August 28, 2016 - St. Brigid of Kildare


August 28, 2016 - St. Brigid of Kildare
7179 Avery Road
Phone: 614-761-3734
7175 Avery Road
Phone: 614-761-1176
Monsignor Joseph M. Hendricks, Pastor
Reverend Matthew Morris, Parochial Vicar
Directors: Andr ea Komenda & Tina White
Staff: Babs Pulsfort, Teresa Golamb-Hartzell,
Liz Jennison, Amie Lopez
Deacon Frank Iannarino, Home: 614-798-9763
Deacon Don Poirier, Home: 614-889-9232
Minister to the Sick/Bereaved &
Director of Adult School of Faith Formation:
Sr. Teresa Tuite, O.P.
Email: [email protected]
Business Manager: Becky O’Connor
Business Assistant: J ackie Mack
Facility Manager: J ake Gr oce
Office Manager: Kar en Cr emeans
Receptionist/Secretary: Mar y Longo
Bulletin Editor: Br idget Malloy
Email: [email protected]
Development Director: Sar ah Kilbane Moor e
Director Marketing & Communications: Allie Wing
Email: [email protected]
Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries:
Laura Butsch 614-718-5832
Director of Middle School Youth Group:
Kim VanHuffel, 614-593-5173
Organist/Director of Music:
Katherine Florian, 614-761-3734, ext. 248
Assistant Organist/Assistant Director of Music:
Greg Strang, 614-296-8781
Director of Choirs/Youth Ensemble: Melissa Her man
Ministry Scheduler: J oanie Roma,
614-761-3734, ext. 252
Email: [email protected]
Safe Environment Program Coordinator:
Stacey Nerone
Email: [email protected]
Bulletin Editor: stbrigidbulletin@
Normal Bulletin Deadline: Thursday, Noon - Eleven days
before publication date!
St. Brigid of Kildare website:
Readings for August 28:
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
# 1174 C
7175 Avery Road
Phone: 614-718-5825
Fax: 614-718-5831
Principal: Kathleen O’Reilly
Vice Principal: Cindy Lombar do
Preschool Director: Maur een DiDomenico
School Secretaries: Shannon Cr awfor d, Cindy Sovik
Latchkey: Kar ol Halm 614-718-5833
Throughout the year we will use this space to offer some
suggestions, some thoughts, some challenges to help us stay
focused on our goal of hospitality.
So many in our parish live in what is sometimes called the
“the space in-between,” -- the space of unknowing, of
seeming isolation, of fear. I thought of so many kids going off to college and of their parents watching as they
take this big step into the unknown. Both parent and child
are in the space in-between. Caught between wanting to
go and wanting to stay. Others are losing jobs or beginning new jobs. Many in our parish have experienced the
expected and unexpected death of a loved one. Living in
this space in-between is a time of transition and often one
feels alone. Emotions run the gamut.
As a parish we claim 'hospitality' as one of our gifts. Part
of hospitality is stretching open your heart to enfold those
who are experiencing the space in-between in their lives.
We are invited and encouraged to let them lean on our
strength, our prayer, our faith, our concern for just a little
while. Through the power of our faith others discover the
gift of community. We all have moments when we need to
lean on others' strength, prayer, faith and concern. That is
what it means to be a community. It is what builds up the
community we call St. Brigid of Kildare.
AUGUST 28, 2016
9:00 AM Pete Albanese
9:00 AM Martha & Naim Salem
9:00 AM Deceased Members of the
Donnelly & Lee Families
12:00 PM Living & Deceased Members of
St. Brigid of Kildare Parish
5:00 PM Joe Schraer
7:30 AM Special Intentions of
Bob & Jane Wassler
9:00 AM Ferdinand DeJaco
10:45 AM Joan Poirier
12:15 PM James D. & Helen Moore
9:00 AM Joseph McKinney
9:00 AM Living & Deceased Members of the
Ed Schroeder Family
4:30 PM Religious Ed Classes (School)
6:00 PM Religious Ed Classes (School)
No First Friday Eucharistic Adoration
6:00 PM Knights of Malta Mass (Chapel)
1:00 PM Little Rock Scripture (Kelty Library)
4:30 PM Religious Ed Classes (School)
6:00 PM Religious Ed Classes (School)
8:00 PM Men’s Spirituality (Hendricks Hall)
10:00 AM Little Rock Scripture Group (Room B)
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Immke Room)
7:00 PM Family Rosary (Cry Room)
7:30 PM High School Youth (Berry Room & Enke Hall)
Monday-Thursday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
(Closed Noon to 1:00 pm for Lunch)
Friday: 8:30 am - 12 Noon.
There will be no First Friday Eucharistic Adoration on Fr iday, September 2, 2016.
Respect Life Activities - J oin us as we pr ay
the family rosary for all Life issues on the first
Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the cry
Erin Gottron and Michael Suman will marry
at St. Brigid of Kildare on Saturday,
September 10, 2016.
Save the Date: Ministry Weekend Sept 24-25
Saint Brigid of Kildare Ministry Weekend will be held
Saturday, September 24 and Sunday, September 25
after all Masses in Hendricks Hall.
SAVE THE DATE - SPiCE Family Fun Day and Pancake
Breakfast...The annual SPiCE pancake br eakfast and family
fun day has returned! Join the St. Brigid family at 10 am on Saturday, September 24 at Br igid' s Gr een for an " all you can
eat" pancake and sausage breakfast. There will also
be fun field games for children of all ages. The cost
is $35 per family, or $10 per individual.
Proceeds benefit the St. Brigid SPiCE program.
SPiCE serves students in the parish religious education program
as well as students at St. Brigid of Kildare school. The inclusion
of all children in our community promotes understanding, compassion and respect for all. For more information, please contact
Sarah Moore at 614-761-3734 or [email protected].
Ministry Schedule, September 3 - September 4, 2016
5:00 PM
Ministry Captain Don Novak
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:45 AM
12:15 PM
Maureen Howard
Tom Cotter
David Nosker
George Hill
Altar Servers
Gianni Eramo
Isabella Eramo
Timmy O’Brien
Dana Axner
Garrett Nerone
Maura Pirrmann
Elizabeth Kovalchin
Caroline Newcomb
Liam O’Reilly
Kate Griffin
Brett Renard
Lauren Renard
Madi Hart
Caroline Kromalic
Evelyn McCarthy
First Reader
Donna Johnson
Maureen Howard
Jeff Kriegel
Dan Cloran
Jay Kromalic
Second Reader
Rion Myers
Cid Rhomberg
Jill O’Reilly
Jason Radtke
John Thompson
Jill Bennison
Dick Bringardner
Maureen Cones
Karen Eramo
Tom Frasier
Terri Heaphy
Chris Herold
Janet Jenkins
Kevin Knight
Kelli Lister
Renee Luis
Lorri Molnar
Cindy Orlando
Debi Willet
Paul Zemanek
Jeff Zimmerman
Laura Flaherty
James Glier
Mike Hessenauer
Kurt Purcell
Dan Schreibeis
Paul Zemanek
Tom Brennan
Tom Cotter
Deacon Frank
John Doll
Joe Feehan
Jackie Flowers
Courtney Karam
Kathy Kelly
Mary Ellen Lancia
Sue Massey
Danell McGinley
Abigail Paez
Karen Prenger
Josephine Watts
Michael Wible
Susan Ziolkowski
Glenn Aidt
Jeff Baur
Natalie Baur
Deacon Don
Connie Ditalia
Brendan Foley
JoAnn Gentile
Carolyn Griffin
Greg Haeuptle
Peggy Iannarino
Karen Komatsu
Stacy McVan
Mary Jane Pajk
Jodi Renard
Annlea Rumfola
Peggy Stein
Lisa Brusadin
Deacon Don
Maria Gonzalez
Melanie Hart
Sino Lavric
Tanya McCarthy
Julie Smerdel
Jennifer Taylor
Don Bobel
Rolando Lozano
Don Novak
John Vogel, Sr.
Jeff Vogel
Harold Young
Joe Nerone
Gerry Ramspacher
Pete Welsh
Keith Dunnigan
Bob Massey
Steve Mayo
Jeff Novotny
Jeff Prenger
Phillip Wible
Ron Bednar
Brian Grogan
David Nosker
John Simone
Tony Susi
Jacob Samenuk
Rich Burkhart
Rick Frank
George Hill
Craig Sivers
Justin Frank
Greeter (s)
Volpentesta Family
Andrews Family
Lancia Family
Romeo Family
Jodi Renard
Rumfola Family
Nancy Herriman
Michelle Funge
Mary Fran Cassidy
Brigid’s Gael
Terry Bueter
Attention Liturgical Ministers: If you haven’t r eceived your September ministr y
schedule, please contact Joanie Roma at [email protected]. The
monthly schedule is also available each month on the parish website. Thank you.
Children’s Liturgy of The Word will not meet
during the summer months, but will resume in
September. Have a fun, faith filled summer.
The Carr Nursery will not be open during the summer. It will reopen in September. We are currently
welcoming new volunteers to help with the
9:00 am and 10:45 am Masses. Please contact
Sonia Aina-Steinbauer at [email protected] for
more information on volunteering.
Thank you to all our parishioners who contribute to St.
Brigid Parish through Electronic Fund Transfer using
their credit cards. Since many credit cards have recently
been compromised or have been issued a new expiration date, we may need to update your card information in order to process your donation. If you
have recently been issued a new credit card by your
bank, please contact the Parish Office at 614-761-3734
with your new card number and expiration
date. St. Brigid of Kildare is very grateful
for your continued support & generosity.
AUGUST 28, 2016
Upcoming Protecting God’s Children session:
The Diocese of Columbus safe environment
policies require that any volunteer over the age of
18 years old complete Protecting God’s
Children training in addition to a fingerprinting background
check, volunteer application and signed code of conduct.
Protecting God’s Children training will be offered at St.
Brigid in Hendricks Hall on Tuesday, September 27 at 6:30
pm. Registration is required online at
A description of all safe environment requirements including
the form for Fast Fingerprints and volunteer application link
can be found on the parish website: http:// Adult volunteer driver requirements can also be found at this link.
Contact Stacey Nerone at [email protected]
with any questions.
___ I’ve wanted to, but have never taken a Bible study class.
___ I have never read anything from the bible (except for the
Red Book in Church).
___ I don’t even have a Bible.
___ I need a refresher course.
___ I would like to know how the Bible is organized.
___ I would like to learn how to look up something in the
___ I need just really, really basic bible instruction.
___ I (secretly) know nothing about the Bible.
If you checked any of the above
responses then ABSOLUTE BIBLE BASICS is for you. This
will be Bible 100. Many Catholics
have never had the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of
the Bible (the book itself) and are often embarrassed by that.
In addressing this need and interest, we are going to have a
two session class that will just cover Bible Fundamentals.
We will have Bibles available for your purchase. There is
no shame in not knowing but it would be a shame not to take
the opportunity to learn. September 7, and 14 from 9:30
(after 9 am Mass) – 11:00 am OR 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Room B
of Hendricks Hall
--Sister Teresa Tuite, OP
James Leach, former St. Brigid Student and a
junior at Walsh University, majoring in Biology/Pre-Med is studying in Rome for the next
semester. He has been extended an invitation,
along with one other student from Walsh, to
attend the Canonization of Mother Teresa on
September 4 in St. Peters Square.
Monday, August 29, 2016
Online or at the Parish Office
Are you interested in getting together with a group of women to explore your faith? You don’t have much Scripture
knowledge, but you would like to see how the Scriptures
apply to your everyday life? If so, we invite you to consider
joining Walking with Purpose at St. Brigid of Kildare. If
you want more information go to the official web site Before you register go to
the parish website to see the full calendar. In looking at the
dates, if you know you would miss many of the dates then
please don’t register. When you are ready to register you
can go to the parish website:
and click the Walking With Purpose logo. You will be able
to use PayPal to pay the program fee ($20.00). A confirmation will be sent giving you the directions for ordering
Study Guide Course One: Opening Your Heart (you will
need the Study Guide on opening night) and other helpful
information. If you do not have internet access, you may
register by coming into the Parish Office.
The actual program will begin on September 28 at 7:00 8:30 PM in Immke Hall. The number of participants is limited so we will first take St. Brigid of Kildare parishioners.
Please register early. Preregistration is a must. There will
be no registrations on the first night. If cost of Study Guide
($40) plus the Program Fee ($20) is an issue, please contact
Jackie Mack or Sister Teresa at the Parish Office (614) 761
-3734. We ask everyone to pray for the participants. We
hope to see you there.
--Jackie Mack and Sister Teresa
• Thursday September 1st – Rosary for Life - Join the
Thursday, September 1:
Visit the youth ministry webpage to subscribe to weekly
emails, to see the full calendar, to register for youth ministry, and to find us on social media.
Laura Butsch, Director of Youth Ministry
[email protected] or 614-718-5832
“Be kind, especially with the infirm. Love them
well ... Oh yes! Be kind. It is a great grace God
is giving you. In serving the aged, it is he himself whom you are serving.” — St. Jeanne Jugan,
Founder of the Little Sisters of the Poor, USCCB
group as they pray a Rosary for all life issues in the church
Cry Room at 7:00 PM. Please contact Nicholas Heyob at
[email protected] for additional information.
• Wednesday September 7th – Urban Ministry (Formerly
Fruit of the Vine) – St. Brigid Youth Ministry & Knights
of Columbus partner with The Vineyard Church to provide
a hot meal and donations of clothing and supplies to the
homeless in our community. Volunteers are needed to
drive students and donations from St. Brigid to the food
pantry located near downtown Columbus. Adult volunteers must be in compliance with the Parish Safe Environment Program. We will meet at 5:30pm and will return to
St. Brigid at approximately 9pm. Can't commit to driving? Donations of blankets, gloves, sweatshirts, socks,
backpacks, bags, and hygiene products will be taken
throughout the year. Please contact Dave Rubadue at
[email protected], 614-551-9081 or Keith Wagner at
[email protected] for additional information.
• Saturday September 17th – Men’s Spirituality Group –
Coffee and Prayer – 8:00 to 9:30 AM at Hendricks Hall.
• Saturday September 17th – Adopt a Highway Clean Up –
Join the Knights of Columbus in cleaning up the highway
location at the South I-270 Bridge by Tuttle Mall Blvd.
Please meet at the church at 8:30 AM for coffee and donuts, then proceed to our location at 8:45 AM. Clean up
activities will conclude at 11:45 AM. All supplies will be
provided. If you bring a youth under the age of 18, you
will need to complete the “Parent of Guardian Consent
and Release Form” located at: Pages – Adopt A Highway.
Contact Tom Ozello at [email protected] or Jim Butler
at [email protected] for more information.
ANNUAL PICNIC, Tuesday, August 30, 5:00 pm at Glacier Ridge Par k, 9801 Hyland Cr oy Rd., Plain
City, OH 43064. Pot luck picnic (entrée provided) bring a dish to share. Music by Bill Klang and corn hole
competition. Contact Julie Sturtz 614-467-9074.
NO FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION on Friday, September 2.
GENERAL MEETING, Wednesday, September 7, 1:30 pm in Hendr icks Hal. Speaker s: Laur a Campesi, Dir ector
Mission Advancement & Ruthie Fortkamp, Transition Coordinator for Home Choice, Catholic Social Services. Subject:New Vision of Catholic Social Services.
LADIE’S BRUNCH, Friday, September 9, 10:30 am, Sunny Str eet Café, 7042 Hospital Dr ive, Dublin (Next to
Krogers). Make reservations by Wednesday, September 7 with Lorraine LaValle 614-792-9359.
DAY TRIP, Thursday, September 15, Tour Stan Hywet Histor ic Home and Gar dens in Akr on, Ohio. Lunch at
Bender’s Historic Restaurant and tour Harry London Candy Factory in Canton, Ohio. Bus leaves PROMPTLY AT 8:00 am
from Church parking lot & returns to St. Brigid approx.—6:30 pm. Contact Mary Kay Klang 740-938-4346.
Parishioners 55 years of age or older are welcome to participate. For more information on membership in the Club, please
call Bill Campbell 614-325-4858. If you need a ride to the meetings, please call Bill Klang 740-938-4346.
Does someone call you “Mom”?
Consider joining one of the best-kept secrets
at St. Brigid of Kildare parish! Mom to Mom
is a vibrant, women’s faith sharing group, comprised of
moms who range from “rookie” to “highly experienced” in
their parenting journey. Join us for prayer, faith sharing,
and conversation. In addition, a few service and social activities are planned throughout the year. Mom to Mom meets
on Tuesdays beginning after Tapestry weekend from 9:30 to
11:00 a.m. Childcare is available, so bring the little ones
along for a playdate.
New Parish App Coming Soon!
At Ministry Weekend (Sept 2425) St. Brigid of Kildare will
launch our own app for iPhone
and Android smart phones. This
will allow us to better communicate with you throughout the
week and keep you updated with
relevant parish news or updates.
The app is very well designed
and very intuitive. It will be a great resource for parishioners by providing daily Mass readings, Catholic news and
prayers, convenient prayer and Confession reminders, our
bulletins and more.
We hope for our new app to be a tool for fostering stronger
parish life at St. Brigid of Kildare and better engaging the
New Evangelization.
Please watch in the coming weeks for our official launch
Young Adult Ministry
August 30, 7:00-8:30 PM
Young Adult Group at Avery Park volleyball courts
Close out the summer with volleyball & a scripture
September 7, 5:30-9:00 PM
Urban Ministry Service (car pool fr om St. Br igid)
Bring friendship, care packages, and prayer to
our homeless neighbors in Columbus.
Do you look for ways to live out our faith, put God first, and
have a desire to serve, mentor, and have fun?
Talk to Laura Butsch about volunteering with High
School Youth Ministry!
Want more information?
Contact: Laura Butsch, [email protected]
Facebook page:
AUGUST 28, 2016
We want to remember and offer our
prayers for those who have died.
Glenn Philip Vanik died unexpectedly on August 5, 2016. He was the
beloved son of St. Brigid parishioners, Dr. Philip and Jean Vanik. He
was a member of the Ohio State
business community and avid Buckeye fan. He loved music, a good book, a good movie and a
good time with his friends. Death is always difficult but
when it comes so unexpectedly we want to offer his friends
and family our prayers and support. Glenn’s family and
friends gathered to celebrate the Mass of Christian Burial at
St. Brigid on August 11, 2016. May Glenn now rest in the
loving, merciful arms of God.
EPIC Middle School Youth Group
Kick Off September 11
On Patriot Day, a national day of service
and remembrance of those who died in the
2001 September 11 attacks, our youth group
will rightly honor those who serve us here in
our own hometown. We will make small gifts for our police and firefighters, as well as for our priests and religious,
to show our appreciation for all they do for us! We hope to
have representatives from each area to receive the gifts. We
will also join FaceForward on a walk of discipleship though
St. Brigid’s Green and surrounding neighborhoods to remember that we all need to be disciples of Christ and use
our talents to further God’s Kingdom on Earth. Sounds
heavy, but will really be a lot of fun!!!
Seventh and 8th graders, please come to Hendricks Hall
prior to 12:00 p.m. to get your t-shirts, then proceed to
Mass, sitting in the reserved section by the baptismal font.
After Mass, we will have pizza, discussion and games, followed by our service and walk. Parents can pick up from
Hendricks Hall at 4:15 p.m.
Please don’t forget to RSVP to Kim VanHuffel at
[email protected] so we can have enough t-shirts
and pizza, and record your children’s service hours for Confirmation. Thank you!
2016/2017 School Year Schedule:
September 11
October 9
November 20
December 17
January 8
EPIC Kickoff
Volunteer at Ohio Wildlife Center
Thanksgiving Meals Deliveries
Christmas in Dublin
On-site Service
We are a community of parents and children from St. Brigid of Kildare parish, including babies, toddlers, and preschoolers
who enjoy making new friends, supporting
each other, and exploring Dublin and surrounding areas.
Children’s ages vary, and our group is always changing.
All young children are welcome!
AUGUST 31:PLAYDATE at Graeter’s Indoor Play Area and Ice Cream, 2555 Bethel Rd, 43220
SEPTEMBER 7: PLAYDATE at Carr Nursery, Hendricks Hall, St. Brigid of Kildare, 7179 Avery Rd. 43017.
SEPTEMBER 14, PLAYDATE at Shannon Glen Park
(#44 on map), 8191 Shannon Glen Blvd, 43016.
4850 Powell Rd., 43065; meet outside main entrance
(admission parking prices:
Please come visit our table after every Mass!
Playgroup meets Wednesdays at 10:00 am during the summer unless otherwise noted. Beginning in September, Playgroup will meet every Wednesday at 9:30 am unless otherwise noted. For additional information, contact at Angela
at [email protected]. To RSVP for a special
event, contact Melanie at [email protected].
Are you, or do you know of anyone, who
might be interested in becoming Catholic?
For information about our RCIA program,
please complete the form below and place it
in the offertory basket; or mail this form directly to the
Church, PO Box 3130, Dublin, OH 43016.
Our first meeting will be an orientation meeting on Thursday, October 6, 2016, from 7:30-9:00 pm in the Church
basement. For more information contact Kim VanHuffel at:
[email protected].
Religious Education News and Updates
New Family Welcome Event: All new families enrolled in our Religious Education program are invited to a Welcome Event in Enke
Hall of the Educational Center on Sunday,
August 28th after the 12:15 Mass. Monsignor
Hendricks as well as the Religious Education Directors and
Staff will be available to answer questions and provide tours
of our facilities.
Class placements will be emailed to parents the week of August 22 via SchoolSpeak emails. Please contact the Religious
Education Offices with any questions.
Religious Education Open House will take place August
29th and 30th during your respective class times. Parents and
children are welcome to come to their classrooms and meet
their Catechists. Formal Classes will begin the week of September 12th.
Religious Education Class Times
Monday 4:30 pm; 6:30 pm
Tuesday 4:30 pm; 6:30 pm
Religious Education Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-4:30 pm
Friday 10:00 am-3:00 pm
St. Timothy Church,
1088 Thomas Lane,
Columbus, OH 43220
Thursday, September 8, 5:00 pm
St. Timothy Church and St. Timothy Knights of Columbus
Council 14345 will host The Blue Mass on Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. All active and retired police,
fire, and emergency medical services in the greater Columbus area, and their families are invited. Let us all join together to honor our police, firefighters, and emergency medical
services, to ask for God’s blessing, to keep them safe, and to
guide them in their duties. Thank you.
ADDRESS: _________________________________________
HOME PHONE: _____________________________________
CELL PHONE: ______________________________________
E-MAIL: ___________________________________________
"The calendar for this coming year is on our website at: under the link “ Want to Become
Catholic?” on the home page.”
Healing Service and Inspirational Talk
with Issam Nemeh, MD
Sunday, September 18, 2016, 10:00 AM
Embassy Suites, Dublin, OH
Path to Faith is pleased to host Dr. Issam Nemeh,
a Roman Catholic known as the “Physician of Unshakable
Faith,” featur ed on the Dr . Oz Show and cur r ently wor king with Dr. Jeff Rediger (Harvard Medical School) on
bridging spirituality and science. To learn more about Dr.
Nemeh, and purchase event tickets, please visit or call Ticket Leap at 877-849-5327.
AUGUST 28, 2016
All proceeds from the Roma Open support the St. Brigid Knights of Columbus
Annual Education Scholarship Fund…High School seniors that are Catholic and
registered parishioners of St. Brigid are eligible to apply for the Scholarship.
Saturday, September 24th Shotgun Start at 12:00 pm
Buck Ridge Golf Course, Marysville, OH
$75 per player; $300 per team
Four person scramble
Fees include a box lunch, prizes (for 1st and 2nd place), proximity awards (closest to the pin and longest
drives), 50/50 raffle prizes, and many more.
Entry Form (enter a foursome or as an individual and we will pair you up)
Golfer #1
Golfer #2
Golfer #3
Golfer #4
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
Name: ________________________
*Early Bird Discount: all entries received by Sept. 3rd will receive a $10/player discount
*ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN SEPT. 14th (checks payable to St. Brigid Knights of Columbus)
Mail entry forms to Terry Miller, 5072 Galway Dr., Dublin, OH 43017
(or scan and e-mail to [email protected])
Call Jason Straka (614-264-1511) or Terry Miller (614-327-1381) with any questions.
All Roma Open golfers are invited to join the Annual Knights of Columbus Family Picnic
which begins earlier in the day and includes on-site smoked BBQ, Corn hole tournament,
college football on the big screen, and many other activities.