Recommended Landscape Plant List


Recommended Landscape Plant List
This list was compiled by the District Council of the Copper Coast after consultation with a
number of plant growers in the Copper Coast region.
Organisations consulted included;
• The Kadina Growing Company
• Peninsula Nursery
• Narunga Aboriginal Progress Association
• Northern Yorke Peninsula Australian Plants Society
Factors that were considered when selecting plants for this list included;
• Suitability to local conditions
• Sustainability with minimum or no supplementary irrigation
• Growth characteristics, (plants that are likely to become weeds if they escape into
the natural environment have been avoided)
• Availability
It is important to choose the plant that not only possesses the form and function you
require, but also suits the conditions that you can provide.
The list contains both native and non-native plants.
The list is intended to recommend plants that will grow in the Copper Coast region under
normal conditions. It is not a complete list of plants that will grow in the region and is not
intended to be.
The list will be updated on a regular basis as different plants are recommended to Council
that meet the required criteria.
It is anticipated that the list will be of assistance to developers, landscapers and property
A Coastal Garden that displays plants that are suited to front line coastal conditions, second
line coastal conditions and the dune environment has been established on the foreshore
adjacent to the corner of Riley Road and The Esplanade, North Beach Township.
The garden is a living demonstration of plants suited for gardens in a coastal environment.
1. Allocasuarina verticillata
2. Callistemon ‘Harkness’
3. Eucalyptus camaldulensis
4. Eucalyptus cladocalyx
5. Eucalyptus forrestiana
6. Eucalyptus incrassata var. incrassata
7. Eucalyptus sargentii
8. Eucalyptus socialis
9. Eucalyptus stricklandii
10. Eucalyptus torquata
11. Eucalyptus ‘Torwood’
12. Melaleuca lanceolata
13. Pittosporum phylliraeoides
1. Acacia iteaphylla
2. Acacia notabilis
3. Adenanthos detmoldii
4. Alyogyne hakeifolia
5. Alyogyne huegelii
6. Atriplex nummularia
7. Banksia prionotes
8. Bursaria spinosa
9. Callistemon rugulosus
10. Calothamnos quadrifidus
11. Chamelaucium uncinatum
12. Correa alba
13. Eremophila maculata
14. Eremophila nivea
15. Eremophila oppositifolia
16. Escallonia ‘Red Elf’
17. Hebe ‘Inspiration’
18. Melaleuca acuminate
19. Melaleuca pauperiflora
20. Photinia robusta
21. Westringia fruiticosa
22. Westringia ‘Wynyabbie Gem’
1. Acacia glaucoptera
2. Agapanthus orientalis
3. Correa pulchella ‘Dusky Bells’
4. Cuphea ‘Tiny Mice’
5. Dianella revoluta ‘Little Rev’
6. Dieties spp
7. Euryops pectinatus
8. Hebe buxifolia
9. Lavandula pendunculata
10. Lomandra spp.
11. Rhagodia candolleana
12. Rosmarinus officinalis
1. Eremophila glabra (prostrate, yellow)
2. Dampiera rosmarinifolia
3. Hardenbergia violaceae
4. Myoporum parvifolium
1. Cymbopogon ambiguous
2. Isolepis nodosa
Allocasuarina verticillata
Drooping Sheoak
Round-headed, small-to-medium-sized tree that will grow in a variety of sites.
Height 6 metres with a spread of 4 metres.
It is well-known as a tree tolerant of sandy, dry soils, and coastal salt spray.
Although known as a coastal plant it also grows successfully on heavy, cracking clay soils.
Has been used extensively on difficult sites both in Australia and abroad.
Drought, frost and lime tolerant. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
A. verticillata looks poorly-as it grows, but this appearance will change with age.
Do not plant closer than 3.5 metres from sewer pipes.
Callistemon ‘Harkness’
Call. ‘Gawler Hybrid’
Rounded small tree to 4 metres in height with a spread up to 3 meters.
Masses of bright red flower spikes in spring and autumn.
Very hardy. Thrives on alkaline soils. Drought, frost tolerant.
Attracts nectar feeding birds and insects. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
River Red Gum
Large spreading tree to 30 metres in height. Will accept wet conditions.
E.camaldulensis is a hardy tree in cultivation but is probably too large for most urban
gardens. It adapts to a wide range of soils but growth is best in soils with an assured supply
of water.
The white flowers are seen mainly in late spring and summer and these are followed by small
seed capsules about 60 mm diameter with protruding valves.
Should not be overlooked for use in large open landscapes where a dominant tree is
required in the landscape. Requires supplemental watering.
Eucalyptus cladocalyx
Bushy Sugar Gum
Small spreading tree to 10 metres in height.
Very hardy and fast growing. Will tolerate most soils and conditions.
Drought and frost tolerant. An excellent plant for windbreaks due to its bushy growth habit.
It can be difficult to establish other plants under this species due to the competitive root
structure. Creamy yellow flowers in spring.
Eucalyptus forrestiana
Fuchsia Gum
A small, bushy tree to 5 metres in height with a spread of 4 metres.
Attractive, pendulous capsules which are bright red at flowering time.
Red and orange flowers. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Suitable for shelter, ornamental or street planting. Drought and frost tolerant.
Prefers full sun. Is a bird attractant. Do not plant closer than 3.5 metres from sewer pipes.
Eucalyptus incrassata var. incrassata
Yellow Mallee
Small tree to 5 metres. Will tolerate sandy soils and second line coastal conditions.
Creamy white to yellow flowers in winter. Drought, fire, salt and frost tolerant.
Bushy with attractive buds and fruit. A good honey tree. Prefers a well drained soil.
Nectar eating bird and insect attracting. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Do not plant closer than 3.5 metres from sewer pipes.
Eucalyptus sargentii
Salt River Mallee
Small tree to 8 metres in height with a spread of 6 metres.
Fast growing, hardy tree with masses of cream flowers in spring and summer.
Drought and frost tolerant. Will tolerate most soils including saline soils and poorly drained
soils. Will tolerate second line coastal conditions.
Attracts nectar eating birds and insects. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Do not plant closer than 3.5 metres from sewer pipes.
Eucalyptus socialis
Grey Mallee or Beaked Red Mallee
Small tree to 8 metres in height with a spread of 5 metres.
Cream to white flowers in summer and winter. Tolerates most soil types.
Drought and moderate frost tolerance. Will tolerate second line coastal conditions.
Leaves used for oil extraction. Prefers full sun. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Attracts nectar eating birds and insects. Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Eucalyptus stricklandii
Strickland's Gum
Small tree to 10m in height with a spread of 7 metres.
Yellow flowers in autumn and spring.
An excellent tree for gardens and for screening. Tolerates most soil types and second line
coastal conditions. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Frost and drought tolerant. Prefers full sun. Nectar eating bird and insect attracting.
Do not plant closer than 3.5 metres from sewer pipes.
Eucalyptus torquata
Coral Gum
Small spreading tree to 8 metres in height.
Prefers full sun and a well drained soil.
White to deep pink pendulous flowers. Drought and moderate salt tolerance.
Protect from frosts when young. One of Australia’s best gum trees for the home garden.
Can also be grown in large pots or tubs. Moderate supplemental watering.
Eucalyptus ‘Torwood’
Eucalyptus ‘Torwood’ is a hybrid between E. torquata and E. woodwardii.
Small tree to 10metres in height. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Tolerates most soils. Frost and drought tolerant.
Prefers semi shade to full sun. Abundant large yellow to orange showy flowers in summer
and winter. Attracts nectar eating birds and insects.
Melaleuca lanceolata
Dryland Tea Tree
Small tree to 6 metres in height with a 4 metre spread. Suitable for screening and
windbreaks. Flowers are creamy white in loose spikes in spring and summer.
A very hardy plant . Tolerates full sun or part shade. Tolerates most soils.
Moderate frost tolerance. Tolerates drought, fire, limestone, salt spray and strong winds.
Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Do not plant closer than 3.5 metres from sewer pipes.
Pittosporum phylliraeoides
Small tree to 8 metres high with very pendulous branches.
Flowers are creamy yellow in spring and summer. Bears orange fruits with red seeds.
A sunny well drained position is required. Grows well in coastal conditions.
Do not plant closer than 3.5 metres from sewer pipes.
Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Acacia iteaphylla
Flinders Range Wattle
Weeping shrub to 3 metres in height with a spread of 2 metres.
Narrow grey phyllodes (leaves). Yellow flowers in autumn and winter.
Useful as a hedge plant. Tolerates most soils but good drainage is preferred.
Attracts nectar eating birds and insects. Tolerates second line coastal conditions.
Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Acacia notabilis
Notable Wattle
Large bushy spreading shrub to 3 metres in height by 2 metres spread.
Large ball shaped yellow flowers in spring and summer. Pendulous branches.
Tolerates most soil types. Prefers good drainage. Frost and drought tolerant.
Prefers full sun to semi shade. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Attracts nectar eating birds and insects.
Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Adenanthos detmoldii
Narrow leaved shrub to 2 metres in height with a spread of 1 metre.
Flowers are usually red or pink in autumn and spring. Tolerates second line coastal
Prefers good drainage and dabbled shade or full sun. Moderate frost tolerance.
Attracts nectar eating birds and insects. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Drought, strong wind, lime and salt spray tolerant.
Alyogyne hakeifolia
Red Centred Hibiscus
Open shrub to 3 metres in height. Mauve or Cream Hibiscus like flowers in spring and
summer. Hardy plant suitable for most soils. Tolerates second line coastal conditions.
Tolerates full sun to part shade. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Bird and butterfly attractant.
Do not plant closer than 3.5 metres from sewer pipes.
Alyogyne huegelii
Native Hibiscus
Fast growing rounded shrub to 2 metres in height with a spread of 1.5 metres.
Mauve, purple, white and yellow flowers occur in spring and autumn.
Bird and butterfly attractant. Tolerates full sun and part shade.
Hardy plant suitable for most soils but prefers good drainage. Pruning required to maintain
compact shape. Protect from strong winds. Drought and limestone tolerant. Moderate frost
tolerance. Tolerates second line coastal conditions. Requires minimal supplemental
Do not plant closer than 3.5 metres from sewer pipes.
Atriplex nummularia
Old Man Saltbush
Dense shrub growing to 3 metres in height with a spread of 3 metres.
Suitable for erosion control and exposed coastal sites. Prefers full sun.
Silver grey foliage and insignificant yellow and brown flowers all year round.
Fire retardant. Tolerates most soils. Drought, limestone and salt spray tolerant.
Moderate frost tolerance. Requires no supplemental watering.
Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Banksia prionotes
Orange Banksia
Large open shrub to 6 metres in height with a spread of 4 metres.
Cylindrical orange flower spikes in winter and summer.
Tolerates drought, lime and frost. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Tolerates second line coastal conditions. Responds well to light pruning.
Good drainage and full sun essential. Attracts native birds and insects.
Do not plant closer than 3.5 metres from sewer pipes.
Bursaria spinosa
Christmas Bush
Erect, thorny shrub to 3 metres in height. Its thorny nature should be a consideration when
placing the plant. Prickly branches provide protection for smaller birds against predators.
The flowers are also an important source of nectar for butterflies.
Masses of white flowers cover the bush in autumn and summer followed by attractive
brown fruits. A very hardy plant that will grow in almost any situation. Drought and
moderate frost tolerance. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Bursaria will often colonise cleared land.
Do not plant closer than 3.5 metres from sewer pipes.
Callistemon rugulosus
Scarlet Bottle Brush
(Syn. C. macropunctartus)
Rounded shrub to 2 metres in height by 2 metres spread.
Prolific deep red flowers occurring in spring. Drought and frost tolerant.
Tolerates most soils. Prefers full sun. Very easy to grow.
Calothamnos quadrifidus, (Dwarf form) Native
One-sided Bottlebrush
Highly ornamental compact shrub to 1.5 metres in height with a spread of 1 metre.
Pine like foliage. Responds to pruning. Red flowers occur in spring and summer.
Requires good drainage and full sun. Tolerates second line coastal conditions.
Requires minimal supplemental watering. Bird and insect attractant.
Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Chamelaucium uncinatum
Geraldton Wax
Many cultivars are available.
Spreading open shrub to 3 metres in height. Large open flowers from white to deep purple
occur in spring. Good drainage is essential. Tolerates most soils.
Tip pruning encourages a bushy growth habit. Withstands extensive dry periods.
Attracts honey eating birds and insects. Prefers full sun.
Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
There is some concern with Chamelaucium uncinatum escaping from gardens into the
native environment.
Correa alba
White Correa
Rounded shrub to 1.5 metres in height with a 1 metre spread.
White flowers mainly in winter. Hardy in most well drained soils.
Will tolerate salt spray. Prefers full sun.
Attracts nectar eating birds. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Eremophila spp.
Emu or Poverty Bushes
With over 100 species, the genus Eremophila essentially occupies the arid zones of Australia.
Eremophila spp. Show a great variation in foliage. Leaves are often waxy or covered with
grey hairs to combat the rigours of a harsh arid environment. Flowers are tubular and the
colour is variable but usually showy with red, pink, cream and purple being common.
In cultivation, good drainage and a warm sunny position is essential.
Some of the species best suited to this region are;
Eremophila maculata
Spotted Emu Bush
Cultivars are available in a variety of forms and colours. Flowers in spring and winter.
Variable forms from .5 metre to 3 metres in height with a .5 metre to 3 m spread.
Tolerates full sun to part shade, drought, fire, limestone soils and frost.
Attracts nectar eating birds and insects. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Caution – toxic to stock.
Eremophila nivea
Silky Eremophila
Small to medium shrub 1 metre to 2 metres in height with a spread of up to 1.5 metres.
Attractive silver grey foliage that responds well to pruning. Mauve flowers in spring and
Attracts nectar eating birds and insects. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Prefers a well drained soil but can tolerate limited periods of inundation.
Tolerates second line coastal conditions, fire, limestone soils and moderate frost.
Prefers full sun to part shade. Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Eremophila oppositifolia
Two leaf Emu Bush
Medium shrub to 3 metres in height with a spread of 2 metres.
Cream flowers in spring and winter. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Grey green foliage. Responds well to pruning. Prefers loam to clay soils.
Tolerates fire, drought, second line coastal conditions, limestone soil and moderate frost.
Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Escallonia ‘Red Elf’
Non native
Chilean Gum Box
A compact, free flowering shrub to 1.5 metres in height with a spread of 1 metre.
Glossy green leaves and deep red flowers in spring and summer.
Prefers a well drained soil and part to full sun. Tolerates second line coastal conditions.
This plant is excellent for hedging or can be grown in a container.
Bee and butterfly attracting. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Hebe ‘Inspiration’
Non native
Dense spreading shrubto .7 metre in height with a spread of 1 metre.
Prefers well drained soil and full sun to part shade. Tolerates second line coastal conditions.
Purple flowers in summer and dark green foliage. Tolerates drought fire and most soils.
Requires moderate supplemental watering. Butterfly attracting.
Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Melaleuca acuminata
Mallee Honey Myrtle
Hardy, spreading or erect shrub to 3.5 metres in height with a 2 metre spread.
Cream flowers in long spikes on old wood occur in spring.
A very hardy plant in most conditions. Will tolerate moderately saline and damp conditions.
Drought tolerant. Prefers a well drained soil. Responds well to regular pruning.
Attracts nectar eating birds and insects. Tolerates second line coastal conditions.
Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Melaleuca pauperiflora
(Syn. M. sheathiana)
Erect, almost tree like shrub to 3 metres in height with a spread of 1.5 metres.
Bears white flowers in spring.
A hardy plant in most situations.
Photinia robusta
Non native
Evergreen shrub with glossy green leaves, red coppery new growth.
Excellent clipped into a hedge or a screen. Grows to a height of 3 metres.
Small clusters of white flowers in late spring.
Hardy and adaptable to most soil conditions. Once established is very hardy & drought
Westringia fruiticosa
Coastal Rosemary.
Rounded, dense shrub to 2 metres in height with a spread up to 2 metres.
White flowers for most of the year. Suitable as a hedge plant. Responds well to heavy
pruning. Tolerates drought, moderate frost, and some salt spray.
Very hardy in almost all situations including coastal sites. Prefers full sun.
Attracts birds, butterflies and insects. Mature plants are a bird habitat.
Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Westringia Wynyabbie Gem
Hybrid of W. fruticosa and W. eremicola.
Dense shrub to 1.5 metres in height with a spread of 1.5 metres.
Flowers are blue-mauve with browny-orange spots, mainly in spring but occasionally over
most of the year. Sunny open sites are desirable and most soils are suitable.
Pruning is required for a compact form. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Attracts native birds and insects for food and habitat refuge. Caterpillar plant food.
Acacia glaucoptera
Flat Wattle
Unusual bluish green foliage with slightly prickly wing like phyllodes (leaves). Reddish new
growth. Yellow globular flowers in spring and winter. Height .5 metre with a spread of
2 metres. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Pruning to remove dead wood is required in cultivation. Responds well to pruning.
Tolerates most well drained soils and second line coastal conditions. Prefers full sun to part
shade. Drought, limestone and moderate frost tolerance.
Attracts birds for habitat. Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer pipes.
Agapanthus orientalis
Non native
Plants with long strap like fleshy leaves that form dense clumps. Tall stem above the foliage
hold bell shaped blue to purple to white flowers that appear over long periods in summer.
Plants grow to 1 metre in height. Plant at 60cm centres.
Hardy, easy to grow. Tolerates well drained poor soils. Prefers full sun.
Remove spent flowers to encourage further flowering.
Care should be taken to ensure plants are contained within the garden. Discarded plant
material could establish in the natural environment. Below ground plant parts are
Correa pulchella ‘Dusky Bells’
Dainty shrub to about 80cm high with a spread of 1.5 metres.
Prune after flowering to maintain a dense habit.
Orange to pink bell shaped flowers in winter to early spring.
Prefers well drained alkaline soils and will tolerate shade. Drought, limestone and moderate
frost tolerance. Will tolerate second line coastal conditions. Requires minimal supplemental
watering. Attracts nectar feeding native birds. Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer
‘Tiny Mice’
Non Native
Small shrub grows to 40cm. in height with a spread of 1 metre.
The red and purple flowers resemble mouse ears, hence the name.
Flowers occur in spring, summer and autumn. Prefers full sun or part shade and is frost and
salt tolerant. Will grow in containers.
Plants die back in winter. Prune during the growing season to promote new growth.
Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Dianella revoluta ‘Little Rev’
Black Anther Flax Lilly
Flax like leaves, attractive in rockeries and water features. Can be mass planted as a ground
cover. Grows to 40cm with a spread of 30cm. Prefers full sun to part shade.
Extremely hardy but requires a well drained soil. Tolerates second line coastal conditions.
Flowers are bright blue with yellow anthers. Bright blue berries are also a feature of these
plants. ‘Little Rev’ is smaller than most Dianellas. Attracts native birds and insects.
Requires minimal supplemental watering. Poisonous if eaten.
Dieties spp
Non native
Attractive, clump forming perennial with light green sword shaped leaves.
Yellow flowers with brownish spots throughout spring and summer.
A fast growing, spreading plant for most situations and soils.
This plant is not a native and care must be taken not to let the plant escapee to the natural
environment. This plant can be grown in containers.
Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Euryops pectinatus
Non native
‘Little Sunray’
Dense, compact shrub to 1 metre in height with a spread of 1 metre.
Yellow daisy flowers in spring and summer. Prefers full sun to part shade.
Requires a well drained soil. Tolerates second line coastal conditions, drought, lime stone
and moderate frost. Butterfly and bee attractant.
Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Hebe buxifolia
Non native
Low growing, dense, rounded shrub to 1 metre in height with a spread of 1 metre.
White flowers in spring and summer.
Ideal in tubs, rockeries and most garden situations. Can be clipped to form a small hedge or
interplanted with other small shrubs. Frost hardy, ideal in coastal situations.
Tolerates full sun to part shade and most well drained soils. Prune after flowering.
Drought and moderate frost tolerance. Butterfly attracting.
Requires moderate supplemental watering. Do not plant closer than 2 metres from sewer
Lavandula pendunculata
Non native
Italian Lavender
Hardy, dense, rounded shrub to 60 cm in height with a spread of 80 cm.
Purple flowers in spring and summer. Tolerates most well drained soils.
Tolerates drought, limestone and second line coastal conditions. Moderate frost tolerance.
Requires full sun. Butterfly and bee attractant. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Lomandra spp.
Hardy, tussocky, strap leaved plants. Useful in bush gardens and rockeries.
When planted on mass they provide soil stabilisation. Cutting back will initiate fresh growth.
Require a well drained soil in part shade or full sun. Requires minimal supplemental
watering. Will tolerate drought and second line coastal conditions.
Food source for butterflies and larvae. Habitat refuge for small mammals and reptiles.
Many varieties are available that tolerate different conditions and grow to different heights.
Select varieties to suit the position where they are required.
Rhagodia candolleana
Seaberry Saltbush
Low growing spreading shrub to 1 metre in height with a spread of 1.5 metres.
Green flowers in spring and summer. Prune to promote bushier growth.
Requires good drainage. Tolerates full sun and full shade and most alkaline soils.
Drought, limestone and moderately frost tolerant. Withstands second line coastal
Food source and habitat refuge for small birds, lizards and mammals.
Requires minimal supplemental watering. Is a fire retardant plant.
Rosmarinus officinalis
Non native
Small dense shrub to 1 metre in height with a spread of 1 metre. Needle like leaves.
Responds to heavy pruning to maintain shape. Blue flowers in autumn and spring.
Tolerates second line coastal conditions. Requires full sun. Butterfly attracting.
Drought, limestone, fire and strong wind tolerant. Will grow in areas of high pollution.
Moderate frost tolerance. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Eremophila glabra (prostrate, yellow)
Common Emu Bush
Hardy groundcover with a dense matting effect that suppresses weeds and stabilises soils.
Grows to a height of .3 metre with a spread of 1.5 metres.
Variable foliage colours. Responds well to pruning. Full sun to part shade.
Requires good drainage. Will grow in most alkaline soils. Tolerates second line coastal
Drought, fire, limestone and moderately frost tolerant.
Attracts nectar eating birds and insects. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Dampiera rosmarinifolia
Suckering groundcover plant with leaves similar to common Rosemary. May require pruning
to keep under control. Dense growth aids weed suppression and soil stabilisation.
Bright blue, mauve, pink, purple or white flowers in spring and summer.
Full sun and good drainage preferred. May be grown in hanging baskets.
Prefers well drained soils. Tolerates second line coastal conditions, drought, limestone and
moderate frost. Attracts native butterflies. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Hardenbergia violaceae
False/Native Sarsaparilla
Trailing plant covering at least 1 square metre. Various forms are available.
Climbing forms may take over other plants. Responds to hard pruning.
“Pea” flowers in winter and spring are usually violet in colour but pink, white and other
colours are sometimes found. Drought, limestone and moderate frost tolerance.
Tolerates most soils and second line coastal conditions. Prefers full sun.
Many cultivars are available and cultivars grown to suit the conditions where the plant is
required should be sought. Attracts native butterflies and is a caterpillar food source.
Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Myoporum parvifolium
Creeping Boobialla
Fast growing weed suppressing groundcover to 30cm in height. Plant at 1 metre centres.
Purple and green leaf forms are available.
Masses of white star shaped flowers throughout the year. Tolerates second line coastal
conditions. Bird and butterfly attractant. Tolerates most well drained soils.
Full sun preferred. Tolerates fire, drought, limestone and some salt spray. Moderate frost
tolerance. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Cymbopogon ambiguous
Lemon-scented Grass.
Fast growing, perennial,tufted, blue-grey grass with fluffy silver flowerheads to a height of
.8 metre. Lemon fragrance to the foliage. Requires minimal supplemental watering.
Can be cut back to improve shape and to encourage regeneration. Will self seed when
established. Highly effective when mass planted in borders and verges.
Tolerates most soils, drought and moderate frosts. Full sun to part shade.
Habitat and food source for small native birds and butterflies
Isolepis nodosa
Knobby Club-rush
Fast growing, hardy, clumping grass. Grows to a height of 1 metre with a spread of 1 metre.
Can be used as a sand binder in coastal areas. Tolerates second line coastal conditions.
Brown knobby flowers for most of the year.
Prefers full sun or part shade. Drought, limestone, salt spray and moderate frost tolerance.
Will grow in most well drained soils. Requires no supplemental watering.
No Supplementary Watering. Once established the plant requires no supplementary
Minimal Supplementary Watering. Once established the plant may require
supplementary water in extended periods without rain.
Moderate Supplementary Watering. Once established the plant may require
supplementary water in summer and dry periods.
second line coastal conditions. Plants will tolerate some degree of salt exposure.
Plants will generally require a well drained alkaline soil, and need to tolerate strong
Small tree up to 10 metres, Medium tree 10 to 20 metres, Large tree over 20 metres.
Rainfall in the Copper Coast Region.
According to the Bureau of Meteorology the average annual rainfall of Kadina, (Bureau of
Meteorology weather station site), is approximately 377mm. Wallaroo has a similar rainfall
to Kadina.
The average rainfall in Moonta tends to be slightly higher than Kadina.
Detailed information can be obtained from the Bureau of meteorology ,
SA Water
Information regarding planting near sewers has been obtained from Schedule 1, Regulation
24.2 of the Sewerage Act.
Detailed information can be obtained from SA Water,
Plant information
Information on plant species was obtained from;
• The Sustainable Landscapes Project. An initiative of the South Australian Government
that focuses on plants suitable for sustainable landscapes. Additional information can
be obtained at
• Australian Native Plants. John W. Wrigley & Murray Fagg
• Australian Plant Study Group – Grow What Where
• District Council of the Copper Coast – Parks & Gardens staff.
Projects & Property Officer – Andy West