December 7 2015 - January 17 2016
December 7 2015 - January 17 2016
Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 For Date: 12/07/2015 Call Number Time 15-20525 0020 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: - Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson CRYSTAL AVE Sergeant Michael W Hughes 2014 FORD TK E450 0053 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0106 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Action Priority Warning Issued 3 Arvd-00:20:00 Clrd-00:27:16 Reg: PC AZ AG29452 VIN: 1FDXE4FS6EDA62367 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 1530] BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel GRY 2015 MERZ 4D CLA-CLASS 15-20527 No Action Required SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-01:06:00 15-20528 0141 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0431 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Towed: Narrative: 2 Clrd-01:11:13 15-5764-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis WHI 2002 CHEV 4D PRIZM 15-20529 3 Arvd-00:53:00 Clrd-00:55:43 Reg: PC NH 3646779 VIN: WDDSJ4GBFN175459 Initiated - PED CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PINKERTON ST + HOODKROFT DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Refer To Field Int: Page: Warning Issued 3 Arvd-01:41:00 Clrd-01:45:23 Reg: PC NH 3839444 VIN: 1Y1SK54802Z415734 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson WINDHAM RD + BERRY RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-04:31:46 Arvd-04:35:04 Clrd-05:09:50 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-04:36:37 Arvd-04:39:40 Clrd-04:52:14 WHI 2010 DODG 2D CHARGER Reg: PC NH 3276743 VIN: 2B3CA3CV8AH267338 For: Accident By: Spacetown Auto 12/07/2015 0437 Spacetown called for tow - enroute 12/07/2015 0455 Wrecker on scene 12/07/2015 0511 Reportable ... Rua vs Mailbox Narrative: Narrative: Refer To Accident: 15-20530 0545 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0826 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20532 15-822-AC Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis BLK 2004 PONT 4D GRAND AM 15-20531 ID: Summons Issued 3 Arvd-05:45:00 Clrd-05:56:46 Reg: PC NH 3684912 VIN: 1G2NG52E14M628935 Phone - DISABLED MV Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ASH ST + MAPLE ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-08:26:32 Arvd-08:28:56 Clrd-08:28:58 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:26:32 Clrd-08:29:00 3 Narrative: 12/07/2015 0829 checked with operators, no problems found 0848 1 Printed: 01/22/2016 Monday Call Reason Vehicle: 15-20526 0000 - 2359 Phone - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered 2 Duplicate Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering NORMAN DR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-08:48:43 Arvd-08:48:45 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-08:48:44 Arvd-08:48:45 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-08:54:27 Arvd-08:54:30 ID: ID: 15-20533 0853 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Services Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ORCHARD DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-08:53:42 Arvd-08:57:04 Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-08:54:10 Arvd-09:06:27 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-09:06:43 Arvd-09:07:19 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-08:56:40 Clrd-08:56:40 Clrd-08:56:41 Rendered 1 Clrd-09:20:24 Clrd-09:20:23 Clrd-09:20:22 Narrative: 12/07/2015 0920 sick fox in road, animal euthanized and disposed of Refer To Incident: 15-20534 0924 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-2510-OF Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD + MORNINGSIDE DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Arvd-09:24:00 Clrd-09:27:28 WHI 2002 VOLK CV CABRIO Reg: PC NH 3314282 VIN: 3VWDC21V62M813998 15-20535 0942 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - FOLLOW-UP Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SPRING DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-09:43:00 Arvd-09:51:09 Clrd-10:07:20 Refer To Incident: 15-2511-OF 15-20536 1024 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 1034 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-10:24:00 Clrd-10:34:15 GRY 2014 CHEV PU SILVERADO Reg: PC NH 3460201 VIN: 1GCVKREC1EZ257534 15-20537 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer Jared Knox Arvd-10:34:00 Clrd-10:46:58 2 15-20538 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SCHURMAN DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-10:39:00 Clrd-10:53:25 2 15-20539 Phone - DEPARTMENT INFO Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering RT 28 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:15:34 Arvd-11:19:26 Clrd-11:21:06 3 1039 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1115 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20540 1116 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - DISABLED MV Services Rendered 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N HIGH ST + ASH ST EXT Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-11:16:00 Clrd-11:33:07 Vehicle: GRY 2008 NISS VN QUEST Reg: PC NH 3239561 VIN: 5N1BV28U88N112326 Refer To Field Int: 15-5766-FI 15-20541 1125 Phone - THEFT Services Rendered 2 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-11:40:32 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:40:36 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:44:32 Arvd-11:45:05 ID: ID: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-11:40:38 Clrd-11:40:00 Clrd-11:55:55 Narrative: 12/07/2015 1155 theft of ornamental items Refer To Incident: 15-20542 1140 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20544 1215 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2512-OF Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER AVE Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-11:40:00 Clrd-11:44:32 BLK 2005 FORD PU F150 Reg: PC NH 3798235 VIN: 1FTPW14575KE61586 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 250] PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-12:15:00 2 Clrd-12:33:18 15-20545 1217 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 749] W RUNNING BROOK LN Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:18:26 Arvd-12:23:44 Clrd-12:37:05 ID: Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:26:32 Arvd-12:30:53 Clrd-12:37:09 Refer To Field Int: 15-5784-FI 1253 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 15-20546 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 281] DRURY LN Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-12:53:00 Clrd-13:04:19 2 15-20547 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WHITTEMORE DR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-13:07:00 Clrd-13:09:40 2 15-20548 Initiated - MV STOP Summons Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WINDHAM RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-13:18:00 Clrd-13:28:08 RED 2008 DODG PU 1500 Reg: PC NH 2668845 VIN: 1D7HU18238S601556 1307 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1318 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20549 1339 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20550 ID: ID: Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W RUNNING BROOK LN Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:40:10 Arvd-13:43:45 Clrd-14:43:54 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:40:12 Arvd-13:42:23 Clrd-14:43:53 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-13:43:39 Arvd-13:43:40 Clrd-14:11:05 2 Narrative: 12/07/2015 1411 407 transporting subject to PMC s/m: 62489.2 Narrative: 12/07/2015 1415 407 off at PMC e/m: 62490.8 Refer To Arrest: 1427 16-31-AR Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered 2 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MCKINLEY AVE Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-14:28:43 Arvd-14:32:56 Refer To Field Int: 15-5767-FI Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20551 1432 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Clrd-14:39:59 Phone - ABANDONED 911 No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FRANKLIN ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:32:55 Arvd-14:37:19 Clrd-14:43:12 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:37:23 Arvd-14:38:43 Clrd-14:43:11 1 Narrative: 12/07/2015 1432 via cellphone Narrative: 12/07/2015 1443 no problems found 15-20552 1436 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FINGERPRINTS Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Services Rendered Arvd-14:36:00 Refer To Field Int: 15-20553 1504 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-14:53:11 15-5774-FI Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PINKERTON ST + PEABODY RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-15:04:39 Arvd-15:08:36 Clrd-15:44:08 1 Narrative: 12/07/2015 1519 next on the list requested for NH 3296440, Recovery Solutions notified and responding Narrative: 12/07/2015 1527 Recovery on scene Narrative: 12/07/2015 1543 Travers v Casey - full report Refer To Field Int: Refer To Accident: 15-5803-FI 15-824-AC 15-20554 1517 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DISPERSE A GROUP SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:17:45 Arvd-15:19:49 Clrd-15:22:22 ID: Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:17:48 Arvd-15:20:24 Clrd-15:20:25 Refer To Field Int: 15-5778-FI 15-20555 1521 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ASHLEIGH DR Civilian Robin Bordonaro Arvd-15:21:00 Clrd-15:21:19 2 1 Narrative: 12/07/2015 1521 reported dog in a parked car - GOA Refer To Field Int: 15-20556 1529 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-5757-FI Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:29:45 Arvd-15:38:11 Clrd-15:47:15 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:29:48 Arvd-15:38:11 Clrd-15:47:14 1 4 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-15:41:27 Refer To Field Int: 15-5754-FI 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 ID: Arvd-15:41:30 Clrd-15:47:16 15-20557 1532 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - CRIMINAL TRESPASS Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MAPLE ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:32:37 Arvd-15:38:44 Clrd-16:04:27 Refer To Incident: 15-2514-OF Refer To Field Int: 15-5777-FI 2 15-20558 1 1605 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-16:07:25 Arvd-16:11:58 Clrd-16:14:37 ID: Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:07:25 Arvd-16:08:09 Clrd-16:14:38 Refer To Field Int: 15-5755-FI 15-20559 1614 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-20560 1630 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - JUVENILE OFFENSES Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-16:14:00 Clrd-16:22:02 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-16:14:59 Arvd-16:15:01 Clrd-16:22:01 2 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FORDWAY EXT Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:31:16 2 No Action Required Clrd-16:36:19 Narrative: 12/07/2015 1631 blue minivan parked in a strange location Narrative: 12/07/2015 1636 cancelled prior to officer arrival 15-20561 1636 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-20562 1650 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-16:36:46 Arvd-16:51:21 Clrd-17:02:57 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-16:43:52 Arvd-16:43:53 Clrd-17:12:46 3 Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:50:50 Arvd-16:59:00 Clrd-17:21:43 3 Narrative: 12/07/2015 1658 found purse Narrative: 12/07/2015 1715 off on Tsienneto Rd 15-20563 1726 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PED CHECK TRANSPORTED Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-17:26:00 Clrd-17:38:03 Narrative: 12/07/2015 1729 114 transporting subject to Tsienneto Rd s/m: 20901.5 Narrative: 12/07/2015 1736 114 off on Tsienneto Rd e/m: 20905.1 2 5 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-20564 1748 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - BURGLARY (B & E) PAST Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-17:49:52 Arvd-17:54:27 Clrd-19:12:42 ID: Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-18:51:29 Arvd-18:51:30 Clrd-20:02:55 ID: Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-18:51:30 Arvd-18:51:31 Clrd-20:02:55 Refer To Incident: 15-2516-OF 15-20565 1751 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20566 1753 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering OLD AUBURN RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-17:51:00 Clrd-18:01:09 RED 2003 STRN SW LW200 Reg: PC NH 1170455 VIN: 1G8JU84FX3Y524536 Initiated - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PEARL ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Arvd-17:53:00 Clrd-17:54:28 2 Narrative: 12/07/2015 1753 theft of package Refer To Incident: 15-20567 1804 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20568 1820 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20569 1840 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-2515-OF Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CHESTER RD + POND RD Captain Vernon L Thomas Arvd-18:04:00 Clrd-18:10:26 WHI 2015 FORD 4D FOCUS SE Reg: PC NH 3875087 VIN: 1FADP3E21FL303763 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-18:20:00 Clrd-18:26:54 BLK 2011 CHRY 4D Reg: PC NH 3045291 VIN: 1C3BC2EGXBN532562 3 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering RT 28 + MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-18:40:46 Clrd-18:47:40 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-18:41:25 Arvd-18:43:18 Clrd-18:47:42 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-18:44:58 Arvd-18:44:59 Clrd-18:47:38 2 Narrative: 12/07/2015 1847 no problems found 15-20570 2041 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-20571 2120 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Initiated - MV STOP No Action Required 3 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-20:41:00 Clrd-20:45:04 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering GLD 2008 HYUN VN ENTOURAGE Reg: PC NH MISSYB VIN: KNDMC233986048440 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRFAX AVE Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-21:21:46 Arvd-21:21:59 Clrd-21:39:20 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-21:21:51 Arvd-21:23:13 Clrd-21:39:18 2 6 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:21:51 Arvd-21:26:02 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-21:39:19 Narrative: 12/07/2015 2122 male subject outside of apartment window Narrative: 12/07/2015 2124 422 checking one subject on Pinkerton St Narrative: 12/07/2015 2128 422 clear the ped check Narrative: 12/07/2015 2141 checked area, unable to locate, no crimes found 15-20572 2125 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LANE RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Arvd-21:25:00 Clrd-21:41:51 Vehicle: BRO 2002 AUDI 4D A4 Reg: PC MA 1JC897 VIN: WAULT68E42A124225 Refer To Field Int: 15-5776-FI 15-20573 2314 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20574 2349 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20575 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FOREST RIDGE RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-23:14:00 Clrd-23:21:17 RED 2010 NISS 4D MAXIMA Reg: PC MA 884KG1 VIN: 1N4AA5AP2AC866041 Initiated - PED CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Arrest(s) Made Arvd-23:49:00 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:50:10 Arvd-23:50:40 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-23:52:00 Arvd-23:52:01 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-00:43:14 Arvd-00:43:15 ID: ID: ID: 2 Clrd-12/08/2015 @ 01:11:19 Clrd-23:55:31 Clrd-23:55:29 Clrd-12/08/2015 @ 01:45:30 Narrative: 12/07/2015 2355 17 has one in custody at this time 12/07/2015 2355 17 enroute to HQ, s/m: 13,373 12/07/2015 2357 17 off at HQ, e/m: 13,374 Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: 12/07/2015 2359 Subject information (warrant #15-291, stalking and poss c/d): Dakota Andrade 203R Bypass 28 Derry NH DOB: 7/25/96 Narrative: 12/08/2015 0026 Bail services refused 12/08/2015 0043 40,816.7 140 transporting subject to Brentwood, s/m: 12/08/2015 0113 140 off at Brentwood, e/m: 40,838.0 Narrative: Narrative: Refer To Arrest: 2354 15-1003-AR Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 7 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-23:54:00 SIL 2007 KIA 4D SPECTRA Reg: PC NH 3673284 Vehicle: For Date: 12/08/2015 15-20576 0000 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20577 0032 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20578 0525 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: - Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-23:59:14 VIN: KNAFE122875408773 Tuesday Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:00:00 Clrd-00:04:01 CRM 2008 DODG 4D CHARGER Reg: PC NH 3789515 VIN: 2B3KA43G98H266793 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson RT 28 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:32:00 Clrd-00:36:41 SIL 2012 FORD 4D FOCUS SE Reg: PC NH 3352872 VIN: 1FAHP3E29CL100424 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Warning Issued 3 Arvd-05:25:00 Clrd-05:29:45 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius BLU 2003 VOLK 4D GOLF Reg: PC NH 3693191 VIN: 9BWGK61JX34057764 Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-20579 0529 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - TREE(S) DOWN Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 3024] MORNINGSIDE DR Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-05:30:15 Arvd-05:33:26 Clrd-06:38:55 Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-05:54:49 Arvd-05:54:50 Clrd-06:00:59 1 Narrative: 12/08/2015 0546 Eversource (Kaitlyn) notified at this time 12/08/2015 0636 Eversource on scene Narrative: Refer To Field Int: 15-20580 0621 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5797-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christine D Carlson RT 28 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-06:21:00 Clrd-06:23:18 Reg: PC NH 2973489 3 15-20581 Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HOOD RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-07:18:42 Arvd-07:22:07 Clrd-07:25:29 Refer To Field Int: 15-5785-FI 3 15-20582 1 Vehicle: 0718 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0725 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ELM ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-07:25:34 Arvd-07:30:52 Clrd-07:39:24 ID: Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-07:27:25 Arvd-07:27:46 Clrd-07:39:24 Refer To Field Int: 15-5761-FI 15-20583 0834 Call Taker: Location/Address: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W RUNNING BROOK LN Services Rendered 2 8 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-08:34:00 15-20584 0855 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Clrd-09:00:06 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD + JEFF LN Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-08:55:00 Clrd-09:00:56 GRY 2014 NISS 4D SENTRA Reg: PC NH 3220267 VIN: 3N1AB7APXEL616398 15-20585 0857 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAU Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Detective Brian K French Arvd-08:57:00 Clrd-08:57:36 Refer To Incident: 15-2517-OF 0901 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 15-20586 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-09:01:00 Clrd-09:24:36 15-20587 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD + JEFF LN Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-09:07:00 Clrd-09:12:19 RED 2016 TOYT 4D COROLLA Reg: PC ME 2895MD VIN: 2T1BURHE0GC484835 0907 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20588 0924 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ALARM(OTHER) False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2813] RT 111 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-09:24:33 Clrd-09:25:54 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-09:24:43 Arvd-09:36:34 Clrd-09:44:11 2 2 Narrative: 12/08/2015 0924 panic alarm Narrative: 12/08/2015 0944 accidental Refer To Field Int: 15-6095-FI 15-20589 0937 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGIST Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Detective Brian K French Arvd-09:37:00 Clrd-09:38:09 Refer To Field Int: 15-5791-FI 15-20590 0946 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Other - ROAD HAZARD No Action Required Lieutenant Eric T Kester HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-09:50:43 Arvd-09:54:58 Clrd-09:59:49 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 1 2 Landscaping crew creating road hazard Narrative: 12/08/2015 0959 no hazard found 15-20591 0947 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD + JEFF LN Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-09:47:00 Clrd-09:50:30 3 9 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Vehicle: Thru: 01/17/2016 BLK 2016 FORD SU ESCAPE 15-20592 0952 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 0000 - 2359 Reg: PC NH 3397559 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 VIN: 1FMCU0F7XGUA16498 Phone - ABANDONED 911 Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:52:41 Clrd-09:54:19 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-09:52:43 Arvd-09:55:20 Clrd-09:59:30 1 Narrative: 12/08/2015 0959 accidental by employee Refer To Field Int: 1102 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5783-FI 15-20593 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering EASTGATE RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-11:02:00 Clrd-11:39:57 2 15-20594 Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Brian J Landry [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:07:42 Arvd-11:07:44 Clrd-11:25:00 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 3 1106 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: advice given regarding a restraining order Refer To Field Int: 1124 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5769-FI 15-20595 Phone - ROAD RAGE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY + FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-11:24:52 Arvd-11:29:24 Clrd-11:30:31 1 15-20596 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MORNINGSIDE DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:40:02 Arvd-11:48:36 Clrd-11:55:48 2 15-20597 Initiated - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGIST Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Detective Kennedy Richard Arvd-11:44:00 Clrd-11:44:47 Refer To Field Int: 15-5794-FI 1 15-20598 2 1135 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1144 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1154 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAU Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2516] MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-11:54:00 Clrd-11:55:14 Refer To Incident: 15-2518-OF 15-20599 1213 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PINE ISLE DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-12:14:26 Arvd-12:17:57 Clrd-14:34:36 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-12:14:27 Arvd-12:17:58 Clrd-12:46:41 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:15:27 Arvd-12:19:01 Clrd-12:49:32 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1222 welfare check on male subject on Crystal Ave Narrative: 12/08/2015 1223 subject not located, en route to Pine Isle Dr 2 10 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1227 vehicle last seen on Island Pond Rd Narrative: 12/08/2015 1349 407 transporting subject to PMC s/m: 13446.3 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1357 407 off at PMC e/m: 13447.8 Refer To Incident: 15-2519-OF 15-20600 1234 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Brian J Landry [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Brian K French Disp-12:34:32 Arvd-12:34:33 Clrd-12:34:40 Refer To Field Int: 15-5792-FI 1 15-20601 3 1235 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-12:46:43 Arvd-12:53:22 Clrd-13:18:03 ID: Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:46:46 Arvd-13:03:22 Clrd-13:18:04 Refer To Field Int: 15-5852-FI 15-20602 1235 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Other - CRIMINAL TRESPASS Services Rendered Patrol Officer Brian J Landry WENTWORTH LN Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:36:04 Arvd-12:36:05 Clrd-12:42:27 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 trespass warning issued regarding an incident on 05-12-15 Refer To Field Int: 1244 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5768-FI 15-20603 Phone - SHOOTING COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WALNUT HILL RD + PARTRIDGE LN Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:18:20 Arvd-13:21:25 Clrd-13:26:14 2 15-20604 Initiated - FINGERPRINTS Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-13:09:00 Clrd-13:18:44 3 15-20605 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MEADOWBROOK RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-13:26:21 Arvd-13:47:48 Clrd-14:01:08 1 1309 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1325 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: 12/08/2015 1401 dog taken to the pound Refer To Field Int: 15-5809-FI 15-20606 1343 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FAILURE TO REG. SEX OF Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Brian K French Arvd-13:43:00 Clrd-13:44:18 Refer To Incident: 15-2520-OF 15-20607 1357 Call Taker: Location/Address: Phone - WARRANT ARREST Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Report Taken 2 2 11 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-13:58:10 Arvd-13:58:10 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-15:17:43 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1357 subject turned himself on a Derry warrant Narrative: 12/08/2015 1410 placed in cell #3 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1411 Subject Info: Gregory Gagnon 45 Margerie St Haverhill, MA DOB: 5/3/94 Arrested on warrants Domestic Violence (Assault 3cts), Second Degree Assault, False Imprisonment, and Criminal Mischief Narrative: 12/08/2015 1500 subject released Narrative: 12/08/2015 1506 bail was set at $5000 PR, court date 12/9/15 per BC Doyle Refer To Arrest: 1422 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1004-AR 15-20608 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PEARL ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Arvd-14:22:00 Clrd-14:37:07 2 15-20609 Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Services Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering DUBEAU DR Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-14:36:30 Arvd-14:36:42 Detective Brian K French Disp-14:36:48 Arvd-14:36:48 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:37:12 Arvd-14:50:12 2 1435 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Rendered Clrd-15:49:04 Clrd-15:49:05 Clrd-15:00:46 15-20610 1439 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - DEPARTMENT INFO Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Lieutenant Jon M Breen Arvd-14:39:00 Clrd-14:40:09 Refer To Incident: 15-2521-OF 3 15-20611 2 1441 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - RECEIVING STOLEN PROPE Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Detective Ryan O'Rourke Arvd-14:41:00 Clrd-14:42:18 Refer To Incident: 15-2522-OF 15-20612 1515 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - DISTURBANCE No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:15:55 Arvd-15:19:12 Clrd-15:28:05 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:15:57 Arvd-15:16:50 Clrd-15:28:06 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-15:17:39 Arvd-15:21:32 Clrd-15:28:09 1 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1528 police not needed 15-20613 1529 Call Taker: Location/Address: Phone - ABANDONED 911 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 277] HOOD RD Services Rendered 1 12 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:29:28 Arvd-15:29:36 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-15:33:19 Arvd-15:33:20 ID: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-15:40:07 Clrd-15:40:05 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1540 checked, no problems found 15-20614 1533 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: 15-20615 1536 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20616 1539 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Summons Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-15:33:00 Clrd-15:49:50 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:40:42 Arvd-15:43:02 Clrd-15:49:50 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-15:43:11 Arvd-15:43:12 Clrd-15:49:51 BLK 1999 DODG 4D STRATUS Reg: TM NH 179408 VIN: 1B3EJ46CXXN519986 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-15:36:00 Clrd-15:46:07 BLU 2005 KIA SU SORENTO Reg: PC NH 3798303 VIN: KNDJC733555361616 Phone - ASSAULT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:49:58 Arvd-15:50:12 Clrd-16:43:07 1 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1539 assault between juveniles Refer To Incident: 1546 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2524-OF 15-20617 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Detective Scott A Tompkins Arvd-15:46:00 Clrd-16:33:39 15-20618 Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering YOUNG RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-15:48:00 Clrd-15:51:27 GLD 2002 PONT 4D SUNFIRE Reg: PC NH 3654272 VIN: 1G2JB524327303185 1548 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20619 1554 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:56:05 Arvd-16:06:45 Clrd-16:06:45 2 2 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1606 elderly male misplaced his vehicle, located prior to police arrival 15-20620 1606 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Services Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-16:06:44 Arvd-16:10:28 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:06:49 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:12:29 Arvd-16:15:47 Rendered Clrd-16:42:44 Clrd-16:12:03 Clrd-16:32:49 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1642 juvenile left school property, located by parents 2 13 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: Refer To Field Int: 15-20621 1611 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-20622 1617 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: Vehicle: Towed: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-5786-FI 15-5787-FI Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:11:23 Clrd-16:12:23 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:12:06 Arvd-16:12:45 Clrd-16:19:28 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:13:10 Arvd-16:13:11 Clrd-16:18:21 2 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WINDHAM RD + BERRY RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:18:24 Arvd-16:23:08 Clrd-16:41:15 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:19:37 Arvd-16:23:43 Clrd-16:35:27 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:41:18 Arvd-16:41:19 Clrd-17:04:25 GRY 2004 HOND 4D CIVIC Reg: PC NH 3623273 VIN: 1HGEM22164L066375 BLK 2015 FORD 4D FIESTA Reg: PC NH 3827979 VIN: 3FADP4BJ0FM175130 For: Accident By: Londonderry BP Towing 12/08/2015 1624 off with NH 3827979 and NH 3623273 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1627 next on the list requested for NH 3827979; LBP Towing notified and responding Narrative: 12/08/2015 1646 LBP Towing on scene Narrative: 12/08/2015 1656 Ritcey v Harnois - full report Refer To Accident: 15-20623 1636 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-825-AC Phone - DISTURBANCE Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:37:08 Arvd-16:37:53 Clrd-17:48:52 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:37:10 Arvd-16:38:33 Clrd-17:38:13 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-16:42:40 Arvd-16:43:44 Clrd-17:22:00 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-19:45:56 Clrd-19:46:00 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-20:28:41 Arvd-20:28:43 Clrd-21:52:36 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-20:29:33 Arvd-20:29:34 Clrd-21:00:34 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-21:00:24 Arvd-21:00:25 Clrd-22:13:53 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:52:47 Arvd-21:52:48 Clrd-23:45:15 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-22:13:49 Arvd-22:13:51 Clrd-23:45:16 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 12/08/2015 1709 313 has one in custody for disorderly conduct Narrative: 12/08/2015 1710 313 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 40982 1 14 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1716 313 off at DPDHQ e/m: 40983 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1725 Subject Info: Gregory Aucoin 1C Pine Isle Dr Derry, NH DOB:12/16/82 Arrested for Disorderly Conduct Narrative: 12/08/2015 1739 placed in cell #3 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1740 subject served with a restraining order Narrative: 12/08/2015 1920 subject checked Narrative: 12/08/2015 2018 subject checked Narrative: 12/08/2015 2027 DFD requested and responding Narrative: 12/08/2015 2046 DFD transporting subject to PMC with 122 Narrative: 12/08/2015 2052 DFD/122 off at PMC Narrative: 12/08/2015 2233 Clear PMC /renroute to jail s/m 10422.2 Narrative: 12/08/2015 2309 Off at Brentwood, e/m: 10,444.7 12/08/2015 2317 Clear of jail Narrative: Refer To Arrest: 15-20624 1641 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1005-AR Phone - DISTURBANCE No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-16:41:24 Arvd-16:41:25 Clrd-16:42:32 1 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1641 reported fight - checked area, determined to be juveniles playing 15-20625 1702 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS Dispatcher Jonathon AL ST Patrol Officer Adam Disp-17:02:31 Patrol Officer Seth Disp-17:02:33 ACTIVITY S Pickering Services Rendered 2 J Petkus Arvd-17:10:20 Clrd-17:19:31 Arvd-17:16:12 Clrd-17:19:30 Plumer Narrative: 12/08/2015 1702 open door at residence Narrative: 12/08/2015 1719 resident located, no problems found Refer To Field Int: Refer To Field Int: 15-20626 1703 Call Taker: 15-5781-FI 15-5782-FI Initiated - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGIST Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 1 15 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 MUNICIPAL DR Detective Benjamin J Doyle Arvd-17:03:00 Refer To Field Int: 15-20627 1703 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-17:03:45 15-5795-FI Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:35:55 Arvd-18:44:47 Clrd-18:50:49 1 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1704 barking dog complaint Refer To Field Int: 15-20628 1709 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5780-FI Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-17:09:40 Arvd-17:11:17 Clrd-17:22:15 1 Narrative: 12/08/2015 1712 off with DFD Refer To Field Int: 15-20629 1738 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20630 1742 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20631 1827 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20632 1830 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-5772-FI Initiated - MV STOP Summons Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jared Knox Arvd-17:38:00 Clrd-17:51:00 BLK 2013 NISS 4D ALTIMA Reg: PC NH 3495913 VIN: 1N4AL3AP8DN555592 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Served Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WALNUT HILL RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-17:42:00 1 Clrd-17:45:21 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-18:27:00 Clrd-18:33:00 SIL 2011 BMW 4D 5-SERIES Reg: PC NH 1357350 VIN: WBAFU7C55BDU54719 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD + SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-18:30:00 Clrd-18:33:04 BLK 2000 JEEP SU GRAND CHEROKEE Reg: PC NH 3845270 VIN: 1J4GW48S2YC378254 15-20633 1855 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering KRISTIN DR Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Arvd-18:55:00 Clrd-18:56:04 Refer To Incident: 15-2525-OF 15-20634 1905 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - SHOOTING COMPLAINT Services Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore HAMPSHIRE DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-19:11:45 Arvd-19:24:47 Clrd-19:36:42 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:11:49 Arvd-19:24:22 Clrd-19:36:41 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 12/08/2015 1906 resdent reports hearing possible shots in 2 2 16 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 area 15-20635 1910 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-19:10:54 Arvd-19:16:05 Clrd-19:38:39 Refer To Incident: 15-2526-OF 15-20636 1934 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SUNNYSIDE LN Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-19:36:49 Arvd-19:46:06 Clrd-20:35:11 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:36:52 Arvd-19:46:06 Clrd-20:12:47 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-19:46:04 Arvd-19:46:05 Clrd-20:28:50 2 2 Narrative: 12/08/2015 2005 234 has one for IEA Narrative: 12/08/2015 2007 234 transporting subject to PMC s/m: 37122.4 Narrative: 12/08/2015 2009 234 off at PMC e/m: 37122.9 Narrative: 12/08/2015 2043 left in the care of PMC Refer To Arrest: 15-20637 2012 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: Towed: Vehicle: Towed: Narrative: 15-1006-AR Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-20:12:42 Arvd-20:15:22 Clrd-21:52:21 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:12:46 Arvd-20:15:48 Clrd-21:10:43 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:12:49 Arvd-20:14:41 Clrd-21:07:26 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore BLK 2011 HYUN 4D ELANTRA Reg: PC NH 3105092 VIN: 5NPDH4AE0BH031735 For: Accident By: Spacetown Auto BLK 2015 TOYT 4D COROLLA Reg: PC NH 3700314 VIN: 2T1BURHE6FC248348 For: Accident By: Birch Street Collision 12/08/2015 2017 DFD on scene Narrative: 12/08/2015 2021 off with NH 3700314 and NH 3105092 Narrative: 12/08/2015 2039 next on the list requested for NH 3700314; Birch St responding Narrative: 12/08/2015 2039 next on the list requested for NH 3105092; Spacetown responding Narrative: 12/08/2015 2053 Spacetown on scene Narrative: 12/08/2015 2054 Birch St on scene Narrative: 12/08/2015 2152 Belanger v McGee - full report Refer To Accident: 15-826-AC 17 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 2035 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-20638 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-20:35:55 Arvd-20:36:06 Clrd-20:36:07 15-20639 911 - ENDANGERING THE WELFARE Report Taken 2 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-22:18:24 Arvd-22:19:40 Clrd-12/09/2015 @ 00:21:08 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-22:18:27 Arvd-22:20:24 Clrd-23:29:09 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-22:37:04 Arvd-22:38:46 Clrd-12/09/2015 @ 00:21:02 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 2217 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 2 12/08/2015 2218 loud argument Narrative: 12/08/2015 2233 DFD CONTACTED/RESPONDING Narrative: 12/08/2015 2240 DFD ON SCENE Narrative: 12/08/2015 2304 Refer To Incident: 15-20640 2218 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: 15-2527-OF 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Patrol Officer Robert S Moore E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-22:36:57 Arvd-22:40:28 Clrd-22:56:02 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-22:40:41 Arvd-22:40:44 Clrd-22:56:03 1 Narrative: 12/08/2015 2219 loud argument/ banging Refer To Field Int: 15-20641 2334 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ALADDIN CIR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Vehicle: Refer To Field Int: 15-20642 2345 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-20643 2357 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: For Date: 12/09/2015 15-20644 0025 Call Taker: 15-5779-FI 2012 FORD SU EXPLORER 15-5812-FI Vehicle checked 1 Arvd-23:34:00 Clrd-23:38:36 Reg: PC SC SN2998 VIN: 1FMHK7F87CGA59007 Radio - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:45:42 Arvd-23:50:26 Clrd-23:59:13 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:45:45 Arvd-23:50:27 Clrd-23:59:14 2 Phone - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered 2 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-23:57:57 Arvd-00:02:55 Clrd-12/09/2015 @ 00:11:24 - Wednesday Phone - MV REPO Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Vehicle Towed 1 18 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-00:27:29 Arvd-00:27:31 Clrd-00:28:11 BLU 2016 HYUN 4D ELANTRA Reg: PC NH 3869005 VIN: 5NPDH4AE0GH712131 For: Other Vehicle: Towed: 15-20645 0128 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - DISTURBANCE Services Patrol Officer Robert S Moore W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-01:30:33 Arvd-01:32:34 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-01:30:34 Arvd-01:35:35 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-01:34:01 Arvd-01:34:02 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Rendered 1 Clrd-01:58:30 Clrd-01:58:37 Clrd-01:58:27 12/09/2015 0129 people yelling Refer To Incident: 15-20646 0158 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: 15-20647 0223 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-2528-OF Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Services Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-01:58:25 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-01:58:33 Arvd-01:59:08 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-01:58:54 Arvd-01:59:07 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-01:59:16 Arvd-01:59:17 Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christine D Carlson W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera 0229 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christine D Carlson CENTRAL ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera GRN 2000 VOLV 4D 40 15-20649 0337 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 3 Clrd-01:58:34 Clrd-02:16:13 Clrd-02:16:15 Clrd-02:16:11 Warning Issued 1 Arvd-02:23:00 Clrd-02:28:05 Reg: CN NH 9H060 VIN: 1GKS2MEF7ER141453 BLK 2014 GMC SU YUKON XL 15-20648 Rendered Warning Issued 1 Arvd-02:29:00 Clrd-02:32:23 Reg: PC NH 3895427 VIN: YV1VS2555YF530693 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 1278] EASTGATE RD Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-03:37:55 Arvd-03:44:06 Clrd-03:56:34 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-03:37:56 Arvd-03:42:44 Clrd-03:56:32 1 Narrative: 12/09/2015 0337 Refer To Field Int: 15-20650 0725 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Corridor 181 15-5911-FI Phone - ALARM, HOLD-UP False Alarm Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 277] HOOD RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-07:27:00 Arvd-07:28:33 Clrd-07:33:09 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-07:27:03 Clrd-07:27:39 1 19 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 15-20651 0728 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-5798-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-07:30:16 Arvd-07:35:29 Clrd-07:39:47 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-07:30:33 Clrd-07:32:29 2 Narrative: 12/09/2015 0739 MALE SUBJECT WALKED AWAY FROM PMC. MADE BY LONDONDERRY PD. 0745 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: CONTACT 15-20652 Phone - NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE Matter Rectified Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-07:46:09 Arvd-07:52:43 Clrd-08:08:14 2 15-20653 911 - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ELM ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-07:48:22 Arvd-07:48:25 Clrd-07:51:13 2 0746 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: 12/09/2015 0747 CAR DRIVING WRONG WAY ON ELM 15-20654 0827 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Captain Vernon L Thomas Warning Issued Arvd-08:27:00 Vehicle: 15-20655 0854 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Captain George R Feole 0902 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Clrd-08:29:27 NH 103716 Warning Issued Arvd-08:54:00 Vehicle: 3 3 Clrd-08:59:31 NH 3386202 15-20656 Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-09:02:34 Arvd-09:02:37 Clrd-09:20:31 3 15-20657 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BRADY AVE Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd 2 0918 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: No Action Required Arvd-09:18:00 0920 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-09:21:18 15-20658 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ELM ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-09:20:00 Clrd-09:26:40 2 15-20659 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W RUNNING BROOK LN Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd 2 0923 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: No Action Required Arvd-09:23:00 15-20660 0931 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Other - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-09:32:18 Clrd-09:43:04 Warning Issued Arvd-09:32:25 Clrd-09:32:37 1 20 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/09/2015 0932 UNLICENSED DOGS Refer To Field Int: 15-20661 0944 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5813-FI Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd No Action Required Arvd-09:44:00 Clrd-10:06:57 15-20662 1017 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROBIN RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-10:18:02 Clrd-10:22:14 ID: Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-10:22:12 Arvd-10:31:58 Clrd-11:00:18 Refer To Field Int: 15-5816-FI 15-20663 1021 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 2 Phone - ALARM(OTHER) False Alarm Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-10:22:07 Arvd-10:22:38 Clrd-10:38:33 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:27:06 Arvd-10:27:08 Clrd-10:38:35 1 2 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1021 FIRE ALARM ACTIVATION Refer To Field Int: 15-5800-FI 15-20664 1028 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ILLEGAL DUMPING/LITTERING Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-10:35:00 Arvd-10:41:58 Clrd-11:01:43 Refer To Incident: 15-2529-OF 15-20665 1039 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - TRANSPORT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson TRANSPORTED Arvd-10:39:00 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:39:43 Arvd-10:39:46 ID: 2 3 Clrd-11:16:54 Clrd-11:16:56 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1039 TRANSPORTING ONE FROM PMC TO SILVESTRI CIR SM 21156.9 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1045 304 OFF AT SILVESTRI CIR EM 21159.1 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1058 DFD NOTIFIED Refer To Field Int: 15-20666 1100 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5799-FI Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FRANKLIN ST EXT Civilian Robin Bordonaro Services Rendered Arvd-11:00:00 Refer To Field Int: Refer To Field Int: 15-20667 1125 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Clrd-12:03:25 15-5814-FI 15-5815-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-11:25:00 Clrd-11:29:54 3 21 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Vehicle: 15-20668 1131 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 NH 3403345 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-11:31:00 Vehicle: 15-20669 1142 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 1155 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1157 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Clrd-12:03:18 15-5831-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Warning Issued Arvd-11:55:00 Vehicle: Clrd-11:34:42 Services Rendered Arvd-11:42:00 15-20670 3 NH 3016156 Initiated - JUVENILE OFFENSES Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Refer To Field Int: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Reg: 3 Clrd-12:00:19 NH V40855 15-20671 Phone - VIN CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OLD CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-12:09:25 Arvd-12:19:44 Clrd-12:24:50 3 15-20672 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 1200 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-12:00:00 Vehicle: 15-20673 1205 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Warning Issued Arvd-12:05:00 Vehicle: 15-20674 1206 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 15-20675 1206 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 15-20676 1212 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20677 1215 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20678 1228 3 Clrd-12:16:18 NH 701146 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Reg: Clrd-12:12:32 Warning Issued Warning Issued Arvd-12:15:00 Vehicle: 3 MA 919WK2 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: Clrd-12:09:00 Warning Issued Arvd-12:12:00 Vehicle: 3 NH 2728205 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Reg: Clrd-12:09:09 Warning Issued Arvd-12:06:00 Vehicle: 3 NH 3411445 Arvd-12:06:00 Vehicle: Clrd-12:03:12 NH 703502 3 Clrd-12:19:56 NH 75C01 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 22 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Arvd-12:28:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20679 1239 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-12:39:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20680 1259 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: 15-20681 1306 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1313 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-12:43:50 Warning Issued 3 Clrd-13:03:10 NH 1561511 Initiated - PED CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Services Rendered Arvd-13:06:00 15-20682 3 NH 3899053 Arvd-12:59:00 Vehicle: Clrd-12:35:19 MA 1LD789 2 Clrd-13:10:54 911 - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GULF RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:14:08 Arvd-13:23:20 Clrd-14:08:28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-13:14:10 Arvd-13:30:21 Clrd-14:08:30 2 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:44:26 Clrd-13:51:37 ID: Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:58:54 Arvd-14:10:35 Clrd-14:21:33 Refer To Field Int: 15-5801-FI 2 ID: 15-20683 1338 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20684 1343 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:21:54 Arvd-14:25:11 Clrd-14:32:19 2 15-20687 Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-13:52:23 Arvd-13:52:25 Clrd-14:57:20 2 1348 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: 12/09/2015 1348 SUBJECT IN THE LOBBY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR MANUFACURING A CONTROLLED DRUG AND CRIMINAL TRESPASS Narrative: 12/09/2015 1412 IDENTIFIED AS: RICHARD PAUCK 2 BRIDGE ST DERRY NH DOB 10/5/83 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1419 PLACED IN CELL 3 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1454 RELEASED ON $1500 PR BAIL WITH COURT 1/14/15 PER BC DOYLE 23 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Arrest: 15-20685 1349 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 15-1007-AR Initiated - PED CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Services Rendered Arvd-13:49:00 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-13:49:56 Arvd-13:51:40 ID: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 2 Clrd-14:47:04 Clrd-14:04:21 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1403 126 TRANSPORTING ONE TO MUNICIPAL DR 41084.9 SM Narrative: 12/09/2015 1405 126 OFF AT HQ EM 41084.9 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1422 126 TRANSPORTING ONE TO PEMBROKE DR 41085.0 SM Narrative: 12/09/2015 1434 126 OFF AT PEMBROKE DR EM 41086.8 15-20686 1351 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DISTURBANCE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand DERRY WAY Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:51:37 Arvd-13:52:52 Clrd-13:58:54 Refer To Field Int: 15-5802-FI 15-20688 1408 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GULF RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-14:08:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20689 1411 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 1 3 Clrd-14:12:06 NH 3134463 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GULF RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-14:11:45 Arvd-14:21:44 Clrd-14:47:28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-14:12:12 Arvd-14:21:50 Clrd-15:22:14 2 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1429 706 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY AS AN IEA Narrative: 12/09/2015 1432 706 TRANSPORTING ONE TO PMC SM 62713.4 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1441 706 OFF AT PMC Refer To Arrest: 15-20690 1455 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: EM 62718.5 15-1008-AR Initiated - ASSIST CITIZEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-14:55:00 Refer To Field Int: 15-20691 1524 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 3 Clrd-14:57:11 15-5830-FI Phone - DISPERSE A GROUP SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-15:25:32 Arvd-15:31:43 Clrd-15:47:05 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-15:31:46 Arvd-15:31:49 Clrd-15:47:07 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 2 24 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-15:32:11 0000 - 2359 Arvd-15:32:14 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-15:47:04 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1547 TRESPASS WARNING ISSUED Refer To Field Int: 1533 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5805-FI 15-20692 Walk-In - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:33:33 Arvd-15:47:28 Clrd-17:11:48 2 15-20693 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 1602 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-16:02:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20694 1604 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-16:12:10 NH 3588885 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WINDHAM RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:05:35 Could Not Locate Arvd-16:11:45 2 Clrd-16:12:55 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1613 SUSPICIOUS CAR/ MALE OCCUPANT ON SIDE OF ROAD 15-20695 1615 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD + SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-16:15:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20696 1617 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1627 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer No Action Required Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TINKHAM AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: 15-20698 1633 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1640 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: 15-20700 1648 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20701 Clrd-16:32:49 No Action Required 2 Clrd-16:49:23 Warning Issued Arvd-16:40:00 Vehicle: 3 NH 921405 Arvd-16:33:00 15-20699 2 Clrd-16:33:47 Warning Issued Arvd-16:27:00 Vehicle: Clrd-16:25:33 NH 3845637 Arvd-16:17:00 15-20697 3 3 Clrd-16:47:20 NH 3369729 Phone - ROAD HAZARD Removed Hazard Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-16:49:21 Arvd-16:51:19 Clrd-16:55:09 2 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1649 TREE BRANCH IN ROAD 1649 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served 2 25 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-16:49:00 15-20702 1703 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Clrd-17:00:16 Phone - DRUG OVERDOSE Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:04:50 Arvd-17:05:19 Clrd-17:47:40 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-17:04:59 Arvd-17:07:16 Clrd-17:32:13 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-17:05:08 Arvd-17:07:17 Clrd-17:22:31 2 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1712 DFD NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 12/09/2015 1718 DFD ON SCENE Refer To Incident: 15-20703 1710 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-20704 1745 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-2530-OF 911 - DISTURBANCE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:11:19 Arvd-17:12:59 Clrd-17:28:04 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-17:12:17 Arvd-17:14:31 Clrd-17:40:28 1 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BEDARD AVE Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:51:44 Arvd-17:53:05 Clrd-18:42:44 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 1 12/09/2015 1745 FOUND DOG Refer To Field Int: 15-20705 1752 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20706 1826 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5818-FI Phone - DISABLED MV Assistance Rendered 3 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-17:53:14 Arvd-17:53:16 Clrd-17:58:51 WHI 2006 FORD SU ESCAPE Reg: PC NH 3843199 VIN: 1FMYU93156KC72410 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Patrol Officer Robert S Moore SAGAMORE DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Served Arvd-18:26:00 15-20707 1839 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 911 - MEDICAL Patrol Officer CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Disp-18:41:33 Patrol Officer Disp-18:41:36 Sergeant Shawn Disp-18:42:39 EMERGENCY Jeffrey R Pike 1 Clrd-18:40:48 Transported to Hospital 1 Seth Plumer Arvd-18:41:45 James M McClafferty Arvd-18:42:33 P O'Donaghue Arvd-18:42:41 Clrd-18:56:12 Clrd-18:56:13 Clrd-18:56:10 Narrative: 12/09/2015 1842 Refer To Field Int: 15-20708 1909 Call Taker: Location/Address: DFD ON SCENE 15-5796-FI Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore HAMPSTEAD RD No Action Required 2 26 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 ID: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Cleared By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 0000 - 2359 Arvd-19:09:00 15-20709 1909 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Clrd-19:09:00 No Action Required Arvd-19:09:00 1933 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 2 Clrd-19:32:40 15-20710 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Investigated Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike CENTRAL ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-19:33:00 Clrd-19:40:14 2 15-20711 Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike AMHERST DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe 3 2059 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Served Arvd-20:59:00 15-20712 2151 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - NOISE Patrol Officer PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Disp-21:53:17 Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Disp-21:53:19 Patrol Officer Patrol Officer COMPLAINT Robert S Moore Clrd-21:02:40 Quieted on Request 2 Jeffrey M Dawe Arvd-21:57:03 Jeffrey R Pike Jeffrey R Pike James M McClafferty Arvd-21:57:59 Jeffrey R Pike Jeffrey R Pike Clrd-22:06:03 Clrd-22:06:04 12/09/2015 2152 loud TV 15-20713 2202 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Phone - CRIMINAL THREAT ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-22:06:18 Arvd-22:06:23 Clrd-22:17:18 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-22:06:20 Arvd-22:06:21 Clrd-22:25:54 2 Narrative: RECEIVING THREATING STATEMENTS FROM AQUINTANCE 15-20714 2214 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 911 - DISOBEYING A POLICE OFFICER Report Taken Patrol Officer Robert S Moore CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-22:15:12 Arvd-22:15:22 Clrd-22:43:30 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-22:15:15 Arvd-22:15:24 Clrd-22:43:29 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-22:16:12 Arvd-22:16:14 Clrd-22:43:27 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 2 12/09/2015 2221 off with vehicle on Barkland Dr. Refer To Incident: 15-20715 2215 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2531-OF 911 - WELFARE CHECK Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 933] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer James M McClafferty TRANSPORTED 2 27 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-22:17:22 Patrol Officer Jeffrey Dispatcher Christine D Patrol Officer Jeffrey Disp-22:26:06 Patrol Officer Jeffrey Patrol Officer Jeffrey Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Narrative: 0000 - 2359 Arvd-22:23:30 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-23:15:20 R Pike Carlson M Dawe Arvd-22:31:29 Clrd-23:13:43 R Pike R Pike 12/09/2015 2216 female in car with possible medical problem Narrative: 12/09/2015 2241 CHECKING SOBRIETY 12/09/2015 2309 21,196 13 transporting one to Pembroke, s/m: 12/09/2015 2312 13 clear of transport, e/m: 21,198 Narrative: Narrative: Refer To Field Int: 15-20716 2251 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-5863-FI 911 - ERRATIC OPERATION Transported to Hospital 2 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-22:58:17 Arvd-22:58:19 Clrd-23:58:14 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:00:16 Arvd-23:05:58 Clrd-23:22:17 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-23:13:53 Arvd-23:13:56 Clrd-23:15:58 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-23:20:41 Arvd-23:20:43 Clrd-23:22:19 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson WHI 2001 FORD 4D CROWN VICTORIA Reg: PC NH 1282675 VIN: 2FAFP74W61X107317 WHI 2001 FORD 4D CROWN VICTORIA Reg: PC NH 1282675 VIN: 2FAFP74W61X107317 12/09/2015 2321 13,534 17 transporting one to 2 Carroll Cir, s/m: 12/09/2015 2328 17 off on Carroll, e/m: 13,537 12/09/2015 2345 Transporting to PMC, s/m: 13,537 12/09/2015 2348 Off at PMC, e/m: 13,538 Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Refer To Arrest: 15-1009-AR 15-20717 2305 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Gone on Arrival 2 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:06:04 Arvd-23:19:47 Clrd-23:21:35 Arrived By: Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Cleared By: Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Vehicle: LBL 2000 TOYT PU TUNDRA Reg: PC NH 3935112 VIN: 5TBBT4411YS116187 Refer To Incident: 15-2536-OF 15-20718 2324 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PED CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Sergeant Christopher R Talbot SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-23:24:00 Clrd-23:30:24 2 28 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-20719 2352 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Could Not Locate 2 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-23:54:23 Arvd-23:57:38 Clrd-12/10/2015 @ 00:02:56 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:54:26 Arvd-23:57:39 Clrd-12/10/2015 @ 00:02:54 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 12/09/2015 2352 loud banging For Date: 12/10/2015 15-20720 0041 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: - Thursday Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request 2 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 788] MONTGOMERY FARM RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:43:07 Arvd-00:48:45 Clrd-00:56:41 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-00:43:10 Arvd-00:49:22 Clrd-00:50:56 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson WHI 2012 HOND 4D CIVIC LX Reg: PC NH 3525473 VIN: 2HGFB2F58CH571594 12/10/2015 0042 2 people yelling in street Refer To Field Int: 15-20721 0104 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5843-FI Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Services Rendered 1 Arvd-01:04:00 Clrd-01:40:45 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-01:07:00 Arvd-01:07:02 Clrd-01:26:35 BLK 2011 MAZD 4D 6 Reg: VAN NH +FOI VIN: 1YVHZ8BH8B5M14895 ID: Vehicle: 15-20722 0137 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-01:41:09 Arvd-01:44:29 Clrd-01:53:50 2 Narrative: 12/10/2015 0137 Complaint of loud laughing 12/10/2015 0153 All quiet on arrival Narrative: Refer To Field Int: 15-20723 0357 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5912-FI Initiated - TRANSPORT Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis TRANSPORTED Arvd-03:57:00 Clrd-04:35:18 Narrative: 12/10/2015 0407 17 transporting one to Dion Dentistry Pinkerton St, s/m: 13,562 Narrative: 12/10/2015 0422 Enroute from Pinkerton St to Carroll 12/10/2015 0429 Off on Carroll e/m: 13,569 Narrative: 3 29 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-20724 0537 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson WINDHAM RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel 0636 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0722 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera GRY 2006 VOLK 4D RABBIT 15-20726 Warning Issued Arvd-06:36:00 Reg: PC NH 3741388 Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Detective Dana P Park 15-20727 0813 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 3 Clrd-06:43:49 VIN: WVWDS71K36W181606 Vehicle checked Arvd-07:22:00 Vehicle: Refer To Field Int: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Arvd-05:37:00 Clrd-05:40:47 Reg: PC NH 3507611 VIN: 3GCPKSE70DG101096 GRY 2013 CHEV PU 1500 15-20725 0000 - 2359 3 Clrd-07:25:47 Reg: NH 3182775 15-5875-FI Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-08:14:18 Services Rendered Arvd-08:14:19 1 Clrd-08:17:54 Narrative: 12/10/2015 0814 LOOSE DOG Narrative: 12/10/2015 1032 DOG TAKEN TO THE POUND Refer To Field Int: 15-20728 0817 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5820-FI Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Detective Dana P Park Served Arvd-08:17:00 15-20729 0820 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 1 Clrd-08:22:21 Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-08:21:48 Clrd-08:22:32 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:21:52 Arvd-08:25:29 Clrd-08:29:36 Detective Dana P Park Disp-08:22:29 Arvd-08:24:17 Clrd-08:29:38 1 Narrative: 12/10/2015 0825 OFF WITH NH 3811811 Refer To Field Int: 0824 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5806-FI 15-20730 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ELM ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-08:24:00 Clrd-08:29:28 2 15-20731 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MCGREGOR ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-08:37:00 Clrd-08:40:30 2 15-20732 Phone - CUSTOMER PROBLEM Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Detective Dana P Park 2 0837 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0837 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Services Rendered 30 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-08:58:45 Refer To Field Int: 15-5873-FI 15-20733 0838 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0000 - 2359 Arvd-09:04:13 Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FORDWAY ST + KENDALL POND RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-09:26:15 Could Not Locate Arvd-08:38:00 1 Clrd-08:38:32 Narrative: 12/10/2015 0838 TWO LOOSE DOGS 15-20734 0838 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-08:40:48 Arvd-08:47:35 Clrd-08:47:45 1 Narrative: 12/10/2015 0839 FOR LONDONDERRY PD 15-20735 0849 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:50:16 Arvd-08:53:39 Clrd-09:13:21 Detective Dana P Park Disp-08:50:19 Arvd-08:53:49 Clrd-08:58:40 2 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1140 TRESPASS WARNING ISSUED. Refer To Field Int: 15-20736 0910 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20737 0926 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: SEE CALL 15-20738 15-5829-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:10:00 Clrd-09:16:28 Reg: NH 1751567 3 Initiated - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Detective Dana P Park Arvd-09:26:00 Clrd-09:33:35 3 Narrative: 12/10/2015 0926 WALLET Refer To Field Int: 15-20738 0927 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-5876-FI Initiated - FOLLOW-UP SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HOOD RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-09:27:00 Clrd-09:34:24 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius 2 trespass warning issued. 15-20739 0935 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:35:53 Arvd-09:36:59 Clrd-10:11:55 Refer To Field Int: 15-5828-FI 15-20740 0938 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SUNDOWN DR Detective Dana P Park No Action Required Arvd-09:38:00 Clrd-10:08:20 2 2 31 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-20741 0948 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Other - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [BRE] NORTH RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:25:02 Arvd-10:25:04 Clrd-10:25:23 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-11:32:17 Arvd-11:32:18 Clrd-12:36:22 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:51:26 Arvd-12:51:30 Clrd-15:19:19 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 12/10/2015 0949 714 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED DRUG. EN ROUTE TO HQ SM 10492 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1021 714 OFF AT HQ EM 10513.8 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1048 IDENTIFIED AS: BRIAN KELLEY 34 WRIGHT RD DERRY NH DOB 5/9/91 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1052 PLACED IN CELL 3 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1144 SUBJECT GIVEN LUNCH Narrative: 12/10/2015 1253 ENROUTE TO COURT 10513.9 12/10/2015 1256 OFF AT COURT Narrative: EM: 10514.9 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1349 BAIL SET AT $1000 PR PER THE COURT. ROUTE TO BRENTWOOD WITH ONE. SM 10514.9 714 EN Narrative: 12/10/2015 1420 OFF AT BRENTWOOD EM 10537.2 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1431 RELEASED TO BRENTWOOD Refer To Arrest: 15-20742 0949 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-1010-AR Other - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [BRE] NORTH RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:25:23 Arvd-10:25:25 Clrd-11:32:14 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius 12/10/2015 0950 714 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR THEFT AND AN EBW OUT OF PLAISTOW DISTRICT COURT FOR THEFT BY UNAUTHORIZED TAKING. EN ROUTE TO HQ SM 10492 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1022 714 OFF AT HQ Narrative: 12/10/2015 1056 IDENTIFIED AS: JASON SWEET 68 PLEASANT ST TOP APT DANVILLE NH DOB 10/20/75 EM 10513.8 2 32 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1127 PLACED IN CELL 4 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1145 SUBJECT GIVEN LUNCH Narrative: 12/10/2015 1254 ENROUTE TO THE COURT SM: 10513.9 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1256 OFF AT COURT EM: 10514.9 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1351 BAIL SET AT $1000 PR PER THE COURT. ROUTE TO BRENTWOOD SM 10514.9 714 EN Narrative: 12/10/2015 1421 OFF AT BRENTWOOD Refer To Arrest: 15-20743 1008 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: EM 10537.2 15-1011-AR Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Warning Issued Arvd-10:08:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20744 1032 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-10:14:30 NH 969369 Walk-In - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WINDHAM RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-10:32:48 Services Rendered Arvd-10:32:49 1 Clrd-10:32:50 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1032 FOUND DOG BROUGHT TO THE POUND Refer To Incident: Refer To Field Int: 1035 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2592-OF 15-5819-FI 15-20745 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-10:35:00 Clrd-10:44:57 2 15-20746 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SPRING DR Detective Dana P Park Arvd-10:42:00 Clrd-10:47:21 2 15-20747 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:27:09 Arvd-12:32:22 Clrd-12:45:36 2 1042 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1101 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: 12/10/2015 1245 Refer To Field Int: 15-20748 1102 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: INCIDENT OCCURED IN DEERFIELD 15-5832-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CENTRAL CT Detective Benjamin J Doyle Warning Issued Arvd-11:02:00 Vehicle: 15-20749 1108 Call Taker: Location/Address: Reg: 3 Clrd-11:07:45 NH IM-ONE Phone - HIT AND RUN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand KENDALL POND RD Report Taken 2 33 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-11:08:56 Arvd-11:12:35 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-11:09:02 Arvd-11:10:01 Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-11:12:59 Arvd-11:13:01 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:20:58 Arvd-11:20:59 ID: ID: ID: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-12:19:42 Clrd-12:03:32 Clrd-12:04:49 Clrd-12:26:51 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1110 ROCK 11 STOPPING NH 2400755 ON ROCKINGHAM RD Narrative: 12/10/2015 1202 407 TRANSPORTING ONE TO PMC SM 13590.6 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1204 407 OFF AT PMC EM 13591.0 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1225 REPORTABLE. Refer To Incident: Refer To Accident: TARDIF VS BRICK WALL 15-2532-OF 15-827-AC 15-20750 1116 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 224] STARK RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-11:16:38 Arvd-11:21:03 Clrd-11:44:06 ID: Detective Dana P Park Disp-11:16:41 Arvd-11:25:40 Clrd-11:44:08 Refer To Field Int: 15-5840-FI 15-20751 1122 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Detective Scott A Tompkins No Action Required Arvd-11:22:00 15-20752 1142 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TIGERTAIL CIR Civilian Robin Bordonaro 2 Clrd-11:59:13 Services Rendered Arvd-11:42:00 1 1 Clrd-13:16:47 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1142 LOOSE DOG 15-20753 1207 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:07:26 Arvd-12:16:03 Clrd-12:31:33 Refer To Field Int: 15-5861-FI 15-20754 1227 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - DISTURBANCE No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-12:29:26 Arvd-12:38:17 Clrd-12:41:39 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:29:41 Arvd-12:38:16 Clrd-12:41:50 3 1 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1242 15-20755 1233 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: SUBJECT YELLING AT SOMEONE ON PHONE Walk-In - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OLD AUBURN RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-12:36:45 Arvd-12:36:47 Clrd-12:36:49 Narrative: THEFT OF MEDS FROM PURSE 2 34 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Incident: 15-20756 1357 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-2533-OF Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Lieutenant Frank Stoncius BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:59:15 Arvd-14:12:31 Clrd-14:19:39 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:27:16 Arvd-14:27:42 Clrd-14:42:25 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 12/10/2015 1413 OFF WITH NH 3872993 AND NH 3665367 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1442 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-20757 1358 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: MACK VS IHDE 15-828-AC Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Lieutenant Frank Stoncius MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:59:41 Arvd-14:07:52 Clrd-14:43:04 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 12/10/2015 1442 NONREPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-20758 1402 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 1 ALLEN VS PARKED CAR 15-829-AC 911 - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR + MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:18:37 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Services Rendered Arvd-15:21:12 3 Clrd-15:21:13 12/10/2015 1402 BLACK BAG LEFT UNATTENDED IN MEDIAN Narrative: owner was located 15-20759 1408 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - FINGERPRINTS Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-14:09:40 Arvd-14:09:42 Clrd-14:14:32 3 Narrative: JAIME ZULLI (12/23/94) 6 WRIGHT ROAD DERRY NH 03038 15-20760 1417 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20761 ID: ID: 1424 Phone - DISTURBANCE Services Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Detective Dana P Park Disp-14:18:18 Arvd-14:24:12 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-14:18:22 Arvd-14:21:34 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:19:39 Arvd-14:21:29 Other - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDER Served Rendered 1 Clrd-14:28:50 Clrd-14:28:52 Clrd-14:27:16 2 35 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-14:24:29 Arvd-14:29:09 15-20762 1436 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-14:37:26 Dispatcher Christina L Power Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-14:40:53 ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-14:48:05 1 Clrd-15:19:09 12/10/2015 1436 DOG ON THE ROOF OF THE HOUSE Refer To Field Int: 15-5821-FI 15-20763 1441 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Brian K French Arvd-14:41:00 Clrd-14:43:10 Refer To Incident: 15-2534-OF 15-20764 1443 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:23:13 Arvd-15:35:06 Clrd-16:30:52 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:59:27 Arvd-16:02:03 Clrd-16:30:57 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:31:13 Arvd-16:31:15 Clrd-17:12:15 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Reg: TM NH 1580191 3 2 12/10/2015 1619 DFD requested Narrative: 12/10/2015 1625 DFD on scene 15-20765 1504 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSTEAD RD Dispatcher Christina L Power Disp-15:05:31 No Action Required Arvd-15:05:32 1 Clrd-15:05:45 Narrative: no problem upon call back 15-20766 1520 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1521 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Christina L Power MCGREGOR ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-15:20:00 2 Clrd-15:26:51 15-20767 Phone - VIN CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power CRAVEN TER Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:31:02 Arvd-15:39:28 Clrd-15:59:31 3 15-20768 Phone - Drop Box Maintenance Dispatcher Christina L Power 3 1524 Call Taker: Report Taken 36 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Incident: 15-20769 1524 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 15-2535-OF Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Warning Issued Arvd-15:24:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20770 1529 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20771 1538 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-15:29:07 NH 2789013 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2268] HIGH ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-15:29:00 1 Clrd-15:37:59 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-15:38:00 Clrd-15:45:18 Reg: NH 3491414 3 15-20772 Phone - VIN CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:19:02 Arvd-16:33:30 Clrd-16:37:53 3 15-20773 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-16:10:00 Clrd-16:16:23 Reg: NH 2403510 3 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Vehicle checked Dispatcher Christina L Power KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:51:56 Arvd-16:58:46 Clrd-17:14:22 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-16:52:00 Arvd-17:00:02 Clrd-17:14:19 1 Vehicle: 1602 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1610 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20774 1651 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Narrative: struck deer Narrative: no damage and unable to locate the deer Refer To Field Int: 15-20775 1723 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5826-FI Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Served Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 693] GAMACHE RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-17:23:00 15-20776 1724 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:29:09 Refer To Field Int: 15-5824-FI 1738 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Clrd-17:30:29 ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-17:29:11 3 Clrd-17:39:01 15-20777 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power PEARL ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-17:38:00 Clrd-17:46:32 1 15-20778 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE 3 1835 Call Taker: Location/Address: Warning Issued 37 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Arvd-18:35:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20779 1851 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: Clrd-18:39:41 MA 53DG81 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Vehicle checked 2 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:52:45 Arvd-18:54:00 Clrd-18:57:49 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-18:53:37 Arvd-18:53:41 Clrd-18:57:12 Dispatcher Christina L Power SIL 1997 HOND HT CIVIC Reg: TM NH 179521 VIN: 2HGEJ6323VH116445 12/10/2015 1852 GREY HATCHBACK DOING BURNOUTS IN LOT Narrative: checking NH TM reg 179521 Refer To Field Int: 15-20780 1903 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5825-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power FOLSOM RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Warning Issued Arvd-19:03:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20781 1916 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20782 1946 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-19:11:21 QC FKY1028 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-19:16:00 Clrd-19:21:47 Reg: NH 3873203 3 Walk-In - LANDLORD/TENATE DISPUTE ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-19:47:33 Arvd-19:47:35 Clrd-19:49:21 2 Narrative: 12/10/2015 1947 ADVICE GIVEN REGARDING ISSUES W/ LANDLORD Refer To Field Int: 15-20783 2006 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-5817-FI Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 390] KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-20:07:44 Arvd-20:10:00 Clrd-20:14:34 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:07:47 Arvd-20:13:09 Clrd-20:14:35 1 Narrative: 12/10/2015 2006 side door Narrative: 12/10/2015 2014 checked- all secure Refer To Field Int: 15-20784 2026 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-5822-FI Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT SENT ON THEIR WAY Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:27:47 Arvd-20:34:22 Clrd-20:39:16 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:27:54 Arvd-20:31:06 Clrd-20:39:15 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson 12/10/2015 2027 male subject 2 38 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 15-20785 2042 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-5834-FI Initiated - MV CHECK Patrol Officer Robert S Moore CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe SENT ON THEIR WAY 1 Arvd-20:42:00 Clrd-20:50:29 Cleared By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Vehicle: GRN 2003 HOND 4D ELEMENT Reg: PC NH 3868709 VIN: 5J6YH17573L017863 Refer To Field Int: 15-5827-FI 15-20786 2100 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 15-20787 2125 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-21:00:00 Clrd-21:07:49 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 2 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 2 Services Rendered Arvd-21:25:00 15-20788 2135 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 15-20789 2202 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-21:35:05 Phone - ASSAULT Services Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Dana P Park Disp-21:36:18 Arvd-21:36:20 Clrd-21:46:08 Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power JOSHUA CIR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-22:11:28 Arvd-22:21:11 Clrd-22:28:42 2 Narrative: suspicious phone call Refer To Field Int: 15-20790 2203 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20791 2216 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5833-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-22:03:00 Clrd-22:11:24 Reg: RI 427845 3 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 3 Warning Issued Arvd-22:16:00 Vehicle: 15-20792 2257 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Reg: Clrd-22:21:13 NH 3548960 Phone - DISTURBANCE Services Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:02:06 Arvd-23:06:33 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-23:02:14 Arvd-23:05:13 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:03:12 Arvd-23:04:47 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Rendered Clrd-23:22:39 Clrd-23:22:38 Clrd-23:22:37 1 39 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 12/10/2015 2257 female patient being disorderly Narrative: 12/10/2015 2303 panic alarm sounding from ER area Narrative: 12/10/2015 2322 subject calm, no crimes found Refer To Field Int: 15-20793 2338 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20794 2341 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: For Date: 12/11/2015 15-20795 0007 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20796 0015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20797 0021 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: 15-5842-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD + WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-23:38:00 Clrd-23:42:10 WHI 2004 CADI SU SRX Reg: PC NH 3895323 VIN: 1GYDE637940155578 Initiated - PED CHECK Report Taken 2 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering EVERETT ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-23:41:00 Clrd-12/11/2015 @ 00:14:43 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-23:41:26 Arvd-23:44:44 Clrd-12/11/2015 @ 00:13:00 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:51:35 Arvd-23:51:35 Clrd-12/11/2015 @ 00:12:44 - Friday Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-00:07:00 Clrd-00:08:59 SIL 2007 SAA 4D 9-5 Reg: PC NH 2649078 VIN: YS3ED49G673503633 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CHESTER RD + POND RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-00:15:00 Clrd-00:18:10 BLK 2001 VOLV 4D 60 Reg: PC NH 3485015 VIN: YV1RS61R212044048 Phone - BURGLARY Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-00:21:56 Arvd-00:25:52 Clrd-02:01:23 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:21:57 Arvd-00:26:19 Clrd-02:29:44 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-00:21:57 Arvd-00:26:58 Clrd-02:43:00 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-00:23:57 Arvd-00:27:55 Clrd-02:43:00 Narrative: 12/11/2015 0030 218/419 checking building Narrative: 12/11/2015 0041 building checked Narrative: 12/11/2015 0109 SP-K9 on scene Narrative: 12/11/2015 0113 K9 track started with 218 Narrative: 12/11/2015 0147 track ended 3 40 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/11/2015 0235 units clear the scene, off on Northland Rd Narrative: 12/11/2015 0242 all units clear Refer To Incident: 15-2540-OF 15-20798 0119 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore OAK ST Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-01:21:34 Arvd-01:36:05 Clrd-01:36:06 Arrived By: Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Cleared By: Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Refer To Field Int: 15-5841-FI 15-20799 0337 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ALADDIN CIR Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-03:38:00 Arvd-03:45:38 Clrd-03:55:00 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-03:38:01 Arvd-03:45:37 Clrd-03:54:59 3 2 Narrative: 12/11/2015 0355 resident claiming a possible past tense burglary, determined to crimes were found, advice given 15-20800 0708 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN Lieutenant Frank Stoncius [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Disp-07:10:30 ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-07:10:32 3 Clrd-07:10:33 Narrative: advice given over her vehicle being struck. Refer To Field Int: 15-20801 0715 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5835-FI Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Vehicle checked Arvd-07:15:00 Vehicle: 15-20802 0746 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson 15-20803 0759 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20804 0808 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Warning Issued 15-20805 0830 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-07:52:09 NH 178479 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-07:59:00 Clrd-08:09:10 Reg: NH 1877067 3 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson 3 Warning Issued Arvd-08:08:00 Vehicle: Clrd-07:16:23 NH CANDO- Arvd-07:46:00 Vehicle: 3 Reg: Clrd-08:13:12 NH 1956010 Phone - VIN CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ENGLISH RANGE RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Services Rendered 3 41 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-08:31:22 Refer To Field Int: 15-5853-FI 15-20806 0913 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0000 - 2359 Arvd-08:47:15 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Reg: 15-20807 0937 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-09:19:47 Services Rendered Arvd-09:37:00 0951 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 ME 3627UN Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand REDFIELD CIR Civilian Robin Bordonaro Refer To Field Int: Clrd-08:59:34 Warning Issued Arvd-09:13:00 Vehicle: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 1 Clrd-09:56:31 15-5847-FI 15-20808 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PELICAN CIR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:51:00 Clrd-09:53:30 2 15-20809 Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROBIN RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro 1 1011 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-10:11:00 Refer To Field Int: Refer To Field Int: Clrd-10:25:11 15-5838-FI 15-5848-FI 15-20810 1013 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:15:15 Arvd-10:20:07 Clrd-10:24:48 Refer To Field Int: 15-5869-FI 15-20811 1017 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby No Action Required Arvd-10:17:00 15-20812 1025 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Initiated - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Clrd-11:00:11 Clrd-10:58:18 12/11/2015 1032 OFF WITH NH 3549209 AND MA 9729GL Narrative: 12/11/2015 1033 NH 3549209 REQUEST AAA. RESPONDING NOTIFIED AND Narrative: 12/11/2015 1041 AAA UNABLE TO PROVIDE TIMELY ETA. MOVING TO NEXT ON THE LIST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS. RECOVERY NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 12/11/2015 1050 RECOVERY SOLUTIONS ON SCENE Narrative: 12/11/2015 1100 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-830-AC MERRILL VS WOOD 2 Clrd-10:24:54 Report Taken Arvd-10:25:00 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:29:20 Arvd-10:33:42 Reg: NH 3549209 1 1 42 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-20813 1031 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 15-20814 1047 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Lieutenant Frank Stoncius CARROLL CIR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-10:31:00 Clrd-10:46:36 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 2 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 3 Warning Issued Arvd-10:47:00 Vehicle: Clrd-10:51:35 Reg: DX NH 550C 15-20815 1048 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20816 1049 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-10:48:00 Clrd-10:56:45 SIL 2000 MAZD CV MIATA Reg: PC NH REDSTAR 3 Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [HDS] CONSTITUTION DR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-11:26:36 Arvd-11:35:05 Clrd-13:17:09 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-13:16:06 Arvd-13:16:08 Clrd-13:56:14 2 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1050 HUDSON PD HAS ONE IN CUSTODY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR THEFT Narrative: 12/11/2015 1203 205 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY. ONE SM 37509.7 EN ROUTE TO HQ WITH Narrative: 12/11/2015 1231 OFF AT HQ EM 37519.6 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1231 PLACED IN CELL 3 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1349 BAIL SET AT $2500 PR WITH COURT 1/21/16 PER BC DOYLE Narrative: 12/11/2015 1356 RELEASED AT THIS TIME Narrative: 12/11/2015 1448 IDENTIFIED AS: SHAUN MURPHY HOMELESS LONDONDERRY NH DOB 3/30/68 Refer To Arrest: 15-20817 1052 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1012-AR Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Warning Issued Arvd-10:52:00 Vehicle: 15-20818 1055 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 3 Clrd-10:56:51 MA 3DJ966 Other - MV REPO Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Disp-10:58:07 Vehicle Towed Arvd-10:58:08 Clrd-10:58:10 1 43 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1056 2013 SCION TC. 15-20819 1057 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: UNKNOWN IF OWNER IS AWARE Phone - MV REPO Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SCHURMAN DR Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Disp-10:57:56 Vehicle Towed Arvd-10:57:57 1 Clrd-10:57:59 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1057 2014 SUBARU. UNKNOWN IF OWNER IS AWARE 15-20820 1109 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VIN CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:10:11 Arvd-11:15:51 Clrd-11:26:22 Refer To Field Int: 15-5851-FI 15-20821 1115 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby GRY 2010 TOYT HIGHLANDER 15-20822 1118 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: Warning Issued 3 3 Arvd-11:15:00 Clrd-11:19:30 Reg: PC NH 2834581 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:19:28 Arvd-11:20:16 Clrd-11:24:28 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-11:19:37 Clrd-11:24:34 Administrative Serge Michael T Muncey Disp-11:19:45 Arvd-11:19:48 Clrd-11:27:44 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:19:52 Arvd-11:21:38 Clrd-11:27:40 2 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1119 CHEVY BLAZER DX PLATE Refer To Field Int: 15-20823 1127 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5845-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Warning Issued Arvd-11:27:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20824 1128 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Reg: 15-20825 1128 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20826 1141 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-11:32:51 NH 505634 Warning Issued Arvd-11:28:00 Vehicle: 3 3 Clrd-11:32:34 NH 3538499 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-11:28:00 Clrd-11:32:29 Reg: NH 2024607 3 Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROBIN RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro 1 Report Taken Arvd-11:41:00 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1141 DOG RUNNING AT LARGE Clrd-11:41:58 44 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Incident: 15-20827 1154 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 15-2541-OF Initiated - ASSAULT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Report Taken Arvd-11:54:00 15-20828 1157 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Reg: 15-20829 1234 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20830 1242 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-12:02:28 Warning Issued Arvd-12:34:00 Reg: Clrd-12:38:50 Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 1507] ISLAND POND RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Services Rendered 1256 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAU Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Brian K French Arvd-12:56:00 Clrd-12:57:59 Refer To Incident: 15-2543-OF Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Warning Issued Arvd-13:10:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20833 1327 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 1 Clrd-13:00:13 15-20831 1310 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 NH 3399900 Arvd-12:42:00 15-20832 3 NH 3509907 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N HIGH ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Vehicle: 1 Clrd-13:06:52 Warning Issued Arvd-11:57:00 Vehicle: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 2 3 Clrd-13:14:30 NH 3727285 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ALADDIN CIR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-13:30:12 Arvd-13:32:51 Clrd-13:34:16 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:30:15 Clrd-13:34:14 2 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1327 LOUD MUSIC Refer To Field Int: 15-20834 1400 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5864-FI Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Services Rendered Arvd-14:00:00 Clrd-14:22:55 15-20835 1410 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:10:58 Arvd-14:15:59 Clrd-14:43:28 ID: Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-14:11:01 Arvd-14:16:02 Clrd-14:43:30 Refer To Field Int: 15-5934-FI 15-20836 1420 Call Taker: Location/Address: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST 2 Warning Issued 2 3 45 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-14:20:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20837 1427 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Clrd-14:31:22 MA P25902 Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:31:38 Arvd-14:34:15 Clrd-14:45:03 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:31:42 Arvd-14:39:41 Clrd-14:45:00 2 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1445 TRESPASS WARNING ISSUED Refer To Field Int: Refer To Field Int: 15-20838 1512 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5865-FI 15-5866-FI Phone - NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power TAYLOR BROOK LN Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:26:00 Arvd-15:35:24 Clrd-16:17:43 2 Narrative: property lines 15-20839 1526 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SEX OFFENSES Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-15:27:01 Report Taken Arvd-15:27:02 1 Clrd-15:27:10 Narrative: see detectives report. 15-20840 1532 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power HUBBARD HILL RD + WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-15:58:51 Arvd-16:07:22 Clrd-16:13:03 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:23:09 Arvd-16:36:43 Clrd-16:49:33 3 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1636 follow up on Weston St Refer To Field Int: 15-20841 1536 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5846-FI Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-15:37:24 Gone on Arrival Arvd-15:37:51 Clrd-15:45:43 15-20843 1538 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-15:43:21 Arvd-15:43:23 Clrd-15:43:32 Refer To Field Int: 15-5844-FI 15-20842 1541 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20844 1549 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 3 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-15:41:00 Clrd-15:47:10 Reg: NH 3210260 3 Initiated - MV STOP No Action Required Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-15:49:00 Clrd-15:52:18 3 46 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20845 1552 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20846 1558 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Thru: 01/17/2016 1607 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-15:52:00 Clrd-15:56:47 Reg: VF NH V41703 3 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Robert Corwin 3 Warning Issued Arvd-15:58:00 Reg: VAN NH 849IIII Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Reg: 1610 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Clrd-16:00:54 Warning Issued Arvd-16:07:00 Vehicle: 15-20848 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 NH 10688 BLU 2010 HOND PILOT 15-20847 0000 - 2359 3 Clrd-16:17:17 NH 3879742 Phone - MV CHECK Services Dispatcher Christina L Power CHASES GROVE RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:13:28 Arvd-16:19:46 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-16:19:53 Arvd-16:22:13 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:22:00 Arvd-16:23:04 Rendered 1 Clrd-16:21:43 Clrd-17:48:08 Clrd-18:51:02 Narrative: owner contacted Jack's towing for a tow Narrative: 12/11/2015 1802 wrecker on scene Refer To Incident: 15-20849 1612 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20850 1615 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-2546-OF Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-16:12:00 Clrd-16:17:23 WHI 2000 CHRY 300M Reg: PC NH 1742275 3 Phone - DISTURBANCE Services Dispatcher Christina L Power SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-16:17:12 Arvd-16:19:49 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:17:33 Arvd-16:19:48 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:21:52 1 Rendered Clrd-16:34:49 Clrd-16:34:47 Clrd-16:21:54 Narrative: situation mediated Refer To Field Int: 15-20851 1619 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5883-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Christina L Power TOWNE DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:50:09 Narrative: Tundra p/up Narrative: 88 not at home Gone on Arrival Arvd-17:03:46 Clrd-17:12:23 2 47 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-20852 1659 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Christina L Power E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-16:59:48 Arvd-17:03:08 Clrd-17:42:50 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:59:57 Arvd-17:03:09 Clrd-17:35:18 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-17:42:47 Arvd-17:42:49 Clrd-18:02:17 GRN 1999 SAA 9-3 Reg: NH 3591459 VIN: YS3DD55N6X2087756 WHI 2006 TOYT PU TACOMA Reg: PC NH 2991280 VIN: 5TENX22N66Z190742 12/11/2015 1703 next on the list requested for NH reg 3591459, LBP assigned Narrative: 12/11/2015 1705 DFD on scene Narrative: 12/11/2015 1725 wrecker on scene Narrative: full report, Segreti vs Dionne Refer To Accident: 15-20853 1742 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-20854 1742 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-831-AC Phone - DISTURBANCE SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 466] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-17:42:39 Clrd-17:42:43 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-17:42:54 Arvd-17:48:45 Clrd-17:51:07 1 Phone - HIT AND RUN Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-17:43:50 Arvd-17:46:01 Clrd-19:33:53 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-17:48:14 Arvd-17:56:09 Clrd-18:27:46 2 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1813 one in custody for DUI 2 and conduct after an accident. Narrative: 12/11/2015 1820 enroute to hq's s/m 41369 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1832 off at hq's e/m 41377 with: Chase, Jeffrey 361 Island Pond Rd Derry, NH dob 080359 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1949 released on $3000 PR bail with a court date of December 17 Refer To Arrest: 15-20855 1800 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1013-AR Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-18:00:00 Vehicle: 15-20856 1804 Call Taker: Location/Address: Reg: 3 Clrd-18:06:12 NH 3808155 Phone - AUTO THEFT Dispatcher Christina L Power NORMAN DR Report Taken 3 48 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-18:06:22 Arvd-18:15:03 Refer To Incident: 15-2545-OF Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 ID: 15-20857 1811 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: Clrd-19:33:36 Phone - DISPERSE A GROUP SENT ON THEIR WAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe [DY 466] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-18:14:51 Arvd-18:19:09 Clrd-18:23:39 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 12/11/2015 1811 Group of kids going in an out of the woods 15-20858 1823 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe RT 28 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-18:25:55 Dispatcher Christina L Power Investigated 2 Clrd-18:33:00 12/11/2015 1824 MALE SUBJECT ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD BENT OVER Narrative: 12/11/2015 1859 FOUND TO BE IN WINDHAM. WINDHAM P.D. CHECK WITH NEGATIVE CONTACT 15-20859 1825 Call Taker: Location/Address: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power WARNER HILL RD Services Rendered 2 15-20860 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power RT 28 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Arrest(s) Made 3 1833 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Arrived By: ID: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-18:42:36 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-18:44:05 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-21:02:30 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe GRY 2007 HYUN 4D SONATA Reg: 12/11/2015 1843 Arvd-18:33:00 Clrd-20:26:20 Arvd-18:43:49 Clrd-19:33:49 Arvd-18:44:06 Clrd-19:12:12 Arvd-21:03:26 Clrd-21:03:28 PC NH 2232154 VIN: 5NPET46C67H278226 421 CHECKING SOBRIETY Narrative: 12/11/2015 1854 one in custody Narrative: 12/11/2015 1857 enroute to hq's s/m 13720.9 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1906 off at hq's e/m 13724 with: Slowik,Jeffrey 17 Fairway Dr, 13 Derry, NH dob 010374 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1909 next on the list requested, Spacetown Auto assigned Narrative: 12/11/2015 1920 enroute to PMC for blood, s/m 13724 49 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1926 Off at PMC, e/m 13726 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1927 wrecker on scene Narrative: 12/11/2015 1946 blood draw Narrative: 12/11/2015 1951 clear pmc enroute back to hq's s/m 13726.4 Narrative: 12/11/2015 1955 off at hq's e/m 13727.9 Narrative: 12/11/2015 2031 Refer To Arrest: 15-20861 1941 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: 15-20862 2025 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: FACE TO FACE 15-1014-AR Phone - FIGHT Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 466] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-19:42:04 Arvd-19:44:48 Clrd-20:07:43 Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-19:42:07 Arvd-19:44:46 Clrd-20:07:45 Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-19:42:13 Arvd-19:44:48 Clrd-20:07:40 Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith 2 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:26:41 Arvd-20:30:56 Clrd-20:37:16 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe 2 LOUD MUSIC COMPLAINT Refer To Field Int: 15-20863 2043 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-20864 2051 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-20865 2102 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5858-FI Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe E BROADWAY + OAK ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-20:43:00 Dispatcher Christina L Power BLK 1998 NISS 4D MAXIMA Reg: PC NH 3596225 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 15-20866 2109 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-20:47:32 VIN: JN1CA21D5WT612065 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-20:51:00 Clrd-20:57:13 Dispatcher Christina L Power GRN 2006 CHEV PU 1500 Reg: PC NH 3719908 VIN: 2GCEK13T561198082 Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Summons Issued Arvd-21:02:00 Cleared By: 3 1 Clrd-21:06:31 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-21:09:00 Clrd-21:22:54 1 50 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Vehicle: Refer To Field Int: 15-20867 2112 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Reg: NH 3866925 15-5849-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Warning Issued Arvd-21:12:00 Vehicle: Reg: 2133 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Patrol Officer Jeffrey CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey Disp-21:34:28 Arrived By: Dispatcher Christina L Cleared By: Dispatcher Christina L Refer To Accident: 15-833-AC 2151 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: ID: 3 Clrd-21:18:35 NH 3572073 15-20868 15-20869 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Services Rendered 1 M Dawe R Pike Arvd-21:49:12 Clrd-21:55:41 Power Power Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Peace Restored Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-21:52:29 Arvd-21:55:49 Clrd-22:10:45 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-21:52:34 Arvd-21:54:04 Clrd-22:11:04 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-21:55:38 Arvd-21:55:39 Clrd-22:11:27 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-21:55:46 Arvd-21:55:47 Clrd-22:07:58 2 Narrative: determined to be a neighborhood issue. Refer To Field Int: 15-20870 2204 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: 15-5859-FI Phone - BURGLARY Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power SUNDOWN DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-22:08:00 Arvd-22:09:33 Clrd-23:11:37 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-22:09:28 Arvd-22:09:31 Clrd-23:48:35 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-22:10:02 Arvd-22:10:03 Clrd-23:44:52 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-22:10:34 Arvd-22:10:41 Clrd-23:05:05 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-22:12:23 Arvd-22:12:37 Clrd-23:24:35 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-22:33:00 Arvd-22:33:03 Clrd-23:31:08 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-22:36:49 Arvd-22:36:51 Clrd-23:48:35 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson 3 51 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Disp-23:04:26 Arvd-23:04:27 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-23:30:53 12/11/2015 2232 SP notified and enroute with a canine Narrative: 12/11/2015 2232 SP on scene Narrative: 12/11/2015 2247 casting the dog Narrative: 12/11/2015 2306 K9 track ended Refer To Incident: 15-20871 2209 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-2547-OF 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Arrest(s) Made 1 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-22:11:09 Arvd-22:15:00 Clrd-12/12/2015 @ 00:03:57 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-22:11:16 Arvd-22:18:22 Clrd-22:57:56 Dispatcher Christina L Power 12/11/2015 2232 313 has one for Protective custody Narrative: 12/11/2015 2238 enroute to RCJ s/m 41396 with: Furtado,James 184 Warner Hill Rd Derry, NH dob 103066 Narrative: 12/11/2015 2318 313 off at Brentwood e/m: 41423 Narrative: 12/11/2015 2326 subject released to Brentwood custody Refer To P/C: Refer To Field Int: 15-20872 2224 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20873 2235 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-1015-AR 15-5839-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson GLD 2007 KIA 4D OPTIMA SENT ON THEIR WAY 3 Arvd-22:24:00 Clrd-22:26:57 Reg: PC NH 2967509 VIN: KNAGE123475138731 Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Arrest(s) Made 1 Dispatcher Christina L Power BARKLAND DR Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-22:40:44 Arvd-22:43:42 Clrd-23:44:36 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-22:42:39 Arvd-22:43:47 Clrd-23:45:15 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Administrative Serge Michael T Muncey Disp-22:59:24 Arvd-22:59:26 Clrd-23:44:21 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-03:35:18 Arvd-03:35:18 Clrd-12/12/2015 @ 04:34:02 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 52 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 12/11/2015 2259 S2 reports one in custody Narrative: 12/11/2015 2302 318 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 82274 Narrative: 12/11/2015 2307 318 off at DPDHQ e/m: 82276.2 Narrative: 12/11/2015 2310 DFD requested and responding to DPDHQ Narrative: 12/11/2015 2319 DFD on scene Narrative: 12/11/2015 2333 Subject Info: Lynn Gendreau 13 Barkland Dr Derry, NH DOB:3/8/64 Arrested for Domestic Violence (criminal threat) Narrative: 12/12/2015 0030 bail set at $2500 PR court date 12/14/15 per BC Doyle; subject held as a PC Narrative: 12/12/2015 0106 subject checked Narrative: 12/12/2015 0129 subject checked Narrative: 12/12/2015 0155 subject checked Narrative: 12/12/2015 0233 subject checked Narrative: 12/12/2015 0305 subject checked Narrative: 12/12/2015 0335 232 transporting subject to Brentwood s/m: 21493.3 Narrative: 12/12/2015 0402 232 off at Brentwood e/m: 21514.7 Narrative: 12/12/2015 0417, clear the jail. Refer To Arrest: 15-20874 2255 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-1016-AR Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Could Not Locate 1 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe BRISTOL CT Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-01:24:23 Arvd-01:26:12 Clrd-12/12/2015 @ 01:32:08 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SIL 2005 CHEV SU EQUINOX Reg: PC NH 3872855 VIN: 2CNDL73F356066490 12/11/2015 2256 NH Reg 3872855 15-20875 2339 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Arrest(s) Made 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering DERRY WAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-23:40:13 Arvd-23:43:44 Clrd-12/12/2015 @ 01:02:01 Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-23:40:16 Arvd-23:42:26 Clrd-12/12/2015 @ 02:00:12 53 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Administrative Serge Michael T Muncey Disp-23:44:24 Arvd-23:44:25 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-12/12/2015 @ 00:23:31 Narrative: 12/12/2015 0015 S2 reports one in custody Narrative: 12/12/2015 0021 706 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 62875.7 Narrative: 12/12/2015 0027 706 off at DPDHQ e/m: 62877.8 Narrative: 12/12/2015 0120 bail set at $1500 PR court date 12/14/15 per BC Doyle subject held as a PC Narrative: 12/12/2015 0125 Subject Info: Mark Fraser 10 Derry Way #31 Derry, NH DOB:1/18/87 Arrested for Domestic Violence (Assault, 5cts) Narrative: 12/12/2015 0132 408 conduct LAP screen Narrative: 12/12/2015 0148 LAP screen completed Narrative: 12/12/2015 0200 subject released to sober party Refer To Arrest: For Date: 12/12/2015 15-20876 0101 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: ID: ID: - 15-1017-AR Saturday Phone - DISTURBANCE Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-01:01:37 Arvd-01:03:45 Clrd-01:03:47 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-01:01:40 Arvd-01:05:44 Clrd-01:23:45 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-01:02:03 Arvd-01:03:40 Clrd-01:03:42 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Administrative Serge Michael T Muncey Disp-01:02:08 Arvd-01:05:43 Clrd-01:23:43 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-01:03:52 Arvd-01:03:53 Clrd-02:17:54 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-01:03:56 Arvd-01:03:57 Clrd-01:23:44 Narrative: 12/12/2015 0112 one for PC Narrative: 12/12/2015 0118 318 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 37585.3 Narrative: 12/12/2015 0118 Subject Info: James Barrett 88 W Broadway #5 Derry, NH DOB:6/14/69 Arrested for PC Narrative: 12/12/2015 0123 318 en route to Brentwood 1 54 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/12/2015 0148 318 off at Brentwood e/m: 37607.5 Refer To P/C: 15-20877 0202 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-1018-AR Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-02:03:55 Arvd-02:03:58 Clrd-02:12:20 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-02:04:40 Arvd-02:05:08 Clrd-02:12:20 2 Narrative: 12/12/2015 0203 reported intoxicated female Narrative: 12/12/2015 0205 off with subject at Central Fire Refer To Field Int: 15-20878 0219 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20879 0356 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-5860-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CHESTER RD + OLD AUBURN RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Arvd-02:19:00 Clrd-02:21:18 WHI 2014 SUBA SW FORESTER Reg: PC NH 3478001 VIN: JF2SJACC0EG426773 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-03:56:00 Clrd-04:00:52 RED 2007 NISS 4D SENTRA Reg: PC NH 3765115 VIN: 3N1AB61E17L631657 15-20880 0529 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 830] MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-05:29:31 Clrd-05:29:35 ID: Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-05:29:32 Arvd-05:34:22 Clrd-05:36:18 ID: Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-05:29:33 Arvd-05:32:29 Clrd-05:36:17 Refer To Field Int: 15-6047-FI 15-20881 0630 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 830] MANCHESTER RD Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-06:30:51 Arvd-06:32:05 Clrd-06:40:15 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-06:30:52 Arvd-06:32:34 Clrd-06:40:14 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Administrative Serge Michael T Muncey Disp-06:31:43 Arvd-06:31:45 Clrd-06:40:11 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius 1 1 employee on scene Refer To Field Int: 15-20882 0640 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: 15-5862-FI Initiated - MV STOP Vehicle checked 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Detective Stephen E Clark Arvd-06:40:00 Clrd-06:52:11 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-06:41:08 Arvd-06:42:48 Clrd-06:52:12 Administrative Serge Michael T Muncey Disp-06:42:49 Arvd-06:42:49 Clrd-06:52:10 WHI 2008 CHEV VN EXPRESS Reg: PC NH 3040174 VIN: 1GCGG25C481222958 55 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 15-20883 0653 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-5872-FI Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2199] CRYSTAL AVE Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-06:54:02 Arvd-06:54:26 Clrd-07:04:00 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 12/12/2015 0653 sales floor motion Narrative: 12/12/2015 0655 off with an employee Refer To Field Int: 15-20884 0719 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5871-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WINDHAM RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby No Action Required Arvd-07:19:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20885 0736 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20886 0805 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-07:20:30 NH 3164148 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-07:36:00 Clrd-07:40:44 TAN 2003 GMC SU ENVOY Reg: PC NH 2360079 VIN: 1GKDT13S932379234 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-08:05:00 Clrd-08:10:48 Reg: NH -SPOF- 3 Phone - VIN CHECK Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CHESTER RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-08:16:40 Arvd-08:23:52 Clrd-08:46:16 Refer To Field Int: 15-5855-FI 3 Vehicle: 15-20887 0814 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20888 0828 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINEHURST AVE Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-08:35:45 Arvd-08:37:10 Clrd-09:00:41 3 Narrative: 12/12/2015 0829 FOUND SYRINGE 15-20889 0855 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - HIT AND RUN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-08:55:23 Refer To Incident: 15-2548-OF 15-20890 0859 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Report Taken Arvd-08:55:25 2 Clrd-08:55:44 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HIGHLAND AVE Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-09:00:50 Arvd-09:07:26 Clrd-09:07:42 Narrative: 12/12/2015 0907 LOOSE DOG Narrative: 12/12/2015 0907 DETERMINED TO BE IN ITS OWN YARD 1 56 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 15-20891 0903 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0919 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-5933-FI Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand VISA AVE Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-09:03:00 1 Clrd-09:09:47 15-20892 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand AMHERST DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-09:19:00 Clrd-09:34:57 1 15-20893 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-09:34:00 Clrd-09:45:20 2 15-20894 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-09:35:00 1 0934 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0935 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0936 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-09:41:45 15-20895 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HIGH ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:36:00 Clrd-09:40:20 2 15-20896 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 0937 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: No Action Required Arvd-09:37:00 Vehicle: 15-20897 0944 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Clrd-09:38:46 NH 3657276 Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:44:00 Clrd-09:47:53 Reg: NH 2972704 1 15-20898 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-09:48:00 Clrd-10:08:17 2 15-20899 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 + LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 Vehicle: 0948 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0948 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-09:48:00 Vehicle: 15-20900 0950 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20901 0958 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20902 Reg: Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand AMHERST DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-09:50:00 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BEDARD AVE Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Initiated - MV STOP 1 Clrd-09:54:53 Not Served Arvd-09:58:00 1002 Clrd-09:50:33 NH 350950 1 Clrd-10:03:39 Warning Issued 3 57 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20903 1011 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FRANKLIN ST Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-10:02:00 Reg: NH 1801195 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Clrd-10:10:20 No Action Required Arvd-10:11:00 1015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 2 Clrd-10:41:57 15-20904 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WHITTEMORE DR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-10:15:00 Clrd-10:29:56 2 15-20905 Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-10:30:18 Arvd-10:34:36 Clrd-10:51:44 1 15-20906 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 1024 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1026 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-10:26:00 Vehicle: 15-20907 1030 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Clrd-10:34:30 NH 3911645 Walk-In - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:32:07 Arvd-10:37:18 Clrd-10:48:41 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-10:38:00 Arvd-10:38:02 Clrd-10:48:42 2 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-10:53:16 Arvd-11:06:06 Clrd-11:26:05 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-10:53:17 Arvd-11:06:46 Clrd-11:26:01 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-11:06:13 Arvd-11:06:15 Clrd-11:25:58 2 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-10:55:00 Clrd-11:34:49 2 15-20910 Walk-In - VIN CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:02:43 Arvd-11:02:45 Clrd-11:14:13 Cleared By: Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Refer To Field Int: 15-5867-FI 3 15-20911 1 ID: 15-20908 1051 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-20909 1055 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1102 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1106 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRATI Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-11:07:29 Arvd-11:07:51 Clrd-11:07:53 Refer To Field Int: 15-5890-FI 15-20912 1111 Call Taker: Phone - VANDALISM Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Report Taken 3 58 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 ADAMS POND RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:11:25 Arvd-11:19:08 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-11:34:24 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1111 MAILBOX Refer To Incident: 15-2549-OF 15-20913 1123 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WALNUT HILL RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:34:57 Arvd-11:41:46 Clrd-12:17:48 Refer To Incident: 15-2550-OF 2 15-20914 1 1132 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-11:33:54 Arvd-11:39:31 Clrd-11:52:57 Refer To Field Int: 15-5898-FI 15-20915 1135 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WALNUT HILL RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:35:53 Arvd-11:35:54 Clrd-11:42:33 2 15-20916 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HAMPSTEAD RD + SENTER COVE RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 1136 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-11:36:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20917 1148 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-11:41:37 NH 3719865 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-11:48:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20918 1200 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-11:52:50 NH BOYSGPA Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-12:00:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20919 1202 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 3 Clrd-12:02:35 NH 3278422 Phone - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TINKHAM AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-12:03:45 Arvd-12:06:31 Clrd-12:18:20 3 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1203 RED SILVERADO W/ MALE RIDING IN THE BED OF THE TRUCK Narrative: 12/12/2015 1207 OFF WITH NH 3741503 15-20920 1217 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - THEFT Investigated Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WALNUT HILL RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-12:17:00 Clrd-12:48:31 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1218 MAIL Narrative: 12/12/2015 1248 DAMAGED MAIL BOX & THEFT OF MAIL 2 59 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Incident: 15-20921 1232 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 15-2550-OF Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-12:32:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-20922 1252 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-12:38:47 NH 2595796 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Investigated Lieutenant Eric T Kester [DY 2865] ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-12:53:57 Arvd-12:59:29 Clrd-13:12:32 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 2 Erratic operation 15-20923 1256 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ATTEMPTED THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GAYLE DR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:03:39 Arvd-13:13:17 Clrd-13:29:31 Refer To Incident: 15-2551-OF 15-20924 1308 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-13:10:00 Arvd-13:10:52 Clrd-13:20:10 2 1 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1312 DFD ON SCENE Refer To Field Int: 15-20925 1330 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5850-FI Initiated - ROAD HAZARD Removed Hazard Dispatcher Jess W Arcand KENDALL POND RD + SHILAH DR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-13:30:00 Clrd-14:16:07 2 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1330 BAG OF TRASH ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD 15-20926 1424 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Other - DELIVER A MESSAGE Message Delivered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand DANIEL RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-14:24:21 Arvd-14:30:20 Clrd-14:30:22 1 15-20927 Initiated - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDE Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand DERRY WAY Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-14:35:00 Clrd-14:40:36 2 15-20928 Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FORDWAY EXT Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:15:51 Arvd-15:22:10 Clrd-15:32:57 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:15:58 Arvd-15:32:43 Clrd-15:32:45 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 1435 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1438 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: 60 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: between father/son Refer To Field Int: 1441 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5854-FI 15-20929 Initiated - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-14:41:00 Clrd-14:52:08 3 15-20930 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FRANKLIN ST EXT Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-15:19:49 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 1449 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: 15-20931 1451 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-15:15:20 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Gone on Arrival Arvd-15:19:51 Clrd-15:19:55 Gone on Arrival Arvd-15:19:39 1 Clrd-15:19:41 12/12/2015 1451 CAR PARKED IN FIRE LANE 15-20932 1523 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Cleared Arvd-15:23:00 15-20933 1613 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WARRANT ARREST Dispatcher Christina L Power [MHT] MANCHESTER PD Detective Dana P Park Disp-16:18:42 2 Clrd-15:35:36 Arrest(s) Made Arvd-16:35:45 2 Clrd-17:15:24 Narrative: subject in custody at MPD on a Derry warrant for theft of lost/mislaid property. Bowes, Douglas 99 Hanover St Manchester, NH dob 012593 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1647 enroute to hq's s/m 41540 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1705 off at hqs e/m 41550.4 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1837 released on $1500 PR bail with a court date of Jan 21, 2016 Refer To Arrest: 15-20934 1640 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Narrative: 15-1019-AR Phone - THEFT Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 146] ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:42:00 Arvd-16:47:10 Clrd-18:11:59 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:42:03 Arvd-16:47:09 Clrd-17:35:47 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-16:42:07 Arvd-16:47:05 Clrd-17:26:32 2 61 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 12/12/2015 1653 one in custody for theft, possession of a controlled substance and operating after s/m 21623.7 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1657 off at hq's e/m 21624.7 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1713 next on the list requested for NH reg 1338111, Recovery Solutions assigned Narrative: 12/12/2015 1726 wrecker on scene Narrative: identified as: Martin,Samantha 98 Main St Raymond, NH dob 031688 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1824 released on $5000 PR with a court date of Jan 21, 2016 Refer To Arrest: 15-20935 1702 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1020-AR Phone - WELFARE CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power LARAWAY CT Detective Dana P Park Disp-17:36:19 Warning Issued Arvd-17:48:01 2 Clrd-17:58:11 Narrative: no issues, kids being loud Refer To Field Int: 15-20936 1826 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5874-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Warning Issued Arvd-18:26:00 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-18:26:26 Arvd-18:26:26 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Reg: NH 3746562 ID: Dispatched By: Vehicle: 15-20937 1835 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 15-20938 Reg: 1846 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Narrative: Clrd-18:35:31 Clrd-18:28:15 Warning Issued Arvd-18:35:00 Vehicle: 3 3 Clrd-18:42:38 NH 1406834 Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Christina L Power KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:47:45 Arvd-18:54:58 Clrd-20:51:03 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-18:47:46 Arvd-18:52:38 Clrd-19:42:52 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-19:42:56 Arvd-19:43:59 Clrd-20:50:59 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe 12/12/2015 1912 one in custody and enroute to hq's s/m 21627 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1917 off at hq's e/m 21629.3 with: Webb,Andrew 30 Kendall Pond Rd Derry, NH dob 121788 1 62 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/12/2015 1932 enroute to pmc s/m 21629.3 12/12/2015 1936 off at PMC e/m21630.9 Narrative: Narrative: 12/12/2015 2151 enroute back to hq's s/m 21630.7 Narrative: 12/12/2015 2154 off at hq's e/m 21632.4 Narrative: 12/12/2015 2238 released on $1500 PR bail with a court date of Dec 14 Refer To Arrest: 15-20939 1855 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20940 1914 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1021-AR Initiated - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDE Served Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Arvd-18:55:00 2 Clrd-18:56:18 Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power OAK ST Detective Dana P Park Disp-19:34:59 Clrd-19:35:32 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-19:35:16 Clrd-19:35:20 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-19:35:29 Clrd-19:44:02 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:08:09 Arvd-20:10:01 Clrd-20:10:05 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe 2 15-20941 Phone - HIT AND RUN No Action Required Dispatcher Christina L Power TSIENNETO RD WHI 2006 FORD F250 Reg: NH 3553963 2 15-20942 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-19:44:03 Arvd-19:48:18 Clrd-20:07:55 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-19:44:28 Arvd-19:48:18 Clrd-20:07:51 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 ID: ID: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: 1915 Call Taker: Location/Address: Vehicle: 1941 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Narrative: 12/12/2015 1942 Loud music Refer To Field Int: 15-20943 2016 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: 15-5857-FI 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Investigated Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe ASHLEIGH DR Detective Dana P Park Disp-20:18:08 Arvd-20:20:50 Clrd-20:42:46 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:18:14 Arvd-20:24:11 Clrd-20:35:17 Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-20:18:18 Arvd-20:21:35 Clrd-20:42:27 Narrative: 12/12/2015 2017 Father and daughter domestic 1 63 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/12/2015 2021 S7 off with female half at Game Stop Narrative: 12/12/2015 2043 Both parties were spoken too and sent on thier way Refer To Field Int: 15-20944 2034 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-5856-FI Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe FAIRWAY DR Detective Dana P Park Disp-20:51:37 Arvd-21:05:50 Clrd-21:07:54 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-20:51:40 Arvd-21:05:51 Clrd-21:07:51 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 12/12/2015 2034 loud music Narrative: all quiet upon checking 15-20945 2034 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:39:14 Arvd-20:40:59 Clrd-20:50:47 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe 2 blk p/up 15-20946 2052 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-20947 2136 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Cleared Arvd-20:52:00 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-20:52:33 Arvd-20:52:35 Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power CHESTER RD Detective Dana P Park 15-20948 2207 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-20949 2246 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20950 Vehicle: 2253 Call Taker: Reg: Clrd-22:25:31 Clrd-22:01:23 Vehicle checked Arvd-21:36:00 Vehicle: 2 1 Clrd-21:37:34 NH 2708542 Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power FOREST RIDGE RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-22:07:56 Arvd-22:08:06 Clrd-22:25:22 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-22:08:05 Arvd-22:13:24 Clrd-22:25:21 2 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 BLK 2008 TOYT CAMRY Warning Issued Arvd-22:46:00 Clrd-22:52:48 Reg: PC NH 3569269 VIN: 4T1BK46K38UO68571 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Warning Issued 3 64 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Vehicle: BLK 2001 BMW 2D 325CI 15-20951 2303 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - NOISE Patrol Officer PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Disp-23:04:37 Patrol Officer Disp-23:04:41 Arvd-22:53:00 Clrd-22:59:05 Reg: PC NH 3582186 VIN: WBABN33491JW50254 COMPLAINT Jeffrey M Dawe Quieted on Request 2 John Diburro Arvd-23:10:56 Clrd-23:15:06 Arvd-23:10:58 Clrd-23:15:16 Jared Knox Narrative: 12/12/2015 2304 Loud banging Refer To Field Int: 15-20952 2306 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-5870-FI Phone - THEFT Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe POND RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:15:28 Arvd-23:18:24 Clrd-23:23:22 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 2 12/12/2015 2307 Christmas lights taken by a white vehicle Refer To Incident: 15-20953 2308 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-2552-OF Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe PINGREE HILL RD + ENGLISH RANGE RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-23:22:40 Arvd-23:30:40 Clrd-23:38:32 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:22:44 Arvd-23:32:33 Clrd-23:38:30 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-23:31:03 Arvd-23:31:04 Clrd-23:38:33 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 2 12/12/2015 2309 Suspicious vehicle in the power lines 15-20954 2309 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - NOISE Patrol Officer FERLAND DR Patrol Officer Disp-23:14:34 Patrol Officer Disp-23:14:39 COMPLAINT Jeffrey M Dawe Services Rendered Patrick H Dawson Arvd-23:17:00 Jeffrey R Pike Arvd-23:16:40 2 Clrd-23:22:28 Clrd-23:22:33 Narrative: 12/12/2015 2309 Loud noise Refer To Field Int: 15-20955 2344 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: For Date: 12/13/2015 15-5901-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-23:44:00 Clrd-23:50:26 Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-23:46:26 Arvd-23:46:27 Clrd-23:47:28 GRY 2003 CHEV PU 1500 Reg: PC MA 8RC100 VIN: 3GNFK16T43G290987 - Sunday 65 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-20956 0015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - OHRV COMPLAINT Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe COLLETTES GROVE RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-00:16:14 Arvd-00:28:27 Clrd-00:33:05 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-00:18:35 Arvd-00:29:16 Clrd-00:33:03 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 1 12/13/2015 0015 Dirt bikes riding up and down the lake 15-20957 0023 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson SCOBIE POND RD + EMERALD DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike BLU 2005 BUIC SU RAINIER 15-20958 0114 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Warning Issued 3 Arvd-00:23:00 Clrd-00:29:42 Reg: PC NH 3911556 VIN: 5GADT13S452154526 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Transported to Hospital Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe POND RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-01:17:00 Arvd-01:17:11 Clrd-02:21:24 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-01:17:08 Arvd-01:19:12 Clrd-01:50:06 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-01:17:10 Arvd-01:19:36 Clrd-02:21:22 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 2 12/13/2015 0116 female subject Narrative: 12/13/2015 0145 406 has one at this time for IEA 12/13/2015 0150 140 transporting one to PMC, s/m: 41,631.4 12/13/2015 0155 140 off at PMC, e/m: 41,632.0 Narrative: Narrative: 15-20959 0713 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2404] TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-07:15:09 Arvd-07:18:09 Clrd-07:22:46 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-07:15:12 Arvd-07:17:22 Clrd-07:22:47 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-07:19:01 Arvd-07:19:03 Clrd-07:19:48 1 Narrative: 12/13/2015 0715 dining room glass break alarm Refer To Field Int: 15-20960 0720 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20961 0725 15-5882-FI Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering JENNY DICKEY HILL RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-07:20:00 Clrd-07:27:51 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 2 3 66 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-07:25:00 Clrd-07:30:03 MAR 2005 FORD SU FREESTAR Reg: DX NH K136 VIN: 2FMDA58275BA26288 Vehicle: 15-20962 0749 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0911 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CHESTER RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-07:49:00 Clrd-07:55:18 SIL 2004 HOND SU PILOT Reg: TM NH 180477 VIN: 2HKYF18454H515101 15-20963 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LENOX RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-09:11:00 Clrd-09:16:21 15-20964 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:18:00 Clrd-09:23:09 BLK 2014 TOYT SU RAV4 Reg: PC NH 3597552 VIN: 2T3RFREV8EW133607 0918 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0919 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 15-20965 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 1362] MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-09:19:00 Clrd-09:28:34 2 15-20966 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Served Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PELICAN CIR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-09:23:00 1 0923 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20967 0925 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0959 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-09:31:08 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:25:00 Clrd-09:35:05 BLU 2004 FORD PU F350 Reg: PC NH 3763436 VIN: 1FTSX31PX4ED95119 15-20968 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PHILLIP RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:59:00 Clrd-10:00:08 2 15-20969 Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Message Delivered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FROST RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-10:07:01 Arvd-10:15:12 Clrd-10:24:22 1 15-20970 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-10:27:54 Arvd-10:30:23 Clrd-11:23:46 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-10:27:55 Arvd-10:29:33 Clrd-11:36:00 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-10:30:21 Arvd-10:30:23 Clrd-11:23:47 2 1006 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1027 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Narrative: 12/13/2015 1053 110/413 checking trail from Ryder Field Refer To Incident: 15-20971 1054 15-2555-OF Phone - ABANDONED 911 Report Taken 1 67 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HILLSIDE AVE Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-10:55:55 Arvd-10:57:06 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-10:55:58 Arvd-11:02:19 ID: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-11:55:00 Clrd-11:40:30 Narrative: 12/13/2015 1059 upon call back determined to be out of control juvenile Narrative: 12/13/2015 1136 305 following parents to PMC Narrative: 12/13/2015 1136 off at PMC Refer To Incident: 15-2554-OF 15-20972 1055 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Patrol Officer Brian J Landry ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:56:52 Arvd-10:56:55 Clrd-10:59:22 Refer To Incident: 15-2553-OF 15-20973 1123 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Lieutenant Eric T Kester BEAVER LAKE RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-12:38:32 Arvd-12:51:33 Clrd-13:10:59 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 2 Additional animal carcasses discovered on vacant property. 15-20974 1126 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Services Rendered Patrol Officer Brian J Landry GOODHUE RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:40:32 Arvd-11:51:28 Clrd-11:59:20 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 3 found knife Refer To Incident: 15-20975 1207 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-20976 1225 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-2556-OF Phone - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering B ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:07:49 Arvd-12:25:27 Clrd-12:38:05 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-12:07:51 Arvd-12:25:28 Clrd-12:38:11 2 Phone - LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAUD No Action Required Patrol Officer Brian J Landry STONEGATE LN Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-12:44:35 Clrd-12:50:13 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:29:17 Arvd-13:33:25 Clrd-14:13:04 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 12/13/2015 1413 no crimes found, advice given 68 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 15-20977 1243 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-6117-FI Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:44:11 Arvd-12:50:17 Clrd-13:15:11 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BLK 2007 HYUN 4D AZERA Reg: VAN NH JSTDKEY VIN: KMHFC46F07A143583 SIL 2013 FORD PU F150 Reg: VAN NH V-C-K VIN: 1FTFW1EF4DFC91374 12/13/2015 1250 off with NH JSTDKEY and NH V-C-K Narrative: 12/13/2015 1340 Dow v Heywood - full report Refer To Accident: 15-834-AC 15-20978 1249 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-12:50:16 Arvd-12:51:26 Clrd-13:38:09 ID: Sergeant David Michaud Disp-12:56:01 Clrd-12:57:00 ID: Sergeant David Michaud Disp-12:59:56 Arvd-13:03:07 Clrd-13:08:56 ID: Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:00:06 Arvd-13:03:08 Clrd-13:08:55 Refer To Incident: 15-2557-OF 15-20979 1249 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - FOLLOW-UP Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Brian J Landry ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-13:27:34 Arvd-13:27:36 Clrd-13:27:37 2 2 Narrative: HANDLED ON THE PHONE 15-20980 1257 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-20981 1314 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Initiated - PED CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR + MANCHESTER RD Sergeant David Michaud Arvd-12:57:00 Clrd-12:59:56 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:57:22 Clrd-12:59:01 2 Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-13:15:04 Arvd-13:17:40 Clrd-13:32:21 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-13:15:10 Arvd-13:17:39 Clrd-13:32:20 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:15:19 Arvd-13:16:51 Clrd-13:32:21 1 Narrative: 12/13/2015 1319 off with DFD Refer To Field Int: 15-5868-FI 15-20982 1359 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ASHLEIGH DR Lieutenant Eric T Kester Arvd-13:59:00 Clrd-13:59:51 Refer To Incident: 15-2558-OF 15-20983 1421 Call Taker: Initiated - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Report Taken 2 2 69 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-14:21:00 Refer To Incident: 15-20984 1425 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: Clrd-14:49:06 15-2559-OF Phone - INVOL EMERGENCY ADMISSION Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-14:25:43 Arvd-14:35:53 Clrd-15:11:40 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:25:45 Arvd-14:28:27 Clrd-15:11:03 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-14:37:35 Arvd-14:39:47 Clrd-14:41:46 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-14:51:36 Arvd-14:55:39 Clrd-16:01:50 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-14:51:38 Arvd-14:55:39 Clrd-16:01:51 Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith Disp-15:05:37 Arvd-15:05:38 Clrd-15:06:37 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-15:06:35 Arvd-15:06:36 Clrd-15:45:32 2 Narrative: 12/13/2015 1425 male subject acting strange in lobby Narrative: 12/13/2015 1435 contact made with subject Narrative: 12/13/2015 1440 413 has subject as an IEA; transporting subject to PMC s/m: 13915 Narrative: 12/13/2015 1448 413 off at PMC 15-20985 1448 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E DERRY RD + CARDINAL CIR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-14:59:59 Arvd-15:06:01 Clrd-15:30:52 WHI 2013 ACUR SU RDX Reg: VAN NH YOGI&ME VIN: 5J8TB4H53DL009389 12/13/2015 1513 off with NH YOGI&ME Narrative: 12/13/2015 1528 Germaine v deer - full report Refer To Accident: 15-20986 1455 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 15-20987 1543 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-20988 1550 Call Taker: Location/Address: 15-835-AC Initiated - MV STOP No Action Required 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FOLSOM RD + MANCHESTER RD Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Arvd-14:55:00 Clrd-15:04:00 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:55:35 Arvd-14:55:37 Clrd-15:04:00 GRN 1999 DODG SW CARAVAN Reg: PC NH 3525416 VIN: 2B4GP24R8XR415028 Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering GOODHUE RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:44:00 Arvd-15:46:20 Clrd-16:51:07 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-15:45:23 Arvd-15:55:49 Clrd-16:28:28 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-15:45:34 Arvd-16:02:05 Clrd-16:51:06 3 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Patrol Officer Brian J Landry STONELEIGH DR 2 Could Not Locate 70 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-16:02:49 Arvd-16:10:01 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:02:51 Arvd-16:10:00 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-16:42:27 Clrd-16:42:28 hunter on property 15-20989 1650 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Arvd-16:50:00 Clrd-17:10:59 15-20990 Initiated - MV STOP Vehicle checked 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WINDHAM RD Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Arvd-16:55:00 Clrd-17:15:10 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:01:11 Arvd-17:01:20 Clrd-17:15:10 SIL 2000 HOND HT CIVIC Reg: PC NH 3899111 VIN: 2HGEJ6328YH108720 1655 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 2 12/13/2015 1711 234 checking a subject on Sunset Ave 15-20991 1721 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-20992 1736 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-17:21:00 Clrd-17:25:17 SIL 2011 TOYT HT PRIUS Reg: PC NH 3171780 VIN: JTDKN3DUXB1381023 Initiated - LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAU Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-17:36:00 Clrd-18:06:10 2 Narrative: 12/13/2015 1737 fraudulent use of credit card Refer To Incident: 15-20993 1756 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-20994 1831 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-2560-OF Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:56:28 Clrd-18:06:00 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-17:56:30 Arvd-18:01:09 Clrd-18:05:56 Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith Disp-17:56:45 Arvd-18:01:10 Clrd-18:05:58 2 Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT Services Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:32:24 Arvd-18:37:25 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-18:32:25 Arvd-18:37:26 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:43:33 Arvd-18:43:34 2 Narrative: 12/13/2015 1852 no crimes found Refer To Field Int: 15-5886-FI Rendered Clrd-18:43:31 Clrd-18:52:17 Clrd-18:52:16 71 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-20995 1851 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PLEASANT ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:51:58 Arvd-19:00:17 Clrd-19:16:05 2 Narrative: 12/13/2015 1900 kids playing in the road 15-20996 1857 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Cleared 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WINDHAM RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:57:41 Arvd-19:00:52 Clrd-19:45:16 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-18:57:44 Arvd-19:02:00 Clrd-19:45:23 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy SIL 2000 MITS CP ECLIPSE Reg: PC NH 3794753 VIN: 4A3AC54L9YE099281 SIL 2002 FORD 4D TAURUS Reg: PC NH 3808521 VIN: 1FAFP55232A243477 12/13/2015 1902 off NH 3808521 Narrative: 12/13/2015 1905 AAA requested and responding for NH 3794753 Narrative: 12/13/2015 1907 next on the list requested for NH 3808521; LBP Towing notified and responding Narrative: 12/13/2015 1917 AAA on scene Narrative: 12/13/2015 1923 LBP Towing on scene Narrative: 12/13/2015 1945 Potvin v Hernandez - full report Refer To Accident: 15-20997 1936 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-20998 1945 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-20999 2001 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-836-AC Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy [DY 2562] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-19:36:00 2 Clrd-19:47:42 Phone - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WALNUT HILL RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-19:58:28 Arvd-20:09:41 Clrd-20:40:28 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:58:31 Arvd-20:09:41 Clrd-20:40:28 2 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FRANKLIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:02:13 Arvd-20:04:49 Clrd-20:32:04 2 Narrative: 12/13/2015 2017 off on Elm St Narrative: 12/13/2015 2040 determined to be a DMV, no problems found, not a hazard Refer To Field Int: 15-21062 2200 Call Taker: 15-5887-FI Initiated - ASSAULT Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Report Taken 1 72 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-22:00:00 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-12/15/2015 @ 01:29:16 Narrative: 12/15/2015 0128 past tense assault Refer To Incident: 15-2566-OF 15-21000 2246 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - RESTRAINING ORDER VIOLATIO Report Taken Dispatcher Christine D Carlson DERRY WAY Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-23:10:17 Arvd-23:18:30 Clrd-23:42:33 Refer To Incident: 15-2561-OF 15-21001 2319 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 2324 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 2328 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-21004 2331 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 2332 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21006 0005 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0031 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arvd-23:24:00 Reg: PC NH 3725669 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Sergeant Michael W Hughes Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer John Diburro - 3 3 Clrd-23:31:07 VIN: 1N4BL11D36C165612 Rendered 3 Clrd-23:52:14 Clrd-12/14/2015 @ 00:13:53 Clrd-12/14/2015 @ 00:05:25 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:31:00 Clrd-23:36:27 Reg: PC NH 3597541 VIN: 1C3CCBAB8CN282058 TAN 2006 GMC PU SIERRA For Date: 12/14/2015 Warning Issued Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Services Dispatcher Christine D Carlson LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-23:42:48 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:52:12 Arvd-23:55:09 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:05:22 SIL 2012 CHRY 4D 200 15-21005 ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD + OLD CHESTER RD Patrol Officer John Diburro BLK 2006 NISS 4D ALTIMA 15-21003 Warning Issued Arvd-23:19:00 Clrd-23:23:49 Reg: PC NH 3922036 VIN: 2G4WB52K4X1481624 WHI 1999 BUIC 4D REGAL 15-21002 15-21007 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Sergeant Michael W Hughes 2 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:32:00 Clrd-23:35:09 Reg: PC NH 3902204 VIN: 1GTHK29D76E169801 Monday Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD + PINE ISLE DR Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:05:00 Clrd-00:09:36 BLK 2008 PONT CP G6 Reg: PC NH 3509622 VIN: 1G2ZH17N084138931 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christine D Carlson KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:32:13 Arvd-00:35:48 Clrd-00:36:08 Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-00:35:49 Arvd-00:35:51 Clrd-00:35:52 Narrative: 12/14/2015 0031 Silver pick up 2 73 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21008 0036 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21009 0218 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21010 0253 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21011 0618 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21012 0625 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21013 0709 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21014 0719 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21015 0757 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Radio - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-00:36:46 Arvd-00:47:08 Clrd-01:13:44 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-00:36:48 Arvd-00:47:10 Clrd-01:13:42 2 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 15] HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-02:18:00 Clrd-02:30:59 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-02:22:37 Arvd-02:22:38 Clrd-02:30:57 2 Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-02:53:46 Arvd-02:55:16 Clrd-03:16:17 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-02:53:47 Arvd-02:55:19 Clrd-03:16:15 3 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-06:18:00 Clrd-06:22:59 GRY 2007 GMC PU K29 Reg: PC NH 3194824 VIN: 1GTHK29K37E561853 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-06:25:00 Clrd-06:29:19 SIL 2012 NISS 4D ALTIMA Reg: PC NH 3360395 VIN: 1N4AL2AP6CC199194 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-07:09:00 Clrd-07:14:51 LGR 2012 FORD SU EXPLORER Reg: PC NH 3597268 VIN: 1FMHK8D8XCGA03099 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-07:19:00 Clrd-07:24:58 RED 2013 FORD 4D FIESTA Reg: PC NH 3828064 VIN: 3FADP4BJ2DM217701 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Warning Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering KENDALL POND RD + BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-07:58:16 Arvd-07:58:18 Clrd-08:04:55 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-07:58:17 Arvd-07:59:07 Clrd-08:03:10 Reg: NH 55460 2 12/14/2015 0758 stopping NH 55460 on Birch St 15-21016 0810 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-08:10:00 Clrd-08:27:37 2 74 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-21017 0850 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - KEEP THE PEACE No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering NEWHOUSE DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-08:52:06 Arvd-08:54:32 Clrd-09:10:09 Refer To Field Int: 15-5900-FI 15-21018 0900 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - FINGERPRINTS Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-09:00:29 Refer To Field Int: 15-5897-FI 15-21019 0938 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-09:00:31 0939 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - FINGERPRINTS Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-09:40:23 Refer To Field Int: 15-5896-FI 1043 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-09:40:25 3 Clrd-09:08:06 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-09:38:00 Clrd-09:57:59 15-21020 2 2 3 Clrd-09:48:24 15-21021 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W RUNNING BROOK LN Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-10:43:00 Clrd-11:03:54 2 15-21022 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering EASTGATE RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-11:07:00 2 1107 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21023 1109 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21024 1132 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 129] COURTHOUSE LN Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-11:09:00 Clrd-11:29:33 2 Clrd-11:13:37 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 824] AMHERST DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:34:07 Arvd-11:41:05 Clrd-11:52:59 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-11:46:26 Clrd-11:46:28 2 Narrative: 12/14/2015 1153 suspicious vehicle in area, checked area, unable to locate Refer To Field Int: 1135 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5899-FI 15-21025 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2560] BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-11:35:00 Clrd-11:41:01 2 15-21026 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering DRURY LN Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-11:46:00 Clrd-12:02:03 2 15-21027 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 1 1146 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1211 Call Taker: Could Not Locate 75 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 DREW RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-12:11:16 15-21028 1228 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 0000 - 2359 Arvd-12:33:05 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-12:33:05 Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SUNSET AVE Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:29:30 Arvd-12:33:04 Clrd-12:47:57 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:29:33 Arvd-12:32:27 Clrd-12:47:58 3 Narrative: 12/14/2015 1235 DFD cleared to enter Refer To Field Int: 15-21029 1247 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-5967-FI Phone - FIRE, STRUCTURE Assistance Rendered Lieutenant Eric T Kester LINWOOD AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:48:18 Arvd-12:48:27 Clrd-13:13:27 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:48:23 Arvd-12:48:30 Clrd-12:56:26 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 1 Rpt'd kitchen fire Narrative: 12/14/2015 1249 DFD on scene Refer To Field Int: 15-21030 1340 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5884-FI Initiated - JUVENILE OFFENSES Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-13:40:00 Clrd-13:50:33 2 Narrative: 12/14/2015 1350 juveniles counseled and parents notified Refer To Field Int: 15-21031 1350 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-5885-FI Initiated - MV STOP Summons Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ENGLISH RANGE RD + KAREN AVE Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-13:50:00 Clrd-14:39:05 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-14:33:50 Clrd-14:33:52 GRY 2008 BMW CP 3-SERIES Reg: PC NH 3855186 VIN: WBAWB73508P156012 12/14/2015 1403 next on the list requested for NH 3855186, Birch St Towing notified and responding 15-21032 1433 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:33:45 Arvd-14:35:17 Clrd-14:51:12 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-14:33:55 Arvd-14:35:10 Clrd-14:51:11 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-14:33:57 Arvd-14:37:59 Clrd-14:50:16 1 Narrative: 12/14/2015 1451 verbal argument between mother and daughter Refer To Field Int: 15-21033 1458 Call Taker: 15-5879-FI Walk-In - HIT AND RUN Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Report Taken 2 76 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:59:09 Refer To Incident: 15-2562-OF 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Location/Address: ID: 15-21034 1509 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arvd-14:59:11 Clrd-15:09:22 Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Report Taken Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson [DY 15] HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-15:14:00 Arvd-15:19:38 Clrd-16:57:11 3 Narrative: found bike Narrative: 12/14/2015 1642 Refer To Incident: 15-21035 1514 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: bike picked up with P/U truck 15-2564-OF Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson [DY 236] MARTIN ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:14:51 Arvd-15:16:02 Clrd-15:30:13 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-15:26:46 Arvd-15:26:50 Clrd-15:30:09 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:30:26 Arvd-15:30:28 Clrd-15:30:53 3 Narrative: assist dfd with injured subject Narrative: medical call Refer To Field Int: 15-21036 1527 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-5880-FI Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:27:57 Arvd-15:28:39 Clrd-16:10:17 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:21:45 Arvd-16:22:22 Clrd-16:42:02 2 Narrative: 12/14/2015 1549 subject requesting BC Narrative: 12/14/2015 1601 BC paged 12/14/2015 1608 warrant arrest Narrative: Dennis W Clark(11/1/52) 6 Nutmeadow Ln Derry,NH Conduct After an Accident Narrative: 12/14/2015 1611 prisoner checked OK Narrative: 12/14/2015 1641 Bail Set at 1000.00 PR set by Tom Jaglowski Refer To Arrest: 15-21037 1542 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: court 1/21/16 15-1024-AR Phone - SHOOTING COMPLAINT Investigated Lieutenant Frank Stoncius OLD AUBURN RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:44:11 Arvd-15:51:24 Clrd-15:55:43 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson 2 77 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Powerlines behind Back Chester Rd. Narrative: 12/14/2015 1551 off with NH 353847 Narrative: 12/14/2015 1555 15-21038 1545 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: all quiet Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:46:39 Arvd-15:53:26 Clrd-16:23:05 1 Narrative: minor no pi out of roadway Narrative: 12/14/2015 1554 419 off with NH 336868 and NH 2754233 Narrative: 12/14/2015 1622 Refer To Field Int: Refer To Accident: 1600 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: non reportable Taylor VS Russell 15-5915-FI 15-837-AC 15-21039 Phone - DEPARTMENT INFO Report Taken Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-16:00:47 Arvd-16:00:50 Clrd-16:00:52 3 15-21040 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Report Taken Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:11:26 Arvd-16:17:57 Clrd-17:16:50 2 1603 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: suspicious activity Refer To Incident: 15-2565-OF 15-21041 1653 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK No Action Required Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson SUNDOWN DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-16:55:55 Arvd-17:02:05 Clrd-17:12:35 ID: Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:56:07 Arvd-16:58:40 Clrd-17:12:30 Refer To Field Int: 15-5888-FI 15-21042 1708 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike BLK 2004 FORD PU F350 15-21043 1713 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued 2 3 Arvd-17:08:00 Clrd-17:13:00 Reg: PC NH 1742914 VIN: 1FTSX31L84EA14672 Phone - ABANDONED 911 False Alarm Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson GOODHUE RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:14:43 Arvd-17:22:43 Clrd-17:29:51 1 Narrative: 12/14/2015 1730 confirmed accidental false Refer To Field Int: 15-21044 1719 Call Taker: Location/Address: 15-5907-FI Initiated - ASSIST CITIZEN Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson N MAIN ST Assistance Rendered 3 78 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-17:19:00 Clrd-17:22:46 Narrative: subject locked out of MV 15-21045 1735 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Warning Issued Arvd-17:35:00 Vehicle: 3 Clrd-17:37:34 Reg: PC NH 3524847 15-21046 1739 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Summons Issued 3 Arvd-17:39:00 Clrd-18:02:21 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:46:34 Arvd-17:46:36 Clrd-18:02:12 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore RED 2002 TOYT 2D CAMRY Reg: PC NH 3868862 VIN: 2T1CE22P32C002564 ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Vehicle: 15-21047 1801 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - FIGHT Patrol Officer CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Disp-18:01:43 Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Disp-18:01:46 Patrol Officer Disp-18:02:31 Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Disp-18:02:39 Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Disp-18:25:16 Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Arrest(s) Made 2 Robert S Moore Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-18:02:47 Joel C Jackson Jared Knox Clrd-18:34:54 Clrd-18:02:34 Jeffrey R Pike Arvd-18:04:26 Clrd-18:15:16 Arvd-18:04:23 Clrd-18:15:11 Arvd-18:25:19 Clrd-18:34:56 Joel C Jackson Joel C Jackson Seth Plumer Joel C Jackson Joel C Jackson Robert S Moore Joel C Jackson Joel C Jackson Joel C Jackson 12/14/2015 1811 one in custody for criminal trespass Narrative: 12/14/2015 1814 s/m 830205.5 Narrative: 12/14/2015 1816 e/m 83025.8 Narrative: 12/14/2015 1835 subject processed and released on a summons 1/21/16 Narrative: 12/14/2015 1836 Refer To Arrest: 15-21048 1836 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: one in custody Billy Glenn Victoria Jr (9/30/95) 9 Mt Washington St Derry, NH 1 charge Criminal Trespass 15-1025-AR Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Warning Issued Arvd-18:36:00 Clrd-18:38:57 3 79 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Vehicle: Thru: 01/17/2016 BLK 2013 KIA HT SOUL 15-21049 1842 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0000 - 2359 Reg: PC NH 3509793 Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson MADDEN RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer VIN: KNDJT2A57D7634016 Not Served Arvd-18:42:00 Cleared By: 1901 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Patrol Officer Robert S Moore PINE ISLE DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 15-21051 1933 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Refer To Field Int: 15-21052 1955 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-19:05:43 Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Matter Rectified Patrol Officer Robert S Moore LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:35:12 Arvd-19:38:22 Clrd-19:57:49 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-19:35:20 Arvd-19:39:17 Clrd-19:57:26 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson 12/14/2015 1957 no crimes 2 mediated 15-5902-FI Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Warning Issued Arvd-19:55:00 Vehicle: 3 Clrd-19:58:25 Reg: PC NH LESCO 2009 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Clrd-19:00:56 Served Arvd-19:01:00 ID: 3 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 15-21050 15-21053 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-20:09:43 Arvd-20:14:01 Clrd-21:11:26 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:15:06 Arvd-20:19:50 Clrd-20:19:53 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:21:07 Arvd-20:21:09 Clrd-20:42:46 Narrative: 12/14/2015 2015 NH 3549531 and NH 3475734 Narrative: 12/14/2015 2019 wrecker requested for 3475734 route Spacetown in Narrative: 12/14/2015 2026 onwer of NH 3549531 requesting Recovery Solutions for a tow Narrative: 12/14/2015 2033 wrecker on scene Narrative: 12/14/2015 2040 recovery s on scene Narrative: 12/14/2015 2046 reportable Stratos Narrative: 12/14/2015 2104 wrecker on scene Refer To Field Int: Refer To Accident: 15-5916-FI 15-838-AC VS Plouffe 1 80 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21054 2027 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Not Served Arvd-20:27:00 15-21055 2031 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 2033 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 3 Clrd-20:28:31 Served Arvd-20:31:00 15-21056 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-20:36:39 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Investigated Patrol Officer Robert S Moore WALNUT HILL RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:43:37 Arvd-20:57:54 Clrd-21:13:36 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-20:43:41 Arvd-20:57:56 Clrd-21:13:32 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson 2 12/14/2015 2034 REQUEST TO CHECK ON CHILD Narrative: 12/14/2015 2113 no reported crimes Refer To Field Int: 15-21057 2102 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: child is fine 15-5903-FI Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Arrest(s) Made Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson FRANKLIN ST EXT Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-21:03:58 Arvd-21:05:06 Clrd-22:41:29 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-21:04:03 Arvd-21:05:05 Clrd-21:31:55 Narrative: requesting KTP to grab clothes Narrative: 12/14/2015 2119 one in custody for DV assault Narrative: 12/14/2015 2122 transporting 1 adult male s/m 41865.9 Narrative: 12/14/2015 2123 e/ 41866.3 Narrative: 12/14/2015 2129 in custody Christopher Johnson (5/24/92) 109 Franklin St Ext 3a Derry, NH 03038 Narrative: 12/14/2015 2130 subject requesting a BC Narrative: 12/14/2015 2131 BC paged and in route Narrative: 12/14/2015 2140 1 count of DV simple assault processed and placed in Cell #3 Narrative: 12/14/2015 2240 bail set at $1,000 PR court date 12/15/15 per BC Jagowski Narrative: 12/14/2015 2241 subject released 1 81 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Arrest: 15-21058 2111 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-1026-AR Phone - NOISE Patrol Officer CENTRAL ST Patrol Officer Disp-21:15:07 Patrol Officer COMPLAINT Robert S Moore Services Rendered James M McClafferty Arvd-21:18:55 Joel C Jackson 2 Clrd-21:20:09 12/14/2015 2112 LOUD MUSIC Narrative: 12/14/2015 2120 QUIET UPON ARRIVAL 15-21059 2247 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FRANKLIN ST EXT Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:55:10 Arvd-22:55:11 Clrd-23:15:30 2 Narrative: 12/14/2015 2255 737 transporting subject to Franklin St s/m: 83063.8 Narrative: 12/14/2015 2257 737 off on Franklin St e/m: 83064.2 15-21060 2306 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Arrived By: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-23:07:02 Clrd-23:07:10 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:07:06 Arvd-23:11:39 Clrd-23:38:46 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-23:07:08 Arvd-23:09:03 Clrd-23:38:45 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:15:28 Arvd-23:15:29 Clrd-23:38:44 2 Narrative: 12/14/2015 2338 subjects checked and sent on their way Refer To Field Int: For Date: 12/15/2015 15-21061 0034 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-21063 0128 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: - 15-5889-FI Tuesday Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 15] HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:34:00 Clrd-00:36:56 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BGE 2001 ACUR SU MDXT Reg: PC NH 1920339 VIN: 2HNYD18601H504853 Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Patrol Officer Robert S Moore LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-01:30:17 Arvd-01:35:44 Clrd-02:11:12 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-01:30:20 Arvd-01:35:44 Clrd-02:06:55 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-01:37:28 Arvd-01:37:29 Clrd-02:11:11 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 1 82 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-01:40:59 Arvd-01:40:59 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-02:05:56 12/15/2015 0129 loud talking/yelling Refer To Field Int: 15-21064 0205 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: 15-5909-FI Phone - PROWLING Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-02:05:29 Arvd-02:10:32 Clrd-02:53:41 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-02:05:59 Clrd-02:06:59 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-02:06:58 Arvd-02:12:09 Clrd-02:50:28 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-02:07:29 Arvd-02:10:45 Clrd-02:53:40 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-02:11:49 Arvd-02:17:02 Clrd-02:49:25 2 Narrative: 12/15/2015 0205 report of subjects in yard of business, fled into woods Narrative: 12/15/2015 0235 units checking a vehicle behind Vincents Auto Narrative: 12/15/2015 0242 units clear the check, determined to be an employee Refer To Incident: 15-21065 0209 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2567-OF Initiated - MV REPO Vehicle Towed Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Arvd-02:09:00 Clrd-02:10:36 1 Narrative: 12/15/2015 0210 2015 GMC Sierra - owner unaware 15-21066 0231 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21067 0249 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 15-21068 0304 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Arvd-02:31:00 Clrd-02:35:02 BLK 2015 HOND CP ACCORD Reg: PC NH 3586493 VIN: 1HGCT1A37FA005025 Initiated - DISABLED MV Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-02:49:00 Clrd-02:54:13 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-02:50:30 Arvd-02:50:31 Clrd-02:54:14 Reg: PC RI 105163 3 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BRANDYWINE COM Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-03:05:12 Arvd-03:06:15 Clrd-03:10:24 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-03:05:13 Arvd-03:08:48 Clrd-03:10:23 2 Narrative: 12/15/2015 0304 lights flickering on and off 83 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/15/2015 0310 determined to be a malfunctioning sensor light, no problems found Refer To Field Int: 15-21069 0423 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-5913-FI Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 6] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-04:24:21 Arvd-04:26:55 Clrd-04:32:32 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-04:24:22 Arvd-04:29:19 Clrd-04:32:31 1 Narrative: 12/15/2015 0424 front door alarm Narrative: 12/15/2015 0428 off with cleaning crew Refer To Field Int: 15-21070 0553 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-5914-FI Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-05:54:46 Arvd-05:57:08 Clrd-06:25:03 GRN 1988 FORD PU RANGER Reg: PC NH 3670218 VIN: 1FTCR11T3JUD14771 GRY 2010 HYUN SU SANTA FE Reg: PC NH 81700 VIN: 5NMSGDAB2AH356270 12/15/2015 0559 off with NH 81700 and NH 3670218 Narrative: 12/15/2015 0624 Davis v Smith - reportable Refer To Accident: 15-21071 0637 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Towed: Vehicle: Towed: Narrative: 15-839-AC Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ENGLISH RANGE RD + BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-06:38:05 Arvd-06:39:30 Clrd-07:38:30 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-06:38:06 Arvd-06:39:41 Clrd-07:21:47 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-06:41:47 Arvd-06:46:29 Clrd-07:21:43 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-07:16:38 Arvd-07:16:40 Clrd-07:21:46 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SIL 2011 MAZD 4D 3 Reg: PC NH 3171760 VIN: JM1BL1U69B1448593 For: Accident By: Recovery Solutions GRY 2002 MAZD 4D 626 Reg: PC NH 3931033 VIN: 1YVGF22FX25289303 For: Accident By: Londonderry BP Towing 12/15/2015 0640 off with NH 3931033 and NH 3171760 Narrative: 12/15/2015 0656 NEXT ON LIST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING NH 3171760. Narrative: 12/15/2015 0657 NEXT ON LIST LBP TOWING NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING FOR NH 3931033 Narrative: 12/15/2015 0712 RECOVERY AND LBP ON SCENE Narrative: 84 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 12/15/2015 0731 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-21072 0756 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21073 0807 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0000 - 2359 SMITH VS GENDRON 15-840-AC Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-07:56:00 Initiated - JUVENILE OFFENSES Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus 15-21074 0840 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 2 Clrd-08:02:22 Services Rendered Arvd-08:07:00 Refer To Field Int: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 2 Clrd-08:31:26 15-5920-FI Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 1009] HILLSIDE AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-08:41:27 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:41:28 No Action Required 1 Clrd-08:43:03 Clrd-08:43:05 Narrative: 12/15/2015 0842 CANCELLED BY ALARM COMPANY PRIOR TO ARRIVAL 15-21075 0844 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand DUBEAU DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Services Rendered Arvd-08:44:00 15-21076 0905 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Clrd-08:58:41 Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-09:06:56 Arvd-09:06:59 Clrd-10:39:02 2 Narrative: 12/15/2015 0905 SUBJECT IN THE LOBBY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR THEFT BY UNAUTHORIZED TAKING AND THEFT OF SERVICES Narrative: 12/15/2015 0943 IDENTIFIED AS: STEPHANIE COGSWELL 35 CRYSTAL AVE 2FL DERRY NH DOB 12/14/80 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1038 RELEASED ON $2000 PR BAIL WITH COURT 1/21/16 PER BC DOYLE Refer To Arrest: 15-21077 0908 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1027-AR Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 111 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Services Rendered Arvd-09:08:00 Clrd-09:21:04 15-21078 0917 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TAYLOR BROOK LN Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-09:21:13 Arvd-09:27:32 Clrd-09:51:06 Refer To Field Int: 15-5943-FI 15-21079 0952 Call Taker: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 2 No Action Required 1 2 85 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-09:52:00 15-21080 1003 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Clrd-09:58:01 No Action Required Arvd-10:03:00 15-21081 1008 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd BLK 2010 NISS SENTRA Reg: Clrd-10:07:45 Warning Issued Arvd-10:08:00 NH 3136049 1012 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAU Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Scott A Tompkins Arvd-10:12:00 Clrd-10:12:49 Refer To Incident: 15-2568-OF 1027 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GRINNELL RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Services Rendered Arvd-10:27:00 15-21084 1119 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: 3 Clrd-10:15:13 15-21082 15-21083 2 2 2 Clrd-10:49:24 Phone - WELFARE CHECK No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand DERRYFIELD RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:55:21 Clrd-13:00:46 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:55:25 Clrd-13:00:56 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-13:10:28 Arvd-13:14:56 Clrd-13:17:58 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:11:32 Arvd-13:14:54 Clrd-13:18:08 2 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1316 NH# 3524944 IN THE DRIVEWAY Narrative: 12/15/2015 1318 Refer To Field Int: SUBJECT LOCATED AND ALL IS WELL 15-5906-FI 15-21085 1124 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - LANDLORD/TENATE DISPUTE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:25:05 Arvd-11:26:57 Clrd-11:33:39 ID: Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:25:09 Clrd-11:29:00 Refer To Field Int: 15-5905-FI 15-21086 1125 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: 911 - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY + MCALLISTER CT Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-11:27:03 Arvd-11:31:15 Clrd-12:03:45 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-11:27:06 Arvd-11:31:18 Clrd-11:49:39 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-12:03:24 Arvd-12:03:26 Clrd-12:26:22 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-12:14:20 Arvd-12:23:22 Clrd-13:17:01 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1125 FEMALE STUMBLING ON SIDEWALK 2 2 86 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1139 407 TRANSPORTING ONE TO ELM ST SM 14032.2 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1142 407 OFF AT ELM ST EM 14032.8 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1148 407 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY FOR PC Narrative: 12/15/2015 1148 407 EN ROUTE TO HQ WITH ONE SM 14032.8 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1152 407 OFF AT HQ EM 14033.9 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1204 IDENTIFIED AS: REBECCA BEDROCK 11 ELM ST APT D DERRY NH DOB 9/26/78 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1207 PLACED IN CELL 1 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1224 407 EN ROUTE TO PMC WITH ONE SM 14036.8 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1230 407 OFF AT PMC EM 14038.2 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1317 Refer To P/C: RELEASED TO PMC STAFF 15-1028-AR 15-21087 1128 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MARTIN ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:23:43 Arvd-12:26:45 Clrd-12:34:31 ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-12:23:47 Arvd-12:25:38 Clrd-12:34:33 Refer To Incident: 15-2569-OF 15-21088 1131 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: Phone - INVOL EMERGENCY ADMISSION Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-11:49:45 Arvd-11:53:35 Clrd-13:18:37 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:49:48 Arvd-11:55:12 Clrd-12:15:00 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:01:13 Clrd-12:05:08 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:22:46 Arvd-12:22:56 Clrd-12:35:53 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1205 134 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY AS AN IEA Narrative: 12/15/2015 1207 134 EN ROUTE TO PMC WITH ONE SM 41893.4 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1216 134 OFF AT PMC EM 41895.2 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1318 Refer To Arrest: SUBJECT RELEASED TO HOSPITAL STAFF 15-1029-AR 2 2 87 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-21089 1155 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand NEWHOUSE DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:20:57 Arvd-13:41:42 Clrd-13:54:22 Refer To Field Int: 15-5932-FI 2 15-21090 2 1156 Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT No Action Required Call Taker: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Location/Address: LINLEW DR Narrative: 12/15/2015 1157 SUBJECT LEFT PRIOR TO ARRIVAL. CALLER NO LONGER WANTED TO SPEAK TO AN OFFICER 15-21091 1215 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Warning Issued Arvd-12:15:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21092 1235 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 3 Clrd-12:22:46 NH 3431765 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Lieutenant Eric T Kester [DY 2666] DUBEAU DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:36:42 Arvd-12:47:57 Clrd-12:53:32 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:36:48 Arvd-12:46:18 Clrd-12:53:34 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 Front door activation Refer To Field Int: 15-21093 1300 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-5942-FI Phone - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MARTIN ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-13:00:46 Arvd-13:06:26 Clrd-13:10:28 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:00:56 Arvd-13:06:18 Clrd-13:10:14 2 Narrative: SUBJECT LOCATED AND ALL IS WELL 15-21094 1329 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ROAD HAZARD Matter Rectified Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:30:07 Arvd-13:30:09 Clrd-13:30:58 2 Narrative: BLOWN OVER STOP SIGN 15-21095 1336 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Radio - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HOPE HILL RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-13:37:51 TRANSPORTED Arvd-13:40:39 1 Clrd-13:43:30 Narrative: FOUND DOG Narrative: 12/15/2015 1343 Refer To Field Int: 15-21096 1339 ENROUTE WITH K9 TO ACO 15-5904-FI Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required 2 88 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Sergeant Edward W Budroe Arvd-13:39:00 15-21097 1352 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PEARL ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Warning Issued Arvd-13:52:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21098 1439 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1505 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson GLD 1989 HOND ACCORD 1548 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-13:58:09 NH NINASKY No Action Required Arvd-14:39:00 15-21099 Clrd-13:46:25 Clrd-14:53:11 Warning Issued Arvd-15:05:00 NH 2553258 Reg: 2 3 Clrd-15:15:07 15-21100 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power SAINT CHARLES ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-15:48:00 Clrd-16:44:51 2 15-21101 Phone - SHOOTING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christina L Power JOSEPH ST Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:51:20 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-15:51:23 2 1550 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-16:00:35 Clrd-16:20:53 Arvd-16:20:48 Clrd-16:20:52 Narrative: checked and found no cirmes. 15-21102 1644 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Christina L Power FOLSOM RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-16:44:49 Arvd-16:44:59 Clrd-16:50:07 Vehicle: GRY 2001 CHEV SU TRACKER Reg: PC NH 1359073 VIN: 2CNBJ13C116944878 Refer To Field Int: 15-5926-FI 15-21103 1658 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power HIGHLAND AVE Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:59:02 Arvd-17:01:38 Clrd-17:11:01 2 Narrative: christmas decorations Refer To Incident: 15-21104 1710 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-2570-OF Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-17:11:16 Arvd-17:14:48 Clrd-18:48:24 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-17:11:18 Arvd-17:21:11 Clrd-18:23:35 Narrative: 12/15/2015 1721 DFD requested Refer To Incident: 15-2571-OF 2 89 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21105 1715 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Vehicle: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Jared Knox BLK 2012 JEEP PATRIOT 15-21106 1759 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0000 - 2359 Warning Issued Arvd-17:15:00 NH 3693005 Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: Clrd-18:04:18 1805 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - PROWLING Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power POND RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-18:07:16 Arvd-18:19:28 Clrd-18:48:11 Refer To Incident: 15-2573-OF 1807 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-18:07:00 Vehicle: Reg: 1822 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DRUG VIOLATION Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-18:23:24 Refer To Incident: 15-2572-OF 1825 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 15-21111 1854 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 2 3 Clrd-18:12:29 NH 3227292 15-21109 15-21110 3 NH V11959 15-21107 15-21108 3 Clrd-17:21:13 Warning Issued Arvd-17:59:00 Vehicle: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Report Taken Arvd-18:23:25 Walk-In - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-18:25:46 Arvd-18:28:14 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 Clrd-18:48:17 2 Clrd-19:15:33 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 2815] DERBY RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-18:56:04 Arvd-19:00:49 Clrd-19:04:30 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-18:56:08 Clrd-19:04:28 Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 12/15/2015 1855 interior motion Narrative: checked and all secure Refer To Field Int: 15-21112 1927 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-73-FI Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Robert S Moore BEAVER LAKE RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-19:28:52 Arvd-19:36:53 Clrd-19:44:24 2 Narrative: 15-21113 12/15/2015 1928 REPORT OF TWO VEHICLES RACING IN AREA 2011 Call Taker: Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Gone on Arrival 2 90 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-20:17:23 Arvd-20:20:04 Clrd-20:21:51 WHI 2002 CHEV 4D PRIZM Reg: PC NH 3839444 VIN: 1Y1SK54802Z415734 Vehicle: 15-21114 2018 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Walk-In - BURGLARY (B & E) PAST Report Taken Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 1297] BROOK ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-20:19:17 Arvd-20:19:20 Clrd-21:26:35 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 12/15/2015 2019 TOOLS STOLEN Refer To Incident: 15-21115 2105 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2574-OF Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Summons Issued Arvd-21:05:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21116 2138 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 3 Clrd-21:17:55 NH 3522939 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 2113] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-21:39:44 Clrd-21:39:51 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-21:39:47 Clrd-21:44:43 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-21:40:31 Arvd-21:42:03 Clrd-21:44:45 1 Narrative: 12/15/2015 2139 ATM ALARM Narrative: 12/15/2015 2144 FALSE ALARM - WORKER Refer To Field Int: 15-21117 2148 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21118 2157 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21119 2216 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-21120 2333 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5908-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 2341 Call Taker: 3 Arvd-21:48:00 Clrd-21:54:44 Reg: PC NH 3789733 VIN: KL8CD6S92EC411396 SIL 2014 CHEV SPARK Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike BLK 2009 DODG CALIBER Warning Issued 3 Arvd-21:57:00 Clrd-22:04:55 NH 3597585 VIN: 1B3HB48A29D143329 Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued 3 Arvd-22:16:00 Clrd-22:25:17 Dispatcher Christina L Power GRY 2015 HOND ACCORD Reg: NH 3847803 VIN: 1HGCR2E57FA058999 Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 151] E BROADWAY Detective Stephen E Clark Vehicle: SIL 2007 KIA 4D SPECTRA Refer To Field Int: 15-5917-FI 15-21121 Warning Issued Vehicle checked Arvd-23:33:00 Reg: PC NH 3673284 Initiated - TRANSPORT Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 1 Clrd-23:38:59 VIN: KNAFE122875408773 TRANSPORTED 3 91 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Arvd-23:41:00 Clrd-23:44:47 Narrative: 12/15/2015 2341 Transporting one from Tsienneto to 11 Linlew, s/m: 14,089 Narrative: 12/15/2015 2342 For Date: 12/16/2015 15-21122 0022 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: - Off on Linlew, e/m: 14,089 Wednesday Initiated - PED CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson SOUTH AVE + DESMARAIS AVE Detective Stephen E Clark SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-00:22:00 Refer To Field Int: 0527 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Clrd-00:24:43 15-5918-FI 15-21123 Phone - SHOOTING COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christine D Carlson GOODHUE RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-05:27:48 Arvd-05:31:35 Clrd-05:35:12 2 15-21124 Phone - TRAFFIC CONTROL Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson TSIENNETO RD + BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-06:18:47 Arvd-06:19:28 Clrd-06:23:52 3 15-21125 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christine D Carlson BRISTOL CT Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-06:23:56 Arvd-06:25:35 Clrd-06:28:03 2 0618 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0618 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: 12/16/2015 0618 15-21126 0639 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Warning Issued 1 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-06:40:36 Arvd-06:45:36 Clrd-06:50:17 BLU 2004 JEEP SU LIBERTY Reg: PC NH 3693232 VIN: 1J4GL48KX4W247641 12/16/2015 0639 15-21127 0747 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Red blazer w/ car alarm sounding Blue Jeep 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY + HOOD RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-07:48:00 Arvd-07:52:04 Clrd-08:14:25 1 Narrative: 12/16/2015 0755 OFF WITH NH 2038611 AND NH 3563889 Narrative: 12/16/2015 0813 NONREPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-21128 0759 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21129 0851 OLSON VS LOEFFLER 15-841-AC Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-07:59:00 Clrd-09:14:29 Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN ADVICE GIVEN 2 3 92 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HUMMINGBIRD LN Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-08:51:24 Refer To Field Int: 15-5940-FI 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21130 0919 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arvd-08:57:39 Clrd-09:11:55 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CENTRAL ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-09:19:00 Clrd-09:23:24 2 15-21131 Phone - RESTRAINING ORDER VIOLATIO Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:07:39 Arvd-10:11:03 Clrd-11:02:53 Refer To Incident: 15-2575-OF 2 15-21132 2 1007 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1038 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - CRIMINAL THREAT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HOOD RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-10:38:55 Arvd-10:43:48 Clrd-11:20:46 ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-10:49:08 Arvd-10:51:20 Clrd-11:20:45 Refer To Incident: 15-2576-OF 15-21133 1042 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 3011] NELSON FARM DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-10:43:45 No Action Required 1 Clrd-10:45:26 Narrative: 12/16/2015 1045 CANCELLED BY ALARM COMPANY PRIOR TO ARRIVAL 15-21134 1113 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-11:13:59 Refer To Field Int: 15-5941-FI 15-21135 1120 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-11:17:23 2 Clrd-11:57:07 Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT Matter Rectified Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SCENIC DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:26:10 Arvd-11:30:34 Clrd-11:42:33 2 Narrative: 12/16/2015 1142 DETERMINED TO BE AN EVERSOURCE CREW 15-21136 1123 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DEPARTMENT INFO Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:26:42 Arvd-11:31:59 Clrd-11:53:50 Refer To Incident: 15-2577-OF 15-21137 1146 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CENTRAL ST Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:47:00 Arvd-11:50:45 Clrd-11:53:42 3 1 Narrative: 12/16/2015 1146 TWO LOOSE DOGS 15-21138 1241 Call Taker: Location/Address: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PHILLIP RD No Action Required 2 93 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-12:41:00 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:44:29 Arvd-12:46:46 ID: 15-21139 1326 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:40:13 Arvd-13:47:10 ID: Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-13:40:31 Arvd-13:49:23 ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-13:46:32 Arvd-13:56:41 Refer To Field Int: 15-5925-FI 15-21140 1330 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 1339 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-13:00:35 Clrd-13:00:33 Rendered 2 Clrd-13:56:56 Clrd-13:56:55 Clrd-13:56:58 Warning Issued Arvd-13:30:00 15-21141 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-13:30:24 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-13:39:00 Clrd-13:44:35 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-13:44:30 Arvd-13:44:31 Clrd-13:45:42 3 911 - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:12:56 Arvd-14:12:58 Clrd-14:18:21 Refer To Field Int: 15-5927-FI Refer To Field Int: 15-5928-FI 3 ID: 15-21142 1412 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21143 1417 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand NORMAN DR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson No Action Required Arvd-14:17:00 15-21144 1428 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21145 1434 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CENTRAL ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-14:28:00 2 Clrd-14:28:44 2 Clrd-14:31:56 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:49:32 Arvd-14:51:38 Clrd-15:19:43 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 checked and no crimes reported. 15-21146 1448 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Warning Issued Arvd-14:48:00 Vehicle: 15-21147 1521 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 3 Clrd-14:52:26 NH 1367585 Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power HUMMINGBIRD LN Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:22:10 Arvd-15:28:01 Clrd-15:50:47 2 94 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:26:14 Arvd-15:26:15 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:50:44 Arvd-15:54:09 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:50:49 Arvd-15:50:50 ID: ID: Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-15:50:46 Clrd-16:10:40 Clrd-16:10:42 Narrative: television Narrative: 12/16/2015 1554 313 stopping NH reg 3676173, no issues sent on thier way Refer To Incident: 15-21148 1537 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2578-OF Phone - ABANDONED 911 Dispatcher Christina L Power PINGREE HILL RD Dispatcher Christina L Power Disp-15:39:13 No Action Required Arvd-15:39:14 1 Clrd-15:50:36 Narrative: determined to be a scared child, no issues. 15-21149 1610 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Warning Issued Arvd-16:10:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21150 1620 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 3 Clrd-16:16:46 MA 326FB6 Phone - NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power TAYLOR BROOK LN Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:20:54 Arvd-16:27:37 Clrd-17:42:56 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-16:20:55 Arvd-16:28:39 Clrd-16:54:50 2 Narrative: 12/16/2015 1646 one in custody on an EBW for reckless conduct. Narrative: 12/16/2015 1647 enroute to hq's s/m, 38233 Narrative: 12/16/2015 1707 off at hq's e/m 38240 with: Dumais,Jared 17 Taylor Brook Derry, NH dob 071689 Narrative: released on $500 PR bail with a Salem court date of 1/25/16 Refer To Arrest: Refer To Incident: 15-21151 1634 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1030-AR 15-2579-OF 911 - ABANDONED 911 Dispatcher Christina L Power TAYLOR BROOK LN Dispatcher Christina L Power Disp-16:35:06 No Action Required Arvd-16:35:08 1 Clrd-16:35:11 Narrative: no problem upon call back, dialed accidentally 15-21152 1726 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:29:57 Refer To Field Int: 15-5924-FI Services Rendered Arvd-17:39:49 Clrd-18:22:13 2 95 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-17:32:00 ID: Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:43:06 Arvd-17:58:15 Arrived By: Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Refer To Incident: 15-2578-OF Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 15-21153 1732 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21154 1805 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson HALLS VILLAGE RD Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-18:06:56 2 Clrd-18:22:21 Clrd-18:22:20 No Action Required Arvd-18:06:59 1 Clrd-18:07:15 Narrative: upon call back found to be a child playing with the phone 15-21155 1900 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Walk-In - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power N SHORE (BL) RD Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-19:00:29 Arvd-19:04:20 Clrd-19:04:55 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 2 12/16/2015 1905 theft of delivered packages Refer To Incident: 15-2580-OF 15-21156 2020 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - CRIMINAL THREAT Taken/Refered to Other A Patrol Officer Robert S Moore SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-20:21:58 Arvd-20:45:52 Clrd-21:09:54 Cleared By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Refer To Field Int: 15-5923-FI 15-21157 2049 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Christina L Power HUMMINGBIRD LN Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:50:42 Arvd-20:55:22 Clrd-21:05:07 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-20:50:47 Arvd-20:55:23 Clrd-21:05:06 2 1 Narrative: between mother/son Refer To Field Int: 15-21158 2057 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-21159 2116 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 15-21160 2123 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5921-FI Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Warning Issued 3 Arvd-20:57:00 Clrd-21:08:02 Dispatcher Christina L Power SIL 2006 JEEP SU GRAND CHEROKEE Reg: PC NH 3591526 VIN: 1J4HR5826C160053 Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Vehicle checked Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-21:17:07 Arvd-21:25:54 Clrd-21:36:41 Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore DERRY WAY Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 3 Warning Issued Arvd-21:23:00 Clrd-21:33:05 96 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Cleared By: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-21:28:00 Arvd-21:28:02 Clrd-21:33:09 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power SIL 2006 DODG VN CARAVAN Reg: PC NH 3705797 VIN: 1D4GP25B36B668746 Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-21161 2140 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Warning Issued Arvd-21:40:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21162 2218 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: 3 Clrd-21:45:35 NH 3853455 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-22:20:29 Arvd-22:24:14 Clrd-22:38:22 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-22:20:32 Arvd-22:24:02 Clrd-22:38:21 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 2 all quiet upon checking 15-21163 2220 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power OAK ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-22:21:16 Arvd-22:24:06 Clrd-22:38:46 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-22:21:21 Arvd-22:24:21 Clrd-22:38:44 2 Narrative: no problem upon checking Refer To Field Int: 15-21164 2313 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21165 2316 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21166 2317 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-5931-FI Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering A ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Arvd-23:13:00 Clrd-23:15:03 BLK 2003 TOYT 4D CAMRY Reg: PC NH 3896850 VIN: 4T1BE32K33U149909 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E DERRY RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-23:16:00 Clrd-23:19:54 BLK 2014 FORD 4D FUSION Reg: PC MA 814YB1 VIN: 3FA6P0HD6ER197279 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering A ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Arvd-23:17:00 Clrd-23:43:53 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:17:33 Arvd-23:19:53 Clrd-23:43:54 2 Narrative: 12/16/2015 2321 officers checking building Refer To Field Int: 15-21167 2322 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5930-FI Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCKINGHAM RD Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Arvd-23:22:00 Clrd-23:26:09 2 97 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21168 2323 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21169 2351 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N MAIN ST Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-23:23:00 Clrd-23:26:15 WHI 2001 FORD PU F250 Reg: PC NH 683846 VIN: 1FTNW21S31ED40487 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD + WISHING WELL LN Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-23:51:00 Clrd-23:59:49 WHI 2013 TOYT PLUG IN Reg: PC ME 9556QB VIN: JTDKN3DP7D3043175 15-21170 2356 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 2 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Arvd-23:56:00 Clrd-12/17/2015 @ 00:13:38 Vehicle: WHI 2001 MITS 4D MIRAGE Reg: PC NH 2701455 VIN: JA3AY26C41U032761 Refer To Field Int: 15-5929-FI 15-21171 2359 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:59:00 Clrd-12/17/2015 @ 00:03:37 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering GRY 2003 FORD SU EXPEDITION Reg: PC NH 3782424 VIN: 1FMFU16L73LB07972 Cleared By: Vehicle: For Date: 12/17/2015 15-21172 0106 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: - Thursday Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FERLAND DR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-01:08:28 Arvd-01:13:08 Clrd-01:23:11 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-01:08:28 Arvd-01:13:36 Clrd-01:23:12 2 Narrative: 12/17/2015 0123 quiet upon arrival Refer To Field Int: 15-5951-FI 15-21173 0143 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Warning Issued 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-01:43:00 Clrd-01:48:06 Vehicle: BRO 2006 JEEP SU WRANGLER Reg: PC MA 3GN863 VIN: 1J4FA39S16P773888 Refer To Field Int: 15-5952-FI 15-21174 0148 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Warning Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-01:48:00 Clrd-01:51:11 Vehicle: Reg: NH 3216897 Refer To Field Int: 15-5953-FI 1 15-21175 1 0154 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-01:54:00 Clrd-02:05:28 ID: Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-01:55:42 Arvd-01:59:57 Clrd-02:05:28 Refer To Field Int: 15-5950-FI 15-21176 0601 Call Taker: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Warning Issued 3 98 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: Printed: 01/22/2016 ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Vehicle: SIL 2001 NISS 4D SENTRA 15-21177 0719 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arvd-06:01:00 Reg: PC NH 3075055 Clrd-06:05:42 VIN: 3N1CB51D71L418231 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-07:20:25 Arvd-07:24:38 Clrd-08:16:12 1 Narrative: 12/17/2015 0733 STRUCK DEER Narrative: 12/17/2015 0749 MAXWELL VS DEER Refer To Accident: 0746 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-842-AC 15-21178 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BEACON HILL RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-07:46:00 Clrd-07:50:55 2 15-21179 Initiated - ASSAULT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus 1 0816 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Report Taken Arvd-08:16:00 Refer To Incident: Clrd-08:26:16 15-2581-OF 15-21180 0832 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - LANDLORD/TENATE DISPUTE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-08:33:32 Arvd-08:37:19 Clrd-08:56:51 ID: Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-08:46:56 Arvd-08:50:04 Clrd-08:56:52 Refer To Field Int: 15-5935-FI 15-21181 0849 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-08:49:53 Arvd-08:51:39 Clrd-08:55:45 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-08:50:02 Clrd-08:54:21 2 2 Narrative: 12/17/2015 0851 FEMALE SLEEPING IN PARKED TRUCK Narrative: 12/17/2015 0852 CHECKING NH 2854220 Refer To Field Int: 15-21182 0857 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 15-21183 0918 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5965-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-08:57:00 Clrd-09:03:30 Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-08:57:55 Arvd-08:58:56 Clrd-09:03:32 Reg: NH 3676159 3 Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-09:19:25 Arvd-09:22:41 Clrd-10:00:24 2 Narrative: 12/17/2015 0949 SUBJECT IN LOBBY TO BE BOOKED ON A PREVIOUS CHARGE OF RESISTING ARREST, SIMPLE ASSAULT, CRIMINAL 99 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 100 Printed: 01/22/2016 MISCHIEF, DISORDERLY CONDUCT AND CRIMINAL THREATENING (X3) Narrative: 12/17/2015 0958 IDENTIFIED AS: JASON GERRY 6 LAURENS CIR SALEM NH DOB 12/1/94 Narrative: 12/17/2015 0959 SUBJECT PREVIOUSLY ARRAIGNED AND RELEASED Refer To Arrest: 15-21184 0924 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0930 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-955-AR Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BEACON HILL RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-09:24:00 2 Clrd-09:25:08 15-21185 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand DAMREN RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-09:30:00 Clrd-09:35:07 2 15-21186 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BLACKBERRY RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:36:00 2 0936 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21187 0941 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Clrd-09:41:44 Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [BRE] NORTH RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-09:43:21 Arvd-10:25:23 Clrd-11:48:21 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-11:34:51 Arvd-11:34:53 Clrd-12:38:45 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:17:17 Arvd-12:19:47 Clrd-13:10:33 Narrative: 12/17/2015 0942 RC HOC HAS ONE IN CUSTODY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR SIMPLE ASSAULT Narrative: 12/17/2015 1038 739 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY. ONE SM 63193.1 EN ROUTE TO HQ WITH Narrative: 12/17/2015 1109 739 OFF AT HQ EM 63214.8 Narrative: 12/17/2015 1136 IDENTIFIED AS: DAVID MAKIN 120 CHASES GROVE RD DERRY NH DOB 12/27/73 Narrative: 12/17/2015 1148 PLACED IN CELL 3 Narrative: 12/17/2015 1232 BAIL SET AT $2500 PR WITH COURT 1/28/16 PER BC JAGLOWSKI. 739 TRANSPORTING SUBJECT TO BRENTWOOD SM 63216.1 Narrative: 12/17/2015 1302 OFF AT JAIL EM:63237.4 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Arrest: 15-21188 0950 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 101 Printed: 01/22/2016 15-1031-AR Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WARNER HILL RD + ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-09:55:43 Arvd-09:55:46 Clrd-10:50:17 3 Narrative: 12/17/2015 1155 BACKPACK Refer To Incident: 15-21189 1006 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2582-OF Initiated - ABANDONED MV Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Vehicle Towed Arvd-10:06:00 ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-10:24:27 SIL 2001 PONT 4D GRAND PRIX Vehicle: Narrative: 3 Clrd-10:51:06 Arvd-10:33:46 Clrd-10:50:24 Reg: TM NH 175961 VIN: 1G2WP52K51F104861 12/17/2015 1036 NEXT ON LIST BIRCH ST COLLISION NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 12/17/2015 1044 BIRCH ST ON SCENE Refer To Incident: 15-21190 1025 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2583-OF Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WALNUT HILL RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Services Rendered Arvd-10:25:00 1 Clrd-11:34:39 Narrative: 12/17/2015 1026 FOUND DOG Narrative: 12/17/2015 1050 DOG BROUGHT TO THE POUND Refer To Field Int: 1051 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5959-FI 15-21191 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FROST RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:06:55 Arvd-12:14:20 Clrd-12:19:26 2 15-21192 Walk-In - FINGERPRINTS Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike BEAVER LAKE AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-10:59:41 Arvd-10:59:43 Clrd-11:05:05 3 15-21193 Other - FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Brian K French Disp-11:08:17 Arvd-11:08:19 Clrd-11:09:43 Refer To Incident: 15-2584-OF 2 15-21194 1 1058 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1107 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1109 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:11:52 Arvd-11:24:47 Clrd-11:30:52 Refer To Field Int: 15-5939-FI 15-21195 1131 Call Taker: Location/Address: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 1164] OLD MANCHESTER RD No Action Required 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-11:31:24 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:31:28 ID: Page: 102 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-11:33:59 Clrd-11:34:02 Narrative: 12/17/2015 1134 CANCELLED BY ALARM COMPANY PRIOR TO ARRIVAL 15-21196 1142 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:26:04 Services Rendered Arvd-12:38:43 3 Clrd-13:01:57 Narrative: 12/17/2015 1143 FOUND SCOOTER Refer To Incident: 15-21197 1212 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-2586-OF Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:12:48 Arvd-12:16:56 Clrd-12:25:11 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-12:12:52 Arvd-12:19:54 Clrd-12:25:13 3 Narrative: 12/17/2015 1212 ASSIST DFD Refer To Field Int: 15-5937-FI 15-21198 1213 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ENDANGERING THE WELFAR Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-12:13:00 Clrd-12:14:06 Refer To Incident: 15-2585-OF 2 15-21199 3 1226 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ABANDONED MV Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:28:22 Arvd-12:50:03 Clrd-12:50:23 ID: Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:28:26 Clrd-12:31:00 ID: Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:36:58 Arvd-12:50:00 Clrd-12:50:17 Refer To Field Int: 15-5938-FI 15-21200 1231 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Warning Issued Arvd-12:31:00 Vehicle: Reg: Clrd-12:36:58 MA 1ZCV10 15-21201 1241 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ILLEGAL DUMPING/LITTERING Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-13:32:50 Arvd-13:48:32 Clrd-14:02:12 Refer To Incident: 15-2588-OF 15-21202 1258 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21203 3 Phone - ANNOYING PHONE CALLS Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OLESEN RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-13:03:53 Arvd-13:16:04 Clrd-13:52:19 2 3 Narrative: HARRASSSING COMMUNICATIONS 1325 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:26:38 Arvd-13:32:25 Page: 103 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-13:59:54 Narrative: 12/17/2015 1340 OFF WITH ME 9165VC AND MA 1GEX40 Refer To Accident: Refer To Field Int: 15-843-AC 16-49-FI 15-21204 1348 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - IDENTITY THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GULF RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:13:11 Arvd-14:31:42 Clrd-14:58:41 Cleared By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Refer To Incident: 15-2589-OF 2 15-21205 1 15-21206 2 1349 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Brian K French Disp-13:50:23 Arvd-13:50:25 Clrd-13:50:38 Refer To Field Int: 15-5956-FI 1354 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-13:55:10 Arvd-14:02:24 Clrd-14:12:05 Refer To Field Int: 15-6001-FI 15-21207 1403 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - WELFARE CHECK Services Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-14:03:59 Arvd-14:05:22 ID: Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-14:04:02 Arvd-14:15:07 Cleared By: Dispatcher Christina L Power ID: Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-14:31:39 Arvd-14:34:14 Cleared By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Refer To Field Int: 15-6020-FI 15-21208 1429 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 911 - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:46:24 Dispatcher Christina L Power Rendered Clrd-14:16:23 Clrd-15:23:06 Clrd-15:23:03 Report Taken Arvd-14:47:03 2 1 Clrd-15:39:42 12/17/2015 1447 OFF WITH NH 328328 AND NH 3687820 Narrative: 12/17/2015 1509 next AAA wrecker requested for NH reg 328328 Narrative: stowell v. parked car, full report Narrative: 12/17/2015 1532 wrecker on scene Narrative: Wallace vs Gonzalez, non reportable Refer To Accident: 15-21209 1430 Call Taker: 15-844-AC Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Vehicle checked 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 104 Printed: 01/22/2016 CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Arvd-14:30:00 Vehicle: Refer To Field Int: 15-21210 1441 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Clrd-14:41:09 Reg: MA 87045 15-5957-FI Phone - COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FORDWAY ST + AIKEN ST Dispatcher Christina L Power Disp-15:28:41 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Message Delivered Arvd-15:30:17 3 Clrd-15:30:19 citizen concerned about school bus driving. Narrative: 12/17/2015 1530 information relayed to company 15-21211 1500 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:10:48 Arvd-15:21:56 Clrd-15:39:52 Reg: NH 3753638 RED 1992 SUBA SW LEGACY Reg: PC NH 2504462 1 Wallace v Gonzales, NR. Refer To Accident: 15-21212 1521 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-845-AC Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power TINKHAM AVE Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue GRY 2008 BMW 4D 3 SERIES 15-21213 1524 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Warning Issued 3 Arvd-15:21:00 Clrd-15:31:04 NH 3164213 VIN: WBAVD53588A009286 Reg: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 3085] BEDARD AVE Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:30:49 Clrd-15:38:39 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-15:30:54 Arvd-15:38:38 Clrd-15:41:06 1 Narrative: tv room Narrative: confirmed false by owner. Refer To Field Int: 15-21214 1524 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5944-FI Phone - ILLEGAL DUMPING/LITTERING Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power SCHURMAN DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-15:41:29 Arvd-15:47:12 Clrd-15:55:17 2 Narrative: throwing trash into the woods. Narrative: spoken to and matter recitifed. Refer To Field Int: 15-21215 1546 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5947-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Christina L Power ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey SENT ON THEIR WAY 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-15:47:10 0000 - 2359 Arvd-15:50:20 Page: 105 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-15:59:49 Narrative: female going from business to business Refer To Field Int: 15-21216 1555 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5961-FI Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE + LINCOLN ST Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-15:56:14 Cleared Arvd-15:59:47 2 Clrd-16:01:41 Narrative: blk p/up 15-21217 1706 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21218 1734 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-17:06:00 Clrd-17:13:14 Reg: NH 2578680 3 Initiated - DISABLED MV Vehicle Towed 3 Dispatcher Christina L Power FORDWAY ST + BROOK ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-17:34:00 Clrd-18:22:17 BLK 2002 GMC PU SONOMA Reg: PC NH 2751005 VIN: 1GTCS14W528239012 AAA notified and responding Narrative: 12/17/2015 1816 wrecker on scene Refer To Field Int: 15-21219 1736 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-5948-FI Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Christina L Power N HIGH ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:38:13 Arvd-17:45:43 Clrd-17:54:02 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-17:38:16 Arvd-17:41:03 Clrd-17:54:01 1 Narrative: between father/daughter Refer To Field Int: 15-21220 1821 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-5936-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe PIERCE AVE Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-18:23:43 Arvd-18:24:47 Clrd-18:33:19 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-18:23:45 Clrd-18:33:17 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 12/17/2015 1822 loud noise in the area of Alexander Carr 15-21221 1830 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - CRIMINAL TRESPASS Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 1657] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-18:31:16 Arvd-18:33:25 Clrd-18:40:30 ID: Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:31:20 Arvd-18:37:35 Clrd-18:40:32 Refer To Field Int: 15-5949-FI 15-21222 1839 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm 2 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 211] HOOD RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:40:36 Arvd-18:47:27 ID: Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-18:40:38 Arvd-18:47:28 Refer To Field Int: 15-5945-FI Page: 106 Printed: 01/22/2016 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21223 1848 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Clrd-18:48:16 Clrd-18:48:14 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power N HIGH ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:49:27 Arvd-18:53:34 Clrd-18:58:08 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-18:49:32 Arvd-18:51:09 Clrd-18:58:07 2 Narrative: no problem upon checking 15-21224 1851 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSAULT Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Dana P Park Disp-18:52:17 Report Taken Arvd-18:52:32 1 Clrd-18:52:35 Narrative: see detectives report. Refer To Incident: 15-2590-OF 15-21225 1851 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - UNAUTHORIZED USE Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-18:52:37 Arvd-18:52:40 Clrd-19:53:57 Refer To Incident: 15-2591-OF 15-21226 1905 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 1715] COLE RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-19:07:28 Arvd-19:23:26 Clrd-19:23:46 2 1 Narrative: no issues, child playing with the phone Refer To Field Int: 15-21227 1952 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5946-FI Walk-In - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe TINKHAM AVE Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:54:52 Arvd-19:54:54 2 Clrd-20:00:10 Narrative: 12/17/2015 1953 Lolo's garage 15-21228 2000 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Arrived By: Vehicle: 15-21229 2109 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Initiated - MV STOP No Action Required 3 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-20:00:00 Clrd-20:10:07 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-20:01:00 Arvd-20:05:33 Clrd-20:10:10 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue SIL 2000 FORD PU F150 Reg: PC NH 3105043 VIN: 1FTZX1720YKA70887 Phone - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSHIRE DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:09:25 Arvd-21:09:27 Clrd-21:39:47 Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith Patrol Officer James M McClafferty 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Disp-21:09:47 Arvd-21:09:49 Cleared By: Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith Refer To Field Int: 15-5977-FI Page: 107 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-21:39:44 15-21230 2310 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HUMPHREY RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-23:10:00 Clrd-23:17:44 Vehicle: SIL 2014 SUBA SW OUTBACK Reg: PC NH 3608737 VIN: 4S4BRBDC0E3284732 Refer To Field Int: 15-5969-FI 15-21231 2325 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21232 2341 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering RT 28 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-23:25:00 Clrd-23:30:14 BLK 2015 TOYT 4D COROLLA Reg: PC CT 2ATHE2 VIN: 2T1BURHE6FC372782 Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made 2 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe [MHT] MANCHESTER P.D. Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:44:23 Arvd-00:51:27 Clrd-12/18/2015 @ 01:32:01 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 12/17/2015 2342 Manchester has one in custody on a DPD warrant for Theft (x2) and Theft by Deception Narrative: 12/18/2015 0051 318 has subject in custody, transporting to DPDHQ s/m: 67475.8 Narrative: 12/18/2015 0105 318 off at DPDHQ e/m: 67486.2 Narrative: 12/18/2015 0129 placed in cell #3 Narrative: 12/18/2015 0130 Subject Info: Matthew Muscarella 3a Blueberry Rd Derry, NH DOB:2/6/87 Arrested on a warrant for Theft (2 cts) and Theft by Deception Narrative: 12/18/2015 0209 bail set at $2000 PR court date 1/28/15 per BC Jaglowski Narrative: 12/18/2015 0212 subject released Refer To Arrest: For Date: 12/18/2015 - 15-1032-AR Friday 15-21233 0235 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PED CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-02:35:00 Clrd-02:35:25 Refer To Field Int: 15-5968-FI 15-21234 0338 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV REPO Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Vehicle Towed 2 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Arvd-03:38:00 Page: 108 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-03:53:07 Narrative: 12/18/2015 0338 2014 Chevy Cruze - owner unaware 15-21235 0649 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: 15-21236 0731 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-07:36:41 Arvd-07:40:35 Clrd-07:49:16 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 2 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-07:34:35 Clrd-07:35:40 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-07:34:39 Arvd-07:53:13 Clrd-07:55:14 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-07:35:31 Arvd-07:53:15 Clrd-07:55:11 2 Narrative: 12/18/2015 0755 SUSPICIOUS FEMALE WALKING IN THE AREA 15-21237 0735 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Report Taken Arvd-07:35:00 1 Clrd-08:17:14 Narrative: 12/18/2015 0740 OFF WITH NH 3582237 AND NH 3278530 Narrative: 12/18/2015 0813 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-21238 0810 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: SILVA VS PARKED CAR 15-846-AC Phone - VANDALISM Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OLD AUBURN RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-08:11:52 Arvd-08:18:03 Clrd-08:47:12 3 Narrative: 12/18/2015 0811 DAMAGE TO LAWN Refer To Incident: 15-21239 0841 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: ID: 15-2593-OF Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [HM] ASHWORTH AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-09:17:06 Arvd-10:04:31 Clrd-11:20:45 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-11:20:42 Arvd-11:20:43 Clrd-11:48:00 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-11:21:05 Clrd-11:21:11 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-12:19:15 Arvd-12:19:16 Clrd-14:08:51 Narrative: 12/18/2015 0844 HAMPTON PD HAS ONE IN CUSTODY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR VIOLATION OF PROTECTIVE ORDER AND STALKING Narrative: 12/18/2015 1012 726 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY. HAMPTON PD TO HQ. SM 83277.0 Narrative: EN ROUTE FROM 12/18/2015 1057 726 OFF AT HQ EM 83312.1 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 109 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/18/2015 1112 IDENTIFIED AS: JEANNE MILEY 11 SEAVIEW AVE HAMPTON NH DOB 1/25/52 Narrative: 12/18/2015 1129 BAIL SET AT NO BAIL PER BC DOYLE Narrative: 12/18/2015 1153 PLACED IN CELL 1 Narrative: 12/18/2015 1211 SUBJECT CHECKED Narrative: 12/18/2015 1224 726 TRANSPORTING ONE TO DDC SM 83322.4 Narrative: 12/18/2015 1228 726 OFF AT DDC EM 83323.5 Narrative: 12/18/2015 1408 SUBJECT RELEASED BY THE COURT Refer To Arrest: 15-21240 0923 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1033-AR Initiated - TRAFFIC CONTROL Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand KENDALL POND RD + MICHAEL AVE Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:23:00 Clrd-09:27:00 3 Narrative: 12/18/2015 0923 ASSISTING TOW TRUCK WITH TRAFFIC CONTROL 15-21241 0927 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-09:28:19 Arvd-09:32:18 Clrd-09:54:01 3 Narrative: 12/18/2015 0954 ASSIST DFD WITH TRAFFIC 15-21242 0955 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Warning Issued Arvd-09:55:00 Vehicle: 15-21243 0956 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 1005 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd No Action Required Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 15-21245 1009 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 2 Clrd-10:00:53 Warning Issued Arvd-10:05:00 Vehicle: Clrd-09:59:33 NH 3225014 Arvd-09:56:00 15-21244 3 3 Clrd-10:08:53 NH 1071253 Phone - NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-10:09:44 Arvd-10:15:41 Clrd-10:51:15 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-10:09:48 Arvd-10:15:43 Refer To Incident: 15-2594-OF Refer To Field Int: 15-6116-FI Page: 110 Printed: 01/22/2016 ID: 1042 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-10:51:13 15-21246 Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-10:42:53 Arvd-10:42:58 Clrd-11:40:05 3 15-21247 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 3 1053 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-10:53:00 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-10:54:31 Arvd-10:54:32 Reg: MA 9170MA ID: Vehicle: 15-21248 1110 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd 1117 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ABANDONED 911 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-11:52:19 Refer To Field Int: 15-6023-FI Clrd-10:55:50 No Action Required Arvd-11:10:00 15-21249 Clrd-10:58:58 Clrd-11:19:38 Services Rendered Arvd-11:56:42 2 1 Clrd-12:05:19 15-21250 1120 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:20:49 Arvd-11:25:10 Clrd-11:49:45 Cleared By: Lieutenant Eric T Kester ID: Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:20:53 Arvd-11:26:06 Clrd-11:51:32 ID: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-11:21:19 Arvd-11:25:17 Clrd-11:49:15 Cleared By: Lieutenant Eric T Kester Refer To Incident: 15-2596-OF 2 15-21251 2 1150 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - PROWLING Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OLD CHESTER RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:51:21 Arvd-11:54:33 Clrd-12:22:41 Refer To Incident: 15-2595-OF 15-21252 1220 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - ABANDONED 911 Lieutenant Eric T Kester [DY 1439] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:21:10 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Services Rendered Arvd-12:24:24 1 Clrd-12:27:09 abd 911, no answer Refer To Field Int: 15-21253 1233 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5964-FI Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Dana P Park Disp-12:33:56 Arvd-12:34:01 Clrd-12:34:03 Refer To Field Int: 15-5998-FI 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21254 1248 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - JUVENILE OFFENSES Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus 0000 - 2359 Services Rendered Arvd-12:48:00 Refer To Field Int: 15-21255 1251 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Page: 111 Printed: 01/22/2016 2 Clrd-13:18:22 15-6024-FI 911 - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:53:42 Report Taken Arvd-12:53:44 1 Clrd-13:45:22 Narrative: 12/18/2015 1312 OFF WITH NH 1405111 AND NH 3800837 Narrative: 12/18/2015 1312 NH 3800837 REQUEST AAA. NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 12/18/2015 1334 AAA ON SCENE Narrative: 12/18/2015 1344 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: Refer To Field Int: 1326 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Watkins V. Reppucci 15-847-AC 16-48-FI 15-21256 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Matter Rectified Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TINKHAM AVE Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-13:26:00 Clrd-13:58:15 2 15-21257 Phone - INVOL EMERGENCY ADMISSION Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:43:57 Arvd-13:47:05 Clrd-14:17:53 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-13:44:00 Arvd-13:49:01 Clrd-14:17:51 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-13:52:14 Arvd-13:52:16 Clrd-14:17:56 2 1343 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Narrative: 12/18/2015 1344 SUSPICIOUS MALE IN DUNKIN DONUTS Narrative: 12/18/2015 1356 DFD NOTIFIED Narrative: 12/18/2015 1357 110 TRANSPORTING ONE TO PMC AS AN IEA 42205.5 SM Narrative: 12/18/2015 1359 110 OFF AT PMC Refer To P/C: EM 42205.7 15-1034-AR 15-21258 1402 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-14:03:17 Arvd-14:03:19 Clrd-14:03:20 Refer To Field Int: 15-5999-FI 15-21259 1406 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:07:32 Arvd-14:12:28 Clrd-14:47:09 1 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 112 Printed: 01/22/2016 12/18/2015 1414 OFF WITH NH V10717 AND NH 2967405 Narrative: 12/18/2015 1446 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-21260 1408 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: AVILA VS SAMPSON 15-848-AC Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand QUINCY DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti No Action Required Arvd-14:08:00 15-21261 1416 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINDA RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Clrd-14:18:12 Report Taken Arvd-14:16:00 2 1 Clrd-14:16:29 Narrative: 12/18/2015 1416 DOG BITE Refer To Incident: 15-2597-OF 15-21262 1423 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - FINGERPRINTS Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:24:10 Refer To Field Int: 15-5963-FI Services Rendered Arvd-14:24:12 Clrd-14:34:44 15-21263 1440 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand DUBEAU DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-14:44:07 Arvd-14:47:29 Clrd-14:53:43 Refer To Field Int: 15-5955-FI 15-21264 1446 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 3 Phone - DISABLED MV Vehicle Towed Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-14:46:14 Arvd-14:50:27 Clrd-16:04:12 Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 3 12/18/2015 1452 OFF WITH NH G21682 Narrative: 12/18/2015 1552 wrecker on scene 15-21265 1527 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power PAUL AVE Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-15:27:50 Arvd-15:37:47 Clrd-15:42:21 1 Narrative: checked and found no issues. Refer To Field Int: 15-21266 1528 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21267 1542 Call Taker: Location/Address: 15-5960-FI Phone - CRIMINAL TRESPASS Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:30:06 Arvd-15:37:41 Clrd-16:16:03 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-15:30:15 Arvd-15:37:42 Clrd-16:15:19 2 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christina L Power PARKLAND DR 1 Gone on Arrival Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:16:30 Arvd-16:20:54 Page: 113 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-16:24:12 Narrative: blue jeep with dogs inside. 15-21268 1613 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:13:51 Arvd-16:16:37 Clrd-17:42:16 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-16:14:00 Arvd-16:19:10 Clrd-16:26:04 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-16:19:25 Arvd-16:19:27 Clrd-16:26:01 2 Narrative: 12/18/2015 1620 one in protective custody Narrative: id'ed as: Sorenson,Michael homeless dob 121765 12/18/2015 1625 transporting to RCJ s/m 14282 Narrative: 12/18/2015 1701 off at RCJ e/m 14303 Refer To P/C: 15-21269 1634 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1035-AR Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power TINKHAM AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Cleared Arvd-16:34:00 2 Clrd-16:56:19 15-21270 1643 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power SHILAH DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:44:34 Arvd-16:49:04 Clrd-17:23:42 Refer To Incident: 15-2598-OF 15-21271 1650 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 1654 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-16:50:00 Clrd-16:56:30 SIL 2005 HYUN 4D ACCENT Reg: PC NH 2142492 VIN: KMHCG45C45U655714 15-21272 Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power CENTRAL ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-16:56:28 Arvd-17:23:57 Clrd-17:23:59 3 15-21273 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-17:57:00 Clrd-18:03:54 2 15-21274 Initiated - MV STOP No Action Required 3 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-18:11:00 Clrd-18:15:54 SIL 2004 MERC 4D MARQUIS Reg: PC NH 3839651 VIN: 2MEFM75W74X696883 1757 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1811 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21275 1836 Call Taker: Location/Address: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power ISLAND POND RD Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 114 Printed: 01/22/2016 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-18:36:00 Clrd-18:41:33 SIL 1998 MERC 4D SABLE Reg: PC NH 3120495 VIN: 1MEFM53S6WA642667 Vehicle: 15-21276 1919 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - DISABLED MV Patrol Officer Jeffrey CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Patrick Disp-19:20:21 Dispatcher Christina L Dispatcher Christina L Gone on Arrival 3 M Dawe Starkey Arvd-19:26:42 Clrd-19:26:44 Power Power 12/18/2015 1920 Red small vehicle in the roadway 15-21277 1957 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Arrest(s) Made Arvd-19:57:00 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:04:22 Arvd-20:04:27 Reg: NH 3859552 ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 3 Clrd-20:04:26 Clrd-20:51:27 12/18/2015 2022 Next on the list requested Narrative: 12/18/2015 2024 Spacetown called and responded Narrative: summon issued for susp reg with a court date of 1/21-16 Refer To Summons: 15-21278 2036 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-1036-AR 911 - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate 2 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:37:03 Arvd-20:37:05 Clrd-20:43:56 BLK 2005 HYUN 4D ELANTRA Reg: PC NH 3318055 VIN: KMHDN46D85U057434 12/18/2015 2036 NH Reg# 3318055 15-21279 2123 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - VANDALISM Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe BEDARD AVE Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-21:24:39 Arvd-21:27:48 Clrd-21:36:32 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 3 12/18/2015 2124 House was egged Narrative: no damage Refer To Field Int: 15-21280 2129 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21281 2146 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-5971-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christina L Power HOOD RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-21:29:00 Clrd-21:36:25 SIL 1998 HOND 4D ACCORD E Reg: PC NH 3273612 VIN: 1HGCG6670WA039952 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Investigated Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:47:58 Arvd-21:49:27 Clrd-21:53:31 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-21:48:00 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-21:49:29 0000 - 2359 ID: Page: 115 Printed: 01/22/2016 Arvd-21:49:25 Clrd-21:53:28 Arvd-21:49:31 Clrd-21:53:34 Narrative: 12/18/2015 2147 female screaming for help Narrative: 12/18/2015 2153 Determined to be no problems 15-21282 2209 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 1452] LENOX RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-22:10:12 Arvd-22:23:44 Clrd-22:46:05 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe ID: Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:10:13 Arvd-22:11:29 Clrd-22:28:54 ID: Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-22:13:54 Arvd-22:13:56 Clrd-22:24:22 Dispatched By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Arrived By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Refer To Field Int: 15-5958-FI 15-21283 2223 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox BLU 2003 HOND 4D CIVIC Warning Issued 1 3 Arvd-22:23:00 Clrd-22:28:22 Reg: PC NH 3543092 VIN: 1HGEM21593L042378 15-21284 2223 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DISTURBANCE SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Christina L Power LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-22:28:57 Arvd-22:32:14 Clrd-22:49:37 ID: Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:29:00 Arvd-22:31:47 Clrd-22:49:36 Refer To Field Int: 15-5972-FI 1 15-21285 2302 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY 1 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ROLLINS ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-23:02:00 Clrd-23:08:20 Vehicle: BLK 2008 MAZD HT 3 Reg: PC MA 242XD2 VIN: JM1BK344781121793 Refer To Field Int: 15-5970-FI 15-21286 2312 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Warning Issued Arvd-23:12:00 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:12:12 Arvd-23:12:13 GRY 2011 SUBA 4D LEGACY Reg: PC NH 3135621 ID: Vehicle: 15-21287 2315 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Dispatcher Christine D Carlson CENTRAL ST Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:16:13 3 Clrd-23:16:27 Clrd-23:16:04 VIN: 4S3BMBG62B3253308 No Action Required 1 Clrd-23:17:28 Narrative: 12/18/2015 2317 15-21288 2316 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Caller cancelled Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer John Diburro Warning Issued Arvd-23:16:00 ID: Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Clrd-23:20:11 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-23:16:37 MAR 2005 HYUN 4D ELANTRA Vehicle: 15-21289 2338 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21290 2339 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: Page: 116 Printed: 01/22/2016 Arvd-23:16:38 Clrd-23:20:09 Reg: PC NH 3676014 VIN: KMHDN56D35U133955 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD Patrol Officer John Diburro BLK 2011 LINC 4D TOWN CAR 0000 - 2359 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:38:00 Clrd-23:42:04 Reg: VAN NH BMORE25 VIN: 2LNBL8EV6BX753423 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY SENT ON THEIR WAY 2 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-23:40:24 Clrd-23:44:02 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-23:40:30 Arvd-23:43:40 Clrd-12/19/2015 @ 00:03:19 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:43:59 Clrd-23:44:09 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-23:44:06 Arvd-23:44:07 Clrd-12/19/2015 @ 00:03:17 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson SIL 2014 NISS SU XTERRA Reg: PC NH 3887030 VIN: 5N1AN0NW3EN810795 12/18/2015 2340 Suspicious M/V bearing NH Reg 3887030 parked by the dumpster Refer To Field Int: 15-21291 2354 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: For Date: 12/19/2015 15-21292 0006 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21293 0011 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 15-21294 0039 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: Towed: 15-5976-FI Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson W BROADWAY + FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:54:34 Arvd-23:58:05 Clrd-23:59:08 - 3 Saturday Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis SIL 2008 DODG 4D CALIBER Warning Issued 3 Arvd-00:06:00 Clrd-00:09:20 Reg: PC NH 3863413 VIN: 1B3HB48B38D596527 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson SENTER COVE RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Summons Issued Arvd-00:11:00 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-00:15:43 Arvd-00:15:44 SIL 2004 HOND 4D ACCORD Reg: PC NH 1409118 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson W BROADWAY + MANNING ST Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel 3 Clrd-00:21:04 Clrd-00:17:20 VIN: 1HGCM56684A029970 Arrest(s) Made 3 Arvd-00:39:00 Clrd-02:29:38 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-00:40:49 Arvd-00:43:33 Clrd-01:18:19 Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-00:44:39 Arvd-00:44:41 Clrd-00:55:39 RED 2014 TOYT 4D AVALON Reg: PC MA 862ZK1 VIN: 4T1BK1EB4EU086878 For: DUI By: Recovery Solutions Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 117 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/19/2015 0047 18 Checking sobriety 12/19/2015 0051 18 has one in custody at this time for DWI 12/19/2015 0053 18 enroute to HQ, s/m: 21,818.6 12/19/2015 0055 enroute Recovery called for tow on MA 862ZK1 - 12/19/2015 0058 18 off at HQ, e/m: 21,819.8 12/19/2015 0106 Wrecker on scene 12/19/2015 0106 Subject information: Matthew William Callinan 18 Central Ave Malden, MA DOB: 12/2/96 12/19/2015 0110 s/m: 21,819.8 18 enroute to PMC w/ subject for blood, 12/19/2015 0116 18 off at PMC, e/m: 21,821.3 12/19/2015 0133 18 enroute back to HQ, s/m: 21,821.3 12/19/2015 0137 18 off at HQ, e/m: 21,822.9 12/19/2015 0149 Summons issued w/ court date of 12/31/15 12/19/2015 0200 Placed in cell #3 12/19/2015 0229 Subject released to sober party Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Refer To Arrest: 15-21295 0046 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-1037-AR Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Services Rendered Lieutenant Frank Stoncius ENGLISH RANGE RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-00:51:49 Arvd-00:58:16 Clrd-01:04:09 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 1 found black lab. Narrative: 12/19/2015 0106 15-21296 0054 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Dog brought home to Daniel Rd Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:54:00 Clrd-01:00:48 TAN 1997 HOND 4D ACCORD E Reg: PC NH 3852946 VIN: 1HGCD5657VA280276 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21297 0114 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 15-21298 0120 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0207 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Page: 118 Printed: 01/22/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson RT 28 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-01:14:00 Clrd-01:18:57 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-01:14:53 Clrd-01:17:51 MVE 2002 SUBA 4D IMPREZA Reg: PC NH 2665325 VIN: JF1GD29622G516270 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson CHESTER RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Vehicle: BLU 2008 HOND SU FIT Refer To Field Int: 15-5992-FI 15-21299 0000 - 2359 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-01:20:00 Clrd-01:25:51 Reg: PC NH 3774681 VIN: JHMGD37448S065087 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Warning Issued 3 Arvd-02:07:00 Clrd-02:13:46 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-02:10:39 Arvd-02:10:40 Clrd-02:13:45 BLK 2003 AUDI 4D A4 Reg: PC NH 3852972 VIN: WAULC68E03A222587 ID: Vehicle: 15-21300 0346 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-03:47:35 Arvd-03:52:26 Clrd-03:56:33 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-03:47:37 Arvd-03:56:30 Clrd-03:56:32 2 Narrative: 12/19/2015 0347 Refer To Field Int: 15-21301 0405 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Complaint of loud walking 15-5991-FI Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christine D Carlson DERRYFIELD RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-04:05:53 Arvd-04:08:16 Clrd-04:11:20 1 Narrative: 12/19/2015 0405 Loose Golden Retriever 15-21302 0455 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 167] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-04:55:41 Arvd-04:59:17 Clrd-05:04:08 ID: Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-04:55:42 Arvd-04:59:26 Clrd-05:02:32 Refer To Field Int: 15-5975-FI 15-21303 0710 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BEACON HILL RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-07:11:13 Arvd-07:19:42 Clrd-08:05:19 1 2 Narrative: 12/19/2015 0805 issues with teenage daughter, advice given 15-21304 0725 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VANDALISM Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering NUTMEADOW LN Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-07:29:24 Arvd-07:39:28 Clrd-07:52:46 Refer To Incident: 15-2599-OF 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 119 Printed: 01/22/2016 15-21305 0808 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering OAK ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-08:08:48 Arvd-08:11:51 Clrd-08:45:05 Refer To Incident: 15-2600-OF 15-21306 0911 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - HIT AND RUN Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N SHORE (BL) RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-09:12:02 Arvd-09:16:40 Clrd-09:23:40 2 2 Narrative: 12/19/2015 0924 past tense report Refer To Incident: 15-21307 0921 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-2601-OF Initiated - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Arvd-09:21:00 Clrd-09:24:13 BLU 2004 KIA 4D AMANTI Reg: PC NH 3900253 VIN: KNALD124445042670 12/19/2015 0924 subject lost and looking for directions Refer To Field Int: 0926 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5980-FI 15-21308 Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:27:00 Arvd-09:35:48 Clrd-09:53:13 3 15-21309 Phone - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-10:01:29 Arvd-10:03:29 Clrd-10:10:53 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:01:30 Arvd-10:03:29 Clrd-10:10:53 2 15-21310 Phone - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-10:12:36 Arvd-10:16:13 Clrd-10:24:51 2 15-21311 Phone - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:11:22 2 0959 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 1010 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1010 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1017 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: No Action Required Clrd-10:11:57 15-21312 Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering DERRY WAY Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:25:01 Arvd-10:40:33 Clrd-10:48:34 2 15-21313 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Served Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-10:41:00 1 1041 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21314 1049 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Clrd-10:48:23 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-10:49:00 Clrd-10:54:21 BLU 2010 HYUN SU TUCSON Reg: PC NH 3715675 VIN: KM8JU3AC3AU078541 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 120 Printed: 01/22/2016 15-21315 1056 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAUD Report Taken Patrol Officer Brian J Landry CRESCENT ST Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:57:09 Arvd-10:57:11 Clrd-11:10:42 Refer To Incident: 15-2602-OF 15-21316 1124 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - DISTURBANCE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FORDWAY EXT Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-11:24:33 Arvd-11:31:41 Clrd-11:49:33 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:24:35 Arvd-11:31:41 Clrd-11:49:34 2 1 Narrative: 12/19/2015 1149 advice given in regards to a keep the peace, non-domestic issue Refer To Field Int: 15-21317 1130 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-5981-FI Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering NOYES RD Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-11:31:37 Arvd-11:36:27 Clrd-11:46:03 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:31:39 Arvd-11:33:23 Clrd-12:02:18 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-11:35:57 Arvd-11:40:54 Clrd-11:46:04 2 Walk-In - LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAUD Report Taken Patrol Officer Brian J Landry GARDINERS WAY Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:12:34 Arvd-12:12:36 Clrd-12:19:38 Refer To Incident: 15-2604-OF 2 ID: Cleared By: ID: 15-21318 1211 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21319 1221 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Brian J Landry W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Warning Issued Arvd-12:21:00 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Reg: NH FULLMTL Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-21320 1233 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Brian J Landry N HIGH ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 15-21321 1242 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Clrd-12:25:34 Warning Issued Arvd-12:33:00 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Reg: NH 1355398 Cleared By: Vehicle: 3 3 Clrd-12:38:12 Initiated - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-12:42:00 Clrd-12:54:37 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:43:22 Arvd-12:46:49 Clrd-12:54:37 1 Narrative: 12/19/2015 1251 407 providing courtesy transport to Fairway Dr s/m: 14411.4 Narrative: 12/19/2015 1254 407 off at Fairway Dr e/m: 14412.3 Refer To Field Int: 15-21322 1314 15-5962-FI Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Report Taken 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-13:15:22 Arvd-13:23:16 ID: Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:15:22 Arvd-13:20:45 ID: Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-13:15:37 Arvd-13:23:10 ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-13:15:52 Arvd-13:26:07 Dispatched By: Lieutenant Eric T Kester Refer To Incident: 15-2605-OF Page: 121 Printed: 01/22/2016 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21323 1401 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-14:16:38 Clrd-14:16:37 Clrd-13:51:23 Clrd-14:16:36 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:01:38 Arvd-14:10:21 Clrd-14:27:34 1 Narrative: 12/19/2015 1426 Blouin v Meadows - full report Refer To Accident: 15-21324 1415 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-849-AC Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY + STORER CT Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:15:56 Arvd-14:21:00 Clrd-14:35:38 1 Narrative: 12/19/2015 1434 Hughes v parked car - non reportable Refer To Accident: 15-21325 1433 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-850-AC Walk-In - CRIMINAL THREAT Report Taken Patrol Officer Brian J Landry ANNA CIR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:33:45 Arvd-14:33:46 Clrd-14:50:53 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 juvenile text messages Refer To Incident: 15-21326 1435 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2606-OF Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:36:02 Arvd-14:36:47 Clrd-15:13:28 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-14:45:42 Arvd-14:50:51 Clrd-15:02:24 Dispatcher Christina L Power 3 Phone - DISTURBANCE ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ALYSSA DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:14:12 Arvd-15:29:41 Clrd-15:53:25 Dispatched By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Arrived By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Cleared By: Dispatcher Christina L Power ID: Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-15:14:13 Arvd-15:27:14 Clrd-15:52:48 Dispatched By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Arrived By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Cleared By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Refer To Field Int: 15-5966-FI 1 Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: 15-21327 1449 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21328 1526 Call Taker: Location/Address: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 1060] MANCHESTER RD Cleared 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 122 Printed: 01/22/2016 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-15:26:00 Clrd-16:08:25 15-21329 1542 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power BARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-15:42:00 Clrd-15:46:15 Refer To Field Int: 15-5974-FI 15-21330 1544 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Vehicle checked Patrol Officer Brian J Landry BRADFORD ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:45:39 Arvd-15:50:39 Clrd-16:00:43 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 2 BMW Narrative: waiting for a neighbor 15-21331 1604 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power FORDWAY EXT Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:04:51 Clrd-16:04:56 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:04:54 Arvd-16:10:07 Clrd-16:14:42 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:08:35 Clrd-16:14:40 2 Narrative: possible domestic involving a dk blu mv 15-21332 1607 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-16:07:00 Clrd-16:12:58 2 15-21333 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 2 1608 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared Arvd-16:08:00 15-21334 1614 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Clrd-16:26:04 Phone - DISTURBANCE Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power BRADFORD ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:15:15 Arvd-16:19:04 Clrd-16:28:06 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:15:18 Arvd-16:18:58 Clrd-16:19:06 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-16:15:37 Arvd-16:15:39 Clrd-16:28:04 1 Narrative: one party left prior to police arrival. 15-21335 1633 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21336 1635 Call Taker: Location/Address: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Sergeant Kevin W Jackson SIL 2013 KIA 4D FORTE No Action Required 3 Arvd-16:33:00 Clrd-16:34:24 Reg: PC NH 1767724 VIN: KNAFU4A28D5645555 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Christina L Power GRANT ST 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 123 Printed: 01/22/2016 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-16:35:00 15-21337 1640 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21338 1650 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21339 1706 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-16:38:42 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-16:40:00 Clrd-16:43:51 Reg: NH 3675835 3 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-16:50:00 2 Clrd-16:59:36 Walk-In - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Report Taken Patrol Officer Brian J Landry [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-17:07:45 Arvd-17:07:46 Clrd-17:07:47 3 Narrative: wallet Refer To Incident: 15-21340 1725 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-2607-OF Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power BRANDY ROCK RD Sergeant Kevin W Jackson GRN 2007 STRN VUE 15-21341 1748 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Reg: Vehicle checked Arvd-17:25:00 NH 3794418 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Dispatcher Christina L Power RT 28 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:49:10 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-17:55:40 1 Clrd-17:27:54 Vehicle checked 2 Clrd-17:55:43 Arvd-17:55:41 Clrd-18:01:58 Narrative: tow truck Narrative: checked and all appeared in order. Refer To Field Int: 15-21342 1748 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: 15-6003-FI Phone - WELFARE CHECK Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Robert S Moore N SHORE (IP) RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:59:14 Arvd-18:08:42 Clrd-18:15:43 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 12/19/2015 1749 request to check on female 15-21343 1801 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-21344 1814 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore OLDE COACH RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-18:01:00 Clrd-18:08:45 Dispatcher Christina L Power GRY 2008 MERC 4D MARQUIS Reg: PC MA 37928 VIN: 2MEFM75V18X602462 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Vehicle checked Patrol Officer Robert S Moore CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:14:45 Arvd-18:15:51 Clrd-18:22:32 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 124 Printed: 01/22/2016 12/19/2015 1814 blk hatchback Narrative: 12/19/2015 1822 checked on Old Auburn RD. and no problems encountered 15-21345 1826 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Arrest(s) Made Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-18:26:00 Clrd-19:11:05 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-18:29:00 Arvd-18:29:03 Clrd-18:45:10 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 12/19/2015 1836 one in custody on a Salem warrant for credit card fraud and receiving stolen property Narrative: 12/19/2015 1841 419 enroute with one - s/m 14438.7 Narrative: 12/19/2015 1846 off at hq's e/m 14440.7 with: Mack, Devin 8 Fairway Dr Derry, NH dob 122784 Narrative: 12/19/2015 2024 released to Salem PD Refer To Arrest: 15-21346 1938 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21347 2024 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: 15-21348 2030 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-1038-AR Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-19:38:00 Clrd-19:46:50 Reg: NH 3933535 3 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-20:24:00 Clrd-20:27:53 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:24:22 Arvd-20:24:23 Clrd-20:27:51 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 2 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Arrest(s) Made Patrol Officer Robert S Moore DERRY WAY Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-20:30:00 Clrd-20:35:26 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:31:40 Clrd-20:35:28 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:37:53 Clrd-20:38:02 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:50:07 Arvd-20:50:14 Clrd-21:31:04 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:50:10 Arvd-20:50:12 Clrd-21:10:34 Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-20:58:18 Arvd-20:58:20 Clrd-21:10:32 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 12/19/2015 2106 in custody and enroute to hq's s/m 14451 Narrative: Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 125 Printed: 01/22/2016 charged with endangering the welfare (x2) and off at hqs e/m 14453.6 with: Belliveau,Susanne 8 Derry Way dob 121782 Narrative: 12/19/2015 2200 released on $2000 PR bail with a court date of 1/28/16 Refer To Arrest: 15-21349 2035 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-1039-AR 911 - DISTURBANCE SENT ON THEIR WAY Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:37:43 Arvd-20:40:14 Clrd-20:49:55 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:38:11 Arvd-20:40:12 Clrd-20:49:53 1 Narrative: 12/19/2015 2036 SUBJECT BEING LOUD IN HALLWAY Refer To Field Int: 15-21350 2129 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-5978-FI 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Administrative Lieut Daniel C Beattie BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-21:31:18 Arvd-21:41:58 Clrd-21:55:39 Dispatcher Christina L Power Reg: NH DORJES 1 12/19/2015 2131 E911 - Struck Deer Narrative: full report, Mann vs deer Refer To Accident: 15-851-AC 15-21351 2150 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Christina L Power ELM ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-21:50:54 Arvd-21:52:08 Clrd-22:16:17 ID: Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:51:00 Arvd-21:55:00 Clrd-22:16:14 ID: Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-22:05:57 Arvd-22:05:58 Clrd-22:16:13 Refer To Field Int: 15-5973-FI 1 15-21352 2 2202 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT SENT ON THEIR WAY Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-22:03:21 Arvd-22:08:08 Clrd-22:20:20 Arrived By: Dispatcher Christina L Power ID: Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-22:03:25 Arvd-22:08:08 Clrd-22:20:21 Arrived By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Refer To Field Int: 15-5983-FI 15-21353 2228 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21354 2230 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked Dispatcher Christina L Power FRANKLIN ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-22:28:00 Clrd-22:30:35 Reg: NH 2595725 1 Initiated - PED CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Jared Knox 2 TRANSPORTED Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Arvd-22:30:00 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:33:33 Arvd-22:33:34 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: 126 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-22:56:11 Clrd-22:56:18 12/19/2015 2245 courtesy ride to Drew Rd, s/m 67682.8 Narrative: 12/19/2015 2254 37 off on Drew Rd, e/m: 67,687.8 15-21355 2301 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson GULF RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-23:01:00 Clrd-23:08:34 Vehicle: RED 2013 CHRY 4D DART Reg: PC NH H5785 VIN: 1C3CDFBH0DD147574 Refer To Field Int: 15-5984-FI 15-21356 2304 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer John Diburro 2308 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera WHI 2001 FORD VN WINDSTAR 15-21358 2325 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Vehicle: 15-21359 2328 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21360 2331 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arvd-23:08:00 Clrd-23:15:12 Reg: PC NH 2132329 VIN: 2FTZA54491BB26257 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Warning Issued 2340 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: Towed: Narrative: 3 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson HAMPSTEAD RD + WISHING WELL LN Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-23:28:00 Clrd-23:35:27 BLK 2003 HOND CP CIVIC LX Reg: PC NH 3495815 VIN: 1HGEM22573L034956 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Services Rendered Arvd-23:31:00 ID: 3 Arvd-23:25:00 Clrd-23:30:14 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-23:28:08 Arvd-23:28:09 Clrd-23:30:13 SIL 1999 ACUR 4D TL Reg: PC NH 3624532 VIN: 19UUA5653XA002295 ID: 15-21361 3 Arvd-23:04:00 Clrd-23:06:51 Reg: PC NH 3261652 VIN: 5N1AR18W15C777393 BLK 2005 NISS SU PATHFINDER 15-21357 Warning Issued Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer John Diburro 2 Clrd-23:31:46 Arrest(s) Made 3 Arvd-23:40:00 Clrd-12/20/2015 @ 00:34:06 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-23:41:12 Clrd-23:41:50 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:41:46 Arvd-23:47:21 Clrd-12/20/2015 @ 00:21:33 Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-23:52:23 Arvd-23:52:24 Clrd-12/20/2015 @ 00:07:27 BLK 2009 NISS 4D ALTIMA Reg: CN NH 925H4 VIN: 1N4AL21E49N486318 For: DUI By: Londonderry BP Towing 12/19/2015 2348 40 checking sobriety Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 127 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/19/2015 2354 One in custody at this time 12/19/2015 2355 LBP called for tow - enroute 12/19/2015 2359 40 transporting one to HQ, s/m: 42,469 12/20/2015 0005 Subject information: (DWI, poss c/d) Justin Pangaro 5 Ells Rd Hampstead NH DOB: 10/25/88 12/20/2015 0010 40 off at HQ, e/m: 42,475 12/20/2015 0012 Wrecker on scene 12/20/2015 0030 Summons issued w/ court date of 12/31/15 12/20/2015 0045 Subject released to sober party Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Refer To Arrest: For Date: 12/20/2015 15-21362 0024 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-21363 0026 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21364 0053 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: - 15-1040-AR Sunday Radio - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Administrative Lieut Daniel C Beattie FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:25:25 Arvd-00:25:28 Clrd-00:31:17 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson RED 2003 NISS 4D SENTRA Reg: PC NH 3764007 VIN: 3N1CB51D03L696505 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis SIL 2013 MITS SU OUTLANDER 15-21365 0100 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0107 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued 1 Arvd-00:53:00 Clrd-00:57:23 Reg: PC NH 3782776 VIN: 1FAFP343XYW277586 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FENWAY ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Vehicle: WHI 2004 FORD VN ECONOLINE Refer To Field Int: 15-5996-FI 15-21366 3 Arvd-00:26:00 Clrd-00:31:09 Reg: PC NH 3794579 VIN: JA4JT3AW6DU019323 Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christine D Carlson OAK ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Vehicle: RED 2000 FORD 4D FOCUS Refer To Field Int: 15-5997-FI Warning Issued 3 Arvd-01:00:00 Clrd-01:03:53 Reg: PC NH 3675992 VIN: 1FTRE14W34HB20704 Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Vehicle: WHI 2014 TOYT HT SCION XB Refer To Field Int: 15-5995-FI Warning Issued Vehicle checked 1 Arvd-01:07:00 Clrd-01:08:43 Reg: PC NH 2476334 VIN: JTLZE4FE3EJ058211 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21367 0110 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera 0000 - 2359 Page: 128 Printed: 01/22/2016 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-01:10:00 Clrd-01:13:28 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-01:12:15 Arvd-01:12:16 Clrd-01:13:26 TAN 2004 JEEP SU GRAND CHEROKEE Reg: PC NH 2253262 VIN: 1J4GW48S34C351266 ID: Vehicle: 15-21368 0154 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY SENT ON THEIR WAY 2 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-01:55:00 Arvd-01:56:32 Clrd-02:03:53 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-01:55:01 Arvd-01:57:08 Clrd-02:03:10 GRY 2011 TOYT 4D AVALON Reg: PC NH 3924707 VIN: 4T1BK3DB1BU433981 12/20/2015 0159 Checking sobriety 12/20/2015 0203 Neg 19 12/20/2015 0154 Report of subject asleep in drive thru Narrative: Narrative: Refer To Field Int: 15-21369 0205 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-5979-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera GRY 1998 HOND 4D ACCORD L Warning Issued Arvd-02:05:00 Clrd-02:10:36 Reg: PC NH 1039052 VIN: 1HGCG5646WA237399 15-21370 0206 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PED CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-02:06:00 Clrd-02:07:45 Refer To Field Int: 15-5990-FI 15-21371 0213 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson MARTIN ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Vehicle: RED 2009 VOLK HT GTI Refer To Field Int: 15-5994-FI 15-21372 0253 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 3 Vehicle checked 2 1 Arvd-02:13:00 Clrd-02:15:29 Reg: PC NH 3878398 VIN: WVWHD71K69W101988 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Report Taken Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-02:53:20 Arvd-02:58:24 Clrd-05:05:51 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-02:53:21 Arvd-02:58:24 Clrd-03:29:08 Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-02:55:04 Arvd-02:58:36 Clrd-04:45:39 2 Narrative: 12/20/2015 0316 s/m: 14,506.7 17 transporting subject to 8 Derry Way, 12/20/2015 0318 17 off at 8 Derry Way, e/m: 14,507 Narrative: Refer To Incident: 15-21373 0307 Call Taker: Location/Address: 15-2608-OF Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 329] ROCKINGHAM RD False Alarm 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-03:07:45 Arvd-03:09:05 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-03:07:48 ID: Page: 129 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-03:11:58 Clrd-03:11:57 Narrative: 12/20/2015 0307 Refer To Field Int: Front motion 15-5989-FI 15-21374 0401 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Radio - DELIVER A MESSAGE Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson BARKLAND DR Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-04:02:08 Arvd-04:06:58 Clrd-04:21:30 Refer To Field Int: 15-5988-FI 15-21375 0420 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY SENT ON THEIR WAY 2 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-04:21:28 Arvd-04:24:18 Clrd-04:29:24 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-04:23:43 Arvd-04:25:13 Clrd-04:29:23 BLU 2004 FORD 4D TAURUS Reg: VAN NH PHILLY- VIN: 1FAFP53U24A112449 12/20/2015 0420 Refer To Field Int: Report of subject asleep in drive thru 15-5993-FI 15-21376 0754 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ADAMS POND RD + WRIGHT RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-07:54:00 Clrd-08:04:08 Vehicle: Reg: NH 3808229 Refer To Field Int: 15-5982-FI 15-21377 0844 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 1 Phone - KEEP THE PEACE SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:45:13 Arvd-08:52:39 Clrd-08:56:30 2 Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-09:41:19 Arvd-09:47:05 Clrd-09:54:26 Refer To Field Int: 15-6011-FI Refer To Field Int: 15-6022-FI 3 15-21378 0940 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21379 1004 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering OLD MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-10:04:00 Clrd-10:17:06 2 15-21380 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Not Served Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-10:29:00 Clrd-10:34:42 1 15-21381 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:55:11 Arvd-10:55:25 Clrd-11:13:50 1 1029 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1048 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: 12/20/2015 1158 Phelps v Goldthwaite - non reportable Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Accident: 15-21382 1110 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 130 Printed: 01/22/2016 15-852-AC Phone - ROAD RAGE Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:10:53 Arvd-11:14:02 Clrd-12:00:44 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:10:55 Arvd-11:12:50 Clrd-12:00:45 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-11:14:01 Arvd-11:15:09 Clrd-12:11:15 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-13:37:34 Arvd-13:37:35 Clrd-14:43:47 1 Narrative: 12/20/2015 1145 231 has one in custody, 407 transporting to DPDHQ s/m: 14527.2 Narrative: 12/20/2015 1151 407 off at DPDHQ e/m: 14528.4 Narrative: 12/20/2015 1211 placed in cell #3 Narrative: 12/20/2015 1212 Subject Info: Jason Smith 164 Island Pond Rd #L Derry, NH DOB:6/28/78 Arrested for Stalking Narrative: 12/20/2015 1216 bail set at No Bail per BC Jaglowski Narrative: 12/20/2015 1259 subject checked Narrative: 12/20/2015 1346 639 transporting subject to Brentwood s/m: 67712.2 Narrative: 12/20/2015 1422 639 off at Brentwood e/m: 67733.5 Refer To Arrest: Refer To Incident: 15-21383 1112 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-1041-AR 15-2609-OF Phone - HIT AND RUN Patrol Officer Erin E E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Andrew Disp-12:11:33 Dispatcher Jonathon S Dispatcher Jonathon S Dispatcher Jonathon S Report Taken 2 Quimby J Faucher Arvd-12:16:41 Pickering Pickering Pickering Clrd-12:24:43 damaged mailbox Refer To Incident: 15-21384 1201 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 15-21385 1229 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-2610-OF Phone - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SUNSET AVE Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:01:19 Arvd-12:11:37 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 2 Clrd-12:15:02 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE + LAUREL ST Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-12:29:00 Clrd-12:34:41 SIL 2005 HYUN 4D ELANTRA Reg: PC NH 3863067 VIN: KMHDN46D95U019128 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21386 1308 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 15-21387 1327 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21388 1404 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 131 Printed: 01/22/2016 Walk-In - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:09:05 Arvd-13:12:56 Clrd-13:59:14 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N MAIN ST Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-13:27:00 Clrd-13:32:35 BLK 2012 NISS 4D VERSA Reg: PC NH 3761948 VIN: 3N1CN7AP0CL825226 Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WALNUT HILL RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:05:09 Arvd-14:12:56 Clrd-14:53:08 Lieutenant Eric T Kester Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-14:05:11 Arvd-14:12:53 Clrd-14:53:07 Lieutenant Eric T Kester 1 12/20/2015 1430 110 transporting subject to PMC for voluntary eval s/m: 22018 Narrative: 12/20/2015 1445 110 off at PMC e/m: 22024 Refer To Incident: 15-21389 1405 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-2611-OF Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:09:04 Arvd-14:12:04 Clrd-15:04:00 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-14:09:15 Arvd-14:13:35 Clrd-14:21:01 2 Narrative: 12/20/2015 1416 one in custody Narrative: 12/20/2015 1421 407 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 14538.2 Narrative: 12/20/2015 1424 407 off at DPDHQ e/m: 14539.3 Narrative: 12/20/2015 1445 Subject Info: Dana Thornton 12 South Ave #25 Derry, NH DOB:7/21/58 Arrested for PC Narrative: 12/20/2015 1456 subject checked Narrative: 12/20/2015 1524 prisoner checked Narrative: 12/20/2015 1558 released to a sober party Refer To P/C: 15-21390 1406 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1042-AR Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Services Rendered 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-15:04:29 0000 - 2359 Arvd-15:18:41 Page: 132 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-15:26:51 Narrative: 12/20/2015 1526 no problems found Refer To Field Int: 1520 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6005-FI 15-21391 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering A ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:21:08 Arvd-15:21:11 Clrd-15:25:11 15-21392 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD + SHELDON RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-17:16:00 Clrd-17:22:07 TAN 2008 FORD E450SD Reg: VF NH VTNM VIN: 1FDXE45S18DB34890 1716 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 2 15-21393 1725 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SHELDON RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-17:25:00 Clrd-17:26:57 Vehicle: GRY 2004 FORD SU EXPEDITION Reg: PC NH 2825202 VIN: 1FMPU16L64LB63987 Refer To Field Int: 15-5986-FI 15-21394 1823 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-18:23:00 Clrd-18:32:03 1 Narrative: 12/20/2015 1824 loose dog Narrative: 12/20/2015 1832 returned to owner Refer To Field Int: 15-21395 1901 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: 15-21396 2004 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 2007 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6004-FI Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Robert S Moore KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-19:03:29 Arvd-19:04:57 Clrd-19:10:23 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:03:31 Arvd-19:04:59 Clrd-19:10:22 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 3 Warning Issued Arvd-20:04:00 Clrd-20:08:13 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WHI 2012 CHEV SU EQUINOX Reg: PC NH 2896263 VIN: 2GNFLEE56C6228963 15-21397 Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-20:08:12 Arvd-20:22:18 Clrd-20:29:26 15-21398 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-20:19:00 Clrd-20:23:27 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore GRY 2006 HOND 4D CIVIC EX Reg: PC NH 3891165 VIN: 2HGFA168X6H511151 2019 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21399 2043 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: Dispatched By: ID: Dispatched By: Vehicle: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:44:09 Arvd-20:44:11 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-20:44:10 Arvd-20:45:05 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:45:52 Arvd-20:48:28 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-20:53:46 Arvd-20:53:46 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-20:53:48 Arvd-20:53:48 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-21:15:31 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:15:41 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Reg: PC NH BARBJN Page: 133 Printed: 01/22/2016 Rendered 2 Clrd-21:21:45 Clrd-21:20:22 Clrd-21:14:54 Clrd-21:14:55 Clrd-21:21:44 Clrd-21:17:28 Clrd-21:17:26 12/20/2015 2059 officers checking building Narrative: 12/20/2015 2107 first floor clear Narrative: 12/20/2015 2110 second floor clear Narrative: 12/20/2015 2111 third floor clear Narrative: 12/20/2015 2112 checking basement Refer To Field Int: 15-21400 2113 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-6002-FI Phone - MV CHECK Services Rendered 1 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-21:17:30 Arvd-21:17:35 Clrd-21:47:31 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:17:33 Arvd-21:17:34 Clrd-21:47:30 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-21:26:06 Arvd-21:26:09 Clrd-21:46:54 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-21:31:14 Arvd-21:31:14 Clrd-21:47:29 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BLU 2008 FORD SU EXPLORER Reg: PC NH 3791502 VIN: 1FMEU73EX8UA00632 12/20/2015 2114 male subject sleeping in blue SUV Narrative: 12/20/2015 2118 off with NH 3791502 Refer To Field Int: Refer To Field Int: 15-21401 2132 Call Taker: 15-5985-FI 15-5987-FI Initiated - THEFT Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Report Taken 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 134 Printed: 01/22/2016 [DY 2] A ST Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Arvd-21:32:00 Clrd-21:38:13 Narrative: 12/20/2015 2134 theft of cell phone from Sports Zone Refer To Incident: 15-2612-OF 15-21402 2138 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DRUG VIOLATION Report Taken Patrol Officer Robert S Moore HOODKROFT DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-21:46:57 Arvd-21:50:17 Clrd-22:11:10 Dispatched By: Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Cleared By: Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Refer To Incident: 15-2613-OF 15-21403 2252 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Report Taken Patrol Officer Robert S Moore PELICAN CIR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-22:54:04 Arvd-22:59:58 Clrd-23:33:53 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:54:05 Arvd-22:59:59 Clrd-23:33:35 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:07:28 Arvd-23:11:12 Clrd-23:33:32 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 2 1 12/20/2015 2253 boyfriend/girlfriend Refer To Incident: 15-21404 2314 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2614-OF Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Vehicle checked 1 Arvd-23:14:00 Clrd-23:16:10 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:15:01 Arvd-23:15:02 Clrd-23:16:12 WHI 2012 HOND CP CIVIC EX Reg: PC NH 3845147 VIN: 2HGFG3B84CH519550 ID: Vehicle: 15-21405 2323 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:24:09 Arvd-23:36:34 Clrd-12/21/2015 @ 00:58:37 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:24:12 Arvd-23:31:09 Clrd-12/21/2015 @ 00:27:42 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:41:02 Arvd-23:41:03 Clrd-12/21/2015 @ 00:27:46 Narrative: 12/20/2015 2350 32 & S9 enroute to PMC 12/20/2015 2357 32 & S9 off at PMC Narrative: Refer To Incident: For Date: 12/21/2015 15-21406 0046 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: - 15-2615-OF Monday Initiated - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Report Taken Dispatcher Christine D Carlson HAMPSTEAD RD Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Arvd-00:46:00 Clrd-00:47:02 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 135 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/21/2015 0046 Refer To Incident: 15-21407 0528 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 2 license plates found 15-2616-OF Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis BLU 2016 MAZD 4D 6 15-21408 0611 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Warning Issued Arvd-05:28:00 Clrd-05:30:17 Reg: PC NH 3105013 VIN: JM1GJ1U56G1433589 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera WHI 1991 HOND SW ACCORD Warning Issued Arvd-06:11:00 Reg: PC NH 3869070 0703 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ATTEMPTED THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MILLS FARM CIR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-07:14:03 Arvd-07:18:52 Clrd-07:25:55 Refer To Incident: 15-2617-OF 0739 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - VANDALISM Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Report Taken Arvd-07:39:00 3 Clrd-06:18:49 VIN: 1HGCB9865MA013543 15-21409 15-21410 3 2 3 Clrd-07:40:22 Narrative: 12/21/2015 0739 BUILDING SPRAYPAINTED Narrative: 12/21/2015 0842 PARKS & REC DEPT NOTIFIED Refer To Incident: 15-21411 0739 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-2618-OF Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CHASES GROVE RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-07:40:13 Arvd-07:43:15 Clrd-09:18:25 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:05:04 Arvd-08:16:44 Clrd-08:31:12 2 Narrative: 12/21/2015 0816 OFF AT ALADDIN CIR Refer To Field Int: 15-21412 0808 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6013-FI Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MILLS FARM CIR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-08:09:29 Arvd-08:15:05 Clrd-08:20:14 2 Narrative: 12/21/2015 0809 FROM A MV Refer To Incident: 15-2617-OF 15-21413 0821 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-08:21:18 Arvd-08:26:45 Clrd-09:18:07 Refer To Field Int: 15-6019-FI 15-21414 0845 Call Taker: Location/Address: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Warning Issued 2 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-08:45:00 Reg: NH 3950052 Vehicle: 15-21415 0918 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Reg: 0937 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-08:48:36 Warning Issued Arvd-09:18:00 Vehicle: Page: 136 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-09:23:22 NH BUG-GUY 15-21416 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand THORNTON ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:38:57 Arvd-09:43:27 Clrd-10:11:32 2 15-21417 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson 2 0944 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: No Action Required Arvd-09:44:00 15-21418 0949 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-09:49:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21419 1022 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-10:10:04 3 Clrd-09:55:27 NH 3827968 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:23:00 Arvd-10:24:51 Clrd-11:04:06 1 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1334 NONREPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-21420 1031 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-853-AC Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY + FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-10:31:00 Vehicle: 15-21421 1049 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson 15-21422 1052 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Warning Issued Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 15-21423 1055 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 1102 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-10:56:04 Summons Issued 3 Clrd-10:52:51 NH 3415933 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HIGHLAND AVE Civilian Robin Bordonaro No Action Required Arvd-10:55:00 15-21424 3 MA 95293 Arvd-10:52:00 Vehicle: Clrd-10:38:15 NH TRUKGRL Arvd-10:49:00 Vehicle: 3 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Clrd-10:58:31 Warning Issued Arvd-11:02:00 2 Clrd-11:05:09 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Vehicle: Reg: 1104 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 137 Printed: 01/22/2016 NH 2432694 15-21425 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-11:04:00 Clrd-11:19:55 2 15-21426 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 1112 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-11:12:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21427 1113 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Warning Issued Arvd-11:13:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21428 1113 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1116 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: 15-21430 1118 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-11:18:20 No Action Required 2 Clrd-11:21:55 Summons Issued Arvd-11:16:00 Vehicle: 3 NH ILVDVC Arvd-11:13:00 15-21429 Clrd-11:16:37 NH 2696009 3 Clrd-11:24:46 NH 3578282 Phone - VANDALISM Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SAWYER CT Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:21:32 Arvd-11:24:01 Clrd-11:48:33 3 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1119 DAMAGE TO A SIGN Refer To Incident: 15-21431 1126 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2619-OF Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-11:26:00 Vehicle: 15-21432 1143 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 1157 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HUMMINGBIRD LN Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti No Action Required Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CENTRAL ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson 1202 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21435 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 1204 Reg: 2 Clrd-12:07:31 Warning Issued Arvd-12:02:00 Vehicle: 2 Clrd-12:07:24 No Action Required Arvd-11:57:00 15-21434 Clrd-11:30:03 NH 3774752 Arvd-11:43:00 15-21433 3 3 Clrd-12:07:10 NH 3691202 Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Disp-12:06:34 0000 - 2359 Arvd-12:06:37 Page: 138 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-12:06:38 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1206 ASSIST MA STATE POLICE 15-21436 1208 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W RUNNING BROOK LN Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:10:39 Arvd-12:14:57 Clrd-13:21:17 Refer To Field Int: 15-6012-FI Refer To Field Int: 15-6021-FI 15-21437 1213 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Summons Issued Arvd-12:13:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21438 1213 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-12:22:15 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Cleared Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-12:13:00 2 Clrd-12:18:16 1218 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-12:19:17 Arvd-12:19:22 Clrd-12:19:27 Refer To Field Int: 15-6008-FI 1227 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 NH 3098472 15-21439 15-21440 2 Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:28:06 Arvd-12:37:06 Clrd-12:37:11 1 3 Narrative: BICYCLE Refer To Incident: 15-2620-OF 15-21441 1229 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRATI Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Dana P Park Disp-12:29:57 Arvd-12:29:59 Clrd-12:30:31 Refer To Field Int: 15-6009-FI 15-21442 1239 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-12:39:00 Vehicle: 15-21443 1247 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 15-21444 1257 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 3 Clrd-12:44:18 NH 3923395 Warning Issued Arvd-12:47:00 Vehicle: 1 3 Clrd-12:53:23 NH USG-999 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST + PEABODY RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Warning Issued Arvd-12:57:00 Clrd-13:05:34 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21445 1301 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 139 Printed: 01/22/2016 NH 3177085 Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Civilian Robin Bordonaro Could Not Locate Arvd-13:01:00 1 Clrd-13:02:03 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1301 LOOSE DOG 15-21446 1302 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OXBOW LN Civilian Robin Bordonaro Services Rendered Arvd-13:02:00 Refer To Field Int: 15-21447 1304 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: 15-21448 1306 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-13:26:06 15-6034-FI No Action Required Arvd-13:04:00 Vehicle: 1 3 Clrd-13:05:27 NH 3975013 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand DOUGLAS PL Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-13:07:08 Could Not Locate Arvd-13:11:09 2 Clrd-13:20:00 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1321 LOUD EXPLOSION 15-21449 1317 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-13:17:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21450 1320 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-13:22:49 NH 2754860 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CUNNINGHAM DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-13:21:30 Could Not Locate Arvd-13:31:53 2 Clrd-13:37:14 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1320 LOUD EXPLOSION 15-21451 1321 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Summons Issued Arvd-13:21:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21452 1356 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-13:31:46 NH 2097025 Other - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR + MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-13:56:39 Services Rendered Arvd-14:00:54 2 Clrd-14:17:37 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1356 BACKPACK 15-21453 1358 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Warning Issued Arvd-13:58:00 Vehicle: Reg: NH DUKE4X Clrd-14:04:09 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21454 1411 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 15-21455 1414 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Walk-In - FINGERPRINTS Services Rendered Patrol Officer Brian J Landry [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:12:02 Arvd-14:12:03 Clrd-14:35:01 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 3 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 Summons Issued Arvd-14:14:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21456 1426 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1429 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WILDWOOD DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti No Action Required Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: 15-21458 1435 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21459 1501 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21460 1510 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21461 1516 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-15:06:39 Warning Issued Arvd-15:10:00 Reg: 3 NH 2235812 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand COURTHOUSE LN Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Vehicle: Clrd-14:41:10 Warning Issued Arvd-15:01:00 Reg: 3 NH 2210973 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY + RAILROAD AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Vehicle: Clrd-14:34:55 Warning Issued Arvd-14:35:00 Reg: 3 NH 3284672 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY + RAILROAD AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Vehicle: 2 Clrd-14:31:17 Warning Issued Arvd-14:29:00 Vehicle: Clrd-14:24:49 NH 3314110 Arvd-14:26:00 15-21457 Page: 140 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-15:11:17 NH 2722399 Walk-In - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WINDHAM DEPOT RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:19:19 Arvd-15:19:20 Clrd-15:19:22 2 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1516 MAIL Refer To Incident: 15-21462 1529 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2621-OF Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY + FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:31:06 Arvd-15:33:10 Clrd-16:06:08 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1540 OFF WITH NH 2865882 AND NH 3868221 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1605 NONREPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-854-AC LOPEZ VS SANTOS 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21463 1533 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OAK ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 0000 - 2359 Warning Issued Arvd-15:33:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21464 1536 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Page: 141 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-15:40:46 NH 3893009 911 - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE + TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:38:04 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:38:54 Report Taken Arvd-15:38:09 Clrd-16:03:45 Arvd-15:42:27 Clrd-15:42:29 1 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1550 OFF WITH NH 2296944 AND NH 3868878 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1603 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-21465 1541 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dominguez v Prunier 15-855-AC Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-15:41:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21466 1548 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST + WILSON AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: 15-21467 1556 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Reg: 15-21468 1558 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21469 1610 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21470 1614 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: 3 Clrd-16:02:06 NH 3933466 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: Clrd-15:58:35 Warning Issued Warning Issued Arvd-16:10:00 Vehicle: 3 NH 1865804 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: Clrd-15:56:44 Warning Issued Arvd-15:58:00 Vehicle: 3 NH 3464560 Arvd-15:56:00 Vehicle: Clrd-15:48:15 NH 3109618 Arvd-15:48:00 Vehicle: 3 3 Clrd-16:15:08 NH 3924891 911 - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:14:57 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-16:15:27 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-16:17:28 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:24:06 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-17:10:07 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1626 DFD ON SCENE Report Taken Arvd-16:22:05 Clrd-16:24:02 Arvd-16:18:26 Clrd-17:10:11 Arvd-16:20:33 Clrd-17:10:10 Arvd-16:26:29 Clrd-17:10:04 Arvd-17:10:08 Clrd-17:30:50 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 142 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1626 NH 2723802 REQUEST NEXT ON LIST BIRCH ST COLLISION NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 12/21/2015 1626 NH 3808643 REQUEST NEXT ON LIST SPACETOWN AUTO NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 12/21/2015 1637 SPACETOWN ON SCENE Narrative: 12/21/2015 1644 BIRCH ST ON SCENE Narrative: 12/21/2015 1725 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: Sliviak v. Valashinas 15-856-AC 15-21471 1629 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MAGNOLIA LN Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:30:04 Arvd-16:32:59 Clrd-17:03:38 ID: Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:30:12 Arvd-16:32:57 Clrd-17:03:37 ID: Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-16:30:52 Arvd-16:35:23 Clrd-17:03:40 Refer To Incident: 15-2622-OF 15-21472 1711 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HUMPHREY RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Vehicle checked Arvd-17:11:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21473 1717 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 2 1 Clrd-17:16:10 NH 3738195 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-17:18:15 Arvd-17:20:42 Clrd-18:18:14 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-17:18:18 Arvd-17:20:44 Clrd-18:04:05 1 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1730 NEXT ON LIST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING FOR MA S19117 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1742 WRECKER ON SCENE Narrative: 12/21/2015 1818 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-21474 1739 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ROLFE VS SMALL 15-857-AC Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:40:16 Report Taken Arvd-17:45:09 Clrd-18:22:45 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1749 OFF WITH NH 3829959, NH 2814623, NH 3485215 AND NH 3350324 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1822 REPORTABLE. GUINESSO Refer To Accident: 15-858-AC HERWARD VS GRIMM VS DAWSON VS 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-17:47:01 ID: Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:47:04 Refer To Field Int: 15-6006-FI 0000 - 2359 15-21475 1746 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21476 1811 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Verbal in Nature Arvd-17:50:27 Clrd-18:03:42 Arvd-17:49:33 Clrd-18:03:44 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-18:11:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21477 1831 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: 143 Printed: 01/22/2016 1 3 Clrd-18:18:56 CT SPRGSTN Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Vehicle checked Patrol Officer Robert S Moore SETTLERS LN Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-18:44:40 Clrd-18:45:24 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-18:44:42 Arvd-18:54:59 Clrd-18:56:18 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 2 12/21/2015 1831 cars parked in rdway -running 15-21478 1834 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-18:34:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21479 1847 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: 3 Clrd-18:38:37 NH 1829614 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore HAMPSTEAD RD + LANE RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-18:48:13 Arvd-18:52:45 Clrd-19:04:26 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SIL 2009 TOYT 4D COROLLA Reg: PC NH 1556369 VIN: JTDBL40E099083425 12/21/2015 1848 mv vs. deer Narrative: 12/21/2015 1853 OFF WITH NH 1556369 Narrative: 12/21/2015 1904 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: SPINNEY VS DEER 15-859-AC 15-21480 1850 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - RUNAWAY JUVENILE Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:56:33 Refer To Incident: 15-2623-OF 15-21481 1916 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Report Taken Arvd-18:56:35 15-21482 1933 Call Taker: Clrd-19:04:54 Warning Issued Arvd-19:16:00 Cleared By: Vehicle: 2 3 Clrd-19:20:23 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Reg: NH 3199199 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Location/Address: ID: CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Cleared By: Vehicle: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Reg: NH 3782460 0000 - 2359 Arvd-19:33:00 15-21483 1941 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: 15-21484 2017 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 Warning Issued Arvd-20:17:00 Reg: 2018 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21486 2049 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 2303 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 2 Clrd-20:36:55 Clrd-20:36:53 Warning Issued Arvd-20:49:00 Reg: Clrd-20:23:20 NH P1NCS Initiated - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDE Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-20:18:00 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-20:23:25 Arvd-20:26:54 Vehicle: 15-21487 Clrd-19:44:34 911 - ABANDONED 911 Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand COLE RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-19:42:35 Arvd-19:53:15 Clrd-20:11:03 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Vehicle: 15-21485 Page: 144 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-20:55:49 NH T150967 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FERLAND DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-23:05:01 Arvd-23:11:17 Clrd-23:18:05 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-23:05:02 Arvd-23:11:17 Clrd-23:18:03 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 2 12/21/2015 2303 LOUD STOMPING Refer To Field Int: 15-21488 2324 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21489 2335 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21490 2341 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6017-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson RT 28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike BLU 2002 CHEV SU SUBURBAN Warning Issued Arvd-23:24:00 Clrd-23:29:12 Reg: PC NH 2132263 VIN: 3GNFK16Z12G193460 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson HIGH ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera WHI 2009 TOYT 4D COROLLA 3 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:35:00 Clrd-23:40:07 Reg: PC NH 3729272 VIN: JTDBL40E499070421 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson RT 28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-23:41:00 Clrd-23:48:34 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Vehicle: 15-21491 2347 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 BLK 2005 FORD PU F250 0000 - 2359 Reg: PC NH 3551507 Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Page: 145 Printed: 01/22/2016 VIN: 1FTSW21P65EC90611 SENT ON THEIR WAY 1 Arvd-23:47:00 Clrd-23:53:36 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:48:49 Arvd-23:48:49 Clrd-23:53:34 Vehicle: BLK 2002 TOYT SU 4RUNNER Reg: PC NH 3332999 VIN: JT3GN86R020226762 Refer To Field Int: 15-6007-FI ID: 15-21492 2351 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21493 2353 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21494 2356 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: For Date: 12/22/2015 15-21495 0054 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21496 0124 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: 15-21497 0227 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21498 0300 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21499 0402 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD Detective Stephen E Clark BLK 2001 SAA 4D 9-3 1 Arvd-23:51:00 Clrd-23:54:30 Reg: PC NH 2985362 VIN: YS3DD58H112038283 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson RT 28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike BLK 2014 FORD CV MUSTANG Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:53:00 Clrd-23:57:05 Reg: PC NH 3670160 VIN: 2HGFB2F85EH531387 WHI 2014 HOND 4D CIVIC EX - Vehicle checked Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:56:00 Clrd-12/22/2015 @ 00:03:57 Reg: PC NY ZEV6371 VIN: 1ZVBP8KZ0E5234774 Tuesday Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson RT 28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike GRY 2013 SUBA 4D LEGACY Warning Issued Arvd-00:54:00 Reg: PC NH 3820056 3 Clrd-01:01:38 VIN: 4S3BMBA66D3026750 Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Robert S Moore BYPASS 28 Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-01:25:39 Arvd-01:33:39 Clrd-01:42:02 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 1 Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christine D Carlson JEFFERSON ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera 1 WHI 2006 FORD VN VAN Summons Issued Arvd-02:27:00 Clrd-02:32:34 Reg: CO MA P51034 VIN: 1FDSE35L06HA21063 Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson TSIENNETO RD Detective Stephen E Clark SIL 2011 LEXS HT CT200H Arvd-03:00:00 Reg: PC NH 2177782 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson W BROADWAY + GRIFFIN ST Sergeant Christopher R Talbot BLK 2013 FORD 4D TAURUS Vehicle checked Clrd-03:01:34 VIN: JTHKD5BH0B2036337 Warning Issued Arvd-04:02:00 Reg: PC NH 3753614 1 3 Clrd-04:05:54 VIN: 1FAHP2F84DG232126 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21500 0436 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera 0448 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera 15-21502 0520 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ENGLISH RANGE RD Detective Stephen E Clark 0549 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ENGLISH RANGE RD Detective Stephen E Clark SIL 1998 SUZI 4D ESTEEM 15-21504 0559 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21505 0604 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0615 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson WINDHAM RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel 0648 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Clrd-04:52:05 VIN: 1G1ZS51FX6F261894 Warning Issued Warning Issued 3 Clrd-05:52:50 VIN: JS2GB31S3W5144086 Warning Issued Warning Issued Warning Issued 3 3 3 Arvd-06:15:00 Clrd-06:22:28 Reg: PC NH 3443177 VIN: 1C4NJRBB0DD228388 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR No Action Required Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 1820] B ST Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Disp-07:02:57 Arvd-07:03:00 Clrd-07:03:04 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 12/22/2015 0649 3 Arvd-06:04:00 Clrd-06:07:30 Reg: PC NH 2074882 VIN: 5FNRL38609B041199 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera GRY 2013 CHRY SU PATRIOT 15-21507 3 Arvd-05:59:00 Clrd-06:02:37 Reg: PC NH 3008729 VIN: JHLRE4H70AC005784 GRN 2009 HOND VN ODYSSEY 15-21506 Warning Issued Arvd-05:49:00 Reg: PC NH 3899123 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ENGLISH RANGE RD Detective Stephen E Clark SIL 2010 HOND SU CRV 3 Arvd-05:20:00 Clrd-05:24:09 Reg: PC NH 3431721 VIN: 1FTNF1EF7DKD18327 GRN 2013 FORD PU F150 15-21503 Warning Issued Arvd-04:48:00 Reg: PC NH 2285387 GRN 2006 CHEV 4D MALIBU Page: 146 Printed: 01/22/2016 Arvd-04:36:00 Clrd-04:41:07 Reg: PC NH 3610752 VIN: JF1SF65632H714528 WHI 2002 SUBA SU FORESTER 15-21501 0000 - 2359 1 Office area motion Narrative: 12/22/2015 0703 CANCELLED BY ALARM COMPANY PRIOR TO ARRIVAL 15-21508 0716 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21509 Vehicle: 0738 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson GRY 2011 KIA SU SORENTO Other - DRUG VIOLATION Warning Issued 3 Arvd-07:16:00 Clrd-07:21:09 Reg: VAN NH HOCKEY5 VIN: 5XYKTCA18BG166319 Arrest(s) Made 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-07:38:45 Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-07:38:49 ID: 0000 - 2359 Page: 147 Printed: 01/22/2016 Arvd-07:38:48 Clrd-09:40:32 Arvd-07:43:27 Clrd-09:16:28 Narrative: 12/22/2015 0746 622 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY FOR POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED DRUG Narrative: 12/22/2015 0747 124 EN ROUTE TO HQ WITH ONE SM 42896.4 Narrative: 12/22/2015 0751 124 OFF AT HQ EM 42897.5 Narrative: 12/22/2015 0809 IDENTIFIED AS JUVENILE Narrative: 12/22/2015 0831 RELEASED TO A PARENT Refer To Arrest: 15-1043-AR 15-21510 0749 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - RECOVERED RUNAWAY Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HOOD RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-07:50:48 Arvd-07:54:47 Clrd-08:11:36 Refer To Incident: 15-2623-OF 15-21511 0757 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 111 + ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-07:58:16 Arvd-08:08:08 Clrd-10:10:31 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:05:32 Arvd-08:12:57 Clrd-10:05:25 2 1 Narrative: 12/22/2015 0817 NH DOT NOTIFIED OF STRUCK TRAFFIC LIGHT Narrative: 12/22/2015 0822 OFF WITH NJ H88EXV AND IN 2054266 Narrative: 12/22/2015 0822 NEXT ON LIST LBP TOWING NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING FOR NJ H88EXV Narrative: 12/22/2015 0847 WRECKER ON SCENE Narrative: 12/22/2015 0919 DOT ON SCENE Narrative: 12/22/2015 0930 EVERSOURCE NOTIFIED Narrative: 12/22/2015 0959 EVERSOURCE ON SCENE Narrative: 12/22/2015 1000 LIBERTY UTILITIES NOTIFIED Narrative: 12/22/2015 1010 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-21512 FINJAP VS CRAWFORD 15-860-AC 0843 Other - Drop Box Maintenance Call Taker: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Refer To Incident: 15-2624-OF Report Taken 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21513 0916 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson 0000 - 2359 Warning Issued Arvd-09:16:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21514 0932 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: 15-21515 0943 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21516 0947 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21517 1003 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21518 1013 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21519 1028 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21520 1032 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Other - ASSAULT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-10:33:11 Warning Issued Arvd-10:33:13 Other - SEX OFFENSES Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-10:33:58 Refer To Incident: 15-2626-OF ID: 3 Clrd-10:35:43 Report Taken 1033 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1039 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-10:18:09 NH 3911607 15-21521 15-21522 3 NH 3828039 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LENOX RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: Clrd-10:09:43 Warning Issued Arvd-10:28:00 Vehicle: 3 NH 3705301 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: Clrd-09:51:13 Warning Issued Arvd-10:13:00 Vehicle: 3 NH 2038543 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD + PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: Clrd-09:49:55 Warning Issued Arvd-10:03:00 Vehicle: 1 NH H2OMOM Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: Clrd-09:40:26 Vehicle checked Arvd-09:47:00 Vehicle: 3 NH 1586523 Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Reg: Clrd-09:22:04 Summons Issued Arvd-09:43:00 Vehicle: 3 NH 3496953 Arvd-09:32:00 Vehicle: Page: 148 Printed: 01/22/2016 Initiated - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Narrative: GERJES VS NEWELL 1 Clrd-10:34:08 Report Taken Arvd-10:39:00 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-10:39:33 Arvd-10:41:13 12/22/2015 1053 REPORTABLE. Clrd-10:33:39 Report Taken Arvd-10:34:00 1 Clrd-11:03:19 Clrd-10:43:19 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Accident: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 149 Printed: 01/22/2016 15-861-AC 15-21523 1051 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Arvd-10:51:00 Clrd-10:51:47 Refer To Field Int: 15-6010-FI 1 15-21524 3 1114 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VIN CHECK Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MARTIN ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:14:41 Arvd-11:26:16 Clrd-11:26:24 Refer To Field Int: 15-6014-FI 15-21525 1125 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-11:25:00 Vehicle: Reg: Clrd-11:30:27 NH 3580180 15-21526 1213 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Investigated Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BEECH TER Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:13:41 Arvd-12:20:33 Clrd-12:26:18 Refer To Field Int: 15-6025-FI 15-21527 1335 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Warning Issued Arvd-13:35:00 Vehicle: 15-21528 Reg: 1337 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: 3 2 3 Clrd-13:40:35 NH 3706146 Initiated - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [LDY] NASHUA RD Sergeant David Michaud Arvd-13:37:00 Clrd-16:42:00 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-13:39:11 Arvd-13:39:13 Clrd-14:42:27 Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-14:12:52 Arvd-14:12:56 Clrd-16:41:59 Dispatcher Christina L Power Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-14:37:10 Clrd-14:37:13 Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-16:41:56 Arvd-16:42:01 Clrd-18:00:58 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-17:03:51 Arvd-17:03:52 Clrd-18:38:28 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Reg: NH 3597267 12/22/2015 1347 NHSP HAS TWO IN CUSTODY Narrative: 12/22/2015 1356 706 TRANSPORTING ONE TO HQ SM 83604.7 Narrative: 12/22/2015 1400 706 OFF AT HQ EM 83606.4 HELD FOR NHSP. TWO SUBJECTS BEING 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 150 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/22/2015 1405 NEXT ON LIST BIRCH ST COLLISION NOTIFIED AND ON SCENE Narrative: 12/22/2015 1413 BIRCH ST COLLISION EN ROUTE TO HQ WITH NH 3597267. S6 AND 920 FOLLOWING WRECKER Narrative: 12/22/2015 1418 S6 AND 920 OFF AT HQ WITH WRECKER Narrative: 12/22/2015 1444 908 EXECUTING SEARCH WARRANT at DPDHQ on Steven Sullivan. Search completed at 1449 hrs. Narrative: 12/22/2015 1618 SP executing a consent for NH reg 3597267 12/22/2015 1546 Jackson, Kevin 12/22/2015 1546 Both prisoners are checked. Narrative: 12/22/2015 1708 SP consent search ended Narrative: 12/22/2015 1713 prisoner checked Narrative: 12/22/2015 1743 vehicle secured in the impound lot Narrative: 1 Narrative: 12/22/2015 1815 prisoner checked and 1845 prisoner checked Narrative: 1 Narrative: 12/22/2015 2132 all prisoners released on PR bail for NHSP Refer To Incident: 15-21529 1343 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: 15-2628-OF Other - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FORDWAY ST Detective Dana P Park Disp-13:44:00 Arvd-13:44:12 Clrd-16:11:06 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-13:44:06 Arvd-13:44:10 Clrd-14:48:44 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-13:44:09 Arvd-13:44:46 Clrd-14:15:35 Detective Scott A Tompkins Disp-13:52:51 Arvd-13:52:54 Clrd-16:11:12 Dispatcher Christina L Power Detective Brian K French Disp-14:28:10 Arvd-14:28:13 Clrd-16:11:05 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-14:28:55 Arvd-14:37:55 Clrd-16:11:10 Dispatcher Christina L Power Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-14:37:17 Arvd-14:37:18 Clrd-16:11:03 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-14:42:33 Arvd-14:42:34 Clrd-16:11:08 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:46:18 Arvd-15:46:21 Clrd-15:51:45 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 151 Printed: 01/22/2016 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Dispatcher Christina L Power 12/22/2015 1354 304 ONE IN CUSTODY. TRANSPORTING ONE TO HQ SM 22226.4 SEARCH WARRANT BEING EXECUTED ON THE RESIDENCE. Narrative: 12/22/2015 1358 304 OFF AT HQ EM 22227.8 Narrative: 12/22/2015 1436 908 EXECUTING SEARCH WARRANT AT DPDHQ Narrative: 12/22/2015 1439 DFD OFF AT HQ Narrative: 12/22/2015 1441 SEARCH WARRANT COMPLETE AT DPDHQ Narrative: 12/22/2015 1442 DFD TRANSPORTING SUBJECT TO PMC. ROUTE WITH DFD TO PMC 706 EN Narrative: 1 Narrative: 1 Narrative: 1 Narrative: 12/22/2015 1500 S6 and 920 off at the residence Narrative: 12/22/2015 1501 706 off at PMC Narrative: 1 Narrative: 1 Narrative: 12/22/2015 1607 SEARCH WARRANT COMPLETED, ALL UNITS CLEAR. Narrative: 12/22/2015 1927 PMC prisoner released on $5000PR with a DDC date of 01/26/2016 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1009 IDENTIFIED AS: DAVID SULLIVAN 14 FORDWAY ST DERRY NH DOB 9/19/58 IN CUSTODY ON A NHSP WARRANT FOR SALE OF CONTROLLED DRUG Refer To Arrest: Refer To Incident: 15-21530 1415 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1044-AR 15-2627-OF Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Warning Issued Arvd-14:15:00 Vehicle: Refer To Field Int: 15-21531 1509 3 Clrd-14:23:36 Reg: NH 3753647 15-6027-FI Phone - MV ACCIDENT Services Rendered 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:13:12 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 0000 - 2359 Arvd-15:15:51 Page: 152 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-15:21:05 minor mva Narrative: information exchanged, no police necessary 15-21532 1520 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power MILLS FARM CIR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:20:50 Arvd-15:20:51 Clrd-15:46:24 Refer To Field Int: 15-6026-FI 15-21533 1550 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:51:49 Arvd-15:58:20 Clrd-16:30:06 2 2 Narrative: subject into hq's to turn himself in on a warrant for reckless conduct and disorderly conduct. Davy,Andrew 7941 Oak Estate Raleigh, NC dob 020995 Narrative: 12/22/2015 1630 released on $2000 PR with a court date of 3/3/16 Refer To Arrest: 15-21534 1559 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1046-AR Phone - WELFARE CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-16:00:01 Gone on Arrival Arvd-16:08:30 2 Clrd-16:13:07 Narrative: elderly person panhandling. 15-21535 1644 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:45:17 Arvd-16:45:19 Clrd-17:23:46 2 Narrative: subject in hq's to turn himself in on a warrant for simple assault. Silva, Gerald 14 Sundown Dr Derry, NH dob 030544 Narrative: 12/22/2015 1723 released on $350 PR bail with a court date of 2/4/16 Refer To Arrest: 15-21536 1706 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21537 1712 15-1047-AR Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-17:06:00 Clrd-17:13:45 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared 2 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 153 Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Christina L Power CHASES GROVE RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Arvd-17:12:00 15-21538 1713 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Not Served Arvd-17:13:00 15-21539 1738 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin SIL 2015 SUBA FORESTER 15-21540 1835 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21541 1900 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 1902 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 3 Clrd-17:43:00 SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-18:35:00 Reg: VAN NH +KARYN Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe BLK 2014 FORD 4D FOCUS 15-21542 Arvd-17:38:00 NH 3356799 Reg: 1 Clrd-17:20:02 Warning Issued Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Vehicle: BLU 2007 HYUN SU TUCSON Vehicle: Reg: NH RCPILOT Refer To Field Int: 15-6016-FI Clrd-17:18:35 1 Clrd-18:38:34 VIN: KM8JN72D17U634737 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-19:00:00 Clrd-19:05:31 Reg: VAN NH H20KID VIN: 1FADP3L96EL395273 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 586] E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-19:03:29 Arvd-19:07:37 Clrd-19:19:25 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-19:03:36 Clrd-19:05:42 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-19:05:39 Arvd-19:09:16 Clrd-19:19:27 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 12/22/2015 1902 BASEMENT DOOR Narrative: 12/22/2015 1909 building checked Narrative: checked and all appeared in order Refer To Field Int: Refer To Field Int: 15-21543 1908 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: 15-6015-FI 15-6036-FI Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Patrol Officer Robert S Moore WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-19:51:25 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-19:51:29 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:04:01 Arvd-20:09:31 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Rendered Clrd-19:54:17 Clrd-19:54:49 Clrd-20:35:31 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Cleared By: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-20:04:05 Arvd-20:09:37 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-20:12:54 Arvd-20:12:55 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: 154 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-20:35:29 Clrd-20:32:23 12/22/2015 1909 REQUEST TO CHECK ON FEMALE SUBJECT Narrative: checked and all appeared in order Refer To Field Int: 15-21544 1917 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6040-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Warning Issued Arvd-19:17:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21545 1924 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Summons Issued Arvd-19:24:00 Reg: 15-21546 1954 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: Clrd-19:24:23 NH 3862351 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Vehicle: 3 3 Clrd-19:34:22 NH 3736468 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Vehicle checked 2 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore RT 28 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-19:55:49 Arvd-19:55:54 Clrd-20:03:19 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-19:55:52 Arvd-19:58:57 Clrd-20:03:21 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power BLU 2004 PONT 2D SUNFIRE Reg: PC NH 3701469 VIN: 1G2JB12F447105454 12/22/2015 1958 stopping on S Main St Narrative: checked and found no issues. 15-21547 2010 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-20:12:23 Arvd-20:17:48 Clrd-20:35:56 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:12:27 Arvd-20:17:47 Clrd-20:35:54 2 Narrative: loud music Refer To Field Int: 15-21548 2040 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21549 Vehicle: 2046 Call Taker: 15-6018-FI Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer BLK 2015 JEEP SU PATRIOT Warning Issued 3 Arvd-20:40:00 Clrd-20:50:29 Reg: PC NH 2484839 Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Assistance Rendered 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 GERMANTOWN RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-20:47:52 Arvd-21:06:08 Dispatcher Christina L Power Arrived By: Narrative: Page: 155 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-21:20:11 Found Needle. Item disposed of properly. 15-21550 2100 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arrest(s) Made Arvd-21:00:00 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-21:01:49 Arvd-21:06:07 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Reg: PC NH 998800 ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: 3 Clrd-21:57:10 Clrd-21:42:37 12/22/2015 2108 One in custody at this time. Narrative: 12/22/2015 2111 enroute to hq's s/m 14779 Narrative: 12/22/2015 2116 off at hq's e/m 14780.3 with: Sullivan,Matthew 7 Upland Rd Atkinson, NH dob 032891 Narrative: 12/22/2015 2124 next on this requested, Spacetown auto assigned Narrative: 12/22/2015 2135 wrecker on scene Narrative: 12/22/2015 2138 released on a summons with a court date of 1/28/15 Refer To Arrest: 15-21551 2109 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-1048-AR 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-21:11:20 Arvd-21:27:48 Clrd-21:57:03 BLK 2011 FORD 4D FOCUS Reg: PC NH 3055732 VIN: 1FAHP3GN4BW139491 BLK 2004 LEXS SU GX470 Reg: PC NH 1749287 VIN: JTJBT20X440026323 full report Fahey vs Muzerell Refer To Accident: 2130 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-862-AC 15-21552 Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-21:31:10 Arvd-21:43:45 Clrd-21:43:47 3 15-21553 Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-23:02:52 Arvd-23:08:01 Clrd-12/23/2015 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-23:02:53 Arvd-23:11:49 Clrd-12/23/2015 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:07:59 Arvd-23:08:00 Clrd-12/23/2015 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:15:27 Arvd-23:20:45 Clrd-12/23/2015 1 2302 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: Narrative: @ 01:47:47 @ 01:24:42 @ 00:06:13 @ 00:02:42 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 156 Printed: 01/22/2016 12/22/2015 2346 contact made with subject Narrative: 12/22/2015 2349 S9 reporting subject in custody Narrative: 12/22/2015 2353 726 transporting to DPDHQ s/m: 83644.7 Narrative: 12/22/2015 2359 726 off at DPDHQ e/m: 83646.9 Narrative: 12/23/2015 0103 located in cell #3 Narrative: 12/23/2015 0103 Subject Info: Evan Vautour 17 Fairway Dr #2 Derry, NH DOB: 7/7/94 Arrested for Domestic Violence (Simple Assault 3cts) Narrative: 12/23/2015 0143 subject released on $1000 PR court date 12/23/15 per BC Lefebvre Refer To Arrest: 15-21554 2311 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21555 2356 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: For Date: 12/23/2015 15-21556 0038 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1049-AR Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N MAIN ST + PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-23:11:00 Clrd-23:15:54 WHI 2002 FORD CP FOCUS Reg: PC NH 3753460 VIN: 3FAFP31392R143182 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST + FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Arvd-23:56:00 Clrd-12/23/2015 @ 00:06:09 WHI 1998 VOLV 4D 70 Reg: PC NH 3687855 VIN: YV1LS5648W1443573 - Wednesday Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-00:39:04 Arvd-00:48:58 Clrd-02:00:01 Narrative: 12/23/2015 0055 140 has subject in custody, transporting to DPDHQ s/m: 42958.9 Narrative: 12/23/2015 0103 140 off at DPDHQ e/m: 42962.5 Narrative: 12/23/2015 0115 Subject Info: Stephanie Richardson 30 Kendall Pond Rd #41 Derry, NH DOB:12/30/82 Arrested on a warrant for Theft and Theft by Deception Narrative: 12/23/2015 0121 placed in cell #1 Narrative: 12/23/2015 0159 subject released on $350 PR bail, court date 2/4/15 per BC Lefebvre Refer To Arrest: 15-1050-AR 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21557 0045 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 157 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering DERRYFIELD RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:46:57 Arvd-00:49:13 Clrd-00:53:36 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-00:46:59 Clrd-00:53:35 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius 2 12/23/2015 0046 loud music Refer To Field Int: 15-21558 0205 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6062-FI Phone - TRANSPORT TRANSPORTED Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-02:06:10 Arvd-02:06:11 Clrd-02:12:25 3 Narrative: 12/23/2015 0205 140 transporting subject to Talia's in Londonderry s/m: 42967.0 Narrative: 12/23/2015 0211 140 off at Talia's e/m: 42969.5 Refer To Field Int: 0250 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6042-FI 15-21559 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-02:50:00 Clrd-03:04:57 15-21560 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering RT 28 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Arvd-04:40:00 Clrd-04:43:37 RED 1993 GMC PU K2500 Reg: PC NH 3692934 VIN: 1GTGK24F8PE535108 0440 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21561 0549 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2510] LAMPTON DR Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-05:49:38 Arvd-05:54:17 Clrd-05:59:24 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-05:49:39 Arvd-05:56:14 Clrd-05:59:25 2 1 Narrative: 12/23/2015 0549 kitchen motion alarm Refer To Field Int: 15-21562 0640 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21563 0752 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21564 0836 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6046-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-06:40:00 Clrd-06:45:23 BLK 2000 CHRY 4D CIRRUS Reg: PC NH 3123048 VIN: 1C3EJ56H7YN143365 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti BLK 2001 LNDR DISCOVERY Reg: Summons Issued Arvd-07:52:00 NH BDASRVR 3 Clrd-08:02:26 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WRYAN RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-08:37:03 Arvd-08:47:23 Clrd-08:56:42 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-08:46:24 Refer To Field Int: 15-6028-FI 0000 - 2359 Page: 158 Printed: 01/22/2016 ID: 15-21565 0904 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Arvd-08:46:26 Clrd-08:49:11 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY TRANSPORTED Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-09:05:38 Arvd-09:08:36 Clrd-09:29:28 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-09:16:26 Arvd-09:16:28 Clrd-09:23:13 2 Narrative: 12/23/2015 0905 SUSPICIOUS MALE WALKING IN THE AREA Narrative: 12/23/2015 0923 424 TRANSPORTING ONE TO WARNER HILL RD 22340.4 SM Narrative: 12/23/2015 0927 424 OFF AT WARNER HILL RD Refer To Field Int: EM 22342.2 15-6094-FI 15-21566 0906 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-09:07:35 Arvd-09:11:49 Clrd-09:20:39 ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-09:12:21 Arvd-09:12:23 Clrd-09:16:23 Refer To Field Int: 15-6030-FI 15-21567 0921 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FRANKLIN ST EXT Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-09:21:00 Vehicle: 15-21568 0930 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 0934 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 3 Clrd-09:27:55 NH 3008668 Summons Issued Arvd-09:30:00 Vehicle: 1 3 Clrd-09:37:15 NH HLHYDRA 15-21569 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-09:34:00 Clrd-09:41:12 2 15-21570 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand NORMAN DR Detective Dana P Park 1 0936 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Served Arvd-09:36:00 15-21571 0939 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 15-21572 0941 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-09:42:00 Reg: NH 3800827 Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N HIGH ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-09:50:53 Clrd-09:41:02 Summons Issued Arvd-09:39:00 Clrd-09:50:30 Arvd-09:42:03 Clrd-09:50:44 Services Rendered Arvd-10:05:19 Clrd-10:26:15 3 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 159 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1026 ITEM DESTROYED 15-21573 0943 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21574 1007 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HIGH ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-09:43:00 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Clrd-09:47:42 Warning Issued Arvd-10:07:00 Vehicle: 2 3 Clrd-10:08:47 Reg: DX NH Z384 15-21575 1014 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-10:14:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21576 1019 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: 15-21577 1038 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Summons Issued Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FOLSOM RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: 15-21578 1054 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-10:34:38 Warning Issued 3 Clrd-10:42:49 NH 3509750 Initiated - PED CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Matter Rectified Arvd-10:54:00 1056 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 NH 3820077 Arvd-10:38:00 Vehicle: Clrd-10:19:13 NH 3808270 Arvd-10:19:00 Vehicle: 3 2 Clrd-10:55:23 15-21579 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-10:56:00 Clrd-11:09:54 2 15-21580 Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 1 1058 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: No Action Required Arvd-10:58:00 Clrd-11:12:23 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1058 PARKING ENFORCEMENT 15-21581 1106 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-11:07:03 Arrest(s) Made Arvd-11:07:05 Clrd-12:40:43 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1106 SUBJECT IN THE LOBBY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR DOMESTIC ASSAULT (X2) Narrative: 12/23/2015 1128 IDENTIFIED AS: DAKOTA MYETTE 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 160 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 FAIRFAX AVE APT 163 DERRY NH DOB 2/12/94 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1130 PLACED IN CELL 3 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1201 SUBJECT CHECKED Narrative: 12/23/2015 1239 RELEAED ON $2500 PR BAIL WITH COURT 2/4/16 BC LEFEBVRE Refer To Arrest: 15-21582 1110 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1051-AR Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Detective Dana P Park Warning Issued Arvd-11:10:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21583 1112 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21584 1118 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-11:18:23 NH 2493016 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-11:12:00 Clrd-11:19:07 Reg: FL SHW53 3 Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 111 Detective Dana P Park Disp-11:19:05 1 No Action Required Arvd-11:30:43 Clrd-11:35:58 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1136 DFD CLEARED UPON ARRIVAL. NEEDED 15-21585 1120 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: NO ASSISTANCE Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-11:30:47 Arvd-11:45:09 Clrd-11:50:58 1 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1120 DELIVER A MESSAGE FOR PMC Narrative: 12/23/2015 1152 PMC NOTIFIED. DERRY 15-21586 1126 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti ADDRESS DOES NOT EXIST IN Warning Issued Arvd-11:26:00 Vehicle: 15-21587 Reg: 1140 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-11:30:37 NH SMRITI Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MARTIN ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:41:12 Arvd-11:47:25 Clrd-12:00:49 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1140 FOR MA DCYF Narrative: 12/23/2015 1200 NOTE LEFT 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21588 1200 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Warning Issued Arvd-12:00:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21589 1202 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: 15-21590 1210 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21591 1220 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21592 1221 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 3 Clrd-12:16:26 NH 3931011 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: Clrd-12:06:54 Warning Issued Warning Issued Arvd-12:20:00 Vehicle: 3 NH 3105217 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: Clrd-12:03:59 Warning Issued Arvd-12:10:00 Vehicle: 3 NH 3633316 Arvd-12:02:00 Vehicle: Page: 161 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-12:25:23 NH 3588808 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:24:20 Arvd-12:24:54 Clrd-12:35:31 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-12:24:23 Arvd-12:27:00 Clrd-12:34:28 2 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1221 POSSIBLE 318 ACTIVITY 15-21593 1230 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CHESTER RD + AMHERST DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-12:30:00 Vehicle: Reg: 3 Clrd-12:35:37 NH 1593901 15-21594 1233 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand KRISTIN DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-12:34:34 Clrd-12:46:50 ID: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-12:35:44 Arvd-12:43:24 Clrd-12:48:35 Refer To Field Int: 15-6037-FI 2 15-21595 1 1253 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-12:55:30 Arvd-12:55:32 Clrd-12:55:34 Refer To Field Int: 15-6032-FI 15-21596 1256 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WINDHAM RD Detective Dana P Park Warning Issued Arvd-12:56:00 Vehicle: 15-21597 1301 Call Taker: Location/Address: 3 Clrd-13:05:04 Reg: PC NH 3853056 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASH ST EXT Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 162 Printed: 01/22/2016 Captain Vernon L Thomas Arvd-13:01:00 Vehicle: Clrd-13:06:31 Reg: PC MA 961VJ7 15-21598 1302 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Summons Issued Arvd-13:02:00 Vehicle: Refer To Field Int: 15-21599 1304 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-13:11:57 Reg: PC NH 3675836 15-6035-FI Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SCENIC DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-13:12:11 Arvd-13:18:50 Clrd-13:34:08 2 Narrative: theft of music equipment Refer To Incident: 15-21600 1314 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21601 1336 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2629-OF Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-13:14:41 Arvd-13:14:43 Clrd-13:38:25 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-13:15:30 Arvd-13:20:16 Clrd-13:26:00 1 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BERRY RD Detective Kennedy Richard 2 No Action Required Arvd-13:36:00 15-21602 1337 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Detective Dana P Park Warning Issued Arvd-13:37:00 Vehicle: Reg: Clrd-13:51:27 Clrd-13:44:15 CT 9AMVU1 15-21603 1339 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SAGAMORE DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-13:39:28 Arvd-13:49:38 Clrd-13:57:21 Refer To Field Int: 15-6038-FI 15-21604 1412 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Warning Issued Arvd-14:12:00 Vehicle: Reg: Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-14:32:54 Arvd-14:32:57 Clrd-14:50:45 Refer To Field Int: 15-6104-FI ID: ID: 3 Clrd-14:16:00 1431 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1513 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 NH 3524962 15-21605 15-21606 3 Radio - INVOL EMERGENCY ADMISSION Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Christina L Power LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-15:15:26 Arvd-15:15:32 Clrd-16:33:50 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-15:15:29 Arvd-15:15:31 Clrd-16:41:53 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue 1 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-15:46:26 0000 - 2359 Arvd-15:46:28 Page: 163 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-16:27:48 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1559 out w/lononderry pd Narrative: 12/23/2015 1608 one in IEA custody from lononderry and enroute to pmc s/m 83692.7 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1619 off at pmc e/m 83695.3 15-21607 1546 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - MV ACCIDENT Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:49:18 Arvd-15:59:55 Clrd-16:28:15 1 Narrative: non reportable. Refer To Accident: Abreu vs Thibault. 15-863-AC 15-21608 1618 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - VIN CHECK Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:18:53 Refer To Field Int: 15-6058-FI 15-21609 1623 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-16:18:55 3 Clrd-16:27:14 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power RICHARDSON DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:27:45 Arvd-16:57:27 Clrd-17:05:18 2 Narrative: two children left alone Refer To Incident: 15-21610 1628 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-2630-OF Phone - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDER Served Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:57:33 Arvd-17:18:19 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-16:57:38 Arvd-17:18:20 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-17:18:11 2 Clrd-17:43:37 Clrd-17:29:19 Clrd-17:18:14 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1728 order was served, courtesy transport to Asheligh Dr s/m14855 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1737 off on Ashleigh Dr e/m 14856.7 15-21611 1631 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Christina L Power PERLEY RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:32:59 Arvd-16:35:50 Clrd-16:56:14 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-16:33:45 Arvd-16:35:51 Clrd-16:56:17 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-16:33:55 Clrd-16:56:56 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1643 DFD on scene Narrative: transported to pmc via dfd Refer To Field Int: 15-6033-FI 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21612 1632 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 164 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-16:42:16 Arvd-16:56:12 Clrd-16:57:19 2 Narrative: female panhandler 15-21613 1812 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - DISABLED MV Vehicle checked Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-18:12:00 Clrd-18:19:29 Vehicle: GRY 2006 LNDR SU Reg: NH 266746 Refer To Field Int: 15-6072-FI 15-21614 1828 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:29:31 Arvd-18:35:19 Clrd-19:19:40 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-18:29:33 Arvd-18:32:47 Clrd-19:19:38 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-18:37:07 Arvd-18:37:08 Clrd-19:19:36 3 1 Narrative: between x's Narrative: taking a criminal mischief report. Refer To Incident: 15-21615 1906 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2631-OF 911 - ABANDONED 911 TRANSPORTED Dispatcher Christina L Power KINGSBURY ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-19:08:46 Arvd-19:10:25 Clrd-19:20:26 1 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1913 courtesy transport to Walmart s/m 39346 Narrative: 12/23/2015 1920 off at Walmart, E/m 39348.3 Refer To Field Int: 15-6074-FI 15-21616 1946 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Investigated Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe REBECCA LN Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-19:46:57 Arvd-20:15:51 Clrd-20:20:19 Refer To Field Int: 15-6039-FI 15-21617 2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Investigated Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:17:13 Arvd-20:22:36 Clrd-20:22:45 2 2 Narrative: 12/23/2015 2016 younger children Narrative: 12/23/2015 2022 Children were just upset about not getting their toys. No problems found Refer To Field Int: 15-21618 2020 Call Taker: 15-6056-FI Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Cleared 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 [DY 1725] AIKEN ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-20:20:00 15-21619 2033 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21620 2036 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2466] E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:34:20 Arvd-20:39:43 Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Dispatcher Christina L Power ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:37:32 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-20:37:35 Page: 165 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-21:22:46 3 Clrd-20:44:05 Services Rendered Arvd-20:39:39 Clrd-20:44:13 Arvd-20:39:44 Clrd-20:44:12 1 Narrative: blk hyundai, male subject over the wheel Narrative: checked and all appeared in order. 15-21621 2153 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK TRANSPORTED Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-21:54:15 Arvd-21:54:19 Clrd-22:21:50 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:54:17 Arvd-21:54:50 Clrd-22:04:17 2 Narrative: 12/23/2015 2154 ped check on crystal ave Narrative: 12/23/2015 2200 courtesy ride to 16 Manning St Narrative: 12/23/2015 2201 s/m 22382.5 Narrative: 12/23/2015 2204 e/m 22382.9 Refer To Field Int: 15-21622 2221 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6057-FI Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-22:21:43 Arvd-22:21:45 Clrd-22:30:03 1 Narrative: set off accidentally by employee Refer To Field Int: 15-21623 2231 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-6098-FI Phone - RESTRAINING ORDER VIOLATIO Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power DERRY WAY Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:35:37 Arvd-22:42:31 Clrd-23:13:29 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 12/23/2015 2306 off with second half Refer To Incident: 15-21624 2249 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: 15-2632-OF Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe COLLETTES GROVE RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-22:57:26 Arvd-23:16:15 Clrd-23:27:21 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Cleared By: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 166 Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:01:04 Arvd-23:22:16 Clrd-23:25:32 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering GRY 2004 HOND SU PILOT Reg: PC NH 3390260 VIN: 2HKYF18124H546215 Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: 12/23/2015 2250 NH Reg # 3390260 Narrative: 12/23/2015 2328 no crimes committed in Derry Refer To Field Int: 15-21625 2253 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-6050-FI Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-22:56:56 Arvd-23:01:50 Clrd-23:39:24 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-22:56:59 Arvd-23:00:01 Clrd-23:30:14 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-22:58:59 Arvd-22:59:01 Clrd-23:03:25 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 1 12/23/2015 2301 next on the list requested for NH 3873279, Recovery Solutions notified and responding Narrative: 12/23/2015 2339 Sullivan v Williams - reportable Refer To Accident: 15-21626 2324 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-864-AC Initiated - MV CHECK Arrest(s) Made 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Arvd-23:24:00 Clrd-23:51:19 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-23:25:22 Arvd-23:25:40 Clrd-12/24/2015 @ 00:20:21 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-23:41:56 Arvd-23:41:57 Clrd-23:51:20 WHI 2007 CHEV 4D MALIBU Reg: PC NH 3816029 VIN: 1G1ZS57F47F268171 12/23/2015 2335 officers conducting a consent search Narrative: 12/23/2015 2341 one in custody Narrative: 12/23/2015 2344 737 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 83734.0 Narrative: 12/23/2015 2346 737 off at DPDHQ e/m: 83734.7 Narrative: 12/24/2015 0013 Subject Info: Elizabeth Krupa 99 Old Chester Rd Derry, NH DOB:3/13/96 Arrested for Possession of Controlled Drug Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 167 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/24/2015 0015 summons issued, court date 2/4/16 Narrative: 12/24/2015 0034 subject released Refer To Arrest: 15-1053-AR 15-21627 2358 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-23:58:00 Clrd-12/24/2015 @ 00:02:39 Vehicle: RED 2001 GMC VN SAFARI Reg: PC NH 1774530 VIN: 1GKDM19W51B509305 Refer To Field Int: 15-6049-FI For Date: 12/24/2015 - Thursday 15-21628 0002 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Arvd-00:02:00 Clrd-00:11:35 ID: Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-00:03:24 Arvd-00:06:14 Clrd-00:09:44 Vehicle: SIL 2003 VOLV 4D S60 Reg: PC NH 3876554 VIN: YV1RS61T532246347 Refer To Field Int: 15-6044-FI 15-21629 0009 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-00:09:43 Arvd-00:12:21 Clrd-00:18:05 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-00:09:46 Arvd-00:12:52 Clrd-00:32:28 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius 1 12/24/2015 0012 DFD on scene Narrative: DFD transported to PMC. Refer To Field Int: 15-21630 0010 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: 15-6041-FI Phone - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Lieutenant Frank Stoncius WALNUT HILL RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-00:12:04 Arvd-00:22:28 Clrd-00:29:19 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 mailbox struck. Refer To Incident: 15-2633-OF 15-21631 0040 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-00:40:00 Clrd-00:45:53 Vehicle: BLU 2007 CHEV HT AVEO Reg: PC NH 3869009 VIN: KL1TD66627B726819 Refer To Field Int: 15-6048-FI 15-21632 0042 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-00:43:07 Arvd-00:43:09 Clrd-00:48:11 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-00:44:15 Arvd-00:46:08 Clrd-00:46:15 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 168 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/24/2015 0042 blue toyota camry Narrative: 12/24/2015 0048 negative DWI 15-21633 0051 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21634 0132 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SAWYER CT Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Arvd-00:51:00 Clrd-00:52:54 SIL 2012 SUBA SW IMPREZA Reg: PC NH 3455134 VIN: JF1GR7E61CG240721 Phone - HIT AND RUN Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-01:33:18 Arvd-01:36:17 Clrd-02:36:27 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-01:33:19 Arvd-01:37:01 Clrd-04:30:19 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-01:36:11 Arvd-01:36:16 Clrd-02:58:16 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-01:37:59 Arvd-01:38:03 Clrd-02:58:27 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-02:36:28 Arvd-02:36:30 Clrd-04:30:21 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-02:58:21 Arvd-02:58:23 Clrd-04:30:18 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-04:24:35 Arvd-04:24:36 Clrd-05:02:54 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: NH 1851050 12/24/2015 0136 DFD requested Narrative: 12/24/2015 0136 off with NH 1851050 (dealer) Narrative: 12/24/2015 0137 318 off with subject on Fordway St Narrative: 12/24/2015 0138 232 checking a subject on Birch St Narrative: 12/24/2015 0140 DFD on scene Narrative: 12/24/2015 0143 232 clear the ped check Narrative: 12/24/2015 0143 S9 checking an open door at a residence Narrative: 12/24/2015 0153 contact made with subject on Fordway St Narrative: 12/24/2015 0217, subject refusing medical treatment, checking sobriety. Narrative: 12/24/2015 0224 232 reporting one in custody 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 169 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/24/2015 0240 318 enroute with one, sm 22417.4 Narrative: 12/24/2015 0244 em: 22419.1 12/24/2015 0246 WRECKER ON SCENE 12/24/2015 0253 PRISONER REQUESTS B.C. 12/24/2015 0254 B.C. LEFEBVRE RESPONDING 12/24/2015 0335 PLACED IN CELL 1 12/24/2015 0340 LINDSAY SIMON (6/20/88) 33 FORDWAY ST DERRY, NH 03038 Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: CHARGED WITH: DWI, CONDUCT AFTER AN ACCIDENT, OAS, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF M/V Narrative: 12/24/2015 0400 BAIL SET AT $1500 CASH 12/24/2015 0401 PPO LENNON CONTACTED AND ORDERED SIMON HELD 12/24/2015 0424 232 TRANSPORTING ONE TO RCHOC SM: 39406.4 12/24/2015 0453 OFF AT JAIL EM: 39427.7 Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Refer To Arrest: Refer To Accident: 15-21635 0142 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-1054-AR 15-865-AC Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MALLARD CT Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-01:45:30 Arvd-01:49:51 Clrd-02:00:39 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-01:45:32 Arvd-01:49:52 Clrd-02:00:38 15-21637 0215 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Report Taken Call Taker: Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Location/Address: ASH ST EXT Narrative: Londonderry PD handled call, transported female to residence in Londonderry. Refer To Incident: 15-21636 0255 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 2 2 15-2634-OF Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY No Action Required Lieutenant Frank Stoncius [DY 1455] MADDEN RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-02:58:31 Arvd-03:00:55 Clrd-03:02:45 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike headlights behind the building. 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 170 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/24/2015 0302 15-21638 0505 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: CONFIRMED TO BE AEC EMPLOYEES Phone - BUILDING CHECK Matter Rectified Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-05:06:53 Arvd-05:06:55 Clrd-05:11:01 3 Narrative: caller reported open door to mechanical room. advised door opened by the wind. Refer To Field Int: 15-21639 0619 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-6051-FI Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel GRY 2007 HOND 2D CIVIC LX 15-21640 0713 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-21641 0723 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Officer Warning Issued 3 Arvd-06:19:00 Clrd-06:24:35 Reg: PC NH 3692996 VIN: 2HGFG11637H526449 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OVERLEDGE DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-07:14:22 Arvd-07:19:30 Clrd-08:17:12 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-07:14:24 Arvd-07:20:24 Clrd-08:17:13 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-07:20:18 Arvd-07:20:23 Clrd-08:00:13 1 911 - FIRE, AUTO Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-07:25:06 1 Services Rendered Arvd-07:26:23 Clrd-07:32:05 Narrative: 12/24/2015 0727 DFD ON SCENE 15-21642 0736 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ANIMAL COMPLAINT No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-07:37:50 Arvd-07:45:05 Clrd-07:45:13 1 15-21643 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Lieutenant Eric T Kester BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-09:54:50 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-09:54:53 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 0954 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Report Taken Arvd-09:57:13 Clrd-10:57:24 Arvd-09:57:12 Clrd-10:57:30 12/24/2015 0957 OFF WITH NH 2530457 AND NH 3273612 Narrative: 12/24/2015 1110 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-21644 1057 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: MADDEN VS DEMERS 15-866-AC Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-10:58:05 Arvd-10:58:10 Clrd-11:03:39 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-10:58:08 Arvd-11:00:07 Clrd-11:03:40 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 171 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/24/2015 1057 NH 1516588 Narrative: 12/24/2015 1058 231 CHECKING NH 1516588 AT SPEEDWAY ON BIRCH ST Refer To Field Int: 15-6093-FI 15-21645 1118 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 211] HOOD RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-11:18:34 Arvd-11:25:25 Clrd-11:35:15 ID: Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:18:36 Clrd-11:28:41 Refer To Field Int: 15-6088-FI 1 15-21646 3 1137 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ANNOYING PHONE CALLS ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N HIGH ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-11:59:22 Arvd-12:07:50 Clrd-12:24:33 Refer To Field Int: 15-6089-FI 15-21647 1227 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:29:04 Could Not Locate Arvd-12:33:35 2 Clrd-12:40:46 Narrative: FEMALE WALKING IN DOG IN MIDDLE OF ROAD 15-21648 1248 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21649 1308 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-12:48:00 Clrd-12:53:51 Reg: NH 3569116 3 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 3 Warning Issued Arvd-13:08:00 Vehicle: 15-21650 1319 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Warning Issued Arvd-13:19:00 Vehicle: 15-21651 1319 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 1333 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Clrd-13:23:25 Reg: NH 3170924 15-6092-FI Initiated - OHRV COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BARTLETT RD + GULF RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Warning Issued Arvd-13:33:00 Refer To Field Int: Refer To Field Int: Clrd-13:23:18 Vehicle checked Arvd-13:19:00 15-21652 3 MA 22GX81 Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BRANDY ROCK RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Vehicle: Refer To Field Int: Clrd-13:13:23 NH 3741373 15-6090-FI 15-6091-FI Clrd-13:41:34 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21653 1416 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21654 1417 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 911 - ABANDONED 911 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-14:32:33 0000 - 2359 Services Rendered Arvd-14:39:22 Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd 15-21655 1418 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1426 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21657 1440 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Clrd-14:26:55 Warning Issued Arvd-14:26:00 Reg: 3 NH T432099 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Detective Stephen E Clark Vehicle: Clrd-14:19:11 Warning Issued Arvd-14:18:00 Reg: 15-21656 1 Reg: MA 529TB1 15-6165-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Vehicle: 1 Clrd-14:44:57 Vehicle checked Arvd-14:17:00 Vehicle: Refer To Field Int: Page: 172 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-14:32:18 NH 3654229 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:46:19 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Cleared Arvd-16:10:32 2 Clrd-17:42:02 12/24/2015 1442 BAG OF MAIL Refer To Arrest: Refer To Incident: 15-21658 1443 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-1055-AR 15-2638-OF Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:43:30 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-14:59:00 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-15:09:02 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Detective Dana P Park Disp-15:14:16 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-15:16:09 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Arrest(s) Made Arvd-14:59:01 Clrd-17:40:22 Arvd-15:12:06 Clrd-15:46:14 Arvd-15:09:25 Clrd-15:35:32 Arvd-15:14:17 Clrd-15:35:34 Arvd-15:16:10 Clrd-15:35:31 12/24/2015 1509 one in custody and charged with receiving stolen property (5 cts) 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 173 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/24/2015 1516 enroute with one s/m 83774.1 Narrative: 12/24/2015 1529 off at hq's e/m 83781.0 with Cloutier, Cheryl homeless dob 021767 Narrative: 12/24/2015 1545 dog was placed in the pound Narrative: 12/24/2015 1619 follow up at # 97 IP Narrative: 12/24/2015 1633 prisoner checked Narrative: 12/24/2015 1634 follow up at # 272 Narrative: 12/24/2015 1702 S7 /234 off at 173 WH Narrative: 12/24/2015 1703 prisoner checked Narrative: 12/24/2015 1735 prisoner checked Narrative: 12/24/2015 1813 released on $1000 PR bail with a court date of 1/28/16 Refer To Arrest: 15-21659 1518 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-1055-AR Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Christina L Power N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-15:18:31 Arvd-15:26:35 Clrd-17:05:30 Reg: NH 690874 BLK 2013 HOND 4D CIVIC Reg: PC NH UNDED1 VIN: 2HGFB2F95DH531896 12/24/2015 1538 next AAA requested for NH reg 690874 Narrative: dennehy vs. laplante full report Refer To Accident: 15-21660 1520 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-867-AC Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:40:18 Arvd-15:47:20 Clrd-16:18:21 1 Narrative: racoon Narrative: euthanized Refer To Incident: 15-21661 1729 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2636-OF Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2096] WALNUT HILL RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse False Alarm 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-17:36:38 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-17:39:46 Refer To Field Int: 15-6045-FI 0000 - 2359 Page: 174 Printed: 01/22/2016 Arvd-17:46:53 Clrd-17:55:24 Arvd-17:47:30 Clrd-17:55:22 ID: 15-21662 1729 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:30:42 Arvd-17:30:43 Clrd-17:59:14 1 Narrative: dog bite Refer To Incident: 15-21663 1746 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-2637-OF Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-17:46:46 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:46:49 Arrest(s) Made Arvd-17:47:31 Clrd-18:15:03 Arvd-17:46:51 Clrd-17:59:12 1 Narrative: parkhurst v. grimmer ... full report Refer To Accident: 15-21664 1823 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-868-AC Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Vehicle checked 2 Dispatcher Christina L Power FENWAY ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:26:23 Arvd-18:26:28 Clrd-18:36:26 WHI 2004 FORD VN ECONOLINE Reg: PC NH 3675992 VIN: 1FTRE14W34HB20704 spoke to the owner and vehicle will be moved Refer To Field Int: 15-21665 1827 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-157-FI Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power AIKEN ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:38:16 Arvd-18:39:53 Clrd-19:19:48 2 Narrative: jewelry Refer To Incident: 15-21666 1936 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21667 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer John Diburro GRY 2013 HYUN 4D SONATA 1951 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-2639-OF Warning Issued Arvd-19:36:00 Clrd-19:46:05 Reg: PC NH 309870 VIN: 5NPEB4AC6DH782748 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe [DY 1060] MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-19:52:20 Arvd-19:57:46 Clrd-20:01:31 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-19:52:23 Arvd-19:57:48 Clrd-20:01:30 Narrative: 12/24/2015 1952 Southeast Entry motion Narrative: 12/24/2015 2001 building secure Refer To Field Int: 15-6054-FI 3 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21668 2051 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 175 Printed: 01/22/2016 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Christina L Power KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:51:38 Arvd-20:51:39 Clrd-21:06:47 1 Narrative: transported by DFD Refer To Field Int: 15-21669 2242 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-6043-FI Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe QUINCY DR Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-22:42:57 Arvd-22:53:18 Clrd-23:02:12 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-22:43:00 Arvd-22:53:19 Clrd-23:02:11 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 2 12/24/2015 2242 Loud Music Refer To Field Int: 15-21670 2250 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6063-FI Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-22:50:30 Arvd-22:50:31 Clrd-22:56:46 2 Narrative: 12/24/2015 2250 Red pick up 12/24/2015 2252 Stopping NH Temp 1831251 on Birch 12/24/2015 2256 No problems found Narrative: Narrative: Refer To Field Int: 15-21671 2257 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-6082-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis SIL 2008 VOLK 4D RABBIT 2327 Phone - ABANDONED 911 Call Taker: Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Location/Address: MARTHA DR Narrative: 12/24/2015 2329 No problems 15-21673 0635 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: - 3 Arvd-22:57:00 Clrd-23:02:19 Reg: PC ME 6398UK VIN: WVWDA71K98W142086 15-21672 For Date: 12/25/2015 Warning Issued Services Rendered 1 Friday Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus [DY 2595] FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-06:38:26 Arvd-06:41:48 Clrd-07:00:20 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-06:38:28 Arvd-06:41:52 Clrd-07:00:20 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-06:38:30 Arvd-06:41:55 Clrd-07:00:20 Narrative: person attempting to break into cars 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21674 0901 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 176 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus CEMETERY RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-09:02:30 Arvd-09:05:31 Clrd-09:12:42 1 Narrative: loose pit bull 15-21675 0936 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-09:37:43 Arvd-09:38:10 Clrd-10:16:32 ID: Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-09:37:47 Clrd-09:39:49 ID: Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-09:52:15 Arvd-09:53:17 Clrd-10:16:32 Refer To Field Int: 15-6052-FI 15-21676 0953 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus CIRCLE DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-09:54:50 Arvd-10:00:21 Clrd-10:07:07 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 1 1 black lab Narrative: 12/25/2015 1006 dog located and being returned to owner 15-21677 1005 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus FOLSOM RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-10:06:25 No Action Required Arvd-10:07:35 2 Clrd-10:19:10 Narrative: concerning gas from a uhaul on property Refer To Field Int: 15-21678 1043 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6059-FI Walk-In - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby JEFFERSON ST Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:45:22 Arvd-10:46:46 Clrd-10:48:54 2 Narrative: Suspicious vehicle in the area of Jefferson and Hillside last seen heading towards Birch Street. White van with ladders on roof. Possible NH Reg: 375 7545. 15-21679 1058 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PED CHECK ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus [DY 2456] SAGAMORE DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-10:58:00 Clrd-11:04:34 Refer To Field Int: 15-6086-FI 15-21680 1131 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY TRANSPORTED Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:32:03 Arvd-11:32:59 Clrd-11:50:07 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-11:32:43 Arvd-11:36:58 Clrd-11:44:44 Narrative: patient that won't leave 2 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 177 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/25/2015 1145 courtesy transport to cumberland farms s/m 83847.1 Narrative: 12/25/2015 1148 e/m 83847.8 15-21681 1148 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - DISORDERLY CONDUCT Warning Issued Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus EMERALD DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:50:05 Arvd-11:54:08 Clrd-12:04:26 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 2 neighbor smoking tires in neighborhood Refer To Field Int: 15-21682 1157 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-6084-FI Phone - SHOOTING COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby STARK RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:02:39 Arvd-12:09:33 Clrd-12:21:35 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus 2 gunshots coming from the area of Stark Road and Lawrence Refer To Field Int: 15-21683 1206 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-6166-FI Phone - THEFT Report Taken Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby SANBORN RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:09:37 Arvd-12:25:03 Clrd-12:39:44 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus 2 removed sign Refer To Incident: 15-21684 1350 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-2640-OF Phone - THEFT Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-13:51:03 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Report Taken Arvd-13:57:24 2 Clrd-14:19:02 of a walmart money card Refer To Incident: 15-21685 1355 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-2641-OF Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus BILL ST Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-13:56:47 Arvd-14:02:00 Clrd-14:27:36 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby small maltese dog found Narrative: 12/25/2015 1409 En route to the pound w/ a small white terrior dog Narrative: 12/25/2015 1428 off at pound Refer To Field Int: 15-6087-FI 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21686 1400 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 178 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:00:53 Arvd-14:06:01 Clrd-14:07:17 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus 1 barking dog 15-21687 1459 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Other - UNWANTED SUBJECT SENT ON THEIR WAY Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse [DY 2258] E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:00:22 Arvd-15:00:57 Clrd-15:08:09 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:00:55 Arvd-15:00:57 Clrd-15:08:12 2 Narrative: unwanted subject on property, trespassed per employee Refer To Field Int: 15-6066-FI 15-21688 1531 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-15:31:57 Refer To Field Int: 15-6071-FI 15-21689 1559 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-15:31:59 3 Clrd-15:32:19 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK No Action Required Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse ROCKINGHAM RD Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Arvd-15:59:00 Clrd-16:08:31 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:00:19 Arvd-16:00:48 Clrd-16:08:32 Reg: PC MI DJG8028 2 building secure, no problems found 15-21690 1658 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse DERRY WAY Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:00:01 Arvd-17:04:30 Clrd-17:12:22 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:00:09 Arvd-17:04:29 Clrd-17:12:23 3 Narrative: juvinile issue Refer To Field Int: 15-21691 1716 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-6061-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY No Action Required Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse SUNNYSIDE LN Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:17:44 Arvd-17:18:46 Clrd-17:29:36 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:17:46 Arvd-17:20:10 Clrd-17:24:07 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:17:47 Arvd-17:18:45 Clrd-17:29:38 Narrative: thinks someone tried to get into home Narrative: neighbor trying to give gifts Refer To Field Int: 15-6068-FI 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21692 1726 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Location Change: ID: Location Change: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 179 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - WELFARE CHECK No Action Required Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse FRANKLIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:33:43 Arvd-17:44:41 Clrd-17:54:05 FRANKLIN ST EXT [Modified: 12/25/20151742] Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:36:31 Arvd-17:44:41 Clrd-17:54:07 FRANKLIN ST EXT [Modified: 12/25/20151741] 2 checking 11 year old for suicidal statements Narrative: child is with mother who reports comments were made several weeks ago, no problems Refer To Field Int: 15-21693 1728 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-6060-FI 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse N SHORE (BL) RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-17:29:35 Arvd-17:30:25 Clrd-17:48:10 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:30:04 Arvd-17:33:04 Clrd-17:33:30 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-17:30:50 Arvd-17:32:36 Clrd-17:43:06 1 Narrative: 12/25/2015 1731 fire off Refer To Field Int: 15-21694 1926 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-6053-FI Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT SENT ON THEIR WAY Patrol Officer Robert S Moore HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:28:29 Arvd-19:30:25 Clrd-19:47:39 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-19:28:31 Arvd-19:30:24 Clrd-19:47:41 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse 2 12/25/2015 1927 female subject Narrative: leaving the home with family member Refer To Field Int: 15-21695 1942 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-6067-FI Walk-In - VANDALISM Report Taken Patrol Officer Robert S Moore RAILROAD AVE Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-19:43:55 Arvd-19:43:57 Clrd-20:00:34 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse 3 12/25/2015 1943 damage to parked vehicle Refer To Incident: 15-21696 1956 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2642-OF 911 - ERRATIC OPERATION Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:57:44 Arvd-19:59:57 Clrd-19:59:59 2 Narrative: entered into chester, chester was advised 15-21697 2016 Call Taker: Location/Address: Phone - ROAD HAZARD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse WALNUT HILL RD Matter Rectified 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:17:37 Arvd-20:26:20 Page: 180 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-20:31:42 Narrative: tree in road Narrative: hazard removed 15-21698 2027 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:27:59 Arvd-20:31:16 Clrd-20:35:47 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse 1 12/25/2015 2027 loose German Shepard puppy 15-21699 2047 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - DISTURBANCE Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ELWOOD RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:48:24 Arvd-20:58:11 Clrd-21:13:26 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:48:26 Clrd-20:49:45 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-20:49:25 Arvd-20:58:46 Clrd-21:13:25 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse 1 12/25/2015 2048 loud yelling Refer To Field Int: 15-21700 2101 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-6070-FI Phone - SHOOTING COMPLAINT Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 2636] DONOVAN DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:13:51 Arvd-21:23:13 Clrd-21:35:37 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-21:14:49 Arvd-21:23:21 Clrd-21:35:38 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse 2 12/25/2015 2102 loud bangs heard Refer To Field Int: 15-21701 2108 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 15-21702 2126 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6069-FI Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Vehicle Moved Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-21:10:04 Arvd-21:11:47 Clrd-21:20:33 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 1 Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Patrol Officer Robert S Moore BYPASS 28 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson 1 Gone on Arrival Arvd-21:26:00 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-21:29:42 Arvd-21:29:45 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 12/25/2015 2126 loose dog Narrative: GOA Clrd-21:37:11 Clrd-21:37:17 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21703 2235 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV CHECK Patrol Officer Robert S Moore MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 0000 - 2359 Page: 181 Printed: 01/22/2016 No Action Required 1 Arvd-22:35:00 Clrd-22:38:44 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse SIL 2012 KIA VN SEDONA Reg: PC NH 3652751 VIN: KNDMG4C7XC6432030 Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: secure no problems 15-21704 2315 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION No Action Required Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:15:53 Arvd-23:20:06 Clrd-23:25:48 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ID: Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:15:58 Arvd-23:20:13 Clrd-23:25:46 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Refer To Field Int: 15-6081-FI For Date: 12/26/2015 15-21705 0014 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: - 2 Saturday Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Peace Restored Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike CHASES GROVE RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-00:15:48 Arvd-00:26:11 Clrd-00:30:15 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:15:49 Clrd-00:30:14 2 Narrative: LOUD PARTY Refer To Field Int: 15-21706 0034 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-6083-FI Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION No Action Required 2 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:35:05 Clrd-00:40:58 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-00:35:07 Arvd-00:38:43 Clrd-00:43:00 BLK 2002 DODG PU DAKOTA Reg: PC NH 3475584 VIN: 1B7HG38X32S544422 CALLER REPORTS VEHICLE HAVING LANE CONTROL ISSUES Narrative: 12/26/2015 0039 Refer To Field Int: M/V STOPPED S.MAIN AT CIRCLE OF FRIENDS NH# 3475584 15-6065-FI 15-21707 0124 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK No Action Required Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike TINKHAM AVE Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-01:24:00 Clrd-01:29:09 Vehicle: Reg: NH VIN: 1N4AL11D25C143370 Refer To Field Int: 15-6064-FI 15-21708 0521 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: 911 - UNATTENDED DEATH Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-05:22:34 Arvd-05:22:46 Clrd-07:08:14 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-06:32:48 Arvd-06:32:48 Clrd-06:48:42 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 1 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 182 Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FEMALE SUBJECT NOT CONCIOUS NOT BREATHING Narrative: 12/26/2015 0610 PAGED RCSD CONTACTED REQUESTED M.E. AND C.A. BE 12/26/2015 0616 FACILITY. NEXT OF KIN NOTIFIED AND ENROUTE TO Narrative: Narrative: 12/26/2015 0626 CA Dristiliaris notified. Narrative: 12/26/2015 0637 ME Foley notified and declined to respond Narrative: 12/26/2015 0642 A3 notified Narrative: 12/26/2015 0643 message left for A2 Narrative: 12/26/2015 0647, A1 notified. Refer To Incident: 15-21709 0748 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2643-OF Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BYPASS 28 + TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-07:48:00 Clrd-07:56:09 1 Narrative: 12/26/2015 0756 german shepherd, unable to catch 15-21710 0752 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2479] ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-07:56:24 Arvd-07:56:28 Clrd-08:09:25 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-07:56:25 Arvd-08:00:11 Clrd-08:09:25 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-07:56:25 Clrd-07:56:28 1 Narrative: 12/26/2015 0753 multiple alarms sounding Refer To Field Int: 15-21711 0845 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6124-FI Initiated - ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-08:45:00 Clrd-08:58:23 3 Narrative: 12/26/2015 0845 advice given in reference to domestic issue Refer To Field Int: 15-21712 0848 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Narrative: 15-6055-FI Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2774] TINKHAM AVE Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:50:29 Arvd-08:52:16 Clrd-08:58:32 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-08:50:32 Arvd-08:58:30 Clrd-08:58:31 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 183 Printed: 01/22/2016 12/26/2015 0848 rear warehouse door Refer To Field Int: 15-21713 0859 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: 15-21714 0922 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0924 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-22-FI Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:00:20 Arvd-09:03:01 Clrd-09:17:21 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-09:10:19 Arvd-09:10:20 Clrd-09:17:21 1 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LENOX RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-09:22:00 Clrd-09:28:38 BLK 2008 MITS 4D LANCER Reg: PC NH 2585893 VIN: JA3AU26U28U038718 15-21715 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering POND RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-09:24:00 Clrd-09:28:33 15-21716 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-09:35:00 Clrd-09:40:54 GRN 2005 FORD TK F350 Reg: PC NH 3898974 VIN: 1FDWX37P75EB18613 0935 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21717 0956 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21718 1014 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 2 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 1439] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-09:56:00 Clrd-10:04:31 SIL 2002 PONT 4D SUNFIRE Reg: PC NH 3950082 VIN: 1G2JB524827174182 Walk-In - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy LANE RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-10:16:40 Arvd-10:21:04 Clrd-10:29:53 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 12/26/2015 1029 no damage to property found, advice given Refer To Field Int: 15-6123-FI 15-21719 1048 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Report Taken Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy [DY 1015] HAPPY AVE Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-10:51:27 Arvd-10:58:15 Clrd-11:21:23 Cleared By: Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Refer To Incident: 15-2644-OF 15-21720 1052 Call Taker: Location: ID: Cleared By: 15-21721 1055 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy POST OFFICE Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:53:28 Arvd-10:55:23 Clrd-11:08:07 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 1 Phone - THEFT Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ISLAND POND RD + FEATHERBED LN Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-10:56:15 Arvd-11:00:18 Clrd-11:09:14 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 184 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/26/2015 1109 see 15-1055-AR 15-21722 1110 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21723 1145 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21724 1209 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: 15-21725 1210 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 1232 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FORDWAY ST + TRANSFER LN Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-11:10:00 Clrd-11:16:10 BLU 2014 TOYT PU TACOMA 4 Reg: PC NH 3538475 VIN: 3TMLU4EN2EM141198 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:45:41 Arvd-11:48:15 Clrd-11:48:16 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:45:42 Arvd-11:47:53 Clrd-11:48:17 2 Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY No Action Required Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy WENTWORTH LN Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-12:10:56 Arvd-12:15:08 Clrd-12:16:24 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:11:00 Clrd-12:15:23 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 3 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-12:10:00 Clrd-12:15:39 SIL 2001 TOYT PU TACOMA 4 Reg: PC NH 3362402 VIN: 5TEPM62N41Z726797 15-21726 Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Not Served Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy BRIDGE ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-12:32:00 Clrd-12:38:24 15-21727 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD + OLD CHESTER RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-13:08:00 Clrd-13:13:31 BLK 2002 SAA HT 9-3 Reg: PC NH 3745080 VIN: YS3DF55K627009442 1308 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 1311 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 15-21728 Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Not Served Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-13:11:00 Clrd-13:28:16 15-21729 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E DERRY RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-13:27:00 Clrd-13:32:32 RED 1996 OLDS 2D CUTLASS Reg: PC NH 3712125 VIN: 1G3WH12M6TF363851 1327 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21730 1333 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21731 Cleared By: Vehicle: 1406 3 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E DERRY RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-13:33:00 Clrd-13:38:06 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy GLD 2013 MC VICTORY V13SW36N Reg: MC NH F7456 VIN: 5VPSW36N5D3020410 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Vehicle checked 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy [DY 687] WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-14:07:25 Arvd-14:15:03 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Cleared By: Narrative: Page: 185 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-14:33:19 suspicious/abandoned vehicle white 4 door Audi Narrative: 12/26/2015 1415 off with NH 3692875 Refer To Field Int: 15-21732 1422 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-6122-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Arrest(s) Made Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy [DY 1530] BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-14:23:03 Arvd-14:26:59 Clrd-14:57:48 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-14:31:34 Arvd-14:35:47 Clrd-14:40:19 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 blue subaru VT plates tinted windows Narrative: 12/26/2015 1438 one in custody Narrative: 12/26/2015 1439 304 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 22632.3 Narrative: 12/26/2015 1447 304 off at DPDHQ e/m: 22633.9 Narrative: 12/26/2015 1454 Subject Info: Ninah Cleaver 5 Oak St Londonderry, NH DOB:9/29/91 Arrested on a Windham warrant for Receiving Stolen Property Narrative: 12/26/2015 1535 released to Windham PD custody Refer To Arrest: 15-21733 1444 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-1056-AR Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCCO DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-14:45:27 Arvd-14:51:03 Clrd-17:10:17 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-15:10:12 Arvd-15:10:13 Clrd-17:10:18 3 Narrative: 12/26/2015 1710 assistance given to DFD for traffic control 15-21734 1535 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BIRCHWOOD DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-15:35:43 Arvd-15:42:05 Clrd-17:13:25 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:35:48 Arvd-15:42:06 Clrd-17:13:26 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-17:44:23 Arvd-17:44:26 Clrd-18:37:38 Narrative: 12/26/2015 1608 125 has one in custody 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 186 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/26/2015 1611 419 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 67803.6 Narrative: 12/26/2015 1616 419 off at DPDHQ e/m: 67805.1 Narrative: 12/26/2015 1643 Subject Info: Lynn Gendreau 13 Barkland Dr Derry, NH DOB:3/8/64 Arrested for Stalking (3 cts) Narrative: 12/26/2015 1643 placed in cell #1 Narrative: 12/26/2015 1722 subject declined services of a bail commissioner Narrative: 12/26/2015 1750 731 transporting subject to Brentwood s/m: 39722.8 Narrative: 12/26/2015 1822 731 off at Brentwood e/m: 39744.1 Refer To Arrest: 15-1057-AR 15-21735 1619 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2774] TINKHAM AVE Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-16:21:13 Clrd-16:40:58 ID: Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-16:21:16 Arvd-16:24:57 Clrd-16:40:56 Refer To Field Int: 15-6078-FI 1 15-21736 3 1641 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - AUTO THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-17:13:48 Arvd-17:17:58 Clrd-17:44:18 ID: Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-17:44:15 Clrd-17:44:17 Refer To Incident: 15-2645-OF 15-21737 1752 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HOODKROFT DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-17:52:00 Clrd-18:11:26 2 15-21738 Phone - THEFT Patrol Officer Robert STARK RD Patrol Officer Joel C Disp-18:31:52 Dispatcher Jonathon S Dispatcher Jonathon S 2 1831 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Report Taken S Moore Jackson Arvd-18:37:37 Pickering Pickering Clrd-18:48:35 12/26/2015 1831 theft of mail Refer To Incident: 15-21739 1840 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2646-OF Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Warning Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:40:44 Arvd-18:42:11 Clrd-18:50:36 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:46:10 BLU 2007 CHEV SU TRAILBLAZER 0000 - 2359 Vehicle: Narrative: Page: 187 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-18:48:23 Reg: PC NH 3597281 VIN: 1GNDT13SX72266501 12/26/2015 1846 checking NH 3597281 on Dexter St Narrative: 12/26/2015 1850 negative DWI, warning issued Refer To Field Int: 15-21740 1844 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21741 1910 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-6079-FI Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:45:17 Clrd-18:46:06 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:48:27 Arvd-18:53:11 Clrd-18:58:24 2 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Robert S Moore MT PLEASANT ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:11:38 Arvd-19:15:09 Clrd-19:22:30 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-19:11:40 Arvd-19:15:09 Clrd-19:22:31 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-19:11:42 Arvd-19:20:47 Clrd-19:22:31 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 12/26/2015 1911 susp male in area 15-21742 1925 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - DISPERSE A GROUP SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-19:25:44 Arvd-19:28:23 Clrd-19:40:12 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-19:25:45 Arvd-19:28:49 Clrd-19:40:11 2 Narrative: 12/26/2015 1940 trespass warnings issued Refer To Field Int: Refer To Field Int: 15-21743 1930 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-6139-FI 15-6162-FI Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:14:10 Arvd-20:25:36 Clrd-20:25:37 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-20:14:11 Arvd-20:20:46 Clrd-20:25:38 2 Narrative: 12/26/2015 1930 loud music 15-21744 2014 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAUD Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:14:38 Arvd-20:14:39 Clrd-21:19:18 Narrative: 12/26/2015 2014 walk in report Refer To Incident: 15-2647-OF 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21745 2037 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PINGREE HILL RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-20:38:11 0000 - 2359 Page: 188 Printed: 01/22/2016 No Action Required 1 Clrd-20:39:14 Narrative: 12/26/2015 2038 determined to be in Auburn 15-21746 2048 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-20:49:01 Arvd-20:49:03 Clrd-20:53:47 Refer To Field Int: 15-6073-FI 15-21747 2051 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:52:08 Arvd-20:57:23 Clrd-21:14:29 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-20:52:10 Arvd-20:57:23 Clrd-21:14:30 3 2 Narrative: 12/26/2015 2051 loud music Refer To Field Int: 15-6080-FI 15-21748 2057 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ARSON Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MCGREGOR ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-21:02:58 Arvd-21:04:07 Clrd-22:18:22 ID: Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-21:19:12 Arvd-21:19:13 Clrd-21:38:42 Refer To Incident: 15-2648-OF 15-21749 2212 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-22:12:37 Arvd-22:13:16 Clrd-22:22:06 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-22:12:39 Arvd-22:14:39 Clrd-22:22:05 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 1 2 12/26/2015 2212 subject soliciting customers for financial donations 15-21750 2248 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SHOOTING COMPLAINT Investigated Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:52:47 Arvd-22:52:49 Clrd-22:52:50 2 Narrative: reporting what he thought was gun shots determinded to have been fireworks. 15-21751 2257 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: 911 - ROAD RAGE Report Taken 1 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ENGLISH RANGE RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:58:14 Arvd-23:00:13 Clrd-12/27/2015 @ 00:17:09 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-22:58:16 Arvd-23:03:35 Clrd-23:37:19 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Disp-22:58:18 Arvd-23:01:02 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse GRN 1996 CHEV SU BLAZER Reg: PC NH 3753382 Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: Page: 189 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-23:39:22 VIN: 1GNDT13W7T2296519 off at 9B English Range Rd with other half Refer To Incident: 15-21752 2310 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2649-OF 911 - FIRE,BRUSH No Action Required Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse EMERALD DR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:11:40 Arvd-23:19:09 Clrd-23:21:58 1 Narrative: reported of a bon fire in area Narrative: 35 Emerald Dr. has fire permit 15-21753 2339 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21754 2344 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: For Date: 12/27/2015 15-21755 0025 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-21756 0031 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21757 0044 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: Arrived By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Vehicle: Narrative: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse CHESTER RD Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Arvd-23:39:00 Clrd-23:45:04 RED 2013 VOLK 4D JETTA Reg: PC NH 3693059 VIN: 3VW2K7AJ4DM366885 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse S MAIN ST + THORNTON ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Arvd-23:44:00 Clrd-23:47:58 Reg: PC NH DRUMHER - 3 Sunday Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse RT 28 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:25:00 Clrd-00:27:35 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Reg: PC NH 3774505 1 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Arvd-00:31:00 Clrd-00:38:11 Reg: PC OH GEJ5046 3 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Investigated Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse DUSTIN AVE Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-00:45:30 Arvd-00:47:08 Clrd-01:07:16 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:45:32 Arvd-00:47:10 Clrd-01:07:15 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-00:48:09 Arvd-00:48:11 Clrd-01:07:13 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore BLK 2004 MAZD Reg: PC NH 3741585 1 verbal domestic Refer To Field Int: 15-21758 0105 15-6075-FI Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT SENT ON THEIR WAY 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-01:06:27 Arvd-01:16:14 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-01:08:15 Arvd-01:16:13 ID: Page: 190 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-01:18:55 Clrd-01:27:21 Narrative: request by manager to check on a female who has been standing outside with bag Narrative: 12/27/2015 0120 3 37 giving ride to Mcdonalds in Londonderry 22722.3 Narrative: 12/27/2015 0125 off at McDonalds 22724.2 15-21759 0124 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Location Change: 15-21760 0133 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21761 0150 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse OVERLEDGE DRIVE EXT Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-01:24:00 Clrd-01:41:40 OVERLEDGE DR [Modified: 12/27/20150124] 2 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse E DERRY RD + CEMETERY RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-01:33:00 Clrd-01:41:30 Reg: PC NH 3868962 3 Phone - DISTURBANCE Matter Rectified Patrol Officer Robert S Moore LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-01:54:32 Arvd-02:00:22 Clrd-02:09:49 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-01:54:37 Arvd-02:00:22 Clrd-02:09:51 1 Narrative: 12/27/2015 0151 problem with adult son Narrative: 12/27/2015 0210 spoken to - matter resolved by officers Refer To Field Int: 15-21762 0152 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-37-FI Phone - NOISE Patrol Officer FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Disp-01:55:15 Patrol Officer Disp-02:10:34 COMPLAINT Robert S Moore Quieted on Request Patrick H Dawson Arvd-01:58:45 Peter A Houlis 2 Clrd-02:11:19 Clrd-02:11:22 Narrative: 12/27/2015 0152 people yelling loudly Narrative: 12/27/2015 0205 232 off at apt. # 24 Refer To Field Int: 15-21763 0327 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21764 0425 Call Taker: Location/Address: 15-6099-FI Initiated - MV CHECK Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 322] E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera BLK 2005 HOND 4D CIVIC Vehicle checked Arvd-03:27:00 Reg: VAN NH HTWEELZ 911 - MV ACCIDENT Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FOLSOM RD 1 Clrd-03:29:04 VIN: 1HGEM22965L055514 Arrest(s) Made 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Cleared By: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 191 Printed: 01/22/2016 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-04:26:09 Arvd-04:27:12 Clrd-08:29:50 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-04:26:26 Arvd-04:28:06 Clrd-06:27:23 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-04:26:31 Arvd-04:27:14 Clrd-06:57:39 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-04:27:10 Arvd-04:27:18 Clrd-06:57:37 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RED 2016 MERZ 2D C450W4 Reg: TM NH 181093 VIN: 55SWF6EB2GU116199 12/27/2015 0429 DFD ON SCENE Narrative: 12/27/2015 0436 Birch St. notified for tow and responding Narrative: 12/27/2015 0438 HWY Dept. paged for damaged guard rail Narrative: 12/27/2015 0443 HWY Dept. responding Narrative: 12/27/2015 0443 417 enroute to Parkland Med. Center for follow-up Narrative: 12/27/2015 0443 DFD transporting one to Parkland Med. Center Narrative: 12/27/2015 0445 Water Dept. paged for damaged Fire Hydrant Narrative: 12/27/2015 0447 417 off at Parkland Med. Center Narrative: 12/27/2015 0449 Water Dept. responding RE: hydrant Narrative: 12/27/2015 0458 Birch St. Collision on scene for tow Narrative: 12/27/2015 0509 HWY Dept. on scene Narrative: 12/27/2015 0517 WATER Dept. on scene Narrative: 12/27/2015 0527 232 enroute to Parkland to assist 417 Narrative: 12/27/2015 0530 232 off at Parkland Narrative: 12/27/2015 0550 Water Dept. clear Narrative: 12/27/2015 0606 417 reports one in custody @ PMC for DWI Narrative: 12/27/2015 0606 in custody Devin Monahan 227 Walnut St. #2 Manchester, NH DOB - 09-28-92 Narrative: 12/27/2015 0623 HWY Dept. clear Narrative: Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 192 Printed: 01/22/2016 12/27/2015 0627 Birch St. clear with vehicle - RDWY open and clear Narrative: 12/27/2015 0723 417 TRANSPORTING ONE TO HQ SM 67875 Narrative: 12/27/2015 0726 417 OFF AT HQ EM 67877 Narrative: 12/27/2015 0800 RELEASED TO A SOBER PARTY ON A SUMMONS WITH COURT 1/7/16 Refer To Arrest: Refer To Accident: 0838 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1058-AR 15-869-AC 15-21765 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:39:07 Arvd-08:41:31 Clrd-08:52:25 2 15-21766 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GRANT ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:07:30 Arvd-09:19:14 Clrd-09:19:16 1 15-21767 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SUNSET AVE Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd 2 0907 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0911 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-09:11:00 15-21768 0920 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Clrd-09:19:33 Phone - THEFT Arrest(s) Made Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:21:15 Arvd-09:24:58 Clrd-11:19:56 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-09:21:17 Arvd-09:23:40 Clrd-10:00:42 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LP REPORTS SUSPECT IN STORE ATTEMPTING TO CONCEAL MERCHANDISE Narrative: 12/27/2015 0927 714 ONE IN CUSTODY FOR WILLFUL CONCEALMENT Narrative: 12/27/2015 0932 714 EN ROUTE TO HQ WITH ONE SM 83914.9 Narrative: 12/27/2015 0934 714 OFF AT HQ EM 83915.9 Narrative: 12/27/2015 1001 IDENTIFIED AS: LORI DONAHUE 116 NOTRE DAME AVE APT 5 MANCHESTER NH DOB 2/2/74 Narrative: 12/27/2015 1001 PLACED IN CELL 1 Narrative: 12/27/2015 1028 RELEASED ON $350 PR BAIL WITH COURT 2/11/16 PER BC LEFEBVRE 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Arrest: 15-21769 0948 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 15-1059-AR Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY + BOYD RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Warning Issued Arvd-09:48:00 Vehicle: Page: 193 Printed: 01/22/2016 Reg: Clrd-09:54:29 NH 3848822 15-21770 1122 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:23:22 Arvd-11:24:59 Clrd-11:34:39 ID: Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:23:23 Arvd-11:24:58 Clrd-11:34:51 Refer To Field Int: 15-6076-FI 15-21771 1143 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:43:46 Arvd-11:51:38 Clrd-12:01:37 1 2 Narrative: 12/27/2015 1201 SUSPICIOUS CAR DRIVING IN THE AREA 15-21772 1152 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: 911 - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Services Rendered 2 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:53:38 Arvd-11:55:25 Clrd-12:44:21 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LGR 2007 FORD 4D TAURUS Reg: DX NH P970 VIN: 1FAFP53U67A114452 M/V INTO TREE Narrative: 12/27/2015 1207 NEXT ON LIST SPACETOWN AUTO NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING FOR NH DX P970 Narrative: 12/27/2015 1217 SPACETOWN ON SCENE Refer To Field Int: 16-32-FI 15-21773 1249 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:49:43 Arvd-12:49:46 Clrd-13:00:25 ID: Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-12:49:45 Arvd-12:52:24 Clrd-13:00:25 ID: Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:52:27 Arvd-12:52:28 Clrd-13:00:25 Refer To Field Int: 15-6077-FI 15-21774 1400 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21775 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:02:49 Arvd-14:04:50 Clrd-14:06:33 1 2 Narrative: 12/27/2015 1404 SUSPICIOUS CAR IN PARKING LOT Narrative: 12/27/2015 1405 CHECKING NH 328553 1405 Phone - THEFT Report Taken 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-14:08:22 Arvd-14:10:57 Refer To Incident: 15-2650-OF Page: 194 Printed: 01/22/2016 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21776 1442 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ASSIST CITIZEN Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Clrd-14:34:32 ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-14:42:00 3 Clrd-14:43:37 Narrative: SUBJECT HAVING ISSUE WITH GIRLFRIEND Refer To Field Int: 15-21777 1552 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-6096-FI Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 1231] SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:53:13 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-15:53:13 False Alarm Arvd-15:59:45 Clrd-16:26:12 Arvd-16:01:11 Clrd-16:26:10 1 Narrative: confirmed false by keyholder Refer To Field Int: 1633 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6103-FI 15-21778 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-16:33:00 Clrd-16:42:02 2 15-21779 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 2 1655 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared Arvd-16:55:00 Cleared By: 15-21780 1709 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Cleared Arvd-17:09:00 15-21781 1728 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1734 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-17:05:16 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-17:28:00 2 Clrd-17:28:32 2 Clrd-17:34:40 15-21782 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-17:34:00 Clrd-17:42:39 2 15-21783 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 2 1759 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared Arvd-17:59:00 15-21784 1822 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PED CHECK Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arrest(s) Made Arvd-18:22:00 Cleared By: ID: Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Clrd-18:22:18 Clrd-19:29:56 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-18:22:44 Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-18:22:48 Dispatcher Christina L Power Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 0000 - 2359 Page: 195 Printed: 01/22/2016 Arvd-18:26:46 Clrd-18:30:30 Arvd-18:26:48 Clrd-18:30:28 12/27/2015 1830 courtesy ride to Fairway s/m 83996 Narrative: 12/27/2015 1831 e/m 83996.4 Narrative: 12/27/2015 1836 one in protective custody: Morrison, Paul 31 Fairway Dr Derry, NH dob 030465 Narrative: 12/27/2015 1841 transporting to RCJ s/m 83997 Narrative: 12/27/2015 1909 off at RCJ e/m 84019.1 Refer To P/C: 15-21785 1926 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1060-AR Walk-In - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power PINKERTON ST Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-19:26:33 Arvd-19:26:35 Clrd-19:29:48 3 Narrative: blu nokia cell phone Refer To Incident: 15-21786 1928 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-2651-OF Phone - DISTURBANCE SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Christina L Power LINLEW DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-19:29:44 Arvd-19:32:46 Clrd-19:32:48 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-19:29:44 Arvd-19:30:45 Clrd-19:39:45 1 Narrative: issues between teenagers. Refer To Field Int: all parties seperated 16-18-FI 15-21787 1936 Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Cleared Call Taker: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Location/Address: W BROADWAY Narrative: 12/27/2015 1939 Matter rectified prior to DPD arrival 15-21788 1939 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21789 1940 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-19:39:00 Clrd-19:44:26 Reg: MA 991VM7 3 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Robert Corwin 3 Warning Issued Arvd-19:40:00 Vehicle: 15-21790 2012 Call Taker: Location/Address: 1 Reg: Clrd-19:52:15 NH 3646122 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe TSIENNETO RD Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 196 Printed: 01/22/2016 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-20:12:00 Clrd-20:18:15 WHI 2009 SAA 4D 9-3 Reg: PC NH 3814133 VIN: YS3FB46Y091010083 Vehicle: 15-21791 2028 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-20:29:24 Arvd-20:33:32 Clrd-20:39:48 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-20:29:27 Arvd-20:33:31 Clrd-20:39:26 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-20:35:26 Arvd-20:39:23 Clrd-20:39:24 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 12/27/2015 2028 Abandonded 9-1-1, possible domestic disturbance Narrative: verbal in nature Refer To Field Int: 15-21792 2106 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6097-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Robert Corwin No Action Required Arvd-21:06:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21793 2150 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-21:50:00 15-21794 2230 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: 15-21795 2242 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Clrd-21:07:12 NH 3314193 Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power HUMPHREY RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Vehicle: Refer To Field Int: 3 1 Clrd-22:06:38 Reg: NH 3500705 15-6109-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe [DY 382] MONTGOMERY FARM RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-22:32:07 Arvd-22:37:17 Clrd-23:03:25 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 2 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe [DY 1231] SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-22:43:04 Arvd-22:50:43 Clrd-23:02:24 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-22:43:31 Arvd-22:50:05 Clrd-22:50:45 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 12/27/2015 2242 Office room motion Narrative: 12/27/2015 2259 Refer To Field Int: 15-21796 2306 Call Taker: Keyholder on scene 15-6102-FI Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Services Rendered 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-23:06:12 Arvd-23:08:02 ID: Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:06:13 Arvd-23:08:29 ID: Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:06:14 Arvd-23:07:09 Refer To Field Int: 15-6101-FI Page: 197 Printed: 01/22/2016 Location/Address: ID: For Date: 12/28/2015 15-21797 0031 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: - Clrd-12/28/2015 @ 00:24:37 Clrd-12/28/2015 @ 00:24:36 Clrd-12/28/2015 @ 00:24:33 Monday Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:31:55 Arvd-00:32:59 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-00:31:57 Arvd-00:35:23 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-00:33:56 Arvd-00:33:57 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Rendered 2 Clrd-00:41:41 Clrd-00:41:40 Clrd-00:41:38 12/28/2015 0031 Male subject Narrative: 12/28/2015 0035 Off w/ subject at Speedway 12/28/2015 0041 Subject was fine - no problems Narrative: Refer To Field Int: 15-21798 0214 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-6100-FI Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer GRY 2010 MAZD 4D 3 15-21799 0251 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle checked Arvd-02:14:00 Clrd-02:16:51 Reg: PC NH 1767768 VIN: JM1BL1SG6A1240312 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 2567] LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Services Rendered Arvd-02:51:00 Clrd-03:00:42 Arvd-02:54:55 Clrd-03:00:40 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-02:51:46 15-21800 0525 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson LAUREL ST Sergeant Christopher R Talbot BLU 2008 TOYT 4D YARIS 15-21801 0534 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Vehicle checked 2 1 Arvd-05:25:00 Clrd-05:26:40 Reg: PC NH 2516671 VIN: JTDBT923081229067 Initiated - ROAD HAZARD Dispatcher Christine D Carlson RT 28 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Removed Hazard Arvd-05:34:00 2 Clrd-05:36:36 Narrative: 15-21802 12/28/2015 0535 0559 Call Taker: Large branch in road Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 198 Printed: 01/22/2016 MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-05:59:00 Clrd-06:04:50 WHI 2004 JEEP SU GRAND CHEROKEE Reg: PC NH 3854966 VIN: 1J4GW48S04C306690 Vehicle: 15-21803 0617 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ABANDONED 911 Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christine D Carlson WINDHAM DEPOT RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-06:18:33 Arvd-06:23:21 Clrd-06:34:51 ID: Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-06:29:14 Arvd-06:29:15 Clrd-06:34:50 Refer To Field Int: 15-6132-FI 15-21804 0624 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21805 0642 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson WINDHAM DEPOT RD + JAMES STREET EXT Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Arvd-06:24:00 Clrd-06:27:25 MAR 2013 CHRY SU COMPASS Reg: PC NH 3495830 VIN: 1C4NJDBB6DD217852 Phone - UNATTENDED DEATH Report Taken Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PEABODY RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-06:42:36 Arvd-06:44:31 Clrd-10:14:24 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-06:42:37 Arvd-06:44:32 Clrd-07:23:54 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Disp-06:44:26 Clrd-06:44:28 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-06:44:29 Arvd-06:44:30 Clrd-07:35:08 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-06:57:57 Arvd-06:58:01 Clrd-07:35:10 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Detective Dana P Park Disp-08:44:08 Arvd-08:47:31 Clrd-10:22:39 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Detective Brian K French Disp-08:44:11 Arvd-08:49:55 Clrd-10:22:37 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 12/28/2015 0708 A3 NOTIFIED Narrative: 12/28/2015 0715 A1 NOTIFIED Narrative: 12/28/2015 0717 A2 NOTIFIED Narrative: 12/28/2015 0725 RCSD NOTIFIED TO PAGE M.E. AND C.A. Narrative: 12/28/2015 0731 M.E. BARTELS NOTIFIED Narrative: 12/28/2015 0741 C.A. DISTILIARIS NOTIFIED Narrative: 12/28/2015 0849 ME ON SCENE Narrative: 1 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 199 Printed: 01/22/2016 12/28/2015 0913 PEABODY'S NOTIFIED Narrative: 12/28/2015 0933 335 CLEAR SCENE Narrative: 12/28/2015 0937 PEABODY'S ON SCENE Narrative: 12/28/2015 0952 909 CLEAR SCENE. FUNERAL HOME Refer To Incident: 15-2653-OF 15-21806 0752 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-07:55:12 ID: Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-07:55:16 Refer To Field Int: 15-6110-FI 15-21807 0759 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: EN ROUTE TO PEABODY'S Other - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W RUNNING BROOK LN Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-08:00:20 ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-08:02:00 Clrd-08:19:26 Arvd-08:02:02 Clrd-08:19:25 Gone on Arrival Arvd-08:10:03 3 1 Clrd-08:14:07 Narrative: 12/28/2015 0800 LOOSE DOG 15-21808 0838 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21809 0849 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-08:38:38 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Services Rendered Arvd-08:38:40 Reg: 15-21810 0932 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-10:14:26 Warning Issued Arvd-08:49:00 Vehicle: 3 3 Clrd-08:52:38 NH 404788 Walk-In - THEFT Report Taken Patrol Officer Brian J Landry LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-09:33:45 Arvd-09:33:47 Clrd-09:33:50 2 Narrative: wallet Refer To Incident: 15-21811 1005 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2654-OF Phone - MV CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-10:07:19 Services Rendered Arvd-10:12:20 1 Clrd-10:22:54 Narrative: 12/28/2015 1006 NH 2724283 15-21812 1016 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe No Action Required 15-21813 Arvd-10:16:00 1024 Call Taker: Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 2 Clrd-10:22:46 Arrest(s) Made 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:24:33 Arvd-10:24:35 Page: 200 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-10:38:32 Narrative: 12/28/2015 1024 ONE IN CUSTODY ON A JUVENILE PETITION Narrative: 12/28/2015 1038 IDENTIFIED AS JUVENILE Narrative: 12/28/2015 1038 RELEASED TO A PARENT Refer To Arrest: 15-21814 1048 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1061-AR Other - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROBIN RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-10:48:51 Report Taken Arvd-10:48:53 1 Clrd-10:49:01 Narrative: 12/28/2015 1048 DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE Refer To Incident: 15-21815 1054 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2655-OF Initiated - ASSIST CITIZEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Assistance Rendered Arvd-10:54:00 15-21816 1205 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 3 Clrd-10:55:47 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-12:08:03 Arvd-12:17:26 Clrd-12:44:11 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-12:08:05 Arvd-12:17:27 Clrd-12:26:13 1 Narrative: 12/28/2015 1224 422 TRANSPORTING ONE TO PMC SM 63633.6 Narrative: 12/28/2015 1231 422 OFF AT PMC Refer To Incident: 15-21817 1210 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: EM 63635.5 15-2656-OF Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Warning Issued Arvd-12:10:00 Vehicle: Reg: 3 Clrd-12:17:29 NH 328636 15-21818 1228 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VIN CHECK Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand STEVEN AVE Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:55:20 Arvd-13:01:35 Clrd-13:11:02 Refer To Field Int: 15-6118-FI 3 15-21819 1 1238 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Matter Rectified Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ERIN LN Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:39:06 Arvd-12:48:51 Clrd-12:56:13 ID: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-12:39:12 Arvd-12:51:46 Clrd-12:56:09 Refer To Field Int: 15-6119-FI 15-21820 1307 Call Taker: Location/Address: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 667] FEATHERBED LN No Action Required 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-13:08:20 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-13:08:23 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:11:09 ID: ID: Page: 201 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-13:12:25 Clrd-13:08:53 Clrd-13:12:22 Narrative: 12/28/2015 1312 CANCELLED BY ALARM COMPANY PRIOR TO ARRIVAL 15-21821 1352 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Other - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-13:52:49 Gone on Arrival Arvd-14:09:27 1 Clrd-14:09:30 Narrative: 12/28/2015 1352 LOOSE DOG 15-21822 1406 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-14:07:06 Refer To Field Int: 15-6143-FI 15-21823 1415 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-14:17:21 2 Clrd-14:45:40 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-14:18:02 Arvd-14:20:34 Clrd-14:44:06 1 Narrative: 12/28/2015 1443 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-21824 1443 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: 15-21825 1502 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: BRANDER VS SAWYER 15-870-AC 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MARTIN ST Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-14:44:14 Arvd-14:51:13 Clrd-15:03:21 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-14:44:18 Arvd-14:51:12 Clrd-15:02:07 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson 1 Initiated - MV STOP Sergeant Kevin W Jackson BIRCH ST + PIERCE AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe 3 Arrest(s) Made Arvd-15:02:00 Clrd-15:19:57 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-15:03:19 Arvd-15:06:11 Clrd-15:26:43 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power SIL 2003 OLDS 4D ALERO Reg: PC NH 3136045 VIN: 1G3NL52E73C132419 12/28/2015 1513 in custody on a DPD warrant for criminal mischief and enroute to hq's s/m 15062.9 Narrative: 12/28/2015 1520 off at hq's e/m 15064.1 with: Coconis,Kimberly 40 W Broadway Derry, NH dob 111984 Narrative: 12/28/2015 1643 released on $2000 PR bail with a court date of 12/29 Refer To Arrest: 15-1062-AR Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21826 1536 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Christina L Power STONELEIGH DR Dispatcher Christina L Power Disp-15:45:23 0000 - 2359 Page: 202 Printed: 01/22/2016 No Action Required Arvd-15:45:25 2 Clrd-15:45:28 Narrative: mrn saab with 5 spoke rims, male peering in windows 15-21827 1542 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:45:14 Arvd-15:49:34 Clrd-16:10:35 2 Narrative: tablet and personal belongings Refer To Incident: 15-21828 1629 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-21829 1654 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2657-OF Radio - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-16:29:52 Arvd-16:29:59 Clrd-16:52:08 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:29:57 Arvd-16:29:58 Clrd-16:52:09 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-16:37:14 Arvd-16:37:15 Clrd-16:52:06 2 Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Christina L Power ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 3 Vehicle Towed Arvd-16:54:00 Vehicle: Narrative: Reg: Clrd-17:24:17 NH 3794700 12/28/2015 1704 next on the list requested, Recovery Solutions assigned Narrative: 12/28/2015 1721 wrecker on scene 15-21830 1721 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Dispatcher Christina L Power FRANKLIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:23:07 Vehicle checked Arvd-17:24:15 2 Clrd-17:28:54 Narrative: toyota/gry Narrative: checked and no issues Refer To Field Int: 15-21831 1756 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-6111-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer TAN 2003 CHEV 4D IMPALA Summons Issued Arvd-17:56:00 Reg: PC NH 3774706 Clrd-18:05:11 VIN: 2G1WH52K339397589 15-21832 1811 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-18:12:59 Arvd-18:13:01 Clrd-18:13:03 Refer To Field Int: 15-6153-FI 15-21833 1822 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY 3 Services Rendered 1 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Dispatcher Christina L Power GORDON RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:46:35 0000 - 2359 Arvd-18:58:26 Page: 203 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-19:12:49 Narrative: unknown mv in the driveway. Refer To Field Int: 15-21834 1827 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: determined to be new neighbors 15-6112-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Warning Issued Arvd-18:27:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21835 1841 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-18:41:00 Reg: 1857 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SEX OFFENSES Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Scott A Tompkins Disp-18:57:51 Refer To Incident: 15-2658-OF 1944 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 3 Clrd-18:46:07 ME 57005TQ 15-21836 15-21837 Clrd-18:31:26 NH 3923319 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Vehicle: 3 Report Taken Arvd-18:57:52 1 Clrd-19:13:17 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2099] ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-19:45:17 Arvd-19:56:29 Clrd-20:06:24 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-19:45:18 Arvd-19:56:31 Clrd-20:06:22 1 Narrative: checked and all secure. Refer To Field Int: 15-21838 2006 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6121-FI Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-20:07:30 Arvd-20:07:34 Clrd-20:07:37 3 Narrative: CIVIL ISSUES Refer To Field Int: 15-6107-FI 15-21839 2140 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power SAGAMORE DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-21:41:16 Arvd-21:50:47 Clrd-22:04:44 Cleared By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ID: Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-21:41:22 Arvd-21:50:48 Clrd-22:04:42 Cleared By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Refer To Field Int: 15-6113-FI 15-21840 2214 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Christina L Power GULF RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-22:14:46 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-22:14:48 Services Rendered Arvd-22:21:17 Clrd-22:27:06 Arvd-22:21:18 Clrd-22:27:05 Narrative: checking for someone at new contstruction, no problem upon 2 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 204 Printed: 01/22/2016 checking determined to be the contractor Refer To Field Int: 15-21841 2229 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-6120-FI Phone - WELFARE CHECK Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power BOYD RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-22:31:58 Clrd-22:32:01 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-22:32:04 Arvd-22:32:05 Clrd-22:42:06 2 Narrative: not at home, note was left 15-21842 2313 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BRADFORD ST Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:13:31 Clrd-23:17:01 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:13:55 Arvd-23:18:39 Clrd-23:39:35 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:19:24 Arvd-23:19:25 Clrd-23:39:34 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:22:36 Arvd-23:24:20 Clrd-23:26:20 1 Narrative: 12/28/2015 2324 stopping NH 3888225 on Bradford St Narrative: 12/28/2015 2334 140 conducting field sobriety tests Narrative: 12/28/2015 2338 negative DWI Narrative: 12/28/2015 2339 determined to be a verbal domestic, mediated Refer To Field Int: 15-21843 2313 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-6108-FI Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:15:08 Clrd-23:15:00 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:22:33 Arvd-23:24:05 Clrd-23:32:40 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:26:22 Arvd-23:30:49 Clrd-23:32:41 2 Narrative: 12/28/2015 2325 off with NH 3701732 at McDonald's Refer To Field Int: 15-21844 2315 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 15-21845 2335 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: 15-6134-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-23:15:00 Clrd-23:22:33 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:17:01 Arvd-23:17:02 Clrd-23:22:36 Reg: NH 3782602 3 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:35:53 Arvd-23:40:22 Clrd-23:50:39 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:35:55 Clrd-23:43:11 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-23:45:47 0000 - 2359 Arvd-23:47:37 Page: 205 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-23:50:39 Narrative: 12/28/2015 2336 loud music Narrative: 12/28/2015 2350 quiet upon arrival 15-21846 2340 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-21847 2342 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Narrative: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WILSON AVE + OAK ST Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Arvd-23:40:00 Clrd-23:43:32 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: NH 1837688 3 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:42:53 Arvd-23:45:04 Clrd-23:45:05 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:43:44 Arvd-23:45:35 Clrd-23:50:30 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:45:12 Arvd-23:45:14 Clrd-23:50:31 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 2 12/28/2015 2351 checked operator, no impairment found Refer To Field Int: 15-21848 2343 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6136-FI Initiated - PED CHECK Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ELM ST Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-23:43:00 Cleared By: Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Refer To Field Int: 15-6131-FI 2 Clrd-23:45:42 15-21849 2353 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival 2 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BRADFORD ST Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:53:56 Arvd-23:58:12 Clrd-12/29/2015 @ 00:02:24 Refer To Field Int: 15-6130-FI 15-21850 2359 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: For Date: 12/29/2015 15-21851 0001 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-23:59:00 Clrd-12/29/2015 @ 00:02:20 Reg: TM NH 1814972 - Tuesday Initiated - DEPARTMENT INFO Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Arvd-00:01:00 Clrd-00:04:15 3 Narrative: 12/29/2015 0002 Highway Dept paged for FFP Narrative: 15-21852 12/29/2015 0004 Bill from Highway notified 0010 Call Taker: Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Services Rendered 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 206 Printed: 01/22/2016 [DY 2875] W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-00:10:00 Refer To Field Int: 15-21853 0022 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Clrd-00:15:28 15-6135-FI Initiated - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ASHLEIGH DR + MANCHESTER RD Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Arvd-00:22:00 Clrd-00:40:10 Reg: PC NH V5878 Reg: PC NH 3914950 1 12/29/2015 0040 Medeiros v Metz - full report Refer To Accident: 0112 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-871-AC 15-21854 Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Summons Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-01:12:00 Clrd-01:17:23 1 15-21855 Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Summons Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-01:20:00 Clrd-01:24:38 Reg: NH 3828090 1 Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Summons Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N HIGH ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-01:27:00 Clrd-01:32:23 Reg: NH 3180261 1 Initiated - PED CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BYPASS 28 + SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-02:21:00 Clrd-02:25:17 Refer To Field Int: 15-6137-FI 2 0120 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21856 0127 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21857 0221 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21858 0527 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21859 0709 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Initiated - DISABLED MV Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FORDWAY ST + AIKEN ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-05:27:00 Clrd-05:31:58 UNK 2013 HYUN 4D GENESIS Reg: NH 3636505 3 Initiated - DISABLED MV Vehicle Towed Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-07:09:00 Clrd-07:58:51 Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-07:50:15 Clrd-07:50:22 Reg: NH 3845199 3 12/29/2015 0726 OWNER REQUEST AAA. NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 12/29/2015 0740 WRECKER ON SCENE Refer To Field Int: 15-21860 0753 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6170-FI Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FRANKLIN ST + E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Vehicle checked Arvd-07:53:00 Clrd-07:53:46 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21861 0804 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD + CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Vehicle Moved Arvd-08:04:00 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-08:07:33 Arvd-08:11:31 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-08:09:13 Arvd-08:10:06 ID: ID: Page: 207 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-08:14:01 Clrd-08:13:59 Clrd-08:14:02 Narrative: 12/29/2015 0813 MULTIPLE CARS STUCK IN SNOW. 15-21862 0806 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY + ELM ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson DPW NOTIFIED Vehicle Moved Arvd-08:06:00 Vehicle: Reg: 0815 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-08:11:57 NH 618574 15-21863 Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD + BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Arvd-08:15:00 Clrd-08:20:47 2 15-21864 Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD + ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-08:16:00 Clrd-08:20:00 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-08:19:30 Arvd-08:19:32 Clrd-08:19:33 2 0816 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Narrative: 12/29/2015 0817 MV STUCK ON HILL DUE TO SNOW Refer To Field Int: 15-21865 0822 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6141-FI Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Arvd-08:22:00 Clrd-08:28:06 2 Narrative: 12/29/2015 0822 MULTIPLE VEHICLES STUCK ON HILL 15-21866 0824 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21867 0850 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD + POND RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-08:24:00 Clrd-08:50:26 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-08:29:09 Arvd-08:29:11 Clrd-08:50:25 2 Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand NESMITH ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Arvd-08:50:00 Clrd-08:54:50 2 Narrative: 12/29/2015 0850 MV STUCK DUE TO SNOW 15-21868 0853 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WINDHAM RD + STRAWBERRY HILL RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-08:54:11 Arvd-09:03:36 Clrd-09:14:47 Reg: NH 3839366 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21869 0858 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Warning Issued Arvd-08:58:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21870 0911 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Page: 208 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-09:04:56 MA 6DTN30 Phone - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jess W Arcand POND RD + CHESTER RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-09:12:03 Arvd-09:19:38 Clrd-09:19:40 2 Narrative: 12/29/2015 0912 CAR STUCK ON HILL AT INTERSECTION 15-21871 0945 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Arvd-09:45:00 Clrd-09:48:41 2 15-21872 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-10:15:11 1 1014 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Report Taken Arvd-10:24:28 Clrd-10:47:19 Narrative: 12/29/2015 1049 OFF WITH NH G18048 AND NH 3872926 Narrative: 12/29/2015 1050 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: Refer To Field Int: 15-21873 1019 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: BUXTON VS WRIGHT 15-872-AC 16-322-FI 911 - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-10:20:25 Could Not Locate Arvd-10:25:27 Clrd-10:26:46 15-21874 1023 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-10:24:12 Arvd-10:28:01 Clrd-10:44:11 ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-10:25:32 Arvd-10:38:52 Clrd-10:44:09 Refer To Field Int: 15-6114-FI 15-21875 1045 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 2 Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HUMPHREY RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-10:45:00 Clrd-11:36:55 Reg: NH 3556930 1 2 12/29/2015 1054 NEXT ON LIST LBP TOWING NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 12/29/2015 1121 WRECKER ON SCENE 15-21876 1052 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21877 1059 Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Arvd-10:52:00 Clrd-10:58:47 Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle checked 2 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 209 Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Arvd-10:59:00 15-21878 1112 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - DELIVER A MESSAGE Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Services Rendered Arvd-11:12:00 15-21879 1125 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Clrd-11:12:34 1 Clrd-11:13:09 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:25:45 Arvd-11:27:10 Clrd-12:18:47 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-11:25:48 Arvd-11:29:24 Clrd-12:15:41 1 Narrative: 12/29/2015 1131 OFF WITH NH 3783167 AND MA R91907 Narrative: 12/29/2015 1133 AAA REQUESTED FOR NH 3783167. AAA UNABLE TO RESPOND IN A TIMELY MANNER DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS. MOVING TO NEXT ON LIST BIRCH ST COLLISION. NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 12/29/2015 1146 WRECKER ON SCENE Narrative: 12/29/2015 1218 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 15-21880 1147 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21881 1151 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: KOPP VS PARKED CAR 15-873-AC Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:48:49 Arvd-11:49:07 Clrd-11:50:50 Reg: NH 3915182 1 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-11:51:37 Arvd-11:53:17 Clrd-12:29:26 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-11:59:25 Arvd-11:59:27 Clrd-12:00:44 1 Narrative: 12/29/2015 1154 OFF WITH NH 3853270 Narrative: 12/29/2015 1224 NONREPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: Refer To Field Int: 15-874-AC 16-50-FI 15-21882 1203 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:11:57 Refer To Field Int: 15-6169-FI 15-21883 1208 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: GETCHELL VS MAILBOX 911 - ERRATIC OPERATION Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HUBBARD CT Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-12:15:50 Services Rendered Arvd-12:19:22 Clrd-12:23:41 Could Not Locate Arvd-12:24:38 1 Clrd-12:31:28 Narrative: 12/29/2015 1209 MAROON PICK UP DRIVING ERRATICALLY 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21884 1226 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 210 Printed: 01/22/2016 911 - ATTEMPTED SUICIDE Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SUNDOWN DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:27:17 Arvd-12:32:21 Clrd-13:05:14 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:27:19 Arvd-12:32:21 Clrd-12:47:44 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-12:30:57 Arvd-12:32:21 Clrd-12:47:46 2 Narrative: 12/29/2015 1242 S8 ONE IN CUSTODY FOR IEA Narrative: 12/29/2015 1244 424 TRANSPORTING ONE TO PMC SM 15102.7 Narrative: 12/29/2015 1252 off at PMC e/m 15104.5 Narrative: 12/29/2015 1306 424 clear PMC subject left for eval 15-21885 1229 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-12:33:18 Arvd-12:39:46 Clrd-12:45:58 ID: Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:33:20 Arvd-12:39:44 Clrd-12:45:54 Refer To Field Int: 16-46-FI 2 15-21886 3 15-21887 1 1233 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ANNOYING PHONE CALLS ADVICE GIVEN Lieutenant Eric T Kester MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-12:56:23 Arvd-13:01:36 Clrd-13:18:08 Dispatched By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Arrived By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Cleared By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Refer To Field Int: 15-6142-FI 1235 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 1596] HOOD RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:50:06 Arvd-12:52:02 Clrd-12:55:18 ID: Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-12:50:10 Arvd-12:53:48 Clrd-12:54:09 ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-12:54:03 Arvd-12:54:05 Clrd-12:55:16 Refer To Field Int: 15-6128-FI 15-21888 1235 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DEPARTMENT INFO No Action Required Lieutenant Eric T Kester RICHARDSON DR Administrative Serge Michael T Muncey Disp-12:36:24 Arvd-12:36:27 Clrd-12:36:33 3 Narrative: Report of a street sign down. 1317 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Highway notified 15-21889 Phone - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-13:17:55 Arvd-13:23:36 Clrd-13:23:38 2 15-21890 Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN Lieutenant Eric T Kester [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR 3 1340 Call Taker: Location/Address: Services Rendered Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Lieutenant Eric T Kester Disp-13:43:12 Page: 211 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-13:43:18 Narrative: Advice given regarding vehicle ownership 15-21891 1420 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21892 1438 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST + N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-14:20:00 Clrd-14:22:29 Reg: NH 3873122 2 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 3 Warning Issued Arvd-14:38:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21893 1450 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-14:50:00 Cleared By: Vehicle: Clrd-14:43:21 NH LVNONDA 3 Clrd-14:57:41 Dispatcher Christina L Power Reg: NH 2061396 15-21894 1500 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike BLK 2009 DODG CALIBER 15-21895 1513 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued 3 Arvd-15:00:00 Clrd-15:04:39 NH 3597585 VIN: 1B3HB48A29D143329 Reg: Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power ELM ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:14:22 Arvd-15:14:23 Clrd-15:19:54 2 Narrative: red dodge durango 15-21896 1520 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 261] VILLAGE BROOK LN Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-15:24:00 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-15:24:02 No Action Required 1 Clrd-15:27:07 Clrd-15:27:05 Narrative: cancelled prior to police arrival 15-21897 1524 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power BIRCH ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:24:24 Arvd-15:29:51 Clrd-15:41:49 3 15-21898 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power FRANKLIN ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 1531 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: No Action Required Arvd-15:31:00 Vehicle: 15-21899 1554 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Clrd-15:33:19 NH 12671 Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christina L Power COLES GROVE RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Vehicle Moved 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-16:00:03 0000 - 2359 Arvd-16:03:17 Page: 212 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-16:03:21 Narrative: bmw Refer To Field Int: 15-6138-FI 15-21900 1618 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Vehicle checked Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:34:17 Arvd-16:34:22 Clrd-17:01:21 Refer To Field Int: 15-6144-FI 15-21901 1619 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 129] COURTHOUSE LN Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:19:49 Arvd-16:23:39 Clrd-16:31:37 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:19:52 Arvd-16:23:40 Clrd-16:31:33 1 1 Narrative: checked and all secure Refer To Field Int: 15-6129-FI 15-21902 1624 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Christina L Power BEAVER LAKE RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-16:24:30 Arvd-16:27:57 Clrd-16:49:30 ID: Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-16:25:50 Arvd-16:31:28 Clrd-16:49:28 Refer To Field Int: 15-6126-FI 1 15-21903 2 1654 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Christina L Power ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-16:54:00 Clrd-17:03:59 Vehicle: BLU 2004 HYUN ACCENT Reg: PC NH 3911520 Refer To Field Int: 15-6140-FI 15-21904 1655 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Vehicle checked Dispatcher Christina L Power LENOX RD + CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:55:45 Clrd-17:00:34 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-17:00:32 Arvd-17:00:35 Clrd-17:01:14 1 Narrative: parties exchanged information prior to police arrival. 15-21905 1656 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power ROLLINS ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike BLU 2009 NISS ALTIMA 15-21906 1742 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle checked Arvd-16:56:00 NH 3900391 Reg: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-17:46:35 Clrd-17:00:22 Services Rendered Arvd-17:49:38 1 2 Clrd-18:01:00 Narrative: checked and all was in order. Refer To Field Int: 15-21907 1746 16-19-FI Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Christina L Power JUNIPER RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-17:47:02 Arvd-17:55:15 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-17:47:06 Arvd-17:55:10 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-17:55:46 Arvd-17:55:48 ID: ID: Page: 213 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-18:18:19 Clrd-18:18:18 Clrd-18:18:16 Narrative: between mother/daughter Refer To Field Int: 15-21908 1750 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-6125-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe ROLLINS ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-17:52:30 Arvd-17:57:33 Clrd-17:57:35 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-17:52:35 Arvd-17:57:27 Clrd-18:01:39 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 12/29/2015 1752 Male subject yelling that he was hit Narrative: checked and all was okay 15-21909 1752 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe LEDGEWOOD DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-18:29:18 Arvd-18:32:47 Clrd-19:02:06 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 12/29/2015 1752 Pick up trucks fishtailing down the road 15-21910 1933 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-19:33:00 Clrd-19:52:04 2 15-21911 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-19:52:00 Clrd-22:15:09 2 15-21912 911 - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-20:23:38 Arvd-20:37:23 Clrd-20:50:06 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:23:42 Arvd-20:37:21 Clrd-20:50:04 2 1952 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2021 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Narrative: 12/29/2015 2050 No crimes reported, advice was given Refer To Field Int: 15-21913 2029 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-17-FI Phone - ANNOYING PHONE CALLS ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe HARDY CT Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-20:30:23 Arvd-20:42:54 Clrd-20:49:51 Narrative: 12/29/2015 2030 Phone calls Refer To Field Int: 15-6127-FI 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 214 Printed: 01/22/2016 15-21914 2125 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ANNOYING PHONE CALLS ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-21:26:39 Arvd-21:42:59 Clrd-21:43:00 Arrived By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Cleared By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Refer To Field Int: 16-20-FI 15-21915 2216 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:16:39 Arvd-22:19:11 Clrd-22:28:11 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-22:16:42 Arvd-22:18:09 Clrd-22:28:09 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 15-21916 Initiated - PED CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD Detective Stephen E Clark Arvd-23:27:00 Clrd-23:28:31 2 15-21917 Phone - PED CHECK TRANSPORTED 2 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-23:58:47 Arvd-00:01:17 Clrd-12/30/2015 @ 00:08:40 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: 2327 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2358 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 12/29/2015 2358 Female walking in the roadway Narrative: 12/30/2015 0003 737 transporting subject to E Broadway residence s/m: 84087.2 Narrative: 12/30/2015 0005 737 off on E Broadway e/m: 84087.5 Narrative: 12/30/2015 0008 released to sober party 15-21918 2358 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Arrest(s) Made 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BRIAN AVE Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:59:58 Arvd-00:06:27 Clrd-12/30/2015 @ 00:41:11 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-00:01:59 Arvd-00:04:33 Clrd-12/30/2015 @ 00:27:22 Narrative: 12/30/2015 0020 S9 reports one in custody Narrative: 12/30/2015 0021 232 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 40093.5 Narrative: 12/30/2015 0027 232 off at DPDHQ e/m: 40095.5 Narrative: 12/30/2015 0039 Subject Info: Jasmine Salamacha 4 Ridgewood Dr Old Orchard Beach, ME DOB:3/13/96 Arrested on an EBW out of Nashua District Court for NonAppearance on a Driving After Suspension charge Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 215 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/30/2015 0056 placed in cell #2 Narrative: 12/30/2015 0130 Subject released on $350 PR, court date 1/20/15 at Nashua District Court per BC Parazdyk Refer To Arrest: For Date: 12/30/2015 15-21919 0200 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: - 15-1064-AR Wednesday Initiated - ANNOYING PHONE CALLS Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-02:00:00 Clrd-02:01:17 3 Narrative: 12/30/2015 0201 advice given in regards to harassing phone calls Refer To Field Int: 0235 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-13-FI 15-21920 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Arvd-02:35:00 Clrd-02:36:57 2 15-21921 Phone - PED CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-05:07:21 Arvd-05:07:55 Clrd-05:19:17 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-05:07:22 Arvd-05:12:32 Clrd-05:19:18 2 0506 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Narrative: 12/30/2015 0520 subject camping in area, no problems found Refer To Field Int: 15-21922 0507 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-6161-FI Phone - DISABLED MV Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BEAVER LAKE AVE + JENNY DICKEY HILL RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-05:07:34 Arvd-05:11:23 Clrd-05:45:02 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-05:11:37 Arvd-05:15:02 Clrd-05:45:03 3 Narrative: 12/30/2015 0511 off with DFD Refer To Field Int: 15-6160-FI 15-21923 0849 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BEDARD AVE Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-08:50:06 Arvd-08:56:12 Clrd-09:02:05 ID: Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-08:50:08 Arvd-08:57:26 Clrd-08:57:39 Refer To Field Int: 15-6148-FI 15-21924 0917 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Narrative: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-09:19:09 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-09:19:11 Services Rendered Arvd-09:22:38 Clrd-09:24:07 Arvd-09:23:47 Clrd-09:24:08 1 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 216 Printed: 01/22/2016 12/30/2015 0917 MALE SUBJECT REPORTEDLY EXPERIENCING WITHDRAWAL ISSUES Narrative: 12/30/2015 0923 424 ON A PED CHECK 15-21925 0918 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe [DY 1060] MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-09:27:29 Arvd-09:27:31 Clrd-09:27:41 3 Narrative: 12/30/2015 0919 Multiple cards, cell phones and jewelry Refer To Incident: 15-2659-OF 15-21926 0932 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - LANDLORD/TENATE DISPUTE ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-09:33:16 Arvd-09:40:09 Clrd-09:50:42 ID: Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-09:33:17 Arvd-09:41:29 Clrd-09:50:44 Refer To Field Int: 15-6164-FI 15-21927 0933 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - PED CHECK Services Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-09:34:08 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-09:34:10 Arvd-09:34:45 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-09:36:10 Rendered 2 2 Clrd-09:35:24 Clrd-09:40:24 Clrd-09:40:22 Narrative: 12/30/2015 0934 110 ON A PED CHECK ON N MAIN Refer To Field Int: 15-21928 0940 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-6167-FI Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-09:51:09 Arvd-09:51:42 Clrd-09:58:22 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-09:51:13 Arvd-09:51:43 Clrd-10:03:35 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-09:58:26 Arvd-09:58:27 Clrd-10:03:34 2 Narrative: 12/30/2015 0941 MALE SUBJECT ASKING CUSTOMERS FOR MONEY 15-21929 0943 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:43:00 Clrd-09:49:00 2 15-21930 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-09:49:00 Clrd-09:58:59 2 15-21931 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 3 0949 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1008 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-10:08:00 Vehicle: Reg: PA GTH6065 Clrd-10:13:16 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21932 1026 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Initiated - DELIVER A MESSAGE Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CORWIN DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Services Rendered Arvd-10:26:00 15-21933 1039 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21934 1048 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21935 1123 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21936 1128 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21937 1129 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: 217 Printed: 01/22/2016 1 Clrd-10:47:28 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANNING ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-10:39:00 Clrd-10:47:23 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-10:39:17 Arvd-10:39:18 Clrd-10:47:47 2 Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Lieutenant Eric T Kester [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Lieutenant Eric T Kester Disp-10:49:59 3 Assistance Rendered Clrd-10:50:03 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-11:23:00 Clrd-11:28:33 Reg: NH 1829720 3 911 - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GORDON RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-11:28:40 Arvd-11:41:02 Clrd-11:47:00 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-11:28:44 Arvd-11:40:05 Clrd-11:47:02 2 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Summons Issued Lieutenant Eric T Kester ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:30:45 Arvd-11:30:52 Clrd-11:59:39 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 2 Gray pick up with scrap metal extending out of the bed Narrative: 12/30/2015 1131 231 STOPPING NH V25968 Refer To Field Int: 15-21938 1140 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-6171-FI Phone - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BOWERS RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:41:10 Arvd-11:45:25 Clrd-12:27:03 Lieutenant Eric T Kester 2 12/30/2015 1148 OFF WITH NH 3749628 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1201 AAA NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 12/30/2015 1213 WRECKER ON SCENE Refer To Field Int: 15-21939 1204 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-6168-FI Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Investigated Dispatcher Jess W Arcand NORMAN DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:05:21 Arvd-12:12:56 Clrd-12:24:52 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-12:15:46 0000 - 2359 Arvd-12:18:00 Page: 218 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-12:24:54 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1204 BLACK NISSAN WITH A FLAT TIRE 15-21940 1209 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - THEFT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 1362] MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:09:51 Report Taken Arvd-12:15:40 2 Clrd-12:35:55 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1209 PAST TENSE THEFT Refer To Incident: 15-21941 1248 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-2660-OF Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD + FEATHERBED LN Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:49:09 Arvd-12:49:29 Clrd-12:59:56 2 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1248 TAN PICKUP TRUCK DRIVING AT A HIGH RATE OF SPEED 15-21942 1254 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: Phone - THEFT Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:54:52 Arvd-12:54:54 Clrd-14:08:38 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:55:18 Arvd-12:55:20 Clrd-13:05:00 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:55:32 Arvd-12:56:14 Clrd-13:04:29 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:10:08 Arvd-13:13:53 Clrd-13:48:24 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-13:48:21 Arvd-13:48:23 Clrd-14:30:08 2 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1323 424 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY FOR WILFULL CONCEALMENT (X2) Narrative: 12/30/2015 1328 305 TRANSPORTING ONE TO HQ SM 23131.4 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1332 305 OFF AT HQ EM 23132.3 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1352 IDENTIFIED AS: JOHN YOUNG 220 HIGH RANGE RD LONDONDERRY NH DOB 7/18/65 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1356 PLACED IN CELL 3 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1422 RELEASED ON $1500 PR WITH COURT 2/4/15 PER BC PARADZICK Refer To Arrest: 15-21943 1305 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-1065-AR Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FRANKLIN ST EXT Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-13:05:00 Clrd-13:10:08 Reg: NH 3777931 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21944 1344 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 0000 - 2359 Warning Issued Arvd-13:44:00 Vehicle: Reg: 15-21945 1351 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: 219 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-13:48:14 NH 3794650 Other - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:51:57 Arvd-13:52:04 Clrd-14:59:38 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:52:03 Arvd-13:52:14 Clrd-14:59:35 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-14:30:13 Arvd-14:30:15 Clrd-15:38:20 Dispatcher Christina L Power Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-15:06:25 Arvd-15:06:27 Clrd-15:10:05 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Detective Scott A Tompkins Disp-15:06:27 Arvd-15:06:29 Clrd-15:10:07 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 12/30/2015 1406 305 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY FOR DOMESTIC ASSAULT AND RECKLESS CONDUCT Narrative: 12/30/2015 1409 231 EN ROUTE TO HQ WITH ONE SM 40191.9 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1412 231 OFF AT HQ EM 40192.8 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1450 IDENTIFIED AS: PAUL DESCOTEAUX 3 MCKINLEY AVE DERRY NH DOB 2/5/80 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1528 released on $3000 PR bail with a court date of 12/31 Refer To Arrest: 15-1066-AR 15-21946 1403 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 3069] OLD MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:03:39 Clrd-14:09:57 ID: Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-14:03:43 Arvd-14:07:27 Clrd-14:10:05 Refer To Field Int: 15-6163-FI 15-21947 1420 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Lieutenant Eric T Kester [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Lieutenant Eric T Kester Disp-14:23:09 Investigated Clrd-14:24:22 Narrative: Welfare check requested with York County Maine Sheriffs Office. Refer To Field Int: 15-6151-FI 1 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21948 1511 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21949 1523 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Radio - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power MUNICIPAL DR Detective Scott A Tompkins Disp-15:11:41 Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-15:11:45 0000 - 2359 Page: 220 Printed: 01/22/2016 Cleared 2 Arvd-15:11:45 Clrd-15:56:46 Arvd-15:11:46 Clrd-15:56:44 Phone - COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2445] KRISTIN DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-15:25:09 Arvd-15:28:10 Clrd-15:47:44 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:25:13 Arvd-15:35:31 Clrd-15:47:45 3 Narrative: reference to a family member Refer To Field Int: 1531 Call Taker: Location/Address: 15-6158-FI 15-21950 Walk-In - KEEP THE PEACE Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe MCKINLEY AVE 15-21951 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power SETTLERS LN Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:40:01 Arvd-15:47:42 Clrd-15:49:32 1537 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: No Action Required 2 2 Narrative: sm suv 15-21952 1543 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - LOST PERSON Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 1715] COLE RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-15:45:36 No Action Required 2 Clrd-15:47:14 Narrative: five year old Narrative: located prior to police arrival. 15-21953 1556 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - INTERNET OFFENSES Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Scott A Tompkins Disp-15:57:11 Refer To Incident: 15-2661-OF 1600 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Report Taken Arvd-15:57:13 2 Clrd-15:57:24 15-21954 Phone - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power GULF RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:01:12 Arvd-16:10:44 Clrd-16:10:46 2 15-21955 Phone - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-16:11:07 Arvd-16:17:41 Clrd-16:18:12 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:17:42 Arvd-16:17:44 Clrd-16:18:10 2 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power BYPASS 28 + EASTGATE RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-16:18:18 Arvd-16:22:46 Clrd-16:44:03 1 1610 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21956 1617 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Reg: Reg: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 221 Printed: 01/22/2016 NH 1721565 NH 3830174 chamberlain vs palmer, full report. Refer To Accident: 15-21957 1627 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-875-AC Initiated - INVOL EMERGENCY ADMISS Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 466] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Arvd-16:27:00 Clrd-16:59:00 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:28:35 Arvd-16:35:06 Clrd-16:40:47 2 Narrative: transported to PMC e/m 23144.6. 15-21958 1628 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Christina L Power CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:40:50 Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Reg: Report Taken Arvd-16:51:23 1 Clrd-18:49:54 NH 3782710 Nalen v. mailbox (170 Chester Road) Narrative: 12/30/2015 1831 wrecker on scene Narrative: Duca vs mailbox, reportable Narrative: 12/30/2015 1813 next on the list requested, Spacetown auto assigned. Refer To Accident: 15-21959 1631 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-876-AC Phone - DEPARTMENT INFO Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Dispatcher Christina L Power Disp-16:33:51 Message Delivered Arvd-16:35:28 3 Clrd-16:35:52 Narrative: Division 5 notified of icy road conditons Narrative: 12/30/2015 1633 DPW was paged. Narrative: 12/30/2015 1635 DPW (Bill) notified of road conditions 15-21960 1634 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - THEFT Arrest(s) Made 2 Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:35:02 Arvd-16:46:40 Clrd-18:59:28 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-16:44:11 Arvd-16:49:17 Clrd-18:14:58 Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-16:46:32 Arvd-16:49:18 Clrd-18:13:44 SIL 2001 FORD WINDSTAR Reg: NH 3936507 VIN: 2FMZA57461BB74760 12/30/2015 1745 two in custody. Coppola,Halon (15-1068-AR) 11 Rona Ave Raymond, NH dob 030578 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 222 Printed: 01/22/2016 charged with theft and accomplice to theft. Ward, Ashley (15-1069-AR) 6 Country View Dr Raymond, NH dob 071788 charged with willful concealment. enroute to hq's s/m 44247.8 e/m 44248 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1818 Coppola released on scene on a summons with a court date of 2/11/16 Narrative: released on $3000 PR bail with a court date 2/4/16 Refer To Arrest: Refer To Summons: 15-21961 1659 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21962 1711 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1068-AR 15-1069-AR Phone - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle Moved 2 Dispatcher Christina L Power CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-18:50:20 Arvd-18:50:21 Clrd-18:50:23 WHI 2005 FORD VN FREESTYLE Reg: PC NH 1518302 VIN: 1FMZK04185GA74898 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:13:03 Arvd-17:27:59 Clrd-18:12:28 1 Narrative: non reportable, Levine vs Lydick Refer To Accident: 15-21963 1714 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 15-877-AC Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Dispatcher Christina L Power [LDY] ROUTE 93 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-18:59:37 ONG 2013 CHRY WRANGLER Reg: Cleared 3 Arvd-19:21:45 Clrd-19:21:47 NH 3397557 VIN: 1C4HJWDG1DL558728 ATL for SP for a hit/run Refer To Field Int: 15-21964 1724 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-28-FI Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-17:27:29 Arvd-17:27:31 Clrd-18:10:45 2 Narrative: subject into hq's to turn himself in on a warrant for simple assault. Martinez,Lucas 1 Norman Dr Derry, Nh dob 051189 Narrative: 12/30/2015 1833 released on $3000 PR bail with a court date of 2/4/16 Refer To Arrest: 15-21965 1816 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1067-AR Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-18:16:00 2 Clrd-18:30:53 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21966 1841 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 223 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Christina L Power SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-18:42:22 Arvd-18:50:28 Clrd-19:37:23 TAN 2003 ACUR TL Reg: NH 3397471 VIN: 19UUA56653A038105 2 12/30/2015 1904 next on the list requested, Recovery Solutions assigned Narrative: 12/30/2015 1911 wrecker on scene Refer To Field Int: 16-5-FI 15-21967 1911 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - IDENTITY THEFT Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-19:12:07 Refer To Incident: 15-2662-OF 15-21968 1917 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Report Taken Arvd-19:12:09 2 Clrd-19:12:26 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-19:20:18 Arvd-19:25:22 Clrd-19:29:00 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-19:20:22 Clrd-19:28:58 2 Narrative: pkg in a parking space Narrative: determined to be trash Refer To Field Int: 15-21969 2027 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6159-FI Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Vehicle Moved Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:28:35 Arvd-20:29:26 Clrd-20:33:39 1 Narrative: PMC SECURITY REPORTS M/V PARKED NEAR HELI-PAD 15-21970 2042 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Dispatcher Christina L Power WENTWORTH LN Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:43:32 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-20:43:34 Arvd-20:55:41 Detective Dana P Park Disp-20:43:35 Arvd-20:55:40 Rendered 2 Clrd-21:00:33 Clrd-21:00:35 Clrd-21:00:37 Narrative: checked and all was fine Refer To Incident: 15-21971 2111 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-2664-OF Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Vehicle checked Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike NORMAN DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-21:13:00 Arvd-21:24:18 Clrd-21:30:33 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power M/V PARKED IN ROADWAY Narrative: 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 224 Printed: 01/22/2016 spoke to the owner and stated it would be moved 15-21972 2111 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-21973 2127 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-21:13:01 Arvd-21:13:04 Clrd-21:24:21 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:21:56 Arvd-21:21:57 Clrd-21:24:20 3 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Dispatcher Christina L Power PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-21:31:11 Arvd-21:33:07 Clrd-21:41:38 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:31:12 Arvd-21:33:08 Clrd-21:41:43 2 Narrative: construction noise Refer To Field Int: 15-21974 2131 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-6157-FI Phone - WELFARE CHECK ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-21:42:21 Arvd-21:46:29 Clrd-22:06:54 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:42:24 Arvd-21:46:30 Clrd-22:06:53 2 Narrative: believes that someone is entering her apt Refer To Field Int: 15-21975 2206 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-4-FI Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-22:15:37 Arvd-22:15:41 Clrd-22:30:47 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:15:39 Arvd-22:15:42 Clrd-22:30:46 2 Narrative: did not appear unreasonable, was spoken to again 15-21976 2328 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - EMERGENCY RESTRAINING ORDE Report Taken 2 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:29:50 Arvd-23:35:17 Clrd-12/31/2015 @ 01:28:44 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering EX-BOYFRIEND THREATENING HER OVER PHONE Narrative: 12/31/2015 0002 off at DPDHQ with victim Narrative: 12/31/2015 0018 judge paged for an ERO Narrative: 12/31/2015 0019 Judge Sadler returned call Narrative: 12/31/2015 0025 order granted by Judge Sadler Refer To Field Int: 15-21977 2346 Call Taker: 15-6154-FI Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Vehicle checked 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 225 Printed: 01/22/2016 ROLLINS ST Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Arvd-23:46:00 For Date: 12/31/2015 - Clrd-23:47:36 Thursday 15-21978 0148 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MAPLE ST Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-01:49:03 Arvd-01:50:35 Clrd-02:09:35 ID: Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-01:49:04 Arvd-01:52:57 Clrd-02:09:34 Refer To Field Int: 15-6155-FI 15-21979 0155 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Initiated - ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-01:55:00 Clrd-01:56:04 3 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2398] ARROWHEAD RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-02:45:17 Clrd-02:45:42 ID: Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-02:45:17 Arvd-02:51:06 Clrd-02:54:04 ID: Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-02:45:39 Arvd-02:49:08 Clrd-02:54:05 Refer To Field Int: 16-3-FI 1 15-21980 0244 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21981 0316 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-03:17:12 Arvd-03:21:32 Clrd-04:01:56 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-03:17:12 Arvd-03:24:30 Clrd-04:05:38 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-03:22:07 Arvd-03:26:21 Clrd-04:05:46 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-03:24:37 Arvd-03:26:21 Clrd-04:05:47 1 Narrative: 12/31/2015 0325 232 speaking with one half Narrative: 12/31/2015 0328 stopping NH 3845255 on Fairway Dr Narrative: 12/31/2015 0354 318 checking building #9 Narrative: 12/31/2015 0355 contact made with subject Refer To Field Int: 15-21982 0450 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21983 0550 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-6156-FI Phone - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-04:51:08 Arvd-04:55:14 Clrd-05:13:47 DGR 2002 CHRY VN TOWN & COUNTRY Reg: PC NH 3536641 VIN: 2C8GP64L12R592128 Initiated - MV REPO Vehicle Towed Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROLLINS ST Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Arvd-05:50:00 Clrd-05:58:21 Narrative: 12/31/2015 0550 2002 chevrolet tahoe; owner aware 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21984 0621 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21985 0642 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 226 Printed: 01/22/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY + OAK ST Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Arvd-06:21:00 Clrd-06:30:24 RED 2001 CHEV PU CK15753 Reg: PC NH 1633549 VIN: 2GCEK19T411223392 Phone - ALARM(OTHER) Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2749] ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-06:43:05 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-06:43:11 No Action Required 2 Clrd-06:45:04 Clrd-06:46:46 Narrative: 12/31/2015 0646 panic alarm, cancelled by alarm company prior to police arrival 15-21986 0726 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - DISABLED MV Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-07:26:00 Clrd-08:32:36 3 Narrative: 12/31/2015 0742 off with TT unit Refer To Field Int: 15-21987 0810 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21988 0827 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-44-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-08:10:00 Clrd-08:16:27 DBL 2005 HYUN SU SANTA FE Reg: PC NH 3946396 VIN: KM8SC73D05U979103 Initiated - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE + EAST BROADWAY Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-08:27:00 Clrd-08:50:40 1 Narrative: 12/31/2015 0850 Rivera v Garcia - non reportable Refer To Accident: 15-21989 0827 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21990 0837 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 15-878-AC Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-08:27:00 Clrd-08:31:56 BLK 2002 TOYT 4D CAMRY Reg: PC NH 3879683 VIN: JTDBE32KX20009205 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST + FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-08:37:52 Arvd-08:37:58 Clrd-08:45:00 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-08:37:54 Arvd-08:37:59 Clrd-08:46:40 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-08:37:56 Arvd-08:40:07 Clrd-08:46:39 Narrative: 12/31/2015 0841 suspicious subject in the area Narrative: 12/31/2015 0842 110 off at Mobil Station Narrative: 12/31/2015 0842 722 off at BP Station 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 15-21991 0845 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21992 0855 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 227 Printed: 01/22/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-08:45:00 Clrd-08:48:15 BLK 2005 ACUR 4D RL Reg: PC NH 3890986 VIN: JH4KB16505C006574 Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BERRY RD Sergeant David Michaud Arvd-08:55:00 Clrd-08:58:37 WHI 2013 FORD VN E250 Reg: PC NH 3537120 VIN: 1FTNE2EW2DDA52387 15-21993 0931 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-09:31:47 Arvd-09:33:54 Clrd-09:49:31 ID: Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:31:48 Arvd-09:40:09 Clrd-09:46:23 Refer To Incident: 15-2666-OF Refer To Accident: 15-879-AC 15-21994 0935 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering RT 28 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-09:35:00 Clrd-09:39:55 BLK 2014 JEEP SU CHEROKEE Reg: PC NH 3827909 3 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-09:42:20 Arvd-09:46:51 Clrd-09:52:20 ID: Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-09:42:23 Arvd-09:46:51 Clrd-09:52:19 Refer To Field Int: 16-30-FI 2 Vehicle: 15-21995 0936 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21996 0940 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BERRY RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-09:40:00 Clrd-09:52:30 15-21997 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FOLSOM RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:54:00 Clrd-10:02:56 BLU 1999 DODG PU DAKOTA Reg: PC NH 3199184 VIN: 1B7FL26X1XS200644 0954 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-21998 1012 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-21999 1021 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Served Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering GAITA DR Civilian Robin Bordonaro Arvd-10:12:00 Initiated - Search Warrant Services Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [RMN] BALD HILL RD Detective Lieutenant Jon M Breen Arvd-10:21:00 Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-10:22:41 Arvd-10:22:54 Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-10:23:01 Arvd-10:23:03 Detective Dana P Park Disp-10:23:09 Arvd-10:23:10 2 2 Clrd-10:48:03 Rendered Clrd-10:49:08 Clrd-10:49:08 Clrd-10:49:09 Clrd-10:49:09 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 228 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 12/31/2015 1021 search warrant started Narrative: 12/31/2015 1048 search warrant ended 15-22000 1044 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-10:49:49 Arvd-10:54:00 Clrd-11:16:49 2 Narrative: Met with the resident, no problem found. Refer To Field Int: 15-22001 1054 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-10-FI Initiated - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TIGERTAIL CIR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-10:54:00 Clrd-10:58:46 2 Narrative: 12/31/2015 1058 theft from a MV Refer To Incident: 15-22002 1056 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-2665-OF Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 3087] OLD CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-10:57:52 Arvd-11:06:33 Clrd-11:12:19 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-10:57:54 Arvd-11:04:07 Clrd-11:12:19 1 Narrative: 12/31/2015 1112 no problems found Refer To Field Int: 15-22003 1132 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-22004 1136 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-22005 1142 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: 16-2-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BYPASS 28 + HEMLOCK SPRINGS RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-11:32:00 Clrd-11:37:18 GRN 1996 FORD SU EXPLORER Reg: PC NH 3324652 VIN: 1FMDU34X1TZB53058 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST + FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-11:36:00 Clrd-11:43:31 WHI 2015 TOYT PU SIENNA Reg: PC NH 3378910 VIN: 5TDDK3DC2FS114458 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E DERRY RD + POND RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-11:42:28 Arvd-11:46:15 Clrd-12:29:31 Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-11:42:31 Arvd-11:58:53 Clrd-12:29:32 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-11:46:44 Clrd-11:47:06 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-12:10:29 Arvd-12:10:30 Clrd-12:29:33 1 Narrative: 12/31/2015 1142 loose horse 15-22006 1144 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Warning Issued 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Disp-11:44:30 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:45:51 Arvd-11:48:40 ID: Sergeant David Michaud Disp-11:47:10 Arvd-11:47:10 Refer To Field Int: 15-6173-FI Page: 229 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-11:49:05 ID: Clrd-12:02:52 Clrd-12:02:50 15-22007 1222 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAU Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-12:22:00 Clrd-12:29:19 Refer To Incident: 15-2667-OF 2 15-22008 1 1253 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Cleared Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering DUSTIN AVE Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:54:05 Arvd-12:56:24 ID: Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-12:54:08 Arvd-13:04:13 Refer To Field Int: 16-12-FI 15-22009 1319 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-13:06:47 Clrd-13:06:45 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:20:25 Arvd-13:20:41 Clrd-13:21:48 2 Narrative: 12/31/2015 1321 subject checked, no problems found 15-22010 1338 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST + FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-13:38:00 Clrd-13:43:12 WHI 2015 TOYT SU RAV4 Reg: PC NH 3839667 VIN: JTMBFREV2FD133862 15-22011 1343 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering JULIAN RD Detective Scott A Tompkins Arvd-13:43:00 Clrd-13:44:24 Refer To Incident: 15-2668-OF 2 15-22012 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST + FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-13:47:00 Clrd-13:51:15 BLU 2012 TOYT HT PRIUS Reg: PC NH 509A VIN: JTDZN3EU3C3135112 1347 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-22013 1418 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Vehicle checked 2 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:18:45 Arvd-14:21:42 Clrd-14:30:23 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-14:18:47 Clrd-14:18:49 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-14:18:48 Arvd-14:27:03 Clrd-14:30:22 BLU 2007 CHEV PU 1500 Reg: PC NH 3701577 VIN: 2GCEK19J271553779 12/31/2015 1422 stopping NH 3701577 on Wall St Narrative: 12/31/2015 1430 vehicle checked, no problems found Refer To Field Int: 15-22014 1431 16-45-FI Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 230 Printed: 01/22/2016 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER AVE + CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-14:31:00 Clrd-14:37:12 Vehicle: WHI 1988 MERZ 4D SEL Reg: AQ NH HTP VIN: WDBCA35D9JA424617 Refer To Field Int: 16-11-FI 15-22015 1432 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-22016 1502 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-14:32:00 Clrd-14:35:43 BLU 1997 CHEV 4D MALIBU Reg: PC NH 3543072 VIN: 1G1ND52M4VY123079 Phone - WELFARE CHECK No Action Required Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-15:04:09 Arvd-15:08:43 Clrd-15:18:10 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:04:12 Arvd-15:08:45 Clrd-15:18:12 2 Narrative: LIFE LINE ACTIVATION Refer To Field Int: 15-22017 1504 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 16-7-FI Initiated - MV CHECK Arrest(s) Made Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-15:04:00 Clrd-15:54:17 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-15:08:50 Arvd-15:08:52 Clrd-15:17:12 Reg: PC NH 3828028 1 12/31/2015 1510 One in custody on a DPD warrant Narrative: 12/31/2015 1516 en route to DPD HQ s/m 54686.1 Narrative: 12/31/2015 1523 off at HQ e/m 54687.6 Narrative: 12/31/2015 1525 in with Ethan Chechowitz (DOB: 02/19/1995) 30 Kendall Pond Rd. #48 Derry, NH 03038 for Possession of a controlled/narcotic drug Narrative: 12/31/2015 1531 requested and called bail comissioner Narrative: 12/31/2015 1539 placed in cell 3 Narrative: 12/31/2015 1631 prisoner released on $3000 PR bail w/ court date of 2/4/16 per BC 15-22018 Refer To Arrest: 1513 Call Taker: 15-1070-AR Initiated - Drop Box Maintenance Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Report Taken 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Incident: 15-22019 1546 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 231 Printed: 01/22/2016 15-2669-OF Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus [DY 2470] BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-15:47:18 ID: Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-15:47:28 Refer To Incident: 15-2670-OF Report Taken Arvd-15:46:00 Clrd-16:24:59 Arvd-15:54:10 Clrd-16:22:56 Arvd-15:54:12 Clrd-16:24:20 1 ID: 15-22020 1555 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SHOOTING COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus BACK CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-15:56:05 Arvd-16:03:07 Clrd-16:06:43 2 Narrative: in the power lines 15-22021 1559 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE No Action Required Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-16:07:09 Arvd-16:12:50 Clrd-16:22:10 ID: Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-16:22:17 Arvd-16:22:20 Clrd-16:28:06 Refer To Field Int: 16-8-FI 2 15-22022 2 1604 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - CUSTOMER PROBLEM ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus [DY 1477] E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-16:06:05 Arvd-16:10:55 Clrd-16:18:05 ID: Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-16:06:09 Arvd-16:10:49 Clrd-16:18:08 Refer To Field Int: 16-14-FI 15-22023 1617 Call Taker: Location: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith HANNAFORDS Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-16:19:32 Arvd-16:22:36 Clrd-16:26:28 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus 2 Report of infant in front seat of NH 364-1663. 15-22025 1620 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY No Action Required Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith BRADFORD ST Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-16:24:44 Arvd-16:28:37 Clrd-16:29:55 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus 2 Report of fluid possibly oil or gas on both sides of the road. 15-22024 1621 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - WARRANT ARREST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arrest(s) Made Arvd-16:21:00 Narrative: 12/31/2015 1637 Clrd-16:46:28 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 232 Printed: 01/22/2016 subject turned self in on Derry PD warrant Lawrence Fafard (dob: 6/23/1964) 30 Kendall Pond Rd. #27 Derry, NH 03038 for: Violation of Privacy x10 Narrative: 12/31/2015 1642 released on $1500 pr w/ court date of 2/4/16 per BC Refer To Arrest: 15-22026 1707 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 15-1071-AR Phone - WELFARE CHECK Report Taken Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-17:08:34 Arvd-17:13:00 Clrd-17:26:43 2 Narrative: red honda prelude Refer To Incident: 15-22027 1736 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 15-2671-OF Initiated - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus [DY 228] BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-17:36:00 Clrd-17:44:15 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 2 odor of propane in the air Narrative: 12/31/2015 1744 determined to be no problem - spoke with delivery driver Refer To Field Int: 15-22028 1811 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-6-FI Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus [DY 907] BRADY AVE Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-18:11:00 Clrd-18:24:15 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 2 15-22029 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-18:20:00 Clrd-18:26:21 2 15-22030 Phone - ANNOYING PHONE CALLS ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus SCENIC DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:51:23 Arvd-18:56:23 Clrd-19:19:28 3 Cleared By: 1820 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1850 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: calls to cell phone Refer To Field Int: 16-9-FI 15-22031 1908 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - FIREWORKS COMPLAINT ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus [DY 2706] STEVEN AVE Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-19:10:01 Arvd-19:15:10 Clrd-19:22:31 Refer To Field Int: 16-15-FI 15-22032 1917 Call Taker: Location/Address: 911 - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus SILVESTRI CIR Transported to Hospital 2 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:18:00 Arvd-19:21:52 Page: 233 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-19:32:42 Narrative: possible overdose on medication Refer To Field Int: 15-22033 1939 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-29-FI Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus MAPLE ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Warning Issued Arvd-19:39:00 Vehicle: 3 Clrd-19:40:55 Reg: PC NH 3847601 15-22034 2037 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 911 - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus BRIARWOOD ST Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-20:38:44 Arvd-20:40:54 Clrd-21:04:56 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-20:43:12 Arvd-20:47:19 Clrd-21:04:56 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-20:43:25 Arvd-20:49:34 Clrd-21:02:22 3 Narrative: odor of gas 15-22035 2045 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - FIREWORKS COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus HIGHLAND AVE Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:47:00 Arvd-20:49:02 Clrd-20:52:25 15-22036 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-21:12:00 Clrd-21:17:03 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus SIL 2001 CHEV PU S10 Reg: PC NH 3023084 VIN: 1GCCS14511K145041 2112 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 15-22037 2141 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - FIREWORKS COMPLAINT Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus DANIEL RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-21:42:29 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore No Action Required 2 2 Clrd-21:44:25 residue on vehicles Narrative: 12/31/2015 2144 REPORTING PARTY CALLED BACK TO CANCEL REQUEST FOR POLICE ASSISTANCE 15-22038 2210 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: Phone - FIREWORKS COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Patrol Officer Robert S Moore STEVEN AVE Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-22:12:30 Arvd-22:16:15 Clrd-22:23:42 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus 2 12/31/2015 2211 resident reports loud fireworks 15-22039 2310 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore W BROADWAY Sergeant Michael W Hughes Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:13:01 Arrest(s) Made Arvd-23:10:00 Clrd-23:29:21 Arvd-23:13:04 Clrd-23:13:28 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 234 Printed: 01/22/2016 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:20:13 Arvd-23:20:15 Clrd-23:48:53 Reg: NH 3525020 BLU 2003 HYUN 4D ELANTRA Reg: PC NH 3525020 VIN: KMHDN55DX3U087278 For: Other By: Londonderry BP Towing Vehicle: Vehicle: Towed: Narrative: 12/31/2015 2326 next on list for tow LBP requested/responding Narrative: 12/31/2015 2330 released on summons for Op After Susp (vio) and Suspended Registration (misd) Lindsay Kimball-Mcinturff 86 Ash St. Ext. Nashua, NH DOB- 09-04-95 court date - 02-11-16 Narrative: 12/31/2015 2341 LBP TOWING on scene Refer To Summons: 15-22040 2337 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 15-22041 2349 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 15-1072-AR Initiated - MV CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY Patrol Officer Robert S Moore HUMPHREY RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-23:37:00 Clrd-23:39:45 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-23:38:19 Clrd-23:39:41 1 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis 3 SIL 2004 MAZD 4D MAZDA 6 15-22042 2357 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: For Date: 01/01/2016 16-1 0002 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: - 0013 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-23:57:00 Reg: PC NH 2313850 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Vehicle: Narrative: Clrd-01/01/2016 @ 00:06:52 VIN: 1HGCM66534A015844 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-00:02:00 Clrd-00:06:47 Reg: PC NH 1082200 VIN: 5GZCZ33D06S801090 Initiated - MV CHECK Patrol Officer Robert S Moore PIERCE AVE Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Services Rendered Arvd-00:13:00 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-00:15:05 Arvd-00:15:08 TAN 1995 FORD 4D TAURUS Reg: PC NH 3685275 ID: 3 Friday SIL 2006 STRN SU VUE 16-2 Arvd-23:49:00 Clrd-01/01/2016 @ 00:01:55 Reg: PC NH 3889930 VIN: 1YVFP80D145N12134 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore RT 28 Sergeant Michael W Hughes RED 2004 HOND 4D ACCORD Summons Issued 1 Clrd-00:19:34 Clrd-00:19:33 VIN: 1FALP52U8SG150847 01/01/2016 0019 property checked - all appears in order Refer To Field Int: 16-3 0022 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-34-FI Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Arvd-00:22:00 Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-00:23:01 Arvd-00:23:03 SIL 2008 HOND 4D ACCORD Reg: PC NH 3909793 ID: Vehicle: 16-4 0035 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ENGLISH RANGE RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Vehicle: SIL 2012 HOND SU CRV Refer To Field Int: 16-36-FI 16-5 0044 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0055 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: Clrd-00:27:09 Clrd-00:25:07 VIN: 1HGCP26338A124602 SENT ON THEIR WAY 1 Arvd-00:35:00 Clrd-00:40:42 Reg: VF NH V35722 VIN: 2HKRM4H57CH624355 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Warning Issued 3 Arvd-00:44:00 Clrd-00:49:02 Reg: PC MA 28HD65 VIN: JTEES43A982077652 BLK 2008 TOYT SU HIGHLANDER 16-6 Page: 235 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - PROPERTY CHECK Services Patrol Officer Robert S Moore RT 28 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-00:57:06 Arvd-00:58:55 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:57:08 Arvd-01:00:16 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-00:57:09 Arvd-01:03:49 Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-00:57:11 Arvd-01:04:00 Rendered 2 Clrd-01:26:42 Clrd-01:19:14 Clrd-01:19:13 Clrd-01:26:40 Narrative: 01/01/2016 0056 resident reports suspicious activity at school Narrative: 01/01/2016 0126 buidling checked - all secure and in order Refer To Field Int: 16-7 0059 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0135 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Warning Issued Initiated - PED CHECK Patrol Officer Robert S Moore E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Initiated - PED CHECK Lieutenant Eric T Kester CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-01:35:00 Clrd-01:41:47 Arvd-01:40:12 Clrd-01:41:45 Assistance Rendered Arvd-01:49:00 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-01:50:29 Arvd-01:51:43 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-01:50:53 Arvd-01:55:37 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Clrd-02:12:55 Clrd-02:08:35 Clrd-02:08:37 01/01/2016 0154 DFD requested for female subject Narrative: 3 Arvd-00:59:00 Clrd-01:02:58 Reg: PC NH 3464470 VIN: 2T1BR12E7YC288663 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-01:40:10 0149 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis TAN 2000 TOYT 4D COROLLA 16-8 16-9 16-16-FI 2 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 236 Printed: 01/22/2016 01/01/2016 0208 DFD on scene 16-10 0205 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Patrol Officer Robert S Moore DREW RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-02:06:53 Arvd-02:15:58 Clrd-02:25:46 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-02:06:56 Arvd-02:18:29 Clrd-02:25:22 Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-02:20:17 Arvd-02:20:19 Clrd-02:25:19 1 Narrative: 01/01/2016 0205 male/female yelling Narrative: 01/01/2016 0225 disorderly conduct warning issued Refer To Field Int: 16-11 0231 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 16-1-FI Phone - DISTURBANCE Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Robert S Moore LINLEW DR Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-02:32:52 Arvd-02:38:57 Clrd-02:47:37 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-02:32:54 Arvd-02:35:24 Clrd-02:47:36 Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-02:38:58 Arvd-02:39:00 Clrd-02:47:34 1 Narrative: 01/01/2016 0231 confrontation with neighboring residents Refer To Field Int: 16-12 0757 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0822 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-35-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N MAIN ST + PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-07:57:00 Clrd-08:01:44 GRN 1997 HOND 2D CIVIC EX Reg: PC NH 3810391 VIN: 1HGEJ8145VL070782 16-13 Initiated - PED CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 928] S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-08:22:00 Clrd-08:26:24 16-14 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-08:25:00 Clrd-08:27:48 SIL 2011 FORD TK RANGER Reg: PC NH 3104956 VIN: 1FTZR15U91TA25882 0825 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-15 0911 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - DEPARTMENT INFO Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2] BYPASS 28 + DANIEL RD Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Arvd-09:11:00 Clrd-09:12:23 2 3 Narrative: 01/01/2016 0911 Sam from Water Dept notified for water outage in the area 16-16 1008 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-17 Vehicle: 1018 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-10:08:00 Clrd-10:18:04 GRY 2002 FORD 4D TAURUS Reg: VAN NH LEX1LU VIN: 1FAFP55252A224347 Phone - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Could Not Locate 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-18 1022 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FERLAND DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:19:11 Arvd-10:19:14 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:19:12 Arvd-10:19:14 Page: 237 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-10:22:20 Clrd-10:22:20 Phone - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:22:35 Arvd-10:27:29 Clrd-10:30:10 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:22:36 Arvd-10:27:28 Clrd-10:30:10 2 16-19 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering NELSON FARM DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-10:28:00 Clrd-10:43:36 1 16-20 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering COLES GROVE RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-10:30:00 2 ID: 1028 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1030 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-21 1038 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1043 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-10:38:00 Clrd-10:34:07 2 Clrd-10:44:55 16-22 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Not Served Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering UPSTONE LN Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-10:43:00 Clrd-10:48:27 16-23 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-11:17:00 Clrd-11:22:19 GLD 1999 GMC SU YUKON Reg: PC NH 3295131 VIN: 1GKEK13R8XJ745782 1117 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-24 1127 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ABANDONED 911 Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PARTRIDGE LN Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-11:28:24 Arvd-11:35:02 Clrd-11:43:05 ID: Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:28:25 Arvd-11:35:02 Clrd-11:43:06 Refer To Field Int: 16-33-FI 16-25 Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-11:37:23 Arvd-11:43:02 Clrd-11:51:43 ID: Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:37:26 Arvd-11:43:03 Clrd-11:51:44 ID: Administrative Serge Michael T Muncey Disp-11:46:52 Arvd-11:46:53 Clrd-11:51:42 Refer To Field Int: 16-21-FI 16-26 Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Summons Issued Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-11:44:46 Arvd-11:44:48 Clrd-12:29:51 1136 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1142 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: 1 1 1 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 238 Printed: 01/22/2016 BRIANA VIVEIROS (1/10/93) 1 FERLAND DR APT 2 DERRY, NH 03038 TURNED SELF IN ON DPD WARRANT FOR SIMPLE ASSAULT Narrative: 01/01/2016 1211 subject released on a court summons, court date 2/11/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-27 1204 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 16-1-AR Initiated - DISABLED MV Vehicle Towed Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-12:04:00 Clrd-12:37:18 2000 BMW 4D Reg: PC CA 7KWU379 VIN: WBSDE9345YBZ96734 3 01/01/2016 1220 next on the list requested for CA 7KWU379; Birch St notified and responding Narrative: 01/01/2016 1226 Birch St cancelled Narrative: 01/01/2016 1227 owner has wrecker en route Narrative: 01/01/2016 1227 on scene Refer To Field Int: 16-28 16-47-FI 1236 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-12:36:00 Clrd-12:42:44 Vehicle: BLU 1997 ACUR CP INTEGRA Reg: PC MA 312NX1 VIN: JH4DC445XVS010812 Refer To Field Int: 16-133-FI 16-29 1336 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Arvd-13:36:00 Clrd-14:29:33 2 Narrative: 01/01/2016 1337 subject turning himself in on a warrant Narrative: 01/01/2016 1350 Subject Info: Nicholas Maggio 2 Pembroke Dr #16 Derry, NH DOB:8/23/85 Arrested on a Derry warrant for Endangering the Welfare of a Child (2 cts) Narrative: 01/01/2016 1418 bail set at $5000 PR court date 2/4/16 per BC Paradzyk Narrative: 01/01/2016 1429 subject released Refer To Arrest: 16-30 1357 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: 16-2-AR Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:58:51 Arvd-14:09:05 Clrd-14:17:30 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 239 Printed: 01/22/2016 01/01/2016 1417 theft of a camera Refer To Incident: 16-31 1525 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-1-OF Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Cleared Arvd-15:25:00 16-32 1536 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Clrd-15:28:16 Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:40:53 Arvd-15:40:55 Clrd-16:55:22 2 Narrative: LILLIAN MAGGIO (3/5/79) 2 PEMBROKE DR #16 DERRY, NH TURNED SELF IN ON DPD WARRANT FOR: ENDANGERING WELFARE OF CHILD/INCOMPETENT ENDANGERING WELFARE OF CHILD/INCOMPETENT (ACCOMP) Narrative: 01/01/2016 1550 PRISONER REQUESTS SERVICES OF B.C. CONTACTED AND RESPONDING CHUCK Narrative: 01/01/2016 1654 DATE 2/4/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-33 1620 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: PRISONER RELEASED $2000 P.R. BAIL COURT 16-3-AR Phone - NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE Arrest(s) Made Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-16:22:35 Arvd-16:27:09 Clrd-17:25:48 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-16:30:17 Arvd-16:34:13 Clrd-17:49:59 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-16:34:04 Arvd-16:34:05 Clrd-17:25:50 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-17:49:57 Arvd-17:49:58 Clrd-17:59:10 Narrative: CALLER REPORTS DOWNSTAIRS NEIGHBOR HAS SHUT OFF WATER AND ELECTRICITY TO THEIR APARTMENT Narrative: 01/01/2016 1708 S4 ADVISES ONE IN CUSTODY ON DPD WARRANT PAULA DEFELICE (11/4/75) 10 BIRCH ST DERRY, NH 03038 Narrative: 01/01/2016 1712 419 ENROUTE WITH ON FEMALE SM: 15346.4 Narrative: 01/01/2016 1714 EM: 15347.4 01/01/2016 1717 B.C REQUESTED AND RESPONDING (CHUCK) Narrative: Narrative: 01/01/2016 1835 Refer To Accident: Refer To Incident: Refer To Arrest: 16-1-AC 16-2-OF 16-4-AR RELEASED ON $2,000 PR COURT DATE 2/4/16 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 240 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-34 1634 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY No Action Required Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:37:28 Arvd-16:53:04 Clrd-17:10:29 Dispatched By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Arrived By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Cleared By: Patrol Officer Brian J Landry ID: Detective Dana P Park Disp-16:37:31 Arvd-16:53:03 Clrd-17:10:28 Dispatched By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Arrived By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Cleared By: Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Refer To Field Int: 16-62-FI 16-35 1701 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - NOISE Patrol Officer FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Disp-17:13:54 Detective Dana Disp-17:14:04 COMPLAINT Jeffrey R Pike No Action Required 2 2 Jared Knox Arvd-17:21:12 Clrd-17:25:24 Arvd-17:17:17 Clrd-17:25:26 P Park Narrative: CALLER REPORTING LOUD MUSIC Refer To Field Int: 16-36 1718 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-61-FI Phone - ROAD HAZARD Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ISLAND POND RD + LAWRENCE RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:26:12 Arvd-17:38:58 Clrd-17:39:03 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 2 CALLER REPORTS BAGS OF TRASH IN THE ROADWAY Narrative: 01/01/2016 1739 moved to side of road 16-37 1837 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - INVOL Patrol Officer BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Disp-18:38:29 Patrol Officer Disp-18:49:59 Sergeant Kevin Disp-19:02:15 EMERGENCY ADMISSION Jeffrey R Pike Services Rendered Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-18:38:56 Jared Knox Arvd-18:53:59 W Jackson Arvd-19:02:17 2 Clrd-20:04:41 Clrd-20:04:42 Clrd-19:05:45 Narrative: CALLER REPORTS STOVE BREAKER IS STILL OFF Narrative: 01/01/2016 1906 TRANSPORTED ONE TO PMC 01/01/2016 1907 OFF AT PMC EM: 44632.7 SM: 44632.4 Narrative: Refer To Arrest: 16-38 1847 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-39 Dispatched By: Arrived By: 2002 Call Taker: 16-5-AR Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Services Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-20:05:31 Arvd-20:06:28 Clrd-20:12:57 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 1 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 Warning Issued Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 241 Printed: 01/22/2016 MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-20:02:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-40 2105 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 16-41 2109 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Clrd-20:06:29 NH 3725621 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Robert S Moore S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-21:05:41 Arvd-21:05:43 Clrd-21:14:09 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-21:06:23 Arvd-21:08:53 Clrd-21:14:08 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike SIL AUDI 4D AUDI 6 2 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-21:14:22 Arvd-21:19:37 Clrd-21:41:09 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Reg: TM NH 1838988 Reg: PC NH 3765400 1 MVC IN PARKING LOT OF DIM SIM. NO INJURIES. Narrative: 01/01/2016 2139 YIMING VS.PARKED CAR - FULL REPORT Refer To Accident: 16-42 2137 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-2-AC Initiated - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Matter Rectified Patrol Officer Robert S Moore CRYSTAL AVE + E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-21:37:00 Clrd-22:10:00 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-21:42:23 Arvd-21:42:26 Clrd-22:09:59 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 2 01/01/2016 2146 DFD ON SCENE TO ASSIST WITH ENTRY DUE TO POSSIBLE CANDLE IN THE WINDOW Narrative: 01/01/2016 2202 16-43 2332 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: KEY HOLDER ON SCENE Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Arrest(s) Made Arvd-23:32:00 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:39:19 Arvd-23:42:47 Reg: PC NH 3761316 Clrd-01/02/2016 @ 00:39:08 Clrd-01/02/2016 @ 00:27:55 01/01/2016 2356 one in custody 3-18 Narrative: 01/02/2016 0000 Wrecker requested Birch St in route Narrative: 01/02/2016 0001 in route with 1 Narrative: 01/02/2016 0005 e/m 15371 s/m 15370 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 242 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/02/2016 0013 David P Schunemann (3/23/92) 92 Eastern Ave #202 Manchester, NH charged with Possession of Drugs Possession of Drugs in MV Narrative: 01/02/2016 0019 wrecker on scene Narrative: 01/02/2016 0027 Birch St has wrecker Narrative: 01/02/2016 0028 Refer To Arrest: For Date: 01/02/2016 16-44 0018 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: - released on a summons Court Date 2/11/16 16-6-AR Saturday Phone - NOISE Patrol Officer LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Disp-00:19:28 Patrol Officer Disp-00:19:34 COMPLAINT Joel C Jackson No Action Required 2 Jeffrey R Pike Arvd-00:24:30 Clrd-00:33:27 Arvd-00:23:27 Clrd-00:33:23 Jared Knox Narrative: complaint of loud music Narrative: 01/02/2016 0033 Refer To Field Int: 16-45 0022 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: quiet upon arrival 16-31-FI Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:23:03 Arvd-00:27:07 Clrd-00:53:32 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-00:28:01 Arvd-00:28:03 Clrd-00:53:29 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:54:11 Arvd-00:54:13 Clrd-00:54:32 3 Narrative: DFD off with subject Police requested for unk reason Narrative: 01/02/2016 0030 subject being transported to PMC by DFD Narrative: 01/02/2016 0035 DFD requested units to follow to PMC PMC off at Narrative: 01/02/2016 0053 assistance rendered Refer To Field Int: 16-46 0736 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-23-FI Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 429] TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-07:37:25 Arvd-07:41:12 Clrd-07:45:37 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-07:37:28 Arvd-07:41:14 Clrd-07:45:36 Narrative: 01/02/2016 0745 ALARM COMPANY ATTEMPTED TO CANCEL AFTER ARRIVAL 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 16-47 0834 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 243 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-41-FI Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:34:22 Arvd-08:34:23 Clrd-08:59:29 2 Narrative: 01/02/2016 0835 SUBJECT IN LOBBY ON A JUVENILE PETITION Narrative: 01/02/2016 0835 IDENTFIED AS JUVENILE Narrative: 01/02/2016 0859 RELEASED TO A PARENT 16-48 0858 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FOLSOM RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Warning Issued Arvd-08:58:00 Vehicle: 16-49 Reg: 911 - DISTURBANCE Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ELWOOD RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-09:02:52 Refer To Field Int: 16-39-FI 0925 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Clrd-09:01:34 NH V34911 0902 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-50 3 Services Rendered Arvd-09:12:02 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike AL ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-09:26:11 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:26:13 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 Clrd-09:19:22 No Action Required 1 Clrd-09:28:18 Clrd-09:28:18 BASEMENT MOTION Narrative: 01/02/2016 0928 CANCELLED BY ALARM COMPANY PRIOR TO ARRIVAL 16-51 0932 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD + LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-09:32:00 Clrd-09:37:23 Reg: NH 3324334 3 16-52 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ELA AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-09:42:00 Clrd-09:45:54 2 16-53 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ADAMS POND RD + POND VIEW DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-09:44:37 1 Vehicle: 0942 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0944 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-09:54:31 Narrative: 01/02/2016 0944 LOOSE DOG Narrative: 01/02/2016 0956 124 EN ROUTE TO RAIN POND PLACE Clrd-10:03:32 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 244 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/02/2016 1003 RETURNED TO OWNER Refer To Field Int: 16-40-FI 16-54 0959 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-09:59:00 Clrd-11:19:24 ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-10:00:08 Arvd-10:00:10 Clrd-11:19:10 Refer To Field Int: 16-24-FI 16-55 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BERRY RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-10:12:13 Arvd-10:12:24 Clrd-10:17:41 1011 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 1 Narrative: 01/02/2016 1011 LOOSE DOG 16-56 1015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Warning Issued Arvd-10:15:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-57 1018 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-10:18:00 Reg: 16-58 1019 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Clrd-10:15:28 NH 3588756 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Vehicle: 3 3 Clrd-10:22:21 NH 2695147 Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:37:30 Arvd-10:44:18 Clrd-13:02:29 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 PROPERTY Narrative: 01/02/2016 1156 JUDGE PAGED FOR AN ERO Narrative: 01/02/2016 1202 ERO GRANTED BY JUDGE SADLER Refer To Incident: 1024 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-3-OF 16-59 Phone - NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GAITA DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-10:37:11 Arvd-10:45:02 Clrd-11:10:50 2 16-60 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike [DY 736] BEDARD AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:00:19 Arvd-11:01:57 Clrd-11:20:41 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 1059 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: CPR IN PROGRESS Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 16-61 1147 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-62 1150 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 245 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-25-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-11:47:00 Clrd-11:52:36 Reg: NH 3753496 3 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Vehicle checked Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike LEDGEWOOD DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-11:51:42 Arvd-11:57:20 Clrd-11:59:46 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 2 CALLER REPORTS "FISHY" LOOKING SUBJECTS IN A BLUE IMPREZA INFRONT OF RESIDENCE 16-63 1159 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-11:59:00 Clrd-12:03:31 2 16-64 Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-12:05:48 Arvd-12:06:33 Clrd-12:15:48 2 16-65 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd 3 1205 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1225 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-12:25:00 Vehicle: 16-66 Reg: 1239 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Clrd-12:32:48 NH 2604871 Phone - THEFT Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:39:21 Arvd-12:44:13 Clrd-13:45:29 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:44:16 Arvd-12:49:56 Clrd-13:19:07 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-13:09:44 Arvd-13:09:46 Clrd-14:23:01 Narrative: 01/02/2016 1255 124 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY FOR WILLFUL CONCEALMENT (X2) AND A DERRY WARRANT FOR SIMPLE ASSAULT. 304 TRANSPORTING TO HQ SM 23511.3 Narrative: 01/02/2016 1301 304 OFF AT HQ EM 23512.3 Narrative: 01/02/2016 1345 IDENTIFIED AS: DANNIELLE GARCIA 1 FERLAND DR APT 1 DERRY NH DOB 6/26/77 Narrative: 01/02/2016 1346 PLACED IN CELL 1 Narrative: 01/02/2016 1423 RELEASED ON $3000 PR BAIL WITH COURT 2/4/16 PER BC PARADZICK 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Arrest: 16-67 1256 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 246 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-8-AR 911 - UNATTENDED DEATH Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:57:39 Arvd-12:59:44 Clrd-15:51:17 Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-12:57:41 Arvd-13:06:02 Clrd-15:32:40 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-14:28:56 Arvd-14:28:58 Clrd-14:41:23 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Detective Scott A Tompkins Disp-15:06:51 Arvd-15:06:58 Clrd-16:40:12 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-15:06:56 Arvd-15:06:58 Clrd-16:40:14 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:09:05 Arvd-16:17:33 Clrd-16:21:15 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-16:17:27 Arvd-16:17:29 Clrd-16:21:17 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 2 01/02/2016 1332 RCSD NOTIFIED TO PAGE M.E. AND C.A. Narrative: 01/02/2016 1337 A3 NOTIFIED Narrative: 01/02/2016 1342 C.A. WARECKI NOTIFIED Narrative: 01/02/2016 1354 M.E. BARTELS NOTIFIED Narrative: 01/02/2016 1354 DETECTIVE TOMPKINS NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 01/02/2016 1406 A1 NOTIFIED Narrative: 01/02/2016 1406 DETECTIVE DOYLE NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 01/02/2016 1524 Peabody's notified Narrative: 01/02/2016 1611 peabody on scene Refer To Incident: 1302 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-5-OF 16-68 Initiated - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDE Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-13:02:00 Clrd-13:06:06 2 16-69 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE 3 1336 Call Taker: Location/Address: Warning Issued Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 247 Printed: 01/22/2016 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-13:36:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-70 1343 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-13:42:27 NH 2469193 Phone - ATTEMPT TO LOCATE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-13:43:30 Arvd-13:43:32 Clrd-13:48:11 2 Narrative: 01/02/2016 1343 TT UNIT INVOLVED IN HIT AND RUN IN LONDONDERRY 16-71 1343 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-13:43:00 Clrd-13:51:46 2 16-72 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HOOD RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-13:50:47 Arvd-13:54:19 Clrd-14:04:23 Refer To Field Int: 16-26-FI 1 16-73 911 - DRUG OVERDOSE Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CHASES GROVE RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:29:22 Arvd-14:36:27 Clrd-15:50:13 Cleared By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Refer To Incident: 16-4-OF 16-74 Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:32:15 Arvd-14:34:15 Clrd-14:41:26 Cleared By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Refer To Field Int: 16-27-FI 1350 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1428 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1431 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-75 1444 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:45:14 Arvd-14:45:16 Clrd-14:45:46 2 1 2 Narrative: 01/02/2016 1445 POSSIBLE 318 ACTIVITY 16-76 1447 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: 16-77 1452 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Phone - DISTURBANCE Services Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-14:47:33 Arvd-14:49:06 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:47:36 Arvd-14:51:11 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-14:52:14 Arvd-14:52:15 Dispatcher Christina L Power Rendered 1 Clrd-14:52:04 Clrd-15:11:26 Clrd-15:16:54 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:56:31 Arvd-16:00:23 Clrd-16:15:56 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Patrol Officer Brian Disp-15:56:37 Dispatcher Christina Dispatcher Christina Dispatcher Christina Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 0000 - 2359 Page: 248 Printed: 01/22/2016 J Landry Arvd-16:00:22 Clrd-16:15:54 L Power L Power L Power LOUD MUSIC COMING FROM THIRD FLOOR APARTMENT 16-78 1509 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:21:31 Arvd-15:21:34 Clrd-16:00:48 Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 CALLER REPORTS MINOR 10-25 IN PARKING LOT BETWEEN THE TWO ENTRANCES Narrative: Tannalfo v Grant Refer To Accident: 16-79 1549 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: full report 16-3-AC Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike WALNUT HILL RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-15:50:24 Arvd-15:56:40 Clrd-16:00:25 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 3 REPORT OF SMOKE IN THE BUILDING FROM PELLET STOVE 16-80 1554 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-81 1558 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1632 Call Taker: Location/Address: Phone - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power BROOK ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:57:54 Arvd-15:57:55 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-15:58:00 2 Clrd-15:57:56 2 Clrd-16:00:17 16-82 Phone - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR 16-83 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-16:46:00 Clrd-16:51:29 Reg: NH 3576649 3 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike [DY 2816] LESTER LN Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:53:32 Arvd-17:01:06 Clrd-17:06:31 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:53:34 Arvd-17:01:06 Clrd-17:06:31 Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 1646 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-84 1652 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: FRONT DOOR MOTION. Refer To Field Int: 16-52-FI No Action Required NO KEYHOLDER RESPONDING 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-85 1654 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 249 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - ROAD HAZARD Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-16:55:47 Arvd-17:03:55 Clrd-17:04:02 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 TREE IN ROADWAY 16-86 1717 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:25:02 Arvd-17:25:04 Clrd-17:59:12 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Reg: NH 3782292 TAN 2000 FORD EXPLORER Reg: NH 3836528 1 MINOR 10-25 NO INJURY Narrative: non reportable. Hobbs vs parked car Refer To Accident: 16-87 1739 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-4-AC Phone - MV CHECK Vehicle checked Patrol Officer Robert S Moore CUNNINGHAM DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-17:41:02 Arvd-17:54:33 Clrd-18:00:03 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 01/02/2016 1739 suspicious white SUV Narrative: no issues. 16-88 1750 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power A ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-17:50:00 Vehicle: 16-89 Reg: 1817 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Clrd-17:59:07 NH 1363811 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-18:18:06 Arvd-18:19:13 Clrd-20:33:19 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-18:18:09 Arvd-18:20:22 Clrd-20:33:02 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-18:18:15 Arvd-18:24:00 Clrd-19:29:15 Narrative: 01/02/2016 1904 Recovery Solutions on scene for tow Narrative: 01/02/2016 1909 Recovery unable to tow. assigned. Spacetown auto Narrative: 01/02/2016 2004 Bauchman's Towing on scene assisting Spacetown Narrative: 3 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 250 Printed: 01/22/2016 01/02/2016 2033 Craft vs roadside Refer To Accident: 16-90 1831 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-5-AC Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FRANKLIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:38:45 Arvd-18:38:46 Clrd-18:44:07 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 01/02/2016 1831 green mustang driving slow and erratic towards Fraklin St. extension 16-91 1859 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR Patrol Officer Robert S Moore CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-19:01:16 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-19:01:27 No Action Required 1 Clrd-19:02:36 Clrd-19:02:38 Narrative: 01/02/2016 1900 alarm reported as church office Narrative: 01/02/2016 1902 alarm cancelled prior to Police arrival 16-92 2103 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power DERRY WAY Patrol Officer Seth Plumer WHI 2008 DODG PU RAM 16-93 2108 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued 3 Arvd-21:03:00 Clrd-21:08:17 Reg: PC MA 328WV2 VIN: 1D7HU16N48J182426 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-21:09:18 Vehicle checked Arvd-21:19:55 1 Clrd-21:22:41 Narrative: dog inside a honda Narrative: all was okay 16-94 2113 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-95 2231 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-96 ID: Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power WYMAN ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-21:13:31 Arvd-21:13:43 Clrd-21:37:45 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-21:13:52 Arvd-21:22:39 Clrd-21:37:47 3 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power FERLAND DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-22:31:50 Arvd-22:34:55 Clrd-22:38:12 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-22:31:51 Arvd-22:33:18 Clrd-22:38:10 2 Narrative: not unreasonable Refer To Field Int: 2321 Call Taker: 16-43-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 251 Printed: 01/22/2016 PEABODY RD + PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Vehicle: GRY 2014 FORD HT FOCUS 16-97 2329 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-98 2339 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 16-99 2341 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arvd-23:21:00 Reg: VAN NH HECARIM Clrd-23:26:30 VIN: 1FADP3K24EL114270 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE + MOODY ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Arvd-23:29:00 Clrd-23:34:52 BLK 2000 GMC PU 1500 Reg: PC NH 3524974 VIN: 2GTEK19T5Y1375952 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-23:39:00 Clrd-23:45:12 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BLU 2004 SUBA SU FORESTER Reg: PC NH 1749276 VIN: JF1SG636X4H760683 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:41:00 Clrd-23:44:24 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering GRN 2006 FORD 4D FOCUS Reg: PC NH 3768920 VIN: 1FAFP34N56W236541 Cleared By: Vehicle: For Date: 01/03/2016 16-100 0031 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: - Sunday Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CARBERRY DR + OLD MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-00:33:08 Clrd-00:33:56 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:33:13 Clrd-00:33:58 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-00:33:52 Arvd-00:37:52 Clrd-00:40:08 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-00:33:59 Clrd-00:35:42 2 Narrative: 01/03/2016 0035 suspicious vehicle in area 16-101 0034 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY TRANSPORTED Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:34:13 Arvd-00:37:35 Clrd-01:06:03 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-00:34:16 Arvd-00:38:51 Clrd-01:06:02 2 Narrative: 01/03/2016 0035 subject ringing doorbell to employee entrance door Narrative: 01/03/2016 0038 off with subject on S Main St Narrative: 01/03/2016 0047 417 transporting subject to Fairway Dr residence s/m: 15462; 335 following Narrative: 01/03/2016 0049 417 off on Fairway Dr e/m: 15462 16-102 0316 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSAULT Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Report Taken 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-03:17:37 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-03:17:38 ID: 0000 - 2359 Page: 252 Printed: 01/22/2016 Arvd-03:22:07 Clrd-03:58:48 Arvd-03:22:07 Clrd-03:58:49 Narrative: 01/03/2016 0317 subject reporting a past tense assault Refer To Incident: 16-103 0644 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-104 0717 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 16-6-OF Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N MAIN ST + PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Arvd-06:44:00 Clrd-06:48:27 WHI 2004 BUIC 4D LESABRE Reg: PC NH 3950160 VIN: 1G4HP52K94U102210 911 - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-07:27:13 Arvd-07:31:52 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-07:27:16 Arvd-07:31:50 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-07:30:05 Arvd-07:31:48 Rendered Clrd-07:51:13 Clrd-07:51:13 Clrd-07:51:13 16-105 0820 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-08:21:32 Arvd-08:23:20 Clrd-08:45:50 ID: Sergeant David Michaud Disp-08:21:34 Arvd-08:23:22 Clrd-08:45:52 ID: Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:25:52 Arvd-08:28:47 Clrd-08:43:48 Refer To Field Int: 16-38-FI 16-106 0932 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-107 1020 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1026 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-109 1028 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry 2 No Action Required Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ELA AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-10:26:00 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Brian J Landry 16-110 Reg: 1104 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-10:25:02 2 Clrd-10:30:12 Warning Issued Arvd-10:28:00 Vehicle: 1 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANNING ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-09:32:00 Clrd-09:39:58 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-09:32:53 Arvd-09:32:55 Clrd-09:39:59 Arvd-10:20:00 16-108 2 3 Clrd-10:31:34 NH 3471949 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SCOBIE POND RD + CAMNOD WAY Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-11:05:11 Arvd-11:08:40 Clrd-11:13:04 Narrative: 01/03/2016 1105 LOOSE DOG 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-111 1117 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 + EASTGATE RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 0000 - 2359 Warning Issued Arvd-11:17:00 Vehicle: Page: 253 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-11:21:18 Reg: DL NH 1177N 16-112 1208 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry No Action Required Arvd-12:08:00 16-113 1231 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Lieutenant Frank Stoncius [DY 146] ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 16-114 1243 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Clrd-12:19:32 Investigated Arvd-12:31:00 2 2 Clrd-12:36:01 Initiated - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Services Rendered Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-12:43:00 Clrd-12:45:41 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 3 01/03/2016 1245 FOUND LICENSE PLATE RETURNED TO OWNER 16-115 1302 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Warning Issued Arvd-13:02:00 Vehicle: 16-116 1311 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-117 1336 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 16-118 1349 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 16-119 1503 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HOOD RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-13:11:15 Arvd-13:15:58 Clrd-13:52:36 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-13:52:28 Arvd-13:52:33 Clrd-13:52:34 2 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD + LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 3 Warning Issued Reg: 16-120 1511 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-13:49:51 Arvd-13:49:53 Clrd-14:15:32 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy 3 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Brian J Landry 3 Warning Issued Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Reg: Clrd-15:07:22 NH 3675190 Warning Issued Arvd-15:11:00 Vehicle: Clrd-13:40:11 NH 3524963 Arvd-15:03:00 Vehicle: Clrd-13:07:18 MA 2AH156 Arvd-13:36:00 Vehicle: 3 NH 536LE4 Clrd-15:32:14 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-121 1529 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-122 1530 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-15:29:00 Page: 254 Printed: 01/22/2016 2 Clrd-15:34:04 911 - DRUG OVERDOSE Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power ADAMS POND RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:32:21 Arvd-15:32:43 Clrd-16:22:22 2 Narrative: 01/03/2016 1602 off at PMC Refer To Incident: 16-123 1537 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: 16-7-OF Phone - RECKLESS CONDUCT Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power DEXTER ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:38:41 Arvd-15:40:33 Clrd-17:15:58 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:38:44 Arvd-15:42:24 Clrd-16:53:17 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-15:41:32 Arvd-15:46:44 Clrd-17:15:57 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-17:21:00 Clrd-17:22:57 2 Narrative: 01/03/2016 1638 one in custody for reckless conduct. Narrative: 01/03/2016 1639 enroute to hq's s/m 23665.2 Narrative: 01/03/2016 1643 off at hq's e/m 23666.6 with: Walsh, Jeffrey 21 Dexter St Derry, NH dob 021256 Narrative: released on $5000 PR bail with a court date of 2/4/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-9-AR 16-124 1630 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:31:22 Arvd-16:36:03 Clrd-16:40:35 Refer To Incident: 16-8-OF 16-125 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 3009] ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:42:34 Arvd-16:53:14 Clrd-16:58:53 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:42:43 Arvd-16:53:13 Clrd-16:58:51 1637 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 2 1 Narrative: checked and all secure Refer To Field Int: 16-126 1704 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-153-FI Phone - ABANDONED 911 Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Christina L Power LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-17:05:49 Arvd-17:13:13 Clrd-17:23:02 ID: Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-17:05:52 Arvd-17:13:12 Clrd-17:23:05 Refer To Field Int: 16-42-FI 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-127 1751 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 255 Printed: 01/22/2016 Walk-In - THEFT Report Taken Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 146] ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-17:52:24 Arvd-17:52:26 Clrd-17:53:21 2 Narrative: 01/03/2016 1752 past tense return fraud/theft Refer To Incident: 16-128 1758 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-9-OF Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Report Taken Patrol Officer Robert S Moore LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-18:00:26 Arvd-18:06:17 Clrd-18:31:31 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:00:44 Arvd-18:03:39 Clrd-18:23:10 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-18:33:24 Arvd-18:33:26 Clrd-18:43:11 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 01/03/2016 1800 father/son Refer To Incident: 16-129 1827 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-10-OF Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:28:08 Arvd-18:31:28 Clrd-18:43:25 1 Narrative: checking the area for an animal that sounds hurt 16-130 1909 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power DERRY WAY Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-19:09:48 Arvd-19:12:12 Clrd-19:42:10 Refer To Field Int: 16-150-FI 16-131 1911 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued 3 Arvd-19:11:00 Clrd-19:16:13 Dispatcher Christina L Power BLK 2006 MITS SW OUTLANDER Reg: PC NH 2360224 VIN: JA4LZ31F16U027114 Cleared By: Vehicle: 16-132 1943 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-133 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry 2 ID: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Dispatcher Christina L Power FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-19:43:43 Arvd-19:47:11 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-19:43:46 Arvd-19:47:17 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-19:47:15 Rendered 2 Clrd-19:56:59 Clrd-19:57:01 Clrd-19:56:51 Narrative: unknown vehicle Narrative: checked and no issue 1955 Phone - CRIMINAL THREAT Report Taken 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Patrol Officer W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Disp-19:57:19 Patrol Officer Disp-19:58:10 Sergeant David Disp-20:02:29 ID: ID: 0000 - 2359 Page: 256 Printed: 01/22/2016 Robert S Moore James M McClafferty Arvd-20:02:21 Patrick Starkey Arvd-20:02:19 Michaud Arvd-20:02:35 Clrd-20:21:45 Clrd-20:21:32 Clrd-20:21:24 Narrative: 01/03/2016 1956 via phone Refer To Incident: 2053 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-11-OF 16-134 Phone - DISPERSE A GROUP SENT ON THEIR WAY Patrol Officer Robert S Moore CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:53:31 Arvd-20:53:33 Clrd-20:56:05 2 16-135 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-21:41:43 Arvd-21:41:46 Clrd-21:42:49 2 2141 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: all parties left upon police arrival. 16-136 2154 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-137 2345 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-21:54:00 Clrd-21:59:37 Reg: NH 3536559 3 Phone - NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE Services Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:46:39 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:46:40 Arvd-23:48:19 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:47:22 Arvd-23:51:45 2 Rendered Clrd-23:47:25 Clrd-01/04/2016 @ 00:00:34 Clrd-01/04/2016 @ 00:00:33 Narrative: 01/04/2016 0000 ongoing disagreement between neighbors Refer To Field Int: For Date: 01/04/2016 - 16-54-FI Monday 16-138 0103 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCKINGHAM RD + WINDHAM DEPOT RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Arvd-01:03:00 Clrd-01:16:57 ID: Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-01:06:50 Arvd-01:09:06 Clrd-01:16:57 ID: Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-01:10:35 Arvd-01:10:36 Clrd-01:16:51 Vehicle: BLU 2008 HYUN CP TIBURON Reg: PC NH 3845965 VIN: KMHHM66D08U295539 Refer To Field Int: 16-55-FI 16-139 0513 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-140 Vehicle: 0520 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-05:13:00 Clrd-05:15:49 GRY 2005 CHEV PU 1500 Reg: PC NH 3428H VIN: 1GCEK19BX5E122062 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 257 Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-05:20:00 Clrd-05:24:53 GRN 2008 TOYT 4D PRIUS Reg: PC NH 2648963 VIN: JTDKB20U287789630 Vehicle: 16-141 0645 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY No Action Required Call Taker: Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Location/Address: RAILROAD AVE Narrative: 01/04/2016 0655 VEHICLE LOCATED PRIOR TO ARRIVAL 16-142 0724 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-143 0727 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST + PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-07:24:00 Clrd-07:28:30 Reg: NH 2993247 3 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD + THORNTON ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson 3 Warning Issued Arvd-07:27:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-144 0737 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 2 Clrd-07:31:59 NH 3678957 Phone - DISTURBANCE Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-07:37:42 Arvd-07:41:26 Clrd-07:59:13 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-07:37:44 Arvd-07:54:36 Clrd-07:59:11 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-07:40:15 Arvd-07:40:28 Clrd-07:54:37 1 Narrative: 01/04/2016 0758 TRESPASS WARNING ISSUED Refer To Field Int: Refer To Field Int: 16-145 0801 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 16-64-FI 16-65-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY TRANSPORTED Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-08:02:39 Arvd-08:06:44 Clrd-09:01:16 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-08:02:41 Arvd-08:07:20 Clrd-08:55:42 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-08:23:17 Arvd-08:23:19 Clrd-08:49:03 Narrative: 01/04/2016 0803 TWO SUSPICIOUS MALES IN FOYER Narrative: 01/04/2016 0833 424 TRANSPORTING ONE TO LINLEW DR 15525.8 SM 01/04/2016 0833 110 TRANSPORTING ONE TO PINKERTON 44952.6 SM Narrative: Narrative: 01/04/2016 0835 424 OFF AT LINLEW DR EM 15526.1 01/04/2016 0837 110 OFF AT PINKERTON EM 44953.7 Narrative: Narrative: 01/04/2016 0841 424 TRANSPORTING ONE FROM LINLEW DR TO PINKERTON SM 15526.1 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 258 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/04/2016 0845 424 OFF AT PINKERTON Refer To P/C: Refer To Arrest: EM 15527.2 16-10-AR 16-11-AR 16-146 0925 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VIN CHECK Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OLD AUBURN RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-10:16:04 Arvd-10:29:18 Clrd-10:43:00 Refer To Field Int: 16-103-FI 16-147 0944 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Warning Issued Arvd-09:44:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-148 0944 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 3 Clrd-09:49:27 NH 3937055 Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-09:46:43 Arvd-09:53:17 Clrd-09:58:32 1 Narrative: 01/04/2016 0944 FOR RAYMOND PD 16-149 0949 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-150 0957 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Other - SEX OFFENSES Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-09:50:10 Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-09:58:29 Report Taken Arvd-09:50:12 Clrd-09:58:40 Could Not Locate Arvd-09:58:30 1 1 Clrd-10:13:04 Narrative: 01/04/2016 1007 FOR RAYMOND PD 16-151 1037 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VIN CHECK Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ELM ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-10:37:37 Arvd-10:43:04 Clrd-10:55:08 Refer To Field Int: 16-63-FI 16-152 1053 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand NELSON FARM DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Not Served Arvd-10:53:00 16-153 1129 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 1 Clrd-10:59:21 Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-11:32:36 Arvd-11:32:38 Clrd-12:38:46 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TRUDY GOODWIN (08/09/66) 37 WARNER HILL ROAD DERRY, NH 03038 TURNED SELF IN ON A DPD WARRANT FOR DOMESTIC SIMPLE ASSAULT Narrative: 3 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 259 Printed: 01/22/2016 01/04/2016 1238 RELEASED ON $1500 PR BAIL WITH COURT 1/5/16 PER BC DOYLE Refer To Arrest: 1156 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-12-AR 16-154 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LEDGEWOOD DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:57:23 Arvd-12:03:26 Clrd-12:29:23 2 16-155 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WINDHAM RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 3 1206 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-12:06:00 Vehicle: Reg: Clrd-12:10:10 NH 3941231 16-156 1233 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VIN CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand QUAKER DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-12:35:46 Arvd-12:43:13 Clrd-12:57:59 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Cleared By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Refer To Field Int: 16-101-FI 3 16-157 3 1254 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VIN CHECK Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike LINLEW DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-12:58:48 Arvd-13:03:51 Clrd-13:15:15 Refer To Field Int: 16-102-FI 16-158 1305 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - ENDANGERING THE WELFARE Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike FAIRWAY DR Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-13:06:38 Arvd-13:06:40 Clrd-13:07:07 2 16-159 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike [DY 1743] WILDWOOD DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-13:10:21 Arvd-13:17:51 Clrd-13:27:02 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-13:10:27 Arvd-13:18:19 Clrd-13:26:49 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 1309 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: BASEMENT REAR WINDOW Refer To Field Int: 16-160 1318 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-104-FI 911 - ABANDONED 911 Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike TRUE AVE Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-13:27:23 Arvd-13:38:12 Clrd-13:38:14 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 BUSY ON 911 CALL BACK Narrative: 01/04/2016 1321 16-161 Refer To Field Int: 1328 Call Taker: DPD CALL BACK ADVISED ACCIDENTIAL 16-98-FI Other - VIOLATION OF TOWN ORDINANC Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-13:29:16 0000 - 2359 Arvd-13:29:19 Page: 260 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-13:42:51 Narrative: 01/04/2016 1329 SIGNS IN CIRCLE Narrative: 01/04/2016 1342 SIGNS REMOVED AND TAKEN TO MUNICIPAL CENTER 16-162 1330 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-14:14:03 Arvd-14:14:05 Clrd-14:36:30 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-14:26:20 Arvd-14:26:22 Clrd-15:03:19 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 01/04/2016 1330 SUBJECT IN THE LOBBY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR DISORDERLY CONDUCT Narrative: 01/04/2016 1443 IDENTIFIED AS: STACEY GERRY 332 N BROADWAY SALEM NH DOB 4/13/93 Narrative: released on $1500 PR bail with a court date of 2/11/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-163 1351 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-13-AR Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Warning Issued Arvd-13:51:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-164 1353 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-13:53:00 1407 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-13:54:21 NH 3549135 Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WENTWORTH LN Civilian Robin Bordonaro Refer To Field Int: 3 1 Clrd-14:22:53 16-69-FI 16-165 Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-14:07:48 Arvd-14:07:50 Clrd-14:26:11 3 16-166 Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MORNINGSIDE DR Civilian Robin Bordonaro 1 1423 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-14:23:00 Clrd-14:29:59 Narrative: 01/04/2016 1429 UNLICENSED DOG Refer To Field Int: 16-167 1525 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-70-FI Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-15:27:21 Arvd-15:27:23 Clrd-15:27:34 Refer To Field Int: 16-60-FI 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-168 1537 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-169 1545 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-170 1604 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-171 1608 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power BROOK ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-15:37:00 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-15:45:00 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Served Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 823] W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-16:04:00 Page: 261 Printed: 01/22/2016 2 Clrd-15:45:17 2 Clrd-15:49:49 1 Clrd-16:07:49 Phone - DOWN WIRE Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power HIGHLAND AVE Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:08:46 Arvd-16:12:43 Clrd-16:48:44 2 Narrative: 01/04/2016 1615 eversource notified Narrative: matter rectified. 16-172 1619 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-16:21:42 Arvd-16:31:38 Clrd-16:45:27 Refer To Field Int: 16-58-FI 16-173 1622 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power TIGERTAIL CIR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:25:05 Arvd-16:31:37 Clrd-16:49:18 2 2 Narrative: checked and all was okay. Refer To Field Int: 16-174 1636 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-152-FI Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power [LDY] LONDONDERRY POLICE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-16:48:29 Arvd-16:48:30 Clrd-17:30:02 2 Narrative: LPD advises one in custody on a DPD warrant for disobeying a police officer, habitual offender and falsifying physical evidence. Johnson, Melissa 18 Crewtview Cr Londonderry, NH dob 03053 Narrative: released on $5000 Pr bail with a court date of 2/11/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-175 1700 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-14-AR Phone - COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-17:01:38 Arvd-17:01:39 Clrd-17:30:05 Refer To Field Int: 16-59-FI 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 262 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-176 1803 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSTEAD RD + ADAMS POND RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:03:52 Arvd-18:09:26 Clrd-18:20:26 Refer To Field Int: 16-68-FI 16-177 1819 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ABANDONED 911 Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 250] PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-18:20:33 Arvd-18:22:58 Clrd-18:33:27 1 1 Narrative: checked and found no issues Refer To Field Int: 16-178 1823 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-57-FI Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:23:25 Arvd-18:23:27 Clrd-18:24:39 1 Phone - PED CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-18:57:19 Arvd-19:00:01 Clrd-19:04:03 ID: Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-18:57:22 Arvd-19:02:03 Clrd-19:02:46 Refer To Field Int: 16-56-FI 2 16-179 1857 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-180 1918 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - THEFT Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-19:20:50 Refer To Incident: 16-14-OF 16-181 1923 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Report Taken Arvd-19:20:52 2 Clrd-19:21:01 Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-19:24:33 Arvd-19:31:24 Clrd-19:49:09 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:24:34 Arvd-19:31:26 Clrd-19:49:06 2 Narrative: medication Refer To Incident: 1933 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-16-OF 16-182 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-19:33:00 Clrd-19:49:44 2 16-183 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 129] COURTHOUSE LN Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-19:35:12 Arvd-19:37:40 Clrd-19:49:24 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-19:35:15 Arvd-19:40:16 Clrd-19:49:23 1 1934 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Narrative: set off by cleaning company 16-184 Refer To Field Int: 1946 Call Taker: 16-53-FI Walk-In - THEFT Dispatcher Christina L Power Report Taken 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-19:46:31 Arvd-19:46:33 Refer To Incident: 16-15-OF Page: 263 Printed: 01/22/2016 Location/Address: ID: Clrd-19:46:43 16-185 2042 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Christina L Power TIGERTAIL CIR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-20:48:54 Arvd-20:57:05 Clrd-21:13:00 ID: Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-20:48:55 Arvd-20:57:06 Clrd-21:12:58 Refer To Field Int: 16-66-FI 16-186 2113 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 16-187 2131 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-188 2202 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-21:13:00 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-21:31:21 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-21:43:10 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 466] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-21:31:00 3 2 Clrd-21:43:16 Clrd-21:31:23 Clrd-21:43:14 2 Clrd-21:31:43 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe DERRYFIELD RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-22:03:24 Arvd-22:05:20 Clrd-22:21:12 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:03:27 Arvd-22:07:40 Clrd-22:21:03 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 01/04/2016 2203 Loud music Refer To Field Int: 16-189 2214 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-67-FI Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe HAMPSHIRE DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-22:21:44 Arvd-22:31:48 Clrd-22:38:23 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-22:29:06 Clrd-22:29:11 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 01/04/2016 2215 Dog barking in the area of Hampshire Dr. for approx. an hour Narrative: dog was brought inside 16-190 2228 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - DISABLED MV Services Rendered 3 Dispatcher Christina L Power OLD CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-22:29:34 Arvd-22:29:35 Clrd-22:37:13 BLK 2002 MITS CP ECLIPSE Reg: PC NH 2493314 VIN: 4A3AC54H62E064443 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 264 Printed: 01/22/2016 services rendered 16-191 2249 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:50:16 Arvd-22:56:20 Clrd-01/05/2016 @ 00:01:49 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-22:55:33 Arvd-23:01:51 Clrd-23:42:13 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-22:55:35 Arvd-23:01:52 Clrd-23:42:12 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 01/04/2016 2258 DFD on scene Narrative: 01/04/2016 2301 PSNH pole # 1-132; PSNH notified and responding Narrative: 01/04/2016 2304 next on the list requested for NH 3623175; Recovery Solutions notified and responding Narrative: 01/04/2016 2316 Recovery on scene Narrative: 01/04/2016 2330 737 off at PMC Narrative: 01/04/2016 2334 Eversource on scene Narrative: 01/05/2016 0610 Burgoyne v pole - full report Refer To Accident: 16-192 2340 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-6-AC Phone - TRANSPORT TRANSPORTED Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:40:46 Arvd-23:41:20 Clrd-23:49:16 3 Narrative: 01/04/2016 2343 318 transporting subject to Fairway Dr s/m: 23842.7 Narrative: 01/04/2016 2347 318 off at Fairway Dr e/m: 23844.6 Refer To Field Int: For Date: 01/05/2016 16-193 0206 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Narrative: - 16-77-FI Tuesday Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering OLD CHESTER RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-02:07:21 Arvd-02:08:45 Clrd-03:33:20 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-02:07:22 Arvd-02:12:01 Clrd-02:56:47 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-02:13:11 Arvd-02:13:12 Clrd-02:56:43 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 265 Printed: 01/22/2016 01/05/2016 0209 off with one party in parking lot Narrative: 01/05/2016 0238 S9 reporting one for PC Narrative: 01/05/2016 0243 140 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 45100.2 Narrative: 01/05/2016 0248 140 off at DPDHQ e/m: 45102.5 Narrative: 01/05/2016 0321 placed in cell #1 Narrative: 01/05/2016 0322 Subject Info: Jamie Sidoti 28 Taylor River Rd Hampton Falls, NH DOB:4/5/92 Arrested for Protective Custody Narrative: 01/05/2016 0431 subject released to sober party Refer To P/C: Refer To Incident: 16-194 0215 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-195 0255 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-15-AR 16-17-OF Initiated - MV STOP No Action Required 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Arvd-02:15:00 Clrd-02:17:25 SIL 2011 CHEV VN EXPRESS Reg: VAN NH +S&L+ VIN: 1GCSGAFX8B1106322 Phone - FIRE, STRUCTURE Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-02:55:51 Arvd-02:57:34 Clrd-03:58:42 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-02:56:45 Arvd-02:56:50 Clrd-03:33:22 1 Narrative: 01/05/2016 0258 Linlew Dr shut down 16-196 0631 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Narrative: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2791] E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-06:32:14 Arvd-06:37:51 Clrd-06:39:09 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-06:32:15 Arvd-06:36:33 Clrd-06:39:30 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-06:39:13 Arvd-06:39:15 Clrd-06:39:29 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Lieutenant Frank Stoncius 1 01/05/2016 0632 garage motion alarm Refer To Field Int: 16-197 0754 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Narrative: 16-76-FI Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2155] W BROADWAY Detective Dana P Park Disp-07:54:48 Arvd-07:57:17 Clrd-08:00:15 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-07:54:49 Clrd-07:57:19 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 266 Printed: 01/22/2016 set off by employee, no issue Refer To Field Int: 16-198 0821 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 16-195-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Vehicle checked Dispatcher Christina L Power TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:21:40 Arvd-08:24:46 Clrd-08:27:59 RED 2011 GMC 1500 Reg: NH 1625684 VIN: 3GTP2VE39BG109421 2 red p/up Narrative: determined to be building maintainence, no issues. 16-199 0838 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-200 0845 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-201 0848 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-08:38:00 Clrd-08:41:44 BLU 2006 SUBA BAJA Reg: NH 3210298 VIN: 4S4BT62C767102269 3 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-08:45:00 Clrd-08:50:30 SIL 2006 HOND CIVIC EX Reg: NH 3382846 VIN: 2HGFG128X6H563187 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power ROCKINGHAM RD Captain George R Feole Summons Issued 3 Arvd-08:48:00 Clrd-09:13:36 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-08:49:42 Arvd-08:49:45 Clrd-09:26:18 GRN 1998 VOLK CABRIO Reg: TM NH 170611 VIN: 3VWBB81E9WM806501 ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 01/05/2016 0858 next on the list requested, LBP assigned Narrative: 01/05/2016 0914 wrecker on scene Narrative: 01/05/2016 0920 transporting one to Pinkerton s/m 41098.0 Narrative: 01/05/2016 0925 e/m 41099.5 16-202 0909 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-203 0910 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-204 0927 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-205 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-09:09:00 Clrd-09:13:31 BLU 2001 INFI 130 Reg: NH 3524630 3 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Christina L Power OLD AUBURN RD Detective Benjamin J Doyle Arvd-09:10:00 2 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power OLD CHESTER RD Detective Benjamin J Doyle Cleared Arvd-09:27:00 0927 Phone - ANNOYING PHONE CALLS Clrd-09:14:48 2 Clrd-09:42:49 ADVICE GIVEN 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Christina L Power TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:28:22 Arvd-09:32:44 16-206 0957 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-207 Thru: 01/17/2016 1001 Call Taker: 16-208 1006 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 1022 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Clrd-09:47:02 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power BYPASS 28 Detective Benjamin J Doyle Arvd-09:57:00 Clrd-10:01:34 2 Walk-In - CHILD SAFETY SEAT INSPEC Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Christina L Power FOLSOM RD Captain Vernon L Thomas 3 BLK 1997 TOYT 4RUNNER 16-209 Page: 267 Printed: 01/22/2016 Reg: Vehicle checked Arvd-10:06:00 NH 921405 Clrd-10:07:11 Phone - COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-10:24:57 Arvd-10:27:00 Clrd-10:39:04 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-10:24:59 Arvd-10:36:39 Clrd-10:39:01 3 Narrative: issue with management Narrative: situation mediated Refer To Field Int: 16-99-FI 16-210 1035 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Radio - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSHIRE DR Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-10:36:05 Refer To Field Int: 16-82-FI 16-211 1100 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Services Rendered Arvd-10:53:05 1 Clrd-11:05:54 Other - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Lieutenant Eric T Kester [DY 1152] S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-11:05:46 Arvd-11:05:52 Clrd-11:19:50 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-11:05:50 Arvd-11:05:51 Clrd-11:19:48 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 Checking woods behind business for susp activity Narrative: checked and found no issues 16-212 1103 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-213 Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-11:04:06 Arvd-11:05:42 Clrd-11:06:01 Refer To Field Int: 16-74-FI 1125 Call Taker: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power Vehicle checked 1 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 268 Printed: 01/22/2016 CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-11:27:44 Arvd-11:27:50 Clrd-11:37:11 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-11:27:48 Arvd-11:27:49 Clrd-11:37:13 BLU 2006 VOLV XC90 Reg: PC NH 3629558 VIN: YV4CZ592261239327 ID: Vehicle: Narrative: checked and found no issues 16-214 1201 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Other - DELIVER A MESSAGE Lieutenant Eric T Kester SOUTH AVE Detective Dana P Park Disp-12:05:15 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Message Delivered Arvd-12:11:48 1 Clrd-12:15:25 Cancel court msg for resident 16-215 1203 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Lieutenant Eric T Kester LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:05:57 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Message Delivered Arvd-12:09:30 1 Clrd-12:16:36 Wallet found at Southern NH Hospital Narrative: not at home, note was left 16-216 1215 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Dispatcher Christina L Power PARK AVE Detective Dana P Park Disp-12:16:34 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:16:51 Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-13:40:57 Assistance Rendered Arvd-12:18:45 Clrd-13:55:01 Arvd-12:20:52 Clrd-14:33:35 Arvd-13:40:59 Clrd-13:52:46 3 Narrative: DFD 16-217 1304 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-13:06:18 Arvd-13:08:13 Clrd-13:33:58 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:06:32 Arvd-13:09:25 Clrd-13:33:56 1 Narrative: 01/05/2016 1324 ASSISTING Refer To Field Int: 16-218 DFD TRANSPORTED TO PMC. DPD OFFICERS 16-72-FI 1316 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-219 Phone - SHOPLIFTING Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:34:08 Arvd-13:39:28 Clrd-14:10:52 Refer To Incident: 16-18-OF 1343 Call Taker: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power Warning Issued 3 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 269 Printed: 01/22/2016 S MAIN ST Captain George R Feole Arvd-13:43:00 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:45:27 Arvd-13:45:29 Reg: NH 2530522 ID: Vehicle: Clrd-13:52:26 Clrd-13:52:23 16-220 1350 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - INVOL EMERGENCY ADMISSION Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power COLLETTES GROVE RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:52:45 Arvd-14:02:40 Clrd-15:11:42 ID: Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-13:53:10 Arvd-14:03:00 Clrd-14:32:04 ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-13:54:11 Arvd-14:06:08 Clrd-14:23:57 ID: Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-14:33:45 Arvd-14:33:46 Clrd-15:11:43 Refer To Incident: 16-20-OF Refer To Arrest: 16-25-AR 16-221 Phone - FAILURE TO REG. SEX OFFEND Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Brian K French Disp-14:32:26 Arvd-14:32:27 Clrd-14:32:37 Refer To Incident: 16-19-OF 1432 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-222 1441 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSAULT Dispatcher Christina L Power RICHARDSON DR Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-14:41:41 Report Taken Arvd-14:41:43 1458 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - BURGLARY (B & E) PAST Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power HOWARD ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-15:22:33 Arvd-15:24:10 Clrd-15:48:50 Refer To Incident: 16-22-OF 16-224 Phone - THEFT Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-15:12:59 Arvd-15:16:55 Clrd-15:48:39 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-15:13:04 Arvd-15:16:55 Clrd-16:05:52 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-15:20:38 Arvd-15:20:39 Clrd-15:42:16 ID: ID: 2 1 Clrd-14:42:02 16-223 1511 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 2 2 Narrative: 01/05/2016 1531 one in custody Narrative: 01/05/2016 1536 enroute to hq's s/m 63905 Narrative: 01/05/2016 1541 off at hq's e/m 63906 Narrative: released on $1000 PR bail with a court date of 2/11/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-225 1547 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 16-16-AR Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power BROOKVIEW DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-15:49:20 Clrd-15:49:42 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:49:37 Arvd-16:01:58 Clrd-16:22:15 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-15:49:50 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-15:56:13 0000 - 2359 ID: Page: 270 Printed: 01/22/2016 Arvd-16:01:59 Clrd-16:20:43 Arvd-15:56:14 Clrd-16:20:41 Narrative: juvenile acting out of control Refer To Field Int: 16-226 1710 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-75-FI Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Not Served Arvd-17:10:00 16-227 1717 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Clrd-17:22:00 Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-17:18:14 Arvd-17:26:05 Clrd-17:41:21 2 Narrative: patio furniture Refer To Incident: 16-228 1722 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-23-OF Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power SHILAH DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Cleared Arvd-17:22:00 16-229 1740 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 2 Clrd-17:33:12 Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power WHITTEMORE DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:42:21 Arvd-17:49:49 Clrd-18:36:54 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:42:24 Arvd-17:49:18 Clrd-18:18:05 1 Narrative: between grandmother/grandchild Narrative: 01/05/2016 1803 one in custody for assault. Narrative: 01/05/2016 1804 enroute to hq's s/m 23953 Narrative: 01/05/2016 1812 off at hq's 23955.2 with: Furnari,Danielle 4 Whittemore Dr Manchester, NH dob 080493 Narrative: released on $1000 PR bail with a court date of 1/6/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-230 1745 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-17-AR Phone - WELFARE CHECK Patrol Officer Jeffrey PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer James M Disp-17:46:28 Dispatcher Christina L Dispatcher Christina L Gone on Arrival 2 M Dawe Belanger Arvd-17:53:54 Power Power Clrd-17:59:25 01/05/2016 1746 Older woman holding a sign 16-231 1755 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - UNSWORN FALSIFICATION Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Dana P Park Report Taken 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-17:56:40 Refer To Incident: 16-24-OF 16-232 1849 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0000 - 2359 Arvd-17:56:41 Page: 271 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-17:57:03 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-18:49:00 Clrd-18:59:06 SIL 2003 NISS MAXIMA Reg: NH 3653940 VIN: JN1DA31A13T440239 16-233 1853 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Christina L Power SAINT CHARLES ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:54:04 Arvd-18:55:57 Clrd-19:31:20 Refer To Field Int: 16-85-FI 16-234 2002 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: 16-235 2011 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 16-236 2037 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Initiated - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDE Served Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe CHASES GROVE RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Arvd-20:02:00 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:02:29 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-20:02:38 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-20:15:51 Arvd-20:29:51 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:15:54 Arvd-20:29:54 Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe ISLAND POND RD + WESTON ST Patrol Officer Jared Knox 3 2 Clrd-20:02:36 Clrd-20:11:50 Clrd-20:11:46 Clrd-20:39:39 Clrd-20:39:41 Warning Issued Arvd-20:11:00 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:12:17 Arvd-20:12:20 Reg: PC NH 3863433 Clrd-20:15:45 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe OXFORD RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:39:55 Arvd-20:40:51 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-20:40:01 Arvd-20:40:59 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-20:40:03 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-20:40:12 Arvd-20:42:52 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Rendered 3 Clrd-20:15:40 2 Clrd-20:53:38 Clrd-20:53:37 Clrd-20:48:45 Clrd-20:53:41 01/05/2016 2044 checking the residence Narrative: checked and all was in order. Refer To Field Int: 16-237 2112 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-151-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-21:12:00 Clrd-21:21:10 BLK 1989 JEEP WRANGLER Reg: NH 3890517 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 272 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-238 2121 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 146] ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:23:34 Arvd-21:33:51 Clrd-22:07:55 Refer To Incident: 16-25-OF 16-239 Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe FRANKLIN ST Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-22:12:12 Arvd-22:19:30 Clrd-22:34:09 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2210 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 2 3 01/05/2016 2211 NH Reg 3852772 Refer To Field Int: 16-240 2245 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-100-FI Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:46:09 Arvd-22:47:26 Clrd-23:50:17 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-22:46:11 Arvd-22:47:30 Clrd-23:08:04 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-22:47:06 Arvd-22:47:09 Clrd-23:08:02 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 01/05/2016 2300 time 125 advising one in custody for pc at this 01/05/2016 2308 Subject information: Colton Macero 8 Laraway Court #3E Derry NH DOB: 3/13/93 01/05/2016 2309 45,236.8 737 enroute to Brentwood w/ subject, s/m: 01/05/2016 2339 737 off at Brentwood, e/m: 45,258.6 01/05/2016 2350 737 clear of Brentwood 1 Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Refer To P/C: 16-241 2254 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-18-AR Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe FAIRFAX AVE Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-23:11:21 Arvd-23:13:31 Clrd-23:39:08 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 01/05/2016 2339 16-242 2258 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: 2 No crimes - advice given Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson DORIS ST + PAUL AVE Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:21:29 Arvd-23:24:50 Clrd-23:30:45 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 01/05/2016 2259 16-243 2327 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-244 2332 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Vehicle: 16-246 2354 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: For Date: 01/06/2016 16-247 0003 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-248 0008 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-249 0010 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Complaint of small black car Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe MISTY MORNING DR Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:34:21 Arvd-23:36:11 Clrd-23:39:42 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:34:25 Arvd-23:36:24 Clrd-23:39:41 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Refer To Field Int: 2342 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Page: 273 Printed: 01/22/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-23:27:00 Clrd-23:32:00 GLD 2005 MAZD 4D TRIBUTE Reg: PC NH 3808567 VIN: 4F2CZ94165KM50743 01/05/2016 2339 16-245 0000 - 2359 2 No problems found 16-89-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-23:42:00 Clrd-23:46:26 SIL 2006 NISS SU FRONTIER Reg: VAN NH +PAL+ VIN: 1N6AD07W76C441566 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer John Diburro WHI 2016 FORD 4D FUSION - Warning Issued Arvd-23:54:00 Reg: PC NH 3591533 3 Clrd-23:56:43 VIN: 3FA6P0H98GR242687 Wednesday Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:03:00 Clrd-00:06:34 Reg: PC NH 3027962 3 Initiated - MV STOP Summons Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD + SCHURMAN DR Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:08:00 Clrd-00:16:53 TAN 2006 CHEV 4D IMPALA Reg: PC NH 3766520 VIN: 2G1WT58K669390727 Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PAUL AVE + DORIS ST Patrol Officer John Diburro Warning Issued Arvd-00:10:00 1 Clrd-00:10:39 Vehicle: 16-250 0019 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-251 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD + POND RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Warning Issued Arvd-00:19:00 Vehicle: 0107 3 Clrd-00:21:58 Reg: VAN NH T-T-S-N Initiated - ILLEGAL DUMPING/LITTER Matter Rectified 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 274 Printed: 01/22/2016 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Arvd-01:07:00 Clrd-01:08:56 Narrative: Misc paperwork items left in a tote in the front lot, disposed of. Refer To Field Int: 16-252 0114 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-253 0333 Call Taker: Location: ID: 16-87-FI Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson RT 28 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-01:14:00 Clrd-01:15:10 2 Initiated - TRANSPORT Dispatcher Christine D Carlson SHUTES CORNER Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel 3 TRANSPORTED Arvd-03:33:00 Clrd-03:38:05 Narrative: 01/06/2016 0333 23,996.4 Shutes Corner to Windham town line, s/m: 01/06/2016 0336 Off at Windham line, e/m: 23,998.7 Narrative: Refer To Field Int: 16-90-FI 16-254 0636 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 19] W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-06:37:21 Arvd-06:37:22 Clrd-06:41:51 Refer To Field Int: 16-91-FI 16-255 0729 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Initiated - DRUG VIOLATION Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-07:29:00 Clrd-07:50:38 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-07:29:38 Arvd-07:33:03 Clrd-09:34:56 Narrative: 01/06/2016 0734 622 has one in custody Narrative: 01/06/2016 0746 second subject in custody as a status offender Narrative: 01/06/2016 0748 110 transporting two subjects to DPDHQ s/m: 84281.2 Narrative: 01/06/2016 0753 110 off at DPDHQ with subjects e/m: 84282.3 Narrative: 01/06/2016 0754 status offender (16-20-AR) placed in room 217 Narrative: 01/06/2016 0801 16-19-AR identified as a juvenile Narrative: 01/06/2016 0826 16-19-AR placed in cell #1 Narrative: 01/06/2016 0842 16-19-AR released to parent 1 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 275 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/06/2016 0935 16-20-AR released to parent Refer To Arrest: Refer To Arrest: 16-256 0747 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0809 Call Taker: Location/Address: 16-19-AR 16-20-AR Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WINDHAM RD Detective Dana P Park Arvd-07:47:00 Clrd-07:53:53 WHI 2002 MERC 4D SABLE Reg: DX NH 647T VIN: 1MEFM50U62A641986 16-257 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD 16-258 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Captain George R Feole Arvd-09:05:00 Clrd-09:10:05 RED 2015 NISS 4D ALTIMA Reg: PC NH 3774569 VIN: 1N4AL3AP1FC103367 0905 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: No Action Required 16-259 0956 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering WHITTEMORE DR Detective Dana P Park Disp-09:57:40 Arvd-10:07:29 Clrd-10:21:13 Refer To Field Int: 16-196-FI 16-260 1006 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ALARM(OTHER) False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering COURTHOUSE LN Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:06:55 Arvd-10:07:49 Clrd-10:14:49 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-10:06:57 Arvd-10:07:49 Clrd-10:14:49 2 2 2 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1007 panic alarm Narrative: 01/06/2016 1009 determined to be false by worker on scene 16-261 1012 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VIN CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-10:12:55 Arvd-10:17:48 Clrd-10:28:20 Refer To Field Int: 16-121-FI 16-262 1020 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-263 1048 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-264 1053 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: 3 Initiated - MV STOP No Action Required 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-10:20:00 Clrd-10:26:18 SIL 2007 TOYT 4D COROLLA Reg: PC NH 3888166 VIN: 2T1BR30EX7C767348 Initiated - MV STOP Summons Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-10:48:00 Clrd-10:59:46 GRY 2002 FORD SU EXPLORER Reg: PC NH 3112828 VIN: 1FMDU75E92UB05095 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Lieutenant Eric T Kester W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-10:55:03 Arvd-11:07:33 Clrd-11:07:42 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 276 Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Welfare check on the resident Refer To Field Int: 16-168-FI 16-265 1056 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGIST Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Detective Scott A Tompkins Arvd-10:56:00 Clrd-10:57:13 Refer To Field Int: 16-94-FI 16-266 1124 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering EASTGATE RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-11:24:00 Clrd-12:55:22 2 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MARTIN ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-11:42:20 Arvd-11:43:23 Clrd-11:49:02 ID: Detective Dana P Park Disp-11:42:28 Clrd-11:49:03 Refer To Field Int: 16-118-FI 2 16-267 1141 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-268 1150 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering GORDON RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Arvd-11:50:00 Clrd-12:55:02 1 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1150 loose dog complaint 16-269 1213 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:15:18 Arvd-12:19:53 Clrd-12:28:42 ID: Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-12:15:21 Arvd-12:19:08 Clrd-12:29:10 Refer To Incident: 16-27-OF 16-270 1237 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-271 1246 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-272 1250 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-273 ID: 1306 Radio - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:38:20 Arvd-12:38:27 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-12:38:25 Arvd-12:38:28 2 2 Clrd-12:41:35 Clrd-12:41:34 Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MARTIN ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:58:29 Arvd-13:01:08 Clrd-13:15:53 Patrol Officer Joyce Chadwell Disp-13:06:32 Clrd-13:06:35 1 Radio - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANNING ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:51:04 Arvd-12:52:43 Clrd-12:57:10 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:51:12 Arvd-12:54:58 Clrd-12:57:09 2 Initiated - Drop Box Maintenance Report Taken 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 277 Printed: 01/22/2016 Call Taker: Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Refer To Incident: 16-26-OF 16-274 1316 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ROAD HAZARD Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Disp-13:17:56 Arvd-13:17:57 Clrd-13:22:34 2 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1316 DPW contacted in regards to carpet in roadway Narrative: 01/06/2016 1321 owner of property located and responding to remove items 16-275 1322 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-276 1327 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-277 1346 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N MAIN ST + PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-13:22:00 Clrd-13:28:14 SIL 2003 PONT VN MONTANA Reg: PC NH 3395974 VIN: 1GMDX03E63D248153 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering RT 111 Detective Dana P Park Arvd-13:27:00 Clrd-13:34:50 RED 2006 JEEP SU WRANGLER Reg: PC NH 3863235 VIN: 1J4FA39S56P713645 Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ASH ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:47:38 Arvd-13:49:48 Clrd-14:08:17 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:47:39 Clrd-13:54:01 2 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1354 toddler locked inside of a room Narrative: 01/06/2016 1357 access gained 16-278 1407 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering POND RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:08:07 Clrd-14:14:17 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:08:46 Arvd-14:12:08 Clrd-14:16:44 1 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1417 false by homeowner 16-279 1422 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-14:22:00 Clrd-14:31:08 16-280 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BYPASS 28 + WESTGATE RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-14:31:00 Clrd-14:38:27 ONG 1968 CHEV CP CHEVELLE Reg: PC NH 3924508 VIN: 138378K211021 1431 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-281 1437 Call Taker: Location/Address: Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering COVE DR Services Rendered 2 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:37:20 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-14:38:31 Arvd-14:42:02 ID: Page: 278 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-14:45:24 Clrd-14:45:55 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1437 report of juvenile playing on the ice Narrative: 01/06/2016 1445 determined to be an adult, sent on way Refer To Field Int: 16-282 1521 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-143-FI Other - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:22:49 Arvd-15:23:03 Clrd-15:39:41 1 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1539 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 16-283 1532 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: TAYLOR VS CASSEN 16-7-AC Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST + GROVE ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-15:32:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-284 1539 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-285 1543 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-15:38:48 NH 3619802 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-15:39:00 Clrd-15:44:19 Reg: NH 1200466 3 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROLLINS ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-15:44:00 Arvd-15:46:20 Clrd-15:46:26 2 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1543 PEOPLE ON ICE 16-286 1550 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Not Served Arvd-15:50:00 16-287 1609 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-288 1635 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 16-289 1656 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Clrd-15:53:09 Initiated - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDE Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Arvd-16:09:00 Clrd-16:15:42 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:09:53 Arvd-16:09:56 Clrd-16:15:40 2 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD + SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:36:20 Reg: NH 3571120 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-16:35:00 Clrd-16:41:05 Arvd-16:36:21 Clrd-16:37:45 Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Arvd-16:56:00 Vehicle: Reg: Page: 279 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-17:09:13 NH 3729530 16-290 1704 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:24:02 Arvd-17:29:12 Clrd-17:57:21 ID: Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:24:04 Arvd-17:34:34 Clrd-17:57:24 Refer To Field Int: 16-154-FI 16-291 1735 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-17:35:00 Vehicle: 16-292 Reg: 1756 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 2 3 Clrd-17:41:48 NH MORAN11 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Arrest(s) Made Arvd-17:56:00 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-17:57:54 Arvd-17:58:49 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-18:04:19 Arvd-18:04:20 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:13:20 Arvd-18:15:17 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-18:48:19 Arvd-18:48:21 Reg: NH 3717013 Clrd-19:24:57 Clrd-19:37:07 Clrd-18:25:18 Clrd-18:48:14 Clrd-19:40:39 01/06/2016 1758 DFD NOTIFIED Narrative: 01/06/2016 1804 DFD ON SCENE Narrative: 01/06/2016 1812 406 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY Narrative: 01/06/2016 1816 406 EN ROUTE TO HQ WITH ONE SM 15744.2 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1819 SECOND SUBJECT IN CUSTODY Narrative: 01/06/2016 1821 406 OFF AT HQ EM 15744.6 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1821 737 EN ROUTE TO HQ WITH ONE SM 64070.7 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1822 NEXT ON LIST BIRCH ST COLLISION NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 01/06/2016 1822 737 OFF AT HQ EM 64071.1 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1833 16-21-AR IDENTIFIED AS: EDDIE POULIN 15 MAGNOLIA LN DERRY NH DOB 1/5/79 CHARGED WITH OPERATING AFTER SUSPENSION 16-22-AR IDENTIFIED AS: 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 280 Printed: 01/22/2016 BRANDON CASTIGLIONE 15 RIDGEMONT DR LONDONDERRY NH DOB 10/28/94 CHARGED WITH POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED DRUG Narrative: 01/06/2016 1840 BIRCH ST ON SCENE Narrative: 01/06/2016 1913 POULIN PLACED IN CELL 3. IN CELL 4 CASTIGLIONE PLACED Narrative: 01/06/2016 1938 POULIN RELEASED ON $1500 PR BAIL WITH COURT 2/18/16 PER BC DOYLE Narrative: 01/06/2016 1939 CASTIGLIONE RELEASED ON $1000 PR BAIL WITH COURT 2/18/16 PER BC DOYLE Refer To Arrest: Refer To Arrest: 16-293 1934 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-294 1937 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-21-AR 16-22-AR Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-19:34:00 Clrd-19:44:13 Reg: NH 2471909 3 Initiated - TRANSPORT Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-19:37:00 Clrd-19:47:55 3 Narrative: 01/06/2016 1937 737 TRANSPORTING ONE TO PMC VOLUNTARILY 64071.1 SM Narrative: 01/06/2016 1941 OFF AT PMC 16-295 1959 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: EM 64072.6 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-19:59:00 Clrd-20:04:35 Reg: NH 3397498 3 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OLDE COACH RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-20:00:32 Arvd-20:03:48 Clrd-20:16:22 Refer To Field Int: 16-84-FI 1 Vehicle: 16-296 1959 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-297 2019 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-20:19:00 Cleared By: Vehicle: 16-298 2026 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 3 Clrd-20:23:24 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Reg: NH 2891530 Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-20:26:00 Clrd-20:31:04 BRZ 2003 HOND 4D CRV SPORT Reg: PC NH 2967497 VIN: JHLRD78893C029730 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 16-299 2031 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 281 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-88-FI Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Arvd-20:31:00 Clrd-20:48:15 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:31:42 Arvd-20:31:46 Clrd-20:48:12 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 2 Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-21:17:00 Clrd-21:25:38 Reg: NH 3220388 1 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BRIARWOOD ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:08:16 Arvd-22:12:29 Clrd-22:27:31 Refer To Field Int: 16-86-FI 1 Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: 16-300 2117 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-301 2207 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-302 2236 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: 16-303 2324 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-304 2327 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: 16-305 2334 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 16-306 2346 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: For Date: 01/07/2016 Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT Services Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore RAILROAD AVE Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-22:37:37 Arvd-22:38:48 Clrd-22:46:11 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-22:37:40 Arvd-22:40:02 Clrd-22:46:10 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 2 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-23:24:00 Clrd-23:32:56 GRN 1998 HOND 4D ACCORD Reg: PC MA 945XS5 VIN: 1HGCG6676WA123516 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Gone on Arrival 2 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:28:11 Arvd-23:31:42 Clrd-23:31:44 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson SIL 2006 ACUR 4D RSX Reg: PC NH 3237779 VIN: JH4DC54866S020481 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-23:34:00 Clrd-23:39:59 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:34:44 Arvd-23:34:46 Clrd-23:37:52 BLU 2000 HYUN CP TIBURON Reg: PC NH 3556902 VIN: KMHJG35F3YU164695 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer John Diburro TAN 2003 CHRY 4D PT CRUISER - Thursday Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:46:00 Clrd-23:52:19 Reg: PC NH 3782512 VIN: 3C8FY68B03T598558 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-307 0005 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis 0000 - 2359 Warning Issued Arvd-00:05:00 Vehicle: Page: 282 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-00:08:54 Reg: VAN NH LAUGH-N 16-308 0015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Robert S Moore BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-00:16:05 Arvd-00:16:56 Clrd-00:27:39 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-00:16:08 Arvd-00:17:55 Clrd-00:27:22 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-00:16:18 Arvd-00:17:50 Clrd-00:27:41 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 2 01/07/2016 0015 male lying on side of road Refer To Field Int: 16-309 0034 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-310 0117 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-311 0130 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 16-312 0131 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: 16-113-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:34:00 Clrd-00:38:24 BLK 2006 VOLK 2D GTI Reg: PC NH 3933372 VIN: WVWEV71KX6W098945 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-01:17:00 Clrd-01:22:02 BGE 2004 SUBA SW LEGACY Reg: PC NH 3868969 VIN: 4S3BH686647630020 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ENGLISH RANGE RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-01:30:00 Clrd-01:39:48 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-01:30:48 Arvd-01:30:49 Clrd-01:39:46 SIL 2007 KIA 4D SPECTRA Reg: PC NH 3673284 VIN: KNAFE122875408773 Phone - PROWLING Report Taken 2 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore DERRYFIELD RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-01:32:50 Arvd-01:36:59 Clrd-01:54:38 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-01:32:54 Arvd-01:32:59 Clrd-01:52:52 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson GRY 2003 CHEV PU S10 Reg: VAN NH BBYGIRL VIN: 1GCDT19X338171183 01/07/2016 0132 male subject going through cars - dark gray sweatshirt -backpack -face mask Refer To Incident: 16-313 0152 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-28-OF Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PELICAN CIR Patrol Officer John Diburro Transported to Hospital 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Disp-01:52:30 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-01:52:57 Arvd-01:55:11 ID: Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-01:55:20 Arvd-01:56:33 ID: Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-02:00:50 Arvd-02:00:51 Refer To Field Int: 16-92-FI Page: 283 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-01:55:23 ID: 16-314 0159 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FOLSOM RD Patrol Officer John Diburro SIL 2003 NISS 4D ALTIMA 16-315 0525 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: BLU 2009 TOYT 4D PRIUS 16-316 0533 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-317 0730 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Clrd-02:10:58 3 Clrd-02:02:27 VIN: 1N4BL11E83C195242 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-05:25:00 Clrd-05:29:22 Reg: PC NH MGL623 VIN: JTDKB20U797832389 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis BLK 2011 AUDI 4D A4 Clrd-02:11:01 Warning Issued Arvd-01:59:00 Reg: PC NH 3693081 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Clrd-02:10:59 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-05:33:00 Clrd-05:38:36 Reg: PC NH 3697104 VIN: WAUFFAFL9BA103069 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2622] MANCHESTER RD Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-07:30:31 Arvd-07:32:04 Clrd-07:35:04 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-07:30:32 Clrd-07:33:02 1 Narrative: 01/07/2016 0730 back hall motion Narrative: 01/07/2016 0735 accidental by employee Refer To Field Int: 16-318 0748 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-107-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CHESTER RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-07:48:00 Clrd-07:52:55 GRY 2009 VOLK SW JETTA Reg: PC NH EZONNRG VIN: 3VWTL71K19M333361 16-319 0751 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 20] CRYSTAL AVE Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-07:52:47 Arvd-07:53:51 Clrd-07:56:08 ID: Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-07:52:49 Clrd-07:53:55 Refer To Field Int: 16-106-FI 16-320 0811 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-321 0857 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Initiated - MV STOP Summons Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-08:11:00 Clrd-08:19:54 Reg: PC MA 983SX6 3 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ASHLEIGH DR Detective Stephen E Clark 3 Warning Issued Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Vehicle: Thru: 01/17/2016 WHI 2013 CHEV 4D MALIBU 0946 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0000 - 2359 Page: 284 Printed: 01/22/2016 Arvd-08:57:00 Clrd-09:00:06 Reg: PC NH 117681 VIN: 1G11G5SX8DF192304 16-322 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-09:46:39 Arvd-09:49:17 Clrd-09:55:58 2 16-323 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Not Served Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-09:56:00 Clrd-09:59:23 1 16-324 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY + MOUNT WASHINGTON ST Detective Stephen E Clark Arvd-10:02:00 Clrd-10:11:03 Detective Stephen E Clark RED 2008 TOYT PU TACOMA 4 Reg: VAN NH POP-H VIN: 5TETU62N18Z505912 0956 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1002 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 16-325 1012 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FAIRWAY DR Detective Stephen E Clark Arvd-10:12:00 Clrd-10:25:39 2 Initiated - ANNOYING PHONE CALLS ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-10:14:00 Clrd-10:14:51 Refer To Field Int: 16-105-FI Refer To Field Int: 16-108-FI 3 16-326 1014 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-327 1103 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:03:57 Arvd-11:07:42 Clrd-11:07:47 3 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1108 assisting DFD on a medical, no police assistance required 16-328 1107 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-329 1110 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-11:07:00 Clrd-11:12:08 SIL 2002 CHEV SU TAHOE Reg: PC NH 3361816 VIN: 1GNEK13Z82J263406 Initiated - MV REPO Vehicle Towed Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CENTRAL ST Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Arvd-11:10:00 Clrd-11:12:04 1 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1111 2013 Hyundai Elantra - owner unaware 16-330 1114 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-331 Vehicle: 1120 Call Taker: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 649] MANCHESTER RD Detective Stephen E Clark Arvd-11:14:00 Clrd-11:19:05 MAR 2008 NISS SU ROGUE Reg: PC NH 3668644 VIN: JN8AS58V08W144009 Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Services Rendered 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 285 Printed: 01/22/2016 HAMPSTEAD RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Arvd-11:20:00 Clrd-11:32:15 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1120 found dog Narrative: 01/07/2016 1132 transported to the pound Refer To Field Int: 16-332 1126 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-333 1130 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-117-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD Detective Stephen E Clark Arvd-11:26:00 Clrd-11:33:15 BLK 2015 NISS PU PATHFINDER Reg: PC NH 3210353 VIN: 5N1AR2MM4FC697212 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BRIAR LN + BALLARD RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-11:30:00 Clrd-11:36:11 Reg: CO MA P46057 3 16-334 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-12:03:26 Arvd-12:03:27 Clrd-12:03:28 1 16-335 Initiated - MV STOP Summons Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HIGHLAND AVE Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-12:05:00 Clrd-12:12:48 WHI 2012 TOYT 2D TC Reg: PC NH 3868908 VIN: JTKJF5C71C3033240 Vehicle: 1159 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1205 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-336 1214 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FOLSOM RD + FERLAND DR Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-12:15:24 Arvd-12:25:36 Clrd-12:46:03 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:15:27 Arvd-12:15:28 Clrd-12:45:58 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:16:30 Arvd-12:19:18 Clrd-12:25:37 GRY 1995 TOYT 4D CAMRY Reg: PC NH 1798568 VIN: 4T1SK12E5SU60005 GRY 2008 PONT SU TORRENT Reg: PC NH 2786202 VIN: 2CKDL33FX86015739 01/07/2016 1216 DFD requested and responding Narrative: 01/07/2016 1222 off with NH 2786202 and NH 1798568 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1247 Wooles v Zarrelli - full report Refer To Accident: 16-337 1223 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 16-338 1233 Call Taker: Location/Address: 16-8-AC Initiated - MV STOP Summons Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PINKERTON ST Captain George R Feole Arvd-12:23:00 Clrd-12:37:10 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-12:27:12 Arvd-12:27:39 Clrd-12:37:12 TAN 2010 TOYT 4D COROLLA Reg: PC NH 2916169 VIN: 1NXBU4EE6AZ333981 Phone - DISTURBANCE Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD SENT ON THEIR WAY 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:33:45 Arvd-12:37:02 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:33:47 Arvd-12:36:28 ID: 16-339 1241 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Page: 286 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-12:44:40 Clrd-12:44:41 Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-12:45:02 Arvd-12:55:22 Clrd-13:33:17 2 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1241 theft of a utility trailer Narrative: . Refer To Incident: 16-340 1303 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-29-OF Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering COURTHOUSE LN Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-13:03:54 Arvd-13:04:46 Clrd-13:24:21 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-13:04:07 Arvd-13:08:53 Clrd-13:13:16 2 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1312 314 has one in custody Narrative: 01/07/2016 1312 314 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 84378.9 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1317 314 off at DPDHQ e/m: 84379.9 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1337 placed in cell #1 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1352 Subject Info: Jennifer Sarringer 8r Matthew Dr Derry, NH DOB:7/1/84 Arrested on a Derry warrant for Domestic Violence (assault) Narrative: 01/07/2016 1407 subject released on $1,000PR court date 1/8/16 per BC Doyle Refer To Arrest: 16-341 1328 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: 16-23-AR Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-13:29:21 Arvd-13:29:31 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-13:29:23 Arvd-13:33:16 Captain George R Feole Disp-13:29:28 Arvd-13:30:06 Captain Vernon L Thomas Disp-13:30:03 Arvd-13:30:04 Rendered Clrd-13:51:40 Clrd-13:43:58 Clrd-13:44:02 Clrd-13:51:12 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1330 panic alarm Narrative: 01/07/2016 1330 determined to be a missing patient Narrative: 01/07/2016 1352 subject seen leaving PMC with a family member, no problems found 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Incident: 16-342 1345 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 287 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-30-OF Initiated - PED CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 2077] MANCHESTER RD Detective Stephen E Clark Arvd-13:45:00 Clrd-13:51:36 2 16-343 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PEABODY RD ANX Detective Stephen E Clark Arvd-13:56:00 Clrd-14:01:17 ID: Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-13:57:21 Arvd-13:57:22 Clrd-13:59:34 Vehicle: GRY 2011 VOLV Reg: PC RI FP500 VIN: YV1940AS9B1146156 Refer To Field Int: 16-110-FI 3 16-344 1 1356 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1406 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 1006] REUBEN RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:06:32 Arvd-14:12:14 Clrd-14:24:21 ID: Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-14:06:34 Arvd-14:22:07 Clrd-14:24:21 Refer To Field Int: 16-131-FI 16-345 1415 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Assistance Rendered Lieutenant Eric T Kester BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:57:12 Arvd-15:02:49 Clrd-15:07:37 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus 2 Property owner reqsting keep the peace Refer To Field Int: 16-346 1418 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-109-FI Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 231] TSIENNETO RD Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-14:18:53 No Action Required 3 Clrd-14:22:00 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1436 DFD 16-347 1421 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-14:22:03 Arvd-14:22:23 Clrd-14:44:15 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-14:22:30 Arvd-14:26:45 Clrd-14:33:15 Detective Brian K French Disp-14:23:56 Arvd-14:23:59 Clrd-14:28:42 Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-14:23:58 Arvd-14:24:00 Clrd-14:28:43 BLK 2002 CHEV PU TRUCK Reg: VAN NH TMEDC1 VIN: 1GCHK29U72E180940 01/07/2016 1422 off with NH TMEDC1 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1445 Costa v roadside - full report Refer To Accident: 16-348 1432 Call Taker: Location/Address: 16-9-AC Phone - BURGLARY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SILVESTRI CIR Report Taken 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Patrol Officer Disp-14:32:47 Patrol Officer Disp-14:32:50 Patrol Officer Disp-14:33:29 Patrol Officer Disp-14:33:39 ID: ID: ID: 0000 - 2359 Page: 288 Printed: 01/22/2016 Brian J Landry Arvd-14:33:21 Clrd-14:56:32 Victoria M Kidd Arvd-14:33:22 James M Belanger Arvd-14:36:23 Adam J Petkus Arvd-14:34:51 Clrd-14:50:02 Clrd-14:56:42 Clrd-14:48:52 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1435 possible burglary in progress Narrative: 01/07/2016 1438 contact made with subject inside residence Refer To Incident: 16-31-OF 16-349 1432 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - ANNOYING PHONE CALLS ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:33:15 Arvd-14:33:17 Clrd-14:33:29 Refer To Field Int: 16-111-FI 16-350 1444 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: 3 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-14:54:17 Arvd-14:57:00 Clrd-15:52:07 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-14:57:15 Arvd-15:04:17 Clrd-15:50:51 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus BLU 2010 CHRY 4D SEBRING Reg: PC NH 3243211 VIN: 1C3CC4FB8AN179921 BLU 2015 AUDI 4D A6 Reg: VAN NH G8R VIN: WAUGFAFC7FN007038 01/07/2016 1459 AAA requested for NH G8R Narrative: 01/07/2016 1500 also off with NH 3243211 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1504 Spacetown unable to respond, Recovery Solutions called and responding for NH 3243211 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1530 AAA and Recovery Solutions on scene Narrative: 01/07/2016 1551 ROBINTON V CRAVEN; full report Refer To Accident: Refer To Field Int: 16-351 1545 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-10-AC 16-114-FI Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Warning Issued Arvd-15:45:00 Vehicle: Clrd-15:48:10 Reg: PC NH 3608852 16-352 1612 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 False Alarm Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:13:19 Arvd-16:16:19 Clrd-16:20:08 Refer To Field Int: 16-112-FI 16-353 1637 3 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared 1 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus BROOK ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-16:37:00 16-354 1640 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Page: 289 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-16:43:04 Not Served Arvd-16:40:00 FAIRWAY DR [Modified: 01/07/20161647] Location Change: 16-355 Thru: 01/17/2016 Clrd-17:02:06 1646 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAUD Report Taken Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:47:56 Arvd-16:47:58 Clrd-16:49:00 Refer To Incident: 16-32-OF 16-356 1648 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1711 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-16:48:00 3 2 2 Clrd-16:51:03 16-357 Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Not Served Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus MAPLE ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-17:11:00 Clrd-17:14:10 3 16-358 Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Not Served Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus TOPAZ CIR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-17:24:00 Clrd-17:28:24 3 16-359 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus JUNIPER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:50:17 1 1724 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1749 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: No Action Required Clrd-17:51:59 Narrative: 01/07/2016 1752 canceled prior to police arrival 16-360 1805 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 911 - MEDICAL Patrol Officer JUNIPER RD Patrol Officer Disp-18:06:23 Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Disp-18:06:27 Patrol Officer Patrol Officer Sergeant Kevin Disp-18:11:27 Patrol Officer EMERGENCY Robert S Moore Cleared Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-18:11:30 Adam J Petkus Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-18:12:32 Adam J Petkus Adam J Petkus W Jackson Arvd-18:11:28 Adam J Petkus 1 Clrd-18:22:34 Clrd-18:17:02 Clrd-18:22:34 01/07/2016 1822 did not wish to be transported to hospital Refer To Field Int: 16-361 1815 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-96-FI Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:16:19 Arvd-18:16:29 Clrd-18:27:02 Refer To Field Int: 16-129-FI 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-362 1818 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 290 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus DREW RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-18:26:26 Arvd-18:33:02 Clrd-19:05:12 2 Narrative: suspicious males in the area this morning Refer To Field Int: 16-363 1824 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-124-FI Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 2578] WINDHAM RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:27:34 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-18:27:39 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus No Action Required 1 Clrd-18:29:36 Clrd-18:29:36 01/07/2016 1825 alarm reported as front lobby Narrative: 01/07/2016 1830 canceled by the alarm company Refer To Field Int: 16-364 1833 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 16-365 1915 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Location Change: 16-366 1944 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 2112 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Narrative: 3 Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox 3 Not Served Initiated - MV CHECK Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus TSIENNETO RD Sergeant Kevin W Jackson No Action Required Arvd-19:44:00 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:48:41 Arvd-19:48:43 GRY 1999 HOND ODYSSEY Reg: NH 1789501 ID: Cleared By: ID: Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Not Served Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-18:33:00 Clrd-18:38:41 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Arvd-19:15:00 Clrd-19:25:50 [DY 136] ROCKINGHAM RD [Modified: 01/07/20161917] Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:16:01 Arvd-19:16:04 Clrd-19:25:50 [DY 136] ROCKINGHAM RD [Modified: 01/07/20161917] Location Change: ID: 16-367 16-126-FI Clrd-19:50:08 Clrd-19:50:08 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-21:13:28 Clrd-21:17:36 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-21:13:31 Arvd-21:17:22 Clrd-21:36:38 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-21:17:59 Arvd-21:20:18 Clrd-21:36:38 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore argument w/ son over phone Refer To Field Int: 16-97-FI 1 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-368 2117 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 291 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Arrest(s) Made Patrol Officer Robert S Moore PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-21:17:33 Clrd-21:18:23 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-21:17:40 Arvd-21:17:43 Clrd-21:55:53 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-21:18:28 Arvd-21:18:30 Clrd-21:31:30 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-21:19:16 Arvd-21:19:19 Clrd-21:34:21 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus 2 01/07/2016 2130 one in custody at this time en route to DPD HQ s/m 15895.9 Narrative: 01/07/2016 2133 off at HQ e/m 15896.9 Narrative: 01/07/2016 2144 in with Lance Reeder (dob: 2/17/71) 39 Fieldstone Dr. Londonderry, NH 03053 for possession of a controlled drug and transporting a controlled drug Narrative: 01/07/2016 2146 bail comissioner requested and notified Narrative: 01/07/2016 2219 released on $1500 PR bail with a February 18, 2016 court date Refer To Arrest: 16-369 2304 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-24-AR Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FRANKLIN ST Sergeant Christopher R Talbot SIL 2005 JEEP SU LIBERTY Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:04:00 Clrd-23:07:51 Reg: PC NH 3530586 16-370 2315 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 15] HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-23:15:00 Clrd-23:21:33 Vehicle: DBL 2004 FORD SU EXPLORER Reg: PC NH 3925082 VIN: 1FMZU72K74UB94796 Vehicle: SIL 2004 HOND SU PILOT Reg: PC NH 1811302 VIN: 2HKYF18684H548577 Refer To Field Int: 16-125-FI 16-371 2318 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Could Not Locate Arvd-23:18:00 16-372 2323 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera GRY 2002 HYUN 4D ELANTRA 3 Clrd-23:25:58 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:23:00 Clrd-23:27:27 Reg: PC NH 3100314 VIN: KMHDN45D52U347501 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-373 2340 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera 2341 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: 292 Printed: 01/22/2016 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:40:00 Clrd-23:46:25 Reg: VAN NH C-E-L VIN: 1N4AL2EP4DC131763 MAR 2013 NISS 2D ALTIMA 16-374 0000 - 2359 Phone - DISTURBANCE Quieted on Request Patrol Officer Robert S Moore LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-23:43:07 Arvd-23:43:12 Clrd-23:43:15 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-23:43:10 Arvd-23:46:40 Clrd-23:55:29 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-23:43:17 Arvd-23:45:49 Clrd-23:55:27 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:45:44 Arvd-23:45:45 Clrd-23:55:25 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 1 01/07/2016 2341 MAN YELLING 16-375 2352 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PIERCE AVE Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Services Rendered Arvd-23:52:00 16-376 2357 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: BRZ 2001 FORD PU F150 For Date: 01/08/2016 16-377 0005 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-378 0019 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Vehicle: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson B ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis - 2 Clrd-23:58:05 Vehicle checked 1 Arvd-23:57:00 Clrd-23:59:54 Reg: PC NH 3866342 VIN: 1FTRW08L91KA06230 Friday Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:05:00 Clrd-00:09:36 Reg: TM NH 178906 3 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT SENT ON THEIR WAY 2 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:21:05 Arvd-00:22:47 Clrd-00:29:55 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-00:21:06 Arvd-00:24:36 Clrd-00:29:53 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson BLK 2009 VOLK HT GTI Reg: PC NH 3883019 VIN: WVWEV71K99W15629 SIL 2000 VOLK HT GTI Reg: PC NH 3827587 VIN: WVWDH21J9YW662102 BLK 2003 NISS 2D 350Z Reg: PC NH 3873250 VIN: JN1AZ34D23T115178 BLK 2014 FORD 4D FOCUS Reg: VAN NH H2OKID VIN: 1FADP3L96EL395273 01/08/2016 0020 KIDS BEING LOUD Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 293 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-379 0047 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ELWOOD RD Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-00:48:01 Arvd-00:56:18 Clrd-01:03:45 ID: Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-00:48:03 Arvd-00:53:16 Clrd-01:03:44 Refer To Field Int: 16-115-FI 16-380 0405 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 1752] ELM ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Services Rendered Arvd-04:05:00 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-04:11:52 Arvd-04:13:27 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-04:13:57 Arvd-04:13:59 ID: ID: 16-381 0458 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-382 0508 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-383 0536 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-384 0734 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 1 2 Clrd-04:25:02 Clrd-04:24:58 Clrd-04:25:00 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-04:58:00 Clrd-05:02:40 GRY 2012 TOYT SU HIGHLANDER Reg: VAN NH TRLBLZR VIN: 5TDDK3EH5CS132135 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-05:08:00 Clrd-05:13:44 BLU 2006 CHEV PU 1500 Reg: PC NH 3922060 VIN: 3GCEC14X16G129380 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-05:36:00 Clrd-05:38:45 BLK 1997 DODG PU DAKOTA Reg: PC NH 3851311 VIN: 1B7FL26X6VS226816 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FIELD RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-07:35:44 Arvd-07:47:20 Clrd-09:24:10 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-07:47:26 Arvd-07:47:29 Clrd-09:24:12 1 Narrative: 01/08/2016 0734 DEER ON ICE 16-385 0751 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 + FOREST ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Summons Issued Arvd-07:51:00 Vehicle: 16-386 Reg: 0829 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-08:00:46 NH 2840456 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-08:29:55 Report Taken Arvd-08:34:18 Clrd-08:54:52 Narrative: 01/08/2016 0836 OFF WITH NH 2385091 AND NH 2583127 Narrative: 01/08/2016 0855 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 3 16-11-AC Sheridan V. Catineau 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 16-387 0925 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 16-323-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Warning Issued Arvd-09:25:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-388 0954 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Page: 294 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-09:31:24 NH 3753168 Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-10:04:31 Arvd-10:04:34 Clrd-10:19:18 2 Narrative: 01/08/2016 0954 SNOWBLOWER Refer To Incident: 16-389 0957 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-33-OF Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-09:57:00 Clrd-10:13:03 2 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 3095] W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-10:25:04 Arvd-10:27:28 Clrd-10:31:35 ID: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-10:25:05 Arvd-10:27:30 Clrd-10:31:37 Refer To Field Int: 16-119-FI 1 16-390 1023 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-391 1025 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd No Action Required Arvd-10:25:00 1033 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Clrd-10:34:54 16-392 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MAPLE ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-10:33:00 Clrd-10:46:15 2 16-393 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 1047 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-10:47:00 Vehicle: 1054 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Clrd-10:53:16 NH 3524808 16-394 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ALADDIN CIR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-10:54:00 Clrd-11:00:58 2 16-395 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE + ROLLINS ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 1057 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-10:57:00 Vehicle: 16-396 1100 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Clrd-11:02:00 NH 3495815 Phone - VIN CHECK Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:01:15 Arvd-11:03:33 Clrd-11:09:53 Refer To Field Int: 16-120-FI 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-397 1103 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-11:03:00 Vehicle: Page: 295 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-11:10:20 Reg: CN NH XY 16-398 1114 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-11:14:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-399 1133 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-400 1137 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-11:25:36 CA 7DLM760 Phone - ABANDONED MV Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TINKHAM AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-11:34:41 Clrd-11:34:49 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-12:24:38 Arvd-12:31:12 Clrd-12:55:13 3 Initiated - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WARNER HILL RD + ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-11:37:00 Clrd-11:52:09 3 Narrative: 01/08/2016 1138 RCSD WITH A MV STOP 16-401 1138 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti No Action Required Arvd-11:38:00 16-402 1147 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Clrd-11:48:22 Other - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith MUNICIPAL DR Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith Disp-11:49:14 Arvd-11:49:40 Clrd-11:49:44 2 Narrative: Joseph Gagliardi III 11/01/92 Arrested on warrant from 2015(15-301-WA)at NHSP for possession of controlled drugs. Court date 1/28/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-403 1148 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-26-AR Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti No Action Required Arvd-11:48:00 1210 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Clrd-12:24:10 16-404 Phone - FINGERPRINTS Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-12:10:18 Arvd-12:11:27 Clrd-12:29:42 3 16-405 Walk-In - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-12:25:38 1 1223 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-12:25:39 Clrd-12:40:16 Narrative: 01/08/2016 1225 FOUND DOG. MESSAGE LEFT WITH OWNER Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 296 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/08/2016 1240 BROUGHT TO THE POUND Refer To Field Int: 16-406 1226 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-127-FI Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD + ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-12:27:02 Arvd-12:27:09 Clrd-12:27:11 3 Narrative: 01/08/2016 1226 BACKPACK LEFT AT INTERSECTION 16-407 1228 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Summons Issued Arvd-12:28:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-408 1245 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-12:39:56 NH 181330 Phone - CUSTOMER PROBLEM Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:46:17 Warning Issued Arvd-12:50:28 2 Clrd-13:06:55 Narrative: 01/08/2016 1307 TRESPASS WARNING ISSUED Refer To Field Int: 1306 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-167-FI 16-409 Initiated - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDE Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-13:06:00 Clrd-13:12:16 2 16-410 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 1312 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-13:12:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-411 1351 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-13:17:01 NH 2582954 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd No Action Required Arvd-13:51:00 16-412 1356 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-413 1400 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 2 Clrd-14:19:29 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-13:56:00 Clrd-13:59:34 Reg: NH 3549058 3 Phone - INVOL EMERGENCY ADMISSION Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:00:43 Arvd-14:11:29 Clrd-14:48:46 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-14:01:29 Arvd-14:11:30 Clrd-14:48:39 2 Narrative: 01/08/2016 1423 407 EN ROUTE TO PMC WITH ONE Narrative: 01/08/2016 1433 407 OFF AT PMC Refer To Field Int: 16-135-FI EM 15984.5 SM 15982.6 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-414 1402 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 297 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-14:02:35 Arvd-14:02:36 Clrd-14:26:25 2 Narrative: 01/08/2016 1402 THEFT FROM A MV Refer To Incident: 16-415 1426 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-34-OF Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand NORMAN DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:17:48 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-15:26:42 2 Clrd-15:33:33 01/08/2016 1455 POSSIBLE DAMAGE TO TIRES Narrative: no crimes Refer To Field Int: 16-416 1454 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-140-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W RUNNING BROOK LN Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-14:55:06 Arvd-15:05:26 Clrd-16:30:48 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-15:52:53 Arvd-15:52:55 Clrd-16:30:03 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 01/08/2016 1552 out at 12 Fairway Dr for follow up Refer To Incident: 16-417 1514 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-36-OF Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power OLD AUBURN RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-15:15:57 Arvd-15:26:36 Clrd-15:27:40 2 Narrative: white box truck 16-418 1527 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christina L Power DRURY LN Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-15:27:34 Services Rendered Arvd-15:27:36 1 Clrd-15:39:15 Narrative: found dog Refer To Field Int: 16-419 1530 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-420 16-128-FI Phone - DISPERSE A GROUP Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:30:41 1534 Phone - Drop Box Maintenance Call Taker: Dispatcher Christina L Power Refer To Incident: 16-35-OF SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-15:33:31 2 Clrd-15:39:23 Report Taken 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-421 1549 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-422 1606 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-15:49:00 Page: 298 Printed: 01/22/2016 2 Clrd-15:57:04 Phone - UNCONSCIOUS PERSON Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-16:07:29 Arvd-16:08:50 Clrd-16:30:05 3 Narrative: transported to pmc via dfd Refer To Field Int: 1618 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-122-FI 16-423 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power ELM ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-16:18:00 Clrd-16:25:40 2 16-424 Initiated - DELIVER A MESSAGE Dispatcher Christina L Power ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox 1 1626 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Could Not Locate Arvd-16:26:00 Clrd-16:29:27 Narrative: no answer 16-425 1641 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-16:41:41 Arvd-16:42:04 Clrd-17:10:56 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-16:41:59 Arvd-16:42:04 Clrd-16:55:40 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-16:42:01 Arvd-16:42:06 Clrd-16:55:38 2 Narrative: 01/08/2016 1647 one in custody on an EBW for willful concealment. enroute to hq's s/m 15994.6 with: Beserdetsky,Laurie M 18 Fairway Dr Derry, NH dob 082163 Narrative: 01/08/2016 1654 off at hq e/m 15995.6 Narrative: released on $2500 PR bail with a court date of 2/18/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-426 1648 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-427 1705 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-428 16-27-AR Radio - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:55:26 Arvd-16:55:34 Clrd-16:57:40 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:55:33 Arvd-16:55:35 Clrd-16:57:39 2 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe 2 Cleared Arvd-17:05:00 1724 Call Taker: Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power Clrd-17:10:37 Vehicle checked 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Vehicle: BLK 2000 CHEV MONTE Refer To Field Int: 16-141-FI 16-429 1726 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arvd-17:24:00 NH 3782461 Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power ISLAND POND RD Captain George R Feole Reg: 16-430 1732 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-431 1741 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Initiated - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Christina L Power BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson 1 reportable Refer To Accident: ID: Clrd-17:30:29 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-17:32:00 Clrd-17:36:51 Reg: CN NH H7320 Reg: NH 3782684 BLU 2009 HOND CRV Reg: 1743 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 NH BOOSTIN Report Taken Arvd-17:41:00 Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Clrd-17:29:09 Warning Issued Arvd-17:26:00 Vehicle: 16-432 Page: 299 Printed: 01/22/2016 Hall VS Clrd-18:06:45 NH -BROOM+ Wright 16-12-AC Phone - UNATTENDED DEATH Dispatcher Christina L Power STONEGATE LN Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:46:42 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-17:56:04 Report Taken Arvd-17:51:48 Clrd-18:12:43 Arvd-17:56:05 Clrd-18:12:41 Narrative: 01/08/2016 1757 checking the residence Narrative: 01/08/2016 1817 RCSO notified to page the County Atty and ME Narrative: 01/08/2016 1820 A1 notified Narrative: 01/08/2016 1822 A2 notified Narrative: 01/08/2016 1825 A3 notified. Narrative: 01/08/2016 1825 ME Foley notified. Narrative: 01/08/2016 1829 908 and 915 enroute Narrative: 01/08/2016 1833 S6 enroute Narrative: 01/08/2016 1834 908 and 915 on scene Narrative: 01/08/2016 1837 S6 on scene Narrative: 01/08/2016 1837 ACA Patrice Casian notified 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 300 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/08/2016 1847 Peabody's paged Narrative: 01/08/2016 1926 Peabody's on scene Narrative: 01/08/2016 1944 Peabody clear the scene Narrative: 01/08/2016 1944 S6 clear Refer To Incident: 16-37-OF 16-433 1745 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Christina L Power WALKER ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-17:46:29 Arvd-17:49:18 Clrd-18:12:54 ID: Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:46:37 Arvd-17:54:59 Clrd-18:13:14 Refer To Field Int: 16-123-FI 16-434 1859 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - DISTURBANCE Services Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-19:00:56 Arvd-19:05:52 Clrd-19:41:49 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-19:00:57 Arvd-19:02:00 Clrd-19:41:48 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 1 01/08/2016 1900 male subject being uncooperative 16-435 1916 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power LANE RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-19:17:15 Arvd-19:21:30 Clrd-21:06:14 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-19:57:13 Arvd-19:57:14 Clrd-21:06:13 1 Narrative: 01/08/2016 1929 next AAA requested Narrative: reportable Camara VS roadside Narrative: 01/08/2016 1956 wrecker on scene Narrative: 01/08/2016 2006 AAA unable complete the tow, next on the list requested, LBP assigned Narrative: 01/08/2016 2012 AAA advised they will handle - LBP cancelled Narrative: 01/08/2016 2020 Recovery Solutions (AAA) on scene for tow Refer To Accident: 16-436 1919 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-13-AC Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY No Action Required Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-19:42:16 Arvd-19:47:32 Clrd-19:51:27 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-19:42:21 Arvd-19:47:33 Page: 301 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-19:51:25 Narrative: possible 318 activity. Narrative: no issues found 16-437 1949 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power E DERRY RD + MARTHA DR Patrol Officer Jared Knox Warning Issued Arvd-19:49:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-438 2146 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: 16-439 2152 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 3 Clrd-19:53:06 NH 3889267 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Patrol Officer Robert S Moore E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-21:46:00 Clrd-21:56:18 Dispatcher Christina L Power Reg: TX BR5L650 3 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Patrol Officer Robert S Moore PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-21:54:38 Arvd-21:58:26 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-21:54:43 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-21:55:48 Arvd-22:00:30 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 Rendered Clrd-22:16:53 Clrd-21:55:52 Clrd-22:16:50 01/08/2016 2152 REQUEST TO CHECK ON FEMALE Narrative: checked and all was okay 16-440 2153 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Patrol Officer Robert S Moore E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-21:56:24 Arvd-21:59:09 Clrd-21:59:13 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-21:56:28 Arvd-22:00:31 Clrd-22:07:49 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-22:02:58 Arvd-22:02:59 Clrd-22:07:52 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 01/08/2016 2153 LOUD MUSIC -PREPONDERANCE OF BASS Refer To Field Int: 16-441 2212 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-132-FI Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power RT 28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Vehicle checked Arvd-22:12:00 Vehicle: Reg: NH 3646626 Clrd-22:16:41 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log 16-442 From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 302 Printed: 01/22/2016 2231 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared Arrived Cleared Cleared Refer To Phone - DRUG OVERDOSE Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-22:31:27 Arvd-22:34:31 Clrd-22:48:42 ID: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-22:31:36 Arvd-22:34:33 Clrd-23:12:20 By: Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ID: Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-22:41:40 Arvd-22:42:46 Clrd-22:59:16 By: Sergeant Kevin W Jackson By: Dispatcher Christine D Carlson ID: Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-22:48:38 Arvd-22:48:40 Clrd-23:24:01 By: Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Incident: 16-38-OF 16-443 2322 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PED CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FOLSOM RD Sergeant Christopher R Talbot SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-23:22:00 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-23:25:01 Arvd-23:25:03 Refer To Field Int: 16-134-FI Refer To Field Int: 16-136-FI 2 2 Clrd-23:27:14 ID: 16-444 2334 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis BLU 2011 MITS 4D LANCER 16-445 2338 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Vehicle: Narrative: 3 Arvd-23:34:00 Clrd-23:38:29 Reg: PC MA 6DRG20 VIN: JA32U2FU7BU040041 Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 277] HOOD RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arrest(s) Made Arvd-23:38:00 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:41:22 Arvd-23:41:23 Reg: TM NH 18525770 ID: Clrd-23:27:12 1 Clrd-01/09/2016 @ 00:14:34 Clrd-01/09/2016 @ 00:02:36 01/09/2016 0002 35 has one for status offense, enroute to HQ, s/m: 24,288.7 Narrative: 01/09/2016 0005 35 off at HQ e/m: 24,289.7 01/09/2016 0007 Juvenile placed in room 217 01/09/2016 0047 Juvenile released to parent at this time Narrative: Narrative: 16-446 2341 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-447 2345 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Warning Issued 3 Arvd-23:41:00 Clrd-23:45:20 Reg: PC NH 3684331 VIN: 2D4RN4DG9BR757787 SIL 2011 DODG VN GRAND CARAVAN Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 1516] ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Vehicle: GRN 1996 BUIC 4D LESABRE Refer To Field Int: 16-148-FI Vehicle checked 1 Arvd-23:45:00 Clrd-23:46:35 Reg: PC NH 3902222 VIN: 1G4HP52K4TH419710 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 For Date: 01/09/2016 16-448 0046 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: - Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 303 Printed: 01/22/2016 Saturday Phone - DRUG OVERDOSE Report Taken Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:46:40 Arvd-00:50:12 Clrd-04:18:40 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-00:46:48 Clrd-00:47:03 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-00:46:51 Arvd-00:48:13 Clrd-04:18:38 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-00:47:01 Arvd-00:48:19 Clrd-01:43:18 Detective Scott A Tompkins Disp-02:07:21 Arvd-02:32:24 Clrd-04:38:34 Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-02:07:23 Arvd-02:32:23 Clrd-04:38:36 2 Narrative: 01/09/2016 0125 A3 notified 01/09/2016 0127 Voicemail left for A2 01/09/2016 0128 Det Richard (#903) notified and responding 01/09/2016 0128 County Attorney and M/E paged at this time 01/09/2016 0129 A1 notified at this time 01/09/2016 0131 Det Tompkins (#916) notified and responding Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: 01/09/2016 0136 County Attorney (P.Casian) called back notified at this time Narrative: 01/09/2016 0142 M/E (R.McLaughlin) notified at this time 01/09/2016 0232 M/E on scene 01/09/2016 0301 Peabody's paged at this time 01/09/2016 0311 Peabody's notified at this time 01/09/2016 0317 MPD notified for message delivery 01/09/2016 0358 Peabody's on scene 01/09/2016 0418 All units clear of the scene Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Refer To Incident: 16-449 0154 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Narrative: 16-39-OF Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-01:56:05 Arvd-02:04:38 Clrd-02:18:08 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-01:56:08 Arvd-01:56:57 Clrd-02:18:06 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 01/09/2016 0218 Refer To Field Int: 16-450 0402 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-451 0423 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Thru: 01/17/2016 0506 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-213-FI Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-04:03:13 Arvd-04:07:40 Clrd-04:19:30 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-04:03:15 Arvd-04:07:14 Clrd-04:19:27 3 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis 3 0548 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Warning Issued Arvd-04:23:00 Clrd-04:25:16 Reg: PC NH 3471870 VIN: KL1TD66E49B616705 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis BLK 2014 GMC SU TERRAIN 16-453 Page: 304 Printed: 01/22/2016 All in order - no problems - advice given RED 2009 CHEV HT AVEO 16-452 0000 - 2359 No Action Required 3 Arvd-05:06:00 Clrd-05:07:43 Reg: VAN NH NOMRC VIN: 2GKFLWEK1E6376045 Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Report Taken Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-05:49:01 Arvd-05:49:52 Clrd-07:48:01 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-05:49:02 Arvd-05:52:43 Clrd-07:11:26 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-05:49:43 Arvd-05:49:44 Clrd-07:48:02 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Arvd-05:51:05 Clrd-05:51:12 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-06:10:07 Arvd-06:11:42 Clrd-07:11:24 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-06:47:47 Arvd-06:47:48 Clrd-07:11:48 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 01/09/2016 0700 S9 CHECKING RESIDENCE Narrative: 01/09/2016 1113 A3 NOTIFIED Narrative: 01/09/2016 1113 RCSD NOTIFIED TO PAGE C.A. Narrative: 01/09/2016 1123 C.A. CASIAN NOTIFIED Narrative: 01/09/2016 1130 AG STRELZIN NOTIFIED Narrative: 01/09/2016 1215 A1 and A2 notified and updated. 16-454 0551 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - DEPARTMENT INFO Dispatcher Christine D Carlson MUNICIPAL DR Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Services Rendered Arvd-05:51:00 Clrd-05:51:34 Narrative: 01/09/2016 0551 Highway paged for icing of roadways 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 305 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/09/2016 0552 16-455 0718 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-456 0830 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Highway notified Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-07:43:58 Arvd-07:51:32 Clrd-08:02:11 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-07:44:04 Arvd-07:48:45 Clrd-08:02:10 2 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-08:31:22 Arvd-08:40:53 Clrd-09:36:18 2 Narrative: 01/09/2016 0831 PARKED CAR WITH DOOR FOUND OPEN Refer To Incident: 16-457 0909 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-41-OF Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PEABODY RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-09:09:00 Clrd-09:15:52 Reg: NH 3847233 3 16-458 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WINDHAM DEPOT RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:49:00 Clrd-09:52:44 2 16-459 Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Services Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe NORMAN DR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-09:53:50 Arvd-10:01:22 Clrd-10:05:47 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 Vehicle: 0949 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0952 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 01/09/2016 0952 Vehicle parked on the roadway 16-460 1001 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDE Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-10:01:00 Clrd-10:07:36 2 16-461 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ELM ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson 2 1009 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-10:09:00 16-462 1026 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-463 1035 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-464 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ALADDIN CIR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-10:26:00 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Detective Dana P Park Initiated - MV STOP 2 Clrd-10:31:02 Services Rendered Arvd-10:35:00 1053 Clrd-10:24:45 2 Clrd-10:47:55 Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 306 Printed: 01/22/2016 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arvd-10:53:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-465 1116 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Warning Issued Arvd-11:16:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-466 1152 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Narrative: 1156 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Clrd-11:19:37 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-11:52:51 Arvd-12:02:21 Clrd-12:40:13 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-12:30:50 Arvd-12:30:53 Clrd-12:44:35 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Refer To Accident: 3 NH GRACE 01/09/2016 1242 NONREPORTABLE. 16-467 Clrd-10:57:52 NH 2064619 1 Cruz Vs. Dentremont 16-14-AC 911 - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:57:18 Arvd-11:57:22 Clrd-12:02:40 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-11:57:27 Arvd-12:02:08 Clrd-12:02:42 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-12:02:04 Arvd-12:02:06 Clrd-12:02:38 2 Narrative: 01/09/2016 1200 NEWER MODEL CHEVY DRIVING ERRATICALLY 16-468 1215 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Cleared Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe POND RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:18:19 Arvd-12:24:43 2 Clrd-12:24:50 Narrative: 01/09/2016 1217 Person fishing on the lake Narrative: 01/09/2016 1224 no problems 16-469 1332 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti No Action Required Arvd-13:32:00 1403 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Clrd-13:51:09 16-470 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PEABODY RD ANX Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:04:38 Arvd-14:05:49 Clrd-14:13:24 1 16-471 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N HIGH ST + ASH ST EXT Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 3 1411 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-14:11:00 Vehicle: Reg: NH 3794674 Clrd-14:21:06 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-472 1413 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Detective Dana P Park Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-14:15:37 1443 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0000 - 2359 Page: 307 Printed: 01/22/2016 No Action Required Arvd-14:13:00 Clrd-14:49:38 Arvd-14:15:39 Clrd-14:49:37 2 16-473 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-14:43:00 Clrd-14:43:45 2 16-474 Phone - DISTURBANCE Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:06:28 Arvd-15:08:45 Clrd-15:51:49 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:06:31 Arvd-15:07:42 Clrd-15:34:08 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-15:08:47 Arvd-15:09:26 Clrd-15:37:17 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe 1 1506 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: ID: Dispatched By: Narrative: 01/09/2016 1507 DFD requested Narrative: 01/09/2016 1515 DFD on scene Refer To Incident: 16-475 1516 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-42-OF Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Sergeant David Michaud Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-15:16:49 16-476 1601 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-477 1611 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared Arvd-15:16:00 Clrd-15:39:26 Arvd-15:16:50 Clrd-15:39:24 Radio - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-16:02:12 Arvd-16:02:18 Clrd-16:06:57 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:02:12 Arvd-16:02:19 Clrd-16:06:54 2 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin 3 Warning Issued Arvd-16:11:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-478 1653 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Clrd-16:15:40 NH 3907636 Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christina L Power BERRY RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Cleared Arvd-16:53:00 1 Clrd-16:55:02 Narrative: loose dog 16-479 1718 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-480 1837 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:19:36 Arvd-17:22:23 Clrd-17:24:24 Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered 2 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Christina L Power ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:37:55 Arvd-18:41:05 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ID: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-18:37:58 Arvd-18:45:21 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ID: Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:47:28 Arvd-18:50:12 Dispatched By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Arrived By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Cleared By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ID: Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-18:50:58 Arvd-19:08:04 Dispatched By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Arrived By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Cleared By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Refer To Field Int: 16-155-FI Page: 308 Printed: 01/22/2016 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-481 1838 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 16-482 1933 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-483 2033 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Clrd-19:15:59 Clrd-19:15:58 Clrd-19:08:02 Clrd-19:08:05 Initiated - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDE Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-18:38:00 Clrd-18:45:27 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 2 Initiated - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-19:33:00 Clrd-19:37:01 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-19:33:33 Arvd-19:33:34 Clrd-19:36:57 2 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-20:39:55 Arvd-20:58:32 Clrd-21:08:12 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-20:39:57 Arvd-20:58:34 Clrd-21:08:10 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 01/09/2016 2033 REQUEST TO CHECK ON FEMALE SUBJECT Narrative: 01/09/2016 2108 checked and all was in order. Refer To Field Int: 16-484 2111 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-145-FI Phone - ABANDONED 911 Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Christina L Power JAMES STREET EXT Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-21:12:27 Arvd-21:22:06 Clrd-21:25:49 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-21:12:29 Arvd-21:22:05 Clrd-21:25:55 1 Narrative: determined to be a verbal domestic. Refer To Field Int: 16-485 2127 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-130-FI Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Matter Rectified Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-21:28:36 Arvd-21:30:27 Clrd-21:49:06 Arrived By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Cleared By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Refer To Field Int: 16-144-FI 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-486 2143 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 309 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - FIREWORKS COMPLAINT Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Robert S Moore EASTGATE RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-21:44:44 Arvd-21:47:33 Clrd-21:53:30 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 01/09/2016 2143 kids lighting fireworks off behind school 16-487 2158 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - ABANDONED 911 Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power N SHORE (IP) RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-21:59:21 Arvd-22:15:14 Clrd-22:56:20 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-21:59:24 Arvd-22:13:28 Clrd-23:08:07 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 1 01/09/2016 2229 one in custody Narrative: 01/09/2016 2234 charged with assault (x2) and possession of a controlled substance and enroute to hq's s/m 45749.0 Narrative: 01/09/2016 2248 off at hq's e/m 45756.3 with: Pereira,Joseph 155 N Shore Rd Derry, NH dob 090672 Narrative: 01/09/2016 2300 Refer To Arrest: 16-488 2220 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: BAIL COMMISSIONER REQUESTED AND RESPONDING 16-29-AR Phone - DISTURBANCE Peace Restored Patrol Officer Robert S Moore NORTH AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-22:21:53 Arvd-22:24:28 Clrd-22:48:40 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-22:21:57 Arvd-22:23:47 Clrd-22:48:41 Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 01/09/2016 2220 intoxicated female causing disturbance 16-489 2308 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Narrative: 911 - DISTURBANCE Matter Rectified Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike DERRY WAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-23:12:05 Arvd-23:18:15 Clrd-23:26:37 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:12:09 Arvd-23:15:44 Clrd-23:41:06 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:16:52 Arvd-23:16:54 Clrd-23:38:30 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 1 MALE SUBJECT YELLING Narrative: 01/09/2016 2339 WARNING 16-490 Refer To Field Int: 2312 ONE SUBJECT ISSUED DISORDERLY CONDUCT 16-146-FI Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Matter Rectified 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:14:19 Arvd-23:17:54 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:18:11 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:41:28 Arvd-23:44:17 ID: ID: Page: 310 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-01/10/2016 @ 00:20:09 Clrd-23:21:32 Clrd-01/10/2016 @ 00:20:08 Narrative: WHITE M/V DRIVING ERRACTICLY IN PARKING LOT Narrative: 01/09/2016 2319 NH#3822002 16-491 2321 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DISTURBANCE Matter Rectified Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike NORTH AVE Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:23:02 Arvd-23:23:42 Clrd-23:53:13 ID: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-23:26:42 Arvd-23:35:05 Clrd-23:38:21 Arrived By: Lieutenant Frank Stoncius ID: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-23:38:26 Arvd-23:38:28 Clrd-23:53:30 Refer To Field Int: 16-147-FI For Date: 01/10/2016 16-492 0002 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: - Sunday Initiated - MV CHECK Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer John Diburro No Action Required Arvd-00:02:00 Vehicle: Narrative: 1 Reg: 1 Clrd-00:05:10 NH 522566 01/10/2016 0003 M/V CHECKS AT CALVARY NH#522566 NOT OCCUPIED NH# 3782686 16-493 0020 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK No Action Required Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike JAMES ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-00:21:16 Arvd-00:26:47 Clrd-00:47:23 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-00:21:19 Arvd-00:26:46 Clrd-00:47:22 2 Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-00:48:08 Arvd-00:52:58 Clrd-01:34:16 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Cleared By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ID: Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-00:48:09 Arvd-00:53:00 Clrd-01:34:17 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Cleared By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Refer To Field Int: 16-149-FI 2 ID: 16-494 0046 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-495 0055 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike E BROADWAY Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Warning Issued Arvd-00:55:00 Vehicle: Reg: VF NH V34891 Clrd-01:01:16 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-497 0125 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 311 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-01:26:04 Arvd-01:28:18 Clrd-01:32:00 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 2 CALLER REPORTS KIDS THROWING SNOWBALLS 16-498 0257 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Lieutenant Frank Stoncius BYPASS 28 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-02:57:00 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-03:01:27 Arvd-03:01:28 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Reg: VF NH V43339 Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: 16-499 0603 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel 16-500 0612 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-03:03:02 Clrd-06:05:15 Warning Issued Arvd-06:12:00 Reg: Clrd-06:16:20 0645 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Lieutenant Frank Stoncius TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-06:45:46 Arvd-06:46:48 Clrd-07:03:34 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Cleared By: Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Refer To Field Int: 16-137-FI 0737 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 NH 1096344 16-501 16-502 3 Reg: NH -SJJ16-142-FI Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ENGLISH RANGE RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Vehicle: Clrd-03:03:01 No Action Required Arvd-06:03:00 Vehicle: Refer To Field Int: 1 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Cleared Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse ISLAND POND RD + RT 111 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-07:38:22 Arvd-07:38:27 1 2 Clrd-07:48:17 Narrative: reporting party thought there was a loose dog GOA 16-503 0805 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-504 0851 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-08:05:00 Clrd-08:09:54 Reg: PC NH 3524822 3 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK No Action Required Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse [DY 1752] ELM ST Lieutenant Eric T Kester Arvd-08:51:00 Clrd-08:53:14 2 Narrative: secure Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-505 0853 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: 16-506 0935 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 312 Printed: 01/22/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Summons Issued Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse OAK ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-08:53:00 Clrd-09:06:41 Lieutenant Eric T Kester Disp-08:55:55 Arvd-08:55:56 Clrd-08:57:18 Reg: PC NH 3774833 3 Phone - VANDALISM Report Taken Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse GRIFFIN ST Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-09:36:53 Arvd-09:41:52 Clrd-10:11:30 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 3 wire cut to security system Refer To Incident: 0938 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-43-OF 16-507 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Arvd-09:38:00 Clrd-09:55:05 2 16-508 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Not Served Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse TOPAZ CIR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-09:49:00 Clrd-09:54:32 1 16-509 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Served Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse OLD AUBURN RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-10:08:00 1 0949 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1008 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-510 1103 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Clrd-10:15:59 911 - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse COBURN RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:04:40 Arvd-11:06:58 Clrd-11:08:26 Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-11:04:41 Arvd-11:06:11 Clrd-11:08:27 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-11:04:42 Arvd-11:08:29 Clrd-11:08:30 3 Narrative: report of a furnance of fire Narrative: cleared by fire no assistance needed 16-511 1122 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - POLICE ASSISTANCE Services Rendered Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:25:34 Arvd-11:31:56 Clrd-11:46:42 3 Narrative: issue over a vehicle that is being stored on the property Narrative: AAA took vehicle Refer To Field Int: 16-512 1147 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-166-FI Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse PINE ISLE DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Arvd-11:47:00 Clrd-11:55:58 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-513 1315 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 313 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse ASHLEIGH DR + MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-13:16:56 Arvd-13:27:55 Clrd-13:46:52 2 Narrative: bumper on ground Refer To Incident: 16-514 1318 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-44-OF 911 - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse BLUEBERRY RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:19:54 Arvd-13:23:58 Clrd-13:44:29 3 Narrative: transported to PMC by DFD Refer To Field Int: 16-165-FI 16-515 1405 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Cleared Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-14:06:20 Arvd-14:10:50 Cleared By: Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby ID: Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:06:23 Arvd-14:10:49 Cleared By: Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-14:06:46 Arvd-14:12:58 Cleared By: Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Refer To Field Int: 16-138-FI 16-516 1407 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Clrd-14:27:51 Clrd-14:27:54 Clrd-14:27:39 Walk-In - ROAD HAZARD Removed Hazard Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby LENOX RD + BOYD RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-14:08:55 Arvd-14:17:46 Clrd-14:39:32 2 Narrative: tree down in roadway Narrative: 01/10/2016 1430 highway on scene 16-517 1433 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: 16-518 1447 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES SENT ON THEIR WAY Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby [DY 466] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-14:34:19 Arvd-14:37:14 Clrd-14:44:28 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:34:22 Arvd-14:39:47 Clrd-14:44:29 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-14:35:36 Arvd-14:35:38 Clrd-14:44:31 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse 2 Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse DEXTER ST Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-15:21:58 Arvd-15:25:20 Clrd-15:28:00 Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 3 overflowing culvert, water in the street. Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 314 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: DPW paged. Narrative: Highway Dept. responding 16-519 1536 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ROAD HAZARD Removed Hazard Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti OLD AUBURN RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-15:36:00 Clrd-15:38:23 2 16-520 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti N SHORE (BL) RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-15:50:49 Arvd-15:54:53 Clrd-15:55:11 ID: Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-15:50:57 Arvd-15:54:58 Clrd-15:59:27 ID: Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-15:51:03 Arvd-15:53:44 Clrd-15:56:57 Dispatched By: Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Cleared By: Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Refer To Field Int: 16-139-FI 1 16-521 1 1549 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1632 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - DISTURBANCE Matter Rectified Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-16:33:43 Arvd-16:35:16 Clrd-16:57:10 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Location Change: FAIRWAY DR [Modified: 01/10/20161636] ID: Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:33:49 Arvd-16:35:45 Clrd-16:57:13 Location Change: FAIRWAY DR [Modified: 01/10/20161636] Refer To Field Int: 16-158-FI 16-522 1702 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Report Taken Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:04:00 Arvd-17:06:36 Clrd-17:54:29 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-17:04:03 Arvd-17:06:39 Clrd-18:00:25 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-17:14:04 Arvd-17:14:16 Clrd-17:20:02 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 1 01/10/2016 1720 227 courtesy transport to 14 Fairway Dr #2714 s/m 42208 Narrative: 01/10/2016 1722 227 off at 14 Fairway Dr #2714 e/m 42208.9 Narrative: 227 en route to pmc s/m 42208.9 Narrative: 227 off at pmc e/m 42210.6 16-523 1740 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-17:41:41 Arvd-17:41:42 Clrd-17:41:44 Narrative: 01/10/2016 1740 HAD QUESTIONS REGARDING AN INCIDENT THAT OCCURRED EARLY TODAY. DID NOT WISH TO FILE A REPORT, ADVICE WAS GIVEN 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 16-524 1746 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 315 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-156-FI 911 - ABANDONED 911 Investigated Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti ADAMS POND RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:54:43 Arvd-18:05:02 Clrd-18:09:24 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-17:54:59 Arvd-18:04:17 Clrd-18:09:27 1 Narrative: Accidental by child. Refer To Field Int: 16-525 1805 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-160-FI Phone - LANDLORD/TENATE DISPUTE Matter Rectified Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-18:07:26 Arvd-18:11:51 Clrd-18:25:15 Lieutenant Frank Stoncius Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 2 01/10/2016 1806 LANDLORD TENANT DISPUTE Refer To Field Int: 16-526 16-159-FI 1812 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived Cleared Arrived Cleared Arrived Cleared Refer To Phone - NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:12:57 Arvd-18:18:47 Clrd-18:51:49 By: Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti By: Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti ID: Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:13:01 Arvd-18:16:36 Clrd-18:51:51 By: Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti By: Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti ID: Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-18:21:20 Arvd-18:28:24 Clrd-18:51:55 By: Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti By: Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Incident: 16-46-OF 16-527 1858 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - LANDLORD/TENATE DISPUTE Matter Rectified Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe BIRCH ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-18:59:25 Arvd-19:06:01 Clrd-19:22:40 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Cleared By: Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti ID: Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:59:33 Arvd-19:04:24 Clrd-19:22:35 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Cleared By: Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Refer To Field Int: 16-194-FI 16-528 1907 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti [DY 3096] EMERSON LN Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-19:11:06 Arvd-19:17:12 Clrd-19:29:53 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-19:18:42 Arvd-19:24:37 Clrd-19:29:50 2 2 1 Narrative: living room motion Refer To Field Int: 16-529 1950 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-161-FI 911 - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Gone on Arrival 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Disp-19:54:25 Arvd-20:04:34 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: 316 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-20:04:36 Dark sedan in parking lot 16-530 2031 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti CRYSTAL AVE Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Warning Issued Arvd-20:31:00 3 Clrd-20:36:58 Narrative: NH 3896142 16-531 2122 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-532 2135 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-21:22:00 2 Clrd-21:35:31 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK No Action Required Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti [DY 1752] ELM ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-21:35:00 Clrd-21:42:56 16-496 2330 Phone - DISTURBANCE Matter Rectified Call Taker: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Location/Address: PARKLAND DR Narrative: INTOXICATED PATIENT (NICHOLAS MAGGIO) ATTEMPTING TO LEAVE BEFORE BEING TREATED. PATIENT CONVINCED TO STAY 2 1 Narrative: RIVERA AND TALBOT HANDLED CALL 16-533 2330 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus [DY 1439] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:31:53 Arvd-23:35:26 Clrd-23:37:57 Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-23:32:01 Arvd-23:33:54 Clrd-23:37:57 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:34:21 Arvd-23:34:23 Clrd-23:37:57 1 Narrative: washroom hallway Refer To Field Int: 16-534 2340 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-162-FI Initiated - PED CHECK Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus MANNING ST Detective Stephen E Clark SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-23:40:00 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:40:53 Arvd-23:40:55 Refer To Field Int: 16-163-FI 2 Clrd-23:42:32 ID: 16-535 2352 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Clrd-23:42:32 Walk-In - EMERGENCY RESTRAINING OR Report Taken 2 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-23:52:36 Arvd-23:52:38 Clrd-01/11/2016 @ 00:40:11 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe 01/11/2016 0002 Judge was paged for an ERO at this time Narrative: Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 317 Printed: 01/22/2016 01/11/2016 0005 Judge Moran called back Narrative: 01/11/2016 0017 Order granted by Judge Moran Refer To Incident: For Date: 01/11/2016 16-536 0002 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: - 16-48-OF Monday Initiated - MV CHECK Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:02:00 Clrd-00:10:12 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-00:03:31 Arvd-00:06:09 Clrd-00:10:12 Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-00:03:42 Clrd-00:06:05 1 Narrative: Vehicle fled s/b on S Main St, then last seen e/b on Island Pond Rd. Refer To Incident: 16-537 0014 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-47-OF Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus E DERRY RD + CEMETERY RD Patrol Officer John Diburro No Action Required Arvd-00:14:00 Vehicle: 3 Clrd-00:15:32 Reg: PC NH 1811295 16-538 0019 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ROAD HAZARD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus MANCHESTER RD Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-00:20:03 Matter Rectified Arvd-00:21:28 2 Clrd-00:24:31 Narrative: piece of wood in road Narrative: 01/11/2016 0024 road sign moved out of roadway 16-539 0054 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 16-540 0113 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus JOSHUA CIR Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-00:54:00 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-00:54:51 Arvd-00:54:55 Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-00:54:57 Arvd-00:54:59 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus FEATHERBED LN Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Narrative: 01/11/2016 0114 off with m/v from earlier call nh reg 1858372 01/11/2016 0119 one in custody at this time Clrd-01:09:05 Clrd-01:06:01 Clrd-01:06:03 Arrest(s) Made Arvd-01:13:00 Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-01:14:10 Arvd-01:14:12 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-01:15:04 Arvd-01:16:00 Narrative: 2 Clrd-01:48:01 Clrd-01:55:05 Clrd-02:05:33 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 318 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/11/2016 0121 en route to DPD HQ s/m 42277.3 Narrative: 01/11/2016 0127 off at HQ e/m 42280.5 Narrative: 01/11/2016 0135 in with Michael Spanos (dob 01/14/1997) 7 Joshua Cir Derry, NH 03038 for Disobeying a Police Officer, Reckless Operation, and Speed Narrative: 01/11/2016 0146 408 transporting second subject to Stonegate s/m 16200.4 Narrative: 01/11/2016 0147 RO picked up vehicle Narrative: 01/11/2016 0153 408 off at Stonegate e/m 16204.0 Narrative: 01/11/2016 0205 subject released on a summons, court date of March 3, 2016 Refer To Arrest: 16-541 0607 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Narrative: 16-30-AR Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus SUNSET AVE Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-06:08:04 Arvd-06:14:20 Clrd-06:18:07 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-06:18:13 Arvd-06:18:15 Clrd-06:26:57 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Sergeant Christopher R Talbot 3 tree fell onto house Narrative: 01/11/2016 0618 DFD on scene Refer To Field Int: 16-542 0638 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-182-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus KILREA RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-06:39:38 Arvd-06:42:59 Clrd-06:51:26 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 2 wires sparking 16-543 0727 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Summons Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ENGLISH RANGE RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-07:27:00 Clrd-07:38:13 Reg: NH 351192 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-544 0751 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-545 0824 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-546 0851 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 319 Printed: 01/22/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ENGLISH RANGE RD + HILDA AVE Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-07:51:00 Clrd-08:08:30 Reg: NH 3350313 3 Initiated - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDE Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-08:24:00 Clrd-08:27:54 Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-08:24:38 Arvd-08:24:41 Clrd-08:27:55 2 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-08:52:01 Arvd-08:56:51 Clrd-09:16:53 1 Narrative: 01/11/2016 0901 OFF WITH NH 2463106 Narrative: 01/11/2016 0916 NONREPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 0901 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: PROPHET VS ROCK 16-15-AC 16-547 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-09:01:00 Clrd-09:24:32 2 16-548 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Sergeant Edward W Budroe 3 0945 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-09:45:00 Vehicle: Reg: Clrd-09:50:59 NH 3314245 16-549 0952 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-09:53:01 Arvd-09:53:03 Clrd-09:53:04 Refer To Field Int: 16-174-FI 16-550 1042 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-10:44:07 Arvd-10:52:23 ID: Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-10:44:08 Arvd-10:48:25 ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-10:52:16 Arvd-10:54:15 Refer To Field Int: 16-202-FI 16-551 1053 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-552 Phone - VANDALISM Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RAILROAD AVE Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-11:13:35 Refer To Incident: 16-50-OF 1055 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Rendered 2 Clrd-11:01:13 Clrd-11:01:12 Clrd-10:56:24 Report Taken Arvd-11:17:43 1 3 Clrd-11:32:15 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-10:55:52 Arvd-10:58:10 Clrd-11:39:54 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-10:56:40 Arvd-10:58:05 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-10:58:09 Arvd-11:04:23 ID: Page: 320 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-11:04:00 Clrd-11:18:36 Narrative: 01/11/2016 1059 OFF WITH NH 3543078 AND NH 3899128 Narrative: 01/11/2016 1103 DFD NOTIFIED Narrative: 01/11/2016 1131 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: Refer To Field Int: 16-553 1055 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: SACCHETTI VS SZALAY 16-16-AC 16-234-FI Initiated - THEFT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Report Taken Arvd-10:55:00 Refer To Incident: 16-554 1103 Call Taker: Walk-In - CHILD SAFETY SEAT INSPEC Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1128 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-11:29:12 ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-11:29:35 Refer To Field Int: 16-164-FI 1129 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-11:13:28 16-49-OF 16-555 16-556 2 Assistance Rendered Arvd-11:30:28 Clrd-12:02:01 Arvd-11:39:47 Clrd-11:47:11 Walk-In - THEFT Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-11:33:11 Arvd-11:33:13 Clrd-11:33:14 3 1 2 Narrative: SUBJECT REPORTS THAT HER CREDIT CARD WAS STOLEN IN LONDONDERRY AND USED AT THE DERRY WALMART Refer To Incident: 1145 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-51-OF 16-557 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-11:45:00 Clrd-11:48:51 3 16-558 Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:03:57 1 1203 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Message Delivered Arvd-12:12:17 Clrd-12:15:25 Narrative: 01/11/2016 1203 FOR HAVERHILL MA PD Narrative: 01/11/2016 1215 MESSAGE DELIVERED TO A PARENT 16-559 1234 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ENGLISH RANGE RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-12:34:00 Clrd-12:41:42 Reg: NH +CHIZ+ 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-560 1309 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-561 1320 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-562 1326 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANNING ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-13:09:00 Clrd-13:15:07 Reg: MA 953EG4 3 Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand NORTH AVE Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-13:20:00 Clrd-13:25:11 Reg: NH 607383 1 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd 3 Warning Issued Arvd-13:26:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-563 1344 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand RT 28 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Reg: 16-564 1354 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-565 Clrd-13:32:31 NH 3872401 Warning Issued Arvd-13:44:00 Vehicle: Page: 321 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-13:54:08 NH 3753439 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby TAN 2004 FORD FOCUS Warning Issued Arvd-13:54:00 Reg: PC NH 3597478 Initiated - RECEIVING STOLEN PROPE Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Detective Brian K French Arvd-13:55:00 Clrd-13:56:05 Refer To Incident: 16-52-OF 1358 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti No Action Required Arvd-13:58:00 16-567 1414 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Clrd-14:08:21 3 Initiated - SCHOOL BUS PASSING Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-14:15:00 Clrd-14:29:59 Refer To Incident: 16-53-OF 2 1415 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-568 1424 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-570 2 Initiated - MV STOP Summons Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-14:14:00 Clrd-14:23:13 Reg: NH 3808063 Vehicle: 16-569 3 Clrd-14:00:23 1355 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-566 3 911 - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GULF RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-14:25:10 Could Not Locate Arvd-14:48:16 1 Clrd-14:48:17 Narrative: 01/11/2016 1424 LOOSE DOG 1439 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 2838] HARVEST DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-14:40:28 Arvd-14:46:27 ID: Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:44:51 Refer To Field Int: 16-203-FI Page: 322 Printed: 01/22/2016 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1439 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-14:53:28 Clrd-14:53:32 16-571 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CHESTER RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-14:39:00 Clrd-14:53:39 2 16-572 Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BRIAN AVE Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:22:37 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 1442 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Could Not Locate Arvd-15:29:43 Clrd-15:30:19 no one at home, note was left 16-573 1521 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-574 1524 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Vehicle: 16-575 1534 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-576 1535 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 231] TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-15:21:00 1553 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-15:34:00 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Christina L Power MAPLE ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox 16-578 1556 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-579 1604 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 2 Clrd-15:47:22 Not Served 1 Clrd-15:39:17 Warning Issued Arvd-15:53:00 Vehicle: Clrd-15:24:02 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christina L Power TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-15:24:00 Clrd-15:30:38 Reg: NH 3753579 GRY 2001 DODG CARAVAN Reg: NH 3753579 VIN: 1B4GP24331B239930 Arvd-15:35:00 16-577 2 3 Clrd-15:56:02 NH 3314232 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Arvd-15:56:00 Clrd-16:00:08 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-16:00:02 Clrd-16:00:05 2 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-16:04:00 Clrd-16:09:27 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 16-580 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 16-171-FI 1634 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - IDENTITY THEFT Dispatcher Christina L Power FRANKLIN ST Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-16:35:13 Refer To Incident: 16-54-OF 16-581 1636 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 1639 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Report Taken Arvd-16:35:14 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson SIL 2007 TOYT 4D COROLLA 16-582 Page: 323 Printed: 01/22/2016 2 Clrd-16:35:26 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-16:36:00 Clrd-16:51:43 Reg: PC NH 2493355 VIN: JTDBR32E370125562 Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:39:36 Arvd-16:41:03 Clrd-16:41:20 BLK 2015 TOYT COROLLA Reg: NH 3717013 2 blk toyt 16-583 1643 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SEX OFFENSES Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Dana P Park Disp-16:43:53 Refer To Incident: 16-55-OF 1652 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Report Taken Arvd-16:43:54 1 Clrd-16:51:50 16-584 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Arvd-16:52:00 Clrd-17:28:50 2 16-585 Walk-In - IDENTITY THEFT Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:57:22 2 1657 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-16:57:23 Clrd-17:06:23 Narrative: 01/11/2016 1706 gave subject DPD ID Theft packet to complete Refer To Incident: 16-586 1748 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 16-56-OF Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson BRO 2003 CHEV 4D TRACKER Services Rendered 3 Arvd-17:48:00 Clrd-18:07:38 Reg: PC NH 2722894\ VIN: 2CNBJ13C836929104 01/11/2016 1752 next AAA requested. Narrative: 01/11/2016 1758 wrecker on scene Refer To Field Int: 16-587 1748 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-173-FI Phone - CRIMINAL TRESPASS Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-17:49:18 Arvd-17:55:20 Clrd-18:55:44 Narrative: 01/11/2016 1812 transporting one to PMC s/m 46157.4 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 324 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/11/2016 1820 off at pmc e/m 46159.8 Refer To Field Int: 16-229-FI 16-588 1830 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power PEABODY RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-18:32:11 Arvd-18:33:09 Clrd-18:37:45 ID: Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-18:32:16 Arvd-18:33:08 Clrd-18:37:47 Refer To Field Int: 16-172-FI 16-589 1833 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Call Taker: Dispatcher Christina L Power Location/Address: LINLEW DR Narrative: located prior to police arrival. 1835 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: No Action Required 3 2 16-590 Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-18:38:07 Arvd-18:38:09 Clrd-18:56:03 3 16-591 Phone - THEFT Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-18:55:42 Arvd-18:57:02 Clrd-19:34:30 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-18:55:55 Arvd-18:57:01 Clrd-19:34:31 2 1853 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Narrative: 01/11/2016 1911 one in custody. Narrative: 01/11/2016 1918 enroute to hq's s/m 16298.9 Narrative: 01/11/2016 1921 charged with theft by deception, off at hq's e/m 16300.0 with: MacDonald,Bryanna 4 Bethel Ct Manchester, NH dob 1114967 Narrative: 01/11/2016 2005 released on a summons with a court date of 2/18/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-592 1856 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-593 1935 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-33-AR Phone - LANDLORD/TENATE DISPUTE Matter Rectified Dispatcher Christina L Power BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:56:38 Arvd-18:57:28 Clrd-19:22:54 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:56:47 Arvd-18:57:29 Clrd-19:22:52 2 Phone - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-19:36:38 Arvd-19:37:49 Clrd-19:49:22 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-19:37:47 Arvd-19:37:48 Clrd-19:49:24 3 Narrative: possible gas leak Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 325 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-594 1949 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-19:50:32 Arvd-19:53:11 Clrd-20:29:08 Cleared By: Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy ID: Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-19:50:37 Arvd-19:53:47 Clrd-20:24:43 Cleared By: Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Refer To Field Int: 16-170-FI 2 16-595 2 2012 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - LANDLORD/TENATE DISPUTE ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Christina L Power BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:12:37 Arvd-20:13:58 Clrd-20:20:26 Refer To Field Int: 16-266-FI 16-596 2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power OAK ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:20:34 Arvd-20:24:53 Clrd-20:28:11 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy 2 bag in the middle of the road 16-597 2025 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy [DY 485] BALLARD RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-20:26:23 Arvd-20:39:05 Clrd-20:47:05 Refer To Field Int: 16-211-FI 2043 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 16-598 Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Not Served Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy BEACON HILL RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Arvd-20:43:00 Clrd-20:50:05 3 16-599 Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy [DY 2243] SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-20:57:37 Arvd-21:05:01 Clrd-21:12:04 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-20:57:43 Arvd-21:05:00 Clrd-21:12:05 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-21:04:54 Arvd-21:04:55 Clrd-21:07:42 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 2056 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: loud yelling Refer To Field Int: 16-600 2059 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-169-FI Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Services Rendered Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy ENGLISH RANGE RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-21:00:10 Arvd-21:11:47 Clrd-21:20:57 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 14YO REFUSING TO COME INTO THE HOUSE 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 16-601 2100 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 326 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-267-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy EVERETT ST Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-21:01:31 Cleared 2 Clrd-21:03:23 Narrative: SUSPICIOUS SUBURBAN DARK IN COLOR 16-602 2102 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-603 2110 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Christina L Power BRISTOL CT Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-21:05:05 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-21:07:46 Could Not Locate Arvd-21:07:47 Clrd-21:21:05 Arvd-21:07:49 Clrd-21:21:03 Phone - Search Warrant Services Dispatcher Christina L Power HILLSIDE AVE Sergeant David Michaud Disp-21:11:28 Arvd-21:11:40 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-21:11:34 Arvd-21:11:39 Detective Scott A Tompkins Disp-21:11:37 Arvd-21:11:41 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-21:55:11 Arvd-21:55:12 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-22:18:17 Arvd-22:18:18 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Rendered 2 2 Clrd-23:48:54 Clrd-21:13:49 Clrd-23:49:06 Clrd-23:48:53 Clrd-23:43:03 01/11/2016 2115 search started Narrative: 01/11/2016 2339 End of search 01/11/2016 2348 All clear from scene Narrative: Refer To Incident: 16-604 2114 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-72-OF Radio - Search Warrant Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power DUSTIN AVE Detective Lieutenant Jon M Breen Disp-21:15:04 Arvd-21:15:08 Clrd-21:27:39 Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-21:15:07 Arvd-21:15:09 Clrd-21:27:40 2 Narrative: 01/11/2016 2121 search started Narrative: 01/11/2016 2124 search ended 16-605 2146 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-606 Phone - VANDALISM Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power MARLBORO RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-21:46:58 Arvd-21:58:34 Clrd-22:04:04 Refer To Incident: 16-57-OF 2149 Call Taker: Location/Address: Phone - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Dispatcher Christina L Power BEACON HILL RD Served 3 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-21:49:57 Arvd-21:49:58 Refer To Incident: 16-59-OF Page: 327 Printed: 01/22/2016 ID: 16-607 2248 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - DRUG OVERDOSE Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power OLD AUBURN RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:00:21 Arvd-23:00:22 Clrd-23:32:29 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-23:14:13 Arvd-23:14:15 Clrd-23:32:09 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson Dispatcher Christine D Carlson 01/11/2016 2305 Refer To Incident: 16-608 2353 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-609 Clrd-22:09:58 2 DFD transporting to PMC 16-58-OF Phone - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered 2 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 151] E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-23:53:59 Arvd-23:55:23 Clrd-01/12/2016 @ 00:23:21 Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-00:00:21 Arvd-00:00:22 Clrd-01/12/2016 @ 00:12:06 2355 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - PROWLING Report Taken 2 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PARK AVE Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-23:56:25 Arvd-23:56:29 Clrd-01/12/2016 @ 00:23:33 ID: Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:56:28 Arvd-00:02:08 Clrd-01/12/2016 @ 00:23:31 ID: Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-23:56:56 Arvd-23:56:58 Clrd-01/12/2016 @ 00:00:18 Refer To Incident: 16-60-OF For Date: 01/12/2016 16-610 0110 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: - Tuesday Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 1752] ELM ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Services Rendered Arvd-01:10:00 Clrd-01:18:06 16-611 0124 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PED CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Christine D Carlson NORMAN DR Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-01:24:00 Clrd-01:26:53 Refer To Field Int: 16-181-FI 16-612 0128 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-613 0134 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-614 Vehicle: 0305 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis GRY 2010 KIA 4D OPTIMA 2 Warning Issued 2 3 Arvd-01:28:00 Clrd-01:32:30 Reg: PC NH 2916297 VIN: KNAGG4A87A5387007 Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 281] DRURY LN Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-01:34:00 Clrd-01:34:53 WHI 2007 FORD SU EDGE Reg: PC NH 2727267 VIN: 2FMDK49C27BB39471 Radio - HIT AND RUN Report Taken 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson FOLSOM RD Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-03:05:30 Arvd-03:05:38 Page: 328 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-03:05:40 Narrative: 01/12/2016 0305 Refer To Incident: 16-615 0315 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-616 0703 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Sign in median (keep to right) 16-61-OF Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-03:15:00 Clrd-03:19:08 GRY 2005 FORD 4D TAURUS Reg: PC NH 3245813 VIN: 1FAHP56S95A115305 911 - ALARM(OTHER) Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-07:03:50 Arvd-07:07:37 Clrd-07:18:29 2 Narrative: 01/12/2016 0707 FIRE ALARM COMPANY 16-617 0735 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-618 0748 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FERLAND DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-07:37:00 Arvd-07:41:48 Clrd-07:52:05 Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-07:37:02 Arvd-07:41:46 Clrd-07:50:49 2 Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-07:49:23 Arvd-07:53:18 Clrd-08:11:53 2 Narrative: 01/12/2016 0749 FRONT DOOR OF A BOBCAT Refer To Incident: 16-619 0807 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-62-OF Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OVERLEDGE DR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Services Rendered Arvd-08:07:00 16-620 0826 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - WELFARE CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Clrd-08:11:47 Could Not Locate Arvd-08:26:00 1 2 Clrd-08:31:14 Narrative: 01/12/2016 0826 ELDERLY FEMALE WALKING IN THE AREA 16-621 0932 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PEABODY RD ANX Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:34:32 Arvd-09:38:23 Clrd-10:04:58 2 Narrative: 01/12/2016 0934 MEDICATION Refer To Incident: 16-622 1009 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-63-OF Other - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Services Rendered 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-10:10:42 0000 - 2359 Arvd-10:10:43 Page: 329 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-10:13:00 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1010 10-2 SKUNK IN THE ROAD 16-623 1013 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - TRAFFIC CONTROL Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-10:13:00 Clrd-10:38:05 3 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1014 ASSIST DFD WITH TRAFFIC 16-624 1019 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby No Action Required Arvd-10:19:00 16-625 1047 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TOPAZ CIR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 16-626 1052 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd 1116 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ALYSSA DR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd 1 Clrd-10:59:00 Vehicle checked Arvd-11:16:00 Vehicle: Refer To Field Int: Clrd-11:18:57 1140 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-11:41:13 Arvd-11:44:31 Clrd-11:46:39 Refer To Field Int: 16-237-FI 1207 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-630 1215 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 Reg: NH DLPHN 16-201-FI 16-628 16-629 1 Clrd-10:53:20 Served Arvd-10:52:00 16-627 Clrd-10:47:35 Services Rendered Arvd-10:47:00 2 Phone - ROAD HAZARD Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:08:17 Could Not Locate Arvd-12:08:38 1 2 Clrd-12:12:34 Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [DY 2745] HOOD RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-12:18:21 Arvd-12:25:31 Clrd-13:10:05 3 Narrative: BIKE Refer To Incident: 16-631 1244 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-632 16-64-OF Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Warning Issued Arvd-12:44:00 Vehicle: 1328 Call Taker: Reg: 3 Clrd-12:47:55 NH NEXUS6 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 330 Printed: 01/22/2016 N MAIN ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-13:28:00 Vehicle: Reg: Clrd-13:36:01 NH L&M-1 16-633 1332 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VIN CHECK Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WYMAN ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:45:20 Arvd-13:45:22 Clrd-13:51:47 Refer To Field Int: 16-236-FI 3 16-634 2 1341 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:51:58 Arvd-13:54:37 Clrd-14:18:59 Refer To Field Int: 16-235-FI 16-635 1356 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-636 1415 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-13:58:51 Arvd-14:03:43 Clrd-14:17:09 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:58:56 Arvd-14:08:34 Clrd-14:17:07 2 Phone - VANDALISM Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:51:29 Clrd-14:54:19 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:10:49 Arvd-15:18:05 Clrd-15:26:17 3 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1415 WINDOW CRACKED Refer To Incident: 16-637 1453 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-66-OF Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:54:19 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:17:55 Report Taken Arvd-15:00:03 Clrd-15:32:43 Arvd-15:17:57 Clrd-15:32:42 1 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1504 OFF WITH NH BIIRRL AND NH 3696810 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1506 NEXT ON LIST LBP TOWING NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING FOR NH BIIRRL Narrative: 01/12/2016 1507 NEXT ON LIST BIRCH ST COLLISION NOTIFIED NH 3696810 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1519 BIRCH ST ON SCENE Narrative: 01/12/2016 1522 LBP ON SCENE Narrative: 01/12/2016 1532 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 16-638 1501 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: CARPENTIER VS YEAGER 16-17-AC Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Arrest(s) Made 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-15:02:15 0000 - 2359 Arvd-15:02:17 Page: 331 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-16:08:27 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1501 SUBJECT IN THE LOBBY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR AGGRAVATED DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED (X2) Narrative: 01/12/2016 1527 IDENTIFIED AS: SHELBIE MOTTRAM 4 PEMBROKE DR APT 24 DERRY NH DOB 7/14/91 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1533 PLACED IN CELL 1 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1602 RELEASED ON $1000 PR BAIL WITH COURT 2/18/16 PER BC JAGLOWSKI Refer To Arrest: 16-639 1509 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-34-AR Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GRETA AVE Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-15:19:20 Arvd-15:25:12 Clrd-15:28:44 2 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1509 PEOPLE ON THE ICE Refer To Field Int: 16-640 1520 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-641 1538 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-191-FI Other - SEX OFFENSES Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-15:20:44 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 + LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Report Taken Arvd-15:20:46 Reg: Clrd-15:20:54 Warning Issued Arvd-15:38:00 Vehicle: Clrd-15:42:52 1548 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - DISTURBANCE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY + MAPLE ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:49:00 Arvd-15:49:05 Clrd-15:53:23 Refer To Field Int: 16-268-FI 1620 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Summons Issued Arvd-16:20:00 Vehicle: 16-644 1626 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-645 1632 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 3 NH 375 16-642 16-643 1 1 3 Clrd-16:29:10 NH 3845172 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-16:26:00 Clrd-16:30:06 Reg: NH GET-LOW 3 Initiated - MV STOP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-16:32:00 Clrd-16:37:10 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 332 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-646 1635 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Dana P Park Disp-16:36:13 Arvd-16:36:15 Clrd-16:36:17 Refer To Field Int: 16-214-FI 16-647 1638 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby No Action Required Arvd-16:38:00 1649 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 2 Clrd-16:42:57 16-648 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-16:49:00 Clrd-16:52:40 3 16-649 Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N HIGH ST + ELM ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 3 1717 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle checked Arvd-17:17:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-650 1726 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-17:24:51 NH 3377718 Initiated - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Arvd-17:26:00 Clrd-17:28:29 3 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1726 FOUND DRIVERS LICENSE RETURNED TO OWNER 16-651 1729 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DEPARTMENT INFO Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Disp-17:29:24 Services Rendered Arvd-17:29:26 3 Clrd-17:31:29 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1729 HIGHWAY DEPT PAGED FOR SNOW Narrative: 01/12/2016 1731 HIGHWAY DEPT (BILL) NOTIFIED 16-652 1734 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HOWARD ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-17:34:00 Clrd-17:37:45 2 16-653 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-17:38:32 Arvd-17:39:46 Clrd-18:53:26 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:38:34 Arvd-17:41:51 Clrd-18:27:16 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:45:27 Arvd-17:55:18 Clrd-18:12:26 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-17:51:40 Arvd-17:51:42 Clrd-18:38:33 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:02:36 Arvd-18:02:38 Clrd-18:27:27 1 1738 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: Narrative: 01/12/2016 1741 NEXT ON LIST SPACETOWN AUTO NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING FOR NH 392907 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1803 SPACETOWN ON SCENE Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 333 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1901 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 16-654 1752 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: 16-655 1811 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: FUREY VS EMBANKMENT 16-18-AC Phone - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle Moved Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ISLAND POND RD + LAWRENCE RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-17:53:17 Arvd-18:00:55 Clrd-18:02:26 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Reg: NH 3578138 2 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD + THORNTON ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:12:37 Arvd-18:17:20 Clrd-19:01:03 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:27:24 Arvd-18:31:05 Clrd-18:53:14 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-18:38:36 Arvd-18:38:38 Clrd-18:53:11 1 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1821 NEXT ON LIST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING FOR NH -EBENarrative: 01/12/2016 1822 AAA REQUESTED FOR NH 2827304. AAA UNABLE TO RESPOND IN A TIMELY MANNER. MOVING TO NEXT ON LIST LBP. LBP NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 01/12/2016 1856 DPW REQUESTED FOR TREATMENT Refer To Accident: 16-656 1829 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: 16-19-AC Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:31:56 Arvd-18:42:54 Clrd-19:27:48 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GRN 2005 FORD VN FREESTYLE Reg: PC NH 3371448 VIN: 1FMDK06165GA26639 01/12/2016 1848 OWNER CONTACTED AAA PRIOR TO ARRIVAL. AAA NOTIFIED TO CANCEL DUE EXTENDED WAIT TIME. NEXT ON LIST BIRCH ST COLLISION NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 01/12/2016 1910 BIRCH ST ON SCENE Narrative: 01/12/2016 1926 BRAVO VS SIGN Refer To Accident: 16-657 1846 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-20-AC Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ELM ST Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-18:54:06 Arvd-19:03:03 Clrd-19:33:06 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1846 DOG BITE Narrative: 01/12/2016 1916 DOG TAKEN TO THE POUND Refer To Incident: 16-67-OF 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 911 - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LAWRENCE RD + STARK RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-18:57:45 ID: Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-19:07:17 Refer To Field Int: 16-183-FI 0000 - 2359 16-658 1857 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-659 1859 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 + ENGLISH RANGE RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-19:01:10 Page: 334 Printed: 01/22/2016 Vehicle Moved Arvd-19:03:06 Clrd-19:06:00 Arvd-19:07:23 Clrd-19:16:31 Report Taken Arvd-19:12:56 2 1 Clrd-19:33:51 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1917 OFF WITH NH 3924801 Narrative: 01/12/2016 1933 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 1906 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: GUINESSO-COLBY VS TREE 16-21-AC 16-660 Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LAWRENCE RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Arvd-19:06:00 Clrd-19:07:17 2 16-661 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Sergeant Kevin W Jackson 3 1919 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: No Action Required Arvd-19:19:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-662 1927 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Clrd-19:21:16 NH 2861821 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WINDHAM RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-19:27:45 Clrd-19:31:28 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-19:32:01 Clrd-19:35:04 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-19:34:43 Arvd-19:41:24 Clrd-20:44:55 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-19:38:22 Arvd-19:45:45 Clrd-19:46:40 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 1 01/12/2016 1944 next on list for tow (Spacetown Auto) contacted and responding NH C/H 3680 Narrative: 01/12/2016 2005 SPACETOWN ON SCENE Refer To Accident: 16-24-AC 16-663 1927 Phone - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD No Action Required Call Taker: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Location/Address: PINGREE HILL RD + ENGLISH RANGE RD Narrative: 01/12/2016 1947 subject got out on their own - Police service cancelled 16-664 1930 Call Taker: Location/Address: 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Patrol Officer Robert S Moore SILVESTRI CIR Verbal in Nature 2 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-19:31:34 Arvd-19:37:30 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-19:31:38 Arvd-19:40:17 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: 335 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-20:00:06 Clrd-20:00:08 01/12/2016 1931 MALE/FEMALE YELLING Refer To Field Int: 16-665 1933 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-179-FI Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer No Action Required Arvd-19:33:00 16-666 1936 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: 2 Clrd-19:37:24 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD + ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-19:37:36 Arvd-19:43:41 Clrd-20:02:44 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Reg: PC NH 2845147 Reg: VAN NH SWISSMS 1 01/12/2016 2202 HILLS VS. STARACE = FULL REPORT Refer To Accident: 16-667 1949 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: 16-22-AC Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-20:01:19 Arvd-20:12:59 Clrd-20:29:11 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 01/12/2016 2028 REPORTABLE. Refer To Field Int: Refer To Accident: 16-668 1951 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Cleared By: Narrative: 1 STARKEY VS GORDON 16-212-FI 16-23-AC Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 2494] ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-20:00:48 Clrd-20:07:31 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:05:40 Arvd-20:05:42 Clrd-20:08:07 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-20:05:47 Clrd-20:07:26 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 01/12/2016 1952 vault alarm Refer To Field Int: 16-669 2008 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: 16-199-FI 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OAK ST Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-20:08:38 Arvd-20:13:11 Clrd-20:22:41 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Disp-20:08:41 Arvd-20:16:20 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Refer To Field Int: 16-180-FI Page: 336 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-20:22:43 16-670 2018 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-20:23:48 Arvd-20:30:51 Clrd-21:10:01 ID: Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:24:05 Arvd-20:33:01 Clrd-21:09:58 Refer To Incident: 16-69-OF 16-671 Phone - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-20:29:21 Arvd-20:37:34 Clrd-20:40:45 2019 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 2 Narrative: 01/12/2016 2020 MULTIPLE CARS STUCK ON THE HILL 16-672 2032 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched Arrived Cleared Refer To Phone - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Patrol Officer Robert S Moore HAMPSHIRE DR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-20:43:51 Arvd-21:02:42 Clrd-21:02:44 By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Incident: 16-68-OF 16-673 2043 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: 2 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore PEABODY RD ANX Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:45:48 Arvd-20:53:27 Clrd-21:55:52 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-20:51:12 Arvd-20:51:13 Clrd-21:21:51 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-21:56:09 Arvd-21:56:11 Clrd-22:27:55 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BLU 2002 BMW 4D 3-SERIES Reg: PC NH 3782695 VIN: WBAEV33462KL57081 01/12/2016 2044 kids yelling/sqealing tires Narrative: NEXT ON LIST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING. RECOVERY SOLUTIONS TOWED NH 3782695 Refer To Accident: Refer To Incident: 16-25-AC 16-70-OF 16-674 2111 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle checked Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Arvd-21:11:00 Clrd-21:21:41 Refer To Field Int: 16-184-FI 16-675 2123 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Seth Plumer No Action Required Arvd-21:23:00 Clrd-21:56:13 2 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-676 2148 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 337 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Vehicle checked Patrol Officer Robert S Moore NORMAN DR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-21:49:45 Arvd-21:58:11 Clrd-22:00:57 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 1 01/12/2016 2149 vehicle impeding snow removal 16-677 2201 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DISTURBANCE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand STARK RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-22:04:30 Arvd-22:09:32 Clrd-22:13:54 1 16-678 Initiated - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WHITTEMORE DR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus 1 2201 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Parking Ticket Issued Arvd-22:01:00 16-679 2220 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WHITTEMORE DR Patrol Officer Adam J Petkus Disp-22:21:10 Clrd-22:07:03 No Action Required Arvd-22:26:26 1 Clrd-22:52:39 Narrative: 01/12/2016 2230 NH 3873105 IMPEDING SNOW REMOVAL. MESSAGES LEFT WITH REGISTERED OWNER. NEXT ON LIST LBP TOWING NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING Narrative: 01/12/2016 2247 LBP ON SCENE Narrative: 01/12/2016 2252 OWNER ARRIVED ON SCENE. AND MOVED BACK TO NEXT ON LIST. 16-680 2331 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-681 2344 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: For Date: 01/13/2016 0751 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: SENT ON THEIR WAY 1 Arvd-23:31:00 Clrd-23:34:44 BLU 2005 JEEP SU LIBERTY Reg: PC NH 3534432 VIN: 1J4GL48K65W574703 BLK 2009 HOND SU CRV Reg: PC NH 3693230 VIN: 5J6RE48739L054657 Vehicle: Vehicle: 16-682 Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PIERCE AVE Patrol Officer Raul Rivera LBP CLEARED SCENE Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Message Delivered 1 Dispatcher Christine D Carlson KEATS DR Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:57:24 Arvd-00:12:50 Clrd-01/13/2016 @ 00:37:00 Sergeant Michael W Hughes Disp-23:57:26 Arvd-00:12:52 Clrd-01/13/2016 @ 00:36:59 - Wednesday Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 3098] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-07:51:52 Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-07:51:53 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-07:53:08 Narrative: confirmed false False Alarm Clrd-07:54:32 Arvd-07:53:24 Clrd-07:55:14 Arvd-07:53:09 Clrd-07:55:12 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 0809 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 338 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-210-FI 16-683 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Detective Stephen E Clark Arvd-08:09:00 Clrd-08:19:13 2 16-684 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Christina L Power LINLEW DR Detective Dana P Park 1 0823 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Not Served Arvd-08:23:00 16-685 0827 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Clrd-08:28:00 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Sergeant David Michaud Disp-08:27:58 Arvd-08:30:38 Clrd-08:50:13 BLU 2002 TOYT CAMRY Reg: NH 700807 VIN: 4T1BF30K92U512065 1 Feole v. Stevens Non Reportable Refer To Accident: 16-686 0834 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-26-AC Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Detective Stephen E Clark Cleared Arvd-08:34:00 16-687 0846 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0853 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power MAGNOLIA LN Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Arvd-08:46:00 2 Clrd-08:42:10 2 Clrd-08:50:23 16-688 Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Arvd-08:53:00 Clrd-09:01:46 2 16-689 Phone - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power SUNSET CIR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-08:59:59 Arvd-09:08:10 Clrd-09:22:10 Refer To Incident: 16-71-OF 2 16-690 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Christina L Power RT 111 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-09:22:20 Arvd-09:36:27 Clrd-09:54:06 0859 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 0913 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 Narrative: possible marijuana in the building Refer To Field Int: 16-691 0916 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-239-FI Phone - ABANDONED 911 Dispatcher Christina L Power TSIENNETO RD Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-09:17:45 Narrative: open line Narrative: checked and found no issues Services Rendered Arvd-09:21:38 Clrd-09:23:43 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-692 0936 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Christina L Power TOPAZ CIR Detective Dana P Park Not Served Arvd-09:36:00 16-693 0938 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Page: 339 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-09:41:07 Clrd-09:54:25 Report Taken Arvd-09:41:43 1 1 Clrd-10:16:02 Narrative: full report huvel vs victoria. Refer To Accident: 16-694 0959 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-27-AC Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Christina L Power ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Not Served Arvd-09:59:00 16-695 1033 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power RAILROAD AVE Patrol Officer Brian J Landry 16-696 1039 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-10:03:29 Cleared Arvd-10:33:00 Initiated - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Christina L Power ISLAND POND RD + LAWRENCE RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd 1 2 Clrd-10:42:11 Report Taken 1 Arvd-10:39:00 Clrd-11:10:07 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:42:18 Arvd-11:02:26 Clrd-11:09:08 SIL 2008 HYUN ELANTRA Reg: NH 2335705 VIN: KMHDU46D18U313503 ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 01/13/2016 1043 next on the list requested, LBP assigned Narrative: 01/13/2016 1102 wrecker on scene Narrative: Eversource notified of pole 18-1/25P Narrative: Ferrara vs pole. reportable Refer To Accident: Refer To Field Int: 16-28-AC 16-344-FI 16-697 1108 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VIN CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power DREW WOODS DR Detective Dana P Park Disp-11:10:20 Refer To Field Int: 16-197-FI 16-698 1113 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Services Rendered Arvd-11:23:54 Clrd-11:37:17 Phone - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Christina L Power FRANKLIN ST EXT Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-11:14:24 Arvd-11:17:58 Clrd-11:26:06 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-11:14:27 Arvd-11:17:28 Clrd-11:26:04 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-11:17:27 Arvd-11:17:29 Clrd-11:26:02 Narrative: between mother/daughter 3 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 16-699 1116 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 340 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-209-FI Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 1386] OLD CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:17:18 Clrd-11:24:46 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-11:17:22 Clrd-11:28:12 Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:28:33 Arvd-11:28:34 Clrd-11:32:39 1 Narrative: general Narrative: checked and all was secure Refer To Field Int: 16-700 1121 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 16-240-FI Phone - TREE(S) DOWN Removed Hazard Dispatcher Christina L Power OLD CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:24:51 Arvd-11:24:52 Clrd-11:28:29 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-11:28:26 Arvd-11:28:27 Clrd-11:36:58 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-11:29:05 Clrd-11:34:28 1 Narrative: 01/13/2016 1134 DPW on scene 16-701 1122 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christina L Power HILDA AVE Detective Dana P Park Disp-11:51:51 Cleared Arvd-12:01:26 3 Clrd-12:17:46 Narrative: speeding logging trucks Refer To Field Int: 16-702 1139 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-198-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Detective Stephen E Clark Summons Issued Arvd-11:39:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-703 1200 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-11:51:41 NH 3794647 Phone - THEFT Dispatcher Christina L Power PAUL AVE Detective Dana P Park Disp-12:17:52 Report Taken Arvd-12:25:43 2 Clrd-12:56:55 Narrative: coat Refer To Incident: 16-704 1233 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-705 1322 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-73-OF Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Christina L Power JAMES STREET EXT Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-12:33:00 Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power BEDARD AVE Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-13:23:11 Arvd-13:25:48 2 Clrd-12:39:16 1 Clrd-13:33:14 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-706 1322 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Phone - ASSAULT Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Sergeant Robert F Smith Disp-13:23:55 Page: 341 Printed: 01/22/2016 Report Taken 1 Clrd-13:25:13 Narrative: Report of possible child abuse. 16-707 1323 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Captain Vernon L Thomas Summons Issued Arvd-13:23:00 Vehicle: 3 Clrd-13:38:04 Reg: PC NH 3560328 16-708 1336 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 16-709 1339 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ALARM(OTHER) False Alarm Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 1278] EASTGATE RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-13:37:46 Arvd-13:40:15 Clrd-13:43:40 Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-13:37:52 Arvd-13:40:17 Clrd-13:43:58 Sergeant David Michaud Disp-13:40:49 Arvd-13:40:50 Clrd-13:43:56 2 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd 3 Warning Issued Arvd-13:39:00 Vehicle: Clrd-13:43:04 Reg: PC NH 3421181 16-710 1347 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power EMERALD DR Sergeant David Michaud Cleared Arvd-13:47:00 Refer To Field Int: 16-711 1408 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-712 1425 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1430 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-13:49:58 16-193-FI Phone - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power OVERLEDGE DR Detective Dana P Park Disp-14:13:08 Arvd-14:19:57 Clrd-14:19:58 Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-14:13:11 Arvd-14:19:56 Clrd-14:19:59 2 Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Christina L Power BYPASS 28 + DANIEL RD Detective Stephen E Clark 3 Vehicle Moved Arvd-14:25:00 16-713 2 Clrd-14:30:11 Phone - ROAD HAZARD Removed Hazard Dispatcher Christina L Power BIRCH ST + ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-14:31:50 Arvd-14:33:20 Clrd-14:34:16 2 Narrative: sign in the roadway 16-714 1441 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-715 Vehicle: 1507 Call Taker: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Detective Stephen E Clark SIL 2002 FORD EXPLORER Summons Issued Arvd-14:41:00 Reg: PC NH 2834467 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power 3 Clrd-14:49:50 Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 342 Printed: 01/22/2016 TSIENNETO RD Captain Vernon L Thomas Vehicle: Arvd-15:07:00 Reg: PC NH 3336768 BLU 2010 HOND CIVIC 16-716 1512 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:13:20 Reg: NH 3003160 Reg: NH 3728140 Clrd-15:13:22 Report Taken Arvd-15:14:35 1 Clrd-16:36:44 01/13/2016 1535 next AAA requested for NH reg 3003160 Narrative: 01/13/2016 1614 wrecker on scene Narrative: full report, woosley vs guilbault Refer To Accident: 16-717 1515 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-29-AC Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSTEAD RD + DAMREN RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Warning Issued Arvd-15:15:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-718 1541 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-15:21:52 NH 3677665 Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:47:49 Arvd-15:50:59 Clrd-16:15:38 2 Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES ADVICE GIVEN Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:02:33 Arvd-16:15:36 Clrd-16:26:16 Refer To Field Int: 16-192-FI 2 16-719 1600 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-720 1633 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Walk-In - THEFT Dispatcher Christina L Power SUMMIT AVE Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:34:31 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Report Taken Arvd-16:34:32 2 Clrd-16:36:08 change and jewelry Refer To Incident: 16-721 1636 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-722 1640 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-723 ID: 1644 Call Taker: 16-75-OF Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-16:36:00 Clrd-16:40:33 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:37:10 Arvd-16:37:11 Clrd-16:40:31 2 Radio - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDER Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:52:26 Arvd-16:52:30 Clrd-16:53:33 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:52:29 Arvd-16:52:31 Clrd-16:53:31 2 Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 Services Rendered Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 E BROADWAY Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-16:53:41 Arvd-16:54:27 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:53:43 Arvd-16:54:32 Captain George R Feole Disp-16:54:28 ID: ID: Page: 343 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-16:59:00 Clrd-16:58:59 Clrd-16:54:31 Narrative: loud music Narrative: all was quiet on arrival 16-724 1703 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-725 1706 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 997] PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-17:03:00 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power SCHURMAN DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer 1715 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-17:17:48 Refer To Field Int: 16-190-FI 16-727 1716 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Clrd-17:55:24 Served Arvd-17:06:00 16-726 1 2 Clrd-17:43:54 ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-17:17:50 3 Clrd-17:20:01 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Christina L Power BALLARD RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:17:11 Arvd-17:29:30 Clrd-18:10:26 SIL 2007 BMW 3 SERIES Reg: NH 3865914 VIN: WBAVC735X7A236153 struck mailbox Narrative: 01/13/2016 1741 vehicle located on Drew Rd, next AAA requested Narrative: Cunha v. mailbox , full report Refer To Accident: 16-728 1759 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-30-AC Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:00:08 Report Taken Arvd-18:05:30 1 Clrd-18:29:07 Narrative: Hartnett v Reyes full report Refer To Accident: 16-729 16-31-AC 1815 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-730 Phone - THEFT Dispatcher Christina L Power ROLLINS ST Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-18:16:37 Refer To Incident: 16-76-OF 1825 Call Taker: Location/Address: Phone - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Christina L Power FORDWAY ST Report Taken Arvd-18:16:39 2 Clrd-18:16:51 Services Rendered 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Sergeant Kevin W Jackson Disp-18:26:04 0000 - 2359 Arvd-18:26:05 Page: 344 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-18:45:02 Narrative: dog released. 16-731 1833 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-732 1842 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-18:33:00 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Clrd-18:44:55 Warning Issued Arvd-18:42:00 Vehicle: 2 3 Clrd-18:45:07 Reg: TM NH 1818589 16-733 1845 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: 16-734 1854 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: 16-735 1922 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Christina L Power TOPAZ CIR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-18:45:00 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-18:46:00 Arvd-18:47:28 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Initiated - PAPER SERVICE Served Patrol Officer Robert S Moore OVERLEDGE DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-18:54:00 Dispatcher Christina L Power Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Dispatcher Christina L Power Disp-19:25:04 2 Clrd-18:48:38 Clrd-18:48:14 3 Clrd-18:58:41 Could Not Locate Arvd-19:25:05 1 Clrd-19:25:07 Narrative: no longer lives at that address 16-736 2051 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 1763] MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:58:33 Arvd-21:08:51 Clrd-21:30:50 Dispatcher Christina L Power BLK 2005 DODG SU DURANGO Reg: PC NH 2723998 VIN: 1D8HB48N35F593508 01/13/2016 2054 susp. vehicle parked/blocking driveway Refer To Field Int: 2150 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-224-FI 16-737 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power ELM ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-21:50:00 Clrd-21:55:34 2 16-738 Phone - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 1454] MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-22:11:25 Arvd-22:11:33 Clrd-22:32:26 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-22:11:27 Arvd-22:13:46 Clrd-22:32:30 Patrol Officer James M McClafferty 2 2210 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Disp-22:11:29 0000 - 2359 Arvd-22:16:44 Page: 345 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-22:32:28 Narrative: checked and all was okay Refer To Field Int: For Date: 01/14/2016 16-739 0111 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: - 16-223-FI Thursday Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PARKLAND DR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Served Arvd-01:11:00 16-740 0507 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-741 0809 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 1 Clrd-01:24:28 Phone - DELIVER A MESSAGE Message Delivered Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PEMIGEWASSET CIR Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-05:08:48 Arvd-05:21:01 Clrd-05:28:27 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-05:13:58 Arvd-05:23:30 Clrd-05:28:28 1 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand COLES GROVE RD Civilian Robin Bordonaro Disp-08:09:47 Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-08:12:45 1 Services Rendered Arvd-08:09:49 Clrd-09:20:15 Arvd-08:20:39 Clrd-09:20:13 Narrative: 01/14/2016 0809 DEER STUCK ON THE ICE Narrative: 01/14/2016 0920 DEER TAKEN TO TRANSFER STATION 16-742 0837 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:39:15 Arvd-08:39:19 Clrd-09:24:01 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-09:23:58 Arvd-09:24:00 Clrd-11:11:22 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 01/14/2016 0837 SUBJECT IN THE LOBBY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR AGGRAVATED FELONIOUS SEXUAL ASSAULT (X5) AND INCEST (X5) Narrative: 01/14/2016 0912 IDENTIFIED AS: MURRAY HUBER 40L BERRY RD DERRY NH DOB 10/29/48 Narrative: 01/14/2016 0931 PLACED IN CELL 3 Narrative: 01/14/2016 0953 SUBJECT HELD ON $25,000 CASH BAIL PER BC JAGLOWSKI Narrative: 01/14/2016 1040 SUBJECT CHECKED Narrative: 01/14/2016 1123 714 TRANSPORTING ONE TO BRENTWOOD 55190.5 Narrative: SM 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 01/14/2016 1152 714 OFF AT BRENTWOOD Page: 346 Printed: 01/22/2016 EM 55211.8 Narrative: 01/14/2016 1201 714 CLEAR JAIL. Refer To Arrest: SUBJECT RELEASED TO RC HOC 16-35-AR 16-743 0859 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-09:00:58 Arvd-09:01:00 Clrd-09:01:03 Refer To Field Int: 16-215-FI 16-745 0922 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - FOUND/LOST PROPERTY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROLLINS ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:32:56 Arvd-09:35:05 Clrd-09:41:08 1 3 Narrative: 01/14/2016 0941 FOUND LICENSE PLATE 16-744 0923 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Initiated - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ELM ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Arvd-09:23:00 Clrd-09:31:01 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-09:23:50 Arvd-09:30:51 Clrd-09:31:02 2 Narrative: 01/14/2016 0923 SUBJECT CLIMBING ONTO BALCONY 16-746 0937 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-747 0952 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WREN CT Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-09:41:48 Arvd-09:45:23 Clrd-10:03:35 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-09:41:51 Arvd-09:45:24 Clrd-10:03:37 2 911 - MV LOCKOUT Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TIGERTAIL CIR Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-09:53:56 Arvd-09:57:00 Clrd-10:08:42 2 Narrative: 01/14/2016 1008 ASSIST DFD WITH LOCKOUT WITH CHILD IN CAR 16-748 1006 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD + BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-10:07:24 Services Rendered Arvd-10:11:21 2 Clrd-10:14:44 Narrative: 01/14/2016 1006 TRAFFIC LIGHT NOT FUNCTIONING PROPERLY 16-749 1015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-750 1020 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVIC Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand JAMES STREET EXT Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Arvd-10:15:00 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Reg: NH 3808485 Clrd-10:18:20 Summons Issued Arvd-10:20:00 Vehicle: 2 Clrd-10:28:36 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 347 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-751 1026 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE Verbal in Nature Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-10:28:11 Arvd-10:30:46 Clrd-10:48:05 ID: Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-10:28:16 Arvd-10:30:48 Clrd-10:48:07 ID: Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-10:28:59 Arvd-10:32:01 Clrd-10:48:08 Refer To Field Int: 16-200-FI 16-752 1057 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - ASSIST OTHER AGENCY Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-10:57:47 Arvd-11:00:21 Clrd-11:14:47 1 3 Narrative: 01/14/2016 1100 ASSIST DFD WITH TRAFFIC Refer To Field Int: 16-753 1102 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-205-FI Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BRIAR LN Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Not Served Arvd-11:02:00 1 Clrd-11:05:55 16-754 1102 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - CRIMINAL THREAT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W RUNNING BROOK LN Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-11:06:08 Arvd-11:14:57 Clrd-14:41:59 ID: Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-12:08:01 Arvd-12:13:33 Clrd-13:22:30 ID: Captain Vernon L Thomas Disp-12:18:18 Arvd-12:18:20 Clrd-13:27:25 Refer To Incident: 16-80-OF 16-755 Walk-In - VANDALISM Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike MANCHESTER AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-11:11:40 Arvd-11:11:44 Clrd-11:12:26 1106 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 3 Narrative: SUBJECT CAME INTO DPDHQ TO REPORT 2 OF HIS M/V'S TIRES HAD BEEN SLASHED. NO SUSPECTS. REPORT TAKEN Refer To Incident: 16-756 1115 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-77-OF Initiated - TRANSPORT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry TRANSPORTED Arvd-11:15:00 3 Clrd-12:29:55 Narrative: 01/14/2016 1123 714 TRANSPORTING ONE TO BRENTWOOD 55190.5 SM Narrative: 01/14/2016 1152 714 OFF AT BRENTWOOD EM 55211.8 Narrative: 01/14/2016 1152 SUBJECT RELEASED TO RC HOC 16-757 1122 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BRADY AVE Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-11:27:02 Arvd-11:33:57 Clrd-12:15:53 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 01/14/2016 1122 ASSIST DEPT OF ELDERLY SERVICES WELFARE CHECK Refer To Field Int: Page: 348 Printed: 01/22/2016 WITH 16-204-FI 16-758 1131 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Other - LARCENY /FORGERY/ FRAUD Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N SHORE (IP) RD Detective Benjamin J Doyle Disp-11:32:14 Arvd-11:32:16 Clrd-11:37:08 Refer To Incident: 16-78-OF 16-759 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP No Action Required Dispatcher Jess W Arcand PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-12:01:00 Clrd-12:07:52 2 16-760 Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti 2 1201 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1205 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: No Action Required Arvd-12:05:00 16-761 1219 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Reg: 16-762 1223 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-12:19:41 Warning Issued Arvd-12:19:00 Vehicle: 2 3 Clrd-12:21:52 NH 270881 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:23:46 Services Rendered Arvd-12:23:48 2 Clrd-12:26:14 Narrative: 01/14/2016 1223 SUSPICIOUS MV IN PARKING LOT Narrative: 01/14/2016 1223 CHECKING NH 3872835 Refer To Field Int: 16-763 16-241-FI 1249 Initiated - Drop Box Maintenance Call Taker: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Refer To Incident: 16-79-OF 16-764 1319 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Services Rendered Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [MHT] VALLEY ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-13:27:18 Arvd-14:00:39 Clrd-14:53:14 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-14:39:08 Arvd-14:39:10 Clrd-15:36:34 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-15:36:32 Arvd-15:48:15 Clrd-16:47:58 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 01/14/2016 1320 MANCHESTER PD HAS ONE IN CUSTODY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR CHANGE OF REGISTRATION INFORMATION; DUTY TO INFORM AND FALSE REGISTRATION INFORMATION Narrative: 01/14/2016 1400 124 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY. ONE SM 46595.0 Narrative: EN ROUTE TO HQ WITH 01/14/2016 1417 124 OFF AT HQ EM 46605.5 3 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 349 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/14/2016 1455 IDENTIFIED AS: MICHAEL WILSON 4A DESMARAIS AVE DERRY NH DOB 9/7/55 Narrative: 01/14/2016 1455 PLACED IN CELL 3 Narrative: 01/14/2016 1526 held on $4000 cash per BC Narrative: 01/14/2016 1548 enroute to RCJ s/m 68234.9 Narrative: 01/14/2016 1620 off at RCJ e/m 68256 Refer To Arrest: 16-36-AR 16-765 1335 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - STRUCK ANIMAL Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WINDHAM RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-13:38:32 Arvd-13:38:34 Clrd-13:49:13 Refer To Field Int: 16-218-FI 2 16-766 2 1415 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand POND RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:16:08 Arvd-14:18:53 Clrd-14:24:29 Refer To Field Int: 16-221-FI 16-767 1426 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Warning Issued Arvd-14:26:00 Vehicle: 16-768 Reg: Clrd-14:30:47 NH 3895295 1427 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSAULT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:39:19 Arvd-14:43:58 Clrd-15:09:59 Cleared By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Refer To Incident: 16-81-OF 16-769 1504 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Detective Ryan O'Rourke Disp-15:05:36 Arvd-15:08:58 Clrd-15:09:00 Refer To Field Int: 16-285-FI 16-770 1536 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power POND RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Warning Issued Arvd-15:36:00 Vehicle: 16-771 1544 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 3 1 1 3 Clrd-15:40:05 NH 2825217 Phone - FIGHT Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 466] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-15:44:50 Could Not Locate Arvd-15:46:21 Clrd-15:57:46 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-15:44:53 Arvd-15:46:30 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-15:44:56 Arvd-15:52:04 ID: 16-772 1616 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Page: 350 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-15:52:08 Clrd-15:57:48 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:17:25 Clrd-16:29:23 Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-16:17:27 Arvd-16:22:51 Clrd-16:41:56 Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:17:32 Arvd-16:22:48 Clrd-16:42:35 1 Narrative: 01/14/2016 1625 next on the list requested for NH DX 2226, Birch St assigned. Narrative: 01/14/2016 1642 wrecker on scene full report, haley vs paradis Refer To Accident: 16-773 1628 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-32-AC Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Christina L Power SILVESTRI CIR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:29:20 Services Rendered Arvd-16:34:15 2 Clrd-16:36:49 Narrative: no issue found 16-774 1644 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:47:55 Arvd-16:49:13 Clrd-16:55:34 2 16-775 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Christina L Power FOLSOM RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-16:55:29 GRY 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE Reg: NH 3780267 Reg: NH 2741586 1 1655 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Vehicle: Vehicle: Narrative: Report Taken Arvd-16:59:07 Clrd-17:41:00 Reg: PC NH 2012773 Rahilly vs Pelligrino vs Galvin full report Refer To Accident: 16-776 1657 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: 16-33-AC Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Gone on Arrival Sergeant Kevin W Jackson W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-17:00:35 Arvd-17:01:06 Clrd-17:19:10 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Reg: NH 3894349 2 Green Windstar 16-777 1721 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Christina L Power PINGREE HILL RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-17:22:34 Narrative: dog in the middle of the road Services Rendered Arvd-17:43:04 Clrd-18:03:28 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 351 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: white dog placed in the pound Refer To Field Int: 16-222-FI 16-778 1740 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power OLDE COACH RD Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-17:40:57 Arvd-17:46:49 Clrd-18:01:30 Refer To Field Int: 16-208-FI Refer To Field Int: 16-295-FI 16-779 1743 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-780 1754 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VIN CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power MAXWELL DR Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-18:12:33 Phone - THEFT Dispatcher Christina L Power WINDHAM RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-17:54:57 Services Rendered Arvd-18:31:17 3 Clrd-18:35:12 Report Taken Arvd-18:02:11 1 2 Clrd-18:12:26 Narrative: identity Refer To Incident: 1930 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-82-OF 16-781 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Not Served Dispatcher Christina L Power MAPLE ST Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Arvd-19:30:00 Clrd-19:34:38 16-782 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer James M McClafferty Disp-19:58:46 Arvd-20:00:30 Clrd-20:49:01 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-19:58:49 Arvd-20:00:40 Clrd-20:26:50 Dispatcher Christina L Power SIL 2006 HYUN PU TUCSON Reg: PC NH 2188354 VIN: KM8JN72D66U277893 1957 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: Arrived By: Vehicle: Narrative: 1 01/14/2016 2004 next AAA wrecker requested for NH reg 2188354 Narrative: 01/14/2016 2048 Non reportable Gilroy vs Copeland Refer To Accident: 16-783 2008 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2016 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Warning Issued Arvd-20:08:00 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore MAR 1999 CHEV MALIBU Reg: VF MA A667 Cleared By: Vehicle: 16-784 16-34-AC 3 Clrd-20:17:39 Phone - KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore LINWOOD AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-20:26:54 Arvd-20:29:35 Clrd-20:31:54 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-20:27:01 Clrd-20:30:24 Narrative: 01/14/2016 2017 request keep the peace in regards to child 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 352 Printed: 01/22/2016 custody swap 16-785 2042 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 911 - ABANDONED 911 Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-20:43:22 Arvd-20:44:15 Clrd-20:49:49 Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-20:43:26 Arvd-20:44:14 Clrd-20:49:55 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-20:43:30 Arvd-20:48:19 Clrd-20:49:54 1 Narrative: 01/14/2016 2050 determined to be minor medical issue - no other problems 16-786 2322 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis GLD 2008 NISS 4D MAXIMA 16-787 2328 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-23:22:00 Reg: PC NH 2809031 Initiated - PED CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson PIERCE AVE Patrol Officer Raul Rivera 16-788 2335 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 2348 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: For Date: 01/15/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson RT 28 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot 16-790 0013 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 0200 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 3 Arvd-23:35:00 Clrd-23:39:23 Reg: PC NH 38776922 VIN: 1N4AL24E78C141502 Rendered 1 Clrd-23:53:07 Clrd-23:53:08 Clrd-23:53:04 Friday Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY + MT PLEASANT ST Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis WHI 2015 HYUN 4D SONATA 16-791 Clrd-23:33:14 Warning Issued Phone - DISTURBANCE Services Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 466] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-23:48:49 Arvd-23:49:39 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-23:48:50 Arvd-23:49:40 Sergeant Christopher R Talbot Disp-23:50:47 Arvd-23:50:49 - 2 16-254-FI BLK 2008 NISS 2D ALTIMA 16-789 Clrd-23:26:30 VIN: 1N4BA41E88C803128 SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-23:28:00 Refer To Field Int: 3 Warning Issued Arvd-00:13:00 Reg: PC NH 3622905 3 Clrd-00:19:32 VIN: KMHEC4A42FA139163 Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 1596] HOOD RD Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-02:01:20 Arvd-02:03:07 Clrd-02:10:07 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-02:01:21 Arvd-02:04:58 Clrd-02:10:05 1 Narrative: 01/15/2016 0201 16-792 Refer To Field Int: 0302 Call Taker: Front motion 16-259-FI Initiated - PED CHECK Dispatcher Christine D Carlson TRANSPORTED 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 353 Printed: 01/22/2016 W BROADWAY + EVERETT ST Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-03:02:00 Clrd-03:12:52 Narrative: 01/15/2016 0306 68,347.1 Transporting one to Mitchell Ave, s/m: 01/15/2016 0311 Off on Mitchell, e/m: 68,348.1 Narrative: Refer To Field Int: 16-793 0439 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-255-FI Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Dispatcher Christine D Carlson [DY 368] ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-04:40:19 Arvd-04:53:18 Clrd-04:53:22 Patrol Officer Peter A Houlis Disp-04:40:23 Arvd-04:51:44 Clrd-04:54:44 1 Narrative: 01/15/2016 0440 Refer To Field Int: 16-794 0622 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Stockroom motion 16-219-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson HOOD RD Sergeant Christopher R Talbot BLU 2003 DODG PU DAKOTA 16-795 0730 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-06:22:00 Reg: PC NH 3852222 3 Clrd-06:27:11 VIN: 1D7HG38N63S348805 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-07:31:37 Arvd-07:32:45 Clrd-08:20:10 Patrol Officer Joel C Jackson Disp-07:32:43 Arvd-07:39:03 Clrd-08:07:27 1 Narrative: 01/15/2016 0749 NEXT ON LIST SPACETOWN AUTO NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING FOR NH 3802410 Narrative: 01/15/2016 0755 SPACETOWN ON SCENE Narrative: 01/15/2016 0820 REPORTABLE. Crespo vs. Hussey Refer To Accident: 16-796 0743 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-797 0804 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-35-AC Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-08:07:41 ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-08:12:21 2 Clrd-08:26:46 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-08:09:28 Arvd-08:09:29 Clrd-08:24:31 1 Narrative: 01/15/2016 0811 OFF WITH NH 3623018 AND NH 3332860 Narrative: 01/15/2016 0824 NONREPORTABLE. Madore vs Layne Refer To Accident: 16-798 0835 Call Taker: Location/Address: 16-36-AC Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Services Rendered 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: 0859 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-08:47:36 Arvd-08:49:08 Page: 354 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-08:57:46 16-799 Initiated - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDE Not Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-08:59:00 Clrd-09:05:53 2 16-800 Initiated - SUBPOENA DELIVERY Served Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FOREST RIDGE RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-09:06:00 1 0906 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-801 0929 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-802 0955 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - PARKING COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-09:29:38 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Vehicle checked Arvd-09:37:21 16-803 1006 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 16-804 1009 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-805 1012 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Reg: 16-806 1022 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1026 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-10:09:53 NH 3716907 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FOLSOM RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-10:09:00 Clrd-10:17:02 Reg: NH 3543064 3 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 Warning Issued Reg: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Reg: Clrd-10:22:18 NH 3182947 Warning Issued Arvd-10:22:00 Vehicle: Clrd-09:59:49 Warning Issued Arvd-10:12:00 Vehicle: 3 NH V-MAN2 Arvd-10:06:00 Vehicle: 1 Clrd-09:45:53 Warning Issued Arvd-09:55:00 Vehicle: Clrd-09:18:59 3 Clrd-10:26:19 NH 3553902 16-807 Phone - TRAFFIC CONTROL Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY + BIRCH ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-10:27:25 Arvd-10:32:21 Clrd-11:01:58 3 16-808 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-10:35:00 Clrd-10:41:11 Reg: NH 2-39 3 Walk-In - SEXUAL OFFENDER REGISTRA Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR 1 1035 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-809 1045 Call Taker: Location/Address: Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 Detective Kennedy Richard Disp-10:46:18 Refer To Field Int: 16-286-FI 0000 - 2359 Page: 355 Printed: 01/22/2016 ID: 1059 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arvd-10:46:20 Clrd-11:00:20 16-810 911 - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jess W Arcand OLD MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-11:00:08 Arvd-11:00:09 Clrd-11:00:11 2 16-811 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand W BROADWAY + MARTIN ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 3 1106 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Arvd-11:06:00 Clrd-11:14:21 Reg: PC NH 3782712 VIN: 1FMDU35P8VZC26315 WHI 1997 FORD UT EXPLORER 16-812 1114 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Summons Issued Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 + SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Warning Issued Arvd-11:14:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-813 1115 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-814 1126 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-815 1131 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-11:20:16 NH 2530870 Initiated - DISABLED MV SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-11:15:00 Clrd-11:19:10 Reg: NH 11927 3 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-11:26:00 Clrd-11:29:05 Reg: NH 3900522 3 Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FORDWAY ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-11:50:34 Arvd-12:03:29 Clrd-12:10:38 2 Narrative: 01/15/2016 1131 PURSE Refer To Incident: 1204 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-83-OF 16-816 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WALL ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-12:10:45 Arvd-12:12:21 Clrd-12:17:48 2 16-817 Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-12:08:49 Arvd-12:09:07 Clrd-13:02:42 2 1206 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: 01/15/2016 1206 SUBJECT IN THE LOBBY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR MANUFACTURE OF A CONTROLLED DRUG AND AGGRAVATED FELONIOUS SEXUAL ASSAULT:FORCIBLE RAPE (X2) Narrative: 01/15/2016 1226 IDENTIFIED AS: TYLER GIANITSIS 12R HILLSIDE AVE DERRY NH DOB 3/31/91 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 356 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/15/2016 1228 PLACED IN CELL 3 Narrative: 01/15/2016 1323 BAIL SET AT $20,000 CASH PER BC JAGLOWSKI Narrative: 01/15/2016 1506 released on bail with a court date of 2/24/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-818 1233 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-37-AR Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FRANKLIN ST EXT Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Summons Issued Arvd-12:33:00 Vehicle: 3 Clrd-12:40:13 Reg: CN NH CH3H414 16-819 1236 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Assistance Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:36:43 Arvd-12:57:46 Clrd-13:02:28 2 Narrative: TT UNIT 16-820 1307 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SHOOTING COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WINDHAM RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:12:14 Arvd-13:12:40 Clrd-13:27:22 Refer To Field Int: 16-238-FI 16-821 1317 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FRANKLIN ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Warning Issued Arvd-13:17:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-822 1334 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-823 1346 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 3 Clrd-13:24:04 NH 3582160 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand HIGH ST Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Arvd-13:34:00 Clrd-13:39:30 Reg: NH MTXMOM 3 Initiated - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WALL ST Civilian Robin Bordonaro 1 Could Not Locate Arvd-13:46:00 Clrd-13:46:19 Narrative: 01/15/2016 1346 DOG LEFT IN A CAR 16-824 1418 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-825 1421 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:19:02 Arvd-14:21:04 Clrd-14:27:04 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:19:05 Arvd-14:27:00 Clrd-14:27:02 2 Walk-In - FINGERPRINTS Services Rendered Patrol Officer Brian J Landry [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-14:22:38 Arvd-14:22:40 Clrd-14:28:16 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-826 1422 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Thru: 01/17/2016 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti BLU 2010 HOND PU RIDGELINE 16-827 1429 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 0000 - 2359 Page: 357 Printed: 01/22/2016 Summons Issued 3 Arvd-14:22:00 Clrd-14:32:13 Reg: PC NH 2558745 VIN: 5FPYK1F5XAB007070 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand N MAIN ST + NESMITH ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-14:30:10 Arvd-14:33:05 Clrd-14:42:42 Patrol Officer Andrew J Faucher Disp-14:30:12 Arvd-14:33:07 Clrd-15:05:49 Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-14:32:09 Arvd-14:32:11 Clrd-15:00:53 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-14:36:28 Arvd-14:38:57 Clrd-15:19:13 Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 01/15/2016 1437 NEXT ON LIST RECOVERY SOUTIONS NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING FOR NH 701884 Narrative: 01/15/2016 1449 NEXT ON LIST LBP TOWING NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING FOR NH 3873365 Narrative: 01/15/2016 1451 RECOVERY SOLUTIONS ON SCENE Narrative: 01/15/2016 1500 LBP wrecker on scene Narrative: Ent vs. Proulx vs. Pascucci Refer To Accident: 16-828 1438 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-37-AC 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASH ST + ASH ST EXT Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-14:38:22 Arvd-14:45:48 Clrd-15:19:55 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:19:52 Arvd-15:19:56 Clrd-15:35:56 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 01/15/2016 1449 WATER DEPT NOTIFIED FOR STRUCK HYDRANT Narrative: 01/15/2016 1500 water dept on scene Narrative: 01/15/2016 1501 next AAA for NH reg 3839690 Narrative: 01/15/2016 1502 next on the list for NH reg 2041120, Birch St assignedc Narrative: 01/15/2016 1514 AAA was cancelled and Spacetown requested. Narrative: 01/15/2016 1515 Birch St on scene Narrative: 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 358 Printed: 01/22/2016 01/15/2016 1525 Spacetown on scene Narrative: Littlefield vs Rioux, full report. Refer To Field Int: Refer To Accident: 16-829 1520 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-326-FI 16-38-AC Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power OLD CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-15:23:12 Arvd-15:35:53 Clrd-15:36:05 2 Narrative: dk audi male subj w/long bln hair 16-830 1533 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power ALYSSA DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-15:36:17 Arvd-15:44:39 Clrd-15:56:38 2 Narrative: blue van on the side of the road 16-831 1556 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - DISPERSE A GROUP Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 466] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer SENT ON THEIR WAY Arvd-15:56:00 Refer To Field Int: 16-832 1604 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 2 Clrd-16:04:52 16-260-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-16:06:12 Reg: NH 3670210 Vehicle checked Arvd-16:11:15 2 Clrd-16:19:33 dk blu sedan Narrative: waiting for a spouse Refer To Field Int: 16-833 1606 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-225-FI Walk-In - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Brian J Landry Disp-16:06:52 Arvd-16:06:54 Clrd-16:19:07 2 Narrative: juvenile petition Refer To Arrest: 16-834 16-38-AR 1608 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - THEFT Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-16:20:07 Refer To Incident: 16-84-OF 16-835 1615 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Christina L Power MANCHESTER RD Sergeant David Michaud Disp-16:19:24 Report Taken Arvd-16:26:29 Clrd-16:57:28 Report Taken Arvd-16:25:16 Narrative: 01/15/2016 1642 Espinola vs parked car 2 Clrd-16:43:24 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Accident: 16-836 1622 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 16-39-AC Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-16:22:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-837 1633 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-838 1640 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 1657 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 1732 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-16:39:31 Warning Issued Arvd-16:40:00 Reg: PC NH 3532959 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin SIL 2008 SUBA 4D IMPREZA 16-840 3 NH 3822414 BLU 2005 NISS SENTRA 16-839 Clrd-16:32:12 Warning Issued Arvd-16:33:00 Reg: 3 NH 3385997 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Vehicle: Page: 359 Printed: 01/22/2016 3 Clrd-16:45:21 Warning Issued 3 Arvd-16:57:00 Clrd-17:07:05 Reg: PC NH 3291159 VIN: JF1GE61608G529351 Phone - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Disp-17:33:25 Arvd-17:36:37 Clrd-18:29:20 2 Narrative: subject into hq's to turn themself in on a warrant for criminal mischief. Diaz,Francisco 12 Fairway Dr Derry, NH dob 42077 Narrative: 01/15/2016 1829 released on $1500 PR with a court date of 2/24/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-841 1733 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-842 1748 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-843 16-39-AR Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power E DERRY RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin GRY 2005 BMW SU X3 Warning Issued Arvd-17:33:00 Clrd-17:36:38 Reg: PC NH 3808404 VIN: WBXPA93465WD03325 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-17:49:12 Could Not Locate Arvd-17:52:23 Phone - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-18:14:40 Arvd-18:17:31 Clrd-18:30:06 Refer To Incident: 16-85-OF 1856 Call Taker: Location/Address: Initiated - MV CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power BYPASS 28 1 Clrd-17:58:19 1813 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-844 3 Vehicle Moved 2 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 360 Printed: 01/22/2016 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-18:58:39 Vehicle: Reg: NH 3746440 Refer To Field Int: 16-226-FI Arvd-18:56:00 Clrd-19:08:59 Arvd-18:59:17 Clrd-19:09:00 ID: 16-845 1917 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Patrol Officer Robert S Moore CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Warning Issued 3 Arvd-19:17:00 Clrd-19:20:50 Dispatcher Christina L Power WHI 2009 TOYT 4D COROLLA Reg: PC NH 3386321 VIN: 2T1BU40EX9C060175 Cleared By: Vehicle: 16-846 1920 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - CRIMINAL THREAT Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-20:30:03 Arvd-20:34:38 Clrd-21:18:12 Dispatched By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Arrived By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Refer To Incident: 16-86-OF 16-847 1950 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Patrol Officer Robert S Moore DREW RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-19:53:13 Arvd-20:07:42 Clrd-20:33:01 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power BLK 2007 HOND 4D ACCORD Reg: PC NH 2807288 2 2 01/15/2016 1951 SUSP. VEHICLE PARKED ON SIDE OF ROAD 16-848 2024 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: 911 - DISTURBANCE Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Robert S Moore CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-20:25:25 Arvd-20:25:33 Clrd-20:41:27 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:25:30 Arvd-20:30:16 Clrd-20:37:42 1 Narrative: Argument in the parking lot. Refer To Field Int: 16-849 2032 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-220-FI Phone - DISTURBANCE Matter Rectified Sergeant Kevin W Jackson LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:37:48 Arvd-20:40:17 Clrd-20:55:34 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:37:52 Arvd-20:40:19 Clrd-20:55:33 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 loud noises 16-850 2038 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Phone - JUVENILE OFFENSES Patrol Officer Robert S Moore PINGREE HILL RD Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-20:53:20 Dispatcher Christina L Power Gone on Arrival Clrd-20:56:04 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Cleared By: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-20:53:27 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:56:34 Arvd-21:05:20 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatched By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Narrative: Page: 361 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-20:56:06 Clrd-21:09:42 01/15/2016 2039 kids throwing snow balls at passing vehicles 16-851 2045 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Phone - ALARM, BURGLAR False Alarm Patrol Officer Robert S Moore [DY 20] CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-20:46:40 Arvd-20:49:27 Clrd-20:52:39 Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-20:49:31 Arvd-20:50:30 Clrd-20:52:33 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 1 01/15/2016 2046 garage door Narrative: checked and secure. 16-852 2046 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 911 - UNWANTED SUBJECT Services Rendered Dispatcher Christina L Power OVERLOOK DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-20:56:26 Arvd-21:01:22 Clrd-21:18:24 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-20:56:29 Arvd-21:01:23 Clrd-21:18:23 2 Narrative: matter rectified for now Refer To Field Int: 16-853 2203 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: 16-244-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Christina L Power ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-22:07:18 Arvd-22:15:41 Clrd-22:15:50 Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-22:15:46 Arvd-22:15:47 Clrd-22:15:51 2 Narrative: blk p/up truck with subjects riding in the back 16-854 2215 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-855 2 Cleared By: Phone - ATTEMPTED PAPER SERVICE Could Not Locate Patrol Officer Robert S Moore FAIRWAY DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-22:16:14 Arvd-22:24:18 Clrd-22:40:53 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Seth Plumer Disp-22:16:15 Arvd-22:24:18 Clrd-22:40:51 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-22:16:17 Arvd-22:24:18 Clrd-22:40:48 Dispatcher Christina L Power Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-22:16:19 Arvd-22:24:18 Clrd-22:40:47 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2232 Call Taker: Phone - ALARM(OTHER) Patrol Officer Robert S Moore 2 Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: Cleared By: ID: No Action Required Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 362 Printed: 01/22/2016 [DY 967] CRYSTAL AVE 01/15/2016 2232 assist DFD with investigation of medical alarm Narrative: cancelled prior to arrival. 16-856 2301 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-857 2325 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Vehicle checked 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LAUREL ST Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Arvd-23:01:00 Clrd-23:03:30 WHI 2014 HYUN SU TUCSON Reg: PC NH 3924904 VIN: KM8JUCAG5EU932051 Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Patrol Officer Robert S Moore HUMPHREY RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Services Rendered Arvd-23:25:00 2 Clrd-23:29:38 Narrative: 01/15/2016 2329 BLDG CHECKED AND SECURE 16-858 2328 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV CHECK Patrol Officer Robert S Moore PIERCE AVE Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Vehicle checked 1 Arvd-23:28:00 Clrd-23:33:04 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-23:30:05 Arvd-23:30:08 Clrd-23:33:06 Cleared By: Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Vehicle: WHI 2005 VOLV 4D S40 Reg: PC NH 3817186 VIN: YV1MS382352097378 Vehicle: SIL 2012 CHEV SU EQUINOX Reg: PC NH 3203092 VIN: 2GNFLCEK0C6197588 Refer To Field Int: 16-252-FI Cleared By: ID: For Date: 01/16/2016 - Saturday 16-859 0015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PED CHECK SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FRANKLIN ST EXT Detective Stephen E Clark Arvd-00:15:00 Clrd-00:18:29 ID: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-00:16:37 Arvd-00:16:40 Clrd-00:18:28 ID: Administrative Serge Michael T Muncey Disp-00:16:38 Arvd-00:16:40 Clrd-00:18:27 Refer To Field Int: 16-292-FI 2 16-860 2 0053 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Arvd-00:53:00 Clrd-01:10:05 ID: Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-00:54:49 Arvd-00:58:32 Clrd-01:10:04 Arrived By: Patrol Officer Robert S Moore Refer To Field Int: 16-253-FI 16-861 0557 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY No Action Required Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BARKLAND DR Detective Stephen E Clark Disp-05:58:11 Arvd-06:03:19 Clrd-06:13:09 Patrol Officer Raul Rivera Disp-05:58:13 Arvd-06:03:29 Clrd-06:13:09 Administrative Serge Michael T Muncey Disp-06:00:15 Arvd-06:01:05 Clrd-06:13:08 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Disp-06:01:41 Administrative Lieut Daniel C Beattie Administrative Lieut Daniel C Beattie Dispatched By: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: 363 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-06:01:49 01/16/2016 0613 caller reporting subjects with flashlights in area, checked area, no problems found 16-862 0842 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ATTEMPT TO LOCATE Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ISLAND POND RD + RT 111 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-08:44:39 Arvd-08:45:48 Clrd-09:01:47 2 Narrative: 01/16/2016 0843 ATTEMPT TO LOCATE A MALE SUBJECT FOR SALEM PD 16-863 0852 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-864 0941 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-08:52:00 Clrd-08:54:59 Reg: NH LILJESS 3 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-09:42:17 Clrd-09:42:38 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-09:42:34 Arvd-09:46:12 Clrd-11:04:27 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-10:01:20 Arvd-10:01:22 Clrd-11:04:21 1 Narrative: 01/16/2016 0950 NEXT ON LIST RECOVERY SOLUTIONS NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING FOR NH 2408962 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1001 RECOVERY ON SCENE Narrative: 01/16/2016 1104 REPORTABLE. Refer To Field Int: Refer To Accident: 16-865 0953 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: MINO VS TREE 16-325-FI 16-40-AC Phone - AED ACTIVATION Dispatcher Jess W Arcand DUBEAU DR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-09:53:52 Services Rendered 1 Clrd-10:02:00 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1007 DFD RESPONDED AND CLEARED ALARM. 16-866 1002 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: NO ISSUES Initiated - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BALLARD RD + OLESEN RD Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-10:02:00 Clrd-10:52:08 1 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1006 OFF WITH NH -FIXN2 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1105 Berrios vs tree. 16-867 Refer To Field Int: Refer To Accident: 1011 Call Taker: NONREPORTABLE 16-272-FI 16-41-AC Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand No Action Required 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 364 Printed: 01/22/2016 RICHARDSON DR Detective Kennedy Richard Arvd-10:11:00 16-868 1028 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 911 - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GULF RD + BARTLETT RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-10:29:21 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-10:59:13 Clrd-11:06:15 Report Taken 1 Clrd-10:47:00 Arvd-11:00:13 Clrd-11:19:16 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1118 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 16-869 1029 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: MESKELL VS FRASER 16-45-AC Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand B ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Summons Issued Arvd-10:29:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-870 1040 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 3 Clrd-10:38:42 NH 3845638 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand S MAIN ST + ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-10:43:34 Report Taken Arvd-10:54:00 1 Clrd-11:09:43 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1056 OFF WITH NH 3324235 AND NH 3785998 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1109 REPORTABLE. Refer To Accident: 16-871 1043 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: MCDONALD VS WESTON 16-44-AC 911 - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 + HEMLOCK SPRINGS RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-10:44:20 Arvd-10:51:09 Clrd-11:21:20 1 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1055 OFF WITH NH 504675 AND NH V27587 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1119 REPORTABLE. Refer To Field Int: Refer To Accident: 16-872 WALDER VS STUDENT 16-233-FI 16-43-AC 1046 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived Cleared Dispatched Arrived Refer To Phone - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-11:19:31 Arvd-11:30:55 Clrd-11:30:56 By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ID: Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-11:31:06 Arvd-11:31:08 Clrd-11:41:49 By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Incident: 16-87-OF 16-873 1047 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GULF RD + KILREA RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Report Taken Arvd-10:47:00 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1059 OFF WITH NH 3863056 Clrd-10:59:13 2 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 365 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1100 BORTOLATTO VS GUARDRAIL Refer To Accident: 16-874 1053 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-875 1106 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-42-AC Initiated - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Vehicle Moved Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WARNER HILL RD + HUNTER DR Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Arvd-10:53:00 Clrd-10:58:27 Reg: NH 2239012 2 Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WARNER HILL RD + FLOYD RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 3 Vehicle Moved Arvd-11:06:00 Clrd-11:11:14 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1106 CAR STUCK DUE TO SNOW 16-876 1111 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Vehicle Moved Arvd-11:11:00 3 Clrd-11:19:23 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1111 TT UNIT DUE TO SNOW 16-877 1115 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand SCOBIE POND RD Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-11:15:54 Report Taken Arvd-11:20:14 1 Clrd-12:07:38 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1122 DFD NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING. Narrative: 01/16/2016 1123 OFF WITH NH -DLR- AND MA 5501 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1123 NEXT ON LIST LBP TOWING NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING FOR NH -DLRNarrative: 01/16/2016 1152 LBP ON SCENE Narrative: 01/16/2016 1207 REPORTABLE. TELLIER VS ROSSI Refer To Field Int: Refer To Accident: 16-878 1136 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-879 1146 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-342-FI 16-46-AC Phone - NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-12:07:53 Arvd-12:15:11 Clrd-12:24:12 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-12:19:44 Arvd-12:19:45 Clrd-12:24:10 2 Initiated - DISABLED MV Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 3 Vehicle Moved Arvd-11:46:00 Vehicle: 16-880 1147 Call Taker: Location/Address: Reg: Clrd-11:48:55 NH 828040 Phone - VEHICLE OFF THE ROAD Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike BYPASS 28 + FOREST ST Vehicle Moved 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-11:47:48 Arvd-11:52:01 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Page: 366 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-11:59:08 01/16/2016 1152 OFF WITH NH 3827810 Refer To Field Int: 16-881 1152 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-232-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand E BROADWAY Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Warning Issued Arvd-11:52:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-882 1227 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: 3 Clrd-11:57:58 NH 2289657 Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 + OPAL RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-12:27:13 Arvd-12:30:59 Clrd-13:20:48 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:29:11 Arvd-12:32:57 Clrd-13:20:45 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-12:32:53 Arvd-12:32:55 Clrd-12:46:26 1 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1231 110 OFF WITH NH 1108169. RESPONDING AAA NOTIFIED AND Narrative: 01/16/2016 1255 AAA on scene Narrative: 01/16/2016 1305 PAYAN v TREE Narrative: REPORTABLE Refer To Field Int: Refer To Accident: 16-883 16-324-FI 16-47-AC 1321 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - THEFT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ASHLEIGH DR Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti Disp-13:24:47 Arvd-13:31:03 Clrd-13:52:02 Cleared By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Refer To Incident: 16-88-OF 16-884 1339 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Services Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike ANNA CIR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-13:40:52 Arvd-13:48:40 Arrived By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Cleared By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ID: Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-13:42:03 Arvd-13:57:12 Arrived By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Cleared By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ID: Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-13:48:45 Arvd-13:57:15 Dispatched By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Arrived By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Cleared By: Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Refer To Field Int: 16-227-FI 16-885 1341 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Rendered 2 1 Clrd-14:01:16 Clrd-14:01:15 Clrd-14:01:21 Other - WARRANT ARREST Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jess W Arcand [EPP] PLEASANT ST Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-13:42:36 Arvd-13:48:38 Clrd-14:46:28 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-14:30:53 Arvd-14:30:55 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Cleared By: Narrative: Page: 367 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-15:57:55 01/16/2016 1355 EPPING PD HAS ONE IN CUSTODY ON A DERRY WARRANT FOR CRIMINAL MISCHIEF (X4) AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE; ASSAULT (X3) Narrative: 01/16/2016 1356 205 HAS ONE IN CUSTODY. ONE SM 43287.2 EN ROUTE TO HQ WITH Narrative: 01/16/2016 1426 205 OFF AT HQ EM 43306.8 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1506 Subject Info: Steven Campbell 24 Stacey Ave Seabrook, NH DOB:8/3/84 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1548 bail set at $5000 PR court date 1/19/16 per BC Jaglowski Narrative: 01/16/2016 1606 subject checked Narrative: 01/16/2016 1626 moved to cell #5 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1636 moved back to cell #3 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1641 subject checked Narrative: 01/16/2016 1649 released to a sober party Refer To Arrest: 16-886 1343 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-40-AR Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN ADVICE GIVEN Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-13:45:53 Arvd-13:45:55 Clrd-14:30:45 Dispatcher Jess W Arcand 3 SUBJECT HAVE ISSUES WITH FATHERS "FRIEND" ADVICE GIVEN Refer To Field Int: 16-887 1357 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-230-FI Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand FRANKLIN ST Patrol Officer Mark Borgatti No Action Required Arvd-13:57:00 16-888 1400 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: Clrd-14:07:40 Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Report Taken Dispatcher Jess W Arcand GERMANTOWN RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-14:00:25 Arvd-14:07:32 Clrd-14:29:34 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:01:50 Arvd-14:07:34 Clrd-14:44:48 Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-14:01:55 Clrd-14:04:49 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-14:04:54 Arvd-14:07:35 Clrd-14:44:47 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1400 DOG BITE 2 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 368 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1417 DOG TAKEN TO THE POUND Narrative: 01/16/2016 1439, All 4 Paws notified. Refer To Incident: 16-889 1459 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-890 1607 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-89-OF Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering STARK RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-15:04:33 Arvd-15:13:46 Clrd-15:17:44 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-15:09:04 Arvd-15:15:23 Clrd-15:17:44 2 Phone - EMERGENCY RESTRAINING ORDE Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:07:56 Arvd-16:07:58 Clrd-16:40:32 2 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1607 judge paged for an ERO Narrative: 01/16/2016 1628 judge paged second time Narrative: 01/16/2016 1635 order granted by Judge Lafrancois out of Brentwood Family Court Refer To Incident: 16-91-OF 16-891 1626 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - RECEIVING STOLEN PROPE Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SCHURMAN DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Arvd-16:26:00 Clrd-16:27:16 Refer To Incident: 16-90-OF 16-892 Initiated - ROAD HAZARD Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering DANIEL RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-16:37:00 Clrd-16:38:09 1637 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 2 2 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1637 icy road conditions Narrative: 01/16/2016 1638 Highway paged Narrative: 01/16/2016 1659 Highway paged a second time 16-893 1640 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: ID: Phone - SERVE RESTRAINING ORDER Arrest(s) Made Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering GERMANTOWN RD Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:48:20 Arvd-17:02:58 Clrd-20:21:59 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:48:22 Arvd-17:02:59 Clrd-20:48:09 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-16:48:25 Arvd-17:02:57 Clrd-18:21:47 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-20:22:02 Arvd-20:22:04 Clrd-21:15:18 Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-22:05:47 Arvd-22:05:47 Clrd-22:47:27 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1742 S7 reports one in custody 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 369 Printed: 01/22/2016 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1747 421 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 24662.4 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1757 421 transporting one to Parkland instead of DPDHQ Narrative: 01/16/2016 1800 421 off at PMC Narrative: 01/16/2016 2100 740 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 84606.6 Narrative: 01/16/2016 2105 740 off at DPDHQ e/m: 84608.1 Narrative: 01/16/2016 2126 Subject Info: Brian Savage 2 Germantown Rd Derry, NH DOB:2/2/49 Arrested for Felon in Possession of a Deadly Weapon Narrative: 01/16/2016 2158 bail set at $10,000 cash per BC Jaglowski Narrative: 01/16/2016 2205 740 transporting subject to Brentwood s/m: 84616.2 Narrative: 01/16/2016 2235 740 off at Brentwood e/m: 84637.6 Refer To Arrest: 16-894 1645 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-41-AR Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-16:45:34 Arvd-16:50:10 Clrd-17:03:35 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:45:37 Arvd-16:50:11 Clrd-17:03:34 2 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1703 criminal trespass warning issued Refer To Field Int: 16-228-FI 16-895 1821 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DISTURBANCE Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering [DY 1424] ELM ST Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-18:21:39 Arvd-18:23:32 Clrd-18:45:17 ID: Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-18:21:41 Arvd-18:24:38 Clrd-19:09:06 ID: Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-18:21:50 Arvd-18:24:37 Clrd-18:48:13 Refer To Incident: 16-92-OF 16-896 Phone - ROAD HAZARD Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering BACK CHESTER RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-20:56:27 Arvd-21:03:48 Clrd-21:19:11 1822 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 1 2 Narrative: 01/16/2016 2110 low hanging tree branch, Highway notified 16-897 1845 Call Taker: Location/Address: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ISLAND POND RD Report Taken 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-18:45:15 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-18:45:20 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-18:59:12 SIL 2012 HOND 4D ACCORD Reg: 0000 - 2359 ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Page: 370 Printed: 01/22/2016 Arvd-18:59:07 Clrd-20:04:40 Arvd-19:01:02 Clrd-20:04:41 Arvd-19:01:01 PC NH 3397402 Clrd-19:22:19 VIN: 1HGCP2F80CA060653 01/16/2016 1901 off with NH 3397402 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1909 AAA requested and responding Narrative: 01/16/2016 1941 AAA on scene Narrative: 01/16/2016 2004 Colon v roadside - full report Refer To Accident: Refer To Incident: 16-898 1922 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 16-49-AC 16-93-OF Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ISLAND POND RD Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-19:22:35 Arvd-19:26:33 Clrd-20:14:22 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-19:22:42 Arvd-19:24:20 Clrd-20:29:13 SIL 2000 VOLV SW V40 Reg: PC NH 3873087 VIN: YV1VW2557YF562789 01/16/2016 1925 off with NH 3873087 Narrative: 01/16/2016 1941 next on the list requested for NH 3873087, message left for Birch St Narrative: 01/16/2016 1943 Birch St called back and responding Narrative: 01/16/2016 2007 Birch St on scene Narrative: 01/16/2016 2022 McQueen v roadside - full report Refer To Accident: 16-899 2022 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-48-AC Phone - HIT AND RUN Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering FOLSOM RD + FRANKLIN ST EXT Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-20:23:18 Arvd-20:30:08 Clrd-20:33:49 2 Narrative: 01/16/2016 2036 Highway paged for a yield sign down Narrative: 01/16/2016 2108 Highway paged a second time Narrative: 01/16/2016 2110 Bill from Highway notified Refer To Incident: 16-900 2048 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-94-OF Phone - FOLLOW-UP Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-20:48:24 Arvd-20:51:29 Clrd-23:01:34 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-20:48:27 Arvd-20:51:29 Clrd-21:05:26 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-901 2118 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 371 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering OLDE COACH RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-21:19:09 Arvd-21:23:21 Clrd-21:31:31 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-21:19:23 Arvd-21:28:32 Clrd-21:31:32 2 Narrative: 01/16/2016 2131 subject located and is fine Refer To Field Int: 16-902 2155 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 16-246-FI Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering SOUTH AVE Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-21:55:43 Arvd-21:56:33 Clrd-22:00:33 Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-21:55:45 Arvd-21:58:26 Clrd-22:06:41 2 Narrative: 01/16/2016 2206 banging noises in the area, checked, unable to locate 16-903 2155 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: Phone - MV ACCIDENT Report Taken Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-21:57:57 Arvd-21:59:43 Clrd-21:59:46 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-21:59:54 Arvd-22:12:46 Clrd-23:03:53 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-22:00:35 Arvd-22:11:45 Clrd-23:03:46 Reg: PC MA 61HPF2 1 01/16/2016 2218 DFD requested and responding Narrative: 01/16/2016 2219 next on the list requested for MA 61HPF2; Spacetown notified and responding Narrative: 01/16/2016 2237 Spacetown on scene Narrative: 01/16/2016 2303 Mullen v roadside - full report Refer To Accident: 16-904 2258 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: ID: Dispatched By: Narrative: 16-50-AC Phone - NOISE COMPLAINT Quieted on Request Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe PEMBROKE DR Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-23:25:10 Arvd-23:28:28 Clrd-23:35:41 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-23:25:12 Arvd-23:28:27 Clrd-23:35:39 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 01/16/2016 2259 Loud noises coming from inside the apartment Refer To Field Int: 16-905 2336 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: 16-245-FI 911 - DISTURBANCE Quieted on Request Lieutenant Frank Stoncius W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-23:36:41 Arvd-23:37:13 Clrd-23:47:00 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson 1 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Disp-23:36:42 Arvd-23:38:44 Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-23:47:14 Arvd-23:47:15 Dispatched By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Arrived By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Cleared By: Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Refer To Field Int: 16-258-FI Page: 372 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-01/17/2016 @ 00:19:36 Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: 16-906 2347 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Clrd-01/17/2016 @ 00:19:21 Initiated - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Assistance Rendered 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering W BROADWAY Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Arvd-23:47:00 Clrd-01/17/2016 @ 00:19:22 Narrative: 01/16/2016 2348 DFD requested for male subject Refer To Field Int: 16-907 2359 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: For Date: 01/17/2016 16-908 0018 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 16-249-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering EASTGATE RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-23:59:00 Clrd-01/17/2016 @ 00:04:03 BLK 2013 HYUN 4D ELANTRA Reg: PC NH 3868918 VIN: 5NPDH4AE9DH403513 - Sunday Phone - DISTURBANCE Quieted on Request Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe LARAWAY CT Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-00:19:44 Arvd-00:22:44 Clrd-00:29:57 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-00:19:45 Clrd-00:23:30 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-00:20:48 Arvd-00:22:45 Clrd-00:29:58 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-00:23:37 Arvd-00:23:39 Clrd-00:29:57 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 1 01/17/2016 0019 Male screaming in the apartment Narrative: 01/17/2016 0030 quieted upon request Refer To Field Int: 16-909 0020 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 16-251-FI Initiated - MV STOP Arrest(s) Made 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Arvd-00:20:00 Clrd-01:53:10 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-00:23:33 Arvd-00:26:44 Clrd-01:10:07 BLK 2015 KIA 4D OPTIMA Reg: PC NH 3715681 VIN: 5XXGM4A70FG388554 01/17/2016 0030 140 checking sobriety Narrative: Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 373 Printed: 01/22/2016 01/17/2016 0037 140 has one in custody for DWI Narrative: 01/17/2016 0039 next on the list requested for NH 3715681; Recovery Solutions notified and responding Narrative: 01/17/2016 0041 140 transporting subject to DPDHQ s/m: 84675.3 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0054 Recovery on scene Narrative: 01/17/2016 0054 Subject Info: Tyler Pacheco 31 Faith Dr Derry, NH DOB:2/18/91 Arrested for DWI and Possession of Controlled Drug Narrative: 01/17/2016 0102 140 transporting subject to PMC s/m: 84676.1 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0105 140 off at PMC e/m: 84677.7 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0126 140 transporting subject back to DPDHQ s/m: 84677.7 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0131 140 off at DPDHQ e/m: 84678.9 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0152 released to sober party on a court summons, court date 1/28/16 Refer To Arrest: 16-42-AR 16-910 0058 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-00:59:25 Arvd-00:59:31 Clrd-01:05:35 ID: Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-00:59:30 Arvd-01:02:23 Clrd-01:05:36 Refer To Field Int: 16-250-FI 2 16-911 2 0117 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT SENT ON THEIR WAY Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-01:17:29 Arvd-01:19:19 Clrd-01:27:18 ID: Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-01:17:32 Arvd-01:19:19 Clrd-01:27:17 Refer To Field Int: 16-261-FI 16-912 0120 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Services Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering DERRYFIELD RD Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-01:21:58 Arvd-01:28:50 Sergeant Edward W Budroe Disp-01:22:01 Arvd-01:26:27 Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-01:28:17 Arvd-01:33:20 Rendered Clrd-01:36:27 Clrd-01:36:26 Clrd-01:36:29 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0137 reported noises inside condo, checked residence, no problems found Refer To Field Int: 16-248-FI 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-913 0125 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: ID: Dispatched By: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 374 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - WELFARE CHECK No Action Required Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Disp-01:37:03 Arvd-01:52:13 Clrd-01:59:51 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-01:37:06 Arvd-01:52:14 Clrd-01:59:52 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering 2 01/17/2016 0125 Checking on a male subject Narrative: 01/17/2016 0159 contact made with subject, no problems reported Refer To Field Int: 16-914 0255 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-915 0441 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: Vehicle: Narrative: 16-247-FI Initiated - MV STOP No Action Required 3 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering HAMPSTEAD RD + WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-02:55:00 Clrd-02:56:40 SIL 2008 PONT 4D G6 Reg: PC NH 1674868 VIN: 1G2ZF57B784296198 Initiated - MV CHECK Report Taken 1 Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering PHILLIP RD Patrol Officer Patrick H Dawson Arvd-04:41:00 Clrd-05:49:08 Patrol Officer Kevin G Ruppel Disp-04:42:11 Arvd-04:44:24 Clrd-05:16:24 GLD 1999 MERC 4D SABLE LS Reg: PC NH 2068517 VIN: 1MEFM53S3XA644457 01/17/2016 0502 232 transporting one status offender to DPDHQ s/m: 43385.1 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0502 318 transporting second status offender to Bedard Ave s/m: 24707.9 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0507 318 off on Bedard Ave e/m: 24709.6 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0508 232 off at DPDHQ e/m: 43387.3 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0516 318 released status offender to parents Narrative: 01/17/2016 0548 second status offender released to parent 16-916 0452 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ERRATIC OPERATION Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering MISTY MORNING DR Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-04:52:36 Arvd-04:53:47 Clrd-04:57:53 2 16-917 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Could Not Locate Dispatcher Jonathon S Pickering CHESTER RD Patrol Officer John Diburro Disp-05:57:24 Arvd-06:03:12 Clrd-06:09:00 2 0556 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Narrative: 01/17/2016 0609 report of elderly female walking around parking lot area, unable to locate Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 16-918 0743 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 375 Printed: 01/22/2016 Phone - TRAFFIC CONTROL Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BYPASS 28 + TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-07:44:04 Arvd-07:44:29 Clrd-08:29:50 3 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0744 TRAFFIC LIGHTS HAVE NO POWER 16-919 0826 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 911 - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Dispatcher Jess W Arcand WRIGHT RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Disp-08:27:27 Arvd-08:32:03 Clrd-09:12:26 1 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0859 231 ON A TRANSPORT TO PMC SM 43413.2 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0910 231 OFF AT PMC Refer To Field Int: 16-920 0832 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: EM 43417.7 16-231-FI Phone - DEPARTMENT INFO Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Dispatcher Jess W Arcand Disp-08:33:10 Services Rendered Arvd-08:33:12 3 Clrd-08:47:34 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0832 DPW PAGED FOR ICY ROADS Narrative: 01/17/2016 0834 DPW NOTIFIED AND RESPONDING 16-921 0915 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ANIMAL COMPLAINT Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand BUTTONWOOD DR Patrol Officer James M Belanger Disp-09:24:54 Arvd-09:24:56 Clrd-09:59:49 1 Narrative: 01/17/2016 0915 FOUND DOG Narrative: 01/17/2016 0932 GERMAN SHEPARD BROUGHT TO THE POUND Refer To Field Int: 16-922 0941 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-273-FI Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Warning Issued Arvd-09:41:00 Vehicle: Reg: 16-923 1015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: 16-924 1037 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: 3 Clrd-09:45:50 NH 3715626 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Jess W Arcand TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer James M Belanger Arvd-10:15:00 Clrd-10:25:23 Reg: NH 3827893 3 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Gone on Arrival Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-10:41:44 Arvd-10:41:46 Clrd-10:45:21 Patrol Officer Robert B Jackson Disp-10:41:48 Arvd-10:41:50 Clrd-10:45:19 2 Narrative: 01/17/2016 1037 PERSON SLEEPING IN VESTIBULE Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 1128 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 376 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-269-FI 16-925 Walk-In - FINGERPRINTS Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-11:29:34 Arvd-11:29:36 Clrd-12:01:33 3 16-926 Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby 3 1219 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Warning Issued Arvd-12:19:00 Vehicle: Reg: Clrd-12:23:20 NH HPUDNC 16-927 1225 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VIN CHECK Services Rendered Dispatcher Jess W Arcand DAMREN RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-12:58:09 Arvd-13:12:10 Clrd-13:18:31 Arrived By: Lieutenant Eric T Kester Cleared By: Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Refer To Field Int: 16-270-FI 16-928 1315 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Jess W Arcand ROCKINGHAM RD Patrol Officer Victoria M Kidd Warning Issued Arvd-13:15:00 Vehicle: 3 3 Clrd-13:25:16 Reg: PC NH 3440630 16-929 1332 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike [DY 361] SCHURMAN DR Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Investigated Arvd-13:32:00 16-930 1439 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Cleared By: Narrative: 911 - MV LOCKOUT Dispatcher Jess W Arcand MANCHESTER RD Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-14:39:49 Dispatcher Christina L Power Clrd-13:41:17 Assistance Rendered Arvd-14:44:34 2 2 Clrd-15:05:14 01/17/2016 1439 CHILD IN CAR Narrative: 01/17/2016 1444 OFF WITH NH 3906457 Refer To Field Int: 16-271-FI 16-931 1544 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - VANDALISM Dispatcher Christina L Power HAMPSTEAD RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-15:44:39 Refer To Field Int: 16-264-FI 16-932 1614 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: ID: ID: ID: ADVICE GIVEN Arvd-15:50:43 Clrd-16:07:39 Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:15:01 Arvd-16:19:41 Clrd-16:32:46 Patrol Officer Erin E Quimby Disp-16:15:03 Arvd-16:18:13 Clrd-16:32:49 Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-16:15:04 Arvd-16:15:36 Clrd-16:33:39 Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:15:38 Arvd-16:15:39 Clrd-16:33:40 Narrative: fight in parking lot 3 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Refer To Field Int: 16-933 1633 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-934 1645 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Page: 377 Printed: 01/22/2016 16-257-FI Initiated - FOLLOW-UP Cleared Dispatcher Christina L Power TOPAZ CIR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-16:33:00 Phone - ROAD HAZARD Dispatcher Christina L Power HUSON ST + DUSTIN AVE Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-16:48:07 2 Clrd-16:38:54 Services Rendered Arvd-16:48:09 2 Clrd-16:48:11 Narrative: ice patch Narrative: checked 16-935 1650 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - UNWANTED SUBJECT Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-16:50:35 Arvd-16:52:58 Clrd-17:00:03 ID: Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-16:50:36 Arvd-16:53:22 Clrd-17:00:01 Refer To Field Int: 16-256-FI 16-936 1701 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - ASSIST CITIZEN Dispatcher Christina L Power MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey R Pike Disp-17:01:37 Refer To Field Int: 16-243-FI 16-937 ADVICE GIVEN Phone - DRUG OVERDOSE Report Taken Dispatcher Christina L Power LINLEW DR Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-17:41:56 Arvd-17:42:49 Clrd-17:59:54 ID: Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-17:41:58 Arvd-17:44:20 Clrd-17:59:32 ID: Sergeant Shawn P O'Donaghue Disp-17:49:08 Arvd-17:49:10 Clrd-17:59:30 Refer To Incident: 16-95-OF 1743 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: Cleared By: Narrative: 3 Clrd-17:01:40 1741 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-938 2 Phone - MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe KENDALL POND RD Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-17:45:28 Arvd-17:48:09 Clrd-18:07:10 Dispatcher Christina L Power Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 1 01/17/2016 1745 male subject in and out of consciousness Refer To Field Int: 16-939 1800 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-242-FI Phone - WELFARE CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power WARNER HILL RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-18:00:44 Services Rendered Arvd-18:00:46 2 Clrd-18:03:53 Narrative: checked and all was okay 16-940 Refer To Field Int: 1800 16-265-FI Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued 3 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Christina L Power TSIENNETO RD Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Arvd-18:00:00 SIL 2009 FORD ESCAPE Reg: NH -GJR- Vehicle: 16-941 1832 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - ASSIST CITIZEN Dispatcher Christina L Power ISLAND POND RD Patrol Officer Jared Knox Disp-18:33:01 Refer To Field Int: 16-275-FI 16-942 1911 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - WELFARE CHECK Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Robert Corwin Disp-19:15:50 Page: 378 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-18:05:24 Assistance Rendered Arvd-18:35:11 Clrd-18:44:29 Services Rendered Arvd-19:18:00 3 2 Clrd-19:21:34 Narrative: sm child left alone Narrative: no issues, parents inside 16-943 1919 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christina L Power CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Jared Knox No Action Required Arvd-19:19:00 Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:20:21 Arvd-19:21:05 Vehicle: Reg: NH 2003286 Refer To Field Int: 16-289-FI 3 Clrd-19:23:59 ID: 16-944 1950 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Arrived By: ID: Arrived By: Narrative: Clrd-19:23:57 911 - CUSTOMER PROBLEM Assistance Rendered Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe CRYSTAL AVE Patrol Officer Patrick Starkey Disp-19:50:55 Arvd-19:53:06 Clrd-20:03:01 Dispatcher Christina L Power Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-19:50:57 Arvd-19:53:07 Clrd-20:02:58 Dispatcher Christina L Power 2 01/17/2016 1950 Male subject appearing to be impaired and causing a problem. Narrative: 01/17/2016 1955 327 transporting one male subject back to his residence at Laraway s/m 24804.3 Narrative: 327 off on Laraway Court e/m 24805.4 16-945 2021 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Walk-In - CRIMINAL THREAT Report Taken Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Patrol Officer Jeffrey M Dawe Disp-20:21:57 Arvd-20:30:36 Clrd-20:41:35 Arrived By: Dispatcher Christina L Power Refer To Incident: 16-96-OF 16-946 Initiated - MV STOP Warning Issued Dispatcher Christina L Power PINKERTON ST Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Arvd-20:30:00 Clrd-20:36:23 Reg: NH 3907700 2030 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-947 Vehicle: 2042 Phone - WELFARE CHECK Report Taken 2 3 2 Derry Police Department Dispatch Log From: 12/07/2015 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Thru: 01/17/2016 0000 - 2359 Dispatcher Christina L Power REDFIELD CIR Patrol Officer Daniel J McCarthy Disp-20:43:32 Arvd-20:53:03 Page: 379 Printed: 01/22/2016 Clrd-21:09:27 Narrative: TRYING TO GET IN TOUCH WITH FAMILY MEMBER Narrative: 01/17/2016 2105 off with a ped check Refer To Incident: 16-948 2043 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: 16-97-OF Phone - SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate Dispatcher Christina L Power BYPASS 28 Patrol Officer Kimberly M Bouse Disp-20:44:15 Arvd-20:44:26 Clrd-20:51:39 2 Narrative: YELLOW NISSAN SUV 16-949 2133 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Phone - DEPARTMENT INFO Dispatcher Christina L Power [DY 2] MUNICIPAL DR Dispatcher Christina L Power Disp-21:40:05 Message Delivered Arvd-21:53:12 3 Clrd-21:53:31 Narrative: DPW paged per FFP Narrative: 01/17/2016 2153 DPW (billy) notified. 16-950 2355 Call Taker: Location/Address: ID: Vehicle: Initiated - MV STOP Dispatcher Christine D Carlson E BROADWAY Sergeant Michael W Hughes RED 2000 CHEV SU BLAZER Warning Issued Arvd-23:55:00 Reg: PC NH 3411223 3 Clrd-01/18/2016 @ 00:05:35 VIN: 1GNDT13W6Y2355941