No. 4 DATE: 4/8/09 TO - City of Laguna Beach
No. 4 DATE: 4/8/09 TO - City of Laguna Beach
CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: No. 4 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION CASE: Conditional Use Permit 09-06 APPLICANT: Judy Klimek LOCATION: 305 Forest Avenue, Suite 103 APN 64 1-266-13 ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: PREPARED BY: DATE: 4/8/09 Categorically Exempt, Class 1 Martina Speare, Planning Technician (949) 464-6629 REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant requests approval to establish and operate a jewelry store specializing in handcrafted, semi-precious gemstone necklaces and earrings. BACKGROUND: The proposed site is located within the CBD-2, Downtown Commercial Zoning District within the Downtown Specific Plan. The 1,650 square-foot suite (Suite 103) was combined with Suite 102 in 1993, and is currently operating as an art gallery (Wentworth Gallery). The applicant is proposing to re-divide the suites and occupy Suite 103. (Suite 102 has no proposed use at this time.) Parking is legal non-conforming with no intensification of use proposed. STAFF ANALYSIS: Retail uses that contribute to the character and diversity of the downtown are permitted with approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The applicant is proposing to sell handcrafted, gemstone necklaces and earrings. The applicant indicates that she makes the jewelry with hand-selected, high quality, semi-precious gemstones from Asia, South America and North America and each necklace and earring set is one-of-a-kind and cannot be reproduced. The applicant is proposing to display 100 necklaces with matching earrings in showcase shelves located around the perimeter of the suite. Please see Exhibit B for the proposed floor plan. Staff conducted a survey of the jewelry stores in the Downtown Specific Plan Area to determine the number and location of businesses with similar merchandise and to determine the degree of saturation in the area of the proposed use. Staff determined that there are eight jewelry stores that carry jewelry exclusively. Staff found that seven of the jewelry stores specialize in fine jewelry or precious stones and metals and one store specializes in American Indian jewelry. Conditional Use Permit 09-06 April 8,2009 Page 2 Policy 7 of Topic 3 (Page 111-15) of the Downtown Specific Plan states: "Encourage businesses .that enhance the character of Laguna Beach, offer distinctive merchandise and promote businesses owned and operated by highly skilled artisans." The applicant is a Laguna Beach resident and artist. Staff believes that the proposed use is distinctive in that the proposed one-ofa-kind, handcrafted, semi-precious gemstone jewelry is not currently found in the downtown. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit 09-06, subject to the conditions in the attached resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A: Application Exhibit B: Floor Plan1 Location Map Exhibit C: Survey of Existing Jewelry Stores Resolution CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH See reverse side forflling instructions City of iegirna Beacb Plann~ngDivision 1. CUP Number PROPERTY OWNEIUAPPLICANT Ih'ORMATION: Ldw KwW? EYD& 2237 qVnSt.:0 0 l ~ d DATE: Telephone hgal 0msr Address Applicant 11. &J]W&O ~ 80302-47/0 J d y C~~MCL- Address lo ~awmca G)w .~ 09-L'b Telephone - 779 927-30~b Beach. (4 4W5l C ~ U W PROPERTY IhWORMATION: htion % Fws+- B\ve. Assessor Parcel N u m b - suite - 1u 3 (4 3 1 2 b b 1 3 CurredPreviou Use Parking Spaces Provided BuildinglSuite Square Footage JIL PROPOSED USE: Briefly descnk the specific uses) proposed, lnclude jnformation about proposed merchandise and services, menu items, proWse business houn, etc. . Ye7 R,-sL~- /~,VAL- Similar Businesses Owned or Operated by the Applicant: IV. JUSTIF'ICATION: I. Is this site appropriate for the proposed use in terms of size, parking, storage, trash, etc.? 5 ~ 5 -,+,~+c>&FL> 2. Does this site have adequate street access and on-site parking to handle the mfic generated by tbe proposed use? 3. b the proposed use compatl'ble with the surrounding land uses? Explaip 4. V. Is the proposed use consistem with the goals and policies ofthe Downtown Specific Plan and the City's General Plan? Explain. AFFIDAVIT: contained in this appIication is, to the bea of my howledge and belief, true an stand Chapter 25.05.030 of the / PROPERTVOW~TR'SSIGNATURE Ill. Proposed Use: Briefly describe the specific use(s) proposed. Include information proposed merchandise and services, menu items, propose business hours, etc. Judy Klimek, designer and visionary for Left Turn is proposing a high-end gemstone jewelry business for Forest Ave. Judy's designs are one-of-a-kind necklaces and earrings, with bold imagination and extraordinary beauty. Judy is a local artist that works out of her workshop in Laguna Beach and has a strong passion to bring beautiful gemstone necklaces to woman of Laguna Beach and all over the world. Artistic, earthy and original masterpieces will be displayed like a gallery in the proposed suite. Hours of operation will be 7-days a week from 10 am to 10 pm. Similar Business Owned or Operated by the Applicant: NONE IV. Justification 1. Is this site appropriate for the proposed use in terms of size, parking, storage, trash, etc? The proposed business will be able to appropriatly display a maximum of 100 original gemstone necklaces for customers to view. Inventory will be swapped out often to keep things fresh, clean and minimal. Parking is metered in the downtown area. Foot traffic will be the main source of customers and very minimal trash will be disposed of. Storage space has already been allocated within the unit's square footage for necklaces and packaging materials. 2. Does the site have adequate street access and on-site parking to handle the trafFic generated by the proposed use? The proposed suite is located on the main street with two front doors perfect for attracting new comers and locals walking by. No additional parking is needed for the proposed business. Metered parking already in place. 3. Is the proposed use compatible with the surrounding land uses? Explain. Yes, Left Turn Jewelry is completely compatible with surrounding land uses and businesses. No extra parking will be proposed and trash is kept to minimal use. The proposed retail location is non-competitive to surrounding jewelry businesses but complimentary to Laguna Beach with its vision of artistic expression and one-of-a-kind creations in an art gallery format. 4 Is the proposed use cons~stentwith the goals and policies of the Downtown Specific Plan and the City's General Plan? Explain. Gity sr 12~2iGz SE-2:: ?!anpiri~'..r:c The foundation behind Left Turn's retall location is an artistic expression via gemstone necklaces and earrings from a local resident and designer, Judy Klimek. Left Turn will be a great addition to the community of artists to further its foundation of high standard art and beauty. Judy Klimek, designer and visionary of Left Turn Jewelry, has created an art form of her high-end gemstone necklaces and earring designs. Her artistic expression reveals her attraction to gorgeous gemstones, beautiful colors, grand style and exotic silver. Judy's designs are oneof-a-kind necklaces and earrings, with bold imagination and extraordinary beauty. Judy has a strong passion to bring beautiful hand crafted gemstone necklaces to women all over the world. ONE-OF-A-KIND CREATIONS Left Turn necklaces are one-of-a-kindthat have been hand assembled by Judy. Because each necklace is an original art piece, no two necklaces are alike. Once a design is sold, it's unfortunately gone. FASHION FORWARD STYLE 81 DESIGN Left Turn takes an already fashionable gem and turns it into a big and bold art piece. So it is no surprise that our Left Turn customers tell us how sexy, powerful and confident they feel every time they slip on one of our necklaces. Left Turn necklaces are light, elegant, stylish and easy to wear. Stand out and yet noticed with an original Left Turn necklace. DRAGON Large Turquoise Gemstones & Large Thai Silver Beads PRICE: $1,280.00 FOR MORE INFO PLEASE CONTACT US AT TOLL FREE: 1- 866-954-LEm(5338) OR VISIT OUR WEBSlTE FOR MORE ONE-OF-A-KIND GEMSTONE NECKLACES Q Len Turn Price May Be Subject To Change. 03/23/09 GLAM ROCK Hand Cut Black Tourmaline, Rainbow Obsidian & Bali Silver Beads PRICE: $2,880.00 FOR MORE INFO P L W E CONTACT US AT TOLL FREE: 1- 866-954-LEFT(S33B) OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE ONE-OF-A-KIND GEMSTONE NECKLACES www.lefttumjewelry.corn Q Left Turn Price May Be Subject To Change. 03R3X)9 CORONA Amethyst, Turkish Silver & Thai Silver Beads PRICE: $675.00 FOR MORE INFO PLEASE CONTACT US AT TOLL FREE:1-866-954-LEFT(5338) OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE ONE-OF-A-KIND GEMSTONE NECKLACES O Len Turn Price May Be Subject To Change. 03/23/09 ELM Green Tourmaline, Hand Hammered Crystal Quartz, Vermeil & Green Tourmaline Crystals in Quarfi Pendant PRICE: $4,850.00 FOR MORE INFO PLEASE CONTACT US AT TOLL FREE: 1- 866-954-LEFT(S338) OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE ONE-OF-A-KIND GEMSTONE NECKLACES O Len Turn Price May Be Subject To Change. 03/23/09 EGYPTIAN BLUE Keshi Freshwater Pearls, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli & Bali Silver PFUCE: $1,820.00 FOR MORE INFO PLEASE COWACT US AT TOLL FREE: 1- 866-954-LEFr(5338)OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE OM-OF-A-KINDGEMSTONE NECKLACES @ Lefl Turn Price May Be Subject To Change. 03/23/09 Left Turn Designs - About Judy Klimek Page 1 of 1 LT& Log In [ Shopping Bag HOVE VIEw NECKLACE COLLECTION AaOllT GEMS1GNES ABOlIT LEFT T:JRN AfvlBASSADOR CllSTOMER SERVICE SEkRCbi JUDY KLIMEK "I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED GEMSTONES" As Lead Deslgner anc: vlslsna:), for Left Turrl. .Judy Klirnek is resporis~bieloi all desigr;, produdlon, ano aual!:y cc;'itroi :tinc!ior~s On aiiy giver: day, o d %*!I! And Judy iror=mg In he; Laguna Beach ucrkshop s~m~~ltaneously on 12 -2C d18e:enl ne&iaces scrnet!rnes revJorklng a s11;yie piece 40 t i r x s onill !: :eeis !i!st r~)h: J d y also oversees the purc!iasfng of gelnsronas Meet~i'lgw~rtia networn cf dealers anrl bhyers lo fino :he unloue ger'istones that );a-e soco:ne tlle s~gnatdreof Lefi Turt! In fac!. Judy5 huyers iravei lo P.sia and Soutn A!rierlca f ~ v sttriies a year f n d ~ n gthe q ~ ~ a l lgemstones ly trla! make Le!! Turn necklaces extraordtnsry She bi~rigs25 years of gemslone necklace desigri arid GIA :rairilrxgtc Lefi Turn Ir: !lor previous uork ilie. .ludy kas L.o,lt a !.~g!!lf successfiii :riuili-rn~l!t~r~ dollar electronics coniponent b:~s~nsssinana(jnci !lortarecis of O~O:!IC serv,=!n; customers all over :he wo-~d. .Judy has a strong cornrnitmen! and passlon to b i ~ n gbeaut@irlgernsione necklaces to d~scerningcuslomers who want sonisthing dtferent, somethin;; ilnlque end sornethlng !nlerestmg After !raveling !he world Judy could nc: fir10 Lef: Tdrn aual~tynecklaces anyhere: so sna decldsd to bulid Iharii herself True io her company name. Judy hes dec~deoto rake a Left Turn If yxr asp her customers e s the best move she has eve: ??ads Dewgnaf Judv m k desgns o e w W oned-a kmd nedilaceslor women who knovwherethey are gang evendd'soflthetmteupafh To contact Judy [email protected] HOME VIEW NECKLACE COLLECTION ABOUT GEMSTONES ABOUT LEFT TURN AMBASSADOR CUSTOMER SERVICE PRIVACY POLICY TOLL FREE 1-866-954-LEFT (5338) G LEFT TURN DESIGNS, ZOO8 Left Turn Designs - About Gemstones Page 1 of 1 Log In I Shopping Bag HOME VIEM'NECKLACE COLLECTION ABOLIT GEMSTONES ABOUT LEFT TVRN AIdBASSADOF: CUSTOMER SERVICE SEARCH 7 - t 00 ABOUT GEMSTONES 's (?EMSTONE GI.oSSARY GUIDE TO BUYING GEMSTONES WITH TOTAL CONFIDENCE GEMSTONE VALUE GUIDELINES There are vsrlous g u ~ d e l ~ mfor s decldlno on buvrng gemstones Ftrst hold 11 In vour nanos 1s 11 111ce lo In? touct? Prlclng for dfferenl gen vartetles are affected by fanors Itke rarlty durablllty and populartty Second you should ltke the slone If you are mesmerized by 11scolor rf you just cannot separate from 11 h e n you know 11 s the rlght s l o m for vou GEMSTONE I'ARIETIES CARING FORYOUR GEMSTONES Carlrg for your gemstones and genlstone jewelry 1s often slmpie common sense Tak~ng a l~ttle ttme lo treat vour stones properly can lead to years of satlsfactton and delight Some stones tend to fade and are best stored oul oi dlrec: sunl~ghlwher you're not weartng them MAINTAIN THEIR BEAUTY BY CLEANING YOUR GEMS Gemstones fall Into a few important varletles. Prezious stones Semiprecious stones GEMSTONE TREAThfENTS AND COLDRING In some cases, the color of gemstones e also artrficially enhanced (Heated gem) to inwease me value of the stone Sta~n~ng heal treatment an0 use0 among the treatments Agate may be stained a variety of colors: red. lemon yellv.~, green, blue. and brown. Jasper stained blue to simulate Lapis Lazuli. and turquoise 1s stalned to unltate opal Heat treatment of oems to lmrwove or chanae color has been for [entunes \*';I heated smoky quartz resembles cltrlne or topaz some brownish or reddlsh zlrcon becomes bnght blue or colorless, yellow topaz becomes pink. slightly colored chalcedony b e m e s carnelian red, and s m e rubies or amelhysts are more evenly colored. Irradiation of certain gemstones also causes color changes Some colorless diamonds become green. rose quartz becomes brown. and deolorized amethyst regains its purple hue. GEMSTONE PRICING Gems will collect dust k h i n d the gem. The best wav to clean vour Lef: Turn ~ w e l n IS , to wet a sdfl hand t&ei ( h a mild (bhosphale-hsej warm soapy water solutmn Wring out all of the SoIUlio~!and wipe the pieces clean. Let them air dry for a mtnimum of 2 hours. Use the enclosed pol~shingclolh lo b d t o the final finish. For every gemstone variety, color IS t h ~ most lmportanl value factor Gemstone value is dnven hy clarity Weedom from the tiny internal characlerlstics known as lnclus~ons Gemstones are sold by weight, not by size The measurement used is the carat. whlch IS one-fifth of a gram Gemstoms under Ihe skilled had of a cutler. will unleash inner brilliance and beauty W O R T A M NOTE Be aware that hairspray and perfume ccnlaln mild acids ma1 can prmsnenlly harm pearls and certain gemstones. Alwavs put yourjewelv on last. To reduce damaoe. store ,lewetrv, in jewelry box pmvlded WEARING GEMS DURING A well-placsd blow could damage the beauty of stone, so it IS safest to stwe them while sngagfng in any activity where they mignl be subjected to Ihgh impact. STORING GEMSTONES Store jewelry with gemstones separate from each olher. Some gems are harder than others such as diamonds, and a hard sione can scraic!?a softer stone. Pricing of gemstones varies dzpending on rareness. geography and mining techniques. Pricing also IS imluenced by Leauly and durabilily HOME VIEW NECKLACE COLLECTION PRIVACY POLICY ABOUT GEMSTONES ABOUT LEFT TURN TOLL FREE 1-866-954-LEFT (5338) AMBASSADOR Q LEFT TURN DESIGNS, 2M)B CUSTOMER SERVICE Left Turn Designs - About L,eft Turn Page 1 of 1 Log In I Shopping Bag dOME VIEW NECKLiCE COLLECTiOPi >SOU7 ^sEt.<S:CPIES Ae3ST LEFTTURN iMSASSAC.Oii CilSiOF.4ER SERVICE S%RC:: ABOUT LEFT TURN '. &BOLT JLDY K L I X ~ E E ~ : .A51BASS.ADOR PROtiK.4bI ;. IJRIVAC1 PO1,ICl STATEMENT JEWELRY FOR WOMEN WHO KNOW WHERE THEY ARE GOING >-ew and nave Be :.?::Mencr Tne story of LeRTum staned on Juay K11meL.s tragels of over TO counmes aroilnd the world She me1 people, embraced their cultures and shared the~rariisQcexpressloll She began ro nohce her fasclnahon %Mm!ewelry,espenally mose that bared eorgeous gemstones, exotbc silver, and beautiful colors In her own words. "I have abuays loved gemstones Wnen yori gel to work with hlgh quality pleces as I do, its easy to fall In love w ~ t nthese beautiful colors and textures I can't look at a gemstone w~tinou! my ~niaglnat~on taklng over I start seelng varmbons and palrings nim other penistones rlght away. Before you know i: I'm slrinplng logelher a necklace ' D!er 25 years later Judy 15 st~lllhnenlng to her call~ngof deslgnlng ong~nalnecklaes Into an an form. Her jewelry is a way tor woman to exoress their inner baldness wnhdencs and cnc sense of nyle From the most 3ll..rtng lo me most maglcol gemstones eacr p,ece wssesses 11sown ston, created from ~ ds . heart GEMSTONES FROM AROUND THE WORLD - iudy Kllmek Every Left Turn gsrnstone IS hand selected by Judy for quality Our supptlers find the most quality gemstones from Asia. South Amerle Now) Amenca, and other palls of the 'mrld to detlver one-of-a-kind stones, Most stones caMot be reor&red or replaced, because they are truly one of a klnd Most c m d e have never seen Judv's wonderhA comblnabons of stones like Uwse found I" tier LzR Turn colledlons unique, LAYERING FOR A RICHER LOOK StorPmene can o m e In wrlre or .n granoe-1 s l e s 41 -en Tom we pnjs ourselder In del~vennga look of r~chnesswhelhe, mat comes m one strand of boldness or five strands of lnaesient DeaJy These newaces are flenD letegenl ana oearnd-l Iha!can oe wwn separately. in a patr. or layered beyond prfectlon ONEOF-A-KIND CRWTIONS LOOK FABULOUS AND PEEL GREAT Beauhflll and wlortul gemstones nave rulea Ine runwa?s of famlon lor cenlunes From Vleir w n healina w e n Lo its exDression of a w e n t CI~IIU.&K~S e m o m ~ c astetare. i gemstones remaln to be e fasnion statement no woman can resist LeR Turn designs take an already fash~onable awn and turns into a boa and bold an clece. So 'tsno sumrlse that our i e Turn ~ customers tell us now sexy p w r h r l and conhaem they iel evefy bme may slip one of ocr necrleces on Lefl Turn necklaces are light elegan: and beautiful. They are just waiting tobe your statement piece to open the d w r for compliments. Look fabulous and feel ereat wtth a Left Tum necklace A NEW APPROACH TO DESIGNING JEWELRY Irs all about me statement Our gemstone poxes are tor the VJOnlen v.ho have a Pofn: of v~ewand have the confidence 13 express I: Forge: eve7 rule Youve ever l e a r n d and let that Inner dlva shlne boldly and beautifully I've 'ouna In my llteume of Vavel, great pleces arenY golng lo be arouno h r e r If you hesitate. you may mlss out. 'when I w e a W l a c e I want and can aflord. I usually buy it wmout a second h u g h l Thz same rule eppl~esto Leh Turn Remember. mese neorlaces are onwl-a-hand clntlke other d.2slaners. Len Turn doesn't have an Inventory o r e i&neof producrs that ers sold over and over agsln. Ws a n y duplicate a design, and M i e n irs gone. Ws unfortunatety gone BECOME A LEFT TURN AMBASSADOR Everv DersonWtlo ( ~ 1 sa Len Tum necklace want& anuner maanother. Tne g o w n e w 8s mat all your blends fam~lyand associates tend m want them as well. Every customer is automaiicallv entered inlo the LeR Turn Ambassador Propram and recelves a polnt 11 wsd~tb r every dollar spent In sther words, a 53,000 necklacs gets you 3.OW polnts or $300 n credn touards "our next ~urchaseYou can als3 earn polnh for every person you refer to ~~nTurn m o buys a necklace P o n s add up y~ are ell on you- way to getttng $st semnd tnlrd or fourth ne*lace ~nno ume ;;~ll-i~;e;{m~re &boutthe T~~~ smbassador pogram. dl:k nere .,,,, Lsfl Turn is aboul emlorina new temtorv having fun. and looking ariat. Ifs abouitaklng me unpaved road and maklllg a Lefl Turn HOME VlEW NECKLACE COLLECTION PRIVACY POLICY ABOUT GEMSTONES ABOUT LEFT N R N AMBASSADOR CUSTOMER SERVICE LEFT N R N DESIGNS, 2008 TOLL FREE 1.866-954-LEFT (5338) I 10 e r p r r l i n - rC i E 505 FOKEST AVE L A ~ U N APEACH, ck STOKE FRONT rp,eroSk c/Qconcept,s Tustin, C A 92781 (714) 381-681 1 Existing Jewelry Store Survey Store Kokopelli Gallery Ken's Jewelry Store Baca John's Jewelry and Gems Rock Martin Fredric H. Rubel Jacobus Goldsmith Monamie Jewelry and Gifts Address 332 Forest Ave. #2 326 Forest Ave. 305 Forest Ave. #1 305 Forest Ave. #4 268 Forest Ave. 246 Forest Ave. 278 South Coast Hwy. 490 South Coast Hwy. Merchandise American Indian Fine Jewelry Fine Jewelry and Art Glass Fine Jewelry Fine Jewelry Fine Jewelry Fine Jewelry Fine Jewelry RECORDING REQUESTED BY CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH AND WHEN RECOKDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH 505 FOREST AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH, CA 9265 1 I (Fee Exempt per Govt. Code 6 103) THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDING RESOLUTION NO. 09-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AT 305 Forest Avenue, Suite 103 WHEREAS. an application has been filed by the prospective tenant of property located at 305 Forest Avenue, Suite 103 requesting a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Section 25.05.030 to establish a jewelry store specializing in handcrafted, semi-precious gemstone necklaces and earrings by Judy Klimek, a local artist; and WHEREAS, the owner of the subject property has authorized in writing the submittal of the application for a Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Laguna Beach, acting in accordance with the provisions of Municipal Code Section 25.05.030, conducted a legally noticed public hearing regarding this proposal on April 8,2009; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission carefully considered the oral and documentary evidence and arguments presented at the hearing; and WHEREAS, the proposed project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act in accordance with Class 1, Existing Facilities; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made the following findings: 1. The site is adequate to accommodate the use without adverse impact on abutting property or on . 6:j Conditional Use Permit 09-06 April 8,2009 Page 2 parking or traffic circulation in the downtown area in that the parking is legal, non-conforming with no intensification of use proposed. 2. The proposed use will maintain a balanced mix of uses that serves the needs of both local and non-local populations in that the use offers distinctive merchandise to both residents and visitors. 3. The granting of the Conditional Use Permit will not produce an incremental effect of similar uses that would be detrimental to the City in that the handcrafted, semi-precious gemstone jewelry is unique in the downtown and contributes to the diversity of uses in the central business area. 4. The proposed use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the CBD-2 Downtown Commercial Zoning District, in which it is located, and the goals and policies of the Downtown Specific Plan and the City's General Plan in that the proposed use will enhance the character of the Downtown and does not contribute to the incremental effect of similar uses in the Downtown. 5. The Conditions stated in the decision are necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare to assure continued land-use compatibility. 6. The business will not primarily engage in the retail sale of bathing suits or T-shirts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Conditional Use Permit 09-06 is hereby granted to the following extent: Approval to establish a jewelry store specializing in handcrafted, semi-precious gemstone necklaces and earrings by Judy Klimek, a local artist. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following condition(s) are set forth to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community and to assure the intent and purpose of the regulations: 1. The Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to review if written complaints are received, and Conditional Use Permit 09-06 April 8,2009 Page 3 shall be subject to administrative review one (1) year after issuance of the certificate of use to determine if the approved conditions of approval are in compliance. These reviews may result in a formal noticed public hearing before the Planning Commission. After the public hearing on the matter, the Planning Commission may require immediate condition compliance, amend the conditions of approval or proceed with revocation of the Conditional Use Permit as specified in Municipal Code Section 25.05.075. 2. It is understood that the conditions of approval apply herein to any future owners or lessees operating under this Conditional Use Permit. This means in legal terms that the conditions of approval for the Conditional Use Permit shall be and hereby are obligations of and binding upon the applicant and hislher heirs, successors, assigns, agents and representatives. The conditions shall constitute a covenant running with and binding the land in accordance with the provisions of California Civil Code Section 1468. Failure to comply with such conditions, and each of them, and any other related federal, state and local regulations may be grounds for revocation of the Conditional Use Permit, in addition to other remedies that may be available to the City. 3. Applicable Certificate of Use andlor Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued until City staff has verified compliance with all conditions of approval. 4. This Conditional Use Permit shall not become effective until any required Design Review approval has been obtained. 5. This Conditional Use Permit shall not become effective until the owner of the subject property has signed an affidavit in the form attached to this Resolution, whereby the property owner acknowledges and consents to the imposition of the conditions set forth in this Resolution, and Conditional Use Permit 09-06 April 8,2009 Page 4 agrees that such conditions shall constitute restrictions running with the land and shall be binding upon the property owner and their heirs, successors and assigns. If the applicant is different than the owner of the subject property, then this Conditional Use Permit shall also not become effective until the applicant has signed an affidavit in the form attached to this Resolution, whereby the applicant acknowledges and consents to the imposition of the conditions set forth in this Resolution, and agrees that such conditions shall be binding upon the applicant and their heirs, successors and assigns. 6. This Conditional Use Permit shall lapse and automatically become void two years following the effective date unless: a) the privileges authorized are established; or b) a building permit is issued and construction is begun and diligently pursued to completion; or c) an extension of time is granted pursuant to Municipal Code Section 25.05.030 (I). 7. If the use authorized under this Resolution and Conditional Use Permit is abandoned or terminated for any reason for a period of at least one year, the Conditional Use Permit shall automatically expire and become void. 8. In the absence of specific provisions or conditions herein to the contrary, the application and all plans or exhibits attached to the application are relied upon, incorporated and made a part of this resolution. It is required that such plans or exhibits be complied with and implemented in a consistent manner with the approved use and other conditions of approval. Such plans and exhibits for which this Conditional Use Permit has been granted shall not be changed or amended except pursuant to a subsequent Conditional Use Permit or Variance as might otherwise be required or granted pursuant to the terms of Title 25 of the City of Laguna Beach Municipal Code. Conditional Use Permit 09-06 April 8,2009 Page 5 9. No additions or enlargements of structures upon property for which this Conditional Use Permit has been granted shall be allowed except pursuant to a subsequent Conditional Use Permit or Variance as might otherwise be required or granted pursuant to the terms of Title 25 of the City of Laguna Beach Municipal Code. 10. The sale of tee-shirts, bathing suits, and ivory of any kind shall be prohibited. 11. The use of expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam) food containers is prohibited. 12. Outdoor display or outside seating of any kind shall be prohibited, unless approved as an amendment to this Conditional Use Permit. Application for such an amendment may only be accepted for processing, if outdoor display andlor outside seating are permitted use(s) in the applicable zoning district. 13. A City business license shall be obtained prior to the operation of any business use permitted by this Conditional Use Permit. 14. No proposed change or modification to the specifically permitted use of a jewelry store specializing in handcrafted, semi-precious gemstone necklaces and earrings by Judy Klimek shall be allowed except pursuant to a subsequent or amended Conditional Use Permit granted pursuant to the terms of Title 25 of the City of Laguna Beach Municipal Code. 15. The applicant shall not allow, act, cause or permit any lessee, agent, employee, exhibitor or concessionaire any "prohibited discharge" (as defined in Municipal Code Section 16.01.020) into the City's storm water drainage system. 16. The applicant (and the applicant's successors or assigns) shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees and agents from any claim, action, proceeding, Conditional Use Permit 09-06 April 8,2009 Page 6 demand, damage, loss or liability arising out of or resulting from (a) the approval of this Conditional Use Permit and (b) the use and occupancy of the subject property in accordance with the project approval. 17. The required parking shall be available free of charge to the tenants and customers of the proposed business during the approved hours of operation. 18. The hours of operation shall be limited to 10:OO a.m. to 10:OO p.m. daily. 19. Merchandise shall be handcrafted by Judy Klimek, and made with one of a kind, semi-precious gemstones. 20. Displayed merchandise shall be limited to a maximum of one hundred sets of necklaces and matchmg earrings. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the above decision was rendered on April 8, 2009. ADOPTED this 8th day of April, 2009. AYES: Commissioner(s) NOES: Comrnissioner(s) ABSENT: Commissioner(s) ATTEST: Norm Grossman, Chairperson Planning Commission City of Laguna Beach, California John Montgomery, Director Community Development City of Laguna Beach, California