MAY 11 - North State News
MAY 11 - North State News
Centimudi to be periodically unavailable Memorial Day weekend due to sports festival WHAT'S GOING ON? Candidates forum today for District 4 A candidates forum for those running for Supervisor of District 4 is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. today (Wednesday), at the Shasta Lake City Council chambers, 4488 Red Bluff Street. In addition to incumbent Bill Schappell, candidates seeking election to the position include Steve Morgan, Wally St. Clair and Walter Albert. Candidates will be asked to respond to questions submitted by those in attendance as time allows. The event is sponsored by the League of Women Voters of the Redding Area and the Shasta Lake Chamber of Commerce. For more information, visit redding. or call 2462936. Detailed Weather Please see page 3 Temperatures Hi May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9 May 10 84 80 77 67 61 74 81 Low Rain 55 59 57 54 58 57 63 59 0.11 0.30 0.15 Measured from July 1 - June 30 Readings taken this week from Redding Airport location In support of the Shasta Cascade Weekend Sports Festival triathlon, the Centimudi Boat Launch and associated parking area will be periodically unavailable during the Memorial Day weekend, Kallie Markle, communications coordinator for the Redding Convention and Visitors Bureau said on Monday. 0RGHOHG DIWHU 3DFL¿F &UHVW Weekend in Oregon, the Shasta Cascade event will feature longcourse and Olympic triathlons, a marathon, a half-marathon, an endurance duathlon (bike and run), 10K and 5K races, casual bike tours and the Kids’ Pedal, Splash & Dash for children 12 and Turtle Bay Exploration Park on Monday honored the Lutz family (Bruce, Michelle, and their children under. 5DFKDHO 5\DQ DQG 7KRPDV IRU WKHLU FRQWULEXWLRQV WR WKH 3DUN ZLWK WKH RI¿FLDO GHGLFDWLRQ RI From May 26 to May 29, Wildlife Woods. According to Cristy Kidd, marketing and public relations manager for Turtle Bay, Centimudi will be affected in the many of Turtle Bay’s animals now live in new, improved, naturalistic homes within nine habitats in following ways, Markle said: Paul Bunyan’s Forest Camp. A brand new sign welcoming guests to Wildlife Woods (above) was The lower parking lot at unveiled Monday. The fabrication of the new sign was a partnership between Pat Corey of McHale Centimudi Boat Launch will be Signs and Don Walgamuth of Walgamuth Painting. Dennis Elliott and Daughters Logging donated FORVHG WR WUDI¿F QRW DVVRFLDWHG the unique tree that holds the sign. Additionally, the habitat for Turtle Bay’s bobcat, Whisper, will with the triathlon. RI¿FLDOO\EHQDPHG³/XW]/DLU´,QDGGLWLRQ7XUWOH%D\ZLOOODXQFKDQHZVHOIJXLGHGWRXURQWKH Parking for Thursday and H[LVWLQJIUHHPRELOHDSS7RXU7XUWOH%D\:LOGOLIH:RRGV7KHDGGHGWRXUIHDWXUHVIDFWV¿JXUHV Friday of Memorial Day weekend and photos to educate users about the animals and about Wildlife Woods. Using a smartphone or is available at the Kennett tablet, users can download the app at the Apple Store or Google Play. Road parking lot up the hill, approximately 900 feet away. Parking for Saturday and Sunday will be available, with shuttle service to and from the launch, at the Shasta Dam Visitor Center. On May 28 and 29, the The Shasta County Sheriff’s replace the diver and at times a The ROV has state of the art Centimudi launch ramp will 2I¿FH DQQRXQFHG WKH SXUFKDVH diver will still have to enter the sonar, GPS and video for locating be closed to launching from 7 and placing into service of a new water. items under the water’s surface a.m. to 9:30 a.m. each morning. remote operating vehicle (ROV) 7KH 6KHULII¶V 2I¿FH VDLG and can go to a depth of 300 Additional fee facilities for launching are available at Digger by Teledyne Seabotix. they were able to purchase the meters (around 980 feet). 7KH 6KHULII¶V 2I¿FH VDLG WKH LBV300-5 ROV through grant 7KH 6KHULII¶V 2I¿FH %RDWLQJ Bay Marina. For more information about new ROV will be used to search funding from the Department of Safety Unit and Dive Team are available launch facilities around for missing persons and evidence Boating and Waterways and the training on the ROV this week Shasta Lake, call the Shasta under the water. They said the Redding Rancheria Community with an instructor from Teledyne ROV can save time and money Fund along with county funding. Seabotix. They are working in the /DNH )RUHVW 6HUYLFH RI¿FH DW and is safer than putting a public They said the new ROV was classroom learning maintenance 275-1587 or see Boat Ramps at VDIHW\GLYHULQWKHZDWHUDVD¿UVW purchased after an older ROV and repairs, and will spend a day Shasta Lake on the Shasta-Trinity response. However, they added, (purchased in 1990) was no using the ROV in a pool and then National Forest website: www. the ROV does not completely longer operational. at a lake for operational use. Wildlife Woods at Turtle Bay dedicated 6KHULII·VRIÀFHUHFHLYHVQHZ529DUHPRWH operating vehicle for underwater searches Rainfall past week...........0.56 Rainfall to date…..........35.34 Last year to date….......25.95 ³=HURWROHUDQFH´FODLPHG another victim, in Charlotte, North Carolina, in April, when Jaden Malone, 12, came to his bullied friend’s aid, was knocked down himself and repeatedly punched in the head by the bully, and pushed the boy off of him to avoid further damage. However, he was himself suspended for three days by his charter school Invest Collegiate. A school RI¿FLDOSRLQWHGRXWWKDWWKH EXOO\JRW¿YHGD\VDQG besides, the policy against ³DOO´SK\VLFDOYLROHQFHLVYHU\ clear. After having Jaden treated for a concussion, his mother promptly withdrew him from the school. - Edited by Chuck Shepherd Copyright 2016 Universal Press Syndicate Gas detector donation made to ¿UHDJHQFLHV by PG&E Lia White, senior manager of PG&E’s North Valley division, presents a FRQ¿QHGVSDFHJDVGHWHFWRUWR6KDVWD Lake Fire Protection District Battalion Chief Chuck Dahlen. On April 26, PG&E donated 15 gas detectors and provided DKRXUWUDLQLQJWRWUDLQHUVZLWKQLQH¿UH agencies in Shasta County, including those in Shasta Lake and Mountain Gate. Have Your Community Delivered to You. Call 275-1716 To Subscribe Today. You Can Even Charge It By Phone PAGE 2A MAY 11, 2016 SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN Civic duty overload By GENNIE SEELY For years I couldn’t serve on jury duty because I was a teacher. Then we became eligible to serve. I never got called. Then I retired and got called often, but never was selected to serve. Could have. Something to do with being opinionated. Anyway, I got a notice about a month ago that I had to report for jury duty on the 3rd of May. I serve on two county committees: The Shasta County Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) and the Shasta County Coordination Committee. Wouldn’t you know, they all converged last week. A meeting with the Forest Service was scheduled for the 3rd with our coordination committee. The next day (Wednesday) RAC was scheduled for all day to review project requests for funding. I went to the courthouse on Monday, the 2nd, and told them my dilemma. I think what convinced them to take me off their list was my age. Anyway, that took one task off my plate. Our Coordination Committee has been meeting for months on the issue of the Forest Service closure RI&RDO&UHHN5RDG7KHVLJQL¿FDQFHRIWKHLVVXH is that Coal Creek Road serves as a second exit for KRPHRZQHUVLQWKHDUHDLQFDVHRIZLOG¿UH$FRXSOH of concerned homeowners approached the Shasta Lake City Council and requested they try to assist them in getting the road reopened. The council took on the issue for safety reasons. Our committee was asked to assist since we are the coordination FRPPLWWHHDQGDUHHVVHQWLDOO\DIDFW¿QGLQJJURXS If you are unfamiliar with coordination, you are not alone. Coordination is a term written into NEPA DQGRWKHUJRYHUQPHQWDODJHQFLHV,WVSHFL¿HV that federal agencies must coordinate with local governments before issuing mandates or regulations that could adversely affect the citizens’ safety, culture or economy. Our committee of citizens is attempting to see that these federal agencies comply with their own rules and regulations. Therein lies the problem. Somewhere in the last 50 years or more, the federal government and its agencies has decided that they are the boss of us. If they do not like the wording of some regulations, they play with semantics. Such is the case with coordination. The feds like to substitute cooperate or collaborate for coordinate. It has to do with equality of standing. The feds like to make the rules and ask us to cooperate. They sometimes collaborate with certain shareholders (like environmental groups), and let the rest of us know what they have decided. Coordinate means that both negotiating parties have equal standing. That seems to rankle the nerves of our civil servants. The issue that really set me off was the word nonexclusive. One of the documents that we had submitted dealt with right of way. It gave right of way to the Forest Service and others nonexclusive. They (Forest Service) felt that they needed to get a determination of the meaning of the word, I assume, from higher ups. I told them I was a former English teacher and understood the meaning nonexclusive. I personally can’t understand why the dictionary GH¿QLWLRQFRXOGQ¶WVHUYHWKHSXUSRVHUDWKHUWKDQ some bureaucrat. In any case, the issue is pending. Wednesday, May 4, our RAC met all day to determine funding for the seven projects that were submitted. We are a dedicated and often passionate group. Things can get rather heated from time to time when we discuss certain projects that appeal to XVRUIDLOWRPHHWVSHFL¿FDWLRQV:HFRQVLGHUZKLFK is most cost effective and of value to people, the ODQGDQGPHHWVVSHFL¿FDWLRQVIRU+56HFXUH Rural Schools and Community Self-determination Act of 2000. The positive side is that we are allotting money, not begging for it. I believe that those requesting funding for projects have good intent. However, I sometimes am appalled by the seeming lack of knowledge of an area or situation. One such had to do with the group that proposed cleaning up debris and making trails in the area of Madrone Camp on Squaw Creek. When I mentioned that there were lots of rattlesnakes in the area, one member said that they had intended to participate, but might not if there were rattlesnakes. I certainly hope they have some serious discussion about safety before they embark on their mission. Coming out of Walmart I was approached by a woman that wanted me to sign a petition to get cancer research on the ballot. I told her I spent hundreds of dollars a year at the Discovery Shop. I didn’t think it did much good to put things on the ballot, especially when it dealt with smoking. Didn’t people know it was bad for them? Anyway, one thing led to another and we got around to discussing the candidates. She began to rant about Trump. I told her I didn’t think he was as bad as Hillary. She became incensed and said that everything being said about Hillary was a lie cooked up by the Republicans. I asked her what she thought of what happened in Benghazi. She didn’t believe it. I know there are people that are not informed or misinformed, but to disbelieve facts stuns me. That was a real downer. On Friday I attended a workshop on gardening. Well, it was gardening on a grand scale. It was at the Lassen Canyon Nursery. Most people think of it as the strawberry nursery. However, they are now raising raspberries too. The biologist that took us around was fantastic. He showed us how plants are sterilized, with Clorox, no less. He has a regular - Please see Seely, page 3 SHERIFF’S LOG BOOK $W SP 6XQGD\ Dolores Lucero reported two male subjects attempted to steal a bench from her yard on the 4000 block of La Mesa Avenue. $W SP 6XQGD\ D man from the 1100 block of Eugene Avenue reported his JUDQGVRQVZHUH¿JKWLQJDQG one of them was armed with a pair of scissors. $W SP 6XQGD\ D woman reported a vehicle had been stolen from the 4500 block of Shasta Dam Boulevard. At 11:25 a.m. Sunday, a woman reported a dispute involving a vehicle in the 13000 area of Broken Branch Trail. $W DP 6XQGD\ a man reported a vehicle hit a bicyclist in the area of Hardenbrook Avenue and 9DOOHFLWR6WUHHW $W DP 6XQGD\ D man reported an ongoing issue of vehicles being dumped in the area of Ironhorse Road and Pine Grove Avenue. At 5:44 a.m. Sunday, D ZRPDQ IURP WKH block of Pancake Hill Drive reported an unknown subject was at her front door. At 11:06 p.m. Saturday, two suspicious subjects were reportedly loitering in the 14000 area of Wonderland Boulevard. $W SP 6DWXUGD\ D woman reported a suspicious vehicle parked on the 5000 block of Poppy Lane. At 1:06 p.m. Saturday, a man reported hearing a male subject yelling that he was going to kill a female subject in the area of Deer Creek and Ostling avenues. At 10:21 a.m. Saturday, a woman reported her exboyfriend attempted to run her off the road in the area of Mussel Shoals Avenue and Chico Street. At 6:01 a.m. Saturday, a woman reported a motorcycle on its side near a curve in the road in the 14000 area of vehicle had been vandalized on the 1400 block of Rouge Road. $W SP )ULGD\ Jeanne Cola reported a vehicle stolen from the 4000 block of Main Street. $W DP )ULGD\ D man reported a burglary on WKH EORFN RI &DVFDGH Boulevard. $WDP)ULGD\/LQGD Burgin reported a possible burglary on the 4200 block of Willamette Street. $W DP )ULGD\ Stormee Duclos reported a burglary in the 22000 area of +LGGHQ9DOOH\'ULYH $WDP)ULGD\.DUHQ Pryatel reported a purse stolen from a vehicle on the 5000 block of Main Street. At 6:43 a.m. Friday, a man reported a houseboat backed into his boat and broke a window near Slaughterhouse Island on Shasta Lake. He said the boat did not stop. $W SP 7KXUVGD\ a subject was reportedly driving southbound in the northbound lanes of Interstate 5 near Turntable Bay. $W SP7KXUVGD\ D woman reported a dispute with her boyfriend’s mother on the 1200 block of Rouge Road. She said she was insistent on driving while her license was suspended. $W SP )ULGD\ D Wintu Way. At 11:06 a.m. Thursday, a ZRPDQ IURP WKH EORFN woman from the 1000 block At 3:24 a.m. Saturday, a of Fort Peck Street reported of Gray Pine Way reported woman reported hearing a her son had assaulted her. a swastika was made in her female subject screaming lawn with weed killer. Thomas Kwjuana, 35, in the area of Hardenbrook Avenue and Shasta Dam was arrested for suspicion $W DP 7KXUVGD\ of receiving stolen property a woman reported juveniles Boulevard. and vehicle theft at around possibly ditching school and At 12:41 a.m. Saturday, a SP)ULGD\RQWKH hanging out at a residence woman reported a group of block of Cascade Boulevard RQWKHEORFNRI0RQWDQD teenagers wandering around Avenue. At 1:51 p.m. Friday, RQ WKH EORFN RI 0DLQ Jennifer Rech reported a Street. - See Sheriff’s Log, page 3 At 10:46 p.m. Friday, a man reported three juveniles assaulted him with his own walking stick on the 4500 block of Shasta Dam Boulevard. He said they took his walking stick. FIRE LOG *Shasta Lake Fire Protection District (SLFPD) personnel responded at DPWR9DOOHFLWR6WUHHW at Hardenbrook Avenue IRU D UHSRUW RI D WUDI¿F collision involving a vehicle and a pedestrian. SLFPD personnel assisted the medic unit with bandaging a SDWLHQWZKRZDVXQLGHQWL¿HG in the log. *SLFPD personnel responded at 11:45 p.m. May 4 to the 4200 block of Autumn Harvest Way for a smoke check possibly caused by a burn pile. Upon DUULYDO ¿UH¿JKWHUV IRXQG LW ZDVD¿UHLQDEDUEHFXH *SLFPD personnel UHVSRQGHGDWSP0D\ 2 to Cascade Boulevard at Kennett Street for a report RI D YHJHWDWLRQ ¿UH :KHQ they arrived, a 10-ft. by 15IW VSRW ¿UH ZDV IRXQG QH[W to a foot trail. The cause was undetermined. *From May 2 to May 6/)3' SHUVRQQHO DOVR responded to 20 other lift assists, public assists, medical assists or general illness calls. There were also seven additional calls that were cancelled, a false alarm, where no aid was needed or where nothing was found. BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY AUTO REPAIR FINANCIAL ADVISOR RICHARD’S AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR ASE Certified 243-2994 ! Oil Changes ! Brakes ! Smog ! Tune-Ups ! Diagnostic Tests ! Air Conditioning Tune-Ups ! Front & Rear Suspension Tune-Ups ! And More You Can’t Control the World, But You Can Control Your Decisions. Call today to find out how you should approach swings in the market. Michael J Pohlmeyer, AAMS® Financial Advisor 351 Northpoint Drive Suite D Redding, CA 96003 (530) 246-1800 12345 Lake Blvd., Redding Member SIPC One mile south of Ashby Road ETY-1403A-A SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN MAY 11, 2016 PAGE 3A * 2 $ )-- )- )- )- )- #$%& #&%' #$%$ #(% #)%& 1 <4& 77 < " !<4& 77 < " !<4& < "9 !<4& < < 4& 77 77 < *++ *++- *++) *++. *++, *+#+,& *+#+,$ *+#+,# *+#+,' *+#+.( @ .& ) A ! ) @ ) @ %& ) @ /& ) ! " # # $ %& " "'( + , " )* - .& .( ! /& 0 1 ! ( 2! 3 )* - " !& / /( 4 %& 526 " "7 +8 9 $!! % " - " !26 "- " - " 0 !" * )-- 2 )- $ )- )- )- 34& 34& 34& 34& 34& 2:3596--1!; &:359&&7!< -- = -">? Lunch menu for Shasta Senior Nutrition Program Following is the Shasta Senior Nutrition Program’s lunch menu scheduled at the John Beaudet Community Center scheduled May 11 to May 18. Wednesday, May 11 Chili with Cheese Potato, tomato and onion salad, apricots, corn bread, sugar cookie. Thursday, May 12 Barbecue Pork, potatoes au gratin, capri mix, appleslaw, melon. Friday, May 13 - Savory Meatloaf, parselied rice, mixed vegetables, beet and onion salad, Mandarin oranges. Monday, May 16 - Fish Fillet on Bun with Lettuce and Pickle, peas and carrots, coleslaw, pudding. Shasta College commencement ceremony May 20 Shasta College will hold its 66th annual commencement ceremony 7 p.m. May 20, at Memorial Stadium. To date, there are 885 applications for diplomas, 190 DSSOLFDWLRQV IRU FHUWL¿FDWHV and approximately 495 FRQ¿UPHG SDUWLFLSDQWV LQ WKH commencement ceremony. 'U +HOHQ %HQMDPLQ chancellor of the Contra Costa Community College 'LVWULFW IRU PRUH WKDQ D decade, is this year’s commencement speaker. Benjamin has a bachelor’s degree in English and Spanish from Bishop College in Texas where she graduated magna cum laude, and earned her master’s and doctoral degrees from Texas Woman’s University LQ 'HQWRQ 7H[DV 6KH previously taught high VFKRRO (QJOLVK LQ WKH 'DOODV ,QGHSHQGHQW6FKRRO'LVWULFW Tuesday, May 17 – Chicken Fried Steak, mashed potatoes, zucchini, tossed salad, cantaloupe. Wednesday, May 18 - Two Beef Tacos with Tomatoes, Lettuce and Cheese, Spanish rice, Oregon bean medley, orange. Menu is subject to change without notice. All meals are served with milk and meet the one-third daily minimum nutrient requirement. Transportation service is available. Twenty-four hour reservations are required. Call 226-3075. For more information on SSNP services, call 2263060 or visit their website at SHERIFF’S LOG Seely - Continued from page 2 laboratory for propagation and growing the plants. The other At 7:24 a.m. May 3, a biologist talked about distribution of the plants all over the - Continued from page 2 woman reported subjects world. trespassing on the 4700 In the group was a nurse that came all the way from At 8:44 a.m. Thursday, block of Chico Street. Oregon. The couple that have planted and care for the Vicki Twyman reported a little orchard near the coffee shop also attended. They are burglary on the 3200 block of -RKQ 'DYLG 0DVRQ interested in community building. So am I. Another attendee Cascade Boulevard. was arrested a for an alleged was a young student who is an expert in computers and narcotic offense at around 1 setting up websites. -RVKXD :LOOLDP 'DUOH\ a.m. May 3, on the 4800 block $WHDFKHULQ*DWHZD\8QL¿HG6FKRRO'LVWULFWVHWXSWKH 38, was arrested around RI6KDVWD'DP%RXOHYDUG workshop. She wants to include gardening in the school 3:30 p.m. May 4, in the area curriculum. What a great idea. Gardening can cover the of Manzanillo and Chipeta At 4:13 p.m. May 2, a LPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIPDWKVFLHQFHDQGRWKHU¿HOGVDOVR ways. He had an outstanding woman from the 13000 $SSDUHQWO\LWLVQRWDQHZLGHD'HZH\SURSRVHGWKHLGHD warrant. DUHD RI %XWWH 6XPPLW 'ULYH way back in the 1940s. The Shasta Lake Garden Project reported a foster child stole has been asked to participate. I wholeheartedly endorse the Sara Ann Ault, 21, was items from her home. idea and have volunteered my experiences and knowledge arrested for an alleged to help. misdemeanor narcotic At 1:49 p.m. May 2, a My special dream has been to set up a way to offense at around 3:30 p.m. woman reported three horses propagate and raise native plants. It could be an important May 4, in the 14000 area of apparently abandoned in the enterprise, even if we just incorporate it in an ongoing Lake Boulevard. area of Lower Salt Creek and nursery or a group. Gardens certainly add to the ambience Salt Creek Lodge roads. of a community, and it is good exercise. It also provides At 12:06 p.m. May 4, a connection to the land, and as such keeps us literally a man reported subjects At 1:34 p.m. May 2, grounded. I feel it is also just good for our spirit and soul. illegally camping near Fred Laughlin reported his 7KDW¿QLVKHGP\ZHHNRQDSRVLWLYHQRWH WKH EORFN RI 'DOHQH grey Ford Ranger had been Avenue. stolen from the 4200 block of 6KDVWD'DP%RXOHYDUG At 11:10 a.m. May 4, &DWK\ 'DUOLQJ $OOHQ 9 to May 20. a woman reported a male At 11:15 a.m. May 2, a county clerk, said that the Vote-by-mail ballots may subject passed out inside a woman reported a female voter registration deadline be returned to the County vehicle in the area of Joseph subject harassed her nephew for the Presidential Primary (OHFWLRQV'HSDUWPHQWRURQH and Parallel streets. while he was waiting for her Election is Monday, May 23. of the four ballot drop boxes in a vehicle on the 4800 block Vote-by-mail voting available around the county, Elizabeth Anne Roberson, of Main Street. began Monday. Requests including the John Beaudet 37, was arrested around 7:30 for vote-by-mail ballots must Community Center, 1525 p.m. May 3, on the 4000 block Total number of incidents be received before 5 p.m., Median Ave., Shasta Lake. of Flower Street for allegedly handled by the Shasta Tuesday, May 31. 2Q (OHFWLRQ 'D\ -XQH REVWUXFWLQJ DQ RI¿FHU $V RI &RXQW\ 6KHULII¶V RI¿FH LQ WKH Polling site locations only, vote-by-mail ballots may Monday, she was being held unincorporated areas of the DQG RWKHU RI¿FLDO HOHFWLRQ be returned to any polling in the Shasta County Jail in county and also as the law information can be found place in Shasta County. All lieu of $37,500 bail. enforcement agency under on the County’s website at vote-by-mail ballots must contract for the city of Shasta be postmarked no later than At 10:17 a.m. May 3, Lake: and in county voter SP RQ (OHFWLRQ 'D\ Robert Kendall reported May 8 – 127 information pamphlets. Tuesday, June 7. that after evicting a tenant May 7 – 110 Additional information Shasta County’s votefrom the location he found a May 6 – 147 by-mail ballots and voter can be found on the Shasta dismantled vehicle under the May 5 – 141 information pamphlets are County Elections website by house on the 3600 block of May 4 – 140 being mailed and should calling 225-5730, or at 1643 6KDVWD'DP%RXOHYDUG May 3 – 135 be delivered to voters’ Market St., Redding, in the May 2 – 142 mailboxes the weeks of May Market Street Promenade. Voter deadlines for election PAGE 4A MAY 11, 2016 SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN How to replace vital documents that are lost or stolen card, you also need to watch out for Medicare fraud. So check your Medicare Summary Notice for services you did not receive and, if you spot any, call the Inspector General’s fraud hotline at 800-447-8477 to report them. Dear Savvy Senior, Can you tell me how to go about replacing important lost documents? My wife and I recently downsized to a retirement community, and somewhere in the move we lost our Social Security and Medicare cards, birth FHUWL¿FDWHVPDUULDJH license and passports. - Worried Ron By Jim Miller Dear Ron, Replacing important documents that are lost, stolen or damaged is pretty easy if you know where to turn. Here are the replacement resources for each document you mentioned, along with some tips to protect you from identity theft, which can happen if your documents end up in the wrong hands. %LUWK&HUWL¿FDWH If you were born in the United States, contact the YLWDOUHFRUGVRI¿FHLQWKH state where you were born (see for contact information). 7KLVRI¿FHZLOOJLYH\RX VSHFL¿FLQVWUXFWLRQVRQ what you need to do to RUGHUDFHUWL¿HGFRS\DQG what it will cost you. Birth FHUWL¿FDWHIHHVUDQJH between $9 and $30. Social Security Card You can replace a lost or stolen Social Security card for free, and if you live in the District of Columbia, Michigan, Nebraska, Washington or Wisconsin, you can do it online at ssa. gov/ssnumber. If, however, you live outside these areas, you’ll QHHGWR¿OORXW)RUP66 VHHVVDJRYIRUPVVV pdf to print a copy) and take it in or mail it to your nearby Social Security RI¿FHDORQJZLWK\RXU U.S. driver’s license, or a state-issued non-driver ID card or a U.S. passport (photocopies are not accepted). Any documents you mail in will be returned to you. 7R¿QGWKH6RFLDO 6HFXULW\RI¿FHWKDWVHUYHV your area, call 800-7721213 or see locator. You also need to be aware that losing your Social Security card puts you at risk for identity theft. ,I\RX¿QGWKDW someone uses your Social Security number to obtain credit, loans, telephone accounts, or other goods and services, report it LPPHGLDWHO\WRWKH)HGHUDO Trade Commission at (or 877438-4338). This site will DOVRJLYH\RXVSHFL¿F steps you’ll need to take to handle this problem. Medicare Card To replace your Medicare card for free, just call Social Security 800772-1213 or contact your ORFDO6RFLDO6HFXULW\RI¿FH You can also request one online at myaccount. Your card will arrive in the mail in about 30 days. By losing your Medicare 0DUULDJH&HUWL¿FDWH Contact your state’s YLWDOUHFRUGVRI¿FHWRRUGHU a copy (see w2w.htm). You’ll need to provide your full names for you and your spouse, the date of your wedding, and the city or town where the wedding was performed. )HHVUDQJHIURPWR $30. Note: Divorce FHUWL¿FDWHVFDQDOVREH ordered from your state’s YLWDOUHFRUGVRI¿FHIHHV UDQJHIURPWRDQG divorce decree documents can be obtained from the FRXQW\FOHUN¶VRI¿FHIRUWKH city or county in which the divorce was granted. Passport A lost passport also puts you at risk for identity theft, so you need to report this as soon as possible to the U.S. State Department. Go to content/passports/en/ passports/lost-stolen.html DQG¿OORXW)RUP'6 You’ll receive an e-mail acknowledging that your report was received. Within a couple of days, you’ll receive another e-mail (or letter, if you request that RSWLRQFRQ¿UPLQJWKDW\RXU passport has been entered into the Consular Lost or Stolen Database. You can apply for a replacement passport at a Passport Application $FFHSWDQFH)DFLOLW\0DQ\ SRVWRI¿FHVSXEOLFOLEUDULHV and local government RI¿FHVVHUYHDVVXFK facilities. You can search for the nearest authorized facility at The fee for a replacement passport is Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. Deciphering health information on the internet By Charles Platkin You wake up one morning and see that you KDYHDQXQLGHQWL¿HGUDVKRQ your hand. What’s one of the ¿UVWWKLQJV\RXGR" Probably, if you’re like most Americans, you go to your smartphone or computer and start searching for what disease you have. The statistics are VWDJJHULQJ±QHDUO\ percent of Americans are looking online for health information. As Mark Twain said: “Be careful about reading health books.” The reality is you can’t always trust what you read. Here are a few tips from a variety of sources (e.g. the Medical Library Association, NIH’s US National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus and a few other reliable sources) to help make sure your future health searches yield more accurate results. Who Owns or is Responsible for the Website and Its Content? Ask yourself the following questions: - Who or what entity created the website or is responsible for the information. - Does the site have an email address, or is the only way to contact the organization through a web or contact form? Make sure their contact information is accurate and detailed. - Who owns the site? Is there an “about” or “about us” section? Is it a not-for SUR¿WDQGLIVRZKRLV funding? There are some QRQSUR¿WVWKDWDUHIXQGHG E\VSHFL¿FLQWHUHVWJURXSV or corporations. Is it a corporation? If so, what kind is a good start, while “.org” is not necessarily a guarantee that it’s a legitimate organization. - Is there an advisory board? If so who is on the advisory board? THE DIET DETECTIVE® - hospital, university, etc.? - Does it explain the mission and purpose of the website? Is there an address? If you look it up on a search engine “street image,” what does it show? - Why was the website created? What is its purpose and what do they gain? Is it educational? Corporate? Trying to sell a product or service? - Does the “About Us” section list names of individuals associated with the site? If there is, are LQGLYLGXDOVLGHQWL¿HGDVWR what are their credentials (Ph.D., Masters – and from what university? Is it accredited)? - Is it clear who they are and what they do for the site? You might even do a search for that person’s name. See what comes up. - Are the individuals involved with the site backed by a known nonSUR¿WRUJDQL]DWLRQHJ government, university, or research center). - What is the domain name? This is not always the best indicator. However, typically a “.edu” or a “.gov” ARIES - March 21/April 20 Aries, your tendency this week is to escape into your PLQGDQGLPDJLQDWLRQ:KLOHWKDW¶V¿QHIRUDOLWWOHZKLOH pretty soon you have to come back down to earth. TAURUS - April 21/May 21 Taurus, people are pulling you in all sorts of directions this week. They each want you to share in their good times, but there’s only so much of you that can go around. GEMINI - May 22/June 21 Gemini, even though you generally like to keep your feet on the ground, this week you are looking to be a little adventurous. Let someone entice you into a whimsical journey. CANCER - June 22/July 22 Cancer, a desire to bring more calm into your life could have you seeking out a vacation or just a respite from daily life. Take the time to unwind and you’ll come back recharged. LEO - July 23/Aug. 23 Leo, this week may prove to be a little intense, but you’ll muster the energy and strength to push on through. Balancing fun and some work-related responsibilities is key. VIRGO – Aug. 24/Sept. 22 Facts? Opinion? Bias? - Check to see if the information on the site is EDVHGRQWKHODWHVWVFLHQWL¿F research – the “state of the science.” You can always look on or search in Google Scholar using key words and seeing what research articles show XS<RXFDQ¿OWHUUHVXOWVE\ year too. - Information should be presented in a clear manner. It should be based RQIDFWDQGYHUL¿DEOHIURP primary sources such as SURIHVVLRQDORUVFLHQWL¿F literature, peer-reviewed journal articles, and other scholarly researched, university backed sources. - Is the information showing only one point of view? Check multiple websites, especially university and government research organizations (such as and NIH). - Information that is opinion should be clearly stated on the website and the source or sources of the information should be LGHQWL¿HG - Are there advertisers or sponsors on the site? Who are they? What type of ads? Keep in mind, most government websites, hospitals, universities and RWKHUQRQSUR¿WVGRQ¶WWDNH ads or have sponsors. - Is advertising clearly marked as sponsored? Many sites create advertorials – information disguised as editorial content or information from reliable health sources. - Look carefully to see if the site is a front for a corporation, pharmaceutical company or another biased organization. - Check the style and display of the site information including the graphics, colors, fonts and size of text. Watch out for all capital letters, exclamation points, and anything out of the ordinary. - Has the material been reviewed or vetted by an expert, such as an M.D. or 3K'LQWKH¿HOG" Is the Information Accurate and Timely? - Are the sources cited reliable? - Is there a date on the page? - When was the page last updated? The site should be updated frequently. Health information changes constantly as new information about diseases and treatments is discovered through research and patient care. What was published a year ago may be outdated now. - Do the links work? - Are there grammatical and spelling errors? - Are there citations, footnotes/endnotes, bibliographies or references so that you can verify the information? Are these reliable? Do they link to the sources? - Does the site have a seal of approval from a unbiased accrediting body such as “Health On the Net )RXQGDWLRQ+21"´ +21LVDQRQSUR¿WQRQ governmental organization, accredited to the Economic and Social Council of the May 15 to May 21, 2016 Practicality seems to disappear when you have your PLQGRQHQMR\DEOHDFWLYLWLHV9LUJR)LQGDZD\WREHERWKIXQ and practical and you will be set. LIBRA – Sept. 23/Oct. 23 Well-laid plans are the cornerstone of a successful week, Libra. Everything will go smoothly, but most days should pass without a hitch. Enjoy the brief respite. SCORPIO – Oct. 24/Nov. 22 Scorpio, expect a lot of action this week. There’s no slowing down as you check off each item on your to-do list. 2WKHUVPD\KDYHGLI¿FXOW\NHHSLQJXSZLWK\RX SAGITTARIUS – Nov. 23/Dec. 21 Sagittarius, live creative fantasies this week because you 8QLWHG1DWLRQV)RU years, HON has focused on the essential question of the provision of health information to citizens, information that respects ethical standards. (See: https://www.healthonnet. org/) - If the website is quoting research studies, follow these tips from the Harvard School of Public Health on Deciphering Media Stories: - Is the story simply reporting the results of a single study? Only very rarely would a single study EHLQÀXHQWLDOHQRXJKIRU people to change their behaviors based on the results. So it is important WRVHHKRZWKDWVWXG\¿WV in with other studies on the topic. Some articles provide this background. Other times, you may need to do more digging on your own. - How large is the study? Large studies often provide more reliable results than small studies. - Was the study done in animals or humans? Mice, rats and monkeys are not people. To best understand how food (or some other factor) affects human health, it must almost always be studied in humans. - Did the study look at real disease endpoints, like heart disease or osteoporosis? Your Privacy Matters - Your health information VKRXOGEHFRQ¿GHQWLDODQG if you research a disease or condition that should also be private. - There should be a link saying “Privacy” or “Privacy Policy.” Read the privacy policy to see if your privacy is really being protected. - If there is a registration form, personal information required, or questions you have to answer before you can view content, you should probably skip it. Additional Help - The Medical Library Association’s Consumer and Patient Health Information Section regularly reviews websites for inclusion on their “Top Health Websites” page OG¿G - Become familiar with WKHWRROVWKDWKHOS\RX¿QG general health information, such as MedlinePlus (www., produced by the National Library of Medicine, RU+HDOWK¿QGHUZZZ KHDOWK¿QGHUJRYIURPWKH US Department of Health and Human Services, which can quickly point you to credible health information. Here are a few examples: - - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - KHDOWK¿QGHU - HIV InSite - Kidshealth - Mayo Clinic - MedlinePlus (English | Spanish) - NetWellness - NIH SeniorHealth CHARLES PLATKIN, PhD is a nutrition and public health advocate and founder of DietDetective. com, and the Director of the New York City Food Policy Center at Hunter College. Copyright 2016 by Charles Platkin. All rights reserved. Sign up for the free Diet Detective newsletter at www might not have another chance to indulge for a while. This is the break you have been seeking for some time. CAPRICORN – Dec. 22/Jan. 20 Honesty is always the best policy, Capricorn. This will become obvious when a past untruth you shared comes back to haunt you. Confess now to save face. AQUARIUS – Jan. 21/Feb. 18 You have the physical stamina to accomplish many things, Aquarius. This week is bound to be one with a lot of progress. Make a list now of what you want to accomplish. PISCES – Feb. 19/March 20 Pisces, be patient with the people around you. You may be fast to grasp a concept, but it could take others a little while longer. FAMOUS BIRTHDAYS May 15 - Andy Murray, athlete, 29 May 16-DQHW-DFNVRQVLQJHU May 17 - Derek Hough, dancer, 31 May 18 - Jack Johnson, singer, 41 May 19 - Sam Smith, singer, 24 May 20 - Cher, singer, 70 May 21 - Mr. T, actor, 64 Go With The Winners e ROP Ad 3rd Place – Best Creativ wspapers kly ee Ne Among All California W SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN MAY 11, 2016 PAGE 5A Best Advertising 3rd Place – Best Black & White Ad - 1/4-Page or Larger Among All California Daily & Weekly Newspapers And All Daily Newspapers in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington & British Columbia 1st Place – Best Multi-Color Ad - 1/4 Page or Larger Among California Weekly Newspapers Below 4,300 Circu lation Best Special Issues & Magazines 1st Place – Best Niche Product - Magazine Among California Weekly Newspapers Below 4,300 Circulation 2nd Place – Best Special Section 1st Place – Best Niche Product - Non-Magazine Among California Weekly Newspapers Below 11,000 Circulation 2nd Place – Best Niche Product - Magazine Among California Weekly Newspapers Below 4,300 Circulation Award Winning Photography 1st Place – Best Artistic Photo Among California Weekly Newspapers Below 4,300 Circulation Honorable M Among California ention – Best Sports Action Pho to Weekly Newspap ers Below 4,300 Circulation Adwards presented April 29-30, 2016, to The Intermountain News, Shasta Lake Bulletin & After Five Magazine family of publications at the annual California Newspaper Publishers Association & Pacific Northwest Newspaper Association Convention Held at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco PAGE 6A MAY 11, 2016 SHASTA LAKE BULLETIN Library offering amnesty for WKRVHZLWKÀQHVRUIHHVGXH WRRYHUGXHRUORVWERRNV Dog-A-Thon Festival on tap in Redding 2QH RI +DYHQ +XPDQH 6RFLHW\¶V ELJJHVW HYHQWV RI WKH \HDU WKH 'RJ$7KRQ )HVWLYDO KDV JURZQ LQWR WKUHH ELJ HYHQWV ZLWK WKH DGGLWLRQ RI WKH 'RJJLH 'DVK NNZDONUXQDQGWKH%RRW 6FRRWLQ¶ 'RJJLHV %DUEHFXH DQG &RQFHUW WR PDNH RQH GRJJRQHIXQZHHNHQG 7KH'RJ$7KRQ)HVWLYDO LVWKH¿UVWRIWKHWKUHHHYHQWV RQ6DWXUGD\IURPWRSP DW +DYHQ +XPDQH 6RFLHW\ (DVWVLGH 5RDG LQ 5HGGLQJ 7KLV IUHH HYHQW LQFOXGHV GRJ FRPSHWLWLRQV GRFN GLYLQJ ZLWK 6SODVK 'RJV DQ REVWDFOH FRXUVH ERXQFH KRXVHDQGRWKHUIXQVWXIIIRU WKHNLGVIRRGYHQGRUVDQGD GRJOLFHQVLQJDQGYDFFLQDWLRQ FOLQLF (QWHU \RXU GRJ LQ WKH :HVW0877VWHU )DPLO\ 'RJ 6KRZ ZKHUH JLIW FHUWL¿FDWHV ZLOO EH DZDUGHG IRU WKH EHVW FDQLQHVSHUIRUPLQJDYDULHW\ RIWDOHQWVDQGVNLOOVWKDQNVWR +DSS\7DLOV%DUNHU\ ,PPHGLDWHO\ DIWHU WKH IHVWLYDO WKH %RRW 6FRRWLQ¶ 'RJJLHV %DUEHFXH DQG &RQFHUW ZHOFRPHV GRJV DQGWKHLUIULHQGVWRHQMR\DQ HYHQLQJ RI JRRG IRRG DQG ERRW VWRPSLQ¶ FRXQWU\ PXVLF E\ &KDG %XVKQHOO &RQFHUW WLFNHWVDUHIRUDGXOWV IRU FKLOGUHQ DQG XQGHU DQG DUH DYDLODEOH RQOLQH DW Z Z Z K D Y H Q K X P D Q H R U J 8SFRPLQJ (YHQWV RU E\ FDOOLQJ 5RXVW \RXU GRJJLHV RXW RI EHG HDUO\ RQ 6XQGD\ IRU WKH 'RJJLH 'DVK DW 7XUWOH %D\ ([SORUDWLRQ 3DUN 7KH WLPHGZDONUXQVWDUWVDW DP5HJLVWHURQOLQHDWZZZ KDYHQKXPDQHRUJ +DYHQ KDV D ZKROH ZHHNHQG RI GRJIULHQGO\ DFWLYLWLHV SODQQHG ³EHFDXVH GRJV OLNH WR KDYH IXQ WRR´ VDLG 0DUN 6WRUUH\ +DYHQ &(2³7LFNHWVDOHVIURPWKH UXQ DQG EDUEHFXH VXSSRUW RXUHIIRUWVWRZDUGDGD\ZLWK QRPRUHKRPHOHVVSHWVLQWKH Do you have outstanding ¿QHVRUIHHVGXHWRRYHUGXH RUORVWERRNVRURWKHU6KDVWD /DNH*DWHZD\/LEUDU\LWHPV" 6KDVWD /DNH *DWHZD\ /LEUDU\ LV KROGLQJ $PQHVW\ :HHNIRUWZRZHHNVIURP0D\ WR0D\E\RIIHULQJWKLV RQHWLPH RQO\ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR KHOSUHVSRQGWRWKHHFRQRPLF GRZQWXUQDQGUHGXFHIXUWKHU SUHVVXUHWRSHRSOHZKRPD\ KDYHOLEUDU\¿QHVRUIHHVDQG ZHOFRPH WKHP EDFN WR WKH OLEUDU\ +HUH¶VKRZLWZRUNV ,I \RX KDYH ¿QHV RU IHHV XS WR DVN OLEUDU\ VWDII WR ZLSH \RXU UHFRUG FOHDQ 7KH\ZLOOGRVRQRTXHVWLRQV DVNHG,I\RXUFDUGLVLQDFWLYH VWDIIZLOOLVVXH\RXDQHZFDUG DWQRFKDUJH 1RUWK6WDWH´ ,I \RX KDYH ¿QHV RU IHHV )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQYLVLW +DYHQ¶V ZHEVLWH DW ZZZ XS WR DQG \RX ORVW D KDYHQKXPDQHRUJ RU FDOO ERRN RU RWKHU LWHP EULQJ D UHSODFHPHQW ERRN RU LWHP RI Newspaper Fun! Kids: color stuff in! Annimills LLC © 2016 V13-19 Fresh! At the Farmers' Market! What Do You See at the Ooooooo...pie! Market? You can’t buy fresher fruits and vegetables than those at the farm or the farmers’ market! I love buying my berries, peaches and apples there! ORANGES LEMONS GRAPES BROCCOL I APPLES Have you ever been to a farmers' market? It is a place where farmers bring, set up and sell their fruits, Read the vegetables, potted plants and baked goods. clues to fill Most of these markets are held once a week, often at 4 in the puzzle: fairgrounds or in parking lots. Some people like to go to the 2 3 win market because they enjoy talking with other shoppers and t s e n r o 1 seas 4 asking farmers about their products. Others There are many sights at the farmers' 2 3 breads market. Read the clues to fill in the enjoy being outside 5 signs scales crossword: 1 where their children herbs 8 1. green and yellow ________ piled high g can play a little and n spri 7 9 2. home-baked ________ help to choose and summer 6 3. ________ for weighing food buy items. hats 4. straw ________ for cooling heads tr tarps ucks 5 5. ________ giving shade tables 11 ‘Orangea’ glad 6. ________ talking and selling ll fa 10 7. freshly cut ________ that there are so As Fresh As Fresh Can Be! many vegetables, 8. samples of juicy ________ to try rs e farm fruits, baked 1. while some products are available all year round, 9. dried ________ hanging rs e w o fl goods and fresh in some areas, foods from the farms follow the ________ 10. ________ laden with foods eggs and salsas 2. in the ________: lettuce, radishes, asparagus... and potted plants s t i s u to choose from? fr le 12 3. in the ________: corn, cucumbers, tomatoes... 11. ________ listing prices etab g e v 4. in the ________: squash, broccoli, potatoes... 12. ________ to carry food and More free puzzles: 5. in the ________: turnips, kale, brussels sprouts... supplies to the market FRESH PRODUCE 7 8 26 25 9 24 10 23 22 11 12 Follow the dots 14 to see a favorite homemade item! 15 16 28 29 2 3 30 Pick us, “peas”! 1 31 20 33 34 All With Lovin'! 35 36 Where Does It Grow? How do foods grow? Where do you find the foods below when you want to harvest them? Match these foods to where you find them: 32 Honey is from a farmer's ________, Maple syrup is from his ________, Home-baked bread is from his ________, Flowers from ________ tended with lovin'! 21 13 27 4 A. under the ground B. trees C. vines D. plants (about 3 feet high)/vines E. bushes 1. apples 2. pumpkins 3. potatoes 4. blueberries 5. tomatoes Fill in the poem with these words: gardens 19 trees 18 17 42 oven 1. peanuts 2. pineapple 3. grapes 4. bananas 5. beets 37 bees 38 41 40 39 A. out of the ground on a plant with spiky leaves B. on woody vines C. flower above the ground, but grow below ground D. roots that grow in the ground E. grow on tall plants (not trees) As Seasons Change! As the seasons change, so do your choices at the farmers' market. Summer turns into autumn! The days have cooler temperatures and get shorter. At this time, the growing season ends in some areas of the country. They are the days when farmers will harvest and get ready for winter. 1. Draw a line through the 5 items that are "Disappearing" from the market in late summer! 2. Circle the 5 items that are at the market in the fall or are “Appearing.” 3. Mark an “X” on the 4 items that can be sold all year long. I love a juicy peach! Jam ey n Ho Newspaper Fun! Created by Annimills LLC © 2016 5 6 As The Page Turns WKHVDPHRUVLPLODUWLWOH<RX PD\DOVRSD\WKHFRVWRIWKH ERRN ,I \RX KDYH ¿QHV RU IHHV XSWRDQG\RXGDPDJHG D ERRN RU RWKHU LWHP EULQJ WKHLWHPDQGWKHVWDIIZLOOWDNH LW QR TXHVWLRQV DVNHG DQG ZLSH\RXUUHFRUGFOHDQ 6WDUW XVLQJ DQG HQMR\LQJ \RXU 6KDVWD /DNH *DWHZD\ /LEUDU\FDUGWRGD\:HOFRPH EDFNWR\RXUOLEUDU\ -R\FH,GH 'LUHFWRU6/*/ %RDUG3UHVLGHQW Shasta Damboree parade results It looks hungry! Can you find it? Where’s the bug who wants pie? CORNER 5HVXOWV IURP WKH th DQQXDO 6KDVWD 'DPERUHH %RRPWRZQ )HVWLYDO SDUDGH KHOG$SULO7KHWKHPHWKLV \HDU ZDV ³&HOHEUDWH <RXU +HULWDJH´ FLOATS &LYLF&RPPHUFLDO VW7DWRU7RWV&KLOG&DUH QG 6KDVWD 'DP± %XUHDXRI5HFODPDWLRQ UG 0W 6KDVWD *HR &DFKHUV )UDWHUQDO6HUYLFH VW )ULHQGV RI 7KHH 5HQDLVVDQFH)DLUH QG6FDUOHWW2¶+DWWHUV UG$&RXQWU\*DUGHQ -XQLRU<RXWK*URXS VW *UDQG 2DNV (O 6FKRRO QG&9<RXWK)RRWEDOO &KHHU UG 6KDVWD /DNH 6FKRRO 6$,/63URJUDP BANDS & MARCHING UNITS +LJK6FKRRO VW &9 )DOFRQ 0DUFKLQJ Band -XQLRU VW 6KDVWD /DNH 6FKRRO 0DUFKLQJ%DQG MAJORETTESJURXS VW %XFNH\H &XWLHV Baton MECHANIZED UNITS $QWLTXH&DUV VW0DWW0RRUHKHDG QG5RQ6PLWK UG:LOOLDP+REVRQ 9LQWDJH&DUV VW0LNH3LWWPDQ QG-RKQ'XFNHWW UG%RE/LQGD-RKQVRQ &XVWRP&DUV VW0DULD+XQWHU QG-RVH$OYDUH] )LUH6DIHW\9HKLFOHV VW6/)3' 7UDFWRUVVROR VW%LOO6WDQOH\ 7UDFWRUV*URXS VW *UHJ :DWNLQV )DPLO\ 9LQWDJH*URXS VW 6KDVWD &ODVVLFV &DU &OXE QG &RQWHPSRUDU\ +LVWRULFDO9HKLFOH$VVRF UG &0$ )UHHGRP 5LGHUV HORSE, WALKING & BICYCLE ENTRIES )XWXUH+RUVHPDQ VW7UH\3URFWRU :DONLQJ *URXS 1RYHOW\ Youth VW 3UHPLHU 0DUWLDO $UWV $FDGHP\ :DONLQJ *URXS 1RYHOW\ $GXOW VW &ORZQLQJ $URXQG Ladies 3DUDGH $ZDUGV FDQ EH SLFNHG XS XQWLO WRGD\ :HG 0D\ DW WKH 6KDVWD /DNH &KLURSUDFWLF 6KDVWD 'DP %OYG 6KDVWD /DNH 0RQWKURXJK:HGRU)ULGD\ DP WR SP &DOO )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW WKH 6KDVWD 'DPERUHH YLVLW ZZZVKDVWDGDPERUHH RUJRUFDOO WIZARD OF ID THE INTERMOUNTAIN NEWS 6+$67$/$.(%8//(7,10$<3$*(% HEATHCLIFF THE BARN B.C. SPEED BUMP DOGS OF C-KENNEL DOODLES DADDY’S HOME FLO & FRIENDS FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE ARCHIE 3$*(%7+(,17(502817$,11(:66+$67$/$.(%8//(7,10$< The WANT ADS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000523 April 27, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: CRACKED MARBLES 23413 Chism Trail Cassel, CA 96016 County of Shasta Conrad, Tony 23413 Chism Trail Cassel, CA 96016 This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above 4/27/2016 (s) Tony Conrad 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) May 11, 18, 25, June 1, 2016 _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000524 April 28, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: CINDY ALLEN SHAVED ICE GO-BOB’S SEADOO RENTALS 875 Wingsetter Ct Redding, CA 96003 County of Shasta Gobob Enterprises, Inc 875 Wingsetter Ct Redding, CA 96003 State: CA This business is conducted by a Corporation The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above 4/8/2016 (s) Cindy Allen, CFO 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) May 4, 11, 18, 25, 2016 _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000537 May 2, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: ARCADIA BOOKKEEPING 626 Olympic St Redding, CA 96003 County of Shasta Kimberli Arcadia 626 Olympic St Redding, CA 96003 This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above 5/2/2016 (s) Kimberli Arcadia 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) May 4, 11, 18, 25, 2016 530-725-0925 TO ADVERTISE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000481 April 15, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: GEOPLUS PARTNERS 19719 Midland Dr Redding, CA 96003 County of Shasta Finnigsmier, John L. 10980 Deschutes Rd Palo Cedro, CA 96073 Metcalf, Jr. Traver E. 19719 Midland Dr Redding, CA 96003 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above 4/11/2016 (s) John L. Finnigsmier 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) May 4, 11, 18, 25, 2016 _____________________________ 1RWLFHRI&(4$([HPSWLRQ Request for Public Comment/ 5HYLHZ&(4$([HPSWLRQ3LW River Open Ditch Replacement Project The Fall River Resource Conservation District, acting as Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), KDV VXEPLWWHG D 1RWLFH RI ([emption. The public is invited to review and comment on the proSRVHGSURMHFW7KHSURMHFWVHHNV WR SHUIRUP D ZDWHU HI¿FLHQF\ project on private land in Shasta County near Fall River Mills. The project involves installing an irriJDWLRQSLSHDSSUR[LPDWHO\ IHHWZLWKLQDQH[LVWLQJRSHQGLWFK DQG ZLWKLQ DJULFXOWXUH ¿HOGVOHvees under rice production The Fall River RCD will receive comments between April 27th and May 27, which are the starting and ending dates for the review SHULRG 3OHDVH FRQWDFW 0LNH Millington (336-6591) at fallrivHUUFG#FLWOLQNQHW LI \RX ZLVK WR review the project description and plan, which is held at the )DOO 5LYHU 5&' RI¿FH Hwy 299E) in McArthur, CA. (5-4 to 5-25) _____________________________ 1RWLFHRI&(4$([HPSWLRQ Request for Public Comment/ 5HYLHZ&(4$([HPSWLRQ %XUQH\&UHHN2SHQ'LWFK Replacement Project The Fall River Resource Conservation District, acting as Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), KDV VXEPLWWHG D 1RWLFH RI ([emption. The public is invited to review and comment on the proSRVHGSURMHFW7KHSURMHFWVHHNV WR SHUIRUP D ZDWHU HI¿FLHQF\ project on private land in Shasta County near Burney. The project involves installing an irrigation SLSH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ IHHW ZLWKLQDQH[LVWLQJRSHQGLWFKDQG ZLWKLQ DJULFXOWXUH ¿HOGVOHYHHV under hay production. The Fall River RCD will receive comments between April 27th and May 27, which are the starting and ending dates for the review SHULRG 3OHDVH FRQWDFW 0LNH Millington (336-6591) at fallrivHUUFG#FLWOLQNQHW LI \RX ZLVK WR review the project description and plan, which is held at the )DOO 5LYHU 5&' RI¿FH Hwy 299E) in McArthur, CA. (5-4 to 5-25) FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000493 April 19, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: WE LOVE TO SHOP 18451 Majestic View Dr Anderson, CA 96007 County of Shasta 1H]1LNNL-DQHOOH 18451 Majestic View Dr Anderson, CA 96007 This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above N/A V1LNNL1H] 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) April 27, May 4, 11, 18, 2016 _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000500 April 20, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: BC CATERING 19548 Clover Rd Redding, CA 96002 County of Shasta Cervantes, Barbara 19548 Clover Rd Redding, CA 96002 This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above N/A (s) Barbara Cervantes 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) April 27, May 4, 11, 18, 2016 _____________________________ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000470 April 14, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: ROYALTY BY DESIGN 2211 College View Dr Redding, CA 96003 County of Shasta Teslow, Teagen Marie 2211 College View Dr Redding, CA 96003 This business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above N/A (s) Teagen Teslow 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 2016 530-725-0925 TO ADVERTISE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2016-0000465 April 13, 2016 The following person(s) are doing business as: NORTHSTATEREVERSE.COM 1003 Dana Drive Suite B Redding, CA 96003 County of Shasta Prime Source Mortgage, Inc 1109 N Bryant Ave., Suite 110 Edmond, OK 73034 State: DE This business is conducted by a Corporation. The registrant began to transact business under the name listed above N/A (s) Crystal Chavez -Secretary 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILWself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Sections 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Professions Code.) April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 2016 _____________________________ EVERY BUSINESS has a story to tell! Get your message out with California’s PRMedia Release – the only Press Release Service operated by the press to get press! For more info contact Cecelia @ 916-288-6011 or (Cal-SCAN) Email [email protected] PHONE Burney (530) 725-0925 Shasta Lake (530) 275-1716 FAX (530) 303-1528 or (530) 688-6500 Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. 37 MISC. SERVICES DISH TV 190 channels plus HighVSHHG ,QWHUQHW 2QO\ PR$VN DERXWD\HDUSULFHJXDUDQWHHJHW Do you owe over $10,000 to the IRS or 1HWÀL[LQFOXGHGIRU\HDU&DOO7RGD\ 6WDWH LQ EDFN WD[HV" 2XU ¿UP ZRUNV WR 1-800-357-0810 (CalSCAN) UHGXFHWKHWD[ELOORU]HURLWRXWFRPSOHWHO\ _____________________________ FAST. Call now 855-993-5796 VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 60 tabs $99 includes FREE SHIPPING. 1-888-836-0780 or www.metromeds. online (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ *RW.QHH3DLQ"%DFN3DLQ"6KRXOGHU _____________________________ (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s Pain? Get a pain-relieving brace -little largest senior living referral service. or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients DID YOU KNOW Information is power and SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BEN- &RQWDFW RXU WUXVWHGORFDO H[SHUWV Call Health Hotline Now! 1- 800-796content is King? Do you need timely access (),76 8QDEOH WR ZRUN" 'HQLHG EHQH¿WV" today! Our service is FREE/no obli- 5091 (Cal-SCAN) to public notices and remain relevant in to- We Can Help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact gation. CALL 1-800-550-4822. (Cal- _____________________________ day’s hostile business climate? Gain the %LOO*RUGRQ$VVRFLDWHVDW SCAN) edge with California Newspaper Publishers 966-1904 to start your application today! _____________________________ /RZHVW 3ULFHV RQ +HDOWK 'HQWDO Association new innovative website ca- (Cal-SCAN) Insurance. We have the best rates SXEOLFQRWLFHFRP DQG FKHFN RXW WKH )5(( _____________________________ Life Alert. 24/7. One press of a but- from top companies! Call Now! 888One-Month Trial Smart Search Feature. Xarelto users have you had complications ton sends help FAST! Medical, Fire, 989-4807. (CalSCAN) For more information call Cecelia @ (916) due to internal bleeding (after January Burglar. Even if you can’t reach a _____________________________ 288-6011 or (Cal- ",IVR\RX0$<EHGXH¿QDQFLDOFRP- phone! FREE Brochure. CALL 800pensation. If you don’t have an attorney, SCAN) $77 89HUVH ,QWHUQHW VWDUWLQJ DW 714-1609. (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ CALL Injuryfone today! 1-800-425-4701. _____________________________ PRQWKRU79,QWHUQHWVWDUWLQJDW (Cal-SCAN) $49/month for 12 months with 1-year DID YOU KNOW 7 IN 10 Americans or _____________________________ VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! Cut agreement. Call 1- 800-453-0516 to 158 million U.S. Adults read content from Sell your structured settlement or annuity your drug costs! SAVE $$! 50 Pills for learn more. (Cal-SCAN) QHZVSDSHUPHGLDHDFKZHHN"'LVFRYHUWKH payments for CASH NOW. You don’t have $99.00. FREE Shipping! 100% Guar- _____________________________ Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free to wait for your future payments any longer! anteed and Discreet. CALL 1-800brochure call 916-288-6011 or email cece- Call 1-800-673-5926 (Cal-SCAN) 624-9105 (Cal-SCAN) [email protected] (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ _____________________________ JOB OPENING: Big Valley 6DIH 6WHS :DON,Q7XE$OHUW IRU 6H- +HDOWK &HQWHU LQ %LHEHU LV ORRNDID YOU KNOW 144 million U.S. Adults niors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. UHDG D 1HZVSDSHU SULQW FRS\ HDFK ZHHN" Protect your home with fully custom- Approved by Arthritis Foundation. ing for a temporary Appointment Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertis- izable security and 24/7 monitoring Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch &RRUGLQDWRU WR ¿OOLQ GD\V SHU ing. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 right from your smartphone. Receive Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. ZHHNIRUWKHVXPPHU4XDOL¿FDor email [email protected] (Cal-SCAN) up to $1500 in equipment, free (re- American Made. Installation Included. tions: High school diploma and _____________________________ strictions apply). Call 1-800-918- Call 800-799-4811 for $750 Off. (Cal- WZR\HDUV¶H[SHULHQFHHGXFDWLRQ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 4119 (Cal-SCAN) NAME STATEMENT LQEXVLQHVVDSOXV%DVLFNQRZO_____________________________ SCAN) _____________________________ edge of computers is required. 2016-0000437 April 7, 2016 Please submit your cover letter PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? .,// %(' %8*6 7+(,5 (**6 The following person(s) are doing &DOO XV ¿UVW /LYLQJ H[SHQVHV KRXVLQJ Buy Harris Bed Bug Killers/ Kit. Com- +20( %5($.,16 WDNH OHVV WKDQ and resume via email to Susan business as: medical, and continued support afterwards. plete Treatment System. Available: 60 SECONDS. Don’t wait! Protect COVARIANT FIDUCIARY Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, your family, your home, your assets Peterson, HR Manager speter24/7. 1-877-879-4709 (CalSCAN) NOW for as little as 70¢ a day! Call [email protected] or call SERVICES (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ _____________________________ 855-404-7601(Cal-SCAN) 530-294-5241 for details. COVARIANT TECHNOLOGIES 20780 Mammoth Drive (5-11 to 5-18) Meet singles right now! No paid operators, ELIMINATE CELLULITE and Inches _____________________________ /DNHKHDG&$ MXVWUHDOSHRSOHOLNH\RX%URZVHJUHHWLQJV KILL SCORPIONS! Buy Harris ScorLQ ZHHNV $OO QDWXUDO 2GRU IUHH County of Shasta H[FKDQJHPHVVDJHVDQGFRQQHFWOLYH7U\LW pion Spray. Effective results begin Lewis Paul E. free. Call now: 800-945-3392. (Cal-SCAN) after spray dries. Odorless, Long :RUNV IRU PHQ RU ZRPHQ )UHH 20780 Mammoth Drive _____________________________ Lasting, Non-Staining. Available: PRQWKVXSSO\RQVHOHFWSDFNDJHV2U/DNHKHDG&$ Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, der now! 844-703-9774. (Cal-SCAN) _____________________________ Lundquist, Michelle A. (Cal-SCAN) 20780 Mammoth Drive _____________________________ Stop OVERPAYING for your pre/DNHKHDG&$ This business is conducted by a MarSwitch to DIRECTV and get a $100 scriptions! Save up to 93%! Call our Mother of all ried Couple. The registrant began to Gift Card. FREE Whole-Home Genie licensed Canadian and International transact business under the name HD/DVR upgrade. Starting at $19.99/ pharmacy service to compare prices garage sales. listed above 2/26/2016 mo. New Customers Only. Don’t DQGJHWRII\RXU¿UVWSUHVFULS(s) Michelle A. Lundquist, Owner settle for cable. Call Now 1-800-385- tion and FREE Shipping. 1-800-27339894 McArthur Rd. (Dana) 0209 (Cal-SCAN) 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV 9017 (CalSCAN) ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ Saturday May 14, 7-4. Rain or _____________________________ _____________________________ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ shine! Everything goes. Farm ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW equipment, Ford 9N tractor, conPXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH struction materials, custom tiles, ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILW- entire household from new/anself authorize the use in this state of D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ WLTXHIXUQLWXUHWRNLWFKHQXWHQVLOV 127,&(2)75867((·66$/(761R63&$7LWOH1R&$922 of the rights of another under federal, 9 ft. solid maple dining table and $31 $77(17,21 5(&25'(5 7+( )2//2:,1* 5()(5(1&( state or common law (See Sections FKDLUV ERRNV H[HUFLVH HTXLS- 72$1$77$&+(' 6800$5< ,6$33/,&$%/(727+( 127,&( 3529,'('727+( 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and Pro- ment, clothes and more. 758672521/<38568$1772&,9,/&2'(127(7+(5(,6$6800$5<2) fessions Code.) 7+(,1)250$7,21,17+,6'2&80(17$77$&+('<28$5(,1'()$8/781'(5 (5-4, 11) April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 2016 $ '((' 2) 75867 '$7(' 81/(66 <28 7$.($&7,21 72 3527(&7 _____________________________ <2853523(57<,70$<%(62/'$7$38%/,&6$/(,)<281(('$1(;3/$1$ 7,21 2) 7+( 1$785( 2) 7+( 352&((',1*$*$,167 <28 <28 6+28/' &21 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 7$&7$/$:<(5$SXEOLFDXFWLRQVDOHWRWKHKLJKHVWELGGHUIRUFDVKFDVKLHU·VFKHFNV Wanted to Buy: Old Coins, Paper Money, NAME STATEMENT PXVW EH PDGH SD\DEOH WR 1DWLRQDO 'HIDXOW 6HUYLFLQJ &RUSRUDWLRQ GUDZQ RQ D VWDWH RU Gold and Silver Jewelry. Littleton Coin Com- QDWLRQDOEDQNDFKHFNGUDZQE\DVWDWHRUIHGHUDOFUHGLWXQLRQRUDFKHFNGUDZQE\D 2016-0000417 pany trusted since 1945. Call 1-877-857April 4, 2016 7850 or E-Mail [email protected] VWDWHRUIHGHUDOVDYLQJVDQGORDQDVVRFLDWLRQVDYLQJVDVVRFLDWLRQRUVDYLQJVEDQNVSHFL The following person(s) are doing Mention Code B9E805 (Cal-SCAN) ILHG LQ 6HFWLRQ RI WKH )LQDQFLDO &RGH DQG DXWKRUL]HG WR GR EXVLQHVV LQ WKLV VWDWH business as: _____________________________ ZLOOEHKHOGE\WKHGXO\DSSRLQWHGWUXVWHHDVVKRZQEHORZRIDOOULJKWWLWOHDQGLQWHUHVW THAT CRAZY REDHEAD FRQYH\HGWRDQGQRZKHOGE\WKHWUXVWHHLQWKHKHUHLQDIWHUGHVFULEHGSURSHUW\XQGHUDQG 23413 Chism Trl CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! Up SXUVXDQWWRD'HHGRI7UXVWGHVFULEHGEHORZ7KHVDOHZLOOEHPDGHLQDQ´DVLVµFRQGL WR%R[6HDOHG8QH[SLUHG3D\PHQW Cassel, CA 96016 WLRQEXWZLWKRXWFRYHQDQWRUZDUUDQW\H[SUHVVHGRULPSOLHGUHJDUGLQJWLWOHSRVVHVVLRQ Made SAME DAY. Highest Prices Paid!! Call RUHQFXPEUDQFHVWRSD\WKHUHPDLQLQJSULQFLSDOVXPRIWKHQRWHVVHFXUHGE\WKH'HHG County of Shasta Jenni Today! 800-413-3479. www.CashFoConrad, Christine RI 7UXVW ZLWK LQWHUHVW DQG ODWH FKDUJHV WKHUHRQ DV SURYLGHG LQ WKH QRWHV DGYDQFHV (Cal-SCAN) 23413 Chism Trl _____________________________ XQGHU WKH WHUPV RI WKH 'HHG RI 7UXVW LQWHUHVW WKHUHRQ IHHV FKDUJHV DQG H[SHQVHV RI Cassel, CA 96016 WKH 7UXVWHH IRU WKH WRWDO DPRXQW DW WKH WLPH RI WKH LQLWLDO SXEOLFDWLRQ RI WKH 1RWLFH RI Conrad, Tony CASH FOR CARS: America’s Top Car 6DOHUHDVRQDEO\HVWLPDWHGWREHVHWIRUWKEHORZ7KHDPRXQWPD\EHJUHDWHURQWKHGD\ 23413 Chism Trl %X\HU :H %X\$Q\ &DU7UXFN RI VDOH7UXVWRU 'DUH &DKRRQ DQG 6KDQQD &DKRRQ KXVEDQG DQG ZLIH DV MRLQW WHQDQWV Running or Not! Top Dollar For Used/Dam- 'XO\$SSRLQWHG7UXVWHH1DWLRQDO'HIDXOW6HUYLFLQJ&RUSRUDWLRQ5HFRUGHGDV Cassel, CA 96016 This business is conducted by a Mar- aged. Free Same-Day Towing ,QVWUXPHQW1RRU%RRN3DJHRIWKH2IILFLDO5HFRUGVRI6KDVWD&RXQW\ ried Couple. The registrant began to Available! Call: 1-888-322-4623. (CalSCAN) &DOLIRUQLD'DWHRI6DOHDW$03ODFHRI6DOH$WWKH(DVWHQWUDQFHWRWKH transact business under the name _____________________________ &RXQW\&RXUWKRXVH&RXUW6WUHHW5HGGLQJ&$(VWLPDWHGDPRXQWRIXQSDLG listed above 4/4/2016 Got an older car, boat or RV? Do the hu- EDODQFHDQGRWKHUFKDUJHV6WUHHW$GGUHVVRURWKHUFRPPRQGHVLJQDWLRQRI (s) Christine Conrad mane thing. Donate it to the Humane Soci- UHDOSURSHUW\6RXWKZRRG'ULYH$QGHUVRQ&$$317KH 7KLV¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHH[SLUHV ety. Call 1- 800-743-1482 (Cal-SCAN) XQGHUVLJQHG7UXVWHHGLVFODLPVDQ\OLDELOLW\IRUDQ\LQFRUUHFWQHVVRIWKHVWUHHWDGGUHVVRU ¿YH\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHLWZDV¿OHGLQ _____________________________ RWKHU FRPPRQ GHVLJQDWLRQ LI DQ\ VKRZQ DERYH ,I QR VWUHHW DGGUHVV RU RWKHU FRPPRQ WKH RI¿FH RI WKH FRXQW\ FOHUN$ QHZ GHVLJQDWLRQLVVKRZQGLUHFWLRQVWRWKHORFDWLRQRIWKHSURSHUW\PD\EHREWDLQHGE\VHQG ¿FWLWLRXV EXVLQHVV QDPH VWDWHPHQW DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT LQJ D ZULWWHQ UHTXHVW WR WKH EHQHILFLDU\ ZLWKLQ GD\V RI WKH GDWH RI ILUVW SXEOLFDWLRQ RI HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. FREE 3 PXVWEH¿OHGSULRUWRWKDWGDWH7KH TO 'D\9DFDWLRQ7D['HGXFWLEOH)UHH7RZLQJ WKLV1RWLFHRI6DOH,IWKH7UXVWHHLVXQDEOHWRFRQYH\WLWOHIRUDQ\UHDVRQWKHVXFFHVVIXO ¿OLQJRIWKLVVWDWHPHQWGRHVQRWRILW- $OO3DSHUZRUN7DNHQ&DUHRI&DOO ELGGHU·V VROH DQG H[FOXVLYH UHPHG\ VKDOO EH WKH UHWXUQ RI PRQLHV SDLG WR WKH 7UXVWHH self authorize the use in this state of 5042 (Cal-SCAN) DQG WKH VXFFHVVIXO ELGGHU VKDOO KDYH QR IXUWKHU UHFRXUVH 7KH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI &DOLIRU D¿FWLWLRXVEXVLQHVVQDPHLQYLRODWLRQ _____________________________ QLD &LYLO &RGH 6HFWLRQ EF ZHUH IXOILOOHG ZKHQ WKH 1RWLFH RI 'HIDXOW of the rights of another under federal, ZDVUHFRUGHG127,&(72327(17,$/%,''(56,I\RXDUHFRQVLGHULQJELGGLQJRQWKLV state or common law (See Sections WANTED! Old Porsche 356/911/912 for SURSHUW\OLHQ\RXVKRXOGXQGHUVWDQGWKDWWKHUHDUHULVNVLQYROYHGLQELGGLQJDWDWUXVWHH restoration by hobbyist 1948-1973 Only. 14411 ET. SEQ., Business and ProDXFWLRQ<RXZLOOEHELGGLQJRQDOLHQQRWRQWKHSURSHUW\LWVHOI3ODFLQJWKHKLJKHVWELGDWD Any condition, top $ paid 707 965-9546 fessions Code.) WUXVWHHDXFWLRQGRHVQRWDXWRPDWLFDOO\HQWLWOH\RXWRIUHHDQGFOHDURZQHUVKLSRIWKHSURS (Cal-SCAN) April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 2016 _____________________________ HUW\<RXVKRXOGDOVREHDZDUHWKDWWKHOLHQEHLQJDXFWLRQHGRIIPD\EHDMXQLRUOLHQ,I\RX DUHWKHKLJKHVWELGGHUDWWKHDXFWLRQ\RXDUHRUPD\EHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUSD\LQJRIIDOOOLHQV VHQLRUWRWKHOLHQEHLQJDXFWLRQHGRIIEHIRUH\RXFDQUHFHLYHFOHDUWLWOHWRWKHSURSHUW\ <RX DUH HQFRXUDJHG WR LQYHVWLJDWH WKH H[LVWHQFH SULRULW\ DQG VL]H RI RXWVWDQGLQJ OLHQV WKDWPD\H[LVWRQWKLVSURSHUW\E\FRQWDFWLQJWKHFRXQW\UHFRUGHU·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all 725-0925 To Publish Your Ad Here 31 GARAGE SALE 35 MISC WANTED Introducing All-Access Advertising 7YPU[6USPUL4VIPSL Consumers consistently cite newspaper advertising as the most valuable and preferred media in planning purchases, and its reach continues to exceed all other advertising vehicles. Now more than ever, readers are accessing the news and newspaper advertising across multiple platforms. Make sure your advertising message gets heard through a powerful blend of new and FRQYHQWLRQDOPHGLDIURPWKHDUHD·VWUXVWHGORFDOQHZVVRXUFHDQG start optimizing your return on investment. To get started, contact us today at 530.725.0925 or 530-275-1716. 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VISIT ORTHOINFO.ORG/BIKESAFETY Email [email protected] PHONE Burney (530) 725-0925 Shasta Lake (530) 275-1716 FAX (530) 303-1528 or (530) 688-6500 Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. 127,&(2)75867((·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LQWKHFRXQW\ZKHUHWKHUHDOSURSHUW\LVORFDWHGDQGPRUHWKDQWKUHHPRQWKVKDYHHODSVHG VLQFHVXFKUHFRUGDWLRQ6$/(/,1(3+21(180%(5:HEVLWHDGGUHVV ZZZVHUYLFHOLQNDVDSFRP '$7( $SULO &+,&$*2 7,7/( &203$1< )25(&/2685( '(3$570(17 ( +263,7$/,7< /$1( 6$1 %(51$5',12 &$ 7HUHVD 0 'UDNH $VVW 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW $ 3$*(%7+(,17(502817$,11(:66+$67$/$.(%8//(7,10$< Burney - Fall River BIG PINES REALTY 0DLQ6WUHHW%XUQH\&$ ZZZ%XUQH\)DOO5LYHU+RPHV$QG/DQGFRP .DWK\/DNH\2ZQHU%URNHU'5( /DXUD/DNH\2ZQHU%URNHU .LP6RQJHU5HDOWRU3DP*LDFRPLQL2ZQHU5HDOWRU HOMES BURNEY #4431 - Open floor plan, chef’s kitchen - Home on 3.83 Acres with views............$369,000 Oakwoods Estates #4441 - New Listing! Impressive 3/2 home on 1+ acres w/separate quarters.......$319,000 #4270 - 1,500 SFLog cabin home on a large fenced parcel with a 2 car garage.... $229,000 #4397 - 1,926 SF 3/2 Remodeled and updated, split floor plan, beautiful kitchen..$189,000 #4457 - Renovated home w/master suite and large family room w/fenced yards $185,000 #4465 - Remodeled 2/3 w/hickory kitchen cabines. Large fenced backyard........$169,000 #4240 - 2,088 SF 4 Bd/2 ba two story home on a corner lot. Updated... RECENTLY SOLD Fall River Dream #4463 - Lovely home in JP, Large triple pane windows on this 2 bed/2 bath home $142,000 #4468 - Spacious home on treed lot, nice deck. 3 bedroom, 2 bath w/open kitchen.$139,000 #4469 - Open floor plan, lots of potential for updates, Views of Burney Mnt......... $139,000 #4418 - Fenced backyard in this 3/2 home close to schools & park RECENTLY SOLD! #4451 - Top of the line in Los Colinas. 3/2 1,440 SF home with so many upgrades. $75,000 #4440 - Great location in Los Colinas. 3/2 mobile home, site backs to forest..........$29,900 Beautifully hidden away in Oakwoods Estates Subdivision. Lots of privacy, 2+ Bedroom home on over DFUHV2SHQ)ORRUSODQZLWKDRIÀFHGHQDUHDZLWK double glass doors. Master bath has a soaking tub, and separate stall shower. Bridal trails all around subdivision and into BLM and forest service land for miles of riding, walking or run your ATV. Priced at just $179,000 2 Homes on the banks of the famous Fall River ! Beautifully decorated 2 bedroom 2 bath home fully furnished, and a 2 bedroom 1 bath guest house that also comes furnished. Rent one live in the decide. Deck overlooks river, huge boat dock to tie up all your toys,two RV hookups, 5.5 acres for horses if you want, Duck pond, 3 boats included...too much to list. The world is 70% water, we take care of the land! +LJKZD\)DOO5LYHU0LOOV 7UXVWHH6DOH1R7LWOH2UGHU1R 76*&$ )+$9$30, 1R 127,&( 2) 75867((·6 6$/( <28 $5( ,1 '()$8/7 81'(5 $ '((' 2) 75867 '$7(' 81/(66 <28 7$.( $&7,21 72 3527(&7 <285 3523(57< ,7 0$< %( 62/'$7$ 38%/,& 6$/( ,) <28 1(('$1 (;3/$1$7,21 2) 7+( 1$785( 2) 7+( 352&((',1* $*$,167 <28 <28 6+28/' &217$&7 $ /$:<(5 %$55(77 '$)),1)5$33,(575('(5:(,66//3DVGXO\ appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of 7UXVW 5HFRUGHG RQ DV ,QVWUXPHQW 1R 2006-0032950 of official records in the office of the County Recorder of SHASTA County, State of &$/,)251,$ (;(&87(' %< 0,&+$(/ $ '(/*$'2$1' -2<&( 0 '(/*$'2 +86%$1'$1' :,)($6-2,177(1$176:,//6(//$738%/,& $8&7,21 72 +,*+(67 %,''(5 )25 &$6+ &$6+,(5·6 &+(&.&$6+ (48,9$/(17 RU RWKHU form of payment authorized by California Civil Code 2924h(b), (payable at time of sale in lawful money RI WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV '$7( 2) 6$/( 7,0( 2) 6$/( $0 3/$&( 2) 6$/( $7 7+( ($67 (175$1&( 72 7+( &2817< &2857+286($7 &2857 675((7 5('',1* &$ STREET ADDRESS and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purSRUWHG WR EH 7($.:22' '5,9( 5('',1* &$/,)251,$ $31 7KH XQGHUsigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication RIWKH1RWLFHRI6DOHLV7KHEHQHILFLDU\ under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of 'HIDXOW DQG 'HPDQG IRU 6DOH DQG D ZULWWHQ 1RWLFH of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned FDXVHGVDLG1RWLFHRI'HIDXOWDQG(OHFWLRQWR6HOOWR be recorded in the county where the real property is ORFDWHG 127,&( 72 327(17,$/ %,''(56 ,I \RX are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in ELGGLQJ DW D WUXVWHH DXFWLRQ <RX ZLOO EH ELGGLQJ RQ a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle \RXWRIUHHDQGFOHDURZQHUVKLSRIWKHSURSHUW\<RX should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off PD\EHDMXQLRUOLHQ,I\RXDUHWKHKLJKHVWELGGHUDW the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, EHIRUH\RXFDQUHFHLYHFOHDUWLWOHWRWKHSURSHUW\<RX are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this SURSHUW\ E\ FRQWDFWLQJ WKH FRXQW\ UHFRUGHU·V RIILFH or a title insurance company, either of which may FKDUJH \RX D IHH IRU WKLV LQIRUPDWLRQ ,I \RX FRQVXOW either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage RUGHHGRIWUXVWRQWKHSURSHUW\127,&(723523(57< 2:1(5 7KH VDOH GDWH VKRZQ RQ WKLV QRWLFH of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. ,I\RXZLVKWROHDUQZKHWKHU\RXUVDOHGDWHKDVEHHQ postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call IRULQIRUPDWLRQUHJDUGLQJWKHWUXVWHH·V VDOH RU YLVLW WKLV ,QWHUQHW :HE VLWH for information regarding the sale of this property, using the file number assigned to this case ,QIRUPDWLRQ DERXW SRVWSRQHPHQWV that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be UHIOHFWHGLQWKHWHOHSKRQHLQIRUPDWLRQRURQWKH,QWHUQHW :HE VLWH 7KH EHVW ZD\ WR YHULI\ SRVWSRQHPHQW information is to attend the scheduled sale. FOR 75867(( 6$/( ,1)250$7,21 3/($6( &$// 1$7,21:,'( 3267,1* 38%/,&$7,21 $ ',9,6,21 2) ),567 $0(5,&$1 7,7/( ,1685$1&( &203$1< ZZZQDWLRQZLGHSRVWLQJ FRP %$55(77 '$)),1 )5$33,(5 75('(5 :(,66 //3 ,6$&7,1*$6$ '(%7 &2//(&725 $77(037,1*72&2//(&7$'(%7$1<,1)250$7,21 2%7$,1(' :,// %( 86(' )25 7+$7 385326(%$55(77'$)),1)5$33,(575('(5 :(,66 //3 DV 7UXVWHH 3DWKILQGHU 5RDG Suite 300 Diamond Bar, CA 91765 (866) 795-1852 'DWHG 133 7R ,17(502817$,11(:6 FALL RIVER VALLEY #4430 - Immaculate 3 bd, 2 bath home on 4.8 acres, attached garage. RECENTLY SOLD! #4443 - 3/2 home on the golf course with updated kitchen & open plan RECENTLY SOLD! CASSEL/ HAT CREEK #4460 - 10 Acres with custom home & guest unit w/garage. Beautiful views ......$310,000 #4438 - Custom 3/2 on 3 acres in Hat Creek w/open floor plan, storage, & more. $289,000 RECENTLY SOLD! #4444 - Country home on 2 aces. 2 bed, 2 bath w/wood finishes. #4399 - 1,920 SF home on 5 ac w/garage & shop. Motivated Seller! PENDING $240,000 #4450 - NEW LISTING! 1404 SF man. home w/garage, fully fenced. RECENTLY SOLD! 4481 - Bring your inspiration. Two bedroom, 1 bath home close to schools in Bieber. 1HHGVVRPH7/&DQG finishing touches. 35,&('$7 #4480 Hat Creek waterfront is a lovely setting for this 3 Br 2 Ba Manufactured Home in the heart of fishing and wildlife area. Has upgrades such as Silestone type counter tops, engineered laminate flooring, covered front deck area looking over yard and creek area, master bedroom suite, extra insulation. Has a large finished double car garage with workshop area on 1 acre. $269,000 MONTGOMERY CREEK #4473 - Cedar Crk frontage on 44 acres. 3/3 home w/workshop, shed & more....$375,000 #4384 - 9.4 Ac with energy independent 1,500 SF home on Little Hatchet Creek.$275,000 #4334 - 4 Acres w/private pond. 1,920 SF 2 bd, 1 bath home on a lovely setting..$225,000 OLD STATION #4480 - Hat Creek waterfront, 3/2 manufactured home w/many upgrades on 1 acre$269,000 #4406 - 1 Bd cabin, knotty pine interior, sheds & garage w/workspace PENDING $110,000 ADIN/LOOKOUT/BIEBER #4452 - Charming 2 bd home in Adin w/a historical past, large garage. PENDING $117,900 #4474 LOOKOUT - Plenty of square footage on this fixer upper in Ranchettes......$75,000 #4481 BIEBER - Starter home, close to schools, needs some TLC, 2 bed, 1 bath..$75,000 COMMERCIAL / BUSINESS #4087 JP - 1,287sf bldg office/retail space on nearly an acre. Zoned C-M, Great location for a nursery or landscaping business, Owner may carry financing with acceptable terms.....$166,000 #1093 Views Views Views! This home has 3 bedrooms 2 baths on over a half acre on a Cul de Sac. Home has D WRWDO PDNH 1HZ .LWFKHQ QHZ EDWKV new windows ,water heater,new forced air heating unit in 2015,48 ft patio overhang, storage shed, new garage door, sprinkler system front and back, and 2 car carport, laminate floors . <RX QHHG WR VHH WKLV KRPH 9LHZV RI Shasta,Lassen,and Saddle Mountain Large garden area, soil in veggie friendly, reinforced fencing for help handle a windy day, double wide side gates for easy access to back yard, gas free standing stove, newly painted, large laundry room.....................159,000 /RW/RW²DFUHVLQ%851(< FALLS ESTATES! Owner will finance! Bring your contractor, building plans, and create your dream home on one of these beautiful nearly four to eleven acre parcels. Gorgeous trees, a mix of conifers, and also oak, for those fanWDVWLF IDOO FRORUV :LGH SDYHG VWUHHWV SRZHU ZDWHU SKRQH DW \RXU ORW 1HDU Burney Falls, Hat Creek, Fall River, and miles of hiking or riding trails Great cabin in peaceful Old Station. Close to excellent Hat Creek trout fishing. EHGURRPV EDWKV EHGURRPV DQGEDWKXSVWDLUVDQGEHGURRPV EDWKGRZQVWDLUV1HZUHIULJHUDWRUUDQJH oven and kerosene heater installed in the past year. DSL available in the area. Electrical panel has been upgraded to a 200 AMP service. Excellent vacation or 2nd home opportunity. 154000 +20( 21 $&5(6 good location on St. Highway lots of possibilities. Large counWU\ NLWFKHQ IRUPDO GLQLQJ URRP +XJH OLYLQJ URRP ZLWK ILUHSODFH LQVHUW FHLOLQJ GXFW WR %5 %ORFN KRPH ZLWK WLOH SDLQWHG FHPHQW floors! Spacious rooms. Breezeway to detached double garage, with ZRUNVKRS DUHD ODXQGU\ URRP ZDWHU V\VWHP URRP JRRG ZHOO 6WRUDJHEOGJGRJUXQ%DFNSDWLR fire pit.................................219,000 7+( +($57 2) +$7 &5((. 1HZO\ remodeled kitchen, new roof. Large NLWFKHQ ZEUHDNIDVW DUHD SOXV GLQLQJ DUHD /RWV RI RDN FDELQHWVVWRUDJH Laundry room. Range, refrigerator, washer, dryer. Some furnishings are negotiable . Sliders to back patio, plus large front deck next to stream that runs WKUXSURSHUW\1HDWIRRWEULGJHWRJDUGHQ DUHD DQG SXPS KRXVHKRXVH 1HDU )/< fishing, golfing, hiking.................175,000 CALL US AT (530) 335-2222 If You are a Victim of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault &DOO 7ROO)UHH+RXUV #1064 Privacy is a key feature of this property. The 3-bedroom 2-bath home sits on one acre. Home includes RefrigHUDWRU 5DQJH RYHQ PLFURZDYH washer and dryer. There is an oversized 2-car garage with extended shop. Shop includes air compressor, table saw, miter saw and a piano.There are several outbuildings, a carport, wood shed. There is a very large dog kennel............189,000 :KHQ\RX·UHORRNLQJWRVDYHWLPHDQGPRQH\WKHSDSHULVWKHÀUVW place you go. Your favorite stores and shops can always be found in our weekly circulars and inserts, providing a wealth of savings & information every day. Where else but the newspaper would you ÀQGVRPDQ\YDOXDEOHDGYHUWLVHGLWHPVLQRQHFRQYHQLHQWSODFH" Excellent opportunity to live in a beautifully upgraded house on a wonderful property and run your professional or retail business out of the detached office in front. House has 2 beds, 1 bath upstairs DQG EHG EDWKV GRZQVWDLUV House has been excellently maintained and yard is fully landscaped. Detached approx 950 sq ft workshop and an appox 650 sq ft office building in front...389,000 FOR MORE LAND & COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES PLEASE COME VISIT, HAVE A CHAT. LET US SHOW YOU ‘WE ARE SOLD ON SERVICE’ &RU\+DOWHU%URNHU2ZQHU'5(&HOO -LOO%DUQHWW%URNHU2ZQHU'5(&HOO #4466 6.6 Acres all fenced with a large custom barn has a beautiful setting for home site (area completed out of flood zone) - utilities are on property. Owner may carry with 30% down and acceptable credit & terms. County has tentatively approved 4 way split for future development purposes. PRICED $169,000 #4464 - Stunning view of Pittville and surrounding mountains from this 3.55 acre parcel. Enjoy the peace and quiet the Inter-mountain area has to offer with a short drive to town when needed. Property is fully fenced and gated. Septic and well are in. PRICED AT $149,000 MANUFACTURED HOMES /DV&ROLQDVEDFNVXSWRIRUHVW«««« 1053 Las Colinas 1152 sq ft SOLD« RESIDENTIAL %XUQH\E\6DIHZD\UHYDPSVEDWKURRP &DVVHOYLHZ5LVLQJ5LY/RJXQILQ$FSOLD......395,000 2OG6WDWLRQUHV·V3DUFHOVRQ+DW&UPENDING...159,950 )50RQ%OXII9,(:$FSOLD.......................195,500 )50VKRSVSRQGIHQFHG$F )50RQ(DVWPDQODNHKRPHGRFNFXVWRP5('8&('...899,000 %XUQH\+XGVRQVTIWDFSOLD........159,000 0RQW&UNVTIWDFUHVVKRSSRQGVSOLD....449,000 943 Burney over 4500 sq ft Burney Terrace.................495,000 947 Burney lot in Medical district.......................................62,500 %XUQH\&\SUHVV$YHVTIW-86762/'......145,000 %XUQH\6HUSHQWLQHEHDXW\SOLD........299,900 961 5 ac Big Eddy Fall River....................................75,000 962 5 Ac Big Eddy Fall River.....................................65,000 977 94 Ac 2 homes Alfalfa 4 barns 2 shops 5('8&('......829,000 &DVVHO$F&UDQH5RDGSOLD................219,000 1005 Johnson park many upgrades SOLD 1010 Hat Creek Dr on Hat Creek vacation dream..........170,000 *DUGHQ:D\SOLD....................................89,000 %XUQH\7HUUDFH&RUQHUORWVTIWSOLD.....239,500 %XUQH\$UURZRRG6W6XQURRPSOLD..............159,000 %XUQH\7HUUDFHVTIWXSJUDGHGPENDING.299,000 3LWWYLOOHRIIWKHJULG$FSOLD.......207,000 $FVTIW$GLQ %XUQH\VTIW5('8&('...........................99,000 %XUQH\VTIWIHQFHG5('8&('...............159,000 %XUQH\9HGGHU5GVTIW$&EDUQDUHQD &DVVHOEHDXW\Y$&6TIWSOLD..........279,000 UHQRYDWHGJUDQLWHVTIWSOLD........212,900 1043 Mont. Ck. 28+ AC, orchard, shop 2100 sq ft SOLD...........399,000 %XUQH\VTIWVRPHXSJUDGHVSOLD..........164,900 'D\DUHD$FUHVVTIWPENDING.......244,000 -3RQ$FUHVVTIHHW %XUQH\&$1%(XSJUDGHG 1055 Old playhouse Hat Creek................................72,500 2QWKH)DOO5LYHU*ROI&RXUVH &DVVHORQDFVTIW %XUQH\$FSULYDWHIODJORWSOLD..............134,000 %851(<UHIXUELVKHGVTIWIHQFHG &DVVHORQRYHUDQ$FUHYHU\3ULYDWH %XUQH\VTIWQHZFDUSHWDQGYLQ\O %XUQH\UHPRGHOHGEDWK 1067 Burney lot in Burney...........................................32,000 1068 Burney lot with foundation.........................................42,000 1069 Burney commercial or rental.............................................59,500 %XUQH\HQGRIURDGJUHDWKRPH 1075 FRM beautiful lot..............................................................48,000 %XUQH\ODUJHORW3(1',1* %XUQH\1(:(5KRPHVT