media kit - Selling Halloween
media kit - Selling Halloween
2 016 Media Portfolio w w w. s e l l i n g h a l l o w e e n . c o m About Us ANNUAL ISSUE 2015 w w w. S E L L I N g h A L L o w E E N . c o m AN P U b L I c At I o N Selling Halloween SELLING HALLOWEEN – THE PREMIERE SOURCE OF NEWS, INSIGHTS & PREDICTIONS FOR THE NEARLY $ 7 .5 BIL L IO N HALLOWEEN & HAUNT INDUSTRIES! INSIDE ON PAGE 53 25tH anniverSary edition 2015 Often touted as the “best industry source,” Selling Halloween has been a one-stopshop for all the information and inspiration that retail buyers and haunt operators need for more than 25 years. The annual publication and its haunt-focused sister publication, THE NIGHTMARE ZONE, provide insights into top trends and business drivers that are impacting this seasonal market and the haunted attraction industry. With comprehensive editorial, Selling Halloween offers a diverse mix of marketing opportunities that are timed to be in sync with the buying patterns of Halloween merchants. Cover_v1.indd 1 C IR CU L AT I O N Party Stores Card/Gift Stores Grocery Stores Garden Centers Year-Round Costume Shops/ Halloween Stores 12/11/14 12:13 PM D I S T R I B UT I O N 2,500 2,200 1,400 1,000 800 Drugstores1,000 Haunted Houses 2,000 Hardware Stores 500 Department Stores 200 Home Décor Stores 200 Internet Retailers 600 Lingerie/Adult Novelty Stores 300 Toy Stores 150 Mail Order Catalogs 200 Year-Round Christmas Stores 150 Top 200 Buyers 200 Total13,400 Halloween Industry Association Show (SH Preview Issue Only) 500 New York City – Dec. 8-10, 2015 | Halloween & Party Expo 800 New Orleans – January 22-25, 2016 Toy Fair 500 New York – Feb. 13-16, 2016 | Int’l Halloween, Costume & Party Show/Halloween & Attractions Show 1,900 March 17-20, 2016 | Las Vegas Int’l Lingerie Show/Las Vegas Halloween Show 300 April 4-6, 2016 | Hauntcon200 January 28-February 1, 2016 | Midwest Haunters Convention 200 Halloween Extreme 500 Scare LA 300 Total5,200 OVERALL TOTAL: 18,600 1 In Print Annual I ssu e The annual issue covers the broadest spectrum of the Halloween industry and includes a comprehensive section devoted to the haunted attractions sector in The Nightmare Zone. • Costumes (Adult, Tween, Children) • Licenses • Pets’ Costumes • Accessories • Makeup • Party Goods • Gifts/Novelties • Home Décor • Nightmare Zone Regular Departments: • Store Profiles • Calendar • Business News • Global Marketplace - Insights from Overseas Correspondents • Updates on Importing/Testing Laws • Marketing & Social Media Strategies • Product Showcase • Getting Spooky With... S elling Hallo w een P r e vi e w The Selling Halloween Preview offers an exclusive look at upcoming trends for the 2016 season and is delivered directly to buyers’ at the Halloween Industry Association Show in December 2015. This teaser publication will give attendees a sneak peak what is in store in the major Annual Issue. T H E NIGHT M A R E ZO N E The Nightmare Zone focuses on the thriving haunted attractions sector. In addition to a stand-out section in the annual issue, a stand-alone supplement is released in time for the Halloween & Attractions Show in March 2016. (More information on page 4.) 2 NIGHTMARE ZONE The Nightmare Zone appears first in the Annual 2015 issue and then as a stand-alone print supplement in March 2016. Both issues can be seen at the following: D istribution • Mailed to the haunt readership of Selling Halloween • TransWorld Halloween & Attractions Show • Halloween & Party Expo • HAUNTCON • Midwest Haunters Convention • National Haunters Convention • Halloween Extreme • Scare LA AN W W W. MARCH Editorial Cale ndar • Haunt Profiles • Technology & Product Trends • Marketing Advice • Website Design Tips • Employee Training and Retention • Mission: Operations – Balancing Customer Engagement with Insurance Regulations • Staying Goal Oriented and Profitable as a Seasonal Operation • Makeup Artist Showcase • Tips on Safety & Compliance • Money Making Attraction Add-ons: Paintball, “hunts”, escape rooms, and more To Advertise: Kat h e r in e E . Wille ke s 973/ 6 0 7 / 1 3 8 3 • ke dge ll@ e dge ll ma il.c o m SELLIN GHALL OWEEN PUBLIC ANNUA AT I O N L ISSU E NT TO SELL ING HALL OWEEN MAG SELLIN ghALL owEEN .com Stepping the Frig Up hts 2015 A SUPPLEME 2014 w w w. .COM AN PUbLIc At I o N Next-geN scare make big factors impacts. AZINE : IDE ALSO INS 4 DER PG HAUNT INSI FILE PG 14 HAUNT PRO P PG 19 ROUNDU 21 MAKEUP DUCTS PG PS & PRO HOT PRO PG 25 PRACTICES BEST BIZ S IN REND TOP T scares neration t next-ge reveal wha es SCREAMING Haunters attende will have in 2015. A SUP AM P2/13/15 L E9:22 ME Cover_v3.indd cover_v3.indd 1 NT TO SELLI NG HA LLOWE EN MA GAZIN E 1 % 12/2/13 3:53 PM 52 of haunters find props/ scenery from industry trade publications 3 NIGHTMARE ZONE Selling Halloween Online is a robust forum that shares up-to-the-minute trends and breaking news. The website, is updated regularly as well as its social media presences on Twitter and Facebook. SELLING HALLOWEEN INSIGHT I NDU STRY R E S E A RCH RE PO RT Selling Halloween INSIGHT is a monthly e-newsletter that provides current news from the industry, show developments, recent events, product trends and business news. Leaderboard Ad: 728 x 90 (top of newsletter)...............................$500 Leaderboard Ad: 728 x 90 (bottom of newsletter)..........................$350 IMU Ad: 336 x 280 (right column)..................................................$600 Video option (Youtube clip)............................................................$300 Product Showcase Ad:.................................................................$350 The fourth annual Selling Halloween State of the Industry Research Report is an invaluable source for hard-hitting statistics and feedback from nationwide retailer, haunt operators and industry insiders. The 2016 industry report will also offer year-over-year statistics to illustrate the direction and business drivers of the Halloween and haunt industries. Sponsorship opportunities for 2016 have been expanded to gold, silver and bronze levels. (See details below) Compiled as an electronic accessible PDF, this industry research report can be found at (Product image 3” X 3” , 30 words of copy and url) S EL L INGHALLOWEEN . C OM MONTHLY MARKETING AVAILABLE Leaderboard Ad: 728 x 90 (top of website)����������������������������� $300 (three rotations available) IMU Ad: 336 x 280 (right column)������������������������������������������������� $400 (two rotations available) E -B L A S TS AVAI LABLE Selling Halloween will deliver your promotional message via e-mail communication to our opt-in Halloween buyers. Great option for pre-show promotions, line launches and/or other special programs. Participating qualifies you to access prescreen Haunt and Retail leads. Sponsorships GOLD SILVER BRONZE • Full Page ad • Live logo online Investment: $1,500 • 1/2 Page ad • Live logo online Investment: $1,000 • Live logo online Investment: $500 Sent to Qualified Opt-in Halloween Buyers........................ $350 S U P P L IER & PRODUCT DI R E C TORY The Selling Halloween Directory is an online only reference guide to industry suppliers, services and products. Packages available: SPONSORSHIPS: Deluxe����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $600 PremierQuantity ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $350 • Limited • Investment $3,000 (each) Basic�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� $275 • Lead Generation • Branding Exposure 4 Mechanical specs R AT ES Net Spread......................................$7,140 1 page......................................$4,630 2/3 page...................................$3,500 1/2 page...................................$2,970 1/3 page...................................$1,970 AN N UAL ISSUE print AD CLOSING: November 16, 2015 Mechanical Requirements: Publication Trim Size: 8 1/8" x 10 7/8" Publication Bleed Size: 8 1/4" x 11 1/8" – Bleed Spread: 16 1/2" x 11 1/8" 1/4 page...................................$1,680 (See the terms and conditions found at http:// cov e rS Second Cover or Page 3 .........$6,715 Third Cover...............................$6,460 Fourth Cover............................$7,225 Rates include four color and bleed. SPECIALTY AD UNITS AVAILABLE: Call publisher for details. SPECIAL POSITIONS: 5% of space. Size Unit Width-Depth Spread 16 1/4” x 10 7/8” 1 page 8 1/8” x 10 7/8” 1/2 page (Vertical) 3 3/8” x 10” 1/2 page (Horizontal) 1/2 page (Island) 7” x 4 5/8” 4 5/8” x 7 3/8” 1/3 page (Vertical) 2 1/4” x 10” 1/3 page (Square) 4 5/8” x 4 3/4” 1/4 page 3 1/2” x 4 5/8” Ask about special combo advertising rates for SCD, selling halloween’s sister publication. 5 PAGE SE TUP • Set full-page ad document size to the publication’s trim size. • Set partial ad’s document size to actual partial ad size. • No color bars, agency instructions, etc. should be in the digital file. COL OR All ads must be CMYK. No RGB, Pantone or spot colors. D E L IVERY OF F IL E S AD UNIT LOCATION MAX FILE SIZE FILES TYPES SUPPORTED GIF, Animated GIF, JPEG, Flash 728 x 90 Leaderboard Top or Bottom of Website 25K for images 30K for flash files Website 336 x 280 IMU Right Side of Website 25K for images 30K for flash files NewsLetter 728 x 90 Leaderboard Top or Bottom of Newsletter 25K for images GIF, JPEG NO ANIMATION IMU Right Side of Newsletter 25K for images GIF, JPEG NO ANIMATION 336 x 280 • PDF, Illustrator eps, Photoshop eps, tif or jpg. Application files – Indesign only. • All files must be 300 dpi or higher. 1200-2400 dpi line art. All files must be 300 dpi or higher. Website NewsLetter ACCE P TE D D IG ITAL F OR M ATS R E SOL UTION online SIZE MATERIALS DUE: December 1, 2015 GIF, Animated GIF, JPEG, Flash Email You can E-mail your file to Pat Wisser at [email protected]. File must be under 10 MB. Contact: 973-607-1322 To Advertise: Katherine E. Willekes 973/607/1383 • [email protected] S ellin g Halloween 4 M iddle bury Blvd. , Randolph , NJ 07869 Phone : 9 7 3 -60 7 - 1 3 0 0 « Fax : 9 73-607-1395 www . se l l ing h a l l o ween . c o m C O M M U N I C A T I O N S