SG03 Marquee Sect.
SG03 Marquee Sect.
BEL600_Marquee_Sec 5/10/06 9:21 AM Page 1 Marquee BELFER MARQUEE SPECIFIER’S CHOICE OUTDOOR DECORATIVE PERFECT FOR – LIGHTING FOR THE INDOOR LIGHTING . ACCENT HIGHLIGHTING AND SHOPPING MALLS , RETAIL STORES , HOTELS , THEATRES A ND D IS P L AYS , CURVED OR T HES E MITRED FIX T U R ES TO CAN EXACT BE FIELD REQUIREMENTS . BELFER LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE T E L : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 6 6 6 . FA X : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 9 4 1 w w w.b e l f e r.c o m 6-1 Marquee BEL600_Marquee_Sec 5/10/06 9:21 AM Page 2 length as specified on center spacing A 2" A 2" Minimum distance A is 1". Lamp punch pattern is typically centered on the strip. 2" 2501 2" X 2" S URFACE M OUNT C ANDELABRA B ASE I NCANDESCENT M ARQUEE ™ S TRIP • Straight, Curved or Mitred • Candelabra base sockets • Candelabra Base Lamp to 60 watt • Lamp Spacing Options: • 6" On Center • 12" On Center • Custom Lamp Spacing Available • Constructed of Extruded Aluminum • Standard Finish Options: • Satin Aluminum • Polished Chrome • Polished Brass • Custom Painted Finishes are Available 2501 Curved and Mitred Minimum Outside Radius Satin Finish Chrome & Brass Finish • Order by the Foot, Straight or Curved Lengths • A complete line of optional accessories such as baffles, lamp guards, multi-circuiting, decorative end caps and Decora switches and outlets are available (refer to pages 6-8 to 6-12) • UL and CUL Listed Damp Location Ordering Format Format for for 2501 2501 Candelabra Candelabra Base Base 2" 2" x x 2" 2" Marquee Marquee Ordering Choose Choose one one from from each each category category SERIES LAMP SPACING FINISH STRAIGHT OR CURVED 2501 2501 marquee 6 6 on center 6" 6" on center 12 12" 12 on center S S satin aluminum satin aluminum C chrome C F F straight footage linear by the foot FC curved footage 12" on center B chrome brass B FC marquee brass applications require a fabrication sheet. Mitred andbycurved the foot curved Please see pages 6-10 & 6-11 DAMP LOCATION Modifications and custom configurations are available. Please contact our Sales Department. BELFER LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE 6-2 T E L : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 6 6 6 . FA X : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 9 4 1 . w w w.b e l f e r.c o m 36" 60" BEL600_Marquee_Sec 5/10/06 9:21 AM Page 3 Marquee length as specified on center spacing A 2" A 2" Minimum distance A is 2". Lamp punch pattern is typically centered on the strip. 2" 2502 2" X 2" S URFACE M OUNT M EDIUM B ASE I NCANDESCENT M ARQUEE ™ S TRIP • Straight, Curved or Mitred • Medium Base Sockets • Lamp Options: • A Lamps to 75 watt • G25 or G40 to 60 watt • PAR Lamps to 50 watt • Lamp Spacing Options: • 6" On Center • 12" On Center • Custom Lamp Spacing Available • Constructed of Extruded Aluminum • Standard Finish Options: • Satin Aluminum • Polished Chrome • Polished Brass • Custom Painted Finishes are Available • Order by the Foot, Straight or Curved Lengths 2502 Curved and Mitred Minimum Outside Radius • A complete line of optional accessories such as baffles, lamp guards, multi-circuiting, decorative end caps and Decora switches and outlets are available (refer to pages 6-8 to 6-12) Satin Finish Chrome & Brass Finish 36" 60" • UL and CUL Listed Damp Location • Available UL and CUL Wet Location Ordering Format for 2502 Medium Base 2" x 2" Marquee Choose one from each category SERIES LAMP SPACING FINISH STRAIGHT OR CURVED SUFFIX 2502 marquee 6 6" on center S satin aluminum F straight footage 12 12" on center C chrome FC curved footage WL specify WL suffix for wet location B brass UL and CUL Damp Location is standard and does not require a suffix Mitred and curved applications require a fabrication sheet. Please see pages 6-10 & 6-11 DAMP LOCATION WET LOCATION Modifications and custom configurations are available. Please contact our Sales Department. BELFER LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE T E L : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 6 6 6 . FA X : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 9 4 1 . w w w.b e l f e r.c o m 6-3 5/10/06 9:21 AM Marquee BEL600_Marquee_Sec Page 4 Minimum Cove Parameters 2" 3¹⁄₈" 2⁵⁄₈" Without Bracket 6" on center inside radius outside radius 18¹⁄₂" 24" 12" on center inside radius outside radius 31⁵⁄₈" 35³⁄₈" 2502 FX™ M EDIUM B ASE I NCANDESCENT F IELD C URVABLE M ARQUEE ™ • Field Curvable Marquee • Medium base sockets • Lamp Options: • A lamps to 75 watt • G25 or G40 to 60 watt • PAR lamps to 50 watt • Lamp Spacing Options: • 6" On center • 12" On center • Constructed of formed aluminum • Satin Aluminum Finish Standard 6" o.c. • Order in 4 foot sections • A complete line of optional accessories such as baffles, lamp guards, multi-circuiting, decorative end caps and Decora switches and outlets are available (refer to pages 6-8 to 6-12) 48" 12" o.c. • UL and CUL Listed Damp Location 48" Ordering Format for 2502FX2 Field Curvable Marquee Choose one from each category SERIES LAMP SPACING FINISH LENGTH 2502FX2 field curvable marquee 6 6" on center S satin aluminum 48 48" length 12 12" on center DAMP LOCATION These products protected by one or more of the following U.S. Patent Numbers 5,448,460, 5,221,139 & 5,452,187. Other patents pending. Modifications and custom configurations are available. Please contact our Sales Department. BELFER LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE 6-4 T E L : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 6 6 6 . FA X : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 9 4 1 . w w w.b e l f e r.c o m BEL600_Marquee_Sec 5/10/06 9:21 AM Page 5 Marquee length as specified on center spacing A 1¹⁄₂" A 1¹⁄₂" Minimum distance A is 1". Lamp punch pattern is typically centered on the strip. 1¹⁄₂" 2503 1¹⁄₂" X 1¹⁄₂" S URFACE M OUNT C ANDELABRA B ASE I NCANDESCENT M ARQUEE ™ S TRIP • Straight, Curved or Mitred • Candelabra Base Sockets • Candelabra Base Lamp to 60 watt • Lamp Spacing Options: • 6" On Center • 12" On Center • Custom Lamp Spacing Available • Constructed of Extruded Aluminum • Standard Finish Options: • Satin Aluminum • Polished Chrome • Polished Brass • Custom Painted Finishes are Available 2503 Mitred Minimum Outside Radius • Order by the Foot, Straight or Curved Lengths Satin Finish Chrome & Brass Finish • A complete line of optional accessories such as baffles, lamp guards, multi-circuiting and decorative end caps are available (refer to pages 6-8 to 6-12) 24" 48" • UL and CUL Listed Damp Location Ordering Format for 2503 Candelabra Base 1¹⁄₂" x 1¹⁄₂" Marquee Choose one from each category SERIES LAMP SPACING FINISH STRAIGHT OR CURVED 2503 marquee 6 6" on center S satin aluminum F straight footage 12 12" on center C chrome FC curved footage B brass Mitred and curved applications require a fabrication sheet. Please see pages 6-10 & 6-11 DAMP LOCATION Modifications and custom configurations are available. Please contact our Sales Department. BELFER LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE T E L : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 6 6 6 . FA X : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 9 4 1 . w w w.b e l f e r.c o m 6-5 5/10/06 9:21 AM Marquee BEL600_Marquee_Sec Page 6 length as specified on center spacing A 2" A 3" 2" 3" ¹⁄₂" Minimum distance A is 2¹⁄₂". Lamp punch pattern is typically centered on the strip. The 2504 is supplied with a faceplate that overlaps the recessed body by ¹⁄₂" on all four sides. Bodies are shipped 1" shorter than specified length. 2504 2" X 2" R ECESSED WITH 3" F ACE M EDIUM B ASE I NCANDESCENT M ARQUEE ™ L IGHT S TRIP • Straight or Mitred • Medium Base Sockets • Lamp Options: • A Lamps to 75 watt • G25 or G40 to 60 watt • PAR Lamps to 50 watt • Lamp Spacing Options: • 6" On Center • 12" On Center • Custom Lamp Spacing Available • Constructed of Extruded Aluminum • Standard Finish Options: • Satin Aluminum • Polished Chrome • Polished Brass • Custom Painted Finishes are Available • Order by the Foot in Straight Lengths • A complete line of optional accessories such as baffles, lamp guards, multi-circuiting, decorative end caps and Decora switches and outlets are available (refer to pages 6-8 to 6-12) • UL and CUL Listed Damp Location • Available UL and CUL Wet Location Ordering Format for 2504 Medium Base 2" x 2" Recessed Marquee Choose one from each category SERIES LAMP SPACING FINISH STRAIGHT SUFFIX 2504 marquee 6 6" on center S satin aluminum F straight footage 12 12" on center C chrome WL specify WL suffix for wet location UL and CUL Damp Location is standard and does not require a suffix B brass Mitred applications require a fabrication sheet. Please see page 6-11 DAMP LOCATION WET LOCATION Modifications and custom configurations are available. Please contact our Sales Department. BELFER LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE 6-6 T E L : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 6 6 6 . FA X : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 9 4 1 . w w w.b e l f e r.c o m BEL600_Marquee_Sec 5/17/06 1:11 PM Page 7 on center spacing A 2" A Marquee length as specified 3" 2" 3" Minimum distance A is 1¹⁄₂". Lamp punch pattern is typically centered on the strip. ¹⁄₂" The 2505 is supplied with a faceplate that overlaps the recessed body by ¹⁄₂" on all four sides. Bodies are shipped 1" shorter than specified length. 2505 2" X 2" R ECESSED WITH 3" F ACE C ANDELABRA B ASE I NCANDESCENT M ARQUEE ™ L IGHT S TRIP • Straight or Mitred • Candelabra Base Sockets • Candelabra Base Lamp to 60 watt • Lamp Spacing Options: • 6" On Center • 12" On Center • Custom Lamp Spacing Available • Constructed of Extruded Aluminum • Standard Finish Options: • Satin Aluminum • Polished Chrome • Polished Brass • Custom Painted Finishes are Available • Order by the Foot in Straight Lengths • A complete line of optional accessories such as baffles, lamp guards, multi-circuiting, decorative end caps and Decora switches and outlets are available (refer to pages 6-8 to 6-12) • UL and CUL Listed Damp Location Ordering Format for 2505 Candelabra Base 2" x 2" Recessed Marquee Choose one from each category SERIES LAMP SPACING FINISH STRAIGHT 2505 marquee 6 6" on center S satin aluminum F straight footage 12 12" on center C chrome B brass Mitred applications require a fabrication sheet. Please see page 6-11 DAMP LOCATION Modifications and custom configurations are available. Please contact our Sales Department. BELFER LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE T E L : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 6 6 6 . FA X : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 9 4 1 . w w w.b e l f e r.c o m 6-7 Marquee BEL600_Marquee_Sec 5/10/06 9:21 AM Page 8 Accessories Product Code U/M Description MITRED CORNER ❑ Mitred Corner ea Mitred Corner, Cut as Per Specification NOTE: • Mitred Corner cuts require fabrication information at time of released order. • See page 6-10 for Mitred Fabrication sheet. LAMP GUARD ❑ P-1294-01-45 ea Lamp Guard for Medium Base Lamps, Satin Aluminum NOTE: • Field drilling required unless ordered with fixture • Up to 60 watt maximum, up to A19 or G25 maximum • Available for 2502 and 2504 only 4⁷⁄₁₆" 4" 3⁷⁄₈" P-1294-01-45 Top View P-1294-01-45 Front View BELFER LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE 6-8 T E L : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 6 6 6 . FA X : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 9 4 1 . w w w.b e l f e r.c o m P-1294-01-45 Wire guard may be mounted point perpendicular or point parallel to extrusion. (point perpendicular shown) BEL600_Marquee_Sec 5/10/06 9:21 AM Page 9 Product Code U/M MULTI-CIRCUITING Standard product is prewired for single circuit ❑ 2500 CIRCUIT-2 ft ❑ 2500 CIRCUIT-3 ft ❑ 2500 CIRCUIT-4 ft Description 2 Circuit, Per Foot 3 Circuit, Per Foot 4 Circuit, Per Foot NOTE: • Multi-Circuiting diagram is required • Multi-Circuiting must be ordered with a 2500 series Marquee strip BAFFLES ❑ P-1292-01-70 ❑ P-1293-01-70 ❑ P-1135-01-70 Marquee Accessories B A ea ea ea 4" x 6" Baffle Black 5" x 7" Baffle Black 2¹⁄₂" x 3¹⁄₂" Baffle Black NOTE: • Field drilling required unless ordered with product • Custom colors available. Please consult factory • Custom baffles can be fabricated to your specifications. Please see page 6-12 DECORATIVE END CAPS For 2501, 2502, 2504 and 2505 Series ❑ P-1159-01-76 ea ❑ P-1159-01-77 ea ❑ P-1159-01-45 ea ❑ P-1158-01-45 ea 2500 Decorative End Cap White 2500 Decorative End Cap Black 2500 Decorative End Cap Satin Aluminum 2500 Decorative End Cap Satin with Aluminum 7⁄8 " KO For 2503 Series ❑ P-1156-01-76 ❑ P-1156-01-77 ❑ P-1156-01-45 ea ea ea 2503 Decorative End Cap White 2503 Decorative End Cap Black 2503 Decorative End Cap Satin Aluminum SWITCH AND OUTLET ❑ P-1221-05-00 ❑ P-1253-05-00 ea ea Decora Switch 15 amp White Decora Outlet 15 amp White NOTE: • Decora switch and outlet for 2501, 2502, 2504 and 2505 series only • Field modification required unless ordered with fixture • Switch and outlet are UL and CUL Listed Damp Location only • Please indicate placement on fixture with order • Minimum distance to end of fixture is 2" • Minimum distance between accessories is 2" • Minimum distance between accessories and center of nearest socket is 4" 4" min. 2" min. Center of Socket 2" min. Switch Outlet BELFER LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE T E L : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 6 6 6 . FA X : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 9 4 1 . w w w.b e l f e r.c o m 6-9 Marquee BEL600_Marquee_Sec 5/10/06 9:21 AM Page 10 Curved Applications Fabrication Sheet 2501, 2502 AND 2503 M ARQUEE ™ S ERIES S E L E C T L A M P O R I E N TAT I O N : L L S U P P LY R A D I U S : R R Specify Inside Radius and Length R (radius) = ______________ L (length) = ______________ ❑ Lamp Down ❑ Lamp Up Job Plans or Drawings are Required L L R R ❑ Lamp In ❑ Lamp Out SELECT ACCESSORIES FOR CURVED MARQUEE: Product Code U/M Description 2501, 2502 AND 2503 SERIES ❑ P-1292-01-70 ❑ P-1293-01-70 ❑ P-1135-01-70 2502 SERIES ❑ P-1294-01-45 2501, 2502 AND 2503 SERIES ❑ 2500 Circuit - 2 ❑ 2500 Circuit - 3 ❑ 2500 Circuit - 4 2501 AND 2502 SERIES ❑ P-1159-01-76 ❑ P-1159-01-77 ❑ P-1159-01-45 2503 SERIES ❑ P-1156-01-76 ❑ P-1156-01-77 ❑ P-1156-01-45 ea ea ea 4" x 6" Baffle, Black 5" x 7" Baffle, Black 2¹⁄₂" x 3¹⁄₂" Baffle, Black ea Lamp Guard for Medium Sockets, Satin Aluminum ea ea ea 2 Circuit, Per Foot 3 Circuit, Per Foot 4 Circuit, Per Foot ea ea ea 2500 Decorative End Cap, White 2500 Decorative End Cap, Black 2500 Decorative End Cap, Satin Aluminum ea ea ea 2503 Decorative End Cap, White 2503 Decorative End Cap, Black 2503 Decorative End Cap, Satin Aluminum BELFER LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE 6-10 T E L : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 6 6 6 . FA X : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 9 4 1 . w w w.b e l f e r.c o m BEL600_Marquee_Sec 5/10/06 9:21 AM Page 11 2500 M ARQUEE ™ S ERIES Marquee Mitred Applications Fabrication Sheet S E L E C T L A M P O R I E N TAT I O N : ❑ Lamp Up ❑ Lamp In ❑ Lamp Down ❑ Lamp Out S E L E C T M I T R E C O N F I G U R AT I O N : X 90˚ Mitred Corner X Y X X1 90˚ Mitred Corner ❑ Standard Box Configuration X = ___________ Y = ___________ Y Z1 Z2 ❑ Standard Mirror Configuration X = ___________ Y = ___________ Z1 = ___________ Z2 = ___________ Y 90˚ Mitred Corner ❑ Standard Corner Configuration X = ___________ Y = ___________ Mitre X2 ❑ Custom Angle Configuration Job Plans or Drawings are Required SELECT ACCESSORIES FOR MITRED MARQUEE: Product Code U/M Description 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504 AND 2505 SERIES ❑ P-1292-01-70 ea ❑ P-1293-01-70 ea ❑ P-1135-01-70 ea 2502 AND 2504 SERIES ❑ P-1294-01-45 ea 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504 AND 2505 SERIES ❑ 2500 Circuit - 2 ea ❑ 2500 Circuit - 3 ea ❑ 2500 Circuit - 4 ea 2501, 2502, 2504 AND 2505 SERIES ❑ P-1159-01-76 ea ❑ P-1159-01-77 ea ❑ P-1159-01-45 ea 2503 SERIES ❑ P-1156-01-76 ea ❑ P-1156-01-77 ea ❑ P-1156-01-45 ea 2502 AND 2504 SERIES ❑ P-1221-05-00 ea ❑ P-1253-05-00 ea 4" x 6" Baffle, Black 5" x 7" Baffle, Black 2¹⁄₂" x 3¹⁄₂" Baffle, Black Lamp Guard for Medium Sockets, Satin Aluminum 2 Circuit, Per Foot 3 Circuit, Per Foot 4 Circuit, Per Foot 2500 Decorative End Cap, White 2500 Decorative End Cap, Black 2500 Decorative End Cap, Satin Aluminum 2503 Decorative End Cap, White 2503 Decorative End Cap, Black 2503 Decorative End Cap, Satin Aluminum Decora® Style Switch 15 Amp, White Decora® Style Outlet 15 Amp, White BELFER LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE T E L : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 6 6 6 . FA X : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 9 4 1 . w w w.b e l f e r.c o m 6-11 Marquee BEL600_Marquee_Sec 5/10/06 9:21 AM Page 12 Custom Baffle Fabrication Sheet Y OUR CUSTOM BAFFLE CAN BE INCORPORATED INTO ANY B ELFER M ARQUEE FIXTURE . C HOOSE FROM A STANDARD BAFFLE DESIGN AND SIZE BELOW OR DRAW YOUR OWN TO DISCUSS THE POSSIBILITIES . A LL REFLECTORS REQUIRE FIELD DRILLING UNLESS ORDERED WITH THE FIXTURE . SELECT FIXTURE NUMBER: ❑ 2501 2" X 2" CANDELABRA BASE ❑ 2502 2" X 2" MEDIUM BASE ❑ 2502FX2™ MEDIUM BASE FIELD CURVABLE ❑ 2503 1¹⁄₂" X 1¹⁄₂" CANDELABRA BASE SELECT BAFFLE DESIGN: B ❑ 2504 2" X 2" RECESSED MEDIUM BASE ❑ 2505 2" X 2" RECESSED CANDELABRA BASE A BAFFLES ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ BELFER LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE 6-12 T E L : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 6 6 6 . FA X : ( 7 3 2 ) 4 9 3 - 2 9 4 1 . w w w.b e l f e r.c o m (A X B) P-1292-01-70 (black) 4" x 6" P-1293-01-70 (black) 5" x 7" P-1135-01-70 (black) 2¹⁄₂" x 3¹⁄₂" CUSTOM COLOR (Color Chip or Ral Color Required) CUSTOM BAFFLE (Job Plans or Drawings are Required)
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