7th Central Hardwood Forest Conference March 5
7th Central Hardwood Forest Conference March 5
7th Central Southern Hardwood Forest Conference March 5 - 8, 1989 Illinois University at Carbondale List of Registrants Mr. David H. Allen Research Assistant Pennsylvania State University 204 Ferguson Blvd. University Park PA 16801 814/865-1132 Mr. Lynn Barnickol Forest Marketing Specialist Missouri Conservation Department P.O. Box 180 Jefferson City MO 65102 314/751-4115 Ms. Sara M. Allen Field Agriculturalist American Cynamid Rt. #1 Bonnie IL 62816 618/242-3290 Mr. John E. Baumgras Research Forest Products Technician USDA Forest Service, NEFES Box 4360 Morgantown WV 26505 304/291-4488 Mr. Michael P. Anderson Forester Missouri Department of Conservation Rt. #2 Piedmont MO 63957 Mr. Stephen J. Begin Forester US Forest Service R.D.I, Box 410 Pine Grove PA 17963 717/865-5722 Mr. Kent Austin Forester Monongahela National 200 Sycamore St. Elkins WV 25241 304/636-1800 Mr. Fred W. Bergman Economist MO Conservation Department P.O. Box 180 Jefferson City MO 65102 314/751-4115 Forest Mr. Stanley B. Austin Silviculturist Potosi-Salem RD, Mark Twain Nat. P.O. Box 188 Potosi MO 63664 314/438-5427 For. Mr. Henry F. Barbour Research Forester Westvaco Corporation P.O. Box 458 Wickliffe KY 42087 502/355-3151 Mr. Charles J. Barden Graduate Research Assistant Penn State University 204-C Ferguson Bldg. University Park PA 16802 814/865-1132 Mr. William H. Barnacle Silviculturist Department of Natural Resources-Forestry 1601 Minnesota Dr. Brainerd MN 56401 218/82/-2616 Mr. Frank E. Biltonen Assistant Director-USDA Forest Srv. No. Central Forest Experiment Station 1992 Folwell Ave. St. Paul MN 55432 612/649-5260 Mr. Timothy G. Forest Ecologist US Army Corps. 314 Riley Dr., Bloomington IL 217/352-6511 Blechl of Engineers #3 61701 Dr. Don H. Boelter Assistant Director North Central Forest 1992 Folwell Ave. ST. Paul MN 55108 Exp. Station _i_ __ Mr. Mike F. Bolin Extension Forester 612/649-5259 University of lllinois 110 Mumford, 1301 W. Gregory Urbana IL 61801 217/333-2778 Mr_ Britt A. Boucher Graduate Assistant Virginia Tech 310 Cheatham Hall, Forestry Blacksburg VA 24061 703/23i-7265 Mr. William A. Calvert Forester US Air Force R.R. #I, Box 139N Breese IL 62230 Mr. Glenn Campbell District Forester Illinois Division of Forest P.O. Box 188 Murphysboro IL 62966 618/687-2622 Dr, Todd W, Bowersox Professor Penn State 204 Ferguson Bldg, University Park PA 16802 814/865-4841 Mr. Julian Campbell Plant Ecologist University of Kentucky 3468 Greentree Rd. Lexington KY 40502 606/271-4392 Mr, Brian L, Brookshire Graduate Research Assistant University of Missouri-Columbia 1-309 Ag. Building Columbia MO65211 314/882-2848 Dr. Robert A. Cecich Research Plant Physiologist USDA Forest Service 1-26 Agriculture Bldg. Columbia MO 65211 314/875-5341 Mr, Robert j, Brozka Research Forester Army Corps, of Engineers P,O. Box 4005 Champaign IL 61820 217/352,-6511 Dr. Peter Chen Forest Products Technologist North Central Forest Experiment SIU, USDA Forest Service Carbondale IL 62901 618/453-2917 Mr, Wallace E, Brumfield Resource Forester MO Dept, of Conservation P.O. Box 34222 New Madrid MO 63869 314/748-5134 Dr. F. Bryan Clark Associate Deputy Chief USDA Forest Service 4205 Holborn Ave. Annandale VA 22003 Dr, William S, Bryant Professor-Department of Biology Thomas More College Dept, of Biology Crestview Hills KY 41017 606/344-3370 Mr. J.L. Buck Resource Forester Missouri Department P.O. Box 181 Alton MO 65606 417/778-6594 Resources Station (Retired) Mr. Grant A. Curry Forester 3189 New Glendale Rd. Elizabethtown KY 42701 502/769-1361 of Conservation Mr. T.W. Curtin Extension Forester University of lllinois 110 Mumford, 1301 W. Gregory Urbana IL 61801 217/333-2777 Dr. Carl A. Budelsky Professor Southern lllinois University Dept. of Forestry Carbondale IL 62901 618/453-3341 Dr. Bruce E. Cutter Associ ate Professor University of Missouri School of Forestry, Fish & Wildlife Columbia MO 65211 314/882-2744 Mr. Larry Burkhart District Ranger USDA Forest Service Murphysboro Ranger District Murphysboro IL 69266 618/687-1731 3O4 Dr. Mark B. David Assistant Professor University of lllinois-Forestry 110 Mumford Hall Urbana IL 61801 217/333-4308 Mr. Samuel M. Emmons Planning Staff Officer ShawneeNational Forest 901 S. Commercial St. Harrisburg IL 62946 618/253-7114 Dr. Jeffrey O. Dawson Associ ate Professor University of lllinois, Forestry 110 Mumford, 1301 W. Gregory Urbana IL 61801 217/333-9281 Dr. Burnell C. Fischer Professor Prudue University Dept. of Forestry & Nat. Res. West Lafayette IN 47907 317/494-3584 Mr, Paul M. Deizman Consulting Forester National Resources Consultants Rt. #2, Box 32 North Garden VA 22959 804/296-1464 Dr. Victor L. Ford Research Scientist Westvaco Corporation P.O. Box 458 Wickliffe KY 42087 502/355-3151 Dr. Richard E. Dickson Plant Physiologist USDA ForestService ForestryScienceLab, Box 898 RhinelanderWI 54501 715/3627474 Mr. David E. Fosbroke ResearchAssistant West VirginiaUniversity P.O. Box 6125 MorgantownWV 26506 304/2937481 Ms. MarthaK. Dillow Secretary North CentralForest ExperimentStation ForestrySciencesLaboratory CarbondaleIL 62901 618/453-2318 Ms. SandraL. Fosbroke ForestryTechnici an USDA ForestService 180 CanfieldSt. MorgantownWV 26505 304/291-4613 Mr. RobertK. Dixon Associate Professor Auburn University School of Forestry Auburn AL 36849 Dr. JamesFralish Professor SouthernIllinoisUniversity Dept. of Forestry CarbondaleIL 62901 618/453-3341 Dr. John P. Dwyer AssistantProfessor MissouriUniv.Sch. of ForestFish & Wildlife #i-31 AgricultureBuilding ColumbiaMO 65211 314/882-3537 Ms. Pamela Edwards Project Leader US ForestService P.O. Box 208 ParsonWV 26287 304/478-2000 !_ Mr. Mark Eliot ResourceForester MissouriDept. of Conservation P.O. Box 246 HoustonMO 65483 417/967-3385 Mr. Fred R. Fris Forester US ForestService P.O. Box 99 Willow SpringsMO 65793 417/469-3155 Dr. David T. Funk AssistantDirector NortheasternForestExp. Station P.O. Box 640 DurhamNH 03824 603/868-5576 Mr. Tom Gargrave DistrictForester IllinoisDept of Conservation 17th & Halsted Ste. #205 ChicagoHeightsIL 60411 312/754-0945 Dr. Harold (Gene) E. Garrett Professor of Forest Silviculture University of MO, School of F.F.W. 1-30 Ag Bldg. Columbia MO 65211 314/882-3649 Mr. Carl E. Hauser Silviculture/Recreation Specialist MO Dept. of Conservation P.O. Box 180 Jefferson City MO 65102 314/751-4115 Mr. Joseph M. Garvey Resource Forester Missouri Dept. of Conservation Box #247 Lutesville MO 63762 314/238-2321 Mr. Richard T. Heck Tree Farmer 163 Clemmons St. Hanover IN 47243 812/866-3219 Mr. George Z. Gertner Associ ate Professor University of lllinois 110 Mumford Hall Urbana IL 61801 Ms. Glenda Hefty Forestry Technician USFS-NCFES-FIA P.O. Box 145 Clinton MO 64735 816/885-8156 Dr. Kurt W. Gottschalk Research Forester USDA-FS Northeastern Forest Exp. Sta. 180 Canfield St., PO Box 4360 Morgantown WV 26505 304/291-4613 Mr. Doyle A. Henken Si Iviculturist USDA Forest Service 108 S. Sam Houston Blvd. Houston MO 65483 417/967-4194 Mr. John C. Gregory Wildlife Forester Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency P.O. Box 40747 Nashville TN 37204 615/781-6612 Mr. Frank A. Hershey District Forester MO Dept. of Conservation 3408 Ashland St Joseph MO 64506 816/233-3212 Mr, Otis F. Hall Professor Virginia Tecb 310 Cheatham Hall, Forestry Blacksburg VA 24061 703/231-7264 Dr. Ray R. Hicks, Jr. Professor of Forestry Division of Forestry West Virginia University Morgantown WV 26505 304/293-3411 Dr. William E. Hammitt Professor of Forstry University of Tennessee Dept Forestry, Wildlife, Knoxville TN 37901 615/974-7126 Dr. Deborah B. Hill Associate Professor University of Kentucky Department of Forestry Lexington KY 40546 606/257-7610 Fish Mr. Robert A. Harrell Si Iv. USFSI 1220 Barron Rd. Poplar Bluff MO 63901 Mr. Donald E. Hi It Research Forester US Forest Service Northeast Forest Exp. Station Delaware OH 43015 614/369-4471 Mr. Keith D. Harris Field Crew Leader US Army Corps. of Engineers P.O. Box 4005 Champaign IL 61820 217/352-6511 Dr. David M. Hix Assistant Professor of Forestry West Virginia University 337-A Percival Hall Morgantown WV 26506 304/293-3411 3O6 Mro Charles Hommena Forester Monongahela National Forest Marlinton Ranger District Marl inton WV 24954 304/799-4334 Mr. Wesley B. Johnson Techn i ci an Westvaco Research P.O. Box 608 Rupert WV 25984 304/392-6334 Dr. George M. Hopper Associate Professor/Forestry University of Tennessee Ext. 605 Airways Blvd. Jackson TN 38301 901/422-1583 Mr. Jack N. Kagy District Forester IL Division of Forest Rt. #2 Golconda IL 62938 618/949-3805 Mr. Thomas W. Hughes Forester Tennessee Wildlife Resources 216 E. Penfield St. Crossville TN 38555 615/484-3084 Service Agency Resources Dr. Kenneth J. Kessler, Jr. Principal Plant Pathologist North Central Forest Exp. Station SIU, USDAForest Service Carbondale IL 62901 618/453-2921 Mr. Stephen C. Hupe Forester US Forest Service Rt. #1, Box 289 Vienna IL 62995 618/658-2111 Mr. Bill Keyth District Forester IL Division of Forest P.O. Box 313 Olney IL 62450 618/393-6732 Dro Judson G. Isebrands Project Leader USFS Forestry Sciences Lab P.O. Box 898 Rhinelander WI 54501 715/362-7474 Mr. Martin Kindred USDA Forest Service Buffalo Ranger District Hwy. #7 North, P.O. Box 427 Jasper AR 72641 501/968-2354 Mr. Michael J. Janulis Public Information Director Illinois Wood Products Assoc. SIU-Forestry Department Carbondale IL 62901 618/453-7467 Mr. James N. Kochenderfer Reserach Forester US Forest Service Box #326 Parsons WV 26287 304/478-2000 Mr. David N. Johnson District Forester IL Division of Forest P.O. box 206 Fairfield IL 62837 618/847-3781 Dr. Tom E. Kolb Instructor Penn. State University Forest Resourece Laboratory University Park PA 16802 814/865-9351 Resources Resources Mr. Leo J. Johnson Si I v i cu I turi st US Forest Service Rt. #1, Box 945 Doniphan MO 63935 314/996-2153 Mr. Ken F. Konsis Forester Vermilion COo Conservation R.R. #I, Box 215 Danville IL 61832 217/662-2142 Mr. Richard Johnson Fores ter Shawnee National Forest 521 N. Main Jonesboro IL 62906 618/833-8576 Mr. Tom R. Krueger Forester USDAForest Service Rt. #2, Box 4D El izabethtown IL 62931 618/287-2201 District Mr. Eric L. Kruger ResearchAssistant Dept. of Forestry-V.W.-Madison 1630 LindenDr. MadisonWI 53706 608/262-6369 Dr. Craig G. Lorimer Professorof Forestry Universityof WI - Depto of Forestry 1630 LindenDr. MadisonWI 53706 608/262-6187 Dr. Fan H. Kung Professor SouthernIllinoisUniversity Dept. of Forestry CarbondaleIL 62901 618/453-3341 Mr. David C. Lothner AssistantDirector,P&A US ForestService 1992 FolwellAve. St. Paul MN 55108 612/649-5249 Mr. Max H. Lane Retired State of IL Dept. of Cons. Div. For. #9 TimerblineDr., Rt. #4 SpringfieldIL 62707 Dr. Kim E. Lowell AssistantProfessor Univeristyof Missouri #1-31 AgricultureBuilding ColumbiaMO 65211 314/882-4775 Dr. DouglasO. Lantagne ExtensionSpecialist MichiganState University 120 NaturalResources East LansingMI 48824 517/353-4616 Mr. WilliamLuppold ProjectLeader/DL USDA/FS Rt. #2, Box 562B PrincetonWV 24740 Mr. Jay Law TimberOffice Mark TwainNationalForest 401 FairgroundsRd. Rolla MO 65401 314/341-7462 Mr. Keith D. Lynch AssistantProfessor Kansas State University Departmentof Forestry ManhattanKS 66502 913/532-6923 Dr. Chris B. LeDoux ProjectLeader USDA ForestService Box 4360 MorgantownWV 26505 304/291-4488 Mr. RobertC. MacDonald GraduateStudent Universityof Kentucky 205 T.P. CooperBldg. LexingtonKY 40546 618/257-5994 Mr. RonaldD. Lindmark StationDirector US ForestService 1992 FolwellAve. St. PaulMN 55108 612/649-5249 Mr. WilliamJ. Mahalak StateSilviculturist MI Dept NaturalResourcesForestMgt. P.O.Box 128 RoscommonMI 48653 517/275-5151 Mr. Calvin J. Liu AssocatieProfessor Mr. Tim D. Marty AssistantProfessor Universityof Illinois 110 MumfordHall UrbanaIL 61801 217/244-2917 Universityof Kentucky Dept. of Forestery LexingtonKY 40502 Mr. Edward F. Loewenstein GraduateResearchAssistant Auburn University 520 SheltonRd. Auburn AL 36830 Mr. Glen Massie ConsultingForester IllinoisForestProductsCompany Rt. #1, Box 312 BeardstownIL 62618 217/323-4540 Mr. F. Danny McBride Forestry Research Technician US Forest Service Southern Illinois University Carbondale IL 62901 618/453-2923 Mr. Mark A. Mitchell Forester USDA Forest Service 180 Canfield St., PO Box 4360 Morgantown WV 26505 304/291-4613 Dr. Dwight R. McCurdy Professor Southern lllinois University Dept. of Forestry Carbondale IL 62901 618/453-3341 Mr. Robert J. Mitchell Assistant Professor Auburn University 528 Sundilla Ct. Auburn AL 36830 Mr. Basil J. Forest Eng. N.P.S. 3116 Sidney Saint Louis Mr. Charles E. McGee Center for Oak Studies University of Tennessee Decherd TN 37324 Mr. Douglas J. McLaren Extension Forester University of KY 12256 Cooper Dr. Lexington KY 40502 St. MO 63104 Mr. Neal J. Morrison Silviculturist US Forest Service R.R. #3, Box 376 Harrisburg IL 62946 618/658-2111 Mr. Robert A. McQuilkin Forester US Forest Service 108 Westwood Ave. Columbia MO 65203 314/875-5224 Dr. Steve Meadows Post Doctoral Assistant Mississippi Agr. & Forester P.O. Box 227 Stoneville MS 38776 601/686-7218 Moldovan Dr. Mr. John W. Moser Professor Purdue University Dept. of Forestry West Lafayette IN 48906 Exp. Sta. Mr. John D. Murphy Regional Geneticist USDA Forest Service 310 W. Wis Ave. Milwaukee W153203 R-9 MR. Ross A. Melick Forest Silviculturist Mr. Richard K. Myers Extension Forester Purdue University - SIPAC iI Mark Twain National 401 Fairgrounds Rd. Forest DuBoisRt" #i, INB°X47527264-B i 314/341-7434 Rol I a MO 65401 Mr . Guillermo A . Mendoza 812/678-3401 MS. Nadia E. Navarrete Graduate Student Assistant UniversityProfessor of Illinois 110 Mumford Hall Urbana IL 61801 Forest Rt. #5,Service Pleasant Hill, #91 Carbondale IL 62901 618/453-2919 Dr. Leon S. Minckler Retired Research Forester US Forest Service 623 Bogie Ln., Rt. #4 Blacksburg VA 24060 Mr. Tom Neal Forester Shawnee National Forest 521 N. Main Jonesboro IL 62906 618/833-8576 c Mr. Ken R. Negray Project Forester Westvaco Rt. #2, Box 153-A Eddyvi lie KY 42038 502/388-2504 Mrs. Carol M. Perkins Board Mark Twain Forest Watch Rt. #2, Box 483 Willow Springs MO 65793 417/469-3978 Mr. Joe L. Newcomb District Ranger Shawnee National Forest 521 N. Main Jonesboro IL 62906 618/833-8576 Mr. Chuong H. Pham Research Scientist Westvaco Corp. P.O. Box 608 Rupert WV 25984 304/392-6334 Mr. Larry J. Owen Consulting Forester Forest Management Services 735 Maple Ave. Terre Haute IN 47804 812/235-2025 Dr. John E. Phelps Project Leader USDA Forest Service SIU, Forestry Sciences Lab Carbondale IL 62901 618/453-2925 Dr. Steve G. Pallardy Associate Professor University of Missouri #i-31 Agriculture Bldg. Columbia MO 65211 314/882-3548 Mr. Les R. Pinkerton Extension Forester Kansas State University 2610 Claflin Rd. Manhattan KS 66502 913/537-7050 Mr. Bruce D. Palmer Information Specialist MO Dept. of Conservation Box #180 Jefferson City MO 65102 314/751-4115 Dr. Jerry Pirtle District Forester IL Division of Forest Resources P.O. Box 67 Goreville IL 62939 618/995-2568 Mr. Thomas Palmer Forester Crab Orchard Refuge P.O. Box J Carterville IL 62918 618/997-3344 Dr. Jack Pitcher Director Hardwood Research Council P.O. Box 34518 Memphis TN 38184 901/377-1824 Mr. Mark Paschke Graduate Student, Technical Assistant University of Illinois, Forestry 110 Mumford, 1301 W. Gregory Urbana IL 61801 217/333-2770 Dr. Felix Ponder, Jr. Research Soil Scientist No. Central Forest Experiment Station U of MO, #1-26 Agri. Bldg. Columbia MO 65211 314/875-5341 Mr. Steve Pennington Assistant State Forester IN Division of Forestry 613 State Office Bldg. Indianapolis IN 46204 317/232-4105 Dr. Phillip E. Pope Professor Purdue University Dept. Forestry & Natural Res. West Lafayette IN 47907 317/494-3593 Mr. Arlyn W. Perkey Field Representative USDA Forest Service p.O. Box 4360 Morgantown WV 26505 304/391-4484 Mr. J. Daniel Price Instructor Southeastern Illinois College R.R. #4, Box 510 Harrisburg IL 62946 310 Mr. Fred Prince 37069 Charter Oaks Blvd. Mt. Clemens MI 48043 Mr. R. Daniel Schmoker IL Division Forest Resources 600 N. Grand Ave. West Springfield IL 62703 217/782-2361 Mr. Ronald G. Rayburn Staff Forester USDA Forest Service 901 S. Commercial Harrisburg IL 62946 6.18/253-7114 Mr. Larry M. Schmollinger Silviculturist US Forest Service P.O. Box 99 Willow Springs MO 65793 417/469-3155 Dr. W.J. Rietveld Research Plant Physiologist Rock Mountain Experiment Station Univ. of Lincoln, E. Campus Lincoln NE 68583 402/437-5178 Dr. Herbert W. Schroeder Research Social Scientist N. Central Forest Exp. Station 5801-C North Pulaski Rd. Chicago IL 60646 312/588-7650 Dr. George Rink Research Geneticist USDa Forest Service Southern lllinois University Carbondale IL 62901 618/453-2927 Mr. Matt C• Siemert Regional Administrator DOC - Forest Resources 2612 Locust Sterling IL 61081 815/625-2968 Ms. Valerie D. Roe Forest Technician USDA Forestry Sciences Lab Southern lllinois University Carbondale IL 62901 618/453-2928 Mr. Stanley K. Sipp Research Station Supt. University of lllinois Box 3111 Mansfield IL 61854 217/333-6627 Dr. Paul R. Roth Professor Southern lllinois University Dept of Forestry Carbondale IL 62901 618/453-3341 Mr. Rodney K. Sallee Forest Supervisor USDA Forest Service-Shawnee 901 S. Commercial St. Harrisburg IL 62946 618/253-7114 Mr. Ivan L. Sander Research Forester USDA Forest Service Univ. of MO, 1-26 Agr. Columbia MO 65211 314/975-5341 Dr. Glendon W. Smalley Principal Soil Scientist USDA-FS, Southern Forest Rt. #1, Rabbit Run Lane Sewanee TN 37375 Nat. Mr. Gary A. Smith Regional Forester IL Division of Forest Rt. #4, Box 68 Benton IL 62812 618/435-8138 For. Exp. Station Resources Mr. Greg B. Smith Assistant Forest Manager OH Dept. Natural Res. Div. Forestry Mohican Memorial State Forest Perrysvi I le OH 44864 419/938-6222 Bldg. Dr. Richard Co Schlesinger Research Forester North Central Forest Exp. Station U of MO, 1-26 Agriculture Bdg Columbia MO 65211 Dr. Pete W. Somers Professor Southern lllinois University Dept. of Forestry Carbondale IL 62901 314/875-5341 618/453-3341 311 Mr. Dale a. Starkey Plant Pathologist US Forest Service, FPM 2500 Shreveport Hwy. Pineville LA 71360 318/475-7295 Mr. Don E. Van Ormer Forestry Instructor Southeastern lllinois Rt. #4, College Dr. Harrisburg IL 62846 618/252-8240 Mr. George Stephens Chief of Forestry & Horticulture CT Agriculture Experiment Station P.O. Box 1106 New Haven CT 06504 203/789-7252 Dr. J.W. Van Sambeek Research Plant Physiologist USDA Forest Service SIU, Forestry Science Lab Carbondale IL 62901 618/453-2318 Mr. Jeff Stringer Research Forester University of KY, Depto of Forestry College of Agriculture Lexington KY 40546 606/257-5994 Dr. J. Michael Vasievich Project Leader-Economics No. Central Forest Experiment 1407 S. Harrison Rd. East Lansing MI 48823 517/355-7740 Mr. Terry F. Strong Research Forester North Central Forest Exp. Station P.O. Box 898 Rhinelander WI 54501 715/362-7474 Mr. Frederick W. Von Althen Research Scientist Canadian Forestry Services Box #490 Sault Ste Marie, ONT P6 A 5M7 705/949-9461 Mr. Authur R. Suchland Resource forester MO Dept. of Conservation Box #428 Hannibal MO 63401 314/221-4805 Tony Wagner District Forester lllinois Division of Forest _F_t. #3 _inmundy IL 62854 618/547-3477 , Mr. Clinton E. Trammel Forest Manager Pioneer Forest P.O. Box 497 Salem MO 65560 314/729-4641 Mr. Douglas C. Wallace Staff Forester USDA Soil Conservation 555 Vandiver Dr. Columbia MO 65202 314/875-5218 Mr. V. Lyle Trumbull Biologist Army Corps. Of Engineers, P.O. Box 4005 Champaign IL 61824 217/352-6511 Dr. Jeff Ward Assistant Scientist Connecticut Agricultural P.O. Box 1106 New Haven CT 06504 203/789-7238 CERL College Mr. Mark J. Twery Research Forester USDA Forest Service 180 Canfield ST. Morgantown WV 26505 304/291-4613 Mr. George T. Weaver Professor & Head University of Tennessee P.O. Box 1071 Knoxville TN 37901 615/974-7126 Mr. Jerry R. Van Cleve Forester, Field Inventory & Analysis North Central Forest Exp. Station 101 S. Second Clinton MO 64735 816/885-8156 Dr. Barbara C. Weber Staff Assistant US Forest Service 15715 Brandywine Rd. Dumfries VA 22026 202/447-7075 312 Station Resources Service Exp. Station Mr. Rodger Weber Consulting Forester Private R.R. #i, Box 60 Oakdale IL 62268 Mr. Bill Woodson Forester Army Materiel Command Cmdr AMC I & SA, Attn:AMXEN-U Rock Island IL 61299 309/782-4062 Dr. Patrick J. Weicherding Area Extension Forester U of I Coop Ext. Service 901W. Washington Benton IL 62812 618/439-7263 Mr. James J. Zaczek Faculty/Research Assistant Penn State University #21 Forest Resources Lab University Park PA 16652 814/865-7228 Mr. George F. Weick, Jr. District Silviculturist US Forest Service P.O. Box 606 Whitley City KY 42653 606/376-5323 Dr. T. Craig Weidensaul Head & Professor OH State Univ.-Lab for Envir. OARDC, 1680 Madison Ave. Wooster OH 44691 216/263-3722 Studies Mr. Dale R. Weigel Forester US Forest Service 811 Constitution Ave. Bedford IN 47421 812/275-5987 ! i I ! I Mr. Ralph Wells Forester USDA Forest Service Murphysboro Ranger District Murphysboro IL 62966 618/687-1731 Mr. Jacob L. Whitmore Principal Research Silviculturist USDA Forest Service, Timber Mgt Res. P.O. Box 96090 Washington DC 20090 703/235-8200 Dr. Susan Will-Wolf Lecturer-Botany University of Wisconsin-Madison Birge Hall, 430 Lincoln Dr. Madison WI 53706 608/262-6836 Mr. John M. Wood CFM Regional Manager Westvaco Corp. P.O. Box 458 Wickliffe KY 42087 502/335-3151 i! 313 Pesticide Precautionary Statement Pesticides used improperly can be injurious to humans, animals, and plants. Follow the directions and heed all precautions on the labels. Store pesticides in original containers under lock and key--out of the reach of children and animals--and food and feed. away from Apply pesticides so that they do not endanger humans, livestock, crops, beneficial insects, fish, and wildlife. Do not apply pesticides when there is danger of drift, when honey bees or other pollinating insects are visiting plants, or in ways that may contaminate water or leave illegal residues. Avoid prolonged inhalation of pesticide sprays or dusts; wear protective clothing and equipment if specified on the container. If your hands become contaminated with a pesticide, do not eat or drink until you have washed. In case a pesticide is swallowed or gets in the eyes, follow the first-aid treatment given on the label, and get prompt medical attention. If a pesticide is spilled on your skin or clothing, remove clothing immediately and wash skin thoroughly. Do not clean spray equipment or dump excess spray material near ponds, streams, or wells. Because it is difficult to remove all traces of herbicides from equipment, do not use the same equipment for insecticides or fungicides that you use for herbicides. Dispose of empty pesticide containers promptly. a level, isolated place. Have them buried at a saitary landfill dump, or crush and bury them in NOTE: Some States have restrictions on the use of certain pesticides. Check your State and local regulations. Also because registrations of pesticides are under constant review by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, consult your county agricultural agent or State extension specialist to be sure the intended use is still registered. i ¢tO.5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE:I 9 e 9 -6 5 s -6 0 7/ s 017 s REGION NO. 4 rs Rink, George; Budelsky, Carl A., eds. 1989. Proceedings of the seventh central hardwood conference; 1989 March 5-8; Carbondale, IL. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-132. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station; 304 p. Proceedings of the seventh central hardwood forest conference, March 5-8, 1989 at Carbondale, Illinois. Includes 48 manuscripts dealing with silviculture, biology, management, protection, regeneration, utilization, structure, hydrology, and research policy in the central hardwood forest. KEY WORDS: Rhizosphere relations, oak decline, thinning, natural regeneration. Our job at the North Central Forest Experiment Station is discovering and creating new knowledge and technology in the field of natural resources and conveying this information to the people who can use it. As a new generation of forests emerges in our region, managers are confronted with two unique challenges: (I) Dealing with the great diversity in composition, quality, and ownership of the forests, and (2) Reconciling the conflicting demands of the people who use them. Helping the forest manager meet these challenges while protecting the environment is what research at North Central is all about. |I4PEAImm_IT IL STATION
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