directory 2013
directory 2013
KEY BISCAYNE LIONS CLUB PERSONAL & BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2013 Special Sections: Key Biscayne Historical & Heritage Society Know Your Neighbors Lion of the Year Enrique Garcia $3 Donation 1 EXPERIENCE, INTEGRITY AND DEDICATION. THAT'S WHAT WE ARE ALL ABOUT. Homes Sands Commodore Club Grand Bay Waterfront Homes Proven Professionalism. Narelle Castro 305-778-6498 Maria Iciar Oyarzun 786-553-0784 2 Nina Sinisterra 305-794-8494 Ana Maria Grisanti 305-360-8090 Liliana Martinez 786-493-1137 Maribel Moreno 305-968-6771 Paloma Ferreyros 305-903-2458 PAT & PAT 305.361.PATS (7287) Patricia R.-Peraita Lic. Real E. Broker 305-496-3459 Ocean Club 977 Crandon Boulevard Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Visit us at L’Esplanade Mall [email protected] Casa del Mar Towers Patricia Romano Lic. Real E. Broker 305-496-3456 Key Colony Mar Azul Short Sales & Foreclosures Certified Sales • Rentals Condominiums • Homes • Land • Commercials Investment, Properties Property Management Laura Maceiras 305-495-5363 Tania Peck 786-218-3572 Anabel T. Stevens 305-801-7012 Cristina Preti 305-815-5282 Virginia Lattanzi 786-301-1767 Juan Luis Vergez 305-775-7895 3 4 Coldwell Banker ® Relax... you’re home! • Residential Sales • Rentals • Property Management • Commercial • Relocation • Mortgage Services • Closing Services • Home Warranty Carlos Mandiola 305.724.7989 Betty C. Portuondo 305.469.7147 Ginette Orozco 305.218.7747 Lilibet Warner 305.606.1461 Joan McCaughan 305.775.8230 Kim Reyes 305.790.9326 Rosella Madera 786.201.2121 Becky Lozano 786.443.5782 Cristina Greeven 305.773.4520 Martha Maria Luisa Blanco-Herrera Tinoco 305.562.5939 305.978.5722 Erika Hernandez 786.553.7335 Orly Freyer 786.325.9225 Sofia Sanabria 305.303.7070 Gloria Fallon 305.807.6040 Birgit Lahaye 305.308.2885 Chris Kruger 305.215.0071 Jamie McCaughan 786.390.2025 Hilse Martin 305.772.0129 Maria ViñaRodriguez 305.790.5688 Dianne Adriana Regalado Vollmer-Aguilar 305.905.0930 305.302.8949 Brian Corbett 786.427.7225 328 Crandon Boulevard, Suite 127; Key Biscayne, FL 33149 ❙ 305.361.5722 F L O R I D A M O V E S . C O M/KeyBiscayne ©2013 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. 55 The helpful place. KEY BISCAYNE HARDWARE, INC. ACE IS YOUR HELPFUL HARDWARE PLACE WHOLESALE & EXPORT 305 361-2118 Fax 305 361-2138 800 Crandon Boulevard • Village of Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Monday thru Saturday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM • Sunday from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM Bring a sample color swatch, fabric or carpet to our store. Our Color Computer will match Benjamin Moore, Behr, Sherwin-Williams, and any other paints competitors. Ace is your place for paint. Wholesale Quantity Discount 8 2 ction tisfa r a s ur fe e yo , we of nty y aus a Bec r priorit e Warr tools! 2 u m ty i i o t l 418 e a s i 206 ll Lif and qu u d F n r a ce b Bra on A Ace ve ler lusi Dea s l o To Exc Nobody Gets The Dirt Like Hoover. Nobody.TM 9 10 064 ware Hard 6 White only 1 409 206 573 206 "Value engineered for the volume contractor" Security Locks, Inc. ® Design With Light “Distinctive, Exclusive, Personalized Real Estate Services” As native residents of Key Biscayne, we’ve devoted our lives to ensuring the prosperity of this island paradise we’ve called home for over 50 years. We have the knowledge and experience to help you with all your real estate needs. THANIA 305.582.3761 [email protected] ROBERT 305.606.9539 [email protected] 260 Crandon Blvd I Suite 25 I Key Biscayne I FL 33149 Miamiwaterfrontproperties Miamiwaterfrontproperties vernonandvernon thaniavernon I robertvernon 7 8 We offer our patients the latest medical advancements. Our focus lies within the areas of: (FOFSBMBOE1FEJBUSJD%FSNBUPMPHZr$PTNFUJD4VSHFSZ 4LJO$BODFSr-BTFS4VSHFSZr1MBTUJD4VSHFSZ D EDICATED TO THE P R AC TICE OF : GENERAL & PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY: 4LJO$BSF 1SFDBODFSPVT-FTJPOT Acne 8BSUT /FWVT LASER SURGERY/FRAXEL LASER: For the removal of Hair 5BUUPPT 4VOTQPUT .FMBTNB #JSUINBSLT "DOF4DBST Our Board Certified Doctors: CANCER SURGERY: Susana Leal-Khouri, M.D., F.A.A.D. 'FMMPXTIJQ5SBJOFE.PIT4VSHFPO Adriana Villa, M.D., F.A.A.D. #BTBM$FMM$BSDJOPNB 4RVBNPVT$FMM$BSDJOPNB .FMBOPNBT Mae Gutierrez-Cuenca, M.D., F.A.A.F.P. Roger K. Khouri, M.D., F.A.C.S. Tel: 305.361.8200 t Fax: 305.361.8005 $SBOEPO#MWE4VJUFtKey Biscayne, FL 33149 10 Fortune International Realty Congratulates PAMELA IBARGUEN Miami’s Luxury Home Specialist TM and Key Biscayne Waterfront Expert for over 20 years On another record setting waterfront sale! With over $32,000,000 in volume for the past month. Pamela is ready to work with you toward future record setting waterfront sales! PAMELA IBARGUEN Miami’s Luxury Home Specialist TM 305.858.0009 [email protected] Interiors by STUDIO SOUTH BONNIE CRAIGLOW Lic. 0001536 CAROL CRAIGLOW Visit us at 305-361-5910 OUR NEW PLACE 104 Crandon Boulevard, Suite 100 • Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Behind Wells Fargo - Key Executive Building • Specializing in renovation and creative Interior Design. • Monthly overseeing of property. • • Hourly consultation on design projects. • • Family operated design firm with • Licensed Interior Designer with over 35 years of experience. • • Interior remodeling of space with floor plans and furniture layouts available. 12 Fine furniture and accessories. Committed to high standards of practice. Utilizing existing furniture by reupholstering or refinishing. Large selection of designer fabrics, wall paper and window treatment. Fax: 305-361-3853 • Email: [email protected] Store Hours: Mon - Fri 9 AM to 5 PM and Sat. by appointment only 13 14 15 The Island Shop Luxury at your doorstep Christofle - Sferra - Baccarrat - Anna Weatherly - Hermès - Matouk - Nambe - Crane Nespresso - Michael Aram - Godiva - William Yeoward - Nest - Herend - Children’s Gifts 654 Crandon Blvd, Key Biscayne, FL 33149 - 305-361-1389 - 16 17 Creating Style On The Key For Over 25 Years 18 Accessories • Furniture • Complete Interior Design The Square, 260 Crandon Blvd., Suite 27 Key Biscayne, FL 33149 305-361-6170 • 305-361-3224 Fax [email protected] • 19 20 21 Custom closets, furniture, and sliding doors manufactured in Miami Call or visit for a complimentary consultation MIAMI 900 Park Centre Blvd. 305.623.8282 23 24 With Cervera you can sit back and relax! tĞŬŶŽǁƚŚĂƚƌĞĂůĞƐƚĂƚĞĐĂŶďĞƐƚƌĞƐƐĨƵů͘ KƵƌƚĞĂŵŽĨĞdžƉĞƌƚůLJƚƌĂŝŶĞĚƐĂůĞƐĂƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞƐƐƉĞĐŝĂůŝnjĞŝŶ <ĞLJŝƐĐĂLJŶĞ͛ƐĞdžĐůƵƐŝǀĞůŝĨĞƐƚLJůĞ͘tŝƚŚĞƌǀĞƌĂ͕LJŽƵĐĂŶƌĞůĂdž ŬŶŽǁŝŶŐƚŚĂƚLJŽƵĂƌĞǁŽƌŬŝŶŐǁŝƚŚƚŚĞŝƐůĂŶĚ͛ƐƚŽƉƌĞĂůĞƐƚĂƚĞƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůƐ͘ Ets>KWDEd^|>hyhZzZ^/E^|hz|^>>| >^| PROPERTY MANAGEMENT sŝƐŝƚŽƵƌŽĸĐĞŝŶƚŚĞ<ĞLJŝƐĐĂLJŶĞ^ŚŽƉƉŝŶŐĞŶƚĞƌ͕ŽƌĐĂůůŽŶĞŽĨŽƵƌĂƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞƐďĞůŽǁ͗ ŶŐĞůĂWĂƩ Corinne Dodd ůĂŶƋƵŝƚĂZŝǀĞƌŽ ϯϬϱ͘Ϯϭϵ͘ϭϱϭϱ ŶŐĞůĂΛĂŶŐĞůĂƉĂƩ͘ĐŽŵ ϯϬϱ͘Ϯϴϯ͘ϮϭϬϱ ĐŽƌŝŶŶĞĚŽĚĚΛĂŽů͘ĐŽŵ ϳϴϲ͘ϯϴϱ͘ϯϮϱϱ ďƌŝǀĞƌŽΛĐĞƌǀĞƌĂ͘ĐŽŵ :ĂĐŬŝĞZĞŐŶĂƵůƚ Claudia Canellas ǀĞůLJŶWĞƌĞnjͲ>ĂƌŝŶ ϯϬϱ͘ϲϭϯ͘ϴϱϭϲ :ƌĞŐŶĂƵůƚΛĐŽŵĐĂƐƚ͘ŶĞƚ ϳϴϲ͘ϯϵϵ͘ϯϵϮϵ ĐůĂƵĚŝĂƌĞĂůƚŽƌΛŚŽƚŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ ϳϴϲ͘ϰϴϲ͘ϳϲϱϬ ĞǀĞůLJŶƉĞƌĞnjůĂƌŝŶΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ /ƚŝƐŶŽƚŽƵƌŝŶƚĞŶƟŽŶƚŽƐŽůŝĐŝƚƚŚĞůŝƐƟŶŐƐŽĨŽƚŚĞƌďƌŽŬĞƌƐ͘ 25 Residential & Commercial Service Licensed and Insured 05E000912 26 AU D R E Y R O S S Delivering D elivering h happiness appiness iin n rreal eal e estate, state, o one ne d door oor a att a ttime im e w ww.mia o | 305.206.4 305.206.4003 4003 KEY BISCAYNE So close - yet so far away For those who seek a retreat from the busy beat of metropolitan Miami, yet want to be only minutes from Miami $GG9-GI9GIGI Brickell Avenue, Key Biscayne offers life at its best: The rolling greens of one of Greater Miami’s best golf courses, miles of sandy beaches, tennis courts that host annually one of the most popular tennis tournaments on the international circuit; an excellent elementary school; yacht moorings; and a central shopping area catering to all of ones needs. Indeed, one literally can choose to be a total islander or a frequent visitor - or anything in between. Key Biscayne is for those who have arrived at one of life’s best destinations. Keyword K eyword ““Audrey Audrey R Ross” oss” Esslinger E sslinger Wooten Wo W ooten Maxwell, Maxwell, IInc., nc., R Realtors® ealtors® 27 G P R I O U X T L E H E T L C V E P L S S RO EN S RE O S U G H G S OC O A O R L L L B S EXIGES ATAMAILING VASLOIGN S PL CHUR DSC IRECT CAN ASS V RO R HEA HICS D TIST EXIGL B G N ETTE GRAP L R P A S L S E R E R ICL PE YE A C S FL O L S R E R V ICKE E N T E G S PESINYL STPHICS POS A V N V S A A C NG RSGR ANNER T A S I E L B N T E N OR R G I A M X S & E R L E P T S PO EH YL V DOW N I W 305 361 0837 | FACEB O OK .C OM /G Epr int . ne t [email protected] | 929 Crandon Blvd. | Key Biscayne, FL 33149 28 E OR M & S SIGN 29 30 31 32 33 CBC #1252430 Myriam Rojas Architecture • Interior Design • Construction 104 Crandon Blvd., Suite 401 Key Biscayne, FL 33149 (305) 361-7606 • (305) 361-1204 Fax • [email protected] 35 36 37 38 Buying, Selling or Leasing? Real Estate is my Business The realtor you can trust ENRIQUE GARCIA Realtor-Associate 305-588-4111 [email protected] Enrique Garcia Top Producer Experience, Integrity and Service 260 Crandon Blvd., #25 Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Tinky’s Gift Shop 608 Crandon Blvd. (305) 361-1995 Gifts for all occasions • Crystal • Silver • Fine Costume • Jewelry 39 40 41 42 43 REPAIR SPECIALIST FOR WINDOWS, DOORS, SCREENS & GLASS “Serving Key Biscayne Since 1974” • Sliding Glass & Screen Doors • Window & Patio Screening [email protected] • Table Top to Size Free Estimates • Window & Door Glass Licensed & Insured CC#18464 • Closet Mirror Doors • We Carry All Parts 305-279-9399 44 Someone you can trust with all your real estate needs M. Ivette Martinez-Thomas Broker-Associate Office: (305) 361-1720 ext. 204 Cell: (786) 597-1898 E-mail: [email protected] 328 Crandon Boulevard, Suite 105 Key Biscayne, FL 33149 CONSTRUCTIVE CONSULTING SERVICES New Construction and Remodeling Solutions General Contractors CGC 1505827 240 Crandon Blvd., #112 • Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Main: (305) 365-3727 • Fax: (305) 675-5838 [email protected] 45 46 47 48 I S L A N D POWER & LIGHTING 49 alleria of Key Biscayne! At the G Authentic German Authentic German n Deli Deli ta taste of of Europe! Eu ur ro ope! with a taste At Old Heidelberg Deli we produce the finest selection of high-quality homemade Ger man German and European deli classics including: g: Sausages s Meats s Hams s Sandwiches ches s Salads Soups s Breads s Sweet Treats s Beer & Wine +1.786.334.6175 328 Crandon Blvd #120, Key Biscayne, FL 33149 5'&$ 00$ $%287 5'&$ The ultimate self improvement program. Y You are now beginning beginni a journey that will tap into your incredible potential - sculpting an empowered you that is THE ULTIMATE BLACK BELT EXPERIENCE! :(/&20(725'&$ MOTIVATED Empower yourself. Enhance your mind, body, & spirit. B Become a part rt off something s thi great. t. PHYSICALLY FIT Through the martial arts, elite conditioning, & guided motivational training, we forge a stronger you. CONFIDENT FULL OF ENERGY SELF DISCIPLINED PHONE: 305-365-0120 WWW.RDCAMMA.COM 1 FREE WEEK WITH THIS FLYER 50 Cristian Gonzalez-Black Fortune International Realty 260 Crandon Blvd., Suite 25 Key Biscayne, Florida 33149 (305) 361-8661 Doug Kinsley Realtor-Associate Realtor-Associate (305) 775-3426 (305) 215-5900 51 K Lifetime Key Residents over 50 years! Where Professional Fisherman Buy Their Tackle Store Hours: Monday - Saturday: 8:30am - 5:00pm • Sunday: Gone Fishin’ NEW ADDRESS: 8501 NW 7th Avenue • Miami, FL 33150 CALL 305-374-4661 or ORDER ON-LINE Email: [email protected] • Fax: 305-374-3713 52 Integrated Massage Therapy • Neuromuscular • Oncology/ Mastectomy • MAT Craniosacral and Visceral Manipulation (305) 361-9904 NAT. CERT. LMT (305) 301-0363 [email protected] 53 54 Caballero Rivero Woodlawn Woodlawn Park South Cemetery 11655 SW 117th Avenue Miami, FL 33186 (305) 238-3672 Woodlawn Park North Cemetery and Crematory 3260 SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33135 (305) 445-5425 Woodlawn Park West Cemetery 14001 NW 178th Street Miami, FL 33015 (305) 828-0807 Palms Woodlawn Cemetery 27100 Old Dixie Highway Naranja, FL 33032 (305) 247-4218 Palms Woodlawn Caballero Rivero Woodlawn Caballero Rivero Woodlawn Caballero Rivero Woodlawn Caballero Rivero Woodlawn Hialeah Chapel Chapel Kendall Chapel Westchester Chapel Miami Chapel 373-377 West 9th Street 27100 Old Dixie Highway 11655 SW 117th Avenue 8200 Bird Road 3344 SW 8th Street Hialeah FL 33010 Naranja, FL 33032 Miami, FL 33186 Miami, FL 33155 Miami, FL 33135 (305) 888-6792 (305) 247-4218 (305) 238-3672 (305) 227-3344 (305) 445-9508 55 Visit the website for: • A searchable database of restaurants, stores, professionals & more • An event calendar • Special offers from local businesses called “Hot Deals” • Videos of local businesses and what they offer Do you have out of town visitors? The Chamber’s Visitor Center is staffed from 9-5 M-F, and open 24/7 for maps, brochures and coupons. 88 W. McIntyre Street, Suite 100 (next to Police Station) Key Biscayne, FL 33149 305.361.5207 • [email protected] Key Biscayne Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center 56 57 ® Let's call Domino's! We accept credit cards 180 Crandon Blvd. 305-361-0000 THE KEY BISCAYNE LIONS CLUB PERSONAL & BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2013 is available at • Key Pharmacy 614 Crandon Boulevard • Key Biscayne Chamber of Commerce 88 West McIntyre Street • Stefano’s of Key Biscayne 328 Crandon Boulevard, #122 • Island Athletics 79 Harbor Drive • American Postal & Business Services 260 Crandon Boulevard, #32 • Toy Town 260 Crandon Boulevard, #43 For information contact Nora Camejo at 58 305.361.7064 We invite all of our local neighbors to join our 2013 Key Card Program offering exclusive privileges throughout the resort. For additional information or to join our Key Card Program, please contact Tatiana Lora at (305) 365-4208 or via email at [email protected]. Visit us on Facebook at or YouTube at 455 Grand Bay Drive Key Biscayne, FL 33149 (305) 365-4500 59 60 Biscayne Nature Center Take a stroll down the beach and visit the We’re Key Biscayne’s backyard paradise and a 2007 Rand McNally Best of the Road™ Editor’s Pick. Wow. 305•361•6767 Adventures for the whole family. 6767 Crandon Blvd. North Beach Entrance (across from the golf course.) 61 62 63 64 DYNAMIC AND ADAPTIVE INSTRUCTION FOR TODAY’S STUDENTS From Fro om Key Biscayne, to Across A the Country, the and Around th he Globe PREPWO PREPWORKS ORKS continue continuess to hel help lp thousands of stude students ents personal each h year achieve their pe ersonal best scores! Vir Virtual tual Private, In-Pe In-Person, rson, and On-Demand Instruction Students In nstruction for Student ts in Grades 4-12. •P PSAT/SAT SAT AT/SAT • AC T ACT • End o Course Ex ams off Course Exams •S ubjject-Specific T utoring Subject-Specific Tutoring • SSAT SSAT • ISEE HSPT • HSPT College Readiness Readiness • College Key K ey Biscayne, Biscayne, FL | Coconut Coconut Gr Grove, ove, FL [email protected] info@pr | www 305.361.2400 3 05. 361. 2400 65 66 67 68 "SOLD" is my favorite 4-letter word! Realtor Carmen Tonarely Office: 305-361-3440, ext. 267 Cell: 305-338-6106 [email protected] 260 Crandon Blvd., Suite 25 Key Biscayne, FL 33149 69 70 71 72 73 Key Biscayne Lions Club invites you to the annual Pancake Breakfast Saturday, February 16th, 2013 Key Biscayne Beach Club 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Tickets on sale at the door 74 Adults $5.00 Children $3.00 Music Provided The Leaders in Luxury & Adventure Travel Combined Experience on Key Biscayne over 100 years LuxuRy TRAVEL ◆ Exclusive Prices, Upgrades & Amenities through Virtuoso ◆ Escorted/Hosted Departures ◆ VIP Treatment Worldwide ◆ Experienced Certified Travel (CTC) Consultant ADVENTuRE TRAVEL ◆ Expedition Cruises ◆ Family Vacations ◆ Ranches & Lodges ◆ Walking/Biking Tours ◆ Fishing Excursions ◆ River Rafting JIM ERASO TRAVEL fax: 305-365-6425 email: [email protected] web: 50 W. Mashta Dr., Suite 3 ◆ Key Biscayne, FL 33149 KUALA LUMPUR SHANGHI CARTAGENA BRISBANE 305-365-6424 INC. ST MAARTEN LENINGRAD NAWILIWILI LISBON VANCOUVER LIVORNO PERTH MYKONOS LISBON HELSINKI BRITTANY HAIFA LAHAINA WATERFORD BALI NICE SYDNEY PAPEETE BORDEAUX SEOUL BOMBAY ISTANBUL AMSTERDAM SHANGHI CARTAGENA BRISBANE ST NAZAIRE CALDERA SOUTHAMPTON MAUI BORA BORA GIBRALTAR GEIRANGER TOKYO DUBROVNIK COPENHAGEN ROME SINGAPORE BOMBAY ISTANBUL AMSTERDAM 75 O ST 76 BERFE O T K 77 78 Carmen Ortiz-Butcher, M.D. , F.A.C.P. Internal Medicine, Nephrology Diabetes, Hypertension L’ Esplanade, 967 Crandon Blvd. Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Tel: 305.365.8222 Fax: 305.365.8299 79 80 EMERGENCIES E M E R G E N C I E S and NUMBERS OF IMPORTANCE ExtREME EMERGENCy - polICE ..........................................................Dial 911 polICE DISpatCh - Suspicious activities...........................................365-5555 aMbulaNCE - FIRE - paRaMEDICS ......................................................Dial 911 KEy bISCayNE FIRE RESCuE (INFoRMatIoN) .............................365-8929/30 poISoN CoNtRol .......................................................................1-800-282-3171 VIllaGE oF KEy bISCayNE ................................................................365-5511 GlENN abRahMSohN (LDS, RCS, Eng.) - (Dentist) ............................361-0778 DEntaL ConnECtion ........................................................................361-0778 aDaIR alSpaCh buSh, DVM - K.B. Veterinary House Calls................763-2785 JoRGE l. bERtRaN, M.D. (Pediatrics & adolescent Medicine House Calls-Stitches) ................................................................................361-7979 aNGEl bEtaNCouRt, MD, Pa (General & Laparoscopic Surgery) ......663-1266 bowES DERMatoloGy GRoup lEyDa ElIzabEth bowES, MD, Pa (adult & Pediatric Dermatology) 856-6519 DIEtER MaNStEIN, MD, PhD (inventor of CoolSculpting).....................856-6519 CaSa SMIlES, MaIGREly abREu-hERNaNDEz, DMD, luIS llaMaS, DDS MuRIEl IwaNowSKI, DMD (Pediatric Dentistry/orthodontics) 361-7773/662-7702 alaN CREED (Chiropractic Physician)....................................................365-7988 DERMatoloGy & plaStIC SuRGERy................................................361-8200 SuSaNa lEal-KhouRI, MD, FaaD - RoGER KhouRI, MD, FaCS MaE GutIERREz, MD, FaaFP (Family Practitioner), IVaN CaMaCho, MD, FaaD StEVE EaStMaN, DVM (Veterinarian) ...................................................361-6205 NEIl a. FRIEDMaN, DMD (General Dentistry) - StEVEN bERKowItz, DDS (Periodontist) .............................................................................................361-2096 t.J., GIuFFRIDa, MD (Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center) ...................461-2000 RaMoN a. GuEVaRa, Do (Pediatrics & adolescent Medicine) .............361-6232 MIChaEl l. laNDau (optometrist)........................................................361-7455 IDalIa laStRa, DMD (orthodontist)......................................................856-7180 paMEla MERINo, MD, Pa (internal Medicine) .......................................663-1266 MIaMI bREaSt CENtER / RoGER KhouRI, MD, FaCS .....................365-5595 MIaMI haND CENtER / RoGER KhouRI, MD, FaCS..........................642-4263 MIaMI ob-GyN aSSoCIatES, llC .......................................................854-2899 RolaNDo J. DE lEoN, MD, FaCoG, JoRGE E. MENDIa, MD, FaCoG, EDwaRD M. FIDalGo, MD, FaCoG, FaCS, CaRloS a. GaRCIa, MD, FaCoG, GREGoRy a. GüEll, MD, FaCoG, tESSIE laRRIEu, MD CaRMEN oRtIz-butChER, MD, FaCP (internal Medicine, nephrology, Diabetes, Hypertension) .............................365-8222 MIRIaM KatERINE pEREz, MD (Pediatrics & adolescent Medicine) .........361-6232 RobERt E. pICKaRD, MDPa (Ear, nose, throat).....................................661-9100 JuaN CaRloS poRtuoNDo, DDS (oral Surgeon) .............................648-3717 GaRy a. RobERtSoN DC (Chiropractor) ..............................................640-5645 albERto SuaREz, DDS (Cosmetic & General Dentistry) ....................361-5493 JaIME J. VERGaRa, DDS (Family Dentistry) .........................................361-8002 CaRloS E. wIEGERING, MD (Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery) .365-0444/858-4366 JaIME zaMbRaNo, DMD (orthodontics) ...............................................567-2772 K.b. VIllaGE taxI pCS #1009...............................................................361-3111 81 V I l l a G E VIllaGE oF KEy bISCayNE ............................................................365-5511 Building, Zoning and Planning ...........................................................365-5512 Finance Department ..........................................................................365-8903 Public Works ......................................................................................365-8945 Village Clerk .......................................................................................365-5506 Village Manager .................................................................................365-5514 Village Recreation ............................................................................365-8901 Village Community Center ................................................................365-8900 Passport ............................................................................................365-8953 att (Repairs) ...........................................................................................611 FloRIDa powER & lIGht ..........................................................442-8770 MEtRo DaDE watER ..................................................................665-7488 SChool (Key Biscayne Elementary) ............................................361-5418 buS RoutE aND INFoRMatIoN................................................770-3131 RICKENbaCKER CauSEway toll oFFICE.............................854-2468 bIll baGGS StatE paRK...........................................................361-5811 K.b. lIoNS Club INFoRMatIoN ......................................................588-4111 IMpoRtaNt NuMbERS FoR SENIoRS VIllaGE oF KEy bISCayNE SENIoR SERVICES CooRDINatoR Roxy lohuIS ...................................................................365-8953 82 EMERGENCy...................................................................................Dial 911 ElDER hElp lINE .......................................................................670-4357 aRSICaRE GRoup hoME hEalth CaRE ........................305-854-3234 SyNERGy hoMECaRE ........................................................786-888-0379 uNItED hoMECaRE ...................................................................716-0710 SENIoR CItIzEN pRopERty tax DEFERMENt......................270-4916 allIaNCE FoR aGING ...............................................................670-6500 CatholIC ChaRItIES ................................................................754-2444 DEpaRtMENt oF ChIlDREN & FaMIlIES aDult pRotECtIVE SERVICES ........................................786-257-5352 ElDER CaRE loCatoR ......................................................800-677-1116 GuaRDIaNShIp pRoGRaM oF DaDE CouNty......................592-7642 SoCIal SECuRIty aDMINIStRatIoN ...............................800-772-1213 VEtERaN’S aDMINIStRatIoN ...........................................800-827-1000 83 C l a S S I F I E D ClaSSIFIED INDEx aCCouNtING Lancaster & Reed ............................................4 aESthEtICS/wEllNESS aesthetics & Wellness of Key Biscayne Ramon a. Guevara, Do...............................141 altERatIoNS nice twice Consignment ...............................36 appaREl – Children’s, teen’s, Men’s, Women’s Burns Ltd......................................................132 toy town ..........................................................8 applIaNCES & aIR CoNDItIoNING air Pluto air Conditioning. ............................145 Carlos Service appliance Repair ...................67 Complete Home Services, inc. ....................153 Cooling Experts..............................................28 imperial Repair and Service Corp. ..............137 Key appliance/aC & appliance Services. ......40 aRt GallERy Commenoz Gallery ........................................69 aRChItECtS/CoNStRuCtIoN CCS/Constructive Consulting Services .........45 Cobo Construction Corp. ...............................50 island Construction Group, inc ......................48 isola Construction, Mariano Grimaux ..........134 MZ Design / Rojas Myriam ............................35 o & C Builders, inc. .....................................136 Village architects..........................................150 attoRNEy at law abood Hoffman, teresa, Esq. LL.M in Estate Planning...............................195 Cancio Johnson & Echarte P.L. Marili Cancio ..................................................63 Davey, Michael W., PL, the Law offices of...47 Hoffman, John D, Esq. Certified by the Florida Bar in Civil trial ......195 Stickney, timothy P., Law offices of ............148 baKERy La Boulangerie.............................................157 baNKS U.S. Century Bank .......................................129 bICyClES Key Cycling ..................................................136 blINDS activa Window Decor.....................................58 CalENDaR Calendar/Holidays........................................194 anniversary traditions ...................................78 Birthstones .....................................................32 Flowers of the Month .....................................32 Moon Phases .................................................78 Zodiac Signs ..................................................32 CatERING-REStauRaNt Parties by Pat .............................................179 84 CEllulaR phoNES at&t Store/Electronictalk ................................1 ChIRopRaCtoR Creed alan/Chiropractor .............................185 Key Biscayne Chiropractic Robertson, Gary a., DC/Chiropractor ...........69 ChuRCh/SyNaGoGuE Church/Synagogue information ...................158 Key Biscayne Community Church ...............136 St. Christopher’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church .....................................................................158 ClINIC/MEDICal SERVICES/hEalthCaRE Betancourt, angel, MD, Pa ..........................132 Gutierrez Mae, MD FaaFP ............................10 island Clinic, the ortiz-Butcher, Carmen, MD ..........................79 Merino, Pamela, MD, Pa .............................132 Miami oB-Gyn associates, LLC ....................20 Rolando J. De Leon, MD, FaCoG Jorge E. Mendia, MD, FaCoG Edward M. Fidalgo, MD, FaCoG, FaCS Carlos a. Garcia, MD, FaCoG Gregory a. Güell, MD, FaCoG tessie Larrieu, MD Pickard, M.D.P.a., Robert E. - Ear, nose, throat .....................................................................150 CloSEtS California Closets...........................................22 CoMMuNIty CENtER Key Biscayne Community Center ................144 CoMputERS islander PC Solution ....................................133 Key Computers ............................................149 CoNSIGNMENt nice twice Consignment ...............................36 CoNSultING/buSINESS Marine insurance Consulting William J. o’Brien Jr.....................................148 CooKING MEaSuREMENtS Cooking Measurements Equivalents. ............60 Cooking Measurements US-Metric ...............44 CoSMEtIC SuRGERy Khouri, Roger K, MD. ..............................10, 41 Miami Breast Center ......................................41 Miami Hand Center ........................................41 Wiegering, Carlos E., MD ..............................26 CouNSElING Brazzini, Mijanou/Mental Health Counselor.148 DENtal Casa Smiles/Maigrely abreu Hernandez DMD..58 Dental Connection, the ...........83, Back Cover Lastra, idalia, DMD/orthodontist .................154 Friedman, neil a., DMD .................................21 Portuondo, Juan C., DDS ............................157 Suarez, alberto, DDS..................................144 Vergara, Jaime J., DDS, Pa .........................46 Zambrano orthodontics ...............................179 DERMatoloGy Bowes Dermatology Group Bowes, Leyda Elizabeth, MD, Pa ..................21 Manstein, Dieter, MD., PhD. ..........................21 Dermatology & Plastic Surgery Leal-Khouri, Susana, MD...............................10 Gutierrez-Cuenca, Mae, MD ..........................10 ivan Camacho, MD ........................................10 Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center Giuffrida, t.J., MD ..........................................69 GouRMEt MaRKEt/DElI old Heidelberg Deli........................................50 EaR/NoSE/thRoat Pickard, M.D.P.a., Robert E Ear, nose & throat ......................................150 hoME DECoR Studio South, interiors by .............................12 Unusual by Giselle ........................................18 DRy ClEaNERS Key Dry Cleaners.........................................151 nice twice Consignment ...............................36 EDuCatIoNal SERVICES international Christian School ........................42 Prepworks ......................................................65 EDuCatIoNal/CREatIVE/aRt Mystic Creator .................................................38 ElECtRIC island Power & Lighting .................................49 Keylite Electric Service....................................26 EVENtS/KEy bISCayNE lIoNS Club annual Events .............180, 182, 184, 186, 188 Lion of the Year/Enrique Garcia...................189 oktoberfest. ...................................................76 Pancake Breakfast.........................................74 FIREFIGhtERS Key Biscayne Professional Firefighters .......138 FIShING Supply/SpoRtFIShING Capt. Harry’s Fishing Supply .........................52 L & H Sportfishing aboard .............................79 FItNESS/GyMNaStICS/pIlatES inner Strength Studios ................................148 Pilates Center by Bernadette ........................50 FlowERS & plaNtS Blooming Flowers .........................................30 FuNERal hoMES/CREMatoRy Caballero Rivero Woodlawn ..........................55 Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory........33 GENERal/FaMIly pRaCtItIoNER Betancourt, angel, MD, Pa ..........................132 Gutierrez Mae, MD FaaFP ............................10 GIFtS the island Shop.............................................16 tinky’s Gift Shop ............................................39 toy town ..........................................................8 GolF CaRS Key Carts .......................................................42 GRaphIC DESIGN Camejo, nora/Designone Graphic & Web Page Design.........................54 George Earl Graphics & Printing ...................28 the islander news .......................................140 C l a S S I F I E D haIRStylING/Spa/SKIN CaRE Ceci’s Hair & Spa...........................................57 DR Bonlie Salons...........................................40 Glamour Hair Designs .................................159 Key Colony Hair & Spa ..................................57 toni & Guy ...................................................131 haRDwaRE Key Biscayne Hardware ..................................6 hEalth FooD StoRE Key to Health.................................................56 hoME hEalth CaRE arsiCare Group .............................................13 Synergy HomeCare ......................................46 hoME thEatER SyStEMS Ultimate Sound & Vision ...............................43 hotEl Ritz-Carlton, the, Key Biscayne....................59 Hotel Urbano at Brickell .................................46 INSuRaNCE Coastal insurance Group Hoyo, Bryan / Hoyo, Paul ..............................151 Goldstein, Julian, CLU .....................................159 Key Biscayne insurance ....................................45 obregon insurance...........................................139 o’Brien, William J. ............................................148 INtERIoR DESIGN/FuRNItuRE Colors of Design Group ................................38 Studio South, interiors by .............................12 Unusual by Giselle ........................................18 MZ Design / Rojas Myriam ............................35 INtERNal MEDICINE Betancourt, angel, MD, Pa ..........................132 Merino, Pamela, MD, Pa .............................132 ortiz-Butcher, Carmen, MD ..........................79 JEwElRy Christina termine/Diamonds on the Key .........9 Sabbia Fine Jewelry ....................................144 Santayana Unique Jewelry Design................77 laNGuaGE CENtER/tRaNSlatIoNS Key Languages ..............................................80 lIquoR StoRE Stefano’s Wine & Liquor ................................53 lIbRaRy Key Biscayne Library Hours ........................142 Map Key Biscayne Map/Courtesy of the islander news ..............................................................192-193 MaSSaGE Cina, LMt, Massage by, ................................53 85 C l a S S I F I E D MaRtIal aRtS RDCa MMa / academy of Martial arts ..........50 MoRtGaGE/hoME loaNS Magellan international Mortgage Maria E. Somarriba ......................................133 NatuRE CENtER Biscayne nature Center.................................61 NEwSpapER the islander news .......................................140 ob/GyN Miami oB-Gyn associates, LLC ....................20 Rolando J. De Leon, MD, FaCoG Jorge E. Mendia, MD, FaCoG Edward M. Fidalgo, MD, FaCoG, FaCS Carlos a. Garcia, MD, FaCoG Gregory a. Güell, MD, FaCoG tessie Larrieu, MD optoMEtRISt Landau, Michael L., o.D. ...............................23 oFFICES/ExECutIVE/VIRtual Key Colony Plaza ..........................................24 oRGaNIzatIoNS Key Biscayne Chamber of Commerce ..........56 Key Biscayne Community Foundation...........73 Michael Scholz Memorial Charitable Fund Key Biscayne Historical & Heritage Society ..............................................................167-178 Kiwanis of Key Biscayne..............................156 Lions Club information..........................160-166 Rotary Club of Key Biscayne .......................152 pEDIatRIC & aDolESCENt MEDICINE Bertran, Jorge L., MD ..................................135 Guevara, Ramon, Do ..................................155 Perez, Miriam Katerine, MD.........................155 pESt CoNtRol Key Biscayne Pest Control ............................60 pEtS Key Biscayne Pet Grooming........................142 Boarding Services for Dogs & Cats .............151 phaRMaCy Key Pharmacy......................inside Front Cover photoGRaphy/VIDEoGRaphy Maritza Minor .................................................63 phySICal thERapy Jaller Raad Rehabilitation Center ................146 Waldman Daniel a./Physical therapy..........150 pluMbING Bay Plumbing.................................................34 Call a Plumber, inc ................................56, 142 Coral Reef Plumbing....................................181 island Plumbing Co........................................48 Mar-B Plumbing ...........................................134 86 pool SERVICES Pool Service america.....................................51 poStal SERVICE/ShIppING/paCKING american Postal & Business Services.........130 Key Postal & Business Center.......................92 pRINtING Camejo, nora/Designone Graphic & Web Page Design.........................54 George Earl Graphics & Printing ...................28 the islander news .......................................140 pRopERty MaNaGEMENt Michele & associates/Estevez, Michele .....148 pRotECtIoN SyStEMS island Fire .....................................................49 REal EStatE abascal, ines, Broker-associate, Fortune int’l ...183 arch Realty inc. ...........................................195 Blanco-Herrera, Martha, Realtor-associate, Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate ..............63 Cervera Real Estate ......................................25 Claudia Canellas Corinne Dodd angela Patt Evelyn Perez-Larin Jacqueline Regnault Blanquita Rivero, GRi, tRC Chehab, Linda, Realtor-associate, Fortune int’l 144 Coldwell-Banker Residential Real Estate ........5 Joan McCaughan Lilibet Warner Ginette orozco Betty C. Portuondo Carlos Mandiola Martha Blanco-Herrera Maria Luisa tinoco Cristina Greeven Becky Lozano Rosella Madera Kim Reyes Chris Kruger Birgit Lahaye Gloria Fallon Sofia Sanabria orly Freyer Erika Hernandez Brian Corbett adriana Vollmer-aguilar Dianne Regalado Maria Viña-Rodriguez Hilse Martin Jamie McCaughan de Langeron Brigitte, Realtor-associate Fortune int’l ......................................................31 Engel & Völkers .............................................43 Esslinger-Wooten-Maxwell Realtors...........14-15 VivianGalego-Mendez/Managing-Broker, Galego-Mendez ifigenia Gonzalez Vivian Carlos alvarez Managing-Broker SylviaCastellanos, iriondo Recio, Laura Caballero, adita Maria Patsy aballí Carmen B. Llano-White Elguera Donnelly, Roberta Fitipaldi, Elena iglesias, Silvia Bermudez Maria Jose Lucena Sylvia iriondo, Chiqui Labarrere, Pity Betancourt adolfo Carmen Malave B. LlanoMarilyn Borroto & Jose Lopez, annieMaria Mammes White, angelica Jose Lucena, Heidi Brito Florencia angela & Gilberto ocampo, Lupita Moni Peterfy-Shaya, Leonardo Brito Marianela Montenegro ileana Puig, Santiago & Maria Rousseau, Elia tarafa, Luissell Brito Encina neira alicia tarafa Vadia, ani del ocampo Valle, Paula BrookGilbert, Maria Elena angela & Gilberto Silvia Caicedo Lupita Peterfy-Shaya Maria Elguera Donnelly Susana Roth Laura Duarte Elia tarafa Menchu Escolar Giulietta Ulloa Maria Michela Zarrillo Roberta Fittipaldi Sebastian Vera Lorena Garcia Morillo Fortune int’l. Realty......................................196 Garcia, Enrique a, Realtor-associate, Fortune int’l ....................................................39 Gonzalez Black, Cristian, Realtor-associate, Fortune int’l .........................................................51 Haug, Ellen, Realtor-associate, Fortune int’l .......29 Haug-Miles, Kim, Realtor-associate, Fortune int’l ...29 Key Biscayne Realty Group...........................17 ibarguen Pamela, Miami’s Luxury SpecialisttM Fortune int’l............................................................11 Kinsley, Doug, Realtor-associate, Fortune int’l .....51 Lamar, Barbara, one/Sotheby’s int’l Realty .......47 Lipzer, alex, Realtor-associate Key Biscayne Realty Group ................................17 Lorenzo-Luaces, Lourdes, Real Estate Broker, arch Realty inc. .....................................................195 Madera, Kari, Broker-associate, Fortune int’l ...................................................inside Back Cover Miami Capital Properties................................59 Mize, Cindy, Lic. Real Estate Broker, Miami Capital Properties ..................................59 Pat & Pat Bayfront Realty & associates ......2, 3 narelle Castro Paloma Ferreyros ana Maria Grisanti Virginia Lattanzi Laura Maceiras Liliana Martinez Maribel Moreno Maria iciar oyarzun tania Peck Cristina Preti nina Sinisterra anabel t. Stevens Juan Luis Vergez Peraita, Patricia Riestra, Lic. Real Estate Broker, Pat & Pat Bayfront Realty & associates ...............3 Rivero Blanquita, Broker-associate Cervera Real Estate ....................................23, 25 Romano, Patricia, Lic. Real Estate Broker, Pat & Pat Bayfront Realty & associates ...............3 Ross, audrey, Esslinger Wooten Maxwell inc. Realtors .......................................................................27 Sanchez, Cecile & Ed, Realtors, Fortune int’l....35 thomas, ivette, Broker-associate, Fortune int’l ..45 tonarely, Carmen, Realtor, Fortune int’l................69 Ulloa, Giulietta, Realtor-associate, Esslinger Wooten Maxwell inc. Realtors .......15, 53 Vernon, Robert & thania, Broker-associates, Fortune int’l. .......................................................7 KB Village Realty Ginny M. Eugenia Valls, Lic. Real Estate Broker ..151 REStauRaNtS 11th Street Diner ..........................................183 archie’s Pizza/Cafe........................................38 ayesha ...........................................................40 Chief’s Seafood & Sushi Bar .......................159 Cantina Beach-the Ritz-Carlton ....................59 Cioppino-the Ritz-Carlton .............................59 Costa Med......................................................13 Domino's Pizza ..............................................58 Donut Gallery ...............................................143 Hanks’ Place ..................................................29 La Boulangerie.............................................157 Lighthouse Cafe.............................................37 old Heidelberg Deli........................................50 Parties by Pat .............................................179 Puntino Key Biscayne ...................................19 Puntino Pizzeria ............................................19 Sir Pizza.........................................................71 Vito’s Restaurant............................................44 C l a S S I F I E D SChoolS international Christian School ........................42 Key Biscayne Comm. Church Day School.......136 St. agnes academy......................................146 St. Christopher’s by-the-Sea Montessori School .....................................................................158 SEaFooD Chief’s Seafood & Sushi Bar .......................159 SECuRItIES/INVEStMENtS Goldstein, Julian, CLU .....................................159 Portfolio Resources international Group......187 SERVICE StatIoNS/auto REpaIRING Mobil of Key Biscayne .................................147 Paradise Shell..............................................150 ShIppING & FREIGht FoRwaRDER american Postal & Business Service ..........130 Key Postal & Business Center.......................92 ShoppING CENtER Key Colony Plaza ..........................................24 ShuttERS Hurricane Shutter Company ..........................67 SpEECh patholoGy KB Speech Rabassa thompson, annie, MS, CCC-SLP ..42 SpoRtS island athletics ...............................................16 StoRIES Francois, Victoire/Grace international...190,191 Flynn, Sir thomas E. .....................................62 Harmon, Jeanne ............................................64 Hacker, Hortensia S. ......................................68 Martin, Eileen .................................................72 o’Brien Henry Family, the.............................70 Zambrano Family, the ...................................66 taxIS/lIMoS/tRaNSpoRtatIoN SERVICES KB Village taxi .............................................136 toyS toy town ..........................................................8 tRaVEl Jim Eraso travel, inc........................................75 tutoRING Prepworks ......................................................65 VEtERINaRIaN island Vet. Hospital/Steve Eastman, DVM .146 K.B. Veterinary House Calls adair alspach Bush, DVM..............................39 wEb paGE DESIGN Camejo, nora/Designone Graphic & Web Page Design.........................54 wINDow / REpaIR / CoVERINGS activa Window Decor.....................................58 Complete Window Service.............................44 Hurricane Shutter Company ..........................67 87 a l p h a b E t I C a l alphabEtICal INDEx Calendar/Holidays........................................194 11th Street Diner ..........................................183 abascal, ines, Broker-associate, Fortune int’l ...183 abood Hoffman, teresa, Esq. LL.M in Estate Planning...............................195 abrahmsohn, Glenn M., LDS, RCS, (Eng.) ..................................................83, Back Cover activa Window Decor.....................................58 aesthetics & Wellness of Key Biscayne Ramon a. Guevara, Do...............................141 air Pluto air Conditioning. ............................145 alspach Bush adair, DVM K.B. Veterinary House Calls. .........................39 american Postal & Business Services.........130 anniversary traditions ...................................78 arch Realty inc. ...........................................195 archie’s Pizza/Cafe........................................38 arsiCare Group .............................................13 at&t Store.......................................................1 ayesha ...........................................................40 Bay Plumbing.................................................34 Berkowitz Steven, DDS .................................21 Bertran, Jorge L, MD, FaaP ........................135 Betancourt, angel, MD, Pa ..........................132 Birthstones .....................................................32 Biscayne nature Center.................................61 Blanco-Herrera, Martha, Realtor-associate, Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate ..............63 Blooming Flowers .........................................30 Boarding Services for Dogs & Cats .............151 Bowes, Leyda Elizabeth, MD, Pa ..................21 Brazzini, Mijanou/Mental Health Counselor.148 Burns Ltd......................................................132 Caballero Rivero Woodlawn ..........................55 California Closets...........................................22 Call a Plumber, inc ................................56, 142 Camacho, ivan, MD .......................................10 Camejo, nora /Designone Graphic & Web Page Design .........................54 Cancio Johnson & Echarte P.L. Marili Cancio ..................................................63 Cantina Beach-the Ritz-Carlton ....................59 Capt. Harry’s Fishing Supply .........................52 Carlos Service appliance Repair ...................67 Casa Smiles/Maigrely abreu-Hernandez DMD..58 CCS/Constructive Consulting Services .........45 Ceci’s Hair & Spa...........................................57 Cervera Real Estate ......................................25 88 Claudia Canellas Corinne Dodd angela Patt Evelyn Perez-Larin Jacqueline Regnault Blanquita Rivero, GRi, tRC Chehab, Linda, Realtor-associate, Fortune int’l 144 Chief’s Seafood............................................159 Church/Synagogue information ...................158 Cina, LMt, Massage by .................................53 Cioppino-the Ritz-Carlton .............................59 Coastal insurance Group ................................151 Cobo Construction Corp. ...............................50 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate ........5 Joan McCaughanGinette orozco, Birgit Lahaye Joan McCaughan, Betty Portuondo, Lilibet Warner Gloria Fallon Birgit Lahaye, Dianne R. Kammerer , Martha BlancoGinette orozco Sofia Sanabria Herrera, Lucia Morales, Cristina Betty C. Portuondo orlyGreeven, Freyer Maria Luisa Erika Hernandez Carlos Mandiola tinoco, Lilibet Warner, Sofiaernandez, nella Shap, Peter Martha Blanco-Herrera Brian Corbett Regalado, Kim Reyes, Victoria thornhill, annie Maria Luisa tinoco adriana Vollmer-aguilar Gonzalez, Karademos, Marshall Byrum, alina Cristinaanthe Greeven Dianne Regalado Becky Lozano Maria Viña-Rodriguez Hilse Martin Rosella Madera Kim Reyes Jamie McCaughan Chris Kruger Colors of Design Group ................................38 Commenoz Gallery.........................................69 Complete Home Services, inc. ....................153 Complete Window Service, inc......................44 Cooking Measurements Equivalents. ............60 Cooking Measurements US-Metrics. .............44 Cooling Experts..............................................28 Coral Reef Plumbing....................................181 Costa Med......................................................13 Creed, alan/Chiropractor Physician .............185 Davey, Michael W., PL, the Law offices of...47 de Langeron Brigitte, Realtor-associate Fortune int’l ......................................................31 Dental Connection, the ...........83, Back Cover Diamonds on the Key ......................................9 Domino's Pizza ..............................................58 Donut Gallery Restaurant ............................143 DR Bonlie Salons...........................................40 Eastman, Steve, DVM/island Vet. Clinic .....146 Electronictalk....................................................1 Engel & Völkers .............................................43 Esslinger-Wooten-Maxwell Realtors .........14-15 Vivian Carlos alvarez ifigenia Gonzalez VivianGalego-Mendez/Managing-Broker, Galego-Mendez SylviaCastellanos, iriondo Managing-Broker Recio, Laura Caballero, adita Maria Carmen B. Llano-White Patsy aballí Elguera Donnelly, Roberta Fitipaldi, Elena iglesias, Maria Jose Lucena Silvia Bermudez adolfo Carmen Malave B. LlanoPity Betancourt Sylvia iriondo, Chiqui Labarrere, annieMaria Mammes Marilyn Borroto & Jose Lopez, White, angelica Jose Lucena, Florencia Moni Heidi Brito angela & Gilberto ocampo,Marianela Lupita Montenegro Peterfy-Shaya, Leonardo Brito Encina neira Elia tarafa, Luissell Brito ileana Puig, Santiago & Maria Rousseau, angela & Gilberto ocampo Paula BrookGilbert, Maria Elena alicia tarafa Vadia, ani del Valle, Lupita Peterfy-Shaya Silvia Caicedo Maria Michela Zarrillo Susana Roth Maria Elguera Donnelly Elia tarafa Laura Duarte Giulietta Ulloa Menchu Escolar Sebastian Vera Roberta Fittipaldi Lorena Garcia Morillo Ferdinand Funeral Homes & Crematory........33 Flowers of the Month .....................................32 Flynn, Sir thomas E., ....................................62 Friedman, neil a., DMD .................................21 Fortune int’l. Realty......................................196 Garcia, Enrique, Realtor associate, Fortune int’l 39 George Earl Graphics & Printing...................28 Giuffrida, t.J., MD ..........................................69 Glamour Hair Designs. ................................159 Goldstein, Julian CLU ......................................159 Gonzalez Black, Cristian, Realtor-associate, Fortune int’l ........................................................................51 Guevara, Ramon, Do, FaaP...............141, 155 Gutierrez Mae, MD FaaFP. ...........................10 Hacker Hortensia S........................................68 Hanks’ Place ..................................................29 Harmon, Jeanne ............................................64 Haug, Ellen, Realtor-associate, Fortune int’l .......29 Haug-Miles, Kim, Realtor-associate, Fortune int’l ..29 Hoffman, John D, Esq. Certified by the Florida Bar in Civil trial ......195 Hotel Urbano at Brickell .................................46 Hoyo, Bryan / Hoyo, Paul, Coastal insurance Group ..................................................................151 Hurricane Shutter Company ..........................67 ibarguen Pamela, Miami’s Luxury Specialist tM Fortune int’l............................................................11 imperial Repair and Service Corp. ..............137 inner Strength Studios ................................148 international Christian School ........................42 island athletics ...............................................16 island Clinic, the ...........................................79 island Construction Group, inc ......................48 island Fire .....................................................49 island Plumbing Co........................................48 island Power & Lighting .................................49 island Shop, the ...........................................16 island Vet. Hospital/Eastman, Steve, DVM .146 islander news, the .....................................140 islander PC Solution ....................................133 isola Construction, Mariano Grimaux ..........134 Jacobson, Gilbert DDS, Pa.......83, Back Cover Jaller Raad Rehabilitation Center ................146 Jim Eraso travel, inc. .....................................75 KB Speech Rabassa thompson, annie, MS, CCC-SLP ..42 K.B. Veterinary House Calls/adair alspach Bush, DVM.....................................................39 KB Village taxi .............................................136 Key appliance/aC & appliance Services. ......40 Key Biscayne Chamber of Commerce ..........56 Key Biscayne Chiropractic Robertson, Gary a., DC/Chiropractor ...........69 a l p h a b E t I C a l Key Biscayne Community Center ................144 Key Biscayne Comm. Church......................136 Key Biscayne Comm. Church Day School ..136 Key Biscayne Community Foundation...........73 Michael Scholz Memorial Charitable Fund Key Biscayne Hardware ..................................6 Key Biscayne Historical & Heritage Society ..............................................................167-178 Key Biscayne insurance ....................................45 Key Biscayne Library Hours ........................142 Key Biscayne Map/Courtesy of the islander news ....................................................................192-193 Key Biscayne Pest Control ............................60 Key Biscayne Pet Grooming........................142 Key Biscayne Professional Firefighters .......138 Key Biscayne Realty Group...........................17 Key Carts .......................................................42 Key Colony Hair & Spa ..................................57 Key Colony Plaza ..........................................24 Key Computers ............................................149 Key Cycling ..................................................136 Key Dry Cleaners.........................................151 Key Languages ..............................................80 Key to Health.................................................56 Key Pharmacy......................inside Front Cover Key Postal & Business Center.......................92 Keylite Electric Service. .................................26 Khouri, Roger K., MD................................10, 41 Kinsley, Doug, Realtor-associate, Fortune int’l.......51 Kiwanis of Key Biscayne...............................156 L & H Sportfishing aboard .............................79 La Boulangerie.............................................157 Lamar, Barbara, one/Sotheby’s int’l Realty ........47 Lancaster & Reed ............................................4 Landau, Michael L., oD .................................23 Lastra, idalia, DMD/orthodontist .................154 Leal-Khouri, Susana, MD...............................10 Lighthouse Cafe.............................................37 Lion of the Year/Enrique Garcia...................189 Lions Club Events .......180, 182, 184, 186, 188 Lions Club information..........................160-166 Lipzer, alex, Realtor-associate, Key Biscayne Realty Group ..............................................................17 Lorenzo-Luaces, Lourdes, Real Estate Broker arch Realty inc. .....................................................195 Madera Kari, Broker-associate, Fortune int’l ..................................................inside Back Cover Magellan international Mortgage Maria Somarriba ..........................................133 Manstein, Dieter, MD, PhD. ...........................21 Mar-B Plumbing ...........................................134 89 a l p h a b E t I C a l Martin, Eileen .................................................72 Merino, Pamela, MD, Pa .............................132 Miami Breast Center ......................................41 Miami Capital Properties................................59 Miami Hand Center ........................................41 Miami oB-Gyn associates, LLC ....................20 Rolando J. De Leon, MD, FaCoG Jorge E. Mendia, MD, FaCoG Edward M. Fidalgo, MD, FaCoG, FaCS Carlos a. Garcia, MD, FaCoG Gregory a. Güell, MD, FaCoG tessie Larrieu, MD Michele & associates/Estevez, Michele.......148 Minor, Maritza, Photography ..........................63 Mize, Cindy, Lic. Real Estate Broker, Miami Capital Properties .........................................................59 Mobil of Key Biscayne .................................147 Moon Phases .................................................78 Mystic Creator................................................38 MZ Design / Rojas Myriam ............................35 nice twice Consignment ...............................36 o & C Builders, inc ......................................136 obregon insurance...........................................139 o’Brien Henry Family, the.............................70 o’Brien, William J., Marine insurance...........148 oktoberfest....................................................76 old Heidelberg Deli........................................50 ortiz-Butcher, Carmen, MD island Clinic, the ...........................................79 Pancake Breakfast.........................................74 Paradise Shell..............................................150 Parties by Pat ..............................................179 Pat & Pat Bayfront Realty & associates ......2, 3 narelle Castro Paloma Ferreyros ana Maria Grisanti Virginia Lattanzi Laura Maceiras Liliana Martinez Maribel Moreno Maria iciar oyarzun tania Peck Cristina Preti nina Sinisterra anabel t. Stevens Juan Luis Vergez Peraita, Patricia Riestra, Lic. Real Estate Broker, Pat & Pat Bayfront Realty & associates. .................3 90 Perez, Miriam Katerine, MD.........................155 Pickard, Robert E., MDPa/Ear, nose, throat .....................................................................150 Pilates Center by Bernadette ........................50 Pool Service america.....................................51 Portfolio Resources international Group......187 Portuondo, Juan C., DDS ............................157 Prepworks ......................................................65 Puntino Key Biscayne ...................................19 Puntino Pizzeria .............................................19 Rassoulian, Shah, DMD............83, Back Cover RDCa MMa / academy of Martial arts ..........50 Rivero Blanquita, Broker-associate Cervera Real Estate ....................................23, 25 Ritz-Carlton, the, Key Biscayne....................59 Robertson, Gary a., DC/Chiropractor Key Biscayne Chiropractic ............................69 Romano, Patricia, Lic. Real Estate Broker, Pat & Pat Bayfront Realty & associates ..................3 Ross, audrey, Esslinger Wooten Maxwell inc. Realtors ...........................................................27 Rotary Club of Key Biscayne .......................152 Sabbia Fine Jewelry ....................................144 Sanchez, Ed & Cecile, Realtors, Fortune int’l....35 Santayana Unique Jewelry Design................77 Synergy HomeCare ......................................46 Sir Pizza.........................................................71 Somarriba, Maria E./Magellan international Mortgage ......................................................133 St. agnes academy......................................146 St. Christopher’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church and Montessori School ................................158 Stefano’s Wine & Liquor ................................53 Stickney, timothy P., Law offices of ............148 Studio South, interiors by .............................12 Suarez alberto, DDS....................................144 termine, Christina ...........................................9 thomas, ivette, Broker-associate, Fortune int’l...45 tinky’s Gift Shop ............................................39 tonarely, Carmen, Realtor, Fortune int’l................69 toni & Guy Hairdressing ..............................131 toy town ..........................................................8 Ulloa, Giulietta, Realtor-associate, Esslinger Wooten Maxwell inc. Realtors .........15, 53 Ultimate Sound & Vision ...............................43 Unusual by Giselle ........................................18 U.S. Century Bank .......................................129 Valls, Ginny M. Eugenia, Lic. Real Estate Broker, KB Village Realty ..................................................151 Vergara, Jaime J. DDS, Pa............................46 Vernon, Robert & thania, Broker-associates, Fortune int’l ........................................................7 KB Village Realty..........................................151 Village architects..........................................150 Vito’s Restaurant............................................44 Waldman Daniel a./Physical therapy..........150 Wiegering, Carlos E., MD ..............................26 Zambrano Family, the ...................................66 Zambrano orthodontics/Zambrano, Jaime, DMD .....................................................................179 Zodiac Signs ..................................................32 91 305-365-0965 Fax 305-365-0172 [email protected] 77 HARBOR DR. LOCATED IN THE 7-11 SHOPPING CENTER • ShIppING (we ship any item, anywhere) • paCKaGING Packaging Supplies • photoCopIES SCan / FaX Services oFFiCE / SCHooL Supplies • MaIlboxES • NotaRy publIC SERVICES • GIFt ItEMS 92 Phone Cards NEw!!! 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