Pigments in later Japanese paintings
Pigments in later Japanese paintings
STUDIES USING SCIENTIFIC fin METHODS v* PAINTINGS Elisabeth West FitzHugh, John Winter, and Marco Leona FREER GALLERY OF ART OCCASIONAL PAPERS NEW SERIES V0L1 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON, D,C„ FREER GALLERY OF ART OCCASIONAL PAPERS NEW SERIES VOL. 1 FREER GALLERY OF ART OCCASIONAL PAPERS ORIGINAL SERIES, 1947-1971 Grand Empress Dowager Wen Ming and A. G. Wenley, The Necropolis at Fang Shan, Vol. Burns A. Stubbs, Paintings, to American and European Gallery of Art, Vol. no. 1, 1, no. 3, Drawings, Prints, and Copper Plates by and Attributed 1948 2, in Muslim Iconography I: The Unicorn, 1950 Collections of the Freer Gallery of Art, Vol. Steindorff, A A i, Biographical Outline, Illustrated from the no. 4, 1950 Royal Head from Ancient Egypt, Vol. 1, no. John Alexander Pope, Fourteenth-Century Blue-and-White: in the Topkapu Sarayi Rutherford J. Miizesi, Istanbul, Vol. 2, no. 2, Fong, The Lohans and a Bridge Calligraphers and Painters: 1015/A.D. 1606, translated Richard Edwards, Li Rutherford J. 2, no. 1, 5, 1951 A Group of Chinese Porcelains 1952 Gettens and Bertha M. Usilton, Abstracts of Technical Studies Archaeology, 1943-1952, Vol. Wen Wei Together with a List of Original Wliistleriana in the Freer Burns A. Stubbs, James McNeill Whistler: Georg the Northern 1947 1, Pastels, Artists, Richard Ettinghausen, Studies Vol. no. 1, Ti, Gettens, A to Treatise Heaven, Vol. 3, no. 1, Roy 3, S. no. 3, Clarke 3, , circa a.h. no. 2, 1959 1967 Jr., and W. T. Chase, Two Early Chinese Bronze Weapons with Meteoritk Iron Blades, Vol. 4, no. INTERIM SERIES, PUBLISHED BY BOTH 1998-2002, Art and 1958 by Qadi Ahmad, Son of Mir-Munshi from the Persian by Vladimir Minorsky, Vol. Vol. in 1955 1, 1971 THE FREER GALLERY OF ART AND THE ARTHUR M. SACKLER GALLERY Ebba Koch, Dara-Shikoh Shooting Nilgais: Hunt and Landscape Vol. 1, in Mughal Painting, 1998 Gauvin Alexander Court of India, Vol. Stanley K. Abe, A Bailey, 2, The Jesuits and the Grand Mogul: Renaissance Art at 1998 Freer Stela Reconsidered, Vol. 3, 2002 the Imperial STUDIES USING SCIENTIFIC METHODS PIGMENTS IN LATER JAPANESE PAINTINGS Elisabeth West FitzHush, *** John Winter, and Marco Leona FREER GALLERY OF ART OCCASIONAL PAPERS SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON, D.C. NEW SERIES VOL. 1 FREER GALLERY OF ART AID /S/0 r—. EDITORIAL BOARD Ann j £00 2 Louise Allison Cort Paul lett Julian © O C. Gunter, series editor Raby 2003 Smithsonian Institution All l ights reserved series editor editor Ann C. Gunter Jennifer Alt designer Kate Lydon All objects illustrated are in the collections of the Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, unless otherwise noted. Freer Gallery of Art. Studies using scientific methods paintings / [essays by] Elisabeth pigments in later Japanese West FitzHugh, Marco Leona, : John Winter. cm. p. — (Occasional papers 2003 ; v. 1) Includes bibliographical references. 1. Painting, Japanese 2. Pigments — Elisabeth West. V. — Edo Analysis. II. 3. period, 1699-1868 Ukiyoe. Leona, Marco. Occasional papers ( 4. III. — Technique. Freer Gallery of Art. Winter, John. IV. Freer Gallery of Art : 2003 ); I. FitzHugh, Title. v. 1. ND1053.5.F729 2003 759-95 2 '09'°3 — de2i NOTE: Dimensions Printed by £ 2003006484 are given in centimeters; height precedes width. CS Graphics in ^ Smithsonian V4i* Freer Gallery of Art Singapore CONTENTS Preface A Database of Pigments on Japanese Ukiyo-e Paintings in the Freer Gallery of Art Elisabeth West FitzHugh The Identification of Indigo and Prussian Blue on Japanese Edo-Period Paintings Marco Leotia Authors Index and John Winter PREFACE The Freer Gallery of Art Occasional Papers began publication in 1947 under the stew- ardship of Archibald G. Wenley, director of the eleven titles between 1947 and 1971. Subject, museum, and produced format, and length ranged widely, from monographic treatments of a single object or group of objects and commentaries on a particular text — even lations, The series was intended on material a total of to annotated bibliographies. and for a specialist readership, it in the collections of the Freer Gallery of Art. Occasional Papers produced three additional titles to checklists, trans- focused almost exclusively A short-lived revival of the between 1998 and 2002. Unlike the original series, however, these papers consisted of brief treatments of individual works of art, were highly standardized in length and format, and were aimed at a broad readership. As one of the world's premier research Freer Gallery of Art demonstrates research activities it sponsors for its its institutions for the study of Asian art, the commitment own staff Disseminating the results of these research dimension of the museum's mission, and the Occasional Papers series in The new series its and activities in this regard forms an equally important we have decided to relaunch third incarnation. it collections. Wenley publishes for a specialist constituency research Asian art from a variety of perspectives, although museum's through the other scholars. signals a return to the underlying principles of the series established in 1947. Likewise, to the to this mission facilitates for As in the original on is no longer confined series, future titles of the Freer Gallery its purview of Art Occasional Papers will range widely in subject; they will include monographs, conference proceedings, multiauthor treatments of material or theme, and studies in conservation and scientific research. The first of the series is entitled Studies Using Scientific Methods: Pigments in Later Japanese Paintings. This volume was funded by a publications endowment established with a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and contributions from private donors, and by a grant from the Mellon Foundation that supports the materials Julian and structures of East Asian Raby Director paintings. scientific study of the A Database of Pigments on Japanese Ukiyo-e Paintings in the Freer Gallery of Art Elisabeth West FitzHugh ABSTRACT The pigments were identified on paper supports Edo period, in the Freer Gallery hundred Japanese ukiyo-e paintings on Of late sixteenth to the seventeen pigments identified, eleven were throughout the ukiyo-e period: shell white, vermilion, red lead, and some were first Prussian blue, and red and six pigments were not used before the used later: artificial brown organic Identification late the late employed and an organic seventeenth century, lead white, orpiment, various copper greens, smalt, ultramarine. Further characterization is needed of the colorants and of some of the copper greens. Other pigments included mica and some metal pigments. Shell white the organic brown. and organic red, red and earths, organic yellow, yellow earth, malachite, azurite, indigo, brown. The other silk Momoyama period, the of Art. They date to the and the early years of the Meiji period, from the nineteenth century. brown five The other pigments were is unique to Japan, in use as may be throughout East Asia. methods were polarized-light microscopy, chemical microscopy, and x-ray diffraction, with limited use of scanning electron microscopy with energydispersive x-ray analysis. INTRODUCTION The Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, paintings, drawings, The and the pigments used made in this group were the subject of this of Japan, and their subject matter was first hundred Japanese artists use of color on Paintings in the ukiyo-e style depicted the everyday ings six and sketches of the ukiyo-e school, dating from the to the late nineteenth century. these works, owns over appeared in Japan in the life some late sixteenth five hundred of investigation. of the ordinary people known as "the floating world." Ukiyo-e paint- late sixteenth century during the Momoyama period (1573-1615) and continued to be produced throughout the Edo period ( 1615-1868 ) and into the early years of the Meiji period artists ( 1868-1912). Some ukiyo-e produced both paintings and woodblock prints while others specialized in 1 ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH either one or the other. Curran, and Bailie 1984; Whitmore and Cass 1988); they generally require 1971; Feller, methods from those used here because the amount of pigment different analytical from available Pigments on woodblock prints have been studied (Grove a print is substantially less than that available These paintings were executed on hanging scrolls silk (kakemono), handscrolls from a painting. and paper supports and ( are in the form of makimono), folding screens (byobu), and drawings or sketches; some of the drawings and sketches were originally or sketchbooks. In this report the term painting refers to This project was conceived by Rutherford J. all in albums of these types of work. Gettens, then head curator of the Technical Laboratory, the predecessor of the Department of Conservation and Scientific Research of the Freer some of the earliest and Sackler galleries, and Gettens himself carried out work. The study was begun in 1969 and completed by 1985. The present author published a progress report (FitzHugh 1979) and a shorter version of the final results ( FitzHugh 2003 ). This work forms a basic database appendix on pigment use on Japanese ukiyo-e ( paintings and has provided the ) groundwork for further work by Winter 2001; Winter, Giaccai, and Leona 2003). The intent was pigments used and to determine from the 1. late 16th to mid-ijjth the early years (table IN Used century Organic yellow Shell white to characterize the 1 ). THE FREER GALLERY OF ART after late 17th 17th century on on century Smalt Copper greens Vermilion Malachite Red lead Azurite 18th century Indigo Red and brown earths late 18th Yellow earths Organic brown Orpiment — 19th century Prussian blue Lead white Organic red Ultramarine 19th century only The dating of Leona and Many pigments were used throughout the SUMMARY OF PIGMENTS ON UKIYO-E PAINTINGS Used ( any chronological differences could be observed early to the late ukiyo-e period. some were not used during period; TABLE if others these paintings is in some cases problematic. The first ukiyo-e painting in the collection of Charles Freer (1854-1919) was catalogued in 1896. By 1917 Freer had purchased three-quarters of the color here under consideration. Of the five paintings acquired before 1917 (no ukiyo-e paintings were acquired between 1917 and 1954), istrar's were records for first updated 2 many hundred ukiyo-e paintings with some are firmly dated, but the reg- of them supply only the information available accessioned. Attributions given here are based in some cases with more recent information on the when they registrar's records, from the catalogue published A DATABASE OF PIGMENTS the time of the fiftieth anniversary of the Freer Gallery of Art at appendix the column headed as far as is is Stern 1973 style of that is attributed to an eighteenth-century may only artist. The information presented here should be of interest to a wide audience. In par- and culture may find some guideposts toward ticular historians of Japanese art and dating of ukiyo-e painting, solving problems of the attribution ject, indeed referred to as "the Augean stables" by one specialist in 1992 ). Other potential readers include East Asian technology to learn more about In the superseded by any information in the column for example, if a painting but "dated" to the nineteenth century, this indicates that the painting artist be in the ). Dates" indicates the attribution "Artist, Life/ Activity known. This attribution headed "Dated"; ( and a complex sub- this field (Clark scientists searching for facts in the history generalists with an interest in the the materials used to produce art of the area of who wish it. DESIGN OF THE PROJECT The range of colors on every painting was noted by visual inspection and at low magnification with a binocular microscope. Every color was sampled, within the limits of subjective judgments that had to be made. In missed; for example, two superficially to be the some blues in different areas same but are in fact two cases a color may have been of the painting might appear different pigments. It should be noted that on certain works, chiefly nineteenth-century drawings and sketches, some pigments were applied too thinly not all to permit analysis by the methods used, and thus the colors were sampled; these paintings are indicated in the appendix. Pairs or sets of paintings was sampled after it were treated as one painting. Usually only one painting was ascertained paintings in the pair or set. ing to another in a pair or that the Variations in colors occasionally occurred from one paintset, and in that case in order to obtain a representative range. teria more than one painting was sampled With an album or sketchbook, Some retouched areas were sampled when intent here was questions arose, but generally the to obtain a record of the original pigments. obviously an important one, but it was only peripheral The question of retouch to this investigation. Only very small samples were required, so no damage was done The similar cri- were used. Samples were taken from areas showing no obvious evidence of retouch. is same range of colors was found on other identifications were carried out to the painting. by traditional methods: polarized-light microscopy, chemical microscopy, and x-ray diffraction. Limited use was made of element determination by scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive 3 . ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH x-ray analysis. Also included here are the results of analysis by thin-layer chromatog- raphy carried out on three of these paintings The analytical another investigation Winter 1987). in ( methods used here have inherent limitations, but they served to possible firm identification of a large majority of the pigments. make Some pigments could not be exactly characterized, and a few could only be described in a very general way. Nevertheless, the totality of the data gives a No statistical absence of a pigment does not necessarily For example, if good idea of the colorant range. deductions can be drawn from the results of these analyses. The no yellow was used mean that it was never used by the painter. in a painting, yellow was available, but only that the artist it was not necessarily because no did not require that color to obtain a desired effect. Carbon-based inks and pigments are obviously of tremendous importance East Asian works of art, for their use in drawing outlines and Important work has been done on carbon pigments (Winter gation of their use and silver, copper 1983), but the investi- on ukiyo-e paintings was beyond the scope of this metal pigments were not searched for systematically. alloys, and silver sulfide are A in for parts of the design. project. The few identifications of gold noted, but a comprehensive discus- sion of this subject merits a separate investigation. Japanese pigment names have varied monly in use in the been made Edo period to discuss other at different are given here, names when they periods. Those most com- and only an occasional attempt has relate to the pigment's history of use. The complex history of Japanese pigment terminology over the centuries is beyond the scope of this study. When Buddhism reached Japan from China and techniques and new (Chronicles of Japan tion coloring materials from China ), a Korea in the sixth century, new became available. The Nihongi famous seventh-century document, mentions the introduc- from Korea of techniques of preparing painters' colors Aston ( 1924, vol. 2, 140 ) Previously the range of pigments in Japan was limited chiefly to earth colors and clays to ( Yamasaki and Emoto 1979 ). Early writers on Japanese pigments often referred China as the source of the best pigments, or mation about them. For this reason from reports of pigment use history and use in the West, in sometimes as the best source of infor- some information from Chinese documents and China is included here, with a discussion of pigment where appropriate. OVERVIEW OF RESULTS Of 4 the seventeen pigments identified on these paintings, eleven were employed DATABASE OF PIGMENTS A throughout the ukiyo-e period see table ( reds used were vermilion, red lead, earths, the iron oxide pigments. compositions are closely their 1 ). The common white was shell one or more organic These two earths are related. common green, white. and there were two — the classified together only latter and blues: azurite brown colorant was an organic brown, discounting brown The and red and brown because The yellow colorants used throughout period were an organic yellow and yellow earth was the reds, The indigo. earth, the Malachite rarely. which is single not dis- cussed separately. The other some were six first pigments were not used before the used even on Japanese paintings, later yet it ( see table 1 ). late was used here on some quite extensively, as seen in plate 1. seventeenth century, and Smalt has not been previously reported ukiyo-e paintings has also been unreported; further research their identity ings. not The at and fact that sometimes sixty paintings, The use of various copper green colorants on to account for the date of their first orpiment was not used required to determine is appearance on these paint- until the early eighteenth century also can- present be explained. Prussian blue was invented in the West at the beginning of the eighteenth century, and the chronology of its importation into Japan after the late eighteenth century is discussed below. Lead white was used after the late eigh- teenth century, by only two artists, shell white. Finally, the finding tent with evidently because ukiyo-e painters preferred of few examples of artificial our knowledge that neither the natural nor Japanese paintings on paper and in repaint, kaolin artificial pigment is is consis- known on silk. Other pigments found rarely included mica, two found only ultramarine and a selection of metal pigments, and barite. THE PIGMENTS WHITE PIGMENTS Shell white, gofun, is a form of calcite, calcium carbonate (CaC0 3 ), made of crushed seashells, usually oyster shells. The shells are collected in piles and allowed to age out- side for a protracted period to allow organic matter to deteriorate. They are then pro- cessed by crushing, grinding, and pulverizing, followed by levigation. In factory production observed by R. fifteen years, J. Gettens in Japan in 1970, the shells were ing carried out (Gettens, FitzHugh, and Feller 1993). Shell white in this series that lead white left outside for followed by purely mechanical processing with no heating or calcin- is on nine is the only pigment unique to Japan, and the only white pigment used, except for late paintings. 5 ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH There are early references to China. "Clam shell white" was men- a shell white in tioned in seventh-century China as an ingredient of 136). We know artificial jade (Needham 1976, from documentary evidence from late-seventeenth-century China that pulverized oyster or make white paint clam shells were heated, ground, and mixed with water to (Sze 1956, 41). Heating, or calcining, the calcite of the shells would produce quicklime (calcium oxide, CaO), and the subsequent addition of water would convert it to lime (Ca(OH) 2 ). Exposure to air would then result in the re- formation of calcium carbonate that would not retain the typical striated appearance so characteristic microscopically of the particles of ground on Japanese pigments have writers said that shell white shells. Early Western was calcined, but there may have been some confusion with the Chinese process (Anderson 1886; Conder 1911). Japanese shell white shows no evidence of calcination. The term gofun older literature the clay. Uyemura ( literally refers to any white powder or pigment; therefore, name may refer to 1931 ) and Oguchi 1969 both point out that the term ) ( referred to lead white, and Anderson in the other pigments, such as lead white and white at early dates (1886) notes the application of the term to white clay as well as to lead white. Shell white has fifteenth ( been used in Japan since the time of the Kano School in the and sixteenth centuries, when it replaced clay as the common white pigment Yamasaki and Emoto 1979 ). Artists used this pigment throughout the ukiyo-e period, as evidenced on these paintings, both as a white pigment and as an important con- stituent of pigment mixtures designed to obtain lighter color tones. Calcium carbonate pigments other than A China. calcite was used repository in Nara, but it in is not (Naruse 1996). Calcite was used Mogao caves at states that a Dunhuang shell Japan on masks in known at if it 9). On Han dynasty (206 b.c.e- a few of these paintings, a pigment was identified that does not have the same microscopic appearance from It occurs mixed with shell white and also appears separately. a different source also Lead white, empaku, an was known in Japan artificially made basic lead carbonate, by the seventh century; in 692 Japanese artists c.E. a 2, Emoto 1979). Shell white then 2PbC03 Pb(OH) 2 . monk was 408). through the seventeenth century, chiefly on paintings (Yamasaki and may establish that was used. the empress for preparing lead white (Aston 1924, vol. 6 both Japan and various periods in the wall paintings in the may be a variety of the typical shell white; further investigation calcite in western China (Hsu, Chou, and Li 1983). Yii Feian "white chalk," CaCO,, was used as early as the as typical shell white. It known originated from shells or limestone 220 c.E.) in China (Silbergeld and McNair 1988, calcite white are in the Shosoin, the eighth-century It , rewarded by was then used by small and valuable became the common white A DATABASE OF PIGMENTS pigment for reasons that have not been explored, perhaps because and it was cheaper easier to produce. Lead white occurs on Gallery, dating a number of pre-ukiyo-e Japanese paintings in the Freer from the thirteenth through the fourteenth century (Winter found on only nine of the ukiyo-e paintings under investigation (1756-1829) or in his style, TABLE 2. Hosoda Eishi (1756- -1829), style of F1898.117 Hosoda Eishi, style of F1906.ll Hosoda Eishi, style F19575 I F1957.6 [ called Dutch as the of losoda lishi F1957.7 Hosoda F1903.125 Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) Eishi F1903.274 Katsushika F1906.233 Katsushika Hokusai lokusai (orSori I dominant white pigment process, the Hosoda Eishi (table 2). losoda Fishi These occurrences indicate that lead white was it is LEAD WHITE ON UKIYO-E PAINTINGS F1898.93 white replaced here, six by and three by Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) 1981). It common still III) occasionally in use after shell in the seventeenth century. In the so- method used preparation in the West, lead was exposed to acetic acid vapors from vinegar (Gettens, Kiihn, and Chase 1993). This method was well established in Japan The earliest literary reference to lead b.c.e. text, metal 300 ( in the late nineteenth century Takamatsu 1878 ). ( pigments in China, fourth-century in a appears to discuss the manufacture of lead white and red lead from the (Needham B.C.E., Needham 1976, 103). The Dutch process was described in China as early as but the early use there of lead white, as in Japan, was as a cosmetic 1976, 15, 16 ), and the first date of its use as a pigment used extensively on fifth-century wall paintings at the is not known. Tiantishan Grottoes ( It was Zhou, Zhang, and Cheng 1997). Lead white appears to be one of the painters' pigments described in a fifth-century Chinese from lead and vinegar and Pak 1928) The few and in poem ( Schafer 1956 China was described in the seventeenth century identifications of lead white ). The making of lead white in the late sixteenth ( Read on Chinese works include tenth- eleventh-century Song-dynasty (960-1279) wall paintings in the Dunhuang century (Sung 1966, 256). (Gettens, Kiihn, and Chase 1993). It was also Mogao to caves at found on several tenth- to sixteenth-century Chinese paintings in the Freer Gallery and on Korean paint- ings of the fourteenth to the fifteenth century (Winter 1981). Other kinds of "lead white" include a basic lead chloride that has been found on 7 ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH some Japanese works of ( including objects from the eighth-century Shosoin art, Naruse 1996) and a number of twelfth- Gallery (Winter 1981 ings, five ). Of to fifteenth-century paintings in the Freer the nine lead white occurrences on these ukiyo-e paint- were confirmed as lead white by x-ray diffraction. The possibility that basic lead chloride might be present on the other four paintings has not been investigated. RED PIGMENTS Vermilion, shu or shin-sha, red mercuric sulfide, a-HgS, appears on the paintings as a bright clear red. The former term mineral cinnabar, which ground is to generally refers to vermilion and the latter to produce the pigment. The synthetic form of vermilion can be prepared by two methods, the dry process and the wet process (Gettens, Feller, and Chase 1993). Dry-process vermilion cury and sulfur together to form black mercuric is sulfide, made by which heating mer- in turn heated, is causing the red mercuric sulfide to form by sublimation. This dry-process vermilion is ground to produce the pigment and is identical in microscopic appearance to ground mineral cinnabar. Either dry-process or natural vermilion was used on these paintings throughout the ukiyo-e period. Wet-process vermilion prepared by heating black mercuric sulfide is tion of ammonium or potassium sulfide, yielding a product of fine typical of a chemically precipitated material. In the We have in Germany in China or Japan. Wet-process vermilion In the common process 1993 133 ). ). and in 1687. that vermilion is use by the fourteenth century; it Interestingly, first B.C.E. it and McNair was ever made in this size, used way and was in ( Gettens, Feller, and Chase has been referred to as the "Chinese method" in the West Li 1948, ( in the fifth century B.C.E., of mercury from cinnabar there was described as early as the third cen- sulfur 1976, 4). More than one author says was known 1988, 5). to the Chinese in antiquity The manufacture late-sixteenth-century China ( that the process of heating ( Sung 1966, 280; of dry-process vermilion Read and Pak 1928 ). The process was China by the seventeenth century, and the pigment was imported the first has been suggested that knowledge of the probable reference to vermilion in China was (Needham mercury with was in the eighth century may have been transmitted to the West from China The this process not found on these paintings. West dry-process vermilion was known distillation tury no evidence West in a solu- and uniform Edo period (Oguchi 1969). Numerous authors Silbergeld was described in well developed in into Japan during say that the best vermilion was imported into Japan from China, and high-quality Chinese vermilion was exported to England in the second half of the eighteenth century (Harley 2001, In Japan production of dry-process vermilion monopoly 8 in 1609 (Gettens, Feller, and Chase is known 1993). to have 127). begun under a Tajima (1903) refers to the PIGMENTS A DATABASE OF preparation of vermilion by roasting mercury and sulfur, and Anderson artificial by "rubbing together yellow sulfur (1886) noted that vermilion could be prepared with mercury." Takamatsu and eral Japan whereby native cinnabar later in which ( in turn method used 1878) describes the preparation is in China heated to obtain metallic mercury, heated with sulfur to produce vermilion by sublimation. The min- is was sometimes pure enough to be ground and used as a pigment. The less pure mineral cinnabar was used as a source of mercury for dry-process preparation of the pigment (Sung 1966, 280). Mineral cinnabar occurs in Japan in Yamato Province (Takamatsu are deposits of cinnabar 4000 There throughout China, with particularly rich deposits occur- pigment ring in the south (Golas 1999, 139). Cinnabar was found as a least as early as 1878). b.c.e. in in graves at China Wang and Wang 1999 ). ( Vermilion was used as a pigment in Japan from the eighth century on Yamasaki ( and Emoto 1979). was It common in use on these paintings during the whole of the ukiyo-e period. The vermilion was sampled from the painting proper, not from the Red seals. Pb,04 appears on the paintings lead, entan or tan, artificial lead tetroxide, as a bright orange-red, or sometimes tallographically to the mineral was ever used as a pigment , a dull orange. minium. There is It is similar chemically no evidence Red lead in Japan or elsewhere. and crys- that the mineral itself made is in two ways: by heating lead white, or by heating metallic lead in a two-step process, in which case compound litharge (PbO) is an intermediate product (FitzHugh 1986). An eighth-century Japanese document describes the heating of "black lead" to prothe yellow duce "red lead," evidently a reference to the second method; red lead powder from the eighth-century Shosoin has a high litharge content, and that this indicates that method use of this it it has been suggested was prepared by the two-step process Yamasaki 1959 ). The ( in the nineteenth century in Izumi Province in Japan was described by Takamatsu (1878). The preparation of red lead from century in China (Needham 1976, known from ties, It the Han lead appears to have been 103). A C.E. ) ( paper and The silk ( earliest FitzHugh 1986 known as early as the fourth Li 1983 ) but was less century at came from China. the Mogao caves at common on Chinese paintings on ). use of red lead pigment in Japan century wall paintings of the Horyuji temple it is (Schafer 1956). Several authori- including Conder ( 1911 ), have suggested that the best red lead was used on wall paintings in the fourth definite description of the process period (206 B.C.E.-220 Dunhuang Hsu, Chou, and and known in is on the late-seventh- Nara (Yamasaki and Emoto 1979 has been in continuous use in Japan since that date. It ), was used throughout 9 ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH the ukyio-e period, as represented by the paintings in this series. The darkening of red lead observed possible causes. Black lead oxide can on some of these ukiyo-e paintings has two form upon exposure to or black lead sulfide air, can form due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide or adjacent sulfur-containing pigments. The deliberate alteration of red lead to prints has been described (Walsh, Berrie, nomenon One is or known different periods is it is some Japanese no 1998), but similar phe- the a pink or purplish-pink color term referring Three types of red dye could have been available red dyes and purpurin on common term used during the Edo period for an organic also used as a general to various colorants at — any crimson or purplish-crimson dye used The first of these alizarin gray in in the paintings. these paintings. Enji 1969). and Palmer more organic red pigments supplied red pigment, but a silver is in painting ( Oguchi Japan during this period. in madder. Western madder, Rubia tinctorum as coloring constituents, while Japanese L., contains madder, Rubia akane Nakai, contains purpurin alone Schweppe and Winter 1997 ). Alizarin, the main con( stituent of Western madder, was Needham 1986, 263 ( ) there China available in western a fourth- to fifth-century Chinese reference to madder, is which he suggests was Rubia synthesized in the West in 1868. According to first Tibetan madder, which cordifolia, in the twentieth The second group of organic red anthraquinone derivatives from the principal et al. 1939). colorants that might have been used includes scale insects. pared from two different species of scale is century (Sewell known to have been is Two of these are carmine pigments, pre- insects, kermes and cochineal. Kermesic acid component of kermes carmine; carminic acid is that of cochineal carmine. Kermes was the source of carmine in the Eastern Hemisphere and cochineal Western Hemisphere (Schweppe and Roosen-Runge 1986 in the indicates that cochineal was known The other red anthraquinone Laccifer lacca, the principal the material found by the scale insect of stick bility ( on derivative is and was known The lac was known to have in dye from the Indian scale insect are several laccaic acids. Stick lac, a mixture of the dye with a hard resin the eighth-century Shosoin China 1986). ( produced The presence of a specimen Asahina 1955 suggests the possi) at that date. in the early fourth Documentary evidence century Laufer ( 1919, 475) been imported into China from Southeast Asia during the Tang period (618-907) (Schafer 1957). third red organic colorant that safflower red, beni, which derives tinctorius L., Japanese benibana. to is Schweppe and Roosen-Runge lac, shiko, in Literary evidence ( components of which the tree, ). by 1800 FitzHugh 1979 ). of its use as a pigment in Japan beginning indicates that lac is in Japan might have been available from the The to ukiyo-e artists petals of the safflower, chief red constituent is Carthamus carthamic acid or PIGMENTS A DATABASE OF carthamin. It was known purpose were described this mentioned 327) and illustrated in a (Needham (Sung 1966, in the late China in fourth-century and was to 1108 76), Chinese 1986, 285). and dye in Japan, where as a textile nineteenth century Takamatsu 1878). ( as a source of red for cosmetics treatise as a al. 1939 China it was Feller, has yet to be established. A firmly characterized. Curran, and Bailie 1984). Its late-seventeenth-century Japanese scroll has been On five a nineteenth- name s pigment as enji on a shown by reflectance spectroscopy to be an anthraquinone, either laccaic or carminic acid fiber-optics reflectance spectroscopy on use as a painter reddish-purple colorant identified by (Taguchi and Taguchi 1977). used as a dye still Safflower red has been tentatively identified by spectral reflectance ( was ). Few organic red pigments on Japanese paintings have been century Japanese print It Laufer 1919, dye in seventeenth-century China in twentieth-century western for cosmetics (Sewell et ( on pharmaceutical natural history dated was described It preparation and use for its — that is, lac dye or carmine Edo-period paintings in the Freer Gallery, showed the use of an anthraquinone colorant; three works contained carminic acid, identified by high-performance liquid chro- matography, indicating the source to be cochineal carmine ( Winter, Giaccai, and Leona 2003). The red earth and brown earth pigments are related in composition. are here considered together, since they The coloring agents of both complex mixtures with quartz, calcite, clay are various iron oxides in minerals, and other materials ( Helwig, forthcoming). The term shido refers to red iron oxide in general, taisha designates the natural mineral, and bengara the artificial material shido literally The more recently means "purple colors supplied refers to the natural material in ancient ( times and Oguchi 1969 ). Yamasaki 1959 points out ( ) that earth." by the red earth pigments on these paintings can vary from dark brown or maroon to dark red, reddish-brown, or orange. The red mineral hematite, the anhydrous iron oxide, a-Fe 2 found ings. brown earth pigments that appear as supplies their color. Hematite brown or yellow-brown on Other iron oxides, in addition to hematite, are undoubtedly present earths. and in Ov The hydrated lepidocrocite, (Roberts, Rapp, and Weber in the is brown HFe0 2 1974). Goethite can various shades of reddish or yellowish-brown and in the yellow form the color of yellow earth, while lepidocrocite also the paint- iron oxides, generally termed limonite, include goethite, y-FeO(OH) is is , be the source of deep red to reddish-brown. The pres- ence of these hydrated iron oxides can be assumed in the brown earths on these paintings, and they may also occur, with hematite, in the red earths. Other iron compounds can be present (Helwig, forthcoming) and might occur in these pigments. Red and brown earth pigments were known early worldwide, even before their use ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH China use of red earth in Paleolithic cave paintings (Helwig, forthcoming). In ments also known as early as the periods in China at all and is Li 1983 ). — Paleolithic for example, at the The red clay found there was minerals such as kaolin to eighth-century ( Wang 1986 ). ( pig- Needham 1976, 3 They have been used ). Mogao caves at Dunhuang natural hematite with quartz, ( fisti, talc, Chou, and Red, brown, and yellow earths were used in Korea (Winter 1989 ). Hematite clay fifth - the most abundant of Chinese iron is ore minerals, and limonite was also an important ore (Golas 1999, 163), so the necessary materials were readily available for pigments. In Japan earth pigments were known ( before the third century b.c.e. and have been used Yamasaki and Emoto 1979). Red earth (Geerts 1883, 390 A Red and brown earths ). number of artificial found is are at all periods since then number of at a common on these locations in Japan ukiyo-e paintings. iron oxides, prepared by various methods, are the West. Heating one type of iron oxide to create another is common; known in yellow earth can thus be converted to a red or brown earth. Heating ferrous sulfate by different methods can produce the artificial red oxide, and also possible to it is produce iron oxide by oxidizing metallic iron in various ways Helwig, forthcoming). Artificial iron ( oxides are in known According to Oguchi (1969 they in East Asia. documentary evidence indicating (1998) discuss the made in scraps. the Edo period by two methods, were prepared Kitano and Koezuka sulfate. that synthetic iron oxide roasting iron sulfate fact that they were available from iron mines oxides are generally more uniform than (Wang was and heating iron Chinese documents also refer to two sources: preparation from iron and the ties, first ) Japan in the early eighteenth century by heating iron sulfate, 1986). Synthetic iron the natural earths, with no mineral impuri- but the two cannot be distinguished by polarized-light microscopy (Helwig, forthcoming). attempt was No obvious made to artificial confirm this iron oxides appear Rarely, a purple color can be supplied that a purple iron oxide tenth century. Geerts ( several locations in Japan. 392 ) paintings, but no by an iron oxide. Akiyama (1964) reports pigment was known 1883, on these by noting the presence or absence of impurities. in Japan as early as the eighth to the notes that a purple clay used in painting occurs at A purple color was identified as a hematite-containing pig- ment on two of these ukiyo-e paintings: on F1898.104, mixed with shell white, and on F1903.132 (plate 2). YELLOW PIGMENTS Orpiment, that is sekid, is ground the yellow arsenic sulfide, As 2 S 3 a naturally occurring mineral , to produce the pigment. grind finely and contributes to The term 12 shid is a general its Its glittery word micaceous character makes it difficult to appearance on the painting. for a yellow color, and the material to which it A DATABASE OF PIGMENTS was an early designation for orpiment, but referred changed over the came be used for gamboge by the seventeenth century Winter 1997). Orpiment to years. Shid ( has been said to be a standard painting material in Japan 1969), although writers lists it seem Anderson (1886) stated that been unaware of to have its it use, (Uyemura painters." Some not mentioned in many was "rarely used by because it is Oguchi 1931; of traditional Japanese pigments. Realgar, yud, a red to orange arsenic sulfide, As 4 S 4 that occurs with orpiment, has , had limited but persistent use as a pigment in the China and central wall paintings in western West and has been Asia, but not identified on on paintings on paper or Japan or China. Other arsenic sulfides, ranging in color from yellow, to red- silk in dish-orange, to orange-brown, have been identified as pigments in the West ( FitzHugh 1997), but they have yet to be found on paintings Orpiment as a pigment was mentioned century Schafer 1955 ( (Geerts 1878, 176; (Palache, ). The mineral Morimoto known from is in East Asia. in Japanese sources as early as the tenth a number of locations most commonly 1954), occurring there Berman, and Frondel 1944; Noguchi and Nakagawa Both orpiment and realgar are more widely available named early in Chinese sources, as the fourth century b.c.e., when is found Orpiment and 6). by the second century hot springs China than in mining of in the fourth in Japan in and possibly b.c.e. Hunan realgar were as early they were important in Chinese medicine and were used to create gold-colored arsenical bronze (Needham 1974, 223). The tion of the Japan 1970). (Geerts 1878, 175), and the worlds largest deposit of realgar Province in China (Silbergeld and McNair 1988, at in realgar in China, and thus presumably first men- also of orpiment, was century Golas 1999, 176). There was no direct mention of their use as ( pigments, although Schafer (1955) suggests that orpiment was in use as a pigment by the fifth to sixth ings (Wise century. In the nineteenth century and Wise 1998) and exported it to England, was used on Chinese paint- where it was sold as Chinese yellow (Harley 2001, 94). Artificial orpiment is made by two have been applied to cess from its processes. The terms dry process and wet pro- manufacture (Wallert 1984). Documentary evidence 1837 appears to indicate that sekio was grinding mineral orpiment, and that the made artificial in Japan in the Edo period by material was made by dry and wet methods learned from the Dutch Kitano and Koezuka 2000 ). Wet-process orpiment ( produced by precipitation methods from solution does not appear to have been used as a pigment FitzHugh 1997 ). ( The dry-process material is pound, usually arsenic dioxide, prepared by heating sulfur with an arsenic comto produce the pigment by sublimation. Takamatsu (1878) described the use of the dry process in Japan as the burning of "arsenical 13 . ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH stones" with sulfur to produce the yellow arsenic sulfide. In addition the natural mineral can be sublimed to get a more uniform product, a process described in the eighteenth alchemists may have known how to make mation of the mineral (Sung 1966, Europe century (FitzHugh 1997). Schafer (1955) suggests that Chinese realgar artificially, using native realgar as by sublimation. The preparation of realgar by a starting material, evidently ual in subli- described in a seventeenth-century Chinese painting is man- 212). not possible to differentiate objectively between mineral orpiment and the It is dry-process material. However, the natural mineral, as seen by polarized-light microscopy, includes both large and small particles, while the dry-process material tends to be more uniform in size. The orpiment from great variety in particle size; therefore, Orpiment has not been On Gallery. identified these paintings it ( F1902.250 ) being 3. low to ) table 3 ) ORPIMENT ON UKIYO-E PAINTINGS Okumura Masanobu Katsukawa Shuncho F1905.271 Katsukawa Shunsho (1726-1792) F1905.309 Katsukawa Shunsho (1726-1792) F1898.433 Tsukioka Settei F1898.419 Hokuun, early 19th F1899.18 Katsukawa Shun'ei (1762-1819) F1898.423 Katsukawa Shunko 1734-1827) F1898.431 Sori F1898.94 Utagawa Toyohiro F1903.245 Shumman (19th c), style of F1904.35 Shumman ( ( (1686-1764) (late 18th c.) 1710-1786 ), dated 1776 c. ( III (fl. late i8th-early 19th c), style of 19th c. ( ), d. 1829), style style of 24 paintings Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) F1898.108 Shigemasa its II color mainly ( of Fdo period, 1615-1868) from the mineral goethite, a hydrated Helwig, forthcoming), the earthy varieties of which can be yel- brownish-yellow (Roberts, Rapp, and Weber 1974). Brownish-yellow docrocite 391 ( F1903.132 ( in the Freer eighteenth century, the F1902.250 Yellow earth, odo, derives HFeO, artists also active in the Okumura Masanobu TABLE iron oxide, almost certainly the natural mineral. is on any non-ukiyo-e Japanese works was used most widely in nineteenth-century works, notably by Hokusai, and by some earliest it these ukiyo-e paintings shows may also be present. Yellow earths are found widely in and were used there as Japan Geerts ( lepi1883, pigments rarely but consistently from the sixth century A on (Yamasaki and Emoto DATABASE OF PIGMENTS which were of widely scattered paintings as early as the fifth The organic yellow on is sometimes They were found on only 1979). China yellow earths were used on wall dates. In century (Pique 1997). these paintings called shid, the general is probably gamboge, to-o or gambdji; term for yellow. Gamboge low vegetable pigment, obtained from and Southeast of these paintings, six trees of the Asia; the resinous portion is of the yellow color (Winter 1997). Schafer is a genus Garcinia throughout South the major component and (1981, 213) states that the source is was imported into it China from Southeast Asia during the Tang dynasty. Several authors report was imported into Japan from China Conder ( low, assumed to be gamboge, was widely used it gum resin, a yel- 1911; Takamatsu in Japan 1878 ). that it An organic yel- from the eighth century on (Yamasaki and Emoto 1979). Few firm identifications of gamboge have been made on Japanese paintings. It has been identified by reflectance spectroscopy on a late-seventeenth-century scroll ( Taguchi and Taguchi 1977 ), and by thin-layer chro- matography on four ukiyo-e paintings and F1957.2 (Winter 1987). in this series: F1898.420, F1903.208, F1905.234, On the remainder of these paintings acterized as an organic yellow colorant; it it can only be char- was used throughout the ukiyo-e period. GREEN PIGMENTS Malachite, rokiisho, It is the common is artists Cu( OH . ) 2 . green pigment of Japan and has been used there continuously from the seventh century by ukiyo-e CuC0 3 the green basic copper carbonate mineral, to the present day ( Yamasaki and Emoto 1979 ). throughout the period. The mineral is It was used crushed and ground, then washed, levigated, and sieved to produce the pigment. Grades of the pigment were produced by varying degrees of grinding, the more finely ground material being lighter in color. Malachite 62). is found widely China in in secondary copper ore deposits Golas 1999, ( Because of their colors, both malachite and azurite were easily recognizable, and they were the two most important early copper ores (Golas 1999, 225). Chinese alchemical text from the malachite (Needham good-quality malachite (Geerts Malachite is common on FitzHugh 1993b ), where the at the Mogao caves at is fourth to early third century earliest no evidence b.c.e. known in a includes to supply from Central Asia (Gettens and use appears to have been in the third century ( silk were list 1883, 630). wall paintings Dunhuang Hsu, Chou, and on paintings on paper and There late 1976, 15). Several localities in Japan A Li 1983 ). It c.E. has yet to be identified from China proper. that green verditer, the artificially was ever used on Japanese paintings. In the paintings made form of malachite, under investigation here, ' 5 ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH there was unusual one occurrence mixed with artificial center, has been identified on 1988). This green has not world it is only barite in a retouched area (F1902.229). malachite, characterized by curious, by x-ray diffraction typical malachite An particles with a white wood sculpture (Larson in East Asia. Elsewhere in the fifteenth-century Italian tempera paintings. A green, copper-containing pigment from identified Chinese a twelfth-century been reported on paintings known on rounded as malachite, a few of these ukiyo-e paintings but it was did not have the appearance of by polarized-light microscopy. The particles are more rounded than one would expect of mineral malachite that has been ground, but they are not the typical spherulitic particles of artificial malachite. Further investigation show that this material Copper greens malachite. is material. refer here to green, copper-containing colorants that are not Many of them granular malachite ( plate shown some other kind of artificial appear on 3 ) . first examination of the painting to be a coarse Sometimes they have a yellow tone. Detailed study has these pigments to be various materials other than malachite. A number of these greens were atacamite or paratacamite, two dimorphic basic copper chlorides with the composition Cu 2 Cl( OH ) v Recent research has the mineral phase generally identified as paratacamite should termed clinoatacamite (Scott 2000). These compounds occur and may are also found as corrosion more shown that correctly be in nature as minerals products on bronze and copper. Most of these basic copper chloride greens are extremely finely divided material with every appearance of being ent. artificially Anderson ( prepared (plate 4). In addition, 1886) has described a "dull green tute for malachite in Japan, quartz and calcite are often pres- powder" which he suggested was that was sold as a substi- a copper oxychloride. Thus it appears that atacamite and paratacamite pigments might have been available there in the nineteenth century. known to have been used may sometimes be alteration products Atacamite and other basic copper chlorides are pigments in the West, although they as of other copper-containing pigments (Scott 2000). Atacamite has been identified on early Chinese wall paintings per chloride, although not ( Duang et al. 1987; common, is Hsu, Chou, and Li 1983), and a cop- reported on some nineteenth-century Chinese paintings (Wise and Wise 1998). In Japan atacamite has been found on eighth-century objects in the Shosoin (Naruse 1996). Other copper greens found on these paintings are complex mixtures that have yet to be classified. Quartz and sometimes glassy particles are seen. camite), when Green present, are calcite are often present, and occasionally particles of atacamite or paratacamite (clinoata- sometimes brownish in tone and do not have the finely divided appearance noted above. These types of green mixtures have been found as 16 ) ) ) ) - ) ) DATABASE OF PIGMENTS A retouch on two seventeenth-century paintings: on a hanging scroll (F1898.122) the only green and is found yellow-green in color and in several areas; is ( F1905.17, one of a pair) it is possible that a few of these copper greens are glass-matrix pigments. These It is Yamasaki and Emoto ( 1979). the addition of suitable metal oxides ( a screen used in widely scattered locations. pigments, called shin iwaenogu, were not in 1868 on it is which appears F1966.35), made in Japan They ( are before the Meiji restoration composed of a Oguchi 1969 ). to be in a retouched area, glassy all dating after the him or attributed to colored by A green pigment on one screen may be one of these pigments. These copper greens are found on forty-seven ukiyo-e paintings lection, frit, in the Freer col- seventeenth century, twenty-three being by Hokusai late (table 4). TABLE 4. COPPER GREENS ON UKIYO-E PAINTINGS 18TH-19TH CENTURY 17TH CENTURY F1905.17 anon. (1624-44) (retouch) F1898.94 Utagawa Toyohiro F1966.35 anon. ( early 17th F1898.419 Hokuun F1898.427 Utagawa Toyonobu c. ) ( retouch style I7TH-18TH CENTURY Kiyonobu (1664-1729) F1898.14 Torii F1898.122 Hishikawa Morofusa I ( fl. ca. 1688-97 (retouch) F1903.68 anon. (Kambun era, 1661-73) F1903.131 anon. (Kambun era, 1661-73) F1903.134 Miyagawa Choshun (1682-1752), style ( ( early 19th d. 1829 c. (late 18th c), of Kiyonaga (1752-1815) F1902.101 Torii F1905.312 Toshinaga early 19th F1906.11 Mosoda 23 paintings Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) ( Eishi ( c. 1756-1829 ), style of 19TH CENTURY of 5 paintings EDO period (1615-1868) 18TH CENTURY F1898.424 Tsunemasa (fl. 1730-80) F1900.112 anon. ( 18th c. ( F1904.195 Ishikawa Toyonobu (1711-1785) ) 3 paintings retouch Careful examination indicates that most of these copper greens are part of the original paint. Their use as repaint in the examples cited does not seem to be In addition to problems of identification, there these copper greens. and also to The term verdigris has emerald green (Geerts is confusion in the naming of been applied to malachite Oguchi 1969) 1883, 632), so ( no exact designation can be assumed by the use of the term. Verdigris, an entirely different material, acetate of varying composition *993)- The preparation of typical. and was known in the artificial verdigris in West from is an artificial copper Roman times Kuhn ( nineteenth- and early- twentieth 17 ) ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH century Japan, by application of vinegar to copper, has been described by several authors (Anderson 1886; Conder is 1911; Tajima 1903). Takamatsu (1878) remarks that it "not an important pigment, scarcely used in painting." Yii Feian states that verdi- was one of China's gris earliest Oguchi (1969) mentions refers to a invented pigments ( Silbergeld and McNair 1988, 9 ), and use in China in the Tang dynasty. its Needham Chinese text of uncertain date and provenance that describes the prepara- tion of green and blue pigments from copper, but it is not clear what they might be. found on the ukiyo-e paintings here under discussion. Verdigris has not been Emerald green, copper aceto-arsenite,3Cu(As02)2.Cu(CH3C02)2, pigment first produced and Bayard (Fiedler (1976, 244) in Germany 1997). is a synthetic decade of the nineteenth century in the first appears on a single nineteenth-century painting by It Hiroshige F1898.123 ). Emerald green was probably introduced into Japan by the Dutch. ( evident that a variety of It is artificial copper greens were available to China and Japan, but because of confusion naming and in artists in the need for further ana- confirmation, few definite conclusions can be drawn at this time. lytical BLUE PIGMENTS Azurite, gunjo, is with malachite the pigment is and FitzHugh finely divided (Gettens paintings reflects these grades; and sometimes and the present day It a pale blue. is a ) 2. As prepared from the ground mineral. The grades of the pigment are determined by the amount of grinding, the more 2CuC0 3 .Cu(OH the blue basic copper carbonate mineral, it is 1993a). The lighter color being the color of azurite on these a usually a bright blue, occasionally a dark blue, Azurite was used in Japan from the seventh century to common blue pigment in Japan Yamasaki and ( Emoto 1979 ). was used throughout the ukiyo-e period, but on these paintings the most widely used blue to Japan, says it is indigo. Azurite occurs with malachite, but less abundantly. where a number of localities are known Geerts ( was discovered in Settsu Province in 104 C.E. Kozuke Province was presented to the empress China azurite and malachite were important A 1883, 638 ) . It is Anderson native ( 1886 specimen of azurite from in 714 C.E. (Takamatsu 1878). In early copper ores (Golas 1999, 225). Azurite was listed in the Chinese alchemical literature in the late fourth to early third century Mogao b.c.e. ( Needham caves at Dunhuang Blue verditer, the to date has not 1976, 15 ). It was identified rich glass, colored blue an Chou, and Li 1983). form of azurite, was not found on these paintings and been reported on works from East is wall paintings at the as early as the fourth century (Hsu, artificial Smalt, hana-konjo, on Chinese artificially Asia. made pigment, a coarsely ground, potassium- by the incorporation of cobalt oxide during manufacture. On these paintings it is usually a gray-blue, or occasionally a bright blue, often with 18 PIGMENTS A DATABASE OF a granular, glittering appearance. on paper or silk in East The earlier example of the use of smalt on works Asia appears to be on a sixteenth- to early-seventeenth- century Japanese print in the Fogg been found earliest than the Museum of Art (Magurn 1942). Smalt has not seventeenth century on these paintings, nor on any late other East Asian paintings in the Freer Gallery, but ukiyo-e artists, as the paintings here under discussion, used late widely in the it represented by seventeenth to eigh- teenth century, and consistently but less often in the nineteenth century (table TABLE SMALT ON UKIYO-E PAINTINGS 5. late 17TH- early i8th century 13 18TH century 19 paintings 18TH-19TH CENTURY 11 paintings paintings 19TH CENTURY 4 paintings Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) 6 paintings EDO period 7 paintings (1615-1868) Smalt was long thought to be a sixteenth-century European invention, but we know of isolated, earlier occurrences on tion that it 5). might have an Asian origin. now the Asian mainland, leading to the speculaIt has been identified on a seventh-century, Tang-dynasty, cast-iron head (Larson 1988), on eleventh-century wall paintings Kara Khoto in at Mongolia (Gettens and Stout 1966), and on fourteenth-century wall paintings in a Byzantine church in Istanbul (Muhlethaler and Thissen L993). Uyemura (1931) reports that a blue glass pigment made substitute for ultramarine in Japan, but writers make no mention of smalt, with on in China was used traditional Japanese two exceptions. Takamatsu as a pigments (1878) describes its preparation by "fusing crude oxide of cobalt with a mixture of clay and alkalies." Oguchi 1969 ( ) says that an artificial, bluish glass was introduced into Japan in the mid-seventeenth-century date, The cobalt oxide used to Kyoho era ( pigment colored with cobalt oxide 1716-35 ), although make smalt was prepared by such as cobaltite or smaltite. Cobalt minerals are found according to Geerts ( 1883, 561 ) it was cheaper that the acquisition of these cobalt minerals smalt was made because was cheaper, and Geerts it in Japan. this is later than the when smalt was first used on these ukiyo-e paintings. Takamatsu ( ( 1878 1883, ) to roasting cobalt minerals in China and Japan, but import them from Europe. The fact was mentioned supports the idea that notes that foreign smalt was largely used 569 ) mentions that a blue glass pigment was imported by the Dutch. Indigo, it ai, an organic colorant, varies from bright to dull blue on the paintings; can appear as greenish-blue otin (Ci6H 10 O 2 N 2 ), which is when thinly applied. are the most important. Polygonum Asia. was the early source of blue dye It The blue constituent is indig- obtained from several species of plants, three of which tinctorium, dyer's knotweed, in China (Needham is indigenous to 1986, 158). It is known 19 . ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH to grow Japan and was reported there in the in 1878). Indigofera tinctoria originates in India best-known source; was known it Isatis tinctoria, dyer's in China woad, originated nineteenth century (Takamatsu late and elsewhere Tang period Needham in the is the is the 1986, 158 ) ( Europe but was introduced elsewhere. in (Needham evidently did not reach China until the sixteenth century Indigo South Asia and in It 1986, 158). common blue on these paintings; it is not known which plant or plants were the source of the pigment. Indigo was used in Japan objects in the Shosoin reflectance ( the eighth century, as at least as early as Yamasaki and Emoto 1979). on nineteenth-century Japanese prints It was characterized by spectral Curran, and Bailie 1984) and Feller, ( known from is on a late-seventeenth-century scroll by reflectance spectroscopy Taguchi and Taguchi ( 1977 ). It has been identified by fiber-optics reflectance spectroscopy on over one hun- dred eighteenth- to nineteenth-century paintings in the Freer Gallery, in some cases confirming identifications reported here (Winter, Giaccai, and Leona 2003). Indigo cultivation, preparation, and use as a dye has been described in century China, and ( Sung 370 ). 1966, 78 ). Its it was known there at least as early as the third century use as a cosmetic was reported in the Tang period ( fifthB.C.E. Laufer 1919, Indigo was cultivated in southwest China, but competition from imported syn- thetic indigo caused a (Sewell et al. marked decrease in cultivation 1939). In the nineteenth century the best between artificial Germany material in the late nineteenth century would not be expected is an 1878). Indigo was Documentary evidence 1997), so the pigment, ferric ferro- last half It was indicates that made in Germany was known in Japan, first it of the eighteenth century and that increasingly available after the 1820s (Smith, in press). Prussian blue by Dutch and Chinese traders and appears never Japan. It is not mentioned in lists (Feller, identifications to have it was was imported been manufactured in of traditional Japanese pigments. The use of Prussian blue on Japanese evidence first (Schweppe artificial cyanide, with the basic formula Fe 4 (Fe(CN)6) 3 .xH 2 0. although not widely used, by the 1930s here. Prussian blue, hero, bero-ai, or heroin, in 1704 (Berrie 1997). and the kind of indigo for painting was said to be imported into Japan from China (Takamatsu synthesized in 1875 prints is Curran, and Bailie 1984; Smith, well known from documentary in press). The only published on Chinese paintings have been on four ninteenth-century paintings in the Freer (Giaccai and Winter, in press). Until the work herein presented, no occurrences had been reported on Japanese paintings. Recent studies at the Freer Gallery by UV-visible reflectance spectroscopy have expanded and confirmed our knowledge of the use of Prussian blue on many of these paintings Winter 2001; Winter, Giaccai, and Leona 2003 ). 20 ( Leona and ) PIGMENTS A DATABASE OF Prussian blue was used ings by Hokusai, It One work (F1898. 429) by Miyagawa Choshun paintings. for the time retouch, on ten nineteenth-century paintings, and on twenty paint- and on one anonymous Edo painting. also occurs on four earlier (1682-1752) seems too early frame suggested by Smith. The Prussian blue here does not appear to be and presence suggests that they might be of a later date. Three paintings its by Hosoda Eishi (1756-1829), or make other paintings On definitely retouch. in his style, fit better into Smith's time limit. Three use of a mixture of Prussian blue with kaolin, which is almost a pair of screens (F1907.126-.127), dated only to the Edo period, this mixture was applied over a mixture of artificial ultramarine and smalt. Since ultramarine is found only on later-nineteenth-century ukiyo-e paintings, presence suggests a late is retouch. this On its ukiyo-e date, and that the mixture of kaolin and Prussian blue another much-damaged seventeenth-century painting (F1905.96), same mixture is used in what is almost certainly a retouched area. Table 6 sum- marizes the occurrences of Prussian blue on these ukiyo-e works. TABLE 6. PRUSSIAN BLUE ON UKIYO-E PAINTINGS MID-18TH CENTURY? Miyagawa Choshun (1682-1752) F1898.429 F1903.145 Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858) F1903.146 Ando Hiroshige F1904.357 Ando Hiroshige F1906.46 Numata Gessai F1976.41 Hokuga (early 19th c.) F1977.24 Hokutei Joren LATE 18TH-19TH CENTURY Hosoda F1905.294 F1906.11 Hosoda Eishi, style of Fi957-7 Hosoda Eishi 20 paintings Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) anon. F1903.135 F1898.8 Gakutei Harunobu, 19th F1898.124 Hiroshige II F1898.125 Hiroshige II F1903.IO6 Hiroshige II ( 1800-1868) Edo period, 1615-1868) natural form is F1905.96 anon, (late 17th c.) F1907.126-I27 anon. ( the aluminum silicate that (Plesters 1993). Artificial ultramarine is On one of them Edo period, 1615 - 1868 powdered blue mineral lazurite, a sulis the blue constituent of the rock lapis ultramarine of the same composition was in this series (table 7). (ca. RETOUCH, MIXED WITH KAOLIN c (1826-1869) ruri, in its fur-containing sodium lazuli. Artificial i9th-20th c EDO PERIOD 19TH CENTURY Ultramarine, (fl. Eishi (1756-1829), style of found on six first made in France in 1828 nineteenth-century paintings (F1907.127), dated to the Edo period, it was mixed with smalt, as described above. No ultramarine, artificial or natural, has been found on any other Japanese works marine name in Japan is not known; for azurite, gtmjo, is it in the Freer Gallery. The source of artificial ultra- was probably imported by the Dutch. The Japanese sometimes used for ultramarine. 21 ) ) ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH TABLE 7. ULTRAMARINE ON UKIYO-E PAINTINGS F1899.17 Hiroshigell ( F1900.II4 Hokuga half 19th ( 1st 1826-1869), style of c. F1903.IO6 Hiroshige F1903.145 Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858) F1903.146 Ando Hiroshige F1907.127 anon. ( II Edo period, 1615-1868 mixed with smalt Lapis lazuli mines in art until 1993 ). The Badakshan discovery in the nineteenth century in Siberia near Lake Baikal existence was known century Chinese traveler of Anderson ( 1886 in China, as evidenced occurrence in Afghanistan (Laufer its ( Plesters by the report of a thirteenth1919, 520). evidently referring to the natural material, says that lapis lazuli was ), used rarely by Chinese because of artists used early on wall paintings tury, 1883, 475). Afghanistan were the only source of lapis lazuli for Western as well as Asian its Its not found in China or Japan (Geerts is in its costliness. Natural ultramarine north and west China, at Yungang was in the fifth cen- and widely at the Mogao caves at Dunhuang from the fourth century on Hsu, ( Chou, and Li 1983; Wang, Guo, and Li 1995 ). BROWN PIGMENTS An organic brown the identification on colorant found methods used these paintings could not be characterized by by chemical microscopy indicate that here. Tests more than one pigment may have been in use. Work by Jennifer Giaccai, primarily by infrared spectroscopy, suggests a possible relationship to Vandyke brown but has not reached a definite conclusion (Winter, Giaccai, and Leona 2003). MICA The mineral mica, ummo or kira, has a glittery appearance on the painting, due to the platy quality of the particles of ground mineral. Mica includes a number of silicate minerals with colors or can be white or colorless on eighteenth- rences found, covite, a white mica. Muromachi period was identified Geerts 22 ( 1878, ( Mica ( ) a general Weber 1974 ). 1333-1573 said to have ) ( range of The four occur- to nineteenth-century ukiyo-e paintings, is term that this property; they exhibit a Roberts, Rapp, and come into use as a Oguchi 1969 ), although earlier in the collection 426 is a were pigment all mus- after the sample of mica powder of the eighth-century Shosoin ( Asahina 1955). reports occurrences of mica in Japan. ) A DATABASE OF PIGMENTS METAL PIGMENTS As noted above, the metal pigments on these paintings were not researched systematically. der Gold and form of metal silver in the made into paint have been used on leaf, or scattered grains or was found on the seventh- to eighth-century wall paintings tomb, and gold and silver are known on ( in the foil Takamatsuzuka paintings and objects in the eighth-century Shosoin ( Yamasaki and Emoto 1979). Loose gold and in the Shosoin pow- Japanese paintings since early times. Gold silver powder were also found Naruse 1996 ). The precious-metal pigments found on these ukiyo-e paintings were gold powder, silver and leaf, powder. In addition, some gold- silver colored areas were revealed to be a copper alloy of unidentified composition, or in some cases a copper- zinc alloy. Copper- zinc century Japanese paintings in the British 1990). Also present occasionally probably tarnished alloys have been found on eighteenth- Museum Duncan, ( on these paintings is Daniels, and Fleming black silver sulfide, which is silver. PIGMENTS USED AS REPAINT Kaolin, a white clay, hakudo, was used in Japan as early as the seventh century, particularly a on wall paintings (Yamasaki and Emoto 1979), and was found ground on a cast-iron sculpture of the Tang period (Larson replaced as the common white century (Yamasaki and Emoto of these ukiyo-e paintings, but pigment by 1979). it It shell 1988). It in China as was generally white in the fifteenth to sixteenth does not occur as a white pigment on any was found mixed with Prussian blue, probably as retouch, as noted above. Barite, a white pigment, barium sulfate, early nineteenth century ( Feller 1986 ). by Nishikawa Sukenobu 1671 - 1751 ( green floor. In a (F1907.35), retouched it at is ) , It BaS0 4 came , into use in the occurs on two paintings. it is On one West in the ( F1902.229 mixed with green verditer on the retouched retouched area on an anonymous seventeenth-century painting tinted with a yellow that may be yellow earth; this painting was an unrecorded location during conservation at the Freer Gallery in 1955. MIXTURES A number of pigment mixtures were used on these paintings. The addition of various colorants to shell white to create a lighter tone is common. Other color com- binations include blue with yellow to give green, red with blue to give purple, and mixtures of more than one red. In addition a few unusual pigment combinations were seen that have not been discussed elsewhere. 23 ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH Some mixtures of blue and yellow to give green were used to produce a differ- ent shade of blue, rather than a green. Yamasaki has suggested that the combination of indigo and yellow earth found on the tenth-century Daigo-ji wall paintings was probably intended to be a substitute for azurite, evidently to give the indigo a greenish tone nearer to that of azurite (Yamasaki and tion, used in Emoto 1979 ). This same combina- eighth-century Japan, was described as an "ultramarine blue," implying a similar aim: to produce a different shade of blue Mogi, Nakasato, and Emoto 1975 ). ( Yanagisawa ( 1985 reports that indigo was applied in several layers over yellow earth, ) as well as being mixed with on the Daigo-ji it, paintings. This observation points out the difficulty that can sometimes arise, even with careful examination, in determining whether two pigments are in two separate layers, rather than being mixed. This mixture of indigo and yellow earth was not observed on these ukiyo-e paintings. The use of mixtures of blue and yellow has been noted by a nary painting" a produce green on Japanese paintings ( 1878 ) remarked that pigment mixtures with their was cheaper. Conder it (1911), who a "transparent green." China (Sze Taguchi and Taguchi The same mixture A 1956, 584). lists a number of names, noted that combining indigo and gamboge pro( 1977) have identified a mixture of indigo and gamboge on a seventeenth-century Japanese spectroscopy. in "ordi- mixture of indigo and gamboge was used rather than mineral greens, implying perhaps that duced to number of authors. Takamatsu to create green scroll was described by reflectance at the same date in mixture of indigo and orpiment was identified in a dark green on a sixteenth- to early-seventeenth-century Japanese print (Magurn 1942), and the use of orpiment with by Japanese a blue colorant has been reported by Geerts (1878, 176 ). On artists to produce green the Freer ukiyo-e paintings, mixtures of indigo with orpiment, as well as with an organic yellow, were used. In one case the organic yellow was found to be gamboge Winter 1987 ); on another painting a green ( was made from orpiment and Prussian blue. Additional analysis of pigments on Japanese paintings in the Freer Gallery by fiber-optics reflectance spectroscopy has identified mixtures of indigo, and occasionally Prussian low to produce green Leona and Winter 2001 ( blue, with an organic yel- ). On two of these paintings, malachite was mixed with azurite to give a green with a blue tone; on another one malachite and azurite were combined with smalt, result- ing in a dark blue. A different combination of blue and green, described in China, consisted of verdigris tinted with indigo to give a bluer color similar to that of the more valuable pigment malachite (Needham Single, good purple colorants 1976, 136). are rare. Iron oxide pigments can produce earths of a purple color, and organic red pigments sometimes have a purple tone. But artists world- wide have had to make use of mixtures of red and blue pigments to produce a purple 24 A DATABASE OF color. PIGMENTS A number of these mixtures have been noted on East Asian paintings, and several that have not In Japan, been previously reported have been found on these ukiyo-e paintings. on eighth-century wall paintings, red earth been noted (Mogi, Nakasato, and Emoto (Yamasaki 1951). mixed with indigo has 1975), as has red earth with azurite Vermilion has also been combined with indigo (Emoto 1962). These combinations have not been found here, but a number of other mixtures of red and blue were used by these ukiyo-e painters to produce varying shades of purple. Smalt was found combined with red earth, with organic red, and in one case with indigo and organic red. Indigo was mixed with organic red and in one case occurred over vermilion. Combinations of both vermilion and red earth with car- bon black were also found. Mixtures of different red colorants are known. Vermilion adulterated with red lead or with red earth was said to give an inferior color ( Takamatsu bination of vermilion with red lead was noted in a Chinese 1878 ). The com- document of 1597 Read ( and Pak 1928 ), and the same combination, sometimes with the addition of red was found at several periods on the wall paintings in the (Hsu, Chou, and Li 1983). temple at On Mogao caves at earth, Dunhuang the wall paintings in the eighth-century Eizan-ji Nara, vermilion was observed over red lead (Yamasaki 1951). A vermilion and red lead combination was found on eighteen of these ukiyo-e paintings. Other less common mixtures of reds were of red earth with either red lead, vermilion, or organic red, to produce varying shades of purplish, brownish, or dark red. A dark red was also created by mixing organic red with vermilion. Shades of brown were produced on these paintings with mixtures ple, — for exam- red earth with red lead and orpiment, or in another case the same three pigments with the addition of vermilion; sometimes shell white was present. With these and other combinations, a variety of browns could be produced that were not attainable with brown earth or organic brown alone. This survey of mixed pigments on these ukiyo-e paintings indicates that mixtures were more commonly used than was previously thought. The investigation of the use of indigo mixed with Prussian blue on Edo-period paintings in the Freer Gallery seems to support this observation ( Leona and Winter, 2003 ). Further investigation of these mixtures would serve to expand knowledge of these painters' techniques. IDENTIFICATION METHODS Identifications were carried out by traditional methods: polarized-light microscopy (PLM), chemical microscopy, and x-ray diffraction (XRD). Scanning electron 25 ELISABETH WEST F1TZHUGH microscopy with energy- dispersive x-ray analysis PLM: The sample was mounted in ( SEM-EDXA Canada balsam ) was used in a (refractive index 1.53) or Aroclor resin 5442 (refractive index 1.66) on a microscope under a cover slide The mounted sample was examined by transmitted (plane-polarized) between crossed an oil polars, usually at magnifications immersion lens at X1250. PLM is up to X500, an excellent and few cases. light, slip. and and sometimes with reliable way to determine how homogeneous or heterogeneous the sample is, to see if it is a single pigment or determine a mixture, to if it is organic or inorganic, and to detect traces of material which might be overlooked. Attributes such fringence, and The reported is indicated. on a as color, particle characteristics, bire- refractive index in relation to the refractive indices are It is microscope an advantage slide before mounting medium can be observed. measured with sodium to start off light, unless lithium light an examination of the sample dispersed proceeding to other methods. The sampling and mounting techniques have been described (Gettens and the application of PLM to pigment identification has been summarized and Bayard 1986 ). Every pigment sampled in this series 1976) Feller ( was examined by PLM, and the microscope slides have been retained permanently. Chemical microscopy: Major elements present were determined by chemical carried out on an unmounted sample under the microscope. These methods were described in a seminal work by Chamot and Mason pigment identification was pioneered by Joyce ( 1982). The references tests tests and ( 1970), Plesters ( and 1956 ) their application to and Walter McCrone used are described briefly here; they are covered in detail in these in the chapters on the individual pigments in the volumes of Artists' Pigments, published by the National Gallery of Art. These methods are now rarely used, but at the time they served their purpose admirably. Chemical microscopy was used on selected samples of all pigments except smalt. The small amount of animalglue medium present in these paintings did not interfere with chemical tests. XRD: This technique was used on selected samples to confirm the identification of crystalline materials such as minerals and inorganic pigments by determining the crys- tallographic structure of the material. as organic colorants or dyes, It is not applicable to amorphous materials such nor to non-crystalline inorganic materials such as smalt. SEM-EDXA: This method was used to determine and the copper The following summaries identifications. elements in the copper greens alloy pigments. It will are intended to make clear the basis for the reported be seen that these methods have limitations, particularly with organic pigments such as indigo and the organic red, yellow, and brown pigments, but even in these cases some general observations could be made. Shell white, calcium carbonate or calcite, 26 CaC03 . As observed by PLM the parti- A DATABASE OF PIGMENTS of shell white vary in size and are elongated, cles flat, and appearance, sometimes described as fibrous. The particles carbonate was deposited in layers at the with a striated lathlike way the calcium reflect the edge of the growing mollusk shell. They are highly birefringent, with low refractive indices: £=1.486, 03=1.658 Gettens, FitzHugh, ( and Feller 1993 ). The characteristic microscopic appearance Chemical microscopy (effervescence with dilute to be sufficient for identification. HC1 and a positive test for H 2 S0 4 was used in some cases to provide XRD was occasionally used. A few of the calcium car- calcium with additional confirmation, and was generally accepted ) bonates on these paintings lack the striated appearance typical of shell white; these instances may be Lead white, finely divided calcined shell white, or another material altogether. 2PbCO v Pb(OH)2 By PLM basic lead carbonate, rounded particles of lead white shows as . uniform size. The particles are highly birefringent, with high refractive indices: 6=1.94,(0=2.09 (Larsen and Berman 1934,92). Confirmation was supplied lead nitrate and by chemical microscopy (effervescence with a positive test for lead with potassium iodide By Vermilion, mercuric sulfide, a-HgS. rial, is identical to dry-process vermilion; PLM ) both show variation in particle and sometimes microscopy its solubility Gettens, Feller, less and Chase in hydriodic acid serves to differentiate 1993 Vermilion in transmitted ). commonly with an orange tone. between crossed polars, with high Berman 1934, 77). It is light is size, it from hematite a clear cherry red, highly birefringent, yellow to orange Vermilion was identified chiefly by PLM. Sometimes ( the double thiocyanate test for mercury). lead, lead oxide, grains, red to Pb^04 By . orange-brown some PLM; by chemi- in HC1 concentrated its PLM or concen- from XRD was occasionally used. red lead appears as tiny, irregularly rounded in transmitted light, refractive index: r]=2.42Li (Palache, and presence HNO v soluble in aqua regia and hydriodic acid, and a positive result Red form refractive indices: £=3.201, 03=2.854 (Larsen was confirmed by chemical microscopy insoluble trated to hexagonal shape. a Large particles are often difficult to distinguish from hematite by ( 3 and by XRD. ground cinnabar, the natural mate- particles being quite large, with a fractured look cal HN0 dilute weakly birefringent, with high Berman, and Frondel 1944). The presence of highly characteristic blue-green interference colors visible between crossed polars (FitzHugh 1986) was usually considered sufficient for identification. Confirmation was supplied by chemical microscopy ( see under lead white above ). XRD was occa- sionally used. Organic red. This shows by PLM as a red stain, with no particulate structure. By chemical microscopy the red color disappears with dilute nitric acid, as would be expected of an organic colorant. Plesters ( 1956 dilute NaOH and orange with dilute ) notes that madder turns purple with HC1, and similar color reactions are shown by 27 ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH carmine Schweppe and Roosen-Runge 1986 ). Some of the organic reds from these ( paintings copy, show a violet and the subsequent addition of dilute HC1 occasionally causes an orange color to form, thus suggesting the presence of suggests that more than one organic Red and brown oxide, is red pigment was used by ukiyo-e chief colorant of red earths is PLM; birefringent, it is artists. hematite, the red iron most brown also present in lesser quantities in is a clear transparent red by sometimes only as a rosy ( Berman Larsen and difficult to distinguish the refractive indices. ( madder or carmine. Chemical microscopy when earths. the particles are enough, orange to dark red between crossed polars. The refractive indices are high: £=2.94, (0=3.22 it is The earths. a-Fe 2 O v which Hematite large NaOH by chemical micros- color with the application of 5% it 1934, 95). insoluble in concentrated and odic acid, which differentiates potassium ferrocyanide). it XRD PLM was by dilute optical appearance alone from vermilion because of the Red earth is sometimes so stain. Identification From finely divided that HC1, soluble in aqua red in color and earths, but it regia, insoluble in hydri- rarely because the is Berman, and Frondel quite likely also to occur in has never been identified. No 1944), brown pigment is earths attempt was of these iron oxides were synthetic materials. By are difficult to distinguish PLM a positive test for iron with complex mixture of minerals. Lepidocrocite Y-FeO(OH), with 01=1.94, (3=2.20,Y=^-5i (Palache, similarity of appears by supported by chemical microscopy from vermilion, and was used it made usually a is refractive indices brown to brownish and possibly in red determine to if any PLM alone the synthetic materials from the natural ochres, although they are usually more uniform and lack the presence of accessory minerals (Helwig, forthcoming). Orpiment, arsenic sulfide, As 2 S^. By PLM orpiment particles are usually coarse, of limited transparency, with a foliated, micaceous structure. As already noted the natural material can include large and small particles, while the particles of dryprocess material tend to be more uniform in size. Especially characteristic ence of distinctive anomalous green-to-blue polarization colors, which considered sufficient for a firm identification. The material and the is is is the presgenerally highly birefringent, refractive indices are high: cx=2.4y, |3=2.8iLi, Y=3- 02 Li (FitzHugh 1986). Confirmation was occasionally supplied by chemical microscopy a positive ( arsenic with ammonium Yellow earths. goethite, HFe02 ( The molybdate or by XRD. ) principal source of the yellow color Helwig, forthcoming). Goethite is is the hydrated iron oxide, isotropic, with refractive indices a=2.26o, (3=2.393, Y =2 -398 (Palache, Berman, and Frondel 1944). By ally test for PLM it is usu- heterogeneous in composition, a mixture of silica with pale yellow particles and sometimes brown microscopy 2<S it is particles, mostly isotropic (Gettens and Stout 1966). By chemical insoluble in both concentrated and dilute HC1, is soluble in aqua ) DATABASE OF PIGMENTS A regia, and tests positive for iron Organic yellow. By PLM with potassium ferrocyanide. shows this as a yellow stain. This phenomenon is characteristic of gamboge the possibility of the presence of gamboge on Malachite, basic copper carbonate, The formation of 5% NaOH by orange color results from the application of ( XRD was not used. Winter 1997 and strongly suggests ) CuCO v Cu(OH)2 By PLM in transmitted light, . when small or thin, sometimes fibrous, often with a squarish fracture. Large particles sometimes show banding, vestige of the botryoidal structure of the mineral (plate 5). Malachite and highly birefringent, with high Berman was carried out Some confirma- few cases by chemical microscopy (soluble in a pleochroic characteristic microscopic appearance of malachite was generally considered sufficient for identification. tion is a refractive indices: 0=1.655, (3=1.875, Y =1 -9°9 The highly 1934, 204). deep these paintings. particles of malachite are pale green, almost colorless (Larsen and a chemical microscopy. in dilute acid usually with effervescence, with a positive test for copper with potassium ferro- cyanide). XRD was used in a few cases. also Copper greens. Criteria for the presence of a copper green was the appearance by PLM of a green material that is per by chemical microscopy or eral category of not malachite, coupled with a positive SEM-EDXA. The only firm cop- copper greens were of paratacamite or atacamite by XRD; these were confirmed by the presence of copper and chloride ions by identification of particles SEM-EDXA. The emerald green, copper aceto-arsenite, 3Cu( As0 2 was made possible by shaped test for identifications in this gen- by its PLM ( ) 2 single .Cu(CH 3 C0 2 ) 2, very characteristic appearance of rounded, doughnutFiedler and Bayard Azurite, basic copper carbonate, 1997). 2CuCOv Cu(OH)2 By PLM . larger particles are deep blue with greenish undertone, and small or thin particles are pale blue. The particles are irregular and fractured in appearance, sometimes with conchoidal fracture. They are pleochroic and strongly birefringent, with high (3=1.758,7=1-838 (Larsen and Berman ally sufficient for identification. ally 1934, 135). Chemical microscopy (soluble with effervescence, and a positive test for Smalt. Particles of this ground blue The refractive and Stout index in dilute acid, usu- is flat and transparent, and edges sometimes with conchoidal low and varies with composition, 1966). Microscopically the particles vary blue, often purplish in tone, to a bright blue similar in color to azurite. Tiny air usu- copper with potassium ferrocyanide glass are isotropic corners, or thin 11=1.49 to 1.52 (Gettens fracture (plate 6). is XRD was used to a limited extent. was occasionally used. Confirmation by show square and angular refractive indices: 0=1.730, The microscopic appearance from from pale entrapped bubbles are occasionally present. The microscopic appearance of smalt on these paintings was considered sufficient for identification ( Miihlethaler and Thissen 1993 29 ). ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH Chemical microscopy of smalt not possible because of is its nor can insolubility, XRD be used because is a glass and not a crystalline material. Indigo. By PLM indigo appears as a blue stain, with tiny opaque particles someit times visible. With chemical microscopy blue color isatin. is HNO v destroyed by dilute This characteristic behavior with of the presence of indigo. Indigo it is is 5% NaOH, whereas unaffected by the sometimes with the formation of yellow alkali and acid was accepted as indication PLM, not distinguishable from Prussian blue by but the two can be distinguished by chemical microscopy because Prussian blue insoluble in dilute HNO^ but dissolves in Prussian blue, Fe4 (Fe( CN) 6 )3 .xH2 0. By persed that often it ). ( is 1997). PLM Prussian blue appears so finely dis- seen by transmitted light only as a non-particulate greenish- is The refractive index is low: rpi.56 (Berrie As noted above, by chemical microscopy Prussian blue is unaffected by dilute blue stain, even at high magnifications. 1997 5% NaOH Schweppe and Winter HNO,, but the color is destroyed by 5% NaOH, sometimes giving a reddish-brown color due enough pigment to the formation of ferric hydroxide; if tion of dilute was rial HC1 will is present, the applica- cause re-formation of the blue. In a single case enough mate- by XRD. available for identification blue and indigo was present, no firm When an apparent mixture of Prussian identification of either pigment was possible by chemical microscopy. Ultramarine, a complex sulfur-containing sodium isotropic with a low ultramarine is 49), and is deep blue in transmitted ular a and angular rities. in aluminum refractive index: T|=i.50 light. Particles shape and are often found with ( silicate. By PLM Larsen and Berman 1934, of the natural material are irreg- calcite and silicate mineral impu- Synthetic ultramarine, which was found here, shows uniform, finely divided particles, opaque and somewhat rounded (Plesters 1993). By chemical microscopy is destroyed by dilute HC1, and sometimes the odor of H 2 S can be XRD can provide confirmation and was used in one case. Organic brown. By PLM this shows as a non-particulate brown, sometimes red- the blue color detected. dish stain. Chemical microscopy indicates that Both 5% NaOH and stain. The behavior with concentrated more than one H S0 4 cause the 2 brown material was in use. color to form a brown NaOH was noted to be somewhat similar to that of Vandyke brown, which dissolves with the formation of an amber-colored solution ( Feller and Johnston-Feller 1997). Metal pigments. By chemical microscopy gold silver is soluble in dilute HN0 3 , white AgCl indicates the presence of Copper is insoluble in concentrated alloys give a positive test for silver. Silver sulfide 3; can be identified by XRD. copper with potassium ferrocyanide by chemical microscopy, and the presence of copper and zinc can be determined by 30 HN0 and with the addition of dilute HC1 the formation of SEM-EDXA. A DATABASE OF PIGMENTS Other pigments. Mica was identified as muscovite by XRD. Kaolin was identified by XRD confirmed by the determination of Al and by an aluminum as a kaolin-type mineral, chiefly nacrite, Si by SEM-EDXA. Barite silicate, was and identified PLM and confirmed by XRD. CONCLUSIONS The majority of the pigments used by certain stated limitations. With two exceptions throughout East Asia. Of these two, pigment, and is it may be artists painters included shell that the organic also a colorant specific to Japan. by ukiyo-e these artists have been characterized, within white all of the pigments were in use known to be a uniquely Japanese brown, which has yet to be The wide variety of merits further investigation. many pigment is It fully described, pigment combinations used has been established here that these mixtures to obtain varying hues. Most of these colorants were used throughout the ukiyo-e period, although orpi- ment, the copper greens, and smalt did not come into use until partway through the period. turies. It is striking that so many pigments were used Clark (1992) has said that "there in Ukiyo-e painting." He was is no clearly consistently over several cen- demonstrable technical 'progress' referring to their style, but in a different sense his remark could equally apply to the pigments the artists used to create these paintings. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Harold Phillip Stern, curator of Japanese Art and later director of Art until his death in 1977, supported this project from of the Freer Gallery its inception. Kazuo Yamasaki, formerly of Nagoya University, in his extensive publications on Japanese pigments and in personal communications, has provided inspiration and practical advice. With Tadashi Kobayashi, Gakushuin ful conversations about the early paintings in this series. Feather, Smithsonian Center for Materials Research the University, I am I much had some help- grateful to Melanie and Education, who carried out SEM-EDXA analyses of the copper green and copper alloy pigments. especially my thanks to my colleague John Winter for shared information and I want to express many helpful discussions about Japanese pigments. Finally a debt to the late Walter McCrone, I wish to acknowledge who pioneered the application of polarizedTight microscopy to the study of pigments and other materials; this project could not have been completed without the application of this technique. 31 3 UMOjq dJO - l|| IIM II Ml i l(| ?rqq ubisstuj oSipui .nunzv : 3ll MO|pX -Sjq q)JK> pay pr.i| |...;| HOIJIUIJ3A 3ju]M |pq S 313[dinODU] poddng sdXx ll 11 I I f 2 £££ 4 f fit 1 s, 1 II I f c mc x* mc mx* alloy X yel.Fe kaolin yel.Fe barite so Cu < u E £ E E E £ E u u E E E z. (J u 6 E E E E E E E e E E E E E e £ E J E E E E E E E u E E E E E E E E E E E S E X 1 E £ J g E E E c c E E S E £ E E C c E E c E E E £ u a c c c U E e e u E u E g E E g U E E S E u E E E E E E E E 1 E E E E E E E E E E E y E E U U 6 E U -; E E E E E E E E E E E E E g E E E E E E E E E E E E s E E E E E E E E E E E 1 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 I J 1 E III — 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 111f1 s Genroku a a I y a £ Genroku Kambun Kan'ei? Kambun Kambun c. c. c. 17th 17th 17th late late late c. c. 18th 18th c. 17th I7th-i8thc. ! 1 17th— early late 1 1694), (1682-1752) (1682-1752) 1 1688-1704, 1 1688-1704, 1661-73, 1624-44, 1661-73, 1661-73, 1 (d. (1652-1724), (1652-1724), Itcho Itcho (1652-1724), (1652-1724), (1652-1724), (1652-1724), (1652-1724) Moroshige Morofusa Moronobu Morofusa Choshun Itcho Itcho Itcho ? 1 1 i- J % Choshun Itcho Itcho 1688-97) 1688-97) 1 of Hanabusa Bunkaku Hanabusa of Hanabusa of Hanabusa of Hanabusa of of Hanabusa Hanabusa of Hishikawa Furuyama Hishikawa anon. anon. anon. anon. anon. anon. anon, anon. style anon. style style style style style Miyagawa Hishikawa Miyagawa (fl.ca. (fl.ca. anon. style 2 61 F1903.6S 5 F1898.9 F1902.91 F1903.60— F1903.-0 F1903.131 F1905.96 F1907.135 F1976.43 Z F1900.25-26 F1898.505 F1902.256 F1904.136-137 F1898.428 F1903.108 F1904.138 F1904.387 F1904.388 F1907.657 F1898.7 F1898.122 F1898.76 F1898.101 F1898.429 Z ) ) ) mc yel.Fe i c; Agc AgSx Age Ag u UMOJq 'nJO E E q}iE9 UA\Ojg m\q ! E E E E E E E E E E 6 UEissnirf u oSipu[ £ E E E E E £ E E E E E E £ E E E £ E E E E E E £ E E £ E E E E E E E E G E ajunzy E E E E E E E E E E E mc\ E E E * mcx c c E MorpX -Sjo E E E E E mcx 6 E X E mcx = E E E E E mcx £ E E E E E pay E paj -Sjo pE3| E E E E £ £ E E E £ E pay C c c C E E E E £ E E z E c c: E £ E c E E E E E E E E £ E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E S E E E E E E £ E E E E 1 E E E E E E E E E E E E £ E E E silk silk silk silk silk silk silk silk E - lll>l|UUJ.">/\ 3)Il)A\ ||.X| S .~U3|dlUiOllI paper uoddnj silk 1 hnd IIII I I1 hng 11 hng u Dated hng 1 c. c. c. 18th 18th 18th 1 1 J c 1111 1 c. c? 18th 18th I c.) 18th 1 Ft ( I Sukenobu Activity Masanobu Masanobu Masanobu 1711-1785 c.) 18th c.) 1792 18th d Masanobu Choshun - 18th ( (early 1 (1726-1792) 1726 late 1766-88) ( I (1726-1792) (1726-1792) 1 1664-1729) ( ( 1 % J (1686-1764) (1671-1751) 1711-1785) Dates 1111II11 (1686-1764), 1 i K. E 1686-1764) (1686-1764) 1 (1682-1752), hng c. 1 1 silk silk silk (late ( (early (fl. Moroyasu style Toyonobu Toyonobu Ando Ando Kaigetsudu Kaigetsudo Shuncho Shuncho Shunsho Shunsho Shunsho Shunsho Katsukawa Katsukawa Katsukawa Katsukawa Katsukawa Katsukawa F1903.132 F1898.426 F1905.271 F1905.308-309 F1898.10 Koryusai Kiyonobu Torii Life/ Its (CONTINUED) Artist, of Miyagawa ft Nishikawa Okumura Okumura Okumura Hishikawa Okumura Torii attrib. style | Ishikawa anon. anon. anon. Ishikawa Isoda anon., # 3; r: APPENDIX 13.16 Accession F1901.2S 1 1 F1904.140 I 1 F1902.229 F1898.100 F1898.119 F1902.250 F1902.99 F1898.14 F1902.241 F1903.69 [ 1 F1902.251 F1898.114 F1903.136 F1904.195 F1902.38-39 F1903.59 i F1966.2 F191 ) ) ) ) c mcx mc mc alloy yel.Fe 1 ld.wh. £ E E E E E E £ ld.wh. Cu E £ £ E £ B E E E E E E E E E E E E £ E E E E E E E e E S E E E E E E E E E 5 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 1 E U 5 c E E E E E i I E i E E E | u E E y E \ E E S E u E E E E y E E E E £ E E E 1 1 1 I I C E E E E E E E E 11 1 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 1 1 1 E E E E E e E E E E E £ E E E £ E E E E E E E E E £ E E E E S E 6 E y E E E E E E E E E U E E E E y 1 !1 1 1 III11I 111 £ E E E £ E E E 1 sII I I I 1 I _e E E 1 1II I c. 19th 1776 c. c. 18th 19th dated early 1 (1726-1792), (1726-1792), (1726-1792), (1726-1792), ? L c. 1744-70) ( Tsuneyuki n) Tsuneyuki style Tsuneyuki of Katsukawa Katsukawa ( (fl. (1710-1786) (fl. 1756-1829 ( fl. (1756-1829 1730-80) 1730-80) ( 1 Sukevuki Shunsui Shunsui Choki (fl. Sekien Settei (fl. Settei Eishi | 1704-44), 1704-44) 1704-44) | of Kawamata Katsukawa Kawamata Kawamata Miyagawa Miyagawa Miyagawa Tsunemasa Tsunemasa Nishikawa Toriyama Tsukioka Tsukioka Hokuun Hosoda Suzuki style style Eishi CENTURY of Kawamata Katsukawa 1 Harunobu if of "-t- If Shunsho 1 of & (1710-1786) of Shunsho (1725-1770), 1713-1788 Tsunemasa Shunsho ), 1741-43 q= Shunsho 1744-70) 18th style style attrib. J (fl. (fl. (fl. i Hosoda style 18TH-19TH 1 r\ 4: ) ;i 1 i F1898.104 F1898.115 F1898.136 F1904.191 F1903.74 1 1 F1903.67 F1902.252 F1898.118 GROUP F1901.9 F1898.109 F1906.6 F1981. F1901.166 F1902.230 F1898.433 F1961.25 F1898.98 F1898.424 F1898.419 F1898.500 He F1898.93 ) ) ) ) cs alloy mc mc 1 Id.wh. UMOjq '8jq ipjea yel.Fe Cu-Zn % 1 •i £ UA™g £ E 3 ri[q UEissnj d E o8ipu, g" E E E E E E E E E £ E E E E £ E E E E E E E E E E E E £ E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E a c E \ £ E E E E E E E E E E E £ E E E E £ lusuiidjo E E E psj -Sjo E E E E C C c c E E E pE3| pa>i £ E E E E S E E G C c c E E E E C c c E E £ E E E £ rz C G C E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 1 1 1 c U0IJIUIJ3A 3JIIJM [|.->q S E E E E E E E E E E E E E mcx E £ E E E 1 1 7 E E E E E E E E 1 1 E £ E 1 3J3[duiODU] 1 paper paper paper Ijoddn^ 1 1 I111 1 1II I 11I 1 I I 11I11 I1 11 School 1 i8th-i9thc. Nagasaki 1 Dated 1 1III ), 1 ), c. c). c.)? c.)? c.)? c.)? 1806 19th 19th 19th 19th 19th 19th -early -early i8th-early i8th-early i8th-early t8th-early 18th 18th 1 1 1 1 1739-1820), <S 1764-1824 1754- (1739-1820), (1761-1816), (1764-1824) Dates 1 I! 1756-1829 (1756-1829), (1756-1829), ( Activity ( ( I (1738-1818) Eishi Eishi 1 1 ( of of ( late late late late late late (fl. (fl. fl. ( (fl. (fl. (fl. III III of III III III III Sori Sori style Sori Sori Sori Sori Masayoshi Shigemasa Shigemasa 1764-80) ! Kokan of cd of of of 1 Shorakusai Kiyonaga Tawayara Hosoda Hosoda Kitacawa Hosoda Artist, style style (1752-1815 Sori Masayoshi Masanobu Life/ (CONTINUED) I Sori L'tamaro 1765-1824) Eishi ( style Kitao logan style Kitao Kitao Kitao style Kitao style Shiba 1 ca. Torii (fl. # APPENDIX Accession f F1898.117 F1905.294 F1906.11 F1974.16-17 Pp I 1 Ph pp PL, F1898.60 F1898.120 F1898.430 F1903.65 F1901.11 F1903.64 F1898.96 F1962.19 I F1903.130 F1898.431 F1898.74 F1898.103 F1898.105 F1898.106 F1906.50 F1901.100 ) x X mcx E E u </} BE < E 4 1 E ult. E E E E E E E E — c E E y c u s E E E E i E E E E E E 3 E" E E e E E E E 1 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E X E E i E E 3 E E E E E U X E u E E E E E E E E E c — E E E E — c | — u E s E E E E E E E E E E E E •J E e E E £ E E £ U E E E E E E E E E E U y rL E 5 E E E y E E 5 E E E E E E E E E E E 3 x E E E E E E E E E E E h 1 E E E E E E E E g e E 1 E E E E E E E E E E E E — 1 11 1 4 1 I I 5 1 I I. n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 I 111I 1I I1 I1 I 1 1 1 111I E I111 I J c. 19th 1 c. 1 18th early 1 — 1— c. c. 19th 19th c. 19th late Meiji 1 = "3 ), if I 5 1 (1752-1815) : 1829 1 1829) 1829) d. r. ( ( ( (1769-1825) 1829 (d. (d. Toyoharu 1t 1 11 (1769-1825 style d. 1 ( 1 1 1 g 1 1 III Toyoharu 1 of (1735-1814), 1 § (k (1752-1815), ), = 1 Toyoharu Toyoharu Toyohiro Toyohiro Toyohiro Toyokuni Toyohiro Toyokuni fff 1 Toyonobu, Harunobu Torin Kiyonaga Kiyonaga Torii Torii of Toshinaga Tsutsumi Utagawa Utagawa Utagawa attrib. of ot Utagawa le Utagawa Utagawa Utagawa Utagawa style (1868-1935) II Hiroshige Hiroshige Hiroshige Ando Ando Ando 1 f 1 1 I 1 I1 11 II II of Utagawa Utagawa style Gakutei Utagawa style CENTURY Hiroshige Hiroshige Hiroshige Hiroshige Gyosui 1 < 1 st\ IS 19TH S 123-126 5: 5' % F1900.U3 Fisgs."s i GROUP F1902.101 F1898.13 F1905.312 F1896.93 I F1S98.15 F1898.102 F1898.432 F1903.57-58 F1903.133 F1898.94 F1903.72 F1898.121 F1898.427 F1903.63 F1903.105 tin i F1903.291 1 F1898.8 F1976.42 F1903.97 F1903.106 F1898. F1905.234 1 1 [ ) ) ) ) ) x mica xs x; >- Ag 1 alloy mx; Cu-Zn AgS I laqiO 5 UMOjq 'Sjo L|i.iro UMO.ig E .m|q Linssnj t u ( U oSipu] E )|EUIS E E E E E E E E .j E E £ E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E suaajS jaddo3 E E mcx mcx mcx E mcx mcx E E ajiipBpW E E E E E E E E E E E E E met luauiidjo E E E E E E E paj -8jo p,M| E p.l>] E 6 E E E y E U()l|IUIj,1 A E a;!H« E Ijoddng E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ^ c c E u E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E mcx E E E E E E = silk E E E E silk silk E E E E E E E E E silk silk silk silk silk silk E E E silk silk E E E E n paper paper silk silk silk n. adXi mx u [|.u| S 0P[dlUO:Ul| E j ipjea pay dwg c. 1 1 I 1f1 hng f1111I I1Il 1 = 111 1848 1843 9 J I1 hnd 1 19th i Dated E 1 I c. c. 19th 19th J I1 early 8 c. c. c. c. c. 19th 19th 19th 19th 19th i 1839 1 1 ca. ) 1760-1849) 1 album 1766-88), 1760-1849 ) I 1760-1849 1 (1771-1844), 1 ( (1760-1849) (1760-1849) ! ( ( ( 1 Dates fl. 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 (1760-1849) (1760-1849) (1760-1849) (1760-1849) (1760-1849) 1830-43 1766-88), ( ( ( ( (1760-1849) ca. (fl. 1 of of of of of Hokusai ( Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika F1900.58 F1901.165 F1902.2 F1902.3 F1902.27 F1902.40 F1902.41 F1902.42 fl. Activity I Life/ l! Koryusai Koryusai 1 style style style style style Shumman, Shumman, Shumman, Shumman, Shumman, X ^ ji loryo HOKUSAI 1 of of (CONTINUED) Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Mihata Hokuga Artist, Isoda style Isoda style KATSUSHIKA T # 6: 1 APPENDIX Accession F1898.ST GROUP F1976.41 F1898.99 F1900.111 F1901.14 F1848.421 F1903.62 F1903.245 F1904.35 F1898.95 F1898.97 F1898.107 F1898.110 F1898.111 F1900.47 c mx 1 m alloy 5 yel.Fe ld.wh. Cu C E (J E E E E E E E E u E E y u E u E E j E g — — c u U E E -J E E E 3 U E E X J y E E i q — U O E E E E E — E E E i i y, u E g c E u E E E E E '-> ? £ £ £ y E E £ g u E E E E E E E E E E E S E a E E E E £ £ E E E a E E E £ £ E E E £ £ E E E £ u U E E E E E E E E E E E E E S E E E = E E O E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E X E E E E E I E E E E E E E E E E E E E E i E E 3 E E E E E E E E E * 11 1 = 1 1 11 E 1 1 1 11111111 5 I E E E U II 1 1 if I.ri 1 11 1 i 1 1 1 1 E N 1 f I 1 1 fa y y y 1 & 11 si 1 1 8 3 11 I 1111 | t— f f f 1 S 11 f 1 i t s i 1 1 § I s J M u 1 f I11 11 f 1 1 I.ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 I. s i ! 1 t f ! f! t H u * t ft i Hokusai 1 i 1 -z -z 1 ! 1 i z i 2 3 1 I 1 I ( Hokusai Hokusai Katsushika Katsushika III 1 Katsushika Sori or 1 i ! 1 = 4 1 1 i i ! f 5 Oh 'J \ i CPt — Oh i pi Ph i 1 i Ph I Uh I 1 Pi R ft t> i F1903.274 Ph Ph Ph Ph Ph II II 1 pp X, Ph Ph* Oh l-U t F1904.189-190 F1904.206 ) ) ) mcx ld.wh J3l{J0 UMOiq 8ao - uA\oag .in [q ueissruj E E oSipui E E -> > E E E E E E E E E E sjunzy E mcx E mcx mcx E E mcx a | Hi.iLind.iQ iflJBS pay paj Sjo pF3| pay c E =: E E E £ E E c: E E E mcx E U01[RL1.13A G 3?!HM [pqs c c c E E E c E E E c: c .H.1[dlll(OU| E E E E E c c E c c 1 paper paper 1 I1111II111II 1f1I1 1IIf1 paper paper 1-ioddns = =; 11l1 1f B I1 1 1818-34 Dated Edo ca. i 1 1 1 1 iS4g 1760-1849) 11 1760-1849 1 1760-1849 1 1760-1849 1 1760-1849) 1760-1849) (1760-1849) (1760-1849) (1760-1849) (1760-1849) f Dates (1760-1849) Hokusai Hokusai ! Hokusai Hokusai f rho- Hokusai Activity 1 (1760-1849) (1760-1849) (1760-1849) ! E Hokusai Hokusai (1760-1849) 1 1 ff ( ( ( Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai (1760-1849) (1760-1849) 1 1 Hokusai 1 Hokusai 1 (1760-1849) (1760-1849) f( ( Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai (1760-1849) (1760-1849) (1760-1849) E ( Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika 1 1 1 (1760-1849) (1760-1849) Lite/ (CONTINUED) Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Artist, J J 1 J 1 J 233-234 APPENDIX Accession* F1904.208 F1904.209 F1904.210 F1904.212 F1904.213 F1904.215 F1904.216 F1904.218 F1904.219 F1904.220 F1904.221 tu F1904.224 F1904.225 F1904.227 F1904.228 F1904.229 F1904.230 F1905.228 F1905.270 F1905.276 F1905.282 F1906.51 F1906.52 F1906. F1907.368-373 xs kaolin mc; ultr I E £ g g 3 E g E 'J u u E E E E E 3 e e E E E E E E E E E E e" E E E E £ E E E E U E E E E E E E g E E 3 E E 'J E c c E c E E X E 1 g E u E E E u E E E E E E E u 6 E g g E E 3 E E 3 O E E E E u g g E E 3 E = E E g g g X u 1 E g £ £ g g | g g | E E E E g g g g E u g g g g — paper 1 1 1 g lai 3 paper 1 silk OJ w 1 1 1 silk I I I I I ill la Edo Edo u 1 Edo Edo 3 Edo Edo Edo Edo Edo Edo 5 3 1I Edo Edo 5 1 1 II (1615-1868) 1 11 Shigemasa c anon. anon. anon. anon. anon. anon. anon. anon. anon. anon. anon. 1 PERIOD EDO ?. 6: >3."d t 13.13- 1901.12 K)n2.go GROUP Oh ii 1 Uh U-, PL, 1S9S.11 191 ? O 1 F1901.13 F1901.171 1 F1903.66 I kii F1903.135 1 F1906.48 F1907.126-127 1 F1898.108 ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH REFERENCE LIST Duang Akiyama 1964 Akiyama, Terukazu. 1964. Secular painting early mediaeval Japan. Tokyo: Kobunkan Co. In Japanese; in Yoshikawa French abstract. et al. 1987 Duang, Shuye, Jun-ichi Miyata, Noriko Kumagai, and Ryuitiro Sugishita. 1987. 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Detail of copper green pigment, paratacamite, X7, from Dancer in unknown Hanging scroll mounted a Wliite Dress, Patterned with Colored Leaves and Flowers, by an artist. on Japan, Edo period, Kambun a panel; color PLATE 4. quartz, 87.3 x 29.0 cm (F1903.131). Photomicrograph of copper green pigment, paratacamite and xnoo, from by an unknown Yujo artist. and ink on paper; in era (1661-73). and gold on paper; Canada balsam, 87.9 and Her Understudy ( Kamuro ), the Latter Reading, Japan, Edo period (1615-1868). Hanging x 39.9 cm 11=1.53. ( scroll; F1901.13). In transmitted light, color mounted plate 5. Photomicrograph of malachite, showing banding, xi8o, from River Landscape: Blossoming Cherry Trees, by Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858). Japan, Edo period (1615-1868). Hanging ink and tint on silk; scroll; 43.6 x 70.5 cm (F1903.105). In transmitted light, mounted in % Canada balsam, ^=1.53. : mm J ] m PLATE the 6. Photomicrograph of smalt, X300, from Yujo with a Pipe Standing Open Side of a Room and Looking Out, (1682-1752). Japan, paper; 98.6 x 46.0 balsam, 1^ =1.53. in the style of Edo period 1615-1868 cm ( ). Hanging scroll; (F1903.134). In transmitted light, in Miyagawa Choshun color mounted and ink on in Canada PLATE 9. Detail, Dutch Couple Reading a Edo period, dated 1817. Hanging scroll; Collection of Ambassador and Mrs. 54 Letter, by Nanreisai Nagasaki; 1771-1836). Japan, ( ink and color on paper; measurements not available. W. Leonhart, Washington, D.C. PLATE 10. Album page, by Hokuga (act. early 19th Ink and color on paper; 27.0 x 36.5 cm ( century). Japan, Edo period, early 19th century. Fi976.4iy). Clockwise from above: PLATE 11. Detail of plate 10 plate 12. Infrared image of detail in plate plate 13. Subtraction image of detail in plate 11 (shows Prussian blue areas). 11 (shows indigo areas). 55 Top and bottom plate 14. Tfie Japan, left to right: Lute and White Snake of Benten Edo period, date unknown. Hanging plate 15. Detail of plate PLATE 16. Infrared image of detail in plate 56 ( Sarasvati ), scroll; colors by Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849 ). on silk; 35.3 x 44.6 14. 15 (indigo areas suppressed). cm (F1904.134). The Identification of Indigo and Prussian Blue on Japanese Edo-Period Paintings Marco Leona and John Winter ABSTRACT Indigo has long been used as a blue pigment on Japanese and other East Asian paintings. Prussian blue appears more recently, with occasional references in eigh- teenth-century historical sources, specific documentation of Japan in the late blue. was importation into eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, and identification on paintings in the nineteenth century. and the its They are both dark blue, fine-particle pigments, tinting strength of indigo appears to be at least as high as that of Prussian Methods for identification are reviewed briefly; the fiber-optic reflectance spectroscopy tion spectroscopy ( major technique used here FORS supplemented by infrared absorp), and x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Indigo and/or Prussian blue, alone, in mixtures with each other, or in mixtures with other pigments, were identified on 139 paintings. blue, the earliest that is There was a total of forty-six occurrences of Prussian reliably dated being not have a co-occurrence of indigo. reliably to after 1830, eighteen Of a from 1817, more likely to fairly had Prussian blue and thirty-one indigo, showing the latter continued to be important as a pigment. There blue was but only eight of these did subset of thirty-four paintings dated is that no evidence that Prussian be used on one support material rather than another, or on paintings of one particular format. There are numerous cases of both pigments being used on the same painting, either as a mixture or for separate design elements; some interesting examples of the latter are illustrated. There were sixty paintings with mixtures of these pigments with either yellow to give a green color ) or red to ( ( give a purple color); indigo four, all in dominated these cases, Prussian blue occurring in only mixture with yellows. BACKGROUND Indigo is a dark blue product obtained plant metabolite is from a number of plant a glucoside, indican (fig. la); successive fermentation tion of plant extracts converts this to the blue indigo in use in species. modern times is compound indigotin synthetic, but since this version has The actual and oxida- (fig. lb). Most been available 57 MARCO LEONA AND JOHN WINTER only since the 1890s, our concern here of indigo as a pigment is is by Schweppe with the natural product. An overall review (1997). Indigo has been in use throughout East Asia as both a dyestuff and a pigment many for centuries. Most of have likely to it is Polygonum tinctorium (Polygonaceae), but the ( Papilionaceae) is stated to have come from the indigenous plant tropical species Indigofera tinctoria been introduced into China via Persia the Tang period (7th-9th century), probably for use as a cosmetic as early as (Needham Schafer 1981, 212). Both the seventeenth-century Mustard Seed Garden 158; (Sze 1977, 584) and twentieth-century 1988) cite indigo as a pigment for is an 1969; Silbergeld Manual and McNair Structure of indican (indoxyl glucoside); Fig. 1A: artificial (March Chinese painting. qqj u Prussian blue texts 1986, pigment, made for the first time in Berlin around 1704; commercial manufacture started shortly thereafter (Berrie 1997). It is a hydrated iron hexacyanoferrate of somewhat variable composition; typical molecular formu- KFe[Fe(CN)6] and Fe 4 [Fe(CN)6] 3 both hydrated with a number of water las are , molecules. Other cations, such as sodium and in the first formula. Along with variations ammonium, can replace the potassium in the color differences are primarily a consequence of different pigment has had and continues to have ) ( appears to be the commonest in its sidered to be a generic term for derived from The its and handling properties, these methods of manufacture. This many different names, though Prussian application as an all varieties, and artists' pigment. Iron blue is is place of discovery. date of Prussian blue's first arrival in began modest, formal imports from pigment was distributed more Japan is uncertain. According to Screech 1789. as a gift some by 1782, and the Dutch Screech considers that around 1790 the than as a regular trading good. Smith (1998) has examined the whole question of availability of Prussian blue in Japan in detail. He found that was used in certain eighteenth-century paintings of the Akita school. 58 con- Berlin blue (see further below) (2000, 203-4), Chinese intermediaries had imported it blue references to it in Japanese writings dated 1763 and 1778, some with claims A study THE IDENTIFICATION OF INDIGO AND PRUSSIAN BLUE of Nagasaki trading records led Smith to distinguish six phases of importation through that port. 1. 1782-97, sporadic imports by the Chinese at low prices 2. 1798-1809, 3. 1810-16, no imports 4. 1817-23, imports by the Dutch, prices initially high but declining 5. 1824-28, reentry of the trade by the Chinese, with steadily increasing quantities 6. more frequent but sporadic imports by the Dutch and declining at higher prices prices 1829 onward, trade entirely in Chinese hands until the mid-i840s and prices low The overall picture is one of fluctuating but limited in the eighteenth century until the 1820s, when availability from some point increasing Chinese imports were associated with a decline in price. From the late 1820s, the use of a dark blue in ukiyo-e woodcut prints by Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) and a striking degree, especially pigment has been widely assumed lent as the price declined. to be Prussian blue, However, pigment identifications Prussian blue has also been reported on Edo-period and Sugisita 1999 ), bero-ai. All in other silk textiles in dyestuff; was in the eighteenth century shorter forms after about 1800 were hero and berorin is in the published litera- Japan it (Ito, was held silk. A Japanese name for the pigment sion The 1 presumably being a type of disperse responsible for deterioration of the his school. which became more preva- ture relevant to the question appear at present to be lacking. Sinkai, increased to ( Smith 1998 ). The modern ver- of these are clear adaptations of Berlin blue and Western languages. The name Berlin blue herein buraau; is its close analogues often favored by scholars of Japanese history. Indigo and Prussian blue are not identical in color or other properties, but they are quite similar. sufficiently the Both are fine-particle pigments that give very dark blue in a heavy applications, and might well be considered by same design features. It is a painter for much worth noting that blue pigments were not, before mod- ern times, available in a great variety to the Japanese painter. Azurite but seems often to have been imported, and there is no evidence marine reached Japan (synthetic ultramarine appears there tury). In these circumstances, it is was widely used that natural ultra- in the nineteenth cen- of interest to acquire information on the uses of indigo and Prussian blue in paintings from the late eighteenth to early nineteenth centuries. 1. Feller, Curran, and Bailie (1984) cite two or three identifications of indigo on ukiyo-e prints, but none of Prussian blue. 59 MARCO LEONA AND IOHN WINTER PROPERTIES AND IDENTIFICATION METHODS Both Prussian blue and indigo are may vary — a very dark blue, but in both cases the exact shade example, with greenish or reddish undertones. Indigo, the natural for product, can vary in purity; depending on the plant source, the isomeric indirubin, or "indigo red," (Schweppe 1997). and perhaps also may be As described above, the chemical composition of Prussian blue, its purity, facture. Prussian blue is shows differences depending on the method of manu- usually considered to be a "brighter" blue than indigo. This presumably means that the chroma, in the Munsell color system, light of the above comments it is With both pigments the caution. for the painter to apply the Admixture with The a white clear that such statements Berrie 1997 ), pigment a desirable important to the painter. is much weaker in its It higher, but in making it fairly pigment thinly and control the intensity of white base pigment. Prussian blue ( is need interpreting with particle sizes are very small, pigment may tinting strength of a strength compound present in proportions of up to a few percent also have is is been used for measure of its a easy color. lighter blues. ability to impart color to a generally recognized to have a high tinting property for making prints, though probably less has sometimes been implied (Wehlte 1975) that indigo tinting ability. However, we have been able to find no direct comparison of the two pigments. We describe below our own experiments comparing synthetic indigo with ferric ferrocyanide (Fe 4 [Fe(CN) 6 showed ate and barium 3 see above), , which sulfate than did this particular version of Prussian blue. We empha- however, that the possible variability of both pigments can affect such results size, appreciably; in particular, the natural product indigo versions much less pure than Under the the synthetic that the two pigments are extremely nation. There are marked and reducing agents reduce It is it it It to has long been recognized difficult to distinguish is isatin (yellow, by microscopic exami- and much to colorless leucoindigo, stable to dilute alkali ble to cold dilute acids, but pigment, here. pigment are often too small commonly seen. in differences of chemical behavior. Strong oxidizing agents, such as nitric acid, convert indigo to to indigo. may have been marketed compound used optical microscope, particles of either be resolved, though larger clumps are as a ] that the indigo displayed a higher tinting strength in both calcium carbon- intense in color), which may be reoxidized back and nonoxidizing acids. Prussian blue readily cannot be used less is also sta- decomposed by dilute alkali which means that, ( in alkaline media). These chemical properties have often been used for the identification on the microscope stage of microscopic samples FitzHugh 1979). The main problem ( the amount of pigment 60 in a permissible sample is generally very small. The is that intense ) THE IDENTIFICATION OF INDIGO AND PRUSSIAN BLUE colors of indigo mean and Prussian blue high absorption coefficients in the visible region ( pigment that the surface density of A design features. sample of blue, fibers or other materials, and in if it is and low, is visible at all, especially so for light blue may be mixed with support some cases indigo and Prussian blue themselves may be present as a mixture. These problems have sometimes of indigo and Prussian blue impractical. ical identifications Prussian blue identification made unambiguous chem- is a compound of iron, which affords another basis for chemical and may enable evidence for its presence to be obtained noninvasively by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. This approach also limited by low surface- is density of the pigment, coupled with the near ubiquity of iron in various chemical forms; quite it is common to see a weak iron signal on many parts of a painting. In addition, x-ray fluorescence does not help with identifying indigo. Nevertheless, the ability to identify iron noninvasively The advent, meant ble can sometimes provide useful evidence. infrared absorption spectrum some time both compounds. The characteristic for is ago, of the Fourier transform approach for capturing a spectrum that microscopic samples became adequate sample from the painting may still be The for study. a limitation, of a permissi- size but within this limit, a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum normally enables a definitive identification of both pigments, including mixtures of the two. Although infrared spectroscopy can also, in principle, be done in reflectance serious difficulties when applied in this way. These are chiefly the low intensity of the diffusely reflected radiation tion mode on the surface of a work, it suffers from and obscurement of the spectrum of interest by absorp- by the support material, binder, method having been sizes, and so forth. We are not aware of such a investigated for application to East Asian paintings. Reflectance spectroscopy has been used as a noninvasive technique in the ultraviolet and lar as some visible regions. As an identification method, this has not been as popu- others and has the disadvantage of lower resolution of spectral features and poorer fingerprinting ability than, for example, FTIR. advantage for identification of colorants: by definition It it does have is at least highly selective for materials that absorb in the visible region and discriminates against other nents that are present in the painting. Compounds have strong absorption in the ultraviolet not necessary to be bound by the also, and one compo- that absorb visible light usually purposes for identification sensitivity limits of the human it is eye. This identification method has proved to be well adapted to the indigo/Prussian blue problem. The main reason in the present case lies properties of indigo above about 700 infrared region. a low value, nm, as the The absorption of radiation a characteristically different with the unusual absorption spectrum moves into the near- in this region by indigo falls rapidly to behavior from that of Prussian blue or 61 MARCO LEONA AND JOHN WINTER other possible blue pigments. It follows that the reflectance of indigo rises rapidly, as seen in the reflectance curves for indigo figure 2. and Prussian blue dispersions shown A consequence of the same property is that images of indigo-painted areas in the near infrared appear very FIG light in tone, to the extent that such areas can often be suppressed feature sent in 1 REFLECTANCE CURVES 2. = Indigo. 2 = Prussian Blue such an image. This was exploited work with in the pre- certain paintings, as described below. j Visible reflectance spectros- £ — £ copy has been used by others for example, and in by Feller, Bailie (1984) Curran, on Japanese 300 700 500 900 ukiyo-e prints. Fiber-optic techWavelength, nology enabled an advance to be made by nm solving the problem of coupling the spectrometer to any selected spot the painting surface; pioneering Bacci and his coworkers work was done Bacci et (e.g., al. 1996), in the field of Italian paintings who adopted (fiber-optic reflectance spectroscopy) for this approach. In fiber-optic probe of special design has been coupled to trophotometer (Varian Associates, Inc.), a the on by acronym FORS our hands, a flexible Cary 50 UV-visible spec- an instrument with a spectral range of about 250 nm nm or so about mm diameter that can be accurately located on the painting surface. The 190-1100 0.7 (other limitations tend to restrict reflectance spectra to a range above ). This system enables a spectrum to be collected from a spot of particular spectrometer couples efficiently to fiber optics special shielding improved is is lights; the specialized fiber-optic efficiency in collecting reflected radiation noninvasive: the from room no sample is and may be used without removed, and there is probe design gives an from the painting. The method no contact between the probe and work of art being examined. Furthermore, exposure to the wavelengths employed safe even for extremely fugitive dyes for times normal spectrum acquisition. much longer than The system has been described those required for in detail in a separate publication (Leona and Winter 2001), which also describes the use of Kubelka-Munk transforms to identify mixtures of the two pigments. The present work relied heavily blue, green, or purple areas on on the FORS technique the paintings. mented with x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy Where (to for an initial analysis of appropriate, this was supple- confirm the presence of iron in suspected Prussian blue occurrences ) and FTIR spectroscopy on a removed sample. 62 THE IDENTIFICATION OF INDIGO AND PRUSSIAN BLUE The last approach complemented the FORS method, well with the heavy (and therefore dark FORS since does not work as and unreflective applications ) more that are amenable to sampling. TINTING STRENGTH The tinting strength of a in a selected white mentally. It is pigment is measured by dispersing pigment and assessing the resulting color a convenient method of quality control, Prussian blue in commercial color technology has led to often been measured. modern world The same is as a dyestuff rather weighed proportion a either visually or instru- and the importance of its tinting strength having not true of indigo, which known in the and of ferric ferro- better is than a pigment. We prepared mixtures of synthetic indigo ( Fisher Scientific ) cyanide (Fisher Scientific) with calcium carbonate (Aldrich Chemical Co., 99+%). In each case, the pigment (0.1 g) was ture mixed with calcium carbonate (10 g), the mix- made damp with ethanol and ground thoroughly with a pestle and mortar, and then dried to give a 1% (w/w) dispersion. that the Prussian blue dispersion is The shown results are lighter in color in plate than indigo but also 7. It is is seen a brighter blue color. Layers were prepared on microscope slides using methylcellulose in aqueous solution as a binder. Chromameter Model Instrumental measurements of the colors (Minolta 221) gave results in the Similar dispersions of 0.1%, 1%, (Sigma Chemical Co.). These were La*b* system shown in table and 10% (w/w) were made in 1. barium sulfate but they also showed lighter in color overall, higher tinting strength for indigo than for Prussian blue. A dispersion of 2% Prussian blue in barium sulfate was approximately the same tint as the 1% indigo preparation. Prussian blue has been characterized in the literature as having a high tinting strength. This is undoubtedly true, but it seems clear from these of a reasonable purity has a tinting strength at least comparable results that indigo to, if not higher than, that of Prussian blue. TABLE 1. COLOR MEASUREMENTS ON 1% DISPERSIONS L IN CALCIUM CARBONATE a* b* Prussian blue 48.60lo.22 -7.21+0.02 -27.1310. 26 Indigo 38.23lo.46 -1.69lo.06 -14.5910. 18 63 MARCO LEONA AND IOHN WINTER PREVIOUS IDENTIFICATIONS The pigments identification of these in design features of paintings has been techni- cally rather difficult for the reasons described above, particularly in cases tures are likely. These points should be remembered when claims of identification are However, Prussian blue need not be considered before the eighteenth cen- assessed. tury, where mix- and pigment is be unusual before the nineteenth. Existing identifications of this likely to in East Asia appear to be confined to Japan. Indigo as a pigment has been claimed on paintings and objects in the eighth- century Shosoin repository as well as on temple wall paintings of the ninth to eleventh century Yamasaki and ( substituted for azurite azurite, Emoto when 1979). In the latter usage this was in short it was suggested that indigo supply Japan has often had to import ( and communications with the Asian continent were time in question). Coming restricted FitzHugh (2003), to Japan of later times, in during the an investiga- tion of 284 ukiyo-e paintings or groups of paintings in the Freer Gallery collection, found indigo in 152 cases and Prussian blue in 36. The paintings ranged from the seventeenth through the nineteenth century, and, not surprisingly, Prussian blue occurrences were heavily weighted toward the later paintings. However, the identification method was chemical microscopy, and the identifications because of small sample sizes uncertainties attended some of and probable mixed occurrences. RESULTS PAINTING SELECTION The great majority of paintings investigated were Gallery of Art, and FitzHugh some were works A large proportion of the pupils, a school that happens collection of the Freer by also investigated, using different techniques, (1979; 2003). Date attributions ranged teenth century. from the from the eighteenth works are attributed to to the nine- Hokusai or his to be well represented in the Freer collection. Altogether 139 paintings were found to have indigo and/or Prussian blue, alone or in mixtures. Nine of these had one or the other only ( as a mixture with a pigment of another color typically with a yellow to afford a green color ), leaving 130 with indigo blue in blue design features. The overall statistics are given in table of paintings with their attributions and the results obtained is 2. in the and/or Prussian A complete list appendix. PRUSSIAN BLUE OCCURRENCES Those paintings where Prussian blue was found and where indigo was not found 64 as THE IDENTIFICATION OF INDIGO AND PRUSSIAN BLUE a blue color are listed in table 3 (p. 66). In addition to twelve paintings in Prussian blue appears as a blue, there is one where it is mixed with yellow which to give a green color, also without the co-occurrence of indigo. However, of the twelve with Prussian blue as blue, three also had indigo in a yellow-blue mixture and one had indigo in a red-blue mixture. There were, therefore, only eight paintings that used Prussian blue without any use of indigo on the same painting. INDIGO OCCURRENCES Those paintings where indigo has been found without Prussian blue having been found are listed in table 4 (p. 67). indigo occurs as blue low, and in ten low, and one in as a in eighteen of ( There are eighty-five paintings them, it is it which also present as a mixture with yel- mixture with red), seven in which which in also it occurs only mixed with yel- occurs only mixed with red. In none of these cases was any Prussian blue-based mixture found. PRUSSIAN BLUE AND INDIGO CO-OCCURRENCES Two situations are possible: the pigments ferent design elements ), or they may be applied separately ( usually for dif- may be applied as a mixture. Both situations have been TABLE 2. OVERALL STATISTICS TOTAL NUMBER OF PAINTINGS 139 Having design elements 130 in blue Mixtures with other colors only ONLY ONE OF THE PIGMENTS AS BLUE Indigo only as blue 1 Prussian blue only as blue 2 BOTH PIGMENTS USED AS BLUE Used in separate design elements Used as mixtures Both situations on same painting 9 97 85 12 33 26 13 6 MIXTURES WITH OTHER COLORS 60 Indigo + yellow pigment 48 Prussian blue + yellow pigment 3 Indigo + Prussian blue + yellow pigment 2 Indigo + red pigment 13 1. Eighteen paintings had indigo also in a green mixture. 2. Three paintings had indigo in a green mixture. 65 MARCO LEONA AND [OHN WINTER TABLE 3. OCCURRENCES OF PRUSSIAN BLUE ONLY PB = Prussian blue; I-gn = indigo green; PB-gn = Prussian blue green; IPB-gn = both in green; blue + red; Ind = indigo. Identifications: x = identification firm; (x) = identification probable. Accession numbers refer to the collection of the Freer Gallery of Art. B+R = Accession # Artist Support Title F1898.107 Katsushika Hokusai F1898.123 Utagawa Hiroshige A girl II silk X silk X X paper X X silk X paper X silk X paper X silk X walking silk X Peach blossom spring silk Ningyo paper pipe Utagawa Hiroshige F1903.216 Katsushika Hokusai F1904.132 Katsushika Hokusai Rats and rice bales F1904.180 Katsushika Hokusai Flowers, birds, animals F1904.185 Katsushika Hokusai A girl F1904.218 Katsushika Hokusai F1905.228 Katsushika Hokusai F1954.119 Katsushika Hokusai Summer A seated man looking at ill potted peonies twelve seasons holding A man Kawahara Keiga Following painting had Prussian blue F1904.73 Katsushika Hokusai Ind Landscape: Mountain, stream, and boat F1997.23.3 X carrying backpack and lantern I'.uikIio X a letter behind her back lam B+R Landscape of the season: n)8(i.(i(i IPB-gn Landscape of the F1898.126 I PB-gn I-gn X a season: Spring II PB paper holding Portrait of a courtesan in a X (X) green mixture only Walking figure of a X paper courtesan found, sometimes on the same painting; table 2 gives the overall numbers. In addi- may be mixtures with other colors. Table 5 tion, as before, there three paintings in ( p. 69 ) lists the thirty- which these various co-occurrences have been found. This increases the number of paintings on which any six, and the number of paintings on which any indigo has been found Prussian blue has been found at all to forty- at all to 127. MIXTURES WITH YELLOW OR RED PIGMENTS The sixty paintings where mixtures of either pigment with a yellow or respectively a green or purple color, are listed in table 6 (p. 70). 2, in red, to give As seen from table these are additional to the use of indigo or Prussian blue in blue design elements all but nine cases. RELATIONSHIP TO SUPPORT OR FORMAT In table 7 (p. 72), the port material listed. 66 (silk numbers of occurrences of Prussian blue or paper) and of painting format (hanging as a function of sup- scroll, screen, etc.) are THE IDENTIFICATION OF INDIGO AND PRUSSIAN BLUE TABLE 4. OCCURRENCES OF INDIGO ONLY Ind = indigo; I-gn = indigo green; IDENTIFICATIONS: x = B+R = blue + red. identification firm. Accession numbers refer to the collection of the Freer Gallery of Art. Accession # Artist F1894.30 K.isni Title Bamboo stems A peacock Ganku F1898.6 Mori Sosen F1898.74 Sdri F1898.96 Shiba Kokan with branches and foliage I-gn X X X a cage of fireflies River landscape Miyagawa Choshun F1898.103 Sori III F1898.105 Sdri III A A A F1898.111 Katsushika Hokusai Flowering squash-vine and F1898.114 Hishikawa Moroyasu A F1898.121 Seashore: Three girls under a flowering cherry tree X 1-1898.1350 Utagawa Toyokuni Katsushika Hokusai Blossoming plum branches X Fi898.i35e Katsushika Hokusai F1898. 13511 Katsushika Hokusai Fi898.i35i Katsushika Hokusai A man with a fan, butterflies, and A tree and four red Torii A young crow and maple leaves F1898.423 Katsukawa Shunko An F1898.429 Miyagawa Choshun A yujo F1898.508 Smoata Zesmn Ashinaga and Tenaga worshiping the rising sun X F1899.16 Kitagawa Utamaro A X F1899.17 Utagawa Hiroshige F1899.19 F1900.58 F1901.13 yujo and her understudy girl X a faggot-gatherer under a cherry tree playing battledore and shuttlecock a X a bowl of water actor in character on a X X X bee yujo doing her hair sitting bench courtesan playing a samisen in A ino X X X X X X X Ind River Landscape X Nishikawa Sukenobu A X Katsushika Hokusai An A yujo and F1901.166 Anonymous Suzuki Harunobu F1902.3 Katsushika Hokusai Miscellaneous subjects X F1902.27 Katsushika Hokusai The Chinese hermit Sun Teng X F1902.41 Katsushika Hokusai Standing figure of a X F1902.42 Katsushika Hokusai Miscellaneous subjects X X F1902.48 Katsushika Hokusai Country scenes X X F1902.49 Katsushika Hokusai Country scenes X F1902.100 Katsushika Hokusai Katsushika Hokusai F1902.222 Katsushika Hokusai A courtesan under a cherry tree New Year's day: Two strolling mountebanks A boy fishing from the limb of a tree X F1902.178 F1903.2 Katsushika Hokusai Clam-gatherers on the shore X F1903.52 Katsushika Hokusai rituals X rituals X II girl sitting on her bed old fisherman standing on the shore her understudy Murasaki Shikibu girl F1903.53 Katsushika Hokusai F1903.97 Utagawa Hiroshige Landscape: Flowering cherry trees along F1903.109 Katsushika Hokusai River landscape, ferry-boat, F1903.125 Katsushika Hokusai Landscape: Parties F1903.126 Katsushika Hokusai F1903.127 Katsushika Hokusai the banks of a stream looking A A at X X X X New Year New Year II In A Ind X Katsushika Hokusai F1898.101 and X X F1898.97 lady D+K X Women at their toilet A young woman with III T« A Ind and Mt. Fuji of men and women cherry blossoms courtesan standing X X Ind X X X X X X X Ind X dancer, Kiyohime, a cherry tree, and the bells A of dojo-ji courtesan writing, another looking on X F1903.128 Katsushika Hokusai Interior: F1903.129 Katsushika Hokusai F1903.134 F1903.135 Anonymous Anonymous A A A F1903.143 Katsushika Hokusai Viewing cherry blossoms X F1903.144 Katsushika Hokusai Viewing cherry blossoms X X courtesan X yujo with a pipe X yujo reclining X Ind 67 MARCO LEONA AND JOHN WINTER TABLE 4. (CONTINUED) [nd = indigo; I-gn = indigo green; identifications: x = B+R = blue + red. identification firm. Accession numbers refer to the collection of the Freer Gallery of Art. Artist Fl903.291 Ando Ind Title Landscape Hiroshige Fl904.142 Katsushika Hokusai Suikoden F1904.173 Katsushika Hokusai Standing figure of a F1904.174 Katsushika Hokusai Landscape: Bridge, houses, and distant F1904.177 Katsushika Hokusai A Fl904.l86 katsushika I lokusai A F19O4.I88 Katsushika 1 lokusai 1 a tie six X women, and hills X X a child pine tree traveling X mountebank under a tree X X X poets Katsushika Hokusai Descending dragon F1904.206 Katsushika Hokusai Landscape: Boatman poling his X X F1904.357 Ando Hiroshige Miscellaneous sketches X X After Tsunenobu Birds and flowers X X Eishi A taggot -gatherer looking at a waterfall An amusement resort at the seashore Lady viewing cherries at Goten Yama Eishi Yang Kuei-Fei X 1 1 ign |.K)ii !go |.;S; F19O4.4OO Shibata Zeshin Fi905.27O Katsushika Hokusai F1905.294 F1906.11 Hosoda Hosoda F1906.51 Katsushika Hokusai Filial F1906.52 Katsushika Hokusai Two drunken men F1906.233 Katsushika Hokusai X raft returning from a — r-— Katsushika Hokusai Fi907-368 Katsushika Hokusai E1907.369 Katsushika Hokusai F1955.2 A Fi957-7 lam Buncflo Hosoda Eishi F1959.12 Miyagavva Choshuii Festivals of the twelve Sakai Hoitsu j : X X Beauties of the season: Spring X months X Yosa Buson F1974.I6 logan Barbarians F1977.22 Anon. Ryukyu man One hundred boys playing Activities of the twelve months Parrot on a branch Pounding rice for rice cakes Ike Taiga 1 1 !.)(.- K)-S Yamawaki Toki (-. F1978.I4 Kavvanabe Gyosai F1986.6O Kusumoto Rin 1 1992.24 F1995.15 Katsushika Hokusai Kishi Ganku 1 F1995.17 Utagawa Kunisada F1998.297 Shuki Okamoto inu X peacock and peonies F1967.I9 F1964.12 X X Vosa Musiin Mori Sosen X cherry four seasons IS 1960.3] X tour seasons, The master poets Monkeys and waterfall Tower Mynah birds on a plum Mynah birds on a plum 1 F1963.3 X X Two of the spring and summer Landscape: Two of the One of the six poets One of the six poets Landscape: F1906.234 Ind X X piety blossom party — DTI\ X tall girl shinto priest, three under on l-gn I X inu X X x tree X tree X X X X X X X X X agle Courtesan beneath a mosquito net X Auspicious symbols X Ind Following eight paintings have indig o mixed with other color only I iStj 4 . 2 <-y Kishi A female immortal riding a deer Ganku X F1898.421 Shun man Two F1904.131 Yosai Kikuchi Three gardeners of the emperor Takakura X Katsushika Woman X F1904.428 1 I 1 1 lokusai I'Kig. in Kawanabe Gyosai Kawanabe Gyosai KM". 31.I Izuhara 1999.5.3 Ikeda Koson 68 Makoku X oiran facing the right beckoning of Shuten Doji Fan with scenes of the tale Fan with scenes of the tale of Flowers of the four seasons Gosekku Shuten Doji X X X Ind THE IDENTIFICATION OF INDIGO AND PRUSSIAN BLUE TABLE 5. OCCURRENCES OF PRUSSIAN BLUE AND INDIGO ON SAME PAINTING Ind = indigo; PB = Prussian blue; Mix = mixture of both; I-gn = indigo green; PB-gn = Prussian blue green; IPB-gn = both identifications: x = identification firm; (x) in green; = B+R = blue + red. identification probable. Accession numbers beginning with "F" designate paintings in the collection of the Freer Gallery of Art. -0 Accession # Artist Title F1898.8 Gakutei Harunobu Two a geisha reading from a book F1898.no katsushika Hokusai Boy and Mt. F1898.124 Utagawa Hiroshige Landscape of the season: Winter Fi898.i35a Katsushika Hokusai II A fat man old an old Fuji X X X PB-gn IPB-gn X X X X + X sitting beside bell F1902.2 Katsushika Hokusai Cherry blossom viewing F1902.40 Katsushika Hokusai A herd boy F1902.221 Katsushika Hokusai Chung Kuei Shoki F1902.254 Katsushika Hokusai Crustaceans of various kinds F1902.258 Katsushika Hokusai Hawk and X F1903.106 Utagawa Hiroshige F1903.145 F1903.146 Ando Ando F1903.274 Katsushika Hokusai A (Sori II) or Sori a clothes rack seated on ( ) tall trees X a tree trunk killing a demon fish X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X River landscape and temple in X X sites ot X X sites X X X X the rain Famous Famous III X (x) River landscape: Village and Hiroshige (x) X Katsushika Hokusai Hiroshige X X F1901.165 II orj Ph Edo of Edo X X courtesan standing near X F1904.134 Katsushika Hokusai The F1904.175 Katsushika Hokusai Mt. Fuji and Enoshima F1904.176 Katsushika Hokusai Mt. Fuji and F1904.178 Katsushika Hokusai Four ran papers F1904.179 Katsushika Hokusai Flowers, birds, and animals of the F1904.181 Katsushika Hokusai A fisherman F1904.182 Katsushika Hokusai A F1904.184 Katsushika Hokusai Interior: veranda X F1904.189 Katsushika Hokusai Ascending dragon X F1904.204 Katsushika Hokusai X X X Katsushika Hokusai The The rivers F1904.205 rivers X X X F1905.276 Katsushika Hokusai Breaking waves X X X F1905.282 Katsushika Hokusai A priest (Kobo the tantra X X F1964.11 Ike Taiga Red X X F1975.14 Katsushika Hokusai X X X F1976.41 Hokuga Album Album X X X F1977.24 Hokutei Joren Choi and Kanyu X X F1996.32 Totoya Hokkei X Nanreisai (Nagasaki) The first katsuo of the season Dutch couple reading a letter X LTS1987.1.72 X X lute and white snake of Benten X bnosmma at the shore faggot-gatherer six six Two Tama Tama ladies seated X X twelve seasons seated (x) on X X X X X X X X X X X X (x) X X X a Daishi) practicing Cliff of forty-two sketches X X Ind X 69 J 1 MARCO LEONA AND JOHN WINTER TABLE OCCURRENCES OF BLUE/YELLOW AND BLUE/RED MIXTURES 6. Ind = indigo; PB = Prussian blue; Mix = mixture of both; I-gn = indigo green; PB-gn = Prussian blue green; IPB-gn = (x) = both B+R = in green; blue + red. IDENTIFICATIONS: x = identification firm; numbers identification probable. Accession refer to the collection of the Freer Gallery of Art. * -0 Accession # Artist A Oanku Ganku Fi894-—9 Kishi F1894.30 Kishi Hlftrtft Ji rioyo.o l^i L' tpi vjdKuici PiJinS "7.1 rioyo./^ ^riri oui female immortal riding a deer Bamboo 1 I 1 - 1 I HiiK 1111 Oy 0. lit/ Klioy Slf\ft 1 01 r 0. 1 _ 1 1 R IXil1 L ' XA/nmi^n vwiiiilii v Mn Mi 1 1 1 1 1 w o-haj ii1 l Tti 1 ii i^ti T ' Hn K Sa mvn tuni yi k L' 1 ts.il 1 1 1 1_> tl L' LI1 1 > ii 1 1 >. 1 X rPTninu iluliiiiu tmm nuiii it tnpir uilii t<"iil*>t loiili \A ivl t ill Rnu DOV ui nn 1L1 1 I 1 ^*=>i c n jcdoiiuic. 1 1 I 1 li Utagawa Hiroshige Fi898.i35e Katsushika Hokusai II IPB-gn B+R X Pi Lll|l Tn rt^t* r 1 l hill gins ci 1 ( v\ X Ind X x 1 1 . X X riL' L'OUK X X X innPr a q uiiuci 1 1 X flowcrinc cherry tree F1898.126 PB-gn X 1 iwu Ti*?r\ n*>icn'i gcioiid Til 111 1 00 stems with branches 1 n (H tt~\ 1 np dl ILL LUJ iiltt H iriinnnii ndi lihuihi 1 1 c Cu Title Ind Landscape of the season: Summer A man and F1898.13511 Katsushika Hokusai F1898.421 Shun man F1899.16 Kitat^awa F1899.17 Utagawa Hiroshige F1901.165 Katsushika Hokusai Utamaro II a with a fan, butterflies, bowl of water X X A tree and four red Torii Two oir&ti A courtesan playing a samisen X River landscape X X Ind X River landscape! Village and trees tall F1902.2 Katsushika Hokusai Cherry blossom viewing X F1902.27 Katsushika Hokusai X F1902.40 Katsushika Hokusai The Chinese hermit Sun Teng A herd boy seated on a tree trunk X F1902.42 Katsushika Hokusai Miscellaneous subjects X X F1902.48 Katsushika Hokusai Country scenes X X F1902.178 Katsushika Hokusai New Year's mountebanks X X F1902.221 Katsushika Hokusai Chung demon X X X F1902.254 Katsushika Hokusai Crustaceans of various kinds X X X X X X day: Two Katsushika Hokusai Hawk and Katsushika Hokusai Clam-gatherers on the shore F1903.109 Katsushika Hokusai River landscape, ferry-boat, and F1903.125 Katsushika Hokusai F1903.128 Katsushika Hokusai 1-1903.145 Ando F1903.216 Katsushika Hokusai Hiroshige hsh ruji U 1 1 1L 1 1 IV Interior; M )M 1 U a 1 L 1 1L I A courtesan X X X X 1 I V Ul OSoOi 1 1 X Famous X seated sites of Edo man looking at Katsushika Hokusai Walking figure of F1904.131 Yosai Kikuchi Three gardeners of the emperor Takakura F1904.173 Katsushika Hokusai Standing figure of F1904.175 Katsushika Hokusai Mt. Fuji and Enoshima Katsushika Hokusai Four fan papers F1904.180 Katsushika Hokusai Flowers, birds, F1904.181 Katsushika Hokusai F1904.182 Katsushika Hokusai A A Ind X X X potted a tall girl X X X X X (x) X X X X X X X X X X X and animals of the twelve seasons faggot-gatherer X X at the shore X X a courtesan fisherman seated X Ind X F1904.73 F1904.178 X X peonies 7" Ind writing, another looking on A X men and Landscape: Parties of VV X Kuei (Shoki) killing a Fi9 '2.2s8 JYLt. X X strolling F1903-2 ( X THE IDENTIFICATION OF INDIGO AND PRUSSIAN BLUE TABLE (CONTINUED) 6 c DO -0 Accession # Artist F1904.184 Katsushika Hokusai - Title Two Interior: ladies seated X F1904.186 Katsushika Hokusai A F1904.204 Katsushika Hokusai The six F1904.205 Katsushika Llokusai he six F1904.206 Katsushika Hokusai Landscape: Boatman poling his F1904-218 Katsushika Hokusai A man F1904.357 Ando Miscellaneous sketches I Hiroshige mountebank under Tama X X X rait n, inu X 1 Katsushika Hokusai Breaking waves F1905.294 Hosoda Lady viewing cherries Goten Yama F1906.51 Katsushika Hokusai Filial piety F1907.369 Katsushika Hokusai One of the F1960.31 The master poets r1964.11 Sakai Hoitsu Tl r ~ i\ ., Ike laiga F1969.29 Kawanabe Gyosai Fan with scenes of the of Shuten Ddji tale F1969.30 Kawanabe Gyosai Fan with scenes of the tale F1975.14 Katsushika Hokusai F1976.41 Hokuga Album Album F1992.24 Katsushika Hokusai Pounding F!995-!7 Utagawa Kunisada Courtesan beneath F1996.32 Totoya Hokkei The Fi997-3i-i Izuhara Ft999-5-3 Ikeda Koson facing the right beckoning six resort at the seashore X X X hid X X at poets D~*l /""lift Red (_ntt \ X X X Makoku nd X 1 X lnd X X X X X of Shuten Ddji X of forty-two sketches rice for rice cakes a X X X X X X X mosquito net katsuo of the season first 1 X X F1905.276 : X \ carrying backpack and lantern An amusement B+R X X 1 Woman IPB-gn X Kim, rivers Katsushika Hokusai 11 (x) X Katsushika Hokusai . X X X F1904.428 Eishi a tree rivers F1905.270 PQ on a veranda traveling DO - ex X X Ind X lnd X X Flowers of the four seasons X Gosekku Ind DISCUSSION An elementary point to deal with first is whether Prussian blue was more likely to have been used on one support material rather than another, or for paintings of one format rather than another. The relevant numbers are in table test was used to test the null hypothesis that there Prussian blue being chosen for listed. silk 7; the statistical yi were equal probabilities for or for paper, and also for each of the formats This was done for both total Prussian blue usage and its employment with- out indigo also being present. In no case was the null hypothesis rejected: there no reason based on these toward use on one or the other results to suspect a bias support material or in one or another format. is It is true that, in the case of format, the great majority of works were hanging scrolls (these include paintings that were clearly intended for mounted dom as panels ), hanging which scrolls, though limits the extent to at the time either which the results unmounted or can surmount ran- variations. 7i MARCO LEONA AND JOHN WINTER TABLE 7. PRUSSIAN BLUE OCCURRENCES BY SUPPORT AND FORMAT format: Hng = Hanging scroll; Alb = Album, album Handscroll; = Fan painting. Format Silk Paper Hng Scr Hnd Alb Fan 139 69 70 102 17 5 8 7 46 25 All paintings Prussian blue, total Prussian blue, not indigo 12 in the Hnd = Support Total As noted already = Screen; Scr or single sheet; Fan leaf, 81030 75 background 5 4 36 21 section, historical evidence argues for the ready availability of Prussian blue for pigment use after the 1820s. investigated here, although many of them it is 1 clear that a majority are Of the paintings from the nineteenth century, have serious uncertainties associated with the dating. However, thirty- four of them could be dated to later than 1830 with reasonable confidence. eighteen had Prussian blue identified on the painting, Of these, and three of them had Prussian blue without indigo. Thirty-one of the same group had indigo identified, and of these sixteen had indigo without Prussian cerned, indigo was used is sole use of the more blue. Thus, as far as these paintings are con- frequently than Prussian blue, whether the criterion pigment or includes cases where both are used. The latter includes the use of mixtures of the two, which are considered further below. However, seems as a clear from these results that indigo it continued to be used extensively by painters dark blue pigment even when Prussian blue was available to them. From table 2, we see that there were thirteen paintings ( of the whole suite exam- ined) where mixtures of indigo and Prussian blue were identified (table the paintings). a fine It may be that, in some or adjustment to the shade of blue desired. The fact that, as discrimination could occur. An specifies described below, cases are found where both indigo and Prussian blue are used separately design elements on the same painting 5 of these cases, the painter was making all may support for different the hypothesis that such color alternative hypothesis is that, in some or all cases, Prussian blue was either adulterated by a pigment supplier with indigo (which, as a domestic product, was presumably cheaper or was being "eked out" by the painter. ) It is also clear from the background section that examples of Prussian blue use from the eighteenth or early nineteenth century was possible obviously one does not expect many. It with some confidence to before 1820. Of these, earliest was a landscape been painted by the bunjinga would be of some interest, though to attribute seventeen paintings Prussian blue was found on two. artist Ike The Taiga (1723-1776), believed to have in the 1760s (plate 8). Both indigo and Prussian blue are present, sometimes separately, sometimes 72 as THE IDENTIFICATION OF INDIGO AND PRUSSIAN BLUE either mixtures or overpainted areas. river near the The Prussian blue is present bottom of the painting, and in the blue areas of the trees approximately halfway up. However, the painting, though believed to be firmly attributed, sively restored in the replaced. addition cannot be ruled out. work is exten- upper part, with significant areas of paper support having been Although the Prussian blue ferent Taiga by the in the rocks It is as the earliest is present in unrestored areas, clearly its later interesting that Screech (2000, 204) refers to a dif- known Japanese painting in which the sky repre- is sented in a blue color. The second painting (plate 9) painter Nanreisai 1771-1836 ( ), is a portrait of a applications both of indigo (decorations (flowers on the woman's Dutch couple by the Nagasaki dated from an inscription to on the figures' scarves) dress). This firmly dated painting "serious" importation of Prussian blue as a pigment, dence. The pigment was There were some 1817." of, on the is and of Prussian blue course, entering Japan through Nagasaki. leaf by the early-nineteenth-century painter ); is some of the blue is details in plate 10. of this feature were shown by the It relatively pigment are suppressed An in plate 12, in To the was possible FORS tech- to separate these identification high reflectance in the near infrared, and features an infrared image. Such an image of the same area which shows exactly corresponding the is and white porce- ( shown only. Hokuga, seen by an imaging method. As described previously Properties and methods), indigo has a in this An example a representation of a piece of blue nique to be indigo and others to be Prussian blue. details and individual cases of interest because of the use of indigo lower right of this painting lain (plate 11 the early edge of at basis of historical evi- Prussian blue for separate design features of the same painting. album This also had light (in black and white) the Prussian blue image of the same area taken with features visible light will, of course, register both pigments, and subtraction of the plate 12 image from removes the Prussian blue features to leave those in indigo, as seen in plate have to assume that the rather small differences in blue tint it We 13. between the indigo and the Prussian blue areas were what was desired by the painter in this case. Plate 14 shows The decorated a painting lute by Hokusai entitled The Lute and White Snake ofBenten. bag features two shades of blue, darker blue apparently overpainting a as seen in plate 15, showing a medium and rather duller blue. Reflectance spec- troscopy showed the darker blue to contain Prussian blue and the less dark to be indigo. Once again the latter could be suppressed in an infrared image, shown Table 2 summarizes identifications of indigo or Prussian blue ( in plate 16. or, in one case, both) with a yellow pigment to give a green color, and of indigo with a red pigment to give purple. Table 6 2. lists the paintings where these situations were found. Collection of Ambassador and Mrs. W. Leonhart, on loan to the Sackler Gallery, loan number The first LTS1987.1.72. 73 MARCO LEONA AND JOHN WINTER point is that mixed colors seem to be relatively common, especially where indigo is concerned, perhaps more than had hitherto been suspected. Out of the 139 paintings examined, no fewer than fifty-two had a mixed green of some kind. Only four of these used Prussian blue including two where indigo and Prussian blue were both ( found to ), showing that indigo was strongly favored producing since all a for this purpose. purple color from a blue/red mixture, indigo thirteen cases found used this of blue can only be surmised; possibly cheaper blue usually being chosen. Prussian blue and name "Hooker's is When It is comes also strongly favored, pigment. Reasons for the disparity it it in choice was made on economic grounds, with the of interest that gamboge was marketed in the West at one time a mixture of for watercolor use under the green" (Gettens and Stout 1966, 119). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. We thank Ms. Elisabeth West FitzHugh for making available her unpublished Freer Gallery ukiyo-e paintings and for valuable discussions on Jennifer Giaccai for experimental help at various stages. Professor Columbia University, is on and Ms. Henry Smith, thanked for providing a copy of the English version of his paper in advance of publication (see Smith 1998). 74 results this topic, H+a u8-i Ind X X Ind X X X x X X X x fan J X X 9d early /A|ji>3 1 ii X x puj X x X X x x x rl\ ate ea 1 early x X earb x x x x x late late late silk silk silk t' _c J3 SI x paper iddnv, silk lEUIJOJ X silk silk silk silk silk silk silk 60 I111 hng 1 'i' si Bp — hng silk 1 = 1 silk t 1 1 fan J 1 1 c. 1 19th Attributions c. c. L> 19th c? 1839 19th 18th early 1 ca. foliage bell fireflies old and bee of deer book Summer a a a a Winter an Spring I cage and branches under beside butterflies, a riding branches from f faggot-gatherer season: with hair pipe battledore toilet girls season: season: tree with tree squash-vine a reading immortal J their woman stems the plum fan, the a of of of with doing holding and bowl a old and female Bamboo Titles 1 < A young lady River Two girl girl Women c. Flowering yujo Landscape Landscape man A c. A A Boy a fat flowering and Blossoming Landscape Seashore: under < A A of man playing 1 cherry 1 1 Mt. shuttlecock landscape at the Three a cherry geisha her Fuji water sitting A A and 1 1 5i b < < c. Dates 19th 1 19th B 18th- 19th 1 c. 18th- 18th- 1 18th 1 1 1 1 i786?-i868 Artist 1826-1869 late 1 1749-1838 1760-1849 early 1 . late early late early 1760-1849 1760-1849 1826-1869 1826-1869 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 I 1769-1825 fl. i 1747-1818 1749-1838 II 11 II c 3 Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Moroyasu Hokusai Toyokuni Harunobu Ganku Ganku Kishi Kishi Hiroshige Hokusai Hokusai Hiroshige ± 1 c I Kokan III Katsushika Gakutei Artist Hiroshige Sori Shiba 1 > III III Sori Sori Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Fi898.l35a Fl898.i35b Fi898.i35e Hishikawa Utagawa Utagawa Utagawa Utagawa F1898.121 F1898.123 F1898.124 F1898.126 # 2 F1898.no Accession i F1894.29 F1894.30 I I F1898.8 F1898.74 F1898.96 F1898.97 F1898.103 F1898.105 F1898.107 F1898.111 F1898.114 _I i -a a+a Ind Ind y »» VJ X X . y US-] X X y x H<l pu] y X early early X Wl X X x y It //[leg x X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X y X X X X X X X X X y. paper paper u %> early X X X XTJAJ X * X late late early early <LI jjoddns paper paper paper paper silk 10 paper paper paper ^< _^ -j. OO 00 00 00 00 so 00 OD 00 silk silk 60 00 00 00 00 00 -d JEUIiOJ silk so silk silk silk silk BO BO so BO so silk silk 00 BO c hng 00 c hng hng c. 1843 00 Attributions c. 18th o c. c. 19th 19th i8th-i9th 1840 1820s? dated 1806 ic 1806 ca. Fuji shore mountebanks rain tree trees Mt. demon tall trunk tree a on trees of in and kinds cherry strolling standing a on viewing subjects stream girl understudy Village a ) a the hermit under ( seated Shikibu her and 00 sun in figure scenes rituals rituals Year Year cherry banks <& blossom landscape landscape Kuei landscape: and Chinese at Clam-gatherers the Year's Miscellaneous courtesan rising Murasaki yujo H River An < the A < Country Standing '00 Cherry Ri\cr An Chung The A A Landscape: Landscape: ountr\ herd Ashinaga > courtesan Crustaceans old Titles landscape, fishing boy Miscellaneous actor standing Parties of fisherman courtesan '5 and Flowering from day: scenes of on Shoki playing of a various subjects or Tenaga BO blossoms ferry-boat, the Two character men temple killing cherry Sun a and shore limb tree QJ and Teng worshiping samisen women the a the A New boy River New X A New looking River along A ( Dates ON o 00 rQ 1 1 O 1 1826-1869 Artist 1734-1827 00 no 1760-1849 1760-1849 NO 1753-1806 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1724-1770 NO 1826-1869 1760-1849 1760-1849 1826-1869 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1 1807-1891 II C 3 II 3 Hokusai Shunko Utamaro U Hiroshige Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai 3 Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika F1903.125 F1903.126 _^ OJ -r; 3 Hiroshige Hiroshige Utagawa Utagawa F1903.97 F1903.106 X Harunohu c/) Zeshin II 03 c (CONTINUED) Katsukawa Anonymous OO Katsushika Kitagawa >- Artist Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Utagawa Shibata Suzuki z s2 # c ON ON -T APPENDIX Accession 00 ON GO CO ON CO _ F1898.423 Uh rS ON ON 00 F1898.508 F1899.16 F1899.17 ll< O OS F1900.58 F1901.13 F1901.165 F1901.166 F1902.2 F1902.3 F1902.27 F1902.40 F1902.41 F1902.42 F1902.48 F1902.49 F1902.100 F1902.178 F1902.221 F1902.222 F1902.254 — F1903.2 F1903.52 F1903.53 F1903.109 1 11 1111s I i 5 it i 1 .5 I § f El i II 1 31 till i in fill III - fff ff i i Hiiiiii lit 1 11 I i I . 0 -a T3 c a+a "8-ad u8-] X X X X X X X X X X X late late X ad X X pui X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X late late Ml Jr 3 X X X X X X x Si SL -2 3. X X X X X X 1 early early paper paper X f X early per uoddns paper I paper paper I paper s. silk silk silk scr alb alb alb I1= III 1 I paper silk silk pa silk 1 8. bp hng I I scr scr silk silk paper silk paper silk silk s. g1 SI I c° hnd hng 11I1 fan fan 19th 1848 = c? c? 88 19th 19th i8th-early 1844 1797 Attributions c. c. 19th 19th 1760s dated aged late 1840 late 1760s after 1776 late c. c. 19th 19th Doji Doji Shuten Shuten 1776 boat waterfall ratt Yama lantern t his a and and seashore c 1 walking the looking sketches Spring party months tree at 1 four four the the of of tale tale the the returning plum plum peonies Daishi) resort waterfall cherries blossom Mountain, poets season: poets twelve a courtesan a of of men Boatman poets summer Two Two flowers waves six Kobo six . carrying faggot-gatherer A ( amusement Miscellaneous c and cherry Kuei-Fei drunken viewing -g tree stream, at backpack of of Goten at poling seasons seasons, practicing Landscape: of Landscape: the and the of of of Beauties Portrait A A A An the Two Lady Yang Mynah scenes scenes with with Fan Fan Monkeys Festivals Tower spring Filial Mynah Cliff peacock ot Breaking Birds on birds and Landscape: man Titles on birds the master a tantra. priest Landscape: the and piety a One from One The A Red Dates 11 Artist ft * 1891 1760-1849 f 1760-1849 1760-1849 17611-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1760-1849 1-60-1849 1760-1849 1682-1752 1831-1889 1831-1889 Gyosai Gyosai Kawanabe Kawanabe 1797-1858 1756-1829 1756-1829 1756-1829 1761-1828 1763-1840 1747-1821 1716-1783 1716-1783 1807 1723-1776 Hokusai ] Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Hokusai Choshun Zeshin Hiroshige Eishi Tsunenobu Eishi Eishi 1 Hoitsu Buncho Sosen (CONTINUED) Katsushika Katsushika Shibata Artist Ando 1 1723-1776 Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Hosoda Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika Katsushika faiga Taiga Ike Ike F1964.11 F1964.12 Buson Buson Yosa Yosa F1967.18 F1967.19 Miyagawa Hosoda Hosoda After Sakai Tani Mori i i # APPENDIX Accession — F1904.206 F1904.218 F1904.357 F1904.383 F1904.400 — F1905.228 F1905.270 F1905.276 F1905.282 F1905.294 F1906.11 F1906.51 F1906.52 F1906.233 F1906.234 F1907.368 F1907.369 F1954.119 F1955.2 F1957.7 F1959.12 F1960.31 F1963.3 F1969.29 F1969.30 ^2 Ind X * X X X X X X x X late paper paper paper silk alb Ind X X x late earh late silk silk paper hnd x X x late X late late silk silk paper I g? g? < A I. silk silk hng 1 I I, alb early paper If 1 ci c. s 19th u 1820-25 !11 late 1 1828 1 1830 ca. 3 ca. 1855 3 1817 net months mosquito letter 1 cakes sketches a rice twelve a L playing reading boys for beneath forty-two the \ of | rice \ 1 couple of hundred 5 1 Barbarians : Courtesan § 5 Activities Pounding Album Si One Gosekku Dutch Ningyo t If # 1 1786-1860 1 1 Ii II 'J 1 1 !1 1831-1889 1777-1839 If 1771-1836 1760-1849 1823-1880 ca. ?l 1801-1866 ) 1765-1824 Nagasaki Hokusai 3 Gyosai Kunisada Toki Keiga ( Katsushika Koson 3 Hokusai logan 1 d Katsushika Yamawaki Kawanabe Nanreisai Kawahara 3. \% Utagawa After 11 I ! Ikeda g 110-4,10 F1975.14 _ 6 PL, II 1 F1978.6 F1978.14 F1992.24 — F1995.17 F1997.23.3 ?1 LTS1987.1.72 F1999.5.3 ) MARCO LEONA AND JOHN WINTER REFERENCE LIST Bacci et Bacci, al. Gettens and Stout 1966 1996 Mauro, Andrea Casini, Franco and Marcello Gettens, Rutherford Lotti, reflectance spectroscopy and posium on the conservation and — and George L. Stout. New York: Dover. spectral imag- ing for conservation. In International sym- of cultural property J., 1966. Painting materials. Picollo. 1996. Fiber optics Ito, Sinkai, Ito, and Sugisita. 1999 Atsuko, Tetuo Sinkai, Ryuitiro Sugisita. restoration Spectrometric exami- nation in conservation, edited by Chie Sano. Tokyo: Tokyo National Research Institute 1999. Study on berensu Prussian blue ( deteriorating silk fibers of Edo-period kosode. Bunkazai Hozon Syuhuku Gaikkaisi 43:47-53. of Cultural Properties. Leona and Winter 2001 Berrie 1997 Berrie, Barbara. 1997. Prussian blue. In Artists' pigments: A handbook of their history characteristics. Vol. 3, edited West FitzHugh. versity Press and by Elisabeth and National Gallery of Art. Curran, and Bailie 1984 Feller, Robert L., March of traditional Chinese painting. Baltimore: Waverly Press, 1935. Reprint: Needham and determination of their Needham, rates of fading. Appendix. In Japanese woodblock prints: A catalogue of the Collection, by Roger S. unique 1969 organic colorants employed in Japanese prints A tool for the investigation of Japanese paint- March, Benjamin. 1969. Some technical terms of Mary Curran, and Catherine Bailie. 1984. Identification optics reflectance spectroscopy: ings. Studies in Conservation 46:153-62. New York: Oxford Uni- Feller, Leona, Marco, and John Winter. 2001. Fiber Mary A. Ainsworth Keyes. Oberlin, in Paragon Book Corporation. 1986 Joseph. 1986. Science China. Vol. 6, technology. Part and civilisation Biology and biological 1: Botany. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ohio: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Schafer 1981 Oberlin College. Schafer, FitzHugh 1979 Edward H. of Samarkand, FitzHugh, Elisabeth West. 1979. A pigment census of ukiyo-e paintings in the Freer A 1981. The golden peaches study of Vang exotics. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1963. Reprint. Gallery of Art. Ars Orientalis 11:27-38. Schweppe 1997 FitzHugh 2003 . 2003. A Schweppe, Helmut. database of pigments on Japanese ukiyo-e paintings in the Freer history Gallery of Art. In Studies using Elisabeth methods: Pigments ings. in later scientific Japanese paint- Freer Gallery of Art Occasional Papers, this volume. Washington, D.C.: Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution. 80 1997. Indigo In Artists' pigments: and and woad. A handbook of their characteristics. Vol. 3, edited West FitzHugh. New York: Oxford University Press and National Gallery of Art. by THE IDENTIFICATION OF INDIGO AND PRUSSIAN BLUE Screech 2000 Screech, Fear and creativity culture: states, by Sze 1977 Timon. 2000. The Shogun's painted in the 1/60-1829. Envisioning Asia, edited Homi Bhabha, Norman Wu Japanese Bryson, and Hung. London: Reaktion Books. Sze, Mai-mai, trans. garden manual 1977. The mustard seed of painting. Translation of Chieh tzu yuan hua chuan, 1679-1701. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Reprint of publication by Bollinger] Foundation, New York, 1956 and 1963. and McNair 1988 Silbergeld Silbergeld, Jerome, and Amy McNair. 1988. Chinese painting colors, studies ot their Wehlte 1975 Wehlte, Kurt. 1975. The materials and tech- preparation and application in traditional niques of painting. Translated by Ursus Dix. and modern times. Translation ot Yu Feian, New York: Van Zhongguo hua yan se di yan jiu. Hong Kong and Seattle: Hong Kong University Press and University of Washington Press. Nostrand Reinhold. Yamasaki and Emoto 1979 Yamasaki, Kazuo, and Yoshimichi Emoto. 1979. Pigments used on Japanese paintings from Smith 1998 the protohistoric period through the seven- Smith, Henry. 1998. Ukiyoe ni okeru "bum kakumei" The "blue revolution" ( teenth century. Ars Orientalis 11:1—14. in ukiyoe). Ukiyoe Geijutsu 128:3-26. 8] MARCO LEONA AND JOHN WINTER AUTHORS ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH Elisabeth West FitzHugh holds a B.A. in chemistry from Vassar College and a Diploma in the Archaeology of Western Asia from the University of London. She was a conservation scientist in the at the Freer Department of Conservation and Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Research Scientific Sackler Gallery until 1991 and is now a research associate there. She has carried out extensive analyses of Chinese bronzes and pioneered the application of x-ray diffraction to the study of Chinese jades. In recent years her interests have focused on the history and ments, and her research has included the identification of ple, identification of pig- Han blue and Han pur- two previously undescribed Chinese pigments. MARCO LEONA Marco Leona has a doctorate in mineral crystallography He was Pavia in Italy. Program at the Freer Gallery He is a research scientist for the East of Art and Arthur currently Scientist-in-Charge of the Metropolitan methods M. from the University of Asian Paintings Research Sackler Gallery from 1998 to 2000. Department of Scientific Research at the Museum of Art. His main interest is the development of noninvasive for the scientific analysis of artists' materials and works of art. JOHN WINTER John Winter has a doctorate in organic chemistry from the University of Manchester and spent several years doing academic and industrial research before transferring to the field of archaeological science at the Applied Science Center for at the University of Pennsylvania. Smithsonian Institution the in 1971, He working Department of Conservation and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery. He is 82 joined the Freer Gallery of Art of the in the Technical Laboratory, Scientific which became Research after the addition of the currently senior conservation scientist in that department. His major research interest ings using scientific methods. Archaeology is all aspects of study of East Asian paint- A DATABASE OF PIGMENTS INDEX Akiyama, Terukazu, China 12 azurite pigment, 18 alizarin, 10 Anderson, William, Ando Hiroshige 22 table ( 70-71 table 1797-1858 68 table 7, 37, cinnabar deposits, 9 6, 9, 13, 16, 18 6, 77, 4, ), 18, 21 table 6, 69 table "clam white" in shell artificial jade, 6 indigo cultivation, 20 5, lead 78 and lead white pigments River Landscape: Blossoming Cherry Trees, malachite in alchemical 52 plate organic red pigments, 10-11 5 from Hunan Province, anthraquinone colorants, 10-11 realgar arsenic sulfide, red earth pigments, 12 28 13, 14, and dating of ukiyo-e paintings, 2-3 as source of best pigments, 4 verdigris pigments, 17-18 azurite (gunjo) pigment, 1, 5, 18, 21, 29, 59 wet-process vermilion/ "Chinese method," 8 yellow earth wall paintings, Bailie, Yungang Catherine, 62 barite pigment, barium bengara See also 31 5, 16, 23, cinnabar, sulfate, 23 ( red iron oxide), "clam 11 Mogao 8, 9, cave paintings cobalt oxide, Berlin blue, 57, 59 cochineal ( 31, 42 18, 19 scale insect 10 ), Conder, losiah, 9, heroin (Prussian blue), 20 copper acetate, artifical, 17 herorin (Prussian blue), 59 copper aceto-arsenite, blue pigments, 18-22 copper alloys, 24 copper carbonate, Prussian blue pigment copper chlorides, ( 5, 22, 25 early 18th c. 51 ), A Puppet-Show: plates copper oxychloride, copper-zinc alloys, screen), 33, 49 plate Curran, Mary, 62 hyobu (folding screens), 1 1, 5, 16-18, 17 table 4, 3-4 The Story of "The Potted Trees" folding ( 29 15, 18, 16 copper green pigments, 18 brown pigments, Bunkaku 18 4 See also indigo pigment; blue verditer, Dunhuang) shell white," 6 herein huraau (Prussian blue), 59 Prussian blue), 20, 59 ( 27 Clark, Timothy, ( 15 wall paintings, 22 beni (safflower red), 10-11 hero 13 red lead pigment from, 9 atacamite, 16 attribution in, 7 texts, 15 16 23, 30 2 Daigo-ji wall paintings, 24 calcite pigment, 5, 6, 26-27 calcium carbonate pigments, 6-7, 26-27, 63 table Edo period (1615-1868), 1 artifical iron oxides, 12 1 carbon pigments, 4 carmine pigments, 10 dry-process vermilion from China, 8 carminic acid, 10 Japanese pigment terminology, 4 indigo with Prussian blue, carthamic acid, 10-11 organic red pigments, Chamot, Emil Monnin, 42 chemical microscopy, 1, 3, 26, 29, 30, Eisai, 25, 57-81 11 Shuzen, 41 64 83 ) MARCO LEONA AND JOHN WINTER Hishikawa Morofusa Eizan-ji temple (Nara), wall paintings, 25 emerald green pigments, empaku enji lead white), ( 6-8, 27 1, 5, organic red), 10 ( entan (d. 1694), 32, 33 Hishikawa Moroyasu, 34, 67 table 4, 75 ( 1771-1844), 21 table 55 plates 10-13, 69 table Hokutei Joren, Feather, Melanie, 31 Hokuun Feian, Yti, 6, 18 Feller, Robert 71 table 6, 21 table 6, 38, (early 19th c. ), 22 table 7,37,38, 6, 5, 69 table 14 table 5, 79 79 table 4, 35 3, 17 "Hookers green" Prussian blue and gam- 62 L., 1688-97), Hishikawa Moronobu Hokuga red lead), 9 ( ca. (fl. 17 table 4, 33 17, 18 ( 60 ferric ferrocyanide, 20, boge), 74 FitzHugh, Elisabeth West, "floating world" paintings, Horyuji temple 64; profile of, 82 2, Hosoda 1 Freer, Charles, ukiyo-e paintings collection, 2 21 ( Nara wall paintings, 9 ), Eishi (1756-1829), 7 table 2, 17 table 4, table 6, 35, 36, 68 table 4, 71 table 6, 78 Freer Gallery of Art Occasional Papers identification series, vii Furuyama Moroshige, methods chemical microscopy, 33 1, 26, 29, 30, 3, 64 fiber-optics reflectance spectroscopy Gakutei Harunobu 69 table gamboge 5, ( 19th 70 table c. ), 12, 19, spectroscopy, 22, 13, 15 57, 61-62 PLM ( 3, 16, ), 1, 25-31 emerald green pigment, indigo synthesized Prussian blue first project design, 18 first in, made in, 1., dispersive x-ray analysis 2, 5 1, 3-4, 25-26, 29, shin iwaenogu ), 61-62, 62 leaf, 4, 23, green verditer, 4, 15 ( XRD ), 1, 3, 8, 16, x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, 31 25-31 57, 61 Ike Taiga (1723-1776), 68 table 4, 69 table 30 green pigments, 15-18 71 table 6, 1, 5, Gyosui (1868-1935 )> 5, 72-73, 78 Landscape: "Red Cliff" (hanging scroll), 23 15, gunjo (azurite), SEM-EDXA), fig. 2 x-ray diffraction 5-6, 26-27, ( UV-visible reflectance spectroscopy, 20, 17 28 ), 1, 61 31 thin-layer chromatography, ( glucoside, 57 gofun (shell white 15, scanning electron microscopy with energy- 20 Giaccai, Jennifer, 22 glass-matrix pigments 11, 14, 3—4 reflectance spectroscopy, 20 wet-process vermilion, 8 Gettens, Rutherford gold 62-63 polan/ed-light microscopy 24 Germany goethite, 57, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) (fo-d or gambdji), Geerts, A.I.C., (FORS),n,20, table 6, 37, 21 6, 75 18, 21, S3 plate 8 29 Ikeda Koson, 68 table 37 4, 71 table 6, 79 indican, 57 hakudo kaolin ( Han dynasty indigo 5, 21, 23, 31 ), (206 B.C.E.-220 ( ai) pigment, 19-20, 53 plate 1, 5, 55 plates 10-13, 56 plates c.e. methods, 30 red lead pigment process, 9 identification "white chalk" pigment, 6 identification of, 57-81 Hanabusa Itcho 1652-1724), ( hana-konjo (smalt), 1, 5, occurrences 33 11, 12, Hiroshige. See Hiroshige 37 84 II 67-68 pigment mixtures, 65 52 plate 6 hematite, of, 65, table 70-71 table 6 28 Ando table 4, 69 table overall statistics, 65 table 2 18-19, 29-30, 49, previous identifications, 64 Hiroshige (1826-1869), 21 table 6, 22 table 7, 7, 14-16 research results, 71-74 tinting strength, 60, 63 2, 65-66, 5 A DATABASE OF PIGMENTS "indigo red" (indirubin), 60 Kishi indigotin, 19 75. iron hexacyanoferrate, 58 red oxide, 70 table Kitao 50 12, Isoda Koryusai 1711-1785 ( 17 table 4, ), 34 1766-881,34,38 (fl. Iwasa Matabei (1578-16501,32 Izuhara Makoku, 68 table 4, 71 Jogan (1765-1824), 36, 68 table Ando Kaigetsudo (early 18th kakemono (hanging Kano Eitoku Kano Masanobu c. 79 4, ), Kobayashi, Tadashi, 31 Koezuka, Takayasu, 12 laccaic acids, 10 34 lapis lazuli, 21, 22 scrolls), 2 lazurite, 21 lead carbonate pigments, 6-8, 27 Kano Mitsunobu 1565-1608), 32 lead chloride, Kano lead oxide, 27 ( school, use of shell white pigment, 6 Kano Tan'yu (1602-1674), 32 kaolin (hakudo) pigment, Katsukawa Shuncho Girl ( late 18th c. and a lead white 4, 14 table 34 3, Kitten (hanging lepidocrocite, 3, 14 table 3, 36, 34, 3, 1744-70), 35 Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849), 38-41, table 5, 3, 17 table 4, 19 66 table 59, 64, 70-71 table table 3, 7 table 2, 5, 21 67-68 table 6, table 4, 69 75-79 6, Benten ( Sarasvati (hanging ) scroll makimono Kawamata Tsunemasa Kawamata Tsuneyuki Kawanabe Gyosai 71 table 6, 78, 82 dye), 10 ( rokusho) pigment, 1, 5, 15, 29, 5 Mason, Clyde Walter, 26 Meiji period (1868-1912), mercuric sulfide, 1 8-9, 27 metal pigments, 1, mica (ummo, or kira) 4, 5, 23, 30 pigment, 1, 5, 22, 31 (fl. Miyagawa Choki 79 ca. 1830-43), 38 (fl. 1741-43), 35 (18th c.),35 ( fl. 1704-44), 35 (1831-1889), 38, 68 table 4, 79 Kawashima Shigenobu ( 3, of, 14 (handscrolls), 2 Mihata Joryo table 11, microscopy. See under identification methods ), 56 plates 14-16, 73 Kawahara Keiga, 66 6-8, Walter, 26, 31 52 plate The Lute and White Snake of kermes McCrone, malachite 35 (fl. 5, 12 ( Katsukawa Shunsui 14 table 11, madder red 14 table 1, 36 76 Katsukawa Shunsho (1726-1792), pigment, ) Leona, Marco, profile limonite, 1762-1819), 14 table ( Katsukawa Shunko (1734-1827), 67 table ), etnpaku ( 7 table 2, 27 19 50 plate 2 Katsukawa Shunei 7-8 lead tetroxide, artificial, 9 23,31 5, 21, Kara Khoto (Mongolia), wall paintings, scroll), 1764-1824), 36 Kitao Shigemasa (1739-1820), 36 ( (1543-1590), 32 A ( Kubo Shumman (1757-1820), 36 Kusumoto Rin, 68 table 4, 79 Kyoho era 1716-1735 ), 19 table 6, 79 Jinnojo, 32 Interior: (1761-1816), 36 Kitao Masayoshi 11 Ishikawa Toyonobu 36, 67 table 4, 76 6, Kitano, Nobuhiko, 12 11-12, 24-25, 28 5, purple iron oxide, table 4, 68 table 4, 70 table 6, 79 Kitagawa Utamaro (1754-1806), iron blue. See Prussian blue pigment iron oxide pigments, Ganku, 67 scale insect ), ( fl. 1722-44 ), 35 10 kermesic acid, 10 kira (mica), 1, 5, 22,31 85 ELISABETH WEST FITZHUGH Miyagawa Choshun (1682-1752), 17 table 4, 21 Prussian blue (bero-ai) pigment, table 6, 33, 34, 67 table 4, 68 table 4, 75, 76, 78 Open Yujo with a Pipe Standing in the Side Room and Looking Out hanging of a Mogao (fl. 15, 18, 22, invented in the West, 1744-70), 35 cave paintings (Dunhuang), Momoyama 6, 7, 9, 12, 60-61 5 Nagasaki trading records, 59 occurrences by support and format, 25 period (1573-1615), Mori Sosen, 67 of, methods, 30 identification of, 57-81 scroll), 52 plate 6 Miyagawa Shunsui chemical identification identification ( 20-21, 1, 53 plate 7 72 table 7 1 occurrences table 4, 68 table 4, 75, 78 Muromachi period on ukiyo-e (1333-1573), 22 of, 64-65, 66 table paintings, 21 table 3, 69 table 5 57-81 6, overall statistics, 65 table 2 Nanreisai, Dutch Couple Reading a Letter, detail ( hanging Needham, scroll ), 54 plate 9, 69 table 5, 73, Nishikawa Sukenobu (1671-1751), Gessai 65-66, tinting strength, 60, 63 23, 34, purple color pigments, 24-25 76 Nishikawa Sukeyuki, Numata 2, research results, 71-74 ( 4, table 70-71 table 6 previous identifications, 64 Joseph, 10 Nihongi Chronicles of Japan ), 4 67 table pigment mixtures, 65 79 purple iron oxide pigment, 35 19th -20th (fl. c. ), 21 table 6,38 50 plate 2 12, purplish-pink colorants. See organic red ( enji) pigments purpurin, 10 odo (yellow earth), 14-15 Oguchi, Hachiro, 6, 12, 18, 19 Okumura Masanobu (1686-1764), 14 table 3, 34 organic brown pigment, 1, 5, organic red (enji) pigments, organic yellow pigments, orpiment dry vs. (sckio) pigments, 10-11, 1, 5, 1, 5, 27-28 12-14 red pigments, 8-12 rokusho Ryuryukyo ), 1, 21, 5, 15, 9-10, 27 29, 52 plate 5 22 table 7, 30 Shinsai, 38 Sakai Hoitsu, 68 table listing of, 4, 71 table 6, 78 1, scanning electron microscopy with energydispersive x-ray analysis, 1 3-4 of repaint pigments, Schafer, 4-5 Screech, See also identification methods pigment mixtures, 23-25, sekio H., 1, 3-4, 25-26 13, 14, 15 Timon, of indigo and Prussian blue, 65 table 2, 70-71 table 6 shell 1, 5, 12-14, white (gofun) pigment, 1, 5-6 as a 27-28 3, 28 uniquely Japanese pigment, identification (PLM), 1, 3, 16, 58, 73 (orpiment pigment), 14 table 31 polarized-light microscopy Edward Schweppe, Helmut, 58 17, 23 research results overview, 86 1, 5, 1, 5, Sanraku (1559-1635), 32 pigments on ukiyo-e paintings, 25-31 11-12, 28 safflower red (beni), 10-11 16, 51 pigment analysis Plesters, Joyce, 26, green pigments ( painting, term defined, 2 project design, ( run ultramarine), 14 table 3 paratacamite/clinoatacamite, 2 table 5, 1, red lead (entan or tan) pigment, red mercuric sulfide, 8 methods, 28 on ukiyo-e paintings, earth pigments, 29 wet-process, 13—14 identification brown red colorants, 25 30, 31 1, 5, 15, realgar (yuo), 13 red and orange-red pigment. See red lead pigment 1, 31 methods, 26-27 Shiba Kokan (1738-1818), 36, 67 table Shibata Zeshin, 67 table 4, 68 table 4, 75 4, 76, 78 9 THE IDENTIFICATION OF INDIGO AND PRUSSIAN BLUE shido ("purple earth"), Shigemasa 14 table II, "ultramarine blue," 24 11 ultramarine 41 3, shin-sha (red pigment/cinnabar), shio (yellow), 12, 8-9 ummo 13, 15 Shosoin repository (Nara), Shuki Okamoto, 68 table 14 table 4, 8-9 ), 70 table 1, 5, 1, 67 table 4, table 4, 71 table 6, 79 ( d. 1829 ), 14 table 3, 17 table table 4, 6, 75 Uyemura, Rokuro, 18-19, methods, 29-30 paintings, 19 table 17 table 4, 37 6, 19 verdigris 1, 5, 8-9, 7 7 table 2, 14 Wenley, Archibald G., 70 table white pigments, 1, Winter, John, profile of, 82 i8th-early 19th c), 69 table 36, 67 table 4, 5, 6, 75,77 spectroscopy. See under identification Harold 17, 18 2-7 Song dynasty (260-1279), III (fl. late pigment, vermilion pigment (shu or shin-sha), 5 Smith, Henry, 58 methods woodblock 31; vii 5-8, 23 prints, pigment analysis of, 1-2 Phillip, 31 Suzuki Harunobu ( 1725-1770), 35, 67 table 4, 76 Yamasaki, Kazuo, 11, Yamawaki Toki, 68 Mamiko, 24 Taguchi, Ei-chi and taisha (red iron oxide), Tajima, Shiichi, yellow arsenic sulfide, 12 yellow earth (odo) pigments, 9, 18, 19, yellow (shio) pigments, 24 Takamatsuzuka tomb, wall paintings, Yosa Buson, 68 table 23 1680-1730), 34 (ca. Tang dynasty (618-907), Tani Buncho, 66 table I (fl. Tawayara Sotatsu ca. 3, (fl. 1, 4, 78 Yosai Kikuchi, 68 table 4, yud tan (red lead), Tawayara Sori 24, 31 table 4, 79 Yanagisawa, Taka, 24 11 8-9 Takamatsu, Toyokichi, Tamura Suio 3, 76 52 plate 6 on ukiyo-e Stern, 6, 75, 38 Utagawa Toyonobu, 30 identification 3, 66 table II, 70 table Utagawa Toyokuni (1769-18251,37, 67 silver sulfide, 3, 7, 4.37 smalt (hana-konjo) pigment, table 22 table ( silver leaf, 4, 23, 30 Sori 5, Utagawa Toyohiro 4, 76 6, 21, Utagawa Toyoharu 1735-1814), 37 79 68 table 3, 38, 1, 5, 22, 31 1, 5, Utagawa Kuniyuki, Shungyo, 36 49 plate mica ), Utagawa Kunisada, 68 64 70 table ( 69 table 6, 8, 9, 10, 16, 20, shu (red pigment/vermilion Shumman, pigment, ruri) Utagawa Hiroshige Shorakusai, 36 22, 23, ( 30 1, 5, 14-15, 28-29 12, 13, 15 70 table 6, 77 (realgar), 13 10, 15, 18, 19, 20, 23, 58 68 table 4, 78, 79 1764-80), 36 ca. 1600-40), 32 Tiantishan Grottoes (China), wall paintings, 7 tinting strength, of a pigment, 60, 63 Torii Kiyonaga (1752-1815), Torii Kiyonobu I ( Toriyama Sekien ( Toshinaga, ), 4,36,37 17 table 4, 34 1713-1788), 35 17 table 4, 37 Totoya Hokkei, 69 table Tsukioka 17 table 1664-1729 5, 71 table 6, 79 Settei (1710-1786), 14 table 3, 35 Tsunemasa ( fl. 1730-80), Tsunenobu, 68 table Tsutsumi Torin III 4, 17 table 4, 35 78 (d. 1820), 37 87