Saturday, June 1 Eastern Avenue Branch Noon - 4PM
Saturday, June 1 Eastern Avenue Branch Noon - 4PM
D G DIN A E R ER SUMM KICKOF V M ol um e 1, PO ay N / j R u um T Pu ne ber 3 bl 20 ic 13 li br a r y F CARN IVAL Saturday, June 1 Eastern Avenue Branch Noon - 4PM A V EN The FRIENDS will be participating in Birdies for Charity through the John Deere Classic golf tournament this July. If you don’t get a form in the mail but are interested in making a pledge, contact Kasey Shipley at 563-328-6837, or [email protected]. Library Director KennethWayne Thompson [email protected] The FRIENDS welcome Kasi Harmsen to the board. If you would like to join the FRIENDS of DPL Board, please contact Kasey Shipley at (563) 328-6837, or [email protected] for more information. You may contact the FRIENDS’ Board through the Library’s business office or via email at [email protected]. Board of Trustees Greg Lundgren, President Tracy Schwind, Vice-President Marie Christian, Secretary Ken Croken, Imm. Past President Tom Engelmann, Dr. Dave Iglehart, Steve Imming, Judie Lance, Sylvia Roba Editor & Designer Public Relations & Marketing Coordinator Steve Hart [email protected] IMAGINE Contributors Teen Volunteer Council (TVC) Amber Carlson, Reference Librarian Valerie Farrar, Branch Supervisor Liza Gilbert, YS & Programming Supervisor Amy Groskopf, Associate Director Maggie Kutsunis, Reference Librarian Karen Neal, Business Office & Facilities Mgr. Karen O’Connor, Library Assistant Sharon Ratcliff, PR & Marketing Assistant Kasey Shipley, Administrative Assistant Carol Wagner, FRIENDS’ Volunteer Would you like to become a member of the FRIENDS of the Davenport Public Library? If so, please fill out the form below and drop it off at any Davenport Public Library or mail it to: FRIENDS of the Davenport Public Library 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA 52801 With your donation, the library is able to offer so much more to its patrons such as: General book acquisitions Library equipment & furnishings Programs & workshops for people of all ages Computer software Video, CD, DVD & Audio Book collections Visit a FRIENDS’ bookstore & help support your library! FRIENDS’ Bookstore Hours FAIRMOUNT BRANCH Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EASTERN AVENUE BRANCH Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Join the FRIENDS! Fill out the registration form & return it to the Library. Membership Year: June 1 - May 31 Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ________________ Phone Number: _____________________________ Email: _________________________________ Enclosed is a gift of: □ $ __________ Other □ $ 1,000.00 □ $ 500.00 □ $ 250.00 □ □ □ □ $ 100.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 10.00 [Make checks payable to “FRIENDS of the DPL”] Please charge $ _____________ to my □ Master Card □ Visa Card # ________________________________ Expiration Date: ________________________ Signature: _____________________________ □ Please contact me regarding volunteer opportunities. *Your membership may be tax deductible. Name: KennethWayne Thompson Start Date: April 8, 2013 Current Position: Davenport Public Library Director Tell us a little about yourself. I’m an avid traveler. One of my favorite destinations is the West Indies. Many people call me a “foodie.” I love to cook and eat different types of foods from Indian to Korean to you name it. I also have been told that I have a great eye for design and space planning. I watch more HGTV than the law would allow, which is where I get a lot of my ideas. I love to make spaces more useable and livable. When possible, rooms and work areas should inspire creativity and comfort. What are your hobbies? I am a baseball groupie and a huge Atlanta Braves fan. I hear there are a lot of Cubs, Cards, and White Sox fans in this area, so I don’t know how much love I will get here in Davenport as a Braves fan. I’m also an avid bowler. What got you interested in libraries or library school? I used to teach kindergarten, and when the media specialist retired I was asked to fill in. I really enjoyed working in the library, and it sparked my interest. I found out what I needed in order to become a librarian, and the rest is history. I have been a librarian for eleven years in various positions, and I have continued to move up into my new position as Director at the Davenport Public Library. I have always enjoyed connecting people with ideas and information and seeing a patron have that a-ha moment, that moment where they have learned another way of thinking that helps enrich their life! Is there anything else that you would like to share? I look forward to working in the new position and with staff to continue moving the library forward. I am also excited about being engaged with the community and getting their input about their library. I would also like to let everyone know how supportive the staff has been even before I have come on board. They have really shown how gracious they are, which is a great sign, and also very encouraging for a new director coming into such a great library system! I am very excited to get started on this new endeavor! FRIENDS’ Focus 2 People Speak 3 News & Information 4 Kids & Family 5 Calendar of Events 6-7 DPL Teen Life 8-9 Special Collections 10 Adults & Seniors 11 Visit the Library’s website for up-to-date information at Director’s Notes Imagine the possibilities for the summer! As this is being written, it doesn’t feel like spring will ever come, let alone summer, but our Library staff is optimistic so you’ll find this newsletter brimming with possibilities for the summer! The Summer Reading Program will offer kids and teens fun programs and cool prizes for doing something that’s fun anyway – READING! So, when your nine year-old complains after only three days of summer vacation that there isn’t anything to do, take a look at the IMAGINE calendar, or visit the Library website and see what cool things are happening at the Library. Adults get to join in on the fun as well by participating in the Adult Summer Reading Program. If you are interested in gardening and volunteering, look in this issue for news about a new garden club being formed at the Fairmount Branch Library. This group is planning improvements for the front garden that was planted in memory of long-time Davenport Public Library staff member, Margaret Henry. They are just getting started and new members and ideas are more than welcome. For the genealogists and local historians we have made some changes in the RichardsonSloane Special Collections Center that will make using of our microfilm much more convenient and also finally let users print images scanned using our large format color scanner. When the hot weather arrives, the Special Collections Center is the cool place to do research! If you have wondered whether reading a magazine on an iPad or Kindle is something you might like or if you’d simply like to see some of the things you can do with a tablet, by the time you read this we plan to have an iPad and Kindle available for in-house use at each of our three locations. The devices will be set up for Zinio, our popular online magazine service. I could go on and on about everything that’s happening – but the bottom line is that it’s all happening at your Davenport Public Library! Come visit us soon so you can get in on the fun. ~ Amy Groskopf, Associate Director for Resource Services and Interim Director Are you “PINNED” to DPL? Pinterest is just like a scrapbook or bulletin board, but instead of magazine pages, photocopies, or doodles, a Pinterest board is filled with images, links, and videos. It’s easy, free, and totally addicting! You can use it to plan an event, collect inspiration for a project, make a wish list, bookmark delicious recipes, or catalog all the books and movies you’ve loved. At DPL, we use Pinterest to share our staff’s favorite book and DVD recommendations, historic photos from our Special Collections department, information about upcoming programs, art and collections on display at the library, eBooks and book club kits available from DPL, and tons of other fun stuff. Check out our boards at – there’s something for everyone! Three Songs per Week with Freegal™Music Service Each cardholder is able to download 3 music titles per week with our new subscription to FREEGAL. This service features the complete catalog of Sony Music Entertainment as well as 15,000 independent labels for a total count of 2.7 million songs in over 220 genres of music. Each title will become the cardholder’s to keep on their device. It will not need to be returned in a week or even three weeks. Yours to keep, free and legal! What you will need is your Davenport Public Library card. Go to our website and login using your library card. There you will find artists such as Adele, P!nk, Kelly Clarkson, Train, Journey, Brad Paisley, Jake Owen and a host of others. Imagine the possibilities at the Davenport Public Library! TABLETS NOW AVAILABLE FOR CHECKOUT! With your library card, you can now checkout a Kindle or an iPad to use within the library for a two hour time limit at any of the three Davenport public libraries to read Zinio magazines. Have you tried Zinio yet? It’s AWESOME and available for FREE with your Davenport library card! Ask a librarian for more information! 2013 Dig Into Reading Summer Reading Program Saturday, June 1 - Thursday, August 1 MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE GREAT SUMMER EVENTS! Daniel Tiger Visit Dan’s Reading Road Trip Fairmount Branch Eastern Avenue Branch Wednesday, June 12 Monday, June 17 at 1 PM 1:30 PM & 2:30 PM Daniel Tiger from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood on Iowa Public Television will be at the library to present an activity-based program promoting social-emotional learning and school readiness. A special story time featuring Dan Wardell, host of IPTV Kids Clubhouse! Kid Creations Fairmount Branch Tuesdays at 3:30 PM Don’t excit miss emen the t! June 4 - August 27 Sew What? Eastern Avenue Branch Saturdays at 2:30 PM June 8 - July 27 For a complete listing of all of our Summer Reading events please visit our website at! SCIENTWISTS Eastern Avenue Branch Thursdays at 1 PM June 6 - July 25 Scientwists and Stories in the Park are funded by a grant provided by The Institute of Museum and Library Services. The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. Through grant making, policy development, and research, IMLS helps communities and individuals thrive through broad public access to knowledge, cultural heritage, and lifelong learning. Stories in the Park VanderVeer Park Tuesdays at 11 AM June 4 - July 30 Toddler Story Time 10A (F) Get Your Game On 3P (F) Baby Story Time 10A (F) Baby Story Time 10A [E] Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F) Toddler Story Time 10A (F) Get Your Game On 3P (F) Baby Story Time 10A [E] Teen Anime Club 5:30P (F) Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F) West End Book 7P (F) Davenport Public Libraries closed for the Holiday. We are open 24/7 at Toddler Story Time 10A (F) Get Your Game On 3P (F) America’s Music Hip-hop Workshop 7:00P [E] Baby Story Time 10A [E] TVC 5:30P (F) Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F) Baby Story Time 10A (F) Short & Sweets 10A (F) DAGOBAH 6P {M} America’s Music Film & Discussion 6:00P [E] Toddler Story Time 10A [E] Toddler Story Time 10A [E] Davenport Public Libraries closed for the in-service. We are open 24/7 at Toddler Story Time 10A [E] Baby Story Time 10A (F) Toddler Story Time 10A (F) Get Your Game On 3P (F) Between the Lines 7P [E] Baby Story Time 10A [E] Teen Anime Club 5:30P (F) Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F) Toddler Story Time 10A [E] Truth Be Told 7P (F) Toddler Story Time 10A (F) Oscar in the Afternoon 2P [E] Get Your Game On 3P (F) Preschool Story Time 10A [E] Preschool Story Time 10A (F) Preschool Story Time 10A [E] Preschool Story Time 10A (F) Preschool Story Time 10A [E] Preschool Story Time 10A (F) Preschool Story Time 10A [E] Preschool Story Time 10A (F) Preschool Story Time 10A [E] Preschool Story Time 10A (F) Toddler Story Time 10A (F) Get Your Game On 3P (F) Toddler Story Time 10A (F) Get Your Game On 3P (F) Baby Story Time 10A [E] Stories in the Park 11A <x> Kid Creations 3:30P (F) Teen Anime Club 5:30P (F) Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F) West End Book Club 7P (F) Baby Story Time 10A [E] Stories in the Park 11A <x> Kid Creations 3:30P (F) Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F) Baby Story Time 10A (F) Daniel Tiger 1P (F) Teencraft 1P (F) Groundbreaking Films 6P [E] Baby Story Time 10A (F) Teencraft 1P (F) Groundbreaking Films 6P [E] Toddler Story Time 10A [E] Scientwists 1P [E] Toddler Story Time 10A [E] Scientwists 1P [E] Crafty Seniors 1P [E] Toddler Story Time 10A [E] Scientwists 1P [E] Senior Wii Bowling 1P (F) Toddler Story Time 10A (F) Dan’s Reading Road Trip 1:30P & 2:30P [E] Get Your Game On 3P (F) Between the Lines 7P [E] Baby Story Time 10A [E] Stories in the Park 11A <x> Kid Creations 3:30P (F) TVC 5:30P (F) Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F) Baby Story Time 10A (F) Short & Sweets 10A (F) Teencraft 1P (F) Groundbreaking Films 6P [E] DAGOBAH 6P {M} Toddler Story Time 10A [E] Scientwists 1P [E] Truth Be Told 7P (F) Toddler Story Time 10A (F) Oscar in the Afternoon 2P [E] Get Your Game On 3P (F) Baby Story Time 10A [E] Stories in the Park 11A <x> Kid Creations 3:30P (F) Teen Anime Club 5:30P (F) Fireside Knitters 6:30P (F) Baby Story Time 10A (F) Teencraft 1P (F) Groundbreaking Films 6P [E] Preschool Story Time 10A [E] Preschool Story Time 10A (F) Friday Flicks 2P [E] Preschool Story Time 10A [E] Preschool Story Time 10A (F) Friday Flicks 2P [E] Preschool Story Time 10A [E] Preschool Story Time 10A (F) Friday Flicks 2P [E] Preschool Story Time 10A [E] Preschool Story Time 10A (F) Friday Flicks 2P [E] Sew What 2:30P [E] Sew What 2:30P [E] Sew What 2:30P [E] Sew What 2:30P [E] Eastern Avenue Noon - 4 PM SUMMER READING KICKOFF CARNIVAL! NERD HERD WORD SEARCH TVC meetings are held at 5:30pm at the Fairmount Branch Library on every 2nd Tuesday of the month. We welcome all nerdy and non-nerdy teen volunteers. B W O T A K U Z M E L G G U M Y A L F A O J P R N A Q U K O R I A V L E R F Y P X H R E L I O J N V A L P T W E E M R A N G E R S D A R N N L A S W R H Z P L W D N E B F L Y I L O E A Y C T V O S H Z L I S G A N G L O K T F I R N H R V S T X J A N E I T E P U B N Y S M N R W I R A M U U S U G R E R I D N I E N A I P A B Z E N A F I K Y L K D T L A G M H Y A N G U L X S H S U M A R V F O E F H M T I N J Q T F W I E Q N O H B D I W E I T G T F U C R E I H S Q I J P V E A G A M E R F E G S S J L D O B P N O K W I F H F O S Z J K X S P E G A S I S T E R A K I T B V F K T A D I U F I U T H T N J H G L E E K U H M W Z B V H S O R U E R V E P L O Z R P N S R E F Z B L W N M R V E N W G V T W I H A R D R A F Y E I D H Y X K W Q Z K S U A I W F O P N N E Q R E R U P K C F T K W B N G U O M V G U V D A J O G W I Z A R D N T S X V E O D I S K D U W A V R E Y A L P S O C W E T N F R Y Z S W V U Y A P V L Z P U R K W P S T O L H Y O I I L O T N A I K C O L R E H S G Find these nerds: Brony Jedi Knight Sherlockian Cosplayer Muggle Tolkie Fanboy Narnian Trekkie Fangirl Nerdfighter Tribute Gamer Otaku Twihard Gleek Pegasister Whovian Jabberjay Potterhead Wizard Janeite Ranger TEENCRAFT FAIRMOUNT BRANCH LIBRARY Mondays at 1PM | June 3 - July 29 This summer, the Davenport Public Library has hand-picked crafts just for teens! This program is held at 1:00 p.m. every Monday in June and July at the Fairmount Branch Library (3000 N. Fairmount Street). Teens can express themselves through a variety of non-traditional crafts and creations, including Q-tip archery and newspaper wigs. No supplies needed—but be sure to register, or else we won’t have enough soctopuses (oh, the horror!). June 3 - Pop-up cards June 10 - Altered page poetry June 17 - Q-tip archery June 24 - Socktopuses Get Your Game On! Fairmount Branch Library Wednesdays at 3 PM Want to destroy your friends at Super Smash Bros? Work it out to Just Dance 2? Spin like a DJ Hero? Davenport Public Library has the Wii, PS2, and more along with some of your favorite games. This weekly program allows teens to hang out and have fun with friends old and new. Teen Volunteer Council Fairmount Branch Library 2nd Tuesday of the month Teen Anime Club Fairmount Branch Library 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 5:30 - 7:30 PM From the DPL Anime Club: TOP 5 CUTEST CHARACTERS EVER! 5:30 PM 5. Batman from the DC Universe: He may act all moody and dark and jaded, but those itty bitty bat ears on his costume are super adorable. 4. Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist: Alphonse lost his body during an alchemic experiment to bring his mother back to life. Luckily, his brother, Edward, was there to attach his soul to a suit of armor. Brothers helping brothers---sooooo charming. 3. Mokona Modoki from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle and xxxHolic. Sweet little rabbits with 108 secret powers? Ahhhhmazing. 2. Pikachu from Pokémon: The most popular of all the Pokémon, Pikachu looks like a cheerful, cuddly mouse with a name that sounds like a baby sneezing. 1. Hatsune Miku, virtual idol: Pigtails are always the cutest, and Hatsune has the most EPIC PIGTAILS EVER. Come to Anime Club at 5:30pm at the Fairmount Branch Library on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Imagine an updated Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center… By the time this is published we hope to be showing off some new features in our Special Collections Center. Obtaining and conserving a very cool, very large 1857 map of Davenport as part of our mission to acquire authentic local history materials required a very large map case for proper storage, and you know how the old “if you give a mouse a cookie” tale goes. One thing has led to a lot of other wonderful changes! The map cases containing our most often used items have been moved to the south side of the center along with the extra large new case for the Davenport map and a number of oversized items for which we have never had proper storage. Rather than lying on top of cases in enclosures, items can be more properly protected in these new, oversized map case drawers. Our Patent and Trademark Resource Center Workstation now has a nice large desk with a bit more privacy for entrepreneurs to utilize. A new technology “hub” exists in the center of SC. Here will be found the print release station and a printer that accommodates color or black/white as well as 11 x 17” paper! In addition, the computer reservation station, online library catalog, overhead book scanner, and flatbed color scanner are now a part of this configuration. One computer is dedicated to our Free Local Genealogy Indexes providing researchers handy access to these important resources. Rounding out the hub is one of our five public use computers which provide access to our subscription databases like AncestryLibrary and Access Newspaper Archive, as do all the public computers at our three locations. Walk to the northeast corner of the facility to see another exciting change: three digitally equipped microfilm readerprinters, one of which is brand new and state-of-the-art with an oversized monitor and so many bells and whistles we can’t even begin to describe them! We still provide six microfilm reader/ printers and two of the good old “cranky” readers for microfilm viewing, affording our patrons eleven workstations for viewing microfilmed newspapers, vital records, and church records. The things that haven’t changed are our fine staff and dedicated volunteers who are always on hand to assist you with learning how to use new equipment, direct you to where items are stored, and answer your local history or genealogy questions. We are proud to show off our new look, and we welcome you to spend some time researching in the Richardson-Sloane Special Collections Center. National Endowment for the Humanities Awards America’s Music Grant to Area Libraries From Mambo to Hip-Hop Film and Discussion From Mambo to Hip-Hop: A South Bronx Tale (film) Monday, May 13 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Avenue Branch Library (6000 Eastern Avenue) From Mambo to Hip-Hop Performance The Bettendorf, Davenport, Moline, and Rock Hip-Hop Workshop by Midwest Academy of Dance Island Public Libraries have been awarded a National Endowment for the Wednesday, May 15 at 7:00 p.m. Humanities grant to present the program America’s Music: A Film History of Our Eastern Avenue Branch Library (6000 Eastern Avenue) Popular Music from Blues to Bluegrass to Broadway. As one of 50 grant recipients nationwide, these four libraries will feature public programs focusing on 20th century music genres that are uniquely American and how they are ingrained in our nation’s history and culture. The program finale is at the WIU - Quad Cities Riverfront Atrium at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 23. For more details about the grant or for event times and locations visit Crafty Seniors Eastern Avenue Branch Thursday, June 20 at 1 PM Groundbreaking Films Eastern Avenue Branch Mondays at 6 PM June 3 - August 12 This summer, the Davenport Public Library has hand-picked crafts just for seniors! This program is held at 1:00 p.m. every third Thursday at the Eastern Avenue Branch (6000 Eastern Avenue). Seniors can learn new crafts while chatting with other seniors. No craft experience necessary, but registration is required. Light refreshments will be provided. This free film program explores movies that broke through conventions with innovative technology, radical viewpoints, or by questioning perceptions. Each evening, learn how these films changed the world of cinema and contributed to a different way of looking at the world. Light snacks and beverages will be provided. Dear Reader Online Book Clubs Summer nears. Perhaps time will present itself, allowing you to lie under a shady tree or on a sunny beach to crack open a book’s spine or power one up on an electronic device. “But what to read?” you may sometimes wonder. The Library has some great resources to help you find your next reading adventure. You may sign up for one or many of our Dear Reader Online Book Clubs. When you do, each week, Monday through Friday, you’ll receive via e-mail a five-minute selection from that week’s title. By the end of the week, you’ll have a good sense of whether that week’s title is a good match for you. Available Book Clubs: Pre-Publication Titles, Business, Teen, Good News, Non-Fiction, General Fiction, Audio Book, Thriller, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Classics, and AuthorBuzz. NoveList is a premier readers’ advisory resource. Whether you need to find the next book in a series or find an author who is just like your favorite, find your next book at NoveList. Seeking detective stories based in Chicago? Wanting to see a list of Nero Wolfe books? Or maybe you have read all of James Patterson’s offerings and want to see what other authors’ titles are similar. Exploring NoveList will provide you a bevy of titles that you can’t wait to read next. Mailed to you by the FRIENDS of the Davenport Public Library 321 Main Street Davenport, IA 52801 Major funding provided by the FRIENDS of the Davenport Public Library Return Service Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Davenport, IA Permit No. 3178 Library Hours & Locations Main Library 321 Main Street Davenport, IA 52801 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM CLOSED Fairmount Branch Library 3000 N. Fairmount Street Davenport, IA 52804 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (October - April) Eastern Avenue Branch Library 6000 Eastern Avenue Davenport, IA 52807 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM CLOSED PHONE NUMBER: (563) 326-7832 OPEN 24/7 at: TEXT A LIBRARIAN: Start text message with DPLKNOWS and send to 66746 24 hour renewal number: (563) 823-5565 (local) (888) 534-6130 (long distance) Sign-up and finish the 2013 Dig into Summer Reading Program for your chance to win a 20” bicycle from Jerry & Sparky’s! LIBRARY CLOSED Thursday, May 16 Monday, May 27 In-service Memorial Day
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