2011/2012 Report to Donors - Holland Bloorview Foundation


2011/2012 Report to Donors - Holland Bloorview Foundation
The meaningful
impact of your gifts
Letter from the Chair
child is given the best opportunity to realize
their unlimited potential.
I have witnessed extraordinary changes
during my ten years as a volunteer at Holland
Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Foundation. I am thrilled to report that we
are now on the cusp of what could prove
to be the most exciting evolution in our
history, thanks to exciting initiatives outlined
in the Hospital’s strategic plan and the
Foundation’s ambitious No Limits Campaign.
Now that we are able to map the brain, our
leading scientists are breaking new ground in
brain science for kids with disabilities. While
these initiatives are truly impressive, the real
heroes are the kids. Their stories impact our
scientists and donors, inspiring all of us to
do more. Through their courage, hopes and
dreams, we commit to ensuring that every
Annual report to donors 2011-12
I must give special thanks to our Board of
Directors, who generously give their time
and talent, despite very hectic schedules.
Campaign Chair, George Lewis, exemplifies
this spirit of contribution. He is a great leader
with a tremendously demanding timetable,
who works tirelessly on behalf of Holland
Bloorview and the kids we serve.
Moving forward, Keith Pelley and I will
join George as Campaign Co-Chairs. We
look forward to reaching our $80 million
goal soon.
I also want to recognize the vision and
profound commitment to excellence of
our former Foundation President and
CEO, Valerie McMurtry. It has been a great
pleasure to work with Valerie over the past
decade. Like any passionate leader, she
has left her imprint on the organization,
having transformed it from a small hospital
foundation to one of Canada’s most
ambitious and most effective.
Thank you Valerie!
Also, I am thrilled to welcome Tracey
Bailey as our new President and CEO of the
Foundation. Tracey has more than 25 years
of experience as a fundraising professional,
including as Campaign Director of our Defy
Disability Capital Campaign and as our Vice
President, Development, since 2010. We are
entering a new era at the Foundation with
confidence and excitement.
Finally, I want to thank and congratulate our
outstanding Foundation team for their hard
work, focus and exceptional skill during our
CEO transition.
Together with the support of our generous
donors, we exceeded the Foundation’s goals
for 2011-2012.
Dougal Macdonald
Chair of Board,
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation
Hospital Foundation
Letter from the President
It is fitting that this year’s annual report to
donors is focused on impact. Simply put, it
is extraordinary how far we have come in
ten years, and the impact we have had in
creating a world of possibility for children
with disabilities.
In 2002, Holland Bloorview Kids
Rehabilitation Hospital was a local children’s
rehabilitation care centre. Today, it is on
course to become a global leader in care,
research and teaching. The innovative
treatments, therapies, technologies and
programs that are developed here take my
breath away. I’ve been fortunate to see the
difference your gifts make every day.
I have enjoyed every minute I have spent
with you. We have experienced some
incredible milestones together, including
moving into this beautiful new building and
realizing it was only the beginning of our
transformation into an academic, health
sciences powerhouse working on the cutting
edge of breakthrough research that will
positively impact the lives of children locally
and around the globe.
the Foundation. His tireless commitment to
making a difference in the lives of children
inspires and motivates me and all who have
worked with him.
I can only imagine what the next ten
years will bring! With your continued
commitment, dear donors, the future for kids
with disabilities seems truly without limits.
It has been an honour to lead Holland
Bloorview Foundation. Thanks to all of you:
donors, volunteers, staff, kids and families
for your amazing commitment to helping
kids with disabilities lead unlimited lives.
This Foundation has been served this year
by a Board of Directors that is hardworking
and passionate about improving the lives of
our children. I would like to thank the Board
for its support and dedication. I’d also like
to give special thanks to Dougal Macdonald
who joined the Foundation when I did. He
was my first Campaign Chair ten years ago,
and the last Board Chair I worked with in
While I am moving on to new adventures, I
will forever be inspired by our kids and their
families. They will stay in my heart, and
make me a lifelong supporter of this
exceptional hospital.
Valerie McMurtry
Former President and CEO,
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation
Hospital Foundation
The meaningful impact of your gifts
Your impact on
Research &
Annual report to donors 2011-12
Campaign priorities are taking root
Donor support is adding up. We are starting to see our No Limits campaign priorities blossom!
Some of our donors have planted
extraordinary seeds that are directly helping
Holland Bloorview hire scientists, train the
next generation of researchers, and lead
groundbreaking research.
The REMAD Foundation is another visionary
funder. It has directed $130,000 to Dr. Tom
Chau’s graduate students who are engaged in
research related to new access technologies for
children with severe physical disabilities.
Holland Bloorview’s Autism Research Centre is
launching a promising new Anxiety Disorders
Therapy Program, thanks to the leadership of
RBC, which committed $1 million to
the project.
Dr. Chau’s satellite Infinity Communication
Access Lab at Sunny View Public School
received a big boost from some old friends.
P & L Odette Foundation contributed $150,000
and the W. Garfield Weston Foundation
gave $40,000. The Lab is developing unique
communications pathways that are specific to
the needs of each student who cannot move
or speak, opening up a world of possibilities
for them.
RBC’s support addresses a critical need. Seventy
five percent of children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) suffer from clinically significant
symptoms of anxiety. RBC’s support will enable
100 children to participate in the study and
as many as 14 internal and external staff will
be trained to provide this therapy to improve
quality of life for kids with ASD.
Jim and Mary Davie also recognize the
importance of securing experts, particularly
in fostering the next generation of scientists.
They have generously pledged $500,000 so
that Holland Bloorview may retain junior
scientists to build on its reputation as a leader
in breakthrough research. Given that the likes
of Dr. Tom Chau began as a Junior Scientist 12
years ago, Holland Bloorview is very excited by
this gift’s potential.
This exceptional support comes at a time when
Holland Bloorview is embracing extraordinary
change. New and exciting discoveries in
how the brain works are revolutionizing
rehabilitation, which will have a profound
impact on kids with disabilities.
Happily, Holland Bloorview is uniquely
positioned, quite literally. We operate in
Ontario, now considered a brain research hot
spot. More than 500 scientists are working on
cures for brain disorders. The exciting news is
that Holland Bloorview is putting some of these
discoveries to work right now as a direct result
of donor support.
For Dr. Evdokia Anagnostou, Co-Lead of the
Autism Research Centre, new insights into the
brain have completely changed the trajectory of
autism research.
“We used to borrow applications from other
disorders and test them,” says Dr. Anagnostou.
“We had no idea if any of these applications
actually targeted the biology of autism. Now we
have the potential to reverse certain symptoms
that undermine quality of life.”
Dr. Peter Rumney, Physician Director of
Medicine and Academic Affairs and an expert
on acquired brain injury, is quick to caution
that while children’s brains are plastic, new
insights into the brain have opened up far
more questions than answers. Dr. Rumney is
excited, though, by the potential that new brain
mapping has for rehabilitation.
“We are at the point where the technology is
showing us more than what we’ve ever been
able to see or do before,” says Dr. Rumney.
“Now we need to secure the staff and funding to
apply this knowledge in a more critical way.”
The meaningful impact of your gifts
Your impact on
Health &
Annual report to donors 2011-12
Understanding wellness beyond physical well-being
Holland Bloorview donors have always supported programs with a focus on healthy and active quality of life for kids
and their families. Donors clearly recognize the impact that programs such as Busy Bodies, weekend respite, music
therapy, Youth@Work and the Spiral Garden, have on a child’s overall well-being.
Now, Holland Bloorview is initiating a
revolutionary approach to health and wellness.
Don’t expect a huge break from current
practice, though. More than anything, Canada’s
largest pediatric rehabilitation hospital is taking
‘connecting and strengthening the dots’ to a
whole new level.
Holland Bloorview is launching the Child and
Family Wellness Centre. Grounded in holistic
practice, this Centre will seek to understand
what contributes fully to the wellness of a child,
beyond physical well-being.
This change will mean tying together existing
clinical and research programs, and building
new ones, where experts in fitness, nutrition,
pharmacology, psychology, the arts and adult
transition, as well as physicians and nurses,
contribute to broadening and deepening our
understanding of a child’s overall health and
Holland Bloorview is uniquely positioned to
deliver on this approach. Unlike other pediatric
rehabilitation hospitals, we house research and
clinical practice under one roof. This presents
exciting possibilities.
Dr. Virginia Wright, Senior Scientist at the
Bloorview Research Institute says, “We are able
to support a continual fluidity of research and
clinical work that will drive the research a lot
faster than if we did the research in isolation
and later saw how it fits within a clinical
And the Centre will continue to build on
Holland Bloorview’s groundbreaking work
through its Family Leadership Program to
improve the health of the family in relation to
the health of the child. Family Leadership is
another program supported by donors.
One of the projected outcomes of the Centre is
improving our understanding of obesity in kids
with disabilities, while creating programs that
integrate all areas, such as fitness, nutrition,
and psychology that play a role in helping
children maintain a healthy body weight.
The Centre really is a culmination of
many factors, including the World Health
Organization’s advocacy for an integrated
approach to health and well-being, to new
understanding of the brain, such as the role
that music can play in rehabilitation.
Holland Bloorview’s LIFEspan program will
play an important role in this new Centre.
LIFEspan programs prepare youth for
adulthood by giving them the skills required
to live independently, secure and maintain
jobs, and build lasting friendships.
“All of this knowledge and understanding is
coming together at the right time,” says Dr.
Wright. “The Centre will help move us towards
the next frontier of understanding. It will greatly
enhance the differences our services can make
and broaden our notion of rehabilitation.”
“What good does it do if you make children
healthy and stable, but they spend their days
at home all by themselves?” Says Dolly MennaDack, LIFEspan Youth Facilitator.
“Really, at the core of all of this is helping a
child have a better quality of life that extends
well into adulthood,” says Dr. Wright. “We are
well positioned to take our understanding and
practice to a whole other level, to help kids with
disabilities and their families embrace all the
possibilities. To us this is very exciting.”
LIFEspan facilitators will be key contributors to
the Child and Family Wellness Centre, helping
youth and families alleviate stress and anxiety
as they plan for the future.
The meaningful impact of your gifts
Celebrating your
Loyalty &
legacy and
its impact
on kids
Dr. Doug Biggar
Gloria and Zoe
Richard and Marilyn Coles
Jamie Burnett
Annual report to donors 2011-12
Tiny drops. Big impact
A single raindrop doesn’t seem like much. But together rain feeds lakes and oceans, and makes rivers roar.
Ruth Dobson’s average annual gift of $60,
which she has made faithfully every year for 45
years, has resulted in thousands of dollars for
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.
Together with the gifts of thousands of you, her
fellow donors, Ruth has supported life changing
programs and breakthrough research.
The kids inspired Ruth Dobson to give all these
years, and it’s donors like her and you who
continue to inspire Holland Bloorview. More
than 550 of you make gifts every year to help
kids with disabilities – some for five years in a
row, many for more than 10, 20 and 30 years.
In fact, our loyal donors have contributed an
astonishing $37 million!
Holland Bloorview Foundation celebrates our
loyal contributors, like the Muzzo Family. This
family has given $148,000 over 20 years, or the
employees at IBM who have donated more
than $193,000 since 1980. And we applaud the
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,
Local 353 who, after 20 years, is about to reach
its $10,000 target and will join others on our
Lifetime Donor Wall.
As we all know, a little bit over time really
does go a long way! It also demonstrates that
Holland Bloorview is more than just a hospital.
It’s a family.
Our caring contributors include people like
Richard and Marilyn Coles, who first gave $50 to
Holland Bloorview during a charitable curling
event in 1980. They have been committed to the
cause ever since, donating more than $500,000.
All donors have a story, a compelling reason why
they give, now and in perpetuity.
Laurie Coates made a gift in memory of her
late husband, Chris, who in semi-retirement
embarked on an eight year career of driving a
school bus for kids with disabilities. Wishing to
be more direct in his philanthropic giving, Chris
asked the kids what organizations helped them
the most. They were quick to name Holland
Bloorview. Now Chris’ philanthropic spirit will
be remembered forever on our donor wall.
Frieda Griffiths never forgot Holland Bloorview.
One Christmas 75 years ago, she delivered
dolls to the hospital and was reminded not to
forget about the kids during other times of the
year. Now she has established an endowment
for youth in transition, with special attention
to youth from rural communities who are
sometimes forgotten.
Gloria, who was born in the 1940s without the
lower part of her right arm, could not forget Zoe,
a Holland Bloorview ambassador who recently
lost her leg. Gloria’s legacy gift will help kids like
Zoe and their families manage the new reality of
living with a disability.
And we can never forget the impact of Dr. Doug
Biggar and his pioneering work in extending
the lives of kids with neuromuscular disorders,
or Jamie Burnett, a.k.a. Ricky the Clown, who
helped found Holland Bloorview’s Therapeutic
Clown Program. On the occasion of Dr. Biggar’s
retirement, friends of Dr. Biggar have raised
almost $600,000 towards the $1 million Biggar
Endowment. For Jamie, who left us too soon,
the Foundation has received more than $10,000
in memorial tributes to help the Therapeutic
Clown Program thrive.
Our donors’ inspiring stories and their loyal
support over many years have created a wide,
deep and life-giving ocean of generosity, one
that we have come to rely on to create a world
of possibility for kids with disabilities.
Trinity Bailey-Brown (2008 - 2012)
Trinity was a proud Holland Bloorview
Ambassador and graced the cover of last
year’s annual report. She will be missed.
The meaningful impact of your gifts
Donors in action
Unique fundraisers surpass $1 million raised for Holland Bloorview
1. Kasting 4 Kids Rehab
3. SmartCentres Charity Golf Classic
Kasting 4 Kids Rehab made a big catch
during its 2nd annual event. Despite the
wintery conditions in late April, 80 brave
fishermen and women cast their rods for a
friendly fly fishing competition at the Franklin
Club, raising $175,000 for our highest priority
needs. Kasting 4 Kids Rehab has raised
$275,000 in just two years.
Participants at the SmartCentres Charity Golf
Classic hit the links at Angus Glen in July,
raising $50,000 for Holland Bloorview’s
respite programs.
2. Reprodux – Day at the Races
Everyone wins at the races when Reprodux
hosts their annual event at Woodbine Race
Track, and they do it with style: delicious
gourmet food, great entertainment, guest
speaker, Sandy Holly, a silent auction, and
games to raise awareness and more than
$30,000 for Holland Bloorview. The event has
raised more than $193,000 since 2007.
Annual report to donors 2011-12
4. Chillin’ for Kids
Don’t let the title fool you. This 5th annual
curling event, held in February at the Granite
Club, warmed the hearts of 180 participants
who collectively raised over $91,000 for our
Therapeutic Clown Program, and equipment
like a Trilogy Ventilator and Anxiety Meter to
help detect and monitor anxiety in children
with autism. Excellent food, lively curling and
inspirational words and music made it an
evening to remember.
5. Longo’s Fore Kids Sake Charity Golf
Perfect weather conditions welcomed more
than 400 golfers to the 22nd Annual Longo’s
Charity Golf Tournament at Lionhead Golf Club
in June. Holland Bloorview received $15,000
from event proceeds for respite programs.
6. Bay Street Pro Celebrity Softball
More than 300 players from North America’s
financial industry and celebrities took to the
softball field at Riverdale Flats in July for the
15th Bay Street Pro Celebrity Softball Challenge.
The event was a blast, raising $75,000 for the
Apartment for Daily Living, the Independence
Program and other high priority needs. This
event has raised $1.3 million for Holland
Bloorview over the past 15 years.
The meaningful impact of your gifts
Annual report to donors 2011-12
Donors in action
1. THREE TO BE – Stems of Hope
Gala – Robotica
3. Toronto Academy of Dentistry
Annual Golf Classic
In two years, THREE TO BE has raised more
than $401,000 through various events,
including the exciting 2011 Stems of Hope
Gala – Robotica, which drew 800 people and
featured the Barenaked Ladies. Thanks to
THREE TO BE’s generous supporters, including
KRG Children’s Charitable Foundation,
Holland Bloorview purchased the Pediatric
Lokomat®Pro. This innovative technology will
be part of a clinical trial that holds the potential
to revolutionize therapy for children with
neurological disorders.
In late May, Toronto’s dentists and dental
industry teed off at Angus Glen, raising more
than $20,000 for Holland Bloorview’s Dental
Clinic. Over 25 years, the $300,000 raised
has supported the purchase of specialized
equipment, such as new ultrasound technology
to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of
children with swallowing and feeding disorders.
2. Wally Clayson Charity Golf Classic
Determined to give back to the organization
that has helped his granddaughter blossom,
Wally Clayson’s golf tournament at the Cardinal
Golf Club raised $28,500 in June. Through his
efforts, Wally has raised $290,000 over the past
17 years.
4. Toronto Parking Authority’s Annual
Charity Golf Tournament
In September, the Toronto Parking Authority
celebrated the 10th anniversary of its Charity
Golf Tournament, held at Glen Eagle Golf Club.
More than 180 participants raised over $49,000
for Holland Bloorview.
5. GoodLife Fitness Toronto Marathon
Whether they ran or walked, 25 participants
laced up for Holland Bloorview, and raised an
extraordinary $39,366 for Holland Bloorview’s
programs and services.
6. Able Artists Auction
The Sunny View Youth Involvement Association
raised $160,000 through a unique fundraiser
– an art auction featuring the art of kids with
disabilities, many created with assistance of
adaptive arts tools invented at Sunny View
School. One of the 57 art pieces was sold for
$25,000! Funds raised during the event will
support the Expressive Arts Program and the
new satellite Infinity Communication Access
Lab at Sunny View Public School in partnership
with Holland Bloorview. A total of $384,000 has
been raised to date, which includes proceeds
from the auction combined with $150,000 from
P&L Odette Foundation and $40,000 from the
W. Garfield Weston Foundation.
The meaningful impact of your gifts
Celebrating remarkable achievements and promising new beginningS
1. Dr. Tom Chau promoted to Vice
President and Director of Bloorview
Research Institute
Dr. Chau will be leading The Bloorview
Research Institute’s 18 Scientists, 162 trainees,
60 peer-reviewed publication and 59 peerreviewed funded projects with total external
funding of $4.9 million in 2011.
Since 2000, Dr. Chau himself has held 51
funded grants totalling more than $12 million,
and has published 115 articles in peer reviewed
journals. He was named by the Globe and
Mail as one of 25 Transformational Canadians
in 2010. His vision is simple, “I want to live
to see the day when families can affirm the
aspirations of their children with disabilities.”
2. BLOOM blossoms with Coriat
family gift
Recognizing the importance of BLOOM
Magazine in offering parents a forum to learn
and share through stories and expert advice,
David and Lynn Coriat donated $100,000
to ensure more parents have access to the
Annual report to donors 2011-12
3. Cutting-edge research announced
Ontario Brain Institute funding puts Holland
Bloorview at the centre of world-leading brain
research. Holland Bloorview is receiving two of
the three grants awarded, the first for autism
research led by Dr. Evdokia Anagnostou and
the second to integrate rehabilitation and video
gaming technology for kids with cerebral palsy
led by Dr. Darcy Fehlings.
4. Launch of Upopolis
Holland Bloorview in partnership with TELUS,
Kids’ Health Links Foundation and Sheridan
Nurseries launched Upopolis, an innovative
social networking tool that helps hospital
inpatients stay connected to their families,
friends and school. The unique site allows kids
to stay up-to-date with their schoolwork, link to
kid-friendly health information, and connect to
other children with the same condition.
5. Launch of a clinical trial in
robotics therapy
With the incredible support of CIBC, KRG
Children’s Charitable Foundation, and
THREE TO BE and its supporters, exciting
developments in research at Holland Bloorview
hold great promise for revolutionary new
therapies for children with neurological
6. New Autism Research Centre
focuses on critical early years
The Autism Research Centre launched,
under the leadership of child neurologist, Dr.
Anagnostou and clinical psychologist, Dr. Brian.
In just five years, Holland Bloorview has moved
from assessment and diagnosis of autism
spectrum disorders to full research capability to
improve quality of life for children with autism.
The meaningful impact of your gifts
Annual report to donors 2011-12
1. Filmpossible generates more short
films about childhood disability
Sixty-nine filmmakers and photographers of all
abilities submitted short films and photographs
to the 2nd annual Filmpossible, the online
video and photo contest that brings visibility
to disability. With prize winners selected by
viewers’ votes, Filmpossible sponsor, Cisco
Canada, donated $1 per vote.
2. Ad campaign increased
donations and awareness
Holland Bloorview Foundation reached
millions of GTA radio listeners and online
viewers during the second phase of its No
Limits awareness campaign. The successful
campaign was made possible by creative
services donated by ad agency Publicis and
Rogers Media, which provided advertising
3. Family Resource Centre expands
The expanded Centre aims to educate and
empower families with information and
support. At the click of the mouse, a call to our
Warmline, or through personal visits, parents
can get information on parenting, school, fun
things to do in the community, respite care
and funding for kids with disabilities.
4. Capital One Canada
Snoezelen Room
Holland Bloorview honoured Capital One’s
generous support to the cause of childhood
disability by officially unveiling the Capital
One Canada Snoezelen Room on the third
floor. Over the years, Capital One has donated
more than $490,000 to Holland Bloorview with
$455,000 of that going to Youth@Work. Donors
like Capital One enable Holland Bloorview to
go beyond medical care to offer one-of-a-kind
programs that help kids with disabilities to
participate fully in their communities.
5. 6th annual An Evening of Possibility
celebrates most successful year, raising
half a million dollars
In November, more than 250 of Toronto’s
business and community leaders gathered
for a sumptuous dinner, prepared by six of
Canada’s finest chefs. The event raised more
than $500,000 for No Limits, the Campaign for
Childhood Disability. In total, the event has
raised over $1 million.
6. Music garden takes root,
inspires visitors
The Music Garden has taken root within the
Spiral Garden, featuring three permanent
installations, and made possible thanks to
the generosity of Ronald McDonald House
Charities and the creative vision of Robert Vine,
artist in the Centre for the Arts. Visitors of all
ages and abilities create rhythms on a whale
drum and a giant Xylophone made of natural
materials that are in harmony with
the surroundings.
The meaningful impact of your gifts
Campaign Update
The unlimited potential of your gift
The No Limits Campaign has raised
$49.5 million. Your support continues
to make a big difference. Thank you.
As the final phase begins, Dougal
Macdonald and Keith Pelley join George
Lewis as co-chairs. All three have been
significant donors, inspired leaders
and passionate advocates for kids with
disabilities. They are veteran campaigners
and know what it will take to reach the $80
million goal. They are as committed as you
to help kids lead unlimited lives.
George, Dougal, Keith and other campaign
volunteers are looking forward to telling
you about the hospital’s new strategic plan,
Leadership in Childhood Disability, and
the campaign’s role in attracting donations
and philanthropic investments as Holland
Bloorview becomes a catalyst for brain
science research for kids with disabilities.
Care, research, family support, and
teaching and learning are still at the heart
of our campaign priorities, but as the new
strategic plan unfolds, we will focus our
efforts on building capacity in specific
programs that will accelerate knowledge in
developmental brain science. The Autism
Research Centre, Cerebral Palsy Research
Annual report to donors 2011-12
and a Centre for Applied Innovation that
continues the work of the Infinity Centre
for Access Innovations will all benefit from
campaign gifts in the final phase.
New research in participation and
inclusion will also help to transform care.
Here the hospital will focus on health and
wellness, music and the arts, transitions
to adulthood and family support. These
are areas where donors’ gifts have always
made a difference to the quality of life of
our kids. Learning through simulation
is another area where the hospital can
lead the world in developing new ways to
educate those considering work in the field
of childhood disabilities.
Holland Bloorview is uniquely positioned
to lead groundbreaking research in all of
these areas. The first beneficiaries will be
kids here in Ontario and Canada, but this is
work that will transform the lives of people
with disabilities globally. Today, you can
tell your friends that your gift to Holland
Bloorview has the potential to change the
world. We hope you will join us in raising
the final $30.5 million and you will see the
meaningful impact of your gift.
Photo: George Lewis, Dougal Macdonald and Keith Pelley
Campaign donors
William & Susanne Holland
$1,000,000 - $4,999,999
BMO Financial Group
G. R. Chang
David & Lynn Coriat
Mackenzie Investments
George W. Oughtred
RBC Foundation
The WB Family Foundation
Michael Wekerle
$500,000 - $999,999
James & Mary Davie
The Slaight Family Foundation
Barbara Steele
Anne & David Ward
$100,000 - $499,999
The Alva Foundation
Peter & Brigitte Anderson
Robert & Mary Pat Armstrong
Yveline Audemars & Humberto
The Harold E. Ballard Foundation
Bay Street Hoops
Bay Street Pro Celebrity Softball
Vito & Sandra Bigioni
The Buchan Family Foundation
Burman & Fellows Group Inc.
Canada’s Walk Of Fame
Capital One
Chillin’ for Kids
Cisco Systems Canada Company
Marilyn & Richard Coles
The Giving Tree Foundation of
Frieda Griffiths
Kasting 4 Kids Rehab
Ronald, Warren & Debbie Kimel
George Lewis
Barbara & Dougal Macdonald &
The P. & L. Odette Charitable
Keith & Joan Pelley
Power Corporation of Canada
RBC Canadian Open
The REMAD Foundation
RSM Richter
Scotiabank Group
Sunny View Youth Involvement
Riocan Real Estate Investment Trust
TD Bank Financial Group
Toronto Parking Authority
Champions of
childhood disability
The Holland Bloorview family celebrates its
champions of childhood disability.
Thank you for making the investment of a lifetime.
Bay Street Children’s Foundation
John William Billes (in his estate)
Bloorview Childrens Hospital Foundation
BMO Financial Group
G.R. Chang
David & Lynn Coriat
The Grocery Foundation
The Holland Family
The Kinder Foundation
Mackenzie Investments
Ada Gertrude Mahoney (in her estate)
George W. Oughtred
RBC Foundation
Toronto Police Association
Toshiba Celebrity Golf Classic
The WB Family Foundation
Anne & David Ward
Michael Wekerle
Holland Bloorview Champions inspire us! Through their passion
and commitment to making a difference, our Champions help
us to create a world without limits for children with disabilities.
Whether their contribution has been a single donation or legacy
gift, a community event or the culmination of years of support,
we at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation
are honoured to recognize their extraordinary commitment.
Left: James Duncan of the Bay Street Children’s
Foundation with his daughter Lindsay.
The meaningful impact of your gifts
Statement of operations
2012 Total $
2011 Total $
Donations and bequests 12,496,377 Special events 1,679,216
Realized investment income 6,531,088
Total 20,706,681
of $20.7M
Salaries and benefits
Fundraising activities
Total Excess of revenues over operating
expenses before the undernoted
Direct Marketing 2%
Bequests and Other 1%
Event Proceeds 9%
Major Gifts - Corporations 3%
Major Gifts - Foundations 4%
Major Gifts - Individuals 50%
Realized Investment income 31%
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
External organizations
Total 5,346,118
Excess of revenues over operating expenses
and distributions, before the undernoted
Unrealized investment income/(loss)
Total excess of revenues over
operating expenses and distributions Areas of
Funding for
Teaching & Learning 12%
Research Institute Core Funding 25%
Statement of fund balances
Balance, beginning of the year
Net increase/(decrease) in the year
Balance, end of year
Research 29%
Endowed Restricted
54,694,897 2,904,544
64,363,298 2,919,402
General 2012 Total $
9,445,032 76,727,732
2011 Total $
Capital and equipment 9%
Life Skills and Independence 3%
Community resources 2%
Client and family centred care 20%
Annual report to donors 2011-12
Lifetime donors
Gifts of $10,000 and higher make a lifetime of difference. Donors achieving this threshold of giving are precious to us.
GIFT - The Grocery Foundation
Estate of Florence Evelyn Moodie
Estate of Alvin R. Morton
PC Children’s Charity
Power Corporation of Canada
Reprodux Day at the Races
RSM Richter
Toronto Academy of Dentistry
$1,000,000 - $4,999,999
$100,000 - $249,999
William & Susanne Holland
$15,000,000 - $24,999,999
Bloorview Childrens Hospital Foundation
$5,000,000 - $14,999,999
Bay Street Pro Celebrity Softball Challenge
Estate of John William Billes
BMO Financial Group
G. R. Chang
CIBC Children’s Foundation
David & Lynn Coriat
The Counselling Foundation of Canada
The Kinder Foundation
Mackenzie Investments
Estate of Ada Gertrude Mahoney
George W. Oughtred
RBC Foundation
The Toronto Police Association
Toshiba Celebrity Golf Classic
Anne & David Ward
The WB Family Foundation
Michael Wekerle
$500,000 - $999,999
In Honour of Elkie Adler
Robert & Mary Pat Armstrong
The Harold E. Ballard Foundation
Bike for Tykes
Chillin’ for Kids
Marilyn & Richard Coles
James & Mary Davie
The Ron Joyce Foundation
Ronald, Warren & Debbie Kimel
Kurl for Kids Celebrity Bonspiel
Neate Roller Limited
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Estate of Nellie Roszel
Scotiabank Group
The Slaight Family Foundation
Barbara Steele
TD Bank Financial Group
Whipper Watson Events
$250,000 - $499,999
Automotive Aftermarket Retailers of Ontario Charity
Golf Tournament
Max Bell Foundation
Vito & Sandra Bigioni
Capital One
Estate of Eldred Durham
Estate of Elizabeth Ferguson
Kasting 4 Kids Rehab
Estate of Margaret A. Lambe
Air Canada Employee Charitable Foundation
Alva Foundation
Estate of Helen Anderson
Estate of Margot Anderson
Peter & Brigitte Anderson
Yveline Audemars & Humberto Rivero
Bay Street Hoops
Bell Canada
J.P. Bickell Foundation
The E.W. Bickle Foundation
BMO Fountain of Hope Employees’ Foundation
The Buchan Family Foundation
Burman & Fellows Group Inc.v
The Chau Family
Joel & Lainie Cohen
Donald & Phyllis Cooper
The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund
Estate of Elizabeth V. Dundin
Estate of Donald Brooke Duval
The Eaton Foundation
Kenny Field & Vivian Berman & Families
Estate of Ruby Finlayson
Tom Flynn & Cathy Hampson
The Giving Tree Foundation of Canada
Stephen Gooderham
Herman Grad
Frieda Griffiths
Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation
IBM Canada & its Employees & Retirees
Margaret Irwin
Estate of Margaret Agnes Isaac
Sheila Jarvis
K. Michael Kelly
The Henry White Kinnear Foundation
Estate of George Kirk
Louis & Sophie Lau
George & Leanne Lewis
Estate of Peter Hammond Lyon
Barbara & Dougal Macdonald & Family
Manulife Financial
Gene & Lori McBurney
The R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation
Estate of Earl C. Morgan
Patricia & Tom Muir
Muzzo Family Charitable Foundation
Estate of Lorna Myrtle Obee
Estates of Milton & Dorothy Odell
The P. & L. Odette Charitable Foundation
Keith & Joan Pelley
The REMAD Foundation
Riocan Real Estate Investment Trust
Rotary Club of Willowdale
Cookie & Stephen Sandler
Shoppers Drug Mart
Robert & Mary Susanne Singer
Thomas & Joanne Singer
Heather & Jason Smith
Splendido Charity Dinner
The Stupp/Cohen Families Foundation
Mats Sundin
Sunny View Youth Involvement Association
Toronto Parking Authority Golf Tournament
Unilever Canada
John & Josie Watson
W. Garfield Eston Foundation, George Weston
Limited, Loblaw Company
Estate of Isa Willett
Estate of Erich Wood
$50,000 - $99,999
AGF Management Limited
Esther Alexander
David Allgood
Estate of Beverley A. Banting
Barney Home Video Canada
Geoffrey & Nancy Belsher
Secondo & Filomena Bigioni
In Honour of Rita Bolthezar
Estate of Margaret Boyd
Estate of Albert Arnold Brooks
Estate of Katherine Elspeth Brouse
Estate of John Brunner
Frank C. Buckley
Donald & Edith Bumstead
Canada’s Walk Of Fame
Cisco Systems Canada Company
CitiGroup Foundation
Estate of Freda Cole
Estate of Jean Connell
Estate of Alfred S. Creer
Crown & Bridge Study Club
Dagmar Construction Inc.
Dentistry Canada Fund
Estate of Peter Devine
Estate of Tekla Catherine Donat
The Dunin Foundation
Dynamic Fund Foundation
Estate of Margaret Louise Edwards
Estate of Leslie Ehrlick
Gay & John Evans
Carolyn Everson & Peter Irwin
Export Packers Company Limited & The
Rubenstein Family
Mark & Patricia Faircloth
Estate of Nellie L. Farthing
Fidelity Foundation
Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin
Charitable Foundation
Mitchell Goldhar
Great Gulf Homes Charitable Foundation
Estate of Bernice Guziker
H.H. Angus & Associates Limited
Estate of Marion Hay
Hermes Canada Inc.
Estate of Nancy Hethrington
Home Again Inc.
The Hope Charitable Foundation
IBM Canada Ltd.
Ronald & Pamela Jones
Harvey & Marsha Joseph
The Henry & Berenice Kaufmann Foundation
Estate of Muriel Kennedy
Knight, Bain, Seath & Holbrook Spirit Foundation
Sheila & Al Libfeld
William & Molly Anne Macdonald
Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
The Margaret & Wallace McCain Family
Foundation Inc.
McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited
John & Aileen McGrath
John J. Meehan
Estate of David Meltzer
Merrill Lynch Canada Inc.
Mintz & Partners/Brettler Foundation
Estate of William K. Mounfield
Nelson Arthur Hyland Foundation
Louis Nemes Golf Tournament
Estate of Rose Oliver
Paloma Foundation
Patterson Dental Foundation
Petritz Enterprises Limited
The meaningful impact of your gifts
The Printing House Limited
Provision For The Vision Ministries
Dr. Christine Pun
Estate of Edward George Raymond
Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Provincial Command
Estate of John Sanders
Neil & Chrisula Selfe
Charlie & Laurie Sims
SmartCentres Golf Tournament
Howard Sokolowski & Linda Frum
Estate of Jessie Somerville
Peter Soumalias & Giorgina Bigioni
Estate of Sarah Olive Thompson
Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund
Mrs. Norman A. Urquhart
Estate of Betty Verner
Estate of Avis Ruth Vickers
Estate of Peter Watt
John H. Wedge, O.C. & Patty Rigby
The Mike Weir Foundation
Estate of Jean Elizabeth Wells
The Wheeler Family
Estate of Geraldine Susan Widdifield
Estate of Florence Phoebe Wight
George & Janet Wilson
$25,000 - $49,999
The Barrack/Pilkington Family
Denis Bigioni & Trina Chiarelli
Geoffrey Bledin
Dr. Aldo & Peggy Boccia
Estate of Ethel M. Bowyer
Bramalea Limited
Estate of Carl A. Brand
Estate of Howard William Brown
Estate of Collamer Chipman Calvin
Dr. Trevor A. Carmichael, Q.C.
Vince Carter Embassy of Hope Foundation
The Castelane/Weinryb Family
Dr. Tom & Grace Chau
Estate of Athol L.B. Cherry
Chick ‘n’ Deli Golf
Valerie & David Christie
Peter & Catherine Clark
Wally Clayson Charity Golf Classic
CNC Global
Estate of Wilhelmina Cooper
Estate of Helen W. Crawford
Dario Cucco
Dagmar Christmas Party
Thomas & Patty Davidson
Vera Dolly Denty Foundation
Estate of Alvin R. Dodds
Dome Stadium Hostessing
James & Anne Dunlop
David & Elizabeth Edmison
Emily Grace El Raheb Memorial Fundraiser
EllisDon Corporation
Equitable Trust
Foundation for Better Communities
Peter & Sharon Fullerton
Goodlife Fitness Toronto Marathon
Estate of Edith Gombas
Estate of Prudence Greey Gooderham
Anthony & Felicitas Goodliff
Annual report to donors 2011-12
Goodyear Canada Inc.
Barry Gordon
Harry Gorman
Estate of Harriet Jean Gourley
Jennifer & Bill Graham
Estate of Kathleen M. Grosvenor
Edie & Robert Harlang
HB Group Insurance Staff Fund
HBC Foundation
Peter Heiler
Estate of Clayton A. Hern
hma Systems, Division of Janwood Machinery Limited
Estate of Frances Holden
Holland Bloorview School - Play and Learn Site
Estate of Ruth Holtby
Estate of Florence Hunter
Elizabeth A. Hutcheson
Estate of Margaret Imrie
Johnvince Foods Wine Tasting Event
Estate of George William Jose
Nitin & Priti Kawale
KidsAction Research
Tracy Kitch
Estate of Tekena Komisarczuk
Estate of Marguerite E. Lewis
Adrianna & Rocky Lofranco
The Estate of Hester Kerr Long
Longo’s Family Charitable Foundation
Estate of Harold Watts MacMahon
Stephen & Janet MacPhail
Karen & Dave Maidment
Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Ltd.
Amanda Marascio Memorial Gala
Estate of Vera Maughan
Estate of Catherine Emma McInnes
Rosemary & John McIntosh
Estate of Jean McKenzie
Valerie McMurtry
George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation
Michael Mutcheson Memorial Trust
Golda Milo-Manson, David Manson & Family
Mitsubishi Canada Limited
Music for Possibility
Estate of Charles Myland
Estate of Willem Natte
John & Nancy Neate
Norcar Investments
Nota Bene Charity Evening
David Pauli
Estate of Richard K. Person
Pool People Limited
Christopher & Susan Portner
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Nancy Ralph & Associates
Estate of Barbara Reid
Estate of Pearl Reid
Rotary Club of Toronto Charitable Foundation
Janis Rotman
Royal Bank Financial Employees’ Charity Trust Fund
Vinay Kumar Sarin
Carolyn Sifton Foundation Inc.
Estate of Evaline Sills
Nathan & Lily Silver Family Foundation
Estate of Mary Jean Small
Estate of Ethyle Stark
Estate of George H. Stedman
Suncor Inc.
Ben & Mary Sybring
TD Securities Underwriting Hope Charity Auction
Tony & Friends Golf Tournament
Toronto Community Foundation
Toronto Japanese Association of Commerce and
Estate of Gladys Elaine Tripp
Estate of Francis W. Watson
WCPD Foundation
Estate of Edgar G. Winstanley
John Young
$10,000 - $24,999
A Night at the Capitol Theatre
Dr. Benjamin & Zena Alman
Alpha Omega Foundation of Canada
Alternative Computer Training
The Jennifer Ashleigh Foundation
Tracey Bailey
The Bajc Family
Lorne & Rosemary Barclay
The Barrett Family
Estate of Grace V. Becker
Estate of Irene Elizabeth Beill
Bell Canada’s Employee Giving Program
Benjamin Moore & Co. Limited
Benjamin Walker Foundation
Donald Berman Foundation
The Late Linda Berman, Marsha & Jerry Berman
& Family
Beutel, Goodman & Company Ltd.
Judy & Doug Biggar
Aldo & Marie Bigioni
Birks Family Foundation
Jean & Susan Bisaillon
Bloorview School Authority
BMO Capital Markets Social Night
Eugene & Alice Boccia
Oliver & Shirin Bock
Estate of Marshall Bogart
The Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company
of Canada
Estate of Harriet Jane Bolton
Dr. Burt Borthwick
The Rudolph P. Bratty Charitable Foundation
Brewers Retail Inc.
The Bridle Bash Foundation
Broadcasters Golf Tournament
Garth Brooks
David & Fran Brown
Estate of Vida May Burt
The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Ltd.
Glen & Jane-Anne Campbell
The Canadian Toy Collectors Society
Canusa Products
Cardinal McGuigan Assembly 0865
Don, Janice & Robbie Carmichael
Mark & Sandra Carrington
Shelley Carroll Charity Golf Classic
The Ian Cartwright Foundation
CBC’s Battle of the Blades
Albert Celotti
Central Ontario Building Trades
Century Concrete Products Limited
Estate of Elizabeth Kilpatrick Charlesworth
Douglas & Chloe Chau
Estate of Major Harry Cherry
Estate of James M. Chicules
Ken Christie
CHUM Charitable Foundation
CIT Healthcare, Canada
Geof & Cynthia Clarkson
Chris & Laurie Coates
Corporate Assets Inc.
Sheila Cowan
Estate of Nora I. Crane
George & Ruth Crawford
Purdy & Beatrice Crawford
Estate of William Caleb Douglas Crook
Cyrene Preceptory K.T. No. 29
Dino & Jane D’Alessandro
The De Boer Foundation
Deloitte & Touche Foundation Canada
Estate of Joseph Dennis
Danny Dichio & Toronto FC
The Dickens Fellowship, Toronto Branch
Donner Canadian Foundation
Dow Chemical Canada Inc.
Mark & Joanne Downing
Ted & Sheila Duncan
The Duncan Family
DundeeWealth Inc.
Earlscourt Rotary Golf Tournament
Estate of Mabel M. Elliott
Christine A. Featherstone
Anthony S. Fell
Joan & Euan Ferguson
John & Freda Finley
David A. Fleck
Estate of Agnes M. Flynn
Forest Hill Hockey Association Foundation
Forest Hill Lions Club
Foresters, Trillium Branch
Freeburne Banting Foundation
Guy & Barbara French
Estate of Hazel Elizabeth Freshwater
Estate of Marjorie Alma Gibson
Giffels Associates Limited
Estate of Jack Gilbert
Diana C. Gillespie
Peter Gooderham
Goodman & Company, Investment Counsel Ltd.
Estate of Ruth Graff
Estate of Katherine Graham
The Greey-Lennox Foundation
Randy & Patty Grimes
Denise Guerriere & Michael O’Rourke
Estate of William F. Hacker
Stella Mundy Hallett
Michel Hart
Estate of Gertrude L. Hayes
Estate of Mary Jane Hazelwood
Glynis A. Henry
Estate of Mary Margaret Hogan
Clay & Robin Horner
Mark Hundert & Lynda Beyea
Margaret Huycke
Hydro One Employees’& Pensioners’ Charity
Trust Fund
Industrial Alliance
Estate of Kathleen Innes
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,
Local 353
Jackman Foundation
Pamela, Stephen & Sam Jeffery
Estate of Joachim Jeschonek
Mark Johnson & Susan Marshall
Drs. Helen & Doug Johnston
George Jorisch
Maliha Kamal
Gary Kelly
Estate of C.H. J. Kiely
Stephen & Mercedes Koo in Memory of Kenneth
John Kustec & Beverly Grainger
Pat & Colomba Lamanna
Lannick Group Inc.
Robert S. Leon
Marion Leslie-Bethune
Dayle A. Levine
Estate of Mary E. Libby
London Life Insurance Company
Sir John A. MacDonald, Student Council
Doug MacDonald
MacKinnon & Bowes Limited & Staff
Dr. Robert L. & Eluned MacMillan
John & Gail MacNaughton
Macquarie Capital Markets Canada
Magna International Inc.
The Maritime Life Assurance Company
Markham Handmade Craft Sale
Masonic Foundation of Ontario
McCarthy Tetrault
Raymond & Carolyn McDougall
Walter N. McFarlen
McHappy Day
Sean & Natalie McIntyre
Estate of James McKee
Estate of George McKenzie
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc.
MFP Financial Services Ltd.
Midland Walwyn Inc.
Estate of John D. Miller
Dr. Morris (Mickey) & Maureen Milner
Molson Indy Festival Foundation
Montgomery Sisam Architects
Multimedia Trade Shows Inc.
Mulvey & Banani International Inc.
Nabisco Brands Ltd
National Life Assurance Company of Canada
Estate of Ann Neil
Stephen & Kathryn Nelson
Newmarket Hurricanes in Honour of Josh Sedore
Gordon & Janet Nixon
Navy League, North York Branch
North York Chamber of Commerce
North York Fire Fighters Association
North York Rangers Alumni
City of North York
Northlea Corporation
Mary Florence O’Brien
OGCA Golf Tournament
Robert & Robin Ogilvie
Ontario Power Generation Employees’ Charity Trust
Ontario Provincial Police Association
Irene & Frank Palmay
Louie Palu Photographer
Robert & Pina Parro
Parr’s Print & Litho Inc.
Dr. Tom Pashby Sports Safety Fund
Wayne & Carol Perry
Pescosolido Gala Dinner
Wilfred & Melba Pound
Lucie Presot
Estate of Marie Putre
Maureen Quigley & Patrick Reid
Bill & Cindy Quinn
Raptors Foundation
Rasch Foundation
Gary & Joanne Reamey
Estate of John Leslie Redcliffe
Alejandra Rendon
Reprodux Digital Imaging & Copy Centres
Estate of Phyllis I. Ringer
Riocan Management (BC) Inc.
Robert Lowrey’s Piano Experts
Estate of Verna Ilda Robinson
Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest Hill
Partnership in Service - Rowan Jack Project
Estate of Letitia Bertha Rumgay
Dr. Peter Rumney & Shelley Neal
Run, Walk, Wheel and Roll
Saddlebrook Management Consultants Inc.
David & Rosita Salomon
Sears Employees’ Charitable Fund
The Joubin Selig Family Fund
Shell People Community Fund
Shokokai Golf Tournament
Mark Shoom
Shorcan International Brokers Limited
Estate of Patricia Simpson
Catherine & Peter Singer
Sam, Christina & Priya Sivarajan
Gerry & Anita Smith Family Foundation
Don & Susie Smith
Howard Smuschkowitz
The Conn Smythe Foundation
Speigel Family - Zachary, Samuel & Benn
St. Patrick’s Day Run
Stantec Architecture
Yvonne & Dan Stefanin
James H. & Donna Mae Stephenson & Family
Ramona Stevenson
Straumann Canada Limited
Superior Propane Inc.
Tesari Charitable Foundation
Therapeutic Clowns Canada Foundation
Thomas, Large & Singer Inc.
Alan Tinney
Estate of John Tomlinson
TSX Group
David & Heather Toswell
Estate of Lillian Massey Treble
TSO Concert
UBS Canada
Vaughan Rangers Hockey
Nicola Von Schroeter & Dougie Craig
Estate of Horace Wakefield
Estate of H. Graham Walker
Wallenstein Feed Charitable Foundation
Estate of Frederick William Warren
Jane Weatherbie & Bob Lougheed
David & Ann White
The Whittaker Family
George & Letha Whyte
Estate of Arthur Morton Willis
Peter Wills
Barb & Geoff Wilson
Winberg Foundation
Winners Merchants International LP
The Lillian & Don Wright Foundation
Xerox Canada Limited
Margaret Anita Lambe Family Support Fund
Mickey Milner International Professorship
Endowment Fund
Ronald McDonald House Charities Play Program
Endowment Fund
Patsy & Michael Roszel Endowment for Excellence in
Developmental Paediatrics
Ward Summer Student Endowment Fund
Max & Ida Weisfield Endowment Fund
Whipper Watson Scholarship Fund
Dr. John Whittaker Memorial Fund
Established with the University of Toronto, Holland
Bloorview Foundation and its donors are proud to support
talented and passionate leaders in the field of childhood
Chair in Childhood Disability Studies
Endowment Fund
Chair in Developmental Paediatrics
Holland Family Chair in Acquired Brain Injury
Chair in Paediatric Rehabilitation
We are so very grateful to those of you who made a
contribution between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012.
Special thanks to our infinity donors who’ve donated more
than $250 in each of the last five years.
∞ William & Susanne Holland
$250,000 to $499,999
∞ David & Lynn Coriat
The KRG Children’s Charitable Foundation
Dr. Biggar Endowment Fund
Bigioni Family Endowment Fund for Respite Care
Bloorview National Research Award in Childhood
Bloorview Research Institute Endowment Fund
Coriat Family Life Skills and Transition
Endowment Fund
Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund
Eaton Art and Music Endowment Fund
Frieda Lifeskills Community Development
Endowment Fund
Holland Family Allied Health Professorships
Holland Family Developmental Paediatric
Fellowship Program
Holland Family Global Leadership in Childhood
Disability Care Recruitment Fund
Isaac Family Endowment Fund
$100,000 to $249,999
Robert & Mary Pat Armstrong
Capital One
Chillin’ for Kids
James & Mary Davie
Frieda Griffiths
Kasting 4 Kids Rehab
Ronald, Warren & Debbie Kimel
The P. & L. Odette Charitable Foundation
RBC Foundation
Real Matters
The Slaight Family Foundation
Sunny View Youth Involvement Association
The WB Family Foundation
Michael Wekerle
$50,000 to $99,999
152245 Canada Inc.
Alva Foundation
Bay Street Pro Celebrity Softball Challenge
BMO Financial Group
Burman & Fellows Group Inc.
Canada-Israel Children’s Centres
Mark & Patricia Faircloth
The Giving Tree Foundation of Canada
Mackenzie Investments
The meaningful impact of your gifts
Power Corporation of Canada
Provision For The Vision Ministries
The REMAD Foundation
Scotiabank Group
SmartCentres Golf Tournament
TD Bank Financial Group
Anne & David Ward
$25,000 to $49,999
David Allgood
Yveline Audemars & Humberto Rivero
Barberian’s Steak House
Bay Street Hoops
Vito & Sandra Bigioni
CI Financial
Cisco Systems Canada Company
Reprodux Day at the Races
Rick Hansen Wheels In Motion Event
Estate of Margaret Imrie
Nitin & Priti Kawale
Estate of David Meltzer
Rogers Media
TD Securities Underwriting Hope Charity Auction
Goodlife Fitness Toronto Marathon
Toronto Parking Authority Golf Tournament
Wally Clayson Charity Golf Classic
WCPD Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
The Barrett Family
Geoffrey & Nancy Belsher
Beutel, Goodman & Company Ltd.
∞ Secondo & Filomena Bigioni
∞ Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP
Oliver & Shirin Bock
∞ The Chau Family
∞ Marilyn & Richard Coles
Cornerstone 52 Foundation
∞ Dagmar Construction Inc.
Davis + Henderson
Delisle Youth Services
Deloitte & Touche Foundation Canada
Export Packers Company Limited & The
Rubenstein Family
∞ Tom Flynn & Cathy Hampson
Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc.
Griffiths McBurney & Partners
Mitchell Goldhar
∞ Herman Grad
George & Leanne Lewis
Longo’s Family Charitable Foundation
∞ Barbara & Dougal Macdonald & Family
John & Gail MacNaughton
∞ Stephen & Janet MacPhail
Macquarie Capital Markets Canada
Manulife Financial
Ronald McDonald House Charities
∞ Miller Thomson LLP
∞ Patricia & Tom Muir
Stephen & Kathryn Nelson
Norton Rose OR LLP
Charles Pachter
Paloma Foundation
Annual report to donors 2011-12
PC Children’s Charity
Dr. Christine Pun
Reprodux Digital Imaging & Copy Centres
Riocan Real Estate Investment Trust
Run, Walk, Wheel and Roll
Neil & Chrisula Selfe
Charlie & Laurie Sims
Don & Susie Smith
Peter Soumalias & Giorgina Bigioni
Straumann Canada Limited
Tesari Charitable Foundation
Thomson Reuters Markets Americas
Toronto Academy of Dentistry Annual Charity
Golf Classic
Crown & Bridge Study Club
∞ John H. Wedge, O.C. & Patty Rigby
∞ W. Garfield Weston Foundation, George Weston
Limited, Loblaw Companies Limited
Strupat Foundation
Gary Sugar
TD Waterhouse Private Investment Advice
The Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund
Fred Waks
Marilyn Beamish
Donald Berman Foundation
Emily Grace El Raheb Memorial Fundraiser
Estate of Rupert G. Bruce
Andrew & Milisa Burns
The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Ltd.
Canadian Security Traders Association Inc.
Douglas & Chloe Chau
Ken Christie
Cineplex Media
Peter & Catherine Clark
Chris & Laurie Coates
Ted & Sally Conrod
Sheila Cowan
David Cynamon
Dino & Jane D’Alessandro
John Doig
Mark & Joanne Downing
Richard Goldberg
Great-West Life Assurance Company
The Greey-Lennox Foundation
Denise Guerriere & Michael O’Rourke
Industrial Alliance
Sheila Jarvis
Kylemore Homes
Louis & Sophie Lau
William & Molly Anne Macdonald
Markham Handmade Craft Sale
Mr. David McBain
McCarthy Tetrault
John Morrell
Northlea Corporation
Nursery School Walk
Robert & Robin Ogilvie
Michael Orfanidis
David Pauli
Keith & Joan Pelley
Protractor Software Inc.
Gary & Joanne Reamey
Cookie & Stephen Sandler
Robert & Mary Susanne Singer
Thomas & Joanne Singer
Howard Sokolowski & Linda Frum
Alan Tinney
Toronto Community Foundation
Toronto Japanese Association of Commerce
and Industry
Cecilia Zimerman
$5,000 to $9,999
$2,500 to $4,999
3M Canada Company
Tracey Bailey
The Bajc Family
Benjamin Walker Foundation
James & Sharon Cameron
Centro Restaurant & Lounge
The Charles Norcliffe Baker & Thelma Scott
Baker Foundation
Estate of Athol L.B. Cherry
Estate of Major Harry Cherry
Valerie & David Christie
CIBC Wood Gundy
Citizen Optimum
Rob Collins
Donald & Phyllis Cooper
Vera Dolly Denty Foundation
Jordan Elliott
Carolyn Everson & Peter Irwin
Find Your Light Foundation
Footprints Paediatric Therapy
Jordan & Lisa Gnat
Goodyear Canada Inc.
Michael & Vicky Harrison
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,
Local 353
Invesco Trimark
Mark Johnson & Susan Marshall
The Henry & Berenice Kaufmann Foundation
Kids’ Health Links Foundation
Stephen & Mercedes Koo in Memory of Kenneth
Andrew Le Feuvre
Robert S. Leon
Luisa Isabella Leong
Scott & Kerry Lynne McRorie
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc.
Golda Milo-Manson, David Manson & Family
PPL/Aviva Insurance
Pusateri’s Fine Foods
Jackie Schleifer Taylor & Paul D. Taylor
The Schumacher Family Foundation
Shokokai Golf Tournament
Ben & Mary Sybring
William & Janna Tatham
$1,000 to $2,499
Michael & Kelly Alkier
Art Gallery of Ontario
Aurora Periodental Centre
Authentic Brands Group
Auto Aide
Chris Bacon
The Baker’s Dozen Group of Hoteliers
Garnet Banks
Jean Barford
Ralph M. Barford
Paul & Kaye Beeston
Wayne & Dianne Bigby
Judy & Doug Biggar
William J. Biggar
Aldo & Marie Bigioni
Blaney McMurtry LLP
Dr. Aldo & Peggy Boccia
Matthew & Sandra Bratty
David & Fran Brown
Dr. Mitchell & Amy Brown
Don & Edith Bumstead Charitable Fund
Ted & Carmen Bunker
Burger King
David & Diana Burns
Dr. Trevor A. Carmichael, Q.C.
Mark & Sandra Carrington
Brian Carter
Central Graphics & Container
Century Concrete Products Limited
Jodi Chapnik
Fred & Christina Char
J.S. Cheng & Partners Inc.
Tim Close
Fred Conlin
Steve Copeland
Robert R. Cranston
Kevin Dam
Mark Daniels & Andrea Weissman-Daniels
Leo & Sandra Delzotto
David Denison & Maureen Flanagan
The Dickens Fellowship, Toronto Branch
Dundee Securities Corporation
Fateman-Louise Ebrahimzadeh
David & Elizabeth Edmison
Michael & Belkis Emory
Joan & Euan Ferguson
John & Pat Fielding
First Canadian Capital Markets Ltd.
Andrew Fleming
Harvey & Annice Frisch Family Foundation
Peter & Sharon Fullerton
Furfari Paving Co. Ltd.
Galileo Global Equity Advisors Inc.
Jamie & Tal Golombek
Gordon Mollenhauer Family Foundation
Timothy & Caroline Gordon
Jennifer & Bill Graham
Bryan Graham
Julia E. Hanigsberg
Pruyn Haskins
Meegan Hinds & Marc Letourneau
J. Bradley Holland & Jean Wong
Home Again Inc.
Christopher & Michele Hopper
Frank & Wendy Huang
Mark Hundert & Lynda Beyea
Hunter Richard Little Champs Invitational
Judy Hunter
Blake Hutcheson
IBM Canada Ltd.
John Ingold
Intercontinental Toronto Yorkville
International Centre for Health Innovation
J.T.F. Homes Ltd.
Mary Kardos Burton
Tom Kehoe
K. Michael Kelly
Murray & Marvelle Koffler
Pat & Colomba Lamanna
Donald Langill
Leo J Dillon Professional Corp.
Maurice & Gail Lewis
Mary S. Lorriman
MacDonald Professional Corporation
Susan MacEachern
MacKinnon & Bowes Ltd. & Staff
Lido & Anna Mancuso
Richard Marcovitz & Dr. Sheila Laredo
Master Mechanic
Mattamy Homes Limited - East GTA
Eleanor McCain
Raymond & Carolyn McDougall
Ian V. McLachlin
Keith & Elizabeth McLean
Valerie McMurtry
William McNamara
Scott Merriman
Don Milne
Mark & Petra Murphy
Muzzo Family Charitable Foundation
David Naiman
Earl & Janice O’Born
Stephen O’Neill
Ontario Power Generation Employees’ Charity Trust
The Pathfinder Foundation
Patty King International
PCL Constructors Canada Inc.
The Purpleville Foundation
Bill & Cindy Quinn
R & C Engineering Inc.
Norman Raschkowan
George Ratner
RBC Financial Group
Ted & Cathy Rechtshaffen
Ronald Richard & Katherine Hunter
The Ritz-Carlton Toronto
Danny Robson
Dr. Peter Rumney & Shelley Neal
Dr. James & Mari Rutka
Vinay Kumar Sarin
Cameron Scrivens
Gary Selke
Greg Sharp
Carol Shaw
Nathan & Lily Silver Family Foundation
Catherine & Peter Singer
Eric Slavens
Paul & Sandra Smelsky
Gerry & Anita Smith Family Foundation
Heather & Jason Smith
Frank Soave
Speigel Family - Zachary, Samuel & Benn
Warren & Maureen Spitz
Yvonne & Dan Stefanin
Terry & Lilla Stuart
Jason Tafler
Thomas Cook
Thomas, Large & Singer Inc.
Mark Thompson
Thorpe Benefits
Trace Electric
Trace Fire Protection Inc.
Cindy Tripp & Anthony Boright
TUG Golf Tournament
John Usborne
Vaughan Metal Polishing Limited
Viljoen Architect Inc.
Nicola Von Schroeter & Dougie Craig
Qinghe-Xiang Charity Foundation
John & Josie Watson
Kim White
George & Janet Wilson
Priscilla Wright
Susan Wright
Yung & Katrina Wu
Mike Young
Jacqui Allard
Earl Ante
Aronovitch Macaulay Rollo
Atlas Holdings LLC
Canadian Audi Dealer Organization
Dr. Alex Bain & Dr. Janet Rossant
James & Dianne Ball
Kate Banting
Bell Canada
Joy Benatar
Linda Blair
Bloorview School Authority
Gavin Bogle & Suzanne Tiefenbeck
$500 to $999
∞ The Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company of
Peter & Alison Bowen
Ivanka Brijeski
Cheryl Brown
Michael Bulger
∞ Ron G. Bull
Laurissa Canavan
∞ Gerardo & Donna Cappelli
Don, Janice & Robbie Carmichael
Cassidy & Company
∞ Ron & Marjorie Charette
∞ ShiLiu Chen
Christina Chopowick
Frank & Vjera Cifelli
Sarah Clarke
Ron & Kathleen Close
Collectcents Inc.
Douglas Coulter
David & Caroline Craig
Crawford Adventist Academy
Jack Creed
Marcia Cushing
Mark & Jennifer Davidson
Michael Davies
George & Kathy Dembroski
Gino DiMonte
Dr. Speros Dorovenis
DrainWorks Plumbing
Chris & Karen Dutton
John & Tina Edwards
Beatrice Eisen
Mark & Lisa Ernst
Jim Estey
∞ Mark & Heather Evans
Falconcrest Homes
Peter Farwell
Christine A. Featherstone
Bill Fielding
Roy Firth
Robert Fitzhenry
Patricia Fleming
Peter & Gaye Fletcher
Floka & Friends Cut-A-Thon
Stephen Florence
Focus Asset Management
Luis Fonseca
Karen Foss
Lara Friedlander
Leslie Gage
Kristina Galetin
Ed Giesbrecht
Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky-Gluskin
∞ Janet R. Gouinlock
Randy & Patty Grimes
Rosalee Guerriere
∞ Christa Haanstra
James Haggarty & Lora Valoppi
Paul & Victoria Hand
Gerald Hartman
∞ Glynis A. Henry
Highland Junior High School
Beth Hill
Jeffrey Hill
W. A. Hill
Gordon & Jennifer Hines
David & Julie Hoffman
Geoffrey & Anna Hole
Dale Hooper & Dawn Mader
Caroline Houng
Que Hsien Li
David Rogan & Margaret Hudson
Cally Hunt
Hydro One Employees’ & Pensioners’ Charity Trust
Johannes Joubert
Katie Kaplan
Dr. Allan & Cindy Katchky
Chris Klemt & Kristina Galetin
Henry Kneis
James Kofman
Dr. Stephen P. Kraft
Henry Kugler
Susan Kurta
John Kustec & Beverly Grainger
Craig Lahmer
Tsz Wai Lam
Carolyn Langill
Spencer Lanthier
Samuel & Elsie Laverty
Janice Lawrence
Dr. Sunu Liao
Cheryl Liuzza
Max MacIntyre
John Marinucci
Harold Maron
Mars Canada
Rod Marshall
Nadine Martin
Chetan & Clara Mathur
Isabell McDorman
Rod McInnes
Sean & Natalie McIntyre
Douglas McKenzie & Brenda French
Kyle McNamara
Eric Meerkamper
Nora Melo
David Mensour
Donna Meyers
Taje Mohabir
Gary & Nora Montgomery
Ellie Morris
Janet K. Morrison
Motion Specialties Incorporated
Muin Management Inc.
Nancy Mulroney
Peter & Lara Neal
Sam & Rozlyn Nella
Neuro-Rehab Services Inc.
Jerry Omelon
OS & OT Student Association
Anthony Pagano
Pape Barristers
Paradise Homes
Partnership in Service - Rowan Jack Project
Cornelius Pasichny
David Pathe
Wayne & Carol Perry
Tim & Carol Pinnington
The meaningful impact of your gifts
Mihai Pintilie
Jonathan Pollack & Sacha Hayward
Christopher & Susan Portner
Jenny Poulos
Wilfred & Melba Pound
Premium Tire & Auto Centre
Daphne & Manny Pressman
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Cliff Prophet
Mary Proulx
Peter & Lisa Puccetti
Rand Kildare Charitable Foundation
Vivek Rao
France Rays
Bryan & Kym Read
Red Sky Capital Management
Reinhart Foods
Retz & Associates Inc.
Dianne A. Richards
Lynn Richardson
Martin & Nadia Rochon
David Rogan & Margaret Hudson
Gerry & Caren Ruby Family Foundation
Jasvinder Sandal
Scott M. Sandler
Gino Scapillati
The Schneider Family Foundation
Harry Seymour
David Shiffman
Andree Shore
Liza Sneyd
Sofaweb.com Inc.
Phillip Sousa
James H. & Donna Mae Stephenson & Family
Christi Strauss
Susan Stretton
Earl Stuart
Debbie Thompson
Cynthia Thorburn
Gerry & Diane Throop
Vince Timpano
Toronto North Dental Hygienists Society
The Toskan Foundation
David & Heather Toswell
Estate of Lillian Massey Treble
Meni Tzanis & Viki Lazaris
Innes van Nostrand & Alison Holt
Varley-McKay Art Foundation of Markham
Eric Versteeg
Rhoda Vyner
David Wakayama
Jonathan Wamback
Nicole Watson & Dana Merber
Karen Wattman
David & Ann White
Helen Wynne
Edward Yee
Mei H. Yui
Zodiac Swim School Limited
Sharon Zuckerman
$250 to $499
Bernard Abrams
Liz Aders
Craig Agnew
Annual report to donors 2011-12
Sonja Agnew
Stephanie Andersen
Peter & Brigitte Anderson
Jaime & Claudia Aronowitz
Steven & Samantha Axmith
Paul Bailey
Vanessa Bain
Jean A. Ballinger
Jeff Barnes
Dr. Nessa Bayer
David & Deborah Beatty
Linda Bell
Pary Bell
William & Dawne Benson
Jody Bent
Warren & Jodi Bent
Bereskin & Par LLP
Susan Bernstein
Elaine Berry
Chris Bingham
Donald Jarvis & Willa Black
BMO Fountain of Hope, Employees’ Foundation
Boehmer Box
Janet Bone
Mario Bourassa
Paulette Bourgeois
Catherine Bradley
Henry & Jennie Brehaut
Elliott Brodkin
Daniel Browman
Karen Brown
Adam Brueckner
Gregor Bush
Graham Bushkes
Marjorie Calla
Bruce & Wendy Campbell
Glen & Jane-Anne Campbell
Frank Campo
Marla Cappell
Patrizio Cardarelli
Claude Carrier
Zella Casey
Julie Cates
Cedardwood ClimateCare
Mark Cheevers
Jason Cherun
Dr. Paige Church
J. M. Clancy
Benjamin Clark
Paul & Stephanie Coffey
The Beverley & Samuel H. Cohen Family Foundation
Lisa Cohen
Mitchell Cohen
Richard Cohen
Sheldon Cohen
Sherry Cohen
Stephen Cohen
Theresa Cook
Jennifer Cooper
Timothy Costigan
Fiel Cotta
Charles & Barbara Coupal
William & Jane Crampton
Creative Partners in Performance Inc.
Jonah Creed
Sandra Crone
Thai Cuu
Dalton Company
Blake Darling
Daniel Davidson
Stewart Davidson
Jay Deen
Michael Detlefsen & Louise Le Beau
Sacha Diab
Werner Dietl
Frances DiGiuseppe
Michael & Patti Dilworth
Derek Dobson
Eva Dojc
Jason Dojc
Kevin Dolan
Leo & Hanna Drukmaler
Natalia Dukszta
David & Margriet Dunlap
Jean Dustan
Eric & Delee Duyker
Norman & Ellen Eckler
Susan Edmiston
David Elfan
Harry Elrichman
EMI Music Canada
Enbridge Gas Distribution
Energy Watch Inc.
Aaron English
Gladys & Bill Erz
Andres & Katherine Escobar
Dr. Joey Fairbloom
Tim Faveri
Jessica Fenton
Carly Fidler
Russell C. Finch
Mark & Michelle Fink
Jon Finkelstein & Jodi Brasgold
Chantal Fisher
Matthew Fisher
Jonathan Flanders
Nardine Flaro
Flipside Solutions Inc.
Jared & Dana Florence
Ruth Florence
Bernard Fogel
Claudi Foorer
Michael & Pilar Ford
John Formusa
William & Marion Fraser
Michele Friedlich-Pollock
Sprague & Anne Furey
G Force Home Training Inc.
Leila Gad
Kimberley Gadwah
Susanne Gage
James Gagliardini
Janet Gallucci
Zuzana Gaspar
Mary Gersht
Alison Gittins
Larry Gluckstein
E. Gold
Michelle Goldman
Benjamin Goldstein
Nestor & Susan Golets
Sandy Gomes
Jaqueline Helen Gooderham
Carolyn Green
Eryn Green
Stephen Green
Frank Guarascio & Karen Fisman
Alan & Lori Gutmann
Damien & Tina Hall
Matthew Hallowell
Richard & Nancy Hamm
George Hampson
Harvey Kalles Real Estate
Tom Heintzman
Raymond Helkio
Bruce Hemming
Mike Henry
Allan Hinman
Jeff & Beth Histed
Garson Hoffman
Justin Holmes
Alison Holt
Frances Horodelski
Carolyn Houston
Frank & Fariba Hubbert
Wendy Hunter
David Hurst
IGC Tools
Moe & Andrea Jabouri
Patricia D. Jackson
Karen Jacobs
Audrey Jamieson
Marco & Carmen Jaramillo
Stephanie Jones
John Judge
Lia Juskey
Fred Kahn
Nadia Issabella Kamal
Yael Kanter
Dr. Karen Katchen
Dr. Randy Katz
Anne Kawamura
Helen Keeling
Ann Kerwin
Michael & Sylvia Kestenberg
Kilgour Estates Events
Elissa Kline-Beber
Matthew Klug
Laura Knapp
Lola Kochman
Terri Krajden
Justin Kramer
Paul & Rhonda Krandel
Lorne Kumer
Dean Lacheur & Diana Flumian
Christine Lackstrom
Sam Lagis
Jody Lalande
Norm Lang
Dinah Laredo
Martha Lawrence
Michael & Jane Lay
Esther Letofsky
Andrea Lev
Michael Levin
Norman Levine
Lauren Levy
Kevin Lewis
Neil & Shelley Linden
Lorenzo Lisi
Cathy Loblaw
V. Joyce Lock
Wendi Locke
James Longwell
Tom & Dawn Lunan
Maureen Luther
Ms. Natalie MacDonald
Norman & Sharon MacLellan
Karen MacNeil Hartmann
Dennis & Zoe Mahony
Dr. Susan Makin
Gerry & Susan Maldoff
Brinkley & Mike Malloni
Manusonic Inc.
Bernie Marcotte & Wendy Kennish
Marsden International Limited
Ted & Donna Mayers
Dave Mcgee
Bill McGill
Dan & Kerry McGrath
Brett McIntosh
Erin McIntyre & Brendan Ritchie
Dr. Patricia & Gerald McKeever
Kathleen McLaughlin
McLean and Kerr LLP
Don McMaster
The Honourable R. Roy & Ria McMurtry
Kim McNulty
MDC Partners
Janet Michener
Ingrid Mida
Jack & Gloria Mighton
Rae Milberg
Dr. Morris (Mickey) & Maureen Milner
Doug Miron
Stacy Mitchell
Rory Mitz
Cathy Mok
James Moore
W. Moriarty
Jaylene Morrison
John Morrison
Jason Morrow
Caroline Murphy
Neil G. McDonald Ltd.
Scott Nelms
Kathy Nelson
Karen Newland
Charles & Tanya Newman
Robert Nightingale & Cheryl Libman
Sandra Nisbet
Judith Nunn
Sarah O’Connor
Edmond Odette
Robert & Jeanne O’Neil
Gila Ossip
Marie-Rose Otariste
Tania Pacitto
Geoffrey & Linda Pearlstein
Alan Peranson
Darrell B. Phillips
Daryl Poechman
Silvia Pollinzi
David & Felicia Posluns
Walter & Willa Posnikoff
Prince Hall Grand Chapter
Proactive Forest Products Inc.
Proactive Supply Chain Solutions Inc.
Pumped Inc.
Ruthie Putter
Everardo Quiel
Yoni Rahamim
Raku Painting Co.
RAM Machines (1990) Ltd.
Jonathan & Amanda Ratner
Mary Lou Rausch
Bob & Ann Redford
Redwood Asset Management Inc.
Jose Reyes
Jeff Richmond
Marc Rigaux
Sean Riley
RnB Construction
Carmen Rocca
Karen Rodney
Sarah Rosenberg
Lori Ross
Katherine Rowlandson
Brianne Rutter
Michael Salsburg
Adrienne Samberg
Matthew Sanchez
Pauline Savoie
Lara Scherman
John Schiebel
Karl & Debbie Schlicht
Jamie Schneiderman
Graham & Gail Scott
Daniela Scozzari
Jeffrey Seigel
Nick & Diana Serjeant
Dr. Jody Shapiro
Tracy Sherman
Marcel & Sylvia Shum
Siga International
Lauren Silver
Jason Silverberg
Laurie Silverberg
David & Lesley Skelly
Richard Sklar
Chris Skyrme
Carl Smith
Jeffrey Smith
Barbara Smuskowitz
Craig & Bridget Sokoluk
Steve Solomon
Al & Florene Spiegel
Andrew Spiro
Peter & Joanne Stachiw
Christine Stager
Patti Stark
Aaron Stefan
Alfie Stein
Dr. Stacey Stein
Wil Steller
Stiller’s Wellness Centre
SuiteReturns Inc.
Ahmed Syed Shafeeq
Jeffrey & Becky Tannenbaum
Michael & Julie Taylor
Valeria Taylor
Joseph Telch
Bruce Teron
Melanie Tolensky
Brian Tse
Rita Valoppi
Richard Venn & Carol Mitchell
Joy Verde
Wakefield Canada Inc.
David & Lisa Walker
Daniel & Toby Waltman
Ellen Waters
Nancy Webb
Marvin & Lynda Wenger
Charlene Wexler
The Wheeler Family
Chris & Gloria Whyte
Robin Wight
Martha Wise
Rhonda Wolfe
Steven Wolff
Ian & Rebecca Wong-Him-Yung
Ernest & Sheila Wood
Joan Woolever
Sherine Woulds
Coulter Wright
WSP International Limited
Jessica Ying
John Zarb
Dina Zborovski
Sara Zborovski
Paul Zed
TUG Golf
Wally Clayson Charity Golf Classic
Wheels in Motion
It is an honour for Holland Bloorview Foundation to join
with you in celebrating achievement and in remembering
those you love.
We salute our community organizers and their volunteers,
corporate partners and participants for an extraordinary
year of extra-special events between April 1, 2011 and
March 31, 2012
Able Artists Art Auction
The Baker’s Dozen Group of Hoteliers
Barberian Steakhouse Charity Event
Bay Street Hoops
Bay Street Pro Celebrity Softball Challenge
Chillin’ for Kids
Cornerstone 52 Foundation Golf Tournament
The Dickens Fellowship of Toronto
Emily Grace El Raheb Memorial Fundraiser
An Evening of Possibility
Floka and Friends Cut-A-Thon
Goodlife Fitness Toronto Marathon
Hunter Richard Little Champs Invitational
Intercontinental Toronto Yorkville Staff Fundraising
Josh Grobin Concert
Kasting 4 Kids Rehab
Kilgour Estates Events
Longo’s Charity Golf Tournament
Markham Handmade Craft Sale
Nursery School Walk
Reprodux Day at the Races
Rocca’s No Frills
Run, Walk, Wheel and Roll
Shokokai Golf Tournament
SmartCentres Golf Tournament
TD Securities Underwriting Hope Charity Auction
THREE TO BE - Kickathon
THREE TO BE - Stems of Hope Gala - Robotica
Toronto Academy of Dentistry Annual
Charity Golf Classic
Toronto Parking Authority Golf Tournament
Scott Andersen
Dr. Doug Biggar
Emily Bigioni
Filomena Bigioni
Stefanie Blain
Tommaso Caravaggio
Robert Carmichael
Douglas Cowan
Giulia Gentile
Susanne Holland
William T. Holland
Ryan Kugler
Barbara Macdonald
Valerie McMurtry
Tamara & Michael Melito
Golda Milo-Manson
Nara Nesdale-Tucker
Play and Learn Teachers
Lucie Presot
Harry Richmond
Jake Richmond
Sean Roberts
Renee Ruiter-Kohn
Martin Sander
David R. Smith
Phillip & Lyndsey Sousa
Warren & Maureen Spitz
Nathaniel Thompson-MacNaughton
Nicole Watson & Dana Merber
Ian & Rebecca Wong-Him-Yung
Elizabeth Addy
Trinity Bailey-Brown
Secondo Bigioni
Zdravko Brijeski
Jessica M. Bruce
Jamie Burnett
Benjamin A. Cifelli
William A. Cleland
Hester DeFreece
Kenneth Sheung Kam Koo
Matthew Lalande
Leo V. McCarthy
James Muir
Susan O’Donnell Thomas
Barbara Searl
Brianna Uchimaru
David O. Ward
The meaningful impact of your gifts
Board of Directors
On the cover: Claire calls her myoelectric hand her helper.
She depends on her hand the way we depend on you.
P. Dougal Macdonald, Chair
David Allgood
Giorgina Bigioni
Dianne W. Carmichael
Esme Carroll
Ted Conrod
William T. Holland
Clay Horner
Nitin Kawale
Michael Kelly
George Lewis,
Campaign Chair & Vice Chair
Tom Muir
Keith Pelley
Charlie Sims
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation, 150 Kilgour Road, Toronto, ON M4G 1R8
T: 416-424-3809
F: 416-425-4531
E: [email protected]­­
Charitable Business Number: 88932-6278-RR0001
Jason Smith
John Wedge
Rob Wheeler, Vice Chair
Valerie McMurtry,
Former Foundation President and CEO