County and County Borough of Londonderry
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND Census of Population 1961 COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY Printed and presented pursuant to 9 Eliz. 2, Chap. 8 BELFAST: HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE PRICE 17s. 6d. NET GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE Census of Population 1961 COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY Printed and presented pursuant to 9 Eliz. 2, Chap. 8 BELFAST: HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE 1964 INTRODUCTION In accordance with the Census Act (Northern Ireland), 1960, a Census of the population was taken on the 23rd April, 196ly which was also the date of Censuses in the other parts of the United Kingdom. It was the fourth since the establisiixnent of the Government of Northern Ireland, previous Censuses having been taken in 1926, 1957 and 1951. The 1961 Census was much fuller,/as regards the number and scope of the questions, than any of its predeces£i<>rs. Compared with the 1951 enumeration, the basic questions were much the same /but enquiries about nationality, education, occupation and employment were sul9'6tantially modified. New questions asked for information concerning persons wi/th certain scientific and technological qualifications, the number of children of/women who were or had been married, the type of accommodation occupied by priva]tie households, whether such accommodation was owned or rented and the extent to which piped water, cooking and toilet facilities were available, i ' / In November, 1961, a Preliminary Report was published giving population figures for each county, county boro'ugh and administrative area, together with information on the ages and religious,denominations of the people by counties and county boroughs, and the numbers of private dwellings and households in each administrative area. A new Topographical Index, replacing the edition issued in the series of Reports on the 1926 Census, was published in January, 1963. This Report is the sixth of seven county volumes to be published on the 1961 Census. The statistics therein supersede those in the Preliminary Report and may be accepted as final. It is generally consistent in design and scope with the Reports already published for Belfast County Borough and Counties Antrim, Armagh, Downcmd Fermanagh, and the remaining county volume will be in similar form. Although details of population and habitable buildings in respect of townlands in rural districts are not given in the county volumes, the figures, for which a charge may be made depending on the extent of the information required, are available on application to the General Register Office. A General Report will follow the county volumes. It will siommarize for the whole country the information in the county volumes and, in some respects, deal vd th it in greater detail. The General Report will also contain certain additional information, Including that on persons with scientific and technological qualifica-tions, which has not been analysed on a county basis. There will be a separate Report on the Fertility of Marriage. General Register Office, Fermanagh House, Ormeau Avenue, BELFAST, 2. March, 1964. Ill CONTENTS PART I - EXPLANATORY NOTES Page Area Population Administrative divisions Buildings for habitation Types of pi'rivate dwellings Tenure of private dwelling accorrjE^odation Households / Household arrangements / Rooms / Valuation / Usual address / Birthplace Nationality Religion / vii vii vii vii viii ix ix ix X X X X xi xi xi xi xii xiv xiv Terminal e d u c a t i o n age j Occupations and i n d u s t r i e s S o c i a l c l a s s and sociq/economic groups Convention a s . t o d o t ^ ' ( , ) and dashes (-) Completion and r e v i s i o n of Census i n f o r m a t i o n PART II STATISTICAL NOTES AREA XV POPULATION XV Natural increase Administrative areas Parliamentary constituencies PRIVATE DWELLINGS AND HOUSEHOLDS Total dwellings Inhabited dwellings Type and tenure of inhabited dwellings Private households Rooms and density of occupation Household arrangements Household socio-economic groups XV XV i xvii xvii xvii xviii XX xxi xxii xxiv XXV USUAL ADDRESS XXVI1 SEX, AGE AND MARITAL CONDITION xxvii Sex distribution Ages Marital condition BIRmPLACE AND NATIONALITY xxviii xxviii xxviii xxviii RELIGION xxix TERMINAL EDUCATION AGE XXX i OCCUPATIONS AND INDUSTRIES Occupations S o c i a l c l a s s and socio-economic groups Industries xxxiv XXX iv XXXV XXXV i PART III - TABLES Abbreviations: Co. = County; C,B. = County Borough; A,A. = Administrative Area, i.e. municipal borough, urban district, or rural district; C.E.D. = .County Electoral Division; D.E.D. * District Electoral Division of a rural district; Town = town, village or housing estate consisting of a separate and identifiable cluster of fifty or more dwellings but having no legally defined boundary; towns fonnlng continuous housing development from an administrative urban area are excluded. Most tables on an A. A. basis also deal with Wards of the County Borough. Table No. Area for which statistics are given SUBJECT OF TABLE Page 1 Area, Buildings for Habitation and Population, 1961 Co., C.B. 1 2 Population, 1881-1961 Co. and C.B. 1 Population, 1951 and 1961, and Intercensal Changes Co., C.B., A.A. 's 1 Area, Population, Buildings for Habitation, Private Households and Valuation Co., C.B., A. A. 's, D.E.D.'s. Towns 2 Area, Population, Buildings for Habitation, Private Households and Valuation Co., C.E.D. »s Private Dwellings: Inhabited Dwellings X)y Building Type, Tenure and Rooms Co., C.B., A.A. 's 8 Private Households: Size, Rooms Occupied, and Density of Room Occupation Co., C.B., A.A. »s i4 Private Households: Availability of Household Arrangements by Tenure and Type of Accommodation Co,, C.B., A.A.'s 18 Private Households: Households and Persons therein by Tenure of Accommodation, Rooms occupied and Socio-economic Group of Head of Household Co., C.B. 21 10 Inhabited Buildings, etc., other than Private Dwellings: Class, Number, Total Population and (for Institutions) Number of Inmates Co., C.B,, A.A. »s 23 11 Population, Parliamentary Electors and Members of Parliament Parliamentary Constituencies 25 12 Adjustment of Enumerated Population to obtain Resident Population Co., C.B., A.A. 25 13 Ages by Single Years, Sex and Marital Condition Co., C.B. 26 14 Ages by Quinquennial Groups, Sex and Marital Condition Co., C.B., A.A. »s 30 15 Birthplaces Co., C.B. 33 16 Birthplaces: Co., C.B. 34 17 Nationality: Co. and C.B. 34 18 Religions Co., C.B., A.A. »s 35 19 Rellgiais: Population under 22 years W Individual Years and 20 years and over by Qalnquenn^:kl Groups Co., C.B. 36 ZO Education: Co., C.B. 38 Bl Education: Co.-, C.B. 40 ZZ Occupations: Terminal Education Ages of Person;^ 15 Years and over by Sex and Age Groups / . . / Terminal Education Ages of Per^bns 15 Years and over by Sex, Age Group and' Occupation Order Population aged 16 and over/i^y Occupation and I n d u s t r i a l Status Co., C.B. 44 E3 Occupations: Occupied Population agecj'lS and over by Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Group Co., C.B. 59 24 Occupations: Population aged 15 arid over by Socio-economic Group, Social Class and Age Group Co., C.B. 83 25 Industries: Working Population aged 15 and over by Industry (excluding persons out of work) Co., C.B. 85 4 Persons bom outside Northern Ireland by Religion and Place of Birth / Persons bom outside the B r i t i s h I s l e s /by Nationality and Usual Address a year ^go / yi PART I EXPLANATORY NOTES AND DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED m THE REPORT /AREA The acreages given are as measy:red by the Ordnance Survey and relate to the County, County Borough and other a^Jministrative and territorial divisions as constituted at the date of the 1961 Census. Foreshore is excluded. Acreages of areas covered by the larger rivers, lak!es and tideways are also excluded from the body of Tables 4 and 5, but the total i^ given in a footnote thereto. ' / POPULATION The 1961 Census population comprises all living persons, irrespective of their usual address or nationality/,' who spent Census night in the area of enumeration. Members of the Armed Force^s^ (including those of Commonwealth and foreign countries except personnel aboard foreign naval vessels) are included. Persons travelling on Census night were.^numerated with the population of the district in which they arrived the next day unless they had already been enumerated elsewhere. Persons on vessels at moorings or anchorage in Northern Ireland waters or aboard ships on coastwise voyage to Northern Ireland ports were counted as part of the population of the district containing the mooring, anchorage or arrival, port. Except where otherwise stated, figures quoted in respect of previous Censuses relate to areas as constituted at the respective Census dates. It should be noted that there were no changes, affecting Census statistics, in the constitution or boundaries of administrative areas in the County or of wards in the County Borough during the last intercensal period. ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS The County is divided into seven administrative areas - one municipal borough, two urban districts and four rural districts. Not being divided into wards, the entire municipal borough and each urban district form the territorial units for local council elections. In rural districts, the units are the district electoral divisions of which there are 83. The County is also divided into nineteen county electoral divisions which are the units for county council election purposes. The County Borough comprises three wards, each of which is a unit for borough council elections. There are five parliamentary constituencies for elections to the Northern Ireland Parliament, three being wholly in the County and two partly in the County and partly in the County Borough. Excluding Magherafelt Rural District (which is combined with part of County Tyrone to form the Mid-Ulster constituency), the County and County Borough together form one constituency for elections to the United Kingdom Parliament. BUILDINGS FOR HABITATION For enumeration record purposes, a building was broadly defined as a structure comprising one or more rooms or other spaces enclosed within external or party walls. A structure detached from but subsidiary to a main building was regarded as part of the main building unless it contained residential accommodation normally occupied by a separate household. Non-permanent structures such as huts, shacks and converted railway carriages and mobile structures such as tents and caravans were treated as buildings only if they were occupied on Census night or were some person's usual residence. Unoccupied structures of wood, asbestos, corrugated iron, etc., used as I • vll casual residences, e.g. at week-ends or holiday times, were regarded as buildings if they appeared to be of sound construction and had amenities such as piped water, sewerage facilities and electric lighting. \. Dilapidated structures which were unoccupied and unlikely to be used again were ignored. Buildings in course of erection were listed only if some part thereof was in use as residential accommodation. Buildings for habitation comprise all buildings used wholly or partly as residential accommodation. They are divided into two categories:(i) Private dwellings consisting of structurally separate units of living accommodation occupied or normally occupied by private households. They include houses, flats, non-permanent and mobile structures, and accommodation in buildings which are not wholly residential. Married quarters in Service establisliments are also included. A building is regarded as not wholly residential if part of it is used exclusively or primarily for purposes other than living accommodation, for example, a factory or block of offices containing a director's or caretaker's flat, or a building comprising a shop and dwelling. Buildings such as a doctor's or dentist's house with a room or annexe used as a surgery and a house containing a clergyman's or author's study are, however, treated as wholly residential. (ii) Other buildings such as hotels, hostels,-boarding houses, hospitals, welfare centres, religious community premises, boarding schools and other premises which exist for a specific functional purpose in addition to providing residential accommodation. Civilian shipping and establishments under Naval, Army and Air Force discipline are included. The term boarding house covers buildings described as such in the Census returns and any buildings returned as private dwellings but containing five or more boarders. At the 1951 Census, private dwellings in which three or more boarders were enumerated were classified as boarding houses. The term inhabited denotes actual residence of a person or persons on Census night. Uninhabited buildings therefore include not only those which were vacant on Census night but also those from which the usual occupants were temporarily absent. Permanent habitation means normal occupation all the year round. TYPES OF PRIVATE DWELLINGS InJiabited private dwellings are classified on the basis of instructions issued' to the Census enuraerators and which are summarised as follows:(i) A dwelling house means a dwelling of permanent construction which is not divided into flats and is not a farmhouse. A prefabricated bungalow provided by a local authority is included. (ii) A ^l^t means a completely self-contained dwell^lng on one or more floors lAsith a separate entrance from the street or from ^common landing or staircase. It must be possible to move between its rooms internally, without using a c-omma landing or staircase used by other households. Also, none of the 'iousehold arrangements (see notes oii. page ix) m^ust be shared with the occupants of another unit of dwelling accommodal^ion in the building. Where a building has been converted for the use, of two/or more households, the accommodation of any part is not regarded as a^flat unless each part occupied by a householder has a main door giving acces,^ to the whole of the accommodation an.d unless the other conditions specifiyed above are satisfied. (iii) A farmhouse means a dwelling of permahent construction from which the occupier carries on farming as a main ocolSpation. In practice, a dwelling described as a farmhouse on the Census return was classified as such only if at least one member of the household w4s engaged in farming. (iv) Some other ty^.e of dwelling means a tent, caravan or other movable dwelling, or such structure as a barn, but-office, hut or shed of wood, corrugated iron or similar non-traditional material and which, though fixed, is of such a tem.porary and insubstantial nature that it cannot be regarded as a permanent dwelling, vlll TENURE OF PRIVATE DWELLING ACCOMMODATION When completing the Census returns, private householders were required to ihdicate, under the following headings, how they occupied their accommodation; the information is tabulated on the same basis:(i) As owner^occupier, including purchase by mortgage, (ii) By renting from a local or public authority, including the Northern Ireland Housing Trust, the Sailors' and"^Soldiers' Land Trust, Housing Associations and Government Department's. • ' . . / (iii) By renting from another landlo]/d, and whether rented furnished or unfurnished. "" / (iv) In some other way; this -category covers accommodation which is neither owned nor rented by the househcfld, for example, a house or flat occupied free of rent by virtue of the particular employment of the head or other member of the household. In Tabl^ 6, a dwelling shared by two or more households is classified according to the tenure stated by the^main household, the latter being identified on the basis of a graded list of tenures, owner occupied taking precedence over rented and rented/unfurnished taking/precedence over rented/furnished. /' HOUSEHOLDS A household is a person living alone, or a group of persons living together and normally partaking of meals together whether in a dwelling or part thereof or in a hotel, boarding house, hospital. Service establishment or other premises in which some form of residential accommodation is provided. A private household is a household occupying all or part of a dwelling house, flat, farmhouse or other type of dwelling. A person (or persons) living in the same dwelling as, but not ; boarding with, the household is treated as a separate private household; but if the person usually has at least one meal per day provided by the household he is regarded as part of the household. HOUSEHOLD ARRANGEMENTS The arrangements on which information was collected in respect of each private household are listed below. The householder was required to state whether individual arrangements were used only by the household, shared with another household or were not available. (i) Cold water tap refers to a tap within the building, excluding a tap in an open yard, (ii) Hot water tap means water piped to a boiler, a tank with immersion heater, geyser, sink heater, or any form of heating appliance which will allow hot water to be drawn from a tap within the building. (iii) Fixed bath means a bath peiTTianently installed with a waste pipe leading outside the building. It is immaterial for this purpose whether there is water piped to it or whether the room where it is installed is used only as a bathroom. (iv) later closet means any water closet, within or attached to the building or in the yard, emptying into a main sewer, septic tank or cesspool. It does not include a chemical closet or earth closet. (v) Kitchen sink means a sink inside the building, whether in a kitchen or not, with a drain pipe leading outside the building, and normally used for washing up. It need not have water piped into it. A wash basin used primarily for personal toilet is excluded. (vi) Cooking stove or ran^e means any cooking stove, kitchen range or other fixed grate using gas, electricity or any other fuel, provided there is an oven. It does not apply where the only method of cooking is by gas-ring, hotplate, portable electric or oil oven or by open fire. ix \ ROOMS "^^^ ^QQ^^ counted are those normally used by the household for living, eating ^ or sleeping purposes. A kitchen if so used is included:, but not a scullery which is used only for washing, cleaning or cooking. A pantry, cloakroom, landing, lobby, closet or bathroom, or any warehouse, office, shop or other room used for non-domestic purposes is also excluded. In the tables classifying households by rooms occupied, any room shared by two or more households in the same dwelling is allocated wholly to one (usually the main)' household, ensuring however that the total number of rooms in the dwelling is not altered. VALUATION The figures shown in Tables 4 and 5 relate to the rating year 1961/62 and have been supplied by the Commissioner of Valuation, They are the totals of the valuations in the various areas before reduction on account of derating, but exclude in certain cases the valuations of such miscellaneous items as electricity, gas and water undertakings, telegraphs and fisheries. The total of the excluded valuations is given in a footnote to the tables. Subject to the Local Government (Rating and finance) Act (Northern Ireland), 1929, as amended by subsequent legislation, agricultural land and buildings are exempt from all ordinary rates, while industrial and freight-transport hereditaments and salmon and eel fisheries are partially derated. The consequent deficiency in the yield of rates is made good by way of General Exchequer contributions. USUAL ADDRESS The persons regarded as having their usual addresses in the area of enumeration include:• ' (i) Persons eniomerated in their own homes, and those enxjmerated in and having a settled residence in private lodgings, boarding houses and hotels. (ii) Resident domestic staff enumerated at their places of work. (iii) Persons enumerated in and who were inmates of homes for old people, homes for terminal care, homes for handicapped persons and homes for persons requiring special care, (iv) Persons enimierated in chronic sick or psychiatric hospitals and who had been patients or inmates for six months or more. (v) Crews enumerated on vessels and usually living aboard ship, except crews of vessels registered in ports outside the United Kingd6m. (vi) Persons with no fixed addresses and persons for vynom usual addresses were not stated and which could not be assumed from the Census returns. School children and students living away from home /during term time were required to give their home addresses on the Census retiirn. Members of H.M. Forces nc I. enumerated on the special Forces return had to giv^ the addresses of their married quarters or other home addresses, / In addition to giving their usual addresses on/Census day, persons born outside the British Isles were also required to stat^'their usual addresses a year i£o, i.e. at 25rd April, 1960. BIRTHPLAQE: A person born in a country which at Census day had ceased to have a separate existence is regarded as born in the absorbing country, for example, birthplace stated as Estonia, Latvia or Ukraine is classified as U.S.S. R. If the birthplace of an individual was not stated on the Census return, the county or country of birth was assumed only where this could be done with reasonable certainty from other entries in the return. NATIONALITY A persba. born outside the British Isles had to state his nationality on the Census return, A.person born in a British Colony was instructed to enter "British" on the return. A citizen of one of the following was instructed to write "British" or "Commonwealth citizen":- United Kingdom and Colonies, Canada (including Newfoundland), Australia, New Zealand, The Union of South Africa, India, Pakistan, Ghana, Ceylon, The Federation of Malaya, The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, The State of Singapore, Nigeria and Cyprus,/ RELIGION In this classification, religion/ professions which differ only or mainly in denominational'terminology are gener^illy grouped together, and figures for the group as a whole are shown under thye name by which the group is officially or commonly known. Thus the heading P;resbyterian includes United Presbyterian, Trinitarian and Church of Scotlanc^. Church of Ireland is regarded as embracing both Anglican and Episcopalian ex'cept for persons so described who had a usual address in England; such persons/are classified as Church of England. In keeping with thd practice in the 19^1 Census Reports, figures for Church of England and Episcopal Church of Scotlajc/d are merged with those for Church of Ireland in the body of the tables, but their totals are given in a footnote to^Table 18. TERMINAL EDUCATION AGE At the 1951 Census, information was sought as to whether persons at educational establishments were attending full-time or part-time. In 1961, all persons aged 15 years and over, who at Census day had ceased to receive fulltime education at school, college, university, etc. , were required to state the age at which their full-time education ended. In this Report, such age is referred to as the terminal education age. OCCUPATIONS AND INDUSTRIES The economic activity information collected at the Census was in respect of persons aged 15 years and over, and related to the activity during the week ended 22nd April, 1961, i.e. the week preceding Census day. For a person in employment, particulars were required of his main gainful employment during the week, irrespective of whether he was following his usual occupation or of the hours actually worked; if not in employment or wholly retired at the end of the week, the reference was to his last full-time employment, A fourfold classification was adopted in analysing the economic activity information, namely, by occupation, industry, employment status and economic position, each being independent of the others and dealing with a different aspect of a person's employment or former employment. The results are tabulated on the basis of the revised occupational* and industrial Classifications used for 1961 Census purposes in the rest of the United Kingdom, viz,, the Classification of Occupations, 1960 (H.M. S.O, Price £1 7s. 6d. net) and the Standard Industrial Classification, 1958 (H,M.S,0, Price 2s. 6d. net). Compared with previous Classifications, considerable changes have been made in the new Classifications to help make them conform with the current organisation of industry and commerce and to bring them more into line with recommended international standard Classifications. A detailed comparison of the 1961 data with those of earlier Censuses is, therefore, necessarily limited. As at the 1951 Census, the sole criterion for determining a person's occupation is the kind of work he performs. The nature of the factory, business or service in which he is employed has no bearing on his occupational classification except to the extent that it may enable ,the nature of his duties to be more clearly defined. Thus every joiner, whether employed in shipbuilding, the building industry or on routine maintenance work in a textile factory, is classified to the same occupational group. The only exception to the rule applies to labourers assigned to groups 181-188 where the allocation is on a strictly industrial basis. Similarly, the industry to which a person is classified is largely independent of his occupation and is determined by reference to the business or economic activity in, or for the purposes of, which his occupation iis followed, regard being had only to the nature xl of the service or product to which his labour contributes. For classification " purposes, the industrial unit used is the "establishment", which is normally the whole of the premises, such as a factory, transport undertaking or shop, at a particular address. Brief definitions of certain terms in the Report are given below. Occupied or economically active population: all persons in employment during the week preceding Census day, including those temporarily away from work because of holidays, sickness, strikes, etc.; also included are persons who were out of employment but expecting to work again and young persons who had left school and were seeking their first job. Working population: the occupied or economically active population excluding persons out of work. Large establishments: establistiments, other than farms, employing 25 or more persons. Small establishments: other establishments. Economically inactive population: all persons aged 15 and over without paid occupations. Included are the following specified groups:Institution inmates: inmates of institutions who returned a former occupation and were not stated to be retired, but who were known or assumed to be withdrawn from employment for a period in excess of six months. Retired persons: formerly occupied persons who ceased to be employed and did not expect to work again. Students: persons above the age of compulsory education at educational establishments. Housewives: with no other stated occupation. SOCIAL a A S S AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC GROUPS A convenient summary of economic activity Information for social and medical purposes is provided by two further classifications, namely Social Class and Socioeconomic Group. Social Class - Under this classification, the many occupational unit groups are arranged into the following five broad categories:/' I. Professional, etc. occupations II. Intermediate occupations III. Skilled occupations / lY. Partly skilled occup^^tions Y. Unskilled occupatioiis To give a somewhat finer classification, social classes II, III and lY are divided iiito ^'manual", **non-*manual" and "agricultur^^^ sub-groups, lithin this framework, social class I is wholly ^'non-manual", and/4ocial class V wholly "manual". Members of the Armed Forces and persons with inadequately described occupations are excluded from the classification. Socio-economic Groups - The 15 socio-economic groups introduced in 1951 are replaced by 16 rather different groups, the allocation of persons to the groups being determined by a cross-classification of occupation and employment status. The socio-economic groups, with brief definitions, are as follows:(1) Employers and managers in central and local government, industry, commerce, etc. - large establishments (2) Employers and managers in industry, commerce, etc. - small establishment^ xil (.3) Professional workers - self employed Self employed persons engaged in work normally requiring qualifications of university degree standard, (4) Professional workers - employees Employees engaged in work normally requiring qualifications of university degree standard. • (5) Intermediate non-manual workers Employees, not exercising general planning or supervisory powers, engaged in non-manual occupations ancillary ta/the professions but not normally requiring qualifications of universi-^ degree standard; persons engaged in •artistic work .and not employing othe^rs thereat; and persons engaged in occupations otherwise included in Group (6) who have an additional and fonnial supervisory function. / (:6) Junior non-manual workers • I • / ' • • • Employees, not exercising ^4neral planning or supervisory powers, engaged in clerical, sales and non-maniial communications and security occupations, excluding those who have additional and formal supervisory functions. (7) Personal service workers Employees engaged in service occupations caring for food, drink, clothing and other personal needs. (8) Foremen and supervisors - manual Employees (other than managers) who formally and immediately supervise others engaged in manual occupations, whether or not themselves engaged in such occupations. (9) S k i l l e d manual workers Employees engaged in manual occupations which require considerable and specific skills. (10) Semi-skilled manual workers ' Employees engaged in manual occupations which require slight but specific skills. (11) Unskilled manual workers Other employees engaged in manual occupations. (12) Own account workers (other than professional) Self employed persons engaged in any trade, personal service or manual occupation not normally requiring training of university degree standard and having no employees other than family workers. (13) Farmers - employers and managers Persons who own, rent or manage farms, market gardens or forests, employing people other than family workers in the work of the enterprise. (14) Farmers - own account Persons who own or rent farms, market gardens or forests and having no employees other than family workers. (15) Agricultural workers Employees engaged in tending crops, animals, game or forests, or operating agricultural or forestry machinery. xill \ (16) Members of armed forces,. The detailed allocations of the occupation/employment status groups to the social classes and socio-economic groups are given in the Classification of Occupations, 1960. CONVENTION AS TO DOTS (.) AND DASHES (-) In the tables, a dot (.) indicates that figures are not available or that the column heading is not relevant to the particular line on which the dot is shown; p dash (") indicates that the quantity is zero or, in the case of rates, less than half of the final digit. /• • • • COMPLETION AND REVISION OF CENSUS INFORMATION When collecting the Census returns, the enumerators were required to examine them for obvious omissions and errors, asking such questions from the persons delivering the returns as seemed necessary to complete and correct them. Further scrutiny and revision of the returns took place at various stages of the work in • the Census Office. In some cases, notably where ages had been omitted, enquiries were instituted; otherwise, information was inserted or amended only if reasonable assumptions could be made from other particulars on the returns. Prior to compilation, the data extracted from the returns were edifed for impossible and unlikely combinations, corrections being made by reference back to the returns. Finally, the tabulations were checked for compatibility of related data. / / / xlv PART II STATISTICAL NOTES The explanatory notes and definitions in Part I apply equally to the notes which follow and to the tables in Part III. / AREA/ Excluding the larger rivers, lakes an'd tideways, the total area of the County and County Borough was 514,715 acres or^04 square miles. This represents 15 per cent of the area of Northern Ireland. In 1915 the County lost about one-third of a square mile to County Antrim (see note/to Table 2). POPULATION The totalj population of the County and County Borough was 165,'298, which is 9,758 persons ior 6, 5 per cent more' than at the 1951 Census. The total for the County was 111,536 {-^6,088 persons or 5.B per cent) and for the County Borough 53,762 (+3,670 persons or 7.3 per cent)> / Table 2 shows the trendy in the County and County Borough as a whole since the first Census of Ireland was- taken in 1821. Between that year and 1841, the population rose from 193,869 to 222,461 which Is the highest yet recorded. Thereafter, there was a continuous decline until 19'26, by which time the population had fallen to 139,693,- i.e., less than two-thirds of the 1841 peak. With increases in population at each of the last three Censuses, however, the total in 1961 was greater than at any Census since 1871. Natural Increase: Figures of the natural increase, actual variation and net outward movement of the population during each intercensal period since 1901 are given in Table I in respect of the combined County and County Borough. TABLE I Intercensal period Population Births a t beginning registered ot period Deaths registered Excess of b i r t h s over deaths Intercensal v a r i a t i o n in population Net movement outward 1901-1911 (10 years) 144, 404 33,487 25,515 7,972 1911-1926 (15 years) 140,625 48, 147 35, 669 12,478 1926-1937 (11 years) 139,693 33,763 22,405 11,358 + 1937-1951 (14 years) 142,736 52,281 28, 017 24,264 + 12,804 11,460* 1951-1961 (10 years) 155,540 40,946 16,615 24,331 + 14,573 - 3,779 932 3,043 9,758 11,751 13, 410* 8,315 Including the deaths of non-civlllans of ttie County and County Borougti of Londonderry which occurred outside Northern Ireland. The natural increase of the population, i.e., the excess of births over deaths, during the period 1951-61 was the largest for any intercensal period since, at least, the introduction of birth and death registration in 1864; on the basis of annual averages, it was approximately 40 per cent above that for the period 1937-51. From such figures as are available it is evident that, commencing with the famine years of the eighteen-forties and continuing for several decades into the present century, there was a net movement of persons out of the County and County Borough as a whole, which considerably more than off-set the gain from natural XV increase. While this trend has been reversed in the years following the '1926 Census, the net outward migration during the most recent intercensal period accounted for 14,573 persons and was the highest for any period since 1891. As is seen from Table 3, the County Borough and all administrative are^s of the County, except Limavady and Portstewart Urban Districts, had a net outward migration. In terms of the 1951 population, this migration was relatively greatest in the County Borough (IS.6 per cent), followed by Coleraine Rural District (12,2 per cent) and Londonderry Rural District (10.6 per cent). Administrative Areas: Table II shows the population by administrative areas and County Borough wards since 1901 and the variations during the period 1951-61. TABLE II Population Intercensal variation 1951-1961 Area* 1901 1911 1926 1937 1951 1961 Per cent Number County and County Borough 144,840 County 104, 348 99,576 Coleralne M.B. Llmavady U. r>, Portstewart " Coleralne R.D. Llmavady " Londonderry " Magherafelt " 6,958 2,69S 934 £1,861 17,931 14,980 38,992 County Borough 39,892 North South Waterside Ward »' " Persons, per acre in 1961 155, 540 165, 298 + 9,758 + e.z 0.32 94, 534 94, 923 105, 448 111,536 + 6,088 + 5.8 0.22 7,785 2,667 1,685 20, 485 16,434 14, 413 1 36,107 8,078 2, 801 1,664 19,332 15,245 14, 673 32,741 9,180 2,772 2,587 18,822 14,598 15,871 31,093 10,748 3,176 3,563 19,518 16,206 21,031 31,206 11,901 4,325 3,950 19,298 17,629 22, 384 32, 049 + + + ' + + "•* •^ 10.7 + 36.1 + 10.8 1.1 + 8.8 + 6.4 + 2.7 ii/si 40, 780 45,159 47,813 50, 092 53,762 + 3,670 + 7.3 24.44 12,479 - 1,415 - 10.2 13,894 12,569^ 11,824^ 13,231?^ 13,644 1 + 4,814 + 19.4 29,579 24, 765 19, 224^ 19,786^ 21,706^ 22,856 2.4 1 • + 271 + 1 11,704 11,313 : 11,455 9,170 1 10,222 8,099 21.76 35.59 14.71 140, 356 139,693 142,736 1,153 1,149 387 220 1,423 1,353 843 7.54 3.03 0.17 0.12 0.27 0.20 *As constituted at the date of the 1961 Census. T^Estlmated figure, All areas except Coleraine Rural District returned increased populations in 1961. Numerically, the increases were greatest at 1,423 persons (+8.8 per cent) in Limavady Rural District and 1,353 persons (+6.4 per cent> in Londonderry Rural District, although Limavady Urban District (+36.1 per^^crent), Portstewart Urban District (+10.8 per cent) and Coleraine Municipal BofDugh (+10.7 per cent) had proportionately larger increases. The decrease in Coleraine Rural District amounted to only 220 persons or 1.1 per cent of the 1951 toVal. In the County Borough, an increase of 4,814 persons or 19.4 per cent in Souti Ward may be contracted with a 2.4 per cent increase in Waterside Ward and a decrease of 10.2 per cent in North Ward. / / Since the turn of the century, all urban ai-eas and Londonderry Rural District have shown an almost continuous growth in popu/ation ranging from 35 per cent in the case of the County Borough to 323 per cent in/Portstewart Urban District. While the three remaining rural districts, viz. Coler^ne, Limavady and Magherafelt,. had fewer persons in 1961 than in 1901, their populations increased on the whole during the last two intercensal periods. • • • • Of the total population, 44,7 per/bent were enumerated in administrative urban areas including the County Borough, compared with 43.4 per cent in 1951. Population densities, in terms of persons per acre, averaged 14.54 in the urban areas, ranging from 24.44 in the County Borough to 3.03 in Portstewart Urban District. In the rural areas, the densities varied between 0.27 in Londonderry Rural District and 0,12 in Limavady Rural District. xvl \^ of pppulatiprL together with the nximbers of inhabited buildings and private households are given in Table 4 in respect of smaller territorial units, viz., district electoral divisions of rural districts and towns with no legally defined boundaries. Parliamentary Constituencies: The constituent divisions of the County and County Borough as a whole for the purpose of elections to the Parliaments of both Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom are ,^et out in Table 11 together with figures of population, the number of eleott^ts and the ratio of electors per 1,000 population in each constituency or relevajit part thereof, PRIVATE DWELLINGS AND HOUSEHOLDS / Total Dwellings: In 1961 there /Was a total of 38,868 private dwellings of which 57,269 were inhabited and 1,599 we^^e uninhabited. This represents an increase of 4,g75 dwellings or 12,4 per cent dn the corresponding 1951 total of 34,595 (inhabited 32,957; uninhabited 1,636). Figui/es for the County were 27,532 (+2,462 dwellings or 9,8 per cent) and for the County/Borough 11,336 (+1,813 dwellings or 19.0 per cent). The intercensal variations are $hown by administrative areas and County Borough wards in Table IV, / TABLE IV* Private dwellings County Coleralne M.B. U.D. Llmavady n Portstewart Coleralne R.D. ti Llmavady II Lord^nderry n Magherafelt County Borou North South Waterside Ward II n Uninhabited Total Inhabited 23,596 1,474 27,532 26,164 2,469 4,665 3,511 3,906 7,340 57 24 107 615 213 125 433 9,523 9,361 i 162 11,336 11,105 2,733 4,565 2, 225 2, 667 1 4, 515 2,179 66 50 46 1 2,904 2,819 5,664 2, 622 Total inhabited 25,070 2,526 : 776 1,060 „5,180 3,724 4,031 7,773 Intercensal variation 1961 1951 Area 752 953 3,054 : 2,983 , 1,071 1,046 1,262 1,132 4,817 5,124 4,079 3,840 4,905 4,664 8,037 7,682 5,761 ^ 2,671 Uninhabited Total Inhabited Uninhabited +2,462 +2,568 - 106 71 25 130 307 239 241 355 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 14 + 1 + 23 - 208 + 26 + 116 - 78 231 +1, 813 +1,744 + 69 85 j + 171 + 152 +1,1.96 +1, 149 97 + 446 + 443 49 + + + 19 47 3 1,368 528 295 202 56 355 874 264 514 294 179 152 329 758 342 *Table I I I , dealing with the environs of BeJ.Xast, appeared only in the Belfast county Borough volume. liyith the exception of Coleraine Rural District where there was a small decrease, all areas shared in the increased number of private dwellings. The three urban areas of the County had an aggregate increase of 1,025 dwellings or 23.5 per cent, compared with a net increase of 1,437 dwellings or 6.9 per cent in the rural districts. Limavady Urban District showed the largest relative increase, viz., 38.0 per cent. The total dwellings in the County Borough rose by 1,813 or 19.0 per cent, the proportionate increases in the wards being 6,3 per cent in North Ward, 26,2 per cent in South Ward and 20.0 per cent in Waterside. The number of uninhabited dwellings in the County represented 5.0 per cent of the total dwellings compared with 5,9 per cent in 1951; in individual areas, the 1961 percentages ranged from 10,3 in Portstewart Urban District to 2.3 in Coleraine Municipal Borough and Limavady Urban District. In the County Borough, the proportion of dwellings uninhabited was 2. 0 per cent which was slightly higjier than in 1951. It should be noted that the dwellings returned as uninhabited included an unspecified number of homes from which the usual occupants were only temporarily away on Census night. According to statistics furnished, by the Ministry of Health and Local Government, a;pproximateIy 5, 550 new unlts^ ^^ dwelling accommodation were provided in the xvll County and 1,950 in the County Borough during the intercensal period. When these figures are compared with the Census XincreasesirL the relevant totals of inhabited and uninhabited dwellings, , it follows that, of the dwellings recorded at the 1951 Census, close on 2,900 in the County and some 130 in the County Borough either had ceased to exist^by 1961 or were no longer used for private dwelling purposes. Inhabited Dwellings; Table 6 shows, in respect of the County, County Borough and each administrative division, the numbers of inhabited private dwellings, rooms and persons therein. Excluding information on type and tenure of accommodatiori which was collected for the first time in 1961 and which is dealt with in later paragraphs, summary figures for the County and the County Borough are given in Table V together with comparable figures at previous Censuses. TABLE V — 1926 1937 20,719 21,579 215 1.0 125 1951 1961 1 23,596 26,164 1 0.6 244 1.0 121 0.5 10,308 49.8 9,226 42,8 8,342 35.4 6,012 29.0 7,561 35,0 9,836 41.6 4,399 21.2 4,792 22.2 5,418 23,0 84, 059 90,956 102,616 119,617 91,941 • 92,306 101,371 107,535 County Total Inhabited dwellings (No. {% Shared d w e l l i n g s Dwellings w l t h - (No. 1-3 rooms 1 (No. 4 - 5 rooms ( % • • • (No. (% 6 o r more rooms ' T o t a l rooms P o p u l a t i o n In p r i v a t e dwellings 1 6,439 24.6 - 13,582 ' 51.9 ' 6,143 23.5 Average n o . of rooms p e r d w e l l i n g 4,06 4.22 4,35 4.57 Average h o . of p e r s o n s p e r d w e l l i n g 4.44 4.28 4.30 4.11 Average n o . of p e r s o n s p e r room 1.09 1.01 0.99 0.90 6,952 8,129 9r361 11,105 (No. (% 1,328 19.1 1,233 15.2 92? 9.8 498 ,4.5 1-3 rooms (No.. (% 683 9.8 4 - 5 rooms (No. (% 4,212 60.6 (No. 2, 057 29.6 County Borough Total Inhabited dwellings Shared d w e l l i n g s Dwellings w l t h - 6 or more rooms (% 35,090 T o t a l rooms P o p u l a t i o n In p r i v a t e 40,663/ dwellings Average n o . of rooms p e r d w e l l i n g Average n o . of p e r s o n s p e r d w e l l i n g Average n o . of p e r s o n s p e r room \ 5.,^5 1 / 69^6 795. 8.5 1^403 12.7 5/391 /66.3 6, 456 68.9 7, 623 68.6 /2,062 25.4 2.110 22.6 1/ , [ 2,079 18,7 51,761 46,850 1 51,445 4.90 4.82 1 4.66 5,37 5.00 43,689 • 1 1 • . 45,144 39,801 1 /5.85 1.16 / / 1.10 1,04 4,63 1 0.99 During the period 1951-61 the number of inhabited private dwellings increased at almost twice the rate of growth of population therein as folldws - County : dwellings +10,9 per cent, persons therein +6.1 per cent; County Borough: xvlll dwellings +18/6 per cent, persons therein +9»8 per cent. Largely for that reason, the average ntunbers of persons per dwelling and per room decreased, thus continuing the general trend revealed at previous Censuses. At 4. 11 persons per dwelling and 0.90 persons per room,: the 1961 average densities in the County were 7 per cent and 17 per cent, respectively, below the 19S6 averages; In the County Borough, the averages and proportionate variations since 1926 were:- persons per dwelling 4,63 (-21 per cent) and persons per room 0.99 (-15 per cent). The number of shared dwellings, i.e. those containing more than one household, also decreased significantly, particularly in the County Borough TAfcere the proportion of shared dwellings, although still relatively high at 4,5 per gent, was less than one-quarter of the 1926 ratio. / During the last intercensal period" an increase from 41. 6 per cent to 51. 9 per cent in the proportion of dwellings w/th 4-5 rooms in the County was accompanied by an almost corresponding reduction in^^ the proportion for dwellings with 1-3 rooms. In the County Borough, however, the/proportion for 1-3 roomed dwellings increased from 8, 5 per cent to 12.7 per cent/ which was largely offset by a fall in the proportion for dwellings with six/or more rooms. Table VI shows for each adin^dnistrative area and County Borough ward the percentages'of inhabited dwellings by room categories, together with average population densities per dwelling and per room. TABLE VI P e r c e n t a g e 3f I n h a b i t e d d w e l l i n g s w i t h Area 1-2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms County and coma t y Borough 7.6 13.4 county 9.9 7 o r more rooms Average n o . of rooms p e r dwelling Average n umber or pers Per dwelling per room 4.60 4.27 0^93 11.7 4.57 4.11 0.90 4.83 4.83 5.45 3.79 0.78 3.95 3.12 3.98 4.42 4.43 4.13 0,82 0.57 0.86 1.03 0,96 0.94 5 rooms 6 rooms 34.8 22.1 11.4 10.7 14.7 30.8 21,1 11.8 Coleralne M.B. 1.5 10.0 29.7 36.5 14.3 8,0 Limavacly Portstewart U.D. coleralne Llmavady Londonderry Magtierafelt R.D. 14.1 6.2 14.8 18.3 28.7 10.7 32.2 24,2 45.2 15.9 It 5.1 1.1 10.8 15. Y 10.3 11.5 12.0 17.5 13.6 20.6 18,4 15.0 16.5 14,3 11.5 il.5 tt 32.3 31.8 32.4 12.9 20.3 12.0 8,^ 13,8 9,5 10.7 4.61 4.28 4.64 4.39 2.3 10.4 44,0 24,6 10,5 8.2 4.66 4.63 0.99 1.9 7.5 35.9 21.7 16,2 16.8 9,5 15.3 49:2 41.8 24,9 27,2 9.6 6.6 4.1 7.6 5.22 4.44 4.54 4.12 5.10 4.16 0.79 1.15 0.92 tt ti county Borough North south waterside ward ri tt 2.7 1.5 A comparison of the average number of rooms per dwelling and the numbers of persons per dwelling and per room in urban areas with the corresponding averages in rural areas is given below. County Borough Other urban areas Rural areas Average number of Rooms per Persons per dwelling Dwelling Room 4,66 4.63 0.99 4.97 3.67 0,74 4.47 4, 22 0, 94 In the case of persons per dwelling and per room, the averages for the County Borough were approximately 26 per cent and 34 per cent, respectively, above the corresponding averages for the other urban areas as a whole and also higher than the overall averages for the rural districts. xix Type and Tenure of Inhabited Dwellings: Of the 25,787 inhabited permanent ; dwellings in the County^ 20j\p03 or 77.6 per cent were classified as dwelling hou$es. Of the latter, 33.6 per cent were owner occupied, 38,6 per cent were rented from^ local or public authorities and 29.4 per cent were rented unfurnished from other landlords. Those rented furnished from other landlords accounted for 1.6 per cent, the remainder (2.8 per cent) being occupied in some other way* At 408, the number of flats in the County represented 1.6 per cent of the total inhabited permanent dwellings. Some 60 per cent were rented from local or public authorities and a further 25 per cent were rented from other landlords. Farmhouses numbered 5,376 or 20,8 per cent of the total permanent dwellings. In the County Borough, 97.4 per cent of the inhabited permanent dwellings were classed as dwelling houses; of these, 36.1 per cent were owner occupied, 27.3 per cent were rented from local or public authorities and 35.2 per cent were rented, mostly unfurnished, from other landlords. Of 282 flats, which represented 2.6 per cent of the total permanent dwellings in the County Borough, some 87 per cent were rented from local or public authorities and almost nine per cent were rented from other landlords. Table VII shows by administrative areas and County Borough wards the percentages 9f inhabited dwelling houses and flats in each main tenure category, together with the number of farmhouses in each area. TABLE VII Flats Dwelling houses Total Owner occupied Rented from local or public authority No, Area Rented from other landlords Occupied In SGjne other way Owner Total occupied No. : Rented from other landlords % % Occupied In some other holises way % % % % County and County Borough 30,821 34.5 30.7 32.5 2,3 690 5,9 71,5 18.3 4.3 5,378 County S0,0OS 33.6 32.6 31.0 2.8 408 10.0 60.5 24.8 4.7 5,376 2,802 31.0 34.7 11.5 36.8 41,9 34,3 28.3 30.7 39,2 31,4 29.0 31.9. 31,2 30.2 1.9 2.8 1.2 3,7 2.9 3,1 2.7 176 73 49 32 5 65 8 11.9 1,076 3,395 2,801 3,799 5,171 36.4 23,3 55,9 30.5 23.3 31,4 38.8 3 1 7 - ~ 12.3 12.5 52.3 12.5 24.4 19.2 16.3 18.8 100.0 3^.3 50.0 4.6 1.3 8.2 6.2 59,1 74,0 65.3 68.8 County Borough 10,818 36.1 27,3 35.2 ,1,4 282 - 87,2 8.9 3,9 2 North Ward South " Waterside " 2,779 5,428 2,611 43,6 29.1 42.6 15,6 34.0 25.7 38.3 36.0 30,4 2,5 0,9 1.3 39 235 ,.-'/ ^ 30.8 99.6 43.6 25.6 - Coleraine Llmavady Portstewart Coleraine Llmavady Londonderry Magherafelt M.B. U, D. " R.D. " » " 959 % 8/ % Rented from local or public authorl ty 5.5 10.2 — ** 6.2: 3.1 ; 25.0 \ 0.4 87.5 No. 1,290 968 641 2,466 -. 12.5 2 1—-. The proportion of owner occupied to total/inhabited permanent dwelling houses ranged from 55.9 per cent in Portstewart Urbar^^'District and 38,8 per cent in Magherafelt Rural District to 23.3 per cent ijd each of Limavady Urban and Rural Districts. Limavady Rural District had the h/ghest percentage, viz. 41.9, of dwelling houses rented from local or public/authorities; the percentage was lowest at only 11.5 in Portstewart Urban District/ In the case of dwelling houses rented from other landlords, the proportions did/not vary significantly as between one ' area and another. / Goleraine Municipal Borough had 176 flats which represented 43 per cent of the total flats in the County; three-fifths were rented from local or public authorities and one-quarter were rented from other landlords. Of the 282 flats in the County Borough, 235 were situated in South War(^; all but one of the latter were rented from local or public authorities. The pi^pportion of farmhouses to total peimanent dwellings in the rural areas varied between, 32. 3 per cent in Magherafelt Rural District and 14.2 per cent in Londonderry Rural District. XX . The niomber of inhabited dwellings retunjied as non-permanent was 580, of which three were situated in the County Borough; 370 of them were stated to be normally occupied, all the year round. Their classification by tenure was:- owner occupied 124; rented from local or public authorities 96; rented from other landlords furnished 71, unfurnished 70; occupied in some other way 19. An analysis by type ^ahd location of dwelling is given below. Converted railway carriages, omnibuses, etc. Caravans, tents and other mobile structures "Goleraine Limavady Coleraine Limavady Londonderry Magherafelt Londonderry M. B. U. D. R. D. '.^ " " G. B. Barns, sheds and other types 2. 13 24 57 34 '20 / 2 / 17 2 59 7 125 14 1 2 13 100 66 159 37 3 •22 206 380 / / 152 Total Private Households: TabL^ 7 shows the numbers of private households in each administrative area and Coupxy Borough ward by household sizes, rooms occupied and densities of room occupatidn. In the County there were 26,308 private households or 2,424 more than at tha.previous Census. This represented an increase of 10. 1 per cent, which may be contrasted with increases of 10.9 per cent in the number of inhabited private dwellings, 16.6 per cent in the number of rooms occupied and 6.1 per cent in the private household population. The particulars for the County Borough were:- 11,862 private households, which was an increase of 1,278 households or 12.1 per cent as against increases of 18.6 per cent in inhabited private dwellings, 14.7 per cent in rooms occupied and 9.8 per cent in private household population. During the- intercensal period, the average size of households in the County decreased from 4. 24 to 4.09 persons and from 4. 43 to 4.34 persons in the County Borough. The number of households in each size group from one to five persons per household was higher than in 1951, the increases being greatest in the two-persons group, viz., County +974 households (+22.9 per cent) and County Borough +447 households (+25.2 per cent). Households consisting of ten or more persons increased by 13.8 per cent in the County and by 42. 6 per cent in the County Borough. The only significant decreases were a 5. 2 per cent reduction in the number of 6-8 persons households in the County and a 6.2 per cent reduction in households of six and seven persons in the County Borough. The largest groups by household sizes were households cunsisting of two, three, four ajid five persons in that order. This was the same as in 1951 except that in the County Borough the order of the two-nersons and three-persons households wa3 reversed. Expressed as percentage^ of the total households, the proportions were as followstCounty Size of household 1961 1951 fo % Two persons Three " Four '* Five " County 19.9 17.6 16.2 12.'2 17.8 17.5 16.0 12.6 1951 % 16.8 17.0 16.2 13.2 Borough 1961 fo 18.7 17.5 15.0 12.7 / The 1961 percentage distribution of private households by sizes is shown for each administrative area and County Borough ward in Table VIII. xxi TABLE VIII Average number of persQUs p e r household P e r c e n t a g e Of p r i v a t e h o u s e h o l d s c o n s i s t i n g of Area 1 person persons 3 persons 4 persons 1 5 1 ' 6 persons 1 persons 7 o r more persons 1951 1961 [ County and County Borough 10.0 19.5 i'7.5 15.8 12.4 County 10.6 19.9 17.6 16.2 12.2 Coleralne M.B. Llmavady U,D. Portstewart " Coleralne R.D. Llmavady « Londonderry " Magherafelt » 9.5 10.6 18.4 11.7 9.4 6.5 1£.S 22.2 22.8 26.9 19.2 17.6 18.7 19.7 19,9 16.9 18.1 18,3 16.6 18.4 16.2 18.6 15.7 17.9 16.2 15.8 16.6 15.1 8.9 18.7 17.5 10.9 8.3 7.8 23.0 16.1 19.7 20.0 14.8 20.3 County Borough North South Waterside Ward " " 16.3 4.30 .4.17 8.4 15.1 4.24 4,09 12,4 12.6 9.6 12.9 11.7 12.9 11.8 8.1 8.8 5.0 8.0 9.1 9.2 8.3 9.3 12.6 4.1 13.7 19.8 17.7 16.7 4.04 3.94 3.20 4.12 4.47 4.73 4.19 3.76 3,90 3,08 3.98 4.41 4.37 4,13 15,0 12.7 8.7 18.5 4.43 4.34 16*^.9 12.4 12.2 14.3 7.4 9.5 8.3 9,4 26.5 . 11.5 4.03 4.73 4.29/ 3,68 4.86 '3,96 12.6 18.1 J ! 8.5 The average size of private households in the urban areas of the County was 3.64 persons compared with 4, 20 in the rural areas and 4. 34 in the County Borough. In individual areas, the averages ranged from 3.08 in Portstewart Urban District to 4.37 in Londonderry Rural District and 4,41 in Limavady Rural District. The average reached 4.86 persons in Londonderry South Ward which was the only ward or administrative area with a higher average than in 1951, Rooms and Density of Occupation: Intercensal changes in the proportion of house* holds by room categories are indicated by the following summary:-Percentage of households occupying l - g rooms County County Borough 4, rooms 3 rooms 5 rooms 6 o r more 1951 1961 1951 1961 1951 1961 1951 1961 1951 1961 17.9 14,7 10.3 8.6 18.8 9.8 11.8 11,8 S7.i 39.2 30.7 41.E 13.9 18.9 21,0 82.7 ^^ * c 17,4 ^o. ^ 15.7 As in 1951, households occupying four rooms foruied the largest individual group, accounting for 30,7 per cent and 41.2 per cen-^/qf the total households in the County and the County Borough, respectively. Households in five rooms were the next largest group. Households of two persons in four rooftis were in the majoi*ity in the County compared with households of three persons ih four rooms in 1951. In the Coxinty Borough the three-persons households in foui* rooms were the most frequent, whereas households of four persons in four rooms w^re numerically the most significant at the previous Census. / Table IX shows for eaqh administraj/ive area and County Borough ward the 1961 relative distribution of households by/rooms occupied, together with the percentages of households and population living a/a density of over two persons per room. '(Such a density has been chosen to provide/a convenient comparison with information ; . published at previous Censuses and not as a measure or definition of overerowdiiig. Data for a limited sub-division o/a density of two or less persons per room are given in Table 7; figures for almost any required density can be arrived at from the details in the Table). Thez-proportion of households occupying less than four rooms was generally much lower in urban than in rural areas, varying between 8.8 per cent in Portstewart Urban District and 34.2 per cent in Limavady Rural District. The average in the County Borough was 20.4 per cent. xxll TABLE IX Percentage of p r i v a t e households occupying Area 1-2 rooms County and County Borough 3 rooms 4 rooms / 5 / rooE^s 6-7 rooms 8 or more rooms P e r c e n t a g e of private household population a t d e n s i t y of over Z persons p e r room Percentage of p r i v a t e households at density of over 2 persons per room 1951 1961. / 9.8 13.8 34.0/ 21.5 15.7 5.2 7.2 19,8 15.2 County 10,3 14.8 30'. 7 21,0 17.2 6,0 7.3 21.5 15.3 Coleralne M.B. Llmavady U.D. Portstewart " Coleralne \ R.D. Llmavady " Londonderry " Magherarelt " ^.1 5.3 1.8 10.9 15.9 11.6 11.6 10.3 /S9.6 14.4 ^' 29.0 7 . 0 / 10.8 14.8/ 32.1 32.3 18.3^ 31.2 12.i 32.3 17/. 5 36.2 24.0 44.5 15.9 13,7 20.3 18,4 17.9 22,8 28.1 18.6 13.5 18.6 14.8 3.9 4,5 7,8 7.7 6.3 6.2 5.4 1.8 3.0 0.3 6.5 11.4 9.8 7.9 8.7 10.0 3.6 19.2 28.7 27.4 22.7 4.6 7.0 0.7 14.0 22.1 18.9 16.7 11.8 41.2 22.7 12.3 3,4 7.0 16.3 14.8 10.5 10.4 16.5 33.3 45,9 40,1 19.3 23.3 25.3 18.6 10.6 8.5 7.4 1.4 3,3 2.9 10.7 3.9 9.8 20.7 13.8 5.7 21.1 7.9 County Borough North South Waterside Ward " " 8.6^-' 10.9 8.4 6,3 Households in the County sharing accommodation with other households accounted for one per cent of the total households; the proportion was highest at 2.7 per cent in Londonderry Rural District and lowest at 0.2 per cent in Magherafelt Rural District. In the County Borough, however, more than ten out of every hundred households shared accommodation; although still relatively very high, this proportion reflected a considerable improvement in the position at the 1951 Census when some twenty in every hundred households shared their accommodation with other households. The niomber of households consisting of three or more persons living in a single room in the County decreased during the last intercensal period from 194 to 103 of which only five were in urban areas. The figures for the County Borough were - 1951: 240 households; 1961: 96 households. Households accommodated at a density of over two persons per room niombered 1,91Q in the County and 833 in the County Borough. Their proportion to total households, with comparable figures at earlier Censuses, were:1926 Cdunty County Borough 16.0 17.3 1951 1961 % % 12.0 9.4 7.3 7.0 In individual areas, the proportions ranged from 0.3 per cent in Portstewart Urban District to 11.4 per cent in Limavady Rural District. Households at a density of 1;^'2 persons inclusive per room accounted for 13.2 per cent of the households in the County and 17.0 per cent of those in the County Borough; at one and over but under 1^ persons per room, the respective percentages were 25.8 and 30.0. Households returning an average- density of less than one person per room formed 53.7 per cent (1951: 45.9 per cent) of the total in the County compared with 46.0 per cent (1951: 40,4 per cent) in the- County Borough. Of the total private household population, 15,3 per cent and 14.8 per cent in the County and County Borough, respectively, were residing at over two persons per room. These proportions, particularly the former, were lower than the corresponding ratios in 1951. The proportions for individuals areas and wards, which varied bet;Ween 0.7 per c^nt in Portstewart Urban District and 22.1 per cent in Limavady Rural District, were also less than in 1951 except in Londonderry South Ward where the previous high percentage of 20,7 increased further to 21.1 xxlll Persons living at a density of 1-^,2 personB per room represented 20. 3 per aent in the County and 26*0 per cent in the County Borough; at a density of one -and over but under 1-^ persons per.^oom, the proportions were County '29/0 per cent and County Borough 31.8 per cent. In th'sa under one person per room category, the percentage in the County was 35.4 compared with 27.4 in the County Borough. ; Household Arrangements: Table 8 shows, in respect of the arrangements on wiliich information was sought in the Census return, the extent to which private households had access to such arrangements in their dwellings and whether they had exclusive use of the arrangements or shared them with other households. The information is analysed according to the number of households per dwelling and the tenure and type of accommodation occupied. • In the County as a whole, 40.8 per.cent of the households had use (sole or shared) of all six arrangements; 11.1 per cent had none of the arrangements. The corresponding proportions for the County Borough were:- all arrangements 49.9 per cent, no arrangements 0,2 per cent. Of the households in the County without any of the arrangements, 57 per cent were in owner-occupied accommodation and 35 per cent were in accommodation rented unfurnished from private landlords; close on two-third occupied dwelling houses, with the remainder mostly in farmhouses. The arrangements available most and the percentages of households which had th use of them were as follows:County Borough County Cold water tap later closet Kitchen sink Cooking s t o v e o r range 62. A% 56. Ofo 64. bfc 85. 2$ 93. Zfo 99.0fo 87.0% 92. 7% The relatively high proportion of households in the County Borough with the use;Of a water closet reflects the extent - approximately one in twelve - to which households shared the arrangement with other households. The arrangements possessed by fewest households were a hot water tap" and a fixed bath; 54 per cent of the households in the County had no hot water tap and 57 per cent lacked a fixed bath. The proportions in the County Borough were:- no hot water tap 44 per cent, no bath 46 per cent. TABLE X f Tenure and type of accommodation Coimty Households In accommodationOwner occupied Rented rrom l o c a l or puDllc antJiorltles Rented from other landlords Fumlslied Unfurnished Occupied in some other way Percentage of t o t a l households with use of Total households All 1 oold arrange- water ments tap Hot water tap Water closet 56,0 64.5 85,2 49.7 61.2 83.6 67.3 ' 74,9 85,9 93.9 M.5 60.5 17.8 52.0 72.a 45,4 60.6 80.2 45.7 67.2 92,4 78.1 86.3 47.5 90.9 25,9 2.3 62.4 98.3 30,5 36.4 ' 68.4 98.3 48.1 58,1 86.8 90.0 79.2' 82.1 56.1 64.1 99.0 87.0 92.7 /96.8 61.7 57.5 99.1 93.3 95,8 / "^ 99.0 93.9 93.3 99,8 98.3 26,308 40.8 62.4 46.0 43.1 12,078 39.4 59.6 45.9 .' 41.0 6,888 63.8 514 6,191 637 79.9 54.5 16.1 49,6 67. r / 77.6 46.6 64.7 62.6 ?b,o / / 20,114 408 5,390 396 45.2 81.8 24.6 1.0 66.1 '• 49,5 98.0 / 9 4 . 1 4a,7 / 32,2 8,1 46.2/ County Borou^ 11,862 49.9 93/2 • / ' • Households occupyingDwelling houses Flats FamihQUses Other types of dwelling Kitchen sink ...... Households occupylngDwelllng houses Flats Farmhouses Ot^er types of dwelling Households in accommodationOvmer occupied Rented from local or public a u t h o r i t i e s Rented from other landlords mmlshed Unfurnished Occupied In some other way cooking stove or range Fixed hath 3,909 / 53.4 3,201 / 92.5 478 4.103 171 28.0 / 15. a-' 52^^ ' 11,573 282 r 4 3 ' ' / / •••• 98..1 ^ 97,5 84.7 94.7 55^6 2:1.4 57.3 93.0 100,0 100.0 66.7 55,2 96.6 1 25.0 33.3 • ... 61.5 19.2 56.7 98.5 98,3 98,8 88,9 71.9 90.1 9Q.2 85.4 93.0 53,0 96.8 ^.0 — 99,0 99,6 100,0 66.7 86.7 1 99.6 1 100.0 66.7 92.5 99.6 100,0 66.7 • 48,8 96.1 25.0 1 xxlv Table X shows the numbers of households, expressed as percentages of the total households, which had use (sole or shared) of the various arrangements according to the tenure and type of accommodation occupied. Households in accommodation provided by local or public authorities had relatively the greatest availability of arrangements, particularly in the County Borough where, for example, 92, 5 per cent of such households-had use of all six arrangements compared with 53. 4 per cent for households in owner-occupied accommodation and 15.8 per cent for households in accommodation rented unfurnished from othex landlord^^'. As regards the availability of arrangements according to the type of accqjdmodation occupied, households in flats fared better than those in dw^elling. houses; the latter, in turn, had on average a fnuch greater availability of arrangemen;ts than households occupying farmhouses, ,/ In Table XI a comparison is giv^^ on a percentage basis of the extent to which households had sole or shared use of'the arrangements in the administrative areas of the County and the County Borough yards. " / TABLE XI 1 Percentage of t o t a l households with use of Total households Area AU ari;^geMents Cold water tap Hot water tap Fixed bath Water closet Kitchen sink Cooking stove or range County and County Borough 38,170 43.-7 12,^0 49.2 46.5 69.4 71.5 87.5 County 26,308 40.8 62,4 46.0 43.1 56.0 64,5 85.2 66.4 57.6 86.3 31.3 31.5 41,7 31.9 94.9 89,7 99,6 50.2 52,1 62.8 52.8 73.3 66.5 90.5 36.6 35.2 46.4 37.0 68,0 63,4 88.4 33.5 32.6 45.7 53.4 99.4 92,2 99,3 41.8 41,6 55.5 44.1 92.3 85,7 99.4 57.0 53,8 65.9 54.8 95.5 89.3 98.9 82.7 82.2 87.7 80,2 11, 862 49.9 93.2 56.1 54.1 99.0 87.0 92,7 3,161 5,943 2,758 53.0 48.6 49.3 97.8 89.5 95.9 61.6 53.3 56,1 59.8 50.7 54.6 ^ 99,3 98.8 99,1 93.4 81.7 91,2 94.2 91.4 93.7 Coleraine M.B, • LlTnavady U.D. Portstewart " Coleralne R. D. Llmavady " Londonderry " Hagherafelt " County Borough North South Waterside Ward " " 3,006 1,059 1, 147 4,823 3,853 4, 730 7,690 , In Portstewart Urban District virtually all households had use of a cold water tap and water closet, and nine out of every ten had a hot water tap or bath or both. At the other end of the scale, just over half of the househuldo in Coleraine, Limavady and Magherafelt Rural Districts had a cold water tap, about two-fifths had a water closet and one-third had a hot ^^^^ater tap or bath or both. In the South Ward of the County Borough, one out of every ten households lacked a cold water tap within the dwelling. Household Socio-economic Groups: Table 9 gives an analysis, by the socioeconomic group of the head of household, of the numbers of private households and persons therein according to the tenure of the accommodation and the number of rooms occupied by the household. Except for that relating to rooms, the infoiroation is siommarised in Table XII in respect of "the combined County and County Borough to provide a convenient comparison between the main groups, k brief definition of each socio-economic group is given in Part I of the Report, XXV TABLE XII ,.... Socio-economic group i—i^. i - i ^ , . — , — . — » N^amber of private Households Average Population number of in persons private per households household Proportion of households In each tenure category Rented from Ownerl o c a l or occupied public authority % T Rented occupied from In some other other landlords way ^ % % County and County Borough 1, Z Employers and managers 3, 4 ProXesslonal workers b. 6 Inteimeaiate and Junior nonHTianual workers Personal service workers 7 Foremen and supervisors 8 manual Skilled manual workers 9 Semi-skilled manual workers 10 Unskilled manual workers 11 Own account workers (other 12 than professional) Farmers - employers and 13 managers Farmers - own account 14 Agricultural workers 15 Members of armed forces 16 I n d e f i n i t e and not applicable Total 2,560 720 10,530 2,615 4»li 3.63 65.5 50.1 12.2 10.7 19,0 18.5 3,3 20.7 3.754 664 14,010 2,384 3.73 3.59 36.6 21,5 29.8 31.5 30,5 44.9 672 5,407 3,639 4,726 , 2,906 24,724 15,789 23,691 4.32 4.57 4.34 5.01 28.7 25,2 23.2 . 19,9 40.2 39,9 38,5 39.6 29,3 33.6 37,1 39.1 1.8 i.3 1,2 1.4 1,713 6,911 4.^3 54.4 13.3 30.9 1.4 1.339 4,629 2,228 750 5,367 5.957 18,822 10,332 2,684 17.625 4,45 4.07 4.64 3.58 3,28 94.3 93,7 16.7 6,8 39.8 0,7 1.5 33,3 59,5 21.9 3,7 4,0 46,9 33.6 36.3 38,170 158,980 4.17 41,9 26.4 29.6 1 , 3.1 2,1 1,3 O.B 3,1 0.1 2,0 2.1 Approximately 94 per cent of the heads of households who were farmers (S.E.G^s 13 and 14) and 65 per cent of employers and managers (S,E.G's 1 and 2) ovmed their accommodation, compared with 20 per cent for unskilled manual workers (S.E.G. ll) and less than 17 per cent for agricultural workers (S,E,G. 15). Households in accommodation rented from local or public authorities accounted for 1.3 per cent of those in the farmers^ group, 10.7 per cent of professional workers (S.E.G^s 3 and 4) and 12.2 per cent of employers and managers. Excluding S.E,G, 16, the proportion was highest at about 40 per cent for the various groups of manual workers classified to S,E.G's 8-11. In the category of householders who rented their accommodation from other landlords, the proportions ranged from 47 per cent for agricultural workers to an average of four per cent for farmers. Households in accommodation occupied in some other way represented only 2,1 per cent of the total households. The proportion for each ^ocio-e^onomTC group was also small except in the professional workers* group wher/ it reached 20.7 per cent; a probable reason for the latter is that the group concerned includes clergymen, many of whom occupied rent-free accommodation provided ^^y their church authorities. Table XII also shows the average sizes of households by socio-economio groups. Against an average of 4.17 persons for all households/ the highest averages were 5.01 for households in the unskilled manual workers*/group, 4,64 for those in the agricultural workers* group and 4. 57 for those in tl^ skilled manual workers* group. The lowest averages were returned by households of ]s/(?hich the heads were professional workers 3,63, personal service workers 3,59 and members of the armed forces 3.58 persons. With regard to households in the residua^ category of **Indefinite and not applicable", it is pointed out that such househo^d^ include those of which the heads had no occupation other than that of housewife^^ld who were accordingly excluded from the socio-economic classification; in ma^y cases the household heads were either widows or married women whose husband^ were away on Census night. Calculations based on the data in Table 9 enable a general comparison to be made of the average sizes of households hy tenure of the accommodation occupied xxvl as follows:Average size of household Tenure Ovmer occupied Rented from local or public authorities Rented from other landlords Occupied in some other way County County Borough 3. 93 persons 4,64 " 3,86 " 3, 58 4,07 persons 5.59 3.71 3. 64 It will be seen that the average size of households in accommodation rented from local or public authorities was appreciably greater than that of households in the other main tenure categories. USUAL ADDRESS From Table 12 it can be seen' that 98,6 per cent of the population enumerated in the County had usual addressed in the County; 0.9 per cent normally lived in the County Borough or elsewhere in Northern Ireland and 0.5 per cent were usually resident outside Northern, Irel^d. The proportions for the County Borough were:usual address in the County Borough 98.4 per cent, in the County or elsewhere in Northern Ireland 0,8 per cent, and outside Northern Ireland 0.8 per cent. SEX, AGE AND MARITAL CONDITION Table 13 shows the distribution of the population in the County and the County Borough by sex, individual years of age and marital condition. Summaries for each administrative area and County Borough ward are given in Table 14. In Table XIII below, the position in the County and County Borough combined is compared, on an age group basis, with that at the 1951 Census. TABLE XIII Males Age group Total Single Married 0-4 5-9 9,106 8,119 9,106 iO-i415-19 7,260 6,714 , * . 20-24 25-34 5,816 10,029 9,426 3§-44 45-54 5,158 5,075 2,689 1,847 16 656 4.919 6,616 5,449 Widowed and divorced Single Married 10,054 10,054 8,846 8,719 8,846 8,719 7,315 2 5,716 9,547 9,285 8,603 35 121 1,319 3,883 4,470 2,402 1,086 540 2,600 980 784 882 176,544 1 48,897 25,119 2,528 8.489 • . , 7,563 5,639 Total ,. • . - 267^ 437 55-64 65-74 75 & over Total 8,119 7,230 6,698 Percentage intercensal variation 1961 U951 7,348 t . * 33 Widowed and divorced . . . - Total Single Married +10.4 +10.4 + 9.0 +20,1 + 9.4 + 9.0 +20.1 + 9.2 -12,9 , . . + + + + + 86.6 15.9 4.2 19.7 18.9 -100.0 + + 2.8 9.5 - 21.0 + 14.4 - 14.3 1,224 5,703 6,893 6.522 13 73 190 4,615 422 - 1.7 - 4.8 - 1.5 +13,8 +15.2 1,043 532 2,672 1,073 619 850 - 3.0 ; + 2.2 i 8 1 , 4 0 4 150,502 128,735 1 2,167 + 6.3 + 3.3 , . • •^ +14,6 . +14.6 + 8.2 +18.1 + 8.2 6 - 5.0 - 5,2 - 2,5 + 7.1 +15,7 + 3.6 +11.7 , + 8,0 - 1,5 +13,0 1 - + 6.2 + 2,4 6,497 4,334 2,455 +10.7 - 4.0 - 1.5 , . . - +106.3 4,492 3,831 2,319 1,891 1,460 -24,5 -13.8 + 2.4 Widowed and divorced - 62.9 - 39.7 - 28.6 3.4 - 3.6 Females 0-4 ' 8,489 ' 5-^ 7,876 7,876 10-14 15-19 20-24 6,979 6,979 6,516 5,914 6,369 147 1,596 10,6^ 25-34 9,965 35-44 8,346 46-54 6,447 55-64 5,007 65-74 TO & o v e r 2,820 4,315 4,003 2,581 2,244 1,803 1,492 806 6,502 7.013 5,341 3.265 1,711 498 78,996 46,957 26,073 Total • . - 9,731 8,523 9,731 8,523 8.244 7,250 8,244 7,024 226 2.229 7,182 761 1,379 1,804 1,516 10,081 9,716 8,935 7,460 5,185 3,149 3,385 2,841 2,076 1.944 1,948 1,469 911 7,371 6,240 4,028 1,791 490 58 269 751 1,484 1,925 j 1.748 5,966 83,894 48,096 29,557 6,241 3 132 371 5,620 , .. . xxvll +11.3 +18.1 +10.3 -21.6 -29.0 -19.6 -13.4 .1 . • • — • • + 53.7 + + + + + + 39,7 10.5 5.1 16.8 23.4 4.7 +100.0 - 56.1 - 27,5 1.3 + 7,6 + 6,7 : 1,6 + 1 5 , 3 + 13.4 + 4,6 Sex distribution: In 1961 there were 1,031 females to every 1,000 males in the. County and County Borough combined, compared with 1,052 in 1951- In all administrative urban areas and County Borough wards there were fewer males than females, whereas males outnumbered females in each rural district; the proport?.ohs of females per 1,000 males in the latter areas ranged from 977 in Coleraine Rural District to only 896 in Limavady Rural District. The averages in the Co\anty and" County Borough were 989 and 1,123 females per 1,000 males, respectively. Taking the County and County Borough together, males exceeded females at most ages up to and including 24 years. Thereafter, the position was largely reversed, with females predominating at every age from 53 years onwards. At ages 70 years and over there were approximately five women to every four men. Ages: Comparing the aggregate figures for the County and County Borough with those at the previous Census, there were increases in the numbers of persons in each quinquennial age group from 0-19 years, particularly in the group 10-14. years where males increased by 20. 1 per cent and females by 18.1 per cent. Altogether the figure for young persons under twenty years of age rose by 7,656 which was more than threequarters of the intercensal increase in the total population. A net decrease of 1,822 persons (723 males and 1,099 females) or 3.5 per cent occurred in the groups 20-44 years. Except in the groups 70-79, increases were recorded in the numbers of both men and women in all the significant age groups from 45 years upwards. No centenarians were eniomerated at the 1951 Census, but four widows were returned as aged 100 and over in 1961. .The changed pattern of the percentage distribution of the County and County Borough population by four broad age groups since 1901 is indicated below. 0-14 years 15-44 " 45-64 " 65 and o v e r 1901 1911 1926 1937 1951 1961 29.7 45.9 17.6 6.8 29.6 43.6 15.8 11.0 30.1 42.6 18.2 9.1 29.1 43.6 17.9 9.4 30.7 41.8 18.0 9.5 32.7 39.1 19.1 9.1 Marital Condition: Although the total persons aged 16 years (the statutory minimum age of marriage) and over in the County and County Borough increased by 3,068 or 2.9 per cent, the number of single persons of marriageable age was fewer by 3,946 (1,760 males and 2,186 females) or 8.7 per cent. The number of married persons aged 16 and over rose by 7,100 (3,616 males and 3,484 females) or 13.9 per cent; increases occurred in the figures for each relevant ag^ g'^oup up to 69 years, particularly in those for the group 20-24 years where married males increased by 568 or 86.6 per cent and married females by 633 or 39.7 per cent. Widowers decreased by 359 whilst the niomber of widows increased by 229. Of divorced persons wno had not remarried, males decreased from 30 to 28 but females increased from 62 to 108. The following statement shows the percentage distribution of the combined Count] and County Borough population aged 16 and over by^sex and marital condition at the last three Censuses. 1937 Males Single Married Widowed Divorced 49. 8 44.4 5.8 0.0 Females 46.4 42.7 10.9 0.0 1951 Males 45. 5 y 49.5 / 4.9/ 0.5/ 1961 ,' F e m a l e s 41.0 48.0 10.9 0.1 Males 40.8 55.0 4.1 0.1 Females 35.9 52.9 11.0 0.2 BiPTHPLACE AND NATIONALITY Table 15 shows'the population by .iex and place of birth. Expressed as percentages of the total persons with stated place of birth, the figures are summarised as follows:Coiinty Borough County Birthplace Londonderry County and Co. Borough 81.2 78. 7 Other areas of Northern Ireland 5.3 11. 6 Republic of Ireland 8.1 3 . 9 Great Britain (including the Isle of Man and Channel Islands) 4.5 4.8 0. 9 Outside the British Isles 1.0 100.0 xxvlli 100.0 Changes in the.general pattern in the County and County Borough as a whole at each Census since 1861 are outlined in Table XIV. TABLE XIV P e r c e n t a g e s b o m In Census year Northern Ireland 97.50 93,72 92.83 91.73 90.15 89.03 87.97 88.82 88.34 89.07 1861 1871 1881 1891 1901 1911 1926 1937 1951 1961 Irish Republic 1.92 4.78 5.20 5.88 7.26 7.30 7.87 7.20 6.43 5.28 England and Wales* Scotland 0.20 0.57 0.76, / 0.79 ' 0.84 0.28 0.68 0.82 1.16 1.20 1.86 1.97 1.72 1.63 1.47 1.19 1.S5 1.55 2.94 ^.22 Bom a t sea Bom abroad Total 0,01 0.01 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.10 0,24 0..38 0.44 0.55 0,62 0.63 0,70 0.65 0.96 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 •Persons jonx In the Isle ot Man (19 In 1961) and the Channel Islands (5) are Included under this heading. The numbers of persons in %he County and County Borough born outside Northern Ireland by sex, place of birth and main religious groups are given in Table 16. The figures are summarised and shown on a percentage basis in Table XV. TABLE XV Birthplace Great B r i t a i n (Including I s l e or Man and Channel i s l a n d s ) I r i s h Republic Presbyterian or Total 323 . 492 7,719 Methodist Ireland (NO, ( . (% g,426 1,391 3,087 31,4 18.0 40,0 4,2 6,4 100,0 (NO. 4,654 53.5 2,025 23,3 1,634 18.8 145 1,6 243 2.8 8,701 100.0 514 32.6 267 18.9 345 21.8 72 4.6 381 24.1 1,579 100,0 7,594 42,2 3,683 20.5 5,066 28.1 540 3.0 1.116 6.2 17,999 100,0 40,548 24.5 32,0i0 19.4 2,310 1.4 6,838 4,1 165,298 100.0 (% Other countries (including a t sea) (% Total horn outside Northern I r e l a n d (NO, {% Total population Other and not s t a t e d denominations Church Boman Catholic (NO. (NO. 83,582 50.6 - Among persons born outside Northern Ireland, the proportions of Roman Catholics and Presbyterians were lower and those for the other main religious groups, particularly Church of Ireland, were higher than the corresponding proportions which the total persons in these denominations bore to the total population of the County and Coimty Borough. Table 17 shows the niombers of persons born outside the British Isles by sex and usual address on 23rd April, 1960, distinguishing between British or Commonwealth citizens and persons of alien nationality. Of the 1,579 persons enumerated in the County and County Borough with birthplaces outside the British Isles, 66.9 per cent were British or Commonwealth citizens, 32.7 per cent were aliens and the remaining 0.4 per cent omitted to answer the,nationality question. RELIGION Table 18 shows the population by sex in each administrative area and County Borough ward under four main religious headings, viz., Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, xxix Church of Ireland and Methodist, and a fifth group embracing all other and not state| denominations. Totals for each denomination in the last-named category with 10 or i more adherents are given in a footnote to the Table. Changes in the position in the 1 County and County Borough as a whole since 1861 are set out in Table XVI below. TABLE XVI Roman Catholic Total Census populaYear tion Number caiurcti of Ireland* Presbyterian Percentage of total population Number Methodist Percentage of total population Number Percentage of total population Percentage Number of total population Other and not stated denominations Per^ cent age Number of total population 1861 184.£09 83,402 45.3 64,602 35.1 31,218 16.9 1,136 0.6 3,851 2.1 1871 173,906 77,358 44.5 58,779 33.8 32,079 18.4 957 0,6 4,733 2,7 1881 164,991 73,274 44.4 54,727 33.2 31,596 19,1 938 0.6 4.456 2.7 1891 152,009 67,748 44.6 48,936 32.2 29,730 19.6 990 0.6 4,605 3.0 1901 144,404 65,296 45.2 45,682 31.6 27,804 19.3 1,446 1.0 4,176 2.9 1911 140,625 64,401 45.8 42,936 30.5 27,176 -19.3 1,939 1.4 4,173 3.0 19^ 139,693 66,410 47.5 40,052 28.7 27,666 19.8 1,896 1.4 3,669 2.6 1937 142,736 69,252 48.5 38.764 27.2 28,841 20,2 1,900 1.3 3,979 2.8 1951 155,540 76,982 49.5 40,171 25.8 31,611 20.3 2,189 1.4 4,587 3.0 1961 165,298 83,582 50,6 40,548 24.5 32,020 19.4 2,310 1.4 : 6,838 4.1 •Including Church of England and Episcopal Church of Scotland numbering 2,517 and 8 respectively in 1961. In relation to the total population, the proportion of Roman Catholics increasec from 49.5 per cent in 1951 to 50.6 per cent in 1961, the latter being the highest recorded since a question on religion was first asked at the Census of 1861. The corresponding changes in the County and County Borough separately were a decrease from 43.1 per cent to 42. 6 per,cent and an increase from 63.1 per cent to 67.1 per cent, respectively. In the combined areas the proportion of Presbyterians fell from 25.8!per cent to 24.5 per cent in continuance of the steady downward movement since 1861 when the percentage stood at 35.1. The percentage for the Church of Ireland alsc decreased from 20.3 to 19.4, which was a reversal of the trend at the three previous Censuses. At 1.4, the percentage for Methodists-T/iras the same as in 1951, while that for the other and not stated denominations rose from 3.0 to ,4.1. However, with most if not all denominations, comparison with earlier years may be slightly vitiated by the increase from 470 to 2,138 in the r^umber of persons who did not str.t^ a religious profession - an increase which probably reflects a greater awareness in 1961 that it was not obligatory to answer the Census question on religion. Table 19 shows the numbers of males and females in each of the main denominatioi by individual years of age to 21 and by quinquennial groups from '20 years onwards. Between 1951 and 1961, the number of persons in the County returned as Roman Catholics under ten years of age increased by 6.0 per cent and that for all others in the same age group increased by 9.8 per cent; in/the range 10-21 years, respective increases of 14.3 per cent and 7.1 per cent we're recorded. At ages over 21, the number of Roman Catholics increased by only 0.4 p^i* cent compared with a 5.4 per ceni increase for all others. In the County Borough, however, a •28.6 pe;^'cent increase in Roman Catholics aged under ten years was accompanied by a decline of 11.8 per cent in the remaining population of that age. In the group 10-21 y^ars, increases of 18.4 per cent and 2.5 per cent took place in the numbers of Roman Catholics and all others, respectively; at ages over 21, the number of Roman Catholics increased by 6.0 per cent as against a decrease of 4.4 per cent for the others. For all ages, comparative changes during the intercensal period were:- County County Borough ^ . T^ -, . Roman Catholic +4.7% +14.'270 XXX All other and not stated denominations +6.6fo -4.4% The percentages of persons by r e l i g i o n s in c e r t a i n age groups to the t o t a l population in those groups, with comparable figures for 1951, are given in Table XVII. TABLE XVII County Roman Catholic Age Churcli of Ireland Presbyterian Methodist Other and not stated group 1951 1961 1951 1961 1951 1961 29.^ 22.5 22.3 0.9 1.2 3.6 4.6 g5.0 21.9 21.8 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.1 1951 1961 1951 1961 i l l ages 43.1 42.6 29.9 Under 1 y e a r 50.0 47.1 25.1 / / Utider 10 y e a r s 48.5 47.6 26.3 / 25.0 21,5 21.8 0.7 1.1 3.0 4.5 under 25 y e a r s 45.9 46.1 26.8 26.3 23.4 22.1 0.8 1.1 3.1 4.4 25-49 y e a r s 41.1 39.7 31^0 30.5 22.8 23.5 1.1 1.3 4.0 5.0 50 y e a r s and o v e r 39.8 39.0 34.8 34.0 20.5 21.3 0.9 1.1 4.0 4.6 All a g e s 63.1 67.1 17.2 14.6 15.7 13.3 2.4 1.9 1.6 3.1 Under 1 y e a r 71.0 79.9 12.9 7.8 13.6 8.7 1.4 1.3 1.1 2.3 Under 10 y e a r s 69.3 76.7 14.4 9.8 13.0 9.4 2.0 1.4 1.3 2.7 Under 25 y e a r s 67.3 72.3 14.9 11.9 14.3 11.2 2.1 1.6 1.4 3.0 25-49 y e a r s 59.7 64.2 18.5 15.8 17.2 14.4 Z.^ 2.1 Z.O 58.4 58.7 ZO.h 19.6 16.7 1 16.4 2.7 2.4 1.7 Coiinty Borough 60 y e a r s and o v e r i ' 3.5 2.9 It will be seen that the proportion of Roman Catholics in the age-groups under 25 years was greater and the proportion in the groups from 25 years onwards was less than the ratio of Roman Catholics of all ages to the total population; generally, the position was reversed as regards the corresponding proportions for the other main religious categories. Such comparison is much less marked in the County than in the County Borough where the Roman Catholic population not only remains the most youthful but tends to have an increasing proportion of young persons in relation to the other denominations. TERMINAL EDUCATION AGE Table £0 shows the distribution of the population aged 15 years and over by terminal education age. Figures are given by sexes and by individual years of age from 15 to 24 and age groups thereafter. As an indication of the relationship between education and occupation, the information is also analysed by Occupation Orders in Table '21. The figures in the "Not applicable" column of Table 20 relate mainly to students (County:- 971 males and 1,207 females; County Borough:- 615 males and 365 females); the balance (County:- 16 males and 9 females; County Borough:1 male and 2 females) represents persons who, through infinnity or for other reasons, never had any full-time education. A broad comparison by sex and age groups is afforded by Table XV'III which shows the numbers of males and females at various terminal education ages expressed as xxxl percentages of the respective totals with stated terminal education age's in each group. The figures reveal that, while relatively more females than males in the County had received full-time education until 16 years of age or later, proportionately more men than women in the County Borough had continued at school until at least 15 years of age, TABLE XVIII Age l a s t birthday Terminal education age Under 14 20 and over 17-19 Total 14 15 16 58.4 21.5 12.0 9.2 3.3 , 10.8 10.2 8,1 6.1 4.2 3.2 7.1 5.7 4.1 3,4 2.0 4.9 3.8 3.8 3.1 2.2 100,0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3.1 100.0 County Males 15-19 20-24 E5-54 35-44 45-64 55-64 65 and over 17.9 28.9 54.8 67.0 75.0 75.7 75.8 68.3 Total : 15 and over 4.7 65.6 15.2 6^3 5.1 0.3 0.3 0.8 1.6 4.5 8.3 54.7 18.2 12.9 10.2 10.0 11.8 12.6 11.0 6.6 , 12.2 10.6 7.4 7.3 8.2 8.1 6,2 5.7 9.6 9.1 7.4 6.6 4.2 5.4 3.3 3.2 3.6 2.4 100.0 100,0 100.0 100,0 100.0 100.0 , 100.0 15.1 8.9 8.9 3.3 100.0 , 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100,0 100.0 0,2 0.7 0.9 0.9 4.7 8.4 8,5 7.6 6.1 5.6 3.4 • 2,6 1 Females 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over 15.0 26.6 52.5 69.3 67.1 65.3 67.1 63.0 Total : 15 and over 4.5 59.3 County Borough / Males 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over Total : 15 and over 65.0 24.9 13.0 10.4 13.0 25.2 47.7 67.4 73.9 73.9 75.9 70.5 e.e 7.9 6.3 6.0 4.0 4,2 3,0 63.5 17.9 6.9 5.7 32.8 64.4 73.4 77.4 75.5 72.6 66.7 58.3 14.8 6.0 8.B 9.7 7.5 7.4 5.9 6.0 6^2 .5.6 /'6.2 / 4.8 / 6.4 2.8 8.2 6.6 6.5 5.4 5-7 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.5 2.5 7.3 8.3 7.1 8.1 3.4 11.3 12.6 6.4 [ 5.4 5.3 3.8 .-•• ' " 3 - 3 2.9 1 1 ^*^ 3.5 4.0 1.9 2.4 - y 3,0 100.0 » 5.2 2.5 2.7 1.9 100.0 100.Q 100,0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.8 2.4 100.0 Females 15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over Total : 15 and over 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.8 3.0 8.3 1 14.6 3.5 3.8 . 2.2 _,.• 67.8 3.8 6,1 14.1 I In comparing the figures for individual age groups, regard should be had to changes which have taken place in the minimum school leaving age. Although many children previously remained at school until 14 years of age, attendance to that age became compulsory in the County in 1926 and in the County Borough in 19S4. This xxxll accounts in some measure for the decrease in the numbers of persons who left school under 14 years of age in the Census age group 45-54 compared with the older age groups. Similarly, the raising of the school leaving age to 15 years in 195? affected persons in the age group 15-19, thus tending to vitiate comparison between that group and the remaining groups. It should also be noted that the figures in the age groups 15-19 and 20-24 cover only persons whose full-time education had ceased and thus exclude considerable numbers, particularly in the 15-19 age group, still in full-time attendance at educational establishments; 18.7 per cent of the boys and 25.0 per cent of the girls aged 15-19 in the County and 23.4 per cent of the boys and 14.0 per cent of the girls of the same age group in the County Borough were in -this excluded category. Table XIX gives a comparison, in-respect of selected Occupation Orders, of the distribution of males and females in'the combined County and County Borough by terminal education ages expressed 8^ percentages of the respective totals with stated terminal education ages in ,^ach Order. The Orders shown are those in which the number of males or females, a^ appropriate, with stated terminal education ages was 500 or more. TABLE XIX O c c u p a t i o n Order Total with s t a t e d terminal education age Percentage with terminal educatl on age Under 15 15 16 17-19 20 and over 11,061 847 80,7 46.8 13.0 25.4 3.6 18.8 2.3 8.5 0.4 0.5 2,896 1.155 920 1,688 588 60.2 58.7 75.3 76.6 72.1 27.4 ^0.6 17,9 16,9 ZZ.S 9.8 8.9 4,5 4.4 4,8 2.5 1.6 1,9 1.7 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.4 0,4 - 548 5.845 88.7 88.5 8.8 9.7 1.6 1.5 0.9 0,3 - 3,803 80.6 13,9 3.8 1.5 0.2 831 1.412 3.703 67.4 31.4 54.6 22,0 18.8 21.9 7.5 19,0 11.7 5,1 29,5 10,3 2,569 574 69.0 27.4 15.8 11.8 8.2 17,4 6.4 32.8 0.6 10.6 1,969 10.5 6.3 7,7 18.1 57,4 6,259 2,219 1,948 70.5 12,6 i 40.6 26,8 23.5 34.6 2,2 33,3 j 15.5 0.5 29.0 i 8.7 1,6 0,6 4,511 73.1 17.3 5.2 3.8 0,6 1,902 5.8 6.1 12,4 29.2 46.5 Males I. VI. VII. VIII. XII. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV.' Farmers, f o r e s t e r s , tishermen E l e c t r i c a l and e l e c t r o n i c workers Engineering and a l l i e d trades worXers not elsevftiere classified woodworkers Food; drink and tobacco workers construction workers P a i n t e r s and decorators Drivers of s t a t i o n a r y engines, cranes, e t c . Labourers not elsewliere c l a s s l H e d Transport and communications workers Warehousemen, storekeepers, packers, bottlers Clerical worikers Sales workers Service, sport and r e c r e a t i o n workers Administrators and managers Professional, technical workers, artists i ^'^ 1.5 Females XI. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXV. Clothing workers Clerical workers Sales workers Service, sport and r e c r e a t i o n workers Professional, technical workers, artists , In the case of males, some 88 per cent of drivers of stationary engines, cranes, etc. (Order XVII) and labourers (XVIII) and four out of every five farmers, foresters, fishermen (I) and transport and communications workers (XIX) had left school before 15 years of age. Among the largely non-manual workers, 68.6 per cent of clerical workers (XXI), 72.6 per cent of administrators and managers (XXIV) and 89.5 per cent of professional, technical workers, artists (XXV) continued their full-time education until 15 years of age or later. Of those m Orders XXIV and XXV, 10. 6 and 57, 4 per cent, respectively, had terminal education ages of 20 and over. As regards females, more than seven out of every ten clothing workers (Order XI) and service, sport and recreation workers (XXIII) had terminal education ages under 15 years. On the other hand, 87.4 per cent of clerical workers (XXI) and xxxlll 94.2 per cent of professional, technical workers, artists (XXV) had terminal education ages of 15 and over, with 46.6 per cent of those in Order XXV having remained full-time at educational establishments until at least 20 years of age. OCCUPATIONS AND INDUSTRIES In comparing the economic activity information in.this Report with that from earlier Censuses, it should be bprne in mind that the 1961 information was collected in respect of persons aged 15 years and over, i.e. those who had reached the minimum school leaving age, whereas the corresponding limits adopted at the 1951 and 19E6 Censuses were 14 and 12 years, respectively. Questions on occupations and industries were not asked at the 1957 Census. Occupations: Table 22 gives figures of males and females aged 15 years and over, distinguishing between the occupied or economically active population (including persons temporarily out of work) and the economically inactive. The occupied population figures are analysed by the full list of occupation Orders and groups and by industrial status. In Table 23, the occupied population is further analysed by sex, marital condition and age. Of the 111,181 persons aged 15 and over in the County and County Borough, 65,915 or 59.3 per cent were occupied, compared with a 1951 ratio of 58.9 per cent for occupied persons aged 14 and over. The percentage for males was 86,4 (1951:85.8) and for females 33.9 (1951:- 33.8). The corresponding proportions for males in the County and County Borough separately were 86.1 per cent and 87. 1 per cent, respectively, whereas in the case of females the percentage in the County was 28.1 compared with 44.7 in the County Borough. TABLE XX Males Age Females Total Occupied Percentage oJT occupied to t o t a l Total Occupied Percentage ol occupied to t o t a l 15-19 20-£4 25-44 4&-64 65 and over 7.348 5.716 18,832 15,100 6,789 5,841 5,558 18,649 14,621 1,805 79.5 97.2 99.0 96.8 26.6 7,250 5,620 19,797 16,395 8,334 5,179 3,559 6,036 4,199 466 71.4 63.3 30.5 25.6 5.6 Total 53,785 46,474 86.4 57,396 19,439 33.9 Table XX shows, in respect of the combined County and County Borough, the numbers of occupied males and females by broad age groups together with the proportion of occupied to total in each group. Four out of every five boys and seven in every ten girls in the group 15-19 years were occupied. Thereafter, the proportion for females declined at each higher age group, while that for males increased to a peak of 99 per cent in the group 25-44 years. At ages 65 and over, more than a quarter of the men were occupied as against some five pet* cent of the women. Comparable 1951 and 1926 ratios are not available, as information on the occupied population was analysed by ages only for Belfast Count^ Borough and Northern Ireland as a whole. In relation to the total persons (including children under the minimum school leaving age), the occupied population represented 39.9 per cent compared with 41.9 per cent in 1951. The proportion for males decreased from 29.5 to 28.1 per cent and that for females from 12.4 to 11.8 per cent. / Among occupied males, 42.4 per cent were single, 55.6 per cent were married and 2*0 per cent were widowed and divorced. The co:r'responding percentages for females were:- single 72.9, married 22»4 and widowed ^ d divorced 4.7. Comparable proportions at earlier Censuses are not available. \Almost 92 per cent of the occupied married women were classified under five ogcupation Orders, viz., clothing workers (Order XI), clerical workers (XXI), sales workers (XXII), service, sport and recreation workers (XXIII) and professional, technical workers, artists (XXY). In these Orders, the proportion of married women to total female varied from 29.4 per cent for service, sport and recreation workers to 16.2 per cent for clerical workers. xxxlv The following statement sets out the percentage distribution of the occupied population by industrial status in the County and County Borough as a whole. Persons Males 1o 1o Employers and managers Foremen and supervisors Workers on own account (without employees) Apprentices and articled clerks Other employees Out of work Females % 2.8 1.5 7.1 8.8 2. 0 '2.3 12.3 15.8 2.5 3.1 6'2. 5 13.6 54.8 15.2 80.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 4.0 1.1 9.8 Table XXI shows the numbers/of males and females in the numerically important occupation Orders and the propoirtions per 1,000 of the total occupied persons of each sex. The figures relate to. the County and County Borough combined. / TABLE XXI Males Occupation Order Number I. III. VI. VII. VIII. X. XI. XII. XV. XVI. XVII., XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. Fanners, f o r e s t e r s , nslxermen Gas, coke and chemicals makers E l e c t r i c a l and e l e c t r o n i c workers Engineering and a l l i e d trades workers n . e . c . Woodworkers Textile workers Clothing workers Food, drink and tobacco workers construction workers P a i n t e r s and decorators Drivers of s t a t i o n a r y engines, cranes, e t c . Labourers n . e . c . Transport and communications workers Warehousemen, storekeepers, packers, b o t t l e r s Clerical workers Sales workers service, sport and r e c r e a t i o n workers At3mlnlstrators and managers Professional, technical workers, a r t i s t s Armed forces ( B r i t i s h and foreign) Inadequately described occupations . Proportion per 1,000 occupied 11,441 ^^z 876 2,966 1,192 32Y 4ijO 941 1»V39, 609 569 6,061 3,912 849 1,441 3,820 2,634 584 2,008 2,201 778 Females 1 . 246 9 19 64 26 7 9 20 38 13 12 130 84 18 31 82 57 13 43 47 17 Number 1 Proportion | per 1,000 occupied 359 18 , . . . , , . . 293 6,414 449 15 350 23 . . . » , , . . 122 402 2,260 1,997 4,652 6 21 116 103 239 , , 1.954 101 . • 2^ 12 Total Orders aboVe 45,780 985 19,125 984 Total occupied population 46,474 i,000 19,439 1,000 —y Note:- Figures are given only for Orders showing proportions of 5 or more per 1,000 occupied males or females. Some 54 per cent of the occupied males were to be found under only four Orders as follows:- I (Farmers, foresters, fishermen) 24.6 per cent; XVIII (Labourers n.e.c.) 13.0 per cent; XIX (Transport and communications workers) 8.4 per cent and XXII (Sales workers) 8. 2 per cent. In the case of occupied females, almost 90 per cent were classified to five Orders, viz., XI (Clothing workers) 33.0 per cent; XXI (Clerical workers) 11.6 per cent; XXII (Sales workers) 10.3 per cent; XXIII (Service, cport and recreation workers) 23.9 per cent and XXV (Professional, technical workers, artists) 10.1 per cent. Social Classes and Socio-economic Groups: Table 24 gives an analysis of the population aged 15 years and over by social class, socio-economic group and age group. The social class analysis applies only to occupied and retired persons excluding members of the armed forces and persons with inadequately described occupations. In the socio-economic group section of the Table, the heading "Indefinite" relates to persons with inadequately described occupations. The "Not applicable" heading covers students and persons economically inactive other than XXXV institution inmates and retired persons, those in the two last-named categories being classified to the appropriate socio-economic groups. The percentage distribution of the persons allocated to the social classes for the County and County Borough combined was as follows:Females Males 1o !• II, III, IV, V, Professional, etc. occupations Intermediate occupations Skilled occupations Partly skilled occupations Unskilled occupations 1,9 25.9 32.0 24.4 15,8 0,8 17,9 35,0 45.4 2.9 100.0 100.0 Within the framework of the classification, 50,8 per cent of the males were manual workers, 21,9 per cent were non-manual and 27.3 per cent were agricultural workers. The percentages for females were:- manual 52.7,^ non-manual 44.9 and agricultural 2.4. Industries: Table 25 shows the distribution of the working population aged 15 years and over (excluding persons out of work) by sex, industry Order and Minimum List Heading, Separate figures are given for unskilled males and for married females. The numbers of males and females in the numerically important Orders and their proportions per 1,000 of the total working population of each sex are set out in Table XXII in respect of the County and County Borough combined. TABLE XXII Females Males I n d u s t r y Order Number Agriculture, torestxy, Hslilng Food, drlnX and t o b a c c o Chemicals and a l l i e d I n d u s t r i e s iv. VI, E n g i n e e r i n g and e l e c t r i c a l goods Textiles X. C l o t h i n g and f o o t w e a r XII. X I I I , B r i c k s , p o t t e r y , g l a s s , cement, e t c . Timher, r u m l t u r e , e t c . XIV. XVII. C o n s t r u c t i o n X V I I I . Gas, e l e c t r i c i t y and w a t e r T r a n s p o r t and communication XIX. Distributive trades XX, I n s u r a n c e , b a n k i n g and f i n a n c e XXI. XXII. P r o f e s s i o n a l and s c i e n t i f i c s e r v i c e s XXIII. M i s c e l l a n e o u s s e r v i c e s XXIV, P u b l i c a d m i n i s t r a t i o n and defence I. III. 10,108 1,642 937 868 947 603 404 295 5,303 478 2.702 / ' 4,966/' 391 1.8^4 2,639 4;651 T o t a l O r d e r s above T o t a l working p o p u l a t i o n Proportion p e r 1,000 working 256 42 24 22 24 15 10 7 135 12 69 126 10 47 67 118 Number Proportion p e r 1,000 working 353 623 20 35 . , , , 593 6,723 34 383 • . , 95 5 , , 206 ^,424 160 2,786 2,803 504 12 138 9 169 160 29 ^,778 984 17,270 984 /39,428 1,000 17,543 1,000 MOt e ; - Figures are given only for Orders showing proportion^' of 5 or more per 1,000 working males or females. Orders III to XVI inclusive form the hfoad group of manufacturing industries. They accounted for 25.2 per cent of the tatal working population, the proportions for males and females being 15.7 and 46. 6 per cent respectively of the number of working persons of each sex. Order I (Agriculture, forestry, fishing) was the largest individual Order, accounting for 18. 4 per cent of the total working persons. It was followed by Order XX (Distributive trades) 15,0 per cent and Order XII (Clothing and footwear) 12.9 per cent. More than nine out of every ten workers in the last-named Order were females. xxxvl COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY PART III TABLES TABLE 1 ^ Area, Buildings for Habitation and Population, 1961 County: County Borough Sote:~ For definitions^ see Part I Area in s t a t u t e Buildings for habitation acres Water Total Tidal Inland Private dwellings Miscellaneous Land , / • • •• Inhatlted " Population Other buildings Uninhabited Inhabited Uninhabited Persons Males Females " " • County and Coutity Borough 523,430 2,655 7,819 612, 95^' 37, 269 1, 599 216 7 165,298 81,404 County 530,851 2,276 7,795 510,700 26,164 1,368 143 6 111,536 56,080 55,456 3,579 379 24 2,176 11,105 231 73 1 53,76S 25, 324 28,438 Coimty Borougti TABLE 2 - P o p u l a t i o n , 83,894 County and County Borough 1821 - 1961 (1) The term "population" Is defined in Part I, The figures for 18£1 and 1831 exclude members of H.M. Forces. {Z) The figures given are for XhQ Counts^ end Counter Borough as constituted at the date of each census. The boundaries of ttie county were altered by the transfer of a portion of coleralne Rural District to County Aatrlm, under the Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 3) Act, 1914. (3) Since xgii the Censuses were taken at Irregular Intervals. Intercensal variation Population • .D =Lte Of census 1821 1831 1941, 1951, 1961, 1871, 1881, 1891, • 1901, 1911, June 6-7 March 30-31 A p r i l 7-8 A p r i l 2-3 A p r i l 3-4 A p r i l 5-6 March 3 1 - A p r l l 1 April 2-3 1926, A p r i l 18-19 Persons Males Females 193,869 222,012 222,461 192,B69 184,209 173,906 164, 991 152,009 144,404 140,625 92.979 106,657 107,112 93.342 88,560 83.317 7^. 294 73.260 69,089 67.663 100,890 115,355 115, 349 9a,927 95,649 90,589 65,697 78,749 75, 315 72,962 139,693 67,904 71,789 Males Persons + + - Females P e r cent. Females p e r 1,000 Males' , , . 28,143 449 30,192 8,060 10,303 8,915 12,982 7,605 3,779 + 13,678 + 455 • - 13,770 4,782 - 5,243 4,023 - 6,034 4,171 1,426 + 14,465 6 - 16,422 - 3,278 - 5,060 4,892 - 6,948 - 3,434 2,353 + 14,5 + 0.2 - 13.6 .2 - 45.6 - S.l - 7.9 - 5.0 - 2,6 - 1,085 1,082 1,077 1,060 1,080 1,087 1,081 1,075 1,090 1,078 - - 932 + 241 1,173 0,7 1,057 1,031 1937, February 28-March 1 142,736 70,273 72,463 + 3,043 + 2,369 + 674 + 2.2 1951, A p r i l 8-9 155,540 76,544 78,996 + 12,804 + 6,271 + 6,533 + 9.0 1,032 4,898 + 6.3 1,031 1961, A p r i l 23-24 165,298 81, 404 83,894 + 9,758 + 4,860 + A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Areas TABLE 3 - P o p u l a t i o n , 1951 and 1961, and I n t e r c e n s a l Changes Intercensal variation Population 1951 County and County Borough County County Borough By excess of b i r t h s over deaths Total Area 1961 Persons Per cent. Persons Per cent. By net migration Persons Per cent. (Persons (Males (Females 155,540 76,544 78,996 165,298 81,404 83.894 + 9,758 + 4,860 + 4.898 + 6.3 + 6.4 + 6.2 24.331 12.459 11.872 15.7 16,3 15.0 - 14.673 " 7,599 - 6,974 : 9,4 9.9 8.8 (Persons (Males (Females (Persons (Males (Females 105,448 53,239 52,209 111,536 56,080 55, 456 + 6,088 + 2,841 + 3,247 + 6.8 + 5.3 + 6.2 14,370 7.222 7.148 13.6 13.5 13.7 - 8,282 4.381 3.901 _ 7,8 8,2 7.5 50,092 23,305 26,7eY 53.762 25, 324 28, 438 •*• 3,670 + 2,019 + 1,651 + 7.3 + 8.7 + 6.1 9, 961 .6, 237 4,724 19.9 22.5 17.6 - 6,291 3.218 3.073 - 10,748 3,176 3,563 11.901 4,326 3 . 950 + 1.153 + 1,149 + 387 +10.7 +36.1 +10.8 1, 347 ' 592 • 136 12,5 18.6 3.8 + + 194 557 251 19,518 16, 206 21,031 31,206 19.298 17,629 22,384 32.049 220 + 1.423 + 1,353 + 643 + + + 2, 159 •2,706 3,572 3,658 11.1 16.7 17.0 12,4 - 2.379 1.283 2.219 3,015 Coleralne Llmayady Portstewart M.B. U.D. " Persons Coleiralne Limavady Londonderry Magjierafelt R.D. " « " H H n V w 1.1 8.8 6.4 2.7 • 12.6 13.8 11.5 1,8 + 17.5 + 7.0 - 12.2 7.9 10.6 9,7 TABLE 4 - Area, Population, Buildings for Habitation, Private Households and Valuation Administrative^Areas, District Electoral Divisions and Towns Hote:- For d e H n l t l o n s * see P a r t I T Population Buildings for habitation 1961 1951 Acres R. Persons Popul- 1961 Area Administrative area, etc. Private households Males Females Private dwellings 1951 Total P. 1 No. or ation m Other buildings InUnininnabl ted habited habited private 1 households Uninhabited private households occupied I Valuation RocmtS 1 1961/62 County and County Borou^ 514,713 0 22* 155,540 165.298 81.404 83,894 34.931 39.091 37.269 1.599 216 7 38,170 158,980 171.378 1.275.439 15/ County 512,513 0 12 105.448 111.536 56,080 55.456 25.304 27.681 26,164 1.368 143 6 26,308 107,535 119.617 2,885 0 36 17.487 20,176 9.376 10.800 4.479 5,161 226 94 3 5,212 18.958 25.643 208.727 3 16 87,961 91.360 46.704 44,656 20,82? 22.197 21.003 1.142 49 3 21.096 88.577 93,974 670,541 15 2,200 0 10 All Rural Districts 509.627 Ward N N Coleraine ^Kinicipal Borougji "'-^. Portstewart Urban District Coleraine Rural District 5,484 4 50,092 53.762 25.324 28,438 9.627 11.410 11,105 231 73 1 11,862 51.445 51,761 3%, 170 16 23 30 37 13,894 24,765 11,433 12,479 2 9 , 579 11,704 5,828 14,006 5,490 6,651 15, 5 7 3 6. 2 1 4 2,802 4,591 2,234 2.948 5.780 2, 682 2,819 5,664 2,622 85 97 49 45 19 11 1 3,161 5,943 2,758 11,626 28,901 10,918 14,708 25,139 1 1 , 914 180,990 148,700 66,479 3 15 10,746 11,901 5.687 6,214 2.564 3,076 2,983 71 22 "> 3,006 11,294 14.416 573 1 12 3,176 4.325 2.073 2.252 783 1,083 1.046 25 12 - 1,059 4,133 5,053 131.355 6 29,825 17 0 9 3.563 3.950 1.616 2.334 1.132 1.325 1.132 130 60 3 1,147 3,531 6.174 47.546 1 116,6^2. 2 11 19,518 19.298 9.762 9.536 5,229 5,137 4,817 307 . 11 2 4,823 19.194 22,201 161.735 3 722 679 329 350 212 189 182 7 - - 182 679 933 5,441 6 812 768 373 395 229 217 206 11 - - 206 768 1.023 5,547 11 12 573 831 795 1.007 Limavady Urban District 1 Agtiadowey :^ 879.268 19 c: ^kmicipal Borough and all Urban Districts Londonderry County Borou^ North Soutti Waterside 1.304 1 0 1 16 3 18 D.E.D. 4.706 z 11^ Agivey If 4,677 1 20 3 Artlclave R 3 . 567 3 36 1,124 1,056 497 559 277 290 272 15 2 1 275 1,040 1,341 9,967 (a) • • • 213 302 82 120 ?1 73 ey 6 2 1 67 191 il22 . 1,023 1,034 528 506 259 272 266 6 - 266 1,034 1,028 10.349 3 1,265 629 636 197 311 295 16 - - 296 1,265 1,402 9,677 13 Z Castlerock fotm, part Of 1 D.E.D. 4,5S2 3 34 5 BannbrooK " 5,237 3 10 823 - 6 Bovagh ff 5,650 3 25 724 641 361 290 196 184 178 6 - - 178 641 868; 5,196 10 7 Bovedy n 5,351 0 8 966 912 474 438 254 231 220 11 - - 220 912 980 5.013 17 8 Dowrmill n 6,370 1 2 909 933 442 491 266 299 245 52 2 - 246 923 1,137 6,781 10 (a) - - * 101 2U0 106 ISti. 39 79 68 10 1 - 69 230- 399 4,369 2 2 964 909 468 441 222 224 214 10 - 214 909 980 9 Druincroon Town, part 0 / D.E.D. ; 1 . 5,827 o o H tr m 53 53 > 0\ 4 Ballylagan Castlerock n w 1 10 Garvagh 2,964 3 6 944 965 463 502 254 .277 264 10 2 1 265 960 1,287 8,003 • • '. 565 550 257 293 155 168 158 7 2 1 159 545 778 • D.E.D. 7,698 3 19 658 651 349 302 176 171 158 13 - 158 651 665 3.665 2 219 8 - 219 826 895 4.774 9/ 10,054 19 n Garvagh TOVM 6 11 Glenkeen 12 Hervey H i l l H 3,811 3 36 916 826 432 394 228 227 13 Kllrea n 1,254 2 36 1,165 1»156 554 602 307 315 302 11 2 302 1,145 1.474 952 461 n91 228 26^3 ' 251 10 2 251 941 1,235 ' 266 1,175 1,242 11.844 15 Kilrea foun • • • 851 D.E.D. 6,653 3 31 1,280 1,208 614 594 275 281 266 14 1 Letterloan It 9,787 3 2 606 586 302 284 164 i61 144 17 - 144 586 652 5.128 16 16 Llslea H 5,496 3 7 834 755 402 353 203 184 180 4 - 180 755 884 4,989 4 17 Portstewart n 4, 888 1 34 1,642 1,412 715 697 682 424 370 53 1 370 1,390 1, 628 13,262 13 18 Rlngsend It 8.670 2 15 746 771 405 366 173 171 165 5 1 165 764 799 , 4. I l l 6 19 Slagjit. H 8,786 2 17 905 925 484 441 235 251 243 -8 - 243 925 1, 020 6.223 19 20 Somerset K 5,656 1 15 912 977 496 481 222 259 241 18 ^"^-.. 241 977 1,140 21,279 2 . . . 217 107 110 - 56 50- 2 54 217 222 6,507 1 5 843 869 455 414 198 199 187 12 - X&7 869 833 4,615 9 152.463 3 27 16,206 17,629 9,296 8.333 3.737 4.087 3.840 239 7 1 3.853 16.981 16.416 10a,994 6 1 152 672 819 5,407 2 14 Knockantem 15 Ballyness 21 Town The Grove D.E.D. Limavady Ekiral D i s t r i c t "••x • ""---.,^.^ • • ' D.E.D, 8,472 2 37 727 677 343 334 180 170 152 16 1 Baliyharigan " 3,538 2 5 547 632 330 302 123 144 140 4 - 140 632 573 2,780 2 Ballykelly " 3,873 1 10 1,073 1,406 964 442 170 206 200 4 2 202 793 848 6,741 2 . . . . 367 17U- 193 92 90 2 - 92 367 377 .. D.E.D. 5,670 2 3 622 650 318 332' 149 152 144 8 - 144 650 606 4,458 12 22 A^anloo 23 24 Ballykelly foim 25 Bellarena 26 Benone It 8,229 1 14 786 697 351 346 218 199 164 35 - 164 697 665 4,154 17 27 Drum " 7,035 0 26 662 683 351 332 141 146 137 9 - 137 683 426 2,636' 7 28 Drumralghland n 6,968 2 23 1,039 1,967 994 973 232 471 448 23 - 448 1,967 1,934 3,747 12 29 Drumsum n 3,533 1 14 633 741 374 367 154 165 161 4 - 161 741 688 4,014 12 30 Dun given n 739 3 34 904 1, 185 586 599 220 295 268 25 2 272 1,171 1.320 7,715 4 - . . 799 1,102 539 563 193 282 257 23 2 259 1,096 1,266 31 Faugjianvale 908 1, 044 520 524 232 224 8 226 1,044 907 4,711 15 Dungiven Tovm D.E.D. 4,978 2 8 \ 195 * Excluding 8,654a. 2r. 28p. under the larger rivers, lakes and tideways. / Excluding £34,048 15s. the valuation of e l e c t r i c i t y , gas and water undertakings, salmon and eel fisheries, e t c . . In the County, and £10,407 Os. the valuation of e l e c t r i c i t y and gas undertakings In the County Borou^. {a)Castlerock town Is In the D.E.D's of Artlclave (3) and Downhill {8). itte entire town contains 442 persons. n o a :^ H > a o o a :2 o as o a o o •^ o :z: a o '^ a •-< TABLl^ 4 - Area, Population, Buildings for Habitation, Private Households and Valuation - continued Administrative Areas, District Electoral Divisions and Towns **^ Population Buildings for h a b i t a t i o n 1961 1961 Area Administrative area, e t c . 1951 Persons Males Females 1951 Total Private dwellings In- 32 Other buildings Uninhabited Uninhabited habited In- R. P. 7, 887 3 19 609 554 291 263 146 140 139 1 • • • • 206 105 101 • 52 51 Acres limavady Rural D i s t r i c t - P r i v a t e households habited No. of private households Population in Rooms prlT^ate occupied households Valuation 1961/62 t s. o continued Feeny Fe&ny Toiim D.E.D. 33 Fore Glen D,E,D. 7, 726 0 21 875 957 '477 480 189 204 202 54 Fnilthlll " 3,154 2 36 670 683 366 317 164 164 35 Gelvin " 8, 030 0 4 575 518 264 254 129 36 Glenshane " 14,616 3 28 438 427 232 195 37 Keady « 8,451 3 38 503 515 258 38 Klllywool « 5,282 1 29 866 866 39 Llslane " 7,477 0 36 478 40 Myroe ""^ -. 4,198 2 3 41 •• 14,052 0 548 200 506 2,748 ; 139 51 196 " • 2 - 202 957 897 5,107 12 159 5 - 160 683 636 6,298 16 125 109 16 - 111 518 515 4,027 *17 121 114 1-04 10 - 104 427 342 2,295 13 257 115 117 111 6 - ill 515 513 4,156 9 460 406 181 192 182 9 i 182 856 619 2,576 7 394 219 175 108 91 4 - 87 394 408 3,714 17 666 645 329 316 171 152 150 2 - 152 645 691 6,363 1 m 32 635 559 312 247 146 127 118 9 118 -559 528 8,054 19 > 2 ' 10 678 636 331 305 168 185 155 30 - 155 636 689 4,604 13 o 16 CO c: w b o H Owenreag^ " X, . 87 . ' - 42 Scrlggan " 3,357 43 Straw » 5,443 1 20\ 511 463 235 228 128 121 114 7 - 114 463 527 3,082 15 44 Olie Highlands » 4,784 3 17 801 730 391 339 189 175 172 3 - 172 730 759 4,595 6 83,322 3 30 21,031 22.384 11.426 10.958 4.050 4.921 4,664 241 16 4,730 20.669 21,624 194.722 14 5,378 Londonderry ^ M S D i s t r i c t . r Cf^'^^'^^^ Lm^/^.J^s-r< / i , . ^ / / i i A ^ . '^J 45 Ardmore D*^. D. 2 1 1,322 1,490 765 725 260 322 307 15 307 1,490 1,315 8,043 1 46 Ballymulllns " 6,973 3 28 810 835 422 413 207 205 196 8 1 196 831 647 3,063 6 47 Banagher *• 9,351 2 27 866 745 417 328 201 187 178 9 - 178 745 661 3,514 10 48 Bondsglen " 8,178 0 31 920 856 451 405 201 190 183 7 - 184 856 822 6,615 19 49 Clau4y " 6,987 2 24 1, 084 1,002 508 494 245 259 250 7 2 - 252 993 1,085 7,855 1 • - • 238 286 138 ms 51 63 61 1 1 - 62 286 • Claudy Toirn ! 283 a: :2 5d 50 Egllnton D,E. D. '^ S^glinton 51 8, 838 Glendenaot D.E.D. Uewbuildings Prehen Park 2 19 2,994 "- 732 ' 363 \ 369 187 175 11 1 175 750 890 , , 1 7 1,.382 1,675 854 821 288 423 388 34 1 396 1,668 1,864 13,890 11 , • ., • ii93 2m 246 117 2U7 124 ., • im 98 104 69 29 - 106 69 H93 241 465 335 264 1,029 1,286 . Town 7,298 , • Town Village 2,488 1,409 1,079 508 359 . 1 2Z 483 3 ' - 2,159 492 52 L i b e r t i e s Lower D.E.D. 3 . 577 3 9 1,198 1,029 485 544 279 274 261 13 - " 53 L i b e r t i e s Middle " 1,968 1 20 4,900 4,810 2,277 2,533 954 1,099 1,062 35 2 1,097 4,742 ' • • 825 392 433 300 115 115 - - 133 825 5,830 0 15 1,223. 1,124 .617 507 228 257 220 16 1 221 6,426 1 24 1,376 1,973 1,000 973 291 476 440 34 2 • • - 513 256 257 . 146 132 14 - B.E.D. 8,752 0 38 1,351 1,348 678 670 258 260 250 10 " 3,761 a 27 1,605 3,009 1,543 1,466 279 481 446 31 157,208 1 28 . 31,206 32.049 16,220 15.829 7,809 8.052 7,682 355 4,654 1 32 1,233 653 580 302 308 ^96 12 29 7 150 147 70 Spring town Camp Town 54 L i b e r t i e s Upper 55 Loug^ Enagh « Strathfoyle 56 Tamnatierln 57 Waterside TOVM Magherafeit Riral 58 D.E.D, District AfiJiagasMB D.E.D. Castledawson 59 Baiiynease 60 Bailyronan 61 Bancran 62 Belia^iy Bellaghy 'Bellaghy Town, part of D.E.D. Town, part of Toicn, part of BracKagh. S l l e v e g a l l l o n 64. Caniampn^ey part Desertmartln 6 8 . D r a p e r s town Draperstown 69. Gulladuff part 19 5,264 29,267 17 447 . UQZZ 1,057 8,544 ,13 442 1,958 2,073 68,460 18 132 5i5 587 . - 252 1,348 1,054 5,493 12 ^ 449 1, 828 2,308 17,742 17 - 7.690 31.733 33.733 - ^~" " - . 2 9 6 1,233 1,355 15 210,089 12 7,475 • • . - - - 70 297 324 6, 007 2 17 1,336 1,419 723 696 325 334 322 12 - 322 1.419 1,253 6,283 - • : 9 . . . ' 0 90 132 58 74 23 37 35 2 - 35 132 m5 . 1 24 979 924 486 438 253 251 226 25 - 226 924 1,043 6,613 9 " 14,584 2 39 914 861 448 413 271 249 221 ze - 221 861 4,019 2 « 3 , 691 0 37 1,326 i , 304 661 643 303 310 295 14 1 295 1,301 7,411 2 . ' . ^63 531 254 277 103 129 120 8 i 120 528 635 D.E. D. .7,347 3 12 826 708 371 337 ZZ2 194 187 7 - 187 708 793 « 11,788 2 22 919 • 896 467 429 263 240 229 11 - 229 896 831 : « 2,435 1 17 1,394 680 714 345 365 356 8 1 - ^ 359 1,389 • . 609 297 312 109 175 168 6 i - i 168 5.156 2 26 1,218 1.327 676 651 306 308 299 9 - . 77 97 n7 50 19 2U 23 i - of of 7,927 • (a) D.E.D. Town, • : • (b) Clady Portglenone 67 Town, 1,278 . 10 6, 177 6 5 . Castledawson Castledawson - 14> 3 0 2 70 (b) D.E.D. 6S 66 (a) l,7ii7 2,188 (c) . 1,371 ' 1122 ' 851 • 1,394 . ' : 7,036 13 4,706 4 1,624 10,733 13 604 766 . 300 1,327 1,258 6,982 ^5 97 i^^ . 15 D.E.D. 5,183 0 15 1,213 1,064 536 528 290 287 271 16 - 271 1,064 1,196 6,723 1 " 4, 887 1 17 1,404 1,555 754 801 344 ^ 369 341 27 1 342 1,549 1.599 8,288 16 • . 51B 1 592 276 316 12il j 152 m6 5 I 146 586 75? . 0 21 1,113 j 1,020 526 494 266 ^ 262 247 15 - 247 1,020 1,099 5,480 Town D.E.D. 5,237 (a) Castledawson town I s In the D.E.D»s oT Aghagaskln i 58) and Castledawson ( 6 5 ) . The e n t i r e town contains 906 p e r s o n s . (t)) Bellaghy town I s In the D.E.D's ol Ballynease (59) (c) The remainder o l Portglenone town I s In the D-E.D. and Bellaghy ( 6 2 ) . The e n t i r e town c o n t a i n s 663 p e r s o n s . or Portglenone In County Antrim, The e n t i r e town c o n t a i n s 613 persons 0 TAI^£ 4 - Area, Population, Bctildings for Habitation, Private Households and Valuation - continued Administrative Areas, D i s t r i c t Electoral Divisions and Towns Population m i l d l n g s for h a b i t a t i o n 1961 A<JHilnlstrative area, e t c . Area Acres Ma£^era£elt Haral D i s t r i c t 70 Inlscani 71 7Z 1951 Females Total Other buildings InUninhabited habited P. iftilninhabited hablted PopulNo, of a t i o n In private private Roonis househ o u s e - occupied holds holds Valuation 1961/62 £ s. o w continued 9,846 0 11 1,084 1, 087 551 536 279 255 250^ 5 - 250 1,087 973 5,771 4 Lissan l^>fier • 8,338 2 8 823 752 391 361 226 197 193 4 - 194 752 838 6,068 16 Madera » Z, 928 2 25 1,615 1,787 888 899 399 468 451 15 2 452 1,777 2,025 14,028 18 • • • 1MB 1,U18 687 731 269 365 355 8 2 355 1,(108 1^582 • 1,225 3 28 2,313 3,248 1,561 1,687 531 744 721 16 7 721 2,975 3,558 26,838 • • 1,866 2,1159 1,211 1,2U8 m8 599 . 579 15 5 580 2ymu 2,793 4,078 2 14 1,158 1,345 675 670 290 356 349 6 1 349 1,341 U 761 • • • 571 807 389 ills 150 220 215 U 1 215 803 9U8 . • 4,834 E 17 1,317 1,278 644 634 324 311 302 9 - 302 1,278 1,186 (a) Ma^erafel t D.^* D, Magherafelt fotm ••"'•^^•^•v-.. Motxeymore 74 Mal«s Private dwellings D. E. D, Haghera fown, pari ^f 73 R. 1961 1951 Persons P r i v a t e households D.E.D. Moneynore Totan o 7 o • H 2 ac m 7,772 8 50 11,344 75 Newbridge D,E.D. 76 Rlngsend • 6,261 ' 0 24 972 1,015 493 522 248 245 238 7 - 238 1,015 1,086 8,011 10 77 Rocfctown » 4,487 2 22 1,076 1,065 570 493 253 264 255 9 - 255 1,063 1,018 5,536 6 78 Salterstown » 5,357 0 17 1,109 1,109 565 544 259 264 249 14 1 249 1,105 1,094 6,873 0 79 Swatragji " 9,270 1 37 1,171 1,083 563 520 296 284 263 20 1 263 1,072 1,024 5,900 10 80 "me Loop » 6,023 1 36 885 816 434 382 241 206 196 10 - 196 816 868 5,770 6 81 ToDemore " , 5,766 2 28 1,167 1,143 571 572 305 297 288 9 - 288 1,143 1,258 9,372 14 • • • 387 m2 216 226 97 ijy 111 3 - Hi ^81 - 7,805 0 25 1,174 1,215 624 591 313 322 278 44 - 278 1,215 1,147 6,685 • . . 2tl6 189 103 86 59 56 U6 10 - ae 289 210 . ' 3,832 3 17 1,445 709 694 355 362 359 3 - 360 1,403 1,601 10,371 ' fobermore foyan Tullykeeran 82 D. E. D. Haghera Toian, part of Upperland 83 ^ (a) D. E.D. — — . • • . 1,403 •• (a) Magtiera town Is In tJie D.E.D»s of Magbera (72) and Tullykeeran (82). Olie entire town contains 1,607 persons. - nu2 c (/> 6 1 pa o TABLE 5 - Area, Population, Buildings for Habitation, Private Households and Valuation County Electoral Divisions Mote : - For definitions. see P a r t I 1 Population B u i l d i n g s for h a b i t a t i o n P r i v a t e households 1961 County e l e c t o r a l 1961 Area division* 1951 Private dwellings 1951 Persons Males Females Total InUnininUninh a b i t e d habited habl t e d habited Acres County Lcmdonderry Other buildings 105,4^ 512.513/ 111,536 56.080 55,456 25,304 27,681 26,164 1.355 156 6 'x. 3 1 z '^-^ ->...^- -4.1^ B e l l a r e n a (gg, 24-36, 3 7 , 3 9 , 40) 46,374 4.855 4.984 2,782 2,202 1,111 1.067 1,008 75 Castledawson ( 5 8 , 6 2 , 6 5 , 75) 15,616 5,292 5,209 2,638 2,571 1.274 1,294 1,249 43 Clady ( 5 9 , 6 6 , 6 9 . 77) 20,889 4.743 4,829 2.495 2,334 1,150 1.168 1.123 45 . - Clauqy (45-49) 36.870 5,002 4,928 2,563 2,365 1,114 1,163 1,114 46 3 1,008 10.748 11,901 5,687 6,214 2,564 3.076 2,983 71 22 Draperstown ( 6 1 , 6 4 , 68) 31,261 3,237 3.312 1,669 1,643 878 858 791 66 1 Dunglven ( 2 3 , 3 0 . 3 2 , 3 5 , 3 6 . 4 1 , 42) &^,203 4,386 4,511 2,346 2,165 1,053 1,130 1,033 94 3 F a u ^ a n v a l e ( 2 7 , 28, 3 1 , 3 3 . 3 8 , 43) 37,434 4,861 5.980 3.037 2,943 1,066 1,366 1,307 58 G a r v a ^ ( 1 , 2 . 6 , 10, 1 1 , 19) 34,485 4.765 4,629 2.349 2,280 1,302 1,289 1,231 55 CX)leralne ( C o l e r a l n e M.B.) ^ No. of private -households - 26.308 Popula t i o n in private households V a l u a t ion Rooms occupied o o 1961/ 62 £ s. 879,268 19? 107.535 119,617 1,01^ 4.366 4,550 34,996 0 1,252 5.201 5,559 33,392 12 4.829 4.628 24.284 i G: 1,117 - ., 4 , 9 1 5 4,530 29,091 17 s: 131,355 6 3,006 11,^294 14,416 > a n o 792 3.306 3.281 17,014 2 1,039 4.491 4,473 32,227 4 o 1 - 1,309 5.970 5,310 •21,862 8 O 2 1 1,232 4.624 5,786 34,077 14 W G: K l i r e a ( 7 , 12. 1 3 . 1 6 , 21) 22,422 4.724 4.51S 2,317 2.201 1.190 1.156 1,108 46 2 - 1,108 4.507 5.066 29.447 IB o cc L e t t e r l o a n ( 3 , 8 , 9 , 1 5 . 1 8 , 20) 38,412 5,261 5,232 2,610 2,622 1.324 1,404 1,281 117 5 1 1,285 5,199 6,049 53,075 7 o Liberties 18,675 8,703 8,638 4,233 4,405 1,749 2,033 1.931 98 4 - 1,978 8.461 9,471 59.631 0 12,026 5.280 6.479 3.204 3,275 ; 1.290 1,587 1.538^ 24 25 1,552 6,287 7,136 44,734 11 1,353 5,467 6,797 36,985 15 1.280 5,182 6,012 41,934 2 (51-54) M a d e r a ( 7 2 , 7 9 . 8 2 , 83) 23.837 5,405 5,488 2,784 2,704 1,363 1,436 1.351 82 3 - M a ^ i e r a r e l t ( 6 7 , 7 3 . 81) 12,176 4,693 5,455 2,668 2,787 1,126 1.328 1.280 41 7 - 29,611 3,891 3.892 1.988 1.904 1.017 1.002 979 22 1 - 980 3,888 4,365 29,210 15 22,617 8,331 8,869 4,102 4.767 2,545 2.613 2,329 219 62 3 2,345 8,395 11,474 92,680 5 rr o !z: o o •^ a m - 5 DO 50 17 Llmava<3y (Limavady U . D . , 29, 3 4 , 44) Moneiymore ( 6 3 , 7 0 , 7 1 , 74) P o r t s t e w a r t ( P o r t s t e w a r t U . D . , 4 , 5 , 14, 17) | S a l t e r s t o w n ( 6 0 , 7 6 , 7 8 , 80) 23,819 3,945 3,864 1,978 1,886 1,001 966 909 56 1 Waterside ( 5 0 , 55-57) 27,778 7,326 8,818 4,630 4,188 1.187 1,725 1,619 97 9 * OJie contents of each county electoral division are shown In parenthesis, the numbers being those of the d i s t r i c t electoral divisions In Table 4. •/• Excluding 8,276 acres iinder the larger r i v e r s , lakes and tideways, f Excluding £34,048 15s. t2ie valuation of e l e c t r i c i t y , gas and water undertakings, salmon and eel f i s h e r i e s , etc. 909 3,860 4,091 27,268 1.635 7,293 7,623 105,999 •-< CENSUS OF NORTHERN IRELAND 196 1 TAKJE 6 - Private Dwellings: Inhabited Dwellings by Building Type, Tenure and Rooms Administrative Areas Mote:- For deflnlUons, see Parfc I Inhabited dwelllnga Population Containing m Total no.of rooms Total n o . of dwellings private dwellings 118,658 959 25,787 377 105,920 1,615 1 rooift 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms 6 rooms 6 rooms 7-8 rooifts 9 or more rooms sse £,162 81 3,760 76 7,969 99 5,601 13, 3,075 2,296 772 - - - £,262 1 3,824 11 1 8,045 23 5,499 12 3 3,067 8 2,268 24 4 758 24 10 118,772 671 174 26,043 103 18 106.674 685 176 26,164 100.0 107, 535 L o n d o n d e r r y County Permanent d w e l l i n g s Non-pentianent d w e l l i n g s Dwellings w l t n 1 Household p e r d w e l l i n g Z noiiseholds per dwelling S o r more n o u s e h o l d s p e r d w e l l i n g Total dwellings Percentage Houseliolds therein 108 340 " • ~ " " • 340 1.3 2,263 8.6 3,836 14.7 8, 068 30.8 5.514 21.1 3,075 11.8 2,296 8.8 772 2.9 119,617 340 2,264 3,849 8,091 5»53£ 3,083 2,330 819 26,308 • • 199 66 3 1,660 498 71 2,809 814 630 6t790„ 1,378 3,480 4,533 1,639 1,818 2,196 1;152 521 1,329 848 89 487 334 4 89,864 3 3 , 888 28,644 20,003 6,729 6,516 81,175 24, 322 30,523 2 117 11 18 1,024 49 48 1,336 ei 55 1,783 94 78 902 96 57 407 59 40 257 95 13 64 72 1,665 22,821 3,046 511 5,890 557 1 , 058 ^,234 2 , 038 1 29 5 16 154 4 101 143 5 86 67 14 38 15 6 2 17 7 4 2 2 1,603 219 909 408 41 247 4 2 4 13 7 9 30 18 4 8 7 3 2 2 3 3 493 817 1,036 901 864 950 • Permanent d w e l l i n g s Dwelling housesOwner o c c u p i e d Rented from l o c a l o r p u W l c a u t h o r i t y Rented from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s Furnished Unfurnished O c c u p i e d m some o t h e r way FlatsOwner o c c u p i e d R e n t e d from l o c a l o r p u h l i c a u t h o r i t y R e n t e d from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s Furnished Unfurnished O c c u p i e d m some o t h e r way Farmhouses -1 _ 58 *" — -' ~ 283 1 246 166 63 • 1 27,191 1 1 1,104 147 645 61 40 19 ! 151 107 54 5,376 1 23,641 1 C o l e r a i n e M u n i c i p a l Borough Permanent d w e l l i n g s Non-permanent d w e l l i n g s Dwellings wlth1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 o r more h o u s e h o l d s p e r d w e l l i n g Total dwellings Percentage Households therein Permanent dwellings Dwelling housesOwner o c c u p i e d R e n t e d from l o c a l o r p u b l i c a u t h o r i t y R e n t e d from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s Furnished Unfurnished O c c u p i e d m some o t h e r way FlatsOwner o c c u p i e d R e n t e d from l o c a l o r p u b l i c a u t h o r i t y R e n t e d from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s Furnished unfurnished Occupied I n some o t h e r way Farmhouses _ 43 299 887 1,088 425 2 " - _ - - 2 43 - 298 1 886 - 420 5 ~ - 1,085 3 r 2 0.1 43 1,4 299 10.0 667 29.7 1, 088 36.5 2 43 300 888 1,091 - 26 2 12 Z27 36 47 830 209 243 1 11 3 139 2 4 364 10 ~ - • 1 192 ~ 47 - 14,414 1 2 1 2.981 2 2,965 15 3 11,183 85 26 2,983 100.0 11,294 1 1 11,266 6 186 4 2 45 1 1 14.294 •• 97 25 1 192 6.4 47 1.6 14,416 / 430 202 50 3,006 l,07i 342 513 417 252 50 185 142 3 46 56 13,743 5,584 4,024 2,802 1,019 868 10,812 3,574 4,097 / 16 / 188 / 13 4 102 9 3 21 16 1 5 4 156 3,660 329 31 830 54 98 2.85P 193 17 8 2 7 3 1 6 3 . 648 104 334 176 21 104 464 70 270 1 6 1 79 101 30 20 23 425 14.3 ^ / 17 1 13 72 2 60 57/' 4' m / .-2 / 11 5 / 12 3 2 2 . ~ - - - 1 '. 21 - ~ . ~ 1 1 1 2 23 • • 8 L._„.' . • 42 83 19. 12 COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY TABLE 6 - Private Dwellings: Inhabited Dwellings by Building Type, Tenure and Rooms - continued Administrative Areas Inhabited • ^ . • • • • dwellings Containing ' ..1 room rooms 3 rooms • . / * • I'oams : Population 6 rooms 6 rooms 7-8 rooms 9 or more rooms Total no.of rooms Total no.of dwellings In private dwellings Lunavady Urban D i s t r i c t Pennanent dwellings Non-periiianent d w e l l i n g s 1 3 Dwellings w i t h 1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3, o r more h o u s e h o l d s p e r d w e l l i n g 4 therein Pennanent dwellings Dwelling housesowner o c c u p i e d Rented from l o c a l o r p u b l i c a u t h o r i t y Rented from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s Furnished Unfurnished O c c u p i e d I n some o t h e r way FlatsOwner o c c u p i e d R e n t e d from l o c a l o r p u b l i c a u t h o r i t y R e n t e d from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s Furnished Unfurnished Occupied I n some o t h e r wa^r ,i47 301 253 135 127 30 5,030 23 1,033 13 4,098 35 49 • 147 300 1 253 134 1 124 3 25 4 1 4,955 75 23 1,- 036 9 1 4,074 42 17 49 4.7 147 14.1 301 28.7 253 24.2 135 12.9 127 12.1 30 2.9 5,053 1,046 100,0 4,133 f 49 147 30S 253 136 130 38 1,059 i 37 £ 11 136 22 27 274 29 105 226 47 120 132 57 26 123 46 43 30 20 1 4,704 1,318 1, 590 959 223 333 3,876 804 1,617 1 1 22 1 2 84 1 7 131 2 51 8 8 37 4 3 26 5 3 6 106 1,523 167 21 355 27 74 1,292 89 - 2 11 27 26 3 21 3 i 1 4 _ 321 £1 242 73 4 54 219 21 159 1 - 42 13 3 10 4 1 26 11 2 - 6 1 3 6,174 /- Total dwellings Percentage Households 39 10 4 0.4 • ' / / / . • . 7 20 5 2 2 1 2 1 1 - - - 1 - 13 70 121 512 230 132 54 1,132 3,531 - - - - - - ~ - - 70 121 509 2 1 230 132 49 6,107 10 57 1,124 2 6 3,474 11 46 1,132 100.0 3,631 - - Farmhouses 1 4 P o r t s t e w a r t Urban D i s t r i c t Pennanent dwellings Non-pentvanent d w e l l i n g s Dwellings w i t h 1 household p e r dwelling" 2 households per dwelling 3 o r more h o u s e h o l d s p e r d w e l l i n g Total dwellings Percentage : Households therein Permanent dwellings Dwelling housesOwner o c c u p i e d R e n t e d from l o c a l o r p u b l i c a u t h o r i t y Rented from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s Famished Unfurnished O c c u p i e d i n some o t h e r w a y FlatsOwner o c c u p i e d R e n t e d from l o c a l o r p u b l i c a u t h o r i t y R e n t e d from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s Furnished unfurnished Occupied I n some o t h e r way Farmhouses 13 _ " ~ 0.0 ' .„ _ : - _ ~ -5 70 6.2 121 10.7 512 45.2 230 20.3 132 11.7 54 4.8 6,174 ^^ 70 121 516 230 132 65 1, 147 • 33 7 8 117 51 33 509 276 73 228 149 9 130 85 1 51 . 30 5,963 3,422 582 1,076 601 124 3,389 1,682 550 3 2 7 11 _ ~ 7 24 2 41 117 2 20 46 4 11 31 2 5 13 3 508 1,366 85 94 244 13 335 823 59 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 37 1 29 2 -2 2 - _ _ - _ - " 119 16 71 5 _ - 49 5 32 1 - 164 34 95 17 8 10 6 2 4 15 4 13 1 2 1 1 2 47 7 23 3 • - ~ 13 1.1 a - _ ~ - - _1 • - • _ * • 10 CENSUS OF NORTHERN IRELAND 196 1 TABLE 6 - Private Dwellings: Inhabited Dwellings ky Building Type, Tenure and Booms - continued Administrative Areas Inhabited dwellings Population Containing m Total no.of rooms Total no.of dwellings private dwellings 1 2 3 4 6 6 7-8 room rooms rooms rooms rooms rqoms rooms 9 or more rooms 46 £5 430 19 677 38 1, 533 764 1 580 511 176 21,951 4, 717 18,832 17 - - - 250 100 362 71 449 765 580 19,170 6 24 - - 44 - - 173 3 4,811 1 510 1 22,157 .- 714 1 1,549 - - - - _ - 71 1.6 449 9.3 715 1,550 32.2 765 580 511 12.0 10.6 4,817 100.0 19,194 15.9 176 3.7 22,201 14.8 71 449 716 1,551 765 580 512 179 4,823 . 45 10 2 352 89 21 ' 510 1,314 124 130 211 830 663 220 206 315 182 96 65 55 201 134 5 14,719 5,262 5,162 3,395 1,035 1, 249 13,339 3,407 5, 641 - 5 225 12 9 230 17 13 236 25 9 108 ^0 9 60 9 9 39 14 264 3,630 701 54 932 125 140 15 92 32 2 22 95 4 69 6 18 _2 - Coleraine Rural D i s t r i c t Penaanent dwellings Non-pennanent dwellings Dwellings wlth1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling Total dwellings Percentage Households therein Perraanervt dwellings Dwelling housesOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public authority Rented from other landlords Furnished Unfurnished Occupied In some other way 29 4 FlatsOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public authority Rented from other landlords Furnished Unfurnished Occupied In some other way _ _ _ - . - Farmhouses 1 •"• ! _ - 6 24 3,360 192 469 3 19 8 -2 14 -6 -1 4 2 -1 - 78 164 200 193 265 308 81 7,092 1,290 5,398 66 26 482 30 694 8 1,239 522 329 315 127 18.793 - - - - 16,298 118 3,774 2 66 188 92 512 701 1 1,240 522 327 2 311 4 123 3 1 16,325 81 10 3,828 16,916 11 1 58 7 3,840 100.0 16,981 * _ _ - 2 2 _ - _ - 26 _ 7 4 Limavady Rural D i s t r i c t Permanent dwellings Non-'pennanent dwellings Dwellings wlth1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling Total dwellings Percentage Households therein ~ _ ~ ~ . ~ 1 " - ~ 92 2.4 512 702 18.3 1,241 32.3 13.6 329 8.6 315 8.2 127 3.3 16,416 13.3 92 512 703 1,242 522 331 3;Lg 132 3 , 863 ' 56 18 378 106 10 555 126 148 1.057 372 88 195 "^ 140 70 17 52 32 2 11,286 2,908 4,926 2.801 141 733 4 243 15 10 268 14 5 167 11 5 72 12 6 38 6 6 32 15 3 7 8 196 2,867 399 40 852 82 3,606 522 • Permanent dwellings Dwelling housesOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public authority Rented from other landlords Furnished Unfurnished Occupied in some other way FlatsOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public authority Rented from other landlords Furnished Unfurnished Occupied in some other way Farmhouses 1 35 2 _ 10 _ 104 1 3 _ -1 - - 138 3 - ' 179 _ • .' ; • _/' -i , " • f - 160 1 _ _ 1 _ 137 _ 175 . . 75 663 1,174 21 _ - 18 3 • 12,345 2,519 5,804 • 137 279 5 14 _ _ _ - 4 1 11 3 968 4,434 4,991 COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROlJGH OF LONDONDERRY Tfi^LM 6 - Private IVrellings: Inhabited Dwellings by Building Type, Tenure and Rooms - continued ' 11 Administrative Areas Inhabited dwellings Containing Total 3 rooms 4 rooms 5 rooms 6 rooms 7-8 rooms 9 or more rooms n o . of rooms 534 26 1,401 80 947 12 645 380 165 - - - 21,112 512 4,505 159 19, 743 926 552 7 1 1,463 18 960 7 2 645 i 368 11 1 142 11 2 21,254 319 51 4,604 54 6 20,179 422 68 412 /8.8 560 12.0 1,481 31.8 959 20.6 645 13.8 380 8.2 155 3.3 2 1 , 624 4,664 100.0 20,669 412 569 1,499 970 645 393 170 4»730 . . 334 73 7 438 98 46 1,275 272 581 838 294 388 652 215 267 236 160 14 91 67 1 17,342 6,217 6,124 3,799 1, 194 1,303 16.493 4.671 6.037 1 244 9 4 268 23 • 9 387 26 3 134 19 47 15 e 4 44 14 14 9 _ 142 4,284 575 29 1,157 lie 95 5,183 507 -2 34 1 23 14 2 9 3 1 3 1 1 1 _ 179 36 75 7 2 1 2 1 ~ 66 8 34 1 2 1 -: - 282 42 143 69 31 7 14 7 2 37 21 11 1 room 2 rooms Peimartent d w e l l i n g s Non-pennanent dwellings 44 88 399 13 Dwellings w i t h . 1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 o r more h o u s e h o l d s p e r d w e l l i n g 72 412 /• L o n d o n d e r r y ftural District _ _ Total dwellings Percentage Households Population in private dwellings Total n o . of dwellings 72 1.5 therein 72 / / - _ - • • Permanent d w e l l i n g s Dwelling housesOwner o c c u p i e d R e n t e d from l o c a l o r p u b l i c a u t h o r i t y R e n t e d from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s Rimlshed Unfurnished O c c u p i e d I n some o t h e r way •• Flats- Owner o c c u p i e d Rented from l o c a l o r p u b l i c a u t h o r i t y R e n t e d from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s FUmlshed Uhfumlshed Occupied m some o t h e r way Farmhouses ' ' ^35 15 19 1 _ — 4 2 2 - 6 - 9 61 90 92 95 Permanent d w e l l i n g s Non-permanent d w e l l i n g s 75 24 776 9 1,339 4 2.487 1.416 - Dwellings wlth1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 o r more h o u s e h o l d s p e r d w e l l i n g 99 784 1 1,342 1 2.486 1 - - 99 1.3 785 10.2 99 Magherafelt Bural Penaanent 90 ' _ 141 63 3,486 641 3.071 731 639 183 - - - 33, 679 54 7.645 37 31,635 98 1.415 731 - 637 1 1 181 2 - - 33,680 45 8 7,675 6 1 31,678 43 12 1,343 17.5 2.487 32.4 1,415 18.4 731 9.6 639 8.3 183 2.4 33,735 7,682 100.0 31,733 786 1.344 2,488 1, 416 731 642 185 7,690 . . 62 23 1 525 223 10 910 402 .125 1,923 465 966 954 372 323 361 224 45 314 211 6 122 84 22,107 9.187 6,146 5,171 2.004 1.465 20.921 7,726 6,777 1 33 4 3 277 IS 13 346 24 10 476 18 5 232 22 2 77 13 4 64 29 4 16 18 203 5,781 790 42 1.520 140 127 6,850 442 1 1 -1 - *1 4 1 1 27 3 3 8 1 1 14 1 1 1 3 2 2 5 6 District Total dwellings Percentage Households 2 2 therein - -* • • dwellings Dwelling housesOwner o c c u p i e d Rented from l o c a l o r p u b l i c a u t h o r i t y R e n t e d from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s FUmlshed unfurnished O c c u p i e d I n some o t h e r way FlatsOwner o c c u p i e d R e n t e d from l o c a l o r p u b l i c a u t h o r i t y R e n t e d from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s Furnished Unfurnished Occupied I n #ome o t h e r way Famhouses 12 '.. 250 2 426 _ 664 1 1 460 ^ _ _ 370 1 _ _ 1 324 - _ _ 61 5 10 6 1 1 . 645 . i 2,466 10,700 CENSUS OF NORTHERN IRELAND 1961 12 TABLE 6 - Private Dwellings; Inhabited Dwellings by Building Type, Tenure and Rooms - continued Administtative Areas Inhabited dwellings Population Containing Total ; Total no.ot no. of rooms dwellings m private dwellings Z rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms 5 , rocans 6 rooms 7-8 rooms 9 or more rooms 9 1 S39 1 1,153 4,892 643 264 - 2,730 1 1,172 - - - - 51,753 8 11,102 3 61,436 10 10 £39 1 1,146 7 ' " 4.758 116 18 2,640 74 17 1.085 68 19 537 63 43 192 20 52 48, 623 1,935 1,203 10. 607 349 149 47,761 2.174 1, 510 51,445 1 rocBn Londonderry County Borough Pennanent dwellings Non-penmanent dwellings Dwellings wltH1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling Total dwellings Percentage Households therein " 10 0.1 240 2.S 1,153 10.4 4, 892 44.0 2,731 24.6 1,172 10.5 643 5.8 284 £.4 51,761 • 11,105 100.0 10 241 1,160 , 5,045 2,842 1,286 812 466 11,862 • 8 215 34 62 1,094 160 541 4,760 1,598 1,178 2,669 967 1,028 1,170 597 124 640 394 14 262 155 4 50,640 19,881 12, 484 10,818 3,905. 2,961 50,327 16,563 16,921 " 8 103 8 9 372 12 65 1,872 47 26 618 30 22 408 19 14 200 18 12 75 16 797 16,039 839 157 3,655 150 610 16, 674 569 1 24 59 132 61 2 S 1,094 282 1,088 »' _ - - Permanent dwellings Dwelling nousesOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or puDllc a u t h o r i t y Rented from other landlords Furnished Unfurnished Occupied In some other way *.. 1 7 FlatsOwner occupied Rented from local or public a u t h o r i t y Rented from other landlords Furnished Un rum 1 shed Occupied m some other way - Famhouses - , - - - 20 SO 119 57 1 2 2 - 1 4 8 _ ~ 2 5 2 - - - - - Pemanent dwellings Non-pennanent dwellings 2 51 1 212 1,012 - - - Dwellings w l t h ., 1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling 2 52 212 ~ - - " • - - " „ 951 246 966 - _ - 14 86 43 5 20 11 10 72 40 -r - 2 19 2 20 610 456 291 184 - - - - 14,706 2 2,818 .1 11,623 3 1,000 9 3 586 19 6 425 22 9 239 28 24 131 13 40 13,349 697 762 2,646 91 82 10, 232 517 877 456 ,' 291 16.2/ 10.3 184 6.5 14,708 2,819 100.0 11,826 • 340 3,161 . . 3 1 2 - 3 • North Ward Total dwellings Percentage Households therein • * 2 0.1 52 1.8 212 7.5 1,012 35.9 610 21,7 2 52 212 1,027 643 1 47 8 10 200 28 99 999 363 201 606 309 98/ 454 237 16 288 165 8 184 103 1 14, 554 8,818 1,775 2,779 1,213 433 11,500 4,855 1,976 2 26 1 72 1 - 16 398 21 /6 V79 /14 15 176 11 6 99 10 10 68 12 338 5,179 446 55 1,008 70 228 4,199 243 4 2 3 152 39 123 -3 -3 - .38 12 31 1 2 " 4 71 39 2 15 10 3 64 35 - - - - - - 501 384 : Permanent dwellings Dwelling housesOwner occupied Rented from local or p u t l l c authority Rented from other landlords Furnished Unfurnished Occupied In some other way *" FlatsOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public authority Rented from other landlords • Furnished Unfurnished Occupied In some other way 1 4 12 -1 " -1 -8 2 1 -2 ~ 2 3 7 - - - - Farmhouses • - 1 13 , - S ••' . - 1 I — — 1 1 — . . - - COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY 13 TABLE 6 - Private Dwellings; Inhabited Dwellings by Building Type, Tenure and Rooms - continuei Administrative Areas Inhabited, dwellings Containing 1 room 2 rooms 3 Total no. of dwellings Population In private dwellings 4 rooms 6 rooms 6 rooms 7-6 rooms 540 2,784 1,408 643 209 24 - - - - - - 25,138 1 5,663 1 28,899 2 535 6 ™ 2,687 83 14 1,368 30 10 506 29 8 176 21 12 19 1 4 24,015 841 283 5, 446 170 48 27,305 1,164 432 5,664 100.0 28,901 rooms South Ward 9 or more rooms Total no.of rooms , / • Permanent dwellings Non-permajient dwellings 7 1 148 / / Dwellings wlth1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling Tota], dwellings Parentage 8 ~ • / 147 / 1 *" 8 0.1/ 640 9.5 2,784 49.2 1,408 24.9 543 9.6 209 3.7 24 0.4 25,139 e.6 8 149 545 2,896 1,458 591 256 40 5,943 7 129 14 49 497 91 148 2.668 747 764 1,351 325 791 543 267 99 209 132 3 24 13 _ 24,222 7,558 8,152 5,428 1,579 1,848 27,959 7,328 11,809 1 58 7 4 S5£ 8 25 1,114 18 7 222 6 4 180 3 3 68 3 1 8 2 208 8,095 209 46 1,908 47 191 8.436 195 19 43 116 57 116 57 - -1 - - _ - 940 4S _ _ - 235 19 Households therein 148 • * Permanent dwellings Dwelling housesOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public a u t h o r i t y Rented from other landlords Furnished Unfurnished Occupied In some other way ^ ; 6 "' « - FlatsOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public authority Rented from other landlords Furnished Unfurnished Occupied m some other way - - _ _ " - 712 1 173 143 56 - - - 11,909 5 2,621 1 10,913 5 1,071 24 1 687 25 1 154 17 2 122 14 7 42 6 8 11,259 497 158 2,515 88 19 10,224 493 201 2.622 100.0 10,918 - - - - Pemanent dwellings Non-permanent dwellings - 40 401 1,096 - -. - Dwellings wlth1 household per dwelling 2,households per dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling ~ 40 399 2 Farmhouses 916 - _ - 913 234 935 -3 -1 5 " - ," - ™ • " - rside Ward Total dwellings , Percentage - ~ "* 40 .1.6 401 15.3 1,096 41.8 713 27.2 173 6.6 143 5.5 56 2.1 11,914 0.0 - 40 403 1,122 741 194 172 86 2,758 • • ^ 39 12 3 397 41 300 1,093 488 213 712 333 139 173 103 9 143 97 3 54 39 3 11, 864 5,507 2,557 2,611 1,113 670 10,868 4,380 3,137 5 10 6 46 3 24 360 8 13 217 10 3 53 5 5 33 5 1 9 2 251 3,365 184 56 739 33 191 3,039 121 _ - _ - 26 8 25 _ - - 10 12 4 3 4 1 7 13 5 19 2 20 Households therein • Permanent dwellings Dwelling housesOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public authority Rented from other landlords Furnished Unfurnished Occupied m some other way FlatsOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public auttiority Rented from other landlords Furnished Unfurnished Occupied m some other way Fannhouses •* _ — -r • - . - *• 1 4 3 -1 "• - - 2 2 ~ 1 1 1 - - - . . „ " ~ ~ - - - - • _ _ _ 2 CE?^S,US •Ol r^pRJii,E:|^N'.|f,ifA.AN.D,',19-61; 14 TABLE 7 - Private Households : Size» Booms Occupied» an^ Dei^sity >^ of Room Occupation Administrative Areas SoUi- For deHnltlons, see Part I •=•HujBber of p r i v a t e vHp^setoQlds oftcuiylng the rollowlng number of rooms 1 Population a t successive Total p r i v a t e households' Number of persons in household Average nuwber [persons per room) population i n Rooms prl^vate occupied households or •• • 10 1 '-a 3 4 5 657 374. - -969 1,039 1,036 776 491 310 196 117 98 60 23 14 511 6-7 and ov«r 8-9 NO. .. ^ 2,784 6,220 4,621 4,270 3,209 2»204 1,443 1,004 10.6 19.9 17.6 16.2 12.2 ^: Over 2 l i and over, hut not over 2 persons 1 and over, but under i under l i per room Ijondonderry County 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a9 10 li IZ 15 14 636 575 344 256 175 122 82 70 31 25 10 4 3 3 1 547 935 678 534 376 274 203 141 87 50 27 20 6 7 1 380 2,339 3,886 8,078 6,519 4,528 1.4 8.9 14,8 30.7 21.0 17.2 209 68 43 24 19 5 5 5 1 i ~ ~ *• 16 and over Total private households ) NO. ) ) % Private households at successive d e n s i t i e s 1,500 1,383 i»333 1,033 703 BOO 362 249 164 89 59 23 23 11 258 914 828 823 613 420 231 175 93 67 46 30 16 6 1 • 69, 192 £24 196 163 131 81 52 30 12 11 4 1 32 67 82 66 64 60 31 13 7 3 -3 616 420 243 141 62 43 29 1,169 , 409 26,308 4.4 1.6 - • 1 -1 • 8.4 6.5 3.8 2.3 1.6 0.9 , • 0.5 ,• . 0.2 0.2 0.1 2,784 10,440 13,863 17,080 16,046 13,224 10,101 S,032 6,535 4,200 2,673 1,692 806 602 468 5,080 1,718 ,i07,5S5 9.686 4,695 789 7,372 14,673 35,191 23,531 19,172 380 4,678 11,658 3g,3i;3 27,695 28,613 19 25 4 2 1 1 46 95 67 43 24 18 10 5 128 217 183 159 02 55 22 Ifi 8 4 3 1 1 2 54 177 206 242 174 104 63 38 21 11 3 2 3 29 137 112 93 66 46 17 17 7 6 2 2 4 5 12 18 16 11 13 8 3 1 2 2 7 2 3 6 2,676 9,154 10,668 8,492 4,150 2,016 209 136 1,032 1,024 1,880 5,856 3,500 4,384 1,693 1,410 506 384 2,030 1,728 3,312 2,400 2,046 1,272 741 602 396 1,150 2,034 7,466 9,045 4,500 3,787 1,728 ... 567 390 121 36 784 102 63 ~ - 65 - 16 48 0.27 0.45 0.64 0.84 1.04 1.23 1,48 1,74 1.95 2.21 2.34 2,58 2.80 3.46 2.86 . . Hooms occupied 667 288 174 160 _ - 129 96 070 762 100.0 . Population In private households 10,1B& 22,986 21*608 20,233 15,364 10,740 6,808 4,627 2,839 1,903 1,141 '1,919 3,470 6,779 14,140 16,484 21,786 31,171 38,004 0.90 4 50 201 808 283 1,280 1,675 1,412 0.24 0.44 0.62 0.82 1.00 1.17 1.33 119,617 Cbleraine Municipal Borou^ 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS and over Total private households ) No. ) )% 4 2 2 1 1' ~ " ~ • -1 " -2 -, - - ~ 10 53 310 891 0.3 1.8 10.3 29.6 -1 1,088 ~ ^ i - -1 - 638 88 17.9 2*9 287 667 698 558 372 243 115 9.5 287 22.2 10.9 18.6 12.4 1,334 1,794 2,232 1,860 1,468 8.1 3.8 ^ 80 ' 2.7 37 22 10 5 9 2 1 j 28 , 1.2 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.3 0,1 0.0 23 110 960 3.017 4,671 2,003 38'2 129 10 106 030 3,564 5,440 3,344 722 300 2 1 17 IS 9 6 4 25 51 24 23 11 8 6 2 30 70 40 50 44 32 20 6 3 1 1 1 19 39 61 40 40 28 19 6 6 2 2 X 2 13 11,294 Total private households ) NO. ) )% 4 10 6 70 40 72 50 88 36 91 28 16 - 4 12 8 120 438 154 432 225 160 22 24 26 1,330 400 168 91 16 846 490 152 36 10 _ _ - - ~ 1.^ 1,75 2.00 2.39 2.31 2.26 3,60 3.20 55 226 517 1,626 799 1,924 3,027 • 6,225 0.78 14,416 limavady Urban District 15 and over . • 100.0 ' Rooms occupied e _ 6- 3,006 1.0 • population In private households 9 10 11 12 13 14 407 190 110 46 26 52 8 5 • 1 36.2. Private households a t successive d e n s i t i e s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 805 640 333 220 110 60 U7 28 16 1,201 3,066 2,888 2,707 1,854 1,251 . . . 605 • -1 " — _ ~ M. -1 " -3 2 • - - - 56 ' 37 41 31 21 13 11 7 7 1 3 1 -1 - 4 52 153 307 2S4 241 0.4 4.9 14.4 28.0 24.0 22.6 2 ^'^ 4 7 7 5: 2 6 1 2 * -^ -. 34' 3.8 Private households at successive d e n s i t i e s 112 241 170 167 134 03 60 20 16 13 6 5 3 3 2 1 2 ^ 2 1 1 • - . • •'• - 14 . ,1.3 .. 10.6 22.6 18.9 i6.7 12.6 6.8 ,/ 5.7 2.7 / 1.^ 0^6 ^.3 -1 /o.o ' 0.1 i.oso' , , • / •' / 112 , 462 537 ' 668 670 568 420 232 144 ' 130 66 60 461 1,092 684 806 855 482 206 161 89 70 27 . ^29 8 126 492 1,177 1.O06 1,051 126 55 Rooms occupied 4 104 459 1,228 1.270 1,650 283 ' 156 • _ - 4 20 - 42 24 27 40 55 .24 • 30 : 16 39 - -5 15 15 ~ „ 2 27 24 55 226 . 140 96 72 40 11 36 -• - 100.0 • 110 460 438 i B .. 30 72 292 420 234 224 06 45 50 - * 348 176 06 14 16 • _ _. ^ - _ _ - . . , population In p r i v a t e households •. 4,133 6,063 0.24 0.44 0,62 0.83 1.02 1.16 1.42 1,44 1.62 1.86 2.44 2,07 2,44- ^ 3.00 . 32 113 201 623 . 290 731 1,465 1,647 0.82 COUNTY TABLE 7 - Private Households AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY Administrative Areas Size, Booms Occupied, and Density of Room Occupation - continued Numher or p r i v a t e households occupying the rollowlng number of roo(ti$ persons In household — 3 z 4 6 6-7 2 ' 1 11 12 13 14 15 and over Total } No. private ) households ) % Private households at successive d e n s i t i e s Population In private households Rooms occupied Population In private liouseholds l i and 1 and over, but not over over, but under l i 2 occupied Over % 'over Average number of persons {persons per room) £ per Under i room / - . 10 Population at successive / • ' 1 e9 No. a-9 Portstewart Urban District 3 4 5 6 7 / total private households dO 1 15 • — — - 8 6 Z 3 -1 — — - 26 24 12 13 3 1 32 30 19 19 14 7 3 1 - — — • 47 i 99 63/ 6^ $5 Al / 6 /• 6 1 ^ - 1 1 _ 92 124 96 98. 51 27 18 4 / — _ — — _ - . _ - • _ • _ ,; — / — _ / -/ 4 22 12 11 4 7 ~ 3 1 — 1 — - 3 3 4 6 3 3 -1 1 — — - 211 309 208 205 110 67 27 8 9 2 18.4 26.9 18.1 17.9 9,6 5.0 2.3 0.7 0.6 0.2 0.0 1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 20 80 124 511 322 65 24 1,147 0.1 1.7 7.0 10.8 ^44.6 28.1 5.7 2.1 . 211 618 624 820 550 342 189 64 81 20 — — , IZ z 44 200 358 1.607 986 239 96 40 240 496 2,&65 2,024 545 273 37 17 8 5 1 164 118 62 44 32 17 9 8 6 3 4 94 172 123 98 79 56 35 27 17 6 4 2 1 1 1 123 282 279 260 211 133 89 67 42 32 15 7 4 2 3 57 121 167 146 106 66 40 25 9 11 11 4 66 160 170 161 142 87 44 27 14 11 6 5 1 2 26 41 48 44 40 21 16 14 8 4 4 1 8 16 26 23 12 6 9 3 6 48 21 8 8 45 10 — 8 — - _ Z 6 12 15 599 331 140 51 67 11 • ^ — _ - _ _ 12 12 36 128 325 210 168 40 27 10 -_ _ - 211 604 582 680 210 78 -8 9 — _ — - 0.20 0.37 0.65 0.74 0.92 1.03 1.35 1.25 1.21 1.82 _ - 1.50 100.0 • 1 - 1,044 1,666 1,142 1,115 3,531 3 27 183 934 24 169 956 2,382 0.57 528 0.27 0,46 0.63 0.82 1.02 1.25 1.43 1.71 2.00 2.09 2.37 2.45 3.12 3.00 3.90 6,174 Cbleraine Riral District 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and over Total ) No. private ) households ) % -3 1 ~ - Rooms occupied 4,823 1 - - 72 454 716 1,649 766 895 267 105 1.5 9.4 14.8 32.1 16.9 18.6 5.6 2.2 Private households a t successive d e n s i t i e s population In private households -2 - 666 924 886 781 623 385 245 172 95 69 43 19 6 6 6 *1 • • • •• 11.7 19.2 18.3 16.2 12.9 8.0 6.1 3.6 2.0 1,4 0.9 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 665 1,848 2,666 3,124 3,115 2,310 1,716 1,376 855 690 473 228 78 84 78 2,115 4,004 4,241 3,804 3,052 1,854 1,202 806 427 330 200 93 25 28 20 1,266 2,716 6,648 3,180 3,688 1,146 411 72 908 2,148 6,196 3,826 5,683 2,204 1,185 51 20 10 4 6 2 108 119 89 68 42 Zt 21 23 9 7 2 1 92 150 116 97 69 56 39 36 24 16 6 2 2 2 53 190 204 212 167 118 100 70 50 46 18 13 6 6 3 28 79 80 99 76 62 41 23 19 12 13 3 18 74 89 90 74 71 31 31 19 10 9 4 6 29 37 29 19 17 12 7 7 4 3 7 16 14 11 9 8 4 4 1 _ 34 186 176 395 1,134 623 736 162 170 55 72 _ - 37 232 369 1,432 1,585 684 588 304 117 110 44 - 1,582 2,076 1,496 970 390 175 48 _ - 100.0 • 149 _ - 24 20 165 102 329 288 576 410 374 156 76 84 78 19,194 315 618 1,215 2,675 2,664 3,743 5,502 7,265 0.86 „ 51 238 348 312 1,076 1,272 0.32 0.49 0.69 0.90 1.11 1.29 1.58 1.84 2.04 2.35 2.33 •2.73 3.47 4.00 4.04 22,201 limavady Hiral District 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and over Total ) No. private ) households ) % private households a t successive d e n s i t i e s Population In private households Rooms occupied -2 ~ -1 1 ~ - • 1 -1 - 95 518 706 1,244 626 621 170 2.6 13.4 18.3 32.3 13.7 13.6 4.4 ' • • • • 74. 1.9 363 677 639 610 452 361 248 196 129 93 51 23 8 8 6 9.4 363 17.6 16.6 16.8 11,7 1,354 1,917 2,440 2,260 2,106 1,736 1,560 1,161 9.1 6.4 5.1 3.4 2.4 1.3 0.6 0.2 0.2 0,2 930 561 276 . 104 112 101 1,139 2,761 2,792 2,714 2,037 1,6^ 1,100 846 570 395 241 101 30 28 25 1,806 2,872 6,097 2,472 2,488 764 267 95 1,036 2,115 4,876 2,630 3,318 1,410 836 40 267 272 345 1,044 700 744 315 210 99 48 _ - 1,236 1,165 606 604 296 90 50 33 _ _ - 916 510 282 112 40 9 _ - 3,853 100.0 • 196 -, - 30 16 240 174 420 480 747 670 429 228 104 112 101 18,081 ie,4is 441 682 1,056 1,674 . 3,751 4,084 4,617 4,529 1.03 16 CENSUS OF NORTHERN TABLE 7 - Private Households Size, Fk>oms Occupied, and Density of Boom Occupation - conUt«wd Administretiye Areas Number of private households oecfupylns the following number of rooms 2 3 4 6 76 110 86 65 46 33 16 SO 11 2 3 2 2 1 55 U i 103 72 69 56 43 23 25 14 9 7 1 71 237 247 220 197 161 120 82 58 40 20 18 3 10 1 33 191 203 173 139 80 57 37 17 13 T 3 Z 2 2 23 174 175 204 119 67 46 27 IS e-7 Population a t successive Total p r i v a t e households Numtjer of persons in tiDusehoiil 1 IRELAND 1 9 6 1 10 and over 8-9 NO. % ' (persons per room) Population m private households Booms occupied 309 1,768 2,007 3,144 3,060 2,604 2,114 1,616 1,215 800 539 466 143 196 108 1,044 3,983 4,080 3,766 2,887 2,072 1,396 904 598 343 214 U37 49 68 64 Over 2 l i and over, but not over 2 1 and over, but under i^ under I Average number of persons per room Londonderry h i r a i Eistrict i. £ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 IB 13 lA 15 and o v e r Total } NO. private ) houseliolds ) % 41 IS 17 8 6 3 S 1 1 1 ~ " ~ " Rooms o c c u p l e t i Ma^erafelt District • - -1 -3 309 334 869 788 610 434 302 202 135 80 49 38 11 14 7 4,730 96 463 578 1,475 969 876 218 76 2.0 9.6 12.2 31.2 20.3 1S.& 4.6 i.e ' ' Private households a t successive densities Population in p r i v a t e houseliolds e 8 7 3 1 Total ) No. private ) households ) % 6.6 1S.7 18.4 16.6 12.9 9.2 6.4 4.3 2.9 1.7 1.0 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.1 . 1,670 2,651 7,106 4,067 3,680 998 353 98 908 1,734 5,900 4,795 5,480 1,812 901 32 198 260 295 1,g42 840 952 243 170 88 84 26 - 16 . 41 220 309 1,168 1,680 744 714 280 99 60 22 12 46 266 l,5i6 2,049 1,684 616 402 133 32 18 ~ - 0.30 0.44 0.64 0.83 1.06 1.26 1.62 1.79 2.03 2.33 2.52 2.73 2.92 3.36 1.69 . . . . • 245 _ - 61 32 260 216 427 352 855 670 429 360 117 196 46 100.0 » 20,680 . 465 714 1,166 2,366 3,911 4,446 6,396 6,917 0.96 • 21,624 J Riral 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and over 3 14 ifi 10 6 12 6 2 2 1 7 31 42 34 38 32 13 10 6 1 Z X 74 11 6 5 5 •" ~1 ~ _ " ~ ~ ~ 256 184 112 66 50 43 36 18 6 12 1 1 1 1 210 332 233 188 131 81 70 48 21 11 4 9 2 4 220 474 402 413 318 206 146 ill 88 42 32 19 9 4 4 91 238 237 238 190 136 82 66 41 49 24 10 7 2 5 62 216 132 170 148 126 75 67 30 26 21 9 6 2 17 50 60 69 49 35 31 16 6 2 2 1 7 14 ii 13 U9 14 6 1 3 -1 - - - 102 789 1,344 2,488 1,416 1,135 327 89 1.3 10.3 17.5 32.3 1S.4 14.8 4.2 1.2 * • ~ Private households a t successive densities • Population in p r i v a t e households 167 2,360 4,873 Rooms o c c u p i e d 102 1,578 4,032 9,952 ' 103 61 35 30 IB 7 i , 2 3 176 281 123 81 47 25 10 11 3 2 1 2 156 330 282 228 176 99 66 38 . 12 12 3 4 6 1 10,789 12.2 19.7 16.2 15.1 ii.8 8.3 5.8 4.2 2.6 1.1 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 3,039 3,729 4,652 4,640 3,846 3,122 2,5441,746 1,41D 924 600 326 182 140 7,690 . . i.e 5,186 1,432 388 7,080 7,214 2,710 li065 370 823 917 783 606 428 339 244 146 91 61 40 20 12 7 120 339 398 388 445 292 241 183 107 71 48 31 17 5 7 102 304 239 212 174 136 96 52 49 42 18 12 6 8 6 18 66 58 41 34 27 23 10 8 3 3 X i 2 7 20 23 20 12 14 3 6 2 2 3,185 6,414 6,501 5,321 4»2S0 3,113 2,070 1,452 898 644 413 233 116 52 41 IDO.O . . • • • 6,538 ^m 937 1,518 1,243 1,163 908 641 448 318 194 141 84 60 26 13 9 • 31,733 • • 33,733 1,052 4,44^ 8,2i0 7,^2 7,€60 6/ii68 ^,376 /4,368 2,970 2,230 1,474 1,092 660 406 300 3,857 9,246 9,029 7,838 6,800 4,761 3.663 2,610 1,654 1,068 633 430 227 152 03 _ - 18 20 275 258 742 636' 1,035 650 671 466 312 182 140 -. 22 336 272 665 1,722 1,022 1,416 631 660 231 106 13 _ - 74 368 699 2,404 2.540 1,266 1,099 560 163 100 22. 24 - 863 2,646 2,676 1,956 1.070 600 259 32 27 __ _ - . 0.29 0.47 0.66 0.87 1.06 1,24 1.51 1.75 1.94 2.19 2.24 2.58 2.80 3.50 3.41 . 608 1,088 2,089 3,925 6,307 6,988 9,309 10,129; . 0.94 '^ Londonderry Gjunty Borough 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and o v e r Total ) No. private ) households } % ~ ~ ~ ~ _ " " " *" ~ -1 -1 • " 1,062 Z.SSA 2.073 1,783 1,512 1,028 768 546 330 223 134 91 50 20 19 260 762 1,403 4,887 2.692 1,464 293 IXX LI, 8 6 2 2.2 a.:4 li.e 41.2 22.7 12.3 2.6 0.0 ,/• Private households a t successive densities • ' • • population in p r i v a t e households 632 2,056 6,145 21,734 13,644 6,618 1*243 Rooms o c c u p i e d 260 1,624 4,209 19,548 13,460 0,068 2,428 • 4731,264 8.9 18.7 17.5 16.0 12.7 8.7 6,6 4.6 2.8 / 1.0 ,^ 1.1 0.8/ 0.4 0/2 0.2 _ _ 122 369 324 880 3,162 2,373 3,416 1,323 1,010 498 144 13 28 103 562 846 4,044 5,255 2,362 2,362 456 153 160 33 12 - 14 - 949 1 0 . 2 7 0.48 3,764 4,899 0.69 2,644 0.91 1,100 1.11 1.30 432 1.51 182 1.74 88 1.91 18 2.00 10 2.33 2.54 12 2.86 ' 2.67 3.23 . - ./ . aoo.o ' V „ 105 120 325 192 469 408 1,476 1,050 1,243 924 637 364 300 • • 51,445 . 61,781 . 833 2,015 3,566 6,458 . r,613 13,362 16,372 14.098 0.90 ' • COUNTY AND BOROUGH COUNTY Number of p r i v a t e households occupyins the rollowing number ol rooms 2 Total private households 3 4 5 37 96 70 68 32 17 6 2 1 1 101 204 228 192 146 81 60 28 144 3 1 1 44 lie 115 116 95 51 29 23 12 3 3 3 6-7 8-9 3 • 4 5 6 • 6 4 •* 8 9 10 li •IS 13 14 15 and over ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ 47 99 47 26 11 7 1 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~1 ~ - • , Total ) NO. private ) households ) % / 49 / 13 138 / 33 113 f 34 87 20 85/ 14 22 14 /23 5, / 6 1 / 6 1 / 7 2 3 1 1 1 S t - • J.— ' «tid ,over NO. % 6 13 19 13 6 8 3 3 2 1 344 726 633 634 393 233 129 88 36 16 16 9 2 3 10.9 23.0 20.0 13.9 12.4 7.4 4.1 2.8 l.i 0.6 0.6 0.3 0,0 0.1 0.0 ~. -1 -1 ~ iOi 244 331 1,052 6^'l 588 160 74 3.2 7.7 10.5 33.3 19.3 18.6 6.1 2.3 Private households a t successive d e n s i t i e s - , /• • , population Rooms in p r i v a t e . occupied households Population at successive densities {persons per room) i i and 1 and Over over, but over, but 2 under l i 2 Average number of persons per Under i room / '^North Ward 48 25 7 11 17 A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Areas Number or persons In household 1 2 LONDONDERRY S i z e , Rooms Occupied, and D e n s i t y of Room O c c u p a t i o n - continued TABLE 7 - P r i v a t e Households 1 OF ~ 344 1,452 1,899 2,136 1,965 1,398 903 704 324 160 165 108 26 42 ~ 1,343 3,188 3,027 2,474 1,895 1,187 675 462 186 91 90 56 10 25 "*• _ _ 21 44 85 66 49 48 135 50 66 60 26 14 50 141 112 160 588 360 408 144 60 77 36 - 14 48 198 210 1,040 1,200 496 385 200 27 50 22 296 1,204 1,527 940 520 246 119 46 18 _ 12 14 - _ - 0.26 0.46 0.63 0.86 1.04 -1.18 1.34 1.52 1.74 1.76 1,83 1.96 2.60 1,66 , 3,161 100.0 • 93 364 891 1.813 664 2,140 3,892 4,930 0.79 - 56 165 136 345 1,740 1,582 2,432 '964 840 121 96 13 14 41 266 318 1,792 2,760 1,428 1,603 232 99 100 11 453 1,568 2,094 1,008 345 108 49 24 0.29 0.51 0.73 0.93 1.15 1.33 1.54 1.80 1.94 2.12 2.41 2.65 2.89 2,87 3.20 y Population In private households 217 634 1,062 3,970 2,460 2,316 666 312 Rooms occupied 101 488 963 4,208 3,056 3,676 1,338 649 41 28 20 17 7 3 1 1 3 96 133 56 34 28 16 6 7 3 2 1 2 92 156 106 68 69 43 34 27 10 9 3 3 6 1 178 405 474 390 314 247 226 181 115 77 53 33 19 12 6 44 103 132 163 236 160 176 123 73 58 38 27 15 5 7 41 116 60 76 60 72 51 Zf 37 34 11 8 6 7 5 2 14 10 11 8 11,626 14,708 South Vferd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 ' 12 13 14 16 and over Total ) NO. private ) households ) % ~ " ~ ~ " " z 7 3 7 2 1 -1 1 " . -2 2 1 2 -2 „ _ ~ 121 363 617 2,730 1,384 630 69 9 2.0 6.4 10.4 46.9 23.3 10.6 1.2 0.2 Private households a t successive d e n s i t i e s * • Population in private households 320 1,079 2,362 13,345 Rooms occupied 1£1 786 1,861 10,020 14 8 8 2 6 33 49 21 19 8 2 3 27 78 106 102 76 39 ' 16 9 1 2 91 214 215 201 147 100 63 36 17 10 6 6 • • 8,150 3,268 350 47 6,020 3,808 663 100 32 118 161 110 112 61 34 37 S2 10 7 1 2 12 60 46 40 20 21 18 2 6 2 3 10 12 10 12 3 Z 2 7 2 5 6 4 494 965 879 751 725 565 503 371 248 162 107 73 46 26 18 6,3 16.1 14.8 1£,6 12,2 9.5 8.5 6.2 4.2 3.1 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.3 494 1,910 .2,637 3,004 3,626 3,390 3,521 2,968 2,232 1,620 1,177 676 596 364 285 1,709 3,727 3,602 3,220 3,162 2,640 2,260 1,653 1,148 667 486 330 207 127 69 60 68 176 114 287 260 1,179 680 1,045 760 686 350 285 - _ _ - 6,943 100.0 • . 28,901 634 1,217 1,798 2,294 6,068 6,494 8,660 6,669 1.15 - 16 63 76 OT5 834 441 576 225 110 14 98 318 1,212 1,296 456 364 24 27 10 200 972 1,278 696 235 78 14 16 0.27 0.47 0.70 0.93 1.13 1.33 1.57 1.76 1.68 2.06 2.40 2.40 2.60 25,139 Waterside %rd 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and over Total ) No. private ) households ) % ~1 ~ ~ " ~ ~ — ~ ~ — _ " — ~ ..— 1 — ~ -1 — - z " ~ -1 — - --1 -1 — ^ 214 543 661 408 394 230 136 87 46 26 12 9 2 — 1 38 135 466 1,105 697 236 64 28 2,758 1.4 4,9 16.6 40.1 25.3 8.5 2,3 1,0 . Private households at successive d e n s i t i e s ^ • • Population in private households 95 343 1,731 4,410 3,034 046 Rooms occupied 38 270 1.365 4,420 3.488 1<»494 .237 7.8 19,7 20,3 18.1 14.3 8,3 4.9 3,2 1.7 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.1 0,0 0.0 214 1,086 1,683 1,992 1,970 1,380 952 606 414 250 132 108 26 — 15 806 2,331 2,400 2,144 1,743 1,034 608 395 220 120 55 46 10 — 4 114 ' • _ 16 _- 12 -_ 12 _ - 10 „ _ 3.75 . lOO.O . m::> SUB 24 8 66 12 133 80 162 120 132 84 26 10,918 • _ '_^ 11,914 106 434 867 1,351 861 2,728 3,630 3,499 '__^ ^ ^ 0.92 • 18 CENSUS TABLE 8 - Private Households OF N O R T H E R N Y T R E L AN D 19 61 A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Areas A v a i l a b i l i t y of Household Arrangements by Tenure and Type o f Accompitodation jr^tf.*- For dexinltioilii, see Part J Number of households with Total households All arraa^smenta Cold Kat«r tap NO m«nts sole use Shared 26,308 100.0 10,690 40.8 54 0.2 36,043 206 10,654 23 42 16 59 13 12 25,5S4 784 10,235 455 iz.are 6,B88 514 6,1&1 637 sole use Hot water tsp Fixed bath Sole filiared Jlone use Sbared None sole Shared Kone use Hater closet Kitchen sirut cooitlng stove or range Shared Sole Shared 1None use sole Shar-ed None use use Mone LcHidQrtdeny County All houseliolds ^No. (5« X household per dwelling 2 liouseholds per dwelling 3 or more tiouseholds per dwelLiag Households In b u i l d i n g s Wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Not wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Households In accomraodatlonOwner occupied Rented rrom l o c a l or putillc authorities Rented from other landlords Furnl shed Unfurnished Occupied m some other way Households oceupylngDwelllng houses Flats Farmhouses Other types of dwellings 2,917 11.1 16,259 S1.8 146 0.6 9,903 37.6 12,022 46.7 62 0.3 14,203 64.0 U*zi£ l i e 42.6 0.5 ±4,975 14,549 56.9 65.3 189 0,7 11,670 16,864 44.0 64.0 0.6 9,329 35>6 22,306 64.8 U7 0.4 3,885 14.8 S,BB5 16,164 63 22 106 9,867 37 U,952 41 5 62 14,085 96 11,174 zr ID 78 14,859 14,484 101 39 33 . 11,618 16,761 61 121 46 5 102 9,277 43 22,191 81 6 96 3,847 29 e ^ 19 8 SS 15 22 14 30 ZZ 18 8 34 16 9 61 3 2,898 19 15,666 704 133 13 9,836 67 ll,47f 546 68 14 L3,^978 226 10,736 480 102 16 4,738 15 1,669 7,i76 29 4,874 6,622 22 6,534 4,927 28 7,123 4,3B0 6 131 5,492 13 1,383 4,644 7 2,237 4,628 7 2,253 26S 986 314 18 13 2 26 1,016 71 366 2,821 406 33 64 7 116 3,306 2lffi 292 1,223 342 30 18 5 192 4,960 290 266 1,070 324 46 31 7 203 6,090 306 330 2,739 377 20,114 408 5,360 396 9,034 353 1,319 4 48 1,843 4 1,011 69 13,203 398 2.609 149 IDl 2 9 34 6,810 8,8ac 2,672 213 383 1,726 32 73 1 8 1D,W1 24 3,664 364 9,452 366 1,386 9 106 3 9 3,006 100.0 1,980 65.8 6 0.2 2,824 93,9 28 1.0 153 5.1 2, ISO 72.6 23 0.8 803 26.7 2,015 28 0.9 963 32.0 2,848 88,1 39 1.3 19 0.6 2,965 30 1,975 5 6 2,809 13 3 17 163 2,170 9 1 12 3 14 962 11 2,938 11 6 19 19 11 - 9 2 9 - 1 10 - - 11 - 11 2,854 152 1,894 86 13 3 2,684 140 IB 11 162 1 2,077 103 14 .9 763 40 1,928 89 20 6 908 55 2,811 138 24 14 1,044 778 6 1 1,014 10 20 851 7 186 793 7 244 1,029 10 972 874 - £ d34 - 38 685 - 87 972 - 66 862 62 41 7 3 * — 4 " - 47 296 53 10 6 1 9 662 8 41 246 51 11 9 1 14 608 10 53 836 59 13 13 2 152 -1 2,009 167 3 1 22 1 794 8 1,864 169 2 25 3 . 846 2,776 14 170 1 3 2 32 6 _ -6 ~ e 15 IB 25 14,687 13,883 288 666 166 24 11,476 16,166 94 698 115 10 8,263 76 21,585 721 109 8 3,830 65 5,864 41 6,073 7,362 28 4,688 10,067 30 1.961 5,149 11 1,728 5,809 8 971 6,457 10 421 64 74 9 140 S.^B 251 379 2,782 422 33 50 6 102 3,369 209 441 4,796 646 34 39 4 39 1,367 87 7,567 13,677 7 4O0 3,744 2,681 252 196 78 1 12 34 6,369 7 2,797 166 17,383 366 4,266 301 81 1 11 24 2,660 41 1,123 71 2,751 91.5 23 0.8 232 7.7 2,850 94.8 21 0.7 136 4.6 2,736 13 1 13 226 4 2,833 16 1 11 131 4 2 9 Z 9 - 2,613 138 15 8 226 6 2,707 143 15 6 132 ^ .3 e 34 1,008 6 £7 3 SETif — IB 55 770 69 9 3 1 2 89 2 -1 2,678 188 3 1 20 1 127 7 161 14.3 942 88.8 4 0.4 113 10,7 160 1 934 13 4 - IIJS 1 - - 4 Ill 2 10,666 12,409 136 37 396 6 3,995 1,637 9 387 108 . 36 ~ 8 1)35 Coleraine Municipal Borou^ All households (Ko„ [% 1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling Households In b u l l d i n g s Wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Not wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Households In accommodationOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public authorities Rented from other landlords Furnished Unfurnished Occupied in some other way Households occupylngDwelllng houses Flats Farmhouses Other types of dwellings zsr 60 2,825 176 3 2 1,826 152 2 1,059 100.0 606 57.4 1,036 18 599 5 ~ 1J6 0.6 _7 5 ~ - 970 _ 56 726 60 11 6 2 131 ef^i 794 ' 2,010 9 6 ~ 16 4 -- 1 2,646 174 3 1 2 0.2 11 1.0 941 86.9 9 0,8 109 10.3 696 66.7 8 0.8 366 33.6 659 62,2 12 1.2 388 36.6 963 90,9 14 1,3 u 923 13 4 6 109 663 9 1 6 362 3 650 6 2 9 584 4 962 6 12 5 - 858 83 9 fff 2 • - ~ ~ -1 ~ ~ ~ ." 18 " 5 1,002 — 13 969 • — ~ 55 664 61 10 4 1 1 194 22 1 231 2 2,OT2 175 3 1 82 7.8 904 85.3 4 0.4 82 Bee 1 17 • » _ * ~ -1 limavady Urban District All households (No. % ( 1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling 5 Households in b u i l d i n g s Uholly r e s i d e n t i a l Not wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Households in accommodationOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public authorities Rented from o t h e r landlords Furnished unfurnished Occupied In some other way Households occupylngCwelllng houses Flats Farmhouses OQier types of dwellings 4 975 84 661 67 237 163 388 332 44 361 29 28 61 24 872 73 1 13 566 42 - _2 - 2 ll"" - - " - & " 13 4 1 - 4 1 - 6 - 108 1 630 66 6 3 340 16 602 67 8 4 365 23 886 77 8 5 80 2 826 79 ~ 4 5 - - 5 4 148 .. 6 660 82 ~ " 229 1 7 182 1 64 170 2 66 222 3 12 221 1 15 223 1 13 1 383 - 5 S71 - 17 369 - 19 382 - 6 378 - 10 343 - 46 36 263 28 4 4 2 94 1 32 86 26 6 1 6 274 4 28 67 25 8 2 8 292 4 •^300 9 2 5 69 37 240 28 3 ^ _ - 30 10 4 121 1 41 307 28 a 11 654 73 1 13 109 Slfi 70 1 9 348 5 588 68 1 12 161 885 45 2 " _ ' 9 " - ~ 6 ' -4 ~ / -. - • 29 " 14 13 - 888 73 1 1 ^1 4 " - ~ 12 817 73 1 13 70 ~ 4 — - 3 - " 54 1 4 12 - - 83 28 1 1 -J. P o r t s t e w a r t Urban D i s t r i c t All households (No. (^ 1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling Households In b u i l d l n g s Wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Not wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Households in accommodationOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public authorities Rented from other l a n d l o r d s Furnished Unfurnished Occupied in some other way Households occupylngDmlllne houses Flats Farmhouses Other types of dwellings 1,147 100.0 985 85.8 1,124 4 981 19 4 - 5 0.4 _2 3 1,121 26 861 24 612 pre 156 133 - 110 252 17 85 176 16 4 1 1,081 49 7 838 48 3 ~ ~ _ 6 ~ 5 -_ • 0.0 i,iarr 89.2 - 1,118 -. 2 • 6 0.4 5 0.4 1,032 90.0 6 0.5 108 9,6 996 96.8 18 1,6 133 11.6 1,121 87.7 18 1.6 8 0.7 1,135 99.0 5 0.4 7 0.6 1,127 98.3 7 0.6 13 1.1 -2 5 1,D1B 2 -2 106 / 992 ..4 132 1,U5 1 4 8 1,U7 2 -2 7 1,11.1 -4 13 4 lA 1 16 3 xoe 972 24 18 1 19 BJ9 610 134 - 33 22 22 164 14 .63 1 86 182 16 12 13 64 1 87 243 17 13 6 106 2 1 846 46 4 18 127 3 .3 1,067 49 .^6 18 16 3 ~ _ 1,111 26 6 6 -" 6U •^ . 164 106 248 17 - 1,08249 _6 ~ . • ~ U 4 1,007 26 6 ". " - 1 683 2 134 -2 ~ 92/ 18^ 4 2 M * 4... 878 47 6 4. 1 * 5 -" ~ / • ^ • .1 " -/ /-/' 6 -- - .' 4/ / ^, ^ " " 9 " -- ~ 6 13 . 131 1,095 2 26 19 ~ " 8 1,108 26 " " " 2 610 2 154 -4 " 105 249 17 " " - 6 ~2 1,080 49 6 ~ ~ ~ 16 3 7 1,101 26 7 13 ~ - 2 608 162 " ~ 3 2 4 1 1 2 105 244 17 6 -- ~6 5 " " 5 6 " - ~ 1 • 1,071 49 7 .2 7 — ~ 4 13 " " • COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY 19 TABLE 8 - Private Households : Availability of Household Arrangements by Tenure and Type of Accommodation - continued Administrative Areas Number or households with Total households All a r r a n g e ments Cold water tap NO airangements Shared sole use sole use Shared Fixed bath Hot water tap. Water c l o s e t Cooking stove Kitchen sink Shared None Sole use Shared None Sole use Shared None sole use Shared 1,606 33.3 9 0.2 3,206 66.5 1,997 41.4 18 0.4 2,806 58.2 2,744 56.9 7 0.1 2,072 43.0 3,984 82.6 6 0.1 3,062 4 1,308 1 8 3,202 4 1,996 1 9 9 2,806 2 2,740 4 i 6 2,070 2 3,980 4 _6 831 2 7 2,060 12 3,873 111 6 822 11 None Sole use Shared None sole use 2,401 49.8 1,7^ 86.4 8 0.2 3,056 63.4 2,399/ 1,766 1 .6 1 7 None Coleraine ftiral D i s t r i c t All houseiholcls (No. % ( 1 household per dwelling 2 households p e r dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling Households In b u l l d l n g s Wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Not wholiy r e s i d e n t i a l Households I n accommodationOraier occupied Rented rrom l o c a l or public authorlties Rented from o t h e r l a n d l o r d s Furnished uaCumlstwd Occupied In some other way Households oocupylngDwelling houses Flats Farmhouses ! Other types of dwellings 4»823 100.0 1,604 31.2 4 0.1 630 13.1 2,400 49.9 13 0.3 4,811 18 1,504 -4 630 2,406 4 7 6 4,701 122 1,431 73 4 688 2 2,299 110 13 2,295 858 1 299 1,368 1,280 469 - 53 662 108 999 141 33 86 2 1 ee - ID 246 22 3,401 32 1,260 100 1,061 29 414 • - ~ - - 4 Asn ~ 180 23 - /2,389 - 12 1,674 66 6 2 3,021 35 1,528 80 7 2 3,166 40 1,895 102 15 3 /z 925 1,034 2 1,259 905 3 1,387 1,076 3 3 625 498 - 782 494 - 786 694 60 254 8&' 3 4 1 56 741 66 36 116 76 6 1 67 862 66 34 104 71 5 i 69 894 7Q 43 204 80 1.6,57 /32 ^XZ 13 1,731 1,191 2,202 1,137 30 440 1 9 755 99 - 2,255 2 850 99 .'• 8 1 -.' / ~ - 8 ^ ~ 678 92 535 1 - ~ • 2,761 2,634 17 liO - - 833 17.3 1,216 1,395 2 896 1,923 1 ^1 686 609 - 371 1,155 1 124 5 6 1 60 786 60 58 290 62 3 Z 47 TOT 46 91 702 113 3 i 14 296 28 1,466 32 606 4 17 1,929 1,442 557 72 2,798 31 1,085 74 6 - 1 1,962 32 733 27 7 784 95 _ - ~ _ - 596 1 207 26 Umavady R i r a l D i s t r i c t All households {No. {% 1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling Households In b u l l d l n g s Wholly r e s i d e n t i a l .Not wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Households In: accommodationOwner occupied Rented from, l o c a l or public authorities Rented rrom other l a n d l o r d s Funjlshed Unfurnished Occupied in some other way Households occupylngDfielling houses Flats Farmhouses Other types or dwellings 676 04.9 1,990 51.7 16 0.4 1.847 47.9 1,348 36.0 8 0.2 2,487 64.8 1,246 32.3 10 0.3 2,697 67.4 1,588 41.2 15 0.4 2,250 58.4 2,068 53.4 16 0.4 1,776 46.2 3,153 81,8 15 0.4 686 17.8 674 1 1,982 5 3 13 1,843 4 1,340 5 -8 2,466 9 1,240 4 -9 2,588 9 1,682 4 5 9 2,241 9 2,052 3 3 13 1,773 6 3,142 8 3 12 683 2 - - 3 - - 2 1 2 1 - 3 - - 3 - - 14 2 1,832 15 1,313 35 8 2,466 42 1,213 33 10 2,653 44 1,533 K 15 2,228 22 1,998 60 14 2 1,764 16 3,087 66 13 2 676 9 6 861 636 4 1,066 462 4 1,161 581 6 1,040 804 7 816 1,302 7 318 916 1 267 650 - 533 647 - 536 737 3 443 952 1 230 1,103 1 76 5 235 9 42 208 56 2 5 2 26 666 36 30 92 41 1 X 38 788 60 27 76 35 2 1 3 40 806 55 33 188 49 2 1 3 34 692 41 48 202 52 3 2 3 18 677 38 60 608 80 2 2 3 7 271 10 6 387 1,296 1,846 1 689 61 1,256 6 324 3 1,540 1,259 491 29 - 2.316 4 782 51 10 647 63 1,540 5 476 37 10 - 966 4 282 B 13 606 45 1,801 1 643 62 8 - 1,Q02 4 328 14 6 176 12 1,500 5 464 21 13 -2 ~ 483 1 166 16 17 0.4 422 8.9 2,902 61.3 69 1.5 1,769 37.2 2,168 46.9 26 0.6 2,537 53,6 2,129 45.0 K 0.7 2,566 54.3 2,649 63.9 77 1.6 2,104 44.6 3,061 64,5 68 1.4 1,611 34.1 4,089 86.6 67 1.2 584 12.3 - 405 13 2,874 22 2 61 1,728 25 2,147 16 25 - 2,467 65 2,116 11 2 30 2,487 67 2,633 13 2 66 2,069 29 3,023 22 62 1,681 24 4,045 37 63 - 559 18 3,653 100.0 1,206 31.3 .6 0.2 3,828 22 1,203 1 3 2 - - 3 3,776 77 1,177 26 8 670 5 1,930 60 1.627 438 4 288 770 1,183 640 - 38 69 881 93 26 68 34 1 1 2 2,909 5 973 66 930 4 271 1 4,730 100.0 1,966 41.3 4,804 1,942 10 17 _8 ~ -3 " z -2 ~ ~ " 2 ' — ~ -2 " _ -6 " -5 ~ Londonderry Rural D i s t r i c t All households (No. % ( 1 household per dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 or more households per dweljLlng Households in b u i l d l n g s Wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Not wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Households In accommodationOwner occupied , Rented rrom l o c a l o r public authorities Rented rrom other landlords Furnished unrumished Occupied In some other way Households occupyingDwelling houses Plats Farmhouses Other types of dwellings loe 18 3 - 4 6 6 6 3 4,673 67 1,927 26 17 421 1 2,866 47 69 1,749 10 2,130 38 26 1,843 836 4 148 1,166 9 676 950 1,436 894 4 12 1,249 7 182 67 1,250 132 38 144 43 2 7 3 247 14 9 42 2 3,838 65 646 178 1,700 57 166 3 13 7,690 100.0 2,452 31.9 7,675 12 2,450 2 - - 49387 61 •* 15 3 3 12 3 9 6 6 6 6 7 4 7 2,618 19 2,096 31 33 2 2,542 24 2,606 40 75 2 2,089 15 3,003 48 68 1,602 9 4,0OT 52 57 679 5 7 886 876 11 65S 1,006 14 823 1,210 10 623 1,652 11 180 971 5 462 1,014 5 419 1,168 6 264 1,327 5 106 1,,338 5 97 9 621 69 42 180 46 4 7 2 21 1,083 ,85 40 166 44 6 11 2 21 1,084 86 41 283 51 12 43 2 14 624 76 60 368 66 10 41 2 7 811 64 53 932 116 11 30 3 288 16 1,862 69 241 6 19 1,967 6 402 172 1,869 67 200 3 26 1,940 2,166 8 60 443 238 175 66 37 2,561 60 317 113 28 1,249 3,312 5 63 326 676 31 138 29 34 1,646 5 405 48 24 497 2 69 16 2 0.0 5,477 45.2 6,161 80.1 7 0.1 1,622 19.8 _2 3,468 6 6,156 4 1 6 1,618 2 " ~ 3 1 3,448 26 5,620 241 7 ~ ' 343 2 66 11 2,437 60 303 102 29 34 l,ffi'2 6 340 42 2 0.0 1,274 18.6 4,066 52.7 6 0.1 3,629 47,2 2,840 36.9 4 0.1 4,846 63.0 6 2,662 • 33.3 0 . 1 6,122 66.6 3,382 44.0 9 0.1 4,266 55.6 4,211 54.6 -2 1,270 2 4,052 4 3 2 3.620 6 2,836 4 2 2 4,837 6 2,559 2 2 4 6,114 6 3,378 4 6 2 4,261 6 4,g07 4 3 1 1 2 4,773 73 2,396 166 9 4,261 38 -4 - -6 _ 6" 6~ -6 •* -6 34 ~ ~ -4 M a ^ r a f e l t Hiral D i s t r i c t All households {No. % ( 1 household p e r dwelling 2 households per dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling Households in b u i l d l n g s tSiolly r e s i d e n t i a l Not Wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Households In accommodationOwner occupied Rented rrom l o c a l or public authorities Rented from other l a n d l o r d s Furnished Unfurnished Occupied In some ottier way Households occupyingDwelling houses Flats Farmhouses Other types or dwellings 3 ~ ~ 7,424 266 2,294 166 4,420 1,089 - 1.471 1,058 2 60 1,586 163 11 21B 79 5,178 8 2,467 37 2,016 3 434 ~ 2 ~ -~ 2 --> . " 2 _ 1,283 11 3,818 226 936 2,02rr 27 • 1,169 10 276 26 671 2 689 12 28 736 99 3,087 5 1,020 4 ~ 5 3 ~ " 3,601 28 2,647 193 1 2.392 1,377 1 3,042 1,142 2 300 1,086 2 363 1,086 -2 ~ 24 849 64 13 277 87 -1 " 37 1,308 76 2,146 3 1,447 33 2.221 4 614 1 4 2.963 4 1,653 36 ~ 6 -~ 4 " -" ~ 6 2 " 3,154 228 1 3,277 1,440 5 2,975 2,120 - 2,300 3,346 2 2 384 1,142 2 327 1,220 2 249 1,411 3 67 11 242 62 1 1 1 36 1,343 80 23 686 92 -1 27 600 70 26 736 106 '- 24 847 57 36 i,232 133 1 1 13 353 30 2.102 3 ABT 5 3,071 5 2,009 37 2,812 6 560 4 2,359 2 1,606 3£ 3,155 6 1,045 6 2.021 2 1,422 32 4,326 8 1,805 26 6 -1 648 2 660 12 -1 " ' - 1 7 1 2 2 5,022 100 ~ 3,674 237 " " 2 -- " -2 1,497 26 1,069 20 CEN SU S 0 F N0RTH ERW I R E L A^ND If 61 TABLE 8 * Private Househoids ; Availability of Household Arrangements by Tenure end Type o£ Accommodation - continued Administrative Area* NuBbw oj heuBBjioias-wita All arTflnssments Total houaelioiaa Hot water tap CoXd iwater tan NO sole use Fixed ha til Shared None sole use ffliared 566 4.^ 807 8.6 6,485 64.6 176 l.B 5,203 43.9 6,ceo . 333, 5i.3 2.8 34« 660 94 6,230 131 3 104 4,374 465 5,941 76 7 170 2lO 63 122 89 566 84 166 788 6,ljy8 21 387 152 24 4,884 519 5,786 £94 264 69 las 2,369 41 1,499 2,179 31 3,004 i 196 2,986 144 32^ S 12 629 9 160 035 96 86 45 3 212 5,223 73 10,202 281 4 2 586 1 808 8,209 «72 1 1 176 2,918 92.4 17i 6.4 1,876 59.3 71 2.3 Sole use Siarea jneuts" 11,86£ 100.0 6,639 49,2 ae 0.7 16 0.2 10,48© 86,4 iO,607 698 5,732 65 1 59 14 3 9.959 256 557 52 22 1 294 11,162 710 5,671 268 75 7 17 1 9,872 617 494 72 3,909 ^,061 25 3 3,693 90 3,801 ^,961 1 - 3,167 3 476 4,105 171 99 631 87 35 19 2 1 14 322 3,160 157 11,573 282 4 3 6,567 271 1 82 17 -1 4 0.1 None Sole use Water c l o s e t Kitchen ainit Cooking stove or r«ise sole Shared None use anareci None sole use Shared None 6,449 10,755 90.7 46.9 988 8.3 119 1.0 9,934 83.7 391 3.3 1,537 13.0 10,886 90.1 305 2.6 871 7.3 4,659 10,475 463 144 as Mone filiared sole use Uffidonderry Gpunty Bbrouf^ All households {No. [% 1 household per dwelling Z households per dwelling 3 or more households per awelllng Households in b u l l d l n g s Vttioliy r e s i d e n t i a l Hot wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Households In acconanodatlonOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or public autnorjtles Rented rrom other l a n d l o r d s V"\imlshed Unfurnished Occupied in some otiier way Households occupylngDwelllng houses Flats Farraliouses Otlier types of dwellings 1 ~_ - ~ & " " -1 - 1_ 646 106 8 9,424 241 4 268 1,179 189 10,018 380 5 S42 584 138 136 416 5 289 119 169 348 58 151 5,102 10,237 51B 547 605 1B3 110 9 9,549 686 343 48 1,460 77 10,058 628 293 12 801 70 69 1,661 3,740 135 34 3,570 76 263 3,679 67 163 2 213 3,194 2 5 5,146 3 53 3,149 2 50 114 709 92 180 77 5 184 3,517 74 193 3,469 159 278 663 10 7 71 2 307 2,762 118 190 4 53 1,161 17 342 3,38S 154 89 142 5 47 599 12 6,188 6,606 EfTS UO 3 1 2 353 6,454 10,472 ' 984 9 280 1 3 1 3 3 2 117 1 9,648 260 4 2 390 1 1,635 i 306 869 1 - -1 10,399 281 4 2 S3 2,853 0.7 80.6 66 2.1 357 " -1 leo - -1 North V/&rd All households (No. {% 1 household per dwelling g houseliolds per dwelling 3 or more houseliolds per dwelling Households In b u l l d i n g s Vftioliy r e s i d e n t i a l Not wliolly r e s i d e n t i a l Households in accommodationOwner occupied Rented Iron) l o c a l or public authorities Rented from other landlords Furoisned Unfurnished Occup.ted In some other way Households occupyingDvjelllng houses Flats Farmhouses Other types of dwellings 3,161 100.0 1,648 52.1 27 0.9 1,270 40.2 2,795 88.4 120 3.8 038 6.6 s,eis 11 lU 17 4 2,528 107 2 62 US 23 a, 586 1S2 2 198 66 69 SO 2,682 5 281 94 S8 1,180 445 343 10,9 92.1 as 234 26 73 185 23 2,648 266 61 5 154 29 16 19 1,171 14 30 1 1 442 X,!^ 61 2 27 924 94 1,646 38 1 55 1,000 91 218 103 12 95 42 196 61 105 179 110 221 2,657 262 134 W 70 1,715 1 161 54 17 i,098 122 1,600 134 108. 49 1,163 117 2,697 158 244 99 i.i»l 18 6 918 14 283 868 28 319 1,176 36 446 1 1 428 - 19 423 - 24 446 1 1 3 i. 166 1,038 80 66 97 2 61 1 104 368 58 41 15 1 77 813 22 63 322 68 90 38 1 69 ' 836 22 • 93 1,003 78 126 179 Z 3 14 1 154 975 79 43 60 26 161 2 171 1,049 79 4 2,880 38 170 1 71 1,843 33 71 i,acf3' 6 1,700 54 Iffif 1,264 5 2,756 58 342 1 S3 2,795 37 119 1 207 1 2,873 38 1 X Z 41 10 * 2,861 300 1,531 117 23 4 4 1,216 827 8 '• 447 421 -. -» 822 1,196 81 66 289 66 10 9 3,121 38 i,616 32 27 z - " 1 -^ - - - 1 " 6 ~ ~ 183 6.8 X 39 • 55 4 333 ~ xm B.O 6 63 1 16 1 1,734 54.8 2,686 116 1,679 28 ~ 1,214 36.4 2,818 67 2,646 182 * 71 2.e 1 ~ S8 24 ' 66 ~ 21 S 23 123 2 182 1 1 South Ward All hou&eli6lds 6,049 64.9 ^,862 48.2 (No. 27i3 4.6 622 10.5 4,937 70 1 housenold per dwelling 2 houseliolds per dwelling 3 or more households per dwelling Households in b u i l d i n g s * Wholly r e s i d e n t i a l Not inaioliy r e s i d e n t i a l ^,769 93 Households In accommodationOwner occupied Rented from l o c a l or p u b l i c authorities Rented from other landlords Funilshed Unfurnished Occupied in some other way Konseholds occupylngDwelllng houses Flats Farmhouses Other types of dwellings 3,111 62.4 65 0.^ 2,777 46.7 2,939 49.4 76 1.3 2,928 49.3 5,422 91.2 46p 7.6 71 1.2 4,677 78.7 179 3.0 1,067 18.3 6,259 88.6 170 2.9 514 8,6 3,084 29 39 2,382 272 2,917 12 47 2,529 S81 6,372 37 6 302 68 1 4,570 70 138 876 132 5,080 112 1 140 366 88 18 16 123 10 29 118 13 142 2 37 41 79 67 29 61 2,977 134 56 2,643 134 2,840 99 66 10 2,789 159 5,203 219 406 46 67 4 4,452 225 171 8 1,052 36 5,020 239 167 3 488 26 1,580 1,439 50 819 15 746 726 17 837 1.495 QZ 25 1.366 59 176 1,469 35 76 2,083 2,060 1 1,947 1 136 1,941 1 141 2,079 1 3 2,041 1 41 2,054 i 28 126 2,101 15 214 12 70 1,430 50 168 31 289 15 18 21 79 1,781 36 21 238 15 37 20 1 70^ / .44 1,843 i , 7 6 8 37: ' 46 82 301 4 2 42 1 64 1,171 36 43 96 1 21 636 14 73 1,622 41 36 94 Z 17 386 8 5,707 235 ^,626 234 4,814 zrz 2,877 234 55 2,775 1 2,706 234 76 g,9,JS6 5,188 254 / 1 450 69 1 4.442 236 179 1,086 6,024 236 170 513 - - 1 -. • f X * " • 1 ~ " 1 1_ ^ 1 Waterside Ward All households 1 houseUold per dwelling 2 housetiolds per dwelling 5 or more households per dwelling (No, (^ Households in b u l l d l n g s Viiolly r e s i d e n t i a l Not wnolly r e s i d e n t i a l Households in accommodationOmier occupied Rented from l o c a l or public antliorities Rented frotti oUter landlords Furnished unfurnished Occupied in some other way ttQusehoV'ia oe^Ms:/lngr Dwelling houses Flats Faxinhouses Other types or dwellings 1,212' 1,407 61,0 43.9 2,756 . 1,329 100,0 48.2 29 1.1 6 0.2 2,521 91.4 114 4.1 1,498 64.5 60 1.8 1,307 17 28 - 4 1 2,416 71 97 12 1.446 41 1 38 1,068 97 1 1 34 5 9 11 47 1,271 68 26 5 6 1 2,407 114 1D9 5 1,424 72 43 7 1,114 64-1 9 1 1,063 29 632 1£ 671 61£ - 8 629 - 128 806 39 m 15 6 2 '6 ' 662 67 673 36 2 74 1 46 168 22 .«7.; 9 .• 29 6 2,508 8 4 1 114 1,489, .6 1 1 2,515 176 67 2,818 142 2,746 8 4 1 & 128 20 1,323 6 1 " - 1 ~ /z 50 ~ x,sr9 ii6o ! 1 1,251 46.4 S,538 92.0 196 7.1 26 0.9 2,424 87.8 92 5.3 242 8,8 2,515 91.2 60 2.6 174 6.3 21 2,326 64 2 78 1B7 M 2,382 66 3 65 130 Sf7 54 12 21 47 3 17 z 2,315 109 76 14 223 19 2,392 123 65 4 159 15 1,026 67 26/ 6 70 1,1^ 81 2,465 40 9 133 a 24 40 13 63 1,140 l',346 61 83 . 90 10 1,160 2,437 71 101 166 39 • 4^0 565 24 • 605 1,070 36 6 68 1,030 18 42 822 1 48 669 - 2 11 655 1 17 56 629 16 30 149 21 53 19 3 46 638 16 56 706 35 70 83 4 2 16 7 165 1 98 691 54 23 24 3 7 91 Z 1,206 3 3 1,401 5 1 100 1,244 3 3 1 2,628 8 192 26 242 2,502 8 4 1 69 174 - - • • 1 1 3 3 1 ! • ' 25 i - TABLE 9 - Private Households Households and Persons therein by Tenure of Accommodation, Efooms occupied and Socio-Economic Group of Head of Household Note:- 1-3 rooms 4-5 rooms the socio-economic groups. see P a r t I Rented from l o c a l or public autborlty Owner o c c u p i e d Socio-economic group For d e f i n i t i o n s of 6 o r more rooms 1-3 rooms County : County Borough Rented from o t h e r landlords 4-5 rooms 6 o r more rooms 1-3 rooms 4-5 rooms Occupied i n some o t i i e r way 6 o r more rooms 1-3 rooms 4-5 rooms Total 6 o r more rooms 1-3 rooms 4-5 rooms 6 o r more rooms Londonderry County 1 Employers and m a n a g e r s large establishments {Households (Persons 2 3 114 401 230 867 4 9 66 258 30 121 6 17 37 130 62 242 2 9 8 21 40 137 14 38 225 810 362 1^367 2 Employers and m a n a g e r s small establishments {Households {Persons 32 86 284 1.136 445 1,953 4 13 94 424 3 16 21 83 84 302 71 286 3 10 6 25 8 25 60 192 468 1.887 527 2.280 3 Professional workerss e l f employed {Households {Persons - 14 45 120 497 1 1 4 18 - 1 1 4 13 1 2 7 19 114 363 3 4 29 93 251 932 4 Professional workersemployees {Households (Persons 2 3 60 203 70 285 40 142 24 90 6 IZ 24 73 32 109 1 3 1 5 9 17 125 4«1 127 489 5 I n t e r m e d i a t e non-Htnaanal workers (Households (Persons 9 14 152 424 148 457 11 15 131 501 73 319 27 57 85 256 53 159 4 10 15 55 6 20 51 96 383 1.236 280 955 6 J u n i o r non-manual w o i k e r s (Households (Persons 40 102 235 824 141 490 35 118 349 1.505 81 324 71 226 207 735 90 324 10 34 21 69 27 156 480 812 3.133 319 1.165 ~ . 17 "72 7 Personal s e r v i c e workers (Households (Persons 21 29 35 99 14 48 22 56 76 • 280 13 84 83 173 84 268 11 37 6 13 1 1 2 9 132 271 196 648 40 178 8 Foremen and s u p e r v i s o r s manual (Households (Persons 19 55 66 £63 26 124 11 35 156 690 18 -89 24 95 61 242 20 95 3 8 5 27 1 5 57 193 288 1,222 65 313 9 S k i l l e d manual w o r k e r s {Households (Persons 122 430 390 1,754 130 624 122 444 1.168 5,688 95 526 329 1,346 520 2.219 92 422 21 79 27 129 6 28 594 2.299 2,105 9,790 323 1.600 ID S e m i - s k i l l e d manual w o r k e r s (Households (Persons 126 478 210 806 77 323 94 325 707 3,520 45 246 261 988 332 1.383 39 172 11 35 20 91 5 26 492 1.826 1.269 5,800 166 767 11 U n s k i l l e d manual w o r k e r s (Households {Persons 253 1,071 260 1.266 56 295 -133 557 1,000 5,544 69 426 OT5 2,528 415 1.964 42 247 37 156 10 43 3 18 996 4,312 1,685 8.817 170 986 i£ Own a c c o u n t w o r k e r s ( o t j i e r tlian p r o f e s s i o n a l ) (Households (Persons 86 285 294 1,087 271 1,136 26 87 135 719 15 86 124 409\ 169 660 63 263 2 9 11 50 8 29 238 790 609 2.516 357 1,514 13 Farmers-empioyers and managers (Households (Persons 80 350 3401,421 836 3,857 1 6 8 41 - 15 57 11 34 22 106 1 6 9 25 7 30 97 419 368 1,521 865 3,993 14 Parmers-own a c c o u n t (Households (Persons 1,339 4,232 1,666 7,340 1,320 6,160 19 66 46 190 3 14 77 266 67 244 36 136 12 33 14 45 10 33 1.447 4,597 1.793 7,S19 1,369 6,343 15 Agricultural {Households (Persons 198 736 130 657 24 153 120 486 578 3,090 25 133 688 2.684 290 1,541 43 232 33 140 27 143 8 40 1.039 4,046 1.025 5,431 100 558 16 Members ot armed (Households (Persons 28 80 8 20 9 24 1 3 269 1,153 88 346 39 103 82 274 51 182 1 2 - - 69 1S8 379 1.447 148 552 Indefinite {Households {Persons 7 22 6 24 2 6 3 11 10 43 1 5 13 55 5 21 2 11 1 1 - _ 24 89 21 88 5 22 Not a p p l i c a b l e (Households (Persons 421 1.049 654 1,931 456 1.384 149 404 654 2,513 38 154 520 1,445 477 1.521 125 392 35 79 32 78 13 35 1,125 2.977 1,817 6.043 632 1,965 (Households (Persons 2,785 9,025 4.918 19,701 4,375 18,683 756 2,636 5,511 26,317 621 2.979 2,880 10,545 2,954 11,880 871 3.487 184 628 214 824 239 830 6.605 22,834 13,597 58.722 6.106 25.979 workers forces Total . County : County Borough TABLE 9 - Private Households : Households and Persons therein by Tenure of Accommodation, Rooms occupied and Socio-Economic Group of Head of Household - continued Rented from o t h e r landlords R e n t e d from l o c a l or public authority Owner o c c u p i e d Occupied i n some o t h e r way Total s o c i o - e c o n o m i c group 1 1-3 i rooms Londonderry County 4-5 rooms 6 o r more rooms 1-3 rooms 4-5 rooms 6 o r more rooms 1-3 rooms 4-5 rooms 6 o r more rooms 1-3 rooms 4-5 rooms 6 o r more rooms 1-3 rooms 4-5 rooms 6 o r more rooms Baroug^ i Employers and m a n a g e r s large establislunents (Households {Persons 2 9 80 305 100 399 18 66 32 181 3 15 15 34 32 116 32 117 - 1 2 9 35 35 109 145 604 144 566 2 ESiployers and m a n a g e r s s m a l l e s t a b l i aliments (Households (Persons 12 51 181 816 195 959 10 43 44 282 5 33 14 34 69 261 44 177 3 9 2 6 1 6 39 137 296 1»365 245 1,175 3 Professional workerss e l f employed (Households (Persons _ 12 44 37 167 - - 1 2 1 2 8 25 - - 19 76 1 2 13 46 64 268 4 Professional workersemployees (Households (Persons 1 3 15 53 30 122 2 8 3 9 3 8 6 11 17 43 16 68 - 3 11 2 7 9 22 38 116 SI 205 5 I n t e r m e d i a t e non-manual workers (Households (Persons 3 7 106 272 108 394 21 66 71 353 5 28 39 80 71 253 42 159 2 3 e 28 3 8 65 156 254 1,006 158 589 6 J u n i o r nonHnanual w o r k e r s (Households (Persons 28 95 274 1,040 128 512 97 356 229 1.272 17 126 131 324 232 918 98 398 6 14 26 91 10 48 262 789 761 3,321 253 1,084 7 Persojtiaji s e r v i c e workers (Households (Persons 12 36 54 232 7 38 25 76 72 477 i 10 55 115 60 256 5 35 3 3 2 9 - 95 230 188 974 13 83 8 Foremen and ^ t ^ e r v i s o r s manual (Households (Persons 2 6 61 284 19 97 17 60 63 360 5 41 17 48 58 217 17 5b - 3 10 - 36 114 185 871 41 193 9 S k i l l e d manual w o r k e r s . (Households (Persons 44 172 570 2,407 109 531 199 740 550 3,526 26 211 271 891 521 2,124 81 372 4 15 9 41 1 5 518 1,818 1.650 8,098 217 1,119 (Households -^Persons 48 196 340 1,334 43 189 120 480 415 2,453 20 169 262 787 400 1,518 55 239 3 7 6 24 - 433 1,470 1,161 5.329 lis 597 54 225 294 1,406 26 147 103 367 534 3,524 31 277 303 1,097 475 2,274 40 193 4 18 11 48 - 464 1,707 1,314 7,252 97 617 183 748 76 364 10 38 38 239 3 26 48 HA 86 3£2 40 164 1 7 1 2 1 1 81 " 225 308 1»311 120 555 - 1 2 - 1 4 - - - 2 4 1 2 6 18 6 14 13 42 1 7 - 14 43 45 224 5 30 - 57 136 84 305 13 56 - 10 25 8 56 - 298 832 1,U5 4,456 312 1,072 2,425 7.833 7.579 35,378 1,858 S.234 - , o .- DO 10 s ^ l - s k i l i e d manual worlcers 11 U n s k i l l e d manual w o r k e r s (Households. (Persons ^ - ^ i£ Own a c c o u n t w o r k e r s ( o t h e r tHan p r o f e s s i o n a l ) (Households (Persons 15 Farmers-employers and managers (Households (Persons 1 2 1 2 5 14 - - 14 Farmers-own a c c o u n t (Households (Persons 2 2 10 32 - i 2 - - 3 10 3 10 1 7 15 Agricultural (Households (Persons 1 3 17 71 1 3 4 11 13 86 3 18 9 29 14 57 1 9 - 16 Members of armed f o r c e s (Households (Persons 1 3 4 14 1 4 4 16 56 226 8 41 52 117 24 65 4 11 - Indefinite (Households .... (Persons . 1. 6 1 3 - 1 1 5 36 - 7 17 2 17 - 1 1 257 1,361 12 54 204 588 481 1,818 112 396 4 5 55 7 IB 2,382 14,385 142 1,0^ 1,438 4,300 2.546 10,271 597 2,429 31 82 87 337 53 204 workers Not a p p l l cattle Total '"• .^^ 2E 66 N \ (Households [Persons 45 109 361 1,222 181 604 45 130 (Households (Persons 279 991 2,564 10,385 1,066 4,544 677 2,460 > C3 - 1 10 ' - COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY FABLE 10 - Inhabited Buildings, etc, other than Private Dwellings: Class, Number, Total Population and (for Institutions) Number of Inmates •" ~" — 23 Administrative Areas -. 1 Class of building, etc. and area in which situated Number of Total population buildings, r Persons etc. Males Females Inmates only (classes 3-8) Persons Males Females /••' L Boarding houses Londonderry Coleralne Llmavady Portstewart Coleralne Londonderry Magherafelt C.B. M,B, U. D. " R.D. " » 25 13 7 185 65 42 207 11 7 6 112 37 18 79 4 3 2 73 28 24 128 7 4 4 Total ^b 523 255 268 15 2 1 10 4 1 3 2 197 16 9 84 24 9 13 13 138 9 4 28 9 4 8 10 59 7 5 56 15 5 5 3 38 365 210 3 1 1 1 51 25 82 16 6 46 /' S / 1 ; I ' • • 155 • . . 20 12 54 5 31 13 28 11 45 23 80 12 19 12 54 5 26 11 26 7 174 91 83 160 90 70 3 2 1 2 2 1 447 134 71 55 1,008 211 114 56 28 15 526 71 333 78 43 40 482 140 395 123 67 41 836 160 112 56 28 15 514 71 283 67 39 26 322 89 Total 11 1,926 810 1,116 j 1,622 796 826 5. Other hospitals and nursing homes Londonderry C.B. Portstewart U.D. 2 1 28 6 3 2 25 4 15 3 3 12 3 Total 3 34 5 29 18 3 15 • 2. Hotels and hostels Londonderry C,B. Coleraine M.B. Llmavady U, D, Portstewart " Goleralne R,D. Llmavady " Londonderry " Magtierafelt " Total 3. County welfare institutions Londonderry C.B. Portstewart U.D. Limavady R. D. Londonderry »» Total 4. Hospitals under control of N.I. Hospitals Authority Londonderry C.B. Coleralne M.B. Llmavady U.D. Coleralne R.D. Londonderry " Magherafelt " / ' 24^ CENSUS OF NORTHERN IRELAND 1961 TABLE 10 - I n h a b i t e d B u i l d i n g s , e t c . , o t h e r t h a n P r i v a t e D w e l l i n g s : C l a s s , Number, T o t a l P o p u l a t i o n and ( f o r I n s t i t u t i o n s ) Number o f I n m a t e s - continued Class of building, e t c . and area In which situated Nuniber or buildings, etc* Administrative Areas Inmates only (classes 5-8) Total population Persons Males Females Persons 4£0 10£ 59 94 561 8 585 91 58 91 327 522 153 369 476 149 Z27 7 1 2 74 7 73 7 23 23 Total 10 104 103 C.B. M.B. U.D. n R.C. H 14 4 3 2 3 5 6 11 915 385 70 97 14 557 546 86 Total 48 2,670 2,002/ Total : Londonderry County and County Borough 216 6,518 3,629 6» C.B. R.D. 4 1 Total Places of detention Ships (seagoing) including l i g h t s h i p s but excluding H.M. Ships Londonderry C.B. Coleraine M. B. Londonderry R.D. 10. 11. Females Homes or i n s t i t u t i o n s for handicapped or disabled persons Voluntary homes Londonderry Londonderry 8. Hales Other buildings Londonderry Coleraine Llmavady Portstewart Coleraine Limavady Londonderry Magherafelt II M 719 . 185 43 2 6 551 426 70 , 196 200 27 95 /6 / 6 120 16 Vagrants 2,689 2,276 1,038 l,,£3a COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY TABLE 11 - P o p u l a t i o n , Parliamentary E l e c t o r s and Members of Parliament Parliamentary Parliamentary electors* (persons) Population, 1961 Constituency 25 Constituencies Electors per 1,000 population Residence All Residence Other Ouallflcatlon qualifications qualification quail ficatlonsl only No, of Members of Parliament Males Females 81.404 83,694 93,217 91,962 556 16,124 ^,204 17,385 /19,157 14,081 / 13, 288 19,087 , 19,825 1 4 , 7 2 7 ' 14,420 18,705 18,418 15,565 22,819 17,710 IB, 150 18,146 15,466 22,577 17,623 544 497 565 580 165,298 81,404 83,894 93,395 92,879 562 (b) 133,249-' 32,-049 65,184 16,220 68,066 15,829 74,210 19,185 73,723 19,156 553 598 1 Persons FOR NORTHERN IRELAND ELECTIONS/ Total Londonderry County and County Borough 165,298 City of Londonderry Foyle Mid Londonderry North Londonderry South Londonderry 33,388 36,548 £7,369 38,918 29,147 17 7 4 FOR UNITED KINGDOM ELECTIONS f Total : Londonderry County and County Borough Londonderry Mid-Ulster (part of) (a) (D) * Register of electors put)llShed 15th February, 1961. / Fixed by the House of Commons (Method of voting and Redistribution o't Seats) Act (N.I.)» 1929. 5* Fixed by the Representation of the People Act, 1948. (a) This constituency includes Londonderry County BoroujSi, the figures lor Which are:- population 53,762» number of electors (all qualifications) 29,565. (b) The portion of the Mid-Ulster constituency in County Londonderry comprises Magherafelt Rural District. The remainder of the constituency Is In County Tyrone, the figures for Which are;- population 80,789, number of electors (all qualifications) 47,608. There Is one Member of Parliament for the whole constituency. Administrative Areas TABLE 12 - Adjustment o f Enumerated P o p u l a t i o n to obtain Resident Population Enumerated population Area (1) Portstewart Coleralne Llmavady Londonderry Magher^afelt (3) (4) (5) 1,064 1.152 +88 447 650 111,536 Number P e r 1,000 enumerated (6) Enumerated In the a r e a b u t usually resident outside Northern I r e l a n d (7) + 0.8 539 + 203 + 3.6 254 - 2.1 285 56,080 Females 55,456 617 502 - lis Persons 53,762 453 675 + 222 + 4.1 414 Males 26,324 307 325 + 18 + 0.7 252 Females 28, 438 146 350 + 204 + 7.2 162 M.B. Persons 11,901 437 195 - 242, - 20.3 95 U. D. tt 4,325 107 87 - - 4.6 30 H 3,950 157 137 " 2 0 - 5.1 51 H 19,298 117 265 + 148 + 7.7 67 " tt 17,629 50 291 +241 + 13.7 72 » n 1 22,384 : 449 240 - 209 - 9.3 134 « » i 32,049 200 390 + 190 + 5.9 90 Londonderry Covinty Borough Llraavady Usually r e s i d e n t In t h e a r e a b u t enumerated elsewhere i n Northern I r e l a n d Males Londonderry County Coleralne Enumerated In t h e a r e a b u t usually resident e l s e w h e r e In Northern Ireland (2) Persons Adjustment f o r usual residence (between Northern I r e l a n d a r e a s only) Col. (4) - Col. (3) » R,D. • 20 Note:- iSie differences In cola. (3) and (4) between the County total and the total for Its administrative areas represent persons enumerated In an administrative area In the County and usually resident In another administrative area In the county. CENSUS 26 OF NORTHERN IRELAND 19 6 1 TABLE 13 - Ages by S i n g l e Y e a r s , Sex and Marital Condition Ages County : County Borough Females Males Persons Total Single* Married Widowed Divorced Total 22 55,456 Single* Married 111.536 56,080 34,918 2,813 2,639 2,599 2,484 2,438 1,409 1,360 1,285 1,267 1,273 1.409 1,360 1,285 1,267 1, 27,3 1,404 1,279 1,314 1,217 1,165 1,404 1,279 1, 314 1,217 1,165 Widowed Divorced Londonderry County ALl ages 0 1 z z 4 19,662 1,478 31.387 20,034 3.981 54 0-4 12,973 6, 594 6,594 6,379 6,379 5 6 7 8 9 2,376 2,301 2,504 2,306 2,287 1,230 1,196 1,180 1,209 1,130 1,230 1,196 1,180 1,209 1,130 1,146 1,105 1,124 1,097 1,157 1,146 1,105 1,124 1,097 1,157 5-9 11,574 5,945 5, 945 5,629 5, 629 2,245 2,230 2,217 2,242 2,281 1,185 1,132 1,123 1,154 1,138 1,185 1,132 1,123 1,154 1,138 1,060 1,098 1,094 1,088 1,143 1,060 i, 098 1,094 1,088 1,143 10-14 11,215 5,732 5,732 5,483 6,483 15 16 17 18 19 2,008 2,096 2,082 1,902 1,624 1,009 1,043 1,082 1,008 816 1,009 1,043 1,080 1.006 799 2 2 17 999 1,053 1,000 894 808 999 1,052 981 848 729 1 19 46 79 15-19 9,712 4,958 4,937 21 4,754 4,609 145 20 31 22 23 24 1,477 1,515 1,568 1,472 1,488 770 779 792 747 746 729 682 637 566 468 41 97 155 181 278 707 736 776 725 742 560 514 448 366 335 147 221 328 357 40^ 20-24 7,520 3,834 752 3,686 2,223 1.459 25 26 27 28 29 1,407 1,363 1,367 1,358 1,294 713 713 684 650 645 436 382 350 279 260 277 331 354 370 384 694 650 683 708 649 248 206 225 206 172 446 442 453 497 473 - - 1 5 3 4 - 25-29 6,789 3,405 1,687 1,716 3,384 1,057 2,311 13 30 31 32 33 34 1,416 1,333 1,275 1,242 1,319 683 657 615 621 659 297 218 219 222 199 384 438 396 396 459 733 676 660 621 660 560 531 519 482 509 - 1 3 1 6 4 - 30-34 6,585 3,235 1.155 2,073 3,350 2,601 14 35 36 37 38 39 1,392 1,280 1,365 1,389 1,413 719 619 652 701 746 230 174 189 186 221 487 444 457 511 522 2 1 6 2 3 613 491 566 527 523 7 6 12 15 667 150 163 133 145 131 35-39 6,839 3,437 1,000 2,421 14 3r-402 722 2,620 52 40 41 42 43 44 1,417 1,198 1,227 1,146 1,165 725 625 622 571 604 194 164 175 143 156 527 455 443 420 463 4 4 3 7 5 692 575 605 575 561 134 101 96 102 121 538 459 491 452 414 16 11 16 20 22 4 4 2 1 4 40-44 6,153 3,145 812 2,308 23 3,008 554 2,354 85 15 45 46 47 48 49 1,213 1>276 1,202 1,316 1,257 607 650 602 651 647 146 155 141 174 145 455 490 455 462 492 6 5 5 13 606 626 600 665 610 116 120 111 124 133 468 471 458 494 434 32 32 30 46 41 ^ 45-49 6,264 3,157 761 2,354 37 3,107 604 2,315 181 10 11 IS 13 14 *See footnote at end of table. 5, 082 673 / 661 / 713/ 688'' 172/ 14^ 1^9 yi30 .145 728 1 2 1 12 , 1 2 - 1 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 COUNTY AND COUNTY BGRGUGH OF LONDONDERRY TABLE 13 - Ages by Single Years, Sex and Nlarital Condition - continued County : County Borough Males persons Total Single* Married 50 51 ' 52 53 54 1,303 1,064 1,121 1,079 1,047 676 569 588 531 519 193 132 140 135 131 469 422 436 375 369 50-54 5. 614 2,883 731 989 996 957 998 952 483 476 489 503 457 55-59 4,892 2,408 60 61 62 63 64 1,097 836 885 864 910 516 400 427 425 424 4,592 27 Females WldowedJ Divorced 14 Total Single* Married Widowed 12 18 18 627 495 533 548 528 139 98 119 138 106 427 368 366 347 353 59 29 47 62 69 2, 071 77 2,731 600 1,861 266 /331 136 / 308 148 112 / 355 136 ; 340 329 98 . 16 19 21 26 28 506 520 468 495 495 110 120 106 105 137 326 332 296 311 274 68 68 65 79 84 1,663 110 2,484 578 1,539 364 110 350 281 293 279 282 27 32 36 34 32 581 436 458 439 486 141 114 130 119 125 312 224 225 215 219 128 97 102 105 141 2,192 545 1,485 161 2,400 629 1,195 573 806 782 758 692 690 383 377 400 357 314 101 88 104 93 79 241 250 251 226 194 40 39 45 38 41 423 405 358 335 376 125 110 113 105 89 185 154 149 129 142 112 140 96 101 145 3,728 1,831 465 1,162 203 1»897 542 759 594 769 594 629 576 524 367 276 301 253 242 116 78 79 63 58 201 154 185 142 135 50 44 37 48 49 402 318 328 323 282 130 73 85 90 78 136 106 106 79 86 136 139 137 154 117 3,092 439 394 817 228 1,653 456 513 683 470 476 389 372 368 247 201 192 177 178 63 49 53 49 33 128 107 87 82 92 56 45 52 45 53 223 275 197 195 190 68 84 50 54 44 52 68 50 40 41 102 123 97 101 105 2,075 995 247 496 251 1,080 300 251 528 335 265 232 215 198 153 130 113 108 98 37 23 50 23 21 60 57 35 47 38 55 50 48 38 39 182 135 119 107 100 57 40 38 35 29 28 25 9 19 13 97 70 72 53 58 1,245 602 134 237 230 643 199 94 350 85 86 87 88 89 147 137 90 83 62 75 62 43 30 21 19 14 11 3 2 21 19 16 5 8 35 29 16 19 11 72 75 47 53 41 17 18 11 16 11 5 1 2 3 2 50 56 34 34 28 85-89 519 231 52 69 110 288 73 13 202 90 91 9-2 93 94 62 32 16 9 15 22 15 6 4 5 7 3 1 3 1 5 7 2 1 10 5 3 1 3 40 17 10 5 10 8 6 2 1 3 2 2 - 30 9 8 4 7 90-94 134 52 15 15 22 82 20 58 95 96 97 98 99 5 6 4 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 95-99 18 55 56 57 58 59 60-64 65 66 . 67 68 69 65-69 70 71 72 73 74 ,70-74 75 76 77 78 79 75-79 80 61 82 83 84 80-84 100 and overf */ See tootnotes at end or table. 630/ 139 87 /97 '^112 is 13 11 Divorced 28 CENSUS OF NORTHERN IRELAND 1961 TABLE 13 " Ages by Single Years» Sex and Marital Condition- County : County Borough continv^ed Males Ages Females Persons Total Single* Married Widowed Divorced Total S i n g l e * Married Londonderry County Borough All ages 53J62 25,324 15,584 0 1 2 3 4 1,432 1,435 1,321 1,348 1,276 717 746 680 692 625 0-4 6,812 9,073 28,438 16,709 717 746 680 692 625 715 689 641 656 651 715 689 641 656 651 3,460 3,460 3,352 3,352 1,276 1,194 1,184 1,087 1,054 671 596 584 542 508 671 596 584 542 508 605 598 600 545 546 605 598 600 545 546 5-9 5,795 2,901 2,901 2, 894 10 11 12 13 14 1,137 1,129 1.169 1.149 1,164 571 586 626 611 595 571 586 626 611 593 566 543 543 538 571 566 543 543 638 671 10-14 5,748 2,987 2,987 2,761 2,761 15 16 17 18 19 1,079 1,090 1,015 923 779 564 562 462 443 359 564 561 462 437 554 6 6 15-19 4,886 2,390 2,578 12 749 795 750 751 771 372 386 357 370 397 345 353 266 234 252 3,816 1,882 705 661 587 603 623 20 21 22 23 24 20-24 Z5 26 27 28 25-29 30 31 ^2 33 34 1 i 30-34 35 36 37 38 39 35-39 40 41 42 43 44 40-44 45 46 • 47 48 49 45-49 1 Widowed Divorced 2,152 54 X 661 9,523 2, 894 515 527 550 454 369 1 3 26 ,51 2,496 2,415 81 27 53 91 136 165 377 40,9 ' 393 381 374 309 264 212 198 159 68 125 180 183 214 1,410 472 1, 934 1,162 770 305 330 280 255 289 154 158 111 78 98 151 172 169 177 191 - 400 331 307 348 334 170 124 119 92 106 230 206 187 255 225 1 1 1 2 1 3,179 1,459 599 860 - 1,720 611 1.103 5 1 664 573 648 595 595 327 273 288 289 271 89 66 81 71 83 238 207 206 216 187 - 91 79 108 83 84 244 219 248 221 235 1 2 S 2 4 1 1 3,075 1,448 390 1,054 2 1,627 445 1,167 12 3 654 590 590 609 608 305 262 274 280 273 78 59 59 50 40 225 201 210 226 230 2 2 5 4 1 - ^49 ^28 • / 316 / 329 335 76 81 90 86 70 269 242 222 237 257 3 3 4 5 5 1 2 3,051 1,394 286 1,092 14 2 1,667 403 1,227 20 702 659 564 501 532 304 304 265 214 222 51 53 47 34 56 249 248 211 179 1B5 4 3 7 - 101 90 59 74 73 284 253 220 191 222 7 10 20 17 13 6 2 - 398 365 299 287 310 2, 958 1,309 221 1,072 15 1 1,649 397 1,170 67 15 532 581 44 47 59 44 40 212 214 191 225 231 3 5 8 4 5 1 617 601 260 266 238 273 276 - 272 315 304 344 325 68 71 78 70 83 188 223 205 249 218 16 18 19 24 23 2, 873 1,313 214 25 1 1,560 370 1,083 100 542 *See footnote at end of table. 1,073 515 528 553^ 480 420 337 300 360 , 306 / 524/ 1 1 2 ^ • ' ' 1 ' 1 1 5 5 Z COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY TMBLE 13 - Ages by S i n g l e Y e a r s , Sex and M a r i t a l C o n d i t i o n - continued County : County iiorough Females Kales , Ages 29 Persons Total , . 641 ^ 512 580 514 540 Single* Married 298 223 263 219 247 46 39 36 28 36 244 175 216 186 203 2,787 1,250 185 1,024 1 1 526 477 1 511 476 421 235 205 227 203 185 26 37 31 27 25 1 2,411 1,055 146 ' 495 406 372 387 402 204 179 148 159 152 37 34 18 24 2,062 842 374 321 310 301 269 Widowed Divorced Total Single* Married Widowed Divorced 343 289 317 295 293 80 71 83 72 64 235 177 204 182 183 25 39 28 40 45 3 2 2 1 1 / 41- 1.537 370 981 177 9 291 272 284 273 236 84 70 73 81 70 169 159 160 144 119 37 42 51 47 43 1 1 140 7 10 11 14 20 1 4 '847 62 1,356 378 751 220 7 / 149 / 130 111 / 125 105 26/' 18 15 19 10 21 291 227 224 228 250 90 60 67 66 80 123 115 99 107 99 78 49 58 55 70 .139 620 83 1,220 363 543 310 4 155 137 121 125 110 24 21 , 22 ^ 18 19 112 95 80 84 72 19 21 19 23 19 219 184 189 176 159 68 58 50 44 46 91 66 72 60 49 60 60 67 72 64 - 1,575 648 104 443 101 927 266 338 323 " 263 231 212 216 113 73 79 71 80 24 11 14 12 19 70 48 43 44 45 19 14 22 15 16 150 129 -152 141 136 42 33 45 40 45 43 41 36 36 25 65 55 70 65 66 1 1,124 416 80 250 86 708 205 181 321 1 216 183 155 163 130 •'•81 58 57 57 56 8 9 11 11 8 48 30 30 28 24 25 19 16 18 24 135 125 98 106 74 44 36 35 35 20 23 24 15 14 12 68 65 48 57 42 847 309 47 160 102 538 170 88 280 116 125 77 84 86 42 41 29 36 34 2 9 5 5 3 22 15 11 10 13 18 17 13 21 18 ' 74 84 48 48 52 26 35 8 17 13 5 8 8 4 6 43 41 32 27 33 488 182 24 71 87 : 306 99 31 176 82 50 37 26 24 26 10 16 5 4 4 1 3 14 6 8 4 1 j 56 1 8 S 5 1 2 40 . 21 21 • 20 11 11 6 8 4 2 2 2 1 1 43 27 13 12 15 219 61 9 19 33 158 40 8 110 21 11 8 6 5 8 5 1 2 1 2 2 6 3 1 2 1 13 6 7 4 4 1 2 1 2 51 17 3 4 10 34 6 1 27 - 1 - - - - 1 - - 1 - 2 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 - - '99 95-99 4 1 1 - 3 2 - 1 - 100 and oveiY 1 - - - 1 - - 1 - 50 51 52 53 . 54 50-54 55 56 57 58 59 56-59 60 61 62 63 64 60-64 65 66 67 68 69 65-69 ' 70 71 72 7'5 74 70-74 75 76 77 ., 78 79 75-79 80 -81 82 V . 8 3 .^. ••: 84 80-84 85 86 B7 88 89 85-89 90 91 92 93 94 90-94 95 96 97 98 8 9 • •./'•'" 1 1 /•' 4 202 ^ 158 / 18^ • - - ' - ' ~ 1 •• • — 1 12 3 6 2 4 3 1 - - - - •Including all persons under le years of age and persons aged 16 and over wJiose marital condition was not stated and was assumed to t)e single. Persons in the latter category numbered:- county:- males 122; females 68; County Borough:- males 27; females 16. T^Comprlslng. In the County, three widows at ages lOi, i04 and i08. and In the County Borough, one widow aged i02. 30 CENSUS OF NORTHERN IRELAND TABLE 14 - Ages by Quinquennial Groups, Sex and M a r i t a l Condition 196 1 A d m i n i a t r a t i v e AreasJ n arr 'I'r 1 Londonderry Marital condl t i o n Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Females 56»080 55,456 34,918 19,662 1,478 22 31,387 20,034 3,981 54 Males 0-4 ^9 10-14 15-19 ^0-£4 Females 6,379 5,629 5,483 4,754 5^686 35-39 40-44 45-49 3,405 3.235 3,437 3,145 3,157 3,384 3,350 3,402 3,008 3.107 50-54 56-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 2,883 2,408 2,192 1,831 1,439 995 602 231 52 5 1 7^79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95 and o v e r * Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Age l a s t birthday Females 5 95 15 169 210 274 320 281 283 307 321 339 268 308 276 206 163 97 65 24^1 170 136 68 68 1,716 2,073 2,421 2,308 2,354 2,311 2,601 2,620. 2,354 2,315 ' ' 356 357 386 313 330 403 398 429 336 426 2,731 2,484 2,400 1,897 1,653 2,071 1,663 1,485 1,162 817 1,861 1,539 1,195 759 513 \ 322 253 204 133 93 361 280 278 178 192 1,080 643 288 82 16 496 237 69 15 2 251 94 13 4 75 46 23 6 107 60 31 4 2 Females 2,073 2, 252 ! .• ' 3 Females 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 243 255 234 144 143 247 221 226 188 153 1 45 25-29 50-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 133 124 143 123 108 103 161 181 121 131 77 85 113 98 88 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 102 83 79 51 47 105 104 74 75 76 80 65 51 30 28 34 17 8 1 1 47 25 13 1 / * * 17 / 5 5 1 " *- 9 75 / / Llrban . / 20 11 — District Females 1,616 2,334 1,238 840 249 7 1 Harried only Males Faraales Males ' 201 126 113 109 87 172 147 191 184 134 • 1 30 122 123 138 127 . 132 . 72 62 93 78 93 81 91 103 92 101 101 80 115 91 105 74 128 / 145 / 91/ 9p / 38 18 6 1 — Males Total population Females Males i 764 788 64 — Married only Total population . . Portstewart 1,227 835 187 ' Females 647 552 629 508 394 1 i District Males ' 654 573 663 550 350 145 1,459 Males *See footnote at end or table. Males Married only 21 752 U r b an 6.214 Total population 1 ' 1 3,286 2,441 476 11 • Males 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95 and o v e r * ^ 3,206 2.338 137 6 * 1,220 788 64 1 ! 1 Females 5,687 J TT Borough Males Females Males Mun i c i p a l * Limavady Marital condition Coleraine Married only 6,594 5,945 . 5,732 4,958 3,834 25-£9 j Males Total population Age l a s t birthday 30-34 County Females ' * • ' . • ' . ' 8 54 .65 70 25 29 18 88 88 70 75 61 152 153 135 134 127 80 69 54 62 40 90 70 53 42 33 13 2 1 48 30 14 5 "" 76 52 25 10 "" 31 17 6 17 2 2 1 "" — 1 1 *" COUNTY ANp COUNTY BOROXJGH ^0 31 TABLE 14 - Ages by Quinquennial Groups; Sex and Marital Condition - continued '•' - — • ." " . . . • .'..'V, • .1 ii.i.i.-i ^ ,. Coleraine .1 , ^ Rural ""..'., ' . . ' .'""'.. Males Females Total 9»762 9,536 6.014 3,483 ^3 Z Age l a s t birthday Males 1 Females . • . 5 116 25 261 ./ 551 / 556/' 54^ 545 ' 546 297 338 410 386 414 393 427 429 425 424 544 493 567 505 479 523 480 411 341 275 477 460 432 370 309 381 331 273 211 149 319 300. 224 159 94 196 114 33 8 1 208 131 61 il 3 107 53 9 3 — 54 16 1 Ru r a l Total Males 1^ ] 242 218 188 105 73 167 113 44 ,7 148 98 35 11 4 ' 33 15 67 37 15 2 — Ru r a l '- 1 District i 1 10,476 5,311 428 5 Total population Females 7^ 9.211 5.431 1,181 6 Married only 1Males 1Females Males Females 1,888 1.613 1,537 1,362 998 2 124 25 319 , « . , ' • 4 202 37 362 1,864 1,743 1.625 1.311 985 775 681 708 563 559 440 510 489 422 448 545 529 535 444 430 916 908 983 990 994 926 925 911 896 918 361 510 630 684 688 571 703 694 690 657 552 453 420 350 265 519 483 380 317 254 403 314 290 234 145 395 305 197 135 85 871 706 658 622 466 764 672 768 568 473 558 448 416 368 258 509 406 372 221 142 169 110 31 6 166 91 60 17 77 36 3 2 36 10 3 2 306 172 78 19 3 328 186 73 29 4 159 71 25 7 2 78 38 6 ! 1 * s e e l o o c n o c e a t end o r 293 230 238 160 132 363 332 343 265 222 1 Married only 769 722 673 591 586 • 340 402 375 344 305 Magherafelt 6,237 4,050 662 9 1 1 1,383 1,102 1,087 1.015 816 • 259 294 366 359 340 15,829 1,425 1,221 1,164 1.052 867 . 504 506 493 430 396 16.220 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 . 26 219 10,958 Females - District 3 140 425 345 350 259 232 — , . . 11,426 Total population • ' 1 . , . . 1.018 1,032 889 717 547 Females Males 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95 and o v e r * Females Males Males Age l a s t birthday 60-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 Married only Females 7,103 4,019 300 4 j 4.925 2.886 519 3 Males Single Married Widowed Divorced 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1 Females[ Males i Londonderry - 2,935 222 4 1,058 1,024 958 920 806 • . 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 ?0-74 Marital condition 6,135 Females 586 542 570 532 555 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95 and o v e r * 8,333 Total population 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 ' 9,296 ,,, - / 1,024 962 924 780 644 District Females 1 Maies 1 ^ Rural Males f / 1,149 1,003 975 872 596 '' I J Married only „/ 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 gO-24 1 Limavady 5,262$ 3,^51 '707 n" Total population ' , 1 '"'~' District Marital condition Single hl^arrlacl Widowed Divorced Administrative Areas , . ^ . t a o K?. ^ : . . . . - . . ^ : . V : - , . • * — * V- -" CENSUS OF NORTHERN 32 TABLE 1 4 - A g e s by Q u i n q u e n n i a l Marital Condition Londonderry Marital condition Total Single Married Widowed Divorced Groups, continued County and Administrative North Males Females £5,324 28,438 5,828 6,651 15,584 9,073 661 6 16,709 9,523 2,152 54 3,229 2,425 172 2 3,564 2,462 600 25 Married only Total population Total population Females 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 3,460 2,901 2,987 2,390 1,882 3,352 2,894 2,761 2,496 1,934 12 472 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 1.459 1,448 1,394 1,309 1,313 1,720 1,627 1,657 1,649 1,560 50*-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 1,250 1,055 842 648 416 309 182 61 17 1 Females Males Females 81 770 644 480 522 513 546 592 497 502 507 489 4 137 18 210 860 1,054 1,092 1,072 1,073 1,103 1,167 1,227 1,170 1,083 412 361 331 345 330 439 406 400 425 405 228 275 252 290 263 ^81 294 283 285 266 1,537 1,356 1,220 927 708 1,024 847 620 443 250 981 751 543 338 181 332 314 235 190 120 430 394 357 271 205 283 255 176 122 68 263 222 153 102 45 538 306 158 34 4 160 71 19 4 88 31 8 1 94 39 16 4 169 99 51 13 50 15 31 ' 8 S o u t h Ward Marital condition Married only Males Males Females Areas Ward Females Males Males Total 196 1 Borough Age l a s t birthday 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95 and over* Sex IRELAND Waterside 1 Ward Males Females Males Females 14,006 15,573 5,490 6,214 9,286 4,394 325 9,751 4,775 1,036 11 3,069 2,254 164 3 3,394 Total pojjulation Married only Single Marrled Widowed Divorced 1 Total population Married only Age l a s t birthday Males Females 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 2,204 1,880 1,940 1,386 801 2,139 1,857 1,752 1,466 965 4 199 36 374 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 719 749 715 672 698 862 840 848 862 789 440 523 555 537 569 / 578/' 603 643 632 / 563/, 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 596 478 417 295 190 718 640 601 459 350 472 370 293 201 113 456 342 249 158 90 Males Females , . / Males' 2,286 516 18 Females Males Females 621 540 507 523 480 4 136 27 186 328 ' 338 345 292 285 419 381 409 362 366 192 256 285 245 241 244 270 301 253 254 322 263 190 163 106 389 322 262 197 153 239 222 151 120 69 262 187 141 78 46 6l'2 ^41 .525 491 / 535 34 21 70 139 36 76 230 75-79 145 24 54 13 10 87 32 120 80-84 89 4 2 18 47 5 9 60 85-89 27 "8 8 1 2 1 90-94 13 5 1 2 95 and over* 2 — — •Including i widow aged l o i in Goleraine Rural D i s t r i c t ; i widow aged 108 in Llmavady Rural D i s t r i c t ; i widow aged 104 in Londonderry Rural D i s t r i c t and i widow aged 102 in waterside Ward, Londonderry County Borousja- COUNTY ANI) COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY TABLE 15 - Birthplaces County Londonderry County 33 : County Borough Londonderry County Borough BirtnpZace Persons Males Females Total population 111,536 56,080 Northern Ireland 100,285 5,539 478 Antrim County Arma^ County Belfast County Borough Down County Fermanagh County _.. Londonderry County and county Borough Tyrone county Males 55,456 53,762 25.324 28,438 50,560 49,725 46,392 22,086 24.306 2,^9 219 /i.364 , 586 158 44,609 1,245 2,840 2.960 259 181 76 389 108 178 67 Females 1,387 356 159 42.737 . 1,867 143 732 201 195 43,542 1.220 84 20.752 496 111 ^2,790 724 2,446 2,409 1.370 1,039 1,938 93 809 1,517 65 864 1.547 110 752 956 78 336 591 32 416 4,354 1,810 2,544 4,347 1,531 2,816 480 240 240 190 94 % 3 2 6 55 2 6 64 3 11 9 23 2,751 742 317 87,346 3,112 Great Britain 5,28^^ England Wales Scotland 3,455 /158 1,673 I s l e of Man Persons 343 93 12 Qiannel Islands Irish Bepiiblic Cbrrmonwealth countries, etc. Qiana Nigeria Rhodesia and Nyasaland South Africa Canada Ceylon Cyprus India Malaya Pakistan Singapore Australia New z,e6LLand Colonies, P r o t e c t o r a t e s , e t c . Foreign countries Austria Belgium Czechoslovakia Denmark France Germany Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Poland Spain Sweden .Switzerland * Yugoslavia Sudan United Arab Republic Other countries in Africa Argentine Brazil Chile united States of America Other countries In America Burma China Iran Iraq Israel Turkey Other countries in Asia U.S.S.R. B D m at sea Birthplace not stated 49 8 48 1 4 2 14 30 2 4 54 2 1 5 7 3 61 620 307 313 287 190 :97 14 2 2 1 12 78 5 1 2 9 1 12 2 1 5 1 1 7 1 5 32 27 13 1 22 4 10 1 7 1 7 9 15 111 6 10 132 8 15 IB 39 13 97 7 9 56 4 4 68 5 4 9 16 5 1 32 1 11 46 8 4 4 1 4 3 3 7 2 4 1 2 3 1 4 2 2 1 4 2 7 6 4 7 1 447 3 3 4 1 1 3 1 8 15 2 i 29 8 1 1 1 6 15 3 25 2 1 3 4 2 32 1 2 6 2 3 4 1 1 1 156 239 3 2 2 208 1 2 1 1 2 1 315 179 128 1 1 1 1 1 1 103 53 47 81 2 1 2 ^4 CENSUS QF r*ORTliERN IRELAND 19 61 34 TABLE 16 - Birthplaces Persons born outside Northern Ireland by Religion and Place of Birth p a x c s s ^ ' 1 •i...i...i.i.iii..i; Total Qounty : County Borough i.i.ic •Ctoirch or Ireland* Roman Catholic Presbyterian Hales Males!Females BirUiplace Males Females 1,938 93 809 8 1,810 E40 307 1,517 65 864 8 2,544 240 314 400 15 301 1 727 29 122 1^176 64 116 552 58 54 5.206 5,552 1,596 1.992 1,166 966 78 336 6 1,631 94 190 691 32 416 2 2,818 96 98 377 29 156 4 926 ^ 27 70 251 19 227 1,825 46 50 284 11 18 3,191 4,061 1,689 2,418 507 Females other and not stated denominations Methodist Males Femetles Males Females Males Females 96 13 41 33 6 24 - 63 A 10 1 43 1 17 165 16 34 - 822 36 192 6 527 86 59 122 11 13 715 49 53 1,088 40 143 7 450 87 37 48 60 70 83 50 69 1,342 1,852 1,727 £00 139 393 352 63 2 115 220 8 46 2 406 16 20 43 10 6 26 1 2 10 60 9 18 31 1 18 474 13 11 411 22 : 43 2 252 24 14 24 3 13 46 j 1 7 45 29 75 67 18 10 678 768 719 101 226 146 LondondeiTy County England wales Scotland I s l e of Man and Ctiannel Islands I r i s h Republic commonwealtti c o u n t r i e s , e t c . Foreign countries and a t sea Total 163 11 318 353 B 286 1 103 7 335 - • -. Londonderry County B o r o u ^ England Wales Scotland I s l e of Man and Chaimel Islands I r i s h Republic commonwealth countries, e t c . Foreign countries and a t sea Total - 75, 8 111 - • * . - - 91 u 1 + County:- Including Churcih of England (Males, 994; Females, 703) and Episcopal Church of Scotland (Males, 3; Females, 5 ) . County Borough:- including Church of England (Males. 358; Females, 162). TABLE 17 * Nationality : Persons born outside the British Isles by Nationality and usual Address a year ago County and County Borough Nationality Total persons Address a year ago in 1 1 1 B r i t i s h or ponmonwealth c i t i z e n Alien [ (Including s t a t e l e s s ) Males Females 1 Males rmaXes 1.072 338 434 j 178 33 13 14 3 Wales - - Scotland 2 ^ I s l e or Man and Channel Islands - I r i s h Republic 5 1 Canada 15 10 India 13 7 Northern I r e l a n d 1 England Not s t a t e d ' Males Females 118 3 1 3 - * / - . - - 4 . - - 5 ^ * * * - • - - Commonwestlth countries / / 6 Malta 12 6 6 Other commonwealth countries 42 yi 27 - • 1 Foreign countries 23 2S ^ 13 2 United States ot America 150 6 2 100 43 Other foreign countries •28 3 '4 16 6 - ^^ ^ m : ^A - 3 568 330 1B6 3 4 Germany Not s t a t e d ^BA Total 1.579 A 498 ' • . • - - TTAHL^ 18 - Religions Administrative Roman C a t h o l i c Population Presbyterian Church o r I r e l a n d * Other and not stated denominations Methodist Admlzilstratlve area Persons Males Females County and County Borou^ 165,298 81.404 Londonderry County 111,536 M.B. U.D. " R.D. " " » Hales Females 83,894 83,582 40,557 43,025 40,548 56,080 55.456 47,509 23,725 23,784 32.682 11,901 4,325 3,950 19,298 17,629 22,384 32,049 5,687 2,073 1,616 9,762 9,296 11,425 16,220 6,214 2,252 2,334 9,536 8,333 10,958 15,829 2,668 1,587 920 5,063 9,310 10,526 17,435 1,190 739 328 2,604 4,760 5,343 8,761 1,478 848 592 2,459 4,550 5,183 8,674 3,584 1,223 1,442 8,673 4,433 6,305 7.022 1,706, 591 990 4,389 2,317 3,1B8 3.566 1,878 632 852 4,284 2,116 3,117 3,456 4,386 1,264 1,184 4,209 3,350 4,435 6,076 2,143 2,243 620 644 522 662 2,108 ' N 2 , 1 0 1 1,904 1>446 2,292 2,143^. 3,123 2,953 Londonderry County Borou^ 53,762 25,324 28.438 36,073 16.832 19,241 7,866 3,681 4,185 7,116 3,455 NortH South Waterside 12,479 29,&r9 11,704 5,828 14,006 5,490 6,651 15,573 6,214. 5,005 26,609 4,459 2,227 12,611 1,994 2,?78 13,998 2,465 5,426 1,076 3,364 1,599 504 1,^8 1,827 572 1,786 3,097 1,148 2,871 1,500 532 1,423 Ooleraine jLimavady Portstewart Coleraine lilmavady Iionctonderry Magjieratelt Ward " " Persons Persons Analysis of column headed persons Males Hales Females Persons Males Females 20,028 20,520 32,020 16,167 16,347 16.335 24.904 12,712 Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 15,853 2,310 1,201 1.109 6.838 3.451 3,387 12.192 1,275 698 577 5.166 2.598 2.568 338 84 132 71 125 306 2i9 177 42 67 32 88 172 120 161 42 65 39 37 134 99 925 167 272 1,282 411 812 1,297 471 81 109 629 227 431 650 454 86 163 653 184 381 647 3,661 1,035 503 532 1.672 853 819 1,597 616 1,448 397 118 520 193 61 249 204^. 57 271 554 628 '490 309 298 246 245 330 244 'Other and not stated denominations' Females 727 1.418 Baptist 573 1,213 Brethren 842 413 Reformed Presbyterian 351 187 Congregational Church 151 88 Hindu 37 89 Salvation Anny 44 85 58 24 Free Presbyterian Church ol Ulster 20 38 Jehovah's witness 17 32 Latter Day Saints 31 18 Protestant 16 31 Church of Christ 15 30 Undenominational or Unsectarian 30 15 25 28 Christian Oaurch 14 28 Lutheran Free Thinker Church of God ^Including Church of England (males 1,503; females 1,014) and Episcopal Church /Ihis heading comprises denominations each of which had less than ten adherents denominations on the Census returns. 691 640 429 164 63 52 41 34 18 15 13 15 15 15 3 14 Areas Greek Orthodox Church Non-Subscribing P r e s b y t e r i a n o r u n i t a r i a n Elim Church Jew Apostolic Church Sikh E v a n g e l i c a l Lutheran Singh Mohammedan Other denominations/ Not s t a t e d Total Female Persons Males 26 24 20 20 15 14 14 12 11 89 2,138 12 12 13 9 5 14 8 6 43 1,070 4 5 46 1.068 6,838 3,451 3,387 m of Scotland (males 3; females 5) eunumerated In the county and County Borough; 26 different terms were used in describing these 12 8 7 6 9 - 36 CENSUS OF NORTHERN IflELAND TABLE 19 - Religions Population under 22 years by Individual Years and 20 years and over by Quinquennial Groups 1961 County : County BorougH Religion Population Age Presbyterian Roman C a t l i o l l c Males Females Males Males Females Females Church or Ireland Methodist O t h e r and not stated denominations Males Females Males Females Males Females 23,784 16,347 16,335 12,712 12,192 698 577 2.598 2,568 315 283 301 253 26a. 19 26 22 10 20 10 7 18 5 15 82 61 61 68 56 63 54 51 54 56 1 Londonde] :ry County 55,456 23,725 All ages 56,080 0 1 2 3 4 1,409 1,360 1,285 1,267 1,273 1,404 1,279 1,314 1,217 1,165 657 633 635 579 604 667 587 618 577 553 353 330 288 316 302 0-4 6,594 6,379 3,108 3,002 1,589 5 6 7 8 9 1,230 1,196 1,180 1,209 1,130 1,146 1,105 1,124 1,097 1,157 585 579 563 588 527 547 530 542 551 567 319 285 284 301 319 5-9 5,945 5,629 2,842 2,737 1,185 1,132 . 1,123 1,154 1,138 1,060 1,098 1,094 1,088 1,143 566 528 512 492 502 10-14 5,752 5,483 15 16 17 18 19 1,009 1,043 1,082 1,008 816 15-19 349 348 326 328 275 1,626 298 310 279 294 291 1,472 1,418 97 55 328 278 288 275 290 272 295 248 265 272 259 233 247 243 232 219 234 13 13 12 10 9 14 9 14 13 13 65 54 49 51 42 50 48 46 42 48 1,508 1,420 1,277 1,175 57 63 261 234 528 508 538 537 551 308 298 317 330 320 268 293 283 272 291 261 245 234 272 237 221 235 220 222 256 8 10 14 13 15 9 7 8 8 8 42 51 46 47 64 34 55 45 49 37 2,600 2,662 1,573 1,407 1,249 1,154 60 40 . 250 220 999 1,053 1.000 894 808 444 461 480 408 341 493 492 484 430 384 315 303 293 275 216 263 305 274 233 213 202 223 242 273 210 193 211 198 189 170 11 10 15 8 7 6 6 4 7 7 37 46 52 44 42 44 39 40 35 34 4,958 4,754 2,134 2,283 1,402 1,288 1,150 961 51 30 221 192 770 779 707 736 343 295 307 316 208 216 214 220 173 210 147 161 8 17 5 4 38 41 34 35 20-24 3,834 3,686 1,532 1,547 1,021 1,083 1,021 843 70 36 190 177 • 25-29 3,405 3,384 1,336 1,337 996 1,000 849 835 ^ 46 168 166 50-34 3,235 3,350 1,213 1,293 978 995 823 848 57 46 164 168 ; 35-39 3,437 3,402 1,307 1,366 1,065 1,030 833 792 / 39 39 193 40-44 3,145 3,008 1,323 1,231 978 932 666 652 43 42 135 151 ; 45-49 3,157 3,107 1,293 1,257 1 987 981 704 67^5 37 26 136 168 50-54 2,883 2,731 1,183 1,065 901 894 652 ,^08 21 37 126 127 55-59 2,408 2,484 893 935 854 825 517 559 34 36 110 129 : 60-64 2,192 2,400 893 933 729 805 455 516 22 29 93 65-69 1,831 1»897 746 747 1 642 672 1 343/ 368 17 20 83 70 and over 3,324 3,762 1,322 788 37 32 140 10 ,11 12 13 14 20 21 1,389 I 1,124 1,377 .701 / / : 1V5 IJ:/ ; 90 : 176 COUNTY TABLE 19 - Religions AND GOVMTY BQROUGH OF LONDONDERRY Population under 22 years by Individual Years and 20 years and over by Quinquennial Groups -continued __ 1 / County : County Borough Religion Population Age Roman C a t t i o l l c , Males Females Males 717 746 680 692 625 0 1 2 3 4 0-4 5 6 7 8 9 5-9 10 U IZ 13 14 10-14 15 16 17 18 19 15-19 20 21 . O t h e r and not stated denominations Methodist Females Males Females Males Females 4,185 3,455 3,661 503 532 853 819 Males Females / 28,438 16,832 715 689 641 656 651 . | Church of I r e l a n d | ^ M^es Females Londonderry County Borougji All ages 25,324 Presby/terlan / 37 19,241 3,681 583 606 534 544 488 56l 540 505 / 509 ^. ' 494 47 48 68 61 52 65 60 48 60 59 65 64 55 59 53 59 61 60 64 63 6 11 6 10 9 13 10 12 7 10 16 17 17 18 23 17 18 16 IS 25 3,460 3,352 ^,755 2,609 276 292 296 307 42 52 91 92 671 596 584 542 508 605 598 600 545 546 511 442 442 412 362 460 427 448 393 409 84 66 58 50 74 56 76 66 72 63 59 54 59 57 51 62 74 62 54 49 5 13 6 14 7 12 7 6 8 6 12 21 19 9 14 15 14 18 18 19 2,901 2,894 2,169 2,137 332 333 280 301 45 39 75 84 571 586 626 611 593 566 543 543 538 571 417 417 444 430 434 428 399 383 379 375 61 72 88 76 68 63 71 73 76 89 69 68 69 76 62 55 53 56 63 82 6 8 9 8 13 4 6 12 6 11 18 21 16 21 16 16 14 19 14 14 2,987 2,761 2,142 1,964 365 372 344 309 44 39 92 77 564 562 462 443 359 515 528 553 480 420 396 390 335 313 206 380 382 401 326 276 85 66 58 54 65 64 70 83 63 61 61 76 52 58 65 51 57 55 65 65 8 9 8 4 6 7 7 7 12 5 14 21 9 14 17 13 12 7 14 13 2,390 2,496 1,640 1,765 328 341 312 293 35 38 75 59 372 386 377 409 206 221 254 252 75 61 50 67 63 74 52 66 12 13 11 8 16 17 10 16 348 253 60 38 103 58 j - 20-24 1,882 1,934 : 1^075 1,307 296 278 25-29 1,459 1,720 938 1,179 211 238 222 224 31 28 57 51 30-34 1,448 1,627 941 1,085 210 240 217 220 21 29 59 53 35-39 1,394 1,657 863 1,105 213 239 234 228 36 38 48 47 40-44 1,309 1,649 796 1,069 233 276 196 217 33 26 51 61 45-49 1,313 1,^0 789 958 236 290 201 221 34 45 53 46 50-54 1,250 1,537 670 907 279 305 220 238 36 32 45 55 55-59 1,055 1,356 593 831 224 231 170 222 27 32 41 40 60-64 842 1,220 491 735 169 231 142 199 16 26 24 29 65-69 648 927 •381 563 111 183 122 135 14 25 20 21 70 and over 986 1,748 589 1,027 198 336 151 294 29 45 19 46 38 CENSUS OF NORTHERN IRELAND 1961 TABLE 20 - Education; Terminal Education Ages of Persons 15 years and over by Sex and Age Groups Age a t wftilcn Age l a s t T^lrtiiday Under 13 18 15 16 2 2 31 75 145 486 414 543 673 633 269 190 61 111 99 97 28 43 90 ! 13 14 17 County ,v County Borough tull-tlme education ceased 20 19 21 22 25 and over 24 23 Not stated Not applicable Total Londonderry County Males 15 16 17 18 19 - _ 1 1 - - 3 1 , , • 19 . ' . 11 . 29 40 — . - . . . . , , . . . . . » • , . . . . . . • • , . . . • ' 4 7 6 14 20 431 225 166 76 20 1,009 1,043 1,082 1,008 816 53 918 4,958 23 24 18 28 17 23 15 12 4 3 110 57 3,834 8 3 3,405 3,235 15-19 5 5 1,151 2,328 368 SO ZX S£ Z6 24 3 4 4 1 4 3 3 2 2 415 388 407 380 420 166 166 196 ,148 114 65 89 79 78 86 35 4© 37 43 41 27 31 22 28 27 8 3 5 9 7 4 3 5 5 3 6 14 12 7 7 1 4 20-24 12 14 2,010 790 397 0D5 135 32 18 ZB 14 5 • • , . . . - 25-29 50-34 8 18 13 16 2.076 2,237 473 297 308 218 131 96 100 71 27 30 13 19 37 28 46 26 28 22 30 16 24 28 83 112 IS 125 166 249 285 39 146 204 206 130 4.772 4,389 3,337 2,204 ,i»105 539 437 270 185 85 387 241 142 107 59 179 110 63 43 22 149 90 73 30 19 36 39 12 11 2 25 33 18 11 7 33 43 24 10 7 28 57 15 10 7 45 25 16 6 1 34 43 23 10 5 77 42 18 13 220 240 196 170 138 Total Per cent 887 2.3 772 2.0 23,281 61.6 5,404 14.3 2,225 5.9 939 2.5 707 1.9 189 0.6 144 0.4 217 0,6 183 148 0,5 0.4 161 0.4 243 0.6 1,322 3.6 Percentage of t o t a l with s t a t e d terminal educational age 2.5 2.2 65.6 15.2 6,3 2,6 2,0 0,6 0,4 0.6 0,6 0.4 0,5 0.7 -. -3 - 23 67 104 372 373 469 , . . 22 . • , , . , . . , . , , • • , . . . • • - 1 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 and over 1 . . Ay ^ _ 1 "^ . 770 779 792 747 746 6,582 6,040 ' 4,600 3,270 1,885 987 2i6 37,809 100,0 • . . 4 5 10 15 17 503 347 217 88 23 999 1,053 1,000 894 808 51 1,178 4,754 10 19 16 18 26 12 10 8 3 1 707 736 776 725 742 89 34 3,686 1 3,384 3,350 Females 15 15 17 16 19 1 4 Z 1 - , ^ . 36 510 210 168 64 119 122 111 63 70 37 • . . . 5 &ro • i 2 6 4 , , • • , . , -3 V 20-24 3 8 1,872 648 449 276 128 30 6^' 69 12 3 • , . . . - 25-29 30-34 9 13 . 14 17 1,829 2,032 403 344 379 338 210 176 129 107 24 .^3 40 , / 5 2 68 51 53 34 5 11 2 3 4 8 27 102 170 197 222 72 140 220 227 158 4,150 3,666 3,142 2,200 1,1S4 634 661 345 24P 142 508 • 453 288 196 ill 76 79 61 27 14 55 43 60 33 8 38 27 32 11 12 11 21 15 7 2 7 4 6 2 1 15 1 6 6 9 2 Total Per cent 751 2.0 859 2.3 20,994 55.3 5,343 14.1 3,138 8.3 Percentage oX t o t a l wltii s t a t e d terminal education age 2.1 2.4 59.3 15.1 8,9 15-19 £0 21 22 23 24 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 and over 8 3 939 1,927 416 188 59 5 2 1 - 2 3 3 341 386 411 339 395 148 129 123 135 113 111 90 84 91 73 59 44 64 66 62 16 27 25 31 29 6 5 6 4 9 - . ' 295 , 226 7;L ,63 363 1 182 143 I 158 ^46 96 91 , ' 2 4 19 66 1 54' 1,6924.4.. 4,8 ,lU34 . / 2 16 k 18 ;i7 15 / 24 15 / 19 / . 3.0 322 0,8 428 1*1 387 1.0 219 0.6 75 0,2 25 0,1 50 0.1 3.2 0.9 1,2 1,1 0,6 0,2 0,1 0,1 101 124 226 1 227 1 201 180 134 ' 1,332 j 3,5 . 1 1 .1 " 6,410 5,838 4,884 3,550 2,-109 1,216 3,2 37,966 100,0 . . COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH 0F LONDONDERRY TABLE 20 - Education: Terminal Education Ages of Persons 15 Years and over by Sex and Age Groups - continued 39 County : County Borough Age a t which f u l l - time education ceased. Age l a s t birthday Under 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 , . . . , 23 25 and over 24 Not stated Not appllcahle Total Londonderry County Bore u ^ Males 15 16 17 18 19 z - _ • A , 12 37 51 192 167 313 340 266 138 92 29 39 42 38 148 , .-' , . / 10 3 15 , . . .1 /42 18 1 ^ 24 22 30 22 20 16 14 18 18 26 2 7 4 2 2 . . ^V / 1 z 3 3 459 1.148 1 2 2 2: 1 -2 157 194 148 179 1B3 107 87 86 78 91 20-24 8 2 861 446 203 lis 92 25-29 30-34 5 3 9 876 1»030 229 138 -'129 95 47 44 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 and over 5 20 56 46 65 9 41 78 49 43 1,938 1.837 1.396 745 350 '272 207 131 es 35 164 150 74 40 25 Total. Per cent 210 1.3 234 1.5 9,491 59.4 2.677 16.8 Percentage or t o t a l with s t a t e d tennlnal education age 1,4 1.6 63.6 15-19 20 21 ZZ 23 24 - • . . , . * . . . • . . . . • • . 2 2 2 2 2 237 152 95 54 20 564 562 462 443 359 10 558 2.390 4 3 8 9 7 14 15 10 3 6 372 386 357 370 397 31 48 1,882 5 1,459 1,448 • • - • . 3 6 2 1 1 8 8 9 4 6 1 2 1 17 12 26 11 3 1 • ' 38 26 17 10 18 7 14 16 26 6 6 5 9 7 7 13 33 39 70 63 40 22 4 59 42 24 14 7 13 27 5 3 2 12 22 6 9 2 11 22 7 5 13 17 3 4 Z 12 9 3 3 3 12 11 7 32 19 7 8 1 - 77 76 58 49 31 1,028 6.4 450 2.8 320 2.0 96 0.6 90 0.6 101 0,6 82 0.6 44 0.3 48 0.3 86 0.6 17.9 6.9 3.0 2.1 0.6 0.6 0,7 0.5 0,3 0.3 0.6 329 377 337 116 80 23 46 34 25 16 18 5 14 4 1.239 128 37 19 4 47 38 36 42/ 40/ - • . . 1 , . , . . - , 4 - 2,703 2,563 1.897 1.064 570 404 2,5 616 3.9 15,976 100.0 1 2 8 6 5 164 82 70 20 11 515 528 553 480 420 22 347 2,496 14 7 10 16 6 3 9 3 3 377 409 393 381 374 18 1,934 2 1,720 1,627 _ 1 Females : 15 16 17 18 19 15-19 - 1 X 1 21 44 89 282 261 1 2 697 - - . 3 . 85 78 48 47 37 37 35 39 32 22 " 20 16 12 13 19 11 12 11 8 20 . . • ' . • • , . • , . 3 ' • , . , 1 , ' • - . , . 1 . . , , 1 1 224 243 249 233 251 20-24 1 4 1.200 276 165 80 62 10 22 32 10 1 ~ 1 • 53 25-29 30-34 2 Z 4 3 1,212 1,163 171 141 98 101 66 50 30 40 12 16 20 10 27 16 11 10 10 2 5 6 2 3 48 62 13 37 64 90 88 13 52 140 102 86 2,476 2,255 1,777 1.059 593 241 221 145 91 57 180 186 118 79 55 110 72 71 28 16 74 61 62 46 29 22 29 7 9 1 19 28 21 11 5 23 31 25 16 6 7 12 13 1 5 4 3 1 9 1 1 1 1 6 2 4 2 108 109 127 98 101 Total Per cent 298 1.5 406 2.1 12.432 64.0 2.581 13.3 1,109 5.7 530 2.7 423 2.2 110 0.6 136 0.7 177 0.9 64 0.3 26 0.1 25 0.1 19 0.1 728 3,8 367 1,9 19.431 100.0 Percentage of t o t a l with s t a t e d terminal education age 1.6 2.2 67.8 14.1 6.1 2.9 2.3 0,6 0,7 1.0 0.4 0.1 0,1 0,1 , , , 20 21 22 23 24 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 and over 1 X . -1 1 6 1 1 3 7 9 2 5 9 9 9 -2 3 4 — — J - - _ - 3,306 3,097 2.576 1.635 1,040 TABLE 21 - Education Terminal Education Ages of Persons 15 Years and over by Sex, Age Group and Occupation Order County : County Borough g Age group 15-19 25-44 20--24 45 and o v e r Age a t which f u l l - t i m e e d u c a t i o n c e a s e d occupation order Under 15 16 15 Not 20 s t a t e d o r not 17-19 and over a p p l i c able Under 15 15 16 Not stated 20 o r not 17-19 and over a p p l l c able Under 15 15 20 17-19 and over 16 Not Stated or not applicable Not Under 15 16 15 20 : Stated and or not o v e r applic- 17-19 able Londcwnderry County Males I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII Feonaers, f o r e s t e r s , tlslierm^ Miners and quarrymen Gas, coke and clieinlcals makers 1 i Glass and ceramics makers Furnace, forge, foundry. r o l l i n g mill workers E l e c t r i c a l and electronic wortcers Engineering and a l l i e d trades wortcers'apt elsewhere c l a s s i f i e d .. woodworkers Leather workers . Textile workers ^ -^ Clothing workers "-. Food, drink and tot)acco workers.^ Ps^er and p r i n t i n g workers ^ ~^-Makers of other products Construction workers Painters and decorators Drivers of stationary engines. cranes, e t c . ija\>o\irers not elsevtoere classifi^|l^ Transport afc communications workers Warehousemen, storekeepers. packers, b o t t l e r s Clerical workers 1 Sales woiiKers Service, sport and recreation workers A<3tolnlstrators and managers Profiesslonal, technical workers, a r t i s t s Armed Forces Inadeouately described occupations Persons economically inactive Total 661 4 Z 61 17 - - 2 . 690 9 22 - - - . 1 Z - - £5 44 30 4 . 45 22 7 3 . . - - 4i8 4 • ^ 1 . U 46 45 3 - - - _ ~ 29 1 2 1 3,195 48 109 7 292 2 20 - 4.85 3 8 1 S - - - - - 13 2 - 1 22 14 12 ZZ 1 5 125 37 4€i 3 4 134 56 4 19 14 48 57 45 46 12 9 6 5 4 - - - -. - 93 35 1 15 6 20 2 4 52 20 4-i) 2EJ 1 1 3 1 377 175 16 82 43 194 7 32 408 118 174 8 4 5 8 166 3 121 3 5 _ - 4,484 73 32 9 - 1 38 2 1 14 3 9 43 3 g 6 17 6 1 1 1 5 1 - 23 9 1 1 1 8 6 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 5 - 25 20 3 2 5 9 2 3 33 5 13 e1i 4 1 S 1 12 7 182 138 29 85 41 132 14 14 366 79 - 6 136 6 97 11 - 19 12 1 88 120 - 3 2 1 1 . - - \ > - - 2 . 25 1 m 216 ' 302 1 2 •••- -' 86 53 2 22 8 29 1 T 37 16 226 160 7 36 24 38 8 7 8 5 152 1 . 1 4 - . . - 2 1 10 91 22 3 8 18 2 2 15 15 - ~- . 1 32 8 - - - 2 194 10 1 . 11 356 64 13 2 - 20 1,454 74 Zi 3 - 55 1,476 41 41 104 8 1 . 2 137 29 13 7 2 8 976 95 44 14 1 31 589 S3 4 80 53 17 191 6 24 42 1 27 10 . . 1 5 27 10 107 14 12 48 7 21 36 2 57 34 - - 100 79 600 13 51 ISl 14 66 122 8 104 128 - 4 22 3 6 43 22 47 . 1 -. . - 87 2 37 1 26 1 15 4 - 3 - i£l 1 8 - 1 - 368 37 84 16 72 34 60 61 6 31 1 83 5 131 11 54 5 91 7 206 9 119 49 100 44 18 5 2 53 253 33 148 51 125 120 149 428 35 30 217 2 2 4 1 1 1 - - 101. . 11 37 - 1 ' T '•'•^v. 2 2 4 Z - 12 4 - 2 3 1 1 - 2 - 2 - 13 3 3 14 e 1 11 3 1 - 4 - le 2 1 10 . - 11- . - * 1 1 1 3 - 2 - - 19 4 1 - 9 xa 3 1 68 47 2eJ 10 2 30 120 57 511 10 35 129 5 34L 67 3 40 88 6 14 - 4 6 31 14 2 440 47 34 24 27 28 22 61 4 21 . 5 10 11 26 21 IB 10 2£J A^ 48 10 300 6 12 1 • 2 1 2 4 17 26 16 . 13 4 , 1 15 7 3 1 - 3 95 17 4 1 — 14 160 12 3 1 20 3 - . 925 23 1 2 - - 63 80 8 5 1 1 29 3,303 197 139 108 78 273 1,161 2,328 368 130 . 9 7 1 ' 2,036 790 397 372 72 167 9,196 1,309 9Xi . 819 559 426 12,545 977 549 514 465 745 7 7 • '• Females I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII F a n n e r s , f o r e s t e r s , flsherwomen Miners and quarrywomen Gas. coke and ctiemlcals mafcers G l a s s and c e r a m i c s makers F u r n a c e , f o r g e , Xoundry, r o l l i n g m i l l workers E l e c t r i c a l and e l e c t r o n i c workers E n g i n e e r i n g and a l l i e d t r a d e s woiiters n o t elsewtiere classified Woodwoifeers Leather workers T e x t i l e woiiters C l o t l i l n g workers Food, d r i n k and tobacco w o r k e r s P a p e r and p r i n t i n g w o r k e r s Makers of o t h e r p r o d u c t s c o n s t r u c t i o n workers P a i n t e r s and d e c o r a t o r s D r i v e r s of s t a t i o n a r y e n g i n e s . cranes, e t c . Labourers n o t elsewhere classified T r a n s p o r t and communications workers Warehousewomen, s t o r e k e e p e r s , packers, b o t t l e r s C l e r i c a l workers Sales workers S e r v i c e , s p o r t and r e c r e a t i o n woiicers A d n i n i s t r a t o r s and m a n a g e r e s s e s Professional, technical workers. artists Armed F o r c e s Inadequately described occupations Persons economically Total inactive 4 ^ 1 7 4 -^ 1 1 2 7 2 1 2 39 10 6 8 190 23 15 20 - - - •^ - * - - - . - - _ - 1 - ^ - 2 ^ - _ _ - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - -^ - - - 1 - - - - - - - Z - * •^ - 6 - 2 - 2 - - - *- - - , - 2 - .*-~ 6 - - 3 i i 19 419 57 - Z 1 59 770 86 i 4 - - — - 1 - 2 25 11 1 2 * 12 3 - - .• — - ^ - - 8 - 1 Z 1 3 25 1470 56 91 271 Z 303 65 - 160 264 32 - - 1 35 462 94 2 3 11 87 35 ^ 1 .^ - ^ - ^ - - - 6 37 13 6 5 - - 6 1 - - - 8 3 9 16 - X 5 1 41 53 143 3 71 62 2 147 44 2 138 47 7 5 4 13 •- 671 1 94 - - 51 1 121 4 32 24 61 - - - - 1 15 3 - - - 3 8 7 - 4 3 43 30 IDl 12 65 64 5 111 40 Z 147 22 4 9 4 239 62 29 19 - . - - - - _ 40 - 401 1 . . -. - - - 115 12 • ^ 6 1 - - - ^ - 2 27 2 11 56 10 . - -• 1 Z 14 3 2 64 543 93 2 1 "'^. - -^,-"' - - - X , • " " • • - - - . - 3 24 5 - 66 1B2 15 1 2 - - • " " - - - , '"••••~-^. - 1< - i 8 - 2 9 9 13 24 IZ! 38 2 10 1 27 14 - 140 1 287 - 1 ~ 4 1 873 2 V " 7 • - ^ * - - - - . - - - -" - - - 7 1 1 3 2 - U 1 ^ .- - " •- - - - - - i- '-.. 2- . 4 - - - -" ^^ - - 13 1 -, - - 10 43 33 61 m 43 8 3 5 13 611 1 74 65 2 55 2 6 3 41 - 16 21 25 71 190 21 - - - - - - - 4 10 — 1 1 1 2 836 - 7 4 29 75 13 - - - - - 14 - * 8 59 2 3 1 5 2 - 157 240 39 13 1.199 841 287 157 121 21 77 6,442 1,123 675 245 352 10.339 1,111 957 265 644 950 1,927 416 232 1.229 1,883 648 449 433 150 123 8,163 1 , 4 7 1 1, 2 2 5 1.278 556 451 11.608 1.297 1 , 0 4 8 1 , 2 0 5 478 745 . . — -~ TABLE 21 - Education County : County Borough Terminal Education Ages o£ Persons 15 Years and over by Sex, Age Group and Occupation Order - continued to Age group ~ O c c u p a t i o n Order Under 15 Not 20 s t a t e d o r n o t Under 17-19 and o v e r a p p l l c a - 15 able 16 15 15 Age a t which f u l l - t i m e 16 45 and o v e r 25-44 20-24 15-19 education ceased Not 20 S t a t e d Under o 17-19 and r n o t 15 over a p p l i c able 15 16 20 17-19 and over Not Stated o r n o t Under 15 appllcable 15 16 17-19 Not 20 S t a t e d and o r n o t over a p p l i c able o Londonderry County B > r o u ^ Males I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV ' XVI XVII XVIII XIX ^ XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII Farmers, f o r e s t e r s , n s b e r m e n Miners and quarryBien Gas, cofce and d i e m l c a l s makers G l a s s and c e r a m i c s makers Furnace, forge, foundry. r o l l i n g m i l l workers E l e c t r i c a l and e l e c t r o n i c workers E n g i n e e r i n g and a l l i e d t r a d e s w o r k e r s n o t elsevfiiere classified Wpodworlcers Lefittber workers T e x t i l e workers Clo t i l i n g ' p o l i t e r s Food, d r i n k a n d t o b a c c o woilters P a p e r and p r i n t i n g w o r k e r s Makers of o t h e r p K ) d u c t s Cons t r u e t l on workers" ^P a i n t e r s and d e c o r a t o r s " ,^ D r i v e r s of s t a t i o n a r y e n g i n e s . . . cranes, e t c . Labourers n o t elsewhere classified T r a n s p o r t and communications workers Warehousemen, s t o r e k e e p e r s . packers, "bottlers C l e r i c a l workers S a l e s workers S e r v i c e , s p o r t and r e c r e a t i o n workers A t l n i i n l s t r a t o r s and managers Professional, technical woilcers, a r t i s t s Armed F o r c e s Inadequately described occupations Persons economically I n a c t i v e Total 5 4 2 9 - - - 8 1 - - - - - 6 1 - - 1 21 ZZ 16 2 163 28 1 6 15 32 8 4 41 25 58 14 1 _ 1 7 1 1 - - - 2 7 - 18 58 15 2 . 83 15 5 224 55 7 31 4 2 1 . - 1 2 3 1 1 7 1 -. 2 3 - _ - 1 87 6 2 3 - 2 - 21 - - - - - _ -. - - - - - - 1 - - 18 - 1 - - - 2S 20 12 - 9 53 11 9 7 - 1 82 18 49 17 4 13 - 14 5 2 6 2 2 4 3 1 2 7 2 ^ - 9 3 2 - 28 6 1 2 10 7 2 6 22 4 18 7 -" - 1 2 491 103 26 21 48 123 26 7 199 89 - - - - 5 2 -.. 63 5 46 1 71 21 - 8 1 11 _ - 15 1 5 1 90 33 5 1 1 3 4 14 4 1 - - 2 _ - - 8 2 - 2 2 2 - -. 1 1 1 1 1 -' a O o H - 12 20 8 Z 25 16 26 51 9 5 41 31 2 4 - 5 69^ " lOZ 56 125 ' -.4 - . - 1 • . - 1 . - - . 1 1 176 26 4 1 78 21 12 3 i 29 1 . 1 1 . 1 ' 26 13 43 13 21 31 5 13 16 5 58 20 88 3 33 2 13 6 13 8 - 17 35 14 146 14 43 31 58 43 4 10 2 - 1 1 2 2 - 68 6 2 - - - 4 13 17 58 4 8 13 9 . 8 72 3 - . 3 2 4 1 » 558 61 1 . - 568 1^ 871 449 203 227 - 9 4 2 2 - 2 67 2 2 2 - 1 37 11 3 - 22 812 27 6 2 - 34 - 593 76 30 12 1 S3 594 31 8 12 2 15 128 132 322 18 58 77 8 44 66 3 73 50 - 5 10 5 6 11 119 138 318 11 43 80 10 36 70 3 29 51 - - 1 4 5 6 20 3 1 362 23 58 14 37 14 28 25 2 4 11 2 475 45 44 11 20 16 18 29 3 4 18 1 2 56 99 23 60 23 30 39 38 188 10 5 1 44 7 10 1 17 - 30 5 128 3 - 4 29 1 1 _ 2 12 681 2 2 52 53 79 7 16 1 3 14 12 - 1 1 - 2 4 ' 2 - 2 1 4 2 7 4 1 1 3 30 148 ~ 1 1 4 51 29 95 1,148 1 - _ - 17 10 42 465 11 6 2 1 8 7 - — . ":- 7 30 13 -- 227 110 20 9 92 115 21 10 126 59 3 - 2 - 2 20 ~* _ — — 40 3 2 1 1 3,875 639 388 324 226 - 5 2 1 — - -. 1 3 3 2 5 2 1 4 5 1 5 12 1,108 75 46 37 . 23 76 158 4,724 441 289 253 172 215 2: 53 > a as Females Farmers» f o r e s t e r s , flsherwomen Miners and quarrywomen Gas, cofce and ctieniicals makers Glass and ceramics makers Furnace, forge, foundry. r o l l i n g mill workers VI E l e c t r i c a l and electronic workers Engineering and a l l i e d trades VII workers not elsewliere classified VIII woodwortcers IX Leather workers X Textile workers XI Clotiling workers XII Food, drink and tobacco workers XIII Paper and p r i n t i n g workers XIV Makers of other products XV construction workers XVI Painters and decorators XVII Drivers of stationary engines. cranes, e t c . XVIII Labourers not elsewhere cleisslfled Transport and communications XIX workers XX Warehousewomen, storekeepers. packers, h o t t l e r s XXI Clerical woilcers XXII Sales woriters x n i i Service, sport and recreation woiicers XXIV Administrators and manageresses XXV Professional, technical workers, artists XXVI Armed Forces ^XVII Inadequately described occupations I II III IV V Persons economically Inactive Total —. - - _ - - _ _ - - - - - - - - . - - 1 1 * 3 £ 386 3 1 5 - 4 5 620 Z 6 9 - - - _ - . - _ - - - - 1 * - 1 7 1 -. - - - - - - 10 1 - 3 * - 1 1 492 1 6 7 - 2 - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - 19 5 1 - - - - - - S4 1 1 - _ -. - 1 - . - _ - . - 3 „ - . - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - *• - - - - - 2 8 1 4. 1 1,042 - 5 9 - 1 43 14 -Z 1:^ 1 ^ s> - 2 - 1 - -.^ - . """""•-• -.. - _ -- _ - . - - - - _ - "- - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - 1 6 885 3 10 8 - - - - -- - - - - _ - - — - — - - - 2 - - 28 31 1 30 .17 - 6 2 1 4 13 1 34 - 38 - -. - — — 11 1 10 1 _ - • 38 1 1 o o ;2 H > a n o a '^ H • " " • • - - . . ^ — — — — " — — — . — — - — - — - - - - - - - ' " ^ • ^ - : ^ ^^ do o — - - - " - - - - - - 1 1 4 1 - 1 1 3 3 1 - - 3 4 4 6 - 2 4 "^"'•N2 34 ±6 56 36 149 155 2 76 15 1 24 4 - 3 3 24 35 62 2 51 31 1 65 16 1 51 7 - 49 61 122 8 66 26 1 76 30 1 95 17 - - 1 4 3 8 1 3 7 4 20 45 HI 7 19 22 149 186 10 5 2 185 27 8 8 1 2 582 22 18 - - - - - - - - -. 1 - 37 1 17 1 22 3 31 - 700 6 5 .- - 21 - 38 1 - - 3 i 4 11 4 3 7 13 . - 4 IB 8 42 11 57 1 36 1 141 3 12 3 8 1 51 88 5 - 27 4 22 - 24 4 7 - 14 IS - - - - . 4 17 14 12 1 ~ 68 40 29 4 ^ 2,955 328 192 210 39 127 4,512 377 323 295 86 319 r* o ::5: a o :?; a 275 165 152 66 71 4,888 553 3?9 420 193 220 6,343 514 437 431 168 435 5d . Z 26 - 1 37 22 6 4 354 379 700 1,239 128 60 369 1,205 3 2 *- - 1 -^ 69 3 — — - ^'"••-•4 "••v.. - .- ^ 3 ' • - *" — 22 O a o DC o L.r'"-- 4^ CO TABLE 22 • Occupations : Population aged 15 and over by 0... upation and Industrial Status :^sa^ga County : County Borough ^ 'ii'i;; Males Employers and fnanagers Large estaD11 shments Females WorKers Foremen on own Apprentices account and QtUer and super- (without employees v i s o r s employ- a r t i c l e d clerks ees) small estat)-llshments sssssasss^ss^ Eauployers and manageresses Out or Occupation Total ForeLarge Small women e s t a b - e s t a b - and l l a t i - l i s h - superments ments v i s o r s Total work Workers on owQ ApprentOut ices account other and (without employees of woilc employ- a r t i c l e d clerks ees) Londonderry County • 592 *' • 2.521 650 . • • • • 37,809 6J95 953 16,907 4,138 32,556 5,253 .-* 5 • • 1,317 52 5,398 - 15 7 1 4 - IX - 5,358 4 15 K .6 6 1 1 • 1 - ^ ^ - . 8 "•"'••-< - 3,395 3,989 971 893 1,104 11,271 zz id £,858. 39 138 338 £1 9Z4 11 29 100 94 47 56 000. 001. 6,689 3,797 002. 72 003. 180 004. 477 005. 150 • * - i ^^ 1 * 1 50 - . - - 10,751 94 266 156 Total econonically i n a c t i v e I n s t i t u t i o n Inmates Retired Students Otbers economically i n a c t i v e 27,214 287 64 1 10 250 I I I . Gas, ocke and chemicals makers ** 10 1 178 9 12 020. 021. 238 Fumacemen, coal gas and coke ovens Chemical production process workers n.e.c. 3 15 5 IV. Glass and ceramics makers - 7 z 1 70 220 * 70 • 217 2 ~ Ceramic formers Glass formers, f i n i s h e r s and decorators ' Fumacemen, kllnmen, glass and ceramic - n w :3 858 8,614 13 50 3 40 1 - - - - - 1— - - - 3 - - - - - • * - 3 - * - - 1 53 - - 13 1 — 188 3 - - - 9 030. 031. 032. 4 . o 2 45 20 188 • : m Fishermen Fanners, farm managers, market gardeners Agricultural workers n . e . c . Agrlculturad machinery d r i v e r s Gardeners and groundsmen Foresters and woodmen 91 - 575 • O 353 fishennen Coal mine - face workers coal mine - otjier underground workers Coal mine - workers above ground coal miners (so described) Workers below ground n . e . c . Surface workers n . e . c . - mines and quarries • 15 817 1,207 125,175 z ' Total oca5)ied 3 ; 1 . 012. 013. 5 014. 145 015. - - . I I . Miners and quarrymen bu. 8 • I , Farmers, foicesters, 010. 1 37,965 Total persons aged 15 and over - > 033. Cei^ffilcat 034. Glass and ceramics production process workers n.e^c* 5 18 V. Furnace, foirge, foundry, r o l l i n g mill woricers 63 26 040. 041. 1 5 IS 18 15 15 21 31 9 5 17 50 21 z 19 32 z 9 49 106 263 43 479 ig 8 83 19 63 47 111 7 5 11 1 2 3 36 9 £ 34 8£ 55 271 7 14 18 838 149 1.415 7 3 29 20 7 323 d e c o r a t o r s and f l i i i s l i e r s Fumaceraen - metal Rolling, tube rail! operators, metal drawers o o 042. Moulders and coremakers (foundiy) 043* Smiths, rorgemen 044. Metal making and treating workers n.e.c. 045. Fettlers, raetal dressers Vt. Electrical and electronic WDikers 050. Radio and radar mechanics 051. 052. 053. 054. 055. 056. I n s t a l l e r s and repairmen, telephone Linesmen, cable Jointers Electricians Klectrlcal and electronic f i t t e r s Ass«nhlers ( e l e c t r i c a l and electronic) Electrical engineers (so described) VII. BigLneeiing and a l l i e d trades m)ikers n.e«c. d 2: H > a o o c: 1-5 23 15 8 O O 9 6 1 ^^ Z zr 1 9 17 4 Z 3 8 1 1 241 13 7 1 40 14 iZ 4 ZX 16 18 7 531 IB 76 6 5 Z zz 1 46 1 1 16 9 3 29 28 43 9 b49 44 060. Sheet raetal workers 061. 062. 063. 064. 065. Constructional engineers; riggers Metal plate worfcers; r i v e t e r s Gas, e l e c t r i c welders, cutters; braziers Machine tool s e t t e r s , setter-operators Machine tool operators 066. Tool makers, t o o l room f i t t e r s 067. 068. 2 069. 158 15 070. 11 0 7 1 . 072. 15 073. F i t t e r s , machine ^rectors, e t c . Engineers (so described) Electro-platers, dip platers and related wonders Plumbers, lead burners, pipe f i t t e r s 6 Z4- 37 074* 10 5 075. Goldanlths, silversmiths, Jewelleiy makers 16 13 076. Coach, carriage, wagon builders and repairers 077. 90 078. 1 1 a o ff o 2 3 1 o a o :z; 2: Metal woikers n . e . c . Watch and chronometer makers and repairers Preclslcm instnmient makers and repairers 5 24 1 P r e s s workers and stampers 1 65 1 Inspectors (metal and e l e c t r i c a l goods) Other metal making, working; Jewellery and e l e c t r i c a l production process workers or 22-J Dccupations TABLE ; Population aged 15 a n d o v e r by O c c u p a t i o n and I n d u s t r i a l - continued Status County Bnployers and 1 managers Workers JForemen on own Apprentices and account .arge small Other and fstab- e s t a b - super- (wltHout employees l i s H - v i s o r s employ- a r t i c l e d lents ees) clerfcs mehts Employers and j manageresses Out of work Total Occupation Londonderry County - . 22 12 64 219 425 54 796 20 9 61 209 3 5 1 1 376 5 39 44 .- - 6 719 8 56 1 1 11 15 10 68 • • -. 3 z _ - • « - • - ; - " • 8 - •" • 30 5 5 *- " • - , . . •*•• 27 • 13 5 - 4 - 8 - *• 3 - 1 1 - 1 1 28 1 • 229^^ 24 284 z 1 3 10 5) 15) ! 12 •24 41 - 93 32 ^ • ^ ^ ^ - ! *- « - i ' • " 1 5 • - . • . ' - .— • 4 • ~ - . — ' • - 4 • IJO 2 1 * " - i ' " • - - 2 • z * ^ ^ 1 2 • ^ " . - - - - — " ~ - • — • . " • - . 4 3 14 10 12 38 77 26 2 -1 7 _ 6 3 — -" a 2 2 10 4 ^ 121 15 — — — " 9 1 4 8 5 — .~ " " — 30 7 1 3 — ~ 78 6 - 4 3 2 — Mill. 080. 081. 082. 083. 064. 085. ON DC Leather woikers T e x t i l e woxkers iDO. ^^102. :iC3. 104. 1D5. 1D6. XI. C l o t h i n g workers 2 2 ilO» T a i l o r s ; d r e s s , l i g h t clothing makers 10 1 111. Upholsterers and r e l a t e d woiicers j l l 2 . Sewers and embroiderers, t e x t i l e and l i g h t l e a t h e r products 113. Clothing and r e l a t e d products makers 92 n.e.c. 37 1 HibodwDikers Fihre preparers (j5plnners, doublers (winders, r e e l e r s Warpers, s l z e r s , drawers-ln weavers Knitters Bleachers and f i n i s h e r s of t e x t i l e s Etyers of t e x t i l e s (Rope, twine and n e t makers ) 107. (Other t e x t i l e f a b r i c s and r e l a t e d ( products makers and examiners n . e . c , 11) n08. Textile f a b r i c s , e t c . , production 41 process workers n . e . c . 161 workers Apprenton owQ Out ices account Other [without and - OBployees of employ- a r t i c l e d work ees) clerfcs continued - "1 Carpenters and Joiners Cabinet makers Sawers and wood wonting mactilnlsts Coopers, hoop makers and Denders P a t t e r n makers Woodwoifeers n . e . c . X. ForeLarge small women e s t a b - e s t a b - and l i s h - l i s h - supei^ ments ments v i s o r s Total 090. Tanners; leaUierp fur d r e s s e r s . fellmongers 6 1 091. SbosBakers and shoe r e p a i r e r s 092. Cutters, l a s t e r s , sewers, footwear. and r e l a t e ^ workers 1 6 093. Leather pi*oducts makers n . e . c . . * ^ — .' " - 8 - 3 ^ — • Borough Females Males - : County - 5 I 1 • " • ^ *- - ^ . . 281 5 5 16 9 132 63 4 ' ^ •" .p " 4 - - -. « « •" ! " • - 1 ! - . - *. ^ ** « - — — — — ** - -, -. - — — 229 48 1 4 5 5 — 20 3 1 17 6 2,420 199 - w~ ~ - * |. " ^ - . - , — " • • ^ • *" 3 _ 1 • ~ 1 ' - I - i ^ - 1 — - - , - 1 — — — 24 — — 1 — .23 - • • - I . 4- 1 ~ 726 _ 2 52 1 - - 2,705 1,923 - • *~ — — 1 ** 1 "" » ... *« -^ 63 — — IB 1 45 20 - '.. i 1 1 5 1 4 - 11 9 113 54 4 — - 19 6 — 27 4 1 — 1,752 152 637 43 ~" o »^ O >-^ rr so r > a - — • " xn *• : — 19 O W 4 — ON 1\\ 1 29 32 37 351 52 543 35 5 1 30 17 20 49 61 1 238 2 8 U 80 120. Bakers and pastry cooks 157 121. Butcbers and meat c u t t e r s 1 122. Brewers, wine makers and r e l a t e d workers 302 123. Food processors n,o«c« 3 124. Tobacco preparers and products makers 6 24 11 1 1 z 5 6 18 23 3 2 2 2 13 14 8 5 5 1 - 1 1 7 44 157 94 123 120 561 147 6 6 1 ^ 36 6 88 4 309 9 40 3 21 24 36 23 113 37 93 28 5 73 11 1£5 9 25 ; 1 7 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 87 1 2 12 72 1,216 140. 141. 142. 143. Makers of paper and paperboard P€tf)er products makers Compositors Printing press operators Printers (so described) Printing woiiters n . e . c . XIV. Mfikers o f o t h e r products Workers i n rubber Workers i n p l a s t i c s craftsmen n . e . c . OtHer production process woikers 35 56 188 40 2 33 56 12 176 5 35 19 328 2 347 51 400 1 82 29 14 7 145 20 2 170* Boiler- firemen 171. Crane and tiolst operators; sllngers 172. Operators of eartti moving and other 165 construction macbinexy n.e.c. 2 173. Boiler scalers 174. Stationary engine, materials handling plant operators n.e.c.; oilers and 100 greasers 3 25 5 91 490 28 97 409 30 50 46 4 6 11£ 272 5 103 255 1 8 17 13 12 o o 2 11 2 10 XV. G3nstruction workers 150. Bricklayers, t i l e setters 151. Masons, stone c u t t e r s , s l a t e workers 152. Plasterers^ c ^ e n t finishers, 194 terrazzo workers 203 153. Builders {so described); clerks of works 301 154. Construction workers n.e.c. XV[. I^ednters and decorators 347 83 440 XIII. P e ^ r and printing voikors 45 12 16 53 12 Z 32 1 30 13 - XII. Food, d r i i k , and tobacco iwoikers 41 160. Aerograpliers» p a i n t sprayers 161. Painters, decorators n-e.c. X^I. Drivers of stationary aiguies, cranest etc. CO o O c o P: o tr o s: a o a 30 50 •-< -4 County TABLE 22 - Occupations : Population aged 15 and over by Occupation and Industrial Status - continued Females Males Employers and managers Large establishments wonders Foreme'ti on own and account super- (without v i s o r s employees) small establishments Apprentices and articled clerics Employers and manageresses Other employees Out 32 - 11 — ~ 1 - - .- - Total or work 2,813 1,191 4,036 - 32 5 48 _ — 74 38 22 42 96 81 - •- 3 99 6 37 1,318 1,206 1 20 6 12 639 444 4 120 12 49 1,964 1,662 1 8 0 . Railway lengtbmen L a b o u r e r s and u n s k i l l e d w o r k e r s n . e . c dhemical and a l l i e d t r a d e s 181. E n g i n e e r i n g and a l l i e d t r a d e s 1S2. F o u n d r i e s i n e n g i n e e r i n g and a l l i e d 183. trades T e x t i l e s ( n o t t e x t i l e goods) 184. Goke o v e n s and g a s works 185. G l a s s and c e r a m i c s 166. B u i l d i n g and c o n t r a c t i n g 1B7. Other 188. 2,216 XEX. Transport and c o n n u n i c a t i o n s workers X - . ' ' • - - ^ _ - - • • • • , , 7 12 ^ Workers Foreon own women a c c o u n t small and [ w i t h o u t establishsupep- employees) ments v l s o r s Apprentices Out Other and employees of articled work clerks o continued - - Large Total estiab11 s h ments Occupation Londonderry CDunty - - , County Borough g J M I I . Labourers n . e . c . 21 - - - - 20 1 - - - - - - - — — — . - . — — " - o - -' - 1 16 ..- o 1 16 - 1 3 - - — . - - - - 1 2 1 w a m m 12: 31 12 33 " ^ - 1,835 247 . — 29 *• . — — -. - — - - 4 8 j • 3 20 - - _ - _ .— — - 36 21 • — - 2 - 3 . - 2 — ' — — — i 1 - 1 — 1 " — — — — 35 — 3 32 14 61 — — 26 8 143 34 986 14 11 113 - - — 16 19 4 1 - - 5 191 1 138 18 1 - 1 36 - 12 3 27 8 157 85 1,131 21 6 20 22 1 230 1 150 23 190. Deck, e n g i n e e r i n g o f f i c e r s and p i l o t s , ship 1 9 1 . Deck and engineroom r a t i n g s , b a r g e and boatmen 1 9 2 . A i r c r a f t p i l o t s , n a v i g a t o r s and flight engineers 1 9 3 . D r i v e r s , motonnen, f i r e m e n , r a i l w a y engine 1 9 4 . Railway g u a r d s 1 9 5 . D r i v e r s of b u s e s , c o a c h e s , t r a m s 4 9 6 . D r i v e r s of o t h e r r o a d p a s s e n g e r v e h i c l e s 1 9 7 . D r i v e r s of r o a d goods v e h i c l e s 198. I n s p e c t o r s , s u p e r v i s o r s , t r a n s p o r t 199. S h u n t e r s , p o i n t s m e n 200. T r a f f i c c o n t r o l l e r s and d i s p a t c h e r s . transport 2 0 1 . Telephone o p e r a t o r s 2 0 2 . T e l e g r a p h and r a d i o o p e r a t o r s 2 0 3 . Postmen, m a i l s o r t e r s 204. Messengers I205. Bus and tram c o n d u c t o r s 206. P o r t e r s , t i c k e t c o l l e c t o r s , r a i l w a y 77 - 2 * 74 1 "" — "* — — — "* —* — — -— — ~" — — — "*" ~' *" - — — ~ - 1 2 - 1 ** *" " 7 61 2 5 -. - — • ~ .— *~ - — - - - ^ '~ - 2 - — - — — :> " *" .2 . ~~ '" 7 - 58 2 5 - -" 03 1 • .. — OS 1 — — "" "" ~ 331 44 413 30 7 1 5 " 7 25 5 - * 254 77 30 14 317 96 71 - 551 31 665 - - - - 2 — - 5 7 •" "" 20 51 104 -' 593 27 596 " * 15 227 - 166 - 71 2^ - 3iJ0 - — — -^ — - 19 — 11 — 1 z « — "- 82 207. Stevedores, dock laboxirers 160 208. Lorry d r i v e r s ' mates, van guards 209. Woricers i n t r a n s p o r t and communication 9 occupations n . e . c . 8 1 Z 16 16 18 1 7 — 65 142 3 87 1 ^ Z 14 106 _ - 1 7 5 "" - — 38 63 — 7 - 3 9 14 • "" " "• - 5 "- - 3 3 5 — — — - -. 2 - - — 9 17 2 58 5 - 145 - - 3 -* -"* 44 78 5^ • " • 92 3 z 1 "* -, ^ — 10 1^0^ 30 1 105 " 5 207 ^5 - 15 15 26 190 76 19 16 1 "* 140 - 61 836 13 312 88 83 - 5 -\ 3j 117 ^ 15 18 1 15 *- 41 35 28 12 7 8 27 73 5 6 *- - XX. Warehousanen, storekeepers, packers, b o t t l e r s 210. Wareliousemen, storekeepers and assistants 211. Packers, l a b e l l e r s and r e l a t e d workers XXI. Q e r i c a l wDikers 220. Typists, shorthand w r i t e r s , s e c r e t a r i e s 221. Clerics, C£LSliiers, office macMne 601 operators 52 222. Civil service executive o f f i c e r s 223* Civil servants, locad aut3iorlty 10 o f f i c i a l s (so described) 2 2.474 XXII* Sales woricers 413 230. 231. 655 223 232. 408 233. 234. 214 133 ^ 3 5 . 151 236. 237. 153 238, 7 117 239* XUII. Service, sport and recreation woricers 1,304 15 396 111 137 103 P r o p r i e t o r s and managers, food s a l e s P r o p r i e t o r s and managers, non-food sales Sbop salesmen and a s s i s t a n t s , food Sbop salesmen and a s s i s t a n t s , non-food Roundsmen (bread, milk, laundry. soft drinks) S t r e e t vendors, hashers Garaige p r o p r i e t o r s Commercial t r a v e l l e r s , manufacturers* agents Finance, Insurance brokers, financial agents Salesmen, s e r v i c e s ; valuers, auctioneers 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 15 80 256. 43 257. 36 258. 259. 34 79 260. 3 261. Fire brigade o f f i c e r s and men Police o f f i c e r s and men Guards and r e l a t e d workers n . e . c . Publicans, Innkeepers Barmen, barmaids Lodging bouse, h o t e l keepers, housekeepers, stewards and matrons Restaurateurs, w a i t e r s , counter hands Cooks Kitchen hands Maids, v a l e t s and r e l a t e d service workers n,e,o. Caretakers, office keepers Chimney sweeps — 209 *** '^ — 1 41 168 1 1,281 44 - " 1 351 12 — 3 7 — 925 32 — ^ 5 54 - "" - 1 1,249 20 112 13 104 4 40 " 220 257 662 16 72 - • • " • - - . . w - 132 - 1 12 — — — 2 — — *" — - . - -. *• - Z 2,578 2 2 52 27 399 326 229 188 756 35 — 31 . *" 78 - 21 - "~ 1 16 13 22 18 ^ ^ — *" 15 - — • - 3 '9 6 858 60 — — — — * " — • 30 10 - ^ 177 30 364 1 — 40 137 1,338 .• 1 — 1 «» 5 , — 1 " 2 962' ^ 2 7 **"'---^. — • - — 117 37 — — - ^" -. — - 20 34 1 1 "* " 2 "• 2 2 2 — - 236 616 - 51 3 *~ - 2,057 - - 21 274 -. - tr O "^ a o s: a 5 250 246 209 169 17 37 14 19 633 34 123 1 — "~ 4^ TAB|1£ 22 - Occupations : P o p u l a t i o n aged 15 and over by Occupation and I n d u s t r i a l S t a t u s - continued County : County Borough 1i a l e s workers ApprentForemen on own ices account Large and small and estat)- estali- super- (without 11 sh11SH- v i s o r s employ- a r t i c l e d ments ments ees) clerks Employers and manageresses Out Ot work Other employees Occupation Total Total Londonderry County - Large estahllshments 1 workers 1women Fore- on own account Apprentices Out Small Other and e s t a b - and (without employees of woiifc l i s h - super- employ- a r t i c l e d ments v i s o r s ees) clerks .: • continued n XXIII. Service, sport and r e c r e a t i o n vjorkers - continued 1 13 1 1 • " 6 29 ** — 25 13 14 4 2 2 *" ^ 8 "" 29 2 • * * Z 21 " 2 335 38 . * 24 Z5 " - 16 52 128 A 10 78 i 8 14 ^. 15 62 131 9 224 65 779 _. .- ^ 11 " 35 3 1 1 — 5 *: 35 5 9 3 3 1 '- 12 4 1 3 — 48 4 25 12 1 14 4 240 33 12 • ~ ' • " = ^ 7 — 47 20 •* 1 * 3 ** . — ~ - * ~ . 58 — ~ -• - • - ^ "•-•.^ o Females Employers and managers 3 at "'"^^^1 - - "--.^^ 2 1 - • ~ • • > - . , - ' " • • • v ^ - -V. - - 11 2 2 - ' - ^ ~ ! 262. Ctoarwomen, office c l e a n e r s ; window 36 cleaners 57 263. Hairdressers, manicurists, heautlclans 21 264- LaundeirerSr dry cleaners and p r e s s e r s 265. AtJiletes, sportsmen and r e l a t e d woxicers 8 266. Hospital or weLTd o r d e r l i e s ; ambulance men 31 267. Service, sport and r e c r e a t i o n workers 99 n.e.c. 377 ::z xn a 109 104 340 *" 1 ^ XXIV. Ainini St raters and managers 270. Ministers of the Crown; M.Ps. ( n . e . c . ) ; senior govemraent o f f i c i a l s 271. Local a u t h o r i t y senior o f f i c e r s 272. Managers In engineering and a l l i e d 17 trades 63 273. Manajgers In building and contracting 143 274. Managers in mining and production n . e . c . 4. 275. Personnel managers 10 276. Sales managers - 277. company d i r e c t o r s 93 278. Managers n . e . c . XXV. P r o f e s s i o n ^ , technical workers, artists 103 20 44 60 1 21 4 302 38 12 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. Medical p r a c t i t i o n e r s (qualified) Dental p r a c t i t i o n e r s Nurses Pharmacists, dispensers Radlograpliers (medical and I n d u s t r i a l ) Medical worfeers n . e . c . University teacliers Teachers n . e . c . ' C i v i l , s t r u c t u r a l , municipal engineers Mechanical engineers | ** ~ 23 « « — 1 *- — — — 21 . 2 - IB 2 2 "^ 105 66 291 4 4 45 , — • o o \z to H 3 pa 23 "" ~ '- 25 - 2 - 13 12 1 - - - > _ —. — — .— ^ ._ - , - « -. -. ^ *—. : ^- 24 187 994 32 5 1 — i86 i 6 3 2^ 4 5 12 1—( 24 23 1,281 " 21 1 ' 1 5 \ 1 5 1,310 - •• 1 -1 5 1 4 -. ' - 1. i : • -• - • - 1 i 28 3 12 4 520 10 8 1 5 . 16 630 • 15 ^ - 1 1 1 42 42 1 „ - 3 9 - " - - - 602 - • . : ^ . ^ — 23 . '1 4 - m > -so 11 38 43 9 1 4 1 3 3 2 11 9 10 20 39^^ 46 154 12 ZZ £ 2 13 8 5 23 14 57 72 7 1 Z 1.573 1,608 65 620 620 11 290. Electrical engineers 40 291. Technologists n . e . c . 292. GHemlsts; pl^slcal fiuid biological 43 scientists 293» AUtaiors, Journalists and related U workers 294. Stage managers, actors, entertainers, 8 mslclans 4 295. P a l i t e r s , sculptors and related creative a r t i s t s 63 296. Accoimtants, professional; company secretaries and registrars 78 297. surveyors, arcUltects 167 298. Clergy, ministers, members of religious orders 38 17 299. Judges, barristers, advocates, 36 solicitors 21 310. social welfare and related workers 63 76 311. Professional workers n.e.c. 312. Dr^^tsmen 313. Laboratory assistants, technicians 1.573 314. Tecbnlcal and related workers n . e . c . XXVI. Anned forces ( B d t i s h and 1,508 foreign) 65 320. Anned forces (lf,K.) 321. Armed forces {commonwealt3i and foreign) XXVII. Inadequately described 621 occi^ations 621 330. Inadequately described occupations 1 5 1 3 O 1 2 H 13 4 1 24 1 1 1 9 3 2 22 1 2 _ ^ a n o a »^ X33 O 121 120 121 120 0 EC O ^ o Londonderry County B o r o u ^ 15,976 374 626 402 568 492 8,548 Total persons aged 15 and over 2,908 13,918 Total oca5)ied 2,058 1,313 615 130 18 61 15 3 82 60 170 3 42 2 4 50 36 1 3 1 5 25 96 1 41 2 8.688 Total economiQally inactive Institution Inmates Retired Students Others economically inactive I . Faimers, foresters, 000. 001. 002. 003. 004. 005. fishennai Fishermen Farmers, farm managers, market gardeners Agricultural workers h . e . c . Agricultural machinery drivers Gardeners and groundsmen Foresters and woodmen a o 19,431 2: 53 133 145 197 10,743 19 • 866 365 9,512 2 2 7,103 1,038 • • m 9 TABLE 22 - Occupations : Population aged 15 and over by Occupation and Industrial S t a t u s - Large establishments Small establishments Workers ApprentForemen! on ovjn ices account and and (without supera r t icled v i s o r s employclerks ees) Employers and manageresses Other employees Occupation Out or Total Total work Londonderry (bunty, Borou^ - 010. oil. 012. 013. 014. 3 015. Z 15 15 146 11 16 Z 130 9 1 Coal mine - face workers . Coal mine - other underground workers Goal mine - workers ahove ground Coal miners (so described) Workers below ground n.e.c. Surface workers n.e.c. - mines and quarries 172 III. Gas, coke and diaidcals makers oao. Fumacemen, coal gas and coke ovens 021. C^einlcal productlcai process .workers n.e.c,' 154 24 19 030. 031. 032. 033. 034. 52 z 5 z 1 7 1 56 6 z 13 9 z 9 4 28 16 1 1 Z 1 3 245 64 397 iz 65 41 3 1 4 ForeLarge Small women estab-l es tab- and 11 sh- l l s h - super-| ments ments visors Workers on own Apprentices account Other Out and (wl thou t employees! or a r t i c l e d employclerKs work ees) n a 00 o o m IV. Glass and ceranics makers 1 1 18 ^ continued II. Miners and quarrymen 9 : County Borough Females Hales Employers and managers County continued Ceramic formers Glass formers, f i n i s h e r s , and decorators Fiimacetrien, fcilnmen, glass and ceramic CeramlCSV decorators and f i n i s h e r s Glass: and ceramics production process yioliters n . e . c . V. Fuinace, forge, foundry, r o l l i n g mill tMoikers 040. nu:iiacemen - metal 041. Rolling, tube m i l l operators, metal drawers 042. Moulders. and coremafcers (foundiy) 043. a n l t h s , forgemen 044. Metal making and t r e a t i n g workers n.e.c. 045. Fettlejrk, .metal dressers \ I . E l e c t n c a i and e l e c t r o n i c workers Z4- 050i Riiib'and raxiar mechanics ' 79 051. I n s t a l l e r s and repairmen, telephone 46 0521 Linesmen, cahle J d i n t e r s 30 0\ • - -. - *~ 8 — ** - ^ • " 4 4 Z 8 _ 1 3 156 13 65 14 50 - 10 - 163 749 571 1.551 1 *~ 6 6 Z 16 106 6 4 S4 15 29 19 62 14 308 16 7 060. Sheet metal woiiters 2 33 57 061. Constructional engineers; r i g g e r s 22 44 062, Metal p l a t e workers; r i v e t e r s 4 40 063, Gas, e l e c t r i c welders, c u t t e r s ; b r a z i e r s 9 36 064. Macibine tool s e t t e r s , s e t t e r - o p e r a t o r s 109 176 065. Machine tool operators 3 35 066. Tool mafcers, tool room f i t t e r s 31 1 467 067. F i t t e r s , madilne e r e c t o r s , e t c . 3 30 068. Engineers (so described) 069. E l e c t r o - p l a t e r s , dip p l a t e r s and 8 11 r e l a t e d woi^ers 15 108 070. Plxambers, lead burners, pipe f i t t e r s 65 98 1 071. Press workers and stampers 25 36 072. Metal workers n . e . c . 073. Watch and chronometer makers and 9 repairers 1 074. Precision instrument makers and repairers 1 12 075. Goldsmiths, s i l v e r s m i t h s . Jewellery makers ~ ~" 076. Coach, c a r r i a g e , wagon b u i l d e r s and 1 9 repairers 84 112 077. Inspectors {metal and e l e c t r i c a l goods) 078. Other metal making, working; jewellery and e l e c t r i c a l production process 155 264 workers 3 1 Z 3 2 ZZ 5 - 3 Z "~ *** 1 - 1 ; - z Z 3 62 31 8' - 5 15 - - 1 - - - 3 ^ 5 ** • " 1 "~ 1 9 "" "~ *~ ~* — "~ - - - - - 8 27 — - . „ — 5 — 22 66 104 16 i 60 3 3 - " - 1 11 5 3 1 i - • 4 i 11 -. 1 •* - - — — *~ 4 1 - 1 - , - 1 4 20 227 65 396 201 4 5 1 47 5 1 16 - i 9 338 14 10 4. 1 29 27 16 69 2 - - 1 2 16 1 10 3 52 — ~ 2 7 1 4 3 11 00 _ - Electricians E l e c t r i c a l and e l e c t r o n i c f i t t e r s Assemblers ( e l e c t r i c a l and e l e c t r o n i c ) E l e c t r i c a l engineers (so described) 13 1 42 •- 39 053. 054, 055* 056. 90 7 20 10 1 8 ^ Z YII. EhgLneering and a l l i e d t r a d e s wDiicers n. e, c. V I I I . Woodworkers 080. 081. 082. 083. 084. 085. Carpenters and J o i n e r s Cabinet makers Sawers and wood working machinists Coopers, hoop makers and benders P a t t e r n makers Woodworkers n.e.c. DC Leather workers. 090, Tanners; l e a t h e r , fur d r e s s e r s , rellmongers 091. Shoemakers and shoe r e p a i r e r s 092. Cutters, l a s t e r s , sewers, footwear, and r e l a t e d workers 093. Leather products makers n . e . c . — • - 25 _ - * - - - ^~ - - -. 9 — _ — — . - • _ - ij . - . — — ' •••' - . ^ — — i^ _ — — • " — — - - - 7 _ _ - -. 6 • " — ,„. ^ - - 2 ••^-•'. - — . 3 - ^" - • • ^ - . - .. 7 _ 18 - . o o - - - . — — — — _ _ — — _ - - — — — — — - . ' • 2 -... - 7 • • H 2 — — -. - ^ "-..^ — _ 3 - * -. - _ — . - - _ - _ .. - 1 *~ —. o o a — - :H — H<: — . — . - ** - - 6 H CO o DO o a tc 2 2 16 - " - - 16 _ - . — - - - 2 — - 7 — - _ - — - - - - - . - 15 — 1 — _ _ — — - - - - - - - - - 2 15 - 1 o •n tr o a o :z DD TABLE 22 - <D c c u p a t i o n s : P o p u l a t i o n a g e d 15 and o v e r by O c c u p a t i o n and I n d u s t r i a l Status - continueaI County Males Employers and managers Large establa shin en t s Sruall establishments — — — - - ! Employers and 1 manageresses WOiicers Foremen on own Apprentices account and Out Other and super- (without employees or a r t i c l e d visors employwoUc clerks ees) — — •" — * 4 - "^ 2 i - 1 *i. ^ 6 6 13 ' ^5'-.. z 3 - 1 4 — • • - Occupation Total - — - — 13 1 4 — 1 - 1 XII. Food, drink and td>acco^toikers - - — - T a i l o r s ; d r e s s , l l ^ t clothing makers Upholsterers and r e l a t e d woiiters Sewers and embroldereris, t e x t i l e and l i ^ t l e a t h e r products Clothing and r e l a t e d products makers n.e*c. 148 1S4 - 1 1 5 XE* CLothix^ woikers 10 17 IB 32 mm. 16 249 ilO 99 5 - 32 398 - - 185 33 9 4 "" — 1 260 1 24 - 14 23 - — 3 ! (Sgplnners, doublers (Winders, r e e l e r s Wari)ers, s i z e r s , drawers-ln Weavers Knitters Bleachers and f i n i s h e r s of t e x t i l e s I ^ e r s of t e x t i l e s (Bope, twine and n e t makers ) 107. {Otaier t e x t i l e fabrics and r e l a t e d ( products makers and examiners n . e . c . 4) 1D8. Textile fai)rlcs, e t c . production 15 process woilcers n . e . c . 148 IS "* 5 1 1 - — - j^ 6 ^ 51 — 55 - 7 6 10 28 li - - 6 3 6 1 120. Bakers and pastry cooks 121. Butchers and meat c u t t e r s 1:ZZ, Brewers, wine makers and r e l a t e d woilcers 65 ' 123. Food processors n . e . e . 1 124. Tobacco preparers and products makers 9 85 ' X I I I . Paper and p r i n t i n g vyorkers 1 4 1 130. 131. 3 6 •• 132. 21 133. 4 134. 8 135. Makers of paper and pe^erboard Pe«>er products makers Compositors P r i n t i n g press operators P r i n t e r s (so described) P r i n t i n g workers n . e . c . 1 J 2 ..- 1 • 1 15 Small estab-f llshments Workers Foreon own Apprentices Out women account Other and (without employees of and work super- employ- a r t i c l e d ees) clerks 'visors -continued i) ! . i i ) ^^' ! • • 102. 8 103. • 1 i04. 1 fl051 1D6. " — 50 29 5 3 - Large establishments Total X. T e x t i l e workers 43- iOO# Fibre preparers 23 110. 26 H i . 1JL2. 9 113. 191 2 3 4 1 1 11 1 6 '" - - 13 — ^ . - 2 ^ '~ - — 2 3 3 . 37 " 4 — 5 Borough Females Londonderry County B o r o u ^ - : County — — -. — — - ' _ . _ _ — ^ ^ — ^ — — — — — - — - - 79 12 - '1 . - 110 - • 3J09 24 7 2,366 1 1 — * • " 1,312 9 8 — - 1 34 30 - 4 • • _t _ • " • — - ^ — — ^ . - ^ ^ — - — _ — -. « « — • ' • - — 4 — 1^- - - 11 3,135 483 10 10 5 3 1 2,068 291 1,052 188 7 1 _ - 6 1 _ — *- ..,_ .— - 71 1 ^ _ — - — - 1 . . - - — 1 6 5 _ - - 7 1 7 _ * - - 1 1 — — — . — — - ~ — — • „ ^ — — - ^ -^ — - 1 28 — :6 _ 24 6 _ — 4 ^_ *- — 2 3 - 1 .- z1 1 1 — 17 1 1 - 29 14 1 1 6 8 14 3 5 3 3 61 266 117 29 31 z z 3 2 "^ "" *" 43 Z 122 U 16 2 ~ 3 1 4 14 63 16 z 18 4 - 27 3 8 - Z 19 51 2 -. 9 - 34 - 17 17 z 9 * - 1 — "* • w - - — - — - 1 - - — — 36 -- -~ - • — ** - • " • 1 82 188 150. 17 -151. 152. 101 153. 43 174 154. Bricklayers, t i l e s e t t e r s Masons, stone c u t t e r s , s l a t e woiicers Plfiusterers, cement flnlsibers, terrazzo workers Builders (so described); clerks of works Construction workers n . e . c . 141 59 262 XVI. Painters and decorators 3 31 12 129 ' 21 38 36 226 160. Aex^ograpbers, p a i n t sprayers 161. P a i n t e r s , decorators n . e . c . 137 31 169 — " "~ 63 12 13 4 76 i6 - - 7 1 5 1 54 8 - 1,095 922 2 - - 8 5 " - — — 65 78 57 130 10 " " - - 255 647 6 7 9 7 416 285 1,328 253 33 • 40 26 3 " " 2 3 "* i 4 ~ "" 73 13 — — - - - _ - 1 4 4 140. Woricers in rubber 12 141. workers m p l a s t i c s 13 142. Crartsmen n . e . c . 20 143. OtHer production process worKers XV. Construction workers - 1 XIV, Makers of o t h e r products 523 8 i 49 20 22 - *" 1 XVtI. Drivers of stationary aigines. cranes, etc. 170. Boiler firemen 171. Crane and h o i s t o p e r a t o r s ; s l i n g e r s 172. Operators of earth moving and other 12 construction machinery n . e . c . 2 173. Boiler s c a l e r s 174. Stationary engine, m a t e r i a l s handling p l a n t operators n . e . c . ; o i l e r s and 63 greasers 2,025 XVIII* Labourers n . e . c . IBO. Railway lengthmen Labourers and u n s k i l l e d workers n . e . c . 122 181.. Chemical and a l l i e d trades 209 182. Engineering and a l l i e d trades 183. Foundries In engineering and a l l i e d 6 trades 27 184. Textiles (not t e x t i l e goods) 31 185. Coke ovens and gas works 7 186. Glass and ceramics 672 187. Building and contracting 936 188. Other 15 1.696 XIX. Transport and comnunications vrorkers 190. Deck engineering o r r i c e r s and p i l o t s , ship 191. Deck and englneroom r a t i n g s , barge and boatmen 91 192. Aircraft p i l o t s , navigators and f l i g h t engineers 39 44 — * "" _ — — — — 1 43 36 — - m — - . - '_ - , _ _ - - 1 35 - * — — — — . _ - ~. - — — — . - . - - _ _ _ . - ^ _ — _ * '"-..^ «- ^.^ * — — _ _ _ - - - _ ~ _ _ ~ • * ' "^^^'-... — _ — ""-^.^'- — - ^ • • - . . . _ .— • — _ ~ - - •- — — - — " • . ^ — ,- 8 _ -. ^^ 8 _ — o — c: H > d — n o a - :;^ _ H — 03 - O 00 O O * 2 - - - — _ — .- _ - 2 • - - . 2 - - - — - _ - - - - - . - _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ - 1 - - 38 5 - 1 45 _ _ _ o a o ':^. a 2 "" _ — — _ _ — _ ~ — — — _ _ — — — _ _ - _ . _ - _ - en en County : County Borough TABLE 22 - Occupations : Population aged 15 and over by Occupation and Industrial Status - continued Females Males Employers and manageresses Employers and managers Large establljshraents en Worlcers Foremen on own Apprentices account Other and Small and employees (wltliout superestabl i s h - i visors employ- a r t i c l e d ees) clerks ments Out of work ForeLarge Small women Total e s t a b - e s t a b - and l i s h - l i s h - superments ments v i s o r s Occupation Total Londonderry Goiinty Bt)rDU^ - Workers Apprenton own ices Other account and (without a r t i c l e d employees employ- clerks ees) Out of work continued XIX. Transport and comnunications workers - continued 1 Z — _ - - _ - - Z 1. 26 Z 6 — - , - -" _ -..3N.., i — - • - _ — - " • ^ - • • • . Z — — - 7 _ - " • " • • V - 1 — — - • - " " • • " • • ' - • • - . - • — — 2 1 7 12 82 2 2 23 4 100 44 416 _ IT 7 — 1 ^ _ ••' 6 31 3 64 9 105 24 345 73 - 1 - 18 3 12 9 71 17 1 193. Drivers, motormen, firemen, railway 25 engine 5 194. Railway guards 107 jS5. Drivers o t buses, coaches, trams 77 196. Drivers or other road passenger vehicles 513 197. Drivers of road goods vehicles 30 198. Inspectors, supervisors, transport 9 199. Shunters, pointsmen 200. Traffic c o n t r o l l e r s and d i s p a t c h e r s , 6 transport 33 201. Telephone operators 3 202. Telegraph and radio operators 85 203. Postmen, mall s o r t e r s 13 204. Messengers 117 205. Bus and tram conductors 33 206. P o r t e r s , ticKet c o l l e c t o r s / r a i l w a y 419 207- Stevedores, dock labourers 90 208. Lorry drivers* mates, van guards 209. workers i n transport and communication 1 occupations n . e . c . - 1 4 1 — • - 30 7 1 1 - 'l - — - - _ _ - ~~ 1 — - — - - — - - - " - 1 - . - - ~ " _ — - _ - -.. -. ~ -. ^ -. ~ — "". - - - - 2 2 2 18 6 Z 15 3 12 6 - 1 71 - - - - 77 \ 436 269 64 54 23 210. Warehousemen, storekeepers and 346 assistants 90 ! 211. Packers, l a h e l l e r s and r e l a t e d workers 39 154 _ - 624 63 776 922 1 6 2 - 2 303 - 63 716 50 613 3 — 12 6 - 21 50 — — 614 — *" ~ — ~ 8 — XX. Warehousemen, storekeepers, packers, b o t t l e r s 333 — — •a " XX[. Q e r i c a l wDikers 220. l i a ) l s t s , shorthand w r i t e r s , s e c r e t a r i e s 221. Clerks, c a s h i e r s , office machine operators 222. Civil service executive o f f i c e r s 223. Civil servants, l o c a l authority o f f i c i a l s (so described) 193 3 _ - - 27 7 1 - 1 - Z - -. w - > 1 — 166 27 31 135 8 19 874 41 1 - 293 9 3 2 " 578 31 1 1 " - " " 3 en m :^ 1 — - - o H "v 6 o 80 279 23 50 113 127 — „ - - 2 11 - Z 20 7 26 4 19 2 5 1 11 231 77 111 — 3 3 6 ~ 3 19 9 69 ." — .- 5 - 3 5 3 23 - 2 9 5 *1 33 — — _ *" — ~ 4 36 2 - 7 2 2 2 113 _ 58 — _ 4 2 — 2 —. _ 92 1,346 101 226 6 11 19 22 219 300 122 253 131 47 12 12 ~ 147 80 ^ 20 81 6 94 - - 5 106 644 - — 58 4 58 58 9 1 24 29 26 9 126 91 35 20 65 5 8 ~ 27 75 4 39 27 6 2 43 12 3 2 3 7 72 63 16 ' 6 50 77 26 147 XXIV. Adninistrators and managers - 81 - 24 6 9 171 30 - - 3 - 3 207 iO 3 5 IZ 87 Z 3 i 48 - - - - - - 10 3 7 21 98 2 5 1 60 Z - 11 - - - _ - 1 - 1 - 1 XXIII. Service, sport and recreation workers Fire brigade o f f i c e r s and men Police o f f l e e r s and men Guards and r e l a t e d wort:ers n . e . c . Publicans, innkeepers Barmen, barmaids Lodging house, h o t e l keepers, housekeepers, stewards and matrons Restaurateurs, waiters, counter hands Cooks Kitchen hands Maids, v a l e t s and r e l a t e d service woiicers n . e . c . Caretakers, office keepers Chimney sweeps Charwomen, office cleaners; window cleaners Hairdressers, manicurists, beauticians Launderers, dry cleaners and p r e s s e r s Athletes, sportsmen and r e l a t e d workers Hospital or ward o r d e r l i e s ; ambulance men Service, sport and r e c r e a t i o n workers n.e.c. 5 - 4 12 37 223 151 95 103 - 8 9 74 108 123 428 4 11 44 3 17 - - P r o p r i e t o r s and managers, food s a l e s Proprietors and managers, non-food s a l e s Sbop salesmen and a s s i s t a n t s , food Shop salesmen and sisslstants, non-food Roundsmen (bread, wllk, laundry, soft drinks) Street vendors, liawfeers Garage p r o p r i e t o r s Commercial t r a v e l l e r s , manufactiu^ers* agents Finance, insurance brokers, financial agents Salesmen, s e r v i c e s ; vsLluers, auctioneers 27 171 105 5 1 16 1,330 - - 239. 748 225 7 16 1 14 16 235, 236. 237. XX[I. Sales w i k e r s 788 - 1 2 230, 231. 232. 233. 234. 238. — - „ « 1 - 107 - z 1 - 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. .- ... 96 IS 28 41 1 - • 7 1 - ' 41 53 2 16 — — -* " — - — ^ — 2 — — _ — - - - - - - 6 7 2 499 1 114 377 7 35 3 2 -" 1 •-< > !:2 2 3 O O C :2: H 1 O O a 2,074 -JL4 4 1 34 15 122 171 66 76 32C 13 — 158 90 941 - 17 46 — 4 8 48 16 _ ' " " ^ • • - - • ^ . . - """--.• - ' • • ' • - 10 *" • 6 13 — 3 2 4 — - ~* . — _ ~" - - 2 — 13 9 1 1 1 1 - - - _ - 1 ! — - - 16 • . = 64 - :2: H H< 4 1 _ _ 4 80 117 56 53 6 28 6 23 *T3 — 292 12 27 1 r" o - 134 60 783 "-,^4 ^*23 3 — 12 1 3 \ - 2 3 1• - - - ~ ' — 278 DD O 50 O -* 6 654 — — 11 - — 16 35 o 24 2 150 o n - 5Cf tn 1 6 270. Ministers of the Crown; M.Ps. ( n . e . c . ) ; 1 1 1 ~ 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. senior government o f f i c i a l s Local authority senior o f f i c e r s Managers in engineering and a l l i e d trades Managers in building and contracting Managers In mining and production n . e . c . Personnel managers Sales managers Company d i r e c t o r s Managers n . e . c . 10 1 6 1 3 " en -4 TABLE 2 2 - O c c u p a t i o n s : Population aged 15 and o v e r by O c c u p a t i o n and I n d u s t r i a l Status - continued County Employers and manageresses Employers and managers workers Foremen on own Apprentand account ices Other Out Small and employees of e s t a b - super- (without lishv i s o r s employ- a r t i c l e d wo lit ees) clerks ments Total ! j 32 - zr- . - ,: *~ - . 3 . " ~ -' ~^ - . Z 68 7 7 Z - 19 - 1 5 - . "" ... ' ' ^ • ' ^ • . . 3 i li 4 - - - - - — 84 3 r 4 5 — - ' "^^ _ Z 1 ^3 18 1 51 11 14 - -^ — 6 14 168 9 8 5 6 — — 4 9 — 4 13 7 50 - 38 1 1 1 1 _ z - 1 47 - 1 — ^ - Z Z" 9 ^ -. 9"-. 4 18 6 14 35 18 4 - 19 — 5 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289290. 291. 29^. 293. 294. — 34 32 - 1 56 13 ZZ 8 IS 36 19 1 1 - 296. - - . - - 62B - 628 - - - 564 64 - 564 3 154 157' • 3 154 x&r * - Londonderry County B o r o u ^ - 295. "* - - workers Fore- on own Apprentices Out Large small women account Other Total e s t a b - e s t a b - and (without and employees of work l i s h - l i s h - super- employ- a r t i c l e d ees) cl exits ^ raents ments v i s o r s Occupation 727 43 9 69 35 Z 16 14 201 9 8 5 6 16 1 - — - 32 - 18 1 — •. 9 i 1 - - 4 - 00 Females Males Large estat)llshments B o r ough : County 297, 298. 299. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314; continued XXV. Professional, technical woricers, artists Medical p r a c t i t i o n e r s (qfuaimea) Dental p r a c t i t i o n e r s Nurses Pharmacists, dispensers Radiographers (medical and I n d u s t r i a l ) Medical woiicers n . e . c . University teachers Teactiers n . e . c . C i v i l , s t r u c t u r a l , municipal engineers Mechanical engineers E l e c t r i c a l engineers Technologists n . e . c . caiemists; p l ^ s l c a l and biological scientists Authors, J o u r n a l i s t s and r e l a t e d worfcers Stage managers, a c t o r s , e n t e r t a i n e r s . musicians P a i n t e r s , sculptors and r e l a t e d creative artists Accountants, p r o r e s s i o n a l ; company s e c r e t a r i e s and r e g i s t r a r s surveyors, a r c h i t e c t s Clergy, m i n i s t e r s , members or r e l i g i o u s orders Judges, b a r r i s t e r s , advocates, s o l i c i t o r s social welfare and r e l a t e d workers Protesslonal workers n . e . c . Draughtsmen Laboratory a s s i s t a n t s , technicians Technical and r e l a t e d workers n . e . c . XXVI. Aixned forces ( B r i t i i ^ and foreign) 320. Armed forces (U.K.) 64 1 321. Armed forces (Commonwealth and foreign) XXVII. Inadequately described occi^>aticns 330. Inadequately described occupations 644 13 6 6 239 4 6 10 4 294 1 . : ' 6 1 • - ! 1 1 . 3 - 5 1 _ — —. _ — — • 5 ~ - ~ " ~ 52 - -. 8 1 1 4 - 85 84 1 • - - 3 - - - ^ - „ .- 14 _ _ • - — — - - — — ..: - ' • 2 iz: •-rl 1 — 4 — - 1 1 1 ^ — - - o — • i ^ a — — • - _ 6 "— — _ O 8 - -; "* - - 2 - 50 ._ - - -; - _ _ _ _ - - 13 - - - 2 - - 102 ' 3 5 187 1 2 8 4 272 ~ - 102 550 Z • 2 • 19 - 24 — ~ 1 2 24 A - - ' - ' ~ — 1 24 6 - 1 . - - ^ - - - - 6 1 1 3 - — 85 - 84 i — 102 ir m S) 30 > . • « : ^ * - : 102 o NO ON : Occupied P o p u l a t i o n aged 15 and o v e r by Occupation^ M a r i t a l C o n d i t i o n and Age Groups T/^LE 23 - O c c u p a t i o n s Sote:- Ihe number of married women in each occupation Order Is analysed by ages and shown In p a r e n t h e s i s under the r e l e v a n t Order figures Age l a s t birthday Marital condition Total aged 15 and over Occupation Widowed Single Married County : County Bordugh and divorced! 15 Ifi 17 18 19 £0 20-24 21 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 and over n o a Londonderiy County MALES 14,435 17,507 5,923 5,085 26 28 3,090 2,514 28 60 205 3,398 1,234 42 113 270 47 101 614 Total occt5)ied 263 I . Fannei^s, foresters, 000. 001. 201 49 2 7 Z Fishermen Farmers, farm mansigers, malicet gardeners AgriGultiiral workers n . e . c . Agricultural machinery d r i v e r s Gardeners and groundsznen F o r e s t e r s and woodmen II. 014. 015. 5 47 002. 003. 004. 005. 96 197 020. 1 10 021. 50 187 7 13 5 4 - 1 3 — 1 - 034. 6 ' Miners and quarrymen Gas, coke and cheidcals makers Fumacemen," coal gas and cofce ovens Chemical production process workers n . e . c . 815 909 927 794 742 757 3,745 11.271 147 257 255 270 239 222 200 1 1 11 220 1 16 233 6,689 3,797 72 iSO 477 150 6 139 11 228 1 3 12 6 16 4 16 10 210 2 1 16 20 180 3 2 16 85 100 2 1 12 2 5 145 2 250 7 1 2 6,529 5.967 2,334 2,006 978 892 2,149 2.298 1.031 986 532 3 5 1^ 15 7 6 1 trr 538 285 7 9 48 ^,472 1,546 -^. 588 16 o o c 84 687 231 2 22 516 10 17 26 105 720 250 2 26 13 15 31 ^^ 17 38 45 1 2 12 13 31 43 17 13 38 78 30 8 - 455 325 12 10. 45 5lY 50^" 662 345 32 1 9 728 > H 13 do Q 2 13 45 44 - - - - 6 3 3 - 7 13 45 44 38 72 27 5 - 12 238 3.201 357 529 11 8 70 3,368 58 O a o D: Glass and ceramics makers 20 1 1 2 1 2 5 7 2 1 Ceramic formers Fumacemen, fcilnmen, g l a s s and cerami c Glass and ceramics production process woiicers n . e . c , 9 1 1 2 - 2 2 2 1 - 4 - - - - 1 1 1 1 7 - - 1 - 2 4 - - IV. 030. 032. 571 56 Workers below ground n . e . c . Surface workers n . e . c . - mines and q u a r r i e s III. 51 fishennai 32,556 o o '^ a o :2: a 50 19 43 1 - 1 - 1 3 15 1 6 33 2 - " 1 V. Furnace, forge, foundry, r o l l i n g m i l l workers 040. 041. 042. 043. 045. Fumacemen - metal Rolling, tube m i l l operators» metal drawers Moulders and coreraakers (foundry) SmltliS, forgemen F e t t l e r s , metal dressers 63 2 9 49 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 4 7 22 8 10 - - - - - - 1 - 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 6 5 16 1 7 9 1 en Occupied Population aged 15 and over by Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Groups - continued TABLE 23 - Occupations N a r l t a l condition Single Married 4 IS 16 - £2 14 145 2 59 39 125 5 ~ 13 1 *~ 7 9 7^ 662 11 7 Z 16 11 4 13 16 20 34 6 475 18 2 8 9 3 372 25 "" 1 2 1 13 —-. 2 1 ^ ^ 2 1 *~ 76 10 6 80 5 4 - 4 9 Z 050. Radio and radar mechanics 051. I n s t a l l e r s and repairmen. telephone 052. I^lnesmen, cable J o i n t e r s 053. E l e c t r i c i a n s 054. E l e c t r i c a l and e l e c t r o n i c f i t t e r s 055. Assemhlers ( e l e c t r i c a l and electronic) 056. E l e c t r i c a l engineers (so described) 064. 065. 066. 067. 068. p69. 070. 071. 072. 073. 074, 17 5 6 20 11 — ~ 076. 077. 7 078. 28 60 £ 16 17 18 19 20 21 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 479 7 19 24 2? 27 19 14 76 74 65 97 44 9 10 - - 34 1 - 2 z 3 3 1 U 5 3 5 2 - - - - Sheet metal workers Oonstnictlonal engineers; r i g g e r s Metal p l a t e worfeers; r i v e t e r s Gas, e l e c t r i c welders, c u t t e r s ; "braziers nacfeine tool s e t t e r s , s e t t e r operator^ Machine t o o r i t e r a t o r s Tool makers, tool room l i t t e r s F i t t e r s , machine e r e c t o r s , ^ t c . Engineers (so described) E l e c t r o - p l a t e r s , dip p l a t e r s and r e l a t e d worfeers Plumbers, lead burners, pipe titters Press worfeers and stampers Metal workers n . e . c . Watch and (Siront^eter makers and repailrers P r e c i s i o n instrument makers and repairers Ooach, c a r r i a g e , wagon b u i l d e r s and r e p a i r e r s Inspectors (metal and e l e c t r i c a l goods) Otlier metal niaking, working; Jewellery and e l e c t r i c a l production process worfeers 82 55 271 7 - ~ — "- — 14 3 1 *~ — 1 2 83 87 81 29 20 7 41 "" 1 1 " *" 3 1 29 - - 2 1 1 - 28 43 9 849 44 2 4 3 3 - 2 1 3 - 28 1 - - . — 2 4 1 48 3 2 1 — 158 15 11 2 1 1 4 3 3 16 YII. Engineering and a l l i e d trades woikers n . e , c . 060. 061. D62. 06^r. 70 and over 15 65-69 continued YI, E l e c t r i c a l and e l e c t r o n i c woricers 2 1 Total aged 15 and over Occupation Londonderry Cbimty - 254 o Age l a s t birthday Widowed and divorced 221 County : County Borough 1,415 15 m 1 — 1 16 ^ 13 ^ 90 — - 17 59 4 — 1 4 1 2 - - - 20 • - 14 1 3 9 — - 2 ~ 19 60 4 • " 11 - 1 21 — 3 3 1 2 251 4 4 • * - 57 2 '~ 11 — 7 3 ~ 3 5 1 7 4 1 142 « 3 6 5 6 7 1 - 1 3 3 4 4 8 4 1 - 2 3 90 4 3 Z - 4 3 1 125 8 ~ * ~ ~ " ~* 9 6 4 4 1 " — 26 7 3 1 1 " 1 1 3 • 3 28 1 20 • — 1 — - 75 5 . — - - 1 .- . - 25 — —. — 4 ^ 2 — • — • — 2 1 1 1 2 ; — - 10 — 1 ** — — 1 *" 2 " 1 *". 8 7 2 — 7 4 7 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 5 -. 2 1 3 1 1 1 11 11 20 16 " - 1 — 9 — "• 1 1 1 - - 17 3 7 10 - 4 — • 39 39 _ 1 — . 4 — — " Q o 22 3 ~ 175 is; 17 3 2 3 * ' — 217 1 2 — 153 1 2 — 190 55 _ — 159 5 — *- 2 34 1 2 — 5 38 1 — - 2 4 11 1 102 5 2 - 3 1 5 1 1 1 1 ~ 2 3 4 1 1 • 28 14 44 - 58 *" 14 12 33 1 11 8 19 1 75 *" 3 7 10 44 3 1 1 2 ~ 11 7 42 1 o en c^ c: ~ * • 1 !2 50 > 444 3^ 3 412 4 304 4 ** ZZ 34 1 - 3 - . - 1 5 - 34 28 6 28 27 6 i 5 1 - 120 156 8 z i 8 4 11 ZZ 7 4 6 8 13 19 34 IB 55 14 4 4 6 1 16 24 1 79 81 1 8 6 14 4 — zx 15 1 44 48 220 311 12 38 70 38 82 4 5 1 ilO 189 - - 6 1 -) 1) ** 3 i 2 23 23 - 8 X5 1 1 10 10 2 i _ — VEII. Hbocboikers 080. Carpenters and J o i n e r s 0 8 1 . Cabinet makers [082. Sanorers and wood worfelng madblnlsts 083. Coopers, hoop makers and benders 084. P a t t e r n makers 085. Woodworkers n . e . c . IX. L a t h e r woikers 091. Stioemafcers and shoe r e p a i r e r s 092. C u t t e r s , l a s t e r s , sewers, r o o t wear, and r e l a t e d woricers 093. Leather products makers n . e . c . X- T e x t i l e woikers 100. Fibre p r e p a r e r s (Spinners, doublers ^ ^ * (Winders, r e e l e r s 102. Warpers, s l z e r s , drawers-in 103. Weavers 104. K i l t t e r s ' 105. Bleachers and Xlnlishers of textiles 106. Efyers of t e x t i l e s 1D7. Textile f a b r i c s and r e l a t e d products makers and examiners n . e . c . 108. Textile f a b r i c s , e t c . production process ?w)rfcers n . e . c . XI. Qothing workers 796 42 61 67 40 32 24 2C^ 123 88 ^ 97 uo 35 29 719 8 40 58 2 62 1 38 27 24 19 115 60 1 82 1 31 1 24 ~ 82 2 97 *' 3 5 12 10 2 4 - - - ^ - - - *" 56 1 1 11 1 1 3 2 5 - - 1 - - " - 68 - 2 3 1 61 - 1 3 1 6 . - 1 284 7 10 5 15 12 24 41 _ - 93 32 - 2 "• • " - — *~ 1 7 1 - - _ 3 * 1 1 2 - - - - 1 - 12 14 17 12 10 1 ^ - 1 1 1 * 4- - _ - - 2 - "~ — ~ 1 1 • - 1 1 2 4 3 1 3 3 1 1 - 30 - 2 — i -- - 3 12 2 2 1 14 15 3 11 2 2 - - - 1 - - 2 *- - 41 18 41 44 17 15 11 5 — 3 1 - 4 2 3 2 4 _ - - "" -a. 1 1 1 ^ "" - 1 — —. 11 8 4 1 4 1 2 1 ~ 3 2 3 - 14 19 12 3 3 4 2 5 5 2 2 ~ "~ ~ ** ~ 4 11 1 6 3 1 ~ 8 2 10 3 6 1 "^IS 5 13 ^..^^ 8 1 3 '-1..,.. 2 2 5 2 4 2 1 4 2 2 3 4 4 2 3 2 1 2 5 1 11 "~ 1 ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 1 41 3 1 1 3 - 4 - 6 2 4 6 7 161 6 9 10 4 6 7 6 24 12 15 24 22 10 — - ^ - - "~ •" 1 1 — 1 2 2 2 1 4 3 ' • • - , " 2 110- T a i l o r s ; d r e s s , l l ^ t c l o t h i n g makers 111. Upholsterers and r e l a t e d workers 112. Sewers and embroiderers, t e x t i l e and l l g i t l e a t h e r products 113. Clotailng and r e l a t e d products makers n . e . c . 37 2 1 2 ~ 1 *• • " 92 4 7 7 3 3 7 6 21 8 8 11 7 8 4 XII. Food, drink and tobacco woikers 543 8 16 16 14 18 19 18 74 68 53 120 99 24 24 80 157 5 3 3 5 4 7 2 3 3 3 2 7 2 8 10 23 12 11 7 13 16 28 13 37 2 8 3 10 i 302 •* - - ^ 1 11 10 - - 8 41 44 32 3 2 2 3 - * — 4 7 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 *" •* *• ** 1 2 *• ~ - - 120. Bakers and p a s t r y cooks 121. Butchers and meat c u t t e r s 122. Brewers, wine makers and r e l a t e d workers 123. Food processors n . e . c . 124. Tobacco preparers and products makers 132. 133. 134. 135. XIII. Paper and printing workers 46 Compositors P r i n t i n g press operators P r i n t e r s (so described) P r i n t i n g workers n . e . c . 18 25 3 2 8 5 1 9 3 A 1 - 1 1 16 - 1 1 — 16 1 5 1 2 — 1 2 1 2 8 - 2 3 1 3 ~^ . 2 5 14 N *~ 2 - - - n o G H DO o ao o G O o 6 a o - a 2 4 14 11 - - - 1 1 4 3 10 3 2 — 1 — 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 - - - 1 1 - - " 4 4 2 — " - " 1 1 H 3 _ 49 " - 1 75 • " - — - o o a 1 2 o\ TABLE 23 * Occupations Occupied Population aged 15 and over by Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Groups - continued Marital condition Single Londonderry County - 37 z 49 OS Age l a s t tilrtliday 1 1 6 29 6 42 1 427 769 20 2£8 258 4 i4 13 1 71 119 • 4 35 79 164 215 4 7 140 205 2 9 131 10 195 102 292 10 87 9 26 1 52 109 2 4 31 68 1,627 2,319 8 37 3 33 40 62 41 1. 2 60 2 58 Total aged 15 and over Occupation Widowed and divorced Married County ; County BoEough 140. 141. 142. 143. 15 16 17 18 2 2 3 4 19 ZQ £1 5 1 20-24 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 13 8 X2 21 12 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 3 4. 2 10 1 20 1 11 2 2 2 1 131 110 260 276 96 43 18 8 a 11 5 1 o 1 1 continued XIV. Makers of o t h e r products 87 workers in rubber Workers in p l a s t i c s Crartsmen n . e . c , OtUer production process worKers 1 2 12 72 1 1 z 1.216 21 32 490 15 20 XV. Construction workers 150. Bricklayers, t i l e s e t t e r s 151. Masons, stone c u t t e r s , s l a t e workers 152. P l a s t e r e r s , cement f i n i s h e r s , terrazzo woriters 155. Butl<iers (so described); c l e r k s of works 154--CoxistruGtlon workers n . e . c . 3 1 28 1 4 3 44 35 20 24 21 122 29 20 15 15 11 75 56 39 88 97 19 1 1 Z Z 5 6 6 1 4 3 5 9 7 3 3 5 5 22 41 18 38 29 17 1 203 301 i 1 1 8 9 1 3 Z Z Painters and decorators 347 9 16 14 13 9 2 160. Aerograpfe^rs, p a i n t sprayers 161. P a i n t e r s , decorators n » e . c . 19 328 9 IB 14 1 12 6 )OTI. Drivers of stationary engines, cranes, e t c . 400 * 3 3 3 170. Boiler Xlremen 171. Crane and h o i s t o p e r a t o r s ; slingers 172. Operators oT earth moving and other coiistructlon macailnery n.e.c. 173* Boiler s c a l e r s 174. Stationary engine, m a t e r i a l s handling p l a n t operators n . e . c . ; o i l e r s and greasers 1 90 ' : 2 ^ • ' XVin. Labourers n , e . c . 180* Raili»8(/ lengthrnen Labourers and u n s k i l l e d workers n.e.c. ISi. CSiemical and a l l i e d t r a d e s 182. Biglneering and a l l i e d t r a d e s 183. PDundrles in engineering and a l l i e d trades 1B4* T e x t i l e s (not t e x t i l e goods) 97 166 2 - 100 10 14 13 19 31 ZO 57 72 54 90 17 37 10 21 8 4 2 3 10 42 43 44 67 65 13 9 3 * 9 1 9 10 2 40 4 . 39 3 41 67 8 57 1 12 9 3 ^ 2; 5 7 10 42 49 53 90 83 36 25 8 ,. m- 6 17 33 21 15 3 2 13 7 1 1 1 33 37 21 7 1 4 1 4 12 23 22 8 4 1 z 1 z 4 7 3 6 z z 1 1 2 3 13 14 91 98 455 377 412 824 885 354 287 59 15 7 18 9 9 - - 16 22 5 4 7 2 3 1 21 1 il 6 :.: 4 25 29 u 65 81 104 84 48 - - - - - ' - - ~ 2 3 96 81 , 6 z 3 1 7 1 1 1 4 3 13 9 18 7 10 4 22 13 . 5 6 3 1 Z 5 4.1 1 21 11 18 1 3 .. 1 8 :- X O r > a 1 4,Q36 1^. 1 1 1 o PI z 10 1 36 - 194 ^ ^ . 70 and over 25-29 - 1 - OS 5 £9 805 646 6 20 1,124 969 35 48 680 1,490 46 4 25 3 B5 25 1 4 1 22 22 7 130 - 28 323 55 794 2 14 - 19 5 1 6 3 1 67 15 19 - 1 - 1 5 2 — - 10 - 55 153 1 94 6 19 115 16 59 43 1 4 2 1 8 176 231 _ 1 6 112 199 6 64 32 281 381 3 185. 186. 187. 188. Coke o v e n s and g a s works G l a s s and c e r a m i c s B u i l d i n g and c o n t r a c t i n g Other XIX. T r a n s p o r t and coranunications workers 190. Deck, e n g i n e e r i n g o f f i c e r s and p i l o t s , ship 1 9 1 . Deck and englneroom r a t i n g s . h a r g e and boatmen 1 9 3 . D r i v e r s , motormen, f i r e m e n , railwgy engine 1 9 4 . Railway g u a r d s i 9 5 . D r i v e r s of b u s e s , c o a c h e s , t r a m s 1 9 6 . D r i v e r s of o t i i e r r o a d p a s s e n g e r vehicles 1 9 7 . D r i v e r s of r o a d goods v e h i c l e s 198. I n s p e c t o r s , s u p e r v i s o r s , transport 199. S h u n t e r s , pointsmen 2 0 0 . T r a f f i c c o n t r o l l e r s and dispatchers, transport 201. Telephone o p e r a t o r s 2 0 2 . T e l e g r a p h and r a d i o o p e r a t o r s 203. Postmen, m a l l s o r t e r s 204. Messengers 2 0 5 . BUS and tram c o n d u c t o r s 206. P o r t e r s , t i c k e t c o l l e c t o r s . railway 2 0 7 . S t e v e d o r e s , dock l a b o u r e r s 208. Lorry d r i v e r s * m a t e s , van guards 2 0 9 . w o r k e r s i n t r a n s p o r t and communication o c c u p a t i o n s n . e . c , XX. Warehousemen, s t o r e k e e p e r s , packers, b o t t l e r s 2 1 0 . Warehousemen^ s t o r e k e e p e r s and assistants 2 1 1 . P a c k e r s , l a b e l l e r s and r e l a t e d workers XXI, Q e r i c a l workers _ - _ _ _ _ 7 IS 1 19 37 3 29 40 1 51 48 2 36 35 1 3 46 34 3 56 28 1 8 263 139 2 8 216 116 1 4 227 152 5 8 425 325 2 9 414 383 . 2 159 163 3 107 153 9 41 2 12 2,216 25 49 35 27 20 35 27 196 254 290 617 449 126 98 22 8 32 ~ "" *" " ^ 2 2 3 6 11 3 5 51 ~ 2 2 2 1 3 8 5 5 11 8 1 5 1 27 8 157 ~ ~ - "~ " - - - 9 - 15 10 2 61 2 3 45 7 1 16 3 2 5 - - 85 1,131 16 " - 5 . - - 7 102 6 182 14 177 25 323 21 202 5 38 4 27 2 4 1 2 21 6 ~ 1 i 1 4 4 9 1 3 3 - 20 22 1 230 1 150 _ 3 3 6 9 4 7 2 1 2 1 " - 23 82 160 - is 49 1,964 1,662 _ - - 9 - 25 "~ - 13 — *~ 1 ~ " - - - 1 20 20 - 14 " - 1 6 2 12 " " - 1 1 - - - 2 "" - 1 - - 9 - 4 6 4 - 1 12 13 5 - "' " ' V 1 1 1 3 1 6 15 25 - - - - - ' " • - 1 24 24 - - - - 1 *~ 10 24 18 Z 15 5 - - 1 3 18 20 - - - 1 12 1 9 7 9 17 16 1 2 2 9 - 1 - 63 29 3 32 - - 56 ^ 1 55 5 1 4 - - 21 2 8 5 12 2 " - 1 " 3 1 DO O o O a: 413 11 16 24 19 13 13 8 50 35 37 ^ 73 31 28 8 317 5 8 12 11 * 10 9 6 35 29 31 56 62 30 21 7 96 6 8 12 8 3 4 2 15 6 6 10 11 1 7 1 2 665 2 6 20 20 25 18 19 104 90 71 149 94 43 23 13 5 2 ~ ~ " ~ ~ 601 52 2 6 20 19 25 IB ~ "" " 2.474 47 59 89 " — 60 413 ~ *" 1 * • 655 ~ 1 2 223 17 18 27 2 " r* o :2: a o :2 2 - 266 11 332 41 — 3 - 2 8 876 1,537 61 90 310 13 140 488 27 166 55 - 220. T y p i s t s , s h o r t l i a n d w r i t e r s , secretaries 221. C l e r k s , c a s h i e r s , o f f i c e machine operators Civil service executive officers 223. Civil s e r v a n t s , l o c a l a u t h o r i t y o f f i c i a l s (so d e s c r i b e d ) XXII. S a l e s \MDikers 2 3 0 . P r o p r i e t o r s and m a n a g e r s , food sales 2 3 1 . P r o p r i e t o r s and m a n a g e r s , n o n food s a l e s Z3Z. Shop s a l e s m e n and a s s i s t a n t s , food 10 •"* 1 1 ' " 96 8 85 4 64 4 129 19 82 11 38 3 18 3 13 4 " *" 48 16 3 ~ 4B - 1 2 1 1 2 2 |230 261 290 525 439 144 126 " 62 — 69 2 3 3 18 44 42 101 93 37 34 20 21 3 3 7 6 32 48 80 160 165 53 46 25 37 19 22 10 5 40 18 16 24 12 3 6 1 • 1 73 DO as CO TABLE 23 - Occupations Age l a s t birthday Marital condition Single Married Wl dowed and divorced Occupation Londonderry County XXII. Sales workers - 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20-24 408 29 38 49 41 26 16 17 57 51 30 51 22 9 3 1 1 214 133 151 - - 2 4 4 5 4 2 3 ~ ~ ~ '~ 3 1 1 ~" 7 5 1 33 19 8 28 16 16 26 29 26 64 20 40 31 23 33 10 3 9 7 8 10 2 3 6 - 153 ~ ~ ~ " "* 4 4 15 25 27 37 28 11 5 2 3 7 ~ ~ ~ • " "* ~ ~ — 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 8 15 13 28 31 7 6 1 3 17 - 25 - 26 - 25 - 168 ISl 142 281 221 12 2 1 3 3 70 10 8 11 4 80 22 41 10 1 44 18 35 11 76 - 5 2 4 81 8 3 4,2 93 - 2 3 84 8 3 18 14 17 15 9 6 17 16 3 23 - 31 - 2 2 1 2 1 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 and over continued 115 4 55 44 33 155 87 113 4 2 5 30 122 1 - 6 1 27 86 4 233. Shop salesmen and a s s i s t a n t s . non-food 234. Roundsmen {bread, milk, laundry. s o f t drinks) 235. S t r e e t vendors, hav*:ers 236. Garage p r o p r i e t o r s 237. Commercial t r a v e l l e r s , manufacturers' agents 238. Finance, insurance brokers. f i n a n c i a l agents 239. Salesmen, s e r v i c e s ; v a l u e r s , auctioneers 430 839 35 XXIII. Service, ^ r t and recreation woikers 6 1D7 21 36 72 9 284 88 91 30 5 4 10 1 4 9 2 24 18 14 55 25 21 1 1 16 19 1 12 18 54 2 24 20 35 8 13 2 6 9 21 1 41 56 2 2 Total aged 15 and over contimced £89 6 County : County Borough Occupied Population aged 15 and over by Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Groups - continued 250. Fire brigade o f f i c e r s and men 251. Police o f f i c e r s and men ^ 5 2 . Guards and r e l a t e d workers n , e . c . 253.. Publicans, Innkeepers 254. ^BajTnen 255. Lodging nouse, h o t e l keepers. housekB^^ers, stewards 256. Restaurateur^, w a i t e r s , counter hands 257. Cooks "^-^ 258. KltciLen tiands 259. Valets and r e l a t e d s e r v i c e workers n . e . c . 260. Caretakers, office keepers 261. cailmney sweeps 262. Office c l e a n e r s ; window cleaners 263. Halrdressef's, m a n i c u r i s t s , beauticians 264. Launderers, dry cleaners and pressers 265. A t h l e t e s , sportsmen and r e l a t e d woiisers 266. Hospital or ward o r d e r l i e s ; ambulance men 267. s e r v i c e , s p o r t and r e c r e a t i o n workers n . e . c . 1 117 1,304 — — 5 - 26 - 15 _ - - 3 11 il 5 1 5 15 ~ *" 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ - 80 43 36 ^~ 2 3 1 - 1 1 3 1 ~ - "* 3 1 1 9 6 3 16 5 4 2 4 2 21 9 7 16 6 8 34 79 3 36 "" - « - - ~ 5 2 1 1 2 7 12 12 1 *" 6 ^ 1 "" - - 9 3 26 1 9 57 " 5 1 3 1 2 *" 5 3 4 11 17 21 "~ 1 "" 1 " 2 ~" 3 5 2 "^ 1 *" ~ 2 — "~ 4 6 2 15 11 15 396 111 137 103 4 8 - 3 3 2 i 2 - 2 1 8 *" ~ ~ 31 "" " ~ ~ ~ ~ " 99 1 5 5 1 1 1 • 1 5 7 1 2 4 9 — " 2 — 4 7 5 1 3 1 4 2 - — 3 9 2 1 9 1 4 3 2 1 1 2 — — — ~ 1 4 — *" — ~ 3 IZ 3 — 3 ~ ' 8 22 15 7 4 2 4 4 - 1 - - 3 9 - - 2 ~ • 30 341 6 4 24 18 - 1 16 *~ 9 52 2 12 1 3 131 4 8 88 - 384 882 15 16 4 13 17 86 16 29 43 5 1 75 1 16 Z 225 - 10 Z 3 5 28 10 8 35 ~ 11 31 1 - - 1 270. Ministers of me Crown; M.Ps. { n . e . c ) ; senior government orflclals 271. Local auttiorlty senior o r i l c e r s 272. Managers In engineering and a l l i e d trades 273. Managers In b u i l d i n g and contracting 274. Managers in mining and production n.e.c* 275. Personnel managers 276. Sales managers 278. Managers n . e . c . 1 , 1 2 1 - . 2 — 1 2 XXEV. Aciidnistrators and managers XXV, P r o f e s s i o n a l , t e c h n i c a l workers, a r t i s t s • 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 5 6 " 4 4 ~ ~ 4 16 38 43 40 4 75 91 1 ~ ~ 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 5 1 7 14 34 23 32 15 29 6 29 53 - 757 814 2 741 765 2 16 560 1 1 1 - XXVI. Armed forces ( B r i t i s h and foreign) 1 320. Armed forces (U.K.) 321. Armed forces {commonwealth and foreign) 49 55 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. Medical p r a c t i t i o n e r s (quaaified) Dental p r a c t i t i o n e r s Nurses Pharmacists, dispensers Radiographers (medical and industrial) Medical workers n . e . c . University teachers Teachers n . e . c . C i v i l , s t r u c t u r a l , municipal engineers MechanicsLl engineers E l e c t r i c a l engineers Technologists n . e . c . Chemists; physical and b i o l o g i c a l scientists Authors, J o u r n a l i s t s and r e l a t e d workers Stage managers, a c t o r s , e n t e r t a i n e r s , musicians P a i n t e r s , s c u l p t o r s and r e l a t e d creative a r t i s t s Accountants, p r o f e s s i o n a l ; company s e c r e t a r i e s and r e g i s t r a r s Surveyors, a r c h i t e c t s Cler©r, m i n i s t e r s , members of r e l i g i o u s orders Judges, b a r r i s t e r s , advocates. solicitors Social welfare and r e l a t e d workers Professional workers n . e . c . Draughtsmen Laboratory a s s i s t a n t s , technicians Technical and r e l a t e d workers n . e . c . 6 XXVII. Inadequately described occtpatj.ons 1 377 24 23 1 : — 17 _ 63 _ 143 4 10 93 . - ' - • 1 9 25 45 111 1Q2 43 29 6 6 2 - 3 — - _ .— — *— - : "" _ — — 1 1 5 13 6 8 8 — _ _ ~" ~ ~ — ~ ~ 1 12 1 2 1 ~ — *~ — — 1 4 4 11 14 19 5 5 1 — - - - *• - 2 13 9 3 5 1 10 37 1 6 22 44 2 20 - 21 - - - 3 14 1 2 3 16 - 11 2 - . - ~ - " _ 1 - - • " 1 o o H 1,281 - 3 11 10 19 15 22 119 200 177 318 241 82 60 16 25 103 20 44 60 _ - - ~ - - - *X ""--.. 2 10 2 25 4 3 14 10 1 2 4 5 1 1 3 - - D ~ 39 7 13 9 1 3 1 2 7 1 7 ,7 1 1 2 1 14 2 6 15 > - ^ - ~ - - - - - 2 3 2 - . - - 4 31 52 1 1 11 16 _ — - 1 4 1 50 1 5 1 71 - - " -. >.. - " - — - ~ "~ 1 6 1 12 3 4 12 1 - 4 5 4 15 1 ~ 8 3 2 9 i 1 ~ ~ 1 21 4 302 - - - _ - 1 . — 38 12 11 40 - - 43 _ — _ — — ~ — 1 11 U 11 - - 2 ~ _ — 1 2 1 8 _ _ _ _ — — ~ ~ 4 _ _ — — ~ ~ ~ — 63 78 - - 3 1 1 2 5 12 167 38 17 36 21 63 76 - - - "~ ~ 14 4 1 1 ~ — 2 1 2 — 1 ~ ~" 1 2 3 2 — ~ ~ ~ — ~ 3 — — 1 ~ " 4 16 12 8 16 11 7 13 5 4 6 2 1 "" 10 30 41 24 19 7 10 9 4 10 1 4 12 7 1 3 - - 4 1 - _ - — ~ 2 1 1 5 19 - - 1 - - -. - - 2 1 - - - - 3 - - 6 _ - 5 1 2 4 2 8 24 8 4 4 9 12 3 4 6 11 8 9 15 2 10 25 155 1 2 2 7 V • - - 1 - — 2 - - - i 1 1 - 3 1 6 64 130 84 72 123 536 304 168 229 49 1 2 - 6 64 130 82 68 120 521 285 153 219 45 1 2 - - 2 4 3 15 19 15 10 4 10 8 7 29 23 22 86 97 55 43 1 * 65 621 5 1 1 1 — 1 - 1 69 - - 2 _ 2 5 1,573 1.508 • 2 _ 3 68 23 9 5 6 1 n o >< (30 O 50 O d o o •n r* o ::^ o o :z a DO !D0 en County : County Borough TABLE 23 - Occupations : Occupied Population aged 15 and over by Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Groups - continued Age l a s t birthday Marital condition Single Total aged 15 and over Occupation Widowed and Married divorced Londonderiy County - 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 and over 1,223 474 (132) 273 (65) 125 (19) 134 (8) continued FEMALES 8.121 2.161 469 Total occupied 10,751 429 640 690 (4) 684 (12) 663 (21) 535 (36) 507 (52) 2,182 (290) 1.142 (332) 790 (302) 1,302 (510) I . Fanners, foresters. fisherwoaien 1 353 3 3 2 3 7 (2) 5 (1) 1 14 (3) 7 (1) 15 (2) 42 (15) 87 (17) 49 (5) 45 (4) 25 (2) 51 2 3 2 5 6 9 23 17 2 81 6 47 2 45 25 51 1 6 8 169 51 133 124 44 1 3E 18 1 131 2 001. Farmers, faiio manageresses, marKet gardeners 002, Agricultural workers n . e . c . t)04. Gardeners and groundswomen o Xfi 287 64 2 3 3 2 3 1 6 m o •n :^ o * - I I . Miners and quarrywxoen *, - - - - - - - • * ' - - * - • - DO H 3 - I I I . Gas, coke and chetoicals makers 3 - * * 2 - . 1 1 - - - • - * - - w 3 - - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - - - „, - - - - - - * * - * • - - - - - - - 50 - - - - - * * - * * - * - - - * - r> 1 1 * - - * - - A 1 - - - * - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 2 3 (I) 1 8 (2) 2 (1) 3 3 (1) 2 - * * - 3 - - - -v.^^ • . 3 * 3 — 16 4 1 6 1 6 2 1 - 1 IV. Glass and ceranics makers ..y, Fumat;e, forge, foundry, ^ \ ^ r o l l i n g m i l l woricers M . E l e c t r i c a l and e l e c t r o n i c woikers " -^ 055. Assemblers (^lectrlccLl and^ electronic) VII. Ehguueiering axid a l l i e d t r a i e s woikers n . e . c . 3 1 1 2 2 021. caaemlcal production process woricers n . e . c . 1 - 060. 062. 065. 067. 077* Sheet metal woiiters Met^ plate workers; r i v e t e r s Haciiine tool operators F i t t e r s , machine erectors, e t c . Inspectors (metal and e l e c t r i c a l goods) 078. Otiier metal making, working; Jewellery and e l e c t r i c a l production process workers VEII. VbodsiDrkers 085* HDodwoikers n*e..c« a 3 VO 3 - X 1 23 • 2 • 1 1 1 3 1 - - 1 1 8 8 3 1 2 2 1 - - 1 - 1 . - - 1 - - 4 1 1 • 1 - - 1 - z 1 1 - - 2 - - - - - * * - * - - - - - - " • - - IX. Leather woikers 4 - 1 4 — — 204 69 8 4 4 14 3 83 58 1 i 1 5 44 4 ^ _ -) 1) 1 5 1- z ^ 18 6 18 5 2,278 398 42 3 4 1 1,642 265 591 128 365 73 41 29 16 7 090. .Tanners; leather, fur dressers, rellmongers 093. Leather products,makers n . e . c . X Textile workers 100. Fltre preparers (Spinners, doutlers ^^^* (Winders, reelers 102. -Warpers, slzers, drawers-ln 103. weavers 104. Knitters 105. Bleacbers and flnlsiiers of textiles 107. Textile fabrics and related products makers and examiners n.e.c. 108. Textile fabrics, etc. production woricers n.e.c. XT.process Qothing workers* 110. Talloresses; dress, l l ^ t clo thing makers 111. Upholsterers and related workers 112. Sewers and emhrolderers, textile and l l ^ t leatiier products 113. Clotlilng and related products makers n . e . c . XII. Food, drink and tobacco woikers 5 86 1 26 233 38 4 2 120. Bakers and pastry cooks 122. Brewers, wine makers and related workers 123. Food processors n.e.c. 124. Tobacco preparers and products makers XIII. Paper and printing workers 4 2 131. Paper products makers 11 2 1 10 1 1 XIV, Makers of other products 142. Craftswomen n . e . c . 143. Other production process workers XV, Construction workers 1 4 1 281 5 5 5 16 9 132 63 31 8 18 - 1 • - 1 - 18 (1) 9 17 (1) 11 i : _ - _ - 1 1 1 - - 3 9 1 2 7 6 1 1 - 1 1 - : 1 7 2 6 _ 1 2 3 1 1 (1) i 1 * - - - - - 1 - - . - - - - 43 (17) 3 1 - 1 : - ^ 54 (12) 26 (9) 20 (9) 34 (IS) 1 1 1 26 14 ^ 1 1 - 1 - 18 4 2 9 1 5 2 5 ^^^. 1 284 (78) 3 1 3 2 25 2 7 1 6 4 1 1 4 1 1 - - 1 4 3 1 - - .- 164 (S4>..^ 208 (80) 126 (50) 50 (18) 21 (4) 16 3 1 3 25 _ - 1 1 24 2 1 2 - ->,... ^ 23 2 3 1 2 - 199 (4) 169 (12) 152 (25) 2,705 225 296 261 52 4 3 1 1 1 1 2 7 2 8", — 2 1 2 - 2 1 5 - - — - 1,923 124 192 194 200 162 131 123 486 211 105 125 726 98 102 66 45 B^ 35 26 111 68 57 75 46 440 11 33 41 36 8) 34 C2) 34 (4) 47 (9) S) 39 (22) 18 (7) 3 5 - a 14 3 4 4 _ - _ 246 (6) 20 (1) 606 (104) 8 4 3 .. - - - 6 1 1 — 72 36 8 7 1 10 10 2 1 2 - - - 4 1 - - - - _ - _ - 50 5 4 6 112 _ - 9 8 6 1 4 6 2 9 4 39 16 1 7 14 8 1 - 23 28 26 30 23 23 93 28 13 21 6 - - - - 6 1 - - - - 1 2 * 1 1 (1) * 1 (1) - * - 6 1 - - - - 1 2 - 1 1 - 1 - - - 13 4 - 1 1 * 2 4 1 - * 1 (1) 1 (1) * * A 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 - - - - - - - 272 4 2 11 - 1 - * * * - XVI. Painters and decorators XVII. Elrivers of stationary ^igLnes, cranes, etc. - - - - - - - - n o a Occupied Population aged 15 and over by Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Groups - continued TABLE 23 - Occupations Marital condition Single Married / VIdowed and divorced Total aged 15 and over Occupation 21 i 15 1 3 - 1 16 1 3 ._ 48 25 4 XIX. Transport and conmunications workers 77 2 2 - - 3 38 2 3 2 21 169 35 31 1 - 2 ^ -. 2 8 5 2 138 27 3 1,101 220 17 290 71 3 800 6 148 1 14 5 — •* — 184. 187. 188. 18 19 20 21 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 and over 220. Typists, shortHand writers. secretaries 221. Clerks, cashiers, o f f i c e machine operators 1 222. Civil service executive o f f i c e r s 223. Civil servants, l o c a l authority o f f i c i a l s (so described) 1 3 3 (1) 1 3 1 o CO a X^ Vlbr^usewxnen, storekeepers, p ^ e r s , bottlers XXI. Q e r i c a l workers 7 *^ 197. Drivers of road goods vehicles 200. Traffic contaroilers and dlspatciiers, transport 201. Telephone operators 202. Telegraph sad radio operators 20^. Postwomen, mall sorters 210- Wareiiousewomen, storekeepers and assistants 211. Packers, l a h e l l e r s and related workers 2 1 Labourers and unskilled workers n.e.c. Foundries In engineering and a l l i e d trades Textiles (not t e x t i l e goods) Building and contracting Otber - 17 continued XVIII. Labourers n . e . c . 183. 16 15 1 - 00 Age l a s t birthday Londonderry County - 20 County : County Borough - 1 2 - - - - 6 - - - 1 2 - - 1 2 1 1 2 2 - - X % en - - - - - - - - - 2 - 7 61 2 5 - - - - - - - 2 2 4 - - - 1 17 - 209 11 - 1 19 - 6 1 1 16 (2) o 1 3 - 22 (1) * 1 2 (2) - 21 - 3 (2) - 17 - 7 (1) - 12 - - 10 (4) - 20 (3) 63 (13) 21 \1) 15 (6) (/) - 8 (4) 1 - - - 19 (9) - - 3 - 1 1 IS (3) 1 1 _ 4 (1) 2 1 _ 8 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 - - 1 1 *- 14 (4) 10 (3) 1 (1) 1 1 1 o m > b so 41 1 168 10 1,338 8 4 5 5 3 2 13 5 1 3 3 12 13 16 17 13 18 50 16 14 11 7 69 105 (1) 115 (1) 128 100 (8) 80 (6) 362 (41) 171 (58) 97 (36) 157 (49) — — — 1 1 1 - - 80 (22) 29 (7) 12 4 (2) 1 2 — .• — x m 364 ~ 24 34 38 35 34 25 116 48 15 30 15 5 2 962 7 8 45 71 76 246 - .122 - 81 1 122 4 64 1 22 1 la 5 *" — * • • • " 92 66 55 ~ "" "" ~ ~ ~ 1 1 — — — 1 — 1 jb 1 2 1 — — — — - — 952 231 66 42 39 23 115 73 32 217 37 3 &76 79 7 1 - — 1 — — 1 1 1 1 1.721 682 2 ^ - 25 22 12 6 262 53 230. Proprietresses and manageresses, food sales 231. Proprietresses and manageresses, non-food s a l e s 232. Shop saleswomen and a s s i s t a n t s . rood 233. Shop saleswomen and a s s i s t a n t s , non-food 234. Roundswomen (bread,milk, laundry. soft drinks) 235. Street vendors, hawkers 237. Commercial t r a v e l l e r s , manufacturers » agents 239. Saleswomen, services; valuers, auctioneers 2 15 — 251. 252253. 254. 255. 44 256, 208 140 75 101 77 96 17 12 17 582 7 136 24 38 4 26 70 13 257. 258. 259. 260. 262. 263. 78 24 2 264. 259 72 9 265. - 1 266. 17 6 _ 267. 16 5 2 Police o f f i c e r s and women Guards and related workers n . e . c . Puhllcans, innkeepers Barmaids Lodging house, hotel keepers. housekeepers and matrons Restauxateurs, waitresses. counter hands cooks Kitchen hands Maids and related service workers n.e.c. Caretakers, office keepers Charwomen, office cleaners; window cleaners H a i r d r e s s e r s , manicurists, beauticians Launderers, dry cleaners and pressers Athletes, sportswomen and r e l a t e d workers Hospital or ward o r d e r l i e s ; ambulance women service, sport and r e c r e a t i o n workers n . e . c . 58 91 117 78 (2) 77 (2) 104 53 (3) 60 (6) 228 (28) 2 220 2 1 3 1 3 lOe m) 62 (30) 148 (54) 150 (54) 44 (13) 38 (16) 26 (4) 32 (3) 5 8 27 28 9 9 4 10 12 13 42 51 23 23 19 22 257 10 24 28 16 26 11 16 59 21 12 34 20 4 1 2 - 662 48 65 88 59 51 38 40 154 61 28 45 50 7 5 1 - 1 1 185 (54) 94 (19) 42 (9) 37 (5) _ _ 1 2 2 XXIII. Service, sport and recreation vioriters 175 . 1.249 XXII. Sales writers 2,578 ' 61 82 107 (1) 110 109 (3) (4) 89 (6) 81 (6) 366 (40) 2 2 52 27 1 4 1 8 359 6 1 4 24 9 5 12 5 7 29 32 215 446 (87)., (193) 494 (218) _ 326 229 188 14 1 4 7 1 2 19 2 3 15 4 756 35 15 31 44 47 10' 11 340 13 27 23 -KB 1 - — 50 31 24 20 56 *58 50 18 11 14 5 7 3 2 2 3 1 125 8 112 12 53 2 19 5 6 2 - - 15 11 17 4 6 1 16 24 22 57 93 9 12 3 49 39 17 36 21 12 29 22 24 51 51 43 31 132 87 3 54 5 2 5 7 27 38 5 6 3 19 7 13 17 9 22 25 15 72 29 33 42 32 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 9 •^ 2 9 5 1 2 2 21 4 2 7 2 2 4 1 109 25 236 (49) 13 :" A.- County : County Borough TABLE 23 - Occupations : Occupied Population aged 15 and over by Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Groups - continued Age l a s t birthday Marital condition Occupation Single Londonderry County - 5 7 i - — l_ z 3 z 3 ' i 358 2 m . Local a u t h o r i t y senior o f r i c e r s 273. Manageresses In b u i l d i n g and contracting 274. Manageresses In mining and production h . e . c . 276. Sales manageresses 278. Manageresses n . e . c . XXV. P r o f e s s i o n a l , t e c h n i c a l workers, a r t i s t s 26 16 15 18 17 20 19 13 1 i 1 - 1 - 5 1 5 - - - ^ - - - - -. - ' - 4 1 Z 72 5 3 - 5 9 366 5 258 1J6 3 ~ ~ Z 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 287. 292. 294. 1 — — 295. 3 2 296. 2 1 1 58 6 2 6 1 297. 298. 1 — i 1 1 310. 311312. 313. 1 23 314. 1 - • - 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 and over Medlcal-^ractltloners (qualiried) Dental p r a c t i t i o n e r s Nurses ^ - . Pharmacists, dispensers Radiographers (medical and " s Industrial) Medical workers n . e . c . Teachers n . e . c . GhQ[alsts; physical and b i o l o g i c a l scientists Stage manageresses, a c t r e s s e s . e n t e r t a i n e r s , musicians P a i n t e r s , s c u l p t o r s and r e l a t e d creative a r t i s t s Accountants, p r o f e s s i o n a l ; company s e c r e t a r i e s and r e g i s t r a r s Surveyors, a r c h i t e c t s Clergy, m i n i s t e r s , members or r e l i g i o u s orders . Social welfare and r e l a t e d workers Professional workers n . e . c . Draughtswomen Laboratory a s s i s t a n t s . technicians Technical and r e l a t e d woilcers n.e.c. i - - o m w 1 (1) 4 (3) 4 (2) 2 1 1 (1) - - - 1 - - - 2 1 1 1 - 1 — a w 1 - - 1 - - 1 2 - - o 1 o 1 1,310 6 52 56 50 "•'-••.......^ 7 2 443 5 25-29 20-24 21 continued XXIV. Adbdnistrators and manageresses 1 - 926 Total aged 15 and over Wl dewed Married and divorced - - - - - 4 48 49 ~ ~ ~ — ~ — ~ ~ — 3 _ _ — — 1 — — _ — 5 _ _ - _ . ~ - 1 12 ^ 4 520 8 - - 60 (1) 293 225 155 178 (21) (83) (65) (65) _ - i - _ 148 1 92 1 2 5 125 2 3 107 1 2 40 1 38 - - 1 4 2 1 50 1 57 1 1 - - 191 82 55 (74) (29) (20) 2 2 56 - 3 - — 7 i 7 (1) 9 - - - - - — - 6 2 2 1 - . 1 H SC m Da !2: 50 > 5 16 630 1 3 59 13 ^ 1 1 *- . - - - - - - - - 1 ' - - 3 " " ' - . - • ' - - - 3 4 1 24 - 1 2 - 3 21 " 1 - 1 4 ' - - 88 4 94 - 4 105 68 37 2 3 1 1 2 - 1 1 - - - - 12 1 1 1 15 3 1 5 6 - - ^ - " .- 1 1 - 1 1 ~ — — "* - 2 - 2 1 1 " _ • - • 1 • 7 4 6 4 - - 3 2 1 "^ 5 ^ • ^ •* ~* . — — — • *~ — ~ • ~ — a 1 1 * 1 1 - 120 1 - XXYl» Aimed forces ( B H - t i ^ and foredgn) 320. Armed forces (U.K.) XXVEI, Inadequately (fescribed occupations 2 - - * - - 1 - 1 1 (1) * - - - - - - z - - - - - 1 - 1 1 - - - - - - - 121 43 12 5 (1) 8 5 1 3 8 4 7 14 9 5 1 * - o o a '^ Londonderry County B o i o u ^ H MALES 5,281 8,328 309 71 91 8 z 3 iz 45 ID 2 4 -- fL^eimen 325 407 367 387 339 356 365 1,S13 1,434 1,433 2,684 2,529 1.019 766 254 161 170 - 6 2 3 2 3 1 8 11 14 26 47 14 18 11 8 - ' 4 25 96 1 41 2 - I I . Miners and quanymen 4 1 013. Coal miners (so described) 015. Surface workers n,e,c, - mines and q u a r r i e s 1 2 — — 3 I . Fanners, foresters, 13,918 000. Fishermen i iOOi. Farmers, farm managers, market gardeners 002. A g r i c u l t u r a l worfeers n . e . c . 003. Agricultural mactilnery d r i v e r s 004. Gardeners and groimdanen 005. f o r e s t e r s and woodmen z 49 1 Total occi5)ied 38 133 1 z 15 1 36 118 1 - - 1 - - 20 31 1 i 1 i 15 1 13 - I I I . Gag, coke and chendcals makers 5 6 1 3 1 172 - 18 - - * - " "" ~ 1 5 2 8 2 10 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 * 1 1 * - - - 1 - - - 52 2 1 4 - 1 - _ 2 1 2 6 31 s 3 7 2 11 1 7 2 3 18 4- 3 3 3 W O - - - - - * - ao o _ _ ; _ _ _ _ tc o o 41 - 32 41 20 1 8 8 1 4 1 2 * 1 - 31 41 31 33 12 2 1 1 - - * * * 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 2 - * 1 7 5 5 7 10 3 3 2 1 1 - - 2 - - 1 1 5 1 1 2 3 3 4 1 r o o tz: 6 1 2 2 2 2 2 28 15 1 4 1 2 1 _ 1 1 - - • IV. Glass and ceramics makers 040. Fumaceraen - metal 041. Rolling, tube m i l l o p e r a t o r s , metal drawers 042. Moulders and coremakers (foundry) 2 2 154 V, Furnace, forge, foundry, r o l l i n g mill workers 1 1 020. FUmacemen, coal gas and coke ovens 021. Chemical production process workers n . e . c . 030. Ceramic formers 1 1 1 2 1 > a o o d s: o w 53 5CJ TABLE 23 - Occupations Occupied Population aged 15 and over by Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Groups - continued County ; County Borough -<i to Age l a s t birthday Marital condition 1 Single Married Widowed and divorced Total aged 15 and over Occupation Londonderry County Borough - 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 6&-69 70 and over continued V. Fumace, forge, foundry, r o l l i n g mill w>ikers-continued 1 14 1 X 1 - - 2 187 206 4 ir 7 - 19 4 83 3 59 41 71 10 K 56 5 9 9 1 .2 ~ - 717 822 12 1 12 10 5 45 33 - 18 22 —. 1 1 0 4 3 . SmltUs, forgemen 044. Metal making and t r e a t i n g workers n.e.c. 045. F e t t l e r s , metal d r e s s e r s VI. Electrical and electronic v»rkers 050. Radio and r a d a r meciianlcs 051. I n s t a l l e r s and repairmen, telephone 052- Linesmen, cable J o i n t e r s 053. E l e c t r i c i a n s 054. E l e c t r i c a l and e l e c t r o n i c T i t t e r s T)55. Assemblers ( e l e c t r i c a l and electrojQlc) 056. E l e c t r i c a l engineers (so described) VII. EhgLneerLng and a l l i e d ^ trades voikers n . e . c . 060. 061. 062. 063. 064. 18 118 24 187 16 18 58 11 279 12 - 1 10 "~ 1 2 065. 066. 067068069. 070. 36 66 71 32 1 — 071- Sheet metal workers Constructional engineers; r i g g e r s Metal p l a t e workers; r i v e t e r s Gas, e l e c t r i c welders, c u t t e r s ; braziers Macbine tool s e t t e r s , s e t t e r operators Machine t o o l operators Tool makers, tool room f i t t e r s F i t t e r s , machine e r e c t o r s , e t c . Engineers (so described) E l e c t r o - p l a t e r s , dip p l a t e r s and r e l a t e d workers Plumbers, lead burners, pipe fitters Press workers and stampers o w 16 - - 1 3 - - • - - - - - - 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 1 xn - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - a 1 2 o 397 16 14 19 27 18 15 14 65 30 41 86 57 16 6 1 1 24 1 2 - 3 2 1 - 2 1 6 5 2 - - - - 79 46 156 13 - - 1 4 1 - - - 9 13 7 10 5 3 15 15 10 10 1 '" *" ^ 2 2 7 2 1 ~* 17 11 20 5 1 1 3 ^ 25 17 25 5 - 7 1 8 1 36 - 3 *~. 1 1 6 1 - 65 14 12 8 1 6 1 6 2 6 3 4 5 1 1 1 2 - 1,551 1 74 84 62 67 55 70 53 272 230 182 237 158 70 47 10 3 - ^ 1 1 3 6 1 1 6 1 1 3 3 - 4 14 - — 2 19 3 - 16 2 2 ^ - 2 1 13 1 3 — " 1 ^ "~ 7 7 8 8 3 _ 2 — — 1 1 14 6 18 1 - 13 28 8 61 6 2 20 2 46 3 6 10 3 81 4 1 10 - - - - ~* 5 55 12 71 3 1 13 1 13 62 2 25 2 IB 3 ~ — ~ *" "" 2 4 1 3 1 ~ — — 4 5 1 8 2 3 15 21 18 9 23 10 17 3 6 6 1 1 ~ — — — 4 " 17 1 ^ — — 6 - CO — " " • - — o 53 H m 53 2: PI 1 r > &/ - _ - 44 1 2 " 40 1 2 1 1 36 176 35 467 30 1 13 3 23 1 1 8 4 29 3 3 11 2 22 2 2 14 1 15 1 ~ ~ " 3 9 7 11 108 98 1 11 "" 4 4 2 5 7 12 '~ *" ! 8 21 2 "' 2: a 14 20 2 3 6 ~ 3 9 — 2 7 ~ Y3 39 il5 145 4 144 241 11 122 6 5 1 210 7 5 2 6 1 072. Metal workers n . e . c . 073. Watch and chronometer mafcers and repairers 074. Precision instrument makers and repairers 076. Coach, c a r r i a g e , wagon "builders and r e p a i r e r s 077. Inspectors (metal and e l e c t r i c a l goods) 078. Other metal making, working; jewellery and e l e c t r i c a l production process workers 080. 081. 082. 083. 084. 085. — - - 10 17 1 1 2 28 39 2 1 17 2 33 - 1 9 2 2 « 12 31 - 1 2 1 1 - 36 3 1 - 2 1 1 1 5 7 4 8 3 1 - - 1 9 ~ — ~ ~ "~ _ — — 2 - A 1 - - 1 1 12 _ 1 — — 1 — — 2 2 2 1 1 2 - - - 9 ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ — 1 - 3 2 3 - - - - 112 4 8 4 7 6 8 4 31 23 11 12 6 264 13 13 9 15 15 7 14 59 25 37 38 38 16 5 1 ' - VIII. \foodworkers 396 7 18 28 15 7 13 12 48 47 38 60 70 35 14 5 4 Carpenters and J o i n e r s Cabinet makers Savnyers and wood working machinists Coopers, hoop makers and henders P a t t e r n makers woodworkers n . e . c . 338 14 10 4 1 29 7 24 2 1 12 5 12 11 39 - \ - 10 2 3 2 1 1 - - 1 1 2 - -. - - - - 6Z 2 - - 51 3 2 1 31 - 42 1 3 35 - 16 1 1 1 7 "i --. 69 4 1 2 5 - - - 2 8 IX. Leather irorkers 090. Tanners; l e a t h e r , t u r d r e s s e r s . fellmongers 091. Shoemakers and shoe r e p a i r e r s 092. Cutters, l a s t e r s , sewers, footwear, and r e l a t e d workers 093. Leather products makers n . e . c . 2 3 52 -~ 3 U X. T e x t i l e woikers 5 10 - (Spinners, douhlers (Winders, r e e l e r s Warpers, s i z e r s , drawers-ln weavers Knitters Bleachers and f i n i s h e r s of textiles J^ers at t e x t i l e s Textile fabrics and r e l a t e d products makers and examiners n.e.c. Textile f a b r i c s , e t c . production process workers n . e . c . 103 139 7 XI. Q o t h i n g workers 4 10 17 16 2 "" 6 3 • — 83 103 ~ 7 1 -) -) — 1 - - 9. - ^' 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 1 1 3 ~ 106. 5 110. T a i l o r s ; d r e s s , l l ^ t clothing makers 111. Upholsterers and r e l a t e d workers 112. Sewers and embroiderers, t e x t i l e and l l ^ t l e a t h e r products 113. Clothing and r e l a t e d products makers n . e . c . 1 2 1 1 _ 1~ .^ - V - _ - 1 - - - 3 3 5 1 1 2 10 14 11 3 ~ - 1 1 "" — — - - - 1 2 6 9 - 1 - *- 1 3 _ - - - 1 - _ - _ 4 2 43 - - - 1 - 1 1 7 1 11 1 8 1 _ ~ **" 1 ~ •^ 1 ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ 1 1 - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 4 ~ ~ " ~ ~" "" 1 1 ~ ~ ~* 1 2 15 - - ^ - - - - 4 1 3 5 1 - 249 2 14 9 8 8 12 4 31 20 19 23 47 23 26 "~ ~ - ~ " ~ - - 1 2 4 - 2 2 4 1 2 9 ~ 1 *- 2 1 ~ _ 1 ~ 1 191 2 13 7 6 7 12 3 24 18 14 - 2 12 11 ^'"\3 - - - - 5 5 13 9 - - - - 2 1 - - - 1 3 1 4 ~ - - • 2 ^ 5 3 2 1 n o c !^ H o o c :z H •-< - - - 3 3 1 1 - - 2 1 - - 1 1 _ ~ -~ _ — _ ~ o - - - - - O O -\...^ 4 •'. 1 1 03 O 50 O O a: o a *" ~ 1 - - 24 15 15 14 5 4 3 6 1 4 ~ ~ 7 2 ~ 1 1 1 ~ ~ 20 37 14 13 11 5 " 5d D: CO County : County Borough TARIF. 23 - Occupations : Occupied Population aged 15 and over by Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Groups - continued Age l a s t birthday Marital condition , Single Married Londonderry County Borou^ - 160 231 7 63 70 26 85 110 36 4 3 1 Total aged 15 and over Occupation Widowed aad divorced Bakers and p a s t r y cooks Butcliers and meat c u t t e r s Food processors n . e . c . Tobacco p r e p a r e r s and products makers 24 25 3 8 7 6 i 4 6 14 165 348 84 104 3 13 1 39 60 2 Z 37 40 131 1 6 108 146 8 150. Bricklayers, t i l e s e t t e r s 151. Masons, stone c u t t e r s , s l a t e workers 152. P l a s t e r e r s , cement f i n l s n e r s , terrasziO workers 153. Builders (so described); c l e r k s of works 154. construction workers n . e . c . XVI. Painters and decorators 16 92 19 127 1 7 160. Aerographers, p a i n t sprayers 161. P a i n t e r s , decorators n . e . c . 31 132 6 11 62 3 1 . 14 ^ ^XIV, 10 1 14 16 19 148 184 65 5 6 2 5 6 3 4 12 4 il 3 1 6 3 3 , 1 4 6 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 15 36 21 4 8 1 6 22 12 Z 6 140. 141. 142. 143. 13 Makers of paper and paperboard Paper products makers Compositors P r i n t i n g press operators P r i n t e r s (so described) P r i n t i n g workers n . e . c . 8 13 9 2 2 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 398 85 49 1 1 17 XIII, Paper and printing workers 34 2 16 18 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 and over 20 21 20-24 9 12 U 38 41 68 69 28 21 6 9 2 6 1 4 6 2 19 20 5 20 14 4 16 19 6 24 33 11 26 32 11 7 14 7 9 9 3 2 2 2 1 3 5 - 4 10 9 8 15 12 3 4 6 - - 1 2 2 5 2 1 5 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 10 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 7 5 4 5 16 . 2 2 - • 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 12 -^ 2 1 1 - 2 1 1 2 2 6 5 continued XII. Food, drink and bobaccx> workers 120. 121. 123. 124. 19 15 49 Makers of other products 4 12 13 20 Worke^:^ in rahX)er workers l n 4 ) l a s t l c s Craftsmen n.eVTC*^-, Other production proe«^s workers XV. Construction wDikers 170. Boiler firemen 171. Crane and h o i s t o p e r a t o r s ; ! sllngers 2 - 5 • - 3 1 1 - 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 ' z 11 22 11 20 13 8 50 64 51 118 108 24 23 188 7 8 18 6 9 10 5 25 21 20 39 29 5 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 1 1 3 2 1 4 5 6 2 1 13 19 5 16 22 2 2 2 4 1 2 1 11 2 21 3 £1 14 47 14 40 3 10 3 15 1 2 2 3 36 30 36 45 31 17 12 3 4 7 29 3 27 8 28 4 41 3 28 2 15 2 10 3 4 - 262 6 19 5 10 8 6 11 36 226 2 4 3 16 1 4 1 9 8 1 5 5 6 169 - 1 1 2 2 1 " 8 13 16 52 32 26 13 3 76 ~ ~ " ~* 2 4 4 20 21 15 7 2 6 3 4 1 16 1 1 - 1 10 43 174 ' 2 Z 523 101 XVII. Drivers o f stationary engines, cranes, e t c . ' 1 17 1 12 ; : 1 1 _ 172. Operators oX earth movizig and otaier constnictlQQ nacMnery n.e.c. 173. Boiler s c a l e r s 174. S t a t l o n a i y eaglne, m a t e r i a l s liandillng p l a n t operators I n . e . c ; o i l e r s and g r e a s e r s 14 47 2 720 1,240 65 i 14 35 105 82 97 2 13 5 4 232 323 4 14 26 3 420 580 20 33 I I 471 1,171 54 I 8 31- ~ 5 7 XVQI. Labourers n . e . c . I I ; 41 47 3 - 12 20 4 93 12 187 64 318 1 8 5 • _ 1 2 1 2 29 7 ~ 1 5 - 25 5 26 3 67 12 91 14 77 65 19 309 25 - 16 - 184 243 136 201 2 - 2 1 1 - 33 ~ IBO. Railway l e n g t l i a ^ Labourers and unsfcilled workers n.e.c. ISl. Oiemlcal and a l l i e d t r a d e s 182. Engineering and a l l i e d t r a d e s 183. Foundries In engineering and €Lllled t r a d e s 184. Textiles {not t e x t i l e goods) 185. Coke ovens and gas works 1S6. Glass and ceramics 167. Building and c o n t r a c t i n g 1S8. Ottier XEX. Transport and connuni c a t i o n s workers Deck, engineering o f f i c e r s and p i l o t s , ship 191 Deck and englneroom r a t i n g s , barge and boatmen 193 Drivers, motomien, firemen, railway engine 194 Railway guards 195 Drivers of buses, coacnes, trains 196 Drivers of other road passenger vehicles 197 Drivers of road goods vehicles 198 I n s p e c t o r s , supervisors, transport 199 Shunters, pointsmen 200 Traffic c o n t r o l l e r s and dispatchers, transport 201 Telephone operators 202 Telegraph and radio operators 203 Postanen, mall s o r t e r s 204 Messengers 205 Bus and tram conductors 206 P o r t e r s , t i c k e t c o l l e c t o r s , railway 207 Stevedores, dock labourers 208 L o n y drivers^ mates, van guards 209 workers in t r a n s p o r t and communication occupations n . e . c XX. Warehousemen, s t o r e k e ^ e r s , packers, b o t t l e r s 9 211. 42 "". "* ^ « ~* •" - 1 1 1 1 1 2,025 23 28 40 47 39 36 i-5 - - - - - 9 1 5 1 12 14 - - _ - iz Z 63 122 209 Warehousemen, storekeepers and assistants Packers, labellers and related workers -. _ _ . "" - " 1 6 7 380 451 - 3 11 12 23 10 33 26 - - 3 3 2 1 78 89 3 7 12 20 42 212 1^ 206 - - 1 - 1 11 1 6 1 9 11 43 _ - 1 1 1 ^. 71 71 Z 1 1 13 2 20 5 22 1 7 24 14 12 13 14 17 14 1,696 43 71 32 21 18 23 20 114 120 39 - - - - - 1 1 4 4 91 - 25 5 107 77 513 30 9 6 33 3 85 13 117 35 - 1 ~ - - 1 - - - . _ \ 8 6 2 3 - - 29 33 5 20 6 13 1 1 5 - 4 13 2 155 209 3 5 68 125 51 93 14 1 6 432 369 133 111 28 21 10 ^""^ -. 5 4 4 1 1 3 9 2 - 5 ~ - - . 7 1 3 10 - 6 1 9 - 12 - 44 3 25 - 13 4 _ 3 31 9 39 15 74 25 97 12 96 10 34 2 24 1 3 _ _ 2 2 - 6 2 5 _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ ._ _ 3 6 - 6 3 7 1 2 5 2 27 6 26 - - 2 14 12 13 1 19 1 21 1 49 1 2 6 1 1 5 6 17 14 - 4 3 19 4 4 32 7 12 106 10 4 121 12 4 - - 2 1 1 2 - - 6 1 - 8 - i - 5 - V 1 3 1 12 _ 1 2 3 - 11 2 2 — -3 3 1 • - - 1 ~ - ~ ~ - 2 — _ 1 1 40 5 35 18 19 - ~ - ~ - ~ - - 70 81 34 24 8 1 47 62 71 20 20 6 1 9 8 10 14 4 2 - 7 1 3 7 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 436 15 17 21 17 7 9 10 49 36 56 346 9 13 13 14 2 7 9 41 27 90 6 4 8 3 5 2 1 8 9 1 _ - _ - 2 1 1 1 10 2 _ 2 8 4 2 144 158 2 20 33 419 90 22 _ 17 _ - 173 15" — - 1 228 16 5 _ - 2 - 11 5 _ _ ~ - - - 1 _ 1 6 4 ~ 10 2 _ _ — 183 . " " Z • 15 2 46 - "" 1 6 1 1 ~ 3 4 1 1 "^8 80 1 "~ ~ 1 6 27 31 7 672 936 190 210. 48 1 TABLE 23 - Occupations Occupied Population aged 15 and over by Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Groups - continued — 418 2 12 — 33£ 10 374 38 10 2 4 4 429 881 36 34 180 5 66 220 14 74 47 1 147 103 3 34 24 8 108 54 12 5 2 —. 15 78 1 1 4 — 26 75 5 432 864 34 _ 9 67 30 14 53 2 28 152 108 > 79 47 ' 4 13 2 3 6 1 3 54 39 19 69 52 15 - 8 19 - 1 Total ] aged 15 and over 15 Occupation Widowed and divorced Londonderry County B o r o u ^ - 346 ^ Age l a s t birthday Marital condition Single Marrieci Coanty : County Borough 16 17 18 19 20 21 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 174 125 50 51 65-69 70 and over continued XXE. Q e r i c a l iroikers 220. Typists, shortnand w r i t e r s . secretaries 221. Clerks, castilers, office machine operators 222. Civil service executive o f f i c e r s 223. Civil s e r v a n t s , l o c a l a u t h o r i t y o f f i c i a l s (so described) 230. P r o p r i e t o r s and managers, food sales 231. P r o p r i e t o r s and managers, nonfood s a l e s 232. Stiop salesmen and a s s i s t a n t s , food 233. .Slop salesmen and a s s i s t a n t s . Bon-food 234. Roundsmen (bread, milk» laundry. s o f t drinks) 235. S t r e e t vendofsv-li^vfeers .236. Garage p r o p r i e t o r s :..,, 237. Commercial t r a v e l l e r s . ""~ manufacturers t agents -, 238. Finance, insurance brokers. f i n a n c i a l agents 239. Salesmen, s e r v i c e s ; v a l u e r s . auctioneers Fire brigade o f f i c e r s and men Police o f f i c e r s and men Guards and r e l a t e d workers n . e . c . Publicans, innkeepers Barmen Lodging house, h q t e l keepers, housekeepers,.stewards : 2 5 6 . ' R e s t a u r a t e u r s , w a i t e r s , counter hands , 257. Cooks-^.^ ;.-: , w::-^ • ^^ ., : , 258. Kl:tahen hands - ' ,5';: 259. Valets and r e l a t e d service workers n . e . c * 5 15 13 32 33 30 27 107 2 ~ " ~ ~ ~ "~ ~ ~ 716 50 5 15 12 1 31 31 2 27 102 3 76 4 61 3 154 18 109 14 1 2 _ _ 2 2 115 120 134 282 291 1,346 " 24 39 33 219 ~ " " 300 " 122 7 253 8 XXEI. Sales woikers XXIII, Service, : ^ r t and recreation voikers 776 — ~ — — 1 16 11 1 — 49 1 47 3 15 1 — 99 86 — 41 " 1 2 1 u 11 18 59 60 18 24 13 4 " " ~ 1 1 1 14 20 30 70 79 29 26 13 18 12 10 8 5 2 2 14 10 16 16 14 5 2 2 1 14 27 21 14 13 5 6 36 30 18 35 29 8 4 4 147 80 20 - ' 1 ~ 5 1 1 2 13 10 1 20 4 1 17 13 4 38 19 4 33 13 6 8 5 2 - 4 ~ 2 3 1 10 7 ~ 2 1 2 - 94 ~ 1 ~ 1 2 1 8 ^ 11 19 23 10 3 4 1 5 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 " 2 ~ 1 8 11 6 21 33 14 8 1 2 28 148 103 121 .274 289 82 1 10 1 4 56 4 2 14 2 25 8 2 14 1 18 7 13 7 17 38 23 26 24 12 47 . 34 23 14 141 - 39 - 27 - 2 2 4 8 15 1 23 19 10 27 17 6 7 5 3 10 2 2 5^ 2 2 8 7 3 1 1 3 ~ ~ ~ 2 13 - 21 "- 28 - 27 - 17 - 30 - 1 1 11 - - - ~ " " ~ 35 3 2 1 3 3 1 4 3 1 8 1 2 27 ~ 3 1 ~ 37 223 151 95 103 9 12691 3 3 3 6 7 • 1 2 ' ~ 1 5 - 2 ~ 4 2 i 4 2 1 ±6 12 4 ~ ~. 1 10 8 4 — 20 32 12 7 w a (/) 1 15 30 o w :2 9 — 18 1 1,330 • i 1 "~ " • 64 — 26 , 106 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. ~ 28 1 80 26 o o H EC •33 " 1 15 19 ^ 5 19 6 > a 2 5 6 1 1 '.1 " • _^ - 55 91 1 CaretaKers, o i r i c e keepers Qiimney sweeps Office c l e a n e r s ; window c l e a n e r s Hairdressers, raanlcurlsts. tieautlclans Launderers, dry cleaners and pressors Athletes, sportsmen and r e l a t e d workers Hospital or ward o r d e r l i e s ; ambulance men s e r v i c e , sport and r e c r e a t i o n , workers n . e . c . 36 165 6 XXIV. Aininistrators and managers 19 1 33 56 3 36 13 48 3 3 13 2 3 2 — aso. 261. 262. 263264. 265. 1 266. 10 1 — 40 8 3 ~ 19 1 20 1 1 75 1 4 1 48 3 - _ 330 387 10 8 Z 28 8 34 7 41 25 1 1 5 2 104 1 10 12 95 - 2 4 1 5 7 4 4 1 ~ 2 2 — 6 29 7 21 - 2 1 - 2 ~ ~ 2 3 7 20 27 12 — 36 20 - 280. 281. 282. 283. 284* 285. 286. 287. 288. 289290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. Medical p r a c t i t i o n e r s ( q u a l i f i e d ) Dental p r a c t i t i o n e r s Nurses Pharmacists, dispensers Radiograpliers (medical and industrial) Medical woilcers n . e . c . University teachers Teachers n . e . c . C i v i l , s t r u o t u r a l , municipal engineers Mechanical engineers E l e c t r i c a l engineers Technologists n . e . c . Qiernlsts; physical and h l o l o g l c a l scientists Authors, j o u r n a l i s t s and r e l a t e d workers Stage managers, a c t o r s , e n t e r t a i n e r s , muslclaas P a i n t e r s , s c u l p t o r s and r e l a t e d creative a r t i s t s Accountants, p r o f e s s i o n a l ; company s e c r e t a r i e s and registrars Surveyors, archi te c t s Clergy, m i n i s t e r s , members of r e l i g i o u s orders 5 - ~ ~ 1 5 7 17 15 4 4 2 2 "" 1 2 2 3 4 2 1 _ ~ ~ " ~ 1 2 1 1 1 ~ ~ " 1 ~ "** 3 3 9 13 15 6 6 6 3 3 3 4 14 11 17 29 30 15 9 3 3 19 13 27 37 47 24 16 63 ~ 1 4 1 16 ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ 50 " 147 2 207 1 2 1 6 4 - - - " .2 2 6 2 2 " — 12 2 7 10 3 "" ~ ~ •-< ~ " 7 " ~ ~" 21 " - ~ ~ - - - - 4 _ *~ 4 _ ~ 6 "" 8 - 16 - ~ *" ~ 1 43 9 69 35 ~ 4 2 16 14 201 ~ ~ *" 9 8 5 6 ~ "" 4 " ~ ~ ~ " "" 13 1 __ ~ " 50 *~ ~ 1 5 1 34 32 1 1 - 1 1 1 - 56 — — •" ~ - • o o a H " 727 1 6 - - XXV. Professional, technical noikers, a r t i s t s — 5 - 7 2 5 2 12 20 1 14 20 3 12 1 7 - 1 6 5 - - 98 2 5 1 60 1 1 - - 270. Ministers of ttie Crown; M.Ps. ( n . e . c . ) ; senior government officials 271. Local a u t h o r i t y senior o f f i c e r s 272. Managers in engineering and a l l i e d trades 273. Managers in t u l l d l n g and . contracting 274. Managers In mining and production n . e . c . 275. Personnel managers 276. Sales managers 277. Company d i r e c t o r s 278. Managers n . e . c . 1 11 267. 2 - 75 4 72 " • i ~ " 4 - 5 • ~ • . . ~ 1 1 " ~~ *~ 1 1 ~ ~ 1 2 3 1 12 13 - - 12 1 - - 1 11 - 18 - 2 • ~ 1 4 ~ ~ - 1 4 121 1 16 2 - 3 1 1 " 1 - " 1 5 4 4 2 i9 7 8 6 5 -. 2 16"' 1 2 'V, - - — - . - — — 109 4 1 11 4 2 - 2 - --: 18 1 ID 87 138 151 28 3D 8 1 11 6 16 4 11 9 8 1 11 9 3 3 — - - 1 4 5 25 - — — — - 2 1 42 2 26 " ~ - 1 1 1 1 3 - - - - - ' " 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 4 1 - "'- 2 3 53 1 10 4 1 2 - 1 1 3 1 2 3 2 14 11 7 6 5 i 1 1 " 1 7 9 - 5 1 1 4 10 1 " 1 2 1 10 - 1 15 - — 1 4 - — — - - ^ - 2 1 > p 2 o o c=: s: H w o O a o D: "o t- o :z o a 53 i 1 1 1 - 1 - 2 9 i 3 3 5 11 3 6 5 3 1 " ~ 1 2 5 6 14 17 4 2 1 • Z ~'^'^'""--.. . " 4 X 34 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 6 1 TAMJi 23 - Occupations County : County Borough Occupied Population aged 15 and over by Occupation, M a r i t a l Condition and Age Groups - continued Age l a s t MrUiday Marital condition Single Married Wldowed and divorced Total aged 15 aad over Occupation 15 16 17 19 18 20 21 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 1 3 3 4 2 2 3 1 2 4 4 10 3 2 2 3 4 2 3 2 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 and over 1 Londonderry G>unty B o r o u ^ - contimisd XXV. P r o f e s s i o n a l , t e c h n i c a l woikers, a r t i s t s -continued 1 2 29 11 17 5 6 7 10 8 1 1 3 3 348 276 4 312 248 4 36 28 138 19 - 299. Judges, b a r r i s t e r s , advocates, solicitors 310. Social welfare and r e l a t e d workers 311. Professional workers n . e . c . 312. Drau^tsmen 313. Laboratory a s s i s t a n t s , teclmiclans 314. Technical and r e l a t e d workers n.e.c. XXVI. AiAed forces ( B c i t i i ^ and foreign) 320. Armed forces (U.K.) 321. Anned forces {Commonweal tli and foreign) XXVTI. Inadequately described occupations o 13 22 8 18 36 2 19 1 2 2 1 2 5 2 6 1 1 1 5 20 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 CO a w 1 3 628 - 11 11 24 42 52 64 286 118 46 74 13 2 1 564 " 11 11 24 39 42 51 242 113 40 69 12 2 1 3 10 13 44 5 6 5 1 64 1 1 o - - „ _ o DO H a: 157 62 8 7 6 3 1 5 14 5 6 13 15 11 7 - - m > as a FEMALES 6,051 2,190 447 Total occipied I . Farmers, foresters, fisherwanen 001. Farmers, farm manageresses, market gardeners II. Miners and quarrywomen III, Gas, coke and chemicals makers IV, Glass and ceranics makers V. Furnace, forge, foundry, rolling mill workers 8,688 341 444 (1) 473 (1) 435 (10) 380 (28) 329 (30) 317 (47) 1,377 839 t256) (252) 645 (219) 1,318 1,339 (SS) (573) 581 (194) 309 (75) 83 (7) VO YI, Eli^trical and e l e c t r o n i c workers 1 2 - 1 z - 055. Assemtlerj^ ( e l e c t r i c a l and 1 electronic) 21 3 1 j 2 7 2 1 6 6 1 1 1 - 1 X - 12 4 - 12 4 - 7 4 1 7 i 1 2 1 2,564 980 1£5 19 5 3 1 z i»672 611 83 868 365 1 79 8 - 1 7 1 - 1 22 12 19 3 11 1 - VII, Ehgineering and a l l i e d trades woikers n . e . c . 065. 067. 071. 077. Maclilne tool operators F i t t e r s , macailne e r e c t o r s , e t c . Press workers and stampers Inspectors (metal and e l e c t r i c a l goods) 078. Other metal making, working; Jewellery and e l e c t r i c a l production process workers VEII. Vbod«Dikers 082. SBs^evB and wood working machinists IX. Leather M>ikers 093. Leather products makers n . e . c . X T e x t i l e woikers iOl- Winders, r e e l e r s 103. weavers 104. K n i t t e r s XI. Qothipg workers 110. T a l l o r e s s e s ; d r e s s , 11 ^ t c l o t h i n g makers 111. Upholsterers and r e l a t e d workers 112. sewers and emhrolderers, t e x t i l e and l i g h t l e a t h e r products 113. Clothing and r e l a t e d products makers n . e . c . XII. Food, drink and tobacco woikers 120. Bakers and pastry cooks 123. Food processors n . e . c . XIII. P ^ e r and p r i n t i n g workers 131. Paper products makers 135. P r i n t i n g workers n . e . c . " 3 - - " 1 - - 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) * - - - 3 - - - 1 - _ 1 1 1 _ _ _ _ 25 - 2 1 1 1 1 4 5 (1) * 3 2 (1) - (1) 2 9 1 - 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 - 2 * _ * - - - - - * - 2 5 1 * - - - - - - - - - 3 1 (1) - - -, - - - - - 3 (1) - - - 1 - * - * ":;t.,^ - 2 1 " - - - - - - 16 1 4 1 2 • I 1 3 (1) 1 (1) 16 1 4 1 z - 1 1 3 1 - 5 '"-., i 12 • - ' I 1 (1) - - 1 1 • 2 3 (1) 1 1 10 - 3,709 183 24 7 1,312 „ • ' • " - 3 * 2,366 _ - 1 2 7 .2 - -^ 1 1 -. 243 (1) 1 182 (5) 172 (13) - " • (1) : - 138 (18) 133 (18) ' - ~ 1 : 240 (1) 1 (1) 1 z 1 571 (131) ( i) 276 (106) 1 4 1 -* 520 (218) 1 3 533 (234) 7 246 110 61 29 19 - - 1 - - 1 - 224 192 61 65 65 48 44 43 41 178 110 84 . . 1 - 1 1 1 - 3 - 1 1 - 3 34 + 30 4 - _ - 1 27 (4) 23 393 1 52 (10) 61 92 1 126 (37) 128 95 - 245 (93) 277 128 8 1 3 1 2 134 1 — 4 178 1 - - 7 174 - - 10 122 9 • 325 192 1 - 5 * 3 (1) 2 (1) 2 1 7 (2) 2 (1) 2 (1) 2 (1) 5 (4) 1 (1) 3 1 1 4 - 2 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 3 1 1 County : County Borough TABLE 23 - Occupations : Occupied Population aged 15 and over by Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Groups - continued Age l a s t birttiday Marital condition Married Single Widowed and divorced Total aged 15 and over Occupation Londonderry (bunty Bovoa^ - 15 16 18 17 19 20 21 2 (1) 4 1 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 8 6 (2) 4 (2) 3 (1) 3 (1) 70 and over 60-64 65-69 1 3 (1) 1 (1) 1 55-59 continued 44 - 3 5 4 1 43 - 3 5 1 3 2 4 ,1 8 6 4 3 3 1 3 1 1 XV. Construction workers - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - XVI. Painters and decorators - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . XVII. Drivers o f stationary engines, cranes, e t c . - . . * * . • - * - . . . * - - - XVin. Labo^irers n . e . c . 2 - — " • - - •" * * 1 • - 1 (1) • • * 33 9 2 1 32 9 £ . 1 . . 1 1 1 - 34 7 4 1 3 23 6 i 1 1 5 1 - 2 1 148 42 3 31 7 1 117 35 2 755 145 22 249 52 2 500 93 20 - XIV. Nfokers of other products 142. CraTtswomen n.eVc. 143. OtHer production process workers LaDourers and unskilled woilters n.e.c1J88. Ottier XIX. Tran^)ort and ocniauni cations ^^ ^ woikers 196. Drivers of otlier^TQad passenger veMcles X 197. Drivers of road goods vehicles 201. Telephone operators 202. Telegraph and radio operator? 203. Postworaen, mall sorters 204. Messengers 208. hotry drivers* mates, van guards XX. Warehousewonen, storekeepers, packers, b o t t l e r s 210. Wareiiousewomen, storekeepers and assistants 211. Packers, l a h e l l e r s and related woilters XXI. Clerical ¥Oiicers 220* !Cyplsts^ sborttiand writers, secretaries 221. Clerks, cashiers, o r n c e machine operators 2 - - - - 45 2 * 2 2 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 30 7 1 1 1 1 193 9 12 18 20 39 3 1 4 3 1 154 6 11 14 17 13 922 22 58 67 66 303 8 24 32 613 14 34 35 o - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - 1 3 8 7 (2) 3 9 (3) 5 (1) 5 (1) 1 - - - - 2 - 2 - 3 5 (1) 5a 1 1 1 n> 1 3 8 6 1 1 2 6 3 3 1 3 1 1 4 (2) 12 (4) 29 (9) 24 (3) 16 (6) 22 (11) 17 (10) 6 3 3 9 4 4 2 3 4 9 26 15 12 18 15 3 4 55 (2) 50 (4) 47 (5) 209 (37) 91 (28) 88 (19) 134 (4L) 76 (11) 38 (3) 20 (3) 30 18 19 13 72 33 28 37 11 4 4 35 37 30 34 136 U7 60 95 64 24 16 4 H 2 3 3 3 — - 3 ~ *" 556 148 44 40 23 11 53 33 22 98 24 1 356 4 66 1 6 1 2 """ *" 3 1 3 222. Civil service executive o f r i c e r s 223. Civil s e r v a n t s , l o c a l a u t h o r i t y o f f i c i a l s (so described) XXII. Sales isoikers 230. P r o p r i e t r e s s e s and manageresses. food s a l e s Z3X' P r o p r i e t r e s s e s aa^ manageresses, non-rood s a l e s 252. Shop saleswomen and a s s i s t a n t s , food 233. Stiop saleswomen and a s s i s t a n t s . non-food 235. S t r e e t vendors, hapifeers Z37* Commercial t r a v e l l e r s , manufacturers* agents 239. Saleswomen, s e r v i c e s ; v a l u e r s . auctioneers 1 1,205 4 688 181 - - £5 16 5 Police o f f i c e r s and women Guards and r e l a t e d worKers n . e . c . Publicans, innkeepers Barmaids Lodging house, h o t e l keepers, housekeepers and matrons Restaurateurs, waitresses. counter hands Cooks Kltcaien hands Maids and r e l a t e d service workers n . e . c . Caretakers, office keepers Oiarwomen, office c l e a n e r s ; window cleaners Hairdressers, manicurists. beauticians Launderers, dry cleaners and pressers Hospital or ward o r d e r l i e s ; ambulance women Service, sport and r e c r e a t i o n workers n . e . c . 7 3 3 XXEV. Aininistrators and manageresses 12 8 1 11 6 11 1 86 18 18 — 77 36 40 76 23 33 18 7 3 137 4 150 7 33 2 34 95 29 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 262. 263. 71 15 4 662 228 50 8 9 264. 266. • 1 • XXIII. Service, sport and i recreation voikers - - - 5 3 2 1 1 267. 270. Ministers of the Crown; M.Ps. ( n . e . c . ) ; senior government officials 271. Local authority senior o f f i c e r s 274. Manageresses in mining and production n . e . c . 278. Manageresses n . e . c . - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 1 - - - - 3 ~ - -^ 1 - 1 - 1 - - 1 - - - - - 748 44 56 56 (1> 31 (1) 98 (34) 39 (10) 28 (4) 13 (2) 18 20 13 6 3 4 3 i ^ (3) 23 (6) 119 (22) 50 (12) 52 (20) 98 (42) i 41 74 - . - 1 - - 1 1 2 2 6 17 108 - - - 1 - 1 1 4 5 4 25 23 13 15 7 11 123 10 8 9 8 8 6 7 22 12 12 ^ 14 2 2 - - 428 6 34 38 46 47 23 - - - - 32 1 13 . 1 89 2 31 29 1 34 1 40 10 ± 2 1 3 2 2 - - - - - - .,^ - - - 2 - - - - - "~ — 3 1 — 2 - 1 165 (40) 12?" (48) 3 1 - 7 . 193 (75) 94 (26) 43 (12) 19 (2) > a o o 4 5 8 2 K: ' 2,074 51 70 74 82 (3) « _ _ - 75 (8) — _ « _ 56 (4) _ 61 (11) _ ^ _ 231 (41) _ _ _ 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 387 (]9l> 463 (242) '"-_.^^ 4 1 34 15 - — — _ - — _.. — - 122 - .- - 1 _ 2 1 4 5 5 30 ^ 14 21 10 6 171 66 76 1 3 5 1 1 7 5 1 3 6 1 2 25 5 8 13 2 5 9 6 6 42 12 20 45 26 18 9 8 5 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 6 4 5 320 13 3 9 6 .6 11 5 8 - _ - _ 26 22 28 74 2 75 5 33 4 21 1 5 1 1 158 - 1 1 2 - 3 1 8 26 76 ^ 12 3 2 90 10 10 10 10 5 6 2 14 6 8 8 5 3 941 36 47 49 49 39 30 37 133 98 47 151 164 84 SJ6 13 5 17 - - - 2 - 1 1 4 - - 7 4 - - - - 46 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 8 6 3 7 7 4 1 — — 1 (1) 4 (1) 4 (1) 1 2 „ _ *. 13 1 1 1 _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ — — _ 10 - _ - _ - -. - ^ - _ - — ^ - JU —I 1 ^ ^ _ _ _ _ ^ _ - 1 1 1 7 4 DO 1 1 1 4 o o 3 - 2 - o 00 o o a: o o ^ a o a TABLE 23 - Occupations Occupied Population aged 15 and over by Occupation, Marital Condition and Age Groups - continued Marital condition Single Married Widowed and divorced Total aged 15 and over Occupation 15 16 17 y- 487 139 IB 1 2 194 3 4 3 39 1 1 1 6 - Z 7 "^ 1 4 i "• 1 2 - . *~ "* 48 4 *" 6 1 1 1 1 ~ *" * ^ 4 83 • 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. Medical practitioners (qualified) Dental practitioners Nurses Fbarmaclsts, dispensers Radlograpibers (medical and industrial) 2B5. Medical workers n . e . c . 286. University te^diers 2B7» Teaciiers n . e . c . 294. Stage manageresses, actresses. entertainers, musicians 295. Painters, sculptors and related ^ ^creative artists 296. Acbountants, professional; company secretaries and registrars 297. Surveyors r^arcjiltects 298. Cler©^, ministers, members of r e l i g i o u s orders 310. social welfare and related , worfeers 311. Professional workers n . e . c . 312. Draugitswomen 313. Letboratoiy a s s i s t a n t s . teclrnl clans 19 : 20 1 102 2 " 320. Armed forces (U.K.) 321. Armed forces (coiraBonwealtli and foreisi) XXVII. Inadequately described ocoq>aticiis 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 20 (1) — - 136 (9) ^ - 133 (32) _ 65 (17) 106 (38) — — 3 3 41 1 43 (8) _ ^ 28 (2) 2 1 26 1 98 (32) ^ 6 (1) — _ — - _ 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 5 9 6 6 239 4 — - ^ - - ^ - 16 (1) - ~ * *- — — — 6 10 4 294 - — * 2 " - 3 - - — _ — 2 1 — — - *- - 5 ~ — * 1 1 2 — — - 52 — — I 1 — — 8 1 1 1 2 1 2 9 70 and over 11 64 1 65 - 1 23 1 1 8 1 6 — — — - — — 11 ^ _ - 4 1 28 43 57 29 15 4 1 - - *- - - 1 - - - - - 1 - 1 2 - - - 1 - - - - •^ - - 1 .- ^ 1 ^ - - 1 1 _ — - — - — - _ - -, — - 3 3 8 3 3 7 10 4 6 2 9 — — - - — _ - ^ - _ _ 2 1 3 2 _ _ - _ 1 - - 2 1 1 4 1 - 1 - - "_ ^ - _ „ -. • 1 85 *" "• 2 9 17 13 10 (1) 38 (2) 6 4 5 4 - - - - 84 - - 2 9 17 13 10 38 6 3 5 4 - - - - 21^ 24 10 1 | 1 102 1 27 2 1 1 1 4 5 6 6 . — 1 62 1 o w s: w „ "• 5 5 2 52 • 82 21 644 1 XXVL. Armed forces ( B r i t i d i and forei^) 2 18 __.^.,^^_ continued XXV. Professional, t e d m i c a l woikers, a r t i s t s ** - 2 1 82 to Age l a s t Mrtliday Londoinderry County Borou^ - 6 6 3 205 County : County Borough o *-} :r w DO as > ^S^^^^^' ABLE 24 County : County Borough Occupations : Population ag:ed 15 and over by Socio-ecoanoteic Group, Social Class and Age Group FemaJ e s a t a g e s Males a t ages Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 and over 3.324 37,965 4,754 3.686 3.384 3,350 6,410 5,838 2.484 2,400 1.897 3.762 39 57 114 1 1 10 6 19 34 17 7 6 13 73 65 96 218 1 9 13 19 38 53 23 22 15 25 42 29 12 34 16 - - 2 1 2 3 - 6 - 2 16 8 5 17 62 1 4 8 8 17 18 5 9 4 8 Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 and over T o t a l : aged 15 and o v e r 37,809 4.958 3,834 3.405 3.235 6,582 6»040 2.408 2.192 i,a3i Employers and managers large estatllsliments 684 1 13 48 77 171 162 62 54 Employers and m a n a g e r s small establishments 1,201 6 46 92 138 304 289 92 Professional workers - s e l f employed 321 - 2 26 21 78 77 P r o f e s s i o n a l w o r k e r s - employees 371 22 29 72 63 93 46 Londonderry County S o c i o - e c o n o m i c Group 1 2 3 4 5 I n t e m e d l a t e non-manual w o r k e r s 6 J u n i o r notunanual workers 7 Personal s e r v i c e workers 8 9 10 Foremen and s u p e r v i s o r s - manual 91 114 96 182 126 31 34 28 39 1,345 ii4v^ 290 215 148 165 168 74 63 35 73 337 297 246 364 246 110 94 86 109 2,409 850 596 275 148 246 166 44 41 19 24 262 49 41 38 19 41 30 21 8 9 6 1.846 324 255 "164 125 279 287 117 90 87 lie 463 - 58 129 116 40 50 12 32 77 3 11 12 "^.. 12 12 2 6 1 4 94 211 1.091 445 188 88 73 106 86 28 25 23 29 146 208 3.034 1,237 771 309 174 226 "\44£ 67 36 29 43 03 O 73 89 30 20 8 6 Da 69 87 39 . 42 36 71 a o 10 36 S k i l l e d manual w o r k e r s 5,713 1,094 780 724 619 1,047 767 215 2,825 268 297 263 237 554 487 190 175 11 U n s k i l l e d manual w o r k e r s 4,710 440 494 393 429 866 924 ^6 310 216 262 332 32 22 20 12 Ovffi a c c o u n t w o r k e r s ( o t h e r t h a n professional) 1,497 19 73 101 130 275 324 113 134 103 225 397 7 12 14 20 Farmers - e m p l o y e r s a n d m a n a g e r s 1,515 2 29 63 93 335 339 149 151 110 244 89 1 1 - 1 6 18 10 V 12 10 30 - 5 2 7 17 63 38 49 30 114 5 9 14 F a n n e r s - own a c c o u n t 6,593 52 330 397 448 1,143 1,223 585 579 633 1,203 325 15 A g r i c u l t u r a l workers 4,948 1,095 608 377 337 634 681 284 287 215 430 80 17 8 5 7 17 6 2 4 16 Members of armed 1,602 284 536 304 168 229 51 3 6 6 15 4 - 1 1 - - - - - 1 1 2 3,190 Indefinite o o a :z 19 400 S e m i - s k i l l e d manual w o r k e r s Not a p p l i c a b l e o 760 162 forces > 2,289 32 13 n o a 791 265 29 23 22 86 98 56 4« 44 122 124 73 8 4 7 14 9 5 1 1 1,264 942 89 37 34 51 54 23 12 8 14 26,382 1,648 1,504 2,242 2,560 5,104 4,597 1,983 1,967 1,587 H >< o ffi o *n r" o ^ o Social I Professional, e t c . , occupations II Intemedlate occupations: III Skilled occupations: IV P a r t l y s k i l l e d occupations: V Unskilled D Gass T o t a l * : o c c u p i e d and r e t i r e d occupations •See footnote at end of table. 34.152 3,467 3,180 3,041 3,011 6,216 5,837 2.326 2,128 1,773 3,173 11,440 3.033 2.173 1,137 783 1.288 1,225 492 432 308 569 692 22 31 98 84 171 123 58 37 17 51 98 1 4 10 9 19 21 5 15 4 10 34 54 1 161 357 248 455 306 538 643 1,472 1 596 1,554 206 732 207 726 155 742 247 1,447 2,248 412 142 1 318 6 257 2 193 6 301 23 369 81 176 48 166 61 116 40 810 144 manual non-manual agricultural 2 2,803 8,077 manual non-manual agricultural 7,144 2, 07S 53 1,115 373 845 309 5 840 288 5 778 223 4 1,375 348 11 1.099 218 14 325 93 7 254 71 4 165 66 1 354 84 2 1,567 2,341 505 841 256 579 133 257 124 141 192 246 168 161 40 46 43 32 42 17 62 21 manual non-manual agricultural 2,971 694 4,926 269 62 1,095 299 73 605 266 69 377 248 71 336 582 118 629 521 110 675 200 50 279 184 47 287 159 37 215 241 57 428 3.035 1,325 82 1,237 257 17 771 207 8 309 144 5 174 95 9 226 191 17 142 188 6 67 78 2 36 55 4 29 47 5 44 63 9 4,717 443 494 393 429 867 926 376 311 216 262 332 32 22 20 32 73 89 30 20 8 6 E71 50 DO County, : County Borough TABLE 24 - Occupations : Population aged 15 and over by Socio-economic Group, Social Class and Age Group - continued CO Fental es at ages Males at ages Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 50-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 6&-69 70 and over 986 19,431 2.496 1,934 1,7.20 1,627 3,306 3,097 1,356 1,220 927 1.748 29 33 62 1 3 3 4 13 12 9 7 3 7 38 36 59 147 - 7 6 5 27 34 22 16 6 24 2 - - 5 - - 1 - - 9 5 8 12 11 4 6 2 10 94 36 29 22 30 Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70 and over Socio-econondc Groiq> Total : aged 15 and over 15,976 2,390 1,882 1.459 1,448 1 2,703 2,563 1.055 842 648 1 Bttployers and managers large establlslnaents 416 - 26 28 44 83 107 36 30 2 anployers and managers aaall establlstments 626 - 16 31 68 159 163 56 Londonderry County Borough 3 Professional woiicers - self employed o m 110 : 1 2 7 14 34 26 8 3 8 7 6 4 Professional wortcers - employees 143 8 17 19 14 33 26 • 7 7 6 6 67 - 5 634 28 104 89 64 102 11^ 28 41 37 29 640 18 128 129 59 95 £,OS0 262 253 178 155 325 310 162 129 113 133 1.611 512 334 149 153 202 137 50 47 21 26 53 151 160 61 55 29 53 4 23 22 17 14 8 16 100 o Intemaedlate non-^aanual vwi^ers 6 Junior ncn-manual workers 7 Personal service workers S59 60 42 31 33 75 60 22 15 11 10 784 106 69 4V 8 Ftoremen and aaipervlsors - samial S84 - 10 31 36 72 72 16 20 9 18 113 - 3 7 3,805 666 418 398 10 Saul-skilled manual worfeers S.S9& 357 329 11 Ifiiskllled manual irforkers 2,951 251 Z&7 9 Skilled manual workers IB OM3 account workers (otbi^r than professlaial) 238 166 407 671 524 255 241 386 362 120 85 198 252 513 602 279 226 211 1,494 313 189 118 84 183 243 104 91 58 102 3,942 1,048 576 355 259 505 465 232 171 157 194 H 161 212 274 13 11 5. 15 46 94 35 24 17 14 sc 3 4 12 31 43 26 29 85 28 in 1 - 2 - 1 1 1 - - - - - 116 582 7 35 36 41 124 119 49 55 39 79 202 13 F^naens - eiq)loyers and managei^-^. 11 - - 1 - 3 2 - - - 5 4 14 Paimers - own account 48. 1 1 1 3 1 7 4 4 5 21 4 - - 15 Agricultural workers 126 lo 5 8 9 16 20 6 14 11 27 2 - 16 Members of aimed forces 638 88 2S86 118 46 74 14 4 2 1 5 85 28 38 6 4 5 4 Indefinite 183 86 14 5 6 13 15 12 8 3 21 117 31 4 5 6 21 24 10 12 Not ^ p l l c a b l e 745 565 69 25 15 19 22 8 9 5 8 9,877 423 557 881 981 1,987 1,754 748 716 2 1 1 4 - S84 1.244 Total* : occupied and r e t i r e d II mtemedlate occupations: I I I i ^ l l l e d occupations: IV Partly s k i l l e d occupations: V Iftiskllled occupations manual nt^i-manual agricultural manual non-^aanual agricultural manual non-^ianual agricultural > a so Socisil Q a s s I Professional, e t c . , occupations o 69 3 - a 14,410 1.6.51 1;513 1.311 1,381 253 9 19 26 28 13 1,612 52 f 4,534 1,717 2 2,337 781 131 2,978 2,512 1.031 823 639 952 9,352 2,014 1,335 828 636 1,293 1.315 598 490 339 504 67 52 15 10 14 13 73 - 11 5 8 15 1^ 4 7 2 10 2 100 4 122 24 1,053 8 21 135 1 142 76 169 2 169 87 2 96 57 1 101 2 150 76 1,805 1, 570 363 500 211 322 133 138 102 132 228 199 303 140 137 45 111 45 85 23 132 26 3,944 623 2 1,048 69 576 68 355 50 259 44 505 129 465 135 232 56 172 35 137 16 1 195 23 1 ^^ 11 5 16 46 94 35 24 17 14 2,597 • 2 120 4 199 101 142 2 2 164 2 682 236 1 151 1 450 233 460 170 488 138 850 295 6 361 8 690 258 357 71 10 330 60 5 256 46 8 242 51 10 394 141 . 17 371 141 21 121 91 6 91 56 14 63 58 12 275 96 1 112 66 28 253 263 201 256 517 604 281 226 162 215 32 1 •Excluding Araed Forces and persosos Hlth Inadeqiiately described occi^atlons. 1 311 3 109 3 290 114 1 274 i T A B U ; 25 - Industries County : County Borough Working Population aged 15 and over by Industry (excluding persons out of work) Xote:- Figures in the column "Unskilled only" r e l a t e to males in Social Class V Total Males Females Males Indus tiy Unskilled only Total Industry Married only Total Females Unskilled only Total Married only Londonderry Gnmty All Industries I . Agriculture, forestry, fishing 001. Agriculture and horticulture 1. Fanoing (not fruit) and stock-rearing 2. Agricultural contracting 3. Market gardening, f r u i t , flower, and seed growing 002, Forestry 003. Flailing 1. Sea fishing 2. Fishing in Inland waters I I . Minii^ and quarrying 101. Coal raining 102. Stone and slate quarrying and mining 1, stone quarrying and raining 2. Slate quaitylng and mining 103. dialk, clay, sand and gravel extraction 109. Other mining and quarrying 1. Iron ore mining and quarrying 3. Salt mines, hrine p i t s , s a l t works 2, 4, 5. Others III. Food, drink and tobacco 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 229. 231. 239. 240. Grain milling Bread and flour confectionery Biscuits Bacon curing, meat and fish products Milk products 1. Milk, tfutter and cheese 2. Ice cream sugar Cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery 1. Cocoa and chocolate 2. Sugar confectionery Fruit and vegetable products 1. Jam, marmalade. J e l l i e s , e t c . 2. Other f r u i t and vegetable products Anlraal and poultry foods Food industries not elsewhere specified 1. Margarine 2. starch and miscellaneous foods Brewing and malting Other drink Industries 1. s p i r i t d i s t i l l i n g and compounding 2. British wines, cider and perry 3. Soft drinks Tobacco 28,418 3,067 9,893 2.025 10,048 1 347 48 9.599 9,429 1 1 346 312 48 35 43 410 39 7 32 - 57 1 1 - - 1,038 t 232 541 117 274 3 133 389 389 34 28 1 71 55 55 10 35 4 3 168 168 - - - izr ^ 24 24 - 16 17 - 17 2 2 - 37 - 19 - 34 1 - 1 - 1 - 13 83 - 7 2 4 - - - - 'T- 6 6 22 14 _ 8 286 4 1 1 1 — 36 433 75 34 16 Coke ovens and manufactured fuel Mineral oil refining Lubricating o i l s and greases Cbemicals and dyes 1, Qyestuffs 2. F e r t i l i z e r s and chemicals for pest control 3. Otlier chemic6Lls x Pharmaceutical and t o i l e t p r ^ ^ r a t i o n s 1. Pharmaceutical preparations -^ 2. Toilet preparations Explosives and fireworks -^^ Paint and printing ink Vegetable and anlraal o i l s , fats, soap and detergents 1. vegetable and animal o i l s and fats 2. Soap, detergents, candles and glycerine Syuthetic resins and p l a s t i c s materials Polishes, gelatine, adheslves, e t c . 1. Polishes 2. Gelatine, adheslves, e t c . . - - - - H > Iron and steel (general) Steel tubes Iron castings, e t c . U ^ t metals Copper, brass and other base metals VI. Engineering and e l e c t r i c a l gpods 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 6 - IS 311. 312. 313. 321. '322. - 1 1 IV. Qiemicals and a l l i e d induistri^s V. Metal manufacture 331. 332. 353. 334. - - 276. 277. - - 42 4 273. 274. 275.. 32 32 19 1 1 22 9 272. - 37 15 3 61 19 261. 262. 263. 271- o o a Agricultural machinery (except tractors) Metal-working machine tools Engineers' small tools and gauges Industrial engines 1. Internal combustion engines 2. Other prime movers Textile machinery and accessories Contractors* plant and quarrying machinery Mechanical handling ecfuipment Office machinery Other machinery 1. Mining machinery 2. printing and bookbinding machinery 3. Refrigerating machinery 4. sp£^ce-heatij:^g, ventilating and a i r conditioning equipment 5. Pumps, compressors, e t c . 6. scales and weighing machinery 7. Portable power tools 8. Other machinery except e l e c t r i c a l machinery 433 - - ..^ 75 34 16 - *- - 106 327 50 25 4 30 1 15 ' .. - - - - ~ _ - .^ ' • ' " " 4 - ""•-•..,^ - """••... ~ '^. - • • ~ ~ ~ '^'v. - ._ - • - 281 33 29 1 - - - 1 3 1 64 64 ~ ~ — a o o H . - "^ • * _ — - - ~ ~ ~ 7 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 13 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - 5 13 ~ ~ ~ — • ~. ** ~ . "" *< D3 O o a o ix o r o :2 a o ':^ a w 3 3 ~ ~ — 00 en ^ L E 25 - Industries County Working Population aged 15 and over by Industry (excluding persons out of work) - continued ' Msaes Industry ! Total Females Unskilled only Total County Borough Males Industry Married Only Total oo Females Unskilled only Total Married only Londonderry County - continued IX Metal goods not elsewhere i^ecified VI. Engineering and e l e c t r i c a l goods - continued i . Indiustrial plant and steelworK: 1. Boilers and bollerhouse plant 2. OtUer industrial plant and fabricated steelwork £, Ordnance and small arms 3. Other mechaaical engineering not eisevfliere specified 1. Ball and r o l l e r bearings 2, precision chains 3. Other mechanical engineering d, scientific, surgical and photographic instruments, e t c . 1. Photographic equipment E. Optical instruments 3. Spectacles, e t c . 4. surgical, dental and Veterinary instruments and appliances 5. Other scientific Instruments and equipment 52. Watches and clocks 61. Electrical machinery 62. Insulated wlrei^and cables «3- Telegraph and telephone apparatus )64. Radio and other electronic apparatus 1. Valves \^ 2. Radio and other electronlaequipment and gramophones 365. txjmestlc e l e c t r i c appliances " -^^ 369. Other electrical goods " -^. 1. Electrical equipment for motor vehicles, cycles and aircraft ^ -.. 2. Primary batteries 3. Secondary batteries (accumulators) " \ 4 : Electric lamps -, 5. Miscellaneous electrical goods 8 8 - 12 59 370. Shipbuilding and marine engineering 1. Shipbuilding and ship repairing 2. Marine engineering V[II. Vehicles 381. Motor vehicle manufacturing 382. Motor qycle, three-v4ieel vehicle and pedal oycle manufacturing 383. Aircraft manufacturing and repairing 384. Locomotives and railway track equipment 385. Railway carriages and wagons and trams 389. Perambulators, hand-trucks, e t c . 4 6 . -. - 2 1 - ^ - - - - - - - ^ - _ - 59 8 5 3 6 - _ - - 21 i 58 - 4 12 - 2 1 1 i 1 1 58 12 - - 2 13 - - 2 - 13 - 3^ 5 - * 36 33 3 5 5 - . - - 51 - 1 * 18 - 1 - _ — -. ' ~ _ - 48 48 • VII. Shipbuilding and marine engineering - 2 2 • - - 32 « • 1 — 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 399. Tools and implements Cutlery Bolts, nuts, screws, r i v e t s , e t c . Wire and wire manufactures Cans and metal boxes Jewellery, plate and refining of precious metals Metal industries not elsewfliere specified 1. Metal furniture 2. Metal windows and door frames 3. Safes, locks, latches and keys 4. Springs 5. Drop forgings, e t c . 6. industrial and domestic hollowHware 7, Miscellaneous metal goods and metal finishing X- Textiles 411. Production of man-made fibres 412, Spinning and doubling of cotton, flax and man-made fibres 413. weaving of cotton, linen and man-made fibres 414. woollen and worsted 1. Wool sorting, cleaning*, e t c . , and combing and topmaklng 2. worsted spinning 3. Worsted weaving 4. Wool recovery 5. woollen spinning and weaving 6. Pressed f e l t 415. Jute 416. Rope, twine and net 417. Hosiery and other knitted goods 418. Lace 419. Carpets 421. Narrow fabrics 422. Made-up t e x t i l e s 1. Household textiles and handkerchiefs 2. canvas goods and sacks 423. Textile finishing 429. Other t e x t i l e Industries 1. Asbestos 2. Other X[. Leather, leather goods and fiir 431. Leather {tanning and dressing) and fellmongery 432. Leather goods 433. Fur 50 3 2 - - _ - - - - - ~ - - '- - 47 2 1 - 855 99 577 117 326 21 23 12 35 202 12 35 7 188 2 55 - - - - - -. - ~ ~ ~ ~ - " '• " - 134 11 - - 3 47 52 - 89 87 2 151 .~ 7 1 6 _ 1 2 12 11 1 19 1 1 218 215 3 7 ^ 34 31 3 3 — — 1 ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ 2 1 1 6 1 1 ~ — ~ o xn a w o o H D: tn ao 2: 50 m > a VO 0\ X H . C l o t h i n g and £cx>twear 441. 442. 443. 445. 446. 449. 450, Weatierproor outerwear Men»s and boys* t a i l o r e d outerwear WDmen»s and g l r l s » t a i l o r e d outerwear O v e r a l l s and raen»s s J i l r t s , underwear, e t c . 1. Heavy o v e r a l l s 2 . Men»s and tioys* s h i r t s , underwear and nl^twear c r e s s e s , l i n g e r i e . I n f a n t s ' wear, e t c , 1. Ll^t outerwear 2. Lingerie 3. Infants* wear H a t s , caps and m i l l i n e r y 1. F e l t h a t s 2 . Other Dress industries not elsewhere specified 1. Collets Z* Gloves 3. Umbrellas and walking sticks 4. other Footwear X E n . B r i c k s , p o t t e r y , g l a s s , ceroait, e t c . 4 6 1 . BTlcfcs, f i r e c l a y and r e f r a c t o r y goods 462. P o t t e r y 463. Glass i. Glass (other than containers) 2. Glass containers 464. cement 469. Abrasives and b u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l s , e t c . , n o t else?fliere s p e c i f i e d 1. Abrasives 2. Building m a t e r i a l s , e t c . , n o t elsevftiere specified XLV. Timber, fiimiture, etc. Timber F u r n i t u r e and u p h o l s t e r y Bedding, e t c . Shop and o f f i c e f i t t i n g wooden c o n t a i n e r s and b a s k e t s 1. Coopering 2. Boxes, crates, etc. 3. Baskets 479. M i s c e l l a n e o u s wood and cork manufactures 471. -472. 473. 474. 475. XV. Paper, p r i n t i n g and p u b l i s h i n g 4 8 1 . Paper and board 482- Cardboard b o x e s , c a r t o n s and f i b r e - b o a r d p a c k i n g cases 483. Manufacture of p a p e r and board n o t elsewhere specified 1. Wallpaper 2 . Bags 3 . Manufactiured s t a t i o n e r y 4 . Other 466 P r i n t i n g , p u b l i s h i n g of newspapers and p e r i o d i c a l s 489 Other p r i n t i n g , p u b l i s h i n g , bookbinding, engraving, etc. 214 2,609 386 1 162 1,777 287 132 1,777 4 4 287 1 1 18 18 30 30 34 34 797 797 385 156 14 62 37 1 93 93 XVE. O t h e r maaiBifacturin^^ i i H i a s t r x e s 4 9 1 . Rubber 1, lyres and tubes 2. Other rubber goods 492. Linoleum, leather cloth, etc. 493. Brushes and brooms 494. Toys, games and sports equipment 1. Toys and games 2. Sports equipment 495. Miscellaneous stationers* goods 1. Pens and pencils of all kinds 2. Other stationers* goods 496. Plastics moulding and fabricating 499. Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 1. Musical instruments 2. Other XVII. Construction 500. Construction 4,017 XVIII. Gas, e l e c t r i c i t y and w a t e r 6 0 1 . Gas 602. E l e c t r i c i t y 6 0 3 . Water supply -^, XEX. Transport and connunication 323 119 13 323 119 13 219 52 14 145 7 5 2 52 10 1 2 65 701, Railways 702 Road p a s s e n g e r t r a n s p o r t 1 . Omnibus and tramway s e r v i c e 2 . Taxis and p r i v a t e - h i r e c a r s 703, Road h a u l a g e c o n t r a c t i n g 704 s e a t r a n s p o r t 705. P o r t and i n l a n d water t r a n s p o r t 706, Air t r a n s p o r t 707 P o s t a l s e r v i c e s and telecommunications 709. Mlscellfflieous t r a n s p o r t s e r v i c e s and storage X?C D i s t r i b u t i v e t r a d e s 40 64 40 64 40 4,017 1,319 68 13 1,319 68 13 14 2 3 11 1 1 44 248 62 38 188 22 55 1 1,352 172 140 196 456 407 49 im 69 104 2 357 31 26 26 11 5 5 31 1 1 2 1 ill 35 8 2 75 9 11 1 3,037 252 1,517 266 450 58 72 16 151 163 2 5 4 55 69 1 2,036 595 539 64 365 264 194 15 20 23 39 18 3 7 9 5 1 3 3 8 1 1 4 1,400 295 164 155 494 80 116 76 245 65 24 30 79 17 19 11 1 1 60 67 5i 15 15 810. Wholesale d i s t r i b u t i o n 1. Groceiy and p r o v i s i o n s , c o n f e c t i o n e i y , drinks 2 . Other food 3 . Tobacco 4. C l o t h i n g , footwear and t e x t i l e s 5. Paper, s t a t i o n e r y and books 6 . Petroleum procJucts 7 . Other non-food goods 8 . General wholesale merchants 820. R e t a i l d i s t r i b u t i o n 1. Grocery and p r o v i s i o n s 2 . Other food 3 . Confectionery, tobacco, newspapers 4 . Clothing and footwear 5. Household goods 6 . Other non-food goods 7 . General s t o r e s , e t c . 93 21 60 4 7 1 TABLE 25 • Industries Working Population aged 15 and over by Industry (excluding persons out of work) - continued 1 Total Males Females Males Indus tiy County : County Borough Unsfcllled only Total Married only Industry Total Females UnsKllled ' only Total Married only Londonderry County - continued XX. DLstrLhitive trades - continued 831. Dealing in coal, builders' materials, grain and agricultural supplies (wholesale or r e t a i l ) 1. coal merchants 2. Builders' mercliants 3. Com, seed and agricultural merchaats 4. Dealing in horses and livestoclt 832. Dealing in other Industrial materials and machinery 1. Ores and metals £, Timber 3. Hides, slclns and leather 4. Textile materials and yams 5. industrial machinery 6. scrap and waste materials 7. Other industrial materials 6. Dealing in industrial materials generally XXI. Insurance, banking and finance 860. Insuirance, hanfcing and rinsffice 1. In3l^'ance 2. Banking and bill-discounting 3. Finance 4. property oimlng and managing, e t c . XXII. Professional aajd scientific services XXIII. Miscellaneous services 454 75 206 72 101 97 80 19 44 9 8 21 39 10 24 4 1 6 4 2 Z - 1 34 2 1 18 25 17 14 - -1 - 1 1 - - - - 224 10 88 12 224 84 118 9 13 10 -3 88 30 43 11 4 12 8 1 2 1 1,101 12 1,736 487 - 1 5 2 1 22 744 55 822 682 87 21 22 10 62 31 24 1 8 304 14 156 116 23 11 3 3 2 3 3 - - - 2 3 2 - 7 • - 1 2 ^ ^ ^ 1 • 871. 872. 873. 874. Accountancy services "^ Educational services ""-. Legal services Medical and dental services 1. Hospital and consultant services -.. 2. Local autiiorlty health services 3- General medical services 4. Dental services 5. Other medical services 875. Religious organisations 879. Other professional and scientific services 1. 6cientiric and technical services 2. Research and development services 3. professional and scientific organisations 4. Veterinary surgery 5. Otber 46 392 55 314 198 30 59 20 7 1S4 110 77 13 - 19 1 2 -4 4 - 2 4 2 -. - ' 881. Cinemas, theatres, radio, e t c . 1. Cinemas 2. Other 882. Sport and other recreations 883. Betting 884. Catering, hotels, e t c . 885. Laundries 886. Dry cleaning. Job dtyelug, carpet beating, e t c . 887. Motor repairers, distribiitors, garages and f i l l i n g stations 888. Repair of boots and shoes 889. Halrdressing and manlcxure 891. Private domestic service 1. Resident 2. Non-resident 899. Other services 1. Funeral services 2. Photography 3. welfare and charitable services 4. community service not elsev4iere specified 5. Service of Commonwealth and foreign governments 6. Trade associations and business services 7. Head ottlces of enterprises operating abroad 8. Head offices of enterprises Interested in more tban one activity 9. Other XXEV, Riblic adniitistration aid defence 901. National government service 1-5. Defence 6. OUier 906*.Local government service 1. Police 2. Fire service 3 . Other - Industry inadequately described Place of work outside the U.K. 1.867 m ii 11 18 2 2 26 24 2 3 6 764 66 27 1 299 19 10 13 67 11 - - 1,517 61 46 32 14 42 41 331 20 13 -5 683 44 55 92 2 90 150 17 4 - 21 3 -2 - 101 766 333 433 41 22 HI 17 94 12 1 3 r 14 2 -1 22 1 69 32 4 5 14 - -2 - - - - - 9 - 12 8 - - - 3,094 478 260 33 2,205 1,919 112 92 20 366 ISl 22 169 69 2 Id 8 11 14 286 889 354 13 52S - - - 366 67 14 2 - 3 - 16 2 9 3 Londonderry County Borou^ All Industries I . Agriculture, forestry, fishing 001. Agriculture and horticulture 1. Farming (not fruit) and stock-rearing 2. Agricultural contracting 3. Market gardening. I r u l t , flower,seed growing 00£. Forestry 003- Flstiing I . Sea fishing E. Fisiilng in inland waters I I . Mining and quarrying ijOi. coal mining ±0Z' Stone and slate quarrying and mining 1. Stone quarrying and raining 2. Slate quarrying and mining 103. Chalk, clay, sand and gravel extraction 109. Other mining and quarrying 1. Iron ore mining and quarrying 3. Salt mines, hrlne p i t s , s a l t works 2, 4, 5. Others I I I . Food, driidc and tobacco 211. 21£. 213. 214. 215216217. 2U3. 210. 229231239. 240. 261262263271. Grain milling Bread and flour confectionery Biscuits Bacon curing, meat and fish products Milk products 1, Milk, t u t t e r and cheese 2. Ice cream Sugar Cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery 1. Cocoa and chocolate 2. Sugar confectionery Fruit and vegetable products 1. Jam, marmalade, ;)ellies, e t c . 2, Other f r u i t and vegetable products Animal and poultry foods pood Industries not elsewhere specified 1. Margarine 2. StardU and miscellaneous foods Brewing and malting Other drink industries 1. Spirit d i s t i l l i n g and compounding 2. British wines, cider and perry 3. Soft drinks Tobacco IV. Chonicals and a l l i e d industries Coke ovens and manufactured fuel Mineral o i l refining Lubricating o i l s and greases Chemicals and Ciyes 1. tyestuffs 2- Fertilizers and chemicals for pest control 3. Other chemicals *See footnote at end of table. 11.010 1.608 7.650 60 1 6 56 54 1 1 1 3 1 1 6 6 IV. Qieodcals aid a l l i e d industries - continued Pharmaceutical and t o i l e t preparations 1. Fharmaceutical preparations 2. Toilet preparations Explosives and fireworks Paint and printing Ink Vegetable and animal o i l s , fats, soap and detergents 1, vegetable and animal o i l s and fats 2. Soap, detergents, candles and glycerine Synthetic resins and p l a s t i c s materials Polishes, gelatine, adhesives, etc, 1. polishes 2. Gelatine, adhesivps, etc. V. Metal manufacture 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 3 2 1 iron and steel (general) ^ Steel tubes Iron c a s t i n g , e t c . .^ L l ^ t metals " -. Copper, brass and other base metals VI. Ehgineering and e l e c t r i c a l gpods 311. 312. 313. 321322. 604 177 82 46 346 18 124 30 30 19 81 6 55 9 9 4 44 18 8 4 4 13 341. . 29 504 342. 349. 7 68 34 . . 11 351. 502 67 34 95 407 43 24 6 28 > n o c: . 587 66 331- Agricultural mataiinery (except tractors) 332- Metal-woricing machine tools 333. Engineers* small tools and gauges 334. Industrial engines 335. 336. 337. , 538. 339. , , 3 29 o o c: :z 1. Internal combustion engines 2. Other prime movers Textile machinery and accessories Contractors* plant and quarrying machinery Mechanical handling equipment Office maciilnery Other machinery 1. Mining macailneiy 2. Printing and bookbinding machinery 3. Refrigerating machinery 4. SPace^eating, ventilating and a i r conditioning equipment 5. Pumps, compressors, etc. 6. scales and w e i r i n g machinery 7. portable power tools e. Other machinery except electrical machinery Industrial plant and steelwork 1. Boilers and boHeriaouse plant 2. Other industrial plant and fabricated steelwork Ordnance and small arms Otber mechanical engineering not elsewhere specified 1. Ball and r o l l e r bearings 2. Precision chains 3. Other mechanical engineering Scientific, surgical and photographic Instruments. etc, 1. Photogrg^hlc equipment 2. Optical Instruments 3. Spectacles, etc. 4. surgical, dental and veterinary instruments and appliances 5. Other scientific instruments and equipment 17 H <-< w o 50 o a o tc o 19 19 4 4 10 L60 4 24 .60 24 5 - r o s: a o ^z 50 00 so TABLE 25 - Industries County Working Population aged 15 and over by Industry (excluding persons out of work) - continued Unskilled only 1 Total Total Industry Marrled only Unskilled only Total vo o Females Males Females Hales Industry County Borough Total Married only Londonderry County Bbrou^ - continued X Textiles M . Engineering and e l e c t r i c a l gcx)ds - continued 352. 361. 362. 363. 364. Watcnes and clocks Electrical madiinery Insulated wires and cables Telt:"apli and telephone apparatus Radio ciid other electronic apparatus 1. valves g. Radio and other electronic equipment and gramophones 365. DoiBestlc e l e c t r i c ^ p l l a n c e s 369. Other e l e c t r i c a l goods 1. Electrical equipment for motor vehicles, cycles and aircraft 2* Primary h a t t e r l e s 3., secondary b a t t e r i e s (accumulators) 4. Slectrlc lamps 5. Miksellaneous electrical goods _ - 15 2 - - - ~ - 377 32 14 - - - - 8 377 32 14 - - - - _ - - - 55 11 1 1 55 52 3 11 11 1 1 1 1 - - - 5 - - - 4 _ - . 1 _ ~ - '~ - MI. adpbuilding and marine engineering 370. aiiphulldlng and riiaEine engineering 1. Shipbuilding and shl^) repairing 2, Marine engineering -^. vm. v^aes 8 • • • 381. Motor vehicle manufacturing 382. Motor cycle, three-vftieel vehicle and pedal cycle manufacturing 383. Aircraft manufacturing and repairing 384. Locomotives and railway track equipment 385. Railway carriages and wagons and trams 369. Perambulators, hand^trucks, e t c . v _ i 14 _ - IX Metal goods not elsewhere specified 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 399, Tools and Implements cutlery Bolts, nuts, screws, r i v e t s , etc. Wire and wire manufactures Cans and metal boxes Jewellery, plate and refining of precious metals Metal industries not elsewhere specified 1. Metal furniture 2. Metal windows and door frames 3* Safes, locks, latches and keys 4. Springs 5. Drop forglngs, e t c . 6. Industrial and domestic hollovMNare 7. Hisceilaneous metal goods and metal finishing . - 1 X - - 13 . i . • • - 12 •• 1 1 - "" - i 411. Pi*oductlon of man-made fibres 412. Spinning and doubling of cotton, flax and man-made fibres 413. Weaving of cotton, linen and man-made fibres 414. Woollen and worsted 1. wool sorting, cleaning, e t c . , and combing and topmaking 2. worsted spinning 3. Worsted weaving 4. wool recoveiy 5. woollen spinning and weaving 6. Pressed f e l t 415. Jute 416. Rope, twine and net 417. Hosiery and other knitted goods 418. Lace 419. Carpets 421. Narrow fabrics 422. Made-up t e x t i l e s 1. Household textiles and handkerchiefs 2. Canvas goods and,sacks 423. Textile finishing 429. Other t e x t i l e industries i . Asbestos 2, Other 20 16 3 2 - 1 1 67 12 18 1 2 ~ "* ~ " a ** --' ~* " • ' — " • — _ — ~ • ~ • G _ ~ O " • " o iO " *" " *~ " ** - ~ • " - ~ ~ " * • — 4 - ^ "^ " • ' 17 "* 1 *" ~ "• " ~ 4 1,043 - ~ ~ ~ — ~ 4 4,089 !30 PI tr > ""• 4,114 1 EC • " 4 4,089 1 ~ ~ •" ~ — _ 1 17 • " . - 381 1 1 1 • *• 4 381 .~ 1 " - 389 1 1 I ~ 1 ID 1 " ~ — "" ~" m ~ "* — *" ~ "* 1 1 " " " ** - 5 XII. Clothing and footwear ~ " — ,- . — ~ 10 431. Leather {tanning and dressing) and fellmongery 432. Leather goods 433. Fur 1 ~ * 6 ~ — XI, Leather, leather goods wd & r 441. Weatherproof outerwear 442. Men»s and boys' tailored outerwear 1 443. Women* s and g i r l s ' tailored outerwear 444. Overalls and men's s h i r t s , underwear, e t c . 1 1. Heavy overalls 2. Men^s and boys' s h i r t s , underwear and nl^twear 445. Dresses, lingerie, infants' wear, e t c . 1. Llg^t outerwear 2. Lingerie 3. Infants' wear 446. Hats, caps and millinery 1. Felt hats 2. Other 92 1,038 ~ i,038 24 24 4 4 11 " *" "" C3 XEI. CLotfaiiig and foot^TC^ur - contirmed XVI. Other manufacturing i n d u s t r i e s - e&ntinued 449* nress Industries n o t else?ftiere s p e c i f i e d 1. Corsets 4 3 406. P l a s t i c s moulding and fabricating 499. Miscellaneous manufacturing industries 1. Musical instruments 2. Gloves 3 . Umbrellas and walitlng s t i c k s 4-. Other 450. Footwear ) ) XTII. Bricks, pottery, glass, cement, etc. 461. Bricks, fireclay and refractory goods 462. Pottery 463. Glass 1. Glass {other than containers) 2. Glass containers 464. Cement 469. Abrasives and building materials, e t c . , not elsevtiere specified 1, Abrasives 2. Building materials, e t c . , not elsewhere specified XrV. Tiinfaer, fund tare, etc. 471. Timber . 472. Furniture and upholstery 473. Bedding, e t c . 474. Shop and o f f i c e f i t t i n g 475. wooden containers and baskets 1. Coopering ) 2. Boxes, c r a t e s , e t c . } 3. Baskets 479. Miscellaneous wood and cork manufactures XV. Paper, printing and publishing Paper and board 481. 482. Cardboard boxes, cartons and fibre-board packing cases 483. Manufactures of p^er and board not elsewhere specified i . Wallpaper 2. Bags 3. Manufactured stationery 486. 4. Other 489. Printing, publishing of newspapers and periodicals Other printing, publishing, bookbinding, engraving, etc. XVI, Other manufacturing i n c b s t r i e s 491. Rubber 1. l y r e s and tubes 2, Other rubber goods 492. Linoleum, l e a t h e r c l o t h , e t c . 493. Brushes and brooms 494. Toys, games and s p o r t s equipment 1. Toys and games 2. sports equipment 495. Miscellaneous stationers* goods 1, Pens and p e n c i l s of a l l kinds 2. Other stationers* goods 1 1 500. Construction XVIII. Gas, e l e c t r i c i t y and water 601. Qas 602. Electricity 603. Water supply XIX. Transpoil: and oomminication 19 19' 76 11 14 16 2 6 6 27 15 37 16 70 9 31 12 6 2 2 1 1 2 2. Other ' XYII. Construction 19 116 2 10 701. Railways 702. Road passenger transport 1. Omnibus and t r a m ^ s e r v i c e 2. Taxis and private-hl^e cars 703. Road haulage contracting -. 704. Sea transport ~^-.^ 705. Port and Inland water transport " ., 706. Air transport " -,. 707. Postal s e r v i c e s and telecommunications " •-., 709. Miscellaneous transport s e r v i c e s and "--. storage XX. Distributive trades 810. Wholesale distribution 1. Grocery and provisions, confectionery, drinks 2. Other food 3 . Tobacco 4. Clothing, footwear and t e x t i l e s 5. P ^ e r , stationery and books 6. Petroleum products 7. Otaier non-food goods 8. General wholesale merchants 820. Retail distribution 1. Grocery and provisions 2. Other food 3 . confectionery, tobacco, newspapers 4. Clothing and footwear 5. Household goods 6 . Other non-food goods 7. General s t o r e s , e t c . 831. Dealing in coal, builders* materials, grain and agricultural supplies {vfiiolesale or r e t a i l ) 1. Coal merchants 2. Builders* merchants 3 . c o m , seed and a g r i c u l t u r a l merchants 4. Dealing In h o r s e s and l i v e s t o c k 832. Dealing in other Industrial materials and machinery 1. Ores and metals 2. Timber 3 . Hides, skins and l e a t h e r 4. Textile materials and yams 1,286 255 27 1,286 255 27 230 42 4 95 126 9 22 19 1 3 1 1.350 433 66 117 356 321 35 100 73 444 1 236 31 18 18 2 9 7 2 3 4 3 O o c: 2: H 13 > a n o 37 8 *< 8 3 D3 174 907 165 461 63 92 14 239 83 45 ±3 52 7 7 3 14 1 364 23 1 13 23 35 66 1 1,195 267 324 55 245 176 101 27 184 100 24 46 14 89 27 7 1 2 2 43 4 27 4 7 1 21 1 1 786 147 29 17 12 50 9 14 16 3 5 2 2 125 67 55 264 75 65 135 45 31 3 11 24 13 4 7 23 H o o a o D: o o 13 a o ':^ a TAHuE 25 - I n d u s t r i e s County : County Borough : Working P o p u l a t i o n aged 15 and o v e r by I n d u s t r y ( e x c l u d i n g p e r s o n s o u t of work) - continued vo to M Males X Industry Total Londonderry County Bbrough XX. D i ^ t r i b u t i T e t r a d e s - j Uhsfcllled only i females Total Males Married only j Industry Total Females UnsKilled only Total Married only continued XXtll. M i s c e l l a n e o u s s e r v i c e s - continued 832. Dealing i n otJier I n d u s t r i a l m a t e r i a l s and machinery continued 5 . I n d u s t r i a l machinery 6 . scrap and waste m a t e r i a l s 7 . Other i n d u s t r i a l m a t e r i a l s 8 . Dealing i n i n d u s t r i a l m a t e r i a l s g e n e r a l l y 12 28 15 16 1 - - - - - - - 167 9 72 8 860. I n s u r a n c e , banking and f i n a n c e 1. Insurance 2 . Baafclng and b i l l - d i s c o u n t i n g 3 . Finance 4 . Property, owning and managing, e t c . 167 77 48 19 23 9 8 4 1 72 29 17 14 12 XXEt. P r o f e s s i ^ i a l and s c i e n t i f i c 743 12 1,050 320 29 256 15 315 256 7 31 11 10 82 46 40 - 15 350 31 582 496 49 16 14 7 59 13 10 1 101 2 203 181 15 5 2 XXI. I n s u r a n c e , bemking svid f i n a n c e services 871. 872. 873. 874. Accountancy s e r v i c e s Educational s e r v i c e s .^ Legal s e r v i c e s ,, Medical and d e n t a l s e r v i c e s \ 1. H o s p i t a l and c o n s u l t a n t s e r v i c e d . 2 . Local a u t h o r i t y h e a l t h s e r v i c e s 3 . General m e d i c a l s e r v i c e s 4 . Dental s e r v i c e s 5 . Otaaer medical s e r v i c e s 875. R e l i g i o u s o r g a n i s a t i o n s 879. Other p r o f e s s i o n a l and s c i e n t i f i c s e r v i c e s 1. s c i e n t i f i c and tecihnical s e r v i c e s 2 . Research and development s e r v i c e s 3 . p r o f e s s i o n a l and s c i e n t i f i c o r g a n i s a t i o n s 4, V e t e r i n a r y s u r g e r y 5 . Otaier XXIII. M i s c e l l a n e o u s s e r v i c e s 8 8 1 . Cinemas, t h e a t r e s , r a d i o , e t c , 1. cinemas 2 . Other 882. a w i r t and o t h e r r e c r e a t i o n s 883. B e t t i n g 884. C a t e r i n g , h o t e l s , e t c . 885. Laundries 886. Dry c l e a n i n g , Job dyeing, c a r p e t b e a t i n g , e t c . . ^ 2 4 ' 1.122 \ 94 47 47 39 82 344 20 ID 2 - 8 - 1 - 9 8 1 - 2 _ — - 1 2 - 1 3 9 4 2 2 .1 251 1 50 48 2 14 9 300 161 39 15 14 1 UD 3 129 9 2 1 3 - 9 4 • 220 28 60 11 - 1 1 11 &1416 713 6 97 34 — - XXIV. B i b l i c a d m i n i s t r a t i o n and d e f e n c e - 936 - 887. Motor r e p a i r e r s , d i s t r i b u t o r s , g a r a g e s and filling stations 888. Repair of b o o t s and shoes 889. H a i r d r e s s l n g and manicure 8 9 1 . P r i v a t e domestic s e r v i c e 1. Resident 2. Non-resldent 1 8 9 9 . Other s e r v i c e s 1 1 . Funeral s e r v i c e s 2 . Hiotography 3 . welfare and c h a r i t a b l e s e r v i c e s 4 . community s e r v i c e n o t e l s e i t i e r e s p e c i f i e d 5 . Service of Commonwealth and f o r e i g n gDvemments 6 . Trade a s s o c i a t i o n s and b u s i n e s s s e r v i c e s 7 . Head o f f i c e s of e n t e r p r i s e s o p e r a t i n g abroad 8 . Head o f f i c e s of e n t e r p r i s e s i n t e r e s t e d i n more t h a n one a c t i v i t y 9 . Other 1 75 continued 901, National eovenment ser^^ce 1-5. Defence 6 . Other 906*.Local government s e r v i c e 1. P o l i c e 2. Fire service 3 . Other 2 10 51 1 1 1 - 2 - 14 55 1 54 8 1 2 1 4 — - - — 1,557 248 244 28 1,093 933 160 464 161 33 120 109 11 128 202 113 89 42 4 1 37 19 13 6 9 - * 10 2 • - 128 •• * «iembers of the Boyal Ulster constabulary and the Northern Ireland Fire Authority, liiich are not local government services, are included in the figures for M.L.H. 906 In fceeplng with the Standard Industrial Classification. 1 w c: w o - - * n t^ iz - - 84 1 6 5 _ - 6 37 3 P l a c e o f work o u t s i d e t h e U.K. _ 29 1 90 212 114 98 31 2 6 9 2 41 zro Industry inadequately described 7 o H " • - 9 00 2: pi > © Crown copyright 1964 Printed and published for the Government of Northern Ireland by H E R MAJESTY'S STATIONERY O F F I C E To be purchased from 80 Chichester Street, Belfast 1 York House, Kingsway, London W.C.2 423 Oxford Street, London W,l 13A Castle Street, Edinburgh 2 109 St. Mary Street. Cardiff 39 King Street, Manchester 2 50 Fairfax Street, Bristol 1 35 Smallbrook, Ringway, Birmingham 5 or through any bookseller Printed in England.
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