There are multiple ways to advertise Freebie Sites


There are multiple ways to advertise Freebie Sites
Marketing Freebie Sites and Turning a
$0 Investment into a 100k Annual
By Rashan Lawhorne
Affiliate Marketer and Freebie Site Marketing Expert
Email: [email protected]
I have an easy step by step instruction program for beginners that will put some
fast cash in your pocket now and take you all the way to being an expert trader
with your own business set up. Freebie Sites are incentive offer programs, we get
paid to introduce individuals to products and services. Freebie Site advertisers
have million dollar advertising budgets and instead of paying an ad firm they are
willing to pay you and me to locate customers to “try” their products and services
with no obligation to purchase. It doesn’t matter whether they keep the trial or
decide to cancel… still get paid...The people who sign up win because they
can make over $180 for everyone that they refer, and the advertisers win because
they get people to try out their services. Freebie Sites work with Fortune 500
companies like Directv, Blockbuster, Disney, Discover card and many others and
they pay us to have people try out their products. Pretty much in a nutshell it
works like this. Sign up for free trials + Cancel the free trials if you don't
want to use the service and pay nothing + Tell others to do the same =
$180 each time.
I will show you in this EBook how to market Freebie sites, where to advertise,
How to advertise, all the Marketing Secrets and links to the major Freebie sites
out there. Also I will give you Social Media sites to research and market to help
you achieve your dreams.
Success doesn't come in a day it comes daily!!!
Freebie Sites pay Daily. You literally get a paycheck every day. Show me a Job in
America that pays everyday like freebie sites. Sometimes we get paid daily
multiple times a day. If you signed up Two Referrals a day you can make
anywhere from $240-$500 a day. Big companies know that most people now a
days do not watch commercials because of DVRs and Internet based services like
Netflix. Because of this they pay affiliate companies big bucks to get people to
sign up for their trials in hopes of gaining customers through them wanting the
service or simply forgetting to cancel. These Companies pay Freebie Sites Big
$$$ and in turn Freebie Sites pay people like us to advertise the Fortune 500
companies offers and pay us Big $$$ as well. The reason why I have made so
much money doing this and you will too is there is a big market of people who are
laid off and/or going through hard times right now and it’s all FREE or a
minimum cost to start so most folks will give it a try!
We are in a RECESSION and these are hard Times. This works as an advantage
because so many people need J.O.B.S (Just over Broke) Don't be one of these
people waiting for a Stock/Cashier Job at Target for a measly $300 a week after
Taxes. Working is good but the point is to work Smart not hard. It’s funny that
when people reach a certain age, such as after graduating college, they assume it’s
time to go out and get a job. But like many things the masses do, just because
everyone does it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. In fact, if you’re reasonably
intelligent, getting a job is one of the worst things you can do to support yourself.
There are far better ways to make a living than selling yourself into indentured
servitude for pennies on the dollar. Freebie sites you can enjoy making online $$$
from the comfort of your Home or anywhere Wi-Fi is located.
There are multiple ways to advertise Freebie Sites; Here are some
of the major Sites and ways to get Referrals.
1. Social Media
Use these to your Advantage. Sites like Twitter, Tagged, Flickr, YouTube, EBlogger, Facebook, MySpace, BeBo, Digg, Backpage and many others. Google is
your friend. Just type these names in Google and sign up to the site of your choice
and tell others about the Amazing opportunity of Freebie Sites. I would advertise
on as many as possible. Social Media Marketing taps into a remarkably powerful
set of word-of-mouth channels through which you can build a lifetime customer
relationship. With these sites listed above Things spread fast nowadays. Really
fast. Simply type into Google one of the names in the picture above and advertise
the freebie site of your choice. An Example of Advertising is : Get paid $180 daily
1 – Referrals via Social Networks
Social Networks are excellent places to isolate a massive group of people actively
expressing interest in products or services offered by your freebie site. Whether it
be a myspace group, twitter lists, or facebook fanpages, you can easily target a
community of technerds, gamers, or anyone who’d love to get their favorite
gadgets for free. All you have to do is build a relationship with your friends and
share your referral links with them.
2 – Get Referrals on Twitter
Twitter is excellent for referral conversions. Seriously, twitter plays a massive
part in my freebie ventures and referral campaigns. I mean by using twitter
search, you’ll find a list of thousands, upon thousands of people actively tweeting
things like, “I Need a New laptop…” or “I want that New iPhone”. All you have
to do is respond to them and share your link… If done correctly, this method will
prove very effective.
Simple Twitter Trick for Quick Referrals for your Freebie Sites - you don’t need
to have thousands of followers. In fact, you don’t need 500 followers.
So, I’m going to share with you an awesome feature about twitter, that I use, to
get quick referrals for my freebie sites! So for those of you looking for quick fixes
and easy ways to get immediate traffic to your freebie sites or campaigns, this is
A Twitter Account – You need an account. Simple as that, however, make sure
you create your account the right way. If people get the feeling that you’re not
very active on twitter and are only using it for promotional purposes, this quick
method won’t work. So I suggest you follow the tips on this article
A Blog – Having a blog is typically key here. In fact, it’s almost practically
standard if you ever pursue getting referrals or free greens from social media. A
blog is generally made to be your home, a place filled with content of your
interest. In this method, you’ll see how I effectively direct traffic to my existing
blogs and then convert them into referrals. Ps. Having a blog or a website with
referral links is a popular method of getting referrals. – Bitly is freakishly convenient. Twitter only allows 14o characters per
post or message and it’s common for website url’s to take up so many characters,
giving you very little room to get your point across. Bitly will shorten your
referral links for your, and or your blog or website url. Create an account with, now.
“Twitter Search” is such a magical tool for me. I came across this feature on
twitter’s new panel when I was decided I wanted to follow Sony. However,
instead of finding Sony’s twitter profile, instead saw a list of thousands of people
tweeting about Sony. I thought to myself, “Great… this is so not convenient!” But
then the idea hits me!
Take a look at the image below! What do you notice?
Interesting, huh? By entering, “I Want a Macbook..”, on twitter’s search engine,
you will immediately be taken to a list of people who are actively tweeting about
their interest in getting a Macbook laptop! Now if you were a user of
FreebieJeebies or Kudos Network (any freebie site offering free macbooks), you
can easily convert these Tweeters into referrals! On top of that, it’s a much higher
sign up ratio, because it’s more targeted.
Now, after recently publishing an article post about people being angry at
lockerz, he saw an opportunity to direct traffic from Twitter to my blog by
targeting, LOCKERZ. He then went on to convert them into referrals! It was
Why did he target Angry Lockerz Members? Well, for one thing, they’re having
a negative experience with the network, which generally means that they are
open to other options. Second of all, because they were using lockers means, to
me, that they are actively expressing interest in getting free stuff online – that’s
an ideal market for getting referrals.
Here’s How I did it in 2 simple steps!
STEP 1: Run a Twitter Search for Gadgets, Sites, or Products related or relevant
to freebies!
So, he went into the search bar, he typed “Lockerz”, and up comes a list of
everyone tweeting about Lockerz. He was only looking for people who were
angry or disappointed with Lockerz. Why? Because that’s what his blog post was
Here’s what I pretty much find on twitter’s search results on the, “Lockerz”,
keyword! Every time he come across an angry or negative tweet about Lockerz
(what I was specifically looking for), he moved on to the next step…
Step 2: Quote Their Tweets, Respond, and then Convert Them!
So, after searching lockerz on twitter’s search engine and then looking through
active tweets about lockerz, he was able reply to each user, quote a portion of
their tweet, and direct them to my blog post about Lockerz. Now, blogging is my
way of converting traffic into referrals! Why? Because I’m able to create valuable
content, which is relevant to my niche, and I often have links to my freebie
campaign within the blog posts!
You can see an example in the image below how he directed my target audience
to his blog…
As you can see, this guy was pretty upset with Lockerz, which is exactly the
group I was targeting – angry lockerz members. So I agreed with him and
directed him to an article relevant to the subject (My Article): Lockerz New 24/7
Redemtion – Are Members Still Angry? |
So, here’s typically how people respond…
Do you understand what’s happened here?
He never got any negative response, nor was he considered a spammer. The
reason why this works so well and effectively is because people feel that he was
simply engaging in conversation with them and they find it helpful that he point
them to a relevant source that answers their questions. He also leaves a note at
the end of these posts that will pique enough interest to convert them into
referrals for his freebie sites!
If your freebie site is offering free game consoles and you’re looking for some
quick referrals, you can simply run a twitter search for, “I Want an Xbox360!”,
and you’ll have a list of people who are actively tweeting about wanting an Xbox
Now you have the opportunity to engage in a brief conversation with as many as
you want and direct them to a site (your site or freebie network) giving them
what they’re asking for ( an xbox 360)! That’s it!
This works well because you don’t appear to be spammy. People see you as a
regular person engaging in conversation and pointing them to a solution that will
give them what they’re already asking for!!!
3 – Get Freebie Referrals by Publishing Articles
Whether it be Ezine, Hubpages, Squidoo, eHow, or articlebase, you can always
publish articles online to get referrals. Articles directories are excellent for
converting search engine traffic into referrals. In example; If someone were
interested in getting the New iPhone but doesn’t have much money to spend, he
or she may come across your Squidoo or ArticleBase post entitled, “How to get an
iPhone for 90% off”. Next thing you know, he or she is reading the article with
great interest and will probably click on you signature’s link and visit your
website or freebie program.
4 – Get Referrals Blogging
Blogging is my personal and primal method of getting referrals. I mean, you’re
reading this aren’t you? I mean the reason you’re here is because you went to my
blog. Blogging is excellent for getting referrals because it generates higher traffic
than most conventional websites. 80% of my referrals come from blogging alone.
You can create blog posts on, “How to Get a Free Xbox 360”, “Top 3 ways to get
a free iPhone”, etc. You can use blogger or wordpress to create a blog.
5 – Insert Links in Email Signatures
Sometimes on your casual and occasional emails to friends, colleagues, clients, and
family members, you could always leave a tip and a referral link on your
It doesn’t have to be a hyperlink image. Your signature can be a simple text with
very interesting copy – like these for example: “My mom hates video games and
never wants to buy me one. So without her permission, I found another way and
got an xbox 360 for free!(Click Here)”. Maybe it can read something like, “Learn
how I transformed by bedroom into the ultimate gaming and entertainment show
room without spending a DIME! (Click Here).” Signatures like that will usually
pique interest and you will often get clicks. Curiosity always kills.
6 – Post or Answer Ads on CraigsList
On Craigslist, some users put up ads on the Free Section claiming that they’re
throwing away an iPod they don’t need anymore. Next thing you know, emails
come piling up from people asking for the ipod. Next thing you know, the user
would reply to every email, saying something like… “Sorry I didn’t expect to get
so many emails about this… I already gave it away, but here’s where my kid got
his ipod… (referral link)!”
7 – Forums and Chat Rooms
Forums and Chat rooms are excellent for connecting with people looking to get
their hands on the latest games, hdtvs, smartphones, and more.
Forums – Whether it be a gaming forum, a tech forum, or a freebie forum, you
can always insert your link in a signature so that every time you start a topic or
respond, people get to see your link and can or will click on it.
Chat-Rooms – Whether it be, Omegle, AIMChat, etc, you can always spark a
conversation with one or more people. You can talk a bit about yourself or say
something to pique their interests. Then drop a link to your freebie site.
8 – Get Referrals w/ a Website
The ability to go to sleep while your website is converting search engine traffic
into referrals and wake up in the morning with an account filled with more than
enough credits to get you 4 Macbook Pros and 3 Sony Bravia 60” LEDs… is a
dream come true. Creating a website with banners and links to your freebie site
and having it sit on the first page of Google under popular keywords will mean,
getting referrals while you sleep and earning freebies when you brush your teeth.
9 – Get your friends involved
Yeah, I know… the idea of convincing friends and family doesn’t sound very fun –
especially for me, a used-to-be quiet person who lacked credibility with friends
and family. However, ever since my encounter with a few birds and some bees, I
became a man. Sorry, that little story was leading no where… and so what! Who
cares, the point is, talking to friends and family will work if you do it effectively.
10 – Give Away a Free eBook
Having an eBook that introduces your audience to the freebie industry, shows off
loads of testimonials, press releases, interesting stories, personal experiences,
graphics and images, and then gives readers necessary action steps to claim and
their first free gift is a highly converting method – yet it’s overlooked and
underrated. Ironic isn’t it! I personally utilize an eBook (Eazy Freebies) to educate
unique visitors to the freebie industry. The eBook alone has given me a constant
stream of referrals – about 30 sign ups per week without promoting anything.
You can create an ebook with a catchy and attention grabbing headline or cover,
which would be strong enough to entice your audience to download and read! It’s
also an excellent way to introduce friends and family to freebie sites.
Now if you want to go this route, make sure you come up with an attractive title
and a very great looking cover. I’m a graphic designer so it wasn’t difficult for me
to create a 3D ebook cover, however, here’s a software that I highly recommend |
E-Cover Creator 3D |
11 – Video Blogging | Youtube, Vimeo, etc.
Video blogging is excellent. I mean excellent in all aspects of referral hunting.
See, I’d rather WATCH & LEARN than read & learn. Whether you’re using You
Tube or Vimeo, you can showcase or broadcast your freebie ventures, letting
people watch you un-box a free macbook pro or an ipod shuffle. All you need is a
link to your site in the description, or you can encourage your viewers to PM you
for a link.
12 – Get referrals with Fiverr
You can get referrals with Fiverr – a site where people will do, just about
anything for you for $5. Seriously! You can either pay someone to get you
referrals or, you can charge $5 to show people how to get free stuff online – your
freebie site. I go more in depth to Fiverr later in this ebook.
13 – Get Referrals by using Freebie proof pics
Documentaion beats Presentation everytime!!!!
14. Have a Verified Paypal Account
With your protection as the number 1 priority, PayPal is the safest and easiest
way to pay and get paid online. Simple and easy to use as your own secure
personal account, you every transaction is made instantly. No checks, money
orders, no complicated step by step process normally required by banks. PayPal is
the transaction-based financial institution of choice in the industry of prize
incentives. Think of PayPal as an online POCKET. Most importantly, it’s 100%
free! So if you plan on earning cash rewards, or you just want a more convenient
way to shop online without having to constantly fill out tedious Credit Card
information, then Go with PayPal.
Have an Account with Roboform or Use Google Chrome !!
Work less and earn more is now a dream come true thanks to Roboform or
Google Chrome. Generally, when you sign up with freebie sites, you’ll have to
register and fill out your information. It’ll get pretty annoying if you have to do
this everytime you register for a freebie site. If you don’t mind filling out forms
and don’t have a problem remembering passwords etc., then you’re good to go. If
you don’t like filling out information all the time, then Roboform will save you 3
minutes by doing the task for you. It’s free and easy.
Bookmark Freebie Website Directory
It’s always a plus to have a list of Freebie Websites on hand should you decide
you want register an account for a new site. So, it definitely helps to book mark
the Freebie Website Directory. I will list them all later in this eBook!!
2. Craigslist
Before the Internet if you ever had interest in a classified ad, you’d probably go
straight to the local newspaper and see what you can find. Of course then the
Internet came along and while you could find classified ads online, most of the
websites were filled with spam posts or people looking to set you up while others
were just unorganized and most of the time classified ads for smaller locations
were nonexistent. However, today, if you’re ever looking for anything, and I
mean anything, all you need to do is go to Craigslist. Craigslist continues to be
extremely popular among people all around the world. Sometimes with over 100
million Visitors each day. With that said there are many people on Craigslist
looking for Jobs. While this is not a J.O.B. it is an Income opportunity and can be
presented as such. Advertise in the Resume Sections in Cities across America as
well. Primarily this is what I want you to do.
Open a Craigslist account -
You are going to go to the part where it says post to classifieds then you’re going
to go to the part where it says post to jobs offered and then go to the part where
it says post in Customer Service, Sales or Marketing. This is what you’re going to
post in the classified section -
Customer Service/Marketing/Sales Reps Needed
Work from Home or any Variation of that in the
Title field.
If you are dedicated, hard-working
working and ready to take on a new
Opportunity, we just might be the right fit for you!
You must be outgoing as well as possess a willingness to stick through until the
This is a work from home position.
All applicants will be considered those with and without exp.
Computer with internet connection
Knowledge of email usage
Basic Knowledge of the Internet
For more info please email us and one of our sponsors will get back with you
Once they respond to your craigslist Ad – Copy and Paste this into your reply
Hello you replied to an ad on Craigslist about a position
n from home. This is not
an automated message. My name is (insert Name here) and I am online right now!
I will be your direct sponsor to make sure you make money the very same day
you start. You can contact me via email until we get you signed up. This position
does not require any out of pocket money what so ever. What you will be doing is
simply placing ads on classified sites like Craigslist, BackPage , and other places
as well exposing people to this Great exciting opportunity. We provide the ads
needed to be posted!
+If you can check emails and surf the web, then you can do this.
+There are no admin fees, website fees, or monthly fees
+It is 100% free to join + Get paid daily.
+A computer, internet access and an email address is required.
+A Turn Key system is included, absolutely free.
+Step by Step System in place
You set your own hours but a minimum of 2 hours per day is required to succeed
I have been with the team for about 6 months.
Average Pay Is $20+ Per Hour or more! I personally make $1800 a week or more
and so can you!
In order to get started you will need these items and here are the reasons for
1. A PayPal Account: This is so you can be paid every day. But you also
have the option of having a Company payroll check mailed to you but PayPal is a
lot faster and usually the same day.
If you don't have PayPal ,don't worry this can be set up later at
I will also personally walk you through the process and Train you. Training takes
about 30-45 minutes to get going and you can start right away the Same Day!
To let me know that you are serious about this opportunity I will send you one
step at a time. I do not want to waste my time with anyone. There are Hundreds
of People emailing me about this Work from Home opportunity due to the
economy. I will personally talk to you via email to be sure that the day you start
work that you will get paid that day!
I will also personally walk you through the process. Takes about 20 minutes to
get going.
Average person makes anywhere between $100-$400 a day!
To let me know that you are serious about this opportunity I will send you one
step at a time. I do not want to waste my time with anyone. If you wish to
continue please reply to this email "Step One" and leave me your Contact info and
best way/time to reach you.
I look forward to working with you and helping you thru these economic times.
(insert Name here)
If They Respond then contact them and tell them all about which freebie site you
want them to join and the offers.
Here is a Alternate route for Craigslist as well -
Craigslist is an online network filled with communities featuring classified
advertisements – with sections completely devoted to jobs, communities, gigs
(odd jobs or labor), freebies (free-cycling), discussion forums, services, products
for sale, etc. Plain and simple, anyone who’s interested in a product, service, or
needs help can simply create a free ad and millions of interested prospects will
simply respond.
Now, the method you are about to learn on craigslist is one of my original best.
I’ve successfully received 3 – 6 greens with every single attempt. I mean, EVERY
ATTEMPT! So consider yourself lucky, getting amazing results with this
method is TYPICAL. Best of all…
You don’t need to have an account with Craigslist to do it.
So, how will you get referrals (free Greens) on craigslist?
The answer is simple – skill trading. Skill trading means to off a favor or a skill
as a service in return for a favor. So in this case, you’re going to find people on
craigslist who are willing to pay for help, which require a skill or ability that you
have. However, instead of asking for payment, just ask them to find you some
referrals! To them, you’re giving them an amazing deal!
How I Did It!
By going to the “Gigs” section, I came across a massive list of people who needed
some help and was offering cash payment. Now, because I’m a skilled graphic
designer, I answered an ad for a women who needed a complicated logo design
but couldn’t afford to pay more than $100. So i contacted her and offered a deal
that she couldn’t resist…
“I’ll do your design free of charge if you and 3 friends can complete an offer under
my link, cause im trying to get a free macbook pro..!” “If you find 8 friends to
complete an offer under my link, I’ll design your website for free!“
Within 2 days, I got 4 referrals (greens) in my freebie account and I designed her
a quick logo. It was that simple! I did this 4 times within 2 weeks – a total of 40
greens. That’s more than enough for 4 free xbox 360 slims on some freebie sites!
What if you had 5 referrals and each of them got you 3 – 5 more referrals for you?
That’s huge!
You don’t have to be a graphic designer, nor do you have to be a web developer
either. There are people on CL offering cash in return for favors or help, whether
it be physical labor, creative work, education, or coaching. If someone wants their
car fixed, help packing boxes, needs some cleaning around the house, wants to be
coached on dating, or whatever, you can cut them a deal and ask for referrals
(Greens) in return for your service. To them, it’s always a great deal because they
don’t have to pay you. For you, you’ll be getting that new game console or laptop
This method works great you tolerate traveling to people’s houses all the time or
can handle doing the work. I personally did stop because doing free designs for
some measly referrals wasn’t really worth it.. but It helped me get my prize!
Best of all, you don’t NEED to have an account on craigslist to do it.
All you need to is visit the site, surf through the ads under the “Gigs” section in
classifieds. If you find someone willing to pay for a service you can easily provide,
then do if for free and get some greens out of them!
PS. You don’t have to do this on craigslist. You could even try this out with your
friends, peers, colleagues, or your entire network!
3. Facebook - How to Get Referrals using Facebook
I have to tell you, it’s pitiful how many people copy and slam or better yet Copy
and BODY SLAM their referral links directly on Facebook updates and comment
boxes. I don’t know who told these people that flashing referral links directly on
Facebook is a good idea, because it’s not.
Fact of the matter is, promoting your referral links directly on Facebook will do
nothing but ANNOY! It’s completely ineffective, spammy, and people WILL
NOT RESPOND well to that. I mean, there’s a time and place for everything, but
when it comes to referral links, Facebook is not the place! Even most freebie
forums don’t like users promoting referral links!
“Hmmm.. if that were true, why are people still doing it?”
Because they don’t KNOW ANY BETTER. They don’t have any real
background on marketing and social media advertising. They don’t understand
the psychological defenses people put up when they see ads and links. At the end
of the day, professional internet marketing and advertising deals with attracting,
not promoting. If you’re physically trying to distribute your referral links
everywhere on the web, you’re DOING IT ALL WRONG, and you’re setting
yourself to up to struggle for months and months and months! So again, stop
promoting your referral links on Facebook and or any other social network.
Getting Referrals from Facebook pages the RIGHT WAY
Important: before we get in to “How to Get Referrals using Facebook Pages”, it’s
crucial that you, first, choose and target a niche, and second, have a promotional
campaign ready – you know, a medium or domain that you direct traffic to before
you offer your referral links! If you want to learn more,
What makes Facebook pages so effective in terms of attracting referrals? I mean,
why Facebook Pages?
Why Facebook pages, you ask?
Facebook pages hold communities of people who actively express interest in a
designated subject or industry. I mean, there are loads of Facebook pages that are
based on SEX, Gaming, Tech, Gadgets, Health, Fitness, Cooking, Blogging,
Sports, Marketing, designing, Entrepreneurship, and of course freebies. Each and
every one of these industries have sub topics which exist in their own Facebook
pages, whether it be a business, or a publicly shared interest.
And best of all, there are thousands upon thousands of people who “LIKE”
exploring and discussing these topics.
See, Facebook pages give you access to a community of people who ACTIVELY
EXPRESS interest in your industry (a well-targeted audience)! So why not take
advantage? Thanks to Facebook pages, you can communicate directly to a large
audience of people asking for products or services your freebie site offers? Do you
see where I’m going with this?
Now let’s talk about how to convert Facebook users into referrals using fan
Converting Facebook Traffic into Referrals…
Ok, I’m going to assume that you’ve already selected a niche and that you have a
campaign already set up. So now it’s time for you to get traffic from Facebook and
direct them to your campaign where they should be more susceptible to signing
up under your referral link!
So how do you do that?
Start your own Fan Page and Grow a Huge Following
Name Your Page Something that your Niche Already Agrees with!
With your Target Audience in mind, create a Facebook fan page and name it
something that your audience agrees with. So again, make sure your page name is
something that people ALREADY AGREE WITH. If you name your page, “Free
Xbox..”, then you will fail miserably! Start posting valuable content.
When I say valuable content, I mean start writing interesting updates, tips,
advice etc. You need to have some content ready before people can begin to “Like”
and participate! So have at least 7 wall posts ready! Make sure the posts offer
some form of value to your niche!
Your updates should consist of Motivational Quotes, Fun Facts, A Free Tip,
Something Funny, Controversial, Open Ended Questions, and or even a posted
video that you found interesting on YouTube!
Make sure your wall posts are interesting enough to get people going, debating,
questioning, discussing, laughing, etc. After you create at least 7 – 10 wall posts,
“Like” it and then…
Encourage at least 100 friends to “Like It’!
After enough people “Like” your page, if done right, it should go Viral and soon
you’ll have over 10,000 people following you page. Not only that, but they will
have built enough TRUST in you. Make sure you keep posting interesting stuff
on the wall to feed readership. As it grows, your fans will end up posting content
themselves and now you don’t have to worry about keeping up with it.
Drive Traffic from Facebook Page to your referral link-ready campaign
Now that you have such a massive following of people in your NICHE on your
Facebook page, you can now get more comfortable using your wall to post links
to your campaign for referrals.
Here’s a wall post example:
“Woah… Apparently you can make $128 with ZNZ for a $0 startup cost. This
article is pretty good… Im gonna give it a shot! (Post Link to your article, video,
blog or whatever medium you use for your campaign)”
Do this once every few days and you’re accounts will be piling up with INSANE
TIP: Make sure your page readers don’t know who you really are. So that way,
when you do post links to your campaign using your popular Facebook page,
your viewers won’t feel like they’re being sold or pitched anything! They’ll just
assume that you’re only showing them something you just stumbled upon. So if
you actively show your face on your Facebook page, make sure your face does not
appear anywhere on your campaign; not unless you’re someone with huge
credibility who people follow and trust no matter what!
By creating a Facebook page under a topic that people in your niche already agree
with, you can instantly build a massive targeted audience who follow and/or
contribute to your page with great enthusiasm. You can now leverage off your
highly populated Facebook page to drive traffic to your campaign by periodically
posting links. Your campaign will do the rest of the selling and should convert at
least 60% of that traffic into referrals for your freebie site!
4. Work at Home Forums on Google
There are literally thousands of Work at Home forums on Google or any kind of
forum. Just Type in Work at Home Forum in the Google toolbar and sign up for
the site of your choice and once again market this amazing opportunity. What
stay at home Mom/Dad wouldn’t be interested in making Hundreds a day in the
comfort of their own home. Examples of great Work at Home forums:
There are MILLIONS of unemployed people who consider a couple-a-hundred
bucks to be "a lot of money" at this time in their life?? Look at all the people who
are taking their lawnmowers around their neighborhood begging people to let
them mow their yards for $20 or $30. Turn on one of the smaller AM stations in
your area that have a "Swap Shop" show and see how many people are trying to
sell everything they have or doing "Handy man" work or hauling trash to the
dump for people to make a few dollars because they can't find work. Take your
business card or flyers to the unemployment office and advertise them being a
referral on a Freebie Sites. There are six unemployed people, on average, for each
available job out here. Why not help the other 5 while helping yourself. Don’t
forget to order Business cards to pass out to anyone willing to make extra income
as you will be surprised as to how many need extra money. Vista Print is Free!!
Here is yet another, powerful method of getting referrals using Fiverr – and
websites just like it!
Fiverr and other sites like it provide a much larger opportunity for easy referrals
than most people realize. So lets get into this method, starting with…
Tools You’ll Need…
Have an account with Fiverr. It’s Free to Reg
Register –
How To Get More Freebie Referrals With Fiverr!
What the Heck is a Fiverr?
Fiver is a website that offers a very cheap trade service for it’s members. On
Fiverr, you’ll find that people are offering their skills, knowledge, or services
whether it be advertising, marketing, graphic design, jewelry, information, etc. –
just for 5$! That’s right, on fiverr, you can get someone to do a free design for
you or have someone promote your website or llinks
inks on their social networks and
contact lists for only $5!
How do I get referrals from Fiverr?
Well, there are 2 ways to get referrals on Fiverr and they’re both equally
beneficial to you. I mean, you pretty much, have so much to gain in both ways –
though I, personally prefer way over the other. Any who, I know you’re itching
grab hold of your free xbox 360 (whatever you want) so I’ll jump on the first
fiverr referral method.
Fiverr Referral Method 1 – Get Other People to Pay You for Your Freebie
Referral Links!
Ok, here’s where you can make money, whether or not someone chooses to sign
up under your link! Awesome right? Heck Yeah it is! However, this part is pretty
sensitive. If you’re not careful with your words, you’d be considered a scammer or
a scammer and you’ll risk getting your account deleted – then you’d have to start
all over again! So, with this method, the key lies in your creativity!
Now, once you’ve created your account with, you can simply offer to
show people your “secret” to getting free gadgets or $ online? Here’s an example:
As you can see in the image, a user is offering to show people how to get free
apple gadgets for $5. So the general idea here is, “For $5, I’ll Show You How I
Ordered a Free iPhone 4, Online…“, and when people give you $5, you simply
offer your referral link and give them a brief walk-through on your freebie site…
and BOOM, you got yourself a referral!
If for any reason they choose not to be active, it doesn’t matter, you just got $5.
What if 10 people gave you $5 to show them how to get a free iPad Tablet or an
LCD HDtv? You’ll will have gotten paid $50 and will have gotten some referrals
– more than enough to claim a free iPod Shuffle on Freebiejeebies!
Maximize your results w/ these tips -
Instead of displaying an avatar of a Stock Photo, use an avatar of either yourself
or a freebie testimonial. Fiverr is still a social site and people will only respond to
people. A Stock Photo of an iPhone when talking about getting a free iphone will
only make people skeptical. So use, either a pic of yourself, or an actual freebie
testimonial (proof pic).
Be creative with your wording! You want to make sure that your offer grabs
attention and doesn’t encourage any form of skepticism. When it comes to “FREE
iPODs…” people are naturally skeptical. So instead of saying something like, “I’ll
Show You How to get a Free iPod…“, say, “I’ll show you how ‘I’ got ‘MY’ Free
iPod and iPad in 2 weeks for $5!” Make the emphasis about yourself and what
you’re doing, not them. Otherwise, people will only get defensive because they
think you’re promising them a free gadget, which is too good to be true for them.
Either way, be creative with what you say!
Fiverr Referral Method 2 – Spend 5$ or more, to get people to advertise your
referral links for you!
Did you know that people are willing to advertise your website and links for you
on their sites?
That’s right! On Fiverr, you’ll find people who will be happy to promote your site
or referral links to their twitter following, facebook friends, myspace buddies,
emailing list, and website subscribers for weeks – all for $5. If you paid 10 people
$5 each, you’ll have a team of 10 people actively promoting your referral links and
sites for you for a week, or even a month! That’ll mean, absolutely NO WORK for
you! With $5 dollars, you have the power to leverage off someone else’s hard
work and efforts for referrals. Who knows, maybe the person you pay will also
end up wanting to join your freebie site! Best of all, many of these gigs will give
you high quality and targeted traffic to ensure conversions. Just make sure you
read the descriptions! Here’s a list of alternative sites, which run just like Fiverr!
You should be able to apply the same methods to these networks… successfully!
7. Online Resources
1. Explore trading forums. One of the best ways to get referrals is to visit a
freebie trading forum. On these forums, you can meet other people who are
looking to get offers done as well. These forums are usually split into three main
categories: referrals for cash, referral for referral, and referral for other. Referrals
for cash mean that you actually pay someone to be a referral on your Freebie Site.
You give them your referral link, they sign up and complete an offer, and you
receive the credit. The benefits to doing this are that you can be sure that the
person will complete the offer and go "green" (i.e. complete the requirements and
be a referral for you). Obviously, the drawback to this method is that you're
spending money. But, just like in the real world, it often times takes spending
money to make money. But you should still be making a profit this way. And hey,
do you want even more extra cash? Complete some Freebie’s for other people! It's
completely feasible that you could pull in $100 a day doing that. Referral for
referral means that you become a referral on someone else's site in exchange for
them becoming a referral on your site. This is the fastest way to get your IFW
sites done, in my opinion. Referral for other sections on trading forums are
devoted to people who can't sign up for someone else's site, and who have no
money to pay people to sign up as one of their referrals. So sometimes people will
offer a service. For example, they may offer to make you a banner for your
website, or offer you a DVD they have, in exchange for you being a referral for
them. Here are some good trading forums to check out:, Free
Lunch Room, and Free iPod Guide.
2. Create a blog. Blogs that promote your IFWs can be an effective way to get
referrals. Create a blog all about getting a free iPod with your referral link for
people to sign up. Show some proof that the method works. Post often with new
content for your readers to enjoy.
3. Post your referral link everywhere you can. The more exposure to your referral
link, the more referrals you will get! Here are some suggestions on places to post
your referral link: your IM profiles (AIM, Yahoo, MSN Messenger, etc.), your
website if you have one, in your signature on any forums you visit (if the forum
allows it), on your social networking profiles (Myspace, Facebook, etc.), see if
your friends will let you post your link on their websites, and in your e-mail
4. Make some flyers in Microsoft Word. Include your referral link (preferably on
tabs that the person can rip off) and a little bit of information about the website.
Post the flyers on public bulletin boards at your school, the grocery store, the
library, etc.
5. Recruit your family and friends. The best place to begin when you're looking
for referrals is to talk to people you already know, your family and friends! Take
some time and show them the website and some proof that it works.
6. Utilize word of mouth. Word of mouth is still the best way to get a message
across. Whenever you encounter someone, make sure to mention about IFWs and
encourage them to take a look. The more people who hear about it, the more
referrals you will have!
Tips & Warnings
Do not spam your referral link on message boards and forums. People don't
respond too nicely to that usually. So if you're going to post your link, make
sure you write a message about a great website you found that makes it easy
for you to get a new iPod, etc.
Make sure that you don't recruit anyone who lives in the same household as
you. Most IFWs only allow one account per household, and you could get
banned from the site if multiple accounts use the same address or IP
It’s freakishly discouraging when your friends and family simply ignore what you
have to say when you offer your referral links – especially when they’re concerned
over the freebie network’s legitimacy. However, such negativity over your new
freebie hobby is to be expected. I mean, c’mon, when I heard that I can get a free
$2000 iMac for spending $9 on GameFly, I dismissed the conversation because I
couldn’t comprehend such ridiculous nonsense (at first).
Now it simply goes to show that people simply don’t trust something they don’t
fully understand, and because we naturally expect things to go bad, we don’t even
bother lifting a finger unless we are 100% sure that we’ll get it.
With all that being said, I’ve come up with a list of things you must do in order to
get your friends and family to happily sign up as your referral and participate
with you!
So, let’s turn Your Friends into Referrals for your Freebie Sites
Introduce Your Freebie Hobby | Pique Interest
When approaching your friends, families, or other people about freebie sites via
social media, blogs, emails, articles, or via texting or Instant Messaging, you
want to pique their interest with the right approach – and I mean, THE RIGHT
APPROACH. Do this wrong and you’ll immediately spark some skepticism.
So what’s the right approach? Here’s the answer:
Make Freebies All About You
You see, when you approach someone joining freebie sites, you need to introduce
the freebie site as your personal interest – YOUR THING! Make it about you and
what you’re doing.
Here’s an example: “I’ve been making a hobby out of getting free gadgets online
and I’m expecting to receive a free iPod Nano next week!“
Or “I’m freaking excited! One of my closest friends just received a free iPod Nano
and I’m expecting to receive mine in the mail next week! Want to know how?“
Never approach your friend, or anyone for that matter, saying; “I can show YOU
how to get a Free iPod Nano or free cash” or “You want a free iPod Nano or free
Money ? I can show you how to get it for free!“
You seriously can’t pique their interest by making it all about them, because
rather than asking to join you, they’ll simply put on their skeptical hats and
question everything you’re promising them.
Think about it! If someone sent you a message saying, “Want a free iPod Nano
or$180 free? Here’s how…. link” wouldn’t you consider it spam? Yes. However, if
you were to receive a message reading “Yo… bob, my friend Joe just got himself a
free iPod Nano (show proof pic). I already got a free iPod Nano on the way, check
this out - (Referral Link). Sick!!“, you’d probably perceive it as genuine
information rather than spam.
Now that you have your friend’s attention, you can continue on by showing off
images and testimonials of free gadgets to further increase their interest and
spark some excitement. If you know that your friend desires an Xbox 360 Slim,
then showcase some proof pics of free xbox 360s.
By showing off free gadgets (proof pics), you’re doing far more than piquing
interest, you’re also introducing a community and this will add credibility to the
freebie networks – making if far more attractive.
If you’ve gotten a free gadget before, show it off! It’s much more effective when
you, yourself, are a living testimonial because it magnifies your credibility and
believability. Your friend will find it much more attractive and will be confident
that he/she can do it too!
Introduce Your Referral Link & Explain How It Works
Now that your buddy is dying to know how receiving free gadgets online is
possible, you now have the option to introduce your referral link and encourage
your friend to sign up while you give them a brief walk-through, or, you can
simply explain to them how it works and then offer your referral link after.
Though this part is obvious, make sure they understand that in order to qualify
they have to complete an offer, whether it costs a bit of pocket change or just
some credit card information on a free trial offer. Either way they’re foolish not to
hop on the opportunity to spend $4+ measly bucks on an offer and refer 2 or
more friends for a free gadget. Either way, by this point they should already trust
that this is all legitimate and that it’s only a matter of whether or not they want a
free console or desk top – and they do!
Reintroduce the Community
It’s very important you re-introduce the community to your friend immediately
after explaining how it all works (completing offers). In this way it reinforces
their belief and excitement and it’ll only make their decision that much easier. So
if you can, introduce your friend to a freebie forum and let him/her browse
through all the success stories and testimonials. Introduce your buddy to your
freebie friends.
Providing a sense of community to your friend or prospects in general will
provide a sense of security, meaning, they won’t feel like they’ll be on the freebie
journey on their own. They’ll simply be completing an offer and earn free gadgets
along with loads of people doing the same thing. It’s also a potently motivating
factor that will keep your friend’s active with freebies, simply because a
community forum also provides a sense of competition.
So again, once you explain how it works, you simply offer your referral link and
then reintroduce the freebie community. The best Freebie Community Forum by
far is Exceem. Join Exceem’s freebie community now. I’m actively on there as
Share valuable Freebie Site resources
Whether your friend is still reluctant to sign up until he or she learns more, or if
your friend excitedly signs up and completes an offer ready to take the freebie
world by storm, nothing boosts a person’s confidence when they’re given the
tools to be successful. Whatever your referral methods are, share it. If you know
of a excellent resource that has helped you successfully on your freebie journey,
share it.
Should your friend not have completed an offer right away, you need to make sure
he or she doesn’t get discouraged by all the bogus reviews written by banned
users. So make sure you provide a valuable resource where they can learn
Have Some Enthusiasm
There’s nothing more infectious than excitement. Therefore, when you approach
your friends, you need to be excited and enthusiastic about freebies. Why, because
if you’re excited, it will create an Eager Want in the minds of your friends. That’s
it! The idea is to create an Eager Want amongst your friends.
Don’t feel nervous or appear vague, don’t be so focused on convincing them
either. Any kind of negative emotion will be picked up and your friends will
respond with criticism rather than be open and curious. Besides, freebie incentives
are awesome and provides a world of opportunity. So there’s no reason why you
shouldn’t be happy to reach out to your friends.
OFFER YOUR LINKS to a TARGETED NICHE: What you should do is
target an audience of people who are actively expressing interest in what your
freebie site offers; like people who seriously want an Iphone 4, Xbox 360 Slim,
MacBook Pro, etc. People don’t Always want $$ you can give them incentives as
So how do you find a niche? Easy? Think about problems and concerns that
usually motivate people to pursue Free Stuff... In this way, you can get to them
before your competitors do. Here's a few examples of good niches you can
promote your links to
- College Students in need of a Lap Top but don't Have money...
- Moms who want to spoil their kids...
- Gamers who dream of turning their space into an Ultimate Gaming and
Entertainment Center
- Music Lovers who want Free Bose Sound Equipment and the Latest MP3
- Cell phone Carriers embarrassed by their old crappy flip phones
- Food Lovers who want Free Gift Cards to use for all their Favorite Restaurants
- SwagBuck, Lockerz, Points2Shop users who are having trouble collecting
enough points to get their freebie
- Movie Maniacs who'd love a FREE 40" HDTV so they can enjoy their movies
in High Definition on movie nights
- Photoshop Pros / Aspiring Graphic designers who'd love a Free Imac or
Macbook pro
The main thing is, once you find your niche (target audience), now you
can develop content that will pique their interest!
The more you talk about your freebie site, the more referrals you chase away!
Why? Because people don't CARE about freebie sites.. People only care about
getting their freebies. So if you're promoting Freebie Jeebies instead of Free Xbox
360 Slim, you are going to fail! It doesn't matter if Freebie Jeebies is offering a
Free Xbox 360 Slim! Stop talking about the freebie site, only sell people on how
awesome and great it is to have such a powerfully entertaining game console for
FREE! Sell people on the amazing gaming experience and feelings that comes
with it. Do not talk about how the freebie site works... let people find that out on
their own! Otherwise, you'll just make it appear to be complicated, leaving room
for excuses and rebuttals! NO ONE WILL EVER give you an excuse as to why
they don't want a Free Xbox 360 or a Free Iphone 4, but they will give you an
excuse as to why they don't want to join your freebie site! So in order for you to
leave no room for excuses and rebuttals, stop talking about your freebie site...
only talk about what it would be like to get free (whatever you want)...
Just like how ProActiv® Infomercials only talk about getting RESULTS. All you
see is the product and TONS of BEFORE and AFTER images of HAPPY
PEOPLE! That's it, the only thing that is being promoted is the product and the
results! You don't see anyone talking about the company that designed
ProActiv® or the fact that Guthy-Renker® markets the product!
Did you understand what i just shared with you?
Get over 200 referrals per day on: Lockerz, Swagbucks, Points2Shop, TRAINN,
OFFERCENTRIC, Rewards1, XPango, PrizeRebel, FreebieJeebies,
PrizeShopper, and More...Just Google these names and sign up
There's a Massive Arsenal of Websites and Online Tools that Generally NO
ONE thinks to Utilize to collect referrals. I'm talking about websites and tools
that will SYSTEMATICALLY create 1,000s of Hungry Users who are more than
happy to complete an OFFER Under Your Referral Link. Best of all, YOU
Now that you know where to Market Freebie Sites Here is a great way to
get people to sign up…
Prepaid Cards
Most people are scared to sign up with they own Bank cards or most people are
just flat out broke. That shouldn’t stop you from making $$$. Go down to your
local Walmart or Walgreens/CVS and buy your Referral a prepaid card and put
$20-$30 on it so they can complete the offers. You will spend $20-$30 but you
will make $120-$180 per referral profit. **Disclaimer – Completing Offers with
Prepaid Cards
**Freebie Sites do not want you using a Paypal Debit Card, a prepaid card, a gift
card, or anything other than Bank debit or credit Card. Why? Because the offers
on the freebie sites want to be able to verify your identity and bank cards or
The offer sites cannot tell what kind of card you are using so be careful and just
make sure you have your referrals cancel the offers so we can keep this Business
strong. Also suggest them using their own Bank cards because it saves you
money on buying the Prepaid card and not all the offers accept Prepaid cards.
Simple Math
2 referrals at $180 a piece = $360
You bought Two Referrals prepaid cards and spent $60 on them. You made $300
but spent $60. Your Profit for the 2 referrals is $300
$300 Profit daily x 7 days a week = $2100 a week
$2100 a week x 52 weeks in a Year = $109,200 Annual. ***This is how you
make a 100k Annual Salary*** It only takes 2 Referrals a day. Sometimes
I do 5 or 6 referrals a day so how much you want to make is up to you.
Another Example: I would like to buy my Wife a Brand Luxury new car that
cost $45,000 in cash. You have a Program with a Freebie site that pays $180 per
Referral. 250 Referrals x $180 = $45,000.
It’s not hard to get 250 referrals with the Tips in this EBook!! If you set up one
Referral in the Moring and 1 referral at night for the next 4 months you can
easily have $45,000 in your bank Account or PayPal. This is more or less 2 hours
out your day.
So Making 100K annually is not a stretch at all if you are dedicated and focus on
your Dreams.
If you do ZNZ BigCash, ZNZ Bluray and ZNZ One and make $128 per referral 3
times a day that is $128 x 3
$128 x 3 = $384 a day
$384 a day x 5 days a week is $1920 a week
$1920 x 52 weeks = $99,840 See where I’m going with this!! It’s simple math!!
Use TeamViewer to help your Referrals complete the offers so you can
make sure you are paid.
TeamViewer is an excellent screen
sharing app that can be used to facilitate
Freebie Site collaborations, remotely access a second computer, or help a referral
through an Offer or missing Credit Requests. Along with being free, it gives
users precisely the tools the
theyy need to share screens securely, control access rights,
and even flip which user has control. Basically if a referral has trouble doing an
offer with TeamViewer you can show them how to finish and answer any
questions they may have at that time.
Another Alternative to TeamViewer is
Here is my favorite piece of marketing material that I use and you can use it
too – It’s called The Let’s make a deal flyer. I get many Referrals interested
in my Freebie programs when they read this.
Let’s Make A Deal
Let’s play an old favorite TV Game Show of mine!! Let’s Play "Let's Make A Deal"
Behind Curtain #1 Spend time applying to jobs that
Hundreds, maybe thousands of others are applying for and waste your
time sending out application email after application email
and you BLOCK your own BLESSING from making $200-$500 DAILY.
Behind Curtain #2 Email me back "Step One" so that you can get paid
$200-$500 DAILY with Minimal startup cost Same day free training with a
Sponsor and Start right away!! Have money for your Families and free Website
with no fees included!!! Work at home and enjoy time with your family instead of
being away from home from 7am to 7pm for less pay!
Behind Curtain #3 Actually get a call back from a Potential Employer
but you get dressed up, get your Hopes up, waste $25 in Gas to go to a
interview and still don't get picked for the J.O.B. (Just over Broke)
If you picked Curtain # 2 and wish to continue Let’s Get Started. This is
an Excellent chance to make great money!!
People will choose Curtain # 2. People love Money plain and simple. Everyone
loves extra Income and everyone needs to support themselves. Just make sure
your presenting it right. It’s all in Presentation. A lot of people try to sign up
others before knowing what they're talking about. People can sense uncertainty in
your voice and can tell when you're loss... when you are lost, you make them lost
too. Make sure you understand the program and don't think as yourself as
someone who sells, but think of yourself as someone who teaches.
Explain to your referrals the importance of signing up and keeping the
One really great offer is Profinity Walmart. Do you know that you make more
back from Profinity than it cost to use? If you shop at Walmart, you get $25 back
a month. Do you eat out? $25 restaurant voucher. It also gives you discounts on
movie tickers, air travel and a host of other things. So when you out spending this
money you making, Profinity isn't a bad offer at all to keep.
If you have kids, Gamefly makes sense to get their games for unlimited amounts
of time, instead of spending all that money on the games at GameStop
If you qualify, the credit card offers are usually free, worth the full 1 credit, and
there's no cancellation required.
Offers like Evoice give you your own 1800 number where you can receive calls
toll free to your referrals nationwide. The best thing about it is it gives you 300
free minutes a month and it's a 6 month free trial.
Blockbuster is only $4.99 a month… Who doesn't rent movies!! Blockbuster is
money. I get a ton of Referrals who love this offer They get a huge selection of
movies to watch at home, mail it back and get more for a super cheap price.
Disney Movie Club is only $1. You can get a Cinderella Bluray , Lion King,
Pocahontas and a SnowWhite Bluray all for $1
There are a lot of people out there trying to buy Homes, Cars and other things
and getting their credit in order is very important. With,
TrueCredit , Smart Credit and any of the other Credit offers they can do credit
monitoring, credit protection and a host of other things...
Also don't sleep on the skin product offers, there are tons of people who actually
use it . Neutrogena, Hydroxatone, Own Acne and Proactiv are all stuff people
want to buy for themselves or their children.
Not only are Referrals signing up for with these companies to get Extra income
but they are signing up with Great Offers as well. Just remember to give your
referrals all the cancellation #’s if they choose not to keep the offers.
Freebie Sites to Choose From
The main sources of money for these Freebie Site Programs are corporate
sponsors and their services and products being offered. Major companies such as
Columbia house, free credit report, Netflix, and many others brand name
companies that want to get their product or services into the hand of consumers
go through the Freebie Site network to establish more of a brand presence and
awareness. These aforementioned big companies and a host of others contact the
Freebie Sites and allocate a certain amount of money in return for advertising
space on their websites to market their offers available. We have a ton out there
and here is the List of the most popular sites to choose from.
Building A Website for Easy Referrals
Imagine having a website filled with iPhone images, Xbox 360 banners, and Free
HDtv Testimonials – all hyper-linked to your freebie site. Now imagine your
website sitting on the first page of Google when 3 million people search, “How to
Get a Free Macbook Pro“, every single month! Now imagine 10% of those 3
million people visiting your website, clicking on your buttons and links, and then
signing up as your referral – all while you’re sleeping or out on vacation.
Now imagine yourself waking up, checking your account status, and realizing you
have more than enough referrals to order 3 xbox 360 slims, 2 macbooks, and 1
60″ LED HDtv! Or just collection HARD CASH to put in your Account! Now
imagine this happening to you every other month!
Wouldn’t that be a dream come true? Well it can! All you need to do is take
Creating a Website with links to your freebie site is an excellent way to convert
Search Engine Traffic in to referrals. If you were to make a website with referral
links to your Xpango, Freebiejeebies, or Kudos account and it ended up on the
first page of a highly searched and popular keyword, you could literally watch
your bedroom or house transform into a high-tech gaming and entertainment
show-room without spending a dime!
You can eventually move on and focus other methods to expand your freebie
empire while your site is running 24/7 getting new sign ups and earning you free
Now wouldn’t that be an excellent problem to have – a heavily piled garage
stuffed with free gadgets you can sell off on ebay? Lol.. I’m exaggerating, of
course, however, the skies the limit. If that’s what you want, then I’ll give you a
boost by helping you create a website to get referrals…
You need a domain name for your website. One that is freebie niche-targeted,
easy to remember, and or catchy. So you might want to brainstorm a bit and
think up some interesting domain names. Again make sure it has something to do
with getting free gadgets – an ex; “”, “”,
“”, “”, “BlackFreeday”, etc.. just making up names
here – you get the point.
GoDaddy is the number 1 domain registrar in the world, for GOOD REASON.
Purchase your domain name at Once you’ve done that, you can
move on to the next step!
In order for your website to go live on the internet, in front of the world to see,
you need a web server to host your domain. It’s just that simple! No host, no
website! So, you get your hosting already. You can choose between GoDaddy, or
HostGator to host your domain.
Now that you’ve purchased your Domain Name and got your WebHosting, it’s
time now that you get yourself a cool looking template. If you’re excellent in
design, html, and css coding, feel free to design your own template. If you’re not
good at creating templates, you can download free ones on
For template customization, Exceem’s forums are filled with members who are
willing to customize and or edit the templates for you – all you have to do is ask.
Many of them are happy to show off their design skills by making your site look
very freebie friendly and gadget sexy lol…
Keep in mind, make sure your site looks professional. Anything less will turn
your visitors OFF.
For Premium Eye-popping and attention grabbing html, CSS, and Flash
templates, I recommend Dream Templates. With an Annual Membership Fee of
$60, you have UNLIMITED access to EVERY TEMPLATE on DREAM Let alone, because these templates are so clean, professional,
sleek, etc.. you barely have to customize it.
Having an account with multiple freebie websites will be a huge life saver. Why?
Well, having an account with only one freebie site will only limit you. Some
freebie sites won’t offer worldwide shipping when many of your website’s visitors
live in other countries. You’ll also discover that it’s common to find users from
other freebie networks looking for new ones to sign up on. If you’re promoting
GiftMonkey links on your site and an Ex Giftmonkey member stumbles across
your website, he or she will not sign up as your referral.
Giving your visitors options to choose is always effective. So visit the Freebie
Website Directory and register an account with, at least, 3 freebie websites.
Ok, good! You’ve got your site set up and you’ve even got a fantastic looking
premium template. Now it’s time to start creating and / or adding content to
your website.
Having great content on your website is key to referral conversions. Your
content should be convincing, informative, it should answer all of their questions
and rebuttals, it should show proof, press, testimonials, etc. and, of course, you
should have buttons, images, and links to your freebie site where your visitors can
sign up and register.
Have a page showing off testimonial pictures and videos of people who’ve earned
free gadgets. Create a page teaching your viewers how freebie sites work. Create
a page, a slide show, or add multiple buttons, each with a different gadget so your
viewers have a selection of gifts or sites they want to sign up under.
STEP 6 | START YOUR SEO – Search Engine Optimization
Now that you have your freebie site set up. Now it’s time for you to Optimize it
for Search Engine ranking. This is the beginning to getting referrals you never
have to work for. This is the beginning of freebie website domination. By
following the previous steps, you’ve proven that you’re interested in making free
gadgets an effortless hobby and you’re ready to go all out.
So here are some SEO tips to start you off…
Quality Back Links – Plain and simple, the more back links (websites linking to
you) you get, the higher the ranking your website will receive. An excellent way
to get a head start is publishing multiple articles using article directories and link
every article you publish back to your site. Commenting on blogs and articles
relevant to your niche is also excellent to get links back to your website. So your
goal here is to get as many back links as possible.
Keyword Rich Content – You want to make sure the contents on your site are
keyword rich. Whether it’s, “How to get a Free Xbox 360″ or “Free Apple
Macbooks and iPhones”, you want to make sure the content on your site is
consistent with your keywords. How could you expect your site to rank on
Google’s top 10 under “Freebie Jeebies Review”, when you have paragraphs and
tags on your site reading, “Chocolate Bakeries” and “Pizza Dorritos”..?
SiteMap – The easier it is for web crawlers to access the contents of your site,
the higher the ranking your website will receive. So have a list or archive of all
the pages you have in your site!
Inbound Links – Linking to other pages within your site will also make it easier
for web crawlers to index your site on Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
Out-Bound Links – Linking to other sites relevant to your niche or industry is
also a great way to build relationships with your competition. If you link to other
people’s sites, they are also likely to link to yours as well.
There are loads and loads of SEO tips and strategies. At the end of the day,
Google cares about rich, fresh, and great content, along with back-links,
keywords, and updating frequency. You don’t have to do EVERYTHING you
read… you just have to be persistent.
There you have it! You have successfully created a web site and now you can start
your SEO.
Lastly as we finish this eBook remember these very important steps -
1. Try starting with Friends or Family. We all have good friends or family
members or a few that will sign up and help you out. I always recommend this
because it gives you a little experience of the process and gives you more of an
understanding of the program so when you start signing up people from the net
you will be able to guide them through and answer any questions about the
program that they have with confidence.
2. Keep it Real. Surprisingly this is one of the few money making programs on
the internet that I have seen that has no hidden agenda. When they say its free to
start making money they really mean it is TOTALLY FREE. You don’t have to
buy anything later(there is no up-sell),You don’t have to sign up a million people
and have them sign up a million people to get paid. You sign someone up, have
them do a few free offers(or paid if they want to do those) and get paid that same
day. That’s it there is nothing else to it. So the best way to get people to sign up
is to just KEEP IT REAL.
3. Give People Incentives. If you offer people an incentive to sign up and do the
offers, from my experience they usually will do it. Sometimes I run a promotion
giving people $20 to sign up and complete the few offers and I get a lot of
response. If you think about it you are paying them money for them to make
money. Even if they are not trying to hustle they are still making a free $20 and
you are still profiting. You lose nothing.
4. Adapt to every situation. Everyone is different and will have a different
reason why they want to get into the program or why they don't want to get into
the program or why they are on the fence about it. Adapt to every situation you a
presented with. The ones who want to get into the program give them all the
information that you have, help them through the process, and share tips with
them on how to make the most money out of this. I have people I signed up
months ago that I talk to on a daily basis and we just bump heads on what are
good money making strategies and mostly just networking.
When you have people who hit you up but don't want to get in the program, leave
them alone and don’t waste your time with them. You don’t have to convince
anyone about this. If it’s not for them then cool. For those that are interested but
are on the fence about jumping into the program just simply give them the facts
of what it is.
Let’s recap all the unique ways to Get Referrals plus here is more ways:
1. Post on forums.
This is a great idea, get involved in forums that are about the get paid industry
and put your referral link in your signature. Don’t make the mistake of spamming
the forum otherwise you will find your post deleted and most likely your account
at the forum banned. What you want to do is become a part of the forum
community and as more and more people read what you have to say, you will find
people will start to click your referral link out of curiosity, this will lead to sign
2. Tell friends and family.
Such an easy thing to do but the most often this over looked all too often, a lot of
people that don’t understand how it is possible to make money online maybe
skeptical at first, but start showing them your checks and they will soon change
their tune and want to give it a go for themselves.
3. Letter box drop your neighborhoods.
Making up flyers and doing a letterbox drop can be an effective way of getting
referrals, just keep in mind the more flyers you get into letter boxes the more
referrals you are likely to get. This can be time consuming though and will cost
you a little bit of money up front to get the flyers made up.
4. Walk through parking lots putting flyers on cars.
This is something that I havn’t tried myself yet but have thought about doing
many times. It is a quick way to get your flyer to many people, the problem is if
those flyers get read or not, so if you are going to try this make sure your flyers
stand out.
5. Write a blog.
If you want to get serious about gaining referrals to any program then this is a
must do, make a simple blog about your get paid to program, the trick is then to
get traffic to your blog. I will make a separate post about and go into more detail
on how to drive traffic to your site.
6. Find chat rooms and groups that have the sole purpose of “Easy Money
This is something I haven’t tried myself but it is worth giving it a go, it isn’t all
that time consuming and can be fun and you most likely pick up a few tips and
tricks from the chat room as well.
7. Write a classified ad.
This is something I have seriously considered many times, advertising in your
local newspaper could have some very good results, your ad will be read by
thousands of people and if only 100 people of those thousands bother to check out
the site you are advertising and if out of those only half sign up, then that is
potentially 50 referrals you could get just for running the one ad. The more I
think about this, the more I think that I will give it a go.
8. Talk to students at high schools and colleges.
Absolutely go for it, if you a teen in high school then you know exactly how much
your school friends need money, if you can show them an easy and legitimate way
to make money online then surely they are going to be interested and if you can
follow up and show them your checks then I think you will find they would be
more then willing to sign up on the spot and give it a go.
9. Put a flyer up at work.
A simple flyer in your work’s staff room can be very effective, everyone there is
working to make money if they can be introduced to an easy way to make a bit
more then most of them are going to be interested.
10. Advertise while you drive with flags, bumper stickers, etc.
This does take a little bit of money to be spent up front, but I find that the results
are worth it and many times in supermarket car parks I have people asking me
about the sites I am advertising on my car.
11. Post your link at the end of your YouTube videos.
It only takes one of your video’s to become popular and go viral and you could
have your referral link viewed by thousands upon thousands of people worldwide,
really worth doing this on any video you make and upload to YouTube or similar
12. Give flyers for local businesses to hand out.
Print out flyers and ask local business’s if you can leave some in their shop for
customers to look at, this is especialy effective in a pizza shop, where people are
standing around waiting for their pizza, put a few flyers on a table and you will
find a lot of people will read them while they wait.
13. Make a website.
If you are into building websites, then you can easily do something like I have
done, share your experiences with others and help them to make a similar amount
as you are and you will have many people signup under you.
14. Tell people thru IM/PM
Go for it, if you have friends on MSN, AIM etc, let them know about the get paid
to program you are in and how you are going with it. Half the battle is already
won here, the people you talk to are already spending time on the internet and
signing up for different things all the time, so why not tell them they can get paid
for it.
15. Paid advertising on other people’s websites
Making your own site or blog is easy, the trick them is to get traffic to it,
advertising on a popular site is a sure fire way to get your referral link seen my
many people at once, that being said don’t go over aboard with what you spend,
my rule of thumb is to spend 50% of what I earn into promoting and the rest goes
in the bank for me.
16. Advertise on on-line games.
This is something I haven’t done myself as of yet, but it is something that I have
considered in the past, if anyone wants to give it a shot, please drop me a note and
let me know how it went.
17. Print business cards and include your phone number to enter into
business drawings (like you find in a lot of restaurants)
You never know this might just get you one or 2 referrals, I also leave my cards
on the table after I have had my meal, the trick with business cards is to get them
to as many people as possible.
18. Buy “paid to sign up” at other GPT sites
This will certainly get you referrals, whether or not they are active is a totally
different matter, I would suggest if you are going to try this is to buy the
cheapest package you can get at a few different sites and see how your results are
before going for it big time.
19. Buy an expired domain with traffic and “redirect” to your referral link.
This is an old school trick that many people have been doing for a long time now,
a lot of expired domains still have traffic and if you can grab one at the right time,
you can do quite well.
20. Buy banner space. Impression in high PR forums/groups.
I do this all the time, many people don’t like banner advertising, in my opinion
they are doing it all wrong, try not to use the generic banners of your program,
but makes something of your own, something vibrant that catches the attention
of the person viewing it, if you get them curious you will get them clicking and
the more clicks on that banner you get the more conversions you will get to your
referral program.
21. Buy text links on blogs/forums/groups
Yeah give it a go, once again the more people that see your links the more likely
you are to get people clicking on your link.
22. Offer cash or other incentives for sign-ups
This can actually work quite well, work out a profit share deal with the person
that is signing up under you, I always reward active people in my downline, after
all they are earning me money so why not share a little with them as an incentive
reward. The other thing that helps with recruiting new referrals to your get paid
to program is that if they have seen the site before through someone else’s
referral link then a financial incentive could be the difference that sways them to
sign up with you.
23. Add your ref. link or website to a file name of an mp3, video, or program
and share it over a file-sharing network like Bear Share or a torrent program.
This comes under the category of getting your referral link out to as many people
as possible to be viewed. Weight of numbers will convert into referrals.
24. Free traffic exchanges
There are plenty of traffic exchanges on the internet that will help in getting
traffic to your site, traffic exchanges give you a credit for every site of someone
else’s that you view, those credits are then redeemed for people to view your
website. The bonus with this method is anyone that signs up under you will
usually be a webmaster them selves and chances are they will recruit their own
referrals and start to fill your 2nd tier downline.
25. Paid traffic exchanges
Don’t have time to surf other peoples sites, then you can pay a fee to have visitors
sent to your site. I would be tentative in the beginning if you try this method, do
your research and your testing, if the traffic exchange doesn’t work, move on and
try something else, if it does work though stick with it and go for it and build
your downline.
26. Google Adwords (makes website ads that link to your website or ref.
Find yourself some long tail key words that aren’t competitive and you can find
yourself gaining referrals at a cheap price.
27. Mention that you get paid in US funds
This is a huge plus when it comes to recruiting to any get paid to program not
only Cash Crate, if someone from over seas joins the site and gets paid in US
dollars it can be an extra 50% or even 100% more when they convert into local
currency, don’t be afraid to recruit people from over seas, they might be that next
huge promoter.
28. Rent a billboard (Approx. $8-$15 per day)
This is a great idea if you can get billboard advertising at a cheap rate and one
that has a lot of traffic that will see it and read your message on a daily basis. I
would suggest though if you are going to go with this then get a domain name
that points to your referral link. Remembering is a lot
easier then remembering the risk you take there is
that your potential referral won’t type in your ref number and you lose out.
29. Get a tattoo with your referral link on it
Well… this one is up to you, I would guess if nothing else you would have people
asking about your tattoo and the site it is promoting but branding yourself with
your referral link is a big call.
30. Go door-to-door and ask in person
If you are familiar with the people in your neighborhood then it could pay you to
knock on a few doors, talk to them about your get paid to site and then offer to
sign them up whilst you are there and help them get started.
31. Add your site/blog to digg, stumble upon, Bumpzee,, etc
This is an absolute must do for any site owner, add one or two of your articles
and if it is good with a bit of luck you can find yourself with 20,000 vistors in a
little under 24 hours.
32. Have a friend or network digg your site/blog to digg, stumble, etc
The more diggs you get the closer to the front page your article will be, if a
couple of friends can help you out and get you a little closer to the front page then
go for it, it is well worth the time you spend.
33. Get a custom made shirt with advertisement on the front and/or back
This is not as silly as it sounds, it is often we see people wearing shirts with
website names on them and if you are like me then from time to time when you
get home you check out the site to see what it is about. Same principal here, the
more people that see your site name on your shirt will mean the more people that
go home and check out your site.
34. Radio advertisement for your referral link or website.
This is certainly worth a shot if you can word an ad that piques the curiosity and
gets people thinking about the site and wanting to have a look at the site to see
what it is about. As you may have noticed by now, gaining referrals is all about
maximizing the exposure of your ref link, site or blog.
35. Attach your referral link in your email address or signature.
This is such a simple thing to do but so many people over look it, have a think
about how many emails you send out, how many times those emails are forwarded
on to others and then you start to realize the viewing potential of your referral
link in just your email signature.
36. Road-side signs & banners
This is another thing that I have thought of doing many times but have never
quite got around to it, that being said I think it could get you a few referrals and
if you are a bit sneaky, you could make up your own sign and find a nice place that
gets plenty of traffic and put the sign up free of charge.
37. Have people sign up through Cash Crate in order to play a fun onlinegame.
Did you know you can play some fun online games through Cash Crate? Not
many people do and this could be a different approach that you could take in your
recruitment efforts. Get potential referrals interested in the games and they find
the offers and surveys after they sign up, this is a huge bonus to them.
38. Optimize your website for excellent search engine ranking.
This takes time and a bit of experience, but if you are going to go to the trouble of
building a website / blog then you really should do some research into Search
Engine Optimization, this will help you obtain a higher result in search engine
39. Add regular content to your site or blog. Keep it updated with new info.
Building your site is one thing, but you can’t just forget it, keep it updated and
keep it fresh and you will find that alone will give you a higher search engine
40. On your banner / images, use the “alt tag” with either your webpage / blog
or “keyword”. Search engines can index / spider images, so adding the “alt tag”
helps “define” the image!
This is over looked by numerous people when they build a website, particularly to
those that are new to site building. Search engines can’t tell one picture from
another from a simple image url, so using the Alt tag gives a description for your
picture that search engines can index.
41. Put a cheap ad in your local penny saver or thrifty nickel in the help wanted
or employment section.
This is well worth doing, first of all it is cheap and won’t cost you too much but it
is then seen by many people that can use extra money, if they read they can make
extra money from home then I think they are going to be interested enough to
check out the site further that you are advertising.
42. Put an E-book up for auction on Ebay with your blog or other website
info in it.
This is a very good idea, many people purchase ebooks online and from ebay,
simply put your website information into your ebook and load it with affiliate
links, then sell it for .99 cents or something very cheap, you will make a bit of
money from the ebay sales but you will also make money from the referrals this
technique will generate.
43. Before shipping eBay items, put an ad with your ref link in the box.
Every time you can, get that ad out for your get paid to site with the referral link
in it as well.
44. Send email to all your contacts, and tell them to join with your referral
Don’t spam, but if you are well known to all of your contacts then why not send
them an email telling them about the get paid to site you are in and the money
that you are earning, you will get a few people emailing you back expressing their
interest and asking questions.
45. Tell people at school
Teenagers at school, you guys know how hard it is to make money, particularly in
your early teens, tell your friends at school, show them your check and watch the
referrals come flooding in.
46. Use the so you can change your referral link completely.
This is a very good idea, it is easy for a potential referral to just type in rather then if you can
completely change that referral url to something that is easy to remember and
doesn’t look like a referral url then you will find it will be easier to advertise the
new link and get more conversions (people signing up)
47. Make a sign to put on a row of shared mailboxes
Why not give it a go? 20 minutes work or there abouts can get you a few quick
and easy referrals.
48. Sign up for a virtual business card. and list your blog
under the money making forum. Once you sign up, visit other money making
blogs and drop your card on their site.
I have not tried this idea myself and to be honest I had vever heard of the site
until recently but I don’t think it would hurt to give it a shot and see how it goes.
49. Build a huge MySpace friends list and dedicate the profile to your blog
or website.
Social sites like Myspace, Facebook and Twitter are a gold mine and if you have a
huge following you can quite easily get yourself a number of referrals, if you can
create a successful group on Facebook and get your self 100,000 plus members
then you can imagine how much traffic you can potentially get to your blog or
50. Place business cards with your referral link in shopping carts.
Very good idea, the more places that you can put your business cards that people
will pick them up and read them the better.
51. Put up a flyer that has your ref. link with tear off tabs on store bulletin
Many people do this as I am sure you have all have seen these types of flyers in
the past. If so many people do then it must work, the trick is to have a good
message that interests people enough to tear off the stub and check out the site.
52. Go to the library and place business cards with referral links in books about
financing, debt, home businesses, etc.
This is called ambush marketing and if done right can be very effective, don’t go
overboard though and put cards in every book in the library, just a few here and
there. Whilst you are at the library put a few cards on the desks as well.
53. Place business cards with referral link in public restrooms.
You may laugh at this, but why not give it a go, people will read the card and that
is one of the most important thing when it comes to advertising of any sort, you
need people to read your message.
54. Text your link to all your friends/family.
Text a simple message such as, “check this site out” or something similar is just
enough information to get someone interested enough for them to have a look at
a site that you just recommended.
55. Set your in-game username to a shortened link or your referral link.
I see this all the time and usually the site name sticks in my mind, it is well worth
doing this.
56. Hold up a sign on a street corner just like a car wash.
I think with this method you would need a bunch of business cards with you to
give out to anybody that is potentially interested, now I got to admit I am not
about to go and test out this referral technique myself but you are all more then
welcome to give it a try and let me know how you go.
57. Put your URL in your PS3′s comment.
This is thinking outside of the box and cross promoting, very simple to do and
can lead to positive results.
58. Point out that this is not a scam such as “free to sign up”, post testimonials,
or “doesn’t require confidential information such as credit cards, bank account, or
social security info.
A lot of people are still very reluctant to give out personal information over the
internet and that is fair enough I guess, so point out the facts that other then an
address there is no need to give out any other personal information to get paid.
59. Print off fake/dummy checks and leave them at heavily populated
Make it out to Uncle Sam for $23,000, sign it, and just below the dollar amount,
put in case this check is found, please visit www.”yourwebsite”.com.
Sounds like a fun idea and could get you a few people that have a look at your site.
60. Write your referral url or website address on every $1 bill you get
The average dollar bill changes hands hundreds of times in it’s life time, if you
write your site address on just 100 of your $1 bills and they each change hands
100 times each, that is 10,000 people that will have seen your referral url.
61. Put business cards in the credit card slots at gas stations.
This is sneaky and I think I am going to have to try it myself, make sure the cards
are hanging out of the slot a bit, I’d 100% guarantee that everyone that pulls out
the card will have a look at it quickly, some people will keep it others will throw it
62. Make business card coupons with your website or ref. link and leave at
different stores with a Take One – Free sign.
This is a must do and if you can put a few flyers there as well, getting that
information out to as many people as possible is what this referral game is all
63. Buy a pack of blank CD’s and burn a run file of your website or a
notepad file with a copy of your blog or ref link.
This is something I had never thought of before, but it does look professional and
I think many people will if nothing else at least put the disc in their computer and
have a look at what is on it.
64. Print free business cards, you can get 250 free business cards here at
As you have read there is plenty of different ideas to get referrals using business
cards, you may as well get them for free if you can, at Vista you can get 250 cards
for free, that is what I use.
65. Get pencils, paper, pens, magnets, etc printed with your link on them
and “leave” them lying around. Get them here at Vista
You can get all sorts of stuff at Vista, not only business cards and the good thing
is you do not need to buy bulk purchases you can just buy a few at a time. I’d
suggest buying fridge magnets and leaving one on fridges at all your friends and
families houses.
66. Start up a free online game site full of free java and flash games and
embed your banner into the top of each game.
If you in to making websites then this is for you, any site that is getting traffic not
only a games site, I would put a banner on the site and get yourself a few referrals
it also helps making your site financially viable and helps to pay server costs etc.
67. Paint your referral link on your car and go on a road trip across
I wouldn’t paint the link on your car, maybe purchase a magnet for the door or
you can do what I have done and purchase a stencil for the back window, my back
window is now a mobile advertising bill board and seen my thousands of people
every day.
68. Put the link on your msn name.
Pretty easy to do and is easily seen by all of your contacts.
69. Pass out cards at a trade show.
Once again this is about getting your information out to as many people as
70. Write your link on the back of a restaurant paper place mat.
Well, can’t say I have tried this or heard of anyone doing it, but if it was me at a
restaurant I would try this and leaving a business card with your tip.
71. Get a rubber stamp and stamp your referral link or website on envelopes
that you use to mail bills.
This is an other thing that you can get at Vista and is relatively cheap to get and
very easy to do. Everyone that gets a letter from you will see your ref link, some
of them will have a look at it.
72. Offer to help find their first referrals after signing up under you.
Helping those that are helping you make money can be a huge incentive, offer to
find a few referrals for each of your active downline members will be very much
appreciated and an added incentive to work harder.
73. Write an article.
I would suggest writing many of these and putting your referral link or website
address in the bottom of the post where you tell people a little about the author, a
well written informative post can be well received and read by many.
74. Paint your referral link on the street
Hmm… maybe do this in the middle of the night.
75. “Brand” yourself with a familiar name on forums, articles, etc.
Absolutely do this, everything I do online is by the name adam7one a simple
Google search of the name comes up with 1120 results, so try and stick with the
same name if you can and build yourself a respectable reputation and you will find
that people will listen to what you have to say and will be more likely to sign up
under you rather then someone they do not know.
76. Reserve a booth at the next festival or fair and set up a wireless laptop
for demos.
What better way to get people to sign up then to literally take the site to them
and showing them the benefits of the get paid to site itself, you can talk one on
one and show people how to complete offers and get started and you can get them
to sign up on the spot.
77. Cross-link your website, blogs, articles, posts, and classifieds.
If you have more than one site then cross linking can build up your search engine
results, the more back links you can create the better.
78. Get custom-made ink-filled shoes with your ref. link embedded on the
bottom so everywhere you walk, it acts like a pen and stamps your link
Maybe this one is going just a little over board, but I reckon it would be a lot of
79. Use Social Sites To Promote Your Referral Link Or Referral Blog.
Like I posted earlier in the eBook use popular sites like Twitter, Facebook,
MySpace, Tagged and other social sites to get more referrals! Pretty easy to set
up accounts there!
Words You Should Avoid When Hunting for Referrals
Whether you’re getting referrals for Money, a free iPod, free iPhone 4, Free
Xbox 360 Slim, or any Freebie in trainn, Instant rewards or ZipNadaZilch, Free
Treasure Chest, OurLoot2boot and any other freebie website, there are very
important fundamentals you need to know that will make your life so much
easier. Among these important fundamentals of referral hunting, are the use of
words and understanding people’s relationship and association with these words.
Now this is something I’ve learned in Sales, and I found this to be a very powerful
thing to know. So I’m going to teach you a little bit about what words you want
to avoid when hunting for referrals for your freebie site – starting with…
Stay away from the word “Scam!” I can understand that people you talk to may be
sensitive about free websites for many reasons, whether they don’t know how it
works, or because they think it’s too good to be true. However, you should always
avoid telling people, “It’s Not Scam!” Scam is a very ugly word to most people no
matter how you use it. Even if you said, “Anti-Scam”, “Not a Scam”, “No Scam”,
“No Scamming”, “Unlike Most Freebie Scams, this is not one of them!”, “You have
every right to be wary of scams, but I can assure you, this is legit”, or etc. people
won’t feel relieved after reading any of that. In fact, it will only magnify their
insecurity by 100x.
So, my advice for this would be to ignore the skeptics and do your best to avoid
using that word. Simply highlight the things that make your freebie site
legitimate and rewarding. Encourage people to contact you if they have questions
or concerns and leave an email address or be responsive to their comments.
Introduce them to a forum so that you give them a sense of community where
they won’t feel like they’re taking a risk, all by themselves. That’s pretty much it.
Spend absolutely no time on the haters.
“Legit” is just a better way of saying, “Not a Scam”, however, it doesn’t do any
better than saying, “It’s not a scam”, if you use it too much on your content.
When preaching about your freebie site’s legitimacy, keep the word “Legit” to a
minimum. Because the more you use it, the more people will think, “Hmmmm..
this means that there are a lot of scams out there!” Then next thing you know,
you create a mental spark of skepticism and your viewers are just going to be
defensive and critical about your website and content.
Even still, think about all the big companies and business. Have you ever seen a
supermarket or a bank with a big sign reading, “We are legit!”? Have you ever
purchased a new laptop with a label reading, “Not Broken!”? No! It’s
unprofessional trying so hard to defend your company, business, or program. In
fact, it’s pretty amateur. Just sell your viewers on all things positive, whether it
the number of people who actually received free gadgets from this site, how
frequent the freebie site ships free MacBook’s, and or how long the site has been
in business for – anything that’ll keep your prospects interested.
This was actually brought to my attention from a friend in a forum. I had a bad
habit of using the word “prizes” all the time in my articles at one point,
completely unaware of this simple and obvious factor; the word, prize, is
associated with reward programs and shows offering freebies to a select few for
completing a task or competition. Meaning, with prizes, you’re only given the
opportunity to win something – not guaranteed! This is not the case with
incentive freebie websites, because, with freebie sites like xpango, freebiejeebies,
trainn, kudos, or etc, you are guaranteed to receive your free gift.
So it’s better to stay away from the word, Prize, because you don’t want people to
think or assume that they risk getting nothing after completing all the steps to
earn it. This factor alone increased my sign up ratio by a long, long shot.
Better words to use are the following; “Free Gift”, “Freebie”, “Free Reward”,
“Gift”, “Free Gadget”, free xbox 360, etc. You get the point!
Assuming that your website doesn’t consist of competing for an auction, like
lockerz, then you want stay away from the word, “win”. As I’ve said before, IFWs
have an obligation to reward it’s users if the requirements are completed
correctly. There’s no “Winning”, here. It’s all about, “Do This, and you Shall
Receive!”. When people see the word, WIN, they’ll think about lotteries, in which
most people won’t get anything. All it takes is action to get a free gadget, not
luck. People need to know that.
Credit card
If you’re trying to convince someone to sign up to your freebie network via your
referral link, you should try your best to avoid saying anything about credit
cards. Even though it’s generally standard to use a CC or DC to complete an
offer, you still want to avoid saying, “Credit Card!” Why? Well, most people have
a negative association with the word, “Credit Card”. When you hear, “Credit
Card”, most people immediately think the following; Debt, Risk of Debt, Losing
Money, unwanted or unexpected charges, owing money, scams, risk of identity
theft, security risk, etc. Even when people use their credit cards, they have an
obligation to pay it back and no one likes to Owe Money!
So, here are some better word alternatives: Bank Card, Visa, MasterCard,
American Express, Discover, debit card, money card, etc. I’m sure there are more
words you can think of.
Convince | Sign People Up
The word, “convince”, indicates to your prospects that there will be a lot of
annoying work involved to get people involved, and that’s not an impression you
want to leave to your first time visitors. In fact, when some people hear, “Sign
People Up as your referral…” they tend to think about “Pyramid Schemes”.
Nobody wants to feel or think that they’ll have to use other people to get what
they want, which is really not the case at all. Better wording alternatives would
be the following; “Share”, “Offer”, “Show”, “Give”, etc. – I’m sure you get the idea
– anything that sounds simple to people’s ears.
Tip - Provide people with a sense of simplicity and you will increase your sign up
ratio. Make the requirements sound complicated, and you will scare people off.
Please | Help Me
Unless your credibility with friends and fami
ly is strong, don’t beg for help. Any
time you say, please, to anyone you promote a service or program to, you’ll turn
them off. People will assume that you’re struggling and having a tough time
getting referrals. So naturally, they will expect the same fo
forr themselves if they
were to get involved. Nobody wants to have to beg 20+ people to complete an
offer to get a free Macbook pro or
ormake money.. So do your best to make your
site’s content more about the rewards and share other people’s success stories –
makee it less about yourself. You don’t want to sound like you’re begging.
The Idea of work for most people means be miserable. Telling your viewers that
it will be a lot of work will only intimidate them. Even though your intention is
genuine and it may be based on your experience, limit the amount of time you say,
“Work”, or “Hard Work!” Work means misery, especially
ly to me. Better word
alternatives would be, “Action”, “Take Action”, “Do It”, “Determination”,
“Dedication”, etc.
I have to tell you, based on my experience with Freebie Reward Networks, I can
easily tell the difference between freebie site users who are getting results and
users who are failing miserably. It gets so bad these kids just go on a desperate
referral rage and start cheating their way through the system, ultimately failing
even more…
YouTube is filled with videos made by users claiming to have found Hacks or
Loopholes for instant prizes on freebie sites…Freebie sites are filled with Dead or
Frozen Accounts because users are trying to sign up under their own referral
links and complete more offers…You’ll find loads of blogs and articles by freebie
failures encouraging you to cancel your free trial offers after receiving credit
hoping that you’ll sign up…I’ve received emails from users trying to sell me their
freebie accounts, long after they’ve been shut down…Some people try using Gift
Cards to avoid using their debit or credit cards, ultimately getting their accounts
put on hold and they wonder why?
Incentive Freebie Websites are legitimate freebie networks (businesses) and it’s
very important that you follow the rules and guidelines laid down by your freebie
site. Shortcuts or Fraudulent behavior will not be tolerated and you risk being
banned from your site. It’s important that you Follow the Rules and Read the
Terms of Service anytime you make a decision to sign up with a freebie site,
because one mistake can destroy your chances for freebie success.
Either way, If you want to keep it safe and earn your free prize, these are the rules
you should follow..
False Claims & Misrepresentation
Do not make false claims or misrepresent the freebie site. That means, no claims
of “Hacks” or “Loopholes” or anything that will mislead anyone.
Age Restrictions
Thought most freebie sites will allow people as young as 13 to participate, some
sites require you to be atleast 18 yrs or older. So always be sure to check your
freebie site’s TOS (Terms of Service).
Completing the Same Offers
You cannot complete the same offer twice no matter what freebie site you
participate in. If you were to join zipnadazilch and you complete an offer for
Intuit, then unless you have discontinued the offer for a good amount of time, you
cannot complete the same offer no matter what freebie site you join. These sites
are interested in New Customers.
Completing Multiple Offers
Unless your freebie site allows you to complete multiple offers, don’t do it.
Always be sure to follow the instructions exactly as explained to you. Once
you’ve received credit for completing your offer requirement, do not complete
anymore. If a freebie site is okay with you completing multiple offers than
required, they will usually tell you.
Correct Information
When registering an account with a freebie website, use your correct information;
email, phone number (if required), address, etc. Do not input fake details, simply
because you risk missing out on important alerts and notices. If you input a fake
address, than you can bet your a$$ that your freebie site will end up shipping
your freebie to the fake address you listed.
Correct details are important, however, don’t worry – your information is never
to be sold for any reason. You will not be spammed.
Only 1 Account Per House Hold
When it comes to freebie sites, you are only permitted one account per household.
This assures the freebie site that you are not recreating multiple accounts under
different names pretending to be your own referral – cheating your way to a
freebie. This is considered fraud.
Using Internet Proxies
You are not allowed to use AOL or any other proxies. Freebie Sites rely on your
IP address (among other things) to verify some information. Proxies mask your
IP address. Freebie Sites have systems in place to detect that proxies, and if
you’re using one, they will put your account on hold. The main thing is that they
need to make sure you are who you say you are and that there is only one account
per household.
Using Publicly Shared Computers
Publicly shared computers are not allowed. Freebie sites need to know you are
who you say you are and they cannot rely on public servers to verify that. Let
alone, most publicly shared computers have security settings that may disrupt
you chances of receiving credits. Make sure you do it at your own home.
Don’t bother trying to change your I.P. address or going to another location to
register an account under your own referral link. Won’t work either. You see,
Freebie Sites have systems and or mechanisms in place, which can easily detect if
you’ve broken any of the rules and agreements above. These systems are in place
to protect both user and company from being scammed or misrepresented.
So again, if you want to claim your prizes, play fare. If you’re trying to cheat the
site and avoid spending a measly $5 to complete an offer for a $2,000 macbook
pro, then I honestly the industry of prize incentives are not for you.
Using Keywords to Attract Tons of Referrals to Your Freebie Site
To my knowledge, there’s not to many freebie traders and users who study search
engine optimization (SEO) and attraction marketing methods to get referrals,
especially when it comes to using the right Keywords and Tags in their ref link
promotional content.
Now, if you’re unfamiliar with the term, keywords, then here’s the basic idea
behind it:
Keywords are search terms in which people input in search engines to requested
specific information. In example, If I wanted get Microsoft KINECT for the Xbox
360, for cheap, then I’ll simply visit Google (what ever search engine you want)
and then I’ll type “Cheap Xbox 360 Kinect”, or more specifically “How to get a
Microsoft Kinect for Cheap!”
Once I hit “Search”, Google will immediately direct me to an archive filled with
content from people or companies providing me with information regarding
“Microsoft Kinect Cheap”!
Now what If i were to search, “How to Get an Iphone 4 for under $100″ and your
website, blog, or youtube video pops up? If you’re content is good enough and
proves to be exactly what I’m looking for, then I wouldn’t even hesitate to be
your referral! See how that works? So just to make the long story short…
Keywords Help People Find You!
Now, what if you knew how to use the power of Keywords to Position your
Referral Links in front of a massive targeted audience? What If your content,
video, or website received over 30 – 100 – 400 hits per day because when people
search, “Free Macbook Pro”, you come up!
I’m sure that can potentially equate to you claiming your free prize by the end of
the week for sure! I mean, you can potentially wake up to an account filled with
extra referrals if you knew how to do it right! Make no mistake, we’re not talking
about ranking on the number 1 spot of Google search because that’s another job
within itself. What we are talking about is one simple factor; how to make sure
your video, blog, (whatever medium you choose to get referrals) appears to be
EXACTLY what you’re referral prospects are searching for – with keywords!
What are the Right Keywords to choose?
Well, in all honesty, it really depends on what audience you’re targeting with
your referral links. You also want to make sure that you’re targeted audience are
ACTIVELY EXPRESSING INTEREST in products or services your freebie site
offers. Don’t go promoting, “” to an audience of Gamers or
Weight-loss consumers! So for your list of Hot Targeted Niches to promote your
referral links to, get your free copy of Eazy Referrals!
Now, it’s important that you make sure your keywords are SPECIFIC when
you’re creating post or video titles. Why? because people often search for
SPECIFIC THINGS. If I were to log on to You-Tube and decided I wanted to
find a way to get a Free Alienware Aurora Desktop, then do you think I’d searh,
“Free Stuff Online?” or “Free Desktop Computers?” Absolutely not! I’d search,
“Free Alienware Aurora Desktop…!” That’s SPECIFIC!
People searching for Iphone 4s don’t go searching, “Free Smartphones…”, they
search for Free Iphone 4s! That’s specific! “Free Smartphones…” is too general;
especially when there are loads of brands, electronics, services, features, and
within that category. I don’t expect Google to read my mind!
So again, when you create posts or titles for whatever your you do to attract
referrals, you generally want to make it keyword specific – something that people
specifically search for.
Here are some ideal ways to use keywords in published titles,
“I got an Ipad for under $50… Cheap”
“How to get an Xbox 360 and Kinect online free” (Don’t get too stuck on titles
like this one, they’re over-used and are often considered spam)
“Get a free iPhone 4 just for trying out a service and referring 10 friends…”
Here’s Bad Title/Keyword Ideas…
“I get Free SmartPhones”
“How to get Game Consoles Online Free”
“Get free laptops just for trying out a service…”
Here’s an excellent tip for you…
Use keywords to target active members in other Freebie Sites! You don’t have to
target freebie newbies all the time. You can also target ACTIVE FREEBIE
ENTHUSIASTS who already are familiar with free prize incentives and are more
likely to complete an offer! Go after your competition!
Here’s something important you need to realize. Most people struggle to get
enough referrals for their free prizes. So in complete desperation, these struggling
freebie chasers often jump from one freebie site to another. Most of your
competitors are often searching the web for other freebie sites hoping for easy
success. So why not use keywords to target your own competition?
While you’re struggling competitors are out there searching, you could very
much be the guy or girl they find or come to. How? Use keywords targeting
other freebie networks to grab some attention!
Important factor
You can be the greatest keyword abuser of all time and get loads of traffic to your
ref link promotional content. However, if your content SUCKS and doesn’t do
anything significant for your viewers. You will still fail. If you’re just savagely
begging people to click on your referral links and complete an offer, you’re going
to fail! If you’re not teaching your viewers anything and/or provide no form of
value, you’re going to fail! It’s just that simple. No one likes to be directed to a
site that has loads of flashing BANNERS and Referral Links.
Freebie Site Lingo – Words, Terms, and Definitions you need to know
IFW – Incentive Freebie Websites
As a premier form of Internet Marketing and Lead Generation, Incentive Freebie
Websites (IFWs) are websites which offer free prizes as an incentive for members
to bring new customers to their sponsors.
GPT – “Get Paid To” Freebie Networks.
DIY – “Do It Yourself” freebie reward networks.
PRIZE – Freebies, Rewards, Gifts, etc.
Referral Link:
A referral link is a personal url that is immediately assigned to you the very
second you register a new account on a freebie site. Referral links contain your
specific ID in the form of numbers, letters, or even your user-name. These links
will allow your freebie site to credit YOU when your referrals sign up and or
complete an offer under your specific link. Referral links are like assigned I.P.
addresses or college passes – except, your job and mission, generally, is to share
your link!
In freebie trading, going green means you and/or your referrals have completed
their offer requirements. It’s just that simple!
Red 0r “Gone Red” – Frozen or On Hold Accounts:
Going red means you’ve potentially violated the rules or Terms of Service on
your freebie site. So in other words, don’t cheat! Your freebie network is able to
track all of your activity on your referral links. They can easily track where your
referrals or coming from and even identify your I.P. address. I don’t care if you
THINK you know how to get around the system, I would NOT RECOMMEND
CC – Credit Card or Debit Card:
Though some freebie networks don’t always require offers or trials to be
completed, most of the time, you’ll need to be ready to spend at least $5 to
complete an offer. Credit or debit cards are excepted.
MCR – Manual Credit Request.
Sometimes, for technical reasons, you won’t receive credit after completing your
offer. So, if that happens to you, you can contact support on your freebie site and
submit a Manual Credit Request.
Remember getting potential Referrals is all about Presentation. Explain the
Benefits of the Freebie Site offers. Tell them or show them many of the great
reviews of whichever offer site you choose. Documentations always beats so show
them your PayPal statements and the $ you make and guide them on how to
make money as well. If you want them to sign up for offers and they have no
intention of keeping the offers present them with cancellation numbers and days
to cancel. Direct them on how inexpensive or free it is to get their own Website
to market. It’s not always about a J.OB. we can all make Money. Let’s make 100k
or more this year all the tools are here for you.
Rashan Lawhorne is available for Consulting at [email protected]
"Move fast and take Risks. It's ok to try new things, you’re better off trying
something and not having it work and learning from it than not doing anything
at all and losing everything"
Pics and Writing are trademarks or registered trademarks of Rashan296LLC and product names are trademarks of
their own companies. All rights reserved. No Duplication for sale or you will be sued. Copyright 2012