donor report - Detroit Institute of Arts
donor report - Detroit Institute of Arts
# DONOR REPORT J u ly 2 0 0 7 - D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 8 Table of Contents # 3 Director’s Message 4 Cumulative Giving 20 Great Art New Start Campaign 24 Corporate, Foundation, & Organization Donors 28 Associate Members 33 Supporting Members 50 Special Projects & Gifts 57 Annual Fund Donors 61 Gifts-in-Kind Donors 63 Tannahill Society 68 Volunteers 72 General Information A visitor contemplates the exhibition Kenro Izu: Sacred Places in the Albert & Peggy De Salle Photography Gallery. Director’s Message As I introduce you to the 2008 Donor Report, I want to mention a few changes in our donor recognition practices being implemented in the following pages. The most significant of these is that the DIA will recognize gifts on a calendar year basis, rather than our fiscal year, which ends on June 30. Therefore, the donors in this report are celebrated for their contributions made between July 1, 2007, and December 31, 2008. Another refinement in our practices is that we now recognize a donor’s total pledged amount (rather than payments made) when calculating our cumulative giving totals. #3 s Contents Many remarkable things have happened at the DIA in the eighteen months that this report covers—none more so than our grand opening in November 2007, when well over 60,000 people visited in the first forty hours of operation. We continue to build upon the enthusiasm generated by the grand opening, and in spring 2009 the DIA proudly announced the completion and dedication of the Wayne and Joan Webber Education Wing and the Walter Gibbs Learning Center. While we have enjoyed the prestige and acclaim accorded to our new museum, the already difficult economic environment in our region has only worsened with the national crisis. Even before the downturn, we at the DIA had come to the painful conclusion that, in order to build a more secure future, we would have to downsize. The resulting staff cuts and other measures considerably reduced the DIA’s annual operating budget, but with the extra efforts of our dedicated employees we continue to offer visitors manifold opportunities to engage with art. I am deeply grateful for the generosity of the following individuals and organizations for their continued support in the midst of these trying times. Appreciatively yours, Graham W. J. Beal Director Cumulative Giving 4 # s Contents Visitors contemplate Cotopaxi by Fredric Edwin Church in the Marcia & Eugene Applebaum Gallery. Cumulative Giving The DIA has long been fortunate to have the substantial support of its donors. The following donors have achieved cumulative giving totals of $7,500 or more as of December 31, 2008, and are recognized in the honorary giving categories listed below. Their gifts are in the form of memberships, campaign donations, annual fund donations, giftsin-kind, and other contributions, and the DIA is thankful for their long-term support. 5 A young boy studies the interactive station for The Nightmare by Henry Fuseli. Cumulative Giving Second Century Guarantor Second Century Founder Second Century Builder Marcia and Eugene Applebaum AT&T Chrysler Corporation Fund James Pearson Duffy Eleanor & Edsel Ford Fund Ford Motor Company & Ford Motor Company Fund Mrs. Walter B. Ford II General Motors Corporation Hudson-Webber Foundation Estate of Rosemarie Kanzler The Kresge Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Manoogian McGregor Fund Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs W. Warren Shelden Trust The Skillman Foundation State of Michigan Mr. & Mrs. A. Alfred Taubman Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation Compuware Corporation The Cracchiolo Family Ms. Vivian Day & Mr. John Stroh III Dr. & Mrs. George Dean Frances & Kenneth Eisenberg Frederick A. & Barbara M. Erb Flint Ink Foundation Sidney E. & Madeline Forbes The Ford Foundation Benson & Edith Ford Fund Mrs. Henry Ford II Founders Junior Council Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Frankel Estate of Walter Gibbs Mort & Brigitte Harris William Randolph Hearst Foundation Mr. Robert B. Jacobs Robert & Lisa Katzman Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Kughn Robert C. & Bonnie Ann Larson LaSalle Bank Midwest N.A. Alex & Marie Manoogian Foundation Shirley A. Mopper National Endowment for the Humanities Winifred E. Polk Charitable Lead Unitrust The Meyer & Anna Prentis Family Foundation, Inc. Alan E. & Marianne Schwartz Seligman Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Allan Shelden III Fund Mr. & Mrs. Ira Silver Lila & Gilbert B. Silverman Ms. Louise M. Simone Time Warner, Inc. Katherine Tuck Fund Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Vallee, Sr. Elaine S. Adams Frederick M. Adams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Randolph J. Agley Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Alandt The Anderson Fund ANR Pipeline Company Mandell L. & Madeleine H. Berman Foundation Mr. Robert M. Bohlen Cadillac Motor Car Division, General Motors Detroit Cadillac Dealers Estate of Ruth T. T. Cattell CMS Energy Foundation Lois & Avern Cohn Comcast Robert & Rose Ann Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Coville Crain Communications, Inc. Margaret H. Demant Mary Ann DeMattia & Robert H. Gorlin DeRoy Testamentary Foundation The Detroit News Dede & Oscar Feldman Jennifer & David Fischer Mrs. Max M. Fisher Walter & Josephine Ford Fund Henry Ford II Fund The Friends of African & African American Art Mr. Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr. & Mrs. Mary Anne Gargaro Herbert & Dorothy Graebner Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Green Handleman Company Mrs. Argentina Hills Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hudson, Jr. IBM Corporation Institute of Museum & Library Services Maxwell & Marjorie Jospey $5,000,000+ cumulatively 6 # Second Century Partner $2,500,000 cumulatively Comerica, Inc. Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Marvin & Betty Danto DTE Energy Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Handleman, Sr. JPMorgan Chase John S. & James L. Knight Foundation Masco Corporation National Endowment for the Arts Jack A. & Aviva Robinson Sara Lee Corporation William H. & Patricia M. Smith Target Corporation Wayne & Joan Webber Whitney Fund $1,000,000 cumulatively $500,000 cumulatively Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karmanos, Jr. Kmart Corporation Lear Corporation MichCon Foundation National City Bank of Michigan / Illinois Mrs. Richard Pohrt, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Poplack Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Price Warren C. Rauhauser Mrs. Patricia Sax Elizabeth, Allan & Warren Shelden Fund SmithGroup, Inc. Mrs. Susan Sosnick Gordon & Linda Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Stanford C. Stoddard The Stroh Foundation George & Christine Strumbos Mrs. Richard C. Van Dusen The Wetsman Foundation, William & Janis Wetsman Mrs. Charles L. Wilson, Jr. Matilda R. Wilson Fund The Yomiuri Shimbun Major Benefactor $250,000 cumulatively AAA Michigan ArvinMeritor, Inc. Bank of America Foundation, Inc. Mr. Martin Bernstein & Mr. Ross Hanley Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan & Blue Care Network Booth American Company Mrs. John L. Booth Leah Brenner Trust Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brodie Brophy Engraving Company Dr. Irving F. Burton Andrew L. & Gayle Shaw Camden Dr. Carol Chadwick & Mr. H. Taylor Burleson Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Chazan Cumulative Giving (continued) Major Benefactor (continued) #7 Drs. Bernard & Joan Chodorkoff Mrs. Maurice Cohen Mr. Peter J. Cracchiolo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Cracchiolo Deloitte & Touche, L.L.P. Dr. Robert & Johanna Delp DeSalle Charitable Trust Detroit Free Press Detroit Salt Company Mrs. Marianne T. Endicott Federal-Mogul Corp. Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Figiel Mrs. Charles T. Fisher, Jr. Rema S. Frankel Friends of Modern & Contemporary Art Mrs. Jerome Furman Mr. & Mrs. Jim George The J. Paul Getty Trust Mr. Gaylord W. Gillis, Jr. Graham J. Graham Trust Grayling Fund Hagopian World of Rugs & The Original Hagopian Cleaning Services Alice Kales Hartwick Foundation James & Lynelle Holden Fund Honeywell Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hurvitz Estate of Ann Jacobsen Mrs. Betty Katzman Chaim, Fanny, Louis, Benjamin & Anne Florence Kaufman Memorial Trust W. K. Kellogg Foundation Kenwal Steel Corp. Lear Corporation-United Technologies Automotive Henry Luce Foundation Edward E. MacCrone Trust Foundation Mr. Solomon Maizel Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Miller Mobil Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Andy Nasser Nonprofit Facilities Center North American International Auto Show NWA OmniCare Health Plan Joseph H. Parsons Trust The Karen & Drew Peslar Foundation Mrs. Max J. Pincus Mr. Richard Pohrt, Jr. PricewaterhouseCoopers, L.L.P. Mrs. Ruth F. Rattner Mrs. Theodore Reed Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose Sage Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lee Schoenith Mr. Jerome Shaw & Mrs. Fredrica Shaw Lillian D. Shaye Mr. & Mrs. Stanton K. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Sparr Anne Markley Spivak Ms. Toshiko Takaezu UBS Financial Services, Inc. UNISYS Corporation Ms. Amanda Van Dusen & Mr. Curtis Blessing Walbridge Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Walker Mrs. Stanley J. Winkelman Dr. & Mrs. Clyde Wu Mrs. Theodore O. Yntema Mr. & Mrs. Harold Zarember Signal Benefactor $100,000 cumulatively Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Abrash Dr. Seymour & Barbara Adelson Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee Allied Domecq Spirits & Wine – The Americas Dr. Bryce & Harriet Alpern Michael Altman Fine Art & Advisory Services American Express Philanthropic Program Mr. & Mrs. Armand P. Arman Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Boos Mr. & Mrs. John L. Booth II Mrs. John M. Booth Mr. & Mrs. Paul Borman Dr. & Mrs. Edmund T. Bott Buddy’s Pizza Howard & Lili Ann Camden Mr. & Mrs. C. D. Carter Estate of Christine M. Caumartin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Cordover Mrs. Carol Coskey-Wechsler & Dr. Norman Wechsler Mary Kay & Keith E. Crain Mr. Clan Crawford Ms. Joanne Danto & Mr. Arnie Weingarden Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud Dr. Alan Phipps Darr & Mrs. Mollie Fletcher The Dick & Betsy DeVos Foundation The Dow Chemical Company Jane & Peter Dow Estate of Henry Duluk DuMouchelle Art Galleries Mrs. Jacquelin Eckhous Ernst & Young The Honorable Jack Faxon Mrs. Sally Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Fisher III Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Fisher Mrs. Arthur Fleischman Mrs. Lawrence Fleischman Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Brush Ford Mr. & Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Ford III Henry B. Frank & Carole M. Frank Memorial Foundation Barbara Frankel & Ronald Michalak The Freeman Foundation Friends of Art & Flowers Friends of Prints, Drawings & Photographs Eleanore & Dick Gabrys Estate of Edgar W. & Bernice Chrysler Garbisch Byron & Dorothy Gerson Mr. Allan D. Gilmour & Mr. Eric Jirgens Alfred R. Glancy III & Ruth Ruby Glancy GMAC Financial Services Estate of Elizabeth Hughes Gossett James & Nancy Grosfeld Guardian Industries Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick S. Hallinan Dr. & Mrs. Reginald Harnett Miss Mary A. Hester Mr. & Mrs. William K. Howenstein Gilbert & Anne Hudson Julius & Cynthia Huebner Foundation Huntington Bank Ilitch Holdings, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ingle, Jr. Jacobson Stores, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William H. John Johnson Controls Foundation Ellen & William Kahn Miss Jean Kallmeir Mrs. Robert H. Kanzler Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karmanos, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy T. Karpus Mr. Yousuf Karsh Messrs. Arthur P. Katz & Paul Katz Martha L. Katz Sidney & Robert Katzman Foundation Gerald & Karen Kearns Ellsworth Kelly Foundation Kelly Services, Inc. Mr. Patrick J. Kerzic & Mrs. Stephanie Germack-Kerzic David L. Klein, Jr. Memorial Foundation Samuel H. Kress Foundation Mrs. Roger M. Kyes Dr. & Mrs. Irving Levitt John & Arlene Lewis Estate of Sally Butzel Lewis Mr. Miguel A. Linares & Mrs. Rachel Gill-Linares Mrs. Barbara Livy Julius Lowy Frame & Restoring Company, Inc. Cumulative Giving (continued) Signal Benefactor (continued) 8 # Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Lyon Lois Proctor Mack Macy’s Eileen & Ralph Mandarino Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation MetLife/MetLife Foundation Miller, Canfield, Paddock, & Stone, P.L.C. Mrs. Marshall Miller Marsha & Jeffrey Miro Mitsui & Company, Inc. MotorCity Casino Hotel Dr. Werner Muensterberger Munder Capital Management National Broadcasting Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Neithercut David R. & Sylvia Jean Nelson Sally & Graham A. Orley Joan E. Otis Mr. Thomas E. Owen Mrs. Deborah Holley Palms Estate of Francis Warren Peters Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Portnoy Mrs. Hughes L. Potiker Mrs. Waltraud Prechter PVS Chemicals, Inc. Ms. Alexia Quadrani Ruth F. Rattner, Ann F. & Norman D. Katz Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. John H. Roberts Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, L.L.C. Bruce H. Rosen & Rosalie N. Rosen Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Albert Scaglione Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Schoenith Estate of Marian Schuyler Mr. Arthur Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Fred G. Secrest Severstal North America, Inc. Ms. Patricia J. Shaw Franklin & Harriet Siden Estate of Raymond C. Smith Mr. Anthony L. Soave The Mary G. Stange Charitable Trust Dr. Lawrence L. Stocker Mrs. Peter W. Stroh Mrs. William Suhr Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sullivan, Jr. The Taubman Company Mr. & Mrs. William S. Taubman Maurice & Michelle Taylor Textron Automotive Company Mrs. Richard J. Thoma ThyssenKrupp Materials N.A., Inc. Mrs. Edward J. Tutag UAW-GM Center for Human Resources Sheila & Jan van der Marck Ms. Madeline Verkinderin Volkswagen of America, Inc. Mrs. Anne Walker Salome E. & Jonathan T. Walton The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. Mrs. Elsie Watson WDIV/TV4 Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Weston Mr. H. T. Winchester John & Helga Wise Estate of Ilse Bing Wolf The World Heritage Foundation “The Prechter Fund” WWJ-TV Channel 62 Mrs. Mimi Yost Mrs. Rita J. Zahler Mr. Norbert A. Zuckerman Benefactor $50,000 cumulatively Accenture Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Acheson Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Terence E. Adderley Americana Foundation, Inc. Amerisure Companies Amoco Oil Company Dr. Lourdes V. Andaya Mr. & Mrs. K. C. Anderson Jeffrey Antaya & Robert Moroni The Antiquaries Pamela Applebaum Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Aptekar The Honorable Dennis W. Archer & The Honorable Trudy DunCombe Archer Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Aronoff Arthur Andersen, L.L.P. Associates of the American Wing Atlas Tool, Inc. Donald & Dale Austin Beverly Franzblau Baker Bal Polonais of Detroit Mrs. Lewis Balamuth Annette Balian Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Barasch Dr. Nathan Barrett Mr. & Mrs. J. Addison Bartush Lillian & Don Bauder Mr. & Mrs. Hyman M. Beale Mr. William B. Becker The Besser Foundation Mrs. Anne V. Bielawski Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bielfield Mrs. Loris G. Birnkrant Deanna & Joseph Bittker Mrs. Catherine C. Blackwell Mr. Melvin E. Bleich Harold & Penny Blumenstein Norman R. & Danielle Bodine William & Mary Jane Bostick Bridgestone/Firestone Trust Fund Mrs. Martin J. Budman The Bugas Fund Mrs. Patricia Burnett Butzel Long Campbell-Ewald The Clarence & Grace Chamberlin Foundation Gerald W. Chamberlin Foundation, Inc. Ms. Claire H. Chambers Dr. Wu W. Chao Charter One Bank Dr. Marlene S. Chavis Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Toby Citrin Ms. Dorothy E. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Clark Ms. Paula Cole ColorTech Graphics Dr. & Mrs. Julius V. Combs Mr. Martin Cook Mr. & Mrs. Rodkey Craighead Mr. James A. Crawford Peter & Julie Fisher Cummings Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Cunningham Mr. David Currie Mr. Frederick P. Currier & Mrs. Amy McCombs Currier Mr. Kenneth Dalto & Mrs. Mari Solaka D’Alto Ms. Gail Danto & Mr. Art Roffey Mr. & Mrs. Jerry P. D’Avanzo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Day The Detroit Medical Center The Charles DeVlieg Foundation Dickinson Wright P.L.L.C. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Diehl Mrs. Herbert D. Doan Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Doerer Elaine C. & Eugene Driker Elizabeth A. DuMouchelle & Leonard F. Charla Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. DuMouchelle Lawrence & MaryJo DuMouchelle Frank G. & Gertrude Dunlap Fund DuPont Automotive Mr. Gerald Earles Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Eaton Rupert & Billie Jean Edwards Mrs. Francis Elmore Mrs. John C. Emery Ms. Hilda R. Ettenheimer Cumulative Giving (continued) Benefactor (continued) 9 # Mr. Charles Evans Ida M. Faigle Charitable Foundation Federal Freight Systems, Inc. Federated Department Stores D. M. Ferry, Jr. Trustee Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fetter Dr. Clarissa Fineman Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Fisher Flagstar Bank Ms. Marilyn Flint Foley & Lardner L.L.P. Ford Division, Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company of England Ford Motor Credit Company Mr. & Mrs. John B. Ford III Mr. & Mrs. John N. Fox, Jr. Mrs. Anthony M. Franco Mrs. Harold L. Frank Mr. John M. Frank Mrs. Mary Frank Mr. & Mrs. Samuel N. Frank Maxine & Stuart Frankel Foundation, Maxine & Stuart Frankel Morton & Harriett Freedman Dr. Michael W. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fridholm Friends of Asian Art The Fruehauf Foundation Mrs. West Gallogly Friends of Polish Art Dr. Max J. Garber Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Gerson Mr. & Mrs. Yale Ginsburg Mr. Arnold Glimcher GMC Truck Mrs. Jane Golanty David I. & Barbara L. Goldburg Dr. Theodore & Diana Golden Mr. Jerry Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Richard Goodyear The Florence Gould Foundation Mrs. Graham J. Graham Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Graham Mr. & Mrs. Murray Grain Grand Marnier Foundation Greektown Casino, L.L.C. Mr. Henry M. Grix & Mr. Howard Israel Ms. Mary E. Grix Mr. Winston Guest Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Gushée Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Hagenlocker & Family Estate of Henry C. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. E. Jan Hartmann Ms. Patricia Heftler Hellenic Heritage Society Ms. Barbara G. Heller Mr. & Mrs. David M. Hempstead Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Hennessey Henry Ford Health System Mrs. Doreen Hermelin Ms. Judith Hernstadt Susanne Feld Hilberry & Richard Kandarian Mr. Sidney M. Hiller The Clarence & Jack Himmel Foundation Mr. Tredick K. Hine Mr. Gene Hirs Mr. Kempf Hogan Honigman Howard & Howard Attorneys, P.C., Allocation Committee Huntington National Bank J. Walter Thompson U.S.A. Dr. & Mrs. Manuel Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. William Jaeger Mary Lou & Richard Janes Mr. & Mrs. Christophe P. Janet Jenkins Construction, Inc. Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit Johnson & Johnson Mrs. William E. Johnston Estate of Mr. & Mrs. Alan Joslyn The Joyce Foundation Mr. John S. Judd Mr. Mitchell I. Kafarski & Dr. Zofia D. Kafarski Mr. Steven R. Kalt & Mr. Robert D. Heeren Mr. Bob Kan Mrs. Leonard K. Kasle Mr. & Mrs. Norman Katz Mr. Walter Keating Mr. Ellsworth Kelly Kerr Fine Art Roberta & Frederick R. Keydel Dr. & Mrs. Kyung-Soo Kim Mr. & Mrs. Otto G. Klein Mrs. Rosalie Kolbert Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Kross Dr. Myron & Joyce LaBan William & Constance Lacey Mrs. C. E. Langfield Lannan Foundation Loren & Joanne Lau David & Gloria Leader Mr. David Lebenbom Dr. & Mrs. Byung S. Lee Corrine Lemberg Mr. & Mrs. Elmore Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Edward Levine Mr. & Mrs. Noel Levine Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Lie LMT Rehabilitation Associates, P.C. Dana Locniskar & Christine Beck Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lucas Mrs. Marcia Lynn The Lyon Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Macdonald Mr. & Mrs. K. MacGillivray, Jr. Mr. Donald S. MacKenzie Mr. J. Patrice Marandel Mrs. Edward Mardigian Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Marko Edgar Martmer Family Trust Mazda North American Operations Mr. & Mrs. William T. McCormick, Jr. Mrs. Ralph T. McElvenny Mr. & Mrs. William S. McIlrath Students in Rivera Court. Cumulative Giving (continued) Benefactor (continued) 10 # Mr. & Mrs. Sidney F. McKenna MGM Grand Detroit Casino Michelin North America Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Miller Mrs. Dorothy Minett Dr. Martyna Miskinis L. William & Mary Jane Moll Monroe County Historical Museum Mrs. Ayers Morison Mrs. Florence M. Morris Mrs. Thomas J. Morrison Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Klaus F. Naumann Ms. Edna Skelton Newnan Mr. & Mrs. James B. Nicholson Mr. & Mrs. Norman P. Ochs Oldsmobile Division, General Motors Corporation Dr. & Mrs. Armando Ortiz Otto Gerdau Company Mrs. Frank Parcells Dr. & Mrs. Chan Kee K. Park Mrs. Ralzemond Parker Estate of V. Beverly Payne The Pfizer Foundation Shirley & Frank Piku Dr. Hilda M. H. Pinkus Mr. & Mrs. Karl Pohrt Mr. Thomas Pohrt Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Poling Pontiac Division, General Motors Corporation PPG Industries Mr. & Mrs. Merle V. Probst Mr. Max Protetch & Ms. Jackie Ferrara Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pulte Dr. & Mrs. Nii O. Quarcoopome Mr. William Everard Reed Mr. John V. Renchard Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd E. Reuss Mrs. Dean E. Richardson Katherine D. Rines Dr. Roger S. Robinson & Mrs. Janet Pickard Robinson Mr. David Rockefeller Mr. & Mrs. S. Dennis Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Rose Mrs. Pauline Greenspoon Rose Stanley Q. & Madalyn Rosen Norman & Dulcie Rosenfeld Mrs. Charlotte H. Rosenthal Donald H. Ross Mr. E. Safani St. John Health Saks Fifth Avenue William & Marjorie Sandy, Sandy Family Foundation Dr. Ivan C. Schatten John M. Schoenith Diane & Morton L. Scholnick Schostak Brothers & Company, Inc. Jules R. Schubot Jewellers Mr. Eugene I. Schuster Sandra & Alan S. Schwartz Marc A. Schwartz Mrs. Sylvia Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Alger B. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Keith Scripps Ms. Nettie H. Seabrooks Mr. & Mrs. Irving Seligman Mr. Jean-Pierre Selz Miss Ellen Sharp Mr. & Mrs. William W. Shelden, Jr. Mrs. John Shenefield Marilyn P. Sicklesteel & David A. Szymborski Mr. Thomas W. Sidlik & Ms. Rebecca Boylan Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Siebel, Jr. Louis & Nellie Sieg Foundation Dr. Les & Mrs. Ellen Siegel Albert J. & Merry J. Silber Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Simmons II Erwin & Marjorie Simon Mr. George S. Slocum, Jr. & Mrs. Mabel Slocum Mrs. Roger B. Smith Mr. Lawrence K. Snider Mrs. Jean Sosin Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Sosin Sotheby’s Mr. & Mrs. Dean Sova Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Spilkin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Stallkamp Mr. Joseph G. Standart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Stein Dr. Sheldon & Jessie Stern Mr. & Mrs. George Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Clinton F. Stimpson III Mrs. Lois Stulberg Dr. & Mrs. Gerard Teachman Lorna Thomas, M.D. ThyssenKrupp USA Tiffany & Co. Truck & Bus Division, General Motors Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Turner Unitarian Church Trust Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Valenti III Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Vander Molen Victor International Corporation Visiting Committee for European Sculpture & Decorative Arts Mrs. Robert J. Vlasic Dr. & Mrs. Vollrad Von Berg Mrs. Beverly P. Wagner Dr. Michael A. Wainstock Warner Communications Foundation Mr. William B. Warner Dr. Philip Washington Samuel L. Westerman Foundation Mrs. Norman Weston Mr. & Mrs. John T. Whatley Mr. & Mrs. Franklin H. Williams Mrs. Mary Williams Mr. Delano A. Willis Mrs. James H. Wineman Trudi & Henry Wineman II Estate of Helen Wittenberg Wolverine Packing Company The Women’s Committee Mr. Peter Wray Mr. Lester Wunderman Mr. Eric M. Wunsch WWJ CBS Radio Ralph & Ann Youngren Mr. George Zeltzer Mr. Arthur Zivian Dr. Leonard S. Zubroff Sustaining Fellow $25,000 cumulatively 3M Automotive Industry Center Ansel & Suzanne Aberly Dr. Susan Adelman Al Long Ford, Inc. Albert Kahn Associates, Inc. Altair Engineering, Inc. American Academy & Institute of Arts & Letters Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Mrs. Melissa L. Anderson Art of Poland Associates ASC, Inc. Clarence & Henrietta Ascher Foundation Carol & John Aubrey Mr. & Mrs. Paul Audouy AutoAlliance International John & Linda Axe Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Baks Ms. Florence Ballin Mr. Don H. Barden & Mrs. Bella Marshall Barden Barris, Sott, Denn & Driker, P.L.L.C. Barton Malow Co. BASF Corporation Tina & Leland K. Bassett Mr. & Mrs. Mark Alan Baun Bayer Corporation BBDO Detroit Mr. Graham W. J. Beal & Ms. Nancy Andrews Gina & George Bedrosian Mr. & Mrs. Edward Benson Irving & Harriet Berg Cumulative Giving (continued) Sustaining Fellow (continued) 11 # Mrs. Herbert A. Beyer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Bianco, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bloom Mr. & Mrs. John A. Boll BorgWarner, Inc. The Honorable Susan D. Borman & Mr. Stuart L. Michaelson Brand Thoroughbred Publication Mr. & Mrs. David J. Breen Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bright Buick Motors Division, General Motors Corporation Mrs. G. Doreen Bull H. William Burdett, Jr. C. P. Weatherston Construction Company, Inc. Ilse K. & Roy E. Calcagno Ms. Byna Camden Carol B. Camiener & Jim Herrington Campbell & Company Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Campbell Ms. Lena T. Carlile Mr. Joseph Carroll François & Marlies Castaing Charity Motors Car Donation Program Chemistri Mr. Peter Ciaramitaro Clark Hill, P.L.C. – Detroit Enrichment Fund Dr. Volna Clermont Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Collins Copper & Brass Sales, Inc. Cotsen Family Foundation Crain Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Czamanske D.A.B. Industries, Inc. Dassault Systèmes of America Ms. Laura L. Deibel Ms. Edith Dempsey DENSO International America, Inc. Detroit Media Group, L.L.C. Dr. Bart Dickson & Mrs. Andrea R. Dickson Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Dorfman Ms. Carol Ann Douglas & Ms. Barbara Ledas Quart Dow Corning Corporation Rosanne & Sandy Duncan Ms. C. Beth DunCombe-Brown & Mr. Joseph N. Brown Mr. John K. Dunn Dykema Gossett, P.L.L.C. Eaton Corporation EDS Edw. C. Levy Co. Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Emanuel Equilon Enterprises, L.L.C. Mrs. Toby Etkin European Paintings Council Leonard & Wendy Evans Mr. & Mrs. Martin Evelev Peggy & Jack Falcon Suzy & Burton D. Farbman Mr. & Mrs. William S. Fay Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher III Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. FitzSimons Ms. Martha J. Fleischman Ford & Earl Associates, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Benson Ford, Jr. Dale A. & Bruce Frankel Mrs. Rosalind Fredericks Friends of the Detroit Film Theatre Mr. & Mrs. Harvey C. Fruehauf, Jr. Roger & Joanna Garrett Ms. Mary G. Giroux Dr. Kenneth & Roslyne Gitlin Goodman Family Charitable Trusts Herbert & Gina A. Granger Saul & Diane Green Dr. Karl D. Gregory The John Gutmann Revocable Living Trust Habatat Galleries Sarah & Edgar Hagopian Harlan Foundation Mr. Hugh L. Harsha Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc. Health Alliance Plan Dr. & Mrs. Gerhardt A. Hein Ms. Julia Henshaw Mr. Eric J. Hespenheide & Ms. Judith Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hodas Jean M. Holland Sarah Katherine Hoyt Mr. & Mrs. Larry Huston InterOne Marketing Group Mr. Charles Isaacs & Ms. Carol Nigro Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. Istock ITT Industries Mr. & Mrs. John Jagger Japan Business Society of Detroit Foundation Johnson Controls Automotive Group Arthur & Chacona Johnson Mr. George G. Johnson Mrs. Robert Kasle Mr. Alex Katz Mrs. Robert T. Keller The Kojaian Companies KPMG, L.L.P. Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Kuhlman Dr. & Mrs. Alan Lakin Mr. & Mrs. Graham Landau Ms. Anne T. Larin Ms. Thelma Lauderbaugh The Myron P. Leven Foundation Mr. Myron P. Leven Mr. Edward C. Levy, Jr. & Ms. Linda Dresner Levy David B. & Kathleen Lewis Ms. Carol Lipton Goyette Little Caesar Enterprises, Inc. Dr. Edward J. Littlejohn Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Losh Ms. Joan Lovell Lynnridge Investment Company Benard L. Maas Foundation Ms. Anne Marie MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Magill Magna Seating Systems Engineering Division Dr. Bruce A. Margulis & Mrs. Annie Margulis Mrs. Florine Mark Mark/Lis Family Fund The Honorable Jack Martin & Dr. Bettye Arrington-Martin Timothy & Marilyn Mast Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. McCabe Mr. Donald McMinn The Meade Group Meade Lexus of Southfield & Lakeside Mr. & Mrs. David E. Meador Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. Ms. A. Anne Moroun Mrs. Nora Moroun Dr. Roger E. Mosesson Dr. & Mrs. Robert Moss Judie & Edward Narens National Park Service In Honor of B. F. Nelson Mr. John C. Nicholls, Jr. & Mrs. Barbara J. Nicholls Mary Northcutt & Michael Goodell Joelyn & George M. Nyman Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. O’Connell Ms. Mary M. O’Connor Ogilvy & Mather Advertising Mr. & Mrs. John M. Oswald Pacific Telesis Foundation Panasonic Automotive Electronics Company Mr. John T. Parks Ms. Cynthia J. Pasky & Mr. Paul M. Huxley Ms. Sophie Pearlstein Robert E. L. Perkins, D.D.S. Ms. Sandra Plezia & Mr. Ryan Husaynu Dr. Terry & Meryl Podolsky Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pohrt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Polk Mr. Bruce W. Polozker Dr. John W. Porter Cumulative Giving (continued) Sustaining Fellow (continued) 12 # Post Road Gallery Dr. & Mrs. A. Michael Prus Pulte Homes, Inc. R. P. Scherer Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Raben Ms. Michele Rambour Raymond James & Associates RBL Group, Inc. Redico Management, Inc. Mr. Erick A. Reickert Ring Screw Works Robert Bosch Corporation Skip & Carol Roberts Mr. Peter E. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Roby, Jr. Ms. Patricia H. Rodzik The Sigmund & Sophie Rohlik Foundation Mrs. Ann C. Rohr Mr. G. Scott Romney & Ms. Ellen Jean Rogers Mrs. Ann Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Rosowski Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Ross Mr. Gary Ruby & Mrs. Gail Ruby Mrs. Robert G. Russell Mr. James Rutkowski Mr. Joseph Samulowicz Dr. Emile L. Sandelin III & Ms. Bridget M. Kinard Sara Lee – Ball Park Brands Bluma & Robert Schechter Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Schubot Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Schurman Mr. Gary Schwartz & Ms. Cindy Shaffran Mrs. John D. Scofield Ms. Martha R. Seger Mrs. Sandra Seligman & Mr. Gilbert Glassberg Mr. Steve Shane Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Burks Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Shapiro Siemens VDO Automotive Mrs. Leslie R. Slatkin Societa Italiana Vetro, S.p.A. Mrs. Sydelle Sonkin Estate of Helen Georgie St. Amour Dr. Gregory E. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Helmut Stern Mr. & Mrs. Victor Tahill Talon Group Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Taubman Mr. S. Martin Taylor & The Honorable Anna Diggs Taylor Tiffany & Co. Foundation Ms. Marana W. Tost Mrs. William C. Tost Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. TRW Foundation TRW, Inc. TRW Steering & Suspension Systems Andronike A. Tsagaris & John D. Hilberry UAW – Chrysler National Training Center Mr. & Mrs. Mark Valade The Vattikuti Foundation Mrs. Harry Vellmure Versacom, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William P. Vititoe Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Wadhams Waitzkin Memorial Library Trust Mr. Alvin E. Walker Ms. Joan D. Walker Miss Doris H. Walter Ms. Lenore Weiss Mr. Robert D. Welchli The Honorable Helene N. White Mr. James F. White Whitman Consulting, L.L.C. Mr. Roland C. Wiener Mr. & Mrs. Don Wiiken Mr. & Mrs. David P. Williams Hadley & Beverly Wine Mr. & Mrs. Richard Witmer, Jr. Drs. Prudentia & William Worth Ms. Judith C. Wyche Young & Rubicam Detroit Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Young Mr. & Mrs. Reese Zantop Ms. Denise Zimmerman Fellow $7,500 cumulatively Dianne & Jim Abel Joseph & Kristina Acheson Mrs. Joyce G. Adderley Mr. James Adley & Ms. Alison McMaugh Advanced Accessory Systems Mr. & Mrs. William R. Aikens Aldoa Company Mrs. John Alexander Mr. William R. H. Alexander Alitalia Airlines Mr. Anthony D. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Allison Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Allured Mr. & Mrs. Richard Alonzo ALPIS, Inc. American Express American Surgical Centers Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Andersen The Honorable & Mrs. Charles W. Anderson III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Anderson Anderson-Cook, Inc. Ms. Michelle Andonian Mrs. Sophie Angelescu Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation Kathleen & Joseph E. Antonini Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Antos Dr. & Mrs. Joel L. Appel Dr. & Mrs. Agustin Arbulu Archdiocese of Detroit Mr. Dennis W. Archer, Jr. & The Honorable Roberta Cheryl Archer Archives of American Art ARCO Foundation Mrs. Florence Arnoldi Artists of Detroit Focus Arvin North American Automotive Mrs. Carolyn Ash Ms. Rubina Aslanian Ms. Karla Atchoo Atlas Tube Dr. & Mrs. James E. Austin Auto Leather Guild of America Automated Collection Systems Avis Ford, Inc. Mrs. Linda W. Aviv & Mr. Joseph Aviv B. G. Multimedia Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Babcock Bacardi USA, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Backes The Harry E. Bagley Foundation Morris & Beverly Baker Foundation John D. & Susan Baker Balian Eye Center Bally’s Vic Tanny Ms. Diane M. Bancroft Mr. & Mrs. W. Kent Barclay Ms. Laurie Barnes & Mr. Steven C. Wang Mr. & Mrs. Lewis K. Barnes Barneys New York Mr. Mark Baron & Mrs. Elise Boisante Mrs. Andrew W. Barr Mr. & Mrs. Hugh F. Barrington, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Guy Barron Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Barry Mr. & Mrs. Jack Barthwell III Mr. Robert Bartlett Dr. & Mrs. Julian R. Bass Bassett & Bassett, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Clifford O. Bath, Jr. Ms. Donna Batista Robert & Lynn Bauer Mr. Bogdan Baynert BBK, Ltd. BC International The Romare Howard Bearden Foundation, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. William Beauregard Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Becker Beckett Associates BEI Associates, Inc. John & Marilyn Belamaric Ms. Therese Bellaimey Mr. & Mrs. J. Dale Bennett Mrs. Blanche Benton Cumulative Giving (continued) Fellow (continued) 13 # Mr. Donald A. Benyas Mr. & Mrs. John L. Berbiglia Ms. E. J. Beresh Drs. Ramon & Peggyann Berguer The Berline Group, Inc. Mrs. Jule Berman Mr. John R. Bernard Mrs. Ruth P. Berndt Dr. & Mrs. John J. Bernick Mrs. Carol Bernstein Dr. Andrew H. Berry Dr. Margaret L. Betts Beztak Companies Dr. Kanta Bhambhani James & Jeanne Bieri Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Billington Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bingham Mrs. Norman L. Bird Mrs. Gilda Birmingham Blachford, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Black The Blackstone Group Mr. & Mrs. James Blanchard Mr. Frank Blaney Mr. Albert D. Blatnikoff Mr. William C. Blaylock G. Peter & Martha Blom Mr. John I. Bloom Drs. Victor & Shirley Bloom Blue Care Network of Michigan Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Blumenstein Bodman, L.L.P. Mrs. Henry L. Bodman Mr. Doug Boehmer The Boeing Company Mr. John Bolden Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bonahoom Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bone Frances P. Book Foundation Frank H. Boos Gallery, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Booth II Borders Group, Inc. Mr. & Ms. Jack Bourget Dr. & Mrs. David L. Bouwman Ms. Marilyn Bowerman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bowlby Boyle Burdett, P.C. Mr. Robert W. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Brasie Brass Craft Manufacturing Company Bravo Cable Network Breitling USA Mr. Frank Briglia & Ms. Rosalind Logan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brincheck Mr. & Mrs. Patrice Brion Mr. & Mrs. William C. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Drew S. Brophy Dr. Charles H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Brown Mrs. Doris A. Brucker Mrs. Isabel W. Buckner Mr. C. Henry Buhl Buick Motor Division, General Motors Corporation Burberry’s Mrs. Rose Ella Burkhardt Ms. Catherine E. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Burton Mrs. Evelyn Burton Burton-Katzman Development Company Mrs. Cheryl Busbey C. A. Muer Corporation Cadillac Products, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Caldwell Mr. James L. Cameron, Jr. Mr. Russell J. Cameron C. David & Susan Goethel Campbell Mrs. Douglas Campbell, Jr. Mrs. Kathleen B. Candler Warner & Loretta Canto Mr. Paul D. Canvasser Canyon Ranch Spa Mrs. Patricia Capalbo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Capo Carolina Holdings, Inc. Dr. Vivian L. Carpenter Cars & Concepts, Inc. Ms. Barbara E. Carson McHale & Mr. David J. Lowrie Ms. Alice Carter Ms. Dorothy A. Cartwright Mr. Charles R. Carvell Mr. Jean-Christophe Castelli Dr. & Mrs. Victor J. Cervenak Champion Enterprises, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Manny Charach Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Charfoos Chateau Communities, Inc. Mr. David Chivas Mr. Harold C. Choitz Mr. & Mrs. William A. Chope CHV Building Co., L.L.C. Mr. Fred J. Chynchuk Mr. Michael L. Cioni Citizens Bank Citizens Insurance Company of America City Disposal Dr. & Mrs. Robert T. Clark Ms. Jane Cleveland Clifford N. Wright Associates Architects, P.C. Coca-Cola Bottling Company Leon S. Cohan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cohen Mrs. Miriam Colburn Mr. & Mrs. Allen M. Coleman Ms. Judith L. Collier Mrs. Charles Colman Community Central Bank Mrs. Joseph Connors Continental Airlines Continental Automotive Systems Miss Margaret Conzelman Cooper Tire & Rubber Company Mrs. Ellen Cooper Mr. & Mrs. James L. Cooper Ms. Vivienne Cooper Mr. Mark W. Cope & Mrs. Mary Cope Core Industries, Inc. Mr. William B. Corlis Peter J. & Constance M. Cracchiolo Foundation Creative Aim Ms. Kathryn P. Cromwell Cross & Trecker Corporation Ms. Mimi Cummings Mr. Owen Cummings Ms. Mary Ann Currie Dr. & Dr. C. Arnold Curry Curtis Glass Co., Inc. Curtis Publishing Ms. Shirley E. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dabrowski Mr. & Mrs. William D. Dahling Mrs. Roberta J. Dailey Ms. Peggy Daitch Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Dalby Dana Corporation Danuta Mr. Armen Darakjian Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Dare Mr. & Mrs. Leon Darga Mr. Tyrone M Davenport & Ms. Linda D. Forte Mrs. Victoria Davenport Mr. & Mrs. Ethan D. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. William Davidson Mr. Kenneth M. Davies Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Davis Mr. Edward C. Dawda & Ms. Alice I. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. John W. Day Mrs. Paralee G. Day Annette M. De Lorenzo Mr. Edward Deeb & Mrs. Joanne Deeb Delco Electronics Corp. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Delmastro Delphi Automotive Systems Deluxe Corporation Foundation Mrs. Beck Demery Ms. Cristina A. Denison Mr. Dirk Denison Cumulative Giving (continued) Fellow (continued) 14 # Mr. & Mrs. David Denn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Denomme Mr. Joseph Deoro & Mrs. Arlene Deoro Mrs. Margaret Deradoorian Detmar Corporation Detroit Ball Bearing Company Detroit Diesel Corporation The Detroit Lions, Inc. Detroit Testing Laboratory, Inc. Detroit Tigers, Inc. Frederic & Barbara Detwiler DeVlieg Machine Company Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dewar Gene & Barbara Dickirson Donald & Christine Diehl Difco Laboratories Mr. Douglass & Dr. Shauna R. Diggs Mr. David A. DiLaura Drs. John & Catherine Dinka The Docent Committee Ms. Jean M. Doelle Donald A. Coleman Advertising, Inc. Donald Morris Gallery, Inc. Mr. Frederick Doner Mrs. Wilfred B. Doner Mr. & Mrs. James D. Donlon III Mr. & Mrs. J. Gordon Douglas III Dow Chemical U.S.A. Ms. Margaret A. Dowling Dreams In Progress Foundation The DRM Group Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ducey Mr. & Mrs. David Duey Mr. & Mrs. Gordon B. Duncan, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy Dunitz Ms. Judy Dunn Mr. Richard J. Durling Eagle Art Partners Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Earley Geoffrey & Brenda Eaton Edgemere Enterprises, Inc. Harold & Esther Edgerton Family Foundation Murray & Alice Ehrinpreis Mr. & Mrs. Brian Eisenberg Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Eisenberg Dr. & Mrs. A. Bradley Eisenbrey Empire of America Realty Credit Corporation Mrs. Evelyn M. English Mrs. Jane Lee Ensinger Entertainment Weekly, Inc. Entwistle & Co., London Epic Fine Arts Company Mrs. Ray R. Eppert Mr. & Mrs. Alex Erdeljan Mr. & Mrs. William A. Ervasti Mr. & Mrs. David Esau Mr. & Mrs. James M. Ethridge European-American Center for International Education Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Evans The Evening News Association Ms. June Everett Tony & Kathryn Everett Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kratzet Mr. Stephen E. Ewing Exxon Chemical Company Dr. Jean E. Fair Ms. Sharon F. Fanto Ms. Diane S. Farber The Farbman Group, Inc. Drusilla Farwell Foundation Faygo Beverages, Inc. Al & Helen Febbo Ms. Patricia A. Fedor & Mr. Christopher T. Sortwell Feigenson Gallery Mrs. Barbara Feld Mr. & Mrs. Milton Feldberg Mr. Marc L. Felix Mr. & Mrs. Jerome J. Fellrath Ms. Kay Felt Ferris Baker Watts, Inc. Mrs. Dexter M. Ferry Mr. & Mrs. Mason Ferry Fieldman Sims Foundation Dexter Fields, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. John G. Fike Fine Arts, Inc. Harvey S. Firestone, Jr. Foundation Mrs. Adeline Firnschild Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fischer Fisher & Company Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher, Jr. Ms. Dorothy Fisher Dr. Evelyn J. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Fisher Robert & Marcy Fisher Dr. Marjorie M. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Phillip William Fisher Ms. Margaret Fitzpatrick Mrs. Katherine Flannery Mrs. Edgar B. Flint Florists Transworld Delivery Association Foamade Industries Ms. Jane Forbes Ford Motor Company, Lincoln Mercury Division Ford Motor Company, Parts & Service Division Mrs. Charlotte M. Ford Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Ford III Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ford, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Forster Virginia Palfrey Forsyth Revocable Living Trust John Bailey Forsyth Trust Ms. Carol M. Foster Mrs. Virginia B. Fox Mr. George R. Francoeur Mr. & Mrs. Alan Frank Mrs. Arnold E. Frank Mr. Benjamin Frank & Mrs. Margaret Frank Beverly & David Frank Ms. Lisa D. Frank Herman & Sharon Frankel Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Herman Frankel Ms. Josephine Franz & Mr. Russell Gill Mr. Brad Frazer Sharon A. & Stephen T. Freitas Mr. Leonard D. Frescoln Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Fretter Mr. Kirk A. Frey Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Fried Dr. Robert A. Frosch & Mrs. Jessica R. Frosch Mr. & Mrs. H. Richard Fruehauf, Jr. Fuller Central Park Properties, L.L.C. Ms. Roberta Fuller Ms. Susan Funk Galerie LeLong Mr. & Mrs. William Galloway Gannett Outdoor Company of Michigan Mr. & Mrs. James M. Garavaglia Larry & Ann Garberding Mr. & Mrs. Lee Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Garrett Mr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Gaston Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gaynor Wood & Rosemary Geist Gem Theatre & Century Club General Dynamics Corporation General Dynamics Land Systems General Electric Company General Safety Corporation Mr. Thomas R. Geniusz Ms. Deborah George Mr. & Mrs. John George Dr. & Mrs. Byron Georgeson Germano Management Company Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gerulski Dr. Thomas Giancarlo & Ms. Kathleen O’Grady-Giancarlo Ms. Maryanne Gibson Giffels Associates, Inc. Giffels-Webster Engineers Mrs. Howard A. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. William Gilbert William B. & Margaret Giles Fund Ms. Margaret Giles Ms. Anne F. Ginn Cumulative Giving (continued) Visitors watch Mixing and Serving Wine: Every Shape Has Its Purpose, a short video demonstrating how wine was served in ancient Greece. Fellow (continued) 15 # Mrs. Patricia A. Glidewell Dr. & Mrs. Frank C. Glover Dr. & Mrs. John Glover Dr. Stefan Glowacki Dr. & Mrs. Scot F. Goldberg Ms. Eleanor Golden-Zuppke Goldman, Sachs & Company Mr. & Mrs. Herman Goldsmith Dr. & Mrs. Sidney Goldstein Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Gordon Ms. Lana Gordon Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Gosman Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Graham Grand Hotel Stanley & Barbara Grandon Grant Thornton, L.L.P. Mr. Sy Grant Leslie T. Graves Great Lakes Gas Transmission Great Lakes Steel/National Steel Corporation John E. Green Company Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Greenberg Mrs. Josephine C. Greene Robert & Ann Greenstone Greenstone’s Fine Jewelry Grigg Graphic Services, Inc. Mr. Jeffrey P. Groehn Mr. & Mrs. David L. Groen Norman & Barbara Gross GTN Industries, Inc. Gucci America, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Gunderson Alice Gustafson Dr. Joan Hackett Mrs. Rita C. Haddow Mr. David A. Hagelstein Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hague Dr. & Mrs. Mark Haimann Mr. Harrison Hale Mr. Michael Hall Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Y. Halperin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Halsted Halston Enterprises, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest W. Hamady Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hamilton Ms. Margaret A. Hammond Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Hampson Mr. & Mrs. David Handleman Dr. Mary H. Handleman & Mr. Philip Handleman Harley Ellington Design Mr. & Mrs. Martin Harris Mr. & Mrs. Merle Harris William & Carole Harris Mr. Lee V. Hart & Mr. Charles L. Dunlap Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hartman III Michael & Pamela Hartmann Eugene & Donna Hartwig The Hass Foundation Carl & Laurian Hasselwander Ms. Meryl Hauser, Ms. Kay Hauser & Ms. Wendy Hauser Mr. William F. Hayden Mr. & Mrs. Stewart A. Hayes Mr. Joseph Falik & Ms. Deborah Hecht Mrs. Margaret T. Heftler Mr. & Mrs. James Henderson Mr. Geoffrey Hendricks Henniges Automotive Mrs. Georgiann G. Henritzy Mrs. Gloria Heppner John & Joan Herlitz Herrick Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Herrick Mrs. William S. Hickey Hi-Falutin Music Peter & Frances Higbie Mrs. John T. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hiles Mr. & Mrs. George Hill Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hinshon Mr. & Mrs. William O. Hochkammer Mr. Gerald Hoddy Mr. William D. Hodgman Louise Hodgson Mrs. Alice Hoffer Mr. Michael E. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Hohendorf Mrs. George M. Holley, Jr. Mr. Jonathan S. Holtzman Mark & Mary Hoppe Preston & Deborah Hopper Ms. Jan Horton Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Howard Mrs. Suzanne Howell Harvey M. & Diane Howitt Mr. F. G. L. Huetwell Mrs. Mary Hughes Mr. Willie J. Huling, Jr. Mrs. Harriet H. Hull Mr. & Mrs. John Hunter Mrs. William E. Hutton Mr. & Mrs. Mario Iacobelli Ms. Jennifer Iden-Liss Mr. & Mrs. Addison Igleheart Michael & Marian Ilitch Mr. & Mrs. Martin Inglis Institute of Fine Arts Intraco Corp. Ms. Sylvia Itkin Mitchell Mr. H. William Ives J & H Marsh & McLennan, Inc. J. Lewis Cooper Co. Mr. & Mrs. Hiram E. Jackson, Jr. Mrs. H. John Jacob Mrs. Carmen S. Jacobs Ms. Jody R. Jacobs Joseph & Nancy Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Scott Jacobson Jaguar of Troy Mrs. Nadine Jakobowski Karen & Henry Jallos Japan Airlines Mrs. Sybil Jaques Jefferson Pilot Financial Mrs. Arthur Jefferson Thomas H. & Patricia L. Jeffs Mr. & Mrs. W. Anthony Jenkins JGA, Inc. Mr. John W. Jickling Ms. Julia Jickling & Dr. Ray Noellert Mr. Arthur H. Johns Johnson & Higgins of Michigan, Inc. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Ms. Dawn Johnson Mrs. Joy E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. A. David Jones Mr. & Mrs. J. Whitfield Jones Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Jones Richard & Carol Jonson The Peter T. Joseph Foundation, Inc. Mr. Peter T. Joseph JPRA Architects Julian Pretto Gallery Althea Kabak Nora Maya Kachaturoff, M.D. Dr. & Mrs. Darnell Kaigler Mr. Roy A. Karcher Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kaufman Lawrence & Cara Kazanowski Ms. Alma B. Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kehrig, Jr. Cumulative Giving (continued) Fellow (continued) 16 # The Honorable Damon J. Keith Ms. Kathrine Keljo Mr. & Ms. Martin Kellman Mr. James A. Kelly & Ms. Mariam C. Noland Mr. Michael J. Kelter Mrs. Stephanie Kemp Mr. Lawrence M. Hands & Ms. Karen Kendrick-Hands Mrs. Margot Kessler Mr. Ronald J. Ketko Mr. & Mrs. Gerd H. Keuffel Dr. & Mrs. George S. Keyes Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kiriluk Dr. & Mrs. James W. Klein Dr. Marvin E. Klein Thomas & Linda Klein Ms. Marlene Kler KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Knapp Mr. Gerhardt Knodel & Mr. Kenneth R. Gross Mr. & Mrs. Natalio Kogan Kolon, Bittker & Desmond, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Kontulis II Ms. Phyllis D. Korn & Ms. Selma Korn Mr. Noel Kott & Ms. Holly Powell Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Kozemchak Ms. Mary L. Kramer Sidney Krandall & Sons Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kratchman Phyllis & Gerald Krause Dr. & Mrs. David Krevsky Mr. & Mrs. William Kroger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Kroll Mr. & Mrs. John A. Kruse Kuhlman Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kulka, Jr. Mr. Howard A. Ladue Lamb Technicon Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Lamparter Mrs. Anne Lampe Cecile C. & Martin J. Landay Mrs. Saundra Lane Dr. William A. Lange Ms. Meg Larou & Mr. Russ Valvo Mr. & Mrs. Gordon O. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Paul Laughlin Mrs. Cleo-Rae Lavey Dolores & Paul Lavins Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Lawrence Mrs. Robert E. Lazzerin, Jr. Mr. Robert Lane & Ms. Lexa Leatherdale Mr. & Mrs. Allen Ledyard Mr. & Mrs. John R. Leekley Mr. & Mrs. James R. Leese Ruth & Julian Lefkowitz Mr. Thomas Lehn & Ms. Jane Lackey Mr. Raymond Lehtinen Mr. & Mrs. David G. Leitch Leo Burnett Company, Inc. Mrs. Mollie C. Leonelli Mr. & Mrs. Lance Leonelli Mr. Max Lepler & Mr. Rex L. Dotson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lesperance Robert Lesser Dr. Melvin A. Lester Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Letts, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Levine Dr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Levinson Ms. Marise Levy Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Levy Mr. & Mrs. Milford T. Lewis Ms. Patricia Lewis Ms. Anne L’Hommedieu Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Liebler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lile Dr. Christine Lilyquist Ms. Susanna Linburg Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lindquist Ms. Judith A. Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lipton Mr. Herd Little III Deena & Stuart Lockman Gordon Locksley & George Shea The Reverend & Mrs. William S. Logan Dr. Stephan J. & Mrs. Marian E. Loginsky Mr. & Mrs. David G. London Loomis Sayles & Company, Inc. Looney Ricks Kiss Architects, Inc. Lord & Taylor Dr. Dean S. Louis Malcolm & Beth Lowenstein Foundation LRM Consultants Dr. Elliott & Ideane Luby Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli Mr. & Mrs. Bernard P. Lucas LucasVarity Automotive Ludington News Company, Inc. Mr. Jeffrey N. Lutz & Dr. M. Cathy Nowosielski Mr. & Mrs. William Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Glenn W. Lysinger Ms. Paula MacDonald Machus Sly Fox, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William MacLennan Madison Madison International Mr. & Mrs. John B. Mager Magna Donnelly Corporation Ms. Leah Maguire The R. C. Mahon Foundation Ms. Charlotte Mahrt Ms. Margaret J. Makulski Mrs. Joseph Maniscalco Ms. Rhoda Mann Winkler Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Mann Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Mann Mr. Gary R. Marcicano Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mardigian, Jr. Mr. Lloyd Marentette Mr. John L. Marion Mr. & Mrs. Norman Markowitz Mr. Rogers I. Marquis Marsh USA, Inc. M. Jane Beatty Marshall Ms. Jean A. Marson Beatrice B. Martin Trust Oscar B. & Nancy G. Marx Masland Industries Mr. & Mrs. Arthur K. Mason Mr. Eugene O. Mauch Max Falk Associates Max Mara Salon Ms. Nancy Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. McBrien McCann-Erickson, Inc. Mr. Jackson McDaniel & Ms. Jeri Fenderson Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo L. McDonald Douglas McElroy & Lisa Wetzen McGraw Hill Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. McGregor, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Stephen McInerney Ms. Margaret McIntosh Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. McKeever The Honorable & Mrs. Andrew G. McLemore James & Rebecca McLennan Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. McMechan Mrs. Christine K. McNaughton Mr. & Mrs. James McNeal Mr. James M. McNeely Mrs. Hudson Mead Mrs. Jane W. Meade Mr. Kenneth G. Meade Mrs. Theodore H. Mecke, Jr. Lisa & Brian Meer Dr. & Mrs. Donald A. Meier Mrs. Pauline Mendelssohn Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. Metaldyne Corp. Metro Detroit Ford Dealers Mr. & Mrs. Roland Meulebrouck Mr. & Mrs. George H. Meyer Mr. Ralph Meyering Mr. & Mrs. Charles Meyers Mezzanine Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mich George & Christine Michaels Michigan Shortening Company Microsoft Systems Cumulative Giving (continued) Fellow (continued) 17 # Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Mikon Miller Parking Company Mr. John C. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Steve Miller Dr. & Mrs. Orlando Miller Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Miller, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Millman Mr. George M. Misakian Mitsubishi International Corp. Ms. Frances Moceri Sandra & Robert Moers Dr. Ali Moiin Mr. Mansour Mokhtarzadeh Moncur Associates David Moncur Mrs. David Mondry Mr. & Mrs. John Moody Mr. & Mrs. James Mooney Mrs. James H. Moore Mr. Lane J. Moore The Honorable Marion Moore Mr. Erivan Morales & Dr. Seigo Nakao Mrs. Patricia Morgan & Mr. Courtney E. Morgan MORPACE International, Inc. Mr. Steven Morris & Ms. Rachelle Dwaihy Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center MTV Networks Mr. & Mrs. Germano L. Mularoni Mr. Lee Munder Museum Loan Network, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mr. & Mrs. Allan Nachman Dr. & Mrs. Carl Nagy Mr. Ben Nathanson Mr. & Mrs. William R. Neal, Jr. Nederlander Theatrical Corporation Mrs. Marjorie Nederlander Linden D. Nelson Foundation Mr. Linden D. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Larry Nemer Mr. & Mrs. Milford M. Nemer New Detroit, Inc. Newcor, Inc. Mrs. Yvonne Newnan & Dr. Henry L. Newnan Ms. Dorothy Nichols Mrs. G. A. Nicholson, Jr. Ms. Penny Nickle Dr. & Mrs. Michael Nigro Nissan Technical Center North America, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. George R. N’Namdi Dr. & Mrs. David Noffert Nomads Nordstrom Northern Trust Bank FSB Northwest World Vacations Norwegian Cruise Line Mr. & Mrs. Joel Nosanchuk Mr. Morton Noveck Mr. & Mrs. Irving Nusbaum OAS Group, Inc. Mrs. Richard D. O’Connor Patricia & David O’Donnell Offshore Sailing School Jeff Ogden & Shifrah Nenner Mrs. Beverly Olender Anne & Robert Olender Olympia Entertainment Ms. Diana Omecinsky Eric & Arlene Oppenheim Mrs. Mary Gene Oppermann Opus One Oracle Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Orley Mr. & Mrs. John S. Osler Dr. & Mrs. Claude Oster Ms. Martha Ann Ottolini P & D Colnaghi & Company P&M Corporate Finance, L.L.C. Mr. & Mrs. Howard Padgham Mr. & Mrs. James J. Padilla Leocadio & Donna Padilla David & Andrea Page Thomas Page & Bonnie Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Palmer Pangborn Design Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Papp Park West Gallery Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Parke Mrs. Margot C. Parker Ms. Grace M. Parr Ms. Kathryn Parrott & Mr. Dennis Parrott Parties with Class Mr. & Mrs. Spencer M. Partrich Mr. John M. Patrick Dr. & Mrs. Clayton Peimer Ms. Fanne W. Pelavin Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Pelling Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Peltz Dr. David W. Penney & Ms. Adriana Greci Green Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Penske Pentamark Worldwide Ms. Danielle E. Pepin Mr. William A. Pepin Pepper Hamilton, L.L.P. Pepsico Inc. Mrs. Clarice Percox Perini Building Company Ms. Mary A. Perna Pernod Ricard USA Dr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Perry Ms. Esther Peters Mr. J. Douglas Peters & Ms. Christine Consales Dr. & Mrs. William P. Peters Peterson Spring Company Petoskey Plastics Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation Ross & Catharine Pfeiffer Pfizer Global Research & Development Clarence & Edith Phillips Mrs. Elliott H. Phillips Mr. Robert M. Piazza Ms. Vivian R. Pickard Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Pierce Mrs. Winnifred Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Platt Dr. Max Plous & Ms. Anita Plous Mr. Edward J. Podorsek Dr. Norman J. Pokley Mrs. Ralph L. Polk R. L. Polk & Company Mrs. David Pollack Mr. James R. Pongracz Mr. Theodore J. Popowitz Gary & Aleksandra Porter Mr. & Mrs. William L. Porter Ms. Rose Poskel Ms. Jennifer R. Poteat Ms. Marge Potter PPG Industries Foundation Doris B. Pratt Trust Mrs. Harriet Prentis Dr. Glenda D. Price The PrivateBank Process Development Corp. Progressive Tool & Industries Company Providence Hospital Mr. & Mrs. W. James Prowse Prudential Securities, Inc. Prudential Securities of Bloomfield Hills Mr. Murray James Pyle & Ms. Ellen Sherwood Quael Corporation Ms. Barbara Quilty R V Alliance America The R. J. Marshall Company Dr. & Mrs. R. D. Rabinovitch Mr. & Mrs. Richard Radner Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Radom Drs. Renato & Daisy Ramos Gary & Rhonda Ran Mrs. Richard H. Randall Real Estate One, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Clyde B. Recht Mrs. Louis G. Redstone Mr. Gregory J. Reed, Esq. Cumulative Giving (continued) Fellow (continued) 18 # Mrs. Violette J. Reghanti Mr. James M. Rein William & Donna Remer Mr. Peter G. Remington & Ms. Peggy Daitch The Renaissance Chapter of The Links, Inc. The Renaissance Club Ms. Suzanne L. Rewey & Mr. Robert Rewey Mr. John Rhea Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Rhea Mrs. Rose Marie Richards Rite Aid Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ritok, Jr. Robertson Brothers Company Mr. David Robertson Jan & Paul Robertson, Jr. Ms. Barbara R. Robinson Dr. Phyllis E. Robinson Dr. Charlotte Robson Rochester College Rock Financial Mr. Richard G. Roeder & Mrs. Doris K. Roeder Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Rogel Rollins Hudig Hall of Michigan, Inc. Mrs. Paul Romanelli Mr. Leland Ropp Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Rose Paul & Fay Rosen Dr. & Mrs. Albert Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rosenthal Norman Rosenzweig, M.D. Mrs. Grace Rosman Mr. Aaron R. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Ross Mr. Hugh C. Ross Constance & Martin H. Ross Ms. Raquel Ross Rossetti Associates Architects Mr. & Mrs. George Roumell, Jr. Dr. L. James Roy Royal Cruise Line Royal Maccabees Life Insurance Company Royal Viking Line Drs. Thomas & Susan Ruane Mr. Irving A. Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rubin Mr. & Mrs. John P. Rusche Mr. & Mrs. George Russell Mr. Wilmer Rutt Mrs. Susan Ruwart Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Rye Mr. & Mrs. Leonard L. Rynski Ms. Juliet M. Sabit Martie & Bob Sachs Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Sachs II Salander-O’Reilly Galleries, L.L.C. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur O. Salasnek Dr. & Mrs. William H. Salot Mr. Richard Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Saperstein Fred & Kathy Satterlund Ms. Joyce E. Scafe Geraldine M. Schafer Trust Dr. Peter E. Schaffer Mr. Sherwood A. Schartner Mrs. H. R. Schemm Dr. Michael J. Schenden Ms. Karla Scherer Mrs. Evelyne Scheyer Dr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Schillinger Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Schlang Mrs. Jeanne Schlitters Schlussel & Drazin Mr. Warren H. Schmekel Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Schmidt Mrs. Markus Schmidt Mr. Peter C. Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schmitt Karen & Jeff Schoenberg Ms. Mary Kay Schoenith Morgan Ashley Schoenith Mr. Thomas Michael Schoenith Mr. Kevin Schoensee Ms. Susan Schooner Mrs. Serafina J. Schorer Dr. Susan H. Schreiber & Mr. Harold Schreiber Sherwin & Sandy Schreier Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schulak Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schumacher Mr. Bernard Schwartz Barbara & Eugene Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Schwartz Mr. George Schwelinger Ms. Melissa Downey Scripps Mr. & Mrs. Merton Segal Mr. & Mrs. George H. Seifert Mrs. Gail Seitz SelectCare, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Selle Mr. Kim B. Serota & Mrs. Karen A. Serota Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Seski Mr. Mark Shaevsky Robert & Jocelyn Shaffer Shanty Creek-Schuss Mountain Andrew & Marjorie Shaw Ms. Nedda N. Shayota Shearson Lehman Brothers Frances D. Shelden Trust Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sheppard Phyllis Shine Dr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Shufro Mr. Edward Shufro Mrs. Joanne S. Sibley Sibley’s Shoes, Inc. Lewis & Beverly Siegel Ms. Claudia Sills Mrs. Marilyn D. Silver Mr. & Mrs. Paul Silverman Ms. Wendy D. Silverman Mr. Joel Silvers Mr. Michael Simon Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Simon Mr. Michael J. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Sims Sisters of St. Joseph Health System Skidmore Ms. Odyssia Skouras Donna & Robert Slatkin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sloan Mr. & Mrs. Larry Smith Mr. James Avery Smith & Ms. Mary Jo Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John F. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Leonard W. Smith Mr. & Ronald J. W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Sidney W. Smith, Jr. Cyvia & David Snyder Mrs. Shelda Soble Society of Arts & Crafts Sodexho Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sokol Jack & Jane Solomon Solvay Engineered Polymers Mr. & Mrs. Harvey L. Solway Somerset Collection Mr. Richard Sonenklar Mr. Allen Sonfist Richard & Renate Soulen Ms. Jane K. Souris Robert & Susan Sovel Dr. & Mrs. Henry Sprague Mr. David C. Spraker SPX Corporation Mr. James W. St. Miklosi Mrs. Shirley Stancato & Mr. Henry Stancato Mr. Robert Edgar Steinberg Ms. Janice F. Steinhardt Mr. Frank D. Stella Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Stempel Dr. Calvin L. Stevens Mr. David G. Stevens Stewart Management Group Mrs. Nancy C. Stocking Mr. Simeon H. Stoddard The Reverend Dr. Ruth H. Strang Strategic Staffing Solutions Ms. Betty L. Stremich Mrs. Elisa K. Stroh Cumulative Giving (continued) Fellow (continued) 19 # Mr. John W. Stroh Stephen & Phyllis Strome Mrs. William E. Sturges Mrs. Herbert J. Sullivan Superclubs Mrs. Robert M. Surdam Dr. & Mrs. David Susser Mrs. Margaret A. B. Suter Dr. Robert Swanborg Mr. Robert Swaney & Ms. Mary Stephenson Ms. Catherine Syrett & Mr. John L. Lovett Mr. Jerry Tamm Tapper’s Diamonds & Fine Jewelry Joel & Shelley Tauber TCF Foundation The Technicom Group Tecumseh Products Company Temperature Services, Inc. Ms. Flora H. Temple Textron, Inc. Bruce & Ileane Thal Mr. & Mrs. Russell Thayer Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. C. Thomas Dr. & Mrs. L. Murray Thomas Wilbur & Mildred Thomas Ms. Deborah W. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. David M. Thoms Thomson Gale Thorn Apple Valley, Inc. Mr. George Thorpe Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Thurber Mr. & Mrs. Loren J. Tibbitts Mr. & Mrs. John Tierney Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tillstrom Ms. Joan M. Tisdale TK Holdings. Inc. Roberta & Sheldon S. Toll Mr. Michael J. Tomkins & Ms. Linda M. Martineau Mr. James W. Tottis Ms. Marion H. Touscany Towers Perrin Harry A. & Margaret D. Towsley Foundation The TriFord Foundation Ms. Roslyn Trotter Mrs. George T. Trumbull Mrs. Richard H. Turner Mr. Michael Turner & Ms. Lynn Ferris Reginald & Marcia Turner Mr. & Mrs. Edward X. Tuttle Mr. Andrew Tweddle Mr. Michael Tweddle U of M–Dearborn UAW-Ford National Programs UltiMed HMO United American Healthcare Corporation United Distillers & Vintners North America, Inc. The UPS Foundation UPS, Inc. V 98.7 FM Smooth Jazz Radio Clara T. D. Van Auken Trust Gary & Cynthia Van Elslander Dr. & Mrs. Ellis Van Slyck Mr. Raymond Van Walleghem The Reverend & Mrs. Edgar L. Vann, Jr. Ms. Rebecca A. Vasil Venture Industries Mr. & Mrs. George C. Vincent Visteon Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Vogel Vogue Magazine Volunteer Council Mr. Thomas H. Wade Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Wagner Walbro Corporation Harold & Ruth Waldfogel Mr. Paul Waldman Mr. & Mrs. John Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Walle Mr. & Mrs. Clune J. Walsh, Jr. Dr. Susan Walsh The Walton Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Gail Warden Mrs. Ann K. Warren Mr. Donald Warren & Mrs. Lenore Orlowska-Warren Ms. Sherry Washington Mrs. Edith Wasserman Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Wasserman Mr. & Mrs. Ted Wasson Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Waterman III The Honorable Lucile A. Watts Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Way Wayne Industries Wayne RESA Mrs. Charles F. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Norman H. Weber Mr. Isaac G. Webster Dr. & Mrs. Gershon Weiner Mrs. Lawrence M. Weiner Herman & Gertrude Weinreich Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weisberg The Honorable & Mrs. Ronald N. Weiser Ms. Kimberly A. Welch Dr. Milford & Barbara Wenokur Mr. James West & Mrs. Ruth West The Westin Hotel Mr. & Mrs. David J. Wetsman F. K. & Vivian O’Gara Weyerhaeuser Foundation Evie & Vern Wheat Mrs. Sharon Wheeler Whirlpool Ms. Crystal Whitaker & Ms. Desiree Chanel Mr. Harry C. White Whitman Consulting, L.L.C. Marina & Robert Whitman Wickes Manufacturing Company Mr. Frank Wilberding & Ms. Beth Konrad Mr. Ernest Wilde Ms. Cynthia L. Wilhelm Mr. Lawrence S. Wilkinson Dr. Todd S. Wilkinson & Dr. Sook Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. R. Jamison Williams, Sr. Dr. Rebecca J. Williams & Dr. Homer W. Ryan Dr. Marilyn Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willmarth Kathryn J. Wimbish Dr. Martin Winbury Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wineman III Mrs. Sidney J. Winer Mr. Terry Winters Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Winton Dr. & Mrs. Max V. Wisgerhof II Mr. Lawrence A. Wisne Mr. Ray Witt WJBK-TV2 WJR Radio Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Wolpin Mrs. Georgetta Woodson Mr. Marquis W. Woody & Ms. Kathy E. Sims Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Wotherspoon Mr. Wes Wyatt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Todd Wyett Xerox Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Fred Yaffe Yahoo, Inc. The Yaw Gallery Yazaki North America, Inc. Joseph J. Yeats Mrs. Theodore O. Yntema, Jr. Mrs. Donald E. Young Ms. Shirley Young Ms. Anne Zaragoza & Mr. James Fitzgerald Dr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Zemenick Dr. Seymour Ziegelman Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Ziegler Mr. Leonard Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. David Zmyslowski Mr. & Mrs. John J. Zolad Paul & Helen Zuckerman Family Foundation Ms. Lucia Zurkowski Mr. Roy Zurkowski Mrs. W. Tom Zurschmiede, Jr. Great Art New Start Campaign 20 # s Contents Docent Wendy Evans explains the finer points of The Window by Henri Matisse. Great Art New Start Campaign The Great Art New Start campaign continues to build upon the amazing progress initiated by the New Day at Your DIA campaign, making possible the most extensive transformation in the DIA’s history. Not only did we transform the building itself, but we also transformed the way we present our collection to our visitors, allowing them to better understand our works and find personal meaning in art. Great Art New Start encompasses three specific goals—support for the building project, support for museum operations, and increasing the DIA’s endowment. 21 # Through the generous support of the members, individuals, corporations, and foundations listed on the following pages, the DIA continues to work towards achieving the campaign’s $180 million goal. Although the campaign has experienced tremendous success, we are still in need of your help to reach our goal. If you would like more information about making a gift to this important initiative, please contact Peggy Falcon, director of the campaign, at 313.494.5235, or [email protected]. Students from Detroit’s Henry Ford High School marching band add flourish and fanfare to the public grand opening in November 2007. Great Art New Start Campaign $25,000 or more in campaign gifts 22 # AAA Michigan Mr. Robert G. Abgarian Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. Ackerman Frederick M. Adams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Randolph J. Agley Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Alandt Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee Altair Engineering, Inc. Michael Altman Fine Art & Advisory Services The Anderson Fund Mr. Jeffrey T. Antaya & Mr. Robert Moroni Marcia & Eugene Applebaum Pamela Applebaum Arthur Andersen, L.L.P. ArvinMeritor, Inc. Beverly Franzblau Baker Lillian & Don Bauder Mr. Graham W. J. Beal & Ms. Nancy Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Edward Benson Mr. & Mrs. Mandell L. Berman Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan & Blue Care Network Norman R. & Danielle Bodine Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Boos Mrs. Mary Bott Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brodie H. William Burdett, Jr. Butzel Long Andrew L. & Gayle Shaw Camden Byna Camden Howard & Lili Ann Camden Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Campbell Castaing Family Foundation Estate of Ruth T. T. Cattell Estate of Christine M. Caumartin The Chrysler Foundation City of Detroit CMS Energy Foundation Lois & Avern Cohn Dr. & Mrs. Julius V. Combs Comerica, Inc. Compuware Corporation Robert & Rose Ann Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Cordover Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Coville Crain Family Foundation Mary Kay & Keith E. Crain Ms. Gail Danto & Mr. Art Roffey Ms. Joanne Danto & Mr. Arnie Weingarden Marvin & Betty Danto Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud Mr. Stanley Ray Day Ms. Vivian Day & Mr. John Stroh III Dr. & Mrs. George Dean Deloitte & Touche, L.L.P. Mrs. Margaret H. Demant Ms. Mary Ann DeMattia & Mr. Robert H. Gorlin Ms. Edith Dempsey DeRoy Testamentary Foundation The Detroit Medical Center The Detroit News Detroit Salt Company The Dick & Betsy DeVos Foundation Dickinson Wright, P.L.C.C. Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Dow Elaine C. & Eugene Driker DTE Energy Foundation James Pearson Duffy Dykema Gossett, P.L.C.C. EDS Frances & Kenneth Eisenberg Frederick A. & Barbara M. Erb Ernst & Young, L.L.P. European Paintings Council Peggy & Jack Falcon Dede & Oscar Feldman Jennifer & David Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Fisher III Mrs. Max M. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Fisher Flint Ink Corporation Foley & Lardner, L.L.P. Sidney E. & Madeline Forbes The Ford Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund Mrs. Walter B. Ford II Founders Junior Council Barbara Frankel & Ronald Michalak Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Frankel Rema S. Frankel Morton & Harriett Freedman The Friends of African & African American Art Friends of Art & Flowers Eleanore & Dick Gabrys Mr. Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr. & Mrs. Mary Anne Gargaro General Motors Corporation General Motors Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jim George Mr. Patrick J. Kerzic & Mrs. Stephanie Germack-Kerzic Byron & Dorothy Gerson The J. Paul Getty Trust Mr. Gaylord W. Gillis, Jr. Mr. Allan D. Gilmour Gilmour-Jirgens Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy III Herbert & Dorothy Graebner Karl D. Gregory Scholarship Fund James & Nancy Grosfeld Handleman Company Mr. & Mrs. David Handleman, Sr. Mort & Brigitte Harris Alice Kales Hartwick Foundation William Randolph Hearst Foundation Ms. Barbara G. Heller Mr. & Mrs. David M. Hempstead Henry Ford Health System Honigman Gilbert & Anne Hudson Fund Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hudson, Jr. Hudson-Webber Foundation Julius & Cynthia Huebner Foundation Huntington Bank Ilitch Holdings, Inc. Institute of Museum & Library Services JPMorgan Chase Dr. & Mrs. Manuel Jacobs Mr. Robert B. Jacobs Jenkins Construction, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William H. John Johnson Controls Foundation Maxwell & Marjorie Jospey Ellen H. Kahn Miss Jean Kallmeir Estate of Rosemarie Kanzler Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karmanos, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy T. Karpus Mr. & Mrs. Norman Katz Chaim, Fanny, Louis, Benjamin & Anne Florence Kaufman Memorial Trust Kenwal Steel Corp. Kmart Corporation John S. & James L. Knight Foundation The Kresge Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Kross Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Kughn Dr. Myron & Joyce LaBan Mr. & Mrs. Graham Landau Robert C. & Bonnie Ann Larson LaSalle Bank Midwest Loren & Joanne Lau Ms. Thelma Lauderbaugh Lear Corporation John & Arlene Lewis Dana Locniskar & Christine Beck Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Losh Julius Lowy Frame & Restoring Company, Inc. Henry Luce Foundation Great Art New Start Campaign (continued) 23 # Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Lyon Mrs. Wilber Hadley Mack Mr. Donald S. MacKenzie Macy’s Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Mandarino Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Manoogian Mrs. Florine Mark Masco Corporation Masco Corporation Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William T. McCormick, Jr. McGregor Fund Mr. & Mrs. William S. McIlrath MichCon Foundation Miller, Canfield, Paddock, & Stone, P.L.C. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Miller Marsha & Jeffrey Miro L. William & Mary Jane Moll Shirley A. Mopper MotorCity Casino Hotel Munder Capital Management National City Bank of Michigan / Illinois National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Humanities Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Neithercut David R. & Sylvia Jean Nelson In Honor of B. F. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. James B. Nicholson Nonprofit Facilities Center Sally & Graham A. Orley Mr. & Mrs. Drew Peslar Mr. F. Warren Peters Mr. & Mrs. Robert Polk Mrs. Waltraud Prechter Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Price PricewaterhouseCoopers L.L.P. Ruth F. Rattner, Ann F. & Norman D. Katz Family Foundation Mrs. Ruth F. Rattner Raymond James & Associates Dr. & Mrs. John H. Roberts Jack A. & Aviva Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose Bruce H. Rosen & Rosalie N. Rosen Family Foundation Mrs. Shirley W. Sarver Mrs. Patricia Sax Bluma & Robert Schechter Alan E. & Marianne Schwartz Ms. Nettie H. Seabrooks Mr. & Mrs. Fred G. Secrest Seligman Family Foundation Severstal North America, Inc. Mrs. Lillian D. Shaye W. Warren Shelden Trust Franklin & Harriet Siden Lila & Gilbert B. Silverman Ms. Louise M. Simone The Skillman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Stanton K. Smith, Jr. William H. & Patricia M. Smith Mrs. Susan Sosnick St. John Health The Mary G. Stange Charitable Trust State of Michigan Dr. Lawrence L. Stocker George & Christine Strumbos Suburban Collection Mr. & Mrs. A. Alfred Taubman Maurice & Michelle Taylor Mrs. Richard J. Thoma Lorna Thomas, M.D. Rhonda & Samuel H. Thomas, Jr. ThyssenKrupp Materials NA, Inc. Tiffany & Co. Foundation Mrs. Edward J. Tutag UAW-GM Center for Human Resources UBS Financial Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Vallee, Sr. Ms. Amanda Van Dusen & Mr. Curtis Blessing Mrs. Richard C. Van Dusen Walbridge Salome E. & Jonathan T. Walton Mrs. Elsie Watson The Wetsman Foundation, William & Janis Wetsman The Honorable Helene N. White Whitney Fund Matilda R. Wilson Fund Mrs. Charles L. Wilson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Witmer, Jr. Estate of Helen Wittenberg Wolverine Packing Company Mrs. Mimi Yost Visitors admire early Christian works of art in the Mr. & Mrs. J. Lawrence Buell, Jr. Gallery. Corporate, Foundation and Organization Donors 24 s Contents The generosity of Target allows the DIA to offer family activities every Sunday. Corporate, Foundation and Organization Donors For decades, the DIA has been fortunate to receive the generous support of the area’s major corporations, foundations, and organizations committed to supporting and improving the communities in which they operate. 25 # In autumn of 2008, the DIA was proud to gain the sponsorship of Bank of America for our successful exhibition Monet to Dalí: Modern Masters from the Cleveland Museum of Art. Special exhibitions are important in increasing attendance and interest in the permanent collection. JPMorgan Chase continues its exclusive sponsorship of the Detroit Film Theatre, allowing us to offer a wide array of independent, foreign, and rarely seen films to those seeking unique movie-going experiences. For our youngest visitors, Target Corporation once again allows us to continue Target Family Sundays—one of our most popular weekend attractions—which includes drop-in workshops for children to explore their creative side, guest storytellers, and drawing in the galleries for adults and children. In November 2008, the DIA hosted its annual Arts Alive! Gala, Les Arts Vivants! In addition to the revenue raised from ticket sales, over twenty local companies helped us tremendously in the form of corporate sponsorships. Foundations play an important role in financing important projects related to the care and conservation of our magnificent collection. In October 2008, the Ellsworth Kelly Foundation awarded the DIA’s Conservation Department a $100,000 grant for the care of our modern and contemporary art collection. As visitors enter Rivera Court from the Josephine F. and Walter B. Ford II Great Hall, they will notice the refurbished Wisteria Gate, the conservation and reinstallation of which was generously funded by a grant from the Americana Foundation. Another important form of support that foundations provided for is operations. Organizations such as Masco Corporation Foundation and the Hudson-Webber Foundation have provided us with substantial aid for the most basic of needs for our museum. Operating support helps us defray costs associated with staffing, utilities, and the constant upkeep of our architectural landmark. If your organization is interested in making a special grant to the DIA, please contact Beth Noble, vice president of development, 313.833.1851, [email protected]. As we move cautiously through the uncertainties of the current economic situation, the DIA relies on receiving support from organizations—both new and long-standing—that understand the importance of maintaining our cultural landmark, even in difficult times. There are many opportunities for corporate sponsorships and becoming a member in our Corporate Partnership program is a wonderful opportunity to show a company’s support of the arts and our community. These partnerships provide a company’s employees and clients with a variety of benefits, such as complimentary special exhibition tickets, courtesy guest passes, and volunteer opportunities, just to name a few. For more information on how your company can be a valued part of the DIA, please contact Cathy Talifer, corporate development officer, at 313.833.0246 or [email protected]. Families interact and discover art together during the grand opening. Corporate, Foundation and Organization Donors $1,000,000 + AT&T JPMorgan Chase The Kresge Foundation Masco Corporation Foundation Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs Seligman Family Foundation The Wayne & Joan Webber Foundation $500,000 26 Eleanor & Edsel Ford Fund General Motors Foundation, Inc. SmithGroup, Inc. $250,000 Bank of America Detroit Salt Company John S. & James L. Knight Foundation Lear Corporation Target Corporation Matilda R. Wilson Fund $100,000 Buddy’s Pizza The Chrysler Foundation Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan DeRoy Testamentary Foundation The Dick & Betsy DeVos Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund General Motors Corporation Ilitch Holdings, Inc. Julius Lowy Frame & Restoring Company, Inc. Ellsworth Kelly Foundation Kenwal Steel Corp. MetLife/MetLife Foundation Michael Altman Fine Art & Advisory Services Severstal North America, Inc. Elizabeth, Allan, & Warren Shelden Fund The Mary G. Stange Charitable Trust Walbridge The World Heritage Foundation “The Prechter Fund” $50,000 Butzel Long Charter One Bank Comerica, Inc. DTE Energy Foundation The Gilmour Fund Hudson-Webber Foundation Institute of Museum & Library Services Jenkins Construction, Inc. Johnson Controls Foundation Leah Brenner Trust Macy’s Masco Corporation Miller, Canfield, Paddock, & Stone, P.L.C. Richard & Jane Manoogian Foundation St. John Health Suburban Collection $25,000 Altair Engineering, Inc. Americana Foundation, Inc. The Eugene Applebaum Family Foundation CMS Energy Foundation Crain Family Foundation Detroit Media Group, L.L.C. Foley & Lardner, L.L.P. Honigman Sidney & Robert Katzman Foundation LaSalle Bank Midwest N.A. MotorCity Casino Hotel Munder Capital Management North American International Auto Show PricewaterhouseCoopers, L.L.P. PVS Chemicals, Inc. UAW-GM Center for Human Resources The Vattikuti Foundation Wolverine Packing Company $10,000 AAA Michigan Al Long Ford, Inc. E. Bryce & Harriet Alpern Foundation Amerisure Companies ArvinMeritor, Inc. Bacardi USA, Inc. Barton Malow Co. The Blackstone Group Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan & Blue Care Network Continental Automotive Systems Crain Communications, Inc. Dassault Systèmes of America Deloitte & Touche, L.L.P. Delphi Automotive Systems Frank G. & Gertrude Dunlap Fund EDS Edw. C. Levy Co. Ernst & Young, L.L.P. Fisher & Company William & Martha Ford Fund Friends of Modern & Contemporary Art Fuller Central Park Properties, L.L.C. Goodman Family Charitable Trusts Alice Kales Hartwick Foundation IBM Corporation Johnson Controls Automotive Group The Kojaian Companies The Myron P. Leven Foundation McGregor Fund Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation Microsoft Systems Northwest Airlines, Inc. Oracle Corporation P&M Corporate Finance, L.L.C. The PrivateBank Winifred E. Polk Charitable Lead Unitrust Process Development Corporation Sage Foundation Somerset Collection Strategic Staffing Solutions Textron, Inc. TK Holdings, Inc. UBS Financial Services, Inc. Victor International Corporation Visteon The Walton Family Foundation, Inc. Wayne Industries $5,000 Bassett & Bassett, Inc. Bloomberg, L.L.C. Blue Care Network of Michigan Boyle Burdett, P.C. Citizens Bank Community Central Bank Curtis Publishing DENSO International America, Inc. The Charles DeVlieg Foundation The Docent Committee The DRM Group Drusilla Farwell Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Company Grand Hotel Greektown Casino, L.L.C. The Grosfeld Foundation Guardian Industries Corp. James & Lynelle Holden Fund Intraco Corp. Kahn Sovel Mertz Fund Edward E. MacCrone Trust Foundation MGM Grand Detroit Casino Michael Israel Art in Concert Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center Oakland University Pernod Ricard USA The Pfizer Foundation The Royal Bank of Scotland Corporate, Foundation and Organization Donors (continued) $5,000 (continued) Schostak Brothers & Company, Inc. Louis & Nellie Sieg Fund Skidmore Soave Enterprises, L.L.C. Symantec TCF Foundation TI Automotive Victor Properties, Inc. W. Y. Campbell & Company Washington Management Co., L.L.C. Yahoo, Inc. $1,000 27 6 Salon Birmingham A.G.B.U. Alex & Marie Manoogian School Adult Learning Institute Alexander Donner Entertainment American Surgical Centers Barris, Sott, Denn & Driker, P.L.C.C. The Bartech Group BASF Corporation David A. Brandon Foundation Centaur on Park, L.L.C. Clark Hill, P.L.C. – Detroit Enrichment Fund Thomas Cohn Philanthropic Fund Compuware Corporation Curtis Glass Co., Inc. Detroit Fashion Pages Detroit Metro Convention & Visitor’s Bureau The Detroit News Dickinson Wright, P.L.C.C. The Driker Family Foundation DuMouchelle Art Galleries Harold & Joan Feinbloom Family Foundation Fieldman Sims Foundation Foamade Industries The Fruehauf Foundation General Dynamics Land Systems The Glancy Foundation, Inc. Global Impact Goldsound The Goodale Fund The Gornick Fund Great Lakes Wine & Spirits, L.L.C. Greater Horizons Grigg Graphic Services, Inc. Leona Hanselman Trust Harlan Foundation Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc. Henry Ford Health System The Clarence & Jack Himmel Foundation Hylant Group ICG Real Estate Advisors, L.L.C. JGA, Inc. JPRA Architects Kitch, Drutchas, Wagner, Valitutti, & Sherbrook Kogan Foundation Kraushaar Galleries, Inc. Lewis & Munday, P.C. Loft On The Nine, L.L.C. LSG Insurance Partners Charitable Foundation McKeen Foundation Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc. Metropolitan Arts Complex, Inc. Michigan First Credit Union Michigan State University Morgan Stanley Foundation Charles Stewart Mott Foundation New Detroit, Inc. Pepper Hamilton, L.L.P. Pitney Bowes Matching Gift Program PPG Industries Prechter Family Fund Prues Hecker, L.L.C. The Elmira L. Rhein Family Foundation The Annette Urso Ricket Foundation, Inc. The Sigmund & Sophie Rohlik Foundation Saks Fifth Avenue Schwartz Family Foundation Shamie Family The Martin & Diana Shoushanian Foundation The Skillman Foundation Special Tree Rehabilitation System The Sphinx Organization David & Lois Stulberg Foundation The Technicom Group Two Seven Oh, Inc. UBS Foundation USA University Cultural Center Association Wayne State University Samuel L. Westerman Foundation The Westin Book Cadillac Detroit The Ralph C. Wilson Foundation Wood & Associates $500 Albert Kahn Associates, Inc. American Enterprise Investment Services, Inc. American House–Troy Archdiocese of Detroit AT&T Federal Political Action Committee Avis Ford, Inc. Cingular Wireless Cleveland Marble Mosaic The Gloria & Sydney Danziger Foundation, Inc. Delta Dental Plan of Michigan Federated Department Stores Focus 2000 Gannett Foundation GE Foundation Gregory Reed & Associates, P.C. Harness, Dickey, & Pierce, P.L.C. Hunter Charitable Trust Independence Village of White Lake IPEX, Inc. John E. Green Company Liebler Family Foundation, Inc. Livonia Senior Center Martenrea Fabco Hot Stampings Michelin North America Michelle Andonian Photography Northern Equities Group Fritzi & Herbert Owens Foundation Petoskey Plastics Plymouth Community Arts Council Reising, Ethington, Barnes, Kisselle, P.C. Schreiber Corporation Scripter & Associates See Eyewear TCF Bank Transport Logistics, Inc. The TriFord Foundation University Lithoprinters, Inc. Vose Galleries of Boston, Inc. The Warranty Group Weinner & Gould, P.C. The Women’s Committee Associate Members 28 s Contents Visitors take a step back in time as they examine the Kanzler Room, an eighteenth-century drawing room in the DIA’s Fashionable Living galleries. Associate Members Associate members encompass our highest level of membership support, contributing $2,000 or more in annual dues. In addition to the benefits of Supporting members, Associates receive complimentary parking in the Cultural Center lot, and invitations to special events and travel opportunities. 29 # Prior to the public grand opening in November 2007, Associates toured the new galleries, listened to curatorial presentations, and relaxed with refreshments in Kresge Court during a private open house. During 2008, Associates were invited to the DIA’s exclusive preview of the North American International Auto Show. They enjoyed SneakPeek Previews and private gallery tours of Life’s Pleasures: The Ashcan Artists’ Brush with Leisure, 1895-1925 and Monet to Dali: Modern Masters from the Cleveland Museum of Art, as well as an outdoor reception before viewing a selection of Oscarnominated short films at the Detroit Film Theatre. The DIA graciously thanks the following individuals for their generous membership commitments. To learn more about the Associates Program, visit and click on MEMBERSHIP, or contact Kim Nathan Baker, director of membership, at 313.833.7892 or [email protected]. Students explore the Virginia & Robert Vallee Gallery in the European galleries. Associate Members Chairman’s Associates Director’s Associates Sustaining Associates Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Abrash Mr. Melvin E. Bleich Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Cordover Ms. Mary Ann DeMattia & Mr. Robert H. Gorlin Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Eaton Mrs. Jacquelin Eckhous Jennifer & David Fischer Mr. Brad Frazer Mr. Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr. & Mrs. Mary Anne Gargaro Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Hagenlocker & Family Ms. Patricia Heftler Mary Lou & Richard Janes Mr. & Mrs. William H. John Mrs. Dorothy T. Karpus Mrs. Roger M. Kyes Bonnie & Bob Larson Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Lyon Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Manoogian Mrs. Edward Mardigian Mr. Alan Mulally Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nardelli Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Palmer Jack A. & Aviva Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Irving Rose Mr. Thomas W. Sidlik & Ms. Rebecca Boylan Lila & Gilbert B. Silverman William H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Stallkamp Gregory & Susan Wittrock Mrs. Rita J. Zahler Dr. Lourdes V. Andaya Marcia & Eugene Applebaum Harold & Penny Blumenstein Mr. & Mrs. David J. Breen Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bright Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brodie Rose Ann Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Dow Frances & Kenneth Eisenberg Mr. & Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II Barbara Frankel & Ronald Michalak Rema S. Frankel Dr. Kenneth & Roslyne Gitlin Althea Kabak William & Constance Lacey Mrs. Nora Moroun Mrs. Florence M. Morris Mr. John T. Parks Mr. & Mrs. Drew Peslar Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Petersen Dr. John W. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Stanton K. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Sosin Mrs. Richard C. Van Dusen Mr. & Mrs. Rajendra Vattikuti Salome E. & Jonathan T. Walton The Wetsman Foundation, William & Janis Wetsman Mr. George Zeltzer Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Acheson Mr. & Mrs. Terence E. Adderley Mr. & Mrs. Randolph J. Agley Mr. Jeffrey T. Antaya & Mr. Robert Moroni Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Barry Mr. J. Addison Bartush Mr. & Mrs. Mark Alan Baun Ms. Therese Bellaimey Mr. & Mrs. John L. Berbiglia Mr. & Mrs. Mandell L. Berman Mrs. Carol Bernstein Dr. Kanta Bhambhani Mr. H. William Burdett, Jr. Andrew L. & Gayle Shaw Camden Howard & Lili Ann Camden Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Capo Lois & Avern Cohn Mr. Mark W. Cope & Mrs. Mary Cope Mr. Peter J. Cracchiolo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Cracchiolo Peter & Julie Fisher Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Jerry P. D’Avanzo Ms. Joanne Danto & Mr. Arnie Weingarden Marvin & Betty Danto Mr. Edward C. Dawda & Ms. Alice I. Buckley Ms. Vivian Day & Mr. John Stroh III Elaine C. & Eugene Driker Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. DuMouchelle Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Earley Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Ford III Mr. & Mrs. John B. Ford III Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Forster Mr. & Mrs. Herman Frankel Maxine & Stuart Frankel Foundation, Maxine & Stuart Frankel Roger & Joanna Garrett Mr. Patrick J. Kerzic & Mrs. Stephanie Germack-Kerzic $10,000 in annual dues 30 # $5,000 in annual dues $3,000 in annual dues Mr. Allan D. Gilmour & Mr. Eric Jirgens Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy III Saul & Diane Green Mr. Jeffrey P. Groehn Mr. & Mrs. David L. Groen Sarah & Edgar Hagopian Mr. Hugh L. Harsha Mr. Eric J. Hespenheide & Ms. Judith Hicks Jean M. Holland Mr. & Mrs. William K. Howenstein Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hudson, Jr. Mrs. Linda Jackson Maxwell & Marjorie Jospey Ellen H. Kahn Mr. Steven R. Kalt & Mr. Robert Dean Heeren Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kiriluk Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Kross Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Kughn Mr. & Mrs. Elmore Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Lance Leonelli Dana Locniskar & Christine Beck Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli Mrs. Wilber Hadley Mack Dr. Bruce A. Margulis & Mrs. Annie Margulis Mrs. Florine Mark Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Marko Mr. George M. Misakian Mrs. Sheila Mondry Judie & Edward Narens Mary Northcutt & Michael Goodell Ms. Sophie Pearlstein Ms. Susan Peslar Mr. J. Douglas Peters & Ms. Christine Consales Dr. Terry & Meryl Podolsky Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Price Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Provenzano Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pulte Mr. Murray James Pyle & Ms. Ellen Sherwood Associate Members (continued) Sustaining Associates (continued) 31 # Mrs. Dean E. Richardson Mr. David Robertson Norman & Dulcie Rosenfeld Mrs. Ann Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Rosowski Mr. Gary Ruby & Mrs. Gail Ruby Mr. Joseph Samulowicz Diane & Morton L. Scholnick Alan E. & Marianne Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Alan S. Schwartz Mr. Gary Schwartz & Ms. Cindy Shaffran Mr. & Mrs. Fred G. Secrest Mr. & Mrs. Merton Segal Ms. Martha R. Seger Mr. & Mrs. William W. Shelden, Jr. Marilyn P. Sicklesteel & David A. Szymborski Dr. Les & Mrs. Ellen Siegel Erwin & Marjorie Simon Mr. Michael J. Simpson Donna & Robert Slatkin Mr. Roger B. Smith Mrs. Sydelle Sonkin Ms. Marjorie Sorge Mrs. Susan Sosnick Dr. Gregory E. Stephens Mrs. Lois Stulberg Mr. & Mrs. A. Alfred Taubman Mr. & Mrs. Loren J. Tibbitts Mrs. Edward J. Tutag Mr. David Ufheil Mrs. Harry Vellmure Mr. & Mrs. William P. Vititoe Mrs. Robert J. Vlasic The Honorable Lucile A. Watts Ms. Kimberly A. Welch Dr. Marilyn Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Reese Zantop Associate Members $2,000 in annual dues Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Adler Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Allison Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Allured Mr. & Mrs. Richard Alonzo Dr. Bryce & Harriet Alpern Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Joel L. Appel Pamela Applebaum The Honorable Dennis W. Archer & The Honorable Trudy DunCombe Archer Dr. Elayne Arterbery Carol & John Aubrey Ms. Diane M. Bancroft Tina & Leland K. Bassett Lillian & Don Bauder Dr. & Mrs. John J. Bernick Mr. Martin Bernstein & Mr. Ross Hanley Mrs. Anne V. Bielawski Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bingham Mr. & Mrs. L. Douglass Blatt Mrs. Betty V. Blazok Mr. Daniel E. Bober Mr. & Mrs. John A. Boll Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bonahoom The Honorable Susan D. Borman & Mr. Stuart L. Michaelson Dr. & Mrs. David L. Bouwman Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Brasie Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brincheck Roy & Ilse Calcagno Mr. Joseph Carney Dr. Vivian L. Carpenter François & Marlies Castaing Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Cattel Ms. Laura J. Champagne Mr. & Mrs. William A. Chope Mr. Peter Ciaramitaro Dr. Volna Clermont Mr. Michael D. Cotton Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud Mr. & Mrs. Ethan D. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Delsener Mrs. Margaret H. Demant Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Dorfman Mr. & Mrs. David Duey Rosanne & Sandy Duncan Mrs. Toby Etkin Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Evans Ms. Diane S. Farber Mr. & Mrs. Milton Feldberg Mr. & Mrs. Oscar H. Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher III Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Fisher III Mr. Jay Fishman Ms. Margaret Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Brush Ford Mrs. Virginia B. Fox Mr. Kirk A. Frey Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fridholm Eleanore & Dick Gabrys Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Gerson Dr. Theodore & Diana Golden Mr. John Golding Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Gordon Herbert & Dorothy Graebner Mrs. Richard B. Gushée David & Cheryl Gutow Mrs. Rita C. Haddow Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hamilton Mrs. Elizabeth Hardy & Mr. Thomas Kienbaum Dr. & Mrs. Reginald Harnett Mr. Lee V. Hart & Mr. Charles L. Dunlap Mr. & Mrs. Stewart A. Hayes Ms. Barbara G. Heller Mr. & Mrs. David M. Hempstead Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hodas Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Mario Iacobelli Mr. & Mrs. Addison Igleheart Michael & Marian Ilitch Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ingle, Jr. Mr. Robert B. Jacobs Mr. Don Jensen Arthur & Chacona Johnson Mrs. Robert Kasle Martha L. Katz Gerald & Karen Kearns Mr. David Klein & Ms. Kate Ostrove Dr. & Mrs. James W. Klein Ms. Marlene Kler Ms. Anne T. Larin Dolores & Paul Lavins Mr. & Mrs. John R. Leekley Mr. & Mrs. David G. Leitch Corrine Lemberg Mrs. Mollie C. Leonelli Mr. Edward C. Levy, Jr. & Ms. Linda Dresner Levy John & Arlene Lewis Mr. Herd Little III Mr. Jeffrey N. Lutz & Dr. M. Cathy Nowosielski Ms. Charlotte Mahrt Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Mandarino The Honorable Jack Martin & Dr. Bettye Arrington-Martin Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. McCabe Mr. James M. McNeely Mr. & Mrs. David E. Meador Lisa & Brian Meer Mr. Ralph Meyering Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Miller Dr. Ali Moiin Mrs. David Mondry Mr. & Mrs. James Mooney Shirley A. Mopper Ms. A. Anne Moroun Mr. Steven Morris & Ms. Rachelle Dwaihy Mr. Frederick J. Morsches Mr. Reuben Munday & Dr. Cheryl Munday Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Neithercut Mr. & Mrs. Larry Nemer Mr. Theodore R. Opperwall Associate Members (continued) Sustaining Associates (continued) 32 # Ms. Linda Orlans Sally & Graham A. Orley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Orley Thomas Page & Bonnie Olsen Mrs. Margot C. Parker Ms. Kathryn Parrott Mr. John M. Patrick Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Pierce Dr. Jeffrey Pinto Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Poling Ms. Marge Potter Ms. Barbara Quilty Mr. & Mrs. John Rakolta, Jr. Mrs. Ruth F. Rattner Ronald V. & Miriam A. Reed Mr. Erick A. Reickert Katherine D. Rines Dr. & Mrs. John H. Roberts Dr. Charlotte Robson Mrs. Ann C. Rohr Mr. & Mrs. Bruce H. Rosen Mrs. Charlotte H. Rosenthal Drs. Thomas & Susan Ruane Martie & Bob Sachs William & Marjorie Sandy, Sandy Family Foundation Dr. Peter E. Schaffer Dr. Michael J. Schenden Mr. Richard Schliem Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Schmidt Karen & Jeff Schoenberg Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Schubot Marc A. Schwartz Ms. Nettie H. Seabrooks Mr. & Ms. Herbert Shanbaum Mrs. Lillian D. Shaye Mr. Thomas Sheppard Ms. Claudia Sills Mr. & Mrs. Michael Levey Mrs. Leslie R. Slatkin Mr. & Mrs. John F. Smith Mr. Anthony L. Soave Mrs. Jean Sosin Mr. & Mrs. Clinton F. Stimpson III Mrs. Peter W. Stroh Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sullivan, Jr. Ms. Catherine E. Sweier Joel & Shelley Tauber Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Taubman Bruce & Ileane Thal Dr. & Mrs. L. Murray Thomas Lorna Thomas, M.D. Ms. Deborah W. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. John Tierney Reginald & Marcia Turner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tusing Mr. Andrew Tweddle Mr. Michael Tweddle Ms. Amanda Van Dusen & Mr. Curtis Blessing Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Vander Molen Mr. Stephen Vogel Mr. & Mrs. Clune J. Walsh, Jr. Mr. William B. Warner Mr. Donald Warren & Mrs. Lenore Orlowska-Warren The Honorable & Mrs. Ronald N. Weiser Ms. Lenore Weiss Mr. James West & Mrs. Ruth West Hadley & Beverly Wine Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Wineman Trudi & Henry Wineman II Mrs. Stanley J. Winkelman John & Helga Wise Dr. & Mrs. Max V. Wisgerhof II Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Young Docent Donna Lally shows a group of visitors the Virtual Dining Table in the Mr. & Mrs. Horace E. Dodge Galleries. Supporting Members: Conservator, Contributor, Patron 33 s Contents A young patron enjoys drawing in the J. L. Hudson Company Gallery in the African Art galleries. Supporting Members The Conservator, Contributor, and Patron members support the DIA with annual membership dues of $300 to $1,000. Memberships at these levels provide vital support to many of the museum programs currently available and signify our community’s appreciation of what the DIA has to offer. 34 The DIA is pleased to extend many benefits to these members, including free admission to the museum and special exhibitions, discounts at the museum shop and Café DIA, and opportunities to join special groups like the Friends of Modern and Contemporary Art or Founders Junior Council. Supporting members also receive reciprocal membership privileges at thirty-four leading North American museums, a complimentary DIA publication upon joining, and invitations to special events. To learn more about the benefits of becoming a Supporting member, visit, and click on MEMBERSHIP, or contact the Membership Hotline at 313.833.7971 or [email protected]. A visitor contemplates Francis Bacon’s Study for Crouching Nude & Alberto Giacometti’s Standing Woman II in the David and Marion Handleman Gallery of Modern Art. Supporting Members Conservator $1,000 in annual dues 35 Mr. John D. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Antos Mr. John R. Bernard James & Jeanne Bieri Mr. William C. Blaylock Mrs. Joyce Blum Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Boos Mr. Robert W. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Brown Mrs. G. Doreen Bull Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Burks Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Charfoos Mr. William M. Collins Mrs. Joseph Connors Mr. & Mrs. Roger Cregg Mr. Owen Cummings Ms. Mary Beth Curlee Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dabrowski Mrs. Roberta J. Dailey Ms. Peggy Daitch & Mr. Peter Remington Ms. Gail Danto & Mr. Art Roffey Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Davis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Denomme Mrs. Margaret Deradoorian Frederic & Barbara Detwiler Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Diehl, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James D. Donlon III Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Donnelly Mr. Norman DuMouchelle Mr. & Mrs. Brian Eisenberg Ms. June Everett Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Exley, Jr. Dr. Haifa Fakhouri Mr. & Mrs. John A. Faunt Mr. Leonard D. Frescoln Mr. & Mrs. Ernest T. Gaston Mr. & Mrs. Glen Gearhart Mr. & Mrs. Derke Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Goodale III Mr. & Mrs. Cliff F. Gray Mr. & Mrs. James A. Green Mr. Henry M. Grix & Mr. Howard Israel Dr. & Mrs. Mark Haimann Mr. & Mrs. Merle Harris Mr. & Mrs. E. Jan Hartmann Mr. & Mrs. Mirvan Hayes III Ms. Susan Holtgreive Ms. Connie Holzer Dr. Devon A. Hoover Mr. Willie J. Huling, Jr. Mr. Eric Jones Mr. Harry King Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Krauss Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Lane Mrs. Jaynitah Larochelle Mr. & Mrs. David Leader Mr. David Lebenbom Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Liebler Ms. Judith A. Lindsay Mr. John T. Logsdon Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lucas Dr. & Mrs. H. Michael Marsh Timothy & Marilyn Mast Ms. Linda McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. James T. McMillan II Mrs. Christine K. McNaughton Ms. Sarah Medura & Ms. Bernadette Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mich Mr. John Mohr Ms. Magi Mooney Mr. Lane J. Moore Dr. Christine M. Morrison Dr. Bassam H. Nasr Mr. & Mrs. Donald Nurenberg Joelyn & George M. Nyman Mr. & Mrs. John A. Obee Jeff Ogden & Shifrah Nenner Ms. Diana Omecinsky Ms. Grace M. Parr Ms. Mary A. Perna Mr. & Mrs. William Pettibone, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Pfahlert Ms. Vivian R. Pickard Mr. & Mrs. Richard Radner Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Raupp Ms. Claire Rice Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ritok, Jr. The Honorable Victoria Roberts Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Rose Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rossiter Mr. & Mrs. John P. Rusche Mrs. Robert G. Russell Ms. Juliet M. Sabit Mrs. Patricia Sax Mr. Sherwood A. Schartner Mr. Cherif Sedky Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Seski Mr. & Mrs. D. Larry Sherman Mr. & Mrs. James Spica Mr. & Mrs. Dean Steczek Dr. Lawrence L. Stocker Dr. & Mrs. David Susser Dr. A. T. Turrisi III Ms. Mary A. Victor Mr. & Mrs. John Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Steven Weisberg Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Wolber Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Zimmerman Ms. Susan Zoma Contributor $600 in annual dues Ms. Doral Abrahim Mrs. Joyce G. Adderley Anthony A. Adeleye, M.D. Drs. Joshua & Judith Adler Mr. & Mrs. William R. Aikens Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Alcantara Mr. & Mrs. Michael Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee The Honorable & Mrs. Charles W. Anderson III Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Anderson Mrs. Georgia J. Annas Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Anthony IV Mrs. Marlene Arida Ms. Charlotte Arkin Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Audette Donald & Dale Austin Edward & Beverly Avadenka Mrs. Linda W. Aviv Mr. & Mrs. John Babcock Mr. Robert S. Baidas Mrs. Ruth Baidas Mr. & Mrs. John J. Bailey John D. & Susan Baker Mr. & Mrs. Peter Barbier Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barthel Ms. Joyce Beasley Ms. Suzan Belenky Dr. & Mrs. Neil Belgiano Mr. Donald A. Benyas Ms. E. J. Beresh Drs. Ramon & Peggyann Berguer Mr. & Mrs. William Berk Mr. Martin Bermann Dr. Lindsay Beros Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Best Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Binkow Frederick & Jean Birkhill Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Black Mr. & Mrs. James Blanchard Mr. C. John Blankley Dr. Michael Boehnke & Dr. Betsy Foxman Ms. Dolly R. Bondarian & Mr. R. Tworek Dr. Kenneth J. Bonk Mrs. John M. Booth Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Bornstein Mr. & Mrs. David P. Bostwick Mr. & Ms. Jack Bourget Ms. Marilyn Bowerman Mr. & Mrs. Dave Bozynski Mr. & Mrs. Harold Braggs, Jr. Ms. Edith S. Briskin Ms. Brenda M. Brock Mr. & Mrs. R. Antony Bromwell Mr. Ernie L. Brooks Supporting Members (continued) Contributor (continued) 36 Ms. Barbara J. Buccos Dr. David A. Burks Dr. Irving F. Burton Dr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Burton Mrs. Lore Busch Ms. Byna Camden Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Caprathe Mrs. Leslie A. Cardwell Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Caughlin Mr. & Mrs. William Champion Ms. E. M. Chereson Rev. John Child Mr. Ken Church Mr. Fred J. Chynchuk Dr. & Mrs. Robert T. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Clarke Mrs. Miriam Colburn Ms. Judith L. Collier Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Colton Mrs. Ellen Cooper Mr. William B. Corlis Clay & Cynthia Cprek Mr. Gordon Craig Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Creed Mr. & Mrs. Marvin C. Daitch Mr. & Mrs. John Dam Dr. & Mrs. Anthony F. DeLuca Mr. J. DeMare Mrs. Beck Demery Mr. & Mrs. William J. Devanney Ms. Deborah V. Dibenedetto Gene & Barbara Dickirson Dr. Bart Dickson & Mrs. Andrea R. Dickson Donald & Christine Diehl Mr. David A. DiLaura Ms. Dorothy A. Dorney Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ducey Dr. & Mrs. Harold Duchan Ms. Rosemary Dumouchelle Ms. Mary Jo Ebert Murray & Alice Ehrinpreis Dr. & Mrs. Leo Eisenberg Marjory & Donald Epstein Mr. & Mrs. John Erb Mr. & Mrs. William A. Ervasti Mr. & Mrs. David Esau Mr. & Mrs. Martin Evelev Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Everson Carolyn & Frank Ewasyshyn Mr. Michael Falzon Mr. & Mrs. William S. Fay Mr. Jeffrey Feldman Mr. Richard A. Feltrin Mr. & Mrs. Mason Ferry Ms. Kathleen Fieger Dr. & Mrs. Stephen I. Field Mr. Charles Finney & Ms. Anne Redmond Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fischer Robert & Marcy Fisher Mr. & Mrs. James Fisk Ms. Jane Forbes Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Forester Ms. Lucetta Franco Mr. & Mrs. Alan Frank Ms. Josephine Franz & Mr. Russell Gill Mr. Daniel A. Frattarelli Mr. & Mrs. Morton Freedman Mr. David Bradley & Ms. Nicole Frei Mr. Mike Friedman Ms. Carol A. Friend Mr. & Mrs. H. Richard Fruehauf, Jr. Dr. Kevin J. Gaffney Ms. Anne Gahagan Mr. Sam J. Galanis Larry & Ann Garberding Mr. & Mrs. Richard Garrett Ms. Deborah George Mr. & Mrs. John George Dr. & Mrs. Byron Georgeson Ms. Nora Gessert Dr. Thomas Giancarlo & Ms. Kathleen O’Grady-Giancarlo Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Gill Drs. Benn & Kathleen Gilmore Ms. Anne F. Ginn Mrs. Patricia A. Glidewell Mr. & Mrs. Leo Goldstein Dr. & Mrs. David Gonsalvez Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Goodman Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Grant Kevin & Margaret Green Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. Greene Mr. Milton Greenman Mr. Robert L. Griess, Jr. Grigg Graphic Services, Inc. Ms. Mary E. Grix Mr. Lawrence M. Guitar Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hamel Dr. & Mrs. Charles Harper Mr. & Mrs. Martin Harris William & Carole Harris Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Hartshorn Eugene & Donna Hartwig Carl & Laurian Hasselwander Ms. Jacquelyn Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hazen Mr. Joseph Falik & Ms. Deborah Hecht Mr. James Heinsimer & Ms. Rita Pink Mrs. Georgiann G. Henritzy Mrs. Jutta Herbig Mr. Robert D. Hicks & Mrs. Suzanne Burke Ms. Susan Hinshon Dr. Leigh A. Hlavaty & Mr. Christopher Lyster Mr. William D. Hodgman Mr. Gordon L. Hollander Mr. & Mrs. David B. Holtzman Mr. & Mrs. Jan Homan Harvey M. & Diane Howitt Mr. Brian J. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. H. David Humes Dr. & Mrs. Charles N. Inniss Ms. Julie Isdaner Ms. Dagnya Iyla Ms. Raechelle Jackson Mrs. H. John Jacob Dr. & Mrs. Allan Jacobs Ms. Elizabeth L. Jacobs Dr. & Mrs. Manuel Jacobs Mr. John W. Jickling Ms. Julia Jickling & Dr. Ray Noellert Mrs. Alice Johnson Mr. & Mrs. J. Whitfield Jones Ms. Sharon D. Jones Mr. & Mrs. David D. Joswick Nora Maya Kachaturoff, M.D. Ms. Linda R. Kaiser Ms. Laura Kantgias Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Karafa Mr. & Mrs. Norman Katz Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kehrig, Jr. Mr. & Ms. Martin Kellman Mrs. Donna D. Kelly Mr. Lawrence M. Hands & Ms. Karen Kendrick-Hands Mr. Herbert G. Kentta Mrs. Josephine Kessler Mr. Lova Khoram Mr. Norman Kindred Mr. Kenneth E. King & Mrs. Mary Seaberg King Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Kleiman Martin J. Klein & Alicia Davies Klein Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Knapp Ms. Barbara A. Kneebone Mrs. Ursula Kobiljak Mr. & Mrs. Natalio Kogan Ms. Mary Kontolambros Dr. Peter Coggan & Ms. Susan M. Kornfield Mr. & Mrs. Martin Koss Dr. Harry N. Kotsis Mr. Noel Kott & Ms. Holly Powell Ms. Mary L. Kramer Mr. G. Scott Kreft Mr. & Mrs. William Kroger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Elton E. Kruger Dr. William J. Kupsky Dr. Regina Kurian & Dr. Jeet Pillay Mr. Brian Kutinsky Ms. Anne L’Hommedieu Supporting Members (continued) Contributor (continued) 37 Dr. Myron & Joyce LaBan Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Landes Mr. James M. Landis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Lawrence Mr. R. K. Le Fleur Ms. Paloma Lee Ruth & Julian Lefkowitz Mr. Max Lepler & Mr. Rex L. Dotson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lesperance Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Letts, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. B. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Tom Lewis Dr. Henry W. Lim Ms. Kathryne Lindberg-Jackson Dr. Daniel Little & Dr. Bernadette Lintz Anne & Bryan Logan Mr. & Mrs. David G. London Mr. Tod Lonero Drs. Robert Lorenz & Christine Comstock Mr. Nelson Lytle Ms. Sandra MacDonald Mrs. Janet P. MacQueen Mr. & Mrs. Gregory G. Magreta M. Jeffrey & Carol Y. Maisels Ms. Margaret J. Makulski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maniaci Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Mann Mrs. Jayne D. Mann Mrs. Raymond Margherio Mr. & Mrs. Norman Markowitz Mr. & Mrs. Alan N. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Kirk N. Martin Ms. Alicia Masse Mr. Robert G. Matlack Mr. Stephen A. Mazurak Mr. Timothy McCarthy Ms. Gae Mccord Ms. Mimi McCullough Ms. A. J. McDonald Mr. John McElroy Ms. Mary McGough James & Rebecca McLennan Mr. Michael McNamee Ms. Jean McPhail & Mr. Lawrence Berlin Dr. & Mrs. Richard Mertz Dr. Henry D. Messer Mr. & Mrs. George H. Meyer Rev. James L. Meyer Dr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Michael Mr. & Mrs. Glen Michaels Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Miller, Jr. Mr. Shawn A. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Millman Mr. David Mink Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Minns Dr. Martyna Miskinis Dr. & Mrs. Edward Missavage, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Mitchell Ms. Jacqueline Mohs Mrs. Barbara A. Monahan Dr. & Mrs. Jay K. Moon Mr. Mayer Morganroth Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Morrill Ms. Sue Moss Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murray III Mr. & Mrs. Allan Nachman Mr. Michael E. Nader Mr. George Nakhleh Mr. Geoffrey Nathan & Ms. Margaret Winters Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Natinsky Dr. Norah N. Naughton Ms. Penny Nickle Ms. Catherine Nierle Mr. William C. Nill Mr. Silas Norman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joel Nosanchuk Mr. Gerald Nosotti Mrs. Patricia O’Brien Ms. Mary M. O’Connor Mrs. Beverly Olender Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Olson Dr. & Mrs. Michael Opsommer Mrs. Susan Ordway Mrs. Robert Ormond Mrs. E. L. Otto Mr. Gerald V. Padilla Mr. & Mrs. James J. Padilla Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Papp Ms. Diane M. Paratore Dr. & Mrs. S. William Paris Mr. L. Brooks Patterson Ms. Lisa A. Payne Mr. & Mrs. John Pedit Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Pelling Dr. Kimberly Peoples Ms. Danielle E. Pepin Paul Pereira Erica Peresman & David Jaffe Dr. Robert E. L. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Perlin Mr. Charles Peterson Dr. & Mrs. Carlos F. Petrozzi Dr. Mervyn A. Pettapiece Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Petz Mr. Daniel G. Piesko Ms. Gail Plunkett Mr. & Mrs. Steve Pohl Dr. Norman J. Pokley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Polk Ms. Rose L. Pompeo Mr. Michael Poris Mr. Ronald C. Porter Mr. & Mrs. William L. Porter Dr. & Mrs. Rick A. Poston Ms. Jennifer R. Poteat Ms. Margaret Rinehart Prizer Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E. Pyden Dr. & Mrs. R. D. Rabinovitch Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Radom Mr. Dave Rayford Mr. & Mrs. Mario Rea Dr. Michael Redmond Mr. Karl Reibel William & Donna Remer Mr. Warren Rempel Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Rennie Mr. Paul Rentenbach Mr. Robert G. Rentschler Ms. Vera Reseckas Drs. Ken & Nadine Richter Mr. Robert G. Riney Mr. Dwight C. Rinke Ms. Christine M. Ritter Mr. Steven A. Roach Mr. Brian Robb & Mrs. Kate De Fuccio Ms. Elizabeth B. Roberts Ms. Phoebe Roberts Mr. William Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Bernard I. Robertson Mr. John H. Robertson Mr. Ramone Robin Mr. & Mrs. George H. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Roby, Jr. Mr. Richard G. Roeder & Mrs. Doris K. Roeder Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Roggers Mr. Leland Ropp Alan H. Rosenbaum, M.D. Mr. Richard A. Rosenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Roshak Mr. Aaron R. Ross Mr. Hugh C. Ross Ms. Nancy Ross Dorothy & Michael Rothgery Mr. & Mrs. George Roumell, Jr. Peter Ruffner Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ryan Dr. & Mrs. Mark B. Saffer Dr. & Mrs. William H. Salot Dr. Daniella Saltz & Mr. Dan Katsir Mary M. & John P. Savage Charles & Phyllis Scales Mr. & Mrs. James Scapa Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schenk Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Schlang Ms. Nancy M. Schlichting Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Schmall Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schmitt Mrs. Calvin E. Schorer Mr. Sean Schotthoefer Mr. & Mrs. George A. Schreiber Supporting Members (continued) Contributor (continued) 38 Ms. Marie Schubert Mr. Arthur Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Schwartz Mrs. Barbara Scott Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Sedler Mr. Kim B. Serota & Mrs. Karen A. Serota Robert & Jocelyn Shaffer Mrs. Arlene Shaler Ms. E. Carole Shaya Ms. Susan Sherer Dr. Jeffrey Shulak Franklin & Harriet Siden Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Siegal Lewis & Beverly Siegel Mr. & Mrs. Howard Simon Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Simon Mr. James Simpson Mr. Allan Skoropa Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Smith Mr. & Mrs. Larry Smith Mr. Paul W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. W. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sokol Mr. Bob Solman Mr. & Mrs. Harvey L. Solway Mr. & Mrs. Rande Somma Mr. Richard Sonenklar Richard & Renate Soulen Robert & Susan Sovel Mr. James A. Spearot Dr. & Mrs. Henry Sprague Mr. Lon P. Stacks Mrs. Shirley Stancato & Mr. Henry Stancato Dr. Mildred P. Stennis Ms. Katherine Stephenson Mr. Christopher Sterling Ms. Joan M. Stevens Ms. Marcia Stevenson Dr. & Mrs. James C. Stewart Mrs. Nancy C. Stocking Mrs. Kristen Stone The Reverend Dr. Ruth H. Strang Ms. Linda Strausbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Strong Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. Janusz Szyszko Mr. & Mrs. Victor Tahill Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tait Mr. & Mrs. William S. Taubman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Taylor Dr. Norman Tepley Dr. Gretchen T. Thams Mr. & Mrs. David M. Thoms Mr. & Mrs. Rick Thomson Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Thurber Mr. & Ms. Brett Todd Mr. Michael J. Tomkins & Ms. Linda M. Martineau The Honorable & Mrs. Leonard Townsend Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trapp Mr. & Mrs. Allen Tucker Mr. & Mrs. L. W. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Edward X. Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Ureste Mr. & Mrs. Mark Valade Dr. & Mrs. Ellis Van Slyck Ms. Joy VanBuhler Carlene & Rob VanVoorhies Mr. & Mrs. Coleman Verona Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vetowich Ms. Girija Viswanath Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Voss Mr. & Mrs. William Waak Mr. Todd Wagenberg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Wagner Ms. Joan D. Walker Gail & Lois Warden Mrs. Ann K. Warren Mr. Mark T. Wehrwein & Mrs. Nora J. Swoveland Mrs. Lawrence M. Weiner Herman & Gertrude Weinreich Ms. Janelle L. Welshons Ms. Gloria Whelan Mr. & Mrs. Chad White Mr. & Mrs. William S. White Ms. Nancy Wiggers & Mr. Frank Zebot Mr. & Mrs. William Wildner Ms. Beverly Wilkie Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilkie Mr. & Mrs. David P. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willmarth Mr. & Mrs. Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Mrs. Sidney J. Winer Rev. Charles Witke & Dr. Aileen Gatten Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Wolpin Ms. Sandra R. Wolter Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wurtz Mrs. Remedios M. Young Ms. Patti Yunker Ms. Susan Zakrzewski Ms. Lucia Zamorano Ms. Anne Zaragoza & Mr. James Fitzgerald Dr. Seymour Ziegelman Mr. & Mrs. David Zmyslowski Patron Members $300 in annual dues Ansel & Suzanne Aberly Mr. James Acs Ms. Kimberly Adamczyk Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Adams Mr. & Mrs. James C. Addy Mrs. Judith Adelman Mr. Kedrick Adkins Ms. Sandra J. Adkins Mrs. Pamela Adler Mr. Nader Afshar Mr. David Agius Mr. & Mrs. Bernard W. Agranoff Mr. B. Patrick Ahern Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Ajluni Mr. Steven Alexy Mr. & Mrs. Joe H. Alff Mr. Michael F. Alioto Mr. Anthony D. Allen Dr. & Mrs. Lyle M. Allis Mr. & Mrs. Philip Allor Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Allum Dr. & Mrs. Neil Alperin Mr. Robert N. Alpert Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Amoe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Amster Ms. Cindy Anderson Mr. & Mrs. David D. Anderson Ms. Katherine Anderson Mr. & Mrs. William Anderson Dr. Renee Anspach Ms. Angela Apostol Mr. & Mrs. Robert Appel Dr. & Mrs. Agustin Arbulu Drs. Robert & Lucille Arking Mr. A. R. Armin Ms. Barbara E. Arms Dr. Elizabeth B. Arnold & Mr. Charles Arnold Mrs. Michael Aronwits Ms. Barb Arrigo Mr. & Mrs. Donald Arsen Mr. & Mrs. John Artz Mr. Albert Ascher Mrs. Carolyn Ash Mr. Richard Ashare Ms. Rubina Aslanian Dr. & Mrs. Gary S. Assarian Mr. & Mrs. James August John & Linda Axe Mr. & Mrs. Bob Babcock Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Babcock Mr. David S. Bach & Ms. Jill M. Latta Ms. Elizabeth A. Bachynski Martin & Irene Bader Ms. Tracey Baetzel Ronald & Cynthia Baird Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Baker Mr. Douglas Balan Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Balas Mr. M. R. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. William Ball Supporting Members (continued) Patron (continued) 39 Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Ballard Ms. Kathleen Baltman & Ms. Sally Stinson Dr. & Mrs. Max Bardenstein Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Barkley Ms. Tina Barksdale Mr. Serge Barna Dr. & Mrs. C. Robert Barnard Mr. John T. Baron Ms. Antoinette Barone Ms. Jeannette Bartlett Dr. & Mrs. Sidney Baskin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bassey Mr. H. J. Bates Mr. & Mrs. Clifford O. Bath, Jr. George K. & Voila Baughman Mr. Richard M. Bauhof Mrs. Marcia Baum Mr. Gary W. Baun Mr. Mark Bayoff Mrs. Beth Ann Bayus Mr. James E. Beall & Dr. Eugenie M. Beall Mr. & Mrs. Stanley A. Beattie Mr. Merle J. Beaudrie Mr. & Mrs. James C. Becker Mrs. Fay Beckwith Mr. James H. Bedsworth Mr. & Mrs. Everard F. Belfon Ms. Barbara K. Belfore & Mr. John B. Hartman Ms. Felicia Bell Ms. Chelsie M. Bemis Ms. Janet Benedict Mrs. Sheila Benjamin Mrs. Cecilia Benner Mr. & Mrs. J. Dale Bennett Ms. Rhonda D. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Bennett Mr. Spaniel Bennett Ms. Dale L. Berger Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bergmann Mr. Barry Berk Mr. & Mrs. Jack Berman Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Berndt Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Bernstein Dr. Richard Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Harold Berry Ms. Millicent R. Berry Dr. Anatole Besarab Mrs. Herbert A. Beyer Mr. Martin Biancalana Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Bianco, Jr. Mr. Keith R. Bielaczyc Ms. Lauri Biliti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Bill Dr. & Mrs. Eric Billes Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Billington Mr. & Mrs. Chris Billmeyer Mr. William R. Bingham James S. & Suzanne Bintinger Ms. Pamela E. Bishop Mr. Stephen W. Black & Ms. Yvonne M. Friday Mr. John D. Blanchard & Ms. Virginia L. Latimer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blank Dr. John Blase & Dr. Rosemary Blase Ms. Debbie Bleger Mr. Raymond F. Blessman Mrs. Mary E. Blocker Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bloom Mr. Geoff Blumenthal & Ms. Kate Baker Mr. James F. Board, Jr. Mr. Doug Boehmer Mrs. Carol Bogden Ms. Margaret A. Bogos Mr. Henry V. Bohm Ms. Maggie Boleyn Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bond Ms. Mary W. Bond Dr. Henry Bone Mr. David Bonior Mrs. John L. Booth Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Booth Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Borczon Ms. Suzanne Boschan Mr. Andrew Bostrom Mrs. Julian P. Bowen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Bozynski Mr. & Mrs. George E. Brand Ms. Charlyss R. Brandon Mr. & Mrs. David R. Brassell Mr. Mark Brautigan & Ms. Kathleen Aseltyne Mr. & Mrs. Hal Breidenbach Mr. Richard B. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Jon Brewster Mr. Wade Bridges Mr. Frank Briglia Mrs. Betty B. Brilmyer Mr. Paul A. Bringer Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Brink A family enjoys The Art of African Masquerades in the African Art galleries. Kevin & Catherine Broderick Mr. & Mrs. Allen S. Brodjeski Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Brodsky Mrs. Gerald Brody Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brody Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Brogowicz Mr. Daniel Brouse Dr. & Mrs. Eli M. Brown Ms. Linda J. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Michael Browner Mrs. Doris A. Brucker Mr. Edward A. Bruley Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Brumm Supporting Members (continued) Patron (continued) 40 Mr. Kenneth Brune Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Lee Mr. John Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Buckman Mrs. Isabel W. Buckner Mrs. Martin J. Budman Mr. Arthur Bull & Ms. Mary Bain Mrs. Rose Burke Mr. David Burkett Mr. David Burkhart Ms. Gail R. Burnett Mrs. Patricia Burnett & Mr. Robert Siler Ms. Carol Burns Mr. Daniel M. Burns, Jr. & Mrs. Smilka Zdravkovska Mr. Richard Burrous Mr. & Mrs. David Burton Mrs. Evelyn Burton Mr. & Mrs. William Busby Ms. Theresa M. Bush Ms. Suzanne H. Butch Mr. Thomas Butkovich Mr. George E. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Butler Mr. & Mrs. Pietro Buttolo Dr. & Mrs. Roger C. Byrd Ms. Barbara Cadaret Mr. Michael Cadotte Mrs. Mary K. Cahalan Ms. Catharine Calder Mr. Milton A. Callender Ms. Rena Callewaert Ms. Julie Calligaro Mr. David G. Cameron Mr. Howard D. Cameron Mr. James Cameron, Jr. Carol B. Camiener & Jim Herrington C. David & Susan Goethel Campbell Mrs. Douglas Campbell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin E. Campbell Ms. Mildred Campbell Mr. & Mrs. James N. Candler, Jr. Ms. Libby Candler Dr. & Mrs. James Caralis Ms. Ann M. Carleton Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Carlson Mr. David Carmany Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carolan Mr. Mark A. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Ricard J. Carr Mr. & Mrs. John W. Carroll, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Carson Ms. Lynne Carter & Ms. Ruth Carter Ms. Dorothy A. Cartwright Dr. & Mrs. Efrain Casas Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cash The Honorable Mark Cavanagh Mr. Gerald Cavellier Ms. Loretta Caverly Ms. Claire H. Chambers Mr. Dan Chandler Mr. & Mrs. James M. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Donald Channing Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Manny Charach Mr. & Mrs. John P. Charters Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cheatham Mr. Lloyd Cheney Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Chernow Mr. Charles J. Chevalier Ms. Carole Chiamp Ms. Auralee Childs & Mr. James Smith Dr. Kathleen Cho Mr. Harold C. Choitz Dr. Christine S. Chow Mr. David W. Christensen Mr. Robert Christie Mr. Paul Christo & Ms. Tara Christo Mr. & Mrs. George T. Chucales Mr. Samuel Churikian Mr. & Mrs. Reginald L. Ciokajlo Mr. Michael L. Cioni Mr. Alan S. Cisek Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Citrin Mr. Daniel Clancy & Mr. Jack Perlmutter Dr. Frank M. Clark & The Honorable Miriam Clark Mr. James Clarke Ms. Lois Clause Mrs. Joann Clayman Ms. Jill Clegg Mr. & Mrs. Adrian M. Clements Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cleveland Mrs. Maureen Clinesmith & Mr. Kenneth Clinesmith Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cobau Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Coden Dr. Eudoro Coello Leon S. Cohan Ms. Hilary Cohen Norton J. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Cohen Ms. Deborah Cohn Ms. Beverly Coleman Mr. George Collier Ms. Sandra J. Collins & Mr. Mark G. Bartnik Mr. Leonard Colton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Colucci Dr. & Mrs. James Colville Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie E. Comer Mr. & Mrs. Donald Connell Mr. Neil R. Connin Mr. & Mrs. David L. Conrad Dr. Basil Considine, Jr. Mr. Thomas W. Cook The Reverend Michael N. Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Gerson I. Cooper Mrs. Helen E. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cooper Shelly & Peter Cooper Mr. Craig Copeland Mrs. John V. Corbett Mr. William T. Corbin Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Cornelsen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. John Corrigan Justice Maura D. Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Costello Mr. & Mrs. David Cotton Mrs. Jean Coverdill Mr. & Mrs. Stanely Zeider Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Cox Mr. & Mrs. Duane Coykendall Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Craig Ms. Janet Crandell Mr. & Mrs. C. Howard Crane Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Cravens Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Creamer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Criesmer Mr. & Mrs. Lee Critchfield Mr. Dennis C. Crowley Mrs. Gwinnette W. Crownley Mr. James K. Crowther Mr. Harold E. Cruger Mr. Douglas Cryderman Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Cubba Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Cullen Mr. Marty Curtin Labenne Ms. Mimi Curtis Dr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Cushing Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cutler Mr. Jeffrey S. Cutter Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Czamanske Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Czerniak Mr. & Mrs. William D. Dahling Mr. & Mrs. Brian Dailey Mr. Edward K. Dallwein Dr. George E. Dambach & Ms. Kathy T. Dambach Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Damioli Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Damren Mr. & Mrs. R. L. Damschroder Dr. Jay B. Danto Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Daoust Mr. Rod Davenport Supporting Members (continued) Patron (continued) 41 Mr. Tyrone M. Davenport Mr. Arthur Davidson Dr. & Mrs. Brent N. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Davidson Mr. Oscar Roberto & Ms. Tamara S. Davidson Mr. Kenneth M. Davies Mr. Mark A. Davis Ms. Emma Dawkins Ms. Pamela M. Day Ms. J. B. Dean Ms. Lillian Dean Dr. Randy Dean & Mr. Sam Stahl Mr. & Mrs. William C. Dean Mr. & Mrs. John DeFever Ms. Sara J. DeHoff Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Deitch Mr. Robert A. DeKold Ms. Jennifer DeLisle & Mr. William Casey Ms. Burgess A. Dell-Wilson Mr. Louis DeMaris Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Denious Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dettloff Mr. & Mrs. Walt Dever Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Dibble Mrs. Virginia C. F. Dickson Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Didier Mr. David Diegel Mr. Howard Scott Diels Mrs. Johanna Diepenhorst Dr. & Mrs. James Dietz Mr. & Mrs. George Dimitruck Drs. John & Catherine Dinka Mr. & Mrs. John Diponio Ms. Anne T. Ditmars & Dr. Donald Ditmars Ms. Dorene Doane Ms. Jean M. Doelle Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Doerer Mr. John Doherty & Ms. Marlene Barrett Ms. Colleen Dolan-Greene Mr. Frederick T. Dolehanty Mr. & Mrs. Richard Donaldson Ms. Donna J. Donati Mr. & Mrs. Yen Dong Mr. & Mrs. Michael Donley Ms. Susan Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Terry Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Doremus Mr. & Mrs. William Doster Ms. Helen Douma Mr. Ronald Dowe Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Drabecki Ms. Suzanne Dreifus Mr. Antonio Drommi Mr. Derek Drouin Mr. Jack C. DuBois Drs. Michael & Paula Duffy Ms. Margaret M. Dugan Elizabeth A. DuMouchelle & Leonard F. Charla Mr. & Mrs. Robert DuMouchelle Mr. & Mrs. Gordon B. Duncan, Jr. Mrs. Alva Dworkin Mr. Roger Dye & Ms. Jeanne Bakale Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Eagle Mr. & Mrs. William Eagleson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eberwein Mr. & Mrs. Charles Edie Mr. Robert Edwards & Mrs. Julie Hyde-Edwards Mr. Edward A. Eickhoff & Mr. Michael C. Hisala Dr. Lawrence Eilender & Dr. Amy Goldfaden Ms. Sue Ellen Eisenberg Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Eisenfeld Ms. Susan Ekrut Hilary & Adel El-Magrabi Mr. & Mrs. Charles Elias Mr. James F. Eliason Mr. Robert Elkus Dr. & Mrs. J. Harold Ellens Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ellias Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. John Ellwood Ms. Yasmin Eloian Irwin & Judith Elson Ms. Janice S. Elvekrog Dr. & Mrs. Allan S. Emery Mrs. V. Joanne English Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ensch Mr. William Epling Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Epstein Frederick A. & Barbara M. Erb Mr. & Mrs. Alex Erdeljan Mr. Thomas A. Erle Mr. & Mrs. Randy Eschels Mr. & Mrs. James R. Essen Mr. Andrew Esslinger Mr. & Mrs. James M. Ethridge Ms. Helen Etkin Mr. Michael A. Eugenio Mr. George C. Evans Leonard & Wendy Evans Ms. Rosemarie Evans Mr. & Mrs. William Farber Ms. Claudine Farrand Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Farrell Mr. Michael J. Farrell Mr. Patrick Farrell Mr. William J. Farris The Honorable Jack Faxon Mr. Paul Fayad Mr. Fred Fechheimer & Dr. Rosemary Holland Ms. Deb Fedon Mr. Richard Kandarian & Ms. Susanne Feld Hilberry Mr. & Mrs. Arnold C. Fellman Ms. Kay Felt Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fenstermacher Dr. & Mrs. R. J. Ferrara, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Karl Fiegenschuh Dexter Fields, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Field Mr. & Mrs. James Filkins Mr. David J. Fink & Ms. Marlinda Mara Mr. & Mrs. John Finn Mrs. Adeline Firnschild Mr. Edward Fischer & Mr. Stephen Dawson Prof. Katherine Fishburn Mr. Edward F. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Fisher Ms. Donna Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. James A. Fitzgerald Mrs. Kathleen Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. David FitzSimons Ms. Deborah Flanagan Mr. Tim Flint Mr. Michael Flora Dr. R. Michael Flores & Mr. Michael Fournier Mr. Robert A. Florian Mr. & Mrs. Richard Florka Mr. & Mrs. Orlando C. Flowers Penny S. Flury, DDS Mrs. Carolyn Flynn Ms. Sally Lee Foley Mr. Jet Foncannon Mr. & Mrs. Carl Fontana Ms. Christine V. Ford Ms. Laura Ford Ms. Marilyn Ford Mr. & Mrs. Burke Fossee Ms. Mary E. Foster Mrs. Odette H. Foster-Yanka Ms. Susan Fox Mr. & Mrs. Dean Anthony Franchi Mr. & Mrs. Bill Francis Mr. Daniel M. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Frank Mrs. Kathleen Frank Mr. Mark I. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Michael Frank Dr. Robert N. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Samuel N. Frank Dale A. & Bruce Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Frankel Ms. Margaret C. Franz Supporting Members (continued) Patron (continued) 42 Mrs. Douglas Fraser Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Frederickson Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Freedman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Freedman Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Freeman Sharon A. & Stephen T. Freitas Mrs. Hadley M. French Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fried Mrs. Audrie Friedman Ms. Karen Friedman Mr. Robert Friedman & Ms. Elizabeth R MacGowan Friends of Polish Art Ryan Fringer, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Frohardt-Lane Mr. M. Richard Frye & Ms. Julie West Dr. Gerald Fuller Mr. James Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fuller Mr. & Mrs. James Futterknecht Mr. David M. Gage Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Galacz Mr. Stephen A. Galens Mr. & Mrs. George Galster Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Galvin Ms. Susan M. Gandolfo Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ganfield Mr. & Mrs. James Gannes Mr. Lloyd D. Garcia Ms. Jane Gardner Mr. & Mrs. John T. Gargaro Mr. & Mrs. Jim Garlough Mr. & Mrs. Leroy D. Gates, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gawura Mr. Lewis Gazoul Mr. Steven Geimer Mr. Charles Gelfond Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gendelman Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gene Mr. Thomas R. Geniusz Ms. Susan Genschoreck Mr. Landon Geren & Mrs. Susan Morse Mr. Mark A. Germaine Ms. Linda Gershenson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gerulski Mr. Thomas M. Gervasi Mr. & Mrs. Philip Gerwert Ms. Deborah Gibbs Mr. Ted Gillary Mr. J. Martin Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. Jere B. Gillette Mr. Daniel Gilmartin Ms. Nancy Givens Ms. Marcia M. Glencer & Mr. Michael A Crain Mr. & Mrs. Paul Glendon Dr. & Mrs. Frank C. Glover Mr. Jerry Glowniak Mr. & Mrs. Michael Glusac Ms. Elizabeth Glynn & Mr. Greg Keoleian Mr. Roman L. Godlewski Ms. Marcia B. Goffney Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gold Mr. & Mrs. David Goldberg Dr. & Mrs. Joel Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Tom Goldberg Ms. Eleanor Golden-Zuppke Mr. William I. Liberson Mr. Rohn M. Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Herman Goldsmith Prof. Irwin J. Goldstein & Dr. Martha Mayo Ms. Lea Gonzales-Bier Mr. Gary Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell A. Goodkin Mr. Wade Gora & Mrs. Karen Saxton Ms. Arlene Gorelick & Dr. Joseph Lapides Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Gorton Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gotch Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Gothard Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gousseff Mrs. Sherry M. Goussy Mr. & Mrs. Richard I. Grady Dr. & Mrs. Howard Graef Mrs. Patricia Graham Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Grainer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Grand Ms. Darla Granger & Mr. Luke H. Ponder Mr. & Mrs. John Grant Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Grant Mr. David Granzine Mr. & Mrs. Elvin H. Graves Mr. Earl Gravlin Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Greenberg Dr. Stanley Greenberg Ms. Margaret E. Greene Mr. Seymour D. Greenstone Mr. & Mrs. Steven Grejda Mr. & Mrs. Henry Grezlik Ms. Paula J. Griffis Ms. Elizabeth H. Griffith Mr. James Grigsby Ms. Claire L. Grosberg Norman & Barbara Gross Mrs. Ruth E. Grossa Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Grosshans Mr. Andrew M. Grove Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gruber Mr. John Gruca Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Grunow Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gulan Ms. Janet Gumenick Ms. Cheryl Gustafson Mr. Myron Gutmann Mr. & Mrs. James Gutowski Mr. Thomas J. Guyer & Ms. Jennifer S. Bidwell Mr. Peter B. Haag Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Haas Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Haas Mr. Richard Haas Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hack Mr. John P. Haddad Ms. Karen L. Hahn & Mr. Claudio Roveroni Mrs. Alice Berberian Haidostian Ms. Jane Hakken Dr. M. Adams Hall Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Hall Mrs. Nance Halle Mr. Douglas Hallett Mr. & Mrs. Tom Halpin Mr. & Mrs. Ernest W. Hamady Mr. & Mrs. William Hamm Dr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Hammel Mr. & Mrs. David Hammond Mr. Peter Hanley Ms. Grace L. Hansen Dr. & Mrs. John Harding Rev. John W. Hardy Mr. Edward Harkins Mr. George Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Harned Mr. & Mrs. Mark Haron Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harris Tom & Jayne Harris Mr. Wayne L. Hartman Dr. Joseph Hartmann Michael & Pamela Hartmann Mr. Rainer Hartmann Ms. Dawn Harvey Mrs. Elizabeth Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Ivery Harvey Mr. & Mrs. John Harwood Mr. & Mrs. William Haska III Mr. Richard M. Haskin Ms. Joann Hatton Mrs. Nina E. Hauser Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Havlena, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hayes Ms. Christina Haylett Mr. & Mrs. Larry Heck Dr. & Mrs. Robert Heidelberg Ms. Etherine Heiden Ms. Rhea Heil Dr. & Mrs. Gerhardt A. Hein Ms. Rhoda Henderson Ms. Megan Henderson-Redding Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Hendrick Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hendrie Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Henry Mr. David Henze Ms. Rose Hepner Supporting Members (continued) Patron (continued) 43 Mrs. Gloria Heppner Mr. & Mrs. Larry Herb Mr. & Mrs. Jay A. Herbst Ms. Nataliya Herko Dr. & Mrs. Harry N. Herkowitz Mr. Marc Herrick Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Hertzberg Mr. Richard Hervey Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Hewson Ms. Mary E. Heyde Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. High Ms. Kathleen Hilbert Ms. Priscilla A. Hildum Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Hilfinger Mr. & Mrs. George Hill Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hill Dr. & Mrs. William E. Hill Ms. Nadean Hillary Mr. William Hillegas & Mrs. Kathleen Branson-Hillegas Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hillegonds Mrs. Gail Hines Mr. Michael E. Hinsky Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Hirsch Mr. Jochaim V. Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hirt Ms. Christina R. Hoard Ms. Patricia Hobar Mr. & Mrs. William O. Hochkammer Mrs. Deborah Hodge Mr. Clair Hoehn Ms. Esther L. Hofley Mrs. Janet E. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Leslie J. Hogan, Jr. Mrs. George M. Holley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Hollinshead Ms. Allene Holman Mr. & Mrs. James B. Holmes Ms. Judith A. Holtz Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Horning Mr. & Ms. James Howlett Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Hoy Mrs. Thomasyne C. Hubert Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy M. Hughes Mr. Harley W. Hughey Mr. & Mrs. Otto Hugi Mrs. Harriet H. Hull Ms. D. Marguerite Humes Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Hunia Ms. Bridget G. Hurd Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Hurvitz Ms. Diane M. Hyde Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Hyman Ms. Lynnette Iannace Mr. & Mrs. Atanas Ilitch Ms. Carole Ilitch Mrs. Ieva Inglis Mr. & Mrs. Jim Irvine Dr. & Mrs. Jo Isaacson Mr. Adam Jablonowski Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Jackson Ms. Margit A. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Jackson Dr. Bruce Jacob Mr. James Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. James Jacobs Dr. Michael Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Jacobs Joseph & Nancy Jacobson Mr. Linos J. Jacovides & Ms. Kathleen McNamee Mr. & Mrs. Ira J. Jaffe Ms. Deborah A. James Ms. Elizabeth S. Jamett Dr. & Mrs. Shahid Jamil Mr. Jarrod E. Jasper & Mrs. Elizabeth Cassar Mrs. Arthur Jefferson Dr. Louise Jefferson Mrs. Betty J. Jeffries Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Jeffries Mr. James J. Jeffries Ms. Tesst C. Jenkins Ms. Phyllis Jenson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jessup Ms. Amy Jidov Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Johncox Mr. Arthur H. Johns Mr. Al Johnson Ms. Amber Johnson Mrs. Estelle R. Johnson Mr. Lawrence B. Johnson & Ms. Nancy Malitz Mrs. Ollie Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Johnson Ms. Royanne M. Johnson Ms. Mary L. Johnson-Lawrence Ms. Leslie Johnston Mr. & Mrs. William T. Johnstone Deloris A. Jones, M.D. Ms. Kerin Jones Ms. Ruth E. Jones Mr. Michael Jonietz & Mrs. Dorothea Kroell Ms. Katherine E. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. V. Stewart Jose Mr. Bernard W. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Jethro Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Josephson Mr. Frank H. Joyce & Ms. Mary Anne Barnett Mr. & Mrs. A. Randolph Judd Ms. Susan Julius Mr. Kenneth Jung Mr. & Mrs. Gerard F. Kabzinski Ms. Carol Kaftan Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Kalakailo, Jr. Mr. Daniel Kane Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kanniainen Mr. Austin A. Kanter Mr. & Mrs. John A. Kaplan Ms. Linda Kaplan Ms. Yvonne M. Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Kaplin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Karbel Mr. James Kaskas Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kasle Ms. Nancy Kassab Mr. Timothy C. Kasunic & Mr. Paul Jednak Ms. Patricia Kaszeta Mr. & Mrs. Alex F. Kato Robert & Lisa Katzman Mr. Masumi Kawatsu Dr. & Mrs. William G. Keane Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Keefe Mr. Irving F. Keene Mr. Daniel J. Kehoe Ms. Kathrine Keljo Dr. Alex P. Kelly Ms. Cynthia Kelly Mr. James A. Kelly & Ms. Mariam C. Noland Mr. Michael D. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Timm L. Kelly Mr. William B. Kelly Mr. Anthony W. Kendzierski Mr. & Mrs. John Keough Mr. Joseph J. Kerekes Mrs. Margot Kessler Philip Kessler & Mary Ray Brophy Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Kettelhut Mr. & Mrs. Gerd H. Keuffel Ms. Diana Lee Khachaturian Ms. Madeline Kiefer Mr. Donald A. Kieliszewski Mr. Kevin W. Killebrew Ms. Mary Killian Mr. & Mrs. Russell King Mr. William E. King Mr. James Kirchner Mr. & Mrs. Ari Kirsch Dr. Charles Kissel Dr. & Mrs. Edward Klarman Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell A. Klein Dr. & Mrs. Sander P. Klein Mr. O. D. Kluza Mr. Thomas Kneeshaw Dr. Randall Knibbs Ms. Karen Knopper Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Koch Mrs. Frances Kochensparger Supporting Members (continued) Patron (continued) 44 Mr. Anthony Kogut & Ms. Mary Fielding Mrs. Judy Kohl Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kohl Mrs. Doreen Kohr Mr. Jim Kolhoff Ms. Lorraine Konen Robert & Diane Koory Ms. Susan Kosmowski Mr. Anthony Kotlarczyk Ms. Cathy Koupal Ms. Diane Kowaleski Ms. Donna Kraft Phyllis & Gerald Krause Ms. Kathy Krauskopf Dr. William H. Krebs Ms. Diane Krempa Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Krevsky Mr. & Mrs. James Krogsrud Mr. & Mrs. P. J. Krol Ms. Virginia Krol Dr. John H. Krouse Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Krueger Mrs. Robert J. Krueger Mr. & Mrs. Richard Krugel Mr. & Mrs. John A. Kruse Mr. Mitchell Krzeminski Roger & Gloria Krzeminski Dr. & Mrs. Ned F. Kuehn Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Kuhlman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kujawa Mr. Sharad Kumar W. C. Kuo Edward & Mary Jane Kure Mr. Peter Kurrie Mr. & Mrs. David S. Kusch Mr. Ronald Kustra Mr. Dennis Kutzen & Mrs. Julie Harrison Mr. Robert Kutzen Ms. Kara Kuzneski Mr. Nickolas Kyser & Ms. Mary Leonard Ms. Amy Labarge & Mr. Ronald Beeber Mr. Joe W. Labuta Mr. & Mrs. William Lack Mrs. Donna Lacourciere Mr. Alger P. Lahood & Ms. Marquita Bedway Mr. Michael Lamb Mrs. Carole Landau Mr. & Mrs. Graham Landau Mrs. Pamela S. Landau Ms. Evelyn Landgraf & Ms. Leona Nowakowski Ms. Jacqueline E. Lane Dr. Derek Lanier Mr. Larry Lanphear III Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Lansky Mr. Mark Lantz Mr. Frank Lanzilote Mr. Edward Lapham & Ms. Marjorie Sorge Ms. Patricia S. Laramie Dr. & Mrs. Steven M. Lash Mrs. Cleo-Rae Lavey Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Law Ms. Gale R. Law Mr. John K. Lawrence & Ms. Jeanine DeLay Ms. Jean A. Lawton Mr. Patrick D. Lawton Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lax Mr. Matthew Leachman Richard & Florence Leasia Mr. & Mrs. Allan P. LeChard Dr. & Mrs. M. Lechner Ms. Anna M. Ledgerwood Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lee Mr. & Mrs. Gene Leich Mr. Joseph Leigh Mr. Edward B. Leland Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leland Ms. Deborah Lemke Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lenter Mr. & Mrs. David Munson Lentz Mr. & Mrs. David Leroy Mrs. H. D. Levasseur Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Levasseur Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Levin Mr. & Mrs. Yale Levin Drs. Donald & Diane Levine Mr. Christopher Lewandowski Mr. & Mrs. Jesse M. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lewis Melvy & Milford T. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lewis Dr. & Mrs. John Libcke Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Liberson Mr. & Mrs. Ned Liddle Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Lieberman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lile Mr. Mark Lindley & Ms. Sandy Talbott Dr. & Mrs. C. T. Lipson Dr. & Mrs. Robert Lisak Ms. Susan Lister Ms. Jessica Litman & Mr. Jonathan Weinberg Ms. Roberta Litwin Mr. Daniel G. Lockwood J. D. Locust Dr. & Mrs. L. M. Loewenthal The Reverend & Mrs. William S. Logan Ms. Susan Lolli & Mr. Frank Soby Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lomason Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Longe Ms. Beverly A. Lopatin Mrs. Florence LoPatin Mr. & Mrs. James H. LoPrete Dr. Dean S. Louis Ms. Julie Love Ms. Janet A. Lovins Mr. Marcus Lozser Dr. & Mrs. Sol Luft Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Lundberg Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lunder Charles & Shirley Lusby Mr. David R. Lusk & Mrs. Deborah Bodner Mr. John E. Luster Mr. Arthur Lyle II Ms. Maryann Lynch Mr. & Mrs. William Lynch Mr. & Mrs. William A. Macauley Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Macdonald Mr. & Mrs. Urban MacDonald Mrs. Jenny Machak Mr. Arthur F. Mack Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mack Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. MacKethan Ms. Lucinda MacLean Mr. & Mrs. Donald MacQueen Ms. Margaret MacTavish Ms. Susan M. Madro Mr. & Mrs. Wolf Maennle Ms. Patricia Magreta Ms. Virginia Mahle Mr. & Mrs. Burt Mahler Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Major The Honorable Mona K. Majzoub Mr. John J. Makowski Mr. John A. Malasky Mr. Michael Malinzak & Dr. Lauren Malinzak Ms. Lisa Mancini Mrs. Joseph Maniscalco Mr. Charles W. Manke & Ms. Anne Acosta Mr. & Mrs. George Manoogian Mr. & Mrs. Ken Mareski Mr. & Mrs. Dave Mariotti Ms. Barbara Mark Dr. Richard Mark Mr. Michael J. Marko Ms. Julie Marosi & Mr. Jeffrey Hartwell Mr. & Mrs. John Marshall Mrs. Lenore A. Marshall Dr. Richard R. Martella Mr. & Mrs. Robert Martelli Ms. Pauline Marth Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Martin Mr. Charles Martin Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Martin Mr. Joseph Martino Mrs. Ann Martinuzzi Mrs. Sue Marx Mr. Howard L. Mason Mr. Larry Mason Mr. Joe Mattimoe Mr. Eugene O. Mauch Mr. & Mrs. Leo D. Maxbauer Ms. Teresa Maxwell-Kelly Mr. Edward A. May Supporting Members (continued) Patron (continued) 45 Mr. Timothy Mayer Ms. Ruth E. Mayhall Ms. Lynette Mayman Ms. Janet McAuliffe Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth O. McBride Dr. William McCallion Derek C. McCalmont, M.D. Mr. Paul McCann Dr. Peter McCann & Mrs. Kathleen McKee Ms. Laurie A. McCarty Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. McCleary Ms. Caroline M. McCollom Mr. James McCown & Dr. Judy McCown Mrs. Sheryl McCristal & Mr. Bruce McCristal Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo L. McDonald Mrs. Katherine J. McDonald Mr. Liam T. McDonald Mr. George C. McElroy Bishop & Mrs. H. Coleman McGehee, Jr. Thomas & Moira McGraw Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGruer Dr. & Mrs. Stephen McInerney Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. McKee Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. McKeever Ms. Gloria McKenney & Ms. Eliza McKenney Mr. Michael A. McKenney Ms. JoAnne McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Michael McKesson Dr. & Mrs. Max T. McKinney Mr. & Mrs. J. Hugh McKinnon Mr. Lawrence McLaughlin Michael F. McManus Mr. Robert McManus Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. McMechan Mr. & Mrs. Mike McNalley Mrs. Robin Mcneil Mr. William L. McShane & Ms. Susan M. Lawther Mr. John E. McSorley Mrs. Hudson Mead Mrs. Theodore H. Mecke, Jr. Mr. Connor Meeth Ms. Martha Mehall Charlie & Mary Meier Mrs. Carol Meizels Mr. & Mrs. Ihor Melnykowycz Mr. & Mrs. Seth S. Meltzer Ms. Melanie Mendell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Mercier Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Merrill Ms. Kathleen Mesenbrink Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Metz Ms. Heidi Meyer Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Meyer Mr. Brent C. Meyers & Ms. Elizabeth DeBeliso Dr. & Mrs. Alvin Michaels Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Michaels Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Miedema Mrs. Rhoda A. Milgrim Mr. Donald P. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Miller Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Miller Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Miller Mr. & Mrs. Steve Miller Lynn & Randall Miller Dr. & Mrs. Richard Miller Dr. & Mrs. Sidney Miller Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Milles Dr. & Mrs. Thomas I. Millman Mr. John Mills Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Mills Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Milne Ms. Vera E. Milz Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Minadeo Ms. Emily Minns Ms. Justina Misuraca Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mitchell Mr. Charles Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. James B. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Mitchell Dr. J. Jay Mittner & Dr. Cristina Torres Mr. David Miyama Mr. Jan Modzelewski Sandra & Robert Moers Mr. Michael Mogill Ms. Olga Moir Mr. & Mrs. William Mokrenski Ms. Mary Jane Molesky Mr. & Mrs. Imre Molnar Mr. & Mrs. Ted Monolidis Ms. Marilyn Mook Mrs. Charles Moon Mr. Jeffrey L. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Moore Mr. Stephen D. Moore Mr. Tom Moore Mr. Erivan Morales & Dr. Seigo Nakao Mrs. Patricia Morgan & Mr. Courtney E. Morgan Ms. Michelle O. Morhovich Mr. & Mrs. Ayers Morison, Jr. Mrs. Ayers Morison Ms. Jeanne Morley Mr. Charles Morse Dr. James L. Moseley Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moskowitz Mr. Alex Mourtos Mr. Joseph T. Mramor Dr. & Ms. Samuel Mucci Ms. Kathleen Muir Mr. & Mrs. Carl Muma Ms. Jane Murdock Barbara Murphy & Gavin Eadie Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murray Two visitors explore the artistic effects of depth and space at an interactive station in the Chaim, Fanny, Louis, Benjamin, & Anne Florence Kaufman Memorial Trust Gallery. Ms. Jan Musgrave Ms. Mary Nahawi Mrs. Jean Nank Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Nathan Dr. Gholam-Abbas Nazri Ms. Chinyere Neale Mr. & Mrs. David J. Neebes Mr. & Mrs. Charles Neff Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Negro David R. & Sylvia Jean Nelson Ms. Stephanie E. Newell Mr. Darryl Newman Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Newman Mr. & Mrs. James B. Nicholson Mr. John Nicholson Mr. & Mrs. Ken Nicholson Mr. Jeff Nielson Mr. Clay Niemeyer Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Niforos Dr. & Mrs. Michael Nigro Mr. Kenneth Nisch Mr. Thomas Noel Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Noordhoorn Supporting Members (continued) Patron (continued) 46 Mr. Richard L. Norling Ms. Caroline Norman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Novacek Mrs. Evelyn Noveck Mr. Morton Noveck Mrs. Henrietta Nowakowski Mr. & Mrs. Irving Nusbaum Dr. William Nutting Mr. Joseph G. Nuyen, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Kevin M. O’Brien Mary Lee & Robert M. O’Bryan Mr. Joseph J. O’Hare Mr. John D. O’Neal Mr. Timothy O’Neill & Mrs. Marilyn Dedyne Ms. Beline Obeid Randall & Jackie Odom Mr. & Mrs. Walter Olejniczak, Jr. Anne & Robert Olender Mr. & Mrs. John P. Oliver Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Oliveri Ms. Kristine J. Olson Mr. Robert W. Olson Mrs. G. Elizabeth Ong Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Opipari Ms. Sharon Oppenheim Dr. & Mrs. Jesus Ortega Dr. & Mrs. Claude Oster Mr. & Mrs. James Ostrosky Dr. Renato Oteyza Mr. & Mrs. Scott Otterson Mr. Keith R. Outland Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. Overy Mr. & Mrs. Stanford R. Ovshinsky Mr. Kipp Owen Ms. B. R. Ozbun David & Andrea Page Mr. Johannes P. Palm Mr. & Mrs. David Palmer Mr. & Mrs. John Palmer Mr. Joseph Palms & Ms. Sara Vogler Mr. & Mrs. James Pamel Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Panush Mr. & Mrs. James R Foley Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Parker Mrs. Ethel Parkes Mr. David Parow Mr. Lawrence Parrott & Mrs. Marnie Parrott Mr. Donald Dietz & Ms. Anne Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Partrich Mr. Randolph Paschke Dr. & Mrs. F. C. Pasley Ms. Paula F. Paterson Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Paterson Dr. & Mrs. L. Raj S. Patil Mr. Al Patrick, Jr. Mrs. Kathleen Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Will Patterson Dr. Peter R. Paul, Jr. Dr. Diane R. Pawlowski Mr. & Mrs. George J. Payne Mr. & Mrs. John Peabody Mr. Vance R. Peacock Ms. Dorothy Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Edward Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Lynn M. Pease Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Peck Mr. & Mrs. Ken Pedersen Mr. Lawrence Pennington Mr. & Mrs. William W. Penoyar, Jr. Mr. Ronald L. Perreman Dr. Eugene V. Perrin Mr. & Mrs. Alex Perrin Mr. & Mrs. C. Kenneth Perry, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Peters Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Frank Petersmark Mr. & Mrs. David Peterson Mr. Ted L. Peterson Ms. Alma Petrini Mr. & Mrs. Mark Petroff Ms. Lois Petross Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Petz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Petzold Mr. & Mrs. Kris R. Pfaehler Mr. & Mrs. William F. Pfeifer Ms. Jessica Pfeiffer Mr. & Mrs. Lester Pfent Mr. George Phaneuf Ms. Sara J. Phillips Ms. Judith Pickering Ms. Mary S. Pickett & Mr. Richard E. Teets Mr. Mark Pieroni Mrs. Christine Piligian Ms. Winifred S. Pinet Mr. & Mrs. William Piontkowski Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Piszker Mr. Daniel Pitsos Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pitt Ms. Anne Planchon Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Plonkey Mrs. Richard Pohrt, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Peter J. Polidori Mr. Christopher Polk Mrs. Leo Polny Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Pope III Dr. & Mrs. Michael Popoff Mr. Theodore J. Popowitz Ms. Barbara Portnoy Mr. M. Jon Posner & Ms. Roberta Henrion Mr. & Mrs. Robert Post Ms. Fabienne Potestivo Ms. Betty Potter Ms. Christina R. Pratnicki Mrs. Harriet Prentis Mrs. Priscilla Preston Mr. David Price Dr. Glenda D. Price Judith & Gerald Primak Dr. Robert Provenzano Dr. & Mrs. Michael F. Prysak Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Psachoulias Ms. Jean Pugsley Mr. Thomas A. Pugsley Mr. Gregory E. Pulliam Mr. Bob Putnam Dr. Louis Putz & Mrs. Marilynn Putz Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Rabkin Ms. Jenny L. Racette Mr. Michael A. Ragland Mr. Jeffrey C. Rahmberg & Ms. Karine C. Stover Ms. Michele Rambour Dr. Constantine Raphtis Mr. Richard Rassel Mr. Carl Ray Mrs. Wilma Ray-Bledsoe Mr. & Mrs. Larry T. Raymond Mr. Michael Ready Dr. & Mrs. Foster Redding Mr. Mark Redman Mr. & Mrs. Leon Redman Ms. Pamela Reed Mr. & Mrs. Randell Reed Mr. John A. Regenhardt Ms. Christine Reiner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Reiss Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Relich Ms. Margaret Rensberry Mr. & Mrs. Donn Resnick The Hon. Ethel Revels Dr. & Mrs. Pablo Reyes Ms. Victoria H. Reyes Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Reyman Dr. & Mrs. Robert Rhodes Ms. Susan Ricci Mr. & Mrs. F. Edward Rice Mr. Robert W. Richards Ms. Rita C. Richey & Mr. Charles D. Elder Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Richie Ms. Mary M. Ries Mr. William D. Riggs & Mr. Brett S. Riggs Ms. Anne Riley Dr. Irving Riley Mr. Kenneth Rimstad & Ms. Opal L. Page Rimstad Mrs. Heather Rindels Mr. Richard Ringstrom Mrs. Margaret E. Rink Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Robbins Larry & Betty Roberts Supporting Members (continued) Patron (continued) 47 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Roberts Ms. Carrol K. Robertsen Mr. Anthony Robinson Mr. & Mrs. David Robinson Mr. John Roby Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rockall Mr. Arthur Rodecker Ms. Alicia C. Rodriguez Mr. John A. Roe Mr. & Mrs. Carl Roehling Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Roeser Dr. & Mrs. Felix Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. S. Dennis Rogers Mr. John H. Romani & Ms. Barbara A. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Romanik Mrs. Jane A. Romatowski Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Roosen Frederic & Harriet Rosen Ms. Karen Rosen Mr. Kenneth Rosen & Mr. Bruce Malkowski Mr. & Mrs. Joel Rosenbaum Dr. & Mrs. Gary Rosenblatt Mr. & Mrs. William Rosender Dr. & Mrs. Albert Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rosenvasser Dr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Rosin Mr. Howard Rosman Mr. Allen Jay Ross Donald H. Ross Constance & Martin H. Ross Ms. Raquel Ross Ms. Suzanne M. Ross Mr. & Mrs. William Ross Mr. & Ms. James Rosseau Mr. Harold F. Rossen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roth Dr. Daria A. Rothe Mr. & Mrs. Allan Rothfeder Mrs. Ralle K. Rothman Ms. Diane Rouse Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Row Dr. L. James Roy Mr. Richard L. Ruby Mr. Robert J. Rucinski Mr. Bryce Rudder Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rumschlag Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rumschlag Mr. & Mrs. Lee Runk Ms. Lisa Rusciano Mr. & Mrs. David Russell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rust Mrs. Lois Rutt Dr. & Mrs. Jack Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Erick Ryberg Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Rybicki Mr. & Mrs. Leonard L. Rynski Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Sackett Ms. Amy L. Saldinger Mr. Andrew P. Sales Ms. Wendy Sample Ms. Roberta V. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. William K. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sandler Dr. Andres G. Santiviago Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Saperstein Dr. Richard Sarle & Dr. Maureen Sarle Ms. Carol Sarosik & Ms. Shelly Padnos Ms. Ruth E. Saur Ms. Millie Saylor Ms. Geraldine Scaduto Ms. Joyce E. Scafe Ms. Carol C. Schaap Mr. & Mrs. Herbert O. Schein Dr. & Mrs. Eric Scher Mr. Gregory Schermerhorn Ms. Yvonne Schilla Dr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Schillinger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Schlotz Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schmeling Mrs. Markus Schmidt Ms. Gail A. Schmitz Dr. & Mrs. Martin Schock Mr. & Mrs. William H. Schoen III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lee Schoenith Mr. Peter A. Schomer & Dr. Joyce Schomer Mr. & Mrs. David Schostak Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Schrashun Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schreiber Mr. William B. Schroeder Ms. Patricia Schroth Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schuchardt Mr. & Mrs. Jason Schug Mr. William Schumer Ms. Kelly Schwanitz Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Schwartz Mr. Bernard Schwartz Rabbi & Mrs. Dannel Schwartz Mrs. Ilene P. Schwartz Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Schwartz Mr. Marshall B. Schwartzman Ms. Judith C. Schwarzer Mr. & Mrs. Devin Scillian Ms. Ruth Scodel Ms. Marla L. Sebu Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Seed Mr. George Seguin Dr. Vivek Sehgal Mr. & Mrs. Richard Selik Mr. & Mrs. Steven F. Sell Mr. Richard Sens-Castet & Mrs. Carroll Ann Cole Ms. Cathy F. Serlin Mr. & Mrs. George Seroka Dr. Yvonne T. Sesi Mr. Mark Shaevsky Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Shalibo Mr. Michael Shannon Mr. Matthew Shapiro & Dr. Susan Garetz Mr. Daniel Share Mrs. Ruth Share Andrew & Marjorie Shaw Ms. Minnie S. Shelby Mr. Patrick J. Shelly Mr. Bernard Shelton Ms. Marla K. Shelton Ms. Karen A. Shepard Mrs. Sandy Shepherd Dr. & Mrs. Donald Sherman Mr. & Mrs. James H. Sherman Ms. Mary A. Sherrill Mr. Stewart Shevin & Ms. Marcie Paul Dr. Anthony F. Shields & Dr. Fayth Yoshimura Dr. Robert G. Shimmel Ms. Leslie A. Shipley Ms. Linda Shoener Ms. Mary Shoichet Ms. Delphine Shott Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Shrosbree Lyle & Joyce Shuert Mr. & Mrs. Mathew C. Shuert Dr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Shufro Dr. & Mrs. H. A. Shulman Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Shulman Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Shumaker Ms. Faye S. Sidder Mr. Leonard G. Siegal Ms. Ann Siegel Dr. & Mrs. Marc Siegel Mr. Barry J. Silverman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Simoff Mr. Basil T. Simon Mr. Michael Simon Ms. Anne M. Simonetti Mr. & Mrs. Scott Simons Dr. & Mrs. Robert Simpson Lois A. & Milford Singer Mr. Michael Singer Ms. Zenia Singer Ms. Sharon Singletree Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Singley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Leo Sklar Ms. Rosemary Skupny Ms. Susan G. Slattery Dr. Peter Slaughter Laura & Joe Slenzak Mr. & Mrs. George Sloan Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Slowinski Supporting Members (continued) Patron (continued) 48 Mr. David Small & Ms. Sarah Steward Mr. Mike Smerza & Ms. Nancy Keppelman Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Smith Mr. Carleton D. Smith Catherine & Bruce Smith Ms. Denise I. Smith Mrs. Evelyn Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smith Mrs. J. A. Smith Ms. Joan D. Smith Ms. Joann E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Leonard W. Smith Ms. Mary Elizabeth Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Smith Mr. Stephen M. Smith Mrs. Barbara P. Smith-Gibson Mr. Lawrence Smyrski Mr. & Mrs. John S. Snyder Ms. Audrey Sobel Ms. Sally Soberman Mr. Jerome Soble & Mrs. Marilyn Soble Mrs. Shelda Soble Mr. & Mrs. Terry Socall Jack & Jane Solomon Mr. Marshall G. Solomon & Ms. Suzanne Shawn Mr. & Mrs. Bob Solway Mrs. Catherine Somerville Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sommers Dr. & Mrs. John Somogyi Dr. & Mrs. Rodolfo S. Son Ms. Janet Sonaglia Dr. & Mrs. Allen Sosin Mr. Michael A. Sosin & Ms. Cynthia J. Sherburn Mr. & Mrs. Dean Sova Dr. & Mrs. Louis Soverinsky Ms. Jamie B. Sperl Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Spilkin Ms. Cheryl A. Spinazze Mrs. Anne Markley Spivak Dr. Don Spivak Kevin & Carolyn Sprague Ms. Benita C. Spruit Ms. Georgette St. Amant Mr. James W. St. Miklosi Mr. Michael T. Stacey Mr. Mark Stackpoole Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Stalker Mr. Robert P. Stando Mr. & Mrs. Jay Stark Laurence E. & Paula Stawick Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stebbins Mr. James A. Stedman II Mr. William R. Stefani Dr. Susan Steigerwalt Ms. Leslie Stein Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Stein Mr. John Steinberg Mr. & Mrs. James Steinhagen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stepek Ms. Donna Stephens Ms. Marian Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stern Ms. Theresa Sternicki Mr. David G. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Stevens Mr. Michael A. Stevenson Dr. James C. Steward Ms. Barbara E. Stewart Mr. Jack S. Stewart Mr. Melbourne Stewart Mrs. Janice Stipp Mr. Chris Stirlen Ms. Sheila Stone Mr. & Mrs. Ray Stoney, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Straith Ms. Heather Strang Mr. Judson M. Street Mrs. Margaret C. Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Paul Strom Stephen & Phyllis Strome Mr. & Mrs. David T. Strong Ms. Victoria Stull Mr. Choichi Sugawa Mr. Donald Sugerman & Mrs. Barbara Sugerman Mr. Richard Sulaka II The Reverend Anthony Sulkowski Mr. & Mrs. Bob Summers Ms. Jessiephine W. Summerville Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sun Mrs. Margaret A. B. Suter Ms. Donna Sutherland Dr. Robert Swanborg Ms. Judith Swank Mr. & Mrs. Lewis R. Swank Drs. Robert & Kathy Swarts Mr. & Mrs. Neal Sweet Senator Michael Switalski Mr. Joseph P. Szafranski Mr. Richard V. Szeman Mr. Kenneth Szmigiel Mrs. Norman J. Tabor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Tann Dr. Natalia Tanner-Cain Dr. Chris Tapazoglou Ms. Judith Tappeso Ms. Nancy Tar Mr. & Mrs. Bob Taradoina Dr. & Mrs. Donald Tate Ms. Kathleen Tavoularis Mr. & Mrs. Leonidas Tavoularis Ms. Barbara A. Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Michael Teasdale Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Teisan Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Teisan Mr. James Telfer & Ms. Mary Hulderman Mr. & Mrs. George Tewksbury Mr. John C. Thede Mr. Bruce Thelen & Ms. Kathryn Flood Mr. & Mrs. James Thomas Mr. James C. Thomas Mr. Thomas P. Thomas Mrs. Bennie Thompson Ms. Bette Thompson Mr. & Mrs. James Thompson, Jr. Ms. Karen A. Thompson Dr. Roger W. Thompson Dr. & Mrs. Allan K. Thorburn Mrs. Cleveland Thurber, Jr. Mr. Anthony C. Timbers Roger K. & Barbara C. Timm Ms. Joan M. Tisdale Mr. Bruce Tobis & Ms. Alice Hamele Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tomboulian Ms. Joy Tomlinson Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Tompkins III Ms. Linda Torakis Mr. Charles H. Torner Ms. Janet Torok Ms. Pamela Torraco Mr. & Mrs. Jay Tower Ms. Helen Townsend Ms. Dona Tracey & Mr. John Gierak Mr. Perry Tresh Mr. James Trione Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Troyanek Mr. & Mrs. John R. Trudeau Mr. & Mrs. Michael Trupiano Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Tschura Dr. & Mrs. Rennard B. Tucker Mr. Thomas A. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Randall V. Tufts Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tunstall Mr. & Mrs. Gary Turla Mrs. Eunice Turnbull Mrs. Richard H. Turner Ms. Fran Twiddy Mr. & Mrs. Mark Uhlig Ms. Thelma J. Ullrich Michael Umphrey & Martha Gutierrez de Umphrey Mr. & Mrs. John E. Utley Dr. Matteo Valenti & Dr. James Whitmyer Mr. & Mrs. Jack Valentine Ms. Phyllis Vallee Mr. Robert VanCamp & Ms. Donna McMinn Ms. Louann Van Der Wiele Mr. Gary Van Elslander Ms. Marie Ann B. Van Heusden Richard E. & Laura Van House Supporting Members (continued) Patron (continued) 49 Dr. & Mrs. Paul Van Walleghem Mr. Raymond Van Walleghem Mr. Robert Van Walleghem Mr. & Mrs. Roger Van Weelden Mr. & Mrs. Steve Vannelli Mr. Eric VanPoucker Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Varian Mr. Gerald R. Varitek Ms. Rebecca A. Vasil Dr. Mark Vasquez & Dr. Heather Hill-Vasquez Mr. & Mrs. Edward Vaughan Mrs. Barbara Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Henry Velleman Mr. & Mrs. Tom Vern Mr. David Verway Mr. & Mrs. John Vesty Ms. Sally Victor Mr. & Mrs. Steven Victor Ms. Deborah A. Vida Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Vining Ms. Mary Vinovskis Mr. Ethan Vinson Mr. & Mrs. Wil Viviano Mr. & Mrs. Mike Vlasic Mr. & Mrs. James Vlasic Ms. Carola Vogel Dr. & Mrs. Noel A. von Glahn Mrs. Debra Voytovich Mrs. Doris Keith Waddell Dr. & Mrs. R. W. Wadle Dr. & Mrs. Harold R. Wagenberg Dr. & Mrs. William D. Wagoner Mr. Doug Wahl Mr. Russell J. Wakeman Mr. & Mrs. D. James Walker, Jr. Ms. Shirley A. Walls Mr. Joseph F. Walsh Mr. Lawrence Walsh Mrs. Irene Walt Dan & Susan Walters Mr. & Mrs. Peter Walters Mr. J. Walton Lt. Col. John E. Walus Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Ward Ms. Jo Ann Ward Mr. Robert Warner & Mrs. Michelle Bynum-Warner Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Warren Mrs. Henriette Warren Mr. & Mrs. Leon Warshay Mr. Frank Washburn Ms. Rosa Washington Ms. Dawn Washio-Bozynski Mr. Louis G. Wassel & Ms. Mary E. Smyth Mr. & Mrs. Walter Watson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Weamer Ms. Susan M. Webb Mr. & Mrs. Norm H. Weber Ms. Trudy Weber & Ms. Alexis Alexandridis Mr. Martin Wechsler Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wegner Mr. Marshall Wehr Ms. Beverly Weidendorf Mr. & Mrs. J. Laevin Weiner Elaine Weingarden Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weisberg Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weisman Ms. Barbara N. Weiss Mrs. Elizabeth Weiss Drs. Harold & Myra Weiss Ms. Marsha Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Welburn, Jr. Mr. Hugh Welch Ms. Pamela J. Welland Richard & Linda Wells Ms. Betty L. Welsh Ms. Rhonda Welsh Ms. Glenda S. Welz Dr. Milford & Barbara Wenokur Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wentrack Ms. Jean M. Wersching Ms. Joan Wesa Ms. Kathryn Westman Ms. Carol Wetterhahn Ms. Diana M. Wheatley Ms. Marilyn L. Wheaton & Mr. Paul Duffy Mr. Stephen White Dr. & Mrs. Fred W. Whitehouse Mr. Henry Whiting, Jr. Mr. & Ms. Steven M. Whiting Mr. & Mrs. Guy W. Whitla Ms. Barbara Ann Widdis Mr. Kenneth Widmayer Dr. Matthew J. Wietrzykowski Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Wigginton Mr. William Wildner Dr. Stephen Wilensky & Mr. Mark Ritzenhein Mrs. Elizabeth L. Wilkinson Mr. Grady Wilkinson Mr. Lawrence S. Wilkinson Dr. Todd S. Wilkinson & Dr. Sook Wilkinson Mr. David Williams Mr. David L. Williams Dr. Rebecca J. Williams & Dr. Homer W. Ryan Mrs. Regina Williams Mr. Robert J. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Roy Levy Williams Mr. William A. Williams Ms. Anne Williamson & Mr. Sam Blake Ms. Diane Williamson Ms. Deborah Willis Mr. George Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Murray Wilson Mr. R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Wilson Mr. Zeno Windley & Mrs. Ann Windley Mr. Jeff Wine Mr. Andrew Wise Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wiza Mr. Seymour Wolfson & Ms. Lea Sakora Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wollack Ms. Charlene Wolson Mr. Edward S. Wolyniec Mr. & Mrs. Warren G. Wood Mrs. Dolores Woods Mr. & Mrs. Paul Woods Mr. Jeff Woolstrum Ms. Jacqueline Wooten Ms. Karen Worten Dr. & Mrs. Clyde Wu Ms. Andrea Wulf Mrs. Robert Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wycech Ms. Judith C. Wyche Ms. Lois A. Wyche Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Wyman Mr. Gregory Wysocki Mr. & Mrs. Martin G. Yagley Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Yanke Mrs. R. G. Yeargan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas York, Jr. Dr. & Dr. Atsushi Yoshida Ms. Mary Zaborowski Ms. Gail M. Zabowski Ms. Stephanie W. Zack Mr. Michael Zajac Mr. Neal F. Zalenko Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Zamarka Dr. & Mrs. David Zamler Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zanoni Mr. Michael R. Zarobe Mr. & Mrs. Stan Zasuwa Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Zeider Mr. Alan Zekelman Mr. & Mrs. Martin Zide Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Ziegelman Mr. & Mrs. John S. Zimmer Mr. Keith Zook Mr. Fred R. Zosel Ms. Sally Zurlinden Mrs. W. Tom Zurschmiede, Jr. Lois K. & Milton Zussman Mr. & Mrs. Todd Zygmontowicz Mrs. Tatiana Zylik Mr. Doug Zyngier Special Projects and Gifts 50 # s Contents A visitor examines the fine detail of a work of art in The Private World of India’s Mughal Emperors. The funding of this special exhibition was made possible by the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Rajendra and Padma Vattikuti and the Vattikuti Foundation. Special Projects and Gifts Beyond the tremendous support we receive for specific campaigns, such as Great Art New Start, contributions to other special funds allow the DIA to pursue a variety of activities critical to the museum’s operation. Donations of works of art or to acquisition funds enhance our already magnificent collection. Other examples of special project support include ticket purchases to special events and contributions to the Manoogian Endowment for American Art. 51 # The DIA officially unveils Alexander Calder’s Young Woman and Her Suitors, a gift from AT&T. From left to right: DIA Board Member Ralph J. Mandarino; State Senator Buzz Thomas, Detroit; AT&T Michigan President Gail Torreano; DIA Director Graham W. J. Beal, and DIA Board Chairman Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr. Special Projects and Gifts $1,000,000 + $50,000 AT&T Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs Leah Brenner Trust Charter One Bank Dr. Marlene S. Chavis Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Doerer Mr. & Mrs. David Handleman, Sr. Masco Corporation Mr. & Mrs. James B. Nicholson Mrs. Waltraud Prechter The World Heritage Foundation “The Prechter Fund” George & Christine Strumbos Mr. & Mrs. Rajendra Vattikuti The Vattikuti Foundation The Wetsman Foundation, William & Janis Wetsman $500,000 Mr. Robert B. Jacobs W. C. Rauhauser SmithGroup, Inc. Gordon & Linda Stewart $250,000 52 # Bank of America John S. & James L. Knight Foundation Lila & Gilbert B. Silverman $100,000 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Boos Buddy’s Pizza Lois & Avern Cohn Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Cordover Dr. & Mrs. George Dean James Pearson Duffy Frances & Kenneth Eisenberg Julius Lowy Frame & Restoring Company, Inc. Ellsworth Kelly Foundation Masco Corporation Foundation MetLife/MetLife Foundation Michael Altman Fine Art & Advisory Services Ms. Alexia Quadrani Mr. Arthur Schwartz The Mary G. Stange Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. William S. Taubman Maurice & Michelle Taylor $25,000 Dr. Seymour & Barbara Adelson The Eugene Applebaum Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Edward Benson Andrew L. & Gayle Shaw Camden Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Campbell Mary Kay & Keith E. Crain Dr. Alan Phipps Darr & Mrs. Mollie Fletcher Ms. Vivian Day & Mr. John Stroh III Mrs. Margaret H. Demant Detroit Media Group, L.L.C. DTE Energy Foundation Jennifer & David Fischer Ford Motor Company Fund General Motors Corporation Sidney & Robert Katzman Foundation Kenwal Steel Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Kross Ms. Carol Lipton Goyette Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Lyon Richard & Jane Manoogian Foundation North American International Auto Show PVS Chemicals, Inc. Ms. Michele Rambour Mrs. Patricia Sax Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Schurman Target Corporation Mr. & Mrs. A. Alfred Taubman Rhonda & Samuel H. Thomas, Jr. Mr. James F. White Mr. Delano A. Willis $10,000 AAA Michigan Altair Engineering, Inc. Anonymous Bacardi USA, Inc. Mr. Mark Baron & Mrs. Elise Boisante Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Becker Ms. Alice Carter The Chrysler Foundation Comerica, Inc. Mr. Peter J. Cracchiolo Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Cracchiolo Crain Family Foundation Ms. Joanne Danto & Mr. Arnie Weingarden Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Dow Mr. & Mrs. Alex Erdeljan The Honorable Jack Faxon Mr. & Mrs. Oscar H. Feldman Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher III Mr. & Mrs. Phillip William Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II Mr. & Mrs. Morton Freedman Friends of Modern & Contemporary Art Eleanore & Dick Gabrys Mr. & Mrs. Lee Gardner Mr. Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr. & Mrs. Mary Anne Gargaro Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Gerson Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy III Mrs. Richard B. Gushée Mr. & Mrs. David M. Hempstead Mr. & Mrs. John Jagger Mr. & Mrs. William H. John Johnson Controls Automotive Group Mrs. Saundra Lane LaSalle Bank Midwest N.A. Lear Corporation Mr. Allen Ledyard Mr. Thomas Lehn & Ms. Jane Lackey The Myron P. Leven Foundation Mrs. Wilber Hadley Mack Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mardigian, Jr. Mr. Linden D. Nelson Northwest Airlines, Inc. Sally & Graham A. Orley Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Penske Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Platt PricewaterhouseCoopers, L.L.P. Process Development Corp. Dr. & Mrs. Nii O. Quarcoopome Mr. Peter G. Remington & Ms. Peggy Daitch Gilbert B. & Lila Silverman Foundation Ms. Odyssia Skouras Mrs. Susan Sosnick St. John Health Strategic Staffing Solutions Mrs. Edward J. Tutag UAW-GM Center for Human Resources Mr. & Mrs. Mark Valade Victor International Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Wadhams The Walton Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Ziegler $5,000 Mr. & Mrs. Terence E. Adderley Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Adler Mr. & Mrs. Randolph J. Agley Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Alandt Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Allesee Dr. Lourdes V. Andaya Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Aronoff Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Baks Mr. Don H. Barden & Mrs. Bella Marshall Barden Tina & Leland K. Bassett Special Projects and Gifts (continued) $5,000 (continued) 53 # Mr. & Mrs. Mandell L. Berman Mr. & Mrs. James Blanchard Bloomberg, L.L.C. Blue Care Network of Michigan The Honorable Susan D. Borman & Mr. Stuart L. Michaelson Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Boylan Boyle Burdett P.C. Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brodie Mr. H. William Burdett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Burton W. Y. Campbell & Company François & Marlies Castaing Ms. Melonie Colaianne & Mr. John Colaianne Dr. & Mrs. Julius V. Combs Community Central Bank Peter & Julie Fisher Cummings Curtis Publishing Marvin & Betty Danto Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud Mr. & Mrs. Ethan D. Davidson The Dick & Betsy DeVos Foundation Dr. Bart Dickson & Mrs. Andrea R. Dickson The DRM Group Ernst & Young, L.L.P. Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Fisher Sidney E. & Madeline Forbes Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Ford III Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ford, Jr. Mr. Patrick J. Kerzic & Mrs. Stephanie Germack-Kerzic Byron & Dorothy Gerson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gilbert Mr. Allan D. Gilmour & Mr. Eric Jirgens Grand Hotel Mr. & Mrs. James Grigsby The Grosfeld Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Hamp Dr. & Mrs. Reginald Harnett Mort & Brigitte Harris Honigman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hudson, Jr. Intraco Corp. Michael Israel Art in Concert Mr. & Mrs. Scott Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karmanos, Jr. Gerald & Karen Kearns Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Kughn Bonnie & Bob Larson Mr. Robert Lane & Ms. Lexa Leatherdale John & Arlene Lewis Edward E. MacCrone Trust Foundation Ms. Claudine B. Malone Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Miller, Jr. Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center Mr. & Mrs. Allan Nachman Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Neithercut David R. & Sylvia Jean Nelson Mr. Pat O’Malley Mr. & Mrs. William U. Parfet Dr. David W. Penney & Adriana Greci Green Pernod Ricard USA Dr. Terry & Meryl Podolsky The PrivateBank Jack A. & Aviva Robinson Bruce H. Rosen & Rosalie N. Rosen Family Foundation Norman & Dulcie Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Ross Constance & Martin H. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Edward Schulak Alan E. & Marianne Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Alan S. Schwartz Ms. Nettie H. Seabrooks Mrs. Sandra Seligman Mr. & Mrs. William W. Shelden, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shumaker Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Sims Mr. & Mrs. Stanton K. Smith, Jr. Mr. Anthony L. Soave Mr. Walter Spink & Prof. Nesta Spink Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Stallkamp Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Taubman TCF Foundation TI Automotive Ms. Roslyn Trotter Andronike A. Tsagaris & John D. Hilberry Victor Properties, Inc. Walbridge Mr. Alvin E. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Walle Mrs. Ann K. Warren Washington Management Co., L.L.C. The Honorable Helene N. White Hadley & Beverly Wine Trudi & Henry Wineman II Mr. Wes Wyatt, Jr. Yahoo, Inc. $1,000 6 Salon Birmingham A.G.B.U. Alex & Marie Manoogian School Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Abrash Joseph & Kristina Acheson Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Acheson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ahee Mr. & Mrs. Richard Alonzo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Alterman American Surgical Centers Amerisure Companies The Honorable & Mrs. Charles W. Anderson III Mr. & Mrs. William Anderson Mr. Jeffrey T. Antaya & Mr. Robert Moroni Mr. Dennis W. Archer, Jr. & The Honorable Roberta Cheryl Archer Dr. & Mrs. James E. Austin Mr. William P. Baer Mr. John Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Lewis K. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Hugh F. Barrington, Jr. The Bartech Group Mr. J. Addison Bartush Bassett & Bassett, Inc. Mr. Mark Bayoff Mr. Robert Berg Mr. Martin Bernstein & Mr. Ross Hanley Mr. & Mrs. Harold Berry Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Bewersdorf Mr. Dawoud Bey Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J. Beznos Mr. & Mrs. James Blain Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Bloch Drs. Victor & Shirley Bloom Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bone Mr. & Mrs. Paul Borman Mr. & Mrs. William Branch Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bridenstine Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bright Mr. Paul A. Bringer Mr. & Mrs. William C. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Buhl Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Burks Mrs. Patricia Burnett & Mr. Robert Siler Mr. George J. Burrows Dr. Irving F. Burton Howard & Lili Ann Camden Carol B. Camiener & Jim Herrington David & Susan Goethel Campbell C. David Campbell Mr. Paul D. Canvasser Ms. Tammy Carnrike Dr. Vivian L. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Cattel Centaur on Park, L.L.C. Mr. & Mrs. Hillary Childs Mr. & Mrs. William A. Chope Citizens Bank Clark Hill, P.L.C.–Detroit Enrichment Fund Dr. Volna Clermont Ms. Jane Cleveland Ms. Izora C. Cohl Ms. Mildred Constantine Mr. & Mrs. James Coward Ms. Claudia Crable Mr. James Cracchiolo Special Projects and Gifts (continued) $1,000 (continued) 54 # Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Curoe Curtis Glass Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Czamanske Mr. Michael Damman Ms. Gail Danto & Mr. Art Roffey Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Dare Mr. & Mrs. Jerry P. D’Avanzo David A. Brandon Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William M. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Davis Mr. Edward C. Dawda & Ms. Alice I. Buckley Mrs. Paralee G. Day Mr. & Mrs. Delano de Windt Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Deitch Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Delsener Ms. Mary Ann DeMattia & Mr. Robert H. Gorlin Detroit Fashion Pages Detroit Metro Convention & Visitor’s Bureau The Detroit News Frederic & Barbara Detwiler Dickinson Wright, P.L.C.C. Mr. & Mrs. Lee Dirks Mr. Frederick Doner Mr. & Mrs. James D. Donlon III Rebecca L. Donnini, Esq. Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Dorfman Elaine C. & Eugene Driker Mr. & Mrs. David Duey DuMouchelle Art Galleries Rosanne & Sandy Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Eisenberg Irwin & Judith Elson Dr. Haifa Fakhouri Suzy & Burton D. Farbman Dexter Fields, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fischer Mr. & Mrs. David Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fitzpatrick Ms. Helen Franklin Mr. Albert Fratarcangeli Mr. & Mrs. Dainforth B. French, Jr. Mr. Ronald J. Gagnon Mr. & Mrs. Bharat Gandhi Roger & Joanna Garrett Mr. Thomas R. Geniusz Mrs. Elyse Germack Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Gershenson Mr. & Mrs. Fred Ghirardini Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Gifford Dr. Kenneth & Roslyne Gitlin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Glantz Dr. Theodore & Diana Golden Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goldsmith Dr. & Mrs. Sidney Goldstein The Gornick Fund Mr. & Mrs. Tom Goss Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Grace Dr. & Mrs. Jure Grahovac Stanley & Barbara Grandon Leslie T. Graves Mr. & Mrs. Robert Graziani Great Lakes Wine & Spirits, L.L.C. Saul & Diane Green Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Greenberg Robert & Ann Greenstone Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Greenwood Grigg Graphic Services, Inc. Mr. Jeffrey P. Groehn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Halsted Mr. & Mrs. William Hampton Mr. & Mrs. David Handleman Mr. David L. Hanoute Mr. & Mrs. Sean Harrington Ms. Joya R. Harris-Sherron Mrs. Rebecca R. & The Reverend Robert L. Hart Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hartman III Eugene & Donna Hartwig Hayes Lemmerz International, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Stewart A. Hayes Dr. & Mrs. Gerhardt A. Hein Mr. & Mrs. James Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Tagg Henderson Mrs. Georgiann G. Henritzy Henry Ford Health System Mrs. Doreen Hermelin Ms. Judith Hicks Mr. Jochaim V. Hirsch Mr. Paul E. Hodges III Mr. & Mrs. Jim Holmes Mr. Jonathan S. Holtzman Gilbert & Anne Hudson Hudson-Webber Foundation Julius & Cynthia Huebner Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Peter Huebner IBM Corporation ICG Real Estate Advisors, L.L.C. Mrs. Linda Jackson Mrs. H. John Jacob Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Jacob Mr. John A. James JGA, Inc. Arthur & Chacona Johnson Mr. George G. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. A. David Jones Mr. & Mrs. Walter Jones, Jr. Ms. Judith M. Jonna Maxwell & Marjorie Jospey Mr. & Mrs. David D. Joswick Althea Kabak Ellen H. Kahn Ms. Cathy A. Kanka Ms. Amy Kantgias Mr. & Mrs. Martin Karlin Martha L. Katz Robert & Lisa Katzman Mr. & Mrs. Donald Keim Mr. Michael J. Kelter Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kirchner Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kiriluk Mr. & Mrs. Matt Kiriluk Kitch, Drutchas, Wagner, Valitutti, & Sherbrook Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Kleiman Mr. Gerhardt Knodel & Mr. Kenneth R. Gross Ms. Kathryn Koegel Kogan Foundation Mr. Jan Kowal Ms. Diane Kowaleski Mr. Jack Krasula Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kratchman Phyllis & Gerald Krause Kraushaar Galleries, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. William Krieg Dr. Myron & Joyce LaBan Ms. Juanita N. Lacen Mr. David Lazor Mr. & Mrs. David Leader Corrine Lemberg Mr. & Mrs. Elmore Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Leuliette Dr. & Mrs. Irving Levitt Lewis & Munday, P.C. Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Lie Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Lieberman Dana Locniskar & Christine Beck Lofts on Nine, L.L.C. Mr. & Mrs. David G. London LSG Insurance Partners Charitable Foundation Mr. Donald S. MacKenzie Mr. Thomas A. Mackey Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Mandarino Mr. Douglas G. Manoogian Dr. Bruce A. Margulis & Mrs. Annie Margulis Mr. & Mrs. Harold Marsh Mr. Daniel Marus Timothy & Marilyn Mast Mr. & Mrs. Richard Matteucci Mr. Edward A. May Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. McCready Mr. Allie McGhee & Ms. Sondra McGhee Special Projects and Gifts (continued) $1,000 (continued) 55 # McGregor Fund Dr. & Mrs. Stephen McInerney Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McNicholl Mr. & Mrs. David E. Meador Lisa & Brian Meer Metropolitan Arts Complex, Inc. Michigan State University Dr. & Mrs. David L. Milburn Miller, Canfield, Paddock, & Stone, P.L.C. Dr. & Mrs. H. Minkin Marsha & Jeffrey Miro Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mitchell Mr. Scott Mitchell Dr. Ali Moiin Mr. & Mrs. Craig Moncher Ms. Patricia E. Mooradian Shirley A. Mopper Mr. Steven Morris & Ms. Rachelle Dwaihy Dr. Stephen A. Munk Mr. & Mrs. John Nagy Mr. Geoffrey Nathan & Ms. Margaret Winters Mr. & Mrs. Jay Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Milford M. Nemer New Detroit, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. George R. N’Namdi Mr. & Mrs. Joel Nosanchuk Mr. & Mrs. Irving Nusbaum Mr. & Mrs. Rodney O’Neal Mr. Joshua F. Opperer & Ms. Rachel Stern Dr. & Mrs. Armando Ortiz Ms. Christine Otto Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fletcher Parks Ms. Kathryn Parrott Mr. & Mrs. Spencer M. Partrich Ms. Tracey B. Parzynski Dr. Raimundo Pastor Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Peltz Pepper Hamilton, L.L.P. Mr. & Mrs. David Peterson Ms. Dianne Peterson Mr. William A. Phillips Mrs. Winnifred Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Robert Polk Mr. Keith Pomeroy Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ponicall Mr. Theodore J. Popowitz Mr. J. David Posch Prechter Family Fund Dr. Charlene Proctor Family Mr. & Mrs. W. James Prowse Prues Hecker, L.L.C. Mr. & Mrs. Todd Hecker Dr. & Mrs. A. Michael Prus Ms. Michele Ptzkiewicz Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Radom Mrs. Julia G. Ramonat Drs. Renato & Daisy Ramos Mrs. Ruth F. Rattner Mr. Randall C. Reeves Mr. Erick A. Reickert Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rentschler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd E. Reuss Mr. John Rhea Mrs. Dean E. Richardson The Annette Urso Ricket Foundation, Inc. Katherine D. Rines Mr. Dwight C. Rinke Mr. & Mrs. Roy S. Roberts Skip & Carol Roberts Ms. Cheryl Robledo Dr. Charlotte Robson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Roby, Jr. Horace & Yvonne Rodgers Mr. G. Scott Romney & Ms. Ellen Jean Rogers Mr. & Mrs. James I. Rosenthal Ms. Shelley Roth Mr. & Mrs. Doug Rothwell Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. William Sabbagh Saks Fifth Avenue Ms. Stefenie Sasson Charles & Phyllis Scales Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Schubot Schwartz Family Foundation Marc A. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Merton Segal Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Selvaggio Shamie Family Ms. Jean S. Shapero Mrs. Lillian D. Shaye Dr. Michael Sherbin Ms. Susan Sherer The Martin & Diana Shoushanian Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Shufro Marilyn P. Sicklesteel & David A. Szymborski Ms. Wendy D. Silverman Erwin & Marjorie Simon Mr. Mark Sims & Ms. Elaine Fieldman Skidmore Ms. Gilda Snowden & Mr. William Boswell Mr. & Mrs. Harvey L. Solway Somerset Collection Ms. Marjorie Sorge The Sphinx Organization Mr. & Mrs. James Spica Mrs. Anne Markley Spivak Mr. Brandon Stallard Ms. Janice F. Steinhardt Dr. Gregory E. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Stewart Mrs. Peter W. Stroh Mr. & Mrs. John Sznewajs Mr. Tyrone Talifer Ms. Margaret A. Tallet & Mr. Peter A. Myks Joel & Shelley Tauber Mr. Carter P. Thacher Thomas Cohn Philanthropic Fund Lorna Thomas, M.D. Ms. Deborah W. Thompson Mrs. Margaret Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Loren J. Tibbitts Reginald & Marcia Turner UBS Financial Services, Inc. UBS Foundation USA Mr. Charles F. Ugolino University Cultural Center Association Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Smith Ms. Amanda Van Dusen & Mr. Curtis Blessing Mr. Raymond Van Walleghem Mr. & Mrs. Bob VanHellmont Mr. & Mrs. Paul Venn Mr. Todd Wagenberg Mr. & Mrs. John Wallace Salome E. & Jonathan T. Walton Mr. Donald Warren & Mrs. Lenore Orlowska-Warren Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Way Wayne State University Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weisberg The Westin Book Cadillac Detroit Evie & Vern Wheat Ms. Mary Wilberding Ms. MaryAnn Wilkinson Mrs. Carolyn Williams Meza & Mr. Robert Meza The Ralph C. Wilson Foundation Mrs. Diane W. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wineman III Mrs. Stanley J. Winkelman John & Helga Wise Gregory & Susan Wittrock Mr. Jonathan Witz Mr. Denton Wolf Mr. Jonathan Wolman & Ms. Deborah Lamm Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Wolpin Wood & Associates Mr. Marquis W. Woody & Ms. Kathy E. Sims Mr. Ted Wozniak Mr. Edward A. Wujek Ms. Judith C. Wyche Mr. & Mrs. Todd Wyett Mr. Norbert A. Zuckerman Mr. Paul Zuckerman Special Projects and Gifts (continued) $500 56 # Ansel & Suzanne Aberly Mr. & Mrs. W. G. Adlhoch Adult Learning Institute Harriet Alpern American House–Troy Ms. Michelle Andonian Pamela Applebaum The Honorable Dennis W. Archer & The Honorable Trudy DunCombe Archer Mr. Andrew Arnot John & Linda Axe Mr. Angel Azar Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Babcock Tina & Peter L. Barnet Mr. Donald A. Benyas Mrs. Catherine C. Blackwell Mr. & Ms. Jack Bourget Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brincheck Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Brink Ms. Byna Camden Ms. Betty Lou Campbell Mr. Daniel B. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Caudle Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cavataio Ms. Claire H. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Childers Dr. Frank M. Clark & The Honorable Miriam Clark Cleveland Marble Mosaic Ms. Debora M. Collins Mrs. Charles Colman Rose Ann Comstock Mrs. Ann M. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. David Cotton Mrs. Margaret Cunningham The Gloria & Sydney Danziger Foundation, Inc. Annette M. De Lorenzo Mr. Thomas M. DiJulio Ms. Jean M. Doelle Mr. & Mrs. Gerard L. Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Kurt W. Drettmann Ms. Irma Elder Mr. & Mrs. Martin Evelev Ms. Rosurek W. Fagin Drs. Richard & Kathryn Fessler Ms. Paula Fiebich Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Fink Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Brown Ms. Margaret Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. David FitzSimons Mr. Patrick Foley Mr. Mark I. Frank Maxine & Stuart Frankel Foundation, Maxine & Stuart Frankel Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Frasier Mrs. Hadley M. French Mr. & Mrs. Roger Fridholm Fritzi & Herbert Owens Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James M. Garavaglia Larry & Ann Garberding Mr. Tom George Mr. Thomas M. Gervasi Mr. Jon Gerych Mr. & Mrs. John Giampetroni Ms. Julia J. Girdler Dr. & Mrs. Fredric Gold Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gotfredson Ms. Marija Grahovac Gregory Reed & Associates, P.C. Mr. Henry M. Grix & Mr. Howard Israel Mr. & Mrs. George A. Haggarty Mrs. Jeannette Dickens Hale Mrs. Elizabeth Hardy & Mr. Thomas Kienbaum William & Carole Harris Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hillegonds Mr. & Mrs. William K. Howenstein Mr. Brian J. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Albert Iafrate Independence Village of White Lake Mr. & Mrs. Gary Jakubus Mrs. Joy E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David L. Johnston Dr. Ron L. Kagan Ms. Marcia K. Kanners Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Kapatos Mr. & Mrs. Norman Katz The Honorable Damon J. Keith Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keramedjian Mrs. Helen Kerwin Mr. & Mrs. Martin Koss Liebler Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Graten C. Little Livonia Senior Center Mr. Sam Logan Ms. Susan Lundin Ms. Anne E. Macintyre Mrs. Florine Mark Mrs. W. Peter McCabe Mr. & Mrs. Charles McClure Ms. Della McGraw Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. James T. McMillan II Mr. Joseph M. Mengden Mr. & Mrs. George H. Meyer Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Michaels Michelle Andonian Photography Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Miller Sandra & Robert Moers Mrs. Florence M. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Morris Mr. Frederick J. Morsches Ms. Rogina Mueller Mr. Reuben Munday & Dr. Cheryl Munday Dr. & Mrs. James Murray Dr. Kenneth J. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. O’Connell Mr. Patrick Packer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Papp Mrs. Margot C. Parker Ms. Christine Peck Dr. Robert E. L. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Pfahlert Plymouth Community Arts Council Mrs. Sheila Potiker Mrs. Harriet Prentis Ronald V. & Miriam A. Reed Mrs. Lan-Huong Reilly Mrs. Ann Rosenthal Martie & Bob Sachs Ms. Cynthia R. Samples Bluma & Robert Schechter Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Schlang Karen & Jeff Schoenberg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lee Schoenith Ms. Florence B. Schuman Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Schwartz Ms. Mary Sestok Dr. Norman A. Silverman Dr. & Dr. Scott Sircus Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Sosin Mr. & Mrs. Max Spector Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gulan Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Straith Mr. & Mrs. Victor Tahill TCF Bank Mr. George Terbovich Ms. Janice Torosian Transport Logistics, Inc. The TriFord Foundation Mrs. Richard C. Van Dusen Vose Galleries of Boston, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ted Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Clune J. Walsh III Mrs. Irene Walt Weinner & Gould, P.C. Mr. & Mrs. David P. Williams The Women’s Committee Mr. & Mrs. James Wyatt Mr. Frank O. Youkstetter Mr. & Mrs. Howard Young Mr. George Zeltzer Annual Fund 57 s Contents Visitors engage with What Will Come, a mixed media DVD installation by South African artist William Kentridge. Annual Fund From July 2007 through December 2008, more than 4,100 people collectively contributed $851,000 to the Detroit Institute of Arts Annual Fund. This group of donors includes DIA members choosing to donate above and beyond their membership dues, members of our community, and donors making gifts in honor or memory of family and friends. Donations to the annual fund support a wide variety of essential services at the DIA—from security and building utilities to educational programs and conservation of the museum’s permanent collection. Annual fund contributions have a broad, powerful effect on the everyday life of the museum and allow the DIA to continue to serve the community in a myriad of ways. 58 # The DIA proudly acknowledges the following individuals for their generous gifts to the annual fund. To learn more about the fund, contact Mari Vaydik at 313.833.6760 or [email protected]. A young visitor discovers a new way to learn his ABC’s as he studies Claes Oldenburg’s sculpture Alphabet–Good Humor. Annual Fund $10,000 + Mr. Robert B. Jacobs Estate of Ursula Liebert William H. Smith $5,000 to $9,999 59 Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Acheson Dr. Bryce & Harriet Alpern Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bingham Mr. & Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II Dale A. & Bruce Frankel Goodman Family Charitable Trusts Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hudson, Jr. Ellen H. Kahn Dr. Myron & Joyce LaBan Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Lutz Mrs. Florence M. Morris Mr. John T. Parks Norman & Dulcie Rosenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Rosowski Ms. Amanda Van Dusen & Mr. Curtis Blessing $1,000 to $4,999 Dr. Lourdes V. Andaya Dr. & Mrs. Joel L. Appel The Honorable Dennis W. Archer & The Honorable Trudy DunCombe Archer Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Barry Mr. J. Addison Bartush Bassett & Bassett, Inc. Tina & Leland K. Bassett Mrs. Jule Berman Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Black Mr. C. John Blankley Harold & Penny Blumenstein Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Boos Dr. & Mrs. David L. Bouwman Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bright Dr. David A. Burks Dr. Vivian L. Carpenter Ms. Margaret Castiglione Mr. Fred J. Chynchuk Ms. Claudia Crable Mr. Owen Cummings Mrs. Margaret H. Demant Ms. Mary Ann DeMattia & Mr. Robert H. Gorlin Mr. & Mrs. James D. Donlon III James Pearson Duffy Lawrence & MaryJo DuMouchelle Mr. Richard J. Durling Mr. Don L. Edwards Dr. & Mrs. A. Bradley Eisenbrey Annmarie & Paul Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Martin Evelev Mr. Stephen E. Ewing Jennifer & David Fischer Mr. & Mrs. John B. Ford III Mrs. Anne Ford Maxine & Stuart Frankel Foundation, Maxine & Stuart Frankel Mr. Kirk A. Frey Ms. Susan Galantowicz Mr. Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr. & Mrs. Mary Anne Gargaro Mr. Allan D. Gilmour & Mr. Eric Jirgens Dr. Kenneth & Roslyne Gitlin Mr. & Mrs. James A. Green Mrs. Ruth Greenstone Ms. Marie J. Gundle Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hamilton Mr. Hugh L. Harsha Mr. & Mrs. David M. Hempstead Mrs. Doreen Hermelin Mr. Eric J. Hespenheide & Ms. Judith Hicks Jean M. Holland Hudson-Webber Foundation Gilbert & Anne Hudson Hylant Group IBM Corporation Mr. & Mrs. William H. John Dr. Lester Jones Mrs. Dorothy T. Karpus The Honorable Damon J. Keith Mr. Noel Kott & Ms. Holly Powell Mr. & Mrs. William Kroger, Jr. Mr. Brian Kutinsky Ms. Anne T. Larin Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. David G. Leitch Mr. Edward C. Levy, Jr. & Ms. Linda Dresner Levy The Reverend & Mrs. William S. Logan Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli Mr. & Mrs. Glenn W. Lysinger Mrs. Joseph Maniscalco Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. McBrien Mr. & Mrs. George H. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Miller Mr. Steven Morris & Ms. Rachelle Dwaihy G. C. & J. R. Morrow Anne & Robert Olender Mrs. Beverly Olender Dr. & Mrs. Armando Ortiz Mr. & Mrs. Stanford R. Ovshinsky Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Parke Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Peltz Mr. & Mrs. Drew Peslar Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Poling Ms. Jennifer R. Poteat Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Price Mrs. Ruth F. Rattner Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Raupp Ronald V. & Miriam A. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ritok, Jr. Ms. Barbara R. Robinson Ms. Linda Roeckelein Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Rose Mrs. Ann Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roth Dr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Rousseau Mr. Gary Ruby & Mrs. Gail Ruby Mr. Sherwood A. Schartner Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schmitt Benjamin Schore Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Schubot Alan E. & Marianne Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Fred G. Secrest Mr. & Mrs. Merton Segal Mrs. Sandra Seligman Andrew & Marjorie Shaw Mr. & Mrs. William W. Shelden, Jr. Ms. Karen A. Shepard Marilyn P. Sicklesteel & David A. Szymborski Mr. Thomas W. Sidlik & Ms. Rebecca Boylan Lila & Gilbert B. Silverman Dr. Norman A. Silverman Mr. Michael Simon Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Sims Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Sosin Richard & Renate Soulen Mr. James W. St. Miklosi Mrs. Shirley Stancato & Mr. Henry Stancato Mr. & Mrs. Clinton F. Stimpson III Mrs. Peter W. Stroh Mrs. Margaret A. B. Suter Ms. Doris H. Terwilliger Dr. & Mrs. L. Murray Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Thurber Mr. & Mrs. John Tierney Ms. Marana W. Tost Reginald & Marcia Turner Mrs. Edward J. Tutag Two Seven Oh, Inc. Ms. Marianne Udow-Phillips & Mr. William Phillips Mrs. Richard C. Van Dusen Mr. Raymond Van Walleghem Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Vander Molen Mrs. Harry Vellmure Salome E. & Jonathan T. Walton Herman & Gertrude Weinreich The Wetsman Foundation, William & Janis Wetsman Ms. Cynthia L. Wilhelm John & Helga Wise Gregory & Susan Wittrock Mr. & Mrs. Warren G. Wood Mrs. Rita J. Zahler Annual Fund (continued) $500 to $999 60 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Alexander American Enterprise Investment Services, Inc. Mrs. Suzanne L. Baber Mr. David S. Bach & Ms. Jill M. Latta John D. & Susan Baker Mr. & Mrs. Benson J. Barr Ms. Sylvia Barra Dr. & Mrs. William Beauregard Mr. & Mrs. James N. Berdahl Dr. Kanta Bhambhani Ms. Rosalee M. Bleecker G. Peter & Martha Blom Mr. & Mrs. George E. Brand Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brincheck Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brodie Mrs. Joann F. Brooks Mrs. Milena T. Brown Mrs. Doris A. Brucker Mrs. Isabel W. Buckner Dr. Irving F. Burton Butzel Long Andrew L. & Gayle Shaw Camden Mr. Daniel B. Carroll Ms. Dorothy A. Cartwright Ms. Anne Chevalier Mr. Ken Church Mr. Peter Ciaramitaro Mr. Michael L. Cioni Dr. Volna Clermont Ms. Amy Condon Mrs. Joseph Connors Mr. Michael Cottrell & Mrs. Rebecca Cottrell Mr. & Mrs. Duane Coykendall Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Davis Mr. Curtis J. De Roo & Mrs. Cathy Selvius De Roo Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Denious Mr. & Mrs. William J. Devanney Elaine C. & Eugene Driker Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ducey Murray & Alice Ehrinpreis Mr. & Mrs. John Erb Mr. & Mrs. David Esau Carolyn & Frank Ewasyshyn Mr. & Mrs. John A. Faunt Dr. & Mrs. Lionel Finkelstein Mr. & Mrs. James Fisk Ms. Margaret Fitzpatrick Ms. Jane Forbes Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Frohardt-Lane Ms. Roberta Fuller Mr. & Mrs. William Y. Gard Mrs. Loretta C. Gates Mr. Thomas R. Geniusz Ms. Catherine Giebel Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Gill Mr. & Mrs. Maurice C. Godwin Dr. & Mrs. Sidney Goldstein Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Gordon Mr. Howard J. Gourwitz Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Graham Ms. Geraldine Green Saul & Diane Green Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Griffith Mr. Henry M. Grix & Mr. Howard Israel Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gruber Mrs. J. Robert Hamill Ms. Dora Hamilton Ms. Margaret A. Hammond Harness, Dickey, & Pierce, P.L.C. Eugene & Donna Hartwig Carl & Laurian Hasselwander Ms. Nancy B. Henk Mrs. Gloria Heppner Ms. Susan Hinshon Mr. William D. Hodgman Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Hoff Mr. Willie J. Huling, Jr. Mrs. Harriet H. Hull Hunter Charitable Trust IPEX, Inc. Ms. Joan M. Istrate Althea Kabak Carole Keller Mr. & Mrs. Russell King Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Kleiman Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Knapp Mr. Paul J. Krell Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kulka, Jr. Dr. William J. Kupsky Ms. Jessica La Rose Mrs. Anne Lampe Frederick & Nancy Lamson Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Lane Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lennox Mr. & Mrs. Fred Levantrosser David B. & Kathleen Lewis Ms. Anne L’Hommedieu Dr. Henry W. Lim Ms. Maureen M. McDevitt Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. McKeever Mr. Michael Malinzak & Dr. Lauren Malinzak Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Mann Masco Corporation Mr. Joe Mattimoe Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mich Mr. & Mrs. David Munson Lentz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murray III Mr. & Mrs. Allan Nachman Mr. Geoffrey Nathan & Ms. Margaret Winters Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Neithercut Mr. Richard L. Norling Northern Equities Group Mr. Gerald Nosotti Mr. & Mrs. Fred Ong Mr. & Mrs. James J. Padilla Mr. John M. Patrick Ms. Sophie Pearlstein Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Pelling Mr. & Mrs. Bill Perlmutter Mr. Charles Peters Mr. & Mrs. William Petzold Mr. & Mrs. William Piontkowski Ms. Gail Plunkett Robyn & Charles Polzin Dr. & Mrs. R. D. Rabinovitch Mr. Karl Reibel Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Rennie Jan & Paul Robertson, Jr. Jack A. & Aviva Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Morris Rochlin Ms. Graciela Rojas Paul & Fay Rosen Mr. Richard A. Rosenbaum Dr. L. James Roy Ms. Juliet M. Sabit Martie & Bob Sachs Mr. Anthony Schmitt & Mrs. Janet Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. George A. Schreiber Mr. Arthur Schwartz Mr. Paul H. Sears Mr. Craig Selover Dr. Jeffrey Shulak Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Siegel Lewis & Beverly Siegel Erwin & Marjorie Simon Mrs. Leslie R. Slatkin Mr. & Mrs. Stanton K. Smith, Jr. Ms. Joann E. Smith Mrs. Jean Sosin Mr. James A. Spearot Mr. & Mrs. Howard Spokes Dr. & Mrs. Henry Sprague Mr. Robert P. Stando Mr. & Mrs. Victor Tahill Ms. Karen A. Thompson Mr. Anthony C. Timbers Mr. Michael J. Tomkins & Ms. Linda M. Martineau Mr. & Mrs. Allen Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Mark Valade Mr. David Verway Ms. Carol Ward Pamela Watson-Palace & Paul F. Palace, Jr. Mrs. Lawrence M. Weiner Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weisberg Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wineman III Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Young Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Zamarka Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. David Zmyslowski Gifts-In-Kind 61 s Contents Visitors admire the beauty and elegance of Penelope by Franklin Simmons in the Manoogian Wing of American Art. Gifts-In-Kind Donations to the DIA are not only made in dollars and cents, but also through generous contributions of goods and services. In December 2008, the DIA was fortunate to receive fifteen Thinkpad laptop computers from IBM Corporation. These computers will be used by our Volunteer Council docents in classroom presentations as part of our Art to the Schools program. Another form of in-kind support comes from gracious members of the Forum for Prints, Drawings, and Photographs (FPDP). Every other year, members invite guests into their homes to view private art collections as part of a series of Summer Soirées, which benefit the FPDP’s acquisition fund. If you or your company would like to discuss the possibility of an in-kind donation, please contact Beth Noble, vice president of development, at 313.833.1851 or [email protected]. 62 The DIA would like to thank the following donors for their in-kind donations. Two visitors study the stunning use of color in Max Beckman’s Still Life with Lilies (left) and Marc Chagall’s The Green Circus Rider (right) in the Dede & Oscar Feldman Gallery. Michelle Andonian Photography Dr. Irving F. Burton Curtis Publishing Dr. Alan Phipps Darr & Mrs. Mollie Fletcher Mrs. Paralee G. Day Mrs. Margaret H. Demant Detroit Media Group, L.L.C. Dr. Bart Dickson & Mrs. Andrea R. Dickson Dexter Fields, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Fisher Ms. Helen Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Morton Freedman Mr. Arthur Gabhart William & Carole Harris Mrs. Rebecca R. & The Reverend Robert L. Hart Dr. & Mrs. Gerhardt A. Hein IBM Corporation Michael Israel Art in Concert Kenro Izu Studio Mr. & Mrs. William H. John Mr. Gerhardt Knodel & Mr. Kenneth R. Gross Ms. Iva Lisikewycz Mr. Allie McGhee & Ms. Sondra McGhee Mrs. Eileen Monteiro Dr. Kenneth J. Myers North American International Auto Show Northwest Airlines, Inc. Mr. Joseph P. Palazzolo Ms. Gloria Parker Dr. David W. Penney Mr. Keith Pomeroy Dr. & Mrs. Nii O. Quarcoopome Donald H. Ross Alan E. & Marianne Schwartz Marc A. Schwartz SmithGroup, Inc. Ms. Gilda Snowden & Mr. William Boswell Tannahill Society 63 s Contents After a Tannahill Society Tea, a member studies the art of Jacob Lawrence, which tells the story of abolitionist John Brown, in the Gilbert B. Silverman Gallery. Tannahill Society The Tannahill Society honors those individuals who have made special commitments to the DIA through their estate plans. Robert H. Tannahill, the society’s namesake, was an avid art collector whose legacy is felt at the DIA through the many works of art and financial support he gave to the museum over his lifetime and through a generous bequest. Members of the Tannahill Society not only enjoy invitations to lectures and private tours of special exhibitions, but also share in the satisfaction of knowing they have made a truly meaningful promise to the future of the DIA. 64 # There are a number of ways in which you can make a significant contribution to our museum. Planned giving encompasses many more options than simply naming the DIA in your will, and our staff are happy to work with you and your financial advisor to identify planned giving options that benefit both you and the museum. Please visit and click on the GIVING tab at the top of the page. From there, you can explore many planned giving examples and suggestions, including our interactive planned giving calculator. If you are interested in exploring your planned giving options, please contact Rob MacGregor, director of planned giving, at 313.494.5239 or [email protected]. These names include donors, living and deceased, who have included the DIA in their estate plans. Diego Rivera, Mexican, Portrait of Robert H. Tannahill, 1932; red and black chalk. Bequest of Robert H. Tannahill. Tannahill Society 65 # Mr. & Mrs. Ansel E. Aberly Robert G. Abgarian Elaine S. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Felix T. Adams Frederick M. Adams, Jr. Ms. Doris L. Adler Mr. Alex C. Aho Mr. John E. Allen Dr. Bryce & Harriet Alpern Mr. & Mrs. John D. Altstetter Mr. Jeffrey T. Antaya Eugene & Marcia Applebaum Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Auch III Mr. David Axelrad Dr. Walter F. Baer Sally & Donald R. Baker Mr. & Mrs. W. Kent Barclay Ms. Elizabeth Baremore Ms. Joann F. Bashinsky Mrs. Kira Bayer-Dorocak Mrs. Doris V. Beauvais Ms. Mary Ellen Bell Harriet & Irving Berg Dr. & Mrs. Eli Berger Mr. & Mrs. Mandell L. Berman Mrs. Colleen M. Bernhardt Dr. Andrew H. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Bianco, Jr. Mrs. Jean C. Bickelmann Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bida Ms. Rosemary T. Bissig Mrs. Catherine C. Blackwell Ms. Rosalee M. Bleecker Ms. Ann Bollan Mr. Joseph A. Boner Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Booth II Ms. Linda Borushko Mary Jane & William A. Bostick Ms. Lindy Braden Ms. Leah Brenner Dr. David W. Britt Mr. Norman I. Brock Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Brodie Henry Buhl Ms. Nancy J. Byder Roy & Ilse Calcagno Andrew L. & Gayle Shaw Camden Byna Camden Howard & Lili Ann Camden Ms. Margaret Campbell Ethel Caplan Ms. Mary Elizabeth Carroll Ruth T. T. Cattell Christine M. Caumartin Drs. Bernard & Joan Chodorkoff Mary F. Christner Mr. Fred J. Chynchuk Peter Ciaramitaro Winnifred I. Clark Ms. Ruth Banks Clarke The Honorable Avern L. Cohn Pamela J. Colton Robert & Rose Ann Comstock Mr. Ralph E. Condit Mrs. Louise D. Conely Ms. Cindy Conklin Mr. Vincent Connelly Miss Margaret Conzelman Ms. Joan Cords Mr. Glenn M. Corey Mrs. Julia A. Cotter Mrs. Lee Coyle Mr. & Mrs. Rodkey Craighead Kathryn P. Acton & Scott Cromwell Mrs. Mattie L. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Tarik Daoud Mr. James R. Daoust Mrs. June T. Davis Miss Patricia Jean Davis Lynn Weyerhaeuser Day Ms. Annette M. De Lorenzo Dr. & Mrs. George Dean Mrs. Margaret H. Demant Mary Ann DeMattia & Robert H. Gorlin Ms. Edith Dempsey Virginia M. Dickinson Dr. George Donoian Mr. Gordon W. Draper Elaine C. & Eugene Driker James Pearson Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Duker Henry Duluk Rosanne Duncan Mrs. Jacquelin Eckhous Mr. Jerry Efros Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ehresman Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Eidson Ms. Sophia H. Ellis Miss Fran Emmons Jane Lee Ensinger Marlene & Philip J. Erlenbach Mrs. John N. Failing Jean Everhard Fair Mr. Harold B. Fairchild Peggy & Jack Falcon Dolores & Leonard Farber The Honorable Jack Faxon Mr. & Mrs. Oscar H. Feldman Mr. Reid Ferrall Mr. & Mrs. Heinrich W. Fietz Mr. & Mrs. John G. Fike Ms. Dorothy Fisher Nedra & Edward Fisher Ms. Cecelia Foerch Sidney E. & Madeline Forbes Sandra & Franz Forster John Bailey Forsyth & Virginia Palfrey Forsyth Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Foster Mrs. Analea T. Francois Ms. Annette Lee Frank Mr. & Mrs. Samuel N. Frank Barbara Frankel Jean & Sam Frankel Rema S. Frankel Mr. Richard H. Freytag & Mrs. Carol Freytag Edgar W. & Bernice Chrysler Garbisch Mr. Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr. & Mrs. Mary Anne Gargaro Mr. Clarke Gelling Mr. Thomas R. Geniusz Dr. & Mrs. Byron Georgeson Dr. Pamela A. Georgeson Ms. Ruth D. Gevercer Mr. Walter Gibbs Mrs. Gaylord W. Gillis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gilmore Mr. Allan D. Gilmour Ms. Sylvia Gleicher Dr. & Mrs. Fredric Gold Michael L. Goldberg Mr. Harvey B. Goldstein Mr. Paul A. Gonzalez Ms. Paula S. Gordin Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Graebner Graham J. Graham Mr. & Mrs. James E. Greer Dr. Karl D. Gregory & Family Mr. Henry M. Grix Mr. Charles G. Gunderson Ms. Peggy A. Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gushée Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Y. Halperin Mr. & Mrs. David Handleman, Sr. Mrs. Aline Hansen Henry C. Hansen Dr. & Mrs. Reginald Harnett Mr. John P. Harris Mort & Brigitte Harris Mr. Hugh L. Harsha Eugene & Donna Hartwig Dr. & Mrs. Gerhardt H. Heib Dr. & Mrs. Gerhardt A. Hein Tannahill Society (continued) 66 # Ms. Barbara G. Heller Miss Mary A. Hester Ernest Hillman, Jr. Eliza & Michael Hix Louise Hodgson Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Hoerauf Jean Holtzman Mr. Jonathan S. Holtzman Mr. Thomas J. Horton Mr. & Mrs. William K. Howenstein Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hudson, Jr. Elizabeth Hughes Gossett Ms. Lyanne Hui Wah-Fun Cindy K. W. Hung Ms. Marion Hurst Ruth Wainger Hurwitz Ms. Milka Iconomoff Ms. Josephine E. Jackson Mr. Earl R. Jacobs John W. Jickling Mr. & Mrs. William H. John Mrs. Dorothy A. Johnson Mr. George G. Johnson Mr. Lawrence Johnson Mrs. Shirley M. Johnson Mrs. Tommie M. Johnson Beatrice Jones Ms. R. Mechell Jones Richard & Carol Jonson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Joslyn Maxwell & Marjorie Jospey Mrs. William L. Kahn Miss Jean Kallmeir Mrs. Robert H. Kanzler Mrs. Ernest Kanzler Dr. Robert D. Karam Ms. Suzanne Karpus Mrs. Leonard K. Kasle Mrs. Marilyn J. Katz Martha L. Katz Mr. Herbert Kaufman Mr. Robert Kay Ms. June K. Kendall Maurice A. Kenney Bonnie & Alan Kidd Charles P. Klingensmith Phyllis D. Korn & Selma Korn Audrey N. Kottenstette Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Kughn Thomas M. Kukes Janet Landsberg Bonnie & Bob Larson Visitors contemplate Sexton (from Triple Point of Water) by contemporary artist Sarah Sze in the Aviva & Jack A. Robinson Gallery. Thelma Lauderbaugh Mr. Nicholas J. Lefevre Ruth & Julian Lefkowitz Barry & Sue Lepler Max Lepler & Rex L. Dotson Robert & Lois R. Lesser Mrs. Carolyn B. Levin John & Arlene Lewis Sally Butzel Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Bernard P. Lucas Edward E. MacCrone Mr. Michael J. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. William S. McIlrath Ms. Jane C. McKee Ms. Phyllis C. McLean Mr. Donald McMinn Mrs. John N. McNaughton Bill & Gail McQueen Tannahill Society (continued) 67 # Mrs. Wilber Hadley Mack Ms. Charlotte Mahrt Mr. Lawrence Mallick Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Mandarino M. Jane Beatty Marshall Ms. Beatrice Martin Edgar Martmer Timothy & Marilyn Mast Ms. Michelle Meinhardt Mrs. Lucie Meininger John & Barbara Mellen Mrs. Pauline Mendelssohn Mrs. Jean E. Mepham George & Christine Michaels Ms. Rhoda A. Milgrim The Honorable & Mrs. William G. Milliken Mrs. Ann M. Mok William & Susan Moll Mrs. Shirley A. Mopper Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Neithercut Ms. Edna Skelton Newnan Ms. Dorothy Nichols Mary Northcutt & Michael Goodell Mr. & Mrs. Joel Nosanchuk Katharine Odgen Joan E. Otis Ms. Ruth Owen Addison F. Page Ms. Janet Page Mrs. Margot C. Parker Mr. Gerald L. M. Parks Ms. V. Beverly Payne Ms. Sophie Pearlstein Ms. Betty M. Pecsenye Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Pelling Mrs. Clarice Percox Ms. Esther Peters F. Warren Peters Mr. Daniel G. Piesko Edward J. Podorsek Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pohrt, Sr. Mrs. Samuel Polk Mr. Theodore J. Popowitz Mr. Thomas H. Porter Ms. Rose Poskel Fair & Steven Radom Freda Ramsay Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Randolph Mrs. Ruth F. Rattner Ms. Frances B. Redmond Ronald V. & Miriam A. Reed Ms. Barbara Rehahn Mrs. Elizabeth G. Reiha Bernard Savage Reilly Dorothy E. Reilly Virginia Rengert Mr. Mark Restum Katherine D. Rines Ms. Barbara Robins Jack A. & Aviva Robinson Mrs. Maribodine B. Robinson Mr. Peter E. Robinson Ms. Cassandra Z. Rodger Marion Rolande Pauline Greenspoon Rose Mr. & Mrs. George Roumell, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Rousseau Mr. & Mrs. James S. Rudolph Mr. Rudolf F. Russart Mr. David Sabbagh Mrs. Margaret E. Sadler Helen Georgie St. Amour Joseph Samulowicz Ms. Helen Scafuri Geraldine M. Schafer Ms. Yvonne Schilla Don E. Schneider Mrs. Trudi Schreiber Mr. Elliot I. Schubiner Ms. Marian Schuyler Alan E. & Marianne Schwartz Ms. Nettie H. Seabrooks Mr. & Mrs. Fred G. Secrest Mrs. Gail Seitz Mr. Robert Selik Mr. James E. Sexton Mrs. Arlene Shaler Ms. Lisa Shamie Mr. Walter Shapero Andrew & Marjorie Shaw Carole M. Shaw Mrs. Lillian Davis Shaye Mr. & Mrs. David Sheiko Mr. W. Warren Shelden Marla K. Shelton Ms. Susanne Shipley Harriet Siden Lewis & Beverly Siegel Lila & Gilbert B. Silverman Mrs. Ann J. Simpson Ms. Esther Smeed Judith Marie Smith Raymond C. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stanton K. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Smith Susan Kahn Sovel Ms. Irene S. Sparage Harriette Staff Prof. Jane Stedman Dr. Mildred P. Stennis Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon D. Stern Mrs. Phyllis B. Steward Ms. Donna J. Stewart Dr. Lawrence L. Stocker & Mrs. Reva Stocker Mr. Stanford C. Stoddard Betty L. Stremich Mr. & Mrs. John B. Tabb Mr. Victor Tahill Lewis & Judy Tann Mr. & Mrs. A. Alfred Taubman Betty J. Thoma Dr. Lorna Lacen Thomas Rhonda & Samuel H. Thomas, Jr. Marie A. Tront Reginald & Marcia Turner Mr. Edward Tusset Mrs. Edward J. Tutag Mr. George Valenta Mr. Donald J. Valocik Ms. Amanda Van Dusen & Mr. Curtis Blessing Mrs. Richard C. Van Dusen Ms. Elizabeth Verdow Mr. & Mrs. George C. Vincent Mr. & Mrs. William P. Vititoe Ms. Margaret B. Von Steeg Ms. Helen A. Wallace Miss Doris H. Walter Dr. Velma L. Ward Mr. Donald Warren & Mrs. Lenore Orlowska-Warren Mr. Joseph K. Washington Mrs. Anne Waterman Mrs. Elsie Watson Zelma H. Weisfeld Ms. Lenore Weiss Ms. Jane Westley Janice Wheelock Ms. Marian E. White Mr. Jack L. Whitehead Mrs. Freda Wier Mrs. Dorothy M. Williams Dr. Irvin A. Wilner Dr. Martin Winbury & Mrs. Blanche Winbury Trudi & Henry Wineman II Mrs. Helen Wittenberg Mr. Thomas Wojtas Ms. Helen Wojtasik Ms. Miriam T. Woodle Helen Woolfenden Mr. & Mrs. William M. Worden Mrs. Mimi Yost Dr. & Mrs. Louis R. Zako Christine Zantop Mr. Raymond Zimmerman Lois K. & Milton Zussman Volunteers 68 # s Contents Docent Maureen Matta listens to questions posed by a group of school children in Rivera Court. Volunteers 69 # The DIA is indebted to our team of more than 750 volunteers for the amazing contributions they provide on a daily basis, truly enhancing our visitors’ experiences. The DIA simply could not operate in the same fashion as we do without the dedication of this outstanding group of individuals. In the 2007/2008 volunteer year, DIA volunteers contributed 66,013 hours in eight different service committees. The value of an hour of volunteer time for 2007, as calculated by Independent Sector, and based on information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was $19.51. This brings the dollar equivalent of total volunteer time to $1,287,914—an amazing figure indeed. Docent Geri Risgin (far right) explains the finer points of The Meeting of David and Abigail by Peter Paul Rubens in the Harrison Jules Louis Frank & Leon Harrison Frank Gallery. Visitors admire the artwork in Life’s Pleasures: The Ashcan Artists’ Brush with Leisure 1895 – 1925, a special exhibition organized by the DIA. Volunteers Volunteer Awards and Recognition During the 2007/2008 volunteer year, volunteers were asked to contribute a minimum of forty-five hours of service to their respective committee. The DIA gives special recognition to the fifty volunteers who gave 250 or more hours of service. 70 # George Allen Melissa Beert Michael Chall Arlene Cobau Claudia Crable Harold Cruger C. Paul Daelemans Marie DelGreco Mary Ann DeMattia Kathryn Dimond Marlene Erlenbach Wendy Evans Marjorie Fein Loretta Gates Barbara Goldsmith Barbara Goldstein Deborah Griffin Marlene Hamel Karen Hemingway Ann Johnson Selma Ladenheim Donna Lally Carol Lark Leslie Lazzerin Kathryn Levasseur Maureen Matta Pauline Mengebier Harold Miller Irene S. Miller Lane Moore Amy Music Mary Lee O’Bryan Anne Olender Cynthia Patrick J. Douglas Peters Jim Prest Margaret Prizer Stephen Ray Frank Romano Shirleyanne Schlang Stacey Simmons Jane Stewart Carrie Stewart-Gulan Jane Strand Margaret Thomas Cheryl Turetzky Karen VanDyke Joanne Viviano Linda Wells Jackie Wooten Become a Volunteer The DIA is proud of its rich history of volunteerism, and we Each service committee annually honors one member for excellence. Because of the grand opening, the Volunteer Council selected two additional volunteers for their time spent during November and December 2007. Art to the Schools Jackie Wooten Docents Loretta Gates DFT UshersRuby McGraw, Steve Ray (2007) Gallery Service Fay Wolin, Clif Levin (2007) Galley Information Fran Burke Museum Shop Elaine Johnston Speakers BureauBoyd Chapin Staff Aides Allison Smith always welcome the opportunity to introduce new volunteers to our magnificent museum. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please visit, click on MUSEUM INFO, then GET INVOLVED/VOLUNTEER. You can also call the DIA Volunteer Services Department at 313.494.5221. Volunteers 71 # Distinguished Service Award – Deborah Griffin Luther Chaney Sunshine Award – Betty Chessin Established in 2000, the Distinguished Service Award is given to a volunteer who, through long-term service and supreme dedication, has made an exceptional contribution to the museum, a service committee, or the Volunteer Council. The 2008 winner of the Distinguished Service Award was Deborah Griffin. Ms. Griffin has volunteered fourteen years of service to the DIA, both in gallery service and as a DFT usher. Since accepting her award, she has become a valued member of the DIA’s staff in the Volunteer Services Department. Ms. Griffin helps the DIA coordinate the needs of the museum’s volunteers to provide all our visitors with an enjoyable and informative experience. Established in 2001, the Luther Chaney Sunshine Award, named after a former DIA security officer, is given to a volunteer who has demonstrated exceptional helpfulness and friendliness to DIA visitors, volunteers, and staff. The 2008 winner of the award was Betty Chessin. Mrs. Chessin has volunteered fifteen years to the DIA in Gallery Service. In the words of one of her nominators, “Betty has a way of making everyone who meets her, volunteer or visitor, feel as though they’ve met a new friend.” Deborah Griffin accepts her award. Betty Chessin and DIA Director Graham W. J. Beal pause for a moment at the 2008 Volunteer Luncheon. Detroit Institute of Arts 5200 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI 48202 313.833.7900, Museum Hours Wednesday and Thursday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Mondays, Tuesdays, and major holidays. Go to for the most up-to-date information. General Admission Adult $8 Senior $6 Youth (ages 6 – 17) $4 DIA Members FREE Admission 72 Membership DIA members receive free admission to the museum and all ticketed exhibitions and discounts at CaféDIA, the Museum Shop, and the Detroit Film Theater. Call 313.833.7971 to join today! Dining CaféDIA Wednesday and Thursday 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Friday 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Kresge Court Wednesday and Thursday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday–Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Box Office Wednesday and Thursday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday–Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Support the DIA! Development Department Beth Noble, Vice President of Development, 313.833.1851, [email protected] Membership Kim Nathan Baker, Director of Membership, 313.833.7892, [email protected] Membership Helpline, 313.833.7971 Great Art New Start Campaign Peggy Falcon, Director of the Campaign, 313.494-5235, [email protected] Annual Fund Mari Vaydik, Annual Fund Manager, 313.833.6760, [email protected] Corporate, Foundation and Organization Support Cathy Talifer, Corporate Development Officer, 313.833.0246, [email protected] Planned Giving Rob MacGregor, Director of Planned Giving, 313.494.5239, [email protected] Operations Laurel Paterson, Director of Development Operations, 313.833.3921, [email protected] Visitors study Kehinde Wiley’s recently acquired Officer of the Hussars in our Contemporary Galleries. The DIA makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of gifts and names contained in this publication. Any errors, omissions, or corrections may be brought to the attention of Matthew O’Brien, donor relations manager, at 313.494.5229, or [email protected].
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