Polish Furniture Outlook 2011
Polish Furniture Outlook 2011
Polish Furniture Outlook 2011 Tomasz Wiktorski Ogólnopolska Izba Gospodarcza Producentów Mebli The Polish Chamber of Commerce of Furniture Manufacturers Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie Poznań International Fair January 2011 Polish Furniture Outlook 2011 The study was prepared in January 2011 by B+R STUDIO Tomasz Wiktorski on commission of The Polish Chamber of Commerce of Furniture Manufacturers and Poznań International Fair. Prepared by D.Sc. Tomasz Wiktorski, M.Sc. Olga Warchoł Advisory: D.Sc. Marek Adamowicz, M.Sc. Michał Strzelecki Composition and text breaking: B + R Studio Picture on the front page Galmeb (with permition) www.galmeb.pl Copyright by B + R Studio Tomasz Wiktorski Distribution: Office of The Polish Chamber of Commerce of Furniture Manufacturers 51 Al. Stanów Zjednoczonych, Warsaw 04-028 ph +4822 5177839, fax +4822 517 77 19, e-mail: [email protected], www.oigpm.org.pl Copying and distribution of the report with any technique require the consent of OIGPM. All calculations, estimations and forecasts were prepared by B + R Studio on the base of official data, in case of missing data it was supplemented on the base of experts enquiries. All sources are mentioned below in tables, pictures and diagrams. B + R Studio is not responsible for use of the data and particularly forecasts presented in the report. Despite of all efforts to present a real scenario of the future there is no certainty that such a scenario will take place . B+R Studio Tomasz Wiktorski Kietlin, ul. Słoneczna 3 97-500 Radomsko www.brstudio.eu [email protected] © 2011 -2- Polish Furniture – Outlook 2011 Introduction Over the last 20 years the Polish furniture industry has achieved significant success - it was promoted to the group of leaders in the world furniture exports. Globally, more furniture is exported only by the Chinese, Italians and Germans. The achievement of this success would not have been possible without the long-standing traditions and collective efforts of many companies both big firms and the large number of small and medium-sized, mostly family businesses created after the changed of political system in 1989. Thanks to these changes the furniture industry in Poland has been almost entirely privatized. Together with the free market, there have been investments of foreign corporations. As effects there were transfers of know-how and open up foreign markets for Polish furniture. As a result the Polish furniture export has risen from 147 million dollars in 1989 up to 7 000 million dollars in 2009, and it was over 47 times more! At the same time only furmiture industry of China grew faster. Despite the relatively good time in the past two decades, the Polish furniture industry, for the first time during last 10 years, recorded the reduction of furniture production in 2009. Exports of furniture have been reduced by about 15%, although it was eased by foreign exchange rate for exporters. The value of sold production in 2009 was lower in the domestic currency by 2.6%, while countries such as many times mentioned Germany, Italy and China have to limit exports by 20% to 30% in recent years. For many years, Polish furniture sector has been improved in terms of design and quality. The Polish manufacturers have gained the trust of many western clients. Unfortunately, for the foreign distributors, the furniture exported from Poland does not exist under the brand name of manufacturers. Therefore, the weakness of the furniture industry is the lack of a common brand. Its creation is a arduous, an extensive and multifaceted process. The OIGMP for many years has been trying to interest the government to put efforts in combined promotion of furniture and the Polish economy. Product is never assessed higher than the country of origin. Now the furniture industry is at the first place among the 15 industries selected by the Ministry of Economy, to grant financial support under Measure 6.5 of the Operational Program of Innovative Economy. Furniture industry is very close to realize its aspirations. The primary tool in building the brand abroad is consistent, professionally prepared and consequently implemented a strategic plan. For the implementation of this plan, it is still needed the commitment and experience of entrepreneurs. They have run for their own money promotion of furniture so far. Now, in conjunction with public money, we can multiply the effect and preserve. Today, it is difficult to talk about end of economic crisis in Europe, where there is still distressing economic information from different countries. It is also difficult to talk about the return of lasting prosperity in the furniture industry. The report "Polish Furniture Outlook 2011" is designed to allow managers of furniture companies to learn about the complex processes which are taking place in the furniture market. Explanation of the reasons for the furniture industry sales declines, information on the results of export, the pattern of trade furniture and interior elements will certainly let to have a broader look at strategic plans of companies and make any adjustments. I think that the report "Polish Furniture Outlook 2011" will be mandatory reading for every furniture specialist. D.Sc. Marek Adamowicz OIGPM Director -3- From the Author Having a great satisfaction of the well received report Polish Furniture Outlook 2010 we would like to present you a new edition for 2011. Having the experience from last year we would like to present you the expanded report which describes two different faces of Polish furniture market. One of them is a domestic market. There are over 38 millions of customers and it is the 6th, the biggest market in European Union. Taking into consideration the average expenses on furniture, the Polish market is on the opposite side of the ranking. In long term perspectives the market is rated as that one with stable potential for development. The characteristic element of the market is also a huge share of direct sales from micro companies, which are not obliged to do statistical reports, for individual clients. CSO has estimated the value of it on the level of PLN 1 950 million1. The sales on domestic market is highly depended on national terms like: amount of national debt, infrastructure investments connected with Euro2012, liquidation of tax allowances (VAT for company cars), promotion events of individual entities on the market and so on. The second face of the Polish furniture market is a global, export leader of furniture. For several years the Polish furniture export has had a significant position on the international market of furniture. Only China, Italy and Germany have exported more than Poland. Taking into consideration the weight of furniture, Poland is just after China, on the second place. Polish furniture is sold on all continents (beside Antarctica) and it means that Polish producers are able to adjust to specific and requirements of customers on markets around the world. This part of the market observes carefully changes on global market like monetary policy in USA and China, budgetary problems in Euro zone, unrest in the Middle East, decision of ecological peaks regarding carbon dioxide emission or introduction of hygienic norms for wood - based motherboards and etc. This part of the market, despite of its advantage over domestic one, is fraught with considerable risk investment. We hope that this report Polish Furniture Outlook 2011 will be a useful tool in your daily work. D.Sc. Tomasz Wiktorski 1 CSO – Central Statistical Office, pl. GUS Główny Urząd Statystyczny -4- Polish Furniture – Outlook 2011 Polish economy Basic macroeconomic data Poland covers the territory of 312.7 million km2, and it is approximately 0,2% of land area on the Earth. It terms of volume it is 68th number in the world. Taking into account 38,2 million people, Poland is placed on the 32nd position in ranking with 0,6% of global population2. Legend Population density; person/km2, Figure 1 Population of selected European countries. countries X 10 million Data according to Eurostat as at January 1, 2009. 2009 Figure 2 Population of selected European countries. countries Data according to EUROSTAT as at January 1, 2010. 2 Collective work 2010. Maly Rocznik Statystyczny Polski 2010. CSO Warsaw, Data for 2008. -5- The country was ranked on the 27th position as an exporter in the world in 2008 and with the share of 1,1% of world export, and in the 18th position as an importer, with the share of 1,4%. Taking into account the value of GDP for 2010, the Polish economy was on the 21st position in the world3. The position of Poland in Europe is higher, i.e. it is ranked as the 9th country in terms of the area and in the 8th position in the terms of population. Poland is the 13th European exporter and the 9th importer, while the Polish economy was the 8th biggest in Europe in 2008. Table 1 Basic macroeconomic indicators of the Polish economy. Description Gross Domestic Product GDP per Capita Inflation rate y/y Unemployment rate Employment in the national economy Average monthly wages and salaries Average monthly cost of work for one employee Cost of one hour of work Unit PLN million PLN 2000 2005 744 378 983 302 2008 2009 2010* 2011** 1 275 432 1 344 037 1 395 110 1 455 099 19 458 25 767 33 462 34 015 35 307 36 366 % 7,4 0,6 2,8 3,5 2,5 3,0 % thousand people PLN 15,1 17,6 9,5 12,9 12,8 12,5 15 489 12 891 14 037 13 842 13 664 13 721 1879,40 2402,46 3000,11 3156,14 3263,73 3439,97 PLN 2622,76 3252,02 3986,50 4185,83 4311,40 4586,63 PLN 18,03 23,22 27,85 29,24* 30,12 31,98 104,6 103,5 104,5 4,3273 3,9946 3,80 The indicator of private consumption in y/y 113,3 104,2 110,3 the household sector (current prices) Weighted average Exchange rate PLN 4,0110 4,0254 3,5166 PLN/EUR 4 Based on GUS data; * estimated data; ** forecast of CSO, NBP and IMF. Among the noticeable effects of the global economic and financial crisis there is in Poland a decrease of dynamic growth of GDP and increase of unemployment . However, there has not been recession in economy thanks to temporary weakening of Polish currency against EUR and US dollar, and positive dynamic of private consumption. It is worth to pay attention to comparison of the cost of salaries and the total cost of work. According to the research done by CSO, it apparent that the gross salaries constitute around 75% of cost of work at the moment but before it amounted to 70%. The employers bear not only the part of costs of social security but also costs of recruitment, trainings, human resources management, business trips, transportation, and expenditure on health and safety. 3 Forecast of IMF /International Monetary Fund/ www.imf.org; comparison of the data Gross Domestic Products based on purchasing-power-parity. 4 National Bank of Poland -6- Production roduction of furniture Structure of furniture production in Poland Pol No. of companies 3501-4000 3001-3500 2501-3000 2001-2500 1501-2000 1001-1500 551-1000 0-550 Figure 7 Location of furniture production companie companies according to REGON registry The furniture industry in Poland is highly competitive. There are a few thousands active entities on the market. In accordance to the obligation of data update update in REGON registry by end of 2009, we present above (figure ( 7)) the geographical location of entities which main economic activity is furniture production – PKD 31. In total there are over 23,5 thousand companies which declared the production of furniture as a main activity (look at table 6), ), including 21 thousand micro companies. Information updated by CSO in R REGON system corresponds with estimation presented in the last edition of Polish Furniture Outlook 2010 in comparison to large and medium size companies. It is stated that there are 110 large companies against estimated 80 and 409 medium companies against estimated 400. The discrepancy might occurred from irregular fulfilment of statistic reports because in - 16 - Polish Furniture – Outlook 2011 quarterly publications “Input and output of industry” informed that during last two years there were total number of 450 – 570 large and medium size companies. There is much higher than expected the number of small firms , in REGON at the end of 2009 there were 1 770 firms, but estimation amounted around one thousand. Repeatedly higher is the number of micro entities. There are in REGON over 21 thousand against estimated 5 thousand active on the market. In the base of the search lead by OIGPM, SGGW and others it is stated that only around ¼ of micro entities declared activity is really they done, other entities perform other work, do it temporary or suspend it. Next comparisons presented in this report are based on official CSO data or unless describe differently. The biggest number of registered companies is in Wielkopolskie voivodship, next in Mazowieckie and Małopolskie (total over 9,5 thousand). The lower numbers are in Lubuskie and Świętokrzyskie voivodships, total around 1100 entities. Table 6 Size structure of furniture companies according to REGON registry. Total – registered entities Entities with the number of employees 1,74% 0-9 10-49 50-249 >250 2009 23 539 21250 1770 409 110 0,47% 7,52% 0-9 people 10-49 people 50-249 people >250 people 90,28% n = 23 539 Figure 8 Quantity structure of furniture companies at end of 2009 by REGON. The structure which is taking into account the value of sold production concerning companies of various classes of size looks differently. Taking into consideration information published for the first time according the new PKD 2007classification in „Mały rocznik - 17 - statystyczny Polski 201011” and quarterly publications of “Nakłady Nakłady i wyniki przemysłu12” it is possible to have the exact value of industry sold production for whole sector including micro mi companies (see table 7) and it is PLN 27 194 million. Structure of sold production of furniture companies according to the size by groups Micro entities 7,2% Small entities 14,8% Large entities 53,6% Medium entities 24,4% n=27,2 PLN billion Figure 9 Sold production of furniture companies by its size in 2009. The value of production and employment of large and medium size companies was estimated on the base of total value of sales of these companies and total employment published by CSO. The data also includes (due to temporary changes) information about production of car seats, which will be excluded excluded next year from furniture production group. The production of car seats amounts to PLN 2,5 billion. Table 7 Value of furniture industry sold production by entities size classes in 2009. Value of sold production in 2009 [PLN bilion] Total 27,194 Large entities 14,589 Medium entities 6,62 Small entities 4,028 Micro entities 1,950 Based on CSO and own estimation Percentage share No of entities 100,0% 53,6% 24,4% 14,8% 7,2% 23539 110 409 1770 21250 Total number of working people (owners, co owners and employees) 167 257 68 000 34 700 28 560 35 997 Work effectiveness for one working human [PLN] 162 840 214 510 191 050 141 020 54 570 As quoted in other publications large and medium size companies are responsible for 80% of sold production in furniture sector and for large companies it is around 54%, medium size 24%. The division of shares in these two groups is estimated and determined by the 11 eng. Consice statistical yearbook of Poland. Warsaw. CSO. 2010 12 eng. ng. Outlays and results in industry. industry CSO. Warsaw - 18 - Polish Furniture – Outlook 2011 results of the first 30 furniture companies, with total number of employees from 50 to 249 and over 249 people which are registered in REGON. Small entities have 15% of share in sold production. Before, the value of sold production of micro companies was underestimated. According to CSO it should amount to PLN 2 billion. It resulted from wrong estimation of employees in the sector. With reference to publication „Pracujący w gospodarce narodowej w 2009 roku13” there were 167 thousand people working in furniture industry, including 154 300 employees, and the others are owners, co owners and working family members. Impact of changes of PKWiU and PKD classification on value of sales in furniture industry The biggest change which has a disturb the time series with furniture production value in Poland is transfer of car seats and similar to the group „Other equipment and accessories for motor vehicles, excluding motorcycles”. Table 8 Change of car seats classification According PKWiU 2004 36.11.11-30.00 36.11.11-70.90 36.11.11-70.90 Description Seats used in motor vehicle Other upholstered furniture for seating with metal frame Seats for vehicles Other floating constructions (…) Parts of railway locomotives and rolling stock(…) According PKWiU 2008 After a change of classification the decrease of sold production value was observed in furniture sector in 200914 and 201015 by over PLN 3 billion and at the same time the increase of sold production value in the new group PKD 29.32 by PLN 2,5 billion. Table 9 Influence of PKWiU classification changes on furniture industry sold production. Classification Code PKWiU 2004/2008 Year Description of the group Other spare parts and equipments for motor vehicles excluding motorcycles Spare parts and equipments for 2008 34.30 motor vehicle and its engines 2009 31 Furniture 2008 36.1 Furniture On the base of “Production of industrial goods in 2009” by CSO. 2009 29.32 Absolute Value of sold change 2009 to production in 2008 in PLN PLN million million 32 861 +2 526 30 335 22 418, 25 435 - 3 017 13 eng. Employment in national economy in 2009. CSO. Warsaw. 2010 14 Counted according to item method and published in „Production of industry goods in Poland” 15 Counted according to entity method and published in “Outlays and results in industry” - 19 - The value of sold production for the group 36111130 according to Eurostat data was EUR 848 million in 2008 and EUR 582 million in 2009 and it gives the value of PLN 2 981 million and PLN 2 519 million16. Among the biggest companies producing car seats which were before in furniture group there is Faurecia with plants in Walbrzych, Grójec and Legnica (www.faurecia.com). The value of sold production for these three plants in 2008 amounted to PLN 2 463 million17. On the base of confirmed information, all mentioned factories have changed code of their activities in statistic office according to requirements at the end of 2009. The decrease of sold production value in furniture industry in 2010 is caused by consequences of statistic changes. Table 10 Sold production and influence of PKD classification changes on the market. Description Value Estimation of sold production value for furniture companies ** Dynamic y/y Correction of car seats value PLN billion Estimation of sold production value after correction Dynamic after correction Furniture sold production, calculated by product method Dynamic * estimation PLN billion PLN billion PLN billion 2005 2006 2007 PKD 2004/PKWiU 2004 2008 2009 2010* PKD 2007 / PKWiU 2008 20,608 23,225 24,777 25,676 25,247 23,576 - 1,13 - 1,07 - 1,04 -2,981 0,98 -2,518 0,93 - 22,695 22,729 23,576 1,037 23,090 1,03 20,050 21,052 23,472 25,435 1,001 22,418 - 1,050 1,115 1,084 0,881 ** full name: estimation of sold production value for furniture companies with employment > 9; up to 2008, after sold production of furniture PKD 31, companies which employ >9 The companies which produce car seats in 2009 have been sending “Meldunki o działalności gospodarczej DG-1” (reports about business activities DG-1) as a furniture companies. The data was calculated by entity method and in 2009 and changes were noticed (published in “Outlays and results in industry”). However, in the “Report on production P-01 (PRODPOL)” for 2009 which was prepared on the base of item methodology (published in “Production of industry goods in Poland”) which was prepared after end of the year the car seats were counted as car equipment from the group 29 of PKWiU 2008. That is why there are decrease in dynamic between 2009 and 2010. During the next years the situation should stabilized. 16 On the base of Prodcom for companies which employ more then 19 people 17 On the base of „Lista 2000 firm” by Rzeczpospolita dated on Nov 24, 2009. - 20 - Foreign Trade Export of furniture The data about foreign exchange is gathering on the base of combined nomenclature. During analyzed period the classification have not been changed. It means that the data is comparable for the period. Data from Eurostat is derived from customs declarations and Intrastat, Extrastat declarations. The obligation to fulfill these declarations has companies which made in the previous fiscal year exports or imports for an amount more than PLN 1 million. The reports are prepared in a terms of value and quantity, at this time in kilograms. Preparation and analysis of data relating to the weight of furniture let to do consolidate of multiple comparisons and eliminates some confusion. In addition, it compensates for the importance of small to large furniture in a quantitative structure. The data presented for the period 2005 - 2008 might differ from data presented in the publication of Polish Furniture - Outlook 2010, since then the value of exports, the volume and the relevant shares were related to the value of exports to 33 main partners which accounted for more than 95% of export value. This report uses the complete data on weight and value of exports and due to the values shares were calculated. In addition, benefited of the new data collected by Eurostat, as data can be corrected at any time. A similar situation applies for the import of furniture. Table 22 Development of Polish export in the period of 2005 – 2010. Description Value in EUR million according to Eurostat Export in PLN million according to Eurostat Value in EUR million according to OIGPM/CSO Average annual exchange rate EUR according to NBP Value in PLN million according to OIGPM * Estimation data; ** forecast. 2005 4 431 2006 4 941 2007 5 537 2008 5 870 2009 5 014 2010* 5 769 17 835 19 247 20 946 20 643 21 695 23 045 4 447,9 5 001,2 5 646,7 5 938,1 5 018 5 520 4,0254 3,8951 3,7829 3,5166 4,3273 3,9946 17 904 19 480 21 361 20 882 21 714 22 050 - 38 - Import of furniture Import of furniture to Poland has been substantially curtailed in 2009. The year 2010 brought no improvement for importers. On the one hand, Polish producers much more effectively fight for the domestic market, on the other hand weak dollar effectively discouraged from buying foreign goods. After two years from the beginning of the crisis, imports calculated in EUR are reduced by about 20%, while exports almost regained the losses. Table 28 The indicators which characterize import of furniture to Poland. Description Value in EUR million by Eurostat Value in PLN million Value in EUR million by OIGPM Exchange rate by NBP PLN/EUR Value in PLN million by OIGPM/GUS 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010* 683,0 2749,0 628,1 4,0254 2528,3 763,0 2972,0 785,6 3,8951 3060 944,0 3571,0 989,7 3,7829 3744,0 1115,0 3921,0 1 127,5 3,5166 3965 885,0 3830,0 975,4 4,3273 4221,141 890,0 3542,0 985,2 3,98 3891,358 * Estimated data; ** forecast. 4,5 3,921 4 3,83 3,571 3,542 3,5 3 2,749 2,972 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,683 0,763 0,944 1,115 0,885 0,89 0,5 0 2005 2006 2007 Import in EUR billion 2008 2009 2010* Import in PLN billion Figure 33 Polish import of furniture in the period of 2005 – 2010 - 50 - Polish Furniture – Outlook 2011 Indicates and rankings Assignments of the NACE/PKWiU codes to main groups of furniture Selecting groups of furniture was made according to the criterion of functional and was subjective. Table 33 Assignment of main furniture groups to PKWiU and NACE codes Assignment to the group of furniture Code PKWiU 2008 Description PKWiU Code and description NACE rev. 2 Office 31.00.11-55 Office 31.00.11-59 31001155 - Upholstered swivel seats with variable height adjustment, with backrest and fitted with castors or glides excluding medical, surgical, dental or veterinary seats - barbers' or similar chairs 31001159 - Non-upholstered swivel seats with variable height adjustment (excluding seats with castors or glides, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary seats, barbers' or similar chairs) Upholstered 31.00.11-70 Armchairs and chairs 31.00.11-90 Upholstered 31.00.12-10 Armchairs and chairs Upholstered 31.00.12-30 Armchairs and chairs 31.00.12-90 Armchairs and chairs Furniture elements Furniture elements 31.00.13-00 Meble do siedzenia obrotowe, z regulowaną wysokością, tapicerowane, z oparciem, na rolkach lub płozach, z wyłączeniem sprzętu do siedzenia lekarskiego, chirurgicznego, dentystycznego lub weterynaryjnego, foteli fryzjerskich lub podobnych Meble do siedzenia obrotowe, z regulowaną wysokością, bez tapicerowanych, z wyłączeniem na rolkach lub płozach oraz sprzętu do siedzenia lekarskiego, chirurgicznego, dentystycznego lub weterynaryjnego, foteli fryzjerskich lub podobnych Tapicerowane meble do siedzenia, z metalową ramą, z wyłączeniem obrotowych, lekarskich, chirurgicznych, dentystycznych lub weterynaryjnych, foteli fryzjerskich lub podobnych, foteli do pojazdów mechanicznych, do statków powietrznych Nietapicerowane meble do siedzenia, z metalową ramą, z wyłączeniem obrotowych, lekarskich, chirurgicznych, dentystycznych lub weterynaryjnych, foteli fryzjerskich lub podobnych Meble do siedzenia przekształcalne w miejsca do spania, z wyłączeniem mebli ogrodowych i kempingowych Meble do siedzenia trzcinowe, wiklinowe, bambusowe lub z podobnych materiałów Meble do siedzenia, tapicerowane, o konstrukcji drewnianej, włączając zestawy wypoczynkowe w trzech elementach, z wyłączeniem obrotowych Meble do siedzenia, bez tapicerowanych, o konstrukcji drewnianej, z wyłączeniem obrotowych Pozostałe meble do siedzenia 31.00.14-00 Części mebli do siedzenia 31.00.20-30 Furniture elements 31.00.20-50 Części mebli z metalu, z wyłączeniem do mebli lekarskich i chirurgicznych, dentystycznych lub weterynaryjnych, mebli do siedzenia, foteli fryzjerskich - do mebli przeznaczonych dla systemów hi-fi, magnetowidów lub telewizorów Części do mebli z drewna, z wyłączeniem do mebli lekarskich i chirurgicznych, dentystycznych lub weterynaryjnych, mebli 31.00.12-50 31001170 - Upholstered seats with metal frames (excluding swivel seats, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary seats, barbers' or similar chairs, for motor vehicles, for aircraft) 31001190 - Non-upholstered seats with metal frames (excluding medical, surgical, dental or veterinary seats, barbers' or similar chairs, swivel seats) 31001210 - Seats convertible into beds (excluding garden seats or camping equipment) 31001230 - Seats of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials 31001250 - Upholstered seats with wooden frames (including three piece suites) (excluding swivel seats) 31001290 - Non-upholstered seats with wooden frames (excluding swivel seats) 31001300 - Other seats, of HS 94.01, n.e.c. 31001400 - Parts of seats 31002030 - Parts of metal furniture excluding for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, seats, barbers' chairs - for specially designed furniture for hi-fi systems, videos or televisions 31002050 - Parts of wooden furniture excluding for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, seats - for - 61 - Furniture elements 31.00.20-90 Office 31.01.11-10 Office 31.01.11-40 Office 31.01.11-70 Office 31.01.12-00 Office 31.01.13-00 Kitchen 31.02 Kitchen 31.02.10-00 Kitchen 31.02.1000.01 31.02.1000.02 31.03.11-00 Kitchen Mattresses Mattresses Mattresses Mattresses Mattresses Other do siedzenia - przeznaczonych dla systemów hi-fi, magnetowidów lub telewizorów specially designed furniture for hi-fi systems, videos or televisions Części do mebli innych niż z drewna czy metalu, z wyłączeniem do mebli lekarskich i chirurgicznych, dentystycznych lub weterynaryjnych, mebli do siedzenia, foteli fryzjerskich - przeznaczonych dla systemów hi-fi, magnetowidów lub telewizorów Stoły kreślarskie biurowe, metalowe, z wyłączeniem stołów wyposażonych w urządzenia lub przyrządy zaprojektowane jako część takiego stołu Meble metalowe, w rodzaju używanych w biurze, o wysokości nieprzekraczającej 80 cm Meble metalowe, w rodzaju używanych w biurze, o wysokości przekraczającej 80 cm Meble drewniane w rodzaju używanych w biurze Meble drewniane w rodzaju używanych w sklepach MEBLE KUCHENNE 31002090 - Parts of furniture other than of wood or metal excluding for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture, seats, barbers' chairs - for furniture designed for hi-fi, videos or televisions Meble drewniane, w rodzaju stosowanych w kuchni Meble drewniane, w rodzaju stosowanych w kuchni, do wbudowania Meble drewniane, w rodzaju stosowanych w kuchni, pozostałe Stelaże pod materace 31.03.12-30 Materace z gumy komórkowej, włączając z metalową ramą, z wyłączeniem materaców wodnych i pneumatycznych 31.03.12-50 Materace z tworzywa komórkowego, włączając z metalowa ramą, z wyłączeniem materaców wodnych i pneumatycznych 31.03.12-70 Materace ze sprężynami wewnątrz, z wyłączeniem z gumy komórkowej, z tworzyw sztucznych komórkowych Materace, z wyłączeniem ze sprężynami wewnątrz, z gumy komórkowej, z tworzyw sztucznych komórkowych Meble metalowe, gdzie indziej niesklasyfikowane (inne niż w rodzaju stosowanych w biurze) CN 9403 20 20 + 9403 20 80 31.03.12-90 31.09.11-00 Bedrooms 31.09.12-30 Dining and living rooms 31.09.12-50 Other 31.09.13-00 Meble drewniane, w rodzaju stosowanych w sypialni, z wyłączeniem wyposażenia budowlanego do szafek montowanych na ścianach, stelaży dla materaców, wyposażenia lamp i oświetlenia, luster stojących na podłodze, mebli do siedzenia Meble drewniane, w rodzaju stosowanych, w rodzaju stosowanych w pokojach stołowych i salonach, z wyłączeniem luster stojących na podłodze, mebli do siedzenia CN 9403 60 10 Meble drewniane, gdzie indziej 31011110 - Office metal drawing tables (excluding those designed/fitted with machines or instruments as part of the table) 31011140 - Metal furniture of a kind used in offices, of a height <= 80 cm 31011170 - Metal furniture of a kind used in offices, of a height > 80 cm 31011200 - Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices 31011300 - Wooden furniture for shops 31021000 - Kitchen furniture 31031100 - Mattress supports (including wooden or metal frames fitted with springs or steel wire mesh, upholstered mattress bases, with wooden slats, divans) 31031230 - Mattresses of cellular rubber (including with a metal frame) (excluding water-mattresses, pneumatic mattresses) 31031250 - Mattresses of cellular plastics (including with a metal frame) (excluding water-mattresses, pneumatic mattresses) 31031270 - Mattresses with spring interiors (excluding of cellular rubber or plastics) 31031290 - Mattresses (excluding with spring interiors, of cellular rubber or plastics) 31091100 - Metal furniture (excluding office, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture; barbers' chairs cases and cabinets specially designed for hi-fi systems, videos or televisions) 31091230 - Wooden bedroom furniture (excluding builders' fittings for cupboards to be built into walls, mattress supports, lamps and lighting fittings, floor standing mirrors, seats) 31091250 - Wooden furniture for the dining-room and living-room (excluding floor standing mirrors, seats) 31091300 - Other wooden furniture - 62 - Polish Furniture – Outlook 2011 niesklasyfikowane CN 9403 60 90 Other 31.09.14-30 Other 31.09.14-50 Meble z tworzyw sztucznych, z wyłączeniem mebli lekarskich i chirurgicznych, dentystycznych lub weterynaryjnych, osłon i szafek przeznaczonych dla systemów hi-fi, magnetowidów lub telewizorów Meble z innych materiałów niż metal, drewno czy tworzywa sztuczne, z wyłączeniem mebli do siedzenia, osłon i szafek przeznaczonych dla systemów hi-fi, magnetowidów lub telewizorów (excluding bedroom, dining-, livingroom, kitchen office, shop, medical, surgical, dental/veterinary furniture, cases and cabinets designed for hi-fi, videos and televisions) 31091430 - Furniture of plastics (excluding medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture - cases and cabinets specially designed for hi-fi systems, videos and televisions) 31091450 - Furniture of materials other than metal, wood or plastic (excluding seats, cases and cabinets specially designed for hi-fi systems, videos and televisions) The assignment of CN codes for the major groups of furniture Selection of furniture groups was made according to the criterion of functional and was subjective. The choice was analogous to the allocation of NACE /PKWiU. Unlike in Outlook 2010 the medical furniture group was separated from the group other furniture. Table 34 Classification CN and assignment to major groups of furniture Furniture groups used in analysis Omitted Omitted Office Office Upholstered Armchairs chairs Armchairs chairs Upholstered Armchairs chairs Upholstered Armchairs chairs Armchairs chairs Index and description 9401 Seats (other then in 9402), even seats convertible into beds, and their parts: 9401 10 00 − Seats of the type used for aircraft 9401 20 00 − Seats of the type used for motor vehicles 9401 30 − Seats, swivel seats, with variable height adjustment: 9401 30 10 − − Upholstered, with backrest and fitted with castors or glides 9401 30 90 − − Other 9401 40 00 − Seats, convertible into beds, excluding garden seats or camping equipment − Seats of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials: and 9401 51 00 − − Of bamboo or rattan and 9401 59 00 − − Other − Other seats, with wooden frames: 9401 61 00 − − Upholstered and 9401 69 00 − − Other − Other seats, with metal frames:: 9401 71 00 − − Upholstered and 9401 79 00 − − Other and 9401 80 00 − Other seats 9401 90 − Parts: Omitted 9401 90 10 − − Seats of the type used for aircraft − − Other: Furniture elements 9401 90 30 − − − Of wood Furniture elements 9401 90 80 − − − Other 9402 Medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture (for example operating tables, examination tables, - 63 - Other Other Office Office Office Office Office Office Upholstered Office Office Office Office Office Kitchen Kitchen Bedrooms Dining and living rooms Office Dining and living rooms Other hospital beds with mechanical equipment, dental chairs); barbers' chairs and similar chairs, swivel seats, with tilting backrest or height adjustment; parts for the above products: 9402 10 00 − Dental chairs, barbers' chairs and similar chairs and their parts 9402 90 00 − Other 9403 Other furniture and their parts: 9403 10 − Metal furniture, of the kind used in offices 9403 10 10 − − Drawing tables (other than those included in item 9017) − − Other: − − − Height not exceeding 80 cm 9403 10 51 − − − − Desks — 9403 10 59 − − − −Other — − − − Height exceeding 80 cm: 9403 10 91 − − − − Cupboards with doors, shutters or flaps 9403 10 93 − − − − Filing/ card-index cabinets, and other drawer cabinets 9403 10 99 − − − − Other 9403 20 − Other metal furniture: 9403 20 20 − − Beds 9403 20 80 − − Other 9403 30 − Wooden furniture of the kind used in offices: − − Height not exceeding 80 cm: 9403 30 11 − − − Desks 9403 30 19 − − − Other − − Height exceeding 80 cm: 9403 30 91 − − − Cupboards with doors, shutters or flaps; Filing/ card-index cabinets and other drawer cabinets 9403 30 99 − − − Other 9403 40 − Wooden furniture, of the type used in kitchens:: 9403 40 10 − − Furniture for fitted kitchens 9403 40 90 − − Other 9403 50 00 − Wooden furniture, of the type used in bedrooms 9403 60 − Other wooden furniture 9403 60 10 − − Wooden furniture, of the type used in dining and living-rooms 9403 60 30 − − Wooden furniture, of the type used in shops 9403 60 90 − − Other wooden furniture 9403 70 00 − Furniture of plastics Furniture of other materials, including furniture of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials: Other 9403 81 00 − − Of bamboo or rattan Other 9403 89 00 − − Other 9403 90 – Spare parts Furniture elements 9403 90 10 − − of metal Furniture elements 9403 90 30 − − of wood Furniture elements 9403 90 90 − − of other materials 9404 Mattress supports; bed linen products and similar accessories (for example mattresses, quilts, eiderdown, pillows, poufs and scatter cushions) fitted with springs or stuffed, or containing any interior material, or made of cellular rubber or plastics, even covered: Bedrooms 9404 10 00 − Mattress supports - 64 - Polish Furniture – Outlook 2011 − Mattress: 9404 21 − − Of cellular rubber or plastics, even covered Mattresses Mattresses Mattresses Mattresses Omitted 9404 21 10 − − − Of cellular rubber 9404 21 90 − − − Of cellular plastics 9404 29 − − Of other materials 9404 29 10 − − − With spring interiors 9404 29 90 − − − Other 9404 30 00 – Sleeping bags - 65 - List of content Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 3 Basic macroeconomic data.................................................................................................................. 5 Population. Size and structure by territory division............................................................................ 7 Industry Structure ............................................................................................................................. 12 Production of furniture ......................................................................................................................... 16 Structure of furniture production in Poland ..................................................................................... 16 Impact of changes of PKWiU and PKD classification on value of sales in furniture industry ........ 19 Changes in values of manufactured furniture groups....................................................................... 22 Quantitative structure of furniture by particular groups. ................................................................. 26 Price and profitability indicators of furniture sector. ....................................................................... 30 Price indicator ............................................................................................................................... 30 Profitability index .......................................................................................................................... 30 The cost structure in furniture production ....................................................................................... 31 Investments ....................................................................................................................................... 32 Sales of furniture in Poland ................................................................................................................... 33 The real consumption........................................................................................................................ 33 Structure of furniture trade, stores and chain stores ....................................................................... 34 Dynamics of changes in prices and margins ...................................................................................... 37 Foreign Trade ........................................................................................................................................ 38 Export of furniture............................................................................................................................. 38 Geographic structure ........................................................................................................................ 39 The structure of export by furniture groups counted in EUR ....................................................... 44 Export by furniture groups quantitative ....................................................................................... 46 Import of furniture ............................................................................................................................ 50 The geographic structure .................................................................................................................. 51 Value and quantitative structure of import by groups ................................................................. 55 Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 60 Indicates and rankings ........................................................................................................................... 61 Assignments of the NACE/PKWiU codes to main groups of furniture .............................................. 61 The assignment of CN codes for the major groups of furniture ....................................................... 63 List of tables .......................................................................................................................................... 66 List of figures ......................................................................................................................................... 67 List of tables Table 1 Basic macroeconomic indicators of the Polish economy. ........................................... 6 Table 2 Basic demographic data for Poland. .......................................................................... 7 Table 3 Population structure by voivodship and sub regions according to CSO. ..................... 9 Table 4 Forecast of the population size in Poland 2008-2035. ..............................................11 Table 5 Industry sectors broken down by the sold production. .............................................13 Table 6 Size structure of furniture companies according to REGON registry. ........................17 Table 7 Value of furniture industry sold production by entities size classes in 2009. .............18 - 66 - Polish Furniture – Outlook 2011 Table 8 Change of car seats classification .............................................................................19 Table 9 Influence of PKWiU classification changes on furniture industry sold production. ....19 Table 10 Sold production and influence of PKD classification changes on the market. ..........20 Table 11 Sale income and employment in the biggest Polish furniture companies. ..............21 Table 12 Quantitative structure of furniture production in Poland in 2005 – 2010 period. ..27 Table 13 Quantitative structure of produced furniture. .......................................................29 Table 14 Price index of sold production in furniture sector. According to CSO. .....................30 Table 15: Profitability of sold production in furniture industry..............................................30 Table 16 Changes in costs structure in furniture sector........................................................31 Table 17 Capital expenditures in furniture sector. ................................................................32 Table 18 The value of furniture market for individual customers. .........................................33 Table 19 Furniture trade, chains, showrooms and super markets. ........................................34 Table 20 The biggest trade companies in furnishing and electronic goods sectors. ...............35 Table 21 Index of products and services prices. ...................................................................37 Table 22 Development of Polish export in the period of 2005 – 2010. .................................38 Table 23 The structure of export to selected markets in 2005-2010 (PLN million). ...............40 Table 24 Changes of the export to particular markets ..........................................................42 Table 25 The Dynamics of particular markets in export of furniture. ....................................43 Table 26 The structure of export value by furniture groups. .................................................45 Table 27 The structure of export volume by furniture group. ...............................................47 Table 28 The indicators which characterize import of furniture to Poland. ...........................50 Table 29 Import structure in 2005 – 2010 – value in EUR million and percentage shares ......51 Table 30 Dynamic of particular markets in furniture import. ................................................54 Table 31 Structure of furniture import to Poland by furniture groups ...................................55 Table 32 Characteristics of the volume of import by groups of furniture. .............................58 Table 33 Assignment of main furniture groups to PKWiU and NACE codes ...........................61 Table 34 Classification CN and assignment to major groups of furniture...............................63 List of figures Figure 1 Population of selected European countries. ............................................................. 5 Figure 2 Population of selected European countries. ............................................................. 5 Figure 3 Age pyramid of the population of Poland. ................................................................ 8 Figure 4 Value of industry sold production in Poland. ...........................................................12 Figure 5 The structure of industry in Poland by value of sold production. .............................14 Figure 6 Employment structure in 2009. ...............................................................................15 Figure 7 Location of furniture production companie according to REGON registry ...............16 Figure 8 Quantity structure of furniture companies at end of 2009 by REGON. ....................17 Figure 9 Sold production of furniture companies by its size in 2009......................................18 - 67 - Figure 10 The biggest furniture companies in Poland. ..........................................................22 Figure 11 Structure of furniture production value in Poland. ................................................23 Figure 12 Changes in production structure according to CSO. ...............................................23 Figure 13 Structure of furniture production in Poland according to NACE v1 and v2. ............24 Figure 14 Production of furniture in Poland in 2008 – 2009 ..................................................25 Figure 15 Structure of furniture production in Poland according to Eurostat. .......................26 Figure 16 Production volume of chosen furniture groups in 2005-2010 period. ....................27 Figure 17 Changes in production volume in %. .....................................................................28 Figure 18 Structure of furniture production volume by Eurostat...........................................29 Figure 19 Index price of furniture industry sold production in 2005 – 2010 period. ..............30 Figure 20 Sales profitability of furniture. ..............................................................................31 Figure 21 Number of companies with PKD 4759 according to REGON registry ......................36 Figure 22 Furniture export from Poland in the period of 2005 – 2010 ..................................39 Figure 23 The value of Polish furniture export to selected countries in 2010. .......................39 Figure 24 Changes in the ranking of export in 2005 – 2010 ...................................................40 Figure 25 Changes in the ranking of the direction of Polish furniture export. ........................41 Figure 26 Changes in the markets share within the structure of export in 2008 – 2009. .......42 Figure 27 Changes in the value of export structure due to furniture group. ..........................44 Figure 28 Percentage shares in export by furniture groups. ..................................................45 Figure 29 The dynamic of changes in export by group of furniture. ......................................46 Figure 30 The structure of export volume by group of furniture. ..........................................48 Figure 31 The changes in structure of production volume by group of furniture...................48 Figure 32 The dynamic of export volume changes for particular group of furniture. .............49 Figure 33 Polish import of furniture in the period of 2005 – 2010.........................................50 Figure 34 Import of furniture to Poland in 2010 ...................................................................51 Figure 35 Ranking of furniture import directions in 2005 – 2010 by Eurostat. ......................52 Figure 36 Changes in the ranking of furniture suppliers. .......................................................53 Figure 37 Changes in share of different markets in import structure in 2008 – 2010. ...........53 Figure 38 Dynamic in furniture impor to Poland from main partners 2008-2010 ..................54 Figure 39 Changes in import structure in EUR. ......................................................................56 Figure 40 Import of furniture in 2005-2010 period, in EUR ...................................................56 Figure 41 The dynamic changes in import by group of furniture. ..........................................57 Figure 42 Changes of shares in import value by furniture groups..........................................57 Figure 43 The dynamic in changes of import in groups of furniture by weight. .....................58 Figure 44 Changes of shares in import in groups of furniture by weight. ..............................59 Figure 45 Import of furniture in 2005-2010 period in tons ....................................................59 Figure 46 Changes of shares in import by groups of furniture 2008 – 2010. ..........................60 - 68 -