Policy - Rio Linda / Elverta Community Water District
Policy - Rio Linda / Elverta Community Water District
RIO LINDA / ELVERTA COMMUNITY WATER DISTRICT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS February 9, 2015 (6:30 p.m.) Visitors / Depot Center 6730 Front St. Rio Linda, Ca 95673 (916)991-1000 AGENDA The Board may discuss and take action on any item listed on this agenda, including items listed as information items. The Board may also listen to the other items that do not appear on this agenda, but the Board will not discuss or take action on those items, except for items determined by the Board pursuant to state law to be of an emergency or urgent nature requiring immediate action. The Board may address any item(s) in any order as approved by the Board. The public will be given the opportunity to directly address the Board on each listed item during the Board's consideration of that item. Public comment on items within the jurisdiction of the Board is welcomed, subject to reasonable time limitations for each speaker. Public documents relating to any open session item listed on this agenda that are distributed to all or any majority of the members of the Board of Directors less than 72 hours before the meeting are available for public inspection at the District office at 730 L Street, Rio Linda, CA 95673. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you have a disability and need a disability-related modification or accommodation to participate in this meeting, please contact the District office at (916) 9911000. Requests must be made as early as possible, and at least one full business day before the start of the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Members of the public are invited to speak to the Board regarding items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District that are not on the agenda or items on the consent agenda. Each speaker may address the Board once under Public Comment for a limit of 2 minutes. (Policy Manual §2.01.160). 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Action items: Approve Consent Calendar Items 3.1 Minutes January 12 , 2015 Regular Meeting The Finance & Administrative Committee recommends the Board approve the Minutes of January 12, 2015. 3.2 Expenditures The Finance & Administrative Committee recommends the Board approve the January Expenditures. 20150209 Page 1 of 3 4. REGULAR CALENDAR ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION 4.1 District Engineer's Report The District's Engineer will provide his monthly report to the Board of Directors 4.1.a El Dorado Water and Power Authority Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) The Board is being asked to approve the MOU. 4.2 Financial Reports The staff recommends the Board approve the January Financial Reports. Due to time constraints the Financial reports were not provided to the Finance and Administrative Committee for review. The Board is being asked to review and approve the January Financial Reports. 4.3 Adopt Resolution Authorizing Commencement of Proceedings to Refinance Outstanding 2003 Water Revenue Bonds and Appointing Bond Counsel and Placement Agent. Legal counsel will report on cost estimates of Bond Counsel. The Board may approve Bond Counsel and Placement Agent for reissuance of 2003 Bonds and financing. 4.4 Additional Proposed Personnel Policies The Finance and Administrative Committee recommends approval of the additional personnel policies being proposed. The Board is being asked to approve the policies to be added to the Personnel Handbook. 4.5 Proposed Public Records Act Request Policy The Finance and Administrative Committee recommends approval of the proposed Public Records Act Request Policy. The Board is being asked to approve a Public Records Act Request Policy to be added to the Policy Manual. 4.6 Special District Legislative Days May 19 & 20, 2015 The Board will be asked if they would like to attend this event at $175 per member. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS 5.1. DISTRICT ACTIVITY REPORT a. General Manager's Report b. Water Operations Report 5.2. BOARD REPORTS a. Regional Water Authority - Dills, Henrici b. Sacramento Groundwater Authority - Green, Harris c. LAFCO-Green d. Planning Committee - Dills, Harris e. Finance / Administrative Committee - Anderson, Ridilla f. Other Reports 20150209 Page 2 of 3 6. DIRECTORS' AND GENERAL MANAGER COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT Upcoming meetings: Planning Committee March 6, 2015, Friday, 2:00 pm at the Sacramento Metro Fire Dept. 6609 Rio Linda Blvd, Rio Linda, CA 95673. Finance / Administrative Committee March 9, 2015, Monday, 6:30 pm at the Visitor's / Depot Center, 6730 Front, Rio Linda, CA 95673. Regular Board Meeting March 16, 2015, Monday, 6:30 pm at Vistor's / Depot Center, 6730 Front Street, Rio Linda, CA 95673. 20150209 Page 3 of 3 RIO LINDA ELVERTA Consent Calendar Agenda Item: 3.1 Date: February 9, 2015 Subject: Minutes Staff Contact: Mary Henrici, General Manager Recommended Committee Action: The Finance and Administrative Committee recommends the Board approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of January 12, 2015. Current Background and Justification: These minutes need to be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors. Conclusion: Board Action / Motion Motioned by: Director Dills: Green: Seconded by Director Ridilla: Anderson: (A) Yea (N) Nay (Ab) Abstain (Abs) Absent Harris: MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 12,2015 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RIO LINDA/ELVERTA COMMUNITY WATER DISTRICT 1. CALL TO ORDER. ROLL CALL and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The January 12, 2015 Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rio Linda/Elverta Community Water District was called to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Depot/Visitor Center located at 6730 Front Street, Rio Linda, CA. General Manager, Mary Henrici took roll call of the Board of Directors. Director Mary Harris, Director Duane Anderson, Director John Ridilla, Director Paul R. Green, Jr., and Director Brent Dills were present. Director Harris led the pledge of allegiance. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Public member, Jim Carson made a comment concerning the passing of Erwin Hayer, who was an active member of the community. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Action items: Approve Consent Calendar Items 4.1 Minutes: December 15, 2014 Regular Meeting 4.2 Expenditures 4.3 Financial Reports Director Dills pointed out that the minutes from the December meeting did not indicate who the chairperson was for the Finance & Administrative Committee. President Anderson stated he had appointed Director Dills as chairperson. It was moved by Director Harris and seconded by Director Ridilla to approve the Consent Calendar items. The motion carried with a unanimous vote of 5-0-0. 4. REGULAR CALENDAR ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION 4.1 District Engineer's Report District Engineer, Jim Carson presented the Board with a written memorandum of the current projects going on in the District. Mr. Carson highlighted some key areas such as the landscaping currently being done on the L St. Reservoir & Pump station. During the State Water Resources Control Board visit, the District requested a temporary permit to begin operating the tank and lifting of the building moratorium. The ribbon cutting is tentatively scheduled for Friday, February 13. 20150112 4.2 Rio Linda Blvd and Front St. Pipeline Project General Manager, Mary Henrici gave each member of the Board a copy of the bidding results from the December 23, 2014 bid opening. District Engineer, Mr. Carson spoke with the low bid contractor, Weber General Engineering Inc, and rest assured his low bid was within reason. He also verified with the Contracting Licensing Board that Weber General Engineering was in good standing, as well as, checked with their references. Director Green also reported on his investigation of Weber General Engineering. It was moved by Director Green and seconded by Director Dills to approve Weber General Engineering as the contractor for the Rio Linda Blvd and Front St. Pipeline Project. The motion carried with a unanimous vote of 5-0-0 It was moved by Director Green and seconded by President Anderson to authorize the General Manager, Mary Henrici to sign the Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed. The motion carried with a unanimous vote of 5-0-0 4.3 2014-15 Mid Year Budget Review GM Henrici stated that some of the figures would be changing slightly since the documents were received, due to a recent resignation of a staff member. However, there was still $27k in savings compared to the original budget. Director Ridilla stated that the GM was looking to set up paperless billing for a onetime cost of $2000, that would help save on the $19,000 in postage the District was spending for the year. It was moved by Director Green and seconded by Director Dills to approve the 2014-15 midyear budget adjustments. The motion carried with a unanimous vote of 5-0-0. GM Henrici explained that there was a change in the Capital Budget that was recommended by the Planning Committee. Their recommendation was to reallocate funds in the budget for office upgrades to the District office and have an architect evaluate the office space needs. Director Dills questioned why the District would spend money on upgrading flooring on a building that still does not meet the needs of the District. GM Henrici stated the district really needs a building to hold Board meetings. In addition, the current building is not up to building code requirements. // was moved by President Anderson and seconded by Director Ridilla to approve changing the use of the money budgeted in the Capital Budget for office upgrades to have an architect provide a charrette. The motion carried with a unanimous vote of 5-0-0. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS 5.1. DISTRICT ACTIVITY REPORT a. General Manager's Report - Written report provided. b. Water Production Report - Written report provided. 20150112 5.2. BOARD REPORTS a. Regional Water Authority - Dills, Henrici -Agenda and executive report given. b. Sacramento Groundwater Authority - Green, Anderson c. LAFCo -Green - No report. d. Planning Committee - Dills, Harris - Minutes provided. e. Finance / Administrative Committee - Dills, Anderson -Minutes provided f. Other Reports - ACWA Conference and Completed & Pending Items -Written report given. President Anderson stated that the Finance & Administrative Committee reviewed all of the District's current insurance coverage's, and if any member of the Board would like that information to let the GM know. GM Henrici was asked by the Finance & Admin. Committee to see if we could get our worker's compensation insurance thru ACWA since the District carries most of its other insurance coverage through them; this may help the District to save a little money. 6. DIRECTORS' AND GENERAL MANAGER COMMENTS Director Dills thanked GM Henrici for keeping things moving forward. Director Harris asked if the meeting could be closed in memory of Envin Hayer. Director Green complimented GM Henrici and General Counsel Brenner for their work. GM Henrici wanted to make the Board aware that the District is getting positive feedback from other outside agencies. Director Green asked for a list of how the District's accomplishments will affect our ratepayers. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT FOR CLOSED SESSION Public comment for closed session items only. The public is invited to comment on any item listed on the closed session agenda. Each speaker is limited to 2 minutes. There was no public comment. 8. CLOSED SESSION The Board of Directors will convene to Closed Session to discuss the following item at 7:45 p.m. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - The Board will meet in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section -54956.9(d)- Potential Litigation 9. RECONVENE OPEN SESSION President Anderson reconvened to open session at 8:20 p.m. with no action to report from closed session. 10. ADJOURNMENT President Anderson adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Mary Henrici, Secretary 20150112 Duane Anderson, President of the Board RIO LINDA ELVERTA Consent Calendar Agenda Item: 3.2 Date: February 9, 2015 Subject: Expenditures Staff Contact: Mary Henrici, General Manager Recommended Committee Action: The Finance and Administrative Committee recommends approval of the Expenditures for the month of January 2015. Current Background and Justification: These expenditures have been done since the last regular meeting of the Board. Conclusion: Board Action / Motion Motioned by: Director Dills: Green: Seconded by Director Ridilla: Anderson: (A) Yea (N) Nay (Ab) Abstain (Abs) Absent Harris: Accrual Basis Rio Linda Elverta Community Water District Operating Account GL 10000 Expenditure Report January 2015 Type 01/06/2015 01/06/2015 01/06/2015 01/10/2015 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Check Liability Check Liability Check Date 01/02/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/09/2015 01/06/2015 01/06/2015 01/06/2015 Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check EFT Paycheck Paycheck Liability Check Liability Check Check Check Liability Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Paycheck Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Num EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT Name QuickBooks Payroll Service Internal Revenue Service Employment Development Health Equity Nationwide Sprint Employee Employee California State Disbursement Unit Franchise Tax Board Green, Paul Postmaster Sun Life Financial ACWA/JPIA Powers Insurance Authority Affinity Engineering, Inc. Air Quality Management District American Mobile Shredding, Inc. AutoCell Electronics, Inc. Churchwell White, LLP Comcast Corix Water Products Inc. County of Sacramento County of Sacramento Elk Grove Security Systems Intestate Battery System of Sacramento Phelan, Michael Quill Corporation Republic Services Rio Linda Hardware and Building Supply Sacramento Area Water Works Assoc Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc. Sherrill, Joseph SMUD Vanguard Cleaning Systems Employee Bankcard Center 8801 Bankcard Center 8900 Bankcard Center 9007 Bankcard Center 9106 Bankcard Center 9205 Bankcard Center 9304 Bank of NY Internal Revenue Service Employment Development Memo For PP Ending 12/31/2014 Paydate 01/05/2015 Employment Taxes Employment Taxes Employee Benefits Employee Benefits Field Communication For PP Ending 12/31/2014 Paydate 01/05/2015 For PP Ending 12/31/2014 Paydate 01/05/2015 Employee Garnishment Employee Garnishment Travel Reimbursement Bulk Mail Permit Postage Employee Benefits Employee Benefits Elverta Specific Plan Permit to Operate Renewal Fees FY 14-15 Shredding Services Conservation Outreach Legal Services Phone/Internet Distribution Supplies November 201 4 County Election Fee Inspection Fees Quarterly Security Service Construction Equipment Maintenance 4th Quarter 2014 Retiree Insurance: Lifetime Benefit Office Expense Utilities Shop Supplies 2015 Membership Dues Pumping Maintenance Current Monthly Settlement Payment 19 of 30 Utilities: Billing Period 11/4/14 to 12/4/14 Janitorial For PP Ending 01/08/2015 Final Termination Paydate 01/09/2015 Auto Maintenance, Fuel Fuel Tool Box# 20, Fuel, Vehicle & Const Equip Maint, Shop Supplies Computer Expense, Janitorial, Meetings & Conf, Postage, Office Expense, Staff Training Fuel Fuel Monthly Debt Service Payment Employment Taxes Employment Taxes Amount -15,278.24 -6,759.08 -1,231.71 -150.00 -375.00 -137.32 -1,424.69 -150.00 -397.50 -164.26 -66.00 -2,147.88 -751.27 -25.30 -29,144.00 -4,370.00 -25.00 -1,350.00 -4,165.00 -412.92 -2,603.34 -8,876.54 -184.16 -78.00 -106.99 -2,742.63 -170.15 -87.75 -70.11 -325.00 -140.26 -2,966.66 -11,271.03 -195.00 -666.90 -386.63 -269.32 -1,996.38 -1,389.93 -92.13 -93.00 -20,000.00 -226.80 -19.27 Page 1 of 2 Accrual Basis Rio Linda Elverta Community Water District Operating Account GL 10000 Expenditure Report January 2015 Type Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Check Liability Check Check Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Bill Pmt -Check Paycheck Check Check Liability Check Liability Check Liability Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Bill Pmt -Check Date 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 01/15/2015 01/16/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 Mum EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 Name CalPERS CalPERS AFLAC Dental and Vision lns.com QuickBooks Payroll Service RLECWD - Capital Improvement RLECWD - SURCHARGE ACCOUNT Internal Revenue Service Employment Development Nationwide Health Equity Napa Auto Parts Employee Customer Customer California State Disbursement Unit Franchise Tax Board Teamsters Local #1 50 AM Conservation Group, Inc. Bank of NY BSK Associates Bullet Information Technology Solutions VOID Continental Utility Solutions, Inc. CoreLogic Solutions LLC Fritz & Company Prudential Overall Supply, Inc Quill Sacramento County Utilities Spok, Inc. / USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. Todd, John Memo For PP Ending 01/15/15 Pay date 01/20/15 For PP Ending 01/15/15 Pay date 01/20/15 Employee Benefits Employee Benefits For PP Ending 01/15/15 Pay date 01/20/15 Current Monthly Transfer Current Monthly Transfer Employment Taxes Employment Taxes Employee Benefits Employee Benefits Transmission & Distribution: Meter Maintenance For PP Ending 01/15/15 Pay date 01/20/15 Final Bill Reimbursement Final Bill Reimbursement Wage Garnishment Wage Garnishment Union Dues Conservation: Community Outreach Annual Administration Fee Refunding Bonds Series 2003 Laboratory Services Computer Services VOID Website Fees: Annual Web Portal & 1 Time Ebill Module Metro Scan Pumping Maintenance Uniforms Office Expense Utilities Field Communication Computer Expense Total 10000 • Bank - Operating Account Amount -3,705.00 -975.57 -357.84 -181.60 -15,140.29 -41,666.67 -42,500.00 -5,805.58 -1,015.77 -375.00 -150.00 -20.38 -184.70 -63.32 -100.00 -397.50 -151.45 -513.00 -1,315.87 -1,870.00 -1,291.00 -420.00 0.00 -3,500.00 -134.75 -783.79 -543.38 -22.67 -97.70 -15.13 -75.00 -246,856.11 Page 2 of 2 Accrual Basis Rio Linda Elverta Community Water District Other Accounts Expenditure Report January 2015 Num Type Date Check 01/16/2015 10300 • Surcharge Account Num EFT Type Date Check 01/20/2015 10100 • Security Deposits EFT 6060 Bill Pmt -Check 01/05/2015 10302 • Construction SRF Account Num Type Type Bill Pmt -Check Date Date 01/05/2015 Num 1110 EFT 1111 Check 01/20/2015 Bill Pmt -Check 01/20/2015 10400 • Capital Improvement EFT Check 01/05/2015 Payee RLECWD - Operating Account Payee State Water Resources Control Board Memo December 2014 Security Deposits Applied Memo Loan Interest Payment Memo Payee JJM Engineering Construct, Inc. December 2014 Inv. PB #8 L Street Reservior Memo 2014 Ford F150 #20 Overhead Light Install To transfer funds for payment made out of Operating Account: Equarius Waterworks Large Meter Replacements Transfer of Funds From 10410 Capital Improvement to GL 10005 Operating for GP1415 2014 Ford F1 50-20 (Vehicle #20) for Credit Card transaction on 12/8/14 paid with Operating Funds Well 15-A Blending Well Study - HC Mitigation Payee LEHR RLECWD - Operating RLECWD - OPERATING Wood Rodgers Amount -600.00 -600.00 Amount -71,945.84 -71,945.84 Amount -316,070.98 -316,070.98 Amount -614.96 -6,498.98 -313.57 -1,310.05 -8,737.56 RIO LINDA ELVERTA Items for Discussion and Action Agenda Item: 4.1 Date: February 9, 2015 Subject: District Engineers Report Staff Contact: Mary Henrici, General Manager Recommended Committee Action: There is no committee recommendation on this item. Current Background and Justification: The District Engineer will report on the progress of projects since the last meeting of the Board. Conclusion: Board Action / Motion Motioned by: Director Seconded by Director Dills: Green: Ridilla: Anderson: (A) Yea (N) Nay (Ab) Abstain (Abs) Absent Harris:_ RLECWD Agenda Item Checklist Item 4.1 Date Initial Potential Meeting Date 2/9/15 Circle Hjgj^MedjDm/Lpw priority of Item and Identify if in line with Mission/ Goal/Strategic Planningjssues or state of emergency District Engineers Report 2/03/15 Staff Work Completed (Includes reviewing, researching item with other resources (ACWA, JPIA, RWA, SGA, other Water or special districts, District Engineer, Legal Counsel then laying out business cases, pros and cons, options and recommendations based on best information available, etc. Committee Review of Item and Staff Work N/A Review by appropriate Finance/Administration, Projects /Planning or Ad Hoc Committees, to prepare board recommendations Formal Legal Counsel Review N/A Legal Counsel should have enough time to review all potential legal matters for correctness and legality GM Review 2/06/15 Actual Meeting Date Set for Agenda Item 2/09/15 AFFINITY ENGINEERING TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM To: From: Subject: Date: Mary Henrici - General Manager Jim Carson, District Engineer (Affinity Engineering) District Engineering Staff Report - February 2015 February 3, 2015 This Technical Memorandum (TM) updates the Board of Directors on Rio Linda/Elverta Community Water District (District) engineering related activities since last month's engineering report. 1. Planning Committee The Planning Committee Meeting is planned for February 6, 2015. 2. Revised Water Supply Plan A draft water supply strategy TM was prepared to address the impacts of hexavalent chromium in several of the District wells. 3. L Street Reservoir and Pump Station Project • The L Street Reservoir and Pump Station has been selected to receive the 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers Environmental Project of the Year • The project is substantially complete and is on line • There are some minor items to complete that are part of the punch list • Well 12 is in service • The ribbon cutting ceremony has been tentatively scheduled for Friday, February 13, 2015 4. Elverta Specific Plan (ESP) Development • Working with the Developer on starting the Rate Study • Addressing issue with Planning Department's PF-8 Requirements • Attended meetings with El Dorado Water and Power to discuss how their water supply may be used to provide short term water supply to the District 5. Capital Projects a. District Office Upgrades - Request for Proposal Architectural Services A request for proposal (RFP) was prepared and presented to the Planning Committee for an Architecture Firm to space plan the District Office and to recommend upgrades to meet building code and ADA requirements. b. Rio Linda Blvd. and Front St. Pipelines The contractor has been given the notice to proceed. The labor compliance conference call and preconstruction meeting are being planned for next week. 3205 Fitzgerald Road • Rancho Cordova • CA95742 • www.affiniryengineering.com District Engineering Staff Report - January 2015 February 3, 2015 c. Project Schedule See attached updated project schedule that was provided to the Planning Committee. Page 2 of 2 RIO LINDA ELVERTA Items for Discussion and Action Agenda Item: 4.1.a Date: February 9, 2015 Subject: El Dorado Water And Power Authority (EDWPA) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Staff Contact: Mary Henrici, General Manager Recommended Committee Action: The planning committee was presented a memorandum of understanding at their Friday, February 6th' 2015 meeting and will make a recommendation at the Board meeting. Current Background and Justification: RLECWD and EDWPA staffs have met to discuss the common interests in developing this water supply. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) has been developed to provide a framework for each partner to participate in the supply planning process. The attached MOU defines the partnership and the attached Exhibit A provides a project background and benefits for EDWPA and RLECWD. Conclusion: The Board is being asked to approve the MOU. Board Action / Motion Motioned by: Director Seconded by Director Dills: Green: Ridilla: Anderson: (A) Yea (N) Nay (Ab) Abstain (Abs) Absent Harris:_ RLECWD Agenda Item Checklist Item 4.1.a Date Initial Potential Meeting Date 2/09/15 Circle Higl^iyiedium^Low priority of Item and Identify if in line with Mission/ Goal/Strategic Planning issues or state of emergency El Dorado Water and Power Authority (EDWPA) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 2/03/15 Staff Work Completed (Includes reviewing, researchmgjtem with other resources (ACWA, JPIA, RWA, SGA, other Water or special districtytjlstrict Engineer^Legal Counsel then laying out business cases, pros and cons, options and recommendations based on best information available, etc. Committee Review of Item and Staff Work 2/06/15 Review by appropriate Finance/Administration,(Prpjects /Planninj)or Ad Hoc Committees, to prepare board recommendations ~ ~~~ Formal Legal Counsel Review Legal Counsel should have enough time to review all potential legal matters for correctness and legality GM Review 2/06/15 Actual Meeting Date Set for Agenda Item 2/09/15 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING COOPERATION ON REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY RELIABILITY PLANNING This Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Cooperation on Regional Water Supply Reliability Planning ("MOU") is entered into and effective this day of , 2015, by and between El Dorado Water and Power Authority ("El Dorado") and Rio Linda / Elverta Community Water District ("Partner"), each a "Party" hereto and collectively, the "Parties." Recitals A. In 2008, El Dorado petitioned the State Water Resources Control Board for partial assignment of an "area of origin" water right on the Upper American River covering diversion and storage of up to 40,000 acre-feet of water per year, for the purposes of supplying water to meet needs in El Dorado County. B. After other parties filed protests to El Dorado's 2008 water right petition, El Dorado reconsidered its approach to the water supply project, and generally redefined the purpose of the project into a broader, regional water reliability program that will address both its future water supply needs and other needs along the American River in El Dorado, Placer, and Sacramento Counties ("Regional Project"). El Dorado is in the midst of the environmental review process for the Regional Project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). C. Partner believes El Dorado's project, as redefined, has potential to provide a benefit within Partner's service area to address the Partner's water supply reliability. D. The Parties wish to cooperate in planning and developing the Regional Project, with the goal of Partner being able to support the Regional Project and, upon completion of the CEQA process, enter into a subsequent and binding Memorandum of Understanding under which Partner would participate fully in and support the Regional Project through the permitting and regulatory process. E. The Parties wish to memorialize their understanding by entering into this MOU. Agreements 1. Cooperation. a. The Parties agree to cooperate and work together to identify, define the scope of, and formulate the Regional Project. To that end, the Parties agree to meet and confer, in good faith and with sufficient regularity to provide for meaningful cooperation, to discuss plans, proposals, benefits, and any adverse effects of proposals for the Regional Project. Such meetings may be held jointly with other entities that have entered into a similar MOU with EDWPA and with an interest in the Regional Project. b. The foregoing subparagraph will not prevent Partner from submitting comments on any CEQA document El Dorado prepares for the Regional Project, provided that Partner delivers to El Dorado a draft of any such comments at least fourteen days in advance of formally 1392713.1 submitting such comments, so that El Dorado may attempt to address them before they are formally submitted. c. As of the date of this MOU, the Parties agree that they will use the "straw proposal" attached hereto as Exhibit A as the basis for their cooperative efforts. Both Parties understand that this proposal may change over time as the Parties develop the Regional Project more fully. d. Partner agrees that, as part of the cooperative effort, it will contribute sufficient staff time to meet the obligation in subparagraph (a) above. In addition, Partner agrees that it will contribute the sum of $25,000 to partially defray El Dorado's costs in developing the Regional Project. 2. No Commitments; Reservations. a. By entering into this MOU, El Dorado makes no commitment to implement or participate in any particular formulation of the Regional Project, or to implement or participate in any Regional Project at all. b. By entering into this MOU, Partner makes no commitment to agree to or participate in the Regional Project that El Dorado ultimately proposes to undertake, if El Dorado does ultimately propose to undertake a Regional Project. c. El Dorado reserves the right to pursue a Regional Project even if Partner does not agree to or participate in it. d. Partner reserves the right to bring a legal challenge against any Regional Project El Dorado chooses to pursue. e. Partner reserves the right to pursue other supply reliability alternatives with other potential partners independent of subject Regional Project. 3. General Provisions. a. Authority. Each signatory of this MOU represents that s/he is authorized to execute this MOU on behalf of the Party for which s/he signs. Each Party represents that it has legal authority to enter into this MOU and to perform all obligations under this MOU. b. Amendment. This MOU may be amended or modified only by a written instrument executed by each of the Parties to this MOU. c. Counterparts. This MOU may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. d. Entire Agreement. This MOU constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this MOU and supersedes any prior oral or written agreement, understanding, or representation relating to the subject matter of this MOU. e. Termination. Either Party may withdraw from this MOU with 30 days' notice to the other Party. Otherwise, this MOU shall terminate if and when El Dorado files a Notice of Determination for the Regional Project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. If the MOU is terminated, any remaining funding as of the termination notice date will be refunded to respective Party within 30 days. f. Third Party Beneficiaries. This MOU shall not create any right or interest in any non-party or in any member of the public as a third party beneficiary. g. Jurisdiction and Venue, This MOU shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of California, except for its conflicts of law rules. Any suit, action, or proceeding brought under the scope of this MOU shall be brought and maintained to the extent allowed by law in the County of El Dorado, California. h. Construction and Interpretation. This MOU has been arrived at through negotiations and each Party has had a full and fair opportunity to revise the terms of this MOU. As a result, the normal rule of construction that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting Party shall not apply in the construction or interpretation of this MOU. EL DORADO WATER AND POWER AUTHORITY By: Name/Title: Date: RIO LINDA/ELVERTA COMMUNITY WATER DISTRICT By: Name/Title: Mary Henrici, General Manager Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Name/Title: Barbara A. Brenner, Counsel Date EXHIBIT A El Dorado Water & Power Authority Framework to Develop a Regional Project EDWPA Project Overview: 1. OBJECTIVE: EDWPA's seeks to secure a new water supply of 40,000 acre-feet per annum (AFA) under the county-of-origin (COO) laws. 2. RECOGNITION FOR EDWPA TO MODIFY ORIGINAL APPLICATION: EDWPA originally submitted an application to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). The application was not coordinated with the Lower American River water purveyors regarding potential benefits or impacts. Subsequently, the EDWPA Board of Directors is seeking to re-define the COO application to integrate regional opportunities for both interim and long-term use of this water supply. 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: To date, no specific Adequacy of project has been developed. EDWPA is seeking Respond " to work with downstream agencies and other key agencies to develop a project. 4. STATUS OF CEQA ANALYSIS: The NOP has been released, and EDWPA is beginning to develop a proposed Project that will be used for the draft environmental impact report. 5. APPROACH: EDWPA is seeking to build collaboration with key downstream Lower American River water purveyors to develop a project-concept that will be analyzed. 6. SCHEDULE: Exploring partnership opportunities with water providers in the Sacramento region by early 2015. a. Conduct technical work to refine project options to be considered by the EDWPA Board in spring 2015. b. If approved, EDWPA will immediately begin the environmental review process. EDWPA Remains Active Participant to Achieve Regional Objectives Key elements for EDWPA's desire to work with the region include: • Expand representation for regulatory and legislative actions by the State and federal agencies, and • Enhances regional collaboration • Enhance regional self-sufficiency • Maximize the use of existing infrastructure and programs KEY INTEREST POINTS FOR EDPWA 1. Secure 40,000 AFA of a new water supply for long-term needs to support the adopted El Dorado County General Plan. a. Projected growth as identified in the General Plan b. Economic sustainability with associated increases in jobs and economic activity c. Preserving and enhancing agriculture in El Dorado County 2. Explore interim opportunities to market available COO water supplies until such water supplies are needed within the EDWPA's service areas. i MUNICIPAL ' ^CONSULTING > GROUP- Page 3 RIO LINDA/ELVERTA COMMUNITY WATER DISITRCT KEY INTEREST POINTS FOR THE RLECWD 1. Seeking water supply reliability through surface water supplies, which includes the development of the Sacramento River Water Reliability Project (SRWRP). a. Since the SRWRP is an ongoing, joint project between local water purveyors, the process to develop the project will take several years. b. RLECWD is seeking interim water supplies until the long-term, SRWRP is developed. 2. Seeking water supply reliability through the development of reliable surface water supplies. a. RLECWD is concerned that future revisions of water quality regulations may reduce the Maximum Contaminant Limits (MCL) allowable for some constituents within its groundwater supply. For example, the Federal MCL for arsenic may likely be further reduced with new State standards. RLECWD plans to remove wells from service that could not meet the new standards. b. RLECWD will require interconnections with its neighboring water suppliers that are sufficient to service the district for other sources of potable, reclaimed or untreated water. 3. Seeking an approach to satisfy the 1999, Sacramento County applied policy PF-8 for the Rio Linda and Elverta Community Plan. a. PF-8 requires a long-term program to sustain the yield of the groundwater basin. b. Planned growth area within the RLECWD service area cannot be approved unless arrangements are in place to deliver supplemental water supplies (i.e., surface water, reclaimed water, etc.). c. PF-8 may require supplemental water supplies ranging from 5,000 AFA to 7,000 AFA to offset the long-term net increases in future groundwater pumping. 4. Seeking economical method to support the Water Forum PSA's to protect the viability of the groundwater resources for both current and future users through a water supply exchange associated with a conjunctive use program. 5. Identify opportunities to benefit its ratepayers a. Maximize the use of its groundwater supplies; b. Explore interim opportunities to market available water supplies through conjunctive use programs that can provide supplemental revenues for infrastructure necessary to achieve water supply reliability. 6. MOU to participate in the development of a project concept does not obligate the RLECWD to implement elements of the Proposed Project if the Proposed Project does not provide a benefit to the District. KEY INTEREST POINTS FOR WORKING COOPERATIVELY: EDWPA wishes to work cooperatively with RLECWD on planning for the Project. EDWPA recognizes that: 1. Depending upon the alternatives developed, several opportunities exist to develop a Project that mutually benefits EDWPA and RLECWD in their common interest to maximize the use of available water supplies during normal and critical years. a. EDWPA, during the interim period as the SRWRP is developed, will not require the full use of 40,000 AFA. EDWPA's water supply would be made available for a supplemental surface water supply to achieve water supply reliability to RLECWD. b. Other uses for the EDWPA water could be made available for environmental enhancement in the Lower American River (LAR), which would supplement or augment the environmental benefits anticipated from the modified FMS standard. ^MUNICIPAL ^CONSULTING . GROUP- ^MUNICIPAL "^CONSULTING -\GROUP_ *.. " Page , 5 MUNICIPAL CONSULTING GROUP, Page 6 NATOMAS CENTRAL MUTUAL WATER COMPANY New Sacramento River W.T.P PLACER COUNTY WATER AGENCY CITIZENS UTILITIES FRANCHISE AREA NATOMAS CENTRAL MUTUAL WATER COMPANY ^ | RIO LINDA/ELVERTA COMMUNITY WATER DISTRICT SACRAMENTO M£TROPOur;u ? AffiPORT WATER 4QRTH m INLANDS McCLELLAN AB1 FOnCt JI > / NpHTHHI WATER DIS Page 8 North Highlands a i in if Legend 16" Transmission Main 18" Transmission Main 20" Transmission Main 24" Transmission Main 30" Transmission Main 36" Transmission Main 48" Transmission Main IU.MUNICIPAL ' I CONSULTING i GROUP- I Portion of Sacramento Suburban Water District Antelope/North Highlands Transmission Mains 1,000 500 0 1,000 2,000 , — _ - ' SACRAMENTO SUBURBAN >*Yl'c! Base Data: Sacramenlo County Gis Base Map Projection: CA State Plane 2, NAD83 Scale: -Scale Factor Prepared by: JWS, SSWD Sacramento, CA-October6, 2014 North Highlands-Antelope Tmains.mxd RIO LINDA ELVERTA Items for Discussion and Action Agenda Item: 4.2 Date: February 9, 2015 Subject: Financials Staff Contact: Mary Henrici, General Manager Recommended Committee Action: This item was not reviewed by the committee. Current Background and Justification: Due to the holiday and time constraints to getting month end figures prior to the committee meeting, this item was not reviewed by committee and is being brought before the full Board for review and approval. Conclusion: Staff recommends the Board approve the January Financials. Board Action / Motion Motioned by: Director Seconded by Director Dills: Green: Ridilla: Anderson: (A) Yea (N) Nay (Ab) Abstain (Abs) Absent Harris: RLECWD Agenda Item Checklist Item 4.2 Date Initial Potential Meeting Date 2/09/15 Circl^ High/Medium/Low priority of Item and Identify if in line with Mission/ Goal/Strategic Planning issues or state of emergency Financials 2/05/15 Staff Work Completed (Includes reviewing, researching item with other resources (ACWA, JPIA, RWA, SGA, other Water or special districts, District Engineer, Legal Counsel then laying out business cases, pros and cons, options and recommendations based on best information available, etc. Committee Review of Item and Staff Work N/A Review by appropriate Finance/Administration, Projects /Planning or Ad Hoc Committees, to prepare board recommendations Formal Legal Counsel Review N/A Legal Counsel should have enough time to review all potential legal matters for correctness and legality GM Review 2/06/15 Actual Meeting Date Set for Agenda Item 2/09/15 Rio Linda Elverta Community Water District Balance Sheet As of January 31, 2015 Accrual Basis Jan 31, 15 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 10000 • Operating Account 10005 • Operating Fund 10010 • Operating Reserve Fund 474,434.20 250,000.00 Total 10000 • Operating Account 724,434.20 10100 • Security Deposits 10300 • Surcharge Account 10301 • Surcharge Reserve 10302 • Construction SRF Account 10400 • Capital Improvement 10405 • Capital General Fund 10410 • Capital Equipment Fund 28,942.00 337,842.87 Total 10400 • Capital Improvement 10500 • Bank of NY Debt Service 10525 • Bank of NY 2003 Reserve Fund 10530 • CD Goldman Sachs 10535 • CD Privatebank & TC Chicago 10540 • Dreyfus Inst'l Res Treasury 10545 • CD ConnectionE BK Englewood 10550 • CD Customers BK Phoenixville 10590 • Bank of NY LAIF Total 10525 • Bank of NY 2003 Reserve Fund 10600 • Restricted LAIF GASB 45 10700 • Fidelity Inv/Surcharge Reserve 10705 • Fidelity Cash Reserves 10710 • CD Ally BK Midvale Utah 10715 • CD Cathay BK Los Angel 10720 • CD First Merchants BK 10725 • CD GE Cap Retail BK 10730 • CD Goldman Sachs BK 10735 • CD Discover Bank 10745 • CD Federal Home LN MTG Total 10700 • Fidelity Inv/Surcharge Reserve 2,100.13 1,002,171.66 1,278,233.16 11,070.00 1,289,303.16 60,000.00 50,645.54 50,000.00 34,547.41 49,864.54 50,000.00 10,782.18 245,839.67 15,637.60 5,626.64 49,808.00 49,891.50 49,706.50 49,689.50 49,614.50 126,057.66 99,765.00 480,159.30 10900 • Authorize.net 789.30 Total Checking/Savings 4,187,219.89 Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets 12000 • Water Utility Receivable 12250 • Accrued Interest Receivable 15000 • Inventory 16000 • Prepaid Expense Total Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Fixed Assets 17000 • General Plant 17100 • Transmission & Distribution 17130 • Source of Supply Plant 17150 • Pumping Plant 17200 • Construction in Progress 17500 • Land Total Fixed Assets 516,732.80 409,568.79 1,896.75 51,811.55 40,934.72 504,211.81 5,208,164.50 97,964.00 9,802,135.67 19,904.44 83,703.25 3,444,516.82 496,673.45 13,944,897.63 Other Assets 18000 • Intangible Assets 19000 • Deferred Outflows Total Other Assets 194,694.30 400,601.70 595,296.00 Page 1 Rio Linda Elverta Community Water District Balance Sheet As of January 31, 2015 Accrual Basis Jan 31,15 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 20000 • A/P Operating 20010 • A/P SRF Construction 20015 • A/P Capital Improvement Total Accounts Payable 19,748,358.13 69,559.58 125,819.68 3,536.00 198,915.26 Credit Cards 20040 • CB Trust Credit Cards 3,206.98 Total Credit Cards 3,206.98 Other Current Liabilities 21000 • Payroll Liabilities 21175 • Compensated Absences Liability 21400 • Security Deposits Liability 21450 • Developer Deposits 21600 • Current Portion LT Liabilities Total Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities 23500 • Lease Buy-Back 24000 • Sherrill Settlement - LT 25000 • Surcharge Loan 26000 • 2003 Water Rev Refunding Total Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities 5,914.52 27,154.96 27,342.00 25,000.00 14,833.30 100,244.78 302,367.02 993,118.07 17,800.16 7,044,528.05 2,915,000.00 10,970,446.28 11,272,813.30 Equity 31500 Invested in Capital Assets, Net 32000 Restricted for Debt Service 32500 Restricted for Capital Imp. 38000 Unrestricted Equity Net Income 4,948,471.46 817,652.75 1,132,219.39 939,315.30 637,885.93 Total Equity 8,475,544.83 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 19,748,358.13 Page 2 Accrual Basis Rio Linda Elverta Community Water District Profit & Loss Budget Performance January 2015 Annual Budget YTD Annual Budget Balance Jul 14-Jan 15 % of Annual Budget 181,084.91 1,331,816.97 56.19% 1,038,533.03 12,554.86 750.73 10,319.20 100.0% 18.77% 17.2% Jan 15 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 40000 • Operating Revenue Total 40000 • Operating Revenue 41000 • Non-Operating Revenue 41100 • Rents & Leases 41110 • Interest Revenue 41120 • Taxes and Assessments 41140 • Other Non-Operating Revenue Total 41000 • Non-Operating Revenue Total Income Gross Income Expense 60000 • Operating Expenses 60010 • Officers, Auditor & Legal Fees 60110-Salaries & Wages 60150 • Employee Benefits & Expense 60200 • Office Operations 60400 • Conservation 60420 • Engineering Services 60430 • Insurance 60500 • Water Memberships 60550 • Permits & Fees 60555 • Subscriptions & Licensing 60560 • Elections 60565 • Uncollectible Amounts 60570 • Other Operating Expenses 65000 • Field Operations 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 60,000.00 2,500.00 66,500.00 10.04 665.07 675.11 23,624.79 35.53% -12,554.86 3,249.27 49,680.80 2,500.00 42,875.21 2,436,850.00 181,760.02 1,355,441.76 55.62% 1,081,408.24 2,436,850.00 181,760.02 1,355,441.76 55.62% 1,081,408.24 131,550.00 542,870.00 280,175.00 97,600.00 11,894.00 40,000.00 47,600.00 40,485.00 29,000.00 2,120.00 8,468.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 445,500.00 5,456.00 48,193.21 18,983.82 9,383.97 1,350.00 640.00 4,015.76 72,766.89 280,944.60 144,235.10 59,921.93 7,836.83 8,491.11 26,118.57 39,322.00 22,060.30 1,033.25 8,476.54 55.32% 51.75% 51.48% 61.4% 65.89% 21.23% 54.87% 97.13% 76.07% 48.74% 100.1% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 65,171.07 144.00 234,905.55 52.73% 58,783.11 261,925.40 135,939.90 37,678.07 4,057.17 31,508.89 21,481.43 1,163.00 6,939.70 1,086.75 -8.54 10,000.00 1,856.00 210,594.45 1,689,262.00 157,698.58 906,256.67 53.65% 783,005.33 69000 • Non-Operating Expenses 69110 • Revenue Bond 2003 69110 • Interest 69120- Admin Fees Total 69110 • Revenue Bond 2003 140,088.00 1,870.00 141,958.00 46,091.67 1,870.00 47,961.67 32.9% 100.0% 33.79% 93,996.33 1,870.00 1,870.00 69400 • Other Non-Operating Expense Total 69000 • Non-Operating Expenses 5,000.00 146,958.00 1,870.00 47,961.67 32.64% 5,000.00 98,996.33 1,836,220.00 159,568.58 954,218.34 51.97% 882,001.66 600,630.00 22,191.44 401,223.42 66.8% 199,406.58 600,630.00 22,191.44 401,223.42 66.8% 199,406.58 Total 60000 • Operating Expenses Total Expense Net Ordinary Income *Net Income 2,370,350.00 0.00 4,370.00 134.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 7.2% 0.0% 0.00 93,996.33 Page 1 of 1 ELVERTA Items for Discussion and Action Agenda Item: 4.3 Date: February 9, 2015 Subject: Adopt Resolution Authorizing Commencement of Proceedings to Refinance Outstanding 2003 Water Revenue Bonds and Appointing Bond Counsel and Placement Agent. Staff Contact: Mary Henrici, General Manager Recommended Committee Action: Per the Board's request General Counsel will be informing the Board of discussions she has had with another bond counsel regarding reissuance of the Bonds. Background: On January 22, 2003, the District issued its Series 2003 Water Revenue Refunding Bonds (the "2003 Bonds") in the original amount of $3,970,000, which are presently outstanding in the approximate aggregate principal amount of $2,915,000. The 2003 Bonds are scheduled to mature on November 1, 2032, and bear interest at a rates ranging from 4.00% to 4.75%. The District makes semi-annual payments each May 1st and November 1st, with the total principal and interest payments averaging approximately $242,000 each year to maturity. The 2003 Bonds may now be prepaid and refunded (i.e., replaced with another bond issue) with no penalty on any date, upon 30 days' notice to present bondholders. At their December meeting the Finance and Administration Committee had recommended the Board adopt a resolution and enter into an agreement with The Weist Law Firm for bond counsel and disclosure counsel services, and Southwest Securities for placement agent services. At the December 2014 meeting of the Board it was determined another firm should be contacted to determine if the price quoted was competitive. Below are highlights from the Weist law firm proposal: HIGHLIGHTS OF OPPORTUNITY: • • • Produces approximately $39,000 per year in cash-flow relief The $242,000 Reserve Fund can be used to buy-down the principal The term of the debt is not extended 1/3 Eliminates the need for a trustee, which saves about $2,000 per year Eliminates the District's annual continuing disclosure obligation Consultants work on a fully contingent basis (no financial risk to District) Savings are net of all costs No Credit Rating required No Bond Insurance required Analysis/Discussion: The District can accomplish the prepayment and refunding of the 2003 Bonds by issuing new 2015 Water Revenue Refunding Bonds (the "2015 Bonds") to take the place of the 2003 Bond (this process is hereafter referred to as a "Refunding"). The term of 2015 Bonds would match (or be less than) the term of the respective 2003 Bonds. Based upon present market conditions (and similar transactions that have recently closed) it appears that the 2003 Bonds may be refunded at lower interest rates (approximately 3.4%) and that the Refunding will result in a total cash flow savings (after all costs are factored in and accounted for) to the District of approximately $659,769, which equates to approximately $36,900 per year over the remaining 18 year life of the issue. Using present value calculations the Refunding produces a healthy $232,609 Net Present Value (NPV) savings. Based upon a refunded par value of $2,915,000, this represents an 8.3% NPV savings. Net present value is a measure of savings that takes into consideration the time value of money. Here the projected NPV savings are almost triple the Government Finance Officers Association's "best practices" threshold recommendation of 3%. The District will also save the annual cost of its presently required Trustee and Dissemination Agent fees, which typically average $2,000 per year, bringing total cash flow savings to right around $39,000 per year for each of the next 18 years. If the Board desires to move forward with the Refunding and correspondingly adopts the subject Resolution, staff, with the assistance of Bond Counsel and Placement Agent, will begin the process of documenting the transaction, and the matter will be brought back to the Board for consideration at one of its upcoming regularly scheduled Board Meetings. Financial Impacts: Weist Consultants have agreed to work on a fully contingent basis, there are minimal cost implications to the District. Any costs would be related to staff time spent on administrative tasks associated with the Refunding process. Estimated total fees for the refunding were $60,000 to $75,000. There would be significant interest cost savings to the water fund. As directed by the Board our general counsel has contacted the firm of Jones Hall. The proposal provided by Chick Adams of Jones Hall is $22,500 for bond counsel and a private placement fee of $17,500 which would be done through Rick Brandis of the firm Brandis Tallman. It turns out that Mr. Brandis is familiar with the District - he apparently worked with a previous GM named Dee Dillon. On a combined basis, the total fees would come to $40,000. Mr. Brandis believes the refunding would be a prime candidate for a private placement and has also pointed out that the District should be able to significantly lower its borrowing costs by eliminating the requirement for a reserve fund. Conclusion: Based on the information above staff feels the refinancing of the Bond issue is an opportunity for the District to save a substantial amount of money on these bonds without adding to the length of the 2/3 financing. Staff recommends the Board make a determination on Board Counsel and proceed with the reissuance of the bonds. Board Action / Motion Motioned by: Director Dills: Green: Ridilla: Seconded by Director Anderson: Harris: 3/3 RLECWD Agenda Item Checklist Item 4.3 Date Initial Potential Meeting Date 2/09/15 Circle High/Medium/(u)w)priority of Item and Identify if in line with Mission/ Goal/Strategic Planning issues or state of emergency Adopt Resolution Authorizing Commencement of Proceedings to Refinance Outstanding 2003 Water Revenue Bonds and Appointing Bond Counsel and Placement Agent 2/06/15 Staff Work Completed (Includes reviewing, researching item with other resources (ACWA, JPIA, RWA, SGA, other Water or special districts, District Engineer, Legal Counsel then laying out business cases, pros and cons, options and recommendations based on best information available, etc. Committee Review of Item and Staff Work 12/08/14 Review by appropriate finance/Administration^Projects/Planning or Ad Hoc Committees, to prepare board recommendations Formal Legal Counsel Review Legal Counsel should have enough time to review all potential legal matters for correctness and legality GM Review 2/06/15 Actual Meeting Date Set for Agenda Item 2/09/15 RIO LINDA ELVERTA Items for Discussion and Action Agenda Item: 4.4 Date: February 9, 2015 Subject: Additional Proposed Personnel Policies Staff Contact: Mary Henrici, General Manager Recommended Committee Action: The Finance and Administrative Committee recommends the Board approve the additional policies to be added to the Personnel Handbook. Current Background and Justification: Upon review of the District's current personnel policies, it was determined that there were several policies, not included in the manual that should be included. These policies include cell phone use, sexual harassment, workplace violence, return to work program among others. There are also policies that would revoke current internet use and credit card policies of the District included in this packet of information. Conclusion: The General Counsel and the union have both reviewed the policies. Staff recommends the Board approve the additional proposed Personnel Policies. Board Action / Motion Motioned by: Director Seconded by Director Dills: Green: Ridilla: Anderson: (A) Yea (N) Nay (Ab) Abstain (Abs) Absent Harris: RLECWD Agenda Item Checklist Item 4.4 Date Initial Potential Meeting Date 2/09/15 Circle High^Medkjm^Low priority of Item and Identify if in line with Mission/ Goal/Strategic Planning issues or state of emergency Additional Proposed Personnel Policies 1/30/15 Staff Work Completed (Includes reviewing, researching item with other resources (ACWA, JPIA, RWA, SGA, other Water or special districts, District Engineer, Legal Counsel then laying out business cases, pros and cons, options and recommendations based on best information available, etc. Committee Review of Item and Staff Work 2/04/15 Review by appropriate^Finance/Administration) Projects /Planning or Ad Hoc Committees, to prepare board recommendations Formal Legal Counsel Review Legal Counsel should have enough time to review all potential legal matters for correctness and legality GM Review 1/30/15 Actual Meeting Date Set for Agenda Item 2/09/15 ADDITIONAL PROPOSED PERSONNEL POLICIES Handbook Interpretation and Introduction This Employee Handbook ("Handbook") is intended to provide you with a general understanding of the Rio Linda/Elverta Community Water District ("RLECWD") human resources policies, benefits, and rules. It is intended to familiarize you with important information about the RLECWD as well as information regarding your own privileges and responsibilities. Although it is not an employment contract or legal document, it is important that all employees read, understand, and follow the provisions of the Handbook. It may be changed from time to time by the RLECWD. You will be notified in writing of any amendments and additions to these policies and procedures. Keep this Handbook, additions and revisions on file for your reference. This Handbook, however, cannot anticipate every situation or answer every question about employment, nor can it provide information that answers every possible question. Additionally, circumstances will undoubtedly require that guidelines, practices, and benefits described in this Handbook change. Accordingly, the RLECWD must reserve the right to modify, supplement, or rescind any provision of this Handbook from time to time, as it deems necessary. You will, of course, be advised of changes that occur. The RLECWD is constantly striving to improve its operations, the services that it provides its members and its relations with its employees. You are encouraged to bring suggestions for improvements to the attention of RLECWD's general manager ("General Manager"). Additionally, if you have any questions or seek clarification, you should see your General Manager. By working together, the RLECWD believes that it will share with its employees a sincere pride in the workplace and the services that we are here to provide. RLECWD Mission Statement The mission of the Rio Linda/Elverta Community Water District is to provide, in a manner responsive to District customers, a water supply that is adequate, safe, and potable (according to state and federal standards) and that meets both current and future needs. RLECWD GOALS The goals of the District are as follows: A. Supply water to existing and future customers in a cost-effective manner while operating the District in a financially sound manner; B. Maintain existing wells and storage in a manner that meets generally accepted water works standards and develop new wells and storage to meet peak flow demands and emergency needs; C. Establish a responsive and cordial relationship with customers that include effective communications and notification regarding the affairs and operations of the District; D. Complete and maintain a long-range plan for the water system; E. Develop and maintain written policies, procedures, and specifications; F. Establish a fiscally sound equipment replacement fund; G. Participate in interagency cooperation in a manner that encourages respect between the agencies, including such cooperative activities as development of alternative water supplies, cooperative purchasing, mutual aid agreements and water system; H. Develop and implement an effective water conservation program; Open Door Policy The RLECWD promotes an atmosphere in which you can talk freely with the management. If you are comfortable doing so, you are encouraged to openly discuss with your supervisor any problems so appropriate action may be taken. If your supervisor cannot be of assistance, the General Manager is available for consultation and guidance. The RLECWD is interested in the success and happiness of all of its employees'. Employment of Relatives The RLECWD's policy is to hire, promote, and transfer employees on the basis of individual merit and to avoid any hint of favoritism or discrimination in making such decisions. Even if favoritism or discrimination does not exist, the existence of the relationship may cause some discomfort for the individuals involved. It is the policy of RLECWD that relatives of RLECWD employees shall not be hired, promoted or transferred into positions in which one relative may supervise, directly or indirectly, any other relative, or work in a capacity which would allow an employee to evaluate or control the terms, conditions or performance circumstances of employment of a relative. Indirect supervision refers to a situation in which a relative is hired, promoted, or transferred into a chain of command of another relative, and one of the individuals has management or supervisory responsibilities in the division or section in which both would work even if the relative would not directly supervise or interact with the newly hired, promoted, or transferred employee. This prohibition shall apply to all full and part time regular employees, and all temporary employees. This policy does not prevent relatives from being regularly assigned to shifts that may overlap as long as one relative does not supervise, directly or indirectly, another relative, nor work in a capacity which would allow an employee to evaluate or control the terms, conditions or performance circumstances of employment of a relative. The RLECWD may refuse to hire relatives of present employees if doing so could result in actual or potential problems in supervision, security, safety, or morale or if doing so could create potential conflicts of interest. The RLECWD defines "relatives" as spouses, registered domestic partners, children, siblings, parents, in-laws, and step-relatives. The employment of relatives or spouses is regarded as a potential violation of this policy, and will be discouraged in general for regular employees. It will be considered for temporary, short-term positions. This policy also applies to persons who are not legally married, but in the RLECWD's judgment, because of their involved personal relationship may improperly alter their organizational decisions in favor of their partner. 1. Marriage or Development of Involved Personal Relationships While Employed If two persons should marry while both are employed by the RLECWD, they may continue their employment in the same job provided that such employment does not adversely affect safety, morale, security, internal financial control, or supervision; and such spouses or relatives neither initiate nor participate in making institutional recommendations or decisions which would directly affect employment status of their relatives. If the criteria are not met, one of the spouses must change jobs, or leave the RLECWD. The couple will make a decision within thirty (30) days of the marriage as to which of the two of them will change positions. If this decision is not made within 30 days, based upon its business needs the RLECWD reserves the right to determine which employee will be transferred or whose employment will be terminated. The provisions of this paragraph also apply to employees who establish a personal relationship, which in the RLECWD's judgment, have become sufficiently involved to the point where it has become likely that one or both of the partners will improperly make organizational decisions in favor of the other. 2. Exceptions The General Manager may make an exception to this policy if it is found that: • The position to be filled requires a person with specialized training and experience not generally available in the employment market; • There is a vital agency need to fill the position; • Substantial bona fide efforts have been made to locate and employ such a person who is not a relative of any employee; and • The relationship between the relative and the applicant or employee is unlikely to materially affect his or her employment by the RLECWD. Promotions It is the RLECWD's intent to promote from within whenever possible. However, it is in the RLECWD's best interest to fill all positions with the best qualified individual. When opportunities occur within the organization, promotions and transfers will be based upon an employee's qualifications and performance. In general, only employees who have been at their present job assignment for at least six (6) months will be considered. Temporary Upgrades Whenever temporary positions are available within the RLECWD or regular positions are filled on a temporary basis, it is the RLECWD's intent to give employees an opportunity to apply for such positions. If management feels that none of the applying employees are fully qualified for the temporary position, he/she may recruit outside candidates with the qualifications necessary to fill the position. If you do not agree with the management's decision on who was selected for the temporary upgrade, you should discuss this with them. When the temporary positions end, it is the RLECWD's intent to give the employees who were temporarily advanced an opportunity to return to their former positions. Attendance The RLECWD relies on you to consistently provide high quality, cost effective services to its customers. You must routinely interact with other staff, members, vendors, and the general public to effectively meet these objectives. Good attendance is essential to providing these objectives and is an indicator of effective employee performance. It is recognized that you will have periodic absences for illness or personal matters, but recurring and excessive absences and/or tardiness adversely affects productivity, morale, work flow, and service and directly impacts the RLECWD's ability to meet its challenging goals. The professionalism that you bring to your position and the RLECWD is valued and it is anticipated that you will manage your own good attendance. There are occasions, however, when attendance guidelines are beneficial and necessary to direct employees and supervisors. The guidelines are intended to be straightforward and concise. They are subject to management discretion and allow for flexibility in addressing individual attendance situations. Your manager will consider State and Federal laws, family and medical leave issues, the demands of different work units, the RLECWD's policy, your performance, your attendance history, and individual circumstances when assessing appropriate steps to correct attendance problems. The RLECWD intends to maintain a positive environment that supports its goals while recognizing individual needs and circumstances. If attendance issues arise, please speak with your manager who can discuss the impact of your attendance on the RLECWD's goals and your individual performance. If you fail to report to work for three consecutive workdays without notice or approval by your manager, the RLECWD may consider that you have abandoned your job and your employment may be terminated. Rest and Break Time Full-time (40-hour/week) non-exempt employees are encouraged to take a 15-minute break in the morning and a similar break in the afternoon in order to "break" up the day and as a relief from office routine and tension. You are free to retire to the lunchroom, exit the building for a quick walk, or just sit outside on the benches provided. Less than 40-hour/week employees should clarify with their manager appropriate rest and break times. Full-time non-exempt employees are required to take at least a 30-minute lunch break. An exception could be made if you were working less than 8 hours/day (i.e., six hours) and requested that you not be required to take a lunch break. Under these circumstances, please meet with your manager for their decision of whether or not to require you to take a lunch break. Access to Personnel Records Employee files are confidential to the extent permitted by law and are to be treated as such. In certain instances, RLECWD may be required to disclose certain components of its Personnel Records under the Public Records Act, the Meyers-Milias Brown Act, or a court order. Generally speaking, access to employee files is limited to the following: 1. Persons Other Than The Employee Other employees of the RLECWD may have access to personnel files only if they have a "need to know." This means access is limited to: • Management considering an employee for promotion or transfer into their departments; and • Others only as specifically authorized by the General Manager. Non-employees may not, except with specific authorization, have access to the files themselves. Generally, such access will be granted only upon advice of counsel. Access of outsiders to information in a file is governed by the RLECWD's policy on references. 2. The Employee You may inspect your own personnel file in the presence of the General Manager. You may designate a representative to inspect/receive a copy of your personnel file. Payroll Administration Garnishments A garnishment is a court order requiring the RLECWD to remit part of an employee's wages to a third party in payment of a just debt. Because garnishments involve the RLECWD in its employees' private financial affairs, it is requested that you handle your finances appropriately. Payroll Deductions State and Federal laws require the RLECWD to make proper deductions on its employees' behalf. Amounts withheld vary according to earnings, marital status, and number of exemptions claimed. Required deductions include Federal Income Tax, FICA Contribution, State Income Tax, and PERS. Direct Deposit Direct deposit of your paycheck is available. To take advantage of this service, you need to complete the "Direct Deposit" form, attach a voided check, and return them to the Bookkeeper. Changing Your Employee Information Your current address and phone number are essential for many purposes. Any changes to your contact information should be provided to RLWECWD in writing or via email as soon as possible. You are solely responsible to notify the Bookkeeper of changes in your personal status including, but not limited to: • Name and/or marital status • Address and/or telephone number • Number of eligible family members • Tax payroll deductions • Emergency contact information • Changes to deferred compensation Deferred Compensation When you make any changes that affect the amount of money deducted from your paycheck, it is your responsibility to give a copy of the paperwork to the Bookkeeper so that changes can be made to your paycheck. Group Insurance Plans The RLECWD provides group major medical, dental, vision, and Employee Assistance Program insurance. You will receive information during the new employee orientation from the General Manager. RLECWD's insurance coverage may change from time to time. In the event that such a change occurs, RLECWD will notify employees of such change within a reasonable time. Eligible employees are defined as regular full-time employees. Part time employees benefits shall be in proportion to their work hours. Eligible dependent is defined as the following: • Spouse; • Children to their 26th birthday including children placed in the home for adoption; • Unmarried children who were enrolled before age 26 and are incapable of selfsustaining employment due to physical or mental condition. Such condition must be certified by a physician in writing within 60 days of coverage requested for this condition and is subject to carrier approval. • Children eligible for coverage as a result of a valid qualified medical child support order. • Domestic Partner as defined by the State of California for state registration requirements. • Those designated according to the law. • For an eligible dependent to be eligible for coverages, a copy of a marriage license, State of California Declaration of Domestic Partnership form (NP/SF DP-1), birth certificate, or other identifying paperwork is required. NOTE: It is the employee's responsibility to notify the RLECWD in writing upon divorce, termination of Domestic Partnership, over-age dependent, or any event that changes the status of dependency. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) a. Persons Eligible: Regular full-time employees. b. Waiting period: First of the month following date of employment. c. Provider: As provided by the RLECWD. d. Benefits provided: The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides confidential, professional assistance when personal problems affect an employee's life and work. The program provides information, consultation and counseling for employees and their family members, as well as offering training and consultation to management. The EAP encourages employees to use services early in the progression of a problem before situations significantly impact work. This is accomplished by promoting service for "normal problems in living" such as relationships, stress, legal and financial problems, career concerns, anxiety, and depression. The EAP also services more serious concerns such as alcohol and drug problems, family violence, and threats of suicide. Numerous additional resources are available. e. Employee Contribution: None. f. Employer Contribution: Total cost for employee and eligible family members. COBRA The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) was enacted to protect employees and their eligible family members by allowing them to continue their group health insurance under the employer's plan at affordable group rates. Employees are notified at hiring of their rights under this law and it is the employee's responsibility to notify the RLECWD of any qualifying event (defined below) within 60 days of the event. Specifics of COBRA include: 1. Qualifications Any employee/eligible family member who loses regular group eligibility because of a qualifying event is eligible for enrollment under COBRA. 2. Qualifying Event Qualifying event is defined by COBRA regulations and includes loss of coverage due to: termination of employment; reduction of hours; death of employee; employee's Medicare entitlement; divorce or legal separation; child ceasing to be eligible; bankruptcy of employer. It is the employee's or eligible family member's responsibility to inform the RLECWD Bookkeeper or General Manager within 60 days when a qualifying event takes place. 3. Selection Period The District will send written notification, to the employee/eligible family member of their right to elect continued coverage, the election period, and premium payments. 4. Cost The employee/eligible family member must pay a full monthly premium for each coverage selected plus a 2% administrative charge to the RLECWD by the first day of each month that the premium(s) are due. No bills or invoices are sent. 5. Coverage Available At the time of the qualifying event, whichever health insurance the employee/dependent is enrolled in will be considered the coverage available. 6. Open Enrollment Purpose: COBRA continuees have the same rights under the plan as active employees. This includes rights during open enrollment periods. When an open enrollment period occurs, COBRA continuees must be informed of their rights. The Open Enrollment Notification should inform COBRA continuees of the open enrollment period, the options available during the open enrollment period and the monthly premium rates for those options. COBRA continuees includes (1) possible electees; (2) electees; and (3) continuees. Possible electees are individuals in their 60-day election period; electees are individuals who have elected but have not yet paid; continuees are individuals who have elected and paid. 7. Special Note There can be no interruption of coverage under COBRA. Jury and Witness Duty You should immediately notify your manager if you receive a notice for jury duty. If you are summoned for jury duty, you will be paid the difference between jury duty pay and your regular hourly rate for up to a maximum often working days per year. As a public employee, a waiver should be signed to avoid payment (as it must be returned) when appearing for jury duty. If required by law to appear in court as a witness, you may be given paid time off up to a maximum of 32 hours for non-exempt (pro-rated for regular part-time) employees or four (4) days per year for exempt employees for such purpose, provided that you provide the RLECWD with reasonable advance notice and proof of such court order. If you receive notice of jury duty or subpoena or other court order, you should provide RLECWD with a copy of such document as soon as possible if you anticipate that you will need to take time off work to appear in court.Military Leave A military leave, in accordance with Federal law, will be granted to those employees of a reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States or National Guard. If regular, full-time employees are called to active military duty training as members of the Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard, they will be assured full pay for military leaves for up to ten (10) working days per calendar year provided that they are regular, full-time employees; ordered for purposes of military training, encampment, naval cruises, special exercises or like activity; they shall be entitled to receive the difference between their regular rate of pay and the military rate of pay for the first 30 calendar days of any such absence. If regular, full-time employees are called to active duty during national or state emergencies, as members of the Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard, they shall be entitled to receive the difference between their regular rate of pay and their military rate of pay for the duration of their active duty call. Military orders should be presented to your immediate manager and arrangements for leave made as early as possible before departure. Should you either voluntarily or involuntarily leave your employment to serve in the armed services, you shall be entitled to reinstatement according to State and Federal law in effect at the time of your release from active service. No one in this category should be denied re-employment without first consulting legal counsel. Military Spouse Leave Employees that work more than 20 hours per week and have a spouse in the Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves that have been deployed during a period of military conflict are eligible for up to 10 unpaid days off when their spouse is on leave from military deployment. Employees must submit a written request for leave to the General Manager's Office within two business days of receiving official notice that their spouse will be on leave. Employees requesting this leave are required to attach to the leave request written documentation certifying the spouse will be on leave from deployment. Attendance Policy The RLECWD may utilize a system of corrective action, at its sole discretion, in cases of misconduct or unacceptable performance, including absenteeism. The use of such a system does not waive either the RLECWD's or your right to terminate employment at any time with or without cause. If the number of absences within the most recent 12 month period, regardless of the reason, is excessive, you may be subject to corrective action, at the discretion of the RLECWD, to make you aware of problems and to create an action plan to resolve issues. The attendance policy of the RLECWD will be followed only to the extent allowed by law and is not meant to circumvent or abrogate any existing provisions of the FEHA, ADA, ADEA, or other state of federal law and/or regulation. Alcohol-Drug Free Workplace The RLECWD recognizes that behavior resulting from the use of alcohol and/or drugs may detrimentally affect the safety and work performance of its work force and can present a risk to the health and welfare of its employees and members. In recognition of the RLECWD's responsibility to maintain a safe work environment and your responsibility to perform safely, the RLECWD will act to eliminate any substance abuse, which increases the risk of injuries, accidents, or substandard performance. For the purpose of this policy, substance abuse includes the use or possession of illegal drugs, alcohol or, abuse of prescription drugs, which could impair your work performance and/or ability to perform your job safely. It is expected that: • You shall not be at work, drive a vehicle on RLECWD business, or operate the RLECWD's equipment with any amount of alcohol or illegal drugs in your system which would result in a confirmed positive test; shall not use alcohol, possess open containers of alcohol, or use or possess illegal drugs while on duty; and shall not manufacture, distribute, dispense, sell or provide illegal drugs to any person while on duty. • If the use of a prescription drug combined with the duties of the required job creates an unsafe working condition, this fact shall be reported to your supervisor or General Manager prior to reporting to work. Employees whose job performance is so restricted may be subject to reassignment, medical examination, or other actions specified by applicable statues and regulations. • Reasonable Suspicion Testing Employees may be subject to drug and alcohol testing when there is reasonable suspicion that the employee has violated the rules expressed above. In addition, when any employee has previously been found in violation of these rules, or has admitted to violating these rules, the employee may be required to submit to periodic substance testing as a condition of remaining in or return to RLECWD employment. Fitness-For-Duty & Return-To-Work Evaluations The purpose of this policy is to determine an employee's ability to safely perform the essential job tasks of his/her job with or without reasonable accommodation. This policy is not designed or intended to supersede employer requirements under any state or federal law or regulation and will be utilized in accordance with the law. General guidelines: • Each employee is responsible for maintaining his/her health in such a way that the employee can perform the essential functions of his/her job with reasonable accommodations (if applicable). If a manager has reason to question the ability of an employee to perform the essential job functions, a Fitness-for-Duty or Return-to-Work Evaluation may be requested. • To determine the appropriateness of a Fitness-for-Duty or Return-to-Work Evaluation request, Supervisors must consult and receive approval from the General Manager. • Time required by the employee to complete the Fitness-for-Duty / Return-toWork Evaluation is considered work time and may require an administrative leave. Time off for prescribed treatment (after the evaluation), mandatory or otherwise, will be charged to accrued sick leave. • Results of the evaluation will be maintained confidentially and separate from the employee's personnel record. • If a Fitness-for-Duty / Return-to-Work evaluation is necessary, the employee will be required to be examined by a treating, personal physician or specialist selected by the RLECWD. However, when you take leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act, RLECWD will not require you to see an RLECWD selected medical practitioner before returning to work if you provide a Return-to-work certification from a qualified medical practitioner. Once you return to work, RLECWD may require a medical examination from a medical practitioner it selects if it is not satisfied with the certification from the medical practitioner you selected. Outside Relations/Media Contact You are not permitted to give or report any information about the members of the RLECWD, another employee, outside vendor, client, or consultant to anyone outside of the RLECWD. You should forward any such request, whether verbal or written, to the General Manager for handling. Notwithstanding the above, you have a constitutional right to speak in your capacity as a citizen on matters of public concern, unless RLECWD has adequate justification for treating you differently from another citizen under the circumstances. Prohibition of Discrimination The RLECWD is committed to providing a work environment that is free of unlawful discrimination. In keeping with the commitment, the RLECWD strictly prohibits unlawful harassment on the basis of an employee's race, sex (including breastfeeding), pregnancy-related condition, gender, gender identity, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, agej(over40), marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status, physical or mental disability, or any other category that is determined to be a protected category under California or federal law. Discrimination of anyone in or from the RLECWD, on any of these bases, is strictly prohibited. This policy prohibits discrimination in any form, including: • Verbal harassment such as epithets, jokes, derogatory comments or slurs based on the person's race, sex, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age (over 40), marital status, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability; • Physical harassment such as assault, impeding or blocking movement, or any physical interference with normal work or movement when directed at an individual based on one of the categories above; and • Visual or written harassment such as derogatory posters, cartoons, or drawings based on one of the categories above. Also included are emails that may be inappropriate, offensive, harassing, and/or creating a hostile work environment. • Environmental harassment such as innuendo, insults, abuse, or jokes not relevant to the subject matter of the job, which permeate the work environment. If you believe you have been or are being subjected to this kind of discrimination or have witnessed such discrimination against another person in the workplace, and are unable to resolve (or uncomfortable attempting to address) the problem with the individual or individuals, you should promptly report it to your supervisor or the General Manager. All such claims will be investigated in a manner designed to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all involved as much as possible and appropriate action will be taken. When appropriate, the RLECWD may seek to resolve the matter informally. Any employee found to have discriminated against anyone in or from the RLECWD's work environment, based on one of the categories above will be disciplined, from verbal reprimand to dismissal, based on the circumstances including the severity and frequency of the offense. In addition to RLECWD's disciplinary actions, civil and criminal actions may also be triggered. If you have any questions about this policy, or want more information about it, please contact the General Manager. Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment of the RLECWD's employees, by any person in or from the work environment, is strictly prohibited. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: • Submission to such conduct is made either expressly or by implication a term or condition of an individual's employment; • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the individual; or • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance; creating an intimidating, hostile, threatening or offensive working environment; or adversely affecting the employee's performance, appraisal, assigned duties, or any other condition of employment or career development. Sexual harassment also includes any act of retaliation against an employee for reports of violation of this policy or for participating in the investigation of a sexual harassment complaint. Other examples of sexual harassment include unwelcome sexual flirtations or propositions; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; graphic verbal comments about an individual's body; sexually degrading words used to describe an individual; emails that may be inappropriate, offensive, harassing, and/or creating a hostile work environment; and the display in the work environment of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, posters, jokes, cartoons, or calendar illustrations. Sexual harassment conduct need not be motivated by sexual desire. 1. Guidelines for the Employee If you think you are being sexually harassed: • Say NO! Make it clear to the offender that the behavior is unacceptable to you. The harasser may not realize the advances or behavior are offensive. Sometimes a simple confrontation will end the situation. • Don't let confusion and self-doubt stop you from speaking out. • Keep a record of dates, times, places, witnesses and nature of harassment. Such records will be very helpful if you find it necessary to pursue a formal grievance. • If you feel that you have been or are being sexually harassed or are aware of or suspect the occurrence of sexual harassment, or you desire counseling on coping with sexual harassment, you should immediately contact your manager, any other manager, the Director of Administration, or the General Manager. This procedure is your exclusive remedy for prevention and resolution of any issues of harassment at the RLECWD. However, you may have other remedies at the state or federal level, as described below. • In addition to notifying the RLECWD about harassment or retaliation complaints, affected employees may also direct their complaints to the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing ("DFEH") at www.dfeh.ca.gov or 1-800-884-1684 without fear of retaliation or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") at www.eeoc.gov or 1-800-669-4000. The DFEH has the authority to conduct investigations of the facts. The deadline for filing complaints with the DFEH is one year from the date of the alleged unlawful conduct. If the DFEH believes that a complaint is valid and attempts to resolve the dispute fail, the DFEH may seek an administrative hearing before the California Fair Employment and Housing Commission ("FEHC") or file a lawsuit in court. Both the FEHC and the courts have the authority to award monetary and nonmonetary relief in meritorious cases. Employees can contact the nearest DFEH office or the FEHC at the locations listed in the District DFEH poster or by checking the State Government listings in the local telephone directory. • Maintain strict confidentiality ensuring the privacy of all parties concerned. 2. Disciplinary and/or Corrective Action Any employee found to have sexually harassed anyone in or from the RLECWD's work environment will be disciplined, from verbal reprimand to dismissal, based on the circumstances including severity and frequency of the conduct. In addition to RLECWD's disciplinary actions, civil and criminal actions may also be triggered. Workplace Violence The safety and security of employees and customers are very important to the RLECWD. Threats, threatening behavior, acts of violence, or any related conduct which disrupts another's work performance or the RLECWD's ability to execute its daily business will not be tolerated. Any person who makes threats, exhibits threatening behavior, or engages in violent acts on RLECWD property may be removed from the premises pending the outcome of an investigation. Threats, threatening behavior, or other acts of violence directed at RLECWD employees, RLECWD members or the public while in the course of RLECWD business is a violation of this policy, even if such occurrence do not take place on RLECWD property. Threats include but are not limited to threats made via telephone, fax, electronic or conventional mail, or any other communication medium. Violations of this policy will lead to disciplinary action that may include dismissal, arrest, and prosecution. In addition, if the source of such inappropriate behavior is a member of the public, the response may also include barring the person(s) from RLECWD property, termination of business relationships with that individual, and/or prosecution of the person(s). Employees are responsible for notifying, General Manager or supervisor of any threats, which they have witnessed, received, or have been told that another person has witnessed or received. Employees should also report any behavior they have witnessed which they regard as threatening or violent when that behavior is job related or might be carried out on RLECWD property or in connection with employment. Any employee that receives a protective or restraining order that lists RLECWD premises as a protected area is required to provide the General Manager with a copy of such order. Request for Reasonable Accommodation To comply with applicable laws ensuring equal employment opportunities to qualified individuals with a disability, the RLECWD will make reasonable accommodations for the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or an employee unless undue hardship would result. Any applicant or employee who requires an accommodation in order to perform the essential functions of the job should contact the RLECWD representative with day-today personnel responsibilities and discuss the need for an accommodation. The RLECWD will engage in an interactive process with the applicant or employee to identify possible accommodations, if any, which will help the applicant or employee perform the job. Interactive Process An interactive good faith communication process between the RLECWD and a disabled employee is required in selecting an appropriate reasonable accommodation, if one exists. This is a timely individual process where management and the individual discuss the request and potential effective reasonable accommodation(s). In general, the RLECWD will initiate an interactive process when: (1) an applicant or employee with a known disability requests a reasonable accommodation, (2) the RLECWD otherwise becomes aware of the need for a reasonable accommodation through a third party or by observation, or (3) the RLECWD becomes aware of the possible need for a reasonable accommodation because the employee has a disability and has exhausted leave under the Workers' Compensation Act, the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), or other federal, state or employer leave provisions, if applicable. The following is a non-exclusive list of the considerations when reviewing a request for accommodation: • The essential functions of the job. • How the disability limits performance of the essential functions. • Identify accommodation options that overcome limitations and determine the reasonableness of the proposed accommodations. • Select the most appropriate reasonable accommodation, if one exists. If an accommodation request is made, the RLECWD will initiate the interactive process and confer with the individual applicant or employee, as necessary, until the interactive process is complete and/or a reasonable accommodation, if any, is determined. Employment Reference Checks All inquiries regarding a current or former RLECWD employee must be referred to the General Manager. Should you receive a written request for a reference, you must refer the request to the General Manager for handling. You may not issue a reference letter on behalf of RLECWD to any current or former employee without the permission of the General Manager. Under no circumstances should you release any information about any current or former RLECWD employee over the telephone. All telephone inquiries regarding any current or former employee of the RLECWD must be referred to the General Manager. In response to an outside request for information regarding a current or former RLECWD employee, the General Manager will verify only an employee's name, dates of employment, and job title. No other data regarding any current or former RLECWD employee will be released unless the employee authorizes the RLECWD to release such information in writing or the RLECWD is required by law to furnish any information. If, however, you are contacted to give a personal reference regarding a current or former RLECWD employee, you are permitted to do so and should emphasize to the inquirer that the reference is personal only and not on behalf of the RLECWD. Failure to follow these directions may be cause for corrective action up to and including termination. Anti-Fraud/Ethics Policy The RLECWD and its employees must, at all times, comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Employees uncertain about the application or interpretation of any legal requirements should refer the matter to their supervisor or General Manager. The RLECWD expects its employees to conduct themselves in a businesslike manner and perform duties conscientiously, honestly, and in accordance with the best interests of the organization. Employees are expected to take great care when working with RLECWD suppliers, contractual contacts, or members. Employees should respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of their work. Regardless of circumstances, if an employee senses that a course of action may involve a conflict of interest, fraud, and/or dishonesty, they should immediately communicate all facts to their supervisor, or the General Manager. Children at Work In the event of an "emergency situation" where you find it necessary to bring your child to the workplace, the RLECWD will deem this acceptable under the following circumstances: • The event must be an emergency, (i.e. not a scheduled day off from school; choice of not hiring a baby-sitter; must be a rare, unusual, and infrequent event), or • A short term event (i.e. picking up from school, time between doctor appointment, etc.). • You must get prior approval from your manager. • Your child must not be disruptive. If this occurs, you and your child will be asked to leave immediately. • This should not be a "social event." Your child should be situated in a quiet, outof-the way place, such as an unused conference room. • Your child must not interfere with your job or your co-workers. Children should not be brought to the office in lieu of child care. If you need to take time off to care for your child, you can utilize accrued sick leave, vacation, request time without pay, or make other arrangements. Ergonomics The RLECWD encourages safe and proper work procedures and requires all employees to follow safety instructions and guidelines. It is our intention to reduce exposure to ergonomic hazards through modifications to equipment and process and employee training. Any necessary, reasonable adjustments to minimize workplace repetitive motion injuries will be considered and made. If you require any adjustments or have any concerns or questions about ergonomics, be sure.:to_discuss..the matter with the General Manager. Bomb Threats And/Or Threatening Calls Should you receive a threatening phone call, remain calm and try to write down the exact wording of the emergency/threat. Be sure to notify a supervisor immediately, and if appropriate, phone 9-1-1. Driving on the Job The RLECWD has established and maintains a Driving Record Review Program. As part of this program, it has enrolled in the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Employer Pull Notice Program. This is a free service for public agencies that provides driver record reports on employees. Employees include temporary, seasonal, and parttime employees and volunteers. 1. Procedures The RLECWD obtains from the DMV a copy of the driving record of all of its employees that are authorized to operate vehicles (RLECWD or personal) in the course of carrying out RLECWD's business. a. As a public agency, the RLECWD is entitled to receive copies of driving records from the DMV without charge. b. A copy of your driving record shall be obtained as soon as possible after you are hired and annually thereafter. c. The RLECWD is responsible for ordering and interpreting all driving records. d. To ensure uniformity in the application of recommendations to employees whose records are found to be unacceptable, the driver record review criteria was developed. (See: "2. Driver Record Review Criteria" in this section) e. Occasionally other concerned employees or the general public may bring to the RLECWD's attention the fact that you may be jeopardizing the RLECWD's integrity and exposing it to undue liability through poor driving techniques and habits. All such complaints will be investigated immediately and action taken to correct the problem as follows: • If it is established that you have poor driving techniques and/or habits, the RLECWD's corrective action may be followed. (Depending on the seriousness of the poor driving technique and/or habit, it may be desirable to enroll you in a "defensive driving" course.) • A second warning for the same poor driving technique and/or habit, within a three year period, may require temporary suspension or temporary reassignment to a non-driving position, if one is available, and will be appropriately documented. f. --.—- If your duties require driving a vehicle, you must maintains driving record that will not cause the RLECWD's insurance rate to be increased or for you to become uninsurable. Any such actions could lead to disciplinary action. g. If your duties require driving a vehicle, you must provide proof of insurance at least annually. 2. Driver Record Review Criteria The following criteria reflect the good risk management procedures used by the RLECWD in order to control its auto liability and physical damage exposures. The General Manager will review your Driver Record Report to determine which category you will fall into. a. Class I -- Immediate Attendance in Defensive Driving Program. • Two points within 35 months; • Any moving violation in a RLECWD vehicle; • Any accident; or • Two **Failure to Appear notices within 36 months. b. Class II - 12-Month Driving Probation. Any additional point violations within this probation period will trigger a Class III recommendation. • Three to five points within 36 months; • Any accident in which the driver was charged with a ***public offense within 36 months, except for DUI, reckless driving, or speed contest violations (see Class III); • Any *chargeable accident while on RLECWD business; • A violation for an expired license; or • Four ** Failure to Appear notices within 36 months. c. Class III - 120 Day Suspension of RLECWD Driving Privileges. • Four or more points within 24 months; • Six or more points within 36 months; • DUI, reckless driving, or speed contest, NOT during RLECWD business; • Five ** Failure to Appear notices within 36 months; • Two chargeable accidents within 24 months; or • Any citation incurred while license is suspended. • Chargeable Accident -- when a driver has received a point violation. ** Failure to Appear - Vehicle Code section 40508(a) Public Offense - Vehicle Code sections 23100 through 23249.58 Cellular Phone Safety The use of cellular phones while driving on RLECWD business is considered a dangerous distraction and is prohibited. If your job requires you to keep your cell phone turned on while driving, you must safely pull off the road and stop before using it. Under no circumstances may a driver initiate or answer a cellular phone call or text message while driving a vehicle on company time. Credit Card Use Credit cards will be issued to specific employees who either travel on a regular basis on RLECWD business, or have the need to frequently purchase supplies or services. These cards should be used for all approved expenses as authorized in this section. Credit cards should be used only for legitimate, approved business of the RLECWD, subject to the following regulations: • No personal items may be charged on the business credit card; • All charges must be in line with travel guidelines or as approved by RLECWD management; and • Receipts must be signed by a supervisor and submitted to Bookkeeper within one week of making the charge. Telephone Calls The RLECWD understands that you may need to speak with your family or tend to nonbusiness activities at times during business hours, but requests cooperation in keeping personal calls to reasonable levels. Please note, all phone calls should be considered public information and subject to surveillance. Any confidential calls should be conducted elsewhere. All communication can be disclosed to law enforcement or other third parties without prior consent of the sender and/or receiver. Electronic Communications Policy The RLECWD uses various forms of electronic communications including, but not limited to, communications via computers, email, telephones, mobile phones, smart phones, text messaging, internet, etc. All electronic communications are official RLECWD records and are the property of the RLECWD. The RLECWD reserves the right to access and disclose all messages sent through its system for any purpose. Messages transmitted over the electronic communications system should be limited to RLECWD business activities, for the accomplishment of business related tasks, or communications directly related to RLECWD business, administration, or practices. The following general policies apply: • Computers and all data transmitted through RLECWD servers are RLECWD property owned by the RLECWD for the purpose of conducting RLECWD business. These items must be maintained according to RLECWD rules and regulations. Computers must be kept clean and employees must exercise care to prevent loss and damage. Prior authorization must be obtained before any RLECWD property may be removed from the premises. • All electronic communications also remain the sole property of RLECWD and are to be used for RLECWD business. For example, email messages are considered RLECWD records. • Electronic information created by an employee using any computer or any means of electronic communication is also the property of RLECWD and remains the property of RLECWD. • Information stored in RLECWD computers and file servers is the property of the RLECWD and may not be distributed outside the RLECWD in any form whatsoever without the written permission of the RLECWD General Manager. • Violation of any of the provisions of this policy, whether intentional or not, will subject RLECWD employees to disciplinary action up to, and including, termination. • ThePublic Records Act which may require disclosure of email records of its employees. 1. Personal Use of Electronic Communications Systems The RLECWD provides computers, electronic communications, electronic information, and information technology resources, including the Internet, to its employees to help them do their job. Generally, these resources and property should be used only for business related purposes; however, there are a few exceptions. Limited, occasional, or incidental use of electronic communications for personal use may be permitted under the following circumstances: • Personal use may not interfere with the productivity of the employee or his/her co-workers; • Personal use may not involve any prohibited activity described in this Policy; • Personal use may not disrupt or delay the performance of RLECWD business; • Personal use may not consume RLECWD resources or otherwise deplete system resources available for RLECWD business purposes; • Personal use may not be used for personal employee gain or commercial ventures; and • Personal use may not support or advocate non-RLECWD-related business purposes. ?= Retention of E-meil ;_ _ The RLECWD's record retention program is regulated by various record retention laws. No e-mail messages shall be considered by the RLECWD to be retained in the ordinary course of business. However, the content of some e-mail messages could be classified as a record pursuant to the guidelines established by management and according to the following criteria: • Content required by law to be retained; • Content which is documentation of notice to a member of the public of an action or position taken on behalf of the RLECWD; • Content which is documentation of a RLECWD policy, RLECWD regulation, or official decision made on behalf of the RLECWD; • Content which is documentation of a transaction of business between the RLECWD and another party; and • Employees should make themselves familiar with the provisions of the RLECWD's Records Retention Policy to determine if an email is required to be maintained as a printed and/or electronic document. 3. Access of Another Person's Electronic Communications Employees may not intercept, eavesdrop on, record, read, alter, retrieve, receive, send, or use another person's Electronic Communications and/or storage without proper authorization. Employees, including system administrators and Supervisors, may not, without authorization, peruse Electronic Communications and/or Electronic Storage of other employees. 4. RLECWD-Website Policies The external (or public) RLECWD website and all domains owned and maintained by the RLECWD represent a fundamental communication tool for providing critical RLECWD information. The goal of the collective websites is to encourage increased participation in RLECWD activities. The internal intranet website provides fundamental and critical information to all employees to assist in accomplishing the RLECWD's mission. Towards this end, the development and use of the RLECWD's sites are guided by the website policy: The RLECWD's IT provider is responsible for the department regarding the creation and implementation of their respective websites, helping departments to comply with the web policies, and maintaining and securing the web servers and website. • The RLECWD's website is for "official use" only. All information disseminated through the website must be related to the official duties and responsibilities of employees and department. • The California Public Records Act applies to information-processed, sent, and stored on the Internet. Confidential information should not be posted on the RLECWD's external website. Management must approve all information that is posted on the website. • No RLECWD employee or official may use any RLECWD website for campaign-related purposes. Such campaign-related purposes include, but are not limited to, the following: statements in support or opposition to any candidate or ballot measure; requests for campaign funds or references to any solicitations of campaign funds; and references to the campaign schedule or activities of any candidate. The RLECWD official website may not be linked to any private website related to a candidate's campaign for elective office, but it may link directly to the home page of the election-related pages where general election and candidate information can be found. 5. Internet Access to the Internet has been provided to staff members for the benefit of the RLECWD and its members. It allows employees to connect to information resources around the world. Every staff member has the responsibility to maintain and enhance the organizations' public image and to use the Internet in a productive manner. Employees accessing the Internet are representing the RLECWD. Employees are responsible for seeing that the Internet is used in an effective, ethical, and lawful manner. To ensure that all employees are responsible, productive Internet users and are protecting RLECWD's public image, the following guidelines have been established: a. Unacceptable Use of the Internet All existing RLECWD policies apply to employee use of computers, Electronic Communications, electronic information, and the Internet. This includes policies that deal with misuse of RLECWD assets or resources. It is a violation of RLECWD policy to use computers, Electronic Communications, electronic information, or the Internet, in a manner that is: discriminatory, harassing, or obscene; constitutes copyright or trademark infringement; violates software licensing rules; is illegal; or is against RLECWD policy. It is also a violation of policy to use computers, Electronic Communications, electronic information, or the Internet to communicate confidential or sensitive information or trade secrets. While it is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of every type of inappropriate use of the Internet, all users should be aware that appropriate use of the Internet includes, but is not limited to, the following rules: • Never use an account assigned to another user; • Never make an unauthorized attempt to enter any computer; • Never post, send, or provide access to any confidential Employer materials or information; • Never post or send publications of discriminatory, offensive, harassing, defamatory, or confidential remarks about other employees; » Never access or send sexually-suggestive material; • No gambling; • No trademark, copyright, and licensing stipulation infringements; • No proprietary and confidential information; • No solicitation, according to the RLECWD's policy; • No personal sites; and • No threatening or inappropriate blogs. b. Communications Each employee is responsible for the content of all text, audio, or images that they place or send over the Internet. Fraudulent, harassing, or obscene messages are prohibited. All messages communicated over the Internet should have your name attached. No messages should be transmitted under an assumed name. Employees may not attempt to obscure the origin of any message. Information published on the Internet should not violate or infringe upon the rights of others. No abusive, profane, or offensive language is transmitted through the system. c. Monitoring of Communications and Passwords The RLECWD reserves the right to inspect all RLECWD property to ensure compliance with its rules and regulations, without notice to the employee and at anytime, not necessarily in the employee's presence. RLECWD computers and all electronic communications and electronic information are subject to monitoring and no one should expect privacy regarding such use. The RLECWD reserves the right to access, review, and monitor electronic files, information, messages, text messages, email, Internet history, browser-based webmail systems, and other digital archives and to access, review, and monitor the use of computers, software, and electronic communications to ensure that no misuse or violation of RLECWD policy or any law occurs. E-mail may be monitored by the RLECWD and there is no expectation of privacy. Assume that e-mail may be accessed, forwarded, read, or heard by someone other than the intended recipient, even if marked as private. Employee passwords may be used for purposes of security but the use of a password does not affect the RLECWD's ownership of the electronic information or ability to monitor the information. The RLECWD may override an employee's password for any reason. All passwords created by the user or issued to the user are for the purpose of communication and are not to be shared, given, or otherwise disclosed to any other person. Passwords must not be shared and will be changed periodically by the RLECWD staff to ensure security. All security features contained within the RLECWD's Electronic Communications Systems such as passwords, codes, or delete functions will notprevent the RLECWD from accessing employees' business or personal Electronic Communications, stored or otherwise, on the Electronic Communications Systems. d. No Right of Privacy The RLECWD respects the individual privacy of its employees. However, employee privacy does not extend to the employee's work-related conduct or to the use of RLECWD-provided equipment or supplies. Employees should be aware that the terms of this Policy limit their privacy in the workplace. The RLECWD's Electronic Communications Systems, Electronic Communications, and Electronic Storage are the RLECWD's property and are intended for RLECWD business. All Electronic Communications and Electronic Storage within these systems are the property of the RLECWD, regardless of the content, including any personal communications. The RLECWD reserves the right to monitor the Electronic Communications Systems for any reason, including the right to review, audit, and disclose all matters sent over and/or stored in the Electronic Communications Systems. As a result, employees should be aware that no Electronic Communications transmitted on the Electronic Communications Systems, or Electronic Storage contained within the systems, is private or confidential. Employees should have no expectation of privacy with respect to any use, including storage, business or personal, of the RLECWD's Electronic Communications Systems. Employees should be aware that Electronic Communications and/or Electronic Storage can be copied, modified, and/or forwarded to others without the express permission of the original author. Therefore, employees must use caution in the storage, transmission, and dissemination of Electronic Communications outside of the RLECWD and must comply with all state and federal laws. Electronic Communications and/or Electronic Storage of the RLECWD may be recognized as official records in need of protection/retention in accordance with the laws of California. All e-mail and Internet messages are subject to state and federal laws, including but not limited to the California Public Records Act, open meeting laws, and the federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The California Public Records Act (CPRA), Government Code Section 6520, et seq requires the RLECWD to make all public records available for inspection and to provide copies upon request. A public record is any writing (which includes electronic documents) related to the conduct of the public's business prepared, owned, used, or retained by the RLECWD. The CPRA includes a number of exceptions from the disclosure requirement. Any information on the RLECWD's information system may be subject to disclosure under the CPRA. If there is some doubt, the employee should contact his or her department manager for advice as to whether the information is public record. All public records must be retained in accordance with the RLECWD's Record Retention Policy. 6. Social Networking ,„ The RLECWD views social networks such as web based discussion or conversation pages and other forms of social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc, as significant new forms of public communication. As such, we hold all of our employees who engage in social networking to the same standards we hold for any public communications. Therefore, all employees have an obligation to the RLECWD to ensure that any public communication they make, including social networking communications, must not negatively impact the reputation of the RLECWD or bring disrepute in any way to the RLECWD, its partners, customers, suppliers, etc. Further, only a select group of employees are authorized to publicly speak on behalf the RLECWD, per our Media Contact policy. Violations of this policy will result in discipline, which may include termination, depending on the severity of the situation and its impact on the RLECWD. Additionally, engaging in social networking during your workday can negatively impact your productivity and work performance. Therefore, it is your responsibility to regulate your social networking so that it does not impact your productivity or cause performance issues. Identified below are general guidelines and examples of prohibited communications. Please note that this list contains examples only and is not intended to be, nor is it, an exhaustive list of prohibited communications. The absence of, or lack of explicit reference to, a specific site does not limit the extent of the application of this policy. Where no policy or guideline exists, employees should use their professional judgment and take the most prudent action possible. Consult with your manager if you are uncertain. Nothing herein shall prohibit an employee from discussing the terms and conditions of employment via social media with fellow employees. General Guidelines and Examples of Prohibited Communications: • You may not use the RLECWD's logo on your posts unless given written consent by the General Manager. • Do not link to the RLECWD's website or post RLECWD material on a social media site without written permission. • All RLECWD policies that regulate off-duty conduct apply to social media activity including, but not limited to, policies related to illegal harassment, code of conduct, non-competition, protecting confidential and/or proprietary information. Violation of this policy may lead to discipline up to and including termination. 7. Software To prevent computer viruses from being transmitted through the system, there will be no unauthorized downloading of any software or applications. a. Policy and Guidelines for RLECWD-Provided Mobile Device The following policy and guidelines informRLECWD-provided mobile deviceusers of their allowable usage and features available for business and limited personal use. This policy also serves to make clear the responsibility of mobile device users to take proper care of the RLECWD furnished equipment entrusted to them. Mobile device care is the responsibility of each mobile device user. Failure to adhere to the guidelines listed below may result in personal liability and/or retraction of device privileges. b. RLECWD expects mobile-device users to: • Protect their RLECWD-issued device from theft, damage, abuse, and unauthorized use; • If the device is lost or stolen, the user willnotify the RLECWD within one hour, or as soon as practical after you notice the device is missing. RLECWD will lock and disable the device upon notification. A lost or stolen device will be replaced a maximum of three times, pending availability of devices and funding; • Maintain usage within the plan parameters. If your business use requirements are dramatically different than the standard plan, you must contact the General Manager to discuss other available options; Comply with RLECWD appropriate use policies when using the device; • Abide by the law governing the use of mobile cell phones and/or smartphones while driving (e.g., hands-free use and/or texting); and • Purchase, at their own expense, any additional mobile device accessories (e.g., holsters, cases, car chargers, screen protectors, Bluetooth headsets, etc.) that the user may desire in addition to the items provided by the RLECWD. c. Privacy Expectations: RLECWD employees do not have a right, nor should they have an expectation, of privacy while using RLECWD provided devices at anytime, including accessing the Internet and using e-mail and voice communications. To the extent that employees wish that their private activities remain private, they should avoid using the RLECWD provided device for limited personal use. By acceptance of the RLECWD provided device, employees imply their consent to disclosing and/or the monitoring of device usage, including the contents of any files or information maintained or passed -through that device. d. Additional Guidelines: • RLECWD Bookkeeper has complete oversight and management of device usage and expenses. • The RLECWD-provided devices are being provided as a productivity tool for business use. RLECWD reserves the right to terminate services for non-use, limited business use, or excessive personal use. The policy for terminating voice and data services for non-usage is 30 days. » Due to voice plan minute restrictions, employees should opt to use their work landline phone, when at their workstation, to make and receive calls. • RLECWD reserves the right to recall/disconnect RLECWD-provided mobile devices due to budget restrictions or changes to deployment priorities. Questions related to the above Policy and Guidelines should be directed to your supervisor. All software and application downloads will be done through the IT staff. Voice Mail The phone system is equipped with a very efficient and easy to use voice mail system. You should change your voice mail message if you are going to be out of the office. Smoking In accordance with California State law, the entire building is considered a non-smoking area, including use of e-cigarettes. An ashtray and smoking area are provided outside the backdoor of the garage. Security Security is important to everyone. You are asked to not discuss the security of the RLECWD premises or services with any individual not employed by the RLECWD. Additionally, neither the RLECWD nor its insurance carriers take any liability for your personal belongings. You are encouraged to secure personal belongings to the best of your ability. The building is secured with electronic keypads for access before and after hours. You will be given a confidential code, not to be shared with anyone. Since the RLECWD retains the right to search its property or facilities at any time (including employee-assigned desks, files and computer systems), if you have anything of a private nature that you wish not to be subjected to discovery during such searches, these items should be kept in your briefcase, purse or lunch bag, though RLECWD cannot guarantee the privacy of these items. Solicitation and Distribution Soliciting your co-workers when either of you is on work time being paid for by the RLECWD is prohibited, including the use of e-mail. Distribution or posting of pamphlets, leaflets, or any other literature in the RLECWD office is prohibited except in the employee break room. Workers' Compensation Disclaimer Notice The RLECWD or its insurance carrier may not be liable for the payment of workers' compensation benefits for any injury which arises out of your voluntary participation in off-duty recreational, social or athletic activity which is not a part of your workrelated duties. Return-to-Work Program (RTW) In an effort to minimize serious disability due to on-the-job and off-the-job injuries and illnesses and to reduce workers' compensation costs (if applicable), the RLECWD has developed a Return-to-Work program. This policy is consistent with the district's responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act to provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. The General Manager will assist by directing the employee to appropriate care and assisting in proper reporting of the injury or illness while maintaining a positive and constant flow of communication with the injured worker. They will also assist in arranging work which meets "light duty" restrictions, as needed and available, to reduce lost time. The RLECWD management staff will work with the workers' compensation carrier (if applicable) and the physician to assist with the assessment of the employee's ability to return to work. By this joint effort, the RLECWD will help the injured/ill worker recover at a more rapid rate, gain production for wages paid, minimize the employees' wage loss, and reduce workers' compensation costs. Break Room The RLECWD has a "kitchen" for your use during breaks and at lunch. It is important that you clean up after yourself. Do not leave any dirty dishes, wipe off the counters, and clean the inside of the microwave if there is any splattering of food during cooking. • Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate: These items are available for your use and convenience, so help yourself. • Making Coffee: If you find that the coffee pot is running low, please make the next pot of coffee. If you're not sure how to make the coffee, ask someone to help you. When the coffee has been made, throw the grounds in the garbage (not in the sink), rinse the basket, and place it in the drainer for the next person to use. • Refrigerator: The refrigerator is available for your convenience. However, there are 10 employees using the refrigerator, so please limit the amount of items you put in it. Also, it will be cleaned out every Friday, so please throw away any old items and take home any dishes, Tupperware, etc. If you have items that you want to keep, please put your name on them. Supplies It is the RLECWD's intent to provide you with everything you need to do your job. Basic supplies are kept in the supply room. Property Return Agreement Upon employment with the RLECWD, each employee may complete a Property Return Agreement if they receive any RLECWD property. Property includes, but is not limited to, laptops, cell phones, PDAs, equipment, keys, reports, proprietary information, and any other job related materials. All RLECWD property must be returned prior to departure. Exit Interview The General Manager is responsible for scheduling an exit interview with you on your last date of employment and for arranging the return of the RLECWD's property. Benefits Medical, Dental, and Vision benefits end on the last day of the month of your employment. Disability coverage requires "active" employment; therefore coverage for this ends on your last day worked. COBRA notification will be sent directly to your home. Deferred Compensation Plan If you are enrolled in a deferred compensation program, complete the forms necessary and follow the instructions. You should contact the plan carrier to ensure you completely understand your options. Purpose of the Policy The purpose of this policy is to promote employee morale, efficiency, initiative and retention. In the normal course of RLECWD operations, the Board of Directors recognizes that District employees accomplish various achievements and other job related successes for which recognition is both desirable and warranted. Significant events may occur in the lives of employees during their term of employment with the District that would warrant District recognition. The recognition of such accomplishments and milestones can improve employee safety, morale and job performance. Because the District is a direct beneficiary of increased employee safety, morale and job performance, the Board of Directors has established a policy for discretionary employee recognition and retention-related expenses. Policy The Board of Directors authorizes the General Manager to spend monies, not to exceed $150.00 per employee per annum, for the following purposes: 1. Employee job-related achievement or superior performance recognition. 2. Employee exemplary safety record. 3. Employee superior customer service, outstanding teamwork and/or exceptional efforts to display and exemplify the District's Mission Statement and and its Strategic Plan Goals. 4. Employment anniversary dates and retirements, birth of an employee's child, and bereavement acknowledgments for the death of an employee or his/her immediate family member. 5. Other similar milestones, successes, achievements and/or events as deemed appropriate by the General Manager and in accordance with applicable law. Types of expenses authorized under this policy are for items such as: plaques, flowers, cards, refreshments, or other minor items. Policy Review This policy is consistent with State law and will be reviewed at least biennially. Further, this policy will be utilized in the District's annual budgeting process. Acknowledgment of Receipt of Handbook After you have read this handbook and have clarified any issues with your supervisor, please complete and sign both copies of the following statement. Two copies are provided, one for your records and one for the RLECWD's records. Detach one copy and return it to your supervisor or the General Manager within five days of receiving this handbook. RLECWD Employee Handbook Receipt (employee copy) I have received my copy of the RLECWD's employee handbook. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to read and familiarize myself with and follow the policies and procedures contained in the handbook. I understand that, any and all policies or practices can be changed at any time by the RLECWD. I understand and agree that, other than the General Manager of the RLECWD, no manager, supervisor or representative of the RLECWD has authority to enter into any agreement, expressed or implied, for employment for any specific period of time, or to make any agreement for employment; only the General Manager has the authority to make any such agreement and then only in writing, signed by the General Manager. My signature below certifies that I understand that the foregoing personnel policy and entire agreement between the RLECWD and myself concerning the duration of my employment. It supersedes all prior agreements, understandings and representations concerning the duration of my employment. Employee's Signature: Sign, date, and keep this copy for your records. Date: ADDITIONAL PROPOSED PERSONNEL POLICIES Handbook Interpretation and Introduction This Employee Handbook ("Handbook") is intended to provide you with a general understanding of the Rio Linda/Elverta Community Services Water District ("RLECWD") human resources policies, benefits, and rules. It is intended to familiarize you with important information about the RLECWD as well as information regarding your own privileges and responsibilities. Although it is not an employment contract or legal document, it is important that all employees read, understand, and follow the provisions of the Handbook. It may be changed from time to time by the RLECWD. You will be notified in writing of any amendments and additions to these policies and procedures. Keep this handbookHandbook, additions and revisions on file for your reference. This Handbook, however, cannot anticipate every situation or answer every question about employment, nor can it provide information that answers every possible question. Additionally, circumstances will undoubtedly require that guidelines, practices, and benefits described in this Handbook change. Accordingly, the RLECWD must reserve the right to modify, supplement, or rescind any provision of this Handbook from time to time, as it deems necessary. You will, of course, be advised of changes that occur. The RLECWD is constantly striving to improve its operations, the services that it provides its members and its relations with its employees. You are encouraged to bring suggestions for improvements to the attention of RLECWD's general manager yew {^General ManageQ. Additionally, if you have any questions or seek clarification, you should see your General Manager. By working together, the RLECWD believes that it will share with its employees a sincere pride in the work-place and the services that &*ey-we are here to provide. RLECWD Mission Statement The mission of the Rio Linda/Elverta Community Water District is to provide, in a manner responsive to District customers, a water supply that is adequate, safe, and potable (according to state and federal standards) and that meets both current and future needs. RLECWD GOALS The goals of the District are as follows: A. Supply water to existing and future customers in a cost-effective manner while operating the District in a financially sound manner; B. Maintain existing wells and storage in a manner that meets generally accepted water works standards and develop new wells and storage to meet peak flow demands and emergency needs; C. Establish a responsive and cordial relationship with customers that include effective communications and notification regarding the affairs and operations of the District; D. Complete and maintain a long-range plan for the water system; E. Develop and maintain written policies, procedures, and specifications; F. Establish a fiscally sound equipment replacement fund; G. Participate in interagency cooperation in a manner that encourages respect between the agencies, including such cooperative activities as development of alternative water supplies, cooperative purchasing, mutual aid agreements and water system; H. Develop and implement an effective water conservation program; Open Door Policy The RLECWD promotes an atmosphere in which you can talk freely with the management. If you are comfortable doing so, ¥you are encouraged to openly discuss with your supervisor any problems so appropriate action may be taken. If teey-your supervisor cannot be of assistance, the General Manager is available for consultation and guidance. The RLECWD is interested in all of itsin the success and happiness of all of its employees' success and happiness. Employment of Relatives The RLECWD's policy is to hire, promote, and transfer employees on the basis of individual merit and to avoid any hint of favoritism or discrimination in making such decisions. Even if favoritism or discrimination ts-does not sbowftexist. the existence of the situation-relationship may precipitate questions difficult to answer or may cause some discomfort for the individuals involved. It is the policy of RLWECWD that relatives of RLWECWD employees shall not be hired, promoted or transferred into positions in which one relative may supervise, directly or indirectly, any other relative, or work in a capacity which would allow an employee to evaluate or control the terms, conditions or performance circumstances of employment of a relative. Indirect supervision refers to a situation in which a relative is hired, promoted, or transferred into a chain of command of another relative, and one of the individuals has management or supervisory responsibilities in the division or section in which both would work even if the relative would not directly supervise or interact with the newly hired, promoted, or transferred employee. This prohibition shall apply to all full and part time regular employees, and all temporary employees. This policy does not prevent relatives from being regularly assigned to shifts that may overlap as long as one relative does not supervise, directly or indirectly, another relative, nor work in a capacity which would allow an employee to evaluate or control the terms, conditions or performance circumstances of employment of a relative. The RLECWD may refuse to hire relatives of present employees if doing so could result in actual or potential problems in supervision, security, safety, or morale or if doing so could create potential conflicts of interest. The RLECWD defines "relatives" as spouses, registered domestic partners, children, siblings, parents, in-laws, and step-relatives. The employment of relatives or spouses is regarded as a potential violation of this policy, and will be discouraged in general for regular employees. It will be considered for temporary, short-term positions. This policy also applies to persons who are not legally married, but in the RLECWD's judgment, because of their involved personal relationship may be unduly likely to improperly alter their organizational decisions in favor of their partner. 1. Marriage or Development of Involved Personal Relationships While Employed If two persons should marry while both are employed by the RLECWD, they may continue their employment in the same job provided that such employment does not adversely affect safety, morale, security, internal financial control, or supervision; and such spouses or relatives neither initiate nor participate in making institutional recommendations or decisions which would directly affect employment status of their relatives. If the criteria are not met, one of the spouses must change jobs, or leave the RLECWD. The couple will make a decision within thirty (30) days of the marriage as to which of the two of them will change positions. If this decision is not made within 30 days, based upon its business needs the RLECWD reserves the right to determine which employee will be transferred or whose employment will be terminated. The provisions of this paragraph also apply to employees who establish a personal relationship, which in the RLECWD's judgment, have become sufficiently involved to the point where it has become tmdwJy-likely that one or both of the partners will improperly make organizational decisions in favor of the other. 2. Exceptions The General Manager may make an exception to this policy if it is found that: • The position to be filled requires a person with specialized training and experience not generally available in the employment market; • There is a vital agency need to fill the position; • Substantial bona fide efforts have been made to locate and employ such a person who is not a relative of any employee; and • The relationship between the relative and the applicant or employee is unlikely to materially affect his or her employment by the RLECWD. Promotions It is the RLECWD's intent to promote from within whenever possible. However, it is in the RLECWD's best interest to fill all positions with the best qualified individual. When opportunities occur within the organization, promotions and transfers will be based upon an employee's qualifications and performance. In general, only employees who have been at their present job assignment for at least six (6) months will be considered. Temporary Upgrades Whenever temporary positions are available within the RLECWD or regular positions are filled on a temporary basis, it is the RLECWD's intent to give employees an opportunity to apply for such positions. If management feels that none of the applying employees are fully qualified for the temporary position, he/she may recruit outside candidates with the qualifications necessary to fill the position. If you do not agree with the management's decision on who was selected for the temporary upgrade, you should discuss this with them. When the temporary positions end, it is the RLECWD's intent to give the employees who were temporarily advanced an opportunity to return to their former positions. Attendance The RLECWD relies on you to consistently provide high quality, cost effective services to its customers. You must routinely interact with other staff, members, vendors, and the general public to effectively meet these objectives. Good attendance is essential to providing these objectives and is an indicator of effective employee performance. It is recognized that you will have periodic absences for illness or personal matters, but recurring and excessive absences and/or tardiness adversely affects productivity, morale, work flow, and service and directly impacts the RLECWD's ability to meet its challenging goals. The professionalism that you bring to your position and the RLECWD is valued and it is anticipated that you will manage your own good attendance. There are occasions, however, when attendance guidelines are beneficial and necessary to direct employees and supervisors. The guidelines are intended to be straightforward and concise. They are subject to management discretion and allow for flexibility in addressing individual attendance situations. Your manager will consider State and Federal laws, family and medical leave issues, the demands of different work units, the RLECWD's policy, your performance, your attendance history, and individual circumstances when assessing appropriate steps to correct attendance problems. The RLECWD intends to maintain a positive environment that supports its goals while recognizing individual needs and circumstances. If attendance issues arise, please speak with your manager who can discuss the impact of your attendance on the RLECWD's goals and your individual performance. If you fail to report to work for three consecutive workdays without notice or approval by your manager, the RLECWD may consider that you have abandoned your job and your employment may be terminated. Rest and Break Time Full-time (40-hour/week) non-exempt employees are encouraged to take a 15-minute break in the morning and a similar break in the afternoon in order to "break" up the day and as a relief from office routine and tension. You are free to retire to the lunchroom, exit the building for a quick walk, or just sit outside on the benches provided. Less than 40-hour/week employees should clarify with their manager appropriate rest and break times. Full-time non-exempt employees are required to take at least a 30-minute lunch break. An exception could be made if you were working less than 8 hours/day (i.e., six hours) and requested that you not be required to take a lunch break. Under these circumstances, please meet with your manager for their decision of whether or not to require you to take a lunch break. Access to Personnel Records Employee files are confidential to the extent permitted by law and are to be treated as such. In certain instances, RLECWD may be required to disclose certain components of its Personnel Records under the Public Records Act, the Meyers-Milias Brown Act, or a court order. Generally speaking,-A access to employee files is limited to the following: 1. Persons Other Than The Employee Other employees of the RLECWD may have access to personnel files only if they have a "need to know." This means access is limited to: their normal duties; • Management considering an employee for promotion or transfer into their departments; and • Others only as specifically authorized by the General Manager. Non-employees may not, except with specific authorization, have access to the files themselves. Generally, such access will be granted only upon advice of counsel. Access of outsiders to information in a file is governed by the RLECWD's policy on references. 2. The Employee You may inspect your own personnel file in the presence of the General Manager. You may designate a representative to inspect/receive a copy of your personnel file. Payroll Administration Garnishments A garnishment is a court order requiring the RLECWD to remit part of an employee's wages to a third party in payment of a just debt. Because garnishments involve the RLECWD in its employees' private financial affairs, it is requested that you handle your finances appropriately. Payroll Deductions State and Federal laws require the RLECWD to make proper deductions on its employees' behalf. Amounts withheld vary according to earnings, marital status, and number of exemptions claimed. Required deductions include Federal Income Tax, FICA Contribution, State Income Tax, and PERS. Direct Deposit Direct deposit of your paycheck is available. To take advantage of this service, you need to complete the "Direct Deposit" form, attach a voided check, and return them to the Bookkeeper. Changing Your Employee Information Your current address and phone number are essential for many purposes. T-bese-Any changes to your contact information should be flQte4-provided to RLWECWD in writing or via email as soon as possible. You are solely responsible to notify the Bookkeeper of changes in your personal status including, but not limited to: • Name and/or marital status • Address and/or telephone number • Number of eligible family members • Tax payroll deductions • Emergency contact information • Changes to deferred compensation Deferred Compensation When you make any changes that affect the amount of money deducted from your paycheck, it is your responsibility to give a copy of the paperwork to the Bookkeeper so that changes can be made to your paycheck. Group Insurance Plans The RLECWD provides group major medical, dental, vision, and Employee Assistance Program insurance. You will receive information during the new employee orientation from the General Manager. RLECWD's insurance coverage may change from time to time. In the event that such a change occurs. RLECWD will notify employees of such change within a reasonable time. Eligible employees are defined as regular full-time employees-. Part time employees benefits shall be in proportion to their work hours. Eligible dependent is defined as the following: • Spouse; • Children to their 26th birthday including children placed in the home for adoption; • Unmarried children who were enrolled before age 26 and are incapable of selfsustaining employment due to physical or mental condition. Such condition must be certified by Aa physician must certify in writing within 60 days of coverage requested for this condition and rt is subject to carrier approval. • Children eligible for coverage as a result of a valid qualified medical child support order. • Domestic Partner as defined by the State of California for state registration requirements. • Those designated according to the law. • For an eligible dependent to be eligible for coverages, a copy of a marriage license, State of California Declaration of Domestic Partnership form (NP/SF DP-1), birth certificate, or other identifying paperwork is required. NOTE: It is the employee's responsibility to notify the RLECWD in writing upon divorce, termination of Domestic Partnership, over-age dependent, or any event that changes the status of dependency. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) a. Persons Eligible: Regular full-time employees. b. Waiting period: First of the month following date of employment. c. Provider: As provided by the RLECWD. d. Benefits provided: The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides confidential, professional assistance when personal problems affect an employee's life and work. The program provides information, consultation and counseling for employees and their family members, as well as offering training and consultation to management. The EAP encourages employees to use services early in the progression of a problem before situations significantly impact work. This is accomplished by promoting service for "normal problems in living" such as relationships, stress, legal and financial problems, career concerns, anxiety, and depression. The EAP also services more serious concerns such as alcohol and drug problems, family violence, and threats of suicide. Numerous additional resources are available. e. Employee Contribution: None. f. Employer Contribution: Total cost for employee and eligible family members. COBRA The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) was enacted to protect employees and their eligible family members by allowing them to continue their group health insurance under the employer's plan at affordable group rates. Employees are notified at hiring of their rights under this law and it is the employee's responsibility to notify the RLECWD of any qualifying event (defined below) within 60 days of the event. Specifics of COBRA include: 1. Qualifications Any employee/eligible family member who loses regular group eligibility because of a qualifying event is eligible for enrollment under COBRA. 2. Qualifying Event Qualifying event is defined by COBRA regulations and includes loss of coverage due to: termination of employment; reduction of hours; death of employee; employee's Medicare entitlement; divorce or legal separation; child ceasing to be eligible; bankruptcy of employer. It is the employee's or eligible family member's responsibility to inform the RLECWD Bookkeeper or General Manager within 60 days when a qualifying event takes place. 3. Selection Period The District will send written notification, to the employee/eligible family member of their right to elect continued coverage, the election period, and premium payments. 4. Cost The employee/eligible family member must pay a full monthly premium for each coverage selected plus a 2% administrative charge to the RLECWD by the first day of each month that the premium(s) are due. No bills or invoices are sent. 5. Coverage Available At the time of the qualifying event, whichever health insurance the employee/dependent is enrolled in will be considered the coverage available. 6. Open Enrollment Purpose: COBRA continuees have the same rights under the plan as active employees. This includes rights during open enrollment periods. When an open enrollment period occurs, COBRA continuees must be informed of their rights. The Open Enrollment Notification should inform COBRA continuees of the open enrollment period, the options available during the open enrollment period and the monthly premium rates for those options. It defines COBRA continuees includesas (Impossible electeesT; (2) electees: and (3) af»d-continuees. Possible electees are individuals in their 60-day election period; electees are individuals who have elected but have not yet paid; continuees are individuals who have elected and paid. 7. Special Note There can be no interruption of coverage under COBRA. Jury and Witness Duty You should immediately notify your manager if you receive a notice for jury duty. If you are summoned for jury duty, you will be paid the difference between jury duty pay and your regular hourly rate for up to a maximum of ten working days per year. As a public employee, a waiver should be signed to avoid payment (as it must be returned) when appearing for Jwv-iurv Otrtydutv. If required by law to appear in court as a witness, you may be given paid time off up to a maximum of 32 hours for non-exempt (pro-rated for regular part-time) employees or four (4) days per year for exempt employees for such purpose, provided that you provide the RLECWD with reasonable advance notice and proof of such court order. If you receive notice of jury duty or subpoena or other court order, you should provide RLECWD with a copy of such document as soon as possible if you anticipate that you will need to take time off work to appear in court. Military Leave A military leave, in accordance with Federal law, will be granted to those employees of a reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States or National Guard. If regular, full-time employees are called to active military duty training as members of the Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard, they will be assured full pay for military leaves for up to ten (10) working days per calendar year provided that they are regular, full-time employees; ordered for purposes of military training, encampment, naval cruises, special exercises or like activity; they shall be entitled to receive the difference between their regular rate of pay and the military rate of pay for the first 30 calendar days of any such absence. If regular, full-time employees are called to active duty during national or state emergencies, as members of the Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard, they shall be entitled to receive the difference between their regular rate of pay and their military rate of pay for the duration of their active duty call. Military orders should be presented to your immediate manager and arrangements for leave made as early as possible before departure. Should you either voluntarily or involuntarily leave your employment to serve in the armed services, you shall be entitled to reinstatement according to State and Federal law in effect at the time of your release from active service. No one in this category should be denied re-employment without the Agency first consulting legal counsel. Military Spouse Leave Employees that work more than 20 hours per week and have a spouse in the Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves that have been deployed during a period of military conflict are eligible for up to 10 unpaid days off when their spouse is on leave from military deployment. Employees must submit a written request thisfor leave m writing to the General Manager's Office within two business days of receiving official notice that their spouse will be on leave. Employees requesting this leave are required to attach to the leave request written documentation certifying the spouse will be on leave from deployment. Attendance Policy The RLECWD may utilize a system of corrective action, at its sole discretion, in cases of misconduct or unacceptable performance, including absenteeism. The use of such a system does not waive either the RLECWD's or your right to terminate employment at any time with or without cause. If the number of absences within the most recent 12 month period, regardless of the reason, is excessive, you may be subject to corrective action, at the discretion of the RLECWD, to make you aware of problems and to create an action plan to resolve issues. The attendance policy of the RLECWD will be followed only to the extent allowed by law and is not meant to circumvent or abrogate any existing provisions of the FEHA, ADA, ADEA, or other state of federal law and/or regulation. Alcohol-Drug Free Workplace The RLECWD recognizes that behavior resulting from the use of alcohol and/or drugs may detrimentally affect the safety and work performance of its work force and can present a risk to the health and welfare of its employees and members. In recognition of the RLECWD's responsibility to maintain a safe work environment and your responsibility to perform safely, the RLECWD will act to eliminate any substance abuse, which increases the risk of injuries, accidents, or substandard performance. For the purpose of this policy, substance abuse includes the use or possession of illegal drugs, alcohol or, abuse of prescription drugs, which could impair your work performance and/or ability to perform your job safely. It is expected that: • You shall not be at work, drive a vehicle on RLECWD business, or operate the RLECWD's equipment with any amount of alcohol or illegal drugs in your system which would result in a confirmed positive test; shall not use alcohol, possess open containers of alcohol, or use or possess illegal drugs while on duty; and shall not manufacture, distribute, dispense, sell or provide illegal drugs to any person while on duty. • If the use of a prescription drug combined with the duties of the required job creates an unsafe working condition, this fact shall be reported to your supervisor or General Manager prior to reporting to work. Employees whose job performance is so restricted may be subject to reassignment, medical examination, or other actions specified by applicable statues and regulations. • Reasonable Suspicion Testing Employees may be subject to drug and alcohol testing when there is reasonable suspicion that the employee has violated the rules expressed above. In addition, when any employee has previously been found in violation of these rules, or has admitted to violating these rulesbythe employee's own admission, the employee may be required to submit to periodic substance testing as a condition of remaining in or return to RLECWD employment. Fitness-For-Duty & Return-To-Work Evaluations The purpose of this policy is to determine an employee's ability to safely perform the essential job tasks of his/her job with or without reasonable accommodation. This policy is not designed or intended to supersede employer requirements under any state or federal law or regulation and will be utilized in accordance with the law. General guidelines: • Each employee is responsible for maintaining his/her health in such a way that the employee can perform the essential functions of his/her job with or without reasonable accommodations (if applicable). If a manager has reason to question the ability of an employee to perform the essential job functions, a Fitness-for-Duty or Return-to-Work Evaluation may be requested. • To determine the appropriateness of a Fitness-for-Duty or Return-to-Work Evaluation request, Supervisors must consult and receive approval from the General Manager. • Time required by the employee to complete the Fitness-for-Duty / Return-towork Evaluation is considered work time and may require an administrative leave. Time off for prescribed treatment (after the evaluation), mandatory or otherwise, will be charged to accrued sick leave. • Results of the evaluation will be maintained confidentially and separate from the employee's personnel record. • If a Fitness-for-Duty / Return-to-work evaluation is necessary, the employee will be required to be examined by a treating, personal physician or specialist selected by the RLECWD. However, when you take leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. RLECWD will not require you to see an RLECWD selected medical practitioner before returning to work if you provide a Return-to-work certification from a qualified medical practitioner. Once you return to work, RLECWD may require a medical examination from a medical practitioner it selects if it is not satisfied with the certification from the medical practitioner you selected.r Outside Relations/Media Contact You are not permitted to give or report any information about the members of the RLECWD, another employee, outside vendor, client, or consultant to anyone outside of the RLECWD. You should forward any such request, whether verbal or written, to the General Manager for handling. Notwithstanding the above, you have a constitutional right to speak in your capacity as a citizen on matters of public concern, unless RLECWD has adequate justification for treating you differently from another citizen under the circumstances. Prohibition of Discrimination The RLECWD is committed to providing a work environment that is free of unlawful discrimination. In keeping with the commitment, the RLECWD strictly prohibits unlawful harassment on the basis of an employee's race, sex (including breastfeeding), pregnancy-related condition, gender, gender identity, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age (over 40), marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military or veteran status.ef physical or mental disability, or any other category that is determined to be a protected category under California or federal law. Discrimination of anyone in or from the RLECWD, on any of these bases, is strictly prohibited. This policy prohibits discrimination in any form, including: • Verbal harassment such as epithets, jokes, derogatory comments or slurs based on the person's race, sex, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age (over 40), marital status, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability; • Physical harassment such as assault, impeding or blocking movement, or any physical interference with normal work or movement when directed at an individual based on one of the categories above; and • Visual or written harassment such as derogatory posters, cartoons, or drawings based on one of the categories above. Also included are emails that may be inappropriate, offensive, harassing, and/or creating a hostile work environment. • Environmental harassment such as innuendo, insults, abuse, or jokes not relevant to the subject matter of the job, which permeate the work environment. If you believe you have been or are being subjected to this kind of discrimination or have witnessed such discrimination against another person in the workplace, and are unable to resolve (or uncomfortable attempting to address) the problem with the individual or individuals, you should promptly report it to your supervisor or the General Manager. All such claims will be investigated in a manner designed to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all involved as much as possible and appropriate action will be taken. When appropriate, the RLECWD may seek to resolve the matter informally. Any employee found to have discriminated against anyone in or from the RLECWD's work environment, based on one of the categories above will be disciplined, from verbal reprimand to dismissal, based on the circumstances including the severity and frequency of the offense. In addition to RLECWD's disciplinary actions, civil and criminal actions may also be triggered. If you have any questions about this policy, or want more information about it, please contact the General Manager. Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment of the RLECWD's employees, by any person in or from the work environment, is strictly prohibited. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: • Submission to such conduct is made either expressly or by implication a term or condition of an individual's employment; • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the individual; or • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance; creating an intimidating, hostile, threatening or offensive working environment; or adversely affecting the employee's performance, appraisal, assigned duties, or any other condition of employment or career development. Sexual harassment also includes any act of retaliation against an employee for reports of violation of this policy or for participating in the investigation of a sexual harassment complaint. Other examples of sexual harassment include unwelcome sexual flirtations or propositions; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; graphic verbal comments about an individual's body; sexually degrading words used to describe an individual; emails that may be inappropriate, offensive, harassing, and/or creating a hostile work environment; and the display in the work environment of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, posters, jokes, cartoons, or calendar illustrations. Sexual harassment conduct need not be motivated by sexual desire. 1. Guidelines for the Employee If you think you are being sexually harassed: • Say NO! Make it clear to the offender that the behavior is unacceptable to you. The harasser may not realize the advances or behavior are offensive. Sometimes a simple confrontation will end the situation. • Don't let confusion and self-doubt stop you from speaking out. • Keep a record of dates, times, places, witnesses and nature of harassment. Such records will be very helpful if you find it necessary to pursue a formal grievance. • If you feel that you have been or are being sexually harassed or are aware of or suspect the occurrence of sexual harassment, or you desire counseling on coping with sexual harassment, you should immediately contact your manager, any other manager, the Director of Administration, or the General Manager. This procedure is your exclusive remedy for prevention and resolution of any issues of harassment at the RLECWD. However, you may have other remedies at the state or federal level. as described below. • In addition to notifying the RLECWD about harassment or retaliation complaints, affected employees may also direct their complaints to the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing ("DFEH") at www.dfeh.ca.gov or 1-800-884-1684 without fear of retaliation or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") at www.eeoc.gov or 1-800-669-40007. The DFEH-wbieb has the authority to conduct investigations of the facts. The deadline for filing complaints with the DFEH is one year from the date of the alleged unlawful conduct. If the DFEH believes that a complaint is valid and attempts to resolve the dispute fail, the DFEH may seek an administrative hearing before the California Fair Employment and Housing Commission ("FEHC") or file a lawsuit in court. Both the FEHC and the courts have the authority to award monetary and nonmonetary relief in meritorious cases. Employees can contact the nearest DFEH office or the FEHC at the locations listed in the District DFEH poster or by checking the State Government listings in the local telephone directory. • Maintain strict confidentiality ensuring the privacy of all parties concerned. 2. Disciplinary and/or Corrective Action Any employee found to have sexually harassed anyone in or from the RLECWD's work environment will be disciplined, from verbal reprimand to dismissal, based on the circumstances including severity and frequency of the conduct. In addition to RLECWD's disciplinary actions, civil and criminal actions may also be triggered. Workplace Violence The safety and security of employees and customers are very important to the RLECWD. Threats, threatening behavior, acts of violence, or any related conduct which disrupts another's work performance or the RLECWD's ability to execute its daily business will not be tolerated. Any person who makes threats, exhibits threatening behavior, or engages in violent acts on RLECWD property may be removed from the premises pending the outcome of an investigation. Threats, threatening behavior, or other acts of violence off RLECWD property, but directed at RLECWD employees, RLECWD members or the public while in the course conducting business for thej)f RLECWD business7 is a violation of this policy, even if such occurrence do not take place on RLECWD property. Off-site tThreats include but are not limited to threats made via telephone, fax, electronic or conventional mail, or any other communication medium. Violations of this policy will lead to disciplinary action that may include dismissal, arrest, and prosecution. In addition, if the source of such inappropriate behavior is a member of the public, the response may also include barring the person(s) from RLECWD property, termination of business relationships with that individual, and/or prosecution of the person(s). Employees are responsible for notifying, General Manager or supervisor of any threats, which they have witnessed, received, or have been told that another person has witnessed or received. Employees should also report any behavior they have witnessed which they regard as threatening or violent when that behavior is job related or might be carried out on RLECWD property or in connection with employment. Any employee that receives a protective or restraining order that lists RLECWD premises as a protected area is required to provide the General Manager with a copy of such order. Request for Reasonable Accommodation To comply with applicable laws ensuring equal employment opportunities to qualified individuals with a disability, the RLECWD will make reasonable accommodations for the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or an employee unless undue hardship would result. Any applicant or employee who requires an accommodation in order to perform the essential functions of the job should contact the RLECWD representative with day-today personnel responsibilities and discuss the need for an accommodation. The RLECWD will engage in an interactive process with the applicant or employee to identify possible accommodations, if aflv-teatanv. which will help the applicant or employee perform the job. Interactive Process An interactive good faith communication process between the RLECWD and a disabled employee is required in selecting an appropriate reasonable accommodation, if one exists. This is a timely individual process where management and the individual discuss the request and potential effective reasonable accommodation(s). In general, the RLECWD will initiate an interactive process when: (1) an applicant or employee with a known disability requests a reasonable accommodation, (2) the RLECWD otherwise becomes aware of the need for aft reasonable accommodation through a third party or by observation, or (3) the RLECWD becomes aware of the possible need for an reasonable accommodation because the employee has a disability and has exhausted leave under the Workers' Compensation Act, the California Family Rights Act (CFRA), the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), or other federal, state or employer leave provisions, if applicable. The following is a non-exclusive list of the considerations when reviewing a request for accommodation: • The essential functions of the job. • How the disability limits performance of the essential functions. • Identify accommodation options that overcome limitations and determine the reasonableness of the proposed accommodations. • Select the most appropriate reasonable accommodation, if one exists. If an accommodation request is made, the RLECWD will initiate the interactive process and confer with the individual applicant or employee, as necessary, until the interactive process is complete and/or a reasonable accommodation, if any, is determined. Employment Reference Checks All inquiries regarding a current or former RLECWD employee must be referred to the General Manager. Should you receive a written request for a reference, you must refer the request to the General Manager for handling. You may not issue a reference letter on behalf of RLECWD to any current or former employee without the permission of the General Manager. Under no circumstances should you release any information about any current or former RLECWD employee over the telephone. All telephone inquiries regarding any current or former employee of the RLECWD must be referred to the General Manager. In response to an outside request for information regarding a current or former RLECWD employee, the General Manager will verify only an employee's name, dates of employment, and job title. No other data regarding any current or former RLECWD employee will be released unless the employee authorizes the RLECWD to release such information in writing or the RLECWD is required by law to furnish any information. If, however, you are contacted to give a personal reference regarding a current or former RLECWD employee, you are permitted to do so and should emphasize to the inquirer that the reference is personal only and not on behalf of the RLECWD. Failure to follow these directions may be cause for corrective action up to and including termination. Anti-Fraud/Ethics Policy The RLECWD and its employees must, at all times, comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Employees uncertain about the application or interpretation of any legal requirements should refer the matter to their supervisor or General mManager. The RLECWD expects its employees to conduct themselves in a businesslike manner and perform duties conscientiously, honestly, and in accordance with the best interests of the organization. Employees are expected to take great care when working with RLECWD suppliers^-w contractual contacts,, afldor members. Employees should respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of their work. Regardless of circumstances, if an employee senses that a course of action may involve a conflict of interest, fraud, and/or dishonesty, they should immediately communicate all facts to their supervisor, -or the General Manager. Children at Work In the event of an "emergency situation" where you find it necessary to bring your child to the workplace, the RLECWD will deem this acceptable under the following circumstances: • The event must be an emergency, (i.e. not a scheduled day off from school; choice of not hiring a baby-sitter; must be a rare, unusual, and infrequent event), or • A short term event (i.e. picking up from school, time between doctor appointment, etc.). • You must get prior approval from your manager. • Your child must not be disruptive. If this occurs, you and your child will be asked to leave immediately. • This should not be a "social event." Your child should be situated in a quiet, outof-the way place, such as an unused conference room. • Your child must not interfere with your job or your co-workers. The RLECWD prefers that cChildren should not be brought to the office in lieu of child care. If you need to take time off to care for your child, you can utilize accrued sick leave, vacation, request time without pay, or make other arrangements. Ergonomics The RLECWD encourages safe and proper work procedures and requires all employees to follow safety instructions and guidelines. It is our intention to reduce exposure to ergonomic hazards through modifications to equipment and process and employee training. Any necessary, reasonable adjustments to minimize workplace repetitive motion injuries will be considered and made. If you require any adjustments or have any concerns or questions about ergonomics, be sure to discuss the matter with the General Manager. Bomb Threats And/Or Threatening Calls Should you receive a threatening phone call, remain calm and try to write down the exact wording of the emergency/threat. Be sure to notify a manager supervisor immediately, and if appropriate, phone 9-1-1. Driving on the Job The RLECWD has established and maintains a Driving Record Review Program. As part of this program, it has enrolled in the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Employer Pull Notice Program. This is a free service for public agencies that provides driver record reports on employees. Employees include temporary, seasonal, and parttime employees and volunteers. 1. Procedures The RLECWD obtains from the DMV a copy of the driving record of all of its employees that are authorized to operate vehicles (RLECWD or personal) on-tfrein the course of carrying out RLECWD's business. a. As a public agency, the RLECWD is entitled to receive copies of driving records from the DMV without charge. b. A copy of_your driving record shall be obtained as soon as possible after you are hired and annually thereafter. c. The RLECWD is responsible for ordering and interpreting all driving records. d. To ensure uniformity in the application of recommendations to employees whose records are found to be unacceptable, the driver record review criteria was developed. (See: "2. Driver Record Review Criteria" in this section) e. Occasionally other concerned employees or the general public may bring to the RLECWD's attention the fact that you may be jeopardizing the RLECWD's integrity and exposing it to undue liability through poor driving techniques and habits. All such complaints will be investigated immediately and action taken to correct the problem as follows: • If it is established that you have poor driving techniques and/or habits, the RLECWD's corrective action may be followed. (Depending on the seriousness of the poor driving technique and/or habit, it may be desirable to enroll you in a "defensive driving" course.) • A second warning for the same poor driving technique and/or habit, within a three year period, may require temporary suspension or temporary reassignment to a non-driving position, if one is available, and will be appropriately documented. f. If your duties require driving a vehicle, you must maintain a driving record that will not cause the RLECWD's insurance rate to be increased or for you to become uninsurable. Any such actions could lead to disciplinary action. g. If your duties require driving a vehicle, you must provide proof of insurance at least annually. 2. Driver Record Review Criteria The following criteria reflect the good risk management procedures used by the RLECWD in order to control its auto liability and physical damage exposures. The General Manager will review your Driver Record Report to determine which category you will fall into. a. Class I -- Immediate Attendance in Defensive Driving Program. • Two points within 35 months; • Any moving violation in a RLECWD vehicle; • Any accident; or • Two **Failure to Appear notices within 36 months. b. Class II -- 12-Month Driving Probation. Any additional point violations within this probation period will trigger a Class III recommendation. • Three to five points within 36 months; • Any accident in which the driver was charged with a ***public offense within 36 months, except for DUI, reckless driving, or speed contest violations (see Class III); • Any *chargeable accident while on RLECWD business; • A violation for an expired license; or • Four ** Failure to Appear notices within 36 months. c. Class 111-120 Day Suspension of RLECWD Driving Privileges. • Four or more points within 24 months; • Six or more points within 36 months; • DUI, reckless driving, or speed contest, NOT during RLECWD business; • Five ** Failure to Appear notices within 36 months; • Two chargeable accidents within 24 months; or • Any citation incurred while license is suspended. • Chargeable Accident - when a driver has received a point violation. ** Failure to Appear — Vehicle GCode section 40508(a)A Public Offense — Vehicle eCode sections 23100 through 23249.58 Cellular Phone Safety The use of cellular phones while driving on RLECWD business is considered a dangerous distraction and is prohibited. If your job requires you to keep your cell phone turned on while driving, you must safely pull off the road and stop before conducting businessusing it. Under no circumstances may a driver initiate or answer a cellular phone call or text message while driving a vehicle on company time. Credit Card Use Credit cards will be issued to specific employees who either travel on a regular basis on RLECWD business, or have the need to frequently purchase supplies or services. These cards should be used for all approved expenses as authorized in this_sectiorr. Credit cards should be used only for legitimate, approved business of the RLECWD, subject to the following regulations^ Thooo cards ohould bo uood for all approved oxponsoo as authorized in this section. • No personal items may be charged on the business credit card; • All charges must be in line with travel guidelines or as approved by RLECWD management; and • Receipts must be signed by a manager supervisor and submitted to Bookkeeper within one week of making the charge. Telephone Calls The RLECWD understands that you may need to speak with your family or tend to nonbusiness activities at times during business hours, but requests cooperation in keeping personal calls to reasonable levels. Please note, all phone calls should be considered public information and subject to surveillance. Any confidential calls should be conducted elsewhere. All communication can be disclosed to law enforcement or other third parties without prior consent of the sender and/or receiver. Electronic Communications Policy The RLECWD uses various forms of electronic communications including, but not limited to, communications via computers, email, telephones, mobile phones, smart phones, text messaging, internet, etc. All electronic communications are official RLECWD records and are the property of the RLECWD. The RLECWD reserves the right to access and disclose all messages sent through its system for any purpose. Messages transmitted over the electronic communications system should be limited to RLECWD business activities, for the accomplishment of business related tasks, or communications directly related to RLECWD business, administration, or practices. T-he following general policies apply: The following general policies apply: • Computers and all data transmitted through RLECWD servers are RLECWD property owned by the RLECWD for the purpose of conducting RLECWD business. These items must be maintained according to RLECWD rules and regulations. Computers must be kept clean and employees must exercise care to prevent loss and damage. Prior authorization must be obtained before any RLECWD property may be removed from the premises. • All electronic communications also remain the sole property of RLECWD and are to be used for RLECWD business. For example, email messages are considered RLECWD records. • Electronic information created by an employee using any computer or any means of electronic communication is also the property of RLECWD and remains the property of RLECWD. • Information stored in RLECWD computers and file servers is the property of the RLECWD and may not be distributed outside the RLECWD in any form whatsoever without the written permission of the RLECWD General Manager. • Violation of any of the provisions of this policy, whether intentional or not, will subject RLECWD employees to disciplinary action up to, and including, termination. • TheaDDDDDDDDDDDDaDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDPiiblic Records Act which may required to-disclossure of email records of its employees if such reeof4. 1. Personal Use of Electronic Communications Systems The RLECWD provides computers, electronic communications, electronic information, and information technology resources, including the Internet, to its employees to help them do their job. Generally, these resources and property should be used only for business related purposes; however, there are a few exceptions. Limited, occasional, or incidental use of electronic communications for personal use may be permitted under the following circumstances: • Personal use may not interfere with the productivity of the employee or his/her co-workers; • Personal use may not involve any prohibited activity described in this Policy; • Personal use may not disrupt or delay the performance of RLECWD business; • Personal use may not consume RLECWD resources or otherwise deplete system resources available for RLECWD business purposes; • Personal use may not be used for personal employee gain or commercial ventures; and • Personal use may not support or advocate non-RLECWD-related business 2. Retention of E-mail The RLECWD's record retention program is regulated by various record retention laws. No e-mail messages shall be considered by the RLECWD to be retained in the ordinary course of business. However, the content of some e-mail messages could be classified as a record pursuant to the guidelines established by management and according to the following criteria: • Content required by law to be retained; • Content which is documentation of notice to a member of the public of an action or position taken on behalf of the RLECWD; • Content which is documentation of a RLECWD policy, RLECWD regulation, or official decision made on behalf of the RLECWD; • Content which is documentation of a transaction of business between the RLECWD and another party; and • Employees should make themselves familiar with the provisions of the RLECWD's Records Retention Policy to determine if an email is required to be maintained as a printed and/or electronic document. 3. Access of Another Person's Electronic Communications Employees may not intercept, eavesdrop on, record, read, alter, retrieve, receive, send, or use another person's Electronic Communications and/or storage without proper authorization. Employees, including system administrators and Supervisors, may not, without authorization, peruse Electronic Communications and/or Electronic Storage of other employees. 4. RLECWD-Wide Web Ssite Policies The external (or public) RLECWD World Wide-web site and all domains owned and maintained by the RLECWD represent a fundamental communication tool for providing critical RLECWD information. The goal of the collective web-sites is to encourage increased participation in RLECWD activities. The internal intranet web-site provides fundamental and critical information to all employees to assist in accomplishing the RLECWD's mission. Towards this end, the development and use of the RLECWD's sites are guided by the web-site policy: The RLECWD's IT providerjs responsible for the District department regarding the creation and implementation of their respective web-sites, helping departments to comply with the web policies, and maintaining and securing the web servers and web site. • The RLECWD's web-site is for "official use" only. All information disseminated through the web-site must be related to the official duties and responsibilities of employees and department, • The California Public Records Act applies to information processed, sent, and stored on the Internet. Confidential information should not be posted on the RLECWD's external web-site. Management must approve all information that is posted on the web site. • No RLECWD employee or official may use any RLECWD web site for campaign-related purposes. Such campaign-related purposes include, but are not limited to, the following: statements in support or opposition to any candidate or ballot measure; requests for campaign funds or references to any solicitations of campaign funds; and references to the campaign schedule or activities of any candidate. The RLECWD official web-site may not be linked to any private web-site related to a candidate's campaign for elective office, but it may link directly to the home page of the election-related pages where general election and candidate information can be found. 5. Internet Access to the Internet has been provided to staff members for the benefit of the RLECWD and its members. It allows employees to connect to information resources around the world. Every staff member has the responsibility to maintain and enhance the organizations' public image and to use the Internet in a productive manner. Employees accessing the Internet are representing the RLECWD. Employees are responsible for seeing that the Internet is used in an effective, ethical, and lawful manner. To ensure that all employees are responsible, productive Internet users and are protecting RLECWD's public image, the following guidelines have been established: a. Unacceptable Use of the Internet All existing RLECWD policies apply to employee use of computers, olectronie Electronic eomFftunicationsCommunications, electronic information, and the Internet. This includes policies that deal with misuse of RLECWD assets or resources. It is a violation of RLECWD policy to use computers, electronic Electronic communicationscommunications. electronic information, or the Internet, in a manner that is: discriminatory, harassing, or obscene; constitutes copyright or trademark infringement; violates software licensing rules; is illegal; or is against RLECWD policy. It is also a violation of policy to use computers, electronic Electronic communicationscommunications. electronic information, or the Internet to communicate confidential or sensitive information or trade secrets. While it is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of every type of inappropriate use of the Internet, all users should be aware that appropriate use of the Internet includes, but is not limited to, the following rules: • Never use an account assigned to another user; • Never make an unauthorized attempt to enter any computer; • Never post, send, or provide access to any confidential Employer materials or information; • Never post or send publications of discriminatory, offensive, harassing, defamatory, or confidential remarks about other employees; • Never access or send sexually-suggestive material; • No gambling; • No trademark, copyright, and licensing stipulation infringements; • No proprietary and confidential information; • No solicitation, according to the RLECWD's policy; • No personal sites; and • No threatening or inappropriate blogs. b. Communications Each employee is responsible for the content of all text, audio, or images that they place or send over the Internet. Fraudulent, harassing, or obscene messages are prohibited. All messages communicated over the Internet should have your name attached. No messages should be transmitted under an assumed name. Employees may not attempt to obscure the origin of any message. Information published on the Internet should not violate or infringe upon the rights of others. No abusive, profane, or offensive language is transmitted through the system. c. Monitoring of Communications and Passwords The RLECWD reserves the right to inspect all RLECWD property to ensure compliance with its rules and regulations, without notice to the employee and at any time, not necessarily in the employee's presence. RLECWD computers and all electronic communications and electronic information are subject to monitoring and no one should expect privacy regarding such use. The RLECWD reserves the right to access, review, and monitor electronic files, information, messages, text messages, email, Internet history, browser-based webmail systems, and other digital archives and to access, review, and monitor the use of computers, software, and electronic communications to ensure that no misuse or violation of RLECWD policy or any law occurs. E-mail may be monitored by the RLECWD and there is no expectation of privacy. Assume that e-mail may be accessed, forwarded, read, or heard by someone other than the intended recipient, even if marked as private." Employee passwords may be used for purposes of security but the use of a password does not affect the RLECWD's ownership of the electronic information or ability to monitor the information. The RLECWD may override an employee's password for any reason. All passwords created by the user or issued to the user are for the purpose of communication and are not to be shared, given, or otherwise disclosed to any other person. Passwords must not be shared and will be changed periodically by the RLECWD staff to ensure security. All security features contained within the RLECWD's Electronic Communications Systems such as passwords, codes, or delete functions will not prevent the RLECWD from accessing employees' business or personal Electronic Communications, stored or otherwise, on the Electronic Communications Systems. d. No Right of Privacy The RLECWD respects the individual privacy of its employees. However, employee privacy does not extend to the employee's work-related conduct or to the use of RLECWD-provided equipment or supplies. Employees should be aware that the terms of this Policy limit their privacy in the workplace. The RLECWD's Electronic Communications Systems, Electronic Communications, and Electronic Storage are the RLECWD's property and are intended for RLECWD business. All Electronic Communications and Electronic Storage within these systems are the property of the RLECWD, regardless of the content, including any personal communications. The RLECWD reserves the right to monitor the Electronic Communications Systems for any reason, including the right to review, audit, and disclose all matters sent over and/or stored in the Electronic Communications Systems. As a result, employees should be aware that no Electronic Communications transmitted on the Electronic Communications Systems, or Electronic Storage contained within the systems, is private or confidential. Employees should have no expectation of privacy with respect to any use, including storage, business or personal, of the RLECWD's Electronic Communications Systems. Employees should be aware that Electronic Communications and/or Electronic Storage can be copied, modified, and/or forwarded to others without the express permission of the original author. Therefore, employees must use caution in the storage, transmission, and dissemination of Electronic Communications outside of the RLECWD and must comply with all state and federal laws. Electronic Communications and/or Electronic Storage of the RLECWD may be recognized as official records in need of protection/retention in accordance with the laws of California. All e-mail and Internet messages are subject to state and federal laws, including but not limited to the California Public Records Act, open meeting laws, and the federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The California Public Records Act (CPRA), Government Code Section 6520, et seq requires the RLECWD to make all public records available for inspection and to provide copies upon request. A public record is any writing (which includes electronic documents) related to the conduct of the public's business prepared, owned, used, or retained by the RLECWD. The CPRA includes a number of exceptions from the disclosure requirement. Any information on the RLECWD's information system may be subject to disclosure under the CPRA. If there is some doubt, the employee should contact his or her department manager for advice as to whether the information is public record. All public records must be retained in accordance with the RLECWD's Record Retention Policy. 6. Social Networking The RLECWD views social networks such as web based discussion or conversation pages and other forms of social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, etc, as significant new forms of public communication. As such, we hold all of our employees who engage in social networking to the same standards we hold for any public communications. Therefore, all employees have an obligation to the RLECWD to ensure that any public communication they make, including social networking communications, must not negatively impact the reputation of the RLECWD or bring disrepute in any way to the RLECWD, its partners, customers, suppliers, etc. Further, only a select group of employees are authorized to publicly speak on behalf the RLECWD, per our Media Contact policy. Violations of this policy will result in discipline, which may include termination, depending on the severity of the situation and its impact on the RLECWD. Additionally, engaging in social networking during your workday can negatively impact your productivity and work performance. Therefore, it is your responsibility to regulate your social networking so that it does not impact your productivity or cause performance issues. Identified below are general guidelines and examples of prohibited communications. Please note that this list contains examples only and is not intended to be, nor is it, an exhaustive list of prohibited communications. The absence of. or lack of explicit reference to, a specific site does not limit the extent of the application of this policy. Where no policy or guideline exists, employees should use their professional judgment and take the most prudent action possible. Consult with your manager if you are uncertain. Nothing herein shall prohibit an employee from discussing the terms and conditions of employment via social media with fellow employees. General Guidelines and Examples of Prohibited Communications: • You may not use the RLECWD's logo on your posts unless given written consent by the General Manager. • Do not link to the RLECWD's website or post RLECWD material on a social media site without written permission. • All RLECWD policies that regulate off-duty conduct apply to social media activity including, but not limited to, policies related to illegal harassment, code of conduct, non-competition, protecting confidential and/or proprietary information. Violation of this policy may lead to discipline up to and including termination. 7. Software To prevent computer viruses from being transmitted through the system, there will be no unauthorized downloading of any software or applications. a. Policy and Guidelines for RLECWD-Provided Mobile Device The following policy and guidelines inform RLECWD-provided mobile device users of their allowable usage and features available for business and limited personal use. This document policy also serves to make clear the responsibility of mobile device users to take proper care of the RLECWD furnished equipment entrusted to them. Mobile device care is the responsibility of each mobile device user. Failure to adhere to the guidelines listed below may result in personal liability and/or retraction of device privileges. b. RLECWD expects mobile-device users to: • Protect their RLECWD-issued device from theft, damage, abuse, and unauthorized use; • If the device is lost or stolen, the user will notify the RLECWD within one hour, or as soon as practical after you notice the device is missing. RLECWD will lock and disable the device upon notification. A lost or stolen device will be replaced a maximum of three times, pending availability of devices and funding; • Maintain usage within the plan parameters. If your business use requirements are dramatically different than the standard plan, you must contact the General Manager to discuss other available options; Comply with RLECWD appropriate use policies when using the device; • Abide by the law governing the use of mobile cell phones and/or smartphones while driving (e.g., hands-free use and/or texting); and • Purchase, at their own expense, any additional mobile device accessories (e.g., holsters, cases, car chargers, screen protectors, Bluetooth headsets, etc.) that the user may desire in addition to the items provided by the RLECWD. c. Privacy Expectations: RLECWD employees do not have a right, nor should they have an expectation, of privacy while using RLECWD provided devices at anytime, including accessing the Internet and using e-mail and voice communications. To the extent that employees wish that their private activities remain private, they should avoid using the RLECWD provided device for limited personal use. By acceptance of the RLECWD provided device, employees imply their consent to disclosing and/or the monitoring of device usage, including the contents of any files or information maintained or passed -through that device. d. Additional Guidelines: • RLECWD Bookkeeper has complete oversight and management of device usage and expenses. • The RLECWD-provided devices are being provided as a productivity tool for business use. RLECWD reserves the right to terminate services for non-use, limited business use, or excessive personal use. The policy for terminating voice and data services for non-usage is 30 days. • Due to voice plan minute restrictions, employees should opt to use their work landline phone, when at their workstation, to make and receive calls. • RLECWD reserves the right to recall/disconnect RLECWD-provided mobile devices due to budget restrictions or changes to deployment priorities. Questions related to the above Policy and Guidelines should be directed to your supervisor. All software and application downloads will be done through the IT staff. Voice Mail The phone system is equipped with a very efficient and easy to use voice mail system. You should change your voice mail message if you are going to be out of the office. Smoking In accordance with California State law, the entire building is considered a non-smoking area, including use of e-cigarettes. An ashtray and smoking area are provided outside the backdoor of the garage.T Security Security is important to everyone. You are asked to not discuss the security of the RLECWD premises or services with any individual not employed by the RLECWD. Additionally, neither the RLECWD nor its insurance carriers take any liability for your personal belongings. You are encouraged to secure personal belongings to the best of your ability. The building is secured with electronic keypads for access before and after hours. You will be given a confidential code, not to be shared with anyone. Since the RLECWD retains the right to search its property or facilities at any time (including employee-assigned desks, files and computer systems), if you have anything of a private nature that you wish not to be subjected to discovery during such searches, these items should be kept in your briefcase, purse or lunch bag, though RLECWD cannot guarantee the privacy of these items. Solicitation and Distribution Soliciting your co-workers when either of you is on work time being paid for by the RLECWD is prohibited, including the use of e-mail. Distribution or posting of pamphlets, leaflets, or any other literature in the RLECWD office is prohibited except in the employee break room. Workers' Compensation Disclaimer Notice The RLECWD or its insurance carrier may not be liable for the payment of workers' compensation benefits for any injury which arises out of your voluntary participation in any off-duty recreational, social or athletic activity which is not a part of your workrelated duties. Return-to-Work Program (RTW) In an effort to minimize serious disability due to on-the-job and off-the-job injuries and illnesses and to reduce workers' compensation costs (if applicable), the RLECWD has developed a Return-to-work program. This policy is consistent with the district's responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act to provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities. The General Manager will assist by directing the employee to appropriate care and assisting in proper reporting of the injury or illness while maintaining a positive and constant flow of communication with the injured worker. They will also assist in arranging work which meets "light duty" restrictions, as needed and available, to reduce lost time. The RLECWD management staff will work with the workers' compensation carrier (if applicable) and the physician to assist with the assessment of the employee's ability to return to work. Together they-will actively-encourage the treating physician to release the injured worker to work as soon as possible. By this joint effort, the RLECWD will help the injured/ill worker recover at a more rapid rate, gain production for wages paid, minimize the employees' wage loss, and reduce workers' compensation costs. Break Room The RLECWD has a -"kitchen" for your use during breaks and at lunch. It is important that you clean up after yourself. Do not leave any dirty dishes, wipe off the counters, and clean the inside of the microwave if there is any splattering of food during cooking. • Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate: These items are available for your use and convenience, so help yourself. • Making Coffee: If you find that the coffee pot is running low, please make the next pot of coffee. If you're not sure how to make the coffee, ask someone to help you. When the coffee has been made, throw the grounds in the garbage (not in the sink), rinse the basket, and place it in the drainer for the next person to use. • Refrigerator: The refrigerator is available for your convenience. However, there are 10 employees using the refrigerator, so please limit the amount of items you put in it. Also, it will be cleaned out every Friday, so please throw away any old items and take home any dishes, Tupperware, etc. If you have items that you want to keep, please put your name on them. Supplies It is the RLECWD's intent to provide you with everything you need to do your job. Basic supplies are kept in the supply room. Property Return Agreement Upon employment with the RLECWD, each employee may complete a Property Return Agreement if they receive any RLECWD property. Property includes, but is not limited to, laptops, cell phones, PDAs, equipment, keys, reports, proprietary information, and any other job related materials. All RLECWD property must be returned prior to departure. Exit Interview The General Manager is responsible for scheduling an exit interview with you on your last date of employment and for arranging the return of the RLECWD's property. Benefits Medical, Dental, and Vision benefits end on the last day of the month of your employment. Disability coverage requires "active" employment; therefore coverage for this ends on your last day worked. COBRA notification will be sent directly to your home. Deferred Compensation Plan If you are enrolled in a deferred compensation program, complete the forms necessary and follow the instructions. You should contact the plan carrier to ensure you completely understand your options. From ACWA/JPIA Personnel Handbook Recognition Policy Purpose of the Policy The purpose of this policy is to promote employee morale, efficiency, initiative and retention. In the normal course of RLECVVDOisteet operations, the Board of Directors recognizess that District employees accomplish various achievements and other job related successes for which recognition is both desirable and warranted. Significant events may occur in the lives of employees during their term of employment with the District that would warrant District recognition. The recognition of such accomplishments and milestones can improve employee safety, morale and job performance. Because the District is a direct beneficiary of increased employee safety, morale and job performance, the Board of Directors has established a policy for discretionary employee recognition and retention-related expenses. Policy The Board of Directors authorizes the General Manager to spend monies, not -to exceed $150.00 per employee per annum, for the following purposes: 1. Employee job-related achievement or superior performance recognition. 2. Employee exemplary safety record. 3. Employee superior customer service, outstanding teamwork and/or- exceptional efforts to display and exemplify the District's Mission Statement and and its Strategic Plan Goals. 4. Employment anniversary dates and retirements, birth of an employee's child, and bereavement acknowledgments for the death of an employee or his/her immediate family member. 5. Other similar milestones, successes, achievements and/or events as deemed appropriate by the General Manager and in accordance with applicable law. Types of expenses authorized under this policy are for items such as: plaques, flowers, cards, refreshments, or other minor items. Policy Review This policy is consistent with State law and will be reviewed at least biennially. Further, this policy will be utilized in the District's annual budgeting process. from Sacramento Suburban Water District's Policies^ Acknowledgment of Receipt of Handbook After you have read this handbook and have clarified any issues with your managersupervisor, please complete and sign both copies of the following statement. Two copies are provided, one for your records and one for the RLECWD's records. Detach one copy and return it to your supervisor or the General Manager within five days of receiving this handbook. RLECWD Employee Handbook Receipt (employee copy) I have received my copy of the RLECWD's employee handbook. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to read and familiarize myself with and follow the policies and procedures contained in the handbook. I understand that, any and all policies or practices can be changed at any time by the RLECWD. I understand and agree that, other than the General Manager of the RLECWD, no manager, supervisor or representative of the RLECWD has authority to enter into any agreement, expressed or implied, for employment for any specific period of time, or to make any agreement for employment; only the General Manager has the authority to make any such agreement and then only in writing, signed by the General Manager. My signature below certifies that I understand that the foregoing personnel policy and entire agreement between the RLECWD and myself concerning the duration of my employment. It supersedes all prior agreements, understandings and representations concerning the duration of my employment. Employee's Signature: Sign, date, and keep this copy for your records. Date: RIO LINDA ELVERTA Items for Discussion and Action Agenda Item: 4.5 Date: February 9, 2015 Subject: Proposed Public Records Act Request Policy Staff Contact: Mary Henrici, General Manager Recommended Committee Action: The Finance and Administrative Committee recommends the Board approve the Public Records Request Policy. Current Background and Justification: Upon review of the District's current Policy Manual, it was determined that there was not a policy of the District for public records requests. To ensure staff has a clear guideline when fulfilling the public's request for information about the District, a policy was written. The proposed policy was sent to legal for review. Conclusion: The General Counsel has reviewed the policy and it is recommended by staff to present the policy to the full Board for approval. Board Action / Motion Motioned by: Director Seconded by Director Dills: Green: Ridilla: Anderson: (A) Yea (N) Nay (Ab) Abstain (Abs) Absent Harris:, RLECWD Agenda Item Checklist Item 4.5 Date Initial Potential Meeting Date 2/09/15 Circle HighX&TedJurjyLow priority of Item and Identify if in line with Mission/ Goal/Strategic Planning issues or state of emergency Proposed Public Records Act Request Policy 1/30/15 Staff Work Completed (Includes reviewing, researching item with other resources (ACWA, JPIA, RWA, SGA, other Water or special districts, District Engineer, Legal Counsel then laying out business cases, pros and cons, options and recommendations based on best information available, etc. Committee Review of Item and Staff Work 2/04/15 Review by appropriate^nance/Administratiorj)Projects /Planning or Ad Hoc Committees, to prepare board recommendations Formal Legal Counsel Review Legal Counsel should have enough time to review all potential legal matters for correctness and legality GM Review 1/30/15 Actual Meeting Date Set for Agenda Item 2/09/15 PROPOSED PUBLIC RECORDS ACT REQUEST POLICY 1. The California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.) provides California citizens with important rights to obtain access to records held by public agencies in the State. The purpose of this policy is to clarify for the public, attorneys, insurance adjusters, and private investigators, the process by which the District will respond to requests for records under the Public Records Act. In addition, the District seeks to establish a clear procedure for responding to Public Records Act requests to ensure that the District processes all requests fairly, consistently and in a time sensitive manner. 1. The District prefers that all requests for public records be in writing on a form prescribed by the District Manager, unless the request is to review an agenda or agenda reports of the Board of Directors or a District committee. Oral requests may require further clarification or a response to questions from the District to clarify the request. 2. The General Manager will provide its initial response to all requests as soon as possible, but not later than the ten-day period, or extensions thereof, as provided by Government Code sections 6256 and 6256.1. In accordance with the Public Records Act, this initial response will indicate whether the District has any disclosable records in response to the request. The following steps will be taken to make this determination. 1. The General Manager shall review the request and determine whether the request seeks identifiable records and, if not, the General Manager shall so advise the person making the request. 2. The General Manager shall request all District Departments which may have the records being requested to search their files and report back to the General Manager on whether the Department has the records and, if so, when the records can be made available to the person seeking them. 3. The General Manager shall respond to the person requesting records by advising him or her in writing of the availability of the documents and whether disclosure of any of the documents is exempt under the provisions of the Public Records Act. 3. After the initial response from the District and if disclosable documents are identified, the person requesting such documents may either inspect the documents at the District office or request a copy of such documents. If a request is made for copies of the documents, the General Manager shall also advise the person requesting copies of the estimated time to compile the documents and the costs of copying the documents requested. 3. The person requesting the copies shall pay the per page charge for copying as set forth by resolution of the District Board for all copies requested. The General Manager shall not make the requested copies until a deposit in the amount of the estimated costs of copying is received and shall not release the copies until the full cost of copying is paid to the District in the form of a check or money order. Cash is not accepted by the District. 3. 4. In accordance with the Public Records Act, the District will provide only specific identifiable records but will not research District records for particular information or analyze information which may be contained within any public records. The District is not required to create a document or record that does not exist. The District will exercise reasonable efforts to locate requested documents normally kept by the District. The District will respond to requests for public records in accordance with the terms of the California Public Records Act as the Act now exists or may hereafter be amended, and nothing in this Policy is intended nor shall it be construed to conflict with the terms of the Public Records Act. PROPOSED PUBLIC RECORDS ACT REQUEST POLICY 1. The California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.) provides California citizens with important rights to obtain access to records held by public agencies in the State. The purpose of this policy is to clarify for the public, attorneys, insurance adjusters, and private investigators, the process by which the District will respond to requests for records under the Public Records Act, In addition, the District seeks to establish a clear procedure for responding to Public Records Act requests to ensure that the District processes all requests fairly, consistently and in a time sensitive manner. 1. The District prefers that Aall requests for public records shell-be in writing on a form prescribed by the District Manager, unless the request is to review an agenda or agenda reports of the Board of Directors or a District committee. Oral requests may require further clarification or a response to questions from the District to clarify the request. 2. The General Manager will provide its initial respond response to all requests as soon as possible, but not later than the ten-day period, or extensions thereof, as provided by Government Code Sections sections 6256 and 6256.1. In accordance with the Public Records Act, this initial response will indicate whether the District has any disclosable records in response to the request. The following steps will be taken to make this determination. 1. The General Manager shall review the request and determine whether the request seeks identifiable records and, if not, the General Manager shall so advise the person making the request. 2. The General Manager shall request all District Departments which may have the records being requested to search their files and report back to the General Manager on whether the Department has the records and, if so, when the records can be made available to the person seeking them. 3. The General Manager shall respond to the person requesting records by advising him or her in writing of the availability of the documents and whether disclosure of any of the documents is exempt under the provisions of the Public Records Act. 4r 3_. After the initial response from the District and if disclosable documents are identified, the person requesting such documents may either inspect the documents at the District office or request a copy of such documents. If a request is made for copies of the rocordsdocuments. the General Manager shall also advise the person requesting copies of the estimated time to compile the documents and the costs of copying the records documents requested. 5r 3^ The person requesting the copies shall pay the per page charge for copying as set forth by resolution of the District Board for all copies requested. The General Manager shall not make the requested copies until a deposit in the amount of the estimated costs of copying is received and shall not release the copies until the full cost of copying is paid to the District inm the form of a check or money order. Cash is not accepted by the District. 3. 4. In accordance with the Public Records Act, the District will provide only specific identifiable records but will not research District records for particular types of information or analyze information which may be contained within any public records. The District is not required to create a document or record that does not exist. The District will exercise reasonable efforts to locate requested documents normally kept by the District. The District will respond to requests for public records in accordance with the terms of the California Public Records Act as the Act now exists or may hereafter be amended, and nothing in this Policy is intended nor shall it be construed to conflict with the terms of the Public Records Act. RIO LINDA ELVERTA Items for Discussion and Action Agenda Item: 4.6 Date: February 9, 2015 Subject: Special District Legislative Days May 19 & 20, 2015 Staff Contact: Mary Henrici, General Manager Recommended Committee Action: This item was not reviewed by committee. Current Background and Justification: The Special District Legislative Days will be held on May 19 and 20, 2015. This is an opportunity for the special District's to talk directly with our legislators about our issues. A flyer with information about the event is attached. The cost is $175.00 per person. Conclusion: Speaking with our legislators directly regarding our District could be helpful for us when looking for funding for the many needs of the agency. It has been past policy for the full Board to approve individual Board members going to such events. Directors Dills and Anderson attended this event last year. Board Action / Motion Motioned by: Director Seconded by Director Dills: Green: Ridilla: Anderson: (A) Yea (N) Nay (Ab) Abstain (Abs) Absent Harris:_ RLECWD Agenda Item Checklist Item 4. 4? Date Initial Potential Meeting Date 2/09/15 Circle High/Medium/Low priority of Item and Identify if in line with Mission/ Goal/Strategic Planning issues or state of emergency Special District Legislative Day 2/06/15 Staff Work Completed (Includes reviewing, researching item with other resources (ACWA, JPIA, RWA, SGA, other Water or special districts, District Engineer, Legal Counsel then laying out business cases, pros and cons, options and recommendations based on best information available, etc. Committee Review of Item and Staff Work N/A Review by appropriate Finance/Administration, Projects/Planning or Ad Hoc Committees, to prepare board recommendations Formal Legal Counsel Review N/A Legal Counsel should have enough time to review all potential legal matters for correctness and legality GM Review 2/06/15 Actual Meeting Date Set for Agenda Item 2/09/15 OPPORTUNITY • EXPLORE * INFLUENCE SPECIAL DISTRICTS LEGISLATIVE DAYS HSHQ EARLY BIRD PRICING - REGISTER ON OR BEFORE APRIL 17,2015 • CSDA Member -$175 Early Registration/$225 Regular Registration • Non-Member - $275 Early Registration / $325 Regular Registration Three Ways to Register • Online: Visit csda.net/conferences • Fax number: 916.520.2465. All faxed forms must include credit card payment • Mail: CSDA, 1 1 1 2 1 Street, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95814. Please include registration form and payment Checks should be made payable to: California Special Districts Association. Who qualifies for "member" rates? All California Special Districts Association and Special District Risk Management Authority members. Not sure if you are a member? Simply contact Cathrine Lemaire at [email protected] or call toll-free at 877-924-2732. It's not too late to become a CSDA member. Registration includes the evening reception, legislative visits arranged by CSDA, written materials and meals as indicated in the agenda. Payment must accompany registration in order to process. D CSDA Member: S175/EARLY BIRD D Non-Member: S225/EARLY BIRD n D Non-Member: S325/AFTER APRIL 17 CSDA Member: S275/AFTER APRIL 17 TotalS: NameATitie: Address: State: Phone: ZIP: Fax: Email: Emergency Contact Name/Phone Number: LEGISLATIVE VISITS CSDA will make every attempt to schedule meetings with your region's legislative representatives or staff. D Yes, I want to participate in prearranged meetings in the Capitol D Check D Visa D MasterCard D Discover D No, i do not want to participate in prearranged meetings in the Capitol D American Express Acct. name: Acct. Number Expiration date: Authorized Signature: SPECIAL NEEDS D Vegetarian D Other: CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations must be made IN WRITING and received via fax or mail three days prior to event. All cancellations made within the specified time will be refunded less a $75 processing fee. NO EXCEPTIONS. California Special Districts Association 1112 I Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA95814 H0EH ..!.::,. r-cs.ngo rum Permit No. 316 Sacramenlo, CA A proud California Special Districts Alliance partner. Agenda At A Glance TUESDAY, MAY 19 9:30-10:00 a.m. : 10:00-10:15 a.m. 10:15-10:45 a.m. 11:00a.m.- 12:00 p.m. 12:00 -2:00 p.m. 2:00 -5:00 p.m. 5:00 -6:30 p.m. HOTEL ^REGISTRATION^ TWELCOME^ INFORMATION MMMHMi ; LOCAL GOVERNMENT PANEL Sheraton Grand Sacramento "riEGiSLAfivE BRIEFING"' LUNCH & CAPITOL INSIGHTS | LEGISLATIVE VISITS T LEGISLATIVE RECEPTION Sacramento CA 95814 WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 7:45 -8:30 a.m. : DISTRICT NETWORKS CAFE 8:30 -8:40 a.m. | WELCOME 8:40 -8:50 a.m. i LEGISLATOR OFTHEYEAR AWARD 8:50 -9:35 a.m. \E 9:35 -10:20 a.m. | PANEL ; 1 0:35 am.- 12:00 p.m. | ROUNDTABLES 12:00 -1:15pTni" " TiuNCH&PRIORrTlEsb^ERvTEw" 1:15- 1:30 p.m. | CLOSING REMARKS $172CSDAroom rate. Call to reserve at 1-800-325-3535. Ms. Mary Henrici Rio Linda-Elverta Community Water District Po Sox 400 Rio Linda, CA 95673-0400 |liiiil|i|l|ll|iilliil|||iiiilil|i||llilli 5:00 p.m. cut-off on April 17, 2015. FACEBOOK.COM/SPECIALDISTRICT California Special Districts Association Districts Stronger Together SPECIAL DISTRICTS LEGISLATIVE PAYS to meet with legislators, key issue experts and Ca ifornia's leaders to hear first-hand about the latest legislative proposals directly affecting the delivery of essential local services. how decisions are really made in the Capitol and how you can outcomes. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT! Register at csda.net/conferences I i^WBBH«»».;,,.,._ _ May 19-20,2015 TO BE HELD AT THE GRAND 1215 J Street • Sacramento, CA 95814 1746 6 RIO LINDA ELVERTA Information Items Agenda Item: 5.1 Date: February 9, 2015 Subject: District Reports Staff Contact: Mary Henrici, General Manager 1. DISTRICT ACTIVITY REPORT a. General Manager's Report b. Operations Report Managers Report January 8, 2015 to February 4, 2015 It has been reported by the Regional Water Authority that our agency saved 19.8% in water consumption in 2014 compared to 2013 figures. The Regional Water Authority met and approved the audit for fiscal year 2013-14. Membership was approved for Yuba City and 5 affiliate members. The Executive Committee Board of Directors was also elected. The new Executive Committee consists of: Robert Dugan, PCWA, Spencer Short, City of Lincoln, Kerry Schmitz, Sacramento Co. Water Agency, Debra Sedwick, Del Paso Manor, Bill George, El Dorado Irrigation District, Marcus, Yasutake, City of Folsom, Jim Peifer City of Sacramento, and Rob Roscoe, Sacramento Suburban Water District. The Water Forum successor effort group met and discussed the carryover storage alternative that they have modeled for Folsom Lake. The Water Forum Executive Director Mr. Gohring feels they have come up with a carryover storage plan that increases the amount of days with cold water flow to the American River for fish spawning and increases the amount of carryover storage in Folsom Lake. The Bureau of Reclamation would need to approve this plan before it is implemented. Additional habitat restoration projects that will be carried out this spring were discussed and weather projections were reported by several agencies. I have been told by their staff that Richard Hinrichs, Chief, Northern California Section (Division of Drinking Water) and Jule Rizzardo Chief, Small Community Wastewater and Drinking Water Section (Division of Financial Assistance) of the State Water Resources Control Board will be attending our ribbon cutting event. I attended Supervisor Mac Glashan's bimonthly meeting. The guest speakers were Larry Greene, the Executive Director of Air Quality Management District who discussed possible funding for Cap and Trade projects. The Director of Child Protective Services also made a short presentation on the duties of their department. Our bookkeeper, Deborah Denning, and I attended training and received certification on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This act protects employee's personal information and requires staff that view personnel records to be certified in the handling of these confidential documents. We also received training on the new Human Resources laws that take effect this year. Electronic billing has been implemented by the front office staff. The company website now has a place for the public to request paperless bills. It is our hope that this measure will save the District postage costs in the future. Route 21 is being retrofitted with remote read meters. Routes 21 through 26 are currently read manually. Staff is replacing at least 1 route per year with new more accurate meters. I attended the Sacramento Groundwater contamination meeting. Letters had been written by the Sacramento Groundwater Authority and SWRCB regarding hexavalent chromium. There was a discussion among the authors of the letters. It was revealed that the military base is reviewing their initial study on hexavalent chromium as the maximum contaminant level has changed. It was noted that they will be reviewing the past data collected and there will be no new sampling on or off base at this time. There was considerable discussion regarding the initial background numbers determination, it was determined this issue will be reviewed further. On January 27, 2015 the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) lifted the District's building moratorium. The moratorium was put on the District in November of 2007 as part of a compliance order. I attended the Rio Linda/Elverta Community Planning Advisory Council meeting and provided the documentation lifting our building moratorium to the group. The County Planner in attendance will be passing this information on to the appropriate people in his department. Our Municipal Service Review required by LAFCO has been on hold until the completion of our projects. I am currently submitting the data necessary to complete this review. Staff has received training on the operation of our new facilities. The Sacramento River Diversion Group met and was provided a power point presentation on the work done to date by West Yost. It was felt the project scoping study will be completed by sometime this summer. The notice to proceed and executed contract was presented to Weber General Engineering on January 29, 2015. The labor compliance, contract associated with the construction has been executed and the pre construction meetings will be taking place during the week of February 9, 2015. RIO LINDA/ELVERTA C.W.D. 2015 REPORT OF DISTRICT OPERATIONS IWater Production (Million Gallons) January February March 36.5 36,479,536 July August I I Gallons = Multiply M.G. by: Gallons Cubic Feet = Divide gallons by: Cubic Feet Hundred Cu Ft. = Divide cu. ft. by: Hundred Cubic Feet Acre Ft.= Divide gallons by: Water Quality Complaints January I Acre Ft. Complaints Total (Low Psi Complaints) February March April May New Construction Existing Homes Paid prior to increase. (2 not installed) Total of Service Connections to Date Deterioration January 1 thru 31 Damaged January 1 thru 31 Routine Raw Water Well Samples Jauary 1, 2015 - January 31, 2015 4 - Distribution leaks repaired by District staff, 0 - by Contractor or with contractor assistance. Work Orders Issued - 73 Work Orders Completed - 47 USA's Issued -145 Change Out Meter-28 Change Out Meter-4 General Complaint-1 General Complaint-1 Get Current Read -10 Get Current Read -11 Other Work - 1 Possible Leak - 10 Possible Leak-10 Pressure Complaint - 2 Pressure Complaint - 2 Tag Property - 14 Taste or Odor Complaint - 1 Turn Off Service - 3 Turn On Service - 1 Tag Property -15 Turn Off Service-3 RIO LINDA/ELVERTA C.W.D. WATER PRODUCTION 2011 \2015 Water Production in Million Gallons SSWD Water Purchases Month 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 \\«. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 JAN 36.4 47 39 43.2 36.5 40.42 0 0.009 0 0 0 FEB 31.8 39.3 36.5 31.6 34.80 0 0 0 0 0 MAR 34.7 41.1 51.7 37 41.13 0 0.002 0 0 0 APRIL 47.8 42 66.6 45 50.35 0 0 0 0 0 MAY 76.4 94 106.5 82.4 89.83 0.019 0.01 0 0 0 JUNE 95.3 120 125.3 109.2 112.45 0.71 0.12 0.002 2.8 2.8 JULY 122.4 142.2 149.4 116 132.50 0.025 0.26 0 0 0 AUG 129.4 139.7 134.5 101.3 126.23 0.012 0.3 0 0 0 SEPT 112.2 109.7 101 85.9 102.20 0.003 7.6 0.01 0 0 OCT 58.4 77.8 83 67 71.55 0.001 0 0 0 0 NOV 41.9 41 58 42 45.73 0 0 0 0 0 DEC 42 37.5 43.4 37.4 40.08 0 0 0 0 0 828.7 931.3 994.9 798 36.5 888.225 0.77 8.301 0.012 2.8 2.8 TOTAL 160 140 120 +-f—I— 100 MILLIONS OF GALLONS 80 60 40 20 r MONTHS 12011 B2012 B2013 02014 B2015 2014 Projects Removed Hydro pneumatic tanks at wells 2A, 3, 5, 7, 9 Upgraded Motor Controls at wells 7 and 9 Upgraded chlorine injection systems at well 7 and 9 Installed 183 new Radio read meters in route 20, replaced 188 other failed or non reading meters in other routes with radio read meters L Street reservoir project. 77 Distribution system leak repairs of which 18 services were completely replaced with all new material. Field staff were issued 880 customer service work orders. Field staff responded to 513 USA (underground facility alert) requests to mark our underground facilities Added eye wash stations to all District well sites. Replaced large meters at Rio Linda High School, Rio Linda Jr. High School, and Westside Park RIO LINDA ELVERTA Information Items Agenda Item: 5.2 Date: February 9, 2015 Subject: Board Reports Staff Contact: Mary Henrici, General Manager 2. BOARD REPORTS a. b. c. d. e. Regional Water Authority - Dills, Henrici Sacramento Groundwater Authority - Green, Harris LAFCO-Green Planning Committee -Dills, Harris Finance / Administrative Committee - Ridilla, Anderson f. Other Reports February 4, 2015, Finance and Administrative Committee Meeting Minutes Committee Chair John Ridilla opened the meeting at 5:00 PM. Attendees: Director John Ridilla, District General Manager Mary Henrici. Member of the public: Mary Harris. Meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM. Public Comment. There was no public comment. Agenda Items 1. Review and discuss the Expenditures of the District for the month of January 2015. -Check 3499 was for low flow shower heads. - Director Ridilla asked for a running budget status for all projects to be included in all future board packets to track project expense. General Manager Henrici said that she will provide. Committee Recommendation: Recommend approval to the full Board of Directors 2. Additional Proposed Personal Policies - Additional changes were made by legal. No objection from Director Ridilla to propose changes. Committee Recommendation: Recommend approval to the full Board of Directors. 3. Proposed Public Records Act Request Policy - Director Ridilla was briefed on the requirements for requests in CA and how they differ from Federal law. It was noted that the request for documents does not have to in writing and that payment of fees was required prior to material being provided to the person requesting them. Committee Recommendation: Recommend approval to the full Board of Directors. Non Agenda Items - Director Ridilla asked about bond review. General Manager Henrici said it was a topic for the full board next meeting. Director Ridilla asked if we could publicize paperless billing in different venues. General Manager Henrici said she would take additional steps. The meeting was adjourned at 5:26 PM COMPLETED AND PENDING ITEMS FROM PAST MEETINGS 02-09-15 1. Rio Linda Blvd and Front Street Pipeline Project The notice of award, and notice to proceed have been signed and the contract has been executed. COMPLETED. 2. 2014-15 Mid Year Budget Review Budget figures have been revised as approved by the Board. COMPLETED. 3. Committee Appointments and Board Assignments Duane Anderson was removed and Mary Harris was appointed to be alternate to SGA. This appointment is awaiting Board of Supervisors Approval. PENDING 4. 2003 Bond Issue General Counsel is gathering information on another legal firm to refinance the District's existing Bond issue. PENDING 5. Arborist Report The Board has determined that the tree near the District's new tank should be trimmed after construction is completed. This item will remain pending until construction is completed. PENDING
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