velika ho^af/i-0.15 the church of st john velika ho^af/i
velika ho^af/i-0.15 the church of st john velika ho^af/i
MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC VELIKA HO^A F/I-0.15 VELI KA HO^ A F/I-0.15 THE CHURCH OF ST JOHN CRKVA SVETOG JOVANA SK 1395 1958/1990 Extraordinary importance SK 1395 1958/1990. izuzetan zna~aj POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska VLASNIK OWNER Crkvena op{tina Velika Ho~a, Srpska pravoslavna crkva Church Community of Velika Ho~a, Serbian Orthodox Church The church and the dormitory, view from the southwest Crkva i konak, pogled sa jugozapada Cadastre extract Kat ast arski plan DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The church of St John has a dominant position among the churches of Velika Ho~a. It is situated on the top of the hill, not far from the village well, wherefrom a creek springs, filling the village channel. Different hypotheses Crkva Svetog Jovana ima dominantan polo`aj me|u ostalim crkvama u Velikoj Ho~i. Nalazi se na vrhu brega, nedaleko od seoskog Vrela, iz koga isti~e potok i puni seoski jaz. 103 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC concerning the time of its construction date it within the period between the end of the 12th and the second half of the 14th century. The church has a rectangular narthex and a tetraconch nave, both barrel-vaulted. The eastern, altar apse and the lateral ones are semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. The roofs of the narthex and the apses are lower than the roof of the nave. All of them are covered with stone slates. The narthex is lower than the nave. It used to have two entrances, the western and the northern, but the latter has been walled in. Massive walls of the church were built of dressed stone and limestone bound with lime-mortar. The whole church is covered with a barrel vault. The façades of the church are partly coated with mortar on the southern side. The belfry, the dormitory, on the northern side of the former churchyard and the church are parts of the same complex. Fragments of the 14th century frescoes are preserved on the southern wall of the nave and in the altar apse. The decoration of the remaining parts dates from 1580s. An elaborate composition of the Last Judgment has been preserved on the walls of the narthex; it includes the Pretpostavke o vremenu nastanka ove crkve kre}u se od kraja XII do druge polovine XIV veka. Hram je ima pripratu pravougaone osnove i naos u obliku tetrakonhosa, svod je poluobli~ast. Oltarska apsida, na isto~noj strani, kao i bo~ne, spoqa je trostrana, a iznutra polukru`na. Krov priprate i svih apsida je ni`i u odnosu na krov naosa i svi su pokriveni kamenim plo~ama. Priprata je ni`a od naosa i prvobitno je imala dva ulaza, zapadni i severni, a sada je severni zazidan. Pritesani kamen i siga u kre~nom malteru osnovni su materijal masivnih zidova. Ceo hram je pod poluobli~astim svodom. Fasada hrama je delimi~no omalterisana na ju`noj strani. U okviru nekada{we porte, sa severne strane su zvonik i konak, koji sa hramom ~ine celinu. Na zidovima naosa sa~uvani su fragmenti `ivopisa iz XIV veka, u oltarskoj apsidi i na ju`nom zidu. Ostale povr{ine zidova i delovi svoda oslikani su osamdesetih godina XVI veka. Na zidovima priprate je sa~uvana razvijena predstava Stra{nog suda, koja ukqu~uje i figure praroditeqa Adama i Eve na stranama lu~no Frescoes in the western apse of the nave Freske u zapadnoj apsidi naosa zasvedenog ulaza. U prvoj zoni sa~uvane su samo figure svetiteqa na ju`nom i isto~nom zidu, dok je na severnom ostala samo figura Svetog Antonija. Iznad ulaza u naos, u ni{i je naslikana dopojasna ikona Svetog Jovana kefaloforosa. Na stranama svoda priprate su o~uvani samo dowi delovi scena @itija Svetog Jovana Prete~e. U naosu su u prvoj zoni sa~uvane stoje}e figure svetiteqa, osim u ju`noj pevnici. Iznad prve zone je pojas medaqona sa dopojasnim predstavama svetiteqa. U drugoj zoni zapadnog zida i tre}oj zoni severnog i ju`nog zida su scene iz Bogorodi~inog akatista. U drugoj zoni oltarskog prostora je Pri~e{}e apostola sa figures of the progenitors, Adam and Eve, flanking the arched entrance. In the first zone, only the figures of the saints have been preserved on the southern and the eastern walls, whereas on the northern wall only the figure of St Anthony remained. Half-figure icon of St John Kefaloforos occupies the niche above the entrance into the nave. Only the lower parts of the scenes from the Life of St John the Baptist are preserved on the sides of the vault in the narthex. Apart from the southern apse, standing figures of the saints were preserved in the first zone of the narthex. Above the first zone runs a belt of medallions with the saints busts. The scenes from the Acathiste of the Holy Virgin are depicted in the second zone of the western wall and in the third zone of the northern and southern walls. The 104 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC Communion of the Apostles and the Annunciation occupy the second zone of the sanctuary. Severely damaged scene of the Transfiguration can be seen in the conch of the western apse. The Three Young Jews in a Fiery Furnace are depicted in the conch of the northern apse, while the Holy Virgin occupies the conch of the altar apse. The fresco in the southern apse has not been preserved. The scenes from the Passion of Christ, beginning on the eastern side of the southern wall, occupy the fourth zone. The fifth zone is much damaged and it is assumed that it was occupied by the Cycle of the Feasts. Fragments in the southern part of the vault are the only The Royal Doors of remains of the fresthe iconostasis coes once covering the vault. Partial conservation and restoration treatment of the frescoes was undertaken in 1974 1975. The iconostasis of the church of St John in Velika Ho~a is composed of several parts dating from different epochs. The 16th century Royal Doors are, as usual, occupied by the Annunciation. Longins icons of the Holy Virgin with the Child and Christ, which are presently in the church of St Stephen, until recently stood in the Sovereign Row of the iconostasis. The place usually occupied by the icon of the patron saint is empty. The icon of St George and Demetrius on horses, a naive work from the The north apse of 19th century, octhe nave, cupies the place typical damages above the northern caused by door. The icon dedampness picting Deesis, the work of a painter trained in one of the workshops active in the surroundings of Pe} and De~ani in the 16th century, has been recently moved to the chapel of St Tryphon in the metochy of the monastery of De~ani. The architrave, bearing the Crucifix and the icons of the Holy Virgin and St John was unskillfully executed by the author of the icons above the northern door, probably in the 19th century. Blagovestima. U konhi zapadne apside je te{ko o{te}ena scena Preobra`ewa Hristovog, u konhi severne Tri mladi}a u u`arenoj pe}i, u oltaru Bogorodica, a scena u ju`noj apsidi nije sa~uvana. U ~etvrtoj zoni su Stradawa Hristova, koja po~iwu na isto~noj strani ju`nog zida. Peta zona je veoma o{te}ena, a pretpostavqa se da je u woj bio ciklus Velikih praznika. Od slikarstva u temenu svoda sa~uvani su samo fragmenti u ju`nom delu svoda. Konzervator skoCarske dveri sa r e s t au r a t o r s k i ikonost asa radovi na freskama delimi~no su izvedeni 1974-1975. godine. I ko n o s t as u crkvi Svetog Jovana u Velikoj Ho~i komponovan je od nekoliko delova iz razli~itih perioda. Carske dveri su s kraja XVI veka i imaju uobi~ajenu predstavu. Na mestima prestonih ikona doskora su se nalazile Longinove ikone Bogorodice sa Hristom i Hrista, koje su sada u crkvi Svetog Stefana. Mesto hramovne ikone je prazno. Iznad severnih dveri je ikona Svetih Georgija i Dimitrija na kowima, naivni rad, verovatno, iz XIX veka. Mesto Severna apsida deizisnog ~ina je naosa, t ipi~na prazno, jer se o{t e}ewa od ikona koja je ovde vlage donedavno stajala, rad nekog slikara iz kruga pe}kode~anskih radionica iz druge polovine XVI veka, sada nalazi u kapeli Svetog Trifuna u De~anskom metohu. Kosmitis sa Raspe}em i ikonama Bogorodice i Jovana Bogoslova je dosta neve{to sklopqen, a delo je istog majstora koji je oslikao i nadverje severnih dveri, verovatno u XIX veku. 105 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. 4. BIBLIOGRAFIJA P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine Kosova i Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157-196 + 26 illustrations in the appendix. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad 1965, 186-187. R. Petrovi}, Tragom novih otkri}a u crkvi Svetog Jovana Krstitelja u Velikoj Ho~i, Sveske DIUS 18 Beograd 1987, 86-87. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995. 1. 2. 3. 4. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine Kosova i Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157196 + 26 slika u prilogu. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad 1965, 186-187. R. Petrovi}, Tragom novih otkri}a u crkvi Svetog Jovana Krstiteqa u Velikoj Ho~i, Sveske DIUS 18, Beograd 1987, 86-87. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995. DOCUMENTATION DOKUMENTACIJA Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia - Belgrade Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren MNEMOSYNE Centre Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Beograd Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren Centar MNEMOSYNE CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. The church has been preserved. There are no traces of devastation caused by military operations. Fresco decoration underwent conservation treatment in 1975. Mortar fillings and borders around frescoes date from that period. The conservation treatment, however, did not solve the problem of dampness. The walls are still contaminated by humidity, especially in the lower zones, where it penetrates capillary. Atmospheric humidity is present in the upper zones: it penetrates through the walls, since the façades have not been coated with mortar. This is especially conspicuous in the northern apse of and on its eastern wall. The efflorescence, caused by increased humidity, is present in almost all zones. The surface of the frescoes is covered with a layer of salt - in the first zone of the altar apse, on the walls of the northern apse, in the first zone of the narthex and in the niche above the door in the eastern wall of the narthex in particular. In the zone of standing figures, in the altar apse, on the eastern side of the northern apse and on the south wall of the narthex, severe contamination of the walls by humidity resulted in deterioration of the adhesive in the fresco layer and in mortar fillings, especially in the joints between them, where fresco mortar is so ruinous that it started to crumble and fall off. Partial detaching of fresco mortar from the wall was recorded during the examination of the lower zones, in the altar apse in particular. In addition to that, a layer of soot was detected on the western wall of the narthex on the frescoes of the Holy Virgin and Christ on the throne, flanking the door (preserved in half-figure), as well as on the decorative moulding of the door-post. The lower border of the darkened area corresponds to the height of the chandeliers, which were found in the narthex. The construction of the iconostasis dates from the 19th century. It was designed to carry already existing icons. The Sovereign Row is occupied by the icons of the Holy Crkva je o~uvana. Tragova ratnih o{te}ewa nema. @ivopis je konzerviran 1975. i iz tog perioda poti~u plombe i op{ivi ra|eni kre~nim malterom. Prilikom konzervacije nije re{en problem vlage, tako da je i daqe ima u zidovima, naro~ito u dowim zonama, gde kapilarno prodire iz zemqe. U gorwim zonama, zbog zaki{wavawa spoqa neomalterisanih zidova, prisutna je atmosferska vlaga, {to je naro~ito izra`eno u severnoj pevni~koj apsidi i isto~nom zidu oko we. Isoqavawe zidova, izazvano vlagom, prisutno je u gotovo svim zonama, tako da je bojeni sloj prekriven slojem {alitre, naro~ito u prvoj zoni oltarske apside, celom povr{inom severne pevni~ke apside, u prvoj zoni priprate, u ni{i iznad vrata na isto~nom zidu priprate. U zoni stoje}ih figura, u oltarskoj apsidi, na isto~noj strani severne pevni~ke apside i na ju`nom zidu priprate, zbog velike koncentracije vlage u zidovima do{lo je do slabqewa veziva i u fresko-malteru, i u kre~nom malteru plombi, a naro~ito na wihovom spoju, gde je fresko-malter ponegde toliko tro{an da je po~eo da se kruni i otpada sa bojenim slojem. Ispitivawem dowih zona ustanovqeno je mestimi~no odvajawe freskomaltera od zidanog nosa~a, naro~ito u oltarskoj apsidi. Na zapadnom zidu priprate, na freskama Bogorodice i Hrista na prestolu oko vrata, koje su o~uvane do pojasa, kao i na dekorativnoj ornamentici dovratka, osim isoqavawa vidi se i sloj ~a|i, ~ija dowa granica odgovara visini sve}waka zate~enih u priprati. Konstrukcija ikonostasa napravqena je u XIX veku tako da na sebe primi ve} postoje}e prestone ikone Bogorodice i Hrista, dve mawe ikone postavqene jedna iznad druge u prestonoj 106 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC Virgin and Christ, and two smaller icons set one above the other, to the right, between the icon of Christ and the southern wall. It is surmounted by Deesis. The Royal Doors have also been preserved. The Royal Doors were painted in tempera on carved linden-boards (north wing: 119×31.3 cm; south wing: 119×31 cm) with boliment gilding. The wooden support was impregnated and braced where it was necessary. The crack in the panel on the upper part of the south wing was braced by a dovetailed strip, which detached and fell off in the meantime. Small fragments of the colour coat and the chalk ground, being crackled, started to chip off. These damages must be anterior to conservation treatment, when they were probably fixed and coated with glossy varnish. The Royal Doors are still in situ. According to the priest, two smaller icons from the Sovereign Row have been taken to the Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Pri{tina for a conservation treatment. Nothing has been known about their whereabouts since 1999, when KFOR entered the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. The northern door and the icon above them are probably contemporary to the construction of the iconostasis. zoni, desno izme|u ikone Hrista i ju`nog zida, Deizisni ~in u drugoj zoni i carske dveri. Carske dveri slikane su temperom sa polimentnom pozlatom na duborezanoj lipovoj dasci, dimenzija: 119 h 31,5 sm severno krilo i 119 h 31 sm ju`no krilo. Drveni nosilac je impregniran i na mestima gde je bilo potrebno oja~an novim drvetom. Pukotina drvenog nosioca u gorwem delu ju`nog krila bila je sanirana ubacivawem leptira, koji se u me|uvremenu razlepio i ispao. Bojeni sloj je ispucao sa kredno-tutkalnom osnovom i mestimi~no u sitnim fragmentima otpao, verovatno pre konzervacije, kad je verovatno fiksiran i za{ti}en sjajnim lakom. Dveri su i daqe na ikonostasu. Po re~ima nadle`nog sve{tenika, dve mawe ikone iz prestone zone odnete su na konzervaciju u Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture u Pri{tini. Posle ulaska KFOR-a na teritoriju Kosova i Metohije 1999. o ovim ikonama ne zna se ni{ta. Severne dveri i ikona iznad wih ra|ene su najverovatnije kad i konstrukcija ikonostasa. F/I-0.016 F/I-0.016 THE CHURCH OF ST NICOLAS CRKVA SVETOG NI KOLE SK 1394 1958/1990 Extraordinary importance SK 1394 1958/1990. izuzetan zna~aj POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska VLASNIK OWNER DSSO Orahovac Municipality of Orahovac The church and the belfry, view from the south Crkva i zvonik, pogled sa juga 107 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC Cadastre extract Nadgrobni krst iz XVI veka, jugoist o~no od crkve A 16th century tomb cross, to the southeast of the church Kat ast arski plan DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The Church of St Nicolas, surrounded by the graveyard, is situated to west from the centre of the village of Velika Ho~a, at the foot of a slope. It was built in the 14th century as a single-naved building with a narthex to the west, separated by a massive stonewall from the nave, and a sanctuary ending in an apse, to the east. It is believed that it was built during the reign of the king Stephen De~anski, and that the parents of tchelnik Gradislav Su{enica were its donors. The church is barrel-vaulted in its whole length. The altar apse is considerably lower than the nave. It is semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. The roofs are covered with stone slates. The side-walk made of stone slabs around the church is considerably higher in the north side since it follows the slope of the terrain. The church got its fresco decoration soon after it had been built. Only the fragments of the frescoes have been preserved on the south and west walls of the narthex, at the foot of the altar table and on the northern wall of the nave. The church lost its vaults and the upper parts of the walls in the fire set by the Turks at the end of the 15th century. It was restored in the second half of the 16th century, Crkva Svetog Nikole u Velikoj Ho~i nalazi se zapadno od centra sela, pri dnu padine brda, okru`ena grobqem. Izgra|ena je u XIV veku kao jednobrodna gra|evina sa pripratom na zapadnoj strani, naosom odvojenim masivnim kamenim zidom, i oltarskim prostorom sa apsidom na istoku. Pretpostavqa se da je podignuta za vladavine kraqa Stefana De~anskog, a da su ktitori bili roditeqi ~elnika Gradislava Su{enice. Ceo hram je pod poluobli~astim svodom. Oltarska apsida je znatno ni`a od naosa, spoqa je trostrana, a iznutra polukru`na. Krovovi su od kamenih plo~a. Oko hrama je trotoar od kamenih plo~a, koji je sa severne strane znatno vi{i i prati nagib terena. Crkva je nedugo posle izgradwe prvi put `ivopisana, od ~ega su sa~uvani fragmenti `ivopisa na zapadnom i ju`nom zidu priprate, postoqu ~asne trpeze i na severnom zidu naosa. Crkvu su krajem XV veka spalili Turci, te je ostala bez gorwih delova i svoda. Obnovqena je u drugoj polovini XVI veka, kada su dogra|ene The interior of the nave with the fresco decoration and the iconostasis Unut ra{wost naosa sa freskama i ikonost asom Prest ona ikona Sv. Nikole, sada u crkvi Sv. St efana The icon of St Nicholas from the Sovereign Row of the iconostasis, presently in the church of St Stephen 108 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC when the upper zones of the walls and the vaults were built. After the restoration it was adorned with frescos and it got a new iconostasis in 1577. Three icons from the Sovereign Row, painted by Longin, have been preserved. The Deesis, the work of a painter trained in one of the workshops active in the surroundings of Pe} and De~ani in the 16th century, has also been preserved. The conservation campaign was conducted by the Regional Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments of Kosovo in the period between 1970 and 1973. The damages of the frescos were repaired. The 14th century frescoes preserved on the western wall, which were uncovered on that occasion, also underwent conservation treatment (1970-1975). During those extensive works the lower part of the first fresco zone, dating from the 16th century, was removed, mounted on a new support and transferred to the museum in the winery metochy of the monastery of De~ani in Velika Ho~a. The 16th century frescoes, dated in the period of restoration, around 1577, were executed by two painters, unequal in skill, both following the style and the iconographic models of the painters of the frescoes in the renovated narthex of the Patriarchate of Pe} (painted in 1561). Present iconostasis in the church of St Nicolas was carved and adorned with icons in 1825, by Petar from Debar, who left his signature on the architrave separating the upper zones of the iconostasis. gorwe zone zidova i svodovi. Posle gra|evinske obnove, crkva je nanovo u celini `ivopisana i dobila je novi ikonostas 1577. godine, od koga su tri Longinove prestone ikone sa~uvane do danas. Sa~uvana je i ikona Deizisnog ~ina iz istog vremena, rad nekog od slikara pe}ko-de~anskog kruga iz XVI veka. U periodu 1970-1973. izvr{eni su gra|evinski konzervatorski radovi u organizaciji Pokrajinskog zavoda za za{titu spomenika kulture Kosova. Istom prilikom (19701975) sanirana su o{te}ewa na `ivopisu i otkriveni i konzervirani ostaci `ivopisa iz XIV veka na zapadnom zidu. Tokom tih obimnih radova skinut je dowi deo prve zone `ivopisa iz XVI veka, koji je preba~en na novu podlogu i preme{ten u muzej u De~anskoj vinici u Velikoj Ho~i. Sloj fresko-slikarstva iz vremena obnove u XVI veku, oko 1577. godine, radila su dva majstora nejednakih sposobnosti, koji su uzore i neposredne ikonografske predlo{ke na{li u majstorima koji su 1561. godine oslikali obnovqenu pripratu u Pe}koj patrijar{iji. Sada{wi ikonostas u crkvi Svetog Nikole rezbario je i slikao 1825. Petar iz Debra, koji se potpisao na gredi {to deli gorwe zone ikonostasa. BIBLIOGRAFIJA BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. S. Smirnov - \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekoruplja, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, 268. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine Kosova i Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157-196 + 26 illustrations in the appendix. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad 1965,177-178. R. D. Petrovi}, Freske XIV veka iz crkve Sv. Nikole u Velikoj Ho~i, Zbornik za likovne umetnosti Matice srpske 22, Novi Sad 1986, 61-83. R. Petrovi}, Prilog kon prou~avanjeto na tvore{tvoto od makedonskite zografi vo Kosovo, Kulturno nasledstvo X-XI, Skopje 1987, 115-119. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DOCUMENTATION S. Smirnov - \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekorupqa, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, 268. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine Kosova i Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157196 + 26 slika u prilogu. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad 1965, 177-178. R. D. Petrovi}, Freske XIV veka iz crkve Sv. Nikole u Velikoj Ho~i, Zbornik za likovne umetnosti Matice srpske 22, Novi Sad 1986, 61-83. R. Petrovi}, Prilog kon prou~avaweto na tvore{tvoto od makedonskite zografi vo Kosovo, Kulturno nasledstvo X-XI, Skopje 1987, 115-119. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35. DOKUMENTACIJA Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences Board for Kosovo and Metohija Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren Odbor za Kosovo i Metohiju SANU CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. The church has been preserved. Traces of deterioration can be seen on the ridge course and on the Crkva je o~uvana. Tragovi o{te}ewa se vide na slogu kamenih plo~a na grebenu krova i 109 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC southeastern part of the roof, and they may result in penetration of atmospheric humidity, moistening of the vault and the upper zones of the walls, as well as in temperature fluctuations, and the appearance of condensation humidity. The northern and northwestern walls are affected by severe capillary action and percolated water. The contamination of the walls by capillary dampness resulted in development of the efflorescence and new damages of the frescoes in the lower zones, particularly along the upper border of the damp area. Atmospheric humidity, which has been penetrating through the roof, has caused much stronger efflorescence and more severe damages of the paint layer in the upper zones. These damages are typical of the lower border of the damp area, whose width ranges between 2 and 3 meters, and spreads through the third, the fourth and the fifth zones all over the walls of the church. The examination of the first fresco zone, up to the level of about 2 m in height, showed that fresco mortar detached from the wall in several places. These detaches are mostly located in the in the altar apse and in the eastern part of the north wall of the nave. A layer of soot, from the height of about 1 m upwards, covers the fresco layer on the southern wall, to the west from the entrance. The 16th century iconostasis was replaced by a new one in 1825. The new iconostasis was constructed in such a manner that it could carry the icon of the churchs patron saint, St Nicolas. The icon is now stored in the church of St Stephen in Velika Ho~a. The icons that can presently be seen on the iconostasis were painted in oil on canvas mounted on wooden panel. Two tears of the canvas were recorded on the icon of the Holy Virgin with the Child - they spread over the left hand of the Holy Virgin, the lower part of the face of Christ and the drapery beneath it. All the other parts of the iconostasis were painted in oil on panel. The foot of the cross in the third zone, on which the Crucifixion was painted, has been broken. Its upper part, leaning towards the sanctuary has been tied to the iconostasis with a steel wire. It is not likely to fall off. The paint layer is quite stable, but it is covered with darkened varnish and tarnished with soot and dirt. na jugozapadnom delu. Mogu}i su prodori atmosferske vode, vla`ewe svoda i gorwih zona zidova, a tako|e i termi~ki uticaji i pojava kondenzovane vlage. U delu sevenog i severozapadnog zida sa unutra{we strane su ve}e povr{ine jakog dejstva procedne i kapilarne vlage. Kapilarna vlaga u zidanom nosa~u izazvala je jako isoqavawe i nova o{te}ewa na `ivopisu u dowim zonama, naro~ito na gorwoj granici prodora vlage. Atmosferska vlaga koja je prodirala kroz krovni pokriva~ izavala je znatno ja~e isoqavawe i mnogo ve}a o{te}ewa bojenog sloja u gorwim zonama. Ova o{te}ewa su izrazita u dowem delu pojasa stalno prisutne vlage, koji se na razli~itim visinama, u {irini izme|u 2 i 3 metra, prote`e tre}om, ~etvrtom i petom zonom du` cele crkve. Ispitivawem dowe zone `ivopisa, u visini od oko 2 m, ustanovqeno je da je na vi{e mesta fresko-malter odvojen od zidanog nosa~a, {to je naro~ito izra`eno u oltarskoj apsidi i isto~nom delu severnog zida naosa. Na bojenom sloju, na ju`nom zidu zapadno od ulaznih vrata, od oko 1m pa navi{e prisutan je sloj ~a|i. Ikonostas iz XVI veka, zamewen je 1825. novim ikonostasom, ~ija je konstrucija napravqena tako da primi postoje}u ikonu hramovnog sveca Nikole, koja je trenutno izme{tena u crkvu Svetog Stefana u Velikoj Ho~i. Sada{we prestone ikone slikane su uqem na platnu {panovanom na drvenu plo~u. Na prestonoj ikoni Bogorodice sa Hristom postoje dve pukotine tkane podloge koje zahvataju levu Bogorodi~inu {aku, dowi deo Hristovog lika i draperije ispod wega. Ostali slikani delovi ikonostasa ra|eni su uqem na dasci. Krst u tre}oj zoni, sa naslikanim Raspe}em, u korenu je polomqen, a gorwi deo nagnut je ka oltaru i ~eli~nom `icom privezan za konstrukciju ikonostasa, tako da nema trenutne opasnosi da padne. Bojeni sloj je relativno postojan, ali prekriven potamnelim lakom i slojem ~a|i i prqav{tine. F/III-0.17 BRNJA^A - THE CHURCH OF SVETA NEDELJA F/III-0.17 BRWA^ A - CRKVA SVETE NEDEQE za{ti}ena 1966. Protected in 1966 POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska VLASNIK OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva Serbian Orthodox Church 110 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC DESCRIPTION The south façade of the church Ju`na fasada crkve The earliest record of the church of Sveta Nedelja in Brnja~a dates back to 1348, when it was mentioned in the chapter granted to the monastery of Holy Archangels by Emperor Du{an. It has been destroyed and renewed several times in its history. The earliest restoration recorded in the sources was undertaken in the 16th century. Reliefs depicting Annunciation and St George Killing the Dragon, now in the National Museum in Belgrade, are the remains from that period. The church was subsequently rebuilt in 1852, at the end of the 19th century, and again at the beginning of the 20th century. During World War II, the church was destroyed down to the ground by the Albanians. The latest restoration was undertaken in 1975, when the church was rebuilt upon a project featuring the churches from the time of Emperor Du{an. It is designed on atrophied Greek-cross scheme, with a dome and an eastern apse, three-sided in the exterior. It is built of stone, with the exception of the octagonal dome, which is built in brick. C r k v a Svete Nedeqe u Brwa~i pomiwe se prvi put u Arhan|elovskoj poveqi cara Du{ana 1348. godine. Tokom istorije vi{e puta je stradala i obnavqana. Prva dokumentovana obnova je iz XVI veka, o ~emu svedo~e reqefi Blagovesti, Svetog \or|a koji ubija a`daju i Arhan|ela, koji se sada ~uvaju u Narodnom muzeju u Beogradu. Slede}a obnova je bila 1852. godine, a zatim krajem istog i po~etkom XX veka. Crkvu su do temeqa sru{ili Albanci u Drugom svetskom ratu. Posledwa obnova je iz 1975. godine, kada je crkva rekonstruisana u stilu arhitekture Du{anovog doba. To je crkva sa osnovom svedenog upisanog krsta, sa kubetom i spoqa trostranom apsidom na istoku. Crkva je zidana kamenom, a osmostrano kube opekom. The north façade of the dormitory with the belfry Severna fasada konaka sa zvonarom BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. DESKRIPCIJA BIBLIOGRAFIJA M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 405. 1. DOCUMENTATION M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 405. DOKUMENTACIJA Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Pri{tina Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren 111 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. The church is being protected by a KFOR unit. Since the keys were not available only the exterior of the church could be inspected. The building shows neither damages, nor indications of increased humidity. On the south side of the churchyard new dormitory can be seen: oblong, consisting of a ground-floor and the upper story, with a double-pitched roof covered with roofing tiles, and a belfry attached to its west side. The ground floor houses a dinning hall, a kitchen, a pantry and the entrance. The monastic cells are probably on the upper story. The blind arches on the façade of the dormitory and the pilasters supporting them were made of stone, while the wall filling around windows was built in brick. The façade has been coated with mortar and whitewashed. Doors and window frames are made of wood. The churchyard is paved. The churchyard and little graveyard are protected by a wire fence. Recommended measures of technical protection: 1. regular maintenance; 2. the disposition of the gutters and organization of the drainage system in the churchyard, as well as arranging of the graveyard and building of the enclosing wall, should be considered in a detailed spatial regulation project. Jedinica KFOR-a ~uva hram. Po{to kqu~evi od crkve nisu obezbe|eni, pregled je vr{en iz porte. Na hramu nema tragova o{te}ewa. Ne uo~ava se prisustvo vlage. Sa ju`ne strane porte je nov konak sa prizemqem i spratom, pravougaonog oblika, dvoslivni krov pokriven je crepom i prema zapadu je, u produ`etku, zvonik. U prizemqu su trpezarija, kuhiwa, ostava i ulaz, a na spratu verovatno radne prostorije i kelije. Fasada je sa ispu{tenim lukovima i pilastrima od kamena, dok je ispuna oko prozora od opeke, malterisana je i okre~ena. Stolarija je drvena, porta poplo~ana. Porta i omawe grobqe imaju `i~anu ogradu. F/III-0.18 ORAHOVAC CLOCK TOWER F/III-0.18 ORAHOVAC SAHAT KULA Predlog mera t ehni~ke za{t it e: 1. potrebno je teku}e odr`avawe; 2. projektom ure|ewa treba obuhvatiti ure|ewe rigola oko staza i oticawe atmosferske vode sa krovova hrama i konaka, ure|ewe grobqa i podizawe zidane ograde. Protected za{ti}ena POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski OWNER VLASNIK Municipality of Orahovac Op{tina Orahovac The view of the Clock Tower Op{t i izgled sahat -kule Cadastre extract Kat ast arski plan 112 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA After the Turkish conquest in 1455, Velika Ho~a began to lose its trading and administrative significance. The Turks gave the preference to the nearby Orahovac, which soon became an important administrative, political, cultural and commercial centre. The clock tower, still dominating the city, is a rare example of secular architecture in the old market-place (~ar{ija) in Orahovac. The clock tower was built in 1815 by Mahmudpasha Rotulovi}, who, together with the Turkish army and the Albanian volunteers, organized military operations, against Kara|or|e in the First Serbian Uprising. After the conquest of Belgrade and Smederevo he took three bells from the local churches and mounted them on the clock towers that he got built in Prizren, Orahovac and the village of Mamu{a near Prizren. In 1908 the original bell was replaced with the bell taken from the clock tower in Velika Ho~a. A tradition says that the bell from Velika Ho~a was donated by princess Milica. That bell can still be seen in the clock tower in Orahovac. The clock tower in Orahovac was designed in Oriental style. This massive edifice, square in plan, built in coursed rubble with ashlar quoins, is 14 m high, while its walls are about one metre thick. Inner timber staircase leading to the clock mechanism was destroyed. The tower was entered through arched doors. The year of the construction of the clock tower is incised, in Arabic script, in the stone arch of the door. The hip roof of the clock tower presently has tin-plate covering. The tower is topped by a turret supported by four colonettes, which used to house the clock mechanism. Padom pod tursku vlast 1455, Velika Ho~a po~ela je da gubi zna~aj. Turci su dali prednost obli`wem Orahovcu, koji je vrlo brzo postao sredi{te vlasti i politi~kog, kulturnog i ekonomskog `ivota. Kao redak primer profanog graditeqstva stare orahova~ke ~ar{ije, gradom i danas dominira Sahat-kula. Podigao je 1815. godine Mahmud-pa{a Rotulovi}, koji je sa turskom vojskom i albanskim dobrovoqcima ratovao protiv Kara|or|a u Prvom srpskom ustanku. Posle osvajawa Beograda i Smedereva opqa~kao je tri zvona iz tamo{wih crkava i doneo ih u Prizren, Orahovac i selo Mamu{u kod Prizrena, gde ih je postavio na svoje novopodigute sahat-kule. Na orahova~ku sahat-kulu preneto je zvono sa velikoho~ke sahat-kule 1908. godine. Wega je, prema predawu darovala Velikoj Ho~i knegiwa Milica. Ono je i danas na objektu. Sahat kula u Orahovcu gra|ena je u orijentalnom stilu. To je masivna gra|evina sagra|ena od kamena nepravilnog oblika osim na ivicama fasada gde je kamen klesan. Visoka je 14 m, a zidovi su joj debeli oko 1 metar. Osnova kule je kvadratna. Drvene stepenice u unutra{wosti, koje su vodile do satnog mehanizma, sru{ene su. U kulu se ulazilo kroz vrata sa polukru`nim kamenim nadvratnikom, na kome je uklesana godina gradwe kule na arapskom jeziku. Krov je na ~etiri vode i danas je pokriven limom. Kula se zavr{ava torwem na ~etiri stubi}a u kome se nekada nalazio satni mehanizam. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAFIJA 1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX vek, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 413, 493494. 1. DOCUMENTATION M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX vek, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 413, 493-494. DOKUMENTACIJA Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Pri{tina CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001. STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. The clock tower is situated in so called Sahatmahala (meaning Clock district), now in the demarcation zone between the Albanian and the Serbian parts of the city. A KFOR control point, which used to be in its immediate surroundings, was removed in October. The road leading to the clock tower was barricaded with barbed-wire put at a few metres distance from the tower. Sahat kula se nalazi se u tzv. Sahatmahali, danas na granici izme|u srpskog i albanskog dela grada. Punkt KFOR-a, koji se nalazio u wenoj neposrednoj blizini, uklowen je oktobra meseca i put do kule zatvoren je bodqikavom `icom na nekoliko metara od we. 113 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The tower was inspected from the roof of the nearby house. No major damages were noticed. During visit to Orahovac the Lodgings of the Patriarchate of Pe} monastery, built in 1848, were listed as recognized heritage. Posmatrawem kule sa krova obli`we ku}e nije bilo mogu}e konstatovati neka ve}a, vidqiva o{te}ewa. Prilikom obilaska Orahovca evidenitran je konak Pe}ke patrijar{ije podignut 1848. godine. F/III-0.19 F/III-0.19 THE CHURCH OF ST LUKE CRKVA SVETOG LUKE Protected in 1967 za{ti}ena 1967. POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren, the Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska VLASNIK OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva, Crkvena op{tina Velika Ho~a Serbian Orthodox Church, Church Community of Velika Ho~a The church and the graveyard, view from the southwest Crkva sa grobqem, pogled sa jugozapada DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA According to certain assumptions, the church of St Luke in Velika Ho~a could be dated in the 14th century. Its vault was preventively protected in 1957. In the same time certain parts of the walls were rebuilt. On that occasion the experts of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments strapped the fragments of the frescoes and moved them to the workshops of the Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Pri{tina. The church is single-naved, rectangular in plan, and has an eastern apse. It was built of dressed stone and limestone, bound with thick lime mortar joints. The church has an arched porch, encompassing the door, and a recessed lunette above it. The church is covered with a barrel vault. The altar apse is lower than the nave. The apse is semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. It is flanked by Crkva Svetog Luke u Velikoj Ho~i, po nekim pretpostavkama, mogla bi poticati iz XIV veka. Kao preventivna za{tita na spomeniku 1957. godine rekonstruisani su svod i deo zidova. Tom prilikom su stru~waci zavoda za za{titu strapirali i prenosili fragmente fresko`ivopisa u radne prostorije Pokrajinskog zavoda u Pri{tini. Hram je u osnovi jednobrodna pravougaona gra|evina, sa oltarskom apsidom na isto~noj strani. Gra|en je tesanim kamenom i sigom sa {irokim spojnicama kre~nog maltera, lu~no zasvedenim zapadnim portalom i lunetom u ni{i iznad vrata. Svod je poluobli~ast. Oltarska apsida je ni`a od naosa, spoqa je trostrana, a iznutra polukru`na. Levo i desno 114 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC semicircular niches The iconostasis and of the prothesis and the original part of diaconicon. the eastern wall The roof is with the sanctuary covered with stone niches slates. Two stone crosses were mortared into the wall above the western entrance and above the altar apse, under the eaves, respectively. The area around the church is paved with stone. Since the floor of the church is lower than the pavement around the church, the church is entered by a staircase descending from the threshold. Up to the 1960s only the ruins of the church with parts of eastern, southern and western walls were preserved. The church was subsequently completely reconstructed. With the exception of insignificant fragments, there are no traces of frescoes. A few old limestone tombstones have been preserved in the area around the church. od oltarske apside, u isto~nom zidu su polukru`ne ni{e proskomidije i |akonikona. K r o v n i pokriva~ je od kamenih plo~a. Nad zapadnim ulazom i nad isto~nom oltarskom apsidom, pod strehom, utisnuti su kameni krstovi. Oko hrama je trotoar od kamenih plo~a. Pod u crkvi je ni`i od trotoara tako da se preko praga stepenicama spu{ta u hram. Do {ezdesetih godina XX veka, postojala je samo crkvina sa o~uvanim delovima isto~nog, ju`nog i zapadnog zida. U posledwe vreme crkva je kompletno rekonstruisana, i osim neznatnih fragmenata nema tragova `ivopisa. Oko crkve je nekoliko starih nadgrobnih spomenika od sige. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAFIJA 1. 2. 3. Ikonost as i prvobit ni deo ist o~nog zida sa olt arskim ni{ama 1. S. Smirnov - \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekoruplja, Starinar VIII - IX, Beograd,1933-34, 272. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine Kosova i Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157-196 + 26 illustrations in the appendix. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35. 2. 3. DOCUMENTATION S. Smirnov - \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekorupqa, Starinar VIII - IX, Beograd 1933-34 272. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine Kosova i Metohije II - III, Pri{tina, 1963 157-196 + 26 slika u prilogu. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35. DOKUMENTACIJA Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pri{tina MNEMOSYNE Centre Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture Pri{tina Centar MNEMOSYNE CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. The church has been preserved. There are no traces of devastation. The objective of earlier conservation campaigns was to prevent penetration of humidity into the lower zones of the walls. Since the terrain is gently sloping from the northeast to the southwest, the flow of water from the small trench on the north side could cause additional moistening. That is the reason why these interventions should be followed by permanent monitoring of relative humidity and the condition of the frescoes. Setting of the drainage system would dry wider zone around the church. The church has been rebuilt. Remains of the older walls are visible on the northwest side. The inner sides of the Crkva je o~uvana. Tragova o{te}ewa nema. Ranijim konzervatorskim radovima je poku{ano da se spre~i prodor vlage u dowu zonu zidova. Kako je ceo teren u blagom padu od severoistoka ka jugozapadu, a posebnu vlagu mo`e da uzrokuje slivawe vode sa severnog rigola, neophodno je da se, i pored ranijih radova, stalno proverava vla`nost i stawe `ivopisa. Postavqawem drena`e isu{ila bi se {ira zona spomenika. Crkva je prezidana, nivo starih zidova jasno se vidi sa severozapada. Zidovi su unutra 115 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC walls have been coated with mortar, except the eastern one, with the altar apse. Two fragments of fresco decoration have been preserved. One can be seen on the eastern wall, to the south from the altar apse - it is the lower border of the fresco. The other, of unidentifiable content, has been preserved in the south corner of the western wall. malterisani, osim isto~nog sa oltarskom ni{om. Postoje dva o~uvana fragmenta `ivopisa. Jedan na isto~nom zidu, ju`no od oltarske ni{e, koji predstavqa dowu borduru freske, a drugi, ne~itqiv, u ju`nom uglu zapadnog zida. F/III-0.20 METOCHY OF THE MONASTERY OF DE^ANI F/III-0.20 DE^ ANSKI METOH za{ti}en 1997. Protected in 1997 POLO@AJ POSITION Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva, manastir De~ani VLASNIK Serbian Orthodox Church, the Monastery of De~ani DESKRIPCIJA DESCRIPTION The main entrance into the metochy of the monastery of De~ani is situated in the centre of Velika Ho~a, U centru Velike Ho~e, u De~anskoj mahali, naspram parohijskog doma crkve Svetog Stefana, Cadastre extract Kat ast arski plan Northeastern façade of the Lodgings Severoist o~na fasada konaka The porch of the vinery, view from the southwest Trem vinice, pogled sa jugozapada 116 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC in De~anska mahala (De~ani quarter), opposite the parish house of the church of St Stephen. This is the only remaining complex, which belongs to a monastery, though there used to be many of them in the past. Velika Ho~a and its vineyards were mentioned in the sources as early as the 12th century, when Stephen Nemanja granted Ho~a as a metochy to the monastery of Chilandar in the charter issued in 1198/1199. The grant was confirmed by charters issued in the course of subsequent centuries. The Monastery of De~ani had its vineyards in Velika Ho~a since the times of Emperor Du{an. In the period between the World Wars, about 20 hectares of vineyards were the property of the monastery. The complex, which is enclosed by a high stone wall, encompasses the Lodgings, the winery, and the old Lodgings, which was turned into the chapel of St Tryphon. According to an inscription preserved in the ground floor, the Lodgings was built in 1851, by order of Kiril Andrejevi}, hieromonach of De~ani. It is rectangular in plan and consists of a ground-floor and an upper story. Ground floor porch (ajat) leads to two rooms - storages for spirits and toolkits. Wooden staircase starting from the porch leads to a nalazi se glavni ulaz u metoh manastira Visokih De~ana. To je sada jedina postoje}a celina koja pripada nekom manastiru, iako ih je u pro{losti bilo mnogo. Velika Ho~a i weni vinogradi pomiwu se u istorijskim izvorima jo{ u XII veku, kad je Stefan Nemawa poveqom izdatom 1198/1199. godine prilo`io Ho~u kao metoh svome manastiru Hilandaru. Poveqe koje potvr|uju ovaj dar poznate su i iz potowih vremena. Manastir Visoki De~ani u Velikoj Ho~i ima svoje vinograde jo{ iz doba cara Du{ana. Izme|u dva svetska rata u posedu manastira bilo je oko 20 hektara vinograda. U kompleksu koji pripada metohu manastira De~ana, opasanom visokom kamenom ogradom, nalaze se konak, vinica i stari konak, danas kapela Svetog Trifuna. Konak je sagra|en, prema o~uvanom natpisu u prizemqu, 1851. trudom de~anskog jeromonaha Kirila Andrejevi}a. Pravougaone je osnove, sa prizemqem i spratom. U prizemqu je ajat, iz koga se ulazi u dve prostorije za odlagawe pi}a i The Lodgings, the iconostasis in the Jerusalem Chamber Konak, ikonost as u "jerusalimskoj" sobi pribora za rad. Iz ajata drvene stepenice vode na ~ardak. Nekada se iz ~ardaka ulazilo direktno u sobu prema dvori{tu i kuhiwu, a iz kuhiwe u gostinsku sobu i sobu za spavawe. Danas se iz ~ardaka ulazi u kuhiwu, a iz we, levo, u malo predsobqe, iz kojeg vode vrata u obe sobe, i, desno, u gostinsku tzv. "jerusalimsku" sobu. U woj je ikonostas ili ikonluk, drvena pregrada na koju su oka~ene ikone. Prizemqe konaka zidano je kamenom i kre~nim malterom, a na spratu su spoqni zidovi zidani kamenom oja~anim santra~om, dok su pregradni zidovi i dvori{na fasada bondru~ni. Plafoni sprata su od dasaka prikovanih na tavanske grede. U "jerusalimskoj" sobi postavqena je kasetirana tavanica od kestenovog drveta. ^etvoroslivni krov nekada je bio timber terrace (~ardak) on the upper story. The room facing the courtyard and the kitchen could originally be accessed from the terrace. The guest-room and the bedroom were accessed through the kitchen. Nowadays, only the kitchen is entered from the terrace. The kitchen leads to a small entrée to the left, in front of the rooms, and to the guest-room so called Jerusalem chamber, to the right. An iconostasis ikonluk, a wooden rail carrying icons, can be seen in Jerusalem Chamber. The ground floor of the Lodgings is built of stone bound with lime mortar. The outer walls of the upper story are built of stone and braced with bond-timbers, while the partition-walls and the courtyard façade are timber-framed. The ceilings of the upper story are made of planks nailed to the ceiling beams. Jerusalem Chamber has chestnut coffered ceiling. Hip roof was originally covered with terracotta 117 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The interior of the winery Unut ra{wost vinice roofing tiles. The doors and windows are made of wood. Wooden grates (mu{ebaci) can be seen on the small window in the kitchen. All the posts in the porch and timber terrace have plain decoration. Simple decorative mouldings can be seen in the staircase and terrace fence parapets. The old Lodgings dates from the 16th century. It was built of stone, and it probably had stone-slate roofing. The main entrance to the estate is situated between the right and left wings of the building, which is rectangular in plan. Until a few years ago, the monks of De~ani monastery lived in the cell in the right section of the Lodgings. The left wing of the building was remodelled in order to house the chapel dedicated to St Tryphon. The winery (vinica) is built of stone and covered with terracotta roofing tiles. A porch supported by massive stone columns encompasses the building in its whole length. The interior of the winery is undivided. Apart from the winepress, various tools, barrels and casks, two very old woods for wine are kept there, whereas the third has been dissembled and its parts were stored, awaiting better times. Woods are 5 m high, they have 4 m in diameter, and they can store 10 to 15 tones of grapes. The complex was restored in 1995. The auxiliary entrance on the south side was replaced by a nice masonry gate. The old gate on the north side is out of use. A part of the older Lodgings was turned into the chapel of St Tryphon. Objects brought from the demolished church of the monastery of Zo~i{te are stored in the chapel. pokriven }eramidom. Vrata i prozori su od drveta. Na malom kuhiwskom prozoru nalaze se drvene re{etke mu{ebaci. Svi stubovi u ajatu i na ~ardaku imaju jednostavnu dekoraciju. Jednostavna profilacija izvedena je i u parapetu ograda ~ardaka i stepeni{ta. Stari de~anski konak poti~e iz XVI veka. Zidan je od kamena i nekada je, verovatno, bio pokriven kamenim plo~ama. Izme|u levog i desnog krila zgrade pravougaone osnove nalazi se glavni uzlaz u metoh. Sa desne strane konaka je }elija u kojoj su monasi manastira De~ana `iveli do pre nekoliko godina. Levo krilo zgrade je adaptirano u kapelu posve}enu Svetom Trifunu. Zgrada vinarije, vinica, zidana je od kamena i pokrivena }eramidom. Celom du`inom je trem sa masivnim kamenim stubovima. Unutra{wi prostor je jedinstven i u wemu se danas ~uvaju, pored presa za ce|ewe gro`|a, raznih priru~nih alatki, buradi i ba~vi, i dve drvene ba~ve velike starine, dok je tre}a rasklopqena i wena se gra|a ~uva za boqa vremena. Ba~ve su visoke 5 m, a pre~nika 4 m, i u wih staje 10-15 hiqada kilograma gro`|a. Ovaj kompleks je obnovqen 1995. godine. Umesto pomo}nog ulaza na ju`noj strani postavqena je lepa ulazna kapija zidana od kamena, ~ime je stara na severnoj strani prestala da se koristi. Deo starijeg konaka je preude{en u kapelu posve}enu Svetom Trifunu. U kapeli se danas ~uvaju predmeti iz poru{ene crkve manastira Zo~i{ta. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAFIJA 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 412-413. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekoruplja, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 193334, 268. 3. 118 K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 412-413. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekorupqa, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933-34, 268. MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC 4. B.K., Velika Ho~a, Orahovac, Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998, 138. 4. B.K. Velika Ho~a, Orahovac, Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998, 138. DOCUMENTATION DOKUMENTACIJA Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia - Belgrade Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Beograd Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Pri{tina STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 U toku ratnih dejstava na podru~ju Velike Ho~e nije o{te}en kompleks de~anskog metoha. Stawe spomeni~ke celine je dobro i potrebno je weno redovno odr`avawe. Sada{wa instalacija elektrovoda stalni je izvor mogu}eg varni~ewa i time po`ara, odnosno ugro`avawa spomenika. The complex of the metochy of De~ani monastery was not damaged in military operations in Velika Ho~a. The monument is in satisfactory condition but demands regular maintenance. The existing electrical installation, as a constant source of possible sparking that could cause fire, is unsafe. P redlog mera tehni~ke za{tite u konaku: 1. zamena krovnog pokriva~a }eramidom; 2. za{tita drvenih elemenata impregnacijom od uticaja vlage i dejstva insekata; 3. ampasovawe (popravka prozora) na sobi sa velikim prozorima u isto~nom spratnom delu konaka; u kapeli Svetog Trifuna: 1. krovni pokriva~ treba vratiti u prvobitno stawe postavqawem kamenih plo~a i jednostavnog kamenog profilisanog venca; 2. mona{ku }eliju treba urediti da izgleda kao u ranijem periodu; vinica: 1. popraviti krov {to podrazumeva zamenu salonit-plo~a ispod }eramide; 2. santra~ u zidu i na stubovima popraviti oja~awem veza i zamenom dotrajalog materijala, impregnacijom i dodatkom kamenih delova stubova; 3. bravariju - okov, {arke, kvake i re{etke o~istiti od korozije peskarewem ili te~no{}u (re{etke), potom obojiti temeqnom i zavr{nom bojom; 4 rasklopqeno staro bure potrebno je ponovo sklopiti, a popraviti postoje}a. Recommended Measures of Technical Protection in the Lodgings: 1. 2. 3. replacing of the existing roofing with terracotta roofing tiles; protection of the wooden elements from the impact of humidity and insects by impregnation; repair of the window in the room with large windows, in the eastern part of the upper story. in the Chapel of St Tryphon: 1. restitution of the original stone-slate roofing and simple profiled stone cornice; 2. restitution of the original appearance of the monastic cell. In the Winery 1. repair of the roofing, which implies replacing of the asbestos boards under the roofing tiles; 2. repair of bond-timbers in the walls and columns by bracing of the joints, replacing ruinous material, impregnation and filling of the damages in the stone columns; 3. locks and metal-work lock coverings, hinges, doorhandles and grates should be cleaned from rust with sand or liquid (the grates), and coated with primer and paint; 4. dismantled old wood should be assembled, while the existing barrels should be repaired. U svim objektima potrebna je rekonstrukcija instalacija elektrike, postavqawe javqa~a po`ara i upozorewa na mogu}u kra|u; sve instalacije moraju se uklopiti u obloge unutra{wih zidova; treba izmestiti rasklopne table postavqene na vidnim mestima. All the objects demand the reconstruction of the electrical installations, setting the fire alarms, and alarms against burglary. All the wires must be placed inside the walls. Switchboards, put in noticeable places, should be dislocated. Presentation - The regime of usage admission of guests and visitors needs to be fixed; a board with the ground plans of all the objects should be placed on a noticeable spot. All the P rezentacija - Treba utvrditi re`im kori{}ewa - prijema posetilaca i gostiju - i na vidno mesto postaviti tablu sa iscrtanom osnovom svih objekata, na kojoj 119 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC construction and restoration stages should be marked on the ground plans. - A board, which would present the processing of grapes, fabrication and storage of wine in drawings and ground plans, should be hung on appropriate place. - Both, the objects, which are kept in the winery and those brought there for creating the museum collection, should be registered and provided with documentation. The categorization of the metochy of the monastery of De~ani as a monument of extraordinary importance should be considered within existing legislative framework. }e se nazna~iti sve faze gra|ewa i rekonstrukcije. - Na prigodnom mestu u vinici postaviti tablu, na kojoj }e se u osnovi i crte`ima prikazati postupak obrade gro`|a, prerade i skladi{tewa vina. - Predmete koji se ~uvaju u objektu i koji se donose radi formirawa muzejske zbirke treba inventarisati i obraditi. U okviru sada{wih zakonskih mogu}nosti treba utvrditi kategorizaciju De~anskog metoha kao spomenika kulture od izuzetnog zna~aja. F/III-0.21 THE HOUSE OF THE HAD@ISPASI] FAMILY F/III-0.21 KU]A HAYI SP ASI ]A Protected in 2001 za{ti}ena 2001. POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski OWNER VLASNIK Milo{ Had`ispasi} Milo{ Hayispasi} The yard façade of the house with the timber terrace Dvori{na fasada ku}e sa ~ardakom Kat ast arski plan Cadastre extract DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The house of the Haji family of the Spasi}s is the most representative object of residential architecture in Velika Ho~a. It is situated in the centre of Velika Ho~a and attracts attention by its appearance. It was built in the first half of the 19th century, between 1830 and 1835 and the family tradition links it to its ancestors pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The house was renovated in 1860, as it could until recently be read in the Old Slavic inscription above the window on the front façade of the house. The latest remodellings date back to 1968, when the stable (izba) in Ku}a hayijske porodice Spasi}a je najreprezentativniji objekat stambene arhitekture u Velikoj Ho~i. Nalazi se u centru Velike Ho~e i privla~i pa`wu svojim izgledom. Podignuta je u prvoj polovini XIX veka, izme|u 1830 i 1835, a porodi~no predawe to vezuje za odlazak svog pretka na hayiluk u Jerusalim. Ku}a je renovirana 1860, {to je donedavno stajalo u natpisu na staroslovenskom jeziku iznad prozora na predwoj fasadi ku}e. Posledwe izmene na objektu izvedene 120 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC the ground floor was The interior of the adapted into a dweltimber terrace ling room. The rest of the ground- floor was occupied by the winery. A timber staircase leads from the ground level to the timber terrace. The guest-room and two other rooms are accessed from the terrace. The Jewishor Jerusalem Chamber is the most representative part of the house. All the male visitors were welcomed in it. It houses an iconostasis with the family icon, brought from the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and the family relics: crosses, texts of the prayers written on scrolls and the candles brought from the pilgrimage. Rich decoration of the walls and the ceiling was executed in chestnut. Closets in the wall for tableware and coffee sets, and a closet for bed-clothes contribute to a charming effect of the room. The room was heated by stove, fueled in the neighboring kitchen. A bathroom (amamd`ik) was attached to the guest-room. The central part of the house was originally occupied by the kitchen, housing a fire-place. The other room, the bedroom used by the members of the family, also had an attached bathroom. According to the owner, all these elements were removed twenty years ago. Overhanging eaves, the design of the windows and the timber terrace contribute to the charming effect of the building. An image of a pigeon, originally wrapped by a snake, which have faded in the course of time, can still be seen under the eaves on the street façade. Small windows can be seen on the front façade in the ground floor and in the upper story. They are looking su 1968, kada je {talski prostor, izba, u prizemqu adaptiran za stanovawe. U ostatku prizemqa bila je vinarija. Iz prizemqa drvene stepenice vode na ~ardak, a iz ~ardaka se ulazi u gostinsku sobu i dve prostorije za stanovawe. "Jevrejska" ili "jerusalimska" soba je najreprezentativniji prostor ku}e i u woj su boravili svi mu{ki posetioci porodice. U woj se nalazi ikonostas, u kome se ~uvaju velika porodi~na ikona doneta iz Jerusalima sa hayiluka i porodi~ne relikvije: krstovi, tekstovi molitava ispisani na svicima papira i sve}e donete sa hayiluka. Bogata dekoracija zidova i plafona izvedena je u kestenovom drvetu. Lepoti prostora doprinose dolapi u zidu u kojima se ~uvalo posu|e, pribor za kafu, tu je i du{erkluk (dolap za posteqinu). Sobu zagreva pe} na lon~i}e, koja se lo`ila iz susedne kuhiwe. Uz gostinsku sobu je i amamyik, prostorija za odr`avawe higijene. Sredi{wa prostorija je nekada bila kuhiwa, i u woj oyaklija. Druga soba je tako|e imala nekada amamyik i u woj su spavali ~lanovi porodice. Sve je to ukloweno pre dvadesetak godina, prema re~ima sada{wih vlasnika. Lepoti zgrade i utisku koji ostavqa na prolaznike doprinose duboko napu{tena streha, obrada prozora i ~ardak. Ispod strehe, na dvori{noj fasadi, i danas se nalazi predstava goluba, a zmija koja je goluba obavijala s vremenom je nestala. Ent erijer ~ardaka The interior of the Jerusalem Chamber Ent erijer "jerusalimske" sobe 121 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The detal of façade decoration Det aq ukrasa na fasadi towards the gate, so that the one could supervise the entry into the object. The house was designed upon typical scheme adopted for houses from Prizren suburban zone. It is an example of vernacular architecture, which reaches the standards of urban architecture and reflects the uniform cultural pattern of the Serbian population in Prizren and Velika Ho~a in the first half of the 19th century. Na spoqnoj fasadi su u prizemqu i na spratu, a prema ulaznoj kapiji, mawi prozori kroz koje se mogao nadgledati ulazak u objekat. Ku}a je gra|ena po uzoru na ku}e iz prizrenskog podgra|a i predstavqa primer narodnog graditeqstva istog standarda kao i gradskog, odra`avaju}i ujedna~en kulturni obrazac starog srpskog stanovni{tva Prizrena i Velike Ho~e u prvoj polovini XIX veka. DOCUMENTATION DOKUMENTACIJA Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Pri{tina CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. The house of the Spasi} family has to be envisaged in the context of the monument complex of the metochy of De~ani monastery, a smallish square, the parish house and the church of St Stephen. It attracts attention by its exterior features: pronounced façades, the upper-floor with its cantilevered elements, large gate with separate doors for pedestrians and vehicles, old-fashioned lock-coverings, hinges, locks, and the decorative shelters above the doors, covered with stone slates. Op{ti utisak spomeni~ke celine ku}e Spasi}a neposredno je povezan sa kompleksom spomeni~ke celine de~anskog metoha, maweg trga, parohijske ku}e i hrama Svetog Stefana i svojim spoqa{wim elementima - nagla{enim platnima fasada, sprata sa konzolnim delovima, ve}om kapijom sa odvojeni pe{a~kim i kolskim vratima, starinskim okovom, {arkama i bravama, dekorativnim elementima drvenih nadvoja vrata pokrivenih kamenim plo~ama - privla~i pa`wu prolaznika. Recommended measures of techincal protection: 1. 2. 3. 4. P redlog mera tehni~ke za{tite: replacing of pantiles with plain terracotta roofing tiles; replacing of ruinous and adding of the missing parts of the round posts in the fence; the fillings should be made of adequate material, the same as the original chestnut; the posts should be protected from worms and moisture; repair of the cover above the staircase; all the concrete elements in the ground floor, in the vestibule and on the staircase, as well as the trough on the façade under the drinking fountain, should be either painted in white or plated with stone; 1. mediteran crep zameniti }eramidom; 2. zameniti i dopuniti dotrajale delove ograde od trakslovanih stubova sa ispunom materijalom po ugledu na postoje}i (kesten) i za{titi od crvoto~ewa i vlage; 3. popraviti poklopac nad stepeni{tem; 4. u prizemqu objekta, u ajatu i na stepeni{tu, obojiti sve betonske elemente, kao i valove za vodu na fasadi ispod ~esme, u belo ili postaviti kamene plo~e; 122 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC 5. 6. along with consolidation of decayed wooden parts on the outer cornice, in particular, the restoration of the entrance gate should be undertaken in the first stage of the preservation campaign; robust, recently built objects in the neighbouring courtyard, which are in discord with the appearance of the monument, should be either hidden by a green perforated fence set in the yard of the old house, or painted in white. 5. ulaznu kapiju, uz mawu konsolidaciju otrulelih drvenih delova, naro~ito na spoqnom potkrovnom vencu, trebalo bi obnoviti u prvoj etapi za{tite; 6. u dvori{nom prostoru prema susedu, ~iji objekti svojom robusnom novogradwom kvare utisak spomenika kulture, podi}i zelene tranzene ili obijiti sve te fasade u belo. F/III-0.22 THE TOWER OF LAZAR KUJUND@I] F/III-0.22 KULA LAZARA KUJUNYI ]A Protected in 1998 za{ti}ena 1998. POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski OWNER VLASNIK Municipality of Orahovac Op{tina Orahovac The front of the tower Ulazna fasada kule DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The mausoleum in Velika Ho~a, where the famous komitadji of this region, Lazar Kijund`i} and his companions were buried, was nominated as cultural monument. The memorial tower is situated in a small square, where the streets from the direction of the centre of the village meet. The event, which preceded the death of the squad of Lazar Kujund`i}, probably happened on May 24 or 25, 1905 according to the old style calendar or on June 7 according to Gregorian calendar. During the crisis in the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the 20th century, little squads of komitadji, fighting for freedom, were organized. Lazar Kujund`i}, a teacher born in Orahovac, was the leader of U Velikoj Ho~i je za spomenik kulture progla{en mauzolej u kome po~ivaju ~uvene komite ovoga kraja - Lazar Kujunyi} i wegovi saborci. Spomen-kula se nalazi na malom trgu u koji se slivaju ulice koje vode iz centra naseqa. Doga|aj koji je predhodio pogibiji ~ete Lazara Kujunyi}a odigrao se verovatno 24. ili 25. maja 1905. godine po starom, odnosno 7. juna po novom kalendaru. U te{kim prilikama koje su potresale Tursko carstvo po~etkom XX veka, organizovane su male ~ete komita, koji su se borili za slobodu. Vo|a jedne od takvih ~eta bio je Lazar Kujunyi}, u~iteq rodom iz Orahovca. Navedenog dana Lazar Kujunyi} je sa svojim 123 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The door and the relieving arch Ulazna vrat a i konst rukt ivni luk such a squad. On the above mentioned day Lazar Kujund`i} and his companions Savatije Milo{evi}, a clerk from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ra{ka, Kosta Karaperi} from Konjuh in Kosovo, @ivojin Rafajlovi} from Kru{evac, Tasa Milovanovi} from Drajkovac, Stani{a [eli} from Gotovu{a and Stanoje Miki}, travelling from Kur{umlija to Macedonia, decided to spend the night in Velika Ho~a, in the tower of Lam Uka, who had promised that he would not turn them over to the Turks. In spite of that, they were betrayed in the night between the 24th and 25th of May. While the komitadji were sleeping upstairs, the Turkish soldiers and quite a large group of the Albanians surrounded the building and sneaked into the ground-floor. They were shooting between the beams of timber floor construction. Five of the komitadji where killed in the tower, while the two of them were shot while trying to jump out through the window. After that, the tower was set on fire and the bodies were burnt in it. This event lived in the memory of the population of Metohija and on the site of the old tower a new memorial tower was built in 1936. The remains of the brave komitadji were placed in the stone sarcophagus, kept in the interior of saborcima Savatijem Milo{evi}em, ~inovnikom ministarstva inostranih dela iz Ra{ke, Kostom Karaperi}em iz Kowuha na Kosovu, @ivojinom Rafajlovi}em iz Kru{evca, Tasom Milovanovi}em iz Drajkovca, Stani{om [eli}em iz Gotovu{e i Stanojem Miki}em, na putu iz Kur{umlije ka Makedoniji, zano}io u kuli Qam Ukina u Velikoj Ho~i, koji im je dao besu da ih ne}e predati turskim vlastima. I pored toga, oni su izdani i u no}i izme|u 24. i 25. maja, dok su komite spavale na spratu, turska vojska i ve}a grupa Albanaca je opkolila kulu i uvukla se u prizemqe. Pucali su kroz drvenu me|uspratnu konstrukciju, ubiv{i petoricu komita, dok su dvojica ubijena dok su iskakala iz kule. Nakon toga je kula zapaqena i u woj su izgorela tela ubijenih. Ovaj doga|aj je ostao u se}awu Metohijaca te je 1936. godine podiguta na mestu stare, nova spomen-kula. U wenoj unutra{wosti, u kameni sarkofag polo`eni su zemni ostaci hrabrih komita. Na mermernoj plo~i na poklopcu sarkofaga uklesano je: "Ovu spomen-kulu podi`e 1936. godine svojim drugovima The ossuary with memorial tablets Kost urnica sa nadgrobnim plo~ama 124 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC the tower. The following text was incised into the marble covering of the sarcophagus: This memorial tower was built in 1936 by Jovan Mihailovi}, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in retirement, ex-member of the Executive Committee of the National Revolutionary Organization for Liberation of Southern Serbia, in Vranja, in the memory of his comrades, who were killed here, on the Ascension-day in 1905. The memorial tower is built of rubble bound with lime mortar. It is rectangular in plan. The stone sarcophagus with the remains of the komitadji is placed in the groundfloor. The gallery in the upper story encompasses three inner walls. It is reached by a masonry staircase on the south side, accessed through a separate entrance. The gallery is supported by three semicircular arches. Arched windows can be seen in the upper part of the gallery. Such windows usually acted as loop-holes in the towers of Metohija. The front of the stone sarcophagus is positioned against the wall, into which a board made of black marble, with an incised wreath, was mortared. It is surmounted by another board with the incised names of the killed komitadji. The southern and western sides of the tower were encompassed by a courtyard, which once had stone enclosing wall. The yard was entered through a masonry gate. poginulim na ovom mestu na Spasovdan 1905. godine JOVAN MIHAILOVI] na~elnik min. inostranih dela u penziji, biv{i ~lan Izvr{nog odbora narodne revolucionarne ogranizacije za oslobo|ewe Ju`ne Srbije u Vrawi." Spomen-kula je sagra|ena od lomqenog kamena u kre~nom malteru. Pravougaone je osnove. U prizemqu je kameni sarkofag sa posmrtnim ostacima poginulih, a u gorwem delu sa tri strane galerija. Do we se dolazi kamenim stepeni{tem na ju`noj strani, do kojeg vodi poseban ulaz. Sama galerija je poduhva}ena trima polukru`nim lukovima. U gorwem delu galerije su lu~ni prozori, kakvi su na metohijskim kulama slu`ili kao pu{karnice. Kameni sarkofag je postavqen ~elom uza sam zid, na kome je crna mermerna plo~a sa uklesanim mawim vencem, a iznad we je druga mermerna plo~a sa imenima poginulih. Sa ju`ne i zapadne strane kule nalazi se dvori{te, koje je nakada bilo ogra|eno kamenim zidovim. U dvori{te se ulazilo kroz kamenom uzidanu kapiju. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAFIJA 1. Lazar Kujund`i}, Narodna enciklopedija srpskohrvatsko-slovena~ka, priredio S. Stanojevi}, II, Zagreb 1928, 485. 2. Pravda, 1936/11343 1. DOCUMENTATION DOKUMENTACIJA Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Pri{tina Lazar Kujunyi}, Narodna enciklopedija srpsko-hrvatsko-slovena~ka, priredio S. Stanojevi}, II, Zagreb 1928, 485. 2. Pravda, 1936/11343 CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. Since the tower is located in the small square close to the centre of the village, all the roads leading to it are in good condition. The object lacks the infrastructure. Yearlong neglecting of the interior and the surroundings of this monument gave the impression of certain lack of concern. The tombstones have been moved and damaged, the chandelier destroyed, while the candelabra were broken. The water from the roof pours down into the grass and, since the area around the tower is not paved, penetrates into the foundations and walls causing damages on the surface of the wall up to 1.5 m in height. Recommended Measures of Technical Protection: Kako se spomen kula nalazi na malom trgu u neposrednoj blizini centra naseqa, putevi kojima se do we sti`e su dobri. Na samom objektu nema izgra|ene infrastrukture. Dugogodi{we neodr`avawe unutra{wosti i neposredne okoline ovog spomenika kulture stvorilo je utisak o izvesnoj nebrizi. Pomerene su i o{te}ene nadgrobne plo~e, sru{en luster i izlomqeni sve}waci. Voda sa krova kule se sada nekontrolisano sliva i bez za{titnog trotoara, kroz travnatu zonu ponovo se vra}a u temeqe i zidove degradiraju}i zidni sloj do 1, 5 m u visinu. 1. P redlog mera tehni~ke za{tite: restitution of the original roofing plain terracotta roofing tiles; 2. replacing of the damaged wings of the door; they should be painted and equipped with adequate lock and other metal-work; 1. 2. 125 Vratiti stari krovni pokriva~ - }eramidu; zameniti o{te}ena krila vrata, obojiti ih i postaviti adekvatnu bravariju; MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC 3. 4. 5. 6. in order to protect the interior, nets should be put on the inner sides of the windows (to be less noticeable from the outside); draining is the most urgent measure to be undertaken. Little trenches and side-walk should be made around the south and west sides of the object; the draining of water coming from the adjacent objects and the fence - to the north (facing the neighbour) and to the east (facing the street), should be regulated; the project of interventions in the courtyard (construction of a fence with a gate, with lights set on the wall; construction of the staircase leading to the tower); providing of visual communication on the way to the object and setting a board with the appropriate text in several languages and photographs, explaining the history and importance of the monument, in the object itself. 3. 4. 5. 6. F/III-0.023 THE WINERY OF THE CHURCH OF ST STEPHEN postaviti mre`e sa unutra{we strane prozora (mawe vidqive spoqa) radi o~uvawa enterijera; izvesti drena`u, kao prvu za{titu, rigolu i trotoar oko objekta sa ju`ne i zapadne strane, a prema susedu i prema ulici, sa severne i isto~ne strane, regulisati odvod vode sa prislowenih objekata i ograde; izraditi projekat ure|ewa dvori{ta (postavqawe ograde i kapije sa rasvetnim telima u zoni zida; ure|ewe prilaznog stepeni{ta); postaviti vizulne komunikacije na prilazu objektu kao i tablu u samom objektu gde bi se prigodnim tekstom i fotografijama na vi{e jezika obrazlo`io istorijat i zna~aj spomenika kulture. F/III-0.023 VI NARI JA CRKVE SVETOG STEFANA Protected in 1998 za{ti}ena 1998. POSITION POLO@AJ OWNER VLASNIK Orahovac, Prizrenski Orahovac, the District of Prizren Church Community of Velika Ho~a Crkvena op{tina Velika Ho~a K.O 2589 Cadastre extract Kat ast arski plan The exterior of the winery, view from the southwest Spoqa{wi izgled vinice, pogled sa jugozapada DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The parish church in Velika Ho~a is dedicated to St Stephen. The parish house is in its vicinity. The whole complex is enclosed by a high stone wall. The main entrance into the churchyard is on the lower, southwestern side. Slightly downhill from the entrance, by the road, another object belonging to the church can be seen the winery of St Stephen. Sredi{na parohijska crkva u Velikoj Ho~i posve}ena je svetom Stefanu. U wenom neposrednom okru`ewu je parohijski dom, a ceo kompleks je okru`en visokim kamenim zidom. Sa dowe, jugozapadne strane, crkve je glavni ulaz u portu, a neposredno ispod wega, pored samog puta, jo{ jedan objekat vezan za crkvu - vinica Svetog Stefana. 126 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The roof constrution of the winery Krovna konst rukcija vinice The winery, which belonged to the church of St Stephen, certainly existed in the 15th or the 16th century. It has been restored several times in its history. Present object is believed to have been built in the 18th century. The building is square in plan. Due to sloping terrain and the requirements of process of wine production, the interior is cascading. The entrance section was used for unloading, the second one for pressing and processing of grapes, while the third, the lowest level, acted as storage for wine barrels. The lower part of the winery was built of stone bound with lime mortar, while the upper parts are the result of a restoration and they are built of adobe. The winery has timber roof construction. Rafter bottoms are leaning on the walls, while the central part of the construction is supported by trussed beams. The lower parts of the hip roof are covered with stone slates, the upper with terracotta roofing tiles. The winery has three entrances: one on the lower side of the building, by the road, accessed by a staircase, and the other two on the upper side. To the east of the winery a courtyard into which wagons carrying grapes used to arrive, can be seen. The winery of St Stephens church is protected as a cultural monument, because it testifies of a centuries-long tradition of wine-growing and production of wine, which is a special feature of the village in which it was built. It also points to the role of the church as a landowner and manufacturer of this important agricultural product eversince the Middle Ages. Vinica koja je pripadala crkvi Svetog Stefana sigurno je postojala u XV ili XVI veku. Vi{e puta je obnavqana i smatra se da je dana{wi objekat podignut krajem XVIII stole}a. Zgrada je kvadratne osnove. Unutra{wi prostor je zbog terena koji je u padu i tehnologije prerade gro`|a re{en kaskadno. Ulazni deo kori{}en je za istovar gro`|a, u drugom se muqalo i prera|ivalo gro`|e, tre}i, najni`i nivo slu`io je za sme{taj buradi za vino. Dowi deo vinice je zidan od kamena u kre~nom malteru, dok su gorwi delovi obnavqani }erpi~em. Drvena krovna konstrukcija se po obodu naslawa na zidove, a u sredi{nom delu je poduhva}ena drvenim gredama. Dowi deo ~etvoroslivnog krova pokriven je kamenim plo~ama, a gorwi }eramidom. U vinariju se ulazi kroz troje vrata, jedna sa dowe strane zgrade, pored puta, do kojih se dolazi stepenicama, i dvoja sa gorwe strane objekta. Isto~no od vinice je dvori{te u koje je pristizala kola sa tovarima gro`|a. Vinarija crkve Svetog Stefana za{ti}ena je kao spomenik kulture, jer svedo~i o vi{evekovnoj tradiciji gajewa vinove loze i proizvodwe vina, posebno karakteristi~noj za selo u kome se nalazi, ukazuju}i i na ulogu crkve kao krupnog posednika i proizvo|a~a ovog va`nog poqoprivrednog artikla od sredweg veka do danas. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAFIJA 1. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003. (in print) 1. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003. (u {tampi) DOCUMENTATION DOKUMENTACIJA Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Pri{tina 127 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. The winery is situated by the road, which leads from the church of St Stephen church to the Tower of Lazar Kujund`i}. The object is not equipped with electrical wiring. The northern and southern sides of the object are torn down, due to loosening of the rafters in the wooden roof construction. Certain parts of the wall built of stone bound with lime mortar, with horizontal bracing bond-timbers are damaged, especially on the joints with the upper part of the wall built of adobe. Due to penetration of rain, the upper parts of the walls are ruinous. The floor is presently covered with a thick layer of earth and straw. Vinarija se nalazi neposredno pored puta koji vodi od crkve Svetog Stefana ka kuli Kujunyi}a. Nema ugra|enu elekti~nu instalaciju. Objekat je zaru{en sa ju`ne i severne strane popu{tawem rogova drvene krovne konstrukcije. O{te}eni su delovi zidova gra|eni od kamena u kre~nom malteru sa horizontalnim oja~awima - santra~ima - i to naro~ito na spojevima sa delovima od }erpi~a, koji su usled prodora ki{e potpuno zaru{eni i degradirani. Pod je sada prekriven debqim slojem zemqe i slame. Recommended Measures of Technical Protection: 1. The roof construction demands urgent repair; it should be covered with stone slates or terracotta roofing tiles; 2. ruinous walls demand static sanation and rebuilding; 3. cleaning of the interior and restitution of its original cascading floor. 4. partition walls defining the rooms at the opposite sides of the winery should also be restored; 5. electrical wiring should be replaced with new installation; the lights featuring the lighting system of the time in which the object was built should be set on the enclosing wall; 6. the winery should be equipped with information boards showing maps and explanations, similar to the board with marked places of interest, which can be seen in the square. P redlog mera tehni~ke za{tite: 1. Hitno je potrebno popraviti krovnu konstrukciju i pokriti kamenim plo~ama ili }eramidom; 2. zaru{ene zidove stati~ki sanirati i ponovo ozidati; 3. o~istiti unutra{wost i nivelisati kaskadno, jer je vinica gra|ena u nivoima; 4. unutra{we pregradne zidove soba na dva kraja vinice obnoviti u sklopu ure|ewa enterijera; 5. zameniti elektroinstalaciju i postaviti spoqnu rasvetu u zidu bedema koriste}i onovremene elemente rasvete; 6. kao i {to sada na trgu postoji tabla sa ozna~enim spomenicima kulture, tako je potrebno je i na ovoj vinici postaviti legende sa navodima. F/E-0.24 F/E-0.24 ORAHOVAC - CRKVA USP EWA BOGORODI CE ORAHOVAC - THE CHURCH OF THE DORMITION OF THE VIRGIN Recognized heritage evidentirano POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, prizrenski, ra{ko-prizrenska Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren VLASNIK SPOMENIKA Srpska pravoslavna crkva OWNER Serbian Orthodox Church DESKRIPCIJA DESCRIPTION Crkva je izgra|ena u sredi{tu naseqa, na padini brda, iznad obli`weg raskr{}a sa ~etiri uli~na pravca i ima veoma dobar polo`aj. Od ulice je odvojena kamenim podzidom sa ogradom. Do porte vode dva ulaza sa pristupnim stepeni{tem. Sazidana je 1859, po zapisu na plo~i postavqenoj iznad portala 1909, mogu}e u godini kada je izvedena obnova hrama. Crkva je u osnovi trobrodna, sa The church has very good position: it is situated in the centre of the village, on the slope of the hill, uphill from the nearby junction. It is enclosed by a fence mounted on a low stonewall. Churchyard has two gates accessed by staircases. According to the inscription on a tablet above the portal, put in 1909, probably after the reconstruction of the church, the church was built in 1859. It is a three-aisled building, with an apse, 128 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The eastern façade of the church Ist o~na fasada crkve semicircular inside, and eight-sided in the exterior. The nave and the sanctuary are surmounted by two identical domes, hidden under the roof. Timber construction of the choir gallery, to the west, is covered with cloister vault. The aisles are barrel-vaulted. In the nave and sanctuary, the springing of the dome, just above the capitals of cylindrical columns, was braced by wooden beams. The capitals of the western pair of columns are adorned with an ornament featuring leaves. Timber gallery is accessed by a narrow timber staircase. The floor is paved with large stone slabs. The walls are coated with mortar and whitewashed, with the exception of the dome, built of limestone, which remained uncovered only the mortar joints were smoothened down. There are no indications that the walls have ever been covered with mural paintings. Eight-sided apse and the aisles walls were built of ashlars cut in different manner, varying in dimensions. The stone has warm yellowish tone. Mortar joints were filled with lime mortar, smoothened down. The belfry attached to the west front of the church belongs to recent times. Square in plan, it has three deep arcades supported by two columns in the ground floor. The upper story, covered with octagonal dome, has solid walls fenestrated with three narrow rectangular windows. The dome is covered with shallow lead -plate calotte. The upper story, with bells, is accessed by a narrow bent staircase. The church has double-pitched roof covered with double-through roofing tiles. The roof of the apse is extremely shallow and covered with stone slates. On the wall of the apse, traces of an earlier wall-plate can be seen, indicating that the angle of the pitch was changed. A frieze of blind arcades supported by corbels under the eaves of the apse is a conspicuous decorative detail. osmougaonom apsidom sa spoqne strane i polukru`nom sa unutra{we. Nad sredwim brodom i oltarskim prostorom, prikrivene krovom, nalaze se dve identi~ne kupole, dok je iznad drvene galerije, u zapadnom delu hrama, svod u obliku polukalote spojen sa zapadnim zidom. Nad bo~nim brodovima su poluobli~asti svodovi. Stubovi su povezani drvenim gredama iznad kapitela stubova. Na kapitelima zapadnog para stubova su ornamenti u obliku listova. Prilaz na drvenu galeriju omogu}en je preko uzanog drvenog stepeni{ta. Pod crkve je od kamenih plo~a ve}ih dimenzija. Povr{ine zidova su ravno malterisane i okre~ene belo, osim kupole, gra|ene sigom, koja je ostala vidqiva i samo dersovana. Nema vidqivih tragova zidnog slikarstva. Osmougaona apsida i zidovi broda crkve gra|eni su od kamenih kvadera razli~itih dimenzija, raznovrsno klesanih. Kamen je `u}kast, toplog tona. Spojnice su ispuwene kre~nim malterom, dersovane. U novije vreme, uz crkvu je sa zapadne strane podignut toraw kvadratne osnove, sa u prizemqu tri duboke arkade oslowene na dva stuba, dok je spratni deo gra|en u punom zidu sa tri uzana pravougaona prozorska otvora i presvo|en je osmostranim kubetom. Nad wim je plitka kalota od lima. Uzano ugaono stepeni{te vodi do do zvonare. Krov nad brodom crkve je dvoslivan i pokriven falcovanim crepom, a nad apsidom izrazito plitak i pokriven kamenim plo~ama. Na apsidalnom zidu vidqiv je venac prethodne ravni krova, {to jasno ukazuje da je prilikom posledweg prepokrivawa krova korigovan wegov nagib. Upe~atqiv dekorativni element je friz arkada na kamenim konzolicama uz gorwi rub apsidalnog zida. 129 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The belfry Zvonik The apertures two windows in the south wall, one on the north and one in the apse, are outlined by precisely cut ashlars and covered with iron grids. The construction of the south portal consists of a stone archivolt and massive stone jambs. Its door is heavy, wooden, with metal plating. The main portal, in the western wall, also has stone arcuated construction. Its doors are, however, simple, made of vertically laid planks. On the western wall, under the eaves, a projecting zoomorphic terracotta ornament can be seen. In certain places on the facades slabs or spoils with the inscriptions and dates were found. The inscriptions are not always clear and legible. Text on a tablet from the south wall reads: This temple was built in 1859 (inscribed on February 20, 1909). In a spoil inbuilt above the southern portal, the year of 1871 has been inscribed. A slab with three figures and a bird is also above the southern portal. On the north window the year of 1842 (?) has been inscribed. On the colonettes in the apse incised dates can be noticed. By south wall, near the portal a monument made of white stone, with vertically positioned gravestone (36×55 cm), can be seen. One face of the gravestone shows the portrait of the deceased, the other bears a votive inscription: Passenger, do not spare trouble to read the following words: here lyeth the body of the persevering and hard-working in the field of enlightment, Mr Blagoje Kujund`i}, a teacher born on March 21, 1869 in Orahovac. Deceased in the prime of life on July 31, 1898. God forgive him. Compared to contemporary pieces, the iconostasis Dva prozora na ju`nom, jedan na severnom i jedan na apsidalnom zidu formirani su pravilnim kamenim tesanicima i zatvoreni gvozdenim re{etkama. Polukru`nim kamenim nadvratnikom i masivnim kamenim dovratnicima izgra|en je portal na ju`nom zidu. Krilo je te{ko, drveno i oblo`eno limom. Glavni portal, na zapadnom zidu, tako|e je izveden od kamena u polukru`noj konstrukciji, dok su krila jednostavna, sa vertikalnim slogom talpi. Na zapadnom zidu, na visini strehe, u zid je ugra|en figuralni zoomorfni ornament od terakote. Na nekoliko mesta po fasadnim zidovima crkve na|ene su plo~e ili spolije sa zapisima i godinama, ne uvek ~itqive. Tekst sa plo~e na ju`nom zidu glasi: Ovaj hram sazidan je 1859 (napisano 20. februara 1909.). Iznad ju`nog portala ugra|ena je kamena spolija sa uklesanom 1871. godinom. Tu je i plo~a sa tri figure i jednom pticom. Na prozoru severnog zida uklesana je 1842. godina (?). Na apsidalnim kolonetama vidqivi su urezi sa godinama. Uz ju`ni zid, blizu portala, je i spomenik od belog kamena sa vertikalno postavqenom plo~om (36 x 55 cm) Na jednoj strani je lik pokojnika, a na drugoj votivni tekst: Putni~e ne po`alite truda pro~itati slede}ih redova ovde le`i telo neumrlog i vrednog radenika prosvetnog poqa g. Blagoja Kujunyi}a u~iteqa ro|en 1869 g. 21 marta u Orahovcu prestavio se u cvetu svoje mladosti 1898 g. 31 jula. Bog da ga prosti . S obzirom na vreme nastanka crkve ikonostas pripada ne{to monumentalnijem tipu. Ikonostasna pregrada nije gra|ena i postavqena u ravnoj liniji, ve} je na sredini oltarskog seems to belong to a more monumental type. The chancel screen was not organized in a line: its central part is slightly recessed towards the apse the depth of the recess being equal to the diameter of columns. The work of three groups of painters or three individual painters can be distinguished. Large-scale icons of the Sovereign Row, with many details, 130 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The iconostasis Ikonost as rich draperies, skilled drawing, rich colour and delicately treated physiognomies, must have been painted by a trained painter. The painter of the second zone of icons is less skilled and somewhat blunt when the quality of presentation of the saints and scenes is concerned. The painter of the Resurrection of Lazarus stands out for his individual style characterized by gentle, slender figures, and reduced drawing and colour. In the lower right corner of the icon an illegible inscription mentioning the year of 1896 can be seen. It is not clear whether it has been the signature of the painter or the donor. In the socle of the iconostasis vases with flowers were painted. The Sovereign Row shows the icons of Archangel Michael, St Nicholas, St Stephen, The Dormition of the Virgin, Archangel Gabriel, St George, The Resurrection of Lazarus. The second zone consists of a row of icons showing figures of the saints or compositions: St Theodore Tyron and St Demetrius, Crucifixion, Annunciation, The Infant Jesus Presented at the Temple, Three Hierarchs, Serbian archbishops Ss Sava and Arsenije, two standing figures of saints (illegible titles). In the following row The Virgin and the twelve apostles are shown in half-figure. It is surmounted by The Baptism of Christ, Palm Sunday, The Resurrection of Christ, Ascension, Holy Doctors Cosmas and Damian, Crucifixion and an icon with totally destroyed paint layer. The iconostasis is topped by a cross in complicated woodcarving, with painted Crucifixion. prostora povu~ena prema apsidi za debqinu stubova. Prepoznatqive su tri grupe slikara ili pojedinaca. Rasko{no slikane prestone ikone, prepune detaqa, razmahnute draperije, dobre u crte`u i koloristici, pa`qivo obra|enih fizionomija, rad su {kolovanog slikara. Slikar druge zone neve{tiji je i grubqi u kvalitetu prezentacije svetiteqskih likova i kompozicija, dok je onaj koji je radio Lazarevu subotu, ne`nim, vitkim likovima, svedenim crte`om i bojom, po individualnom pe~atu rada sasvim izdvojen. U wenom dowem desnom uglu je ne~itak zapis sa 1896. godinom, tako da je ostalo nejasno da li je ovde potpisan slikar ili donator. Na soklu, u prvoj zoni, slikane su vaze sa cve}em. U drugoj zoni prestonih ikona su: Sveti Arhan|eo Mihailo, Sveti Nikola, Sveti Stefan, Uspewe Bogorodice, Sveti Arhan|eo Gavrilo, Sveti Georgije, Lazareva subota. U drugoj zoni su kompozicije: sveti ratnici - Sveti Teodor Tiron i Sveti Dimitrije; Hristovo Raspe}e; Blagovesti; Sretewe; tri Sveta jerarha; arhiepiskopi srpski Sveti Sava i Sveti Arsenije; Dva svetiteqa, stoje}e figure (ne pro~itane signature); sledi niz sa dopojasnim likovima 12 apostola i Bogorodicom; a zatim Hristovo Kr{tewe; Cveti; Hristovo Vaskrsewe, Hristovo Vaznesewe; Sveti Besrebrenici Kozma i Damjan; Raspe}e Hristovo; i ikona na kojoj je potpuno uni{ten bojeni sloj. Na vrhu ikonostasa je veoma slo`eno rezan Krst sa slikanom kompozicijom Hristovog Raspe}a. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. BIBLIOGRAFIJA M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 493-494. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 493-494. 131 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC DOCUMENTATION DOKUMENTACIJA Centar MNEMOSYNE MNEMOSYNE Centre STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 Since there were no military operations in the surroundings of Orahovac, the church is, generally speaking, in good condition. U toku rata nad Orahovcem nije bilo ratnih dejstava tako da je op{te gra|evinsko stawe crkve dobro. VELIKA HO^A VELI KA HO^ A F/E-0.25 THE CHURCH OF ST ANNE F/E-0.25 CRKVA SVETE ANE Recognized heritage evidentirana POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska VLASNIK OWNER Serbian Orthodox Church, Church Community Velika Ho~a Srpska pravoslavna crkva, Crkvena op{tina Velika Ho~a DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The church of St Anne was built in 1912, in a schoolyard, on the site of an earlier church. According to the local tradition, the Turks have destroyed the earlier church of St Anne in the middle of the 19th century in order to build a mosque in its place. After 1912 the mosque was demolished and the church was rebuilt in the same place with the donations of Vanka, wife of Janko Zivgarevi} from Velika Ho~a. The church was restored at the end of 20th century. It is single-naved, with the main entrance on its west side and an eastern apse. During the latest restoration campaign masonry vault was replaced with the new one, cast in concrete. The entrance on the west façade is arched. It is Crkva Svete Ane izgra|ena je 1912. u {kolskom dvori{tu, na mestu starijeg hrama. Po mesnom predawu, staru crkvu Svete Ane sru{ili su Turci sredinom XIX veka da bi na wenom mestu podigli yamiju. Posle 1912. yamija je sru{ena, a crkva ponovo podignuta na istom mestu, ktitorstvom Vanke, supruge Janka Zivgarevi}a iz Velike Ho~e. Crkva je obnovqena krajem XX veka. To je jednobrodna gra|evina sa ulazom na zapadu i oltarskom apsidom na istoku. Prilikom posledwe obnove, raniji slagani svod zamewen je livenim betonskim. Na zapadnoj fasadi je polukru`no zavr{en ulaz. Iznad ulaza je plitka slepa ni{a sa sedlastim lukom na vrhu. Ispod temena krova na The church, view from the southwest Crkva, pogled sa jugozapada 132 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC surmounted by a A 19th century icon shallow blind in the church saddle-arched niche. On the same façade, beneath the apex of the roof, a square window with cruciform tracery can be seen. The church was coated with mortar and whitewashed. The roof is covered with tin plates. Some 19th century icons can be seen in the church. Ikona u crkvi iz XIX veka BIBLIOGRAFIJA BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. istom zidu je kvadratni prozor sa krstastom kamenom tranzenom. Crkva je malterisana i kre~ena u belo. Krov je pokriven limom. U crkvi se ~uvaju ikone iz XIX veka. 2. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i njegovoj okolini u XIX veku (sa uspomenama pisca), Beograd 1928, 99. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 412. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35. 3. 1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku (sa uspomenama pisca), Beograd 1928, 99. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 412. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35. DOKUMENTACIJA Centar MNEMOSYNE DOCUMENTATION MNEMOSYNE Centre STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 Crkva nema o{te}ewa, porta je ure|ena i ogra|ena. The church shows no damages. Well-articulated churchyard is enclosed by a fence. F/E-0.26 THE CHURCH OF SVETA NEDELJA F/E-0.26 CRKVA SVETE NEDEQE Recognized heritage evidentirana POSITION POLO@AJ Orhovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska OWNER VLASNIK DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA Srpska pravoslavna crkva, Crkvena op{tina Velika Ho~a Serbian Orthodox Church, Church Community of Velika Ho~a Crkva je izgra|ena u XIX veku na temeqima starije bogomoqe, koja, po nekim izvorima, poti~e iz XIII veka. Prvi put je spaqena u XVII veku, a posle obnove i u XVIII stole}u. Crkva je iz temeqa obnovqena posle 1912. godine. To je jednobrodna gra|evina malih dimenzija, sa The church was built in the 19th century upon remains of an earlier church, which, according to the sources, was built in the 13th century. It was destroyed in the fire twice in the 17th and again, after the restoration, in the 18th century. The church was completely rebuilt after 1912. It is a small, single-naved building, with an eastern altar 133 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The church, view from the southeast apse. During the latest restoration, at the end of the 20th century, masonry vault was replaced with a new barrel vault, cast in concrete. The church is covered with tin plates. The façades are covered with a plain coat of mortar. Some 19th century icons are stored in the church. Crkva, pogled sa jugoist oka The interior with the iconostasis Ent erijer sa ikonost asom se ~uvaju ikone iz XIX veka. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. oltarskom apsidom na isto~noj strani. U posledwoj obnovi, krajem XX veka, raniji slagani svod zamewen je livenim betonskim, koji zadr`ava poluobli~ast oblik. Crkva je pokrivena limom, a fasade su ravno malterisane. U crkvi BIBLIOGRAFIJA 1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i njegovoj okolini u XIX veku (sa uspomenama pisca), Beograd 1928, 99. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 412. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35. 2. 3. DOCUMENTATION P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku (sa uspomenama pisca), Beograd 1928, 99. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 412. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35. DOKUMENTACIJA MNEMOSYNE Centre Centar MNEMOSYNE CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. Crkva nema o{te}ewa, porta je ure|ena i ogra|ena zidom. Visoki borovi oko crkve su zdravi. Liveni poluobli~asti svod nije malterisan, tako da se vide tragovi oplate od livewa. The church shows no damages. Well-articulated area of the churchyard is enclosed by a wall. Tall pines around the church are healthy. Barrel vault cast in concrete was not coated with mortar, so the traces of the mould can be seen. 134 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC F/E-0.27 THE CHURCH OF ST PARASKEVE F/E-0.27 CRKVA SVETE P ETKE Recognized heritage evidentirana POSITION Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren POLO@AJ OWNER VLASNIK DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The church of St Paraskeve is in ruins. It is situated to the northwest from the centre of the village, on a private estate. It is inaccessible. U ru{evinama, crkva Svete Petke nalazi se severozapadno od centra sela, u ataru. Nedostupna je. Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Srpska pravoslavna crkva (na privatnom posedu) Serbian Orthodox Church, (on a private property) F/E-0.28 F/E-0.28 THE CHURCH OF ST STEPHEN CRKVA SVETOG STEFANA Recognized heritage evidentirana POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska VLASNIK OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva, Crkvena op{tina Velika Ho~a Serbian Orthodox Church, Church Community of Velika Ho~a The entrance into the churchyard and the main façade of the church with the belfry, view from the west Ulaz u port u i glavna fasada crkve sa zvonikom, pogled sa zapada DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The church dedicated to the Holy Archdeacon Stephen is situated in the centre of the village of Velika Ho~a. It is a single-naved, elongated building, rectangular in plan, with an eastern apse. Massive walls are built of dressed Crkva posve}ena svetom arhi|akonu Stefanu nalazi se u centru sela Velike Ho~e. Hram je u osnovi velika podu`na jednobrodna gra|evina, pravougaonog oblika, sa oltarskom 135 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The west wall of the narthex, mural paintings with typical damages Zapadni zid priprat e, Zidne slike sa karakt erist i~nim o{t e}ewima stone and limestone, bound with lime mortar. A lot of spoils and decorative crosses made of slim bricks can be seen on its facades, particularly on the southern one. Different types of masonry work on the north façade belong to different rebuilding campaigns. The church is barrel-vaulted. The altar apse is lower than the nave. It is semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. Semicircular niche of the prothesis is to the left from the altar. The altar apse is off the churchs axis, shifted to the south; it is in the axis of the Royal Doors. The original stone-slate roofing was replaced with double-through roofing tiles. The western wall of the church is topped by a belfry. Pilasters and an arch, which follows the vault line, are the only remains of the old west wall and the portal leading to the nave. A stone cross was mortared into the wall above the altar apse, beneath the eaves. A side-walk made of stone slabs runs around the church. The floor of the church, made of new stone slabs, has been leveled with the sidewalk. Differences in masonry work indicate the existence of two distinct phases in the construction of the church: the earlier nave, which got its present form in the 16th century, and the latter-day narthex with the belfry, dating from the second half of the 19th century. In the 1960s the church still had stone-slate roofing, which was recently replaced by double-through roofing tiles. A fresco of the Holy Virgin with the Child on the throne and two Archangels, from the second half of the 19th century, has been preserved in the altar apse. The rest of the fresco ensemble dates from 1864, when the whole church was painted by Joseph from Lazaropolis, as it is reads in the inscription on the western wall, to the right from the churchs entrance. The models for the iconographic programme of the large fresco ensemble painted by Joseph from Lazaropolis, must have been found in the fresco decoration of the churches of St Nicholas and St John, both in the village of Velika Ho~a. The iconostasis is contemporary to the fresco decoration. It was undoubtedly designed and carved in a apsidom na isto~noj strani. Masivni zidovi su od tesanog kamena i sige u kre~nom malteru, sa dosta spolijskih detaqa i postavqawa tanke opeke u obliku krsta, pogotovo na ju`noj fasadi. Razli~iti na~ini gra|ewa i sloga kamena na severnoj fasadi ukazuju na slojeve nadgradwe i dogradwe hrama. Ceo hram je pod poluobli~astim svodom. Oltarska apsida je ni`a od naosa, spoqa je trostrana, a iznutra polukru`na. Levo od oltara je polukru`na ni{a proskomidije. U odnosu na osovinu hrama, oltarska apsida je pomaknuta prema jugu i u osovini je carskih dveri. Krovovi su sada pokriveni falcovanim crepom, koje su zamenile prvobitni pokriva~ od kamenih plo~a. Nad zapadnim zidom je zvonik "na preslicu". Od nekada{weg zapadnog zida naosa i portala ostali su pilastri i luk koji prati liniju svoda. Spoqa nad oltarskom apsidom, pod strehom, utisnut je kameni krst. Oko hrama je trotoar od kamenih plo~a. Pod u hramu je od novih kamenih plo~a i postavqen je u nivou trotoara. Na crkvi se zbog razlika u na~inu zidawa jasno prepoznaju dve faze nastanka - stariji naos, koji je svoj sada{wi oblik dobio u XVI veku, i novija priprata sa zvonikom "na preslicu", iz druge polovine XIX veka. Crkva je jo{ {ezdesetih godina ovog veka bila pokrivena kamenim plo~ama, ali je u novije vreme krovni pokriva~ zamewen falcovanim crepom. U oltarskoj apsidi je sa~uvana freska Bogorodice sa Hristom na prestolu i dva arhan|ela iz druge polovine XVI veka. Ostatak `ivopisa u crkvi poti~e iz 1864, kad je celokupnu crkvu oslikao Josif iz Lazaropoqa, o ~emu svedo~i i natpis na zapadnom zidu, desno od ulaza u crkvu. Josif iz Lazaropoqa je u ho~koj crkvi naslikao obiman ikonografski ansambl, u kome se 136 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The north wall of the narthex, typical damages of the mural paintings caused by unprofessionally done restoration interventions Severni zid priprat e, karakt erist i~na o{t e}ewa slika od nest ru~ne int ervencije workshop that was under the strong influence of Debar wood-carving workshop. The icon of Archangel Michael occupies the northern upper door. Next to it, to the right, the icon of the Holy Virgin with the Child can be seen. The Annunciation occupies the central part of the Royal Doors, while the four Evangelists, encompassed by carved arcades were depicted beneath it. The medallions with the images of the prophets David and Solomon are placed in the upper part of the rich and beautifully carved stem. On the top of the Royal Doors - the place usually occupied by a cross, the icon of the God the Father encompassed by a carved frame, ornate with floral motives, can be seen. The rest of the Sovereign Row, to the right, is occupied by icons of Christ and St Stephen, the archdeacon. The Sovereign Row is surmounted by richly decorated ungilded grates carved à jour. The medallions with the prophets busts in gilt carved frames and the row of icons depicting the Apostles in the Deesis, encompassed by arcades supported by small twisted colonettes, occupy the wide beam above carved fields. The central part of the architrave is occupied by carved dragons with crossed tails, which carry a cross with the Crucifixion and cherubs. Carved flame tongues breathed out by the dragons, support the icons of the Holy Virgin and St John. The ends of the architrave are decorated with carved floral stems. The cross is topped by an eagle, carrying a hanging lamp in its beak. kao uzori u izboru tema prepoznaju ikonografske celine crkava Svetog Nikole i Svetog Jovana iz istog mesta. Ikonostas je iz vremena `ivopisawa crkve, sigurno delo radionice bliske debarskoj. Na severnim - gorwim dverima je Arhan|eo Mihailo, sledi prestona ikona Bogorodice sa Hristom. Na carskim dverima su prikazane Blagovesti u sredi{wem delu, ispod wih ~etiri jevan|elista u rezbarenim arkadama, a u gorwem u bogatoj, izvanredno rezanoj vre`i su medaqoni sa predstavama proroka Davida i Solomona. U vrhu dveri, na mestu gde je obi~no krst, nalazi se ikona Boga Oca u floralnom duboreznom okviru. Slede prestone ikone Hrista i Svetog Stefana arhi|akona. Iznad prestone zone su bogate dekorativne re{etke u a`uriranom duborezu, bez pozlate. Na {irokoj gredi iznad duboreznih poqa su medaqoni proroka u pozla}enoj rezbi i niz apostola u Deizisnom ~inu u arkadama sa tordiranim stubi}ima. Centralni deo kosmitisa je u obliku a`daja koje na ukr{tenim repovima nose Krst sa Raspe}em i heruvimima, a na vatrenim mlazevima iz wihovih ~equsti su ikone Bogorodice i Jovana Bogoslova. Krajevi kosmitisa su floralne vre`e. U vrhu krsta je orao iz ~ijeg kquna visi kandilo. BIBLIOGRAFIJA BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. 1. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine Kosova i Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157-196 + 26 illustrations in the appendix. R. Petrovi}, Prilog kon prou~avaweto na tvore{tvoto od makedonskite zografi vo Kosovo, Kulturno nasledstvo X-XI, Skopje 1987, 117. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35. 2. 3. 137 P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine Kosova i Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157196 + 26 slika u prilogu. R. Petrovi}, Prilog kon prou~avaweto na tvore{tvoto od makedonskite zografi vo Kosovo, Kulturno nasledstvo X-XI (Skopje 1987) 117. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35. MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC Iconostasis Ikonost as DOCUMENTATION DOKUMENTACIJA Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren MNEMOSYNE Centre Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren Centar MNEMOSYNE STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 Crkva je o~uvana. Tragova ratnih o{te}ewa nema, ali pojava vlage, koja bi mogla daqe da ugrozi `ivopis, zahteva izradu rigola, postavqawe drena`e i isu{ivawe {ire zone okoline spomenika. O~uvano je zidno slikarstvo iz dva perioda. Starije, ~ini se fresko, poti~e najverovatnije iz druge polovine XVI veka i delimino je sa~uvano u oltarskoj apsidi. Freska Bogorodice [ire od nebesa prekrivena je tamnim slojem ~a|i i prqav{tine, a inkarnati Bogorodice i Hrista su gusto ispikovani. O{te}ewa oko freske, omalterisana i retu{irana, tako|e su prekrivena tamnim slojem ~a|i i prqav{tine. Novije zidne slike ra|ene su 1864, najverovatnije seko. Bojeni sloj je izuzetno taman. Sti~e se utisak da su ~a| i prqav{tina duboko prodrli u wega i da ih nije mogu}e ukloniti bez o{te}ewa samog bojenog sloja. Prethodni sve{tenik je organizovao nestru~no ~i{}ewe bojenog sloja vodom i krpama, ali je sa prqav{tinom skidan i bojeni sloj {to je dovelo do prosvetqivawa obra|ivane povr{ine. ^i{}ewe je nastavqeno selektivno i na taj na~in prosvetqeni su pojedini delovi - oreoli, epitrahiqi, bordure i ~itave draperije svetaca. Sli~im postupkom nagla{en je i sam crte`. Kapilarna vlaga, koja je u velikoj meri prisutna, prouzrokovala je isoqavawe svih zidova do po~etka svoda, izuzev wuhovih dowih delova, u visini ne{to iznad 1 metra, gde se prote`e pojas stalno prisutne vlage. Ikonostas se sastoji iz tri zone. U prvoj su tri prestone ikone, slikane uqem na drvetu. The church has been preserved. There are no traces of war devastation, but the dampness, which could endanger the frescos, requires setting of small trenches and drainage system, as well as drying of the wider area around the church. Preserved wall paintings date from two epochs. The earlier mural decoration, fresco as it seems, was partly preserved in the altar apse. It dates from the second half of the 16th century. The fresco of the Holy Mother Wider than the Sky is covered with dark layer of soot and dirt, while the faces of the Holy Virgin and Christ are densely picked. Damaged areas around the fresco, coated with mortar and retouched, are also covered with dark layer of soot and dirt. The latter-day mural decoration, probably al secco, dates from 1864. Paint layer is extremely darkened. One gets the impression that the soot and dirt have penetrated deep into it and that it is not possible to clean the murals without damaging the paint layer. The former priest had the murals cleaned, but the intervention was incompetently done and the paint layer was rubbed with wet cloth together with dirt, which resulted in reduction of colour intensity of the paint layer in the cleaned areas. The cleaning was continued in a selective manner: only certain parts of the images got paler tone - haloes, stoles, borders and the saints robes. Such interventions brought into relief the drawing. Contamination of the walls by humidity resulted in development of efflorescence on all the wall surfaces up to the springing of the vault, with the exception of permanently damp area in their lowest zones, up to 1 m in height. The iconostasis consists of three zones. The Sovereign Row is occupied by three icons, painted in oil on 138 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC panel. The joint of panels making the support for the icons of the Holy Virgin and Christ unglued, which resulted in a vertical detached area, about 0.5 cm wide, between the ground and the colour coat. The icons of the Royal Doors, carved and gilded, were painted in oil on panel. The Doors are divided into three zones; they are in good condition, apart from the icons of the Evangelists, which have been damaged on their lower borders. Everything is covered with yellowed varnish. The icon of the northern door, oil on canvas mounted on panel, shows a vertical crack, while the colour coat in its lower zone is likely to chip off. The second zone is divided in two rows. The icons are in quite good condition, but they are covered with yellowed varnish. The third zone is occupied by the Crucifix and the icons accompanying it, painted in oil on carved and gilt panel. Colour coat, gilding and painted carvings are stable, but they are covered with yellowed varnish. Na prestonim ikonama Bogorodice sa Hristom i Hrista drveni nosa~ je razlepqen na spoju dasaka, {to je sa lica obe ikone dovelo do vertikanog razdvajawa osnove i bojenog sloja u {irini od oko 0,5 sm. Carske dveri ra|ene uqem na dasci sa pozlatom i duborezom, imaju tri zone i u dobrom su stawu, sem {to su ikone Jevan|elista o{te}ene po dowim rubovima. Sve je prekriveno po`utelim lakom. Severne dveri, uqe na platnu ka{iranom na dasku, vertikalno su pukle, a u dowem delu preti opasnost od otpadawa bojenog sloja. Druga zona podeqena je u dva reda. Ikone su u relativno je dobrom stawu, prekrivene po`utelim lakom. U tre}oj zoni su Raspe}e i prate}e ikone slikane uqem na dasci, sa pozlatom i duborezom. Bojeni sloj, pozlata i kolorisani duborez su stabilni, prekriveni po`utelim lakom. F/E-0.29 F/E-0.29 LODGINGS AND THE WINERY OF THE MONASTERY OF MARKO KORI[KI KONAK SA VI NI COM MANASTI RA MARKA KORI [ KOG evidentiran 2001. Recognized heritage since 2001 POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski OWNER VLASNIK DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA Vladimir, Dobrivoje and Mom~ilo Luki} Vladimir, Dobrivoje i Mom~ilo Luki} The gate of the complex belonging to the monastery of Marko Kori{ki opens towards one of the streets leading to the Tower of Lazar Kujund`i}. The gate leads to the yard in which the Lodgings occupies prominent place among recently built houses. U ulici koja vodi na trg na kome je kula Kujunyi}a nalazi se porta kroz koju se ulazi u oku}nicu u kojoj, pored novih stambenih objekata, centralno mesto zauzima konak sa vinicom. The Lodgings, view from the southwest Op{t i izgled konaka, pogled sa jugozapada 139 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The detail of the window Det aq prozora There is no information when the estate in Velika Ho~a became a metochy of the monastery of St Marko Kori{ki from Kori{a. The impressive Lodgings with the winery belonged to the monastery up to the 1870s. It is now the property of three brothers from the Luki} family. Since the Lodgings with the winery was built on a sloping terrain, it can be envisaged in its entirety from a distance from the courtyard, just after it is entered through the gate. Its ground floor is divided into two wine-cellars. The smaller wine-cellar is reached by a little staircase accessed through the opening in the floor of one of the rooms. The bigger one is entered from the porch in the central part of the ground-floor. The porch (ajat) is surmounted by a timber terrace (~ardak), which is now walled in. The interior of the residential area has been partly remodelled, and the final word about it can be said only after the analysis of the function of its spatial units. The front of the building was built of stone braced with bond-timbers. The lower zones of the remaining three sides are built of stone, while their upper parts are timberframed. Low-pitched hip roof is partly covered with terracotta roofing tiles. Nema podataka kada je svoj metoh u Velikoj Ho~i stekao manastir Svetog Marka Kori{kog iz Kori{e, ali je sve do sedamdesetih godina XIX veka manastiru pripadala impozantna zgrada konaka sa vinicom. Danas je konak u vlasni{tvu trojice bra}e iz porodice Luki}a. Konak sa vinicom sagra|en je na padini tako da denivelacija terena omogu}ava da se u celini sagleda prilikom ulaska kroz portu u dvori{te. Dowi prostor zgrade podeqen je na dva vinska podruma, od kojih se u mawi silazi stepenicama kroz otvor u podu jedne od soba, dok se u ve}i ulazi iz ajata u prizemqu sredi{weg dela zgrada. Iznad ajata je ~ardak koji je danas zatvoren. Unutra{wost stambenog dela je mestimi~no izmewena i za weno potpuno sagledavawe potrebna je analiza namena prostorija. Prilazna strana zgrade sagra|ena je od kamena s atulama, ostale tri fasade gra|ene su u dowem delu od kamena, a u gorwem delu zidovi su od bondruka. ^etvoroslivni kameni krov blagog nagiba mestimi~no je prepokriven }eramidom. DOCUMENTATION DOKUMENTACIJA MNEMOSYNE Centre 2001 Centar MNEMOSYNE 2001. CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. Many people left Velika Ho~a after KFOR entered Kosovo and Metohija. For that reason the object, only occasionally used in the past, is now completely abandoned. From time to time the refugees from Zo~i{te reside in its right wing. The object is equipped with electrical installations. The most serious visible damages were detected on the roof construction and the ceiling. These damages could cause their destruction. S ulaskom snaga KFOR-a na Kosovo i Metohiju veliki broj qudi je napustio Veliku Ho~u. Danas je zbog toga objekat, koji se i ranije koristio samo delimi~no, napu{ten. U desnom krilu zgrade povremeno stanuju izbeglice iz Zo~i{ta. U zgradi postoje elekti~ne instalacije. Najve}a vidqiva o{te}ewa objekta konstatovana su na krovnoj konstrukciji i tavanici, zbog ~ega je mogu}e i wihovo uru{avawe. 140 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC Recommended Measures of Technical Protection Being a landmark in the ambience of Velika Ho~a, the lodgings with the winery should be put under protection of the Law on Protection of Cultural Property We got the information from the owner that the experts of the Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Pri{tina on the eve of the war made technical drawings of the object in order to make a restoration project. If the technical documentation is not preserved, new technical drawings should be made. Measures of its protection and prevention of further deterioration should be agreed with the owners. P redlog mera tehni~ke za{tite Vinicu sa konakom, s obzirom da predstavqa jednu od va`nih ta~aka u sagledavawu ambijenta Velike Ho~e, treba staviti pod za{titu Zakona o kulturnim dobrima. Na terenu se od vlasnika saznalo da su stru~waci Pokrajinskog zavoda za za{titu spomenika kulture iz Pri{tine uo~i rata snimili tehni~ki ovaj objekat da bi napravili projekat wegove obnove. Ukoliko tehni~ka dokumentacija nije sa~uvana, trebalo bi zgradu ponovo tehni~ki snimiti i u dogovoru sa vlasnicima na}i na~in da se spre~i weno daqe propadawe. F/E-0.30 F/E-0.30 THE HOUSE AND THE WINERY OF SLOBODAN MICI] KU]A SA VI NI COM SLOBODANA MI CI ]A Recognized heritage since 2001 evidentirana 2001. POSITION POLO@AJ OWNER VLASNIK Orahovac, Prizrenski Orahovac, the District of Prizren Slobodan Mici}, Velika Ho~a Slobodan Mici}, Velika Ho~a DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The house of the Mici} family, one of the largest families in Velika Ho~a, has been preserved in a village lane in Donja mahala. The house with the winery, probably dating from the second half of the 19th century, was bought by Stanoje \or|evi}, the father of the present owner after the family commune had split, from a rich man, remembered by his name Spasa Ni{lija. The family descendants lived in the house until they built a new, modern house in the same courtyard. The Mici} family house lot, with the objects built along the borders of the courtyard and a free central unit, is rectangular in plan. It is entered from the street side through U Dowoj mahali, u seoskom soka~etu, sa~uvana je ku}a jedne od najbrojnijih ho~anskih porodica - porodice Mici}a. Nakon deobe porodice, ku}u sa vinicom, verovatno iz druge polovine XX veka, otkupio je Stanoje \or|evi}, otac sada{weg vlasnika od nekog lokalnog bogata{a upam}enog po imenu Spasa Ni{lija. Potomci porodice `iveli su u woj dok u istom dvori{tu nisu sagradili novu modernu ku}u. Oku}nica Mici}a je pravougaone osnove, sa objektima pore|anim du` strana dvori{ta i slobodnim sredi{wim prostorom. Sa ulice se The house with the winery, yard view Ku}a sa vinicom, pogled iz dvori{t a 141 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC a massive gate built in brick, with separate entrances for vehicles and pedestrians. The winery is to the left from the gate, while the remains of the former barn, are to the right. Behind the wall, which remained of the barn, a barn-shovel can be seen. The house is situated behind the winery, along the border of the yard. The house is rectangular in plan. Owing to sloping terrain of the yard, it has three levels. Its basement is occupied by a lofty stable, which could house ten head of cattle (cows, oxen, pigs), and a pantry. The stable is entered directly from the yard, through the door to the left from the staircase, while the door leading to the pantry is to the right. Spacious, stone staircase leads from the yard to the corridor. The corridor leads to the kitchen with an open fireplace, which is on the same floor level as the corridor. On the left side of the corridor starts the staircase, which through a small passage leads towards two rooms. The backroom acted as a bedroom, while the front one was used as a living room. There corridor and the kitchen have no ceilings. The rooms have ceilings made of interlocked boards ({a{ovci). The northern part of the house was built of stone bound with daub and braced by bond-timbers, while the masonry work of three other walls is the combination of stone and adobe. Hip roof is covered with stone slates and plain terracotta roofing tiles. All the floors are of beaten earth. The windows are wooden, single, two-winged without window frames, varying in size. The doors are also made of wood. The chains, dough tray, cupboards, and a sink for carrying away dirty water (vodova~a) can still be seen in the kitchen. The winery, which dominates the yard, is rectangular in plan. Similar to all such objects, two units can be distinguished in its interior: the one in the floor level and the other, which is dug in the ground, acting as storage for the casks with grapes. The Mici} family owned two large casks, in which 2 500 and 7 000 kg of grapes could be stored. Above the casks, on the street façade of the building two ulazi kroz masivnu zidanu kapiju sa odvojenim kolskim i pe{a~kim ulazom. Levo od kapije je vinica, a desno je zidno platno, ostatak nekada{weg ambara za `ito, iza koga se nastavqa i ko{ za kukuruz. Iza vinice, uz ivicu parcele, nalazi se ku}a. Ku}a je pravougaone osnove i, zahvaquju}i nejednakom nivou zemqi{ta u dvori{tu, sagra|ena je u tri nivoa. U wenom suterenu, neposredno iz dvori{ta ulazi se sa leve strane stepeni{ta u veliku {talu, u kojoj je moglo da se dr`i po deset grla stoke (krave, volovi, sviwe), a sa desne je izba. Prostranim kamenim stepeni{tem iz dvori{ta se ulazi u hodnik, a iz wega, u nivou poda, u ku}u, tj. kuhiwu sa otvorenim ogwi{tem. Sa leve strane hodnika stepenice vode u mali prolaz, a iz wega se ulazi u dve prostorije, od kojih je zadwa soba kori{}ena za spavawe, a predwa za dnevni boravak. S desne strane hodnika je jo{ jedna soba. U ulaznom hodniku i kuhiwi nema tavanica, a u sobama su od {a{ovaca. Severna strana ku}e je gra|ena od kamena u blatnom malteru s atulama, a ostale strane ku}e u kombinaciji kamena sa }erpi~em. ^etvoroslivni krov je pokriven kamenim plo~ama i }eramidom. Pod je svuda od nabijene zemqe. Prozori su drveni, jednostruki, dvokrilni, bez prozorskog rama, razli~ite veli~ine. Vrata su drvena. U kuhiwi su i danas verige, na}ve, dolapi, vodova~a (otvor za izlivawe prqave vode). Vinica, koja dominira celom oku}nicom, pravougaone je osnove. U unutra{wosti vinice, kao i kod ostalih objakata ove namene, izdvajaju se dve celine: prva u nivou poda i druga ukopana, u kojoj su dr`ane ba~ve sa gro`|em. Porodica Mici}a posedovala je dve velike ba~ve, u koje je moglo da stane 2 500 i 7 000 kg gro`|a. Iznad svake od wih, na uli~noj fasadi zgrade postojali su otvori u zidu, svetlarnici, izvedeni od uzanih The dormer window of the winery Krovna baya (krovni prozor) na vinici 142 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC openings in the wall were made in order to provide lighting and ventilation. The apertures, framed with thin wooden joists are set on one of the bond-timbers. The winery was built of stone bound with lime mortar, braced with bondtimbers. The highest section of the walls, beneath the cornice was built of adobe. The building has stone-slate roofing. A dormer window acting as ventilation hole (bad`a) is placed in the central part of the roof. The winery was also used for brandy distillation. An old masonry distillery section (kazanja~a) can still be seen to the left of the door. There is an opening in the wall behind it - a sink carrying away the marc. According to the information got from the owner, drvenih grednih okvira postavqenih na sredwoj atuli zbog osvetqavawa, ali i provetravawa prostorije. Zidana je kamenom u kre~nom malteru s atulama. Zavr{ni deo zida ispod krovnog venca je od }erpi~a. Zgrada je pokrivena kamenim plo~ama. U centralnom delu krova postavqen je ventilacioni otvor - baya. U vinici se pekla i rakija. Levo od ulaza i danas se nalazi stari zidani kazan, kazawa~a. Iza wega je i otvor u zidu, slivnik, kroz koji se komina izbacivala napoqe. Prema pri~i vlasnika, ambar za `ito je bio veliki za ho~ke prilike i u wega je stajalo i po 50 metara `ita. Ispred ambara nalazio se Wattle barn-shovel Ko{ za kukuruz od plet era the barn was one of the biggest in Velika Ho~a - it could store 50 metres of grain. In front of the barn there is a timber terrace used in leisure hours. The barn-shovel is old; it was bought and brought to the yard in the 1930s. It was set against the perimeter wall on the street side. The space between the wooden posts, binders and beams, making the construction of the shovel, was filled with twisted wattle. ~ardak na kome se sedelo. Ko{ za kukuruz je star i on je kupqen i prenet u ovu oku}nicu tridesetih godina XX veka. Postavqen je na uli~ni ogradni zid od kamena. Sagra|en je uvrnutim pleterom, koji ispuwava prostor izme|u drvenih stubova, kosnika i horizontalnih greda. BIBLIOGRAFIJA BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 1. B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeljstvo Velike Ho~e i seoskih naselja op{tine [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva konzervatora 26, Beograd 2002, 154. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (in print). 2. DOCUMENTATION B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeqstvo Velike Ho~e i seoskih naseqa op{tine [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva konzervatora 26, Beograd 2002, 154. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 ( u {tampi). DOKUMENTACIJA MNEMOSYNE Centre Centar MNEMOSYNE CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. The Mici} house lot is accessed by a road leading from the centre of the village. None of the old objects is equipped with electrical wiring. Do oku}nice Mici}evih vodi put iz centra naseqa. Ni u jednom od starih objekata nema elektri~nih instalacija. 143 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The house and the winery are out of use; they are dilapidated and used mostly for disposal of old things. Behind them, in the lower part of the yard, a new house and a well have been built. Ku}a i vinica se ne koriste te su zapu{tene i slu`e uglavnom za odlagawe starih stvari. Pored wih, u dnu dvori{ta, sagra|ena je nova stambena zgrada i napravqen nov bunar. Recommended Measures of Technical Protection P redlog mera tehni~ke za{tite The house demands: the restoration of the terrace and the roof, including thorough examination of the roof construction; covering of the roof with stone-slates; removing of the mortar coat from the walls and replacing it with the new one, after which the walls should be white washed; replacing of the old joinery. The interior of the winery should be cleaned from the layers of rubble; ruinous stone stairs need to be rebuilt. Wooden double-door should be replaced with the new one. Wooden floor of the terrace on the barn should be replaced. Double-through roofing tiles covering the barn should be replaced with plain terracotta roofing tiles. In order to stress the air of authenticity, asbestos boards roofing of the shed between the gate for vehicles and barn-shovel, and the double-through roofing tiles covering the gate should be replaced by stone-slates or plain terracotta roofing tiles. Na ku}i je potrebno: obnoviti ~ardak; obnoviti krov, uz detaqan pregled i zamenu krovne konstrukcije, prepokriti krov kamenim plo~ama; sve zidove obiti, ponovo malterisati i okre~iti; svu stolariju zameniti novom; ulazno stepeni{te prezidati u svemu prema postoje}em. Unutra{wost vinice treba o~istiti od naslaga {uta, rastresene ulazne kamene stepenike neophodno je prezidati, a drvena dvokrilna vrata zameniti novim. Na ko{u treba zameniti da{~anu podnu oplatu na tremu novom, a krov od falcovanog crepa zameniti }eramidom. Da bi ceo utisak bio upotpuwen, trebalo bi ukloniti krovni pokriva~ od salonita na {upi izme|u kolskog ulaza i ko{a i falcovani crep na kolskom ulazu i umesto wih postaviti kamene plo~e ili }eramidu. F/E-0.31 STA[I]S HOUSE F/E-0.31 KU]A STA[ I ]A Recognized heritage since 2001 evidentirana 2001. POSITION POLO@AJ OWNER VLASNIK Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski Jova Sta{i}, Velika Ho~a Jova Sta{i}, Velika Ho~a The yard façade with the timber terrace Dvori{na fasada ku}e sa ~ardakom 144 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA Sta{i}s House is situated in the lane just opposite the main entrance of the complex of St Stephens church, in the centre of Velika Ho~a. Before the new house was built on the same lot, it used to be the only residential object in the line towards the lower road, which connects the Tower of Lazar Kujund`i} and the Brki}s water-mill. By the type of masonry work and the articulation of space, the house of Jova Sta{i} is a typical example of a single-storied house in Velika Ho~a. It was probably built in the 19th century. The house is rectangular in plan. The kitchen and the little pantry in the ground-floor are preceded by a porch (ajat). Three rooms of the upper story were accessed through the timber terrace (~ardak), the upper construction of which is supported by wooden posts. The guest-room was in the corner of the upper story. The house has stone-slate roofing, while the hips of the roof are covered by terracotta roofing tiles. A wooden chimney (bad`a) conveying the smoke from the fire-place, can be seen on the roof. The wall facing the street is built of stone braced with bond-timbers set at a distance of 1.2 m. The lower parts of the three walls facing the yard are built of stone, while the upper zones are made of adobe. All of them are braced with bond-timbers (atule). The first row of bondtimbers, from the wall-plate downward, is set at the height of the top of the windows; the second reaches the height of the windows parapets, while the lowest row is laid upon the beams, which support the terrace and the ceiling of the ground-floor. The yard facades are coated with daub, which still shows the traces of lime wash. They used to be whitewashed. The street stone façade was whitewashed without being coated with mortar. The yard, facing the East, with details like the timber terrace in front of the house and the niches in the wall, shows an authentic ambience of a courtyard in Velika Ho~a. Since the yard is sloping from the north towards the south, the area in front of the house had to be levelled. The house is accessed from the lower, southern side, by a stone staircase. A barn used to be attached to the south side of the house. It has been pulled down. Remains of an open fireplace can be seen in the adobe wall to the west of the house, towards the adjacent object. It was used for cooking and heating of water for washing during summer. Ku}a Sta{i}a nalazi se u sokaku naspram glavnih ulaznih vrata u kompleks crkve Svetog Stefana u centru Velike Ho~e. Do gradwe novije ku}e na istoj parceli to je bio prvi stambeni objekat u nizu prema dowem putu koji povezuje kulu Kujunyi}a i vodenicu Brki}a. Ku}a Jove Sta{i}a po na~inu gradwe i po ogranizaciji prostora predstavqa tipi~nu spratnu ku}u u Velikoj Ho~i. Gra|ena je verovatno u XIX veku. Pravougaone je osnove. U prizemqu se nalazi ajat, ispred kuhiwe i mawe ostave. Na spratu je otvoreni drveni ~ardak, iz koga se ulazilo u tri sobe. U ~ardaku su drveni stubovi. Gostinska soba je bila u uglu. Krovni pokriva~ je od kamenih plo~a sa }eramidom na grbama. Na krovu je i drvena baya kroz koju je izlazio dim iz oyaklije. Uli~ni zid je od kamena sa drvenim oja~awima na rastojawu od 1,2 m, ostala tri dvori{na zida su gra|ena u dowim zonama od kamena, a u gorwim od }erpi~a. I oni su oja~ani santra~ima (atulama). Prva zona santra~a, gledano od ven~anice, ide do gorwe zone prozora, druga u parapetu prozora, a dowa se oslawa na grede koje nose ~ardak i tavanicu u prizemqu objekta. Dvori{ne fasade ku}e oblepqene su blatnim malterom, na kome se jo{ vide tragovi kre~a. Bile su obojene belo. Uli~na kamena fasada bila je okre~ena bez prethodnog malterisawa. Dvori{te je okrenuto prema istoku i sa ~ardaklijom ispred ku}e i ni{ama u zidu ~ini autenti~an ambijent ho~anskog dvori{ta. S obzirom da je dvori{te u razli~itim nivoima, odnosno da teren pada od severa ka jugu, prostor ispred ku}e je zaravwen i u wega se ulazi sa dowe, ju`ne, strane kamenim stepenicima. Prostor uz ku}u bio je sa ju`ne strane ogra|en ambarom za `ito. Ambar je danas sru{en. Prema susednom objektu, sa zapadwe strane, u zidu od }erpi~a nalaze se ostaci otvorenog oyaka, gde se preko leta spremala hrana, odnosno grejala voda za prawe. BIBLIOGRAFIJA BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 1. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (in print). M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 ( u {tampi). DOKUMENTACIJA DOCUMENTATION Centar MNEMOSYNE MNEMOSYNE Centre 145 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The façades of the house Spoqne fasade ku}e CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. Almost all the street facades and walls in this lane, where beside the Sta{i}s, Nakalimi}s and \uri~i}s were living, have been preserved. The altered details, like gates or parts of the walls, do not affect the original appearance of the buildings. The house is abandoned. Until they left Velika Ho~a and went to Serbia in 1999, its owners had lived in the newer house in the neighbourhood. O~uvane su gotovo sve uli~ne fasade i uli~na platna u ovom sokaku, u kome pored Sta{i}a `ive i Nakalami}i i \uri~i}i. Izmeweni segmenti (kapije, delovi zidnog platna) ne naru{avaju wegov izgled. Ku}a je napu{tena, a weni vlasnici su do napu{tawa Velike Ho~e i odlaska za Srbiju nakon 1999, `iveli u susednoj novijoj ku}i. Recommended Measures of Technical Protection -The mortar coat covering the yard façade of the house should be removed; the house should be coated with mortar and whitewashed; -the staircase leading to the timber terrace demands repair; -spatial articulation of the yard is necessary. P redlog mera tehni~ke za{tite: - Dvori{nu fasadu zidova obiti, ponovo omalterisati i okre~iti; - popraviti stepenice koje vode na ~ardak; - urediti dvori{te. F/E-0.32 F/E-0.32 THE HOUSE OF PRIEST ILIJA STOLI] KU]A SVE[ TENI KA I LI JE STOLI ]A Recognized heritage since 2001 evidentirana 2001. POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski OWNER VLASNIK Mirko Stoli}, now living in Ra{ka Mirko Stoli}, danas `ivi u Ra{koj DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The Stoli} family was one of the oldest and the most respected families in Velika Ho~a. The house in Micina mahala, where priest Ilija Stoli} (1883 - 1967) used to live, is still preserved. It was built as a semi-detached house, for two brothers, probably at the end of the 19th century. The street Jedna od najstarijih i najuglednijih ho~anskih porodica bila je i porodica Stoli}. Ku}a u Micinoj mahali u kojoj je `iveo pop Ilija Stoli} (1883-1967) i danas je sa~uvana. Ku}a je gra|ena kao dvojna zgrada, verovatno krajem XIX veka, za stanovawe dvojice 146 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC Street façade of the house Uli~na fasada ku}e wing, symmetrical in plan, has been preserved. Its groundfloor houses a storage (andrak) for barrels and casks. The storage used to be preceded by an open porch (ajat), which was subsequently walled in. A large wooden door used to open from the vestibule towards the storage. Through that door hazel baskets with grapes were brought into the storage and emptied into the casks. All the parts of the house can be accessed from the porch: the staircase leads to the timber terrace (~ardak) through which the rooms on the upper story are entered. The corner of the upper story is occupied by the guest-room, the furnishings of which indicate the good reputation of its owner. A little iconostasis (ikonluk) on the narrow partition wall by the door, the bathroom (amamd`ik), closets in the wall (dolapi), closet for bed-clothes (du{ekluk), a shelf for tableware set at a height of 1.8 m, have been preserved. The house was built of stone and adobe; the walls are over 70 cm thick. It used to have stone-slate roofing. The floor was made of beams covered with daub. The wooden doors and door-posts are coffered and carved. The photographs of priest Ilija Stoli} and his wife Jovanka, taken in 1917, are preserved in the house. bra}e. Uli~no krilo, simetri~ne osnove, sa~uvano je i u wegovom prizemqu se nalazi andrak prostorija za sme{taj buradi i ba~vi. Ispred wega je nekada bio otvoreni trem - ajat - koji je danas zatvoren. Nekada su u ajatu bila velika drvena vrata, kroz koja se unosilo gro`|e u ko{evina od leske i u andraku direktno sipalo u ba~ve. Iz ajata se stepenicama odlazilo u svako krilo ku}e, najpre na ~ardak, a iz wega u sobe. Soba u uglu je gostinska i u woj su sa~uvani elementi koju su ukazivali na visoki ugled vlasnika. Tu su mali drveni ikonluk, postavqen na uskom pregradnom zidu pored vrata, amamyik, dolapi, du{ekluk, raf za odlagawe posuda na visini od oko 1,8 metra. Ku}a je gra|ena od kamena i }erpi~a, zidovi su debeli preko 70 sm. Ranije je bila pokrivena kamenim plo~ama. Pod je od gredica koje su bile premazane blatom. Drvena vrata i nadvratnici su ukra{eni kasetirawem i rezawem. U ku}i su sa~uvane slike sve{tenika Ilije Stoli}a i wegove `ene Jovanke snimqene 1917. godine. Guest-room with the bathroom Gost inska soba sa amamyikom 147 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. BIBLIOGRAFIJA M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 ( in print). 1. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 ( u {tampi). DOKUMENTACIJA DOCUMENTATION Centar MNEMOSYNE MNEMOSYNE Centre STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 Ku}a se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini glavnog trga u nasequ, u jednoj od glavnih ulica. Starije krilo ku}e Stoli}a, u kome se nalazi gostinska soba, danas je napu{teno. Drugo krilo ku}e je renovirano, ali bez bitnijih promena nose}ih i pregradnih zidova. The house is situated in one of the main streets, close to the main square in the village. The older wing of the Stoli}s house, with the guest-room, has been abandoned. The other wing has been restored, but there were no interventions on the bearing and partition walls. P redlog mera tehni~ke za{tite - tehni~ki snimiti objekat; - napraviti projetak sanacije i vra}awa u prvobitno stawe; - u dogovoru sa vlasnicima trebalo bi odrediti i budu}u namenu objekta - mo`da da bude lokalno svrati{te, gde bi spavali gosti koji do|u u Ho~u. Recommended Measures of Technical Protection - provide technical drawings; - make sanation and restitution project; - the function of the object should be determined in accordance with the owners it may be turned into a hostel. F/E-0.33 THE TOWER OF ANDREJA SIMI] F/E-0.33 KULA ANDREJE SI MI ]A Recognized heritage since 2001 evidentirana 2001. POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski OWNER VLASNIK Andrija Simi} Andrija Simi} The main façade of the house Glavna fasada ku}e 148 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA There used to be several towers in Velika Ho~a. Only one of them has been preserved in Potok-mala, and it is the property of Andrija Simi}. There is no precise information about the time of its construction. Krsta Simi}, the ancestor of the present owner, a border ward who came to Velika Ho~a, bought it as a residence for his family from some Albanized Serb from the Filipovi} family, after Velika Ho~a had been liberated from the Turks. The tower is situated by the creek, with its main façade facing the yard. It is rectangular in plan, and has a ground-floor and and an upper story. It is accessed by two doors with decorative, arched stone frames. An arched window, also decorated with geometrical elements carved in stone, can be seen on the same façade of the ground-floor. Six such windows could be seen on the upper story of the façade all of them acting as loop-holes. Each door leads to one of the wings, which were also connected by a door. The right door leads to a lofty kitchen with a fire-place against the outer wall, opposite the door. A staircase leading to the upper story was also in the kitchen. The kitchen of the left wing is accessed directly from the outside, too. It also has a fire-place. The stable housing all the cattle possessed by the family is entered through the kitchen. For security reasons both doors can be locked from the inside with a wooden bolt, which goes into the socket in the stone wall. A lofty timber terrace (~ardak) on the upper story leads to the rooms. Apart from the rooms, the upper story used to house a latrine (}enifa). The terrace has no ceiling, so the massive, rough beams, ceiling joists and the rafters making the construction of the hip roof are uncovered. The rooms have ceilings made of interlocked wooden boards. A tronj, a specific type of a wooden bed, which could be seen in the towers belonging to rich owners of this U Velikoj Ho~i nekada je bilo vi{e kula. Danas postoji samo jedna u Potok-mali, vlasni{tvo Andrije Simi}a. Nema ta~nih podataka kada je kula gra|ena. Predak sada{weg vlasnika, Krsta Simi}, koji je kao grani~ar do{ao u Veliku Ho~u, otkupio je za stanovawe svoje porodice od nekog arbanizovanog Srbina iz porodice Filipovi}a nakon oslobo|ewa Velike Ho~e od Turaka. Kula je neposredno pored potoka, glavnom fasadom okrenutom prema dvori{tu, pravougaone je osnove sa prizemqem i spratom. Spoqa se u kulu ulazi kroz dvoja vrata, sa lu~nim dekorativno obra|enim kamenim nadvratnicima. Na istoj fasadi u prizemqu je i prozor~i} lu~no zasveden, tako|e ukra{en u kamenu urezanim geometrijskim ornamentima. [est ovakvih prozor~i}a postojalo je nekada i na spratu iste fasade ku}e i svi su imali funkciju pu{karnica. Svaka od ovih vrata vodila su u po jedno krilo ku}e, me|usobno povezano vratima. Desna vrata vode u veliku kuhiwu sa oyakom na spoqnom, suprotnom zidu, i tu su sada stepenice za sprat. Sa leve strane spoqa se najpre ulazi u kuhiwu, u kojoj se tako|e nalazi oyak, a iz we u {talu, u kojoj boravi sva stoka koju porodica poseduje. Radi za{tite, i jedna i druga vrata se sa unutra{we strane zatvaraju {uqem, drvenom pre~kom koja se uvla~i u kameni zid. Na spratu je prostrani ~ardak, iz koga se odlazi u sobe. Pored soba na spratu se nekada nalazila i }enifa. Tavanice u ~ardaku nema, te se vide masivne nepravilne pritesane grede, raspiwa~a i kosnici koji nose ~etvoroslivni krov. U ostalim prostorijama tavanica je od {a{ovaca. U gostinskoj sobi u kuli sa~uvan je trow - specifi~na vrsta drvenog kreveta kakvi su postojali u bogatim kulama na ovom podru~ju, Bed (Tronj) in the Guest-room "Trow" u gost inskoj sobi 149 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC region, has been preserved in the guest-room. There used to be two such beds in the guest-room - to the left and to right from the door. The outer walls of the tower were built of stone. Very conspicuous details on its facades are arched frames of the apertures. The horizontal stone cornice, beneath the windows of the upper story is slightly damaged above the entrance to the right wing of the house. The roof of the object is covered with doublethrough roofing tiles. All the interior walls are coated with mortar and whitewashed. nekada su bila dva ovakva le`aja, levo i desno od ulaznih vrata. Spoqni zidovi kule zidani su od kamena sa nagla{enom lu~nom obradom nadvratnika i natprozornika. Kameni horizontalni venac ispod prozora sprata je ne{to smaknut iznad ulaza u desno krilo ku}e. Krov objekta je pokriven falcovanim crepom. Svi unutra{wi zidovi su malterisani i okre~eni belo. Uz ku}u i danas postoji vinica. BIBLIOGRAFIJA BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 1. B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeljstvo Velike Ho~e i seoskih naselja op{tine [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva konzervatora 26, Beograd 2002, 154. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (in print). 2. B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeqstvo Velike Ho~e i seoskih naseqa op{tine [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva konzervatora 26, Beograd 2002, 154. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (u {tampi). DOKUMENTACIJA Centar MNEMOSYNE DOCUMENTATION MNEMOSYNE Centre STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 Kula Simi}a je najudaqeniji stambeni objekat u mahali i do we vodi lo{ zemqani put. I danas koristi za stanovawe te je u celini u dobrom stawu, tj. na zgradi nema ve}ih vidqivih o{te}ewa. The Simi}s Tower is the most remote object in the quarter. It is accessed by a bad earthen road. The tower is still being used as a residential object. It is in good condition. There are no visible traces of deterioration. P redlog mera tehni~ke za{tite - Redovno odr`avawe objekta; - vra}awe starih prozor~i}a na spratu koji su u posledwoj adaptaciji zameweni sa tri ve}a trokrilna prozora; - vra}awe originalnog krovnog pokriva~a - kamenih plo~a. Recommended Measures of Technical Protection - Regular maintenance of the object; - restitution of the old windows in the upper story; which were replaced with three bigger three-light; windows during the last adaptation; - restitution of the original stone-slate roofing. F/E-0.34 F/E-0.34 REMAINS OF THE CHURCH OF HOLY ARCHANGELS OSTACI CRKVE SVETI H ARHAN\ELA Recognized heritage evidentirani POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska VLASNIK OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva (na privatnom posedu) Serbian Orthodox Church (on a private property) 150 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The church of Holy Archangels was built in the 16th century, to the north from the cemetery. A copper paten, once belonging to this church, with an inscription dating from 1601, can be seen is in the church of St Stephen. Crkva Svetih arhan|ela izgra|ena je u XVI veku, severno od grobqa. Bakarni diskos iz ove crkve, sa natpisom iz 1601, sada je u crkvi Svetog Stefana. DOCUMENTATION DOKUMENTACIJA Centar MNEMOSYNE MNEMOSYNE Centre F/E-0.35 REMAINS OF THE OLD CHURCH OF ST ELIAS F/E-0.35 OSTACI STARE CRKVE SVETOG I LI JE Recognized heritage evidentirani POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska VLASNIK OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva (na privatnom posedu) Serbian Orthodox Church, (on a private property) DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The old church of St Elias is situated by the south exit from the village, near the new church dedicated to the same patron. Stara crkva Svetog Ilije nalazi se na ju`nom izlazu iz sela, u blizini nove crkve posve}ene istom patronu. DOCUMENTATION DOKUMENTACIJA MNEMOSYNE Centre Centar MNEMOSYNE F/E-0.36 REMAINS OF THE CHURCH OF ST PETER F/E-0.36 OSTACI CRKVE SVETOG P ETRA Recognized heritage evidentirani POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska VLASNIK OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva (na privatnom posedu) Serbian Orthodox Church (on a private property) DESKRIPCIJA DESCRIPTION The church of St Peter was built in the 16th century in the northeastern part of the village. Crkva Svetog Petra izgra|ena je u XVI veku, u severoisto~nom delu sela. DOCUMENTATION DOKUMENTACIJA MNEMOSYNE Centre Centar MNEMOSYNE 151 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC F/E-0.37 REMAINS OF THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY VIRGIN F/E-0.37 OSTACI CRKVE SVETE P RE^ I STE Recognized heritage evidentirani POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren VLASNIK OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva (na privatnom posedu) Serbian Orthodox Church (on a private property) Remains of the eastern part of the church with the improvized altar Ost at ak ist o~nog dela crkve sa improvizovanim olt arom DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA Remains of the church of the Holy Virgin, according to a local tradition, the oldest church in Velika Ho~a, are situated in the centre of the village. Ostaci crkve Svete Pre~iste, po predawu najstarije bogomoqe u Ho~i, nalaze se u centru sela. DOKUMENTACIJA DOCUMENTATION Centar MNEMOSYNE MNEMOSYNE Centre F/E-0.38 F/E-0.38 SERAI SARAJ Recognized heritage since 2001 evidentiran 2001. POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski OWNER Municipality of Velika Ho~a VLASNIK Mesna zajednica Velika Ho~a DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The Serai is one of the buildings, dominating the centre of Velika Ho~a. According to a local tradition, it existed in the 19th century. However, subsequent research Saraj je jedna od zgrada koje dominiraju centrom Velike Ho~e. Prema kazivawima me{tana, postojala je u XIX veku, a da li je 152 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The Serai, view from the west Op{t i izgled saraja, pogled sa zapada might prove that it was built before the 19th century. The inhabitants of Velika Ho~a recollect that it was built by Effendi Shane the owner of the feudal property in Velika Ho~a, for his own needs. He was a Serb by origin and his Christian name was Du{an. The building used to house the seat of the Municipality of Velika Ho~a since the liberation from the Ottoman rule, until the World War II. Downhill the Serai a clock tower could be seen until the beginning of the 20th century, while several tenants houses stood there until the 1960s. In this case the name Serai was derived from the local word designating a manor. The Serai is rather big, single-storied edifice, built of stone braced by bond-timbers (santa~i, atule). The main part of the upper-story façade is, however, timber-framed the frame is filled with adobe. Hip roof with overhanging eaves is covered with plain terracotta roofing tiles. The Serai is irregular in plan, without the porch or the timber terrace. The inner space is well articulated. starija, to bi mogla da poka`u neka budu}a istra`ivawa. Po se}awu Ho~ana, wu je za svoje potrebe gradio [ane-efendija, vlasnik ~ifluka u Velikoj Ho~i. On je poreklom bio Srbin i zvao se Du{an. U saraju bila je i Ho~ka op{tina od oslobo|ewa od Turaka do Drugog svetskog rata. Neposredno ispod saraja do po~etka XX veka postojala je sahat-kula, a do {ezdesetih godina i nekoliko ~if~ijskih ku}a. Naziv saraj za ovaj objekat u Velikoj Ho~i poti~e od lokalnog naziva sa gospodarsku ku}u. Saraj je spratna zgrada velikih proporcija, sagra|ena od kamena sa drvenim oja~awima, santra~ima ili atulama, osim dela glavne fasade sprata koji je u bondruku sa ispunom od }erpi~a. ^etvoroslivni krov, koji karakteri{e duboko prepu{tena nastre{nica, pokriven je }eramidom. Nepravilne je osnove, nema ajata ni ~ardaka. Razvijene je prostorne strukture. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. BIBLIOGRAFIJA B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeljstvo Velike Ho~e i seoskih naselja op{tine [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva konzervatora 26, Beograd 2002, 153. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (in print). 1. 2. DOCUMENTATION B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeqstvo Velike Ho~e i seoskih naseqa op{tine [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva konzervatora 26, Beograd 2002, 153. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (u {tampi). DOKUMENTACIJA MNEMOSYNE Centre Centar MNEMOSYNE CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. The Serai is abandoned. Tenants, unable to maintain the building, have been living in it. The object could not be inspected, because during our visit to Velika Ho~a there was no one in the building. The damage of the roof is noticeable - the damages of the eaves over the front of the building are particularly severe. Saraj je zapu{ten. U zgradi `ive stanari koji nemaju mogu}nosti da vode brigu o wemu. Kako prilikom obilaska Velike Ho~e u zgradi nije bilo nikoga, unutra se nije moglo u}i. Vidqivo je o{te}ewe krova, a posebno je o{te}ena nastre{nica sa predwe strane. 153 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC Recommended measures of techical protection 1. In accordance with the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia in Belgrade, make a project for the protection of this extremely valuable monument of vernacular architecture; 2. sanate the roof and the walls, change the windows and the doors in the object, repair the staircase; 3. in order to revitalize the object, move the tenants out of this building and, since it is owned by the District Community Office, move in the institutions of the state. The Registry Office, which existed in Velika Ho~a once, could be re-established and housed in the Serai. P redlog mera tehni~ke za{tite 1. U dogovoru sa Republi~kim zavodom za za{titu spomenika kulture iz Beograda napraviti predlog za za{titu ovog izuzetno vrednog spomenika narodnog graditeqstva; 2. sanirati krov i zidove, zameniti prozore i vrata na objektu, popraviti stepeni{te; 3. radi revitalizacije objekta iseliti stanare ove zgrade i u wu, s obzirom da je vlasni{tvo Mesne kancelarije, useliti dr`avne institucije. U prostorijama saraja mogao bi se obnoviti i mati~ni ured, koji je nekada postojao u Velikoj Ho~i. F/E-0.39 THE OLD MICI]S HOUSE IN MICINA MAHALA F/E-0.39 STARA KU]A MI CI ]EVI H U MI CI NOJ MAHALI Recognized heritage since 2001 evidentirana 2001. POSITION POLO@AJ Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski OWNER VLASNIK vi{e porodica Mici}a, Velika Ho~a Several Mici} families, Velika Ho~a Street façades of the house Uli~ne fasade ku}e DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The Mici}s are one of the oldest families in Velika Ho~a. Their old house in Micina mahala, from which they moved out after the family commune split, has been preserved. In the mid - 20th century three brothers and nineteen members of their families used to live in the house. Each of the families had its own room, where they slept and kept the trunk with wifes dowry. They prepared food together in the kitchen. All the women wove together in the corridor. Jedna od najstarijih ho~kih porodica je porodica Mici}a. Wihova stara ku}a u Micinoj mahali, iz koje su se svi nakon deobe porodi~ne zadruge iselili sa~uvana je do danas. U ku}i su polovinom XX veka `ivela trojica bra}e sa devetnaest ~lanova porodice. Svaka porodica je imala je svoju sobu, u kojoj su weni ~lanovi spavali i gde je stajao drveni sanduk sa mekim stvarima koje je `ena donosila u miraz. Kuvalo se 154 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The house was built on the sloping terrain, which determined the disposition of the rooms. The ground-floor was occupied by rooms used in domestic economy and agricultural affairs, while the residential part was on the upper-story. The house is almost square in plan. The groundfloor and the larger part of the upper story are built of stone braced with bond-timbers (atule) set in almost regular intervals. The left wing, facing the street, with the entrance, is timber-framed the frame is filled with adobe. Hip roof is covered with stone slates. The main entrance, on the left side of the object, leads to a corridor opening towards the kitchen and the rooms. Many traditional architectural details can still be seen in the house. The original windows, the size and design of which were determined by the building material of the walls and the function of the rooms, should be pointed out. Charming and decorative effect of the building was stressed by the colour of its whitewashed wattle-and-daub walls. The walls built of stone were not coated with mortar. The winery of this family was not within the house lot; it was situated in the other quarter of Velika Ho~a. The other houses in the quarter, belonging to the Mici} family have been preserved. On a small square, downhill from the house, a well, used by all the members of the Mici} family can be seen. zajedno u kuhiwi. Sve `ene su zajedno tkale u hodniku. Sagra|ena je na kosom terenu i raspored prostorija je uslovqen wime. U prizemqu su bile ekonomske prostorije, a na spratu stambene. Ku}a je gotovo kvadratne osnove, prizemqe i ve}i deo sprata sagra|eni su od kamena s atulama na gotovo identi~nim razmacima, dok je levo uli~no krilo, u kome je ulaz, napravqeno u bondru~ku sa ispunom od }erpi~a. ^etvoroslivni krov je pokriven kamenim plo~ama. Glavni ulaz je sa leve strane objekta, a iz wega je hodnik vodio do kuhiwe i soba za stanovawe. Na ku}i je do danas sa~uvan ve}i broj starih graditeqskih elemenata: u prvom redu originalni stari prozori, ~ija su veli~ina i izgled uslovqeni materijalom zidova u kojima su postavqeni, i namenom prostorije. Lepoti i dekorativnosti zgrade doprinosio je jednostavan kolorit pristekao iz bojewa zidova od ~atme belom bojom, dok su kameni zidovi ostajali neobra|eni. Vinicu ova porodica nije imala uz ku}u, ve} u drugom kraju Ho~e. U istoj mahali sa~uvane su i ostale ku}e Mici}a. Na malom trgu ispod ove ku}e nalazi se bunar koji su koristili svi Mici}i. DOCUMENTATION DOKUMENTACIJA MNEMOSYNE Centre Centar MNEMOSYNE CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. The house is accessed by a bad cobble-paved road. The house is not equipped with electrical wiring. The object is ruinous. It could not be entered. Do ku}e vodi lo{ kaldrmisan put, u woj nema elekti~nih instalacija. Objekat je zaru{en i u wega se nije moglo u}i. Recommended measures of technical protection In order to register all the types of complex residential buildings existing in Velika Ho~a, the Mici}s house should be described in detail and provided with documentation. P redlog mera tehni~ke za{tite Potrebno bi bilo, zbog utvr|ivawa svih tipova razvijenih stambenih zgrada koji postoje u Ho~i, zgradu detaqno opisati i dokumentovati. F/E-0.40 F/E-0.40 WINERY AND LODGINGS OF THE PATRNOGI] FAMILY VI NARI JA I KONAK P ORODI CE P ATRNOGI ] evidentirani 2001. Recognized heritage since 2001 POLO@AJ POSITION Orahovac, Prizrenski Orahovac, the District of Prizren VLASNIK OWNER naslednici porodice Patrnogi} Inheritors of the family of Patrnogi} 155 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC The façade of the lodgings with the timber terrace Fasada konaka sa ~ardakom DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The winery and the Lodgings (konak) of Ljubomir Patrnogi}, a banker from Prizren, the monumental complex of extraordinary value, which shows the skills of local masons and testifies of rich, century-long winery tradition, has been preserved in Dola{evi} mahala (Dola{evi} quarter) in Velika Ho~a. By the surface it covers, the winery is one of the biggest edifices in Velika Ho~a. It is rectangular in plan. Being the central object, it covers the largest area of the house lot and dictates the position of other buildings. According to the condition in which it was found, the winery had two levels: the lower, where large barrels, which could store up to a hundred loads of grapes, were kept, and the elevated one, where barrels with wine were stored, along with tools and equipment for production of wine. The edifice has been housing the rooms serving purposes other than manufacturing of wine. The front of the right wing was occupied by a kitchen with an open fireplace, behind which was a porch preceding the residental unit consisting of a room. Three sides of the winery were U mahali Dola{evi}a u Velikoj Ho~i sa~uvana je izuzetno vredna spomeni~ka celina kojom se iskazuju sva ume{nost narodnih graditeqa ovog podnebqa i bogata vi{evekovna vinarska tradicija - vinica sa konakom prizrenskog bankara Qubomira Patrnogi}a. Vinica je po povr{ini jedan od najve}ih objekata u Velikoj Ho~i. Pravougaone je osnove. Kao centralni objekat, zauzima najve}i deo oku}nice, odre|uju}i polo`aj ostalih zgrada. Prema zate~enom stawu vinica je imala dva nivoa: ni`i, u kome su bile velike ba~ve koje su mogle da prime i po sto tovara gro`|a, i vi{i, gde su stajala burad sa vinom i potrebne alatke i pribor za proizvodwu vina. U zgradi su bile i prostorije druge namene. U desnom krilu sa predwe strane nalazila se kuhiwa sa otvorenim ogwi{tem, iza we otvoren trem ispred stambene jedinice - sobe. Sa tri strane vinica je sagra|ena od kamena sa oja~awima od drveta - atulama, ~etvrta strana je The interior of the winery Unut ra{wost vinice 156 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC built of stone, braced by bond-timbers (atule). The lowest zone of the fourth side from the level of basement to the floor level, i.e. the level of the terrain, was built of stone. The remaining part of the wall was built of adobe braced by bond-timbers. The roof construction is massive, made of chestnut, supported by chestnut posts. A row of posts supporting the ridge is set on a wall, slightly elevated from the floor of the working area. They are connected by double beams and transverse wooden imposts. The roof is covered with stone slates. Massive wooden double-door leads to the winery. There was a well in front of the winery. The Lodgings was used as a summer residence of the Patrnogi} family. It is situated by the street, opposite the winery. The front side of the house is facing the yard. Left part of the upper story is occupied by a dwelling room. Lofty timber terrace (~ardak) in front of the room is supported by cantilevers. Another dwelling room can be seen in the ground-floor. The right wing, as an integral part undivided by floor construction, acts a storage for stock-feed (plemnja). The house was built of stone and adobe. It used to have stone-slate roofing, but it is presently covered with double-through roofing tiles. The original appearance of the interior has been preserved: ceiling made of interlocked wooden boards, wooden floors in the upper story and earthen ones in the ground floor, old doors, windows with grates, od nivoa podruma do nivoa poda, tj. terena, gra|ena od kamena, a iznad toga je zid od }erpi~a s atulama. Krovna konstrukcije je masivna, od kestenove gra|e, a nose je stubovi tako|e od kestenovine. Kolona sredwih drvenih stubova je postavqena na ne{to izdignutom zidu u odnosu na nivo poda radnog prostora i oni su me|usobno povezani udvojenim gredama i popre~nim drvenim jastecima. Krovni pokriva~ su kamene plo~e. U vinicu se ulazilo kroz dvokrilna masivna drvena vrata. Ispred vinice nalazio se bunar. Konak je slu`io za letwi boravak porodice Patrnogi}a. Nalazi se na samoj uli~noj liniji, naspram vinice. Predwa strana konaka okrenuta je ka dvori{tu. Gorwa prostorija je soba, ispred we je prostrani ~ardak oslowen na kosnike. U prizemqu je, ispod sobe jo{ jedna prostorija za stanovawe, a u desnom krilu, od poda do krovne konstrukcija, kao jedinstven prostor javqa se plemwa. Konak je gra|en u kombinaciji kamena i }erpi~a. Nekada je bio pokriven kamenim plo~ama, danas je krovni pokriva~ falcovani crep. Do danas je sa~uvan prvobitni enterijer: tavanice od {a{ovaca, drveni podovi na spratu i zemqani u prizemqu, stara vrata, prozori sa re{etkama, The well in the yard Bunar u dvori{t u closets for tableware and a closet for bed-clothes (du{ekluk). Old beds, paintings, chairs, tableware and trunks have also been preserved. The complex encompasses a brandy distillery, and a well with windlass. The neighboring lot, which used to house farm buildings, also belongs to the Patronogi} family. The courtyard (dvor) has separate entrances for pedestrians and vehicles: kapid`ik, the pedestrian entrance, and porta, gate for vehicles. Shallow relief in stone above the pedestrian entrance attracts the attention of the passers-by. A latrine (}enifa) is situated to the left of the gate. dolapi za posu|e i du{ekluk za posteqinu. Tu su i stari kreveti, slike, stolice, posu|e, sanduci. U okviru celine nalaze se kazawa~a za pe~ewe rakije i bunar sa ~ekrkom u obliku motovila. Patrnogi}ima pripada i susedni plac na kome su se nekada nalazile ekonomske zgrade. U dvori{te - dvor - ulazi se kroz portu - kolski ulaz - i pe{a~ki prolaz - kapiyik. Iznad kapiyika je plitka dekoracija u kamenu, koja privla~i pa`wu prolaznika. Levo od ulazne kapije je }enifa. 157 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. BIBLIOGRAFIJA B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeljstvo Velike Ho~e i seoskih naselja op{tine [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva konzervatora 26, Beograd 2002, 154-155. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (in press). 1. 2. DOCUMENTATION B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeqstvo Velike Ho~e i seoskih naseqa op{tine [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva konzervatora 26, Beograd 2002, 154,155. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (u {tampi). DOKUMENTACIJA MNEMOSYNE Centre Centar MNEMOSYNE CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SP OMENI KA 2001. The objects have been out of use for years. Electrical installations have been out of order and there is no electricity in either of the objects. The street façade of the house shows traces of daub and fragments of lime mortar. The mortar on the yard façade is less damaged. The rooms on the ground-floor and the upper storey have been coated with mortar and whitewashed. The wooden fence of the terrace, made of vertical planks, is warped and the wood is dry and brittle. Wooden beam above cantilevers, which support the terrace, is deformed, while the stairs and their fence are ruinous. The wooden floors in the house are dry and occasionally deformed. All the joinery is worn out. The door of the dwelling room in the ground-floor and that of the storage for stock-feed should be replaced, since they are inadequate. Parts of the roof construction of the winery, its roofing and a part of the gable facing the adjacent yard are torn down. The storage for the barrels is partly chocked up. The object is dilapidated and it is used as a repository of old things. The edifice used to be coated with mortar and whitewashed, which can still be seen on the yard façade. The door of the winery is ruinous and it cannot be closed. The ancillary rooms of the winery are also dilapidated. A part of the roof of the distillery is covered with stone slates, while on the rest of it double-through roofing tiles were used. Only the frame of the door can be seen the wings are missing. The earthen floor is covered with straw and maize-stalks. At the moment distillery is used as a stable. The entrance for vehicles and the covered porch have wooden double-door. The porch is paved with bricks, which are damaged. Its roof is covered with stone-slates. The courtyard is dilapidated and the traces of a former path are not visible. The street façade of the complex has been preserved and it makes a whole with the façades of the Objekti se ne koriste vi{e godina. Elektri~ne instalacije su propale i danas nema struje ni u jednom objektu. Na uli~noj fasadi konaka postoje tragovi blatnog maltera i zaostali fragmenti kre~nog sloja. Fasadni malter na dvori{noj strani je mawe o{te}en. Prostorije u prizemqu i na spratu iznutra su malterisane i okre~ene. Drvena ograda od vertikalnih dasaka na ~ardaku je iskrivqena, a drvo ispo{}eno i krto. Dowi pojas - drveni veza~ iznad kosnika koji nosi ~ardak je deformisan, a stepenice i stepeni{na ograda za prilaz na ~ardak su potpuno dotrajali. Drveni podovi u konaku su mestimi~no izvitopereni i rasu{eni. Sva stolarija je dotrajala. Ulazna drvena vrata za prizemni boravak i vrata za plemwu ne odgovaraju po obliku te ih je neophodno zameniti. Deo krovne konstrukcije vinice, krovnog pokriva~a i deo kamenog kalkanskog zida prema susednom dvori{tu su uru{eni. Prostor za burad delimi~no je zatrpan. Objekat je zapu{ten, koristi se kao skladi{te starih stvari. Objekat je nekad spoqa bio malterisan i kre~en, {to se danas uo~ava uglavnom na zidovima dvori{ne fasade. Ulazna vrata vinice su dotrajala su i ne mogu se zatvoriti. Pomo}ne prostorije u sklopu vinice su tako|e zapu{tene i neure|ene. Samo deo krova kazawa~e pokriven je kamenim plo~ama, na preostaloj krovnoj povr{ini je falcovani crep. Drveni {tok vrata je bez krila. Zemqani pod je pokriven slamom i ogrizinom (kukuruzovinom). Kazawa~a se trenutno koristi kao {tala. Kolski ulaz (porta) u natkriveni pretprostor ima dvokrilnu drvenu kapiju. Pretprostor je poplo~an opekom, koja je o{te}ena, a krov je pokriven kamenim plo~ama. Dvori{te je zapu{teno, a delovi nekada{we staze nisu vidqivi. 158 MUNICIPALITY OF ORAHOVAC OP[TINA ORAHOVAC nearby buildings, which also preserved their original appearance. Uli~ni front celog ovog kompleksa je sa~uvan u potpunosti, a upotpuwavaju ga i sa~uvane fasade zgrada u neposrednoj okolini. Recommended Measures of Technical Protection P redlog mera tehni~ke za{tite: All the joinery of the Lodgings i.e. doors and windows, should be restored. A part of vertical wooden fence of the terrace should be repaired. Certain parts of the floors need to be replaced, after which a finish should be applied. The staircase leading to the timber terrace needs to be thoroughly restored. Present roofing should be replaced with plain terracotta roofing tiles. Daub coating should be applied to all the facades, after which they should be whitewashed. All the ruinous walls of the winery should be rebuilt in stone. The roof should be restored and covered with stone slates. The dwelling room should be provided with a new ceiling made of interlocked wooden boards. The old fireplace in the kitchen should be replaced with a new one. The distillery should be provided with a new still for brandy and an open fire-place. The yard demands cleaning from rubble and weed. All the paths in the area around the object should be paved. The latrine demands thorough restoration. Na konaku je neophodno obnoviti svu stolariju, tj. prozore, vrata, a deo vertikalne drvene ograde na ~ardaku popraviti; podove delimi~no zameniti novim i zavr{no obraditi; prilazno stepeni{te sa ogradom koje vodi na ~ardak u celini obnoviti; krovni pokriva~ zameniti novim od }eramide; sve zidne povr{ine omalterisati blatnim malterom i okre~iti. Na vinici treba sve uru{ene zidove ozidati kamenom; obnoviti krov i ponovo pokriti kamenim plo~ama; u sobi stambenog dela napraviti novu tavanicu od {a{ovaca, a u kuhiwi oyakliju. U kazawa~i treba napraviti novi kazan za rakiju i otvoreno ogwi{te. Celo dvori{te je potrebno o~istiti od {uta i korova i flasterisati staze pored objekta. ]enifu treba kompletno obnoviti. 159 160