Editor`s Reference Manual


Editor`s Reference Manual
[EDDITORR'S REEFERENCEE MANUAL] [Summary of all tankks, APCs, veh
hicles, planess and choppe
ers together with table oof units on on
ne place] Arma 2:Combined Operations ČSLA Contents T‐72 ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 T‐72M1 ................................................................................................................................................ 5 BMP‐1 .................................................................................................................................................. 5 BMP‐2 .................................................................................................................................................. 5 BPzV‐1 Svatava .................................................................................................................................... 6 OT‐62 Topas......................................................................................................................................... 6 OT‐64C Skot ......................................................................................................................................... 6 OT‐65A Otter ....................................................................................................................................... 6 OT‐65A Otter ....................................................................................................................................... 7 BRDM‐2 ............................................................................................................................................... 7 9P148 ................................................................................................................................................... 7 PLdvK‐59 PV3S Lizard .......................................................................................................................... 7 RM‐70 .................................................................................................................................................. 8 ShKH‐77 DANA ..................................................................................................................................... 8 BMP‐2 MHQ......................................................................................................................................... 8 DTP‐90 ................................................................................................................................................. 8 OZV‐90 ................................................................................................................................................. 9 UAZ ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Tatra 813 Kolos 8x8 ............................................................................................................................. 9 Tatra 813 Kolos 8x8 (uncovered) ......................................................................................................... 9 Tatra 815 6x6 ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Tatra 815 8x8 ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Tatra 815 6x6 (uncovered) ................................................................................................................ 10 Tatra 815 8x8 (uncovered) ................................................................................................................ 10 Praga V3S covered ............................................................................................................................. 11 Praga V3S open.................................................................................................................................. 11 Praga V3S van .................................................................................................................................... 11 Tatra 815 CAP 6x6 ............................................................................................................................. 11 Tatra 815 8x8 ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Praga V3S Ammo ............................................................................................................................... 12 Praga V3S Fuel ................................................................................................................................... 12 Praga V3S MEV .................................................................................................................................. 12 Praga V3S Workshop ......................................................................................................................... 13 9P117 Scud‐B ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Praga V3S Lizard ................................................................................................................................ 13 Rowboat ............................................................................................................................................ 13 L‐39ZA Albatros ................................................................................................................................. 14 Su‐25K Frogfoot ................................................................................................................................. 14 MiG‐29A Fulcrum .............................................................................................................................. 14 MiG‐29A Fulcrum .............................................................................................................................. 14 MiG‐29A Fulcrum .............................................................................................................................. 15 Mi‐8T (unarmed) ............................................................................................................................... 15 Mi‐8T with rockets ............................................................................................................................ 15 Mi‐8T with UK vz.59 .......................................................................................................................... 15 Mi‐24D Hind ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Mi‐24V Hind ....................................................................................................................................... 16 UK vz.59 on low montage .................................................................................................................. 17 UK vz.59 on high montage ................................................................................................................. 17 AGS‐17 ............................................................................................................................................... 17 Mortar M‐52 ...................................................................................................................................... 17 Release version 2.25 2 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operations T21 ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 9K113 Konkurs ................................................................................................................................... 18 PLdvk vz.59 ........................................................................................................................................ 18 D30 .................................................................................................................................................... 18 M1A1 Abrams .................................................................................................................................... 19 M60A3 ............................................................................................................................................... 19 M113 ................................................................................................................................................. 19 M113 Ambulance .............................................................................................................................. 19 M163 VADS ........................................................................................................................................ 20 M113 MHQ ........................................................................................................................................ 20 M113 Fitter ........................................................................................................................................ 20 Land Rover Defender 110 .................................................................................................................. 21 Land Rover Defender 110 with MG ................................................................................................... 21 Land Rover Defender 110 with AGS‐17 ............................................................................................. 21 Land Rover Defender 110 with TOW ................................................................................................. 21 Motorcycle M1030 ............................................................................................................................ 22 M939 (uncovered) ............................................................................................................................. 22 M939 ................................................................................................................................................. 22 M939 Ammo ...................................................................................................................................... 22 M939 Service ..................................................................................................................................... 23 M939 Fuel .......................................................................................................................................... 23 GM M1008 with MG .......................................................................................................................... 23 GM M1008 ......................................................................................................................................... 23 GM M1008 ......................................................................................................................................... 24 AH‐1T Cobra ...................................................................................................................................... 25 AH‐6 ................................................................................................................................................... 25 MH‐6 .................................................................................................................................................. 25 UH‐60 Blackhawk with MGs .............................................................................................................. 25 UH‐60 Blackhawk with FFAR ............................................................................................................. 26 UH‐60 Blackhawk (unarmed) ............................................................................................................ 26 A‐10 Thunderbolt II ........................................................................................................................... 26 F‐5E Tiger II (Fighter) ......................................................................................................................... 26 F‐5E Tiger II (CAS) .............................................................................................................................. 27 M2 on high montage ......................................................................................................................... 28 M2 on low montage .......................................................................................................................... 28 FN MAG on tripod ............................................................................................................................. 28 Mk.19 on tripod ................................................................................................................................. 28 TOW on tripod ................................................................................................................................... 29 L119 ................................................................................................................................................... 29 Mortar M252 ..................................................................................................................................... 29 BTR‐40 with MG ................................................................................................................................ 30 BTR‐40 (uncovered) ........................................................................................................................... 30 BTR‐40 ............................................................................................................................................... 30 Datsun ............................................................................................................................................... 30 Datsun ............................................................................................................................................... 31 Datsun with DSHK .............................................................................................................................. 31 Datsun with DSHK .............................................................................................................................. 31 Datsun with PK .................................................................................................................................. 31 Datsun with PK .................................................................................................................................. 32 Datsun with T21 ................................................................................................................................ 32 Datsun ............................................................................................................................................... 32 Datsun ............................................................................................................................................... 32 3 – 37 Release version 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operations ČSLA Datsun with PK .................................................................................................................................. 33 Datsun with PK .................................................................................................................................. 33 Antonov An‐2 „Andula“ ..................................................................................................................... 34 LO vz.36 ............................................................................................................................................. 35 Bunker ............................................................................................................................................... 36 MiG‐29AS Fulcrum ............................................................................................................................. 37 Mi‐24V Hind ....................................................................................................................................... 37 MiG‐29A Fulcrum .............................................................................................................................. 37 Submarine class Oscar II .................................................................................................................... 37 Release version 2.25 4 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons ČSLA
A ‐ Armoureed BMP‐1 T‐72 Class nam
me: CSLA_T7
72 String: STR_CSLA_T7
72_khaki Crew and cargo: 3+0
0 Note: Cllass name: CSLA_BVP1 Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_BVP1_kkhaki Crrew and carg
go: 3+8 Note: BMP‐2 T‐72M11 Class nam
me: CSLA_T7
72M String: STR_CSLA_T7
72M_khaki Crew and cargo:3+0 Note: 5 – 37 Cllass name: CSLA_BVP2 Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_BVP2_kkhaki Crrew and carg
go: 3+7 Note: Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA BPzV‐11 Svatava Class nam
PZV Crew and cargo: 3+3
3 Note: OT‐62 TTopas Class nam
me: CSLA_O
OT62 String: STR_CSLA_OTT62 Crew and cargo: 3+1
16 Note: 5 Release version 2.25
OT‐64C Sko
t Cllass name: CSLA_OT64C Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_OT64C Crrew and carg
go: 3+10 Note: OT‐65A Ott
er Cllass name: CSLA_OT65A Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_OT65A Crrew and carg
go: 2+3 Note: 6 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons OT‐65A
A Otter 9P148 Class nam
me: CSLA_O
OT65A_lrr String: STR_CSLA_OTT65A_lrr Crew and cargo: 2+3
3 Note: Cllass name: CSLA_9P148 Sttring: "9P148
8" Crrew and carg
go: 2+0 Note: BRDM‐‐2 PLdvK‐59 PV
V3S Lizard Class nam
me: CSLA_BRDM2 String: "BRDM‐2" 3 Crew and cargo: 2+3
Note: Cllass name: CSLA_PLdvK559PV3S Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_PLdvK559 Crrew and carg
go: 3+2 Note: 7 – 37 Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA RM‐70 Class nam
me: CSLA_RM70 String: STR_CSLA_RM
M70 1 Crew and cargo: 3+1
Note: BMP‐2 MHQ
Q Cllass name: CSLA_ MHQm
m Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_MHQm Crrew and carg
go: 3+4 Note: Fictiouss vehicle for MP missions DTP‐90 D
ShKH‐777 DANA Class nam
HKH77 1 Crew and cargo: 3+1
Note: 5 Release version 2.25
Cllass name: CSLA_DTP90 Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_DTP90 Crrew and carg
go: 2+4 Note: Repairin
ng vehicle 8 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons OZV‐900 Ta
atra 813 Kolos 8x8 Class nam
me: CSLA_O
OZV90 String: STR_CSLA_OZZV90 Crew and cargo: 2+6
6 Note: Mobile ambulance Cllass name: CSLA_T813 Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_T813 Crrew and carg
go: 1+24 Note: ČSLLA ‐ Vehicl es Ta
atra 813 Kolos 8x8 (uuncovered
d) Cllass name: CSLA_T813o Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_T813o Crrew and carg
go: 1+24 Note: UAZ Class nam
AZ Crew and cargo: 1+4
4 Note: 9 – 37 Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA Tatra 8815 6x6 Class nam
me: CSLA_T8
815VVN6 String: STR_CSLA_T8
815VVN6 20 Crew and cargo: 1+2
Note: Tatra 8815 8x8 Class nam
me: CSLA_T8
815VVN8 String: STR_CSLA_T8
815VVN8 Crew and cargo: 1+2
24 Note: 5 Release version 2.25
atra 815 6x6 (uncoveered) Cllass name: CSLA_T815VV
VN6o Sttring: STR_CS
VN6o Crrew and carg
go: 1+20 Note: Ta
atra 815 8x8 (uncoveered) Cllass name: CSLA_T815VV
VN8o Sttring: STR_CS
VN8o Crrew and carg
go: 1+24 Note: 10 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons Praga V
V3S covere
ed Class nam
V3So String: STR_CSLA_PV
V3So Crew and cargo: 1+1
13 Note: Praga V3S v
van Cllass name: CSLA_PV3Sv Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_PV3Sv Crrew and carg
go: 1+1 Note: Ta
atra 815 CAP 6x6 Praga V
V3S open Class nam
V3S Crew and cargo: 1+1
13 Note: 11 – 37 Cllass name: CSLA_T815CA
AP6 Sttring: STR_CS
AP6 Crrew and carg
go: 1+2 Note: Fuel sup
pport Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA Tatra 8815 8x8 Praga V3S FFuel Class nam
me: CSLA_T8
815Ammo8 String: STR_ CSLA_T8
815Ammo8 2 Crew and cargo: 1+2
Note: Am
mmo supporrt Praga V
V3S Ammo
o Class nam
V3Sa String: STR_CSLA_PV
V3Sa Crew and cargo: 1+1
1 Note: Am
mmo supporrt 5 Release version 2.25
Cllass name: CSLA_PV3Sf Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_PV3Sf Crrew and carg
go: 1+1 Note: Fuel sup
pport Praga V3S M
MEV Cllass name: CSLA_PV3Sm
mev Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_PV3Smeev Crrew and carg
go: 1+1 Note: Ambula
ance 12 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons Praga V3S LLizard Praga V
V3S Worksshop Cllass name: CSLA_PV3SLizzard Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_PV3SLizzard Crrew and carg
go: 2+6 Note: Class nam
V3Sr String: STR_CSLA_PV
V3Sr Crew and cargo: 1+1
1 Note: Seervice support Rowboat 9P117 SScud‐B Class nam
me: CSLA_M
MAZ_543_SCUD String: STR_EP11_DN_MAZ__543_SCUD_Base_EP1 Crew and cargo: 1+3
3 Note: Ro
ocket launch
her 13 – 37 Cllass name: CSLA_rowboaat Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_rowboaat Crrew and carg
go: 1+8 Note: Wooden boat with motor Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA ČSLA ‐ Aeri
ial MiG‐29A Fu
ulcrum L‐39ZA
A Albatros Class nam
me: CSLA_L3
39 String: STR_CSLA_L3
39 Crew and cargo: 1+0
0 Note: Cllass name: CSLA_MiG29__6xR73 Sttring:STR_CS
SLA_MiG29__6xR73 Crrew and carg
go: 1+0 Note: 6xAA ro
ockets MiG‐29A Fu
ulcrum Su‐25K
K Frogfoot Class nam
me: CSLA_Su
u25 String: STR_CSLA_Su
u25 Crew and cargo: 1+0
0 Note: 5 Release version 2.25
Cllass name: CSLA_MiG29__2xB8M1 Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_MiG29__2xB8M1 Crrew and carg
go: 1+0 Note: 4xAA ro
ockets and 2xxB‐8M1 rock
kets 14 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons MiG‐299A Fulcrum
m Mi‐8T with M
rockets Class nam
me: CSLA_M
00 String: STR_ CSLA_M
00 Crew and cargo: 1+0
0 Note: 2xxAA rockets aand 4x500kgg bombs Cllass name: CSLA_Mi8T_SS5 Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_Mi8TS55 Crrew and carg
go: 2+16 Note: 64x ung
guided rockeet S5 Mi‐8T ((unarmed)) Mi‐8T with M
UK vz.59 Class nam
me: CSLA_M
Mi8T String: STR_CSLA_M
Mi8T 16 Crew and cargo: 2+1
Note: Cllass name: CSLA_Mi8T_U
UK Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_Mi8TUKK Crrew and carg
go: 4+10 Note: Remove
ed back doorrs and added
d second machinegun U
UK vz.59. Firrst machineggun is in th
he front doors. 15 – 37 Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA Mi‐24D
D Hind Class nam
me: CSLA_M
Mi24D_4UB32 String: STR_CSLA_M
2 Crew and cargo: 2+8
8 Note: Mi‐24V
V Hind Class nam
me: CSLA_M
2 String: STR_CSLA_M
2 8 Crew and cargo: 2+8
Note: 5 Release version 2.25
16 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons ČSLA ‐ Stattic AGS‐17 A
UK vz.559 on low m
montage Class nam
me: CSLA_UK59T String: STR_CSLA_UK
K59T Crew and cargo: 2+0
0 Note: Cllass name: CSLA_AGS17 Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_AGS17 Crrew and carg
go: 2+0 Note: Mortar M‐5
52 UK vz.559 on high montage Class nam
me: CSLA_UK59L String: STR_CSLA_UK
K59L Crew and cargo: 1+0
0 Note: An
nti air montaage 17 – 37 Cllass name: CSLA_M52 Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_M52 Crrew and carg
go: 2+0 Note: Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA T21 Class nam
me: CSLA_T2
21 String: STR_CSLA_T2
21 0 Crew and cargo: 2+0
Note: PLdvk vz.59
9 Cllass name: CSLA_PLdvK559stat Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_PLdvK559 Crrew and carg
go: 1+0 Note: Anti‐airr cannon unm
mounted fro
om Praga V3
3S Lizard 9K113 Konkurs Class nam
me: CSLA_9K
K113 String: STR_CSLA_9K
K113 Crew and cargo: 2+0
0 Note: 5 Release version 2.25
D30 D
Cllass name: CSLA_D30 Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_D30 Crrew and carg
go: 1+1 Note: 18 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons AFMC
C ‐ Armoureed M113 M
M1A1 A
Abrams Class nam
me: AFMC_M
M1A1 String: STR_AFMC_M
M1A1 Crew and cargo: 3+0
0 Note: Cllass name: A
AFMC_M113 Sttring: STR_AFMC_M113 Crrew and carg
go: 2+11 Note: M113 Ambu
ulance M60A33 Class nam
me: AFMC_M
M60A3 String: STR_AFMC_M
M60A3 Crew and cargo: 3+0
0 Note: 19 – 37 Cllass name: A
AFMC_M113__AMB Sttring: STR_AFMC_M113M
ME Crrew and carg
go: 1+3 Note: Mobile ambulance Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA M163 V
VADS Class nam
me: AFMC_M
M163 String: STR_AFMC_M
M163 0 Crew and cargo: 2+0
Note: Vu
ulcan Air Deffence System
m with M1633 M113 Fitter
r Cllass name: A
AFMC_M113__DTP Sttring: STR_AFMC_M113__DTP Crrew and carg
go: 2+0 Note:Repairin
ng support M113 M
MHQ Class nam
me: AFMC_M
MHQm Crew and cargo: 2+4
4 Note: Ficctious vehiclle for MP missions 5 Release version 2.25
20 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons AFM
MC ‐ Vehicl es La
and Rover Defender 110 with A
AGS‐17 Land Ro
over Defen
nder 110 Class nam
me: AFMC_LLR110c String: STR_AFMC_LLR Crew and cargo: 1+9
9 Note: Cllass name: A
GS Crrew and carg
go: 3+2 Note: La
and Rover Defender 110 with T
TOW Land Ro
over Defen
nder 110 w
with MG Class nam
me: AFMC_LLR110DSKM String: STR_AFMC_LLR_DSKM Crew and cargo: 3+2
2 Note: 21 – 37 Cllass name: A
OW Crrew and carg
go: 3+2 Note: Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA Motorccycle M103
30 Class nam
me: AFMC_M
M1030 String: STR_AFMC_M
M1030mp 1 Crew and cargo: 1+1
Note: M939 ((uncovered
d) Class nam
me: AFMC_M
M939o String: STR_AFMC_M
M939o Crew and cargo: 1+1
13 Note: 5 Release version 2.25
M939 M
Cllass name: A
AFMC_M939cc Sttring: STR_AFMC_M939cc Crrew and carg
go: 1+13 Note: M939 Amm
mo Cllass name: A
AFMC_M939aa Sttring: STR_AFMC_M939aa Crrew and carg
go: 1+6 Note: Ammo ssupport 22 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons M939 SService Cllass name: A
AFMC_M10088_MG Sttring: STR_ A
AFMC_M10008_MG Crrew and carg
go: 2+5 Note: Class nam
me: AFMC_M
M939r String: STR_AFMC_M
M939r 2 Crew and cargo: 1+2
Note: Reepairing vehiicle M939 FFuel Class nam
me: AFMC_M
M939f String: STR_AFMC_M
M939f Crew and cargo: 1+2
2 Note: Fu
uel support 23 – 37 GM M1008 G
with MG GM M1008
Cllass name: A
AFMC_M10088 Sttring: STR_ A
AFMC_M10008 Crrew and carg
go: 1+9 Note: Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA GM M11008 Class nam
me: AFMC_M
ed String: STR_ AFMC_M
M1008_closed 9 Crew and cargo: 1+9
Note: 5 Release version 2.25
24 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons AFMC ‐ Aeri
ial MH‐6 M
Cobra Class nam
me: AFMC_A
AH1T 0 Crew and cargo: 2+0
Note: Cllass name: A
AFMC_MH6 Sttring: STR_AFMC_MH6 Crrew and carg
go: 1+5 Note: UH‐60 Black
khawk witth MGs AH‐6 Class nam
me: AFMC_A
AH6 String: STR_AFMC_A
AH6 Crew and cargo: 1+1
1 Note: 25 – 37 Cllass name: A
M134 Sttring: STR_AFMC_UH60M
MG Crrew and carg
go: 4+13 Note: Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA UH‐60 Blackhawkk with FFA
AR A‐10 Thund
derbolt II Class nam
me: AFMC_U
UH60FFAR Crew and cargo: 2+1
15 Note: Cllass name: A
AFMC_A10 Sttring: STR_AFMC_A10 Crrew and carg
go: 1+0 Note: UH‐60 Blackhawkk (unarmed) Class nam
me: AFMC_U
UH60 String: STR_AFMC_U
UH60 15 Crew and cargo: 2+1
Note: F‐‐5E Tiger III (Fighter) Cllass name: A
AIM Crrew and carg
go: 1+0 Note: Fighter
5 Release version 2.25
26 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons F‐5E Tigger II (CAS) Class nam
me: AFMC_FF5E_AGM String: STR_AFMC_FF5E_AGM Crew and cargo: 1+0
0 Note: Clo
ose Air Supp
port 27 – 37 Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA AFMC ‐ Stat
tic FN
N MAG on tripod M2 on high monttage Class nam
me: AFMC_M
M2h String: STR_AFMC_M
M2h 0 Crew and cargo: 1+0
Note: Cllass name: A
AG Crrew and carg
go: 2+0 Note: Mk.19 on tr
ripod M2 on low montaage Class nam
me: AFMC_M
M2l String: STR_AFMC_M
M2l Crew and cargo: 2+0
0 Note: 5 Release version 2.25
Cllass name: A
AFMC_Mk19 Sttring: STR_AFMC_Mk19 Crrew and carg
go: 1+0 Note: 28 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons TOW on tripod Mortar M25
52 Class nam
me: AFMC_TTOW String: STR_AFMC_TTOW Crew and cargo: 1+0
0 Note: Cllass name: A
AFMC_M252 Sttring: STR_AFMC_M252 Crrew and carg
go: 2+0 Note: L119 Class nam
me: AFMC_LL119 String: STR_AFMC_LL119 0 Crew and cargo: 3+0
Note: 29 – 37 Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA FIA ‐ Vehicl es BTR‐40 BTR‐400 with MG Class nam
R40DSKM Crew and cargo: 2+6
6 Note: Cllass name: FIA_BTR40c Sttring: STR_FIA_BTR40c Crrew and carg
go: 1+6 Note: BTR‐400 (uncovere
ed) Class nam
R40o String: STR_FIA_BTR
R40o Crew and cargo: 1+6
6 Note: 5 Release version 2.25
Datsun D
Cllass name: FIA_Datsun_ccargo1 Sttring: STR_FIA_Datsun_oopen Crrew and carg
go: 1+9 Note: 30 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons Datsun
n Datsun with
h DSHK Cllass name: FIA_Datsun_D
DSHK2 Sttring: STR_FIA_Datsun_D
DSHK Crrew and carg
go: 2+3 Note: Class nam
me: FIA_Dattsun_cargo2
String: STR_FIA_Datsun_open Crew and cargo: 1+9
9 Note: Datsun
n with DSHK Datsun with
h PK Class nam
me: FIA_Dattsun_DSHK1
String: STR_FIA_Datsun_DSHK Crew and cargo: 2+3
3 Note: Cllass name: FIA_Datsun_PPK1 Sttring: STR_FIA_Datsun_PPK Crrew and carg
go: 2+5 Note: 31 – 37 Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA Datsun
n with PK Datsun D
Class nam
me: FIA_Dattsun_PK2 String: STR_FIA_Datsun_PK Crew and cargo: 2+5
5 Note: Cllass name: FIA_DatsunH G_cargo1 Sttring: STR_FIA_Datsun_oopen Crrew and carg
go: 1+9 Note: Datsun
n with T21 Class nam
me: FIA_Dattsun_T211 String: STR_FIA_Datsun_T21 Crew and cargo: 2+3
3 Note: Datsun D
Cllass name: FIA_DatsunH G_cargo2 Sttring: STR_FIA_Datsun_oopen Crrew and carg
go: 1+9 Note: 5 Release version 2.25
32 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons Datsun
n with PK Class nam
me: FIA_DattsunHG_PK1
1 String: STR_FIA_Datsun_PK Crew and cargo: 2+5
5 Note: Datsun
n with PK Class nam
me: FIA_DattsunHG_PK2
2 String: STR_FIA_Datsun_PK 5 Crew and cargo: 2+5
Note: 33 – 37 Release verrsion 2.25 Arma 2:Combined Operrations ČSLA FIA ‐ Aeriial Antono
ov An‐2 „A
Andula“ Class nam
me: FIA_An2
2 String: STR_EP1_DN_An2_TK Crew and cargo: 1+1
15 Note: 5 Release version 2.25
34 ‐ 37 ČSLA
Arrma 2:Combined
d Operations Common
n – static objeccts LLO vz.36 C
Class name: Land__CSLA_LOvz36 String: STR_CSLA__LOvz36 N
Note: TTo fill the bunker w
with weapons and
d crew use these p
prepared scripts:
[bunkerNaame, isCrew] execc "\CSLA_scripts\o
ppidum_LO36_1.ssqs" [bunkerNaame, isCrew] execc "\CSLA_ scripts\o
oppidum_LO36_2..sqs" [bunkerNaame, isCrew] execc "\CSLA_ scripts\o
oppidum_LO36_3..sqs" … or for th
he AFMC use: [bunkerNaame, isCrew] execc "\CSLA_scripts\o
1.sqs" [bunkerNaame, isCrew] execc "\CSLA_scripts\o
2.sqs" [bunkerNaame, isCrew] execc "\CSLA_scripts\o
3.sqs" Ex
Examples: [lovz36, TR
RUE] exec "\CSLA__scripts\oppidum
m\CSLA_oppidum__LO36_1.sqs" [lovz36, FA
ALSE] exec "\CSLA
m_LO36_2.sqs" 3
35 – 37 Relea
ase version 2.25 Arma 2:Combin
ned Operations
Bunker C
Class name: Land__CSLA_Bunker1 String: STR_CSLA__bunker1 N
Note: TTo fill the bunker w
with weapons and
d crew use these p
prepared scripts:
[bunkerNaame, isCrew] execc "\CSLA_scripts\o
ppidum_bunkr_3.sqs" [bunkerNaame, isCrew] execc "\CSLA_scripts\o
ppidum_bunkr_4.sqs" [bunkerNaame, isCrew] execc "\CSLA_scripts\o
ppidum_bunkr_6.sqs" … or for th
he AFMC use: [bunkerNaame, isCrew] execc "\CSLA_scripts\o
3.sqs" [bunkerNaame, isCrew] execc "\CSLA_scripts\o
4.sqs" [bunkerNaame, isCrew] execc "\CSLA_scripts\o
6.sqs" Ex
Examples: [zrub, TRU
UE] exec "\CSLA_sccripts\ oppidum\A
AFMC_oppidum__bunkr_4.sqs" [zrub, FALSSE] exec "\CSLA_sscripts\oppidum\C
Release version 2.2
25 36 ‐ 37 ČSLA Arma 2:Combined Operatioons Otther factio ns MiG‐299AS Fulcrum MiG‐29A Fu
ulcrum Cllass name: CSLA_CA_MiG
G29 Sttring:STR_CS
SLA_MiG29__6xR73 Crrew and carg
go: 1+0 Note: 6xAA ro
ockets Class nam
me: OSSR_M
3 String:STTR_CSLA_MiiG29_6xR73 Crew and cargo: 1+0
0 Note: 6xxAA rockets Mi‐24V
V Hind Class nam
me: OSSR_M
32 String: STR_CSLA_M
2 Crew and cargo: 2+8
8 Note: 37 – 37 Su
ubmarine class Oscaar II Cllass name: CSLA_Oscar2 Sttring: STR_CS
SLA_K349 Crrew and carg
go: 3+14 Note: fictious K‐349 Dneppr Release verrsion 2.25 

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