1913 - Nova Scotia


1913 - Nova Scotia
. ·r.
· .,.
OF 'rflE
. ij
. I
Second ~easfo* of, the . Thirty-fifth Parliament · · ·
- .... ,_ -~--··~------
.. r·
. •.~--;;....,
A!IB('nt to -B11J11
, , •·
Bille, lnti:o()nct'<I
21, 29, 81, 86, 88, 45, 54, 57, C.9, 00, 70. 78, 77
, ••• ,
, , , • .,
, ; 7, JS. 14, 15
, ..• , : •. , • , . , ,
75, 77, 118; 9'
< 'ontlngenclea- Repoet ,
-, ;a;
15, 98
Debate on ruotion to adopt reply to 8llt!f'Ch from throne
, .. ,
6, 7 ·
He hate ~1 Public Accounts
,, ·
'' MinPB
•• FAt1cat,i(1t1 . • . •
•1 lnd1111h·lt>11 and
Immigration •• , .. _
" Act to Re11'11latc the Purchase, &le and
of Goode In Bond
, •••.••••••
, •••
nsfer of Stocks of
22, 00
66, 74
···i •, • , , •, ·; • • • • • • • • • · · · · · • • • ·
--·-- "
" :Uunlclpal ~a11it01·i11111e,,.,,,,,
, ,, , , , ••1 , ., , , , , , , ., , , .. , •• , , , ..
" The Gome Art... ..
" Motc11· Vehicle Act
; ...•. -.,, ••••. ;,; .. ·;.,, .• : .. :·'_ •.. 87
~; .. umatt'II
~lrnlhe111, lnt1·oductlon of
, .. ,
, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . •• ,2], 29, 43
Ogih·ie, John, death of
, .. ,
, , .. , ,-., ;
,- , .,
.-~ .. 5
Ht>portlng and P1·intlng . .. . .. ,
·; .• ,
H.-port nf Oommf1111lonf!re tif Orown Lande
·•• ;
, 111
" of J<'~torles Inapector ; , _,
, •.. : ••• , ••• .-, ••-. ,
·• on Public Chari tie&
• • , 18
on Nov11 Scoti11 Ho11pltal
; .. ,14
on Penni fn11tit11tln11s
-. , ; , • ,
, 14
of HoadH DlviHlon, Dept .• of P. W
, ·,
,, • 1 • .. ..
.' .. ,
on Public Acc,mnts
-. .. . .
; •.. 14, 85
1111 l\flnes
. on Publio Prlntlr11e
•• on SubsiiU:iicd R111lw11y11
, .. ,
of S11pt11·i11tende11t- nf Education .•••. : •...••.••• -, , •••.•••.••.•..••..
, .22
1111 Port Hood and Mab1111 Mine11
of P1·ovinoial Heolth Officer .•... ,;,
or Co111mlMsio11p1• l't'llJiectlng Packets and Fer1•if!8 .•• _ •.••.• , •••• ; •.• , , . 24
of S1•l'ret.a1·y of Ag1·lc11lt111-e.,., . , • , • ,
011 l111lust1·i1•11 and l111111ig1·11tio11
on Spt•rial ElectionR
, • , .· .••• , ,
or Provtuclal St'<'l'l'l1uy..
nf ln11pf't•t111·,i11-Chlef, N. S. Tt:mflt',rance Act
on Rh·t.h11, Ma1·riag1•eand Death11.·
1111 Puhlic Ut.illtir·a
, .. , ,
..-,-, •• ; _._
of Ag1•11t, Oenl'l·al
- •• - 82
of Llhi·,lJ'y Com111l11~ione1'H.,
, •,
1111 Tow1111 an<l M11nlclp11litlee .. ,
of Exhlhillon Com111l11sionel'8,,.. ,,,,. '..,, .• , •••••••• , , • , , •• , , , ._ .• ,88
re rt>presentatlnn of County of AnnapoliM .••.••.••••••••• ,., .• , •.••• ,40
of Game C11nj1nis1!1011ere
1111 Humane lnstitutions
" of Revt>nue and Ex1ll'ndlture
H111,ply Bill
_ .. ;;
'!'upper, Sir Charle!', Bart., &.solution
, ••••••• , •• , i ..• , •., , 72, 77
,\\'1111111a11; Hon. Geu1·ge, Retirement nf
'. J.,
, •.. 41
'\ I
;•,.,·_ ......
I. Returns trom tlJc
mlnlu,r lndUHtry,
lb11 oontlnuo<I dovclopruont ot which Ill HO 1111·
portnnt to thl• Provl11co, •how Iha~· the ln<troQHO In output aucl •nllll!, which wn,1 I,u,t :roar
110 eonHdonlly'
a11Uo1tu,ted, hnH boon fully
ronlllO<I. aud I• R1'Cl1to1· thnn ht 1111)1' provlou•
MvGRW.IOR, Llo11t,ti11ant-Govc1·1101·
11t I yonr In thc.hl•toa·r. ot tho luclu•try. 1 IL I• very
1•h•11<ln1r tu b-0 ab o I<> •lnt<i lhnt tho -011tlook
1:111110 ,to · the Oouncil
f. r11 turlhor nl!l'Cll!lo fur tho J>tc1<C11t your I•
llhamhor, lllltl . being 111.'utecl, M1·. J. mOHt """Utlnir.
In II nnur11clurl11&' thm-u 1111>1
l<'t'ank Outhit. Olt,rk of the Ltigl11lativo boc11 mnrkotl nd muco 1111<1 11 L'On•ldornblo 111·
h11>1 bccu 011111loyod 111
Connell, received His Honour'11 com, Provlncllll ludu•tr.o•,
It I• IIID.<t ,rrallt,lng
mand to ac1111ai11t the 11rn111he1'!I of tho IA> ob11ur\·e by tho Hot 111·11• ot tho Von•uA o tho
Cm111tl11 !111,~ thl• 1'1uvl11co
House of A1111ornbly that "It is His l\l111111t11cturo1.,,
has mndo \·ery •ubtltnntlnl lncrc11N011 In the
Honour'a will an1l pleasure that they vnluo
or pmduct• tlurhtll' tho ln•t docndo,
him immodlawly
in this
b. Tho 111lown11cc• t'tlcontlf maclo to HOIIIO of
House," who being come, His Honour tho Pro,· I nee>< by tho ll'cdorn Uo,·cr11111ont., nnd
tho tro11,tor to other l'rovl11ces or lnrgo nrcu•
wil.H pleased to open _ tho .Sesslon with
ot thr 1>ubllo lund• of tho llomlnlou, tho com.
11 speech to both Houses as follows :
mon property ot nl tho J'rov!uw,i, In whluh
tm11•te1· ouri:co1Cr.,11hlts,l 1io~lllo1111rool11dc• UN
,lfr. J'ffridtnA aad llonourabl• a,n11e111,n of
from 11•1tllcl1mt111ic by au ext<'rl!'lon or our
/Agi,/alloe l'ouncU:
bou11d11rlc•, w11• 11111du tho uubjcr,t ot a ('outer
str, Spt!IJl:er arid f1et11/tt11,n o/ IM llou11 a/ cnco on tho Plltt ot m)· !lo1·cr11111011t With
l'tlpro•ontatl\'Oa of lho Uovornmeut• of Now
Uruu•wlok urul Pl'luoo l~<lwnrd 1"11uuJ,
1. J run ploMe<I to weteerue you 011 your
thl• Conrorenco wax lho 111-cHOntatlon
,.,.,,,.. mbllu,r tor th!l <IINChurgu ot you1· lelriHlu· IA> tho ot
llomlulun Uonw11me11t ot tho clnhn• ot ·
th-, l,h1tltl1110 Province,, tor 011uit11blo llonuti~.01~1.~~t'iir tt e IIWlt Hu11111101· our Province
ciu.J compcn,w,Uon.
by tho Pl'O>I011co ot their
0. 1'1·01rl'tlHH h1lll boon 111a<10 durJ11ir tho ycu1·
ltoy,11 Hlirhn"""811 tho lluko
Rn<I Jluchlll!II
Conmmght and J'rlnre...
who In cnrrylnir ollt thu loirl•lallon of h1>1t HOMlon
tho cou•lrnl'llon In 0111·hlgh\\ll.f• or •mailer
rnunlte,iu,d 1leop Interest In 11.H proirross nnd
brld1CC1111nd ouh·ortH ot durnblo 11111tcrlal, 1'ho
rccolved ovory.
where with 'm rkcd
ot lo)'nlty u,mn1l11nUou or lruportant hl1Chw11)'• In tho
<lllforonL countlcH h11.H bcon couthnw,t durlnir
u111l ffll.toom. It •WM ,, hnppy clrcunu1tanco
whluh 0111,blod HI• ltoynl Hl"hno ... <lurlnir hi• lhu yonr, 111111 dnln irnlhorcd aurt nmdo 1wnll11blo
tor .Procucdh11l u1oro l'I\Jlhlly with Lhe
,njourn In lfallt,u: to dodlcntu thu Mo111otlnl
wo1·k ot 1>11tth111' In UaOHo •Lt·uctun..._ 1"he H<ll1d•
'l'nwer,erected t,1 co11u110111ornto tho lftlllltlu"
IJh·Won ut lhu IJcpnrtment
of Public Work•
nf tlu, llr-t ltopl'O>IOntlltl\"O Piu·l11u11011t by tho
lnnugumtod, In conn~ctlon wllh tho Cour,,o tor
, ·ruwn ot Uroot llrltllln to nu 011tlyl111r porttor1
ranuol'tl at tho Provlnclul .Agrlcnltuml College
or the King'• l>omlnlon.._
:1. Although tho pUHt •m•on WM not tu.\·or. u Coutttoof i11Htruclfon on tho t•oni;itruoUon nmf
ournblo tor tho lu,r\'O•tmir
yot tho 11u1lntcna1wo of hlghwnra nduptL,t to tho uecd•
tanuur, ironorally •I-king,
f(l(_'tJh'o1 irood ro- ot tho P1·0\·l11co. Tho •I udont,; ot llmt ln•tltlJ·
tlon 111londc1l tho Cou,.,.o 111 l~ri.•o numbet1<, 1111<1
11m1• tor hi• l11bonr, 1111<1 tho yield or fruit "'""
It I• tmll.ta11tu1'f tu
th11 necon<I IRltrllflt In tho hi.t,01·y or lho Pro. diJ1t1ll\yL,l l[l"c11t lutorc•L
t1u111 thl• null other ovldtmooR that n fllON
ri"'"· 'rho h111N>rta11t ln<lu•trloo ot H•hlui:
•11•1 lumberlnac havo bwn pro.ccuto<I wlU. wldcaprcnd lnlcre•L I• lwlng nwakonod In 11ur
l'ro1·lnoo ht tho h11port1uat 111nltor ot highway
CIIOlll'Y and iUCOOll8,
construction and IJ1111ro\·oment, 1111<1 the 11oce11a
THUB81>A Y, l•'ehruary· 13, 1018.
At throe o'clock
Hie· Honour
the Honourebl«
1•. ·u:,
.. ,;.,
·: '(.
•lty or c111plor.l1111' 11mctlml 111111 cconomlml
mothod~ there or. l"urthor ll'1Cl•h1tlo11 will bo
h,trotlucod d11rh111 tho prosent IIOll>llon 11rovl1l·
11111' fur tho lmpron-d oon•trucllon or I\ certain
chu•• ol rondt!, und !or tho moro olllclcnt care
11111l 11mlnttll1Rnco ol our hl11hw11)'"7, lt1~11ir.ln11 how e-uouttnl it !~ !or th~ cum
furl, I\O<l llttMJlllrlly ol thoso l11·l111C in our ruml
•ocllon• thut tlwi· sho11l1l enjoy the 111l\'1111tni:u•
of t-0lo11honu communlct\tlon with ull 1>1Lrt~ of
tho Provluee, und to enublu them to i:ul' Into
Inunedlate touch with th11 l111lu•t1fal cent res
whtoh lurnl•b 11 mnrket for their product»,
leirl•lntlun will' ho Introduced for tho lllll'I"'""
ol thuu,dally R1<>1lsllng n111I lur "1cllll11t lng tho
conHtrucUon of 1·m11.l lole\1hono llnes, \\' Ith tho
vlew or glvlna: t,vor)· KCd on of the Pro,·lncu n
chtt1.l' und c.,Ulcknl tulophone tl.er\'kc.
I!. Although IL I• 1110.,t s11tlsf1Lcl11ry to IMl'II
Umt tuere htl.>l boon u ,·nui,;hlc1·nblo reductton
du lnll'lbe lnsLymr ln.thouumbcrol
tlc11tbd from t11borculosl", c\ result, I 11111 -ure,
obtalnu<l by II wlder diKHuml1111.llo11 or 1nfurm1\·
tlon rc•P· ctlnll' tho propur nwlhmls to ho u,011
In L'Omb11tlln1C thl• di•<'"""· i·ot ti"' luN>< 111111 ""'·
lcrlnl( thoroby •till '""~••101111<1 clitt•ctly 1111d
Indirectly to thu l'ro,·lui,o I• ••1<·h "" lo mil !or
further uffo1·t. I nm l'ontldcnt lhnt II moro <XIII·
c<1rtecl clforL by l'ro\'lnclul
nncl 1\11111ld1>11l
11uthot'lllCt<, •u1111lon,011tln11 tho wm·k or tho
modlcal 11n>f0Kt41on I\Ud v1nlou". local l,t'lltllllll'4,
rc,mlt lo chocklnir the lurlh~r •11rc11,I of
lhl• dru<UI di"°''"" In our J'ro\'lnco. To tlJRI,
cml, lcirl•lallon .will be pn,lllmtecl l'w,·hllng lnr
tho Ol'C<ltlon or 1\ numlwir or hnsp IIIIK HUltnblo
for tho trcnlmont of ,ul muc"d '"'"'"'· lol' Ihn
.11 trolncd lllcxllml ~:xnmlnur to
V Kit tho Vtll')OUK COlllltlCK, 1111d !or t> H)'•lCIII OI
Couuty Cllulc,, an1l Nur,,c,c.
l(r, ,Sp~
""'' Ot111/emt11 of lh• /IOUH of
D. "l'be. Ac~,ounl>< ol tho llvvu111111 nml •:xl1Clldlturo"for tho IN••t tlscAI ymr ,uul thn &ti,
malc8 !or tho 001·ru11t )'cnr will
lahl bolooo
Prtridffll and Ro11<1urablf <ltrlllt111t11of IAf
J,tglllallNI Co1111cil :
Sptaku aNd GtRllt"'tll
o/ lllf
Rotue of
10. To nil the moosm·c• t1111t mny bo brought
boforc you l lnvlto your 11ttc11U1111, lu thc full·
CML conl\do11co tbRt you will 110 ti h;chnriru your
h111,orwnt clutlcsnx w ,,n,motc tho wcll11ro or
tho 1,0011!0 of Nova 8cot 11,
Hon. l\11', lhLl, p1·cscntetl"
entitle<I, "an Apt, to muuml Clmpter 143,
Hovltwd tlt.atuw-11, 1000, of the Reghitl'lltlou of Pa1·t1101"t1hlp1:1."
nnught, In tho prol(ro"" ,uul ,lo\"dopmont or
our l'rO\'IDt'C, durh>II' tholr vl•lt tho
111or, · Willi· 1110,,t ll'M'lllylnll', 110<1 wo hoartlly
Rl[l'OO that, It "''"' 11 ha11py clrcun,.tnnco
1>1111hlc1l Ill• Hoynl lll1Chnc"" clul"lnir hl11 •tay nl
Jl111ll11x to dud lento tho llfc111orl11l Towor.
3. IL I• 1{1'11tl!yln1C to l.,11r11 tl,,.t nltho1111h tlw
111U<t season wn, not 111 vomblo for hnr,·OHtlng
tho formcr, uorwmlly •111•1klt11f, rol'Ulvotl IIO<Ni
1·,•turn• for hi• lnlmr. 111111 tl111t tho fruit i·lchl
\\'IUI lhO SllC<llld )81"1.(,Ht 111 tho h)Htory ll! the
1'1-0\'lnce. Wu 11m pl<·11N<·d to ho 1U<Mun."1, l<M•,
11ml thu h111w11-tnnt. lndu•trlea or ll•hh111111111
lun11>eringh1,,·o bcou 1n·m1uct1k'<l with onorl,{}'
nntl MUCCCKl'l.
~. We 11rn Kla1l to know that. IW<t ycnr'• cm1·
11,tm,t 1111tlclj•ntlo11• "" to lncrcw,etl output n11<I
i.1lt•• ol.<'001 111n, been fully ro11ll1.,~I. llllll Iha!
the uutput n111I ""'"" luwo oxceodcd tho,m or
a11y 1,ro,·1011• yc11r In tho hlolory ol tho ludu,·
try : 111111 tlu,t tho outlook furn lurLh01· lncnJAsc,
.\:'t\~f.::tt.:'::1f/:;f u,01-o Im,
boon 1\ tmn·kcd 1uh·n1wo in manuCu.cturlng. nrul
" cou"'ldL·ra.hlolncron,u of locnl capital
11loyc1l In 1'1'>vl11ch1l huht•lrlc1<.
6. Wo ,luno your 11mlllkal1011 In ob,or,·tnu.
!nun tho Consn• Hlllurn• or Mnnutncturcrs or
C111111tla, thnt tho l'ro,·tnro has 11111<10 vory suh·
st.unt111l lncttmM1• In lho \'11luo ul 1nulucu du,·.
tnir tho ln•l· dum1lo .
7. ··\\'o nrc pll'n...,,1 to lwi lnlurmod that n conlcronco on tho 1mrl ol yo1lr tlovornmont with
n.,1lrt:tto11t11th·ttt1 of tho Oo,·orumcnta. of Nuw
Hr1111•wlck 111111 l'rl11,·o 1':tlwnul l•hmd. w11s
hohl 1\11 tho e111,Jo11t
tho nllownnoo• ro<.,cnlly
mntlu by tho l•'ccloml lhwor11111ont to
lho l'mvhwc•, nnd tho trnn•lcr to other 1'11,.
vllwcs or l,111(0 lll"CRH ul puhllc IRlldH or th,·
llomlulon, tho ,·0111111011 11n111Crly or 1111 tho
Provhae<•H. 1,nd that tho tt••ult ol th11t Conlcrcnm WlLK tho 11re'40Ulutlon w tho llomlnlun
Oo\'ornmont ur tho clnh11H of thcHO MnrlU111c
l'ro\'lncOH for cqultahlo lh11111ch1l c-ompt,n>.1·
K. It 111 1111U•f11etory to know lhRL t>ro1111·,,
·'"'" l,ocu 11111<10 dnrlnl!' tho lnHt yror In Mrrylug
out Urn lc1CM1itlon ol hlkt ;;c11.slon !or tho con·
•Lrm,tlon In our hlghwny>< ol Hmnllur brl<l1w<
nnd eulv<1Tl>< ol<lnmblo nmtcrlnl: thnt tho cxnmlnRtlon ol t11111ortnnt hll(hwnys In tho 11ltfcr·
ent oonnlle" hoH boon contlnuod during tho
your, aml1lntaii11thoro,l
1rn1l mn.tc.nv11llnl,lo tor
1m><socdl1111 1nnt1, 1·11phlly with tho work o!
uUlnic In tht\llo Ht.ruclnret<; thnt tho ll.oa,I•
lh·l•lon ol thll JJc1111rtmcnt ol l'ubllo Work•
liP lnu.ugnrolt.'d, In l'onuecUou with
!or r,u·nu,r,c, nl, tho l'rovlnd11l Agrlcult11111l
Colfoiro, n eour,.;t• of im,1.rut'llon (1tdllt>lc.•cl to thL'
nooclt1 of thu l'rovinocJ on tho t!t)fl14ructton nud
111r,lntt1111u1eo or hbchwn.)"M., u.1111 Umt tho t-ilu·
:~r/:,\: gf U:~ ~~~\,\\i!,u~i· it~'\;::~~:::1~::S"fti;
11artlc11l11dy 11mlllyln1C to tlucl. lrom this 1111d
other cvhlen"''· llmt u 11101-c wldua11ton1l l11l<'r
Oi<t I• bolnlC nwakoned
tho Prn·
\"lnoo In tho Important mnttor ol hl11hw11y con,
Hon, Ml', LEVA'l"l'K move.d that the
and lmtlrovcmC"nt. nntl tho IIL"t.l«JM.'lilY
Adtlre1:1s b<l prese'ntctl to ]Us Honour N!.ructiun
!or cm11loylng.
1111d economll'III
the Lloute111mt-Govm·nm• l11 auswc1· to mothod1 therefor. Tho """11m111·0 thnt luttl,or
will bolulr<Klucetl during tho 1ircot·nl
his speech, which lu, 1·e111l in hi1:1 place lel(lsh,tlon
...,,..Jon pl'o\'ldlng for tho lmt>ro\'ocl c,m•t1·11, ..
· and aftet·wards dellvm•ed It to the clerk Uon of n cortnln clru1>1 olroadH nml tor lho more
olllclont cnro nntl malntunnnco olour bl11hw11i·.,
who read tho same as follows :
To HrR IIDNOl'll TIIK Hor,,ovnAlll,E
J AIIIKB I• 1111 .. t l(mtltylnl!',
of ~o,·n Scotln.
UP"'°'' Your Honour :
t. We thank Your Honour
!or tho 8pooch
with which yo1i havo been phia•o<I to 01ie11 tho
Tbe tntcrc•L IIIRIIIIOHlllCI by ~!:=!:Royal
Hl1rb11c""°"" tho Huko llllll lluch""" of Con·
.. -f
II. Wu r<,col(nlr.<l with ontlro u1>Pl'OVUI tho
ni.'4urunco thnt. l"tmlizlng huw CAAonll11l It lH to
tho comlort n111l 1•=1,orlty of lho,;<1 llvlnll' In
our 1·1trnl oooUonK thut they ohoultl enjoy tho
ml vantage~ of ttJhJl)honn co1111nuukaU011 wit Ii
' l~U"'1r:..~.~l/,~t~. . ~~:~~~· ~,~.~tt'.'~
11~:~~1"~: .~~\
<1cntrcH which furnl•h nlllrkctt< !or lhulr 11ro·
duct,i, tho Uovommont
w Ill lntrotluco •
tor the purJJOl'CI or taolllt.,ittnir and
llnanclally IMtllL<lln11: Ulo construction
of rural
lclophono !Inell, with tho vlow or lfivln
,,,ctlon of tho Pro,·lnou " ohoap nntl fmci/¥
1,•lophono oervtco.
10. We Hbu.ro In tho bcllotthul
11 moro con
,·urtc,I cll'ort by Prv,·lnclal and Munl<'I j
1111thorltloa, su11plo111rntln11 tho work of - 0
1110,lloal profeAAlon 1111d ,·nrtou• Jocnt lo
will reHult In chocklllll' tho further Hpr~t·r
tuborouloelM, anti hrar with r.roroun,I Mtl•r11
lion !hilt to th Rt 01111 le,r!Hlat on w Ill l,o HOllfl~t
pro,·ldlnll' for tho oroctlon or 1, nu111boi· of ho•
11lti1l• •nltablo for tho trcntuwnt of n1lmnoo,i
''!"c"' tor tho ar,polntmont of a tmhl<'il lllodlcnl
txnmlnor to v •ltthe \'RrlouH oount101<, 11 ntl r
11 •Y•tom of County Clinic• untl Nur,,o,c.
II •. \Vo llll>!Uro Your Honour tl111t to the."°
'"' well M to nil Huch other nmUotK M nmy
hrouirht botoro 1111, wo "ball 1(1,·o our ournC!lt
11llontlon, with •lnccro yurpoMO to promote tt 1 0
o NomScotin.
Tho Hon. l'tlr. BEAZLKY. sl'conded
tho address.
'!'hen it was 01-dul'ecl that thu 1lehatu
,,n the !1(ldress be adjoumcd until to111or1'0W,
On motion of Hon. l'tlr. MACK : Rusolved, that the Hon. J\less1·11 • .McC1111Jy,
Owe1I, LoBlanc, Welton, Dn1111111011tl
1111cl, Sanclersou, he a committeo on the
.l1111:1111ess of t.110 house anti tho p1·ivil<•ges of parlianwnt.
On 'motion of Hon. l'tlr. l'tlACK : Hc~olved, that the Hon. l'tlo11srs. Corbett,
Al'll1strong, Druuunoml and EU.tit• ho
11 committee on l1'JIOl'ting ancl 1mbli11h111g the debates nnd p1·occ1,'<lings of tho
, On ~otlon of Hon. Mr. MACK tho
l.011nc1l then ntljoumc1l until 8 p. m.
FmoAY, 14th Fohrual'y,
'rhe Council mot at 8 I'· m.
Hon. H. 0. V. LEVATTE, In 1·es11111ing
tho dehatt, on thu motion to adopt tho
1ul1lress of tho Oonncll In reply to the
•p1•och with which HIH Honmn· tho
J.ieutena.nt-Govornor opened tho
~<'nt soBSton of thu l..egl11lature, 1:1uh :
In moving tho second rcacllng of tho
111ldrell8 In reply to the speech of Hie
Honour the Lieutenant-Governor we
must all regret that at this sesslo~ of
the Ootmcll we ha\"o ono vacant chair
that of the honourablt, member fo; ..
llallfa:ic, Mr, Troop. Although I was
not Intimately acqualntecl with the
Int~Mr. Troop, and I never met him
unt.il I met him hero last year, I grieve
fol' him ancl concur· in nny t'lllllal'ke
II.mt may he made In connection with
Ins decease by tho hon. gentluman
that will secoml tho address.
Nova Bcotlans geno1·all;rwere pleased
t!1nt In 1912 tho Duke and Duchess of,
(onuaught ancl Princess Pat.l'i(lia vis-
lted tho Provinco; aml whe1'tlver they
went in the Pl'ovlnce they received a
loyal nncl c01·clial wclcomo from tho
reople generally. \Vt• wm-e pleased to
now that nt a function In this cit
t!1oy u,nveiletl a monument In cormo!
tmn "1th tho first Parliament of thl
I had tho cxtrc1i10 pleaHuro and th
exti-ome honour of J.>at·tfoipntin · e
anothm· function ancl, mformal th~n~h
it w,ui, it WM accompanied by a s 11_
tan<lous outbul'st of Ioynlty from ~10
people of that cmmty-01, tho pai·t of
that cou!)t,y-in which I have the pl 0 aeuro of hving.
~h.cn we know that H. R. H. was
to Vtstt tho old historic fort of Lonieburg I l11te1-estecl our pcoplu and we
clecidcd that on the old grouncl, 011 the
spot where was fought by tho bravo
mon of two ~rcat nations, 011 two dlff~runt occas,1011s, the battl<!s that· deculccl, I thmk, tho cle1:1tlnie.s of this
country, we ducldcd that 011 this
ground we would extt.ml an inforinal
rocortlon to H. R. H.-t;ho son of Olli'
goo< Qiwen Victoria ancl hi·othei• of
tho gl'eal peacuumkel', King Edwm'tl
autl undo of our p1•esent King At~
j'lvlug at Louisbm·g Station ' they
~>artlmt- a swame1· placed at theh•
dtHrOHlll by thu Dominion Coal Co
a111 were conveyed to the old fort:
\Vh,n H. H. H. saw tho, crowcl' nssc1!1blod on t~~ bench, ho said, .. 1 am
gomg aeho1-e, a11cl he diet go ashore. · ·
He was met hy the boys ancl iris
waving thu U111011 Jack and th: tta'
of ~n111ula. Hu wont up tho olcl stre!t
b,mlt 170 01· 180 years n~o by the
l• r·tmch peoplo ; on ench imlu of tho
street wen, flown tho Union Jncke and
th? f/t1gs of Oannda, ancl it was my
l!l'tv1higc to exu•ncl to H. R. H. an in·
lormul , welcomu to those hlstm-lc
During tho time ho was on
19 way to tho old forts a pleasinif O Isocio occur.reel that l thluk should ~o
down In history. An old lady about
00 years of age, , sat on htir d~o1· step
some distance from tho road, and His
Highness opened the gate and went u
and shook hands with tho old lad~
and a young boy, about three years of
age, who eat boside her : sl1e Is one of
our hest women, 1•, eprctcd by all our
people all he1• lifotlme. Bo enthusl'cl.
wore our people that the cheel'!I H R
H. recel~cd could not bo equalled i~
ll!Jf part of ,tho I'rovinco that ho
VIHlted. Thie mformal ,reception was
not on .the prograromo, but tho wel-
==:a=::=======::::!=.:~-=======come· came spontan(l(m~Jy from tl111 to the Paeltlc coast 111111 two · to tho
hearts of till' 111,ople, and ho well de· A t.lnntlc coast, a111l they will be flshir11(
served it.
in 101:l. I want, to s11y thit,, gont.t.•.
It h1 to bo 1-cgt'till,ed that I.ho 11w,t 1111'11: if steam trnwllng cannot lu•
aeasou h11H not been UH good 1111 in prevented within twenty miles 11f
formi,r years fot· tlu- l11wvusti11gof tho Nova :,cotl1L then in I\ vo1·y few y1mrs
crops, hut still we rojolco to know Uu~t nut one, or two, 01· hnlf n dozen llshi111(
om· fllrmm'II 11111do II fair season H villages will h1• 1ft•po1mlatetl, bnt 'tlw
wm-k, \Ve rejoice to know thnt., 1111 11 · lar11:m· 1111111h1•r throughout tho 1l'O·
genernl thing, tlwy were pret.t.y \\'I'll viuce. I do not knnw if nnyU1ing 1·1111
pi·ovitfod fo1· the winter, I ~uppoH<' h(• done 01· not, but it seems to 1111•
this will apply to the 111njor1ty. A that I.he. g,•11iu>1 of 11ta!es1111m should I~·
great, mnny uf om· fo1·111m'II hull u re- uhle to nccon1pliHh 801111'1 hing to 1111w
dueed huy Cl'OJ', and m1111y luul t.o tho f!Hhlng viii ago• of No,·u Scot i11
make uway with 1111111h,•1'fl of tlwu· from dupopulntiou,
cntt!(,, and pU1·l111p11 HIICC()Cding HUIIHOIUI
I !Lill gln1l to k IJOW that tho co11J inwill not be so good for Ull',m pcoplo ns tlt1Hh'y of Nova Sco~in hM b1.1on goo,!
they shouhl b<i, \Ve 111·t\ 1·1•joiced to dm·ing Uw pMt ycm•, I · um glad to
kuow thut Uw fruit cmp Willi 11. good know Uw t·(•\·c•nuu from the coal minone. Pct'llo1111llr,I do uot know nny- Ing of Nova Heot,h1 hu.." increased. v1i1·y
thing of tho fr111t u111Jine1,11, b11t .1 hope nmt-0rlnlly.1 Pm·haps tlte lnc1·easo hns
1-e1111mm·c1tivc pl'iccH wc1·e 1·ec1•1\'e(l by h,!1•11 n llttlt> lute in comiug. · PerhnpH
Um gniWl'l'l:I,
thiugH h11ppe1wd n fuw yuars ngu thut
HiH llonom· tullK ,ui tlmt tlw imlus- shouhl not, lmvu l111pp111Wd, au,!'· ·11·1·
try of flshln~ 111111 J11111hel'lng Wlln 1'1w11ld htlV(' 1111111101110 of this 1-evc111n•
ll"UHCCUted wit.It enu1·10- 1111il >IIICCCSI!, hufot't', ,vi' IU'H i:clnd to hnvo it. now,
\ t is tu be 1-t!gl't•ttc1l th11t on 110111e 11111) we liotm it will incl't'l\8e; nnd w1.•
parts of 0111· coal-'< 0111· fl11hcl'llten did hcli,•,·u it will ..
not do so w1,Jl 111111H11nl, Jlnrtleuhu·ly on
\V11 a1·0 glut! to know, too, th11t in
that. purt of tho.co1111t, J come f1't1m. It 11111.nufncluringNovn Hrotia hm1 tnk,•n
i11 to ho . rugretu,d .1wicl't1 Wlll'tl not 110 itH p1·npe1· pltu·n iu tho Dominion, 11111!
l(OOtl in 1012, ll!l Uiey wel'C the yea1· W(' IU'O pnrticulnrly gnatlfled to k1111w
)ll't.,viouHly,. :
that om• own }Jr.tijilo of Nova !:kotia
A comwn·uti,·c t!11ti11111to iti thnt wi.th our own locu Cll)lil~il, 111·0 h11ildth1't111gh the dufout of th,• 1·ecip111clty ing 1111 grunt imlnst.ri,•>1 that will
pact of JOU thll lh1l111r111en of Nova cmj1lor 1L g1i,11t 11u111borofwotkingnll'n
Scotia did not rl>coivo in 101:! within 11111 will unhonco th<' pl'ospeaity of thiH
half a milllon dollat'II what thuy wuulli provinre. It iH 1mrtlc11lu1·lygratifyinl(
l1uvc received if that pact hut! beon u, Sllll in tho County of Plctou 1\8 Wl'II
ratiflt>d by tlu• Dominion of C11.11111lu. us oth1•1· pnriH nf lll(l /1n1vlncl'>, gl'1•11t
'fho shm·e 1wople of Nov11 Scotia 1n·e n i111lnstdes coming up t'(llll duy to 1lay
hn1·,Jy cla11H;n good and lwm•HI,dn;;s : un,l thuy nre going to hu II groat fuclt11·
I um 111·011'1 to ~11v I comu from 1ummg in t,ho 1·111111111•1·ciul 11.nd induHtl'iul lifo
them. I hdong iu tllt'm, uml t.hoy b1•; of I hiH·p1·1'.''i11eo. In coming Un11)1i;h
lung to mu; they 111·0 my l'lllntivm11111tl on Llui u·,1111 the uthn• day I Wtl!I U1111k·
frle11tl11-hun, bc(!ll nml I t1·11st, ulwuy1< ing m•1•1· 111utlers; I thought of th,•
will be. It h1 t,o my g1·(•nl reg1·et thut g1ini11H of thu pt•oplt, who had 111•1ltI stm from yuar to yenr ilHhing vi1111ge11 po!!siule Lilli great inm 111ul 61,eol indusbeing duploted. ,v1111t i11 going u1 tl'y of this pl'ovince, und knowing th11l
11top this doplotion ; that i11 the 11uos· tlw peuplu of Nova Scotin at·u 1~ llll'·_
tlon thnt often botlrnt'll lllf mind. chunical people; knowing that lhl'l'u
Last winwr wo 1111w u delcgutlo11 go to iH not only ono but tho11s14mlsof me·
Ot.ta,va in cunuection with Uw stop- c!tanical gu11iuBc11 in this 11rovlnc,•, I
ping of steam tt·awling on this· co11Bt. thought, why cunnotwe build h·ou
We know o. stl'llrig 1-csolulion pa;,scd ship;,Y I know that a few yoars 111,(11,
thu A11sembly, 1111'1 we had hopes Kome- nenr Now GluHgow, on Um uunksof the
thing woulJ be do1rn tu KU•11. I.his East Hirnr, wus built on imu """'"I
method of f11,hing, which iH goiul{ to hu that to-day c1111,·ornpa1·0 with onythinl(
very.tlestl'uctiv,•, 11ml which, without allout for h1•1· >1i:r.e, ur,tl knowing this, i
doubt 111 going Ul lwli: to 1ltit1opnJ11to pict,ure to 111y1wlf tbut in1:1id1• of SC\"l'II
oua· ltshlng villugON. \\i t•II, I hum· u1- Yt'Ul'!I, hy thu yen,· 10'20, l1Ct'i1ops1111 till'
day Umt five now i;h111111. tl'l\wlet·N Bt't' shores of this noulo 11111· 1m· of llalifllx
coming to the coMta ot Cnnuda, th1·uo with it.s mi11•11 of wut<,r fmntagll, Jll'I'·
···- ---·-·
l ...
haps· in the City of Sydney, alongside a _yount,n11111,a graduate of our •rech•
of the great blast furnaces and whoa·e 111cal (!oll('gP. 'l'hls young man Wl'ote
the people are willing to put theh• my friend ,fl'tllll the Cauudian West,•
li"nds in their pnckets and cuntl'ilmte whm·e ho has gone nncl Is now occupv. (,1110 million dolJ11111 towards it; JlOl'• iug a good pokitlon, that be land. met
haps In the hna·bol' of Loui11burg, whom ~!ivon ~1· cigl,1t of the graduates of 0111•
I come fmm, with its miles of tine Iecluncal Uollego, ancl they wea-e
fmnt.age and u d11ck half built by 1111.- pt·mul of it, 11.ml, he 811ys, it is tho
ture Wero the wor<IH of nn exf1P1·l, or gl'cafa•11tthing the. gove,·nment of No\'a
ll,rhaps on the bnnkfl of t 1e EI\Ht 8cotin evel' did u, build fnt· tho young
tivo1•, in Pictm'1 Uounty, wlum the men of Nov11 Scotia that institution
dredging operation,; 111·0 completed tho 1111d givo thum the chance to got thut
people oi. Nova 8cotia will be 1111111- tuchnicul mlucution which thai; Colmoned to wit11e11s the l11un(,hing of
luge utfol'ds. I Maid: .. What about
leviathan, (lcrhaps nut a wm·ship, hut thu pa-ice P" He s11id this young 1111111
11 ship equal to any w1u'6hip, nnd they went thet'tl for less than $200 n yeur a
will soe that g1-c11t ship launcheil on sum within tho menus of any you'ng
tho mighty deep flying at her m11~t 1111111 with 11mhitioo in the Pl'Ovince of
lwad the Union Juck and tho flui; of Nova 8cutia
Wiant about the highways? The
That can be nccompli1:1lw1l by the highways 11ro 1111 0111 stol'y. We bnvo
people of Nova Scotia if they at·u givmt h1•111'tl it, tihoukd from the house-tops•
the monl'>y nnd opportunity to do 60. we henr it nil over the Province thnt
What havo they done in tho p118t? · this government is not doing nnything
Our fathers went to tho woode, howl'd fot· tho highw11y~. In 111y humble
tlowo tho trees, IIBl'tl thl'it· whip8UWs, opinion tlw govu1·111nent hllB done
tho adze and all othur inHtnnuents, everything .it 11o~sibly eould; it has
c1·11de, perhaps, tlwy were, nnd thoy Hpcnt nve1·y do) ar at It~ co11111111.aHI to
built theh· 11hips, anti after l1111nching holp the highways In this p111viuco
them they sailed tlH'm Lo 1111 pul't.B of 1md hus tlorw it in II way that porhnps
the world. Peuplo 1wm· u1 nrn hu.ve tho punple littlo realize. Pm·hap" this
done tl111t. 'l'he1-e wet'C g1·c11.t peoplu In hlllder Hystem h, not going to work 118
Nnva Scotia; goniuNes in ev(•1·y senHll thogovl'rn1111•11t1•xpec.t.In myuphilon
of tho word, and to sny we cannot in pl11ce1:1 In thl8 Province it ,viii ~
huild iron tthipM in Nova 8cotia iN u1 fo11111i ahHoluloly hnpoHt!ihle fm• bridges
condemn 0111· pcoplo, um! it is IL won- nntl culvcl'!H to be built by tender
1!01· to me that om· fotho1·s du mit rise 1~11tl co11t1·act. Ono tl1ing we do
f1~>111 their gruves not! say, "ll1•gone ; reel ('ontldent of, that; our highwnys
you a1·e not woa·thy to occnpy om· at't• goinl,{ to ho impmved out of tho l'O·
Vl'!llws 111111 thnt the pn1ple at'I'! uot
It is a blessing to know U111t the 1-e- gomg to ho taxed for this hnpl'Ovevuuue of Novn Hcotla will be inc1~·used ment. Three years ugo I took up t.bo
on account of tho lnc1·0L1.~ing of the matt.et• of highw!!.ys with tho govemlK11111d1nies of tho Provinces of Quebec ment uf Onturio; tbnt Ii; I corl'l'B111111 Ontal'io, and Ute largu 11r(i11 of land ponded with tlw govel'11111;mtof On·
COOVercd to the OtilOl' .(ll'O\'illCCII for tario, nnd to mo it WIIS U Hllrpl'isll to
schoo pm·poses. Pt'l'h11ps It is not for lt•11t'll that thnt governnumt contri111e to talk upon this q111·stio11. In the . butell only u portion of thu mummt to
other chamber, whero they know all nny highways, with the ex<'eption of
11hout it, It will be dii;c11880d. It is to colonization mruls, and 111 mnny C&llf'S
1,., hoped we will get a cousldt'mblc
they do not !,!onti·ibute IL dollar. In
n111ount of mnney for tho 11cluc11tion of mnny easos every dollm· Rpent on the
our p<.'Ople ond for tho building of 0111· highways comes out of the pocket nf
rouds and taking care.of our hospltnls. the· p110ple by direct taxation,
We need It, and wo hul10 und t.rust wo hnve ne,•er had dlrt>ct taxation In
will get It. It is our 1· ght, and If It is Nom Scotia, nnd I hope In the not disour right, no government In C11n11d11, tant future 01u· highway>1 will ho put
no matter of what complexion, can 1·0· in thol'Ough repair out of the revenue
fuse u& our juet r igbts.
of the province, nml not by tlh'tlctly
And now a word about that much taxing our people, as Is done else11b1111Cd im1Ut11tlon, the Technical Col- whore.
ll'ge, A friend of mine in th(1 City of
In connection with tt-h,phones: yes
Hydnoy hu Just received a lot.tor from wo 11ro pt'Ogressing in Nova Scotia; we
,J , .•
want our telephones in onr ceuntry
plRCes, It, is 11aid wo have o. monopoly
In 'Nova Scotia culled the hlaritimo
Telegraph, and Telophono Cu. I am
not here to 1<ay anything for or against
that company to-day, I hnve had some
trouble with it during tho past. yt"ar.
In tho month of 8optc111hor Uwy were
alNJut cloaing a very im\>m·t.ant line in
our county and it Jookt.'{ ns if nothing
could stop them;
\Vll asked fo1· a
meeting and 1\1'1'1\nged delogntes .. \Vo
hold tho meeting. ".-., found, though
they were not emphatic, they were not
disposed to do much for us. \Ve usked,
have .you seen tho Public Ut.llitio» Act
passed this year P They said, yt•H we
have seen it. We usked, do you know
there Is a clnuse in thnt whe1·l'l>r you
cannot close a telephone H11a.w1U1011t
appealin~ to that counuiseiou and Urnt
00111111les10u must notify tho warden of
the county or the nmym• of. a town
und there 11111st be au Investigution,
They said, it is not Jaw yet, Ten ilnyH
before, on the ltit d11y of Septc111 ber,
that Act came into force.
I want lo
1111y that this clnuse wns inserted in
tho Act by tlm Leglslut.lve Counoll of
this province, and it is to t.hut amendment placed there last yl'nr th11t kept
from closing many, rnnny mlles of
telephones in (J11po Breton County.
'fhe matto1· was 11ft01·w111'lls properly
adj1111te1l. It iH a nice thing to have
talephones eormecting every purtoftho
so th11t a mnn can sit
ilown in hie ofllco or 1.111ywhc1·0 e!Re,
in Novo. Scot.in 11ml talk to n 1111111
011 the other - tiido of tho p1·uvinco.
I do not know Umt I want to
condemn this i,o-cullcd monoj>nly of
tho Mnritimo Telegmph aml 'l'e llphonti
Co. I have 110 ln·iof to Hpc11k for thmu,
and though I am remly to fight, aud
will fight, they 111u11t recuivll at tho
hands of tbo commission fair play, and
tlmy must al8o give to the Pt'Ovinco of
Nova Scotia good service _mul f1lir
play, and I think I can say this for tho
commission that I firmly behevo the
coruruieslon will sec thnt tho people
of Nova Scotia wlll 1,icolve fair play at
the hands of the tolephone company,
and now that the government ie going
tAl aubsidizu local lines there will bo 110
excuse after this why telephones are
not everywhere in the pmvinco ; for,
If my Information is co1Tect, tho govermnent will introduce a bill in a tow
,lays giving a subsidy to the 1u•oplo of
nny part of tho Provine!} wanting
telephonic co11nectio1111.
'l'he next thing, and the last on t,hia
ndd1'l't11i-thl11nd1h-e1,H that h1111 in it 11
g1·ent deal f01· Ulll pe"plo of tho Pro,
vi nee-hi Um section reforrlng to tuberc11losi11. "Ono touch of 1111t,11re makeH
tho wholl• wol'ld kin"; and there iB
something hem that appt!als not only
to tho head hut to the hearts of thll
people. It 11ppl'alB to tho wives 11ml
the mothers. \\' o uwn 1w1·haps Ill'() of
a 1:1tl•1·nt•1· nnturo mul wo do not look
HUlfol'ing in tho BlllllO light
ILK Uwy du,
'l'hi11 clmum in thll
itt going
he read
111111·0 thnn once, nml with g1·ent intereBt, hy Uw women of thiH Province of
Nova 8coti11 - wives, mothera and
tlnught~,1'6-who arc waiting to seo
whnt itt going to ho d,1110 for those who
m·t• ntlliclcd with tuherculosis. It Is
oi1ly what I would t•xpecl, knowing ns
I do tho P1·0111ier uf thlH provinct,, thnt
whun tlw timr. c11111e that ho had'tho
1111,noy at h!H cllm1111rnd, nnd began to
HOil hght,
fln1111ciully fo1· this 11rovi11ce, that ho wnuhl pnt1t'ln the
lh·Ht speech Hi11 Ho1101• 11lu;11ld do1ivt•1· to m•, 1111 import.ant nrntto1· such
1111 thi11, 'l'hi11, l l'<'pent, it1 going to'
lll'IJ> many H11ffc1·t•1·11. If I had tho
timt•, honomblo gentleuwn, I conhl
td J you CfiHll 11flor cnse th11 t hail COllll'
undN· my own observ11tlo11 during the
la11t fow .years, of snffl'l-ing hnrdly rt•alizablo: pt•oplo tmlforing from tho
dread dise,1~1·, and those in their own
homl'I• fright<•ued aud shunning them.
But thh1 IH going to bu remedied, for
iu this P1~1vinco is going to be c1"Ccted
not one, hut Ike · Hn11itm·i11111a. Our
J>eoplo will hnve t.o contribute, and I
feel 1,;111·0 they will gladly put theh·
lumd11 in theil· 11ncket11 t.o coi1ti·ih11te. I
pity llw mun n Nova Hcotla, be 1111
l'ich 01· poor, that wo11l1J not, out of
hi111111•1111H, ho they litt.Je .. 01· be they
great, contl'ihuh, what ho can IA>·
w1ml11 tho 1111ppr1•seion · of the dleensn
that is can·ying awny from us the
be11t of our peoph.•.
I move the addre~s.
there Is vm-y little left for me to say.
Howe\·er, having been reque11tod to
sucond the reBOl11tlon, I will endeavor
to supplement the re111al'k11 of my
hon. friend, t·Hpe1,ially in connection
with HU!Jh items in thtJ speech from t,ho
tht'Olle as I am familiar with. 'l'hi11
being my first nttcmptat public Hpeaking, and summruli·d 1111 I nm by men
who lu1ve had co1111idembleexperience
in public life, I foul i;n111owl111t out of
my elenient, and in thnt 1·og1ml them
comes back to my mind ce1·t11i11 line11
commltte,l to 111y memm·y in my
school boy days:
" It I ohanco to foll bolow Domo•thono, or
Don't vlow me with" crltlci'• o~·o,
llut pa1111 my lrupertcollon• by,'
l\ly honourable lrien1l h11.s referrell
to the visit of theh- Hoyal Highnl!sst•s
tho Duke and DucheBR of Connaught
and the Princess Patricia to our province.
It was ce1·tilinly II happy mclllont whereby lfo1 Highne~s w11s enabled d1•rlng his Hl11ll't visit t~, tlm City
of Halifax to dt•tlicatt, tlw l\lumol'itLI
•rower, to co111me11101·uto the conv<•niug
of tlrn llrst Oenl'l'al AHNemhly of Nm·1~
Scotia, which nwt fo1• Urn.despatch of
bu11ineee at thu Cmll't House nt Halifax, Octolmr 2nd, 1768.
Hoference wns made by the move I'
of the resolution to tlm fact thnt the
past se119on Willi not a fovdrable one
for the h1u·vesting of crops. 'l'his i11
unfortunate, but we 1111 know tho
weather conditions w01-e wholly l'O·
spo.aslble, but the shortagP of ut'Op!!
was mo.do up by the high pl'ict•s J>l'l'·
valling, so that the f.J.1·111ors on the
whole were ahlo to report an avurago
Hl'M<>n, The yield i>f fruit, wo am
glrul to note, Willi the Hecoml best in
the history of tho Province.
It Willi
very gratifying t.o know that the 1·oyaltles 011 coal mined in thio Pl'ovince
last year Is tho greatest in its history.
When one considers the importance of
this Industry In relation to. the flnanolal resources of the P1'0vince, 0110
cannot but admire - the ll'gislation
which brought this . about. 'l'he total
of the revenue in round fil{ut·ee
amounts to $1,625,000, and, that tho
royalties 111 coal alone amounted in
1012 to 1783,000 le 11 mattea· of gmtlll· ·
eatlon to all concerned.
· The following comparative statement will be read with inte1-cet.:
'l'he Hon. R. G. BEAZLEY:
'- Mr. President anil Honourable Mom·
be1'8 of ~J_,_y Legislative Council:
In st•conding the 111ld1·088 In reply to
11111 Ho110111·'11 speech, I must frankly
confees that I feel somewhat embat··
mBSed by l'Cll8on of the fact that tlw
gromul bas lxien 80 well covot(>d by
my hon. friend from Louisburg that
COAL BAJ,KH l!OR YKARB 1008 1.tt 10)2
l!OY Al,TY
0, 177,016
In manufactm·ing, thtJ Province has
!1eld it11 own 111 tho pnst yem·, and tho
mcl'eased amount of local capital 0111•
ployed inspires the · hope that the
future holds ev,111 g1·eatl11· things in
sto1·0 fo1• us. If tho promised i11du11trlnl development of the Oity of Hali•
fax matcl'ializes, lut us hope that some
new indnst l'ieH may be establi11hed
within tho ca1iital city, for by 110 ot11e1·
meaus will this city be 111ate1fally
beuefltted, and whut benefits tho city
must necessal'ily hcneflt thtJ Pmvince
Rofcrenco hu.s hoen nuulo in tho
upeech to 111Jowa11co to some of tho·
provinces 11nd tlw tmnsfor to otht,1•
provinces of public lnmls. Unfo1·t11nately, 0111· geogl'llphical position pl'Ocludos us from participating In tho·
expnnsiou of lx11111d11rieB such 119 111·0
accurd1,1l to the Pmvincos of ·Ontario,
Quebec and l\lauitoha, and when we
know th11t tho l\laritime Pmvinces
have contributed theil· juHt shal'O in
tho formaU-on and rniUntouauce of tho
No1-th-\Vc1:1t \louutl'd Police, the Ju.
ditm 'l'el'rito1·y, and -the many othe1·
t'1ings that wo havu btJtJll called upon
to p11y 0111• sh1u·e of, wo ventm·o tho
hnpo that the P1·ovincial Pl'omiors
may ~ able to 111T1111ge fo1·s11tisfoct01·y
tlnancml compe1111utio11.
The refet"Cnco in th11 11peuch from tho
tl_mnw to the highways of thtJ Pro·
vmc,, opens up II lnl'ge and much dis·
cussed question. I 11111Ht admit I Willi
s111p1·ised to know of the la1·go amount
of money spent by tbe Province of
Nova Scotia in connection with its'
roads, especially In tho matter of the
la1·ge1· hl'idgcs Bin co thu Bridi:e Act
was passed in 1885. The infol'lnatlon
contained in the Deputy Commissioner
of \Vorks and l\linee' address bofm·e
tho Agrlcultul'lll Colll'ge, and refeJTl'd
to ln the Morning Ohl'Onlcle ol January ,18th l~t, is well worth .1-eading,
for it contame much va]uable mfomaa~~~ In I'Ogard to this 1111portant mat·
#: .
- ···--___.;--
.. --~-.
has left Iii! to . enjoy the l'OW&rd of a that. His Honour hncl ll<'on phmscd to
llfo well 11p1mt.
l't•celvu t.hf! llBIIII', an«I hall mu.tie tht•
l beg to 11eco111l tho 1'(•t1ol11tio1J'of my following 11,ply tlwn•IJ•:
hon. friend from l,·111lsb111•f.l',
llfr. l'rt1lturit mul llot1ouNlh/t Ut111ltmt11 of
Tho Hon. J. M.. l\LwK-l\f1•, P1·esltM /,tql1/111/~t Co,mcil:
dent a11tl Oentle1lwn : Hufn1·u tho ml1 ,..,coh·cd )·nur A,ld1"C,;,, with llllll'h pllllU<lll'O
d1·es11 M I\ wholu llimlly ral'l'icH, I fpl') nrull
Uuuik }'Oil tor your 1n·o111lt-e,I u'ttontlou to
that l 11h'?uld tuku l\llvn.ntngo of thiH """ 111111"""t',m1•"" 1111,y ho suhn,lltutl fot· ynur
i cm o11 hu\'lug
111 \'low tho
nppo1·t11111ty to 1·11111p1'1111•nt Uw two co11>i
111u11t. or thu bcHI, lutorc•lH or the
hon. gentlenll'n who lmvt• 111m·P4l-·a11tl
11uco111led this 1111tl\~·s1< upnu tho vury
On •!111tion of Hon. J, 111. MA<'K, the
able 111annu1· In wluch tlwy pP1-f01·111ed
their 1-espectivo tlntlos; 111111 for tho followrng CommitteeH we1'tl ILJl)lohit<•d:
very apt u111l p1·oper ex111·1•s11io11t1 with 1m,.1~1·1· ('OMMl'J·r1m TO I!XA&IINI~ DIU.R,
which the one urged tho mot.ion, and
lion. llfos111·H. ArmHh-ong, Owen
tho other 11uppo1·te1I It.
l\fo!'k, D1·11m111oml, Robichau
I woultl not l'l6o at all If It w1,1·1i not Cot·h,•tt, l\JcVuidy. 8n.111le1·H1.'11 l!'ttc1.'
ti.> re-echo tlw Vl'I')' gl'llcuful a.1111 \\'l'II•
Ifoo:tluy, I..oVut't,,, ami
merited 1•1mllll'kH 11111du wit.h 1·usp .. ct to
the me11101·y of onl' lnte lmuentutl col('OlUJl'l'rim
leaguo, the hon. 111m11 htll' from Halifax
~Ion, l\foss1·s. l\f11ck, Owun, LeBlnuc,
who met with us n. i<hor·t time before'
mul who is now gathered to his Fn.tJ;. ~111111111ond, A1·11111tl'ong, 8,uulol'!lon
1irs. I fool, Mr. P1·cHidm1t, tlmt Wtl all htler m11l LeV1itte.
ro-echo very hea1·tily the s1mtlmonts
of regret fo1· his 1111,111ory, aml that wo
Hon, l\fesH1?'· D1·11111111oml, Owen, Leall C011Jl11lJy eUdlll'>!O tlw Clllllllll'IHla• . Bl1111c,, l\lcNu1l, Mack, ftohiclum, Wt•ltory l'(•ma1·ks with t·eg,ml to his use- ton, C01•het~ Aruu;tl'Ong, l\fc01111ly.
fnlness in·.thie cl11m1bc1•.
Hn.11de11m11, 'Ett11r, l\lcPht•t'llon
'fhu, motion t.o adopt tho n<ldrl'Bfl ley, I..oVatte anti Hill.
nn<l 1n·u~e11t' It to His Honour the
cmJl1I1·r1m ON ('ONTIN«ms:r EXl'ENHJ*l,
Liuutenant • Gowl'llor was put and
lion. llll'H.~r,;, J\luck,' \Velton 1111d Ille
The Hon, ,T. l\l, .l\lAOK 1110,·ml ttiat Cnl'dy.
t.110 P1·esld1mt be appointud to wait nn , On •!111tion of Hon .• 1. 111. llfAcK, the
~01111c1l 11<ljn111·11ed until .Tlnu"Bday
Hie Hon,:,11r tho Lle11tenont,.(fovernor
to l\8Cel't,ain when he would he plPnsed l• l!l1r111u·y IDth, at a p. 111,
to receive the I louse 111111 their 111ltl1~ss
in anewei• to tho speechl\t Um openli1g
TmmHDAY, Februm·y IDth, 1013.
of the session.
The Council mut at 3 fl, 111,
Tho Honoumhlo P111,:1mmN·r1·epol'ted
~fon, l\[r, \V~;J,TON, by Cllllllllall(} of
that ho bad waited upon His Honour
tho Lieutenant- Govul'llor, and that H!11 Hµnom· tho Lie11ten11nt-C:l11,·e1·11or
His Honour had l,een {1ll'u11etl to s11y l1ud on the tiihle of thu Honse tho An:
that ho woulil receirn ho ad1h-et1s of 1~11111 Ueport of t.llll OomrniEsionl'I' of
this House n.t the ho111· of h11lf-11nst. 0111wn I.ands of the Pmvlnco of Nova
Scntln., fo1• I bu yea1• undetl Suptc111he1•
fonr this afternoon.
80th, 1012.
1'be Hon. J, M. MACK moved that
Also, tho Fifth Annual ltepoi·t of
the address be presented tu Hie Hononr
Fact<ll'les' Inspector fol' yeai• endud
at bla 1-ealdence, Oovernment Huus1;1, S011tambe1·
80th, 1912,
at half-put four, by the whole House.
On motion of Hon, llfr. \VKLTON,
The motion passed.
p. m. the Hon, President tho Coundl a<lfoul'llod until to-11101,.
2111t ' at 8 n.w. 1r, '
,t. J?l'lday, DFeb1·11111•y
nntl hon. membc1'1i of tho Connell 11ri1- 1·ow,
-Cl'Odod to Gove1·111nont Hm1He with tho
}<'HIDAY, 2lijt Fob1•11a1•y, 1019,
'.tho Council met at 8 p. 111,
Hon. PRKBIDF.NT repnl·tt·d thn.t at
l111If-pa»t four o'clock thi,;1 aftt11·110011
The Hon. lllr. LEDl,ANc, by com,
the House hml procc11ded to Oovcrn- mn.ntl of His Honor thu Lioi1tennnt111011t House wlt11 tlwit• a.lth1ist1 to HIR Govemo1·, In.Id on the tahle of thH
Honour the Llt•ntt,nn.nt-Governor In Houffll the Report on P11hlle C111uitlot1
1LIIBW11r to 'HiR Il,mour'11 speech at 'tho for the year entlotl 00th 8optcmlll•J•
. '
11punlng of tho p11•slmt sesHlon, n.nd 1012.
Tho telephone servlce, tho 7th it ... ,u oat 11Utl11fn.ctlon · that tho pooplo will
referred to III Hie Hnm1111·'s speech, is receive tho information that tho Goya matter that we all know something .ornnwnt IR taking 11tt,ps to make 1mch
about. It is an absolute necesslty, arrangemont.s 11,11 will help to etn.y the
pal'ticul1uly along tho shores Past and progrei<s of Urn dltm11se. Ami I woultl
(ll'l'Bllnt to
Wl'l't, to have a more co111\1letc und 11Hk tho hon. gentlemen
o.de11uato systeru of 1·111·111 te opho1ll'u, l11.•11r with me loug l'nongh to (JUOte Utt!
anti OIJO exper'Ience Will HCl'\'e' to following 11tn.tisticH which haw, heen
demonstrate tho need of these t.-le- pr<'p!ll'cd hy a ln.tlv of lfollfax, who la
..i in the cantte a.ml
11honl'H IMiing 11ist1·ihutetl all over tho dl'P)lty lntl'l'e!lt~
Pruvineo fo1· tho g1·1•11t<,r prntcct.ion t<1 t1 ..•ntnw11t of tubcrc11lo11iH,
of cleatl1e 11110 to
life and property. I recnll one of our
tugs 111\Ving been sent, out froiu Hull- thi1111i11t•n11c•. Two million JWJ'liOns tile
fax, ;runployed
111 the towing of n. t•11ch. Yl'IU' of t.11IM•1-culosis. 2,000 por1111,l'go to tho we11t<•1·11 1ia1·t of tho .11011!1 a1·~ Im1t to these l\larltlme ProProvlnce t tho tug nnd tho bn.rgo h:::! n. vincca uvury ye111• from the fl!lllle
crew of about 12. men, n.11 reslde.rts uf c~uso. 1,200 doathH uach yNu· in Nova
the city n.ud Dal'tmouth.
H11mn1· Scotln 11lom•.
2. At !Past five UmeH ns mn.nv pc1~
reached here from Ht. Johu thut the
barge got rnhHt fl~uu the tug, anti fo1· 1<011s invalitlcd for a p01·:ot1avurnging"
months. In N<>VII Scotia, at least,
two days, owing to lack of telephonic
connection, wt, wcro entlcnvn1·111g to fl,000 1uo now being nursed, or laid
locate tho tug, not 110 much that we 11sitll, from wol'l, on account of tube1~
were Interested in the tta,·lng of the c11lo11i11.
:;, The cl11s11 of 1,t•1·1101111 affected.
p1'0perty, but WO knew not Um fate of
the twelve men on tht•so vessels, nnd Theim are m,,mlly young a.1!1111.8, wage
the pen;let.ent inqulrles (1-0111 the 1·1;11\'. ca1·111•1·s, jui;t um.,1·ing upon tho duties
ti veg of those on bon.r1J mode the case of lifo. '!'hey 1111• just at tho uge when
a very trying one until. we heard of Ult'n 111111 ,,·01111•11 Hhonld havo phy1dcal
the 81.'e n.l'l'ivn.l of the crow of both and munt.al c11p11city, llO tlmt thuy may
vessels, 'fhe flld1er111en on 0111· iioiw~. accompllHh tlw world's wm·k.
,l. Novu Scotia iH p1·ohahly sending
£'8pecla11 those engaged i II fresh tlshIng, wll ftml these telephones or two thon><mul 01· mor>1'of this su1110
Immense advantage to them in bolng cln1111 of men 111111 women to \Vcste.·n
able to connuunlente thelr cntchl'h to V1u11ula !'l,ch yen•·, nm! at tho samo
the lndu11trial centres of tho Provincr. timo 1111tTe1·ing thit1 f111·thu1· tll'l\ill of
In tho matter of ma~kercl catching 1,200 I'll nccount of this tllRelUle. We
ovl'lrybody knows thot tlwse IIHl1 move cannot lunw1r 111101,l this contlnuom,
rapidly and in large bodies ; amt to drain of 11111· young people.
5. l\fony of 1111 n.1·0 beginning to
catch them It often hl\pprns thot
ftshe1·men with their tll'incs 11r1• oblig1•1l l'(•allzo thu cnor1111111R ('C(lllOlllill los& ltl
to purs11ll:th1•111 to exposc<l places on thl' cmmtt y from this e:ms1•. '!'his
tlie coll8t. A111l I have known rases In amounts in Nova Scot:n. 1110110 to 11:110
which pl'Ofitahlc
ha,lls of mockcrel or ten milliol'tt of dollar11 t•ach ye:1·.•,
were talr.en, hut an n.p/iroaching i;to1·111 It lt1 thnt1 ,·rn·y p1·11pt1r that It, sboultl
would com)iel the fls 1ermen to take be pmmptly d1•11lt wit.'1 by tho Govel'll1111 their semes and allow tlrn nui,1k1•1'lll nwnt of thit1 P111vit1cr.
In conch1Hlo11, I dm,i1·1• to 1'tifer to the
to escape; whereas If telephone connection could be bad with headquar- removal by dl'nth of 01w of the memUll'tl, 1team01·s would at once he tles- bera of this chamber, the late Hon.
patchetl, and thus save the fish, to Geo1•ge J. Troop. As fai• back as my
· the advantage of tbe fisherman and 111e11101·y . serves me I rem em her M 1•.
Tt·oop as the 1llgnifletl, gentlemanly
the bUY,el'.
The last ltem referred to In His !lnd npr.ight citizen, a}ways eoncernetl
1lonour'11 speech la one with which nil 111 q;1011twns of a public charar.te1·, anti
by ehePr force of a. life of honour anti
in om• Province Is familiar
The fearful ravage11 of tho gi·en.t of 1focent living inspi1·lng tb,1 younger
White Plague has b1'0Ul{ht not only t() generation to 011111lat-0 hi!! example.
the attention of the govermnl'nt, hut know t but give expre!tHlon to the senthuenl:8
cb1n11to the whole world, tho necessity of
l~r when I 11a.y that we will all wlBB
taking such step& AR will effectually
prevent th11 pl'Ogt'C88 of thi11 dre114I hltt pt't'litlnco in 0111• midst and that we
disease. And lt will be with the great- all onte1·tai11 the conviction that he
. .i
, I
. I
~ __i.---:...~ .... ~_l_:-:-::::-::::-::.7..7.=.-.:.::.--:.=.::::·~:..:-:... :::::.:..~;:.::.:..-:::.::.:.~-.;:;:...:-::;:.·-::..·::.=::.:=:.:c
==:s·~:.---'----··--·· ··--·-f
r ·m,tanci,ii _ tho i:ulnnnlstratwn 1s
Also tbe flfty-lUth A1m11al.Ho1~11-t_•\ :~bl~ to rt•pnrt ,, l!Ul'ph\H of *38,000.
the Nova Scotia J{m,pital fm till. yui
'1'1 is itulicutes that. t.be Province main1911•1012.
. t11l1111 that fluanclal iluh•1lC111lcnce to
On motlura of Hon, Mr •. LF.DI ..\Nl'
secure which was In 1-e11llt.y the grent.
tho Council a1ljou1:11c1l until l\l1•n1lay, is~~10 in mu· Provincinl politics, unit
i?oln•111u·y 21th, at ,l 11,
U II .
8Ull n,mnins so.
--'I'he l'l'Vl'n1111 is de1·1vt~l essen n, ~
MoNnAY, 2,lt,h l•'t,bt·mu·y, l!IIB.
fri•m t.lu-eo sources. 1 he 1·oyalt1l·~
1111 ooal iuul olhl't' minm·nlH slu.,w
. Thll Council met IL t ·''1 P· 111•
1 torv
1 v com 11112 the tmw•st t.11111 in our us ·, 1
'I'ho Jinn. J\fr, l,1<: ,1..vx«, .. i. .
• Tho Fed.,ml 1;11hsidyI~ now 11~cot11l Ill
nd of lliH llonm· Urn Lmut,•111111!.- 11111,11111!,. 'l'lw sucrt•sston. d.utics, 110\~
ma , , , · 111'111 on the t.nhle nf l ho
ti I I
Uovc1 nm,
muning to nearly $80,000, _ ,s
. 1 t't
H mse tho 'l'wclft h Aunuu 1 ''l"!l' on item in ai:w of tho l'l'OY·IIICU 10
8 direct
P~nnl I1111titutio11s of Nova 8cot1.1lf1~{ income. The revenue from C1·own
tho year emll-11 Scpkmh<.11' 80th, 1111 , hu;di; in 1012 ·is anoth?l' cons_picuous
by Geo. L. Sindah-, l\f. D., h1s1wcu;r,. s11111. Tho conl ,~1y11lhc~,It ts held,
Also . Um Anmml n,•port of t " will in tllll next, fow y1•1u·11 l'Cach tlw
R ltul i>ivh1io11 of I he D1•pnrt1111•11t of million d,111111' nuu·k. 'l'hh1 t'OVCllllll n•1':tbliu \Vm·ko u111~ J\liues 1,~1• thp year litlhility htlH for Its b11Hc theso 1·oy11l- '
cmll.'<l8t1t1te111hN· ,lOLh, 101...
11 from the pnhlic domain.
llunncinl slomgt, hnLlol'y ~K thol'e, mul
Tim Hnm.o of AHsmuhly: hy 11ieRsng'.1, thu mlminisl,l'lltion hns fatthfully cou.·
informed t.hit1 )11111,;o ~Im~ 1t luul p11~H< <l t1et·\·ml it all t,l11'8<l years in tho intel'cst_s
ti O following 1·esol11t1on ,
of tho peoph•. The sum hist year 1h,. ,
'1ti.solved,. tha~ .Ml', ll'win, lion. Mi:, l'in,,l fr.om royalties nlone covcl'ctl the
Coii~eau J\h-, 'J'1·nt.h11·, Mi·. ,Joyce_, 1\11, · lm·g,• pmviHion 111111!0 fot· tho three
Bnchrman, lion: l\fr .. 1<.t111lk: henvh•st iU•niH 9foxpun~it.111•e, .n~mely:
. Mr Phinm,y, l\lr. \V1ckWll'tl, l\11. f111· 1•1l11cntlo11, Urn p11v11c cl!ar1t1cs an_,1
Stnntlchl, J\h·, C1u·ter, Mr. the publi,i i·outlt1, \\ ho.I, Ill ~ue tlu~
J\!t·1 l'ars1°•.•H, Provincu in Uw wny uf flnuncml c,~111Mt· Margeson und l\tr. hn hlon. ,'<· a ienHtlt.lon for Uw \Vestc1·11 huitls. trnf·
· i°'ltiiittee
of t.his Hot1Hl' to Jlllll 1l }lckt•<l in by Uw l)ominion in Urnmt•·.r1
•1, .. n ,1f tlw Lt•"iHlntivu Council I •"t ,,r other Pi·ovlnceH, Novu Scotm
comnn ...i~ •
• " \ ·
t f th
I I '
t xo.mhm tho Pnhhc J CCOIIII ~ 0
O h11!1 a i-ight, to eX\ll'Ct nl ~UI I Ill' Y I~~·
•~~vince 10111 that Ulll clerk ilo nc· t,o furthet• uhl us 111 111, ct111g Provincml
( naint tl;o Council thOl'l'With. .
. . 11l•1111111dt1.
n k
I On motion of Hon. !\Ir. ~,1sD1.ANl.' Tho Public Accmmts Blue
the Council 11<ljo111"nml m1~i_l t<1-mnt;
issnl'd thiK YPIU' affords tho ampl"~.t
row, 1'uosdny, Febmnry 2uth, at ,J opportunity u, nil to follow the e~Jll'llllitut·Ps
ltl'lll by itNII in Pach 1mhl.1e
Eal'h voucher iH 11ot out Ill
Tu~:sDA y, l."cb1·11a1·y 2uth,
dlllllil with Uw 11a1110 of I ho Pl'l'l!Oll ln
whon; tho puynll'nt wn11 1111ull', tlw
The Council uwt at 3 1'· 111.
1111101111 t m11l llw snvieo di•scl'ibed t.o
Hon. Mr. C01m1ITr, from. th)' Com: whobl' urcount the umount so pnid ,.s
It.tee on Hepol'ting imd P1·mt111r, tho chnt·geuhlu. No cl'iticitm1 cun i11tel\1·
Dl•hllte& and P1·oceedinge of the I nuse, gt•ntly be diu•ctod to the man net· m
presented and read tho Ropm·t of tho which this volume setting out the puh·
lie accounts is pl'cseuted. It has a.II
On motion of the Hon, Mr. ORBETI', the best features of nn excellent public
thfl Report was adopted.
audit. Evei·ythlng is simple, atrnlghl·
Hon J N A!lME!TRO:SO, by com• forwai'll and succinctly put.
d ~,f Hie Honour tho LieutenantPerhaps nono of the .blue books nf
d!:01'1lor lu1d on the table of the tho yenl' Is 11101·0 i11te1·eetlng than thnt
H use th~ Public Acounnt.11 of tho dovoted to the public o.cconnte. No\'n
Po vince of Novn Scotia for· the tlscal Hi•otia had n treuwndoua 11tl'ugglu, to
:1• emlecl 30th Heptembm·, 10J2,
, ;ittain t,hat flnnnci11l ln1Jc}lo11deucemu!
y Hon. Mr. ARMHTltONO:
It IH l(l'~it1- l'O\'Ulllll' i·cliubllity which at'(l vouch•
fyiug to find the rovc1111u of thu l 10, 1111fcd thiH P1~,vi11c" in onl'llt.,y. ,v111•n
1ncrolll!ing. Fm· thll 1inst y,·m·,
k r:I
1 ti rove11111•
tl, '·XJJniiilitures
umdc for the Coufol'atinn loo p n.cc a111 . 1c
. .
..,, ae1•vicea-incre!Lllcll
~ ~ •·
othor muJot
in a nnm ,er
avenues of Income w,e1-o lopJlOt} off,
thh, P1"0vince entered . upon 11, long,
aw1·n chase to niake lK1lh enllti moet.
'l'he1-eln lay the Ht<11·111 cent1·e of the
1mlltlcal pa1·til•11. Direct taxation was
t,hu way out propo~e1l, n111l which one
of the two gnmt piu·ti~e s1111~ht to
have the Province adopt. 'l'lus WM
nogatlved by the 111·oposal to 1·t•so1·t to
mising inc1-ea11od t'tJ\'Ulllll'S from thu
pn hlic (lomain.
The predecessor of this p1't1s1•nt Pro
vlncial lldminlstmllou plnC'cd legislation on the statute books to I his end,
which at every turn met strenuous
opposition from tho coal opcmt<11·s of
t.hnt day, allied with the oppoHilion of
the co1111t1·y. But coal · 1·oyaltic11 won
The Provinoo w11,,<; thua able to s11c"C1111f11lly turn ~he llnancial col'llcr.
The . 1111sum11co of fut·tht,r increased
royalties w1111 brought abont ,vhon tlw
policy of coal 11111ulganmtlo11 WIii! inauguratcil in the Pmvince. 'l'his soon
found tho Provi11c1, 011 Uw u11-g1•utle to
llnnucial imlepo111lm1ce, 1' 10 fo1·mo1·
Premier, and tho p1·t•sent leudm· of om·
Provlnoial adminiHtt·atlun, have to
t.11eh• ct·cdit this 11chievome11t of lifting
Novu Scotia fro111111iea1· ti> bankl'nl_ltcy
c,01111ition and nffol'lling the Provmce
a t'OVl'IIUe stability without any resort
to that llb-cct taxation so much dl'Oadl'd in the fm·mcr pc1fod of our histot·y.
This accomplishment on behnlf of om·
Province should noL be, aml is not
fo1·gotten by our pouplo in 0111· time of
ampler Pt"Ovincial prospel'ity.
Scotia semu-ed,.aml hllll holil lw1• position of revenue imlepemlence thmugh
tho energy of public men, who counted
the Province for more thuu pal'ty.
Their faith in Nova Scotia WM, and 1s,
~rounded on the iutelligeut conception of its t·esmu-ces, followed up with
tho wise and patriotic development of
t licee resources.
Hon. Mr, LEBLANC, by command of
His Honour the Lleuteu11nt-Oover1101·,
l11id on the table of tho House the
Heport of the Depal'tmeut of Mines for
tho year ended Bo_ptembor 80th, 1012,
On motion of Hon, Mr. LEBLANC,
the Council adjoul'lled until to-mor1-ow,
Wudnesday, February 216th, 1018, at 8
p. m, r
,v11:0NEBDAY, 216th February, 1018,
The Council mot at a p. m.
1'ho House of Assembly, h)· lllllllBagl•,
infol'med this House that it had pnssecl
the following bi1111, in which it desb'Cl}
tho concm·1"enceof th la Huuso :· · · · · ·
A Hill entitll•d, nu Act to ainend
Chnpte1· 2ID, Act11 of 100:i, entitled, an
Act u, Incorporate R. McCfrt>got• &
8ons, Limit<.•d ;
A Hill entitled, an Act to amend
Clmptot· 2o2, Acts of 1006, 1111 Act to iuCOl'pomte theChm·chill Cemet~'1'Y<Jom.
A Bill outi.tlod, nn 'Act to' amontl
Chuptel' 44, Ht,vised Statutes, 1000 of
the Nova Scot.In HoRpit.al. ,
'l'hoHo Hills wcru severally 1-erul 11,
lh·st timo and refet'l'ed, the fh·st two to
the ~Meet Committee on Bills, and the
111st to the Committee on Law Amcudment1:1.
On motion of tho Hou. l\11·. J\fAcK .
the Hon. J\loRst'll, McNeil, Welton
Sandcrsrm we1·c 1lppointed II Oo111mittee
of this Housu to join B Oo111mitteo
from the HonAe of Assom bly to ox.
111nitw the Public Accounts of the
· The Hon. l\lr, l\L\cK, from the Committee on Ooutingunt Bxpeueee, lll'esented a111l 1·end tht> l'cport of tlm
Ou motion of the Hon. l\fr. l\lAcK
tlm Couucil adjourned until to-11101•:
mw, 'l'11111·sdny, I?ob1·11ary 27th, at a
I'· Ill,
'l'UUH8DA Y, Fobrua1·y, 27th, 10]3•
The Council met at 8 p. 111,
Hon. l\fr. MACK, Chairman of the
Cg111111ittco on Law Amondments, 1-epo1·ted up favorably:
. A Bill mititled, 1111 Act to 11111ond
Chapter 44, Hevit;ocl Stntnte~, llJOO of
the Nova Scotia Hospital.
Hon. !\fr. AIUIBTRONU, Chuirmau of
the Scloct Cnunnlttoo 011 Bills, 1·t•pu1·k•d
11p favorably:
A Bill entitled, un Act to ameud
Chapter 220, Acts of 1003, entitled, an
Act to incorpor11te R. McGregor &
Sons, Limited :
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
Oltupwr 252, Acts of lllOO, an Act to
inco1·pomtc the Churchill Cemetery
These Bille wero ecvomlly read a
second timo,..§nd referred to Commit.
tee of tho wffole House.
On motion of Hon, l\fr, MACK, the
Connell o.djoul'lletl till t<1-111orrow, Fri.
day, F('b1·11~1·y 28th, 11)]8, at 8 p. 1n,
AN'll pnOfliUmINOA
bo1111eH fear the ,crltlultmi of a few 111·.
rulvleC(l ovt11·t11111y h11111anitarlans.
A short Unw ,1go, in 11 public wo1·ks,
tlw supel'l11te111font cami>
ugalnst A
mRII IUIIOking In WOl'kiug
1011\'H, COIi•
tl'D.ry to nn csto.hlhiht•d 1·11lu. Jiu HUR·
1Pndt1d the wo1•k11w11 fo1· fourteen dnyA,
\ •'or this ho WIUI wauully mtt'll In the
prus,;, a111l told thnt 1\ dny or two !IIIH·
punslou wuul1l 111,vu lH•!'n comllll'IIHllr·
ot:e with tho off,·11c1•. But, th11t Willi
11s11111ning that tht• r.ri111u1·y ohj,•cl, of
w11s v ndicth·u while It
should ho Uw ll'IL!!t, No don ht ll g1·e11t·
object In nil puniHl1111cnt, is thnt it Im
remc11ial or N'for11111tivP, hut n grn11tt•r
object is that it he uxN11plt11·y, tendini
to doter othl'l'!I from till' ct•mmi~Hiou
of 1, elmilnl' offenct>, OI' of uny lll'ench
1•f t,he rules.
If you BRk me if I hllliovu tho thirtyfour fatalities wm·I', as tho jurors declared,
you would fh-st
hnve to toll mo whut 11w11ning yon 11tt.ach 1,<1 the wol'II. If yon menn unintentional, not 11mlicim1s, ut onr.u my
n1111wel' is, "YrH."
Hut if you 1111y,
"Unavoidablo, 1111fot·1weuhll\,' I would
lmv~ to s11y, "I ft>ur not.. " 1'1wn you
1110.y ask, "\Vhy
U1h-ty-fo11r wr1lictH
of ncchlent.nl." He1·e, 11gnin, rny
1111sw01• hi, "11111111111 natnm." 1 If the
llf!Cldt>nt has hecn ,lue tt, thn woi·k·
man's 1·11.Rhness, tlwjm·ydislikuto.cnst
rnflectiom1 on tho tlend: if due !{1 lack
of judgment, m• negligence of the hos11,
t.ho jul'y hosita.U, lo cnst reflect.ions on
the living, 01· given. verdict that might
coHt tho IK>Ss hi11 plncu. I am inclined
to the opinion thnt the w1ll'd "ncci•
dental" covel'!I ll 11111ltit111le of llins.
Ae a leglslo.tor, I 1lm1il·e to know tho
11ct1111l ca.use of tlw nccidcnt, so th11t I
may dotermlnc if thl'l'O i11 nny defect
m· wea.kneHH in the lnw,., 111111 ho.vo it
l'l'IIIOOied I mn hel,il!'ss, howeve1·,
for tho repm•t simp y sayB "acridental." Wel'o I to ask the question,
"How mn.ny of tho over threo Ncore
fatal accidents in tho mines of Novn
Scotia during thl' po.st two ycar·s
,vere purely accidentlll, aud bow many
provi>ntible," I do, not believe t.liere is
& man In the Provhico tho.t oould render a reply. Whf should this
beP .. So long IL!! th1e state of affairs exiate we ai·e simply groping in
the dark.
Coronet's, and corone1·s'
jurloa must be compelled . to do theh•
,l11ty In a mol'e enlightenh1g and fo1t,r.
lr.se manner. Thort• m11st be ROfllll
clmnge mo.de In tho mocle of cm11l11cti11g hu111ests. It would pay the Pro-
'l'he ~rodnctlon of coal WAI! 0,800,000
ton11. 1 1'h111<0 tlg111•,•H divided b)' thll'lY·
llvo giw mt,000 t{1n11 111·1lt\111·1!tl fo1·
Ommcll 1111,t at a I'· 111.
(l\'Cl'Y lif1• luHt,, Or, if \VU divide 86,000
Hon. l\lt•, DtuiMMOND-Mr, Prusidt>n~ hy t Ill' 1111111l>t•1· of lllllll umployetl,
and Hunomhlt• Uentlonwn :. It lllll)
UJ,-tUO, it, 1~ found tlut there WON\ 2.lti
not tlll unpt'tll\tahlo to 1ll1't•et tho aU,tlll· klllc•d fo1• o\'l'l'Y tbo11HUl11! employed.
tio;I of tho momlll'l'H of thiH (llum1h1•r 'l'hiH. i11 a hlghur rutu than m any conn·
1,. 11011w of Uii, ml\tt<'l'H ,mt forth In the t.rv ,•xcl'pt,pp1•lm1i8, t.lw United Hiatt·~·
!'ti llll'H lt.e1101·t, IRitl 111'011 tho tabh,_ IL rlny c,,n anythmic hu dono to Ill.op tl11s
IWll\'V toll? 01w l'1Lnnot tell, !m· hu
01• two ago.
or U10 \'l'lllll't 11,H U who 1 O I • 1111\Y IO knmvH not what t·nttHrnl th11 ucculent.s.
11 ti at it is uu illll'l'OVl'IIWIII, oil 'i'hlt'I 1Jho11hl not h,•. If U10111mnhtll·sof
fot·ll\e\' yenl'H, l\11,1 }111H bevn tlw Oovnnnwnt ol' of tho hl'a.nches of
milled with g1·mLl-0r core. It, IH not on.Y the l,(,gi1Jlnt11re do not, know tlu,
hulklet' than thu IOU 1·"1'01't, n111l. t)~tH CIIUHl'H of the 11ccl1l1111ts, howeVl'I' In till'
111 n. t'Ccommond11t.lo11. In my opuuon wnl'ld 01111 tlwy make 1Ltl-0111pts nt RUH·
it could sutt'or fnrthe~ aln:hll(em~:n~ llOl!till!( II Cltl'e,
w'thout Its value boinl( 1111pumltl. .I m - J,'rom 1111 illH\lectinn of t.110 t1Lhle11 It.
!n~tance tho dcpnty-inHpectm·
from yo~r to ycur the t•1p1ip111e111, of iH 1,•m•111•d tlmt I.ho em·o111•1'11' in11nt•Ht
tho ,mvornl minus, tho numlll•r of ,•11 ,h•clared t lrnt In thirty-four CI\Res tlm
gines pumpe 1111() 110 fm·th. 'I'his oc- fntulit.y W(I.~ n.cchlmt,ul, 1md In the
CII le~ tll'ace, and having hl'l'II once t hil't,y-llfth CUSI• it \\'IIH 1\m, to.th11 lncomg!Si•n t·upet.ltion 111 of tlo11ht.f11I. vulue, l'lltt,ncy of the hmke 1111.1\t•r. It 1mzzll'H
a little to nmll'l'ataml why In thlH
lf I l I tho ear of the Uo111111hmonur I 1110
wou1:i imggt>i;t t.lmt tin, equlpm!iut inatunrll ultm n foh1llty WBH not clusaed
once iven. only nd1lltl1111H. null 1111- us 1\ccideutnl-1ml'ing it eunnot he lwlrl
to ha.vu hi'!'\\ thu l'l'Hlllt ol' intontlo11 m·
provof.umta should a.ppe111· Ill snbsewilful neg\ig1•ncc.
qnimt rtl(l(Wtl!,
}<"'mm tho fnct t hat. the l'{'\'011111' from
Hocinlisl.8 and l'~fnr111ti1·s in scarcb of
Wo MilWII llllJJIU'tnwnt is I he h.rgest a mistliun dccl1u·o that in om· g1·co.t In,
i , hiHt.ory wo are apt to jump to d11stri1,~ livo~ urn wilfnlly so.cl'ltlcP1l, In
1:nichuilc,;, thllt the mlneru] ~fo· 01'1111· that 11ividm11IH may ho inr1·eMc1l.
vclop111e1·1t of the m11111t1·y goes Ull'rr1ly
I do not bdiuvo . that, ncitlll'l', I mu
on. Thl11 is 1iC11l'CUly so, for n glimce ~,t lllll'I' ,lo vou. Home omploym'II say
tho tnhlo of p1·mluctlo11, ~"' pngo I., thut' nccidi,11111 n1·c in uh111111t ull CMllH,
Ill lihow that of nil tho m111crnlt1 con- due to m•gligonce, t,hu11ghtl1•111111elill or
t~·ilmting t-0 1·cve1111u. coul o11\y aho\\'H 1·n11hlll'~H of thii WOl'kOl'II who &l'(J COIi·
Tho \tr" ,tuction
tNit to t.ukt• cba.nces instead of tukin~
l\l\ 11\C\'tl,.-•
• •
I of
• gohl
II •
h1 leas than 11imsc p;old 111111111,g ltlgll Ill duo prccuution. I do not helievo that,
Nova Scotiti, In tlvu p1·ov1011H Y-'lll'II neithl\1', 1 am HIii'!', do you. 8ome otlw1'S
there WIUI h•llH ore e1·11shed, tin~ 111 no 111'1·ln1·1• that t.1111 bhuno shonltl
• 11~ year 8incll golil 111111mg 111!· miimlly nppm·t.101101\. 1 nm indined to
y,•ars ugo, hni; Um prntl11c· agrco with thnt, m11l I 11.111 sul'o also m·i,
~t~1· IK'CII 811 low. nanu•ly ·1,\118 OIIIICI'~, yon.
0.-17!1, till' loweHt pl'lWI·
In too 11111ny lustimcus I.he wo1•knw11
I 11 101"'..., n.ul\iUHt
" · 180'' 'l'hero are U10H1', break
tlm,up;h the rules 1111~ l'l'glllll·
ous return m
however who hol'e for l>ettcr a.yH. , tlons, and in trnj many cases tble b1-enrh
a w~1110 plight ,won than gold 1e of discipline goes 11npunlehed, My opm·
11 Ol't'
The woi'tl, "none," afte1• the 1011 1~. tl1Jlt with a. military like sys1 _,. ,·, 1-n
its own tale.
01,0 ' " t.olhl
tem 111111 cnfo1·co111ent of dlsclpllue the
... ,e, ono•.. big,
spo t I H . ti 10 a.ccidc11t list could be vreatly reduced.
I nioly lncl'OOtiell coal sl\loe, and tlw You may o.sk "Why la tiisclpllne not
i·oyalty from ea.1110, A111l l'igltlly enforcmlP My answer, In ebo1·t,
the iiBtlsfactimi 1\ol'ived from th!11 wouhl be ••human nature." Tlw
~nroe ie not unalloyed. We hnvo hossce clo not like to be l'igldly eevel'u
\l d IQC~Otl r1·111l11.ctlon,and WO havo with wol'kmen, who ns a. 1·ule, RI'!'
aid l eavy tol illlwofore in tho shup1• c1~pahlo, n.nd they do not u~1·0 to ausn. d\B(Llileting p11mlm1· of fnt~l 11ccl·
any 011u11 because owmg to tlw
d ts If we tnl'll to the t.abfo ,,f pend
tightnc111> of the laho!' 111a1·kot it 11111.Y
~11• d;nts It will Im fou.1111 Umt thm·_i• b,i hm'tl to Kecm·u1motlwl' to t~k,i Ins
::;.0 1111 fowor t))an Uurty-th·1, fatnh· pl~e, nml it 11111y IK', 1,<111, that t.111'
FRJl)AY, 211th 1r,,br111n-y, 1013.
thc~f!O ,:f
vinc1•, In my opinion, to lmvc for our
minl's 1m olllch1\ co1~111er, one with u
clt•nr lwad 11ml 11 111'111 lmn<l, 0.1111 1iot
llt'l'l'HBUl'ilY IL llll'dicnl 1111ui. If a W«ll'k•
m1111 is killt•d in tho mino hy a foll of
r1tono I 11111 not a bit cu1ieo1·11ed as to
wlwthe1• t.he 11t<111l' bmko his skull or
cruslwd his lwurt. I w1int u, know
"'.hY t.lw, st.one fell. Or, if n rnnu I~
killed by lwlng e1·11shed IK•twccn t.11e
1·11ku 111ul tlw cdh, I want to know not
how Ill' wn11 killed, thnt it1 known hut
why? ·\Vns ·the rnnd too 1111.n·o,;·, 01•
wns the <illct•a.111•d travelling on n fol'bidtlt•n 1•oad.
Tlw thM.y-flvo fnti1liti1•s lust ycm·
rop1·1:He11tt•d n \ost1 in 1·f,vt•1111c, to the
Pl'OVII\Ce of $2, li,O,
If tlll'ough a
propui• Hystc111 of inquests we could
l'l'<h1cutho fntnl nccidont mti• tt> that
of l•'1·nnee, we would hnvo 1111 ndditlonnl
revunue Hllfflcil'nt to remunerate an
official co1·0111•1•;
Lot 1111 glnnco fot• n moment 01• two
at the tnhles on png!'R t,wclvo 1mcl thit··
tel'n. Glanc,o down tl1t\ cohuun nnd
yon ,will find thnt of U do1mn ltmus
cla1<H1flt'tl as minerals, only two ILl'll.l'tlVI'·
nm, \n·odncet'8, nunll'ly, cool and gold
\Vhi e it'Ou oro it< s11hj1•ct to u dnt.y of
fiv~ cents 111•1· ton, 110111~ hll.ll evon lll•(•n
pu1d on tho 1>1·t1111inmlnt Nictaux, Lon•
domll't'l'Y 01· Eust Uiwt, 1iwi11g to the
foct that the minol'ILls in these loeali•
tlus urc• owned hy tho landlords o.nd
not hy the Govm·runent.
. Now, whr should tm1 products clll8a1tled mi, mme1·11ls he non·revcnue pt'O
ducers? 'l'hc one 11n11wcr is simply be·
1•nuse t!w ~n-l'nlll•d .minernls heloug to
the HOii. . Ir, theu• 1·elntion to tho
C1'0Wn 01· to the rovemw certain of om•
n.1ineml~ m:c in u most nnm.1111.!ies positmn. I• 1ir 1_n1,ton~e, the1·e 111 11'011 Ol'C,
Hon1P <tf it Iii snbJect to royalty, nm\
souw 18 not, Then th,~ru i11 11hnlt•
which mn.y yot become 1111 m·ticle of
t1·omllndo1rn vn.luo ; somo is subject to
a twelve uncl n. half cents per ton l'OY·
ulty, while some goes scot fr!'e and'
o. shnilar thing may bf! said of m:r fire
cl'n.y doposlta, whwh llllj,Y some dn.y
becomo an article of great value.
ask : Is there no escape for the Pmvincl' out of her most pecnlinr
rroitition P Surely then, are etatesmon
In this Province to find a wn)" ot•
make It.
, ,
We henr it stnte1~ tht>su dn.t.e that.
the EllBt Is coming at last foto its nw111
that Nova Scotia 111 hound to bticome
the work~hop of this great Dominion.
beliove these stntomonte in full,
: :.
- ----
i ~···--,
.: I
-·-·---- ·-. -
or 1Ju we mily approprlntc them as om· 1'l'Ovi11re'1-1 Crown Innd wealth Willi
tonics to hearten IIR up I\ bit, Ill' to less t han that of any other Pruviuee.
reeoneilu us tu the HUUl.11 mm that iH It might uppem- thnt om· peo11l1/s
bolng mnde of om· \'UHt miuera! 1111d pm-tlelpat lon 11.11 pottsto11snrt1 of the Roil
other natm·al
If we III the ownt,1·>1hi1• of gypsum, shale,
i·onlly believe them, ls it not thue that, li1111•,t.m11•, eluy et.c., should not, nt u
IIU')l!I were taken ~I l'CIIIOVU ~ho 11110111- later day, whou tJOBHihly beeomlug
nlioH connected w1U1 om· m1111•1·11l rt,- valunble, ht• tukeu from the indlvidunl,
1:1t111l'CCH, Should not our (h1vt•1·11111P11l,,
Tlw umin question that, al'it1l'H might
by hook Ol' hy crook, hy cu111pn!Hio1.1 hi' sail! lo IH•, ho" ever, tho probable
of my h1111, fri1,111l'H proposul on
and in some way t1~)111·e tho nght. tn ex-. t.lu- 1hwcl11p111m1t nf thls l'OHid111•
net 1·oy11lty, 1111 mcmno lax, nm! 1•xp11rt mi111•1·al weull.h ol tho Province •.
duty u1· I\ titlw on 1111 tho mi11t>1·11l~ of \\' het lu-r thut. devekquncnt, would b1•
tho Province, so thnt. n s111"t• 1111111111,•- moni uetivo und 11fisi11•e1l m1du1· the
qimte revenue 11111y \l(J secm·cd fm· t Ill' policy of Pl'ovi11ci11l control 01• muler
l'rovh1c11's f11t11l'll necclH.
tlw prcs,•nt 1ll'llm·, iH douhUosH debutDo yon t111y to me t.l111t thiH _iH. 11. hi_g uhle gl'o1111d. 'l'ht•n Uw l\11·tho1· point
\Veil, big n.s •!· 1s, 1t IH iH miH1·d hy tlw pmp11H11l 111udo in my
not nenl'iy sn big ti!< that wlnrh con- hot .. frieml'H f111:ct•ful 111hlrrn,s. It is,
fronll'il the Gm·1•1·1111wnt of 18,>8. Tiu, wlwthl'l' the Provincc j,i nut co11stituh1.it1t bargain Jll'llhllbly ovc1· 11111,ln hy tionnlly bi11·1·ccl from lnt111forl•nce in
tho P1·i1vince w11s when ,lol111st,mc out the 11111t.t{•r bv u <"l1111se in tho B1·itiHh
of Urn scanty r,•vcmw
111;i·e1,cl t,o ,pay Not·t.ll Anwrf Pn. Act. 'l'hnt Hectiou is
tin• Ocne1·al Mining .AsHociution $600,, tH tlw l'lfoct :--that nil huuls, mines,
ti()(), 01' an eqnivnlent COIIHil!cl'ILtion fm• lllilllll'll.lH, l.llld
t·or11lli1•ti Hitul\t~l Ol'
jt,8 l'ight.H in tlw ro11l lands of till' Pro- 11l'iHing- in Uw P1·m·1nee of No\'118cotiu,
\'inco. \Vhy, hlsL yon1·',; 1·1•v1mm• from Bhnll ht•lonH to the l'1·0,·i11cl', Hnbjcct
·ccml myulty wus $ll!0,000 11101·1• t111111t1 to uuy t1·11kts c,xiHting in u:sp11ct tho1·cwus pnul in }8f,8, fm· t.lwse !·ight;~.
of_, mul
111\Y inl~1·t•,t otlwr than thut
w1111 IL bold 11dve11tun•, for 111 }Hu8, tho ol, lhc, l 1·m·mco III tho ~11111e. Much
would uppcm· to ho in•
royalty WIIH under $25,<J:Oll: or nhout u volvc!l. 111 the lhml tli."posnl of thiH
Uui·tlcth lt•tis thun what 11, 11-1 l{l·dny.
I 111w~l1011.
lily 'hon. frwml, howm·1i1·,
I think the subject iH of g1·1•11t i111- has dmw Uw i;cr\·ict, lo-tiny of pre1101,tmice uml ll'u~u it lo th~ 1:onsidm·- Ht:n~ing .tlw suhject in II clt•1n·-m~t and
ation of Umso ho.vmg the tl1rcctio11 of tl11st111ct1vu 11111mui1· fo1· tho consufomtho 11lf1LirH of tho P1·oviuct',
tion of the co11nt1•y,
Hon 1\11•. A1u1RTno:-1i':
AH in p1·0- ·' 'l'lw h1111. 11w111bor lmvinH .more c11vlom1 ~e1111ionH, so on the p1·t•s1mt occo.- 1wcinlly 111hh-t•11scil himself to the fOl'll•
sion, hon. mcmhm·s 111·0 11ndo1• ohliga• g,,ing UH . fu1·111ing tho priui:ipal
tions to I he hon. gcntlc1111m from nmtu,r of h1H ••xcellcnt 11peoch,I might
Picton fm• tho mlcll'1l int-cl'Ost he has bu nllmwcl 1.o take th" limo of the
given to 11111· mining diHcussion b)• tho H1111.c, in ,;011io l'efercnceH to tlm coul
methml nml suggm;tivmu•s!:! nl' hiH nd- 111iuiug leatm·1.,H of the ltt•port., uthe1·
dt't~H on tho J\1iill'H Hrpor~. _'l'he hon. than Uwse tuudwd upon by tho hon,
nwmlHJ1·'1-1 exte11d1•1l uHsocwt.1011 with, guntleuum.
null knowlt•dgo of wining comlilions,
I wn11 struck with tho tl'Ulh of my
gi\'e him a flttwss o! expr~ssion when hon .. friend's Htn~·nwnt thut it Wl18 an
speaking on this tquc. nnt III the same 11Jn11mble bnrgum that was 111udo by
·degree possessed by nny othe1· hon. J. \V .• Johnston, whtm tnking ovor in·
the name ,of Ufo Pmvincc t.110 coal 111111
To-day, my hon, frit;ml hM dh·ectu1l o!ho1·, minerals l,1eld 1111dc1· the Duko of
to new paths, and in tlomg1,10, nutumlly Yorks lco.se. 'I he 11uestion hud lHJen
arouses additional view-points for unil1•1· consideration by the Pro\'inc(•
ubllc consideration. 1'ho suggl'lltton for n mm1lHJ1· of years. It muy he r11fnnde with rt•g111·d t•> bringing nil om· cnllecl thnt it wns not llllltil tho Rocimlneral J,ll'opel'ty muler tlw enntrol of procitr, T1·enty of 1854 OJIC'lled up tlw
thll Pl'ovmco \'ery p1•opt•rly will rniRe posRllnlit.ieR of the Unit-0d Stn!Rs
tho issue M to wlll'ther Hllt'h n 111·oposul murktit, thut 11111· people got huHy nnd
woultl meet.with the fnll!i'Ht mt·a.~111·0 dHtcrmincd upon tl1ti possession of 0111·
of populnt· np111·ovnl 01· not.. ,vhen public dumnin that lay pmcticully 1111Nuva Seotln llllWl'C'tl Uonfrdemtion, .duvolopc,d in tho coal 1111•11.11111·ct1 of. the,
.. ~: :.
. I
---. ----------------
···-----·- ..•.....,--:\.---..-.....-..
granted 1:y th(l Pt'f:~.lnr.o: nre iu~olvPd .:_
NEW MJ-:t,mim.
pointe·touching tlm doctrinu of
. 'l'he Hou. J\fr. Gmmm<J A C /le
,111111 the_ dclicnto
· r g tl.H, \\- lwtht•1· 01· not 1·t
~:::an ~~le: ·(k)om;cil•
won I cl be a1lvh1nlilti for tlw p, •· . ·
'l'I C
. . 'Ii, • 111 nnd S11111fo1"Hon
ns,mme control of cN·tain
~.;:/~·u t~
• w I onm11sHl0~1 appointing him to"
s, nt II th1• Leg1 ·I t'
·, ·
ros1wvi,d In 1111ci,•11t, grunts iR ' t I ~111 ai·eml
h~· ti,;. I ks II IVl' Uouncil ,,·ns
1lt·.i>11table gi·omul. ·
. •
n t nst
, ' ' " C Ill' , 11111} tJw
th f
."PPMl'H ta, 111e Urnt m·et·y wo,~l 1Lll1•g1a1w11 nd111inlstel'ud to him0 u0
1 I • led, by both gentl,•11wn, hns h1•p11 P!'f's~nco of. tho Hon. !\fr. l\hn·i·av p.10•
( ' It l., Ullllllll8S
.• •1 Ollt'l'
of mt.el'tlllt, nnd will Ill' l'l'nil with 11, 1'· IL\'lllCIIII' ( S1•e1·ut111•v
preclation, by tho peoJ>ltJ of thi
~!'Y; 1~n<f l tlunk I 11111 not Hniu:
1;iL\'. signed tho roll, nntl nl't •. ·. ;· , ,' wn w
1{1·1•11tings of .1111• hon.up~'.u:i;l~mg Uw
1 BllYlllbg thut,onti.itle of f.lwii·Hpt•i,dit•N
hou, nw111hers of tho ('
'I {'t m11l
w .1m ,l(c wo111cl h11vu lmtl no otlwa'· eo1ul11cetPtl
to hitt s;•nt:. ,01111c1 ' Ill was
!'PJ!o1·tu111.ty so con\•enii•ut of ht•c·o •.
On motion of Hon l\lr M \
mg ncq1111mtl'tl with tho faetij
Co1tnl'il mljonmetl ,;ntil . tA " CK tlw
o11 l'l'COl'fl h~t1• t<1-tl11y.
iml '.l'nescluy,
M,u~,h 4th, at ti ':~10.1·11·ow,
~.o the <1 nest1011 I\H ""H'Ht'Hh•tl iuul ofwn- 111. tlll' afternoon.
. ll'fll o c ock
d up by tlm hon. rn1•111lll'r from Pie
tou, t.110 11,atte1· lms 11h"t.•ntly hn,l 8
on, 11111 1 110 dnuht
it ltlt't·ih
'l'uEBnA Y, March ,Hh 1018
nrthel' coneidel'ation in the fntm·l;,
Thti C<i1111cil mot ut 3 p. 111, '
IIILI.8 1:-. l'mlMl'f'flm.
1111,L-'l'llllUI u~;.u,i"No.
I he following Dill WILi! i·cud n thh'tl
~1~ p10t1im of tlm Hon, J\l r. l\J ACK
the Connc1l t·osolved il"t•lf 1·11to
• ti mc and puss1•d :
't•-'- 0 f
comA Dill untitled an A<"t to
1111 """'
Uui wholo Hou,m 011 llillH
11°!1• llfr. Le~lanc in the cihail',
' Cl'.aptot• .220, Ac111\,r rno:i,. untitl~:ri;!l
' an
1 he follow in,;\' Ullls wm•t• se\•m•allv Act. ti, IIICOl. ·r.omto n i\f •G
· ' 1, rPgo1· &
t't•nd clau.10 hy cl1111,;o 111111 pnsHt•d •
• Sons, Lituilt•i •
, A Dill uutitlrd, nn Aet
ll El:!SAtlI,.
~1ha(ltu1· 44, Hu\'i8l'd St11t11h•H, )!JOO of . 'l'lw Housu of As1embly, 1, mei< ,
rn Niwa Scotia. HoRpital •
111fo1·111l.·d ~hi11 Hou~u that.it tfiid sn?:'i
CIA {J!I.I, entitletl, nn A;it to tllnl'tlll Um fnllowmg Bilh1, in which it
A mp U l:lID, Acts of JIJ(I:!, <'ntitled, 1111 tho co1~c111·1·1•11cn of thit1 Hmt811, 1 ·11111
u <:t toL\ncnrpor·au,
H. !lfo(h,•gor anti
,,,ems, united; ·'·
Ol~LIJJ~~I l~ltt~t~\,}11\81
· Blll untitl1•d, nn Aet t!l mnoml Ac~ to UIIIOl;d Chnptor w,' J~~,t~
. 1.11~te1• 252, Actll of IUOO, 1111 Act . t~, entttlu.l, 1111 Al't to incm·
1~1co1 J>Ol'nlf• tho Chm·chill 0<'11wlk1·y l>irt•lltm·,; of tho
( ,mnpany.
Denf nnd Dumh 11t Hulifnx
. ,'l'IJ(! conuuittt•t! 11d~oumrtl, nntl ,tho Acts in m110111l111ent thuruof .' nnd the
Bills pai<sed in com1111tt.1•0 Wl'l'<' renni•t,.
,1, ~- Bil} Kltitlt•!I, nu Act to ~lltLhle tl1t~
P,i np. .
.,. ..
n o . untnlle t~, honow money tc1
.on, motl~m 0~ Hon, l\lr.i I.Bili.A Ne, on n1•g1:
atu1• \V urks System.
I ho Co11nc1l n1IJ0111•11cd u11til !lloncla~·
A B11l ent1tled,
an Act tA
Mm-ch 3rd, at a p. m.
, ·. Cho.pt.01·
100, Acts of lllOa-4 :. u1.11md
an Act to incorporate J,
111;: t~ieAd,
l\lncG1·ego1·, Limited,
• •.
l\[mm.\ Y, Mal'ch 81'tl, 1013.
Tlu.ise Bills wel'e se,·ernlly . 1 11
'fhe Counfil.tnet nt 3 p. m.
first time nnd referred to th10 mm
Conui11ttc1, on Bills. ·
TIIJUI> llE.\I>ISO o~· lllLUI,
On motion of the Hon Mr :u
. 'J'he following Hills wut·o l't'ml n thinl the Ommcil adjou~·ried u~til 't ,\l'K,
t 11110 and finally J>Msed :
rnw, \Vedn08dav,
the 5th
. A Bill 11ntitlNl 1111 Art to nmrnd Mm·ch, at 8 (l, m."
a,: of
c ,haptcll· 44, UHvi11l'II Statutes l!JOO af
I ho Nova Scotln Hospital•
,VEDNESDAY, l\lat-ch 5th JIIJ'J
, A Bill, f'lttltlP<l, an A;:t to amend
The Council met at :.I JI, 111, '
~ ,hnpter 2f>2, Aut-q of lOOO. nn Aut to
''.'""''tmr·n!A• tho Chm·chill C1•111et~•ry
Hon'. l\lr. E'l"l'EU fotroduco!I the fol-
ou practically ovory i11d1111t1·y In the bc<m 1·11flll·red to, and that ls. the outProvince. 'l'hle ls seen in the amount, Jillt 'of ,•oal (ll'I' rnnn, in onmpnt-lll(111
of Umber, 1<0111c 10,000,000 lineal f1-et with for111e1• yt•al'H, In lllO'..J Urn °'.1tp11t
used hy the Dominion Coal Co1111m11y pm· mnn is !(lv1•11 in tho t'Cport. 1U1 r,oo
alone, fm• pit pro,,ii, IK101118 uml 1<l1•1>p; tonR, whllu 111 }1)12 It tuL<l fallen to 510
m'1!1 lllforcling emp nyment, to hundreds t<nlH, '!'his nwunH a loss of produein many of our co11nti1•s, and n lucrn- tion of s01,w r,20,000 toni;, 1111111.ing tho
1111111htn· of mun 1nnployt1d 1\1! 1:1,900.
t:ve busines» t111·i1-ovN· 111l round,
'l'lw pt·mluctinn, hy rights, Hhould ha\'li
Thtl hLrl(u t•mployrnunt in connect.lou
with 0111· collle1·y hfo iH 1·1!tll•1•h•,I in th1• IM•en g1·u11IN' in thu lnU,!Jl' yt•m•, n.q
fact. that over 1r,,1~"1 men 111·,• fonntl t.ht•l'l' Wl'l't' \'l'l'Y nmny IIIOl'tl machint•H
in llllll
working ornry dny ut. this bnHitws~. t•mploynl pr,iprll'tionatdy
,mpplying the main 1•1mhli11g t•ll•ment· t.111111 hl 1111.12. l wonder how It is that
11·11,ltn·H nml h,u,ineBH 111011 in
in (,nmul1L'1< inrlm,ll·inl t•xpnnHh•n. The
total employment co\'l'l'f.tli
by onr Ft,ncrul, m·u ~!riving continuously to
tlwil· t.r111lt, nml tht•h• mll'nlngs,
workmen lust yea1· w1\H 3,771.2:IOdnys, 111<11·ct1Ho
representing over twelve yen11;' lnhor ~o 111u.11y or onr wt11·king mun d1•0111nao
of II, thOIIRlllld men,
they \Hl't' 1111 their cif,n·ts tn e111•11 ns U1t1 1·i1t.e of
Wllf.tCtl inCl'UIISl'H, . St,nm of thoHe who
omployeil nt t.110 fuco of tho con!.
'I'here is 0111• other fent.u w of th,• are conti1111111ly h111·1>ing at tho hnl'd·
l\lh1<•11 Roport to whk-h I tleHll't' t.11 rn•SR of employer!! might glv!l eo1111•
refet· hridl)', I notieo IL list, of the cxplilntLtion o( tills 1lisregn11l to iuc1·t•tl8c U1cil· 1•111"11i11gH ot' 11on1n11y of 0111·
s11cce11sful cu111lidnt<iH to whom el'rtill·
cutes of compl'ttmcy nud cortillcnt<·H of mine l'lnploy,•uH.
Mv 1>t•11111rkH in t't'fl.>l'()IICe to so·mo
11e1•vico were gra.11t!'1l,afl,•r tho 11111111nl
examinations, tor 1·1•rn111111i,n,llng cer- t.nx ;m h·on 01·,• might havl1 li.•en e111phntlllcut,1.»1 for 1111m11gt•1'11, 1111tlel'g1·m1111l 11iz,•ll hml I mlll'tl the tLttent.lon nf t.111• ·
111an1LgtH'N, over-men 111111 rnghwcrn. ho110111·nhlt, 111u111b1•1·s of this JlouR,~
helll h~tJnlv.
'fh1• fo,t i" 11. full hun- 111ot'f.• ,llr,•ct.ly to I.he fnet that 110 iron
dred men. l l'f.>for to . It now 1Joem11,(, mined in NoVIL 8coti11 !ms lmnollttcd, ,
of Its lmpot·timcu in imllcnt.inl{ the in t,11(1 Hlightest, dirul'lly, the rtwenues
th,• Pro\'inct•.
wiling cha1•n.cter of the 111ini11g 111111 of Hon,
l\h•, l\lM:K--P,•rhnp11
tho t.1,111\l·
mrginoering ech<K>IH of Nova Scotia.
111iy IL wm·d 01• two f\
\Vitm•l!l!ing one l111111kud 111,•11 honwtaught tnki11g tlwir pliicl'H in tho miu- 1Ltt1·ih11t~1hl11 la1·guly to the fact that I
ing ftll'COij of the country, is in,!twtl 110 luwe no spucinl knowledge of tho subell~ht, contrihution nn tlw purt of thei<e ject.
\Vhen th11 Alpine climber, on sonw
sch on ls,
I havu 11d1h-i•sse1l the 1101181> ut hit,fhl'I· Hlope, d111lodgct1, with careh-11~ .
grenter length t.lu\n WI\~ 111y purposn. foot, Home tiny mass of snow, he litth•
I 1foslre ngnln, on resmning my Hrnt, ,·eeks how, rolling from declivity to
it t<hall gnthm· weight nml
to ex1n·u1111 what I frl'I 1lr1• the nc- declivity,
know edguwntK of hon. memb11rN, thnt, velodr.y, until it lim'KtH, an lrl'osistuthe hon, tlll'llllM•r for Pictou h1i,; agnin hh• nv,,l111wh1•, into tlw ,·nlley helm\',
nlfot·dml tho Housi, till' opprll't11111t.y 811, I think, tlw hon. 111cmbe1· from
of ll&t~nlng t~, the hon, g1)Ul.lt•111n11" Pictou, In hiH 11101ll'Ht thouijh ablt•
Interesting 11it1eusNio11 of thu Mines npenint,t ,.,1111Ll'kH, luniJly ant1cipatt'<I
that he WWI p1·ecipitating sneh nn
Uepot-t of the ye111·.
Hon •. l\h'. . DnUADtONI>-1
am glad avalnnclw of .1tupo1·tnnt lufol'mation
my friend to the right-the
Hon. lift-. ll8 has bm'llt upon U1e House this afte1·Armet.1•ong-has taken up points ancl noo11.
I do not think l'ither the hon. gt•nhandlocl them in an illumlnnting mnn· tlenum
Pidou or U,e hon. Kenth·ner, which 11 desiru not, t" impose npnn
your forlit•1u1rnce imluc,•,I me, on thiH man from Nm·th Hyduoy m•111l hl'
occasion, to pRSs ovc1· wholly.
I tun apologetic In 1·cg11.td to t.b<, time co11glo.d I did HO, ch,1• yon woul<l not, have sume1l : eve1·y word Hpoken here wns
ho.d the plon1mre of list<•ulng to t.lio ex· inl~·resting, and .1111ch I\ cliBCUHsion is
fn1· moru Wtll'lhy of space than certain
collent 11ummo.ry of foctH conm•ct.ed
with the 11rugl'l'SH of the coal tm,lo 0Um1· J,t•gisluti\'U matter ocoupyinJ.:
presented eo lucidly hy my houmn·nhlo mnny coh1mus of the puhlio press.
In the l}lll'l!tion raised hy tbe hon
Thero is one 11oint he nn,I I omitlt!d gentleman from Picton with rt.'l(Br<I I"
to notice, which perl111p~ Rhonl!l hnvo minel'llls, tho l'ight to which hntl 111•,•n
lJ\l(!S~l:::; l,;nit~: \"ir
1.;-t t{
l118tit11ti!:::"r\~ tl'
.. ~-:
=====--:hL___= ---·------·---
same time perhap11 adding not ver '
if:!:'rlally l.<j the slze tif the publicl-
lowing Bille, entitled 1-e_•H(>ectively:
31st ho puhliHhed 111 some other way,
A BIil ontltl,-id, an Act to auth01•izc, ~.n tl111t tho public will know somethtl Town of Amhel'Ht to h01·1,iw thing of what 111 ht•ing <lone In the
money for the f111•ther extcnaiou of '•"••i 11£ oduc11tio11 In tho fll'OVinco hethti 11ow01·ago 1<y11te111 of tlw town :
foro HO 1111111y mouths mvo \lllSScd
A Hill'entiUm], 1111 Act to cm1hlt• th" nftm• the Wl'lll has uudo1l ~
Town of Amherst to h111·1·11w 1111mey fo1•
Hou . .Mr. l\lACK: I p1-e11111110, owing
schunl f~urposes:
to t.lw Vlll'Y uu.ture of th11t Hoport, It
A Di I ontitkc.l, 1111 Ad w onnble Uw is mw th11t , ... ,q11it't~H a conshlornhlt•
'l'own of AmhcrHt t~, horl'OW money to 11111011nt. of n•ry c111·uflll attention, W!
ml!cl 11111,tul'ing 1li•lw11tnrl'l1 ;
wull u11 no i11co11shlt•1·11blu p01·iod of
A Hill ontitlPil, 1111 A<it to 11ulhoriz11 ti ill" lo mako it up tho1·oughly, careth_e Town of Amhurst to cou\"t•Y 111ml: fully 111111 11cc11rntdy;
tho 811perlnA Dill ontitluil, 1111 Act to u11nhh• Uw t,t,111lt•11t of l~dncu.tion has he1'tltofore
Town of Amherst to IK11·1·ow 1ui ml- .. licen cxceedin~ly eUl'l'J!t!tic In tho \IOI'·
ditionn.1 sum of money f<ll' peru11111ont fnrmnnco of lus dnticH, including thn.t
stroota anti 11idow11lks;
It may he possible that with
A Bill entitletl, nn Act to on11hle Uw souie 111hlitio1111l etrm·t 11ml bOIIIO inTown of Amhe1'!lt to lKll'l'OW 11111m•y cre11~ed cle1·icnl 11Ssistance he might
for water 11111·p0Hos.
IKl l\lilu to 11lu.co tho Hepm·t, 01· pn1·'l'hese Dills WOl'O Heve1·111ly l'l'll<i IL tlOll!I of it,. lu.•fol'll tlw public at llll
fh'st time, 11ml 1>t•fo1'1'eli to t.ho 811\ect carliei· pol'iml ; but I 11111 _ not awnro
Counnitt-eu Oil
tl111t lip this time any di1111dvantago
hll.ll 11cc1·urd hy tho p1·esent.11tio11 of the
;-.::port 11t thi!! timo. ' If tho mattui·
Hon. Mr . .MACK, by COllllllllllll of Hill reqnirt'H l"nrthe1· co1111idemtiou
{ Ulll
Honom• tho Lientonant-Govemor, laid cu1·tal11 thnt it wlil 1·ccolrn· it.
on the tnblo of tlw llomm tho Annual
lion. ~h·. UnUllUlONll:
Pm·haps tho
}l,ep1ll't on Public P1·inting for tho y1•111· hon. memlllll' from Victoria will lndloml~><l St•ptom hel' :10th, 1012,
cntu tlw\nu·tH of the Heport ho woulil
Hun, l\lr, l\l.Ack-1 notice an intur- liko \mhl hhe,1 onl'liet·. \Vhn.L purpose,
e11ting item in tho r11port, that tho 111· w 11\t 1<011cl 01111, will be i,m·vod?
nmount of mdnoy collected 1111d paid
Hon. 1\11·. McVUHUY: It would IK1
into the P1'tlvinci11l cashior, on ac1•01111t \'1•1-y intm·ost ing to hu.\'H tho HPlml't of
of Roy11l Gazette 11ml s11lo of Htnt11te11, the lm1puctors for Urn v111·iou11 counth•s
111nouuted hi.Rt yen1· to $2,u65.B0, ht•il'IK puhlit1lwd at an NUli1•1• 1lt1te.
$87.2a morn thnn Urn 111·ovious ye111·,
lfon. l\h'. l\lACI{: If it would be of
n.n<l $005.BO awve tho ustimatl•.
nny 1i111·Uc11lar 11d mntugo to the hon.
Hon. M1·. MACK, by command of His gunt ,•1111111 in the intorests of tho
l{o11u111· the Lhmtonant-Governor, lai1l t•11.Rtl11·n part of the Province, I woul<l'
on the table of the Humm the Uopm•t thit1k th11t it might be pnsKlble, thongh
of S11b11idize<l ltnilwaytt aml othe1· Pub- I would hllt'llly advise that a distinct
lie \Vm·ks for tho yem• 01111ml 8cptmu- 1·011nrt he nmdo of tho County of Vicher :-!0th, 11112.
tm·in. 'l'hu 11111ttel' it1 one to be con·
Hon. Mr. MA<'K, by cn1111nn111l of His 11i1kl'ed IK,fol'o hl'iug uiloptl•d.
Honor tho Lioutcnant-Oovf.'l'IIOI',
lion. M1·. AllllH'fllOSU : 'l'he Jo11rn14l
on the tablo of tho Ho11110 tho Annual of Ed11c11tio11 contni11t1 a lnrge vol1111w
H.opo1·tof the S11pe1·int-ende11tol' Edu- of tho mu.tlA.-1· published In these recation fm• Nova Scotiti, fo1· the year ports, nud in each of these publlc11ended July 81st, 1912,
tione hon. gentlomeu 111·0 aware they
Hon. Mr. MACK: A pe1•Uffal of tho IIJ'll getting Information
that ocom·s
-250 pagc11 or thle Hepol't, will convinct, in tho meantime in educational mat·
any render tlmt Nova Scotia i11 11till tert1; and. in f11;ct, so much le this so,
maintaining that dlt1tlnguished
po11i- thn.t. tho 811pem1tcndent of J<;ducation
tlon In the forefront of tho <.><lncationnl 0111lK1dies mneh 11f them as a part of
movement which it hn.s heretofo1'll the report <.•nch yonr, and refers to
\wwn }wr lll'oud boast to occupy. 1
them !IR such: so in the matter· of the
Hon. Ml', l\lt:CuntlY ;_Jilight l ask Hngge;.tinn of i111pro\·1•11w11t by my hon.
the Hon, Lendur of J lhe Government friend from Victo1·ia, pnrhnps certain
~11 this Chamber if it woulil not hi• ml- tlOrU01111 of the lnapectl>1·'s _ report.
visahle in the lnttmist of eiluc1Ltion in might ho puhli1dir.<l Ill tho- Ocioll(H'
tho Province that part of thili Bduc:a- .Jour1111l, anti in tl111t wn.y it, would hi'
tional Report that 1s mnde up w J 11\y carrying out the 11•1ggestion, and at tlw
tll~«;:1· tbf\ft tlDnu~:r.lOND.:
Hon. llh. A1nunnosu Cl i
tlw S11lect Uommltfoe ~m·B:tln rman of
up fnvm·ahly :
1 e, ropo1•ted
A Bill entitled nn A t to
~lmpter 140, Acts• of IS!r{ ontitl!:d1end
"~~ to !llllend Ch11pto1· ' 73 A _,'.. anf
I ""'"" entitled
c.., o
' "A 11 A c t to Iucor1w1rate
tile I) ll'OCt,ors of tlw I t't
tlw D1•af 11ml Dmull ,,tnsl-I.1 ','.tr1 on fot·
th l., A c,t ~ lll_11111ond11w11t
· 11 1 ax...• nud
A H,11 <mt.itled
Chaptui· 1110, Acl~
nn Act to incor1101·ate J D ' 11\'.Jlecl,
J\lucG1•cgor, Limited
• • lllll
• A.
.Al8o, with o.111u1uh;,eut.
'l' A Hilif oln{tltled, an Act to onuble the
cntvlilo to ho . ,
to enlm·gu its water wo1·ksll0\~,!1umoy
'l'I •
, •
,I H Wcl'e 81lVer111iy l'CIU) a
HI cor11l thaw,
nnd i·oferred t 0 C
mittee of the whole Honse,,
I W'nnltl
IE> ch-oulattcn of th 1,
semi-annual would be very limited '\
s1.1pposo IIIY, hon. frieucl'H object I~ to
K!V(, rcubllc1ty. Would it not ho ud
th'.' Inspector's 1·epol't,
1111bh~hod hefo1·0 ht•m 11
county . I ! llll ocnl pnpere in any
t d ' esiroi • I do not si•t• anv
groa ifflculty, and I do not think ft
woufddO!!,tail 1my 11101·0 expense,
wou auord grenter pnhhcit
Hon . .lllr. .l\[AcK: At nil el~ut.i tlw
101j will no doubt direct.
and If
t u• mutt or in question
can bet 3e Iout-d nu improvement
ell h
one; nod I have not tho
doubt the !:lup11dntm1dcmt of
Co uca. on, In essoclatdon with tho
etr:~ct1hl otf. Public Instruct.ion, will
a . IIUpl'OV1•nwnl.
H Hon. llh·. i\l.\('K, by command of Hifl
On mution of Hon. l\lr; l\lACK, tho
ouo1· thl' Lieuttmo.nt-Oowi·
• IA'1~
~unc\l adjou,·ued
until to-mm-row
1111 tho t,11hle of till' House 11 1::,oi, t
ti lUl'II< !lY the lie h day of lllnl'ch nt the Pol't Hood Mino nncl M11bmr1lli11~
iree o crock in the nftornoon.
be~~tho_Hepo1·tof lnHJ>octo1• of Mino;
· 11111
pprniuc111 au to ca.use of .. 'cl
I en t, Otc,
uC •
THUU!m.\ Y, March oth, llll!i.
The Council mot at a p. m.
'On motio1i of Hon. lllr. MACK I
Connell adJ0111·11od until to
• t ll'
nu.r.s INTmmucrm.
l•'t·lday, the 7th d11 of l\l . -IIIOl'l'OW.
1• ~ ~McPrmnsoN
intl'Oiltrn<,d 11 o'l.'lock ln the o.ftci-noo11.111"Cb, at thl'eo
o •
,. an Act to Hl!spend the
on ~f Chapter 77 of tho Acts of
l•'IUDAY, .llfarch 7th 1013
u't1t 0111• Mr. HILL lntmdncl•d II Bill 011• 'fhe Council met at 3 1i. ru. '
e< • an Act l'Ulilll'ctin
. I I C~llll .
16fo;,m .. coa
::~;1::: !J'
~? ooftt ~
li°ll J,
F,li w:it
Bif1°!ll 1
IIUd Uailwai rt~!:~~~:~
Hon. Mi· .!If \CK
1,n 1·011 111·e1 1 11 B'n
Hntitkleld, an Act to incm·p~l'llte ~
roe., yn Ce111ew1•y Com 1111'-'
Brooklyn1 Queens Coilnty p ,,,., 0
Wel'O rend II, 1i111t time and
referred to the Select Commltte
e 11n
Hon. M1·. lllcCurmv
aeked lowing questions •
. the foJ.
Oo~~w mant school 11ectlone In the
wlthJf.t ~!hooll~~rin nro this Winter
names of such suctiom
In th: ~umbetr or ohild1-on of ;cbool 11g!l
ac11n aection11.
Why these eeboola are vacant p
w~r·e lai<l on t~e tahlu
l'111Jeavor lilnlnd, Ill tho moont1111e, au
w deeirod
It! 111114.lo to obtain the
or~t: 1i~°::!!~ns
up favorably:
' po
\. B'
Tl <mtltit'<I, 1111 net to 1111tho1·l:r.o
own o
Amhe1·Ht to boJTOw
money fm· the fu1 tlwr extousion of tho
system of the t~
entitled, an A<;t U> enable the
own of Amherst to Mrrow mone to
meet matur!ng debentures I
TA Bill entitled, an Act to tlll\ble ti
d~k>~al~u!in~e~s~ to borrow an
street~ and eid£-w!ik~? for permanent
To~ ~111t1flt~d, no Act to enable th1>
for ~v11::.1· p1~pc~!!! to bonow money
Bl!, w, 1 n111e11dments:
for school pm·poscs.
v money
•· Tl ae~o B'llI s wel'e sevol'lllly rontl
second thuc, 1111d mfei·red to Commit.t!
·. ·-:
- ..
---------·- ...··-·-·-- ~
,- ~
A Bill entlth,d, an Act to amend
of the whole House.
Chapter 146, Acts of U))l, rntltletl, an
Act to nml'ml Chapter 158 of Um Act.11
11011. M-r. MAcK, by eomrunnd of 11_111 of 1002, ontitlml an Act to lnco,·porntc
Honour tho Lloutunnnt~Uovel'nm·, laid t.110 Novn Scotia Flrn h1M11ranco Com•
on tho to.hie of the House, tho JIILII)' ;
A Bill N1titleil, an Act to enablo thu
twentieth unnual t'tlpo1·t of tl~e d~pn!·t.•
ment of Public Health, l 1·m·111c111l Oity of llulifnx to b01°1'tJW money ;
A Bill ,,ntltlt><l, nn Act to amend
Ui,nltb Officer's repurt, 1012.
Hon. Mr. MAl'K, hy co111111nml nf H.u1 Chaplcl' lf>.I, ActH of IIIOO, entitled, au
Honour tho l,im1u•nn11t-O,wt'l·11or,111111 Act to iucm·pnt•11t.t1 the ln11tlt11te of
on the table of till' 1lo11t1P, t.he l'(!(llll'L ( lhni·tN·ed Accnnntants of Nova Scotia:
A Bill untitled, 1111 Act to a111en1l
of Co111mis11ionu1· H<•t1p1!cting Packets
Chuptel' 207, Ads of 1008, entlt.lc:tl, an
nnd }?crt'ios.
Hon. Mr, J\IM'K : I would gnthr1· Act to lncnrpumte tho t,1·11stee11 of Um
from a c11t111nl lnt1poclion of th!• tuhu- l•'it·Ht Pt't!Hhyteifan Chmch, New Glasluted l'(llllll't thnt tho COIIIIIIIHSion1
gow, N. 8.
A Bill ontitlt•d, nn Act to ennhlo the
dea!H on y with the subject of Packets:
ho ha.'! not 1,tot down to tho much 11101·e '!'own of Kuntvlllc to bt11·1·ow monoy
fo1• llchool pm·poi;es ;
ext.cnslve subject of l?t•t·rius.
A Bill t_•ntilh•J, nil Act to amund
111LUI IN l'OMMIT'l'l•:1•:,
On motion of Hon, l\lr. MM'K Um Ohnptel' 2U, Acta or 1008, entltlud, 1111
Council re,iolvml itHdf into co111111ittPo Act to 11111l'ml Chnpt<'r 8-i, Acta of 1870,
of the whole Hnuse, on Bills, Hon. J\lr. .and to unnhlt1 Unitt'tl U11ptlst Clmrchu
'In this P1·ovi11ct, to bocmue inco1·p«ll'lltUm·hett in t.110 ohnlr.
The following Hillt1 were road clause t•tl, mu! to l'<'llt'nl certain Acts;
A Hill entll,led, 1111 Act Ul confirm
by clanso and 11a.~sc<l :
A Bill ontltled, an Act to nmond certnin · 1u·or1•cdinga of tho Con1111iH•
of thu Poor Asylum of the
Cbaptt•r 160, Acl.8 of 100:l-41 unti~lt'<l,
111\ Act to lncorpomto
J, D. aud I , A, :M.1111ici/1ality of Lnncnlnn·g,;
A Bi I t•nt itlu1l, 1111 Act to lncorpor·.
MacU1"Cgor, Limited :
A Dill unUtlud, nn Act to ameml ntti Uw l\luritimo Bibfo and Litcrru·y
Ohupter HO; Acts of 1807, 1'11t,,ltfod, au Collegu:
A Hill untiUed, an Act to amend
Aot to amend Ohupter 73, Act of 1802,
an Act to lncorpm·at,o the directol'>I qf Olmpter 8t of tho Acts of1856, entltlc,'tl,
tho Institution for tho Deaf and Dumb nn Act, to incorpo1·11,to tho Llvca·pool
nt Ifolifo.x, aml the Acts In nmendmeut Marino lt111lwuy Company and the
Acts in nmcmlmcnt thct·cof ;
A Bill ontitlt•d, 1111 Act to establish
Also, with mnendmonts :·
An Act to enable the 'l'own of Kent· one polling pince fo1· the purposes of
ville to borrow money to enlarge its nnmicipal electionij in polling tliRtrlct
Nn. 18, In the l\l 11nicip111ity of Picton
water workR system.
Tho Co111111it,tee udjom·nml 1md tho County:
A HIil t•nlitlPd, •an Act to an1uncl
Hills passed in Com~11itteo wt!t•e re·
Chnpt,•1· 208 of thn Acts or 1000, l'olutpoi:t<ul up..
. .
On motion of Hon. ;.i\J1•. r.l\('K, Uie lng to · the Cutht_•1lml cltm·ch of tlw
Council ndjnnnwtl nntll Mon~ay, tho dioct•so of Nnvn. Scotia aml Acts In
10th dBy of l\fo1•ch, at th1·ee o cloc:k In amendumnt thei-eof,
These Bills were sevcl'Blly read u
tbo afternoon.
first time and ruforred t<> the Select
Committee on Bills,
MONDAY, March 10th, 1018.
The Council met at 8 P• m, _
Tho following Bills wel'e read a third
The Honse of Ass1m1bly, by mi-ssage, t.lme aml flnullyJ1nssed:
Informed this HmtNO that it harl passed - A Bill (llltitle , an Act to amend
the following 13111s, In which It. clm1ll'ecl Chapter 1~. Acta of 1008-4, entitled,
tho concnnence pf thie Honom·nblo au Act, u, mc·m·porate ,J. D. and P. A,
House ,
MacGrC'gm•, Limited;
A Blil entitled an Act t-0 enable t.lw
A Hill entitletl, n.n Act to amC'nd
Town of Hrldg1•i:1wn to hor1·nw mom•y' Chnptol' 140, ActH of 18117, entltl1'tl, an
for Uit> making of 11r1•mam•nt i<trnC'ta Act to i:11111111d <Jhaptor
Acts of
In the Town ;
1862, unt1tlod, an Act to rnoorporute
Hon. ~It·. AlllrSTito~n, 'Chnlrmn
~1l~ef~;!~~bf ;•.u111ltteo
BillH mpo:ti~J
lllLLA I:': C<UIMITTE~:.
on,motiim of Hou. llfr. AIUIHTIIONO,
A Bill ontitlod, an Act to nuthor'
t l1.c Council l'esolved it.Rolf Into Com
untteo of the whole Hou811 011 Hills tl1A T .wnof A111he1'8t to convey lan:f~
111 entltlocl, an Act l'es ctl •,
Hou. lllr, l.eBlauc in thu chnil',
Le11,11es N'11111he1'8 14 anil l" pe ng
The following llills Wl!I'(! l'(iud clni•so Coal
ly• of ti 1e l',n 1 c I 1esto1· Coul nnd "fo1·mo1·l 1y clause and p888ed :
TA Dill ontitlt'tl, 0.11 Act to unnhlo tho (,ompnny, Limited ,
A Bill entitled,
Act to C'Htnbl' I
own of Amherst to hm·mw naunoy
for ""uter 1m1]10Hos ;
_.,,. ouo .Jl?lling pince fo1• tho pm· oims's
TA Dmon tit cd, u.n Act t,0 on a hie tho Mu111c11!1•l Bloctions in polhng ~listi.i°t
of Pic'·,c,,
own of Amhc1'Ht u, borro\t' an nil· "o. 13, m the .lllunicipalit,y
ditlonal sum _of money fo,• !Jlll'lllnuent -.,ount7. ;
Btl'eets and s1duwnlks:
1~·tx!~~·or'1\..~ct to mueml
. A Bill entitled, uu Act to enable tho A t u I
' ''
""'• entitled nn
> nco1·1wru.te tho T1·11stoes or' U 10
Town of Amhei·st to hol't'ow money U> ] '~
• n·st P1·oshytc1·in11 Chtu·ch N
meet maturing dubentm•es ·
gow, N. s.
, ew GI 118·
A ~ill entitled, 1111 Act' nuthorizo
tho 1own of Amhot'8t to bot·i·ow mom•y C1!,;!!:~l21l•t1lt~l,
to amend
for tho f111·the1· l'Xtonslon of Urn Howe;.•
Act to nuw~d Oh~;:tc1· Si 'A~~tled, nn
age Ryetem of tlw town
!11111 l:<>1c1111ble Uuitud Bn1;tist ci°f _1f0,
Also, with nmenclruen'ts ·
entitled, nn Act
i•nnhle the Ill tlus Provincu u, hocmue innuc ICH
mul to 1·e11enl certain A tsc~wporTown of Amherst to bm•row moricy
A Bill eutit od an Act toe '
fo1• school purposus.
Chuptel' J.16 Acts' 0 f 1011 ,
. nmcncl
The Oommittce u.djournoo an,1 tho A
, e11t1tlecl nn
c to nmund Olmptel' 168 of th
Bills pll88ed in Corumittec' wel'(, l'e·
po1ted up.
~f lf\f1n A1ct U>incorpm·ate th! N;,~
On motio~ of • tho Hon, l\fr. LI~- co ia ' t·o n11111·11,ncu Company
Alsc! with .umcmlments:
llLANC, tho Council ndjournoil till to11101•1·ow, . Tuomlay, the 11th day of TA Bill 011t.1t.Iod, nu Act t,«1 onu.bl<• ti
own of Drldgctnwu to hol'l'ow 1111;11:0
March, at three o'clock in tho aftei·,
~\t~eT~:~1!'!!' 1,f ))Cl'lll(\IIOnt Stl'eet!
TUESUAY, l\fnrch
A Bill eutitlod, nn Act to onuble th!!
· T own of Kont\'illo to borl'O
for achool J11tt·puses.
IV money
These Bills wo1·0 sovu1·ally road
secondtime and t·efol'l'cd to Com 'ttea
of the whole .1~.ouse.
nu e
11th, 1013.
The Oouncll met at 8 p. m.
The following DIiis w1we read 8 thh-d
time, and sent to tho House of Assomhly for concurrence :
A Bill entitled, an Act to autbol'izo
the Town of AmhersHo h<>rl'Ow monu
fo1• the further ox tension of tho sewe1r
uge system of the Town ,
A Blll entltlecl, nn Act to ennhle the
Town of An;1hei·st to borrow money to
mret ~natul'lng debcntnros.
, , !A Btll entitled, an Act to enable tho
Iown of Amherst to borrow an nd<li·
tlonal smn ~f money for permanent
streets and a1dewalks ;
A Bill entitled, an A.ct to enable the
-own of ..Amherst to bonow money for
wu.te1· purposes
Alim, with nn;enclments ,
'I' A BillfenAtltled, a11 Act i;, enable the
own o
111hcl'st u, bo1·1•o,
fu1· 11chnol J>Ul'poses.
V money
gie fl~tors
of tho Institution fot• the,
~_ 1an Dutnb, nt Halifax, anil tho
A ~"" n amendment thel'('!Of,
The followl,ng Bill,. mnendecl, WRR
read n tlurd time
sont to tlw
ouso of Astle111hlyfor coneunoence.
TA HIil entitled, 1111 Act to mmblc I
own of. Kent ville to.hot·mw monuv to
e1Jlarge 1t11 wat<,1• Wol'ks systom. •
On motion of Hon. !\ft'. ARlfRTlloNo
Stnncllng Order No. 66 was sus endo1i
and the Council l'esolvecl itsofr. I to
!]ornmittce on Bills, Hon. Mr C ,111 Lt
Ill the chah• :
· 01 )0
The Bills road a:, Bl'cond tlm t hi
day we1·e sevorally 1-ead clau:O · 1 s
clause, o.s 1·cp01·t.cd up from th
mittoe, and pu.sscd,
e om.
The Committco adf'onrncd a11d ti
Bills nnosed In c
· te
ed up:-,
0111111 ttce we1·c reJ>oi·t-
c' •y
·- ..
., .
r ,
=.::::;;:.. _ _:.:...
----·~···-··--·.-h' ··-~
, .. ±- ..
tho St1lect Co111111itte11 on Hille, reorted from that(-1onuuiU~e, thatt.hoy
. rad oxamined the following Hill: ·
A Bill entitled, an Act to suspend
tho opernt.ion of Chaptct· 77, of the
Acts of toll!.
. And that tho Oommlttee recommend
thnt the Bill be reud a secnud time
U1iH d11y thre« months.
Thi' 1·1•p01·t of Um Uouuuittee was
ndoptl>1l, nnd th1• Jlill d1•fl'l'l'!'ll aecordingly.
Hnn, Mr, AtOIHTJutNn, lly ro11unn111l
of Hh1 Honour, th<' I,le11tcna11t-Uow1··
not• lai<I on tho t.ahlo of the lln11s1, tho
An;mal lwpm·t of tho 1il'c1·1•tm·y for
Agricultm-e fo1· the (1•111' 11112;
Also, tho rtiport o ~ho s.ecrtJt,u·y o~
h1du11tl'ioH and I mnn~mt.11111for t.ht
year 1012:
Also I\ ltoporl of th11 Hp,•cm1 '• 1•ctio11 f1:1• IL l'HJ)l'(•!lt'lltllti\'o Ill tilt' Jloll8,0
·of All8lllllbly for thu County of Ant.I·
M 1<:8H.\U E,
goniHh, 8e11>1io11 101H.
• .
On motion of Hon. Mr. I 1~B1,ANl,
'I'he Houso of Assembly, hy message,
tho Connell a<ljmu·mitl imtil 'J'l1111;st111y, Informed this House that Utoy · luul
tho 111th tiny of J\forch, at th1·1•e o do<'k pas1md the following Bills in which
In the afk,1'110011.
they d1•i;lr1•tl the COIIClll'l'l'IICO of thi11
Honn1m1hle Honse :
THUIUlUAY, J\11~1'Ch UIUt, ~111:1.
A Bill entitled, nn Act to 111•ovhle
for the ca1•ryinl( on of Agricultural
.The Cou11cll uwt nt !i p. 111.
Domonstrutinn \Vork ;
'l'HlltD ngAUINII 01" .1111.t.8,
A Bill untitled, an Act to ammul
Tlio following Bills we1·e 1~1ml a third ChnpU!r 14, A1•ts of lllll!, 1•ntitli:>1l, an
time aml'nnlured to bl' 1•11gN1sscd 11ml Act , eH\wctill!l' a Pl'lwlllcinl Lonn ;
A Bil m1title1l, an Act. for th!' en·
1mnt 1~, the H1111Nn of Assmnhly f01· conco111·a~,-111e11t of Hm•d Omwing;
A Hill entitled, an Act to authorize
A Bill t•nt.it.!Pd, 1111 Act fo1· the apthe 'fown oi Amh1•1'8t to conn,y lnnd: pointnumt of 11 Pmviucinl Entomolo·
entltlml, Ull Act l'('Hlll'Ctill~ gist.:
Ooal l.cllllll!I NoH. 14 ILIHl15 formct·lr of
A Bill 1•11titll'tl, nn Act. fo1• the R(l·
tlu, OolcheHtel' Conl nnd Hiillwny Com• · pointment of a H111w1-lntemlm1t 0£
pany, l,imitU11, .,
'fhc following Bills we1•e nhm r1·all n
A Bill untit.l,•<l, nn A<'t In amcml
thh·d tirno anti llnally p1u<~l'1l:
dtnpU•1· 7i,, Acts 111'. 100:1, tmt.itlc!l, an
A Bill entitled, nn Act u, e~tnbhsh
Act t.o Pnnhlo tho inhnhitnnt.110( UranOllll, 011i11g Jl!UCC tor till' 'Jllll'JlO~l!8 ,of villu l<'el'l'y to supply thc1118ulvm1 with
Muutlpnl ElectionH in Potllng lhstr1ct w11t01· fo1·. dome11tic, lire aml othm·.
No. 18, in th(l J\tunlcipnlity of Lunun- JllllllO!leS ;
A Bill 1•ntltled, an Act to Incm·\lO·
hm·g •
A 'nm entitlud, nn Act tt., n1111mll ralo the Benovoh•nt littd P1•otect vo
UhaJitet· 214, ActH of 11108, mt1tlml, an ONll!I' of Elk!;, of t.ho Do111lnion of
Act to amend Cluipte1· 84, Acts of 1871), Cu11111la;
an!l to cnablo Unit~,11 JfaptiMt, Church,•s
A Bill 1•11titlutl, an Act u, amend
in this P1·ovincn to h(icmne i111·m·p01·· Chaplet HO, of tho Ar.t11 of JI)()(), I'll·
ntetl l\tlll u1 1-cpcal cl'rtnin Acts;
tltll'1I, 1111 Act to iucorpurau, tho McA Dill cntiLl!id, an Act to umPIHl Alphw l'11hli11hi11!!' ()0111pn11y, Limited,
Chn)ltel' ~. Ads of lOC:~• 1•11titl1•d, 1111 11.!1 1imun1h•tl hy Chapur 163 of the Acts
Art to lnm11·p01•ntl• t.lw l r11st1•cH of thu of 1008;
Fil'tlt P1'(•1<hyt<,1fa11 Chm·ch, Nuw 0111.>1·
A· mil m1titl1•d,
nn Act to amend t.lw
lnw relating to tho (Jity of Halifax:
gow, N. H.;
'flm followin~ BillH, !Ulll'lllll'II, were
A Bill ontitfod, an Act to enahle till'
nl110 read a thir1l time, nml Hent to t.lw t,nwn of N l'W U lnsgow u, llo1·row
Houso of Asliembly for conem·1't'nci,:
mo110y :
A Bill l'11titlml, an Act to cnnbfo the
A Bill entitled, au Act to Incorpor'fown of Kentville to ho1·1·ow money ate the Pem1io11}?nnd Society of Uoyal
for 11chool 1mrpost1s:
. Secul'it.11'11 Cm•pomtion, Limited ;
A Bill untitlml, an Act to ennhle
A Dill unt.itle,l, un Act to amend
tho Town of Brhlgi,town
lo b01·1·ow Chapte1· li,:J, Act.11 of 1880, entitllld, an
monei.,!or the making of 1w1·ma1wnt Act to i11co1•porato the Oroenwond
strt,>tt.H'hl tbe town,
co'motery Company, In the County of
A BIii 011Utled, an Act to 11uU1.01·i1t1•
Hon. Mr. AnMaTno~o. Chnimian of
property ·
tho Town of Truro to lease
not required fo1· l\11111iclpal purposo» ·
'A Blll cntltl1i,t, nn' Act to l'J111hle tiu:
, Hon. l\fr . .MACK, Clmll'luan of Um
Town of Trim~ to 'borrow money ;
· Committl'e 011 Law Amun1huents,
Tho!'e Blllf, : wc1·0 11e,·u1;ally 1'1•-11.d a pm·t.t,d up fuw,mhly:
fh11t time and 1·.. fol'l'c1l, tho flrllt flvu t.i
A Bill entitl_ed, un Act to Jll'OVidc
tho Oon1111itt.•c on Law Amendment~ fo1· the cm·rymg on of Agl'icultnml
a~d the otht•l' niu« to Um Select 00111'. De111011Hlrut1011 \V ol'k •
mittee on Bills.
A Bill entlUed, 1111 . Act fol' the l'll·
Also, that t he House of Assu111hly ('llllrllfft>lllent of Seed (frowing ,
has agreed to the n11w111h111•nts pm.
,i.\ ll11l untitled, au Act fo1• ihe ap.
nosed hy this hnnonmhlc llouso to th« p111J1t1!1(1nt of u. 811pel'intcnde11t, uf
following Bill:
Da11·y111g ;
A Bill t•ntitlcd, an Act ·to enable the
';\ Ulll m1t.itleil, an Act f(ll' the 1111•
Town of. Kvntvilla to borrow money to p~m1tnw11tof a Pmviucial BntmnoJ!i.
enlarge 1t~ \Vater \Vorks syst~~1i1;
: On 1mot1011 of Hon. ~fr. L1~DL.\NI',
A ,Bill untitlctl, 1111 Act to aniend
the Connell ndjo111·11t><l until to-ruor- Chapter 14,.Actll of 1012, untitlud . nu
row, Fl'iday, the 14th day of l\Jarl'l1 ut Act. respectmg 11 P1·ovinciul Loan.'
threo o'clock in t.he ufternoon.
· '
. Hon. l\ll'. 1\1.\C:K: '.l'he lb-st fo111• · 111·1,
111. tho diructiou of nlfot'tling fm·thei•
to tho grout indust.ry
FmDAY, llfal'ch 14th, 10m.
of. 11g1·ic1ilt111'0 11.9· comprehensively
The Cofmcll met 11t B p. 111., ,
ll)tde1'!ltoocl. The last pt'Oposes to pms
vulo tbut tho Provincial Dooonturen
fm· the purpose of a loan under 1111 Act
The House of As1m111bly, by 11wsgage of la?t yc1u·, s.hull heal' interc11t not uxlnfor1.11ed thii< Housll that it had pa.sse,i cu~dmg 4~ ;~ 11111terul of 4%0 as in tho
the Bills entitll'd respectively in which 01·_1gh111l Bill.
it desh'f.'11cnnl'lll'l"OIICO :
Hon. llh-. AIIM8'l'HONO, Ohnir111a11 of
A Bill entithid, im Act to Iucnrpo. tho Holect Committee on Dills ropoi-tcd
11p fovornhly:
rate thq .AmhcrHt Gun Oluh;
A Bill 011tltl11d, nn Aet to lncm·pm·ute
A I~ill cntitlm], au Act U> confirm
Mt•<:hnn!cH' Imperinl Lodge, No. ,18, c~irtntn 111·occedmgs of tlw Cummis~
Provlnpml \\'01·king11wn'H Assoduti<in, H101w1·H of tho Poo1· Asvhuu of th ·
of h1v~·r11oss,Inve1·1ws11 County ;
l\lunic.i/1nlit~ of Lunenhui·g;
A B11l entitled, an Act !'eluting to
A Il1 1 ent1tlud, an Act u, uutho1·ize
the P.Xemption from ui.x11tio11 of Uw the 'l'ow.11 of '.l'rlll'<> u, lensu p1·11pcrt
Standard Clay Pmducta, Li111iwtl, in 11ot· 1·e!l1111·NI for municipal p11rpo1<e/
the town of New C.lll!lgow;
A Btll entitled, 1111 Act to u111emi
A Bill N1tlth,rl, an Ar.I. u1 e1mhl1•Urn Clmpte1· 75, Aets of lllo:J, 1•11titled, nu
lnhablui.nt-H of Shubonncndie to p1~,vide ~ct to mmhle tho inhnhitnnts of Gra11•
themsolves ,vith a systum of strt•t>t v11le I'cny to supply thc111selveH with
wnte!' fol' Uo111estic, Pirc and other
rtrnso Bills Wlll'(l sovemlly t~·nd n }1111'\lllHCH;
A Ho with amoudtuenta:
first time, and rnfc1·re1l w the Soluct
Committee on Bills.
A Bill entitled, an Act U> 111111•nd
(?haptu1• 8! of the Acts of 1856, 011•
titled, an Act to inco1•po1·ntethe Livo1-.
'.rho following
was rend a thil·d pool J\Ja1:ino Railway Company and
time ancl fl11111ly passed ;
Urn Acts III amendntent thol'eof.
A Bill llntiUcd, 1111 Act w alllPIHl
These . Bills w01·e 8evemlly 1·ea1J n
Ohapter Ho, Acts of llll l, entitled, an 8u~ond tune and ·co111111ittcd to C0111•
Act to n111cn1l Chapter 158 of the Actll uultee of the whole House,
of lDO'A entitled, an Act u, Iucorpomte
On motion of Hon, !fr. llIAcK the
the Nova Scotia J..'iro Insurnnro Com- l~ou. member for Shelburne,
<;ox, was runde a memher of the Select
Committee on Bills, und also of tho
The lion. lllr. lllAeK, bvcommond of Committee on Humane Institutions.
11111 Horionr tho Lie11teuant-Gove1•11or,
Hon, 1\lr. MACK, in answe1• to tho
laltl on tho table of the Honse tho questions put on the 6th inst.nut, by
Provincial Rec1•d41·y'H llupo1·t fo1· the th_o Ri111. Mr, McCm·dy, member fot·
Yl'at• en<le!l SPptemher 80th. 1012.
V1ctor1a, us to how many school sec-
'•: :.
:, ·-
. -·---~·······r;..:...., .. _. ..,. ...
. th. County of Viotorio. aro
t ~~i~ter !itiumt schools: the,. ua11!11e1~
h sectlons t the number O .' c II I
0 sciiool ago in tho vacant Ht'C·
and why tho aclwolearc vacant,
onH •
f II . l'e(>ly.
o owBmgld. k • 12 ohildren t
N 111• 7tho U\lpet·
ac ec •
· '
· - eak tlnnnelutly and could not,
sett on w .
f I,r Uto ~ul111·y tlll'y
secure a tene ier
VillngP, 7 children:
0• f~Nai·i·owH
sl ned t.lurlng tlt·Ht half of
tethaoch~nr~n~ another could not h11 HU·
cuN '@-1\llddle Itldge, 80 chlldren ;
h':;11 h nverage sal1t1·y WIL'i otf,•1'1'1~,
g f Heil to secure a teucher.
are produced
In U1~t
and outshle teache1·:1 11m
2J} chlltll'On ;
...,I any 1•lfort
tho trustees
made Dc1mll•11
sca_rce ytl 10 , 11cc tum
t teacher
tA1~,!ttehe"881110 ,1i~vantag11s a11 to locc1·
•.. ·
U'd e
l,i<NmoM ft~~:~gn: 1£:;af, BO chlhh-on ;
conditions t.he Rmne aH lu Mldctlo
ilcseribc(I nlKn'o,
36 child·
N 0• 48-Bay St .• 1..awi·ence, '
· ·
1 111 •n tchcr gun, up the Hchod Ill
run; t ~iid 11 suht1Lil11tt• couhl not bo
Hari·it<, 11 chl!~lren ; thiH1
, llt;n la very wcnk tlnnnclnlly, 1am1
, ... 1• of yce1rs has hml i<c 1110
for a 1111111""
ihn·iug the summer mm~ldtHou •
N 01-Garry, 8 chi i·un ; a
: •
u'yl, thero is 110 kron interc11t heru .t'j
::3uco.tlnnal mn.tti,1·s, anti n1o
!Tort w11.11 mrule to g1•t a te11c 1e1 •
~ection le wcak1flujan1ci~11lyt,•,~!•c1}h~:~j1,.
think, lmvo to 11.1 o Ill I
11t.oetio11, No. 10,
(13--\Vt'CCk Cove, BO cluhlr~m:
t" =~h!rs
}larch 17th, 1013.
• t 8
'l'ht• Connell mo~ a
11• 1 •
Act resrectlng a Provincial Loan : ·
. A Bil entitled, an Aot to antho1·ize
\,he Toj·u of· '!'i,111~1 to .1C48c propea·ty
not rf'l1ulre1l
J\lnnicip11l p111·1msos;
.. A Bill entit11,t1, an Act to umond
Cho.11tor. 75, Acts of lll03, 1,ut1Ue<l, ai1
Act to enable tlw Inhabitants of Ch-anvillt11''erry to supply themselves w.lt.11
wate1• for D0111oijtic, l<'ia·o aml other
Also, with a111Pndmc11t :
·A Dill outitfod. 1111 Act to Incol'po1··
ate the Liverpool M11ritm Railway
Company, and tho Act in mnondmt•nt
' The Oo1111nltt.ee at!Journed nnd the
Bille (>888ed In conmutteo were t'Cport·
ed up,
Hon . Mr. AllMK'rnmm, chairman o
the Heicct Committee on Bills, l'l·po1·t,t•d up favorably:
A Bill entitled, an Act to amenr
Chapte1· tM, Acts of
, en
Act to Incorporate tho Instdtute of
Chai·U•l'ed Accountants of Novo. Scotlo.J
A Dill ,mt1Ue1I, an Act to amen
Ohnpter ~ of the Acts of 1006, relatIng to tho C11thod1·11l Church of the
Diocese of Nova Scotia and Acta In
uuendment thereof ;
Bill entitled, an Act to enable t 1 ie
A Dill entitled, an Act to onablll tho
'!'own of '.1'1·111·0 to bol'l'ow money,
AIHo, with amendments :
A Bill entitled, o.n Act to incorpor·
ate MeclumiC11 lmporlal Lodge, No. 48,
l'1·1, ..• l111•.'1nl
of lnvi,rm•ss, h1,·orlll'HS l,ounty;
A Bill ,mtitled, an Act to lncorporate thu Henevolt•nt and Protec~ve
Ordm· of l~lk11 of the D0n1l11lon of Can·
nt!An ;1'111 t111tltlcd, un Act. t,'Clatlng to
f Tho
tho i,xomption from tnx1\0111n o -·'
Htiuulat'fl Clny Pt'f>ductia, I.lmltt.'U, 1 ll
tlw Town of Now Olo.sgow;
A Hill on titled, an Act to lnuorpm•ate
the Jkooklyn Cemetc1-y Co11111any of
Hmnklyn, Queens County.
Tht•i;u Hills were s1•vemlly Natl a
sec<>111l timo and refert't.'ll to Connnltt.<•e,
of tl1t1 who ti ouso,
On motion of Hon, Mr. l\lACK, tb.o
Conncil i·t•11olVlid it.Rolf in~, Committee
of the whulo Honso ou Htlls, lion. Mr,
JA•Bl11nc in thu Chili\',
1'ho followiug Bil111 wom read clause
The House of Assembly, hymessnge,
informed this House that they: had
agl'Oed to the · a111ond111ent8 proposll<l
hy this Honmll'ablo Ho111m to the following Bills : . ·
· ·
A Bill entitled, Ull Act to en11blo tho
'l'own of Kontvillo to bol'row money
for School purposes ;
A Bill entltfod, an Act to· enable tho
'l'own of llrldget<>wn to bo1T<>w money
for tho making of permanent street.~
in the Town.
. , !fi~;h:
A Bill entitled, .an Act for tho ap.
pointment of a Provincial Bnromolo
A Dill entitled, an Act to amend
Chapte1• H, Acta of 1012, entitled, an
Act l'OHlwctlng a Provincial Loub : ..
A Bil tmtltled, nn · Aet to authorize
the 'l'own of '1'1'111'0 to lolll!e pl'Ope1•ty
not 1·01\uh-ed fm· llfuuloipal pnr(J(>H(•s:
entitlu1l, an Act to .amend
Chapter 76, Acts of 1903, tmtitled,. an
Act to ,mnble tho inhabitants of Gran.
villo I1'01·ry to supply the1t111elve11 ,vlth
wnte1· fo1· DomCBtlc, .l!'it·e nud other
· .'fho Hon. Arthur \V, Redden was
conductetl into the Council Chnmhor
hy Hou. llleiis1·s. McPherson 1111d Benz.
le~ht• Cotmulssion nppoiutl~if hin~ to
a scat in the Legislative Co1111cll was
read by the Clerk, and tho oath of
nlleglanco admi11iste1-ed to him in tho
prei;euco of tho Hou, M1·. l\lu1111AY,
Pl'Ovincial Secreta1·y, tho.commissioner
appointed for that purpose, Then ho
signed tht1 Roll, amt after 1-ecclvlng
the g1't'eUngs of the Hon. Pre11111ent
and Hon. lllomho1'8 (lf the Oouncll, he
was conducted to his scat.
Holl, M1•, LEV A TrE Introduced a Bill
entitled, nu· Act to confl1'111 a Mout•y
Vote fo1• tho lllnuiclpality of the County of Cape Bl'l'ton ;
Thl11 Bill was read a first tiuio mul
rl'fe1Tetl to the Select Comruittcu on
. On motion of Hon, l\lr, l\L\cK, tho
Council ndfonl'Ded until to-morrow,
Tnos<lar, the 18th day of l\111l'ch, at
th1·uo o clock iu the nft-Onioon.
'11ie Hon. 1111·. All~ll!TltONO, Cho.It·.
11111n "iit the Seloct Couunitte on DIil~;
l'C)lo1·ted up favol'ably:
A Bill e11titled, an Act to amend the
lo.w t'Clating to the City of Halifax;
· A Bill eutitlod, 1111 Act to enable the
rnty of lfolifax to bo1·row luoney ;
A Uill untitled, nit Act to amend
Chapter 16.'J, Acts of 1886, eutitletl, an
Act to Inco1·pomtc tho Greenwood
Cemetery Company, in the County of
'l'UEfJDA Y, 18th March, 10m,
Also, with anw11d111ents:
The Council met 11t S p. 111.
A Dill entitled, an Act to Incorporate the Pension Fund Society of
Secul'ities Corporation, Limited;
The following DIiis wm·nrcll(l a thlnl
A Bill e1itltmu,a11 Act to enablo the
time and passed :
A lllll entitled, an Act to conOrm lnhnhitant.<i.hf Shubcno.cadie to pmvitlo
with a system of Street
certain· pl'Oceedlngs of tho Commls- thomsoh-es
Hiune1'8 of the Poor Aeylmn of the
These Bills wore severally redd a
,\lunlci\illty of Lunenburg;
· .
second time, and t·eferred. to Oommlt•
A Bi I entitled, an Act . to pl'Ovldo tee
of tho whole House,
for the cn.rrylnJC on of Agricultural
Demonstration Work; .
. ··
A Bill entitled, 'an Aot for the en•
On motion of Hon. llfr. MACK, tl10
eo11rage111entof Hce1l Growing;
Council resolr~d itself lnto Committee
A Bill entitled, an Act for the np·. of the whole House on Bills, Hon, Mr.
mintment of a S11pe1-inte11dent 111 Corbett in the chair.
The following Bills wo~ read .clause
·i'.l'ttll~i.~.;\u111~'i~n byl1~Hr'l~::i\t,d'
th~ ,;108~ i•nrtherl~
in thet teache1·s
au goI tl111,
icie,.c 'I'hu tr1111•
been olferlng o. sn.lilry aho\'o
ttcl1~11av!i,!ge, but no oue otfe1'Cd to en·
All of the above 80hool sect 1 nns.wel
d l I 0 tho fln.t half or t te
oecl'°honocl e' ~'.~. t hi ho Jed !!01110.
fl I
t 111 ulng
lio.vc 111111111,er achoo s, cnt1
ugh the
tlmo of
b1 providt'd
forJ nly
by al aw.
oohool Iii clo11t1d dui·lng tho
On motion or . Hon, Mt·. MAI. K,. ti to
'l adioul'lled until lllnmlay, tho
17tt1nd~y of l'llal'ch, at th1'l•c o'clock In
Ute afternO<III,
I -
8~~: Act to confirm
1>1·oceotli1is of theI Oommls·
f th
sinners of the
oor Asy um o
Municipality of Lunenburg I
A Bill entltle,1, an Act to. prov e
fol' the canylng on of AJ(.l'toultnral
I ti
A Dill entitled, an Act or 1e CD•
couragement of Seed Growing ;
A BIil entitled, an Act for the ap·
of a Superintt•ndent of
~utltlotl, au Act fo1• the ap·
imlntiuont of· a Provi11olal Eutomologlat •
A 'Jlill onUtlutl, au Act to amen
Chapt<•a· 14, Acta of 1012, cntl~led, an
·, ~;
! .
amendu1ent thereof 1
by claulle aud '*8letl :
A Bill entlt.led, an Aet to enable the
A Bill eotliied, an Act to amend
of New Olugow to bol'Tow
Ohapter lM, Acta of 1000, entltl~. an
A.ct to Incorporate the Inatlt.ute of moni,y,
The following BIiis, amended, were
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to au1end al10 Nad a thlNI time and .ent to the
Chapter :ll8, Acta of 1006, relating to House of Auembly for·ooncnrnmce:
A BUI entitled, an Act to IIIClOl'IJOI'::
the Oathedral Ohureh of the DloceBe
and Proteellve ·
of No•• Scotia, and Acta In amend- ate the Benevolent
Order of RlkK of the Dominion of
ment thereof I
A BIil entitled, an Act to .-nable the Uanada ;
A. BIii entitled, an Act relating to
Town of Tt-uro to borrow money ;
A Bill entitled, an Act to enable the the exemption from t11:111tlon of the
Town of New Gll\llgow to borrow Standard Olay Products, \l.lmlted, In
the Town of New Glasgow.
Also, with amendments:
A Bill entitled. an Act to IncorpoHon. Mr. ARMIITRONO, chairman of
rate the Brooklyn Cemetery Company,
t.he Select Committee on Bills, reportof Brooklyn, Queens County ;
t>ntitlcd, an Act to Incorpo- ed up favorably:
A Bill entitled• an Act to confirm a
rate the Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elkil of the Dominion of money vote of the Municipal Oolmcll
the Oounty of Oa11e Breton.
Also, with am11ndmentll:
A Bill entitled, an Act to Incorpo~ Bill entitled, an Act to lncol'pOr·
rate Mechanics' Impertal Lodge, No,
'8. Provincial Workingmen'& AB80Ci• ate the Amherllt Guo Ol11b:
A Bill entitled, an Act to lncorp«1r· ·
atlon, of Inverness, InverneuOountr:
A .Bill entitled, an Act relathi&_to ate tbe Maritime Bible and Literary
the exemption from taxation of The College;
A Bill entitled, an Act to· amend
Standard Olay Producte, Limlted, In
Cba11ter 146 of. tho Act.8 ul HO>, en•
the Town of New GIB!'gow. ·
an Ad to Incorporate the McTho Connn!,ttee adjomned, and tho
Bill11 pllllBCd.·ln Committee were re- Alpine Publishing Company, Limited,
as amemlcd by Chapter lift of thr.
poruid up, ·.
Acta of llnf.
These Bille were : severally read a
The Hon. Mr. MAcK, by command of
second time antl committed to ComHis Honour the Lleuten11nt-Governor,
laid on the table of the Houee tho Re- mittee of the whole House.
port of Inapoctor•ln·Chlef
under tho
Nova Sc:otlaTemper,mce Act, for the
On motion of Hon. Mr. ARIIIITRONO,
year 1912.
the Connell resolved lfMllf Into Ootn·
On motlon of Hon. Mr. MACK, the mlttee of t.he whole House ou Bills,
Oounoll adjoumed until to-morrow,
Hou. Mr. LEBLANC In the chair,
· Wedneaday, the 19th day of March, at
The following Bills were read cla11s1,
three o'clock In the nftc1·11oon,
by clanl!l', and P.ftllll(l:
A BIii ontltleil, an Act to enable tht•
City of Halifax to borrow money;
WBDNKBDAY, March 19th.191B.
A Bill f!tltltled1 an Act t.o amend the ·
The Oouncll met at 8 p. m,
law relating to tne Olty of Hallfu :
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
Tile following Blll was read a third Obapter 168, Acts of 1880, entitled. au
tilme and ordered to be sent to the Ad to ineol'porate the Oreenwood
Oemetery Company In the . County of
Bou• of A.,ieembly for concur1'e0ce:
A Bill entitled. au Act. to incorpor- Plctou 1
Alto, with amenclauwta:
ate the Brooklyn Cemetery Oompuiy,
A BIil entitled, an A.ct to 1~of Brooklyn, Queens Oounty.
the Pension Fund Society ot Roy•I
Tho tolfowlng Bins were l'tlad a third
Securltl• ~ration,
LlmUed 1
time and flnally l)tl886(l i
A Bill entitled, an Act to enalale th6
A Bill entltlecl, an Act to amend
Obtlpter 218 of the Actrt of 1000. re- lnbabttanta of Sbubeucadie lo prolating to the Cathedral Ohurch of the •lde tbemaelvn with a ayatem of at.reet
Dweeee of Nova Scotia and Acts In lighting.
nill!:e Co~nlttee atl~onrnetl antl the
J>aiui.o., In Oomm ttee wure 1-epo1·t01 l up,
Into Co111mlttee of the whole
on ,Bills,. Hon. Mr. ConoETT a·n •h""'
~ e
The following BIil w118 read clause
Hon. Mr: MACK, by coumiand of His 1iy clause, and passed,
Honom•, the Li1•11t.enant-Gnvernor
A Hill entitled, An Act to corifla•m 11,
laid on the tahlu of the House the &'. . nfwney .yot.e of t,he Municipal Ommcil
Jltll't of the Deputy Registl·ar-Ueneml
o the Co~nty of Cupe Breton.
relutlng to the RegiHt.1•11,tion of Bh·thH
Als,'., wath am1•111huents:
\larriages anti Deaths In Nova Hcotin'.
A Ball entitlod, An Act to incor r- ·
let, 1011, to &,ptcmht.'l' 80th,
Mnt·itinm Bible and Liw~y \
. Hon. Mr •. MACK: I see thBt, thoy perA Bill entitled, an Act to incoi• 0
~!11t in r,uttmg "Bh•ths" befoa-e "~lat·•·nt,, the ~n\h~11Jt Gun Club.
P r,
ranges, ' but that IH 11w1·ely n technical
ComnuU.ce adj1111rued and the ·
matter and perhnps requh-es nu further
s 1as&ed. in Oouunitteo wet'O re,
pm·te up.
Also, the Report of Board of Com,
of Public Utilities fo1• t,hc
Hon, l\lr, LF.VATTE lntl'oduced a
Hou. Mr. MACK: The Rcpm·t 80 far
entitled, 811 Act to ame1ul (lhapter
enveni but ten Jllll(CS but may bo ex- A t of the· Ar.ts of IOU, entitled an
JCcted,. I thlnlt, In tho near future, to
~o hu,orp. 111·ate . the Lmienburg
II' fat· more. voluminous.
I ohl<l.•rve by
Tlrc.8 ~llw.ay Oom~uy Limited]
!he Rc1port, that of the Public Utllltios
' Hill was re1'd 4' ft~t. 'time and
111 the.provlnr.., l't>fl11h·l•d to report to niW:.rcd to :the Selec~ Committee on
~he Board of Cou1111iss1onea'8, thti1·e 111-e
On motion of Hon. Mr. AIIMBTRONo
o \Vate1• Oorporntions; 4 Tramways • thtt Ommcil ndjonrtwtl until •-.11101,.'
:12 LIKht, Heat ai,d Powe1· Companies: mw W J
111111 00 Tel?phone (Jompanies.
M '
cc nos. uy, the 26th· da.y of
' On motion of the Hon. l\lr. MA<:K,
1• at threo o'clock in t11e aftet··
the Oouncil adjourrmtl until Tuesday
t\!" 25th da.y of Minch, 1018, at thre;
WEDNE'lDAY, l\fa1•ch 26th 1919
o dock In the aftel'lloon.
The Council.met at 3 i>· 111• '
'fUKRDA Y, l\lurch 25th, 1013.
'!'he following Bill was read ~ third
'fhe Council mot .at 3 p. m.
time ancl ordered to be engrollSOd and
mu.s rmno 1mAD1No.
sent to the House of Assembly for con~
. The following Billi! we1-e l'ead 11, thh-d · currence: ,
t.1111e anti finally p1Mi8Cd :
A Bill cntlt.lcd, an Act to confll'lli a
A Bill entitled, an Act to enuble the monoy vote of lbe Municipal Oonnoll
'l'owu of Truro to borrow money •
of the Muulcipnllty of the County of
A Blll entitled, an Act to ai'11end Oape Breton.
Clu,pter 153, Acts 1880, entitled an
Tho fol.lowing Bill, amended
,~ct to iuC<irporatc the GreP.n,~ood also 1-ead a third time and sent
( emetery Compuuy In the Uouut,y of House of Aaeembly for conc111·1'tlnce:
A Hill entitled, an Act to inco1·porThe following Bills, amended were ate the Muritlme Bible and Lltel'ary
11lso t·ead a thh-d time anti sent 'to the Oollege,
Ho1uje of Allllembly for conoul'J'tlnoe •
A Bill entitled, an Act t(> enable the
On motion of Hon, Mr, Altll9TRONO
inhu.hltlln. ts. ofSh11benacadietop1'0vlde
t]1emseh•l'I with a system of st1wt the Counoll reaolv!'d It.elf Into Oom:
mlttee of tile whole .House on BIiie
A Bill entitled, an Act to lnoorpor- Hon, Mr. Corbett In the chair 1
Tho followlnl( Bill was read clause
11te Mechanics I1111iel'ial Lodge, No. 48,
i'rovinolal Workingman's Aaaoolatlon
of lvernll88, lnverne88 County.
A Bill ~ntltled, on Act to .ameud
OhaJ)ter 146 of the Acta of 1000, en.
On motion of the Hon. Mr. ARM· titled, an Act .to inco1·porate the Mc ·
sTltoNn, the Couneil l'e!lolvetl Itself Alpine Publishing Company, Limited;·
····-·-, -·-·-+ . .--,...-----···~
011' THE
.. __:----------·-·····-··-·-··---··--:·
- ----····--···-•" -·--·~----- ,-------·-=---·
f).rst time aml l'e{e1TC<l, tho first
•- 1ru of the Acts 11llcatlons received dmfog the year
as ameml e<l l 1Y Cl iu.p.,.,i•
t1hows an enc111wuging Increase over
lion. M1•, ARMR'.l'nmm, Oh11ir1111111 of
till' Select Committco on Blllt1, repol'tod np favorably :
A Bill entitled, an A<:t to uuwml the
Hullfax City Cluu·ter ;
A Bill eutith•d, 11n Act to llllll'IHI
<.Jhupt.-01· 180, ActH of 1010, entitll•ii, un
AGt to luc,ll'pomtu tlw Child1'l•n's Hospitah Halifux, N. 8. ;
A Bill entitled, au Aut to u1mhle the
Munil'ipallty of the Count,y of Queens
to bonow 1110111•y to me1•t lllatm·ing
1lebentures ;
A Bill entit.lml, 1111 Act to mnenll
Ghaptel' 1118, Act-~ of 1001, cntitleil, 1111
Act to Incnr·pol'llto tho BP1·wick Cemewry Com,,any.
Also, w1t.h amondmentH:
A Dill cntlUed, au Act to 1.1111uud
Cha11w1· lS:I, of the Acl,t; of 11)11, un·
tltlOtl, 1111 Act to inco1•pornte the
L1111011l1111·~ I~ll•rtl'ic Hailwnv Com·
p11ny, LinntNl;
A Hill entltleil, 1111 Act to onable the
Town of Digby to hol'l'oW monoy for
the constl•uction nf pur111111wn t 11ido
These Bills w1•1·e 11evo1·11ll y l'llllll I\
soco111l timo, 1111d .committed to committee of tho whole Honse.
of =Commitlell
adjoul'lle<l and tho
Bill ...naa~1 In Oommlttee WR!l l'll(lllrtc1l
tho nrevloue tw11lvc months. And' he
f11l'tl1er rt•port11 in this conueetlon that
not only lulN there been 11,11 Increase In
tho uumhe\' of u.prllcaultl, but tber.
have been pcsseseer of larger caultal,
Tho Ho11so of Assembly, by 111cs811ge, 11ml m01·1• f1't't111cntly of independent
in'formo1l this House that thvy hail income than hithe1•to.
pat1t!ed the following Hills, in whic.h
Al110, pol'llOll!I 1:alliug at the o~ce
thoy desired the' co11c111·1·u11"0 of th1i; war" ulso l{l'Cntly Ill excess of prev11111s
honomnble Uonso :
ycut·s, uml from tlgures 1111pplled by
tit.titled, an Act to 11111Pml them when h1te1·vicwe1l, capital to the
Chap~el' 00, lt.-vi11ell Stutult•s, lllO(l. ext.out o{ $-1.80,000 Wl18 1·epresente1l
The Nova Sr.otlo. Railwuys Act;.
from thi11 110111·ce alone.
The total
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act l't'S{lectmg 1111 u11111l~1· of letters received and dlsAnnuity to Jamee \V. MacKeni!e;
patched from hi!• office during tbe year
A Bill entitled, an Act 1·ulatmg to ·a111ou11tcd 12,667. Tho prospecta fo1·
8ewerago in the 'fown of New Glus- next 11e11Son'e 0111igra1·ion are extreuwgow.
ly hl'ight, and it Is anticipated that,
A Bill entitled, au Act to utmblo the the number of people proceeding to
Town of Digby to borrow money fo1• Cunadu will oxceed thut. of last yeal',
tho co1111tl'l1ctio11 of pc1w1111ent shlo· Hon. genth,men will, I am sure, appl'C·
elate this Hl.utemeut from tho rc11ort
A Bill e11t1Ue1l, 1111 Act to ame111 1 or th~ Agent. Geueml, 11ml as this
OhRptei· 130, Acts of 10~0,, entit!ml, 1111 1111estio11 hllH been more 01· leite <1111Act to inetll'(IOl'ILW the Ol11l1lr1'11 s Hot1· cussetl 1'Cce11tly it i11 all Ute mnr·o gratiiiitnl, Halifuxl N, 8.;
fying . that the 1-ep01·t furnisbeH the
A Bill ontit ml, an Act to 11111end the encouraging outlook indicated.
Halifax City Obarter;
On motion of Hon. Mr. AIIMBTILONO,
A Blll •ntitll'll, 1111 Act to onubfo the the Oouucil udjourned until to-morl\luniclpr1lity of the County of 9m,ons mm·row, Th111'8day, the 27th day of
to bonow money to 111e1•t 111at111·mg de- l\lu1·ch, at tlll'eo o'clock in the aftcl'•
bentU1'6t1 I
A Dill entit'.ed, an Act to amend
TH UR8.llA Y, iMarch 27th: 1018.
.Oluipter Ul8, Acts of 10111, ontlt.lc~, 1111
A, t to I11cm·1)()rqtethe Berwick Cemo·
'fhc Council met at S p. Ill,
tet'Y Compu.uy.
Tho. Council took II rcccse In 01'1fo1·
'lhl'!IO Bills were severally re.ad a
fll'et time 1111d roferro<l, tho lll'l!t two to that tho bonourabl.o President and tlw
the Counnittee on LBw Amcn~lmen~,. honourable members of this House
woultl havo an opportunity of attend; '
111111 the othl!l'li to the Select Conmu t- ing ut tho Honse of A!l!l(lmbly 011 the
tee 011 Billt1.
ocrnslon of Ohal'les 1r1't•derick Fm11l•1·
culled before tho bar of the
lion, l\lr. AnMRT1toNu, by commaml being
,of His Honour tho Lieuto111mt-Oove1·- House of Assembly 1111d receiving 11
vow of thunks in recognition of his
11u1·, laid on the tablt• of the Ho1111e tho dlstlngnishml
In the Interest
Jwpo1·t of the Ageut,Ocneral for Novu. of tho blind Inse1·vices
the Pl'Ovlnce of Novu
Scotia fo1· tho yoo.1· ended Dccemhe1·
Slat. 11112.
Hon, }fr, Am,1sTRONo-I notice It ls
Tho Council resumed.
for ~he year enjled December 81st,
1912. As hon. gentlemen are ,1• aware,
Mr, John Howal'd, himself a Novu.
The following Bill, amended, wus
Scotian, ls the Agent-General fu1· the read a tblr<l tlrµo undsenttotbeHou!lu
Province in London, and hl\8 been for of A88ombly for ooncut·rence :
many years ; and there occupies a ve\'y
A Bill entitled, au Act to amo111l
commanding posit~ou lmleed an. 1ong Ohapter 146 of tho Acta ot 1000, enthe Ag(l_nts-General of the E111ph1e.
titled, on Act to inco1'po1•ate the l\lnc!Mi•, Howar<l 1·epol'ts that the spbe1-e Alpine Publishing Company, Limilt•tl,
of ope1·atlons of the office hu. ve been as amomlcd by OhnJ1te1· U13 orthe Act,~
extended very considerubly
tlu, past yea1• ; that the number of ap- of 1008,
Tho Honse of Assembly, hy 111mumg1•,
infomwd thi11 Un1111e . that thuy hn.d
pllHBcd the following llills, in which
they dcsh-ed tho concm·renco or this
honourable House :
A Bill €1ntitled, an Act to i11cor11m··
ate tho Nova f1cotia Vet.c1-inary A1111ociation;
A Bill 1,ntitled, o.n Act to legalizu
ond conlh-m the Ass0Bt1111ent Roll of
tho Town of Nuw (f!I\Ngnw.
A Bill 011titl1•1l, an · Act, to amonil
ChO:ptet• 10, Act-~ of Jilli, Tho J\li11e11·
A Bill ontitled, 1111 Aet l'l'Bpocting
an annuity to Ge01·ge I.. Sinclair;
A Bill entitled, an Act to n.nu,nd
Ohapte1• 78, &\'ised Stututes, 1000,
The AsseBHmont Act.
A Bill entitled, an Act to a.mend
Chaptel' lul!, Revised Stutnt,es of Nova
l:lcotia, Of Investment of Tmet Funds
In certain Lo11n Oompanlos:
A Bill emltled, an Act to amend
Chapter 2, Acts of 1011, '!'ho Ed11c11tion
tivo to
the Scloct Co111111itu•e 1111 HillA 111111 thl,
ntllllrs to the Committee ;,u Law
Tho Hot!se of AssP111hly, ulso lnfm·ml'tl thrn hononmbln house that
Uwy hud ugt:et'<l to the following Bills
p11ss1•d by tins hon1w11hlo (fouse, without umcndnwnt:
, A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to enable tlw
rown of Amhl'l'Ht to b01·1·ow 111011oy
fm· WILIOI' p111·,10,e11;
· A Dill e.ntit ed, an Act to u.11th111·izo
the 'fo11·11 of Amhl•1·Kt to bo1·row mout!Y
fot• tho flll't,hc1· l'Xt1•11sio11 of the !!CW·
umg1• syHtem of th,• 'l'owu •
., , A Bill eutitlod, 1111 Act to enable the
~own of AmhPt·st to hor1·ow nioney
!or school pm·posl'!i ;
, , A llill entitled, 1111 Act to enuble tho
Iown of A111he1·t1t to bol'l'OW 1111 &lditiorml sum of monoy fo1· t1em1auont
str·cuts a.1111 Hh!uwulks •
, , A Bill entitlcl1, 1m Act to onabll• tho
I own of Amh1ll'11t to hoi·mw money to
meet matul'iug dl'bont,u·es •
011,~noti~n of Hon,' Mr.' L1~B1,AN<',
tho Cn1111c1l 11djo11l'llod m1til lt'1·iduy,
tho 28th day 0LM11rd1, ut tln·ce o'clock
in tho 11ftcl'lloci11.
'l•'nmA v-;--.M;.·ch 28th, 11)18.
'l'he Oo1'mcil met ut 3 JI, 111.
1'ho following Bill wua \'Md 11 third
time n.n<l flnully pt1Bse1l : A Bill en-.
tltl,•d, 1m Act to .unwnd Chapte1· IM,
Actff of 1000, entitled, 1111 Act to incortioratc tho lnht,ituw of Churtcrod Accountants of Nov11 Scotia.
Tho following Bill. amended wus
11Jso rend "third timo aml 11eut to tho
House of AsHembly fo1• <:011c111·1·11111•11 '.
A Dill entitled, an Act to incm·pnrute the Pension (?111111 Sociotv of Royal
Hecm·ities Co1'11or11t1on, Limited.
Hon. l\lr, A1nfBT1toso, Cbu.!;·11111,n of
the 811lect 011111111ittee 1111 Billa, 1·epo1·tcd up favorably :
A Bill entltlecl, on Act to · Incorporate tho Nova Scotia Veto1·in111·y ,As.
sociatlon ;
A Bill ontitletl, an Aot relating to
ee1Verage in th€1To·,,n of Now Glasgow
These Bills were se\•eru.lly read ~
second time and commiU,ed to co111Act:
111itteo of the whole House.
A Bill entitled, b.n Act to amend
1111,LB IS COMMl'M'F.lt.
Chapter 60, Uovltmd Stat,utcs, 1000,
On motion of tho Hon, l\fr. All.M·
Tlw Poor &lief Ar.t.
'l'hese Bil111 wm·e severally reo.<l n l!TltoNU, the Connell 1•esolved iuto
========_;=.o..=."'-'-'-=---"-'-"-'''~~-::.::-;;::· =.c;:;_;.;:....;.;.===
formocl this honom·ablo Honse that
Committee of the whole Honse 011 tlll'y ho.d agrt>t'!l to tilt' following Bill
Bills Hon. Mr. Ll'Blnne Ill tho chnlr. p1~1:1cd by this ho11011ro.hle llm1se,
'l'h~ following Bills were read elause without amc111hn1mt: ·
by c!at1He11,11(\ pllHHt•d !
A Bill entitled. nn Al't to lncorporA Bill untitll•tl, 1~11 Act t<? nnwml o.t.e tltll Jkooklyn Uenwtery Cnmpnny,
Clmpte1· 1118, Acts of lllOl, c11J.1lle~I, 1111 of Brooklyn, Q111·'.'11R County.
Act, to l11corpo1·ntc t.he Berwlck OeuieOn motion of Hon. l\lr. l,RBLANC,,
t<•1·y Company:
the Ouum·il 1uljo11m1•tl until l\lomlay,
A Bill entitle.I, nu Act, to 1um•111l tlw t.Jw :nHt day of J\fon·h, at tlm.•u o'clouk
-1I111lfox Oity Churter":
A Bill entltle<l, an Act to ameud iu1the nfte1·111Jll11.
Chn11t.e1· \BO, Acts of 101,0,.ent.it~ed, an
J\IONIUY, l\lo.t•ch31Kt! lll}H,
Act to Incorporate tho Ch1hklm II Ho8'!'he Council Ull't tLt 3 p. Ill,
pltal, Halifa.x. N. H. ;
111 f,l~'-1--'1'111111> UEAlll NU,
A Dill entitled, au Act to Pnnhl,• tho
Municip11llty' of the County of <!nt!~'llH
'l'holfoHowing llillH wei·ti renllnthil'(l
to borrow money to nwet 111nt111·111g time mul tinnily ,: '.lKHPtl :
- A Bill entitled, 1111 Act IH mnenJ
Also, with ammuluwnl-o;:
Chaplet· 1118, ActH of JIIOl, untitlecl,
A Bill' entitled, 1111 Act to amend Act to i nco, p111·11ti, the Bel'wick CtmmCho.ptc1• 193 of the Acts of 1!111, en- tery Co111p1my;
titlml an Act to Incol'pnr11te the
A Bill t•ntitlell, 1m Act to <'no.hie tho
Lnne;,1,111·~ Electi·ic H11ilway Com- l\lm1icip111it.yof IIJP Uo1111ty of QtU.'l'IIS
pany. Llmlted :
to bntrnw 111ont1y to 111cl•t 11111t111·ing
A Bill 1•ntltletl, o.n Act ,., ennhlo Ihe
. 'J'ow11of Dighy to borrow money for tluhent
The following Bill wo.s 1·e1ul n thit'tl
the co111:1t1·11ct10n of p1•rma111,nt aldo- limo 1u11l ord1•rcd to be t>ng1~1ssed aml
sent to tlw HtmHtl of Ass1•mbly for con
The Counnittcl• mljourned, and the
Bills jmssod in. Committee were re- Ctll'l'ellCe
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
port<ll up,
Cho.pl.er 193 of th(I Acts· of IOU, en•
titletl 1111 Act to iuc01·11oro.tcthe Lnn•
euhn;g Eloct1·ic lltii wny Company,
The Hmum of ARsembly, by mes~ng~•.
lnformecl this House that they had Limited.
Jlll.l.R 81,l'OND lll':Al>INCI,
p1U1sed the followi1ig Dills, in which
Hon. l\11·. AIUIA'l'IUINIJ,Vhnit·mo.n of
they desired tho conc11r1lenco of this
th11 Seh•ct C11mmit,tco on Bills, report•
honoumlJle House:
A Bill m1titled, 0.11 Act to enable t\111 ed up fav01·ably :
A Hill entitled, nn Act to 11,111011d
Pro\·iuclnl Exhibition Co111111issionto
Olmph•1· I». Act!:! of 11110, anwn<llng
sell c1•1•t11i11 rl·ILI est11tu;
A 'Bill unt.it.led, uu Act in r~hLtlou to Chnptm· 118, Acta nf 10011, entitled, an
Act. 1·esprcting tho costs inc11ne1l by
11,1111efit1Uient, in tho Town of Picton;
A Hill entltl1•1l, nu Act to ILIIIP;llll the 'l'nwn of N01·th 8y1l111•y for tho exClmptcr I», Act« of 11110, IL!lll'llllmg to111<ion of the lntl•1·colt111i11l Hallway
Ulm11tcr 08, Acts of IIIO\I, ."nt1tle1I, un into 1111id Town,
AIH11, with 1L1110111l111011t.s :
Act 1·oi;pecti11gtho eosts mcm·t't·d by
A Hill entitletl, 1111 Act to lncorpo1·tlw'fown of North l::lydm•):for tl)ll cxt{lllBion of the I11torr.olo111nl Railway o.tu tho Uln1·e C1·c1\111ery Company,
in S1Lill Town;
'flwKe Hills we1·0 seve1•ally read o.
A Bill entitleil, an Ad to ameml tho
Act to incorpm•o.te the l\llst<iqno.sh i;ccond t imu 111111 committed to a comJ\lo.rsh Company, Limitecl, nncl Acts 111ittco of the whole House.
:&mBAAOE, .
o.mcncllng tlw samli.
A Bill ont.ltled, au Act to l11001·po1··
Tho House of Assembly, by message,
ate the Claro C1'l'o.U101·y Company, infom1ecl this Ilonsethnt It ho.d passed
tho following Hills, in which It desired
Tbl'se Bills were sevN·ally· reo.<l a. tho concunenco of thh1 Honourabfo
tlrt1t / thne a·.111 rufel'l'e<l, the first to }louse:
the Co1111uittA•con I..o.w Amendments,
A Bill c11Utle1l, an Act to amend
Cummitllhaph•r U, Acts-.. nf 11110, 'l'he Public
teo on Dills.
'fhe House of Assi'mbly also In· Health Act;
A Bill entlUed, un Act l'espectiug
Lieu of Woodmen fo1· 8e1·vlcl'1:1 ;
On motion of Hon. Mr. AmtRTIIONU
A Hill eutltltitl, un Act to a11thu1·i:w tlw Co1111cil 1·esolvl'll it,;df Into com:
till! 'l'own of Pol't HuwkeHbm·y to put·· 11111.ke of the Whole llnllf't' Oil Dill~
Ually exempt tlw N, 11·1 h Atlnntlu HHh- Hon. llfr. I..eU11mcin the ch11ir.
et•ies, Limited, fro111 tnx11t.ion, an<l to
'J'lw following Bills ,,·e1·1• 1·e1ul cl1111se
onablo said 'J'own to ltivy II Poll Tux hy dtLUHe and (lllSHl!d :
1111 v.el'IIOIIH tA'mpotm·ily residing in
A Bill l'!ltitl1·1~,.1111 A_ct rulntlng to
said rown;
Hl'Wet·~gt• m.tlw lownol NewOlnsgow;
A Bill eutit!Pti, 1111 Act to 11meml
A Bill C'11t1tletl,1111 Act to incorpo1·Chapt01· lot, ActH or llJ08, entitled, 1111 o.t.e tlw Nova Hcoti11 Vctc1-inn1·y As~
Act to 11uth01·ize tilt' J\11111idp11lity of sodation.
C11111herlt111d to hOl'l'tlWmoney t.o huiltl
'l'h,• co111111itt1•n atljonrncd and the
Bil mltlition to the (]om·t Hon8l', mul Bills pnHsPd in l!on1111ittec wu1·0 l'll·
for otht•1· p1111mse~ ;
portt•tl II p.
A Blll enlit.lod, 1111 Act to 1•1111blt, the
On motion of Hon. Jllr. l,EBLA!'iC
City of Sydnev t<i hol'l'oW mom•y ;
Uw Co1111cil mljom·nctl until t.0-11101-rmv'
A Hill entitlt•d, 1111 Act t41 1u111•1ul '1'1lt's1lny,the l1:1t tl11y nf Ap1·1l 1,t till'(•~
Olmpter 181, Acts of UIOI, entitled, an o'clock in the afternoon.
Act to incol'pomte tlw P1·1•1:1h1tm-in11
Ohnrch of Enrltown, anti 'l'he l'111IH, in
TUl!HllAY, April IHt,
conne<:t.ion with th<' Church of Scot.The Oouucil met at 8 p. m.
A Bill entitled, 1111 act to ,•nnh e tlrn
Town of North 8y1h117 to 1•x1•111pt
Hon. J\h-...AnMH'l'JloNu,Chnimitin of
from tuxntion the B11ihhug aml Pinnt, the Heleet Cmnmittell on Bills, reportof the ,vest.ern U11io11 'l'dog1·aph Co111- etl up favoro.bly:
pa11y to gmut, fret• wato1• nml othei·
A Bill entitled, nn Al't to amend
Chapter lOt, Acts of 1008, entitled, 0.11
'l'heso Bills Wl't·e sovomlly rend a Act to n11thnriz1i the lllnnicipality of
first time and rofm·rotl, tho lh·st two to Cumberltuul to hol'l'ow monl'v to builll
the Co111111itt,ee on L11w· A1111•111hm•nts;o.n atldition to the Com•t lfouse o.i\d
a.ml tho· last five to till' Hdl•r.t Com- for othm· purposes.
mittee on Bills.
Al~o. with 1u11enlhmmts:
A Bill eutil led, nn A('t to am encl the
Hon. M1·. AnMHTnoso, by command Act to incorporate tho llltssll11111Sh
of His Honour the Lieutennnt-Oov- '\l1nsh Compo.ny, Limited, and Acts
crnol', lnld 011 tlw tablo of the Ho11s1, mncnding tho same.
'J'hl'BI' Rills wero sever111ly· rend a
the Annual Report of tho I..i h1·a1·y
Cornmissionet'8 and Lihro.rinn for tho ·i;ecoml timu 11ml committed to Uommitteo of tho wholli Hou8e.
ytllll' 1012 :
Hon. !\fr. D11numNn--ln looking
Also, tlrn 81.fith1tic1:1 of lncorpomtetl
tlrn lwp01·t of the Sceretm-y of
Towns a.ml !\luniclpalities of Novn
licotla. for the Yl'ILI' e111l't'll Dccembc1' ImlustrieH 11ml hnmigmtion omi rcnds
81st, m12.
. of the 11dvm;tages olfo1·ed to i111miHon. 1\11•, AnMH'l'IU>Nll: In connec• gm11tH by N11vo. 8cotin, nml thoti> tU'('
t.ion with the Hcpo1·t on Town nntl some intercst.iug letters that have been
Municipal Statistics, .1 might dro.w the written to othe1• cmmtrics stating how
attention of hono111·11ble momhns t<1 s11tisfled those who hnd settled in this
th(, statement gi\•en on the bondetl <·onnti-y were. N:ow, in my oplnhan,
1lebts of tilt' iucoq101•11tedtowns of Um you 11111y talk nlKmt 11dv,·rtit1ing «B
irovince, which 1·1111s into 1·nth01· lari;;:e yon will hut t.lw lll'st poHsihlc nllve1··
lgm't,t1-sonwthlngovur llveantl a ho.If tl~enwnt you enn give to Nova 1-cotla
million 1lol10.l'B, However, nmu·lv two- i~ for t.lw scUlm·s to wl'itc home how
thirds of this bmulml tlt•ht i>1 fen· Urn m1tislinl they arc.
I mu going to f,{ive you 1111 il11111h-a·
wate1• nml sewm·uge ~e1•vice1< iu I.he
towns. It is lnt.01'l'sting to nnt.e in the ti1111 which will, I think, takll somo of
clLSl• of each ot · the Ulll'IIH who.t p1w- . the· hon. me111bHl'H off t,heit· fm,t, if I
ce11tnge the hontled debt of onch iH of 11111,y use that expression, nntl I give
theit· respl,ctive ll8B1•1:1:,iments. The you .the statlmient n~ absolutely c01··
bondPll debt of the mun icipnlitios 1·ect. Some niue months ago o. mo.n
,: nbout roo.ches three-quiu·uws of a mll ente1·l·d the (lOBt office of one of the
Dominion colliery towns, nud so.id be
lion tlolhu'll.
i I
the following Bills, In which ·It tlesh1.'d
Alllo, with amendments:
the oonemTOnco of this Honourabll'
A Bill entitled, an Act to aml'nd
Ho11110 :
Chopte1· 00, Hevisetl Statutes, lllOO,
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend 1'he Novo Scotia Railways' Act:
Ohaptcr 00, Acts of 11112. entitled, on
Hon. M1·. MACK-I may say that the
Act to Consolldotl• Iho Acts for the amundnwnt propo8ed lly thlH Biil lH in
unr.ourgement of Agl'iculture iu so fur the llit·,•ctinn of giving g1·e11tt•1· pruu•c·
as the same t'Olat~H to County nml l)is- tion to pl'operty of all kintls along tlw
trlot Exhibitions;
lim• of nny milway within tho Pm·
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to 1•11cn111·og11 vine,,, 111111 in HO fut· as I can judge of
1mullry b~edlng hy llm fol'IIIRtion of tlw Bill, it will mr.et with very ge1101·al
the Nova Scotlu. Ponltl'y As,mclation; npp1·0V11l.
A Bill ontiUod, nu Act to amend
Thesti Bills wet·o s1w.crally rent! a
Chapter 78, RovisC'll 8tnt.ull•11, Jll()(), second time, n111l co111111ltte1l to Co111·
The Aesessment A<'t:
mittcu of the whole Honse,
A Bill entitled, un Act to 1u11e111l
Hon. l\ll'. AIIMBTRONO,Ohall'IIIUII of
Chapter 22, Aew of 1012, to fnl'ther the Select Committee on HIIIH, J·e·
facilitate tho lncol'porntion of Farm- \Jlll'Lt!cl up fovm·nhly, with c11rtii.l11
ors' Fruit, Pt'\Klnce 111111
ul'uhmu;e ·· mue111lmcnts,
the following Hill : ·
A Hill entltlecl, an Act to lncorpoTheso Bills wet'O sevet·nlly !'end a ratu the Nova 8cotin. No.tum! 011.a
first time and 1·efe1Tetl, the fh-st. thri>e Compnny, Limltt-d.
to the Commlttco on Lu.w AmendThis Bill was !'cad a secoml Umi> nnll
ment.s, and the Inst one to the Ai1•lect mmuuitletl to Committee of tlw whole
Oommlttoo on JJillR.
On motion of lion. Mr. l\IACK, tho
lllLLtl JS co~UIITfEE.
hon. member for Hi11if11x, Arthur \V.
On motion of Hon. Mt·, l\lACK, the
Redden, was made a nwmhm· of t.he Council 1-esolvetl it110lf Into Committee
following committeeH: Sulect Com- of tho whole Honso on Billi,, Hon Mt•,
mittoo on Bills; Committee 011 Lnw LoBlu.nc in tho chair.
Amendmentll aml Committee mi HuThe followlug Bills wm·e l'l'M cl1111se
mane Institutions.
hy clause aml pll.lisell :
A HIii m1titletl, un Act to u.mend
Ohapter lOl, Acts of 1008, entitled, an
Hon. Mr. MACK, Chah-1i1n.11 of tho Act lt> 1111thoriie tho Municill!'lit.y of
Committee on I,nw Amo111hnents, 1'11· C11111lH.•1·land to bot'l·ow money to build
ported up fuvmll'ably:
1m addition to th" Court House, anti
A Bill entitled, a.n Act to. amend for otheqmt'pot!l'S,
Chapter 10, Acts of 1011, 1'he Mines
Also, with a111end111ont11:
A Bill eutitletl, an Act to muend tho
A Bill etatiUed, an Act to. amend Act to incorpm·u.t.u tho .Ml1111lquA11h
Obapte1• 78, RevillM litatutes, 1000, .Marsh Company, Limited, n111l Acts
'fhc A88essment Act;
am111111ing tho same.
A Hill entitll1d, 1111 Act Io 11.111,•ud
Tho Committee ndjoutne1l
and thl'
Chapto1· O, Acts of 11110, 'l'he Public · Hills passed in Commlttt,• wet·o l'<'}JOt-tllea.lth Act:
ed up.
A Hill entitled. an Act to amend · On motion of Hon. Mr, MucK, Um
Chapto1· 2, Acts of Ulll,s'.fhc Bducatlon Co1111cil udjourned uutil t.o-mo1·1·ow,
Thm'llday, tho 3rd day of April, at
A• Bill entitletl, &11 Act to a1n.end thl'ee o'clock In tho afternoon.
Chap_ter 50, Revised · Btututee, 1000,
TnummA Y, Apl'il 31·11, MIIS.
The Poor Relief Ac~.;
A Bill entitled, an Aet respecting an
'l'he Council mot at a p. m.
anouit.y to George I,. liluclau·;
A Bill otititlod, on Act to onabl{ the
'l'bo Hou11e of ·Asseu1hly, by 111<'.Slll\ge,
Provincial. Exhibition Commission to
infol'llllV.l this Hou!<(• t hut it h11.1l 1111slil·d
Hell certain real est.ate;
A Bill ontltll·d, un Act 1•e.spec~11g an the following Bilhl in which it dot1h"ed
tho concur1-ence of thiti Honourable
annuity to Jawes \V, M.ucKe11z10:
A Bill entiUed, an Act to amend Houso:
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
Chaptet> 162. Revised Statutes of Nova
Scotia, of Inve11tment of Trust l<'unds Chaplot· ltlS, Uevisod 'Sto.tut<,s, 1000, of
\VttueBB08 and Evidence ;
in ~rl'aln Loan Oompantes.
wished to i.end some· mlney
'1'hiH Bill Willi read a fir1.1t. tlme and refriunds, and pulled out .·a . ·oil ot hlll11 fo1Tml to tlw Hdect Commlt,tee 011
which 011 being counted, mounted to Bills.
.... ,O'~'. A few lmont.hs
ll\t.ur ho. en·
AIHo, thnt the House of AHBem1 1ly
t hus u.grt'<'d to tlw ome11thll(,ntil pt-<>•
Wl'tid, with hia >l'lll ier,
same pos
hy Uilt< ho110111·olilu House to the
office, and said ho wunto•!, to 11on1 1 1,osed
some mnro money homJ.
1 ho poet· fnliowing Bill :
muster sald lo him, •• Why don't. you
A Hill entltli>d, un Aet t.-; enable C.ho
use tho bauks, you will g,•t it. a littfo i11Jmbitants of. 8h11ben11c1u,ie to pro·
cheaper," and ho l'Oplied, " I fmuul t.lw vid« thm11s1•h•1•s with a ~y11lt•111 of ffll't•et
IIU!t money went Hufoly, nnd 111y lighting·
frii•nds got it UllHily, and I wunt to
1111,l.ll IN CO)IMITl'~:'B,
imml it.tlu•ough thv po:st otll1•11." " How
On motion of Hon. J\h-. LEBLANC,
much have you thiH Unw?" he Willi llw Comwil t't•solv1•1l ltst•lf into Com•
asked and he counted out nnot.het· 1~,11 mittv« of tho whole H('"III.! 011 Bills,
of ovo'r *4,000; now thnt$-l,(l00atldt'tl to Him. Mt·, Col'bt•tl, In tho chah·,
tho '3,000, makes 1&7,000thutthose l\~o
Tho following Bil111 wt•t•u 1·1,a1l clause
lJt'Othet'H1mnt homo t'.t'OIII Nova 8colm by cln11se mul plllltle1l:
to theil' frlonlls in sev,•n y1•1i,t'8, • 1'hl'l'l?
A Bill l'ntlllt'tl, 1111 Adiflo a111ond
are many hel't1 who may hu 111d111l'1l to Chnptt-t· I», Ack• •1f 1\110, amomliug
disbelieve it but I ca.n m11lei·st11111l It Cl11111te1· US, Act!! of 1000, entit.led, au
perfectly w~\l. · 'l'hey cam monthly, .Act l'eHpectiug the coHlB lnc111·1"t•d by
h,t me tmy, $66: unll tlll'y JIil}' .only tho Town of Nol'th Sydnuy for I.lie
$4.0o a week for IK1ard, and I dun t ~i,u uxltmNion of t.ho lnt.u,~,olt'miul Rall·
wlnit is to himler a Hingle 1111111 from way into Hnitl tt,wn.
saving $42 a month with Umt wuge.
· AIHo, with 11111eu1h1wnts: ·
Now, the morul iH, if l1111nl1<rnnt.i1 cuu
· A Dil11•ntitl1•tl, 1111 Act to hicot·110·
113v6 11ud1 amounts, 0111· cm II men cu.11 rntti the Chu·u Cr1•11111e1·r C0111r1u1y,
ilo the 11111110 if thoy will only Htit their 'Limil,t!d.
mindll to It, It shows tlu·ift, I kno~,·
Tiu• commltll'o u<ljmll'lted, nnd the
it \s against tho s1•ciuli11tlc lcfou, tl!IH Jllllk (18/ISllll in cnmmitlee WN'l' t·o·
111nUer of t,lll'ift, beca1111c tlwy. 11111• potl4!cl up.
countunance It. I know tl111t Ill e.
On motion of Hon. Mr. l,Kl1LANC,
lodge of the l', \V. A, i; .. me of ~he Um Council udjom·netl until tt,-aum··
members did say they havu 1~oth111g row, \Vei\111•s1h1y,Uw 21111 day of A}'l'il,,
to dn with industry, with sol11·1el Y 01· ("11t thl'ee o'cl<ll'k in tlw oftm·noon.
thrift; that tbll only itll!A of ll J11lKJI'
nnlnn is tt, get hotter wage11 from the
Y, April 2ml, 1018.
0111ploye1·, .· I ha\•e always said th11~
at a p. 111.
the 'main e11eenllul bofot'll . getting
mom•y is to know how tu uso at, aml I
am v~a·y glad to tx, nhl<' to givo thlH
The following Bill Wll.8 t·ead n U1htl
inci,lont to-1.)11,y lo the hon. 111e111bln11 time 111111 lhmlly [lll.88l'Cl :
A Bill t•ntitlt•tl, 011 ,\et. t,1 auwml
of tl1is l101111e.
'l'lie PuKKlllRNT-ln what line of lifo Cho[ILt'I' 111, A1·tH nf 1010, llllll'llding
Chnple1· ll8. Acts of UJOO, untltlml, 1m
wt•t·u thlll!t• men P
lltln, Mt·. UIIUIOIUNl>-Coal m\iu•rt1, Act res1wcting th11 cm11.8 lncuned by
The PnESmKNT- \\'hat 111'<>\JOrt1011 of the Town uf North Syd1ll'y for the ex•
tlw workingmlin in the coll erjes l\t'tl tension of thti lnte1'Colonial Hollway
Into said town.
1111tlVtl8 p
Hem, Mr, D11uMMONll-A,bo11tse\'e.11·
Ull,L U.TltOllUCKIJ,
eighthe of them 11,11' natives. 'l'lus,
Hon, M1·. H1mui-:s lntmdueetl a Bill
howovet·, inclmll's the nwn f1~>111 Nuw·
untitled, an Act lt> mnt•ml Chspt.t,a• 00,
Act.ti of 1875, 1•ntitlud, an Act to lncor)rnHH.Mn!,
puraw the lit. l\1111·g111"t·t'K Day Lumbt.•r
1'he House of Atist1111hly, bv 111ulillAJ.t{', 1111d 'fl111IK•r Vt·ivlng Company.
inf01·111e1l thh1 llousl' that itfmd russt•d
1'his Hill w11H ruml u lh·Ht time and
the following HIii, in which It, d1111lru1l referrt'<l tt, tho 81•lect Oomuiittee on
tl1e concun'llnco of this bonoul'nble Hills.
A Hill entitle1l, an Act lt>lncm·po·
All!wmbly; by ml'fl8Agt',
rate the No\'a &,oUn Natural 01111
lnfot·ml•d thiH HouHQthat it liatl p1111eed
Com1,a11y, Llml~,d.
·. ··-:
A Bill entitled, mi Act to permlt,
Citlee. Towns and M11nlcip11lltlos lu tho
Province to eel.t\hli11h Police Supl'rll,n·
nuatlon Funde :
A Bill entitled,
Act In relution to
tho l11111)(1ct1011 mnl Enrolhuent
A Hill eut.ltled, an Act to lllll(Hlll
Chapw1• 70, Revised Stnt11tti11, IIIOO, t.lullluniclpal Act ;
A lllll entlf.led, an AcL to 11111c111I
U111pt-01· 100, Acl11 of lll]O, ent.itled, 1111
Act to ineorpornte tho M111·itinw Teler~:11mtl 'I'elephon« Company, Lim-
A Hill eutitlcd, 1111 Act to eunble t.luTown of Brklgewator to coustruct perIIIAIICllt aidewalks.
These Bills were severnlly read u ll1·t1t,
time and referred, the fll'Bt foul' to the
Oommltteo 011 Law A111011d111cntll and
the last two to the Select V,1111111itt<•e
011 Bills.
Also, that they hn ve ugreed to tho
umendmeuts 1m>pospd hy thit1 Honoursble House to a Hill eutitled, an
Act to lnci11•pomte llluclmnic11 Impei-lnl
l..o<l~e No. 48, Proviuciul \V1ll'kingmen s A1111ociutio11 of Invernuss, Inverlll'Sli County.
Also, that they hnve ngreed, with
eertaln o.111u111l111unts, ton Bill entlt.lod,
nu Act to authorlzo the '!'own of Amherst to convoy land.
On motion this Dill wus refci-rud to
the Helect Committee on Bills,
The following
Wll.'1 read n thh'tl
tlmo, and flnnlly l'assed :
A Dill eutitled, an Aet, to amend
Ohapuu- rno, Acts of 11110, entitled, nu
Act to Incol'pnmto
tho Chiltlrcn's
HoHpitnl, lfallfox, N, 8.
· 'l'he following BillH, amended, wc1·e
also 1·1•11<1 n thh:,1 tlnw 111111 11cnt to tho
Ho11111• of AS8mn bly fell' cnnc111·1'l•1lce :
. A Hill euti_tled, an Act to lncm·poro.to
tho Amhct'Bt Gun Club ;
A Hill entitled, 1111 Act tt1 enahle the
Town of Dlgbf tt1 hol'row money fo1·
the constl'l1ct10n of pennurwnt Bide·
-··- --··-·--·
A Bill untitloo, ILll Act to 011co11rage
P011lt1•y Hreodlng_ by the fom111tiou of
Um Nova Si,otla Poultry AIIIO<.'io.tlon.
.Al110, with nmendnwntll:
A IJlll ontltled, nn Act to nmentl
Chaptc1 ~. Acts of 1012. ontlth!d, au
Act to com1olld11te the Actll for tho l·n·
coumgnwnt of ng1·icull.m'O in so f.a1· All
thu Hnmo rt!lntt,s to count.y nnd 11ist1·ict
A Bill (•ntltled, nu Act tt> amond
Chaptei• 78, JtevitH.'tl Stntutt•s,
'l'ho AHscsHmont Act. ·
'l'hu:<o BIiis wert• :;e\'ul'lllly l'Oad 11
~t,cuud timt• mul co111111ittcd to com
mittuu of thu I\' holu llonBe,
Hon. lllr. AIIMH'f!IONU. ch11lm1an of
tho ~ulect Cummitteo on Bi1111, l't'·
porWtl up favol'ILl1ly, with 11111011tl11wnts:
A Bill cntltltid, an A.ct to amend
Ch1111tol' 181, Act of 1001, entitled, an
Act to inc1ll'p01·nt,e tho P1'0shrte1·ln11
Ohm·ch of E1ullnw11 mul 'l'ho l•nlls, in
co1111l•ctiu11 with thu Vhnl'ch of Scot1111111.
'l'hi!I JJill WM l'Cnd n SllCOllll liUI!!aml
rommitlt•d to cnnnnittuu of thu whole
Tho Chairman nhm r<ipork"<l ·from
tho cm11111itteu that thoy hu<l considered th.(i nm1•11d11wntll 111·opo~ed by the
11011~0 of AHsu111 bly tn IL Hill ontitlt•d,
an Act tt1 authorizo tho Town of
Amhel'Bt tt, com•oy landl ILlHl that;' tho
COllllllitt(,u l'OCUIIIIIIOllli tnnt the lllllClld•
mcnts be co11c111·1'l·d in. Thi, ropor•t of
thu cnmmitteo was adopted, and the
Bill finally p!L-'<Hed, nntl sont tt, the
lfouso of Af<llombly.
Oorbett In the chair,
'l'be following BlllK we1·0 1·ead clauso
by clause 1111d p&l!Bl'll 1
A Bill entitled, 1\11 Act l'esruclmg nn
Annuity to Jamt>Ht \V. l\lacKimzic:
A Bill entitled, nn Act to 11meml
Ohnpter 10, Achi of lllll, tho .Minus'
A Bill entl~lec:l, nn Act to 111/lt'lltl
Ch111>ter 2, Acts of lllll, the BdnclLLlon
A Bill entitled, nn .Act to 111111•.ntl
liO, Hcvised Statutc11, ll)(Xl,
1· Relief Act ;
A Ill ontitlud, an Act 1·t•Hp1•ct111g an
Amnilty t,o Gt.'llt'gc L. 8ineli,i1·:
A Bill entitled, nn Act to anumd
Ohaptc1· l62, Itevised Stu.tuws, moo, of
q Invest111e11tof Tl'llsl Funds in ce1·t11i11
Loan Companies;
A Bill entitled, an Act l,o en11l1ltl the
Pt'OVinclnl Exhibition Commi~sion to
sell certain real estate;
A Bill entitled, nn Act. t.o allll'llll
Chapter 6, Acts of 11)10, 'l'hn Public
Health Act.
Also, with amendments:
A Bill uutitletl, 1111 .Act to mneml
Chapter 73, Re\'IHl\d Statutes, lllOO,
The Assessment Act;
A Bill 'entitled, un Act to amend
Chapter 00, Revlst'1l Statute~, lllOO,
Tht• Nova Scotia Hail ways AcL ;
A Bill entitk'<l, nn Act to i!1c011>ol'·
nle tho No\'a Hcoti" Nntuml (ras Corn·
pauy, Limited.
The Commit.we
adjourned nncl the
Hills 1>11.sse<l iu ()onuuittt,o wm·erPpm·t,.
ed up,
On motion of Hon. Mr. MACK, the
Council atljom·nod until to-morrow,
J.<'rido.y. the 4th day of A1Mil, nt tlll'eo
o'clock in tho o.ftomoo11.
1111,l.H INTltODUClm,
Hnu. lllr. llkP1rnmms i11t.1'0d111mtl
the following
A Dill l'nlitl1•1l, nn Act, to incorpor·
nto Urn Halifax H11h11rh1L11 'l'1•nmw11y
Company, Li111itt•d;
A Bill unt.itlP<l, an .Act to mtify a
resol11tion 1•nssNl hy Uio Council of tho
lll1111idi1allty of the County of H11lif11x
n•spoctmg the et't'ction of poles In tho
pnhlic highways In the county.
A Hill entitll'd, nn Act to nuthoriw
the Oity of Halifax tt, pe1·mit t.he CJ't'C·
Hon. Mt•, l\lACK, hy commnml of His lion· of polC'!I u111I wh·e11 in the city
, ..
Honmn· tho Llt!ut.en1rnt-Gm·1•1·1101·, lnitl Btl·ecl\t<,
'l'hcim Billt; wc1'l• 1w\'N'nlly 1-erul n
on Uw table of: the llou11e tho Pt'Ovlnclnl l~xhibitirni He1101·t fm· tho y1•nr fln,t time nnd 1·ofo1·red to tho Selt•ct
Committee on Bill,,.
.. _ ,._ .• ,.
1111,LH IN l'Olfllll'l"fli:H:,
The following Hil111 wel'e l'Oad 11 third
time and finally pn.•sod :
A Bill 1:mtltled, an Act 1·e.spl\Ctmg o.n
Annuity to Jamm1 \V, lllacKonzie:
A Bill entitled an Act to umentl
Chapter 10, Acts' of lllll, '!'ho lllines
A' Bill entitlud, an Act t? 11111('.ncl
Chapter 2, Acts of 1011, The htlucauon
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
OhaptAii• ro, J~ivlKc1l Ht.atutes, JOO(),
'l'he Poor Relief Act ;
A Hill entitlt,d, an Act res~cctlng
an Annuity to George L. Sinclau·:
. Hon, Mr, MACK, Ol11Lim1nn of UJo
On 1uol1011 of lion. M1·. l\fAei<, the
Commltteo on Law A1110·11d111eutll, l'O· Council t·t•tmlvetl it1wlf intt, Committee
pm·too up fovomhly:
of'tbe whole House on Bills, Hon. Mi·.
Ou motion of Hou. 1\lr. l\lACK, the
Council re1mlvcd itHolf into Con1111itteo
of the whole Hou11t, on Bills; Hon. Mr·.
LoBlnnc in tho cho.ir.
'l'h!l following J3illH were read clause
bv clause o.u<l p118sed:
A Bill entitled, an Act to encourage
poultry bree<ling by the formation of
tho Nova Scotia Poultry Association;
Also, with amondments;
A Bill entitled, nn Act tt1 amcntl
01111ptei· 181, Acts of lllOl, entitled, nn
Act to inc01·po1·ute tho P1·esb,rtorinn
Ohm·ch of Eurltmvn and The l• alls, in
conmiction with tho Church of Scotland;
A Bill entitll'cl, an Act to nmenll
Chnptur ID, Actll of 1012, entltle<I, an
Act 10 consoHdate the ActH fot· the
encouragement of ngl'iculture in so ftu•
to County aml
118 the same relates
District exhibitions;
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
·. '•:
Hon. Mr. A1tMB'fJco·su, Chairman of
tho Scloct Committee on BillH, 1·eporte<l
up favombly :
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
Chapto1· 16H, Acts of l.010, entitled, 1111
Act to lnc1ll'pomto tho lllnt·itime 'l'elt•·
g1~ph mul TC")ephone Company, Lim·
AIHo, with amendmeut.R:
:A Bill entitled, nu Act ~1 enable tho
•r,11ViiofB1·idguw11te1:to constt-uct pm··
J.anc11t sidewalks.
l'ht'Hll Bills we1'0 sevel'lllly read n
second time 1111d committed tt, Committee of the whole. House.
A Bill entitled, an Act tt> o.mend
Vh11pt.e1 lfi2, Rt'vi11otl Htuh1tel!, 1000, of
Inve11huent of '.1'1·11H(. 1"11nd11 in c01•tai11
A Hill mtit.lcd, nu Act to lncnrpo1·uk• the No\'n Scotia Vete1·i11m•y.Associutinn ;
A Bill cntitle1I, 1111 Act to enablo the
Provincinl Exhlhitiun Co111111i11sio11 to
1wll c1•1·tnl11 l't111l cHtntt, ;
A Hill entitll•d, nu Act to nmentl
Chapt01· 0, Act.ff of 1010, 'l'l_ie Pnblic
Health 'Act. ·
Tho following Bill11, amended, we1·11
also 1·t•1ul a thil <l time, and sont to tho
House of As1m111 bly for coucunence:
A Dill entit.lcd, nu Act to amPnd
Chapter Ill), Revlse1l Statutes, 1000,
'l'ho Nova Scotln R11ilwnys' Act;
A mu eutitll•d, nn Act to amen.ii
U1111pto1· 78, Htwi11ctlStntntos moo, The
AsBl'SIHIICllt Act,
FmDAY, Ap1·il 4th, 1013.
'fhe Conncll met at 8 p. m.
--· --:--------------
\ .
. I.
... ·.
,J .
I· •
The following Bill was l'Oad clause
by clause and passocl :
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
Chapter 150, Acts of IOIO, entitled, an
Act to lncorr>mte
the Muiitime,
Telegraph 1a111 '1'1•ll'phone Company,
Aleo with ammulnwnts :
A Blll entitled, an Act to en a hie the
Town of Bl'lllgew11ter to conAtruct permnnent sidewalks.
The co111mltte1, ,~djournell an,1 tl111
,Bills passul In commlttre wem 1't>poa·ted up.
consequently the pel'iod covPrlng the
life of Uanmla. As the s1•at mate In
this house of tho ho1111111•ablo gentll'·
man for some yeul'!l, I ,was drawn into
n close t'Ol11tio1rnl11p with him. Although It. WnH in the late,· yeal'!l of
Mr. \Vhitmnn's life, hll yet 1Jontin11al. ly m•inced an net.in,· interest In the
wol'k of lt•gh1latlon and in the ndvance111ent of whatcve1· had for its aim the
public welfa1·e.
Our refloreuces to-day to the public
life of Hui,h a rep1·esentative memoo1·
118 the Hon, George \Vhitman, very
1111.tumllymay lead to a cousidemtion
Jinn. 1\(1•, ltlAcK, by co1111111111Cl of Bia of the spt·1~ialty1'Cpresentative chaa•acHonour .the Lleute111111t Oovernm·, laid' fo1· 118 ll wholl! of the po1·so111iel of this
on the tahla of tho House, the repoa·t Chumbel', 'Jhls representative charof thli game co1_nmlsi1io11ers for I.lie 11cte1· I may be 1w1·111ltted to say is
yeal' ending 8eptmaher :Kith, 1012.
e1111ally tl'lle of tlw p1·esent, BK of the
Hon. l\h·. Ow1rn-As hon. gentlemen pai,t, H1111111·11ble gt111tll'men now oc•
are aw1u-e, tho srnt of Hon. Oeo~e cup) ing sentH in this house ni-e 01• have
\Vhltmnn In this hranr.h or t.lrn J,eg1s- l,e.. n Hevernlly id,mtlflell with the
latnre has lH•en 1lecl11red ,·acant,, hr nctivitleH of till' political, civic and
the govertunent, owing to thut gen- 111ea·ca11tilo life of tho province, In
tleman being prevented 11'0111 being in Plltmfog uppn their dutir.s in thiH
attendance h1•re fnt· tho lmi't two Bl'S- chamhor, all' the honorable gentlemen
to whom this l'elntes, brought tl1, the
. Tim Hon. Georgn \\'hit111n11 wa11 111•· work of leglHtalion not only an expoinlA.'<l to the Legislative Connell n tmuled ac11u11intanro with pnhlic <1uesA11g11st,1881, and lH•c1u11e n valnablo tlon~. but a.11mt111·it.y of judgment and
nn<l highly nppreclntecl 111e111hm· who jlrt!clHion of virw most vuluable. '!'ho
was much lntea't'~tml in tlw advance- 11111. p1·eside11toccupied f01·some yea1s
ment of public hm1lne1<H. Ho was nn 11 Sl'at in the Honse of Corunione at Ot•
actl\'o n1emher of tho Co111111ltt1•e on tnwn. In mnny political enco1111t.u1·s
private and local bills nnd diRplnye1l of tho past., wlwn tho issues were all
very much energy, intea"t•st and good i111p11rtantto the lifo of this co11!1h-y,
judgment In that comwction. Ho was the hon. (>l'l'sident bore a 111·0111111ent
also the cha_lrmnn of thn Un111111itl.t•e p11rt, croHsing swords with Jnseph
on Hmnl\n<' lnHtltutionH fo1• iiouw Howe hi111st>lf in thu dnyH of stream•
l enrs and dlschai·ged his duties tlw1·e onH criHiH in 0111· p1~1vince, Occupy.
with ;1111ch zeal nnd elllciuncy. 'flw Ing 1<e11ts In thiK chmnhoa• at tho
Hon. J\lr. \Vhlt11111n,l nuderst.und, w11s pt'<'Sl'llt ti1110, nml fom1l11g nearly half
nhwt.y yenl'B of nge on tho 31"<1 im1tnnt, 0111• 111embe1'Bl!)P are honoumhlegentle•
and I feel sure t.luit I 11111 expres1Jlng 1111•11 who received the confidence of
tho emtlmcnta of nil hiB oltl I\B!lociates, thuh· reKpective eonst,it11unciet1in their
and l\ll here present, when 1 e11.y tlmt tll'evlous election to thl' Ho111:1e of Al!·
wo lleeply l'<'gret that the Infirmities semhly, and of whom it ie but just to
of old al(o 1mwents his being ngnln URsea·t that the experience acqull.'('d
with us' in this eham lllir.
In that more active arena natumlly at•
Hon. M1·. A.nMBTJWN0-1
wish to' tended them In the work here. haadd my word of pel'BOlll\l re~ret nt tl~e eluded .In om· memhe1·ehip at tho pl'l'seve1·nnce of tho Hon. l\lr. \Vhilmall'H St'llt tnuo 111'0' several honourable
connection with t,he 111tm1he1'8hio of gentlmuen who luwe lu Urn pn.t1t ttlled
the Legislative Council. 1\11•. Whit- th~· hnport.nnt poslt_i<:11 o~ ~he warden1111111 was om• or the ml'mhen1 from t.110 ship of theh· 11111111e1pahtaes, 01· who
County'of Annnpnlii< in the Ho1\se of occupy most rfllciPntly thut po1:1t at
AHHemhly hdm·o ()011fed1•mlion, sue- prosont, bringing as a 1·es11lt to tho
c,pe<llng, if I mist.uko not, the Into J, consideration of the nmny IRSnes aris\V, Johnston in such 1'ep1-efie11tatinn. ing he1·e, I\ fund of active knowled~o
Mr. Whitman hns occupitltl a seat In as well as of c!ose touch with the hfo
the LogislatlvP Council for thil'ty-two of our commu111Ues. The sa11101is tr1u,
yea1'8, His public carel'r comwcts up of a mnuhea· of honourable go11tle111P11
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
Chapter 73, .Rcvlet'1.l 8tatutes, 1000, The
Chapt.e1• 1,1, Acta of· 1012, entitled, nu
Assessment Act.
'l'he Committee nlljournoll anll the Act to consolulato the Acta fo~ Ute
DillH passl'<l In Committee were re- enco11rage111ent of agriculture m 1:10
fn1· as tho 1111.mf'rt.'lates to County and
ported up.
- 'l'ho PKESIDl~NT:
I have the hOl)Ol' District Exhibitions;
A Bill eutltlell, an Act to amend
to prell4lllt to th11 House a report. winch
the Clei·k of tho Uo1111cll hns l11.'mll·1l Chapte1· 84, Acts of 18fi0, entitloll, an
t~• Incorporate tho Liv1•1·pc>0l
to 1110 1,..gat'lling tin, 1·e,>l'l'Hlllll.O.tw11. of
the Oounty of Aunnpo iH, and which .l\fo1·i110 U11ilw11y Vompany, and Act11
in 11111P111hne11t thereot.
re rt the Ulerk will now reud.
JFi,e Clel'k then read tho report IIH
Tho house of USBCIII bly, by message,
Tux HoN, M. H. oou_n<m.
. informed this house thnt it hndJ1wu1ecl
President of till' Leglslutivo Connell. tho following bills, in which it e!lh't•d
Sir -In comiillance with the pmr- the concun-encc of this hrmourahle
tlee i:1 this ht•lu\lr, 1 have thr honor to House:
re rt for tho h\fot·a111\tion of tl.ie Leg- · A Dill entitled, an Act to onablll the
of 8tellal'ton to IHJ11'<>W money
isl~ive Council thut, on. cxau~m~tlon Town
of the Journals of tho l..c·g1sl11,th ll (,111.111- fo1· a new school huilding;
A Bill entltlml, 1\11 Act to enable tlic
cil they show t,IJ1Lt fo1• two commcut1vo
Town of Trenton to b01·1"<>W mo111>y:
11ei:slonH, to wit, the hist s1•sHl1111 of tlw
A Bill N1tith,d, nn Act respecting
'fhlrty-fourth <1er1·ml AH~1:nihly, nnd tllll supply of w!ltt,1· to tlw Ell.Htel'llCai·
tho ttrst sesalon of tbo I hn·.t.y, llfth
Henoral Assembly of the Province of Company, Llnuted, hy tho Town of
Nova Scotia, the llononrahlc Uei_irgo Nuw UIMgow ;
A Bill l'ntithid, an :t\ct l'espectinl(
Whitman, a lll!'l~llH1r of t.lrn, 1 .... g1slt1llve Council rtisuhug in ~hu Uonnty of the t.ax11Uo11 of the I~o.stern Cai· Company,
Limited, in the '!'own of Ta'Cll·
Annapolis, In tho Province '!f Nova
Scotia wa_s ahBCnt fro111 his place ton·
A1Bill entitled, an Act to lnc9rpo·
tl;l'l'tli;, and no consent in that bt,half
mtu l.,1\ Hocic'te D'lmlustdo Ll\itlt·l'<',
of the Oovernor-in-Cmmcil nppearH.
of llfotl•gban ;
I huve the honour to bu, Sir,
A Bill entith•d, uu Act to amentl
Yum· obedient sc1·v1111t,
Chnpter 174, Act.s of 1~, entitled, an
Act to Inco1·pomte the City of 8ydnoy
(8g1l,) J, 1"1lANK OUTll1'r
Olork of tho LegiHlntiyo Oouncil. anll a111m111i11~ Acts ;
A Bill ont1tled, an Act to amend
01-dered, That the n•port. of Urn
Olr.rk be l'ecoi'lletl in tho l.'llmuteH of Chapter ltl, Acts of 1012, 11n A_ct l't'·
s~ctlng Municipal So.nat,0rl11me.
the 1101111(',
'l'he~e Dilh1 were 1mvel'ally rend 11
On motion of Hon. l\h·. l\lM'K, tho
time .. net a-.. rened, tho fh'llt Hix to
Coiuteil adjom·ncd unUI lllondny, the th11t
the Selrct Committee on DillR, and the
7th day of Alll'il, nt th1·el• o'clock In lm1t one to tho Committee 1111 l.1111·
tho aft.e1·nocm.
Also, that tlwy hnve ngmed to the
l\lmmAY, Apl'il 7, una.
amemlmeuts 11mposed hy this honor·
Tbo,Council met nt 8 P· m.
able House to the Bills entitled, 1·e·
spectlvely :
The following Bill wns read a thh'<l
A Dill entitled, an Act. to Incorpotime and tlually t>aBlietl :
rate the Benevolent- and Protective
A Bill entitled, an Act to 1•11c<?lll'ago Onle1· of Elks of the Dominion, nt'
poultry b1·eedi11ghy tho fomiation of Oannlla;
Nova Scotia Poult1·y Association.
A Bill entitled, an .Act rl'lntlng to
following Bills, o.meudt'll, wu11, Ute exempti011 fr0111 tmmlion of t.lw
also l't!ad o. thl,11 tinw u111l Hl'nt to thl• 8tamla1·d Clay Pmducts, Limited, in
Honse of Aesmnhly fo1· conc1111·once: tho 'fown of Now CilRRgow.
A BIil entitled, an . Act 1-? anwncl
DJLl>l IN l'Olll)IJ'l'fKI.:,
Chaptm· 181, Acta of 1001, ~nt1tled, an
On motion of lion. l\lr, I,.EHLANI',
Act to incoi·pomk the I resl!ytm·l~n
Chiirch of EiU'l town and Tim I• all fl, 111 tho Council rcsolwd itM-lf hato 0~1111·
comwctlon with tl1t! Cluu"Ch of Scot- mlttce of tho._ whole Honse on B11IH,
Hon. Mr. llorbett in the chair.
. I
_ I
~· I
Umt that aho11ld he t.he mnln pm·posc
who held the posit ion of nui.yor In of Uw sc,cmul chumbt!I·, In tknlin!f with
tlioiL· home townH nnd thc1·d1v c111110 tho uumy i1181ll't1 constantly nrlemg of
in eonteou with the w11.y11 uf gov- municipal' nml ch·ic jm·isJlctiun , f
1wim11,nt before 111· whlle oucupyjng legit.inmtu v,·Htl-ll int,,l'cHtll, aml of
tliuir places in this HmtBe. AIHo popullLl' l'ii;hts. I 1Lm 1·eml11dlltl \n this
incluill~l in om· p1·CH1mt 1110111lK•1·ship cnn11octio11i,f t.ltiH Ho11H1l's mlhorcucc
111-e 11.'n11111lll'I' of honom·nble g1,11t-l1•111c11 ~01110 yc1u·t1 ugo to th1i 11mintt•111mcc·
who a1-o or have b1•e11 m11rk1,dly ideu- the c1111111111n l11w l'ight of injunction
Lill1,II with the 11w1•ca11t.il1• lifo of No,·1, nt II time of IL mtlwr 11ctivo 1mhllu
!:lcotia •• In this connection a1·1• lhrn;ll discu~;iion 11f thnt 111•e11tio11.
ho110111·ahle member» whose knowIn closing. I tll-Hit·u ngnin to c11111lm)t,tlge of our tlshel'ies, of 0111· shlpplng 1<izu 111y sincern rngn•t at tho rctin'interci,u,, of 0111· f1,r111i11g llfe, ot om· . muut fro111 0111• roll tif 1111•mhen1hl11 of
fruit culture mo)' Im r1•g111-deJ n11 lb-Ht tho hnnom·nhh• 1·o(ll'Csm1tutlvo of An·
hand. In tho c1111sidel'ntio11nud dis- napoliH, 1uul truHL Im llllLY lK• pl'ivil·
c11St1io11 of mining lJlll'HLiollH, there i11 cgml tu enjoy yl•t many morn yoare of
hle11tUled with tho 111e111\Je1'Hhip of lifo In our old l"·ovincu by tho .ca.
the Legislatirn Council 1111 honourHon. l\h'. l\ ,\l'K-Mr, P1·eslclo11t., to
able ge11Llcnuu1 who muy be l'llnkl'll ntt1•m(lt to 1L<ltl unyLhing to what has
In d111.ny 1-cspccts I\H tho fonding been ulro11.tly tmitl hy the honourauthcll'ity in the lt•gi11lnture. 'l'he ahlo 111u1111.>t,1· fm· L1m1mb111·g and the
111ctt~1polit.an County
lfoliftLx honournblo 111e111be1: fot• N111·th Sy1l·
has alwtLye, 11.11 at p1'l'1-w11t, , been n1•y would 11pp1•111· like nu ulfm·t to
1·ep1'tls1mt<•il in
J,egit1latlve gilcl 1·elhmd gul<I.
c hnv,• mo1-e thnn
Council by ho111m1·nblc g1•11tlmnc11 once !ward )lCl'liOllll.1 lu111lntory ,..,.
actlvtily eugagl'II in fm·wm-din~ ira- 1111u·ks here ·l't•spuctinl( tho~e who bad
portant buslness enh,rpriNCfl und in- (11\HHl'tl I\WtLY 1·rom earthly 8Cl'IICH 01111
t<•1'Csts, '!'heir intlmntc l'elationship of whom, qu1tu m,turnlly, we woulcl
with city alf11.il'11 is. o 1110Ht t1ff11ctive t1ay b11t the ht.,11t, m1tl spunk only 0111·
factor In 1lm,li111( with the impol'tunt 111011t fovo1·11hleHcnt.i111rntN.
leglHloti\·e enuctmcnt.11 which ' from
1'his ik the lh·:it time \\;ithiu my 1·1·t111w to time claim conHidl'mtion here. c11llectlu11, tlmt hon. gontl11111cu hl'l'I'
'l'he (neHl'llt Henim· 1110111 ber fol'
lmvo hnd occ11siu11 to co11t1itlu1· thujll'l'·
l'ux 111.t1 fllled evury position in the Hotrnl nll,itmlc t111cl 1·1·lntion t<nvm· s a
gift of his fellow c1tizens-nltll'1·11m11, guntle11uu1 who htLH cl•11.tw1l, while yl•L
11111.yor and 1m1vinci11l l'l'\ll'('scntativc, living, tti-be a 111c111b01· of thie l1011sl',
11eve1• once {01·fuit.i11g that conlhh•m•e, I l'Cgt·et thnt tlw pol'sonul inlh-mlties
'fhe thl'l"') lt>adCl'H of goVCl'lllllCllt in of tlw Hou. 2\h·. ,vhitmnn h11n• l'l'II·
this Uoutie, i1111ncdit1tclypl'N'c1ling Urn dern,I hiH pl'csence here during tho l11t1I,
i11cmi1lw11cyof thu honn111·1Lblu g1,11tlc- two s1•sHio11H 11. phyt1icnl i111pn,11il>ility.
man whn Hn cxccllt•ntly 111111 tlmt i111- l l'og1·ct it i,i11c1•1·t!ly on his own u.,·portu.11t position to-111,y, WCl'll ul1 dltt· count; I l'l'g'l'CI, iL hcCILIIHl' W(l hlL\'tl
tingnishctl Nl>VIL Hcol inm;, 'l'ho lh'Ht hist th,• lw1wlit. of his 111·cst•11t·"; of hiH
in point of time \\'uH tbu lqtu Hon. souul, 11111tm·,•1\ j111lg111l·11t. My p1•rI). C. 1"1·11.111,r, whoHl! la1111mtt,ll,ltlath t1011nl 1·pcollt•di1111 of him will ulWILYH
011r111·1·ml whilt, so ..tllciPn.UYand })()Pll· r1•umi11 u plt·,1-~nnt one: 0111· rt'lntious
ltu·ly Hlling the post of' go,·u1·11m•of the were cxcectlingly plt•1w1111t. Tbc1·0 Wilt!
province. Hon. G. II; M111T11y, Nova that in his tlislmsiUon which scemt•J
8cotiu'a Jll'l't1ent tlr8t 1i1i11isw1·, twcnt,y- nntumlly to t l't\W llll' tu him; his
11vo yea1'H ago bt•gnn his long nml kc1•11 !llmsP of hmnol', his t'l,ady 1Lml
1111t1d1l" cat'Ccr of grunt public n11d11\- quick np111·(•cit.Lti611 of thu vm·lous
lll'Hll in this Houi;e. P1·e111ier M111·1·ny in s11hj1•cts III discussion in this chamtnrn was 11uccu1•1h•1l in thl' Kovm·n111u11t lllH', nmtle him ILL IIIICI! IL plt•at11Llll,
leadert1hip by lion. ,v. 'J'. l'ipPi;, 1•x· sncinl 1·0111pn11i1111 mul IL u~t•fnl col·
p1·eu,im· of tlw P1f.·ince, and who, lcnguu in thit1 cluu11l11•1·. And his long
while a mcmlJl•r of· thiA l'1111.mhl'I', oc- t·t•rm·cl here t·ellects nothing hut honmn•
cnpiuil M well the poAition of hon, upon him: tLA IL !111111 who 11lwnyt1h11nVo111111ill8iont'I'.of .Mines llllll "'m·kH.
1•stly cousitlN'Cd, with 1·c,innl lo o,·e1·y
'l'ho n,p1'l'>1t•nt1ltin, cl11u·11eh'1· of tho ttucstiou bef01•11 this cluunlll•t·, not its
1110111bo1•shlp of tl111 l,e!fislntive Co1111· p1u·ty Mpcct, not itH pm·Honul nsp,•ct.,
di hllll aimotl to alfo11l _to this llom1c hut nlwa)'ll and OVI'~' \\ h11t Wilt! hcst
iw position 1LH the rnvlsiug holly in our In. tbe 1mhlic inkt'l•~W, best 'for t.hc ·
Pa·oviucial_ Legit1lat111•(•. It. is claimed
at largl• a11d beet in
~het?ntereste of truth an<l 1·igi',t aucl
JUB . ce.
. l could wish 1\11' Pi'tlHI
clUnt, that I. hod it In my 'tJOwor to ea;
a . that I ,flll•l, hut I sh1, I bu content
eaymg only what I havo
said, •Tho · 1110111111·y of l\h-. \Vhltt1'an, mig~t well dem1mtl from 1110111•
lt!l'I! of th111 Houso !'Ven 111111.1, lnmln
t.111·11 and st1·011gur oxpl'et1sit1ns tlm~
wo tavo heurtl to-dny, but I trust tho
rcadlnij of cvm1 what we have ,mill
hu1:o w1I~ givu to om· old frieml 801110
l!"t1sfact1~n and pll'aem·e in hit1 unlm'Cc~ 1·ct1rcnumt. Umler tho 8t.tLtute11
off this country It !ms lll!cmno II mtLLtei·
.. Clllll'SC ll11ll noci,s111tythnt his place
t1hould he decla1·ed vacant, but we will
nlwnyH i·egret tho l11gislatlvo necesHity
cnusetl tho courM! It dill.
, On mot.Ion of Hon. Ah· •. l\lACK, thl'
Council mljm11·111•d. until 'l'uos1lay the
8tfh tlay of Apl'il, nt th1·eo o'ulock In
a tiwnoon.
1'umm.\ Y, Apl'll 8th, 11118.
The Council met at s p.
'lion:. 1\11·. J\IAcK, chairman of the
Sfocleto D'lndnsti•le Lai~io~I'
ui.wu, o Metegbnn.
Also, with amc11tl111ente.
TA Bill entitled, an Act i,;, enable the
f own of Stellm·ton to bol't~w money
or a new school building,
TA Bill ~ntltled, an Act
enable the
O~Vll;_i>f l'renton to- llOl'l'OW IIIOIW •
~ heso . Ht Us w1•1•0 HOVl'rally t'l•Kd a
H11cond tmrn and cm11111itt<•d to ('
mittlw of Um wholo House.'
:-:Ew 1m~m,m.
,Tho Jinn. 8n11111PI ·watte1• \Vllla1·tl
~;"~j'l' WbollH concluck1l into U11• Conn·
hy Hon. McHst·s.\V olton
all Il 1,o IIC11·11\11.
appointing him •to
In the ~,l'glHltLtiveCmmcil was
H.ac . by the cle1·k, nnd Urn onth of
Nlegmncc was ud111i11iste1·eJto him in
10. pre~ence of. Hon. hit-. Mm·rn •
~1·ov111,:ml SPct·l'tnry the 011
.> •
• t 1
"l?POIII c1 fol'" ~hat purpose;
, . "!1 be sh1g11e1l the 11111, and ILftei· l'ectll~ll t e gl'CetingH of the Hou.
1'0111 ent and hon. memhem of the
)Ollllcil, be woe co_ nduct<•d to his. ~oat.
' . ~er
Committee on Law Ameruhnente, i·etJOt'ted I\P favomhly:
A Bill entitled, an .Act to amon,l
Chap~•a• 1(13, Hevisod StatutcR, 1000 :
of \V1tnesses and Bvitlcnce
'l'his Bill was l'end a 11ec111~tl tlult' and
eo1mnltted to couunitt,ec of the whole
'l'h1;, ~hail'mon ILIHo 1·.. pm·t<•dthnt tho
,,01111111ttco had oxaminod a Hill entitl•
I'~, an .Act to l\lllllnd Ohaptur 70, He,·1sed. 8tatutus, llJOO, 'l'lw l\11111iclp11.I
Act aml 1•1•c01m11e11tl thut thu Hill be
tll'fel'l't•d this day tln·ee monthH.
He :mitl : 'fhe Bill pt'llJ)OHeR tit i·t•l'l'lll Chapter 48, ActH of lll07 wliich
11'.11tle ct•rtain provision A t\R t.o' partieA
"ho had IJCen conviekd of c1•rt~i11
'.1Jfe11c1•s, a1!d t'l!S))l!Cting t-hi,ir olcgibll1ty ll!' ~amh~al,(,11 for Uf>Point1111111t to
M11111c1/1al Cn111ici18, '] lw Committee
1111·h·m at tlm conclusion nftcr l tl1'111k
I •.nayof
ti a fl'11.l1II n111l
ti <!ar1•fulconsi<lur10 .•• , ut the law us it,
'><l.oud wn.s sat1~factory nml that, t.11011,
WlL!I Ill> OCCILHion fo1· tilt' ILllll'l!dlllCllt
(H'opnst•tl by this Hill.
On motion, th,• H
t f I
mitt.co WIIJI l\tlopt.ecl.l'(l<ll' o t ic (10111-I
11011. Afr. Amrs·1•1111Nu, ChtLimum of
lhl' &>lect00111111ittccon Bills, l'CIKH'tecl
up fuvorably ~
A BIii entltletl, an A t to I
The. Honsu of ABHembly, by mcssnge, mfoi·me!l this HouHOthtLt It h111l
~MSed the following Bills In which it
I esircd the conc111·1'C11ceof this Honourablo House:
A IJill entitlod, nu Act to amend
Ohnptcr 20, Acts of 1012, entitled 1,an
Ar.I, to coiumlhl11t~,till' Acts fot· th~ 0•
c111n·age1?11111tof agric11lt11l'llin l'l!Hpect.
~:ci~Ll~:•.nc,al gmute to 11gricnltuml
• A um' entitled,. an A. nt • 'I 1111.ICIJd
tc 7
~ "'
' mp, 'I' , I, H,w1Hml Statntt·s. 11100,
The 'I own0!1tltlml,
s lucm·pomtlon
A Bill
an Act to 011·1,lilc tho
Town of Glacc BILy to lll11•111w mmw
f<!I' the pm·posu of 1n·ecting nml t'<p1il
pmg a new '!'own High School.
, A Bill flltitled, nu Act to' m110111l<,lmpwr 136, ActH of 1001, cutitll'd ILII
'~~t to h\cm·prn•nto Ute ,v,wkinic111;m'K
nml l\flnitw'
A Ill Putitletl, tm Act ti, cxeu11 ,t
Beohnm· B1·os. from '°Xtit·1,,11.
\. B
ill tJUtiLll'tl, an Act tt, amend
Ulmpter61, A<,ts nf 11111. l'IJtitletl lllf
Act t,i l'lltLhlo the 'l'nwn of Hln<•e Duy
to 1Lpboint.n ~{Pgisl,1·nrof Votm·i<·:
i•utitli•cl. an Act to umencl
Ulmpt-01·06, Acts of lllll, entitled
Act t.o enuhle Uw 'l'own of (Hactl IJ11.y
to dchnnge the date of ulcctlon of Mayor
an Oouncillore.
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A Bill ent.itlcd, an Act to amend
~hlllll Billa w~re11e\•erallyread a flnt Chaptt•,· 128; ActM of 1880,, entitled: an
time and referred, the .tb'llt two to the Act to inc01·pcnate the l,anada Klee·
, Committee OU Law A10011dn:onts,.~r'
trlc Umnpuuy, Limited;
tho lut llvo to the 8olect ()oumu ee
A Bill e:1titled, o.n Act. to enable the
onAlBIils, ·they have ag1"1Jeu,
, w Ill· wu~• City of l:!ydnl'ly to l)()l'&'t>W 1~1oney ;
A Bill entitled, an A.ct t-0 mcorporate
ame~ment, to the Bill from the ,Lt>g· lho Cnpo 131-eton(foif Club, I,hnlwd ;
A UIU enUUod, rm Act to eno.ble the
hilaUve Oouncll, entitled, an
unfti•m a money vote of the. Munu: pu Town of Shellnu·m•, to ucqnire. Install
Uouncil of the Municipality of tho 1uul opt.irate an 111_ Nltl'ic light syslA!m ;
Uonnty of Ua1m Bret.on,
d 1 A Bill entltlt'tl, uu Act to amend
Altm they havu agK't•d, with amen . Chapter 62, Acts of 1011, entitled, an
ts• to 11, Bill of tbl~ Honourablt• Act relating t,o tho Town of,Olace Bay;
entitled. an Act l'tJKIWCtillg Coal
A Bill entitled, an Act to enable the
LelUltlB Nos. 14 ,md 16, fonnei·lf of 'l'own of \Vest ville tu Install aml optil'·
the Colchester Coal and Ru.llw11yl,0111· ate an electric plant ;
A Bill entitled,· 1111 Act to cnn.\,le ths
On',notion of lion, 1\lr, ARMHTIIOSII, Town of North l:!ydnoy to borrow
the amomlm1mtR propoSt!tl · by tre mom•y to meet maturing deoontnres.
H.1>USC of AS8e111bly were concul'l't."'1
'l'lll'SO Dills wei·e severally read a
Altl() that they do not a1rree to11t 10 first time and a't!ferred, the fll'Bt one
amendments Jll'Oposeil by thl11 on· to tho Cmumittoe 1111 Law Amend•
onrable Ho1111e to thll Bills ,•ntltled re· ment,lj, amt the otlwr eight . to tho
spectlvely :
. · 73 n0 . Select Cnmmlttee,on Bll11:1.
An Ai:t. t.o anumcl t,ha1>tct
vised 8tatutes, lOllO, The Alll!CBSlllent
Hon. M1r; l\lAC'K, Chalmaan of the
·Act to ameml Chat>tc1· IIO, Re· Couunlttl•l' on Law Amendments, re·
vised 8tat11tC11, 1000, The Nova l:lcot.llL poi·~ up f11,vorahly :
A Dill entitled, 1111 Act to amend
U.allways Act. ·
ti .
On muUon of Hun. Mr,
ACK, ,1elle Chaptea· ~. Acta of 1012, entitled, an
Bille were reconuultted/t.u the Oom- Act to cunt10lldu.tti the Acta fo1· till'
· anitt,ee 011 Law Amendments,· .
,mcom·agument ,,f Agt·lculture In 11•·
Also that. tht1y have ILKl"Cl'il 1A'1 the spect to P1·ovinci11lGrants to Agriculamend'ments proposed by thlt-1 hono111- tural 8ocieties;
ablt1 }lou&e to o. Bill ont1tfod, an , Act
A Dill entitl~-d, an Aut h1 relation to
to Incorporato tho Amhe1'Ht Gun Uh1~. the lnt1pectlon
11ml Enrollment , of
Also,that they luwe agreed to IL Bill 8talliont1,
from ti.ls llonourable Uouse, entitled,
Al110, with 11,mundment.s:
an Act to aut,horize the Town of Am·
. A Bill entitled, an Act to permit
bet'Bt to convey land, all anwndt..'<l.
. citi11t1 towns a111l m11niclpalitie11 in the
On motion of the lion • .!',!•·· MAcl<, Provinco to establi11h police Hnptil'lloll·
the Ommcll atljum·mid until to-mor• nuutii•n fumls,
,·ow, W1...Jiu,sdu.~,the 11th ,lay of Apl'il,
'l'hCt<•' Bil111 wet't'I sev1>roUy 1-eo.d a
l!O(Jon,1 Umo 111111 (,'ommltted lo Uom·
at t~,roeo'clock ·~the 11fw1·noo11.
mitlee of. tlu• whole House. ,
WEUNESDAY, llth A.p1•il, 1018,
AIIIO from the t11u11u Uomml!l.tle,
that thtly havti had 111ulel' recun11ule1·'l'b• Ouuncll met at a p, m,
atlo11 o. Dill ontltlcd, an Act to u.mend
The Houso of A11se111bly, hy me.sllllgl•, Chapte1· T.J, Hevist-d 8tntnte~, 100!!,
'l'he At11101111munt Act., to wluch th1t1
informed this Hou11ethat It hadJ'i~;3 Ho11t10-1111Mlo cc1·tnln umundmentll, and
thu following mu~. in which It llll r
to wbleb nmcnd1111mts tlw House of
the conc11r1•encu of this hm111111·ahle Asaembly did not, agree. The Repol't
of tho Ctm1111it1Alu i11 that this HouKU
A Bill entitled, an Act 1-espectlng do adhure to it.ti nmumJments.
the Motoi· Vehicln Act H.uad l111p1·ovoHon • .!',Ir, MACK: The ComuuttA.•e
ment l<'und;
d was not 11na11i111uu11, but the Honsi,
A Bill entlUed, o.n Act to amen
vott..-d 111Km the m11t1A-1· and the uaaJ01·ChaplAlr 00. Acts of 180!1, •·~titled, an ity h1 in favom· of a.Jbti1-ence to the
Act to enoblo the Town. Council. of l1Ulllnd111ent,
D' by to oontt"lil tho e1'\'Ct10n of bu1ldOn 1.uotlon, ~he lwwi·t of the Uom·
1n?s within the town liwlta ; ..
A~\ ~
. '·
ml~teo was lldppt.ed.
Also,. from the immo Committee,
that they havu. hi.,l 11ndm• 1·cconHld..1·.o.tlon 11 Bill entitfod, an Act, to a1111l11d
Chapter 1111, Ht'\'IHml 8tututt•R, 11100,
'l'he Nova 8cot.iiL H.ailways Act, to
which thlK Hou~,· mndo curtain m11emlment11, a.ml tu which murnduwntN llw
House of ARlluu,hl> dill wit. ngrer. 'l'lw
Jteport of Uw Committee IH t-hnt thi.,
Ho1111C ,lo adlwl'I• to ita 1mwndme11ts.
Hon. !\fr. MAt'K: Tho Bill p1·11poH1•11
to ud1l un tlrncmlnll'nt, to Section 278,
of Chapte1• IIII, 'l'ho RailwayH Act,, in
l'ega1-d IA'> tho liability of the owm•1· of
11 milway for d1u1111ge do1w to tho ltmd
or prope1·ty along tho line by fires
t1tarted from the onghieH, 'l'hit1 Honst•,
exercising what, I I hink, WllH sou ml
judgment, thought thut if tlw Hill wa.s
to UlfOl'tl, 01· WILH int1•mlcd IA'• alfo1-d, u
fo.h· protection along the \Hrns of 1·ailwo.y ug11h1.11t, fh't'H 11tm·tt•d by the milway engines, we should 1111Lke thn
deHC1·iptionof 111·npo1·t.y 111011• full, and
o.ccordingly wu hu\•e added in thit1
House the words which would 1·cmler
the rnilwu.y con,pany In caHe of such
fire, liablt•, not me1·tl!,r for tho inj111·y
and d1J11t1·nction of a !united 1111111bl'l· of
things montioncJ by the Bill, hut to
11ny kind of property along the lim~: ,
for us tho Bill co.me to IIH its wm'll;•1g
would not havu lndudod tlw 1le~lructio11, WE. Will say, 1of
h1111he1• piled 11eu1•
the 1·lght of wny, 11111• of lt•gs on HkillH,
nor of col'd wood, 1101· of otlw1· property, and we atltled two or three
words in ordt'l' to 1·e1m•1ly thit<, nnd
to be fail· -,tl) J>l'Opl'l'tY OWDCl'H o.long
t.he line, t111 that it wonlil iucludc t1uch
p1•ope1·ty ns I hnvc 11wntio1wd. and
arte1· (u1·thor co11KidemUon, I 11111st
~ay this Houi;o is quite col'l'ect in 11,dhel'ing to its amendment.
On motion, the 1·opo,·t of tho Uummlttee Wll8 adopted.
The following Bill W118 t•ead n thit·,l
timr, and fln11llyru.sst•d, 118 nuir.nded :
A Bill ontltle1 , nu Act to amend
Chapter 78, • Re\'h1ed Statutes, l!JOO,
'l'ho Asse88ment Act.
Hon, 1\11·. AIUIBTJU)No, Chail'man of
UII' Select Comruittee on Hills, t·ll·
ported 111> fav91"0.hly:
A Bill entitled, an Act, in rt•lntion to
AHSCHsmcnt In tho 'J'own of Picton ;
A Dill ontitlml, 1111 Act 1to mnend
Chuptc•r 66, Acts of 1011, entitled, au
Act to enable the ·rown of Glace Bay
to chnnge the 1late of election of
l\lnyn1· and Oouncillore,
Also, with amenclmonts:
A Hill untitled, nu Act to enable the
Town of Gluc.., Bny to borrow monev
tor the 1n11·1m11e of e1-eeting and c1111ipping 1~ M'W Town High School•
A Bill eutitlcd, nn Act to 'a111e11d
Oh11pte1· JOO, ActH of 1001, l'11t.itled, an
Act to ineo1·poruh• tin• \Vorkingmen's
P1·11spect.lng, Developing and Mining
C11mp,111y, I.hnited.
1'heR~ IJillfl Wl'l'I' BOVl'ro.11{ l'f'lld 8
Recoml timc, and cnnnuittl'c to Com•
mitt.ee of thll whole Honse.
1111,L lNTRODUC:Jm,
Hon. l\11·. E1·1$n introduced a :Uill
entitll-d, an Act to 01111blu tho Town
of A mhoa'St to l,01·row ruonuy fo1• fire
'l'his Hill wo.s read n fh-et time, and
l'efoued to the S.ilect Committee on
On motion cif Hon. l\tr.' MACK the
Om111cil resol\'e1l itl!Clf into Conm;lttee
of tllP whole House on llillH, Hon. l\lr,
LeBlane in the chair:
The following Bill" wei-e re111.l clause
hy clause arnl pn.qsed:
A Dill cntitled, an Act IA'i amend
ChnJ!tor Hl3, Hevis1'll Statutes, ·1000,
of Wltnei;seH and Evidence;
A Bill entlt.fod, nn Act to inco-rpo1·.
ntc La Societe. d'lndnstrle ~ltlere
Limit{m, of l\lel<>ghnn.
Also, wlU1 unmmlment,i:
A Bill untitled, nn Act to enable the
'l'own of SleU111·ton to hoaTow money
for a new school bnilding;
A Bill entitlt•d, 1111 Act to enable the
Town of Trenton to b01·1"0\V money.
'l'he Committee ndjo11n1e<1,· ancl thP
Bills rMHed in Committee were l'C·
pm•tel II p.
On motion of Hon. l\fr. MACK, tho
hon. member for AnnapoliH, 8. ,v. W.
Pickup, WllB made a 1111•111he1· of tl1e
following Connnittt•eR:
Seled, Comrnitte11 on Bills; Committc>e 011 L11w
Ame111l111ent8, 1md, Committee 911
Hnmano lnetitntions. ·
Hon. Mt•, DmmMOND:
'l'o tho Pl'Cllident 11ml hon. me111be1·s
of the Lc>gislati\'n Cmmcil:
Committee on
Humane ln8titntions \'it1ited :111 li(>C·
tionH, owfng to the n11111be1·s composinl(
the following hii;tltutlont1, ol'
which tho Province, owing to the:gl'eo.t
nnd bonl'flcent good beiug done by
them, h(LS much reuson to bo proud :
, I
l '
__ I
r -·
The; P1'<1vincial Hos1>ltal,
not by tho ear, but by t.he quiclmeM of
Tbe Provin!'111l Hanatorimn,
the eyu. In tho entire stall and their
The School fvr the Dellf,
11111nne1· of \ll'OCt'llure tho vit·tue of
Tho School for the Blind,
patience 111 highly excm111itte<l. Aske~
·· Tbe Victorin General Hrn1pltal.
by tbe chairman If ho ho.cl any suKges·
The nauws compl'iHing lhe Commit· tions, the 811pcri11ttm1leut HBill, "No;"
tt'C are llll follows: lion. Mc881'11, Owen,. b11t you must be aware, If we had
LeBlanc, McNeil, l\lnck, ltohlchnu, la1·ge1· means, we would have greater
Well,on, Corbett, Armstrong, Mc- opp01·t11niti1•s." 'l'he lnc1·el\llO of 8 in
0111-dy, Sandel'!IOU, Ettc1·, McPhcJ'SOll, the· 11111ul1Cl" of 111111ils, IL6 c01up111·cd
Beazley, LeVntte, Hill, Cox, Hedtlen with l11,11t Yl'ILl', 111 du,! to our 1111111:r. of
am\ 1)1•um111011d,' chnil'III0.11,
pup\111 fs'()III New H1·1111t1wick am\ New·
'l'his Wlll! the 1lr11t vit1it of your Uom· foundland.
mlttee t,o thi, 8nnatt1ri11m, 0.111\ thoso
Of the School for the Blind It is al· .
who took . tL(\vontage of the t>ppt>l'· most 1111nect1t1Ha1·y to spenk, for the,
tnnlty exprcsl! tl11Jmsdv1•s 1LS plcnHetl fame of it has 11pn,nd not, 1wcr thl11
with the work now bdug tl1111t•, nud Province alone, but tho Dominion, If ·
witb the enlargement w the lmihling, not, l11doe1l, over tho American cont\·
wblch will ntYol"1 large 11pport1111ity nimt, 'l'he SnpPl'intt,mlent, is grieved,
for extcmlcd uBofulneH!I, 'fhe Com· · tlmt In tho p1L11t two or thn-e years,
mitteo are Hllllgnine thn.t· the \>l't•t1ent the ex1wmlittn·c hns 1,xcoed~ tlit In·
management wi\l gain for t.h\s matitn- come, nnd think11 the governm~nt
tion t.he good will of tho peo1>ll• of t.hu might 1'lltlpo11il to tho re,11,est ell·
Province, nml os1wel11lly of thot<e who pl'CBl!l'<l lntt'ly of 0110 nf its mem \,ere,
al'C looking forwns'tl l<• the t•l1111in11- Hon, R. M11cOregor, ontlgi""' Increased
tlon aml uradicat.1011 of the foll 11.1111iHU\nce. 'l'he 1•xc1•ss of expendituro
<lioor.se, fN>III which so many of our over in,101110 i11 not uttribntahle to any
~p\c fnll by tho wny.
clis1'(•gn1·d of thu 11t1·ictest economy.
J(lme were prohibited from enter- In Ontat-io, the y1•arly col!t per pupil
lug iuto detail, ho might content him· Is $:il'ill,00, nml thi11 is all pala by the
self with the remark thnt the four govo1·m111mt, while in Nova Scotia th11
otbe1· inotit11tion11111'tl faithfnlly, c•al'll· cost. is uni)" $2l3, a. prtlllOl'tlon of
estly anil intAllligently 111,rforming thu which only 111, paid hy the i,i:overumcnt.
11111·1>0!10 for which thoy were designed, Dr. F1·nel'r empl111i;1Hed t.ht, fact that
snpplementetl by tho opinion thnt it tho School fm· the Hlin1l Willi tlift'el'ent
could not woll be othm·wif:e, the cfflci- from otl1e1· institutions in thnt It not
oncy, the em•rgy, the Intelligence, and only edncated its pupilt1, bnt Htted
tho enthuslnsm of tho sevi,ral staffs them hefor-e lcnvlng the school to entaken lntt> consltlernt.ion. Such, how· t.er npou the work whirh tlwy had ileever, might he too big a deplll'ture tc1·111111ctl to follow, not ILi! 11,ppruntlces,
from 1>rccedunt, tbe1·efo1'0ll ve1•y few but ll,ll lllll,lltet· workmen.
,let.ails follow :
· Of tho Vicwriu Ootll'l'I\I Hospital it
The P1'0vinclal llol''{litiLlhas, llll usual, need only be en.id, th11t the 1111c1•asing
all its rooms fully occup'ed. The con- 1)esuand f01• admi~Hions by those who
gostlon is hopetl to be relieved o.s soon have been stl·iek<•n hy one or mote of
,ui tho present extensive udditions W tho emmtlu11111ills which flesh Is heir to,
the buildings 0.1-e cotuplotcd.
}low utfoJ'dH 1•.1~1of tH some oxttmt of tho In·
110011 this mny ht, 111 coniticturnl, as all crensing popnlu1·ity of t.lw i1111tit.11tions.
tle1wnds upon tho contractt,r, who The S11\ie1·h1tt•111lunl. !111·. Kmmey,
may, 01· 11111v · not, concoivu thut time broadly 1i11ted that extunsion of tlw
h• the essence of the contract. Tim h.- p1·1,111lsN1 was urgently needed, AA
11tit11tion, as stated, is full, and so; there were BJlplicat ions fm• about t\ft.y
tbe1.,,fore, ·are the hands of Dr. Hattie, \11,r cent. more IJ.(}missions than tho
the able Superintendent,
and D1·. 10spito.l coultl accommmlute.
l lmd
Lnwlo1·, the capable nssit1tant, who hoJir.tl to lmvc Juul a cn1111111111ieatlon
h11tl not, at the tlnw of the visit, the from Ml', J{umwy on thl11 1>oint, but
help of a second Wl!list.ant or pl'OblL· 1io111ething 1111111t have l11te1·vu11etl to
111·cvcn t llH t'l•ceipt..
The work being done at tho School
for the Deaf, In the opinion of some, is
marvollonH. T1·uly, it le lit.tie short of
miraculous, this mo.king the dumb lo : The foregoing is tho r11>0rt of the
s1l0ak and tho deaf w hear-bearing,
, Co111111itteo a.s a whole, Going now IL
short, warfare on my-0=1acv===, ====-===
suffer· me a remark
tw: f c inrges, persons in some pin
( assume full l'l'l!JIOIIS(hillty
o}twhfeh termed agt•d Withoniei
10 may be
heard or rend of ))1• I?. , • nvmg the charge of taetl
ie ng open tt,
" ed "
"'' us an
ere H'Stl places urc•ffI ur
• t'II
ng I man, I WIIK prepared to meet not unwilling to 1111swe1·
us ,1
one W IOHe hantl \\' I t
pluce 1;(1 llml the vor , ' , le surest
hat! Jost Its
. I !I remu nus, anti trh•s mudo f1m1011 ) ngt>!l IH Um eounl1111t chl8tic~1·:11.111111g, ,~hose. stt•p hull unrl its N1l1• '1'11
"r hy Its mummies
I II,( -k ~t l energy,
~,:' 111111
ere 01• IL s :11'(' t y nmoug
11 hose
wit I I the tombs
of the Pha
Inst 1~ keenness UIHI its edge
.111't find 1ie1sn11R
,1,,{0j lH om, 111uy
i·psnJvmg to hand to him t.w,; Pon':1~·:1
:_i~,1vc1·1•d with the ~lnAtt
c~~~; !'l't'
ttn:y epistles handed down from ti~·
tose are dvset-vedly call -d · mes,
!{ood<lold times, which aomu old-fush • they lll'll ns IIHPIPss f ,' l nged .for
ionc p~oplc ure rt•ady tt, ,
. : · purposes 111< they m·
not wholly bud Tl
t 11 t c 1 urn \H•1·11 )llLl'l, I would he·,···1toc i!~>ec • Ill• o1· my
· l
wso 11·0 chunks of
d 1
~ "'
"" ca a 1
wist om: whiuh the old phih1H.OJlhP1·s in uge w 10 wns merely
t h_t>lr imde, thought wol'thy of tmns yeurH, ns I <·11111wt f
t me owed bv
1111ssion to, those who would follow· ILllll lllndstom• tw,~1~~\t tho Disraeli
wol'tl rntltled tlw one .. A"ll i I
• lll-i~ish prime ;uinist:rs !1·!rcntc11t
nhlo," tho other .. Gt·n "' ~ mnom·· their feet until they 1 • 1
not Hnd
r•rown of glm·y .. ', ti y h0.11'8 0.l't' IL sixtil'>I, I fmnkly at'- Cl'OSSed tilt'
Lt·,•nt~tl if not B~ee~:i n~l~y"\j HClll·vely i·emarkH may not
!1it 1}hn.t these
er and yerfi
le young- to the snbinct ,,r ,1
Y rcvclant
nm !"I'll nncl youthful
Tl 1j'Y
~chool, of 111ilosophm·
'fht•He ,.0011 may, howev1•1•, be a ,·elief u ti' .
}'1tt•nt1one o9ded in no pe11'orm':i.nce
.1mcPrl1Lin us to whethe1·H=" w 10
m· one met us at the po1·tals n.nd eon
y1:.::'8n,gslv,oh11,,,danl~, c"..itg11olo1· }tl1~1"1K1Hh ,1,·i1!~al:1·,
';~yeti ne ~hrough thu (lllHtmgcH whos;
= .. ., u
1,:1 Ip hud ,·1se powt•I', whnsu step was
its npplicntions and li~~cti.
and no
generul depm·tllwnt
of bodil .
,lion, .Mr. Com1~:rr-l have J' •
i·1gor, and no p1'f1cl11111ation of n wm}, with the greah•Ht intt, . t to IHltene<l
out and waeted acth•ity. To t·efor to
lust 1·~1ul hy the h~c~m•ablet~e l't•·
,,11101 11.1,•lngl'd who conld skip fl~,111 hall
~ r oi· P1ctln1, nH chulrmnn f 1~1:1"
o 10. ~ a young Hott skip!! from era
(,onmntl ct• oil H111111111e I t't o t' ll'
to era!( 111 surely to put saucincHi, II; a1~ of. ,~hich c•ommil tt•e I i111.!~ l1~d101h,
t•Xtl"elllO use, or to Imply that Hllllll! r1'1Vlh•10 of hl'illg IL llll'lllhel' P.VOI' ,.. t ,e
~:ado a pc~ullar slip of tbe tongue. In I hnve 111d tlw honm· of a st>at i~ ~.~e
.,ovn Scotia we have n11111y who havt• muse. Yem· hy yt•nt· we hnv l
1''!!11 the years r•oll up but to snv of ucc11sto111l'd to lwnr th R
e JCcome
~uch that they m·e ng,,d is to
Vommittl'tJ oil Huma~e pim·.t o~ the
llllfamiJia1•ity with O.Jl;~~~;;.r:t lllll~ \\'(l hllvtl pt•1•haps CO..Ue ni~:~::it>ll~,
· 011 it as II mutll'I' of COlll't!C, 118 bein upl\fcn who luwc crossed·tht; mm·idl n
1\he ordinary 1•ouu'ue lm~in~!
art• o.t th111;11 n,fe,:1~lll to 118 "oltl fo 11
ousc; that was c•e1·tn · I ti
!Int there IH nothing in that, 1 tho
~;~=~11::~!I :,'?trlf,Hlllltl <lo,;hue_~~ iu1;~:
i~sfccl by tho WILY of compensation to
onso }1nvc• had
; '1' ogg~ ,heo.dud fellowH of the yohth- Jle1·10nce in this way that J'(;p t ex11 siit.
Ihotc1·111 "oltl" is ,mmet1'1111•R puRsed by without' co1 . •
!I nt·.e
t .
110111cthit,g ont of thr o-!,1.'11111
I11pplwd tc
, cei· nm o m11l,111·ing yen1·s culls 0111· "t>t•.c1'nl nt•-11tio,un111tartyl <'Ollf60
· tt•i·.
o w 111ntI 111 t t I iere is nothtng in that llH ·t
l11• , npnro
. .,, I us n to1·m of
• endl'nl'·
, muy
•1 Pl'IO.IA't
IIH ut, as when one young chup salt;t~·H
.wou like ut this timci lo adtl n
somt• ,ltbcr with the wo"ls
p',11~tdj1111~ttrwe•11ullnfsupplenll'ntiug the i·eit old man?"
ow goes
• rom a cn.ee ti t
1' It·
et·t• 111-e Hnme, no d1_rectly.1111der my r1r,tic1,.
Ill cmuc
'i·'1t'.r" thnt
> , possessed
t,h1• to
he\Vi t 1111 the Inst few months 11 1 ,
the propt'I'
tin with·
"'!m .the fn1· si<lu of nn.y, iH to 11111('~ c~mt1 In my noticl' nf a ynnn
w1t.lun rensnnahlP t'f'nch " , 111·1,t1'11 , "1th whom I mu well n<·qm1intt•g m1,u1.
f JI
" I
g WM snlferit f
ii, w JO
c I oro orm with gun Uc• hints H I d
ig •·nm n. smwus co111pl11int
oost It mny be used with pftlcie 111 cous11lu•1l muny doctt1r~ an j
Ill ) nn<l l'Pgarcl w eco110111
!11td attended nt impm·tant hos ;itu{
not nnwilling· to admit thcru
mn gottmg
Ill t~w United Htat~s: in the hj .
· "' ~ som.o
some relief • but all ,.
.... , no pcpm·-
,! ,
-------·~----~ ··-··;·--,
'. J
. '·
..,.. ..
OF 'tllR
mmA'f)~S ANl> J>l\OCgRDJNOR
.... --
~;;:::::~::r.:.::--a1·0 to he fo11111l at their l>OBUI,
\Vlm11, th1·011ght111111t1 CllUSt1oa· otbor,
Hill lifo hu•l hocou1•• n 111i11u1·y to
an inte1·.,11t hatt l.iet•n "'1,u1111l In 0110 of
1111,' and thhi young nuLD, wi,11 u11 1i
atA"1 1111111rt and o110' who . wo11 i om· h11111u11P im,titntions, we l!Ollll
~llt·tlli111y 11111ko his wuy in t.hu ~vol'ld wunt. to know more 1ibt!llt ~btl ot.\1Cl'I',
0.1111 I lnokud fm·wm,1 with mt.ire"!, to
if givun ~oml hcQltb, wnH l?1•fl:lllllllll(
tlw vitiit t,1 tho Nova Scotia~ lfo111'ital.
lm10 1111 ho1m of 1·uism·t•1·y ; Ill tnct •. t
!lot:LOl'II Of th" Uailted HtatuH h ,ti mt· 'l'hPt't• IU'l' fouml till' 11111110 clean, beul~h·
1111\h~I IA• hhn t lmt r1ico,·ury wat< .m1t, ful, i;111To1111tli111,tt1, the 111mu, 11tmlwd
(l(, l,IW 11m•8lillt1, lit, C!Ulll' hOllll- to eur« of tho pntieut,i hy 1louto1·~ und
thh. J'1·0\'ii1ru {celing that lll!CO\lltl not, 11111.,,1•1<. \Vt• eanuot. pay t,m lut,:,h a
}lO~!lih\y \iw 11111ch louw•I', A i;oll, o{ ti·ihulA• t,, thu11e who i,civo thoh· hn•11
mi1w ijui,l to him, .. ): on lu~\'n t.1·1'.'~. tn t ry anti 11111kt, the lot of thot10 Vl)(!l'
tlocLm·ij nhl'oatl, but hi"'" ) o1! u, ~I uuf01·t111111IA• patie11t11 h111•11im than it
trie1l out' ow11.,,\oi:t01·11 a~ till' V1ctn1·11 othul'wi110 wouhl lie,
\Vlmt n c,mll'IU!t, wus the, coltlhtlon
Goncl'III l(ospitn\," Of co111·1:10, Ill' hn•,
· I, lfo h11d 11uvc1· thought of tlwm • of U1illl(K 1U1 wo saw th1•111 there, l\tH\tbe
!rt1~y Wl'l'C too nv111· homc : u11d he h11d 111a111tl'r ,,r t,ho tn,1~t111011 tof the puUentH,
t,1 tho days, nut Ion!( p1u1sc1l away,
\>OllHibly got tho itk1\ that, i·t•gl'~tfu\
rolutc, ,unny pool'\\' of Lhl~ i:1ty anl. when i1111am• 1wop\u WIIJ'l' troated, not
t,b11 P1•ovlucc 11.l'"' po11,;e1111otlol,th11t o111 UR t111111a11 lmlni,tH, hut 11,.q Uw lower
'1octA11·11 untl ini;titnt.in1111 m·t• r~n· tho11~· uuimul~. 'fu,day they ure made baPJlY
wbo c1umot go f111·the1· nlll'l.tl 101· uwl\1· i•vNl in U1d1· 11nfm·t111111.lo state •. 'l;'hc
cal a.~si11t.anc~,. Uc w1111 1ml11c1:tl ~o l'lght of 1wul'ly ulKl \'11lieutt< 111~t111K
conm to llalifnx anti 011h•1· tlw. V1y· (\own togl'th· r ton HII ~~t1111Ual dlnner
tm·ia Om1u1·al U,u1pit11\, 11111\ w1tlun
is one uot eo~ily, fol'got ton.
'l'hmi 1\ w111-d 01· two l'l'Sl>Octmg that
flvo we(ikt! lw \Villi ,li~cluugcd ft,0111
,t\111t h111titutio11 IL Willi 1111\11, 1mtl ~·- 11,t(lllt bunu to the 1111tTe1•ing of ~lll'
.}>1·ovit100---tho110 wh() 1u·e attlloked
" tla \lu la about hi11 wnl'k, 1111\l\lY, with
u. \,rii;ht rutm·e hdol't· him : 1111d lit' with that g1'i'11.t wJ1ltA, 11l11gue,. tnlxw·
will be {llrt,ver Umnkful to tho (lov· 'culoNi~-Lho P1•ovi11olal 8aultm·1u1.n al
which 1 h!"d tlw 111·lv1loge
ornment ot thl11 Pl'o\'inco th.at t\lllY. l{untvil\o,
ho.Ye 111'()\'i,kll nt Umt ho11111tnl U11 of viBILing, 'l'lwrn, 111t1111tc.1l on on~ of
tho 11111Ht hl'allhful spnl,tl Ill lh,o l 1"t1·
licst medknl skill t,hal, can Ill' ~lhtnlnc,l.
Hl11 case, I hnve no ,louht, '" o1w nf viuco, i11 l·1·1,cted a \1laco who.l't' tbo111•
who 1,1't1 thrc11to1101 with tlue d1"Cud
ml~riil(ht meution 11la;11 111 ewe which tliKt'IUIO 11111)' IIOClll'tl thl• IIIOllt ~lO\\lfUI
I\Ud tho host n101.hcal 1111·
comllB 11caror h11m1• l~~ 11!11 ; 111y
1m11 Wllll 1-vcotitly IL 1mtWIIL nt tho IV 11i11ta11co and at.tel\ hn1, 110 tl111t ~hl'Y
tot-ia Ocnernl Hosp1111l, nml thct'l! .lw UllL \K' able to throw olf t.bl.l to.mt,.,.
i·11cclv1!1I tho he~t of tn•ntmunt, nntl I , 11m{ become ono11 Ul01 tl lllll'f11\ mom be1·11
g\u,d to &aY is 011 t,ho high 10!1tl lo of 1:11wiet.y,
1\1 i·. P1·,·~illt•11t, tho 1woplo o( t 11~
~~~~woi·y, 1111(1 in ~ fow dnp,1, will h,,
Provi111:u h11vt· 1·,iastm to l,u 1no11d
t~bk to l'tltlll'll t,1 hlij ho1ue. ,
Having \,hello i11Hta11c1•H frt•Hh III IIIY 1n1ch i1111tlt 11tio1111, and of the l'lfo1 t~
mind I nnt,umlly folt o. much gl'cat111· that at't! being wu\o fm· the all1•vln~l1111
iutAll·:,11t hl the inHtitution.
who11 ,till' of 811ttul'inv;; 11.111\ l thlu,~ tho I..e1J111\11·
tm·u 111111 ach•i\ wi11ely t\lHl woll m d1.•·
tilllll Clllll~' (Ol' tho IUl'lllll\ lllH\l\'ellOII,,
On11 cnnnut go tlll't1llgh t be wartl11, voting o.t ltw•t a lit,\,lo of Its tlnm to
lininK 1·00111ll nnt.l ,,tlwr oftlct. •11, with· lht'lll' p1'0blt•lllt\: untl the gonn·umtml,
~lllt heil•K !!ll'llt'k with t.110 01·1lerly of t,bi11 Pl'ovi1um ia"t.c,,-bt, 11ong1·1•tul11tt.-d
mimiwi· in which tlw dut1c11 of Um 011 the f(•snltH w\lich luwc, so far, been
hos lit.al 1111: cal'ril'tl 011 : tho nthmtlon ohtnhwd.
I am not 11u111lullful uf the fact t mt
hy l ho lllll'Hl'~. who look upon
\lutic11W, 'not 1\8 we lll't) HOJIIC· l•wm c1•1tlcl11111a 11.1·0 oftcnt,hut>11 b1uk•I
times ktl t,o bclit'\'~ hy,th<»e who know aL tlwso lns'.itutions, 11111\ tho 111cth04:ls
kl\8t ubont. it, ":1th callm1R. ~et•lln~~ of comluctinl( th1~11.1 '. au,~ 1w ono w1.I~
aml 110 ,·11111mlt•rnl ,on fot· t\wn i..ul~tt lluny llmt ju11L ci·lttc1~111 111 l(l>Oll, nm\ 1.
but 011 bt'otlw1·>1 tmtl 11111tl•l'>1 \\ ho, lll'll'ful in 11howlni; wb,•1·1•111 ,11u· wol'k
lw hctt.t,,· cai·i·icd 011 ; hut, 1111f01·l:11·
II fm· the time hoiug In \l~\11, 01111
l~O.y· ~i,t hlL\'O t}1eil" 1illlft•1•ingi. IJ~llli• natelr. thll majority of tho ham1tul
111i·re1l by kintl u11tl. cau•efnl atumt1011, cl'ilic111111K cvmo fi'lllll U10llo who . tlo
N vaut ii' t,,o trivial ti• lw ovc1·\011k1'(\ not kn(>W wb11t t,bPY a1'tl talk wg
h; ~hlllll : nnd, dny Bild night, they
about; who do not know the 11rst count1,y; and I cnn only s11;(that the
U1ing about tbe ln~tltutlonR
a111\ ,tlmir cm111t1·y wrn11'1 ho badly off 1f Uwy had
work,, Lot thl'llc ptmp\e vlRit the not these i11Htlt11tio1111. The 1mo1· peoplo
places, 1\8 wo dill: !ll'O Uw wol'k ht•lng without m1y11 nn,I mt•unH; tlm pool'
co.1·1'iv,l on, nnd lw111· the l'X\n·e~~ionH lllHllrw; tlw pnm• blind; the inllma of
of thankfnlnee$ fi.n11 tho110 who lmvo 11\1 kinilR; what. would tlwy do without
l>et•n put In tho way of 1·enewetl lw11lth, thesl' inMtitutlons? l\lnny of those In
111111 we wonld hl'111· no mot·" of tht•Rtl tlw h0Rpit11h1 woultl hawe ,Ht,d in 1,
11lf1>l't Unw Imel th1•y not lwen ublo to
!\Ir. President, I 11111 Kimi to he given get. tr1ml1111'ntthe1•t•. 'l'lrn lnstltutimis
thill opportunity of paying my t1·ib11tt• ure: 'fhe Novn Scoti,i Hospitul tho
of l'<!Rpect lo thm,c who lll'e cnn·;•lng Victoria O,•n1•ml, the School fo~· tho
on tho wol'k; it slum Id h11v1• hl'l'II fm·th~ Blint\, the Ueuf nntl IJnmb Institution,
r11111i11g long ago, but I trtrnt it is none the l'nbr Ho11Kl', the Inlll'111n1·y the
tlw le88 acceptnble· lA>ilav.
Old \Vo11wn't1 Huult', the' Uld' ~fo11's
lion. Mr. L1-:IJl.ANC-f huve he1•11 1i II null', two lnfnuts' Homes, tlw Child1110111l>l'l' of the Oommltt.ee on ll1111111no rcn'H llt>Rpitul. Ht. JnHC\lh"11 01·plmn·
1111,tltntlonR fo1· thu h1Rt thil'ty,l'om· n~l· 111111 Ht. P,,trick's Home. 1.'lwy ut·e ye11rs. When I fh'ttl i.1mw to pnt\111· ult i!1stitutlo11s w11rt.hy of the name of
,nent, 118 a mombm· of the l1011se •of }fohfox, worthy of the· g,•11e1·osity
Assembly, I wm1 11ppnintcd on Urnt hos1>it11llty uml lmmnnity of its peopll''.
Committee; allll WIien i wo.suppolnwd l do not think tlw1·0 Is a cnunt1·y in
to tllll LeglRlatlvo Ommcil l WUA up- the world where you can find betll'l;
poii1kid on the ~111111i Couuuitt,•c; uml institutions urnl heLter c11rn fo1· lnva·
I m1111t sny tlmt thP Ut>pol't just 1·Pad lltl11 than you cn.n here.
by the hon. mm11hl'l' fm· Picton is un
lion. Mr. L!<:VA't'T~:-lt WIL!l with a
uxcdlent one, 11ml 1 p1-es11111c the1·e Is i,c1·011t tleal of \)lc11tt111·0 that I listened
nothinl( that cnn bt• Hu ill th11t wlll nuikll tA• · the re1ullng of tlw 1'epo1·t from the
it auy better. .
· Lhairman of the Conmi.ltteo on 1111l would \iko to ntld a few wortl11, if it maue lnstit11tlon11; nnd to thl• Rpceclll'B
is in m~ler, in compm·IRon of the 1111- of tlw ~ll\'t•ro.l honournhle gentlemeu.
mono IustltutionH
in, this P1·oviuc1• 'l'hl· Uity of llillifnx it1 known fol' its
with those of otht•1· co1111tl'iPs. 111 my cluu·ity thm11gho11t tlw lv11gU1 1111tl
time I wns a 11111HUH· mnl'inl'I', amt had lll'l'atlth of Nova Scot I 11, hut whi\1> the
nct·a><ion muny tlnws ln \oave s11i101·11 in city i:1 known for its cl1111·lly thern m·o
hoHpital; nt (lih1·ulllu·, l\fnlto. nud oth,•r othel's portlon11 of Nm·1i Scotin wlwl'e
plu.ces; and I WO.H in Hio iu Bl'Uzil they a1·a looking nftl•1• theit· afflickd
when the yellow fever llt'oko out. thel'e, 11eoplea11tl who tihonhl not he forgotten
1tllll I lost Mix 11wn. C,msl'((llt'ntly,
1 wlwn 1111 1•,·ent of this kin ti 111kes pince
lmve had o,ic1.U1ln11 1.4• 1lu!,I wit,11 hospi.,
in tl1i11 HonH<', I might HILY tlmt, look·
111\s o.broatl aml I know wlmt they 1u·1•, , ing 11flel' the Hick and dititrnssctl 1wo1111d what tlwy cost. I nlHo visited thu ,,\., is <inc of the g1:1•11t problems t.hat
hnHpital at Victorin.
H. C., twelvo 111R 1ll(lt11te1l tho 111111tl:1 of t.he p1•ople
ye11rs ngo. l wuut th1·11ugh it, two or of HOV£'1·nl s1•ctio11H of thiH P1·0\·i11ce
i,hl'Ol' tiull's, once with Uw (io,•e1·nm·:
cl.m·lng tlw. last 1111111hei· of yt>111-i<, JIO.l'·
111111 of nil the hottplta\H tlmt I huve ex- tlculm·ly !l111co the inception of the
11111i11etl, I have i,ecn nothing that wus g1ent hul11st1·ial developments
in the
hl'ttcr than our own hm1pitalH in this County of Cnpo Bl'et,on, which h11Rr
1'1·ovlnce. We hnve hel'o in thu cit,y heuelltt'll till' whole Proviuee. \Ve have
l'vrry facility: wo lmw 1111 · the new in the Co1111ty of Cape Breton Rl'Vl't·<1I
we hnvu 1,ve1,ythi11g in om•' hottpltals.
They lil'sl started with St,
f11vonr-olect1·ic light for instnnci>, thn JnM•ph'R Hospital ut Olo.ce llo.y: the
wnteray11u.m, huating: am\ evl•1·ything lkooklnml~ Hospital at S1,dney came
,·m·y ple11sant anrl cl•·m1. including next, the Hamilton Hosp1tnl 11t North
lil(ht and ventilation.
Our hospitnle
Hy<ln, y: and then Hnrhor View at,
,11·,• attcmli•tl by tlw best skilh•il phyRi• Hydm•y l\lim•s: un<l nil of theii,• hnsninns and 8\lt'gt•nn~: tlw h1•Ft of 11111·80H pitn\s nre doing a rnngnitl<'ent w111·k
111ul o'f1\cii,ls. I think Lhnt Uw Pm· taking Clll'O of 0111· own people. I thi11k
\'ince of Nova Scotia. ,!PRIH'Vl'S II g1·cnt if yon will look over the report of Um
1l1·1ll of c1·edlt; not univ I.he (fovet'II· Victmfa (fonu1·ul Hns1,ital
you will
111t•nt. hut the City of Iinlil'ax, for an· find verv few fmm Oapo Breton, pnrllll' tlitfert'nt i11stit11tions th1•y ho.VP, ticnltuly the Uounty of Onpe Breton,
I have 1~ list of those· hert', anti In tl111 I t1•11st the Oovemment of Nov1t Scotiu
... -·-····-.,_-.--------·------
,1 .
--·-~~--- . ·~-·-\--·-·-·-·-·
, -··- ---....---7'"-'"
-::;:::--....::::.::::-.=:.:=-.=:.:::: :::.;:_·_- - -- - -----
. - - ----.
·-. --·-·
nuttee on Bills.
my duty if I did not, lend \\ h1Lt.we1·
. will in tho future alwuyH remember limited
I could to the discussing of
the institutions located outside of tho t.his veryaidimportant
Oitr of Hallrax in the other oountles,
On motion tho a·1•1mrt 1if tho commita111 that they will provide for them 11.11
was ueeepted uml ndopted,
libernlly u~. tho l'llyenun will enable tt•1•On
moti1111 of lion, Mr. J\I ACK, the
them. I think the 11ss1.wtion can ho Couucll
adjout-ned until to-morrow,
safoly mndethut Iho Province ol Norn,
tho 10th dny of April, at.
Scotan nut of its lhnite-l revenue payB 'l'h111·sdny,
IIIOl'll lllOIIOY, a gl'liatdnal 11101'0 uiouey, t.hreo o'clock in the aflt•t·noon.
towards charitable and h111111U1l' lusttt11tio1111, thnn uuy other provinen in
'l'IIUIUIUAY, Apl'il 10th, 1013,
the Dnminion of C1mad11,nnd p1.whnpH
Th<• Co1111eil Ull't ht 8 p. 111 ..
I can go flll'lht•1·.11111l i-;ny than in uny
Stutu of the Umnn. 0111· people pl'a'lllLl.S -Tllllll> lll~AIJINU,
1'ho follmving Bill was a·t•1lll a thia·d
of 111011ey that iH tak1,a1 out of t.ho tinw uml llnally p1111Hed:
limited 1-evcnm• of thh1 P1·ovim·e nml
A Hill unt.it,hill, 1111 Act to amt•ml
which is dovotud to· el1111·itnhlu nnd Clmph•1· 10:J, lteviiwd 8tatuteH, lllOO,
h111unnoinstitutions of till' Prnvinc,i. of \Vitall'l:IBCH nrnl Evitfonc<l..
Tho Chah'lllan h1LK ktLid that l'V1•1·y
'l'hu followinlf BIIIH amended wet'tl
merul>er of this Council iH n 11w111bt•a· of 1·e1\ll a third tmw nntl H1mt to tho
tllll CommiUA.•n on . Ilu1111111l' lnHtit~1- Hm1ttt' of Ass1•mbly fu1· r.oncu1Tl'llCe:
tlone except thn gentlt,1111111 " hu join~'<l
A llill entitled, 1111 Act to enable Uw
U(! yostt•rday, 1111111 1111\·e no llo'uht bti- 'fown ,of 'f1~11ton to IKn·a~11v money;
fm·e this scHHion clos1•s this aftl'l·noon __ A IMI ent1tkd, 1m ~l'l, to inco1·poa··
that hon. l(Olltleannn will also be 1\ n,te the Nova. Sc t1a Natm·al 0118
nwml>e1· of tho Con1111ilU.m on llu- Co111pm1y, Limited.
mane lnHtitutionH, ) w1int l<• HILY thi11,
that it is the duty of honouruble memHon. l\lr. AIUIHTllONU,·chairman of
001'11, one and nil, when wo visit tlw Seled Committee on Bills, reothor pnrtH of tho Province whea'll aro poi·tcd up favombly:
situated hospituls 1rnd iuHnne instit.11A Bill entltlml, nn Act to anwml
tionH, ancl othm· charit11hh• institu- ChnpfA.>1· 128, Acts of 18811, nu Act to
tlu1111, If we elm H)llll'I' Uw tinm Wt> incorpm·ute the Ounruhi Elt!cta·ic Com11h111l go and visit them nud Im nhlo to puny, I,inaitt•cl:
1-ep01•t to this hon. Hom1e that we
A Bill cntiU11d, nu Act, to amend
have nut only visitt>tl till' im,titutions Chapter 00, Atltll of 180:1, entlt.led, an
nuar the city of lfolifox, hut that W<I Act to l'nuble thti Town Oonncil of the
WL!re ,mabled-Honw of us, at lenst--to '!'own of Digby to cont1·ol the et'lmtion
visit IKitween 1111 all Urn institutions of Hui11li111,,tlj within ,the 1'own llmil11:
loc1Ltud1werywhp1·c within cverv secA Bill mil itl<'ll, 1m Act to enRble tl11•
tion of tho Pmvince. I belil•\'c, Sir, it 'fown of Nm·th Sy1lney t~l honnw
11:1 our 1·1ght and duly to muko oLU'· mom•y to 1111•t•t maturing Ocht•11t111-e11.
11elvcs familinr with overything thnt is
At80, with 11rnl'l!llnwntH :
going 1111 in thiH P1·m·ince 1ui fa1• u11 wu
A Bill t•ntit.h•d, 1m Act, to i11roa·pm·1)0ssihly cun, null 1 l'e1•I nnd hnvt1 nl- nte the C11p1· B1·i,t,on{folfCluh, Lhnitt•d.
ways felt wlwn Wll can go 11nywhel'l,
'l'ht•8e BillH wt•1·0 Rt•vtirnlly reo1l n
uml cun viHit these institntinnH it waH second tiull' UIHI commlttt•d to Coma lll'ivilege. It is a pul'ticulnr privilege miltlie of the whole 11011111•.
to me when 1 know thut I can. knock
at the do01·11 of uny of tlwi;e h1Htit11·
tlons and tlwy will hogla,lly opened to
'l'he House of Assembly, byml'ssage,
at uny bout· in the tive11ty-fo11r informed this House that it had pl\ll&etl
1i1e t,hnt 1 cnn he showu . over the the following Bills in which it desh't!d
1aistlt11tion11nnd set• foa· myslllf juHt tlu, conc111·1·encoof this Honou1·able
how they urc !ming mu, nlHI -bo Honse :
able to l'll)lOl'I, to my frit•ndH Rt•atcd
A Hill ehtitlud, nn Actl'l'HllCClingthe
in this Houst•, It wns the fnl'thest Dominion 'f1·11st. Cmnpnny :
f1•om my thoughts to 81\Y anything
A Hill entitled, nn Act to inco1·1>01;,
hm'll thl11 aftN·noon, hut after hearing u.te l,ho Cupe D1'(,to11 Building &ciety,
tho l'tllll8l'kt1 of tho !1111,im1an und thl'! Limltt.\tl,
hon; member for Hichmond nml (or
Thl's1• Bills were sovomlly rl'ada fh'St
Antig1mlsh, I ft>lt I wouhl I.lilt ho doini:: time und l'tift•1·rt•d to lht, Solect Com-
Also, that they have agreed to tho
umendments 11111.do by thiH honoural>le
House to tho Bill» entitled respeetivo-
Bill entitled, au Act to amend
Ohapter' 20, ;Acts of 1012, entitled, an
Act to consolhlnte Lim ActR fo1· tlw encouragement of Agricultul'O in so fnr
us the same r1•ln1t•s to Oounty and
UiHta·ictExhibltious ;
A Bill entitled, nu Act to nmend
Ohnpter 1:!4, Acts of 18511; ontltled, un
Act, to tncorporate the Liverpool
J\for11?e Railway Company nnd the
Acts 111 amendmeut thereot;
Also, that they hnvo ng1·1·l'd to n
Bill of this ho110111·nh111 llo11M1 e;1titl1'<I
1111 Act respecting 00111 l,1•11ses, Nos.
nnd 15, formel'ly of Urn CulehesteiCont and Railwuy Oompnny, Limited,
IN l'O~IMIT'n$.
On motion ,~f Hon. '1111-. MAl'K Uw
Conncil 1-el!nlvl'd itHelf into Co111111°itte.e
o,f tho whole Hcnrnc on DillR, Hon, .J\lr.
Ltll'bett In the Ch11ir :
Tho following IlillH Wlll'tl l'uad cl11111:1e
hy clause and !}ll.H>md :
A Bill entltleil, 1111 Act in 1·elntion to
assessment in the Town of Picton , :
A Bill entitled, un Act in 1'l•l11tin;1 to
Uw lnspcctiou nnd·l'111·oll1111mt of Stullio1111;
'A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to amend
Chnpter2D, Acts of 1012, entitlull 1111
Act to consolidate tho Acts for th~ en. co111·age!nei1tof ngl'icultme in 1,1spect
to pl'OVlllcanl grn1its to 11g1·icultm·11l
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to nmt•ml
Chapter 60, Acts of 1011, entitled, an
Act to enable the Town of Glnce Boy
to chnngo the date of uluctiou of May ell'
nnd Counci1101·11.
Also, with amemlments:
A mu. entitled, UII Act to permit
citi1is, towns and 11111nicipulitiesin the
P1·ovlnco to establish police supemnnuution· funds:
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to enable the
'!'own of Glace Hay to bol'l'OW morwy
fo1• the pm·pose of ct·ecting and equipping a new Town High School;
A Bill' entith•d, un Act to amend
Chuptcr 186, Acts of 1001, m1titll'd 1111
Act to incm·poruto the \Vorki1111111:u1's
Pmspecting, l)ev,jloping 111ad Mining
Company, Llmilt!d,
The Committc<• 11djom·ned and the
Bills passed in Committee wei·e repm·tl'd np.
On motion of tho Hon. Ma•. MAC'K,
the Co1!ncil adjoua·ned until t.o-moi·l'OW, F~ulay, tho 11th day of Alll'il, at
three o clock In the uftemqon.
J~nJDAY, Apt·II 11th, 1013.
'l'he Council met ut 8 p. 111,
. The following BIiis WN·ei·i•ml u thh d
tmw and flnnlly passed:
A Dill m.tith•d, un Act in l'lllntion t 0
assussinent in the Town of Plctou;
A. Bill en~ltled, nu Act in mint ion to
t)io 1118Jlectaon nml enrollment of s·-·1.
A lii[I enti~lud, nu Act to incorpomte
Ln S•icwte I> Inllusti•ic Lnitiei·o, Limil'd, of J\leteglum;
A Bill entitled, nn Act to amend
Ohnpll'l' ~. ActM of 1012, 1•11Lit.li•d, 1u11
~ct to consolhlutu tlw Acts for the I'll·
com·agm!am!t of ngl'lc11lt111·1• In l'l'sp1.•ct
to ,lll'!>vmcml gl'Unts to ag1·ic11ltul'Ul
The following Dill, Mnended was.
l'eud n thh·d time 1111d sent ti, the House
of Ass~m bly fm· concuncnce:
. A Ball entitled, nn Ai·t to pc,a·mit
c1Ucs, townH n11d municipulithis in the
Pl'Ov.lncl' to t•lltnhlish policu !lll)lerannnntmn funds.
Hon. Mr.,AUM~'rl!(JNU, Ohairmun of
thu Select Comnutteo on Hil!e repo 1·t·
1•d fi.vom·nbly:
A Bill t•ntitled, un Act l'Cspectio
tlw Df!11ai11i1?n 'l'l-ust Vompuny;
A Bill ~11 titled, nn Act to incm· >Ol'·
nte th~ Cap~ lh·dou Dullding Socitty;
, A -Bill ontatkd, un Act to unable the
1own of ,ve~tville to install and 01101,.
ate 1m dectl'tc plant.
Also, with n11a1md11u111ts·
A Bil! entit.lcd, an Act k> amend the
Actm1t1tled, nu Acttoenubhi the Town
of io;Jaelbume to ncqniru install nnd
operu~o nn e_lccfric light ;yste111 :
, , A Bill entitled, un Act to unnltlll Uw.
~own of Amhm·st U> bor,ow money fell'/
hl'll purpo,;1•i;,
'l'h1,su . Bills wul'n se~erally 1;cad 0
He~ond t1111e and committed to Committee of the whole Ho11fie,
'11011 .. .J\[a·. lllAcK, Chnia·mun of the
Commatteu on Law Aaucullments, 1.0•
pnl'te,.l up f,wnul'Uhlv:
A Bill l'lll.itll'd, ,in Art t·u·,pPcting
the Moun· Vd1icle Act l'OU.d t"min·ovcllH'nt funll.
Also, with 11111emlnrnnt·
A Bill entitled, an A~t to amend
Ohapte1· 71, Ucvised Statutes, 1000,
t, I.
, I
.. _ ··-·
-· ~·
'• --_--.:•---,-.·•·
.. ,I
. .
. -
...- ,T
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·,-· '··--····-·
,:·- '
_ __,_I __
, • .
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! .
- , ... J
infm·ml'll thlR Housl, that It hnd JlASSCll
tho following BillH In which It dl'iiil·ed
the conc111·1't.'11cu of this honourable
A Bill 1-11titll'd, 1111 Act l'espectlng an
nnunltr. LA1 (foo1·gt> l\lucPlll'rson:
A ll1ll entitled, nn Act k1 amend
(Jhaptm• 161, RcviHed Statutes, 1000, of
H1u·1·ititA.11·H 1111d Solicit1ll'!I;
A Bill entitlt'll, 1111 Act tA> amellll
Chaplet· 13, Actii of 1012. entltloo, an
Act tu 1m1 .. 111l 11.ml commlldnto the ActH
1·cluting to Succ!'t<Hion Duty;
A Bill 1,ntitled, 1m Act t.,o ameml
Chapte1· 2, Acts of 1012. untitled. an
Act l'esp,,ct.ing sl1i11·t fum1e of con\'oy11nc1,H;
A Bill cntitlml, nu Act tu amend
Cho.pt.er Ou, Act.ti of IIJO'l, tho l.inv1-ence·
1A.1wn Blectric Lijfht Act, lOO'l;
, A Hill 1111tiU,•d: nu Act u1 confirm
and lugulizo tlw a•scsHmont of the
'!'own of Dmnlnion: .
A Bill entiU1•<l, 1111 Ar,t LA1 enable till'
City of Hy1hllly ·to 1n·1•ct. ,l"l1ulp and
ma111t11ln u public hot<pital In the City
of Sydney;
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to vn.lldat1,
thu 11ppuint,ment of an· a1·bit1·ator in
Kings llounty;
A m11 ·1•11titlod, an Act to incor1101··
nte tho Local Co1111cll of \Vomen, Halifax.
'rhe1111 Hills Wel'll HllVCl'Ully l't.'00 11, fh•B.t
tlnm and l'Cforrod, Uui fh11tfo111• to tho
Co1111nitte1• mi Lnw Anll'nduwnts, and
tho othe1· fh'e LA> the 81•lcct Counnittl•o
Oil Dills,
On ,moUou of Hon. Mr. MAtiK, the
Cmmcil 111lj01n·ned nntll Monday, tlw
On motion of Hon. M1·. MACK, the Hth day of Ap1·1l, at th1·ofl o'clock in
·council resolved iteolf into Couunlttee tlw l\fl~11·nlllm,
c1f the wholu HouHo o.n Blll1:1, lion. l\h-.
u•Bln.nc in the chn.lr.
l\lONDAY, April 14th, lOt:J.
1'he following BIIIH We)'(l read clausu
by cla•.1se and p118sed :
'!'he Co11111:il mot at 3°11, 111.
A Hill entitled, an Act LA1 nmeml
Chapter 00, Acts of 180!1, 1•11titled, an
Ad, tp mmhlo the 'l'own Council of the
1'hc following Bil11, we1·e t'Cn.tl a thh·d
'J'own of Ulghr. U> co11t1·ol tho 01·1!cti11n t.iuw and finally plllllle<l:
of buildings within the town limits:
A Bill 1•11tltled, nu Act !'elating to
.A Hill untitled, 1111 Aet t,o c1mhle tlw 11ewe1·11Ku
in U1e '!'own of Now GlasTown of Nol'lh Hydney LA> hol'row gow;
money to meet 11111tm·ing ilehent11r1•11:
A Bill entltlod, an Act to enable the
A Bill l'ntitlcil, an Act, LAI nauoml
of Nm·th 8ydnoy to bo1 row
Chapte1• 128, Acti< of 1880, nn Act to in- Town
monuy to meet mnt.111-ing dobcmtnres·
tiorporatti thu Ca1111d1~ Elt•ctl'lc ComAl110, with 11mo111lment11:
pany, Limited.
A Bill entit.led, an Al't to lncm·porAlso, with amcnilmeiltll:
nto the Clare Crea111e1·y Company
A Dill entitled, nn Act to incnr1111rate Li111itt II;
tho Oapo Ill'lll<>n Golf Clnh, Lim ll•d.
A Bill entitled, an Act to enable the
1'own of 8tt•llm·tc,n to l101·1'l1w money
The Ho11Ne of AsHombly, hy lll!'B!!l\go, fo1• a now school building.
. the Towns' Incoeporation Act.
Hon; Mr. l\lAcK...:..TIJe amendment
proposl'd to the Bill atrikosout Beet.ion
2 of the Dill, Sectiou 2 Ia that p111·tion
of the Dill which proposeu to l(IVO the
the power of
making women members of tho Boul'd
of Schuol Oounnisalouers In the towns:
tho Onve1•1101•-in-llouncil now 1111s the
·powu1· of a\>pointing
twn 1110111IH.•1·11
who 111·0 resi1 outs of the town IA> the
Board, and till' tllftiet of the Sectlun 2
would be to render women capnble of
_IHJi11g !'ppolnte1l by the Govemur-inOouneil,
That nmeudment, Is being
struck out •. The iil1•a of the llo111111it·
tee, 01· tho majm·ity of tho Committee,
. wan that if the experimeut was to ho
tried of admitting women tsl the Honrd
of School Co111111illHi1me1·1,1 nf tho towns.
it would perhups Im us well, Ior tho
·pl'esent, to limit the power of uppomtment to the Town Council.
The i,ITect
of the Dill will he t.hut tho Tnwn
Council, in the uppolntmeut of three
me111bt•1'8 to the Board of School Cu111111i11t1ion111"s, will not; be consteained to
appoint these th11m 1110111001'8 from the
Town Council, hut thn.tono member of
tho Hourd may be appointed from tho
citi:tenH of the town outside of tho
··rown Council,
nnd that outslde member may be a· womnn.
The BUI is I'll·
ported up hy a 111ajo1•ity of the Committee.
'I'huse Dills were severnlly l'OMI u
second time null committed to Com•
mittc.- of the whole Honse.
M ltSil.\GE,
. 'l'ho Hou~ of A11ROmbly, by meSRage,
111fornted tins HoltROU1at it had l>Ullsed
thu following BillH in which it I esired
thu cpno11r1'tlnce uf thlll houom·ahle
A' 'Bill cntiUeil, 1111 Act to amei11l
Chapter 8, Acts or 1008, tho Conl l\ll;ies
Hcgulntlon Act:
A Bill l•11tltle1l, nn .Act to Bllll'IUI
Chnpte1· 10, Acts of 1011, tlw Mines
A· Bill entitled,
Act to ph1vldo fo1·
t.lw supol'n.nnuatlon
of cc1·tai11 0111ph•yees at the No,·a Scotln llo11pltal;
A Bill entitled, an Act mspectlng
t.hu oyster flsherlu:1 of Novu. Scotia•
A Bill ontitled, the Optional AM;essmcnt Act1
A Bill outitll'd, au Act to inuorpor11to the 1'ru11toos of till' Fh'Ht PN'sb)'·
t.cria.11 Ch 111·ch, Truro :
A Ilill cntitled, nu Actrespcctingtho
!Jld llu~ying Ol'ound nt \V m1t AmberRt,
Ill tho County of C11mbt.•1·hmd.
'l'hese Bi11B w,•n• Hev1•1·111ly I'Clld a
fh11t time 111111 1·Pful'l'ed, the lh'l-lt llvo
t,1 the eom111ittee 011 Law Amendments
111111 tho la.st two to the Hl'lect 00111•
mittt'C on Bills.
Ahm, they hnvo uga-eP1l tothen111e11.i111011tsn1n.de by thl11 Honom·nble llmtHll
IH the Blll11 entit.leil l'llHpectlvcly :
A Bill entitled, u.n Act to amend
Chaptel' 140, Acts of 100'.), 1•ntltled, an
Act to lncorpo1·11.tt,tl10MacAlpinc
PubI ishing (',ompany,
Limited, M mnended
hy Ch11\1ter 108 of the Apts of lll08 ·
· A Bl I entitled, au 4,ct to nm~nd
( 'hnpter 73, Acts of llJOO, The All11ess1111•11t Act.
A Hill entitled, an Act to pl'rmit
Cith,s, Towns11111l l\11111lcip11llties In tlw
1'1·0\•lnct, LA> ustnhlh1h police s11pemn111111tion fur111!1;
A Bill entitled, nn Act U> amend
Cha11ter 181, Acta of 1001, entitled, nn
Aet t-0 i11co1·1>0rate tho P1'l•11h:vte1·ian
Ch111'llh of J,;111'1tow11 u111l 1'ho l•'1dlt1 in
, •·nunt>Ctior. with the Church of Sci1tl11nd.
llon •. J\lr. AnMsTnosu, chairmnn of
I.ho Select Couunltteeon Bills, l'l'port•
,1tl 11J) favm·ably 1 .
A Bill ontitlt?1l, an Act to valldatt,
t.lm apJJOintruent of an a1·bltrato1• in
King11 County.
Also,. with amendments :
A Bill t•ntltled, an Act to n.meud
< lhaptcr 661. Acts of 1002, 1'ho Law1·11nootown r;leetric Light Aet, lll)'.d.
Th080 Billll wos·e. severally l'Cad a
eocond time and committed to c:0111•
mitteo or tho whole House. ·
~n 111otl~n of Hon. l\fr. AmrsrnoNo,
th.e Co11ne1l resnlvi'd ltHl·lf into comnuttee of tho whoh, Ifousll on BillH :
Hon, Ml', Li,:Busc In the chn.lr·
1'ho following Hills wm·o ,·end 'clau~r
by cl11!1se and pnssed :
A 8111 <mtillcd, nn Act i·espectlug the
l\fou,r Vt>hlclc H.ond 1111111'()\'enu•nt
Fund; ·
A Bill entitled, an Act to cimblu tlie
Town of We~tvllle to inHtall n.ud O(JCI'·
aw 1111 elcct1·1c ,,lant •
A Bill entlt 11tl, a;1 Act i·espectlng
the D~mlnl~n T1·11st Company ; ·
A Ball ont,tled, an Act to lnccir1101·n~o ~he U11p11 Brdou Building Societv
L11111tcd ;
· '
Also, with am1md111e11ts ·
A llill ontitlod, n.n Act
enable the
Town of Shelburne to acquire Install
owl 01w1·nto an Electl-ic Light, ;ystem ,
, A Bill entitled, un Act w unable th;
rown of Amhe1-st to ho1·row money foi·
lh·o purposes.
The committee nd_journed and tho
Hills J'a~Med In committee were l'l•·
porte up.
Ou 11111tion of Hon. l\ft,, LEBLANC
the <;:nmcll adjom•ned until to-11101°'.
l'OW. I uuHday,
the lfith day of · Apt·il
1;t tht't.'o o'clock In thu afte1·noou.
'l'ummAY, 15th Ap~il.
'l'he Oo11ncll 111et at a (>, tu,
mr.1..s--·rmnn nEADll'IO,
. 'fho following Bill WM 1-ead a thiid
tune and 1mlcred tc1 bu e11g1·01111etl and
llllllt to tlw House of A1111embly fo1· co11cur1'tlncc :
A Bill entitllll,(, an Act to enable th«
Town of Amlw111t to btn·row money
fo1· lh-o purpo!les.
. The following Bills wen, 1·ead a third
1.1111b nnd Jlnally pll.Rllod :
A Bill ·entitled, au · Act respl'JJting
tho Mo,to1• V ~hie lo Act Hon.ti Iu1prove111cnt Ji uml ;
A Bill entitl1'<l, an Act to i11coi·po1·a!,l• thu Capo Hl'eton Building ~ooiety
Hon. Mr. Amra1·noso, Ohn.l~man of
the Select Oo111111ltteo on Billi•, l'C(M>l't•
ed 1111 favmll'ably :
A Ball entitled, an Act to incorpot··
AW the Tl'll11tees of tho J,'irst Prosbyt,,1·lan Cl1111'Cb, Tl'llro :
"·· . --~- -··• ·.t .. ~:·-:--·
~I__~ -
~.. - -
. ..
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. ..
. .
. .
~- r·. ·--~-- .-•--~---. • '-··--··--
'...._ ..\ .... --.
. ------
. --{ ·--+·----- -
. A
entitled, an Act 1vspe1Jtl11g to-11101'1·ow, Wednesday, the 16th day
-the Ohl Di1ryi11g 01'01111d at \Ve11t Am- of A1n·il, at three o'clock iu the afte1··
herst, in the Oounty · of U11111be1·la11d : DOOII,
A Hill ent.ith ..>tl, an Act to authoeize
the Olty of lfollfox to permit tho areeWRJ>NEBDA•'., 16th April, _lOI!J,
tlon of poles and .wlres in th« city
Connell met at
A Bill en t.ltled, n.11 Act to ratify a
resolution ,Pllssed by tlm Oouncll or
The following Uillt1, auwnded, Wt'l'e
the l\hmic1pnllty of the County of read a thh,J tiuw and 111mt to the Honsi,
Hallfa:it respecting the erect.ion of 11011.'H of Assembly fo1· cunc111·1-..mco:
in the public hlghway« In the county;
A Bill t>ntltlt~. an Act to amend
Also, with auiemhuenta t
Clmpter· 71,.llcvlse,l Statutes, 1000, tlw
A- Biil entitled, an Act, to lncorpor- Towns' Incorpol'Rtion Act;
ate the Local' Council of \Vomen,
e11t1tlt1d, an Act t.o anlllnd
an Act to lnco1·poralA.• thu l\tiasiquush
Theae Bills were severally
a J\111rsh Company, Limited, and Acts
second tlme and .eommittod to Com- ameJ1dlng thu sam ...
the whole 11011110.
Hon, Jllr. ,LEV.\TrE introdi1ced a
Dill entitled, an Act t.o ratify the fl'<>·
ceedings of the l\hmlcipal Counci of
the County of Cape Breton.
This Bill wa,, read a fh'st time and
refe1·1'1l<l to the Select C,<1m111 i ttt>e on
,, Dll,LS-IIKCO:m
Hon. l\lr. AmdRTJUlNO, Ohah·man o~
tbe Select Counuitk>tl on D11111, reported up favo1m1.hly:
· A IJill untltk><l, an Act to i11co1·po1·,
ate tlm Trustees of Haint An<li't1W'8
Preshyte1fan Chm'Ch, Pict~m;
Also with ameudmenl:.8:
A Dill entitled, an Act to enable the
Oitr of Sydney to: l'l'l'Ct, l'<pilp and
II Public Hospital in tiai<l city;
The House of A88embly, by message, mamtain
A Bill untitled, an Act to enablt, the
informed tbl11 House that it had
City of Sydney to bol'row money ;
the following Billa In which it < eslred
A Hill entitled, an Act to enahle till'
the ooneurrenee of this Honourable City
of Sydney to bo1·row morwy.
Thm•e Dills were sen!l'ally t'l•nd a
A Dill entitled, 1111 Act to amend second
a111l co111111itt~d to Comand consolldate tho Acts respecting mlttt•o oflimo
the wholu llmu,o.
the Protection . of Woods against
' A Bill entitled, an Act to . provide
The Hons!' of A11sembly,hy musEl&g<',
for tho Rllpt!l'anmmtlon of certain em- informed this Houso that it ha<l /111SBt•ll
ployees of the Victoria Geneml Hos- the following Billi<, in which it< osit~·il
the conc111·1'tlnce of this Honourahh•
A Bill entitled, an Act to incorporHouec:
ate tho 'l'ruatees of Saint Andrew's
A Bill untitll'd, an Act to 11111end the
Presbyterian Church, Picton;
Chll<ken's Pl'Otuction Act, llll2;
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend the
A Bill untitled. 1111 Act relating to
Halifax City Ohai-ter.
Sewei·11i:u in till' 'l'own of Ya1·111outh.
These · BIIIR · were severally read n
'l'hese Bills wet'l' sevm·ally l't'acl · 11
fll'llt time anti referred, the fi1·dt two to fh-st time and 1·efer1'tlti, the fh"Ht to tht!
the Committee on Law Amendments, Conunittt•e on Law Anwndmenta, aa,l
and the last two to the f:lelect Co111- the Ill.St to tho Select €0111111ittl.lc on
uiittee on Bille.
On motion of the Hon. llh•, LE·
Also, thnt thoy have ag1'CO<l to tht•
BLANC, the Council 11djo111·11ed until amemlnll'nts 11111tle hy this llonourabh•
On motion of Hon. l\11',. AnMBTRONo,
the Council resolved ltsel.f into corn·mittec of the whole House on Dlll8,
Hon, l\lr. Ccll'bett in 'the chair.
'l'he following Dill was read clause
by clause and passed :
A Bill entitled, an Act to validate
the appointment of un a1·blt1•ato1· in
King11 County.
Also, with umomlments:
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to amend
Obapter 71, Revised Statutes, 1000,
'l'be 'l'owna' I ueorporation Act.
'l'he Oemmlttee adjourned and the
Dills JJaBsed In Committeo were re-
·,•-- -
-· L:. - ·-· -·---· ..... -- _,, - ·- -
House to a Bill entitled, an Act to in: gret. to hear of the death of l\h
corporate tho Nova Scotia N11t111·11l (fo11 Ogilvie.
He w1u1 ' indeed 11 IIIONt
Co1111>any, Limited, .
elftcient offlcm·, uud we ha\'e often
from time to timt>, .uxp1-esst•tl 011;.
RILLS IN ('OMMITTEE. g1-eat ·~ati11f11ctinn iu having him to
On motion of Hun. Mi•. AUMf.l'rRONCI, attend to the <luties he1·p,
In the
the Council resuh-111l Itself lntocommlt- pl'ep11mtion and compiliug of the
t1'e of the whole House on Bills, Hon. Bi1111, he was alwayH most elHcil•nt, up
M1·. J,EBLANC in the chah·.
to date, U1011t obliging: und it seemt•d
Tho following Dille wea·o reuil clause to ~ hi,i ambition to l111ve evu1·ything
hy ch~use and p1lll!<e<l :
in llerfoct 01,ler. If we• wantud II hoolc,
A Bill entitloo, 1111 Act to t•atlfy a •~·- 01• anything of tl111t kind ; Htatutes,
Hnlutlon pall!led hy the Council of tlw Actll, etc., he was a1way11 011 hand
.Munll'lpallty of tht• County of Halifax with the greate11t al11cl'ity. I am very
t'PMJl!1Ctlng the erecth>h of 11oles in t.ill' sor1'Y to hem· that he has passed awav,
puhllc highways In the county ;
Hon. 1th·. LKDI.ANC ahm paid n. tt'.i.
A Bill tmtltlml, an Act to authorlzu but(, lo the l•lllciency of tho dece1111ed
the City of llrlllfax to pe~mit the l'l'ec' lion of pole11 1111<1 wir'es 111 tho dtyHon. l\lr. AIIM.!lTl«>No-'l'he news or
the death of . our assist1111t 111ess,.ng1•1•
A Hill entitled, an Act to Jnco11JO· must havt1 been l'l'coived with the
mte the Trusteu~, of the Ph11t Pt'('Sby. keenest 1·eg1'l't by hou. gentlenwn.
Since I have known him, he h!IS lH.•en
1t•1·ian Ohul'ch, 'l'rnm :
A Bill entltlud, an Act. 1·,•spt•ctlng a most Intelligent 11iul active ll.8sist11nt
tho Old Bm·ying (fround at We11t ho1•e, and iu nmnv l't'spects Wll.8 1111
WIIH 11lway1, l'l!ady
Amhei"Bt, in the• County of C11111bu1:. ideal 11Je1l111'11g1,1•,
and lll'eme<l to antidpate 0111· de~il·e11,
and always anxi IIH to !'ender e,•ci·y,
AlNo, with am1•111hnent.":
A Dill Pntitled, llll Act to Tncm·1l0· aid neetlrul. Lat.tel'ly his lw11lth has
rate the l,ocul Cmmcil of \V muen, been the occll.8iou of great 11nxiety t.o
hon. g1,11tJp111t•n Ill! Uwy came in ,uul
l111llfax ;
A Bill entltlo<I, an Act t.o a11w11tl out of the d111111bt•1·, liut we hopt•d th11t
Chapter (lo, Acts of UJO'A 'fhe Law- his lifu might he f>l'Olongcd: and uow
we, 1·pg1·ut ho huH htwn tnk, n 11wuy
rNwntciwn F:luch·ic J.i~ht Act., Jll(rJ.
'J'he Commlttl>t> adjourned 1111!1 thu f11J111 118, lfo hll>i hl•c•n taken off in
Bills 1r11..'llled iu Co111111lttee Wl'l'C l'('· tlw flower of his young 1111mhood, and
In this 110111,e we will mii;H the Bel'\'ict•s
JIOl'tl!l lip,
The PnEBIUENT-Slnco WO g11ther1id he HO n.hly 11mdt•t·t•d.
On motiou of Hon. l\11·. L11:B1,ANC,
he1'tl thlH 11ftel'lwon it ha11 been 1-e·
11,rtoo to me - that John Ogilvit•, a the C, umcil adjourned until to-11101··
1 1ighly esteemed and vn.hwd 111e111bm· mw, Tlnn'l!day, tho 17tl~ ,lay of Apl'il,
of tho staff of t.llie du.un bm· has passed nt tlu-ee o'clock in the uftt•moon.
11way, having been found cl<iad in his
ht'll this mol'lling. He (>l'CRentt,d hl111'!'HUllRllAY, Ap1·i1 J7t h, 1018.
"'lf for duty only yest1•1,l1iy morning."
The Council llll't at 8 J>. 111.
There could hiu•dly be, in tlrn position
111• occupied IU! one of. our 111esse11gen1,
11 more vahwd servai,t than he wae ;
'rhe following HIiis were 1·<•ad a third
I\UA.•ntlve, lntelllg1mt,
anti always timu anti Ol'dered tc, he engmsse«,I and
r<"ady. I um sm·e the membel'B of this sent to the Hm1sn or Assumbly fm•
Chamoor ,viii bear me out In mnklug conClll'l'"'nCe :
t.his statement.
The t•x,!e)Jo.nt 11erA Bill entitled, 1m Act to authorize
l'lcea he rendered 1111 have fre<1uentl:• the Oily of Halifax to pt•l'lnlt the eJ'l.'C·
h<'cn the 1111bject of re111a1·k, and we tion of poles and wi1·e9 in the Clt,y
ivere looking forward for a contl1111- Hta·eetll ;
1111ce of tb011e 11ervlce11 for many yt>111·A
A Bill entitled, an Act to ratify a
to come, for we ftilt that In him we resolution passed by the Council of the
lmd a 111011t exceJh,nt servant. I a111 Municipality of the County of Halifax
Hlll"t', with my11elf, every 111embe1• of l'('llpeotlng the 1wec1 ion of polmi In thP
this Chamber will rt>gret hlR passing public highways of the County.
11way from our 1~1ldHt.
Tho following Billfl were re.ad a third
Hou. l\lr, OWEN-I am very, very time 1md f111111ly nassed:
s11r1·y, Mr. President, and <h..'<.'l>ly l'l'·
A Bill entitled, an Aot to amend
., I
,,_____ '· ·--·-···--··-··
. -----·---~-~
Chapter 00, Acts of 1011, entitled,- an
Act to enable the 1'own of <)lnco Buy
to change the date of eluotiou of Mayor
a111l Co111wlllo1s ;
A Bill entitle1l, an Act l'l.'lltWctiugthe
Dmniulon 1'rnst Oor1101•.t.tion.
Alll(l, with umumlmontH :
A Bill untitled, an A«'t tt1 incorpo1·aw the Lornl Council of \Vo1m•11,
JllLIJl-81':CONll ltR.\IJISII,
Hon, Mr. J\IACK, chuil·1111111 of - -Um
Oommltteo on Law Amemlmoht.H, reported up favol'llhly:
A Bill untitled, 1111 Act 1'l.'spccti11g1111
aunnltr, to (foorge-1\lucPhBt'tiOII ;
A Bill entitled, nu Act to 1111w1u~
Ohnptur Utt, UuviHl'd Ht.ntuteH, IIIOO,
or Banistul"ll and liollcit11111 ;
A Hill entitled, au Act to nmend
Ohapt.cr 8, ActH of 11108, 'J'lw Cool
Mines Uogulatlon Act ;
A Bill entitled, an Ad t« nmend
Chapter 18, Act.H of 11)12, entitled, 1111
Act to ameud and ennsnlidate the
Acts rt1l11.Uug to 8ucePt1sio11Duty 1
A Bill eutlUod, an Act to provide
fm• tbt, 111ipu1·a1111u11tio11 of certain em11loyees at the Nova Scotia Hospital;
A Dill entitled, 1111 Act to u111e111l
Ohapte1· 2, Acts of 11)12, Plltitlt•d, 1\11
Act 1·especting short, 1'01·111K of con veyauees t
A Blll entitled, 1111 Act. to provide
fm· tho t111111•1·m111111Ltio11 of eertaiu em11loyee!lof the Vtetorlu <lmll't'ai Hospitul;
Aleo, with nmondmeuts :
A Hill ontltled, nn Act 1·ui.111.'ctlng
the Qy9tl,i· l~iHhm·ieH of N1w11 Hcotin.of
lion. :l\h•. I\IACK-Hy
amemlmentll of the Dnminiou FiHh·
urie11 Act, fll'OVislon i11 made for ugrecuients wit I the v11riou11 1'111vinc!'11 in
Ol'(}N• that lc,alll'H 1111\Y hl• grunted by
t.110 Pl'(JVincO!I for the l'IICnlll'lll(l'IIIOllt
of the oy!lter lh1hcriet1 nluug the various coaetH,. Tho Bill now introduced,
and which hus come to this Ch11111IHJ1·
from the other House, .i~ to provide
the machinm·y fm• the Provineiu!
Lcglsl11,t111·.e t.,, ll1·Ht 1110.ko surveys to
useertaln wlmt H• et.lons are fnvo1·uhlo
and lll'oper fm• tho cultivo.tinn of Uw
oyster llsllllric11,and then to grant, the
The amemlment proJioNed t.,, Uw JJill
h1 to the olfetet that Um Dominion
11hallnot,, because of n:1ythi11g in the
Bill, 111· of anv granting of itWlllfl by
Uw P1'<1\'incla) a.11tl11ll'itiM1, I0110 11.ny of
it.H rll(h!.s in any (IUhlic b1u·l1111· on tho
coast,, except only In regard to oystt't·
'l'h.:ille Bills wet'tl sovernlly t'l'ffll a
Ht•coutltime aml conunlttcd to Committee of the whoh, Housti.
Hon. Mr. An._dTII.IINO,Chal1111an of
the Bek-ct Uon,mitk'l, on llllls, l'l.'(lortcd
up favorably:
A Bill entitled, im Act rclaUng to
Hewlimge in the '!'own of Yarnu,uth;
A Bill (,nUtled, an Act to muend
<a111pte1·0-t. Acts of 11111, entitled, an
Act to onahlt, the Town of Olnce Bay
1,o "Jlllllint a Hegititmr of V otu111.
. 'l'he11u Hills WCl'H oovomlly read 11
Hecontl time 111111 co111111ittedto Co111.
mlttce of tlw wholo llouNe.
Hou. M1·. An11w1·110~11. Chuirnmn of
tlu, Seh•d Co111111i ttco 011 Oills, reportt•tl
that, lht• Co1111oitlt•e had oxamme<l ,,
Bill untit.lc!!I, i111 Act to amend tlw
Hulifox City (Jhm'lt.!I', and tho Com,
mlttel', by II llllljnl'ity, l'l!COllllllelliled
that I Im lJill ht, 1idm·1·c,d thiH cluy
threl' 111011tl111.
Hon. Mi·. D1mMMON1J : Having oxp1·eHsod 111y viuwi<pl'lwio1111ly
Cm11111itl.t'I, in l'llft•1·u11ce t,1 this Bill, I
have JIil inteution ut thi11 time to 111ltl
1111ything tlw1·111,(1 ; but I 1·ii:;o ·tor tlw
>lll'(IOHo of exp1·tes11i11g 1•1•g1·et at the•
lnrtlng11of llw cnmmitt.,,u, au<l that I
11h1111hl bu 110 rupurt.ml.
It l111R hoer,
hinted to nw t.hut my action in thi11 cw,,•
1•11titlu11111et.,1 u sl11Ll'c of till' glory thut
M'l'taius Lo tho Hnlitm·y 1<1uu·1·uw on tho
101111P t.,,p. I u cuso auy huu. l(Ulltll'·
man Hhonltl not know my l.tHll(IOt·nment, pl'l·l111ps it will ho well to s11y
· that the c·ontt.•mphltiou of such u caln·
11111,y, or such r111u,1foty, dous 11ot. jul'
me iu tho l,·u11t litUu hit.
On 111111 ion, the 11,pnl't of th1• CommlU~·u ww 11tlowd.
1111,1,R IN COMMl'M'l,:Jt.
On 111uti1111 ,,f lion. l\lr. l'tlACK, tlu,
tlo11nc1l i-t,NolvmlitHelf into Cu111111iU,e,•
of the wholl• Humm Oil mu~. lion. l\h'.
Corbett in the chalr.
'l'he following BiliH W4.'l'tl 1·oa,I claus,·
by clause and pa.~H('(I :
A Bill t•utitled, 1111 Act to Inco1·pt•·
raw the '1'1·1111tl•t•e of Sllint Amh'tlw·~
P&'l'Hhytt.•l'innChurch, Pictou,
Ah10, with amendmeuta:
A-BIii entitled, 1111 Act tu.enable tlw
Vlty of Hy<l1wy tu l111r1·ow 1U11lll'}' ;
A Bill entitled, an Act to t•nahlo tlw
City of 8ydney to l11u·111w 111011ey ;
A Bill entitlllll, 1\11 Act to ennhlt., tlw
City of 8ydm•y IA> et'f.•ct, ec1nlp a111l
mulnt.11111a Public Um111italin 1111ld city.
The Commll-teo adjoumed, and the
Bills passed lu Committee woa'll 1-eportud up.
.Hon. Mt•. L1-:V N1TIC int1~xlucod 11
B1ll entitled, ur1 Act to n111e1yl Ohapll•r
70, Itevlsed Htututea, 1000, 1mtitlt•d
'l'ho l\lunlclpal Art.
This Bill was l'Md n flrat tlnw, nnd
1·ofe1·redto t.lw Ht•lect Co111mitteo on
·, Ou motion of Hon, !\fr, l\lAeK, the
~o.uncll udjnm·nNl until tn-uml'row,
hulay, tho 18th day uf ·April nt thrl!o
o'clock 111 the ufttll'noon. · . '
con.eelvable thnt thll time mo.y come
nuil \1111.Y comu heforo long, when th~
p1·111c1plt1 em b0Jie1l in this Bill will be
gunemlly ucct1pt1.'ll1111 n better pifociple for-a.sseH~111m.1tgenti1•ally through
o,ut th~ P111vmrc•. It WII!! felt by thu
Vo1111~11tt..'{'.' 11111111ll'011glym·ged, thut
ti.m B1lU11,tn p1"cse11t, fo1·111 woulcl \11·0
v1du fut•~ vo.t·ying uncl, quitu possl ,ly
II Vl'l'Y dl\'Cf!{Ollt I.Llld clitfe1·1·11t syatt.-111
of 11HNe~s111e11t, to be adopted uot only
hetweeu . ciilfonmt. c01111ties,' hut ho
tween d1tre1·p11t tl1w11H in the !lllme
~~un~y, ancl thiit luck of u11ifom1ity in
tegmtl to assessment would ht.ill serl
()IIH <lt:t"e~,t ~n cm·1·ylng the p1·ovisio1111
of tho ll1ll mto npemtiou.
It may ho
l•'IUllAY, 18th ~pt·il, ,mm.
1·e111!'rketl lw1·1.•, I think, th11t this
'l'he Council nll't at a p. 'rn;
l..ug1s.t11~111'1' hns 11h'l•udygone too far in
(IC1•1111tt111K the adoptinu of va1·ying
. 'l'bo following Dills 'we1·e 1·t•lld u third sy~teuui of npplico.t.ion of the lnw in
tiltrm:cnt town~ a111l counties of the
tmw 11ml ilnully pll!ll<ed :
A Bill entitlml, an Act to a111p111l l 1~1v1.1we, and 1t Is to he hopeil thito
Ch11pter 00, Act.<i of 181111, tontltle<l, 1111 p1·1111::1ple ~>f the 1:111111e system of uuiAct to 1'1lahle the 'l'own Counl'il of till' fnmnty with 1·,•gurd to Urn llppiication
Tow1! of Digby t~, contl'lll tho 01,,ctlnn of the val'ious j,uhlic Rtut11t1•11 will l,p
ndop~ed, 11nd that, towns will not IH.•
of bmhllngs withm tho t.,,wu limltH,
A Bill entitfotl, 1111. Act tA> h1cm·1m1·~t<,. perunttc·i~ t1,,,,cxch11lothe111sriw1:1from
tho Tl'uete,'08 o,f Samt Audt'l'W'H P1·t·B· the prov1Hiffm1of u getwl'ul stutntt•. 01·
have varying systems of usse11s111entin
hyturinn Clmt'<!h, Picton, ·
l'l'gnl'd ~o any Plll'(IOHI', eclucntional 01·
ntlw1·w1st•, so Umt one town will IH.,
Hon, l'tlt·, MAcl<, Ch11hm1111 °of the 1111dt•1· onu HYR!.<•111 and 1111othcrto,\·n
Committee on Lnw A111end111e11t8 i-e· 1111clP1· unothet• syi;tem.
pm·tutl up f11vo111·uhly:·
On motion, tlw l'cport of the comA Bill entitlod, nu Act to nmeml mittee wus udopu•il.
Cl111pte1· 10, Act,i of· 1011, 'l'hl• Mines
Hon. J\h·. AHMH'l'IU>NO, ch11im1mi uf
the Snluct Co111111itt,(•e on Bills. l'l'·
Aitto, with 11111e111hnuntH:
pn1focl up favol'l\hly :
A Bill entitled, on Act to 11111end und
A. Hill c•ntitil'll, 1111 Act to nmeutl
consolidate the Acts respecting the <Jhupter 70, lfovisc,I Stat11te1:1 IIJOO ~.11
)ll'llloction of woods 11gai11Nt lil'l.'!l'
titlml,. Tho Municipal Act • '
' : •
A Bill t-lntitled, an Act to nmen°d the
A Bill. entitled, an Act
1·11tify the
. Uhildrtm's Pmtcctiou Act, 1012.
proceetlmgH of the J\l 1111idp11l Council
'l'hese Dills \\'l!l'e BOvernlly 1·entl 11 of ~Im C1111~lty of Cupe Hmtou,
spcond limo llnd con,111itted to Vn11l'J heso Hills Wl'l'e Heve1•111ly 1·P111t' 11.
111iLtee of tho wholo l1011s1•.
Hc~ond time and cornmitteli t.,i ComHon. l\h, I\IAcK, Uhuhman of the lllll tee of the whole Honst•.
Committee on Law Amendmc•ntii,. re·
Hon. llh·. AnMSTltoNu, cl111im1u11 1,f
pol'ted that tho Vommittl'c• hu<l ox· the Hl'lect Co111111i.tteP on Bill~. rt•11nrl.·
1L111ine<l a. Bill, entith•d, 1'ho Optional oc~ th11t ~Ill' com1mttee hull ex11111itwd a.
A11sesament Act, anti t·ecommcnducl Bill Plltltiecl, an Act U> amend Chaptl'r
that the Bill be dufel'l'ctl this day Uu·ee IJO, Act" of 1875, entitlt,d, 1111 A1,t to i11months.
co1·p01'1.LW tlw St. J\111rga1·et'11Buy I 11111
Hon, Mr; l\lAcK-1 11111v 8ay, regnrd. h1·1·mulTi111hurDl'iving <Jompnny 'a11d
ing this Dill, !\Jr. P1·01Jide11t, tiuLt I r~cm111!11•11detl thut tho further 'c111:.
make this repo1•t with some llttlo J'l'• Hldt•raltnn of thi~Hill IJt• d1•fo1·1·t•d thi1,1
hwtance. Ju making it, I voico the cln;v tlu'Ce months,
s1•ntimonts of I\ Htl'nng mnjorlty of tho
~n motion, tho rt•pm·t of the comCo111111itkl•, It is t.,, he ohsill'vetl, how- 1111 tt.,•c, wn, adopted.
P\'cir, that tho Bill has been mostcat'l.'·
fully tlruwn nml deals with u subject
of gmnt i111po1·ta.ncl•,and it is quite
'l'hl' Honse of A~semhly, by r~essag(•,
I ,
=------ ··-·----,-._\...
_:_ . .,...._,
~. . .
_ ·---···--·---·'·
. ·,, .
·----------·-·-·-····-,..~··--·· .. -· ..-----.
---·- ···-
Informed this Ho111,e that it had paesecl
the following Bllls, in whlch1t tfo11h-e<l
the concurrence of this honourable
A Bill entitled, an Act to Ineorporate
Advance Hal], l~hlerbank, . Halifax
A Bill entlth•d, an Act of Stroot
U11lhvay Com1>anies;
A Bill untitled. an . Act to amond
Ohapte1· 176, ActB;of 1012, The Chl•Nt(>r
\Va~r 8up11ly A11t.
ThllllO Bills were 11i1n•rally read a
tl1 st time and t'flfot'l"eil to the Select
Committee on Bllla ;
AIHo, that they have ngt't•ed to tho
amendments pro,1osed by this h11no111._
able House to t w Bills entitled n-spectlvely:
· A Hill entitled, an Act to incorporate
the ()J,u-eCrooumry Com puny, Limlted t
A Bill entitled, an Act to euable tho
Town of Htelhirton to borrow money
for n new school 'bnilding,
A Bill entitled. an Act to provide
for tht> 811perann11at.lon of certain l'lll·
ployees of the Victoda Oonttal Hospital;
A Dill entitlod, an Act a-elating tc,
Sewerage In the Town of Yarmouth.
Also, with amendmonts:
A Bill entitled, an Act 111specting
tho Oyal-01· l•'i~twrles of Nova Scotia.
The Conunittl-o adjourned, and t111,
Bill:: J1assl111 in Cormuittl>e \Vel'll repo1·te UJI, ·
Then th•i Council took a 1-ecoss until
fl VO thit·tr, II, Ill,
Counci l'llSUIUed at five thirty, 1,, m.
Ou motion of Hon. llh·, llfAcK, the
Council adfourne,1
until to-mormw,
8atuNlay, t)w lllth day of A1)1'1l,1 ot
l'k•v1•n o'cl0'1k in tho forenoon.
8ATUltDAY, 10th April, 19JS,
The Co1111cil nll't nt U.11. 111. ·
Tho following Dills Wl'l'<l t·ead a thhd
Hon. l\h·. l\lAcK, by eouuunnd of His time and finally JJl\l<scd:
Honour tho Lleutenunt-Governor,
A Bill enLltlc-d, nu Act res1Jl,cti11g an
on tho table of tbe House the Eiiti- Aamult.y tt, George lllcPhor11on ;
·wates of tho Revenue and J,;xpendiA BIii t>nlitlod, an Act to amend
ture or the Province of Nova ~cotia Chapto1• 104, lwvised StututCtl lllOO, of
for tho twelve 111onth11 endtng 00th Bnnl11tet'ti uud Sollcitoa'll;
1:1e1,wmbe1·, 1013.
A Bill entitled, an Act tc, amend
Chapu,1· ta, Acts of lOll!, 1mtltlod, an
nn.ts IN COllMl'ITKJ,;.
Act to amend nnd consolldato the Acts
· On motion of Hon. Mr. MACK, the l~•lating
to Succesaion Dnty;
Council resolved Itself into Committee
A Bill untitled, an Act to amend
of t.111, whole House on Bills, Hon. lib-. Chapter
2, Art8 of 1012, entitled, on
lAIBh,nc in tho chair.
Act 1·e11pectlug !:>ho1-t. Forms of Con'l'hc following Bills were rl'ad clause veyancc1:1.·
by clause and pBIIIICd :
A Bill entitled, an Aet to amend
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
8, Acts of 1008, 1'he Cont Minl'H
Ohapter 64, Acts of 1011, entitled, an Chapter
Itegulation Act:
Act to enable the Town of Glaoe Bay
A Bill entitled, an Actto pr0\·lde1or
to appoint a Registrar of Voters ;
11upt•ra111111ation of cert11in 1"111·
A Bill entitled, an Act respecting an ployl'l'H
at tlw Novn 8cotJn Ho11pital ;
. Annuity to Oeorgo McPhorson;
A Dill l'nt It.led, un Act: to provide for
· A Bill entitled, an Act tA1 amend
of Ct!J·laln .employees
Chapter 164, R,wlsed Statute~, 1000, of Mtpurunnuution
of the Victol'ia Ge1ll'ml Hospital ;
B1u·ris1A>r,, and Solicito1'8 :
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act relating to
A BIii entitled, an Act to amend
In the Town of Yarmouth;
Chapter JS, Acts of 1012, eutltled, an scwe1-age
The following Hill, 1111,endetl, was
Act tc, amend and eonsolldate the Acta also
read i,. third tl111e ftllll sent to thl'
relating to Suceesalon Duty ;
Ho111<1• of Assem l,ly for cnnct11·l't.'11ce :
A Bill entitled, an Act to Allll'nd
entitled, un Act1·especting the
Chapter 2. Acta of 1912, entltll'd, an Oyste1· Fishl'rles
of Nova Scotia.
Act respecting _Shot·t Foa·m• of Con•
A BIii entltlt-d, an Act to amend
Chapter 8, ActR of 1008, the Coal Minl's
Regulation Act ;
· A Bill entltfod, an Act to providt•
fm· tho S111:H11·ann11ation of cel't!lin em, ployt't!e at the Nova Scot.la Hos11ltal ;
Hon. l\h·. An:itSTRoNo, chah·man of
I.he Select Oo111u1lttl•1• 011 Bills, repo1•h.1tl
up favui:"bly:
A Bill entitled, an Ac~ to ameml
Cbapte1· 170, Acts of 1012, 'l'lll' Chest.et·
Wat.et· 8up11ly Act;
A Bill entitled, an Act to lnco1·porntt, Advance H1lll, Ehl11rha.nk, Halifax
'l'hcso Bills were i:everally read a
~l'coml time nrut committA•d to ComJllittec of the "holo House,
IIILUl lS l'OlUll'ITlrn,
nlBO read 11 third time and sent to the
House of As&cmbly fot• concul'renco:
A Bill ontitlml, nn Act to ennble tho
City of Sydney to bor1·ow money;
A Dill on titled, nn Act to incorpor- ·
ate the Cape B1-eton Golf Club, Llmiuid;
A Bill ontit.lcd, nn Act to Aml'nd Um
Cbildl'en'1:1Pmt.t•ction Act., 1012.
The following Bi1111 we1·e J'(•atl o third
time and finally pllllsed:
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
Obaptt•1· 10, Acts of 1011, The Mines
A Dill cnlltlc,l, an Act to ineo1·po1•11te
tho 'l'1·ustees of the Fit·st P1"0sbyte1fan
Church, T1·111·0 :
On motion of Hou. Mr. Au11sni0No
the following Bille wer1• re-committed
t.o 001111111!,teo ol' tho whole House for
tho pm·puso . of conside1fog ce1·tai11
nruondments to the !lllmc;
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act tc, enable tho
City of Halifax to bol'mw money:
A Bill entitled, 1111 As,.t to 1mrn11d thl'
law relntiug lo tho Oit,y of Halifax.
• On motion of Hon. l\ft,. l\lAeK, tho
( louncil ret1olvP,I lt~elf into Ct1111111itll,i,
of the whole llimsli on Dills, lion.
Mi·. LcBlanc it'1 the chnit·.
1'he following Bills WCl'l' 1·e111l clni18e
by clause and pu.ssed :
A Bill ontitlcd, un Act to mtify tho
pmcecdings of the l\fnniclpol Council
of the County .of Capo Breton ;
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
Chapte1• 70, Revised 8totut1-11 1000, Tb1i
.Municipal AcL:
A Bill entitled, nu Act. ttl amend
Ch111ite1• 10, Acts of 1011, The Mhrl's
Also, with a1m•111l1111mts:
A Bill entltll•d, an Act to umond and
cn111mlidatu Urn Acts respecting the
Protection of "'oodH nguinRt l•'it'CH;
A Bill entitl,•d. 011 Act to am,;nd the
IIILI..S IN CO!lllll'M'IUl:,
Chilth'Cn's Protection Act, 1012;
On ruotinn of Hon. l\fr, .J4cBLANc,
'fho Co111111itlA!u ndjom·ru,,I, urd tho
Bills p118Sed in Crnumitteu were 1·e- the Council 1·usoh·cd itHnlf Into Coruuritt(•u of tlw whole llo1111e on Bills,
pol'ted up.
. ,
Hon. l\h·. Onl'11ett iu the clmh·.
.1'ho full ,wiug Bills WOJ'O rl'ad clanRl'
Hon. 1\fr. LRVA1•r1.; h1t1•111h1cl•d u by clanHcand ~:
Bill entitled, 1111 Act t<J amend ChnptN·
A . Bill "ntitled, nn Act to amend
:-rJ, Acte of 111()(1, 1•ntitlcd, 1111 Act to Chaptet· 17tl, Acts of 1012, The Cheste1•
11m1md ()lmpter 40, Act.<1 of 1001, en- ·w11to1· Supply Act;
t,lth,d, an Act to nuwml Chopte1• 70,
A Bill entitled, nu Aot to incoi·pprlfovised Stotutes, IOOO. The l\lunicipnl ate Advuncu lfoll, Eldol'lmnk, Hnhfax
'l'hi11 Bill WllB rend n lflrst time and
Also, w i tlquueudmon ts:
rofe1·1'0d to tho Oommlttee on Law
A Bill entitled, an Act to cmal tho
City of Halifax to bo1·1·ow money;
Or, 1111it1011 of Hon. J\lr. 1\1.\CK, the
A Bill entitled, an Act to a1110111l the
Council adjmmwd until l\londay, the law 1-elating to the City of Jfolif1&x,
21st day: of Ap1·il, at th1·eo o'clock in
The Committee adjo111·11ud and the
the afternoon.
Dills passed in Oummitwe wea·o 1·eJ)orted up.
MmmA Y, 21st April, 1018. ·
The House of Atjsombly, by 111essagl',
The Council met at 3 p. 111.
informed this House that, it had pllllf·
ed the following Bills, in which It de'fhe following Bills were read a sb-ed the concurr·ence of this Honourthird time and ordered to be engrossed able House:
and sent to the Holl8e or Al!llemhl:•
A Bill entitled, an Act to enable the
for coucurrencl':
inhobitante of Eureka to provide them•
A Bill entit.11,d, an Ad to ratify thr. eelvos with a system of stt·t>et lighting;
pl'oceedinge of the Municipal Council
A Bill entitled, an Act l~·lating to
of the Oonn ty of Cape Breton ;
sewerage oud the cnntitl'llution of perA Bill l'ntltled, an Act to amend mnnen t ~idewulks it1 the 1'own of
Chapter 70, lliwised Statutes, 1000, Westville;
'!'ho M1foicip11I ,\ct.
· A Hill c•ntlt.led, an Act to enable the
'rho followmg ·:ems, amended, we1'fl 'fown of Sbelbut·nc fo gl'ant a honus
r-: '·-..........._.:..-'
.• ·: .••..• , .•. '····
»•··-·····----· .---- .. ---·--·--·------~---
, I
and exemption from t11x1•s fo1· 11 Oold 1,r,oo in the )0\\'01' gr11do, and a:16 in
8tor11H'e Uompany;
A B11l entitled, 1111 Act to regulate the highol' grado, i1tudylng t'ronch, !'
the purehnse, s11l1• n111J t1·u11sfo1· of gain OVl'I'lnHI, ye1U' of 1:it. 'l'hcyonly
have 62 in the hi1dm1• gmdo 11tudyir1K
stoeks of ff"JOdH in bulk,
'l'ht'fle Bills were sovm·ally read a
In t.ho six countil'N that I hnvo 111onfl1"HL time 1111d refurred, the lh•,;I, th!'t-t' tionu1l
umploying Fn111ch . tenchet"H,
to tho lil~leot Comn1ittco on BillH, 111111 th1•1•c
uu• 5,211, 1111tl in the otlw1• counthe lw.t 0111.1 to th1• Co111111itt1•n on Law, t.it•H 108
Ht.11dyi11g l•'1·1•1wh, making 11
Amend mun ts.
total nf fi,,1()11, lu11mi11g F1't"1ch In tlw
Also, thnt tlwy huvo ngre1•d t.o flu- 1011·1·1·
g1·1uh•H, mul l,OJ:1 in tho highl'l'
a1110111lmontllmruli, hy thiH Honmn-,
g1·111h•11, n111l 8ZJ In thi, 'f~nglish hight•1·
able Hou so to tlw lli 1111 011 UI.IP,I 1·1•>1pcc- ~l'lltil',
studying ·lfoglish. I find u. g11i11
ti voly,:
Ill Ui1• oth1w countie.~ thut htwi, no
A Bill onUt11,d, an Act to unuhle I he Fwnch
~e,whc•1·11, and I am glad to
Town of 'l'renton tu borrow 11111111•y;
find, thc•1·c iH ',i l11rgc innemm Jn th,•
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to amend 1111 11uruli1il'
Act to lnccrporate Um 1\1 i~11iq111LSh l•11-euch, of thosu who \\'l!l'O studyinK
l\lal'Hh C11111p1111y, Llmlted, 1111tl Acts
I lhul ont• nbstaclu in tho way of
amending the same.
Hon. l\lr, HonwuAu, speaking in lc1uni11g l<'1·1•11ch ; I hl'l'n 11r1i Iota of our
wopJi, who. u1·u of· the opinion that
regard to tho report, of thu 8uperin•'1•u11ch (J()ucntion ill not what w1•
tendeut of 1<1ducut.ion,Haiti:
It gives 1110 a gmat deal of plt,11H111·1, want; wu wont. EngliH11 education, I
to thank him fo1· the troubl« nnd Ute do not p1·1'11.•1111 lo hu ngai1111t English
inte1-est he has tak1,n ,hu·ing tht, Inst cducatio11, I w1111t, 0111· \mopll.' to le11r11
}•'l'cn<:fl ffrst, HI tlmt t ICY Cllh )em•n
year in regnrd to the ndvuncement of l~ngli11h.
l<'rench edncntlnn. l•'ol' the fh'llt time,
Jt, iH hupoHHihli• for n 1110n, ·a Pronchin the hislAn•y of Freuch education I
am able to give tho 1111111he1·of chil<lrPn 1111111 cspecinlly, if he dm•H not know
att.:ending school in the lowe1· l(l'a«les hh1 own l1111g11ngo first., to make l>l'O·
gt·t.·HH with hiH 1:<t111lies. He 1111111t, learn
of the COIIIIIIOn school.
I find in Antih•onish tlwy hnve 180 hi,, own l1111g1111g1• lll'st to bt, educated,.
in the c0111111011 sehoo! nnd a:JO in the I think it is 1111 awful 111istnk1• fm• tlw
higher grade. They made n splP1111id J?1-p11eh peoplu not to tP11ch tlwi1·
gain Inst year of JOO attending the d1ihll'e11 F1·cnch in Uw 1:ommon tmhool
. higher grade. 'l'lll'ru were :liO in the lo1\·c1• l{l'lllil!H, I lhul t.hut Lununh111·1{
higher grad« in Freneh and only 115 hos a 1•opul11tio11 of ::mn Frm1ch mid I
urn 1A1 d t h11t U1c1'l1 is not n Hingle 1111111
studying J<~ngli11h.
that •~un spcnk a word of l<'l'cnch in
In Dlgby County we huvs 1800 in ili11t(~m11L~
the common schonl lowt•1· gl'lldP, and
l 111111 tlw County of Cumbe1-Jn111lhns
only 80 in U1c higher grnde; We 11111d1•
11 Hlllall gain Inst yenr of 15. \Vn have 2fU7 of 11 1<'1·cuch populnUon, and I Heo
150 stud3 Ing English in the highn· that tl11rinl{the la~!, y1•111· one pupil WIIH
le11r11i11g French in the lowe1· g1·ntl1•,
0 uyshuro huH 62 in the co1111111111 01111 one teuch,·1· in lhnt county. Tho~«·
school lowm• gl'11d1i 1111tl 00 in lht, high«w ll'opli• who think we do not w1111t
•'mn«-11 1•tlt1l'llliu11 Jlltt 111c in 111ind of n
gl'rule; tlll'y h11v1• madti 1i gain of ~
st111lying 1"1·1•nch 1h11fog lust yenr. young F1·(•1wl1111a11 who l'l'ceivcd IL lt•ttc1•
from his h1·8t l{il'); hut hu co11)1l 11ot
They hnvi, 162 in tlw higher g1·ndo in
1-e11d 11 word of Frnnrh, 111111110 ho went
the Hng~ish.
Im·e1·m~s11 County hus !JOO iu the In his frit•111l nrul askl'tl him to 1-ead it
-lower g1·adu and lOfl in tho highol' for him. H1•fo1·0 lu, allowed him lo
gl'llde i;tudying Fl'«.mch, and they 11111do 1·,•nd it, howcvor, he said to hlti frloml,
·11, gain last yl'ar of 67.
They ha\'e 111 '' I do not wont you to know what iH
in it 110 you must put yom• flnge1·e In
-the English higher gmdo 278.
Richmond hos 701 in th1!lowm•gmde, yo111· cnrs whlil' you m·c reruling it t,,
Ho you con I, hc•nr what you say." 11
and Oo in tho higher grade. Htudying
Who s111's that we don't want 1''renul1
J,'rench ; a dcc1"1,asoon l11.1<t yeal' of 4 : etl11c11titi11
nfte1• that i'
80 in,tbo English higher grade.
J w1111lrl like Lo HOY a fow words in
Tho Co1111tl of Y1n1111,uth 111111 a deCl'('aso· In J•1·unch of 62 d1rri11g Uw .l'l,gn1·d to fa1glish education in conpmvlom, five y1•01"11, I find that It h11S tl'ru-t t,1 li'1"erwh 1iduc11tio11. English
oducntio(J w1111 not bo1·11 iu thlH conn-
... -·-
___ J__ --.,
---· --
try ; It did · not l'tl(Julre to be rocked 1lld not muko very 'flll'!t pl'Ogt'l'SII; there
and nunecl by Its motho1•; it Wt\!! mwe1· wore no te11cheu1. A rmmher of (lur
brought in . lt.i Infancy, hut it wus forofathe1"S ll•arnt'll a little-what U1cy
ht'<mght· hPr'l• In full · gl'Owth of man- conltl-from l<'atbu1·Roggor10 and I con
h1Hxl In 17411.
\Vhen thiH countl·y wcll 1't'rnemher when I was going to
was settled hy the people that caruo Hchool in 1847 whim tlll'ro woe not a'
from tho bi>st c1lue11te1lcount,i,y in the Hchool house, 1101· a school. 1111111w1·;
wol'·ld, they h111ught t.hoh• education, eo111e of thu womun l1•u1·nedf1um thith:··
Ull'Y brought thuir mini11tet•1J, tlmh• p1·11yer hooks, 11nd WOl'f! te11chiug·
tlootors and tlwil·. l11wyc1·R;1111d whut Hchoo) in one co1•11e1· of the housP, but
h1111 been tho hi>ltot•y111111,0 P gd,1cation 1111111t of tlrn111 could not writo thoh· own
hue mode such growth that it W1L8 rmme.
Thut WM the condit.ion 11t
found nece911a1·yin 1806 to cstnblish u that ti1110. Since 1861, einco the puescollogo for hi§lwr edncution 11111) ut ing of thu public Rchool law wo cnn
thnt time King II Colleg,• wnH built nnd say that we have l>et,11 advmwing fah-Jy
founded, Bn,l got Its ch111·lPI' fmm tho wl'II; we are doing as w1•1l UN 0111•
H1·ltlshGovernmcnt; 1111ditlsto-d11ythu neighhom'H 111'0, I said that l•'athet·
oldest institution t,f luarning in IJroitlsh Snggonc laid down tho co1·1u-1· stonu of
North Ame1·ica. Unlhousio wue fouud- 11111· c•ducutfon and \ve now huve the
ed In ]SID 011 tho 22nd M11y, hy the l'eHult in Ghlll'l'h Point nt tho college
gn1·l of Dalhousie; Pic1A1u Ac,ulomy in thoru with 180 st111lcnts.
1811J; AcAdia Acadt!111yin 1821); Acadia
And what of French l•ducntion nt
Univo1'8ity in 181!8; Ht, l\f11ry'e, l\fount the prcscnt thuu; and the French etl11Alli11on, I do not ktmw tho dat11; St. ca.ted 111e11. I find QB tho 1·mmlt of
l•'ranois X11vie1· In )Sat 111111 St. Ann'H 30 yt'.ll1·s te11ehing at Ht.. 1"1·. Xavitir'e
in 1800,-thu lu~t hut not the lcaet.
Collel{e at A11tigo•1ish, wo 011ly hnd at
I find that th«•se instituti1>11Hroceivud that time 4 prw11h, at. Invel'llel!II 5
from tho gov1•1·nment anti from thu gi·ado H tc11chur1,1, and at Yunnouth J,
Castine fmid about $560,000.
Ju 11)13 the 1·usult of 2'J Yt'lll'IIof J.'1-ench
1rl'0111 18» to 1870 Dalhousie got;, per tt•achilll{ at, St .. Ann's (;ollcgo we hnd
year, ·$1,400; Kinge, $1,41!0; Ac1111ia, 2'J pl'il'Hl•. 'J'ho Cuthr.lics of St, John,
$1,400; Mount Alli11011, $1,400: Ht. N. B., 111-u pleUHl'd t~, ho honm'tld bv
J?r, Xavier, $1,400; 8t l\11u·y·11, $1,·ICO. 1"1·ench N. 8. Acadian Biehop, Bisiiol'11
From 1870 to l!!H2. D11lhot1Hiewit. J,1iB111nc, wo huv<1 ubout lllO I"a·eru,
pllr yoa1•, $3,000:. King'11, $2.~;
Hchool h•11ch01'b, \Vo hu,·e·u. Jll'OfeNS01·1
Acadia, S'l.500; Mount Allison, $2,,i()(); ill the Nom111lSchool; unotlml' t<'achHt. Fr •. X11vie1·, $1,600; 81,. lllury·,., iug in tlw English school in H11lif1u:;
we huvu tl•11ehel'f:I in tho Engli,ih di~li'rench higher t•ducution hll8 not 1-u- 1,l'ict whero the1·e lll'll no Fl'ench and
ci,h•Nl one ctJnt ynt, nor iH it likt•ly it we hnvu dncto1·s in tho Rtatu11; iuul we
ove1• will: thu higho1· l·duculion eHtuh· have l11wye1'11
lish111e11ts do not get uny monoy nt
\Vheu we conw to this d111mher we
urn supposed f,i thmw 0111• political
Wo find that whilo English ed11c11- fcl'lin~H, and mn· political pn1•tizunHhip,
tlon was a brllliunt lll1cceSH,· if wu look out8i110 the door, and come h1Hidt> tbie
nt J,'rench education we will conm to House IA> give justice to whom ju11tico
tho conclu•lon that it hae a doplorahlo ie duo l thi.nk, nftc1• 111l, I 11111 justi-"
history. \Vhon tho Ac111llanecnmt> to tied in mfc1Tln({ to II char·ge which hes
this country tlwy brought thl'it· faith, been rnnde agamst llfr. Murray In antbelr hopes, coural(c 111111 loyalty. other 11'111ro by II gentleman fro111 the
When they came hack from their uXtl"t!rne ,,ast of ·tho Province,
exile in tho States thPy came h11ck may 1my pnlitit-al wind9 don't change
without priests, education, lawyers the mind of the l<'renohman. llut if a
and docton,, and Fnmoh edncation l'll· Frenchman starts for u pm·t hi' Is
malned In darkne&11 until Father Sog• going to get thl•re,
If the wind"
gonP, In 1798. left !<'ranee and wont changl'e, if he cannot heat to wind.
ove1· to England, at t.be time of the word, he doeH nnt turn hie; coat ornr;
Frenob revolution, nnd aft.or remain- he will haul off t1is coat and put It on
Ing there four ieat'II, dm'ing which tho bottom of the boat; ho hauls down
ti111e he 11tudhlll E11glieh, ho 0111110 over his sail, mu) with cou1•11go nnd muscle
here and llfted tho cloud thnt hnnlJ , he takcH tho oars and )lilts to his desliovn1• Frend, education, 111111 lnltl tho nat.1011, 'l'lm chargus 11111.de againHt
corner stonn of French lld11catio11, It. Mr, lllutray that I find in this l1ook
------~ . -----
··\'.···-- ,_ ....
.. ·
' ~-· ....·-·
... 1 .•••
--,.4 •• --.
-'--··--.··:··-· ····-· .._,,_·,.·1··· .·------
...... -·-. ,'"--:----·
.--·-·1---·-·--·-·····-1· ,--·-, .. ,---·-··
------==--·~·- .. ·:-:
=--· .-:.: -: : : . .:. _.·
-:::::::::· · -- .. ···-=--
(" Nm·11 8c11Ua," hy Beckles \Vl1"'1n,) ono side with the greut big hardwood
J doi1't think U1e way it l'fU\tlH that .Mr. Ih-e, und fru1iz1• on the other slde from
Mm·ray should 111, charged with any- the sniiw coming llm111gh tho cracks
thing wrong by ullowlng this book to in the walls. I would llko yon to see
go to the people. J\fr. lllurray l_uw what a difference thure le now. 'l'he
done too much for the Acadian boys who were rocked 011 tho floor
'IJPople In reg111,l to eduention, for nuulo nf poli,s Ul'l' to-day rocking thuh·
the people to turn aguinH~ hill) fol' .u gmml chil1h-1111 011 pollshed hnrd wood
trithng mattt•r, nnd I ,lon t think 1t lloo1·H, Tho light, lhut cnme into the
will over turn 1111yo1fo. Ho has d1111ti loic ho11H1• by tho erucka between the
more than he luw been 1LHkc1I to do for logH iH now cnmiuK thmngh splendid
J•'mnch Acatll1111H. When t.he qnest.lun plate l{l1LH8 wirulows. They 111·0 houses
eame up of uppoint.ing a s1•111Lt•.w f111• !-hat would ho un 01·11a1111111t to any
Nova. Scotiu we IW\'Cl' nsked hi111, hu- stt'l'ut. in tlm City of . lfolifux: nud
cause we know lw would do wh ,twas
while I 11111 tnlking nhont the gmntlrlght and he t'l'co1111111mdl'dwhile ho fathe1·11 tlmt Wt'l'O meked .on tho polo
did not have thi, dirr,ct 1Lppoi11t11wntof llm111,1, wlw1·0do wo llud tlw so1s thnt
the eenutt1r--hh1 i11fl111•11cP Wt•ut II good 1u·1• nicking tlwh· gl'll1ul chlltl1'l'11; w1,
way towurtls ,having tlw 1·igl.1t !11.1L11. find 111111 of th1•n1 11 pa·it•st ut Ht. Be1··
oppointud,--hti took a muu of 11h1hty nnrcl looking uftm· the lntUdlng of a
and j11tlg1_11ent from hiH govc1·11111011t ci1111-ch that will cost, when el'tlcted,
and ho l~)Olllnwnded him t~> 111, up- $00,(1()(), Thun WU havu 11 doctm· Pl'IIC·
(Kiintecl s1muttn·. It wu~ a sad duy, ticing 11w1lichll' in the Connty of Yaraml it will l11, 1·1•111c111h1•1,•d fm· u 1111111- 111011th, m11I he i!! 11111• of tho boHt docbur of--y1•a1'H. wlwn 1fonth cnllml at thu tot'H U111t.thc1-..• iH iu Nova Scotia; tht'll
dlll>l' aud Haid toH1matt11·Co111ea11, yom• w1• flud u11othP1· n dentiHt in the town
IIHOfulne88to yo111· people IN now at 1111 of Y n1·1111111th.
und, put down your nmntlc nml get
, In comiug back to education I wonld
11•U1ly und follow mu, so every F1·cnch liku to 11,pcat tho wm·ds of Dieraoli,
Aciuliun has in hiH 1m•11101·y and on hi11 wlwn lw got up to 11111ke hlH fh't!t speech
mind what 1\lr. 1\111l'r11y h11B douo for in tho JJ0111<l' of Commom1, and he was
them. Talk uhout thiH hook ; I tlo not 111•rv111111, juHt UH I alwaye 11111 when
find mnch fault with it. I think he Hfll'nkiug 111, th1•sp oi:e1win11H, and "ht•n
might ha\'l1 gonu IL littlu ful't.hur mul t 1e memhur~ wert, ri111ki11g j!'Htof him,
rofCl'l'CIIto a llttlu plucc,callcd Cm·lmry. "ntl howling him down, ho snid, "J
{ would just like tt, 1111y n f1•w wo1·dH luwe h1•g1111 scv,,1·111 timeH many thi11g11,
a,IK>ut that littl11 pl11cu h11ck of \Vey- n111l l111vo 1111ecPeclecJ in them at last.
111011th, lo milc11 away. It w1~~ settled I shnll sit clown now, hut the time will
by pi1111ee1·1<, hy 1~ 1111m that 1·up1·u· comu wheu yon will hem· me." I
scnted the County of A111111poli11, want to sur ht'fo1·u I sit down-tho
nlKmt 1840, hcfoni Uw couutiutl of timu is co111111g, it iH coming slowly but
Digby 111111 Ann11pnlis w111·e dl\•icfod, ~un•lr, Whl'II tilt' Al'11din11s of thu
11 m1m lhnt Hilt in the Homm, Pro\'lll<'l', in l'l'H)ll'ct of 1•d11c11tio11, inMr. P1,•!!ldunt, with youl' fathel', with a tP•lig1111c1•, 11hil1t,y 111111 : lny11lt.y will
gentlt•nll'n from Y nrmouth hy tho i;timcl in the frout nmk, and will not
name of Poolt•. Mr. Pooh, hn,1: grnntt•d sit do11 n m11l lnkP IL hack 6P1Lt fo1· any
to him a la1·go piuce of . lunci th1ire,, 1111Uon111ily in thu• gu•nt Dominion of
11ml UobichtLll hought. till' 111111). Hu· •llll'H, which w1• 111l lo\'11 Ho Wl•ll.
went home, ancl got half a th•zt•n of
Hon. M1·. L1,:B1.Mw:
hiH 1wighhore, and 1,nrom·ngcd them
I r1•g1·et vm·y much thut I did not
to go and sottlo on thut p11·co of lnnd. know tho hon. llll'mhc1· fm• Digby wni,
'J'hey wunt the1-e; tlwy cut thu first to bring up this mo1<t impo1·tant tiucstreea: they h:1d no l'llad, hut they got t.iou of I• 1·ench education to-day: I
there; they lmilt theh• log housuH; might- h11ve gathe1·ed Homo remarks,
they hewed poleH mu! made theh• being II Fruuch Al'aclian myself, and
ftool'8 ; ha1~l wood flnm·s we1·e not hnvlng tho ho110111 to 1·epre~Pllt one <>f
thought of then. Tlir husbands wure the largPHt Acnclinn tllstl'icts In tho
lnmting for f111· tti huy IJJ·cnd. u111l Pr .. vinc1•. I 11111 V<'t·y much ploll8ed
hunting fol' moose (thorn was no g11111e thut. the hon. mumbcr fo1· Digby hus
law then, and. thev111othr1'H
couhl kill UH numy tukon such 1111 h1te1·1•Ht, in tlrnoducatlon
IUI they llke.d),' the
i11si1lo tho of tlw l<'rmich popnlution nf this ProlmuBC'aU.0111!00 IA> the ohiltlrcn, i;i> that viuct•. It iN n fnut that a 1·opor'-f was
Uw chilth'f'n woultl not get h111·11t on m11tlo in Um Lt•gl11hLt111·t• tine winter
========= .
- -- .
- ..._
.-:.~that the F!'rnch Acndinns Wel'e ignorant-, anti that the P1·e111ie1· had co11. bad been iutimutod to hi111 titnt the
Clll'l'Od in that 1·cpo1·t. The Acatlians !llllUher of t\w )ll'oplo who had joined
in thiR Prm·ince huve hum1 kept in 111, u1• Wero 111tt,1·i,s!rnl in. t-hiH 1-e1111u8t
lgno1·u,1co fo1· n long time. '.l'hey 1vm·e \~118 nhou_t. thil·ty 01· fo/~y tho11smu1:
tlw H111t suttll'1 H iu tho Prm·incu and 'l_hesu pet1tw118 w1•1·e \'l'l'Y 11111ue1·0111,iy
l'eruufoed in it nntil tlwy wcr~ ex- Hl)!'n('(I, Ulld he llllked th11t they bo t·t••
pulled to the Uuit~:d
8t,.ite11; und 1Lfte1· f,•1·1·ud to the Conunittce 011 I~dncation
1·1mmining tlll'ro fo1· a time 1u1111y of
At th.e ,1·1•q11eHt of lllr. l\lcl{1iy 0110 oi·
thu:11 c111111• tn lhu J\l1Ll'ith11u l'l'O\·inc,•s the pet1tm11s WllH t'l'llli.
Cumphell usk,•d if Uwy wen,, all
1111d sottled wht•1·uver thl·y could get u
fi-0111 the H1t1111• county.
H<'ttle111u11t. 8ome wt•nl lo New Bl'llllH·
wick, somti to Pl'ince Ed wm·d l,ilnn<I,
Hon ... Atty,.Gl•n'I Huid they \\'1•1·0
MOIiie to tho J\lagdulcu,;, many went to frm11 1hffl•1·entcountil'H,
D1·. C1u11phellsaid th11t it WILS quitu
Oupo Breton, i;onm wunt h11ck to
1"1·unco, but the 11111j111·ity c11me to J1_a-0!11.1hlo t.hut ho wonid 1·eeeivu a fow
Nova Scotiu. llow1•v1•1·, when they s11111lu11· petitions hi111~t·lf hefo1·e long."
M1·. ~,lillL.\Nc ~1~id ,he thou!,:'ht that
enme back they frnuul the pluco fll't•tty
well dm1ti-oyt•d; till' bchool hoUHl'H 111111 llloHt ol these pet1t1011H w1·1·e h-0111 tlw
the chm·l·heH Wl•1·1, tlt st1·11y,•ci ; 111111 Vount.y. of Hicl1111011d, wht•1•0 a g1·eat
they knew thuy hatl tt, ,;cttl11 undm· P,t'opo1·tw·11 of the pop11l11tio11 w1•1-e
Uw H1·iliHh flag and 110 loyal lo tho I• 1·c•11ch. The F1·ench hoye who \Vcllt
Hritit,h Vt'OWII. I helii,ve t lll'y hay,• t,! English Hehools h11Jp1·ed 11nd1•1·grl·11t
\Vhcn they w1•11t to
ILIILdo f?OOtl citfa,•nN, 111111 htL\'O ILg'l'Cl'd d1811tl v1111t,1gl's.
well with tho EngliHh, 111111 they lmn• th~su schools \'el'y yo1111g thev dicl not
IN•en loyal to t.,.o Bl'itii;h Vl'Own, 1uul I enJoy 1.ny of the fucilil,ies mid udv1111l_wpu they will c·ontinuc to be loyal; t11ges thut the English hovs did AB
111111 why not? They are living in one Uwy di,l not undct'!itmul tho E,;glish
of Uw hest eou11t1·i1•s, ,mdt•t• 11 most l1rng1mgl•,it WUH vei-r dilllcult for tlrn111
free 1111d lihu1·11) gove1·11111ent. \\'hut to uo111p1·ehe11d tlw mstl'uctions given
do w1, cm·u fcJ1• France aftu1· all? \Ve ti> tlw111, 111ul he thought thnt if u sm11U
Clll'tJ 11101-e fo1· tho hingungu thnn fc>1· hon us H\ICh 111:1 thes,• petitions 111,kl'ci foi·
tho country. But tlw Fn•nch l'l'oph, Wlll'e given to le111·he1·s who· could
h11d no cluuaeo to l{l't tlwir ehihh·Pn It'll!'(• F1·l'11ch, it would vc1·y much
educutt.'tl; Uwy had tt, s0111) the111 to foc1ht~Ltt,the c•1lucution of this section
of the popnltttio11,"
Uppe1· Uu11111lu.
, TheH~l petitions Wt•1•e l'Ufol'l'uclto tlu,
\Viaen I hucl I ho honor lo he 1 1,·ct.1:cl
for the County of Hicl1111or11l thirty Con11111Uee 1111 Ed,wutiou nnd I Wllll
of thut Vonuuitteu, aud \\'ll 1·euo111yrarH 11go, J>etitiom1 Wl'l'U p1·usont£'d to
tho Cuunci 11t thut time, and I will 1Ul·uclecl- that ll ho111rn of $:-!00 lm g1·11nt1·,•nd j111,t a Hilmll pas,11ge from tho Pd to te11clw1·s thut coulil instn1et in
LK1th lm1gu11ges, ilult•pu111le11t of the
tl1•hu1A•H on that oecnsi1111 :
"Hono111•11bhiAttt11·11ev (icne1·11I suicl ~ulury tlwy would get from the tl'llstl11Lt Im hUt) Hix petitim1H from differPnt tecs of the •mhool si,ction. '.l'hnl hn111u11
111u·LH of the P1·0\·i11ce, hut nil lw1u·i11i-r WIIH tho llll'lllls.of l!llcom·11gi11g IL gl'l'llt
upon tlu, onn Hll bj1•el,, w hkh hu woulcl many of 0111· stmll•n(s to ljtuLlify thcrn11wntio11 tt, Uw House, anti to which solv1,s to l'l'Ceivo these, bounties, and
hu dcHirctl thnt the nttuntion of the now )Ve have thmu in 1111 p111·ts of the
C11111111ittuu 1111 Educution might ht• P1·ovmeo; we have the colll·go 11t
l'ILllod to theHu ill'litioni;. 'l'he House Vhurch Point; we havu tu11che1·s of
WILS aWIU'O that a \'l!l'Y hu·gu 111·opo1·- I hotl.1 inngungcs at 1Uc1111·11111c,10k, Antilion of tho people of No\'IL Hcotm Wt•1·1• gonrnh 11111) the Academy at Al'iehutof I•'renoh deHcnnt, Ullli 11dhcr1•d to The hononl'llble ruu111ber for Digby 1·e'.
some extent to the c11sto1m1 111111 lan- fe1·red to the Hepol't of the Supe1fo.
guage of tholr motl1P1·co1111t1·y. Tho tendcnt of Eclucat1011to-duy, hut 1 just
dealrn WILR 1•xp1·essodin Uw&H petitiuuH, want t~ poh~t out thut the Hepo1·t of
coming from rnp1·es1•11t11tivl's of t.i11'~£l 1012 g1 \'Oij, Ill the co111111011 sch no ls of
imp,wtanL wctio1rn of tlw po11ulutio11, the P."ovince, 5400 French pnplls: in
llutt 110111u lll'ovision Hhoulcl Ill naudu, the lugh01• schools wo find thut t.l11•1·t•
l11•tt1•1• thun t.l11Lt which hud hel'eto- urn l?~·enchpupils numhel'ing 1070.
l 1111ght 1·efor to tho 1·uprn•t of till'
fo1•i, l11•e11 IUIL()o, fm• giving i11et1·11etio11
In tlwh• own l1111gnugu to thl• chilclrl'II lnRpectorof Rchools, U, Stanluy B1·11cl•,
of that po1·ti1111 of Utt• population, It of. Hhellnll'lae: ho says: •• \V ctlgepo1·t,
with its seven toache1'8 uud 1111 cnmllr.
I .
' '
ment of three hundred and thirty-five
p111>1h-', Is not y(ltdolng lt1q1ropershare
in the tr·alnlng bilingual teeehers,
The French schcole on the west slde
Pubnico wlU1 the same number of
teachers 11.8 W odgeport and somewhat
11111allcr enrollment hod twice us many
high school pupil» In training,"
l<'urthcr on ho says, "as n. l'UII', the
French schools excel the 1-~ngliHh in
respect to physical trninlng,
sr.hools at Middle \Vest Pubnieo and
Eel Brook, In ehurge of the 8iK!Rt'8 of
Oharity, rm, worthy of RJ>el·ial men·
11&y, without. fear of contradiction,
that the Ft,,ncb people apeak better
English than the Englil,h speak .ll'reocb.
'l'helr auccnt is better in both langu-·
agt•s. Tho French Acadian oblldten
are growing up and leamlng both
languages, uml now onr }'Mloplti are u
well oducafod n.s they can possibly eiJl!'Ct. to 00,
Hon. Mr, AttMRTllONO-The diflc11s•
Hion as conducted by the honourable
nwmhm·s who have addNllllled the
House IH a snhjoet intet'Olltlng to many
11eople In tho Provlnctt, The hon.
gentleman from Digby hllll <ll'alt ln a
practical anti otf,•ctlve manner wltb
t.tu, HlatiHtie11llnfommtion avaUable in
this yl!lu-'11 Education Repol't on the
teaching of F1'lluch in the oo.n1won
ar.hools, The hnn. member at tho
same ti111t1 took occasion to lllleU. of
the tredltlon,il aptitude of the l.1w,acb
people to the q1ll'st.io11 and purposes of
higher l'dncd.tiou. 'l'hc data Jl-,nt.ecl
by tlw hon. gontlenurn from Digby. to
the House of tho 11unu1 afforded each
collt•gt, some thi1·ty years ago, during
the pet-iod of tho college g1·~nta prevalllug In thl11 P1'0vince, IH doubtlOIIB
11 mattA:r of the 1'0n,1wal of lnform11tion to the minds of many hon, mom-·
hers. Both the hon. membel'8 from
Digby uncl Rich01ond at:u able~ ir1di·
cate n. lm1·mony Jll't'Vaillng In this Pro·
vlnce in rofurt•nce to th"' teaching of
1"1·ench because of Uw legislation teicb·
ing bilingnal schooli; in . Nova Scotia.
Nova Scotia. In thl11 mutter enjoys a
condition of a.tf11it'8 which bu11twt been
atall or at le11ets11Hatisfoctm·ily 1-eacbed
by otho1• of the Provinces. All)' 1>hasc
of public education, whether l't1latlng
to the common school!I of the Pl'Ovlnce
ot• to tho woa·k of the colll'ges, is a
t{IIPHtion at uny time well "orth t,be
conHldl't'lltiun of this Hons!', In their
contl'ilmt.iou to thll considel'atlon of
uducotlon 111attN'I< on this n<:caeion,
the bonoumble g1•11tll'111t!II who proceded 1110 have ntfot'tled the Hou11e
infnrnmtion both intel'Cfjting and helpful In character.
On motion of Hon, Mr. LEBLANC,
tht• Council adjoul'lled until to-mm,.
1·ow, Tuosday, the 29nd day of April,
at t111-ee o'clock in the aftt-l'lloi>n,
Inspector Moi"Se, of Amu,.pohs and
Digby. says: "All French 11entlons
maintained schools during the ~at·
which are taught by licensed teuchel'fj
In all cases except one in which a permlsalve teacher WM employed, 'l'hcae
schools are lncreasing in efflelency
yt.ar by yea1• as the result of the 11101'0
advancod seholarshlp of the teachers,
ne1wly all of whom arc Normal
That goes to show that the French
ore getting pl'Opt•rly educated now,
where they were not before. 1'hiH
petition that I read to you WM made
m 1878, 35 yea.I'll ago. Since that. tlme
1111r French cbtldren=-boye and gll'ls11,1-e getting thol'Onghly educated In
both languages-two of the best in tho
worhl-and tho pot'IIOII that can teach
and educate in both languages Is tho
bt•st,. \Ve have among the Acadians
men of atl professlon11. \Ve have doctot'B,
lawyers, professors,
clergynum, prteste and blshops, and
last, but not least, wt, have men In tho
J..egl,lo.tivc Council. Your hwnble servant was the ftl'St French Aca.dlan to
he placed In the Government of Nova
Scotia, and there bas been one ever
11lnce, and I have no doubt if they con·
Unno to conduct themselves well
-as they will do-they
"'.ill continue to hrwo n. seat. And we have
Senatol'!I In thti House at Ottawa.
It is well t • !!peak of these . things
now and then, so that the ~nch
people will know that the Government
intends doing w,•ll by them.
were a poor lot when t'bey came back ;
thef. bad to commence 1mew. It was
uplilll wm·k for them, but now we
have scboola such as we never had be·
'l'UF.RDAY,22nd Aptil, 1018.
fore, 110 that now our French Acadla1's
The Council met 11t 8 p. IU,
cannot be called &ny more Ignorant.
They .11,l'e as Intelligent. aa any other
nation, nnd we cao uompete ·with any
The following Hille wor,e N'Uel a third
other nation. l would go further and time anti tinnily 111u<ll(•d :
A Bill entlth!d, tin Act to onahlt• tho
'!'own of W011tvilfo to install and ope1·ute an dcctrill plant,;
A Bill eutit 1~d. an Aut. to nmerul
Cl111,pt.c1· 128, Auls of 1880, 1111 Act to
Incoi~1i·ato Uw Canndu J~lt•ctl'ic Con,.
pany, Limited.
The following DillH, nnwnded, ,,·p1·e
1·ead a third tiiue, nrul Hl'Ut to thp
House or Assm11hly f,w conc11r1·1•11ce :
A Bill entitlt!d, nn Act to unnble tlll' ·
City of Halifax to bonow 111,,11ey ·
A Bill entitled, an Aut to ameuti Uw
L11w l'elntin~ to the Oity ·or lfalifox; ·
A Bill unt1tlct1, un Act to enable the
City of Sydney to h01·1·ow money,
Hon. Mt•, AIIMATIIO.Ntl, Olmit·uuui of
the 8elotJt Committ1•0 011 llillH, repo1·t1,d
up favm•ahly with a11w111huent.s:
A Bill entitl('(I, 1m Ai,t l'l'}ati11g to
8mvel'age anti tho 1•n11structio11of pPr•
mnnent sidtiwnlkH in tlw '!'own of
A Hill entitlt•d, nu Act to enahle tho
inhabitants of gnruka t<1p1·ovidu tbom!1'-'lve11 with 11. HYHtPIII of stl'eut lighting.
Theim HillH were ,mwmlly t·t•nd n
Hoc1111d timo, 111111 conunltted to C11111111ltteo of the who!(• Hrn1so.
Act to mri1md and consolidate the Acts.
t'lllatlng to tho Stn1·r l\fon11fact111-iug
Oumpany, Limited :
A llill untltl1•d, 1~11 Act to 11m1·111l ·Ohuptnt• 187, Acts of 1012, entitled, an
Act to amend Clmpte1• ll8 Acta ,,f
1011, entitled, an Act to In~o1·pol'Ut.o
C111111dinn 'l'ungHten I\Ii111·s Limited
Tht·~e BillH wem HOVe1'.1111y l't'IL(i 11,
lit-Ht tune 11111l l'l•for1·ed, thi, first to the
Cou,111iLt1•e m1 Luw Amcnduwnts, and
tho othei• fnm· to the Sl'lect Counnittco
on Hills,
Also,.thut tl.ey ho.\'e agreed with.
on~ nr11e11d111en!.8, to II Bill pn.s~cd by
I.hrs hononruhlt, House, eutitled, un
Act to unable tho 'l'(lwu of Amhei·;;t to
hol't·ow 11101wy fur ti ·e pin·post•s,
Al110, t.huy l11ive ag1·ced to th11 a111end111cnt~ 111oposed by thiH hononrahle
Ilom1e to a Bill entitled, u·u Act to
t•nuhlo tht• Town .of Digby to bort'OW
111mwy for tho coustt·uctiun of perma·
neut 11idew11lks.
On motion of Hon, .Mr. l\IAcK, the
Council udjonl'lled until· to-uwn·ow
\Vedne!ldo.y, thu 23.rtl day of April.
thl't'O o'clock
tho uftel'lloon.
\Vm>NBHIIAY. 23rd Apt•il, 101:J,
'l'ho Vouucil met at 8 p. m.
1111.(.H -·rumn UEAllINO.
011 motion of Hou, Mr, Al!~IHTl<oNo,
SLauding Orde1· N,,. U6 wus HUspeu1led,
'J'hu following Ilill was 1-ead II third
· ' .
111111 tho Council 1·1•soh·1!d it.~1·1f into time nncl finally pass1.,'tl :
Conuuittee 011 Hi!IH, Hou, M1·. L0Blu111:
A Bill eutitled, ILII Act to muend
in the chah;.
Cl111pt.e1: 6-1, Acts of 11111, entitled, an'
'l'be I wo · Bills 1·ead u s1•u<lnd time Act to en11hlu tlw '!'own of Glnce Day
this tiny weru s,•ve1·11lly t'tlntl clu11t1e by ~\ 11ppoint II lfogistt·u1· of Votet'S,
"11mee and pllllsetl.
Thn following Bills 1nuc111fod wore
'l'he C11n1111iU.t1e ndjom·rw1l, anti Uw l'CILd 11 thil'd time 1111d sent to tho
Bills p1188t.>tl In Committee
wer·e 1·e· HouHe of AHst>mhly fo1· urn1ci1r1·e11ce:
port.ed up..
A Uill cutitietl, 1111 Act to. nmend
Ohuptc1· 1311, Act.~ of IIJOI, entitled, au.
The House of Assembly, by me11sug1•, Act to incorpomtu Urn \\'01•kingu11m's·
informed this House that it hat! f'aAAe<I Prospecting,
Developing 1111d l\Iining
the followlnv. Hil1!1, in which it t esired Company, Limited;
the CODCUl'l'enco of this Ho11011mhle
A Bill entith,d, an Act to enable the
H1,1use: ,
of Eumka to provide
A Bill t1ntitled, un Act to f11rthe1· therns!'lves with a system of street
1m1end Chapte1• 2, Acts of 1007, en· lighting,
titled, .an Act 1-eln.ting to tho Ellpcndi·
On motion of Hon; l\Ir. Am1stl'Ong,
ture of Pr~vinclal Hoad ni.d Bridge the fll'llt clause of the amendment
matlo by this honournhle House to the
A Bill ontlUed, an Act rMpoctlng the BIi) ontitlcd, an Act. to amend Chapexpenses of BIIJl!ll'O,'illingInfectious and Ull' 05, Acts of 1002, Tho Lawrencet,o" n
Contagious Diec11ses In . the Cpunty of Elt)ctl'ic Lii:rht 4ct, 1002, WM. struck
Inverness I
out ; tho Dill W/J.S then 1·ead a thh'tl,
A Bill ent.itlotl, nu Act t~, enable the t.lme and senL to the H1111so of A11sc111,.
't'own of Plctou to h01·1·ow money for bly for uonm,1·1·omw.
1"h'O P111·poses;
On motion of Hon. llfr. l\IACK, Sec.
A Bill entitled, an Act to anmml t.ion 20 of the Dill ontitltld, 1111 Act to
Chapte1· 10'.'., A~ta of' 100.'I, entitled, 111.1 amend and cousuliduw the Acts t"O,·
IIJl,1..ll IN {'OlDUT'J'EI,:,
·-·- .. , .... __ _._,_,¥·•-.---·---\I
----- - ····-. ,, __ ---··----l.- .. ·· ..--·-·-··· . ··---·
- ---..
speoting the Protection of W«iods
against Fh'011, was amended by 11trlk,;
iug out tho words, "Fot'Otlt Runge,·,
in the second line of the section, 1.11111
immrtlng In lien thereof I he - word
•• .l<'orcste1·" so that tho offlce1· will
be termed '.. Provincial Forest~·,·"; tho
Bill WIW then read a third tirul', 11111.I
111mt to the House of,A11111•111hly tor eou" currence.
Hon. Mr. 1\1 ACK, Chnlrmnn of the
Oommlttee on Law Amendments, reported up favorably:
A Dill entitled, an Ad to 11111e11d
Ohapte1· 82, Actll of 1000, entlt.led, an
Act to amend (!)hnpte1·40, Act8 of 1001,
untitled, an Act to umend Uhapter 70,
Itevtsed Statutes, 1000, tho Muuicipul
A Dill entitled, an Act to furthei•
amend Ohapter 2, Acts of 1007, entitlecl, an Act·'1·elnti11g to the expendlture of Provlnclnl Road 111111 Brldg«
A Dill entitled, nn AcL to regulate
the purchase, sale and tmnHfl't' of
stocks of KO<>dH in bulk.
H9n. 1\11·. l\f.-\CK-1 nm instructed by
tho majority of the committee to report thls Dill to the Invoruble couslderution of the House without u1111•1itlmeut. A number of gontlemen were
heard, representing both tho wholesale and rota ii tmtle of this city, in
ndvocaey of tho Bill; whlle some
stroug views wore expressed by honouruble gentlemen ug.1inst the provisions of the Bill.
Hon, Mr. L1.;V A'l"l'ls-B1•fure this Bill
is committed to tho Committee of the
whole House I wM1 to sny th"t I am
opposed to it. It is, in ruy opinion,
the entering in of the wedge of the
1,•straint o( tmdu in the Province of
Novu. Scotin( aud I do not think that
Nova 8ootia111:1 are either ready 01•
prepared to have such 11. Bill pu.ssed by
the· Leglslaturo of this Province.
\Vhat we mean by tmdc is 1-llllt or.o
mau can buy from another; 01· one
fh m soil to anotbo1•, <·itho1· fo1· cash 01·
011 ,!me.
The commercial agencies 111'0 eetabllahed all over this count1•y, and every
wholesale man, and muny of the 1·e·
tailors, ares11beo1·I bers ~' those 11ge11C'ies,
nnd receive t'Oport.11 from day to day,
und from week to Wt.'«lk, Tho hanks
have branches in 11lmost every villag11
and hamlet, nnd tlwy keep in touch
not only with Uwcommcrci11l 11KCncies
nn,J whole.)llle firms in the Provinco,
lmtuutside tho Pmvince as well. Then
cve1·y whol!'sulc ho11s1•, thnt len whole1111hi houso in mnlit,y, ha.'! its spedal
1111m ; or mm of tho company
take 11ro11 themsl'l\'('!I the respo11111•
bility o looking afte1· tho debits of the
111'11,, uml only 15iving credit to tboso
thot shoultl 1·cc1•1vu ct·t•dit. I 0111 toltl
thul tho J,<>giHlatm·u of Ontmfo would
not pass II Himllnr Bill, tn thnt which I
now hold in my hnnd, this present
year. I um not. supposed, ns II lay1111111, to know a grent deal about fognl
n111ttcl'!l,tmt, in nil defcrencu to the
legnl Jll'ofession, 1111d I 11ay this with
a g1"t•at ,fool of klndne88, nnd with no
rofo1·e11co to the g1·e1Lt majority of lnwye1'II, tlmt I know thero ure 111 this
P1·ovince somn clwap skites of lawyel's
only u,o r1•n1ly, wilhng nnd anxious u,
po1111co upon a poor und honest man,
and houml him to dentb, and rob him
of money, in 1L wol"d, commit legalized
I-heft. I know th"t to,l,o II fact, and I
hcliu\'t, th1H Act h1 one of those things
Umt will help the~e followH to mak6 a
htittt,r living pL>r·h1111s than they nro
making to-day. And, fnrthu1·, if this
Act WU!! co11flm•d solely to pooplo who
pm·ch"Hl> dt·y goods, grocel'ies, boot.'!
nnd Hhoc,i, hnrdl\'ILI'<', 01· goods us11111ly
en lied g1•11l'r11l nw1·chundist•, to p1·cvent
the merclumt who lmy1-1 theso goods
fl'olll t11•lli111l' to 1111other nmn in bulk,
Homething might Im ~aid in its fuvor;
hut whilt• It uppli,•s to these J>c>Ople, in
my humhlo opinion it applies genemlly
h> all kimlH of bui;i111,11s tht"t>ughout tho
P1·tJ\'ince. I 1 1111y t,hi11, that in this
Province no Act should be pl1icml upon
tho HtututcH tl111t wonhl 111 1111y way,
nt any tirnl', hampur 1111y Novn8cotian
I hut wnnt~ to hllf gondt< of uny description, 111· of 1111y kmd,
\\,' t• lmvc 011 the Ht11,l 11tl•s of Nova
Hcotiu M!\'l'l·al Act.~ for thu protection
of tho mP1·ehunt, 01· creditor, 0110 of
whi"h I hope to BL'I' wiped off the
Sto.tutti11 in the uot dist.ant future, so
that the poo1· and honest man who
gets into difficulties fmm one course
or another-very
often bevond his
cnntl'Ol-11111y be able tli hold up his
head and have 11 chance to redeem
hinu1elf In his native Province.
Hon. 1\11·. DRu~mmm-When,, the
Bill was first tnken up in Committee,
I was opposed to it, chit-fly on tho
ground that it.II tendency might be to
uxtend, mtlwr than t'l!Htt·lct, the ct-edit
11y11tl11li, whi<·h has pmdur1•d many
hnl"l11ful results lu this P, ovlnco, es,
67 ·
------·- --·-·-·---··-··--·---·-----t>ecially, ancl to my personal knowlPdgo, among tlrn 111d11st1•iul c!IU<!les.
The 111erchn11t11, wholes11lo and t'Cl.ail,
n1·0 themselv1•1, n.111ch to hlnme, if t.111.>y
tll'l' losers, by tlwlr t•eudlnosH t11 give
c1<Cdit. It is said tbut men ove1· llft.y,
11.11 some hem pmbably are, are indined to he reminiscent. 'l'his will he
1111 excuse for gi\·ing one of many insl.uuces which h11vt• conw 11nd1·1· my
observation. At a time wh~n I h11111><•ned to be a J. P. in u 111i11i11g towi1,
1L lllt't'Chant ask,•d what w11..~ to he do1w
in IL case of a debtm· who hml holh•,J,
I ru<ke1l to be Hhown the iLt•ms of thl'
Bill, und on being t1how11 these, wn.s
fot·ecd to tell Uw ol'tldito1· tllllt ho WILH
IIH blumowtll'thy
ILH thu delitm;: t lmt
tho J,(Oods he Hllp(llie1lw1•1·e lx•yo111l the
nhihty of tlw pu1·cl1111,1·r to pny, mul
that he know tlmt, ILH he know wh11t
tlw man's eu1·ni11gH were,
···' I nm in u quund1•y whether 01• not I
shnult.l now oppo1111 the Hill. Tho
wh11leH11le 1111d 1·Pl.uil 111c11 of Hulifox
muy be, o\"m·y om•, of h·rep1·ouchahlu
hono1·, und 11nhlc1ulHhedi11tt,grity, but
t.ht,1·0 uro cet"l.uinly Home \n11ruirwnt
h11si111iss 111011 in Hnlifnx w 10 have n
peculiar idc11 of t'thicH, and it may be
t.hnt thiH Hill j111lgusthn8o dwelling in
tho P1'llvi11ceH ufte1· tlw Htundal'd of
t.huso lllt•n, l know one who Im!< bcun
cunnectud with 1111vernl joi11t co111111mim1 p1·01110Lt,d iu thiH i,it.y, 1.wc1·y
0110 of whiuh WIIS u failure, tln"Ough
iur.npooity, tlmt might ho cri111inul, or
.. , 111.lu,1· nction thut ww, nutugonistic tli
till' ol<I 11101'111 huv. It h11S been Httld
with Msurance thnt thiH Bill will not
11ffect the honest tl·uder, but muy net
as u detct'l'llnt to those inclined tli be
Also, with amendment!!:
A Hill ontitlt.>tl, an Act to uuwnd
Uh11pter 16, Acts of 1012, an Act respt•cting l\f1111icip11l S1mitm·iums.
Hon. l\h-, l\IAc:K-1 may say thu
effect of thll Bill, with tho anwmlments, will be to t>11co111·nge any clt-y,
town or 111un'icip11llty, oltl1e1· itself, or
in combination with any other city,
town or municipality, to ei·ect whnt
the Bill calls "Tuhorculor H011pit.als,"
at which may . be treated those per•ons, unforttmati.•ly too numerous In
Nova Scotia, who nre nnnble for 0110
renaon or 1111othur,to obtain ndmiBBion
lo tho Pl'ovlncial Hanltorlnm.
Ai,t prnvldus n cel'l,ain 111oas111-e of nill
to he given hy the Provinct>,, the maxi11111111 h1•ing ono-half, for the con11tr11ctio11 of those h<.1t1pltuls, whorovo1· they
111'0 ti, be built: oriel altio a. certain aid
in assist nnce of maintuiuing them.
'fho uid unclm· tho (ll'tJVious Bill, I
think, in the c:um of tlw Provincial
Hanitol'ium, WDH $1 . 60 p1w week for
e11d1 patient; the 11111xir1111111 nuder
thill Hill is $2.00. 'l'he Hill has a Im-go
11u111hc1• of provi11ionl!, nnd it is ditHmtlt t<i explain in u fow hriuf wordo
the w holn . ,11~ope of the mell!l11t'C. J t
mny ho Haul, howuvm•,, that it camwt
holp being of buneflcial opemtlon
thro11ghoi;t the Province.
Hon, l\fr. Ow1rn-This Bill, for tlm
<'l'l'ctlon of 111u11icipul R1111itori11111s mul
providing for tnhorculur pnticnts cn111pllle11t nurses, not only "ommends itHelf to the hon. gentlenwn of this
Hnt1HL', hut l,o lllw public at ·'lm-ge •. It
has lx•tlll u long deHit·cd move by thoso
1<111fering fro111 this d1'l'11d diRell8e who,
1 am sm·t•, will tnke advantage of the
earliest nppr,l'tunity fo1• uvaili11g themBl'lves of 1t.
I WllH in hopes that 1111othur Bill of
much impm·tance from 11 huumno
Hlm11lf10int would, u1·0 this, have ht•en
intl'Ot need eithe1· in thit< or the othe1·
b1·11n1•h of the LegiRlnturn, but I have
not ns yet hciu'tl anything of it. I refer to a Hill for tlw cnl'e und prot.(>ctlon of the frt•hlu minded.
yea1·~ 11.iro-l think it wus about lllO(ltlw Hnhfux l,oenl l nuncil of Women
took u. wry 1let•p i11~11't.!st in l,his 11111ttm· 11111l 11cq11h·l·tl very much vuluuhlu
info1•11111tion in co1111ectio11 tht'l"PWlth,
aml ~•·vorul ymu·s after, n league culled
thu Nova Hcotia I..ongue fm· f,he Uaro
and Protection of the l•'t•eble Minded
WM formed in the Oity of Halifax, mid
some monthH ugo h1"1111ch leagues wero
orgunizod, I think, in ove1·v cunnty in
the P1·ovince. "nd the inemhers of
theHe lo11g11eH took ve1·y much interest
in it, u1id I knowinthecountyinwhich
I llvo wry much i11fm·11111,tion was
ocquired with respuct to tho foebleminded in the Oounty of Lunenburg,
and I think simil111• ateps wei·o tukun
In the other counties.
Shot'tly before
the opening of thle Beseion t'llsolutlone
wore puesed, I think. by nil ,the res·
pective le11g11es In thedilforentconntles
of the Province, asking tho Govol'II•
mont 111111 tho Legisl11t111·0 to take this
mat.ter up uml pas& Auch legi'slat.1011 ae
might ho tho moans of curing,·1>rotect•
ing, segregnting and edueutlng thi11
unfol'tunatti class of peopi<,, anti . I
trust that in oompliunce with this
genernl re1111cst throughout tho Province, ste·ps will he takt'II during tho
,-- . ,_ ... , . '·
. I
·---- .. --···~--·-""'
.-~ ·- ·-··---···-----~---, . . . --1---~-:--------
pl"Ollentsesalon to bring about the do- fore this Ho,1ee, l\t lrl\llt, this wintel',
and fo1· mime Umo JHU1t; a pi(l(,'e of
Hon. M11.. 1,KV ATl'li:--lt is g1•atifr.· legislntlon on the sido of lmmanity;
Ing to me, and to every person . n 1.mtl anything on tho side of humanity
No\'o. Scotia with a heart, In theil· 11111,;t appeal to 11s 1,11. I nwrely want
breast, I.hat tho Government uf Nova IA, ,my ~his to hon, g«•11tlm11e11, because
Scotia b1111 seen flt to put behind I fol•I it should he publicly kno111 n in
the bulldlng tlw '1'11htirc11lar llm1pltnlH thh, P111vincu what tho Bill uwans i I
the money of the Province, Ir J 1111· h·uNt. without delay, not only om•
derstand thlH Bill eoi-rect.ly, a number county in t.lw Pmvincl! of Nova Hcotia,
of towns in a county, 111· 11uve1·al co1111• hut Hevei·al cmmti1•a anti towns, wl.11
· tillff, csn enter into ng1,•m111mt. to t't'CcL got j,01p•Urn1· ILlul 11nt1,,1·t.ukt' to pro'1'1iherc11ln1· HospitnlH Um.t will uccnm- vidu 1n11t.ublo hospitalR to ta.kl• cm·o·or,
modate 1m1·ticularly the pum~,,·people pnrt.iculai·ly, Um poor pl'opfo, who Ul'l'
of.our Province who have no homes, not ablu-at h"me to look aftu1· tlH•m·
01i who live In honw!I in nnu-o 01• less wh'l't<, arnl Um people to whom. they
destltutlon. and will stop the spread of bul11ng 1.u'C not, alJlo tu look after tlumi.
Hon. llfr. A IIM!ITltoSO, lJl111il'111an of
dh1eatltl through a oluss of people who
have hitberto been Um. 1111•111111 of tlw 8lllect(.Jo111111itte1• on BillH, ·repo1·wd
spreading' it in muny \iu1·to; .of t.bP
A Bill lmtit,llld, 1m Act to a1110111l
I may i<ay t mt between
the 16th January and thu 16th Feln-u- Clmpll•1· 1D2, Ac!.'! of 100:J, 1,11titled, an
ary, In the smnl] town in which I live, Act to amoml 111111 consolidate the Acts
with about 1000 population, fo111· tlt>at.l1H 1"11lating II to 1.lu, Ht,ur J\lanufactul'ing
Crom Luberculosis took pluce,
\Ve (.Jumpany, Limit.ml ;
A Bill c>ntith~l, an· Act to amend
have found it, in 11111· \uu·t of till' eountry, very dlfllcult d111·111g the last few Clmplt!!· 187, ActH of IUI:.!, 1•11tlth..'<1, an
yeaf!J to get our' people to accommo- Act to anmml Chapt,m· 113. Acta of
date friends s11tfe1·iug from this lllll, entitlc,l, 1111 Act to Inc111·porate
dlsease t thl')' art., !{(ltting frightl'lled: U,rnudit111 '1'1111gHtcn lllineH, l.lmited ;
A Bill N1titlcd, an Act 1,•111~cting
the houses are small, 111111 n g1·Put mnny
of the 111•oplo l\l'tl onlv nmking a living, tlw oxpen,;eH of H11p111~·ssing lnfootlo1111
and t 10 poof1lc atilictml with thii; and ContagiouH Diselll!l'H in tho County
Jniad diriease rnvc in i;omo cusmi Jll'l'· of h1vllr111'1<><,
A!Hn. with a111endnw1its:
haps not l't!Ceived tlmt ,•m·c nnd att.cnA Bill, 11tille1l, 1&11 Act ti, unal.,lo Uw
tlon that Uiey shonltl hani 1·ccHivud,
and wu should hav1• eiqwctud them to 'l'ow11 of Picton 1.o lK11·n1w money for
n,ceive. Hut with this Bill tlw Go,·- fh•u Jllll'()(IROH,
'1'111'80 Hi1lt1 WOl'll MIWOl'a)ly read a
eroment is itoing to plaC'e hd1i111l the
building of t.hcso inHtitutionH an see<,nd time an,l co111111ittlld to <Jo111111itlee
of the·whole llou11e.
amount 1·11ual to half t.lw coht of tlm
building, 1m1vidcd they do not. cost
over ~,000: n.nd thuy will cont.1·ib11te
'l'h1• llonseof A11..'<l'111hly, hy meesag1•,
$2.00 a weuk fo1· thu supp01·t of tlm
infomwcl t.11iH 110111,l'that it h:ul ()IL'!Bnl
Now, In my County, and I h11ve had the following Hllh•, in whid1 It dellh~·tl
considerable to do with it in 11 public Urn conc111·1"t•11c11 of this Ho11ou,·11l>le
way, I hopu Umt within a ve1·y short House:
A Hill entitll'd, 1111 Act. to amend
time we will take atlvnntage of this
Act, We were moving in it, in onr Chaptt•1• 8, Aul.ti o( 1008, The CoRI
own way, and putting 0111· own monuy Mince Iu,gnlation Act, and Acta in
behind it a few months ~. and it will amemhuent thereof:
A Hill i,ntltled, an Act to provide
be gratifying to the people in our
County, and particularly g1·atifylng to for the appolnt1m1nt qf a Comml11&lo11
the people having charge of the dif- on the 116ft of Rlectl'icity In Mh1A1;
A Dill entltlud, an Aot to legallie
ferent municipal corporations, to
know that the Government hns como tho Annual Meeting of St. J01111ph's
to our IUl8111tance , with po.rt of tho Hospital Hoard, Oluc11 Day, held on
1-evenue of this Province. 'fhlH, I Jamuu·y 21st., IIHS;
A J:lill entitled, an Act to lncor(>Ol'·
think, sir, and I think Uw hon. gentlemen sitting nl'01111d thi11 Ho1ml will ato tho Lun"nlml'g 1"ishe1·111er1's Holiof
i11 one of the 1110Ht important
'!'lu'He Bills were ~eve1·ally 1-ead u
pwces of logl11lation that hllll come he·
sl.-etl result.
lh'!!t time and l'Ofol'red, the lh'!!t two
to tho Oommltti,e on · L11w Amend,
nwnts, and t.he l1111t t.wo to Uw 8olt>ct
Committee 011 Hills.
On motion 111' lion. !\Ir. ?,l..1.c:K, tho
Coundl 11,djnm·n,•tl 1111til tt1-11101'1'ow,
'l'hm'!!tlay, the 2Hh day of April, 11·t
t.h1'lle o'clock in the aftemoon.
TmJitADA Y, 2lth Atll'il, 1018.
Tho Council met at 3 p. m.
'fhe followini; Hillii, a111emlc1l, wero
l'Ol\l.l n. thh,l timo 11ntl sent'to tlrn H1ms,1
of AR!ll'lUb)y fo1• COllClll'l'CIICO;
A Hill entitled, 1m Ad to enable tho
'f,,wn uf B1·idguwalm· to constl'llct ·
1w1·manent sidcwulk!il:
A Bill entitled, am Act tu unable Urn
'J'own of Gluc,~ Buy ti> IK11'row money
for tho pm·pnsc of el'ucting and eq11ip·
ping a uew 'J.'owu High School,
Hon. Mt•, l\fA< 'K, Clmirn11i.11 of the
Committee on L11w Amendments, 1·ep01·t<od up fnvol'ILbly:
A Bill entitled, au Act U> providu
fo1· tho Appointment of n Commission
on tho use of Elect1·ieit)' ln l\lincs :
A Dill cntit-letl, 1111 Act to nmeutl
Vhapte1· S. ActH of 1008, the Crn1l l\fhws
lfogulatlolL Act nnd Acts iu 1Lml•11d111ent thereof.
Hon; l\h. Atmll'rltONO,
Vh11lm1u11 of
the Holect Comluittcc on Bills, n•portetl
up favol'llhlr,:
A Bill ont1tk'<l, an Act IA> lugnlize the
11n1111al 'meeting of St. Ji1Hl'ph'11 Hospital lloard, Olnce Bay, lwl1l on Ju11111u·y 21st, llll3.
Ahm; with amemhucuts:
A Dill ontitle1l, an Act to ince>rpor11te the L1111e11lmrg Fit1hermc11'11 Ucli1•f
'l'lu.'ilo Bills were sev.e1·nlly reru.l a
second time and committed to Committee of the whole Houso.
~Hon. Mr. Hn.L intro1h1cml a Bill euUtled, an Act to amend Chnptl•r 95,
Hevisoo Statutes. 1000, entlt.letl, an
Act for the conveyance of timber and
lumber on rlvel's and removal of ob~trncUori therefrom.
' Thie Bill Wllff 1·1111d a first tlmo and
refol'l'ed tt, the Commit.tee 1111 Law
Corbett In tho chair,
'!'he following HillH wl,re read clause
by cl1111se 11.t1d p11.11Hetl:
A Bill e11tltle1l. nn Act to amelHl
Clmpter S2. ;ActH of l!JOU, entitled, an
Act to 11111m11l Ulmptc1· 40, Acts of 1001,
·entitled, 1111 Act to nmeml Chapter 70
ltiwised St.atntca, llJOO, 'J'ho lllunicipul
A Hill untitll'tl, 1111 Act to furthet•
111111.md Chu.ptei· 2, Act.a of 1007, cntitlPd 1111 Act 1·1•luti11µ to tho' oxpenditm1u
of P1·ovinci11lHoad null Hl'idgeOmuts:
A Hill l'lltitled, 1111 Act to 11111und .
Chupkr 187, Acts nf llll2, cntitlt•cl, an
Act to 111nc11d Clmpte1· lla, Act1rnflOl1,
eutitll111, 1.1.11 Act to i11co1·por11to Cn1111di11n Tungsten ·l'lliiwH, -Limited •
A Bill entitled, an Act to ~mend
Clmptur lll'Z, Acts of 100:J, entitled, 1111
Act to ILllll'nd aml consolidate tlie
ActH 1'l'lati11g to the Stal'r l'lfonufactm··
iug Oompauy, Limited ;
A Hill entitled, 1111 Act rospuctiug
till' uxpum;eH of s11pp1'CssingInfectious
and <..:011tagio111; Disl•ai;us in the County
of I 11 verness.
Also, with 1111w1Hl111e11t1; :
A llill untitlud, ai1 Act to amend
Chapter 10, Acts of llll2, an Act 1·ellpecting M1111icip'.,I 8unitol'iums;
A Dill entited, 1111 Act to enable the
'l'owu of Pict.<11'1 to bol'l'OW monuy for
Fit·u p111·potH'H,
The Oonuniltee 111ljunl'llml and the
Bills 1u1ssud in Co111111ittee wel'I! r,•.
po1·te1 up.
Tho Chu.it·mun 1·uportc1l that ho was
also di1·ect1•1l to l'eport untl 1·eco111mem\
that thu following Bill be 1'Cferred
hack to the lfouse for fm•thur con11icl1•1·ntio11 :
A llill 1inlitl11d, un Act to regulate
tho p111•cl111,l', t;U.le 111111 t1·ansfo1· of
HU>cks of goods id bulk.
On motion of Hon. llfr. OWKN,
01·dered, that said Bill he 1·e-co111111itte1l Lt, the Committee oh··tLa.w
The House of Assembly, by me111111.gl',
info'l'll1etl this Ho11s11 that it had passrd
tho following Bill, in which It desh't'd
the coucnrrence of this honourable
A Bill.entitled, 11.11 Act to anfond and
11ommlidnte Uhapto1• ro, &vised
seatutl•R, 1000, the l\fotullife~me Miues
UJl,1..8 IN ('OMM11'l'lm,
Act, 11.1111 amer.dments
On motion of Hon. l\11•. l\fACK, the
This Bill wns l'ead a. flt-et time and
Council 1·esolved itself into Committee
of the whole House on Dl1111: lion. M1•. refer1·11d to the Oommitke 011 Law
r / '.
: ·~ ..,.,., .. ··.11-·-~"•----·--·· ··, . -
. ·•---. ·, ·--......-- .......
. .;
. . ' ', . ......L .. · -~-- --·
lion, Mr, AHlllBTJU>No,chnlt•man of
Aleo, thnt"they have agreed to the
111uendnu•n!JJmade by thl11 honourable the Select Vmumittee on Bills, l".lpOl·I.·
House to the Bills enlltfod, respec- 0(\ up f11vornhlyi with umcmlments :
A Bill tllltitlet , 1111 Act 1,<> enable the '
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend the To,vn of Shelburne to grout o. bonus
und exemption from t.aXPH for a Cold
Ohlldren's Protection Act, 11112;
A Bill untitled, an Art l"Pspecllng 8to1·n1<c Compuuy;
the oyster tlsherles of No\'B Scotia;
A llill ontitled, an Act. to amend
A Bill entitled, nn Act to unnble the Vhnpte1· 22, Acts of 1012, to ful'the1·
Oity of Sydney to borrow mmwy;
f1,cilllatt1 the incol'pomtion of FarA Biil 1mt.lthid, an Act to l11c111·porate nwr11' F1·ult, P1"C11l11c" 1U11!
th1• Loca! Council of \\'o::icn, Hallfux. A118oclntion11.
On 111otlo11 'of Hon. Mt·. 1\1.\t'K, tho
'l'hes11 Hills worn tmvcl'lllly read 11
Council' mljo111'111itl until to-morrow, Hlico111l t.i11111 nnd 1,or11111ittu1l to Com·
Friday, tlw 25th ,lay of Ap1·ll. ut three mittec of tho wlwlu 11,,usc.
On motion of Hon, Mr. AUMl:ITRONU,
o'clock In the afternoon:
the Cmmcil 8djn11rned until l\londay,
the 28th day of April, at th1-ec o'clock
FlllDAY, 2iith A(ll'il, 'll)J!I,
In the aftt.'l·noou.
The Council met at 8 p, 111.
}loNDAY, 28th April, Ull8,
The following Bills wel-e read n thll'd
'l'he C,o\mcil uwt 1~t 8 p. m.
time and llnallr. passed:
n11.1.-T1111m mumso.
A Bill entitled, BIi Act to furthe1·
1'hr following
WllH l't1ad 0. thh-d
' amt111d Ohapte1· 2. Acts of lll07, t•n· . tilllll n111l lh1ull v pnssctl :
tltll'd, an Act rol,ntlng to tho exJwmllA Bill entltfod, an Act to amt'ml
ture of Provlnc111l Uoad 1111d B1·itlge Cluipkr 100, Act,,'I of llJIO, untiUed, 811
Act to i11cm·p01·11tt• the Maritime 'l'eleA
Pntitled, an Act to nmeml gmph and
'l'elephom• Uor1111any
Chapter 187, Acts of 1012, entltlt'd, nu Umitetl.
Act to amentl Chaptf•r 118, Acts of
1011, 1mtitled, an Act to incorpm·nte
'l'he llousl• of ,\t;Sl!lnhly, hy llll'B!!Age,
Unnadlan 'l'ungsteu '\lines, Llmit<'ll.
i11fo1·111l·d thitt I1011110 that It had pASII·
'l'he following Hill WM reacl n thinl eJ Uw following 1·e«ol11tion:
time und 01-clcretl t~1 bu ei1g1'(i11el'l.1 am!
Hmsolv1iil, that ll conferunce be l'{'·
sent to the House of Asse111blyfut· ron- t111eHh•il with the I..cgit,luth·c Council
wilh •~'"Peet to ce1·t.nln 1uuentlme11l
A }Jill entitled, an Act to amend 1m1pnHl'tl by the Vouncll to n Bill l'II·
Chaplet• 82, Acts· of lllOII, entitled, a\1 titli•il, nu Act tt1 amend Uhaptlll' 7:1,
Act to anlt'nd Chaptt•dO, Acts nMUOI, 1t,wiH1•d 8tnlutt111, 1000, The AssesNentitll'll, 811 At!t tt> 1mw11d Chapter iO, 1111•11t'Act, 11i11l thut the clerk du acRevised Htntnte11, lllOO, Tlw l\lunicipal •11111int tho C111111cil tlwn•with.
Tho followin(S' Bills, 11111e1111Pd, we1·,•
Hon. l\11·. AnMHTltONO, Chairman of
l'O&d a t,hh-cl tmw and sent ttl the
th1• 8tlh•rt Cummh t.•e on Bills, 1-cport,
House of Aese111blyfo1• conc1ir1·ence:
A Dill t•ntltled, an Act tti a1111md e1l 11t1 favorably:
A Hill entitled, an Act to amllllll tlw
Cha\1ter 10, Acts of lll12, an Act res·
Act to Incorpomte 1thc Union Protec·
poctmg l\lunlcipnl Sanitol'iums;
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to euahle the tion Com(lany ;
A Bill tmtitled, an Act to enable the
Town of Picton tti borrow n,oney for
Town of N01·tb Rydn11y to exempt
fire pu rpOllt'e,
from taxation tho Building ancl Plant
of the Westel·n Union TelegrAph Oum·
pahy, and to grant ft-oo wate1• a111l
Hon. Mr, REDDE!'r introducecl 0.
entitled, 1111 Act to amend the Act tt1 other privllrw•s;
A Bill ent•tlml, nn Act r<"spectlng
Jnool')lOr&te thti Union P1•ot<•etlo11 Comtlw 1mpply of water tti Um Eaetem Cal'
This Bill WM 1"01111 n tlrftt time nnd re- Company, Limited, by tho Town of
ferrt>d t<> tho ~Meet Co111111it-te1• on New OlaHgmv;
A Hm ent ltll'll, an Act to amentl
fh'l!t time and t'Cfer1·ed, the lb"St l wo
lo the Co111111itt1•e on Li,,v Ameudmcnts, and tho Inst two to the Sulect
Committee 011 Bills,
On motion of Hon. Ma•. l\1AcK, thn
Co11111:il udjom·1wtl until t<1·i11onow
Thm'Sd!'Y• th.e :!Ith day of Ap1·il,
t.lU'ee o clock Ill till' aftc1·11oon.
T11u1tl!DAY, 21th April, lorn.
The Council met at a p. 111.
JJILl.fl . Tllllm imA 1>1Nn.
'I'ho following Hills, amended, were
rend a third time 1111d sent to the 110118.,
of ARHembly fm· concru'rencu:
,A Dill ontltled, un Act, to enable tho
'l'•1wn of Brldgewuter to cunHtl'llct
purmanent shlcwulkH;
A Hill entitled, 1m Act to enable tlw
Town of Olnce Bny to borrow money
for t I IC purpose O l'l't'('.•lllg nml equipplng n now Town High School.
Hon. Mt•, I\L\<·K, Chnir111111{M· thu ·
Committee 1111 Luw Amemlml'nts, 1·e·
pnrte1l 11p fnvol'!lhly:
A Bill t•ntitlt•d, nn Act, to prm·ii1"
fnt· the Appointment of a Connulssion
1111 tho use of mcctricity in .Mines;
A llill cul.ii led; un · Act to m111iml
Clmptc1• 8, Act>< of llJOS, tlw Co:1l l\liti1•H
lfognlation Act 1111d Acts in unw111lnwnt thet'Cof.
lion. Jilt-. A•t~IBTHONO, C1111lr11111n of
the 8elcctC0111111ittccon Hi118, l'(,'(ln1·tctl
up favomblf:
A Dill entitled, 1111 Act to log11lizetlw
u111111al rneoting of Ht. Jos1~ph'11 llnHpit,al Bo1ml, Gl11cl' Buy, lll'hl 011 Jannm·y 21st, lOUJ.
Altm, with 11111onthnl'llh,:
A Bill entitled, nu Act to inc<ll'JIOI'·
utu the Lunenlhlt'g Fish1•r1111•n's H1•lil•f
'J'.hcso HillH were severally I'('lltl n
«ecoml time and commltte,d to Committee of the whule l101111e.
Hon. Mt•, 1111.L intl'mlllcl'tl n Bill eut.itled, 811 Act tt1 amend Ch11l>tl't' 05,
Hovieetl Statutes. 1000, entit cd, an
Act fur the conveyance of timber and
lumber on rivers anti 1·c111ovul of obstruction thet-efrom.
This Bill, wns 1·c11rl n first time nncl
l'<'fel'l'ed to the Commltt.e~ on Law
UILl.8 IN l'OlllMITTJ•:1,:,
On motion of Hon, !\Ir. MACK, the
( '111111cll n,1mlVl!tlitself into Committee
of the wholu House un Uilh1: Hon •. M1·.
V111·l>0tt in the chair.
'l'he following BillH were read clause
by cluuse und (111BsL'll;
A Dill untitled, nn Act to amend
Uhnptor 3'2, Acts of lllOtl, entitled, an
Act tu nmund Chaplet· 40, Acts of 1001
eutltled, an Act to mnend Chapter 70'
Revised Statutes, 1000, 'l'hc l\lunicipal
A Bill entitled, un Act to further
amend Chupter 2, Acts of 1007, entltled nn Act reliLtini: to the expenditure
of Provinclul Road and Bl"idgeG1·nnti;·
A Dill entitled, nu Act to amend
Chapter 187, Acts of 1012, entitled, an
Act, to uuiend Chn(ltc1·1 I1a, ActsoflOll
entitled, an Act to iucorpol'llte Cau:
111li1111 Tnngstcn 1\lineH, Limitml ,
A Bill l'ntitlml, 1111 Act to ~mend
Ohnptc1· 111'2, Acts of lllO::I, lllltitlcd, an
Act to nrueml and commlld11te tho
Acts 1·el11ting to the Stan .Munufnctnriug Company, Limited ;
A Bill. entitled, an Act respecting
t.111• ux1w11scR ol' H1tpp1·esHingJnfcctiom1
ILllll Cont11gio11sI>i1w11scfl in the Cmmty
of Invm•ness.
Also, with 111ue111lml'nts:
A Uill untitled, un Act tti amoncl
Clrnptcr Ill, Acts of 1{)12, an Act respcct,i11g l\11111icip•.1I S1111itol'i111us ;
A Uill l•nt,it1•d,an Act to enable tbo
'l'own of Picton to bonow 11101wy for
Fin• pm·pust'H,
The Co111111itwe u1ljo11l'llllll uml the
BillH fmsscd in Vo111111ittee wei·e 1·epol'U'l . up.
'l'ho Vlmil'll1a11 nipol'tcd thut ho was
ulso dit·ccted to mpol'L nnd rccommcml
that the following Bill lie refcned
hack to the Hunsc for fm·tlwr conHidl•mtion:
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to 1·cg11li\te
the pm·ch,L,l', Halo and tmnsfc1• of
i;tocks of gootlH in bulk.
On motion of Hou. Jllr. OWm,,
011lered, that 1.;aid Bill ho 1·e-com•
mitlctl to the Committee on Law
The House of Assembly, by mess11ge,
i11fom1ed this House thut It had pllBBt·d
the following Bill, in which .it desln•d
the concurrence of this honourable
A Hill entitled, an Act to amend ancl
co111mlldnle Ohapter
al, · Rovlscd
Statutt•s, 1000, the l\fnLalliferoue Min~s
Regulation Al't, and n111cul111cnts
'l'his Bill was 1·cntl II fil'st time and
referred to the Oommittee on Law
-·· -··--·--·-·
...... :t
.. I,.-·--
. ,,. _._I·------..-,-·.-
.I .
• - .......
..·· •··••·
---·-···---------- . --~--=-'-='====:=:==============
Also, that they have agreed to the
a111endmt'11ts mmlt> by thiR honourable
House to the Hil!H entlthid, respectively:
A Bill entitled, 1111 Ar.t lo mnond thll
Children's Pa·otection Act, 1012;
entitled, nn Act n•Hpt'rtiug
the oy1dor l!Hl1eriP1:1 of Nova Scotia ;
A Bill entitled, nn Act tA1 1.,uahle tlm
Oity of 8yt1ney to h<1r1·uw 1!1olll'Y:
A Bill entitled, 11n Act to mcorpnrate
the Local Council of \Vonwn, lfolifax.
On motion of lfon. Mt•, l!Lu'K, thu
C'.ouncll adjourm•d until to-morrow,
Friday, the 25th ,lay of Ap1·ll, at tlu't'e
o'clock In Ute afternoon.
l<'nlUAY, 26th April,
The Councll met at a JI• m.
Hon. Mr. AllMA'l"HONO, chall'IUall of
tho Se)pct, C0111111ittA..-e on Hille, l".l{llll'L·
ud np favorably, with umen,huents:
A Bill tmtitle1l, au Act u, onublo tho
Town of Sholburuo
to gro.nt a bonus
111111 exumptinn
from l,:1XPB fo1· a Colli
Storage Ci,mpany ;
A Bill untitled, an Act to amend
Uho.{>tl,r 2'2, Acts of 1012, to fm·ther
fudhtate the incotporation of l<'arllll'l"S' Fruit, Produce, nnd \Vurehm11<e
'!'hes,, Hills Wl'l'O. sevemlly l'etld IL
,wcond time nml r.ommitted to Committoo of tho whole llouso.
On motion of Hon. bl&-. AIIMS'fllliNU,
the Oonucil adjourned until Mumlay,
the 28th dny of April,·at Uutie o'clock
in the nfte1·uoon.
The following Bills Wli~·c 1'00d a third
time anal finally pa11!M!d :
A Bill entitlt'll, 1111 Act to furthe1•
amend Cl11q1w1· 2, ActH of um, ('II·
titled, an Act l'elating t,1 thl' cxpt>n1Hhll'e of Provincial H.oad 1111,l Bt·idgc
A Bill entitlecl, an Act to 11111end
Che.11tc1• 187, Act.II of 11112, uutltled, 1111
Act to anwud Ohaptt,r 1 rn, Aet.s of
1011, entitled. un Act to incorpo1·ate
Oanadlan Tungsten \linrs, l,hnitt'll,
The following nm Willi read II thh,l
time amt m'tlm·t•d t,l ht• cng1-o~eetl and
Rent tt, tho House of Assumhly for <'Oil·
Clll'l'enC!l :
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to amen,l
Chapwt• 82. ActR of 111()(1, entitled, nn
Act to anll'nd Uhaptt·1· 40, Auls of Ill()),
ontltlt•d, an A!'t tl1 nnwml Cho.)ltt•r 70,
H.e\'ised Statutes, 11100, 'J'lw l\11111ici1n1l
The following Dil11:1, nuientlrtl, wes·,•
1-e&l a -third timr nml ,mnt to Uw
Hm1so of Assembly fol' co11c11r1•1.>nco:
A Hill entltfotl, 1ui Act to amend
Chapter 16, Act.H of 1012, an Act 1•cspecting l'ilnniciIJal S1111itori11111s:
· . A. Bill entitle<!, au Act to enable Uw
Town of Pictou to bort•>W ruoney for
flre purpollt's,
Hon. Mr. REDDJl:N lntl'Ollllced a Bill
entitled, an A.ct to amend the Act t.o
Union Pa'O~ction Co111-
pa:fii11 Bill w1111 reutl
a lh'llt timonml l'tl·
to tho 81•lect Co111111il-ke on
l\loNUAY, 28th April, 11113.
'fho Cmmuil ull't at a p. m.
Tho following Hill Willi read o. tiih'tl
time 1111d fl nail v J>1188ed :
A Bill eutitlt><I, an Act to ame111l
Cl111pter 1611, Act>I of 1010, ontitled, an
,:\cl to lucnrpm·au, tlw M1u·iti111e Tele·
M KAA,\!11~.
'fho llomm of ,\a;.1mmhly, hy 111e.s1<11gr,
info1·111Pd thiH Honst• U111t it '1ml pll.llB·
1,d tlm following 1·e1<ol11tion :
Hu,mh·ed, tlmt 11 cunfurt•nce be rt'·
1111e1<h•<l with the Legi1<lati\·11 Cobnuii
with 1·11spect to cca·tnin anwndmont
ps·ol'o"l'd by the Uouncil to II Hill en·
titlt•d, nu Act to .iuw111l Ol111ph,i· 7::1,
HeviHrd Huitnk~. 1000, Tlw Assess11w11t Act,, nnd t.lint, tho dnrk do 11c•11111i11t tlw Co1111eil th,•rl•With.
1111,IJ-!-Hl~CO!>lll JrnAlllNO,
Hon. l\lr. A11M1,1'f1tONO, Olmi1·ma11 of
thl' Sl'11•ct. Cn111111i1 kt• on Bille, t'tlpol't,cd up favornbly :
A Hill tmtitled, an Act tl> amend tlw
Act to Incorporate the Union Prokc·
tion Compauy ;
A Bill untitled, an Act to enable till'
Town of No1·th Sydn!'y to exempt
from tax11tlon tho Building and Plant
of .the Wes.tom Union Telegraph Cum- ..
pany, · and to grant free water and
othor prh·ilt•!fes:
A Bill unt.,tlml, 1111 Act respecting
Utl' 1111pply of water to tho Bastem Cur
()0111p1111y, Llmiu,d, by tho 'l'own of
·Now Gh111gnw:
A om entitled, II.II Aet to ameml
Chapter 62, Ac~ of 11111, entitled, au
Act relating to the Town pf Glaee Bay ·
A Bill entlf.lod, an Act to exe11111t
Beohner Bro11. f1-.,,11 tnxntion,
AINo, with umendmonts ;
A Bill ontitlml, 1111 Act 1-es1wcti11g
Urn taxation of tho En::<tern ,Uu1· 00111pany, Limited, m tho Town of Tronton.
These Bil11:1 Wl'lll soverally read u
second time, mu! connultted to Com·
mlttoe of tho whole House.
Hon, Mi·. AllMfl'fllONO, Ch11it·1111m ol
' the Helect Uonuuit.tee 011 Hills, I'll·
ported thut. the Connuittee had ex·
nmlned a Bill entitled, 1111 Act of 8trel't
Hail way Oornpnnles,
un_d recommended
that tho Bill be llefo1·1'1·d this day thl'eo
Hun. llfr. Aln!H'fllONll - 'I'her« 111.0
three t1·amwayH in the Provlnce outsid1rnf Hallfux, Theseure they lll'n:outh
Elect1·io Uomp1111y, till' Plctou County
mectl'ic Company, anti tlw Cupe Iketon f~lect1·lc Uo111p1my. A Hill t~> lll'ing
all theso thl'ee c1>111pn11i1.•s alik1.1 under
Chapte1· 11 of tlw Acts of 1011, WIUI intl'Ollnced in thP Hou~u of Asi;cmhly
,hn-ing tho prmient >!l'ssion, but fnile<l
t.o pn~. 1'hJs (>l't•sent Bill, which Hl'l,kH
t~, b1·111g 1~110 or t.lw tht'tlt' c_.ompunics
only 11mle1· th1.1 snid Clmplt•i· 11, Uw
Select Uommitu,u is of opi11io11 is not a
i<atiafactory wny of dealing with 111.
1lh11mt1ing of the s11hj1•ct.
All tlw
lh1·m, co111p11nit,s al't' now lllilrn multir
P11hlic Utilltie::< Act. As it i" pmliost•d
to widen the /iowerH of the J nlilic
l!tilities Act I m·lng ttw pi·t•sent ses•
su111, all the tramway comp11nics in
qneHtion will bo suliject to a IIIOl't' l'X·
tl'lulcd pnhlie contl't>I in nny case.
On motion, the 1't1pm·t of tlw com·
mitll•e was 11dnpted.
AIJo, with 1.111101idmont:
A Hill entitled, 1111 Act to amend
Ch,_ipt.('r 22, Acts of 11112, to fm·thet•
foc11l~te tho incnrporutlun of Fur1111!1'8 Fruit, Produce and Warehouse
ANi;oci11Uo1111 ;
, A Bill 1•i1titletl, 1111 Act to euable Um
1 own of Shellnu-no to grunt; II bonus
und exempt.ion f11,111 taxi's fo1· u Cold
Stol'U!ft! Co1\11m11y :
A Btll 1•11t1Ue1l, an Act to Incm-pornte th.e l:1111e11h111•g I•'isho1'111011's Relief
,Tiu: Co,111111it~e ndjoumed and the
Hills 111 Uo1,11111tteo were reported up.
. The House nf Assembly, l/1 mos~ge,
informed this House that it ad passed
tho following Bill, in whicl It desired
the concurreuce of this Honourable
House :
A Bill entitled, tho Nov11 8c9tla Firl'
l11Mm·1111c1.• Act.
'fhis Bill wns 1·oud a fll'ltt time and
referred to llw <J, 111111itu•u on Law
Also, that tht'Y hnve 11gl'eed to the
a111t•a11h11ents 11111de hy U1iH Honourable
to the DillB entitled l't!specti,·t>ly:
A Bill cntitletl, 1111 A!'t to lnco1•pomtt'·
the PrnHion Fuud Socit,ty of Hoyal
Hecurities Corporation l,hnited.
A Bill untitled, 1111 Ac't to amei;d ntHI
consoli,~nte the Act,; 1·cspecting
Proteetwn of \Vootls against Ph-cs:
Also, that they do not. agl'l,u to the
an11•111h11e11t.s p1·oposcd hy t_h1is hnno111·uhle House ton Bill c,ntill,•cl an Ad to
imw111l Chapte1· 71, Huvlse,1 Statuu•s
1000, The Towns' h1co1·r1Cn·ntion Act. '
On motion of Hon. lltr. A1rns-r110Nn,
this Bill wns rt>-t•o111111itt1•,) to the Co111111itu,e on Law AmerHlmentH.
IN !'OMMl'l"l'm~.
On motion of thn Hon, Mr. An110n motion of Hon. l\fr. A.ltllHTOONtl,
H'flUJN!I, the Council adjinu·ned until
tho Connell resnlvt>d itself into com. to-mn1·1·1>w, 'l'nci,duy, t.lw 211th day of
mitwe of tho whole Homm 011 BIIIH April, at tlu-eo o'clock In the aft1'1·Ho11. Mr. Corlmtt in tho chair.
' noon.
The following Bills we1'0 l'tlld clau~u
TummAY, 21lth Aps·il, 1018:
b,· clause and pa><~ed :
The Council met at 3 p. 111.
• A Bill entitled, nu Act to pnwide fo1·
the Appointment of a Oomml~slon on
the use of Electl'icitv In Mines;
The following BIils were l'ead a third
A Bill entitled,
AcL to amencl time' and finally pUB8ed :
Chapter 8, Acta of 1008, Tho Coal
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act respl'<'ting
Mines Rcgnlati,;m Act und Acts in tho Old Bm·ying Ground, at \Vellt
umendment thm·eof ;
Amhrl'St, in the Conuty of Cumhe1··
A Hill entitled, an Act to legaliw land;
Uw 1\11111111) met•ting of Ht. Josl•ph's
A Hill c,nti.tled, an Act. to.,· provitlP
llnHpilal Board, Glaci, Buy, held on for the Appmntmont of a Commis.~ion
J 1mua1•y 21st, 1013.
on the use of Electricity in Minr1:1;
,_. !
. -· . ·--·--. -,.- . -----:---··-··---'··-.
A Bill entitlt>1l, an Act to ameml native land, probablv never to return,
Uhapter 8, Act.II of lOO!f, the ~oal Mint•11 the 1111111wnl, seems 11, tit.ting 11110 to forRegul11.t.1011 Act, nnd Acts III amend- iet all pn1·tyi11111, 1111tl t.o remember'
ment thl'l'eOf;
only hh, publlc sei·viccK-hia distlnA Hill entitlt1d, an Act to legali:r.P guished public 111•1•vicPR-nndto join
the Annual Meeting of Ht. · J0Hoph'11 1111snimo11H)y In tho support, of thh,
Hospital Board, Hin.cu Bny, held on resolutlon,
January :'.1st, IU13..
lion. Mr. AIUH!TIIONn-1
'flm following B11lt1. n111P111fou, wore s11ppo1·t the resolution submitted to
rend II third ti111n, anti 11ont to th.- tho House hy m v honorublo fril'lul
House of AHficrnbly for eoneurrence :
from L1111011l1111•g. 'It iK Vt'ry fitting l.o
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act t.o amend l'l•cugni:w in the tt•1'111H of the rtiRoln·
Cht\\ltet· :'.'.!, Acts of Hll:'., to furthm· t.lnn tho fact of Sir Olu11·le11 T11ppet·'11
faciht.sto the Jncot·pnl'lltion of l<'m·m· furewull to hiH nativ« provlnct•, The
P.l'H' Fruit,
Produce anti \V111'l•hou,m veteran Htntt•HIIIRII wall always be
Identltled in II Hpt•ch,I way with the
A Hill untitletl, an Act t·t•latiug to 1·1•p1·e~e11tatio11 in pnrlinment. of his
Sewel'Rge and the oonsteuctiou of native County of Cmnbtirlmu). But
~rmam•nt sldewulks in the '!'own of 1·eforonr,o 111ight well he 1111ulo hV my,vestville.
. self to the foct. 1,hnt It was whlle slttlug'
Hon. Mr. Owicx-« I t-ise, 1\lr. Pn·1n- in tilt' House of . CommouR, 8.8 tho
dent. with plca1111.1'tl, tt, movi, 11 l'e~oln· , rl'prerentat.ivu of Capu Bt-eton County,
t.ion of npp1·t•c111tann nm! gum! washes U1at Hir Ch1ll'll'H'l'11pp01· ,held tho poRI·
for Sir Oharlet1 'l'm1pt•1·, one of Nov11 lion of Pa-inw l\liniRter. of 011,nadR,
8cot111•8 moHt ilh1Htr1ous HonH, on the The occnsion of hiH m1teri11g upon the
eve of hiH dop11rt111·u fo1· lfogl,md, rtipresentat,ion of Cup" Br'l•ton, having,
which In view of t.ht• warm t1entimonts R.'i Hia· Charh·H hnd, us hiH opponent in
11nd kindly fetilingH l'Xp1·1·tl!led by tlrn that ,·ontei.t, the lll't'Rent Primo Min·
memhers of thiR Housu, will 1m·et with it1tt,r of Nov11 8cotin, is 1-e1:n.llell as one
t1pprohutio11, 11ml i11 in ucc<ml with Uw of t.hc• hi11tn!'iccampaigns of the conn·
lugh · e11teem in which thut vetel'l\11 try. Pruvio11H to thh1, now some
statesman iM heltl.
t.hi1·ty-llve ycar.'i ngo, indeed, Bir
The rmmlut.ion i11 w follow11:
ChnrleR '!'upper hml vi11it1'<l Hytlney at
Het1olved, Umt thit1 IA"gii,laLivcConn- n. 1110111ol'llble tinll'. On the \'ory 11oil
ell of tllll P1·ovinco of Nov1L 8cotl11, in now occ11pie1lhy llll' 111111111110th works
i·ecognition of t.lie eminPnce of Sir· of the D0111i11ion 8tt•t'I Corp01·otion,
()h11,i·1t,11 'J'1ippu1· nt1 " Htl\t.uH11111n of 8ir Ulm!'ll'H took occuRion to launch
Can~da now on t.hu on, of his dt,- whnt 11ftu1·w11rdt1 c1mw to he known us
parturu' for Englund, ,•x p1·e11t1 its np· tlHl Natinnr1l Policy, Tho da·enlllil of
pmciution of hiH tljst.ingnii,h.,d HerviceH the meri of tlmt timt•, by rea11on of t.he
to the Dominion. and itH wislwR fm· llll\ny conr111·1·rnt c•vc•nt.t1 whleh fol.
the conth111t•d ~ontl l11.:,1lth of this hon· lowt•1l, hl\Vt• hecomo tho nccompli11hl'tl
ourahlo und d1Ht111g111shc•tl Nova Seo- fada of to-da,•.
Hir Chtt1·le,;'Tnpper lt•ove11 hill native
Moved hy 11011. W. 11 .. Uwl'n, sci,- l'1·m·i1ll'e II rnagnitlct•nt., if pntheti,·
muled by Hom J1umn 1\1. l\l11ck.
tlg111·t•, ht•a!'ing on hiH heut Rhonlcle,.,.
)Ion. Ma·. MACK:
till' 11111rkH hf K•·t•nt,11:hi1,v,•mt•11t. ThiH
M1·. Pl'eHident 1111d Honomhlt• Hen- iH Homotit11t•H d11i111t•d lo h,• I.ho nge of
tli,men,-1 have much ph•aHuro in tho young 1111111. It 11111Ht not ho fot··
tmcmuling the motion for the 1ulopti1111 gotten, hnwev'cr, tl111t t.he world is
of the rosulntion submitted. .Much evc1· sensible of the fnct that old Rl(t•
wutor has run 1111dt11· tlrn bridge Hinc1• cannot lose its high flnco in men's
t.he tones of Dr. Tupper ll1·11t 1·t•vehvr· minds whun assocll\tet with a great
uted within thl11 lmildlng. During tho cn.1•eer. This has always been true,
time that ha,, elapsed since then runny null nlways will remain t.1•ue. When
animosities have been creakd, lint It the ancient Pntt·l,uch w"nt down Into
le gratifying to know that most of the l11nd of Egypt, the Inquiry that
them, If not all of !,hem, luive been Pharaoh add1·e111rod whim: "How old
allayed by time,
na·t thou?" conv ..ved with It not the
As we soo to-dlLy thnt v1•1w1·able ealnl.stion of crni1·tesy only, but tlw
8t.sr,esman, tho 1mbj1•ct of this reHOlu- lltl\ttlly util}lll'U<>which recoKtJIZl'd that
t.ion, with form bowt•tl by weight. of high ott.sinnwnt which odv1111r.1'11 ngl'
uccun111lott-d yell\'/', olK111t to lesvt• his hnd Um mm·t• gt·t•otly I\Ccentuated.
- -·- -··----· .
Sb• Oharles '1'11ppe1· boll 1•11tcroo Nov"
Hcotiu'fl Lt,gislatm'O at t.ht• ugo of
thh·ty-tht-ee, Ten yea1·s lnt~·t· he wnH
Premier of t.hr l'mvincP, Filling n.
8t1'tim10us Jllncu tlw1·e11f1A.n· in Oanadian
11ITuirs for many yem·H, at Urn lll(e of
Hovl'nty•llve, ht• l1t•en1110 Pl'imc l\l inist.ca· of thu Dominion.
ll11viug now ca·ossed tho. thrcshohl
of tho lllHt. decade of tho century of his
lift>, thi11 vetui·an of " hunda'tlil light.~
has decided upon !ipending tlw l'\'uning
of his days with 111c111benrnf his fomlly
in the I •Ill Lund. HiH f,u·ewt•ll iH tho
,i~casion of the cortliul _g1·oupingahout
ham of hosts of well-w1sht•1·s, whet.hot•
composed of those who formol'ly BUJl·
(lOl'ted 01• oppost•d his pollcit•s.
'l'hu namo of 8ia· Cl11ulm1 1'up11m· has
been invariahl:y ll.HHm,iutud wit I Novu
Scotin, and haH native Pl'llvinco hus
111.•en honm·ed in the llJISncintion. His
wlll 11lso n.lwn.y111·t•moin a distinguished
11111110 nssoclat.ed. with t.he widea· 0110 of
()nnoda. Sit· Churlus 'l'up\1m· wus umi•
awntly nu oppol'tunist in t Hl huge uud
wholeKome St•nsll of I hnt woa·cl. Jlp
uppreeiatod and foeussl'd ~1·e11t fol'ces
into executive m,tion winch men of
let111er moulcl hml not rugaa•dccl nt the
time ns pm·lmlm fully 11111t1Jl't>d 01·
1·ipenctl for t w t,veut. 'l'hi,.1 wns
notably t.he CI\Htl in hiH, luunching of
tho li'r1•e School Lu.w when otht•t·H
l1t•i<it11ted • in t.ho 11,cco111pliHh111m·1t of.
Confcderdtion, 11c1~1s1, tlw wholt• stm·y
of which his 111.11110 is wa·itten; anti ii,
hit1 stolw,u·t snppm·t of tlau lJnnmliun
Paeillc Uoilway, when th11t gr,·ut project nppeare,l " tusk only foa· giant!l lt1
I cannot bottt•1· cloHn ,vhat I lmvu
snid than in reciLIHng .the referouco
111ndo by Sia· ,viifrid Ln111·ie1· himHclf
ut thu age of 11t•vm1ty, on tho occuHiou
of Hit· Cho1·le11 'l'nptll'r'H 11ttaining hiH
ninoti~th yu111·. l'he wonlH of Sir
\Viifrid we1·0 delivt'rcd 11t 1i banquet. in
tho city of Lontlon, mul were 118 follows: "But l 0111 hm'tl to Hpenk my
mind, uud I believe I spenk my mind,
and spenk tho fair jutlgmont of my
countrymen, when I sar..,· that noxt to
Hlr John Mucdonald h msolf, the 1111111
who did most to hafog Canada into
Oonfedt•rntlon wns Sit· Charles Tupper."
The motion. on being 1mt, was agreed
to 1111anlr1101uily by tho Honse,
Ordered, that tho Clerk of the Council do acqnnint Hir Ch111ks T11Jlpo1·,
Bul't., by telt>g1·u111, of tll!' s.iid 1-esol11·
.Hon. l\la·. H~;Azu:v intrmh\ced a
Ball entitled, an Act to 1111w11d Uhnpte1·
44, Acl.ll of 1007, c•ntitled, ma Act in rch'l.tion to tlu, Ht•gistmtinn und Ideuti
llco~inn of 1'.lotm• V l•hicles, 1111d the
of I nhlic H1ghw11ys hy Btu•h vehicles,
ILi! 11111,•mled by Ulu11itm•; 211
Acts of
l~nn. lllr. E1•r1m introduced " Hill
ontath•cl, an Act. to amend Chupt.1•1· r,
Hcwise1I8t11tutt•s l!JOO, the Nova Scoti~
ml'ctionA Act.
The~e BHIH Wl'l'H R1wm·111ly rratl n.
lh-st tune, 111111 refenerl tot.he Committee 1111 Law Anaundments.
'l'hc Huus~ of Assembly, by mcsHllgl•,
nfol'metl this Hn1rno th11t it had (ll\!lllud
the following BillH, in which it de11ia·ed
thu couc111•1•c1wl• of this honom·able
A Bill entitled, 1m Act to amend the
8tutnto Low ;
. A B.ill cutitfod, 1111 Act to enable the
mhulnl.ll!ltH of Bl'l'Wick to llllf'Pl:r themHclrns with scwc1·11ge, t•lecl.t•1c lighting
1rnd wattll' fo1• domestic, lh-e and otlw1•
T 1t•se Bills were 1·t>n1l II fh-st tinw
1111<1 l'efrnml, Uw fla·st to the Commit·
tt'<' on Law Amemlment.q, nnd tho
ot.lwr t,1 tlw Hl'lect Committee on Bills,
Also, tlmt tlwy no not ng1·ee to t.lin
1111w111h11cnt.s pmposod hy this honom··
nhl11 House to IL Hill entitled, 1111 Act
o lnco1'po1·11tu the Cnpe Ht·eton (iolf
Club, .Limited.
~II l!aotinn of Hon. :'Ila·. AIUIH'l'HONCI,
Um, Bill w11t11·e-co111111itted tot.he 8eluct
Con1111ittc1, un Hills.
Hon. !IIt•, AirnHTHo:-o, Ci111il•11111n nf
tho 8t•lcd Uommitlet, on Bills, re-,•
ported up favorably, with 11111t•t11l·
A Bill entitled, nn Act to authorize
the 'l'own of Po1·t H11wkeslnu·y to uai·tlully 1•xempt the North Atl11ntic i,iisb
ua·ics, Limitutl, from taxation mu! to
enable Nai<l town to le1·y u Poli 'l'nx on
poa·aons te111pol'l\1·ily1·esidfog In said
'J'his Dill was l'ead a second tinw
uud committed to committee of th~
wholl' Honse.
On motion of Hon. l\fr. l\lACK, Um
Cnnncil 1·e1mlvt•d it,ll'lf into Oommittoe
oft.ho whole Houso 011 Hills; Hon. l\lr,
LoH111nc in the chair.
., J
---.} -- , --.---- . . . ----··r.
lJ _
. . _... . . . --.-. ·---. -----¥ --- ~ ~- . .
- ..
·--·--.I----·•·-·---·-·•-~-,... I:·----·--·-·-'--•·c"-1-.-,,_•~r--·-··--,.'---,--.
.,. '\'
,,. !
The rollo'wlng BIils wero rMd clause
by olauso u.ml pas1md :
A HIil entitled, an Act t,l enable the
Town of N01·th Sydney to oxom)lt,
from taxation tho Huildinl( and Plant
of the \Vestel'II Union Toh•gmph 00111pany, nml. to b'l'Bnt freo wntm· auu
other 11l'ivileges:
A Bill m1title1l, 1111 Act l'l'Rpecting
the s11p11ly of water· t.o tho En.stel'II
UtU· C11111pa11y, Limited, by tlu, Town
New UIB>1gow ;
A Hill entitlctl, 1111 Act to 1•1wmpt
Boehner Bms. from taxation :
A Bill entitlod, 1111 Act to nmL•nd
Ohapter 02, Act.ti of 1011, l'lltitlml. an
Act relating to tlw'l'own of (ih1cc B11y:
A Bill entitled, nu Act IA> 11111e11tl tho
Act to hic01·1x•mk th" Union P1'l1t.cc·
tion C0111l1BIIY,
Also, with anlt'ndnll'nts :
An Act t·espucting tax11Uon of thr.
1':astem On1··Co111p11ny, Llmitt-11, In Um
Towu of 1:'renton.
'l'be Co11u111tUm ntljournt.'<l, anel tho
Bills )lBSMtid in CommiUA:'<' we1-e l'C·
llOl'tCtl up.
On motion of Hon. Mr. l\lACK, Um
Council adjonrm·d until to-11101·1·.,w,
\Vl•dnumlay, thlJ 30th day of April, nt
th~ o'clock in tt111 afu-moo11.
WEDNF.SD,\Y, 80th Apl'il, 11113.
The Council mot nt !I 11, 111.
·r11e follclwing Bill
W8!1 l't'Btl 11.thh·d
time, and orde1-ed to ho eng1'l1tU1ud nnd
sent t.o the HouHe of AHH1,ml.Jly for
COnClll'l'llnCe !
A Bill entitled, 1m Act to amend tho
Act, IA• incm·pomt.o tho Union Pt'litection l.Jompauy.
'l'hu following Hill, 1111w111lrd, was
rend a U1ii'll limo and · sent to th11
Hmuw or AH11m11hly fo1· cone111·1·nuce :
A Hill entiUud, 1111 Act ruH111mt.i11g
taxation or the 1':11.BW1·n Unr Company
Limited, in the Town of T1·cnto11.
The follbwing B1113 wo1·0 road a thil'<l
time and finally paBllod :
A Bill entitled, an Act to onuhle tho
'J'own of North Sydney to exempt
from taxation the Building and Pinnt
or the Weatern Union Tele~1·nph Co111pany I and to g1·a11t, froo wato1• and
othe1· privlll'l{t!a ;
A BIil entitled, an Act rl'epectlng
the Sll)lply of wato1• ti·, tho E1111tl'rn Car
Company, Limited, hy Uw 1'owu of
Now mu.egow;
A Bill entltlod, an Act. to 1mwnel
Clmpte1· 02, Acts of 1011, ontitlud, 1111
Act ~latlng to t-heT,,wnof Glace Hay'.
Hon. l'th·. MAcK, Chairman of the•
Committee on Law Anwnclnumt.s, 1·t•·
Jl<ll't.od up favorul.Jly;
A Hill l'ntitled, 1111 Act to 1·tigul11u,
tlll' 1m1-cb11.se, Hllll• 111111 tran11for of
i;tock11 of goods in hulk.
Hon. Mr. MACK-In t'!'Spt•ct to t.l1is
Hill, yom• Committt•i,
lul\'o lwm't.t Uw
nrgumm1ts o~ Heve1·nl \Hll'HOIIH both fo1•
mul ng11inHt tho 11111. l'ho maj,wity of
the committl'o, lu,wuVl'r, n1-e in fovm·
of ropm·liii'g Um Hill t,, tho favorable
oomlideration of tlll' 11 ollsl,, and I reJlOrt it 1.1cc111·,!i11gly. It wall stt~lllKIY
l\rguud hy so111l', th11,t the 11nAA11ge of
thlH Bill wouhl lit, an Inconvenient uml
imp1-opt•r 1·t•stmiut upon certain trado
transactiouH, while, upon thu oth'er
hand,. it wus Htl'ongly urge,! that a
IU0311Ul'C of thi~ kind WIIR IMlvltmhll',
and 111111 h<>1·11. mlopt.t•d In othm· l'"t'I•·
vincu1< of tho Dominion: 111111 that it11
passnge would pn•vt•nt II recm·1·Hncoof
sou10 frnmlulunt t1·nnH11ctlous,which,
from tlmu to t.inw, ncc111·1'l•1l in tlw
Hon. Mr. (hn;N-1 oxprt•Hso11111yeelf
BB being op11ose<I to this
when it
was fi11<l i11tt'l1d11c1•tl In thlH Housu, 111111
I did so hei:m111C I thm>Khl, It. wa11 rm··
Uwr l'<'11ehiugthuu itiH. 1 wmrnf O)linlon
that It might l'Xt.cnd lo tlw sslt• hy
IIHhu1·me11 or tlwlr c1wgouH _ of tlsh, 01·
hv fnl'llll'l'II of Uwir fruit: hut I llnd it
mu.inly for tho pm·\iost• of 11rotecting
e1•111lit01'l< f1'l1111 tho fill e hy l'l,tail deullll'H, tlll'h· 1leht01'H, of good11 in hulk,
anti to 1,v1ulu 1my11ll'ut of their just
th,bt11, 1md I do not 1111w look upon thiH
llill IIH llt1iug in restraint, of t~·1ulo, hut
to 11voitl n 1~•putitlon of cl11111h-HU1w
sulcH in hulk fm• frmrdult•ut pu1·poseH.
A Uill l'ntit.ll'1I, 1111 Act I 11 1111w1ul a111I
cnn,wli,l11t,• Ch11/11t•I' 20, Hevi~ed Stnt111.t•s, IIJOO, Tim l\ l'tallll't•1~111u llfineH Ht•·
g11l11tl1111 Act 1111d 11mt•111l11wntH thereto;
A Bill ontitlt•d, 1111 Act l'OHpoctlng
Lions nf \Voodmm fo1• 8ervico,.
Theso Bills we1·0 sovemlly read a
socond time and cc,111mlttt-d to Committee oft.he wholo House.
. Hon. Mr. ARMBTHONn, chairman of
the Select Committee on BIii.i, reportup favorubly, with qmendment.s:
A Bill entltll'd, an A<'~ to enal.Jle the
inhnbitnnta of Berwick theupply themRolvea with 111.!Wlll'llKl', elootl•io llr1hting
and wnt.t11· for domoeUc, fire am otlwr
This Hill WI\H 1·1,rul 11 second trme and
committed to Committee of the whole Bill passed in committee. was reported
On 1i1otio11 of Hon. Mr., MACK, tho
The House of A~<';nllly, bymrsRng<', ~ou11c1l n,djo11r11ud 1111Ul to-morrow,
tho 1st day of J\iny at tlu·ee
informed this House tlmt it had J>MS· o'clock
In the uftol'lloon.
ed the following llil111, in which 1t desired t.he eoneurre nee of thls honour'l'11uns1>AY, l6t l\fuy, ll)JB.
111.Jlo House:
Tho Cn1111cil lllet at 8 p. m.
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
Chapter 10, Acts of 11)12, un Act fen•
the encourageurent of sottfement on
MACK moved the following
Farm Lands ;
A Bill entitled, an Act t.o arueud
Ut•sol\'ed, Th11t the Conncil agrees
Chupter 140, Acts of 1800, cntil.lcd, un
Act to Incorporate the 'l'i-t11iluo11 of tho t.o the l'l'q11est of the House of Ass1•111Third Yarniouth Baptlst Olnu-ch at hly fo1• .11 conferunco In l'espuct of a
Hill entitled, 1111 Act to amend Ch11p~
Pleasant Valley;
A Bill entltlu1I, an Act to amend ter 7H, UeviHcd HtntnteH 1000, tho AHUhapter 88, Actt1 of 1008, vutitled, 1111 sessment Act, and tlmt the Hon,
Act to fucilltate tho incorporat.lon of Muss1·H, l\foek, Ette1· nncl LoVatte he
Farmera' Fruit, Produce and Wure- the JllaUllgUl'l:l Uppoi1,t,ec\ frmu thii+
llouudl to rnuet the m1111nger11 uphouse Assoclutlou« ;
A Bill entitled, un Act to vnlidute pointed from the House, of Assomhly :
tho appointment of Dnvld lle1·f,<•nu, un the pluco of meeting to ho the Committtie Hoom of the Legislnt.ivi, Conn·
urbitrntor in Kings County;
A Hill entitled, 1111 Act respecting cil? 111ul the hom· of meeting 4.30 p. m.,
lHt day of l\flly, 19Ja, n111l that th1i
Um Town of D111·t111outh :
A Bill entitled, un Act to enable the Uhwk do ucquuint tho Hot1He of A~'l'own of Annnpoli11 to g1·unt exeuip- semhly thel'uwith.
tlons to Nova Hcoti!l Clay \Vol'k~,
Tho followiug Hill, muendt•d wns
These Bills were severnlly rend 11 l'eud u thh·d tinw mul sent i,;, the
first timo 1111d reft•rl'ml, the Ilrst, to the llouHe of AssP111hlyfo1· concm·rence •
Oommittoo on Law Amendments und
A Bill Pntitled, nu Act to uutho1•ize
tho other Ilve lo the Helect Oommit.tee t!w 'l'uwn of P01·t lluwkeRhm·y t.t, p111··
tin Bills.
tinily exempt tho No1·th Atlantic I• lshAlso, that they huve ugreed, with el'it,11, Limited,
from tux11tio11 and to
umendmenta, to a Bill of, t his honour- tnmhle Haid tow II to lovy a poi I tux on
uhle House untitled, un Act to 111111md pct'Hons tt•mpo1·11dlr 1·csidi11g in suid
Ohapter 188, of tho Act,1 of 1011, un- town.
titled, an Acl to Incorporute tho
Lunenburg Electl'ic Hallway Corn puny,
Al'K." ch11il'll11111 of the·
Uommittuo on Luw Amend1111mt1<, 1eOn motion, this Bill was re-connnitport.ed up favombly:
ted to tho 81•lect Committee on Hillii.
A Bill cntiUud, 1111 Act to amend
ChnplA.•1• 10, Act!! of 1012, 1111 Act fo1•
tho encom·ngement
of settlement 011
On motion of the Hon. Mr. l\IACI{, form lunds.
th~ Council resolv<>d it.self into ComHon. ~fr. A1u1s•rn0No, chuh·mRu of
mittee of t.he whole House on Bills, the Select Committee on Bills,' 1·rp01-tHon. M1·. Uorbett In tho chair:
ed up favorably :
Tiu, following Bill, with amendA Bill entitled, 1111 Act to amend
ments, was read clause by clanso all!l Chapter 140, Acts of 1800, entitled, 1111
Act to Incorporate the tru,tee11 of tho
A Blll entitled, '811 Act to 11utho1•izo
Thkd Yaunouth Baptist Chm-oh at
the Town of Pewt Hawkes bury to·p,111·- Pleasant VRlley;
tlally exempt th~ North Atlantic F iHh·
A Bill Pntitled. an Act to amend
e1•iee, I.lmitl'd, from taxation, and to Chnptm• 8:l, Acts of 1008, entitled, 1111
unnblfl HOid town to hwy n Poll 1'nx 1m Act to facilit11te tho i11cn1·p1w11Uon of
JWl'IIOIIB tempora1·ily rusiding in saicl !•'armors' Fruit, Produco and \Vul'c·
house Associations.
'fhe Uommlttt.'(l adjoi1me-<), and tho
Also, with amendments:
. ·-···
- -·-··-~ -··~-
... - --·-
-- ... ~.I '. ·-., ·- ·-•--
- . ·--'- - .. -·-·r··-----~-
r - - ,_
. .
, -
• ••
untitled, an Act to enuble d~h-e<l the 'conc11ne11ce of this Hon· ·
the 1'own of Ann1L11oll11 Hoyal to grant um1Lhle
A· Bill untitk-d, 1111 Act l'eepectlng
exemptio1111 .to Nova !Scotia Ulay Rm·ol 1'elephono Companies;
Works, Limited;
A Bill eutitlecl, an Act to ameml
A Bill entitll'<I, an Act to nmend Ohl\ptl•1•
74, Act.II or 1882, entitled, an
Chnptt•r 174, Acts of l!JO:l, m1titll'd, 111\ A1·t to incor11orah, tilt' (fr1mcl Council
Act t,, ill COi porute the c,ty
flyllney of thti Provincial \Vorkingme11'1t Asund a111emling Act.8.
'I'hvso Hills were HCVl!l'ally read a eodution;
Bill entitled, on Act l'l'Bpticting
second time and committed to Com· tlwA Chm'l(>t·
of Uw ()(ty of Halifax;
mltttt• of the whole Hn11~1·.
A Bill e11titled, an Act, to l11cu1•po,
Hon. Mr. MAeK, Ohairmnn of the rah• the 8nck \'ille Hivt•I' ml•ot1·ic Com·
Com111lt,tuo on Law Anw111lnll'11l.1<, rel.imit,ed:
ported that the conuuitte« hud ex- pnny,
A Bill l'11tit11,d, · on Act lo arnoml
ami11etl a llill re-committed to the Choptt,1· 181, Act.'! of JOO'..!, aml 11th1,r
co111111lttc11 tmtitlcd, un Act to 0111l•111l Acti< 1'l'latlng to tl1<• Amhe1'Bt Boot
Oha11tc1· 71, H,·vi11cd 8tut11tt,l', llNIO,
8bue Cmnpnuy, l.imlted.
'l'he1'owns l11co1·pomlio11Act, 1111d re- and
'l'hPHll Bills wurll suvernlly rcocl a
co111me11ded tlrnt thh1 House do ad- fh'Ht
tinm nn,l 1·l•fr1'1'(,i), tho th-11t tl1 tho
here to tho uml,11tlme11ts mude by this . Committee
Oil Law. Amondmeutll, and
ho110111·ublu Honse I~> the Bill.
On motion, tho 1·;,pol't of tho com· the ot-l1m· four t.t.1 tlrn 8llloct Committeu
on Bills.
mtttee wus ndol1tt-1l.
Also, that t re commit ll!O had exumlued a Hill eutitll•d, un Act to amend
The HonHl' of Assembly, by 111ess1J.ge,
Uh~ptm· Ou, Itovlsed Statutt,H, 11100, en- mt·01·111rd thlH l11111!lll that Uwy bad
titled, 111i Act for tho convuyunco of come to tho folh•wing resolution :
ti moor uud lum lx-r oil l'ivers und reJtesulved, tlmt, the lion. Atl:{1rneymoval of obstruct.lon th1in1from, and Uenoral, thu lion. l\h. l\focOl'ugo1• and
did not 1'l!co111me111l the l.lill to t-lll' .Mr. l\11u·gt•Hon he IL Co111111itt.<•e of this
fnvol'nhle conHhlerntion of the House, Homm to mc.uagi, the conf1•l'll11Co·with
bnt reco1111nundcd thnt. the Bill ho de- t.lw Onmmitteo ul' t hu Lt•gislatlvo
fe1·l't!d thl,i day lh1·<>11 months.
Uonncil \\ Ith l'f.'BPPCt to a Bill entitled,
On motion, tho report of tho com· an Act to amunll Uhnpter· 73, lwvisctl
mlttoo w1ui adopted.
Ht11t11tcll IIIOO, till' A~~l's11mo11t Act,
Jloll. l\ln. AHMATIUlNO, Oh1Lil'IIUIII or uml thut thu Ulc1·k do uc1111ui11t thl,
tho Hel!'ct Couunittl•e on Bllh•, 1·epo1·t· l,<>gisl11tive Uo1111cll tht't'ewitb,
ed tluit tho OommittN> hnd exnmlned
a Hill entitled, 1111 Act, to i11cnl'p01'Rte
tlu, Capo Bruton Golf Cluh, Llmltutl,
of Hon. Mr, MACK, the
a111l 1·cco111111l'-lldcd that the House
do nut udlwl'e to ce1·tai11 a111m11l· Co11ncll 1·l's11lvod itself into Committee
uwnts umdu hy this llonoumbh, HousP of the whofo House on Bilh1, Hon. Mr.
in t.110 chair.
iu which tbu Ho11Ho of Assumbly did l,t>Bl11nc
11'h1• following Hills \\'l'l'l'
l'CBd clllUH('
not conr,ur, hut tlrnt they lll'OflOBl•d
au amendmunt in 11011 thN·t•of.
· bv elu11R1• 111111 paRHl•d :
1'111 itled, 1m Act l'l'Slll!Cting
On motion, the l~•pol't of the Co111liens of wornlnwn fol' i;crvicl's;
U1ittee was adopted.
A Bill entitled; au Act to regulate
Also, tho Co11111litlce had considel'cd
a. DUl1entitled, 1111 Act to amrml Chap· tho purchase. snlo and transfer of
ter 188. Acta of 1011, entitled, nn Act stocks of goods In hulk ;
Also, with amendments :
to Incorporate tho Lunonbm·g Electric
A Bill entitled, an Act to amoncl
Company, Limited, 1.1lld
:recommended that thlw House concm· and consolidate Chapter 20, Revised
1000, The l\letalllferoua Mines
In tbo amendment nrado to this Bill
Regulation Act, and umendments
by the Bouse of A111embly,
On motion, the Rl'port of tho Com• thereto 1
A Bill entitll'd, an Act to enablt1 the
mltwe wae adopted,
Inhabitants of Burwick to supply themMEBAAOE.
seh·es with sewet·ago, elect1-ic lighting
The Humm of AHBemhly, by uws• and wotel' for <lomestlc, f11·c aml utl1e1• ·sagl', lllformed t hiH Homu, thut it hu.tl
'l' 1e Committee adjoul'lled and thu
passed the following Bills, in which it
In Committee were -.
1 101.
_Hon. '11·\ IIIAC'K, fmm tho confei·l'nce
with 1-espect t.tl· u Bill cntitlod, nu Act
to ameml Chnptua· 73, Re\·ised 8tntuei;
1000, Tho AN,ies~m1•nt Act, a·;,portcd 11~
follows :-Wo, tht! manngen, of thu
confe?'°nce. appoiuwd by tho Lt• islatlvo Co11nc1l to confet· 'with tlt·• 11glt'tl"·
f ti I{
• "
r.ors o 10 011se of Ass1•mhly respect. 11g !1lllo~du1e11tpropoRcd by tho Lt>g18 uhvo Connell to u Bill 11ntitl1•d an
Act to amend Chapter 73, Hevisml Statutes, 1000, thoAllllesstncnt Act, to which·
amondmeut the House ,,f AHs,-mhly
did not ro11c11r, IJl.'g to rnport that thu
conference has agrl'ed to havu said
"~en~ruent furlhl'l' amended by suhst1tutmg the s11111 of $800 for the 811111
of $1.000.
J. 1\1. MACK,
A. B. l~Trmt,
' • . ,~: ATTE,
On motion of Hou, Mr. MACK the
Rtiport or tlw l\lan:igl.'l·s was rec~lvotl
and ndonte,I.
·, On motion of Hon. Mr. MACK, thu
Council ~jnumed
until ui-morrow
1•:riday, the 2nd 110.y of May, at th1•e1:
o cluck In the aftel'IIOOll.
FnrnA Y, 2nd !\fay, 101:!.
The Co1111cil met at 8 p. 111.
The Pn:sident 1-epo1·ted that ho was
In 1'<•cei11t of tho following telegram:
ST. JOHN, N. n., llfay 1st, 1018.
COUNCIL, Halifax, N. s.:
I grnl,efully 11ppl'eciato tho great
honour confp1·1·ml on me by the l't'Solutlon passed by tho Lt,giHlotivo Council.
Onlerod, that, the telegram be 10•
corded In_ thb minutes of the House.
Tho following Bills were rend a third
time and finally passed:
A Bill entitled, on Act respecting
Liens of Woodnll'n for Services,
-A. BIUentltled, an Act to' 1·eg11lato
the purchasl', sale and transfer of
stocks of goods In bulk.
The following BI\IH, amended, were
t•aad a third time ond sent to the
House of A.ssl'mbly fot• concuncnce:
·A Bill entitled, nn Act to mnen<l aml
cnm,olidote Chapter 20, Hovlsetl Statutei;, lUOO, Tho J\fotallifurous Mines
A B!ll entitled, an Act to enahlu tho
lnhuh1tants of BN·wlck to 1 · 1 ·
t.he111.sl'l\'es with s1iwerago,
1~light-mg, mul water f'ot· domcstlr 11 · ·
and othu1· pm·pose1J.
• re
IIILL INTnonucmi.
H011• Ill
I'. MACK intl'Od11ced · a J.rJI
1<·:1titled, im Act fo1· Urn P1·otect1'011 <' 1 f
'!'his Bill wus read II fli·st ti, • '
refon-cd to I iw Committee oueLa!lllil
- n
lllL!.A--f:lgcosIJ /IEADINu.
, Hun.. Mr.. l\1Ac1c, cbait-mon of l,b0l,m111111lteu on Low Amendmo, 1 t 8•
pol'ted up fu.vombly :
reA Bill 1mlitlud, un Act res · t· ·
Huml 'l'cli•phonc Compnnies . pee mg
44u~t~ed, an Act
.nJ.l . 1
•. ,.ts of 11X)7, elltitled, an
Act I'! rclo.t1011 to thu Ite.,istr"t·1<1n nn1l
ldcnt I fl t
en IOU
motor v1•hicles an l
the use of Public Highway8 by 'su
vehiclus, os nnwndcd hy Chaptu.1 •~J1
Acl.8 of lllll.
Hon. M1\Am1HTHONo, Clminuon of·
the Sdllct Co1111uittl!ti on Bill 8'
pm·tud.1111 favornhl~·:
._ l'l!·
(' A n1.II entitled, ~ im Act to amen<l
,l!uptci '74, Acts of 188'J, entitled. an
A,.t Ul mcm·pomte the Grand C11
of .th ~, 1• 1·ovrncm
· · 1 \ Vor·kin'-"'uen'sunc,
A •
. A Bill '1•ntitled, -ni, Act l'l'S I t·
the Chartcl' of thu Oitv of Huli/a~c mgHon. ~Jr. Al!AIH'J'HilNU - 'l'lw • last
nam~~I lull rcsJwcting thu charter of
the C1tyofHulifox crmctsnothing 11
"\Vhun tho ll'gislatiou was t>assed o
ago Cl'l'Rting the Hoard of Contri,l · it
hecamu IIU('l!SSm•y to adjust thecha1•ter
to t.h~, ch!lngt·b in the citygovl.'l·nment
nutic1pntmg tlw time whun the Ilotn'd
Uon!t•(I Aet•would ,•omo into t'lfect.
Com1111ss11!ne1·s were appointed by tl
Oovernot· m-Council to revlsu and c te
sollclato the city chm·ter accordin 11." ·
This occurt'l'd lust year
The CfJ_ Y
h a".e prepared• their l'llvlsom/11 I SR1onm·s
ton ond consohdatlon, andl'epoHed the
samo to tho Govemor-ln-Council and
this was brought Into force
clamotlon on Ap1·II 1, 1018. This re.
vision and consolidation - has been
printed,_ bnt has not yet been l'l)dnced
m tho form of a book.
Besides it 1
i1eoesaary to inco"liomte in thi11-'l'evie~
10n o!ld conHolidation cm·tiiin - statute
relatn,g U> th.o City J>asi;ed dnl'ing th!
present session; 1111
fot· giving the
cf :1.1
/ ~-·-·-'1.
·- _
_. • ·-·-·
- ····,
, •.
' ··---·
···--' . -·--1---
.•.. ·---···--
force of law to the body of such enact- Bille paseedi in• €on1ml~ttie· 'were· re•
menta when so further contmllelated,
ported up.
. Thie Bill which le now before t~e
Ou motion _of tho H_on,, M~. LEH'oullO, tmipowt1re the Oovorno1;-m- BLANC, fhe Oouu'?ll odJourn!!d, until
Council to eeloob tho A<lttl passed dur- to-n1111·1'<>W, Saturday, the 3rd dar of
Ing tho present session anti to inoul'- l\fllY• at ehwen· o'clock in tho forenoon.
poruto them with the enactmcnte co!!.~,.::(
-• iained in tho l'oport of ,tho <;Jnmm1H·
Tho \>resent Bill nught uc"'h 0\C
eordln ly be ea d to be wholly f01•11ml
ounel 1. 'iuot at 11 a. m,
· .. In iui c,uirar.ter.
on:;r,B-TJIII\D ttEADJNO,·
The110 Bll\11 were severally read n
_Tho folfowing Bille wereread' a, bhll'd•
second time noel eommltted to Com- Umo·and finally passed':
mU!tleo·of t1ie whole House.
A, Bill, entitled, an .A)ot, to- amond•
Ohapter 101 Ac~· of 1012, ,an•A'.ct,folt
The 1rouse of Asscmlily, hy niesHBJ(C, tho encouragement of. Settloment on·
info1·n100· this Rouse that they hnve l•'11m1 Lands ;
aJ(l'eotl fu the amendments nuulb ;by
A Dill eneltled, an .A:ct !Jo• amend
this houourable House to the 81!111 Cho.pt.er 88, Achrnf 1068,, onllitledl an·
entitled respectively :
Act to faoilltatJe. the Inoorporati!on, of
A Bill entitled, an Act respectlng Farmel'B' F1·uit, Produce and' Waretaxation of the Ea..'itl'rn Car Company, house A88ocintio1111;
1!.imll'ed( In· the Town of T1·cnto11;
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
A! Bill· entitled\ an Act to cnat>lll t'.he Chapt.or ml,,Act11 ol.l 1800, entitled, on
Town of Bl'ldgcwater to construct per- Act 1:o fnco11>01·at:etho 1'rueteoe of the
Thil'<i Yarmouth Bnptiut Ohm'Cb, ot
A Bill entitled', an A:ct Co umoncl' Pll!Mo.nt Valley.
Chapter 186, Acts of 1001, elltitlhd; on
hti Co incorporate tho Workiugmen's
Tho Ho118ll of Atl!!umbll, bymeseagt,,
Pi'OspoctJing, Developing nuel l\linhig infm'D1ed thi11 Houeethn it hod paesecl·
Company, Limited.
t1'o following Bill"', in, whicli:ltl-deelrocl
tho concurrence of this Honourable
On motion of Hon. l\lr. MACK, tho ·House:
Ooimcil oosolved itJeelf, Into-Committee
A Bill cntitlccl; an Xct to amend
of the whole House on Bills, Hon. l\lr. Chapter 118, Revisc>cl Statut.e11, 1000,
Corbett. In the ohail',
the Manied Woman's Deed Act, 11ncl
Tho followinl( Bills were reod, cl11,uso Acts In• amenclmont thcroot;:
by chmse and ~d
A, Bill entitled, nn Act tJo, enable the
A Bill entitled,. an Act. to 11,1110ml Town of Now Oll\llgow to bonow
Chapter 10, Aotll llf 11112, o.n Act fol' money for Fh-e 1£qulpment;
tho oncou1·agoment of settlement on
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to amend
fu,t•m lamls·;
Chapt:ee 1'1., Acl.8 of 1011, of Street
A Bill, emtitleel, on Acb to amend Halhvi..y Companil"H;
Olia.pter S:li,Aotll of. 1008, entitlecl, an
A, Dill entitled; an Act to·autUorlze
Aict t.o faoililat.e tho Incorpm•atlon
of Um Munlolpi~lty of the County of C11111Fiu·uu.•1-s' l?ruit, Procluce and W111,c- budnud to SJiant thu·sum of $10)in,ald
b()Ufie A1111oolat.lonH ;
of Cu-uberlm1d County. Fair;
A.. Bill entitled,· iw Mt to amend
Tlieim Bille WPl'tl severally N'od a
Oliapter 14.0,. MIA! of 1800, entitled,. at1, first time·11nd refe1'l't!d, the·tll'lltl to the
Act to Incorporate the Tr11111tec11, of Commit.tlee on,I:.a.w Jt-mendtnentll,-md
the Tbivd Ya1•wl',ut.h Ba.pthit Church· tho other three to• th1t BeleattOomulltJ.
at Pleaaant Valley..
too·un. Billa
.A.lso,. with, amendment.:
Also,. that they bM<e· ~to, tit•
j.. Bill entltJed, an .A.ct. tA> amend: nmendm ..nt.e made b1 thl•Bbnow,able
Chapter 174, Mte of 1008;. 11nt.ltl~d, on Huuil8 to the Blllw en ti tied\ rNpec ..
Act.to Inoo1·porate·the
Cit,y of Sydnoy tlvelr:
and-&1nendln1r A.at.a 1
Bill. ontltted,. an, A.et to, 11mend
A Bill entitled, an,.A\ot to enablo th11· Chapter '78l ruivtsed Statute. 1900;
Town of Annapolla Royal to Rt"-aDt the·~ent
ex.imption• t,o Nova · 8ootili, Olay
Al- Bill• 1mtit.led,. llfl' Act to amend
Works, L1n1ltod, ·
Cliapl:l•r66,.Aiotsot 108a; tlto•E.a.wrence•
. 'l'he Commitbee' adjourned and, the t,n\'111 Elecbric Light Act, UIO'..!.;-
. ,
\' A
A Bill entitled; an Act . to amm1tl
Chapter IJO, H.evi11ed Statutes 1000, the
Nova Scotia Uailwayi. Act;
A Bill entitled, nn Act to enable the
Town of Picton to hol'l'ow money for
lh'tl purpc1t1ee.
Also, that they hovo 11g1·eed to a Bill
of thi11 Honom·uble House entitletl, on
Act. to nmend Chnpto1· 133, Act11 of
lllll, entitled, an Act to lncell'pornte
the Lu11enb111•g Bll'ctric Ra_llwny Com·
pnny, Limited, as now ntm•nded.
tlmo, nml Ol'do,-ecl to be engrossed noel
sent to tho Ho11111J or As11embly for
concmTence : ·
A Bill entitled, au Act to amend
Ohnpkr 0, Acttl of Jll07, entitled un
Act I~ n,111.tion to the R11g istmtion' and
ldm1t1Hc11tm11 of mot<n· vehicles and
the 111,0 of public highwnvs by such
veh1clo11, ns nmende•tl hy <.JIJll(>tt·r 211
Act11 of 1011.
Thl" following hillu we1·e 1·encl a thh'<i ·
time anti finally pnssed :
1111.r.11-1..:cmm llEADINO,
A Bill entll.ied, an Act 1·e11pecting
lion. l\lr. AIUIHTIUJNU, Chnimmn of tho expl'llHl'H of 1mpp1·pssi11g infl'ctiouti
tho Select Com mitt.tie on Bills, 1-eported aml contagious cliseil.~1·s in the Count.y
up fa.vornbly, with 1uuend11wnt8:
of h1vm·1w~H;
A Bill ontitlecl, 1111 Act l.t) Ineo1·po·
A Bili t•ntitled,. 1111 Act l'l'BJICcting
mto the Su.ckvillc ltlvc1· Elect1•io Oom• 1·111·al tolephorrn co111p1111ies,
pnny, Limited :
Hon. l\lr. )l.H'K, Clmirmnn of the
Hon. lllr. AttllH'rJIONll, Cbaimum of
Committee on Law Amondmcnte, 1·e· the Select Committee on BillH l't•porwcl
JlOl'tt..'ll Up favell'ahly;
1111 fuvoral.Jly :
A Bill entltletl, 1111 Act for thu P1'0•
A Bill entitll'cl, un Act to enable tho
teotlon of Tl'ec>s.
'l'mvn of Nuw G lo.Hgowto lKll'l'OW money
These BillH Wl"t·c 1:mvo1·nlly read a fell' Fire l'qnipnwnt ;
second time and conunitwd to ComAlso, with u111e11d1111'llt :
mittee of the whole Honse.
A Bill t•ntitlt>cl, an Act, to authoi·iw
the 1111111icip11lity of tlw Count,y .;,
On mot,ion of Holl. l\h-, MACK, the Cumhl'1·l11ud t.<1 gmnt tho NUIU of $200
Council 1·esc,lve1l Itself int<, Uommittee in aid of V11111lK•1·lm11I County Foil·
of tho whole House on Bills, Hml. l\fr.
1'1wse llilhi wen, se\'el'lilly 1·eicl a
LeBlono in tho .:hair.
Hl'COIHl t.11110 1111d co111111ittt.-d to com'fhc following BillR were read clauHe miURe of the whole House.
hy clause ancl passed :
A Bill entitled, an Act to o.meml
'J'lw House of A~scmhly, hy message•
Chapto1· 44, ActH of 1007, ontitlocl, an infouned tho House th11t it had J>1issl'll
Act in 1-elatlon to tlw Hegi11tmtion and tho following Bills, in which it e eHired
Identification of .Mot<ll' V thiclcs, nntl tho conc111·1·(•11ce of thiR Honour,ihle
the ,um of Public Highway!! by 8UCh Honse,:
Vllhlcles, UH nmencled I.Jy Chnptl'1· 211,
A Bill entitled, 1m Act respecting
Acts of 1011;
cel'tain lnncls nncl }'l'llPUl·ty l'ight.~ nea1·
A Dill entltlocl,
au Act 1·especting
Point PleMnnt I at·k, In the Oity of
Hnrol Telephone Comp,mies:
A Dill entitled, on ~Act to nmentl
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act re8JWcting
Chapter 74, Act~ of 1882. entitle!cl, an till' 811lmtio11 Army l\Iati•1·11ity HospiAct to lncorpornl~ the Omncl Council tnl;
of tho Provmciul Workingn,en's At1·
A Bill Pntitlerl, o.n Act to amer.d
Hoclatlon ;
Ohopte1· 111. Acts of 1011, entitletl, ~11
A Bill entitled, . an Act respecting Act to lncm·pell'nte
the Blomldon
t.be Charte1• of the City of Halifax.
Railway Compnny, Limited: .
The Committee adjoumed, and the
A, Hill entitled, an Act J'eepectlng
In Oommlttee were re· the C~e Breton Coal, Iron and RollpoOr n m"opl.on of Hon. M,., 'IACK, the way ,0111puny, Limited, a compn1iy
inco1·poratod by Chapter 110, Acts ot
Co1111cll aelJoul'Ded until l\londoy, tho 1806, entitled, an Act to Incorporate
iith day of May, at thr•e o'clock In tho tho Cape B1·eton Cool, h·on and Roilnftel'Ooon.
way Company, Limited;
A Bill entltlod, nu Aet to lncm·po1··
l\IoNDA Y,,May 6, 1018.
ato the l\larltlmu Loan Company
Tim Ocnmcil met ot a p. m,
A Bill emtltlocl, an Act to omontl
The following bill WOii read o third 01111pto1· 100, ActM of 1010, The Mahone
- . -~·-~------·--·
.. ·
-. ··-....-.l--.----
-,;::.:::.:=·:---=:::.~:::;-::::..;;..-::;;.__-;:=:.- .•. - - • -
Bay W11,toi· Supply Act;
Chapter 118, Revised 8tat11t e11, 1000,
A Dill tmtitled, 1111 Act to a111e111I the Mo.1·ried Wu111an'11 Dee1I Act, and
Ohaptel' 27, Al'lt< of 11112. entitled, an ActK iu 11111endm"'11t thei·eof,
Act N't1pectlnK the Halifax and 8011th
Hon; M1·. MACK-'flw object of tho
\Ve11tm·11 Rallwo.y Company.
am,mdmt;nt IK t.o make 11till more eai;y
'fhese hills we1-o Beverally l't'ad a the opt•1·ation of tlw Act.. 1111d l.o ob·
first time, and rt•fl'1·i-ed. tho ll1·Kl, six viate the m,ceHHity of uotlce in ce1·tal11
tu the Select Committee on BIIIH, 11nd Cll.fjt'I!,
tho last one to the Committeo 011 Law
'fhei<e Uill11 were ~1we1·ally 1·e11d &
Heeoml l 11111• 1u11l r.0111mitw1l to thu
Also, that tlwy havt• ag1·eed to thu co111111iLh>e of the whole llomm.
h_llhi \n1&•ed by thiH 1ln1111111·1Lhle 11011111•,
H,,n. l'tll', AnMHT!tON!I,chail·man of
Pntit. 1.otl 11•i;pectl\•ely :
· tho Ht•h•ct CommitlA•u on Bills, t~A Bill m1titled, an Act to nmeml pmted that the co111111itt1•1> had had
Chapter 32, ActH of lUOO, ,,ntitlod, un 11111ler co11,;ltlorntln11a Bill entitled, an
Act t,0 1111101111 Chapter 40, Ac!J:1 of Act to autluu·lzo till' City of Halifax
lllOl entitled, 1111 Act to 1111101111 Cl11Lp· to pe1'mlt tho 1•1·1•ction of Poles and
ter '70, Rcvist•d 8t1tt11Lt•,;, 1000, The \VlreH In tlm Citv Htl'N•ts, und 1-ecomJ\l,micipal Act;
mend thttt this 'House concur In thl'
A Hilt untlUPtl, an Act to ammttl the 'amendment 111ud1• hy the Honsll of
Act to incol'pqrutt, tho Union P1·otec- Assembly to this Hill.
tlon Company :
On motiuu thu 1·eport of the commit·
A Bill entit!Lod, nn A,it t~, ratify a tf.•u WM adopted.
1'll8ol11tlonp!l88ed hy the Council of the
BJl.l,H IS l'Ol!Ml'ITKK,
J\hmlclp111itv of Halifax County, l'eOn mot.ion of Hon. :l\11·. ARMHTII.ONO,
spectlng tlie 01·,•ctinn of pol,•s In till' tho Cm111cll 1•1•solwd iti;elf into Com,
public highwnys In tlm County.
mltt,•t• of tho wholt, House on Bills,
Also, Uwy lu,vt• ugrel'll, with Cl'1·tu11~ Hon, !\Ir. Corbett in the d1ah·, .
Hononr'J'hc followilig Hill wnt! 1·1•ml clause
nhle Ho11sl', unlitlotl, nn Act to auth01·- by claiu:m nncl J>lll!Hl'd:
iw the City of lfolifnx tt1 \wrmit ~he
A Hill entitled, !Lil Ar.t for Uu• Prol'toer.tiun of polt•t1 nml wlu•fl Ill t.lw r.1t)· t.ection of '1'1-ees.
Also, with 1m11•111l11wntN:
On motion, this Hill Willi 1·e-co111- · A Bill entith,d, an Act •~• lncm;pomlt.t<-•d to the Soloot Commlttf.•o on l'llle the 811ckvil1PHivei· mechic (JomBills.
puny, Li111itt•1l.
Al!u,, thoy havtl u~1·1,etl tf.1 the
'fhe co111111ltlee adjo11l'ne1l, nud the
anumdments made hy th111 Honnm·ahlo IllllA 1111.-.11ed In co111111IU:ee Wlll'll l'tlHomm to the Bills untitled 1·espoctively: pnrtet up.
. .
A Bill entitled, 1111 Aet to e1111blo tlw
On motion 1.f Hon, !lh·. :l\lAC'K, the
tt1wl1 council of P1ll't Hnwkl•Hlnu·y to Conndl mljnnrlwd until to-morrow,
11\l't.ially exempt Uw Nm·t.h Atlantic 1'ueHday, tlm 6th d11y of 11111)', at tln'l'e
\~l11lull'ies, limitt•,l, from taxation, untl 0'1·loek In tlw nftemoon.
1,11 enable Haid town to levy IL poll tax
Tm:Hn.\ Y, May ti, 10111.
nn pn1·snns temp111·u1·ly 1·esidi11g in sahl
'l'hl• Council 111eL at ll p. 111.
A Bill entitl1•1t an Act tt, onnhlll tlw
JIILI..H-Tlllllll 1i~:AD1NO,
town of Gloce Bay to hm·row 111on1•y
The following Bill was rl•ad a thirtl
fo1• the pm·poee of ti1·ecting nml l'11ulptlm~ and 01'!1e1't'cl to be engrosst'll and
pl11g a uew town high &chool.
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act t.<1 enable the sent to the HollSE' of Assembly fo1·
City of Sydnl'y to hormw money,
· A Bill entitled, 110 Act for the Pro~
tectlon of T1-ees.
The following Bill was rend a third
Hon. l\lr, MACK, chairman of the
committee on law amendments, re- time and finally passed:
· A Bill entltlccl, an Act to amend
ported up favorably :
A Bill entlUed, an Act to amenil Chapter 170, Anta of 1012, the Obeater
, chapter 27. Acta of 1012, entltll'<I,' nn \V ate1· 8ul'JIIY Act,,
Act 'respecting thl' Halifax a111l South
Ill LI.S--H~:COND tmAl>INO,
WMtllrn Railway.
Hon. Mr: ·AnllfH'rnosu, chairman of
Also, with auwndrmmt:
l'ntitl .. d, an Act to aml'ml the Select Commitwe 011 Bllls, re-
,-~~--~-~~ported up favorably:
WEDNF.l!DAY,7th l\fny, 1018.
A Bill entitled, an Act respecting
The Council met at 3 p. 111,
the Salvation Army lllatemlty Hm,111t.al;
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend · The following Bills were rend a
Chapter 160, Acts of 11110, the Mnhone
third time and finally passed i
Hay Water Supply Act;
A Hill ontith-d, an Ant to ennble the
A Bill entltlod, 1111 Act to amend '!'own of New Glusgow to borrow
Chapter 111, Acts of 11111, 1•11titl!'d, nn money for Fire Equipment;
Act to lncorporntu tho Blmuidon ltuilA Hill entitled, an Act to amend
way Company, Limited.
Uhapter Zi, Acts of Will, entitled, 1111
Also, with amendmenta r
Act 1'(1specting the Hullfnx and South
A Bill entitled, an Act 1-eHpl'C,ilng \Vest.em Hallway.
cei-taln h111d!11Llld proptll'ty right.s near
Thll following Bills, amended, were
Point Pleasant Park, in tlw Cit.y of read a third tim« urn! sent to the
Halifax ;
House of ARHC'lll hly fo1· coneurrence e
A Bill entitled, an Aet, 1·us1wct.ing A Bill 1•11titlml, nn Act to amend
the CILJ>e Breton Coal, h-011 and Hail- Chapter 17.J, Acts of lllO:J, ent.itled, an
way Company, Limited, u eouipuny Act to tucorporate the City of Sydney
incorpcrated by Chapter 110, Acts of and umendiug Acts:
181.15, entitled, 1111 Aci to Ineorporute
A Hill ontitlcd, 1111 Act to amend an
Um Cape Breton Coul, Iron 1111d Rail- Act entitled, an Act to en11h]11 the
way Company, Limited.
Town of 8holbume to ue1111h't', install
'l'hese Bills were severnlly read a und operate 1111 Electric Light System·
seeond tim11 and eonuultted to comA Bill entitled, an Act to enable th~
mittee of thu wholu House.
Tuw11 of Shulhurne to grant a bonus
Bll,L8 IN cmnll'l'TEI~.
aml exemption from taxes for u Cold
8tm·n~e Company ;
On motion of Hon. l\k. lllACK, the
A Bill untitled, an Act tp enable the
comwil res,ilvod itsulf into committeo Town of Anuapnlis tn grant exempof the whr~le Honse on Bills; Hon. tlons to Nova 8cotiii Clay \Vol'ks
:'Ill'. LEBLANC in t,he chnil',
The following Hille were rend clnus11
hy clause nnd pnssed :A Bill entitled, nn ·Act to enable the
Hnn. llli·. AlmHTIU>NO,Chairman of
t.,wn of_ New Glas"IIW to bm·i·ow tho Select Committer on Bills, l'eportn
t•d np fnvol'llhly:
money for lh'tl equipment.
A Uill l'lltitled, 1111 Act to validate
A Hill entitle1l, ILll Act to ameml Uw appointment of David Hert.aux nu
C111111ter 27, Acts of 1012. l'ntitlt•d, an 111"hit,rnto1• in King'H County.
:Act respecting tho Halifax and Hnuth
AIHn, with umendmentH:
\Vost.em Railway Company.
A Dill entith•d, 1111 Act fm·lhc>1· l<1
Also, with amendments:n.mrnd Chapttn· 181 of the Acts of 1002,
A Bill entitled, nn Act to n11U101'ize and othm• Acts 11,lnting to the Amthe municifality of tho County of hm·Ht Boot nnd Hhoo Company, LlmUnmberlam to g1·ant n. sum of $~ in it-Od ·
uid of Cumberland County fair.' .
•. · A 'nm ontltlcd, nn Act to inc1l!'porThe ci,mmitte11 adjoumed nm] the ate the Atlantic Loan Corpor·ation.
Bille p11,11.sed in committee wm·e repo1·tThese Bills were soverally read &
Pd up.
second time and co111mltted to Com•
mittee of the whole Honse.
1'ho following Bill W
rend II thil·d
t.ime and finally pass :
A Bill entitled,
1 Act to. amend
Chapter 102. Acts f 1003, c>ntitled, an
Act to amend a
consolidate the Acts
relating to the Sta1·r M1mufnctm-lng
Company, Limited.
On motion of Hon. M1·. M.,cK, tho
<'otmcll o.djourne<l until to-monow,
Wednesday, the 7th day of l\lny, at
throo o'clock in the afternoon. .
The House of Assembly, by 111essng1,,
informed this House that It had passed
the •following Bills, In whinh It desired the cnnc111•1-ence of this Honom··
able House:
A Bill entitled, an Act w provide
for Betterments of Highways;
A, Bill entlth•d, an Act w amend the
Nova Scotia Ton:r.erauce Act;
A · Bill entitle , an Act to amend
.. I
. -·----·-----·-·
'4----····--· --
- ~- --.~ -- . -· -·
_ ,..
~ ~--··-~- ·---,.::;-.
. ---,-- ., ....
;· ... ·;. -----·--·--·--·-·-··
... --·--· .... :···-··--·--···
····---·---··--- ----··-· -· .•... _,_ ' . -
__ ,. __ ..:.__.::..._~ -· . -·-·
.. ~--- ,·· .·-----··--------'~--4--,---'-·---·-l...""----
. .._
Ohapte1· 10, Acts of '101~ the llame
Act, 1012 ;.
A Bill entitle!l, an Act rcRpectlng
J1111tlcr111' Cmutli In ttu, City of Halifax;
· A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to,Constltnto
the Commons Dmhu,gu '!'1·aet of
A Hill entitled, an Act to ame111l
Clmptt,r l, Acts of 11112, t•ntiUetl, 1111
Act to 1Lnieml and consolltlate tlm Acts
1·olating to CJoHt.>I and Ftwll;
A Bill r,ntitle<l, an Act to authol'ize
lhe Town of ,vimlHor to eu•mpt tho
CJ1111solida1,t,'tl lk111lr•1·i11g Company,
Limiu,tl, f1~un taxation;
A Bill t•ntitll'tl, 1111 Act lo enable tl111
Towh of Middleton fm·thm• to b01·1·ow
111nney for 1-!e,,•tll'ngop11qH111e11.
'l'lu.se Bill11 "c1·0 lll'Vt'l'!Llly 1·eutl a
fh'llt t.imti 1rnd rt•fon·ed, the lirl'L six to
tho Counnitteo on Law A111t•mh11t>ut",
und the In.Mt two to tho 8t'!ect Commit
tetl Oil BiIIH,
Ah:111, that Uwy havo 11g1't'ed to the
nt11eml11w11t1< made by thiH Ho11011r1Ll1lc
Houso tti the· Bill11 on ti tied 1•e11pt"<l·
A Bill t•ntitlcd, 1111 Act to lncorpm··
ate the CJape B1·eton Golf Club, Lim•
A Bill ontitl, tl, 1111 Act to ame11tl
Ch1111te1· 10, Acts of 1012, an Act t·eepcctlng l\hmicipal 8nnlt11ri1111111;
A Bill entitled, an Act to enable tlw
iuhabitnnts of Berwick h>11ul1plytht'III·
seln1s with 11t•wc1·age, ehict1· c l~htlng
all!l water fo1· do111c11tlc, fll't' an otht!l'
'J'HUJUll>AY, 8th )lay, 11)13,
'!'he Council met at a p. 111.
'J'hu following Bill Wtl.8 r,•ud I\ thil'tl
time and lhmlly p.w;sed :
A Hill t•ntitll'd, an Act l'f'spectin~
the !:lnlvati,,n Army l\lutt•l'llitj· Ifo11p1IALI.
'fhll followlnl( Hill", Ullll'U!lt1d,WOl'C
l'l•nd 1, third I i1110 ILIHI ~i,11t to the
llou11e of ANse111hly fo1· COIIClll'l'llllCtl :
A Bill entith•il, 1111 Act to anll'ml
Cbnplet· 113, HevitmlSIALtutt•11,lOOO,'l'lw
l'ilul'l'ie,l \Voman'i< Drt•tls Act o.1itl Acl.8
in ami,uthm,nt tiwn,of;
A Uill entitil•d, 1111 A1·t t'l'8JH'cling
tlw V11pe lll-elnn Coal, lron and Railway Ct,mpany, Limited, n company i11co1'po1·uh.'1l hy ChupttJr 110, Aclt! of
18U5, entitlL"<l, an Act to lncol'!JOl'Ah•
the Cupe Jli'et,m Coal, l ro1, llntl Rull·
way Company, Limited.
1111,1..fl IN' CIUIMITTlm,
'l'he 111111>1,• of AHRembly, by llll'&RO,ge;
On motion of Hon. 1\11·. !\[ACK, the
Council 1·e"olvud it8elf inti', (Jo111111ittce infomwd I hit< 1111111<0 that it bad pas11e1l
of the whole Ho11su on UillH, Hon. Mt•, tho following IJIIIH, In which it llt'Hil't'tl
thu co1w111·1·"11c,, of thi11 llonouro.hh•
0111'\11.'Lt In the d111it·.
1'he following Bll111 Wt'l'O nmd clause 11011110 :
A Bill Pnt,ith•d, 1111 Act to amend
by clUIIHll !Uld \lll881'fi:
A Hill eutitlt'd, 1111 Act l'Pt<pucting Ohnpts•!' 8\l, Art~ of Ull l, t•ntlth'tl, 1111
tho 8alvatiou Am1y l\111Wl'Uity llm;- Act Ul e1111hlu thl' 'l'own of Yul'llumth
to bor1·ow money ;
A Hill entitie1l, 1111 Act to amend
A Bill enUUetl, an Act to amend
Chapter 111, Acts or 1011, entltlt>d, 1111 rn111,1te1· U, Acts of 1007, The l\lou,1·
Act to incorpomto the Blomhlon Hail- Y1•l11cle Act;
A Hiii tmtitlt~. nu Act to amend th,•
way Company, l,i111ited;
A Bill eutltltd, an Act to amend Novu Scui,in ,v111•kme11'e Compeo1a•
O~J}ter 160, Act~ of 1010, 1'he Mah1111e tloo Act.
Theae Bille were 11everally rt>AAJ 11
Ba Water Supply Act.
· ,
flt'Bt time and referrd, the flrat to th6
!so, with amendmenti.:
A Bill entitled, . an Act to amend Select Vommltlt•o on Bille and the
Ohapter 118, Revllllld Statutes 1000. other two h> the Oommhtet' 011 Law
the Married \V11111a11's D00d11 Act, and Anu,ndments;
Also, that they lmvr, agreed to a Bill
Acf.11 In a111emlme11tthel'llof:
A Bill entltfod,. an Act 1·eept'ctlng pllllsed hy thi11 hononrahle Honse enthe Oo.pe Breton Coal, hon and Hail· titil>tl, ."" Act to a1~1e11d Chapter 70,
important duties they . have to perform.
Aleo, that thev have al{l'OOC), with .. A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
cert.ain amend111ei1t, · to a Bill po.stied
by this Honourahle Ho11He entitled, an Act, 1012. .
Hou. !\Ir, MACK-The Bill makes a
Act to ratify p1·ocuedi111(11 of the JU uniclpal Council of the CJounty of Cape 1111111be1·. of fol'mal changes In the
Game Act which have been eonsldered
On naotiou of llon. ~h·.A1tlllflT1toNu, 1111 the dlreetlon of greater efficiency
and simplicit,y in tho working of the
the amendnu,nt was agreed tA>,
Alli<>, that they have ag1-ecd to the Act. There is o. new ftlature or two ;
amendment p1'0po11ed hy. thiH Honour- one is in Sectlon 3, which provldes
able Ho1111e, wltb an additional amend- that 110 person shall take any fox or
ment to a Bill entitled, ai1 Aut to fur-heui-ing animal from any burrow
amend the law rehiting to tlw Oity of 01• den by 11111oking 01• digging, 01· by
any other 111ea1111 whatsoever, I supHalifax.
On motion of 'the Hon. l\h-, A1m- 11mie that is only the extension of the
t1TRONO, this Bill WWI l'tlCOllllllltted to pafociple that, every man's house is his
custle, and extending' it to the fox 1.11d
the Select Vonunltlt'e 01~,~Ji1111.
othet• fur-beaving' auiumla, which does
not appear to be unreasonable,
A good. deal of opiltion,
· Hon. \h-, l'ilA<'K. Ohalr111nn of the
-ovisiou, and it
Committee 011 Law Amendments, l'e· was made to tbut
represenported up favorably :
A Bill entitled, .. 11 Act l't'~pccting ration, which had its weight with the
Justices' Court8 in thP Oity of Halifax ; committee, tha1, similar lo;;{it1lntionl'X•
. A Bill e11t,itlt1d,1111 Act to co11Htit11te isted elsewhere, and in vartous eounthe Vo11uoom1 D1·ainagH 1'mct of trles provision o( this kind exist,,
, There is provlslou in the Bill fol' mMa1'Bh;
A Bill entitlt•d, 110 Act to providt, ,~pi,ction or ranches which Ul'O about to
or have been eatablished throughfor Bettem1ontll of HighwayH;
A Bill entltletl, an Act t.o 11meaul ouL the Province f(lt• the preservmg
Chapter 1, Act11 of 1012, eutltled, an nnd breeding of £111·-bearing animals,
Act lo ault'llll and con1101idau,tht• Acts p11rtic11lm·lyof foxt•H ; und some provlslon is made fo1• a pe1•111it-that with
rnlatlng to Costs arnl lt't,et<.
Hon. Mt•, 'MACK-I may H1Ly in 1·t•- u pe1'111it from the Uhlef GmueOorngaru to the last-111entl~111tid Act that it.>! ruissioner the taking of such' animals
1'1-ovlslons relate to ce1·to.i11 pmpm1ed iH permitted by hox traps 01· modificacbaugee in the 11chedule of Hhel'ilf«' tion of the suuu- for the pm-pose r,f
l<'oos as touching the ·County of Hali· p1•1•se1'vi11g uud IJl'eeding the11eani111al11.
P1·oviHion is made fo1· a email ft>e lo
I have to exp1·est1 my very 11tmug be paid the co111111is11io11e1· 11nd, In 1·e\'egret that the l311l 111akes110 p1·,,,·isio11 tum, im1pection, lthiuk, is given, and a
for such change In the foes aH woultl 1 m·taln degrt.·e of legit1lati ve protect10n
h1•ing tho sheriffs' fees in seveml of the to those who~u·e engaged in the indus~
1111alle1· counties to o. minimum that trv.
\Ion. M1·. DuuAIMOND-1\light I ask
would, be IIIOl'tl co111mcus111·ute with
the duties of those officel'tl and tho dig- what this inspl'ction is fm· i'
Hon M1·. MACK-I do not think It is
nity of the office of sheriff, It is very
much to be 1-eg1·etted that In several entirely for thfl benefit of the Inspecof the emaller counties, where the1·e is tor. I gathe1· from the remarl.s of the
little litigation, the 11horlff,., at. the Ohlof Game Oo111misslo11e1• It ie con•
preaeot moment, notwithstanding all eide1·ed advisable that there should be
tbe vu-lous obligations of tbeh· office, , in,pection of these mnches, and a cerand the reati·alnt with reKard to tl·ade tain amount of care 11,11 to what 111 going
and other conditions lmJlOet'd on theee 011. J1111t what the pm·pose to b,, con•
Important oftlcere. do not receive that celve1l ie, the boo, geutlcruao fioom
remuneration which I think they are Swllarton perbafs Is in as good a poel•
entitled tq, and I slncea·ely hope that tlon to judge as am my11elf, He bad
at a later date It will be pu11&ible to the benttflt of haal'ing t-he explanation
r,ut the 11herltte oC. these c01111tie1 In a oftheChief OameCommissionet• befol'e
position 11101·0 compatible. with the the Committee, and 110 doubt he le u
ilignit,y thr,y have to 11ustam and the co.wpetent to d1·awhis ow~ couclu11ion,
Uevlsed Statutett, 1000, The Municipal
way Oom111my, Limited,· a Company
Incorporated by Chapte1• 110, ActK of
1896, eutitietl, un Act to h1co1·11oro.te
the Cape Breton Ono.I, h-011 nm Hailway Vompu.rar., l,lmitod ;
A Ulll entttled, nn Act t·espwling
ce1·to.in Lnnd11 an,l P1"0p1•1·ty HlghtB
1,e11.1· Poiut Plc11111111t P11rk, In the Olty
of Halifax.
1'he Com111ith'I' mlj11111·11etl, and tho
BillH {msscd in Committee were rt•porte, up.
Un motion of Hon. Mr • .MA<'K, the
Council mljonm1•d until to 11101·1'0\V,
'l'hua·Ndo.y, the 8th d11y of May, at
tl11·ee o'l'lock in Urn afte1·1111.on.
... ·:: --,0-
-···~--·-·#-·.•- '··-·
--,,· .... · ·, I
.. '··;····~-
any other member of the
would Judge
It must be for some purpose. He hM
to, Inspect a busluess about which he
knows nothing. 111 there any person
In Nova Scotia who dol's? Have we
not to get men fmm Prtnc« 1<:dwal'd
IKland P How, then, IH the Ohic•f Gume
Unn1111i11Sionor to know anything of
value 11IMJ11t fox fal'll1ing? \Vhat are
the fees fo1· i' Ami dous the hill apply
to the fox farms ah·t'ady t•et,,bliHllt'd
in the Provlnce.P
Hon. :&Ir. MACK-I think the fops
are 80 very amat] that no one who Jll'l>·
poses to eHtahliHh the l11d11At1·y could
honestly or conseientlously 01• confiiMt•
ently 1-esi.t tho paynu-nt, A c••1·tai11
amount of protection is accorded thuse
who enter on tho Industey. It is pro-v
vided that no person shall approach
within 11101·t• tl11u1 a cl'1·tain specified
distance of. th,, fenrl'!l m· IM111n1ls of tlw
ranl'hes in whlc,h tho foxes a1-e kept.
It i11111'0posed IA:• cil'culate Jiu,rat111'l•,
11nd u11 fa1• as poHsihh• to gi\'.o whalA:•vel'
· aid 11111ractical in the judgment of tht!
Chief Game Comml!16ioner IA:1 thoHt•
who are engaged in' tlu, i111h1stry. I
think my hon. friend Is pm·haps hard·
ly justilled in hie statement UH to tho
absolute lack of knowledge on the pa1·t
of the Chief Oanw On111111IHBione1•, I
think ho has recuntly become mm·u 01·
less inte1·oeted In the imhu,ll•y of fox
ranching and perhaps has leaped to
the conclusion that he, anti ho 11lo1w,
b1 In po!llleflllionof all tho knowlecll{ll :
but no doubt th11 Chief Ganw Commls11iom,r would dltfe1· from him.
. Hon. M1·. DnllMl'fONI> : 'fhe lutt,.n•
N•ma1·k Is sca1'l,ely\v11rthy of the Chair•
man of the Uo111111itl-t•o,, I might l'l'·
taliato In kltul hut I fol'lll'al'.
\Vlwu I said wu had no one in this
Province· that umlerslA:>od about thu
husilll'611I inclmll'd myself, 1111 one who
knew nothing. The hon. mcmlwr•'e rl'·
marks, therefcll'o go for nothing.
atiked to kuow the nature of the iu11pectlon fo1· which thu fee ie chargNl,
The hou. chail'llian has passed tho Bill
11.nd cannot tell us the nature of tho In·
epectione; the report la co.ntra1•y to the
ftndlng of the committee last night,,
and .wu altered after receiving some
ohaervatlons · from the Chief Gamo
Hon, M1•. MA<'K : I do not think the
rmna1·ke of tho hon. gentlenian from
~t.P.llal'ton al't• wa1·1·anted. He WllJI
pre11t1ntat the 111Peting of tho commitl)nuMJIOND-1
--- . --,============
tee to-day when my report, as jllst
mane, WM j11st1Hedand agreed upon,
and I am very much 11.11ton1shed that
the hon. gontlenum il{llfll't!!lVohmtarily
and wit hnut till, 11hghte11t eJCCIIIIO 01•
jnstillcation, the delibernte hearing today, and makes his statement on what
was 1ll'h,1·111it1Pd upou Yl'HWJ'\lay.
Hun. 1\h•, D1tUMAIONI,: I make thi11
statement, thut a111P111h111'nts wore all
ruadt• hi..% night and I left with the 1111dPrstamling the Hill had finally passed,
111111 yt•t it wus re-opened to-day In my
Hon. l\h. MACK : Yes, I may say
tlw decison of the Counnltteeaerlved at
yc•sterdny is hy 110 llll'BIIH BK the Law
of the Medt•s a111l Pt•rsil\11111 that it will
not pet-mit, of l'lWOIIHidt•1·ation or revision ; and the Committee were well
within theh- l'ightH in 1-ec1,nslderlng
the case · to-day and in heatfoJl the
Chief Oiunu Co111111iHHio1wr. As to tlw
knowledge, nf th1, Ghit,f Oanw Com111lssio1lt'r, I lmv., not the ellghkbt
doubt ht• 1111s 1mftlcll'11t knowledge to
justify hit< po~ition iu thl' office. I
think, and I 11p1mk within tht• hearing
of all Urn 11w111h1•1·11 oC tlu, Uommlttee
on Law A11w11d11wnt.~. ancl of any other
memllerH of this Houso who are
equally intelli!(ent, 111111 who art.•
equully 111 a prnntion with him to know
what did ocum· a11ol ditl not occ111•, ancl
not a i,inglu one will H11ppo1·t hi111 lo
hh1 cnnt.ention IA:1-duy, that the re•
JIOl't h1 npl, in until't, ncco1'll with the
1leciHl011 of t.lw Commlttcl',
Hon. Ml'. lhm~UIONI>: I i;ay it was
not the finding of the Committee last
ulght wlwn tho Hill WllH s11p11011ud to
havu gout• tlmmgh. If this ii! prope1·
tl111n any Bill can ht! h1·011ght again
mul l't1<:011~itlm•c•d, on the app icatinn
of nny Jlt'l'l'On.
Hon. Mr. MACK : Tlw Committee
Unally deei1lt•1l thiH morning. and it is
in accot'lla11c1• with that decision I
have macle my l'l'Jltll'l.
Hon. l\h-. Am1sT11oso, Uhairman of
the 811lect Commltt.e(• on Bille,.1'Cpott-'
eel up favorably:
A Bill entitled, nn Act to a9thorlze
tho Town of Wlnde111· to exempt the
Consolidated Remlt,rlng Company.
Limited, from taxation;
entitled, an Act to enable the
Town of Middleton fnrthl'r to borrow
money for 66Werage purposes;
Also, with amendments :
A Bill •mtltlt•d, an Act relating to
the Town of Darf.luuuth.
Tht'tle BlllH wt•1·e 11ev1•1·ally 11ead- a
lion. l\fr, A1rnHTll1>NH, clmil·man of
Uw St•lect <Jmnmittl·u ou llills, ropo1·t.ud tlmt tlw committee l11L1l had under
rt•cunsidomtion the following Bill, to
which t.his House mado amoudmont
with which theHousP of AHsemblyconcul'l'ed, with 11d1litinn"I m11011d1111mt.
'l'ho cnmmilteo 1~·co111111cntl thnt this
Homm do unt couc111· in the additional
umundmm1t ti.1 tlw lilll, t•ntitled, an
Act to a1111•11tl the Law r·elatiug to the
City of Halifox.
On motion, tlrn l'OJIOl't of the committee wa11 udopted.
IIILLR IN COM!lll1'rlsB,
On motion of Hon, lllr. MACK, StanclOn motion of lion, l\fr, MACK, 8ta111l· ing Or1le1· No. 65 WM suspunded, as
ing Order No. 65 WB6 s1111pe11clet~ as t't•siwcts the thir"<l reacliug of Bills,
'I he folli1wi11gBills we1·e 1·ead a thil'd
1-etiptict.ll the Bills n•atl a et•cond tune
t,hi11 clay, and the Council resolvecl it- tinm and f11111lly passed :
A Bill entiUocl, an Act' to V,aliclaw
Helf Into Cmnmlttco of the wl111.lu
Honse on Bille, Hon. Mr. 1..eHlauc 111 the Ap\1ointuw11t, of D1wid Ba1•ta11K;
A Bi I entitled, au Act to amend
tlw clmh· :
1'he following Hills WOl'tl 1·,•ad clause Ch11pte1· 1, Auts of -JOl2, entitled, an
Aut to 11111011d and consolidate the Acts
hy cla11eo a111l pnt11wd :
A Dill ontitll'd, an Act to Valulat.e rl'l11ting tn Costs 1111tl Feci:1:
A Bill entitled, m1 Act. to ameucl
the ApJ>ointnll'nt of David Dar·taux,
0111,pte1· lU, Act11 of Ull2, the Game
nn Arlntrato1· in Kings County;
A Dill entitled, an Act to umend Act, 1012;
A Bill rntitl1•d nu Act respecting
Ulmpter 1, Acts of 11H2, cn~itled, an
Act to amend and co11H11,hdati., tho .J u11ticl'H Oo111'l11 in the City of Hali·
Atit.~relating to Co,tB a111.l I• t'OH :
A Bill t•ntitll'tl, 1111 Act to Const1tut,.1
A Bill entitled, an Act to u11w111l
Uha11ter 10, Act of 1012, the Game Act,
A Bill Pntitlud, an Act fo1· Bt•ttm··
, ' ·
A Bill entitlecl, 1111 Act rt•t1pectmg 111mt1:1 of Highwa)'B,
The following Bill, nuwnded, was
.h1Htices (Jom·tB in Urn City of Huli!nx?
A Bill cutl~lecl, an Act t.o co11~t1t.111A:, 1·1•11tl a thil'll time and seut to the
t he0011111111nt1 DrninngoTr·nl't of l\luri:h : Houi;e of Ai,;se111 hly for couc111·1'llllCe :
A Bill entitled, an Act to pmv1de · A Pill entitled, au Act 1'Csp1•cti11g
rert11in Lancls ancl Pl'opel'ty Right11
for Bettennont.s of High way1:1;
A Bill entitled, an Act to authm·1zc 1~l'ar P(llnt Pleasant Park,.in tho Uity
t.ho Town of \Viudsor to exempt the of Halifax.
OonHolidat.ed He111fol'iug Couniany,
Limited, from taxation.
Hon. i'\lr. McNEIL, Chah'man of the
A Biil ontlth•f.l, 1111 Act, t,., onahlo the
on Public Accounts 1·epo1·ted
Town of Midclletou f111·the1· to bol'l'OW Committee
tlmt the joint committee of the Leglemoney for sewe1·ago p111·poaos ;
l"tlvo Council and House of Assembly
Also, wlt.h amendments :
examined the Public Accounts of
A Bill entitled, au Act relating to had
the P1·ovince for tho year ended Sep•
tho Town ·of Da1·t,111outh ;C'
tembor 80th, 1012, and had fo1111d the
A Bill entitled, an Act f111"th111· to vouchel's satisfactory. He pruel'nted
amend Chapter 181, Acts of lOO'l. and the repm•t of thl' Committee,
other Acts lillating to the Amlw111t
On motion of tho Hon. :&Ir. McNE'l,
Boot and Shoe Company, Limited,
tho 1·epo1·t was received and adopted,
A Bill entltlecl, an Act to inco1·porOn motion of lion. Mr, MACK, the
11t-0 the Atlantia Loan Cor·pm·atlon.
Council adjonl'lll'd until to-111or1'0W,
The coJumittee atljoumetl and the Fi·iday, the \Ith day of 1\lay, at three
\ Hills pruised 111 committee we1-t• l'O· o'clock In the afternoon.
po,rted up.
. ..
:ccond tlnm aml committed to Com·
111ittoo of the whole 110118('.
Hon. Mr, AnM~Tl«)!'W, Chairman of
tlw Select Committee on BillH, l'C(!tll't·
ed that the Oummi•tco had exam11ll'tl
a Bill entitle1l, an Act to incol'pnrat••
t.he Halifax S11l1111·han 'l'l'ILmway Uom•
P"ny, Limit.eel, n111l 1·l•C0111!1w111led that
this Bill be dt't'1•1·1·t·cl th1H tiny tlm!e
Hon. Mr. A1nrATI,to1m-l 11111y s~y
t.hat the pa1•ti1•H pro111nti11f(, Uw Bill
are not clcsil'one that the Bill he flll'·
tho1· consicle1'Ctl nt this ~t·Hsion.
On motion, the rt•port of the Co111111ittce was adopted.
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. I -·
... : .
. . ..
I<'nmAY, llth !'tiny, 10111.
Tho Council
mut at 8 p. 111,
·1'1ie following Bills wen, rend 11 third
tlt1111 and finally \HIHHl,d :
A 'Bill t•ntlth•d, nn Act to uxt•mpt
Barhntll' B"1H ft-0111 t11x11t,in11 ;
A Bill eut itlt•d, !Iii Ac•t lo incol'IIOl'lllu
Ath·1111t•e Hull, 1%1m·bauk, I nlifax
A Hill eut.it.led, nn Act to nmend
Ohnpter 74, A1·tH uf 188'l, entitled, an
Act to inco!'pomlt• tho Grund Uouncil
of Urn Pmvinelul Workmen'» Association: .
A Bill ontltled, nu Act l'CHJwcUng
the Chn1·lel' of the Oily.of Hnlifnx I
A Hi11 eutltled, 1111 Act to 1111thm·lzc
the Town of \Vi11tlt1or to exumpt the
Co11Rolitlatt•1l Renderlng (,umpnny from
t11x11tio11 ;
An Act t,, m111hlo the Town of Mldtllcton furthl'I' to IK11'1~1w money for
Hll\\'l'l"lll,{t' l'lll"JlOHUH,
The fol owmg BillH, a111e111led, were
read a third tlnw n111l sent to the
II uuse of AHSBIII hi y for co11c111·1·t111ce :
A Bill entitled, nn Act to euabl« the
Oily of Hydm•y to erect, c<111ip n111l
muiutain II Public Hospilnl in snld
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act t.o incor1101·ntu
tho L111wnb11rgFit1hc1·111e11'H Hui cf Assoeintion ;
A Hill untltltid, an A<'t relnting to
tlu, Town of Dn1·t111011th :
A Bill ent.itled, nn Act furthl't' t,1
amend Ohnpter 181, Acts fif 1002, and
otlwr Acts 1·Plnting to tho A111hert1t
Hoot and Shem Oompnny, Llmlted s
A Bill t>lltlth!cl, nn Act n,,thol'izing
tho l'tllmicipnllty of t Im County of
C11111be1·l111ul to graut n sum of $2.wl in
uid of 011111l~•rl1111d Oo1111ty 1"11it·.
Hon. l\fr. AIUHl'fllONO, Chail'llmn of
th<' Select Commltke on Bills, 1·eJl()rted up fav1ll'ably :
· A Bill entitled, an Act to l«'gallso
and conllr111 tho Aesr~Rmeut R{•ll of
the Town of New Glwgow fo1· 1018:
A Bill entitled, 1111 Act to conHrm
.. ,, and leg,,ll~e the Aijecsement of the
l Town of Dominion :
A Bill entitll'd, an Act to amond
Chapter 89, Acts of 1011, l'ntitled, an
Act t.1 onablo the Town of Ynr111011th
to ll()t·row money,
Ahm, with amumhnents:
A Bill entit!ed, 1111 Act tn amend
Chapt-Or 11, Acts of 1011, of Street
Salurdar, th1.1 10th day of May, at
On nmt.lon of Hon. Mr. J\IACK, elevtm o clock i'l the foreiloon.
Standing Order No. 65, was snsponded
8ATUJU>AY1 10th May, 1918.
als respects I he Bil111 1-ead II s1·cond
Tlw Council met nt 11 a. m.
time thlR day, and tho Council 1·esolvcd
ltaelf into Co111111itteo of tho whole
llouse on Bill~, Hon. Mt·. Col'bett In
The Honse of Assembly, by message,
the chair.
lnfol'lued thit< House tl111t it had passed
The following Di1h1 ,vere niad clnuse tho following Bill, in which It desh·ed
by clanlltl and pa,;s11d :
tho cu11cur1·ence. of thi1:1 honorable
A Bill entitlt•d, un Ad to JpgaliHe Hm1t1c:
and confirm. ttm Assessment Holl of
A Bill 011tillcd. nn Act w Lcgallzo
the town of No,v Glasgow fol' 11Jl3:
Jury Panels, At1~essuw11t RollH and
A Bill entitled, au Act to co11fh·111 Reviso1·s' Lists fm· llll3.
and -legatlso the AssctIBmeut of tho
'!'his Bill w1111 1·end II lh·st time an,l
'fown of Dominion ;
W the Committue on Law
A Bill entitled 1111 Act to ame1iil the A1uend1111mts.
. .
Nova Scotia \Vm·kmen'H Compeusa'fhey h,i.vt• nlso ag1'l.>ed to a Bill
t.ion Act;
111111sed by this honomhle Honse enA Bill eiltltlcd, an Act to eu~hle the titled, 1111 Act for the P1·01t1ctio11 of
Town of Yarmouth' to '1101'1·ow money. Trees:
Al&<>, with amemhncnte :
They have also agreed, with ce1·tain
A Bill entitled, un Act to amend amtmdments, t,1 a Bill of this hono1·Chapter 11, Acts of 1011, of Stt'llot ullle Honse, entitled, an Act to amend
Railway Companies.
Chal;lte1·44, AclR of 1007, entitled, an
The Couuuittet• adjnumed, and the Act m rolut,ion t,, the ltegist1·11tlou and
Bills pnssetl in Oommlttco we1'l, 1-c· hltmtiHc11tion of Motor Vehicll's, and
the 11110 of Public Highways by such
ported lmr.··
The c 1air1111111 1-e11nrled f1~1111 the Vehicles, as ainended by Chapte1· 20
Coniinlttee that they bad considet·l'd n of tho Acts of IOU.
Bill entitled, an Act to aumnd Chapte1·
Ou mc,tion, this Bill wus 1·cco111mit<l4, Acts of 1007, the l\fot,,r Vubiclo ted t,1 the Committee on Law ;\mendAct, and had dh·ected him t,1 1·epm·t ments.
and rtlCOlllmcml that 11ald Bill be 1·eAh10, that thl'y concu1· in the lh-st
fel'l'Cd back to the Jlouso fo1· fm•tbor nmemlment., hut do n(lt. concm· in the
Ht•coml a11111111h111·11t proposed by this
On motion of Hon. J\lr. AnMATJmNo: hono1·ahle House to u. Bill entitll•tl, 1m
Ordered that the Hahl Bill he ro- Act to amcnd Cbapl-01· 11, Acts of
cotumltW to the Co111111ittt•P on Law llJll, of SLi"OOt Railway Compa11iet1;
On 111oiio11, this Bill wus 1-c-conn11itted to the Select Oommitteo on Bill~.
On motion of Hon. l'tlr. l'tlA<'K,
Tho following Bills wm·o l'eti<l a thi1d
8tahdlng Ordct• No. 05 was 1mspended
time and finally passed:
BB 1-es~ts the thil-d l'eading of Bills:
A Bill entitled, un Act to i11cl1l·po·
The following Bill11 were wnd a thh·d
time and finally passed :
A Bill entitled, an Act w amend the Limited I
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend
Nova Scotia Wo1·k111en'sCompensation
Chapte1• 104, Acte of 1908, entitled, an
A Blll entitled, An Act to legalise Act to ant.horize the Municipality of
and confirm the AaseBBment Roll of 011111 berland to bo1·row money to liulld
an addition to the Oom·t House, and
the Town of New Glasgow for 1913;
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend fo1• otbe1· pm•po11ee,
Chapter 81) Acls of 1911, entitled, an
Act w enable the Town of Yarmouth
Hon. l'tlr. MACK, Chairman of the
to borrow money.
Committee on Law Amendmcnl.l!, 1-e•
Aleo with e&mendments 1
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend po1•ted that the committee hnd exam•
Chapter 11, Acts of 1011, of Stl'eet lned a Bill untitled, an Aot M amend
Chapter 4", Acts of 1007, entitled, the
ltallway Companies.
On motion of Hon, J\lr. LEBLANC, MolAll' Vehicle Act. He &11id: The
the Connell adjourned until to-wo1Tow, majority of the commltt.e~, I am In·
Hnilwny Companies.
Hon. l\lr. MACK, Chah•man of the
Committeo on Lnw Amendments, 1oe1m1·1Rtl up f11,·om·ably·:
A Bill entitlud, a11 AcL lo amend the
Nova Scotiu \V 01·kmcn'a Compensation
A Bill l'ntitled, 1111 Act to anlllnd
Ohll\>ltn· 44, Acts of 11107, Tho l\lot,,r
Vd11clu Ad,.
'l'lll'SC HillR Wt•l'l' Sll\'lll'lllly. read a
,weo111l t.ime and committed to Committee of Urn wbole lfousll,
'l'he Ho11Ht111f Asm•mbly, hy 111eS1111ge,
i11fo1·111ed thlt1 Hmtt<c th11t it had (l881iCd
tho following Bills. in which 1t de1<irn11 the co11c111·1·1'nc11 of this ho11our11ble HouNO :
A Dill t>ntitlml, un Act to amend
()h11pter II:!, Acts of Hill :
A Bill en tit led, 1111 Act 1·cspecting
tho Lh1t, of Votm·s for Dit1h·ict No. 18,
in tlw County or Kings:
A BIii ,mlitl11d, 1111 Act tt, enable Uw
Town of l11111~port, to OOl'l'OW monoy
t,1 COIIHt1·11ct II t<yHtelll of HeWel'age.
'l'Ju-110 BillH wol'e Hu\'ornlly read n
lh"Ht time 1111,I t't•fon·ed to tho Select
Conunith•c on BillH,
Also, ti111t they havn agreed to Urn
m11e11d11wnt.H p1't•11011Nl by this honom·nhlu Ho11Hti to t 10 HillH t•11titled, re11penli\',•ly:
A Bill entit,lod, 1111 Act to nmend tho
Law 11,l11ting to the City, f H111ifax;
A Bill entitled, an Act 1·eHpectlng
c1,1•tl\i11 L1mds und Pm1wrty Jtigbts
1w111· Point Pleasant Pm·k, in tho City
of lfolifux : ,
A Bill .. utitlml. 1111 Act. t,, amend an
Act P11title1l, 1111 Act to enuhle the
'l'uwn of Slwlh111·1m to 11cq11h·p, install
111111 op,•mtu 1111 Elc>clric Light ayst-Orn:
A Bill 1•11titled, nu Act t,1 ,,nablo tho
'l'own of Slll'llllll'IIO t,1 g1·11nt n boons
111111 t•x,•mption from tuxl•s for a Cold
Storage Company ;
A Bill entitled, on Act to enable the
Town of Annapolis Royal to grant exemptions to Nova Scotia Olay Works,
A Dill entitlod, an Act to enable the
City of Halifax to borrow money 1
A Bill entitled, an Act to am11nd
Ohapter 118, Revle,•d Statniee, 1000,
tho l'tlanied Woman's Deed Aet, and
Acts In nn,nndment thereof 1
A Bill ontitled, 1111 Act to amend
Chaptm· 17<l, Act.s of IOO:J, l'ntitled, an
Act to Jnc01·11111·ntethe City of Sy,lnily,
and amending Acts.
··- -····
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strueted to report,' do uot recommend
iH, whether _the motion U> defer, n.s the
this Uill u1 tho favol'lihle eonslderatiou Committiie reeommend, shall be a~optof the Honse, hut 1-eco111111r111l that it ed 01• whether It, shall be voted down.
be read this d"y three mouths.
Hon, Mt·. Bl~AZLEY-l\lr. Prealdent,
I have boon given to understand that the question of he1n·ing the hon. gentiie gentlemen wJ1n p1·om11tuthis Hill. tlt·111n11 f11>m the other Honse lends to
desire ve1•ystrongly to hnve an •)PP".''· the lm·g1•1· qm,stion of whether we
tnnity of being hem-d, before thtH Btll want to have 11 public hearing in conls finally dispo~etl of i11 this Ul11u11ht•r, m-ction wit.h U1l1< \'l'l'Y Hill.
and tho report, of tho co111111ittl•P iH, '!'
If it is tl<'citlt><l thnt it is desirable to
course, in dlreet, contruventlon ot t heir gini tlw hon, g1•ntlmnnn 1\ heurlng;
wlsh. ,AH a 111attl•1• of co111·tt:sy, m· the evidence of whom will be in supptwhap11vou might suy, of fon· eou- port. of the Bill, then, of course, some
sitlcmtion, I would like to- glve tho of 1111 would like to give tho hon.
gentlemen "_ n oppm·tunit.y ,it l1•111;t of gentlemen p1·t>sent an opportunity of
be!ng heard, anti to uvoid 1111): mis- hem-ing the oth1•1· Hitlr. l\>r11hn111ly,I
npprehemiion, I have concl11tle,l.1t bt•11t p11,poso to ,·oto agniust U10_ Bill, and in
to makl' till• regnla1· 1·epm·t i~ a,·cortl· favor of giving it tlrn three months'
ance with the dm:it;ion of tne com- hoi11t.
mittee but, I t1·11Ht U1at hon gt•ntl<•m,•n
11011. 1111·. l\lcPmmHoN'-lf they have
will v,;u, down tlw motion, th11t i11, if n11y1 hing 111•\\' to lll'ing forwar,l before
they 111-o wiod 1ino111(h u, 11g11,o wi_th the co1111nitteo I, fut· one, nit.hough
the suggestion of ulf1mling l,tl · those tttl1mgly opposl'd u, the Bill, will hnve
who havt' Vl'l'Ysti·ong vil'\\'H in faym· no ohjl'ctin11.
or the policy of thit1 Bill, 1111 opp1ll't1lnilion. lilt-. AIIMll'l'IIONn-ThiH is somety of !ming hea1·d; I wonhl, myi;elf, wh11tof n witle·1111cst.io11,nffoctlng in·
vote ugainHt Um mot.ion fut• the thl'ee tu1·(•Hts in tlilft•1·1•11t, pnt·l.8 of the Promonths hoiHt, anti if thr hon. gu11tlt,- vince. At this 1<tag1• of the session,
men ugt·t•o to that, no harm will IN, tlrn commitu,e was of opi11iim that tbe
done, . nml reuHonuhlo con~itlumtic•n f111·lht•1· 1·011Hidet·iitionof the Bill be
would Im 11how11, hy nlfo1·1lln'7 tlw op- 1fof1•1Ted. Thnt 1·ecommend1Ltion it1
po1·t1111it.Y. sought u, IN.• lll'al'll 111 t'l•ga1·1l now IN.•fo1·t• tho llous,•. ' If the Hm1so
to th,• 8111 at a Inter t1l.t1g1•, anti I wonltl is ><ntisllt•dtho Bill shnultl he defoned,
move th11t it IN, 1·t>c01m11ittA.•d fn1· f111·- the motion now h,•fo1·ntlw House will
thur cnnHid,•mtion of thti (;ommittet>. ' <'IU'I')'.· The l)llt;Htion co.v1w1•tl ~y thll
Tho motion now is th11t 1t be 1·1•atl Bill ,,. d,•ult with by 1:1ty 01'tl111nnce
this duy th1·u1, mont,l;H,
tilsewh1•re. It iH fol' lite city 01• town
Hon Mr. A1nu1TllnNt1 : 80 fu1· UH I to tl,'.nl with it on Utu lines of local
am aw'at'l' this Is tlrn lirHt intimation t•cmdilio11H
.. 'J'he Oity of Halifax, Um
to honomble 111l'mhet'tl of a desit·o for City of 8ydney or tho 1'own of New
11, re·oJ?!lnlug of_tho mattl•r c,,n•1·ed by (ila><l(OW, for in~tnnce, wonl<l bo l)(lttui·
the Btll, Umlet· till' report just nuulo ntlvis,•d.in tho mattm· 1£ It wort' opon
by tho ho110U1·11hleclmit·nurn, tho com- to l 1ich of U11•m to ti·1•at the matl<•r In
mitteo 1·ecommend tlm dl'fol'l'ing of tlmt wny. 1'lw 111mstionof local traffic
the Bill 1'he motion to defer accord- woulil eutt•l' Into till' fmmlitg of each
ingly is'the only 11111.tu•r i111111e1liately (mli111mct•,mul 11101·,, i11U•llig1mtaction
1:alllng fut• action by tho Ho11se.
eonltl ,uwol'tlingly l>ti. taken.
, Hon. 1\lr. MACK : Do I 1111derstand House being of that mmd, tho motion
the hon. member to contend thu.t the u, defer tho Bill will necessn1·ily pass.
suggestion made is out of order P
Hon. 1\lr. MACK- I feel we inay take'
The PREBJOE:S"T: It isfm· thP Honse mote time In _discussing It he1-e than
to determine whether the Bill shall be In hearing the gentlemen. I have no
recommitted to the Committeo.
particular interest one way or the
Hon. Mr. MACK : If the motion Ul other. I have been inf,ll'tned that In
defer this Bill pnHsee In the afflm111tl\·e the popnlons city of Montreal the rule
then that dhtposee of It I on the other is rigidly cnrl'ied out: ytn\ muRt stop
hand If It la voted down It afforu& nn your 11.uto If u car st.of!!! to allow pas·
Qppo;tunity for reconsidemtion,
It 11engers to got off, There waa 1ome
iJi not n ease of llef1w1·lng it on Its u1lsnpp1'llhenslon, and I ouggeeted a re•
merits • by refort-inl{ the BIil hnck to hearing.
the c01;,mitu,e it g1vm1 them an opHon. !\Jr. AnMBTIIONo-1 am lnptll'tnnity LI> hem· further. evidence.
fur111e1l it ts a city 011lin11nceIn MonHon. 1\lr. AnM1:1TIIONO : Tho point t1-eal,
Hun. l'tla·. l'IIM'K-lt IH rom1idered justicll ho done the counh·v tliMtrlet11
of Um Provinr.e.
Hou. Ml'. A101H'r110Nu-The Bill he·
'J'lw moti1111 l>t•ing put hy the Presifo11• Um Hmtso dtll·H 1101, aim tll he a dL•nt,, thnt 11 Bill t•nt itl1•d, 1m Act to
11nH•11el Ch11pl,t•1• 4-l, AcLt-1 · of UI07, the
c·il,y m'llinance.
Hon. l\l 1•, .MA,,Pu t:IIHON·-Y 011 cnnnot 1\lotor V1ihiclt• Act, he defrt'l'ed this
111nko any eompui-ilmu hetWl't'll till' ,ltiy Un,•1• months ; tlwre uppl•1ue1l for
( 'it.v of l\luntn,al 01· that of Hulifox, 01• the 111ulio11-14, nnd againHt it-H.
,111~: u,w11 of Novn Hcotia. l\lontt·u:11 ·Till' Bill wns tlPfo1·1·t•1l 11cc111·tlingly.
is th1·tmgml wiU, 111•oph• 1110,t of tlm
111111. lilt·. Alllltl'l'IIOSII, Ch11it·1111111 of
ti1111• on tlw dtit•f htl'l'elH. lfr1·1• you UH• ~l'll'ct Cnmmitteu on Bills, 1;ep011t1'1111 go alon!(.110111etl11wH
fot· otw h1111- 1•d 11p favorably:
1h·ed y11,11la aml >'1111 won't llll't't 11nyA Bill l'ntitfocl, 1111 Act t'<'Hpecting
lw11ly. 1'he1·1• IH 1111 co111pu1·si1111 lw- the List of Votel'H fo1· Di1<tl'ictNo. 18,
of Kings.
1 w1•1'11 l\lnntreal, Hulifax, Hpln,•y 111· i11 tlw Count,va11w111ltne11ts
Also, with
any other town ; tutti it lllllf
he m•c1·~s1u·y i11 l\tontl'tJILI u, hnn, ti-. I tlon t.
A Hi\l m1titlt'd, an Act t~,- amend
know how th1•y get along in N.-w Yt>t·k l )lmpll'l' 112, Acts of }I)) I ;
A Bill 1mt.i1 lt•tl, un Act, t9 enable the
'wlwrP tl'llllic is mot·t> co11g,•st.1•tl ; hut
t lwy do Kot 11lonK I hl•t·e without a11
Act o( this kintl, I um not ol'pll8l'd to to c,m,tt·uct a H)'HtPmof sewt•ruge.
'l'heH" Bilh1 ,,·1•111 so\·erully read u
h1•a1·ingthefill g1•11tlt•m1mfor ll\'l• 01• six
111i1111l<•t1, hut) 1ifo oppost•d t,o this Hill. Hecotul time and committl'tl to Com·
lion. l\11·. L1,VArn: - It bus lll'cll mittl•l' of the whole House.
wcll ><Ui<l that if l,his11111He1·i"1·1•op1•11t•1l
1111,1.R IS l"Ol!Ml'l'T~:J~.
it will t.nko u ve1·y wide l'lllll(I'. I um
011 motion of lion. l\11•. l\lAcK, St1111dnot intc1·1,1<tetl in t•ithPl' llnlifox 01·
Hv1l11ey, hut I um intt•t·t•Htcd in the ing 011lu1· No. l~i wus 8Usp1•11detl11111'<;·
t•cnmt,1·vtli11tl·iet1' of tilt' J>r0\·i11c1•, nntl sp,•cl11 Uw Hills n,ntl n socond tinm this
if it IH imdm·tnken to t·ontl'ol Ute 1'1111· tiny, nntl tho Co11i1cil 1·e11olved it11elf
ning of 111111.01· ,·Phil'i1•H in any pnrt, of inlo Co111111itl1•t• of t.lw wholt, llo11t10 on
Nn\'IL Hcotiu I Hhnll c1•1·fninly m1k I h:1t Bills, lion. Mr. l,1,iBl111w in tlw ehnil•.
lhl•Y HhlLII be 1·11111 mllnl ill Uw conntry · 'l'h1• Bilit< 1·1•1ul n H1•1•0111l t,itne this duy
lu somt• c111mLi1•H of thiH w_.. 1·1• Hl'\"t'l'liily_ l't'ILtl cl111tHl' by, cltutHll
l't·ovince, whm·1•peoph, dl'i\'1' miles to n>< _1·1•port.. ,l up hy thu 8elt,d Coiumlt,Ii vim• Wtll'Hhlp,anti t1•th1•1• tlwit· hot'81's tt•t• 11ml p1u-setl.
Thi, Co1111uitkt> mljoume,l 11.n<l tlm
m,1w the ch111·chet1, It, hllll ht't'II known
fo1· men u, go 1·uHhing nlong i11 1111 Bills jlllHHt:il in Commi tteu Wl'l'e t'l'·
1111t,011111hile, blowing thu hol'n, mul m.·· p1Jl'll'1 up.
d1lent1-1 have been ve1·y 11111Towly
The iI1111HI' of Assl'mhly, by llll'8SILgP,
11\"l'l'Wil Oil this LLCCllllllt : llllll it. hntt
ht•lm ILII OJ)l'll tpll·Htion with Hllllll.' infnm1ed this llouHe thut it hnd ngt't!1•1l
( :onndls wlwthe1· tlll'V Hhall nof, ht• to the 1u111•nd11wnts.proposed· by thi11
pl'llhlhited from going into 1.:111111try honornhle llo11sl' to the BillH l'lltitlt>d,
,listrictH wlwrut,hl'l't> llt'I' ltu·g1•d1111·chcs, l'l'H!'l'Cti\"l,Jy:
A Bill 1•11t,itlcd, an Al'l tnt·1111hl1• tlw
1111d peoplu n•·e c1111i,:t·Pl(Utcd · in lnt·l{u
1111111be1"11 on the Hahlmth ,Juy. 'l'iwm City of 8ydm•y to 01·ect, t'(jllip ancl
a Public Hospitul in snit!
un• many other q11e11tions. 'l'hero will
he no renson, if 111oto1• vehiclPs a1·t• to
stop when they uwot IL stt·l'et <'Ur ci~ ~ill ei1,titled, nn Act to Incorpo- •
which hlLll stopped to allow p11ss1mge1·11 l'ntl' tho Lunenlnu·g Flshe1·men'11 Re·
to got off, why that, moto1· \'l'hklt, lief Association ;
A Bill 1mtitled, nn Act to autho1'1zt>
Hhould not stop when goin~ through
the connh•y 11istticts nnd 1t meet.i 11 the l\fonicif ality of the County of
team. Under the law now It ie bnnnd C11mlll'tfatH to grant n sum of $200 In
t.n stop If the driver of the tram mlset1 nld of CnmhPl'laud County Fair;
A Bill 1'1Jtlt-l1•cl, 1111 Act to fm·tlwr
hie hnnd P \Vhy ~houhl the law not go
fm·tber, and whe11 n teum Is s1•en nmond Chnptct· 181, Acts of l!l()'l, and
coming, 1st.opthe nutomohile until thu other 'Acts relating to the Amht>rst
t,•mu hu pUH8(!d. I 1un in fa\•01• of thi~ Boot 11.ud Shoe Compnny, Limited:
Bill gl•tting tho tlu·e,, 111011thH' hoi1<t A Bill ontitl1•d, an Act, reil1wcting
for the110 renHont-1. If it i11 reopm,.d I tho Cupe Breton Coal, 11'011 ILIHl Hail•
will e1>rt11.l11ly 11111ll•1·take to 1~sk tlmt way Company. Limited, I\ 1:01111mny
I ,
·1 ····1-"· --- ~
-"i -.----·--,-------····.--~---
-~----~·--·-·-· "·--- ........ ~ -- . ····--··------'
....... ~. --
r--·~ .. L ...... J •. --
incorporated by Chepter 110, Aclll of
1895, entlth,cl, 1111 Act to luc111·pol'Ute
the Capt• IJ1-eto11· Ooul, h·on 1111d Railway Oo111f1any, l,imite,l.
On mot 011 of Hon, Mi·. l\lAcK, thll
Coun<lil ad_jo111·ned until Mond1Ly, tlw
12th day of l\lay, at olewn o'clock In
the fnl'llllOOII,
:, . ;·
12th :\lay, llll!J,
'l'hr Ooundl 1m•t at 11 a. Ill,
Tho following Uills Wt'l't•1·t-1ul u, thia'tl
timo and finally pm,sml :
A Hill untitlt'd, an Act t't'Hpt•oting tho
L111t of Voter~ for Dish-let No. 1:1, h1
the County of Kings ;
.A Bill untith•J, an Act lo vulitlnt.u
the appointmt•nt ot' 1m A1·hltl'lLt<11· in
King H County.
'fhe follow111g Hill, u111t'111l1•1l, wns
reatl B fhh'tl tinlll Bile! Nl'III, IAI the
Ho11s1• of A11s1,111hly for cmwlll'l'tlllCtl:
A Bill entitled, an Act, t<1 t•nnhh• tlw
Town of Hn11t.i;po1·t hn1·1·ow monc•y
to constrnct a 11yst~·111 of Sl'Werngl'.
On motion of lion. Ma·. AIOIHTltOSII,
a Bi1l l'l1tiUed, nn Act to lncorporntti
the Atlantic V11m Cor/1omtin11, with
amemlnwnls, wns. fm;t. ll'l' IUlll'Utlt•d ns
f111lows: "Hta-lkt• ont tht• wn11l •Atlantic' whem l'Vt•r it 1wcn1·1:i in Uw t.itll'
and 111 the Hill, nml 1ml11<tit11IA• thea•p.
fm· the word 'llnlifnx'." Till' Bill wns
t.lH'n l't•rul a thil·d tinw null lll'llt to tlw
lltHIHIJ of A11..'!e111hly for l'OllClll'l'tHICl',
A Hill ontitled, an Act to amend
Clmpu•1• 107, Acts of 18115, l'lltitletl, an
Act to f ncorporatt, thti Halift.x mec·
tric 'fl'llmway Company, l.huited, and
Acts In ame11tl111l'11t tht>t-eof;
A Hill t•1ttit.l1•1I, au Act to lncorpn·
1·11to J~mnwt Dl\'iHion of t.l1e Ancient
01'lle1·of Hil1t•1·1tll\llHof Halifax County.
· 'l'ht•Hll Hills wm1i fil'\"t•1·1Llly t·ead a
fh'llt ti1111• anti r,,forrcd to the Selt'Ct
Conunittt•P 1111 BillH,
'l'lwy huni 1LIH0 agr1•Pd to the• 1111101111·
llll'llt,H pl'tll'OHt'd hy t.l1is ho110111·1Lblti
Ho1111u to a Hill 1•11tltll'(I,an Act 1·1•lat.ing to lht• Town of Dnl't.mout.h.
n1u. -Tumu n1<:A111so.
'l'hu following Hill wu>11·end a thia'll
time 1Lnd flually \>aH,wd :
A Jlill t•nt.ith•c , 1111 Act to amoml
Clmpte1· ir..o, Act.it of 1010, 'l'ho 1\lnho1w
H1Ly \\'nt.er S11111>ly Act.
lion. l\lr
l\lA.t"K, Chail'lnan of the
Co111111IU1•1• 1111 l.aw Anll'ntlments, l'IJ·
pm·Wd up fav111'ahly:
· A Bill 1•11titlt•d, 1m Act to. lrgaliw
,hll'y P1ull'li<, A~Hl'R!IIIIPllt Jtoll11 and
JfoviHOl"H' 1,ii,,t.8 fo1• JOl3,
A l~o. wit,h n111t•111ll)lent.11:
A Hill t•ptitled, 'l'hl' No\'ll Scotia
Pil·e l1111m·1111ce Act ;
A Bill ruti th•tl, nu Act to umrntl the
Htl\tnt<, IAWH:
A Hill l'lllitled, nn Al!!. t<, amend
the Novn HcotltL 'l'e111pc,1·1111coAct..
'l'he~" Hills wel't' sc•vnally rNul a
;;r.,ond tinu, and co111111itwdto Oom·
lion. :Ma:. AlutRTHONll
Clmil·mnn of rnitt,l'O 11f tht• wholt• Ho1111r.the 8t•luct Uo111rultt<•1•pn Uills, 1•1•portecl Thu Co1111cil then t<mk n 1-ecess.
that thu 1)0111111itteo hilt! 1·1•co11Hnlerecl
,H".fE!INllllN fmHHION,
a Bill, ont.itleil, rm Act to 1L1111•nd Ohap'l'hu Council r,,s1111wd at !Ip. 111.
w1· 11, Act.I; of lllll, of Hll'eet Hnilwar
1111.1.li IS ('O!IUll1'rl•:I~.
Companit•s, to which Hill the Conncil
On motion of 11011, l\11·. MA<'K, Stan<lhad proposed two umcmlnwntll; thn
Honse of Assembly concm·1·ecl in thl' in!( m'tt.!1• No. 115 wu11 ~usptmdt>d BH l'IJ·
fh'Bt amendment, hut tlltl not concm· sf meting t h1• Bill>< 1·1•1ul n Ht'cond time
in tho second ameuclmunt ; the com• t 1isday,m11I tlw Uo1111cil t't·~olved ihielf
mil.tee recommeud that thl11 Hou11uad· into Connuitu•o of tho whole House on
here to lta second amm1dmont, save Bille, Hon. Mr, Uorhdt In the chair.
The Bille 1·ead a second time this
and t1xcept the wm·ds bolJlnnlng with
the word "Pmvitling," m the elxth dny we1·e se\'emlly 1·ead clause by
line. down to the eutl of the clausr, to clause and pass01l,
The committtw a,ljournod and t.he
wblob they do not adhvrn,
On motion, the lwpo1·t of the Com, Dills passed in rommltt.ee we1·0 t·e·
ported up.
mlttee was adopted.
On motion of Hon. l\h·. l\lA<'K, Stand,
Tht1 Honse of A11sombly, hy 111u11,
lial(t', infom1etl thl11 Housl' that it hat! ing ordPI" No. 65 WWI snspt>UdPd 811 rt"
tht> thil,l l'eacling of Hills.,
JIUllHeli the following 811111, ti> which it
The following HillH W<'l'll l't'Ad a·thlt-tl
tle1,1h-ed the concm1·l'e11ceof thit1 honorUu\e and flnnlly pu11st'll:
able Honse :
------·::,+;,T",~,.,--_,_.,., .... -
A Dill entitled, an Act to legalise
Jury P~nols, As11e8ll111011t H.olls and
Havi11m·s Lists foa· 1013: .
A Dill entltled, un Act. lo confirm
~,,c~ log1Llhie Uro A11~es~111e11t of the
r,:'\vn or D<11!1i11io1,,;
The fol!owmK B1l111, amended, were
read u third tiuh.' uud sent to the House
.of Assembly for eoucui-reuce :
A Uill entit.lerl, 1111 Act co amend the
Norn Scotia 'femii1•1·11nceAct ;
A Hill entitled, I'he Novu Scotla Pire
Insurance Act ;
A Dill entitled, 1111 Act to amend the
Shituto Law ;
A Dill eutltled, an Act to amend
Chupter 02, Acts oC 11111.
A Bill eutitled, ~~ Act t,~ amend
Ohapter 44, Act11 of lfJO'i, e1,titl'ed, tho
l\lotor Vehicle Al:l;
The Inst Bill WIL~ refnred to t,he
Co111111it.tee 011 Law Arn .. ndru.;i,t,i,
AIKO, that they have ~rel'ti to the
amendments p1·01)09.,.J hy thi" honouruble House to the Bills entitled
A Bill entitled, an Act to amend,
Chapter- 62, Aete of 11111 entitle,! an
Act reluting to the T,;wn· of ·GIii.Ce
Hay ;
A Bill ent.itled, an Ar:t to amend
C1111phn• 11, Act» of 1911. Of Steeet
Hail way Companie»,
Also, that they have agl't't'li. to th,i
engrossed Bills from this honourable·
HouKC,_ N1titl_ed respective-ly r
A Hill entltlod, an Act to ratify
cn•1linl(H of the Municipal Counc! I oi
the County of Cupe Breton ;
A Hill entitled, au Act to authorize
tho Vity ofHallfux to permit the ereetion nf poles and wires in the Cit.y
The Honso of As11m11bly, by 111e11sag.. ;
informed this HouNo tlmt ith11d ,. >ILRHl•tl
the following Bill iu \Vhich it« esired
t.he c1111c111·1·ouc1• of this ho1wm·11hle
A Dill entitle1l, un Act to 11111uml and
,·onsolidate Clmpt .. ,· l, Acltl of 1000,
1111 Act t.o estabhHh a Bo111·tl of Public
Utility Co111111iHsionu1·N, 1111d Ac.ts in
A Hill entitled, nu Act to prmdtle
lllll<lllllment thel'l,of.
'!'his Hill WllH l'('llll IL fi1·Rt tillll' am! fo1• dcfrnymg CN'l<Lin t•Xl)t?n,;es of the
refm•rcd t,o till' Co111111itt1•i, on l;1Lw Civ!l Go,·1ir11ml•11l'of the Provim!'t!',
waH 1·ead n M'Cond and third tim .. anti·
tinnily pnssed.
mu.- ijg('ONll IU-:AlllSU.
lfon. M1·. l\lACK, Clmil·111an of the
Cummittell on I..uw Anu.,nd111e11tl:i, repm·ted that thn committee lmd had
1111clo1· l'C-con11idl'mtion a Bill entitled,
an Act tll ameml Chnptt•r 44, Acts of
1007, entitled, rm Act in relation to Uw
ltl'glHtration uutl Id, utiflcntlon o(
l\loto1· Vehicles, and the uso of Public
Highways by 1111ch Vehieles, lLII
nmeudtid by Clmpte1· 20, Acts of 1011,
to which t.ho Housu nf A:-se111hly pl'opmied u111mHlnw11tR,'l'he co111111ittcu
1·t'com111e11d11 that this llouHe do not
,·oncur in thu a111e111h11e11ts mnde to
this Blll·by tho House of Assembly.
Ou motion, the repo1·t of the Com•
mlttee was adopted.
Tho Councll then took a recess.
The House resumed 11,t 8 p. m.
Tho House of Assembly. by message,
informed this Honse that It had p1Lt1eed
the following Dills, in which it dt•sh·ed
tht1 oouem'l'<lnco of thl11 honourable
A Hill entltlL'll, an Act to provide
fol' tlefraylng ci,1·talu expenses of tho
Civil Govemment of tho Pl'Ovince:
lion. l\h-. l\lAcK, chaitmlln of the
Co111111itt.el' on L1LW Amen,lments, rep01·t1•1l up favoa·nbly:
A Bill entitled, an Art to·' amend
Uhll\>kl' H, Act..'! of IIJOi, The ]Uotor
Vehicle Act.
Also, with 11111e111l111ents :
A Bill entitled, nn Act to consolidate
aml nnwnd Chu\1te1· 1, Acts of UJOO, an
Act to estuhlis I IL Bo1ml of P11blk
Utility Co111111issione1·s, and Ai.!ts in
unwndnwnt thel'cof.
These Bills w1•1·e se,·e1·ally 1-ead a
secontl tiuw and conuuiltetl to ('0111mitteo of tho whole House,
On motion of Hun. Mr AllllSTROSO,
Standing Order No. 05 wae susptondetl
as 1·e~pects the Bills read a s(•cond time
this <?vening, and the Connell resnl\'~"l
itself into Committee of the wholt>
House on Hills, Hon • .Mr. LeB11111c in
the chair.
, 'l'he Bills t·ead a secoml time thi.i
c,'voning Wl're seve1·ally i:ea,1 clau~ hy
clause and passed.
'l'hu Committee adj,,urner.1, and th11
Hills pW!setl in conuuitteu were 1-e-
I '
I .
~~~----·-----·~----.... ,·.,--,· --
-·----[~:----·-· .....
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.. _ .. ·-·-,.:_, ,._
............. ----··------:"'"
_______ ..=:-_=:---:,
-----·--· - ---·~--
ported UJI,
Hon. Mr, AU>IIITKONO moved that
Standing Ot·tlot· No. Ou be 1msr1mdt>tl.
1111 t'etlpccts the· third reading
o Bills.
Hein. Mt•, BEAZI.KY:
As no 1tood
purpuse will be served by -the 1111sl'l'II·
11100 of Unlo 06 to-night, I object,
On motion of Hon. JIit•. AltMR'rHll!'m,
the Council adjourned until to-morrow,
'l'uesday, the llJth day of May, at
eleven o'clock in the fot<t~noon.
'l'UEBl>A Y, Ulth !\lay, lOJ:i.
'I'he Council met at U a. ru,
Th11 House of Assemhly, hy nWRH&l{e,
Informed this House that it had l1as11ed
the following Bill, in which it , t•Hh<t•d
the concurrence of this lmnournble'
A Bill entlt.led, an Act, to ineorporate
the Glnee Buy Genernl Hospital,
ThlH Bill was rend II llrHt thue and
i-eferred to the 81•h•ct Conuuit.tee on
Also, that t.hey do adhere · to tho
amendmentproposed by them to 1111
engrossed Bill from the I.Rgislntive
Council, entitled, "An Act to amend
ClilLptel' 44, Acts of lll07, entit.le.], '.An
Act in relntiou to tllli Hl'gi,tmtion
am\ ldentlllcntlon of Jllotot• V chicles,
and the IIHll of the Public Highways
by such Vehicles, 11s amended by
Chapter 21), Act11 of 11111: "
On motion, thiH Bill w1111 re-committed to the · Cnmmitt<•e on Law
the inlmhltant.s
of J<::uroka to 11rovldo
them~elve11 with a sy11tt:m of Street
Also, that ,i.hey con1mr In tho nmendments p1·0110St>d hy thi!i hnnom·nbh,
Jlom,e, No><. 2, a, ·•· 6, 8. 0 and 10 · hut
do nut cononr in lllllt'IHl111enls N,;s ]
& and 7, t.<1 n Hill unlit.led, "An Act
1m1oml tho Htut,nlu Law,"
011 motion, this ffill w11s re-co111miu ..... 1 t.<1 Uw Oo111111ltt,e11 on Law
AIHo, that they cm1c111· in tlw 1.m1emlllll'1tts 11ropmmd hy thlH honourabh•
Honse Nos, I and •l, hnt clo not concu,;
in ame111lnw111.1! Nos. 2 mul 8, to 11 Bill
1•ntitll'd, "An Act to inco1·11111·11.te tho
Halifux l,1?11.11 C9t'J10l'lll.in11.'
On llllllmn, thlR Bill wos rn-committl'cl to the Con,mitt ...,e on Law
AIHo, th1,t thl'y concur in tlw amentlllll'nts propoRetl hy thiR hononrabln
House Nos. I am! 2, hut ,lo not concm•
in I he :11~1 umendnll'nt to 11 Hill untitled, "An Act lo 11111e111l the Novn
Scotia 'l'e111p1•1·a11c1• Act.''
~ln motion, this Hi.I WRH re-com1111ttl'd to the CJ,,111111ltt,•e on , I,11.w
Auwnd men tH.
Ill 1.1.Ji--·Tll lllll
Jn:A l>INO.
The n,llowing flills \\'(II'(> t·1•11d a
thh·d tium und thu1lly pn~Hed:
A Hill 1•ntitfod. I!!! Act co 11111(•11d the
lfalifax City Chat·tcr;
A Hill (•ntitlt•tl, nu Ad to amend
Chnplet• 44, Acts of 1007, tlw l\fotor
VPhicle Act.
Tho followill((
11.nrnndcd Wa.'!
Also, that they h11v11 agl'l'l'd to tho t·eatl u thil'cl tmrn amt sent
amendmenta proposed by this honour- Ho11H1• of AH·l'lllhly for COlll'lllTt•nco·
.A Hill t•ntitlt•d 1111 Act to amend a11ti
able House to thl' Dills entitled recon sol id11tt• Chu,1tu1· I. Ads of IIJOI) 1111
t,1 t•11tahlis I u Bmu·d of P11 blic
A Bill (•ntitlt'tl, "An Act to l'tmlile
Utility Com111i~siom•1·s and Aet11 in
the Town of Hantsport. to borrow 11111end111ent
money to eonetruct a system of SewerAJ(e0;
A Bill entitled, "An Act to amend
Hon. Ah-. ii RMSTi!<JNO, Ch11it·ruanof
and consolidate Chapter ~. Revtsed the Select Cutumittee on Bills, reportStatutes, 11)()(), "The Metallife1•ous ed up favo1·ably:
Mlne11 Regulation Act, and amendA Rill t>ntitled, an Ant to lnrorporments thereto " :
nte Emmett Division of the Ancient
A Bill entitled, "An Act to amend (h·der. of Hibemiuns,
of Halifax
Cha_pter 22, Acts of 1012, to fu1·ther County.
facilitate thll incorporation ofl.<'a1·111e1·s'
Alsn, with muendments:
Fruit. P1·oduce and Warehouse As.
A Bill entitll'd, an Act to amend
Chapter 107, Aoti; of 1895, entitled, an
A Biil l'ntltled, " An Aot relating to Act t.o inoorpot·ate the Halifax Electric
Sewerage and tht> Construction
of Per- Tramway Company, l.imltN}
manent Sidewalks in the, Tow Ii of Acts in amendment timN-'tJf. '
Thesu HillH w1•11, i;evt•rttllv 1·cad B
A 'II entitled, "An Act to enahle second time and committt•d • to Vom-
mittee of the whole
On motion of Hon. .Mr. MACK,
Standing Ord1•1· No. 06 was 1,uspeuded
11!1 respects the Hill11 t-e11.d a 11Pcm11l time
lhi11 day, and the Council rm•olved itself into Commit,tl'e of the whole
House on B1lh1, lion. l\fr, Cot·hett In
tlw chair.
'!'he Bills rend a second time this
day were sevemlly 1·ead clu1111e by
cla111,10 and palllled,
The Committeu ndjou!'lled nud I he
in Committee worn reporf(l( up. .
On motion of Hon. J!ifr. MACK,
Standing Ot·der No. 6'i WM 11tu1pended
as respects the thit-d t•eatling of Hills.
The following Bill was rend a third
time and finally pnssed:
A Bill entitlL'tl, an Act to inc01·p01··
utc 1'::mmett Divi11iou of tho Ancient
Order of Hibernians,
of Halifax
1'he followin!f Bill, amunded, was
read u thit'll t1111l' and sent to th,,
House of Ass1m1hlr fot· co11cm·1·ence:
' A Bill entltlt•d, an Act to amend
Chapter 1CY7, ActH of 18116, enUtletl, an
Act t.<1 ior.or11omte the lfolifax mectl'ic Tramwuy Comp•mv, Limited, aml
Acts ii1 arnenduwnt thereof.
Hon. Mt·, MACK, Chairman of the
Vommittee on Law Amendmentq, rnported that the Committee had had under reconside1·ation
11. Bill entitled. u.u
Act to n:ueml Vhnpter 44, Aeti! of IOOi,
'entitled, an Act in rubtion t.<1 the
n.. g:stt·ation and Iduntillcation of
.Mot.<,r Vehicles und the IIAU of thti
Public Hil(hways hy such VehicleP, as
amended by Vlmptur ~I. Acl11 of IOU,
and recommends that this House co11c11r in Lhe 11mendmt•ntil proposed by
'1,he Honse of ,A~~t·mbly to this Bill,
On motion, the n•port of the Committee was adopted.
Also, the Committee had had under
1·econalderatlon a Bill entitlPd, an Act
to amend the Nova Scoti11 'fempe1·auc1.1
Act, and recommends that the Vonncil
adhere to Its third amendment.
On motion, the t't'port of the Oommlttee was adopted.
Also, that the Committee ho.cl hocl
under reconsideration a Bill ei1tith•d,
au Act to imwncl the 8tntuto Law,
and rccorumended that the Conndl
adhere to its last amendment, but that
it do not atlhe1'C w section 2 of ita 6th
(b), hut that it adhere to
11ection 1 (6) of 1111id 6th amendment
and that it do not adllet·e to it11 7tl;
On motion, the report of thu Committee waH adopted.
Hon, Mt·. AIUl8TIWNUJ Chait·mon of
the Select Vn,mrnitke 011 Billo, repol't·
1•11 that the CJ0111111il,tee had had nut.let·
1-ec.m1Hitlemtion~ Bill l'ntit.led, an Act
to mcorpomt11 the H11lifnx Loan Cot··
pomtion, . and t·ecomnreutl11 that . the
Council do not adhere to the amendments proposed by this. Honst•, and lo
which the House of Assembly did not
On niolion, the report of the Cnmuiittee was mloptecl.
Hon. lllr. IIIACK, Chairman of the
Committee t•n Contingent Expenses,
pt-eeeotcd the report of that Committcl', wHich r·epnrt was, on motion,
received and atloi,ted.
The House of Assembly, by messagl'
infomied this Honse that thuy had
ug1'lle~ to the amendments propused
h_v tlui: ho110111·ahle House t.<, 11 Hill enLitll'd, an Act. to amerul 11111.l con11olidatu Chaplet• ], Actb of lllOO, 1111 Act to
t•stahliah II Bo11l'd of Public Utility
Co111111is8ionm·11 111111 Acts in amendthHcnf.
Also, that thu Honse of A&1eu~bly
had cu111e to the following t·esol11tlon:
HeNolvcd, that 11 confut'Clj.Ce he t·equesletl with the Legislative Council
with t·uspcct .to ce1·tllln a111endment11
p1·nposed by the CouUQII to 11 Bill entil I Pd, an Act to amend the 8tntut.11
Law, 1111<1 that the Vle1•k do acquaint
the Council the1·i,with.
On motion of Hon. l\fr, MACK,
.Messt·B. Mack, Owen uutl ArmRtt'Ong
wel'e appointed a Committee 11f M11.n11gel'B from this Ho11se to meet a Committee of Managers from the Honse of
Assl'mbly, to hold a conft!rence in regard to a Bill entitled, an Act to
amend the Statute Law .
The House of ABSembly. by meosage,
iufom1ed this House that they had
agreed to the amendments proposed
hy thiR honour-able HnuRe to a Dill
entitled, an Act to amend Chapter 107,
Acts of lli05, entitled, 1111 Act to lncorp1ll'ate the Halifax Eluctt·ic 1'ram-
-· ·-·-- ..... ,.--· -
... -----·-·-···II······-···-·---.-·--.'----·.-··
• ····-.·-·
... __.....
... -•••
way Oompany and Acts In amendment
Also, that t.hey had come to the
following resolution :
Resolved, that the Hon. the Att.<11•11ey
General, l\le11srs. Uah1ton and Hall, ht•
a Commit.tee of this l1011He to 111111111g11
a cbnfort.'nco with the l"'gi8hLtiVI'
Council to ,.conHider a Bill ent.ltled, nn
Act to umend the Httttute Law.
oi,• t'osi,·1-:1m:-.1·E.
Hon. M1•._ l\lACK, from the cunfcrence
with 1-egard to a Bill entitled, 1111 A,·t
to amend th1• Statute Law, 1·1•p111·wd
that the eonference ng1·m·~ tu tho
Oounell's llt'llt nmeurlment, that tlw
time ho tlxed at tho l11'llt '1'11es1l1.1y in
On motion, the report of tho Co111mittee was received und udopted.
'I'he House of As1mmhly, by mcHsagt•,
informed this House thut it. hud come
to the following resolution :
Ju-solved, that a eonference Im 1·0quested with the Legislntive Council
with resped to certain ault'llllments
Jn'OJIOse<l by th« Council to IL Bill entltlt'{], an Act to amend the Nova
Scotia 'I'emperance Act; ·
Also resolved, thut tho Hou. the
Atui1·ney (fonernl, the lion. l\11·. M11cU1"ego1· and l\11•. Tn11111•1·, ho 1\ Committee from thiH Honse to 111m111gt• a
conference with the IA·giHlaUvti Council to consider a Bill eutltled. nu Act
to amend the Novu Hcotiu 'l'1•mp1•1·a11ce
On motion of Hou. Mr. A11Mi;-r110:-.11,
Mcllsl'H. Amuit1:011g, MucPhenmn and
So.ndersou, were 11ppnint1•d IL Co111mltree of l\11L1llll(N'H from this l1011s1•
to meet 11 Counnit.tce . of l\11111uge1·H
from the House of Assembly, to hold
a conference in 1·ega1·cl to a Bill entitled, an Act to amend the Nova
Scotia Temperance Act.
Hon. Mr. AmdBTRONO, from the
eonference w'th regard to o. Dill on,
titll'd, an
ct to amepd the Nova
Scotia Ton erance Act, reported that
the conf ence aw-ees to and accepts
the thl
amendment of the Legislative Oi>uncll to this Bill.
The Hi111se of Assembly, hy message,
informed this Housll that they had
agt't•e.d t.<1 the arneudments peopose<l
by this honourablu Homm t.o a BIii
entltlt•cl, an Act to 11111t•11tl the Statute
Ln.w aH ameutlml in confer1•nce.
Also, tlmt they hut! 11g1-eml t.<1 tht>
utmmdmenl!• p1·op,me1l by this hn110111·abltJ l1011se to a Bill 1'111 itled, an Al!t
t.n 1>,1111•1ul thu Nova Seotia 'femp1•1·auce
Act, 118 u1.uentlt•d in l'Ollfe1-e11ce,
'65. An Act respecting the l'rovincial
Exhibition Commission.
70. An Act to umend Chapter 6, Acts
of 1910, "The Public lkalth Art."
71, An Act reHpecting I,iens of
Wootl111e11 for Services.
79. An Act to amend Chapter 20, Acts
of 1912, entitled, "Au Act toconsolillate
the Acts for lhl· encouragement
Agriculture in so far ns the ~nme relntcn to County 1111<1 District Exhibitions"
· So. Au Act to encourage Poultry
Breeding hy the formation of the Norn
Scotia Poultry Ansociation.
81. An Act to nme111l Chapter 73, Re. vl11ed Statutes, 1900, "The Assessment
8~. _An Act to 11111e111l Chapter 22,
Acts of 19121 c11titk1l, " An Act to fur' ther facilitate the inrorpornt ion of
Farmers' Fruit, l'rrnhtec nud \\'nrehouse Associations.'•
84. An Act in rdntiou to the inspection 01111 enrolhnt·nt of Stallions.
85 .. An Act to permit Cities, Towns
01111 Municipalities in the Province to
establish Police Supcra11nuntion l11111ds.
86. An Act to umcnd Chnptcr 163,
Revised Statutes, ,goo, "Of Witnesses
and Evidence."
92. An Act to amend Chapter 16,
Acts of 1912, "Au Act respecting Municipal Sanitariums."
99, An Act ·to amend Chapter 20,
Acts of 19121 entitled, "An Act to consolidate the Acts for the enmurngement of Agriculture in n:spect to l'rovincial grants to Agricultural Societies."
106, An Act' respecting
the Motor
Vehicle Act Ron,! Improvement Fund.
118. An Act respecting nu annuity to
George Mcl'her~on.
1 I?· An Act to amend Chuptcr 164,'
Revised Statutes, 1<)00, "Of Barristers
and Societies."
120. Au Act to amend Chapter 13,
Acta of 1912, entitled, "An Act to consolidate the Acts rdatlug to Succession
121. Au Act to amend Chapter 2,
Acts of 1912, entitled, "An Act respecting Short Forms of Conveyances."
128. An· Act respecting the Oyster
Pieheries of Nova Scotia.
129. An Act to amend Chapter 8,
Acts of 19()8, "The Coal Mines Regula·
130. An Act to ameml Chapter 10,
Acts of 1911, "The Mines Act."
131. An Act to prod1le for the s11pcraun11atio11 of certain employees of the
l'IIOII( 111,\'l'U 1S,
Al :I o'clock P. l\l., lli11 Ho110111• the
Ho'nnurnhlc JAMl>fl J)1mMMON1J J\kH1umo11,
Li1•11tt•111111t • Uo\·er1101• of
No\'IL Hcotin, camu to Uu, Council
Ch1u11hl'I', 1uul, hdng H1·utctl, J\fr. J.
l•'rm1k 011thit, Cl1•1·k of the L-!!gislativl!
to111rnil, rcedvetl llis 1(0110111·'1,1 co11111111ml to h•t t.111' House of Am;cmbly
know, "It iH lli11 llnnom•'H will and
plcaH11re that tlll'y attend him i1111111•dlau,ly in U1i11 lfo11s1•," who being
como, with theh- 8pmktir, His Ifo110111·
wo.s pleusPd to givt• hl11 llS8l'l1t to the
Biils po.s><ed dmfog the pl'(•sent aes1tio11,
Plltitled R!l folhtWH:
l'Ulll,IC 1111.1,S.
:z. An Act to nme111l Chapter 44
Revised Stntutea, Jgoo, " Of the Nov~
Scot in llospital."
29. An Act to provfrk• for carrying
011 Agricultural Demo1111tration Work.
30. An Act for the encouragement of
Sec,! Growing.
31. An Act for the appaintmcnt of n
Superintemleut of Dairymg.
32. An Act for the appointment of a
Provincial Entomologist.
33. An Act to !'mend Chapter J4,
Acts of 1912, enhtle,l, "Au Act respecting a Provincial Loan."
49. An Act respecting an Auunity to
James W. McKenzie,
5e. A11 Act to ameml Chapter 99,
Revised Statutes, 1900, "The Novo
Scotia Railways Act"
57. An Act to an11:11d Chapter JO,
Acts of 19111 "The Mines Act "
58. An Act to amend Chapter 73, Revised Statutes, 1900, " The AsscBSment
59. ,An Act to amend Chapter 21 Acts
of 19111 "The Education Act."
6o. An Act to amend Chapter 50,
Revised Statutes, 1900, "The Poor Relief Act."
61. An Act res.Pcctli,g an An::::ity to
George L. Sinclair.
6i. An Act to amend Chapter 15,,
Revised Statutes, 1900, "Of Investment of Trust Itunds in certain J.oan
63. An Ad to incorporate the Nova
Scotia Veterinary Association,
Nova Scotia Hospital.
134 A II Act to anu::ud aud cousoli1late the Acts respecting the Protection
of Woods against Fire.
1.,s. An to provide for the s11pern11111111tio11 of ecrtnin employees of .the
Victorin Gl·nernl Hospital.•
•C: 139.
An Act to umeml the Chi)drcu's
Protection Ad.
141. An ,kt to umend Chapter 70
Re\'isc,I Stnlutcs, 1<)00, "The Muuicipai
145. An Act to ameml Chapter 32,
Acts of 1906, cntitlc<l, "An Act to
11mc11<l Chapter 40, Acts of 1901, cntitle!I, ' A II Act to amend Chn.pter 70,
Re\'lscd Stq.tutes, 1900, "The l\lunicipul
Al·L'' '''
146. An Act to regulate the pnr·
chusc, sale 111111 transfer of stocks of
goods in bulk.
150. An Act to furtht•r amend Chapter 2, Acts of 1907, entitled, "Au Act
relutiug to the cxj>l'tHliture of l'roviucinl Roncl uml llri1 ge Grants,"
1.55. Au Act to provide for th'e appointment of II Commission 011 the use
of Electricity in Mines.
156. An Act to umend Chapter 8,
~cts of 1~, ",The Coal ,Mines Regula·
t1011 Act, and Acts m· nmendmcnt
16o. An Act toumend 01111 co11soli1latc
Clmpcr 20, Revised Statutes, 19()0
"The Mctnlliferous Mines Rcg11lotio1;
Act_." and Acts in amendment thereto.
t6J, An Act t~ amend Chapter 44,
Acts of 1907, entitled, " Au Act in re·
lntiou to the registration aml identifit'ation of Motor Vehiclcs, nml the use
of the Public Highways by such vehi·
cles us nmcudcd by Chupter 29 of the
Acts of 1911."
165. An Act to amend the Stotute
167. An A,ct to amend Chapter 10,
Acts of 1912, "Au Act forthecucouragement of settlement on form lauds."
168. An Act to amend Chapter ~3
Acts of 19()8, entitled, " An Act to fac11i:
tnte the incorporation of Farmers'
Fruit Warehouse Association."
173. An Act respecting Rural Telephones.
178. An Act for the Protection of
179. A? Act to amend Chapter 113,
Rensed Statutes, 19(>0, "The Married
\Vomen's Deeds Act," and Acts in
n1nend111e11t thereof.
181. An Act to authorize the Municipality of the County of Cumberland
to graut the &um of Two Hundred Dol-
•. '\
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,,' .
way Oompany and Act.II In 1umm1huent
Also, that t.hey had come to the
following resolution:
Rusolved, that the Hon. the,, Attorawr
Oeue1·11l, l\le11sr11. Ralston aud Hull, lw
a Co111111itt..e1• of this HmtHl' l~l 111auag1•
a oonfeN•nco with tlw l,e,,~itH1,tivu
Council to conslclur n Hill m1t1tlt,1I, 1111
Act to amend the Htatntv r.i\\v.
hy this honourable Ho1111e to a Bill
e11Utl('d, 1m Act to 1um•nd the Stai.,lle
Law 11,t1 1L1Uemlcd in cunfer('nee.
Alim, that they had nga-et•d to t.hl'
limmul111entt1(H·oposed by this h1mom·nhlti Hm1t1c to a Hill 1•111 !tied, an A~t
t,i amt•ml the Nova Scotia Temperance
Act, 118 ILllll'IHh•d in confo1-e11ce.
a o'dock
I'. 1\1., Ills Honour the
Honmu·nhlu J AMRH U1nmM0Nn
01" CONl'l,11"SCI!.
Li1•11tPnnnt- Uove1·no1• of
Hon. M1·. MACK, from the c11nfo1't,lll'l' G1muoH,
Hcot.hL, cnmo to the Council
wit,h l't'!,t!Ud toll Hill t•ntitleil, 1111 Ad No\'IL
mid, lmiug Hl'ILtud, lllr. J,
to auwml the Statute L,nv, l'l•po1·lA•1i Cluunher,
Frank Outhit, Ch•rk of tho Luglslativo
that the 1:1>11fe1·enco ugrut·~ tu tho Council,
1·ec1•ivPd His 110110111·'11 comCouncil's first nmuml111l'11l-, that, tlm
to lt•t. t.lw. House o~ A118e111bly
time be tlxed at the th-11t Tuesday in mand
know, "It 1H 11111 Honours will an,!
that t.lwy utumd him l111111eOn motion, the 1-e11111·t of tlw Com· phi1LH11re
dlau,Jy in this Houst•," who being
mittee w1U1 n•coive1l 1111d adopted.
cmno, with tlll'h- Hpi•akur, His Honom·
WILH plcnsPd u, give his 111111Pnt to tho
'rite House of Assembly, by mt•1111ttgt>, Hills passed il111·ing the pr1•11ent aes11io11,
infm'llled thh1 House tlmt it hail coml• t-ntltled IU! follows :
to the following 111solution :
1'1)111,H: llll.l,S.
He,,solvt'll, that n. confel'ence Im I'll·
:i. An Act to 11me111l Cbaptcr 44
que,,stetl with thr. l,1•giHlntivl, Council
Revised Stututcs, 1900, " Of the No,·~
with 1·cs1wct to cm·tain unwmhmmt.H Scotia
proposed hy tlw Cnuncll to a Bill enAn Act to proviile for carrying
tlth'l), nn Act to anwnd the Nova on29.
Agricultural Demonstration Worlc.
Scot in 'felllJ)Ol'UIIC(' Act..
30. Au Act for the encouragement of
Also r1•snlv1'!,I, thnt t,he Hon. till' Sc~Grow~g.
Attornry Ol•ne1·1LI, thl' Hon. l\lr. l\lac·
31. An Act for the appointuu:nt of a
(:lt-egor and l\11·. T1rnn<'t', Im IL C0111- Superintenclcnt
of Dairying.
111itt,ee from thiH House to 111a111Lgl' a
32. An Act for the appointment of a
coufert•uee with the l.t•!,(IHlative Coun- Provincial
cil U> COIIHhll'I' a Bill cnt.itfo<l, ILII Act.
.H· An Act to amend Chapter 14,
to ameml the Novi, Scotia T1•111pt•rttnce
Acts of 1912, entitled, " Ail Act reAct.
specting a l'ro\·incial Loan."
49. An Act respecting an Annuity to
On motion of lion. l\f1•, AIIMHTJU>Sll, James W. l\lcKcnzic.
Jlfess1'H •. An1111trong, !\lac Pherson and
SC', An Aet to amcml Chapter 99
Handerson, were nppointed ,IL Com, Rcvi~cil Stntutes, 1900, " The Nov~
mitt ee of M1111nge1·H from thiH 11«1111,1• Scotia Railwuys Act "
to meet II Commitlcc, of l\lnunget·H
57. An Act to amcncl Chapter 10
from the Ho11110 of A RHl!III hiy, to hold Acts of 1911, '' The Mines Act "
a conference in regurd u, a Dill en58. An Act to amend Chapter 73 Retitled, an Act to amend the Novo. vised Statutes, 1900, "The Aseess~eut
Scotia Temperanco Act.
59. An Act to ameml Chapter 2, Acts
Hon. Mr. ARMBTROSO, from the of 19u, "Tbe Education Act."
6o. An Act to amend Chapter 50
conft•renco with 1·egard Ul n. Bill en- Revised
Statutes, 1900, "The Poor Re'.
titled, an Aot to amend the Novn
Scotia Temperance Act, reported Umt lief Act."
Act ree.Pccting an Annuity to
the confe1·ence nl(f'eeR to nnd accepts
the third amendment of the Leglelu62. An Act to amend Chapter 15,
tlve Council to this Bill,
Revisc<l Statutes, 1900, "Of Invest'.
mcnt of Trnat Fund11 in certain J,oan
The House of Assomhly, hy m!'ss11ge, Com panics."
63. An Act to incorporate the Nova
inforam'<l this HouHe thut tlwy had
agreed to the nmendmente peoposL'll Scotia Vetcrfoary Association.
65, An Act respecting the Provincial Nova Scotia Hospital.
134 An Act to amend a111l consoliExhibition Commission.
70. Au Act to amend Chapter 6, Acts date the Acts respecting the Protection
of Woods against Fire. ,
of 1910; ·• The Public Health Act."
135. An to provide for the superau-.
71. An Ad respecting Liens of
nuution of certain employees of . the
Woodmen for Services,
79. An Act to amend Chapter 20, Acb Victoria General Hospital.
139. An Act to amend the Cbi)dren's
of 1912, entitled, "An Act to consolidate
the Acts for Utt· eucouragement
of Protection Act.
141. An' Act to amend Chapter 70;
Agriculture in so for as the same re-.
Iates to County and District Exhibi- Revised Statutes, 1900, "The Municipal
145. -An Act to nmend Chapter 32,
· So. An Act to encourage Poultry
Breeding hy the formation of the Novo Act» of 1906, entitled, "An Act to
amend Chapter 40, Acts of 1901, enScotia Poultry Association.
81. An Act to amend Chapter 73, Re- titled,'' Au Act to amend Cha titer 70.
. vised Statutes, 1900, "The Assessment Revised11Statutes, 1900, "The Municipal
146. An Act to regulate the· pur8;r. . An Act to amend Chapter 22,
Acts of 1912, entitled, "An Ad to Iur- chase, sale and transfer of stocks of
ther facilitate the incorporation
of goods in bulk.
150. An Acl to further amend ChapFarmers' Fruit, Produce and Wareter 2, Acts of 1907, entitled, "An Act
house Associations."
84. An Act In relation to the inspec- relating to the expeuditure of Provincial Road and Bridge Grants."
tion and eurollmentof Stallions.
155. An Act to provide for the ap85. An Act to permit Cities, Towns
and l\lnnicipalitics in the Province to pointment of a Commission 011 the use
e11tablieh Police Superannuation Funds. of Electricity in M iucs.
156. An Act to amend Chapter 8,
86. An Act to amend Chapter 163,
Revised Statutes, 1900, "Of Witnesses Acts of 1908, " The Coal Mines Regula·
tion Act," unrl Acts in· amendment
and Evidence."
92. An Act to amend Chapter 16, thereof.
16o. Au Act to amend and consolidate
Acts of 1912, "An Act, respecting MuniChnper 20, Revised Statutes, 1900,
cipal Sanitariums."
l\lclnllifcrous Mines Regulation
99. An Act ·to nmeml Chapter 20,
Acts of 1912, entitled, "An Act to con- Act." and Act~ in amendment thereto ..
163. Au Act to amend Chapter 44,
solidate the Acts for the encourage111e11t of Agricnlturc in respect to Pro- Acta of 1907, entitled, " Au Act in re·
vincial grants to Agricultural Socie- latiou to the registration and identiticat iou of Motor Vehicles, aud the use
w6; An Act respecting the Motor of the Public Highways by such vehiVehicle Act Road Improvement Fund, cles as amended by Chapter 29 of the
118. Au Act respecting an annuity to Acts of 1911."
165. An Act to amend the Statute
George Mcl'hcr•on.
11?, An Act to amend . Clu1ptcr 164, Law.
167. An Act to amend Chapter ro,
, Revised Statutes, 1<)00, "Of Barristers
Acts of 1912, "Au Act for the encourageand Societies."
120. An Act to. 11111e111l 12bapter 13, ment of settlement on farm lauds."
168. An Act to amend Chapter J3,
Acts of 1912, entitled, "Au Act to coneolidate the Acts rdatiug to Succession Acts of 1908, entitled, " An Act to facil irate the incorporation
of Farmers'
1:11. An 1 Act to umeud Chapter :i, Fruit Warehouse Association."
173. Au Act respecting Rural TeleActs of 1912, entitled, "An Act respectphones,
ing Short Forms of Conveyances."
178. An Act for the Protection of
128. An Act respecting the Oyster
Fisheries of Nova Scotia.
179. Au Act to amend Chapter 113,
129. An Act to amend Chapter 8,
Acta of 1908, "The Coal Mines Regula· Revised Statutes, 1900, "The Married
Women's Deeds Act," and Acts iu
tion Act."
130: An Act to amend Chapter JO, amendment thereof.
181. An Act to authorize the MuniActs of 1911, "The Mines Act."
131. An Act to provide forthesupcr- cipality of the County of Cumberland
grant the sum of Two Hundred Dolaunuatiou ofcertain employees of the
- ~
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··- ·~,. ·-· -·
.. ,
...... ····--·--- . -· ,--·--.
. .I
lars in ai1l of the Cu111berlan1lCounty ceedings of the Commis11iouer1of the
Poor Asylums of the Municipality of
183. An Act to· amend Chapter 27, Lunenburg.
Acts of 1912, entitle«!, "An. Act respect21. An Act to enable the Town of.
ingthe Halifax anti S011thweater11Rail- Bridgetown to borrow money for makwav.
ing of permanent streets in the. Town.
i'J], An Act to amend .Chapter 1,
24. · An Act to enebln the City-- of
Act• of 1912, "An Act to consolidate Halifax to borrow moncr.
the Acts rt:lating to Co11ts anti Pees.
38. An Act to authorize the Town of
, 191. .An Act to 'amcn«I the Nova Truro to lease property not require«!
Scotia Temperance Act.
for Municipal purposee.
An Act to ameutl Cliaptcr 1q,
39· An Act t~ nmcml Chapter 75,
Acta of 1912, "The Gome Act "
Acts of 18«.,3, entitled, nu Act to enable
193. An Act rcspectiug JuKliccs' the inh11b1tants ~f Granville Ferry to
Courts in the City of Halifax.
supply themselves with water for do194. Au Act to coustitule the Com- mestic, lire and other p11rpu11Ct1.
mons drainage ln1.ct of Marsh.
41. An Act to enable the Towu of
195. An Act to 11rovitlc for the bet- Truro to borrow money.
terment of Highways.
42. An Act to enable the Town of
199. An Act to amend the Nov11 New Glasgow to borrow money.
Scotia Wo1kmcn'B Compensation Act.
43. An Act to enable the inhabitants
' :,04, An Act to legalize Jury Panels, PJ Shubeuncadic to J>rovidethemsch'es
A.1ae11111ent Rolla, 1111d Re visors' Lista with a system of street lighting .•
for 1913.
46. An Act relotiug to exemptions
w7 .. An Actto consolidate and amend from tuxation of The Standard Clay
Obapter 1, Acta of 1909, ".An Act to · Pr0<lucts, I,imitcd, in the Town of New
utabliah a Boan\ of l'ublic Utility Glasgow.
Commissioners," aml Acts in amen,1·
47. An Act to confirm a mouev vote
ment thereof.
of the Munidpnl Council of the l\iunici:,09. Au Act to 01uend Chapter 44, pallty of the Count~· of Cape Breton
Act• of 1907, The Motor Vehicle Act.
52. An Act lo enable the Municipal·
lty of the County of s,!nc:ena to borrow
mouey to meet mat11r111g ,lcbc11tnre11.
6. An Act to enable the Town of
54. An Act to amend the: Halifax
Kent ville to borrow money to enlarge City Charter.
it, water works system.
55. An Act relating to sewerage in
8. An Act to authorize the Town of the 'fown of New Glasgow.
Amherst to borrow money for the fur56 Au Act to enable the 'town of
ther eztensiou of the sewerage syatcm Digby to borrow money for the con·
of the Towu.
slrnction of permanent s11lewalk1<.
9. An. Act to enable the Town of
64. An Act to legnli;r.e and confirm
Amherst to borrow money for school the Assct1KmcntRoll of the Town of
New Glasgow for 1913
10. An Act to enable the Town of
66. An Act to amcn«l Chapter 94
Amherst to borrow money to meet ma- Act!' of 19io, 11111eu«ling Chapter g8, Act~
turin~ debenbrc11.
of 1go9, entitled, "An Act respecting
11. An Act to authorize the Town of the co~l incurred by the Town of North '
Amherst to convey land.
Sy«lney for the cxlen1io11 of the Inter,
12. An Act to enable the -Town of colonial Railway into the said town.
Amhent to borrow an additional aum
68. An Act in relation to asse&1ment
for tbecon1tructio11 of permanent 1treeta in the Town of Picton.
and aidewalb.
73. Au Act to enable the Town of
13. An Act to enable the Town of North Sydney to exempt from taxation
Amherst to borrow money for water the building and plant of the Weatern
Union Telegraph Company, and to
18. An Act to establlah one polling grant free water :rnd other privilegea.
place fc.r the purposea of Municipal
75. An Act to amend Chapter 104,
Election• In Polling Dl1trlct No. 13 in Acta of 19()8, entitle,l, ''An Act toauthothe Municipality of Picton County.
rlze the Municipality of Cumberland to
19. An Act to enable the Town of borrow money to buihl an addition to
Kentville to borrow money for school the Court Houae, and for other purpurpolCII,
:,o. An Act to confirm certain pro76. Au Act to enable the City of Syd·
• I
126. An Act to amend Chapter 65,
ney to borrow money.
88, An Act to enable the: Town of Acts of 1902, "The Lawrencetown ElecBridewater to coustruct permanent side- trlc Light Act."
. 133. An Act respecting the old Burywalks.
93. Au Act to enable the Town of mg Ground et West Amherst, in the
Stella1ton to borrow money to build a County of Cumberland.
138. An Act to ratify rroceedings of
new school building.
94. An Act to enable the Town of
Cape Breton.
'frc:11tonto borrow money.
140. An Act relating to sewerage in
95. An Act respecting the supply of
water to the Eas'crn Car Company, the Town of Yarmouth.
143. An Act to emend Chapter 176,
Limited, by the Town of New Glasgow.
¢. An Act respecting the Taxation Acts of 1912, "The Cheskr Water
· of the Eastern Car Company, Limited, Supply Act."
147. An Act to enable the iuhabitauts
in the Town of Trenton.
gS. An ·i\ct to amend Chapter 174, of Eureka to provide themselves with a
Acts of 1903, entitled, "An Act to incor- system of street lighting.
148. An Act relating to sewerege
poratc the City qf Sydney, am! amend1111d the coustructiou of permanent side·
mg Acts.
101. An Act to enable the Town of walks in the Town of Westville.
149. An Act to enable the Town of
Glace Bay to boi row moncr for the purpoee of electing anti equipping II new Shelourne to grant a bonus and exemption from taxes for a cold storage comtown 41i;:h ,r.cuool.
104, An Act to amend Chapter 64, pnny.
153. An Act respecting the expenses
Acts of 1911, entirled, "An Act to enof
contogiable the Town of Glace Bay to appoint
om, diseases in the County of Invera Registrar of Voters."
105. An Act to amend Chapter 66, ness.
154. An Act to eusble the Town of
, Act• of 1911, entitled. "An A.ct to enable the Town of Glace Bay to change Picton to borrow money for fire purthe date of election of Mayor ancl Coull· poses.
166. , An Act to enable the inhabictllora."
·107, An Act to amend Chapter g(,, tants of Berwick to supply: themselves
sewerage, electric lighting end
Acts of 1899, entitled, "A11 Act to cu
able the Town Council of the Town of water for domestic, fire and other purDigby to control the erection of build- pobcH.
169. An Act to validate the appointing• within the Town Limits."
1o8. An Act to enable the Town of ment of David Berteaux, an arbitrator in
No1, ii Sydney to borrow money to meet K iugs County.
· 171. Au Act re la ting to the Town of
111,turing deuentures."
109. An Ac~ to enable the Town of Dartmouth.
17l, An Act to enable the Town of
Weatville to install and operate 1111
Annapolis to grant exemptions t? Nova
Electric Plant.
112. An Act to amend the Act en- Scotia Clay Works, Limited.
177. An Act respecting the .Cuarter
Htlcd, " An Act to enable the Town of
' Shelburne to acquire, install and oper- of the City of Halifax.
181. An Act to authorize the Muniate an Electric Light System.
, 113. An Act to. amend Chapter 62, cipality of the County of Cumberland
Acts of 1911, entitled, "An Act re· to grant the sum of tw~ hundred dollar• in aid of Cumberland County Fair.
latlug to the Town of Gloce Bay."
18l. An A.ct to enable the Town of
114. An Act to enable the City of
New Gla11gow to borrow money for fire:
Sydney to borrow money.
115, An Act to enable the Town of equipment.
184. An A.ct respecting certain lauds
A.mhertt to borrow money for fire pur- and
property rights near Point Pleasant
in the City of Halifax.
1:,3. All Act to confirm a111l. legalize Park,
189. An Act to amend Chanter 150,
the A1aea11111cmt of the Town of Do- Acts
of 1903, the Mabone na·y Water
t24, An Act to enable the City of Supply
1¢,, An Act to authorize- the Town,
Sydney to erect, equip and maintain a of Windsor to exempt the Con1101i1late1l
Public Hospital in the said City.
1:,5,_ An Act to validate the appoint- Rendering Company from taxation.
197. An Act to enable the Town of
' uieut of en arbitrator in Kings County.
... --i------·
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Acts of 1856, entitled, "An Act to Incorporate the Liverpool Marine Railwav
Company" encl the Acts in amendment
34. An Act to incorporate the Benevolent end Protective Order of F.lks, of
t be Homin ion of Canada.
35. An Act to emend the Law relating to the City of Halifax.
36. An Act to incorrorate the Pension
Jlu111l Society of Roya Securities Corporation, Limited,
37. An Act to amend Chapter 146,
Acts of 1900, eutitled, "an Act to incorl'RIVATlt ACTS,
porate the McAlplne Publishing Com3. An Act to amend Chapter 251,' pany, Limited," a11 amended hv Chap·
Acta of 1go6, au Act to incorporate the ter 163, Acts of 1<)08.
40.. An Act t? emend Chapter 153,
Churchill Cemetery Co111pa11y.
4. An Act to amend Chapter 220, Acts of 1886. entitled, au Act to incorActs of 1903, entitlccl, " An Act to in- pprate the Greenwood Cemetery Comcorforate R, l\lcGregor & Sons, Lim· pany, in the Countyol Picton.
-44. Au Act to incorporate Mechanic
ite• "
5. An At to amend Chapter 166, A'cts Imperial Lodge, Number 48, Provincial
of 1go3-4, entitled, " An Act to iucorpo- WorkingmL•n's Association of Inver.
rate J, I). & I'. A,. McGregor, Limited." ness, Inveruess County,
45. An Act lo incorporate the Alli·
7. An Act to amend Chapter 140,
Acttl of 111<)7, cut itleil, " OJI. Act to herst Gnu Club.
48, An Act to amend Chapter 133 of
amend Chapter 73, Acts of 18(>J, entitled,
en Act to incorporate the Drrectors of the Acts of 1911, entitled, "An Act to
the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb incorporate the Lunenburg H!ectric
at Halifax and the Acts in amendment Railway Company, Limited."
51. An Act to amend Chapter rnll
15. An Act respecting Coal leases Acts of 1901, entitled, "An Act to ,fi;'.
Number 14 and 15 formerly of the Col- corporate the Berwick Cemetery Comchester Coal encl Railway Company, pany."
53. An Act to amend Chapter 130,
16. An Act to incorporate the Brook- Acts of 1910, entitled, "An Act to incorlyn Cemetery Company, of Brooklyn, porate the Cbihlren's Hospital, Halifax
Queens County.
67. Au Act to incor1,>orate The Clare
17. An Act to amcml Chapter 154,
Acts of 1900, entitled, nu Act to incor- Creamery Company, Limited,
69. An Act to ameud au Act to incorporate the Institute of Chartered Acporate the .Missi<1u11sh Marsh Company
countants of Nova Scotia.
An Act to 0111c11tl Chapter 214, Lirniterl, u111l Acts umcn<linl! the 8Bt11e.'
71. An Act to amend Chapter 181
Acts of 1Q08, entitled, an Act to a111c111l
Cha11tcr 84, Acts of 18;9 and to enable Acts ol 1901, entitled. "An Act to incor'.
thl· Presbyterian Church of EarlUnite,l Baptist Churcbeli in the Pfovince
to become. incorporated and to- repeal town and the Falls in connection with
the Church of Scotland.
certain Acts.
74. An Act to authorb e the Town
:i3. An Act to amend .Chapter 2o8,
Acta of 1906, relating to the Cathedral Conncil of Port Hawkesbury to partialChurch of the Diocese of Nova Scotia ly exempt theNorth Atlantic Fiaheries
Limited, from' taxa\lon, and to cnabl~
aud Act, in amendment thereof.
26. An Act to amend Chapter 145, the said town to levy a poffta:ic on perActa of 1911, entitled, an Act to emend sons temporarily residing in said town.
77. Au Act_ to incorporate Nova
Chapter 1581 Acts of 1902, entitled, an
Act to incorporate the Nova Scotia Fire Scotia Natural Gas Company, Limited.
87. Au Act to amend Chapter 156,
ln1urancc Company
27. Au Act to ame11d Chapter 207, Acts of 1910, entitled, "An Act to incorActa of 1go81 entit!ed, an Act to incor- porate the Maritime Telegraph encl
porate the Trustees of the First Presby- Telephone Company, Limited."
go. Au Act to ratify a resolutign
terian Church, New Glasgow.
:i8. An Act to ameml Chapter 84, passed by the Council of the l'tlunici-
Middleton further to borrow money for
sewerage purposes.
200. An Act to amend Cbapter 8g,
Acta of 1911, entitled, OJI Act to enable
the Town of Yarmouth to borrow money.
201. An Act to emend Chapter 62,
Acts of 1911.
An Act respecting the list of
voters for District No. 13, m the County
of Kings.
203. An Act to euable the Town of
Hantaport tu borrow money to construct,
a system of i;cwerage.
_. _.
pelit:y of Halifax County reapccting the Company, Limited.
176. An Act to emcml Chapter 74
erection of .poles in the Puhlic High•
Acts of 1882, entitled, "An Act to 111'.
ways in the County.
91. An Act to 1111thorize the City of corporate the Gram! Council of the
of Halifax to permit the erection of Provincial Workmen's Ai;sociatiou."
185. An Act respecting the Salvapoks 01111 wires in the citr 8tt'eets.
97. An Act iill'l>rporohn!f J,11 Societc tion Army l\loternity Hospital.
186. An ;Act to amend Chapter 111,
I,1mitc1l, of
Acts of 1911, e11titlc1l, an Act to incor•
l\leleghan. ·
102.· An Act to nmcml Chapter 1~6, porotc the ll10111iclo11 Railway Company;
Acts of 1901, entitled, '·'An Act to 111- I,imitcd.
187. An Act respecting the Cape
corporete the Workingmcn'ii Prospecting, Developing end Mining Company, Breton Coal, ·iron and Railway Com·
pany, Limited, a compimv incorporated
103. An Act to exc111pt Bachner hy Chapter Ito, of the "Acts of 1Bg5,
l'ntitlccl, " Au Act to incorporate the
Bros. from taxation.
110. Au Act to incorporate the Cape Cape Breton Coal, Iron and Railway
Company, I,imite,1."
Breton Gun Cluh, Limited.
n!8. An Act to incorporate the At111. An Act to amend Chapter 128,
·. .
Acts of 188g, entitled. "An Act to in- lantic I,0011 Corporation.
205. An Act to incorporate E~1mett
corporate the Canada Rlcctric Com·
Division, Andcnt Order· of Hibernians
vany Limited "
Halifax County .
u6: An Act respecting the Dominion . of 106.
An Act to amend Chapter 107;
. Trust Company.
117; An Act to incorporate the Cape Acts of 111<)5, entitled, "An Act to incorporate
the Holifux Electric Tramnretou Building Society, Limited.
122. An Act to incorporate the Local way Com11.at1y, Limited," 11nd Acts in
amendment thereof.
Council of Womc11, Halifax. ·· · •
'l'beu the Hpuukm·of Uw House of
132. An Act to incorporate the
Trustees of Pirst Prcshytcnau Church, AH1<P111hly udd1·c>ssl'd Hh1 Honour tbe
ni; foll<rn·s_;
1J6. An Act to· incorporate the Muu II please 1'011r llu,1011r:
Trustees of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Yonr Jl1111011r hrwing h(•t•n graciously
Church, Picton.
ph•ns(•1l to give yom· assent to all the
· 144. An Act to incorporate" Advance Bi1lt1 p1Lss,•,l 1h11·ing the present se1:1sion,
Hall," Elclcrbank, in the County of it hcconws my ug1·,•euhlt• duty on lw•
hulf of His J\tujest.y's dntifnl and loyal
151. An Act to amend Chsptcr 187, s11hjcd11, his faithful Co111111011s of
Acts of 1912, entitlecl, 1111 Act to amend Nova H,·otiu, to present, to. Your
Chapter 113. Acts of 1911, cntitlell, au Hononr II Bill for nppropl'iaUng the
Act to incorporate Canadian Tungsten Supplies f.l'l'llllkd in the p1·1•be11t SI'S•
llliuc8, I,imite,1.
Liou for Ute 8upport of the Public
152. An Act to anu:nd Chapter 192, Hm·vicc•s, am! to n•q1iest Yont· Honom·'s
Acts of 19<>], cntitle,t. "Au Act to con- assent ~h.,rcto.
solidate a111l amend the Al'ts relating to
'J'lwn His' Honout· WILR plPaseil to
the Starr Ma1111fact11ring Company,
gi.vc his u8scnt to a Bill t•ntitled:
Limited .. "
An Act- to provide for ilefr~ylng
157. An Act ·to incorporate the
Lunenburg Fishermen's Relief Assoc!· certain expenses of the Civil Gove1·n•
ment of the Pn,vince.
et ion.
158. An Act to lcgaliie the Annual
His Honour was then plea,.ed· to
l\leeting of St. Joseph'e Hospital Board, close the seMsiou with a: speech to both
Glacc Bay, held on January 21st, 1913. Houses as follows :
161. An Act to amend the Act to Mr. 1'rt1l,ltlll a11cl l1011ourablt U•11l/tmn1 of
incorporate Union Protection Company.
the Ltgl,latlvt Cou11cll:
170. An Act to amend Chapter 146, Mr. Speaktr and Gt11tltmtn of the Hou•• of
Acta of 18go, entitled, "An Act to in•
1. The ijo-,lon ot tho Loirl•lalme whkh Is
corporate the tru11tces of the Third Yarbolnir broufhl to 11 olo•o ha• been some,
mouth Baptist Church at Pleasant Val- now
wh11t protmclc< owing to tho large number of
lmportunt. 111011H1U'CH whkh you havo boon
174. Au Act to further amend Chap- c;illL~I upon to con•hlc1•, 111111 ll ntfortl• mq
J>lorumro to b,• l\blo to rcllo,·o )'OU '"""
ter 171 Acts of 1902, aml other Acts much
further uttend1\llcO on your leglslatlvo dutle11.
relating to the Amherst Boot au,1 Shoe
. ------, --.=--r!' ... , 1
··--··-···· ---~· , ....... -::..._ ...... :....---,;._,._- .... -------:.··.·.·------ ....
-- .... -----·:
I .
----r·- .•........ --~-~------·-:-······-···-··-·
• 100
that thl• loy:l•lallon w Ill promote the etllab
'L I obllervo with r,m,nt ..all•facllnn that you ll•hment of new oy•tor IMlllK and the vlirorou
bavo JMl-1 Nel'Cl'\•I Act.I \Yhlch I 11111 conthfont irruwth or tho oyKlcr lndu•try.
will 1J!'O'H. to be In the he•t lnwro.•t" or our
6. 'I ho Ad to 8111011<1 ''Tho Act rolatln& to
tho 01,;pe1111l111rool provlr1cU11rulld arid brtdiro
aatlcultural populnUon.
Tbc Act to provide rnr carrylnir on nu:1·l11ul- irmnl•"; 11nd tho Act reHp,,cllnir tbe Motor
·tural de111onslratlun work, 1111<1 the Act for the Vohlclo Act ror\<l 11111,rovomontfund which
cnoouraseruent. or seed 1{1-0W lnir wm. I teul" tlll"llcl• the ux11endlluro on m •In trunk hi.h·
11114ured, NIAUlt In Improved mothud• ur form- Wl\)'M ol tho llnlllllll fccM llllld Ill l'OllpcCl
ing, 1md an lm·r,:"""'1 production or hly:h y:rudt1 or motor ,·uhlclL.,.; 1111d tho 11uthorllY w
oxptJud the •nm or Ono Hundred and KIK11ty
1111pulnt111c11t ur a ~1111e1-ln- 'l'huu,mml lloll11N, which y,,1, bn,·u rnnCel'Nlil
tendent or 011lryl1111: will, no dunht •llmulnto by tho Act to 1,rovldo ror lhl' l1Ctter1111111t or
that lnd11Hlr)'18lldCIIUHO tho c-tahl!HhllUllll ur hll(hwuY•, will I btlilo,·t\ brlllK shoutn 11111rked
new c"'amor t'lH u.ml choelfflr,u·torie. ...
l1nprove1111mtIn tho comlltlon or the rond•.
Tho Act ror tho 0111 ointment or ,, l'ro,·lndal Ono of tlw rootunH or tbuMC Act• I• that 110
1'ntc11101Clffl•t will f1Wllllnto tho 001111-olllng ci:110111llt11re I• to be mllt!o tbel'Q111uloruntil
•m\ aupproNlny: or lnJurluu~ '""""'" which
work t-0 btr
tnnuall)' c,,uHu.uch 11rc8l 011111,cl~I lo"" to the J;:-:;1:,~!•if~11~•;::!'i':!~~,r.~~;}!\:~.}~10
7, I congmlul•to you 011 ,,.....1na the Arl
rt.nnot11l11 tho l'r<l\'lnce.
"u1ona: uthor l.mporlnnt mc·1Ht1l'O>I In tho tn- re•\•ccll11K ltunil 'fch•phono Couipanltlll, In
tereotlAI ol' tbOIIO .<'n1111i'od In aj[t'lculturul 1>11r· wh ch you hM'O Rlforded 11tluquato 11161\IIK to1·
MUil& are lho At•t. to 111110111.1 -~rho Acl Ill con- •Uf.plylnir the urgm1t m~i for <"heap and
lOlldate the Ac'-" tor tho c11co11l'ftfo111,·nt or off dent lu1t,11hono oon11nunlcat1011 between
Alfriou\turo" In reHpccl to Provlnclu. a111nt•to rural dl•Lrlcltl 11i11\ tho ul.bor 1••rl.s or tho
Provh1co. 1
11ih~h~.1~t ,,\~
~. Amunir nlh<,r u"<•fu\ h•triMl&tlon l am
oouray:emont or Airrlcullutr.'' In •o 1111· ,.,. the 11lua11e<I to· olJ,cerve811 Act to nrnend "Th• Acl
1111rue nlaU,. to County a11d l>lotrlct 1':i:hl· lor tho enco111,1go1111mt ul settlement on tarm
bltlo1µa,_ In which pruvi.lun I• mmlll for sub- l11mlK," \'"'vhllnir lurther ruclllLIDH. for allllM•
•tt.11tlal lncrea•e• 11, tho aranl• lo th~.c Im• 11111' l!<llt e,.,.; nnd un huportnnt conHOlldallon
portnnt orir,1nlr.utlun• l'L"'l•ectlvt•IJ, mul the un<l 11mcn1hnonlor tho Act ro•pootlnir Public
Act to oncouraao poultry hroodlna bY th~ for- Utlllttc,. and "'l'ht> \\'00<\111011'•l,le11 Act,"
llllltiOJI or tho Sova &,t1tl8 l'onltl')' A""°cl-- 6/r. Sp«1hr
aml Gtrtlltmm
o/ l~I Bowu o/
a. l 1110 lrffitllled th11l tho· lmpot·la• t •ub.Je1,t
II. I thunk you ro1· tho llboral, provMon
of publlo hr,alth ha. enrl!1l<I your attention.
putlcularly with rciran to further chockluir Whkh )'Oil hllVU lll~dO ror lhO Vt1r(OU8 branche.
tho mva&l'• of tuhurcnlo,ilH. 'l'hlH Provine" or the l'"blfo survlc,•, snd I tlH>lllro you lb1&t tho
wi.a tbe Ol'l't to ,,,;ubll•h " 1>ro,·l11ol11l Hanl- MIVOfll HUIII• which )'OU have plt1ood •t Ill)'
tarlum C«1r ti1berculo•lt1,1md l u.111 •ure tlmt tho dl•I"''"'\ will bu r,l\rurully 111111 cconomlcnlly
e•labll•hmont or Ht111lt11rh1111• 11111\or tho Act to 1,p11llod for tho p111•po,...• lo1· which lht>y hu,·o
,unend tho Act re•11Cctlnir l\11111lolpnl 8anltnr- l,oc1111pproprl8tod.
lum•. which you have 1m•,icd,w11l 111ntc1·h1llynw Mr. l'rfridntl a11tl f10t1aur11b/t IJt..UMni of Uie
sl"t In the work which hn• h<'on curried on for
Ltgulalfre ('011ncU:
mo JOl\l'll by tho l'rovlncial &nllarlurn 11L
e11tvllle. 1'ho tiUpcr1•J•ltmand <'Ollln>I or thc•e Mr. Sp(,41,;er a11<I Ot11ll•m•n 11/ lilt /Iowa, of
,un•1b/w :
u11lol11•l tlanllartum• by tho l'rovlnuh•I
IO. In t11klng lu,l\'e or you I du•ll'o to expro..
Ill)' be•t wl•hc• for your 1><111'4111111 woltare and
rri:!l<"', IUI provided In tho a111u11dmontor tho h1111vtn1,tU1;11ndmycarno•I hopothut tholabo11ti1
l'Ubllc Uonlth Al·t you harn 111\011ll•1l. wlll tend or tho t1Cl<l'I011 1118)' t nd to promotu tho pro11to render lhtlflll lll1111lvlpnl t:!unll11rh1mH
highly 1,.,rlty or tho l'rovlnco,
Tlw Pl't-sidcnt of the Legittlatlve
f, 1'bo 8l8tutc• ol tho l'rovlnco rc•pcctlnir
tho protection or woo,l• 1111:"h••t Ill'-"' hu,·,, 11•m- Coundl Ull'n said:
eral1J bc<,n re1111nl.-l,not only In No,·" &~1tlh,
It ii. the will and ph•nslll'O of }lls
bu, In other oounll·I°"' "" ,·01·y clfcot I, o lc1tl•l11- Jl111111lll' tlw Lieutcmnnt-Gove1·um· th.1\t
Uon, and I hn,·o 1rn doubt thnl tho Act to
amend anti cc11HCll<\11lo the Act" re•1wdl1111tho thii; G1,neu1l AKScmhly he Pl'tliug1lt'II
11rotectlon or wood• 1111uln•t ftrr• whkh yuu to Tht11'tl(luy1 the s ..d d1,y. of J11ly
M1·0 11ubmlttt.'tl,wlll 81tord •till better 1>rotcc- next, 11ml this A1111l•mbly ls accoa-dlngly
Uon tor our tore•I.H111111ln•t rtrc•.
pl'<ll'<IKtte,l until Thu1·1,;day, t,be 8rtl
day of July lll'Xt, to litl t.lll'n here heltl.
Ion Oovormncnt ~•Jlf'CUnl{tho lon•lnir or bed•
'fhe House of A111,;embly then with·
1ultablo for the ,·ultl vallon or oyHlor... you
b8VO, I am irlml to noto, ~upplomcntcd lhl• ,lrew. and Ilia HouolU' was pleased to
1!4rJ'tltllllOllt by it.II Act rospocttny: the oyKter t-eU1-e 110011 after.
ftiberl• of Nova flc:otlL l ooundenll)' tru1t
~~~c~!t'tJ ~,·.:m:r~~
COU I~ Cl L,,
Third Session of the Thirty-fifth ,Parliament
III "",\: ~:"Jt~lt~·f.,t1~'i.l:,1'r:t1~11:t•:u•;~~t.:,::;iJ;i~
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N. S.:
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