Service Guide
Service Guide
Confidential 64xPS/ID Service Guide Version: 1.1 The Service Guide was written mainly for engineers. Please Do Not rep roduce and dup licate. 1 Confidential Chapter 1: Overview Chapter 2: Theory of Operation, Mechanism, Firmware Chapter 3: Disassembly, Index of Parts, Tools required Chapter 4: Adjustments Chapter 5: Contact Information 2 Confidential 3 Chapter 1: Overview Overvie w 640PS 641PS HiTi Photo Printer 640PS and 641PS are p opular p rinters able to p rint in high-sp eed & high-quality . HiTi p hoto p rinters are sty lish and compact. HiTi p rinters can p rint 6x4” (10x15cm) p hotos, ID photos (various sizes), name cards, p ost cards, greeting cards, season cards, calendars, and stickers. There are 2 different way s to op erate the HiTi Photo Printer 640PS and 641PS: 1. The printer can be connected to a personal comp uter via a USB cable. HiTi p hoto printers meet the USB 1.1 standard and are fully comp atible with any USB device (USB 1.0 to 2.0). 2. The HiTi Photo Printer 640PS and 641PS can also be op erated without a direct or indirect connection to a p ersonal computer. This p rinting style is called standalone printing. In this mode, images are being selected with the handheld TFT monitor. The 640PS and the 641PS both feature ‘onboard’ multi-card readers. A memory card can b e inserted into the card slot. Image can be selected on the handheld TFT monitor. In addition to a multi card memory card slot, the 641PS also features a LinkPrint connector. LinkPrint is an advan cement of the Picture Bridge standard, which allows comp liant cameras to be directly connected to the 641PS p rinter. LinkPrint also allows external hard driv es or storage driv es, such as USB memory sticks, to be directly connected to the p rinter. The 640PS and 641PS include one of the followin g functions: Printing Process Confidential 4 YM CO 4 p asses (Yellow, Magenta, Cy an, and Over-coating) Over coating ensures that HiTi’s p rintouts can be kep t a longer time than inkjet p rinter’s p rintouts. High Quality Resolution 640PS and 641PS: 403 x403 dp i Convenience All HiTi Photo Printer ship with “Photo Desiree”, a p hoto editing p rogram designed for p rinting 4”x6” p hotos, id p hotos, calendars, photo name cards, and p hoto greeting cards. HiTi “Photo Desiree” enhances and en ables very easy usage for your p hoto p rinter. It allows y ou to turn y our 640PS or 641PS into a digital mini lab y ou can operate from home. You can download the latest firmware and other software from the HiTi website to y our computer. Firmware is being up dated p er USB cable. M ulti-memory card supp ort. HiTi Photo Printer 640PS and 641PS p rovide two typ es of memory card slots. Stand-alone op eration & PC link: You can instantly p review what y ou want to p rint. 640PS and 641PS can be used to read y our images from a memory card (it has the functions of a card reader). (641PS only:) 641PS can accep t any USB device (Camera, USB memory stick, USB memory card adap tors, External HDD). This technology is known as LinkPrint. Specifications Model Name Printing Method Gradations Resolution Paper Size Printing Size Paper Feed Printing S peed Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Computer Interface Card S ocket File Format Support Power Supply HiTi Photo Printer 640PS & 641PS Dy e Diffusion Thermal Transfer continuous tone p rinting 256 levels per Yellow, M agenta, Cy an color (8 bits), total 16.77 million true colors 403×403 dpi 4 in.×7 in. with detachable boundary 4 in.×6 in., (100mm×152mm) Cassette type automatic feeder, 25 sheet cap acity Approx. 60 sec. p er sheet (excludin g d ata transmission time) 59˚ ~90˚F (15˚ ~32˚C) 20 ~75% RH USB Ver. 1.1 Twin slot supp ort CF, SM , SD, MM C, MS and Micro Drive EXIF, JPEG, DPOF 100~240 V, 50/ 60 Hz Operating System Minimum S ystem Requirement Certification Accessories Included Confidential Windows 98/ M E/ 2000/ XP Linux & Mac OS 10.2 and abov e Win 98/M E: 64M B RAM , Pentium PC Win 2000/ XP: 128M B RAM, Pentium PC 5 UL, TUV-GS, FCC, CE, BSM I, CCC, C-Tick, VCCI Pap er Cassette, USB cable, CD-ROM (with p rinter drivers, bundle software and electronic manual), AC p ower cord, Samp le p rint kit (8 sheets of p hoto pap er, 1 sheet of 4×4 sticker, 1 sheet of 4/2/4 sticker p lus 1 YMCO ribbon cartridge for 10 p rints Chapter 2: Theory of Operation Dye Diffusion Thermal Transfer (D2T2) Dye Diffusion Thermal Transfer (D2T2), the world’s leading techno lo gy in p hoto printing p rocesses, uses a thermal p rinting head (TPH) to sequentially heat three ribbon panels that are coated with y ellow, magenta and cy an dy e. The heat p rocess turns the dy e into gas that diffuses into a thin receivin g lay er on top of the p ap er. An overcoat is then lay ered down on top of the p aper to p rotect the color against water and ultraviolet ray s and to prevent it from fading. Comp ared with some other p hoto-capable p rinting technolo gies, such as Thermal Autochrome (Fujifilm), Variable Dot (Fujicopian) and Inkjet (Canon, Ep son and HP), Dye Diffusion Thermal Transfer creates the most realistic photo quality. To the naked ey e it is indistinguishable fro m p hotograp hic p rints. Its continuous-tone p rinting p roduces 256 color gradation levels in each p ixel independently while other technologies, like Variab le Dot and Inkjet, have to make d ifferent dot sizes to increase the resolution in half-tone to achieve similar effects. The Thermal Print Head (TPH) sequentially heats three ribbon p anels that are coated with dye in y ellow, magenta and cyan. The heat p rocess turns the dy e into gas that diffuses into a thin receiv in g lay er on top of the pap er. An overcoat is then lay ered down on top of the p aper to p rotect the color against water and ultraviolet and to p revent it from fading. TPH Ribbon He at Dye Paper Confidential 6 Hardware Thermal Print Head (TPH) Thermal Print Head (TPH) is the key comp onent for D2T2 printer, like the inkjet printing head for inkjet printer. PCB Driver IC He ating Ele ment Confidential 7 Main Board & ASIC Note: Main Board = Mother board; ASIC = HiT i CPU The ASIC is an IC (Integrated Chip ) located on the Main Board. The ASIC was designed by the HiTi R&D dep artment and features an 8032 MCU. The ASIC drives the USB controller, controls the embedded SDRAM , MCU I/F, USB I/F, memory I/F, and GIO interface. The Firmware (located on IC-A and IC-B) controls the actions of the p rinter by reading and writing the registers. Please note IC-B is a back up to IC-A. The VR (Variable Resistance) on the main board is used to adjust the voltage of the ribbon sensor. (M ore details located in the VR adjustment section). The 640PS and 641PS have 2 ICs located on the mainboard. The FW (firmware) is stored in IC-A and IC-B. The picture below illustrates the mainboard of the 640PS. On the 641PS main board IC-B is soldered onto the main board. IC - A IC - B ASIC Confidential 8 Power Board It contains a universal AC inp ut, DC +18V/7V outp ut and a USB interface. The VR (variable resistance) on the p ower board is used to adjust the voltage of the THP. This controls the color density of the printout. The illustration below shows the image of a 640PS power board. VR Note: If the color density is too light, a voltage adjustment (VR on the power board) can adjust the lightness. More explanation will be given later. TPH Board Confidential The TPH Board connects the cables (Ribbon LED cable, TPH Cable, Cassette Sensor Cable, Fan Cable). The TPH board connects then to the motherboard. TPH Board 9 Confidential 10 Card Board (640PS and 641PS) 640PS : There are 2 memory card sockets on the card board. One is for Comp act Flash and the other is for Smart M edia/ M ulti-M edia-Card/ Secure Digital C ard/Memory Stick. 641PS : The 641 PS card board features an enh anced U SB Connector. This USB Connector connects Picture Bridge comp atible cameras, external hard-drives and storage cards such as USB memory sticks to the p rinter. As it is more advanced then Picture Bridge it is called Link Print. The illustration below shows the 640PS card boa rd 4 in 1 memory card socket Compact Flash socket Confidential 11 The illustration below shows the 641 PS card boa rd 4 in 1 memory card socket CompactFlash socket USB DataLink Socket Confidential Controller Board (640PS and 641PS) 12 This controller board uses an 80-series CPU with 4KB on-chip FLASH EPROM for the central control – this would include an initial setting of the LCD driver IC, the LED backlight control, the button-pushed sensing and commun ication with the main board. The serial EPROM stores the setting data of the LCD that was received at the calibration process. The CPU will read the serial EPROM and comp lete the initial setting for LCD after it has been p owered on. EPROM Motor Confidential 13 Cam motor The Cam motor is a bipolar motor which drives the CAM to control the Platen roller’s & Pinch roller’s position. Capstan motor The Capstan motor is a bip olar motor which drives the Capstan roller to control the movement of the p ap er. Ribbon/ ADF motor The Ribbon/ ADF motor is a bip olar motor which feeds p ap er into the p rinting p ath and then rolls the ribbon to the right starting p osition. Ribbon/ ADF motor Capstan motor Cam motor Confidential 14 LED & Sensor Status/ Error LED The Status/Error LED indicates the status of the p rinter. It also communicates any error messages. For examp le: The steadily shining Green LED indicates the ready stage of the p rinter. The blinkin g Green LED indicates that the p rinter is busy. The blinking Oran ge LED indicates that an error has hap pened. (More info about Error messages later in this document) Status/ Error LED Cam Sensor Confidential 15 Dep ending on the p rinter’s status, the p ositions of the p laten roller and the pinch roller stay different. The Cam controls the movement of the p laten roller between these positions, and the Cam sensor detects & feeds the p osition’s information back to the firmware. There are three d ifferent p laten roller p ositions: Cam sensor P1 = Initial Position The gap between the p laten roller & TPH is at its largest, and the p inch roller is relaxed. The p rinter is at this p osit ion when the printer p owers on or resets. P2 = Loa d Position The gap between p laten roller & TPH is not as large as at P1. The gap enables the ribbon to wind. The p inch roller touches the cap stan roller and enables the loading of the p ap er. P3 = Print Position The platen roller is close to the TPH, and the p inch roller touches the capstan roller which enables p ap er to move forward and backward. L OAD P RI NT I NI T IA L Confidential 16 Leading Edge (LE) Sensor and Jam Sensor The p urp ose of both sensors is to detect the status of pap er. The sensor will be on when it detects the loading of pap er. The LE Sensor will b e off if it does not detect pap er loading. Le ading Edge sensor Jam se nsor Confidential Ribbon Cassette (Door) Sensor It is used to detect the status of the ribbon cassette and the ribbon door. The ribbon cassette sensor will be on if the ribbon cassette typ e is correct; the Ribbon Cassette Sensor will b e off if the ribbon cassette typ e is wrong. Ribbon Cassette sensor 17 Confidential 18 Ribbon LED/ Ribbon Sensor The Ribbon LED and Ribbon Sensor is used to detect the ribbon status, it enables the printer to detect the correct ribbon color. At the y ellow or overcoat lay er, the ribbon sensor detects a HIGH value. In the magenta and cy an lay er, the ribbon sensor detects a LOW value. Ribbon LED Ribbon sensor Fan Confidential 19 The Fan reduces the temp erature of the TPH (Thermal Print Head). The fan only starts to op erate as soon as the temp erature reaches a certain degree. Fan Confidential Mechanism Basic Anatomy A: Eject button B: Case back C: Main board D: Bracket and p ower-board E: TPH board F: Chassis G: Case front H: Ribbon door I: Paper door J: Paper cassette K: Card board L: Controller M: Controller hold er Transmission The Auto Document Feed (ADF)/ Ribbon search device 20 Confidential 21 1. When the ADF M otor rotates the pap er lifter gearin g chain, the Pap er Lifter device starts lifting the elev ator p late in the p ap er cassette up . The p ap er which lies at the top p osit ion will then be in contact with the pap er take up roller. 2. Now the photo p ap er is in contact with the p ap er take up roller. The p ap er take-up roller will grab the top pap er and lead the p ap er into the p re-set p ap er p ath. 3. The p ap er now p asses the leading ed ge (LE) sensor. The p ap er will then be grabb ed by the capstan and p inch rollers. From this p oint onwards, the p ap er’s movement is controlled by the capstan and p inch rollers. 4. While the cap stan roller controls the p ap er, the ADF releases the p ap er lift device, switches to op erate the ribbon gear chain and winds the ribbon to the p rop er frame. Cam position: i. ii. iii. iv. Confidential 22 When the Cam M otor rotates, it will continue to operate Gear 1, Gear 2, Gear 3, Gear 4, and Gear 5 in sequ ence. It will transfer p ower to another side of the Peel Bar after it receives p ower by Gear 5. Both gear sides will then rotate sy nchronously . The process of the power transmission will go to Gear 5, Gear 7 Cam 1, Cam 3 Gear 6, Gear 8 Cam 2 and Cam 4. The internal cam d esign of Cam 2 and Cam 4, Link 1 and Link 2 can move in and move out to op erate the rotation of the Bushing-Pinch, and then sep arate the Pinch Roller and the Capstan Roller. Confidential 23 Firmware Firmware update: As the firmware is stored in the IC of the main board, y ou need to use the easy to use BurnFW.exe app lication in order to update the p rinter’s firmware. Firmware up dates can easily be downloaded from the HiTi supp ort website: Go to, then find the ‘Support’ section. Firmware up dates are alway s recommended and help to increase the p rinter’s lifetime and efficien cy. Initialization: When the p rinter p owers on, the initialization p rocess will go through v arious stages. (See b elow illustration). The status LED will keep blinkin g until the initialization process has concluded. Host job flow: Confidential After the p rinter is p owered on, the firmware will control the p rinter’s op eration. Printing Step Related Motor Related Sensor 1 Check Ribbon Cassette type Ribbon Cassette 2 Cam load to print position Cam Cam 3 Loa d pa per Cap stan Jam 4 Ribbon registration (Y) ADF Ribbon 5 Print Yellow Cap stan LE, Jam 6 Cam print to load position Cam Cam 7 Ribbon registration (M) ADF Ribbon 8 Back paper Cap stan LE, Jam 9 Cam load to print position Cam Cam 10 Print Magenta Cap stan LE, Jam 11 Cam print to load position Cam Cam 12 Ribbon registration (C) ADF Ribbon 13 Back paper Cap stan LE, Jam 14 Cam load to print position Cam Cam 15 Print Cyan Cap stan LE, Jam 16 Cam print to load position Cam Cam 17 Ribbon registration (O) ADF Ribbon 18 Back paper Cap stan LE, Jam 19 Cam load to print position Cam Cam 20 Print Overcoat Cap stan LE, Jam 21 Eject pa per Cap stan 22 Cam print to init position Cam Cam 24 Error messages: Confidential 25 The firmware controlled Status LED shows the error status: Green Signal Light: Stable: Printer is ready for p rocessing job Blinking slowly: Printer is p rocessing job or initializin g after p ower on Blinking fast: Printer is writing firmware IMPORTANT: NEVER TURN THE PRINTER OFF WHILE ANY LIGHT IS BLINKING OR WHILE YOU CAN STILL HEAR OPERATIONAL SOUNDS FROM THE PRINTER Orange Signal Light: LED blinking Error description times 1 Cover open 3 Ribbon out 4 Paper out 5 Paper jam 6 Paper mismatch 8 Cam error 9 Nvram error 11 Asic error 12 Adc error 13 Fw checksum error 16 Write flash error 640PS Model 641PS Confidential Chapter 3: Disassembly 26 Safety Instructions for all HiTi products: Printers • • • • • • • • Read these instructions carefully. Save these instructions for future reference. Follow all warnin gs and instructions marked on the printer. Unp lug the p rinter from the wall outlet before disassembly. Do not place the p rinter on an unstable cart, stand, or table. The p rinter may get damaged by a fall. Op enings in the chassis and the bottom are p rovided for ventilation p urp oses and to ensure reliable op eration of the p rinter by protecting it form overheatin g: these op enings must not be blocked or covered. Placin g the p rinter on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar, not firm surfaces may block the op enings. The p rinter should never be p laced near or over a radiator or heat register, p rop er ventilation and coolin g must be provided at all times. The p rinter should only be op erated with the typ e of p ower indicated on the markin g label. If y ou are not sure of the typ e of p ower availab le in your area, consult y our dealer or local p ower comp any. If an extension cord is used with this product, make sure that the total amp ere rating of the equip ment p lugged into the extension cord does not exceed the extension cord amp ere ratin g. Also, mak e sure that the total rating of all p roducts plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed the fuse rating. Confidential Tools Tweezers Screwdriver – minus 27 Screwdriver – plus IC Clamp Confidential 28 Confidential Wire Cutter 29 Confidential Do not disassemble these Parts: HiTi strictly prohibits anyone to disassemble the TPH (Thermal Print Head) and the Bracket-idle. Both parts need to be calibrated by a specific calibration device and cannot be repaired on site: Bracket-idle: 30 Confidential Disassembly Click to go to the Visual Disassembly Controller Controller cable Controller board Case Ribbon door Case front Bracket Eject button Case back PCB Main board 640PS Main board 641PS Power board THP board Card board 640PS Card board 641PS Motor ADF motor Cam motor Cap stan motor Wire & cable Jam sensor LE (leadin g ed ge) sensor Cam sensor Ribbon cassette (door) sensor Ribbon sensor Ribbon LED Status LED Card board cab le Others IC flash THP linkage Fan TQL Tray front Pinch roller Cap stan roller Visual Disassembly Cam Position Motor Location 31 Confidential Vis ual Disassembly: 32 Confidential ADF MOTOR Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 33 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 screws from chassis Unscrew 2 screws from ADF motor frame 34 Confidential Unp lug connector from main board Take ADF motor out 35 Confidential BRACKET Unscrew 4 screws from bracket Unp lug 5 connectors from p ower board Unscrew screw from bracket 36 Confidential Sep arate case back and bracket with power board Unscrew 5 screws from p ower board Sep arate p ower board and bracket 37 Confidential CAM MOTOR Unscrew 2 screws from case back Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis. Unscrew 3 screws from chassis 38 Confidential Unscrew 3 screws from the card board Unscrew 2 screws from the cam motor 39 Confidential Unp lug connector from main board Take cam motor out 40 Confidential CAM S ENSOR Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 41 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack from chassis Unscrew 3 screws from chassis Unscrew 2 screws from cam sensor 42 Confidential Unp lug connector from main board Take cam sensor out 43 Confidential CAPSTAN MOTOR Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 44 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 chassis screws Unscrew 2 screws from cap stan motor 45 Confidential Unp lug connector from main board Take capstan motor out 46 Confidential CAPSTAN ROLLER Op en ribbon door. Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 47 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 chassis screws Unscrew 3 screws from ADF motor frame 48 Confidential Unscrew 2 screws from tray front Remove blu e ribbon hold er Take tray front out 49 Confidential 50 Release p inch sp ring. (Ap p ly caution when you p ull down the sp ring) App ly caution when y ou release the spring. Do not stretch the sp ring and do not p ull too hard. Confidential Pull p inch roller (see Pin ch Roller section for more details) 51 Confidential Unscrew 3 card board screws Unscrew 3 screws holding the cap stan motor frame Unscrew 3 screws from cam motor frame 52 Confidential Take p ulley out (from cap stan roller) Take e-rin g out (from cap stan roller) 53 Confidential Take p inch roller out 54 Confidential CARD BOARD 641PS Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 55 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 chassis screws Unscrew 3 card board screws 56 Confidential Unp lug 3 connectors from card board Take out card board 57 Confidential CARD BOARD CABLE Op en the ribbon door. Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 58 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 screws from chassis Unp lug connector from card board 59 Confidential Unp lug connector from main board Take card board cable out 60 Confidential CARD BOARD Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 61 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Un-screw 3 chassis screws Unscrew 3 card board screws 62 Confidential Unp lug 2 connectors from card board Take card board out 63 Confidential CASE BACK Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door backwards to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 64 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 screws from chassis Take eject button out of case back 65 Confidential 66 Unscrew the ground wire screw and unp lug the 2 conn ectors from main bo ard. Separate case back and chassis Unscrew 4 screws from bracket Confidential Unp lug 3 connectors from p ower board. Unscrew the screws from bracket Take p ower inlet and switch out of case back 67 Confidential Take case back out 68 Confidential CASE FRONT Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 69 Confidential Sep arate case front from case back with chassis 70 Confidential CONTROLLER BOARD Unscrew 4 screws from controller case back Unp lug connector of controller cable fro m controller bo ard Unp lug 2 connectors from LCD from controller bo ard Take out controller IC 71 Confidential Take controller board out 72 Confidential CONTROLLER CABLE Unscrew 4 screws from controller case back Unp lug connector of controller cable fro m controller bo ard 73 Confidential Take controller cab le out 74 Confidential DOOR SENSOR Op en ribbon door. Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unp lug connector from TPH board Remove glu e on door sensor 75 Confidential Push ribs on both sides and take door sensor out Take door sensor out 76 Confidential EJECT BUTTON Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 77 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis. Unscrew 3 screws from chassis Take eject button out of case back 78 Confidential 79 Confidential FAN Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws holding the fan Unp lug fan connector from TPH board 80 Confidential Take fan out 81 Confidential IC FLASH Op en ribbon door. Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 82 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 screws from chassis Take IC flash out 83 Confidential 84 Confidential JAM SENSOR Op en ribbon door. Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 85 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 screws from chassis Remove glu e on jam sensor 86 Confidential Unp lug connector from main board Take jam sensor out 87 Confidential LEADING EDGE SENSOR Op en ribbon door. Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 case back screws 88 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 chassis screws Unscrew 3 screws from ADF motor frame 89 Confidential Unscrew 2 tray front screws Remove blu e ribbon hold er. Take tray front out. 90 Confidential Unp lug connector from main board (shown: 640PS main board) Unscrew screw holding Leading Ed ge sensor (LE Sensor) 91 Confidential Take Leadin g Ed ge sensor out 92 Confidential MAIN BOARD = Mother Board (640PS) Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 93 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 screws from chassis Unp lug 2 connectors from main bo ard (shown: 640PS main board) Sep arate case back and ch assis 94 Confidential Take IC flash out Unscrew 2 screws and unp lug other connectors from main board Take main board out (shown 640PS main bo ard) 95 Confidential MAIN BOARD = Mother Board (641PS) Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 96 Confidential Sep arate case front and case back with chassis. Unscrew 3 chassis screws Unp lug 3 connectors from main bo ard (Shown: 641PS M ain Board) Sep arate case back and ch assis 97 Confidential Take IC flash out Unscrew 2 screws and unp lug the other connectors from main board Please note: The blue square ind icates the location of conn ector for the data link cable (641PS). Take main board out (Shown: 641P S M ain Board) 98 Confidential PINCH ROLLER Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 99 Confidential Sep arate case front and case back with chassis Unscrew 3 screws from chassis Unscrew 3 screws from ADF motor frame 100 Confidential Unscrew 2 tray front screws Remove blu e ribbon guid e Take tray front off from chassis Blue Ribbon Guide 101 Confidential Release p inch sp ring 102 Confidential 103 Push p inch roller up wards (apply a screw driver, be careful not to damage the cap stan roller in the back) Capstan Roller (ste al color) Pinch Rolle r App ly a screw driver: be careful not to damage the cap stan roller Capstan roller (be hind Pinch roller, ste al color). Be care ful not to damage the Capstan Scre w Driver Pinch Rolle r Confidential Pull p inch roller out Take p inch roller out 104 Confidential Power Board Unscrew 4 screws from bracket Unp lug 5 connectors from p ower board Unscrew screws from bracket 105 Confidential Unscrew 5 screws from p ower board Sep arate case back and bracket from power board. 106 Confidential RIBBON DOOR Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Take ribbon door out 107 Confidential RIBBON LED Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew the Ribbon LED screw 108 Confidential Unp lug connector from TPH board Take ribbon LED out 109 Confidential RIBBON SENSOR Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of the ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 110 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack from chassis Unscrew 3 chassis screws Unscrew 3 screws from ADF motor frame 111 Confidential Unscrew 2 tray front screws Remove blu e Ribbon hold er. Take tray front out 112 Confidential Unp lug connector from main board Take ribbon sensor out 113 Confidential STATUS LED Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 114 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 chassis screws Unscrew 3 card board screws 115 Confidential Take status LED out from chassis Unp lug the connector from main bo ard 116 Confidential Take status LED out 117 Confidential TPH BOARD Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws and unp lug 7 connectors from TPH board 118 Confidential Take TPH board out 119 Confidential TPH LINKAGE Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws 120 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 screws from chassis Unscrew 3 screws from ADF motor frame 121 Confidential Take c-rin g out Unscrew 2 screws from exit roller Take shaft out 122 Confidential Unscrew screw and unplug 2 connectors from TPH board Take TPH linkage out 123 Confidential TQL Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 124 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 screws from chassis Unscrew 3 screws from ADF motor frame 125 Confidential Take c-rin g (e-rin g) out Take TQL out 126 Confidential TRAY FRONT Op en ribbon door Bend both sides of the ribbon door back to remove it Unscrew 2 screws from case back 127 Confidential Sep arate case front and case b ack with chassis Unscrew 3 screws from chassis Unscrew 3 screws from ADF motor frame 128 Confidential Unscrew 2 screws from tray front Remove blu e Ribbon hold er. Take tray front out from chassis 129