Business Directory
Business Directory
2014 Lynnwood Business Directory Read about the cover on page 6. GET A $10 GOURMET COFFEE GIFT CARD just for stopping by and getting a quote! Quotes take less than 10 minutes. Get in, get out and get your latte! James V. May, Owner [email protected] Like us on Facebook Cami A. Hooker, AIS Office Manager [email protected] Visit us online at Your Local Insurance Agency Representing These Excellent Companies City of Lynnwood 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 3 6 5 5 7 8 9 7 8 6 11 10 9 11 10 To Ev t et er 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 18 14 12 13 Legend: 20 To Seattle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Meadowdale Elementary Meadowdale Middle School Meadowdale High School Beverly Elementary St Thomas More Spruce Elementary Snohomish Co. Christian Lynnwood Elementary Lyndale Elementary Soundview School Cedar Valley Community School 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 College Place Elementary Terrace Park School Edmonds Community College Meadowdale Beach Park Meadowdale Playfields Meadowdale Park Spruce Park Stadler Ridge Park Lynndale Park & Skate Park North Lynnwood Park Maple Mini Park 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pioneer Park Daleway Park Mesika Trail & open space Veterans Park Wilcox Park Scriber Lake Park Gold Park Lynnwood Municipal Golf Course Sprague Pond Mini Park Scriber Creek Park Heritage Park South Lynnwood Park 6 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Keep it in the neighborhood Welcome to the best place to live, work and play As your new mayor, I would like to encourage everyone to use this directory as a guide to services, shopping and dining. By spending your dollars in our community, you help keep more tax revenue right here where it can be invested back into our neighborhoods. Plus supporting our local businesses keeps our community unique, creates more jobs, and encourages local prosperity. I am proud to live and work in Lynnwood. One of my first priorities is to connect with all of you. My office has undergone a transformation, making it a place to receive visitors and citizens alike. I have also begun the process of reaching out to those organizations in Snohomish County that our city should partner with – organizations who can assist us in having a real voice in Snohomish County. With the fine assistance of our city staff, Lynnwood will be a regional model for a sustainable, vibrant, community with engaged citizens and an accountable government. Our city council agrees with these goals. We are seeing growth in Lynnwood, such as the Lynnwood Crossroads at the very busy corner of Hwy 99 and 196th which is featured on the cover of this directory. We are also looking forward to Lynnwood Place, a mixed use development where the old Lynnwood High School once stood. This will include a new Costco and mixed use buildings with retail, restaurants, services and apartments on the upper floors. The City Center is poised for development to begin. This development plan and rezoning, green-lighted by City Council, has been talked about for many years. Now it’s time to make it happen. We aren’t just talking about high rise office and residential buildings, but also well-lighted public spaces and pedestrian connections, linking our city in a walkable way. We are also closer to bringing Light Rail to Lynnwood, and the city is working with the Lynnwood Public Facilities District to bring new community events to the Lynnwood Convention Center, our great community asset. It is an exciting time for our city, our home. Together we are going to make it the best it can be. Nicola Smith Mayor City of roLynnwood f do owthe nnCover yL About RMayor OY AM Nicola Smith and Economic Development Director David Kleitsch moc.royamrofalocin review plans for the nearly completed Lynnwood Crossroads at 196th St SW and Highway 99. This is one of the many projects under way in the ,PIHSDRAWETS LACSIF City Lynnwood. ,SECof IVR ES YTIC TNEMEGANAM FFATS ELAROM DNA 8 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 C I T Y O F LYNNWOOD LYNNWOOD CITY HALL 19100 44th Ave W 98036 425-670-5000 Televised City Council Meetings Xfinity by Comcast Ch 21 & Frontier FiOS Ch 38 Wed. at 7:30 pm - Sun. at 7am & 2pm Also on ALDERWOOD ANNEX 17525 Hwy 99, Ste A 98036 425-743-1127 CITY S ERVI C E S Animal Control 425-670-5660 Code Enforcement 425-670-5420 Crime Prevention 425-670-5637 Jail 425-670-5648 Street Light Outages 425-670-5219 Traffic Signals & Signs 425-670-5208 Trees 425-670-5217 Volunteering 425-670-5023 Mayor Nicola Smith 425-670-5003 Community Outreach 425-670-5023 Community Development 425-670-5400 Council 425-670-5010 Court 425-670-5100 PERMIT CE NTE R Economic Development 425-670-5042 Building Inspection 425-670-5550 Fire 425-670-5300 Public Works Inspection 425-670-5201 Parks, Rec. & Cultural Arts 425-670-5732 Fire Inspection 425-670-5350 Police 425-670-5600 Public Works 425-670-5200 UTILITIES EM ERG ENCY INFO FOR ALL EMERGENCIES CALL: 911 LYNNWOOD POLICE STATION 19321 44th Ave W 98036 FIRE DEPARTMENT 18800 44th Ave W 98036 EM ERG ENCY RESOURCES INFORMATION & REFERRAL SEARCH 211 SNOHOMISH COUNTY RED CROSS 425-252-4103 GAS PUGET SOUND ENERGY 888-225-5773 ELECTRIC SNOHOMISH COUNTY PUD 425-670-3200 SANITATION, SEWER & WATER ALDERWOOD WATER DISTRICT 425-743-4605 LYNNWOOD WATER & SEWER DEPT CHILD ABUSE REPORTING DSHS Billing 425-670-5170, Maintenance 425-670-5241 SNOHOMISH COUNTY CRISIS LINE 425-388-3429 866-363-4276 425-258-4357 or 800-584-3578 PROVIDENCE SEXUAL ASSAULT CENTER 360-923-4310 POISON CONTROL CENTER & HOT LINE 800-222-1222 SW RECYCLING & TRANSFER STATION WASTE MANAGEMENT 800-592-9995 ALLIED WASTE OF LYNNWOOD 425-778-0188 West of Hwy 99 800-592-9995 East of Hwy 99 SNOHOMISH COUNTY CENTER FOR BATTERED WOMEN RECYCLING INFORMATION SNOHOMISH HEALTH DISTRICT 425-670-5241 425-252-2873 425-339-5200 L I BRA R I E S LYNNWOOD LIBRARY 19200 44th Ave W 98036 425-778-2148 U S P O S T OFF ICES 800-ASK-USPS 425-670-8302 WATER/SEWER LEAKS REPORT LINE STORM WATER 425-670-5232 TELECOMMUNI C ATI O NS FRONTIER CABLE, INTERNET & PHONE 800-483-4100 XFINITY BY COMCAST CABLE, INTERNET & PHONE 800-266-2278 LYNNWOOD DIRECTV SATELLITE 425-778-3447 DISH NETWORK SATELLITE 6817 208th St SW 98036 ALDERWOOD MANOR 3715 196th St SW, Ste 101 98036 425-778-3715 800-531-5000 800-201-0848 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US C O M M U N IT Y SERV ICES & PR O G RAMS 9 PARK S & R E CR E ATI O N FACILITIES INFORMATION & REFERRAL SERVICE: 211 AARP 866-663-3291 LYNNWOOD RECREATION CENTER 18900 44th Ave W 98036 425-670-5REC (5732) LYNNWOOD GOLF COURSE AGING & DISABILITY SERVICES 20200 68th Ave W 98036 800-422-2024 425-672-4653 ANIMAL SHELTER – PAWS HERITAGE PARK & SOUTH SNOHOMISH COUNTY VISITOR INFORMATION CENTER 425-787-2500 DIAL-A-RIDE SENIOR TRANSPORTATION 800-562-1381 19921 Poplar Way 98036 425-776-3977 EMISSION TESTING SKATE PARK 7326 Olympic View Dr 98036 425-771-6805 LYNNWOOD SENIOR PROGRAMS COMMUNITY PARKS 425-670-5050 LYNNDALE PARK PASSPORTS 18927 72nd Ave W 98036 877-487-2778 MEADOWDALE PLAYFIELDS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION 16700 66th Ave W 98037 800-772-1213 SCRIBER LAKE PARK TEEN LINK-CONFIDENTIAL HELP LINE 5322 198th St SW 98036 206-461-4922 WILCOX PARK TRANSIT/TRANSPORTATION – COMMUNITY TRANSIT 5215 196th St SW 98036 425-353-RIDE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS WASHINGTON STATE VETERANS LEAGUE DALEWAY PARK 425-774-4441 19015 64th Ave W 98036 VOTER REGISTRATION GOLD PARK YMCA OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY MEADOWDALE NEIGHBORHOOD PARK 425-388-3444 200th St & 64th Ave 98036 425-258-9211 5700 168th St SW 98037 NORTH LYNNWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD PARK HEALTH CARE & SERVICES Rural Metro Ambulance Community Health Center Area Medical Clinics Poison Information Center Snohomish Health District Swedish/Edmonds Hospital 18510 44th Ave W 98037 425-672-1111 425-835-5200 425-672-5600 800-222-1222 425-775-3522 425-640-4000 PIONEER PARK 18400 36th Ave W 98037 SCRIBER CREEK PARK 20015 Cedar Valley Rd 98036 SOUTH LYNNWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD PARK LICENSES 20915 61st Ave W 98036 Business 425-670-5159 Driver 425-672-3406 Marriage 425-388-3388 Pet Licenses - Lynnwood 425-670-5660 Pet Licenses - Sno Co 425-388-3440 Vehicle/Vessel 425-774-7662 The Lynnwood Business Directory is published by the GA Publications NW. It is partially based on information provided by the City of Lynnwood.. SPRUCE PARK GA PublicationsNW 914 -164th St SE, Bldg B-12 #431, Mill Creek, WA 98012 l 206-423-7562 l Please note: if you find an error in this directory, now of a buisness that was not included or a business that is no longer operating, please email the information to [email protected] so it can be corrected for 2015. Thank you. 10 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 16864 36th Ave W 98037 SCHOOLS EDMONDS SCHOOL DISTRICT 20420 68th Ave W 98036 425-431-7000 425-431-7720 SECONDARY SCHOOLS ALDERWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL 20000 28th Ave W 98036 425-431-7579 EDMONDS PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOUNDATION COLLEGE PLACE MIDDLE SCHOOL 425-431-7260 MEADOWDALE MIDDLE SCHOOL PO Box 390 98046 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS BEVERLY ELEMENTARY 5221 168th St SW 98037 425-431-7732 CEDAR VALLEY COMM. SCHOOL 19200 56th Ave W 98036 425-431-7390 COLLEGE PLACE ELEMENTARY 20401 76th Ave W 98036 425-431-7620 HAZELWOOD ELEMENTARY 3300 204th St SW 98036 425-431-7884 7501 208th St SW 98036 425-431-7451 6500 168th St SW 98037 425-431-7707 EDMONDS-WOODWAY HIGH SCHOOL 7600 212th St SW 98026 425-431-7900 LYNNWOOD HIGH SCHOOL 18218 North Rd 98012 425-431-7520 MEADOWDALE HIGH SCHOOL 6002 168th St SW 98037 425-431-7650 EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER HILLTOP ELEMENTARY ALDERWOOD EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER 425-431-7604 425-431-7595 20425 Damson Rd 98036 LYNNDALE ELEMENTARY 7200 191st Pl SW 98036 425-431-7365 LYNNWOOD ELEMENTARY 18638 44th Ave W 98037 2000 200th Pl SW 98036 PRIVATE SCHOOLS BRIGHTON SCHOOL PRESCHOOL - MIDDLE SCHOOL 6717 212th St SW 98036 425-431-7615 425-672-4430 MARTHA LAKE ELEMENTARY NORTH SOUND CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 425-431-7766 17931 64th Ave W 98037 17500 Larch Way 98037 MEADOWDALE ELEMENTARY 6505 168th St SW 98037 425-431-7754 OAK HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY 15500 18th Ave W 98037 KINDERGARTEN - HIGH SCHOOL 425-742-9518 ST THOMAS MORE SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN - MIDDLE SCHOOL 6511 176th St SW 98037 425-743-2929 425-431-7744 SOUND VIEW SCHOOL SPRUCE ELEMENTARY 6565 196th St SW 98036 17405 Spruce Way 98037 PRESCHOOL - MIDDLE SCHOOL 425-778-8572 Dine In, Take Out & Catering Open: Tue-Sat 11 am to 8 pm; Sun 12 to 6 pm; Closed Mon Family Value Meals • Brisket • Ribs • Pulled Pork • Hand Crafted Sausages • Premium Sides and Chilis made from scratch • Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake 21104 70th Ave West, Suite B, Edmonds WA 98026 425-361-2299 We are located just off 212th on 70th Ave. W., right next to Banner Bank. LYNNWOOD GOLF COURSE Twilight Rate ALL Day Day Twilight Rate ALL Present this coupon and receive the Twilight Mention ad and receive ratethis any time of the day! the Twilight rate any time of day! Valid Monday - Friday Valid Monday - Friday DOWNLOAD OUR FREE MOBILE APP TODAY! 3-Click Tee Time Booking FREE GPS Interactive Score Card Live Leaderboards Share Rounds on Facebook Order Food App Only Special Offers Search Lynnwood Golf in the Apple App store or Android Market Coupon must be presented at time of check-in. Copies are not accepted. for maximum 4 players. CouponGood may not Ad mustGood be mentioned at of time of check-in. forbe combined with any other offer, special or discount. Valid through maximum of 4 players. May not be combined with any other AprilValid 30th, 2014 offer, special or discount. through April 30th, 2014 Join the Lynnwood Premier Club Today!! Its FREE and earns you discounts and exclusive Premier Club Offers. *Now accepted at ALL 11 Premier managed courses. *Start earning discounts in as little as 3 rounds. *Make tee times up to 14 days in advance . *Earns discounts up to 20% OFF Green Fees, Range Balls and Cart Rentals. *Enjoy PGC discounts on select merchandise and lessons. *Participate in PGC only events Visit to join today! 20200 68th Ave W • Lynnwood • 425.672.4653 12 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 COMMUNITY PROFILE The city of Lynnwood is the center of transportation and commerce in South Snohomish County. Just behind the hustle of busy arterial streets are quiet residential neighborhoods surrounded by trees. Lynnwood offers a wide range of governmental, commercial and educational services. Many federal, regional and state governmental offices have facilities in Lynnwood. Located where I-5 and I-405 intersect, Lynnwood attracts a variety of office, retail and commercial developments. Today, the city covers an area of 7.7 square miles, with more than 35,800 residents and over 2,500 businesses. While quality commercial and governmental services are necessary to urban living, the area also boasts an abundance of natural features. Nearby forests, mountains and rivers provide recreation to residents and visitors alike. Regional policies are encouraging the growth and development of the city, while protecting the surrounding natural areas. As Lynnwood becomes more urbanized, growth is funneled into the existing urban growth boundaries. LYNNWOOD HISTORY THE EARLY PIONEER DAYS In 1889, William Morrice purchased the 100 acres which is now the site of Alderwood Mall. Only a few hardy pioneering families lived in this remote central part of South Snohomish County, and a trip to Seattle for supplies took two days by horse-drawn wagon. THE INFLUENCE OF BIG TIMBER Early in the twentieth century, the area occupied by Lynnwood today was owned by the Puget Mill Company, a subsidiary of the San Francisco based Pope and Talbot Company. The company engaged in logging and by 1916, most of the big timber had been cut and Puget Mill was liable for taxes on 6,285 acres of unproductive land. BACK TO THE LAND DAYS Before World War I, there was a nationwide “back to the land” movement promoting the creation of farms on logged-off acreage. Puget Mill began selling five-acre “stump farms.” In 1917, the company developed a 30-acre poultry farm to “demonstrate” how a farmer might make a five-acre tract pay for itself. The Demonstration Farm was conveniently located next to the Interurban Railway that ran between Seattle and Everett. Across the tracks from the Demonstration Farm, ten acres were set aside as urban lots, and a brick, Tudor-style general store was built to serve the growing new community of Alderwood Manor. THE CHANGES BROUGHT BY THE AUTOMOBILE Construction of State Route 99 in 1927 brought major changes. In October 1927, the highway opened to traffic. In 1931, a road (now 196th Street S.W.) was paved connecting Alderwood Manor to State Route 99, and for a decade the highway corridor and the rail corridor complemented one another. By the 1930s, the remaining chicken farmers in the Alderwood Manor area were struggling to survive. Income from the sale of eggs and broilers was down at the Demonstration Farm, but despite these losses, the Puget Mill Company made a handy profit in land sales. Some five-acre tracts were sold two or three times as buyers abandoned the Puget Mill contracts which carried an interest rate double the standard rate at the time. In 1933, the Puget Mill Company closed the Demonstration Farm, turning the central five acres over to Norm Collins who established the Washington Breeders Hatchery. The remaining 25 acres was subdivided into one-acre “ranchettes.” WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US 13 By the end of World War II, Lynnwood emerged along Highway 99, a mile west of Alderwood Manor, as an assertive business district catering to the motoring public. By the mid-1950s, growth dictated the need for municipal services such as fire prevention, sewers, policing and land use controls. This demand for services spurred an incorporation effort which resulted in the incorporation of Lynnwood as a city in 1959. The city initially had a population of 6,233 people and billed itself as the “Hub City.” Development of Interstate 5 and Highway 405 brought further expansion and opportunity to the area. Lynnwood entered the 21st century with a population of 33,847. There are more than 2,500 businesses and the daytime population swells to over 80,000 with workers, shoppers and students. The city is continuing its evolution from forest land into a modern, thriving commercial and residential community. PRESERVING HISTORY Alderwood Manor’s original general store, built in 1919 across the tracks from the Demonstration Farm, remained a local landmark on 196th Street S.W. until it was moved in 1998 to make room for Interstate 5 improvements. An expanded freeway interchange now occupies the former Demonstration Farm property. In 1997, the city established a Historical Commission to identify Lynnwood’s significant historical features. To date the city has committed to several projects to preserve the history of the area. A number of private business projects have also contributed to preservation efforts. HERITAGE PARK Residents and tourists can experience the history of the Lynnwood/Alderwood Manor area at Heritage Park, located east of I-5, at the southeast corner of Poplar Way and Alderwood Mall Parkway. On this site the city’s renovated historical structures provide a heritage resource not available elsewhere in South Snohomish County. Interurban Car 55, the Wickers Building, the Water Tower and the Superintendent’s Cottage from the Demonstration Farm, and the Humble House are restored and displayed in the park as tangible reminders of life in the early 20th Century. The Wickers Building, Alderwood Manor’s original general store and post office, features the Wickers Museum and the South Snohomish County Visitor Information Center. Interurban Car 55, built in 1910 by the Niles Streetcar Company, is a static display of the area’s transportation heritage. The Alderwood Manor Heritage Association operates the Demonstration Farm’s Superintendent’s Cottage as a heritage resource center. The Sno-Isle Genealogical Society operates a genealogy research center in the Humble House, the park site’s original residence. The Water Tower from the Demonstration Farm is planned to support activities related to the area’s agricultural heritage, including demonstration gardens. The park also includes picnic areas, a commemorative brick plaza, public art, interpretative signs and heritage landscaping. THE INTERURBAN TRAIL The Interurban Trail is a regional non-motorized trail located in the PUD/PNW traction right-of-way. The trail follows the route once used by the electric Interurban Railway that ran between Seattle and Everett from 1910 to 1939. In the 1990s the Interurban Trail was built within the Interurban corridor for non-motorized commuter and recreational use. The trail begins in North Seattle and continues north through Shoreline, Edmonds, Mountlake Terrace, Lynnwood, unincorporated Snohomish County, and Everett. Lynnwood’s portion of the Interurban Trail is 3.8 miles long, runs generally parallel to I-5, and is mostly separated from motorized traffic. 14 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 LYNNWOOD PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURAL ARTS DEPARTMENT Lynnwood Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts – creating a healthy community through people, parks, programs and partnerships. Led by Director Lynn D. Sordel, this department manages 17 parks, 120 acres of open space, 14 miles of recreational trails, an athletic complex, a recreation center, golf course, and senior center. We are committed to enriching the quality of life in Lynnwood with recreation for all ages in the following program areas: Aquatics, Athletics, Arts, Youth Programs & Teen Programs and Senior Services. Information about all of our facilities and programs can be found at: 425-670-5REC (5732) RECREATION Lynnwood Recreation Center 18900 44th Ave. W, Lynnwood 425-670-5REC (5732) This newly remodeled and expanded recreation facility operates seven days a week for drop-in and registered activities. This facility is disabled accessible and offers many amenities. Features of this community gem include several swimming pools (lap pool, leisure pool, wellness pool, water playground, river and two large water slides), hot tubs, sauna, cardio/weight room, racquetball courts, fitness studio, activity rooms, reflexology path, showers and changing rooms. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 5:30am - 9:30pm Saturday 7am - 9pm and Sunday Noon - 6pm. GOLF Lynnwood Municipal Golf Course 20200 68th Ave W, Lynnwood 425-672-GOLF (4653) This year-round, beautifully manicured 18-hole course offers a full service Pro Shop, equipment rentals, practice areas, and pro instruction. Operated by Premier Golf Centers, we’re conveniently located at the Edmonds Community College Woodway Building, offer online tee bookings and access to the Premier Loyalty Club. Open year round. Reservations are taken seven days in advance; power carts available. PARKS For information and a complete listing of all our parks, or to reserve a picnic shelter, call 425-670-5732 or visit our website at Heritage Park 19921 Poplar Way, Lynnwood 425-670-5502 Heritage Park is located east of I-5 at 19921 Poplar Way in Lynnwood. The park is operated and maintained by the City of Lynnwood with partnerships that include the Snohomish County Tourism Bureau, Alderwood Manor Heritage Association and the Sno-Isle Genealogical Society. WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US 15 PARKS (CONTINUED) South Snohomish County Visitor Information Center Heritage Park - 19921 Poplar Way, Lynnwood 425-776-3977 The South Snohomish County Visitor Information Center is located in the renovated Wickers Building and operated by the Snohomish County Tourism Bureau. The Center offers tourists and residents an abundance of community, county and statewide information, and is open daily. The Wickers Building, built in 1919, was Alderwood Manor’s first general store and post office. The building includes the Wickers Museum which features early Alderwood Manor. The Wickers Building is listed on the Washington Heritage Register of Historic Places. Interurban Car 55 Heritage Park - 19911 Poplar Way, Lynnwood 425-670-5502 Interurban Car 55 is one of six electric trolleys that made daily runs between Seattle and Everett from 1910-1939. The Interurban Railway represents a significant role in Lynnwood’s heritage and the development of South Snohomish County. Car 55 has been renovated and includes original Interurban accessories. Tours are available that include historic details and stories of the Interurban. Genealogy Research Center 19827 Poplar Way, Lynnwood 425-775-6267 This genealogy center is located in the renovated Humble House, the park site’s original residence built in 1919. Operated by the Sno-Isle Genealogical Society, the center is staffed with knowledgeable volunteers to assist visitors and researchers, and provide them with an understanding and appreciation of their family heritage. Heritage Resource Center 19903 Poplar Way, Lynnwood 425-775-4694 This community resource center is located in the Alderwood Manor Heritage Cottage, originally the superintendent’s cottage on the Demonstration Farm. The renovated cottage offers public access to resource materials related to the historic community of Alderwood Manor. Owned and operated by the Alderwood Manor Heritage Association, the Resource Center features rotating exhibits and collections of historical artifacts, oral histories, books and reference materials. Lynndale Park & Amphitheater 18927 72nd Ave W, Lynnwood Lynndale Park is Lynnwood’s second oldest park, opening in 1969. It is also Lynnwood’s largest park, located north of Lynndale Elementary School in west Lynnwood. Approximately 22 acres of the park are preserved as native forest, with the remainder developed with athletic fields and other recreational uses. The Lynndale Amphitheater features events and performances during the summer, including free evening performances of Shakespeare In The Park. TRAILS Lynnwood is traversed with 7.6 miles of walking and biking trails, which include a 3.8-mile section of the Interurban Trail, the Mesika Trail (0.3- mile), the Scriber Creek Trail (1.5-mile), and the Golf Course Trail (2 miles). Park users enjoy another 6.9 miles of trails located within our parks. 16 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 ACCOUNTANTS Anderson Accountancy Corp Bateman, Marc G CPA PS BCFS Accounting & Tax Solution Business Consulting And Accounting Celia Griffin CPAP LLC Diversified Accounting Services Inc DL Thompson Accounting Friends & Harvey Assoc Inc H2 Accounting & Bookkeeping Hahn & Associates PS CPA’s John J Haughney Inc Karr Joseph E, CPA Kristina’s Abacus Larry French & Associates Mihaylov & Elim Inc PS Perkins & Associates PS Randall W Faber CPA Russell, James CPA Sheila’s Independent Bookkeeping Steven Kim CPA Stockwell & Associates Thompson, Dennis L. Vine Dahien & Co W.G. Accounting Services Werner Omeara & Co 19105 36th Ave W, Ste 207 4211 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste 205 16825 48th Ave W, Ste 410 19909 64th Ave W, Ste 2 19101 36th Ave W 19415 Locust Way 19410 Hwy 99 19109 36th Ave W, Ste 207 19109 36th Ave W, Ste 207 4629 168th St SW, Ste H 3322 164th St SW 19721 Scriber Lake Rd, Ste C 16521 13th Ave W, Ste 206 20202 Hwy 99 14026 11th Pl W 20102 Cedar Valley Rd, Ste 204 4610 200th St SW 4211 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste 205 6520 212th St SW, Ste 206 15332 Highway 99, Ste 11 19201 40th Ave W 19109 36th Ave W, Ste 213 3500 188th St SW, Ste 322 2125 196th St SW, Ste 109 19109 36th Ave W, Ste 213 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 425-775-8506 425-775-6559 425-361-2541 206-361-3950 425-771-4574 425-776-2538 206-390-9432 425-670-1310 425-775-0379 425-742-7675 425-745-6900 425-775-2544 425-658-0030 425-775-2544 425-779-1555 425-771-8355 425-533-0711 425-672-8150 425-774-3480 425-787-1928 425-774-7848 206-390-9432 425-771-6055 425-778-8249 425-774-8888 ACUPUNCTURE 18205 Alderwood Mall Pkwy ACI Clinic & Wellness Center 18514 Hwy 99, Ste D Ahn’s Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic 18904 Hwy 99, Ste F East To West Accupuncture Center 6205 200th St SW Eastern Treasure Acupuncture & Herb 4610 200th St SW, Ste B Evergreen Acupuncture Clinic Kyung Hee Acupuncture & Natural Medicine 18904 Hwy 99, Ste C 98036 425-778-1188 425-774-1535 425-778-5691 425-775-5052 425-774-8139 425-640-7585 3220 100th St SW 98204 425-388-5125 19720 44th Ave W, Ste B 18904 Hwy 99, Ste D 1120 164th St SW 98036 425-771-8937 425-744-0666 425-743-6722 18620 33rd Ave W 5810 196th St SW 16521 Hwy 99, Ste A 5810 196th St SW 98037 18420 33rd Ave W, Ste G 19332 60th Ave W, Ste 102 3715 196th St SW, Ste 131 19310 60th Ave W 5824 196th St SW 3115 Alderwood Mall Blvd 98037 98036 425-771-2752 425-670-0454 425-774-4414 425-673-6471 330-656-2600 425-771-6979 16521 13th Ave W 98037 425-582-0167 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 AIRPORT Paine Field See ad on page 39 ALTERATIONS Lynnwood Alterations Pro-Fit Tailoring Stitches & Time 98037 98037 APPLIANCES Albert Lee Conklin Appliance World Judd & Black Electric Seattle Appliance See ad on page 17 98036 98037 98036 425-670-1110 425-776-3184 425-742-2233 425-776-3184 ART SUPPLIES / CRAFTS Aaron Brothers Galaxy Hobby Hancock Fabrics Hobby Lobby Jo-Ann Michaels 98036 98036 98036 98036 ATTORNEYS Bohan Law, PLLC Upgrade your kitchen with innovative, stylish appliances from Electrolux. PERFECT EVERY TIME. Customizable Temperature Zones with The Perfect Temp® Drawer Features 9 preset temperature selections and 3 “My Favorite” settings. Be Ready for Any Occasion WITH DUAL ICE MAKERS. Lock in Freshness WITH LUXURY-CLOSE™ CRISPER DRAWERS. Counter-Depth French Door Refrigerator ELECTROLUXAPPLIANCES.COM EW23BC85KS Lynnwood Location: Bothell Location: 18811 Bothell Way NE, Bothell, • (425) 485-0551 5810 196th St SW, Lynnwood, WA WA 9803698011 • (425) 776-3184 Bothell Location: Shoreline Location: 18815 Aurora Seattle,WA WA 98133 • (206) 542-8911 18811 Bothell WayAve NE,N,Bothell, 98011 • (425) 485-0551 NEW Sumner Location! Shoreline Location: 1202 Main Street #100, Sumner, WA 98390 • (253) 833-0630 18815 Aurora Ave N, Seattle, WA 98133 • (206) 542-8911 GRAND Location: OPENING! Tacoma 5049 S Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98409 • (253) 475-4088 5049 S Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98409 • (253) 475-4088 Electrolux_KellyFDBM_SeattleAppl_4.75x7.75 11/14/13 1:58 PM 18 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Conroy, Stephen L PS Dolan Lawrence PS Feldman & Lee PS Hickman Menashe P.S. Law Office of Brian M Sullivan Law Office of Lance R. Fryear Law Office of Michael P Sheehy Law Office of Schoen Parnell Law Offices of Alice E Kim Lome M Griere Alderwood Law Luke, Casteel & Olsen PSC Moriarty & Associates North Sound Law PS Pacific Prime Law Group Paul Hanson Attorney PS Perkins & Associates PS Purcell & Adams Randy Boyer, Attorney At Law Riach Gese Law Offices: Michael P Jacobs Riichard J Shurtz, Attorney at Law Ron Steingold Law Offices Schumacher & Therriault The Conom Law Firm Venhaus Debra J Law Office Weston & Associates PS William F. Bulchis PS Young S Oh & Associates PS 19303 44th Ave W, Ste A 19109 36th Ave W, Ste 204 19303 44th Ave W, Ste A 4211 Alderwood Mall Blvd 7411 196th St SW 19303 44th Ave W 3400 188th St SW, Ste 401 3405 188th St SW 16825 48th Ave W, Ste 207 20016 Cedvar Valley Rd 3400 188th St SW, Ste 484 3500 188th St SW, Ste 502 3500 188th St SW, Ste 122 4400 168th St SW, Ste 102 3400 188th St SW, Ste 484 20102 Cedar Valley Rd, Ste 204 7127 196th St SW, Ste 201 7017 196th St SW 7331 196th St SW 7017 196th St SW 19502 48th Ave W 19217 36th Ave W, Ste 213 20016 Cedar Valley Rd, Ste 201 3405 188th St SW, Ste 302 19502 48th Ave W, Ste 1 4630 200th St SW, Ste B 16824 44th Ave W, Ste 250 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 425-771-3600 425-775-5423 425-771-3600 425-744-5658 425-954-3378 425-670-9090 425-778-6900 425-774-1500 425-956-3821 425-775-6809 425-744-0411 425-670-0800 425-673-1610 425-743-8800 425-778-7339 425-771-8355 425-774-0444 425-712-3107 425-776-3191 425-670-6551 425-670-2814 425-967-0250 425-774-6747 425-774-5213 425-712-7111 425-348-9800 425-743-1144 AUTO REPAIR / PARTS / CUSTOMIZATION 8-Velocity Motorsport A&T Auto Care Center Absolute Auto Body/Autosports Advanced Sound & Tint Aldercrest Auto Rebuild See ad on page 19 Andy’s Auto Repair Autovice Bow Wow Import Parts & Service Autozone Autozone Best Auto & Truck Parts Bills Machine Shop Brakes For Less Brody’s Mufflers, Brakes & Radiators Bucky’s Mufflers, Brakes & Radiators Budget Batteries Car Toys Carquest Auto Parts Cascade Wheel Repair Centers 3 Collision Clutch Doctors Foreign Engines Gerber Collision & Glass Greg’s Japanese Auto J & J Auto Repair J S Auto Repair JC Auto Restoration Jeff’s Auto Repair Jiffy Lube 21619 Hwy 99, Ste F 19406 Hwy 99 17830 Hwy 99 21619 Hwy 99, Ste G 2415 196th St SW 6408 212th St SW 16628 44th Ave W 16809 Hwy 99, Ste F 20321 Hwy 99 18100 Hwy 99 20907 Hwy 99, Ste A 17820 Hwy 99, Ste C 18715 Hwy 99 19210 Hwy 99 6306 196th St SW 3910 196th St SW, Ste A 19825 Hwy 99 18908 Hwy 99, Ste C 4030 Alderwood Mall Blvd 21619 Hwy 99, Ste D 6907 216th St SW, Ste A 6811 212th St SW 19908 Hwy 99 6204 211th St SW 6326 196th St SW 20815 52nd Ave W, Ste 2 21701 Hwy 99, Ste A 6001 196th St SW 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98042 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 425-771-8113 425-778-9222 425-745-5856 425-672-8866 425-775-2424 425-774-6408 425-771-6411 425-742-0475 425-778-2065 425-778-2137 425-778-2197 425-670-2133 425-778-2736 425-712-0186 425-778-8684 425-778-2726 425-771-4990 425-778-4672 425-771-2388 425-778-9773 425-774-4546 425-778-6570 425-977-4100 425-672-7770 425-640-0999 425-672-8324 425-771-4588 425-775-7930 Joe’s Carburetors Johns Collision & Auto Body K C Martin Automotive Lynnwood Auto Parts Lynnwood Auto Rebuild Mario’s Auto Repair Mark 2 Collision Center Midas Auto Service Experts Net Auto Cafe O’Reilly Auto Parts O’Reilly Auto Parts Optimum Performance Optimum Precision Paulson Auto Repair Paulson’s Towing Performance Motors Pick-n-Pull Self Service Auto Parts Pioneer Auto Service Precision Tune Auto Care Prime Autobody Repair Professional Collision R&R Star Towing Shannon Towing SKS Motors Speedy Auto Glass Street Rod Visions Wally’s Towing Wesco Autobody Supply 5516 186th Pl SW 20500 Hwy 99 21609 Hwy 99, Ste A 6127 212th St SW, Ste D 19230 Hwy 99, Ste 110 6615 212th St SW 18205 Hwy 99 19625 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 17205 Hwy 99 16706 Hwy 99 19915 Hwy 99 19623 24th Ave W, Ste 6 6324 202nd St SW 19623 24th Ave W, Ste 5 5001 208th St SW, Ste 110 21116 67th Ave W 18306 Hwy 99 20305 Hwy 99 19610 44th Ave W, Ste A 20909 Hwy 99 19006 Hwy 99 20610 48th Ave W 19106 Hwy 99, Ste B 4215 198th St SW, Ste 104 18021 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 101 5629 208th St SW, Ste B 20510 60th Ave W 21619 Hwy 99, Ste E 98037 18225 Hwy 99 21515 Hwy 99 7627 196th St SW, Ste 210 20029 Hwy 99, Ste A 2228 196th St SW 17820 Hwy 99, Ste A 16711 Hwy 99 20006 64th Ave W 19910 Poplar Way 16601 Hwy 99 17510 Hwy 99 20300 Hwy 99 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 425-774-5504 425-771-8911 425-672-0920 425-778-0155 425-776-0221 425-774-4646 425-771-7147 425-673-7470 425-742-2183 425-745-5429 425-775-1551 425-670-3855 425-778-1455 425-774-8300 425-775-1033 425-775-5670 425-778-3147 425-672-7505 425-771-8863 425-778-2186 425-774-7371 425-778-9557 425-774-8811 425-967-1007 425-744-9494 425-774-4594 425-672-0808 425-776-9186 AUTO SALES A to Z Auto Sales Acura of Lynnwood Alfa Motors Autopawn USA Car Craft Auto Sales Cyber Auto Sales & Marketing Gasoline Alley Harris Ford / Lincoln Jaguar LandRover Seattle Jegs Motors Kompact Kar Korner Lexus of Seattle 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 425-361-1128 425-775-2925 206-355-8637 425-778-5579 425-640-0432 206-334-7555 425-743-4999 425-774-4141 425-640-9222 206-910-9317 425-745-1660 425-774-7900 We have the Solution for All Your Repair Needs! AUTO REBUILD, INC. SINCE 1972 We specialize in complete collision repair. We meet hazardous waste and air quality standards set by the EnviroStars Program and Puget Sound Clean Air Agency of Snohomish County. 2415 196th St SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036 425-775-2424 M-F 7:30-5:30, Sat 8:00-1:00 20 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Magic Toyota Pre Owned Mercedes-Benz of Lynnwood Sandberg Northwest Volvo Seaview Chevrolet University Audi See ad on page 37 Xcite Motors 21000 Hwy 99 20515 Hwy 99 17025 Hwy 99 17909 Hwy 99 17315 Hwy 99 21021 Hwy 99 98036 21609 Hwy 99, Ste C 19414 44th Ave W 19805 44th Ave W 17117 Hwy 99 4933 196th St SW 98036 20815 67th Ave W, Ste 104 2125 196th St SW, Ste120 430 164th St SW 3301 184th St SW, Ste 250 6414 204th St SW 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 98036 19002 33rd Ave W 5727 196th St SW 17308 Hwy 99 3220 188th St SW, Ste 100 5901 196th St SW 3405 188th St SW, Ste 201 17410 Hwy 99, Ste 120 19220 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 4615 196th St SW, Ste 105 17525 Hwy 99, Ste E 3321 184th St SW 4001 Alderwood Mall Blvd 19405 44th Ave W 19820 44th Ave W 4401 168th St SW 19705 Hwy 99 19725 40th Ave W, Ste A 19419 Hwy 99 3405 188th St SW, Ste 304 3500 188th St SW, Ste 575 3301 184th St SW, Ste 125 2502 196th St SW 3925 196th St SW, Ste C 19230 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 110 1133 164th St SW 19009 33rd Ave W, Ste 200 19020 33rd Ave W 19315 Hwy 99 21111 Hwy 99 19420 Hwy 99 4411 196th St SW 2820 164th St SW 18530 33rd Ave W, Ste A 5809 196th St SW 98036 98036 98037 98037 98037 98036 425-775-4422 206-673-0505 425-741-1400 425-742-1920 425-743-7400 425-771-4700 AUTO TIRE SALES / REPAIR Big O Tires Discount Tire Co Goodyear Auto Les Schwab Tire Center Les Schwab Tire Center 98036 98036 98037 98036 425-778-6899 425-778-4086 425-774-8648 425-742-2702 425-776-3107 BAKERIES Basson Bakery Finales Gourmet Desserts Franz Bakery Outlet Store Le Bon Bakery Olson Baking Company Pinka Bella Cupcakes 98936 98987 98037 98036 98037 425-771-1927 425-778-8094 425-743-5799 425-771-5415 425-771-1266 425-640-9801 BANKS / CREDIT UNIONS 1st Security Bank Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Bank of Washington Banner Bank BBCN BECU - Neighborhood Center Chase Bank Chase Bank Chase Bank Chase Bank HomeStreet Bank See ad on page 21 KeyBank KeyBank Mountain Pacific Bank See ad on back page Northwest Plus Credit Union Opus Bank Pacific City Bank Pacific Crest Savings Bank Pacific International Bank Prime Pacific Bank Seattle Metropolitan Credit Union Sterling Bank Sterling Bank Umpqua Bank Umpqua Bank UniBank Union Bank US Bank US Bank US Bank (in Fred Meyer) Verity Credit Union Washington Federal 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98087 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 425-774-5536 425-775-6411 425-742-2177 425-744-1132 425-921-2265 425-248-2215 425-743-7777 800-233-2328 425-712-8770 425-741-8545 425-774-8848 425-771-7283 425-678-4920 425-775-7266 425-743-2256 425-493-5200 425-776-2455 425-775-6666 425-774-4003 425-670-9600 425-776-5111 425-774-5643 206-398-5510 425-744-8064 425-741-5800 425-670-9898 425-670-9898 425-275-9700 425-670-1262 425-775-5444 425-775-5466 425-787-5940 425-712-0379 425-776-1121 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Financial Whidbey Island Bank 6400 196th St SW 2628 196th St SW 1232 164th St SW 4114 198th St SW, Ste 2 14807 Hwy 99 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 21 425-712-0600 425-774-2155 425-775-5276 425-775-6483 425-745-5933 BEAUTY SALONS / BARBER SHOPS Accent On Appearances Andy Barber Shop Beauty Box Beauty Works CJ’s Barber Shop Debbies Hair Designs Designing Images Salon Elle Marie Hair Studio FX Hair & Nails Salon Gene Juarez Salon & Spa Golden Hair / Nail Salon Great Clips For Hair Hair Touch Hair Vision Salon Hairmasters Highline Hair Salon J Burlynne Hair Extensions & Design Jina Hair Salon Kim Hyun Hair Salon Maida Hair Salon Michael Dean Mikee Hair Cuts 18500 33rd Ave W, Ste C 19713 Scriber Lk Rd, Ste E 19410 36th Ave W, Ste 7 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 17820 Hwy 99, Ste B 5800 198th St SW, Ste 5 18609 76th Ave W, Ste C 2701 184th St SW 19312 60th Ave W, Ste B 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 17711 Hwy 99, Ste A 7600 196th St SW, Ste 200 3411 184th St SW, Ste 140 18415 33rd Ave W, Ste M 4615 196th St SW 19505 44th Ave W, Ste H 19031 33rd Ave W, Ste 200 18514 Hwy 99, Ste B 17424 Hwy 99, Ste 208 6815 196th St SW, Ste F 19709 Scriber Lk Rd, Ste L 16716 Hwy 99, Ste H ADIX’S BED AND BATH FOR DOGS & CATS 98037 98036 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 425-776-1013 425-673-8989 425-776-1001 425-672-1033 425-787-7870 425-778-8766 425-775-0818 425-640-6555 425-771-4345 425-744-6000 425-743-0112 425-744-0824 425-640-3232 425-776-7684 425-771-6473 425-778-2288 425-870-1438 425-771-8855 425-741-2772 425-775-3131 425-672-4511 425-787-8566 Sometimes your best friend is your banker, and that’s okay. Over 40 years experience caring for your pets! Family Owned and Operated THE ULTIMATE IN CARE & ACCOMMODATIONS HEATED FLOORS WITH SPACIOUS RUNS CAT SUITES GROOMING SALON 21100 72nd Ave. W. | Edmonds 98026 425-778-1475 9AM–6PM MON–SAT 2PM–6PM SUN | CLOSED HOLIDAYS At HomeStreet Bank, we pride ourselves on not just taking care of your money, but taking care of you. We make you our top priority with local decisionmaking and less red tape. So come on in. We’re ready to put you first, second and third. And fourth. And fifth. Lynnwood Branch 425-678-4921 19405 - 44th Ave. W, Lynnwood Mon-Fri - 9-6pm, Sat. 9-3pm 22 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 New Dimension Salon Q-Cuts Regis Salon Salon Celebrations Salon En Vogue Salon Veloce Salon Zuberenz Seoul Barber Shop Shanna Beauty Shop Sunshine Hair Supercuts Supercuts 425-771-1049 425-776-7511 425-771-7160 425-778-6782 425-775-6686 425-744-0144 425-771-2866 425-776-4135 425-771-9557 425-672-8449 425-771-7881 425-712-0807 19709 Hwy 99, Ste D 18505 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste B 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 6501 196th St SW, Ste B 4200 196th St SW, Ste 101 3815 196th St SW, Ste 128 3225 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste H 18421 Hwy 99, Ste D 20829 Hwy 99, Ste D 19725 40th Ave W, Ste E 20007 44th Ave W, Ste D 18411 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste C 98036 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19401 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 130 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 4201 196th St SW, Ste E 6815 196th St SW 18700 33rd Ave W, Ste F 19410 Hwy 99, Ste C 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19401 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 130 98037 18503 Hwy 99, Ste E 18021 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 104 19920 Hwy 99, Ste C 3225 Alderwood Mall Blvd 98037 98036 425-672-2777 425-248-4842 425-774-8951 425-774-4096 3105 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste B 98036 425-640-2888 17424 Hwy 99 19401 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 140 19720 44th Ave W, Ste R 19500 Hwy 99, Ste 102 19200 44th Ave W 6725 196th St SW, Ste B 2610 Larch Way 3333 184th St SW, Ste G 98037 98037 425-745-9238 425-771-2220 425-673-2416 425-776-8885 425-778-2148 425-775-2377 425-773-5079 425-744-2767 5030 208th St SW, Ste A 98036 425-672-7051 4320 196th St SW, PMB 213 13619 Mukilteo Speedway, D-5 595 15405 35th Ave S, Ste A3 19728 13th Pl W 98036 425-248-4978 425-750-0190 877-762-7332 425-954-7544 18811 28th Ave W, Ste A 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 98036 21125 Hwy 99 6321 204th St SW 21619 Hwy 99, Ste H 19907 44th Ave W 98036 98021 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 BEAUTY SUPPLIES Aveda bareMinerals Beauty Works Ed Wyse Beauty Supply Marilyn Young Beauty Merle Norman Sally Beauty Supply Sephora The Body Shop Ulta Beauty 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 425-672-0710 425-640-2970 425-672-1033 425-771-3733 425-778-4757 425-771-7665 425-776-4237 425-776-8010 425-673-2556 425-673-0405 BIKE REPAIR / SALES Bicycles West Gregg’s Alderwood Cycle Harvy’s Bike Shop Performance Bicycle 98037 98036 BIRD SUPPLIES Wild Bird Nest See ad on page 45 BOOKS / COMICS Agape Book Center Barnes & Noble Booksellers Childrens Bookshop & Teaching Supplies Half Price Books Records Magazines Lynnwood Library Reread Books CVintage Books by Vicki The Comic Stop 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 BREWERIES Big E Ales BUSINESS SERVICES All Things HR Encompass Business Systems River Rock Group, The WSI Marketing Plus 98087 98087 98036 CANDY See’s Candies Sweet Factory 98037 425-771-5777 425-775-7356 CAR WASH Clearwater Car Wash DS Car Wash Metropolitan Detail Mr Kleen Car Wash 98036 98036 98036 206-276-0533 425-775-6502 425-672-8140 425-776-7646 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US Mr Kleen Super Stop Whale of a Wash 19611 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 4628 168th St SW 98036 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19500 Hwy 99, Ste 105 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 98037 17405 62nd Ave W 19327 21st Ave W 2100 196th St SW 98037 18623 Hwy 99, Ste 150 18609 76th Ave W, Ste J 3105 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 18421 Hwy 99, Ste E 98037 6815 196th St SW 18133 52nd Ave W, Ste 102 22598 22nd Pl W 5421 196th St SW 6009 168th St SW 19417 36th Ave W 15212 Hwy 99 98036 98037 23 425-774-8200 425-745-6560 CARDS & GIFTS Mark’s Hallmark Gold Crown Papyrus Paula’s Hallmark Gold Crown Spencer’s Gifts 98037 98036 98037 425-771-7177 425-771-5830 425-672-4280 425-771-5558 CARPET CLEANING First Class Carpet Services SERVPRO of Edmonds & Lynnwood Wright Way Cleaning 98036 98036 425-488-8888 425-774-1148 425-712-5326 CATERING BBQ Arirang Celebrations Catering Service Culinary Events Northwest Dancing Women Home Meals 98037 98036 98037 425-678-0658 425-771-7508 425-231-9239 206-940-6721 CHILD CARE ABC Learning Center Another Best Child Care Carrie’s in Home Child Care Jillians Kiddie Koop Child Care Kid City Child Development Center Kids R Special II Montessori Kindercare Learning Centers • 24-hour Supervision • Secured Environment • Therapy Services available with a gentle approach for Cognitive Care • Licensed Nurse • Walking Paths • Peace of Mind • Creative Life Enhancement Program 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98087 425-361-7330 425-744-1212 425-775-4109 425-771-8200 425-742-2644 425-771-5437 425-742-8122 24 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Kindercare Learning Centers Kindercare Learning Centers - Brier Lil People’s World La Petite Academy of Lynnwood, WA Precious Child Care & Preschool 7330 196th St SW 20420 Larch Way 5030 168th St SW 20415 Poplar Way 16707 13th Ave W 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 425-778-7961 425-776-9822 425-743-5437 877-86105078 425-745-4575 CHILDREN’S RETAIL / ACTIVITIES Babies-R-Us Baby Superstore Disney Store Gymboree Justice Naartjie Custom Kids The Creation Station The GAP Kids The Little Gym 19500 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19511 64th Ave W 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18905 33rd Ave W, Ste 101 98036 5017 196th St SW, Ste 201 6226 196th St SW, Ste 1D 19713 Scriber Lk Rd, Ste G 618421 Hwy 99 6325 195th St SW 6623 196th St SW 19503 56th Ave W, Ste A 17410 Hwy 99, Ste 150 18730 33rd Ave W, Ste 100 7503 196th St SW 19009 33rd Ave W, Ste 205 19721 Scriber Lk Rd, Ste D 6605 196th St SW 6605 196th St SW 7127 196th St SW, Ste 101 20015 Hwy 99, Ste A 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 425-672-3220 425-744-9855 425-771-4558 425-744-5668 425-673-6215 425-775-7959 425-776-8214 425-776-7121 CHIROPRACTORS Balla Chiropractic Blye Chiropractic Clinic Hagen Chiropractic Center Hemphill Chiropractic & Massage Therapy Johnston Chiropractic Lynnwood Chiropractic Clinic New Life Chiropractic One Family Chiropractic Clinic Osborne Chiropractic Clinic Pacific Chiropractic Clinic Parkside Spine Care Scriber Lake Chiropractic Taing Chiropractic Torres Chiropractic PS See ad on page 25 Westenhaver Chiropractic Center Woodway Chiropractic Massage & Rehab 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 425-771-2048 425-775-4533 425-672-1822 425-582-9951 425-774-6876 425-776-4000 425-776-8303 425-741-9927 425-774-8600 425-775-8000 425-776-8787 425-775-3544 425-672-0470 425-678-8763 425-775-6986 425-771-2225 CHURCHES / RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Center Alderwood Community Church Calvary Apostolic Tabernacle Christ’s Heritage Church Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Evergreen Islamic Institute Filipino American Christian Fellowship Grace Fellowship of Puget Sound Korean Emmanuel Presbytrian Church Life Church Northwest Lynnwood Church of the Nazarene Lynnwood Evangelical Free Church Lynnwood Free Methodist Church Lynnwood Orthodox Maple Park Lutheran Meadowdale Baptist Church New Vision Church The Crossroad The Good Shepherd of Lynnwood Timber Ridge Community Church Trinity Lutheran Vietnamese Alliance Church Zainab Organization of Greater Seattle 19212 Hwy 99 3403 Alderwood Mall Blvd 19117 60th Ave W 4100 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste 1 17321 44th Ave W 6210 188th St SW 4521 188th St SW 6328 180th St SW 17800 36th Ave W 20830 52nd Ave W 5326 176th St SW 5300 168th St SW 6519 188th St SW 17711 Spruce Way 17620 60th Ave W 4900 168th St SW 21110 66th Ave W 18527 60th Ave W 17928 44th Ave W 18820 36th Ave W 6215 196th St SW 19425 36th Ave W 5723 198th St SW 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 425-778-1861 425-774-7766 425-778-9555 425-774-1178 425-771-4307 425-774-8852 425-774-4521 425-776-8871 425-742-9696 425-771-5305 425-745-1886 425-743-4306 425-775-3696 425-743-9157 425-743-2288 425-745-6464 425-774-5798 425-774-7741 425-745-5871 425-774-1038 425-771-5393 425-771-6430 425-776-3013 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US CLEANING SERVICES Clean & Simple Cleaning Molly Maid 18908 Hwy 99, Ste E 19725 40th Ave W, Ste C 98036 98036 25 425-673-4733 425-775-8100 COFFEE & ESPRESSO 6314 196th St SW Caffe Ladro 19505 44th Ave W, Ste P Coffee Driven 7615 196th St SW Cool Beans Espresso 5106 196th St SW Espresso Buono 6323 196th St SW Gourmet Latte 18505 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste G Java Zone Cafe 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) Lava Java Espresso 4210 196th St SW, Ste C Seattle Coffee Gear 16929 Hwy 99, Ste 100 Silver Cup Coffee 4100 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste 9 Speed Trap Espresso Starbucks Coffee - 164th & Alderwood Mall Pkwy 2902 164th St SW, Ste G1 16809 Hwy 99, Ste A Starbucks Coffee - 168th & Hwy 99 4028 196th St SW, Ste A Starbucks Coffee - 196th & 40th 19500 Hwy 99 Starbucks Coffee - Albertsons 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) Starbucks Coffee - Alderwood Mall 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) Starbucks Coffee - Alderwood Mall Kiosk 19220 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 100 Starbucks Coffee - Alderwood Mall Pkwy 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) Starbucks Coffee - Alderwood Mall Terrace 19927 Hwy 99 Starbucks Coffee - Hwy 99 & 200th 19720 44th Ave W, Ste K Starbucks Coffee - Lynnwood Square 17525 Hwy 99, Ste F Starbucks Coffee - QFC Lynnwood 7500 196th St SW, Ste B Starbucks Coffee - QFC West Lynnwood 18305 Alderwood Mall Pkwy Starbucks Coffee - Target Life Long Learning • A Robust Economy • Sustainable Environment SENATOR 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 206-634-1356 425-327-0347 425-778-5771 425-774-1338 425-338-3088 425-776-3999 425-673-5373 866-372-4734 425-741-3405 425-778-1091 425-787-6106 425-741-6537 425-778-1367 425-670-9803 425-771-0878 425-774-5715 425-774-7728 425-778-5491 425-776-5600 425-778-4034 425-743-1127 425-774-5109 425-670-1435 201 Cro BUSINE 2013 2013/14 B Torres Chiropractic P.S. Serving Edmonds, Lynnwood, Mountlake Terrace, North Seattle, Shoreline, Woodway, and some unincorporated areas in Snohomish Co. Fro 2 COPY ERRORS: Sh publisher will accept for such errors shall which the error or om exercise our discreti ing in accordance w availability. A proof is p Certified Chiropractor Sports PROOF: Physician sibility to check for a Any publisher errors 19707 44th Ave. West Ste. 209, Lynnwood 98036 or revis tial changes (425) 678-8763 submitted may incur CORRECTNESS CE Lynnwood Clinic Shoreline Office: (206) 366-2604 18560 1st Ave NE, Rm E124, Shoreline Olympia Office: (360) 786-7662 P.O. Box 40432, 241 Jonh A. Cherberg Bldg. [email protected] Renton Clinic 135 Park Ave. N. #101, Renton,SPECIFIED 98057 POSITI (425) 728-7355 be charged. Otherwi Lakewood Clinic position. 11210 Bridgeport Way SW, Lakewood, 98499 (253) 579-6105 Your coopera your ad is corr check over a 26 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Taste of Tuscany Coffee House Vienna Coffee Company Whole Latte Love Espresso Yellow Umbrella Coffee 19721 Scriber Lk Rd, Ste E 16108 Ash Way 2530 196th St SW 18023 Hwy 99 98036 4208 198th St SW, Ste 105 19719 24th Ave W 20311 52nd Ave W, Ste 100 19903 Poplar Way 20525 60th Ave W 16725 52nd Ave W, Ste B 7100 Hardeson Rd 20110 46th Ave W 20311 52nd Ave W, Ste 302 6330 195th St SW 4629 168th St SW, Ste G 3503 188th St SW 19223 Hwy 99 6620 196th St SW 5320 176th St SW 5800 198th St SW, Ste 11 19401 40th Ave West, Ste 310 409 Howell Way 19324 40th Ave W, Ste A 6027 208th St SW PO Box 6754 17214 Hwy 99 18415 33rd Ave W, Ste D 21225 66th Ave W 19707 44th Ave W, Ste 206 98036 98037 98036 98037 253-880-4000 425-743-7350 425-673-1254 425-640-2211 COMMUNITY SERVICES 2nd Chance Resource Center Alderwood Boys & Girls Club Alderwood Community Services Office Alderwood Manor Heritage Association City of Lynnwood See ad on page 7 Clothes For Kids Community Transit See ad on page 33 Community Transit Ride Store DSHS Family Support Center Korean Women’s Association Lynnwood Chamber of Commerce Lynnwood Eagles Lynnwood Elks Lynnwood Food Bank Lynnwood Senior Center Lynnwood Speech & Language Services PC MS Helping Hands Neptune Society Pathways For Women YWCA Rotary Club of Lynnwood St Vincent De Paul of Snohomish County US Navy Recruiting Volunteers of America Yohana International Interpreter Service 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 982-3 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98020 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 425-977-4448 425-774-3022 425-438-4974 425-775-4694 425-670-6286 425-741-6500 425-353-7433 425-348-7100 425-673-3339 425-670-8984 425-742-6396 425-775-7283 425-776-8075 425-776-2171 425-745-1635 425-670-5050 425-582-2473 425-712-1807 425-672-8688 425-774-9843 425-338-9667 425-513-6053 425-778-5929 425-259-3191 425-771-8465 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS / SERVICES / DATA STORAGE ACN Computer Corporation CompuSave Strategic Alliance Evergreen Computers Geek Squad Lynnwood Computers NCC Computer NetRiver PC Recycle and Repair SecurComputing Tri-City Computer Services Valley Techs Inc 20007 44th Ave W, Ste A 19210 33rd Ave W, Ste B 31 148th Pl SW 19225 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 2921 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste 101 4615 196th St SW, Ste 130 4200 194th St SW 4520 200th St SW, Ste 201 20006 Cedar Valley Rd, Ste 103 18609 76th Ave W, Ste D 4630 200th St SW 98036 6009 212th St SW 19109 36th Ave W, Ste 103 21420 67th Ave W, Ste B 5318 196th Pl SW 6203 202ns St SW 16521 Hwy 999 6708 210th St SW 98036 19231 33rd Ave W 1211 164th St SW 6925 216th St SW, Ste F 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 425-775-4926 425-712-7073 425-745-4602 425-670-2670 425-412-3423 425-776-1310 425-741-7014 425-697-6666 425-745-9888 425-771-4161 425-379-9622 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Bodine Construction Company Brunner Construction Company City Builders Evergreen Construction Murphy Building Co PermaBillt: Town & Country TE Briggs Construction 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 425-778-2557 425-771-5148 425-670-1991 206-228-8995 425-775-3388 800-824-9552 425-776-6113 DANCE SCHOOLS Alderwood Dance Spectrum Dance Elite and Music Pacific Chamber Ballet DENTISTS 98087 98036 425-771-2994 425-357-8018 425-778-1600 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US Advanced Family Dentistry AlderLynn Family Dentistry Alderwood Dental Alderwood Endodonics Allen Dental Lab Bender Care Dental Clinic Bright Now Dental Cantu Dr RD Cedar Valley Family Dental Cliney Timothy M DDS Concept Dental and Dentures Comfort N Quick Denture Lab Crawford DDS Dental Care Design Donoghue Collins P DDS Eilert Robert L DDS Excel Dental & Dentures Express Dental Group Gentle Dental Glenwood Dental Goodwin, Norman P DDS PS Habib, Natasha DDS PS Hawley, Bruce P DDS Heavenly Smiles Highlands West Dental See ad on page 31 Ivy Dental Ivy Dental For Kids 20101 44th Ave W, Ste G 4410 194th St SW, Ste C 18631 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 312 19020 33rd Ave W, Ste 320 6226 196th St SW, Ste 2C 5017 196th St SW, Ste 202 18910 28th Ave W, Ste 202 6226 196th St SW, Ste 2A 20006 Cedar Valley Rd, Ste A201 19019 36th Ave W, Ste F 2027 196th SW, Ste R1 18009 Hwy 99, Ste C 827 128th St SW, Ste D 18905 33rd Ave W, Ste 201 19108 33rd Ave W, Ste D 19715 Scriber Lk Rd, Ste C 20015 Hwy 99, Ste D 18009 Hwy 99, Ste C 19723 Hwy 99, Ste A 5108 196th St SW, Ste 202 19020 33rd Ave W, Ste 200 6206 168th St SW, Ste A 4215 198th St SW, Ste 204 6610 208th St SW 725 N 185th St 18631 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 301 18623 Hwy 99, Ste 210 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98204 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98133 98037 98036 27 425-640-0207 425-775-6614 425-771-8861 425-771-4427 425-670-8670 425-778-5665 425-775-5557 425-778-0707 425-776-1191 425-774-9446 206-925-3157 425-672-8494 425-353-0110 425-771-9090 425-774-7929 425-774-7781 425-774-8590 425-672-8494 425-775-3456 425-778-3636 425-771-2022 425-743-4674 425-775-9431 425-774-5596 206-542-7000 425-697-3955 425-275-9977 We Know Feet Inside and Out! From simple sprains to major pains, the doctors at Ankle & Foot Clinic of Everett are trained exclusively to diagnose and treat ankle and foot problems. When experience, knowledge, and personal attention are important to you — give us a call and meet these special doctors. Let us help you put your best foot forward! NEW LOCATION! Alpine Foot & Ankle Clinic 3131 Nassau Street • Everett, WA 98201 17432 Smokey Point Boulevard, Arlington WA • 360-653-2326 (across from Providence Everett Medical Center, Pacific Campus) Practicing at both locations: Dr Jarrod Smith & Dr Robert Stanton 425-339-8888 A Beautiful Living Adult Family Home, LLC SERVICES: FEATURES: Dementia & Mental Health Specialty Congestive Heart Failure / Stroke Diabetes / Wound / Enteral Feeding Ostomy / Colostomy / Foley / ESRD Bowel / Bladder Training Program 24-Hour Personalized Care In-Home Registered Nurse Magnificent View Wheelchair Accessible Minutes to Swedish Edmonds Hospital Music & Entertainment Exercise & Activities Arts & Crafts 4 Locations in Lynnwood to Serve You! Main Office: 4201 164th Street SW, Suite A | Lynnwood, WA 98087-6915 The Place You The Place Want to beYou for Want to be for the Life You the Life You Want to Live! Want to Live! Virginia C. Yanos RN, MSN Owner, Adminstrator Virginia C. Yanos RN, MSN Nurse Delegate & Instructor Owner, Adminstrator 223 Years of Health Care Experience Nurse Delegate & Instructor Our ultimate journey with mom started over 13 when she a brain 22years Years ago of Health Caresuffered Experience aneurysm, followed by a stroke which left her paralyzed on her dominant dominate side and Our ultimate with momeffectively. started over 13 years ago when she gone suffered a brain unable to walkjourney or communicate Since that time, we have from home aneurysm, followed by a stroke which left her paralyzed on her dominate side and care to a care home in California, then to A Beautiful Living in Lynnwood, Washington. unable to walk or communicate effectively. Since that time, we have gone from home Before decided we didthen sometoresearch on different of homesWashington. and visited care to we a care homeon inABL, California, A Beautiful Living intypes Lynnwood, several facilities, but none of them were up to the standards we expected for a loved one Before we decided on ABL, we did different types of homes and visited to be spending in the last years of some their research life. Noton only did ABL meet our expectations, several facilities, but none of them were up to the standards we expected for a loved but the caretakers, Cherry and Mario truly opened their hearts not only to mom, butone to to be spending in the last years of their life. Not only did ABL meet our expectations, all the other residents as well. Mom was always clean, dressed nicely and given physical but the caretakers, Cherry and truly opened their heartsrelative not only to mom, but to activities on a regular basis, sheMario was treated more like a loved than a resident. all the other residents as well. Mom was always clean, dressed nicely and given physical Please know we will beshe eternally grateful forlike having chosen ABL, where it’s not activities on athat regular basis, was treated more a loved relative than a resident. just a place to put relatives to be looked after until the end, it is a home full of life and Please know that we will be eternally grateful for having chosen ABL, where it’s not love. just a place to put relatives to be looked after until the end, it is a home full of life and We love.have peace in every inch of our soul knowing that mom couldn’t have been in a better place, both physically and emotionally. We have peace in every inch of our soul knowing that mom couldn’t have been in a better “At times own lightand goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each place, bothour physically emotionally. of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within “At times own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each us.” Albertour Schwitzer of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within Our deepestSchwitzer gratitude and love goes out to A Beautiful Living, Virginia, Cherry, Mario us.” Albert and all the others who made these last few years with mom enjoyable. Because we were so Our deepest andtaken love goes Beautiful Virginia, Cherry, Mario confident thatgratitude she was well caredout of,toweAcould spendLiving, what little time we had with her and all the others who made these last few years with mom enjoyable. Because we were so just enjoying each other’s company and not letting daily burdens get in the way. confident that she was well taken cared of, we could spend what little time we had with her With much respect and love,burdens Leta LaShay andway. Linda Dean just enjoying each other’s company and not letting daily get in the Call Today! 425-971-9342 Call Today! 425-971-9342 With much respect and love, Leta LaShay and Linda Dean Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 30 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Izadi, Naghmeh J DMD J Patrick Ford Jr DDS PS Kim Jung-Hoon DDS PS Lee & Yan Mieghem DDS Lynnwood Kid’s Dentist Lynnwood Dental Center Lynnwood Family Dentistry Lynnwood Prime Dental Group Lynnwood Smiles Madsen Dental Arts Meader, Jennifer A DMD MS Mizuha, Byron S DMD MSD PS Northstar Dental Care Perkl, Edward H DDS Prodental Family Dentistry Robinson, Brent M DDS PS Smile Now Dental Song Thomas C DDS PS Sound Surgery Stolzenburg, Dennis L DDS PS Sunrise Dental of Lynnwood Tavoularis Amanda DDS Vierra Orthodontics PS Yae, John J DDS 4410 194th St SW, Ste A 18218 52nd Ave W, Ste 200 19108 33rd Ave W, Ste C 19718 68th Ave W, Ste G 18833 28th Ave W, Ste B 4202 198th St SW, Ste 3 5116 196th St SW, Ste 201 3333 184th St SW, Ste U 19514 64th Ave W, Ste A 4410 194th St SW, Ste D 19101 36th Ave W, Ste 106 19320 40th Ave W, Ste B 18505 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste D 19718 68th Ave W, Ste F 3005 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 19108 33rd Ave W, Ste B 3625 148th St SW, Ste B101 18514 Hwy 99, Ste G 19625 68th Ave W 6206 168th St SW 3505 188th St SW 19505 76th Ave W, Ste 100 19106 33rd Ave W, Ste 2 19720 68th Ave W, Ste A 98036 20031 Hwy 99 4620 200th St SW, Ste H 7627 196th St SW, Ste 202 19009 33rd Ave W, Ste 304 6127 212th St SW, Ste A 98036 18910 28th Ave W, Ste 106 21705 Hwy 99 7528 196th St SW 18600 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98087 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 425-774-7794 425-775-2733 425-774-9571 425-778-6677 425-774-1285 425-775-0651 425-771-0165 425-251-0707 425-774-0111 425-776-8788 425-744-1124 425-771-3000 425-712-0800 425-778-2126 425-673-8919 425-778-1164 425-773-4909 425-776-1169 425-778-5991 425-743-9771 425-744-1022 425-775-3613 425-774-1811 425-776-9132 DESIGN SERVICES Autographics Benefit Design Services Ed-Web Design Tanet Design Zinke Design 98036 98036 98036 98036 425-776-3400 425-712-8244 425-608-0099 206-501-4337 425-771-7615 DRIVING SCHOOL 911 Driving School A Team Driving School Defensive Driving School Sears Driving School 98036 98036 98037 425-771-0911 425-776-1242 425-778-7103 888-453-8434 DRUG STORES / PHARMACIES Bartell Drugs Bethel Pharmacy Pharmacy Care Rite Aid Rite Aid Walgreen Walgreen Walgreen 17633 Hwy 99 17410 Hwy 99, Ste 140 3301 184th St SW, Ste 130 7500 196th St SW, Ste A 18600 33rd Ave W, Ste B 20725 Hwy 99 16423 Larch Way 16824 Hwy 99 98037 21020 67th Ave W 2701 184th St SW, Ste 117 20022 68th Ave W 719401 40th Ave W, Ste 400 19020 33rd Ave W, Ste 110 7030 196th St SW 19707 64th Ave W, Ste 204 20420 68th Ave W 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 425-743-1136 425-741-0075 425-672-3344 425-774-6669 425-771-9427 425-712-0512 425-741-8283 425-741-4302 EDUCATION Brighton School C2 Education Center Central Washington University Charter College See ad page 2 DeVry University Edmonds Community College Edmonds Education Association Edmonds Public Schools Foundation 425-672-4430 425-672-8900 98036 425-640-1574 98036 877-206-0835 98036 866-217-2250 98036 425-640-1459 98036 425-774-8851 98036 425-431-7260 98037 Adopt your pet from Lynnwood Paws FREE with Highlands West Dental’s 100% rebate. Present this coupon along with your recent PAWS adoption receipt to Highlands West Dental and receive a 100% Cash Rebate! The person named on the adoption receipt must be present to qualify. Adopt within the next 30 days to qualify. Call 206-542-7000 for details (do not call PAWS). Limit 1 per household. Hurry, offer may end without notice. Tommy Fong DDS, Vivian M Bennett DDS & Associates. Since 1973 735 N 185th St • Shoreline 206-542-7000 This is a community service program provided by Highlands West Dental. No strings attached! Visit PAWS at 15305 44th Ave W., Lynnwood 32 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 H S Academy Happy Heart Montessori Mykut Real Estate School Pacific Learning Center Slater Insurance School Soundview School Sylvan Learning Center Tailored Math Tutoring 16911 Hwy 99, Ste 106 & 107 7231 196th St SW, Ste A 3717 196th St SW, Ste 205 21316 66th Ave W 3717 196th St SW, Ste 214 6515 196th St SW 3333 184th St SW, Ste M 16825 48th Ave W 98037 3108 196th St SW 6623 214th St SW 19015 36th Ave W, Ste D 6212 196th St SW 20121 Cedar Valley Rd 2100 196th St SW, Ste 110B 98036 3400 188th St SW, Ste 165 19401 40th Ave W, Ste 270 19401 40th Ave W, Ste 330 3611 196th St SW 20818 44th Ave W, Ste 190 19009 33rd Ave W, Ste 204 19715 Scriber Lk Rd, Ste A 20311 52nd Ave W 19231 36th Ave W, Ste K 3400 188th St SW, Ste 165 19031 33rd Ave W, Ste 203 4100 194th St SW, Ste 225 6515 202nd St SW 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 425-741-3000 425-343-4913 425-775-6645 425-672-6805 425-771-4870 425-778-8572 425-774-3922 425-404-1113 ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS Active Electric Corp Dick Howard & Sons Electric Mr Electric-Snohomish County Neighborhood Electric Stoneway Electric Supply Woodford Electric 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 425-774-6613 425-775-1918 425-697-5000 425-776-8119 425-775-4640 425-742-8988 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Accountemps Officeteam Adecco Careerstaff Unlimited CLP Resources Conestoga-Rovers & Assoicates Express Employment Professionals Laborworks Lynnwood Work Source Northwest Return To Work Office Team SmartTalent West Coast Careers Work Opportunities 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 425-712-7166 425-775-1274 425-670-9987 425-778-7250 425-212-5100 425-775-4903 425-454-7048 425-673-3300 425-774-9564 425-712-7259 425-776-6500 425-672-4200 425-778-2156 ENTERTAINMENT / RECREATION / CLUBS AMC Theatres Alderwood Mall 16 Brunswick Majestic Lanes Clubhouse Golf See ad on page 51 Edmonds Black Box Theatre Edmonds Center for the Arts Future of Flight See ad on page 39 Lynnwood Bowl & Skate Lynnwood Ice Center Lynnwood Municipal Golf Course See ad pg 11 Lynnwood Recreation Center Paradise Billiards Pump It Up Regal Cinemas - Alderwood Stadium 7 18733 33rd Ave W 1222 164th St SW 3105 Alderwood Mall Blvd 20310 68th Ave W 410 4th Ave N 8415 Paine Fild Blvd 6210 200th St SW 19803 68th Ave W 20200 68th Ave W 18900 44th Ave W 5800 198th St SW, Ste 30 18027 Hwy 99 3501 184th St SW 98037 98037 888-262-4386 425-743-4422 425-582-9813 425-640-1448 425-275-9595 425-438-8100 425-778-3133 425-640-9999 425-672-4653 425-670-5732 425-640-5474 425-774-2297 425-672-2077 3711 196th St SW 98036 425-778-7155 98036 425-775-1920 425-386-6160 425-771-7359 425-673-4060 425-672-3880 425-778-6160 425-775-6740 425-775-2761 98087 98036 98036 98020 98204 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 EVENT SPACES Lynnwood Convention Center FINANCIAL PLANNING CONSULTING Allstate Financial Services American Senior Resources Inc Benefit Solutions Inc Chaney Capital Management Charles Schwab & Co Comprehensive Wealth Management Edward D Jones & Co Edward D Jones & Co 19000 33rd Ave W, Ste 120 1211 164th St SW, Ste D 3400 188th St SW, Ste 601 3500 188th St SW, Ste 328 19020 33rd Ave W, Ste 150 4100 194th St SW, Ste 205 6628 212th St SW, Ste 102 19707 44th Ave W, Ste 105 98087 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US Embarcadero Capital Partners Fidelity Investments GM Financial Services HarsinWealth Management Liberty Financial Group LPL Financial One Main Financial Reliable Credit Association Inc Sant McMahon & Associates Sound Financial NW Sparks Financial Service Stancorp Investment Advisers Stein Financial Services Waddell & Reed Wealth Management Northwest 33 425-977-4290 98036 800-511-9964 98037 425-640-2060 98036 425-774-9477 98036 425-774-9477 98036 425-774-88190 98036 425-775-4957 98037 425-778-7000 98036 425-744-8088 98036 425-778-4611 98036 425-977-2727 98036 425-672-6050 98037 425-742-6694 98036 425-774-9053 98036 425-672-1003 3400 188th St SW 18825 33rd Ave W, Ste 200 3400 188th St SW, Ste 285 7231 196th St SW 3500 188th St SW, Ste 121 19109 36th Ave W, Ste 210 19230 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 130 5031 168th St, Ste 185 19101 36th Ave W, Ste 213 4620 200th St SW, Ste G 19105 36th Ave W, Ste 208 19009 33rd Ave W, Ste 310 16521 13th Ave W 19217 36th Ave W, Ste 201 19221 36th Ave W, Ste 201 98037 16515 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 200 4320 196th St SW 18503 Hwy 99, Ste B 5501 196th St SW 5030 208th St SW 6125 202nd St SW 6812 196th St SW 98037 3301 184th St SW, Ste 100 20728 Hwy 99 98037 FLOORING SALES / SERVICE All About Hardwoods Bevan’s Inc. Flynn’s Carpet Cents Great Floors LeBlanc Floors Macleod’s Floor Coverings Nielsen Bros Flooring 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 206-261-8551 206-963-1662 425-673-2663 425-771-1477 425-776-6974 425-670-8650 425-776-9191 FLORISTS H Mart Flower Shop Stadium Flowers 98036 425-776-0858 425-774-4169 Serving Snohomish County since 1976 • Commuter service to Seattle on The Double Tall double decker bus • Local route connections to regional transit partners • Fast, frequent service on Swift bus rapid transit from Aurora Village Transit Center to Everett Station • One of the largest Vanpool programs in the nation • DART Paratransit / Dial-A-Ride Transportation (425) 353-7433 • (800) 562-1375 • TTY Relay: Dial 711 • 34 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Wight’s Home & Garden 5026 196th St SW 98036 425-775-3550 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19401 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 10 19225 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 110 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 4615 196th St SW, Ste 145 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 1402 164th St SW, Ste 305-306 20007 44th Ave W, Ste E 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 98037 98037 425-778-3127 425-744-6075 425-672-2908 425-673-9080 425-712-3606 425-673-6093 425-771-8348 425-775-3503 425-778-4618 425-776-3441 425-774-1014 425-743-9215 425-774-8500 425-776-8822 425-771-4969 425-771-9255 425-776-6418 409 Filbert Rd 98036 425-672-1800 19909 40th Ave W 2701 184th St SW 19801 40th Ave W 3333 184th St SW, Ste F 2617 196th St SW, Ste 171 19215 Hwy 99 19417 36th Ave W, Ste E 19220 33rd Ave W 3930 196th St SW 19230 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 180 2909 Alderwood Mall Blvd 18920 28th Ave W, Ste D 20111 46th Ave W 19709 Hwy 99 20423 Hwy 99, Ste A 19320 33rd Ave W 18811 28th Ave W 2921 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste 106 2615 184th St SW, Ste 101 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 98036 425-771-0857 425-967-1800 425-673-1588 425-778-2108 425-775-1901 425-744-6694 425-771-5008 425-776-1499 425-775-7331 425-778-6068 425-712-6801 425-640-5466 425-775-3315 425-774-8051 425-774-8800 425-771-7226 425-774-9400 425-776-7533 425-697-5300 425-775-3540 5820 188th St SW 18560 1st Ave NE, Rm E124 17731 Hwy 99 20311 52nd Ave W, Ste 301 119321 44th Ave W 18905 33rd Ave W, Ste 207 6817 208th St SW 98036 98036 425-778-4123 360-786-7662 866-436-1960 425-774-2380 425-670-5100 877-575-5197 425-775-3745 19500 Hwy 99, Ste 110 98036 425-670-9803 FOOTWEAR / REPAIR Aldo Clarks Shoes Crocs DSW Designer Shoe Warehouse Famous Footwear Finish Line Footlocker Journeys Lady Footlocker Lynnwood Boot/Shoe Repair New Balance Payless ShoeSource Red Wing Shoe Store Shiekh Shoes Stride Rite The Walking Company Vans 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 FUNERAL HOMES / CEMETERY Purdy & Walters at Floral Hills FURNITURE Anna’s Home Furnishings Bassett Furniture Direct Dania Dining Designs Ethan Allen Furniture World Hayeks Leather Furniture J R Furniture USA Josh Underhill’s Furniture La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries Macy’s Home Store Mattress Depot McDonalds Fine Furniture Rent-A-Center Ritz Furniture Gallery Scan Design Furniture Sleep Country USA Sleep Country USA Sleep Country USA Sleep Number by Select Comfort 98037 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 GOVERMENT AGENCIES Army National Guard Chase, Maralyn - Legislative Senator Ad pg 25 Conviction Careers Employment Security Department Municipal Court of Lynnwood Social Security Administrations U.S. Passport Office 98133 98037 98036 98036 98036 GROCERY Albertsons Woodstove Taverna & Mediterranean Tapas restaurant 101 MAIN ST., Edmonds, WA 98020 425.744.9999 (just blocks from ECA) Woodstove Taverna & Mediterranean Tapas restaurant 15522 MAIN ST., MILL CREEK, WA 98012 425.948.7654 Greek & Mediterranean 15130 Main Street, Mill Creek, WA 98012 425.357.0512 21105 Highway 99, Edmonds, WA 98026 425.672.3476 9730 State Street, Marysville, WA 98270 360-651-9268 New Restaurant coming soon to arlington MENTION THIS AD and receive 5 $ off when you spend $25 or more 36 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Cash & Carry Smart Food Service Day & Nite Grocery Fred Meyer Fred Meyer Grocery Outlet H Mart Highline Food Store JD’s Market KS Mart Oleg’s European Food Store QFC QFC Rocky’s Grocery & Deli Safeway Starr Fruits & Vegetables Super Mart The Root Beer Store Trader Joe’s Village Market Whole Foods 6412 204th St SW 16715 52nd Ave W, Ste D 4615 196th St SW, Ste 175 2902 164th St SW 19800 44th Ave W, Ste G 3301 184th St SW, Ste 235 19515 44th Ave W, Ste A 4419 200th St SW 17424 Hwy 99 20101 44th Ave W, Ste B 17525 Hwy 99, Ste F 7500 196th St SW, Ste B 3925 196th St SW, Ste A 19715 Hwy 99 19926 Hwy 99, Ste A1 20015 Hwy 99, Ste E 20015 Hwy 99, Ste G 19500 Hwy 99, Ste 100 6121 176th St SW 2800 196th St SW 98036 98037 98036 98087 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 425-672-1886 425-743-1512 425-670-0209 425-787-4900 425-774-0198 425-776-7072 425-778-8511 425-672-3477 425-967-5969 425-673-1418 425-743-1127 425-774-5109 425-776-4465 425-775-3591 425-775-2841 425-775-3796 425-673-9999 425-744-1346 425-745-5922 425-775-1320 HEALTH / FITNESS / ATHLETIC CLUBS 24 Hour Fitness Club Body & Brain Yoga & Tai Chi Body by Burnis Curves at Martha Lake Experience Momentum Inc. Heiwa Aikido-Martial Arts For Peace Ja’Warren Hooker Fitness Performance LA Fitness Lee’s Martial Arts Lynnwood CrossFit Super Fit 18930 29th Ave W 18700 33rd Ave W, Ste H2 3815 196th St SW, Ste 142 1211 164th St SW 4720 200th St SW, Ste 100 6812 196th St SW, Ste C 20815 70th Ave W 19800 Hwy 99 2027 196th St SW 2031 196th St SW, Ste B101 7627 196th St SW 98036 5108 196th St SW, Ste 102 18631 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 204 3405 188th St SW, Ste 105 19031 33rd Ave W, Ste 303 18730 33rd Ave W, Ste 202 19101 36th Ave W, Ste 107 19221 36th Ave W, Ste 207 18631 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 105 20818 44th Ave W, Ste 110 19217 36th Ave W 3131 Nassau St 18927 33rd Ave W, Ste B 19410 36th Ave W, Ste 9 20833 67th Ave W, Ste 301 19526 64th Ave W 16911 Hwy 99, Ste 105 4111 194th St SW 19109 36th Ave W, Ste 109 4629 168th St SW, Ste E 18623 Hwy 99, Ste 230 98036 98037 98036 98087 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 425-697-5007 425-776-9642 206-304-3453 425-787-2121 425-776-0803 425-774-0915 206-851-9152 425-245-0673 425-245-8651 425-697-7108 425-231-1908 HEALTHCARE SERVICES Adult & Family Services Alderwood Ankle & Foot Clinic Alderwood Back & Neck Pain Clinic Alderwood Counseling Associates Alderwood Laser & Electrolysis Alderwood Physical Therapy Alderwood Psychological Services Alderwood Vision Clinic of Lynnwood American Image American Laser Skincare Ankle & Foot Clinic of Everett See ad on page 27 Balanced Body Massage Therapy Body Recovery Clinic Body Wise Massage Therapy Borish, Stanley D MD PS Care Physical Therapy Community Health Center of Snohomish Cosmetic Surgical Arts Dr. Chu’s Clinic Dr. Kim’s Total Medical Care PS 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98201 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 98037 425-778-4174 425-778-5666 425-775-6767 425-640-7919 425-775-0515 425-771-9300 425-744-0890 425-771-2662 425-774-2007 425-967-8397 425-339-8888 425-220-4054 425-670-0970 425-771-5620 425-774-1685 425-742-5900 425-789-3700 425-744-7771 425-743-7000 425-672-8282 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US Elements Massage Emerald Hills Healthcare Center Essence Healthcare Evergreen Massage Clinic Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery Group Health Cooperative Group Health Permanente Hands for Living Health Village Impact Physical Therapy PS King, Kristi M PhD PS La Esperanza Health Counseling Services Lake Serene Clinic Longevity Medical Clinic Lynnwood Clinic Lynnwood Donor Ctr, Puget Sound Blood Lynnwood Foot & Ankle Clinic Medical Services Northwest Miracle-Ear Moonrise Health & Birth Myopathic Muscular Therapy Clinic Next, Step Pregnancy Services North Seattle Health Center Northwest Massage Therapy Northwest Medical Physics Center Ortho Sport Physical Therapy Pacific Medical Center 2902 164th St SW, Ste D1 5821 188th St SW 19020 33rd Ave W, Ste 370 5017 196th St SW, Ste 209 98036 3500 188th St SW, Ste 670 20200 54th Ave W 20200 54th Ave W 19203 36th Ave W, Ste 103 3301 184th St SW, Ste 115 6101 200th St SW, Ste 208 20016 Cedar Valley Rd, Ste 104 20815 67th Ave W, Ste 201 3501 Shelby Rd, Ste B 19221 36th Ave W, Ste 210 18631 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 102 19723 Hwy 99, Ste F 20006 Cedar Valley Rd, Ste 102 4208 198th St SW, Ste 106 18631 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 101 16825 48th Ave W, Ste 460 4610 200th St SW, Ste N 17602 Hwy 99, Ste 170 4629 168th St SW, Ste B 4620 200th St SW, Ste C 21031 67th Ave W 19217 36th Ave W, Ste 102 19401 40th Ave W, Ste 100 98037 Pure Audi Passion. The Audi EXPERTS! 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98087 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 37 425-745-2500 425-776-5512 425-697-8300 425-712-8578 425-775-3561 425-672-6400 206-448-6547 425-368-7943 425-776-7512 425-778-2325 206-979-8177 425-248-4534 425-742-9119 425-670-1000 425-672-7293 425-412-1000 425-778-9115 425-422-4153 425-771-8350 425-670-6752 206-941-3437 425-329-4569 425-741-0600 425-697-5144 425-672-2841 425-670-9991 425-744-7153 Audi Truth in Engineering Audi S3 We Make it Easy! Parts and Service u Quality Pre-Owned Cars University Audi Lynnwood 17315 Highway 99, Lynnwood, WA 98037 425.743.7400 u 38 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Paldo Health Center Pinnacle Counseling Planned Parenthood Prestige Care Psychotherapy for Children Youth & Family Puget Sound Autism Services Puget Sound Psychology & Consulting Puget Sound Vocational Services Restore Balance Natural Health Center Serene Massage Therapy Sno-King Counseling Sonus Hearing Care Sutro, Jeffrey B Optometrist Taguchi, Derin K OD Therapeutica Massage US Healthworks UW Medical Center-Regional Heart Center Verdant Health Commission Virginia Mason Washington State Psychological Services 17424 Hwy 99, Ste 101 19910 50th Ave W, Ste 204 19505 76th Ave W, Ste 200 21008 76th Ave W 20102 Cedar Valley Rd, Ste 103 5105 200th St SW, Ste 100 5105 200th St SW, Ste 100 19105 36th Ave W, Ste 212 4630 200th St SW, Ste D 5521 186th Pl SW 4630 200th St SW, Ste K 19720 68th Ave W, Ste C 5017 196th St SW, Ste 204 18600 Alderwood Mall Blvd 6101 200th St SW, Ste 206 4320 196th St SW, Ste A1 18631 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 310 3815 196th St SW, Ste 136 19116 33rd Ave W 5105 200th St SW, Ste 100 98037 98036 98036 98026 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 425-787-5656 206-794-6206 800-230-7526 425-268-2789 425-377-5656 425-412-3960 206-883-6175 425-775-8176 425-697-5583 425-776-3000 425-744-0300 425-744-0891 425-778-1588 425-771-8825 425-774-6402 425-774-8758 425-774-8251 425-582-8600 425-712-7900 425-387-6972 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Brennan Heating & Air Conditioning Bruce Smith Heating & Cooling C&C Olympic Heating Inc Climate Systems Furnace Doctors Kings Heating Lodestar Company, HVAC & Refrigeration Washington Energy Services 6414 204th St SW, Ste 210 16628 44th Ave W PO Box 2628 19221 36th Ave W, Ste 208 3802 177th Pl SW 6925 216th St SW, Ste C 6323 204th St SW 3909 196th St SW 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 425-321-0454 425-742-1404 425-670-0277 425-670-9959 425-743-3243 425-275-5153 425-670-1968 206-282-4700 HOME IMPROVEMENT / SERVICES 6019 212th St SW AARD Pest Control 6026 204th St SW, Ste B Aardvark Sweeping 16813 Alderwood Mall Pkwy Absolute Vinyl Fence 19420 21st Ave W Arvid’s Wood 18930 Hwy 99 Associated Glass 20420 56th Ave W, Ste 110 Audio Acoustics BL’s Painting Company 19410 Hwy 99, Ste A332 Certa Pro Painters 20523 24th Ave W Charlie’s Chimney Services & Repair 16923 48th Ave W City Wide Fence 19704 Cypress Way Design Craft Upholstery, Inc 16920 Hwy 99 Dunn Lumber Northwest 4829 196th St SW, Ste D Hearthside Shoppe 2125 196th St SW Intuitive Integration 18503 Hwy 99, Ste A Keller Supply Company 5009 196th St SW Kelly-Moore Paint 6925 216th St SW, Ste G Ken’s Pool & Patio 3611 196th St SW, Ste 104 Lamps Plus 3100 196th St SW Lowe’s Mallory Paint Store / Benjamin Moore & Co. 3225 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste C 21323 68th Ave W Manor Hardware & Construction Supply 14004 Hwy 99 Midway Plywood Inc 18021 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 103 Miller Paint Company 20907 Hwy 99, Ste A Nile Tile 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98087 98037 98036 425-776-3662 425-776-0906 425-869-8725 425-673-5355 425-778-3265 425-673-6600 425-745-3835 425-347-8600 425-776-4858 425-745-8645 425-775-7620 425-742-4646 425-771-6434 425-771-4343 425-776-0181 425-672-2551 425-776-7665 425-775-4320 425-744-8410 425-977-4996 425-775-3335 425-743-1126 425-248-4950 206-353-3434 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US Northwest Firewood Co. Parker Paint Lynnwood Pioneer Door Rockwood Stoneworks Rodda Paint Sheldon’s Custom Cabinets Sherwin-Williams Corp Smy Home Improvement Statton Glass Summit Interiors Inc Superior Fence Co. Ted’s Custom Upholstery Western Carpet Center Wight’s Home & Garden Woodway Woodworks & Cabinet 16003 Hwy 99 19402 60th Ave W 2130 196th St SW 5629 208th St SW, Ste A 4601 200th St SW, Ste B 20626 50th Ave W 4201 196th St SW, Ste A 4510 168th St SW 19011 36th Ave W, Ste F 16531 13th Ave W, Ste B201 15720 Manor Way 20039 Hwy 99 19222 Hwy 99 5026 196th St SW 5800 188th St SW, Ste C 98087 4232 196th St SW, Ste B 20129 Hwy 99 16504 Hwy 99 98036 18109 Hwy 99 19332 36th Ave W 4220 Alderwood Mall Blvd 4117 196th St SW 20610 44th Ave W 3021 196th St SW 19324 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 98087 98036 98036 98036 98037 39 425-879-0484 425-778-6622 425-771-2939 425-778-1186 425-672-0231 425-778-0043 425-775-2550 425-745-8600 425-775-1146 425-741-6700 425-293-8288 425-771-7558 425-775-5475 425-775-3550 425-771-8875 HOT TUBS & HOME SPAS Aqua Quip Black Pine Spas Rich’s for the Home 98036 98036 425-775-3399 425-771-5774 425-742-7283 HOTEL Best Lynnwood Inn Best Western Alderwood Courtyard by Marriott Days Inn Seattle-Lynnwood Embassy Suites Hotel Extended Stay America Hampton Inn & Suites 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 425-582-8556 425-775-7600 425-670-0500 425-775-8030 425-775-2500 425-670-2520 425-771-1888 World Class Attractions Future of Flight Aviation Center & Boeing Tour Flying Heritage Collection Museum of Flight Restoration Center Historic Flight www.painef 40 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Holiday Inn Express Hotel International La Quinta Inn Residence Inn Rodeo Inn 2515 196th St SW 5621 196th St SW, Ste 120 4300 Alderwood Mall Blvd 18200 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 20707 Hwy 99 98036 4100 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste 8 4208 198th St SW, Ste 112 4620 200th St SW, Ste B 15332 Hwy 99, Ste 1 19000 33rd Ave W, Ste 120 16809 Hwy 99, Ste E 2027 196th St SW, Ste R6 6226 196th St SW, Ste 1A 6226 196th St SW, Ste 1A 7500 196th St SW, Ste H 19410 36th Ave W, Ste 12 18825 48th Ave W 19707 44th Ave W, Ste 201 4610 200th St SW, Ste C 19009 33rd Ave W, Ste 308 19203 36th Ave W, Ste 205 20016 Cedar Valley Rd, Ste 203 19820 40th Ave W, Ste 8 3405 188th St SW, Ste 303 6628 212th St SW, Ste 202 4630 200th St SW, Ste B 4610 200th St SW, Ste H 20818 44th Ave W, Ste 170 19125 33rd Ave W, Ste C 4210 198th St SW, Ste 107 4208 198th St SW, Ste 201 20102 Cedar Valley Rd, Ste 101 19020 33rd Ave W, Ste 680 4211 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste 210 19410 Hwy 99 19031 33rd Ave W, Ste 315 21705 Hwy 99 19630 76th Ave W 5017 196th St SW, Ste 207b 6628 212th St SW, Ste 112 18927 33rd Ave W, Ste C 19630 40th Ave W 3500 188th St SW, Ste 402 16911 Hwy 99, Ste 101 18904 Hwy 99, Ste H 19019 36th Ave W, Ste D 18514 Hwy 99, Ste C 18023 Hwy 99, Ste B 98036 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 6925 216th St SW, Ste K 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 888-465-4329 425-771-1777 425-775-7447 425-771-1100 425-774-7700 INSURANCE AAA Washington Allstate Insurance - Bill Wilkins Allstate Insurance - Chuck Siriyanonh Allstate Insurance - Connie Reilly Allstate Insurance - Eric Larson Allstate Insurance - Jay Yu Allstate Insurance - Just 2 Dads See ad page 41 Allstate Ins - Mike McGinness See ad page 55 Allstate Insurance - Pete Bouchard American Family, Johnny Lim American Insure All Association Benefits Benefits West City Insurance Center See ad on page 3 Cunningham Lindsey US Diamond Benefits Insurance Services English Insurance Group Farmers Insurance Farmers Insurance - Andy Sanchez Farmers Insurance - Boyka Krasteva Farmers Insurance - Kay Boyce Katherine Dovinh Insurance Agency Liberty Benefits Group National Insurance New York Life Orion Insurance Group Otter Insurance PEMCO Mutual Insurance PLC Insurance ProStar Insurance - Progressive Auto Ins. RLI Surety Sav-On Insurnace Agencies Sea-Mountain Insurance Sean Husseman Insurance Sound Benefit Services Soundview Insurance Agency Stark Solutions State Farm Agency Field Office State Farm Insurance - Andy Dulin State Farm Insurance - Pete Olney Susie K Smith Insurance Agency Vern Fonk Insurance Walt Lester Insurance Agency 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98037 425-775-3571 425-778-0777 425-776-0116 425-742-1578 425-775-1920 425-741-8100 425-775-5811 425-670-0766 425-670-0766 425-678-8202 425-778-1133 425-771-8171 425-742-1465 425-412-3665 425-672-0160 425-329-2015 425-673-7948 425-776-3218 425-218-3432 206-462-5202 425-774-6029 425-778-3445 425-778-2800 425-774-1324 425-775-9881 425-771-5197 425-771-8900 425-771-2609 425-712-3664 425-881-2400 425-775-7000 425-744-0331 425-775-1410 425-775-7651 425-670-1556 425-672-4242 425-348-7520 425-771-7571 425-742-9304 425-776-0133 425-776-3109 425-775-7400 425-774-5179 JEWELRY / WATCHES Absolute Body Jewelry Ben Bridge Jeweler Billies Jewelry & Accessories Fast-Fix Jewelry Repairs 98037 98036 98037 425-775-3932 425-771-7227 425-774-6999 425-775-9646 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US Fred Meyer Jewelers Helzberg Diamonds Jared-Galleria of Jewelry Jerry’s Jewelry & Loans Jewelry Source K&K Watch Lynnwood Watch Service Piercing Pagoda Precision Time Shane Co Silverworks Swarovski Zale’s Jewelers 4615 196th St SW, Ste 155 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 2925 196th St SW 19811 Hwy 99 19720 44th Ave W, Ste F 19720 44th Ave W, Ste F 4615 196th St SW, Ste 172 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18833 28th Ave W, Ste A 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 It’s time one car accident 7500 196th St SW, Ste J Betty Brite Cleaners didn’t wreck your rates. 16716 Hwy 99, Ste I Crown Cleaners II 98037 Darcies Laundry Highline Cleaners Leather to Lace Cleaners Lynnwood Cleaners Martha Lake Cleaners Maxq Cleaners OneClick Cleaners Prince Cleaners Ruby Cleaners SlatersIt’s Onetime Hour one wreck Snow didn’t White Linen 98036 41 425-670-0215 425-774-6956 425-774-6933 425-776-6003 425-774-2111 425-778-8747 425-771-6112 425-774-1600 425-774-1051 425-774-8400 425-775-0100 425-775-8682 425-771-7525 LAUNDRY / DRY CLEANING 4615 196th St SW, Ste 140 19515 44th Ave W, Ste B 4001 198th St SW, Ste 5 19312 60th Ave W, Ste A 16420 6th Ave W 20007 44th Ave, Ste F 1233 164th St SW, Ste F 17425 Hwy 99, Ste F 6812 196th St SW, Ste A 18027 Hwy 99, Ste A car accident your rates. 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 425-774-0222 425-745-6244 425-673-6446 425-778-2311 425-771-4101 425-771-5272 425-743-9009 425-774-7080 425-298-6336 425-745-1150 425-742-6424 425-776-5655 425-672-4965 Let us help It’s Let time you get the meone helpcar you accident get the protection you need. tn e d i c c a r a c e n o emirates. t s’tIYour rates won’t go up just protection didn’t wreckForgiveness. your Accident because ofyou an acciden .seGet tar rAllstate uoy kceYour rw t’Choice ndid Auto® Insurance today. need. Accident Forgiveness. Your Just2Dads rates won’t go (425) 745-3366 up just because 16504 9th Ave., SE 204 Let me help you get the protection you need. Mill Creek,Your WArates 98012 Accident Forgiveness. won’t go up just because of an accident. of an accident. Get Allstate Your Get Allstate Your Choice Auto® Insurance today. Kevin Giboney Dave KeenAuto® Choice Just2Dads [email protected] [email protected] Insurance today. (425) 745-3366 Just2Dads (425) 775-5811 Let.dme 16504 204 ee9th n help uoAve., y nyou oitSE ceget torpthe ehtprotection teg uoy pleyou h emneed. teL Forgiveness. aceb tsuMill jAccident puCreek, og t’noWA w se98012 tar ruoY Your .ssenerates vigroFwon’t tnedicgo cA up just because of an accident. 2027 196th St SW, #R-6, Lynnwood, 98036 .yGet adotAllstate ecnarusnYour I ®otuChoice A eciohAuto® C ruoY Insurance etatsllA teWA Gtoday. Kevin Giboney Dave Keen Kevin Giboney [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] sdaD2tsuJ Call or stop 6633-547 )524( (425) 745-3366 by for a free quote. 16504 9th Ave., SE 204 402 ES ,.evA ht9 40561 21089 AW ,keerC lliM Mill Creek, WA 98012 eK evaD neekevad Dave KeenyenobiG niveK Kevin Giboney Dave Keen m oc.etatslla@yenobignivek [email protected] Call or stop by for a free quote. [email protected] [email protected] Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2012 Allstate Insurance. Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2012 Allstate Insurance Company Call or stop by for a free quote. Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2012 Allstate Insurance Company 42 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Star Cleaners Sun’s Cleaners Sunny’s Dry Cleaning 6810 208th St SW, Ste B 19709 Hwy 99, Ste K 20005 Hwy 99 98036 20801 Hwy 99, Ste 101 19410 Hwy 99 4615 196th St SW, Ste 100 18505 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 18424 Hwy 99 98036 98036 98036 425-672-2920 425-670-1260 425-775-0862 LOCKSMITHS Ace-Gateway Locksmiths Fidelity Locksmith Lynnwood Key & Lock Lynnwood Protection Olympus Lock 98036 98036 98037 98037 425-712-9670 425-908-0958 425-672-6853 425-939-8766 800-525-0954 MAILING / SHIPPING SERVICES FedEx Office The UPS Store 425-775-7155 425-967-3967 3611 196th St SW, Ste 110 19410 Hwy 99, Ste A 98036 18327 Hwy 99 5615 188th St SW 17900 Hwy 99 98037 18420 33rd Ave W, Ste D 4918 196th St SW, Ste 101 4918 196th St SW, Ste 101 98037 17602 Hwy 99, Ste A 18415 33rd Ave W, Ste H 5031 168th St SW, Ste 130 20815 67th Ave W, Ste 207 3105 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste A3 18411 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste G 18920 28th Ave W, Ste F 18904 Hwy 99, Ste I 18700 33rd Ave W, Ste H 19723 Hwy 99, Ste G 19720 44th Ave W, Ste C 19410 36th Ave W, Ste 1 4615 196th St SW, Ste 110 18505 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste C 7528 196th St SW, Ste C 20101 44th Ave W, Ste A 2701 184th St SW, Ste 120 5800 198th St SW, Ste 40 98037 98036 425-745-1402 425-712-7207 425-742-1567 425-640-9632 425-778-9581 425-774-3663 425-673-2441 425-672-6390 425-776-8300 425-775-8880 425-776-8587 425-712-9707 425-776-4844 425-771-5575 425-673-2619 425-771-1458 425-640-6195 425-775-5111 98037 425-772-3056 16825 48th Ave W, Ste 105 4926 196th St SW 98037 425-573-5490 425-775-4226 18411 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste A 18009 Hwy 99, Ste C-1 2701 184th St SW, Ste 109 17410 Hwy 99, Ste 110 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18600 26th Ave W 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 98037 98036 MOTORCYCLES Bent Bike Motorcycle Salvage Cycle Barn Lynnwood Motoplex 98037 98037 425-776-9157 425-774-3538 425-774-0505 MUSIC CLASSES / SALES Guitar Center Kennelly Keys Music Sunshine Music Together 98036 98036 425-640-0110 425-771-7020 206-281-1111 NAIL SALONS A Amazing Nails Alderwood Nails Angel Nails & Spa Anna Nails Blushing Beauty Nails & Spa Casabella Spa & Nails CJ Nails Design Nails Fashion Nails French Nail Glamour Nails Kelly Nails Nail Masters Natural Nails Nina’s Nails Polish Nail Spa Pro Nails US Nails 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 NEWS Lynnwood Today OFFICE & REHEARSAL SPACE Creative Workspace Roy’s Place Rehearsal Studio 98037 OPTICAL CARE Alderwood Optical Eye-Q Vision Care Lens Crafters Nova Eye Care Pearle Vision Sears Optical Sunglass Hut 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 425-771-8472 425-776-5209 425-775-2822 425-742-3777 425-775-6069 425-771-2212 425-771-6844 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US Sunshade Optique The Optical Shop 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 4615 196th St SW, Ste 170 98037 4114 198th St SW, Ste 7 4615 196th St SW, Ste 150 98036 6501 196th St SW, Ste D 16809 Hwy 99, Ste B 21100 72nd Ave W 6501 196th St SW, Ste F 18820 Hwy 99 6724 210th St SW 18415 33rd Ave W, Ste R 2617 196th St SW, Ste 141 18820 Hwy 99 18514 Hwy 99, Ste A 3000 Rockefeller 4426 168th St SW 20115 44th Ave W, Ste 100 98036 98036 43 425-771-1042 425-778-2611 PERMITS / LICENSING City of Lynnwood Permit Center Lynnwood Auto License 98036 425-670-5410 425-774-7662 PET SERVICES A Pet Parlor About Pets Adix’s B&B for Dogs and Cats See ad on page 21 Animal Removal-Wildlife Banfield Pet Hospital Dirty Paws Pet Styling Helping Hands Veterinary Clinic Petco PetSmart The Sisters Pet Wash Snohomish County Animal Services VCA Veterinary Center VCA Veterinary Specialty Center of Seattle 98037 98026 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 98201 98036 98036 425-776-9700 425-776-6717 425-778-1475 425-771-6300 425-744-0730 425-775-8844 425-672-4343 425-673-7060 425-672-4422 425-673-5447 425-388-3440 425-742-7387 425-697-6106 PHOTOGRAPHERS / PHOTO FINISHING JC Penney - Portraits Sears Portrait Studio The Picture People Yuen Lui Studios 18601 33rd Ave W (Alderwood) 18600 26th Ave W (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18411 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 98037 98037 425-771-2107 425-771-2212 425-744-0752 425-771-3423 16614 13th Ave W 98037 800-972-7000 98037 98037 PLUMBERS Day & Nite Plumbing & Heating Visit us! Sports Lounge Features: 18 HD & 3D TVs 18 Local Craft Tap Handles Over 100,000 ways to dress our burgers Come Experience the Difference •All Natural Meats from NW sustainable farms “No Antibiotics or Hormones” •Locally sourced ingredients Alderwood Mall • 425-640-9100 3000 184th St SW, Lynnwood (Adjacent to Mall Food Court) Also located at the Mill Creek Town Center, Marysville Gateway Plaza, Snohomish Station Uptown Gig Harbor, and Tacoma Mall. 44 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Double K Plumbing Graham Plumbing & Mechanical Quality Plumbing Service Plumbing & Heating South County Plumbing Steve’s Plumbing 425-742-7795 206-947-2411 425-775-9362 425-640-2121 425-775-7377 425-774-0483 Larch Way 19410 Hwy 99, Ste A-111 6706 212th St SW L2100 196th St SW 18609 76th Ave W, Ste E 19707 64th Ave W, Ste 108 98037 16110 Ash Way 16727 Alderwood Mall Prky 18027 Hwy 99 3215 Larch Way 2824 203rd St SW 16715 52nd Ave W, Ste F 6515 196th St SW 6215 196th St SW 98087 19231 36th Ave W, Ste D 19011 36th Ave W, Ste E 6715 210th St SW, Ste C 21300 68th Ave W, Ste 105 6333 212th St SW, Ste C 98036 98036 425-771-7603 425-771-1140 425-775-7907 425-778-8095 425-967-4700 6414 204th St SW, Ste 200 98036 425-275-0500 4200 196th St SW, Ste 201 3503 188th St SW 19720 44th Ave W, Ste T 19312 60th Ave W, Ste D 4100 194th St SW, Ste 100 4100 194th St SW, Ste 135 19109 36th Ave W, Ste 100 18023 Hwy 99, Ste I 19109 36th Ave W, Ste 209 3500 188th St SW, Ste 300 19401 40th Ave W, Ste 210 6101 200th St SW, Ste 205 3500 188th St SW, Ste 121 3400 188th St SW, Ste 295 4400 168th St SW, Ste 202 19221 36th Ave W, Ste 106 19815 44th Ave W 3400 188th St SW, Ste 400 19101 36th Ave W, Ste 103 3411 184th St SW, Ste 190 4300 198th St SW, Ste 200 4114 198th St SW, Ste 4 18811 28th Ave W, Ste J 4211 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste 110 98036 425-774-2200 425-771-2311 425-775-8525 425-744-5500 425-775-8200 425-771-6444 425-775-9577 425-744-0900 425-672-7111 425-771-3031 425-744-4574 425-835-0423 425-412-5250 425-774-7710 425-743-7770 425-775-4591 425-778-2101 425-771-7108 425-672-2810 425-248-4999 425-712-1756 425-776-1970 425-776-9580 425-776-1119 18215 Hwy 99 21101 Hwy 99, Ste B 98037 98036 425-771-4538 425-774-8865 4820 196th St SW 98036 425-775-5459 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 PRESCHOOL Bright Star Kids Academy Early Learning & Development Center Emerald City Preschool Gloria Dei Preschool Jessie’s Place Preschool Red Door Montessori Preschool Soundview School Trinity Lutheran Child Development Center 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 425-742-4191 425-743-0907 425-442-4141 425-776-2444 425-775-0401 425-743-3667 425-778-8572 425-771-5393 PRINTERS / PHOTOCOPIERS ADG Printing Alphagraphics Edmonds Printing Pacific Art Press Western Type & Printing 98036 98036 98036 PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Kotis Design REAL ESTATE / SERVICES America’s Choice Real Estate Atlas Mortgage Century 21 Real Estate Champions Real Estate Services Chicago Title Insurance Coldwell Banker Bain Design Real Estate Association Emerald Properties Brokerage & Dev. Escrow One Fidelity National Title Company First American Title Insurance Company Greater NW Realty Guild Mortgage Company GVA Kidder Mathews Horizon Realty & Investments John L Scott Real Estate Mac Pherson’s MetLife Home Loans Network Mortgage Services New Star Realty & Investment Northwest Multiple Listing Service Old Republic Title Windermere Real Estate / HKW Windermere Real Estate North 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 RENTAL CARS Enterprise Rent-A-Car Enterprise Rent-A-Car RESTAURANTS / PUBS Alfy’s Pizza Inn WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US Aloha Cafe Anthony’s Fish Bar Anthony’s Seafood Grill Applebees Arby’s Roast Beef Asian Wok Astoria Pizza & Pasta Auntie Anne’s Pretzels Avanti Pizza & Pasta Azteca Mexican B3 Breakfast and Burger Bar Bamboo Tree Pho & Sandwich Baskin Robbins Baskin Robbins Beard Papa’s Black Angus, Steakhouse Blazing Onion See ad on page 43 Blue C Sushi Blue Olive Mediterranean Café Bobby’s Hawaiian Restaurant Brothers Chinese Buca Di Beppo Budapest Bistro Buffalo Wild Wings Cactus Jack’s Pizza Cafe India Casa Guerrero 6808 196th St SW 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 4626 196th St SW 4910 196th St SW 6815 196th St SW, Ste K 4629 168th St SW, Ste J 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 16715 52nd Ave W, Ste B 18920 28th Ave W, Ste A 4027 196th St SW 3815 196th St SW, Ste 102 19901 Hwy 99 4615 196th St SW, Ste 142 3301 184th St SW, Ste 245 20102 44th Ave W 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 14626 Hwy 99 16715 52nd Ave W, Ste C 4301 200th St SW 312926 Mukilteo Speedway 18508 33rd Ave W 12926 Mukilteo Speedway 19817 44th Ave W 402 164th St SW 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98087 98037 98036 98037 98037 98087 98036 98087 45 425-640-6569 425-771-1222 425-771-4665 425-672-2626 425-774-0622 425-771-5838 425-745-5777 425-771-4892 425-742-7575 425-672-1771 425-672-3666 425-996-4098 425-776-7766 425-776-8823 425-744-9000 425-774-6556 425-640-9100 425-329-3596 425-673-0140 425-259-1338 425-742-0766 425-744-7272 425-513-9846 425-672-8029 425-348-6644 425-744-0799 425-741-9608 We Welcome & Invite You To Visit Our Store & Get Inspired! Visit us on Facebook or online at 425-640-2888 Open 7 Days a Week Independently Owned Backyard Nature Products & Accessories Made in the USA Large Selection of High Quality Feeders, Bird Houses, Birdbaths & Seeds Garden Art and Exclusive Unique Gifts 3105-B Alderwood Mall Blvd • Lynnwood, WA 98036 (Next to Michael’s Craft Store) 46 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Celtic Bayou Charlie’s Grilled Subs Chili Basil Thai Grill Chipotle Mexican Grill Cho Dang Tofu Chuck E Cheese’s Cinnabon Claim Jumper Cool Bliss Frozen Yogurt & Crepes Cold Stone Creamery Dairy Queen Grill & Chill Dairy Queen Grill & Chill Dairy Queen / Orange Juilius Kiosk Dave’s Burgers Denny’s Domino’s Pizza Domino’s Pizza Edina Sushi Emerald City Smoothie Evergreen Donuts FatBurger Fuji Teriyaki Garlic Jim’s Famous Gourmet Pizza Genghis Mongolian Grill Great King Buffet Green Mart & Deli Gyro Delight Hai & Sons Pho Hawaiian BBQ Highway Teriyaki IHOP Indigo Kitchen & Ale House Ivar’s Seafood Bar Ka Won Korean Restaurant Indigo Kitchen & Ale House Ivar’s Seafood Bar Ka Won Korean Restaurant Kafe Neo See ad on page 35 Jack in the Box Jack in the Box Jack in the Box Jamba Juice Japan Cafe Jersey Mike’s Subs Johnny’s Wok Just Left Pub & Grill Kalia Indian Cuisine Keg, Steakhouse & Bar KFC Little Caesar Pizza Little Caesar Pizza Little Caesar Pizza Macoroni Grill Macchu Picchu 19800 44th Ave W, Ste H 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18505 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste F 4120 196th St SW, Ste 150 17424 Hwy 99, Ste 107 3717 196th St SW, Ste 100 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18725 33rd Ave W 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 16722 Hwy 99 3614 121st St SW 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19509 44th Ave W 4109 196th St SW 17425 Hwy 99, Ste G 2027 196th St SW 19720 44th Ave W, Ste A 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 20101 44th Ave W, Ste F 18530 33rd Ave W, Ste B 7528 196th St SW, Ste A 5031 168th St SW, Ste 120 19800 44th Ave W, Ste E 4309 198th St SW 5800 198th St SW, Ste 45 4029 196th St SW 1233 164th St SW 19709 Hwy 99, Ste F 19312 60th Ave W, Ste C 4300 196th St SW 2902 164th St SW 14912 Hwy 99 2902 164th St SW 2902 164th St SW 14912 Hwy 99 15004 Hwy 99 14912 Hwy 99 4323 196th St SW 17210 Hwy 99 1212 164th St SW 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 2701 184th St SW, Ste 121 19626 76th Ave W, Ste C 4308 198th St SW 4520 200th St SW, Ste 202 18110 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 4011 196th St SW 7600 196th St SW, Ste 900 202 164th St SW, Ste 2 3625 148th St SW 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 15620 Hwy 99, Ste 8 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98087 98037 98037 98087 98087 98087 98036 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98087 98037 98087 425-776-7404 425-753-5796 425-672-1155 425-776-7549 425-918-1508 425-771-1195 425-778-0870 425-778-5700 425-712-5477 425-673-1484 425-742-1948 425-347-8855 425-640-2277 425-672-1470 425-774-3834 425-743-3030 425-744-0303 425-776-8068 425-670-2505 425-673-5331 425-673-4309 425-670-2200 425-787-5800 425-712-8387 425-350-0527 425-245-3434 425-774-4255 425-771-7629 425-771-7629 425-776-5187 425-776-2838 425-714-8770 425-742-3011 425-714-8770 425-714-8770 425-742-3011 425-787-6484 425-742-3011 425-745-6505 425-673-7895 425-673-7895 425-640-7297 425-774-8298 425-774-4466 425-775-3313 425-776-7379 425-771-6422 425-778-0900 425-774-1130 425-775-1300 425-678-8007 425-745-7711 425-368-2875 425-737-1807 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US Maddox Grill & Bar Man Sun Sushi Restaurant Marco’s Restaurant & Lounge Marinepolis Sushiland Matsu Shushi McCarthy’s Grill & Bar McDonald’s McDonald’s McDonald’s Mod Pizza New Seoul Restaurant Norsdtorm Café Bistro Noodle House Old Country Buffet Old Spaghetti Factory Old Village Pub Olive Garden Original Sul Luna Tang E Korean BBQ P F Chang’s China Bistro Panda Express Panda Express Panda Express Panera Bread Papa John’s Pizza Papa Murphy’s Pizza Pho 36 Pho 84 Pho Alderwood Pho-Tai Pizza Hut Qdoba Mexican Grill Quizno’s Classic Subs Red Lobster See ad on page 47 Red Mango Red Robin Redline Burger Co Romano’s Macaroni Grill Royal India Restaurant Sam Oh Jung San Fernando Roasted Chicken Sam Oh Jung 18411 Hwy 99 14626 Hwy 99 17525 Hwy 99, Ste A 18500 33rd Ave W 19505 44th Ave W, Ste K 20610 44th Ave W 17531 Hwy 99 19808 44th Ave W 2608 196th St SW 2902 164th St SW, Bldg A, #6 14007 Hwy 99 3000 184th St SW (inside Nordstrom) 3301 184th St SW, Ste 215 4601 200th St SW, Ste A 2509 196th St SW 7500 196th St SW, Ste K 4221 196th St SW 19400 36th Ave W, Ste 102 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 4120 196th St SW, Ste 100 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 402 164th St SW 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 4400 168th St SW, Ste 200 19410 Hwy 99, Ste B 19417 36th Ave W, Ste A 6815 196th St SW, Ste H 2701 184th St SW, Ste 107 3301 184th St SW, Ste 220 6815 196th St SW, Ste E 18700 33rd Ave W, Ste A 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 4231 196th St SW 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18410 33rd Ave W 20801 Hwy 99, Ste 102 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 7531 196th St. SW 17425 Hwy 99, Ste A 20815 67th Ave W 17425 Hwy 99, Ste A 4231 196th St SW, Lynnwood 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98036 98036 98087 98087 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 98087 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 (425) 672-1137 47 425-778-2223 425-678-8001 425-743-6627 425-275-9022 425-771-3368 425-775-2500 425-787-5388 425-774-3629 425-640-5400 425-745-2209 425-787-8616 425-771-5755 425-775-1538 425-672-9731 425-672-7006 425-778-1230 425-670-2977 206-218-2558 425-921-2100 425-774-1678 425-712-0521 425-742-0623 425-774-1416 425-742-7900 425-670-2778 425-672-7560 425-775-4143 425-744-0990 425-776-4044 425-774-5050 425-778-7660 425-775-6882 425-672-1137 425-778-5940 425-771-6492 425-775-2252 425-368-2875 425-368-2875 425-745-3535 425-275-9597 425-745-3535 48 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Sarku Japan Sbarro’s Secret Garden Shari’s Silver Spoon Thai Restaurant & Bar Sparta’s Pizza & Spaghetti House Strickers Cafe Subway Subway Subway Subway Subway Sunny Teriyaki Sushi Land Sushi Misoya Susumu Japanese, Steakhouse Szechuan 99 Taco Bell Taco Del Mar Taco Time Taco Time Tacos Guaymas Y Mas Taka-Sushi Talay Thai Taqueria El Rinconsito Taste of Pho Taster’s Wok TCBY Teavana Teriyaki Grill Teriyaki Plus Teriyaki Town Teriyaki Wok Express The Rock Todo Mexico Toshi’s Teriyaki Tubs Gourmet Subs Wendy’s Hamburgers Western Co Donut Wild Wasabi Japanese Cuisine Yeh Yeh’s Sandwiches 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 21025 Hwy 99 19428 Hwy 99 3828 196th St SW 17630 Hwy 99 19820 40th Ave W, Ste 9 18415 33rd Ave W, Ste F 19720 44th Ave W, Ste J 5208 168th St SW 7600 196th St SW, Ste 100 16911 Hwy 99, Ste 103 18415 33rd Ave W, Ste G 18500 33rd Ave W, Ste A 3333 184th St SW 5621 196th St SW, Ste 100 6124 200th St SW 4919 196th St SW 4201 196th St SW, Ste D 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 4424 196th St SW 3805 196th St SW 18904 Hwy 99, Ste A 4520 200th St SW, Ste 208 19409 36th Ave W 20101 44th Ave W, Ste E 15128 Hwy 99 2615 184th St SW, Ste 102 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 16725 52nd Ave W, Ste A 16716 Hwy 99, Ste J 4615 196th St SW, Ste 128 18500 33rd Ave W, Ste B 4010 196th St SW 4926 196th St SW, Ste A 20829 Hwy 99, Ste C 4400 168th St SW, Ste 201 5117 196th St SW 7600 196th St SW, Ste 850 19915 64th Ave W, Ste 101 19915 64th Ave W, Ste 101 98037 20007 44th Ave W, Ste C 17602 Hwy 99 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 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425-673-5854 425-670-8174 425-673-9244 877-247-5223 425-640-3855 425-775-6722 425-771-1775 425-673-6042 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US BC Surf & Sport Be-In Style Bed Bath & Beyond Best Buy Big Lots Billabong Retail Brighton Collectibles Brookstone, The Buckle Cache Casual Male XL Chico’s Christopher & Banks City Marketplace Claires Boutiques Coach Coldwater Creek Connelly Skis Cost Plus World Market Costco Business Center Daiso Seattle David’s Bridal Discount Gun Sales Dolyle Sailmakers Eddie Bauer Escape Outdoors Etiquette Express Family Christian Stores Forever 21 Francesca’s Collections Fuego f.y.e. Godiva Chocolatier Gogo Smoke Shop H&M Hollister Home Goods Hot Topic House of Cutlery Icing by Claires Indoor Garden & Lighting J Jill J Crew JC Penney Jos A Bank Clothiers Kohl’s Lane Bryant Life Uniform Love Culture Lovers LoveSac Lulu Lemon Athletica Lynnwood Gun & Ammunition Macy’s 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3115 196th St SW 19225 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 130 5710 196th St SW 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19220 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste 130 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 17222 Hwy 99 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 20621 52nd Ave W 18205 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste S 19105 Hwy 99 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19225 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 120 17602 Hwy 99, Ste 120 6925 216th St SW, Ste R 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 5116 196th St SW, Ste 203 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 16809 Hwy 99, Ste F 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18420 33rd Ave W, Ste C 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 20505 Hwy 99 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18601 33rd Ave W 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18405 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3105 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste G 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19505 44th Ave W, Ste N 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 20829 Hwy 99, Ste A 18700 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 49 425-712-9661 425-697-2200 425-672-7530 425-670-2670 425-672-8103 425-775-8703 425-640-3357 425-776-2178 425-771-7820 425-778-8235 425-672-8239 425-670-2111 425-771-0728 425-275-1123 425-771-2042 425-670-6785 425-774-4937 425-775-5416 425-774-8892 425-640-7700 425-673-1825 425-775-4302 425-445-8111 425-877-6543 425-774-8678 425-697-7115 425-673-1188 425-744-1577 425-774-9507 425-670-8038 425-775-4712 425-775-3418 425-672-1770 425-776-4487 425-918-1400 855-466-7467 425-775-8095 425-640-0558 425-771-4615 425-771-7161 425-776-2958 425-673-2755 425-672-3149 425-672-3149 425-771-9555 425-673-7520 425-774-1037 425-771-6757 425-771-4412 425-672-3020 425-775-1584 425-771-0700 425-672-3149 425-670-1344 425-712-6000 50 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 Made In Washington Mariner’s Team Store Marshalls Maurices Men’s Wearhouse Michael Kors Motherhood Maternity Nordstrom Nordstrom Rack Oakley O-Store Office Depot Old Navy PacSun Parfumerie Party Store Pier 1 Imports Piercing Pagada Pottery Barn Proactiv Solution PS Plus Sizes Plus Saving Radio Shack Radio Shack Relax the Back Ross Dress For Less Sanrio Sears Seattle Team Shop Seen on Screen TV Sheepskin & Alpaca Sleep Number Soho Soma Intimates Staples Storables Sunglass Hut Sunshine 12, Step Recovery Shop Target The Apple Store The GAP The Limited Things Remembered Shop Tuesday Morning Urban Outfitters Victoria’s Secret Video Only Wet Seal White House / Black Market Williams Sonoma Yankee Candle Co Zagg Invisibleshield Zumiez 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3205 Alderwood Mall Blvd 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 2701 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3200 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19500 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19719 Hwy 99 19401 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 120 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19720 44th Ave W, Ste M 2617 196th St SW, Ste 111 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 2701 184th St SW, Ste 104 4320 196th St SW, Ste C 19500 Hwy 99, Ste 104 19220 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 110 18520 33rd Ave W, Ste A 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18600 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3011 196th St SW (Alderwood) 18205 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste A 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 4001 198th St SW, Ste 6 18305 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19820 40th Ave W, Ste 11 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19220 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 120 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 98037 425-771-3212 425-774-0503 425-771-6045 425-640-2595 425-776-7618 425-921-1185 425-672-3375 425-771-5755 425-774-6569 425-778-1203 425-778-4741 425-670-6560 425-771-3296 425-771-6878 425-776-9111 425-776-4218 425-774-1600 425-774-5441 877-275-2561 425-670-8606 425-774-7733 425-744-9824 425-771-4999 425-771-0607 425-670-1888 425-771-2212 425-640-8008 425-670-9074 425-776-4761 425-775-3540 425-775-2696 425-776-0236 425-672-8535 425-670-2164 425-771-1042 425-330-0422 425-670-1435 425-670-3800 425-771-5817 425-670-6194 425-771-7150 425-775-3485 425-774-3285 425-778-2836 425-776-5900 425-771-9034 425-775-1709 425-778-8053 425-771-3875 425-367-9934 425-776-4323 RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES / HOME CARE A Beautiful Living IV See ad in center spread A Kind Heart Áegis Senior Inn 3918 172nd St SW 18506 64th Ave W 18700 44th Ave W 98037 98037 98037 425-971-9342 206-795-4032 425-712-9999 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US Brusseau’s Adult Family Home Careforce Senior Care Chatuea Pacific Fairwinds - Brighton Court Faithful Adult Family Home Good Shepherd Senior Housing Hearthside of Lynnwood Home & About Home Instead Senior Care Lynnwood Rotary Senior Center Lynnwood Sunrise Adult Family Home Manor Care of Lynnwood Meadowdale Adult Family Home Quail Park of Lynnwood See ad on page 23 Scriber Gardens Retirement Living Scriber Pointe Senior Housing Shangri-La Home Care Tessa’s Adult Care Home Westgate Siesta Home Care 6113 188th St SW 19401 40th Ave W, Ste 205 3333 148th St SW 6520 196th St SW 4305 192nd Pl SW 6927 196th St SW 18625 60th Ave W 18421 Hwy 99, Ste B 6520 212th St SW, Ste 208 6425 196th St SW 19008 40th Ave W 3701 188th St SW 5509 168th Pl SW 4015 164th St SW 6024 200th St SW 19912 Scriber Lk Rd 5520 Firwood Dr 5425 172nd St SW 20819 58th Pl W 98037 6821 189th Pl SW 19121 60th Ave W 16529 58th Pl W 16825 48th Ave W 16513 Hwy 99, Ste A 1804 Locust Way 18908 Hwy 99, Ste B 98036 98036 98087 98036 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98036 98046 98037 98037 98087 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 51 425-775-2106 425-712-1999 425-341-4133 425-775-4440 425-776-8478 425-744-1610 425-771-7700 425-775-2676 425-670-2292 425-775-0881 425-775-1074 425-775-9222 425-742-6750 425-640-8529 425-673-7111 425-670-8273 425-673-0168 425-741-1161 425-877-5764 ROOFING A & R Services Alternative Roofing Systems Crown Roofing ECO ROOF Care Hillside Roofing & Gutters Mountain Goat Roofing Sound Roof Services 98036 98037 98037 98037 98036 98036 425-770-3518 206-587-6211 425-742-1098 425-321-5201 206-362-7663 425-252-6177 425-672-4730 Book your tee time today! 3105 Alderwood Mall Blvd., Ste A Lynnwood, WA 98036 52 LYNNWOOD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 2014 SECURITY EQUIPMENT & SYSTEMS Absco Alarms Alarms Northwest Inc Guardian Angel Security Homestar Security 19023 36th Ave W, Ste E 16417 7th Pl W 2411 206th Pl SW 19009 33rd Ave W, Ste 330 98036 1233 164th St SW 2921 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste 104 18002 Bothell-Everett Hwy, Ste 6 19720 44th Ave W, Ste H 19106 Hwy 99, Ste A 98037 17420 Hwy 99 3815 196th St SW, Ste 160 19725 40th Ave W, Ste F 98037 98036 98036 98036 425-771-1166 425-743-9516 425-773-9883 425-771-1166 SIGNS Emerald City Tinting & Signs Fast Signs of Lynnwood Signs Now Speedy Sign Center Speedy Sign Center 98036 98012 98036 98036 206-334-6084 425-775-9709 425-481-4900 425-672-3706 425-273-0092 SPAS Bella Luna Spa & Sauna Olympus Spa See ad page 5 Zen Spa 98036 98036 425-741-1004 425-697-3000 425-672-3168 SPORTING EQUIPMENT / CLOTHING ABC Billiards & Pools Champs Edmonds Athletic Supply Fitness Outlet Fitness Shop Just Sports Play It Again Sports Precor Home Fitness Pro Golf Discount Pump It Up of Lynnwood REI Silver Horde Fishing Supplies Soccer West Sog Specialty Knives & Tools Sports Authority 17602 Hwy 99, Ste 150 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 20815 67th Ave W, Ste101 19220 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 150 18505 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste H 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19509 Hwy 99, Ste 120 2701 184th St SW, Ste 122 19125 33rd Ave W, Ste A 18027 Hwy 99, Ste J 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 20910 63rd Ave W 3333 184th St SW, Ste T 6521 212th St SW 19800 44th Ave W, Ste B 98037 18421 Hwy 99, Ste H 19905 Scriber Lk Rd, Ste 100 19711 24th Ave W 3225 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste G 7528 196th St SW, Ste B 3333 184th St SW, Ste D 6501 196th St SW, Ste E 98037 17711 Hwy 99, Ste C 14019 Hwy 99 19720 44th Ave W 17711 Hwy 99 98037 16902 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 17717 Hwy 99 19130 Hwy 99 18926 Hwy 99 4600 196th St SW 5200 180th St SW 20631 50th Ave W 98037 98037 98036 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98037 98037 98036 98037 98036 98036 425-775-4140 425-672-2416 425-778-7322 425-776-9000 425-771-6100 425-670-0495 425-670-1184 425-778-5800 425-771-2131 425-820-2298 425-640-6200 425-778-2640 425-744-2718 425-771-6230 425-712-0900 SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS Academy of Kempo Martial Arts Adventure Sports Alderwood Little League Gymboree Play & Music Han’s World Tae Kwon Do Academy United Studios of Self Defense YS Lee Martial Arts 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 425-775-7370 425-771-3877 425-775-5437 425-775-4782 425-275-9999 425-744-1080 425-744-0100 SPORTS BAR GTs Sports Bar North One Eyed Jack’s Roadhouse Pub 44 Shots and Scores 98037 98036 98037 425-787-2549 425-743-557425-582-8808 425-742-0861 STORAGE FACILITIES Alderwood Safe Storage See ad on page 11 Lynnwood Mini Storage Lynnwood Moving Center Public Storage Public Storage Public Storage Recreational Storage 98037 98036 98036 98036 98037 98036 425-742-9330 425-742-1920 425-775-3619 425-672-6288 425-778-3715 425-774-6504 425-771-0195 WWW.CI.LYNNWOOD.WA.US TANNING SALONS Electric Beach Tanning Seattle Sun Tan Tropical Tan 7600 196th St SW, Ste 800 18415 33rd Ave W 3815 196th St SW, Ste 118 98036 16825 48th Ave W, Ste 230 20700 44th Ave W 19410 36th Ave W, Ste 3 20007 44th Ave W 19610 44th Ave W, Ste C 20015 Hwy 99, Ste F 98037 98037 98036 53 425-771-8133 425-673-5566 425-775-9217 TAX SERVICES Abella Tax Services ADP Lynnwood Consolidated Business Systems Gates, Judy Certified Tax Preparer Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Liberty Tax Service Mr Tax Man - Mike McKinnon 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 425-743-9250 425-485-4400 425-640-8539 425-774-4863 425-776-2916 425-775-1099 425-774-6633 TELECOMMUNICATIONS / WIRELESS AT&T AT&T Cellular World Diamond Wireless - Verizon Wireless Northwest VOX Sprint Sprint T-Mobile Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless 3225 Alderwood Mall Blvd, Ste E 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19723 Hwy 99, Ste B 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19009 33rd Ave W, Ste 203 4210 196th St SW, Ste A 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19230 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste 150 98036 98036 425-670-1288 425-771-525425-672-7270 425-774-1363 877-208-9710 425-776-4727 425-778-1878 425-776-4647 425-771-2777 425-778-1048 4027 198th St SW 98036 425-774-6157 98037 98036 98037 98036 98036 98037 98037 98037 THRIFT STORES Goodwill Perfect for folks who prefer more community and less retirement. Call now to schedule a complimentary lunch and tour. 6520 - 196th Street SW • Lynnwood • (425) 775-4440 • Assisted Living Services Available Plato’s Closet Value Village 18205 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste J 17216 Hwy 99 98037 4028 196th St SW, Ste 103 17711 Hwy 99, Ste B 7528 196th St SW, Ste D 2701 184th St SW, Ste 108B 98036 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 1402 164th St SW 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18700 33rd Ave W, Ste B 12809 Veverly Park Rd 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 18601 Alderwood Mall Pkwy 98037 18411 Alderwood Mall Pkwy, Ste B 19910 50th Ave W, Ste 203 18421 Hwy 99, Ste F 5611 196th St SW 98037 19019 36th Ave W, Ste A 20815 52nd Ave W, Ste 1 98036 4201 196th St SW, Ste 160 2701 184th St SW, Ste 114 18500 33rd Ave W, Ste E 19231 36th Ave W, Ste P 98036 21309 66th Ave W 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 20630 56th Ave W, Ste 24 98036 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 19725 40th Ave W, Ste D 19925 44th Ave W 3000 184th St SW (Alderwood) 98037 4720 200th St SW 16108 Ash Way, ste 107 2701 184th St SW, Ste 118 5108 196th St SW, Ste 315 5017 196th St SW, Ste 208 4215 198th St SW, Ste 106 18415 33rd Ave W, Ste A 5800 198th St SW, Ste 38 98036 6520 212th St SW, Ste 100 6333 212th St SW, Ste B 98036 98037 425-775-5868 425-745-6603 TOBACCO / WINE Cigar & Wine Premium Cigar & Pipes Royal Smoke Shop Total Wine 98037 98036 98037 425-778-4021 425-741-2424 425-774-1781 425-640-4510 TOY STORES / GAMES Build-A-Bear Workshop Gamestop Gamestop Gamestop Gamestop Gamestop Sanrio Toys-R-Us 98037 98087 98037 98037 98087 98037 98037 425-778-3606 425-670-2951 425-742-5813 425-771-5712 425-771-6116 425-347-9903 425-776-2040 425-771-4748 TRAVEL / CRUISES Admiral Fleet Cruise Center Kmax Tours Top Travel Travel Leaders 98036 98037 98036 425-775-1314 425-673-8640 425-640-2410 425-775-1595 TROPHIES Awards Service Cascade Trophy 98036 425-774-6462 425-775-3109 TUXEDO RENTALS Celeste Boutizue Men’s Wearhouses Tux Shop Tuxedo Park 98036 98036 98036 425-216-9875 425-776-7618 425-712-8371 425-776-1088 UTILITIES Allied Waste Services Comcast Cable DirecTV 98037 98036 425-778-0188 425-835-0103 303-395-6020 VITAMINS / SUPPLEMENTS General Nutrition Corp Healthy Way Super Supplements Vitamin World 98036 98036 98037 425-672-4310 425-771-6448 425-775-0805 425-673-2930 WEIGHT LOSS CENTERS Experience Momentum Interactive Health Clinic Jenny Craig Weight Loss Center Living Liet Hypnosis Center Lynnwood Hypnosis Nouvelle Weight Loss Systems Radient MedSpa and Weight Loss Weight Watchers 98036 98037 98036 98036 98036 98036 98036 425-776-0803 425-361-7945 425-778-5500 877-206-1332 206-351-7759 425-776-9400 425-640-5900 425-778-2209 WINDOW COVERINGS Designs by Mara Distinctive Windows 98036 425-771-8171 425-275-9150 ONE-STOP SHOP. 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