Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Iraqi Freedom
..II M ilitary Sealift Commander Vice Admiral David L. Brewer III recently told a maritimegatheringthat "the history of the MSC would not be possiblewithout the U.S. MerchantMarine," and that the "historyof the United Statescould have been very differentif it were not for our civilian sailors."The MEBA ensuredthat Admiral Brewerwouldn'tfind out the alternaterealityto that statementas our marinersonce againhelpedput our fighting forcesin a posirionof powerduring OperationIraqi Freedom(OIF). marinerworkforceis still managingto get the job done when our countryneedsus most. For what essentiallybroke downto a three-weekwar,the massiveresources employedand the unparalleledteamwork betweenlabor,managementand Governmentwasnothing shortof phenomenal.A protractedpetiod of hostilities maywell have testedboth the depths of the nation'smanpowerpool and the ability of a fadedcommercialmaritime powerto replicatethe successes of past maritime deployments.As it was,MEBA toppled everyobstaclein the wayand more than satisfiedeverygovernment requirementen route to a sterling sealift successstory. MEBAAnswers America's Call Thoughthe maritime industryhas takena decideddownswingsincethe heydaysfollowing World War II, the dwindling U.S. (Above) Aboard the CAPE RACE, an RRF Most of our armedforceswerewhisked into the Gulf regionby air,but few Americansrealizethat over85 percentof military equipment and suppliestook a waterborne journeyinto the war zone.At last count, MEBA officerswere deliveringkey supportto our military aboard26 civilian mannedMSC auxiliary shipsand specialmissionvessels,three commercially-operated prepositioning vesselscharteredby MSC, and 10 MSC LargeMediumSpeedRoll-On/Roll-Off (LMSR)shipsthat took part in Operation Iraqi Freedom.MEBA Officerswere also servingon 23 ReadyReserveForce (RRF) vesselsand a continuallyswellinglist of commercialshipscharteredto carrymilitary cargo,humanitarianand reconstruction aid as part of OIF. Alreadyrequiredto obtain a lengthy seriesof certificationsand licensingin their rolesasmarine officers,mariners were subjectto additionalrequirementsto sailas part of OperationIraqi Freedom. MSC necessitatesthat marinersbe certified in ChemicalBiological,and RadiologicalDefense(CBR-D) -to help them defendagainstattacksutilizing weaponsof massdestruction.MEB.A:.s CalhoonMEBA EngineeringSchoolin Easton,MD certifiesmembersip such training and SchoolDirectorJoyce Matthewssenta pair of instructors(Barry Van Vechtenand Rick Simonson)on the road at the requestof MSC to certify boatloadsof seafarersgetting readyto sail into the war zone.MEB.A:.s Patrolmanin SeattleMike Jewell,who is part of the U.S. MerchantMarine Naval Reserve Program,alsotrained manya marinerin vessel that recently returned from its service in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Left (At left) MEBAOfficers aboard the SIS MAJ to right is Baltimore STEPHEN W. PLESS.Theship carries U.S. mili- Branch Agent Bill Van Loo, 3rd AlE Mike Cedrone, Capt. tary cargo for the U.S. Marine Corps and Air Pat Wright, 2nd Mate Mike Bird and 2nd Force. Left to right is 3rd AlE Chris Sterling, 2nd AlE Dick Mathews. AlE DaveTrovatoand 1st AlE William Paddie. B April/May 2003 Marine Officer CBR-D. MEBA Officers aboardthe RRF and on deck. MEBA-contractedcompashipsand LMSRsbecameusedto toting niesmanagingthe shipsinclude Keystone, their gasmasksaround with them wherMarine TransportLines,Mormac and ever they went on the ship, an experience Patriot ContractServices.Upon receiving that their counterpartsaboardthe MSC the word from MarAd officialsin early Auxiliary/SpecialMissionshipsare used Januarythat scoresof RRF shipswere to in their perennialsupportto the U.S. being activatedinto Full OperatingStatus Navy fleet. (FOS), MEBA officialsleaptinto action by getting the shipscrewedwithin 24 Another requirementof OIF wasthe hours. That dedicationand resolvewas DefenseDepartmentstipulation that all matchedby MEBA Brothersand Sisters marinerssailinginto "high-threat areas" who shifted their schedulesto set sail be inoculated againstboth Smallpoxand with little notice on behalfof Union and Anthrax. Although the logisticalentancountry."The laborunionshavedefiniteglementscreatedby that requirementinily come throughto manthesevesselson tially causedconcernsin both governshortnotice," Maritime Administrator ment and on the labor side,the process Schubertdeclared. went remarkablywell for the MEBA. Our men and womensailing in supportof our In mid-April, BrigadierGeneralHenry nation and carryingthe MEBA banner Taylorspeakingbeforea maritimeindustry are a continuing sourceof pride. group,marveledoverthe extraordinary stateof readinessof thesemarinersand ReadyReserveForce (RRF): their abilityto sailso quickly afterthe word "go!" wasgiven. He praisedthe close relationshipbetweenthe military and civilian transportationindustriessayingthat this synergywill continueto be the "key to our success"well into the future. MSC Large, Medium-Speed, Roll-OnjRoll-Off (LMSR) Vessels:Ship of Choice Constructedfollowing glaringneeds detectedduring the first Gulf War, MEBA crewsten LMSRs under our contract with ASM/Patriot with an eleventh newbuild due to enter the fleet this Summer.The 950-footRO/ROs transport immenseshiploadsof military armaments and have proved wildly successful throughout Operation Iraqi Freedom. Military Traffic ManagementCommand BrigadierGeneralBarbaraDoomink recentlycalled the LMSRsthe "ship of choice" during OlE Fleet Readyto Go Owned by the Maritime Administration, the roughly six dozenvesselsof the Ready ReserveForcefleet are normally kept in ReducedOperatingStatus (ROS) at ports aroundthe country waiting for the dayto roar into action. Once the Defense Departmentgivesthe 'go' signal,the Military SealiftCommandassumes operational control of the vesselswhich are deployedto boost our sealiftcapabilities overseas. In Operation Iraqi Freedom,21 of the first 25 RRF shipssentinto actionwere MEBA contractedvesselscrewedby MEBA officersin both the engineroom LMSR USNS PILILAAU loading military cargo at the Port of Beaumont, TX in support of OIF. (Photo courtesy of CjE Phil Blaha) Marine Officer April/May 2003 9 ACTIVATION With more than 380,000squarefeet of cargo-carryingspaceaboard (over eight football fields), eachshipcan harbor an entire Army task force,including over 100tanks and track vehicles,more than 900 trucks and other equipmentincluding helicopters,artillery and other military hardware. GeneralHandypointed out that MEBA and our nation'smariners"perpetuate that sterling legacyof service,patriotism, and bravery.Youhave our greatestrespect and admiration.We saluteyou with pride as you provide combatpowerto our war fighters at this critical momentin our nation'shistory." Vice Admiral Brewerechoedthose remarksand praisedthe Merchant Marine'simportanceto our nationalsecurity in both peaceand~war."In everywar, in everyinstance,"he declared,the mantraof the MerchantMarine is broadcastloud and clear,"We'll deliver!" MSC Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force Vesselsand Special Mission Ships: Keeping the Navyon the Move 1st AlE Dave Andersen welding a machine gun mount on deck of the CAPE RAY for force protection while sailing in support of OIF. Calhoon School Instructors Rick Simonson (I) and Barry Van Vechten (R) helped certify mariners in required CBR-D training both at the School and aboard activated RRF ships getting ready to sail into the war lone. 10 April/May 2003 Marine Officer "GuardianMariners"aboardsuchships headinginto the PersianGulf region. In all, CIVMARs aboard26 vesselsin the fleet mannedby MEBA Officershelped keepour Navy at full fighting force during OperationIraqi Freedom. Early on in the action, MSC Vice Admiral David Brewer III assertedthat, "When the people of Iraq are finally liberated, our civilian mariners will have played a vital role in delivering them their freedom via MSC ships that literally formed a steelbtidge of democracyfrom the United States to Iraq. We deliver more than just cargo," he pointed out, "we deliver freedom." MSC Prepositioning Vessels: First Out of the Gate MSC's Afloat PrepositioningProgram enablesour military to get a leg up in the (Below) The USNS TIPPECANOE, one of the MSC oilers in the Naval Force Auxiliary Fleet, gets More than half of the roughlyforty auxiliary and specialmissionshipsof the MSC crewedby MEBA civilian mariners (CIVMARs) weretappedfor key support rolesin OperationIraqi Freedom.The fleetincludesammunitionships,ocean tugs,oilersand combatstoresvessels, and providesunderwayreplenishmentand crucial supportfor U.S. Navyshipsglobally. Fromrefuelingat-seaNavy shipsand providing jet fuel for aircraft aboardcarriers to extendingcritical care for our armed servicesand civiliansaboardtwo hospital ships,the civilian-mannedMSC vessels keepthe Navy fleet at seaand mission ready.Thesenon-combatantvesselscarry no weaponssystems.However,during OIF over 1,300Army reservistswere deployedto the fleet to serveas ready to perform underway replenishment tions with a Navy ship sailing alongside. opera- 11 ACTIVATION earlystagesof a contingency.Stationed aroundthe world, the vesselshelp transport military equipmentand suppliesto the u.S. Army, Navy,Air Force,and Marinesand allow them to put their systemsin placebeforethey are needed. MEBA servesaboarda trio of thesecommercially-operatedPreposhipschartered by the MSC from MEBA-contracted WatermanSteamshipCorporationand utilized in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Stationedin strategiclocationsaround the world, they are maintainedin a high stateof readinessin orderto deploywithin 24 hours toward contingencylocations. The Commanderof the U.S.Transportation Command,GeneralJohnW Handy, ascertainedthat, "onceagain,our nation hasturnedto its merchantmarinersto projectthis country'smightonto distant (At right) MEBA Third Mate Mike Anderson carrying his gas mask with U.S. Army Capt. Jim Riely, 4th Infantry Division, in Shuaiba, during discharge. Kuwait Note part of CBR-D washdown system rigged in the foreground. shoresin orderto preserveourfreedoms and wayof life." He noted that MEBA and the nation'sseafaringworkforcehas "answeredthe nation'scall,chargedthe gangways unhesitatinglyand,in record time,ensuredour readiness to surpassany challengethat mightlie ahead!" supportaslong asthe tools of our trade shipsand jobs -are there." Commercial Vessels:Vital to Our Strategic Goals A steadilymounting numberof u.s.flaggedcommercialvesselsare hauling MEBA PresidentRon Davisconfinned cargoesthat figure into OperationIraqi that, "throughoutthe Nation'slong history, Freedomand beyond.A numberof comour loyal U.S.-citizenmerchantmariners mercialshipscontributed in the early haveperfonnedvaliantlyon U.S.-flagmer- stagesof the war by hauling war materiel chantshipsduringwarsand national overseas.But with our strategicgoalsin emergencies. Our MerchantMarine has sight,the participarionof thesevessels beena key factor in everyconflict and largelycirclesaroundshipmentsof reconcontingencysincethe American structionand humanitarianaid. MEBA Revolutionand we are proud of our parand other maririme interests,in an initiaticipation in the liberationof Iraq. Our tive spearheaded by the American MerchantMarine hasalwaysbeenthere Maritime Congress,workedtoward and for our countryand we'll continue our successfully won Congressionalapproval of languagestressingthe adherenceto u.s. cargopreferencestatutesof a new multi-billion wartime supplementalfunding bill that providesmoneyfor food and reconstructionaid. Under U.S.cargopreferencelaws,100%of Departmentof Defenseshipments,75%of food aid cargoesgeneratedby U.s. Agencyfor International Development(AID) and The MSC Combat Stores vessel USNS SPICA sailing in Greek waters opposite the Hospital ship USNS COMFORT. Marine Officer April I May 2003 ACTIVATION 50% of all other AID cargoes(suchas reconstructionmaterial)are requiredto be transportedon U.S. flag ships.A bipartisan groupof lawmakers,fronted by Sen. TedStevens(R-AK) and Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) helpedshepherdthat provisionthroughCongressand onto the President'sdeskwhere it waspromptly signedinto law. MEBA-contractedcommercialvessels sailing in supportof the war effort and subsequentfood and reconstructioncarriageinclude thoseoperatedby Central Gulf, E-Ships,Liberty Maritime, OSG Ship Management,MaerskLines Ltd./USSM, Keystone,ASM, Horizon Linesand WatermanSteamship,but the list continuesto grow. Most likely becauseof the lightning-quick resolutionof the war,the Governmentdid not invoke the full provisionsof the Maritime SecurityProgram,however manyshipsenrolled in MSP did (and continue to) carry Governmentcargointo the PersianGulf region.MSP makes47 militarily-usefulcommercialvesselsavailableto the Governmentfor usein times of contingency.The Programhelps offset the inequitiesthat raisecostsof doing businessunderthe U.S.flag thus allowing this fleet of shipsto continueflying the Starsand Stripes.MSP hasallowedU.S. flag bottomsto be availableto carry what is a staggeringamountof food and reconstructionaid to Iraq. MSP also helps preservea u.s. citizen mariner base that was a key factor in the availability of u.s. civilian sailors for the Government vesselworkforce that sailed in support of OlE In addition to the core MEBA Officers maintaining the plants on the nation's Ready ReserveForce vessels and LMSRs that are normally berthed in ROS,a slewof U.S.marinerswereneeded to supplementthe vesselcrewswhen shifted into FOS.Programssuchasthe MSP that help mushroomthe marinerpool are top prioritiesfor the MSC and Maritime Administration."In the wakeof September 11th,havingloyal Americancrewsis even more crucialfrom a nationalsecurityperspective,"CaptainSchubertpointedout. Vice Admiral Breweragreedand reiterated that, "a healthyU.S.maritime industryis not onlygoodfor our economy,it is critical to our nationaldefense."MSC isworking closelywith MarAd in searchof solutions to preserveand further expandour critical marinerbase. But evenas Admiral Brewerfretted over the stateof our seagoingworkforcehe beamedwith pride ashe admitted that one concernhe doesnot have is our mariners'willingnessto serve."They are hard-working,dedicatedAmericanswho love our country and are intrinsically patriotic." U.S. civilian sailors"are indeed a vital part of our nation'sarmedservices," Admiral Brewerproclaimed. X MEBA officers transport aboard the LMSR USNS PILILAAU massive amounts of military equip- Left to right are 2nd AlE Witold Szyfter,3rd AlE Members gather on deck of the "mother of all RO/ROs," the RRF ship COMET, managed by Mormac Keith Turcotte, 1st AlE Gerald Murphy and 3rd Marine. AlE Chris O'Sullivan. Chief Engineer Phil Blaha Left to right are MEBA members CIE Pat Funk, 31M Colin Vogel, 31M Jim Christian, 21M Sean Bogus and 3rd AlE Jerod White. CIM Dave Campbell took the photo. 1~ Officer April/May 2003 Marine took the photo. ACTIVATION MSC NFAF VESSELS USNS ARCTIC FastCombatSupportShip USNS BIG HORN -Oiler USNS CATAWBA -Ocean Tug USNS COMFORT -Hospital Ship USNS FLINT -Ammunition USNS GUADALUPE -Oiler USNS JOHN ERICSSON-Oiler USNS JOHN LENTHALL -Oiler USNS KANAWHA -Oiler USNS KILAUEA -Ammunition USNS KISKA -Ammunition USNS LARAMIE -Oiler USNS LEROY GRUMMAN -Oiler USNS MOHAWK -Ocean Tug USNSM1: BAKER -Ammunition USNS NIAGARA FALLS CombatStores USNS PATUXENT- Oiler USNS PECOS-Oiler USNS RAPPAHANNOCK -Oiler USNS SATURN -Combat Stores USNS SHASTA -Ammunition USNS SIRIUS -Combat Stores USNS SPICA -Combat Stores USNS TIPPECANOE -Oiler USNS YUKON -Oiler MN CAPE HORN - S/SCOMET -Roll-0n/Roll-0ff Ship Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE HUDSON Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE KENNEDY Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE KNOX Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE ORLANDO Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE RACE Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE RAY -Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE RISE -Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE TAYLORRoll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE TEXAS Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE TRINITY - MSC LMSRs (MANAGED BY ASM/PATRIOT) USNS BOB HOPE USNS BRITTIN USNS FISHER USNS GILLILAND USNS GORDON USNS MENDONCA USNS PILILMU USNS SEAY USNSSHUGHART USNS YANO MARITIME PREPOSITIONING VESSELS (CHARTERED BY MSC FROM WATERMAN) SS SGTMATE] KOCAK Container& RoII-On/Roll-Off Ship SSPFCEUGENEA. OBREGONContainer& Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship SSMA] STEPHEN\Xl:PLESSContainer& Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE VICTORY Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE VINCENT Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship GTS ADM. WM. M. CALLAGHAN Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship S/SCAPE GIBSON -Modular Cargo DeliverySystem(MCDS) Vessel READY RESERVE FORCE (RRF) FLEET VESSELS MN CAPE DECISION Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE DIAMOND Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE DOMINGO Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE DOUGLAS Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE DUCATO Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE EDMONT Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship MN CAPE HENRY Roll-On/Roll-Off Ship The of Central ships car/truck crews to Gulf vessel GREEN supporting OIF carrier enrolled be available to by LAKE is transporting in support the one of the U.S. commercial vessels in military/humanitarian/reconstruction Maritime the war Security Program a steadily aid. (MSP). MSP has enabled growing GREEN U.S. LAKE :' list is a ~~" effort. Marine Officer April I May 2003 13