The Recording Industry in Japan The Recording Industry in Japan
The Recording Industry in Japan The Recording Industry in Japan
The Recording Industry in Japan -Statistics,Analysis,TrendsRIAJ Yearbook 2001 Recording Industry Association of Japan CONTENTS 1 Overview of Record Production in Japan in 2000 2 Major Issues For the Japanese Recording Industry 3 Production Trends by Format A. Audio Recordings - Unit Basis 1 2 3 3 1 Total Audio Recordings 3 2 5" CD Albums 3 3 CD Singles 3 4 Total CDs (3" & 5") 4 5 Analog Recordings 4 6 Cassettes 4 B. Audio Recordings - Value Basis 5 1 Total Audio Recordings 5 2 5" CD Albums 5 3 CD Singles 5 4 Total CDs (3" & 5") 6 5 Analog Recordings 6 6 Cassettes 6 C. AV & Video Recordings - Unit and Value Bases 7 1 Audio/Visual CD Recordings 7 2 Video Recordings 7 D. New Releases in 2000 8 1 Audio Releases 8 2 Breakdown by Genre and Format 8 E. Historical Trends in Format Production 1 Transition in Disk and Tape Production - Unit Basis 2 Transition in Disk and Tape Production - Value Basis 4 Related Statistics 9 9 10 11 1 Import/Export of Audio Disks 11 2 Price of Recordings Compared with Consumer Goods 12 3 Distribution System in Japan 12 4 Value of Copyright Collection in Japan 13 5 Recording Purchases by Format 13 6 Forecast of Worldwide Demand of Blank Audio MDs 14 7 Number of Record Rental Shops (1980-2001) 14 8 Domestic Penetration of Playback Equipment by Type 15 9 Domestic Production of Playback Equipment by Type 15 10 Domestic Production of Blank Tapes 16 11 The Japan Gold Disc Award 2001 (March 2001) 5 RIAJ Member Companies 17, 18 19 A Brief Description Of The Japanese Recording Industry 1. Overview of Record Production in Japan in 2000 The total production of audio and video recordings by the 24 member companies of the Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ) was 480.3 million units (100% vs. previous year) and 677.4 billion yen in value (100% vs. previous year) from January 2000 to December 2000. In terms of both units and value, production remained at the same level as the previous year. Audio recordings, including compact disks (CDs), analog recordings, and cassette tapes totaled 433.1 million units (97% vs. previous year) and 539.8 billion yen in value (95% vs. previous year). For the second consecutive year, neither unit nor value achieved the level of the previous year, reflecting the severe market conditions. Production of CDs, the main audio format, fell to 414.1 million units (98% vs. previous year) and 523.9 billion yen in value (95% vs. previous year). In both unit and value terms, production was lower than that of the previous year. The breakdown within the CD format showed a drastic drop in production of 3" CD singles to 33.1 million units (38% vs. previous year) and 15.0 billion yen in value (28% vs. previous year). However, 5" CD singles production increased dramatically to 104.6 million units (171% vs. previous year) and 82.4 billion yen in value (176% vs. previous year). The transition of CD singles from the 3" to the 5" format showed rapid progress. Production of 5" CD albums maintained the same level as the previous year at 276.3 million units (100% vs. previous year), but the value fell to 426.4 billion yen (95% vs. previous year). Production of video recordings was 47.2 million units (136% vs. previous year) and 137.6 billion yen in value (126% vs. previous year). Both units and value significantly exceeded the previous year. Within this category, although laser disk (LD) and video tape production decreased, the rapid increase of DVD production at 23.0 million units (364% vs. previous year) and 55.8 billion yen in value (358% vs. previous year) contributed to significant growth of overall video production. [Production of Audio and Video Recordings in 2000] Item Audio Video 3" CDs 5" CD singles 5" CD albums CD total Analog Cassettes Total DVDs LDs, VHDs Tapes Total Grand Total Units (millions) 33.1 104.6 276.3 414.1 1.9 17.2 433.1 23.0 3.2 20.9 47.2 480.3 Share (%) 7 22 58 86 0 4 90 5 1 4 10 100 Value % vs. previous year (billions of yen) 15.0 38 82.4 171 426.4 100 523.9 98 2.1 64 13.9 98 539.8 97 55.8 364 6.3 69 75.5 88 137.6 136 677.4 100 Share (%) 2 12 63 77 0 2 80 8 1 11 20 100 % vs. previous year 28 176 95 95 58 94 95 358 56 91 126 100 - 85 [Reference] CD derivative audio - visual recordings 176.0 - 106 Notes: 1. Above figures include OEM production by RIAJ members for non-RIAJ members. 2. Figures are rounded, hence possible difference between breakdown and total. 3. Above figures include recordings imported by RIAJ members. 1 RIAJ Yearbook 2001 19.8 2. Major Issues For the Japanese Recording Industry In 2000, the recording industry in Japan was confronted with severe economic circumstances including sluggish individual consumption and price deflation for the first time in the post-War period. Besides the prolonged economic slump, there were other factors that adversely affected the industry. The youth demographic, a major consumer of music recordings, decreased, and competition from other information and telecommunication services such as mobile phones increased. Such an environment resulted in the second consecutive annual decrease in the production value of audio recordings in 2000. On the other hand, production of video recordings increased dramatically due to the rapid growth of the DVD format. In unit terms, the production ratio of video disks rose to 56% to overtake that of video tape at 44%, resulting in values of 45% and 55% respectively. 2000 was an impressive first year for DVDs. Meanwhile, after a 10-year appeal by the industry to keep the “Resale Price Maintenance System” on copyrighted materials, on March 23, 2001 the Fair Trade Commission announced the final decision to maintain the system for the foreseeable future. The recording industry voluntarily continues to employ the system in a flexible way for the benefit of consumers. Due to the current rapid advancement of digital technologies and diversifying use of recordings including the digital downloading business, the current Copyright Law cannot sufficiently protect owners of neighboring rights. Therefore it is essential to work in various arenas to reinforce the Copyright Law and other regulations. With this background, the major issues to be tackled by the recording industry can be outlined as follows: ● Extend the rights and interests of record producers ・Establish exclusive rights of public transmission and the right of transfer of ownership without international exhaustion (the right of importation) ● Cope with issues caused by the expansion of IT usage ・Establish a system to protect rights of owners in next-generation audio formats ・Establish security technologies for digital distribution of music contents ● Conduct various measures to expand demand ・Enhance experimental listening systems and promote music gift cards ● Strengthen measures to solve problems concerning infringement of rights ・Eliminate piracy, illegal distribution via the internet, sales of sample products, etc Production share in value in 2000 Share by format Production (value) Production share in units in 2000 Share by format Production (units) LDs, VHDs 1 Video cartridges 4 LDs, VHDs 1 Video cartridges 11 DVDs 5 Video Recordings 10 Cassettes 4 Video Recordings 20 DVDs 8 Cassettes 2 Audio Recordings 90 Audio Recordings 80 CDs 77 CDs 86 (%) (%) RIAJ Yearbook 2001 2 A Brief Description Of The Japanese Recording Industry 3. Production Trends by Format A. Audio Recordings – Unit Basis 1 Total Audio Recordings Industry total Units in Mil 418 400 373 345 300 International 444 480 433 386 381 361 351 337 481 472 466 410 Domestic 361 353 317 297 266 200 114 79 100 81 76 111 100 94 94 83 80 0 91 2 92 93 94 95 96 97 5” CD Albums 98 Industry total 99 2000 Domestic International Units in Mil 300 250 211 191 200 150 109 100 72 107 98 89 77 71 198 195 175 166 153 151 152 139 276 276 242 228 223 210 303 289 283 275 92 81 79 50 0 91 3 92 93 94 95 96 97 CD Singles 98 Industry total 99 2000 Domestic International Units in Mil 151 150 160 154 165 163 166 166 168 153 138 154 134 108 100 84 147 145 138 136 (5") 60 111 (5") 104 89 50 (3") 86 5 4 4 3 3 3 1 1 1(5") 1(3") (3") (5") 33 2 1 0 91 3 92 RIAJ Yearbook 2001 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 4 Total CDs (3” & 5”) Industry total Units in Mil 333 302 414 364 358 338 326 299 300 424 380 382 400 International 457 457 449 440 Domestic 341 334 287 259 223 200 100 76 114 93 80 74 111 100 93 83 80 0 91 5 92 93 94 95 96 97 Analog Recordings 98 Industry total Units in '000 99 2000 Domestic International 2,985 2,538 2,500 1,914 2,000 1,609 1,500 1,186 1,023 947 982 1,000 823 842 689 500 158 0 6 91 92 93 534 381 305 229 94 95 592 352 96 43 447 347 228 97 Cassettes Units in Mil 838 805 620 239 153 66 1,034 944 98 Industry total 305 99 2000 Domestic International 45 40 38 39 35 35 30 29 30 25 25 25 25 23 23 20 22 18 22 18 17 17 10 2 0 91 1 92 1 93 0 94 0 95 0 96 0 97 0 98 0 99 0 2000 RIAJ Yearbook 2001 4 A Brief Description Of The Japanese Recording Industry 3. Production Trends by Format (con't.) B. Audio Recordings – Value Basis 1 Total Audio Recordings Industry total Value in ¥Bil 600 500 400 449.3 394.3 371.7 380.4 470.9 445.2 425.8 409.1 569.6 607.5 519.2 513.7 478.2 588.0 583.9 574.0 International Domestic 539.8 447.0 424.7 335.9 300 200 113.4 106.6 164.9 138.9 119.4 158.1 142.9 136.6 122.5 115.1 100 0 91 2 92 93 94 95 96 97 5” CD Albums 98 Industry total 99 450.4 492.4 400 403.9 369.5 357.0 345.8 267.4 300 426.4 463.2 458.2 450.6 International Domestic Value in ¥Bil 382.8 2000 267.0 302.8 288.4 268.1 330.0 321.7 312.7 239.0 200 162.2 106.8 102.0 115.8 135.7 155.4 141.5 135.4 120.3 113.7 100 0 91 3 92 93 94 95 96 97 CD Singles 98 Industry total Value in ¥Bil 97.7 100 98.6 96.1 100.6 104.4 102.6 88.4 103.9 103.0 99 2000 International Domestic 95.5 99.4 100.9 94.9 97.4 96.5 86.5 80 67.4 69.1 (5") 45.7 60 51.2 54.0 (5") 81.6 40 20 2.8 0 5 91 1.7 92 RIAJ Yearbook 2001 1.6 93 1.9 94 2.0 95 1.8 96 0.9 97 1.1 0.8 (3") (5") 53.7 0.4 (3") (5") 0.6 98 0.1 (3") 1.5 (3") 14.9 99 2000 0.9 4 Total CDs (3” & 5”) Industry total Value in ¥Bil 551.2 480.5 500 567.1 562.6 492.2 438.5 399.8 400 387.0 363.1 334.8 587.9 International 523.9 551.3 451.9 424. 7 405.3 Domestic 429.4 409.3 354.6 290.2 300 200 109.6 137.7 117.3 103.7 164.1 157.2 142.4 136.0 121.8 114.6 100 0 91 5 92 93 94 95 96 Analog Recordings 97 98 Industry total 99 Domestic Value in ¥Bil 3.0 2.1 1.9 2 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.1 0.1 0.1 91 0.1 92 93 0.4 0.4 94 1.0 95 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 96 Cassettes Value in ¥Bil 1.6 1.5 0.8 0.7 0.3 1.4 1.0 0.9 1 6 International 3.6 3 0 2000 97 Industry total 98 99 Domestic 2000 International 45.3 47.7 40 36.7 37.8 31.0 30 31.7 25.4 25.9 22.0 20.0 21.7 20 19.7 19.4 19.6 18.0 18.1 14.6 14.7 13.8 13.9 10 2.4 0 91 1.1 92 0.7 93 0.5 94 0.3 95 0.3 96 0.2 97 0.2 98 0.1 99 0.1 2000 RIAJ Yearbook 2001 6 A Brief Description Of The Japanese Recording Industry 3. Production Trends by Format (con't.) C. AV & Video Recordings – Unit and Value Bases Audio/Visual CD Recordings 1 ●Unit Basis ●Value Basis Domestic Units in Mil International 176.0 165.7 170 Domestic Value in ¥Bil International 27.7 165.8 26.4 25.3 0.3 0.1 25 0.6 23.3 147.6 150 19,8 20 0.1 130 176.0 15 27.4 26.2 165.8 24.7 165.7 110 147.5 23.3 10 19.8 85.1 0.2 90 5 85.0 0 96 97 98 99 2000 0 96 97 98 99 2000 DVD LD・VHD N.B. Figures are rounded, hence the possible difference between total and breakdown. 2 Video Recordings ●Unit Basis ●Value Basis Video Disks Cartridges DVD Units in Mil LD・VHD Video Disks Cartridges Value in ¥Bil 47.2 137.6 120.3 116.1 40 35.1 34.5 35.9 34.7 113.8 109.4 20.9 (44.4) 75.5 (54.9) 100 30 22.1 (62.9) 22.8 (66.2) 24.4 (68.0) 23.7 (68.2) 77.7 (66.9) 3.2 (6.9) 83.1 (73.0) 90.2 (75.0) 82.5 (75.5) 20 6.3 (4.6) 50 10 13.0 (37.1) 0 96 11.6 (33.8) 97 11.5 (32.0) 98 4.7 (13.5) 23.0 (48.7) 38.4 (33.1) 6.3 (18.2) 99 2000 0 N.B. Figures are rounded, hence the possible difference between total and breakdown. Figures in parentheses show share % of the format. 7 RIAJ Yearbook 2001 96 30.8 (27.0) 30.1 (25.0) 97 98 11.2 (10.3) 55.8 (40.6) 15.6 (14.3) 99 2000 D. New Releases in 2000 Audio Releases 1 INT’L 52.0% INT’L 0.9% 3" CDs 929 5" CDs 13,093 Casettes 1,388 Domestic 48.0% Domestic 99.1% Domestic 100% N.B. Above figures include re-issues. Multiformat releases of the same title are counted separately. Breakdown by Genre and Format 2 3" CDs P O Total CD-derivative Single Album Single Other 7 480 487 0 4 549 462 2,068 CD-G 0 Other 0 Kayoukyoku 110 362 553 915 1 62 18 16 1,122 0 0 113 1,096 1,872 2,968 15 188 0 9 3,293 0 0 789 1,465 2,905 4,370 16 254 567 487 6,483 0 0 1 12 424 436 0 0 0 8 445 0 0 33 0 101 101 0 0 41 152 327 0 0 3 0 164 164 0 0 1 22 190 0 0 89 60 532 592 0 0 2 34 717 0 7 0 1 270 271 0 1 0 0 272 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 8 5 17 59 78 6 25 317 342 0 0 0 61 409 0 37 921 1,563 4,717 6,280 16 255 619 769 8,860 59 122 (52) (162) (91) (102) (80) (83) (94) (101) (92) (113) (88) Rock/Disco 5 Jazz/Fusion 2,610 2,759 1 12 0 0 2,777 0 0 0 7 1,146 1,153 0 65 0 0 1,218 0 0 Pop 3 29 475 504 0 2 0 0 509 0 0 Screen 0 0 251 251 0 2 0 0 253 0 0 Other 0 5 91 96 0 2 0 0 98 0 0 Sub-total 8 190 4,573 4,763 1 83 0 0 4,855 0 0 Classical 0 6 1,998 2,004 0 0 0 0 2,004 0 0 Other 0 1 45 46 0 0 0 0 46 0 1 0 - 0 - I O N P L Cassettes 149 P ’ Vinyls 566 Domestic Total Total MDs Enka New Music D P Sub-total O Light Music M Traditional E Children’s S Anime T Classical I Karaoke C Other T 5" CDs Int’l Total Grand Total 8 197 6,616 6,813 (67) (75) (89) (89) 1 83 (8) (92) 6,905 (89) 0 - 1 (17) 929 1,760 11,333 13,093 17 338 619 769 15,765 59 123 (52) (144) (90) (95) (52) (85) (94) (99) (90) (111) (85) N.B. Figures in parentheses: percentage against previous year. RIAJ Yearbook 2001 8 A Brief Description Of The Japanese Recording Industry 3. Production Trends by Format (con't.) E. Historical Trends in Format Production 1 Transition in Disk and Tape Production - Unit basis Units in Mil Year 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 '43-'45 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Disks SPs 14,400 16,895 17,016 24,675 25,731 28,927 29,638 26,409 19,634 24,385 20,928 19,714 17,085 Unknown 6,420 8,847 11,962 16,860 11,828 14,904 17,806 19,357 15,896 12,781 11,540 9,877 8,520 5,536 3,078 1,976 584 25 SPs 7" 10"/12" 7"+10"/12" 450 400 350 CDs (3") CDs (5") Cartridges cassettes Open Reels Total 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1930 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 75 80 85 90 95 2000 in '000 7" 33rpm 73 765 2,765 6,606 9,012 14,693 15,285 15,686 16,968 16,712 11,749 10,453 8,004 6,997 6,735 6,307 5,548 5,896 4,801 4,036 5,188 2,756 2,451 2,569 1,149 1,180 1,415 818 564 910 224 9 14 0 45rpm 455 1,172 2,379 3,889 5,417 8,726 13,530 19,428 26,927 39,234 50,954 61,887 63,063 65,338 75,489 78,473 71,704 81,414 82,909 86,744 91,166 86,399 99,543 85,759 98,283 106,302 99,172 84,929 76,285 76,649 69,979 60,959 59,152 45,432 26,855 6,770 1,382 87 17 76 620 534 944 1,034 1,186 1999 2000 2,985 1,914 Disks 10"/12" 33rpm 45rpm 52 209 547 1,019 1,821 3,264 5,127 7,323 10,653 13,462 13,730 13,847 14,354 16,142 18,863 213 27,757 217 38,332 55 50,095 7 58,443 1 61,137 0 78,520 0 83,758 0 84,665 0 94,599 62 92,189 219 93,012 132 88,346 120 90,504 79 80,383 466 73,022 158 69,049 469 66,708 1,503 58,057 4,320 42,751 2,732 25,996 1,749 10,935 1,109 2,182 194 703 23 885 1 982 1 766 0 Tapes CDs (3") 25,557 47,094 61,820 88,776 110,559 153,795 138,271 164,581 166,294 167,827 154,260 86,333 33,124 (5") 6,365 20,638 45,120 64,992 89,980 143,424 169,129 210,497 222,671 227,756 241,699 275,369 282,556 289,313 302,913 Album Single 61,145 276,279 104,601 276,327 N.B. 1. Figures are rounded, hence the possible difference between total and breakdown. 2. Distinction between 7” and 10”/12” analog recordings eliminated since 1994. 9 65 RIAJ Yearbook 2001 Cartridges Cassettes Open Reels 5,529 12,394 18,338 14,844 13,535 15,606 12,790 12,160 11,388 9,055 11,699 15,087 22,858 26,152 36,489 33,113 21,973 13,826 8,355 5,893 3,415 1,666 672 254 47 4 0 631 1,250 3,790 5,837 6,770 10,591 11,154 14,090 20,187 25,612 34,855 46,220 57,107 60,627 61,115 64,618 60,917 60,694 62,517 68,925 76,074 72,301 56,541 44,579 38,853 35,333 29,860 25,031 22,512 22,534 21,818 17,608 17,174 171 206 192 279 239 242 111 44 14 15 6 2 0 Total 19,409 16,560 14,500 14,938 15,587 17,201 19,389 24,004 32,822 43,738 59,595 73,813 90,934 94,490 100,100 126,762 147,422 155,875 171,271 172,594 198,700 205,714 203,665 231,341 218,745 242,788 260,113 274,908 255,313 249,520 246,467 228,595 219,673 222,041 213,804 234,490 274,542 290,494 345,087 373,142 417,730 410,450 465,515 472,305 480,706 480,177 444,351 433,140 2 Transition in Disk and Tape Production – Value Basis Value in ¥Mil 600,000 SPs 7" 10"/12" 500,000 7"+10"/12" CDs (3") 400,000 CDs (5") Cartridges 300,000 Cassettes Open Reels Total 200,000 100,000 0 1952 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 2000 in ¥Mil Year 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 SPs 2,084 1,774 1,496 962 516 334 104 4 7" 33rpm 21 206 699 1,760 2,369 4,140 4,381 3,983 4,988 5,114 3,765 3,249 2,757 2,535 2,649 2,533 2,295 2,495 1,908 1,659 2,300 1,191 1,053 1,366 533 1,150 733 448 328 400 140 5 10 0 45rpm Disks 10"/12" 33rpm 45rpm 792 1,181 1,191 2,007 1,365 2,859 1,870 4,089 2,749 5,685 3,789 8,233 5,275 11,180 7,722 11,433 9,855 12,966 12,557 12,696 13,306 14,278 14,009 16,413 19,155 24,821 20,830 34,352 19,578 42,368 22,498 50,829 25,050 55,474 29,706 75,310 31,771 98,005 30,159 104,442 37,604 123,627 34,745 126,030 40,172 129,980 43,753 125,884 42,673 136,187 39,766 130,652 35,920 118,148 36,724 114,092 33,720 110,948 29,425 95,910 28,323 71,624 21,956 45,967 12,925 18,842 3,107 3,349 640 1,034 38 1,441 8 1,834 43 1,479 1,081 881 1,312 1,369 1,484 3,575 2,069 242 281 73 9 1 0 0 0 0 36 269 148 103 78 798 171 500 1,369 3,761 2,625 1,562 1,111 286 41 0 1 0 Tapes CDs (3") 18,825 29,756 37,556 53,967 69,064 97,710 88,371 100,565 104,418 103,891 95,478 54,077 15,046 Cartridges Cassettes (5") 14,439 47,931 97,912 139,016 186,423 257,005 285,793 345,829 369,467 382,754 403,870 450,604 458,164 463,187 492,400 Single Album 46,850 450,369 82,393 426,440 30,434 26,662 33,475 28,816 26,674 21,383 14,334 12,107 14,191 21,265 24,529 35,152 32,290 21,696 13,708 8,482 6,340 3,680 1,678 693 259 45 4 4,879 5,628 10,007 14,542 20,997 33,402 44,723 61,371 76,993 90,341 91,718 90,594 96,691 91,406 89,453 89,220 96,295 100,812 87,752 61,872 47,714 37,819 31,689 25,924 21,982 19,969 19,573 18,132 Open Reels 352 303 280 177 78 35 42 18 6 14,680 13,868 Total 2,269 3,016 3,186 3,018 4,058 4,972 5,719 6,921 8,971 12,562 17,259 20,919 25,190 29,393 31,965 34,646 49,245 60,369 65,720 112,242 115,876 151,314 175,960 184,883 218,381 222,638 245,704 262,589 292,844 288,654 281,037 281,663 274,111 281,337 298,920 311,584 342,947 383,332 387,770 449,252 478,247 513,679 519,246 574,031 583,862 588,019 607,494 569,551 539,816 N.B. 1. Figures are rounded, hence the possible difference between total and breakdown. 2. Value for 1969-1988 reflects manufacturer’s price including tax; value for 1989-2000 is manufacturer’s price exclusive of consumption tax. RIAJ Yearbook 2001 10 A Brief Description Of The Japanese Recording Industry 4. Related Statistics Import/Export of Audio Disks 1 ●Import/Export of CDs - Unit basis (Customs clearance figures) Units in '000 69,194 Export ●Import/Export of CDs – Value basis (Customs clearance figures) Import 58,707 57,327 60,000 49,113 Value in ¥Mil 46,061 37,239 40,000 48,172 Export Import 23,990 23,071 29,583 30,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 2,631 0 96 4,723 97 6,759 5,155 98 99 10,000 2,838 2000 2,138 0 96 3,476 97 98 ●Breakdown of Import/Export of Audio Recordings by country and format U.S.A. U.K. Germany Netherlands France Itary Austria Korea Taiwan Hong Kong Singapore China Philippines Thailand Israel Canada Brazil Australia All other Total Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Analog recordings 7( 3 ) 6( 32 ) 6(259) 6(190) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) 3(111) 1(105) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) 7( − ) 4( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) −( − ) 1( − ) −( − ) 24( 9 ) 19( 64 ) CDs 1,024( 39 ) 1,230( 74 ) 79( 41 ) 114( 67 ) 92( 53 ) 108( 61 ) 47( 25 ) 68( 49 ) 127( 85 ) 194( 84 ) 13(100) 19( 93 ) 6( 62 ) 9( 53 ) 72( 84 ) 141( 94 ) 395(120) 318( 90 ) 672( 73 ) 751(121) 69( 32 ) 140( 64 ) 3(280) 7( 40 ) 13(142) 9(472) 16(130) 30(205) 3(731) 2(248) 12( 86 ) 18( 88 ) 1(150) 4(151) 25( 36 ) 25( 41 ) 169(124) 163(133) 2,838( 55 ) 3,350( 84 ) RIAJ Yearbook 2001 2000 Qty: '000, Value: ¥Mil Total Analog recordings 1,030( 36 ) 5,505(102) 1,237( 74 ) 2,613(101) 85( 43 ) 2,736(102) 119( 69 ) 1,642( 91 ) 92( 53 ) 304( 88 ) 108( 61 ) 163( 75 ) 47( 25 ) 49( 81 ) 68( 49 ) 31( 77 ) 130( 86 ) 126(147) 196( 84 ) 85(136) 13( 99 ) 230( 95 ) 19( 92 ) 112( 85 ) 6( 62 ) −( − ) 9( 53 ) −( − ) 72( 80 ) 2( 14 ) 141( 92 ) 1( 17 ) 395(120) −( − ) 319( 90 ) −( − ) 679( 73 ) −( − ) 755(121) −( − ) 69( 32 ) −( − ) 140( 64 ) −( − ) 3(280) 4( − ) 7( 40 ) 2( − ) 13(142) −( − ) 9(472) −( − ) 16(130) −( − ) 30(205) −( − ) 3(731) −( − ) 2(248) −( − ) 12( 86 ) 31(185) 18( 88 ) 13(172) 1(150) 1( − ) 4(151) −( − ) 25( 36 ) 4(159) 25( 41 ) 3(224) 169(125) 331( 89 ) 163(133) 89( 88 ) 2,861( 53 ) 9,321(101) 3,369( 84 ) 4,754( 96 ) CDs 10,705(102) 7,416( 93 ) 3,943(104) 2,714( 91 ) 6,641(106) 3,691( 93 ) 4,460(133) 2,358(113) 585(111) 384( 97 ) 488(153) 210(106) 359(188) 178(168) 6,791(144) 320(154) 5,383(141) 656(167) 11,773(162) 1,499(133) 2,336( 78 ) 863(101) 289(381) 23(155) 9(250) 1( 31 ) 106( 78 ) 44( 36 ) 1(128) 1(136) 1,541( 74 ) 1,562( 72 ) 720(116) 581(117) 217(153) 124(172) 980( 72 ) 447( 55 ) 57,327(119) 23,071( 96 ) N.B. 1. Source: Japanese Trade Statistics by Customs & Tariff Bureau, Ministry of Finance. 2. Export / import figures include custom pressings commissioned to/by RIAJ companies from/to foreign entities. 3. 27% of CDs imports is estimated to be by record companies. 4. Figures in parentheses: percentage against previous year. 11 99 3,350 Import Export Country 3,997 3,864 Total 16,210(102) 10,029( 95 ) 6,678(103) 4,355( 91 ) 6,945(105) 3,854( 92 ) 4,509(132) 2,389(113) 711(116) 469(102) 718(128) 322( 98 ) 359(186) 178(166) 6,793(144) 321(152) 5,383(141) 656(167) 11,773(162) 1,499(133) 2,336( 78 ) 863(101) 293(386) 25(170) 9(250) 1( 31 ) 106( 78 ) 44( 36 ) 1(128) 1(136) 1,572( 74 ) 1,575( 73 ) 721(117) 581(117) 221(153) 127(173) 1,310( 76 ) 536( 59 ) 66,648(116) 27,826( 96 ) 2 Price of Recordings Compared with Consumer Goods % 130 Newspaper 120 Weekly magazine Movie Admission 110 Consumer Price Index Cigarette 100 CD 90 1990 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 N.B. 1. The source for prices for consumer goods and the Consumer Price Index is the “Annual Report on the Consumer Index” published by the government’s Statistics Bureau, Management & Coordination Agency. 2. Prices of CDs: price of standard Local Pop CD album. 3 Distribution System in Japan Record Companies Distribution Network Wholesalers Record shops contracted with companies Record shops contracted with wholesalers 43% 51% [Japan Distribution System; Nippon Record Center] Mail order, Door-to-door Sales Companies Selling Agents for Professional Users 6% Consumers (End Users) (Source: RIAJ) RIAJ Yearbook 2001 12 A Brief Description Of The Japanese Recording Industry 4. Related Statistics (con’t.) Value of Copyright Collection in Japan 4 ●Fees Collected by JASRAC by format ●Trend of Annual Collection by JASRAC 1996/2000 Valu in ¥Bil Value in ¥Bil Print publication Others 2.68 11.41 (2.5%) (10.7%) Online Karaoke 6.27 (5.9%) Video 9.44 (8.9%) Broadcasting 14.43 (13.6%) 100 80 Audio Disk 37.75 (35.5%) Total 106.33 (100.0%) 106.3 90.6 99.0 98.5 94.3 43.3 45.8 48.7 50.7 47.3 7.4 48.4 7.7 49.8 7.7 48.3 7.5 Total Collection 60 Performance 20.90 (19.7%) 40 Cassettes 3.45 (3.2%) 20 0 39.9 40.7 1996 97 50.6 9.4 98 Others Mechanicals for Video 40.8 42.1 Mechanicals for A+V Total 55.7 41.2 99 Mechanicals for Tape and Disk 2000 N.B. 1. Source: Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers & Publishers. 2. Figures in parentheses: share % 3. Figures are rounded, hence the possible difference between total and breakdown. 4. Online Karaoke is a system that uses a communication network. Recording Purchases by Format 5 ●Ratio of Recordings Purchased ●Annual Number of Units Purchased (by respondents indicating purchase) 1998 1999 % 2000 Units 65 66 20.4 20 60 58 18 50 16 47 14 40 38 38 12 10.1 10 30 9.1 8.3 8 21 6.2 19 20 7.4 6 5.95.9 5.0 5.5 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.0 4 11 2.7 10 5 3 3 3 3 4 3 1 1 0.3 0 CD Album CD Analog Single recording Music Tape Pre-recorded Pre-recorded MD VC 4 2 1 Laser Disk 0.3 1.8 2 3.1 2.4 2.8 2.7 3.3 2.6 1.4 1.0 1 DVD 0 CD Album CD Analog Single recording Music Tape Pre-recorded Pre-recorded MD VC Laser Disk N.B. 1. Source: Annual Consumer Survay on Packaged Music Softwear, 2000, conducted by RIAJ 2. Survey consisted of a random sample of male and female respondents aged from 12 to 55 in the Tokyo metropolitan area. 3. Total number of respondents: 800. Data for units purchased based on affirmative answer to survey question regarding purchase. 13 RIAJ Yearbook 2001 DVD Forecast of Worldwide Demand of Blank Audio MDs 6 Units in Mil International 274 235 200 171 Japan 150 67 84 168 190 2000 2001 44 125 34 100 72 13 32 50 127 91 59 4 28 0 1996 97 98 99 (Source: Japan recording Media Industry Association) 7 Number of Record Rental Shops (1980-2001) 6,213 5,988 6,000 5,491 5,097 5,000 4,804 4,655 4,889 4,460 4,468 4,331 4,509 4,000 4,116 3,800 3,000 3,864 3,746 2,921 1,682 2,000 2,393 1,844 1,910 1,049 1,000 34 0 80 ・ 12 81 ・ 12 82 ・ 12 83 ・ 12 84 85 85 ・・・ 12 6 12 86 ・ 12 87 ・ 12 88 ・ 12 89 ・ 12 90 ・ 12 91 ・ 12 92 ・ 12 93 ・ 12 94 ・ 12 95 ・ 12 96 ・ 12 97 ・ 12 98 ・ 12 99 ・ 12 00 ・ 12 01 ・ 5 (Source: RIAJ) Rental Record Case Appealed・・・Out-of-court settlement Temporary Law Enforced Agreement w/Record Renters Realized Basic Agreement on new holdout period reached (Nov. ’90) Revised Copyright Law Enforced RIAJ Yearbook 2001 14 A Brief Description Of The Japanese Recording Industry 8 4. Related Statistics (con’t.) Domestic Penetration of Playback Equipment by Type % 82.0 80 75.1 70 VCR 60 66.8 Stereo 59.3 75.7 60.1 57.7 61.0 53.8 47.5 40 58.2 56.8 55.9 TV game machine 50.1 59.9 57.9 59.0 56.4 49.0 38.0 30.1 CD Player VD Player 19.4 Karaoke Player 17.9 21.3 18.1 16.8 16.2 Reciever for Satellite Broadcast Personal 20.1 16.5 Computer15.3 16.3 15.2 5.4 22.5 62.1 61.8 60.0 54.6 55.5 52.9 32.6 34.7 26.0 39.2 38.9 36.6 34.0 27.6 26.6 10 65.0 60.1 50.0 41.0 34.3 74.0 55.2 53.5 79.3 78.4 69.0 61.3 57.9 77.8 77.0 63.8 54.3 20 73.8 Mobile Phone 50 30 73.7 72.5 71.5 76.8 23.0 16.0 15.8 14.8 13.4 13.9 12.9 15.0 12.6 15.2 14.3 15.7 11.2 11.5 9.9 99 2000 8.4 MD Player 0 1990 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 01 N.B. 1. Source: Penetration figures for "VCR", "Stereo", "CD Player", "VD Player", "Karaoke Player" and "Receiver for Satellite Broadcast" are based on "Consumer Attitudes" by Economic Planning Agency (surveyed every March, covering 5,040 households in 231 municipalities). 2. Owning rations for "MD Player", "Personal Computer", "TV game machine", "Mobile Phone" are based on "Annual Consumer Survey on Packaged Music Software, 2000", conducted by RIAJ (conducted with randomly sampled 800 male/female respondents, aged from 13 to 65 (figures for 1995/ 97) and from 12 to 55 (figures for 1998/2000). 9 Domestic Production of Playback Equipment by Type Item Quantity ('000) Value (¥Bil.) 2000 1999 % vs. previous year 2000 1999 % vs. previous year Color TV 2,344 3,477 67 241.6 310.8 78 VCR 5,513 7,933 69 104.1 169.8 61 21 43 49 0.9 1.7 53 4,526 4,534 100 122.8 122.9 100 768 1,138 67 6.3 11.3 56 Portable Cassette Player 1,100 2,201 50 6.5 14.6 45 Car Stereo 9,655 11,890 81 138.7 173.5 80 Stereo set 2,565 2,476 104 66.5 79.1 84 243 238 102 6.1 6.2 98 CD Player 18,639 18,622 100 240.0 272.2 88 MD Player 3,136 2,950 106 76.8 81.7 94 VD Player DVD-Video Desk-top Tape Recorder Vinyl Player N.B. 1. Source: Ministry of International Trade and the industry’s Machinery Statistics, which counts all machinery manufactured in Japan, including exports. 2. Figures for MD Player are the locally shipped units, covering both portable type and stationaly type. 15 RIAJ Yearbook 2001 10 Domestic Production of Blank Tapes ●Annual production (converted figures) - Unit basis Units in Mil 1,800 1,613 Blank Audio Tapes 1,600 1,461 1,404 Blank Video Cassettes 1,400 1,195 1,200 1,002 883 1,000 800 651 598 549 506 600 545 521 611 525 409 321 400 200 0 1993 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 ●Production Trends by Year and Format Blank Audio Tapes Year Qty (Mil. Sq. m) Converted Qty (Mil. Units) 1993 553.3 1,613 1994 481.5 1995 Blank Video Cassettes Value (¥Bil.) Qty (Mil. Sq. m) Converted Qty (Mil. Units) Value (¥Bil.) 105.7 1,868.3 598 174.2 1,404 73.0 1,716.3 549 138.0 501.2 1,461 53.0 1,581.6 506 115.2 1996 409.8 1,195 37.6 1,629.3 521 115.7 1997 343.6 1,002 27.0 1,703.1 545 126.3 1998 302.7 883 22.3 1,640.4 525 123.4 1999 223.4 651 14.5 1,277.2 409 105.4 2000 209.7 611 10.8 1,002.9 321 99.4 N.B. 1. Source: Ministry of International Trade and the industry’s Machinery Statistics. 2. Raw production quantities in Japan (including exports) have been converted to C-60 (Audio Cassettes) and VHS 120 min. (Video Cassettes). RIAJ Yearbook 2001 16 A Brief Description Of The Japanese Recording Industry 4. Related Statistics (con’t.) 11 THE JAPAN GOLD DISC AWARD 2001(March 2001) Founded in 1987, the Awards are granted to the artists and products that achieved the highest net sales during the previous 12 month period in each category. Artist Of The Year Domestic International Artist Released by AYUMI HAMASAKI THE BEATLES AVEX TOSHIBA-EMI New Artist Of The Year Domestic International Artist Released by RINA AIUCHI HANA * HANA HITOMI YAIDA RIZE LOVE PSYCHEDELICO TAHITI 80 GIZA Warner Music Japan TOSHIBA-EMI Sony Music Entertainment Victor Entertainment Victor Entertainment AYUMI HAMASAKI Song Of The Year Domestic International THE BEATLES Artist Title Released by Hikaru Utada Hikaru Utada MAI KURAKI GLAY SHINGO-MAMA SMAP AYUMI HAMASAKI AYUMI HAMASAKI B'z FUKUYAMA MASAHARU MISIA Morning Musume。 JANET JACKSON Wait & See -riskFor You / Time Limit Secret of my heart TOMADOI / SPECIAL THANKS SHINGO-MAMA NO OHA ROCK Lion Heart SEASONS TOSHIBA-EMI TOSHIBA-EMI GIZA UNLIMITED RECORDS Victor Entertainment Victor Entertainment AVEX AVEX ROOMS RECORDS UNIVERSAL MUSIC BMG FUNHOUSE Zetima UNIVERSAL MUSIC KONYA TSUKINO MIERU OKANI SAKURA-ZAKA Everything Happy Summer Wedding DOESN'T REALLY MATTER Song Of The Year(Enka/Kayokyoku) Domestic Artist Title Released by KIYOSHI HIKAWA HAKONE HACHIRI NO HANJIRO Nippon Columbia Rock Album Of The Year Domestic International 17 Artist Title Released by aiko MAI KURAKI GLAY SOUTHERN ALL STARS RINGO SHENA JUDY AND MARY TUBE SHOGO HAMADA Ken Hirai B'z B'z Mr.Children LOVE PSYCHEDELICO L'Arc∼en∼Ciel BON JOVI SAKURA NO KINO SHITA delicious way DRIVE - GLAY complete BEST BALLAD3 -the album of LOVESHOSO STRIP FRESH TUBEst III The History of Shogo Hamada "Since 1975" THE CHANGING SAME B'z The "Mixture" ELEVEN Q THE GREATEST HITS REAL CRUSH PONY CANYON GIZA UNLIMITED RECORDS Victor Entertainment TOSHIBA-EMI Sony Music Entertainment Sony Music Entertainment Sony Music Entertainment Sony Music Entertainment BMG FUNHOUSE ROOMS RECORDS Toy's Factory Victor Entertainment Sony Music Entertainment UNIVERSAL MUSIC RIAJ Yearbook 2001 Pop Album Of The Year Domestic International Artist Title Released by Every Little Thing YUKI KOYANAGI Suzuki Ami DREAMS COME TRUE AYUMI HAMASAKI Morning Musume。 Morning Musume。 YUZU ENYA The Beatles BACKSTREET BOYS Whitney Houston eternity EXPANSION infinity eighteen vol.1 DREAMS COME TRUE GREATEST HITS "THE SOUL" Duty 3rd - LOVE Paradise BEST! MORNING MUSUME。ONE TOBIRA A DAY WITHOUT RAIN The Beatles 1 BLACK & BLUE The Greatest Hits AVEX Warner Music Japan Sony Music Entertainment Sony Music Entertainment AVEX Zetima Zetima SENHA&Co. Warner Music Japan TOSHIBA-EMI ZOMBA RECORDS JAPAN BMG FUNHOUSE Artist Title Released by Fujiko Hemming Nocturnes Melancholy Victor Entertainment Classic Album Of The Year Domestic Jazz Album Of The Year Domestic Artist Title Released by Shigeko Suzuki Just Beside You BMG FUNHOUSE Instrumental Album Of The Year Domestic Artist Title Released by S.E.N.S. TOUMEI NA ONGAKU BMG FUNHOUSE Enka/Kayokyoku Album Of The Year Domestic Artist Title Released by OOIZUMI ITHUROU IWAI UTA TEICHIKU ENTERTAINMENT Animated Album Of The Year Domestic Artist Title Released by VARIOUS ARTISTS SUPER EUROBEAT presents Initial D -D BEST SELECTION∼ AVEX Traditional Japanese Music Album Of The Year Domestic Artist Title Released by YOSHIDA Kyodai MOVE Victor Entertainment Special Product Album Of The Year Domestic International Artist Title Released by VARIOUS ARTISTS VARIOUS ARTISTS VARIOUS ARTISTS THE BEST OF DETECTIVE CONAN - the most relaxing - feel SUPER EUROBEAT VOL.110 -MILLENNIUM ANNIVERSARY NON-STOP MEGA MIX image emotional&relaxing MAX BEST ZAIN RECORDS TOSHIBA-EMI VARIOUS ARTISTS VARIOUS ARTISTS AVEX Sony Music Entertainment Sony Music Entertainment Music Video Of The Year(short-term) Domestic Artist Title Released by Morning Musume。 THE VIDEO KOI NO DANCE SITE Zetima Music Video Of The Year(long-term) Domestic International Artist Title Released by Morning Musume。 Underworld VIDEO THE MORNING MUSUME。 BEST 10 EVERYTHING,EVERYTHING Zetima V2 Records Japan N.B. 1. All awards are given based on the sales of LPs, EPs, compact disks and music tapes except for the Music Video Award, which is based on the sales of videocassette and videodisks. 2. In the four categories (New Artist of The Year, Song of The Year, Rock Album of The Year and Pop Album of The Year), the recipients are listed in the order of katakana syllabary. RIAJ Yearbook 2001 18 A Brief Description Of The Japanese Recording Industry 5. RIAJ Member Companies (as of June, 2001) (In chronological order of the date of joining to RIAJ/or Company foundation) [Full Member] Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd. 4-14-14 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8011 03-3584-8111 Victor Entertainment, Inc. Palacion Tower, 3-6-7 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061 03-5467-5401 KING RECORD CO., LTD. 1-2-3 Otowa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0013 03-3945-2131 TEICHIKU ENTERTAINMENT, INC. 6F, Kyocera Harajuku Bldg., 6-27-8 Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8516 03-5778-1721 UNIVERSAL MUSIC K.K 1-8-4 Ohashi, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0044 03-3780-8501 TOSHIBA-EMI LIMITED 2-2-17 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8510 03-5512-1700 NIPPON CROWN Co., Ltd. Shinwa Bldg., 2-10-8 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8405 03-3582-4741 TOKUMA JAPAN COMMUNICATIONS CO., LTD. Tokuma Shoten Honsha Bldg., 1-1-16 Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8620 03-3573-0370 Sony Music Entertainment (Japan), Inc. 4-5 Rokuban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8353 03-3515-5050 PONY CANYON Inc. 2-5-10 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8487 03-5521-8000 Wa r ner Music Japan Inc. 3-1-2 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8639 03-5412-3111 FOR LIFE RECORDS, INC. 3-28-8 Ikejiri, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-8558 03-5430-3106 VAP Inc. 4F Nippon Television Yonban-cho Bekkan, 5-6 Yonban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0081 03-3234-5711 BMG FUNHOUSE,INC. 1-3-9 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8350 03-3797-9020 PIONEER LDC INC. 1-20-6 Ebisu-Minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8506 03-5721-1351 B-Gram RECORDS, INC. Morimoto-Roppongi Bldg.,5-2-2 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 03-3479-2371 AVEX INC. Sumitomo Seimei Aoyama Bldg., 3-1-30 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8577 03-5413-8550 PRYAID RECORDS INC. 2-14-6 Ebisu-Minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8955 03-3710-0510 Tri-M, Inc. 2-17-58 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 03-5562-2810 Johnny's Entertainment Inc. 7-10-20 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052 03-5570-0808 Roadrunner Japan, Inc. 5F, Ozawa Bldg., 1-6-6 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0041 03-3463-6907 KING INTERNATIONAL INC. 1-2-3 Otowa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0013 03-3945-2333 Bellwood Records 1-2-3 Otowa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0013 03-3945-2303 [Associate Member] [Supporting Member] Total: 23 Companies 19 RIAJ Yearbook 2001 The Recording Industry in Japan -Statistics,Analysis,Trends- Compiled and edited by Recording Industry Association of Japan © 2001 Published by: Recording Industry Association of Japan 2F Nittetsu Kobiki Bldg., 7-16-3 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061 Phone : 03-3541-4411 Fax : 03-3541-4460 JUNE, 2001 1.2Y 01.6
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