The Spinone ews - Spinone Club of America


The Spinone ews - Spinone Club of America
The Spinone ews
September 2009
Spinone Club of America
First Time Ever Western Regional Specialty
Friday, August 14, 2009,
the first SCOA Rocky
Mountain Regional Specialty held in Greeley,
Colorado. What a turnout!
We had 35 Spinoni. Spinoni and Spinoni-owned
came from Iowa, Missouri,
Wyoming, South Dakota,
California, Minnesota, Arizona, Washington, Florida,
Indiana, Nebraska and, of
course, Colorado. (Cont’d
on page 12-13).
Special Articles of Interest:
Board Changes
Since the last Newsletter, the
board of the Spinone Club of
America has undergone
some changes.
Jeff Rhodes, President
Liz Bodell, Vice-President
Don Lamoureux, Treasurer
Jan Naigus, Secretary
Kim Vanderbilt, Membership Secretary
Deb Davenport, Board
Bobbi Bensen, Board member
Chris Sweetwood, Board
Karen Luckey, AKC Delegate
Find contact information on
Page 4.
Inside this issue:
Volunteers Needed
There are many members
working hard over these last
six months. There were the
many members who contributed to make Rend Lake a
financial success, as well as a
lot of fun. The board members have been working hard,
see inside this issue for board
meeting minutes to see all of
the detail.
In addition many members
are currently on the various
committees working hard on
their specific areas to support
our wonderful club and breed.
There are many areas where
the club can still use your
help. There are many small
and large jobs to volunteer
If you have any interest in a
specific area, contact the
committee chair to see where
they can use your help.
There are two regional reporters needed for the newsletter.
It requires writing one article
four times a year. Contact the
editor if you would like to
volunteer. The club needs
you, please volunteer.
Spinone Club of America
President’s Message
It’s hard to believe we are past the National Meeting and fall is already here. Susan McGregor
and Keely Ghirardelli have decided to hang up their editor/publisher hats, and I cannot thank
them enough for their efforts in producing a first class newsletter over the years. For many
members, the newsletter is the primary contact with the club, and they have continued the tradition of putting out an excellent publication. I also want to welcome and thank Mary Faeth and
Daina Hodges for volunteering to pick up this ball and run with it. Obviously, a newsletter
needs articles, and I am sure they would appreciate contributions from the membership.
Concerning maintaining contact with the club and events, I would also like to remind members
that information is frequently posted on our website:
http://www. spino neclubofa m
W e h a v e a l s o set up a member email list at:
http://pets. groups. ya ho A_Me mber s/
We encourage members to check into both. In this day and age, electronic media has become
much more a standard of communicating information quickly.
A lot has already happened since the National Meeting. The new board was installed, and a
number of Committees have been either re-confirmed or established: Awards, Code of Conduct, Health, Hunt Test, and Registry of Merit. Open or unfilled Committees include: Judges
Education, Breed Standard, and Regionalization. Again, thanks to members who have volunteered to serve on the Committees. We continue to look for interested members who want to
participate, I’m sure some may feel committee activity has not progressed fast enough. The
Board does want to progress, as does the membership, please remember all volunteers are trying
to balance supporting the club along with family, jobs, and yes, even their own dogs. Thanks
for your understanding.
In addition to Board and Committee activity, members in Colorado had a very successful Regional Specialty this summer, coordinated by Debby Forry, congratulations to them. The 2010
National Committee is hard at work preparing for the Spring Meeting, and the Board has received a bid to hold the 2011 National in Olympia Washington. The club is also sponsoring
booths at the “Meet the Breed” events in New York City October 17 and 18, and at the 125th
AKC/Eukanuba National Championship in Long Beach, California December 12 and 13.
I hope everyone has a great fall with friends, family, and their dogs.
SCOA Financials
Page 2
Page 3
The Spinone News
Contact Sheet
Jeff Rhodes: President, 1959 Millersburg Rd., Wooster, OH 44691
[email protected]
Liz Bodell: Vice-President, 610 Angell St., Providence RI 02906
[email protected]
Don Lamoureux: Treasurer, Minnesota
[email protected]
Jan aigus: Secretary, Show Chair, Florida
[email protected]
Deb Davenport: Board Member, South Dakota
[email protected]
Sh Ch.Goldfly Magic in the Sky
Sh,CM. J.W.
Bobbi Benson: Board Member, Iowa
[email protected]
Chris Sweetwood: Board Member, Connecticut
[email protected]
Kim Vanderbilt: Membership Secretary, New York
[email protected]
Karen Luckey: AKC Delegate, 5 Robin Court, Old Brookville, NY 11545
[email protected]
Mary Faeth: Co-Editor, Registry of Merit Chair, California
[email protected]
Daina Hodges: Co-Editor, Montana
[email protected]
Carmen Alvarez: Code of Conduct Committee Chair, 1041 York Avenue Cape May, NJ 08204
[email protected]
Karen Moodie: Health Committee Chair
[email protected]
Ann Bagnell: Annual Meeting Committee Co-Chair
[email protected]
Alyssa Pease: Hunt Test Committee Chair, Virginia
[email protected]
Keely Ghirardelli: Awards Committee Chair, Washington
[email protected]
Lauren Friedman, ortheast Regional Reporter ME, VT, NH, MA, RI, CT, NJ, DE, MD, PA, NY, Connecticut
[email protected]
Kathy Hamaker, Midwest Regional Reporter MN, WI, IA, IL, MO, MI, IN, OH, KY
[email protected]
Northwest Regional Reporter WA, OR, NV, CA, AK, HI (Need volunteer)
Rocky Mountain Regional Reporter MT, ID, WY, UT, CO, ND, SD, NE, KS (Need volunteer)
South Regional Reporter TN, WV, VA, NC, SC, MS, AL, GA, FL (Need volunteer)
Southwest Regional Reporter AZ, M, OK, TX, AR, LA (Need volunteer)
Page 4
Spinone Club of America
SCOA Board Voting Activity
Minutes of the Board Meeting May
12, 2009
Present: Liz Bodell, Deb Davenport,
Don Lamoureux, Jan Naigus, Jeff
Absent: None
Quorum was established.
The meeting was called to order by
President Jeff Rhodes at 9:06 PM.
Minutes of the last meeting were
Report of Secretary
The paperwork for two planned
breedings were received.
The officers have been updated in the
AKC records and on the AKC web
Moved and passed to accept secre-
Minutes of the Board Meeting May
26, 2009
Present: Bobbi Benson, Liz Bodell,
Deb Davenport, Don Lamoureux, Jan
Naigus, Jeff Rhodes, Chris Sweetwood.
Absent: None
Quorum was established.
The meeting was called to order by
President Jeff Rhodes at 9:08 PM.
Minutes of the last meeting were
accepted (Don/Deb).
ew Business:
Establishment of SCOA member
email list: Discussion of the need for
a list and the need for policies about
the purpose and use of the list. Kim
has the list ready to go. Jan will work
with Kim on policy on appropriate
Minutes of the Board Meeting
June 17, 2009
Present: Bobbi Benson, Liz Bodell,
Deb Davenport, Don Lamoureux,
Jan Naigus, Jeff Rhodes, Chris
Absent: None
Quorum was established.
The meeting was called to order by
President Jeff Rhodes at 9:15 PM.
Minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved. (Don/Bobbi)
tary’s report
Treasurer’s report
The new club bank account has been
set up with Wells Fargo.
The club’s tax return should be filed
this week
Liz will send a cashier’s check to
transfer funds from the old account.
A discussion of Quickbooks vs.
Quicken was held. Both programs
work; it’s a matter of personal preference which to use.
Moved and passed to accept treasurer’s report
Old Business: None
ew Business:
Appointment of new board members.
Jeff presented the list of members
behavior and consequences of violating the rules. Motion to set up group
email list under the tutorship of Kim
Vanderbilt, pending approval of the
rules. (Chris/Liz). Motion passed
Set up procedure for online voting by
board: We have the secured Google
group for board members only.
AKC requires a signed form from
each board member on file with club
secretary with email address and
password for voting. Liz will send
form to everyone. Once everyone has
sent in their forms, we will be able to
vote online.
Policy about printing of nonmembers’ names in the newsletter:
The club cannot get into trouble for
printing correct, factual information.
who had expressed interest in serving
on the board. After discussion, it was
moved and seconded (Liz/Deb) to
appoint Bobbi Benson and Chris
Sweetwood to the two open seats.
Motion passed (Unanimous). Jeff
will notify Bobbi and Chris.
It was moved and seconded (Deb/Jan)
to appoint Kim Vanderbilt Membership Secretary. Motion passed
(Unanimous). Liz will notify Kim.
Annual meeting proposal: One proposal to host the 2010 annual meeting
was received, submitted by Ann
Bagnell. After discussion, it was
moved and seconded (Deb/Don) to
accept the proposal. Motion passed
(Unanimous). The 2010 annual meeting will be held in Carlisle, PA from
April 26 – May 2, 2010. Jan will
notify the committee. Discussion
followed about hiring a show secretary again this year. It was moved
All show results should be reported.
Motion made to publish names of
members and non-members who
have items of interest in the SCOA
newsletter (Chris/Liz). Motion
passed (Unanimous).
AKC 125th Anniversary Meet the
Breeds Booth October 17 and 18,
2009: SCOA will participate. Kim
Vanderbilt will be in charge of the
booth. All SCOA brochures need
updating. SCOA will provide flyers, photos, and DVDs for the booth.
Motion to participate in the AKC
125th Anniversary Meet the Breeds,
appoint Kim Vanderbilt in charge,
and that we provide support in the
form of photographs, DVDs, and
pamphlets. (Jan/Chris) Motion
passed (Unanimous).
Newsletter: The newsletter editors
Report of Secretary
Information received for four
planned breedings.
banks handle NSF checks. Old bank
account will remain open until NSF
checks have been resolved.
Letter received from AKC about
Eukanuba show; will be discussed
under new business.
Moved and approved to pay $1,353
for annual meeting merchandise.
Moved and passed to accept secretary’s report (Chris/Bobbi)
Don will look into obtaining SCOA
credit card so that individual members would not need to use personal
credit cards for club business.
Treasurer’s report
Don explained the format of his
reports. Current bank balance is
$43,633.90. Discussion of the ways
and seconded
(Jan/Liz) to hire Arden Shaw of Specialty Dog Shows to be show secretary.
Motion passed (Unanimous).
Discussion of tasks and challenges
facing the board. Immediate concerns
are establishing committees, the bylaw
revision process, and the Code of Conduct.
Election of members will be held once a
month. Board meetings will be held
monthly. Discussion of ways to facilitate communication between the membership and the board, which could
include the web site and a membersonly email group.
Next scheduled meeting is June 17,
2009 at 9 PM EDT. Meeting adjourned
at 10:18 PM. Minutes submitted by
Secretary, Jan Naigus
have submitted their resignations. A
notice should be put in the newsletter
asking people who want to work on the
newsletter to let the board know of their
interest. Jan will contact the editors to
ask them to include the notice in the
upcoming newsletter.
Litter listings: Discussion and clarification of policy for litter listings. Listings
and checks should be sent to the secretary, who will forward the check to the
Jeff is now the statutory agent for
SCOA and his address is the official
address for the club.
Next scheduled meeting is June 17,
2009 at 9 PM EDT. Motion to adjourn
(Chris/Deb). .Meeting adjourned at
10:02 PM. Minutes submitted by Secretary, Jan Naigus
Committee reports:
Annual meeting committee: The
board meeting is currently scheduled
for Thursday night. The board wants
to reschedule the meeting for Thursday afternoon.
Moved and passed to accept committee report (Chris/Deb)
Old Business: None
Moved and passed to accept treasurer’s report (Chris/Deb).
Page 5
SCOA Board Voting Activity (Cont’d)
ew Business:
Committees: There is a list of people
who volunteered for committees from
the recent survey. The board needs to
define scope of committees and appoint committees at the start of every
term. Chris will write up a mission
for committees.
Spinone Rescue: The independent
501(c)(3) Spinone Rescue needs to be
set up as soon as possible. It will
have its own board and bylaws, and
one SCOA board member will be a
non-voting board member of the
Rescue. Carmen Alvarez is finding
an attorney who can do the setup.
Deb will work with Carmen and Patti
Johnson. Checks already received
that have been made out to Spinone
Rescue will be deposited in the
SCOA account and accounted for
Minutes of the Board Meeting July
6, 2009
Present: Bobbi Benson, Liz Bodell,
Deb Davenport, Don Lamoureux, Jan
Naigus, Jeff Rhodes, Chris Sweetwood
Absent: None
Quorum was established.
The meeting was called to order by
President Jeff Rhodes at 9:04 PM.
Minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved. (Liz/Deb)
Report of Secretary:
Jan will send AKC Lifetime achievement award letter and ballot to board.
Treasurer’s report:
Moved and passed to accept treasurer’s report (Chris/Liz)
Committee reports:
Annual meeting: There will be another site visit next week.
Calendar: Calendar price will go up
$1.00 this year. Moved and passed
to order 125 calendars to take advantage of free shipping. (Liz/Deb)
Moved and passed to authorize payment for calendars at $9 each. (Deb/
Moved and passed to accept committee report (Chris/Liz)
Unfinished Business:
Rescue: Carmen Alvarez has found
Page 6
separately until Spinone Rescue
Bobbi has a copy of the work the
previous Constitution and Bylaws
committee had done and will forward
it to the board.
Role of the Membership Secretary:
Many AKC clubs have both a recording and corresponding secretary,
one of whom handles membership.
We might want to consider adding a
second secretary when the bylaws are
revised. The Membership Secretary
does not think a separate board meeting is needed for memberships, as
membership information can be sent
via email.
reports can be submitted.
Proposals for future annual meetings
need to be submitted ASAP.
AKC/Eukanuba National Championship show, December 12 & 13, 2009:
Chris will be in charge of the “Meet
the Breeds” booth and the club will
sponsor the Parent Club Medallion
awards for conformation. Jan will
put something on the web site and in
the newsletter soliciting volunteers
for the booth.
Jan will send reminders to committee
chairs and board members about
upcoming board meetings, so that
All board members have received a
summary of the results of the recent
survey. The main issue of concern
among the membership appears to be
the Code of Conduct. A Code of
Conduct committee should be created. This committee would create a
new survey dealing solely with the
an attorney in Ohio so that the 501(c)
(3) rescue group can be set up Deb
has contacts who can advise the
group how to set up rescue procedures.
CHIC/health matters). Copies of
forms/studies/ completed surveys, etc
will be forwarded to the club secretary
on a regular basis to insure records
retention for the future.
Chris wants something put on the
web site to solicit volunteers for the
AKC/Eukanuba Meet the Breeds
booth in December. Deb will forward a list of people in the area to
Chris. (Deb/Bobbi)
Moved and passed to approve mission
statement as read (Deb/Liz)
ew Business:
Committees Mission Statement:
All club committees shall be appointed by the SCOA Board. Committees are normally appointed at the
beginning of the SCOA officers/
board's term and expire when the
new board of officers is sworn in. It
is the responsibility of the new
SCOA board to appoint or retain
committee members as may be appropriate. The purpose of the respective committee is to complete specific tasks or functions for which
they were formed and report back to
the board for approval or direction.
No action or decisions made in committee are binding on the board or
club pending appropriate approval.
All committees will report to the
SCOA board (the president) five
days prior to each monthly board
meeting so their report may be read
into the record of each meeting.
Each committee will we be requested
to author a quarterly article for the
newsletter which may report on their
activities or may be educational/
informative in nature for the membership regarding their particular
scope of interest (i.e.: Health committee may author an article on CA/
Health committee mission statement:
Area of Responsibility: All topics
having to do with the health of the
Spinone, e.g., CHIC, health surveys
and databases, genetic issues and
studies. "Scope of duties" would include: Keep up to date on health issues
affecting the Spinone and regularly
share knowledge with the membership. Conduct health surveys and
maintain database with results, reporting to the membership annually (or
more often if there is something that
the membership needs to know).
Actively educate members on health
issues. Suggest and facilitate ways of
mentoring and improving overall
breed health. Make recommendations
about health testing and participation
in genetic studies, to include consultation with geneticist as appropriate.
Moved and passed to approve mission
statement as read (Jan/Deb).
Establishment of health committee:
Karen Moodie was appointed chair.
We will provide her with list of volunteers interested in serving on the committee; she will present nominees to
the board. (Chris/Deb)
Newsletter: Two possible volunteers
at this time. Liz and Chris will do the
next newsletter if needed.
Membership secretary proposal for
COC, to find out the wishes of the
membership, and then come up with
proposals for a new COC.
Moved and passed to create Code of
Conduct committee, chaired by Carmen Alvarez, to conduct survey.
Three new members voted into membership.
Next scheduled meeting is July 6,
2009 at 9 PM EDT.
Motion to adjourn (Deb/Liz)
Meeting adjourned at 10:47 PM
Minutes submitted by Secretary, Jan
handling files. Membership numbers are useless. We will continue
to use Excel for the membership
database. Moved and passed to
accept the proposal to verify member
join dates, shred old membership
applications and renewals, and retain
data electronically. (Liz/Don)
Code of Conduct violation policies:
The board will follow the procedure
in the bylaws; a member must press
charges against another in order for
any action to be taken in the case of
violation of the club’s code of conduct. All health information must
be sent in to have the litter posted on
the web site. Jan will write up something for the web site about what
needs to be sent before breeding.
We will work on creating a
“members only” section of the web
site. We will also have Kim send a
mass email about breeding requirements.
Transfer of ownership of web names
to club. We need to hire someone to
set up the account to host our web
site, and transfer ownership of the
site and other web names to SCOA.
Karen Luckey is chair of the web site
committee. We will look for experienced people to work with her.
Sponsor’s page on web site. We will
create a web page to recognize
SCOA sponsors. It will include
people who have donated commercial services or products to the auction. They will be listed for a year.
Moved and passed to approve (Deb/
SCOA Board Voting Activity (Cont’d)
AKC Canine Health Committee
meeting in St. Louis, Oct. 23-25,
2009. The cost is $200 for the conference. Deadline for registration is
August 1. We will send the Health
committee chair, if she is willing.
Four new members voted into membership.
Next scheduled meeting is July 17,
Minutes of the Board Meeting July
17, 2009
Liz will help Sue Rhodes prepare for
Present: Bobbi Benson, Liz Bodell,
Don Lamoureux, Jan Naigus, Jeff
Rhodes, Chris Sweetwood
Absent: Deb Davenport
Quorum was established.
Annual meeting committee: The
tentative schedule looks good, with
some adjustment of times for the
sanctioned match and the obedience/
Rally trial.
The meeting was called to order by
President Jeff Rhodes at 9:16 PM.
Health committee: Deb Davenport is
the board liaison with the health
at other locations, times and dates as
approved by the board throughout the
year. To educate and assist club
members in hunting related areas. To
promote the testing of Spinoni and
facilitate hunting tests/field trials in
all area and regional clubs. The committee will develop and encourage
club members to participate in their
respective events.
Minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved. (Chris/Don)
Moved and passed to accept committee reports (Chris/Liz)
Programs should include educational
articles, programs at club events,
including regional and area clubs, and
mentoring programs.
Unfinished Business: None
Moved and passed to approve mission statement as read (Liz/Don)
ew Business:
Hunt test committee mission statement:
It should be put on the web site that
we are looking for people to be on
various committees, including
awards, health, and newsletter.
2009 at 9 PM EDT. Motion to adjourn (Chris/Deb). Meeting adjourned
at 10:41 PM. Minutes submitted by
Secretary, Jan Naigus
awards committee: (Chris/Liz)
Newsletter: The next deadline for
newsletter submissions should be
August 15.
AKC lifetime achievement awards
ballot: Jan will send the nominee
information to the board. SCOA gets
one vote in each of the three categories.
Chris will work on the mission statement for a PR/correspondence committee.
Report of Secretary: No report
Treasurer’s report:
Approved payment of newsletter
expense (Bobbi/Liz)
Committee reports:
Judges education committee: The
American Dog Show Judges Advanced Institute held in Indiana, PA
during the second week in August
needs a seminar presenter It must be
someone with show experience who
is capable of presenting a breed seminar and doing evaluations of dogs.
Neither Liz nor Jan is able to attend.
Minutes of the Board Meeting July
30, 2009
Present: Bobbi Benson, Liz Bodell,
Deb Davenport, Don Lamoureux, Jan
Naigus, Jeff Rhodes, Chris Sweetwood
Absent: None
Quorum was established.
The meeting was called to order by
President Jeff Rhodes at 9:07 PM.
Minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved. (Chris/Don)
Report of Secretary:
A donation for Spinone health research was received in memory of a
member’s dog. This and future donations will be listed in the newsletter.
We need a standard form letter for
acknowledging donations. Jan will
create a SCOA note card that can be
used for these letters.
Moved and passed to accept secretary’s report. (Chris/Deb)
Treasurer’s report:
The current total of all bank accounts
Area of Responsibility: To facilitate
and promote the testing of
Spinoni in AKC and NAVHDA
hunting tests/field trials. Scope of
duties: To facilitate, organize and
operate AKC/NAVHDA Hunting
Tests/Field trials (when that day
comes) at all National meetings and
is $44,693.76.
Moved and passed to accept treasurer’s report (Chris/Liz)
Awards committee: Awards will be
for the previous calendar year, rather
than March 15 to March 15. Chris
will send a revised version of the
committee mission statement to the
board to be voted on at the next meeting. Moved and passed to establish an
Mary Faeth is getting items that were
used for the Eukanuba booth two
years ago for this year’s Meet the
Breeds. A notice for volunteers will
be put on email lists.
Committee reports:
Health committee: Karen Moodie
provided a report, proposing possible
health testing at the annual meeting, a
health/phenotype registry, and plans
for a report on DNA banks, an improved health survey, and newsletter
Calendar: We will be spending $100150 for a CD of photos from the
annual meeting, to be used in the
Rescue: The attorney is willing to
handle setting up the rescue group.
The estimate is $1000-$2000 to set
up a separate non-profit 501(c)(3)
entity. Patti Johnson will work with
him. Judy Manley, the head of English Springer Spaniel rescue, is willing to assist with the setup and operation of the group.
AKC/Eukanuba Meet the Breeds:
Moved and passed to accept the committee reports (Chris/Deb)
Unfinished Business:
The AKC Lifetime Achievement
award ballot will be sent with votes
for Sandra Goose Allen and Shirley
Moved and passed (Deb/Chris)
ew Business:
Discussion of the Code of Conduct
Carmen Alvarez, chair, will set up a
gmail address for the committee to
receive member comments. The
timeline for receiving comments is up
to her. The revised document needs
to be sent out for a vote before January to avoid confusion about who is
or isn’t a member during membership
renewal time. The COC needs to
respect breeders and to reassure people who aren’t breeding that SCOA is
Jan will register SCOA for the AKC
breed registration pledge and will
notify members to register.
At the nest meeting we will finalize
what committees we need.
Next scheduled meeting is July 30,
2009 at 9 PM EDT.
Motion to adjourn (Liz/Bobbi. Meeting adjourned at 10:47 PM. Minutes
submitted by Secretary, Jan Naigus
looking after the welfare of the breed.
The committee will evaluate input
from members to determine what, if
any, changes need to be made to the
COC and, if needed, prepare a new
COC by September 30 for board
approval and membership vote. The
committee will use prior survey results and ask for input on the web
Area of Responsibility: To review the
present SCOA Code of Conduct to
determine if changes need to be
Scope of Duties: To evaluate input
from members to determine what, if
any, changes need to be made to the
Code of Conduct. If needed, prepare
a new Code of Conduct for the
board's approval by September 30,
2009, for transmittal to the membership for a vote. It was further agreed
that the committee will put a notice
on the SCOA website inviting club
members to send their comments to
the chair and that the committee will
then utilize the results of the membership surveys and comments solicited
Page 7
SCOA Board Voting Activity (Cont’d)
from the website to determine what,
if any, changes need to be made to
the COC. While it is recognized that
each of us has a right to a personal
opinion and a vote when the time
comes, all committee members are
expected to conduct themselves in an
impartial manner, refraining from
public discussion or debate
(including internet lists) regarding
their own personal opinions, in the
interest of serving the will of the
Moved and passed (Don/Bobbi)
Moved and passed to accept the
proposed committee members Lori
Hunt and Deb Perrott and add Ruth
Estes. (Deb/Bobbi) Jan will notify
Awards committee: The list of
awards will be an appendix. There
have been a few changes since the
previous version.
SCOA Committees- Awards and
Recognition Mission: to recognize
Spinoni and club members for their
outstanding performance in the advancement of the breed through the
presentation of the listed awards. The
committee will also suggest additional awards that might further this
Scope of Duties: The committee will
administer the present awards and
make recommendations to the board/
officers of SCOA regarding the
person(s) or dog(s) which will receive the listed awards at the annual
meeting. The recommendations for
the awards should be presented to the
board no later than 30 days prior to
the annual meeting. The time period
covering all awards will be the previous calendar year. The committee
should periodically evaluate the
awards/recognition program and
suggest the creation of new awards/
recognition programs to stimulate
participation in the club and further
advance the breed. No club
awards may be advertised in the
Premium or Judging Program or any
AKC Program booklet. All trophies
are the property of SCOA and the
committee will insure that the trophies are returned prior to the
awards ceremony at the annual national meeting. The committee will
design and transmit to the membership a “Standard Nomination Form”
that persons may utilize to nominate
persons/dogs for the respective
awards under consideration. All
awards are made to SCOA members
only. The present awards criteria are:
The Kemo Cup- In recognition of
the top performance in the field by a
Spinone Italiano: The committee
should consider NAVHDA and AKC
field performance. Performance with
non-AKC field (competing registries) should not be considered. The
Rufus Cup- In recognition of the
Spinone demonstrating exceptional
performance in the field and conformation ring: The committee should
consider NAVHDA and AKC field
and conformation performance. This
should be a Spinone that had prized
in a NAVHDA Utility test, is at
least a SH and has excelled in the
conformation ring. Consideration
should not be given to titles/awards
given by competing registries
(ie: UKC, etc).The Ty Cup- In recognition to Spinone that demonstrate
exceptional performance in three or
more areas of activity: The committee should consider NAVHDA, AKC
and Therapy Certifying agencies
when evaluating performance for this
award. Consideration should not
be given for titles/awards earned
with competing registries (UKC,
etc). This award is not bound by the
previous calendar year rule and
can be awarded for a lifetime of
achievement. Cos Cup- In recognition of the ultimate companion dog:
The committee should rely upon
nominations to determine the Spinone that best typifies the best
Spinone to "hang out" with. This
award is not bound by the previous
calendar year rule and can be
awarded for a lifetime of achievement. High in Trial TrophyAwarded to the highest scoring dog
in the Regular Classes at the SCOA
National Obedience Match, held at
the Annual National meeting. Asti's
Compassion Trophy-In recognition
of the Spinone demonstrating superior performance is a therapy dog:
The committee should rely upon
nominations and recognition/titles
received from the various therapy
dog certifying organizations. This
award does not constitute permission
from SCOA for the owners or
Spinone to participate in therapy
activities and we encourage owners
to certify their dogs with the numerous therapy agencies to obtain the
proper insurance coverage to safely
participate in therapy dog
activities. Junior Handler TrophyAwarded to the top performing Junior Handler at the Annual National
Specialty Show. Best of Breed Perpetual Trophy- Awarded to the
SCOA member owner of the "Best of
Breed" at the Annual National Specialty Show. Winners Dog Perpetual
Trophy- Awarded to the SCOA
member owner of the "Winners Dog"
at the Annual National Specialty
Show. Winners Bitch Perpetual
Trophy-Awarded to the SCOA
member owner of the "Winners
Bitch" at the Annual National Specialty Show. Annual Best Junior
Handler Award- Awarded to the
SCOA member Best Junior Handler
for the year as determined by
"" This trophy
still needs to be purchased as it
was created at the last national meeting. Award of Recognition-Awarded
to the Spinone that has produced
offspring of significance to the
Committee chairs can set the number of
committee members, having an odd
number if possible.
PR/Correspondence committee statement: "To develop and maintain a program designed to appeal to the membership and general public regarding the
value of membership and participation
in the Spinone Club of America. This
includes facilitating a "Meet the
Breeds" booth at the AKC/Eukanuba
National Championship show and at
shows/exhibitions likely to further
public knowledge of the breed. The
committee will correspond with the
general public and organizations as
directed by the board on a case by case
Moved and passed to approve statement
(Deb/Liz) A call for volunteers will be
put on the members list and web site.
Alyssa Pease, chair of the hunt test
committee, submitted the following
proposed members: Ed Applegate,
Lauren Friedman, Denise HannaNosko, Karen Luckey, Joe Zawadowski. There needs to be representation
from the West, not just the East. Jeff
Johnson will be invited to join the committee. Moved and passed (pending
Jeff’s acceptance) to establish committee (Liz/Deb) (Abstained – Chris)
Next scheduled meeting is September 1,
2009 at 9 PM EDT. Motion to adjourn
(Liz/Chris). Meeting adjourned at 10:42
PM. Minutes submitted by Secretary,
Jan Naigus
Moved and passed to approve the
statement. (Deb/Jan) We will ask
Keely Ghirardelli to chair the committee. Moved and passed (Chris/
SCOA Board Voting Activity (without full meeting)
June 3, 2009
Present: Bobbi Benson, Liz Bodell,
Deb Davenport, Don Lamoureux,
Jan Naigus, Jeff Rhodes, Chris
Absent: None
Unanimous approval of contract with
Hotel for 2010 annual meeting.
Present: Bobbi Benson, Liz Bodell,
Deb Davenport, Don Lamoureux,
Jan Naigus, Jeff Rhodes, Chris
Absent: None
Unanimous approval of Registry of
Merit committee and committee
August 20, 2009
July 30, 2009
Page 8
Present: Bobbi Benson, Liz Bodell,
Deb Davenport, Don Lamoureux,
Jan Naigus, Jeff Rhodes, Chris
Absent: None
Unanimous approval of committee
members for Health committee and
Awards committee.
September 8, 2009
Present: Bobbi Benson, Liz Bodell,
Deb Davenport, Don Lamoureux,
Jan Naigus, Jeff Rhodes, Chris
Absent: None
Unanimous approval of holding of
Colorado regional specialty in 2010.
Caccia Cane Huxley Collina D’Oro
SCOA Code of Conduct Committee
Area of Responsibility: To review
the present SCOA Code of Conduct
to determine if changes need to be
Scope of Duties: To evaluate input
from members to determine what, if
any, changes need to be made to the
Code of Conduct. If needed, prepare
a new Code of Conduct for the
board's approval by October 15,
2009, for transmittal to the membership for a vote. It was further agreed
that the committee will put a note on
the SCOA website inviting club
members to send their comments to
the chair and that the committee will
then utilize the results of the membership surveys and comments solicited from the website to determine
what, if any, changes need to be
made to the COC.
While it is recognized that each of us
has a right to a personal opinion and
a vote when the time comes, all
committee members are expected to
conduct themselves in an impartial
manner, refraining from public dis-
cussion or debate (including internet
lists) regarding their own personal
opinions, in the interest of serving
the will of the membership.
The Following is from the Code of
Conduct Committee:
Committee has been formed to determine what changes, if any, need to
be made to SCOA’s code of Conduct, and to submit a new Code of
Conduct (if necessary) for the
board’s approval. The deadline for
submitting your input is September
29, 2009. Here is their explanatory
The SCOA Code of Conduct attempts to regulate the behavior of
breeders by imposing specific health
testing requirements prior to breeding. Many are of the opinion, however, as reflected in recent membership surveys and the forum discussion at the annual meeting, that the
club’s administration of the Code has
not succeeded for the following
Some puppy buyers mistakenly
believe that regulating breeding
guarantees a healthy puppy — common sense tells us that we should be
wary of implying health guarantees.
Health-testing-related action as
called for by the current Code has
historically been applied on an ad
hoc basis, and does not affect nonmembers. Excellent breeding practices require continuing education,
mentoring and open discussion of
health issues among breeders with
the active sponsorship and support of
The current Code requires the Board
secretary to collect health testing
information, and, if rules are violated, for members to file ethics
complaints against breeders who are
perceived to have failed to comply.
The club should enable ethical breeders to hold ground together for the
preservation of the breed against
potential depredations by puppy
mills on one side and PETA on the
other, and not pit member against member.
The Board is considering whether the
current Code advances its principal goal
as the AKC parent club to be the steward of the breed. An option is to invest
club resources in the education of both
breeders and puppy buyers, rather than
in regulations. Additionally, the Code
should continue to include general
principles of good sportsmanship.
Do you think the Code of Conduct
should be revised or remain as presently
written? Send your response to
[email protected] or write
to :Carmen Alvarez at 1041 York Avenue Cape May, NJ 08204, so your
thoughts can be counted.
Thank you.
Members of the Code of Conduct
Committee are:
Carmen Alvarez, Ruth Estes, Lori Hunt
DVM and Deb Perrott.
Health Committee
Area of Responsibility: All topics
having to do with the health of the
Spinone, e.g., CHIC, health surveys
and databases, genetic issues and
studies. "Scope of duties" would
include: Keep up to date on health
issues affecting the Spinone and
regularly share knowledge with the
membership. Conduct health surveys
and maintain database with results,
reporting to the membership annually
(or more often if there is something
that the membership needs to
know). Actively educate members on
health issues. Suggest and facilitate
ways of mentoring and improving
overall breed health. Make recommendations about health testing and
participation in genetic studies, to
include consultation with geneticist
as appropriate.
Health Committee Notes for September Board meeting 2009:
Changes in the works Committee
members. Michael Hoffman, Pat
Fendley, Nikki Davis and Sue Acquistapace have all agreed to be committee members, awaiting board
approval. John Kerr has declined this
CERF is set up for the 2010 annual
meeting. Would the board consider
a blood draw for Lyme, RMSF, Erlichia and heartworm? The cost
would be some where around 40 with
the club making 5-10/test. Would
this be of interest? There will likely
be available blood draws for DNA
banking also if this is agreed on. Any
interest in cardiac echo or thyroid
blood panel if available?
Health / Phenotype Registry: Accurate health/phenotype information
linked to a pedigree is required when
investigating genetic diseases or
traits. There are online data bases for
some breeds (Bernergarde for Bernese Mountain Dogs). CHIC is an
AKC sponsored database. Jean Dodds
has a patent on a data base. This may
be available in the spring of next
year. A separate data base also
exists online for poodles. Investigation into database use, data entry
options, integration with current
pedigree database, maintaining a
closed versus an open registry, costs
etc. is needed if such a database is
acceptable by the board. Any guidance by the board as to the best way
(open or closed, etc.) to pursue working towards a data base for Spinone
would be great!
A banking: Pedigree and health
(or other phenotype) information
necessary to make this valuable.
Information gathering is ongoing as
to DNA banks that currently exist, or
that folks may wish started. A report
on current data bases is planned.
Health survey: On line versus paper
versus phone, an improved health
survey is needed. The stress here is
on breed improvement. Strategies are
planned to improve and integrate
current surveys.
ewsletter articles: Health related
articles are planned on topics relating
to genetics, genetic diseases, diet,
bloat, HD, ED- other topics of interest? Topics of interest are welcome
and encouraged.
Permission to set up an online poll
for SCOA members to comment on
health issues of concern to them. If
permission is granted the committee
will submit to the board specifics on
the poll as desired by the board.
Any other items that you would like
us to work on specifically are encouraged. Respectfully submitted.
Karen Moodie
Notes from the Health Committee.
We are gearing up and in the process
of forming the committee, developing
goals and planning a web site section
with a focus on Spinone health.
Unfortunately John Kerr, who has
faithfully served as health committee
chair has stepped down this year.
John, we appreciate your time and
efforts in serving SCOA and the
health committee over the many years
that you have been on the committee.
We hope you will continue to feel
free to communicate with the committee.
It seemed clear from discussions
during the SCOA annual meeting this
year at Rend Lake that club members
are excited about learning and working towards a better understanding of
existing and potential health concerns
in Spinoni. With the decoding of the
canine genome we are fortunate to be
living in a time in which genetic
testing has enabled fairly precise
identification of the genetic basis of
heritable disorders such that with a
carefully designed breeding strategy
it is may be possible to gradually eliminate some of these conditions from the
breeding population. All of us who
care deeply for this breed need to work
together towards this end. Accurate and
un-biased data on health and longevity
is necessary to understand what concerns currently exist and how prevalent
these concerns/diseases are. It is recommended that each breed maintain a
data base with breed-able animals recorded with all of their ancestors back
to the founding animals. (John B. Armstrong of the Canine Diversity Project).
“Such a data base would enable breeders to identify which individuals are
most likely to carry the genes from each
founder. At the level of the individual
breeder, it would enable him/her to
make intelligent, informed choices
when selecting mates.” It is also important to remember that many diseases
are related to numerous factors and
their manifestation relates not only to
genetics but also environment, diet,
exercise, stress etc.
We will also continue to work on providing health information of interest to
our members. Please feel free to send
in requests or concerns to any member
of the health committee. Submitted by
Karen Moodie
Members of the Health Committee
Karen Moodie, chair
Sue Acquistapace
Nicole Davis
Pat Fendley
Michael Hoffman
Rae Lynn Jirsa
Page 9
The Spinone News
Hunt Test Committee
Mike McLeland_Bella Campo
Spring Break
Area of Responsibility: To facilitate
and promote the testing of Spinoni in
AKC and NAVHDA hunting tests/
field trials. Scope of duties: To facilitate, organize and operate AKC/
NAVHDA Hunting Tests/Field trials
(when that day comes) at all National
meetings and at other locations, times
and dates as approved by the board
throughout the year. To educate and
assist club members in hunting re-
lated areas. To promote the testing of
Spinoni and facilitate hunting tests/
field trials in all area and regional
clubs. The committee will develop
and encourage club members to participate in their respective
events. Programs should include
educational articles, programs at club
events, including regional and area
clubs, and mentoring programs.
The Hunt Test members are:
Alyssa Pease, chair
Ed Applegate
Lauren Friedman
Denise Hanna-Nosko
Jeff Johnson
Karen Luckey
Joe Zawadowski
Registry Of Merit Committee
A Registry of Merit is an award given
to a sire or dam who has demonstrated their ability to produce offspring that reflect the breed’s character and purpose, as evidenced by the
titles achieved by the offspring.
The Committee has spent the last
month researching different breed’s
ROM programs; including Visla,
German Short-Haired Pointer, Clumber Spaniel and Gordon Setter. We
are now in the discussion phase and
we should be presenting a program to
the board within the next month.
Members of this Committee are:
Mary Faeth, Daina Hodges, Kathy
Hamaker, Bonnie Baxter
Judges Education Committee
Currently there are no members of
the Judges Education committee. If
you are interested in volunteering for
this committee, please contact a
member of the board.
PR/Correspondence Committee
Area of Responsibility: To develop
and maintain a program designed to
appeal to the membership and general
public regarding the value of membership and participation in the Spinone Club of America. This includes
facilitating a "Meet the Breeds" booth
at the AKC/Eukanuba National
Championship show and at shows/
exhibitions likely to further public
knowledge of the breed. The committee will correspond with the general
public and organizations as directed
by the board on a case by case basis.
Currently there are no members of
the PR/Correspondence committee.
If you are interested in volunteering
for this committee, please contact a
member of the board.
Breed Standard Committee
Currently there are no members of
the breed standard committee. If you
are interested in volunteering for this
committee, please contact a member
of the board.
Regionalization Committee
Currently there are no members of
the regionalization committee. If you
Mike McLeland and Karen Beyer with
are interested in volunteering for this
committee, please contact a member
of the board.
Annual Meeting Committee
Show Chair: Jan Naigus
Event Co-Chairs: Ann Bagnell, Karen
Registrar: Ros Duda
Hospitality: Susan Palius, Marge
Conte, Marilyn Kowaleski, Karen
Beyer, Barb Daniello
Programming: Ann Bagnell, Susan
Palius, Tim Dodge
Auction: Barb Daniello, Debby
Forry, Ruth Estes
Awards: Debby Forry
Hunt Testing: Karen Beyer, Ann
Bagnell, Karen Luckey (Bobbi Benson and Nancy Young, advisors).
Obedience and Rally: Berdell Koch,
Susan Palius
CERF: Karen Moodie
Merchandise: Nikki Davis, Kay
Event Promotion: Helen Rivard
Photo Contest: Kandi Kwirant
Volunteer Coordinator: Ruth Estes
If you are interested in volunteering,
contact Ruth Estes at [email protected].
See Page 11 for more information on
the Annual Meeting.
Page 10
Awards Committee
Area of Responsibility: to recognize
Spinoni and club members for their
outstanding performance in the advancement of the breed through the
presentation of the listed awards. The
committee will also suggest additional awards that might further this
Scope of Duties: The committee will
administer the present awards and
make recommendations to the board/
officers of SCOA regarding the
person(s) or dog(s) who will receive
the listed awards at the annual meeting. The recommendations for the
awards should be presented to the
board no later than 30 days prior to
the annual meeting. The time period
covering all awards will be the previous calendar year. The committee
should periodically evaluate the
awards/recognition program and
suggest the creation of new awards/
recognition programs to stimulate
participation in the club and further
advance the breed. No club awards
may be advertised in any AKC premium or catalog. All trophies are the
property of SCOA and the committee
will insure that the trophies are returned prior to the awards ceremony
at the annual national meeting. The
committee will design and transmit
to the membership an “Awards
Nomination Form” that members
may utilize to nominate persons/dogs
for the respective awards under consideration. All awards are made to
SCOA members only.
From the Awards Committee:
Sept 13, 2009-Awards Committee
Report: The Awards Committee,
which consisted of Deb Brookman
(Midwest), Keely Ghirardelli (West)
and Karen Beyer (East) has met several times (via e-mail) over the last
few weeks to discuss the direction in
which we feel we must go. On Sept.
11th Karen Beyer resigned from the
Awards Committee. So we are in the
process of recruiting a new representative from the East to be on this
committee. We are also trying to
come up with an overall process to
fairly select the recipients of each
award based on the performances of
each dog/handler team. To do this,
we are examining each trophy individually. This process includes looking at the logic and the spirit behind
each award and applying that to the
overall performance of the dog/
handler team so that the most deserving team will be awarded each trophy.
We will then explain the process and
the criteria to the membership so that
they will know how the recipients
were chosen. Also we plan to make
the membership aware that they can
send in nominations for each award.
To nominate for each award is in no
way a vote. Nominations simply let
the committee know of deserving
dogs and handlers and are a source of
input from the membership that the
committee may use to form their
decisions. An “Awards Nomination
Form” was sent to the Board on Sept.
11th 2009 for their approval. It will
be distributed to the membership as
soon as it is approved. Remember,
recipients for each award are ultimately chosen by the board. The
Committee merely suggests who they
feel should be the recipient.
That is it for now. Any suggestions
or advice are always welcomed .
Thanks Keely
That Dirty Dawg!
The Members of the Awards Committee are:
Keely Ghirardelli, chair
Debb Brookman
See page 21 for Awards Nominations
Annual Meeting 2010 Update
2010 National Specialty and Business Meeting Update
Plans are really coming together for
an extraordinary week of events
April 26 to May 2, 2010. The host
hotel, the Hotel Carlisle and Embers
Convention Center near Harrisburg,
PA, has been very accommodating
and we will be set up for indoor or
outdoor shows, come rain or shine.
Highlights for the week include:
Three days of AKC show events that
include an Obedience trial, a Rally
trial, and two Specialty Shows
(outdoors, weather permitting, or in
generous carpeted indoor space
Two days of AKC hunt tests with
two teams of judges each day, to be
sure that as many people as possible
are able to run their dogs. The tests
will be at a nearby Pointer-Setter
One day of NAVHDA testing, with
the field events at the nearby PointerSetter Club.
Two excellent 4-hour seminars by
world-class speakers:
Claudia Orlandi, Ph.D., author of
ABCs of Dog Breeding, a very wellregarded book on the science of genetics and how it can be applied to
choosing mating systems.
Orlandi will cover several tools for
building a solid breeding program,
including Genetics, Breeding Systems (including pros and cons of line
breeding), Pedigree Evaluation, and
how to recognize quality, soundness,
and structural balance, as well as
hands-on evaluation methods.
Pat Hastings, author of The Puppy
Puzzle, a wonderful program for
evaluating the structural quality of
Hastings says, “Our presentation has
information to benefit everyone
working with dogs and every puppy
out of a conscientious breeding program. The single most important
decision we can make for our puppies
is to determine whether each puppy is
structurally sound enough to do what
we will ask of it in its lifetime.
Whether the hope is for the show ring
and whelping box or obedience,
agility, field trials or flyball, we owe
it to our dogs to know in which lifestyle each may best flourish.”
2010 National Specialty Conformation Area
Clinics for hunt testing and conformation showing, as well as other
demos on fun activities for your
For the most current information updates on the 2010 Annual Meeting see
Four special evenings including
banquet dinners, an auction, an
awards presentation, and more.
We hope you all will consider coming to this event and supporting our
breed and club, as well as meeting
Spinoni and their owners from areas
close and far.
Hotel contact information is as follows:
The Carlisle Hotel phone: (800) 6927315 or, ask for
reservations, and say you are with the
Spinone Club of America event for the
special rate.
Page 11
Prepared by Ann Bagnell.
SCOA Regional Specialty - Greeley, CO
(con’t from Page 1) It was a great
day, with obedience in the morning
and sweepstakes and regular classes
in the afternoon. There were fabulous appetizers, ringside, during
sweeps and conformation and a wonderful barbeque after conformation.
Many of the awards and prizes were
hand-made by club members, which
included embroidered “spit” towels,
hand-thrown pottery candy dishes
and spinone appliqués. Following the
barbeque we had an auction and
brown bag raffle.
Obedience judge was Mrs. Linda
Scanlon, sweepstakes judge was Mr.
Robert Shreve and conformation
judge was Ms. Esther Joseph. All
three were very excited and pleased
to be asked to judge this first re-
gional. Both Mr. Shreve and Ms.
Joseph spoke about how impressed
they were with the participation and
the quality of the Spinoni.
Results below.
Pictures this and next page.
By Leslie Kunz RN MNS
SCOA Regional Specialty - Results
CH Gisa’s Fantascienza of Isis,
CH Gisa’s Fantascienza of Isis, RN
took High in Trial from the Novice B
class and earned his first leg towards
his CD.
CH Jefcu Di Periono, CDX, RE was
the first place Veteran Obedience.
Puppy Sweepstakes
Best in Puppy
Couchfield’s Here for the Party
Deb Davenport & Brian Dail
Ch. Caccia Cane Fonzie
Best in Breed
Regular Classes
Winners Dog
Couchfield’s Sheldon
Carole LeVine, Michelle Brustein &
Dave Brooks
Reserve Dog
Macho Amegos Di Morghengo
June Kennard & Arthur Laundon
Winners Bitch
Stellar Point Terracina JH
Kandi Kwirant
Best of Opposite
Mountain Valley Vera
Becky Koch
Reserve Bitch
Poochini’s Classic Sophia Donata
Barbara Ray & Pamela Ramirez
Veteran Sweepstakes
Best in Veteran
Ferentum Rudy
Becky Koch
Best of Winners
Couchfield’s Sheldon
Carole LeVine, Michelle Brustein &
Dave Brooks
Best of Opposite
CH Brezza Di Ghaicciaio Da Grazia
Sue McGregor
Best of Breed
Caccia Cane Fonzie
Shirley & Fred Bauer
Best of Opposite
Mountain Valley Agatha
Becky Koch
Awards of Merit
CH Javal I’m Movin’On To Hootwire, RN
Debbie Perrott & Shirley Knipe
CH Gisa’s Fantascienza of Isis, RN
Heather & David Jenner
Ferentum Rudy
Becky Koch
Most stayed for the All Breed shows
on Saturday and Sunday as well.
And on Saturday CH Javal I’m
Movin’ On To Hootwire, RN took a
Group IV.
Many, many thanks to Debby Forry
and her team for making this a great
first regional specialty.
Ch. Mountain Valley Agatha
Best of Opposite
Stellar Point Terracina JH
Winner’s Bitch
CH Gisa’s Fantascienza of Isis RN
Award of Merit
CH Javal I’m Movin’ On To Hootwire RN
Award of Merit and
Group IV at all breed show
Couchfield’s Sheldon
Best of Winners
Mountain Valley Vera
Best of Opposite in Sweeps
Page 12
Ferentum Rudy JH
Award of Merit
Winner’s Dog, Winner’s Bitch and Best
in Veteran
Regional Specialty - Greeley, CO
Talli of Trollbo
The Spinone News
Spinone Brags
Talli of Trollbo earns a Prize I with a maximum score of 204 points in her first NAVHDA Utility Test. The test was at Hudson Valley NAVHDA in August. Talli is owned by Ann Bagnell and Karen Beyer, and was handled by Ann Bagnell. Talli will be training
for the 2010 NAVHDA Invitational, hoping to follow her housemates Brasch and Luchi for her VC title. Talli's brother Tiberius,
owned and handled by Lena Amirian, also received a Prize I with a maximum score a week later in the Merrimack Valley test. Brag
received from Ann Bagnell.
Talli’s sisters Bria and Pia both received NAVHDA Natural Ability Prize I scores at the Hudson Valley NAVHDA test in August.
Bria (Bella Campo Springtime Bria), owned by Karen Beyer and Ann Bagnell and handled by Karen Beyer, received 110 points. Pia
(Bella Campo Spring Break), owned by Kay and Mike McLeland and handled by Mike McLeland, received 107 points. The sisters
are from CH Osage Caesar MH, NAVHDA VC (Brasch), and BISS CH Di Morghengo Zola Bella Campo, JH (Zola). The sisters are
now beginning their Utility training. Brag received from Ann Bagnell.
CH Mountain Valley Marachelle SH (Ella) earned 3 of her four legs in Montana this August
to receive her SH Title.
Ferentum Rudy JH (Rudy), who is 9 1/2, received his last two legs to earn his JH title and
he also earned his Water Test Title.
Mountain Valley Tugg McGraw (Tugg) earned his 1st leg towards his JH Title. Tugg's
scored all 9's. My first dog to ever score all 9's. Tugg also earned his water title. Brags submitted by Becky Koch.
CH Mountain Valley
Marachelle SH
Mountain Valley Tugg
Bella Luce Tesora (Tessa) earned her AKC Junior Hunter Title in one weekend at 6 months of age. She has now
earned her NAVHDA Natural Ability title (at 8 months of age) and entered her first AKC show this month - winning her first point. Brag submitted by Grace Lucini.
Bella Luce Tesora JH
Bella Campo Summer Sun JH, (AKA Cira) received a Group 2 Placement at the Valparaiso Kennel Club on June 19,
2009 Cira also received a Group 4 placement on May 31, 2009 at the Southern Indiana Kennel Club. Mike and Kay
McLeland Breeder, Owner, Handler. Brag submitted by Kay McLeland.
Bella Campo Summer Sun JH
Page 14
Spinone Brags (Cont’d)
On Saturday, August 29th 2009, Busy B’s Blossom AKA Asti received a
Utility Prize II with 194 points at Hudson Valley Chapter of NAVHDA.
Asti is owned and handled by Maryrose Verdile & Doug McIntosh.
Congratulations Maryrose and Asti on your Prize II !!! Brag submitted by Alex Costello.
Busy B’s Blossom
Tarquinia of Trollbo. On Sunday, August 30th 2009 Tarquinia of Trollbo AKA Saga received a NA
Prize I with at Maximum score of 112 point at the Hudson Valley Chapter of NAVHDA’s fall tests.
Saga is owned by Gocki and Charles Andrews and Handled by Gocki Andrews.
Congratulations to Gocki and Saga on their Prize I !!! Brag submitted by Alex Costello
Tarquinia of Trollbo
2010 SCOA Calendar
Reserve Your Copy Early!
Order ow!
Calendars will ship in December.
Proceeds Go To Spinone Health Research & Rescue
The Calendar will feature Many photos taken and submitted by members!
Name: ________________________
Address: ________________________
Quantity: ____ Amount Enclosed: ________
Send $20.00 each + $2.00 shipping
Add $1.00 shipping for each additional calendar mailed to the same address.
Make Checks Payable to: SCOA
Mail to: Bobbi Benson, 6442 – 114th Ave., Wapello, Iowa 52653
Page 15
The Spinone News
Midwest Regional Report
Ch. KaLa's Qualcosa Parlare Di
Group 2
Hello to everyone in Spinone land. I
was so sorry to hear of Keely and Sue
leaving us as editors, but know that
Mary and Daina will do a great job.
Please remember that all of us who
own a Spinone, needs to keep us up
to date on how their dogs are doing.
Most of us correspondents try to
cover our entire area, but certainly
can not do that without the cooperation of the Spinone population. We
would all like to hear about what you
are doing with your dogs. So many
of us hear from the same people all
the time and not from the majority of
the members of our club.. Please
make a note to send a quick email to
the person responsible in your area
when your dog wins at a show, or a
hunt test, has a great day in the field
with you, has a great obedience,
agility, or rally day, or any other
remarkable activity or milestone that
your Spinone has accomplished..
We want to hear from YOU!!
I realize most people have had a quiet
summer with the economy and all.
Kay and Mike McLeland said they
sent pictures in for their dogs accomplishments for the past quarter.
They will be in another section of the
Stacie Coates reports that with Gabi
at #1 Spinone in UKC, now in 5
weekends out as a special in AKC,
she has two group placements, a
Group 4 and a Group 2.
Bill and Bev Thomas from Traverse
City, Michigan, have a new champion
at their house, Ch. Grand Bays Nataliana aka Tali.. They started showing
her on May 9th, at some Michigan
shows, and she started with a 3 point
major. She won Winners Bitch/Best
of Breed all Memorial Day weekend,
which she repeated at their hometown
shows in June. Later in the month,
she was shown all 4 days at the Popcorn Cluster in Valparaiso and won 3
Karen Beyer and Bella Campo
Springtime Bria
days-two of which were majors, and
finished her championship. Bill ran
her in her Natural Ability test in
August, where she scored 110 and
received a prize 1. She missed 1 point
on her track under nasty tracking
conditions. Out of 16 dogs tested,
only 3 dogs were awarded 3’s and she
was one of them. Tali’s 110 and one
other dog’s 110 were the high scores
of the weekend. Also, the TV camera’s were there for the show,
“Michigan Out of Doors”, and they
filmed Tali quite a bit for that. Tali
was the only Spinone, and she did
really well for the Spinone pride. Bill
did all the handling himself.
Quattro Zampe Martini Bianco aka
Oliver got a 108, Prize 11 NA at the
age of 8 months this summer. Oliver
is bred by Teri Turner, and owned by
Pam and Duane Folz. Teri also reports that Stella is continuing to work
on her CD and in the words of the
late, great, Italian Crooner, Frank
Sinatra, is doing it “her way”!!
In talking with Bobbi Benson, we
thought in light of the fall coming on,
and with the instinct of finding birds
and wanderlust setting in on our dogs,
it was time to talk about what to do
when you lose a dog. She recently
had two that took off on her, and
living in a remote area, was very
concerned about finding them. I , on
the other hand, sold a dog to some
people in a Chicago suburb, who
promptly let her get away from them,
and did not inform me for 3 days. I
am combining our helpful hints of
what to do.
Drive the roads, slowly and repeatedly. The more people you can recruit
to help, the better. Sit in areas where
the dog has been spotted and blow
your whistle (if whistle trained) or
call the dog. Put clothing you have
worn in spots, such as where the dog
was last spotted, or near food or
water that you have set out. Put their
blanket etc with their own scent down
there as well. Contact all Animal
Shelters, Vets, Field workers, Federal
Wildlife/Fisheries staff. Put out
flyers with a photo of the dog, anywhere in public, as well as on trees,
power poles, etc. (Bobbi’s list included gas stations ,restaurants, Public Library, Electrical Co-op office,
Grocery stores, Farmers Elevators,
County offices.) I was told, to blow
up a photo of the lost dog, and put it
on the side of the vehicles driving the
area looking for it. In our Chicago
suburb, our best contact was the local
police. I know without their help,
and the help of our tracking dog, we
would have never found her. In
trying to catch scared dogs, do not
chase---make sure you are low to the
ground, and call their name in a calm,
low voice. People standing or running after them can scare them into
running a different direction. More
dogs have been caught by sitting or
kneeling on the ground, than standing
up. People need to be quiet and let
one person speak to the dog, rather
than many calling their name and
confusing it.
Happy to say, both of Bobbi’s dogs
are home safe and sound. We also
located ours, and brought her back
home with us, where she is living
happily with her mom and dad. Bobbi
states the thing she believes is extremely important is to retrace your
steps, and notify all people who were
helping you, or whom you had
alerted, that the dog has been found.
Take down any notices that were put
up –even though it takes up your
time- people will be happy to know,
the lost is found, and back where they
Have a great fall and kiss your Spinone!!!
Submitted by Kathy Hamaker
Eukanuba Breed Booth
The 2009 AKC/Eukanuba is a special
event for it celebrates their 125th
anniversary. The show is on December 12th and 13th in Long Beach,
CA. Normally this show is invitational only, but this year to celebrate
the anniversary it is open and follows
the rules of other AKC shows. This
two day show is also preceded by
several days of all breed shows at the
same location.
A big part of this show is celebrate
the many breeds that make it all
Page 16
possible, including Spinone Italiano.
The Spinone Club of America is
sponsoring a “Meet the Breed” booth.
We still need volunteers to help create our booth and man the booth. If
you would like to volunteer, please
contact Chris Sweetwood.
On The Health Front
False Pregnancies
False pregnancies seem to be one of
those phenomenon that are common
to the Spinone as well as many other
breeds. Fairly often, especially in
young bitches, you’ll see your girl
“nesting” about nine weeks after
she’s been in season. She may be a
little grumpy or protective of some of
her things and might even develop an
udder. Most of the time these
“phantoms” pass without our even
noticing more than our girl just being
a bit “off”. Only on rare occasions do
the phantoms create a health concern
or cause the bitch to be overly protective of her den. Most bitches don’t
have phantoms once they’ve had a
litter. However, some bitches have
such a strong nurturing drive that
well they will have a phantom every
time they have a season with increasing severity. If the symptoms continue over an extended period of time
or are extreme, talk with your breeder
as well as your vet. Keep in mind
that a false pregnancy is not all in
your girl’s mind. It is a physical
condition created as a result of hormones.
Over the years we’ve had some interesting phantoms with the girls.
Probably the most notable was a
Malamute bitch named Lacy. I had
noticed that she was being overly
cautious when stepping into the
whelping box that was actually just
her bed and decided I needed to
watch her because she might not be
feeling well. The light bulb finally
came on when I caught her touching
spots in the box, then giving a little
nudge before she very carefully lay
down. She was counting her imaginary babies! This went on for nearly
two weeks, unheard of for a phantom. I did determine that there were
six imaginary babies that Lacy was
nurturing. We all had quite a laugh
over this and, thankfully, after a real
litter the following spring, Lacy
never had another phantom. I’ve
used that particular incident as an
example of a phantom carried to the
max for many years.
Recently, I had a note from a friend
telling me about LeeLoo appearing
to be having a phantom. I talked her
through what to expect and related
the story of Lacy. A few days later I
had this note from Chris, “I also
wanted to share a story from her
“false” pregnancy: One evening she
was outside, she came tearing into
the house, flew up stairs, and flew
back down the stairs so quickly that I
thought she had rolled down
them. When she ran past us we saw
she had the “special” toy in her
mouth. She took it outside and left
it. She came back in the house, sat
down for about 5 minutes then ran
quickly outside again, got it and
brought it back in to her bed. All I
can figure is that she wanted it to go
potty like she does before she goes to
bed for the night. Drew and I can’t
stop laughing about it. She never
runs on the stairs so we were really
surprised by the turn of events. I
wish the video camera had been
handy. It is going to be one of those
lasting memories that are a part of
her personality for the rest of her
Ferentum Rudy JH
I can tell you that LeeLoo’s story
tops all I’ve ever heard. It would be
very interesting to hear about other
folks’ experiences with their girls
and their phantoms.
As a footnote, I would like to add
that, because the symptoms mimic an
actual pregnancy, we might think a
bitch is pregnant when she is, in
actuality, having a phantom.
Treatment: Tincture of Time. I let
Mother Nature take her course without adding things. I'm not a big fan
of Raspberry extract, tea leaves,
etc. They tend to increase fluid
retention which is definitely not
needed. In extreme cases, a trip to
the vet would be in order.
Submitted by Pat Fendley
Ch. Boxlock Florence
Health Surveys
Health surveys have been an important manner by which to obtain data
on the health and longevity of Spinoni in the US. The number of surveys that have been submitted over
the past few years to SCOA has
declined significantly with just 6
surveys submitted last year. This
may indicate that Spinoni in the US
are a very healthy long lived breed.
It may also indicate that the surveys
are time consuming and inconvenient
to fill out and submit, that their importance is not clear, that folks are
not comfortable with the survey
method of collecting health information, etc. In an effort to continue to
gather this needed information concerning health in Spinoni the health
committee will be working with the
membership and Board to implement
a method that is agreeable to a majority of the club. Please send your
comments to the health committee
([email protected]) or
to me at [email protected] and
we will do our best to get this in
Under consideration is an online data
base with “online” or “mail in” submissions for those without internet
Submitted by Karen Moodie, Chair
of the Health Committee
Letter from the Editor
I want to take a moment and sincerely thank Keely Ghirardelli and
Sue McGregor for their many years
of hard work for the Spinone Club of
America’s Newsletter. After just one
issue, I can attest to the hours of
work involved in putting it together.
I interfaced mostly with Keely in
recent years as the Northwest Re-
gional Reporter and I can attest to the
fact that she is always professional,
undemanding and cheerful in her
duties. In writing this newsletter, I
re-read the last four newsletters and I
can see the creativity and style are
everywhere. Daina and I have taken
Page 17
on this task with optimism and ideas,
but we follow in the footsteps of two
worthy editors, so please bare with
us until we catch up to them. The
club has much to be thankful for our
last editors. They move on to other
pursuits. So let us wish them well.
Sincerely, Mary Faeth
Keely’s Tuccio
The Spinone News
Events Calender
Upcoming AKC Hunt Tests
October 10, 2009
Northern Virginia Brittany Club, Inc.
Seneca, Maryland
Closing date: October 7, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
Weimaraner Club of Greater Louisville
Munfordville, Kentucky
Closing date: October 21, 2009 at 3:00 p.m.
Long Island Pointing Dog Field Trial Club
Riverhead, New York
Closing date: October 21, 2009 at 8:00 p.m.
October 10 & 11, 2009
German Shorthaired Pointer Club of San Antonio
Cibolo, Texas
Closing date: October 7, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
Weimaraner Club of Greater St. Louis
Dittmer, Missouri
Closing date: October 20, 2009
Weimaraner Club of Northern Illinois
Joiliet, Illinois
Closing date: October 7, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
Central New Mexico Brittany Club
San Marcial, New Mexico
Closing date: October 21, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Schuylkill Valley German Shorthaired Pointer Club
Weatherly, Pennsylvania
Closing date: October 6, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
Pointer Associates of New England
East Windsor, Connecticut
Closing date: No Date Available
Show Me Vizsla Club
Lee’s Summit, Missouri
Closing date: October 6, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.
Mid Florida Brittany Club
Masaryktown, Florida
Closing date: October 20, 2009
Greater Indianapolis Brittany Club
Farmland, Indiana
Closing date: October 7, 2009 at 5:00 a.m.
Kentuckiana Pointing Breeds Association
Munfordville, Kentucky
Closing date: October 20, 2009 at 3:00 p.m.
October 17 & 18, 2009
Eastern German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc.
Clarksburg, New Jersey
Closing date: October 13, 2009 at 6:00 a.m.
Florida Panhandle German Shorthaired Pointer Club
Quincy, Florida
Closing date: October 20, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.
Iowa Brittany Club
Eddyville, Iowa
Closing date: October 14, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
Texas Panhandle Pointing Breed Dog Club
Amarillo, Texas
Closing date: October 15, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Gulf Coast German Shorthaired Pointer Club
Cibolo, Texas
Closing date: October 14, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
Skyline Brittany Club, Inc.
Agate, Colorado
Closing date: October 13, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.
Vizsla Club of Metro Atlanta
Gordon, Georgia
Closing date: October 13, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Middle Tennessee La Vergne, Tennessee
Closing date: October 14, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
October 24 & 25, 2009
Yucca German Shorthaired Pointer Club
San Marcial, New Mexico
Closing date: No Date Available
Sunflower German Shorthaired Pointer Club
Yoder, Kansas
Closing date: October 20, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
Page 18
Wilderness Pointer Club of Virginia
Thurmont, Maryland
Closing date: November 4, 2009 at 12:00 p.m.
November 14, 2009
English Setter Club of Ohio
Nova, Ohio
Closing date: November 11, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Irish Setter Club of America, Inc.
Sunset, Lousiana
Closing date: November 4, 2009 at 8:00 p.m.
November 14 &15, 2009
Sandhills Pointing Breeds Club
Jackson Springs, North Carolina
Closing date: November 10, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
November 21 & 22, 2009
South Louisiana Vizsla Club
Sunset, Lousiana
Closing date: November 17, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
Gordon Setter Club of America, Inc.
Gordon, Georgia
Closing date: November 17, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
November 28 & 29, 2009
Central New Mexico Brittany Club
San Marcial, New Mexico
Closing date: October 21, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Pointer Associates of New England
East Windsor, Connecticut
Closing date: No Date Available
Southern Kansas Brittany Club, Inc.
Yoder, Kansas
Closing date: October 20, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.
German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Southern California
Rosamond, California
Closing date: October 19, 2009 at 12:00 p.m.
Gordon Setter Club of America, Inc.
Cardington, Ohio
Closing date: November 25, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
Irish Setter Club of Southern California
Lakeview, California
Closing date: November 20, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
Nutmeg German Shorthaired Pointer Club
East Windsor, Connecticut
Closing date: November 25, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
December 5 & 6, 2009
October 31 and November 1, 2009
Palmetto Pointing Breed Club
Walhalla, South Carolina
Closing date: December 4, 2009 at 12:00 p.m.
Tomoka Woods Pointing Breed Dog Club of Florida
Inverness, Florida
Closing date: October 26, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Vizsla Club of Southern California
California City, California
Closing date: November 30, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
November 7 & 8, 2009
December 12 & 13, 2009
Nutmeg Weimaraner Club
Simsbury, Connecticut
Closing date: November 4, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.
Greater Charleston Weimaraner Club
Jedburg, South Carolina
Closing date: No Date Available
Trinity Valley Weimaraner Club
Decatur, Texas
Closing date: November 3, 2009 at 12:00 a.m.
Valley of the Sun Weimaraner Club
Robbins Butte, Arizona
Closing date: No Date Available
Test Location
Maquoketa, IA Western Illinois NA/UPT/UT
Southern CaliChino Hills, CA
Mike Murphy
(309) 236-9850
Robert Worrell
(661) 476-0847
Oct 3-4
Hillsdale , KS
Big Muddy
John Gretzinger
(816) 674-7128
Oct 3
Dover, DE
Margaret Quillen
(302) 424-4701
Oct 3-4
Ginter, PA
Gretchen Cornwell (814) 692-5220
Oct 3-4
Oct 3
Oct 3-4
Oct 4
Kansasville, WI
Kansasville, WI
Wilmington, IL
Kansasville, WI
Northern Illinois
Northern Illinois
Northern Illinois
Laura Picard
Laura Picard
Ray Scaccia
Laura Picard
(847) 639-8954
(847) 639-8954
(708) 749-8843
(847) 639-8954
Oct 4
Dover, DE
Margaret Quillen
(302) 424-4701
Oct 9
Enid, OK
Bruce Macdonald (918) 493-1980
Oct 9-11
Thurman, IA
Amber Tolzin
(712) 243-2965
Oct 10-11
Mexico, MO
Gary Singleton
(573) 769-3706
Oct 10-11
Delaware, OH
Missouri Uplands
Stewart Smith
(740) 522-4457
Oct 10-11
Enid, OK
Bruce Macdonald (918) 493-1980
Nov 6-8
Nov 14-15
Hustle, VA
Thrall, TX
Rappahannock NA/UPT/UT
Lone Star
Dec 4-6
Dec 5-6
Oct 2-4
Oct 2-4
Alyssa Pease
Anita Todd
(703) 765-5715
(281) 480-2147
Mohave Valley, Grand Canyon
Of Arizona
Cherie Hendrix
(928) 692-1928
Kevin Mccullough (615) 426-0263
Mid South
Renewal Information
Membership Renewals Are Coming Up!
SCOA memberships should be renewed before January 15, 2010, and we will be sending out renewal forms in the mail to all members later in the year. However, it
never hurts to get your renewal in early. You can go to for the form, complete it and send it with the signed
COC and your check, to:
Kim Vanderbilt
SCOA Membership Secretary
P.O. Box 1223, Old Chelsea Station, New York, NY 10113
(212) 741-6464
The Official SCOA Members-Only Email Chat List
We are very pleased to inform you
that the Spinone Club of America
now has an official chat list. This is a
Yahoo! group which is open only to
current SCOA members. We will use
SCOA_Members to post information
such as board meeting minutes, announcements and up-to-date membership lists, and we invite you to use it
as an official forum for the discussion
of SCOA business. We are committed to improving club communications, and have taken this first step at
the suggestion of SCOA members.
We urge you to join the
SCOA_Members group to stay up to
date with club announcements. If you
don’t have time to read all the discussions, you can opt to receive only
official announcements or to have a
“web only” membership, where you
visit the website for news on your
own schedule. If you prefer a more
active membership, you can choose
to receive daily digests of emails or to
receive individual emails as they are
The SCOA_Members group can be
found at http://
SCOA_Members. Once you get
there, you can click Join This Group
on the upper right and follow the
instructions to register. Your registration will have to be approved, so
please give us 48 hours to review
Page 19
your registration, and make sure you’ve
given us enough information to identify
you as a SCOA member! If you have
not heard back in a couple of days,
please feel free to contact the group
administrator, Kim Vanderbilt, at
[email protected].
Thank you,
The Officers and Board of the Spinone
Club of America
The Spinone News
AKC Delegate Report
Report on the September 15th AKC
Delegates’ Meeting
The Meeting opened with an acknowledgement of AKC’s 125th Anniversary.
The most discussed issue of this Delegates’ Meeting was the proposed
changes to the rules applying to dog
show classifications: “the realignment“.
The proposed changes would split
Sporting and Hound groups as follows:
Pointers and Setters, Retrievers and
Spaniels, and Scent Hounds and Sight
Hounds. The name of the NonSporting Group would be changed to
Companion, and breeds would be
pulled from several groups to create a
Northern Group (this also would include some Asian breeds).
This last group engendered the most
dissent from some of the breeds that
were assigned there. The majority of
protests on these splits were on issues
regarding breed function and the value
those breeds placed on having function
Kennel clubs that have historically had
smaller entries, due to geography also
expressed concerns about the impact
this might have on their shows.
The Delegate body voted to send this
back to the board and have it presented
for vote again at the March Delegates
Another issue of interest was a proposal to create a Grand Champion title.
Dogs who are already champions of
record would be eligible for this title.
Requirements: a total of 25 points,
three majors ( under three different
judges), and at least one additional
point under a fourth judge.
In addition awards may be given for
Select Dog and Select Bitch. These
will be similar to awards of merit. In
turn the Select Dog and Select Bitch
may also be eligible for Grand Champion points.
All of these are determined after Best
of Breed competition and are given at
the discretion of the judge. If a class
dog or bitch is Best of Breed on that
day there will be no Grand Champion
points awarded. If the BOS is Winners that sex will not be eligible that
Up to four dogs may be awarded
Grand Champion points on any given
day. The number of points awarded is
determined by several factors and you
may get a more of the details from
the AKC or I will send you information by request. (e-mail only).
It is hoped that this title will give
those who have completed championships but are not campaigning dogs as
specials will bring champions back
to the ring. Delegates expressed
some enthusiasm about having an
opportunity to see quality dogs and
more mature dogs in the ring through
pursuit of this title.
Suggestions from the floor: That the
board consider making non-regular
class dogs eligible for points (at specialties), if they meet the other requirements. It was also suggested that
spayed/neutered be allowed to be
considered in the non-regular classes
only, however I am doubtful that
there will be as much support for that.
Discussion of this and the realignment will be taken up at the December meeting so please contact me
with your thoughts.
The board expressed its continued
concern with the decline in registrations and revenues.
Other items on the agenda to do with
Beagle Field Trial rule changes were
approved and information on these
may be found online, on the AKC
website or in an upcoming Gazette.
There seems to be an ever increasing
need for dog owners to be politically
aware and involved.
Among issues discussed in the legislative forum were trends in Veterinary Schools: Younger students may
have had greater exposure to PETA
and HSUS than the AKC. Discussions centered around creating more
balance, and promoting a larger understanding of the potential repercussions of hot issues, like early spay/
neuter, cropping, docking, even
whelping through greater individual
and club program and scholarship
development as well as interpersonal
relationship with the veterinary community. Also discussed: How to
handle confrontations in public forums with AR activists.
The AKC has white papers on talking
points for issues such as early spay/
neuter, the doc/crop issue and others
as they become important.
The AKC also has a PAC that accepts
individual donations. More information may be found on the website on
legislative alerts and for donations
under or by phone.
I will be updating you in the next
newsletter on the December meeting.
Please feel free to contact me with
questions or concerns via e-mail:
[email protected] or by phone:
Submitted by Karen Luckey
NAVHDA 2009 Invitational Report
Three of our own Spinoni Italiani
qualified to run in the 2009 Navhda
Invitational. Held by the Buckeye
Chapter, on September 19th, there
emerged another Spinone VC—VC
Sweetbrier’s Cultured Pearl. Bred
and owned by Dan and Dana Graff
and handled by Ed Erickson, Pearl
VC Sweetbriar’s Cultured Pearl JH
scored a 196 to win her new title.
Osage Birichino, bred by Jeff and
Sue Rhodes, and owned and handled
by Bill Revercomb, and Ch. Dolce
Vita Lucrezia who is owned and bred
by Nancy Schultz and handled by Ed
Erickson, both gave great showings
Page 20
but did not receive qualifying scores.
All of us at SCOA, are extremely
proud of all three of these dogs, and
their owners and handlers. We are
hoping for more information and a
detailed article for our next issue.
Submitted by Kathy Hamaker.
Awards Nomination Form
Did you know it is time to nominate/apply for dogs for the SCOA annual awards? These awards are for SCOA member owned dogs
who have had major accomplishments in the last year. Please fill out the form below:
Name of dog________________________________________________________
Place an X beside your choice(only one nominee per form)
_____ KEMO CUP- In recognition of the top performance in the field by a Spinone Italiano: You should consider NAVHDA and AKC field performance. Performance with non-AKC
field (competing registries) should not be considered.
______ RUFUS CUP- In recognition of the Spinone demonstrating exceptional performance
in the field and conformation ring: you should consider NAVHDA and AKC field and conformation performance. This should be a Spinone that had prized in a NAVHDA Utility test, is
at least a SH and has excelled in the conformation ring. Consideration should not be
given to titles/awards given by competing registries (ie: UKC, etc).
_____ TY CUP In recognition of the Spinone that demonstrate exceptional performance in
three or more areas of activity: You should consider NAVHDA, AKC and Therapy Certifying
agencies when evaluating performance for this award. Consideration should not be given
for titles/awards earned with competing registries (UKC, etc). This award is not bound by
the previous calendar year rule and can be awarded for a lifetime of achievement.
_____ COS CUPIn recognition of the ultimate companion dog: the Spinone that best
typifies the best Spinone to "hang out" with. This award is not bound by the previous
calendar year rule and can be awarded for a lifetime of achievement.
_____ ASTI’S COMPASSION- In recognition of the Spinone demonstrating superior performance as a therapy dog: The recognition of/titles received from the various therapy
dog certifying organizations.
_____ AWARD OF RECOGNITION- Awarded to the Spinone that has produced offspring of
significance to the breed.
Tell us in a brief description of 250 words or less what this dog has done to deserve the award:. You may attach a separate piece of
Send nominations to:
Keely Ghirardelli
10120 N.E. 135th Lane
Kirkland WA 98034
[email protected]
Debb Brookman
586 Hefner Dr
Lima OH 45801
[email protected]
The winners will be selected based on accomplishments of record.
2009 Cos Cup Klondike’s Orphan Annie CGC JH
2008 Kemo Cup - VC Osage Bria MH
2009 High in Trial Siena Castellana di
Morghengo MH, CDX, RAE, TDIEVA
Page 21
C/0 Kim Vanderbilt
P.O. Box 1223, Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113
General Information: The Spinone News reserves the right to edit all material (including advertising) submitted
for publication. The Spinone News editor, and the Spinone News Committee (which is the Spinone Club of America
Board of Directors) also reserve the right to reject material (including advertising) submitted based on its content
when believed to be detrimental to the club in general, club members, club directors, the editor, contributors, etc.
Opinions expressed herein and facts stated may not express or reflect the opinion of The Spinone Club of America.