Stabling with On


Stabling with On
An Open
Letter Cian
Up For
Sport or
Stabling with
Laura Kraut
Nick Skelton
How Eddie
influenced the career of Andres Rodriguez
Longines Masters of
In this issue
International Horse Show
How Eddie Macken
influenced the career of Andres Rodriguez
Longines Global Champions Tour Doha
Longines Masters of PARIS
The London International Horse Show,
WINTER 2016 | issue 03
The sudden loss of show jumping’s World No. 41 rider was
a blow that struck straight through the heart of the sport.
We chose to publish this interview in full as a tribute to our
deeply loved, and terribly missed, friend.
Lucy Deslauriers: Ride Like an American
Examining the breakout year of Lucy Deslauriers, one
of the faces of the second generation of United States
An OPEN LETTER Cian O’Connor
What’s On Winter 2016
71 Up for Debate
Clean Sport or Common Sense?
Up CLOSE Riders of the
15th IJRC Rolex Top Ten Final
LAST WORDS Beezie Madden
show jumping.
Plot Blue Retires
Emotions ran high at CHI Geneva 2015, as Marcus Ehning
and his team tearfully bid farewell to their horse of a lifetime,
Plot Blue.
Stabling With
Laura Kraut & Nick Skelton
Take a peek inside the Wellington, Florida winter base of
one of show jumping’s most engaging power couples as
they prepare for a big year with their big equine stars.
Soft Spoken Steel
Amid the subdued, defiant atmosphere of Paris late last fall,
France’s best female rider stood in the shadow of the Eiffel
Tower and allowed us to learn more about her than ever
On the cover:
Pénélope Leprevost is wearing
Ludovic Winterstan Couture
before. No horse required.
Letter from the Editor
WINTER 2016 | issue 03
Executive Editor
NOELLE FLOYD Magazine is expanding our platform with
Noëlle Floyd
o say that 2016 has started in an incredibly difficult way for many of us is a vast
understatement. Losing Andres Rodriguez and Sophie Walker on January 4th has
the launch of our new YouTube Channel. Connected directly
altered the tone of this year for myself and I’m sure for many of you. I did not know
to and NOELLE FLOYD Magazine,
Features Editor
Sophie well, but the hundreds of messages and photos shared on social media
follow our channel for interactive interviews, news reports,
Erin Gilmore
from her friends and family display a horsewoman with a kind heart and a generous
video blogs, educational videos and unique video content
on the sport of show jumping from around the world.
Custom Book Publications
To exhibit our professional photography from around the
world, NOELLE FLOYD will be introducing a line of beautifully
nature. Our community is less for losing such a woman.
Design Director
Charlotte Falk
Andres was a friend of mine. I had so many incredibly funny, intellectual and engaging conversations with him over the years that ranged from topics of importance
Contributing Writers
within the sport, to his exciting proposal to Clementine Goutal in St. Tropez in 2014.
Noëlle Floyd | Erin Gilmore | Esther Hahn
The relationship between Andres and Clementine was one that I admired greatly.
Contributing Photographers
Almost a year ago today, Andres and I spoke in Wellington, FL about my dream of
Bret St. Clair | Jump Media / Alden Corrigan
for my idea to start a magazine, and his insight became part of the foundation for
crafted coffee table books. Custom commissions will be
available on a limited basis. Check out our Best of 2015 book,
coming February 2016
Erin Gilmore | Noëlle Floyd | Jessica Rodrigues
Stefano Grasso | Michael van de Velde
Floyd Consultants Ltd. delivers custom solutions, tailored
starting a magazine. He was one of the first friends and riders who offered his support
this publication. He was someone who represented all that is great in this sport, of
the future of show jumping and why I do all that I do. He was charismatic, gentle,
to you – your unique business, your sponsors, your owners
smart, hardworking, genuine, and talented. Riders like Andres are what make this
and your vision. Working with a wide range of riders, owners
Photographer: Noëlle Floyd
sport so special, unique and beautiful.
and sponsors within the sport, we can offer you the platform
Second Photographer: Marie-Amelie Martin
to achieve your professional goals in 2016.
Videographer: Caleb Hansen
Social Media
Stylist: Mike Adler at Angela Debona Agence
Stay connected to all the latest news and highlights in
Wardrobe: Ludovic Winterstan, Alexander
start of their working relationship and how Andres had worked his way through the
show jumping.
Wang, Gianvito Rossi, PP From Longwy,
World Rankings and won the Pan American Silver Medal. The story of Andres’ ascent
Hair: Henry Oliver
Laurence Bossion
| Make Up: Camille Lutz
| Model: Pénélope Leprevost
Angela De Bona
| Maddalena Menada
Terri Manduca Agency
Noelle Floyd Magazine
through the sport is one that elicits a tremendous amount of insight for young and
ever rested.
Carol Hayes Management London
Lynn Lehmkuhl Advertising
that had a planned focus on what had been an incredible three years for him as
Andres’ trainer. It was such an education to sit and listen as Eddie described the very
ambitious riders all over the world. Andres listened, he was humble and he never,
Additional Contributions
Eddie Macken and myself sat down at Christmas for an upbeat, inspiring interview
However, on that very note, Andres knew how to appreciate those around him and
when to be in the moment. He never hesitated when he proposed to his best friend
and soul mate. He knew how to recognize the power of a single moment when
jumping off with one of the sport’s best for a spot on the Pan American podium. Our
sport never rests, no one is champion for long and the sudden loss of Andres and
Grahame Arnold
Sophie reminds us to appreciate those around us, take advantage of every day, and
do what we love. Inquiries: [email protected] | [email protected]
NOELLE FLOYD is printed in Vancouver,
BC, Canada by Metropolitan Fine Printers Inc.
(cont. next page)
NOELLE FLOYD is published quarterly by Floyd Consultants LTD. The views expressed are not
necessarily those of the publishers. © 2016 Floyd Consultants LTD. Unauthorized reproduction of
any material is strictly prohibited.
Letter from the Editor
2016 is going to be a big year for my team. The sport is evolving quickly and we are
building momentum even faster than I anticipated. I am more focused than ever
on staying true to our vision and to ask the right questions. This issue is so much
about the questions we are asking, to the FEI and to the rest of the world. We are
well into a new season and as always the start of a new season is about fresh starts,
new beginnings and big goals. Looking back, 2015 offered plenty of focus on the
FEI Clean Sport Initiative and how ambitious intentions fit into a dynamic sport such
as ours.
Discussing the creation of policy, the outline of sanctions and the fundamental goal
of fair play is a topic that I intend to continue to pursue throughout 2016. The FEI
must be respected for the job they do, and their ultimate responsibility to protect
and respect the horse is one that is important to all of us. We must also be able to
discuss policy in our sport, question the way things are done and whether they are
being done in the correct way. This is fundamental to the growth of show jumping
and its successful modern evolution.
In order to go forward we must look back, and with our cover model Pénélope
Leprevost we did both. Learning more about France’s leading lady rider offered
me more insight into what it means to be the best. As both a loving mother and a
fierce competitor, she is a terrific role model for women faced with balancing the
professional and personal choices in life. For Leprevost you do not have to choose
if, but rather how.
Anticipation is beginning to grow for the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
this August. The next six months will carry a strong Olympic undertone as the
inevitable desire to represent one’s country builds. Many riders – and for that matter
most athletes – consider the pinnacle of a career to be an Olympic Gold Medal.
So in respect to those who have come before us and those who are no longer with
us, let us take a special perspective ahead with us in the build-up to this year’s Rio
Olympics. This sport is a gift, the horses within it are one of nature’s most incredible
animals and we are all incredibly fortunate to be amongst each other, aiming high
and dreaming big.
– Noëlle Floyd
An Open Letter
Cian O’Connor
appy New Year and may 2016 bring you everything that you work for and deserve.
It has been an interesting 12 months. I’m writing this column from sunny Florida where I will spend the next
few months competing, coaching and trading in horses.
On a personal level I must say that I’m getting so much enjoyment out of seeing my son, Ben, develop.
He’s almost two-and-a-half now and the new words, the attitude and various mannerisms as well as
watching his brain develop gives great perspective on the real world and opens a new door to life outside
the bubble that is our equestrian goldfish bowl! Nothing compares with coming back from work in the
evenings and spending time with him. Ruth says I’ll magnify his ego; when I ask him every day, “Who is the
best boy?” he obligingly responds, “Ben!” What a star is that?
The latter half of 2015 was unfortunately taken up appealing the Aachen decision and preparing a case to
the Court of Arbitration for Sport, which ultimately failed.
At the European Championships my horse Good Luck and I had jumped clear in the first round of the
Nations’ Cup and were cruising for a repeat performance in the second round when a fence steward ran
directly across my path between fences 10 and 11. This was clear and incontrovertible interference. The
stakes were high and the undeniable distraction caused Good Luck to knock the next fence. When this
score was combined with the faults from the other Irish riders we missed out on a Rio place by less then
half a fault. No other competitor in the class experienced the same fate.
To quote the FEI’s own rules:
“At all levels, only the best man, woman or team should win fairly and squarely, having competed
under even and equitable conditions and under rules that are themselves fair, realistic, and applied with
scrupulous competence and even-handedness. No result can be meaningful or valid if it has not been
achieved on a level playing field.”
With this in mind it’s both ironic and rather frustrating that the FEI secretary general Sabina Ibanez had this
to say following the CAS ruling:
“I am happy that the CAS has confirmed the decision of the FEI Appeal Committee – This was a field
of play issue that was covered by FEI rules, so the CAS ruling upholding the decision made at the time is
an important one for the FEI.”
It really beggars belief that the FEI can say they are “happy” with the decision. How could they be “happy”
that at their own championship a blunder of the highest order occurred on their watch? Due process
was applied in my appeal. Regrettably, for me, the decision was predicated on an obscure rule that no
competitive rider would reasonably contemplate in the middle of a clear round! Perhaps now, the obvious
deficiency of this rule should be reviewed and amended.
(cont. next page)
An Open Letter
Unexpected events do happen on the field of play and every contingency cannot possibly be anticipated.
Bertram, Greg [Broderick], Denis, Conor and myself all have horses proven at top level and will be vying
What happened in Aachen was inexplicable and indefensible as a reasonably predictable “field of play”
for an Olympic ticket. There may be a few others who can join that group on their results and ultimately all
occurrence, which was the FEI’s anchor defense. Who was it that said, “rules are for the guidance of the
of us will be trying to impress this summer in order to secure selection.
wise and the refuge of fools”? Common sense should prevail where there is doubt. It didn’t in this case.
Competition is healthy. Some might say why doesn’t the person who wins the slot get to go automatically
It’s a funny world we live in and the horse business at the top end is gladiatorial. Every equestrian athlete
and that is a valid point. Presumably though, as the Olympic ranking list runs over 15 months from Jan
is hawk-eyed in seeking competitive advantage. This reality may fuel cynicism, but even in success, you
2015 until March 2016, form can fluctuate during that long interval. Take golf for example – the guy winning
are “only King for a day” and tomorrow is a new day. It separates winners from competitors, but I think it
the majors in March 2015 may not be putting too well in July 2016 and then add in the massive anomaly
is necessary to stay grounded.
of the horse - his form and recent results plus soundness and other factors, and it becomes clear what the
reasoning is behind the rule.
I am so lucky to have found a horse of the caliber of Good Luck. All thanks must go to his owner Frank
Stronach, who has been extremely supportive over the past four years. When you come across the horse
When here in Florida I stay at the polo club in Wellington. On January 4th, a horrendous and tragic car
of a lifetime it consumes your mindset. Every class you enter and every round you jump gets dissected and
accident occurred on the street where I’m staying, which claimed the lives of two beautiful and successful
analyzed and the improvement of the animal is scrutinized as you continue to map the path to success for
riders: Andres Rodriguez and Sophie Walker.
the amazing but ever developing talent that has crossed your path.
I knew Andres through his trainer Eddie Macken and I went to a moving service for him in the days
Team Ireland currently has some brilliant riders and horses. Ironically we are more successful individually
following. I have endured the passing of a few special people over the years and it’s a horrible experience
than as a team. I think sometimes lack of focus on agreed targets is an obvious deficiency. It’s not possible
every time. What struck me about this service was the incredible impact Andres had made on everyone
to jump indoors, then do Global Tour venues and then Grands Prix on the way to a Championships
he met in his 31 years.
expecting perennial success on limited horse power.
He had recently married a beautiful and lovely girl, Clementine Goutal, and my heart goes out to her, their
The Dutch team tactics over the past number of years stands as the most successful model. In my opinion,
families, his support team and the wider equestrian public to whom he endeared himself. An enduring
Jeroen Dubbeldam is the best championship rider of this era. If you ask him his key for success he will tell
memory for me is Andres’s puissance success at the Dublin Horse Show last summer, when, after clearing
you that he concentrates on the championship and builds a strategy around that focus.
the big red wall at 7 feet 4 inches, he opened his jacket while galloping around the arena and threw it off
only to expose an Irish rugby jersey, automatically wooing the appreciative capacity Irish crowd. His tragic
It all depends on what one wants in/from life. World ranking points, top 10, Global Tours, Nations’ Cups
loss reverberated on both sides of the Atlantic.
and so forth. There are many roads to Rome and everyone has their own agenda. I for one feel that the
ultimate success in sport is an Olympic Gold Medal. Nations’ Cup competition is undoubtedly the best
We may sometimes worry excessively about four faults, a bad round, or the general pressure that comes
and necessary training ground for becoming a better Championship and ultimately a successful Olympic
with running a sizeable operation. But the passing of beautiful, young and talented people like Sophie
and Andres really illustrates the importance of carpe diem. For sure, have goals and work hard to achieve
them, but as I mature I feel normality is so important and real friendships must be cherished, because the
The FEI have failed in this regard too, as they have not managed to match the prize money put up by the
longer I live I notice the more elusive they become.
Global Champions Tour. This in my view is the essential difference in the Nations’ Cup shows being revived
or becoming a mere training ground for aspiring riders while the top guys chase the bigger prize pots.
When I study the current list, Team Ireland will, I believe, secure two individual places for Rio through the
individual performances of Bertram Allen and the second spot has the best chance to be won by Denis
Lynch or Conor Swail.
Cian O’Connor
Under the rules for the Olympics these spots are then allocated to the Irish Federation and ultimately
based on current results up to the Olympic definite entry date those places will be awarded by the team
manager Robert Splaine to those he feels are most likely to win Ireland an Olympic medal.
remembering you always
Andres Rodriguez
NF: What were some changes you made that led to those wins?
EM: We changed around the programs for the horses, like the
flatwork. Andres is a talented rider and he’s dedicated so it was
easy to make those changes. One of the things that was easy
for me was that he never doubted my input. If I suggested a
change, he never questioned it and he went with it.
Chasing an Olympic Dream
How Eddie Macken Influenced
the career of Andres Rodriguez
This interview was conducted on December 28 , 2015.
Just seven days later, Venezuelan show jumper
Andres Rodriguez tragically passed away following
a car accident in Wellington, Florida.
Together with Eddie Macken, we chose to publish
this interview as Eddie told it to us at the end
of December. Let it stand as a tribute to the talent
that Andres possessed, and to the success that
Eddie and Andres found as a team.
It was exciting for me also because he was probably the most
talented rider I had to work in North America at that stage. He
was the first one of my clients to say, ‘I want to go to WEG, I want to
go to the Olympics, I want to do all this.’ I believe he’s talented
enough to do all those, to achieve whatever he sets his mind on
He’s a good rider, which is an accumulation of a lot of things:
he’s got a great eye, he’s a great competitor, he’s got a lot of
feeling, he’s very clever, he’s got a great brain. He has progressed
When Venezuela’s Andres Rodriguez landed on the podium at the
Noëlle Floyd: How did the partnership begin with Andres?
a lot in the last few years—a little bit from my guidance and a lot
Pan-American Games in Toronto, Canada in July 2015, his silver
Eddie Macken: He asked me if I would come down to his farm
from his motivation.
medal could be explained away as all in a day’s good work for
in Wellington and look at his horses to see if I’d be interested
the rising show jumper. But Rodriguez isn’t an overnight sensa-
in coaching him. I said to him what I say to all my prospective
NF: What makes a rider clever?
tion. He has talent, motivation, horse power, and arguably one of
clients, which is, ‘let’s work together for a weekend and see if
EM: For him, it’s that he never sits quiet. He looks at a million
the best work ethics in the game – and most of all, he has Eddie
we are compatible because if we’re not going to be, there’s no
videos a week. Today, I had three videos from him. He’s always
point in pursuing it any further.’
the next step ahead. He doesn’t sit and think he had a great
season. He’s already looking at what’s next.
The legendary trainer and former Olympic rider for team
I went down and we worked together for a couple of days
Ireland first started working with Rodriguez in 2012, when the
and he was a great guy to work with. He learned very quickly
31-year-old rider was ranked in the 200s in the FEI World Rank-
and he was so enthusiastic. We went through the horses and
NF: How do you get most out of a string of horses like Andres’?
ings. Through meticulous planning and mentorship, Macken has
made plans for them. The older horses needed some time off
EM: Experience. I believe with any of the young riders I take on,
played an instrumental role in Rodriguez’s rise to sitting at the
and we selected which young ones to keep. Our first competi-
if I can stop them from making some of the mistakes I made then
cusp of breaking into the top 30, a goal the latter identified in
tions together were at the beginning of WEF and the FEI Nations
they are already a long way ahead. With the horses he had in 2013,
November 2012.
Cup CSIO4*, which went fairly well with a 5th place finish.
in my youth, I would have been trying to do the Aachens and the
Romes and would have been a small fish in big competition.
This year, the goal is to compete at the 2016 Olympics in Rio
After that, we made a plan for the season and decided to
de Janeiro, Brazil. Although Rodriguez and teammate Emanuel
spend a lot of time in Canada at Spruce Meadows, Thunder-
Andrade earned Venezuela two entries into the individual show
bird, John Anderson’s [Anderson Ranch] and to stay on the West
where we’d like to be. We bought Darlon from Thomas Fuchs,
jumping division, there’s no guarantee that the Venezuela Eques-
Coast for the World Cup Qualifier circuit.
and it took us a long time to get to him. He’s difficult in the
trian Federation will send the qualifying riders to the main event.
Andres and I work together, train together, talk a lot about
mouth and is a stiff-bodied horse. He arrived end of Spruce
So it’s back to planning for Rodriguez and his mentor Macken.
NF: Why did you focus on Canada?
Meadows 2013, and we never gave up on him.
With two Olympic-caliber mounts, Darlon Van Groenhove
EM: Canada suited the horses Andres had at the time, with a lot
(Clinton x Heartbreaker) and S.F. Ariantha (Corland x Emilion),
of 2* and 3* shows. At that stage, he didn’t have 5* grand prix
have to be able to figure out what makes the horse work or tick.
Rodriguez has the cards stacked in his favor. But a countless
horses so we decided the best use of his horses were at that
He was just one of those horses; he improved and improved
number of fences and a fair amount of 5* classes stand in the way
level. We had a very good Spruce Meadows and he won for the
and improved. He jumped a double clear round in Italy in 2014
of a guaranteed trip to show jumping’s holy grail. We sat down
first time there [winning the Talisman Energy Cup] on Caballito.
then had a slight injury in Barcelona. By the time WEF 2015
with Macken to explore his wealth of expertise on the matter and
Every point at that stage helped. Every point was an addition
came along, he was 100 percent again but we wanted to point
to discover the secrets behind a successful program.
to his tally. He had a very good circuit on the West Coast, and
him at the Pan-Ams. We had already made plans in November
he got into the top 100 after that first year of working together.
2014. Andres showed him in Kentucky, Split Rock then Spruce
I’m a great believer that every horse has a key and you
Meadows, where he was sensational. He won a few good classes
fitter. Darlon came to Spruce Meadows and competed on
there and then the Pan-Ams.
and off, winning the ATB Financial Cup. He also finished third
What happened to Andres didn’t happen in one season.
and fourth in two other grand prix classes at CSI5* Spruce
We spent four years planning for this. The goal was always to
Meadows before winning the first qualifying competition at
get to top 30. We’re around the top 40 – we’re almost there.
NF: How does your planning play into success?
NF: How do you manage the intense five weeks of Spruce?
EM: If you’re on course and you believe in where you’re
EM: It’s about long-term planning. We picked the weeks we
going, you don’t give into change. If you believe and a horse
wanted to do, and Darlon also got some quiet time. We made
suddenly loses form, then you need to figure out why. How
sure he showed in some big classes and some smaller classes
am I going to fix this? Maybe that horse needs some time off
to peak at Pan-Ams.
or we’re doing something slightly wrong? We need to figure
this out a little bit and that’s all part of the horsemanship that
us down. That horse is one of the most amazing horses I’ve
comes into this sport.
ever been around. He’s won everything. He’s our speed horse,
Our back-up horse all along is old Caballito. He never lets
It’s not a change debate—that’s seldom successful. It’s trying
our grand prix horse, and he even jumped the Puissance in
to figure out why it’s not just functioning the way it should be.
Dublin this year. He’d been to WEG in 2014 with Andres. He’s
That might mean a week off or a new gymnastics. It depends
a frustrating horse, he’s spooky and shy in the ring at times,
on the horse you have. We try not to get stuck in a set program.
but when he’s on, he’s on.
Macken cheers Rodriguez on through the finish
Nobody can tell you what’s going to work, but from my
at the 2015 Pan Ams. Photo:
experience, I can say what won’t work.
NF: What’s the plan leading up to the Olympics?
We didn’t have the coaching and the management when I
EM: We’ve got two horses, Darlon and Ariantha, as options
was younger so most things were done by trial and error. I did
for the Olympics. If we get one there at 100 percent of where
NF: What’s going to win the Olympics, in your opinion?
NF: And is there a secret weapon to Andres’ program?
learn a lot from Paul Schockemöhle. I was lucky enough to ride
we wanted, we’re going to be doing well. It’s great to have
EM: First of all, no matter who you are, you’ve got to be lucky
EM: Clementine Goutal [Andres’ wife] has been a big part in
with Paul and [his brother] Alwin was next door. I learned an
the possibility of two horses. One’s a mare, one’s a gelding.
and have to get the breaks. You make your own luck to a large
the decision making with Andres. She’s very clever and very
awful lot, not from coaching but by being in that atmosphere.
One’s quick and sharp, one is slower but dependable. If you
degree, you do everything right—preparation is right, plan is
astute. She’s a big influence and anytime she has anything to
want to be at the top of the sport, you have to be able to ride
right—but you need that little bit of luck when you get there.
say, we listen to her. Success is also with people you choose to
but I’m not managing every movement. I still love that to this
them all.
Whoever has that will do well, whoever doesn’t will be a close
surround yourself around. She’s also a seriously talented rider.
day, if we have difficulties with a horse, I still sit on the horse to
runner. If you just don’t get that rub you don’t get away with,
get a completely different view and feel of what’s going on.
missing WEF again this year. Ariantha has very little experi-
I watch the horses go and make observations to tweak programs
The plan really depends on the horses. Darlon will be
it’s hard to win it.
NF: You’re also busy working with a variety of clients. Who else
are you training?
ence at the 5* level so she’ll do four grand prix classes at
NF: How did you plan Darlon’s schedule?
WEF then her program in the summer will have to be reas-
NF: What does a rider like Andres need to get into the top 30?
EM: I train Viggo and Alma Bjorklund from Sweden. Viggo went
EM: Darlon didn’t particularly like WEF in 2014 so we made
sessed and lightened up if she comes through her tests in
EM: A couple of good 5* results. Normal ranking classes don’t
to the European Young Riders Championship. I just started with
a plan to not show again at WEF with him. When we make a
Wellington. As we get closer to the Games, we’ll start going
bring you forward that much anymore. A rider has to look at
his sister Alma. I have a large variety in my client base. I’m working
plan like that, Andres stays the course, even though he’d love
in one direction or another.
the bigger stars. I wouldn’t say every 5* event; we can’t kill the
closely with a young boy from Mexico, Eugenio Garza. Another
to show [Darlon] at WEF. Our goals in 2016 for the horse are
horses we have. The temptation is challenging.
client, Jorge Matte from Chile, almost made the Pan-Am Games
Aachen, Dublin, and the Olympic Games.
quarantine period has to be factored in, and we’re hoping
In my day, the horses had time off and that’s important.
to do Dublin with the horse that doesn’t go to Europe, or
NF: What’s unique about your partnership with Andres?
the next WEG and the next Olympics. Myself and Andres have
They are kept in work with flatwork and fitness but they’re not
with Caballito. When the time comes for the Olympics, we’ll
EM: Andres and I work very closely together. In our five seasons
amateur rider Maria Costa, who I really enjoy working with. We
showing or jumping. Darlon started his 2015 in Kentucky to
choose the horse that Andres has the most confidence in
of working together, we have never had a disagreement. We
are really looking forward to Maria breaking into the Grand Prix
build his fitness. With a few 1.45-meter grand prix classes, it
because Rio’s only one class.
discuss a lot and make plans. That’s why we’re successful. We’re
circuit this year. What can I say about Clementine; she is our star.
was an ideal show for him to start. The aim is to get him confi-
The whole thing is that your horses need to get to Rio
compatible and we get along well together. It’s a mentorship
Carmen Barrera is an incredibly important part of Andres’ career
dent and make him feel good about himself. Then Andres
mad to jump and not feeling as though they’ve had a hard
relationship. It’s the kind of training that allows Andres to make
and operation. My wife Kathi Macken is also a very important part
showed him a little bit at Split Rock to get him stronger and
season. With two or three horses, you have a better chance.
decisions for himself.
of what we do. At the end of the day, we are a team.
We’re planning to go to Europe in the summer. The
for Chile. Both Eugenio and Jorge have their sights set for
January 13th – April 3rd
February 5th – 7th
February 4th – 7th
February 10th – 15th
February 17th – 20th
Bordeaux, France
Ocala, Florida USA
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
The 37th annual, 12-week competition returns
Deeridge Farms welcomes this year’s
One of the first ten stages at the inception
The HITS Ocala Winter Circuit will host the
The Middle Eastern Division’s first stop
to the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center,
Wellington Masters for the first time. Hosting
of the FEI World Cup, it’s fitting that this
Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup™, presented by
for the 2016 Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup™.
featuring unmatched opportunities to succeed
the penultimate East Coast sub-league
year’s Jumping International de Bordeaux
Edge Brewing Barcelona, during its fifth
Much like its Ocala counterpart, the show
in world class competition. Highlights include
event for the inaugural Longines FEI World
hosts the final Qualifier for the Western
week, offering the only stateside chance
offers an early glimpse of qualified teams
four weeks of CSI5* competition and three weeks
Cup™ Jumping North American League,
European League, to determine the 18
to qualify for the Final in Barcelona, Spain,
in advance of the Olympics. With warm tem-
of CSI4* competition. WEF continues to prove
the private venue features a pristine grass
European finalists invited to challenge
in September. Thirteen invited nations will
peratures, a big turf field, and competition
itself as a valuable training ground for both
grand prix field and rare glimpse inside a
the current titleholder, 2012 Olympic gold
contest over a course designed by Ireland’s
under the lights, the event mimics Florida’s
riders and horses, especially those hoping to
top training facility. Furthermore, the
medalist, Steve Guerdat of Sweden. The
Alan Wade, providing a special glimpse at
atmosphere in many ways and remains a
earn themselves invitations to Rio team
show’s results will play a major role in
historic indoor setting is a perennial favorite
the team format that will continue to be
palatable option for European riders unwill-
selection trials.
deciding which top talents will qualify for
for competitors, attracting such talents as
showcased this summer.
ing to cross the Atlantic for the winter season.
March’s World Cup Final in Sweden.
France’s Simon Delestre and Kevin Staut.
Wellington, Florida USA
Wellington, Florida USA
what’s on:
February 19th – 21st
n an Olympics year, the pressure
March 10th – 13th
March 18th – 20th
March 24th – 28th
April 7th – 9th
to perform and win amplifies at
the top venues around the world.
Longines Masters of
Hong Kong, China
show jumping elite flock to Florida for
The majority of the international
‘s Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Longines Global Champions Tour
Paris, France
Gothenburg, Sweden
Miami, Florida USA
its warmer climate and large, outdoor
The Longines Masters of Hong Kong promises
For four days, the Brabanthallen will be
Over the past six years, the Saut Hermès has
The 38 Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping
With its beautiful Art Deco buildings and
arenas as the thrilling indoor circuit
to meet high expectations, delivering three
dedicated to equestrian sports, hosting the
brought international show jumping to the
Final returns to the Scandinavium Arena,
dazzling beaches against the shockingly
in Europe continues. Additional
days filled to the brim with exhilarating sport,
49th edition of Indoor Brabant. Yet another
center of Paris, displaying equestrian art
where the championship class first debuted
blue Atlantic Ocean, Miami Beach sets a
stops in Abu Dhabi, Hong Kong, and
in addition to offering guests a prominent
historic, indoor show jumping venue, every
and sporting excellence. The 7th annual
in 1979. From 14 World Cup Leagues around
picturesque background for the American leg
Miami Beach encourage riders to criss-
social event. The show’s spotlight shines
seat in the house will be filled to witness the
Saut Hermès at the Grand Palais will once
the world, approximately 45 qualified riders
of the Longines Global Champions Tour. The
cross the world. With much on the
equally on sport, fashion, and art, and it strives
spectacular performances from Europe’s
again showcase the essential riding values
will compete at the 40th anniversary of the
show makes its second return to this hub of
line, in the way of championships and
to build an experience that encapsulates
favorite horse-and-rider pairs. Last year,
of courage, respect and precision; a world
Gothenburg Horse Show. This historic show
energy, showcasing top international talent and
national teams, the start to the year
luxury, lifestyle, and sophistication. Since the
no less than than 24 of the top 30 in the
of perfect harmony embodied by the riders
was the first to introduce spectacular flower
competition that fits right into a beautiful
will undoubtedly push the sport to yet
2008 Olympic Games in China, interest for
FEI World Rankings entered the competi-
and their horses, set against the beautiful
arrangements into the arena, an artistic
day at the beach. Spectators will be treated
another level.
show jumping has been growing fast, and
tion, and this year should attract an equally
backdrop of the City of Lights.
component now universal in international
to five exciting 5* classes, and the best seats
enthusiasts eagerly watch the world’s 25 best
stellar, if not better, field.
show jumping venues.
in the house will once again be the lifeguard
riders compete.
station at the water’s edge.
Presented By
The Book, LLC
North America’s Newest Premier Show Jumping Event
Ride Like An
By Esther Hahn
There’s a wunderkind climbing the ranks of North American
show jumping, turning heads with each significant title she secures.
In the 2015 show season alone, she won the FEI North American
Featuring the Longines FEI World CupTM Jumping Wellington
Young Rider Show Jumping individual gold medal, the United
States Equestrian Federation Junior Jumper Championship and
the USEF Under-25 National Championship.
Sunday, February 7, 2016 • 11 a.m.
Deeridge Farms, Wellington, FL •
Lucy began 2016 by riding in the
“The only factor working
GHM Horsemastership Training
Sessions for young riders.
against her at the moment
is her birthdate. Deslauriers
must wait another year and
a half before she can chase
the FEI record that her
father continues to hold.”
ucy Deslauriers also made her debut into the FEI-level,
to win the FEI World Cup Final in 1984. But after two Olympics
by campaigning two experienced, equitation horses, Class
teenager. And she’s always quick to praise her horses and her
parents for the opportunities afforded to her.
international grand prix division, topping seasoned veterans
for his native country, he switched to compete under the
Action and Great Gatsby, alongside her two jumpers, Hester
at CSI3*-W International Bromont to win a 1.50-meter class
American flag in accord with marrying Deslauriers’ mother,
and Hamlet.
in August. Meanwhile, in the equitation arena, she won the
Lisa Tarnopol Deslauriers, in 2009.
Her parallel success in both the equitation and jumper arenas
“My success in the jumper ring definitely correlates to my
makes her a poster child of the American system, one that
Perhaps less known than the illustrious riding careers of the
experience in equitation competitions,” Deslauriers said. “I
emphasizes the importance of correct posture for effective
Deslauriers men, Tarnopol Deslauriers’ riding achievements
plan to continue to do equitation classes for the next couple
riding. “Equitation helps to establish the basics of American
To say 2015 was a breakout year for the 16-year-old would be
also include international-level competition with the United
of years, but we’ll see what happens.”
style of riding and how to properly execute a course,”
an understatement. But then again, for those who remember
States team before taking on the roles of mother and New
George H. Morris Excellence in Equitation Championship and
finished as reserve champion in the Maclay Final.
Deslauriers said. “Often the questions asked in the equita-
her first appearance in the competition ring, at the age of
York City realtor. Although interest in horses skipped over
Deslauriers trains with Beacon Hill Show Stables’ Stacia
tion ring will resemble those in big championships or in the
four for the Hampton Classic’s leadline class, it’s always been
Jack, Lucy developed a desire to ride at an early age and
Madden when competing in the equitation division and
jumper ring.”
expected that she would develop into a top talent, with a
never looked back.
meets the veteran trainer at shows. Both her equitation
horses are 15-year-old geldings, specifically purchased at the
Under the tutelage of her father, at their home barn on Long
Nature and Nurture
beginning of last season to aid the process of moving up and
Island, N.Y., and at show jumping competitions, Deslauriers
A combination of natural talent and careful development can
improving Deslauriers’ equitation career.
has solidified the relationships with Hester (Wandor Van
show jumping career that’s destined for the top.
The Deslauriers name is a familiar one on the international show
circuits. Lucy’s father Mario Deslauriers rode for Canada,
be credited for Deslauriers’ impressive rise in the sport. And
coached by his father Roger Deslauriers, an instrumental
with parents that truly understand the American riding system,
“They’re both very experienced masters of the testing phases,
figure behind Olympic-level equestrian sports in Bromont,
Deslauriers holds an advantage over her peers by concur-
and they make my job a lot easier,” Deslauriers said. It’s the
Quebec. A 19-year-old Mario was the youngest rider in history
rently developing both her equitation and jumper skill sets
kind of comment that often comes from the humble, grounded
De Mispelaere x Palestro VD Begijnakker) and Hamlet
(Cicero Z x Heartbreaker) into big wins on the national and
international stages.
(cont. next page)
he’s able to put himself in the mindset of riding them to give
me precise plans during course walks.”
A specific type of horse also plays a role in finding success at
a young age, according to Deslauriers. “Because I’m young
and bound to make mistakes as a junior rider, a brave horse
that’s willing to forgive a mistake comes in handy,” she added.
“Both Hester and Hamlet are forgiving but also very brave and
willing to move forward. They’ve given me confidence.”
American Dreaming
Deslaurier’s short-term goal is to further acclimate to the
1.50-meter grand prix level. And for the long term, she hopes
to compete for the United States on Nations Cups teams
and the Olympic team.
The only factor working against her at the moment is her
birthdate. With a required, minimum age of 18 to compete
“I started riding Hester when he was eight,” Deslauriers said
in the Olympics and the FEI World Cup classes, Deslauriers
of the ten-year-old, bay, Belgian warmblood. “Dad was riding
must wait another year and a half before she can chase the FEI
and showing him, but in the spring of 2013, I started riding him
record that her father continues to hold.
because I needed a horse to move up in divisions, and Dad
thought, ‘Why not try it out?’ It clicked, and we kept going.
“I feel very fortunate to have the horse power and the support
Since then, he’s always been a family horse, which makes the
to be able to contend and jump at that level at this age,”
success so special.”
Deslauriers said. “Of course, I wish I could compete in the
classes, but I’m definitely not complaining.”
Hamlet, an eight-year-old, gray, Belgian warmblood gelding,
is a newer mount for Deslauriers, although he, too, was
Education also plays an important role in the Deslauriers
passed down from Mario.
family. “Education comes before riding,” Deslauriers said.
“I’m definitely going to go to college, but I also have hopes to
“We purchased him toward the end of his six-year-old year,”
show in Europe, whether that’s in one year or five.”
said Deslauriers. “Dad still helps to train and teach him, and
recently, Hamlet and I moved up to high juniors. He’s come
For the winter months, when her horses are based in Florida,
very far this past year. It feels very special to be part of his
Deslauriers maintains a regular school schedule, flying down
growth. The Washington International was our first indoor
to compete on Friday nights and returning to New York City
show together, and it was the first time I could really feel a
on the following Sundays.
huge difference from where he began when we first got him.”
It’s all a balancing act for the young Deslauriers, who is effecWhen asked to pinpoint the factors behind her major wins
tively the face of the second generation of United States show
in the season, Deslauriers highlighted the importance of her
jumping. The future looks bright with Deslauriers at the helm,
father’s in-depth knowledge of her mounts. “Because my dad
able and ready to improve on her parents’ foundation. She’s
has ridden and shown my horses, he really knows them,” she
gunning for the top – and she’s only a couple birthdays away
said. “He knows how to deal with their different quirks, and
from getting there.
for more information:
Plot Blue Takes His Final Bow
On December 11th, 2015, in the same arena at CHI Geneva,
Switzerland where he won the 2010 FEI World Cup Jumping
Final, the enigmatic stallion Plot Blue was honored on the
occasion of his retirement from the sport of show jumping.
Dry eyes were hard to come by as a standing ovation
greeted the 18-year-old KWPN stallion (Mr. Blue x Pilot) as he
entered the arena accompanied by his rider Marcus Ehning of
Germany, groom Kay Neatham, and owner Kathrin Somogyi.
Plot Blue, who earned team gold at the 2015 FEI World
Equestrian Games, finished 5th individually in the 2012 London
Olympic Games, and carried his rider to countless grand prix
victories around the world, will enjoy the next chapter of his
life as a breeding stallion in Borken, Germany.
Face time
with fans
Los Angeles, California, USA – October 1st – 4th
Actress Melissa Gold
Ben Maher & Boomerang
One of the West Coast of North America’s only CSI5* competitions
Longines Masters
of Los Angeles CSI5*
returned to Los Angeles last fall with a smoother schedule and no lack
of top international riders and horses flown all the way from Europe.
Germany’s Marco Kutscher and Van Gogh won the Grand Prix of Los
Angeles, and earned many new American fans in the process.
Quentin Judge & HH Fyloe
Actress Denise Richards
Eduardo Menezes
Marco Kutscher
& Van Gogh
Scott Brash &
Steve Guerdat
Sheikh Ali Bin
Khalid al Thani
Ben Maher & Kent Farrington
Ashlee Bond & Cornancer
Actress Kaley Cuoco &
Tracy Wade/Darth Vader
Meagan Nusz
Jennifer Gates
as Dorothy
Marco Kutscher
& Van Gogh
Scott Brash
Bruce Springsteen
with daughter Jessica
Washington D.C., USA – October 21st – 25th, 2015
Horse Show
Schuyler Riley & Navalo de Poheton
Harrie Smolders & Emerald
Jos Verlooy & Adam Cromarty
The prestigious Washington International Horse Show was held
this past October and saw Dutchman Harrie Smolders take top
prize in the $125,000 Longines FEI World Cup Jumping Grand
Prix, and Belgium’s Jos Verlooy earned both Leading International Jumper Rider and Leading Under 25 Rider honors.
Selfie stick!
Aaron Vale & Zappo II
Testing puissance wall height
Show jumping fans
Aaron Vale barrel races
Jos Verlooy
& Charlie Jayne
Conor Swail
& McLain Ward
Kaitlin Campbell & Artani
Shetland pony races
Monica Algarra, Kim Prince &
Lydia Frey
Harrie Smolders
Anthony D’Ambrosio
Victoria Lowell, WIHS President
Swedish Ambassador Björn
Lyrvall with daughter & friends
Grand Prix win shot
Nicola Philippaerts, barrel race winner
Laura Ingles, Greg Gingery,
Mary K & Dennis Shaughnessy,
and Bridget Love Meehan
Photography: Jump Media/Alden Corrigan Media
Thermal, California, USA – November 5th – 8th, 2015
Lauren Hough
Richard Spooner
Steve McAllister
& Buddy Brown
Beezie Madden
& Robert Ridland
California girl Lucy Davis headlined a return to her home state
when she rode victorious aboard her fiery chestnut partner Barron in the second annual Sunshine Series’ $350,000 Sunshine
Sunshine Series CSI5*
Jenni Martin McAllister
Grand Prix CSI5*. The two-week fall series is quickly becoming
a favorite on the American show jumping calendar.
Kent Farrington
Jonathon McCrea
Andres Rodriguez
Christian Heineking
Eric Navet
Nicole Peterson
Harley Brown & Apex
Lucy Davis & Barron
Lucy Davis & Karl Cook
Kent Farrington
Jos Verlooy
McLain Ward
Jonathon McCrea
Ingate treds
Photography: Bret St Clair
Lyon, France – October 28th – November 1st, 2015
The hand of Henri Prudent,
congratulating Flora de Mariposa
Pénélope Leprevost &
Flora de Mariposa
Pénélope Leprevost was the very fitting star of Lyon Indoors,
an important stop on the Western European League’s Longines
FEI World Cup Jumping qualifying season. She stole the show
Equita Lyon CSI5*
Kevin Staut &
Qurack de Falaise HDC
aboard Flora de Mariposa to win the World Cup Grand Prix,
Scott Brash & Hello Forever
amid a busy warmup
capping an exciting weekend of French victories.
Claire Griot of Equidia
& Paul Estermann
Marcus Ehning & Bertram Allen
Soren Pedersen &
Tailormade Chaloubet
Laurence Gazel with Qurack
de Falaise HDC
Simon Delestre
& Qlassic
Bois Margot
Casallo &
Douglas Lindelow
Henrik Von Eckermann &
Nanna Nieminen
Julien Gonin &
Soleil de Cornu CH
Geneviève Megret & Anne, Flora
de Mariposa’s owner & groom
Riders’ conference with
CD Frank Rothenburger
Meredith Michaels Beerbaum
Luciana Diniz & Fit For Fun
Qurack de Falaise HDC
Top riders: Jane Richard Philips, Edwina Tops
Alexander, Carlos Lopez, Meredith Michaels
Beerbaum & Timothée Anciaume
International riders with Florence Amalou,
Equidia communication director, at right
Pénélope Leprevost
with Nelson Monfort
Last minute adjustments
– Christian Ahlmann & Colorit
with Raymond Cassan
Photography: Jessica Rodrigues
Doha, Qatar – November 12th–15th, 2015
Abdelkebir Ouaddar &
Quickly de Kreisker
Lintea Tequila
Luciana Diniz upset Scott Brash’s stranglehold on the LGCT
Longines Global
Champions Tour Doha
Series Championship when she won the final Grand Prix of the
LGCT season at Doha aboard the small chestnut mare Fit For
Fun. The annual LGCT series finale was held at the colossal Al
Shaqab Equestrian Center in the Middle East.
Christina Liebherr &
L.B. Eagle Eye
Abdelkebir Ouaddar
Sheikh Ali Bin Khalid Al Thani
Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani & HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser
Flora de Mariposa
Scott Brash
Hans-Dieter Dreher & Cool and Easy
Marco Danese & Omar At Mannai
Molly Malone & Marlen Schannwell
Sheikh Ali Bin Khalid Al Thani
& First Devision
Hacking time
Luciana Diniz
Pius Schwizer
LGCT Doha podium
The series trophy
Daniel Deusser
Scott Brash & Luciana Diniz
Five star greets future star
Photography: Stefano Grasso
Jane Richard Philips
Paris, France – December 3rd – 6th, 2015
Julien Epaillard
Bassem Hassan Mohammed
Amid a patriotic atmosphere, French riders took home the top
Masters of Paris CSI5*
John Whitaker
titles at this year’s Longines Masters of Paris. Patrice Delaveau &
Lacrimoso 3 HDC won both the Miasuki Trophy and Longines
Grand Prix, and Simon Delestre won the GUCCI Gold Cup and
placed 2nd in the Grand Prix in front of joyful French audiences.
Lauren Hough & Ohlala
Jerome Hurel
Kerry Finch & Tin Tin
Pénélope & Eden Leprevost
Pedro Cebulka
Hannah Colman & Hello Annie
Maikel Van Der Vleuten
Julien Epaillard
Martin Fuchs &
Uzo van het Hobos Z
Gregory Wathelet
Bernardo Alves
Billy Twomey &
Tinkas Serenade
Quiet Easy, Marlen Schannwell
& Bertram Allen
Simon Delestre at the ingate
Patrice Delaveau &
Lacrimoso 3 HDC
Kent Farrington
Longines Grand Prix podium
Charlotte Casiraghi
& Fernanda Ameeuw
Geneva, Switzerland – December 10th – 13th, 2015
Christian Ahlmann
Philip Rozier
Ludger Beerbaum
Billed as the world’s best indoor show, the CHI Geneve’s 2015
edition did not disappoint, with an American and a Swiss rider sharing
top honors: Kent Farrington won the Rolex IJRC Top Ten Final aboard
CHI Geneva CSI5*
Omer Karaevli & Roso Au Crosner
Voyeur, and Steve Guerdat earned victory in the €1.2 Million Rolex
Grand Prix, one third of the Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping.
Roger Yves Bost &
Sydney Un Prince
Reed Kessler
& Cylana
Phillipe Putallaz &
Ouessant De Perhet
Daniel Bluman, Martin Fuchs
& Anna Julia Kontio
Michael Jung
Gerco Schroder
Kevin Staut
Lorenzo de Luca &
Homer De Reve
Kent Farrington
Julie Andrews of NBC Sports
Rolex Grand Prix winners, Steve
Guerdat & Nino Des Buissonnets
Denise Moriarty & Gazelle
The Top Ten Final grooms
Pedro Cebulka
& Steve Guerdat
Bryan Balsiger
Eric Lamaze &
Fine Lady 5
Meredith Michaels
Steve Guerdat &
Nino Des Buissonnets
Simon Delestre
Simon Delestre,
Kent Farrington &
Daniel Deusser
Kent Farrington
Scott Brash
& Hello Sanctos
Luciana Diniz &
London, England – December 15th – 21st, 2015
The London
International Horse
Show, Olympia CSI5*
Jos Verlooy
Pius Schwizer
Michael Whitaker,
Scott Brash, Simon Delestre
Martin Fuchs
Kevin Staut
This end of year show saw Italy’s Emanuele Gaudiano take a big
win in the Longines World Cup Jumping qualifier, but the week
will be remembered by Bertram Allen’s controversial elimination
from the Olympia Grand Prix. Michael Whitaker & Viking were
placed as winner, sparking a tide of support for Allen.
Ludger Beerbaum
Bertram Allen
Malin Baryard-Johnsson
& H&M Tornesch
Michael Whitaker
Michael Whitaker & Viking
Steve Guerdat
Marcus Ehning
Marcus Ehning, Ludger Beerbaum,
Henrik Von Eckermann
Michael Whitaker & Viking
Martin Fuchs
Michael Whitaker, Jack
Whitaker, Bertram Allen
Henrik Von Eckermann
& Scott Brash
Maikel Van Der Vleuten &
Daniel Deusser
Emanuele Gaudiano,
World Cup prizegiving
Simon Delestre & Steve Guerdat
Olivier Robert &
Philippe Guerdat
Photography: Jessica Rodrigues
Mechelen, Belgium – December 26th – 30th, 2015
Kevin Staut
Douglas Lindelow & Talina
Germany’s Christian Ahlmann upset an all Belgian podium when
Mechelen CSI5*
he took his third World Cup Qualifier victory of the season at
Mechelen aboard Taloubet Z. This post-Christmas show attracted
the best of Belgium to vie for qualifying points amid a holiday
Cameron Hanley
& Antello Z
Pénélope Leprevost
Chloe Vranken
& Elton Jones
Top three in the World Cup qualifier
Festive pony races
Christian Ahlmann
Henna de Goedereede
Jos Verlooy &
Harrie Smolders
Pieter Devos
& Espoir
Judy-Ann Melchoir
Luca Maria Moneta
& Daniel Deusser
Gudrun Pateet
& Eckard Kurten
Christian Ahlmann
& Taloubet Z
Joe Clee &
Yves Houthakkers
Jerome Guery
& Papillon Z
Jeroen Appelen & Aikido Z
Niels Bruynseels
Caroline Poels & Apart
Christian Ahlmann
& Taloubet Z
Ludo Philippaerts is honored
Photography: Michael van de Velde/
Stabling with
Laura Kraut
Nick Skelton
Inside the Wellington Stable of
more than one big star
By Erin Gilmore
Stabling with
n one of the many packed clay roads of Wellington,
Florida, USA, a low profile, light grey barn bordered by canals
and riding paths gives nothing away of its famous occupants.
Even if you were to ride past and spot a bay horse with a
bluntly cut forelock looking out a window, or a dappled grey
hanging his head into the aisle, it would take a sharp eye to
name them.
At Nick Skelton and Laura Kraut’s winter stables, their base
for nearly half of every year, the two stars of the stable live at
opposite ends of T-shaped aisle ways. And while Big Star and
Cedric get the most attention, and probably the biggest place
in Skelton’s and Kraut’s hearts, their 30-stalls in Florida are
filled with a busy program of up-and-comers, student horses
and more than just two accomplished grand prix mounts.
Stabling with
“By the time the circuit begins the
horses are not only really fit and
relaxed, they’re really happy.”
Stabling with
Eight acres in Wellington translates to a large property, packed
the way it is chock full of equestrian paradises that range
from the ostentatious to the modest. One hundred percent
functional and spacious, Kraut and Skelton’s stable occupies
a solid middle ground. Its covered walker, two treadmills,
ample grass paddocks and shaded sand arena provide rain or
shine space for their equine athletes to stretch their legs. The
wide aisle ways in the barn, and large grooms’ house located
halfway between the barns and arena makes it a welcoming
place for the whole team to work.
“We’re so lucky; it’s so quiet here, we have beautiful paddocks
and trails to hack out on, and by the time the circuit begins
the horses are not only really fit and relaxed, they’re really happy,”
Kraut says about the property, which is leased from owner Jim Ritter.
For Skelton, it’s the location where he legged Big Star up prior
to the start of the 2016 Winter Equestrian Festival. Beverly
Widowson’s enormously popular 13-year-old KWPN stallion
by Quick Star sat out much of the 2014 and 2015 seasons due
to injury, but with careful rehabilitation and a fitness program
doing their jobs to bring Big Star back to top form, Skelton
was optimistic about the season ahead.
“Every day is a bonus, so we just have to see how it goes,” he
said. “It’s been a careful process. The problem is that when he
jumps he’s very hard on himself. He gives a lot of energy and
power because he’s just so keen to jump.”
(cont. page 57)
Stabling with
Stabling with
is optimistic that with a careful start
whom have already started winning at the CSI level. And the
to the season, starting low and building Big Star up to the
(cont. from page 53) Skelton
partnerships that Kraut has built with her more experienced
bigger classes, he could again become a contender for a
mounts (Andretti S, Deauville, and Nouvelle) gives her many
team spot during Great Britain’s selection for this summer’s
reasons to be optimistic about the year ahead.
Rio Olympic Games. He ranks high among British equestrian fans –and fans the world over– for his joyous reaction to
That said, “I’m not going to put an enormous amount of
winning Olympic Team Gold in London at age 54, with a then
pressure on any of the nine year olds,” Kraut remarked. “I
nine-year-old Big Star.
think you can burn them out here quickly [in Florida], so I want
to keep my head on my shoulders with them. Really my goal
As for Kraut, her superstar of the stable is still 18-year-old
is to get them up at higher levels this summer. We’ve gone
Cedric, now a longtime veteran of the international ranks. The
really slow and they’re ready for it.”
Holsteiner gelding by Chambertin that is owned by Cherry
Knoll Farm was just 10 when he clinched Team Gold for the
Together, Kraut and Skelton coach a small group of young
United States at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Since then he’s
riders who are ones to watch themselves. Students Emma
brought Kraut endless joy and success at the top of the sport,
Heise and Emily Moffitt spent the summer of 2015 trading
and at the beginning of this year, she was adamant that her
CSI2* wins at top European shows. After spending most of
star has nothing left to prove.
their time on the road at competitions in Europe for much
of the summer season, the whole team enjoys training and
“I’m really hopeful to have this last year [of competition] with
competing together in Wellington during the winter months.
him,” Kraut said. “I definitely don’t think that it will go past
this year. I’ll bring him out halfway through circuit and I’ll let
As the season unfolds, time will tell if the star of the season
him jump what he wants to jump. I don’t know that big, big
will be Big Star, Cedric, or any one of the other jumpers that
grand prixs are in the cards for him this year. But he really
call this stable home.
enjoys going to the shows and we really enjoy having him
there. He’s like our mascot.”
Kraut has a deep string coming up behind Cedric; unusually
deep in that it includes six, promising nine-year-olds, some of
The ironclad resolve and French elegance of Pénélope Leprevost
Previous page: clothing
by Alexander Wang. This
page and next: dress by
Alexander Wang, shoes by
Gianvito Rossi, head piece
by PP From Longwy
anding in Paris, we did not know what to expect. It was the first week
of December, and two weeks prior terrorists had attacked the city. With true
French resilience however, the Longines Masters of Paris, held just outside the
city near Charles de Gaulle Airport, remains on course, despite a number of riders
withdrawing and a clear increase in security throughout the region.
But no French riders withdrew their entry, and our cover model, the 35-year-old
Olympian Pénélope Leprevost, had not questioned her attendance for a single
moment. This particular trip to Paris taught me a lot about resilience, the understated strength of the French and specifically, one of the most fascinating women in
show jumping.
A single mother who loves that she is able to concentrate on raising her daughter
while maintaining her position at the top of the sport, Leprevost represents so much
about modern feminist philosophy and yet she has been strongly influenced by
three men in her life: the father of her daughter Guillaume Blin-Lebreton, her mentor
Michel Robert and her long time teammate and friend Kevin Staut.
Leprevost never imagined a life in the spotlight of anything. She was a delicate child
who spent the initial years of her life hiding in the shadow of her mother, making it
all the more surprising that she would grow up to become a force of nature within
one of the more male-dominated facets in equestrian sport.
In the Heart of Paris
After landing in Paris, we spent the night a mere stone’s throw from the Eiffel Tower.
Preparing our location for Leprevost’s arrival this morning, my team is getting a real
feel of the city in its current emotional state. The mood on the streets of the French
capital is nostalgic and peaceful, even as armed guards walk at a measured pace
within Museums and Art Galleries.
embodies French
This page:dress by
Alexander Wang, hat
by Laurence Bossion
elegance in an
resilience that
accompanies the
delicate features
on her face.
“…this is what
France’s leading lady rider is on her way to meet our team at a historic apartment
Pénélope chooses to
that will occupy the cover of this magazine. When Leprevost arrives, she acknowl-
concentrate on. Not
of many rooms of the apartment. There is a shyness about her, and yet a genuine
on whether she is a
Today is far from her only commitment. After the four-hour photoshoot with Noelle
rare specimen amongst
competition at the Longines Masters of Paris. This is the life she has chosen, but it
building overlooking the Champ de Mars gardens that lies at the foot of the Eiffel
Tower. It’s here that our team is working, busy setting the stage for the photoshoot
edges each and every person on the team with the traditional French greeting –a
kiss on each cheek– before she quietly follows the hair and makeup team into one
pleasure in getting to know everyone who has come together for today’s shoot.
Floyd Magazine, Leprevost has a TV appearance scheduled a short drive away
before she must make her way to the outskirts of city and prepare for the first day of
does not come without its sacrifices.
a room full of men,
Leprevost embodies French elegance in an unwavering resilience that accompanies
but rather that she
strong with many male competitors.
can beat them.”
the delicate features on her face. Her strength, a trait that she shares with many of
her female colleagues at the top of the sport, seems mandatory amidst a sport so
We get underway with the shoot, taking full advantage of the golden morning light
shining through the double glazed windows. Tall and athletic, yet able to fit into the
sample couture pieces brought to the shoot, Leprevost emulates the same calm
confidence she elicits in the ring.
Ride Like a Man
There is a self-awareness about her that Leprevost’s teammates speak of with a
mixture of admiration and respect. Her male teammates sometime refer to her as “a
real man in the ring.”
“I imagine they refer to my mental state, and I take it as a complement,” Leprevost
says. “I believe one of the keys is to be solid mentally and I think having that quality
and to be able to keep a cool head is important. I know what I want. I find it difficult
to be competitive at the higher level without being demanding with one’s self above
all else.”
Her demands on herself are evident in her work ethic and her results. Dancing back
and forth with Beezie Madden as the leading lady rider of the sport, Leprevost sat in
Opposite page:
clothing by Alexander
Wang, shoes by
Gianvito Rossi
Next page: Ludovic
the World No. 3 spot for much of 2015.
Women represent 16% of the riders in the World’s Top 50 ranked riders and only
17% of the World’s 100 ranked riders. That means that among 50 of the world’s best
riders, there are only eight women. And amongst the Top 10,
teams, racks of designer clothes is nothing like her normal
there is only Leprevost and Madden.
office of barn aisles and sand arenas. But it is as if a steel
coating sits between her and the rest of the world. She is aware
“I think there’ll always be more men but that we will see more
of everything around her, and yet she remains unaffected.
women,” Leprevost states. “This is already the case, there are
more women at the higher level today than 20 years ago. I
Leprevost is one person in the ring and another at home. Her
would say without hesitation we are all career women.”
longtime teammate Kevin Staut spoke of the difficult decision
she made many years ago when she consciously chose to
The French have a pragmatic way of putting things. When I ask
spend dozens of weekends away in competition, chasing
Leprevost about the distinct disparity of women in the World’s
the top levels of show jumping, rather than being home with
Top 50, she shrugs and smiles, clearly well aware of this fact
her daughter. No one is more aware of that sacrifice than
and in no way interested in dwelling on its nature. To her, she
Leprevost, confirms Staut. But as he explains this reality, his
has made her choice in life.
face beams with admiration.
“In society, [it’s believed that] a woman should be at home with
Leprevost hails from a suburb of Roen, the medieval city
her family and not out jumping obstacles on the other side of
where French heroine Joan of Arc was executed in 1431.
the world, but in this sport, there is absolutely no difference
Despite being born in the heart of Normandy, which is known
between men and women, we are all sportsmen,” she attests.
as France’s most passionate region for equestrian sports,
Leprevost’s family was not involved in horses. The emphasis
It is clear that this is what Penelope chooses to concentrate
within the Leprevost family was on education, an important
on. Not on whether she is a rare specimen amongst a room
aspect for a family of moderate means. The youngest of
full of men, but rather that she can beat them. In 2015 alone,
three children, she always found herself more comfortable in
Leprevost won thirteen FEI ranking classes, including two
the company of animals than with people. While Leprevost’s
back-to-back CSI5* victories in Longines World Cup Qualifying
parents were concerned by her shyness, it comforted them to
Grands Prix, at Oslo and Lyon. Both wins came aboard the
see the confidence and bravery their young daughter showed
small, fiery mare Flora de Mariposa. Two months prior, they
when aboard a small pony at a very young age.
nearly stole the show at the FEI European Championships in
Aachen when they won the first round of the multi-day compe-
Fast-track to her young adulthood, and Leprevost turned
tition. When the dust settled at the end of the weekend,
professional at the age of 20, met French rider Guillaume
Leprevost finished out of the medals in 5th place – reason
Blin-Lebreton, and began a personal and professional
enough to stay hungry for a return appearance.
partnership. Guillaume was a strong influence on Penelope
from the tender age of 18 years onwards. Starting off, things
In addition to her 2012 Olympic debut with her long-time grey
don’t come easy to the young couple, but hard work was not a
stallion Mylord Carthago, Leprevost has been a mainstay for
problem for this focused woman of few words.
the French team for the last three years, adding a second FEI
World Equestrian Games appearance, and her second WEG
Her love of horses, her unbridled passion for the harmony
Silver medal with the French team, at Normandy in 2014.
between horse and rider, that connection between man and
beast is something she learnt and nurtured with Michel Robert,
Humble Beginnings
her long-time mentor. Leprevost is known for her use of visualization in competition, a method she learnt from French
The morning progresses, and as hair is whipped and combed,
legend Michel Robert. Leprevost credits Robert for teaching
and looks and locations are changed, Leprevost remains her
her what to expect of herself, how to be fair and just to those
same cerebral self. This setting of makeup and wardrobe
around her and her horses. Furthermore, how to harness her
inner intensity and her ability to focus at the task at hand, retreat to her inner world
and think only about the horse.
“If I were to retain one thing of what Michel has taught me, it would be to respect the horse
physically and mentally,” she explains. “One of the biggest attractions to our sport is the
chemistry or bond between the rider and their horse. Michel can find that harmony.”
Living and Loving
Leprevost gave birth to her daughter Eden while still in her 20s, an uncommon choice
among the high pressure atmosphere that often leads many top professional female
riders to delay having children for as long as possible, or elect to have none at all.
Leprevost continued to ride full-time until she was five months pregnant. She gave
birth on a Monday, got back in the saddle within a week, and was in the competition
ring a mere 10 days later, barely able to do up her boots. Two years later, she earned
third place in the French Championships and then rode to the win the following
year. During Eden’s first few years, her daughter travelled all over the world with
her mother.
Fast track to present day, Leprevost is the ultimate career women, a single mother
with an unfailing commitment to her daughter Eden. The 11-year-old who is an
aspiring young rider herself lives with her grandparents, Leprevost’s parents Danielle
and Jean-Claude Leprevost while her mother is competing around the world. This is
the sacrifice that must be made and it is the one that is the hardest.
By one measure, she is a dedicated mother and a fierce friend, with a softness that I
have seen in glimpses throughout our shoot. In the other measure, there is the cool
steeliness and focus that we see in the ring; a will to win that is only measured by
extremes. Leprevost demands the most from herself and has made the necessary
sacrifices in life to accommodate that desire to win. As the day’s photoshoot wraps
up, Leprevost graciously takes her leave and begins to prepare for her true task of
the day – meeting her horses at the Paris Masters and performing on one of the
sport’s brightest stages. While she embraced the couture, the makeup and the style
of her morning, it’s clear that she will be most comfortable when she puts on her
hunt coat, and hides her hair underneath her helmet.
One cannot deny, there is a tough exterior required to be part of the small group of
women dominating the sport. It takes a special focus and sacrifice to put all things
aside and concentrate on one thing, and one thing only: the will to win and the drive
to be the best.
Southfields: This beautiful 5+ acr e pr oper ty is per fectly situated
adjacent to the Palm Beach Equine Clinic. This barn is a quick hack
to the Global Dressage Festival and the Winter Equestrian Festival.
This facility is well-equipped with two, two bedroom, two bathroom
apartments, three tack rooms, and three feed rooms. The grounds
have 11 paddocks and a round pen. There are two barns on the property that contain a total of 38 stalls. Offered at $3,750,000
Palm Beach Polo ∙ Kensington: Volume ceilings thr oughout the
house and tons of windows allow natural light to flow through the
home and it’s 4 bedrooms and 4.5 baths. Adorned with amazing
chandeliers and a gorgeous double-sided coral fireplace, there are
superb touches throughout. The property has gorgeously landscaped
grounds and two large covered patios. Offered at $3,450,000
Clean Sport or Common Sense?
Up for Debate
François Mathy, Jr. | Frances Hesketh-Jones Triulzi
in conversation with
Noelle Floyd
The subject of FEI Clean Sport surfaced all too readily in 2015.
Palm Beach Polo ∙ Winding Oaks: This lovely 5 bed, 4 bath home
is perfect for the family that loves to entertain. The house includes an
open kitchen (with a 6-burner gas cooktop), formal dining and living
rooms, and an office. The spacious outdoor living area includes a
summer kitchen that overlooks the pool with spa, and boasts superb
views of the lake and golf course. Offered at $1,999,999
Palm Beach Polo ∙ Muirfield: Completely r emodeled with absolutely no expense spared or detail overlooked. Beautiful concrete
floors flow throughout the three bedroom, three bathroom home with
vaulted ceilings and tons of natural light. The modern and sleek
kitchen is masterfully equipped with all of the bells and whistles,
including a breakfast area and French doors leading out to a private
patio. Offered at $735,000
During a busy international calendar of FEI-sanctioned competitions,
several high profile cases highlighted both the importance and the
shortcomings of FEI Clean Sport sanctioning. Depending on whom you
asked, rules were being applied either with too broad of a brush, or
upheld with the highest integrity of sport in mind.
It all led to an uptick in conversation about Clean Sport practices,
and when we asked two industry professionals to share with us
their thoughts on the subject of FEI Clean Sport and sanctioning, we
received two very different perspectives. After rider François Mathy Jr.
addressed the subject head-on in terms of the events that brought
the issue into focus for him, FEI Steward Frances Hesketh-Jones Triulzi
responded with a detailed testimonial for vindication of the role of
a steward. While the larger subject remains very much up for debate,
Palm Beach Polo ∙ Las Casitas: With thr ee bedr ooms, two bathrooms, and an open floor plan, this charming home is offered furnished. Beautiful wood floors flow throughout the main living areas,
with carpet in the bedrooms. The kitchen is well-appointed with all
of the tools and toys for the chef in the family. The private backyard
enjoys a great pool and outdoor living spaces. Offered at $735,000
Palm Beach Polo ∙ Golf & Tennis Village: Fully r enovated with
two bedrooms and two bathrooms, this bungalow is an absolute must
see. Gorgeous French doors leading out to the screened-in porch with
lake views accentuate the open and airy floor plan. With vaulted ceilings, this home is a true showpiece with a modern design, furniture,
and concrete floors. Offered at $675,000
one comforting similarity is found in the end goal: achieving
clean sport and fair play for all.
Amy Carr • Phone +1 561-662-0728 • Fax +1 561-791-2221 • Wellington, Florida • [email protected]
©2016 Engel & Völkers. All rights reserved. Each brokerage independently owned and operated. Carr Sollak Realty, LLC licensee of Engel & Voelkers Florida Residential, LLC. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and
should be independently verified. Engel & Völkers and its independent License Partners are Equal Opportunity Employers and fully support the principles of the Fair Housing Act.
François Mathy Jr. (BEL)
Internationally Ranked FEI Competitor,
World Equestrian Games & World Cup Final Veteran
François Mathy Jr.: Clean sport is a wide subject concerning both the horse and
“There has to begin to
be a proportion between
the act, the sanction
and the consequences of
the sanction.”
In regards to the matter of spur marks/the blood rule, as
But the FEI has many times admitted struggling in finding
the rider. It is not simply about doping, or about medicines, or welfare, or rules. It
we saw with Bertram Allen in Olympia, we have an issue. The
stewards and training them. Stewards have to be efficiently
is all of that.
rule states:
trained with knowledge of the horses, the sport, the rules, the
However, in all cases of Clean Sport, there has to begin to be a proportion
“Horses bleeding on the flank(s), in the mouth or nose or marks
sanctions and the consequences of the sanctions. They also
between the act, the sanction and the consequences of the sanction. This is our red
indicating excessive use of spurs or of the whip anywhere
have to be able to address and solve a problem the correct
line. Riders want clean sport and fair play, but that said, there are some things that
on the Horse (in minor cases of blood in the mouth, such
way. This is a lot to ask, but incorrect rulings can lead to
need to change.
as where a Horse appears to have bitten its tongue or lip,
disasters, and the result is terrible for the image of our sport
It seems now that some within our international governing body think or have
Officials may authorize the rinsing or wiping of the mouth and
when such a sanction appears live on TV, as happened at
been thinking that everything is black or white, and have been treating the athletes
allow the Athlete to continue; any further evidence of blood
very aggressively. As it stands now, when a positive test is found, the athlete is
in the mouth will result in Disqualification.) Bleeding on the
No animal is treated with more care, love and respect then
presumed guilty and then treated as such before he can defend himself. He is also
flanks or marks indicating excessive use of spurs.”
our horses; everything is done for their welfare, their health
presented as such in the press, also before he can explain himself or even under-
This rule makes no distinction between a cut that needs
and their comfort. For many riders and grooms they are friends
stand what is happening to him. In most cases he loses his reputation, probably his
stitching or just a drop of blood. If only the hair is gone, has
and family.
sponsors and his horses, and that is not even talking about the money loss.
there been excessive use of the spur? What happens if you
We have a pretty good working relationship with the
If after a long procedure he is found to be not guilty, as in the case of Steve
cut your horse’s flank hitting a fence, or anything else such as
FEI. There has been some improvement and we hope it will
Guerdat in 2015, the damages are already irreversible. There are, in my opinion,
turning fast in the jumpoff? And during the ingate check, how
continue, especially in regards to the FEI legal department. It
more and more rules coming every year that are leading the sport and its image
much blood do you need to leave a trace of blood on a white
is also important that the national federations work together
down the wrong path. I believe that Clean Sport procedures need to change:
surgery glove? The answer is a drop.
with the FEI to play the same role and to look in the right
· The main consideration should be if the levels found were able to improve perfor-
But at the end, no matter the particulars, we have the same
direction as well.
mance or not. The levels that Steve’s horse tested positive for were minuscule, yet
result: pure disqualification of the horse and rider.
Examples in the past have shown that the national federa-
he was set down immediately. How does that affect your frame of mind when you
This rules makes no distinction between use and abuse, inten-
tions can play an important role. Some have helped their
compete at FEI events?
tional or accidental, warning or sanction. Every rule should make
riders and some haven’t or worse, and so they also have to be
this difference, as it seems that more and more, the rules are
aware of our red line.
being suspended for doping. A test takes maximum seven days, and he should be
written to be followed by a machine, and not written to trust the
The bottom line is that we need to improve the different
informed of a positive test within that time frame.
officials to be competent enough to judge situations in a fair way.
procedures and change the rules that have led to the situa-
· The rider cannot be informed two and a half months after a competition that he is
· As it is now, the rider’s case is immediately made public to the press. But that should
only happen when the case is closed and the rider is proven guilty.
This leads to the matter of horsemanship and common
tions we have witnessed in the last year. We should talk about
sense on the ground, in regards to the officials and the FEI
a yellow card as a warning, instead of as a sanction as it is at
· But mainly the FEI legal tribunal has to take into consideration that they don’t face
stewards. As it stands now, they have the ability to give
criminals but athletes of all ages and all experiences. Some are professionals, some
immediate sanctions as yellow cards or eliminations from the
Many things can and must improve. In the end, we all want
are not; some make mistakes and some cheat. And while athlete must be sanc-
class or the event. And it seems that often, the consequences
the best for our horses and our sport. We all want to guarantee
tioned, there must be a proportion between the act, the sanction and the conse-
are out of proportion with the act.
fair competition and clean sport. I am confident that we will
quences of the sanction.
I have huge respect for the officials; they do a difficult
find a way to achieve this.
Common sense and horsemanship should apply in every situation. We have to
job and on top of their power and rights, they have a lot
concentrate on rules that make our sport better, not on those that could damage or
of responsibilities.
destroy our sport.
Frances Hesketh-Jones Triulzi (ITA)
FEI Jumping Steward
“Stewards are one of
the cogs in the intricate
machinery of equestrian
competition activity, and
because of the very nature
of the job, it is not easy
to recruit new troops.”
Frances Hesketh-Jones Triulzi: Firstly, I would like to make it clear that I do not
An incredibly dedicated group of Stewarding Course
horses; by helping Riders, Grooms, Owners, Chefs d’Equipe,
speak for or on behalf of the FEI. Everything that follows is the fruit of personal
Directors that travel worldwide – often consuming precious
Judges, Vets, Media, Ringmasters and many others to achieve
experience accrued over the past 20 or so years while acting as an FEI Steward at
“day job” vacation time” – run these courses. Using standard-
their goals: by preventing, or pre-empting, any action not in the
international events, Championships and Games.
ized FEI modules and drawing on their own experiences,
horses’ or the sport’s best interest and, finally, by intervening
In his article, François opens by stating that Clean Sport “… is not simply about
they share knowledge with hundreds of “old” and “new”
when no longer possible to either help or prevent. Stewards do
doping, or about medicines, or welfare, or rules. It is all of that.” He is correct, but
FEI Stewards. The system is constantly reviewed, updated,
not knowingly wait for an infraction to be committed in order
he is incorrect in stating that there have been changes to the anti-doping protocols
upgraded and integrated with new material that originates
to intervene and – if required – report it.
recently. As far as I know, there have been absolutely no changes in the anti-doping
from real life at the “coal face:” international events.
Here’s something else Stewards don’t do: they don’t elimi-
procedures. The FEI Clean Sport policy is a 360-degree policy touching every aspect
I often say to the Grooms: “I don’t know how you do this –
nate Riders and they don’t disqualify Riders. Neither of these
of all FEI disciplines and its enforcement requires a contribution from all of the FEI’s
you have the hardest job.” But the Stewards’ job is no holiday
actions is within any Steward’s remit. Stewards do not have that
many stakeholders.
weekend either. Rain, wind, sleet, mud, cold, heat, even
power. It is important that this misperception is highlighted
One group of stakeholders are FEI Officials, and one group of Officials are FEI
sandstorms. Stewards are out there working. Training arenas
and corrected.
Stewards who – together with the FEI Vets – has the greatest contact with another
open at 06:00? Stewards opened them. Last class finishes at
They are close to the Riders, Grooms and Horses during the
group of stakeholders: Riders, Grooms, and all those who “make it happen” so that
midnight? Stewards prepared the prize giving. Nights? At least
highest highs of a long-awaited victory and the lowest lows of a
Riders and their horses can perform beneath the public’s gaze, be that ringside, on
one Steward is on call, and at Championships, Games and
serious accident. They are encouraged to carry out their duties
TV, or via live streaming.
many top shows, Stewards are there overnight.
in a manner that balances friendliness and firmness, to always
Recent events have made me realize that the Stewards’ role and responsibilities
At some events the Stewarding team could be on duty for
be approachable yet always remain impartial. They provide
are not well understood, so I would like to take this opportunity to try to redress that.
18 hours a day. Is every event like this? Certainly not. Some
safety pins, clean tissues, shoulders to cry on, rain jackets,
Firstly, let me highlight that these are FEI Stewards. Not “stewards” who show
run at iconic venues, are seriously glamorous or have a limited
reassurance and more.
the public to their seats, not “stewards” calling riders into the arena, not “stewards”
number of entries. But many are, and most Stewards officiate
But they are there to ensure that rules are respected, and
working in the arena. FEI Stewards. “FEI” because, since 2011, all those with this
at those events. No glamour. No kudos. No exotic stamps in
their integrity is their most formidable asset. Are there differing
qualification have gone through a specific education system, and many of those who
their passports. No VIP areas – barely to grab a quick sandwich
levels of experience and ability? Naturally, just as in any other
were FEI-listed before then have since attended at least one refresher seminar, also
and a cup of coffee before rushing back to duty. They do it
field of life. The on-going education programme strives to
part of that system. Consequently, all have learned the same rules, protocols, and
because they love horses. They are dedicated to the sport and
upgrade ability, broaden knowledge and increase experience,
philosophy. At the heart of that philosophy is: “Enabling horse and rider to perform
want to be as close to it as possible, to hear the noises in the
but this takes time - there are no shortcuts or quick fixes.
to the best of their ability while at all times respecting horse welfare and a level
stables, to see the horses resting, to smell them.
Stewards are one cog in the intricate machinery of eques-
playing field.”
The vast majority of Stewards are good, dedicated, knowl-
trian competition activity, and because of the very nature of the
The FEI Stewarding education system syllabus covers Clean Sport including
edgeable people with a horsey background. They understand
job, it is not easy to recruit new troops. The hours are long, the
horse welfare, training/schooling/warm-up and stable monitoring activities, boot,
their responsibility to ensure that all parties concerned respect
working conditions can be challenging and their actions might
bandage, and hind boot checks, veterinary aspects, safety aspects, legal aspects,
the rules as drafted and approved by the relevant bodies. They
not always be well received.
approach/behaviour/communication, team management, arena/exercise/horse
do this by being present in arenas whenever these are open for
François graciously writes of his “huge respect for officials.”
inspection planning, Discipline/Veterinary/General rules/regulations directly related
training, schooling or competition warm-up; by being present
Fortunately, many share his opinion and generally speaking
to stewarding and a few other areas as well. It is a comprehensive and wide-ranging
or readily available in the stables 24 hours a day throughout
this respect is reciprocal. However, we teach our “younger”
syllabus. The promotion courses from National to Level 1 Steward, and from Level 1
the event. By carrying out tack checks, boot, bandage and
Stewards that respect must be earned and doesn’t happen
to Level 2 Steward last three days, while refresher seminars have run over two days.
hind boot checks; by constantly keeping a watchful eye on the
overnight, that only rarely will they receive outside acknowl-
edgement that they have performed well. Usually “job satisfaction” must come from within themselves, not from external
sources, so they must be self-critical and see where they can
improve and what they have learned in order to be better
next time.
Then there is the exception. Something totally unexpected
that happens and makes everything worth the only four hours
of sleep during the Olympic Games, the flash of anger from a
Rider who gives you a hard time about something you do or say
because they’ve had a bad round, or the fact that you are cold
and soaking wet despite your expensive wet-weather gear.
Several years ago after a particularly challenging event, a
Team Leader of a major nation emailed me. This is an extract:
“You and your team are really the unsung heroes of our
sport. Without you (all), it doesn’t happen and certainly
not on a level playing field. I hope you know how much
those of us who come in the stable gate (and not the front
gate - VIP entrance!) appreciate what you do for all of us.”
And that makes it all worthwhile.
Photo: Stefano Grasso
Riders of the 15 IJRC Rolex Top Ten Final
December 11th, 2015 – Geneva, Switzerland
Kent Farrington
Simon Delestre
Daniel Deusser
Christian Ahlmann
Age 35
Age 34
Age 34
Age 42
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois USA
Hometown: Solgne, Lorraine, France
Hometown: Wiesbaden, Germany
Hometown: Marl, Germany
Horse: Voyeur
Horse: Hermes Ryan
Horse: First Class Van Eeckelghem
Horse: Codex One
Pénélope Leprevost
Scott Brash
Bertram Allen
Gregory Wathelet
Luciana Diniz
Ludger Beerbaum
Age 35
Age 30
Age 20
Age 35
Age 45
Age 52
Hometown: Rouen, France
Hometown: Peebles, Scotland
Hometown: Wexford, Ireland
Hometown: Huy, Belgium
Hometown: São Paulo, Brazil
Hometown: Detmold, West Germany
Horse: Flora de Mariposa
Horse: Hello Sanctos
Horse: Molly Malone
Horse: Algorhythem
Horse: Fit For Fun
Horse: Chaman
Last Words
The outer shell of the XJ is made of carbon fiber, a composite
material providing an unbeatable strength/weight ratio.
The inner shell is made of polystyrene with variable density which
provides a better dissipation of the energy produced upon impact.
The internal
comfort ‘‘memory’’ pad which ensures a constant
thickness over the years of use and the semi-rigid leather chin strap
cancel out all risks of tipping the helmet in case of a violent movement.
Equipped with two front air inlets the XJ helmet provides
exceptional ventilation.