P/M Ti-6Al-4V - International Titanium Association
P/M Ti-6Al-4V - International Titanium Association
Powder Metallurgy Titanium and Titanium Alloy Components Manufactured from Hydrogenated Titanium Powders Georg I. Abakumov, V.S. Moxson , Vladimir Duz, Mykhailo Matviychuk, Viktor Sukhoplyuyev Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 1 • • • • • • • INGOT BASED (WROUGHT) TITANIUM ENORMOUS ENERGY INPUT EXTENSIVE PROCESSING and MACHINING HIGH SCRAP RATE – LOW “BUY to FLY” LONG LEAD TIME TO FINISHED PRODUCT HIGH COST = USE LIMITED to “COST IS NO OBJECT” APLLICATIONS! As the Commercial Aviation industry grows in the “post recession” economic recovery, strain on the supply of titanium and DRIVE UP THE COST of Titanium and Titanium Components! • THE FUTURE OF TITANIUM IS TITANIUM POWDER METALLURGY! Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2 • • • • ADMA HYDROGENATED TITANIUM POWDER BASED COMPONENTS REQUIRE LESS PRECIOUS ENERGY AT EVERY STEP OF PRODUCTION HAVE “BUY to FLY” APPROACHING 1 TO 1 (LITTLE OR NO SCRAP) SHORT LEAD TIME TO PRODUCTION OF FINISHED COMPONENTS • WITH NO SACRIFICE INPERFORMANCE • ADMA TiH2 COMPONENTS MEET AND SURPASS ASTM, MIL DTL 46077, AND AMS AT A FRACTION OF THE COST Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 3 Processing Steps for Blended Elemental Titanium Alloy Parts Production ADMA Titanium P/ M “in house” Processes Die Press Finished product Post-Processing Outside vendors Rolling Forging Flat (foil, sheet, plate) Round (bar, rod) Extrusion Powder Direct Powder Rolling Vacuum Sintering Cold Isostatic Pressing Vacuum Sintering Rotary Forging Flowform HIP Wire drawing Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 4 Development and Optimization of Rolled Product Forms Using Blended‐Elemental Powder‐Based Ti‐6AL‐4V Alloy Wednesday June 20, 2012 Dr. Sami El‐Soudani, The Boeing Company Dr. Kuang‐O (Oscar) Yu and Ernie M. Crist, RTI International Metals, Inc. Dr. Vladimir S. Moxson and Dr. Vladimir Duz ADMA Products Inc. The feasibility of rolling process development has been successfully demonstrated at RTI…using initial rolling preforms of blended‐elemental hydrided titanium powder billets fabricated by ADMA using their titanium hydride (“hydrogenated”) powder blended with master alloy aiming at Ti‐6AL‐ 4V composition… All elements of the pre‐rolling billet preforms…were within AMS Specification limits…showed equivalent or superior tensile properties as compared to rolling processed wrought ingot‐based Ti‐ 6AL‐4V billet materials… The Boeing executed text matrix included processing‐microstructure‐ property correlations of tensile properties, S‐N fatigue life, fatigue crack growth rate…fracture toughness per ASTM‐E399‐K1C…and stress‐corrosion resistance… Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 5 Development and Optimization of Rolled Product Forms Using Blended‐Elemental Powder‐Based Ti‐6AL‐4V Alloy Wednesday June 20, 2012 Dr. Sami El‐Soudani, The Boeing Company John Fanning, Megan Harper, Dr. Stephen Fox, Timet, Inc. Dr. Vladimir S. Moxson and Dr. Vladimir Duz ADMA Products Inc. The feasibility of rolling process development has been successfully demonstrated at RTI…using initial rolling preforms of blended‐elemental hydrided titanium powder billets fabricated by ADMA using their titanium hydride (“hydrogenated”) powder blended with master alloy aiming at Ti‐6AL‐ 4V composition… All elements of the pre‐rolling billet preforms…were within AMS Specification limits…showed equivalent or superior tensile properties as compared to rolling processed wrought ingot‐based Ti‐ 6AL‐4V billet materials… The Boeing executed text matrix included processing‐microstructure‐ property correlations of tensile properties, S‐N fatigue life, fatigue crack growth rate…fracture toughness per ASTM‐E399‐K1C…and stress‐corrosion resistance… Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 6 Development and Optimization of Rolled Product Forms Using Blended‐Elemental Powder‐Based Ti‐6AL‐4V Alloy Boeing/ADMA/RTI/TIMET Sami M. El‐Soudani, Ti-6Al-4V rolling billets Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 7 RTI‐Rolled Blended‐Elemental Ti‐6Al‐4V Billets Met Specification Requirements and Matched Properties of Wrought Ingot Alloy Sami M. El‐Soudani, Initial Rolling Passes Were Performed by Straight Rolling ADMA Billets From 4” Down to 2”, 1”, and 0.5”‐Thick Plates at Niagara Specialty Metals, Inc., Then Followed by Final Cross (or Spread) Rolling at RTI International Metals, Inc. Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 8 RTI‐Rolled Blended‐Elemental Ti‐6Al‐4V Billets Met Specification Requirements and Matched Properties Sami M. El‐Soudani, of Wrought Ingot Alloy Material and Processing History BE Ti‐6Al‐4V Powder CIP/Sintered then Hot Rolled and Mill Annealed Double‐Arc Remelt Ingot Hot Rolled and Mill Annealed Standard Grade Ti‐6Al‐4V Product Form Sheet / Plate ‐ Optimized Number of Tests Used in Average Values Statistical Measure: Average * Maximum * Minimum * UTS [ksi] Plate 10 Average 144 130 15 67 Sheet 34 Average 152 135 9 131 Plate 2 Average 138 126 13 79 Average 132 121 10 147 Sheet YS [ksi] Elon. [%] Fracture Toughness KIC or KC [ ksi.inch½ ] 8 Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 9 Our Plate Mill Product Processing Optimization at RTI Demonstrated High Fatigue Endurance Limits Matching DoubleArc-Remelt Wrought Ingot-Based Ti-6Al-4V Standard-Grade Alloy Similarly Rolled Product Forms Plate Product Form Pedigree: Powder Versus Ingot Blended-Elemental Powder-Based Ti-6Al-4V Plate Product Double Arc-Remelt Ingot-Based Plate Plate Identification and Rolling Vendor Plate Geometry As-Tested per ASTM E 466 KT = 1 for S/N Fatigue Life [inches] Original As-Sintered Rolled Billet Thickness [inches] Fatigue Endurance Limit [ksi] RR4-2A (RTI) 27.7 x 7.2 x 0.480 4.0 88.0 RR2A (RTI) 13.1 x 6.9 x 0.970 4.1 72.5 W1 (RTI) 16.7 x 16.7 x 0.975 4.0 82.0 Sami M. El‐Soudani et al, Metall. and Mat. Trans. A ‐ Vol.41A, 2010 Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 10 Sami M. El‐Soudani, Our Sheet Mill Product Processing Optimization at RTI Demonstrated High Fatigue Endurance Limits Matching Double-Arc-Remelt Wrought Ingot-Based Ti-6Al-4V Standard-Grade Alloy Similarly Rolled Product Forms Sheet Product Form Pedigree: Powder Versus Ingot Sheet Identification and Rolling Vendor Sheet Geometry as Tested per ASTM E 466 KT = 1 for S/N Fatigue Life[inches] Original As-Sintered Rolled Billet Thickness [inches] Fatigue Endurance Limit [ksi] Blended-Elemental Powder-Based Ti-6Al-4V Sheet Product RR1E (RTI) 13.5 x 7.7 x 0.131 4.2 68 RR3D (RTI) 17.2 x 7.5 x 0.065 1.0 81 RR4-2C (RTI) 17.4 x 7.5 x 0.073 4.1 77 W2D (RTI) 16.9 x 8.6 x 0.076 4.0 85.5 W2C (RTI) 14.5 x 8.1 x 0.127 4.0 67 Double Arc-Remelt Ingot-Based Sheet Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 11 Timet-Rolled Blended-Elemental Ti-6Al-4V Billets Met Requirements and Matched Properties of Wrought Ingot Alloy Specification Sami M. El‐Soudani, Material and Processing History Product Form Sheet / Plate Optimized Number of Tests Used in Average Values Statistical Measure: UTS [ksi] YS [ksi] El.[%] KIC or KC [ ksi.inch½ ] BE Ti-6Al-4V Powder CIP/Sintered then Hot Rolled and Mill Annealed Plate 8 Average 142 130 12 63 Sheet 18 Average 148 139 12 128 Plate 2 Average 138 126 13 79 Sheet 8 Average 132 121 10 147 Double-Arc Remelt Ingot Hot Rolled and Mill Annealed Standard Grade Ti-6Al-4V Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 12 12 The Boeing Company Goal was Near-Net Sheet Rolling Mill Product with the Lowest Overall Rolling Reduction Factor, the Best Property Balance, and Sintered Billets as Thin as 0.75” Sami M. El‐Soudani The ADMA Hydrogenated Titanium Billet T4-2 (as-Sintered Dimensions 0.709 x 8.5 x 11 inches) was Rolled Successfully at Timet and Easily Met Tensile, Fracture Toughness and Fatigue S/N Requirements! Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 13 13 Our Sheet Mill Product Processing Optimization at Timet Demonstrated High Fatigue Endurance Limits Matching Double-Arc-Remelt Wrought Ingot-Based Ti-6Al-4V Standard-Grade Alloy Similarly Rolled Product Forms Sheet Product Form Pedigree: Powder Versus Ingot Blended-Elemental Powder-Based Ti-6Al-4V Sheet Product Double Arc-Remelt IngotBased Sheet Sheet Identification and Rolling Vendor Sheet Geometry as Tested per ASTM E 466 KT = 1 [inches] Original As-Sintered Rolled Billet Thickness [inches] Fatigue Endurance Limit [ksi] T2.2.2 (Timet) 10.2 x 6.2 x 0.114 1.8 78 T4.2A-9 (Timet) 10.2 x 7.1 x 0.067 0.709 82 W2D (RTI) 16.9 x 8.6 x 0.076 4.0 85.5 W2C (RTI) 14.5 x 8.1 x 0.127 4.0 67 Sami M. El‐Soudani Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 14 14 General Conclusions on Blended–Elemental Boeing/ADMA/RTI/TIMET Ti‐6Al‐4V Rolled Plate and Sheet Mill Product The blended elemental RTI and TIMET‐hot‐rolled Ti‐6Al‐4V alloy mill products met the AMS Specification mechanical property requirements for both static loading, as well as damage tolerant fracture toughness and cyclic S/N fatigue endurance limit for aerospace applications. • Encouraging powder‐based rolled mill product form properties of Ti‐6Al‐4V using optimized processing pathways shows static tensile, and fatigue S/N, and fracture properties matching similarly‐processed ingot‐based hot‐rolled product forms. Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 15 AIRFRAME STRUCTURES Canless Extrusion Process Development for B/E Powder-Based Titanium Ti-6AL-4V Alloy ADMA-fabricated Ti-6AL-4V blended elemental powder-based billets were extruded successfully by Plymouth Engineered Shapes, Inc. The Boeing Company and Plymouth Engineered Shapes, Inc. Extrusions (up to 27 feet length) were fabricated and analyzed at front, mid-length, and back and found to be uniform with respect to oxygen content & microstructure. Longer and larger cross-section fabrication is a non-issue in this process. Sami M. El‐Soudani et al, Metall. and Mat. Trans. A ‐ Vol.41A, 2010 Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 16 AIRFRAME STRUCTURES Canless Extrusion Process Development for BE Powder-Based Titanium Ti-6AL-4V Alloy ADMA-fabricated Ti-6AL-4V blended elemental powder-based billets were extruded successfully by RTI International Metals, Inc. for The Boeing Company RTI, International Metals, Inc. 36’-Long Extrusions Cut-up for Shipping and Laboratory Characterization Ti-6Al-4V Ultimate Strength, (psi) Yield Strength, (psi) Elongation, % Reduction of Area, % ADMA P/M 134,000 – 135,000 156,000 – 157,000 12.5 - 12.9 28.2 - 28.3 Ingot Based 125,000 – 127,000 140,000 – 142,000 12.4 - 12.6 26.9 - 27.6 Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 17 ADMA P/M Ti‐6Al‐4V Commander’s Hatch “… passed with flying colors, met the forging spec requirements, as well as the plate spec requirements (MIL‐DTL‐46077)… THIS IS THE BEST RESULT WE HAVE SEEN FROM ANY P/M BASED, NO MELT, LOW COST MATERIAL.” (BAE 7‐6‐2010) Cold Isostatic Pressing Sintering Forging CIP/Sinter Al V Fe C N O H Y Ti Other, Each Other, Total 6.16 4.21 0.080 0.009 0.021 0.179 0.0018 <0.0005 Bal. <0.10 <0.40 Room Temperature Tensile Properties P/M Ti‐6Al‐4V UTS, ksi YS, ksi Elon., % RA, % 1.375” thick 143.8 – 149.3 132.1 – 136.3 14.0 – 15.5 34.1 – 37.7 Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 18 P/M Blended Elemental Ti-6Al-4V Commander’s Hatch Pre-Form Produced from Hydrogenated Ti Powder (These 220 lb ADMA Titanium Powder Metallurgy plates can replace 400 lbs of steel plate on the hatch of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle) ASTM E8 ROOM TEMPERATURE TENSILE TEST Sample 1 Sample 2 SPEC UTS (PSI) 146,300 152,500 130,000 0.2% YS (PSI) 131,800 138,900 120,000 ELONGATION, % 13.0 13.0 10.0 R. A., % 26.4 25.2 20.0 Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 19 Large Powder Metallurgy Products Low-oxygen P/M Ti-6Al-4V Billets from ADMA Hydrogenated Ti Powder Chemistry conforms to AMS 4911L Ti-6Al-4V billet 8.50” x 12.0” x 52.0” 725 lbs Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 20 ADMA Direct Powder Rolling Mill - 50 Million Lbs/Year Armor Plate Production Capacity 0.25” thick plate was successfully rolled at ADMA facility Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 21 P/M Ti-6Al-4V (Low Oxygen) Plates - ADMA Hydrogenated Ti powder 0.75” thick Cold Isostatic Pressing 0.50” thick Sintering Rolling ST L LT Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA L – Longitudinal LT – Long transverse ST – Short transverse 22 ADMA P/M Ti-6Al-4V alloy Bars for the IBIF Fred Sert Program ADMA P/M Ti-6Al-4V Extruded bars Cold Isostatic Pressing Sintering Extrusion Rolling Rotary Forging Ti-6Al-4V UTS ksi YS, ksi El., % RA, % ADMA P/M 148 – 152 142 – 145 19.8 - 22.8 28.2 - 28.3 Ingot Based 140 - 143 125 – 127 19.4 - 21.1 26.9 - 27.6 AMS 4928R 135 Min. 125 Min. 10 Min. Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 23 Blended ElementalADMA P/M Ti-6Al-4V BARS Outperform High Cost Ingot Based Products Fracture Mode: Extruded Material, Tensile Tested Fracture initiation location: center of specimen Fracture mode: microvoid coalescence or dimple mode Fatigue Test Results Maximum Load (lb) Maximum Stress (ksi) Cycles to Failure Diameter (in) INGOT 5880 119 1,014,725 0.251 ADMA Ti P/M 5880 119 3,716,462 0.250 Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 24 P/M Ti and Ti alloy Hollow Cylinders for US NAVY Tubes and Pipes CIP ADMA Hydrogenated Ti Powder Vacuum Sintering Flowform Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 25 Low Cost Titanium Pipe for Naval Applications • Piping for LPD (Titanium CP Grade 2), approx. 20,430 feet per ship, weighing approx. 130,000 lbs Density Cu‐Ni 0.323 lb/in3 CP Ti 0.163 lb/in3 • Titanium pipe saves 178,000 lbs per LPD compared to Cu‐Ni pipe system, improving fuel efficiency and reducing life cycle maintenance USS SAN ANTONIO (LPD 17) cost of the pipe system Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 26 Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 27 Titanium or Titanium Alloy Components Die Pressing + Sintering Near Net Shape Die Pressing Sintering Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 28 Titanium or Titanium Alloy Components for Aerospace Applications Die Pressing + Sintering Near Net Shape CP Ti washers Material Composition, % N C H Fe O Ti CP Ti washers 0.015 0.016 0.0014 0.14 0.206 Bal. ASTM B 348 Grade 2 0.030 0.080 0.015 0.20 0.250 Bal. Material Ti-6Al-4V washers Composition, % N C H Fe O Al V Ti Ti-6Al-4V washers 0.019 0.014 0.0014 0.05 0.263 6.32 4.23 Bal ASTM B 817-98, Type I 0.04 0.10 0.015 0.40 max 0.30 5.50 – 6.75 3.50 – 4.50 Bal Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 29 Die Pressing Ti-3Al-2.5V Components for Aerospace Applications Sintering Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 30 30 Metal Porous Membrane Sheets by Direct Powder Rolling Process Direct Powder Rolling Metal Powder Binder Filler BLEND POWDER ROLLING SINTER RE-ROLL ANNEAL FINISHED SHEET Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 31 Direct Powder Rolling of Ti Alloy Foil, Sheet, and Plate at ADMA 0.010” thick Ti foil 0.25” thick plate Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 32 Porous Titanium Sheets/Plates “Cracking Oxygen from Water Life Support Systems for the US NAVY, AIRFORCE, and NASA Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 33 Porous ADMA Titanium Electrode - High Capacity Storage of Wind and Solar Energy • High capacity storage batteries for wind and solar generated energy • Improved costs and asset utilization • Lower maintenance, longer life span, enhanced reliability • Greater penetration of renewable energy technologies • Reduction in green house gas emissions Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 34 Manufacturing Continuously Re-Enforced Ti-6Al-4V Sheet and Plate by Direct Powder Rolling Ti alloy Blend with Graphite or Alumina Fibers (S&T) Preliminary experiments demonstrated the feasibility to produce continuously re-enforced Ti-6Al-4V plates with Carbon or Alumina fibers (S&T) by using low cost ADMA direct powder rolling or loose sintering P/M processes. The fiber loading fraction can be tailored. ADMA can increase the volume % of fibers in composite material. In some cases a hot temperature consolidation (HIP or hot pressing) is required to consolidate to full density. Cold isostatic pressing/Sinter Direct powder rolling/Sinter Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA Loose sintering 35 Cold Isostatic Pressing Porous Titanium Tube Sleeve/Flange Cold Isostatic Pressing Sintering Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 36 Weapon Components Developments CIP/Sinter/Rotary Forging P/M Ti‐6Al‐4V 0.875” Dia x 12ft long round bars produced from ADMA TiH2 powder Ti‐6Al‐4V Al V Fe C N O H Ti Other, Each Other, Total ADMA TiH2 5.83 3.72 0.29 0.017 0.029 0.189 0.012 Bal. <0.10 <0.40 Sodium Reduced Ti 5.83 3.82 0.13 0.024 0.029 0.160 0.012 Bal <0.10 <0.40 5.5‐6.75 3.5‐4.5 0.40 0.08 0.05 0.20 0.015 Bal <0.10 <0.40 ASTM B348 P/M Ti‐6Al‐4V UTS, ksi YS, ksi El., % RA, % ADMA TiH2 154 – 155 141 – 142 15.8 – 16.5 38 ‐ 40 Sodium Reduced Ti 139 125 – 126 9.0 – 10.0 19 ‐ 20 AMS 4928R 135 Min. 125 Min. 10 Min. Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 37 TITANIUM FOR THE MOST CRITICAL DEFENSE, AEROSPACE AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS HYDROGENATED TITANIUM POWDER METALLURGY CAN MEET THE CURRENT INDUSTRIAL, DEFENSE, AND AEROSPACE APPLICATIONS for TITANIUM by PROVIDING ANY COMPONENT CURRENTLY MADE. LOW COST/ HIGHEST PERFORMANCE ADMA HYDROGENATED TITANIUM POWDER WILL BRING the OVERWHELMING BENEFITS OF TITANIUM TO A BROADER RANGE OF INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS. THE FUTURE OF TITANIUM IS TITANIUM POWDER METALLURGY! THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST! Georg Abakumov, Director Business Development, ADMA Products, Inc. October 7‐10, 2012 • Atlanta, Georgia, USA 38