NERA2016 Programme


NERA2016 Programme
WELCOME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Congress Venue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Practicalities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Computer and Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Find Your Way at the Main Building of University of Helsinki. . 6
Location Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
PROGRAMME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Timetable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Keynote Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Poster Exhibition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Opening and Closing Ceremonies. . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Welcome Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Congress Dinner and Afterparty at Restaurant Bank . . . . 19
Network Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Panel Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Annual Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Network Convenor Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Book Exhibition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
PARALLEL SESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Wednesday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Parallel Session 1, 15.00–16.30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Parallel Session 2, 17.00–18.30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Parallel Session 3, 09.00–10.30. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Parallel Session 4, 13.30–15.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Parallel Session 5, 15.45–17.15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
All information in this programme was as accurate as possible at the time of printing.
Please, remember to check the ‘Update to Printed Programme’ list in the congress bag
and/or on notice board close to the information desk for subsequent changes.
The online programme will also be updated regularly.
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Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Parallel Session 6, 09.00–10.30 . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Parallel Session 7, 13.30–15.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
The theme of the 44th NERA Congress is ‘Social Justice, Equality and Solidarity in
Education?’ When the Local Organizing committee brainstormed the theme and mandated
the PhD students of The Nordic Centre of Excellence “Justice through Education
in the Nordic Countries” (NCoE JustEd) to develop the idea, we did not know how
seriously burning issue it would be in 2016 in the Nordic context. Governments, previously
at least in some extent committed to global solidarity, seek the ways to keep distressed
groups, such as asylum seekers, out of their Nation Space. At the same time, national
education systems struggle with unprecedented restructurings driven by market forces.
How do these processes change the economic, cultural and social bases of social justice,
equality and solidarity in the field of education? What potential does educational research
have for analysing these changes? The theme drew over 400 paper abstracts and more than
40 symposia and roundtable proposals. We are proud to host this congress where these
issues are elaborated. We are also pleased for the collaboration with Laurea University
of Applied Sciences co-organizing congress assistants to take care of your convenience
during the congress.
On behalf of the University of Helsinki and the Institute of Behavioural Sciences, the
organizing committee wishes you an intellectually inspiring congress.
The main building of the University of Helsinki
Street address: Fabianinkatu 33
The congress registration and information desk is situated in the first floor of the University
of Helsinki’s main building (Fabianinkatu 33). We start the registration on Wednesday
morning at 10.00.
Opening hours
Wednesday, 9th March Thursday, 10th March
Friday, 11th March
Registration Desk
10.00–18.30 8.00–16.00
Information Desk
The cloakroom is situated at the Old side of the main building of the University of Helsinki,
1st floor, and will be staffed throughout the congress.
Sirpa Lappalainen
During the coffee breaks, delegates who present their name badges will be eligible to get
free coffee and snacks. Please see Location Guide for maps showing the locations of coffee
services in each floor.
Lunch is not provided. However, there are several restaurants close to the congress venue.
Please go to the Information desk for help.
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If your home organisation/university is part of the Eduroam community and your device
is set up for using the Eduroam network, you should be able to connect to the internet the
same way you do at home using our wireless network called Eduroam.
In addition, in most campus areas you will have access to the university wireless network.
Connect your computer to the wireless network called HUPnet and login via a web browser
using id and password printed on the back of your congress badge.
Every lecture room is equipped with a computer and projector. We recommend to use
the computer available in the lecture room. You then need to have your presentation on a
pc-formatted USB stick. The computer – a desktop pc – is connected to the internet and
have Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2013 installed. The computer can read pc-formatted
USB sticks.
If you prefer to use your own laptop, please come prepared both in terms of knowledge
and required equipment. To connect your computer to the projector it must have a VGA
port, either on board or via an adapter. If your laptop does not have a VGA port you must
bring an adapter. Moreover, you will need working knowledge of the display settings of
your device. For power bring a converter for Finnish power socket (type F) / 230 V
The main building is situated between Fabianinkatu and the Senate Square and consists
of the Old side (entrance: Unioninkatu 34) and the New side (entrance Fabianinkatu 33).
Note that inside the building the sides are connected via the second floor. The rooms of
the New side are called sali (hall) (1–21) and those of the Old side are auditoriums (with
Roman numerals I–XVI).
The ground floor is assigned the number 1 (”first floor”), and the next level the second floor.
The letter K refers to the level below ground.
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10.00– Registration opens
13.00–13.30 Opening Ceremony. Great Hall (Juhlasali) (Old side, 2nd floor)
13.30–14.30 Keynote: Professor Bob Lingard. Social Justice and Schooling in
the Post-Westphalian Era. Great Hall (Juhlasali) (Old side, 2nd floor)
14.30–15.00 Coffee
15.00–16.30 Session 1
17.00–18.30 Session 2
18.30–20.30 Welcome reception. Lounge on the 2nd floor
Session 3 + Panel discussion. Small Festival Hall (Pieni Juhlasali)
Keynote: Professor Deborah Youdell. Genetics, difference and
solidarity in education: the case for critical bio-social studies in
education. Great Hall (Juhlasali) (Old side, 2nd floor)
12.00–13.30 Lunch hour
13.30–15.00 Session 4
15.00–15.45 Coffee + Network meeting
15.45–17.15 Session 5
17.30–18.30 Annual Meeting. Sali 13 (New side, 3rd floor)
19.00– Congress Dinner. Restaurant Bank, Unioninkatu 20
9.00–10.30 Session 6
10.30–11.00 Coffee
11.00–12.00 Keynote: Professor Gunilla Holm. Working for social justice and
solidarity through research and teaching. Great Hall (Juhlasali)
(Old side, 2nd floor)
12.00–13.30 Lunch hour/Network Convenor Meeting. Teachers’ cafeteria
13.30–15.00 Session 7
15.15–16.00 University of Queensland, Australia
Wednesday, 9 March, 13.30–14.30, Great Hall (Juhlasali ) (Old side, 2nd floor)
Chair: Dr. Sonja Kosunen
Social Justice and Schooling in the Post-Westphalian Era
ABSTRACT This Keynote Address will begin by attempting to define how we might
think about social justice in our era of Post-Westphalian globalization. Here the argument will draw upon Nancy Fraser (2013) and focus on how we might ‘integrate struggles
against maldistribution, misrecognition, and misrepresentation’ within this context with
a specific focus on social justice and schooling. A major part of this analysis will document
and analyse factors that inhibit such progressive political struggles and aspirations. This
will include consideration of the new spatialities associated with globalization that destabilise the nation-state and social justice concerns only focused within nations. Migration
patterns and flows of refugees and global professional elites will be traversed in relation to
challenges to nation-state based social justice policies and schooling. The rearticulation of
the concept of social justice to equity in schooling affected by policy as numbers, globally
and nationally, will also be analysed. Here there will be a focus on both the OECD’s PISA
and complementary national testing. Globalization and the neo-liberal have witnessed the
restructuring of the state within nations, first through new public management and more recently through networked or heterarchical governance. With this restructuring, the
state has ‘given up’ or ‘outsourced’ many of its capacities and functions (such as research,
research for policy, policy development, professional development, test construction) to
private commercial interests and edu-businesses. Related, an account will be provided of
what Lawn (2013) has called a ‘systemless system’ of schooling and how the restructured state and systemless system opens up opportunities for the enhanced involvement in
schooling of edu-businesses in and across the policy cycle. We see a quasi-privatisation of
the schooling policy community and of policy production and enactment. A policy effect
in schooling has been a narrowed focus on teacher and teaching quality as the ‘cause’ of
improved learning and equity for all, including the most disadvantaged. The analysis will
show how this reductive focus has occurred simultaneously with growing inequality. The
Address will conclude with a consideration of the politics and policies necessary both
nationally and globally to achieve social justice through schooling in our contemporary
post-Westphalian era of neo-liberal self-responsibilising individualism.
Closing Ceremony. Great Hall (Juhlasali) (Old side, 2nd floor)
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BIOGRAPHY Professor Bob Lingard is a Professorial Research Fellow in the School
of Education at The University of Queensland, Australia. He previously held the Andrew
Bell Chair in Education at the University of Edinburgh, was a Research Professor at
the University of Sheffield, and was for a time Head of the School of Education at the
University of Queensland. He is the editor/author of 25 books, the most recent of which
are: Globalizing Educational Accountabilities (Routledge, 2016), co-authored with
Wayne Martino, Goli Rezai-Rashti and Sam Sellar, the sole authored Politics, Policies
and Pedagogies in Education (Routledge, 2014), Changing Schools (Routledge, 2012), coedited with Terry Wrigley and Pat Thomson, Globalizing Education Policy co-authored with
Fazal Rizvi (Routledge, 2010) and Educating Boys: Beyond Structural Reform (Palgrave,
2009), co-authored with Martin Mills and Wayne Martino. Bob has published widely in
the sociology of education, is editor of the journal, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politic
of Education and of the Routledge, New York book series, Key Ideas in Education. Bob’s
research focuses on globalization and education policy, the education work of the OECD,
data and accountability in education, and school reform and social justice.
University of Birmingham, UK
Thursday, 10 March, 11.00–12.00, Great Hall (Juhlasali ) (Old side, 2nd floor)
subjectivities and the genetic and biological structures of their bodies and minds. My own
previous work has examined student and learner subjectivities, in particular how processes
of subjectivation, identification and recognition contribute to inequality (Youdell 2006,
2011). It suggests that subjectivity is made and constrained by social processes that are
ongoing and open to change. In biology, developments in nutrigenetics suggest ongoing
within-generation interaction between the environment and the body’s genetic code – the
influence of diet, nutrition and exercise at a molecular level (Mickelborough & Lindley
2013). Epigenetics suggests enduing inter- and even intra-generational interactions between
the environment and the body’s DNA (Belsey et al 2001). And in neuroscience the structures,
activities and functions of the brain are being identified at the same time as brain ‘plasticity’
is asserted and debated (Rose 2011, Rose and Rose 2013). These sociological and biological
strands all emphasize the complexity of the processes that ‘make’ human subjects, the
interplay of body, environment and the social, and the mutability of the body, mind and
self. They should have much to say to each other. Yet in education, sociological conceptual,
methodological and empirical insights have made little contribution to applications of new
biological sciences. This paper explores some of the diversity of questions methodological
orientations, and insights found in this new biological work. In particular it shows how
while some of this work promises new avenues to ameliorate challenges faced in learning
that are potentially equalizing (even as they inscribe once again the ‘normal’), the variability
identified by other lines of work simultaneously identifies genetic ‘lack’, moving us from
the psychopathology critiqued by Allan and Harwood (2014) to ‘physiopathology’ or
‘pathophysiology’ of/in learning.
Chair: Dr. Anna-Maija Niemi
Genetics, difference and solidarity in education: the case for critical
bio-social studies in education
ABSTRACT What do the new biological sciences of genetics, epigenetics, and nutrigenetics mean for solidarity in education? Advances in these sciences frequently capture the
headlines and are creating new knowledge about identity, development, health and learning. In education, sociological research has made significant contributions to understanding how intersecting ‘social’ and ‘student’ identities are created and how these processes
connect to inequality. Yet governments are using new biological science, not sociology,
to inform policy agendas. As these new sciences begin to deliver ever-greater knowledge
about the differences between bodies at a cellular level and model uneven distributions of
capacities that social justice orientated educators have sought to redistribute, the possibility of solidarity built on a politics of difference becomes an urgent question.
Nikolas Rose (2013) calls for social science to develop new ways of working across the
social and biological. Similarly, Celia Roberts argues for attention to the ‘infoldings of the
social and biological’ (Roberts 2014:300). But limited constructive engagement with the
new biological sciences (e.g. Lindley and Youdell 2015) means that sociology of education
is ill-placed to better inform policy. The paper concludes by arguing for the pressing need
for constructive engagement between sociology of education and epi- and nutri- genetics
in order to furnish these sciences with the rich and nuanced understandings of the social
environment and its effects that are necessary to work meaningfully across and at the intraaction between the genetic and the social. The paper suggests that such an engagement
might enable educators committed to social justice to respond to and work with these new
bio-knowledges and the policies that deploy them. It identified potential ways in which
such cross-disciplinary work might enhance understandings of children and young people’s
subjectivities and capacities that advance, rather than arrest, social justice. And it makes
a case for placing a politics of difference, albeit where difference is radically multiplied on
planes not previously considered, at the centre of critical bio-social studies in education.
This paper engages with the challenges and possibilities offered by the ascendancy of
these new biological knowledges. Focusing on the identities and capacities of students, it
considers the interface between sociological, physiological and neurological accounts of
the influence of social practice, environment and nutrition on children and young people’s
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BIOGRAPHY Deborah Youdell is Professor of Sociology of Education in the School of
Education, University of Birmingham. A concern with inequalities and modes of politics
that can intervene in these are at the heart of Deborah’s work. This question has been
pursued through her research into the connections between subjectivities, everyday
practices, pedagogy, institutional processes, policy and inequalities, spanning issues of
race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, social class, ability and disability. Her work is
underpinned by theories of power, the subject, politics and social formations drawn from
Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe, Gilles Deleuze and Felix
Guattari. Her research expertise is in ethnography and action research. Most recently
Deborah has turned her attention to the take-up of new biological sciences, in particular
genetics and neuroscience, in education. She is currently undertaking a British Academy
Fellowship bringing together post-structural theories of the subject and new biological
sciences to interrogate the potential to synthesis these insight for generating new critical
understandings of the potentialities of learners, the ways in which these might be opened
up or constrained, and what this might mean for educational practices.
Deborah is author of School Trouble: identity, power and politics in education and
Impossible Bodies, Impossible Selves: exclusions and student subjectivities. She is coauthor of the award-winning book Rationing Education: policy, practice, reform and equity.
She is on the Executive Editorial Board of the British Journal of Sociology of Education;
Regional Editor of the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education; and is on
the Editorial Boards of Race Ethnicity Education and Gender and Education.
University of Helsinki, Finland
Friday, 11 March, 11.00–12.00, Great Hall (Juhlasali ) (Old side, 2nd floor)
Chair: Dr. Anna-Leena Riitaoja
Working for social justice and solidarity through research and teaching
ABSTRACT What does it mean to work for social justice and solidarity as a researcher
or university lecturer and how can it be done? In our research and teaching we can foster
agency and empowerment as well as empathy. In what ways can we connect our work to
the lived experiences of students and teachers? How can we make our research available
and accessible to groups who can use it to further their own situation? How can we in
return learn about justice issues from the people involved in our research such as marginalized students and migrants? Solidarity and justice require taking responsibility for not
only thinking and talking about justice and injustices, but also for taking action. Taking
action requires long-term engagement since unfair practices can take years to change.
In this presentation I explore how university researchers, teachers and students can engage
in social justice and solidarity issues in their research and teaching as well as through third
sector work. The focus will be on what is possible to do as well as how social justice and
solidarity work changes us and our work at the university.
BIOGRAPHY Gunilla Holm is professor of education in the Institute of Behavioural
Sciences at the University of Helsinki and director of the Nordic Centre of Excellence
in Education ‘Justice through Education’. Her research interests are focused on issues
in education related to race, ethnicity, class and gender as well as on photography as a
research method. Her current research projects include Perceptions and Constructions of
Marginalization and Belonging (2013-2016) and Multilingual and Intercultural Education
in Finland and Sweden (2015-2017). Her most recent publications include Holm,
Londen and Mansikka (2015) Interpreting Visual (and Verbal) Data: Teenagers’ Views
on Belonging to a Language Minority Group in Finland, in the International Handbook
of Interpretation in Educational Research; Holm (2014); Photography as a Research
Method, in The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research; Mikander and Holm (2014)
Constructing threats and a need for control: textbook descriptions of a growing, moving
world population, in Review of International Geographical Education Online; and Holm
and Mansikka (2013) Multicultural education as policy and praxis in Finland: Heading in
a problematic direction? in Recherches en Éducation .
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The Poster exhibition takes place on the first congress day Wednesday 9th March.
All the posters will be presented in parallel session number 1 (15.00–16.30).
Opening Ceremony will take place in main building of the University of Helsinki at the
Great Hall (Juhlasali) (Old side, 2nd floor) on Wednesday 9th March at 13.30.
Closing Ceremony will take place in main building of the University of Helsinki at the
Great Hall (Juhlasali) (Old side, 2nd floor) on Friday 11th March at 15.15.
2. Arts, Culture and Education
Design Probes as a Method of Collaborative Design in Higher Education of Craft
Jaana Kärnä-Behm
3. Early Childhood Research
Finnish Childcare Policies: In/equality in Focus
Maarit Alasuutari
Governmentality, subjectification and intergenerational relations. Ethnographical
research about child-adult relations in a daycare with extended opening hours
Anna Siippainen
4. Classroom Research and Ethnographic Studies Does prosocial experience and metacognitive intervention program improve
Danish children’s quality of life?
Ayumi Umino
Learning-by-making and educational equity: STEM learning and
identity development in a school-based makerspace Antti Rajala
6. Educational Leadership Network
Educational leader’s perception of their role regarding ethical and human rights issues
Line Jenssen
10. Higher Education
Laurea Master ’ Foresight Process-Master’s degree students running environmental
scanning and foresight process
Susanna Kivelä
12. Inclusive Education
Classification of Schools for Social Classes Amene Bahrami
Learning together by deaf and hearing pupils in a primary school:
A Norwegian attempt
Takashi Torigoe
15. Literacy Research Network
Literature as a Didactic Tool in Professional Education Anja Gramner
Wednesday 9th March 2016, 18.30–20.30.
The welcome reception of the University of Helsinki is held at the main building of the
University of Helsinki, in the Old Side. The location is the lounge in the second floor
(Lehtisali, etu- ja takalämpiöt). The reception will be hosted by the Dean of the Faculty of
Behavioural Sciences, Professor Patrik Scheinin.
The reception is free of charge to all registered congress delegates.
Thursday 10th March, 19.00
The congress dinner is served at Restaurant Bank, Unioninkatu 20. The restaurant is
conveniently located a few blocks away from the congress venue. Bank focuses on modern
Finnish cuisine prepared from the best seasonal ingredients. Good food and drinks, great
company and live music are on the agenda.
The Congress dinner requires a preregistration in conjunction with the congress registration.
The price for the dinner is 70€. We kindly ask you to bring your dinner cards, which you
have received in pursuance of the congress registration at the university. If you are not
coming for dinner, you are welcome to join in later. The doors of Bank will open for all
congress delegates after the dinner, at 21.00, for the price of a cloakroom fee (3€). Please
make sure to have your congress badge with you. The party will continue until 01.30.
18. Families, Institutions and Communities in Education
Parents’ interest in coordinating rules about birthday parties and curfews
Kristín Jónsdóttir
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Diversification and inequalities in the Nordic higher education
Ulpukka Isopahkala-Bouret
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The network meetings will be held during the coffee break between sessions 4 and 5
on Thursday 10th March at 15.00–15.45.
Thursday 10th March at 9.00, in the main building of the University of Helsinki at Small
Festival Hall (Pieni Juhlasali) (New side, 4th floor)
1. Adult learning – at work, in education and everyday life
2. Arts Culture and Education
3. Early Childhood Research
4. Classroom Research and Ethnographic Studies
5. The Curriculum Research Network
6. Educational Leadership Network
7. Value Issues and Social Relations in Education
8. Gender and Education
9. General Didactics
10. Higher Education
11. Historical Research
12. Inclusive Education
13. ICT and education
14. Multi Cultural Educational Research
15. Literacy Research Network
16. The Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education
17. Leisure-time Pedagogy
18. Families, Institutions and Communities in Education
19. Teacher’s Work and Teacher Education
20. Youth Research
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
22. Poststructuralist Pedagogical Research
23. Social Pedagogy
24. School Development
25. Guidance and Counceling
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Auditorium XII
Auditorium IV
Auditorium II
Sali 4
Sali 19
Auditorium III
Sali 12
Auditorium XIII
Sali 15
Sali 10
Sali 5
Sali 16
Sali 21
Sali 8
Auditorium XV
Sali 14
Sali 6
Auditorium XI
Sali 20
Auditorium XIV
Pieni Juhlasali
(Small Festival Hall)
Sali 7
Sali 13
Auditorium XVI
Auditorium I
The Refugee situation in a Nordic context, its implications for education and its challenges
to educational researchers - A panel discussion organized by the NERA Board.
Niels Kryger, NERA Board member and Carl-Anders Säfström, President of NERA.
Introduction to the European debate:
Sverker Lindblad, Professor, University of Gothenburg.
Maria Ahlholm, docent, University Lecturer, University of Helsinki, Finland
Vibe Larsen, Senior Lecturer, University College of Capital, Copenhagen, Denmark
Niclas Månsson, Professor, Mälardalen University, Sweden
Hanna Ragnarsdottir, Professor, School of Education, Reykjavik, Iceland
Carla Chinga-Ramirez, Associate Professor, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
The NERA board encourages all NERA networks to debate the topic beforehand, present
views and participate in the discussion after the panel presentations.
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NERA’s annual meeting will take place in the main building of the University of Helsinki
at Sali 13 (New side, 3rd floor) on Thursday 10th March at 17.30. All NERA members are
PARALLEL SESSION 1, 15.00–16.30
The Network Convenor Meeting will take place in the Teachers’ cafeteria, in the main
building of the University of Helsinki, during lunch on Friday 11th March at 12.00–13.30.
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
1. Adult learning – at work, in education and everyday life
Chair: Thomas Winman
Auditorium XV
A book exhibition takes place in the first floor of the University of Helsinki’s main building,
next to the congress registration and information desk. The exhibition is open every day.
Solidarity for sustainable work and learning
Hanna Toiviainen
Participatory research with service users
Angela Daly
Wednesday, 9th March 10:00–18:00
Thursday, 10th March
Friday, 11 March 9:00–17:00
Constructing the healthy citizen
Erika Åkerblom & Andreas Fejes
Review of educational research on ‘health work’ in Swedish
Ph.D.-theses during 2005-2014
Erika Björklund & Maria Gustavsson
Confirmed publishers include: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, Gleerups Utbildning AB,
Liber AB, Studentlitteratur, Universitetsforlaget
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
Pedagogy and Aestheticisation
Martin Elfsberg
Responsive teaching, informal learning and cultural tools in year nine
ensemble practice: A lost opportunity
Cecilia Wallerstedt & Niklas Pramling
It’s all about the timing
Jonas Gustafsson
Chair: Sirpa Lappalainen (Docent, University lecturer)
Secretary: Anna Slotte (Docent, University lecturer)
Selma Breitenstein (Intern)
Tuuli From (Doctoral student)
Jenni Helakorpi (Doctoral student)
Ulpukka Isopahkala-Bouret (Docent, University lecturer)
Mikael Kivelä (Planning officer)
Elina Lahelma (Professor emerita)
Jan-Erik Mansikka (Docent, University lecturer)
Leila Pehkonen (Docent, University lecturer)
Henri Pienimaa (Intern)
Kristiina Tammilehto (Secretary of academic affairs)
Janne Varjo (Docent, University lecturer)
Tuija Veintie (Doctoral student)
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2. Arts, Culture and Education
Chair: Eva Ahlskog-Björkman
Auditorium II
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
3. Early Childhood Research
Chair: TBA
Sali 8
Food as a tool for learning in preschool- an exploratory study in Sweden
Karin Höijer
Preschool children’s efforts to communicate mathematics
Marita Lundström
Reading time and space
Camilla Björklund
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PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 1, 15.00–16.30 ANNUAL MEETING
3. Early Childhood Research
Paradoxes of well-being in schools and daycares between good intentions and actual practice
Chair: Kit Stender Petersen
Sali 12
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 1, 15.00–16.30 Paradoxes between ambitions and practice connected to behaviour,
contact and well-being in schools
Brian Degn Mårtensson
Teachers Ventilation-practices in schools
Trine Skov Jensen
When anti bullying strategies lose the strategic part
Ditte Dalum Christoffersen and Kit Stender Petersen
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
4. Classroom Research and Ethnographic Studies
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
Chair: Sara Routarinne Sali 5
Chair: Ninni Wahlström Auditorium IV
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7. Value Issues and Social Relations in Education
Chair: Camilla Forsberg Sali 14
Values and ethics in educational evaluation described by Finnish
professional evaluators
Päivi Atjonen
Experiences of bullying and peer victimization in schools:
Parental perspectives
Magnus Loftsson
Individual and class socio-moral influences on how to act as
a bystander in school bullying situations
Robert Thornberg, Linda Wänström, Jun Sung Hong &
Dorothy L. Espelage
Bullying and moral disengagement mechanisms
Marlene Bjärehed, Björn Sjögren, Linda Wänström, Sarah Alsaadi,
& Robert Thornberg
The social ordering of belonging: Students’ perspectives on bullying
Camilla Forsberg
5. The Curriculum Research Network
A study of local enactment of the ‘advanced teacher reform’ in Sweden
Annica Löfdahl Hultman, Andreas Bergh, Tomas Englund &
Maria Hjalmarsson
Teacher autonomy as a conceptual and empirical question:
A review of international literature
Wieland Wermke
Early childhood education - economy and pedagogy in a perfect
Ninni Wahlström
Chair: Øyvind Henriksson Auditorium III
Vertical and horizontal influences on change at the upper secondary
school level in Iceland as see by the school leadership
Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir & Jón Torfi Jónasson
Dialogue meetings as a tool for creating shared knowledge and
visions across levels
Øyvind Henriksen & Marit Aas
You speak so posh English: Students Using Teasing As Linguistic
Resource in Bilingual Auto Mechanics Education
Janne Kontio
Grammar in the making: learning to construct “me” in preparatory
Sara Routarinne & Maria Kela
Student Learning in Mathematics in Lower Secondary School (ELIUS)
Frode Olav Haara
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
6. Educational Leadership Network
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
8. Gender and Education
Chair: Ylva Odenbring
Auditorium XI
From gender equality to norm creativity: gender inclusion in
university programmes for teachers in preschools and leisure
time centres
Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg
Gender awareness: a direct teacher’s approach
Marjan van Dijk
Gender equality in schools and in teacher education.
Practical implications of a three-phase study
Gudny Gudbjornsdottir
NERA2016 | 25
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 1, 15.00–16.30 Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
9. General Didactics
Chair: TBA Sali 20
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 1, 15.00–16.30 Possibilities and limitations for deliberative democratic classroom
Turid Skarre Aaseboe
Investigating power in teaching and learning processes in
the physics classroom
Malena Lidar
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
10. Higher Education
Chair: Elina Lehtomäki
Sali 16
Examining the ethical implications of internationalisation for a
knowledge-based economy: A critical discourse analysis approach to
policy shifts in Finnish higher education
Jani Haapakoski & Sharon Stein
How international is the international education at UCN? –
A mixed methods pilot study
Anna Hammershoey & Berit Simonsen
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
Sexual education for girls in 1916: Science and gender in the first sex
ed textbook used in Norwegian schools
Øystein Skundberg
A child of its time? The emergence and circulation of eugenic and
Darwinist ideas in Ellen Key’s international network
Emma Vikström
Nation, ethnicity and common History. A comparative study of
Swedish and Finland-swedish textbooks 1866-2015
Lina Spjut
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
14. Multi-Cultural Educational Research
Chair: Carina Hermansson Auditorium XVI
Inter-rater reliability of open-ended reading test items
Michael Tengberg
Multimodal literacy in L1 curricula across the Nordic countries
Nikolaj Elf, Christina Olin-Scheller, Anna Slotte & Øystein Gilje
Literacy and language proficiency from the perspective of students in
Icelandic secondary schools
Ásgrímur Angantýsson
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
16. The Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education
Reinventing the Public School: Making Claims to Publicity in
the Name of Social Justice, Equality and Solidarity (Part I)
Chair: Carl Anders Säfström Auditorium XII
Educational change and teacher commitment
Carl Anders Säfström
No longer and not yet: teaching values beyond the private/public
Lovisa Bergdahl & Elisabet Langmann
Representing a public that does not exist: Teaching by examples
Morten Timmerman Korsgaard
Discussant: Sharon Todd
11. Historical Research
Chair: Lina Spjut Sali 15
15. Literacy Research Network
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
17. Leisure-time Pedagogy
Chair: Björn Haglund Auditorium I
Playing practices among staff in school-age childcare
Eva Kane
The image of the child in school-age childcare education textbooks
Anna-Lena Ljusberg
Comparing how children versus instructors in leisure centre define
the meaning of participation
Helene Elvstrand & Annaliisa Närvänen
Chair: TBA Sali 21
Transnational occupational spaces in health care: comparing
the informal learning experiences of Filipino and Estonian health
Pauliina Alenius & Päivi Vartiainen
Social capital and education in interreligious NGO encounters
Johan Liljestrand
NERA2016 | 26
NERA2016 | 27
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 1, 15.00–16.30 Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 1, 15.00–16.30 Diversity in Coherence: A Comparison of Coherence across Three
Teacher Education Programs
Esther Canrinus, Kirsti Klette & Karen Hammerness
Linking practice to theory in teacher education–an examination of
talk about field placement within coursework at campus
Inga Staal Jenset, Kirsti Klette & Karen Hammerness
Coherence in Program Visions and Opportunities to Learn
Ilkka Laasonen, Karen Hammerness & Kirsti Klette
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Chair: Palle Rasmussen Sali 10
Equality and Education Policy in Social Europe
Nafsika Alexiadou
Schools as democratic institutions?
Ingvil Bjordal
NERA2016 | 28
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Students as actors in the Swedish assessment system
Chair: Viveca Lindberg Sali 13
Students’ stories about their feelings of getting grades in school year
6 – a matter of ‘high-stakes’?
Ragnhild Löfgren, Håkan Löfgren & Viveca Lindberg
Exploring positions given to parents and claims of agency in
student’s stories about grades
Håkan Löfgren & Ragnhild Löfgren
Students arguing against doing the national test –
a matter of resistance?
Marie Tanner & Héctor Pérez Priet
Ethical issues identified in students’ stories related national tests
in Sweden
Viveca Lindberg
20. Youth Research
A global epidemic of mental ill-health?Interdisciplinary
perspectives on the educational implications of reconfiguring
social, economic and human crises
Pieni Juhlasali
Chair: Kristiina Brunila
(Small Festival Hall)
Governing vulnerable, irrational, neurotic citizens in a world without
a subject
Kathryn Ecclestone
The therapeutic trend in youth education: A question of finding one’s
‘innermost’ in order to become more qualified
Sara Irisdotter Aldenmyr & Maria Olsen
Economic worries – therapeutic solutions? Entrepreneurial and
therapeutic governing of transitions of young adults
Kristiina Brunila
The Double Binds of Mindfulness: Examining mediation literature
for teachers
Antti Saari
Time to panic? producing dis-ease in epidemic proportions
China Mills
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
Equality - a special educational perspective
Heli Ketovuori
The risk of nonperformativity of LGBTQ-certifications of Swedish
schools - a critical discourse analysis
Andreas Johansson
19. Teacher’s Work and Teacher Education
Unpacking the Conception of Coherence in Teacher Education:
International perspectives
Chair: Inga Staal Jenset Auditorium XIII
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
22. Poststructuralist Pedagogical Research
Posthumanist Pedagogy - human and non-human subjects
connect together, part 1
Chair: Bosse Bergstedt Sali 7
Configurations and Affractions - Post-humanist Qualitative Data
Production in Classroom Studies
Eva Reimers
Methodological entanglements of unlearning and new possibilities
of research practices
Susan Nordstrom & Lotta Johansson
Pedagogy touch - to be in relation with reality
Bosse Bergstedt
The accidental potential of diffractive thinking technologies.
Mapping and colouring social differentiation in/of school
Helle Bjerg, Rikke Brown & Dorthe Staunæs
Education architecture as a sensorium: The (bio-political) shaping of
intense learning and being
Malou Juelskjær
NERA2016 | 29
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 1, 15.00–16.30 Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
23. Social Pedagogy
Chair: Lisbeth Eriksson Auditorium XIV
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 1, 15.00–16.30 Social pedagogy in social work education: Collaborative learning to
strengthen social gerontological skills
Irena Dychawy Rosner
The Differences in Social Pedagogy between Sweden and Japan
Yaka Matsuda
‘Learning for Life’ - a long term project aiming to improve school
achievements of children in out-of-home care
Søren Langager
Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
25. Guidance and Counceling
Chair: Eva Bjerkholdt Sali 6
PARALLEL SESSION 2, 17.00–18.30
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
1. Adult learning – at work, in education and everyday life
Chair: Hanna Toivonen Sali 4
Inclusive workplace: building sites for identity construction
Merete Jonvik
The problem-presentation in integration work -Construction of
information needs for newly arrived immigrants
Linnea Åberg
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
3. Early Childhood Research
Chair: Ingrid Granbom Auditorium XVI
Intergenerational learning with music as communication – from
children’s perspective
Elin Jakobsson
To jointly create a musical-play event in Swedish preschool
Pernilla Lagerlöf
Engaging children in translating song lyrics in bilingual play school:
Negotiating how to understand metaphorical expressions
Anne Kultti & Niklas Pramling
Intergenerational learning – preschool children and older people in
a retirement home singing together.
Ingrid Granbom & Ann-Louise Ernfridsson
Self disclosure in counseling: the connections between the
counselors’ personal experiences and professional practice
Heidi Mjelve, Inger Ulleberg & Kristin Vonheim
Facilitating Group Processes using Video Analysis as a Tool
Sissel Sollied
Supervision must affect
Kerstin Bladini
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
3. Early Childhood Research
Chair: Lili-Ann Wolff Sali 8
Preschool teacher students perception of the concept sustainability
Lili-Ann Wolff & Ann-Christin Furu
What do teachers think about working with infants and toddlers?
Susanne Garvis
Written to inculcate moral truth& 19th century Disciplinary writing for
children as response to potential dissolution of social justice, equality,
and solidarity
Pål E. Dingstad
Integrating children’s perspectives in pedagogical practice
Ida Kornerup & Karen Prins
NERA2016 | 30
NERA2016 | 31
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 2, 17.00–18.30 Session 1
Wed 9.3.
15.00 - 16.30
3. Early Childhood Research
Rethinking equity in early childhood teacher education
Chair: Tove Lafton Auditorium XV
Becoming lecturer and becoming student – reconfiguring equality
and equity in the classroom
Hanne Berit Myrvold
A nomadic researcher’s re-configuring of diversity and equity.
Karin Elise Fajersson
Entangling classrooms becoming(s) through/in/with matter and
Cecilie Ottersland Myhre
A multiple Muslim lecturer’s narrations from an early childhood
education classroom
Bushra Fatima Syed
Evaluation as a tool in education – what questions can be put forth?
Tove Lafton
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
5. The Curriculum Research Network
7. Value Issues and Social Relations in Education
Chair: TBA Sali 14
Fostering deliberative communication in democratic classroom
Tuure Tammi & Antti Rajala
From influence to rights? On the need to bring in life, uncertainty and
risk in education
Andreas Bergh & Lotta Brantefors
Student influence in the Icelandic upper secondary school: Classroom
practices and teachers’ perspectives
Valgerður Bjarnadóttir & Ingólfur Ásgeir Jóhannesson
NERA2016 | 32
7. Value Issues and Social Relations in Education
What may be learnt in ethics? Varieties of conceptions of ethical
competence to be taught in compulsory school
Chair: Christina Osbeck Sali 12
Ethical competence as displayed in the Swedish National Test 2013
Karin Sporre
Ethical competence as displayed in Nordic policy documents
Olof Franck
Ethical competence as displayed in interviews with teachers
Annika Lilja
Ethical competence as displayed in utterances of pupils
Christina Osbeck & Johan Tykesson
Discussant: Robert Thornberg
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
8. Gender and Education
Gender in Teacher Education
Chair: Ylva Oldenbring Auditorium XI
Presentation: Liisa Tainio
Commentators: Marie Carlson, Gudny Gubjornsdottir, Susanne
Kreitz-Sandberg, Outi Ylätapio-Mäntylä
Chair: Maike Luimes Auditorium IV
Practice schools for whom, about what? Some considerations about
a pilot project concerning teacher students practice.
Sandra Jederud, Niclas Månsson & Laila Niklasson
General education and specialized education in Upper Secondary
Education: Lessons from High School Reforms in Sweden
Megumi Honjo
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
10. Higher Education
Chair: Susanna Niinistö-Sivuranta Auditorium I
“Welcome to my world” – about introducing future high school
students to higher education
Tanja Miller
First year experience in the light of students’ academic
Monica Londen & Jan-Erik Mansikka
Evaluations of factors predicting academic achievement of language
minority pupils in upper-secondary schools
Katarina Perander-Norrgård
Doing the Writing - Teacher Students Experiencing Academic
Writing Practice
Sofia Hort
NERA2016 | 33
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 2, 17.00–18.30 PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 2, 17.00–18.30 Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
11. Historical Research
Chair: Karin Sandberg Sali 15
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
Pupils’ perception of history
Karin Sandberg
Rural school problems during the swedish elementary school reform
Matts Dahlkwist
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 2, 17.00–18.30 Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
Engaged Students in Inclusive Learning Spaces:
Lessons from Four Nordic Countries
Susan Rafik Hama, Hanna Ragnarsdóttir, Anette Hellman &
Anna K. Wozniczka
Teachers professional development, pedagogy and teaching
practices: Teachers as agents and facilitators of inclusion
Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Anh-Dao Tran, Hanna Ragnarsdóttir &
Johannes Lunneblad
Democratic leadership practices in Nordic compulsory schools
Helgi Þ. Svavarsson, Hille Janhonen-Abruquah & Edda Óskarsdóttir
Immigrant Students in the Nordic School Systems:
Policies and Curricula
Lars Anders Kulbrandstad, Anette Hellman, Fred Dervin &
Hanna Ragnarsdóttir
12. Inclusive Education
Chair: Rune Hausstätter Sali 6
Student teacher’s attitudes towards educating pupils diagnosed with
Autism Spectrum Disorder in the inclusive mainstream classroom.
Anne Lindblom, Mark Carew, Katja Dindar, Eija Kärnä, Sue Soan &
Carin Roos
To gain access. Exploring different qualitative data collecting
methods on high functioning young adults with autism spectrum
Tove Mattsson
AD/HD - Behavioral Control or Educational Guidance
Adriana Velasquez
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
12. Inclusive Education
NERA2016 | 34
15. Literacy Research Network
Chair: Marie Tanner Sali 20
The explicit teaching of literature in an inclusive perspective
Nina Berg Gøttsche
Processinriktat läs- och skrivlärande. En inkluderande verksamhet
Catharina Tjernberg
Chair: Hermína Gunnthorsdóttir Sali 21
How does preschool teachers perceive their professional role as
participants in an Early Intervention program?
Stine Vik
Inclusion of all pupils’ voices, focusing on pupils opportunities to
participate in the community’s learning activities
Hilde Ulvseth
Learning Goals in Didactics and Education, Inclusion and Social
Mette Bruun & Ninna V. Braüner
Preschool Language Assessment and Later Academic Achievement
Amalía Björnsdótitr
14. Multi-Cultural Educational Research
Learning Spaces for Inclusion and Social Justice:
Success Stories from Immigrant Students and School Communities
in Four Nordic Countries
Chair: TBA Auditorium XIII
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
16. The Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education
Reinventing the Public School: Making Claims to Publicity in
the Name of Social Justice, Equality and Solidarity (Part II)
Chair: Elisabet Langmann Auditorium XII
Taking place making sense: The experimenting public teacher
Liselott Mariett Olsson
School for seduction?
Herner Saeverot
Beautiful teaching: Aesthetic experience as foundational
for educational axiology
Stig Skov Mortensen
Discussant: Sharon Todd
NERA2016 | 35
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 2, 17.00–18.30 Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
17. Leisure-time Pedagogy
Chair: Eva Kane Sali 16
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 2, 17.00–18.30 Extracurricular activities designed for education and growth.
Kristiina Eskelinen & Satu Lehto
Leisure-time centre’s complement of school: leisure-time teachers
understanding of the task.
Ann-Katrin Perselli, Assar Hörnell & Marie Frykland
Leisure-time teachers` work and professional development.
Marianne Dahl
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
19. Teacher’s Work and Teacher Education
Chair: Henrik Lindqvist Sali 10
Resolving feelings of inadequacy: what student teachers learn from
percieved emotionally distressful situations in teacher education
Henrik Lindqvist, Maria Weurlander, Håkan Hult,
Annika Wernerson & Robert Thornberg
Student teachers professional development in school-based teacher
education in England: analysis using life history approach
Yoko Morito
Emotional dimensions in the beginning teachers’ stories
about their work
Katri Jokikokko
Giving up the lottery ticket – Why do Finnish beginning
teachers leave?
Maija Lanas
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
19. Teacher’s Work and Teacher Education
Research on the school leader’s role in sustained priority of
entrepreneurship as part of the school’s pedagogical foundation
Chair: Eirik S. Jenssen Auditorium II
Ingrid Fossøy
Frode Olav Haara
Inger Karin Røe Ødegård
NERA2016 | 36
20. Youth Research
Pieni Juhlasali
Chair: Gestur Gudmundsson (Small Festival Hall)
Social justice, equality and solidarity in education;
pupils’ experiences of school safety and well-being
Eija Syrjäläinen
Perceived demands of schooling, stress and mental health
Joanna Giota
Traversing the bumpy road: young people, social disadvantage,
and future aspirations
Tracey Hughes
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Chair: Jaakko Kauko Auditorium XIV
Making sense and use of assessments
Jennie Sivenbring
Shaping the evaluative teacher subjectivity
Hannele Pitkänen
The future, education and the inertia to change
Jón Torfi Jónasson
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Immigrant youth and educational transitions in Nordic countries
Chair: Markku Jahnukainen Sali 13
Winding paths through school and after. Careers of young Swedes of
Non-European origin
Lisbeth Lundahl & Michael Lindblad
Children with immigrant backgrounds in Mid-Norway; their school
Åsa Dahl Berge & Gro Marte Strand
Immigrant youth in transition to upper secondary education in
Mira Kalalahti, Janne Varjo, Tuomas Zacheus, Marja-Liisa Mäkelä,
Minna Saarinen, Joel Kivirauma & Markku Jahnukainen
NERA2016 | 37
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 2, 17.00–18.30 Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
22. Poststructuralist Pedagogical Research
Posthumanist Pedagogy - human and non-human subjects connect
together, part 2
Chair: Bosse Bergstedt Sali 7
“Tripwires” as affective liminal technologies
Dorethe Bjergkilde
Presence after the present - the space, time, and matterings of school
absence registration
Linnea Bodén
PE and posthumanism
Kalle Jonasson
Interdisciplinary meetings as a managerial challenge
Hanne Knudsen
Doing Rhythmanalysis on the everyday life in schools with flexible
and diverse learning environments.
Helene Falkenberg
Governmentality and health politics
Merete Moe
Affective Educational Tourism: exploring the “Grand Tour” of the
pupil body throughout changing school rhythms
Kia Wied
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
25. Guidance and Counceling
Chair: Sissel Sollied Sali 5
A critical perspective on teacher guidance approaches to
diverse students
Kari Berg
Professional collaborative consultation and its relationship to an
inclusive school culture - how can it be understood? Experiences
from a research project
Désirée von Ahlefeld Nisser
The potentials of transformation and critical moments in supervision
with teachers
Charlotte Riis Jensen
PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 2, 17.00–18.30 PARALLEL SESSIONS Wednesday Parallel Session 2, 17.00–18.30 Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
23. Social Pedagogy
Chair: Elisabet Cedersund Sali 19
Rising social justice at German primary schools by school-socialwork? Teachers and school-leaders perspectives on working side-byside with social-pedagogy colleagues as an issue
Jan Wolter & Anke Spies
Youth work in a marginalized area and its contribution to social
Üzeyir Tireli
Session 2
Wed 9.3.
17.00 - 18.30
24. School Development
Chair: May Britt Postholm Auditorium III
Teachers’ learning in school based development.
May Britt Postholm
We want to change but… Teachers’ voices in upper-secondary
Schools in Iceland.
Hafdís Ingvarsdóttir
So-called letters written to the researcher - a methodological
Ola Johan Sjobakken
NERA2016 | 38
NERA2016 | 39
PARALLEL SESSION 3, 09.00–10.30
1. Adult learning – at work, in education and everyday life
Chair: Päivi Atjonen Auditorium XV
Peerness and Other Solidarities of the Diverse Adult Learners
Katinka Käyhkö
The difference between actual skills and formal qualifications:
Potential for recognition of prior learning (RPL), or need for recurrent
Per Andersson & Kari Nissinen
Participants with neuro-psychiatric diagnoses as a growing group at
Swedish folk high schools
Dörte Bernhard
The language education for working-age immigrants in Finland:
Enhancing the learner’s investment in lifelong learning by supporting
learners multilingual identity
Miira Häkkinen
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
2. Arts, Culture and Education
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
3. Early Childhood Research
Mind the gap- - investigating interdisciplinary counseling when
traditional Norwegian kindergarten pedagogy and new architecture
may seem disconnected.
Randi Evenstad & Birger Dahl
Exploring the role of peer counselling in mobilizing kindergartens as
learning organizations
Hege Fimreite
Preventing and detecting child sexual abuse at preschools:
policy and research
Anna Westberg Broström
What is the Relevance of Executive Functioning for Swedish Pre
School Practice?
Sofia Frankenberg
NERA2016 | 40
4. Classroom Research and Ethnographic Studies
Chair: Kristina Lanå Sali 21
I chose this school because all the other students are similar to me.
School choices and homogenization processes in Swedish upper
secondary education
Ann-Sofie Holm & Marianne Dovemark
Experiences of the worst day in school
Lina Lundström
Power, gender and dicourse. An ethnographic study of pupils’
positioning in teaching.
Kristina Lanå
Chair: Eva Ahlskog-Björkman Sali 19
Chair: Randi Evenstad Sali 6
Chair: Ida Kornerup Auditorium XVI
Transition from Daycare to School - Participation possibilities for the
oldest children in daycares. perspectives, possibilities and dilemmas.
Kira Saabye Christensen & Lone Johansen
Transition from home to preschool the new way and the old way.
Kristin Dýrfjörð
Children’s Transitions from Preschool to School
Ingrid Granbom & Marita Lundström
A holistic theoretical model about preschoolers opportunities for
Gudrun Alda Hardardottir
Migrations to the Desert: Gay Men, Life Histories and Poetic Inquiry
David Lee Carlson
Arts bases research and the search for didactical potentials in haiku
Lars Emmerik Damgaard Knudsen
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
3. Early Childhood Research
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
5. The Curriculum Research Network
Chair: Ninni Wahlström Auditorium XI
The influence of transnational policy approaches on curriculum
revisions over three reform cycles in Finland
Kirsten Sivesind, Azita Afsar & Kari E. Bachmann
The glocal teacher between solidarity and difference:
Challenges of education
Solvejg Jobst & Tom Are Trippestad
The future, education and powerful knowledge
Jón Torfi Jónasson
NERA2016 | 41
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 3, 09.00–10.30 PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 3, 09.00–10.30 Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
6. Educational Leadership Network
Chair: Anne Berit Emstad Sali 14
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 3, 09.00–10.30 Open-To-Learning conversation - a contribution to enhance teachers
level of reflection in conversations about students’ learning
Anne Berit Emstad
Scientific concepts and reflections in educational management.
Ann Kristin Larsen
Shadows in the corridor. A study of educational leadership in
the bilingual field
Kari Spernes & Hilde Sofie Fjeld
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
7. Value Issues and Social Relations in Education
Chair: Agneta Knutas Sali 12
Beaches and pyramids for you to enjoy! Finnish school textbook
descriptions of global sights of interest
Pia Mikander
Teachers’ perceptions of motives and aims for science education in
primary school
Ann-Catherine Henriksson
Care at the table: A problematized story of preschool meals
Caroline Ljungberg
There are different roads to Rome! Policy and cultural variation?
Agneta Knutas
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
8. Gender and Education
Negotiating self and higher education: exploring gendered
identity processes in relation to choices and learning among
Chair: Anne-Sofie Nyström Auditorium IV
Reflections of and about men’s success and failure – Gender and
academic achievement in three educational elite contexts
Anne-Sofie Nyström, Carolyn Jackson & Minna Salminen Karlsson
Between instrumentality and passion: The gendering of student
subjectivities at two engineering programs at a Swedish university
Andreas Ottemo
The process of choosing STEM higher education:
Messages from the IRIS project
Maria Vetleseter Bøe, Jim Ryder & Lars Ulriksen
NERA2016 | 42
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
9. General Didactics
Chair: TBA Auditorium I
The limit of general didactics is society
Jonas Nordmark
Religion, ethnicity and gender in physical education: Issues in need of
didactic interest
Karl Jansson
The Evolution of Nordic Schooling and peoples mind-sets
Tobias Werler
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
10. Higher Education
Learning to debate though cross-cultural dialogues in education
Chair: Elina Lehtomäki Sali 5
Internationalizing Nordic University Curriculum
Meeri Hellstén
Globalization, Trans-national Migration and Internationalization of
Higher Education
Elena Dingu-Kyrklund
Hille Janhonen-Abruquah
Lessons learned through the Culturally responsive education (CRE)
Päivi Palojoki
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
12. Inclusive Education
Chair: Hilde Ulvseth Sali 16
For absent relations –- about levelling out the field for school
Ingela Åhslund, Ewa Andersson & Viktoria Skoog
Visible and Invisible Divisions – Transitions of Youth with
Special Education Background in Finland and Sweden
Katariina Hakala
Engaging settings from the students perspective – school
development projects in eight schools
Helena Andersson
Presenting evidence or interpreting understandings:
analytic possibilities of life-history data
Anna-Maija Niemi, Jenni Helakorpi & Reetta Mietola
NERA2016 | 43
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 3, 09.00–10.30 Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Chair: TBA Sali 10
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 3, 09.00–10.30 Teachers’ professional eye in diversity mandate - to capture
the moment ...
Mirja Betzholtz
Technical and Vocational Teachers and Diversity: Encounters with
the Primacy of Practice
Hedvig Skonhoft Johannesen
Teachers’ beliefs in multicultural education. Reflection on action
to further inclusion
Eva Tresserras
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
17. Leisure-time Pedagogy
Chair: Helene Elvstrand Sali 4
17. Leisure-time Pedagogy
Chair: Marianne Dahl Auditorium XIII
19. Teacher’s Work and Teacher Education
Chair: Jakob Billmayer Auditorium XIV
Subject and class teachers and their classroom management
strategies – Signs of two different teaching professions
Jakob Billmayer
Values, virtues and narrative authority: student teachers narrative
inquiry for ethical leadership in the classroom
Roald Tobiassen
Pedagogical rhythm - a concept on the moral dimension of teaching
Sören Högberg
Den skickliga matematiklärarens klassrumsledarskap
Marcus Samuelsson & Joakim Samuelsson
Chair: Odin Fauskevåg Sali 8
From pedagogy to timeagogy? Leisure-time pedagogues handling
time in the reformed Danish Primary School and Leisure-time Center
David Thore Gravesen & Lea Ringskou
Pedagogical Content Knowledge in School Age Child Care
Anneli Hippinen Ahlgren
Organisational confessions - Systematic Quality Management in
Leisure-time Centers
Linnea Holmberg
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
16. The Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education
Xenia - the rituals of hospitality
Torill Strand
Drinking wine for solidarity - the educational philosophy in the Book I
of Plato’s Laws
Eero Salmenkivi
Is justice and equality possible in public schooling? A herbartian
problematization of the politics and democracy of education
Erik Hjulström
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Technology in Leisure-time centre
Magnus Jansson
School children´s special places in a forest garden in Sweden
Maria Hammarsten
The importance of sense of place and space - everyday practice in
school-age educare (Presentation in Swedish)
Catarina Andishmand
14. Multi-Cultural Educational Research
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
20. Youth Research
Rural Youth, Education, Identities and Place in Nordic contexts
Chair: Per-Åke Rosvall Auditorium XII
Immigrant students in rural areas of Iceland:
attitudes and perspectives.
Anna Katarzyna Wozniczka & Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir
Rural and urban experiences of non-heterosexual and trans youth on
career choice and education
Jukka Lehtonen
The local and the global as a resource in a new school model for rural
youth in Iceland
Thurídur Jóhannsdóttir
Where to go and what to do? Young people’s arguments about
career choices in Swedish rural contexts.
Monica Johansson, Per-Åke Rosvall & Maria Rönnlund
What is the importance of the difference in grades between rural and
urban students at end of compulsory education?
Þorlákur Axel Jónsson
Discussant: Ann-Sofie Holm
Board games in the everyday practice of leisure-time centres
Björn Haglund & Louise Peterson
NERA2016 | 44
NERA2016 | 45
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 3, 09.00–10.30 Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Chair: Nafsika Alexiadou Sali 15
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 3, 09.00–10.30 Vocational education for the future? Contradictions in Swedish policy
and practice
Viveca Lindberg
Enactment processes in the implementation of foreign language
proficiency policies: The case of Spanish as an optional school subject
in the Swedish and Norwegian school systems.
Guadalupe Francia
Why the Swedish Centre for Educational Research have to contribute
to the development and the use of configurative reviews
Magnus Levinsson
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Citizenship education, democracy and the market
Chair: Andreas Fejes Auditorium III
Individualisation through collectivisation: Citizen formation in
Swedish adult education
Andreas Fejes, Maria Olson, Lina Rahm, Magnus Dahlstedt & Fredrik
Formation of respectable citizens: precarious work and uncertain
futures in a f-cked up world
Magnus Dahlstedt, Fredrik Sandberg, Andreas Fejes, Maria Olson &
Lina Rahm
Digitizing Sweden: discourses on computerization and citizenship
Lina Rahm
Self-destruction and the formation of reactive nihilistic citizens
Maria Olson, Andreas Fejes, Magnus Dahlstedt, Lina Rahm & Fredrik
Session 3
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
The emergence of new divisions in the Finnish higher education
Chair: Ulpukka Isopahkala-Bouret Sali 7
Sonja Kosunen
Anna Medvedeva
Monika Schatz
Annukka Jauhiainen
Arto Jauhiainen
Anne Laiho
NERA2016 | 46
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
22. Poststructuralist Pedagogical Research
Chair: Bosse Bergstedt Auditorium II
Posthuman Modes: Toward a More Socially Just
Post Methodological Entanglement
Susan Naomi Nordstrom & Camilla Eline Andersen
Reflections on language, space and power in a bilingual school
Tuuli From
Snapchat - The Burden of Representation
Antti Paakkari
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
23. Social Pedagogy
How to integrate user’s voice in research and strength
socialpedagogical praxis from cradle to grave, part 1
Chair: Tanja Miller Sali 13
A Child perspective ‘a floating signifier’
Hanne Warming
How to make sense of vulnerable parents and children’s experience
dealing with everyday life problems and joy?
Tanja Miller, Svend Skov & Gitte Larsen
Neuropedogology and differentiated inclusion
Anni Mortensen
Unheard Voices: Parentally Bereaved Danish Students’ Experiences
and Perceptions of the Support Received.
Martin Lytje
Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
24. School Development
Chair: Anette Olin Sali 20
Changes in teachers pedagogic practice
Kristin Eide
To lead and coordinate school development in order to create
inclusive learning environments.
Magnus Erlandsson
Inhabiting Educational Design
Anna Peterson
NERA2016 | 47
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 3, 09.00–10.30 Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
NERA 2016 Board Panel
Pieni Juhlasali
Chair: Niels Kryger & Carl Anders Säfström
(Small Festival Hall)
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 3, 09.00–10.30 Sverker Lindblad
Maria Ahlholm
Vibe Larsen
Niclas Månsson
Hanna Ragnarsdottir
Carla Chinga-Ramirez
PARALLEL SESSION 4, 13.30–15.00
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
1. Adult learning – at work, in education and everyday life
Activities and communities in turmoil: dialectics of agency and
transformation in educational research
Chair: Silke Trommer Auditorium XII
Learning to survive: Contradictions and object formation in a food
cooperative in Finland
Yrjö Engeström & Juhana Rantavuori
Agency as a process of overcoming alienation: Toward a
transformative agenda for educational research
Annalisa Sannino
“This Is Not Your Debt!” - Emancipation from the Emotional Prison of
Guilt in the Spanish Housing Rights Movement
Mikael Brunila & Kukka Ranta
Indigenous funds of knowledge, learning and identity construction
Anders Breidlid
Fighting off the Vultures: How one Spanish Movement has Seriously
Challenged the next Round of Real Estate Speculation
Mikael Brunila & Kukka Ranta
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
2. Arts, Culture and Education
Dialogue across borders: Material culture in action
Chair: Marie D. Koch Auditorium IV
Arts and Crafts in Early Childhood Education
Eva Ahlskog-Björkman
Arts and Crafts as Culture Education
Marte S. Gulliksen
Cultural Criticism on Arts and Crafts Education
Marie D. Koch
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
3. Early Childhood Research
Chair: Sidsel Boldermo Auditorium XV
‘Glocality’ on place - studying local experience and transforming
education in the northern kindergarten
Sidsel Boldermo & Elin Eriksen Ødegaard
The Implementation of International Education in a Taiwanese
Yvonne Liu
Shaping a Global Community of Student Learners in Early Childhood
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander & Susanne Garvis
Entrepreneurial learning and agency in Swedish Pre-School, Primary
School and in Teacher Education
Eva Insulander, Anna Ehrlin & Anette Sandberg
NERA2016 | 48
NERA2016 | 49
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 4, 13.30–15.00 Session 3
Thu 10.3.
9.00 - 10.30
3. Early Childhood Research
Chair: Ellinor Skaremyr Sali 14
Language immersion or heritage language education or? A Finnish language activity in a preschool context in a Finnish
administrative area in Sweden.
Ellinor Skaremyr
Young children and early literacy in preschool
Bente Vatne
Compensatory Factors for the Low SES Influence on the Early Speech
Maria Voeikova
The preschool entrance hall: a place for preschoolers language
Polly Björk-Willén
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
3. Early Childhood Research
4. Classroom Research and Ethnographic Studies
Chair: Fritjof Sahlström
Sali 4
From theory to observable teacher behavior. Development of an
observation instrument and analysis of history teaching in Icelandic
upper secondary schools
Súsanna Margrét Gestsdóttir
Mobile phone use in classrooms
Fritjof Sahlström
Digital educational resources: Investigating classroom interaction in
four school subjects
Øystein Gilje, Line Ingulfsen, Anniken Furberg, Ingvill Rasmussen,
Anders Kluge & Erik Knain
NERA2016 | 50
5. The Curriculum Research Network
Chair: Kirsten Sivesind Sali 19
Bildung or competences and skills? The legitimation of pre-vocational
subjects in Norway and Germany (Berlin)
Maike Luimes
Assessment in Norwegian teacher education - assessment practices
in pedagogical studies
Marianne Vinje
The Making of Educational Facts: A History of International LargeScale Assessments eplace with title of a paper for paper sessions
Daniel Pettersson
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
6. Educational Leadership Network
Educational leadership in Nordic countries (part 1)
Chair: Monika Törnsén Auditorium III
The Assessment Culture of School Leadership
Forsberg, E., Hortlund, T. & Malmberg, K.
Leadership and diversity in Icelandic schools
Svavarsson, Hansen, Guðjónsdóttir, Ragnarsdóttir & Lefever
Chair: Pia Williams Auditorium II
Group size in preschool. Implications for development and quality
Pia Williams
How does Danish high quality day care centers sustain children’s
learning outcome and how can this be measured?
Torben Naesby
Assessing Quality in Norwegian Toddler Child Care with ITERS-R
Elisabeth Bjørnestad
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
7. Value Issues and Social Relations in Education
Chair: Åsa Söderström Sali 12
The role of moral disengagement, self-efficacy, and class climate in
bystander behavior in bullying situations: A multivariate analysis
Björn Sjögren, Linda Wänström, Sarah Alsaadi, Marlene Bjärehed &
Robert Thornberg,
Bullying as negotiated identities: Junior-high school girls’
Camilla Forsberg
Collective moral disengagement and school bullying: An initial
validation study of the Swedish scale version
Sarah Alsaadi, Linda Wänström, Björn Sjögren,
Marlene Bjärehed, & Robert Thornberg
Missing child perspectives in preschools’ work against bullying and
degrading treatment
Åsa Söderström & Annica Löfdahl Hultman
NERA2016 | 51
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 4, 13.30–15.00 PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 4, 13.30–15.00 Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
8. Gender and Education
Troubling educational cultures in the Nordic countries
Chair: Touko Vaahtera, Pieni Juhlasali
Anna-Maija Niemi & Sirpa Lappalainen (Small Festival Hall)
Troubling embodied pedagogy in science education
Liv Kondrup Kristensen & Kathrin Otrel-Cass
The ideal schoolyard child. Subjectivity in teachers representations
of educational outdoor space
Maria Rönnlund
Troubling normativities? Constructing sexual and gender diversity in
the educational work of Finnish lgbti human rights
Jukka Lehtonen
Discussant: Deborah Youdell
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
9. General Didactics
Chair: TBA Sali 15
Designing expanding mathematical tasks guided by the ElkoninDavydov curriculum
Inger Eriksson
Dialogical dimensions in educational practices
Hanne Fossum
The didactization and poetization in the collaboration between
schools and external agents
Lars Emmerik Damgaard Knudsen
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
9. General Didactics
Popular education - solidarity as didactics for equality? Part 1
Chair: Sam Paldanius Sali 5
At the hart of democracy. Building equality by a didactics of respect
and solidarity.
Sam Paldanius
Folk High School as a Learning Arena –Experiences on the Edge
Paula Kuusipalo
Participation and indirect pedagogy – the case of the Danish folk
high schools.
Rasmus Kolby Rahbek
NERA2016 | 52
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
10. Higher Education
Chair: Susanna Kivelä Sali 10
The student as ‘consumer’ of higher education: How the
measurement of student satisfaction contracts opportunities for
solidarity between members of the academic community
Jo Frankham
The documentation project: Mapping research and development
activity within higher education
Marte Lorentzen
Does decentralizing higher education increase social equality?
A Danish experiment.
Elisabeth Lauridsen Lolle
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
10. Higher Education
Action for sustainability in higher education: Supporting
student-driven initiatives in six Nordic institutions
Chair: Veli-Matti Vesterinen Sali 6
Development of guiding principles for student-driven education for
sustaibability in higher education
Veli-Matti Vesterinen
‘Sustainability education’ as a course of study in higher education:
Issues of epistemological access and social justice
Allyson Macdonald & Auður Pálsdóttir
Are current standards for a university education appropriate for the
task of working with sustainability?
Auður Pálsdóttir & Allyson Macdonald
Applying a relational assessment system in the context of a human
rights and visual arts course
Ásthildur Björg Jónsdóttir & Susan Gollifer
Supporting student influence in higher education to increase action
for sustainability in a changing world
Sakari Tolppanen, Caitlin Wilson & Jakob Grandin
NERA2016 | 53
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 4, 13.30–15.00 PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 4, 13.30–15.00 Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
12. Inclusive Education
Chair: Gunnlaugur Magnússon Sali 16
Including hearing-impaired pupils into mainstream teachers’
point of view
Marjatta Takala
Experiences of parents of children with ASD in Iceland
Jonina Saemundsdottir
What difference does it make? Benefits and drawbacks of
co-teaching for students
Christel Sundqvist
A case study: Inclusion for children with psychiatric diagnosis in
physical education (PE) at primary school
Anette Bentholm
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
12. Inclusive Education
Chair: Rune Hausstätter Sali 21
Inclusive Education in Classroom
Dordy Wilson
Exclusion in inclusive schools?
Hermína Gunnthorsdóttir
Facilitating inclusive learning processes: When the principle of
inclusion meets practice in schools
Susan Tetler
Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Inclusive Education and the role of
special schools in the transition process towards Inclusive Education
Charlotte Riis Jensen, Lotte Hedegaard-Sørensen & Ditte Tofteng
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
18. Families, Institutions and Communities in Education
Chair: Limin Gu Auditorium XI
Neglected and classed youth
Ylva Odenbring, Thomas Johansson & Johannes Lunneblad
Upper Secondary School Students Views on Parental Involvement
in School
Unn-Doris Bæck
The relation between parents satisfaction with compulsory schools
and their wishes for involvement in school activities
Kristín Jónsdóttir & Amalía Björnsdóttir
Parents and their children’s academic achievement: Variability in
the Educational and Learning Capitals of Australian families
Shane N Phillipson
NERA2016 | 54
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
19. Teacher’s Work and Teacher Education
Chair: Magnus Jansson Sali 20
Teachers’ work with national tests - tasks, time and legitimacy
Magnus Jansson & Håkan Löfgren
New accountability processes and organizational routines in schools room for development
Sølvi Mausethagen
The professional work of Norwegian teachers during the knowledge
promotion reform
Hege Hermansen, Sølvi Mausethagen, Tatjana Zlatanovic & Marte
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
20. Youth Research
Inactive youth, the greatest challenge of our time?
Chair: Mette Bunting Auditorium XIV
The Welfare State Rejects
Geir Moshuus
Self-Regulation And Drop Out.
Mette Bunting & Berit Lødding
Dropout youths’ stories of childhood outdoor life: relations between
playground and school yard
Elisabeth Gulløy
«Under the wing or in the line of fire?» A qualitative study of youth in
Telemark and their stories about teachers.
Helle A. Zielinski and Eva Wikstøl
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Chair: Taina Saarinen Sali 8
Swedish post-16 education in the crossroads of inclusion and
marketization - students perspectives
Inger Erixon Arreman
Socio-economic background and educational dispositions of young
people: a comparison between Australia and Finland
Tero Järvinen & Jhania Maliniemi
Parents Revolt against Neoliberal Equity in Norway: Who are They
and What are their Concerns?
Cecilie Haugen
NERA2016 | 55
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 4, 13.30–15.00 PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 4, 13.30–15.00 Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Approaches to Comparing Dynamics in Education Politics
Chair: Jaakko Kauko Auditorium XIII
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 4, 13.30–15.00 Approaches to Comparing Dynamics in Education Politics
Jaakko Kauko
Fractions in the storyline of comprehensive school: notions from
Finland, Denmark and Norway
Sonja Kosunen & Petteri Hansen
International Organisations’ Role in Brazilian Education Quality Policy
Kauko, Jaakko; Centeno, Vera; Candido, Helena & Klutas, Anni
Comparing School Choice Policy in Chile and Finland: Analysing
Seppänen, Piia & Carrasco, Alejandro
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
22. Poststructuralist Pedagogical Research
Methodological elaborations of non-innocent stories - New
materialist enactments of Solidarity, Critique and Response-ability
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
Object of intervention or stakeholder?
Ann- Merete Iversen
Action Research and empowerment of care workers and residents in
public nursing homes in Denmark.
Annette Bilfeldt
Development of new approaches in the study of everyday life of older
people. Ways to explore social integration.
Elisabet Cedersund
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
NERA2016 | 56
24. School Development
Chair: Jaana Nehez Auditorium XVI
The production of an equal school with high quality - Municipal
responses to reforms aimed at excellence and equity.
Jan Grannäs
Interdisciplinary Work in Schools – between Systemic Logic and
Skilled Judgement.
Ditte Tofteng & Gitte Lyng Rasmussen
How teacher education is presented in institutional websites that
offers teacher education in Norway: neoliberalistic ideas or valuation
of teacher profession?
Ole Petter Vestheim & Hege Myhre
Chair: Riikka Hohti Sali 7
Papers, interruptions and arbitrary collaboration – foregrounding
researcher agency as collectively produced
Emilie Moberg
The eagle – moving across categories and zooming in complex and
tiny injustices
Riikka Hohti
Intervening with haptic-optic touch: unsettling stories of health and
health promotion in education
Karin Gunnarsson
Flying beyond: Solidarity and Sámi multiplicities
Hanna Guttorm
Working the limits of critical thinking towards solidarity to come
Camilla Eline Andersen
23. Social Pedagogy
How to integrate user’s voice in research and strength
socialpedagogical praxis from cradle to grave, part 2
Chair: Tanja Miller Sali 13
Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
25. Guidance and Counceling
Chair: Kerstin Bladini Auditorium I
ICDP Program in Shelter Homes.
Sissel Sollied & Astrid Kleppe Flacke
Social networks in supervision. Supervision in an actor-network
theory perspective
Christian Lystbaek
NERA2016 | 57
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 4, 13.30–15.00 Session 4
Thu 10.3.
13.30 - 15.00
PARALLEL SESSION 5, 15.45–17.15
1. Adult learning – at work, in education and everyday life
Chair: May Britt Postholm Sali 16
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 5, 15.45–17.15 Recognition of prior learning seen from student subjective
perspectives in higher education
Jeanette Barnewitz Leth
Dualism formal - informal learning
Tron Inglar
A Grounded Theory Study of The Profession Change Process
Leena Ikonen
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
3. Early Childhood Research
Democratic education for competent children? An ethnographic
study in preschools in different local contexts
Chair: Carina Hjelmér Sali 15
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
3. Early Childhood Research
Good enough? Early Childhood Education and Care for children
below the age of three. Part 1
Pieni Juhlasali
Chair: Ellen Os
(Small Festival Hall)
Quality in interactions between children and caregivers in Norwegian
ECEC measured with Caregiver Interaction Profile Scales
Elisabeth Bjørnestad & Ellen Os
Where have all the toys gone?
Ellen Os & Anne Trine Kjørholt
Aesthetic Activities in Norwegian Kindergartens
Tona Gulpinar & Leif Hernes
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
6. Educational Leadership Network
Chair: TBA Sali 8
Values and ethics in educational evaluation described by Finnish
professional evaluators
School as the universe of opportunities in the district community
Anne Berit Emstad
We get a taste of our own medicine . The enactment of CALL-DK a formative assessment of leadership for learning
Helle Bjerg
NERA2016 | 58
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
6. Educational Leadership Network
Educational leadership in Nordic countries (part 2)
Chair: Monika Törnsén Auditorium XIII
Doing a good job as a superintendent
Lars Svedberg
Commitment, care, and coherence featuring successful
multi-level school
Michael Uljens, Rolf Sundqvist & Ann-Sofie Smeds-Nylund
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
7. Value Issues and Social Relations in Education
Chair: Karen Tobias-Green Auditorium XVI
Student teachers’ worries about their future ethical shortcomings
Gunnel Colnerud
Values and/or knowledge: Teacher students’ reflections
Ragnar Olsson
Under the radar: Communities of practice, value issues and
recognising the existence and value of alternative pedagogies
Karen Tobias-Green
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
8. Gender and Education
Chair: Ylva Odenbring Auditorium XI
Gender equality in the Nordic countries - differences school policy
and regulation
Mia Heikkilä, Mervi Heikkinen, Cecilie Norgaard & Ole Bredesen
Individualized equality in Finnish academy
Johanna Lätti
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
9. General Didactics
Chair: TBA Auditorium XV
Teaching and learning in Icelandic compulsory schools at the
beginning of the 21st century
Anna Kristín Sigurðardóttir
Teacher perception of student motivation and the relation with
students`s self-determination in physical education
Svein Olav Ulstad
A reflection tool to an open investigating approach to teacher
education practice
Lisbeth Lunde Frederiksen & Mette Beck
NERA2016 | 59
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 5, 15.45–17.15 Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
9. General Didactics
Popular education - solidarity as didactics for equality? Part 2
Chair: Sam Paldanius Sali 5
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 5, 15.45–17.15 10. Higher Education
Chair: Anne Laiho Sali 21
Students Doing Good. Expanding the Liberal Arts Tradition.
Fredrik Sjögren
Laurea Master’s Foresight Process-Master’s degree students running
environmental scanning and foresight process
Susanna Kivelä
University business graduate employment outcomes and gender
segregation in Finland
Päivi Vuorinen-Lampila & Timo Ala-Vähälä
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
10. Higher Education
Reforming higher education – the new kindergarten teacher education programme in Norway
Chair: Vigdis Foss Auditorium XII
The new kindergarten teacher education programme in Norway –
presentation of the study model and the background for the
Svein Ole Sataøen & Elin Eriksen Ødegaard
Pedagogy in the Norwegian kindergarten teacher education –
paradoxes, challenges and possibilities
Vigdis Foss & Hege Fimreite
How are the reforms and pedagogy as a subject evident in the
module plans
Inger Benny Espedal Tungland, Bente Vatne & Marit Alvestad
NERA2016 | 60
Chair: Dordy Wilson Sali 20
Didactic perspectives on developing inclusive learning environments
Lisbeth Ohlsson
Storyline as an approach in teaching and learning solidarity in diverse
groups of students
Jóhanna Karlsdóttir
Parallel Paradigm shifts? Developments of Market Ideals and Ideals of
Inclusion in the Swedish Education System.
Gunnlaugur Magnússon
Developing pedagogy for inclusive practices: Self-study in
teacher education
Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir & Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir
Teacher training for folk high school teachers. A didactical challenge?
Eva-Marie Harlin
Values in folk high schools
Inger Landström
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
12. Inclusive Education
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
13. ICT & Education
Chair: TBA Sali 4
Born in 1999; Genres of participation and learning in digital media
Øystein Gilje
Blogging towards researcherhood - The changing communicative
structure of a course blog
Leila Pehkonen & Mikael Kivelä
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
14. Multi-Cultural Educational Research
Chair: TBA Sali 12
Impossible bodies and minority students’ subjectivity: discursive
understandings to dropout in the Norwegian secondary
Carla Chinga-Ramirez
Were They Pushed, Nudged, or Helped? Stories about parental
influence on the educational choice among children of immigrants
in Norway
Marianne Takvam Kindt
What Constitutes an Equitable and Inclusive Pedagogical Practice?
Findings from an Urban Public School District in the US
Motoaki Hara, Esperanza De La Vega, Elise D. Christiansen &
Jeanine N. Fukuda
Translanguaging - The multilingual turn. Multilingual pupils’ attitudes
regarding their own linguistic potential and translanguaging
strategies in classroom
Ann-Christin Torpsten
NERA2016 | 61
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 5, 15.45–17.15 Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
Chair: TBA Sali 10
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 5, 15.45–17.15 Romani mediators in higher education - social reproduction, upward
mobility and academic capital formation
Christina Rodell Olgac & Angelina Dimiter-Taikon
Promotion of the equality of Roma minorities in and through
education – a cross-cultural analysis in Finland, Norway and Sweden
Jenni Helakorpi, Sirpa Lappalainen & Reetta Mietola
Sweden’s Double Decade for Roma Inclusion in the European
Anders Norberg
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
Scientific methods as boundary objects - connecting theory and
practice in teacher education
Kari Spernes & Hilde Afdal
Learning climate and interaction patterns in the relationship between
cooperating teachers and student teachers - a student teacher
Johan Kristian Andreasen & Rune Høigaard
Placement schools as learning arenas for teacher education:
the dilemmas and priorities of school leaders
Kirsten E. Thorsen
14. Multi-Cultural Educational Research
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
15. Literacy Research Network
Chair: Eva Borgfeldt Sali 19
16. The Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education
Chair: Torill Strand Auditorium I
The Political as Presence: Reformulating agonism in citizenship
Ásgeir Tryggvason
Witnessing: On Subjectivity, solidarity and pedagogical potentiality
Marie Hållander
Hal Koch’s democracy and youth participation in Denmark
Akiko Harada
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
19. Teacher’s Work and Teacher Education
Chair: Ann-Sofi Wedin Sali 14
Chair: Susan Rafik Hama Auditorium II
The young people’s voices in a rural region of Sweden;
about the future, choices and norms.
Lena Boström & Rolf Dalin
Geographies of restricted opportunities
Gry Paulgaard
Push and Pull Factors Behind Academic Success: Young Immigrant
Students in Icelandic Upper-Secondary Schools
Susan Rafik Hama, Hanna Ragnarsdóttir & Börkur Hansen
From pupil to co-researcher, the follow-up interviews
Johanna Öberg
Reasoning about historical sources in a National History test for year 9
Susanne Staf
Aesthetic interests and subject content, a study of teachers’
percpetions of Swedish as a school subject
Katharina Dahlbäck & Anna Lyngfelt
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
20. Youth Research
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Chair: Palle Rasmussen Auditorium XIV
Mysterious Confluences of Transnational and Federal Governance:
Commonalities and differences in Danish and US education reform
John Benedicto Krejsler
Legitimization of knowledge: policy versus research by PISA and TIMSS
Christina Mølstad, Daniel Pettersson & Eva Forsberg
The state in the global educational policy field: Finland, England and
the OECD TALIS programme
Tore Bernt Sørensen
Policy making, and taking, in a crowded policy space: The case of
the Swedish teacher certification reform
Lena Lindgren
Interactive reflection and discussion about content and participation
rate in mentoring conversations during practical part of teacher
Ann-Sofi Wedin
NERA2016 | 62
NERA2016 | 63
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 5, 15.45–17.15 Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Urban Education in the Nordic countries
Chair: Gaby Weiner Sali 13
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
Marketization of the Urban Educational Space
Lisbeth Lundahl
Social class, inclusion and exclusion - teacher and student practices in
Norwegian urban education
Anne-Lise Arnesen
Educating ‘Euro-citizens’: a study of a vocational upper secondary
programme in Health Care and Social Services
Sirpa Lappalainen
Young people and local power geometries. The intertwining of
social class, gender and ethnicity in public spaces.
Discussant: Elina Lahelma
Tarja Tolonen
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
Research on pedagogical entrepreneurship - a Literature Review
based on studies from three Nordic Countries
Michael Dal
Pedagogical entrepreneurship – what are the challenges for schools
in their fostering mission?
Eva Leffler & Gudrun Svedberg
Entrepreneurial Schools – Entrepreneurial Learning Environments and
a Changed Teacher Role
Helena Sagar
Entrepreneurship education for non-business students
Ida Lindh
Enterprise Education in Third Grade; Results from an Action Research
Janne Elo
A search for the common thread - a study of learning synapses in
entrepreneurship education.
Karin Axelsson
22. Poststructuralist Pedagogical Research
Methodsfestival and moments of realisms;
Pedagogies for the 21st.century
Chair: Anne Reinertsen Sali 7
Merete Moe
Camilla Andersen
Kirsten Stien
Agneta Knutas
Agnes Westergaard Bjelkerud
Rebekka L. Brox
Kristina Juntilla
23. Social Pedagogy
Social pedagogical perspectives on participation
Chair: Lisbeth Eriksson Auditorium III
24. School Development
CIE - Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in
the Nordic Countries.
Chair: Michael Dal Auditorium IV
Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
25. Guidance and Counceling
Chair: Kari Berg Sali 6
Mentor Education and Critical Reflection
Solveig Fredriksen Aasen & Bjørg Herberg Gloppen
Young people’s educational and carrier choices: A case study among
young people, guidance counsellors and teachers in a Swedish
Sara Högdin
Elisabeth Cedersund
Elina Nivala
Tanja Miller
NERA2016 | 64
NERA2016 | 65
PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 5, 15.45–17.15 PARALLEL SESSIONS Thursday Parallel Session 5, 15.45–17.15 Session 5
Thu 10.3.
15.45 - 17.15
PARALLEL SESSION 6, 09.00–10.30
1. Adult learning – at work, in education and everyday life
Chair: Per Andersson Auditorium XII
Vocational teachers and the notion of ‘good teaching’
Henriette Duch
Successful evaluation experiences in educational field
Päivi Atjonen
Experienced teachers handling challenging situations in school
May Britt Postholm
Rector learning- The conditions, obstacles and opportunities for
learning in the daily activities
Ingemar Johansson & Thoman Winman
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
3. Early Childhood Research
3. Early Childhood Research
Chair: Søren Smidt Sali 19
Intentional pedagogical practice in day-care institutions
Søren Smidt
Preschool teachers’ reasoning about pedagogical goals
Camilla Björklund
Opportunities and obstacles for science in Swedish preschools:
Views from a community perspective
Kenneth Ekström
NERA2016 | 66
3. Early Childhood Research
Reconfiguring early childhood solidarity/ies through research performances
Chair: Ann Merete Otterstad Auditorium XVI
Jayne Osgood
Ann-Hege L. Waterhouse
Maybritt Jensen
Camilla Andersen
Discussant: Susan Nordstrom
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
6. Educational Leadership Network
Chair: Anders Arnqvist Auditorium I
Educational leaders perception of their role regarding ethical and
human rights issues
Line Jenssen
Leadership in early childhood education. Preconditions for preschool
to work based on science and according to proven experience
Anders Arnqvist
Leadership undergoing change – focusing Swedish Preschool Leaders
Kerstin Bladini, Kristina Malmberg, Stefan Weinholz & Lena Wiman
Chair: Sivannes Phillipson Sali 8
Australian parents’ perceptions of access to resources and
mathematical early learning
Sivanes Phillipson, Shane N Phillipson, Peter Sullivan &
Ann Gervasoni
How Do Day-Care Personnel Describe Children with Challenging
Päivi Pihlaja, Tanja Sarlin & Terja Ristkari
Regulating or flexible rooms; Things, children and the employees
Else Cathrine Melhuus
Digital technologies in day-care institutions - tracing different uses
by children and pedagogues
Vibeke Schrøder
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
7. Value Issues and Social Relations in Education
Chair: Marcus Samuelsson Sali 10
Conceptions of ethical competence in relation to action readiness in
education for sustainable development (ESD)
Marie Grice & Olof Franck
Discursive patterns in young people’s argumentation about their
interaction in social media
Lotta Eek-Karlsson
Governing values in Swedish schools: An analysis of Swedish school
inspectorate teachers questionnaire (2010-2015)
Ulrika Bergstrand
Lärarstudenters val av ledarstilar for att hantera simulerade
Marcus Samuelsson
NERA2016 | 67
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 6, 09.00–10.30 PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 6, 09.00–10.30 Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
7. Value Issues and Social Relations in Education
A Comparison of Social Justice in Education Systems in Six
Countries. Part 1
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 6, 09.00–10.30 Room:
Chair: Shen-Keng Yang
Pieni Juhlasali (Small Festival Hall)
8. Gender and Education
Chair: Carolyn Jackson Auditorium III
Majority perspectives on female minority students in vocational
education in Norway: problems and resources
Åse Røthing
Positional identities in educational transitions: how solidarity shape
future trajectories among multiethnic girls
Solveig Roth
Precarisation and marketisation of adult immigrant education
Tuuli Kurki
Education and reproduction of social inequality of caste and gender:
a Dalit perspective in Nepal
Ghanshyam Bishwakarma
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
9. General Didactics
Chair: TBA Sali 6
Traditions, Ambiguities and Pupils: Challenges in Teacher Assignment
Linda Jonsson
Primary pupils’ perspectives on assessment in classroom interaction
Elisabeth Eriksson
Exploring Students’ Knowing by Pre and Post-tests in Learning
Åsa Hirsh & Viveca Lindberg
NERA2016 | 68
Chair: Annukka Jauhiainen Sali 15
Building bridges for learning - Identifying teachers dispositions in a
Higher Education context
Carina Kiukas, Maria Forss & Åsa Rosengren
One has developed a totally different mind-set: The formation of
student disciplinary identities in higher education
Guðrún Geirsdóttir
Teaching in the managerial university
Anne Laiho
Continuities and contradictions in creating a five-year teacher
education programme after the merger of two universities
Anna Kristín Sigurðardóttir, Ingólfur Ásgeir Jóhannsson & Gunnhildur
A Study of Social Justice and the Capacity for Self-Development in
France’s Educational System, with a view to improving
Chiou Rong Wang Yang
Social Justice in Educational System of Japan
Yu-Fei Liu
The Discourse between Social Justice and Schooling
Yung-ming Shu & Ren-Jie Vincent Lin
Social Justice in the Education System in Germany
Shen-Keng Yang
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
10. Higher Education
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
10. Higher Education
Chair: Susanna Niinistö-Sivuranta Auditorium XIV
Use of ICT in supervising nursing-students in bachelor-programme
Bente Kvilhaugsvik
Equality in higher education: A mixed method study on relations
between self-efficacy, students background and students success for
Nursing and Computer Science students
Finn E. Nordbjerg & Rikke C. B. Rasmussen
How many Es can higher education tolerate?
Anders Grov Nilsen & Aslaug Grov Almås
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
12. Inclusive Education
Chair: Susan Tetler Sali 4
I am my childs ombudsman. The role and situation of mothers whose
children need an extensive support in their education
Hermina Gunnthorsdóttir
Statped and the municipalities: Governmental special educational
support to local responsibilities
Marit Mjøs
Subject teachers responding to diverse students in inclusive schools
Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir
Learning disabilities, constrained school choices and parental class
advantages in neoliberal times
Berglind Magnusdottir
NERA2016 | 69
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 6, 09.00–10.30 Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
12. Inclusive Education
Chair: Marjatta Takala Auditorium IV
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 6, 09.00–10.30 Schools´ efforts to create inclusive learning environments
Lisbeth Ohlsson, Helena Andersson, Inger Assarson & Daniel Östlund
“I am a college student” Postsecondary education for students with
intellectual disabilities
Guðrún Stefansdottir
Teachers development and children’s role as students.
Sine Grumløse
The ‘neurological gaze’ on pupils - trailing its nourishers
Anita Norlund & Marianne Strömberg
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Digital games as medium for promotion of social change in
education: A literature review on persuasive games
Anastasia Thomai Raptopoulou
Educational context’s influence on how learners perceive the private
good of developing digital literacies in a developed and a developing
Leif Marklund & Hakim Usoof
Translations through Visual Analytics, Knowledge Visualization and
K 12 Students – Three Case Studies
Linnéa Stenliden
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Chair: TBA Sali 12
NERA2016 | 70
15. Literacy Research Network
Interplay with texts in different modalities
Chair: Michael Tengberg Sali 7
Six-year-olds emerging comprehension strategies when reading
digital texts
Carina Hermansson & Christina Olin-Scheller
Reading the textbook aloud in L1-classrooms
Anna Slotte & Liisa Tainio
The role of material texts in classroom interactions. Constraints and
possibilities for dialogical learning and instruction
Marie Tanner, Christina Olin-Scheller & Michael Tengberg
Primary school Childrens’ Interactional Positions in Collaborative Text
Eva Hultin & Maria Westman
14. Multi-Cultural Educational Research
Challenging invisible majority privileges in the geography curriculum
in Norway
Helga Bjørke Harnes
How well does an immigrant status explain academic achievement?
Eyrun Maria Runarsdottir
Religion and physical education: does it affect Muslim boys?
Karl Jansson
Chair: TBA Sali 21
Parents with immigrant backgrounds, teachers and school leaders;
school experiences and school-home relationships
Gro Marte Strand & Åsa Dahl Berge
Translanguaging the multilingual turn - Multilingual pupils attitudes
regarding their own linguistic potential and translanguaging
strategies in classroom
Ann-Christin Torpsten
Multicultural sex education. At the crossroad between family and
Veronika Honkasalo
Municipal educational policy related to immigrant students and
implementation of policy in four municipalities in Iceland
Hanna Ragnarsdóttir
13. ICT & Education
Chair: Anastasia Thomai Raptopoulou Sali 13
14. Multi-Cultural Educational Research
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
16. The Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education
Chair: Knut Ove Æsøy Sali 20
Celebrating citizenship by sacrificing chidren’s time:
on the expansion of school
Ditte Storck Christensen
John Hattie’s Theory of Education - a Critique
Thomas Aastrup Rømer
NERA2016 | 71
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 6, 09.00–10.30 Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
19. Teacher’s Work and Teacher Education
Chair: Bent Olsen Auditorium II
The impact of social class background on a professions educational
Bent Olsen
The “schools” presence in the kindergartens universe of educational
Bent Olsen
Picking up the pieces? Reflective dialogues between a teacher
educator and a teacher within a self-study approach
Rolf K. Baltzersen
Who are you in this place? Rural teacher professionalism in Norway with Poland and Lithuania as horizons of comparison
Tobias Werler, Dziuginta Baraldsnes & Alicja Sadownik
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Chair: Susan Rafik Hama Auditorium XIII
(The lack of) Localised Cultures of Vocational Education:
The case of Oslo
Kristinn Hegna
Young adults in the middle ground between education and work
Heli Mutanen
Why choose vocational education and training?
Ann Karin Sandal
NERA2016 | 72
Chair: John Benedicto Krejsler Sali 16
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Chair: Heidi Vartiainen Sali 5
Public and private schooling under changing conditions in Denmark
Palle Rasmussen
Reforming the school funding policy: the case of Finland since
the 1990s
Virpi Pakkanen
Elite sport programs as a competitive force in the education
market: a case study of pedagogic discourses in the pedagogic
recontextualization field
Svein Kårhus
Chair: Lena Sjöberg Auditorium XV
20. Youth Research
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
What Knowledge Counts when Revising a Curriculum?
On Discursive Positionings in the Swedish Educational Landscape
Marie Carlson
The Norwegian Ungdomsskole reforms protagonists, consenters, and
Katharina Sass
19. Teacher’s Work and Teacher Education
To become a primary education teacher - pedagogic discourses in
the assessment practice of the teacher training
Lena Sjöberg
The ambiguity of pedagogical entrepreneurship. A state of the art
and its challenges
Frode Olav Haara, Eirik S. Jenssen, Ingrid Fossøy & Inger Karin Røe
A diagnostic reading comprehension test at the beginning of teacher
education, specializing in languages
Christine Lalander
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
22. Poststructuralist Pedagogical Research
Chair: Bosse Bergstedt Auditorium XI
Decentering the agency of language policy. Material-semiotic
transformations of bilingualism in early childhood education
Anna Bylund
Decentering the agency of language policy. Material-semiotic
transformations of bilingualism in early childhood education
Anna Bylund
On Doing a Foucaultian-Inspired Genealogy of Writing Assessment in
Secondary English Education
David Lee Carlson
NERA2016 | 73
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 6, 09.00–10.30 PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 6, 09.00–10.30 Session 6
Fri 11.3.
9.00 - 10.30
PARALLEL SESSION 7, 13.30–15.00
3. Early Childhood Research
Chair: Anette Koch Auditorium XV
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 7, 13.30–15.00 3. Early Childhood Research
Chair: Inger Vigmostad Auditorium I
Childrens’ participation in educational research projects
Inger Vigmostad
Enhancing peer interaction in early childhood special education
Marja Syrjämäki
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
3. Early Childhood Research
Good enough? Early Childhood Education and Care for children
below the age of three. Part 2
Chair: Anne Trine Kjørholt Sali 10
Children’s spaces of non-formal care and education in light of shifting
political landscapes
Anne Trine Kjørholt
Small children`s welfare in day care
Hanne Fehn Dahle, Brit Eide, Kristin Danielsen Wolf & Nina Winger
Improving quality for the youngest children; perspectives from
the teachers
Brit Eide, Anne Trine Kjørholt, Ellen Os & Nina Winger
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
4. Classroom Research and Ethnographic Studies
Chair: Charlotta Rönn Auditorium XIV
Chair: Anna Kristín Sigurðardóttir Sali 15
Principals explores pedagogical leadership
Anette Forssten Seiser
Distributed leadership as ambiguous leadership
Kristian Gylling Olesen
Exploring the Role of Cultural and Policy Context in Distributed
Leadership Practices in the US and Denmark
Hege Fimreite & Ingrid Fossøy
Childrens perspectives on their adult professionals - Teacher role
and impact on child wellbeing
Anette Boye Koch
Empowering Children through Critique and Utopias
Mia Husted
Preschool Education in the Eyes of Children
Jóhanna Einarsdóttir & Hrönn Pálmadóttir
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
6. Educational Leadership Network
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
6. Educational Leadership Network
Chair: Monika Törnsén Sali 20
National principal education - from realization and learning
Pia Skott & Monika Törnsén
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
7. Value Issues and Social Relations in Education
Chair: Robert Thornberg Sali 7
Risk and protective factors for girls violent offenders
Ann-Cathrin Faldet
Conflict resolution in the Swedish teacher education:
What has happened since 2011?
Ilse Hakvoort & Agneta Lundström
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
7. Value Issues and Social Relations in Education
A comparison of social justice in education systems in six countries.
Part 2
Pieni Juhlasali
Chair: Shen-Keng Yang
(Small Festival Hall)
A Study on Social Justice in Educational System in New Zealand
Wen-Jou Hung
Movement as a Method: High school students divers experiences of
the potential of learning while moving in a variety of subjects.
Charlotte Svendler Nielsen
Student centerd learning; combining interactive and individual
methods as a means to enhance motivation.
Charlotta Rönn
NERA2016 | 74
NERA2016 | 75
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 7, 13.30–15.00 Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
8. Gender and Education
Chair: Jukka Lehtonen Auditorium XI
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 7, 13.30–15.00 Once upon a threshold - a narrative study of three men in
their twenties and their experiences of violating the norms of
a heteronormative school environment
Andreas Johansson
Men with intellectual disabilities learn to teach equality
Kristin Bjornsdottir
Empathical knowledges in scientific, therapeutic and user based
approaches to one and another in the field of long termed
experiences of sexual abuse
Thomas Antshukov Kjær
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
10. Higher Education
Chair: Arto Jauhiainen Sali 5
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
10. Higher Education
Chair: Susanna Niinistö-Sivuranta Sali 16
The Social Backgrounds, Resources and Realities of Doctoral
Students in Finland
Sini Kuusela
Doctoral students experiences of supervision and study-related
burnout on the doctoral journey
Solveig Cornér
The development of a doctoral writing programme:
Student perspectives
Robert Berman, Patricia Thomson, Ólöf Garðarsdóttir & Susan
NERA2016 | 76
Chair: Thomas Barow Auditorium IV
Case library in special education: Research on teaching material for
inclusive strategies for special educational support.
Rune Hausstätter
The differentiated classroom - Teachers’ perceptions of didactic
lesson planning in an inclusive educational context
Elaine Kotte
The Structure of Blocking & Stuttering
Sunar Pradip
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
2. Arts, Culture and Education
Chair: Marie D. Koch Sali 21
Engaging all learners through the arts: The possibilities multimodal,
collaborative learning in fostering equality in schools
Eeva Anttila, Marja-Leena Juntunen, Heidi Partti, Hanna Nikkanen,
Isto Turpeinen & Riku Saastamoinen
Implementation of a new craft subject crafts and design
at primary school
Lisa Monica Fälling Andersen
Drama and arts for climate change
Anna Lehtonen
Ten years of material culture didactics. Possibilities and challenges for
a cross-professional and cross-institutional art education
Lisbeth Haastrup
Practices of Data Use in Higher Education: A literature review
Hege Hermansen
Whose university? Agency in transition
Karin Filander, Katriina Tapanila & Päivi Siivonen
The altering position of a Finnish university student from university’s
perspective in the period of 1920-2015
Raakel Plamper
The Problem of Solidarity in the course of Transformation of
University Organizational Culture
Olga Kozyreva
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
12. Inclusive Education
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
13. ICT & Education
Chair: TBA Sali 19
Teachers in the digitized classroom
Ingrid Helleve
Understanding teachers use of ICT in Norway. An empirical analysis
based on ICILS 2013
Jo Tondeur & Christelle Garrouste
Reducing the disturbance factor when using ICT in teacher training
Yoshiaki Fujii, Takeshi Morishita, Hiroyuki Muramatsu, Mitsunori
Yatsuka, Yoshinori Higashibara
NERA2016 | 77
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 7, 13.30–15.00 Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
14. Multi-Cultural Educational Research
Chair: TBA Sali 12
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 7, 13.30–15.00 Write me a letter -Educating future teachers for ethnical and cultural
diversity in the classroom
Gudrun Jonsdottir
Multicultural teaching in Flemish secondary schools: the role of
school structural characteristics and teachers’ ethnic prejudices
Roselien Vervaet
Dealing with uncertainty and being flexible: trainers experiences of
teaching adult migrant students participating in vocational education
for adults
Katarzyna Kärkkäinen
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
14. Multi-Cultural Educational Research
Chair: TBC Auditorium II
A comparison of mother tongue tuition in Sweden and Switzerland
Adrian Lundberg
Voices of Indigenous educational leaders: Stories of the journey
Karen Trimmer & Debra Hoven
Mind the Gap: Ethnography about cultural reproduction of difference
and disadvantage in urban education
Osa Lundberg
The lonely girl in class: using intersectionality theory to negotiate
neglected narratives
Vibeke Solbue
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
20. Youth Research
Chair: Gry Paulgaard Auditorium III
What do Be, or Not to Be? A Swot, Quirky or an Immigrant- the sense
of belonging and otherness in three urban schools.
Anna Ambrose
Social relations, local community and school community
Tekla Canger
Young teens’ responses to ‘hate’ on a public social networking site
Kim Ringmar Sylwander
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Chair: Taina Saarinen Sali 6
Emerging political networks strategizing towards privatization within
the Icelandic educational sector
Kristin Dýrfjörð
University language policies in Finland: national languages and
the ideology of bilingualism
Taina Saarinen
Chair: Susanne Staf Sali 4
NERA2016 | 78
Chair: Eero Salmenkivi Sali 8
Democratization of Knowledge
Knut Ove Æsøy
Reading literacy and bildung of identity. Hegel and J. Langer
Odin Fauskevåg
Heidegger Explicitly on Academic education – Phenomenographic
and philosophical Analysis on Heidegger’s Conceptions on Education
in his Apology
Rauno Huttunen & Leena Kakkori
15. Literacy Research Network
Multimodal Text Production, Multilinguism and Assesment: Teachers’
Perspectives on Multimodality when Evaluating Text Productions in
Third Grade
Eva Borgfeldt
Making Bubbles in the Classroom Using Multimodal Resources
to Construct Speech and Thought Bubbles as Aspects of Comics
Lars Wallner
Writing on computer with auditory feed-back from speech synthesis
- four children explore written language
Britta Hannus-Gullmets
16. The Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Chair: Ulpukka Isopahkala-Bouret Sali 13
Differentiation and Diversification in Compulsory Education:
A Conceptual Analysis
Lauri Ojalehto
Critical analysis of concepts and traditions in disadvantaged schools
Heidi Vartiainen
The effects of school quality evaluation practices on social
segregation in Russia
Galina Gurova
NERA2016 | 79
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 7, 13.30–15.00 Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
21. Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies
Chair: Hannele Pitkänen Auditorium XII
PARALLEL SESSIONS Friday Parallel Session 7, 13.30–15.00 The (Re)Making of Empirical Educational Research in Norway
Mike Zapp, Jo B. Helgetun & Justin Powell
Dyadic interviews as a methodology in educational research:
benefits and difficulties
Brynja Halldórsdóttir
Educational careers and public trust in research:
Comparative analyses with a focus on educational research
Sverker Lindblad & Rita Foss Lindblad
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
22. Poststructuralist Pedagogical Research
Chair: Bosse Bergstedt Auditorium XVI
Documentation of education for teenagers in residential care:
Network of blame and critique
Susanne Severinsson
Social skills and constructions of normality in the Finnish school
Ina Juva
Possible educational paths for students in special needs classes
Anna-Leena Riitaoja
Session 7
Fri 11.3.
13.30 - 15.00
24. School Development
Chair: Torbjørn Lund Auditorium XIII
Middle leaders for school improvement; questions to go on with
Jaana Nehez
Teachers as agents of change in networking schools.
Torbjørn Lund
The Swedish career reform as a tool for school development.
Ann Öhman Sandberg
An opportunity for inspiration and for work enthusiasm.
Randi Faugstad
NERA2016 | 80
FRIDAY, 11.3
Session 3 +
Panel Discussion,
Small Festival Hall
Session 6
10.30–11.00 Coffee
10.30–11.00 Coffee
11.00–12.00 Keynote:
Prof. Deborah Youdell,
University of Birmingham,
UK, Great Hall
Keynote: Prof. Gunilla
Holm, University of
Helsinki, Finland, Great Hall
12.00–13.30 Lunch hour
Lunch hour / Network
Convenor Meeting,
Teachers’ Cafeteria
10.00 Registration
Opening Ceremony,
Great Hall
13.30–14.30 Keynote: Prof. 13.30–15.00
Session 4
Bob Lingard, University
of Queensland, Australia,
Great Hall
Session 7
14.30–15.00 Coffee
Session 1
15.00–15.45 Coffee +
Network meeting
Session 5
Session 2
Annual Meeting
Sali 13
Welcome reception
Lounge on the 2nd floor
19.00– Congress Dinner
Restaurant Bank,
Unioninkatu 20
15.15–16.00 Closing
Ceremony, Great Hall