4th Quarter 2010


4th Quarter 2010
Central ND
Your Invitiation to Serve
North Dakota
Fourth Quarter 2010
Vol. 5 No. 4
Warford Orthodontics Unveils The BRACES* Project
Arthur Ashe once said, “From
what we get, we can make a living;
what we give, however,
makes a life.”
The world is a better
place when we give of
ourselves. Warford
Orthodontics is
encouraging their
patients to give
wherever they can.
Orthodontics patients
can now make their
difference in the
world and enjoy a reduction in
their treatment investment by
being a RSVP+ volunteer.
Patients in their first 12 months
of treatment are eligible, and
their friends and
family are
encouraged to
For each hour
For questions, please contact
donated during the
Wendy at Warford Orthodontics
first 12 months of
at 701-255-1311 to review
treatment, $10 will be
eligibility and to sign up.
taken off the final
Wendy K.
balance due. The
Supreme Duchess of Smile Transformation
maximum amount of
the exchange is up to
20 percent of the
services provided with a $1,000
maximum lifetime credit per
*BRACES: Building Relationships And Creating Endless Smiles
Volunteer Myths
Myth: You have to be old to
Fact: In June of 2009, volunteers of
all ages have been invited to
volunteer with RSVP+. With this
new initiative younger volunteers
can feel connected to their
communities and organizations.
Giving back to our communities
should be a way of life for all citizens.
Myth: If you belong to RSVP+
you will be called for every
To qualify for the exchange, the
patient, as well as friends and
family, must complete the
required paperwork prior to
completion of their volunteer
Fact: Registration includes a skills
survey; the volunteer selects the
opportunities that interest him/her.
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
RSVP+ Director’s Desk. . . .
RSVP+ Coordinator’s Desk.
Contest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
AmeriCorps VISTA. . . . . . . 4
New Volunteers. . . . . . . . . 5
What does one hour of your time
do for a Host Station/ organization?
Think about what your “time”
allows the staff to do and send/
email your response to our office.
From Our Mailbox. . . . . . .
RSVP+ Impact Areas . . . .
Spotlights. . . . . . . . . . . . .
We are often asked for personal
volunteer stories—please share
Volunteer Opportunities. . .
Contact Information. . . . . .
Recent Events . . . . . . . . . . 9
RSVP+ Office Hours. . . . . . 12
1727 State Street
• Bismarck,
ND 58501
1727 State
• ND
Fax: 701-255-1510
From the Volunteer Coordinator’s Desk
I have to mention first that if you’ve been receiving calls
from someone named Ann from RSVP+, it’s probably me!
I’m not sure what happens to my name through the
phone lines, but often people hear “Ann” instead of
“Erin.” I don’t care if you call me Ann as long as you say
“yes” when I call and ask you to volunteer!
I am continually delighted to work with such a great
group of volunteers and host stations. Seeing many of
you decked out in hats at the 39th Annual Recognition
Luncheon was wonderful! I look forward to continuing to
Unique Volunteer Assignments!
Please call the RSVP+ office at 258-5436 to volunteer!
The Bismarck Airport is in the planning stages of
providing an information booth for travelers. They would
like this booth staffed with trained RSVP+ volunteers to
provide airport information to travelers. The shifts are
being determined by the number of passengers on
scheduled flights. Before they move forward with this
plan, the Airport personnel want to know if it will be
possible to find enough willing volunteers. How exciting
to welcome passengers to Bismarck!
The Senior Wellness Coalition is seeking two Mandan
representatives to join the committees who plan the
annual Senior Wellness Sensation. This would be a two
year commitment with monthly meetings being required.
Volunteer Instructors are needed to conduct the AARP
Driver Safety Program course using videos and
workbooks developed for the program. Volunteers
interested in this assignment will receive initial training
and then participation in annual workshops to maintain
and enhance their skills.
Find the Snowflake
Somewhere in this newsletter is a snowflake
like the one pictured here. Find it and call our
office with the location by 4 pm on December 14, 2010
to be entered in our contest.
meet you over the phone or while
volunteering with you.
Volunteers with e-mail addresses
should expect to receive two messages from me in their inboxes each
Erin Pringle
month. The messages will contain a
list with a mixture of one-time serCoordinator
vice projects, long-term assignments,
and host stations’ immediate volunteer needs. I believe
the bi-weekly e-mail update will accomplish a couple
things. First, the e-mail updates give us an avenue to
quickly spread the word about upcoming projects and
needs to a large number of people. Second, and I think
most importantly, I hope that by seeing the different volunteer opportunities, you will be inspired to volunteer
for a project you might not have considered before. We
will continue to make phone calls just like we have done
in the past, so we will still call you for volunteer assignments based on your skills and interests. If you would
like to update or add an email address, give me a call!
Now that winter is here, I hope you all stay warm and
enjoy the holiday season!
We’ve spent nearly two decades
perfecting retirement living and it shows.
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True home atmosphere, great staff, good food, excellent care and
being treated like family, if that is what you are looking for in a
retirement communityPrimrose
we invite you come see us, take a tour, and
even have lunch. Catch a glimpse of Primrose and see why we are
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Call 258-5436 to enter.
Volunteer Voices Publication
First Quarter Issue: Please submit articles by Dec 15, 2010
RSVP+ Central ND
1223 S. 12th Street, Suite 4
Bismarck, ND 58504
Volunteer Voices
Editor: Mary Siverson
Co-Editor: Erin Pringle
Layout: Bonna Cunningham
Fourth Quarter 2010
Independent & Assisted Living
1144 College Drive • Bismarck
PrimroseRetirement.com • 701-222-8183
Page 3
AmeriCorps VISTA Update
An Invitation to Mentor
Youth mentoring is the process of matching mentors
with young people who need or want a caring,
responsible adult in their lives. Nationwide,
approximately three million adult volunteers are
involved in formal, one-on-one mentoring relationships
with young people. While a growing number of youth
have mentors, an additional 14.6 million young people
could benefit from having a mentoring relationship*.
There are after-school mentoring programs through
religious and educational organizations, as well as
community programs designed to foster positive youth
RSVP+ is in search of mentors for young individuals
in our community, and I encourage you to consider a
mentoring relationship with an area youth. As you and
your mentee begin your relationship—exploring values,
interests and goals—you will find yourself making a
difference and having a positive effect on their life. You
may also be surprised to see that you will be learning
more about yourself, too. Mentoring doesn't just affect
the young person. Mentoring is a shared opportunity for
learning and growth. Many mentors say that the rewards
they gain are as substantial as those
for their mentees. Being a mentor
enables them to:
 Have fun.
 Achieve personal growth and
Jon Fetch
learn more about themselves.
 Improve their self-esteem and feel
they are making a difference.
 Gain a better understanding of other cultures and
develop a greater appreciation for diversity.
 Feel more productive and have a better attitude at
 Enhance their relationships with their own
There are many young people in need of a caring
adult to help them succeed in life. RSVP+ invites you to
consider a mentoring relationship.
* from the Corporation for National & Community Service study
“Mentoring in America 2005: A Snapshot of the Current State of
** from http://www.mentoring.org
You really can live on easy street.
Page 4
Do you have a talent to
share? Are you a creative
person with a passion? Do you
knit, weave, quilt, paint, sculpt,
or produce some unique product
like jewelry or candles? Are you a skilled
carpenter? Do you love to garden? Can you make
any plant bloom? Are you a great cook? Do you
have a special ethnic dish that you are “famous”
for? Are you a "closet expert" on something,
someone, or somewhere? Do you have a passionate
interest in a local (or even not so local) historical site
or event? Do you have a collection or display you
are willing to share?
RSVP ConnectsU needs YOU! We are designing
seminars for our volunteers throughout the state and
we need enthusiastic local specialists and teachers to
share their joyous pursuits while feeding the hearts
and minds of others. There are others out there who
would greatly appreciate the chance to learn from
you and enhance their lives. To explore the
possibilities contact Lynnell at 701-231-5655 or
[email protected].
Fourth Quarter 2010
Volunteer Voices
Welcome New RSVP+ Volunteers
Arlene Abraham
referred by Janice Aberle
Norma Anfinson
referred by Alice Hanson
Ardella Bechtle
Sharon Bertsch
Deb-b Bloom
Viola Bosch
referred by Bernice Geiger
Barbara Braun referred by
Cecelia Vander Vorste
Clara Braun
Rebecca Brien
Michael Bruning
Cleo Carlson
Philomena Dosch
referred by Bernice Gieger
Pat Easton
Dominick Fitzsimmons
Ruby Gienger
Lila Hamre
referred by Jane Frank
Susan Hansen
Norman Heinert
referred by Toni Heinert
Joy Huschka
Elmer Jaton
referred by Violet Rauser
Irene Jaton
referred by Violet Rauser
Bella Jenkauski
Ronnie Jenkauski
Rose Joseph
James Karn
Millie Kaufman
Mary Sue Lacher referred
by Bonna Cunningham
Claire Lorinser
referred by LeAnn Severson
Jeff Mattern
Leslie Venus Morrison
Don Mueller
Janell Mueller
Donna Muth
Joseph Muth
Mark Nagel
Penny Nuemiller
Alvina Ohlhauser
referred by Carol Wolf
DeEtta Phelps
Luke Rabbithead
Alice Reichenberger
Becca Ripley
referred by LeAnn Severson
Sarah Ripley
referred by LeAnn Severson
Delores Schacher referred
by Elmer and Irene Jaton
Jillian Schaible
Bert Schell
Sharon A. Schmidt
Regina Schreiner
Roger Smith
Tyler Tracy
referred by Brennan Davis
Christina TurnsPlenty
Rosie Walker
Geri Zerr
Hilmer Zimbelman
Agnes Meidinger
referred by Gloria Vaaler
Wes Angerson
Donald Kidder
Leona A. Brecht
Mary Bosch
Alvina Goldade
Luella Jochim
Eileen Morris
Anna Nolz
Serena Peck
Dorothy Beehler
Julius Beehler
Station Spotlight:
Bismarck and Mandan Schools
RSVP+ has a partnership with
the Bismarck and Mandan
school districts, allowing us to
send volunteers to the
numerous schools within the
area. Several RSVP+ volunteers
regularly give their time each
week by serving as a tutor in reading.
Darlene Bohl
Kennard Friesz
Melissa Goven
Leah Hamann
Samantha Huus
Lexi Iverson
referred by Helen Vanous
Lori Kensington
referred by Shirley Saeman
LaWayne Petesch
Joseph Schatz
referred by Marge Hartman
Julianna Schatz
referred by Joseph Schatz
Victor Schlaht
referred by Pauline Galistan
Jo Stork referred by
Verna Kary and Alice
Rose Mary Barley
referred by Angie Doll
Anna Mae Gray
Quentin Gray
Symphony Ad goes here
1/4 page
Renae Ely, Reading Coach at Rita Murphy School, says
that she is currently looking for volunteers to tutor
kindergarteners in reading, numbers, letters, and sounds.
She is also looking for clerical assistance. Lunch Room
Assistants are needed every Wednesday to help prepare
and serve lunches to the children at the Martin Luther
School from 10:30am-1:00pm.
To learn more about what you can do to volunteer at
any Bismarck or Mandan school, please contact Erin at
258-5436 or [email protected].
Volunteer Voices
Fourth Quarter 2010
Page 5
From Our Mailbox: Words of Thanks
Thank you for sending us creative and dedicated
volunteers to help us prepare for the VSA-North Dakota
Art Show. They matted the pictures with care and
creativity. One of the volunteers refused to leave until
the project was finished – she said:,“I don’t like to leave
until a job is done.” Thank you for helping VSA-North
Dakota support and promote “Art for Everyone”.
Lois Jacobs, Program Coordinator, VSA-North Dakota
Thank you so much for all your volunteer support of
Ribfest 2010. Without your help, we would not be able to
throw this event for our non-profit. We are grateful and
again say THANK YOU!
The Downtowners and Ribfest Committee
Thank you to the Project Homeless Connect volunteers
who gave their time to serve at the PHC event. Without
wonderful volunteers like you, the event couldn’t
happen, so thank you. We appreciate your generous and
giving hearts. This team of volunteers was extraordinary
and we were so blessed to have them!
Miranda, Project Homeless Connect
Thank you again so much for helping us with this year’s
Street Fair. I promise we will get some good weather for
one of our events! We appreciate your continued
support of our organization.
The Downtowners
On behalf of the March of Dimes, I want to thank all of
the wonderful volunteers who helped at our recent Jail
and Bail event in Bismarck. We appreciate so much all
the wonderful people who gave generously of their time
to help make the event run so smoothly and be such a
success – raising over $30,000 for babies! Thank you
again for your continued support and help!
Ashley Gerner, Community Director, March of Dimes
A big THANK YOU to the RSVP+ volunteers who helped
us at our annual July 4th Spectacular Event at the North
Dakota State Capitol Mall. We so appreciate the
volunteers who faithfully come and help us with their
cheerful smiles and willing attitude! Your help makes
the evening event go smoothly and efficiently.
Margaret Fiechtner, Board President,
Bismarck – Mandan Symphony Orchestra
Bhank y
Charles Hall Youth Service
Thanks to the volunteers who gave their time at this
year’s Girls Rock the Park event. You were all just
terrific and vital to the event. Thanks again!
Lori Schoenhard, Program and Learning Specialist,
(1/4 page)
from the Kids & Staff at
Page 6
Girls Scouts – Dakota Horizons
Please continue to give your Central Market
Receipts stamped “We Care” to RSVP+.
Thank You
Check your Address Book
Do you know anyone in the Linton area? We have a
number of volunteer requests (Linton Senior Citizen
Center, Emmons County Interagency Corporation, and
Thrift Store) and are looking for volunteers. We would
appreciate any referrals you may have.
Many citizens living in rural communities are “helping
out” where needed and do not think of themselves as
volunteers. Remember that all referrals will be eligible
for the drawing at the next recognition.
Fourth Quarter 2010
Volunteer Voices
RSVP+ Impact Areas Highlights
Depression Screening
Depression in the aging population is a
major public health problem. In fact,
depression screening is one of RSVP+’s
impact areas. When we participate in Health Fairs and
similar community events, we distribute information on
depression along with the Zung depression screening
checklist. We collect and tally the information gathered
from the screenings for the Corporation and United Way.
If you feel you would benefit from a depression
screening please contact our office at 258-5436 and we will
make the material available to you.
Home Medical Equipment
Orthotics & Prosthetics
Great Plains
Home Medical
Respiratory Care Services
Orthotics & Prosthetics
& Vehicle Accessibility
Care Services
Orthotics Rehabilitation
Home & Vehicle Accessibility
Rehabilitation Technology
Home & Vehicle Accessibility
1212 East Main Rehabilitation
Bismarck, ND 58501
1212 East Main Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58501
1212 East Main Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58501
Important Facts about Recognizing Depression in Older Persons
What is Depression?
Treatment Works!
Clinical Depression, sometimes referred to as Major
Depression, is a biologically based brain disorder that
affects one’s thoughts, feeling, behavior, and physical
health. Unlike a feeling of sadness, depression can last for
months and can greatly affect your life. Untreated
depression affects the immune system and can lead to
other physical illnesses.
Seeking professional treatment by contacting your
primary care physician or a psychiatrist is the first and
most important step. Depression is not a normal part of
aging. Once diagnosed, 80 percent of clinically depressed
individuals are effectively treated with medications,
individual therapy, electroconvulsive treatment, or a
combination of these. Depression is a chronic illness, so
treatment may be life-long.
What are some causes that can lead
to Depression?
Depression has a tendency to run in families and
creates a genetic vulnerability, often passed from
parents to children;
Depression can be caused by prolonged stress,
significant losses, or a major life change;
Depression can develop from the lack of a
supportive social network;
Depression can be a side effect of some
Depression can result when a person develops a
disabling illness or has chronic pain.
What are some common symptoms of
Memory problems;
Change in sleeping patterns;
Loss of appetite;
Social withdrawal;
An increase in physical complaints or problems.
Volunteer Voices
Resource: National Alliance on Mental Illness
Good Samaritan
(1/4 page)
enior living with an emphasis on living.
Perhaps it’s time you considered senior living at Good Samaritan Society –
Bismarck. You’ll have more time to do the things you like to do, and you’ll
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To learn more about our community in
Bismarck, call (701) 255-1084.
All faiths or beliefs are welcome. Copyright © 2010 The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society. All rights reserved. 10-G1373
Fourth Quarter 2010
Page 7
Class Project Volunteers
I was so excited when Amanda
Weston, instructor from Horizon
Middle School, phoned with a
request for individuals from the
community to assist with her class
project. She was equally pleased to
discover I had a large pool of
volunteers that I said would be
willing to help. This assignment was
such a valuable experience for
everyone involved!
The spotlight for this issue will
shine on the following volunteers
who stepped up when asked to help
with an uncommon yet
extraordinary assignment:
Ike Aichele, Harold Aldinger,
Jim Carter, Laurie Coleman,
Chuck Cullen, Bonna
Cunningham, Darlene
Danielson, Karen Gainsforth,
Dick Green, Joe Kalvoda, Mary
Ann Kalvoda, Larry Klemin,
Harold Neameyer, Dave Nix,
Marlene Peck, Richard Peck, and
Susan Tschider.
Mary Siverson,
RSVP+ Interim Director
Rationale for the “Memories Interview”
community. He receives the
How much is a memory worth?
memories from an elderly man who
In a world that is driven by fear of
he converses with every day. This
recession, dollar menus, and mail-in
novel places an emphasis on the
rebates, it can be easy to forget the
value of apprenticeship and actively
worth of intangibles. Memories are
learning through experienced
priceless; they are so easy to acquire,
members of the
and the
community. I
consequences of
wanted my
not preserving
students to
memories is
emulate Jonas and
devastating. Two
actively learn
of the goals for my
about history
seventh grade
through the senior
Interviews at Horizon School
citizens in the
class this year were
to teach students
the importance of memories, and to
teach them effective skills for
The students took this project
gathering information. These goals
very seriously. They first deduced
were accomplished when my
what information was most important
students interviewed RSVP +
about their RSVP volunteers’ life.
Next, they formulated interview
questions, and then they held an
The student-conducted
interview to glean wisdom and
interviews coincided with reading the
novel The Giver by Lois Lowry. In The advice from an “elderly” member of
their community. It was rewarding to
Giver, a 12-year-old boy named Jonas
listen to the chatter amongst the
is chosen to receive and hold
students after the interview: they
generations of memories for his
were all so proud of the
life accomplishments of
RSVP+ Volunteers
the person they
Receive a
interviewed, as though he
AAA Discount
or she was their own
Call your RSVP+ office at 258-5436
grandparent. Our
or call Debra or Tim at 223-6660 for more details!
interviewees ranged from
a dairy farmer, to the chief
of police, to a legislator, to
a man who is in the North
Standard AAA
Dakota softball hall of
Membership Rates
fame. The students were thrilled and
inspired by the life stories and
memories they had acquired.
This project allowed students to
recognize the value of preserving
history through the eyes of those who
lived it, and not just text books. It
gave young adolescents the
opportunity to practice
communicating with people outside
of their generation. Being able to
communicate effectively is a crucial
life skill that these students simply
cannot thrive without! After
collecting memories, students created
multi-media animoto videos in order
to preserve the oral history they had
collected. These videos were emailed to each volunteer, and our
hope is that the volunteers will share
their “life story” with their family and
Members of two different
generations reached out to one
another, allowing the history of
yesterday to be preserved with the
technology of today, and that in and
of itself is valuable. However, the
most valuable aspects of this learning
experience were the nurturing of
respect and appreciation between the
young and the “older”, and the
creation of precious human
Amanda Weston
7th Grade Communications Teacher
9th Grade English Teacher
Horizon Middle School
Membership Rates
Page 8
Enrollment Fee: $12.00
Enrollment Fee:Waived
Motor Club Insurance Association
Fourth Quarter 2010
Volunteer Voices
Recognition Events Were Successful
Thank you to everyone who attended
the September 10th recognition events. It
was fun to see the variety of hats; thanks
for joining in on the spirit of the day!
We were treated to wonderful musical
entertainment by Ray Schmaltz on
accordion, and Clarence Hust and Vince
Swenson playing rhythmic guitar.
If you were a lucky winner of a door
prize, please make sure you sent the
addressed thank you note included with
your prize.
Thank you for filling out the surveys.
The winner of the $25 Cash Wise
drawing was Dorothy Christenson. The
Please remember to thank the
table sponsors and donors that
provided door prizes. Those in
bold print were received after the
luncheon program was printed
Table Sponsors
Aid, Inc
Bank of North Dakota
Baptist Home
Blue Cross Blue Shield ND
Buehler-Larson Funeral Home
Charles Hall Youth Services
Custer Health
Cystic Fibrosis Association of ND
Department of Correction and
Rehabilitations and Roughrider
Gateway Health Mart Pharmacy
Humana Marketpoint
Kroll’s Diner Bismarck Marathon
Missouri Slope Area Wide United
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Recognition Statistics
Luncheon Reservations
Picnic Reservations
Luncheon Guests Served
Recognition Luncheon
Anna Mae and Chuck Cullen
overwhelming selection for future
recognition events was to continue with
luncheons. Mark your calendars for next
year’s event, September 9, 2011.
Pride of Dakota
The Arc of Bismarck
United Tribes Technical College (2)
Waterford on West Century
Volunteer Sponsors
Aid, Inc (5)
Alzheimer’s Association (2)
Bismarck Art and Galleries
Association (2)
Downtowners Business
Association (2)
Marillac Manor
ND Protection & Advocacy Project
Special Olympics ND
Door Prizes
Abused Adult Resource Center
Arrowhead Cleaners & Laundry (2)
Arrowhead Plaza Drug
Big Boy
BNC National Bank
Buffalo Wild Wings
Butcher Block
Central Market - Mandan
CVS Pharmacy – North
Picnic Guests Served
Luncheon No-Shows
Picnic No-Shows
No Reservation
No Reservation (picnic)
Late Reservations
Late Cancellations
Dairy Queen – Bismarck (4)
Dakota Awards
Dakota Pharmacy
Grand Theatre
HIT, Inc (8)
Prairie Knights (8)
Qdoba (2)
Red Lobster (2)
Sam’s Club
Space Aliens (2)
Texas Roadhouse (2)
Thrifty White Drug
USDA Natural Resources
Conservation (2)
Wal-Mart - North
Wal-Mart – South
Wells Fargo (2)
Bismarck Floral - roses
Bismarck Parks & Recreation –
shelter donation
Cash Wise Foods – survey
participation prize
Ladybug Contest Winner
Years of Service Pins
We have a large number of Years of Service
Pins belonging to people who didn’t pick them
up at the recognition luncheon this year.
Please pick them up at the RSVP+ office . We’ll
also have them available at the Holiday Open
Volunteer Voices
The ladybug may have been difficult for some of us to
find, but it wasn’t able to elude Joyce Sauer, who tracked
the little bug down on page 2. Thanks to everyone who
reads the newsletter and all 114 people who participated
in the contest. Special thanks to Cash Wise
sponsoring the gift cards used as prizes.
Fourth Quarter 2010
Foods for
Page 9
New Volunteer Opportunities
Home Delivered Meal
Care Centers
Bismarck & Mandan Routes
Substitute drivers also needed
Push residents in wheelchairs,
reading, friendly visiting, Bingo,
arts and crafts,
nail & hair care
Heritage Center
Elementary School
Gift Shop volunteers
Tutor and mentor children.
Administrative tasks also
Manchester House
Read and play board games with
the eight 5-11 year olds living
onsite. Time is flexible!
S.A.Y. Yes Afterschool
Cooks needed 1st & 4th Mondays,
2nd Tuesdays. Tutors and
mentors also needed.
Bismarck Brightens
Thrift Store Assistance in the
Book, Toy and Stuffed Animal or
Jewelry Departments, Cashiers
ND State Capitol
Abused Adult Resource
Phone receptionist needed
Mondays and Wednesdays over
the lunch hour.
The Salvation Army
Housekeeping assistance needed
7:30 am-12:00pm (weekdays).
Bell Ringers needed every Wed
from Nov 24-Dec 22 in Mandan.
Thrift Stores
Piano player
Bismarck & Mandan Brightens,
Hodge Podge, Dakota Boys &
Girls Ranch—thrift store duties
Play games or read in the
Alzheimer’s Unit
Your help is
needed. Please
call RSVP+ today
Musical entertainment
at living community
Community Action
Martin Luther School
1st and 3rd Thursdays
Lunch room assistant needed for
1st & 3rd Wednesdays during the
school year
Burleigh County Senior
Adults Program
American Cancer Society
Kitchen Help and Meal Packaging
Wednesday, Thursday or Subs
Answer Phones and Tray Assist at
Many opportunities including:
client assistance and sewing tote
bags for resource materials
Afterschool Place
MedCenter One
Art day or field trip
Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00
Greet and assist visitors in
surgical waiting room.
Hours flexible.
UTTC Wellness Academy
Afterschool program
assistance: physical fitness,
arts/crafts, leadership
development. M-Th 3:30 -5 pm
Information Desk
Thursdays, 8 am - Noon
Page 10
Crescent Manor
Fourth Quarter 2010
Volunteer Voices
Venture Out
Buehler-Larson Funeral Home
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God’s Child
We congratulate all RSVP+
(1/4 page)for making a difference
in the world around you.
Thank you from the
children, mothers, and families of
The GOD’S CHILD Project.
Photo by Francesco Marino/Freedigitalphotos.net
Hats off to You!
American Bank Center Ad goes here
(1/4 page)
721 Memorial Highway
Bismarck, North Dakota
“Breaking the bitter chains of poverty through education and formation.”
Volunteer Voices
Fourth Quarter 2010
Page 11
Non Profit Org
North Dakota State University
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 419
Bismarck, ND
RSVP+ Central ND
1223 S. 12th Street, Suite 4
Bismarck, ND 58504
Zip Code 58501
Phone: 701-258-5436
Fax: 701-258-6771
We’re on the Web!
Central ND
Your Invitiation to Serve
North Dakota
RSVP+ Interim Director
Mary Siverson
Phone: 701-258-5449
Fax: 701-258-6771
E-mail: [email protected]
RSVP + Volunteer Coordinator
Erin Pringle
Phone: 701-258-5436
Fax: 701-258-6771
E-mail: [email protected]
Arlene Farnsworth, Director
Waterford on West Century
Troy Ulrich
ABC Seamless
Mary Henderson
Morton Mandan Public Library
Nancy Willis,
ND Dept. of Human Services
Jerry Houn, Program Officer
State Commission on NCS
Keith Witt, Chief of Police
Bismarck Police Department
Lee Houn, Student
Bismarck High School
Ron Zeiszler, Retiree
Cliff Naylor
Find RSVP+ North Dakota on
FACEBOOK, become a fan of
Cherry Schmidt, Program
Admin Aging Services , WCHSC
Jon Fetsch
Phone: 701-258-5436
Fax: 701-258-6771
E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours
Monday — Friday
8:00 a.m. — 4:30 p.m.
Office Is Closed:
Nov 25 and 26
Dec 24
Christmas Holiday
Dec 31
New Year’s Holiday