Experimental Studies of Edge Turbulence, Convective Transport
Experimental Studies of Edge Turbulence, Convective Transport
Experimental Studies of Edge Turbulence, Convective Transport and SOL Flow in the Spherical Tokamak QUEST Doctoral Thesis July, 2013 By Santanu Banerjee (Professor Hideki Zushi, Supervisor) Advanced Energy Engineering Science Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences Kyushu University Acknowledgements Slowly setting into the final lap of my doctoral studies, it is a ‘dream come true’ moment for me. I would like to express deep gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Hideki Zushi on this occasion. He has been a constant source of motivation and guidance ushering my apparently incoherent thoughts towards a well knit study with definitive objectives. I enjoyed his thorough understanding of plasma physics and especially tokamak plasma. His constant encouragements motivated me to take on the problems by their horns. These three years of his affectionate patronage will remain as an everlasting memory in my life. ありがとうございました 先生。 I sincerely acknowledge Professor Nobuhiro Nishino and Professor Tomohiro Morisaki for the collaborative research and their deep interest in my work. I sincerely thank Professors Hiroshi Idei, Kazuaki Hanada and Kazuo Nakamura for their constructive criticism of my work from time to time. I also thank Professors Akihide Fujisawa, Makoto Hasegawa and Yoshihiko Nagashima for many useful discussions in due course of my study. I also thank Professor Keisuke Matsuoka for his able support during my experiments and glitch free operation of the QUEST device. I sincerely thank Professor P.K. Kaw, Dr. P. Vasu, Dr. J. Ghosh and the members of the academic committee of the Institute for Plasma Research (IPR) for their motivations and providing me this opportunity to pursue my doctoral studies at Kyushu University, Japan. I would like to thank Mrs. A. Higashijima, Mr. S. Kawasaki and Mr. H. Nakashima for their technical support. I also wish to acknowledge the QUEST office ladies for their kind support and help. Special thanks to Ms. R. Isayama, Ms. K. Nakamura, Ms. J. Miyachi, Ms. K. Kono, and Ms Y. Tominaga. I really enjoyed the events either hosted or initiated by the office ladies. I am really fortunate to share a comfortable research space with my colleagues in the Zushi-Idei laboratory. I would like to thank specially Dr. S. Tashima for her constant support and immense help during my stay in Japan. I would like to thank Mr. T. Ryokai, Mr. K. Nagata, Mr. T. Inoue, ii Mr. Y. Mahira, Mr. Y. Inoue and Mr. T. Itado. I also thank the foreign students, Dr. E. Kalinnikova, Dr. S.K. Sharma, Dr. A. Rusinov and Mr. K. Mishra for the intriguing discussions on plasma physics as well as society and customs of different countries. At this point, I feel the urge to acknowledge a host of friends and close relatives in India who have wished me well and helped me all along my stay over here. My father Mr. Sarashi Kumar Banerjee and my mother Mrs. Tripti Banerjee have provided me the platform from where I can launch myself towards the field of active research and pursue my studies towards this long cherished goal. Special thanks to my in laws, Mr. Prasanta Kumar Chatterjee and Mrs. Manashi Chatterjee for their constant support and blessings. I would like to thank my friends from IPR technical training program batch of 2002 and the Spectroscopy Diagnostics Division. I would also like to thank my family members, especially my uncle and aunt and my elder brother for their patronage. I am also thankful to a lot many of my other friends from Durgapur and Ahmedabad and relatives whose contributions are really worth mentioning in my life. Last but not the least I must acknowledge my beloved wife Dr. Kasturi Banerjee for her great patience, warm encouragements and support. Without her heartiest desires and motivations I would have not achieved this success. I owe a lot of this achievement to her. Santanu Banerjee Kyushu University, Japan 2013 iii Abstract Issues related to edge turbulence and transport in tokamaks are quite indispensible, as they dictate the dynamical plasma behavior both in the plasma core and the edge. Edge turbulence may have a dramatic impact on the fusion reactor operation by causing rapid release of energy and particles which may produce significant local damages on the first wall. On the other hand, when controlled effectively, edge turbulence could also play a beneficial role in removing exhaust particles that, if accumulated, would lead to fuel dilution, quenching the fusion reactivity. Another important phenomenon is the plasma flow along the magnetic field lines in the scrape off layer (SOL). It is believed to play a vital role in the regulation of instabilities, turbulent transport and L-H transition. Plasma flow can attain velocities approaching a significant fraction of the local sound speed. A number of mechanisms are known to generate parallel flows in the SOL: ionization imbalances, Pfirsch–Schlüter flows, poloidal transport asymmetries (e.g. ballooning-like transport), and toroidal rotation. However, experimental evidence of RF-induced poloidal flow is less readily available. A two-fold objective is set for this thesis. First, the characteristics of the edge and SOL turbulence and convective transport are studied in both slab annular plasma featuring open field lines and Ohmic plasma with well defined last closed flux surface. Statistical features of the edge fluctuations and physical mechanisms controlling the generation and propagation of blobs are considered imperative for the core confinement efficiency and heat and particle transport to the material wall. Fluctuations and blob trajectories can be traced comprehensively in 2D with tangential fast imaging across a wide region in the SOL. Hence it can provide significant improvements over the single point probe measurements. The second aspect is the characterization of the SOL flow. This is aimed at gaining knowledge of the flow pattern in the SOL and its impact on the turbulent transport. Tangential fast imaging diagnostic along with the conventional Langmuir and Mach probes in the SOL can provide a wealth of information regarding the poloidal flow components. This thesis is therefore organized as follows: In Chapter 2, brief descriptions of the spherical tokamak QUEST and diagnostics are outlined. iv Chapter 3 deals in the edge turbulence and convective intermittent transport in slab plasma. Two types of slab plasma with different ECR heating are studied. In the first part, statistical aspects of the convective transport with respect to the variation in magnetic field pitch are studied. Amplitude and waiting time of the blobs attains a maximum for highest Bz/Bt. 2D statistical analysis of the images enables us to identify blob formation location precisely. Accelerated radial propagation was observed for large blobs. In the second part, effect of mirror ratio on turbulence is studied with the change in poloidal field curvature. Fluctuation characteristics are quite different for the poloidal field coil pairs PF17, 26 and 35 with high, moderate and low magnetic shears respectively. Coherent peak appears for deep PF well (PF35) beyond Bz ~ 13 mT. In chapter 4, plasma turbulence characteristics in the edge and SOL of Ohmic plasma are summarized. Intermittency, dominated by blobs, is observed in the SOL. A simple parabolic relation exists between skewness and kurtosis, and the probability density function (PDF) significantly deviates from Gaussian beyond the density gradient region. A model has been proposed to characterize the PDFs in the density gradient and far SOL regions. In chapter 5, observation of ECW induced SOL flow is reported. Definite flow structures with long range radial and poloidal correlation and a distinct mode at 781 Hz are observed. Cross correlation of intensity shows poloidal spin-up and radial out-flow. Also, a novel technique based on particle image velocimetry is developed to further analyze the flow velocity of the coherent mode. Increase in H and ion saturation current suggests strong cross-field transport. This may be driving the SOL parallel flow under the unique scenario of ECW induced inboard poloidal null configuration in QUEST. In conclusion, this study has provided deeper insights in the generation mechanisms and propagation dynamics of the coherent convective structures (blobs). The effect of field pitch and curvature may provide better controls on the intermittent transport at the edge. Further, characterization of the SOL flow induced by ECW, which is one of the most common auxiliary heating and current drive systems in fusion devices, may provide better regulation of instabilities and help in achieving improved confinement. v List of abbreviations ACA – auto conditional average CAD – Computer aided design CCA – cross conditional average CMOS – Complementary metal oxide semiconductor ECRH – Electron cyclotron resonance heating ELM – Edge localized mode FOV – Field of view FPS – Frames per second FWHM – Full width at half maxima HFS – High field side IPN – Inboard poloidal null ITER – International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor LCFS – Last closed flux surface LFS – Low field side LOS – Line of sight MHD – Magneto-hydrodynamic PDF – Probability density function PF – Poloidal field QE – Quantum efficiency SN – Single null SOL – Scrape off layer TF – Toroidal field TITR – Tangential image tomographic reconstruction UHR – Upper hybrid resonance vi Contents Acknowledgements Abstract ii iv List of abbreviations 1 Introduction Foreword 1.2 Edge turbulence and transport 1.3 Scrape off layer (SOL) flow 1.4 Motivation: study of convective intermittent transport and SOL flow 1.5 Objective 1.6 Organization of this thesis 2 3 5 6 8 8 10 Device description 12 2.1 Q – shu University Expt. with Steady State Spherical Tokamak (QUEST) 2.2 Wide angle visible imaging system 2.3 Tangential fast visible imaging system 2.4 Reciprocating probe References 3 1 1.1 References 2 vi 14 14 17 18 Edge turbulence in the slab plasma A. 13 19 Statistical features of coherent structures at increasing magnetic field pitch 3.1 Introduction 20 3.2 Experimental conditions 22 3.3 Variation of the source plasma with field pitch 3.4 Statistical properties of the fluctuations 3.4.1 Blob generation location 3.4.2 Quadratic relation between s and k 25 27 29 30 vii 3.5 Generation and propagation of coherent structures (blobs) 3.5.1 Blob filaments originating from coherent poloidal mode 3.5.2 Conditional averages 3.5.3 Time between two bursts 3.5.4 Blob propagation 3.6 Discussions 31 33 36 37 38 3.7 Conclusions I B. 31 40 Variations in edge turbulence induced by poloidal magnetic field curvatures for 8.2 GHz slab plasma 3.8 Introduction II 42 3.9 Experimental condition 3.10 Statistical analysis 3.11 Correlation analysis 45 46 3.11.1 Correlation coefficient 46 3.11.2 Power spectral density 47 3.12 Conclusions II References 4 42 49 50 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma 4.1 Introduction 54 4.2 Experimental setup and fast camera imaging 4.3 Characteristics of the Ohmic plasma SOL 4.4 Statistics of the intensity fluctuations 5 4.5 Discussions 65 4.6 Conclusion 67 References 69 56 60 61 ECW induced scrape off layer (SOL) flow 5.1 Introduction 53 71 72 5.2 Experimental details 73 viii 5.3 Spectral characteristics of intensity fluctuations 75 5.4 Estimation of poloidal component of parallel velocity 77 5.5 Particle image velocimetry through orthogonal dynamic programming (ODP) 5.6 Strong outward particle flux serves as source 5.7 Conclusions References 6 7 79 82 84 85 Conclusions and future scope 6.1 Conclusions 89 6.2 Future scope 91 88 List of publications and presentations 93 ix List of publications/presentations Peer reviewed journals: 1. Santanu Banerjee, Hideki Zushi, Nobuhiro Nishino, Yoshihiko Nagashima, Kazuaki Hanada, Saya Tashima, Tsubasa Inoue, Kazuo Nakamura, Hiroshi Idei, Makoto Hasegawa, Akihide Fujisawa and Keisuke Matsuoka, “Turbulence velocimetry of tangential fast imaging data on QUEST”, accepted in Plasma Fusion Res. 2013 2. Santanu Banerjee, H. Zushi, N. Nishino, K. Hanada, S.K. Sharma, H. Honma, S. Tashima, T. Inoue, K. Nakamura, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa and A. Fujisawa, “Statistical features of coherent structures at increasing magnetic field pitch investigated using fast imaging in QUEST”, Nucl. Fusion, 52, 123016, 2012 3. Santanu Banerjee, H. Zushi, N. Nishino, Y. Nagashima, K. Hanada, M. Ishiguro, T. Ryoukai, S. Tashima, T. Inoue, K. Nakamura, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, A. Fujisawa, and K. Matsuoka, “Fast visible imaging and edge turbulence analysis in QUEST”, Rev. Sci. Instum., 83(10), 10E524, 2012 4. Santanu Banerjee, H. Zushi, N. Nishino, K. Hanada, S. K. Sharma, T. Inoue, H. Q. Liu, M. Ishiguro, T. Ryoukai, S. Tashima, K. Nakamura, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, A. Fujisawa and K. Matsuoka, “Statistical Analysis of the Convective Intermittent Transport at the Edge Region of QUEST”, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, 132(7), 545-554, 2012 5. Santanu Banerjee, H. Zushi, N. Nishino, K. Hanada, H. Q. Liu, M. Ishiguro, T. Ryoukai, S. Tashima, K. Nakamura, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, and A. Fujisawa, and the QUEST group, “Statistical interpretation of the density fluctuations from the high-speed visible images of edge turbulence on QUEST”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 39(11), 3006, 2011 Conference presentations: 1. Santanu Banerjee, H. Zushi, N. Nishino, Y. Mahira, K. Nagaoka, K. Mishra, K. Hanada, S. Tashima, Y. Nagashima, K. Nakamura, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, A. Fujisawa and K. Matsuoka, “Scrape off layer flow characteristics investigated using fast visible imaging in QUEST”, 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12), July 14 – 19, 2013, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan 2. Kishore Mishra, H. Idei, H. Zushi, S. Tashima, S. Banerjee, M. Hasegawa, K. Hanada, K. Nakamura, A. Fujisawa, K. Matsuoka, Y. Nagashima, S. Kawasaki, A. Higashijima, H. Nakashima and QUEST Group, “Characteristics of high poloidal beta ( p) plasma formed by electron cyclotron waves in spherical tokamak QUEST”, 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12), July 14 – 19, 2013, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan 93 3. Santanu Banerjee, H. Zushi, N. Nishino, Y. Mahira, K. Mishra, K. Hanada, S. Tashima, A. Ejiri, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Nagashima, K. Nakamura, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, A. Fujisawa and K. Matsuoka, “Experimental investigation of electron cyclotron wave induced plasma flow in the scrape off layer of QUEST”, 3rd Asian-Pacific Transport Working Group (APTWG2013) Meeting , May 21 – 24, 2013, Jeju Island, Korea 4. Santanu Banerjee, H. Zushi, N. Nishino, Y. Nagashima, K. Hanada, S. Tashima, T. Inoue, K. Nakamura, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, A. Fujisawa and K. Matsuoka, “Edge turbulence characteristics of the Ohmic-ECRH driven plasma current phase investigated with fast visible imaging in QUEST”, 22nd International Toki Conference (ITC22), November 19 – 22, 2012, Ceratopia Toki, Toki-city, Gifu, Japan 5. H. Zushi, S. Tashima, M. Ishiguro, M. Hasegawa, S. Banerjee, N. Nishino, M. Isobe, K. Hanada, H. Idei, K. Nakamura, A. Fujisawa, Y. Nagashima, K. Matsuoka, S.K. Sharma, H. Liu, K. Toi, T. Maekawa, A. Ejiri, T. Yamaguchi, J. Hiratsuka, Y. Takase, M. Kikuchi, A. Fukuyama, Y. Ueda, O. Mitarai, S. Okamura, “Non-inductive current start- up and plasma equilibrium with an inboard poloidal field null by means of electron cyclotron waves in QUEST”, 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 8 – 13, 2012, San Diego, USA 6. Santanu Banerjee, H. Zushi, N. Nishino, K. Hanada, M. Ishiguro, S. Tashima, T. Inoue, K. Nakamura, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, A. Fujisawa, K. Matsuoka and Y. Nagashima, “Edge turbulence study with fast visible imaging in QUEST”, 2nd East Asian Workshop on Laboratory, Space, Astrophysical Plasmas, June 26 – 29, 2012, Jeju Island, Korea 7. Santanu Banerjee, H. Zushi, N. Nishino, Y. Nagashima, K. Hanada, M. Ishiguro, T. Ryoukai, S. Tashima, T. Inoue, K. Nakamura, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, A. Fujisawa, K. Matsuoka and the QUEST group, “Variations in edge turbulence induced by poloidal magnetic field curvatures for 8.2 GHz slab plasma in QUEST”, 19th Topical Conference; High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (HTPD19), May 6 – 10, 2012, Monterey, CA, USA 8. Santanu Banerjee, H. Zushi, N. Nishino, K. Hanada, S.K. Sharma, T. Inoue, H.Q. Liu, M. Ishiguro, T. Ryoukai, S. Tashima, K. Nakamura, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, A. Fujisawa and the QUEST group, “Statistical analysis of the convective intermittent transport at the edge region of QUEST”, 16th International Workshop on Spherical Torus (ISTW2011); September 27 – 30, 2011, National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan 9. N. Nishino, H. Zushi, S. Banerjee, K. Hanada, S.K. Sharma, H.Q. Liu, M. Ishiguro, S. Tashima, K. Nakamura, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, A. Higashijima, A. Fujisawa and the QUEST group, “Two-dimensional HeII Doppler shift image measurement in QUEST”, 16th International Workshop on Spherical Torus (ISTW2011); September 27 – 30, 2011, National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan 10. Santanu Banerjee, H. Zushi, N. Nishino, K. Hanada, H. Honma, H.Q. Liu, M. Ishiguro, T. Ryoukai, S. Tashima, K. Nakamura, H. Idei, M. Hasegawa, A. Fujisawa and the QUEST group, “Origin and evolution of coherent convective structures investigated using fast 94 imaging in QUEST”, 1st Asia Pacific Transport Working Group (APTWG2011) International Conference; June 14 – 17, 2011, National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan Besides, there are a number of presentations in the Physical Society of Japan (JPS) spring and fall meetings and the Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research (JSPF) meetings. - - 95 CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1 Foreword 1.2 Edge turbulence and transport 1.3 Scrape off layer (SOL) flow 1.4 Motivation: study of convective intermittent transport and SOL flow 1.5 Objective: 1.6 Organization of this thesis References Introduction 1.1 Foreword Nuclear fusion powers the Sun and stars as hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium, and matter is converted into energy. The fuel gas hydrogen, heated to very high temperatures changes from gas to plasma in which the negatively charged electrons are separated from the positively charged atomic nuclei (ions). Normally, fusion is not possible because the strongly repulsive Coulomb forces between the positively charged nuclei preventing them from getting close enough together for fusion to occur. However, if the conditions are such that the nuclei can overcome the electrostatic forces to the extent that they can come within a very close range of each other, then the attractive nuclear force (which binds protons and neutrons together in atomic nuclei) between the nuclei will overwhelm the repulsive (electrostatic) force, allowing the nuclei to fuse together. Such conditions can occur when the temperature increases, causing the ions to gain energy and eventually reach speeds high enough to bring the ions close enough together. The nuclei can then fuse, releasing an enormous amount of energy. The most favorable fusion reaction is between the nuclei of the two heavy isotopes of hydrogen – deuterium (D) and tritium (T). Each D-T fusion event releases 17.6 MeV (2.8 x 10-12 J, compared with 200 MeV for an U-235 fission). Deuterium occurs naturally in seawater (30 g m-3), which makes it very abundant relative to other energy resources. Tritium does not occur naturally and is radioactive, with a half-life of around 12 years. It can be made in a conventional nuclear reactor, or in the present context, bred in a fusion system from lithium. Lithium is found in large quantities (30 ppm) in the Earth's crust and in weaker concentrations in the sea. Thus, despite the challenging task of plasma confinement at high temperature, the option of nuclear fusion stands out as the most viable energy source to serve the ever increasing energy demand while addressing effectively the carbon free energy issue for clean environment. In the Sun, increase in ion energy to a level where fusion can occur, without the plasma being disrupted is possible due to the perfect plasma confinement with massive gravitational forces. On the contrary, such conditions are rather challenging to achieve on the Earth. Fusion fuel – different isotopes of hydrogen – must be heated to extreme temperatures of the order of 100 million degrees Celsius, and must be kept dense enough, and confined for long enough, to allow the nuclei to fuse. The aim of the controlled fusion research program is to achieve 'ignition', 2 Introduction which occurs when enough fusion reactions take place for the process to become self-sustaining, with fresh fuel then being added to continue it. The answer to this problem is magnetic confinement fusion. In magnetic confinement, hundreds of cubic meters of plasma at a density of less than a milligram per cubic meter are confined by a magnetic field at a few atmospheres pressure and heated to fusion temperature by Ohmic heating, auxiliary heating like with microwaves and finally fusion alpha particle self-sustained heating. The most promising device to confine plasma is a TOKAMAK (a Russian acronym of " i.e. toroidal'naya kamera s magnitnymi katushkami) where plasma is confined by a combination of toroidal and poloidal field coils such that the plasma particles traverses a distance million times the device dimension before getting lost on the vessel wall [Wesson]. As a first step towards a fusion reactor, an International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is under construction at Cadarache in southern France under the auspices of seven partners like China, European Union, India, Japan, Korea, Russian Federation and the USA. ITER has been designed to deliver 500 MW of fusion power, ten times the input power and sustained for up to 1000 s. The plasma volume is 8.4 times the largest operating tokamaks like Europe’s JET and Japan’s JT-60U. Confinement of the plasma at fusion temperatures is nevertheless not trivial as the plasma is highly susceptible to various type instabilities leading to eventual disruption. There is a growing consensus that the turbulent process at the edge affects the overall particle and energy confinement of the core plasma. The edge plasma is particularly important as it bridges the hot core and the material wall. Consistent efforts are on worldwide to identify the causes of density, potential and temperature fluctuations in the edge plasma and to estimate the particle and energy transports induced by fluctuations. 1.2 Edge turbulence and transport Issues related to turbulence and transport in tokamaks are quite indispensible, as they dictate the dynamical plasma behavior both in the plasma core and the edge. Edge turbulence may have a dramatic impact on the reactor operation by causing rapid release of energy and particles of the plasma which may produce significant local damages on the first wall [1]. Edge turbulence on the other hand, when controlled effectively, could also play a beneficial role in removing exhaust 3 Introduction particles that, if accumulated, would lead to fuel dilution, quenching the fusion reactivity [2]. Edge turbulence is typically characterized by very high relative fluctuation levels, leading to strong nonlinear effects and to the formation of macroscopic field-aligned structure, often referred to as ‘blobs’ (or blob-like structures, filaments). The edge plasma contains both closed (inside the separatrix) and open (outside the separatrix) magnetic field lines, which terminates on the material surfaces. Both heat and particle fluxes are transported through the separatrix into the SOL by anomalous processes. In low-confinement mode (L-mode) cross-field anomalous transport is relatively large while in high-confinement mode (H-mode) it is significantly weaker. However, in H-mode, the edge plasma is subject to violent events associated with destabilization of magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) modes, so called edge-localized modes (ELMs), which are not observed in the L-mode plasma. Wall + B VE Plasma Blob - F E Figure 1.1: Schematic of a plasma blob showing mechanism responsible for the radial transport. B and curvature driven charge polarization Early experimental studies of edge plasmas in tokamaks had already revealed rather largeamplitude turbulence in the edge region (e.g. plasma density fluctuations of the order of the averaged plasma density, n/n ~ 1) and an intermittent character of the turbulence. Moreover, the very first applications of fast cameras for diagnostics of edge plasma phenomena identified the existence of coherent structures [3]. Later, such structures were also found with two-dimensional (2D) probe arrays [4] and with imaging diagnostics, such as the gas-puff imaging (GPI) systems [5] on NSTX and Alcator C-Mod. A near comprehensive physical picture of the radial 4 Introduction convection of coherent plasma structures called blob-filaments or simply ‘blobs’ has been portrayed by a rapidly growing volume of theoretical, computational and experimental work. It also became clear that the dynamics of plasma filaments generated by ELMs is very similar to blob dynamics [6], which suggests some similarities in the physics of ELM filaments and blobs. Theory and simulations predict that blobs and ELM [7,8] filaments are born as a result of the nonlinear saturation of underlying edge turbulence or coherent magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities, respectively. Experimental observations show that these coherent objects are spatially localized in the two-dimensional (2D) plane perpendicular to B, resembling “blobs” of enhanced density against a lower-density background. They are spatially extended along the direction of the magnetic field, appearing as field-aligned “filaments” in a three-dimensional (3D) view of the SOL. Theoretically, it has been predicted that blobs in tokamaks move towards first walls in the low field side due to E×B drift caused by the charge separation in blobs driven by the gradient and curvature of the magnetic field [9-12]. A propagation model of blobs was proposed in [10], based on an assumption that a filament with large plasma density at the outer side of the torus is peeled off the bulk plasma, as sketched in Fig. 1.1 [10,13]. Then, plasma polarization (i.e. charge separation) caused by effective drifts at low field side of a torus (curvature and grad-B drifts in tokamaks), results in a radial E×B convection of blobs toward walls. The magnitude of the electric field and, therefore, the convection speed are determined from a balance of polarization and parallel currents. In Refs. [10], the blob was assumed to be in the far SOL and the parallel current to be limited by sheath “resistivity”. In this case, it was shown that indeed the blobs can propagate as a coherent structure with a speed of the order of a few hundred meters per second, which was roughly in agreement with then-available experimental data. 1.3 Scrape off layer (SOL) flow Plasma flow along the magnetic field lines in the scrape-off layer (SOL) is believed to play a vital role in the regulation of instabilities, turbulent transport and L-H transition since it can alter the E B shear profile [1,14-16]. The regulation mechanism [14] is quite simple. When a fluid eddy is placed in a stable laminar background flow whose speed varies transverse to the flow direction, the eddy is stretched and distorted as different fluid parcels in the eddy are advected 5 Introduction (carried along) at different speeds. If the eddy is isolated, it can be stretched to many times its original scale length. When the eddy is constituent of a turbulent flow, however, it loses coherence when stretched to the eddy coherence length along the direction of the background flow. The eddy coherence length is the distance over which the eddy flow remains correlated and can be thought of as roughly the distance between two adjacent eddies of comparable scale, a distance on the order of the eddy diameter in fully developed turbulence. Plasma flow along magnetic field lines has been measured in the scrape-off-layer (SOL) of many tokamaks [17–28], with velocities approaching a significant fraction of the local sound speed. A number of mechanisms are known to generate parallel flows in the SOL: ionization imbalances, Pfirsch–Schl¨uter flows, poloidal transport asymmetries (e.g. ballooning-like transport), and toroidal rotation. However, experimental evidence on RF-induced poloidal flow is less readily available. Analytical models and numerical simulations have been proposed to reconstruct the observed flows and their impact on impurity distributions. The success rate of such models is still very low owing to the complexity of the flow pattern. 1.4 Motivation: study of convective intermittent transport and SOL flow According to one of the first model of radial propagation velocities [29], blobs basically propagated to the low field side riding on E×B drift, where E and B show electric field to poloidal direction and toroidal magnetic field, respectively. The electric field can be originally formed by self-induced charge separation due to grad-B and curvature drifts and keeps a certain value via current paths through sheathes at attached region of metallic walls. However, the idea of the formation of induced electric field is still ambiguous and the possibilities that other mechanisms may play the crucial role such as ion polarization current [30] and ion-neutral friction force [31]. Moreover, the radial propagation models of the structures are quite debatable and experimental verifications are far from adequate, resulting a number of unresolved physics issues and an ‘yet to be’ recognized mechanism is one of the key areas of magnetic fusion research. In high performance fusion devices, these investigations are hindered by their complex interplay with atomic effects and by the intrinsic difficulty in diagnosing fusion grade plasmas with 6 Introduction adequate temporal and spatial resolution, even in the plasma boundary. As a consequence, a conclusive comparison with theoretical models is hampered by limited accessibility for diagnostics in large magnetic confinement devices. These difficulties motivate the development of basic plasma physics experiments dedicated to fluctuations, turbulence and transport studies, which offer better diagnostic access and more flexibility in the use of control parameters. Provided suitable observables for comparisons are defined, observations from these relatively cold and low density plasmas can be used as reference cases for fusion grade plasmas. Some aspects of the physics of waves related to turbulence and cross-field transport can be addressed in linear devices [32], but toroidal geometry is important in order to have the ingredients that drive turbulence in fusion experiments; namely, magnetic field line curvature in combination with plasma gradients. A line of research has been motivated by these limitations, namely the study of basic physics aspects of the edge turbulence in plasma environments that are qualitatively similar to, yet much simpler than those of the edge of burning plasmas. Some detailed measurements using simulated experiments, greatly contribute to the clarification of the physical mechanism of blobs. Recently, similar experiments are reported were performed on TORPEX. Blobs in the SOL region of tokamaks are simulated in plasmas created using electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) at 2.45 GHz [33]. However blobs’ characteristics are not yet well understood because of complexity involved and the difficulty of measurements. These motivate the further development of diagnostics of blob and dedicated physics study in toroidal slab annular plasmas owing to the unique feature of wide SOL-like region. Blob generation and their propagation can be studied in comprehensive details in such geometry. Regulation of instabilities and characterization of impurity transport and particle balance is clearly a necessary task for the efficient steady state operation of magnetic fusion reactors, such as ITER [1]. Plasma flow in the SOL plays the quintessential role in both these aspects. The flow is expected to expel helium ashes and to retain impurities in the divertor region. Plasma flow parallel to the magnetic field lines may consist of a combination of Pfirsch–Schlüter ion currents, u//PS, toroidal plasma rotation, u//rot, and a parallel component driven by cross-field transport, u//trans, arising to satisfy particle balance [16]. Information on the poloidal component of the flows is essential to reconstruct the total flow pattern in the SOL. For the impurity 7 Introduction retention, it is required that the friction force by the SOL flow towards the divertor plate exceeds the thermal force in the vicinity of the divertor throat. It has been experimentally observed, however, that the flow direction is sometimes opposite; from the outer plate side to the SOL middle side in the outer SOL region (low field- side) of tokamaks [16,34]. This backward flow is seen when the single null point is located in the ion ∇B drift direction, while it vanishes for the reversed null point location. The physics mechanisms of this backward flow have not yet been fully known [35]. Tangential fast imaging diagnostic along with the conventional Langmuir and Mach probes in the SOL can provide a wealth of information regarding the poloidal flow components. Velocimetry techniques adapted from fluid mechanics for the fast visible images can provide further insight on the flowing structures or specific modes. Thus the dominant mechanisms behind SOL flow, especially the RF induced flow, can be analyzed in greater detail. 1.5 Objective A two-fold objective is set for the thesis. First, the characteristics of the edge and SOL turbulence and transport are studied in both slab annular plasma featuring open field lines and Ohmic plasma with well defined last closed flux surface (LCFS). Statistical features of the edge fluctuations and generic mechanisms controlling the generation and propagation of coherent convective structures are considered imperative for the core confinement efficiency and heat and particle transport to the material wall. These issues are quite compelling and envisaged crucial for the future fusion devices like ITER and beyond. The second aspect addressed in this thesis is the characterization of the SOL flow and the associated mechanisms. This is aimed at gaining knowledge of the flow pattern in the SOL and its impact on the turbulent transport. Further, flow generation mechanisms and the physical parameters that can control the flow are important as they can provide the necessary knob to regulate the particle exhaust and turbulence driven transport at the edge. 1.6 Organization of this thesis This thesis is organized as follows: 8 Introduction In Chapter 2, brief description of the spherical tokamak QUEST is outlined along with the diagnostic tools that have been used during the experimental studies of turbulence and transport. Detailed description of the experimental conditions and plasma parameters are given in the respective chapters wherever deemed necessary. Chapter 3 deals in the edge turbulence and convective intermittent transport in slab plasma. Two types of slab plasma with different ECR heating (2.45 GHz and 8.2 GHz) are studied. On the first part, statistical aspects of the convective transport with respect to the variation in magnetic field pitch are dwelled upon, while in the second part the effect of mirror ratio on turbulence is studied with the change in poloidal field curvature. In chapter 4, plasma turbulence characteristics in the edge and scrape off layer of Ohmic plasma are summarized. Statistics of the intensity fluctuations are discussed and a model has been proposed to characterize the probability density function (PDFs) in the density gradient and far scrape off layer regions. In chapter 5, observation of ECW induced scrape off layer flow is reported. Cross-correlation analysis is performed to evaluate the flow velocity. Also, a novel technique based on particle image velocimetry using orthogonal dynamic programming is developed to further analyze the flow velocity of the coherent mode flowing in the SOL. Probable flow mechanisms are summarized. Finally, in chapter 6, the summary and future plans are discussed. 9 Introduction References [1] Loarte A et al 2007 Nucl. Fusion 47 S203. [2] Wesson J 2004 Tokamaks (International Series of Monographs on Physics Vol. 118) (Oxford: Oxford University Press). [3] Goodall, D H J 1982 J. Nucl. Mater. 111–112 11. [4] Zweben S J 1985 Phys. Fluids 28 974. [5] Terry J L et al 2003 Phys. Plasmas 10 1739. [6] Rudakov D L et al 2002 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44 717 [7] Zohm H 1996 Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 38 105 [8] D’Ippolito D A, Myra J R and Zweben S J 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 060501 [9] D’Ippolito D A et al 2002 Phys. Plasmas 9 222. [10] Krasheninnikov S I et al 2001 Phys. Lett. A 283 368. [11] Aydemir A Y 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 062503. [12] Garcia O E et al 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 165003. [13] Myra J R, et al 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 092511. [14] Biglari H, Diamond P H and Terry P W 1990 Phys. Fluids B 2 1 [15] Terry P W 2000 Rev. Mod. Phys. 72 109 [16] LaBombard B et al 2004 Nucl. 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The diameters of the center stack and the outer wall are 0.2 and 1.4 m respectively with flat divertor plates at b (= ±1 m) from the mid-plane. Eight toroidal field coils (TF coil) can produce typical toroidal magnetic field, Bt = 0.29 T at R = 0.6 m. The poloidal magnetic field coils (PF coils) and QUEST size is schematically shown in figure 2.1. The poloidal magnetic field, Bz, is produced by PF coils of PF1/PF7, PF2/PF6, PF3 – 1/ PF5 – 1 and PF3 – 2/ PF5 – 2. The center solenoid coils are PF4 – 1, PF4 – 2 and PF4 – 3, which are providing the flux for the plasma via Ohmic heating and capability to supply the magnetic flux of 200 mVs-1. The chamber aspect ratio Ac (= Rc/ac ~ 1.4) is derived as the ratio given by (Rout - Rin) / (Rin + Rout), where the chamber major radius Rc = (Rin + Rout) / 2 ~ 0.78 m, and the chamber minor radius ac = (Rout - Rin) / 2 ~ 0.55 m. The chamber elongation factor c is given by Z0/ac ~ 1.8. Figure 2.1: QUEST device showing various PF coils and the flat divertor plates. 13 Device description Two RF systems with frequencies 2.45 GHz (< 50 kW) and 8.2 GHz (< 200 kW) are used for heating and current drive. For 2.45 GHz, waves are launched from the low field side in the O – mode, and for 8.2 GHz both O – mode and X – mode can be injected. They are injected on the mid plane. For 2.45 GHz and 8.2 GHz, typical fundamental resonance position, Rres1, are 0.37 m (2.45 GHz) and 0.33 m (8.2 GHz), respectively. 2.2 Wide angle visible imaging system: The Memrecam fx K5 fast camera (NAC Image Technology) is used for this experiment from a radial port with a field of view (FOV) of 60 . NAC’s Memrecam fx K5 provides 2D light sensitivity with ultra high speed and mega pixel resolution. The K5 records brilliant color images or crisp monochrome images with resolutions up to 1280 X 1024 pixels at 1000 FPS (frames per second). Using an advanced CMOS sensor, the K5 captures images at frame rates up to 168,000 FPS with ISO10000 monochrome (~576 Lux @ 1000 FPS F4) in light sensitivity. The electronic shutter opens to 3 micro seconds, and the signals are digitized to 10 bits. The camera is used at 20 kHz and each frame is made up of 288 × 240 pixels. The camera with the wide angle lens is shown in figure 2.2. Figure 2.2: Memrecam fx K5 fast camera with wide angle lens 2.3 Tangential visible imaging system: A Photron Fastcam SA5 complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) camera with frame rate of 7000 frames/s (fps) at full resolution (1024 × 1024) is used for tangential imaging on the mid-plane of QUEST. Spatial resolution on the tangency plane is 3.7 mm. The camera is 14 Device description operated from the tokamak control room via Gigabit Ethernet, and image acquisition is initiated by an external trigger synchronised with the tokamak operational sequence. Image is transferred away from the view port by a 4.5 m long imaging fiber bundle manufactured by Schott. At the back end the camera is connected with the fiber bundle through an image intensifier (IMI). Each frame is made up of 242 × 242 pixels/526 × 240 pixels, and framing rate is 20 kHz/50 kHz. The SA5 camera with the IMI and filter wheel is shown in figure 2.3. The camera can achieve a maximum speed of 775 kfps with an image size of 128 experiment we used 704 24. In this 520 pixels with maximum achievable speed of 20 kfps. However, the actual image is much smaller and higher speeds can be selected with smaller image size. In this case, the photon flux is the limiting factor for achieving higher speed. Quantum efficiency (QE) is 35% at 500 nm. The camera is affected by Bt and the stray field of Bz. Hence, a safe distance of 4 m is maintained from the TF coil with the fiber bundle and associated optics. The Hamamatsu make C10880-03C IMI is equipped with a single stage multi channel plate and a 16 mm diameter phosphor screen. The relative intensity of the phosphor screen decays to 1% within 1 s. Luminous gain available is 105 (lm/m2)/lx. The multialkali phtocathode gives a wide spectral response with ~15% QE over the visible range. Gain, gate width and delay time is controlled and set from a PC through the RS-232C interface. The front end is attached to a 50 mm C-mount lens (YMV5095, Yakumo) and the back end is connected with the camera through a 1:1 relay lens. The IMI is affected by axial magnetic field and hence it is mounted radially w.r.t. the TF coils. The IG-154 fiber bundle is made up of 10 micron elements with an active area of 4 mm 4 mm. The numerical aperture is 0.63 with a resolution of ~50 LP/mm at a QE of 28% at 500 nm. A 6.5 mm objective lens at the front end and a 16~160 mm zoom lens (VZCH16160 Seikou Opltical Ltd.) at the back end are used. Up to ~200 keV hard X-rays are produced in QUEST by the RF generated fast electrons and this environment can significantly reduce the transmission of the fiber after certain time. Hence, the fiber is shielded from the hard X-rays with 1 cm thick lead tube. 15 Device description Figure 2.3: Tangential fast visible imaging with Photron SA5 camera with auxiliary components like image intensifier, filter wheel, zoom lens and relay lens. Comparison with images using a H filter indicates that the observed visible image is mainly due to the H emission. In order to analyze temporal and spatial evolution of images it is assumed that the neutrals n0 are distributed uniformly in the chamber and images are due to the local evolution of plasma or propagating plasmoid whose electrons can excite the neutrals immediately [1,2]. The intensity I( ul) of a spectral line of wavelength ul due to a transition from the upper level u to the lower level l is given (in photons m-2 s-1 sr-1) by: I ul 1 4 x2 nu Aul dx x1 1 4 x2 PEC exct ne , Te ne n g dx (1) x1 Here Aul is the spontaneous transition probability from upper to lower level and nu is the population number density of the upper level u (= 3) of the emitting ion [3]. In the collisional radiative approximation, ignoring recombination, the emissivity can be attributed to the excitation of ground state atoms (ng) by electrons and the consequent photon emission. PECexct is the ‘effective’ photon emission coefficient for the excitation of ground state atoms by the electrons and is a function of ne and Te. The integration denotes the tangential line of sight for each pixel that traverses through the plasma from x1 to x2. It has been shown that, at similar ne and Te in TORPEX, the mean value of the light emission signal recorded with a tangential fast 16 Device description camera depends linearly on ne at varying neutral hydrogen density and ECRH power [4]. Hence, in our case too, it is reasonable to interpret the intensity fluctuations as density fluctuations, although, more precisely it resembles plasma pressure fluctuations. Contextual references to these considerations are again deliberated in chapters 3 and 4. 2.4 Reciprocating probe A reciprocating ceramic probe head (diameter 20 mm) consisting of seven tungsten probe tips of diameter 1 mm and length 2 mm each, is inserted radially below mid-plane. The probe head can be rotated about its axis to align the central probes toroidally or poloidally. Schematic of the probe head is shown in figure 2.4. In order to avoid damage due to hot electrons in the ECW phase, probes can be inserted only up to 20 cm from the vessel wall. Hence, only the far-SOL (FSOL) can be scanned in a shot by shot basis in reproducible discharges to measure floating FSOL potential ( f) and ion saturation current ( I sat ) at 50 kHz. Figure 2.4: Left: Schematic of the probe head with 7 tips; Right: Assembled probe head 17 Device description References [1] Jha R, Kaw P K, Mattoo S K, Rao C V S, Saxena Y C and ADITYA Team 1992 Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 1375 [2] Ono M et al 2003 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 45 A335 [3] Prakash R, Jain J, Kumar V, Manchanda R, Agarwal B, Chowdhari M B, Banerjee S and Vasu P 2010 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 144012 [4] Iraji D, Diallo A, Fasoli A, Furno I and Shibaev S 2008 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 10F508 18 CHAPTER THREE Edge turbulence in the slab plasma A. Statistical features of coherent structures at increasing magnetic field pitch for 2.45 GHz slab plasma 3.1 Introduction I 3.2 Experimental conditions 3.3 Variation of the source plasma with field pitch 3.4 Statistical properties of the fluctuations 3.5 Generation and propagation of coherent structures (blobs) 3.6 Discussions 3.7 Conclusions I B. Variations in edge turbulence induced by poloidal magnetic field curvatures for 8.2 GHz slab plasma 3.8 Introduction II 3.9 Experimental conditions 3.10 Statistical analysis 3.11 Correlation analysis 3.12 Conclusions II Edge turbulence in slab plasma A. Statistical features of coherent structures at increasing magnetic field pitch for 2.45 GHz slab plasma 3.1 Introduction I Edge turbulence in plasma confinement devices continues to remain as one of the most important research topics as it plays vital role in the performance of the plasma core and core to edge transports of heat and particle fluxes. This is deemed crucial for future fusion devices like ITER [1] and beyond as the confinement of plasma is determined largely by turbulent plasma processes [2] at the edge. Anomalous convection in the edge plasma transport has been reported experimentally for a wide range of plasma devices [3-9]. Experimental evidences show that mesoscale plasma structures, that extend along the magnetic field lines, often called as ‘blobs’ are convected from the region of last closed flux surface (LCFS) well beyond the scrape-off layer (SOL) [2]. Blobs being omnipresent at the edge region of both tokamaks and stellarators [9] and with the confirmation of their role in enormous particle and energy fluxes in the far SOL, these convective intermittent structures gained serious importance in the edge plasma community. These coherent structures are localized in the two-dimensional (2D) plane and appear as ‘blobs’ of higher density in contrast with the lower density ambience. They are spatially extended along the magnetic field lines and appear as filaments in three-dimensional (3D) view of the SOL. Origin of the blobs has been attributed to the nonlinear saturation of the underlying edge turbulence or coherent magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities [2,10]. Qualitative theory of blob dynamics suggests that due to some turbulent processes in the vicinity of the LCFS, a filament with large plasma density at the low field side (LFS) of the torus is peeled off from the bulk plasma [2]. The models assume plasma polarization caused by the curvature and B drifts at the LFS of tokamaks leading to the E B convection of the blob towards the main chamber wall. However, the models propose different damping mechanisms and the predictions on the radial propagation velocity of blob filaments diverge accordingly. The first model cites sheath dissipation at the target as the damping mechanism [2,11,12]. The second model includes damping through a diamagnetic current in the filament [13,14]. Finally a third modified model is proposed to include both the above models as limiting cases. Here the electron diamagnetic current acts as the drive for the blob motion and the current loop is closed by the ion 20 Edge turbulence in slab plasma polarization current, sheath currents, and the ion current caused by a neutral friction force [15]. In the limit where sheath losses and the ion-neutral collisions are negligible, the blob velocity (vb) is proportional to (2a)1/2, a being the blob size. If sheath losses become dominant, vb scales as 1/a2 and when ion-neutral friction dominates, vb is inversely proportional to the ion-neutral collision frequency ( in) independent of a. Both the sheath dissipation model and the modified model predict velocity damping for larger filaments and are confirmed through experiments [1518]. Nevertheless, the main constraint that prevents rigorous validation of these models through extended traces of blob motion is that the SOL and edge are typically thin in the conventional tokamak discharges. Hence, the velocity damping concept for larger filaments may not be ubiquitous and thereby seems inconclusive. The other imperative aspect of blob dynamics is the source plasma itself that drives the edge and SOL turbulence and subsequently the blob generation. Statistical features of turbulence can provide essential information about both the source plasma and the propagation dynamics of the intermittent blobs. Probability density functions (PDFs) of density fluctuations at the edge from various machines suggested a large deviation from the Gaussian statistics with strongly skewed curves, reflecting intermittence. Comparison of edge turbulence data taken from machines with different configurations [19-23] was done [24]. Dealing with the complete PDF often proves to be cumbersome and higher order moments like skewness (s) and kurtosis (k) may provide the necessary details. However, only very few detailed reports are available till date on the statistical properties of the blob-generation and propagation regions. This paper deals in our efforts to achieve better understanding of the source plasma, criteria for blob generation and also the propagation dynamics in toroidal devices. In the spherical tokamak QUEST blob generation and propagation is studied by two dimensional fast imaging technique in slab plasma with a simple magnetic configuration characterized by open field lines [25]. Slab annular plasma is formed by electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) near the resonance region and instabilities are excited depending on the ratio of the vertical (Bz) and toroidal fields (Bt) [26,27]. The Bz/Bt (field pitch) is varied in an attempt to regulate the source plasma ~ fluctuations and the blob characteristics. Relative fluctuation level ( I/ I ) near the ECR layer was found earlier to be ~ 5% at Bz = 0 and increased ~ 25% with increasing Bz [25]. Although the line 21 Edge turbulence in slab plasma tying stabilization effect was expected with increasing Bz and decreasing connection length between the upper and lower flat divertor plates, the fluctuations and their nonlinear evolution was large and significant at higher Bz. Slab plasma in QUEST also presents a unique feature of the propagation of blobs across a long distance in the R-Z plane (2D). Such blob motions can be traced comprehensively with tangential fast imaging. The region beyond the steep density gradient of the slab towards the LFS resembles the SOL of normal tokamak discharges. Relatively weak fluctuation at the ECR region and intermittent strong fluctuations dominated by blobs in the outer SOL are observed. Hence, in this work, we attempt to address the following two aspects of blob dynamics with the core idea of varying Bz/Bt. Fluctuations of the source plasma are characterized. Statistical features of the initial perturbations and trigger mechanisms of blobs are analyzed by steepening the density gradient. Finally, the size, frequency and acceleration of the blobs [28,29] along the excursion are investigated. Outline of part A is as follows: the experimental setup is discussed next. Change in the source plasma with increasing Bz/Bt is characterized in section 3.3. Section 3.4 provides an account of the statistical analysis of the image data. Blob amplitude, waiting time and velocity are determined as a function of Bz/Bt with the conditional averaging technique in section 3.5. Results are discussed in section 3.6 and finally, some conclusions are drawn in section 3.7. 3.2 Experimental conditions Open magnetic field configuration is realized with both Bt and Bz field components without plasma current (< 1 kA). Slab-annular plasmas, intersecting the divertor plates, are initiated with hydrogen and ECRH at 2.45 GHz. Plasmas extend vertically near the resonance layer Rres (~ 0.37 m) corresponding to the resonant field of Bres = 87.5 mT, and diffuse outward depending on RF power and Bz/Bt. Bz is varied in the range of -1.5 ~ 6.7 mT. When Bz/Bt is varied, the pitch distance Lc z 2 R Bz Bt , pitch angle tan 1 B z Bt and the connection length 2b Bt Bz of field lines between the flat divertor plates are changed. Typical electron density and temperature at the edge are ne ~ 5 1016 m speed cs is ~10-34 km/s and effective ion gyro-radius s 3 and Te ~ 1–12 eV. The ion acoustic is ~ 3-9 mm. Plasma beta is quite low at ~ 10-4. Three radial locations are defined; the plasma source region (0.35 < Rs < 0.6 m), 22 Edge turbulence in slab plasma bounded by a relatively sharp boundary, the intermediate (0.4 < Rim < 0.8 m) and the source-free (0.7 < Rsf < 0.9 m) regions respectively (figure 3.1). Rim is characterized by a steep intensity gradient near the plasma boundary and Rsf by very weak intensity or essentially vacuum, depending on Bz/Bt. Fairly good agreement of the helix angle with ( z ) of initial helix-sinusoidal perturbations with z and vertical wavelength was observed earlier [25]. Both drift and interchange modes being intrinsic to this plasma [25], experiments are conducted to investigate the helical perturbations near the outer plasma edge, where B p > 0. 1 PF2 Rsf 0 Rim Rs 0.5 -0.5 PF6 -1 0.5 1 1.5 (a) Figure 3.1: (a) cross sectional view of the QUEST vessel showing the arbitrary positions of the three regions Rs, Rim and Rsf. Flux contours are shown for the PF26 coil. Dotted rectangle shows the extent of the images; Solid horizontal lines represents the divertor plates (b) top view of QUEST showing the field of view (FOV = 60 ) of the fast camera. The Memrecam K5 fast camera is used for this experiment from a radial port with a field of view (FOV) of 60 (figure 3.1b). Each frame is made up of 288 × 240 pixels, and framing rate is 20 kHz. The intensity fluctuations can be interpreted reasonably as plasma density fluctuations as discussed in chapter 2. 23 Edge turbulence in slab plasma Figure 3.2 shows a typical time series of images showing evolution of the initial perturbations into helical filaments. These filaments move across field lines and eventually die off at the LFS. Radial and vertical extents of the elliptical cross-section filament at Rsf are 0.15 0.30 0.03 m and 0.05 m respectively. Further details of the filaments are discussed in section V. A bright spot can be seen on the right hand edge of each image (at R = 0.87 m and z = 0 m). This is a point source illuminated through a view port in the FOV of the camera for spatial calibration of images along with CAD drawings. These pixels have been excluded in consequent analyses. Figure 3.2: Time series of an individual blob event is shown in false color. Images run from left to right and top to bottom and the consecutive images are 50 s apart. Center stack is shown as broken vertical lines. The blob filament is shown with the eye-guide in the second frame. The wide angle view resembles tangential line of sight (LOS) for each half of the image. This leads to LOS integration of local emissivities which may hinder the fluctuation assessments. A quantitative evaluation of this effect is carried out under the framework of the TITR code [33]. Simulated emissivity profiles, for different Bz/Bt are subjected to the LOS integration geometry matrix and the resultant brightness profile is obtained. Figure3.3 shows the profiles for Bz/Bt = 1.7%. It can be seen that due to the slab geometry, this detrimental effect is limited to the region up to ~Rs. For R Rim this effect is appreciably smaller and for Rsf and beyond it is negligible. This has been taken into account and fluctuation characteristics are ascertained only for the region Rim and beyond. This situation improves further with the increase in Bz/Bt as the plasma column shrinks more towards the center stack and the vacuum region increases. However, for 24 Edge turbulence in slab plasma Bz/Bt = 0, the effect is severe all through the radial direction and fluctuation characteristics are inconclusive. Emissivity and brightness (AU) 500 Simulated emissivity Integrated brightness R 400 s R im R 300 sf 200 100 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 R (m) 1.2 1.4 1.6 Figure 3.3: Simulated emissivity and line integrated brightness profile along the radial direction for Bz/Bt=1.7% at z = 0.05 m. 3.3 Variation of the source plasma with field pitch In this section we present the framework of the plasma production mechanism and its variations with increasing Bz/Bt. Intensity fluctuations from each pixel are considered as raw time series 1 n signals. PDF p(x) of the time series is characterized by the mean ( ( 2 1 n n I tj 2 ), where µi is i-th central moment ( 1 n i j 1 and standard deviation ( 2 n I tj n I t j ) and variance j 1 i ). R-z contours for j 1 ) are shown in figure 3.4 for the right half of the image. Slab plasmas in QUEST show a small up-down asymmetry, but the radial profiles remain consistent along z. From the first column it can be seen that the plasma shrink towards the fundamental ECR layer (0.37 m) with increasing Bz since Bt was maintained at the same value. For Bz = 0 case, both the fundamental and second harmonic ECR layers are clearly decipherable in spite of the LOS integration for the tangential FOV. For most of the pixels be seen that shows a non-zero value. It can drops off to ~0 at R > 0.58 m for Bz/Bt = 7.7%, while a finite showing the existence of intermittent bursts in that region. exists in that region increases from a maximum value of 25 Edge turbulence in slab plasma 150 (AU) for Bz/Bt = 0 to 200 (AU) with the increase in Bz/Bt to 1.7%. One of the candidates explaining such a behavior may be the reduced E B losses at higher Bz and better confinement notwithstanding the activation of loss channels due to the shortening of Lc [26]. Beyond that Bz the convective intermittent transport dominates and reduces the mean intensity again to 140 (AU) for Bz/Bt = 7.7% (row 3 of figure 3.4). The intensity never maximizes at the ECR fundamental layer (R = 0.37 m) but peaks radially outward from it. This may be due to the upper hybrid resonance (UHR) with the frequency frequency and at R max 4.52 ce 2 pe uh 1016 m-3 (2.17 max z (m) Row 1 z (m) Row 2 z (m) Row 3 is the electron plasma Standard deviation ( ) 200 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 100 -0.3 0.4 profile peaks 1016 m-3). Mean 0.6 0.8 80 60 40 -0.3 -0.4 0.2 200 -0.1 0 -0.2 20 0.4 0.6 0.8 100 0.4 0.6 0.8 60 -0.4 0.2 200 -0.1 -0.2 40 -0.3 0 20 0.4 0.6 0.8 100 0.4 0.6 R (m) 0.8 0 60 40 -0.3 -0.4 0.2 0 80 -0.2 -0.3 0 80 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 0.2 pe as the UHR layer, ne is calculated at UHR to be -0.1 -0.4 0.2 -0.1 ; where is the electron cyclotron frequency. For Bz/Bt = 1.7% (7.7%), 0.59 m (0.44 m). Assuming R -0.4 0.2 -0.1 2 1/ 2 ce 20 0.4 0.6 R (m) 0.8 0 Figure 3.4: Mean ( ) and standard deviation ( ) of the intensity time series. . Row 1: Bz/Bt = 0; Row 2: Bz/Bt = 1.7%; Row 3: Bz/Bt = 7.7%. Solid, dashed and dash-dot lines denote Rs, Rim and Rsf respectively. As the plasma shrinks with increasing Bz/Bt, increase in the negative gradient of intensity at Rim is observed. Further, figure 3.5 shows that / at Rim increases as a logarithmic function with Bz/Bt. This ratio can be interpreted as the ratio of the stochastic to the deterministic terms in the 26 Edge turbulence in slab plasma nonlinear Langevin equation as discussed in section 6. Hence, figure 3.5 may be interpreted as an increase in the stochastic forces due to the steepening of the density gradient. 0.8 0.7 / at Rim 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 -3 10 -2 10 Bz / Bt -1 10 Figure 3.5: / at Rim shows logarithmic increase with Bz/Bt. 3.4 Statistical properties of the fluctuations Signals for 100 ms are considered as the time series for the statistical analysis. The time window is shifted across the total recording duration of 660 ms and varied in length to check the statistical stationarity and the 100 ms window seems reasonable for achieving that. Good reproducible discharges are obtained for each Bz/Bt and reasonable consistency is achieved in the statistical analysis of this data set. PDFs of fluctuations from the two regions (Rim and Rsf) are compared for one intermediate (=1.7%) and one high Bz/Bt (=7.7%) to investigate the deviation from the Gaussian statistics with increase in Bz. The Bz/Bt = 0 case is rather difficult as the field lines are closed and the LOS integration is severe all along the radial extent. Figure3.6 shows the time evolution of intensities normalized by standard deviation , x = (I-µ)/ at Rim and Rsf respectively, and the corresponding p(x) at Rim at two instances of Bz/Bt. p(x) start to deviate from Gaussian and become skewed at Rim with increasing Bz. At Rs, p(x) remains close to Gaussian even for higher Bz/Bt, but, the actual fluctuation characteristics cannot be ascertained here due to LOS integration effect. In case of higher Bz/Bt, signal at Rsf is characterized by large and intermittent positive bursts. p(x) in this region are strongly asymmetric and positively skewed. However, at Rsf, there are no intrinsic fluctuations and only the survival and propagation of high 27 Edge turbulence in slab plasma density blobs can be observed far away from the source plasma. Due to the limitation of dynamic range of the camera pixels and absence of background plasma, intensity at Rsf remains predominantly at zero with occasional positive bursts of the blobs. Hence, p(x) at Rsf is not shown here. (I- )/ 4 0 R = 0.65 m and z = -0.25m 10 Rim Experimental Gaussian 0 -2 10 -1 R = 0.89 m and z = -0.25m Rsf PDF Bz/Bt = 1.7% 2 5 0 0.82 4 10 -2 10 0.84 0.86 0.88 -2 0.9 R = 0.4 m and z = -0.25m -1 0 1 2 0 10 Rim 4 5 -1 R = 0.69 m and z = -0.25m Rsf PDF Bz/Bt = 7.8% -2 4 Experimental Gaussian 2 0 3 10 -2 2 10 0 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 Time (s) 0.9 -2 -1 0 1 2 (I- )/ 3 4 5 Figure 3.6: Time evolutions of the intensity (I) fluctuations normalized by the standard deviation, I/ = (I- )/ at Rim and Rsf respectively. Normalized PDFs and the corresponding Gaussians at Rim for Bz/Bt = 1.7%; and Bz/Bt = 7.8% are shown in the right panels. The higher order moments of p(x) like skewness s = µ3/ µ23/2 and kurtosis k = µ4/ µ22-3 characterize the shape of the PDF. These shape factors can be explored to understand the statistics of the fluctuations leading to the physical stochastic principles34. Statistical features for the right half of the images (figure 3.2) are shown in figure 3.7. s values remained low up to Rim and thereafter it shows a steep positive gradient for Bz/Bt = 1.7% and 7.7%. k values remain very low or close to 0 till Rim and then increases rapidly at the immediate vicinity of Rim on the LFS. Such increase in s and k is not apparent in the Bz/Bt = 0 case. Both s and k remained mostly 28 Edge turbulence in slab plasma uniform along z- direction. Certain regions of negative skewness are observed for smaller Bz/Bt. This may be due to the decrease in density (and hence intensity) below the mean value on the high field side of Rim as a consequence of blob ejection. Low s island is also visible at Bz/Bt = 7.7%, but the value remains positive in this case. This statistical analysis leads to two important observations: (i) a reasonable understanding of the region of blob generation and (ii) the nature of the fluctuations from the mutual relationship of s and k. These are detailed in the following subsections. Row 1 z (m) -0.1 Skewness (s) Kurtosis 2 -0.2 1 Row 2 z (m) 3 -0.2 2 -0.3 0 -0.3 -0.4 0.2 -1 -0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -0.1 2 -0.2 1 2 -0.2 1 0.4 0.6 0.8 2 -1 -0.4 0.2 0.8 0 -0.2 -0.4 0.2 0.6 1 3 0 -0.3 R (m) 0.8 -0.1 -0.3 0.4 0.6 2 -1 -0.4 0.2 0.8 0.4 -0.2 -0.4 0.2 0.6 0 3 0 -0.3 0.4 1 -0.1 -0.3 -0.1 Row 3 z (m) -0.1 1 0 0.4 0.6 R (m) 0.8 Figure 3.7: skewness (s), kurtosis (k) of the intensity PDF are shown in 2D for three different Bz/Bt. Row 1: Bz/Bt = 0; Row 2: Bz/Bt = 1.7%; Row 3: Bz/Bt = 7.7%. Solid, dashed and dash-dot lines denote Rs, Rim and Rsf respectively. 3.4.1 Blob generation location To bring out the statistical features more clearly, a radial slice of the moments and the inverse gradient scale length of intensity ( L p1 of z = -0.25 R ln ) are plotted in figure 3.8 at a vertical distance 0.1 m from the mid-plane. The blob generation region is shown with the shaded bar. The mean intensity has a steep negative gradient in this region. This region is also characterized with k ~0 and maximum Lp-1. Hence, this analysis reveals that the Rim region with 29 Edge turbulence in slab plasma maximum Lp-1, sharply varying s and minimum k may be the most probable location for blob generation. Further, rapid growth can also be observed in the radial profiles of / in figure 3.8. None of these signatures are apparent in the Bz/Bt = 0 case and the radial profiles remains almost flat along the radius. (b): Bz/Bt = 7.7% max 1 / 0.5 0 3 2 1 0 1 0.5 s s s // max max (a): Bz/Bt = 1.7% k 2 2 1 1 0 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 0.5 0 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 0.75 0.4 R / 0 2 / 0 2 / k 4 - -- RR // / k 4 0 3 2 1 0 0.55 0.6 0.65 (m) RR (m) 0.7 0.45 0.5 0.55 R (m) R (m) 0.6 0.65 Figure 3.8: Radial profiles (at z = -0.25 0.1 m) of the normalized mean intensity, s, k, / and the inverse scale length respectively. Blob-generation regions are shown with the shaded bar. 3.4.2 Quadratic relation between s and k s and k are plotted for three Bz/Bt (0, 1.7% and 7.7% respectively) in figure 3.9. Data show a well defined distribution around a quadratic curve as observed by Labit et al [19]. Such a distribution is now being considered as fairly general as it has been observed in varying experimental conditions and devices. But, there were very few attempts to include such a wide range of magnetic field configuration and regions across the plasma cross-section in the scatter. The green cross, cyan squares and red circles represent the s vs. k relation at Rs (Rim - Rs)/2 and Rsf (Rim - Rs)/2, Rim 0.1 m respectively. k is shifted by +5, +10 and +15 for these three plots. The black dots represent data from the entire poloidal cross section. For Bz/Bt =0, data points from all three regions overlap each other. They start to segregate with increasing Bz/Bt. The 30 Edge turbulence in slab plasma scattered points are fitted to a parabolic relation ( k As 2 C ), and the coefficients A and C are determined. It can be seen from figure 3.9 that the value of A increases from 1.14 to 1.2 with increasing Bz/Bt but never reaches the earlier reported [19] value (A=3/2). C was found to be ~0 in all cases. Further, s and k from 30 shots with a wide range of Bz/Bt (at the fundamental resonance) and covering the entire poloidal cross section are evaluated. This also includes shots with negative Bz/Bt (up to -1.7%). Values of coefficients A and C are obtained from the parabolic fits and the mean values are 1.17 0.07 and ~0 respectively. 3.5 Generation and propagation of coherent structures (blobs) 3.5.1 Blob filaments originating from coherent poloidal mode Evolution of the helical perturbations with the increase in Bz can be observed from the image frames of the three Bz/Bt, shown in figure 3.10. The time averaged (100 ms) frame is subtracted from the actual frames to separate out the coherent structures from the background slab plasma. For Bz/Bt = 0, the entire poloidal cross-section is filled with thin rings stacked vertically with subdued intensities. They represent the closed field lines in the absence of Bz. As Bz is increased (Bz/Bt = 1.7%), strong sinusoidal waves are generated at Rim and this eventually leads to prominent helical convective structures as seen at Bz/Bt = 7.7%. In the right most panel of figure 3.10, three helical structures can be seen, the top one has evolved completely, the middle one is still evolving and the last one is just born. 31 Edge turbulence in slab plasma 40 35 Bz/Bt = 0 Kurtosis k Kurtosis k 30 25 2 + 0.02 kk=1.14s = 1.137s2+0.02 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -1 40 35 Kurtosis k 30 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 2 3 Skewness s 4 5 Bz/Bt = 1.7% 2 + ~0 1.19s2+1.77e-008 kk==1.19s 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -1 40 35 0 1 2 Bz/Bt = 7.7% Kurtosis k Kurtosis k 30 25 k + ~0 1.20s22+9.88e-011 k ==1.2s 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -1 0 1 Skewness s Figure 3.9: k as a function of s from the entire poloidal cross section (black dots) is fitted (solid line) to the parabolic relation ( k As 2 C ) for increasing Bz/Bt (0, 1.7% and 7.7% respectively). The green cross, cyan squares and red circles represent the s vs. k relation at Rs (Rim - Rs)/2, Rim (Rim - Rs)/2 and Rsf 0.1 m respectively. 32 Edge turbulence in slab plasma Vertical z distance (m) (m) Bz/Bt = 0 Bz/Bt = 1.7% Bz/Bt = 7.7% 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Radial distance (m) R (m) -0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Radial distance (m) R (m) -0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 R (m) Figure 3.10: Frames from three different Bz/Bt values, subtracted with the temporal mean of the intensities. The fine and evenly distributed plasma filaments condense to strong sinusoidal waves at Rim and then finally the prominent helical convection sets in with the increase in Bz/Bt. 3.5.2 Conditional averages In this section, we intend to focus more on the intermittent bursts, separating them from the background plasma. Intermittent convective bursts like blobs are submerged in the background turbulence. Conditional averages are used to highlight distinctive features of a signal. This technique can be used to separate the coherent structures from the background turbulence and study their properties independently. In our case, intensity level (amplitude) of the intermittent bursts serves as the selection criterion for applying this technique. Intensities above 2.5 times the standard deviation (threshold) are selected as the intermittent blobs from a larger time window of 600 ms. In case of bursty signals, the bursts are reasonably greater than the background fluctuation and hence, the choice of the threshold is not crucial and anything above the standard deviation can be selected [35]. For studying the time traces of these high intensity events, we track 7 data points on each side of a given maximum. This generates a matrix of 15 × Nmax, where Nmax is the number of maxima. This selection ensures that none of the bursts are favoured artificially by selecting a lot of fluctuations, as the maxima are generally apart from each other by 15 or more data points. The 33 Edge turbulence in slab plasma conditional average is obtained by averaging over Nmax. Once the maxima are selected, the autoconditional average (ACA) indicates the case where the maxima selection and the averaging are performed on the intensity fluctuation signal of the same pixel. On the other hand, crossconditional averaging (CCA) describes the case where the selection is made on the intensity fluctuation signal of one pixel and the averaging is done on that of another pixel. ACA are calculated for the fluctuation signals of all three regions. For Rs and Rim, ACA are calculated for the vertical span of z = 0.2 m to z = -0.3 m at a resolution of 6.7 mm and mean of the ACAs along z are plotted for these two regions. For Rsf, however, ACA is calculated only at z=-0.25 m, due to the curvature of the view port limiting the FOV on the right hand side of the images. (a) (b) 130 <ACA> of I z Rs 180 <ACA> of I z Rs 120 (i) 110 150 <ACA> of I z Rim Intensity (AU) ACA of I (ii) 100 (iii) 200 150 100 50 Rsf 100 50 140 120 80 CCA of IRs with IRim 200 (iv) CCA of IRsf with IRim 70 -400 -300 -200 140 200 150 100 50 150 160 -100 0 ( s) 100 200 (i) <ACA> z of IRim Peak height (ii) ACA of I Rsf (iii) CCA of IRs with IRim (iv) 150 70 60 CCA of IRsf with IRim 50 40 (v) 30 300 400 -400 -300 -200 -100 (v) 0 ( s) 100 200 300 400 Figure 3.11: (a) Bz/Bt = 0 and (b) 7.8%. (i)-(iii): ACAs for the time series signals at Rs, Rim and Rsf respectively. (iv)-(v): CCAs between IRs and IRim and between IRsf and IRim respectively. ACAs of all the three regions show peaks for Bz/Bt = 7.8% case (figure 3.11). Peak height was maximum in case of Bz/Bt = 7.8% showing that the blob events are more prominent with respect to the background plasma in that case. In case of Bz/Bt = 0, however, no distinct peaks were observed showing that the coherent structure formation was not facilitated at lower Bz/Bt. Distance between Rim and Rsf for Bz/Bt = 7.8% is 0.3 m. Maxima of CCARsRim are at = 0 s as 34 Edge turbulence in slab plasma the distance between these two zones are very small. But, maxima of CCARsfRim trails to the positive time interval = 200 s. Hence, the blobs move from Rim towards Rsf with an average radial velocity ~1500 m/s. Knowing the velocity, the radial scale length of the blobs can be evaluated from at 1/e of the peak of CCARsfRim for Bz/Bt = 7.8%. It turns out to be 60 cm, which is typically much larger in such slab plasmas with wide Rsf (resembling SOL) as compared to large aspect ratio tokamaks with rather thin SOL. The ACA peaks in our case are symmetric about = 0 unlike previous reports where a sharp increase and a gradual fall of the intensity was observed along the blob lifetime on the probes. This may be due to the low temporal resolution (20 kHz) of the images in our case as compared to the conventional Langmuir probe measurements. ACA at Rim reveals that the peak height increases with Bz/Bt (figure 3.12). At lower Bz/Bt, the fluctuations are mainly dominated by the background turbulence and p(x) remained Gaussian in all the three regions. At higher Bz/Bt, p(x) deviates from Gaussian due to the advent of blobs. A striking resemblance between figure 3.5 and figure 3.12 suggested that the blob amplitude have strong correlation with the stochastic forces (refer to section VI) at Rim as the instabilities are exited more and more with the increasing Bz/Bt. Peak height of ACA at Rim 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -3 10 -2 10 Bz / Bt -1 10 Figure 3.12: Peak height of the ACA at Rim shows logarithmic increase with Bz/Bt. 35 Edge turbulence in slab plasma 500 Bz / Bt = 1.7% PDF at Rim 400 Fitted = 3.37E-4 s 300 200 100 a 0 0 2 -4 8 T (s) x 10 4 6 -3 x 10 Fitted (s) 6 4 2 b 0 -3 10 -2 10 Bz / Bt -1 10 Figure 3.13: a: Histogram of time between two bursts and the exponential fit at Rim for Bz/Bt = 1.7%. b: the exponential fitting parameter (s) as a function of Bz/Bt. 3.5.3 Time between two bursts The waiting time between two bursts and its PDF p(x) is calculated by selecting the maxima as described earlier. Figure3.13a shows p(x) of the waiting time at Rim for Bz/Bt =1.7. p(x) shows an exponential distribution, as evident from the solid black exponential fit ( y e t ). Thus the blob generation may be interpreted as a Poisson process, occurring continuously and independently at a constant average frequency. Figure3.13b shows the fitting parameter for p(x) at Rim as a function of Bz/Bt. Again, there is a remarkable correspondence among / (figure 3.5) at Rim, blob prominence above background plasma at Rim (figure 3.12), and the waiting time 36 Edge turbulence in slab plasma for blobs (figure 3.13b) with the increase in Bz/Bt. At lower Bz/Bt frequent but smaller intensity blobs are apparent while the intensity is increased at the cost of the frequency with the increase in Bz/Bt. Radial velocity (m/s) 2000 1800 z t 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 Radial velocity at Rsf (m/s) B / B = 7.7% a 0.5 0.55 0.6 R (m) 0.65 0.7 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 -3 10 b -2 10 Bz / Bt -1 10 Figure 3.14: a: Radial velocity profile for Bz/Bt = 7.7%. Accelerated propagation along the radius was observed. b: vRsf of candidate shots as a function of Bz/Bt. 3.5.4 Blob propagation To quantify the radial velocity profile of the blobs conditional averaging is performed at discrete radial locations beyond Rim. Spatial resolution for the camera pixels on the tangency plane is 6.7 mm. Hence, knowing the full width at half maxima (FWHM) of the ACA peaks and the blob size at the same radial locations, the velocity profile can be estimated. Blob size along the radius is 37 Edge turbulence in slab plasma estimated from the camera images while tracking individual blobs along their helical trajectories. FWHM of the intensity peak for the blobs in each frame of a blob sequence gives the blob diameter along both R and z directions and their average serves as the effective blob diameter (deff). Blob size can be tracked only for R > 0.49 m in this case and up to that the size is taken as constant. deff evolves from 19 cm to 30 cm along the radius, reaching the maximum diameter at ~Rsf. Figure 3.14a shows the velocity profile for Bz/Bt = 7.7%. Shaded region indicates the standard deviation in velocity along the z direction. Hence, accelerated propagation is observed till ~Rsf and such a trend is prevalent in all Bz/Bt. Radial velocity at Rsf (vRsf) reaches to 1700 200 m/s. vRsf is shown as a function of Bz/Bt in figure 3.14b. However, no significant variation is observed in vRsf with increasing Bz/Bt. 3.6 Discussions With the increase in Bz/Bt, the intensity fluctuation amplitude grows and PDF of the fluctuations at Rim and beyond deviates from the Gaussian and becomes positively skewed. At this point we attempt to understand the physical basis of the increased level of fluctuations and blob ejection with the increase in Bz/Bt. Assuming that the intensity fluctuations in our case resembles the plasma density fluctuations as stated in section 2, a simple nonlinear Langevin equation [36-38] for a random variable x, representing the plasma density, is: d~ x ~ ~ x b~ x1 x t dt where, (2) is the linear growth rate and b is the nonlinear damping amplitude. (t) represents a - correlated Gaussian process with amplitude Q, t t' Q t t ' . (1+ ) is the exponent of nonlinear damping. Tilde denotes the fluctuation. However, it can be noted that identifying the terms in equation (2) with exact physical processes is clearly non-trivial from the present dataset. Hence, the model represents nonlinear systems in general and is not specific to this problem. The corresponding Fokker-Planck equation is: P t x ~ x b~ x1 1 ~ Qx P 2 Q 2 ~2 x P 2 x2 (3) First two terms on the right hand side of the stochastic differential equation (2) denotes the deterministic part of this process, while the last term represents the stochastic part. Observed / 38 Edge turbulence in slab plasma of the intensity fluctuations (section 3 and 4.1) resembles the ratio of the stochastic to the deterministic contribution of equation (2). Hence, the rapid growth of / at Rim with the increase in Bz/Bt signifies a sudden increase in the stochastic forces. This increased stochasticity can broaden the PDF, while maintaining the Gaussian distribution. However, the PDF is observed to deviate from Gaussian from Rim onwards with the increasing Bz/Bt. This may happen only when the multiplicative nature of the noise term in equation (2) is considered. The plausible explanation may be that with the increase in Bz/Bt, as the plasma shrinks towards the ECR layer, the density gradient steepens. This effect may have increased the stochastic forces and also couples the density fluctuations with the noise term. The coefficient A in section 4.2 is always observed to be < 3/2. Steady-state solution of equation (3) P0 t P0 ~ x 0 yields the expression, N~ x 1 2 Q exp 2b ~ x Q where, N is the suitable normalization constant, N (4) 2 Q 1 Q . For = 1, expression (4) assumes the gamma distribution and A can be precisely 3/2. However, if > 1, A 2b Q 2 can attain values < 3/2. Hence, a situation with greater than second order nonlinear damping may be envisaged in our case. From the PDF of waiting time, the blob generation is inferred as a Poisson process. This conforms to the recent stochastic modeling of intermittent SOL fluctuations [39] that predicts a parabolic relation between skewness and kurtosis for such processes as observed in this work. Blob propagation velocities can reach about 1/10 of the ion acoustic speed in QUEST making the process of radial convective transport competitive with the parallel transport. Accelerated radial propagation for these large sized blobs is observed. This is in sharp contrast with the sheath dissipation model. However, in DIII-D [16], blobs propagate radially with E B drift velocities while decelerating from ~2.6 km/s near the LCFS to ~0.33 km/s near the vacuum vessel. Such behavior was also reported by Alcator C-Mod [17] and HL-2A tokamaks [18]. Blob propagation region in these experiments are significantly narrow as compared to that of QUEST slab plasma and thereby limits the accelerating mechanisms to manifest. It has been predicted by simulation 39 Edge turbulence in slab plasma [40] that for a non uniform plasma density along the direction of blob propagation, the leading and trailing faces of the blob see a density difference and hence the blob experiences a resultant force towards the lower density region. Likewise, while travelling from Rim towards Rsf the blobs may encounter a force against the density gradient which may cause the accelerated propagation. Acceleration may also occur due to - B force along the radius. Simultaneous measurements of blob velocities with fast camera and probes in QUEST are reported earlier. Blob velocities are measured [28,29] both directly with the ion saturation current from two spatially separated probe pins and through the E B estimation from the measured blob electric field <Eb>. With <Eb> remaining almost constant along the radial direction, the E B drift velocity might have increased with the 1/R decay of Bt. These measurements also predict radial acceleration and agree well with the velocity estimation in this work. 3.7 Conclusions I Light intensity fluctuations from the slab annular plasma are studied in the QUEST device with fast imaging technique at a temporal and spatial resolution of 50 µs and 6.7 mm respectively. These plasmas provide the unique opportunity to study blob formation and propagation with the tangential fast imaging diagnostic technique, owing to the wide SOL-like region beyond the steep density gradient towards the LFS. Bz/Bt (at the ECR layer) is varied from -1.7% to 7.8% to investigate fluctuations of the source plasma that presumably drives the edge and SOL fluctuations and consequently the triggering mechanism of the coherent convective structures i.e. the so called ‘blobs’. Further, the dynamics of the blobs in terms of radial velocity, waiting time and size are also analyzed. Three radial locations (Rs, Rim and Rsf respectively) are defined to study these mechanisms. Progressive enhancement of fluctuations and consequent blob generation and propagation are observed with the increase in Bz at a constant Bt. Amplitude and waiting time of the coherent plasma structures attain a maximum for highest Bz/Bt (=7.8%) in our experiment. 2D statistical analysis of the images enables us to identify the blob formation region precisely at Rim with a steep intensity gradient. Signatures of conducive environment for blob generation like the sudden enhancement in s, minimum k, steep positive gradient of / and the highest Lp-1 are evident at Rim. s and k follow the parabolic constraint for all Bz/Bt while segregation of s was observed for Rs, Rim and Rsf respectively with increase in Bz/Bt. A distinct coherent sinusoidal mode appears at Rim for Bz/Bt beyond 1% and subsequently the blobs are 40 Edge turbulence in slab plasma ejected. High radial blobs velocities (~1700 ± 200 m/s) are observed. This is in agreement with radial velocities of blobs seen in PISCES and MAST [41, 42]. Accelerated radial propagation was observed for large sized blobs (~30 cm diameter), emphasizing the need to revisit the blob propagation scalings proposed so far [43]. 41 Edge turbulence in slab plasma B. Variations in edge turbulence induced by poloidal magnetic field curvatures for 8.2 GHz slab plasma 3.8 Introduction II The appearance of improved confinement regimes in tokamaks in regions of weak or negative magnetic shear [44–53] has enthused considerable interest in the stability properties of such equilibria. The magnetic shear in case of confined plasma in tokamaks with well defined flux surfaces is defined as Sc = (r/q)(dq/dr), where q is the safety factor and r is a flux surface radius. Improved confinement properties are expected to be related to greater stability of the plasma modes considered to cause anomalous transport. This study aims at investigating the variation in fluctuation characteristics in slab plasma with different poloidal field curvatures and strength. Slab plasma, as discussed earlier, provides the unique opportunity to study fluctuations at a wide SOL-like area towards the LFS and should provide better insight about the relation of microstability with magnetic shear. The magnetic shear is slightly redefined in case of the open magnetic field lines, terminating on the flat divertor plates. 3.9 Experimental conditions In this experiment magnetic configuration is chosen with both Bt and Bz field components without plasma current. Hydrogen plasmas are initiated at 2.45 GHz using ECRH, and pulsed with 8.2 GHz ECRH. Bz is varied in both curvature and strength by different coil combinations (PF17, 26 and 35; figure 3.15a) and varying coil currents. Three radial locations, viz. Rs (plasma source), Rim (steep intensity gradient) and Rsf (ambient intensity tail) are defined as earlier to study the fluctuations. The Photron Fastcam SA5 CMOS camera with frame rate of 7000 frames/s at full resolution (1024 × 1024) is used for tangential imaging on the mid-plane of QUEST. Each frame is made up of 242 × 242 pixels, and framing rate is 20 kHz. Comparison with images using H filter indicates that observed visible image is mainly attributed to H emission ( n0ne). 42 Edge turbulence in slab plasma Figure 3.15: (a) cross sectional view of the QUEST vessel showing the PF coil pairs 17, 26 and 35-12. Also the arbitrary positions of the three regions Rs, Rim and Rsf are shown with blue broken lines. Flux contours are shown for the PF26 coil. Dotted rectangle shows the extent of the images; Solid horizontal lines represents the divertor plates; (b) top view of QUEST showing the tangential field of view of the fast camera SA5. -3 20 x 10 PF26 PF17 PF35-12 Bz (Tesla) 15 10 5 0 -5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 R(m) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Figure 3.16: R profiles of PF coils at 1 kA coil current. 43 Edge turbulence in slab plasma Three pairs of PF coils (viz. 17, 26 and 35) shown in figure 3.15a are used to vary the Bz topology. Bt is maintained at 293 mT at the resonance layer at R = 0.24 m. Radial profiles of the PF strengths at 1kA coil current are shown in figure 3.16. PF strength can be quantified in terms of the pitch distance z 2 R Bz Bt , connection length of field lines Lc two divertor plates and pitch angle the magnetic shear S tan 1 2 R 2b / z between the Bz Bt . PF curvature can be demonstrated in terms of R d and the mirror ratio dR Bt _ div Bt _ mid . For mirror ratio, the field lines, starting at the second harmonic layer on the mid plane, are traced to calculate the toroidal field at the launching (Bt_mid) and terminating point on the divertor (Bt_div). Low energy electrons follow these field lines. Figure 3.17 shows magnetic shear (17a), and mirror ratio (17b) for the PF coil parameter space explored here. Three distinct S regimes at the second harmonic for three PF coils with a variation of factor of 2 are investigated. Mirror ratio provides deep (PF35), shallow (PF26) and negative (PF17) PF wells ( < 1) respectively. Note that Bz is a function of R and hence will have different R profiles for different PF coil pairs. Thus, even for the same Bz at the fundamental resonance, magnetic shears profiles will be different for the three coil pairs for the same Bt. Here Lc is varied by one order of magnitude in the experiment by varying the strength of Bz in the three PF coil pairs. Time series of an individual blob event in case of PF26 operated at Bz = 40.75 mT is shown in figure 3.18. 2.2 PF17 PF26 PF35-12 1 2 1.8 0.9 Mirror ratio Magnetic shear at second harmonic 1.1 0.8 PF17 PF26 PF35-12 1.6 1.4 1.2 0.7 0.6 0 a 0.01 0.02 0.03 Bz (Tesla) 0.04 b 1 0.05 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 R (m) 0.8 1 Figure 3.17: (a): Magnetic shear at second harmonic as a function of Bz is shown for PF17, 26 and 35 respectively. (b): Radial profile of the mirror ratio for the three coil pairs. 44 Edge turbulence in slab plasma (I-< >)/ Figure 3.18: (Color online). Time series of an individual blob event is shown. Images run from left to right and top to bottom and the consecutive images are 50 s apart. A helical filament emerges from the vicinity of the resonance layer and expands radially until it dies off at the LFS. 4 2 0 -2 4 2 0 -2 10 5 0 R = 0.32 m and z = 0.2m Rs R = 0.39 m and z = 0.2m Rim R = 0.54 m and z = 0.2m 7.45 7.5 Time (s) Rsf 7.55 7.6 Figure 3.19: Intensity fluctuations at Rs, Rim anf Rsf respectively for PF26 at 40.75 mT. Intermittent positive bursts are observed at Rsf intensity signal. These bursts correspond to the blobs generated at higher Bz with PF26. 3.10 Statistical analysis Time series for 200 ms are considered for the statistical analysis. Intensity fluctuations from the three regions (Rs, Rim and Rsf) for a shot with PF26 at 40.75 mT are shown in figure 3.19. Higher order moments of the probability density function (PDF) like skewness s = µ3/ µ23/2 and kurtosis k = µ4/ µ22-3 follow parabolic relation as seen earlier. However, mean s shows an increasing 45 Edge turbulence in slab plasma trend with Bz while it shows opposite trend for PF17 and PF35 (figure 3.20a). Mean s and k were maximum for PF26 at the same Bz level as shown for mean s at ~16.4 mT in figure 3.20b. Also mean s first drops off as function of Lc, but then again increases as shown in figure 3.20c. ~16.4 mT 0.9 PF17 PF26 PF35-12 0.8 1 PF17 PF26 PF35-12 0.9 Mean skewness 0.8 0.7 Mean skewness 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 c 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.1 0 0.5 20 40 60 Connelction length (m) 80 100 b 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Magnetic shear at 2nd harmonic 1.1 Figure 3.20: (a)~(c): Mean skewness as a function of Bz, magnetic shear at second harmonic and the connection length respectively. The dotted line in (b) follows Bz ~ 16.4 mT 3.11 Correlation analysis 3.11.1 Correlation coefficient Cross-correlation coefficient (cxy) is calculated among a reference pixel and for all the pixels. It is defined as: c xy xy nx y x 2 nx 2 y (1) 2 ny 2 46 Edge turbulence in slab plasma Where x and y are two time series signals, the bar denotes ensemble average (time) and n is the number of samples. For PF17, 26 and 35 cxy at Bz ~ 16.4 mT is shown in figure 3.21. Correlation between Rs and Rim is small for PF17 and maximum for PF26. A distinct coherent mode appears at Rim and the wavelength ( z) along z grows with as the PF coils are changed. Highest was observed for PF35. 3.11.2 Power spectral density (PSD) PSD shows a coherent peak at ~4 kHz at Rs for PF35 beyond ~13 mT (figure 3.22). Such peak was not observed for PF17 or PF26 even at much higher Bz. 47 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.2 0 -0.1 0.3 -0.1 -0.2 0.4 -0.2 -0.3 0.5 0.1 z (m) z (m) Edge turbulence in slab plasma -0.3 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0 0.5 1 0.5 0.4 a 0.2 0.4 0.6 R (m) C o rr-co eff C o rr-co eff 1 0.8 0.3 0.2 1 cRs at z=0.2 m cRim at z=0.2 m 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.9 1 0.5 0.4 0 0.6 0.1 0 -0.1 0.2 -0.1 -0.2 0.3 -0.2 -0.3 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.7 R (m) 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.1 z (m) z (m) 0.3 0.4 -0.3 0 0.5 1 cRs at Rs cRim at Rim 0.2 0.5 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 b 0.2 0.4 0.6 R (m) 0.8 0 -0.1 1 Figure 3.21: (Color online). cxy for (a): PF17, (b): PF 26 and (c) PF35 respectively. Background image: reference pixel at Rs and overlaid contour: same at Rim. C o rr-c o eff C o rr -co e ff 1 cRs at z=0.2 m cRim at z=0.2 m 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.9 0.3 0.8 0.2 1 0.2 0.7 0.1 z (m) z (m) 0.9 0.1 0.6 0 0.8 0 0.5 -0.1 0.6 0.7 R (m) -0.1 0.4 -0.2 0.5 -0.2 0.3 -0.3 0.4 0.3 -0.3 0 0.5 0.3 0.4 c 0.2 C o r r-c o e ff 0.4 0.6 R (m) 1 C o r r-co eff 1 cRs at Rs cRim at Rim 0.2 0.5 0.8 1 0.2 0.1 cRs at z=0.2 m cRim at z=0.2 m 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 R (m) 0.8 0.9 1 48 Edge turbulence in slab plasma -32 1.31912 2.63824 3.95736 5.27648 6.59561 9.89341 13.1912 16.489 s Magnitude at R (dB/Hz) -34 -36 -38 -40 -42 -44 -46 -48 -50 0 2 4 6 Frequency (kHz) 8 10 Figure 3.22: PSD for PF35 at various Bz (see figure legend). 3.12 Conclusions II Fluctuation characteristics are quite different for PF17, 26 and 35 with high, moderate and low magnetic shear (S) respectively. Vertical wavelength was largest for highest and decreases progressively. Highest fluctuations and blobs are recorded for intermediate S (PF26) and shallow PF well. Coherent mode at ~ 4 kHz appears for deep PF well (PF35) beyond Bz~13 mT. It was not apparent for either of PF17 and 26. 49 Edge turbulence in slab plasma References [1] Lipschultz B et al 2007 Nucl. Fusion 47 1189 [2] Krasheninnikov S I, D’ippolito D A and Myra J R 2008 J. Plasma Physics 74, 679 [3] Zweben S J et al 2002 Phys. Plasmas 9 1981 [4] Jha R, Kaw P K, Mattoo S K, Rao C V S, Saxena Y C and ADITYA Team 1992 Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 1375 [5] Kallenbach A et al 2003 Nucl. Fusion 43 573 [6] Nielsen A H, Pecsell H L, and Rasmussen J 1996 Phys. Plasmas 3 1530 [7] Endler M, Niedermeyer H, Giannone L, Holzhauer E, Rudyj A, Theimer G, Tsois N and ASDEX Team 1995 Nucl. Fusion 35 1307 [8] Pierre Th, Escarguel A, Guyomarc’h D, Barni R, and Riccardi C 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 065004 [9] Endler M 1999 J. Nucl. Mater. 84 266 [10] Antar G Y, Yu J H and Tynan G 2007 Phys. Plasmas 14 022301 [11] D’Ippolito D A, Myra J R and Krasheninnikov S I 2002 Phys. 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The radial cross field transport is particularly important as it decides the strength and strike points of the heat and particle flux to the wall as well as the processes of recycling, impurity influx and helium ash removal. Transport in tokamaks is generally ‘anomalous’, thus not following the magnitude and parameter scaling of ‘collisional transport’ [1]. Also, the edge plasma is at the immediate vicinity of the confined plasma and thus affects the quality of confinement as suggested in the achievement of H-mode [2-4]. The cross field transport is recognized to be dominated by turbulence at the edge [5]. Broadband plasma density fluctuations play the dominating role in edge turbulence with relatively high fluctuation amplitude as compared to the average density, with n/n often reaching ~1. Cross field size scale (autocorrelation) is typically ~0.1-10 cm (i.e. meso-scale) while along the field lines it is of the order of tens of meters. These are the large 3D filaments, often referred to as ‘blobs’ in 2D. They are seen as large intermittent bursts of density in the SOL. Edge turbulence is ubiquitous with the plasma duration, and is usually interpreted as the nonlinear saturated state of drift wave or interchange instabilities in the edge plasma [6]. Visualization of turbulence study has helped immensely in gaining deeper insights in this field [7,8]. Recently the importance of the role of blobs on the convective transport and its effects on the wall loading has been extensively investigated both in experiment and theoretical fields [914]. Nonlinear evolution of drift or interchange instabilities driven by the pressure gradient or curvature of the magnetic field lines, the role of the E×B flow in shearing off a radially extended structure and ejection of blobs are active areas of this subject. In the spherical tokamak QUEST blob generation and propagation is studied earlier in slab annular plasma created by electron cyclotron waves (ECW) in a simple magnetic configuration characterized by open field lines [15,16]. It has been reported that in tokomaks, RTPs, stellarators, and linear devices there are fundamental similarities in the radial transport, which is characterized by intermitted convection rather than diffusion, extended into the far SOL, and significant recycling [9-12]. Several types of the probability density functions PDF p(x) are fitted and from the statistical point of view 54 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma universality of the SOL fluctuations has been proposed. Although the shape of the p(x) varies inside, near and far from the LCFS, it has been pointed out that the p(x) belongs to a family of the Pearson type including the Gauss, gamma and beta distributions [19-21]. PDF p(x) of the 1 n time series is characterized by the mean ( where µi is i-th central moment ( i 1 n n n I t j ) and variance ( j 1 I tj i 2 1 n n 2 I tj ), j 1 ), mode or anti-mode at which j 1 d(log(p(x)))/dx = 0, and multimodality. The higher order moments of p(x), like skewness s = µ3/ µ23/2 and kurtosis k = µ4/ µ22-3represent the shape of p(x). s and k can help determining the deviation from the Gaussian distribution. These shape factors can be used to understand how the statistics of fluctuations obey the physical stochastic principles. In ref. [19] it has been found that there exists a simple quadratic relation between s and k. Based on this relation a plausible p(x) in the SOL region is proposed to be beta [20,21] or gamma distributions[19]. It has been known that these p(x) satisfy a probability differential equation (PDE), called the Pearson system with the form: d log p x dx c0 a x c1 x c 2 x 2 (1) The coefficients in the denominator on the right hand side can be derived using the moments [22] c0 4 k 3s 2 , c1 10k 12 s 2 12 sk 6 10k 12 s 2 12 , c2 2 k 3s 2 10k 12 s 2 12 This Pearson system includes Gaussian (c2 = c1 = 0), gamma (c1 (2) 0 and c2 = 0) and beta distributions (when the roots for the equation c0 + c1x + c2x2 = 0 are real) respectively. Based on the measured fast camera images, higher order moments of intensity fluctuations have been analyzed and applied to deduce these numerical coefficients. In this paper ECR heated Ohmic plasmas have been investigated by two dimensional tangential fast imaging technique [15,18]. Inductively plasma current is driven in the initial ECR pre55 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma ionized slab annular plasma. At the beginning a closed magnetic surface (LCFS) appears from the inboard side and it grows quickly. Helical perturbations, developed in the slab plasma phase, are forced to bend due to the growing LCFS and moved outwards. Since ECRH is superposed later, there exist two plasma source inputs to the SOL plasma. One is the core Ohmic plasma and the other one is the ECR region vertically extended outside the LCFS. They serve as the possible drives for the SOL fluctuations. Intermittent strong fluctuations dominated by blobs in the outer SOL are investigated. Blob propagates not only along the field lines and but also radially outward. Hence, in this work, we focus on the following two aspects of SOL fluctuations. Statistical features of the background fluctuations and triggering mechanisms of blobs are analyzed. Also, we attempt to discuss the plausible probability equation for the SOL fluctuations. The paper is intended to demonstrate (1) universality of a simple relation between s and k in the SOL, (2) re-alignment of this relation with the density gradient and its correspondence with the non-linear damping of fluctuations and (3) the effect of stochastic force in the SOL turbulence and associated PDFs. Outline of the paper is as follows: the experimental setup is discussed next. Characteristics of the SOL of Ohmic plasma are introduced in section 3. Section 4 provides an account of the statistical analysis of the image data. A statistical model to characterize the PDFs and the physical interpretation is described in section 5. Finally, some conclusions are drawn in section 6. 4.2 Experimental setup and fast camera imaging QUEST [23] is a medium sized spherical tokamak with major and minor radii of 0.68 and 0.4 m, respectively. The diameters of the center stack and the outer wall are 0.2 and 1.4 m respectively with flat divertor plates at D (= ±1 m) from the mid-plane. Hydrogen plasma is initiated by 2.45 GHz ECR pre-ionization. Then plasma current (Ip) is ramped up by Ohmic power. Finally ECR heating (8.2 GHz) is performed on the Ohmic plasma near the fundamental resonance layer Rres (~ 0.33 m). Fluctuation measurements in the wide SOL have been carried out in ECR heated Ohmic configuration with Ip ~ 50 kA. Toroidal field Bt is maintained at 0.29 T at Rres. Ion B drift is directed downwards. Three radial regions are defined; the ‘plasma source’ region (Rs) corresponding to the LCFS (R~0.57 m) and a ‘source-free’ region (Rsf) is at least 0.22 m far from the LCFS in the outer SOL. An ‘intermediate’ region (Rim) is considered 0.1~0.2 m from the 56 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma LCFS as shown in figure 4.1. Rim and Rsf are characterized by a steep intensity gradient region near the plasma boundary and a very weak intensity region or essentially vacuum with frequent sweep by the helical perturbations respectively. Since both ECW power (~100 kW) and Ohmic power (< 40 kW) are superposed, the plasma source along the vertical zone at R = Rres outside the LCFS must be taken into account. Figure 4.1: top view of QUEST showing the field of view of the fast camera along with other diagnostics and sub-systems. The fundamental resonance (Rres), Rim and Rsf are shown as broken circles. The Photron Fastcam SA5 camera is used for tangential imaging (figure 4.1) on the mid-plane of QUEST [24]. Spatial resolution on the tangency plane is 4.8 mm. The camera is operated from the tokamak control room via Gigabit Ethernet, and image acquisition is initiated by an external trigger synchronised with the tokamak operational sequence. Image is transferred away from the view port by a 4.5 m long imaging fiber bundle manufactured by Schott. At the back end the camera is connected with the fiber bundle through a 1:1 relay lens. Each frame is made up of 186 × 173 pixels, and framing rate is 50 kHz. Comparison with images using a H filter indicates that the observed visible image is mainly due to the H emission as discussed in chapter 2. In order to 57 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma analyze temporal and spatial evolution of images it is assumed that the neutrals n0 are distributed uniformly in the chamber and images are due to the local evolution of plasma or propagating plasmoid whose electrons can excite the neutrals immediately [25,26]. The intensity I( ul) of a spectral line of wavelength -2 -1 ul due to a transition from the upper level u to the lower level l is -1 given (in photons m s sr ) by: I ul 1 4 x2 nu Aul dx x1 1 4 x2 PEC exct ne , Te ne n g dx (3) x1 Here Aul is the spontaneous transition probability from upper to lower level and nu is the population number density of the upper level u (= 3) of the emitting ion [27]. In the collisional radiative approximation, ignoring recombination, the emissivity can be attributed to the excitation of ground state atoms (ng) by electrons and the consequent photon emission. PECexct is the ‘effective’ photon emission coefficient for the excitation of ground state atoms by the electrons and is a function of ne and Te. The integration denotes the tangential line of sight for each pixel that traverses through the plasma from x1 to x2. It has been shown that, at similar ne and Te in TORPEX, the mean value of the light emission signal recorded with a tangential fast camera depends linearly on ne at varying neutral hydrogen density and ECRH power [28]. Hence, in our case too, it is reasonable to interpret the intensity fluctuations as density fluctuations, although, it resembles plasma pressure fluctuations in a more precise way. Figure 4.2 shows a typical time series of images showing evolution of the initial perturbations into helical filaments. These filaments have the same pitch as that of the magnetic field lines. They also move across field lines and eventually die off at the LFS. Few dark spots and scratches on the images can be seen. Those are due to flaws in the fiber bundle and are excluded in further statistical analyses. 58 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma Z (m) 0.4 362.98 363.00 363.02 363.04 363.06 363.08 363.10 363.12 0.2 0 -0.2 Z (m) 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 R (m) Figure 4.2: Formation and evolution of a helical perturbation (white arrow) are shown in false color in the raw image series acquired at 50 kHz. The first image is superimposed with the reconstructed magnetic surfaces (solid curves). The broken line denotes the center stack. Time stamps are in ms. 10 0 -10 0.4 0.2 Z (m )a l g on fl a ux rc Intensity (AU) Helical perturbations 0 0.384 0.3835 0.383 0.3825 (s) Time 0.385 0.3845 Figure 4.3: Intensity fluctuations along a flux tube in the SOL (Rim < Rflux-tube < Rsf) from mid-plane towards the top of the vessel. Time series is detrended and filtered with a low pass filter (<5 kHz). Definite structures corresponding to the helical perturbations can be seen to flow along the flux tube. 59 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma Line of sight (LOS) integration effect due to the tangential view may hinder the fluctuation assessments. A quantitative evaluation of this effect is carried out under the framework of the TITR code [16,29]. It is seen that the effect is negligible in the edge and SOL of the plasma as compared to the plasma core as the density and hence the intensity is appreciably smaller in that region. Hence, statistical analysis inside the LCFS seems inconclusive and fluctuation characteristics only at the SOL are reported. 4.3 Characteristics of the Ohmic plasma SOL Ohmic plasma is evolved from the inboard side when the inductive field (< 5V/m) is induced. As Ip is ramped-up the LCFS grows and the initial ECR pre-ionized slab plasma is bent outwards significantly. Fluctuations appear at the SOL and the amplitude grows with the increase in Ip. At Ip ~ 50 kA, when ECRH is switched on the outboard fluctuation in the outer SOL shows strong helical perturbations. An individual blob event right from the birth till it fades out in the far SOL is shown in the image sequence in figure 4.2. The pitch of these perturbations seems to be the same as that of magnetic field lines in the outer SOL. Since 100 kW ECWs are injected and it interacts with the SOL plasma at the top and bottom region outside the LCFS along the vertical line at R = Rres, the plasma source due to ECWs is considered to dominate this SOL region. Intensity fluctuations along a flux surface in the Rsf are shown from the mid-plane towards the top divertor plate in figure 4.3. Intermittent helical perturbations can be traced along the flux surface. The trajectory is directed from the top towards bottom (ion B drift direction) and also bulges out radially. The frequency of blob generation is ~2 kHz. 60 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma Mean 75 0.5 0.5 70 0.4 65 0.3 60 Z (m) 0.2 55 0.1 50 0 45 -0.1 40 -0.2 35 -0.3 Standard Deviation 0.4 7 0.3 6 0.2 5 0.1 4 0 3 -0.1 2 -0.2 1 -0.3 30 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 R (m) 8 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 R (m) 0 Figure 4.4: Mean and standard deviation of the intensity fluctuations. The black curve denotes the plasma boundary as shown in the mean contour. Skewness Skewness 0.5 0.5 15 0.5 0.4 2 0.4 0.4 0.3 1.5 0.2 Z (m) Kurtosis Excess Kurtosis 2.5 0.3 1 0.5 0 -0.1 0 -0.2 -0.5 -0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 R (m) -1 10 8 0.3 10 0.2 0.1 Inverse Inverse scale scale length length 0.1 6 0.2 0.1 0 4 0 5 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 R (m) 0 2 -0.1 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 R (m) -2 Figure 4.5: Higher order moments s and k of p(x). Inverse gradient scale length of intensity is shown in the third panel. 4.4 Statistics of the intensity fluctuations It has been reported that the density and potential fluctuations in the SOL show typical nonGaussian statistics, that is, the skewness s is negative or zero in the core, positive in the SOL and tends to increase with the distance from the LCFS [19-21]. In this work the statistics of intensity 61 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma fluctuations featuring blobs at the wide SOL of the Ohmic plasma is investigated with respect to the radial regions of Rim and Rsf. R-Z contours of the mean ( ) and standard deviation ( 2 ) are shown in figure 4.4. The black solid curve indicates the flux contour along the approximate plasma boundary as seen in seen that contour. For most of the pixels shows a non-zero value. It can be drops off quickly beyond Rim to less than half of the peak intensity while shows a sharp increase in that region due to the existence of the intermittent bursts at the boundary. Contours of higher order moments (s and k) and the inverse gradient scale length of intensity ( L p1 R ln ) are shown in figure 4.5. Comparing the flux surfaces (Fig. 2) it can be seen that both s and k are functions of the length of the flux tubes from the top towards the bottom of the vessel in the SOL. Both s and k at Rsf are consistently higher at the lower half of the poloidal crosssection, signifying that the blobs are traversing from the top towards the bottom of the vessel along with their cross-field motion. s values remained low up to Rim and thereafter it shows a steep positive gradient. k values and Lp-1 remain very low or close to 0 till Rim and then increase rapidly at the immediate vicinity of Rim on the LFS. These suggest that the p(x) is close to the Gaussian distribution on the left of Rim and sharply deviates just beyond it. However, near the LCFS and inside the core, the shape of p(x) is inconclusive from the present observations due to the LOS integration effect of the tangential images. A radial slice of the moments are plotted in figure 4.6 at the mid-plane (Z = 0 0.014 m) to have a closer look at the statistical features. The Rim and Rsf regions are shown with dark and faded bars respectively. The mean intensity has a steep negative gradient in the Rim region. This region is also characterized with k ~0 and maximum Lp-1. Hence, this analysis reveals that the Rim region with maximum Lp-1, sharply varying s and minimum k may be the most probable location for blob generation. Further, rapid growth can also be observed in the radial profiles of / in figure 4.6. Similar observations were reported earlier in case of slab plasma [16]. This ratio can be interpreted as the ratio of the stochastic to the deterministic terms in the nonlinear Langevin equation as discussed in section 5. 62 max Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma 0.8 / 0.6 s 0.4 2 1 0 10 k 5 / 0 0.2 0.1 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 R (m) 0.7 0.8 0.9 Figure 4.6: Radial profiles (at Z = 0 0.014 m) of the normalized mean intensity, s, k and / respectively. Blob-generation (Rim) and propagation (Rsf) regions are shown with the dark and light shaded bars. The relation between s and k is plotted for the SOL in figure 4.7. Data show a well defined distribution around a simple quadratic curve as observed earlier in slab plasma [16]. The blue cross and red circles represent the s vs. k relation at, Rim (R = 0.73 (R = 0.79 0.02 m at mid-plane) and Rsf 0.2 m at mid-plane) along flux contours respectively. kim and ksf are shifted by +5 and +10 to show the variation in the parabolic fit (green and magenta curves of Rim and Rsf respectively). The black dots represent data from the wide SOL. The scattered points are fitted to a parabolic relation ( k As 2 C ), and the coefficients A and C are determined. Data from Rim and Rsf clearly segregate in the s axis representing two different parabolas with the coefficient A as 1.31 1nd 1.64 respectively. It can be seen that A can assume values both greater than and less than the earlier reported [20] value (A=3/2). C was found to be ~0 in both cases. The PDE mentioned in the introduction is examined substituting observed quantities ( , s, and k) into equation (2). The coefficients c0, c1 and c2 of the denominator are derived and shown in figure 4.8. c0 is large positive (> 3) in Rim and Rsf and relatively smaller values (~1) from the LCFS to Rim. 63 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma c1 shows a clear boundary corresponding to Rim. Inside Rim, c1 is ~0 while beyond Rim it is, 1<c1<3. c2 is ~0 in the entire region. These 2D contours of the numerical coefficients of PDE are consistent with argument that p(x) is Gaussian in the region up to Rim and thereby it shifts towards gamma distribution. A sharp boundary in the statistical nature of the fluctuations is found to be the Rim. 25 2 ksf = 1.6355ssf+0.059583 2 kim = 1.3088sim +1.6702e-012 20 2 Kurtosis k kall = 1.6566sall+1.1786e-011 15 10 5 0 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Skewness s 2 2.5 3 Figure 4.7: k as a function of s from the wide SOL (black dots) is fitted (solid cyan line) to the parabolic relation ( k As 2 C ). The blue cross and red circles represent the s vs. k relation at, Rim (R = 0.73 0.02 m at mid-plane) and Rsf (R = 0.79 0.2 m at mid-plane) along flux contours respectively. kim and ksf are shifted by +5 and +10 to show the variation in the parabolic fit (dashdot green and broken magenta curves for Rim and Rsf respectively). Pearson coefficient c0 0.5 2.5 Pearson coefficient c1 0.5 3 Pearson coefficient c2 0.5 0.2 0.4 2 0.4 2.5 0.4 0.15 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.05 0.1 0 0.3 1.5 Z (m) 0.2 0.3 2 0.2 1 0.1 0.5 0 -0.1 0 -0.2 -0.5 -0.3 1.5 0.1 1 0 -0.1 0.5 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 0 -0.3 0.6 0.8 R (m) -1 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.3 0.6 0.8 R (m) -0.5 0.6 0.8 R (m) -0.2 64 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma Figure 4.8: Pearson’s coefficients c0, c1 and c2. The black solid curve is same as shown in figure 4.4 and 5. 4.5 Discussions PDF of the fluctuations at Rim and beyond deviates from the Gaussian and becomes positively skewed. At this point we attempt to understand the physical basis of the increased level of fluctuations and blob ejection with steep density gradient at Rim. Assuming that the intensity fluctuations in our case resembles the plasma density fluctuations as stated in section 2, a simple nonlinear Langevin equation [30-32] for a random variable x, representing the plasma density, is: dx dt where, x bx 1 x (4) t is the linear growth rate and b is the nonlinear damping amplitude. (t) represents a - correlated Gaussian process with amplitude Q, t' t Q t t ' . (1+ ) is the exponent of nonlinear damping. However, it can be noted that identifying the terms in equation (4) with exact physical processes is clearly not trivial from the present dataset and hence, the model represents nonlinear systems in general. The corresponding Fokker-Planck equation is: p t x x bx 1 Steady-state solution of equation (5) p 0 p0 x Nx 1 2 Q exp Q 2 2 x p 2 x2 1 Qx p 2 t (5) 0 yields the expression, 2b x Q where, N is the suitable normalization constant, N (6) 2b Q 2 Q 1 2 Q . First two terms on the right hand side of the stochastic differential equation (4) denotes the deterministic part of this process, while the last term represents the stochastic part. Observed / 65 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma of the intensity fluctuations (section 4) resembles the ratio of the stochastic to the deterministic contribution of equation (4) as discussed earlier [16]. Hence, the rapid growth of / at Rim with the steep density gradient signifies a sudden increase in the stochastic forces. This increased stochasticity can broaden the PDF, while maintaining the Gaussian distribution. However, the PDF is observed to deviate from Gaussian from Rim towards the far SOL. This may happen only when the multiplicative nature of the noise term in equation (4) is considered. The plausible explanation may be that at Rim, there is a steep density gradient which in turn may have increased the stochastic forces and also coupled the density fluctuations with the noise term. In figure 4.9(a), the PDF is Gaussian when Q = 1 (<<2 ) but deviates with the increasing Q. Here is taken as 16. Thus if the stochastic force is enhanced, the deviation of p(x) from Gaussian can be inferred as seen at R Rim. When Q = 2 , the PDF changes abruptly. Thereafter as Q assumes values > 2 , the exponent of x in equation (6) turns negative and p0(x) is represented by x-n (where n~1 as Q~ ) superposed with the exponential decay as shown in figure 4.9(a). However, such a situation is unlikely and Q is expected to be < 2 in our case. Equation (4) is similar to the Pearson PDE, as shown in equation (1). For example, when the damping exponent = 1, expression (4) assumes the gamma distribution [33] of the form: p0 x Where Nx 1 exp = 2 /Q and x (7) = 2b/Q. Parabolic relation between s and k for the class of PDFs represented by equation (6) are shown in figure 4.9(b) for different values of . The coefficient A in the fitted parabolic relation for SOL fluctuations stays on either side of 3/2 for Rim and Rsf respectively. For = 1, A can be precisely 3/2 for the gamma distribution as shown in figure 4.9(b). However, if > 1 ( < 1), A can attain values < 3/2 (> 3/2). Hence, a situation with greater (less) than second order nonlinear damping may be envisaged in our case at Rim (Rsf). 66 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma 1 14 Q=1 10 Kurtosis k 0.6 pP 0(x) 0 x2 12 0.8 Q=50 0.4 Q=32 a 0 0 8 2 4 x 6 x4 6 x5 4 2 0.2 x3 k=1.5s2 b 0 8 -2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Skewness s 2.5 3 Figure 4.9: (a): PDFs given by equation (6) for = 16 and different values of Q. The broken curve indicates Gaussian PDF with Q = 1, while the red curve denotes the abrupt change in PDF shape for Q = 2 ; (b): parabolic relation between s and k with different values of the non-linear damping exponent. 4.6 Conclusions Statistical features of SOL fluctuations are investigated using the fast camera imaging technique in the Ohmic plasma. Tangential fast imaging provided the unique opportunity to characterize the SOL fluctuation and follow the blob trajectories along a wide region in 2D. Intermittency, dominated by blobs, is observed in the SOL. SOL fluctuations are seen to have similar features as the slab plasma [16]. At the immediate vicinity of Rim towards LCFS, p(x) can be described well by Gaussian distribution. A simple quadratic relation exists between s and k, and the deviation of the p(x) from Gaussian is significant beyond Rim towards the far SOL. The deviation of p(x) and hence the enhanced intermittent blob transport is considered to be caused by enhanced ‘stochastic force’ due to the using a simple logistic model. Acknowledgements This work is supported by a Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (S24226020). This work is also performed with the support and under the auspices of the NIFS Collaboration Research Program (NIFS07KOAR009, NIFS08KUTR024) and the Sasagawa Scientific Research Grant (25-203) from The Japan Science Society. 67 Edge turbulence in inboard limited plasma References [1] Scott B D 2007 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 49 S25 [2] Balescu R “Aspects of Anomalous Transport in Plasmas”, Inst. of Phys. Publ., Bristol, series in plasma physics, (2005) [3] Krommes J A 2002 Phys. Reports 360 1 [4] Itoh K, Itoh S-I, Fukuyama A, “Transport and Structure Formation in Plasma Physics in Plasmas”, Inst. of Phys. 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Bioscience 68 187 70 CHAPTER FIVE ECW induced scrape off layer (SOL) flow 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Experimental details 5.3 Spectral characteristics of intensity fluctuations 5.4 Estimation of poloidal component of parallel velocity 5.5 Particle image velocimetry through orthogonal dynamic programming (ODP) 5.6 Strong outward particle flux serves as source 5.7 Conclusions References ECW induced SOL flow 5.1 Introduction: Plasma flow along the magnetic field lines in the scrape-off layer (SOL) is believed to play vital roles in the regulation of instabilities, L-H transition as well as divertor power handling due to the reduction of heat flux e-folding length in the SOL by high flow velocities. [1-6]. Parallel flow in the SOL has been measured in many tokamaks [4,7]. Several mechanisms are cited to drive these flows like toroidal rotation, ionization imbalances, Pfirsch-Schlüter (PS) flow, cross-field drift and ballooning transport. Comprehensive information of the poloidal flow is crucial for the reconstruction of the total flow pattern in the SOL [4] and thereby improving plasma performance. Flow induced by RF is being explored recently. RF (ICRH and LHCD) induced toroidal flow drive and modified SOL flow are observed in Alcator C-Mod [4,8-10]. Sheared poloidal flow generation in the confined plasma has been observed in ion Bernstein wave (IBW) heated discharges in PBX-M and TFTR [11,12]. Poloidal rotation measurement has also been reported with ECRH in Heliotron E [13]. However, direct observation of ECW (ECRH/ECCD) induced poloidal flow is not reported experimentally in tokamak SOL to date. It can be noted that electron cyclotron wave (ECW), which is capable of highly localized power deposition, is indispensible both on existing tokamaks and future fusion reactors. Experimental demonstration of SOL flow induced by ECW can provide an effective tool to modify the plasma pressure profile and also edge turbulence characteristics. Cyclotron wave heating is characterized by the increase in perpendicular kinetic energy of the resonant particles. This may lead to particle loss through outward particle flux [14]. In the collision-less regime the perpendicular kick also piles up the resonant species toward the lowfield side (LFS) in the toroidal magnetic well and gets them trapped. A poloidally varying electrostatic potential is expected to rise and saturate at a level that balances the trapping effect due to the magnetic well and the RF heating [15-17]. During ECRH, the scenario is even more intriguing with electrons being the resonant particles. It is envisaged that the poloidal accumulation of the electrons also triggers the redistribution of the ions along the magnetic surface, resulting in a poloidally asymmetric ion source [14,15]. ~ For an asymmetric ion source, S cos ( being the poloidal direction), i.e. peaked in the LFS, a parallel flow with a poloidal varying part u~|| sin would be produced to avoid poloidally 72 ECW induced SOL flow ~ localized accumulation of ions in the confined plasma. As a consequence of the S in the proximity of the last closed flux surface (LCFS), strong parallel flow can be driven by ballooning-like cross field transport [4] in the LFS SOL. Such a situation appears when the LFS and HFS are magnetically connected like in the single-null (SN) configuration. We report here the direct observation of the poloidal component of ECW induced parallel flow (u|| ) in the SOL of the spherical tokamak QUEST [18], using tangential fast visible images. In the SOL u|| can be inferred non-intrusively and comprehensively in 2D from this diagnostic, but the core rotation measurements are rather inconclusive due to line of sight integration effect [19]. This observation is further supported by a set of Langmuir probes accessing the SOL from the LFS. Such an observation of ECW induced SOL flow is being reported for the first time in tokamaks. 5.2 Experimental details: In this experiment plasma start up by 8.2 GHz ECRH, is followed by an Ohmic (OH) phase where, plasma current (Ip) value is fed back (FB) to the OH coil power supply in order to maintain Ip flat-top at -30 kA. At the declining OH phase again heating is performed (R = 0.33 m) with ECRH (30 kW). Simultaneously 8.2 GHz ECCD (30 kW) is applied with a phased array antenna [20] to drive Ip thereafter. We focus on this second OHFB-ECW phase as strong edge turbulence and SOL flow are observed. Toroidal magnetic field (Bt) is kept constant (0.29 T at R = 0.33m). Typical plasma parameters at the core are line averaged ne ~ 6 1017 m 3 and Te ~ 40 eV. Such discharges are obtained routinely at very high reproducibility in QUEST with minor variations in discharge parameters. Figure 5.1 shows the change in plasma configuration and the typical discharge parameters with the ECW phase starting at t = 2.0s. 73 ECW induced SOL flow Shot number: 18963 0.4 1.95 s 2.16 s 0.2 0.2 0 0 -0.2 -0.2 a -0.4 0.5 R (m) -3.5 b -0.4 1 0.5 R (m) Ip -3 -2.5 -2 OH -1.5 -1 -0.5 1.5 7 5 e OH, I p ne 1 3 n Z (m) 0.4 1 c ECW pulse 2 2.5 -1 3 Time (s) Figure 5.1: (a-b) plasma shape reconstructed from flux loop signals showing HFS limiter (1.95s) and inboard poloidal null-like (2.16s) configurations for a typical shot; (c) Ip ( 10 kA), line averaged density ne ( 1e17 m-3) and OH coil current ( 2 kA) are shown. The vertical shaded bar denotes the fast image recording window. A Photron Fastcam SA5 camera is used for tangential imaging at 20 kHz on the mid-plane of QUEST [21]. Spatial resolution achieved on the tangency plane is 3.7 mm in both radial (R) and ~ vertical (Z) directions. Intensity fluctuations ( I ) in the images are shown in fig. 5.2(a) along the 9th flux contour (as numbered in fig. 5.2b), from mid-plane towards the top of the vessel, and as a function of time. Propagation of a coherent mode is evident as shown by the solid arrows with respect to the dotted lines, denoting the time when the intensity peaks are crossing ~mid-plane. An axially rotatable ceramic probe head consisting of seven tungsten probe tips of diameter 1 mm and length 2 mm each is inserted radially below mid-plane. Schematic of the probe head is shown in the inset of figure 5.9. In order to avoid damage due to hot electrons in the ECW phase, probes can be inserted only up to 20 cm from the vessel wall. Hence, only the far-SOL (FSOL) can be scanned in a shot by shot basis in reproducible discharges to measure floating potential FSOL ) at 50 kHz. ( f) and ion saturation current ( I sat 74 ECW induced SOL flow Intensity (AU) a 20 0 -20 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 2.091 2.092 2.093 2.094 2.095 Time (s) 0.4 Z (m) 0.2 Mid-plane 0 -0.2 b 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 R (m) 1 Z (m) along 7th flux arc 0.8 7 8 9 6 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0 0.2 -0.2 -0.4 0 c 500 1000 1500 Frequency (Hz) 2000 0 ~ Figure 5.2: (a) Time series of I from the mid plane to the top along the 9th flux contour as shown in figure 5.2(b). Tilt between the solid arrows and broken lines shows the flow. (b) Raw image superimposed with flux contours in the SOL. Reference pixel for C is highlighted in white (R=0.69m and Z=0.2m); (c) C of all the pixels along the 7th flux contour. 5.3 Spectral characteristics of intensity fluctuations: Spectral characteristics at the SOL are determined by the magnitude squared coherence estimate ~ (C) of I along the flux contours shown in figure 5.2(b). C is a function of the power spectral densities (Pr ef,r ef( ) and Pr,r( )) of the reference pixel (r ef) and any other pixel (r = [R,Z]) along the flux arc and the cross power spectral density (Pr ef,r( )). Figure 5.2(c) shows the contour plot of C of all pixels along the 7th flux contour with that of r ef at R=0.69m and Z=0.2m. A distinct mode appears at 0.78 kHz, much lower than the ion cyclotron frequency (2 i~4.4 75 ECW induced SOL flow MHz) and remains across the flux contours suggesting long range correlations. Coherence length is 40 cm along and 10 cm across the flux surfaces. When the probe head is inserted at an angle of 45 so that the tips (5~7) are aligned poloidally, the same mode appears at 0.78 kHz during the ECW injection as shown in figure 5.3. Radial density profile from Thomson scattering data obtained from a series of similar discharges shows that ne peaks at R = 0.48 m and 0.65 m (~2nd harmonic) before and during ECW injection respectively, suggesting higher rise in LFS edge ne as compared to core and steepening of the pressure profile near LFS SOL during ECW (figure 5.4). Thus the coherent fluctuations in density, potential and optical emissions suggest the instabilities may be of pressure-gradient-driven drift-interchange type which is generally Cross power magnitude (tips 5,6) observed near the outer plasma edge [19,22]. -4 8 x 10 Peak at 781 Hz 6 Before ECW During ECW 4 2 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency (Hz) 10000 12000 Figure 5.3: Cross power spectra of f at tips 5 and 6 before and during the ECW phase. The distinct mode at 781 Hz appears during the ECW phase. ~ ~ The spatiotemporal features of I are determined by a two-point two-time correlation [23] of I in the range of 1 kHz (a low pass filter is applied) along the flux contours. The correlation function between the intensities at two different points in space and time is defined as: N ef , , I ef I2 ,t ,t I I2 ,t ef ,t (1) 76 ECW induced SOL flow where is the time lag, I (r, t) is the intensity time series of the camera pixel sampling plasma at r and indicates the temporal averaging defined as: xt 1 T T x t dt (2) T 1.8s 2.0s 2.1s ne (normalized) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 R (m) 0.8 1 Figure 5.4: ne profiles measured by Thomson scattering before (<2.0s) and during ECW injection ( 2.0s) shows peak shift towards LFS during ECW phase. Profiles are normalized to the peak value at 2.1s. ~ Figure 5.5 shows contour plots of the correlations of I from all the pixels starting from mid- plane towards the top and along the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th flux contours (see figure 5.2b) with that of r ef at Z = 0.3 m on the 8th flux contour. The fluctuations have long range correlation along the flux surfaces, suggesting long poloidal wave lengths. Fluctuation structure appears to propagate from bottom (negative ) to top (positive ) divertor plate in a non-diffusive manner. Propagation velocity along the 6th contour is ~0.6 kms-1 and increases across the flux contours towards LFS to cover larger radii of curvature. Fluctuations also appear to propagate radially (shown by the broken arrow through the maximum correlation with increasing Z) across the flux surfaces at the same time when the fluctuating structure flows poloidally. However, from the tangential view it 77 ECW induced SOL flow is not possible to differentiate between the propagation of the fluctuations with respect to the plasma and the plasma rotation itself and the observed flow may be a combination of both. ~ Figure 5.5 shows contour plots of the correlations of I from all the pixels starting from mid- plane towards the top divertor plate and along the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th flux contours (see figure 5.2b) with that of the reference pixel (r ef) at Z = 0.3 m on the 8th flux contour. The fluctuations have a long range correlation along the flux surfaces, suggesting long poloidal wave lengths. The fluctuation structure appears to propagate from bottom (negative ) to top (positive ) divertor plate in a non-diffusive manner. Propagation velocity along the 6th contour is ~0.6 kms-1 and increases across the flux contours towards LFS to cover larger radii of curvature. Fluctuations also appear to propagate radially (shown by the broken arrow through the maximum correlation with increasing Z) across the flux surfaces at the same time when the fluctuating structure flows poloidally. With 6th flux contour 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 With 7th flux contour 1 0.5 With 8th flux contour 1 0.5 0.4 0.2 B 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0 0.1 -2 -1 0 (ms) 0 1 -1 -0.5 0 (ms) 0 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.2 0 0.1 -2 2 1 0.3 0 0.1 With 9th flux contour 1 0.4 0.5 A Z (m) along flux arc 0.5 0.1 -2 2 -1 -0.5 0 (ms) 0 1 -2 2 -1 -0.5 0 (ms) 1 2 -0.5 Figure 5.5: Cross correlation of a reference pixel at Z = 0.3 m on the 8th flux contour (see Fig: 2b) and all the pixels from mid-plane (A) to top of the vessel (B) along a single flux contour. For each flux contour the cross correlation lags at A and leads at B. Also, across the flux contours (6 to 9 and so on), the maximum correlation moves from A towards B. 5.4 Estimation of poloidal component of parallel velocity: Next we attempt to evaluate the mean poloidal velocity along the flux surfaces. The correlation technique described above is extended to the entire SOL that has appreciable signal to noise ratio (SNR). Each flux contour is divided into regular poloidal intervals. The reference pixel is chosen at the middle of each interval and the velocity for that interval is calculated from the difference in 78 ECW induced SOL flow lags among the extreme points of the interval and the poloidal distance between them. Once velocity along a flux contour is evaluated, same procedure is repeated for the next contour and so on. Finally, SOL poloidal velocity u|| is mapped by smoothening out the velocity field as shown in figure 5.6(a). u|| remains positive (+ towards top) all along the flux contours showing unidirectional flow in the SOL from the bottom towards the top divertor plate and reaches maximum of ~0.85 kms-1 around mid-plane. Further, flux surface averaged u|| shows a positive gradient along the radius (figure 5.6b). Local sound speed Cs ( Te mi , mi being the ion mass) in the SOL is estimated to be ~15 kms-1. Field pitch (Bt/B ) ~4.5 suggests parallel Mach number of ~0.3 for the SOL flow. Negative u|| in the far SOL is due to low intensity and thereby poor SNR away from the LCFS. It can be noted that tangential camera images only detect the poloidal projection of the total plasma flow, u|| _total. This may be arising from various parallel flow components like PS ion flow (u||PS), E B (u|| ot) and the flow driven by ballooning-like cross-field transport (u||t ans) to restore particle balance [4]. Ion B drift is directed + . u||PS and u|| ot are estimated from the ne and Te profiles from Thomson scattering and E profile extrapolated to LCFS from the probe measurements in FSOL. u||PS is directed - and co-Ip and is estimated to be ~ 0.6Cs. u|| ot is directed + , counter-Ip and is ~0.3Cs. Hence, combination of these two flows may not account for the measured flow magnitude and direction and u||t ans seems to be playing a vital role in deciding u|| _total. In view of such an inference we try track the plasma eddies born from ballooning-like transport and u|| _ed ( u|| _t ans) due to their propagation by the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique [24-26]. PIV relies on optical alignments of various types of patterns as a global transformation between consecutive image strips and thereby it is most likely to track the eddy propagation. u|| _ed is ~0.15 kms-1 and shows up-down anti-symmetry (Z= 0.2m in figure 5.6c). Around mid-plane u|| _ed also attains maximum value of ~0.6 kms-1. This suggests that the newly- born eddies flow towards HFS SOL along the shortest path. However, orientation of eddies and interplay among flow components on either side of the mid-plane may be significant in precise determination of u|| _ed. 79 ECW induced SOL flow Both u||PS and u|| ot are estimated to be decreasing function of R on the mid-plane as seen on other devices [5,27], while u||t ans is an increasing function of R as seen in both LFS and HFS SOL (~1 cm) of Alcator C-Mod SN discharges [4] similar to u|| _total in our case. Plausible explanation may be the shortening of the parallel connection length (L|| = bBt/Bz; b being the distance of flat divertor plates from mid-plane and Bz is the vertical field) [19] going further away from the LCFS. There the field lines connect the top-bottom flat divertor plates rather than terminating on the center stack, as seen in the near SOL. ms-1 ms-1 800 a 0.3 600 0.3 Z (m) 200 0.1 0.1 Bt Ip 0 -0.1 0 200 u||PS 100 0 -200 -0.1 0 u||rot -100 -400 -0.2 -0.2 0.6 Mean u (ms-1) 300 400 0.2 0.2 600 400 c 0.8 R (m) 1 -600 0.6 0.8 R (m) 1 -200 b 400 200 0.76 0.78 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 R(m) at mid-plane u||trans Inboard poloidal null configuration Figure 5.6: (a): Poloidal velocity u|| _ in the SOL constructed from equation (1); (b) poloidal mean of u|| across flux surfaces; error bars represent standard deviation of the data along flux surface; (c) u|| _ed constructed using PIV. 5.5 Particle image velocimetry through orthogonal dynamic programming (ODP) The procedure is essentially the search of a transformation that relates the consecutive image with the previous image in a time series and minimizes the Minkowski distance Ln 80 ECW induced SOL flow I 0 i, j i I 1 i, j n between them. Details of the algorithm are discussed in Ref. [24-26] and j can be outline here in the following steps: (1) Each image of the temporally displaced pair is sliced into several parallel overlapping strips (here along R direction). (2) Then, for every pair of strips, an optimal match is searched for with displacements allowed only in the slicing direction and identical for all the pixels in the same column in the orthogonal direction (here along Z direction). With the help of dynamic programming a dense field of displacement is computed for every pair of strips by minimizing the distance L1 between them. The velocity is estimated from the distortion or transformation, in the slicing direction, necessary to minimize the calculated intensity difference. The spatial resolution on the tangency plane and the temporal resolution serve as factors to denote this velocity with respect to real co-ordinates. (3) The displacement field found in the first step is used to deform the second image relative to the first one. An image I (i, j) is reconstructed from the (vR(i, j ), vZ(i, j )) displacement field and the image I1(i, j) as I (i, j) = I1(i + vZ(i, j), j + vR(i, j)). The image I (i, j ) instead of I1(i, j ) is compared and now aligned to I0(i, j ). (4) Then, all the above steps are repeated with the slicing performed in the orthogonal (Z) direction and the alignment results are used to update and refine the (vR(i, j ), vZ(i, j )) displacement field. (5) The whole process is reiterated several times to achieve higher spatial resolution similar to the actual pixel resolution of the image. The width of the strips and the corresponding overlaps are reduced by about 2 in each iteration. The code is first tested with simulated pairs of images. The images contain some patterns which are different in intensities than the background. In the second image the patterns are shifted with known number of pixels (analogous to velocity of the patterns) in both R and Z directions. Figure 5.7 shows example of such a pair of images and the estimated pixel shifts with the ODP algorithm. Satisfactory match between the simulated shifts and the calculated shifts is obtained. 81 ECW induced SOL flow Image 1 Image 2 1 2 3 4 5 a b Pixel shift in 2nd image 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 0 c 1 2 3 4 Pattern number 5 6 Figure 5.7: (a) and (b) shows the pair of images with the patterns numbered as 1~5. In the second image, the patterns are shifted, with the original positions shown in broken rectangles. (c) Dotted and broken lines show the actual shifts in R and Z directions respectively. Squares and circles in the plot represent mean shift for all the pixels within that pattern and the error bars are the within the pattern in R and Z directions respectively. The image sequence used in this experiment comprises of 3500 images taken at 20 kHz. The ODP algorithm is extended to the entire time series by selectively taking two consecutive images at each instance. Thus 3499 frames of turbulent velocity field are computed from the intensity images. Figure 5.8 shows the turbulent velocity maps superimposed on the intensity fluctuations for 8 consecutive frames. The arrows represent magnitude and direction of velocities at a super pixel (5 5 pixels) area for the sake of clarity in representation. Velocity field estimation from a pair of images takes <10 s on a Windows® 7 laptop equipped with Intel® coreTM i5 processor and 4 GB RAM. 82 Z (m) Z (m) ECW induced SOL flow 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.1 0.26 0.75 0.1 0.26 0.9 0.75 0.1 0.26 0.9 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.8 0.85 0.8 0.85 0.1 0.26 0.75 0.9 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.75 0.8 R (m) 0.85 0.9 0.75 0.8 R (m) 0.85 0.9 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.85 0.9 0.1 0.8 R (m) 0.85 0.9 0.75 0.8 R (m) Figure 5.8: 2D turbulent velocity maps superimposed on the intensity image. Length and orientation of the arrows denote magnitude and direction of the velocity respectively. Each arrow represents velocity at a super-pixel (~3.4 cm2) for clarity of representation. The frames start at 2.07815 s, run from left to right and top to bottom and the consecutive images are 50 s apart. 5.6 Strong outward particle flux serves as source During ECW the plasma center is pushed towards LFS by 0.095 0.007 m (from R ~ 0.42 m to 0.51 m) as calculated from plasma shape reconstruction using flux loops [28]. This happens due to the reducing OH current and increased plasma pressure. Plasma configuration tends to change from the initial HFS limiter towards an inboard poloidal null-like (IPN) featuring significant magnetic connection (figure 5.6) between the LFS and HFS in the near SOL [29]. Such change in configuration features increase in line averaged ne (figure 5.1) by a factor of ~2.5, while the cross field particle flux FSOL , calculated from I sat increases by a factor of ~3.5. Hence, during the ECW phase there is at least 25% degradation of the particle confinement ( p) due to enhanced FSOL cross-field transport. Both radially chord integrated H emission and I sat at tip 7 are enhanced FSOL as shown in figure 5.9, indicating increased outward particle flux. I sat fluctuation level also increases by a factor of 10. In this shot, the probe head is inserted 17 cm from the LFS wall and rotated by 45 . Difference in f ( f E .) at tips 5 and 6 increases sharply at the ECW injection 83 ECW induced SOL flow as shown in figure 5.9 showing induced poloidal asymmetry of particles. Hence, the driftinterchange instability, excited by ECW, accompanied by poloidally asymmetric ion source at the LFS is most likely responsible for the enhanced cross-field transport [22]. The sudden particle spill-over from cross-field transport in the LFS SOL thereby tends to fill-in the HFS SOL through parallel flows along the field lines. Shot number: 19007 1.5 H 1 0.5 1 0 f (probe 5 - 6) 0 -1 FSOL Isat at probe 7 0 x 10 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 1 1 2 5 6 7 1.5 4 3 2 2.5 3 Time (s) Figure 5.9: H , f FSOL and I sat profiles before and during (shaded) ECW injection. Probe FSOL , with tips 5~7 oriented along the poloidal direction. orientation is shown in inset of I sat 5.7 Conclusion: In conclusion, the unique Shafranov shifted IPN-like plasma configuration in QUEST has allowed the first experimental demonstration of ECW induced SOL flow. SOL flow has now been recognized to have direct bearing on at least two major impediments towards realization of steady state reactor-grade plasma operation: regulation of instabilities for improved confinement and divertor heat loads due to high parallel flow velocities (~0.5Cs). Therefore this phenomenon 84 ECW induced SOL flow may find its major application in modifying the edge turbulence and SOL flow pattern by ECW which is the most versatile auxiliary heating system on future fusion reactors. This opens up the possibility of developing new operation scenarios with modified SOL flow patterns and edge turbulence by relatively low EC power. 85 ECW induced SOL flow References: [1] Biglari H, Diamond P H and Terry P W 1990 Phys. Fluids B 2 1 [2] Terry P W 2000 Rev. Mod. Phys. 72 109 [3] Loarte A et al 2007 Nucl. Fusion 47 S203 [4] LaBombard B et al 2004 Nucl. Fusion 44 1047 [5] Goldston R J 2012 Nucl. Fusion 52 013009 [6] Lipschultz B et al 2007 Nucl. Fusion 47 1189 [7] Sangwan D, Jha R, Brotankova J and Gopalkrishna M V 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 092507 [8] Wallace G M et al in Proceedings of the 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, June 2010, P5.193 [9] Ince-Cushman A et al 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 035002 [10] Lin Y et al 2008 Phys. Rev. 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These plasmas provide the unique opportunity to study fluctuations, blob formation and propagation with the tangential fast imaging diagnostic technique, owing to the wide SOL-like region beyond the steep density gradient towards the LFS. Three radial locations are defined; the plasma source region bounded by a relatively sharp boundary, the intermediate and the source-free regions respectively. Rim is characterized by a steep intensity gradient near the plasma boundary and Rsf by very weak intensity or essentially vacuum. Two different studies are undertaken in this configuration. In the first, magnetic field pitch Bz/Bt (at the ECR layer) is varied from -1.7% to 7.8% to investigate fluctuations of the source plasma that presumably drives the edge and SOL fluctuations and consequently the triggering mechanism of the coherent convective structures i.e. the so called ‘blobs’. With the increase in Bz/Bt progressive enhancement of fluctuations and consequent blob generation and propagation are observed. Amplitude and waiting time of the blobs attain a maximum for highest Bz/Bt (=7.8%). Blob formation location is identified precisely to be the density gradient region (Rim). s and k follow the parabolic constraint for all Bz/Bt with the coefficient A always remaining <3/2. This may be due to the varied degree of non-linearity in the damping mechanisms of fluctuations. Segregation of s was observed for Rs, Rim and Rsf respectively with increase in Bz/Bt. High radial blobs velocities (~1700 ± 200 m/s) are observed. Accelerated radial propagation was observed for large sized blobs, emphasizing the need to revisit the blob propagation scalings proposed so far. In the second part of the studies in slab plasma, the magnetic field curvature and hence the mirror ratio is changed by changing the PF coil pairs. Thereby, the strength of Bz is also varied at a constant Bt. Fluctuation characteristics are quite different for PF17, 26 and 35 with high, moderate and low magnetic shear respectively. Highest fluctuations and blobs are recorded for intermediate S (PF26) and shallow PF well. Coherent mode at ~ 4 kHz appears for deep PF well (PF35) beyond Bz~13 mT. It was not apparent for either of PF17 and 26. 88 Conclusions and futu e scope After the slab plasma with open magnetic field lines, Ohmic plasma which features a well defined LCFS is studied. Statistical features of SOL fluctuations are investigated using the fast camera. Tangential fast imaging provided the unique opportunity to characterize the SOL fluctuation and follow the blob trajectories again along a wide region in 2D. Intermittency, dominated by blobs, is observed in the SOL. SOL fluctuations are seen to have similar features as the slab plasma. At the immediate vicinity of Rim towards LCFS, p(x) can be described well by Gaussian distribution. A simple quadratic relation exists between s and k, and the deviation of the p(x) from Gaussian is significant beyond Rim towards the far SOL. The deviation of p(x) and hence the enhanced intermittent blob transport is considered to be caused by enhanced ‘stochastic force’ due to the using a simple logistic model. Finally, poloidal component of the parallel flow, induced by ECW injection, is measured in the QUEST SOL. In this experiment plasma start up by 8.2 GHz ECRH, is followed by an Ohmic (OH) phase where, plasma current (Ip) value is fed back (FB) to the OH coil power supply in order to maintain Ip flat-top at -30 kA. Towards the end of the OH phase again central heating (R = 0.33 m) is performed with ECRH (30 kW). Simultaneously 8.2 GHz ECCD (30 kW) is applied with a phased array antenna to drive Ip thereafter under the ECCD – electron Bernstein wave (EBW) mode conversion scenario. We focus on this second OHFB-ECW phase as strong edge turbulence and SOL flow are observed. This may be an indirect manifestation of the destabilized Stringer rotation in the core due to ECW induced poloidally localized accumulation of particles on the LFS. Definite flow structures with long range radial and poloidal correlation and a distinct mode at 781 Hz are observed. Cross correlation of intensity shows poloidal spin-up and radial FSOL suggests density pump-out even though there is an increase in out-flow. Increase in H and I sat ne. This strong cross-field transport may be driving the SOL parallel flow under the unique scenario of ECW induced inboard poloidal null configuration in QUEST. In conclusion, this study has provided deeper insights in the generation mechanisms and propagation dynamics of the coherent convective structures (blobs). The effect of field pitch and curvature may provide better controls on the intermittent transport across the plasma edge in tokamaks and thereby improve the performance of the plasma core. Further, the unique Shafranov shifted IPN-like plasma configuration in QUEST has allowed the first experimental 89 Conclusions and futu e scope demonstration of ECW induced SOL flow. SOL flow has now been recognized to have direct bearing on at least two major impediments towards realization of steady state reactor-grade plasma operation: regulation of instabilities for improved confinement and divertor heat loads due to high parallel flow velocities. Therefore this phenomenon may find its major application in modifying the edge turbulence and SOL flow pattern by ECW which is the most versatile auxiliary heating system on future fusion reactors. This opens up the possibility of developing new operation scenarios with modified SOL flow patterns and better regulation of instabilities by relatively low EC power. 6.2 Future scope So far the blob propagation and frequency of blob generation can be studied in details from the fast images. Effect of field pitch and curvature has also been addressed. Accelerated radial propagation was observed for large sized blobs. However, the physical reason behind such accelerated propagation, in contrast with the proposed velocity scalings, cannot be inferred as the E B velocity cannot be estimated so far due to lack of local measurements. Blob generation mechanism cannot be inferred comprehensively as well. This can be done when the fast image acquisition can be complemented by Langmuir probe measurements. Another important study is to characterize the plasma flow in the SOL in the ECCD-EBW mode conversion scenario. Strong plasma flow has been observed in the SOL in the fast visible images. ECW induced plasma flow has not been reported in tokamaks till date. Comprehensive knowledge of the electric field and particle flux is necessary to interpret the driving mechanisms of such flows. Better insight of the driving mechanisms of the SOL flow which is vital for the performance of the plasma core, will enable access to better confinement regimes. It can be noted that the imaging diagnostics can only provide line of sight integrated information and cannot provide any local measurements. A scanning multi-pin Langmuir probe needs to be installed to complement the fast imaging measurements with local measurements of plasma potential and density fluctuations. This will enable us to measure the components of the electric field (E , E and E ). Here, , and are the radial, poloidal and toroidal directions respectively. Measurements of the electric field components in the SOL is essential to reconstruct the 90 Conclusions and futu e scope complete flow pattern and for the estimation of the E B velocity. Finally, the velocity field calculated from the fast images can be compared with the local measurements with the probe. Another aspect that needs to be addressed from the point of view of better plasma confinement is the intrinsic toroidal rotation. With the help of Helium ion (He II) edge filters (red and blue edge) toroidal rotational velocity of the plasma (puffed with Helium) can be obtained from the Doppler shift in the fast images. Simultaneous measurement of the red-shift and blue-shift images along with a broadband He II filter for image calibration is required for effective measurement of the toroidal velocity from the same shot. This in turn can be done by splitting the light carried by the imaging fiber bundle into three parts by partial mirrors and applying suitable filters for each part. Finally, three separate images can be recorded simultaneously on the fast camera using a three to one transition fiber bundle. 91