Portland University Commencement Program 1957
Portland University Commencement Program 1957
University of Southern Maine Digital Commons@USM Commencement Programs University Archives 6-7-1957 Portland University Commencement Program 1957 Portland University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/commencement Part of the American Studies Commons, Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation Portland University, "Portland University Commencement Program 1957" (1957). Commencement Programs. Book 3. http://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/commencement/3 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Digital Commons@USM. It has been accepted for inclusion in Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@USM. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Jnrtlanb l!tttiuersity Annual Commencement FRIDAY, AT JUNE TEN -THIRTY 7, 1957 O'CLOCK * WILLISTON CHURCH 32 Th01nas Street Po-rtland, Maine Order of exercises * THE PRELUDE * THE PROCESSIONAL Coronation (The Prophet) (Audience Please Rise) March Meyerbeer John L. C Philip G. * THE INVOCATION The Reverend W. Lloyd ·williams, S.T.M. Minister of Williston Congregational Church * John G. F John E. K Earl S. b James B. 1 Seymour l\ AN INTERLUDE John ]. 0 * THE CoMMENCEMENT ADDREss J. William Schulze Chainnan, Portland University Board of Tntstees * AN INTERLUDE . '11. * THE CoNFERRING OF LL.B. DEGREES Richard H. Armstrong, Dean Emeritus Jacob Agger, Trustee Darrell L. Burchard . * Elliott E. THE CONFERRING OF B.S. IN B.A. DEGREES Louis G. Donald C. John M. Blake, Dean of the University Jean Gannett Williams, Trustee Gerald A. * Joseph W. THE CoNFERRING oF HoNORARY DEGREEs Rupert A. The Honorable Delbert v� Robert B. Williamson Chief justice, Supreme judicial Court of Maine Introduced by Professor Leslie E. Norwood George F. Everett P. Ingalls Vice President, S. D. Warren C01npany Introduced by Professor Harris R. Bullerwell * THE BENEDICTION The Reverend Howard 0. Hough, D.D. Pastor, First Radio Parish Church of America * THE RECESSIONAL (Athalia) Mendelssohn (Audience Please Remain Seated) March of the Priests * THE PosTLUDE John L. C Philip G. John E. K Col Darrell L. Gerald W Joseph W. Ca ndidates for the rJJegree of 13achelor of Caws * John L. Castner Nobleboro, Maine Philip G. A. Durgin Portland, Maine John G. Feehan South Portland, Maine John E. Kivus Scarborough, Maine Earl S. Laidlaw Portland, Maine James B. Longley Lewiston, Maine Seymour Nathanson South Po,-tland, Maine John ]. O'Toole Portland, Maine * Candidates for the rJJegree of 13achelor of Science in 13usine.rs cAdnzinistration Darrell L. Dolley Presque Isle, Maine Burchard A. Dunn 'Jray, Maine Elliott E. Eastman South Portland, Maine Louis G. Eraklis Portland, Maine Donald C. Kinney Dover-Foxcroft, Maine Gerald A. MacArthur South Portland, Maine Joseph W. Martell Portland, Maine Rupert A. Richardson Portland, Maine Delbert W. Ryder, Jr. Portland, Maine George F. Scammon Saco, Maine * [lass Officers La w John L. Castner Philip G. A. Durgin John E. Kivus School President Vice-President Secretary- Treasurer College of Business Administration Darrell L. Dolley Gerald W. MacArthur Joseph W. Martell President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer Portland University Faculty * Dean of the University J OHN M. BLAKE, B.S. in B.A., I.A. * LAW SCHOOL EDWARD A. NEWMAN, LL.B., Acting Dean RICHARD H. ARMSTRO IG, PH.D., LL.D., Dean Emeritus SUMNER BERNSTEIN, A.B., LL.B. HARRIS R. BULLERWELL, A.A., LL.B. PHILIP F. CHAPMAN, Jr., A.B., LL.B. I. EDWARD COHEN, LL.B., PH.D. r niES E. GAGAN, LL.B. SUMNER J. GOFFIN, A.B., LL.B. WILLIAM E. McKINLEY, A.B., LL.B. MILTON A. NIXON, A.B., LL.B. LESLIE E. NORWOOD, A.B., LL.M. HENRY A. PEABODY, A.B., LL.B. RICHARD E. POULOS, A.B., LL.B. ROBERT C. ROBINSON, A.B., LL.B. DONALD S. Si\IITH, LL.TI. NORMAN E. TRUE, LL.B. (Deceased ) i\fiLTON G. WHEELER, A.B., LL.B. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 0\VEN C. HALL, B.S. in B.A., C.P.A., Acting Dean DONALDS. ALLEN, A.B., LL.B. EDW.\RD J. COLGAN, A.B., 1\f.A. F. GARFIELD CLARK, A.B., M.B.A. MILLARD E. EMANUELSON, A.B., LL.B. EDWARD E. RIDGE, A.B., LL.B. ALVIN D. ROGERS, B.S. in Th. GEORGE E. VAN Al\JBURG, B.S. in B.A. * �oard of Trustees .J ..WILUAM SCHULZE, Chairman GEORGE S. J ACOB J OHN l\fALCOLM J EAN PAYSON, Secretary AGGER, T1·easw·er B. GANNETT WILLIAMS
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