing Harassment Harbinger Harborage ... ... ... FOLLOWING telegram fromFollowing to Following words FOR acceptance. For account of For a long time. For amount due. For amount of For a short time. For a short time longer. For amount named. For bare necessities. For collection. For delivery at before For deposit on passage. For four gentlemen. For four ladies. For further instructions For further news. For full amount of For full instructions For full particulars. For full value For her. For him. For his For immediate payment. For instructions. For its full value. For later news. For married coupie. For me. For Monday. For my account. For my (our) party. For my homeward passage. For myself. For my travelling expenses. For more than For non-payment. For one — — ———— ——— S3 Harboring Hardened Hardeneth Hardihood Hardiness ... ... ... ... ... Hardship Harem Harlequin Harlock .. .. .. Harmeth Harmful Harming Harmless Harmonize ... Harmony ... Harness Harnessing Harping Harpest Harpooner ... ... Harpooning... Harridan Harrowing Harshly Harshness Hartshorn Harvest Harvesters Harvesting ... ... ... ... ... Hassock Hasteneth ... Hastily Hastiness ... Hatching Hateful Hatred For one gentleman. For one lady. For our account. For payment of For a party, comprising For protest charges. For self and For self and friend. For self and wife. For self, wife, and For self, wife, and daughter. For self, wife, and son. For telegram. For the following For the following reasons For the opinion of For the present. For the purpose of— For the (or following) individual. For the sum of For their account. For them. For this— For this month. For this week. For this year. For three gentlemen. For three ladies. For to-day. For to-morrow. For travelling expenses. For two gentlemen. For two ladies. For us. For use only in case of absolute necessit/. For what amount ? For what amount shall I (we ) ? For what amount shall I (we) draw? For what amount shall I (we) open credit? For what amount shall you ? — — Haughty Hauling Haunted ... Haunting ... — — — ) ) ) ) ) — 54 Haversack . . Havoc Hawked Hawking Hawser Haystack Hazarded ?or you. ... Jor For For For For ... FORCE ... ... your your your your your party. absolute needs only. homeward passage. own protection. travelling expenses. the lock. FORWARD— (see Hazardous ... Haziness Headache ... (care of — Forward Headless "Send" r* Forward address of Forward copy of— — Forward letters addressed " Baggage *'). to the foregoing here — letters, including cables and telegrams, addressed to the f oregoing here (care of — Headlong ... Headway ... addressed to the foregoing here, care of your Correspondents. Forward letters addressed to the foreg oing, to Healed Healthful — Forward letters addressed to the foregoing here, care of your Correspondents. — Forward letters, including cables and telegrams, ... — — Forward including letters, cables and telegrams, addressed to the foregoing , to Healthiest ... Heareth Forward Forward here (care of Hearken me letters for here (care of letters, including cables Forward — and telegrams, for me — letters for me here, care of your Corre- spondents. Heartburn ... Forward letters, including cables and telegrams, for me for me here, care of your Correspondents^ Heartily Heartiness ... me Forward letters for Forward letters, including cables to and telegrams, to— 'Heartless ... Heathen Forward Forward letters for Exchange, Heathenish ... Forward for 57 me to London (care of— me to London, care of Low's letters for 57 letters, me to Charing Cross. including cables and telegrams, London, care of Low's Exchange, Charing Cross. — — —— ) ) ) ) —— ) 55 Heating Heavenly ... Forward letters for us here (care of—) Forward letters, including cables and telegrams, for us here (care of Heaviness ... Forward — for letters us here, care of your Corre- spondents. Heavy Forward letters, including cables and telegrams, for us here, care of your Correspondents. Hebrew Forward letters for us to Hectic Forward letters, including cables and telegrams, for us to— Hectogram Heighten ... Forward ... Forward letters for us to Exchange, Heirloom 57 Forward for Helmet ... Helpful Helpless ... ... Helpmate Hemlock Heptagon Heptarchy ... Heraldry Herbage ... ... letters, including cables and telegrams, us to London, care of Low's Exchange, 57 Charing Cross. Forward list of sailings of steamers from Liverpool for— Forward list of passengers of the s.s. Forward mail to reach here (or foregoing address) up to and including— Forward no more Forward no more mail to Forward no more mail here, afterForward no more mail there, afterForward no more cables or telegrams to Forward only the mail matter now in your possession (to-) Herbalist Heretical... Forward of saloon, if possible. Forward only letters (to — Forward the letters t:> Forward original. Forward ticket (to Forward ticket to the individual. Forward tickets to— Heretics FORWARDED cable (to—) Herculean Herdsman Hereditary Heresies Heresy ... Heritage Heroic — London (care of London, care of Low's Charing Cross. letters for us to ... ... — — Forwarded letter (to Forwarded mail as requested. ——— —— — ) 56 Heroine ... Forwarded mail to Forwarded ticket, as requested. Forwarded ticket to— Forwarded your (to— Forwarded your mail to— Highway ... FORWARDING agents. Hilarious ... Heroism Hesitancy Hibernate Hideously ... ... — Forwarding agents' name and address FOUND— (see " Traced "). FOUR adults. Hilarity Hillock Four-berth stateroom, aft. Four-berth stateroom, forward. Four-berth stateroom, midships. Hillside Holster Homage Homebred ... Homeless ... Homely Four months' date. Four months' sight. Four o'clock. FOURTH ... National Bank (at—). Fourth word of telegram. FRAUDULENT meant. Homespun ... FREE Homestead ... Free oi cost. ... FREIGHT ... Freight is FROM all Homemade Homeric Homicidal Homicide Hominy Honoreth ... Hooked Hopeth Hopscotch. ... Horizon Horizontal ... Hornpipe Horoscope ... Horrible Horrid Horridly Horrific Horrified Horrifying ... Hosiery Hospitable ... of charge. insured. not insured. sources. From her. From here. From him. From information gleaned, should From Madame From Messrs. From Miss From Mrs. From Mr. From that From their— From them. From there. From this— From you. From your— lajr- —— — — — —— — ) 57 From your Correspondents at— From your office at— From what From where From whom Hostage Hostile Hostility Hotly Hotspur Hottentot .. FULL particulars by first mail. Full particulars by letter. Full particulars by telegraph. . Howl Howler Howleth Howling FULLY covered. Fully insured. Hubbub FUNDS Huckster Huckstress Funds completely exhausted. Funds completely exhausted remit by first mail. Funds completely exhausted; remit by telegraph Huddler ... almost exhausted. ; . . (through Huddling... Huffiness ... Huffish ... Huffishly ... Hugely FUNERAL postponed till— Funeral takes place . . FURNISH what is • FURTHER ... ... Humanely Humanist Humanity Humanize Humation Humbleness Humblest Humbling Humbly Humbug Humid Further supply. FUTURE address. Future address will be GENERAL opinion. General opinion here is General opinion here is not GET all the information and write to me Get all the information and telegrapn me Get any redress. ... ... Humidness Humility... Humming Humoreth Humoring Humorist Humorous necessary— (see also " Provide.") concession. Further information. Further information as soon as obtained. Further information by mail. Further information by telegraph. Further information is required. Hugeness... Hugenot — Funds not yet exhausted. . . Get authority of Get ready to leave. Get signature of Get the best legal advice. Get the best medical advice. Get the individual's (or firm's) authority. (us). t (us) —— ——— — — —— — 58 Humpback Hunching Hungarian Hunger Hungry Hunting ... ... ... Huntress Huntsman ... Hurdle Hurl Hurling — GIVE any idea as to this individual's whereabouts. Give date. Give guarantee. Give him (her) every assistance in getting off. Give me. Give address of the following individual Give name of Give noGive no money to the individual. Give this individual Give the (or foregoing) individual just sufficient mone}- to enable him (her) to get off. Give them— Give us— Give you— — Hurrah Hurriedly Hurtful Husbanding Husbandry Huskily Huskiness Hustle Hustling ... ... ... ... Hydrant Hydraulic Hydrogen Hydrometer ... ... ... GIVEN Given Given Given Given Given authority the (or following) individual- you GO toGOING to— GOOD accommodation. Good news from "Send"). Goods at Customs House waiting clearance. Goods delivered Goods must be delivered by Goods not cleared through the Custom House yet Goods not ready yet. Goods not received. Goods not sent; awaiting your Goods received. Goods sent, as requested. Goods sent by Goods sent yesterday. Goods shipped per s.s. — sailing Goods train. Goods will be ready. GOODS— (see Hydropathy ... Hyena Hymnal Hymns Hyphen Hypocrisy Hypocrite Hysterical Hysterics ... ... ... ... Ibex Iceberg Icicle Iciness Ideal ... ... to— no no authority. no undertaking. — — —— — ? ? — — 59 Idealism Idealize Identical Goods will not Goods will not be ready Goods will be sent ... ... ... GRAND Idiomatic Idiopathy GREAT excitement prevails Great victory for the GUARANTEE expenses. Guarantee it. Guarantee payment. Guarantee required. Guarantee your expenses. GUARD of train. GUIDE to— GUION Line. Guion steamer. HAD better. Had better not. Had (we) better not— Had you better not — I ... HAND the ticket to the individual, HANDLE the business. Ignoramus Ignorance Ignorantly Ignore Ignoreth Ignoring ... on application. HARDWARE store. — HAS absconded. — Has arrived at — Has arrived here. — Has arrived safely. — Has arrived there. ... Illbred at— here. GRANDE vitesse. Idiot Idiotic Idiotical ... Idleness ... Idlers Idling Idolator ... Idolatrous Idolatry ... Idolize Idolizing ... Ignite Ignitable ... Igniting ... Ignition ... Ignoble Hotel Grand Hotel until ... Illiberal ... Illiterate ... Illogical ... Illustrate Has been Has been absent from the city since Has been decided against me (us) Has been decided in our favour. Has been given. Has been ill. Has been ill, but i? now almost recovered. Has been missing for some time. Have you heard Imaginable Imaginary Imagining Imbecile Imbecility — — — Imbibe —Has been ... # or seen anything of the individual ? missing since the date specified. Have you heard or seea anything of the individual—? —— , ———————— — ) 6o Imbibeth Imitable Immensity Immersed Immersing Immersion Immodest Immodestly Immolate Immortal ... ... ... ... ... ... -Has Immunity ... Impalpable ... Impartial Impeach Impeacheth Impeaching Impede Impedeth Impedimeot Impelled Impelling ... ... ... ... ... .. .. Impend Impending Has considerable means. Has deposit been made > Has deposited with Has deposited the amount —Has . Impassion Impassive — Has called for — Has cheque referred to been paid? — Has cheque referred to been presented? — Has collected ... Impetuous Impetus Impious Impiously ... ... ... ... ... Implacable ... Implement ... Implicit Implicitly ... Imploring Impolite ... — draft referred to been presented? — Has draft referred to been protested ? Has drawn onHas drawn on you, for Has he Has he arrived in your city yet? Has he been—? Has he left? Has he sailed? Has it? Has it been delivered? Has it been sent, and when ? Has it been shipped, and by what steamer? Has key been found? Has key been sent? Has letter mailed on this date reached you — yet? Imperfect Imperial Imperilled Imperious (with draft referred to been paid? Has Letter of Credit been Has my Has no account with Has no account with us. Has no means whatever. Has notHas not arrived. Has not authorized — Has not deposited Has not deposited with us. Has draft been Has drawn on Has not left Has not paid. —— ——— ——— ———— ) 6i Impolitely Importune Imposing Imprecate Impregnate Impressive Imprinted Imprinting Imprisoned ... ... Has not reached me. Has not sailed. — Has nothing to offe: (per s.s. sailing— Has our—? Has paid. Has presented Has received — Has received noHas received no mail. — Has returned. — Has the foregoing arrived? Has the individual arrived? — Has trunk of this individual been ? Has trunk(s) of this individual been placed on board — ... ... ... ... ... ... Impromptu Improvise ... Imprudence Imprudent ... ... — — — — — Impugn steamer, as requested Impugned Impugning Impulse Impulsion Impulsive ... ... ... ... Impure Impurities .. Impurity Imputable Emputeth ... Enactive Enactively ... Enanimate ... Enaptness Enaudible Enaugural Enaugurate Encapacity ... ... ... ... ... Encamate Encendiary Encentive Encessant Encessantly ... ... Encivility Enclemency ... ? Has (have) accepted Has (have) advised. Has (have) advanced. Has (have) advanced only Has (have) advanced to Has (have) already replied, by letter. Has (have) already replied, by telegraph. Has (have) an account with Has (have) arranged everything satisfactorily. Has (have) arranged with Has (have) attended to the matter. Has (have) authority to Has (have) authorized Has (have) authorized payment of— Has (have) been deposited. Has (have) been deposited with Has (have) been stolen. — Has (have) complied with your request. Has (have) failed. Has (have) given the necessary instructions. Has (have) left no instructions. Has (have) left no instructions where to send mail. Has (have) no authority to Has (have) not been credited with Hs (have) not been debited with — — — ———— ——— ——— —— . .... . ) 62 Inclement Inclinable Inclineth . Inclining- . Has (have) not drawn on Has (have) not remitted. Has (have) not replied to HAVE applied to— Incommode Have applied to him (them) Have arrived at — Have arrived here. Incomplex —Have Incognito. Incoherent for arrived safely. Incredible — Have arrived there. Incubate Incubating Incubation Incubus Have been Have been ill. Have been ill, but am now fully recovered. Have changed my (our) plans, so that now— Have called for our Have called for ticket, but they say that they have . Inculcate Inculpable . received no instructions from you. Incumbency Incumbent Incurable Incursion. . Incurvate Indagate . Indart.. .. Indecorous Indecorum Indelible . Indelicacy Indelicate Indenting Have cheques Have cheques been paid ? Have cheques been presented ? Have collected Have collected the a/c of Have decided to Have deposited with Have deposited the amount (with — Have drafts been paid Have drafts been presented ? Have drafts been protested Have drawn on — Have drawn on you for this amount. ? ? Please honor the draft. Indenture Indicative Indictable Indictment Indigent .. Indigested Indignity.. Indigo Indite Inditeth . . Have drawn on you for Have effected clearance of the goods. Have engaged accommodation, as requested. Have enquired at address given, (but — Have enquired at Post Office, (but — ). Have forwarded — Have forwarded letter asked for. Have forwarded your mail, as desired. Have forwarded your mail to Have given authority ). — ——— ? ) — — ) ) 63 Inditing Indocility Indolence Indolent Indolently ... ... "... Inducetn Induct Have given no authority (to — Have given up all thoughts of going to Have goods been Have goods been received? Have goods been sent ? Have goods been shipped ? Have goods beeu shipped, and by what steamer and — date? Inductible Inducting Inductive Indurate Induration ... Industrial Industries ... — Inebriated ... — Have .. ... ... ... Have guaranteed Have had no chance. Have had no time to Have important letters for (you) Have important news which the individual should know at once. — Have issued the foregoing order on you. Have issued the foregoing order on you, which please — honor on presentation. issued the foregoing ticket on you, which please note. Have Inebriety — Ineffable Inelegant Inertly Inertness Inevitable Inexorable Inexpiable Please telegraph anything iust arrived here. important you have to communicate. Have just received your letter (dated Have ju^t received your telegram (dated Have letter from Have letters, mailed on this date, reached you ? Have lost draft on you, in my favour, for this amount. Please stop payment. ... ... ... ... Infallible ... Infamous ... — — — Have Have Have Have my money. my (our) lost my Letter of Credit notify my bankers. lost my Letter of Credit please do not pay lost all lost ; ; drafts thereunder. Infamously ... Infamy Infancy Infantile Infatuate Infected ... Infecund Infelicity ... Have made enquiries, but without success. Have no mail for the party referred to. Have no mail for you. Have no more news to communicate. Have no telegram (or cable) for the party referred Have no telegram (or cable) for you. Have not Have not advanced — to. — — — ———— ——— — . )) )) ) 64 Infelt Inferable Infertile Infidel Infield Infinitely Infinitive .. .. . . . . . . . • Infinitude Infirmity Inflame Inflameth Inflaming ... ... ... ... ... Inflate Inflateth. Inflating Inflation Inflexible ... Have not arrived. Have not authorisedHave not been able to Have not decided yet. Have not depoiited— Have not drawn on you. Have not engaged any accommodation. Have not fixed my (our) route yet. Have not forwarded any mail for you since Have not given Have not guaranteed Have not heard of Have not obtained— Have not paid. Have not paid for Have not received Have not received a very important letter addressed to Inflict Inflicting Infliction Influenza ... ... ... me in your care. Have not received any mail from you. Have not received any mail from you since Have not received any reply to my (our) letter (of— Have not received any reply to ray (our) telegram (of-) Influx Infraction Infringe ... Infringeth. ... Infringing Infuriate ... Have not received your letter (of— Have not received your telegram (of— Have not replied to our letter (of— Have not replied to our telegram (of — Have not reserved accommodation for you, as — Have not reserved accommodation for your party, as Infusetb — Infusible Ingenious Ingenuity Innabitetfi Infialed Inhaletb. Inhaling Inherently Inherit Have not sailed. Have not secured as Have not secured passage by s.s. Have not secured your passage, as Have not seen the individual. Have not sent, as Have not shipped, as Have not shipped the goods, as— Have not sold Have not sold it yet. ... ... ... ... , — , as —————— — —— — ) ) ) — ) — 65 Inh.eri.teth. ... Inheriting ... Inhuman Inhumanity Inhumanly Inimical Inimically Iniquitous Iniquity Initiate Initiating Initiation ... ... Have not surrendered Have not taken Have not telegraphed, as Have not traced the missing property yet. Have written to Have written but cannot get any reply. Have nothing on hand for the individual. Have nothing on hand for them. Have nothing on hand for you. Have nothiag on hand for you, or your party. Have nothing to offer (per s.s. sailing Have only received this number of letters ; ... ... ... ... — all Initiative ... ... Injureth Inkiness Inkling Inkstand Inlet Inmate Innermost Innocence Innocent Innocently Innocuous Innovate Innovating Innovation Innovator ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Innuendo ; is this you have forwarded ? Have only j'ou Initiatory — — received this have received number of letters ; is this all ? — Have paid. — Have paid this amount to the individual (them). Have prepaid your passage, as requested. Have prepaid your passage by s.s. — sailing — Have presented Have protested draft referred to. Have received Have received no Have received no explanation yet. Have received no letter for Have received no letter from you since Have received no mail for— Have received no reply. Have received no reply from the individual (them). Have received no reply to my (our) letter of Have received no telegram for Have received no telegraphic reply to my (our) (of-) Inoculate Inopulent Inorganic Inquietude Inquirable Inquisitor Insane Have received no telegraphic reply to my gram (of Have received registered letter for you. Have received your Have received your letter (of— Have received your telegram (of Have remitted. Have remitted the amount, bv telegraph, through — ... ... ... ... ... — - — — ——————————— — — — ) ) 66 Insanely Insanity Insatiable Insatiate Inscribeth Inscribing Insectible Insects Insecure Insensate Inserted ... ... ... ... Inserteth. Inserting Insertions Insidious Insignia Insincere Insinuate Insinuator Insipid Insipidity Insipidly Insobriety Insolence Insolent Insoluble Inspirable Inspired Inspireth Have replied to letter of Have replied to telegram of— Have replied to your letter of Have replied to your telegram of Have reserved room, No. Have reserved the desired accommodation (for— Have secured berth, No. Have secured passage, as desired (by s.s. — sailing— Have secured state room, No. Have seen the individual, and he (she) says Have seen them, and they say— Have seen the forgoing, and he (they) say— —Have ... ... • • ... ... sent. Have sent goods by Have sent your trunk Have sent you full particulars. Have several letters for you Have shipped— per s.s.— sailing— Have shipped the goods per s.s.— sailingHave shipped your— by s.s.— sailingHave since heard that Have sold. Have sold it for Have taken Have telegram for you. Have telegram for Have telegraphed— Have telegraphed, but have received no reply yet. Have this number of letters for you. Kindly — in struct us as to disposition of same. Inspirit Inspirited Instable Instal Installetb Installing ... ... ... Have traced the goods. Have traced the missing article. Have transferred passage ticket, as desired. Have transferred passage ticket to Have trunk(s) been placed on board steamer? Have you any letters forme? If so, please forward (to-) Have you any Instep letters for us? (to—) Instigator ... Have you any knowledge of If so, please forward — ? ? ? — — ? ? ? — — ?? 7 Have you any objection to Have you anything at your Storage Department Instil Instilleth me Instilling Instinct Insular Insulated Insulation ... Insulted. (us) for ? Have you been advised of same? Have you done anything yet? Have you done so? Have you done this? Have you engaged (or reserved) — Have you engaged (or reserved) the desired accommodation for me (us) ? Have you engaged (or reserved) seats at Have you engaged (or reserved) seats at the saloon Insulteth Insulting table for Insurgent ... Intangible ... me (us) ? « Have you forwarded any letters to Have you forwarded my (our) mail according to instructions of Integral Integrity Intensely Intensify Intently Intercede Intercept ... ... ... ... Interdict Interior Interject Interlace Interleaf Interline Interlink Have you forwarded anything Have you heard from H5"'e you heard individual? anything of the r ... Interloper ... Heard nothing whatever. ... HELP— (See "Assist"). H E— (See " The " Individual). HER address HEALTH— (See "Condition"). ... (or foregoing) Have you made any definite arrangements with — Have you not — Have 3 ou received — — Have you received my (our) letter of this date; if so, why don't you answer? — Have you received my (our) telegram of this date; if so, why don't you answer? Have you received news of— Have you remitted? Have you remitted, and through whom? Have you succeeded? Have you secured my passage per s.s. — sailing— Have you secured our passages per s.s. — sailing Have you sold—? Interlock Interlude Interlunar Intermit — since — Her address is— Her baggage. — — ) ) ) ) —— —— — 68 Intermixed Internally Interplead Interposal Interpose Intersect ... ... ... ... ... Intertwine ... Intertwist ... Intervene Interweave Intestable Intestate Intestinal Intestine ... ... ... ... Intimacy Intimate Intimidate Intolerant Intonated Intonation Intone Intoneth Intoning ... ... ... ... Her husband. Her passage. Her letter (of— Her mail. Her ticket. Her trunk. HIS address. His address is His baggage. His draft. His letter (of—) His passage. His telegram (of His ticket. His trunk. His wife. HOLD— (See "Retain"). Hold accommodation for Hold accommodation until Hold at my (our) disposal. Hold at the individual's disposal. Hold(s) contract ticket by Hold (s) ... accommodation HOLDER(S) ... Intricacy Intricate Intrigued Intriguing — sailing ... ... Intrinsic at following rate Hold(s) Return Passage Order by the following Line, accommodation calling for Intrench Intrenched Intrepid s.s. receipt for Hold(s) Return Passage Order by your Line, calling for Intoxicate — Holder(s) of draft. Holder(s) of Letter of Credit. HOLIDAY to-day; can do nothing until to-morrow. Holiday to-morrow; can do nothing until day after. will be spent at— my cheque (for—) Honor my draft (for—) Honor our cheque v for Honor our draft (for Honor the (.or foregoing) individual's draft (for—; HONEYMOON HONOR — — Introvert Intrude Intruders Intrudeth Intruding ... Intrusion ... ... at the rate specified of cheque. HOPE you willHope you Hope you will not— will not disappoint. ? ? ?? ? ? — ? ? 69 Intrusive Intrusting Intuition ... ... HOTEL — Hotel — Hotel accommodation is quite is — (See " Engage"). full. quite full; shall I (we) engage accom- modation elsewhere? Inundated Inundation Inured ... HOUR of sailing of s.s.— sailing- ... Hour House Inureth. Invented Inventeth Inventing Inventive Inversely Inversion Inveterate Invidious Invigorate Invincible Inviolable Inviolate Invisible Invitatory Invocate Invocateth Invocating Invocation Invoke Invoketh Invoking Involuted changed to Commons. of Lords. HOW about— How am to — Inuring Invadeth Invading Invalidity Invariable Invasive Inveigle of sailing is HOUSE of I ... How and where is — How are they? How are we to— ? How are you? How are you getting on? How can it be arranged? How do— How does the matter now stand ? How did—? How did you— How has—? How has same been sent ? How have— How have they— How have you— ? How is— How is business? How is business? Am I needed at home ? How is he? How is it possible? How is it to be sent? ... Howis-she? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... How is the (or foregoing) individual? How is the patient progressing? How is the market? How long can stay? How long do you intend to stay (at— How long has (have)— ? How long shall (we) have to wait ? How long shall you remain at — How long shall you remain there? I ... Involution Involveth ... Inward Inwardly ... ... ) ? I ?? — ??? ? ?? ? ? ) — 7° How many — ? How many are there in your party? How many are there in the party ? Please Irascible Irate Ireful state com- position of same. Irksome Irksomely Ironbound Ironclad. Ironical Ironically Ironwork ... ... .. ... Irony Irradiate Irrational Irresolute Irreverent Irrigate Irrigatetb. Irrigating Irritable Irritant Irritated Irritating Irritation ... ... ... ... ... ... Irritative Isinglass Isolated Isolation Israelite How many berths required How many letters have you sent? How much— How much am I to — How much are— How much are we to — ? How much are you — ? How muchcan you — How much can you remit? How much do you — How much do you want? How much does ? How much has — How much have you — How much have you remitted? How much longer — How much will you require? How much will it cost ? How often—? How shall— How shall (we) — How soon can — How soon can you leave? How soon will — How soon will it be arranged? I Istnmus HURRY along the goods. Italics IDENTIFY Itemize Identify the property. Itinerant Itinerate IDENTITY Jabbering Jacobin Jacobites Jaconet ... can be established. I authorise you to act for me. I hold- I ... the individual. hold passage ticket calling for accommodation at rate herein specified per ss. sailing I omitted to pay the a/c of the foregoing please — — — ; pay I it to my debit. omitted to pay the a/c of the foregoing; please pay it and draw on me (through — ——— — —— —— ) ) 7i Jade Jagged IF able toIf absent- Jailer If If absent, please forward (to absent, please return to me (us). absolutely impossible absolutely necessary. If acceptance Jamming ... Jangle Jangling Janitor If Janitress — Is accommodation is secured— If accommodation is secured, telegraph (at If accommodation is not secured If accommodation is not secured, telegraph. If — Janizary Japanese Jargon . ... Jarring Jasmine Jaundice If If agreeable, telegraph at agreeable, will remain another If agreeable, will remain until If any advantage can be gained. If . ... Javelin Jealous Jelly If anything new occurs. If any trouble should Jeopard If arranged. arranged, telegraph. Jeopardise ... If Jerk Jerking If arrived. If arrived, inform Jester If authorised. Jewess If authorised, inform Jigger If arise me me Jingles If Jobbery Jockey If cheque- Joineth. Jokes Joking by telegraph. cheque is genuine. cheque is paid. If can be arranged. If cannot leave, will telegraph. If cannot, then If circumstances are favourable. If circumstances will not admit of If convenient. If ... Jocund Jocundity (us) If Jocose Jocular Jocularity by telegraph. (us) by doing so, you can called upon. — ... Jolliest If date date Jolly Jolting Jostle Jostling ^ delivered. If deposit is If deposit is made. not made. If deposit is paid. If is suitable. is not suitable. it. — —— ——— —— — ) — 72 Jovial — If Joyance If desirable. If do not hear before do not hear before the foregoing date, shall If do not hear before the foregoing date, shall buy. If do not hear before the foregoing date, shall sell. If do not hear from you before the foregoing date, you must consider our offer cancelled. Joyful Joyfulness Joyously Jubilant Jubilation ... ... Jubilee Judaism Judgeth Judging Judicature Juggle Jugglery Juggling Jugular Jugulated Juice If draft draft If further instructions are necessary. If further he If he If he If he If he If he If he If he If he If he If ... Juiciness Jujube Jump Jumping Junction Juncture Juniper paid. If If If ... is not paid. forwarded. forwarded, telegraph the date sent. forwarded, telegraph the name of steamer and date. found, forward to me (us) at found, forward here. If ... is news has been received. (she)— (she) can come by (she) can be here by (she) cannot (she) cannot be here by(she) does (she) does not (she) does not leave (by (she) does not leave If (she) gets held by held by you. his (her) address If I (we)— Juridical Jurist If I am to— If I (we) can Jurors If I (we) can be Juryman If I If If Junk Junketing Justice Justiciary ... If ... Justifleth Justifying Jutting I If I If ... accommo- If If If Judicial Judiciary Judicious — — — — deposit is not paid before this date the dation cannot be secured. I If I If I — is — by that steamer, telegraph. known to you. — (we) cannot come, will telegraph. (we) cannot do as you request, will telegraph. (we) decide (we^ do(we) do not hear before(we) may pay— 73 Juvenile ... . — — ——— 74 Knapsack Knave Knavery Knavish Knavishly Kneeler Kneeleth Kneeling ... not be convenient. will not interfere with your engagements. If it will If it If left. telegraph me (us) by what train the individual, or party, is coming. market changes, inform me (us) by market goes down. market goes down, buy. If left, ... If If If Kneepan If market goes up. market goes up, Knife If not. Knighthood If ... Knitting Knock Knocker Knocketh Knuckling ... ... ... ... Koran Laborant Laboratory Laboreth Laborious not authorised. not delivered. If not deposited. If not in order. If not in order, telegraph If not left. If not left, telegraph. If If Knotted Knotty Kncwable Knoweth Knowingly Knuckle sell. ... If not paid. If not, please do me (us; at so. not received. If not received, telegraph. If not remitted. If not secured. If not secured, telegraph me (us) If not sent. If at— Laburnum ... If not sent, telegraph me (us) at not shipped. not shipped, ship without fail by the next steam Labyrinth ... If not, telegraph. Lacerate Laceration If ... If not, telegraph not traced. Lackey If paid. Laconic If paid, telegraph. If possible. If possible, wish to If received. If received, telegraph. Lacquered Lactant Lacteal Lacteous Ladder Ladle Laggard If ... ... If me (us) at remain another If remitted. If secured. If secured, telegraph. . —————— — — — 75 Lakelet Lambkin Lameness Lament Lamentable Lamenting Lampadist If sent, and when? —If stateroom referred If so, when ? ... If so, If so, ... If so, so, If Lancing Landlady Landless Landmark ... If the (or following) individual— If their— If there If there are If there are any— there are not If there is any cable, or telegram for If there is any mail for Lanterns If there is any mail If there is not. If there is not, telegraph. If they— Lapidary Lapidated Lapsed Lark Larkspur Larynx Lashes Lashing Lassitude Lassoed Lassoing Lastingly Latcheth Latching vacant. If Lanyard Lapsing Larboard Larcenous Larceny Lardaceous Larder is still If so, so, ... Lampooning... Lancers to by what steamer? by what train. forward to this address. reply by letter. reply by telegraph. through whom If Lampoon Landscape Languid Languish Languor sent. If I f If If If If traced. If ... me (us). they are they are not. they can— they cannot— they will they will not. If for If urgent. If urgent, telegraph. you you are If you are not. If you can If you can obtnin — If you cannot. If you cannot come, telegraph. If you cannot do better. If you cannot do this. If If me (us). —— ———————— ——— — — — ) — 76 Latent Latently Lateral — If Lathered Lathering you cannot do this, then you cannot secure (or reserve If you cannot secure (or reserve) accommodation by that steamer If you cannot secure (or reserve) by that steamer, say the earliest steamer you can reserve passage by. If you cannot secure (or reserve) the desired accommodation by If you change your mind, let me (us) know by If you do not If you do not hear from me (us), you will understand If ... Latinist Latitudes Latrant all is right. Laudable Laudanum Laudation Laudatory Laughable Laughing Laughter Laundress ... ... .. ... ... Laundry Laureate Laurel Lavender ... Lavishly Lavishness ... Lawful Lawless Lawsuit Laxative Laxity Lazily Laziness Leadership Leafage you do not hear from me (us) by If you do not pay If you do not remit If you do not remit, shall be in a fix. If you do not remit, will not be able to If you do not remit, will not be able to pay my way. If you do not reply If you do not reply before If you do not reply by telegraphIf you have If you have any If you have not If you have not already If you have not already secured If you have not remitted. If you have nothing to offer If you succeed. If you think it best. If you think it undesirable. If you willIf you will be If you will haveIf you will not If you will not, then If you wish it. If you wish it, will If you wish to communicate with me (us). If you wish to communicate with me (us) anything o» If ... Leafless Leakages Leaked Leamable ... Learnedly ... importance, telegraph —— —————— ——— — — — 77 Learner Learning you wish to communicate with them. you wish to communicate with them, telegraph to ILL— (See "Condition" and " Is "). Leasable Leather ILLNESS Lebban If If Illness .. Lectured Lecturing Leeches .. ... is is likely to be of long duration. likely to IMMEDIATE be of short duration. attention. Immediat ly. Immediate reply. Immediate reply, by telegraph, is desired. Leeward Legacy IMPERIAL Bank oS— Legality Legalize Important that reply should reach here by Legatee Impossible to leave until Impossible to leave yet. Impossible to remit. IMPOSSIBLE to remit beforeImpossible to reply before Impossible to reply within the time mentioned. Give IMPORTANT business. IMPOSSIBLE to— Legend Legendary ... Legibility ... Legible Legion me Legionary Legislate Legislator Legitimacy Legitimate Legitimist Leisurable Leisure Leisurely Lemonade Lendable Lendeth Length Lengthen Lengthily Leniency Lenient Leniently Lenitive ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .., ... ... (us) until Impossible to sail by s.s. Impossible to sail before— IN a few days. In a few weeks. In a loss of In a position to In about In absence of In absence of any communication from you, unable to decide what to do. In accordance with letter of In accordance with telegram of In addition to In advancing — to ... any case. In any event. In any event, telegraph. ... In Boston. ... ... In In bond. In care of am (are) —— ———— —— ...... ... . — — 7S Lentitude.. Lenticular Lentiform Lentils Leonine Leopard . Leopardess Leper . Lessee Lessons . - Lethal.. .. Letharglze Lethean . Lettered Lettering Lettuce . . Levantine Levees.. .. Leveleth . Leveling- . Levelness Leverage Leviathan . Levigable.. Levigated Levigation Levites Levitical Levity.. Levying Lewd .. . .. . .. Lewdly Lewdness Lexical Lexicon Lexigraphy Libant . Libation Libatory Libeler . .. In case of In case of accident. In case of any delay. In case of any delay, telegraph. In case of death. In case of emergency. In case of illness. In case of necessity. In charge of In cipher. In consequence of In consequence of the illness of In consequence of the illness of the foregoing am (are) detained here. In consideration of In convalescent state. In course of In difficulties. In distress, so In four-berth stateroom(. ). In four-berth stateroom, with one other passenger. In four-berth stateroom, with two other passengers. In four-berth stateroom, with three other passengers In good health. In good health and spirits. In great distress. In her In his In hospital, suffering from In inside stateroom(s). In inside stateroom, with one other passenger. In inside stateroom, with two other passengers. In inside stateroom, with three other passengers. In joint account. In letter of In Liverpool. In London. In my In my favor. In New York. In opposition to — — ... ..... ? .... ...... — — —— ) — 79 Libelous .. Liberalism .. . Liberality Liberalize Liberally Liberate . . . . . . Liberatetb Liberating Liberation Liberator . - Liberties Libertine . . . . . . . Liberty . . Libkin • • . Librarian.. Library .. . Libretto Licensable Licensing.. Licentiate • . . . . . .. . Liclr Licben .. .. Licitly .. -. Licitness .. .. Licked Licketh Lickings .. .. .. .. . . Licorice .. .. Lidless .. .. Liens Liege Liegeman.. .. Lifeblood.. Lifeboat .. Lifeless .. .. Lifelessly.. .. Lifelike Liftetb Lifting .. .. .. .. . . Ligature .. .. .. .. In In In In In In In In In In ordinary course. our care. our letter of our telegram of outside stateroom(s). outside stateroom, with one other passenger. outside stateroom, with two other passengers. outside stateroom, with three other passengers. poor circumstances. receipt of In reply toIn reply to your letter of— In reply to your telegram of In separate staterooms. In settlement of account. In sixIn stateroom, No. In staterooms, Nos.— In ten days. In that place. In this place. In three weeks. In three-berth stateroom(s). In three-berth stateroom, with one other passenger. In three-berth stateroom, with two other passengers In time (for— In trusting the individual (or firm) for— In two-berth stateroom (s). In two-berth stateroom, with another passenger. In two weeks. In usual condition. In want of funds. In what—? In which— In whose care. In whose favor* In your— In your care. In your city. INCLUDING all charges. —— — —— ) 8o Lighten Lighteneth Lighterage Lightered Lightering Lightful Lighthouse Ligneous Ligniform INCREASE ... ... ... ... ... allowance amount to— to — Increase my (our) offer to Increase order to Increase your offer. INCUR no expense whatever. Incur no further expense. — Incur no responsibility. ... Lignitic Ligulated Ligulating Increase ... ... Likeliest INDEBTED to— INDEBTEDNESS amounts to— INDEMNIFY me (us) against loss. Indemnify you against Indemnity for loss. INDORSE the cheque. Indorse the document(s) Indorse the draft. Likened Liking Lilacs Limaceous Limberness ... ... Limbo Limbs INDORSED properly. INDORSEE of the draft. INDORSER of the draft. INDORSEMENT is in order. • Limekiln ... Indorsement Limestone ... INDUCE— (See "Endeavor.") INFLUENCE business in this direction. is irregular. INFORM— (See Limitable Limitary Limit edly ... ... Limpid Limpidity Limpidness Limpingly Limpitude Linchpin ... ... ... ... Linden Lineage Lineally Lineate Lineating ... Lineation.. ... Lingerer -. .. also " Tell"). Inform her. Inform him. Inform me (us) by letter. Inform me (us) by telegram. Inform me (us) amount o e Inform me (us) amount of your charges. Inform me (us) if Inform me (us) of any change. Inform me (us) the office and date of issue. Inform my Inform my husband. Inform my partner. Inform my wife. Inform our Inform the (this) individual (that Inform this individual, who is a passenger by — — — — satlino- that- s.s. — — 8i Lingereth Lingo Lingual ... Information Lingulate ... ... Liniment Lining Linketh Linking Links Linnet Linseed your— INFORMATION Linguiform Linguist Linguistic Inform ... ... is is not obtainable. withheld. INFORMED by letter. Informed by telegram. Informed on good authority. Informed the individual (them) Informed your Informing me (us). INJURIES of a severe character. Injuries of a trifling character. INMAN Line. Inman steamer. Inman steamer; City of— Linstock INQUEST Lion Inquest will be postponed till— held— INQUIRE-rSeealso "Ascertain," "Enquire"). Lloness Inquire by telegraph and wire reply to me (us) at Lionized —Inquire (us) Lionizing Lionly Liplet ... fully about this matter, and telegraph at— —Inquire fully about this matter and write INQUIRED at address given, but there Inquired at address given, but there is for the individual (them). Lipogram ... Lippitude ... m« INQUIRIES are being made. Inquiries are being made ; will is me (us). no— no mail there communicate result as soon as possible. Liquable Liquation Liquefy Liquescent Liquid Liquidate Liquidator Liquidity Liquidly Liquidness Liquor Lisper —INSERT the ... ... ... ... ... foregoing advertisement Inside stateroom, with one other passenger. Inside stateroom, with two other passengers. Inside two-berth stateroom, forward. Inside two berth stateroom, midships. INSTRUCT me ... in- INSIDE accommodation preferred. Inside berth, No.— Inside stateroom (s), Nos.— Instruct (us) concerningsomeone here to make deposit. —Instruct the foregoing to— INSTRUCTING you to— (for-) ——— — — ———— — 82 Lisping Lispingly Listed Listener List eneth Listening Listing — Instruct the foregoing to cash my (our) draft for — Instruct the foregoing to cash my Letter of Credit. ... INSTRUCTED the firm, as desired. Instructed the firm to ... INSTRUCTIONS of— Instructions not received. Instructions received. Instructions received and will have best attention. Listless ... Listlessly Instructions to INSURANCE Litany Literalist Literally ... Literary ... Literate ... Literature Litharge Litheness . cannot be effected. Insurance effected. Insurance effected here. INSURE against all risks Insure against total loss only. Insure for amount of invoice. Insure goods for Insure my baggage, consisting of— for Lithesome INSURED Lithic Insured Lithograph Lithology Intend leaving by Intend leaving for Litigant ... Litigate ... Litigious Liturgical INTENDED for— in full. INTELLIGENCE— (See •• Liturgy ... Livelier Liveliest ... ... Livelihood Lively Liveried Livery ... s.s. *« News.") — sailing for— Interest due. INTERMEDIATE accommodation. — Intermediate passage per s.s. sailing Intermediate passengers embark at Intermediate rate. INTERNAL complaint. INTRODUCE business. —INTRODUCTION to this party. INVESTIGATE— (See "Sift"). INVESTMENT bad. Investment good. Liveryman INVITATION Livid Lividity Livldness Invitation declined, with thanks. Lizard cavitation ... accepted, with thanks. Invitation declined, on account of Invitation declined, on account of important engage- ment, to— —— — —— »3 Loaded INVOICE of goods. Invoice not received; send duplicate. Loadeth. Loading IRISH Loadstar Loadstone Loafing Loanable ... ... Is anything doing? anything wrong? anything wrong Is Is Loaneth tour. — IS absent from the city. — accepted. Is ; or what is the cause of your silence? Loathful Loathingly Loathsome Loaves — authorized to cash — authorized to cash your— — Is authorized to draw. — authorized to pay Is ... ... Is Is Lobby —Is Lobbying ... Lobbyist Lobelia Lobster Localism Locality Localised Localizing .. Is —Is in order r collected. — coming here. — Is covered. — dangerously — dangerously Is ... ... ... Is ill. Is ill, and doctor advises your return ing at once. Is dead. Is deposit? Is deposit paid? Is deposited with Is doing nothing. — — Lockjaw Lockstitch ... —Is Locomotion... —Is Loftier Loftiest Loftily order? cheque referred to Is draft in — Locally Locateth Locating Locative Locomotive Locust Lodgeth better. business prospering? Is ... order? paid? draft paid? this draft in this draft — Is — Is drawn for — Is Is Is drawn on? everybody well at home? everything all right? — Is expected Loftiness — Is Lofty Logic LogiOAl — expected to-morrow — Is fixed for— expected to-day. Is —Is forged. ——— — — — — 84 Logically Logistic ? Is Logistical ... Loiter Loitereth. Is Loitering Lollard Lolling Lollipop ... —Is genuine. — going by— Is going to— — going to the foregoing place, and expects to reach there — good for — good for the amount named. — guaranteed by — Is he— — held by — here, — here, well. — Is with — but not seriously. — hold yourself in readiness to return at any Is Is Lonelier Loneliness Is ... Lonely Is Is Lonesome Longest Longevity Longitude ... ? Is ... ... Looketh. Loomed — Is this individual coming here, and when — forwarded to — Is found. — Is fully covered. — fully recovered. Is ill. Is ill ... ... Looming Is ill, Is ill; moment. Looped keep me (us) posted as to vour movements, so — that (we) can reach you by telegraph, necessary. —Is return at once. — although illness not now serious, may probably take a dangerous turn, so — incorrect. — in need of — Is in need of money for — Is injured dangerously. — injured, but not seriously. —Is insolvent. — in — —Is it— — a forgery? Is ill; if I Loopeth. ill; Loophole Looping Loosely Loosen Looseness Loosening Lopsided Loquacious Loquacity Is ; Is Is ... ... ... ... Lordeth. Lordlier Lordliest Is Is Is it Lordly Lordship Loricated ill ... Is it absolutely necessary? Is it accepted? Is it certain? Is it convenient Is it desirable? is it . . — — ....... .... . — 35 Looseth . Is it fixed Lotion.. .. Is it genuine? important Lottery- Is it Lotus Louder Loudest Is it . Is it ? — Is it possible . Is it possible for Is it practicable Loungeth.. Lounging-. Is it received Loungingly Is it sent . Is it shipped . Is it sold Loutish. Lovelier Loveliest Loveliness . . Lovesick Lovingness Lowereth Lowering. Lowlands.. . . Is it me — .. Lounger Lovable ? necessary for necessary (to I (us) to return at once ? ? you to — ? ? ? ? ? ? too late ? soon ? Is it true? Is leaving Is leaving to-day. Is leaving to-morrow. Is Letter of Credit found ? Is missing have you seen or heard anything Is it too — — — — the individual — Is missing have you seen ; of ? Lowliest .. — Lowly.. Lowness . Lozenge Lubrical Lubricant Lubricated Lubricator Lubricity Lubricous Lucent Lucernal Lucid Lucidity Lucidness . . . . . Lucifer Luciferous Is or heard anything of ; the individual? If so, and you can ascertair anything of him (her), telegraph. Is much worse. my — Is necessary. — Is not— — Is not accepted. — Is not authorized to— Is not covered. — Is not dead. — Is not expected here. — Is not expected here for another ? — Is not expected here until — Is not expected to live. — Is not genuine. — Is not guaranteed. — Is not here. — Is not ill. — — — ———— ———— — ? . 86 — Is not in order. — Is not in want of money. — Is not received. — Is not satisfactory, — not sent yet, as — Is not shipped, as — Is not sold. — Is not transferable. — Is not true. — Is not wanted home. Luciform Luckier Luckiest Lucky Lucrative Is Lucriflc Luctation Lucubrate Luculent Lucullite Ludicrous Lugubrious ... Lukewarm ... Is offer Is offer Lukewarmly.. Lumbering ... Lumbrical ... ? Is Is Is Is Is ... ... Lumine Luminosity declined — on account of — only just received our — now at — now convalescent. — now here. — paid. — payable at — postponed until — proceeding to — received. — reported as being Is Luminary Laminate Luminating Lumination nothing done? accepted? Is Is Is ... Luminous Is Is Lumped Is Lumpetb Lumping Is —Is reported as having arrived as desired Lumpish. — Is reserved, Lunacy — Is reserved, for — Is sailing by — Is sailing by City of — satisfactory. — satisfactorily arranged. — Is secured. — Is secured by — sailing— — sinking rapidly. — Is staying at — Is staying here. Lunarian ss. Lunated Lunatic Lunation Lunette Lungeous Luniform Lupuline Lurcheth. Lurid Luridly Luridness Lurketh , , Is Is s.s« Is —Is — Is — still still at— here, Is still there. Is telegram — al — —— — —— ? ? —— ) — 87 Lurking Luscious Lusciously telegram perfectly intelligible to you? Is ... Luskish. there any doubt about Is there any news (from Lusory Is there anything the matter? LusoriOUS Is there anything the matter? not written (since )? Lustral Lustration Lustre Lustrical ... ... Luxurious Luxurist there no hope? — ... this Is this —Is —Is why have you this draft? this draft paid? ... — this individual—? — this sold? — this trunk traced yet? — wanted home at once. — without money? — without money. Apply to the following for amount stated, and remit same by telegraph — worse to day. Is Is Is Is ... ... ... Is Is Is ISSUE duplicate (of —) — for — (See also " Provide.") Issue Letter of Credit in favor of Issue ticket to Issue through ticket to ISSUED Macaroni Macerate not, ''ndividual— Lymph Lyric Lyrical If steamer? cheque? Lyingly Lynx ? — Is this firm of good standing? Luxury Lyceum Lymphatic Lynched Lyncheth Lynchlaw ) that—? Is this —Is Lusty Luteous Lutheran Lutulence Lutulent Luxate Luxation Luxuriate Luxuriant there no Is Is it r — — Is — Lustrous Lutarious why there any danger? Is Is Luskishly If so, don't you reply ? Is there any change? •• duplicate (of— Issued order on you for — in favor of Issued Ticket in favor of ... ... IT can be— It cannot be It It It It It does does not has been has evidently miscarried. has not been— th« ——— —— —————— — ) 83 Maceration ... It Macrology ... It Is Machinist Mackerel Maculate Maculation is— It Is It is It is ... Macule Maculose It is It is It is Madly Madness It is It is Madrigal — Magic It is Magical Magically Magician Magistery Magistracy absolutely necessary. convenient. in order. necessary. true. rumoured that the foregoing has have)- very important. very important that you should It must must be must not must not be should— It should have It It It Magistral not not not not not It is It is ... absolutely necessary. impossible. necessary. not It Magnality Magnesia Magnesite Magnetic Magnetical ... was It was an error (of It was misdirected. It will- Magnetism ... It will Magnetite Magnetize Magnefical Magnified Magnify Magnifying Magnitude Magnolia Magpie been— It — ... be- lt will cost about It will depend upon It will not It will not be not cost more than— would be would be well co would not be advisable. It will ... ... Mahogany It It It ITALIAN tour. JANUARY— (See "Calendar"). JEWELRY pledged with— Mahommedan JOIN me (us) at— me (us) here. Maidenhood... Join me (us) there. Maiden Join Maidenly Join steamer at Join steamer at Queenstown. Maiming TUN^)-< See '' Calendar ' ,) - ——— ———— — 89 Mainland Mainsheet Mainspring Maintop Majestical Majesty Malachite Maladroit Malefactor Malevolent Malice Malicious Malignancy Malignant Maligner JUST ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... lust heard of— heard of it. Just in time. Just off to— Just received. Just received your KEEP down the expenses. Keep me well posted. Keep me well posted as to business. If anything important transpires do not fail to telegraph me. Keep me well posted as to the (or foregoing) individual's movements. Keep me well posted as to your movements. Keep this strictly private. Keep within the limit. KEY(S) lost ; please have the lock forced. Key's) must be sent to us; otherwise lock must be forced. Maligning Malleable ... ... Maltreat Mammal Mammalian Mammonist ... Mammoth ... Manacle Manacling ... ... Manakin Mancipate Manciple Mandamus Mandarin Mandate Mandatory ... ... ... ... Key(s) not received. Key(s) required to enable Custom House to examine baggage. Key(s) sent Key (s) sent to you. address of the individual (them). Know anything of Know present whereabouts of the (or following) — KNOW — — individual. — Know hew long —Know if— Know nothing of Know nothing of the individual (them). — Know what — Know what hour— Know what time — Know when — Know when the (or foregoing) individual expected— Mandible Mandoline Mandrel Manfully — Know which ... KNOWN to me Known (us) as to you (us). —KNOWLEDGE of the (or following) individual. is —— —— — — — ) go Manfulness ... Manganese ... Manganite Mangily Manginess Mangle Mangling Maniac Maniacal Manichord Manifestly Manifesto ... LAST ... ... ... ... Manliness ... ... ... Manorial Manoscope ... Mantillas ... Manurage Manurance Manure Manuring Marauders Marauding Marble Marching Margarine Marginal Marginate Stage at Liverpool. Landing stage No.— LARGE Maniform Mantling Manualist Manubial Landed here. Landed here to-day. LANDING ... Manifold Mannerism Mannerly Mannish LANDED at— Last Last Last Last Last Last Last Last Last Last Last Last Last Last size. address. address was instructions. instructions were— letter received. letter received is dated- mail. month, telegram. telegram received is datedtime we heard from the individual was week. word. word in telegram not understood. year. LATEST ... election returns. Latest news concerning Latest particulars, by telegraph. ... Latest returns are ... LAWYER(S) ... ... ... ... ... ... in 3-our city. Lawyer(s) say there is Lawyer(s) say there is not LEAVE as soon as possible. Leave(s) by the first train. Leave(s) by the next train. (at Leavers) by the train due at Leave(s) by thetrain due at a.m. Leave's) bv the train due at p m.— Leave(s) Dy tne train aue in your city at the time — — herein specified; please meet him (her). by the train due in your city at the time herein sDecified please meet me (us at station. Marigold — Leaves, Mariner — Leaver; 1 ; Dy the train due in your city at the time herein specified please meet them at station. ; —— — ——— — 9' Marionette Marital Maritimal ... Marrowish ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Marsala Marshal Marshy Martagon ... Martext Martialist Martialize ... ... Martially Martinet Martlet Martyrdom Martyring Martyrize Marvel Marveleth Marveling Marvelous Masculate Masculine — to- Leave's in adayorso. Leave's) here tomorrow. Leave(s) in a month. Leave in a week. Marlitic Marquisate Marriable (s) for ... Maritime Marline Marmalade Marmorate Marmorean Marquetry — Leave Leave(s) here Leave;s) here to-day. Leave it at Leave it in care of Leave on Monday. Leave on Tuesday. Leave on Wednesday. Leave on Thursday. Leave on Friday. Leave on Saturday. Leave on Sunday. Leave to-day. Leave to-day, at Leave to-day, by Leave to-morrow. Leave to-morrow, at— Leave to-morrow, by Leave that place- ... — LEFT any address with you? ... Left ... Left by train due at the following station, at a.m. by- Left by train due at the following station, at p.m. for— ... Left ... Left here ... ... ... Mask Masking Masonic Masonry Masquerade... Massacre Massacring ... Masseteric ... Massicot Left here to day. — Left home, suddenly. — Left instructions with — — Left instructions with you. Left it at— Left no address. Left no instructions with Left on Monday. Left on Tuesday. Left on Wednesday. Left on Thursday. Left on Friday. me (us). ———— — ——— ) ) 92 Massiness Massive Massively Masterdom Mastereth Masterful Masterly Masterous Masticable Masticate ... Left on Saturday. ... Left there ... Left to-day. Mastoid Mastology Matadore Matchable Matching Matchless Matelote with— ... Left ... Left with me (us). — Left your city. ... ... LEGAL advice. Legal proceedings. Legal proceedings taken. LEGALLY Mastiff Mastodon Sunday. Left on ... ... ... ... ... ... impossible. LESS than LET me jus) have all particulars. Let me (us) know. Let me (us) know about— Let me (us) know what Let me (us) know when Let me (us) know when you can leave. Let there be no delay. LETTER— (See " Forward "). — Mateology ... Letter addressed (to Materially ... Letter at Post Office (for ... Letter at Post Office for yoa. ... — Letter containing Materious Maternal Maternally Maternity Matricide Letter contained ... ... Matrimony ... Matrix Matronage Matronal. Matronize Matronly ... ... ... Mausoleum Letter correctly addressed. Letter dated Letter for — — Letter for me? — Letter for the (this) individual. — Letter for us. — Letter for you. Letter for you awaits your application atLetter forwarded Matlirant Maturate Maturating Maturation Maturative MaturenesS — Letter forwarded yesterday. Letter from— ... — Letter from the (this) ... Letter is Letter is ... .. ... confidential. postmarked Letter miscarried. individual. —— — — — — 93 Mawkish. Letter missed the mail Letter not ; Mawkishly ... Maxilla Maxillary ... Letter of importance. ... Letter received, ... Letter received too late. forward by next mail. Letter not received. Maxim Maximise Mayoralty Mayoress Mayorship will Letter received. dated- Mazedness ... Mazily Maziness Mazologist ... Letter received without enclosure. Letter received without enclosure please enquiries at your end. Letter received have done as requested. Letter received have written. Letter received will do as requested. ... Letter received ... .. ; make ; ; Mazology Mazourka Meagre ... Meagrely ... Meagreness ... Meaildrous ... ; will write by first mail. Letter received; will write by Letter received wrote you under date of ; ; Letter received; wrote party mentioned under date of— Meaningly Measurable Measureth Mechanic Mechanical Letter sent, in error, to another address; will have same redirected to you. —Letter sent on this date will explain. ... Letter sent to day will explain. Letter sent yesterday will explain. Letter there for— ... Letter to ... Letter unclaimed. ... ... Letter will reach me (us) sooner LETTERS.— (See "Forward" Mechanism ... Letters duly mailed. ... Letters of importance. ... LETTER OF CREDIT. Medalet Medalist Medallion Medalurgy Medder Mediateth addressed to Letters duly received. ... Letter of Credit extended — Letter ... of Credit; for— Credit has please stop paymert. Letter of Credit issued in favor of Letter of Credit not received. stolen Meddlesome Meddleth Meddling Meddlingly Mediant if and " Mail"). this ; Letter of Credit received. ... LETTER of Introduction LIABILITIES ... are about— Liabilities a-re heavy. been lost 01 — — —— ———— — ) 94 Mediatize Liabilities are not heavy. Medicable Medically Liabilities are unknown. LIBERTY of action. Medicament LIMIT exceeded by Medicate Medicating Medicative Medicinal Medicine Mediety ... Limit must on no account be exceeded. Limit not exceeded. LIMITED Company. Limited Company, with a paid-up capital ... LINE ... LIST of British Customs Duties. Medieval... List of sailings of the following Line Mediocral List of saloon passengers by Mediocre... List of United States Mediocrist Mediocrity Meditance Meditate Meditateth Meditating Meditative ... List of Medulla Medullary Medulline ... Melusian... s.s. Custom Duties. your Correspondents. LITTLE easier. Little longer time. LOAN and Trust Company (at Loan can be effected here. Loan cannot be effected here. LOCK must be forced unless key Is sentCfor — LODGINGS— (See M Engage " ^Apartments). — LONDON Medoc of of steamers. address (is—) London and London and South Western Railway. London and North Western Railway. London and North Western Railway ; Euston Station, London. Meekly ... London and North Western Railway; Lime Station, Liverpool. Meekness Megascope Melancholy Melange ... Melanic ... Melanism Melanite Melanosis Melanotic Melanterio ... London Bankers. — LOOK out for this individual LOOKED (party). into the matter. LOSE no time in LOSS amounts to Loss does not exceed Loss exceeds Loss is fully covered by insurance. Loss is partially covered by insurance Loss is heavy. Street — ) 1 — — — ) — 95 Melanure Melassic Meliorate Meliority Mellic ... Mellowness Melodeon is not heavy. not fully known. not serious. is serious. is is LOST my— Lost my baggage Mellifi.0 Mellowist Loss Loss Loss Loss ... ... ... Lost my my my ... — and please stop payment. ; Return Passage Order, issued at Lost steamer ticket; please do not honor same Lost presented by anyone else. It was issued by your office (at Melodious between Letter of Credit Lost my — trunk between — and— . Please endeavour to same and advise me. Lost our— trace Melodist Melodize Melodizing Melodrama Melody — ... Lost our baggage between and to trace same and advise us. Lost Property Office (at ... LOWER berth. Lower berth, Lower berth, Lower berth, Lower berth, Lower berth, Melosis Melotype Melt Meltable LOWEST— Melteth Melting Meltingly Membered Membrane Memento Memoirs Memorable Memorably Memoranda Memorate LUGGAGE ... ... ... ... ... ... •• ... ... ... ... . Please endeavour — stateroom. stateroom. in two-berth stateroom. in an inside, two-berth room. in an outside, two-berth stateroom. (See "At.") left behind at— in four-berth in three-berth — Luggage lost (at Luggage stored with— Luggage stored with you. MADE a deposit. Made a mistake. Made an appointment Made an appointment Made enquiries. Made no Made no mistake. MAI I,— (See Memoration Memorative Memorial Memorist Memorize — "Forward.") — Mail addressed to — Mail for me. — Mail for the (this) — Mail for us. —Mail with with the individual. for vou. individual. . —— .. ...... — —— 96 Memory Memphian . Menaceth.. Menacing. Menancingrly Menagerie Mendable Mendacious Mendacity . Mendeth.. Mendicancy Mendicant Mendicate Mendment Menial Meniscal Meniscoid Mennonite . Mensonge Mental Mentality Mention Mentioned Mentive Mentor . . Mephitical Meprisant Meracious Mercature Mercenary Merciful Mercifully . Mercify . Merciless Mercurial. . Mercurify Mercurism Mercury Mercy . . Mail for you awaits your application at Mail forwarded, care of Mail forwarded, care of the Bank of Mail forwarded, care of Messrs. Mail forwarded, care of Messrs. Baring Bros. & Co. Mail forwarded, care of Messrs. Brown, Shipley & Co. Mail forwarded, care of Messrs. J. S. Morgan & Co. [Cross, London. Mail forwarded in error to Mail forwarded to Low's Exchange, 57 Charing Mail has miscarried. Mail lies at Post Office (at—). Mail missed the post. Mail not received. Mail received. [structions. Mail retained here pending the individual's inMail retained here pending your instructions. Mail unclaimed. — MAKE an appointment (for — ). Make arrangements to leave — Make any reduction. Make fullest enquiries. Make fullest enquiries and report to me Make it payable to my order. Make it payable to our order. Make no mistake. Make the best arrangement you can. Make the best terms you can. MANAGER of the hotel. Many Happy Returns of the Day. Many rumours of failures. MARCH— (See " Calendar "). MARKED with the following initials— MARKET advancing rapidly. Market declining rapidly. Market firm, active and advancing. Market firm and dull. Market heavy and unsettled. Market in buyers' favour. Market in sellers' favour. Market in a state of panic. (us) ——— — ) ) 97 Mergeth Meridian ... Meridional ... Market Market in a state of panic. — as having failed Merino Meritable Merited Meritedly Meriteth Meriting Meritory Merrily Merriment Merriness Mesenteric Meshes Mesmeric Mesmerical MesmerismMesmerist Mesmerizer • ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Messelry Messet .. Messianic Messidor MARRIAGE is fixed for — Marriage of this couple takes plpce. — Marriage postponed till— MARRIED couple. — Married on —Married to-day. — Married yesterday. MATCH ... Match the goods. the article. MATINEE at — to — ... .. ... Matinee to-day (at Matinee to-morrow — (at — MATTER not satisfactorily arranged. Matter satisfactorily arranged. MATTERS in general. MAY— (See " Calendar.") Mestino Metabolic Metacism Metaleptic Metalling Metallic Metallical ... ... ... ... Metalline Metallize Metaloid Metallurgy ... Metameiic ... May be delayed (for — ). May be home May have been— — May have been mistaken. May I come? May I stay until—? MEET her at— Meet Meet Meet Meet Meet him of failures. The following are reported Market is higher. Market quiet and easy. Market quiet and lower. Market quiet and prices nominal. Market weak and active. Market weak and dull. Market very active. Market very strong. Market very weak. ... Mesolite Mesotype many rumours a state of panic; in at me me me there. mc on arrival of steamer d»ie« at here. — — ———— ) — ——— —— ) 98 Metaphor Metaphoric Metaphrase Metaphysic Metaplast Metastasis ... ... ... ... ... Meet me on arrival of train due Meet rue without fail. Meet steamer due Meet the foregoing individual at Meet the foregoing individual on — — due — Meet arrival of steamer the foregoing individual on arrival of train due Metatome ... Meteoric Meteorism Meteorite Methodic Methodical Methodist Metonic Metric Metrical Metrically Metrician Metrifler ... . ... ... Meet them at Meet them on arrival of steamer, due Meet them on arrival of train, due Meet them without fail. Meet train dueMeet us at— Meet us on arrival of steamer, due— Meet us on arrival of train, due ... MEETING adjourned Meeting takes place Meeting took place ... MEMBER of our institution. ... Member of until your institution. MENTION— (See " Refer"). MENTIONED— (See " Referred "). MERCHANTS' Metrify Metrifyillg Metrograph Mezzotint Miasmatic Miasmatist Micaceous ... ... Met with MIDLAND ... MISLAID ... ... Microlite Middleman ... ... ... ... ... Midshipman... Midstream Midwald Miffed ... .. Mislaid Mislaid Mislaid Mislaid National Bank (at— a slight accident. ... Microdon Micrology Microphone Microscope Microtome MET with a serious accident. Railway. address of the (or following) individual. letter of telegram of your letter (of your telegram. MISSED MISSED — the individual. the steamer. Missed the steamer; shall sail by s.s. Missed the steamer; shall sail by the next steamer. Missed the train. Missed the train shall leave by Missed the train; shall leave by the-next train. MISSING— (See "Is " and " Has"). Missing property. ; ) ) ) 99 Mightier Mightily Mightiness Missing telegram. MISTAKE ... Mighty Mignonette Migratory ... ... MikadO Milanese Mildest Mildew Mildewed Mildewing arose through- Mistake cannot be rectified. Mistake is not— Mistake is not yet rectified. Mistake is now rectified. MISUNDERSTANDING on my part. Misunderstanding on your part. Misunderstanding somewhere. MISUNDERSTOOD ... ... Mildly Mileage Milepost instructions. Misunderstood telegram. Misunderstood you. Misunderstood your instiuctions Misunderstood your letter (of— Misunderstood your telegram (of MODERATE means. — (of — Milesian MONEY— STERLING AMOUNTS. £1 Milking £2 £3 £4 £5 £6 £7 £8 £9 £10 £11 £12 £13 £14 £15 £16 £17 £18 £19 £20 £21 £22 £23 £24 £25 IOO STERLING AMOUNTS— continued. £76 £77 £78 £79 £80 Misgovern Misgro-wth Misguided Misguiding Mishao £81 Misjudge £82 Misjudging £83 Mislead £87 £88 £89 £90 £91 £92 £93 £94 £84 Misleading £95 £85 Mismanage £96 £97 £86 Misnomer £1000 Mixedly £2000 Mixeth £3000 Mixture £4000 Mizzen £5000 Moaned £98 Mistuning £99 Misty £100 Misusage £200 Misused Missile Missionary £300 Misusing Missionate £400 Mitigable Mistiest £500 Mitigant Mistily £600 Mitigated Mistletoe £700 Mitigative Mistrial £800 Mitred Mistune £900 Mixable £6000 Moanful £7000 Mobbing £8000 Mobility £9000 Mockable £10000 Mockery Misplead Misprint Misrule FRACTIONAL PARTS OF A POUND STERLING. s. d. £ i I s. Mocketh Mocking Mockingly Moekish 2 Modeled 3 Modeling O 4 Modelize 5 Moderable 6 Moderance 7 Moderns 8 Modernism 9 Modernize 10 Modernly 11 Modest Modestly 1 1 1 1 1 3 Modicum 6 Modificate 9 Modifier 2 2 2 2 3 3 Modishness Modular 6 Modulation 9 Module Mohair 3 3 6 Moiety 9 Moisten Moistening 3 Moisture 6 Molasses 9 Moldable 4 4 4 4 3 3 Mohawk 101 AMERICAN CURRENCY. $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 Mortified Mortify Mortised Mortising Mortuary Mosaic Mosaieal §8 Mosquito S9 Mossiness $10 Mossy Mothering Motherly Motioneth $14 Motioning $15 Motives $11 S12 $13 $16 $17 $18 $19 Motility Motorial Mottled Mottoes $20 Mountable $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 S26 $27 $28 $29 Mounteth Mourn Mourneth Mournful Mournlully Mousetrap Mouthful Mouthing Movable $30 Moveth S31 Movingly $32 Moweth $33 Mucid $34 Muciform $35 Mucilage $36 Muckmess $37 Muckle $38 Mucosity $39 Mucous $78 Mundation $79 Mundic $80 Mundify $40 Muculent Muddily Muddiness Muddle $44 Muddleth Muddling $45 $41 $42 $43 $46 $47 §48 $49 $50 Munerate Munerateth Munerating $84 Municipal $81 $82 $83 Muffin $85 §86 $87 $88 $89 §90 §91 £92 $93 $94 $95 $96 $97 S98 S99 $100 Muffle Muflling Muggard Muggish §51 Mulatto $52 Mulberry $53 Muleteer $54 $55 $56 $57 $58 $59 $60 $61 $62 $63 $64 $65 $66 $67 $68 $69 $70 $71 $72 $73 S74 $75 $76 $77 Mulish Mullets Mulligrubs Mullion Multifold Multiform Multiplied Multiple Multiplex Multiplier Multiply Multitude $200 $300 §400 §500 §600 §700 §800 §900 Mumbleth Mumbling Mummify Mummy Mumping Mumpish Mumpishly Mumps Muncheth Munching Mundane Mundanity JVLunificate Munificent Munitions Munity Murdered Murdereth Murdering Murderous Muriatic Muricite Murkily Murmur Murmureth Murmuring Murmurous Muscatel Muscle Muscology Muscovite Muscular Musculous Museful Mushroom Musically §1,000 Musician §5,000 Musingly §6,0u0 §7,000 §8,<00 S9,000 $10,000 Musketeer Musketry Muskiness Mussite Mussulman PARTS OF A DOLLAR. cent cents 3 cents 4 cents i a Mustache Mustang Mustard Mustereth cents cents 7 cents 8 cents 5 6 Mustering Mustiness Musty Mutability 102 PARTS OF A DOLLAR—continued. 9 to ii 12 13 14 i"j 16 17 18 1 g 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 cents rents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents Mutation Mutely Muteness Muticous Mutilate Mutilating Mutilation Mutining Mutinous Mutiny Muttereth Muttering Mutuality Myologist 5s cents 56 cents 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 6<j 66 67 Myology Myriad 68 69 70 Myrtle 71 Mysterial 72 Mystenzed Mystic Mystical 73 74 75 Mysticism 76 Mystified Mystify Mystifying Mythic Mythical Nabbeth Nabbing Nacreous Nailed Naillery Nailing Naively 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 8$ 86 87 88 Nakedly Nakedness Napery Naphtha Napkin 89 90 Narcosis Narcotic Narcotine Narcotical Narcotize 94 Narrateth Narrative Nemesis 91 92 9 -j 95 96 97 98 99 cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents cents Money market. Narratory Narrowest Nasality Nasalize Nascent Nastily Nastiness Nasty Natatory Natively Native aess Nativity Natroiite Naturalize Naughtily Naughty Nauseate Nauseating Nauseative Nauseous Nautical Nautdite Nautitoid Navicular Navigably Navigateth Nazarite Neapolitan Nebula Nebulosity Nebulous Necktie Necrolite Necrology Necropolis Necrosis Nectarial Nectarine Nectarous Nectary Needfully Nefarious Neglecteth Negro Neighborly —— ——— .. ) 103 Neography Neolog;st Neology Neophite ... ... Neoplastic Nepotism Neptunean Nervosity Nervously Nestleth Nestling Nestorian Nettle ... ... Neutralist Neutrality Neutralize MONTHLY allowance. MORE favourable terms. More hopeful. More than More to-day. More to-morrow. More when MORNING train. MORTGAGED the property. Mortgaged to the extent of— Mother and child doing well. MOVED Moved to— to another address. MOVEMENTS Movements MUCH are are uncertain. unknown. less. Neutrally Nexible Much more. Nibbed Must arrange (it). Must be— Must be hereby—* Must be there by Must come. Must come at once. Must deposit. ... Nibbleth Nibbling Niche Nickel Nicotine Nidorous ... ... ... ... MUST accept. Nidulant... — Must, deposit Nidulate Nidulation Must deposit to cover. Must deposit without fail. Must draw. Must give Must have Must have lower berth. Must have upper berth. Must have an immediate reply. Must have funds (to ). Must have further funds (to Must have reply by Must have reply, by telegraph. Must leave ... Niggard Niggardly ... Niggardish Niggardous Nighness Nightcap — Nightfall Nihilism Nihilists with the foregoing, or modation cannot be reserved. . . Nimbly Nimbleness — else accom- ———————— » — — ) 104 Nipped Nippingly ... Nippitate ... Nitency Nitrative Nitric Nitrified Nitrify Must leave before Must leave by— Must leave to-day. Must leave to-morrow. Must notMust not accept. Must not advance. Must not advance unless marketable security Nitrogen Nitrosity Nitrous Nobly Noctuary Noctule Nocturnal Nocuously .. ... Noddeth Nodding Nodosity Nodular Noduled Noisily Noisomely Nomadize Nomination Nonentity Noontide Northerner Nosology Nostril Notability ... ... ... ... ... ... Notching Notionally Notionist Novitiate Novitious ... Noxiously ... NoyoUS Nozzle Nubilate ... is deposited (for — collateral Must not draw for more than Must not draw for any further amounts. Must not draw on me (us). Must not give Must not give more than Must not leave. Must not leave until you hear further from me (us). Must not pay Must not remit Must not return. Must not return before— Must not surrender Must not surrender it (them). Must pay— Must pay the draft, or shall be seriously embarrassed. Must proceed to— Must remit. Must remit, by telegraph. Must remit something. Must remit without fail. Must return at once. Must return by first steamer. Must sail before Must sail by s.s. Must sail by first steamer. Must sail by next steamer. Must send at once. Must send before Must send without fail. Must surrender (it). Must take steps to Must the individual — .. ........ ————— .. .......... ) ————— — ) ) ) io5 Nubilous . . Nuddle .. .. Nudging" Nugatory.. .. Nullified .. . . .. Nullifying Nunnery Nuptial Nurseth Nurtured Nutmeg .. . . . . . . . . . . — Must the foregoing Must wait. Must wait until— MUTUAL arrangement. MUTUALLY arranged. MY address will be My agent is My baggage My banker is My cable address is— — My cable address is place. Nutrition.. .. Nutritious Nutritive . Nymphean .. Nymphical .. . . Any registered at the foregoing telegrams sent there will reach me. My cheque My correspondent is My credit balance. My draft for My draft on you for Nymphish . Oasis Obduracy . . Obdurately Obdured . Obelisk Obitual Oblate .. Oblique Obliquely.. Obliquity.. Oblivion Oblivious . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . the returned unpaid why My family consists of My husband. My instructions are to is ; amount herein is NAME and address of your correspondents . .. .. NATIONAL Obscurely.. .. Obloquy Obnoxious . Obscure Obscurant . . specified ? My letter. My mail (to—) My passage. My passage is not engaged. My plans are My plans are not yet matured. My telegram (of— My trunk. My wife. Name of the Name of the steamer, sailing Name unknown to me (us). Oblongly this Bank (at— National Bank of National Line. Commerce (at — (at — — —— ) ) ) ) *o6 Obscurity Obsequies Obsequious Obsolete Obstinacy Obstructed Obtrude Obtrudeth Obtruding Obtrusion Obtuse Obtusely Obtusion Obversant Obversely ... Na'ural course. ... NATURK ... Nature NECESSARY ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Occupancy Octagon Octagonal Octangular Octavo Octennial ... ... ... ... ... Odium Odorant Odorating Odorine Odorous ... ' are are still in now broken progress. off. concluded. are not yet concluded. are suspended for awhile. NERVOUS debility. NET proceeds (of— profits. profits are NEWS of— News News importance. of of a serious character. NEXT American mail. Next American mail due in London. Next sailing- by this Line. Next sailing of that steamer (is Next steamer sailing of your Line. Next steamer sails Next train due at — NINE adults. Nine months. Nine o'clock. Oddity Odious Offend Negotiations Negotiations Negotiations Negotiations — Octile Octuple Oculated Ocularly NEED not— Need not come. Need not go (to— Need not wait. NEGOTIATED with— . Negotiated with the Bank of— Net Net Occipital Occiput Occulting documents. Necessary instiuctions. NEGOTIATIONS Obverted Obviate Obviating Obvious of the business. of the injuries. ... ... No address left with me us). No advantage. No Correspondent (at — No authority has been given. No authority to accept. No authority to do it. No authority to draw. —— — —— 107 Offendeth Offending ... ... Offensive Offertory Officious Offshoot Ogleth Oiliness Oiling Ointing Ointment ... Oldish Oleosity Olfactory Olympiad Omelet Ominously ... Omissively ... Omnigraph Omnipotent Onerous ... Onerously Ontology ... ... ... ... Opacity Opaceous Opacular Opalescent Opaline Opalize Opalizing ... ... Opaque Openeth Operative Opiniate Oppilate Oppilative Oppositely Oppress Oppressing Oppression ... ... ... ... No authority to pay. No better. No cable. No cable received. No cable received since No case. No cause for anxiety. No chance of it. No change. No change since No change since last advice. No danger apprehended. No decision come to yet. No deduction can be made. No delay here. No demand. No demand for it (them), but there is a demand No doubt about it. No duty on No duty on it (them). No enquiry (for— ). No excuse. No expense. No expense shall be spared. No expenses to pay. No foundation whatever for the rumour. No funds. No further No further instructions are necessary. No further sums. No hope of recovery. No insurance. No insurance effected. No instructions. No instructions from No instructions received. No instructions sent. No knowledge of the individual (them). No letter for the (or this) individual. No letter for them. for- —— — — ) io8 Oppressive ... Opprobium ... Optative Optatively Optical Optics ... Optigraph ... Optimacy Optimism Opulent ... ... Opuscule Oracle Oracular Oracularly Oraculous Orally ... ... Orangery Orator Oratorial Oratory Orbical Orbiculate Orbitude Orchardist Orchestral Orcnestric Ordain Ordained Ordaineth Ordaining Orderly Ordinance Ordinate Ordination ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Organical Organism ... Orifice Ornamental Ornate Ornately ... No letter for you. No letter sent. No letter received from the (this) individual. No letter received from them. No letter received from you. No loss. No mail for the individual. No mail for them. No mail for you. No mail received. No mail sent. No means. No money. No more. No more news. No need to hasten home; everything going on well. No necessity (for— ). No necessity for you to No necessity for you to return yet. No news from No news from you (since — No news of the individual (them). No objections to offer. No particulars received. No particulars received yet will telegraph you later. No passage engaged. No passage engaged for No passage engaged for you. ; No previous instructions received from you. No prospect of No redress can be obtained. No reply has been received from the individual No reply has been received to letter of— No reply has been received to telegram of No rooms disengaged on that date. No satisfaction can be obtained. No security. No signature. No stateroom such as desired, is available. No such letter received. (them). — ——— — ) iog Ornatlire .. Orological Orologist Orology .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Orphanism Orphic Orthodox Osculate . . . . . . . . No such person resides at the address given. No such telegram (or cable) received. No time to lose. No trace of the missing property, as yet. No trunk. No trunks. No worse. No worse to-day. Osculating- .. NOMINAL value (of— Osseous .. .. NORTH Ossified .. .. Ostensibly Ostensive. Ostentate Ostracize .. Ostrich .. .. Otalgic . Outcry .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . Outfit Oval German Lloyd Line. North German Lloyd steamer. NOT accepted. Not advisable to Not advisable to press the matter. Not advised. Not advised in time to prevent draft going to protest Not arrived. Not arrived here. Not arrived there. Not arrived yet but is (are) expected to reach— Not arrived yet but is (are) expected to reach here ; Ovally ; before Ovated Ovation . . . . . . . . Ovens Overflow OverhangOverhear Overj oyed Overleap .. Overload .. . . . . Overmix . Overt Overtly . .. Overtopped Overturned Ovicular Ovidian Oviduct . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. Oviferous. . . .. . . — Not at address given. Not at present. Not authorized to Not been applied for. Not collected Not complete without Not concluded. Not convenient. — Not considered good. Not correct. Not credited. Not covered. Not dead. Not decided yet. — Not Not Not Not delivered. desirable to engaged. engaged for that date. — ——— —— — no Oviform Ovology Ovulary Ovulation ... Ovule Ovulite Ovulum Owelty Owenite Owlish. Oxalic Oxidable Oxidated Oxidating Oxidation Oxide Oxidize Oxidizing Pabulation Paceth ... ... ... ... Paciflcal Pacifying Paddles Paddling Paganical Paganish Paganism Paganized Paganizing Paganly Pageant Pageantry Paginal Palacious Palatably Palatine Palavereth Palavering Paleology Palestrian Palestric ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Not favorable. Not favorably disposed. Not forwarded. Not forwarded any mail for you since— Not given. Not guaranteed. Not here. Not heard. Not heard anything of the (this) individual since Not if it necessitates Not ill. Not in condition to— Not in a position to Not in a position to give a definite reply at present. Not in any danger. Not in town. Not including Not intelligible. Not issued. Not known at address given. Not known here. Not known there. Not later than Not left yet. Not less than Not more than Not over Not paid. Not presented. Not received the letter referred to. Not received the telegram (or cable) referred to. Not received payment (of — ). Not received remittance. Not registered with us. Not safe toNot sailed. Not sent. Not shipped. Not signed. Not sufficient. Not successful. — IT Palisade Palisading ... Pallial Palliasse Palliate Palliateth Palliating Palliation Palliative Palliatory Pallidity Pallidly Pallidness ... ... ... ... ... ... Palmary Palmately Palmine Palmistry — ... NOTED for— NOTHING can ... Palsy Palsying Paltrily ... it. — Notarial charges paid. Palpitate Palsical Palsied Pampsreth Not the slightest chance. Not the slightest doubt about Not there. Not to Not to draw. Not to pay Not to pay it. Not too late. Not transferable. Not understood. Not until Not well. Not yet received. NOTARIAL charges— ... Palmitic Palpable Palpifbrm I be done. Nothing can be done at present. Nothing doing. Nothing further can be done. Nothing known of the individual (them). Nothing known against him (them). Nothing of importance. Nothing less. Nothing more. Nothing more to say. Nothing new yet; will telegraph when anything occurs. Pamperize Panacea Pancratic Pandemic Panderage Pandering Panderism Pandurate Paneleth ... ... ... ... ... ... ... — Paneling Pang Pangolian Nothing of any consequence has transpired. Nothing received for the (this) individual. Nothing received for them. Nothing received for you. Nothing the matter. Nothing to offer; steamer full. Nothing to offer at present. Nothing to offer at present, except— Nothing to offer by the steamer referred to, but can offer by s s. sailing Nothing under— Nothing will be done. Nothing yet from— ... — — — — — —— ) ) 112 NOVEMBER— (See « Calendar.") Panic al Panicle d Pannage Panoply ... Number of Number of the ... Numbered, as ... ... OBJECTS to street is follows it. OBTAIN— (See "Get.") OCCURRED— (See " Took.") OCTOBER— (See "Calendar.") Panoramic Panslavic. Pansophy Pantable ... Panteloon Pantheism Pantheist... Pantheon Pantherine Pantile Pantingly Pantograph Pantology Pantomime Pantry Panurgy Papacy Papalist Papalize Papally ... ... ... ... ... Paparohy... Papereth Papering ... Papescent ... Papilla ... Papillary... Papillate ... Papillose... Papist OF any consequence. Of any value. Of arrival of the (or following) individual. Of arrival of the (or following) individuals. Of delivery of Of good commercial standing. Of great importance. Of her— Of his— Of issue of Of its payment. Of its receipt. Of later date. Of latest date. Of little importance. Of ray— Of no— Of no great importance. Of our— Of payment (of ). Of receipt (of Of shipment (of Of that— Of the— Of the forwarding of— Of the shipment of Of their— Of them. Of your OFFER— (See "Tender" rt Sympathy). — — — Papistical Offer accepted* Papistry Offer ... * at— — — —— = i'3 Papoose Offer, at 8-guinea Parabolic Parabolist Offer, at io-guinea ... Paradeth Parading raterate— Offer, at 12 -guinea rate Offer, at 15-guinea rate- Offer, at 18-guinea rate. Paradisal Paradise Paradisic Offer, at 31-guinea rate. Paradox Paradoxal Offer, at £12 Offer, at £i& rate. Offer, at £ 18 rate. rate. ... Offer, at .€22 rate. Paragenic ... Offer, at .£26 rate, Offer berth, No.— Paragram ... Paralogize ... Paraffine Paralogy Offer berths, Nos. Offer declined. Offer Paramount ... Parapet Paraphrase ...' Offer Offer Offer is made. more favorable terms. my (our) no- congratulations to— Parasite Offer per steamer Parsitic Offer security. Parboiled Parboiling Parceleth Parceling Parcenary ... Offer stateroom ... Offer staterooms Parenesis Parenetic Pargasite Officer's room. Officer's room not accepted Officer's room, per s.s. — sailing-=- OFFICERS' rooms. ... OMISSION was due to— OMITTED to— ... ... ... ... Parietal Parity Parleying Nos.— Offer too low. ... Parcity Pardon Pardonably Pardoneth Pardoning No. Offer too high. Parched Parcheth Parching Parchingly — sailing— ... Omitted to encloseOmitted to give (the— ), Omitted to sign. ON acceptance. On account of On account of delay. On account of non-delivery. On account of non-receiQt. On account of sickness. On application. ——— — — ii4 Parochial Parodist Parody Parodying ... Parole On application to our agent, or correspondents (at —). On application to our office (at — ). On arrival at On arrival here. On arrival here find it best to make a change of route Parotid Parotitis Parqueted Parquetry Parrotry Parrying ... ... Parseth Parsimony Parsonage Parsoned Parsonic Parsonical Parsonish Parthenic Parthenon Partialize Participle ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Partisan Partitive Parturiate Parturient Parturious ... ... ... Parvenue Parvitude Paschal Pasquilant Pasquinade Passerine Passionary Passionist Passivity Pasted Pastorage Pastoral ... ... ... ... ... ... ; shall therefore go to On arrival there. On behalf of On board the s.s.— On collection. On condition thatOn delivery. On delivery of goods. On demand. On deposit. On first floor. On lower deck. On mutual terms. On my account. On no account. On our account. On payment. On payment of On presentation (of — ). On proper identification. On receipt. On receipt of On receipt of balance. On receipt of deposit. On receipt of letter. On receipt of letter cf— On receipt of telegram. On receipt of telegram of On receipt of the individual's— On receipt of the individuals' — On saloon deck. On same terms. On second floor. On spar deck. On terms named. — — — — "5 Pastorate Pastorlillg ... Pastorly Pastry Pasturable ... Pasturage Patagonian Patchery Patcheth Patching Patchouly Patentable Paternal Paternally Paternity ... ... ... ... ... ONE Patbetical ... Pathogeny Pathology ... Patrial Patriarch Patrician Patricidal ... ... Patrimony ... Patriot Patriotic ... Patriotism ... ... Patristic ... ... Patroon Pattering Patterned Paucity leave? adult. One child, aged One letter. One o'clock. One telegram. One trunk. ONLY berths, ... Patricide,. Patrolled Patrolling Patronal Patronizer On third floor. On understanding that On what — On what date does the (this) individual On what date do you expect to leave ? On what date do you leave? On what steamer? On what terms? On what terms have you closed? On whom On whom shall I draw On you. On your— On your account. ... ... Pauperism ... Pauperize ... Pausation ... at following rate, vacantOnly four-berth staterooms vacant. Only in case of absolute necessity. Only in case of danger. Only in case of death. Only in case of need. Only in case of urgency. Only inside berths vacant. Only inside stateroom vacant. Only outside berths vacant. Only outside stateroom vacant. Only lower-deck berths vacant. Only six-berth stateroom vacant. Only staterooms at following rate vacant Only three-berth staterooms vacant. Only two-berth staterooms vacant. OPEN and repeat by wire. Open and repeat by wire ail cables and telegrams me. Open and repeat by wire all cables and telegrams the (this) individual for for ——— ) ——— — no Open and Pauseth. repeat all cables and telegrams addressed to us. Pausing Pausingly ... Paved Open banker's credit. Open banker's credit, in favor of Wire me when Open banker's credit in my favor. it is opened, stating amount, and through whom it Send credit by first mail. is issued. Open banker's credit in my favor, by telegraph, fcr Wire me when it is opened, the foregoing sum. — Paveless whom stating through against Pavement ... Paviage Pavidity it I wish to draw Open credit in favor of— through — for Open credit in my favor through Open credit in my favor for the foregoing sum — through —Open credit Paving issued, as it at once. foregoing when my in favor, by sum through it is open, as telegraph, the following. for the Wire me wish to draw against I it at. once Open credit through— Open credit through the Bank of Open credit in my favor, by telegraph, through Pawned Pawneth — Pawning Payroll Peaceable Peaceful Peacefully Peacemaker Peachy Peacrab Peafowl Peajacket Pealeth Peasantry Pebble Peccable Peccadillo Peooancy the correspondents of the following at your place foi foregoing sum. Wire to me when it is opened, as I want to draw against it at once Open trunk and take out the following before forwarding it ... Open to an offer. OPENED credit, ... ... Opened Opened credit, OPERATION ... as desired. You can draw credit as desired. is necessary. Operation is unnecessary. Operation performed— Operation successful Operation unsuccessful prepare ; ... —OPINION is for the worst- favorable. — Opinion is not favorable. —Opinion ... Opinion Is that— of the individual (them) OPPOSITION at once. through— for— is offered (to— is— ———— — — ii7 Peccantly Peccary Pectate Pectinal Pectinate Pectine ... Or equivalent in sterling'. Or similar, aft. Or similar, amidships. Or similar, forward. ORDER Pectolite Pectoral Pectorally Peculate Pecunial Pedagogic Pedagogue ... Pedantic Pedantical Pedantism Pedantry Peddling Peddlery Pedestal Pedicel Pedicular ... ... ORDERS not to pay. ... Peevish Peevisnly Pegmatic Pegomancy Orders not to receive Ordered some time ago. ... ORDINARY business ... ORIGINAL copy. Original copy Original not risks. of— Original not paid. Original not presented. Original paid. ... Pediment Peepeth Peeping Peerlessly cannot be executed. Order for— Order for the House of Commons for Order not— Order not received. Order of the foregoing the following goods, and tell them to ship by first steamer Order of— Order received. — Pedalist Pedaneous OR cannot be secured. ... ... ... Pelagic Pelicoid Pelleted Pellicle Pellicular ... Pellucid Pellucidly ... Other means. Our address is Our agents at— Our agents are Our baggage. Our bankers. Our bankers ar^— Our correspondents. Our correspondents areOur credit balance. Our debit balance. Our instructions of— Our letter of— Our mail. Our office at Our office here. — ———— — — n8 Pelteth Pelting Peltry ... ... Penchant... Pencileth Penciling Pencilist ... Pencraft ... Pendency Pendent ... Pendentive Pendently Pendicle Pendule Pendulous Our office there. Our opinion is that he is — Our opinion is that they are Our passages. Our passages secured by s.s. sailing — Our plans. Our plans are altered we now go to Our telegram of Our tickets. Our tickets for OUTSIDE accommodation preferred. ; Penetrable Outside berth. Outside berth at Outside stateroom. Outside stateroom, aft. Outside stateroom, midship. Outside stateroom, with only one other passenger Penetrant Outside stateroom, with only two other passengers Penetrate Penfish ... Penfold ... Penfolding OUTLAY of— — Overdrawn Penitence Penitently Overdrawn your account. Overdrawn your account; please put same ... ... Pendulum therein. therein. Outlay of at least OVERDRAWN to the extent of— to this extent; please remit to cover at once. without delay. OVERSIGHT— (See " Omitted"). Pennach Pennary ... ... OWE Owe anything. nothing. found. not found. OWNER OWNER Pennated... Penology... Pensile ... PACKAGE Pensionary Pensioning Pensive ... Pensively Pentacle Pentagonal Pentangle Package for me. Package for the (this) individual. Package for us. Package for you. Package not delivered. Package not received. Package of ... delivered. in order — —— — — ii 9 Pentapody Pentarcliy Pentastyle Pentateuch. Pentecost ... Package on storage. Package received Package traced, and forwarded byPackages for me (us). ... PAID ... ... ... Penult Penumbral Penury Peonage Peonism ... Peopleth Peopling Pepastic Peppering Pepsin ... Peptics Peracute Peragrate Perceiveth Perception Perceptive Perchance Percolate Percussion Percussive ... ... ... ... ... ... Perdifoil Perfecteth Perfective Perfidious — PAIR of— Perdition Perdulous Perdurance Peregrine Perennial Perennity account (of—). Paid at maturity. Paid charges. Paid cheque. Paid cheque for— Paid draft. Paid draft, for Paid for— Paid for your account. Paid our Paid rayPaid on presentation. Paid on representation. Paid the (this) individual. Paid the (these) individuals. Paid to-day. Paid-up capital. Paid yesterday. Paid your— Paid your cheque. Paid your draft. Paid your draft for— ... ... ... ... ... ... Pair to match same. PANIC on the market. Panic on the market; several failures reported. Panic on the market; the following have failed Panic on the Stock Exchange. PAR value. PARAGRAPH referring toPARENTS are anxious to know has arrived, named Parents, are anxious to know Perfidy if if their daughter their son has arrived, named Perflation ... Parents are ter, in named great distress concerning their daugh- — — — — ———— — — ) 120 Perfoliate Parents are in great distress concerning their son, Perforate ... Perforated PARLIAMENTARY debate. PART of the goods. Performeth Part of the order. PARTIALLY covered by insurance. named Perfricate Perfusive ... Perilously Periodic ... Periphrase Peripteral Periptery... Periscope... Periscopic Perisheth Perishing Peristome Peristyle PARTICULARS later. PARTY consists of— Party consists of self, wife, and — Party consists of this number of — ladies (and Party numbers, adults PASSAGE— (See " Secure " re Applying for Passages) Passage by s.s. Passage by that steamer. Passage by the next steamer. Passage for by s.s. sailing Passage for the (this) individual is secured. Passage money. Passage money cannot be refunded on this side yoa — — ; must apply Perjured ... Perjureth Permeate Permeation Permeating Passage Passage Passage Passage Passage same for not secured. Return Order at the office of issue. — (See Return"). — sailing secured, as desired. secured by s.s. ticket cannot be transferred to the sailing specified. Permissive Permute ... Pernicious Pernicity Peronate ... Passage ticket cannot be transferred to the sailing sailing specified, but can be transferred to s.s. Passage ticket cannot be transferred to the sailing specified, but can transfer it to the following sailing. Telegraph promptly if this will suit Passage ticket for s.s. sailing Passage ticket extended, as desired. Passage ticket extended for this number of months — — — longer. Peroration Peroxide ... Passage ticket forwarded Passage ticket is held at your disposal by our office at— Peroxidize Passage ticket is held at your disposal by our office there. Perpetrate Passage ticket is held by me (us) at your disposal. —— ——— .. — —— ) )) 121 Perpetuity ... Passage ticket is held by us, awaiting the individual's instructions as to Perplexeth Perplexing Perplexity Persecute ... ... ... ... Passage Passage Passage Passage its disposal. ticket is found. ticket is lost. ticket is not ticket is not issued by this office, but by our office at Persicot Persisteth Persistive Personate Personify Personize Perspicil Persuasive Persuasory Pertaineth Pertinency Pertinent Perturb Perturbrate Peruseth Pervadeth Pervading Perversely Perversion Perversity Perverted Perverteth ... ... ... . . ... ... ... ... ... Passage ticket transferred, as desired. PASSAGES by s.s.— sailing. Passages for Passages for a party, consisting of Passages not secured. Passages secured, as desired. Passages secured by s.s. sailing PASSED a bad night. Passed a good night. PASSENGER by s.s.— (from— Passenger by the following steamer from here, s.s.— Passenger by that steamer. Passenger train. PASSPORT for a journey, through— — Passport ... ... ... ... ... ... ... PAY all lost. charges. Pay all the bills. Pay any furtherPay balance (of—; Pay balance of passage on my ticket (to Pay balance of passage on our ticket (to Pay balance of passage on the (this) individual's — — ticket to Pervially Peskily Pessimist Pay bill (of—) Pay bill of the foregoing to my Tour) debt. Pay bill of the foregoing, and draw on me — — (us foi the equivalent of same. Pestered Pestereth Pestering PesterOUS Pestilence Pay, by telegraph. ... ... ... ... Pay carriage. Pay charges on Pay charges to my (our) debit. Pay charges, and draw on me (us) same. Pay cheque of Pestilent for for the equivalent — ————— ——— —— —— — —— 122 — Pay deposit to the foregoing for my passage — sailing — Pay deposit to the foregoing for our passages —sailing Pestling per s.s. Petaline per 6.s. Petali8m Petalous Petaled Petaliform ... Petalite Petamist Petard Petiolate Petrescent ... Petrified Petrify Pay draft. Pay draft for— Pay draft maturing— (for—) Pay draft, or shall be seriously embarrassed. Pay following draft at by on for Pay for account of Pay for my account Pay for our account — — Pay, if in order, cheque Pay, if in order, draft Pay, immediately, the sum of to Pay no more drafts or cheques of Pay no more drafts or cheques of the individual (or — Petrifying ... Petrology ... firm) referred to. Petrosal — first of each month, the sum of to Pay no further amount to Pay only against banker's indemnity. Pay on re-presentation, cheque Pay on re-presentation, draft Pay our— Pay proceeds of the (this) collection to— Pay the foregoing for my homeward passage, and instruct them to inform their office here, by tele- Pay, on the Petrous Pettifog Pettily Pettiness Pettish. Pettishly Petulance ... Petulancy ... — graph, of their having done so. Petulantly Pexity ... Pay the (or foregoing) individual the sum of Pay the (or foregoing) individuals the sum of— Pay the foregoing the amount stated for my (our) homeward passage, and instruct them to inform — their office here, by telegraph, of their having done so. Phantastic ... Phantasy — Pay the foregoing the amount stated, by telegraph. — Pay the foregoing the amount stated, and advise me (us) by telegraph when you have done Phenomenal... — Pay this amount to Pay to the order of— Philippic Pay whatever you consider Pharmacy ... is right. so. — —— — — — 123 Philistine Philology Philomel Philosophy Philtering Phlegmatic Phonetic Phonogram Phonology Phosphate Phosphatic Phosphoric Photology ... ... ... PAYMENT ... ... . . ... ... ... ... ... Photopsy Phraseth Phrenology ... Phrensy Physiology ... Piacular Piaculons ... ... Picaroon Pickery Pickling Picotee Picrolite Pictnrable Pictural Picturize ... ... Piebald Pieceth Pierceable Piercing Pietess PAYABLE at— Payable at sight. Payable on— Payable on demand. Payable to my order. Payable to our order. Payable to the order of— Payable to their order. PAYEE'S endorsement. Payee's endorsement is irregular. ... against delivery of— against surrender of against surrender of shipping documents. cannot be made. cannot be made on account of cannot be made on account of insufficient address. Please send correct, or fuller, address. Payment cannot be stopped; it is too late. Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment for— Payment made. Payment made according to Payment made, by wire. Payment made to-day. Payment made yesterday. Payment not Payment not made yet. Payment not stopped. Payment of— Payment refused. Payment stopped. PAYMENTS ... PECUNIARY are all instructions. made. losses. Piety Pecuniary losses amount to Pecuniary losses are considerable. Pecuniary losses are not heavy. Pecuniary strength is estimated at Piggery PENDING Pigmy Pending further instructions, by Pending instructions of Pending receipt of— Pending your— Pietistic Pignerate Pikelin Pikestaff further instructions. wire. — )) 124 Pilastered Pending your return here. is— Pilement ... PERCENTAGE Pileous Pilfered Pilfering ... PERISHABLE goods. PERMISSION given. ... Pilgrimage Permission withheld. PERSONAL effects. PERSUADE— (See " Endeavor "). Piligerous PETITE Pillageth... PHOTOGRAPH Pillaging PICTURE Pillarist Pillorize ... . . Pillowed . Pillowing. Pilotage Piloteth Pilotism Pilotry Pincers Pinched Pincheth . . . . . . of the (or foregoing) individual. not sold. — Picture sold (for Picture valued at. PICTURES Pillory Pillosity vitesse. not sold. Pictures sold (for PLACES me Places us in — an embarrassing position. an embarrassing position. in PLAN of the (or following) steamer. POCKET-BOOK containing— Pocket-book containing important papers. Pocket-book found. i-Pocket-book lost please have search made for (at-) ; . . Pindaric Pindarical Pineth . Pinguid .. Pinionist .. Pinnace Pinniform Pinniped .. .. Pinnulate.. Pinnule ... Pintado ... Pioneer ... Pioneering Pious Piously ... POLICIES of Insurance. POLICY of Insurance. POSITION unassailable. POST OFFICE (Poste Restante) at— Post Office (Post Restante) here. Post Office (Post Restante) there. POSTED in proper time. Posted to-day. Posted too late. Posted yesterday. POSTMARK bears date of— POSTPONE— (See "Defer"). POSTPONED— (See " Deferred"). POUND sterling— (See " Money "). PRECARIOUS condition. PREFER berth No.— Prefer berths Nos. Prefer berth on spar deck. Prefer inside berth. it ——— —— — —— 125 Pipistrel Prefer inside stateroom. Piquancy Piquantly Prefer lower berth. ... Piqued Prefer outside berth. Piracy Prefer outside stateroom. Prefer stateroom No. Piratic Piratical — PREFERENCE given in order named. Piscary Piscation Piscatory Pisciform Premium on your Premium on your Prefer staterooms Nos. PREMIUM is paid, as desired. Fire Insurance Policy falls due Life Insurance Policy falls due Certificate— (See " Return "). Prepaid your passage, as desired. PREPAID Piscinal Pisolite — PREPAY my passage by this Line. — Prepay my passage by this Line, and wire me at— Pistolitic Pistareen ... Pistillate ... Prepay reply. —PRESENT address of the (or foregoing) individual is Pistoling Pistolet Pistons Pitapat ... Present again and it will be paid. Present again and they will be paid. Present whereabouts of PRESS the individual (them) for immediate settle- ment. Pitcneth Pitckiness ... Press the (or foregoing) individual to return at once. Press the (or foregoing) individual to return by s.s. sailing PRESSURE Pitching of business prevents your kind invitation my (our) accepting ). — Prevents my (our) accepting your — Prevents my (our) leaving before- Pithily Pitiable Pitiedly Pitying Pivotal Placable Placarding Placating Placental Placidly — PRESUME this is perfectly comprehensible. Piteous Piteously Pitifully Pitilessly (for PREVIOUS ... engagement. Previous letter. Previous instructions. Previous order. Previous telegram. PRICE accepted. Price arranged satisfactorily. ... Price does uot include ... Price for — (See "At"). Price for same will Price no object. be— —— ; ) — ) 126 — per Plagiary Plaguetll Planetary ... Price of the berths. Planetical ... Price of the stateroom. Planetule Planishing ... Price of the staterooms. ... Price not to exceed Price of the berth. Price too high. Planked Price too high; cannot a reduction be Planticle Plantllle Price too low. PRIVATE address of the (or following) individual. Private and confidential. Plashing Plashy Plasmatic ... Plastereth ... PROBABLE ... cost. Probable cost will be— Probable date of the arrival (at Plastering made? Probable — (or foregoing) individual's (or foregoing) individual's ). date of the return. Plastic Plastical Plasticity PROCEED ... with the matter at once. Proceed with the order without delay. Proceed with the order without delay, and ship by the first Platina Platonic Platonical Plattering Plaudit Plauditory possible steamer. PROCEEDS ... ... PROFITS, Profits, net, ... of cheque. Proceeds of draft. PRODUCE an exact copy. Profits amount to— amount to gross, show a considerable only to falling off (amounting — Plausible Plausive Profits Playeth Profitable business can undoubtedly be done. Playfully Profitable investment. show a considerable increase (amounting PROFITABLE business. PROGRESSING— (See Pleadable Pleasance Plebeian Pledgeth Plenary Plenteous ... ... ... Plentiful Plentitude ... PROMISE(S) Promises Promises Promises Promises Promises Promises Promises " Condition "). to come. to deliver. to have same ready (by — to pay. to remit. to send. to send to send same in a day or two. same not later than to — — ——— ) 127 Pleonasm. Pleonastic ... ... PROMISED to pay Promised to send in a day or so. Plethora PROMISSORY note falls due- Plethoric Pleuritic Pliable Promissory note for Promissory note not paid. Promissory note paid. Pliancy PROOF of— Pliantly Plicature Plotteth PROPER identification. PROPERTY is bequeathed to— PROMPT— (See Proof of death. Plowable Ploweth Property Property Property Property Pluckier Pluckiest Pluckily is decreasing in value. increasing in value. valued at is practically valueless. is is PROPOSE to leave- Plucky Plugged Pluggeth Propose to return Propose to sail Plumage Plumed PROPOSITION Plumosity Plump] y Plunderage Plundereth Plunger Plungeth Plunging "Immediate"). PROPOSED Proposition ... ... ... trip is PROSPECTS abandoned on account of— favorably entertained. not favorably entertained. bad. is Prospects fair. Prospects good. Prospects improving. Prospects very bad. Prospects very good. PROSPECTUS of the (or following) concern. PROTECT— (See " Honor " and " Pay "). my Plural Protect Pluralist Pluralize PROTEST draft for non-acceptance. Plutonian PROTESTED Pluvial Pluvious Poached Poaching (our) interests. Protest draft for non-payment. draft for non-acceptance. Protested draft for non-payment. PROVIDE the (or foregoing) individual with— —Provide the foregoing with cheapest possible passage to Liverpool. —Provide the foregoing with cheapest possible passage to London. Poachy —Provide the foregoing with the cheapest ticket from — (to— possible — ——— — .. . . 128 — Provide Pocketeth the foregoing with first-class ticket (from—)— to— Poesy — Provide .. per s. s. the foregoing with intermediate ticket — (sailing—) —Provide the foregoing with Poetically s. Poetize — Provide Poetizing (from—)— to— —Provide the foregoing with s. s. Poignancy Poignantly Pointedly.. Poisoneth Poisonful Poisoning Poisonous . Poitrel Poitrine steerage ticket per — sailing —Provide the foregoing with PROVIDED I t!n-oug!i tickets to— can- Provided I can getProvided we can Provided we can getProvided you can Provided you can secure (reserve)— PUBLICITY must be not given to it. PURCHASE all you possibly can. Polaric Polaristic Polarity Polarize Polarizing . Polemical. Polemist the foregoing with second-class ticket PUBLISH the banns. PUBLISHED the banns. Pokerish Polarchy Polemic per saloon ticket s.— sailing— rate . Purchase at lowest possible price. Purchase at the best price. Purchase at the price quoted. Purchase copy of Purchase copy of the " Low's Pocket Cable Code," and send here by first post. Purchase from— Purchase no more Purchase two copies of the " Low's Pocket Cable for Code." Send me one the other you retain, use between us. ; Polishable Polisheth PURSER of the PUSH sales of— Politize . Politure . Push sales Push sales . Pollinose .. Pollutedly Polluteth Polluting . . (or following) steamer. ; can replace ; sell at cost if lower prices. cannot do better, as at can replace at lower prices here. QUESTION cannot be answered until— QUITE agreeable. Quite recovered. Quite well. I (we) ———— — — ) ) ) 129 Pomac Pomaceous Pommeling Pomology .. .. ... ... ... Pompatic Pompire Pomposity ... Pompously ... Ponderable Pondered Pondereth Ponderous ... ... ... ... Pontine Pontoons Popery Popish Populace Populate Populous Populously Porcupine Porosity Porously Portentous Portico Portionist Portly Portrayal Portrayed Portraying Posingly Posology — REACH there— Reach there in time. Reach your city REASONS for it. Reasons for non-acceptance. Reasons for non-acceptance (of—) Reasons for non-payment (of — offer. RECEIPT not... Receipt of the Receirt of document. Receipt of goods. Receipt of letter (of Receipt of same acknowledgedReceipt of telegram of Receipt of ticket. — ... ... RECEIVED ... ... ... ... ... ... Posterior Posterity Postulate ... Posturing ... Potassium Potatory Rate for maidservant (is—) Rate for manservant (is Rate of ExchangeRates for passage by s.s.— REASONABLE Portative Portended RAPIDLY sinking. RATE for— (See " At ")• ... goods. Received her Received his Received in a damaged condition. Received it. Received Letter of Credit. Received mail. Received my— Received no Received no letters. Received no letter since— Received no remittance. Received no reply. Received no reply to my (our) letter of— Received no reply to my (our) telegram ofReceived no telegraphic remittance. Received nothing. Received nothing sine — ——— — — —— 130 Potency Potentate ... Received on the Received for Received passage ticket. Received remittance. Received reply to Received telegram. Received telegraphic transfer. Received telegram of— Received the (or following) individual's Received their Received ticket. Received to-day. Received yesterday. Received your ... RECOMMEND ... Potential Pottage .. Pouch .. .. Poultry .. •• Poundage Pounding Poureth Pouring Poutingly Powdered Powder Practician Practively • . ... ... ... — — Recommend Pragmatic Pragmatism... Recommend ... Prancing ... Prattler Prattleth Prattling Prayeth Prebendal Prebendate Preceptive Preceptory Precinct Preciously Precocity Precursive Precursory firm. RECOVERED the amount. Recovered the missing property. RECOVERY— (See also "Condition"). Recovery is but a question of time. Recovery is extremely doubtful. Recovery is impossible; prepare for the worst. Recovery is uncertain. ... RECTIFIED the mistake. RECTIFY the mistake. ... RED ... ... ... Precipice Precludeth Precocious individual. the (or following- Reconsider the matter, and Reconsidered the matter, but cannot comply with your request. RECORD of same. Praiseth Pranceth. Prankish. Pratingly it. the (or following ... Star Line. Red Star Steamer. REDUCE the amount to. REDUCED circumstances. REDUCTION cannot be made. REFER the matter to ... Refer to Refer to Refer to ,.. Refer to his (her) letter of ... my my (our) letter of — (our) telegram of— — — l Predatory Predestine Predicable Predictive Prefacing Prefactory Prefecture Pregnable Prelacy 3l ... Refer to his (her) telegram of Refer to their letter of Refer to the.ir telegram of— ... REFERRED ... Referred to in telegram ... REFERENCES ... ... ... ... — — — of— of— to in letter are first-class. References are not good. References satisfactory. cannot be made. REFUND Prelatical ... Prelatism ... Prelative Prelatised Prelusive ... ... ... Refund the amount. Refund the deposit. Refund the passage money. REFUNDED the amount. Refunded the amount, less per cent. REFUSE— (See also " Declines — "J. Prelusory ... Premonish ... Prenostic Prepotency Presage ... Presageful ... Presaging ... Refuse Refuse Refuse Refuse Refuse Refnse to— to accept— to do it. to accept draft. to go (to— ). to pay. REFUSED— (See Prescient Presential Presidiary Prestige ... ... ... Pretendeth ... Pretermit ... REGISTER my name in your Arrival Register Register our names in your Arrival Register. Register the foregoing Code Address for my — (with—) — Register the (with Pretorian Fricketh Pricking Prickly Pridefully Pridingly Priesthood Priestism Priestly Priggish. ... also « Declined ") Refused acceptance. Refused to— Refused to pay foregoing Code Address for our ) REGISTERED Code Address, as de§ired. Registered Code Address with Registered name, as desired. Registered your Code Address (with ... ... ... ... REGRET cannot— — ). Regret cannot accept. Regret cannot accept the invitation (of Regret cannot assist you. Regret cannot come. Regret cannot comply with the request — ). (of — ). — ——— — — — 132 Priggism Primarily ... Primatical ... Primeval Princely Prismatic Prismoidal ... Regret cannot Regret cannot Regret cannot Regret cannot Regret cannot modation. Regret cannot go. leave. refund. secure (or reserve) secure (or reserve) the desired accomsecure ticket, or tickets. REIMBURSE me (us). Pristine Reimburse yourself (yourselves) by drawing on me Privative RELAPSE (us) at Probative Probatory to-day. ... Relapse yesterday. ... RELIABLE Probetb individual. Reliable house. RELY— (See " Depend"). REMAINS in force for Probity Proboscis Procacity Remains in force until REMIT all — you can. Profitless • Profoundly ... Remit at once, or we shall realize. Remit as soon as possible. Remit balance. Remit balance of passage. Remit by Post-office Order. Remit by postal order. Remit by first mail. Remit by telegraph. Remit by telegraph, through Remit by telegraph for my (our) account to Remit by telegraph, through the Bank of Remit deposit. Remit deposit at once, or cannot secure. Remit for my (our) account to Remit immediately, by telegraph, as I am (we Profundity ... — Proclivity Proctorage Prodigal Prodigy Profanely Profaning Profanity ProfeS8 Professeth Proffering ... ... ... ... ... ... Profile Profilist Profiting • • • Profusely Progeny.. Prognostic ••• Projectile ... .. — are) greatly in need of funds. Remit immediately, by telegraph, through the foregoing, as I am (we are) greatly in need of funds. Remit immediately, by telegraph. Remit immediately, by telegraph, through Remit the following amount in Francs to Remit the following amount in Marks to — — — —— — — — —— *33 — to— Propension Propensity Remit the following amount Remit through Remit to cover. Remit to-day. Remit to-day, without fail. Remit to-morrow. Remit to the extent of— Remit without fail —REMITTANCE for— — Remittance for me. —Remittance for us, .—Remittance for you. Remittance not Remittance not received. Remittance received. Prophecy... REMITTED Prophetic Remitted balance. Remitted balance of passage. Remitted by telegraph, as requested. Remitted deposit. Remitted deposit of passage. Remitted for your account to Remitted in accordance with your request. Remitted through Remitted through the Bank of Remitted to Remitted yesterday. Remitted you on account Remitted you on account the foregoing amount; will remit you balance later. Remitted you on account the foregoing amount; will remit you more later. Remitted you on account the foregoing amount; will remit you more Prolific ... Prolixity ... Prolongate Promontory Promoteth Promotive Promnlgeth Promulging Pronely Pronged Propage ... ... Propagate Propelling Propitiate Propulsion Prosaic ... Prosaical... Prosily ... Prosodist... Prosody ... Prostatic ... Proteanly Protocol ... Prototype Protoxide Protrude ... Protrusion that is possible. — — — Proudest... REMOVED Proverbial Removed me to- to another address, which lus). Provisory RENEW Provokable Provoketh Prowess Renew Renew ... all in Florins contract for— draft for subscription to RENEWAL cannot be made. is unknown to . —— ...... , —— ) ——— — — *34 . RENEWED contract for— . Renewed Prowleth Prowling- draft for RENT is due- Proximal Proximity Prudently Rent Rent Prudishly RENTAL per annum. Pruneth . Rental per annum . REPEAT all telegrams and . Pruning' Prying Psalmist . is not is paid. is cables by wire. Repeat by wire. Repeal only, by wire, such telegram and cable that may be addressed to me from following place all others send to me by post Repeat the telegram without regard to code. Repeat this message, by letter, toRepeat this message, by wire, to Repeat your telegram between the foregoing word and Repeat your telegram without regard to code. REPLIED by letter. Replied by wire. ; Pubble Publicist . Pucilage . — Puckerish Pudency . Puerile Puffy .. .. Pugilistic . Pugnacious Pugnacity Pugnosed Puissan tryPulpiness Pulpy . Replied to-day. Replied to letter. Replied to telegram. Replied to your letter (of Replied to your telegram of Replied to your telegram on Replied yesterday. — REPLY at once. Pulsate Pulsative Pulsatory Pungently Reply by Reply by letter. Reply by wire. Reply by wire in any event. Reply by wire, immediately. Reply by wire without further delay. Reply from the individual(s). Reply from you. Reply how and when Reply should reach me (us) not later than— Reply should reach here not later than the time Puniness Reply Pulsific Pulverable Pulverate Pulverous Pumpeth . Punching Punctuate Pungency — — specified, otherwise . to my it will be too late (our) letter. —— — — —— — ....... ... ) ) 135 Punishable Punisheth Punitive Punitory.. Pupilage.. .. . .. . .. . .. . . Pushpin Putative —REPORTED as having arrived at— (at— . . —Reported as having .. .. . . . . . . . . .. Pushing-ly Pushing- . . .. .. . . . . . . .. Putter.. Puttering- .. . .. . .. . . RE-PRESENT . . . .. .. Quackery . Quackish.. Quadratic Quadrified Quadruped .. Quagmire Qualing Quaintly Quakerism Quakiness . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . for— failed cheque. Re-present draft. REQUEST cannot be complied — Re-present this draft, and it with. will now be paid. Request identification before payment. REQUESTING me toRequesting us to Requesting them to RESERVE— (See "Engage" re Hotel Accommodation, and " Secure" re Passages). Reserve for me. Reserve for the (or foregoing ) individual. Reserve for us. RESERVED for you. Reserved for your RE-SHIP by . the— .. . Pushed Pusheth Purveyance Pusher REPORT of Report to me. Report unfounded. — Reported as having arrived off— (at— — Reported as having been delayed by fog. — Reported as having been delayed by slight accident . Puritanic Purplish Quaffing . . Purifier Purifying" Putting Putlock Putty Puzzleth Puzzling . . .. Puppyism Purely Pureness Purflew . . Reply to my (our) letter of— Reply to my (our) telegram. Reply to my (our) telegram of— Reply "Yes" or "No" simply. Re-ship by first s. s. part}'. steamer. — sailing RE-SHIPPED by s.s.— sailing— RESPECTABLY connected. RESPONSIBILITY is too great. RESPONSIBLE for same. Responsible party. Responsible to the extent of RESULT is uncertain. Result Result Result Result Result not yet known. of will be known about known by will be unfavourable. — ) . 136 Quandary ... Quarrel ous ... RESULTED in the return of— RETAIL price (is—) RETAIN— (See also " Hold " Quarrying Quarterage Quartered Quarterful Quartette ... ... ... ... ... ) Retain goods until further instructions. Retain mail until further instructions. Retain mail until further instructions, but repeat all cables and telegrams by wire up to (to Retain mail until my (our) arrival. Retain the (or foregoing) individual's mail until — — further instructed. Quashing Retain the (or foregoing) individuals' mail until fur- ther instructions. Queenlier ... Queenly — — Quelled Quelling Quenchable Retain ticket until the individual calls on you for same. Retain tickets until the individuals call on you for same. Retain this individual's ticket until he calls on you for same. Retain these individuals' tickets until they call on you for same. Retain until further instructed. ,; (See also " Leave" and "Sail ). Return as soon as possible. Return at leisure. Return at once to Return bill. Return by first steamer. Return by s.s. sailing— Return cheque. Return document(s). Return from— Return immediately. Return indefinite. Return letter addressed toReturn letter of Return on Monday. Return on Tuesday. Return on Wednesday. Return on Thursday. Return on Friday. Return on Saturday. Return on Sunday. ... RETURN— Quencneth Quenchful Quenching Querulous Quibble Quibbling Quiescence Quietism Quietude ... ... ... ... ... ... Quilting Quirkish Quiver Quivering Quixotic Quizzing Quotient Racily Radiance Radiantly Radicalism ... • ... — — — —— — — — — *37 Badication ... Raffling Return Passage Order. —Return Passage Order by your Rafty (or this) Line at the wish to sail by s.s. sailing —Return Passage Order, calling for accommodation at the- rate herein specified by your (or this) line. Please advise by Letter the best offer per s.s.— Rageful —Return Passage Order, Raggedly Return Passage Order cannot be exchanged for passage ticket by the steamer specified, the steamer being Ragingly Return Passage Order cannot be exchanged for passage ticket by the steamer specified, having no suitable Raillery Return Passage Order does not call for such accommodation as is specified the additional price for rate herein specified ; — I sailing calling for accommodation at the rate herein specified, by your (or this) Line. Please advise by IVire the best offer per s.s.— sailing quite full. accommodation to offer. ; same Raketh Raking Rambleth Rambling . . ... RETURNS ... ... .... Ransomed . ... . ... Rancorous Rancour Rangeth Rangle Rapacious Rapacity Rapport . ... Rampage Rampancy Rampart ... . be Return Passage Order does not call for passage by the steamer specified. It is available for R etU rn Passage Order expired on the— Return the (this) individual's mail by first post. Return the (these) individuals' mail by first post. Return ticket (tc— ). Return ticket is available for— Return to Return to-day. Return to-morrow. Return to this city. —Return until— RETURNED after an absence ofReturned from— Returned from my (our) trip. ... Ramifying will . . coming in slowly. Returns received up to the present show a majority for Raptorial Returns received up to the present show a majority of this Rapturous ... number of votes for REVERSIONARY interest. —— — — 138 Rarefied Rarity ... RHEUMATIC RISK Rascality... Rascally Rationally ... ... Raveled Ravenous Ravisheth Realism Reapeth Rebel ... ... ... Rebelling Rebellious Rebounding Recedeth Receptacle Receptory E ecitative Reclined Recoiled ... ... Recoiling it. Risk is Risk is too great. Risk worth it. — ROOM — (See Rattling fever. not worth small. is "Engage" re Hotel and Boarding house accommodation.) Room must be on first floor. Room must be on second floor. Room must be on third floor. Room on fourth floor. Room must not be too high up. ROOMS must be adjoining. Rooms must be on first floor. Rooms must be on second floor. Rooms must be on third floor. Rooms must be on fourth floor. ROUGH passage. Rough passage, and was very sick. Rough passage, but experienced no ROUTE is as fol lowsRoute Route Route is is is changed. changed, so that I (we) not fixed. (See " Report "). sickness. will not now go to RUMOUR— Recoining SAFE Recompose — Safe in advancing the sum of— to — Safe in cashing this individual's (or parties') cheque for — (on — — Safe in cashing this individual's (or parlies') draft for — (on — —Safe in paying —Safe to go to — Safely delivered of a daughter. — Safely delivered of a daughter; both mother and infant doing well. — Safely delivered of a son. — Safely delivered of a son both mother and infant doing well. — Safely delivered of twins. —Safely delivered of twins; both mother and infants Recondite here. ). Recreant ... ). Recreative Rectangle Rectifier ... Rectitude Rectoral ... Recumbent Redeemetb Redeeming ; doing well. — ———————— — ) ))) ) )) ) 139 Bedemption ... —Safely delivered, but the child (a daughter) is stillborn. Redempted Redolency Redolent Redouble Redoubling ,. ... —Safely delivered, but the child (a son) SAID— (See "Says"). SAIL(S) by fastest steamer. by by s. s.— by s. s. City of Sail(s) by s. s. "City of Paris." Sail(s) ... — Sails — ... Sail (s) by s.s. Redounding ... Sail(s) Redressal ... Regency Regicide ... ... ... ... Regiment Regimental ... Registrate ... Regorging Regress Regression Regretful Regulable Regularity Regulars Regulatetn Regulation Regulators Rehearsal Rehearse Rehearseth Rehearsing Reindeer Reinfeet " City of New York." by s.s. "City of Rome,"— Sail(s) by the steamer mentioned herein. Meet me. Sail(s) by the steamer mentioned herein. Meet me at Queenstown. Sail (s) by the steamer mentioned herein. Meet us. Sail (s) by the steamer mentioned herein. Meet us at Queenstown. — — — — — Sail(s) from— from Antwerp, per s.s. from Bremen, per s.s. Sail (s) from Boston, per s.s. Sail(s) from Havre, per s.s. Sail(s) from Liverpool, per s.s. Sail(s) from London, per s.s. Sail (s) from New York, per s.s. Sail (s) from Philadelphia, per s.s.— Sail (s) from Queenstown, per s.s. Sail (s) from Southampton, per s.s. Sail (s) Registry Regnancy Regnant Regorge stillborn. Sail (s) by first steamer. Redound Redounded Regeneracy Regenerate is ... ... ... Sail (s) Sail(s) for ... ... Sail (s) for your side, per s.s. Sail(s) in the course of — — on Monday, (per s.s. on Tuesday, (per s.s. Sail(s) on Wednesday (per s.s. Sail (s) on Thursday (per s.s. Sail (s) on Friday (per s.s. Sail(s) on Saturday (per s.s. Sail(s) on Sunday (per s.s. Sail(s) to-morrow (per s.s. Sail (s) ... ... ... ... ... ... Sail (s; — — — — — Sail (s) to-day (per s.s.— Sail(s) with— — — ) ) ———— — ) )) )) / - 140 Reinform Sail(s) Reinfu.se — Sail(s) with the foregoing (per Rejecting: Sailed without by fail. s. Rejection Rejoice Rejoiceth Rejoicing — Sailed Rejoinder Sailed by the steamer specified; by the steamer specified; please meet individual (at — please meet them (at-) Rejoineth Rejointed Rejointing Rejuvenate Rejuvenize Rekindle Rekindling Relapsing Related Relateth Relational Relatively Relatrix Sailed for— ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... — — — — — — — Relaxed Relaxing Releasable Releaseth Releasing Relevant Reliance Reliant Relievable from from Antwerp per s.s. from Bremen per s.s.— from Boston per s.s. Sailed from Havre per s.s. Sailed from Liverpool per s.s.— Sailed from London per s.s. Sailed from New York per s.s. Sailed from Philadelphia per s.s. Sailed from Queenstown per s.s. Sailed from Southampton per s.s.— Sailed for your side per s.s. Sailed on Monday (per s.s. Sailed on Tuesday (per s.s. Sailed on Wednesday (per s.s.—-) Sailed on Thursday (per s.s. Sailed on Friday (per s.s. Sailed on Saturday (per s.s. Sailed on Sunday (per s.s. Sailed Sailed Sailed Sailed — Relax Relaxable Relaxant Relaxation ... Sailed to-day (per s.s.— Sailed yesterday (per s.s.—) SAILING for— Sailing from— Sailing from Antwerp. Relics Relief Sailing from Bremen. Sailing fom Boston. Sailing from Havre. Sailing from Liverpool. Sailing from London. Religion Sailing from ... Relieveth. Relieving s.— s.— SAILED by s. s. lt City of—" Sailed by s. s. " City of Paris." Sailed by s.s. *' City of Rome." s. ... New York. — —— —— — — I4i Religious Relish. Relishable Relished Relisheth Relishing Relinquent Relinquish Reliquary Reload Reloaded Reloading Relocate Relocation Relodge Relodging Reluctance Reluctancy Reluctant Relumine Remaking Remanded Remanding Remarketh Remarking Remarry Remarrying Remedial Remedially Remedying Remelt Remelting ... Sailing from Philadelphia. Sailing from Southampton. Sailing of s.s. Sailing of s.s. City of Sailing of s.s. " City of Sailing of s.s. " City of New York." Rome." ... Sailing of the next steamer by the following Line- ... SAINT PANCRAS STATION. ... SALOON ... compartment. Saloon compartment, by the train leaving Saloon compartment for a party of Saloon compartment reserved, as desired. Saloon compartment reserved, by train leaving Saloon passenger. Saloon passenger by s.s. Saloon table. ... SAME address. ... ... ... Same amount. Same as before. Same price. ... SAMPLE ... Sample ... SANCTION— (See "Permission »»). SANGUINE of the patient's recovery. ... ... ... ... of— of the goods. SATISFACTORILY arranged. SATISFACTORY in every respect. Satisfactory references. ... Satisfactory so far as I (we) am concerned. SATURDAY evening. ... ... ... Saturday last. Saturday morning. Saturday next. Saturday week. — SAVINGS' Remerge Bank at— SAW— (See "Have"). Remergeth Remerging Remindeth Reminding Remindful ... ... ... ... ... SAV(S) can accommodate only Say(s) can accommodate the party. Say(s) can accommodate you. Say(s) can arrange it. Say(s) can depend upon (it) 142 Remissible .. 143 Reparation . — ————————— 144 Reptile Reptilian Repudiator Repugnancy... ... Repulsed. Repulseth. ... Repulsive ... Repulsory Reputable Reputation Repute Reputedly ... ... ... ... Requiem Requirable Requireth Requital Requited Requiting Rescind Say (s) cannot pay more than Say(s) cannot pay until Say(s) cannot proceed further without— Say(s) cannot promise. Say(s) cannot recommend it. Say(s) cannot recommend you to— Say(s) cannot refund. Say(s) cannot remain. Say(s) cannot remit. Say(s) cannot remit more than Say(s) cannot remit to-day. Say(s) cannot remit until Say (s) cannot ... ... reply. Say(s) cannot reply at present. Say(s) cannot reply before Say(s) cannot reply positively. Say(s) cannot reply positively at present; will write. Say(s) cannot reply until Say(s) cannot reply until the result of enquiries are known. Rescinding ... Rescued Rescuing Reseating Resemble Resembletn Resembling ... Resentful ... Resentment ... ... ... Reshape Residetn Residual Residuary Residue Resignedly Resignment cannot sail cannot sail by the steamer referred to. cannot secure the desired accommodation. cannot secure unless deposit is made. cannot secure (reserve) accommodation unless offer is accepted at once, by wire. Say(s) cannot secure (reserve) unless offer is accepted Say(s) Say(s) Say(s) Say(s) Say(s) by- Reservoir Resettle Resettling Say(s) cannot return. Say(s) cannot return before ... ... ... Say(s) cannot see the advantage of Say(s) cannot sell. Say(s) cannot sell at the figure. Say(s) cannot sell without Say(s) cannot send. Say (s) cannot send before Say(s) cannot send it (them). Say(s) cannot ship before Say(s) cannot ship goods before Say(s) cannot supply. Say(s) cannot tell. it. —— —— ——————— — ——— ) 145 Resinous Resirj ously ... Resistance Resistant Resisted ... ... Resistful ... Say (s cannot Say(s Say(s Say(s Say(s Say(s tell if the individual has cannot tell if the individuals have cannot tell what cannnt tell when cannot transfer. cannot transfer ticket to the steamer referred to Resistible Resisting ... Resistive ... Resistless... Resoluble... Resolute Resolutely Resolutive Resolvable Resolvedly ... Resolvent.. Resolveth Resolving .. Resonance Resonant... Resorb Resorbent Resorbing Resorption Resorted Resorteth Resorting ... Resound ... Resoundeth Resounding Resowed Resoweth Resown ... ... Respect Respected Respectful Respection ... Say(s cannot understand Say(s cannot understand telegram. Say(s cannot understand why Say(s does not approve of it. Say(s do as you think best. Say(s do not. Say(s do not accept. Say(s do not be too anxious. Say(s do not intend. Say(s do not know what Say(s do not know whe* Say(s do not leave. Say(s do not return. Say(s do not sell. Say(s do not sell until Say(s do not understand. Say(s do not understand telegram (of Say(s do nothing at present. Sayfs do nothing until Say's expects you to return at once. Say(s expects you to return not later than Say(s explanation is Say(s financial standing of the individual (or firm) is good. Say(s financial standing of the individua (or firm) is n ot good, Say(s give the individual Say(s has Say (s has not Say(s has not received Say(s has paid, Say(s has remitted, Say's have Say (s have not — 1 146 Resperse — — ——— — ) '47 Retailer Retaileth. Retailment ... Retaketh. Retaliate Retard Retardeth. Retarding Retardment ... . ... Say(s) Say(s) Say(s) Say(s) Say(s) Say(s) Say (s) you must come. you must leave, without you must not you must pay you must remit you must not "Yes, decidedly." fail, by— SCARLET fever. SEAT at saloon table. — (See "Secure" re applying for same.) Retelling Retchless Retection Retent Retention Retentive Retexture Reticent Reticular ... Seat at saloon table is reserved, as desired. SEATS at saloon table. Seats at saloon table are reserved, as desired. ... Second-floor. Second-class. ... ... Second National Bank Second of Exchange. (at — SECONDS of Exchange. Secure (or reserve), at 8 guinea rate, berth per s.s. sailing Reticulate ... Secure (or reserve) at loguinea rate, berth per s.s. sailing Retiform Secure (or reserve), at 12-guinea rate, berth per s.s. sailing Retinite Secure (or reserve), at ig-guinea rate, berth per s.s.— Retinue Secure (or reserve), at 18-guinea rate, berth per sailing s.s. sailing Retiredly ... Secure (or reserve), at 21-guinea rate, berth per s.s. sailing Retireth Secure (or reserve), at .£12 rate, berth per s.s. sailing Retold Secure (or reserve), at £\t, rate, berth per s.s. sailing Retort Secure (or reserve), at £v% rate, berth per s.s. sailing Retorteth ... Secure (or reserve), at j j6 22 rate, berth per s.s. sailing Retorting ,. Secure (or reserve), at £it rate, berth per s.s.— sailing —— — ——— —— —— — — —— — 148 Retortion Retortive Retossing ... ... Secure at the best possible price, Secure at the lowest possible rate, Secure (or reserve) berth, in inside stateroom, per — sailing —sailing Secure (or reserve) berth, in two-berth stateroom, per —sailing Secure (or reserve) berth, in three-berth stateroom, per —sailing Secure (or reserve) berth, in four-berth stateroom, per —sailing Secure (or reserve) berth, in six-berth stateroom, per — sailing Secure (or reserve) entire inside stateroom, for —sailing only, per Secure (or reserve) entire outside stateroom, for self only, per —sailing —sailing Secure (or reserve) inside berth per s.s. Retoucn Secure (or reserve) berth, in outside stateroom, per s.s. Retouch. 6th. ... Retouching ... Retraceth ... Retracing ... Retracted ... s.s. s.s. S.s. s.s. self s.s. Retracteth ... Retractile ... s.s. Retracting ... s.s. Secure (or inside reserve) stateroom per s.s. sailing Retraction ... Secure (or reserve) inside staterooms per s.s. sailing Retractive ... Secure (or reserve) inside stateroom and a berth per Retreated ... Secure (or reserve) inside stateroom and two separate s.s. —sailing berths per Retreateth Retreatful ... ... Retrench Retribute ... s.s. — sailing —sailing —sailing (or reserve) me a good berth per — sailing (or reserve) one lower and cne upper berth per — sailing — Secure (or reserve) outside stateroom per Secure Secure Secure Secure (or reserve) lower berth per s.s. (or reserve) lower berths per s.s. s.s. s.s. Retrieval s.s. sail- ing Retrieveth ... Retrieving ... Secure (or reserve) outside stateroom and a berth per s.s. Retrim — sailing Secure (or reserve) outside stateroom and a berth in sailing an adjoining stateroom per s.s. Secure (or reserve) outside stateroom and two sepa- — rate berths per s.s. — sailing — — — — ——— — —— —— — — 149 Reiriment ... Exchange, Low's Secure passages through Charing Cross, London. 57 — Retrocede Retrograde Retrospect ... ... Secure (or reserve) return passage per s.s. sailing— Secure (or reserve) seats at saloon table, for self. Secure (or reserve) seats at saloon table, for self and Retrovert ... Secure (or reserve) seats ... family, party, Retrude numbering at my saloon table, for numbering Secure (or reserve) stateroom, No. — per s s. — sail- ing Retrusion ... Secure (or reserve) two-berth inside stateroom per s.s. — sailing Reunion Secure (or reserve) two-berth stateroom, midships, Reunited sailing per s.s. Secure (or reserve) two-berth outside stateroom, per — — — sailing — sailing per s.s. Reuniting ... Secure (or reserve) two lower and one upper berths s.s. Reunition ... Secure (or reserve) two-berth stateroom, forward, per s.s. Revealed — sailing Secure (or reserve) three-berth inside stateroom per S.s. — sailing — sailing Revealeth ... Secure (or reserve) three-berth outside stateroom per Revealing ... Secure (or reserve) s.s. four-berth stateroom per s.s. sailing Revealment ... Secure (or reserve) six-berth stateroom per Secure (or reserve) upper berth, No. Revelate ing Revelation ... — per — — s.s. ing s.s. sail- sail- «* Secure (or reserve) upper and two lower berths per s.s. — sailing Reveler Revelry Secure your passage through Secure your passage through Low's Exchange, Revenant Revenge Revengers SECURED 57 Revengeth. Revengeful Revenging ... ... ... ... Charing Cross. London. (or reserved) accommodation. Secured Secured Secured Secured Secured (or reserved) berth, No. (or reserved) berths, Nos. (or reserved) inside berth, No. (or reserved) inside berths, Nos. (or reserved) inside stateroom, No. —— —— ————— — —— —— i5o Revenue Revered Reverence ... iteverently ... Reverie Revering Reversable Reversal ... (or reserved) inside staterooms, Secured Secured Secured Secured Secured Secured Secured Secured IMos.— No. (or reserved) lower berths, Nos. (or reserved) lower berth, No. passage for (or reserved) passage for the individual. (or reserved) passages for your (the) part v. (or reserved) return passage, per s.s. (or reserved) outside stateroom, (or reserved) — sailing Reversedly Reverseth Reversing ... Reverted... ... ... ... Secured (or reserved) room Secured (or reserved) rooms Secured (or reserved) seat at saloon table, for you. Secured (or reserved) seats at saloon table, for your (the) party. Reverteth Revertible Revertive ... ... ... Revested Reviction ... Revictual ... Reviewable Revieweth Reviewing Revigorate No.— ... ... ... ... Revile Revileth Revilement ... ... ... Revivify Reviving Revocable Revocate Revocateth Revocation Revocating Revocatory Revoketh Secured Secured Secured Secured Secured Secured Secured (on eserved) (on eserved) upper ... ... stateroom, No. berth, No. upper berths, Nos. your passage, as desired. (or reserved) your passage per s.s.— sailing— (or reserved) your ticket. (or reserved) (or reserved) for— Security for an advance of— Security offered is good. Security offered is not sufficient. Security offered ... three-berth stateroom, No. (or reserved) four-berth SECURITY Revival Revivalist Reviveth. Secured (or reserved) stateroom, No. Secured (or reserved) staterooms, Nos. Secured (or reserved) the desired accommodation. Secured (or reserved) the desired seats at saloon table. Secured (or reserved) two berth inside stateroom, No. Secured (or reserved) two berth outside stateroom, —SEE is worthless. about See the individual(s) about it. —SEEN anything of the (or foregoing) individual. SELL at a loss, rather than hold any longer. this individual (si ... Sell at best possible price. ... Sell at to-day's quotation. ... Sell fot rav account— — ——— ———— — — ) ) — —— — — ; i5i my account and remit proceeds by telegraph— for my account and remit proceeds by draft for my account and send me Letter of Credit for Revokement... Sell for Revokingly Revolt Sell ... Sell approximate proceeds Revolted Revolting Revoluble ... Sell immediately. ... Sell, Revolvency ... Revolveth. Revolving Revulsion Revulsive Sell for our account ... ... ... ... Rewardabie ... Reward.eth ... Rewardful ... Rhapsodist ... Rhapsody ... Rhenish Rhetoric Rhino Rhinoceros immediately, at the best obtainable price. SEND — See ... Rhodium Rhodonite ... Rhomboid ... Rhubarb Rhyme Rhymic Rhyming Send Send Send Send Send Send Send Send Send Send Send Send Send Send Send Send Send Send Send "Forward," re mail). — a copy (of as soon as possible. by express train. by first mail. by first mail draft for by first mail, Letter of Credit for— by goods train. by grande -vitesse. by next train. by next steamer. by passenger train. by petite vitesse. credit by mail to me (at credit by mail to me, care of— — definite instructions (respecting amount due. amount of passage, — draft for the draft for draft to viz. me, for draft to us, for Send goods by Send goods to Send goods, so as to reach here by Send goods to the foregoing for shipment Rhymist — Rhythm sailing Rhythmic Ribald Ribaldry Richly Richness Rickety Riddance Ridden Riddleth ... Send key(s) for Customs examination to Send key(s) for Customs examination to Send me (us) full particulars by letter. Send my baggage by Send money ^See " Remit") Send our baggage by Send reply to Send reply to my business address. Send reply to my private address. — ... us. by s.s. —————— ——— ) —— — —— — ) 152 Riddling Riderless Rideth. — Ridging Ridicule Ridiculing Rifeness Send statement of my (our) a/c to date. Send telegraphic transfer for Send telegraphic transfer through (for Send telegraphic transfer through my bankers, for— Send toSend trunk to Send trunk to the foregoing for shipment by s.s.— ... — — sailing Rifled Rifling Send trunk, so as Rifted Rigadoon ... Rigation Rigger Rigging Riggish Righteous Rightly Rigid ... Rigmarole Rigor Rigorism Rimosity Rimpling Rinderpest ... ... ... ... Rindless Rindy Ringbolt Ringent Ringleader Rinseth Rinsing Riot Rioter Sent at request of Sent by goods train. SENDER complains that you have not delivered(to-) Sender(s) complain that you have not paid SENT by grande vitesse. Sent by passenger train. Sent by petite vitesse. Sent cable transfer Sent credit per Sent draft for (on Sent goodsSent instructions Sentkeyfs) Sent no— Sent telegraphic transfer, for Sent telegraphic transfer, through for on Sent through Sent through the Bank of Sent to— Sent to-day. Sent yesterday. Sent trunk SEPTEMBER— fSee "Calendar"). — Rigidity Rigidness to reach here not later than SENT as desired. ... — SERIOUS attack of— Serious illness. SETTLE the mattter as you think best. Settle the matter on the best possible terms. (See "Arrange"). SETTLEMENT— Riotous — SEVEN months. ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? i53 Riotously Riparian Ripely Ripeness ... Seven o'clock. SEVENTH National Bank (at—) Seventh word of telegram. Severe cold. Ripening Ripple Rippling SHALE Risibility Shall Shall Risible Ritual Ritualism ... Rivality Rivalries Rivalry Riveted Riveting Rivose Rivulet Roadstead Roadster ... Roamed Roameth RoamingS Roarers Roaring Roaringly Roast Roasted Roasting Roborant Roboreous Robustly Robustness Rockets Rockiness ... ... Shall I Shall I I I Shall Shall Shall Shall Shall Shall I I I I I I Shall I Shall I Shall I Shall I Shall I I come? bring it (them) with me? bring him (her) with me? (we) accept? (we) arrange? (we) be safe in cashing (we) buy—? (we) deposit with (we) do right in accepting? (we) do right in making advance (of (we) draw (we) draw on you (for—)? — — — (we) draw on you (we) go to— (we) leave by for the — Shall I Shall I (we) pay the amount due to Shall T (we) pay the foregoing sum to Shall I (we) remain here until Shall I (we) remit? — — Shall — I — (we) remit, by wire? — Shall I Shall I —Shall (we) sail by s.s.— sailing (we) sell? — Rocking Rocksalt Shall I (we) surrender? Shall I (we) telegraph ... uem I — ... 1 (we) remit by wire, or by mail ? Shall I (we) remit further? Shall I (we) reply to the foregoing, as follows Shall I (we) return? Shall I (we) return at once, or wait until hearing further from you ? Shall ... )'• due"- (we) mail your letters to you, or retain (we) pay—? (we) sell at this price? (we) sell at this figure, obtain a better price ? Shall I (we) sell your Rocky amount — —Shall I I — SHE— (See to—? " The " individual). if it is impossible to — ——— ———— ——— 154 SHIP Roguery Roguish Roguishly Rolled ... by fast steamer. Ship by first steamer. Ship by s.s.— sailingShip goods by s.s. sailing — Rollers SHIPPED, Rolleth Rollick Rollicking Shipped by s.s. sailing Shipped goods by s.s. sailing Shipped goods to ... SHIPMENT Homage Romance Romanize Romantic Romantical ... ... ... Romish Romp Romped of the goods. documents. Shipping documents not received. Shipping documents sent Shipping documents relating to SHOULD be here by Should much prefer Should much prefer it. Should much prefer to the (or foregoing) individual evesy possible attention. Show the telegram to SICK— (See Rompishly Rooper — SHOW Rompeth Romping Rompingly Rompish — SHIPPING Romanist Romanism as instructed. "Is")- SIFT ... the matter thoroughly. Sift the matter thoroughly and wire result. ... SIGHT draft on SIGN contract. Sign the agreement. Roofing SIGNED Roofless contract. Rookery Signed contract to-day. Signed the agreement. Roomage SIGNATURE Roomily Roominess Signature is a forgery. Signature is in order. Signature is necessary before Signature is not in order. Signature is not required. SINCE telegraphing— Sirce that date, S//»ce the departure of the individual. Since your departure. Since your letter of Rooster Rootedly Rootedness Rooting Ropiness Roping Ropish Roration ... ... of the (or foregoing) individual. — ——— —— —— . — — — i55 Roriferous Rorifluent nee your telegram of ... vSi ... SITTING-room adjoining. Rorulent Rosary Sitting-room and bedroom. Sitting-room, as well. Rosebud SITUATED Rosebush. Situated near Rosedrop SIX Roselite Six months. Six o'clock. Rosemarine ... Rosemary in a central position. adults. SIXTH word SIXTY days' Rosepink Rosery of telegram. date. Sixty days' sight. Rosette SIZE larger. Rosewater ... Size smaller. Rosewood ... Size too Rosier Rosiest Rosiness Rostellate Rostrate SLEEPING-berth, lower preferred, in train leavingSleeping-berth, upper preferred, in train leaving Sleeping-berth reserved. ... Sleeping-berths reserved. SO Rostrum as not to So as to be— So as to reach So as to reach So as to reach So as to reach So it can be So that I (we) Rosulate Rotalite Rotate Rotatetb. Rotating Rotation Rotative Rotatory Rotiform SOLD . here here not later than me me (us). (us) not later can at a loss. Sold for Sold the goods. SOLICITOR— ("See Rottenly Rotular SOMETHING .. .. Rotunda Rotundity Rotundness ... ... Rougher " Lawyer"). must be done. Something on account. SOMETIME next month. Sometime next week. Sometime this week. Sometime this month. SOON— (See Roughest Roughly Roughness "As"). SOURCE ... than from whom Source of your information. Source through whom — —— ) ) . — 156 Roughshod Roulette ... Rounce Roundabout Rounded Roundhead ... Rounding... SPAR-deck, forward. Spar-deck, midship?. SPARE no efforts (to—) Spare no expense (to SPECIAL marriage licence. — Special terms. SPECIMEN of the (or foregoing) individual*! signature. Roundish... Roundlet Roundness Rouser ... Specimen of your signature. SPEND no more money. Spend no more money cannot remit any further. SPENT every cent. remit at once, by wire, the sum ; of Rousing Rousingly Roust ... Routine ... Roveth Roving Rovingly Rowable Rowdies Rowdy- ... ... ... Rowdyism Royalism ... — (through — ; SPINAL complaint. SPURIOUS imitation. STAMPED with the date of— STANDING— (See " Financial "). STATE best price. State circumstances fully. State conditions. State lowest price. State lowest price for— State price for State price for berth. State price for same. State price for stateroom Royalist ... STATEMENT correct. Royalty ... Statement incorrect. STATEROOM— (See "Secure," r re Applying Passages) Royster Roytish .. .. Rubbish Rubescent Rubicon .. .. Rubicund Rubific Rubified Rubiform.. .. Rubifying Stateroom (s) must be located forward of saloon Stateroom(s) must be located 'midship*. Stateroom (s) must be on main deck. Stateroom(s) must be on saloon deck. Stateroom (s) must be on spar deck. STATEROOMS must be adjoining. STATES— (See " Says "). STAY a few days longer. Stay a few weeks longer. Stay as long as you please. Stay here for , foi —— —— —— —— — — ) '57 Rubric Rubricist ... Ruddier Ruddiness Rudely ... Stay here until Stay longer if it will benefit you. Stay longer if it will pay you to do —STAYING Rudeness.. —Staying there. —Staying with Ruderary STEAMER arrived. Ruderation Steamer arrived at Steamer arrived here, at Steamer arrived to-day (at Steamer arrived yesterday Rudest Rudiment Rudimental Rudish Rudity Rueful Ruefully ... Ruefulness Ruffian Ruffianism Ruffianly ... Ruffianous Ruffles Rugosity Rugous Ruin ... ... — ). — ). — — — Steamer expected to arrive to-morrow (at ). Steamer full in every class. Steamer full in cabin. Steamer full in second-class. Steamer full in steerage. Steamer is not expected to arrive until Steamer is not expected to arrive here until Steamer reported off Steamer sails at o'clock Steamer sighted off Steamer ticket. Steamer tickets. Steamers all full. STEAMSHIP Company require an immediate reply as to whether accommodation offered by us is — Ruleless .. — Steamship people ... ). (at — ... ... — Steamer-chair. Steamer-chair placed on board (s.s. sailing Steamer expected to arrive. Steamer expected to arrive at to Steamer expected to arrive to-day (at ). Ruinable Ruinate Ruination Ruinous Ruinously Rulable ... so. here. accepted or not. require an whether accommodation immediate reply as offered is accepted to or not. Ruleth Ruling Rulingly .. .. Rumble Rumbleth .. STEERAGE passage at lowest rate by Steerage passage by s.s. sailing Steerage passenger by s.s. sailing Steerage passengers must embark at — — — Sterling draft (for s.s. —sailing- —— . ——— — ) 158 Rumbling ... Sterling equivalent. STIPULATIONS— (See STOLEN— (See Ruminal Ruminant Ruminantly Ruminator Rumpling Rumpless STOP ... STOPPED payment of— ... Stopped payment. ... STORED its with— Stored with you. ... STRICTLY confidential. SUBJECT to immediate reply. Running ... . its ... Runneth. Rupicola. payment. Stop ... Rupellary payment of— ... Rumpus Runcation Runcinate Runic Runlet Runners " Conditions"). " Has"). .. Subject Subject Subject Subject to reply to reach here by to my (our) order. to the (or foregoing) individual's order. to your acceptance, by wire. Subject to your approval. Subject to your order. SUBMIT the matter to— SUBMITTED the matter to party referred to, and he (they) says Rural Ruralist Rurality Ruralize .. . .. , . Rurally Ruralness Rusty Rutaceous Ruthful Ruthlessly Rutterkin Sabbatic ; expires— Subscription to SUBSTANCE ... ... Rusted Rustic Rustically Rusticate Rusticity Rustling for— what are the terms? to this publication SUBSCRIPTION Rushing Russet Russeting —SUBSCRIBE —Subscribe to your institution of this letter (to—) — — SUBSTITUTE the foregoing word for the word Substance of this SUCCESS assured. is telegram (to —SUCCESSFUL in the matter. Successful issue. SUCH ... ... a firm does not exist. Such a number is not known. Such an address is not known. SUE the (or following) firm. Sue the (or following) individual. SUFFERING from— ... Suffering from a mild attack of ... Suffering from a severe attack of SUFFICIENT funds to cover— the best way to— . SUGGEST SUGGESTION cannot be carried out. ———— — ) ) ) — — — 1^0 Sabbatical Sabbatism Sabering Sabianism Sabine Sabre ... Sabulosity Saccharine Sacerdotal Sackage Sacketh ... Sackful ... Sacral Sacrate ... ... Sacredly ... Sacredness SUIT against Suit of clothes (from Suit yourself. SUITS of clothes. SUMMER rates come into force— SUNDAY edition. —SUPPER with me. —Supper with me (us) this evening at — Supper with me (us) to-morrow evening at SUPPLY exceeds the demand. Supply me with Supply the goods. Supply us with Supply you with — SUPPLIED Supposed Sacristy Suppress Saddeneth Saddleth Sadducee the (or following) individual to have been SUPPRESS it it if SURNAME as much as possible. possible. of the (or following) individual. ... SURPRISE ... SURRENDER document Sadducism with— SUPPOSED to be— Sacrilege... Sacristan... ... — in store for you. (to—) Surrender shipping documents against acceptance of draft. Sadducize Surrender shipping documents only against payment Sagacious... SURRENDERED same, as desired. —SUSPENDED payment to-day. of draft. Sagacity Sagely Sagenite ... — Suspended payment liabilities are estimated at — Suspended payment; liabilities are unknown at ; ... present. SUSPICIONS Saint Sainted Saintly Salacious Salacity Salading Salaried ... are groundless. Suspicions well founded. SYMPATHY— (See "Tender"). TACT— (See "Act"). TAKE care. TAKE further steps (to — Take legal proceedings. Take no further steps (to — Take no risk. — ) —— — ) ) ) i6o Salicine Salient Saliently Saliferous Salified Salifying Saliness Salinous Salivant Salivate Salivating Salivous Salliance SallowneSS Sallying Saltation Salted Take such Take such —TAKEN ... me —(us,) any steps (to—?) dangerously ill. —Taken further steps (to — —Taken into consideration. —Taken legal proceedings. Taken no steps. Taken no further steps. Taken suddenly ill. TAKES place— Takes place to-day (at— Takes place to-morrow (at— — ... ... TARIFF of rates. TELEGRAM addressed to— —Telegram cannot be answered until Telegram delayed in transmission. —Telegram for me. Telegram for the (or following) individual. Saltier — Salting Saltish Saltishly Saltly Saltness Saltpit Salubrious —Taken steps as are necessary. steps as are necessary to protect —Telegram for us. Telegram for you, as follows Telegram from— Telegram from the individual. Telegram from them. Telegram not all in cipher words; translate — — — ... care- it fully. Telegram not received. Telegram of great importance. Telegram of no importance. Telegram reading, as follows Telegram reading, according to the translation, as Salubrity Salute Saluteth. Saluting Salvable : follows Salvage Salvation Salvatory ... — Salvific Samaritan Samite Sampleth : Telegram received. Telegram received. Cannot do as you request. Telegram received. Cannot do as you request; write by first mail. Telegram received, but too late (to Telegram received have done as requested. Telegram received too late. Telegram received will do as requested. ... ... : ; will ———— ——— — — — — i6i Sanative Sanatory Sanctified Sanctify Sanctimony ... ... Telegram replied to Telegram replied to yesterday. Telegram understood. Telegram unintelligible. Telegram unintelligible; repeat, by wire, the word between and Telegram unintelligible; repeat same, by wire, without regard to any code. Telegram unintelligible state the meaning of the word (words) — Sanctitude ... Sanctuary ... ; TELEGRAMS addressed to— Sanctum Sandaric Sandiness Sanddrift ... ... Telegrams not Telegrams of great importance. Telegrams reading, in the order received, as follows Sandstone Sanguify in which they were : Sanguinary ... Telegrams received. Telegrams will reach me (us) promptly, if sent here, up to and including Telegrams will reach me (us) promptly, if sent care Sanguinely ... Telegrams Sanitarist ... TELEGRAPH ... of— at— will reach the individual(s) if sent to address of the (or following) indivi- dual. Sanity Santaline... ... Sapidity Sapidness Sapience Sapiently Sapling Saponify Saponule Sapphic Sapping Saracenic ... Sarcasm Sarcastic Sarcolite Sarcotic Sardonic Sarmatio ... ... Telegraph as soon as possible. Telegraph at what— Telegraph at what time you will meet me (us) at— Telegraph best offer. Telegraph before Telegraph cause of delay. Telegraph cause of non-payment of Telegraph cause of non-receipt of Telegraph condition of the patient. Telegraph every change. Telegraph for Telegraph full instructions. Telegraph full particulars. Telegraph funds without delay. Telegraph further particulars. Telegraph how is Telegraph how and where is Telegraph how and when it was (they were) sent. — —— — l62 SarmentOUS — ... Saronic Sartorial Satorious Sashing Sassoline Satanic Satanical Satanism Satellite Satiate Satiating Satire — Satirist Satirize Satirizing Saturable Saturate Saturateth Saturating Saturation Saturn Saturnine Satumist Saucepan Saucer ... — ... ... ... ... ... Saucily Sauciness Saucy Saunter Sauntered Sauntereth Sauntering Savagely Savageness Telegraph how much Telegraph if Telegraph if accepted. Telegraph if advisable. Telegraph if any change occurs. Telegraph if arrangements have been made. Telegraph if balance of passage money is paid. Telegraph if deposit is made. Telegraph if it has reached you. Telegraph if goods have been despatched. Telegraph if I shall do right in Telegraph if it can be done. Telegraph if in order. Telegraph if it is necessary I should come. Telegraph if it is necessary we should come. Telegraph if more funds are required, and how much. Telegraph if not Telegraph if not arranged. Telegraph if not deposited. Telegraph if not in order. Telegraph if not received. Telegraph if not sent. Telegraph if not shipped. Telegraph if paid. Telegraph if not sold. Telegraph if found. Telegraph if received. Telegraph if remitted. Telegraph if replied to lette; of Telegraph if replied to telegram of Telegraph if sent. Telegraph if shipped. Telegraph if sold. Telegraph if the (or following) individual has arrived. Telegraph if the (or following) individual has arrived ... ... ... , . at— Savagism Savingly Telegraph if the (or following) individual has arrived in your city. Telegraph if the (or following) individual has sailed, and by what steamer. —— —— ——— — — . 1 J|5aV0rineSS ... Telegraph if — — 63 the (or following) individual has started for Savorless Sawdust Sawmill Sawpit Saxonism Scabbard Scaxopbone Saymaster Scabwort Scaffolding Scalable . . . ... Scalary Scalded Scalding Scaliness Scalped Scalping Telegraph if there is any change. Telegraph if there is any danger. Telegraph if unsatisfactory. Telegraph if we shall return. Telegraph if we shall be in order in payings Telegraph if you Telegraph if you are well. Telegraph if you can come. Telegraph if you can do it. Telegraph if you can obtain Telegraph if you cannot come. Telegraph if you cannot do it. Telegraph if you do not understand this. Telegraph if you will do it. Telegraph if you will not Telegraph if you wish me (us) to Telegraph if you .wish me (us) to complete the contract (with Scaly ... — ). • Telegraph in any event. Scamper Telegraph in cipher, as soon as you receive the copy of Low's Pocket Cable Code, which I send you for that purpose. Scamping Scampisb Telegraph instructions. Telegraph latest particulars concerning Telegraph latest particulars concerning the election Scandalize ... (at-). Scandalous Scanning Scant Scantier Scantiest ... Scantily Scantiness Scanting Scanty Scapegoat Scapegrace Scapeless Scapolite ... ... ... ... ... '. Telegraph me at Telegraph no more. Telegraph on your arrival at Telegraph on your arrival there. Telegraph only in case of absolute necessity. Telegraph only in case deposit is made. Telegraph plans of Telegraph price of Telegraph promptly. Telegraph promptly, to Telegraph remittance through Telegraph reply. Telegraph reply at — — 1 Scapular Scarecrow ... Scarfed Scarfing Scarifier Scarify Scarifying ... Scathe Scatnfu.1 Scathless Scattered. Scattering Sceneful Scenical . . ... , . Scented ——— — — — 64 Telegraph reply by— Telegraph reply by the Anglo-American Telegraph Co* Telegraph reply by the Commercial (Mackay-Bennett) Cable Company. Telegraph reply by the Direct Cable U.S. Co. Telegraph reply by the following Telegraph Co. Telegraph reply by the French Atlantic Cable Co. Telegraph reply by the Western Union Telegraph Co Telegraph reply, care of Telegraph reply here. Telegraph here, care of Telegraph steamer and date the individual sails by. Telegraph steamer and date the foregoing sails by. Telegraph steamer and date the party sails by. Telegraph steamer and date you will sail by. Telegraph sufficient funds to pay for my (our) home- — ward passage. Scenting Schemeth Schemingly : ... Sch.eru.ist Scholarly Scholastic ... Schooling Sciatical Scientific Sooffer Scoffeth Scoffing Scoffingly Scold Scolding Scoldingly Telegraph them as follows Telegraph to— Telegraph to her— Telegraph to his Telegraph to him. Telegraph to me (us) your reply, addressing it same as this telegram is signed. Telegraph to my— Telegraph to our— —Telegraph to the foregoing, stating— Telegraph to their— Telegraph to them. Telegraph to your Correspondents at Telegraph to your Correspondents here. Telegraph to your office at Telegraph to your office here. Telegraph train the (or following) individual leaves ... by. Sconce Telegraph train and route the (or following) indi- Scooped Scoopeth Scooping Telegraph Telegraph Telegraph Telegraph ScoptiO vidual leaves by. train the party leaves by. train and route the party leaves by. train train you will leave by. and route you will leave by. — —— — — —— — i65 Scopulous ... Scorbutics ... Scorch Scorched Scorcheth Scorching Scoreth Scoring ... ... Scorned. Scorneth Scornful Scornfully Scorning Scorpion ... Scourge ScoUTgeth ... Scourging ... Scouring Scout Scouted Scouting Scowleth Scowling Scrabble Scragged Scraggy Scrambleth Scrambling Scrapingly Scratcheth Screameth Screaming Screeneth Telegraph translation of this telegram to— Telegraph what is the best thing to do. Telegraph when Telegraph when it is done. Telegraph when Credit is opened. Telegraph when Credit is opened, stating amount and through whom it is issued. Telegraph when paid. Telegraph when sent. Telegraph when and how sent. Telegraph when you have Telegraph when you have completed the matter. Telegraph whereabouts of Telegraph your decision. Telegraph your instructions. Telegraph your plans. Telegraph your wishes. TELEGRAPHED— (See "Replied"). TELEGRAPHIC communication between here and there is at present interrupted. Telegraphic rate to Telegraphic transfer. (See also " Remit" ) Telegraphic transfer for me. Telegraphic transfer for me, and for ho vv much? Telegraphic transfer for us? Telegraphic transfer for us, and for how much? Telegraphic transfer for you. TELEPHONIC communication with — — — — — — — TELL her— ... ... ... ... ... ... ... him not to him to— Tell his— Tell Tell Tell my— —Tell this individual to — Tell this individual to return at once. —Tell this individual to return by first possible steamer, on account of Screening Scribble Scribbling ... —Tell this individual to return by account of the death of Tell them not to. ... Tell them to first steamer, on ———————— ———— — . .... . —— ) i66 Scrimmage TEN Scriptural Ten Scrubbed Scrubbing TENDER leaves landing stage at— . Scrupling months. o'clock. Tender my (our) sincere sympathy Tender our apologies (to — - . Scrupulous TERMS are accepted. Scrutable Scrutinize Terms are not accepted. Terms of Terms of the contract (are—) Terms of payment. . Scuffling- . Sculptural Scurrility Scuttled Scuttleth .. . Scuttling . Seasonage Seasoned Seasonetb Sebaceous Secedeth Seceding . . . . . - Sedateness Sedative Sedentary . Sediment . Sedition Seditious .. Sedulity Seductive . . . Sedulous Seediest . . Seeketh Seemingly , Seemly Segmental That individual. That place. —THEATRE for— — Theatre for to-night. Theatre for to-morrow night. THE (following) individual's address. . Seclusion Secreteth Secretive Sectarian Sectionize Secularity Sedately THAT address. — . to The individual has The individual leaves for The individual sailed by s. s. — sailing— The individual has not The individual has not sailed. The individual is The individual is not The individual is still in your city. The individual must come at once. The individual must leave The individual must be here by— The individual not The individual sails by s. s. — leaving The individual was The individual was not The individual will The individual will be The individual will not The individual will not be The steamers sailing this week are all full. The steamers sailing this month are all full. THEIR address. Their address Their address is is unknown to me (us). — — — ——— ) 1 Semblance Sentenceth Sentencing Sentential Sentinel ... ... ... ... Sentry Sepoy Septennial Septuary Sepulchral Sepulchre Sequacious Sequacity Sequence Sequential Seraphic Seraphical Serenade Serenadeth Serenading Serenely Sereneness ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Serenity Serfs Serial Serially Sermon Serpentine Serrulate Servitude ... ... ... Sessional Setaceous Severance Severeness Severity Sevocation THERE areThere are not— There can heThere cannot be There does notThere does not appear to beThere has— There has been— There has been a change of steamers, and the following steamer will take the place of the vessel you named (and sail on There has not— There has not been There is— There is a chance of getting There is a favourable change. There is carelessness somewhere. There is little hope (of—) There is misunderstanding somewhere There is no change. There is no hope (of—) There is no mistake on my (our) part. There is no necessity to There is not— There is only— There is only one office here to which all cables, etc., are sent: hence telegrams addressed with my — Serfdom Sermonize 67 Their agents (at—) Their agents are Their Correspondent(s) at— Their Correspondents are Their draft on me (us) for Their goods (to—) Their letter (of—) Their office at— Their office here. Their office there. Their opinion is that it is— Their passages. Their telegram of— Their terms are— ... ... Code name to this place will reach me promptly. ——— —— ——— —— . 1 Sewing There is . . , . . : surname only will reach me promptly. There must be There must be some mail matter for me (us) at your _ . . 68 only one office here to which al! cables, etc., hence telegrams addressed with my are sent Sexangle Sextain — office. Sextant Sextile ,. Shabbily Shabbiness ., ... Shabby Shackled Shackling Shadeth Shadeful — Shadeless Shadiness Shading Shadow Shadowed ... Shadowing ... Shadowy Shady Shafted Shafting Shagged Shagginess Shaggy Shakerism Shaketh Shaking There must not beThere should be There will be There will not be— THINK can be— Think cannot be Think favorably of ... ... Shallows Think I Think I Think I Think I Think 1 Think 1 Think I Think I Think I Think I it. (we)— (we) can— can do some business, if— can do some business, if I go to had better (we) had better hold had better go to had better not. (we) had better sell. (we) had better sell all we can at cost, if we cannot do better; what do you say? Think itThink it best (that—) Think it best to Think it is— Think it is a good time to buy Think it is a good time to sell Think it is probable. Think it over and tvire your decision. Think it over and inform me (us) your decision by — mail. Shambles Shambling ... Shameth Shamefaced Shanty Shapely Sharking .. Think it very undesirable that Think it very unlikely that Think not. Think that— Think the firm is Think the individual is Think the report is false. —— ——— —— 169 Sharpened ... Sharply Shattered ... Shattering ... Shaveth Shavings Shearing Sheathed Sheathing ... Sheathless ... Sheddeth Shedding Sheepish ... Sheepishly Shelling Sheltered Sheltering Shelving Shemitic Shielded Shieldeth Shielding Shiftable Shifteth Shiftingly .. ... THIRD ... Third word ... ... to- of the telegram. THIRTY days' date. Thirty days' sight. THIS is a matter of great importance. This month. This place. This rate does not include This week. THOUGHT it better to— Thought you had Thought you had not ... —THREATENS legal THREE adults. proceedings. Three-berth stateroom, aft. Three-berth stateroom, forward. Three-berth stateroom, midship. ... Three days' sight. Three months. Three months' date. Three months' sight. Three o'clock. ... THROUGH Shistic Shistous 8hoddy class. Third-class ticket Shineth Shivered Shivereth Shivering Shoals Shoaly — ... Shindy Shingles Shingling Shirker Shirketh Shirking Shirtings Think the report is true. Think there has been Think there is— Think there is any Think there is no Think there is no chance of— Think unfavorably of it. Think you had betterThink you had better come at once. Think you had better go to Think you had better leaveThink you had better not. Think you had better sail Think you had better stay over and sail- a clerical error. Through Baring Bros. & Co. Through Brown, Shipley & Co. Through J. S. Morgan & Co. ———————— ————— ) 170 Shoggle Shooting Shouteth Shouting Shovel Shoveler Shovelful Shoveling ... Through my (our) bankers. Through the Bank of Through the Customs. Through whom Through whom have you remitted r Through whom was it sent? Through whom was my Through whom were the goods sent? Telegraph reply immediately. — Through whom were ? Through whom will you remit? Showily Shrank Shrewdly Shriek TICKET cannot Shrieketh Shrieking Shrinkage ... ... ... Shriveled. ... Shriveling ... Shroudeth Shrouding Shrubbery Shrubs Shrugging Shrunken Shuddereth Shuddering ... ... -. ... ... ... Sh.uffl.eth Shuffling Shunned Shunneth Shunning Sideral Siderite Sieges Sieve ... Ticket for— (See also "Provide.") Ticket lost. Ticket of admission to Ticket office (of Ticket to— Tickets to — TIDAL train. —TIME the steamer sails. —Time this steamer —Time the train leaves for— sails. ... Shuffle Shutteth Shutting Shuttle Shyly Shyness be extended. —Ticket extended for ... TO accept. To address given. To advance To authorize To authorize them to cash my (our) — To authorize them to pay To be applied to To be charged to To be deposited with To be held at my (our) disposal. To be held at the individual (s) disposal* To be here by To be married. To be paid to To be remitted to— To be repeated to To be retained until applied for. To be shipped (to—) - —————— — — ) 171 SiftingS Sighed Sigheth Sighing Sighingly Signaleth Signaling Signalize Signally Signatory Silenced Silencing Silently Silicate Silicnle Silken Silkier Silkiness — — Sillily Silliness Silly Silvered Silvering Silverly Similitude Simmering Simpering Simulate Simulating Sinapism ... ... ... ... Sinecure Sinecurist ... Sinewed Sinewless Sinewy Sinful Sinuosity Sippeth Sirloin Sistine To be transferred toTo be transferred to the next sailing, To best advantage. To Boston. To care of To care of your correspondent at To care of your correspondent here. To care of your correspondent there. To care of your office at To care of your office here. To care of your office there. To collectTo come at once. To cover. To date. To deliver To deposit with To deposit with my bankers. To discount my draft at for— To discount our draft at for— To giveTo go to To guarantee To have To have been misunderstood To have made a mistake. To her. To him. To his— To leave To leave before— To leave by To Liverpool. To London. To me. To meet me. To meet me at— To meet us. ... *. To-morrow. To-monow — evening (at — —— ) r 172 — Sizable Siziness To-moirow morning (at To-morrow is a holiday here; cannot, therefore, reply ^ until the next day. Sizing Skateth Skating Skeleton Skeptic Skeptical Sketcnetn ... Skilful Skinflint Skinlessly ... Skinned Skinneth Skinning Skipjack. . . . Skipping Skirmish Skirmisher ... Skirteth Skirting Skittish Skittishly ... Skulk Skullcap Skyblue Skyish ,. .. . . . . Slabbiness Slackly Slaketh Slammed Slamming Slandereth Slanderous Slanted Slanting Slapdash Slappeth Slapping ... To my— To my order. To New York. To open and repeat all telegrams^ by To order of— To our— To our correspondents at— To our care. To our office at To pay. To pay account of To Philadelphia. To previous address. To reach here byTo reach here up to and including— To reach there byTo send— To stay longer.. To thatTo that address. To that place. To the individual(s) referred to. To their care. To their order. To them. To us. To wait at— — Towaitunt.il ... ... ... To what— To what do you refer? To what extent To which— To whom To whom shall I (we) deliver — To whom shall (we) apply? To you. To your— I wire. — — ——— — ) . > 173 Slashed Slashing Slavered Slavishly Slavonic Slayeth Slaying Sledge Sleekly Sleekness Sleepeth Sleepful Sleepily Sleepy To your care. To your correspondents To your correspondents To your correspondents To your office at TOO ... Sleetiness ... ... Slicing Sliders Sliding Slight Slimliness Sloom Sloomy there. To your office here. To your office there. To their order. Sleighing Slenderly Slimly 81ingeth Slinging Slipped Slippeth SliDshod at here. dangerous to Too high. Too ill (to— Too late. Too late now to make any change. Too little. Too low. Too risky. TOOK placeTook place, to-day. Took place, yesterday. TOTAL cost. .. .. .. Total cost is— Total loss. Total loss is TOUR in Great Britain. Tour on the Continent. TOURIST TRACE ticket to— it. . . . Trace the goods. Trace the missing— . . . TRACED the goods. SlopeneSS Slopingly Traced the missing TRADERS' National Bank TRAIN arriving at Sloppy SloppinesS ... Slothful Slothfully ... Slotted Sluggish Slumbered ... (at— Train departing at Train is due at Train met, but the individual (or party) did not arrive by it. TRANSACT the business, TRANSLATION of the (or TRANSFER account to— foregoing) document. ———— — ————— — — 174 Slumbering Slumberous Slumpeth... Slumping Slurred Slurring Slyboots Slyness ... ... .. ... Smacked Smacketh Smacking ... SmallisU Smarteth... s.s. — sailing— sailing- — TRANSFERRED, as desired. Transferred passage ticket, as desired. Transferred passage ticket to s.s. sailing Transferred your ticket, as desired. Transferred your ticket to s.s. sailing ... Smashing... — TRANSLATION of this telegram to— TRANSMIT— (See " Remit"). TRANSMITTED telegram, as desired. Smatter ... Transmitted telegram to Smeared ... TRAVELLING Smearing... Smelleth Smelted Smileth s.s. — ... Smashed — Transfer balance of to Transfer it to Transfer my (our)— Transfer my passage ticket to Transfer our passage ticket to Transfer to Transfer to the next sailing. Transfer to s.s. sailing ... ... ... expenses. Travelling in Travelling on the Continent. TRIAL postponed until Trial takes place TRIP— (See Smirch Smircheth Smirching Smock "Tour"). must be delivered— Trunk not Trunk not received. Trunk sent Trunk shipped by s.s. sailing TRUNKS— (See " Goods "). TRUST— (See " Hope "). — Smokable ... TRUTH in the report. TRY— (See " Endeavor "). TWELFTH word of the telegram, TWELVE adults. ... Twelve Twelve Smoked ... Smoketh ... Smokily Smokiness Smoking TRUNK o'clock, midnight. o'clock, noon. Smoky TWO Smolder Smoldereth Smoldering Two-berth stateroom, aft. Two-berth stateroom, forward. Two-berth stateroom, midship. adults. — ....... . .. — —— — ) ) — 175 . Two gentlemen. Two inside berths. Two inside staterooms. Two ladies. Two lower berths. Two o'clock. Two outside berths. Two outside staterooms. . Typhus fever Smoother. Smoothest Smoothly.. Smoothness Smote Smothered Smothering . Smouch Smouched Smudge Smuggleth Smugly Smugness Smuly . TYPHUS fever of a mild form. of a severe form. —UNCERTAINTY about UNDER age. it. Under no circumstances Under offer to another party. Under separate cover. . Snaffle Snagging Snapper Snappeth Snapping Snappish Snappishly Snaring . . . . . . UNDERSTAND perfectly well. — Understand the telegram. Understand you to UNDERSTOOD mean that that— —UNDERTAKE the business. UNDRAWN balance (is—) Undrawn balance on my (or the) Letter of Credit is Snarleth Snarling . . UNFAVORABLE news from— UNION Bank of— — Snatched Snatcheth Snatching Snattock Sneaketh Sneakiness Sneaking Sneakingly Sneereth UNITED Sneerful Unless it will Unless it will pay to stay longer. Unless you think it will pay you to stay longer, (we) should advise you to return at once. Unless you cover. Unless you remit. . . . . . . Sneering Sneeringly . Sneeze Sneezeth Sneezing . . United United United United States Consul (at States Consul's name (is — States Customs duties. States Minister (at—) States Minister's name (is—) UNLESS absolutely necessary. Unless goods are delivered by Unless I (we) have immediate reply, shall Unless I (we) have immediate reply the business will fall through. UNLIMITED Company. I ——— —— — — ) 70 1 Snickereth. ... Unlimited means. Sniffle UNNECESSARY expense. Snippeth. Unnecessary to remit. Sniveling UNPAID Snooze Snored Snoring Snouty Unpaid cheque. draft (of — UNSATISFACTORY UNTIL after— news of— Until arrival of Snubbeth Until arrival of the individual (or party). Snuffed Snuffeth Until further instructions. Until it Snuffing Until my Snuggery Until payment Snuggled. Until receipt Snugness Soaked Until they Soaking Until Soaky Soapy Until Soared is— (our) arrival. is Until then. Until ..." ... we we hear from— we receive Until you from— Soaring Until you hear Sobbed Until you remit. Sobbing Sobered Soberly UP Sobriety UPPER berth, Sociality Upper berth, Socialize SocratiC Socratical made. of— Until you return. to and including Up to the present time. in inside stateroom. in outside stateroom. URGE — (See " Endeavour "). URGENT business. Urgent business prevents my (our) leaving by Urgent business prevents my (our) leaving at present. Sodering Softened Softening Softish Softly Softness Soiliness URGENTLY needed. USE Low's Pocket Cable Code, hereafter, and no other. Use your best endeavors— Use your discretion. USELESS to— Useless to come. Useless to go (to—). — ——— —— ) — 177 Solacement ... Solacing Solacious USUAL commission. Usual course is UTMOST can do is— VALISE not- Solarize Soldierly Solemnity ... Solenite Solicitude ... Valise not received. Valise received. Valise sent Valise shipped per s.s. VALISES— (See VALUE Solidify Solidly Solubility ... Soluble Solutive Somatical ... Sombrely Sombrous ... Somersault ... of — sailing— " Goods "). the— Value of the contents (of—). Value of the goods. Value of the Return Passage Order. Value of the property. Value of the stock. Value of the unused tickets is— VERIFY— (See " Confirm '*). VIA Dover and Calais. Via Folkestone and Boulogne. Via Newhaven and Dieppe. Somnific Somnolency... VISIT from— Soniferous ... VITALLY important. Sonorific VOUCH Sonorous Vouch for its accuracy. for the WAIT— (See "Await"). Wait for me at Wait for us at— Wait until— Wait until you hear from me (us) again. Wait until you receive letter (dated WAITING for— Soothing Soothly Sootiness Sooty Sopnical — Sophisms Sophist Sophistic Soporific Waiting Waiting WANT Soporous Sorbic Sorbonical Sorbonist accuracy of the report, concerning also to hear to hear the from the individual (party). from you. best accommodation being no object. Want you to apply to you against Warn you not to Warn you to be very careful available, price WARN ... (this) individual (party). in your dealing with the — — ? ? ) — —— — 78 i Sorceress WAS at— on— Sorcery Sordidity Sor»ege Was here, but has gone to— Was not— Was paid— Was partially destroyed by fire. Was sent Was shipped per s.s. — sailing Was totally destroyed by fire. Sorrily Sorriness Sorrowed ... Sortably WAYBILL Sortilege Sortition not received. Waybill relating toWaybill sent— authorize you to act for us. We authorize you to act for us Sourish. WE Sourly Spaceful ; we confirm this by mail. Spaciously ... Spaddle We authorize you to make the payment referred to. We hold Passage Ticket(s) calling for accommodation at rate specified, per —saiiing —We hold Return Passage Order by this Line, calling s.s. Spadeful accommodation at the rate specified. What sailing can you offer per s.s. We hold Return Passage Order by this Line, calling for accommodation at the rate specified. We hold Return Passage Order by your Line, calling What for accommodation at the rate specified. sailing can you offer per s.s. for the — — Spadeth Spading — WEATHER here is cold. Spanneth Spanning Weather here is hot. Weather here is fine. Weather here is wet. Spareful Spareness Sparingly Sparkful WEARING apparel. WEDDING is not yet fixed. Wedding postponed (to — Wedding takes place Sparkish Sparkling Sparsely Sparseness ... Spasmodic ... Spattered Spattereth Spattering Spatulate Speckled WEEK longer. WEEKLY allowance. Weekly WELL ... ... edition. and enjoying my WHERE are— Where Where did ? — did you send WERE here— — (our) visit. —— — ? ?? ? — —— ? ) 179 Speckling Spectatrix Speedfully Speediness — ... Were Were ... WHAT amount can you remit? here, but are not — now gone to Spicily Spiciness What are the prospects? What are you doing ? What are your plans? What can he (she) — What can they— ? What can your— t What can you offer? What benh can you offer me per s.s. — sailing— What can you offer for self and wife per s.s. — sail Spilleth What ... Spelleth. Spermatic Spermatize Spheral .. Spheric ... ... .. Spherical ing — ? can you offer for self, wife, and per s.s. — sail ing—? Spinaceous ... What per Spinescent ... What can you s.s. offer for self — sailing— can you offer for and party, consisting of— married couple, per s.s. sailing What Spinosity can you offer for one single gentleman and one single lady, per s.s. Spinstry What Spinulous — sailing What can you offer — sailing can you — sailing— offer for a party consisting of — per s.s. ... for two single gentlemen, per s.s. What Spirally can you offer for two single ladies per s.s. sailing Spirituous Spitefully Spitteth ... ... Spittle Splashed Splashing Splashy Spleenish Splendrous Spliceth Splicing Splintered Splitteth ... ... ... Vjat date have you fixed upon (for— What do—? What do you advise? What do you intend to do? Reply by mail. What do you intend to do? Reply by wire. What do you 'mean by— What docks will the (or foregoing) steamer arrive —What does the foregoing intend to do? What does the individual—? What did they—? What did you? What else can you learn r What guarantee is there? at — ? — ? ? ? ? ? ? —— ? i8o Splitting Spluttered ... Spoileth. Spoliate Spondaical ... Spongeth Sprouteth ... What had I (we) better do under the circumstances? What has—? What has been done in the master? What have— What have you — What have you remitted? What inside berth can you offer me, per s.s. sailing What Sprucely inside stateroom can you offer wife per Spumed Spumeth. Sputative ... ••• Squalidly Squalletn What is our balance? What is the additional fare ? What is the address of the (or What is the address of the (or What is the best way to — What is the cause of delay ? What is the cause of delay ... Squareth. Squashy Squeaketb • •• ... Squeal Squeamish Squeeze Squinted Squinting Squirted ... foregoing) party? my (our) is the cause of delay in reply to telegram of my (our) in reply — What is the cost (of— ? What is the date of the letter? What is the date of the telegram ? What is the fare to— ? What is the (or foregoing) individual's balance* What is the latest election news? What is the latest news concerning— What is the matter? Wire reply. What is the price (of— ? What is the probable cost? What is the rate of exchange on — What is to be done ? What outside berth can you offer me for s.s. ) ) ... Squirting sailing Stabbingly ••• Stacketh Stagely — Staggard ••• \ ! foregoing) individual? of—? What Squally Squatteth Squatting me and my to letter Squandered — sailing Whatisthe— What is my balance? Spunky Squabbleth Squabbling Squalid s.s. — What outside stateroom can you offer wife per s.s. sailing — me and my — What room can you offer, and on which floor? What rooms can you offer, and on which floor? What shall (we) do? I ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? i8i Staggereth Staggering ... ... What staterooms can you offer per s.s. —sailing— What steamer does the (or foregoing) individual sail by? Stagnancy Stagnant Stagnateth ... ... Staidness Staineth Staleness — What steamer have you shipped this by What steamer have you shipped What steamer sails—? What steamer will you sail by ? What steps have been taken ? What will be the (or foregoing) ? the (these) goods by individual's address after—? Stalky Stamina Staminate Stammereth Stammering Stampede ... What will What will What will ... WHEN are—? ... ... Stanched Stan dish Stannic Starcheth Starching Starchly Stared Starlight Starvation ... ... Statics Stational Stative Statured Statutable ... Staunch Stealthily ... Steameth Stellate Stellify Stemming Stemmed Stentorian Steppeth Stepping Sterile ... .. ... ? — When are you going to— When can—? When can you — When can you leave? When can you sail ? When can you ship the goods ? When did—? When did the individual (or party) — When did you send — —When ... be the preliminary expenses be the total outlay? be your address after did you ship this? When did you ship the (these) goods ? When did you telegraph? When did you write ? When do they—? When do you—? When do you expect to return ? Wire reply. When do you expect to be here ? When do you expect to be in — When do you expect to be in Boston ? When do you expect to be in London ? When do you expect to be in New York? When do you expect to be in Paris? When do you expect to be in Philadelphia ? When do you intend to go to— When do you leave ? When do you return When do you sail ? ? ?? ? ?? 1 Sternal Stemed ... Stifled Stigmatic Stillatory Stillicide Stilted '. Stingily Stinginess Stingingly ... 82 When does the individual (or party) expect When does the individual (or party) expect When does the individual (or party) expect When is— When is Miss—? When is Mrs.— ? When is the individual (or party) — When is the (or foregoing) steamer due? When may (we) expect to hear from — When may (we) expect to hear from your When may (we) expect to receive—? When may I (we) expect you? When will — When will you — When will you remit? WHERE and how is— Stockade Stockish Stoical Stoically Stoicism Stolidity ... Stoniness Stony to leave? to return? to sail ? Where are — Where are they staying ? Where did you — Where did you telegraph? Where has— ? Where has the (or foregoing) individual— ? Where have — Where have they— Where have you—? Where have you sent my (our) baggage? Where have you sent my mail ? Where have you sent our mail ? Where have you sent the— ? Where have you sent ticket? Where have you sent the (or foregoing) individual's mail? ... Storify Stormeth Storminess Straddle ?? I ... Stirreth Stirring Stitcheth Stitching Stoopingly ? I Stingy Stipend Stomachic ? I Stilts Stimulate Stimulus ? — When does the foregoing expect to be at — — When does the foregoing expect to be here? —When does the foregoing expect to leave for— When does the individual (or party) expect to — Sterility Sterilize Steweth. Stewish. Stewpail Sticky Stiffening ? ? ... Where shall I (we) — ? Where shall I (we) send— ? Where shall I (we) send your— ? Where will letter soonest reach you? Where will telegram soonest reach you ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? i83 WHEREABOUTS— (See " Address *'). WHETHER— (See "If"). Straggleth Straining Straitened Strangleth Strangling ... WHICH is considered the best? Stratify Which is an inside berth. Which is an inside stateroom. Which is an outside berth. Which is an outside stateroom. Which is the best steamer of those named? Which is the fastest steamer of those named? Which route is considered the best? Strayeth Streak WHIT-Monday. Strategist ... ... ... ... Strategy WHILE in transit. Streameth ... WHITE Star Line. Streamful Stretcheth ... WHO are—? White Star steamer. • Strewed Strewing Who are the— ? Who are your Correspondents Strideth Striding Stridulous Stripes Striveth Who are your Correspondents Who are your Bankers at — Who are your Bankers here ? Who is— ? Who will— ? Who will arrange matters? Who will not— Who would you recommend? Stroketh WHOLE— (See " Entire"). WHY are— ... Strifeful Striketh Stringing Strolling Structural ... Struggleth ... Strutter Strutting Stubbornly Studiedly ... Stuffeth Stuffiness Stumbleth. Stunned Stunning Stunteth. ... at — here? Why are you— ? Why did— Why did you change your plans? Why do— Why do they— ? Why do they not— ? Why do you — Why do you do it? Why do you not — Why do you not comply with my (our) request? Why do you not remit? Why do you not reply? Why do you not reply to my (our) letter of— ' ' — ————————— — — — 1 84 Stupendous ... Why do you not reply to my WIFE is anxious to know Sturdily Sturdiness Stuttering ... Wife is dangerously Wife leaves by Stupifler ... Stylish. Suasory Suavity Suberate Suberic Suberous Subjugate Sublimate Sublimity Sublunary Subrascent ... ... ... ... ... ... Suctorial Sudorifl.0 fi nffi -g Suffuse Suffusion Sulphate Sulphuric ... Sumptuary ... Supinely Suspensory Tabidly Tabitude ... Tabooed Tabooing TabOUT Taboured ... Tacked Tactical Tactically Taotician (our) telegram of — r ill. WILL accept. Will act upon receipt of instructions from Will act upon your instructions, if received before Will advance Will allow you every discretion. Will arrange if can possibly do so. Will arrange the matter. Will arrive Will attend to the matter. Will attend to the matter and telegraph you. Will attend to the matter and write you. Will authorize Will be— Will be delivered— Will be deposited Will be here Will be home by Will be paid. Will be responsible. Will be with you Will come as soon as possible. Will come at once. Will comply, if possible. Will comply with your (the) request. Will deliver the goods Will deposit Will explain by letter. Will forward Will forward immediately. Will forward to you as soon as I (we) receive same. Will has been proved. Will has not been proved yet. Will have reply by Will hold accommodation until Will give Will guarantee — Subtilize Subtility Subtly Succulence — ... ... — —— — — — ? ? —— i85 Tactile Tactile Tactily Tactility Tactual Tactually — ... Taffety Taffrail Taffy Tagging Tagrag Tagsore — Tagtail Tailing Tainture Talcite Talcose Tale Tallage Tallier Tallowy Tally no Talmud Talmudist Talwood Tamarack Tamarin ... ... Tameless Tamper Tampoe Tanbed Tangency ... Tangential ... Tangly Tanistry Tannate Tantalite Tantivy Tantling Taperness Will inform— Will inform the individual (them) Will inform you as soon as I (we) hear from Will inform you by wire if I (we) can better this. Will inform you by wire the best we can offer Will inform you— Will inform you result of enquiry. Will inform you result of enquiry, by mail. Will inform you result of enquiry, by telegraph. Will it be—? Will it be possible to— Will it be possible for you to Will join you as soon as possible. Will join you at— Will keep you well informed. Will leave— Will leave on Monday. Will leave on Tuesday. Will leave on Wednesday. Will leave on Thursday. Will leave on Friday. Will leave on Saturday. Will leave on Sunday. Will meet the individual (or party), as requested. Will meet you, as desired. Will meet you at— Will notWill not accept. Will not accept, unless— Will not advance. Will not advance more than— Will not arrive until Will not authorize. Will not be ready to leave until Will not consent to it. Will not go to Will not guarantee (it) Will not hold accommodation after Will not hold accommodation any longer. Will not leave until ... —— ——— —— 1 Tapinage Tapish Tardation Tardity Tarquinish Tarriance Tartarean Tartarize Tartish Tartly Tartness Tastable Tauriforrn Tawniness Taxably Teachable ... ... ... ... ... ... Teatish. Techily Techiness Technics Technism Technology ... ... ... Tectonic Tediosity Teemful Teenage Teenful Teinture Teleology ... Teleost Telestic Tellable Telltale Tellural Telluric Tellurism Tellurous Temerous Tempestive Temporal ... ... ... ... — 86 Will not pay— Will not pay more than Will not refund. Will not reply to my (our) letter. Will not reply to my (our) telegram. Will not require the accommodation. Will not return Will not surrender. Will not take less than Will payWill pay only Will pay the individual's 'their) draft for Will pay your draft. Will pay your draft for this amount only. Will present again for payment Will probably leave Will probably terminate fatally. Will refund— Will refund deposit less per cent.— Will remit. Will remit, as desired. Will remit, as soon as possible. Will remit by mail. Will remit balance Will remit, by telegraph Will remit, by telegraph, to-day. Will remit by telegraph, to-morrow. Will remit by telegraph, through Will remit, by telegraph, through the Bank named. Will remit deposit Will remit deposit to-morrow. Will replyWill reply as soon as possible. Will reply by mail. Will reply by wire. Will reply by wire to-morrow. Will re-present for payment. Will reserve accommodation until Will return shortly. Will sail at o'clock a.m. — ... ——— — — ? . —— — — — — — ? ? i87 Temporist Temulence Temulency Tendinous Tendron ... ... ... ... — Will sail at o'clock p.m. Will sail (See also "Sail.") Will sail by s.s.— sailingWill sail by the foregoing steamer. Meet me (us). Will sail by the steamer mentioned herein. Meet — — — — the individual (thern). Tenebrio-US Theodolite ... Theologue Theopathic Theosophy ... ... Will see the individual (or party)— Will see you— Will see you to-morrow, at Will send— Will send cheque. Will send draft, by first post. Will send draft for Will send draft to— Will send duplicate Will send for the article (baggage) Will send goods— Will send goods by passenger train, Will send instructions Will send key— Will send ticket(s)— Will ship— Will ship goods Will ship goods by s.s. sailing Will take— Will telegraph— Will telegraph as soon as possible. Will telegraph you should anything of importance Therial ... Will telegraph you should your presence be required ... Tensely Tensible Tensility Tensive Tenuity Tenuous Tepidity Ternately Terreous Tertiate Tessular Te8taceOUS Testacy .. Testatory Testudinal ... .. . ... Theistic — Theodicy ... transpire. ... here. Thermic Thermology Phermotic ... ... Thesicle Phetical Thinkable ... Thirstily Thirstly Thornless Will telegraph to-morrow. Will they Will think the matter over, and will wire. Will wait for your instructions. Will wait until Will write you fully, by next mail. Will you—? Will you accept Will you authorize — — ... — — — — —— ? ? ? ? —— ? ?? 188 Thorny Throngly Throttle Thunderous... Ticktack Tidology Tiflish Tiger Tight Tigrish — — ... ... ... — ... Tinkerly — Tinselly leave Tippled — Will wire as soon as Will wire as soon as Tipsily Tiptoe full I particulars can be obtained. (we) can decide. WINTER rates come into force WISH, Tipulary Tireling Titanite if possible, to secure —WISHES to be met on arrival (at — —Wishes to be met on arrival at Liverpool, —Wishes to come. —Wishes to go. —Wishes to know ). Titillate Titration Titubation — — Tillage Timbering Timbreled Timeous Timeously Timidous Timocracy Tingent — Will you authorize encashment of draft of for Will you cash ray draft on for—? Will you cash our draft on for Will you come? Will you dine with me Will you dine with us— ? Will you extend my— ? Will you extend my Passage Contract Ticket for Will you extend our— ? Will you extend our Passage Contract Ticket for Will you gain anything by waiting? Will you give Will you meet me? Will you meet me at—? Will you meet me there? Will you meet us? Will you meet us at Will you meet us there ? Will you wire when you reach— Will you wire when you leave ? Will you wire to the foregoing place when you — — — Threatful ... if to know if everybody all right at home. Titularity —Wishes Titularly Toadyism —Wishes to know when —Wishes you to assist getting the following —Wishes you to inform —Wishes you to meet the (or following) individual. Tocology WITH Toiful With With With Tituled Toadish Toilsome Tollable in one other passenger recourse. reference thanks. to- is well and everything off in stateroom. ———— — — — ) ) 189 # Tombless With two other passengers in stateroom. With three other passengers in stateroom. Tongued WITHIN Tonical Tonicity Tonnish Tonous WITHOUT advice Tonsilitic Tonsorial Toothy Topful Topiary Topically Topology Topingly Toquet Torentic Torment Tormented Tormentful Tormenting a few days. Within a month. Within a week. ... ... ... Without authority. Without board. Without delay. Without deposit is made. Withous enclosure(s). Without fail. Without funds. Without funds to cover. Without identification. Without signature of Without success. Without your signature. (See " Will "). WOULD— WORD of telegram. —Word of telegram is a mistake; read instead the word Word Torosity Torpidly Torpitude ... WRITE Torquated ... Write Torridity... Torridness Torsional ... ... ... Tortuously Torturable Tortulous you arrive (at (us) at since- WROTE fully— Wrote fully by last mail. Wrote on the Wrote yesterday. YES, by all means. Tortile Tortility Tortious Tortiously Tortulous Tortuosity as soon as me is of confidence. —WRITTEN Torrefy Torrential referred to, in telegram, WORTHY ... ... ... ... ... Yes, if Yes, if Yes, Yes, if if you— you can you cannot you think it advisable Yes, perfectly true. Yes, you may— YESTERDAY afternoon (at—) Yesterday evening (at — — —— —— ———— —— ) — — — 190 Torrity Tossily Totality Tottery Tottlish Tou.ch.able Yesterday morning (at YOU ... Touchily Towery Toxical Toyingly Toyishly Tractably Tractation Tractility ... ... ... Tractory Traditive Traducible Traduction Traductive Traitorly Tralineate ... ... ... ... — are- You are mistaken. You are too urgent. You can— You can arrange accordingly. You can draw. You can draw for the* amoun* through You can draw for the amount through my — You can go— You can obtain same from You cannot You did not reply in time. You did not telegraph intelligibly; do understand what you mean. You do not say You had better— You had better not come You had better not go to— You had better not insist upon not quite Tralucency it. Tramontane... You have— You have broken your promise. Tranation You have misunderstood my (our) letter. Transiency You have misunderstood my (our) telegram. Transitive You have notTrappous You have not replied to my (our) letter of Trappy You have not replied to my (our) telegram of Trashily You have not sent. Treachy You may expect me Treatably You may expect the individual (or party) Trebble ... ... ... ... ... — Trellised Tremulant ... Triality Triangled Tribunal ... (our) correspondent at You can draw for the amount through the Correspondents of You can draw for the amount through his (their) Correspondents at You can draw for the amount through Bank of You may expect us You may offer You must You must be here by You must come. — —————— Tribunate Trickishly Tridentat? ... ... ... Tridented ... Trifid Trifoliate ... Trigamous ... Trigastric ... Trigness Trilateral ... Trilogy Trimetric Tripedal ... Tripody Trippingly Trisect Trisected Trisection Tristful ... ... — You must decide before You must declare the value of goods. You must decide quickly. You must leave by You must not You must not go— You must not pay You must not wait for— You need not You need not come. You need not go. You need not telegraph. You promised to You should— You should not— You willYou will be in order in making the payment referred You will have toYou will not be in order in making the payment ferred to. Tritemate ... Tritical ... ... Tritone Triturate Triture Trochatic ... Troche Trochoid Tronage Trophied —YOUR acceptance for this amount falls non- Tropic Tropical Tropology Troublable Troublous Truantly Truculence Trusion Tuberated Tubercled ... ... ... ... Your draft has not reached here. Your draft must have miscarried. Your enquiry of Your husband. Your invitation accepted, with thanks. Your invitation declined, with thanks. Your letter not received. Your letter of this date not received. Your letter received, (and ). Your offer is accepted. — ... ... — re- — due Your account shows a credit balance of— Your account shows a debit balance of— Your baggage. Your correspondents at— Your correspondents here. Your correspondents there. Your draft on the foregoing has not been paid. Your draft on the foregoing has been paid. Your draft on the foregoing has been protested — — — to. for — — — 192 Tubulous Tufaceous Tufty ... ... Tumidity Tumerous Tumulate Tumulosity Tunably Tunefully ... Your offer is declined. Your office at Your office here. Your office there. Your passage is secured. Your passage is secured by s.s, sailing Your passage is not secured. Your plans. Your representative meet me (at ). Your representative meet us (at — ). Your sea-chair cannot be traced; please — ... ... Tunicle Turbidity — give us fur- ther particulars. Turbinate Turbulence Tureenful ... ... ... Turfiness Turfy Turgidity Your sea-chair has been placed on board steamer. Your subscription to is due— Your telegram not received. Your telegram of Your telegram received. Your telegram received; will reply definitely as soon — as possible. Turgidness ... Your trunk cannot be traced; please give us further particulars. Turgidous Turreted ... Your trunk has been placed on board steamer. Your trunks cannot be traced please give us further ; particulars. Tusky Your trunks have been placed on board steamer. Your wife. Your wife is dangerously ill. Your wife is dangerously ill. Doctor advises your Tutorage Tutory Your Your Turrilite Turtledove Turtling ••• immediate return. wife is progressing favourably. wife is progressing slowly. PRIVATE PHRASES. Twaddle Twang Twig ... Twilight Twinge . .. . . . 193 PRIVATE PHRASES— Continued. Twinkle Twist . . Twitch Twitter . "Valorous . Vampire . Vandalism. Vanish Vapidity . Vaporation Varicose Vascular . .. Vassalage Vastation Vaulted Vegetal Venality . . . ... . 194 PRIVATE PHRASES— Continued. Venerable Vengeful . Venomous Venus.. .. Verandah Verbose . Verdancy Verdure . Vertically Veteran . Vibratory Vicious Vilely.. Virtuous Virulence Visage Viscid.. . .. . . ..... . 195 PRIVATE PHRASES— Continued, Viscidity . Visibly Vision Visionary Visual Vitality . Vitiate Vitiation . Vitrify Vitriolic . Vivacity .. Vividly Vixen . Vocable Vocality Vocalize Vocative . . .. .. ... . ... . ig6 PRIVATE PHRASES— Continued. Vogne Volatile . Volcarize . Volley . Volubly . Vomitory.. Voracity .. . Vortical . Votive . Votively . Vow Vowel Vulcanite Vulgarly Vulpine Vulture . . . . . .... — ? . — APPENDIX. Airdity Am Archivist Write me on receipt full particulars. Are you willing to accept ? greatly pained at news the just received. Augean Augur Arrangement(s). Auk Arrangement's) are not satisfactory. Arrangement(s) are satisfactory. . Beget At the foregoing sum per annum. At the foregoing sum per month. At the foregoing sum per three months. .. Begird. Begrudge Beheaded At the foregoing sum per Behemoth months. six Dingle.. Distorter At the foregoing sum per week. Can you get an offer ? Cannot leave until to-morrow. Donating Doubleday Cannot remit Cannot reply Enseal.. Close at once. Feracious Contract will be accepted on the payment of cash down. Frankly Fusible Fusil Do not close. Do you agree to my (our) proposal Do you give your consent to Inovated Have Interchain Have you received no ious to know if How . . Jabberer of ? . did news from you; am most anxall is well. received instructions from his (her) Ivy to-morrow. to-morrow. ? . Invisibly until until — you I am I want you find out ? anxious to know. to give me — regarding ig8 Jaculatory . . — . i Serimmag-er Scripture Seasoning: . Ten weeks. The contract The contract is quite satisfactory. is not satisfactory. Seaward There Senerity Sherbet This message You is 99 no truth whatever is in the report. sent by are authorized herewith to offer to reply by wire if accepted. and Spleenful Your offer is — per week accepted and the terms as stated are quite satisfactory. Sourness Tabular Taming- Your proposal cannot be accepted. (I am) most anxious for an immediate reply. What do you wish done ? We are Technical Will not reply. Techy Will remit end of next week. . Tediously ThinkingTirade Will remit end of next month. Tossing- Wire me on . Will remit end of this week. Will write by mail. receipt full particulars. .. . 200 ABBREVIATED LIST EUROPEAN BANKERS, WITH THEIR TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESSES. The Foreign Bankers their business relations City, etc. Aix-les-Bains .. in this list have been selected on account of being principally with American Travellers. Name of Bank. Telegraphic Address. Ca«seCommercialledeCham-| Caisse de C hambery. Aix-la-Chappelle Aachner Disconto Gesellschaft Discontoges. Alexandria Anglo-Egyptian Banking Company, Limited j- Imperial Ottoman Bank Amsterdam Antwerp Athens Baden-Baden . Bale Bellagio Berlin Berne Bex Beyrout Biarritz . . Amsterdamsche Bank Banque Centrale Anversoise Centralbank. Ionianbank. Joergerbank. F. C. Joerger Federalbank. Banque Federale Greppi & Co. Greppi & Co Deutschbank. Deutsche Bank Nationalbank liir Deutschland Nationalbank. Federalbank. Banque Federale Glas. George Glas Ionian Bank, Limited.. Imperial Ottoman Bank Friedrich Fuestel . Birmingham Egizi Ottombank. Amsterda. F. deFondclair& Ottombank. Feustel. Fondclair. fils.. Worcester City and County Banking Co., Limited j- Worcesterbank. . . .. 201 EUROPEAN BANKERS.— Continued. Name of Bank. City, etc. Telegraphic Address. Bonn Jonas Cohn Cohn. Bordeaux Societe Gene'rale Societe Generale. Credit Lyonnais Credionais, Pignaneau & Fils Pignaneau Fils Boulogne Societe" Gene'rale Boulogne s-Mer Adam & Co. Bremen.. Bremen Filiale der Deutschen Bank. Societe Generale. Banque Adam. > Filiale Bremen. Geo. C. Mecke&Co N. Luchting & Co Niedersachsische Bank Comecke. Luchting Comp. Bankagentur. Marcus Nelken & Sohn Nelkens. Breslau Brighton Capital Brindisi E. Dionisi Brussels Bigwood Brunn .. Buda Pesthe Anglo-Austrian Bank Anglo-Austrian Bank Banca Dionisi. Bigwood. Anglobank Anglobank. Cairo Bank Bank Egypt. . Cannes Christiania Coblence .. Cologne Constantinople Cork .. Egypt Buding Bros Old Bank (Williams & Co.) Jacob E. Dybwad Leopold Seligmann .. Copenhagen & Morgan . Capital Bank. Caisse Credit. Benedikto. Benedikt Bros A. Seligman & Co Rheinische Credit Bank G. Muller & Co Cassel Coburg Counties Bank, Ld. Caisse de Credit .. Carlsbad Carlsruhe Chester of & Seligman Company. Creditbank. Muller Consorten. Buding. Wilbank. Bankier Dybwad. Leopold Seligmann. Gothaische Creditgesellschaft Bank. Leopold Seligmann .. Leopold Seligmann Imperial Ottoman Bank Oltombank. Kjobenhavns Handelbank Handelsbank. Schmidt & Lemaire .. Schmidt Lemaire. . . Bank of Ireland National Bank The Munster& Bank Ireland. National Bank. Leinster Bank,,Ld. Munlin. 202 EUROPEAN BANKERS.— Continued. City, etc. ... . . . 203 EUROPEAN BANKERS.— Continued. Homburg(Bad, ) Name of Bank. Koch, Lauteren & Co. Innsbruck M. Loewe Loewe. Volksbank Banque Populaire M. P. Bergheim & Sons The Munster & Leinster Volksbank. Bergheim. City, etc. . Interlaken Jerusalem . Killarney Telegraphic Address. Trittler. Bank, Limited Konigsberg . Lausanne Leamington Leghorn Leipsic . . Vereinsbank. Banque Federate Lloyd's Banking Company Federalbank. Lloyd's Bank. Alfred Bank . Lemon & Co & Co Filiale der Liverpool Lemon. Frege. Geraer Bank Gerabank. Argosy. of Liverpool Yates & Co Adelphi Bank Llandudno London . Wilyates. Adelphi Bank. Commercial Bank Combank. The Alliance Bank, Limited Bank of British N. America. Plutus. Baring & Toboggan. Co. Barings. Brown, Shipley & Co. Brownship. Morgan. Morgan & Co, Morton, Rose & Co Northern Banking Company Banque Federale J. S. Londonderry Lucerne Lyons . Madeira Madrid .. Malmo Malta . . Marseilles Mayence Mentone Messina . . Munster Bank. Konigsberger Vereins Bank Frege .. c Pascoe. Northern Bank. Federal Bank. Credit Lyonnais Credionais. Blandy Bros. & Co Union Bank of Spain and England Skanes Enskilda Bank Anglo-Egyptian Banking Co Cr6dit Lyonnais G. L. Kayser Blandy. > Unionbank. Skanesbanken. Egiziano. Credionais. Humann. Banque Populaire Banque Populaire. Credit Lyonnais F. Milardi & Fierli Credionais. Milardi Figli. . .. .. .. . 204 EUROPEAN BANKERS.— Continued. Name City, etc. Milan . Ulrich Monte Carlo Montreux Moscow Munich . of Bank. Telegraphic Addkess. Banca Generale Generalbank. & Co Ulrich, Banker. & Francesco Grisi Smith & Co Co.. Smith. George Glas M. Anderson & Co. J. Grisi. N. Oberndoerffer Glas. Anderson. . Wilmersdoerffer. .. Osnabruck Turner & Co. Credit Lyonnais Vve. Adolphe Lacroix & Co. Vereinbank E. Westerkamp & Sohn Paris Munroe & Co. Naples Nice . Nuremberg W. J. Turner. . Credionais. Veuve Westerkamp Sohn. Munroe. . Seligmann Bros. Drexel, Harjes & Co. Rome . Rotterdam, Moritz St. Petersburg St. San Remo Schaffhausen Schwalbach Seville .. Southampton Stockholm Namgiles. Drexel. Societe G6nerale Sogenere. Rothschild Bros. Rothschilds. Credit Lyonnais Credionais. Perier Freres Prague .. Queenstown Lacroix. Vereinsbank. & Co. Perefreres. Hottinguer & Co. Anglo-Austrian Bank Bank Hottinguer. Anglobank. Bank Ireland. Arepo Roma. of Ireland Sebasti & Reali . Rotterdamsche Bank George Glas M. Anderson & Co. A. Rubino Zundel & Co. .. Koch, Lauteren & Co. Agent, G. Herbster Robt. MacAndrews & Co. Capital & Counties Bank, Ld. Stockholms Enskilda Bank . . Skandinaviska Kredit Aktiebolaget Bank. Glas. Anderson. Rubino. Zyndel. > Metropole. Macandrews. Capital Bank. Nitton. Kreditbolag. ... ... 205 EUROPEAN BANKERS.— CW*»»«/. Name City, etc. Spa Strassburg . raine Stratford-on Avon j Stuttgart Thronclhjem Trieste . Venice . of Bank. Henry Hayemal Banque d'Alsace . . et . . . de Lor- Telegraphic Address. Hayemal. Lloyd's Banking Co., Lim. . . p klsassbank. , 1 >• .. , , Lloyd's Bank. Wurtembergische Vereinsbank Vereinsbank, M. H. Lundgreen's Enke Lundgreen. Anglo-Austrian Bank.. Anglobank. S. & A. Blumenthal & Co. Blumenthal. Fischer & Rechsteiner Reischsteiner. Warsaw Guiseppe Colazzi George Glas Anglo Austrian Bank.. Leon Goldstand Goldstand. Wiesbaden B. Berle Beberle. Vevey . Vienna . Wildbad.. Zermatt. Zurich . Wm. Klumpp .. George Glas Banque F6derale Pestalozzi im Thalhof Collanzi. Glas. Anglobank. Klumpp. Glas. Federalbank. Thalhof. 206 EUROPEAN HOTELS RECOMMENDED TO TRAVELLERS LIST OF Travellers can Telegraph direct, with the aid of this Code any of the Hotels marked thus * respecting- accommodations for themselves and friends. to City, etc. 207 EUROPEAN HOTELS.— Continued. City, etc. 208 EUROPEAN HOTELS.— Continued. City, etc. 209 Lousm) oust. United States Ambassador, Thomas F. Bayard. Official Residence, Private Residence, 32 123 Victoria Street, Westminster, S. W. Princess Gardens. S. W. First Secy, James R. Roosevelt. Second Sec y, Larz Andekson. Private Secretary to the Ambassador, Lloyd C. Griscom. Naval Attachee, Lieut-Commander S. Cowles, U. S. Navy. Military Attachee, Major William Ludlow, U. S. Army. Offices, 123 Victoria Street, Westminster, S. W. United States Consulate-General Offices, 12 St. Helen's Place, Bishopsgate Street, E. C. Consul-General, Patrick A. Collins. Vice and Deputy Consul-General, Pierce I. Grace. Deputy Consul-General, Francis W. Frigout. United States Despatch Agent, B. F. Stevens, No. 4 Trafalgar Sq. S.W. Passports are issued by the United States Ambassador at 123 Victoria Street upon proper introduction and identification. W — Every information is afforded to those who require passports Low's Exchange, 57 Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square, S. W. at AMERICAN BANKERS. Baring Bros. & Co., Ltd., 8 Bishops-gate Street Within. Brown, Shipley &. Co., Founders Court, E. C. J. S. Morgan &. Co., 22 Old Broad Street. Morton, Rose Co., Bartholomew Close, Bartholomew Lane, E. C. Edwin H. Low, 57 Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square. & OFFICES OF AMERICAN PAPERS. New York Herald, Trafalgar Buildings, Northumberland Ave., S.W. New York Herald (Paris Edition), Low's Exch., 57 Charing Cross, S.W. New York Times, Low's Exchange, 57 Charing Cross, S. W. New York Dramatic Mirror, Low's Exchange, 57 Charing Cross, S.W. New York Truth, Low's Exchange. 57 Charing Cross, S. W. A merican Visitor 's News Register, Low's Exch. ,57 Charing Cross,S. W. Anglo-American Times, 33 King William Street, E. C. Detroit Free Press, 325 Strand, W. C. Toronto Globe, 167 Fleet Street. POSTAL AND MAIL INTELLIGENCE. Rates of Postage to Letters, 1 Newspapers, 2 oz., %&., all parts of the United Kingdom. every additional 2 oz. I4d. oz. to 2 oz., jyod. and 2 d. every additional 2 oz.; Registration oz. or under, id. ; 1 ; y of Letters, 2d. extra. Books, periodicals, photographs, printed or matter, for every 2 oz., (Must be open at ends, not exceed 5 lbs. in weight, or iS in. J^d. in length.) British Postal Cards 7d. (thin) and 8d. (thick) per dozen. MS . 2IO LONDON— Continued. PER PARCELS POST. For a parcel not exceeding i lb. in weight, 3d.; exceeding 1 lb. and 3 lbs., 6d.; exceeding 3 lbs. and not exceeding 5 lbs., gd.: exceeding 5 lbs. and not exceeding n lbs., is., 6d. No parcel accepted which exceeds 11 lbs., or is not sufficiently paid. To European Countries, Egypt and United States. Letters Yz oz. or under, 2^4d., every additional y2 oz. 2*4d.; Postal not exceeding Cards, id. "Commercial Papers"' (legal documents and other manuscript matter, not of nature of a letter), not exceeding 4 oz., 2}4d.; per 2 oz. additional, id. Books, newspapers, periodicals, photos, printed matter, etc., 2 oz. or under, %d. {Must be open at ends, not exceed 4 ibs. in weighty or 12 inches in "width or depth, or 24 inches in length.') Patterns of Merchandise, not exceeding 2 oz. id.; per 2 oz. additional, %d. {Must not exceed 8 oz. in weight, or 8 ins. by 4 ins. by 2 ins.) Registration of letters, 2d. extra. Letters can be posted in London up to 6 p. m. at the Charing Cross Post Office, and up to 6.50 p. m. with id. extra. At Euston Station up to 8.10 p. m., 3d. extra. Continental letters at Charing X Station up to 8 p. m., 4d. extra. WEEKLY MAiLS FOR AMERICA. Days of Sailing. Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday . Line. — 211 LONDON— Continued. PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS & PLACES OF INTEREST. (distances from charing cross.) Bank of England, Threadneedle street. By 'bus 20 minutes. British Museum, Great Russell street, W. C. — (Open 10 a. m. till Admission Free.) By 'bus from the corner of St. Martin's p. m. ; 4 Church, Charing Cross Bushey Park. Cross ; 1 — By ; 10 minutes. rail from Waterloo or (Underground) Charing hour. Crystal Palace, Sydenham. — By rail from Victoria Station, by London and Brighton Railway 25 minutes. Foundling Hospital, Guilford street, Russell square. — Service u a. m., 3 p. m. By cab 15 minutes. Geological Museum, Jermyn street. — Daily, except Friday, free, 10 to 4. Monday and Saturday 10 to 10. Closed August 10th to Sep; tember 10th. Greenwich Hospital. — The Painted Hall open Free. at 10. Nelson's Coat, Sword, etc. Guildhall, King street, City. Grand Civic Hall, Library and Reading Room, free. Hampton Court. By rail from Waterloo Station 50 minutes. Houses of Parliament, Westminster. — By 'bus or rail 5 minutes. To attend a debate it is necessary to have a Member's Order. India Museum. Exhibition road, S. Kensington. Free; ro a. m. to — ; ; — 5 P. M. — Kensington Museum, Cromwell road, South Kensington. Monday, Tuesday and Saturday, free; other days, 6d. Open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. By Underground Railway 15 minutes. Kew Gardens. By rail from Waterloo or (Underground) Charing ; — Cross Station ; 30 minutes. Mr. Spurgeon's Tabernacle, Newington-butts. — Service 6.30 p. m. By 'bus ; 10.45 a. m.; 20 minutes. Museum of Antiquities and Library, Guildhall. — Daily, free. National Gallery, Charing Cross. — Free, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, from 10 tili 4. National Portrait Gallery, Exhibition road, South Kensington. Open daily, except Friday, from 10 till dusk, free. Natural History Museum, Cromwell road, South Kensington. Daily, 10 till 3, free. * 212 LON DON— Con tin tied. Richmond. Station p, ; — By rail from Waterloo or (Underground) Charing Cross 35 minutes. St. Paul's. M., 7 v. M. — By 'bus; Week day — By 'bus 10 minutes. Sunday serof London, Tower-hill, — By rail to Cannon street, thence by Temple Church, vices 11 a. m., 3 Tower cab ; Sunday services 10.30 a. m., 3.15 15 minutes. services 10 a. m. and 4 and 8 p. m. r. 20 minutes. Fleet street. ; M. Open daily except Sundays. Westminster Abbey. — Bv 'bus or Underground Railway; 5 minutes. Sunday and week day services 10 a. m., and 3 r. m. Windsor Castle. — By rail from Paddington or Waterloo to Windsor Station ih. 15m. Tickets for admission to be of the Castle only. ; had free, at the entrance — Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park, N. W. By 'bus 20 minutes. Open daily, is.; Sundays, by Fellow's order only. fare, is. 6d. ; Cab PRINCIPAL THEATRES. The performances at the different Theatres, etc., commence at times varying from 7 to 8 o'clock, doors opening about half an hour previously. Plans of the Theatres and Music Halls can be seen, and seats can be booked in advance, at Low's Exchange, 57 Charing Cross, Trafalgar Square, London. Adelphi, Strand. Proprietors, A. & S. Gatti. Private boxes, £2 3 s an d £2 2s orchestra stalls, - 6s.; upper ; Drama and 10s., Farce. balcony stalls, circle, 3s.; pit, 2s.; gallery, is. Alhambra, Leicester-square. (See Music Halls.) Avenue, Northumberland avenue. Private boxes, £1 is. to £4. 4s.; stalls, 10s. 6d.; dress ciicie, 7s. 6d. and 6s.; boxes, 4s.; amphitheatre, 2s. 6d.; pit, 2s. ; gallery, is. Comedy, Panton street, Haymarket. Comic Opera. Private boxes, £1 is. to ^4 4s.; stalls, ios. 6d.; dress circle, 7s. and 6s.; upper boxes, 4s.: pit, 2S. ; amphitheatre, Court, Sloan's square. 64.; stalls, ios. gallery, is. ; is. 6d.; gallery, is. Comedy and dress circle, 7S. 6d.; Farce. upper Private boxes, £1 circle, 4s.; pit, 1 is. 2s. 6d.; 213" LONDON— Continued. Italian Opera from May to July. Eoxes, £2 2s. orchestra stalls, £1 is.; amphitheatre stalls, 10s. 6d.; pit, amphitheatre, 2s. 6d.; Promenade Concerts, August to November. Private boxes, 10s. 6d. to .£3 3s.: stalls, 7s. 6d.; other parts, Covent Garden. £12 to 12s.; 7s. 6d.; 5s., 3s., 2s. is. No £5 6d. Coventry Criterion, Wyndham. 6d. to and Picadilly Circus. Lessee, Charles Farcical Comedy. Private boxes, £1 us. other parts, 7s., 5s., 3s., 2s. 6d. and is. street. Comedy and 5s.; stalls, ios. 6d.; Fees. Daly's Theatre, Leicester square. Boxes from £2 12s. 6d. to £5 5s.; ios. 6d.; balcony stalls 7s.; upper circle, front row, 5s.; other stalls, rows, 4s.; pit, 2S. 6d.; gallery, is. Dri;ry Lane. Lessee, Sir Augu^us Harris. Christmas pantomimes are arranged on a grand Drama, Opera, scale. 16s. to £4. 4s.; stalls, ios.; dress circle, 7s. and 6s.: first circle, 5s. 4s.; balcony, 3s.; pit, 2s.; gallery, is. and 6d. Empire, Leicester square. etc. Private boxes, and (See Music Halls.) Lessee, George Edwards. Opera, Burlesque, Private boxes, £1 is. to £4 4s.; orchestra stalls, ios. and 6s. ; upper boxes, 4s.; pit, 2s. 6d.; amphithe- Gaiety, Strand. Comedy, Farce. 6d.; balcony stalls, 7s. atre, is. No Fees. Garrick, Charing Cross Road. Lessee, John Hare. Private boxes, £1 us. 6d. to ^3 3s.; stalls, ios. 6d.; dress circle, 7s.; upper boxes, 4s.; pit, 2S. 6d.; gallery, is. Globe, Newcastle street, Strand. Drama, Opera-Bouffe, Cc tiedy. Private boxes, £1 is. to £2 3s.; stalls, ios. 6d.; dress circle, 6s. and 5s.: upper boxes, 3s.; pit, 2s.; gallery, is. No Fees. Haymarket. £5 Drama, Comedy and Farce. 5s.; stalls, ios. 6d.; other parts, Private boxes, £1 7s., 5s., 2s. 6d., 2s. and is. to is. street, Strand. Lessee, Henry Irving. ShakesPrivate boxes, £2 2s. to £4. 4s.; stalls, ios. 6d dress upper circle, 4s.; amphitheatre, 2s. 6d.; pit, 2s.; galley is. Lyceum, Wellington pearian Plays. circle, 7s.; •. Lyric, Shaftesbury avenue. Private boxes, £2 2s to ^5 5s.; and 6s.; upper Piccadilly stalls, ios. Circus. 6d.; Comedy-Opera. balcony stalls, 7s. 6d. circle, 4s.; pit, 2s. 6d.; gallery, is. Olympic (new), Wych street, Drury Lane. Lessee, Wilson Barrett. Private boxes, £1 is. to £2 ios.; stalls, 6s.; dress circle. 5s.; upper boxes, 3s.; pit, 2S.; gallery, is. 214 * LONDON— Continued. Opera Comique, Strand. Opera Bouffe. Privrte boxes, ^i ^3 3s.; stalls, ios. 6d.; other parts, 7s. 6d., 6s., 4s., 21 6d., and is. is. to Palace Theatre of Varieties, Cambridge Circus, Shaftesbury Boxes, .£1 ns. 6d., £2 2s., and £2 12s. 6d.; stalls, 4s. and 5s.; avenue. Royal amphitheatre, circle, 3s.; first circle, 2s.; Prince of Wales, Coventry street, is.; gallery, 6d. Haymarket. Comic Opera, is. to ^3 3s.; stalls. ios. 6d Lessee, Horace Sedyer. Private boxes, £1 other parts, 7s. 6d., 6s., 4s., 2s. 6d., and is. Princess's, Oxford street. ios. 6d.; dress circle, 7s. 6d. St. James, Comedy. King street, Private boxes, £1 7s., 5s., 3., 2. and Private boxes, £1 and James. St. is. is. to £3 3s - 5 stalls, 6s.; pit, 2s. 6d\; gallery, is. Lessee, George Alexander. to .£4 4s.; stalls, ios. 6d.; other parts, is. Savoy, Beaufort Buildings, Strand. Proprietor and Manager, R. D'Oyly Carte. Comic Opera. Private boxes, stalls and Royal tiers, £2 2s.; circle tier boxes, £1 is.; stalls, ios. 6d.; balcony, 7s. 6d.; circle, No Fees. 4s.; pit, 2s. 6d.; amphitheatre, 2s.; gallery, is. Shaftesbury. Shaftesbury avenue. Propr., J. Lancaster. Shakesperian Plays. Private boxes, £1 is. to ^3 3s.; orchestra stalls, ios. 6d.; other parts, 7s., 6s., 4s., 2s., is. 6d. and is. Comedy and Farce. dress circle, 6s.; boxes, Private boxes, £1 Strand. ios. 6d.; 4s.; pit, 2s.; is. to £$ amphitheatre, 3s.; stalls, is. Surrey, Blackfriar's Road. Private boxes, ios. 6d. to ,£3 3s.; orchestra stalls, 3s.; dress circle, 2s.; other parts, is. and 6d. £6 6s.; stalls, ios. 6d.; pit, 2S. 6d.; gallery, Edward Terry. Private Proprietor, Terry's, Strand. to lower circle, 7s. 6d. and 6s.; boxes, £1 upper is. circle, 4s.; is. Lessee, J. L. Toole. Burstreet, Strand. Private boxes, £2 12s. 6d. and £2 3s.; stalls, ios. Toole's, King William lesque, Comedy, etc. 6d.; other parts, 7s., 5s., 4s., 2s., is. Trafalgar Square Theatre, £1 us. 6d., ^3 3s. and first and second rows, St. Martin's Lane. Private boxes, £4. 4s.; orchestral stalls, ios. 6d.; balcony stalls, 7s. 6d.; back rows, 6s.; family circle, 4s.; pit, 2s.; gallery, is. Vaudeville, Strand. Comedy, Farce and Burlesque. Private boxes, £2 2S.; stalls, ios.; balcony stalls, 5s.; boxes, 4s.; upper circle, 2s. 6d; pit, as. 215 LONDO N— Continued. PRINCIPAL MUSIC HALLS, Alhambra, Leicester Square. Other £-2 2S. seats, 5s., 3s., 2s., Grand Ballets, and is. 6d. Canterbury, Westminster Bridge road. £2 2S. Other seats, 5s., 2s. 6d., is. 6d., and Empire, Leicester Square. is. and and Boxes, £i Private boxes, is. to 10s. 6d. to is. Admission, etc. 5s., 3s., 2s., 6d. London Pavilion (having class Ballets, etc. Music Hall. sliding roof). Piccadilly Circus. Highest is. to ^3 3s., other seats, 5s., 3s., is. 6d. Boxes, £1 is. Oxford, The, near corner of Oxford Admission, street and Totten Court road. is. Royal Music Hall, Holborn. Miscellaneous entertainments. (numbered and reserved), 4s.; balcony stalls, 3s.; grand lounge and promenade, 3s.; balcony, 2s.; hrat circle and promenade, is. Tivoli, Strand. Stalls Trocadero, Shaftesbury avenue. Admission, is. to ,£3 3s PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Agricultural Hall, Liverpool road, Islington. Cattle Shows and Variety entertainments. Aquarium, Westminster. 12 noon to 11 p. m. Admission, is. Vari- ety entertainments. Botanical Gardens, Regent's Park. Admission by Member's Order, and on certain fete days on payment. Crystal Palace, Sydenham. ( Best route to, see page 208.) Daily, from 10 a. m. Admission, is. On dates of Saturday Concerts, 2s. 6d. before 5, is. after. Every evening in summer Al Fresco entertainments and Illuminated Garden Fetes. Grand Fireworks display every Thursday during July, August and September. Handel Festival in June. Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. Maskelyne & Cooke's ("England's of Mystery") entertainment. Daily, 8 p. m. and 3 v. m. Admission, 5s., 3., 2s. and is. Home 2l6 LONDON— Continued. German Reed's Entertainment, St. George's Hall, Langham Place. Admission. 5s., 3s., 2s. and is. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 3. 2 Hengler's Grand Cirque, Argyle and 8. Roval Albert Hall. street, Oxford Daily, at street. Musical Fetes and Concerts, at uncertain intervals. & St. James Hall, Piccadilly. Moore Burgess' Minstrels. Daily, p. m. Afternoon performances on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, at 3. Admission, 5s., 3s., 2s. and is. 8 Sanger's Grand National Amphitheatre. road. Circus, etc., twice daily, at 2 and 7.30. £5 Other 5s. Tussaud's mission, seats, 3s., 2s. 6d., is. 6d., Waxwork Exhibition. is. and Westminster Bridge Boxes, £1 us. 6d., to 6d. Daily, 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Ad- is. PRINCIPAL ART EXHIBITIONS. Admission, One Shilling. Royal Academy, Burlington House, Piccadilly. Exhibition of the of modern English painters and sculptors, from first Monday in May to first Monday in August; of ancient masters in winter. works Diploma galleries open throughout the year. Royal Society of Painters in Water Colors, 5a Pall Mall East (close to Low's Exchange). Open from April to August, 10 to 6. Royal Institute of Painters, Piccadilly Galleries, 191 Piccadilly. Open March 14th, from 10 a. m. to 6 p. M. Dore Gallery, 35 New Bond street. Open throughout the year ; 10 to 6 in summer, and 10 to 5 in winter. Society of British Artists, 6 Suffolk Low's Exchange). Opens March Dudley Gallery, Egyptian from 10 to street, Pall 23d, 10 to 6. Hall, Piccadilly. Mall (close to Opens in February, 6. Society of Arts, 18 and 19 John street, Adelphi, Strand. Admisby Member's Order. Open throughout the year, 10 to 4. sion, 217 NEW YORK CITY. THEATERS. (Showing where located, name of manager, prices of admission, time performances begin and class of attraction.) Abbey's, Broadway cor. 38th st. Managers, Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau. Prices of admission^ special for each engagement. Performance begins at 8 p. m.; Saturday matinee at 2. Star engagements. Academy of Music, 14th st. and Irving Place. Managers, Gilmore Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. and 25c. Opens 8 p. m. Sat. matinees at 2. Performance principally spectacular. & Tompkins. Wed. and American, 42d st. cor. 8th ave. Manager, T. Evening at 8; $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. and 25c. day matinee at Drama and melodrama. 2. Manager, J. W. Rosenquest. Opens at 8.15 p. m.; Wednesday Farce, comedy and light opera. Bijou, Broadway, bet. 30th and 31st Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. and 25c. and Saturday matinees at Broadway, Broadway 2. Casino, B'way, cor. 39th and $1.00. Evenings Columbus, 125th st. sts. Manager, T. Henry French. Evenings at 8 Saturday mati- cor. 41st street. Prices, $1.50. $1.00, 75c, 50c. nee at 2. Comic opera. $1.50 Henry French. Prices, Wednesday and Satur- st. and 25c. ; Mgrs., Canary at 8.15 ; Sat. & Lederer. matinee at and Lexington ave. 2. Prices, $2.00, Comic opera. Manager, Oscar Hammer- Prices, $1.00, 75c, 50c. and 25c. Evenings at 8.15 Saturday matinees at 2. Weekly attractions. stein. and Wednesday ; Daly's, Broadway, near 30th and Comedy and drama. $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 50c. st. Manager. Augustin Daly. Prices, Evenings at 8 Saturday matinee at 2. ; Empire, Broadway, near 40th st. Mgrs., Frohman, Rich Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 75c. and 50c. Evenings at 8 at 2. Stock Company comedy — urday matinees ; & Harris. Wednesday and Sat- and drama. Fifth Avenue, Broadway, cor. 28th st. Manager, Harry Miner. and 50c. Evenings at 8; Wednesday and Sat2. Star engagements. Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 75c. urday matinee at Fourteenth Street, quest. 14th st. near 6th ave. Manager, Prices, $1.00, 75c, 50c. and 25c. Evenings at 8 and Saturday matinees at 2. J. ; W. Rosen- Wednesday Melodrama. Garden Theater, Madison ave. and 27th st. Mgr., A.M. Palmer, Prices, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c. and 50c. Evenings at 8.15; Saturday matinee at 2. Opera, comedy and drama. 2*8 NEW YORK.— Continued, Germania, 8th St., $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. Manager, Adolf Phillip. Prices, Evenings at 8 Saturday matinee at near 4th ave. and 25c. ; German comedy. 2. Grand Opera House, 23d st. and 8th ave. Manager, S. D. Singleton, Prices, $1.00, 75c, 50c. and 25c. Evenings at 8 Wednesday and Saturday matinees at 2. Weekly attractions. ; Harlem Opera House, 125th st. near 7th ave. Hammerstein. Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. and Saturday matinee at 2. Weekly attractions. 8.15 Manager, Oscar Evenings at 25c. ; Harrigan's, 35th st. near 6th ave. Mgr. Mart W. Hanley. Prices, Evening's at 8.10 Wednesday and Saturday $1.50, $1.00,, 75c. and 25c. matinees at 2. Edward Harrigan's Company. ; Hermann's, Broadway, near 29th st. Manager, J. M. Hill. Prices, 75c, 50c. and 25c. Evenings at 8 Wednesday and Saturday matinees at 2. Comedy and light opera. $1.00, ; Hoyt's Madison Square, 24th McKee. Saturday st. near Broadway. Prices, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c. and 50c. matinee at 2.15. Farce, comedy. Manager, Frank Evenings at 8.30; Irving Place, Irving place and 15th st. Manager, Heinrich ConSaturPrices, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. and 25c. Evenings at 8.15 day matinee at 2. German comedy and drama. reid. ; Lyceum, 4th ave. near 23d st. Manager, Daniel Frohman. Prices, and 35c. Evening at 8.15 Thursday and Saturday matinees at 2. Stock company in comedy. $1,50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. ; Metropolitan Opera House, Broadway, 39th and 40th sts. Mgrs., Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau. Prices, $5, $4, $3, $2.50, $2, $1.50 and $1.00. Evenings at 8; Saturday matinee at 2. Grand Opera in Italian, French, and German, and special performances. (See special announcements jn daily papers.) Niblo's, Broadway, between Prince and Houston. Prices, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 35c. and 25c. ter S. Sanford. Wednesday and Saturday matinees at 2. Weekly Manager, WalEvenings at 8 ; attractions. Palmer's, Broadway and 30th st. Manager, A. M. Palmer. Prices, and 50c. Evenings at 8.15 Saturday matinee at 2. Comedy, drama and burlesque. $1.50, $1.00, 75c. ; Star, Broadway, cor. 13th 75c. and 50c. Evenings st. at 8.15 ; Mgr., Theo. Moss. Sat. matinee at 2. Prices, $1.50, $1.00, Star engagements. Standard, B'way, bet. 32d and 33d sts. Manager, J. M. Hill. Prices, Evenings at 8.30 Sat. mat. at 2. Comedy. $1 50, $1.00, 50c. and 25c. ; 2ig NEW YORK.— Continued. VARIETIES. Eighth Avenue Theatre, 75c, 50c., 35c, 25c. and 15c. Imperial Music Hall, 29th 310-12-14 near B'way. st. Koster and Bial & Bial's, 34th st. between $1.50, $1.00 and 50c. Co. London Theatre, 50c, 35c, 25c, 15c. 235-7 and Eighth avenue. Harry Miner. Kraus. J. II. Broadway and $1.00, 50c. Koster, 7th ave. Bowery. James Donaldson, Jr., & Co. 75c, ioc. Miner's Bowery, Bowery near Grand and 15c. st. Harry Miner. 75c, 50c, 25c. Proctor's Theatre, 23d 50c, 25c. and st. near 6th ave. F. Proctor. F. - 15c. Tony Pastor's Theatre, 14th st. Tony Pastor. near 3d ave. $1.00, 75c, 50c. and 25c. Union Square Theater, F. Keith. $1.00, 50c, 25c. 14th and st. bet. 4th avenue and Broadway. II. 15c. MISCELLANEOUS. American Institute Building, 3d avenue, near 66th st. Devoted to fairs, exhibitions, etc. Aquarium, Old Castle Garden, Battery Park. Crystal Maze, Broadway and 38th Eden Musee, st. and 6th ave. Exhibition of wax-work figures of prominent people and events, and vaudeville performances. 23d St. Grand Central Palace, Lexington avenue and 43d street. Spe- cial exhibitions, Madison Square Garden. Madison ave. to 4th ave., bet. 26th and 27th st. Devoted to horse, dog and poultry shows, flower exhibitions, bicycle contests, boxing matches, musical entertainments, etc., etc. (For particulars consult daily papers.) Manhattan tournaments in Field, 9th avenue and 155th summer, st. Athletic and sporting ice skating, etc., in winter. National League Baseball Grounds, oth ave. and 157th st. Championship exhibitions of baseball, commencing late in March and continuing until October. (For dates of playing see daily papers.) 220 NEW YORK.— Continued. MUSIC HALLS. Carnegie Music Hall. 57th st. an \ 7th ave. Devoted to high class (For particulars see daily papers.) Lenox Lyceum, 59th st. and Madison avenue. Devoted to concerts, music, etc. banquets, balls, fairs, etc. Madison Square Garden Music Hall, 26th st. and Madison avenue. Devoted to recitals, concerts, etc. Mendelssohn Glee Club, 41st street, near Broadway. GALLERIES AND ART MUSEUMS. Academy of Design, 23d st. and 4th ave. Water color exhibitions. American Art Gallery, 23d st. near Broadway. Exhibitions of oil paintings, art collections, etc. - Dore Gallery, 7th avenue bet. 52d and 53d sts. The famous Dore which was exhibited in London. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park, near 5th avenue and 83d st. Paintings, sculpture, works of art, etc. Museum of Natural History, 8th and ath aves. from 77th to 81st sts. collection Stuffed animals, insects, etc. PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Apprentices, 18 East 16th st., 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Astor, Lafayette place near Astor place, 9 a. m. to 5 Bar Association, 7 West 29th St., 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. City, 12 City Hall, 10 a. m. to 4 p. p. m. m. Columbia College, 49th st. and Madison ave. 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Cooper Union, Cooper Institute, 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Free Circulating, 49 Bond St., 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 4 to 9 p. m. Ottendorfer Branch, 135 2d ave., 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 4 to 9 p. m. Harlem, 32 West 123d St., 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Historical Society, 2d ave. cor. E. nth St., 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Institute, 116 Post-office building, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Lenox, 5th ave. and 70th St., 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Law Masonic Library, 6th ave. and 23d St. Mercantile, Astor pi., n. B'way, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.; branch, 120 B'way. Mott Memorial, 64 Madison ave., 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. N. Y. Hospital Library, 8 West 16th St., 1.0 a. m. to 5 p. m. N. Y. Society, 67 University place, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Women's, 19 Clinton place, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Young Men's Christian Association, 52 East 23d St.; 114 West 21st St.; 142 2d ave.; 153 East 86th St.; 5 West 125th St.; 361 Madison ave., 8 a. m. to TO. p. M. Young Women's Christian Ass'n, 7 East 15th St., 9 a. m. to 9.15 p. m. 221 NEW YORK.— Continued, DRIVES. Central Park— East and West — McComb's Dam Bridge across the Harlem River, via Central Park, 7 th ave. and no st. to the Central Bridge at 155th St., passing the road houses known as " Gabe Cases'," "Judge" Smith's and the Florence. Nicholas Ave., upper end of Central Park to Fort Washington, King's Bridge road to Yonkers. Boulevard, 59th st. and 8th ave. to 155th st. to Fort George. Riverside Avenue, 726. st. via Hudson River shore, 2% miles. Southern Boulevard, from the north end of Third ave. bridge, follows eastward the line of the Westchester shore of the Long Island Sound, and returns to the westward to Central ave.; joins Central ave. at Jerome Park, thence to the city. St. PUBLIC PARKS. Bryant, between 5th and 6th aves. from West 40th st. to West 42d st. Battery, foot of Broadway. City Hall, Broadway to Park Row, from Chambers to Mail st. Central, 5th to 8th aves., from 59th st. to uoth st. East River, Avenue B and East River from 84th st. to 86th st. Gramercy, East 20th st. to East 21st St., between 3d and 4th aves. Madison Square, 5th ave. to Madison ave., from 23d st. to 26th st. Mt. Morris, Madison and Mt. Morris aves. from 120th st. to 124 st. Stuyvesant Square, Rutherford and Livingston places, from East 15th st. to East 17th st. Riverside, Riverside and 12th aves. from West 72d st. to 129th st. Tompkins Square, Avenues A and B, from 7th st. to 10th st. Union Square, Broadway to 4th ave., from 14th st. to 17th st. Washington Square, Wooster and Macdougal streets, from West 4th st. to Waverly place. MONUMENTS AND STATUES. Beethoven, Mall, Central park. Bolivar, Simon, West 81st st. entrance Central park. Burns, Mall, Central park. Cervantes, " Columbus, Commerce, 8th ave. and 59th st. entrance Central park. Farragut, Madison square park, 5th ave. and 26th st. Franklin, Benjamin, Spruce st. cor. Park row. Garibaldi, Washington square. Greeley, Horace, Spruce, corner Nassau. Hale, Nathan, City Hall park. Conkling, Roscoe, Madison sq. and 23d st. east. Cox, S. S., Astor place and 8th st. Dodge, Wm. E. Broadway, 6th av. and 36th st. Halleck, Mall, Central park. Hamilton, Alexander, Central park, near Met. Mus. of Art. Hancock, St. Nicholas avenue and Ericsson, Battery park. Holley, Alex., Washington 124th st. sq. 222 NEW YORK.— Continued. Humboldt, Central park, 5th ave. and 59th st. Indian Hunter, Mall, Central pk. Irving, Bryant park. Liberty, Bedloe's Island, (boat hourly from Battery.) Lincoln, Union square. Mazzini, Central pk^west'n drive. Moore, Thomas, Central park. Morse, Central park, near 5th av. and 72d st. Obelisk, Central park, near Met. Museum of Art. Schiller, Central park, near The Ramble. Scott, Sir Walter, Mall, Central pk Seward, Madison square, Shakespeare, Mall, Central park. The Pilgrim, Central park, near 72d st. entrance. Washington, George, Union sq. Washington Arch, 5th ave. and Waverly place. Webster, Central park, western driveway, near 72d Worth, 5th av., st. B'way and 25th st. Brooklyn Bridge, Park Row near City Hall, crosses East River from New York to Brooklyn. Grant's Tomb, 121st st. and Riverside drive. St. Patrick's Cathedral, 5th avenue and 50th St. Trinity Church, Broadway cor. Rector st. Grace Church, Broadway and 10th street. Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Morningside park and 110th st. PUBLICATION OFFICES DAILY NEWSPAPERS. Commercial Adv'r, 29 Park Row. Morning Journal, Nassau and Spruce sts. Daily News, 31-32 Park Row. Evening Post, 204-208 Broadway. Recorder, 15 Spruce st. Staatz-Zeitung, junct. Center st. Herald sq., Evening Telegram, and Park Row. Broadway, 6th av. 35th to 36th st. Herald, Herald sq., B'way, 6th Sun, Park Row, cor. Frankfort st ave., 35th to 36th st. Mail and Express, 203 Broadway. Mercury, 3 Park Row. Times, Park Row and Spruce st. Tribune, Park Row and Spruce st World, Nassau and Frankfort sts\ EXCHANGES. Maritime, Produce Exch. bidsNew York Stock, New street, Coffee, 53 Beaver st. near Wall. Consolidated Stock & Petroleum, Broadway and Exchange place. Produce, Whitehall and Beaver sts. Real Estate, 59 Liberty st. Cotton, William st. cor. Beaver. Custom House, Wall street corner William. Board of Trade, 203 Broadway. NEW YORK CLUB DIRECTORY. Literary. 113 West 38th street. Aldine, 20 Lafayette place. Amateur Photographers, American Kennel, 44 Broadway. Authors, 158 West 23d street. Literary. Alpha Delta Phi, 266 Madison avenue. Collegiate. 223 NEW YORK.— Continued. Arion, Park avenue and 59th street. Musical. Bar Association, 7 West 29th street. Legal, social. Calumet, 29th street and 5th avenue, Catholic Club^ 120 West 59th street. Secular. Coaching, 319 Fifth avenue. Central Turn Verein, 67th street and Third avenue. Century, 7 West 43d street. Literary and Artistic. City, 677 Fifth avenue. Political. Clergy, 29 Lafayette place. Literary. Colonial, Sherman square and 72d street. Down Town, 60 Pine street. Social. Delta Kappa Epsilon, 435 Fifth avenue. Social. Collegiate. Democratic, 617 Fifth avenue. Political. Engineers, 10 West 29th street. Social. Fordham, 585 Kingsbridgeroad. Social. Fencers', West 23d street. Athletic, social. Fulton, corner Fulton and Gold streets. Social. Freundschaft, 72d street and Park avenue. Fidelio, no East 59th street. Social. Fifth Avenue Riding, 1005 Fifth avenue. 112 West 59th street. 651 Madison avenue. Social. Grolier, 29 East 32d street. Biblioihetic. Harmonie, 45 West 42d street. Social. Harvard, ii West 22d street. Collegiate. Harlem, 123d street and Lenox avenue. Knickerbocker, 319 Fifth avenue. Social. Lambs, 26 West 31st street. Theatrical. Lawyers', Equitable building, 120 Broadway. Liederkranz, 58th street, bet. Park and Lexington avenue*. Musical. Lotos, 556 Fifth avenue. Social, artistic. Manhattan, Fifth avenue and 34th street. Social, political. (Dem ) Metropolitan, Fifth avenue and 60th street. Social. Merchants', 106 and 108 Leonard street. Narragansett. 307 West 54th street. York, corner 35th street and Fifth ave. Social. York Yacht, 67 Madison avenue. Yachting. York Philharmonic, 317 East 13th street. Musical. Social. street. York Exchange, 67 York Press, 120 Nassau street. Journalistic. York Southern Society, 18 West 25th street. Social. York Whist, 18 West 30th street. Old Guards'. Social. Players', 16 Gramercy park. Theatrical. Progress, Filth avenue and 63d street. Social. German, Gotham, New New New New New New New New Psi Upsilon, 33 West 42d street. Collegiate. Reform, Fifth avenue and 27th street. 224 NEW YORK.— Continued. Republican, 450 Fifth avenue. Political. Renwick, 40 West 32c! street. Riding Club, 7 East 58th street. Salamagundi, 40 West 22c! street, Artistic. Seventh Regiment Veteran, 751 Fifth avenue. Sigma Psi, 9 East 27th street. Sagamore, 2008 Fifth avenue. Political. Sewanhaka, 7 East 32c! street. Yachting-. Seneca, 1261 Broadway. Political. (D.) St. Anthony, 29 East 28th street. St. Nicholas, 586 Fifth avenue. Military, social. Historical, social. Tuxedo, Tuxedo, Orange county, N. Y. Union League, i East 30th street, Social, political. (R.) Union, i West 21st street. Social. University, 26 Madison avenue. Social, professional. United Service, 16 West 31st street. Military, social. Xavier, 29 West 16th street, Zeta Psi, 45 West 32d street. Social. CONSULATES Argentine Republic, 45 Beaver st. Austria-Hungary, 33 Broadway. Belgium, 329 Broadway. Bolivia, 126 Liberty street. Brazil, 148 Pearl street. Chili, 253 West 121st street. China, 26 West 9th street. Colombia, 24 State street. 6q Wall street. France, 4 Bowling Green. Germany, 2 Bowling Green. Denmark, Great Britain, 24 State street. Greece, 115 Pearl street. Hawaiian, 51 Leonard street. IN NEW YORK. Hay 11, 101 Pearl street. Italy, 24 State street. Japan, 7 Weaver street. 35 Broadway. Netherlands, 17 William Mexico, Norway, street 24 State street. Peru, 25 Whitehall. Russia, 22 State street. Siam, 30 Broadway. Sweden, 24 State street. Switzerland, 19 Maiden Lane. Turkey, 132 Broadway. Uruguay, 78 South street. Hotel, de Londres. The nearest first-class Hotel to the Pier and Central Railway Station. Home Comfort. Scrupulously clean. Superior Cuisine. Terms Moderate. Telegraphic address, " Lonhotel, Genoa." Use Low's Pocket Cable Code in Telegraphing to us. House HZ-A-DycBiLETonsr (private hotel.) 3 YORK PLACE, PORTMAN SQUARE, W. Superior board and residence spacious drawing rooms; good smoking room most conveniently situated for all parts of London, being close to Baker Street Station, with 'bus passing the door every five minutes. Terms moderate. ; ; BADEN-BADEN, Most Fashionable of German Watering Places. VICTORIA HOTEL. (LARGE AMERICAN CONNECTION.) Beautifully situated, with picturesque view fitted with all the modern improvements large and handsomely decorated Dining, Sitting and Reading and Smoking Rooms. Also Bath and Toilet Rooms. Hydraulic Lift, Excellent Cuisine and Wines American Fancy Drinks. Obliging attendance. Very moderate charges. Pension early and latter part of season for a prolonged stay. Sanitary arrangements perfect. ; ; ; FRANZ GROSHOLZ, Having been a resident in the States for some years, XT Proprietor. fully acquainted Wholesale Wine business with the requirements of Americans. 3VL" is IN" I C HI. HOTEL VIER JAHRESZEITEN (four seasons hotel.) In the center of the City, near the Theatres, Light. A. Lift. Museums, etc. Electric Moderate charges. OBERMAYER. C. A. MAIER. HIOTIEL BI]STDA Paris. : 11 Rue de Avenue de l'Opera. and quiet hotel in Paris. Contains 120 rooms and salons elegantly furnished, smoking and drawing-room, elevator, bathrooms on each floor and electric light. Strongly recommended to families. Contains all modern conveniences. Table d'hote 6 francs, served at separate tables from 6 to 8 P. M. Restaurant a la carte, Cuisine, a pleasant memory to all travellers who have stayed ar the Binda. Advantageous arrangements made with The most l'Echelle select families wintering'in Paris. CHARLES BINDA, t. Proprietor, Formerly with Delmonico, New York). CAST YOUR BURDENS ON ANOTHER Mr. Longman —Will you well cared for and have tell me, managed out a gentleman's assistance ladies, this how it ! happens you are so baggage business so nicely with- ? Mrs. Wideawake (laughing) — We did have a gentleman's assistance. let Mr. Edwin H. Low take care of our baggage, and he not only had us met by a representative of the road, but checked everything through to London. We haven't got to worry over anything, as it will We all be at the hotel when we get there. Mr. Smartweed — By jove! you're to be found in luck. Where is Low's place ? Wideawake — Why, everybody knows of it. His New York No. 949 Broadway, right near the Fifth Avenue Hotel, and In addihis London Office is 57 Charing Cross, on Trafalgar Square. tion to checking baggage, he stores and insures it in London in fact, does anything necessary for a traveler's convenience. He's Mr. Longman and Mr. Smartweed (together)— Good enough Mrs. Office is — ! the man for us. Good day, ladies ! EXCELSIOR — ! Miss Fidget I have given instructions to have all my letters and cables sent to your care, and I want some information. What must I do to register a cipher cable word ? Mr. Low— It is very simple. I will cut a letter off your name and register "Fidge" to mean Miss A, Fidget, Carleton House Terrace, London. The same word registered in New York means your mother, Mrs. Fidget, 560 Fifth Avenue, New York. When you want to cable you send or come here and we reduce your message by means of our Code, send it to the New York Office, which translates the message and communicates it to Mrs. Fidget at once. You pay for the number of words in cipher instead of four or five times the amount which a straight message would cost. Miss Fidget Well, now how about letters when I am traveling? Mr. Low All letters received for you are numbered on the outside in red ink. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. We forward promptly according to instructions, and as each letter is sent out its destination is entered in our letter book. For instance, we enter 5, 6 and 7 as sent to the Hotel Binda, Paris. If you leave the Binda before they reach you we can send and get them, in this way it is impossible to have one lost, and by watching the consecutive numbers and keeping us posted as to your points we can assure prompt service. We charge $1 00 per month or $2.50 for three months for this. Chorus of Peoi-le in the Office— And it is well worth the service — we can testify to it. — —